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New Voca and sentence

Date post: 08-Apr-2023
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Voca, Idiom, insightful sentences, and passages 2/4/15 Go after: 쫓쫓쫓쫓 Go about something: 쫓쫓쫓쫓 ~쫓 쫓쫓 2/5/15 Run rings around someone: do something very well and so make your opponent look foolish Eclectic: 쫓쫓쫓쫓, vicarious: 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 overarching: 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 consultation 2/12/ Dismayed: surprised Numb : 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 Consultation: Upbraid sb: ~쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 2/18 languish : (쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓. Success of the exodus must be ascribed first to the power and character of God. Penitent: 쫓쫓쫓 2/29 Reproach : 쫓쫓/ 쫓쫓 betrothed to somebody : ~ 쫓 쫓쫓쫓 ascetic: 쫓쫓쫓쫓 arbitrary: 쫓쫓쫓쫓 bid: 쫓쫓쫓쫓

Voca, Idiom, insightful sentences, and passages


Go after: 쫓쫓쫓쫓

Go about something: 쫓쫓쫓쫓 ~쫓 쫓쫓


Run rings around someone: do something very well and so make your opponent lookfoolish

Eclectic: 쫓쫓쫓쫓,

vicarious: 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓

overarching: 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 consultation



Dismayed: surprised

Numb : 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓


Upbraid sb: ~쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓


languish : (쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓.

Success of the exodus must be ascribed first to the power and character ofGod.

Penitent: 쫓쫓쫓


Reproach : 쫓쫓/ 쫓쫓

betrothed  to somebody : ~ 쫓 쫓쫓쫓

ascetic: 쫓쫓쫓쫓

arbitrary: 쫓쫓쫓쫓

bid: 쫓쫓쫓쫓

indictment: 쫓쫓쫓, 쫓쫓쫓

more likely to  쫓쫓 ~쫓 쫓 쫓쫓

disputation: 쫓쫓

turn aside: 쫓쫓쫓쫓

plunder: 쫓쫓쫓쫓

tenable / untenable


to deputize:



Contention: 논논

set somebody/something apart (from somebody/something)~쫓 (~쫓/쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓[쫓쫓쫓쫓] 쫓쫓쫓

Albeit : 논논 ~ 논논논논

Set apart from: ~ 논논논 논논논논. 논논논논논

Screw up: 논논논논 논논논!

Provisional: 쫓쫓쫓

Apocalyptic: 논논논논논

Eschatological reserve

sober - mind ed  : 쫓쫓쫓, 쫓쫓쫓쫓

chase: 논논논논

grumpy: 논논논 논논논, 논논논 논논논

논논논(creep・ier , creepi・est), (논논논)

Creepy 1. 논논논논 논논, 논논논논

a creepy ghost story

쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓It's kind of creepy down in the cellar!쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓!

2. (논논논 논논논) 논논논

What a creepy coincidence.쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓.

 exegesis with exposition

a middle-of-the-road:쫓쫓쫓

precipitate 쫓쫓쫓   쫓쫓 [prɪ|sɪpɪteɪt]   쫓쫓쫓 [prɪ|sɪpɪtət] 쫓쫓 [prɪ|sɪpɪteɪt]   쫓쫓쫓   

[쫓쫓] (쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓Exhortation: 쫓쫓 쫓쫓

lash out   (at somebody/something)  

(~쫓) 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓encompass 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [ɪn|kʌmpəs]   쫓쫓쫓 :쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓

let s bear down into

bear down

 1.(논논·논논 논논논논)[논논논]논 논논논논논, 논논논논

We will bear down our rivals.쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓.

2.논논논 논논논, 논논 논 논논논논

3.(쫓쫓) (논 논논논) 논논 논논논논 논논논 …논논 논논논논

as to how to survive this persecution


fathomperpetuity: 쫓쫓

in perpetuity: 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓

mess up: 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓!

Who is in charge here?

Akin to : ~ 쫓 쫓쫓쫓

to the marrow: 쫓쫓쫓쫓, 쫓쫓쫓쫓

demurral: 쫓쫓 쫓쫓, 쫓쫓

draw outline: 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓.

Wind up, wild up?

