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Newsletter July August 2012 - nswera

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NSW Endurance News July —August 2012

Advertisers Classified 42 Dixon Smith Back Cover D-Lua Park Inside front cover Muddy Creek 9 Schuelein Saddles Inside back cover Kohnke’s Own 39 Results & Calendar Endurance Ride Results 50 Ride Calendar 40 Training Ride Results 60 Notices & Miscellaneous Manilla Muster pre nom form 64 New members list 5 Pull Up A Stump 18 World Championship 31 St Albans Awakening 45 Reports International 42 NSW Meeting Report 30 March 32 NSW Meeting Report 11 May 46 NSW President’s Report 2 SMC Notices 4 Track Preservation 3 30 years at Brookvale 6 Ride Previews Coolamon 10 Bago Bush - Wauchope 11

Freemantle 12 Shahzada 13 Woodstock 14 The Rock 15 Sassafras 16 Ride Reviews Cooyal Zone Championship 17 Tom Quilty 20 My Tom Quilty St Helens 23 State Ride Report 25 Far-a-way 2012 37 Ride Information AERA Waver Form 72 Advertising rates 79 Accredited Vet List 65 Annual Horse Registration 73 Annual log book return 71 Distance Scrolls 74 Log Book ID Procedure 69 Provisional Chief Stewards 77 Register of Chief Stewards 78 Ride Booking Procedure 68 Ride bases map 66 Ride Secretaries 75 State Management Committee 80 Transfer of Ownership 70 Web site information 67


Once again, thanks to all who contributed to this newsletter with special thanks to Merri Apperley and Jennifer Gilbertson. Both these ladies put in very comprehensive reviews of the NSW State Ride and the Tom Quilty.

You will also find a review from Gary Tweedie on his Quilty activities, Mel Anderson on the Far-A-Way ride and lots more.

Thanks also to the photographers who supply their photos to the newsletter free of charge. Please support these people by purchasing from them.

If you would like to contribute to the newsletter please send in your articles and photographs but please adhere to the closing date. Unfortunately with this edition, a lot of material was sent in late. You need to make an effort to get your material in by the closing date otherwise you risk it being left out. The next newsletter will be prepared during Shahzada so please, if you want to get your items published, get them in by the due date which will be 10 August.

Front Cover: David Player and Mirakhani Saa'meer, equal second middleweight rider at the recent NSW State Ride in a time of 11.26.00. Photographer: Jo Arblaster.

Inside Back Cover: Social riders at the recent St Albans ride. More photos and report on the St Albans ride should be in the next newsletter. Photographer: Jo Arblaster. Editor: Helen Rich Cover: Linda Henley

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 2

President’ s report or should we say Vice Presidents report.!

As Vice President, I am stepping in whilst our fearless leader is taking a well earned break in far north Queensland - even if he is chief stewarding at ride while he is away. A fantastic adventure that should produce some great campfire yarns.

Our State Championships have been run and won at Wingello and a huge congratulations must go to the committee for a well run ride. Nice tracks, excellent marking and a fantastic atmosphere. Congratulations as well to our winners and everyone who completed.

NSW can be very proud of Talea Hasko-Stewart and Blake's Heaven Bombora for their selection to represent Australia at the World Endurance Championships later this year- it is a great achievement and we wish her the very best of luck.

The State Management Committee is working hard on promotions and encouraging new members into our sport. We are implementing a number of strategies including follow up letters to all day members informing them of upcoming dates and links to our website and Facebook pages.

Our website is getting a bit of a makeover and we are constantly getting more 'likes' on our Facebook. Please check us out on Facebook and feel free to write a 'post'.

Unfortunately a few rides have had to cancel this year and many are rescheduling for later in the year which should make for some tight finishes in the pointscores.

Good luck for all the up coming rides and take care.



NSW ERA COMMITTEE MEETINGS Meetings are held upstairs at the Arabian Horse Society Building,

1st Floor, 226 George Street, Windsor: Next door to Coles. Meetings commence at 6.00pm sharp.

All are invited to attend. Next meetings

AERA Meeting 15 July 2012 NSW 20 July 2012

NSW 14 September 2012

President’s Report

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 3

National Parks trails to be opened to horses – progress report A discussion paper entitled "Draft Strategic Directions for Horse Riding in NSW National Parks and Reserves" was released by Minister for the Environment Robyn Parker in late April. This document is of critical importance as it will guide NPWS in the provision of improved horse riding opportunities in the reserve system.

Basically the document outlines the agreement we have reached with NPWS. There are some problems with the specific details, including the timing, format and limited scope of the wilderness pilot program; the parks and boundaries covered under the three focus areas; and the structure of the regional working groups. These issues will be raised at our next meeting with Head Office as well as in our written submission.

Stakeholder groups including NSWERA have been invited to comment, with the closing date for submissions on 30th June 2012. I will be writing a combined submission with the Australian Horse Alliance (AHA), Australian Trail Horse Riders Association (ATHRA) and Snowy Mountains Bush Users Group (SMBUGS) which will ensure that all of these groups present a united front and a consistent approach to the document.

If you are interested you can download the draft by going to


and clicking on the "Download now" button. Draft Plans of Management All National Parks & Wildlife Service Plans of Management, both draft and finalised, can be viewed at the NPWS website at http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/parkmanagement/ParkAndFireManagementPlansByCategory.htm

Plans of management define if and where you are allowed to ride in a park.

You can make submissions by post, email or directly from the website. A submission is simply your comments on the plan of management, whether agreeing or disagreeing with what is being proposed.

Even though we are winning back our trails, it's still important to provide feedback on Plans of Management that affect your riding areas. If we don't continue speaking up, our extreme green opponents could regain the upper hand. Wondoba State Conservation Area – south-west of Gunnedah. Horse riding permitted on roads and management trails.

Dowe National Park – south-west of Manilla. Horse riding not mentioned therefore may be permitted with specific consent from the Regional Manager.

Somerton National Park - east of Gunnedah. Horse riding not mentioned therefore may be permitted with specific consent from the Regional Manager.

Trinkey State Conservation Area – south-west of Gunnedah. Horse riding allowed on park roads (i.e. open to public vehicle access) but not on management trails.

Submissions for all the above POMs close 25 June 2012. Fiona Meller

Track Preservation Report

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 4

Swabbing - Please be aware that swabbing has been conducted at the NSW State Championships at Wingello, and will continue to be conducted at a number of events this year. If you are swabbed, please keep your paperwork as it has the sample number (N – Urine sample, B – Blood sample) that is displayed on the Equestrian Australia website under EA Rules and Regs/Negative (Clear) Sample Analysis Notifications. This notification may take 6-8 weeks. TPR School – There will be a TPR school held at Kambah Pony Club, ACT, on the 23rd September this year. The exact format is being formalized at the moment – we hope to have part of the day to talk about getting started in Endurance Riding (gear, training and feeding) combined with a sausage sizzle. Candidates sitting the TPR course can claim petrol expenses, courtesy of the NSW Department of Sport and Recreation. TPR membership – All TPRs must be a current member of an AERA division. The membership category can be either as a Full Riding Member or an Associate Member. This is required for insurance compliance. If you do not have membership please fill in and sign a membership form and indemnity form on the day for Associate Membership and forward it to NSW secretariat for processing. No fee is required for working TPRs. If you are a current Associate Member, you are entitled to free Associate Membership as a working TPR and may apply for a refund if a membership fee has been paid. Once you have TPR’d for 20 days, you will receive your own stethoscope, thermometer, stopwatch and personalized Cherished TPR vest. Please remember that you need to TPR at 1 ride per year to maintain your accreditation. The published TPR’s are those TPR’s that have remained active, i.e. maintained their accreditation, so please ensure the Chief Steward has correctly noted your name and day(s) attended. Horse names: Riders are reminded to use their horses’ AERA registered name and logbook when entering any ride – 80k, 40k, 20k or 10k. Rule H 4.3 Child Riders: While it is important that children participate and understand the procedures undertaken at a ride, it is recommended as an extra safety measure that riders under 10 keep their hard hat on when running out or leading their horse. Horse Yards: Riders are reminded to read Duty of Care with regard to Horse Containment at rides. There have been 2 incidences this year that have resulted in injuries serious enough to withdraw from the ride, with one of those horses receiving injuries serious enough to be out for quite a few months. So please, think about how and where you contain your horse and try to have someone supervise your horse at all times. Logbooks and Pink Cards Members and Ride Committees please remember that Rule H.4, 4.3 states that if a horse is issued with a logbook, the logbook must be used when the horses is entered at an affiliated endurance. The use of pink cards for the horse is not permitted.

SMC Notices to all Members

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 5

Notice—Attention all Chief Stewards Would you please ensure that all:

�� Invasive Treatment Forms, Rider reports, �� Rest Orders and �� Log Books are correctly filled out.

Please take the time to check that all required areas are correctly filled in and that the names are spelt correctly.

Belinda Hopley.– for the NSW SMC

New Members Vicki Enklaar 23680 Pimlico Julius Fletcher 23681 Manilla Sarah Pollard-Williams 23682 Estella Jessica Cass 23683 Uralla Sasha Buchmann 23684 Martinsville Tahnaya Mercieca 23685 Eglinton Kate Taylor 23686 Manilla Sam Cunningham 23687 Stanwell Park Elizabeth Moir 23688 Wauchope Bonnie Baker 23689 Elong Elong Jessica Fedorow 23690 Bathurst Meri Lategan 23691 Canyoneigh Patrick Pilley 23692 Mudgee Tiarna Young 23693 Oakdale Victoria Bice 23694 Gunderman Michaela Araldi 23695 Londonderry

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 6

THIRTY YEARS OF “BROOKVALE” BUCKLES This year marks the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the National Capital (“Brookvale”) Endurance Ride. From 1982 to 2011, over 20 riders have won five or more “Brookvale” buckles and three of them (Gillian Petersohn, Shelly Ison and Searle Johnston) have more than ten.

Four horses have won five or more buckles with the one rider. They are: Searle Johnston’s Shinda, Gillian Petersohn’s Karakatana Aluf, Colleen Clancy’s Wiz the Fizz and Rochelle Knihinicki’s Tuldar Ronnie. The only other horse I could find that has won five or more buckles with different riders is Searle Johnston’s Too Soon (Narraburrah Magnifique): he completed the ride three times with Kerren Hosking and three times with Searle.

In Searle’s five completions on Shinda, they were first heavyweight three times and in their last “Brookvale” ride together, were second middleweight and best conditioned open horse. Searle was equal first middleweight (and joint winner of the ride) twice on Too Soon and achieved best conditioned horse awards with both Too Soon and Haraka. Gillian was nearly always in the lightweight placings: she was first lightweight five times (four of them on Karakatana Aluf) and equal first lightweight once. In his seven completions, Karakatana Aluf was best conditioned catchweight horse at least four times. Shelly has so far won the lightweight division three times and been among the placings in most of her other rides, including in 2011 when she was second lightweight and Aloha Fabian the best conditioned lightweight horse. This was Shelly’s third best conditioned horse award in the National Capital Ride, the others being with Miss Ellie.

