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Nanomechanotransduction and Interphase Nuclear Organization influence on genomic control

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Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 102:1234–1244 (2007) Nanomechanotransduction and Interphase Nuclear Organization Influence on Genomic Control Matthew J. Dalby, 1 * Nikolaj Gadegaard, 2 Pawel Herzyk, 3 Duncan Sutherland, 4 Hossein Agheli, 4 Chris D.W. Wilkinson, 2 and Adam S.G. Curtis 1 1 Centre for Cell Engineering, Joseph Black Building, Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK 2 Centre for Cell Engineering, Rankine Building, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK 3 Sir Henry Wellcome Functional Genomics Facility, Joseph Black Building, Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK 4 iNANO Interdisciplinary Research Center, University of Aarhus, Aarhus 8000, Denmark Abstract The ability of cells to alter their genomic regulation in response to mechanical conditioning or through changes in morphology and the organization of the interphase nuclei are key questions in cell biology. Here, two nanotopographies have been used as a model surfaces to change cell morphology in order to investigate spatial genomic changes within the nuclei of fibroblasts. Initially, centromeres for chromosome pairs were labeled and the average distance on different substrates calculated. Further to this, Affymetrix whole genome GeneChips 1 were used to rank genomic changes in response to topography and plot the whereabouts on the chromosomes these changes were occurring. It was seen that as cell spreading was changed, so were the positions along the chromosomes that gene regulations were being observed. We hypothesize that as changes in cell and thus nuclear morphology occur, that this may alter the probability of transcription through opening or closing areas of the chromosomes to transcription factors. J. Cell. Biochem. 102: 1234 – 1244, 2007. ß 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Key words: mechanotransduction; microarray; nanobiotechnology; Interphase Nuclear Organization There is increasing evidence that cells can act as mechanosensitive units responding to the mechanical stimulation of the extracellular matrix though focal adhesions and changes in cytoskeletal organization. Mechanotransduc- tion can take two broad forms, indirect and direct. The indirect route involves changes in positioning of ion channels, G-proteins and kinases [Burridge and Chrzanowska-Wod- nicka, 1996] through, for example, stretch [Eastwood et al., 1998] or contact guidance [Clark et al., 1991]. This leads to induction/ reduction of signaling cascades thus altering cellular behavior, for example, proliferation or differentiation. The direct form probably involves changes in tension through the cytoskeleton from relaxed morphology (rounded) to strained morphology (spread) and intermediate shapes [Ingber, 1993; Charras and Horton, 2002; Dalby, 2005]. Direct mechanotransduction has clear roles in regula- tion of blood pressure, vascular response to fluid shear stress, bone remodeling, maintenance of muscle, and perception of touch and sound [Katsumi et al., 2004]. It is known that the extracellular environ- ment can cause extremes of morphology with hydrophobic surfaces generally giving poor cellular adhesion and hence a rounded morphol- ogy [Martines et al., 2005] to grooved surfaces (topographical or chemically printed) or uni- axially stretched surfaces leading to cellular extension [Clark et al., 1991; Eastwood et al., 1998]. Chemical and topographical patterning can also be used to confine cells in shapes that ß 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. *Correspondence to: Matthew J. Dalby, Centre for Cell Engineering, Joseph Black Building, Institute of Biomedi- cal and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK. E-mail: [email protected] Received 5 March 2007; Accepted 6 March 2007 DOI 10.1002/jcb.21354

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 102:1234–1244 (2007)

Nanomechanotransduction and Interphase NuclearOrganization Influence on Genomic Control

Matthew J. Dalby,1* Nikolaj Gadegaard,2 Pawel Herzyk,3 Duncan Sutherland,4 Hossein Agheli,4

Chris D.W. Wilkinson,2 and Adam S.G. Curtis1

1Centre for Cell Engineering, Joseph Black Building, Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences,University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK2Centre for Cell Engineering, Rankine Building, Department of Electronics and ElectricalEngineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK3Sir Henry Wellcome Functional Genomics Facility, Joseph Black Building, Institute ofBiomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK4iNANO Interdisciplinary Research Center, University of Aarhus, Aarhus 8000, Denmark