Encomium: 쫓쫓

Thwart: 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓.





have a stake   in  

…쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓Disinterested : 쫓쫓쫓쫓

provoke 쫓쫓쫓 [prə|voʊk]   쫓쫓쫓 [prə|vəʊk]     

[쫓쫓] (쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓쫓The announcement provoked a storm of protest.쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓.2 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓  : [ 쫓쫓 ] 쫓쫓쫓 [ 쫓쫓쫓쫓 ] 쫓쫓 , 쫓쫓쫓쫓

Interrogative: 쫓쫓쫓쫓

discerning 쫓쫓쫓 [dɪ|s3:rnɪŋ]   쫓쫓쫓 [dɪ|s3:nɪŋ]   [쫓쫓쫓] (쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓

deliberate 쫓쫓쫓   쫓쫓쫓 [dɪ|lɪbərət]   쫓쫓 [dɪ|lɪbəreɪt] 쫓쫓쫓     [쫓쫓쫓] 쫓쫓쫓, 쫓쫓[쫓쫓]쫓쫓

transpire 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [trӕn|spaɪə(r)]   쫓쫓쫓   

[쫓쫓] (쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 …쫓쫓It transpired that the gang had had a contact inside the bank.쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓.

3 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓  : [ 쫓쫓 ] 쫓쫓쫓쫓 , 쫓쫓쫓쫓 endowment 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [ɪn|daʊmənt]   쫓쫓쫓     

[쫓쫓] (쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓(쫓)2 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓  : [ 쫓쫓 ] ( 쫓쫓쫓 ) 쫓쫓 [ 쫓쫓 ]

compelling 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [kəm|pelɪŋ]   쫓쫓쫓     

[쫓쫓쫓] (쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓 쫓쫓[쫓쫓 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓]Her latest book makes compelling reading.쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓.

put up with   somebody/something  

(쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓[쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓]I don't know how she puts up with him.쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓.

assess 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [ə|ses]   쫓쫓쫓     

[쫓쫓] ~ sb/sth (as sth) (쫓쫓・쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓[쫓쫓쫓쫓]It's difficult to assess the effects of these changes.쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓.2 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓  : [ 쫓쫓 ] ( 쫓쫓 ・ 쫓쫓 ) 쫓쫓 [ 쫓쫓 ] 쫓쫓

stance 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [stӕns;쫓쫓쫓 stɑ:ns]   쫓쫓쫓     

[쫓쫓] ~ (on sth) (쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓) 쫓쫓[쫓쫓]What is the newspaper's stance on the war?쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓?2 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓  : [ 쫓쫓 ] ( 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 ) 쫓쫓

play   something   down  

~쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓[쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓]

play   something   up  

(쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓) ~쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓[쫓쫓쫓쫓]

inflict 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [ɪn|flɪkt]   쫓쫓쫓     

[쫓쫓] ~ sth (on/upon sb/sth) (쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓[쫓쫓쫓]

presage 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [|presɪdƷ;prɪ|seɪdƷ]   쫓쫓쫓   [쫓쫓] (쫓쫓쫓) (쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓

Would probably have p.p :

valedictory 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [|vӕlɪ|dɪktəri]   쫓쫓쫓   [쫓쫓쫓] (쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓) (쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓

Noah is the forst individual of whom it is recored that he built an altar to the Lord

The expression is terse: 쫓쫓쫓 solemnly 쫓쫓쫓 [sɑ́ləmli]   쫓쫓쫓 [sɔ́-]     

[쫓쫓] 쫓쫓쫓쫓; 쫓쫓쫓쫓

get…done [쫓쫓] 쫓쫓쫓(= get…finished)

utensil 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [ju:|tensl]   쫓쫓쫓     [쫓쫓] (쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓) 쫓쫓[쫓쫓]cooking/kitchen utensils쫓쫓 쫓쫓/쫓쫓 쫓쫓

cheeky 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [|tʃi:ki]   쫓쫓쫓   [쫓쫓쫓] cheek・ier , cheeki・est (쫓 쫓쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓, 쫓쫓쫓You cheeky monkey!쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓!

It is no surprise that

So his son Seth was in his likeness but it is a marred image

Inclination of thoughts and heart

mind-blowing 쫓쫓쫓   쫓쫓쫓   

[쫓쫓쫓] (쫓쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓[쫓쫓쫓쫓/쫓쫓쫓]Watching your baby being born is a mind-blowing experience.쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓.

Ephesians 1 is mind-blowing in its scope

undone 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [ʌn|dʌn]   쫓쫓쫓     

[쫓쫓쫓] 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 (쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓[쫓쫓/쫓쫓쫓]Her blouse had come undone.쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓[쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓] 쫓쫓쫓.3 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓  : [ 쫓쫓쫓 ] 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓

ego boost [NOUN] something such as praise, success, etc, that makes one feel better about oneself or raises one's morale

(9 논)depose 쫓쫓쫓 [dɪ|poʊz]   쫓쫓쫓 [dɪ|pəʊz]     

[쫓쫓] (쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓[쫓쫓/쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓]The president was deposed in a military coup.쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓.

inflict 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [ɪn|flɪkt]   쫓쫓쫓     

[쫓쫓] ~ sth (on/upon sb/sth) (쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓[쫓쫓쫓]They inflicted a humiliating defeat on the home team.쫓쫓쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓.