All of Talea Hasko-Stewart’s five completions and four of Rochelle Knihinicki’s were achieved as juniors. Jenny Oliver’s six completions included three wins. Others on the list who have won the ride are Colin Joyce, Kerren Hosking, Peter Norman and Jennifer Gilbertson (for a complete list of winners, see the honour roll on the ACT Endurance Riders Association website www.actera.org.au). The Bohm family warrants a special mention: while no individual appears to have achieved more than four buckles, five members of the family have at least one, beginning with Kevin’s successful completion of the 1982 ride on Kelkette Park Izak.

Apart from three years (1996, 2003 and 2007) when the ride was not held at all and another three years (2006, 2008 and 2010) when for various reasons it was held in Canberra, the National Capital ride has been run from its original base on the Blundell family’s property, “Brookvale”. From 1982 to 1985, the ride was 110km in three legs; from 1986 to 1993 it was 100km in two legs and from 1994 to the present it has been 80km in two legs though the course has changed several times. It is still regarded as a challenging ride and to have successfully completed it on five or more occasions is a significant achievement, but the people and horses who won some of their buckles before 1994 really earned them as they had to cover an additional 20 to 30km.

The buckle design has changed several times over the 30 years. The original buckle was an oblong in a silvery-coloured metal featuring a horse and rider in bushland; a plaque was offered as an alternative in 1985 and 1986; a new buckle with a gold or bronze rider against a contrasting background was introduced in 1987 and used for several years; then a round buckle with a horse’s head was used briefly in the early 1990s before being replaced in 1995 by a new design featuring a horse and rider against the Parliament House flagpole. While that design continues to be used, there have been several changes to the background colour and from 2011, some changes to the size, shape and overall appearance of the buckle.

The ACT Endurance Riders Association greatly appreciates the support of the many riders who have returned to our ride year after year and looks forward to this list continuing to expand. We hope to see lots of you back at “Brookvale” in October.

Original buckle

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 7

10 or more buckles

5 or more buckles

The list above has been compiled manually from ride results and master sheets and it is possible that some people have been inadvertently omitted or had their achievements and those of their horses understated: if yours have been, please contact me (email [email protected] or phone 62888195) and let me know.

Melanie O’Flynn

(11) Searle Johnston� �

1983, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989 (Shinda); 1993 (Garfield Kibir aka Haraka); 1996, 1997 (Narraburra Magnifique aka Too Soon); 1998 (Haraka); 1999 (Too Soon); 2000 (Brindabella Bold Boris).

(11) Gillian Petersohn�

1984 (Andros); 1986 (Craiglea Tiki); 1987 (Glensheigh Piki); 1988 (Craiglea Tiki); 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 (Karakatana Aluf).

(11) Shelly Ison 1993, 1995 (Karakatana Penny); 1998, 1999 (Miss Ellie); 2000 (Trecadeu Sapphire); 2001 (Valinor Park Opal); 2002 (Miss Ellie); 2004 (Topaz Cruiser); 2008 (Valinor Park Opal); 2009, 2011 (Aloha Fabian).

(9) Colleen Clancy 1989, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1996 (Wiz the Fizz); 1997 (Valilly Monaghetti); 1998 (Lac-La-Biche Corinna); 2008, 2009 (Kadimah Park Hamelech).

(7) Denise Horsfall 1982 (Blairgowrie Prince William); 1984 (Pineroo Shireef); 1986 (Blairgowrie Blacklight); 1989 (Emma Lou); 1990, 1993, 1994 (Blairgowrie Peanuts).

(7) Marie De Monchaux (Hill)

1984 (Cymreig Rustler); 1985, 1986 (Tilden Zeichen); 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 (Kelkette Park Ibn Kazelle).

(7) Tova Ducker 1990 (Chicky); 1991 (Como); 1995 (Sandra Dee); 1997 (Segovia); 1998 (Aloha Brigade); 2000 (Maricol Marzette); 2001 (Aloha Gossip).

(7) Jennifer Gilbertson 1993 (Gilbertson Blaxland); 1995 (Manning Silver Rae); 1999, 2000 (Tullawalla Mista); 2001 (Moonlite Flash); 2006 (Kurrajong Shadad); 2008 (Webbs Creek Walkabout).

(6) Jenny Oliver 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 (Glenallan Nomad); 1990 (Karakatana Kyzyl); 1993 (Lynbrook Shah).

(6) Kristen Proudfoot 1988 (Coco); 1989 (Binda); 1996 (Jester); 1997 (Trecadeu Sinbad aka Rastus); 2001, 2002 (Tirra Lirra).

(6) Meg Wade 1990 (Glenallan Sheida); 1991 (Lentara Park Kalina); 1999 (Harrison); 2000 (Doran Park Just Reckless); 2002 (Nalinka); 2005 (Castlebar Kala-hari).

(6) Kerren Hosking 1991, 1993 (Narraburra Magnifique aka Too Soon); 1994 (Aflame Park Jaheel); 1995 (Too Soon); 1996 (Trecadeu Sinbad aka Rastus); 1997 (Ramazan Park Sharbacca aka Traveller).

(6) Alan Lindsay 1994 (Burremah Djerribindo aka Bindo); 1999 (Crusader King); 2000 (Kentonvale Chahd); 2002 (Rowallan Miss Lilly); 2006 (Kintamani Mistral); 2008 (Kintamani Silver Flame).

(5) Rowena Hadlow (Robinson)

1985, 1986, 1989 (Deakin Blue); 1994 (Rossandra); 1995 (Chifty).

(5) Colin Joyce 1987, 1991 (Jinney); 1993, 1994 (Kaid); 2001(Riffler).

(5) Annette Bailey 1987 (Boof); 1993 (Newbridge Jazaan); 1996 (Warrior); 1997 (Abjar Ka-dar); 2000 (Allara Park Majestic Light).

(5) Peter Norman 1990 (Oscar); 1996 (Trecadeu Omanique Saphire); 1999 (Marcon Arki); 2009, 2011 (Danjera Montana).

(5) Keryn Kefous 1991, 1994, 1997 (Saudi); 1999, 2000 (Westbank Fahlina).

(5) Karen Rhodes 1993 (Barry’s Buzz); 1996 (Funny Girl); 1999 (Karranna Kelly); 2005 (Shadow); 2011 (Stratfield Ghayth).

(5) Alison Knihinicki 1999, 2000, 2001 (Tuldar Jonathan); 2002 (Tuldar Ginger Girl); 2004 (Tuldar Jonathan).

(5) Rochelle Knihinicki 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006 (Tuldar Ronnie).

(5) Talea Hasko Stewart 2004, 2006, 2008 (Blake’s Heaven Ventura); 2009, 2010 (Blake’s Heaven Venus).

(5) Mary Hollingsworth 2005, 2006 (Dante); 2008 (Henley Farm Khadd); 2009 (Cameo Ambro-sia); 2011 (Lydia Te).

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 8


Searle Johnston and


Left: Shelly Ison receiving her Best Conditioned Light-weight rug from sponsor Ray Spence in 2011.

Right: Jenny Oliver with Don Paton and Karakatana Kyzyl after winning the 1990 ride.

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 9

IT’S RAINING! IT’S POURING! And 2012 is forecast as yet another wet year

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But you won’t care - You’ll be riding dry and happy in your Muddy Creek Rain Gear!

There’s more Rain coming, so don’t wait – Order your ‘Muddy’ today!

Phone Di Denton on 0429 99 55 96 www.muddycreekraingear.com.au

Above Left: Colleen Clancy and Wiz the Fizz. Above Right: Gillian Petersohn receiving her trophy from ACT ERA President, Bob Merriman, in 1990.

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 10


Weekend 21st – 22nd July

The annual Coolamon Ride offers a great opportunity for novice horses. The track will be similar to last year taking in country lanes, roads, stock routes, state forest and private property. We will offer an 80km, 40km, Trainer and a Social Ride. ENTRY FEES FOR 2011 are:- Seniors - $80, Juniors - $55, Trainer - $55 and Social - $20. Prizes for the first 3 place getters in each division (apart from the social riders) and the Best Conditioned. All successful competitors will have the option of taking home OUR NEWLY DESIGNED buckle. Loads of scrumptious goodies will be available at the Canteen with a hot evening meal available on the Saturday night. Toilets and hot showers at ride base and there is plenty of water. There are some powered sights available please pre book these sights and there are also about 80 pony club yards which can be utilised. Coolamon is situated 40kms north of Wagga Wagga. There is sealed roads right to the Showgrounds which are on the edge of the town. Coolamon has a Foodworks Supermarket, Newsagency, Cafes, Motels, Golf Club, Pubs, Chinese Restaurant etc.

Pre Nomination and further information – Megan Menzies - 02 69278536 (home) or 0428 278536 (mobile)

Mick Leary – 02 69273427 Email: [email protected]



Major Sponsors: Steel Supplies - Wagga Yukon Park Arabians – Tarcutta Logan & Hitchens Pty Ltd – Coolamon and Ganmain Eminem Arabians – Coolamon Hutcheon & Pearce (John Deere) - Wagga

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 11

Bago Bush – Wauchope. 80, 60-40, 20

29th July 2012 After a great ride at Kundabung everyone should be keen to do another great mid-north coast ride at Wauchope on July 29. Positives...... �� all forest and paddock..... �� no tar

�� all bitumen access to ride base ......

�� 1km from pub & shops

�� great warm up for Shahzada.....

�� some good hills but not too tough.

�� free service to Clovelly Park Kazeem for first mare in the 80.

�� sunny camp sites...firewood and water supplied

�� ride through local winery......stop if you like!

�� great meal on Saturday night......please book

�� dual affiliated with Qld......that’s if they’re game to come down after we win the State of Origin.

�� soft tracks after all this rain.

�� fundraiser for RDA

Negatives – there are none – it’s too good to be true IMPORTANT.......anyone wanting to camp on Friday night must contact either Robyn Coombes 65 856761 or Roz Ryan 0418 848019. Our ride base is part of the sale yards and there is a cattle sale on Saturday morning so it is important that you know where to camp. Please PRENOMINATE by Friday July 21 so we can organise vets.....we are usually a small ride but this year could be bigger due to cancellations of other rides. See Website for all other details

NSW ERA Notice Horse Yards: Riders are reminded of their duty of Care with regard to Horse Containment at rides. There have been two incidences this year that have resulted in injuries serious enough to withdraw from the ride, with one of those horses receiving injuries serious enough to be out for quite a few months. So please, think about how and where you contain your horse and try to have someone supervise your horse at all times.


NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 12




SATURDAY 4th AUGUST: 40km training ride and 20km social ride.

SUNDAY 5TH AUGUST: 20km social, 40/60km elevator training and 80km endurance rides.

FEES: Training rides - $50. Social rides - $30. 80kms - $90. Camping fee - $5 per horse.

RIDE BASE: Freemantle Fire Station 25kms from Eglinton, near Bathurst on the

Freemantle Road.

Firewood provided by Freemantle Fire Brigade.

Rides go through private properties, bush trails and along quiet mostly dirt country roads. All rides will treat you with amazing scenery.

PRE-RIDE VETTING: Saturday social ride and trainer: 9am – 10am Saturday 4th August.