Abstract The ability of cells to alter their genomic regulation in response to mechanical conditioning or throughchanges in morphology and the organization of the interphase nuclei are key questions in cell biology. Here, twonanotopographies have been used as a model surfaces to change cell morphology in order to investigate spatial genomicchanges within the nuclei of fibroblasts. Initially, centromeres for chromosome pairs were labeled and the averagedistance on different substrates calculated. Further to this, Affymetrix whole genome GeneChips1 were used to rankgenomic changes in response to topography andplot thewhereabouts on the chromosomes these changeswereoccurring.It was seen that as cell spreading was changed, so were the positions along the chromosomes that gene regulations werebeing observed. We hypothesize that as changes in cell and thus nuclear morphology occur, that this may alter theprobability of transcription through opening or closing areas of the chromosomes to transcription factors. J. Cell. Biochem.102: 1234–1244, 2007. � 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: mechanotransduction; microarray; nanobiotechnology; Interphase Nuclear Organization

There is increasing evidence that cells can actas mechanosensitive units responding to themechanical stimulation of the extracellularmatrix though focal adhesions and changes incytoskeletal organization. Mechanotransduc-tion can take two broad forms, indirect anddirect. The indirect route involves changes inpositioning of ion channels, G-proteins andkinases [Burridge and Chrzanowska-Wod-nicka, 1996] through, for example, stretch[Eastwood et al., 1998] or contact guidance[Clark et al., 1991]. This leads to induction/reduction of signaling cascades thus altering

cellular behavior, for example, proliferation ordifferentiation.

The direct form probably involves changes intension through the cytoskeleton from relaxedmorphology (rounded) to strained morphology(spread) and intermediate shapes [Ingber, 1993;Charras and Horton, 2002; Dalby, 2005]. Directmechanotransduction has clear roles in regula-tion of blood pressure, vascular response to fluidshear stress, bone remodeling, maintenance ofmuscle, and perception of touch and sound[Katsumi et al., 2004].

It is known that the extracellular environ-ment can cause extremes of morphology withhydrophobic surfaces generally giving poorcellular adhesion andhence a roundedmorphol-ogy [Martines et al., 2005] to grooved surfaces(topographical or chemically printed) or uni-axially stretched surfaces leading to cellularextension [Clark et al., 1991; Eastwood et al.,1998]. Chemical and topographical patterningcan also be used to confine cells in shapes that

� 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

*Correspondence to: Matthew J. Dalby, Centre for CellEngineering, Joseph Black Building, Institute of Biomedi-cal and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G128QQ, Scotland, UK. E-mail: [email protected]

Received 5 March 2007; Accepted 6 March 2007

DOI 10.1002/jcb.21354

can define their ability to survive and evendifferentiate [Whitesides, 2003].How the cytoskeleton can transduce mechan-

ical signals to the nucleus is a matter for greatdebate. An interesting theory is that of cellulartensegrity, whereby an integrated cytoskeleton(microfilaments (MFs), microtubules (MTs),and intermediate filaments (IFs)) has theabilityto form structures supported by tensile ele-ments [Ingber, 1993, 2003a,b]. It is thought thatIFs could also be involved in a tensile role. Inorder to have tensegrity, the structure must bepre-stressed. In a cell, this would be provided byMFs contracting against focal adhesions (actingas cellular guy wires). Variations on Ingbersoriginal model and other theories, such aspercolation, have also been proposed [Forgacs,1995; Charras and Horton, 2002].What is clear is that first, the Young’s moduli

of the individual cytoskeletons would suggestthat they would have to transduce mechanicalsignals via tension as perhaps only bundledMFs could transmit compressive force. Second,that the cytoskeleton would have to work in anintegrated manner as direct mechanotransduc-tion relies on the movement of force from thefocal adhesions to thenucleus.MFs, and to someextent MTs are linked to adhesions, neither aredirectly linked to the nucleus. Cytoskeletal IFs,however, are linked to the nuclear lamins (thenucleoskeletal IFs) [Bloom et al., 1996; Fosterand Bridger, 2005]. Third, it seems that theinhomoginity the cytoskeleton provides thecytoplasm is essential for long-distance forcepropagation [Wang and Suo, 2005].Studieshavealso providedevidence inmuscle