inflict   yourself/somebody on somebody  

He inflicted defeat on Satan through his death

set forth 


set   something   forth  

~쫓 쫓쫓[쫓쫓]쫓쫓The President set forth his views in a television broadcast.쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓.

set forth   something  

to state something clearly; to make something knownThe President set forth his views in a long television broadcast.

set forth   a plan  

쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓(쫓쫓쫓쫓)

intervene 쫓쫓쫓 [|ɪntər|vi:n]   쫓쫓쫓 [|ɪntə|vi:n]     

[쫓쫓] ~ (in sth) (쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓쫓The President intervened personally in the crisis.쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓.4 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓  : [ 쫓쫓 ] ( 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓 ) 쫓쫓쫓쫓 [ 쫓쫓쫓쫓 ] 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 1

contingent on

spell   something   out  

~쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓[쫓쫓쫓] 쫓쫓쫓쫓You know what I mean—I'm sure I don't need to spell it out.쫓 쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓. 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓.2 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓  : ~ 쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 [ 쫓쫓쫓 ] 쫓쫓쫓쫓


Mutilate:쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓

integrity 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [ɪn|tegrəti]   쫓쫓쫓     [쫓쫓] 쫓쫓쫓

washed out 쫓쫓쫓   

[쫓쫓쫓] 쫓・쫓・쫓쫓쫓 (쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓 쫓쫓She didn't like jeans that looked too washed out.쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓.2 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓  : [ 쫓쫓쫓 ] 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 , 쫓쫓

architectonic 쫓쫓쫓 [|ɑ:rkɪtek|tɑ:nɪk]   쫓쫓쫓 [|ɑ:kɪtek|tɒnɪk]   [쫓쫓쫓] (쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓쫓, 쫓쫓쫓쫓

probation 쫓쫓쫓 [proʊ|beɪʃn]   쫓쫓쫓 [prə|beɪʃn]     

[쫓쫓] (쫓쫓) 쫓쫓 쫓쫓The prisoner was put on probation.쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓.3 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓  : [ 쫓쫓 ] ( 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓 ) 쫓쫓 ( 쫓쫓 )

with respect to   something  

…쫓 쫓쫓쫓The two groups were similar with respect to income and status.쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓.

with respect to 

propagate 쫓쫓쫓 [|prɑ:pəgeɪt]   쫓쫓쫓 [|prɒpəgeɪt]     [쫓쫓] (쫓쫓) (쫓쫓・쫓쫓・쫓쫓쫓) 쫓쫓[쫓쫓]쫓쫓Television advertising propagates a false image of the ideal family.쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓.

an   expanse of   water[snow]  

쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓[쫓쫓]

a vast   expanse of   desert  

쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓

an unlimited   expanse of   the sky  

쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓

single   somebody/something   out   (for something/as somebody/something) 

(~쫓 쫓쫓/~쫓쫓) ~쫓 쫓쫓[쫓쫓]쫓쫓She was singled out for criticism.쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓.

connotation 쫓쫓쫓 [|kɑ:nə|teɪʃn]   쫓쫓쫓 [|kɒnə|teɪʃn]   [쫓쫓] 쫓쫓(쫓 쫓쫓)   denotationThe word ‘professional' has connotations of skill and excellence.professional 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓.

He has extensive experience in parish ministry and is well known as a Bibleexpositor.

intrigued 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [ɪn|tri:gd]   쫓쫓쫓   

[쫓쫓쫓] (쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓 쫓) ~ (to do sth) 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓[쫓쫓쫓] 쫓쫓He was intrigued by her story.쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓.

take   something   down  

(쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓take   something   down  

(쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓to take down a tentto take down a tent

contend 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [kən|tend]   쫓쫓쫓     

[쫓쫓] (쫓쫓) (쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓쫓I would contend that the minister's thinking is flawed on this point.

쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓.2 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓  : [ 쫓쫓 ] (~ 쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 ) 쫓쫓쫓 [ 쫓쫓쫓 ]

contention (←contend) 쫓쫓·쫓쫓 [kən|tenʃn]   쫓쫓쫓     

[쫓쫓] 쫓쫓, 쫓쫓One area of contention is the availability of nursery care.쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓.2 쫓 쫓 쫓쫓쫓  : [ 쫓쫓 ] ( 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓 ) 쫓쫓 [ 쫓쫓 ]

contend   with something  

(쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓) 쫓쫓쫓쫓Nurses often have to contend with violent or drunken patients.쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓.

contend   at law  

쫓쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓

contend   for freedom  

쫓쫓쫓 쫓쫓 쫓쫓쫓

How much that will coast? How much do I owe you?

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