80kms and Sunday social and trainer: 11am - 4pm Saturday 4th August.

MEALS: The fabulous Fire Shed Café will be open from Friday afternoon and all weekend.

The café will serve a delicious hot meal on Saturday night in the warm and cosy fire station.

R.S.V.P by 29th July for evening meals.

Please support the café and evening meal as proceeds go to the Fire Brigade. Without the fire brigade’s assistance the ride would not be possible.

PRE-NOMINATE: by 29th July – leeruthcurtis@gmail phone: 0263374195

See you there for a great weekend

ORANGE See you there, for a great weekend.

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 13




The 32nd 400km Shahzada Marathon endurance ride will be held from Monday,27th to Friday, 31st August, 2012 and camping will be available in St Albans at the ride base from Sat 18th as well as accommodation at many local venues….check out the Shahzada website www.shahzadaresults.org for all the information you will need, reserve your favorite number, entry forms and campsite requests to be sent ASAP and read some of the stories from past rides to get you motivated……this is a very special event and if you don’t do anything else in endurance, you have to ride Shahzada!! The marathon event is run over five days on local roads and tracks – McKechnies, Woomera Path, Shepherds Gully, Johnny’s Hill, The Steps and Prestons – a great deal of work has been done on the course over the last few years and there will be track clearing of some of the tracks in May because of the Careflight at St Albans ride…..if you can come and help please contact Haydn Fisher on 0263 733 932. These improved tracks, with the elimination of many tarred road verges and the wonderful help and advice from the veterinary panel during the ride over the last few years headed up by Dr. Kym Hagon, have helped to establish a very good completion rate – everyone who is successful receives a highly coveted Shahzada buckle. After riding and successfully completing Shahzada in 2010, Kym is back as Head Vet and together with wife Kim, the social committee promises you all heaps of fun during the week as well as “the ride of your life”. Jeff Bonham is back again this year as Chief Steward so book your holidays now and be prepared for a week to remember. In addition to the 400km event - there will be a 120 km Mini Marathon over three days (experience the passion and wonderful riding tracks of the Macdonald Valley without the pressure) – it is fantastic training for young horses. Come for the fun and the challenge – be part of the excitement – this is the premier ride of the endurance calendar and not to be missed. We have heaps of riders entering from Tasmania, Western Australia, Victoria and Queensland this year so St Albans will be buzzing. Enquiries: Sue Todd (02) 6379 7218 or email [email protected] Additional Shahzada information with heaps of its history is available on www.shahzadaresults.org. where you can see daily updates during the week of the ride. Entry forms are available on the website now….please send entry forms and money to Ross Mudie and send your campsite requests to Sue Todd.

It's that time of year again where we are gearing up for Shahzada. That means track clearing weekends. Anyone that can come and help, it would be greatly appreciated. The weekends for track clearing are as follows: 14th and 15th of July, 11th and 12th August, 18th and 19th August * * * * * *

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 14


80km 40km 20km SEPT 15-16, 2012

Lachlan Endurance Riders Club once again welcomes you to the Woodstock Showground for its annual rides.

This year we are again conducting 40 and 20km rides on Saturday afternoon as well as the usual 80, 40 and 20km on Sunday, giving riders the option to ride in one event, bring a second horse or try two events on the same horse.

Woodstock is approx 25km east of Cowra and 85km west of Bathurst, just 4km off the Mid Western Hwy. The Ride Base will be sign posted.

The showground has excellent facilities, flushing toilets and hot showers, town water and plenty of room and shade. Firewood will be provided. There will be a canteen operating from lunch time on Saturday, and a hot evening meal and dessert will be available at $15 a head all provided by the Woodstock Public School P & C.

The course will be similar to previous years, a mixture of private property, stock routes and some gravel road. The track is mostly undulating and very achievable for novice horses. The country in this area is usually at its best at this time of year and hopefully there will be green grass in abundance!

Entries and vetting for the Saturday 40/20km rides will be between 10.00-11.30am, start times will be 12 midday for the 40km and 12:30 for the 20km. Vetting for the Sunday 80/40/20 will be between 1-5pm. Start times on Sunday will be daylight for the 80km and 7am for the 40km. The 20km ride will start at 10am allowing riders to arrive and vet on Sunday morning.

Entries are $40 and $20 for the 40 and 20km, $80 for the 80km, $60 juniors. Snowy Zone members receive a $5 discount.

Enquiries and nominations (no payment required) please email or call the ride secretary Helen Lindsay [email protected]

(02) 6342 9289, or Erica Allan [email protected] (02) 6345 0149. Please indicate if you would like a meal when nominating.

Hope to see you in Woodstock in September, another Snowy Zone ride!

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 15

Snowy Mountains Zone


The Rock 13th & 14th of October 2012

120km Championship, 80km No-frills and 40km Training ride

Come one, come all!

This year the Snowy Mountains Zone Championships is being generously hosted by The Rock Endurance Riders.

It should be a great weekend with the 120km Snowy Zone Championship ride being the main event with great prizes and Championship buckles for all who are successful!

The 80km No-Frills ride will have buckles for completers and of course the kilometres and points towards the State and National Point scores!

A 40km Training ride will also be run for those just starting out or just taking it easy.

Also a raffle or two and some trade stalls including a canteen will be on the menu for the weekend.

If you have not been to The Rock before the course is mostly flat, quiet country roads, private land and Travelling Stock Reserves with some rocky, concussive areas but mostly good underfoot.

*Please note: Unfortunately the 20km Social ride has been Cancelled.

Volunteers are always needed at rides, TPR’s, pencilers, checkpoints and a whole host of other things over the weekend! If you can help out at any time before, during or after the ride please contact me.

Sponsorship is always appreciated and is a great opportunity to advertise your stud, business or product and contribute to the sport.

Volunteers, interested sponsors, pre-nominations and general ride inquiries can be made to:

Noni Seagrim

(02)62362129 Email: [email protected]

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 16

Sassafras Endurance Ride Inc with South Coast ERA

24th & 25th November 2012 Saturday 24th Nomination and vetting from 1pm to 5pm

Sunday 25th 80 km ride 40 km ride 20km social ride

Cost: - 80 km $90.00 jr $60.00 40km tr $40.00. Plus $10.00 day membership

20km Social Ride $30.00 includes day membership.

Venue: - Braidwood Rd, Sassafras, NSW.

From the North side of Nowra - Princes Highway, right into Kalander St, onto Albatross Rd then right onto Braidwood Rd.

From the South side of Nowra - Princes Highway, left onto Turpentine Rd then left onto Braidwood Rd.

From West - Goulburn, Windellama then onto Nerriga, via Oallen Ford (Shoalhaven River at Oallen Ford has a 5 ton weight limit) then onto Sassafras.

Do not trust your GPS.

Facilities: - Shady campsites. BYO yards & drinking water. Plenty of water available for your horses. Canteen from 11am Saturday. Open fires. Restrained pets and partners allowed. New Portaloos on site

Services :- Nerriga Hotel serving meals 20ks west.

Course: - Some Hills, some flat, some good underfoot with some stony sections.

A technical challenging Endurance Ride with great views. Odometer measured course.

Sponsors :- Robert. R . Andrew .

Nerriga Hotel. Nirvalley Homestead Nursery Tarago

Spirals Nowra. M.J.Fox Plumbing .

Sassafras Nuts. Berry Street Seed & Produce.

Nowra Saddleworld . Abbco Fencing.

Tyrepower Nowra . Bishops Feeds,

Contact Alan Marshall on 44228818 or email Alan on [email protected]

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 17

NSW ZONE 2 CHAMPIONSHIP REPORT Hooray! No fog for the start of the Zone 2 Championships at Cooyal. After a week of poor visibility someone must have heard our pleas. Our new neighbours at ride base were very helpful in allowing us to slash their paddocks for extra camping and to have a much safer start, cutting out the 300 metres of tar road. Mette Sutton did a great job with the tractor showing her secret talents, and the family opened up fences and installed gates. There were 129 entries all up. Thanks go to all the riders and their supporters for leaving the grounds spotless, it was greatly appreci-ated by the Progress Association. 90 riders left ride base at 5.30am on Sunday with just a glimmer of light on the horizon and crunchy frost under hoof. The 40km trainer started at 7am with 27 riders heading out to complete the first leg. The 20km social ride had 12 starters at 1pm on Saturday. To ensure a championship course, the regular 83km course was implemented with a 17km third leg. This leg was mostly level going on dirt roads with a short sharp climb to the checkpoint turn-a-round to keep everyone in-terested. With the day warming up considerably the front runners kept to a steady pace. Equal first across the line were David Player riding Ryton Pipes of Peace (1st mw) and Brodie Freeman riding Quinta Essentia (1st hw). The winning time was 5 hours 10 minutes, both horses looking fantastic. Ray Griffith’s horse Hazeldean Sahara was awarded middleweight fittest horse and heavyweight fittest horse was awarded to Scott Davenport’s horse Alhambra Pierrot. First lightweight was Allix Jones riding Nioka Park Jag and first junior was Tayla Warren riding Lilonda Sharjah. Both these horses received fittest horse in their division. But the star of the show was eight year old Tahnaya Mercieca riding Littlebanks Antwonette who completed the entire 100kms accompanied on a lead rope by Frank Mollema. She was such a happy little girl at the finish and received a very enthusiastic applause at the presentation. This could be the start of a great endurance career! A big thank you to the fabulous vetting team led by the indomitable Ray Gooley, and to Chief Steward Jeff Bonham who managed to be in several places at once when needed. Thanks to Penni and Lance who toiled at the timekeepers table and to all the other cheerful volunteers. A big thank you to our sponsors who enabled us to provide such great trophies: �� Big Rim P/L – sponsored the four fittest horse rugs �� Mudgee Vet Hospital – 1st heavyweight �� Ken Watson Swimming Pools – 1st middleweight �� Langswear – 1st lightweight �� Mudgee Toyota – 1st junior �� Tamworth & District Endurance Club – 2nd heavyweight �� Specialized Saddles (Di Luker) – 2nd middleweight

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�� Lue Hotel – 2nd lightweight �� Virginia King – 2nd Junior �� Hayden & Gail Fisher – all four third place prizes (handmade bootjack and candelabras

made by Hayden) �� Husbands Saddlery – saddlecloths for 20km and 40km encouragement awards And thanks also to the Zone 2 Committee who provided the buckles/travel mugs for those who successfully completed the 100km ride. Further sponsors were Steins Vineyard, Robert Oatley Vineyard, Russells Produce, CRT, Tuldar Arabians, Glendos Pastoral, Braithwaite Family and Blowes Menswear. Our heartfelt thanks to everyone. We are now looking forward to next year, a very special year for the Mudgee Endurance Riders Club.

Mudgee Endurance Riders Club Committee

Pull up a stump!! By Eric Robinson and Ralph Turnbull

Eric Robinson (riding endurance since the early 70’s) was schooling a four and a half year old gelding he bred, when he was offered the chance to ride the 20 klm social at Mudgee with past rival Ralph Turnbull (riding endurance since the early 80’s).

Eric jumped at the chance thinking it would be a great experience for both himself and his new horse.