cells that IFs can transmit stress signals tochromatin [Bloom et al., 1996] and that inreaction to tension, the IFs reorient leading tonuclear distortion and nucleoli rearrangementalong the applied axis [Maniotis et al., 1997b].This signaling could happen through cytoske-letal IF interaction with nucleoskeletal IFs andbe transmitted toDNAvia the close relationshipof lamins and chromatin, specifically telomeres[Bloom et al., 1996; Molenaar et al., 2003].Consistentwith the above is evidence that the

nucleus can expand in response to tensionthrough expansion of the laminar network.The structure of the network is, however,resistant to compressive changes [Dahl et al.,2004]. A further study has also shown thatchanges in cell morphology due to the topogra-phy of the extracellular environment results in

changes of lamin morphology [Dalby et al.,2007]. Relaxed cells with a more roundedmorphology have a dense lamin network, wellspread cells under tension have a more diffuselamin network.

A key question however, is that assumingthat mechanical signals can be transduced tothe nucleus, how are these signals translatedinto genomic changes?Wewould like to proposea model whereby that due to the linking of thetelomeric ends of interphase chromosomes(Chs) to the lamin network, changes in mor-phology can open or close areas of DNA totranscription.

It is becoming accepted that rather than theChs being randomly arranged during inter-phase, that there is a consistency of position[Heslop-Harrison et al., 1993]. In fact, it isconsidered that Chs occupy discrete territorieswithin the nucleus [Cremer and Cremer, 2001].

A number of early investigators observedfilaments (possibly of DNA) connecting inter-phase Chs, for example, [Hoskins, 1965]. Later,Fey [Fey et al., 1984] showed that in interphasecells, the nuclear matrix appears to intercon-nect different nuclear components, such asnucleoli, to each other and the surroundingcytoskeleton. More recently, it has been shownthat the human endothelial cell genomesbehave as a continuous, elastic structure [Man-iotis et al., 1997a,b].

These observations allow speculation thatthere may be mechanical continuity from theextracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton viafocal adhesions, to the nucloskeleton and thenonwards to the Chs and that changes in genepositioning lead to changes in genome regula-tion. This report studies this hypothesis usingtwo test surfaces that reduce cellular adhesionto different degrees, one that gives a slightreduction of tension and one that gives a largereduction in tension and then plots positioning(band position) of changes in genome regulationon long (Ch 3) and medium (Ch 11) and short(Ch 16) Chs (bands are numbered from thecentromere outwards, and correspond well tosimilarmeasurementsmade in centimorgans ormagabases). Affymetrix human genome Gene-Chips and human fibroblasts were used to allowplotting of the gene changes. Rank product (RP)bioinformatics analysis was used to assess thechanges and derive groups of changed genes toplot against unchanged genes. Also chromo-some painting of centromere pairs was used to

Mechanotransduction and Nuclear Organization 1235

measure the distance between centromeres toassess if changes in tension confer changes ininterphase chromosomal organization.

This current study forms a follow-on from arecent article focusing on linking nuclear andlamin morphology changes to morphologicaland cytoskeletal changes resulting from nano-topographical environment [Dalby et al., 2007].



Electron beam lithography. Silicon sub-strates were coated with ZEP 520A resist to athickness of 100 nm. After the samples werebaked fora fewhoursat1808Ctheywereexposedin a Leica LBPG 5-HR100 beamwriter at 50 kV.We have developed an efficient way to pattern a1 cm2 area with 1–10 billion pits [Gadegaardet al., 2003]. An 80 nm spot size was used with apitch of 300nm.After exposure the samplesweredeveloped in o-xylene at 238C for 60 s and rinsedin copious amounts of iso-2-propanol.