The ride brought back many memories for both of them of what they call ‘the good old days’ when the rule book was only two pages long, large (huge) prizes, hard rides for tough riders with real mountains (Paddy’s Rock and Ned’s mountain for those who remember).

Ralph had his 25yo, 14.1hh, Iditerod Red Wing (by Sadaqa) fit and shod ready for the ride but chose a borrowed mount instead.

The weather was perfect, the track was great and the riding was smooth except for the

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occasional daylight between the Barcoo and Eric’s behind punctuating his usual trade mark riding style.

In the ‘old days’ if you were riding in front and heard Gordon Hobday on Oonoomba Leo doing his blood curdling yodel or Peter Cole riding Chip Chase Sadaqa coming from behind you could kiss 1st place goodbye!

Riding along, the ‘old blokes’ reminisced with Eric commenting “Where have all the prizes gone? Like this Barcoo saddle I’m riding in” referring to a Barcoo saddle he won on Anatol in Tooraweenah in April 1980.

Then there was the western saddle won for fittest horse at Yetholme in June 1980 and a TV in April 1981 at the Tooraweenah ride. That was the year Gordon Hobday won a horse float at St Albans. Can you believe it?

One year at the East Kurrajong ride, in the dark and mist, Ralph was cantering along the side of the swamp when he heard a frightened voice calling from behind “Ralph…Ralph”. He stopped to see if he could work out where the voice of the distressed rider was coming from. As he pulled up and looked around, he heard thundering hooves and at a fast canter coming from behind and Eric flew past him with a grin from ear to ear and said as he passed “How far do you think you would have gone if you hadn’t waited for me?”

Both these riders have won 80k rides in under four hours and could easily have won the 20k at Mudgee but – they decided to enjoy the sunshine, the steady pace and a good old yarn!

Good on you boys!

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 20


Our journey to the 47th Tom Quilty began a few years ago, when a then unqualified, Antonia Gilbertson who was living in Hobart, decided it would be a great idea if she rode the Tom Quilty in her home State. Her brother Simon Gilbertson who is among other things a five star hotel chef lives at Binnalong Bay - close to St. Helens on the coast. GG and I were hesitant at first particularly, having attended the previous Tom Quiltys in Deloraine and Sheffield, Tasmania in June? Very Cold. We were subject to much gentle persuasion from Antonia so we finally we relented and agreed to make this a ‘family affair’ Quilty. An added bonus was including staying a few days with our fabulous, horsey, grandchildren Kirrah and Sharni in Victoria. So began endurance rider qualifications which required Antonia would fly up to the mainland for rides. Once we had done that, we had to get her to successfully complete a 160 km. This she achieved at the Wingello NSW State Championships. With all the qualifications in place, we took our journey to St. Helens slowly, spreading it out over five days, stopping with family and friends along the way. With all of this care our horses arrived in great shape. The crossing takes twelve hours and this time it was rough. Once on board you don’t see your horses until you land in Tasmania We received a warm welcome upon arriving at St. Helens, a great ride base, training track with beautiful weather. We were very spoilt by Simon with great food, firewood in camp, an after competition spelling paddock a short stroll from ride base, all the comforts of home. It is always wonderful to catch up with old friends, particularly at the post ride party. The AERA presentation was special as we received 3x3000 km scrolls for Ferrymaster at Webbs Creek (aka Master Renaut), Howard Park Shataan and Kurrajong Shadad. The vetting went smoothly (I was No.13 on page 13 omen?) and at midnight there we were, Antonia and I riding out with 115 starters from all over Australia and including, an American, Japanese, Italian and UAE riders. The course marking was perfect, the design made an interesting scenic ride, never boring or repetitious. The pace up front was very fast. Antonia and I rode the ride mid field and our horses finished strongly to take 4th lightweight and 9th middleweight, I received my 9th buckle.

Quilty winner Brooke Sample riding Brookleigh Excaliber Photo by Matt Bennet www.mattbennet.com"

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Brook Sample won the Quilty in spectacular style for the 6th time. Would like to take this opportunity to thank my strappers GG and Georgie Cadwallader and family and friends who kept the camp fire burning at home.

Jennifer Gilbertson preparing for the crossing to Tasmania and with her AERA Achievement Awards.

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Preride we formed a N.S.W. team with two Jennifers (Jenny Annetts and myself) and two Allans (Caslick and Lindsay). Both the boys in our team did everything they could but sadly their lease horses just couldn’t do it for us. We counted up that we had 41 Quilty buckles between us, so was not for lack of experience. The Annetts made it a family affair also, Trish, Luke as well as Elsie Newsome strapping for Jenny Annetts our State Champion, for a 3rd Lightweight, achieving her 7th success. Another outstanding win and best conditioned was achieved by Brooke Sample riding Brookleigh Excaliber. This is the sixth time he has won the Quilty. Mathew Sample was third on Brookleigh Ricardo, this combination will represent us at the World Championships later this year. Gayle Holmes was in the top ten for her tenth buckle riding Desert Dullers Con strapped and owned by Wayne Johnson her other strapper was Steve Roberts. Christie McGaffin took home the Pat Slayter Cup for the second time, Christie rode Castlebar Gulfstream. Sadly, with a 53% completion rate it did not go well for many. There were eight entries from N.S.W. for three completions. Of course NSW was not only represented by riders but by our fabulous vets Robyn Mather, who has to be the best hospital vet in this country and beyond and Kym Hagon who has to get the award for best entertainer. Tom McCormack everyone wants him as their Chief Steward because he is the best in Australia. Looks like we’ll be making the Quilty pilgrimage to Kilkivan in Queensland to chase that elusive 10th buckle.

By Jennifer Gilbertson

Mark Johnson riding Sharah Lateefa third heavyweight for a completion time of 13.45.45. Photo by Matt Bennet. www.mattbennet.com

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My St Helens Tom Quilty Experience By Gary Tweedie

It was with some trepidation that I set off with my wife Carolyn on the Thursday prior to the 2012 St Helens Tom Quilty. The reason for me reservations were that I had been to the last Tasmanian Quilty in 2005 at Deloraine, although this time we were not taking horses just a simple flight from Sydney to Launceston. The Deloraine event is now history of course but Tasmania’s winters are legendary and one can’t help but be a bit apprehensive with the prospect of a Tom Quilty in June in Tassie.

Our reason for going down were three fold, Carolyn’s Aunt and Uncle live only 5 minutes for the ride base at St Helens so we had the availability of great accommodation, as an AERA delegate I wanted to help out the committee where possible and I was fortunate to have won an award for my horse Zaahmir’s 3000km completion which was to be presented on the Thursday night at the 2011 AERA award presentations.

On arrival at Launceston airport and collecting our bags we picked up a hire car and set off in the 7 degree heat wave of Northern Tasmania. With snow-capped mountains to the east we commenced the two hour drive to St Helens. With the car heater full on, the road was not

crowded and the trip through to Carolyn’s Aunt and Uncle’s property was uneventful, arriving there at around 3:30pm. Whilst Carolyn caught up with the family I drove out to the ride base to “check in”,

Things were pretty laid back and with only 114 entries there was not the usual mayhem of some of the mainland Quiltys. The entry process had gone well and final preparations for the pre-ride vetting and the Friday midnight start

Photos by Matt Bennet www.mattbennet.com"

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were well underway. I registered in with the Volunteer co-ordinator, caught up with a few familiar faces and old friends and had a bit of a look around at the ride base.

Six PM Thursday saw a good roll up of people for the AERA presentation evening. It was great to see a significant group of NSW members and supporters there for the awards. The presentations, lead confidently by Tom McCormack, AERA president and ably assisted by Ieva Peters, Sandy Little, Louise McCormack and a small team of helpers the evening got underway with the national point score winners followed by the distance awards. I was great to see the Tom Quilty Gold Cup on display and all recipients of awards had the opportunity to have their photo taken with their awards alongside the cup. It was especially pleasing to see Allix Jones recognised for her incredible achievement of 2nd placing at the World Youth games earlier in the year.

Following the final Friday preparations of pre-ride vetting and the pre-ride talk all was in readiness for the midnight start to the 47th Tom Quilty Gold Cup.

A little before midnight, as the 114 entries were warming up on the oval I left the ride base along with Matthew Krahnen to man the main road crossing about one kilometre for the base. The riders all came through behind the pace car and crossed the road without incident and the ride was truly on.

From this point we went up to check a safety concern at a fence opening, from there onto the 1st checkpoint just as the first riders were coming through. From here I went on to a road turning point for the next hour or so until all riders has come through. The night was, I assume great riding conditions for the competitors, but from my perspective, it was a clear and freezing morning.

From this crossing point I returned to the ride base and for a short time watched the first leg vetting, certainly a different perspective for me - not being a competitor.

As the volunteer list at this ride was extensive my services were no longer required for a while, and as the temperature was still hovering around freezing I took my leave back to my cosy accommodation. Saturday dawned clear, sunny and cold and remained so for the next couple of days.

I was fortunate enough to have time to watch the best conditioned workouts on Sunday morning and after so many years in the sport I am still in awe of how incredible our endurance horses are. Those presented on Sunday morning were not only a credit to their riders but to the sport in general.

Unfortunately that was all I had time to see due to time constraints but from all accounts and my overall impression it was a great Quilty with the best weather for many years. Congratulations to all competitors, ride organisers and volunteers on a great Quilty.

I would be almost tempted to come back in six years for the next Tom Quilty Gold Cup in Tasmania.

Winner of the NSW State Ride—Jenny Annetts and Littlebanks Dizzy, 1st MWT 11.20.00, with owner Frank Mollema. Photo: Jo Arblaster.

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 25

By Merri Apperley

To run a 160km State Championship Endurance ride in conjunction with an 80km Endurance Ride is a daunting task to say the least, but congratulations to Bec Hogan and her tremendous committee who made everything flow perfectly for nearly a week at Wingello.

Ride Committees are usually rather thin on the ground, but without a doubt the workers seemed to outnumber the riders, which made for plain sailing on course and at base camp.

We settled our modest camp in a little hollow out of the way, but in an excellent position to take happy snaps of riders coming and going and waited for the Pre-Ride Talk which is pretty much the equivalent of Moses on the Mount at endurance rides.

Chief Steward Tom McCormack, Head Vet Steve Roberts and Ride Secretary Bec Hogan outlined the parameters for the ride and we were truly lucky to have an address from Fiona Mellor who had a brilliant interview on ABC Radio before she and husband David packed to come to the ride.

Fiona outlined the success she is currently having on opening tracks to horses which was encouraging to those of us currently locked out of horse riding areas.

Appropriately liveried Cherished Volunteers also included Treatment Vet Karim Kooros from Burradoo, aided by the Steve Roberts’ backup Vets, Suzanne Polak, Georgey Sheridan and Daniel Sims.

Peter Hughes was the bean counter for the ride and the office ran according to plan with Ava Pellizari, Gay Bonham and Jessica Taylor. Pat Hughes sorted out the campsites and Checkpoint support vehicle manned by Brian Hughes who zipped around the course checking out the new and excellent communication system which had been donated by Waratah Thoroughbreds at Moss Vale. Kay Gordon and Monica Perry handled the coms.

All those helpers need feed and water, so Sharon Hogan kept them all functioning for over 24 hours while Jo Arblaster was out on course taking the pikkies.

I sat with my little fire in the pitch black at around midnight in a mini city of horses, floats, trucks, dogs and listened – there was nothing. There was not a sound, and then I listened again to a tiny hiss from the green wood and the murmur of a distant freight train some miles away. It’s almost surreal when you consider the elite of the endurance riding community are almost in limbo waiting for the 2am start.

Lying in a float or truck with a thousand mile stare through closed eyelids, pretending to rest and hoping like hell you can conquer the distance and bring your horse home safe and sound, it’s a big ask for you both.

Wingello State Champs—a success from start to finish!

Haydn Fisher riding Arasarta Narhalinian, 2nd HWT in 14.43.36. Photo: Jo Arblaster.

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Yes it is a sport, but it’s not for the faint hearted. They say we do it harder for longer, but the camaraderie, the friends you make which last lifetimes cannot be eclipsed. I had so many hugs and kisses from dear loving friends who you only see at “big rides” I came away so happy for touching base with those special people and a very comfy déjà vu experience.

160 km State Championship Ride In the 160km ride there were 12 Heavyweights, 21 Middleweights, 13 Lightweights and 6 Juniors; the 80km Ride had 16 Heavyweights, 21 Middleweights and 11 Lightweights and two Juniors

When the big hand hit 1am it was lights, and action, generators kicking in, but not much people noise, quiet preparation for the 2 am start. Horses being walked and warmed up, it was pretty cold, a bit foggy and the start for the 160km ride was ready to roll in a very orderly fashion.

There is something special about hearing those measured hoof beats in the cold dark air and a tiny tug of envy pulls at your heart when you remember the old glory days. Check your girth, check your torch, check, check - so go out and ride it!

The 160 course covered 5 legs, 45km, 41km, 31km, 27km and 16km with varying vet gate into hold times which makes for a very long day. In many instances riders went out in the dark and came home in the dark because you have 24 hours to complete the course and there is no point in hammering your horse to run the risk of overriding – To Complete Is To Win.

Looking at the stats there was a fairly low attrition rate on pulse and lameness because most of the riders had put a team together looking at going the distance in good form.

Apparently there was some breakout disaster just after the pre-ride talk which caused a couple of horses to be withdrawn prior to the start, unfortunately these things happen at endurance rides, there is always some minor tragedy in the wings. But the show goes on irrespective and commiserations to those riders affected.

Rather than fill the page with stats, I would rather you enjoy the photographs but I will give you the main placings in the ride.

First HW went to Selwyn Nix on Dunbar Mahadik in 13.53, and BC. Second was Haydn Fisher on Arasarta Narhalinain in 14.43. Third place went to Peter Luthy on Eljannah Majid in 16.18. Fourth went to Robert Catlin on Copperkahn Tiara and fifth to Ian Dreghorn on Mountain Breeze Jack The

Mette Sutton ridng Tuldar the Magician, equal 2nd MWT and BC in 11.26.00. Photo Jo Arblaster

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Ripper. Ian walked the entire last 17kms to ensure the horse came home ‘fit to continue’. Strangely enough both horse and rider looked pretty good the next day.

Five of the 12 heavyweight riders were successful, 13 of the 21 middleweights got around OK, with 10 out of 13 lightweights being OK and 5 out of the 6 Juniors were happy campers at the end of the day.

Line honours went to middleweight rider Jennifer Arnetts on Littlebanks Dizzy in 11.20 and in an expected gallop finish, for equal 2nd which turned out to be an honourable agreement between riders with hands held over the line was David Player on Mirakhani Saa’meer and Matte Sutton from Mudgee riding Tudor The Magician in 11.26, 4th was Ray Griffiths on Hazeldean Sahara in 12.35 and next was Rachael Reid on Blakes Heaven Summer Reign in 12.36. Matte also won Best Conditioned middleweight.

Shoalhaven really shone in the Lightweight Division with a tremendously well ridden ride by April Newman on Lassan, who came over the line in 12 hours neat with Robin Gossip on Lila coming home in 12.35 and Shelly Ison riding Aloha Fabian in 12.36. April won BC and the smile on her face was just a joy to behold. Fourth was Emma McCormack on Donallagh Anika in 12.50 and fifth went to Antonia Gilbertson on Kurrajong Shadad in 13.20.

80 km Wingello Forest Ride The 80km ride at Wingello was very well supported with 19 heavyweights, 15 of who were successful with Andrew Jonkers on Girilambone Eclipse romped home in 6.30 for 1st, Heavyweight and BC HW/MW. He was followed by Monica Majerowski on Tallawarra Destiny in 7.22, and then Jason Wright on Parlour Mountain Spring in 7.30, with Marita Rifai riding Tianna, and 5th was Mark Lindsay on Kintamani Jaffa in 7.32.

Thomas Hermann riding TTH Headliner 8th MWT 13.56.45. Photo Jo Arblaster

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Twenty-six middleweights competed with 21 successful and in time order they were Corey Nix on Razorback Blue Rhapsody in 17.14, then Allana Rempel on Ralvon Milarna in 7.17, closely followed by Karen Rhodes riding Strathfield Ghayth in 7.18, equal 4th went to Andrew Kettlewell on Al-Marah Thunder Bay in 7.20 and Jenny Berg on Al-Marah Parade in the same time.

There were 19 lightweights of whom 12 were successful. Line honours went to Vanessa Richardson on Turlingal Park Vassili in 5.30, and BC LW/JNR. Next was Anne Hills riding Kerewong Shelfyre in 6.34 then Carly Nix on Razorback Sugan ‘N Spice in 7.20, 4th was Ali McGrath on Castlebar Glitz in 7.43 and 5th went to Lee Duff riding Rowallan Simon in 7.52.

Both the two Juniors were successful and they were Mia Bodewes on Lionda Sharjah in 7.59 and second was Sarah Lymbery riding Forest Dale Xtrordinaire in 8.14.

Full results are on the net for you to read, if you can – the print out is so tiny I had to use a loupe to get the names right, so apologies to any I have misspelt.

At the presentations Bec Hogan made a point of thanking all the rug sponsors and helpers, special mention must go to her family of “conscripts” for working so hard, the Talong Fire Brigade who worked tremendously hard on keeping up the water for strapping and the dunnies (excellent dunnies).

Jo Arblaster has some excellent photos as she was official photographer, so her pix can be found on the net.

All in all an excellent few days and congratulations to those who were successful and we will see you at the next ride.

A very big thank you to all the volunteers and sponsors who made this event possible. Our major sponsors are �� Waratah Thoroughbreds, �� NSW ERA, �� International Shagya-Araber Society, �� Show Pony Graphics, �� New-Moon Shagya-Araber Sport Horse Stud, �� Land Rover Macarthur, �� Bureaucracy Busters Town Planning Consultants, �� Wingello Village Store, �� YES – Your Event Solution,

Ian Dreghorn and Mountain Breeze Jack the Rip-per, 5th HWT in 18.17.00. Photo Jo Arblaster

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�� Tamnworth & District Endurance Club, �� Hughes Studio – A space to create, �� Tuffrock, �� Dixon Smith Equestrian, �� Knowles Stockfeed, �� Kiaranda Saddlery. �� Additional rug sponsors are �� Kintamani Arabians, �� Lachlan ERC, �� Del Rio State Champs, �� South Coast ERA, �� Watagan Mountains ERC, �� Al Jeda Arabians, �� Specialised Saddles Australia, �� Wandandian Endurance Ride, �� Wickwood Arabians, �� Snowy Mountains Zone, �� Sterling Shagya

Sporthorses USA.

FOOTNOTE Just when I thought I was settling into a deep and meaningful relationship with my new SLR camera, which requires no maintenance, no feed, a charge up occasionally, a cosy cover and care when travelling, a new and terrible threat has come into my life.

My wilful and probably deranged daughter has decided I have to compete again OMG! She has a horse – perfect for Mummy.

If it was any greener, pre-selection for an election would be out of the question. It rolls its eyes and snorts, it glares and stomps it’s feet – “Just a few 40’s Mum” to fill out the Logbook!

Highly likely the next time my name appears in print it will be in the obituaries.

I rather liked resting on my laurels, they were comfortable, next week my laurels will be planted on a stock saddle on some manic equine. If I live through this an update will be forthcoming.

Merri Apperley

Andrew Mackinder and Sundown Park Cariad, 1st jun and BC in 12.50.33 riding with Emma McCormack on Donallagh Annika (4th LWT) 12.50.30. Photo Jo Arblaster

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Raymond Griffiths riding Hazeldean Sahara to 4th MWT in 12.35.55 April Newman riding Lasaan to 1st LWT and BC om 12.00.46. Photos Jo Arblaster

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World Endurance Horse Riding Championships United Kingdom—August 25, 2012


As some NSW riders will already know, Talea Hasko-Stewart and her horse, Blake’s Heaven Bombora, have been selected to represent Australia at this years World Endurance Championships.

The other selected Australian riders are:

�� Andrea Laws King and Razorback Lovesong (QLD)

�� Matthew Sample and Brookleigh Ricardo (QLD) �� Alexandra Toft and Emily Jones (QLD) �� Penelope Toft and Travina (QLD) �� Norbert Radney and West Coast Acharon (WA)

This makes Talea and Bombora the only NSW Team, and they’re looking for your help!

Return airfares for Bombora are $35,000, and esti-mated total costs for the trip are around $50,000. To allow Talea to bring her best friend home from the UK, she has started a crowdfunding site. Donations from friends, Endurance Riders, and people who are passionate about seeing others realise their dreams, will help bring Bombora home.

To find out more and help Talea visit www.pozible.com/talea.

A Sydney filmmaker, Adeline Gibson, is also travel-ling with Talea and the Aussie Team to the WEC and filming a documentary about Talea, BH Bombora & the Aussie Team. Donations of $60 or more through the Pozible site will receive a copy of the final film, so you can go on the journey with them!

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Present: Tom Perkins Snr (Chairman), Carol Griffiths, Gay Bonham, John Howe, Haydn Fisher, Marlee Turnbull, Gary Tweedie, Kerry Spratt, Tom McCormack, Brad Dillon, Steve Roberts (Snowy Zone), Greg Moore (Zone 1), Melissa Attwell (Zone 2) Apologies: Belinda Hopley and Kieron Power. In attendance: Helen Rich (minutes), Charlie Gauci, Sonya Ruprecht RO’s bans on individuals.

Tom P circulated a paper prior to the meeting. He stated that we need to decide our position and how we are going to manage the situation regarding Ro’s possibly denying individuals access to a ride base that is on private property. Gay and Sonya should put together a draft document on how to achieve this. Need it fairly soon. Gay thinks we could just make it a clause in our ride booking form. Need to keep it simple but exact. NSW ERA needs to cover this in their affiliation agreements with ride organizers. Charlie Gauci – 6.26 pm.