Colloidal lithography. The 1 mm thickSilicon substrates were precut into 2 cm by 2 cmsquares using a diamond saw (Load point). Athin film of PMMAwith 50 nm thickness on theeach silicon substrates prepared by spin coating2% PMMA (950 k) in anisole solution at 8,000rpm and baked on a hot plate at 1708C for 2min.

Colloidal lithography method was used toproduce nanostructured features on the sub-strates. This approach is described in detailelsewhere [Denis et al., 2002; Hanarp et al.,2003], but in brief utilizes electrostaticallyassembled dispersed monolayers of colloidalparticles as masks for pattern transfer intosubstrate materials. In this work the substratematerials were pretreated with a light oxygenplasma (0.25 Torr, 50 w RF, 5 s Batchtop)followed by electrostatic self-assembly of amultilayer of polyelectrolytes (poly (diallyldi-methylammonium chloride) (PDDA, MW200,000–350,000, Aldrich), poly (sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS, MW 70,000, Aldrich)and aluminium chloride hydroxide (ACH,Reheis)). Subsequent assembly of a colloidalmask (sulphate modified polystyrene colloid107 nm� 5 nm IDC) from aqueous solutionfollowed by drying resulted in a dispersedcolloidal monolayer which has short rangeorder, but no long range order.

The pattern of the colloidal mask was trans-ferred into the substrates by collimated Ar ion

bombardment (CAIBE Ion Beam System—Oxford Ionfab—500 eV 0.2mA/cm2, 15 degreesoff of normal incident angle for 10min) resultingpolymeric hemispherical structures standingon silicon surface (referred to as Hemi). Thesamples were checked using atomic forcemicro-scopy (AFM).

Nickel electroplating. Nickel dies weremade directly from the patterned samples. Athin (50 nm) layer of Ni-V was sputter coated onthe samples. This layer acted as an electrode inthe subsequent electroplating process. The dieswere plated to a thickness of ca. 300 mm.

Cleaning process for nickel shims. Oncereturned from the plater, the nickel shimswere cleaned by firstly stripping the polyur-ethane coating (used for protection duringshipping) using chloroform in an ultrasoundbath for 10–15 min. Second, silicon residuewas stripped by being wet etched in 25%potassium hydroxide at 808C for 1 h. Shimswere rinsed thoroughly in reverse osmosisH2O, air gun dried and were checked usingAFM. The shims were finally trimmed toapproximately 30� 30 mm sizes using a metalguillotine.

Nanoimprinting procedure. Imprints ofthe nickel shims into PMMA were achievedusing an Obducat nanoimprinter (tempera-ture¼ 1808C, pressure¼ 15 Bar, time¼ 300 s).The imprints were trimmed and then measure-ments (AFM) made of random samples.

Planar PMMA was used as a control.

Cell Culture

InfinityTMTelomerase Immortalized primaryhuman fibroblasts (hTERT-BJ1, ClonetechLaboratories, Inc.) were seeded onto the testmaterials at a density of 2� 104 cells/ml ofmedium. The medium used was 71% DulbeccosModifiedEaglesMedium (DMEM) (Sigma,UK),17.5% Medium 199 (Sigma, UK), 9% fetal calfserum (FCS) (Life Technologies, UK), 1.6%200 mM L-glutamine (Life Technologies, UK)and 0.9% 100 mM sodium pyruvate (LifeTechnologies, UK). The cells were incubated at378C with a 5% CO2 atmosphere. Cells wereseeded onto the test and control materials(4 replicates, 2.5 cm2 area for each sample) ata density of 1� 104 cells ml�1.

Image Analysis of Cell Morphology

After four days of culture, the cells on the testmaterials were fixed in 4% formaldehyde/PBS

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at 378C for 15 min. The cells were then stainedfor 2min in 0.5%Coomassie blue in amethanol/acetic acid aqueous solution, and washedwith water to remove excess dye. Samplescould then be observed by light microscopy andautomated detection of cell outline was usedto calculate individual cell areas. The imageanalysis software was downloaded from theNational Institute of Health (USA) (Image J,http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/). Between 50 and60 cells were counted, and standardized illumi-nation conditions were used throughout.