Charlie gave a report on the Horsley Park ride. 74 rides and over 50% were brand new to endurance. From a promotional point of view, people found the ride fantastic. We encouraged people to go on and complete 40 klm. Charlie presented his bill for vets for payment. $1300 is the total bill. If the championships are moved to Tamworth next year, Gay’s group would not do it again. Charlie said he thought any promotional rides should be done by the NSW SMC. At the end of the day, if the NSW SMC is to pay for the vets, why not run the ride? EA Affiliation agreement.

Tom P said he put this on the agenda and circulated the following prior to the meeting - EA Affiliation agreement. He said this is a work in progress with the latest position being the attached proposal put by EA to which the AERA has replied with some submissions. They await EA’s response with, presumably, EA’s final position on the matter. What we need to address on 30th is how we are going to go about arriving at our (NSW ERA’s) voting position on the affiliation. He said he believes we will have a brief window in which to seek member input before we (SMC) decide how our AERA delegates shall vote. If we are not

overtaken by events before 30th Tom said he will be proposing the following: Post the final version of the proposed affiliation agreement on our website together with a ‘plain English’ summary of the agreement and its implications; Through the chat page, and Facebook invite member comment via the feedback page on the website. Circulate a summary of the constructive comments received to SMC members prior to us then debating and deciding our (NSW ERA’s) position, and how our delegates are to vote. Tom Mc gave a report on a counter proposal that was put to the EA. Waiting for a written report back. This has not been forthcoming. When Tom Mc comes back with the report from EA we can circulate this and then move on to the members. 2011 State Ride, allocation of placings, prizes

MOVED John Howe, THAT due to the fact that NSW SMC cannot

retrieve the rugs involved in the 2011 NSW State Ride matter, NSW ERA purchase new rugs and pass them on to the people involved.

Carried Unanimous Gay Bonham abstaining. Response to Steve Roberts re drug testing.

Discussing letter from Steve Roberts concerning the drug testing at the 2011 State Ride. Steve made certain recommendations at the end of this letter. All officials involved in swabbing should be reminded of the correct swabbing procedures. Kerry says there is an email list setting out drug stewards through EA. There are suggestions to EA that they run many more EA courses and we should pay to have people do these courses. AERA person has written a FEI protocol for swabbing. The jumping people won’t allow a horse to eat or drink before being drug tested. Tom Mc said that these people charge heaps of money for drug testing. MOVED John Howe, Haydn Fisher THAT the letter as presented to the

meeting be sent to him by the Secretary

Carried Unanimous except Gay Bonham

Notes on NSW ERA Meeting of 30 March 2012

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who abstained. Storage – NSWERA/AERA

Tom Mc recommended that we identify a storage unit, bring everything back together, work out the cubic meters, work out the bill on the cubic meters. The SMC agreed in principle to do this. Sonya to check out what is available in her area and get a price. Horsezone Banner on Web-site

Horsezone is a place where you can sell horse stuff. Lady came forward and put up sponsorship for last year’s State Ride. It was supposed to be on our website. Agreement that this will be done. Brad will take care of this, this week. Sonya Ruprecht– Secretariat/Membership services Membership to date: Adult 380, Junior 27, Associate 27, Honorary 6, total 440. Newsletter 293. Request for replacement logbook for Kurrajong Unique (Novice Horse) by Joelene Cole – she hasn’t sent an official stat dec so won’t issue until this is received but wanted to get confirmation at this meeting that it OK to issue one on receipt of stat dec. Agreement that this is ok.

Gay said that as from 1 April the Statutory Declaration criteria has changed. Steve asked that the Commonwealth Form be used rather than the State form. MOVED Greg Moore, Haydn Fisher. THAT a log book be issued for Kurrajong

Unique when an appropriate Statutory Declaration is received from Joelene Cole

Carried Unanimous Need to develop procedures for renewal of TPR m’ships at start of year. Discussing the number of vets receiving newsletters. Sonya to work this out with Haydn – get email addresses and take it from there. Does NSW ERA realize that everyone has to pay to look at Queensland’s newsletter? Perhaps NSW could consider doing this. Need to purchase a new laptop for Sonya. MOVED Tom McCormack, Gay Bonham THAT the Secretariat source a new laptop,

investigate the external storage capacity and purchase external storage capacity as well.

Carried Unanimous

John Howe – Ride calendar

The year is away to a soggy start. Last weekend saw good rides at Wandandian and Oakhampton, by all reports two successful rides. This can only bode well for a great year of Endurance Riding.

The State Championship Ride at Wingello to all reports is on track andis progressing well.

The Q60 that had to be cancelled due to the ride will be run later in the year. Cedar Ridges Easter Carnival has attracted a great deal of attention and should prove a good event. NEW RIDE BOOKINGS RECEIVED. Q60 100/40/20km – Approved for 7th October 2012. Harden Murrumburrah 2x80/2x40/2x20/2 day 160 elevator – 29 & 30 Sept (two days of rides). Already approved. Snowy Zone Champs 120/80/40/20 – 14th Oct. Approved for 14th October. New Italy 80/40 (DUAL Aff application) 16 Sept. QERA. Woodstock the only ride on this weekend. Approved. Cedar Ridge 80 AERA&FEI/40/20 – 14 Oct or alt 2 Sept. John to get back to Cedar Ridge about this. Ongoing - NSW FEI Champs – 160km AERA ride still to be approved for 24/26 November 2012.. Approved.

Tom P was to contact Robin Parnell about this. A letter was sent from the Secretary apologizing for the incorrect information set out in that letter. Discussing the 16 hour riding time. Requested that the riding time for the AERA event be widely advertised so that there is no misunderstanding by riders. The ride has been approved. Tom Perkins –President, Google Maps, Governance, Procedures. Report - President - Governance & Procedures Since last meeting my time has been mostly taken up with updating the Governance and Procedures manuals, CD copies of which will be distributed to SMC members on 30th March, and the Agreement renewals for Secretariat, Minutes Secretary, and newsletter editor - these are now ready for signing once the payment details are updated following the March CPI figures in the first week of April. The new payment rates will be affective from 1st April.

Tom distributed a disk with the updated Governance and Procedures manual. One other thing he has are the service agreements. These have been done and are updated but

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waiting on CPI for March. Probably published in the middle of next week. He will then put the figures in and send to Helen and Sonya to sign. Marlee Turnbull – Vice President, AERA , Zone Liaison, Child Protection Officer Had something come up at the SIAC ride with reference to the number of horses per vet. It is a big cost on ROs to provide one vet for every 30 horses at a training ride. It was pointed out that this is not a rule. It is merely a recommendation on the ratio. Do not have to have one vet for every 30 horses. Tom McCormack – Treasurer, AERA Invoices for approval P&L MOVED Tom McCormack, Steve Roberts THAT the invoices be paid and the Profit &

Loss be accepted. Carried Unanimous AERA report prepared by Tom was tabled and had been previously emailed to members of the SMC. Agreement NSW SMC should contact VERA and seek their input regarding the 50the anniversary of the Quilty. We want it to be held in NSW. Gay Bonham – Secretary, Ride Administration, Ride Standards Correspondence in and out noted and tabled. Alan Lindsay and Neil Clarkson do not wish to remain on the IDP. The Community Justice Centre has given us an extension of time for a response to them. We need to reply by 10 April. Suggest that we write to them advising that we think we have a solution and will not need their services. Brad Dillon - Newsletter, Web Site Liaison Brad made mention of the plastic bags for posting the newsletter. Brad asked for the name of the supplier of the bags and the bag sealer so that this could go into the Manual. Website is updated. State Ride is up there. Brad is going to USA for 11 weeks so he will miss a few SMC meetings but he will have Internet access and can update the web via email. Using a new email address. His Yahoo account is closed. Will send an email out tonight confirming his new email address. Haydn Fisher – Horse Welfare, CS & TPR, Vet Liaison Haydn has a letter from Sean Pollard. Letter says that he did his chief steward’s course under Jeff Bonham. He has since found out that he isn’t a TPR. Was about to do the

course some time ago – now done it. Should he do a couple of probationary rides as a chief steward? Where should he go form here? There is a new rule coming in on 1st July from the AERA regarding chief stewards. Agreement that Sean Pollard needs to start again to complete the process of becoming a chief steward. David Brown could not go to Tasmania so Kym Hagon said he would go. Haydn said he had a couple of Chief Steward reports. One from Horsley Park. Neil Clarkson was chief steward. John Parbury was the head vet. Ride base was good but needed toilets. Track was boggy but fantastic. Track marking and rider conduct good. All good. Oakhampton on the weekend. Good number of TPRs helping. Track good. Plenty of water. Track marking good. Everyone behaved.. Riders loved the ride. Preliminary incident report. Melissa Attwell had a problem and has a crack in her arm. Another rider was dislodged – horse ran through a fence. Carol Griffith - Promotions

Carol has an article that she wants to put into the next newsletter. Asking input from the NSW SMC. This was put up on the screen. MOVED Kerry Spratt, Gay Bonham THAT NSW ERA endorse Carol’s article

for the newsletter. Carried Unanimous Kerry Spratt – AERA, International, Grants Grants: We have received confirmation (previously advised by email) that our application for Sports and Athlete Development Program project funding from NSW Sport and Recreation was successful. This amounts to $14910.00 for 2012, the same as 2011. I will bring the terms and conditions with me for the SMC to decide if it wants to proceed with the funding. We will need to commit to meeting the conditions (not difficult). I am in the process of reporting on the Sports Development Program funds for 2010/11 so we can access the 2011/12 funds of $6500.00. We need to ensure that the website and newsletter carry the correct logo and all other printed material carries either the logo or the words 'Supported by NSW Sport and Recreation'. International

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Cedar Ridge will be hosting FEI one and two star events at Easter. I'm looking forward very much to being on the Ground Jury for these events and I wish the organising committee all the best for the weekend. AERA is still working to secure a satisfactory agreement with EA to facilitate opportunity for our members to access international competition in Australia and overseas. It was great to see the interest and passion of the people who attended the forum at the AERA meeting. cheers Kerry AERA Tom McCormack has prepared a report which we are happy to discuss at the meeting Kerry gave details of the terms and conditions that need to be complied with for Sport & Rec funding. Sport & Rec reserves the right to audit the funds. The important one is an agreement to acknowledge the Department in our advertising etc. Training and development programs were listed. We need to undertake this. Training and accreditation are the keys. Sport and Recreation have a new Logo. Kerry to send this for the newsletter. We have been accepted for Sport and Rec funding. There are terms and conditions that must be met for the approval of the funds. Kerry said she will read these out and the group needs to undertake to comply with the requirements. TPR, vet schools, chief stewards training – we must go to the courses that are available. We did none last year. Must do some this year. Need to get some First Aid People up and running. Conflict Resolution courses are good. Discussing the Zones taking this one. Zone One and Zone Two have ideas in mind that are being developed. We need to make sure that the Zones know that this money is available for the purposes listed above. Get them to put in a proposal to the NSW SMC. Gay to send a letter to the Zone secretaries asking for their input. Kerry was asked to send a copy of the terms and conditions for attachment to these minutes. Agreement that NSW SMC accept the terms as listed by Kerry. Zone delegates were asked to find someone to do First Aid courses. Tom McCormack said that he and Lou had been discussing a plan for next year for a

seminar and trainers etc. advising that when this was put together the same format could be used for other areas of the State. Gary Tweedie –AERA Zone Liaison TRAIL PRESERVATION The first round of submissions has been sent to NPWS. Unfortunately very few were submitted from Endurance due to the time constraints. I have contacted all Zone delegates to spread the word to their Zones and Clubs to start compiling maps of trails ready for the next round of submissions. Fiona can provide some maps if needed. Please contact Fiona or myself and we can forward them if available. There are also some programs available that NSW ERA could purchase so we could provide maps. The cost would be around $100 for all NSW topographical maps. AERA The last meeting of the AERA was held on the weekend of 3rd to 5th march 2012. The agenda for the meeting was very full and a great deal of matters were dealt with including: AeraSpace, The new data base; EA agreement; AERA AGM, Positions; Results of voting on motions; AERA Face book; Constitution LOGO I have attached some examples for the SMC to consider. I need to establish a few basic concepts before I progress to the next stage of design. Please consider your preferences and let me know at the meeting. Zones At our last Zone meeting it was discussed if it is possible for Zones to have their own web page on the NSW Web site. If this is possible I think it would be a great way to promote Zones and of course the sport as a whole. The idea would be for each Zone to have their own specific page where they could put up photos, local information, meeting notices. Zone 1 – Greg Moore – Feedback Forum, Ride Surveys, Membership Surveys Zone One Report Zone One has had a difficult start to the year with both the Q60, which was due to run on the 11/03/2012, and the Zone One Trainer, due to run on the 11/02/2012, both needing to be cancelled - due to flooding. This has had a

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significant impact on the Zone financially. An application is now before the SMC to run the Q60 on the 07/10/2012. A training ride was held at SIEC (Sydney International Equestrian Centre) on Saturday 17/03/2012 and was a great success - even though the weather was not good. There were 74 entries of which more than half were riders new to Endurance. Charlie Gauci, the ride organiser, will present a more comprehensive report on the event at the SMC meeting. Ride Surveys & Feedback Survey forms have been received for the Bush Capital Trainer, SIEC Trainer and Oakhampton Manilla Ride. The consolidated results for Bush Capital have been forwarded to the ride organiser. The results for the other two will be forwarded after the closing date. All the feedback received has been very positive. I will table the forms at the meeting. Zone 2- Melissa Attwell Zone two has had a great start to the 2012 season. The Tamworth and District endurance club hosted a ride at Oakhampton last weekend. By all reports it was a great success with riders and strappers commenting on the excellent hospitality and organisation by the Tamworth and District Endurance Club. were 74 riders in the main ride and 27 in the training ride.

I have begun compiling points for the inter-zone competition from this ride. However, I was not able to organize teams for the Wandandian ride as attempts to organize this were not replied to.

Zone two would like to add an item to the agenda for the next SMC meeting. A proposal

for the 2013 NSW AGM -to be held at Oakhampton. Kym Hagon will forward a complete proposal to me before the next SMC meeting to be put up for discussion.

The planning is underway for the Zone 2 championships to be held at Mudgee on the 20th May 2012. Zone 4- Steve Roberts – Dispute Resolution & Disciplinary Process amendments See Annexure D to these minutes for Steve’s documents. He said has had received some input from SMC members. Asked that anyone who disagreed with the way he was heading with this, to contact him with their concerns. General Business Greg Moore read out a letter from Neil Clarkson regarding the new State Logo. Neil doesn’t think that the Logo selection should be rushed. Enquired what Logo should do onto the buckle. Like to see the SMC narrow down the selection and present their choices to the members for their choice. General view is that Neil misunderstood the choice of Logo. It is not being chosen tonight. Gay to reply to Neil. State Ride buckles arrived today. Query as to how payment is made. Tom Mc advised of the GST problem. Gay will follow this up with the Ride Organiser. There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.45 pm

NOTICE Attention Ride Secretaries

Following a recommendation from the AERA International Committee (AERA IC), the AERA has agreed that a $5.00 affiliation fee should be paid to the AERA IC for each horse entered into a FEI ride. Ride Organisers should add this amount to their ride entry fee.


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Far-A-Way 2012 As a confirmed Shahzada marathon addict, and enjoying the addition of the Manilla Muster to our NSW marathon calendar, I still had the need to venture north and tick off the Far-A-Way marathon ride too. I must thank Kim Hagon for planting the seed about this ride. We had planned back in October last year to do the marathon together, however work and other commitments for the Hagon family meant they were not able to come. So I decided Tiki and I would embark on the journey on our own....or so I thought at the time. About 3 or 4 weeks before the ride Sue Todd called me to say she was also making the trip north to attempt the Far-A-Way. Great, another friendly NSW rider to tackle the tracks! Monday we hit the road, Mum and I and my 10 month old kelpie puppy Pip, and of course Tiki in his new float! Hmmm no more floating issues. Thanks Dean for selling me your float, it is a winner. We made our way to Clybucca, just north of Kempsey where we stayed at a fantastic horse friendly (and dog friendly) hotel - Neds Bed. I would highly recommend this place if you need a break from travelling - fantastic service and facilities. Tuesday we made our way to Chindera on the Tweed Coast, where we met up with Sue. My friend Erin Webber had contacts at a trotting stable and organised yards for Tiki and Lacey (Sue's horse) for our overnight stay - just fantastic. Erin who is a fabulous qualified horse and human masseur also travelled to Imbil with us to help work on us and our horses while we were away. Wednesday morning we cruised into QLD and made our way to Imbil – Pacific Highway, Motorways and then the Bruce Highway the entire way - such an easy drive from Newcastle. We were met by camp boss Jim Green and shown to our reserved marathon riders camp site. Maureen and Graham Feltham with Malali were our camp neighbours. The set up for our camp now began. This was a great opportunity to start to acclimatize ourselves and the horses to the increased heat and humidity. Thursday we took the horses for a light 10km ride in the morning to see how they felt after travelling...all looking good. Entries were put in and then off to vetting. We received thumbs up from the vets for Lacey and Tiki, so we were ready to start the 320km ride.

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Both horses took the ride in their stride - after the first day Tiki realised we were here for a marathon and settled in well to clicking over the km's. We had temperatures in the mid 30's, an afternoon of rain one day which brought on high humidity and at times were lucky enough to get some breeze in the forest. The track marking was superb - Bob, loved the white paint lines marking the tracks and turning points, so easy to see in the dark. There was heaps of horse water in troughs and so much fresh water in creeks all around the course. The iconic totem pole 5km from base was a friendly sight for the return trip into base on each leg. The Easter Bunny even found us out on track on the Sunday with chocolate eggs left out for all the riders. Thanks to WICEN for fantastic checkpoints, with water for riders. In the high heat and humidity it was vital to keep hydrated as a rider so we could clearly look after our horses. The 2am start on Monday the last day was a bit of a killer, but proved to be wonderful. We had 40km as the first leg and a nice 20km to finish the ride. We were in and vetted by lunch time with thumbs up for both horses!!! Yay another marathon done and dusted. Maureen and Malali were also successful. Congrats! It was great to see all the successful completion horses for the 320km marathon paraded on Monday afternoon. True to Shahzada style, I did get a bit heavy handed with the sliver glitter to sparkle up Tiki. His tail all braided and extra glitter on tail and his entire body. Little did I know the head vet would actually check each horse again.....sorry Jon, he ended up covered in glitter, needless to say the next few horses did also. Just a little bit of NSW shimmer rubbing off onto those QLD horses!!! Thank you to all the ride organisers, committee, volunteers and sponsors that make our rides possible and help turn them into the amazing events that they are. A huge thanks to my fantastic little pony - Tiki I love you to bits, you are my little superstar. Thank you Sue and Lacey for being fantastic travel, camp and riding buddies. The two horses worked really nicely together and both finished strongly. Thanks Mum for strapping, cooking, keeping camp organised and also doing my washing.....yes I was spoilt. Love you. Erin, thanks for w orking on Tiki and also my massages. Hope you can make it to Shahzada this year, you are certainly booked in. It was fun having you and your two lovely girls in our camp.

A huge thanks to all the friendly QLD riders in camp and out on track. There was a lot of encouragement by many riders for the marathon horses getting around the tracks. The Barlows, Melissa Longhurst, Rachel Kuns and all the others – Thanks for your suggestions on riding the Far-A-Way marathon. It was very different to Shahzada and a different style of marathon riding was needed – thanks for all the helpful tips. Thanks to all the NSW riders who kept in contact while we rode and wished us well. The Far-A-Way 320km marathon is a challenging but extremely rewarding ride. If you are a marathon junkie like us....get yourself to QLD one Easter weekend for the Far-A-Way at Imbil. BUT, back to NSW....Manilla Muster is next on the marathon calendar. Tiki and I can't wait. See you all there. Mel Anderson - Membership No. 22884

Photos by Sue Crockett

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2012 Ride Calendar July

5-9 Manilla Muster, 240/80/35 - TBA Gay Bonham (02) 67852055 [email protected] 2

22 Coolamon, 80/40/20 $80S/$55J/$55T/$20S

Megan Menzies 0428 278536 [email protected] 4

29 Bago Bush – Wauchope. 80, 60-40, 20 – S$90/ Tr.elev$60/T$50/S$25 - Dual affil QERA

Robyn Coombes 6585 6761 [email protected] or Roz Ryan 0418 848019



4- 5

Freemantle, Saturday 20/40 $50, Sunday - 20/40-60/80, $30/$50/$60J/$90S

Lee Curtis 6337 4195 [email protected] 2

18&19 Wiangaree 80/40/20 S$100/J$100/T$50/S$20 Kyogle

Rachael Keys 0422 859012 [email protected] QERA

27-31 Shahzada 400, 120 - $460 / $220 Sue Todd 63797218 [email protected] 1


16 Woodstock, 80/40/20 - TBA Helen Lindsay 6342 9289 [email protected] 4

16 New Italy 80/40/20 – TBA Julie Haigh 6688 8276 [email protected] QERA

22-23 Bendemeer, 80/40/15 - TBA Gay Bonham 6785 2055 [email protected] 2

29&30 Harden Murrumburrah Twilight 20/40/80/160 elevator (run over 2 days) $30Soc/$50T/$85S/$75J/$140S/110J

Kate Smith 0411 795278 [email protected] 4


7 Q60 / FEI* 80k Barhrain Challenge 100/40/20 *$110/$110S/$110J/$60T/$30S

Greg Moore 4573 2357 [email protected] 1

14 Snowy Zone Championships 120/80/40/20 The Rock

Noni Seagrim 6236 2129 [email protected] 4

28 Kiwarrak, 80/40/20 – TBA Dual affil QERA

Abby McMurrich 65506 337 [email protected]


28 National Capital Brookvale 80/40/20 TBA

Michelle O’Leary 0416253981 [email protected]



10&11 Sussex Inlet Charity Ride, 40k(Sat10th) Zone 5 Championships 100-80/40/20k (Sun11th)- TBA

Wendy Jesson 44230552 or Lorraine Bentley 44226335 5

24-26 NSW FEI Championships AERA 160/160***/120**/90* $350/$250/$150

Tami Parnell 6734 2253 [email protected] 6

24 Sassafras 80/40/20 S$90/J$60/T$40/S$20 Alan Marshall 4422 8818 [email protected] 5





NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 41

Zone 1—N/W Sydney & Environs Zone 2—Central West Zone 3—Riverina Zone 4—Snowy Zone 5—South Coast Zone 6—Mid North Coast

Volunteers Draw—May 2012. Fuel Voucher: Angela Edwards

Hats: Brody Freeman, Lesley Freeman, Jeffrey Elks, E Fisher, Mary Anne Alchin.