Centromere Labeling

After 4 days of culture for three materialreplicates, cells were fixed for 5 min in 3:1methanol/glacial acetic acid. After fixation, thecells were dehydrated in 70%, 90%, and 100%ethanol (2 min� 2 for each grade). Next, thecells were placed in 0.1% pepsin for 5min beforewashing with 2�SSC and dehydrating for asecond time. After dehydration, the cells werebaked at 658C for 1 h.Biotin conjugated probes for centromeres of

Chs 3, 11, and 16 (CamBio, UK)werewarmed to658C for 5min. The probes (pooled to the desiredamount, 10 ml per sample) were next denaturedat 808C for 10 min and allowed to preanneal at378C for 10 min.After baking, the cell preparations were

denatured in 70% formamide/2�SSC for 2 minbefore quenching in ethanol and repeating thedehydration step. The denatured, preannealedprobe was then added to the cells, a cover slipplaced on top and hybridized at 378C overnight.Labeling and amplification with FITC was per-formed thenext dayaccording tomanufacturersprotocol using an amplification kit (CamBio,UK). Nuclei were counterstained with propri-dium iodide prior to viewing (total of 25 cellobservations for each material). Centromeredistances calculated in ImageJ.


For all fluorescence imaging, a Zeiss Axiovert200M was used alongside an evolution OEicamera and Image Pro-Plus Software (MediaCybernetics). A Zeiss Plan Neofluor 100�(1.3 NA) lens was used for centromere observa-tion and a 10� (0.15 NA) for morphologicalimage analysis. All microscopy was performedat room temperature usingVectorshieldmount-ing medium (Vector Laboratories, UK).


All results were observed to be skewed to theleft andwere thus log2 transformedbefore use ofone-way ANOVA (Turkey) using SigmaStat1



Affymetrix1 whole genome human Gene-Chips1 were used according to manufacturer’sinstructions (included). Briefly, after 21 days ofculture, RNA was extracted from the cells fromfour replicates of each material using a Strata-gene (Amsterdam, Netherlands) RNAminiprepkit. The RNAwas amplified using a GeneChip1

Small Sample Target Labeling Assay Kit inorder to produce the required 5 mg of mRNA forhybridization. The samples were hybridizedand processed using a Complete GeneChipInstrument System (Scanner, Fluidics Station,Hybridization Oven, and computer worksta-tion).

All the genes were then sorted according tothe RP statistic that measures gene differentialexpression between replicated groups of sam-ples [Breitling et al., 2004], with statisticalconfidence in form of false discovery rate (FDR)attached to each gene. FDR values werecalculated by 100 random permutations of generanks on each of the chips. RP method requiresthat variance of normalized data does notchange markedly with the signal mean[Breitling and Herzyk, 2005]. The selectedgenes were further filtered using the raw dataquality control measures, namely the spotconfidence (SP) and spot quality (SQ). Thequality control requirements set by us wereSP> 0.1 and SQ¼ 1. For down-regulations, atight 2.5% FDR was used to select ‘‘changed’’data, whilst for up-regulation, a generous 50%FDR was used to select changed data. For eachgene within the changed datasets, the chromo-somal band position was counted and comparedto two sets of data from well below the cut-offFDR values (i.e., unchanged data). The datawere then plotted for comparison (all Chs andthen Chs 3, 11, and 16 specifically).


Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) andAFM was used to image and measure thedimensions of the structures after embossinginto PMMA. The EBL pits (with hexagonal(HEX) arrangement) had a final diameter of

Mechanotransduction and Nuclear Organization 1237

120 nm, depth of 100 nm and center–centerspacing of 300 nm (Fig. 1A). The columnsproduced by colloidal lithography (randomlyarranged, COL) had a final height of 11� 1 nm,diameter of 144� 11 nm and center–centerspacing of 184� 24 nm (Fig. 1A,B).

Image analysis of cell areas showed thatfibroblasts reacted to both materials withreduced spreading. In response to COL, thecells were marginally less spread (Fig. 2) and inresponse to HEX, the cells were significantlyless spread, almost to the point of being rounded(Fig. 2).

Chromosome painting of the centromeres ofChs 3, 11, and16 revealed ageneral reduction incentromere pair distance (Fig. 3). Specifically,centromeres of cells cultured on COL showedsignificant decrease for Ch 3, whereas Chs 11and 16 remained unchanged compared to cellson control. Centromere distance for cells cul-tured on HEX, however, showed significantdecreases for both Chs 3 and 11 compared tocontrol; Ch 16 showed a non-significantdecrease.

Microarray results comparing band positionsof genes strongly affected by the nanotopogra-phies on all Chs, Ch 3, Ch 11, and Ch 16 plotted

versus unaffected genes. It is expected thatreduction in cell spreading reduces the numberof gene up-regulations and increases the num-ber of gene down-regulations. As has beendescribed, a tight cut-off of a 2.5% FDR wasapplied from the RP data in order to plot theband positions for the abundant down-regula-tions and a generous cut-off of 50% FDR wasapplied for the lownumber of up-regulations. At2.5% FDR for fibroblasts cultured on the COLnanotopography this resulted in 11 up-regula-tions and 190 down-regulations, for fibroblasts

Fig. 1. Nanotopographical surfaces. A: SEM images of hex-agonal nanopits (HEX). B: AFM image of nanocolumns (COL).

Fig. 2. Cell spreading on the test nanotopographies (hexagonalnanopits (HEX) and nanocolumns (COL)) compared to control.N¼50–60, **P< 0.01.

Fig. 3. Measurements of centromere distance. A: Image ofnucleus with stained centromeres, x represents the distancemeasured to derive statistics. B: Graph showing changes incentromere distances compared to control for cells cultured onthe test nanotopographies (hexagonal nanopits (HEX) andnanocolumns (COL)). Centromeres for chromosomes 3, 11,and 16 were labeled. N¼25, *P<0.05, **P<0.01.

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on HEX this resulted in 7 up-regulations and320 down-regulations. Thus, these results fitwith previous low-adhesion array profiles[Dalby et al., 2005] where down-regulation ispredominant.The band position profiles for all data on both

materials show a loosely biomodal distributionalong the Chs, with a peak at around band 13and then a broader peak around band 21-upwards (Figs. 4–7).When considering the down-regulations, for

cells on COL (all Chs and Chs 3, 11, and 16),there is a general trend of increased down-regulation (changed gene profile compared tothose of the unchanged genes) within the first,band13, grouping.This ismostnotable forChs3(Fig. 4B) and 11 (Fig. 4C). For cells cultured onHEX, however, the trend is largely reversed.This is apparent in the plots for all Chs andChs 3 and 11 (Fig. 5A–C). Here, it was seen thatthere was an increase in down-regulations inthe band 21-upwards grouping. The plot for Ch16, however, showed increased down-regula-

tion in the band 13 grouping (for changed profilecompared to unchanged) (Fig. 5D).

When considering the up-regulations, cellson both COL and HEX showed a shiftedtrend toward up-regulation of genes in the21-upwards band in most cases (Figs. 6 and 7)(no change in profile was observed for COL onCh 16 (Fig. 6D)) or for HEX on Ch 11 (Fig. 7C).


The results firstly show that nanotopographycan be used to reduce cell spreading to differentextents. COL produced a slight reduction in cellarea and HEX produced a large reduction incell area. Such effects have been seenwith othercell types on similar materials [Gallagher et al.,2002; Dalby et al., 2004].

As cell area is reduced due to nanotopogra-phy, so is cytoskeletal organization. It hasrecently been shown that this reduction incytoskeletal organization confers a relaxationof nuclear size and lamin organization, that is

Fig. 4. Plot of band positions on the chromosomal q-arms for down-regulations observed in cells onnanocolumns (COL) (changed) compared band positions of unchanged datasets of similar size (unchanged 1and 2). Two broad ‘‘peaks’’ of genes were observed, one at band 13 and one at band 21-upwards. Note thatfor all the somatic chromosomes and chromosomes 3 and 11, the changes tend to be within the band 13grouping compared to the unchanged data profiles. Chromosome 16 shows no change.

Mechanotransduction and Nuclear Organization 1239

the nuclei become smaller than those of well-spread cells and the lamin network becomesmore dense [Dahl et al., 2004; Dalby et al.,2007]. It has also been shown previouslythat large reductions in cell spreading, such asseen with cells on HEX, lead to changes inrelative centromere positioning [Dalby et al.,2007]. This report, however, demonstrates thatthis effect is more pronounced in the largersomatic Chs with Ch 3 experiencing the largesteffects (significant on both COL andHEX), thenCh 11 (significant on HEX only) and finallyCh 16 (no significance). These observations fitwith theories of relative interphase organiza-tion [Heslop-Harrison, 1992], Ch territories[Cremer and Cremer, 2001] and mechanicalprinciples that the longer elements will experi-ence the greater forces.

The plotting of gene positioning showed abimodal distribution along the Chs with a firstpeak around band position 13 and a second,broader, peak around band position 21-upwards. Both low-adhesion topographies leadto a large number of down-regulations, withHEX, the least adhesive, inducing the most

down-regulations; this is as expected. However,it seems that the changes are taking place indifferent band groupings. The COL topographyresulted in a larger number of down-regulationsin the band 13 grouping (toward the centro-mere), whilst HEX is resulted in a largernumber of down-regulations in the band 21-upwards grouping (toward the telomere). Alsoapparent from the results is that the larger Chsare, again, the most effected, with little shiftobserved on Ch 16. For both low-adhesionnanotopographies, the limited numbers of up-regulations observed were noted toward thetelomeric positions.

For low-adhesion surfaces where reductionsin cell spreading were observed, as the cytoske-leton becomes less organized and the nucleo-skeleton more dense, it is possible that this willconfer relaxation ofmechanical forces to theChsthrough interaction of the interphase telomereswith the lamins. This report speculates that areduction in spreading may have two modes ofaction depending on the extent of tensionrelease. If tension is released a small amount,it appears that the down-regulations are toward

Fig. 5. Plot of band positions on the chromosomal q-arms for down-regulations observed in cells onnanopits (HEX) (changed) compared band positions of unchanged data sets of similar size (unchanged 1 and2). Twobroad ‘‘peaks’’ of geneswere observed, one at band13 andone at band21-upwards.Note that for allthe somatic chromosomes and chromosomes 3 and 11, the changes tend to be within the band 21-upwardsgrouping compared to the unchanged data profiles. Chromosome 16 shows the opposite pattern.

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the centromeric position. We hypothesize thatas tension is released (as the nuclei relaxes), thenuclei becomes more dense and that as thecentromeres are more central in the territoriesthan the lamin-associated telomeres, mosteffect will be experienced here. However, whencell spreading is greatly reduced and the cellsretain a more rounded morphology, that isadhesion formation and cytoskeletal organiza-tion is at a minimum, the results suggest thatthe nuclei in its most relaxed morphology iscausing down-regulations at the telomeric,peripheral territorial position.For all up-regulations on these materials,

effects were noted at the more telomeric posi-tions. It may be that as the nucleus becomessmaller and the chromosomes more denselypacked within the nucleus, diffusion of tran-scription factors and DNA-dependant enzymes(e.g., polymerases) is firstly reduced toward thecenter of the chromosome and than as the nucleirelaxes further, diffusion, and thus transcrip-

tion, is reduced at the telomeres. It is indicat-ed by our results that in all cases of reducedtension, up-regulations will have increasedprobability at the telomeric regions of theterritories.

There have been observations that genes tendto be located at the edge of Ch territories ininterphase cells [Mahy et al., 2002; Scheuer-mann et al., 2004]. This again suggests that thelarger the Ch territory (due to size of Ch), themore force will be experienced at the extremes,that is by the genes.

A report by Sun [Sun et al., 2000] suggestedthat in G1 nuclei, the telomeres of larger Chsare located closer to the nuclear peripheriesthan those of the small Chs, which ties in wellwith the results presented here. This couldsuggest that cells are ‘‘pre-wired’’ for thegenome to be mechanosensitive.

In addition, research on application of forceto DNA has shown interesting effects withDNA-dependant enzymes [Bryant et al., 2003;

Fig. 6. Plot of band positions on the chromosomal q-arms for up-regulations observed in cells onnanocolumns (COL) (changed) compared band positions of unchanged datasets of similar size (unchanged 1and 2). Two broad ‘‘peaks’’ of genes were observed, one at band 13 and one at band 21-upwards. Note thatfor all the somatic chromosomes and chromosomes 3 and 11, the changes tend to be within the band21-upwards grouping compared to the unchanged data profiles. Chromosome 16 showed no change.

Mechanotransduction and Nuclear Organization 1241

Bustamante et al., 2003]. RNA polymerase, forexample is a powerful motor, generating forcesin excess of cytoskeletal motors that drivetransport processes within the cell. Externalloads can, however, affect the tendency of thenuclear enzymes to pause or arrest duringtranscription. The application of force in an‘‘aiding-direction’’ reduces pausing. However,unfavorable force can greatly reduce transcrip-tion. Thus changes in tension to the nucleuscould not only effect diffusion, but also theability of the enzymes to transcribe efficiently.

This report, along with others, providesevidence for relative Ch positioning beingcritical to genomic control. They could alsorelate to comments by Getzenberg [1994] thattissue specific gene expression is intriguing asregulation by single transcription factors can-not be explained simply by DNA sequence, thatis the same transcription factor interactingwithDNA of different cell types results in differentgene expressions despite the similar genome inall cells. Getzenberg then suggests the three-dimensional organization of the genome, struc-

tural components of the nucleus and nuclearmatrix in different tissues may alter specificgene regulation and could have implications forembryology and development.

We obviously do not discount the indirectmechanotransductive pathways, which arebound to play critical roles in gene regulation,and it is clearly well established that solublestimuli and changes in surface chemistry cancause changes in cell activity and differentia-tion of stem cells. However, it is also becomingclear that both the modulus of the matrix[Engler et al., 2006] and the shape of the cells[McBeath et al., 2004] confer changes indifferentiation potential for stem cells and thatchanges in substrate can cause changes in themodulus of the actual cells (via changes incytoskeleton). For example, it has been reportedthat mesenchymal stem cells change modulusfrom 200 to 300,000 Pa depending upon culturematerial [Simon et al., 2003]. It is likely thatmorphological changes inferred by topographywill give rise to similar changes in modulus andhence be largely responsible for the effects

Fig. 7. Plot of band positions on the chromosomal q-arms for up-regulations observed in cells on nanopits(HEX) (changed) compared band positions of unchanged datasets of similar size (unchanged 1 and 2). Twobroad ‘‘peaks’’ of genes were observed, one at band 13 and one at band 21-upwards. Note that for all thesomatic chromosomes and chromosomes 3 and 11, the changes tend to be within the band 21-upwardsgrouping compared to the unchanged data profiles. Chromosome 11 showed no change.

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observed here. We have previously reportedthat topography can alter mesenchymal stemcell differentiation [Dalby et al., 2006].We conclude by theorizing thatwith changing

morphologies, tension applied to the nucleuscould be critical in determining the probabilityof gene transcription.Whilst highly speculative,perhaps it is possible to consider release oftension causing the nuclei to act as a collapsingnet with most of the collapse felt in an increas-ingly entangled centromeric position.


MJD is a BBSRC David Phillips Fellow andthis research was funded though his fellowship.NG is a Royal Society of Edinburgh ResearchFellow. The authors especially thankDr.MathisRiehle for guidance and use of his fluorescencemicroscope. We also thank Dr. Giorgia Riboldi-Turnicliffe, Julie Galbraith, and Jing Wangfrom the Sir Henry Welcome Functional Geno-mic Facility.


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