January 2013

February 2013





March 2013

29 Cedar Ridge Easter Carnival-AERA80/160 elevator(over 2days)FEI**120/*80, AERA 80/40/20

Courtney Freeman 0417 248172 [email protected] 2

April 2013

1 Cedar Ridge Easter Carnival-AERA80/160 elevator(over 2days)FEI**120/*80, AERA 80/40/20

Courtney Freeman 0417 248172 [email protected] 2

20&21 Tooraweenah 80/40/7.5 S$80/J$55/T$40/Soc.$20 Sonia Bonham 6848 5345 [email protected] 2

28 Gundagai 80/40 S$90/J$90/T$50 Rick Owen 69 441628 4

May 2013

5 Ride around the Rock 80/40/20 –TBA Col Lewis 0415 453434 [email protected] 4

5 Q60 100-80/40/20 – TBA Greg Moore 4860 2111 [email protected] 1

9-13 The Muster – Manilla 240/80/40 – TBA Gay Bonham 02 67 852055 [email protected] 2

25&26 Wingello Forest Ride 80/60-40/20/10 S$100/J$75/T$60/S$40/S$30

Bec Hogan 0412 600173 [email protected] 5

June 2013

7-9 Tom Quilty Gold Cup – 160km Kilkivan - QLD QERA

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For sale Sound, strong and sensible reg. purebred mare, 14 hh (all horse, not much wither), 5 yrs old, chestnut with white, going calmly and quietly around rocky hilly trails with older lady rider. We'll just keep doing long slow barefoot distance at home till someone realises what a gem this girl is. She's easily good enough to keep but we bred them to sell so come and have a look. Suit confident L/W or junior rider. Ph Kristen and Searle, 02 48480173 or 0467294089, or email [email protected]


FOR SALE Endurance Riders’ Paradise

This magnificent property is ready for just the right owner. Adjacent to World Heritage Border Ranges National Park, this 212 acres has 7.2 km of trail for the endurance riding, hiking, biking outdoor eco enthusiast. With rock-solid infrastructure throughout, this pristine property is in a league of its own.

For the buyer seeking absolute privacy, secluded country living, and self sufficiency with family and animals, this is a lifetime opportunity.

For further information and photos, follow this link: www.windrideridge.com.

Ph. 02-6636 6270.


Park like rural setting of 1.17 Ha (3 acres). A quality three bedroom brick veneer home amid mature trees and lawns. Well watered with 10,000 gallon rainwater storage supported by a bore with drinkable quality water. Six properly constructed dog kennels. Six horse boxes within a large barn with potential for more. Easy access to both Penrose State Forest and Wingello State Forest with the many riding trails, some of which were used at the recent NSW State Ride.

Contact: Phillip Bassingthwaighte Sales Consultant

Mobile: 0428 424 485 Ph: (02)4868 3777

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 43

A highly successful Team camp for the Short listed Riders and their horses for the World Championships to be held at Euston Park UK on August 25 this year, was held the weekend of 14/15 June . The Camp was organised by Peter Toft, the Australian Chef d Equipe and was also attended by the Team Veterinarian Narelle Cribb, plus a member of the National Selection Committee.

The camp was held at the Noosa North Shore retreat, a venue that has everything that suited the needs of the camp attendants, excellent stabling and huge dressage arena as well as beach riding and comfortable accommodation for the team and good pub meals to relax in the evening.

Attending the camp to address the team were Chris Burke of IRT, who spoke of all the horse travel requirements, quarantine regulations and most importantly, costs. Jackie Byrnes, former Olympics athletic coach addressed the riders as athletes with some serious body fitness and conditioning to do. On Sunday well known Brisbane dressage rider Ruth White came and rode each team horse that was present and then had the rider ride their own horses, this was a very interesting exercise.

Attending the Camp was Penny Toft and Travina, Alexandra Toft and Emily Jones te, Ondy Laws King and Razorback Lovesong, Talea Haskow Stewart and Blakes Heaven Bombora, (with her Mum Fia and sister Adeline). Norbet Radny together with Jane flew in from WA and rode another Toft horse. Matt Sample also attended minus Ricardo, who was arriving back from Tassie on that week end.

This couple of days gave everybody a chance to meet and get to discuss with everybody and be advised on a whole lot of issues. There is still a lot of work for the Team to do, and it will be good to see support and recognition from the Endurance family in their efforts to win medals in what will be a very competitive field. The horses are scheduled to fly out on August 8th. A further veterinary check will be performed on all the horses at some time prior to departure when the final Team will be announced. A big thank you must go to Jackie Wright who worked behind the scenes to help make this camp a success.

The Quilty for 2012 has been run and won, and it was a very good event, held at a comfortable venue during a patch of delightful Tassie weather. A fairly small select field (by Quilty standards) competed in a ride that was very well organised. Very well done to the Tassies Quilty Committee under the stewardship of Pat Hodgetts who has been a veterinarian at 20 consecutive Quilties. Congratulations to Pat.

All the stats have been published elsewhere, but another record and congratulations must go the the Winner, Brook Sample and BL Excalibur in a time of 9:14:16hrs for Brook’s 6th Gold Cup and Exaclibur’s 3rd win. True Champions.

Squad News July 2012

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Recognition must go to the Squadees who made the trip across the Strait, To Matt Sample and BL Ricardo 3rd M/W and Winner of the Teams Event also the Shareym Trophy as owner/rider of the 2 horses with the most Quilty buckles Ricardo and Crecendo. A splendid achievement . Debbie Grull, Lauralyn Notorious, 5th M/W , Kristie Taprell C’bar Gulfstream 6th m/w and winner of the Pat Slater Cup. Jen Gilbertson, Windaroo Devina Glamour 9th m/w, Jil Bourton Veloce Liberty, 15th m/w.

In the l/w division Wendy Dower C’bar Tempest 2nd L/W, Jenny Annetts, Churinga Goldfire 3rd L/W, Nicola Robinson, Sterling Nakeeta 7th L/.W. Angela Hawks ,Summit Park Assett, and Allix Jones, C’bar Nova failed to finish. In the Junior Division, Davey Anderson, Karrana Cracker Jack was 3rd Jun. and Brooke Brown-Cordell, Yondover Ridge Mojo failed to finish.

The very informative Squad camp was held during Quilty week. We were fortunate to again have a line up of excellent speakers. Dr Mike Tomlinson, the visiting veterinarian from the USA delivered excellent sessions on the prevalence of ulcers in horses and treatment, and how to get your horse thru the vet check. Dr Tomlinson also spoke at length about the importance of good horse nutrition. Dr Anne Barnes, who was also the Head veterinarian of this Quilty, and Chair of the National Selection Committee, spoke on what Selectors look for when selecting World Championship teams. Kristie again showed the popular trot up video’s that we saw last year plus lots of editions on correct and incorrect ways to trot horses for veterinary inspections. Dr Trish Annetts spoke on preparing riders for good competition and the great places that Squadees can go when representing their country. Meg finished the day with her journey so far and informing us all it won’t be long before she will be riding 20kms. Go Meg! Not forgetting the lots of scones and cream cake and delicious sandwiches for lunch.

A note especially to all the young riders, next year will see the Young Riders World Champs held at Tarbes, France in July 2013. There will be notices with regard to this event and Australia’s involvement in this event coming out here very soon. Check FEI Rules for Endurance Article 816.3 4* Juniors and Young Riders And again in 2014 we will have the WEG at Normandy, these events are currently undergoing important discussions.

The FEI Rules for Endurance are currently being revised and will be put to the FEI General Assembly for adoption in November, meanwhile the current World Championship qualification rules remain as the status quo.

The Board of Management of the Squad meet in Brisbane July 14 prior to the AERA meeting, discussion on possible changes to the Squad and ongoing education and International competition is being discussed at the coming meetings. Barbara Macdonald—Squad Manager

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My St Albans awakening !!!!!! Having competed at the Careflight ride at St Albans on the 10/06/2012. I come to realise again how lucky we are being able to do riding endurance at such a unique ride base with its historic village and surrounding landscape within such a close proximity to Sydney. All weekend people unrelated to endurance were unable to resist the spectacle that we as a group provided, enthralled by our horses and our sport. For me the most important aspect of the weekend was to see so many young kids and their little horses enjoying some of the challenges we face every time we com-pete in an endurance ride. In the main ride it rained most of the day making it a little more challanging than normal, Riding along the high country on both legs the scenery was magnificent. I made a mental note to look around a bit more in future rides instead of just looking in front. Credit must go to everyone who completed. A big thank you to Sue and Neil their community and helpers, Emily and the Vets were friendly, efficient, capable and fair. Jeff and the TPRs kept everything running smoothly and were on call till dark. Above all this was done with donations going to Careflight a very worthy cause. CONGRADULATIONS!!!! Con Bouzianis—St Albans. Photo by Jo Arblaster

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Present: Tom Perkins Snr (Chairman), Carol Griffiths (6:50), Gay Bonham, John Howe, Haydn Fisher, Marlee Turnbull, Brad Dillon, Steve Roberts (Snowy Zone), Greg Moore (Zone 1), Melissa Attwell (Zone 2), Belinda Hopley, Kerry Spratt (6:50) Apologies: Gary Tweedie, Tom McCormack,

In attendance: Helen Rich (minutes), Sonya Ruprecht, Neil Clarkson (short period) State Ride 2012 There were 100 riders all up. We have received only one ride survey. Whilst we have not received an official ride report for Wingello State Ride, it was suggested that Bec Hogan did a remarkable job given that the State Ride Committee was stretched very thin. Unfortunately the water donkey fell through at the last moment. The question has been raised if this should be an official requirement for a State Ride. It was suggested that it should be - given the status of this particular ride. Suggestions were made to address some of the issues. It was suggested that the SMC should step in and offer assistance to any State Ride committee where there was a shortage of helpers since this is such a large prestigious event. EA Affiliation agreement. Got until Tuesday week to consider this. We need to go through this agreement and decide what the NSW delegates will vote in this regard. Put a note on the web with a link to the appropriate website. Tom said he has some feedback on this from Kym Hagon who isn’t in favour of the agreement. Agreement Tom P to send an email next Friday seeking member input and he will put a summary together for the delegates. Round 2 of Disciplinary Procedure Review – Steve Roberts Steve asked if the SMC agreed with his flowchart which had been sent out previously. General discussion followed with some changes being suggested that Steve will incorporate. Tom P went on to discuss the rights of the individual member. Agreement they should have a right to participate in any hearing. This is the spirit of the Constitution. RO’s bans on individuals Gay has refined the ‘ride application’ form in an appropriate manner. She read this out. It advised that ROs shall not forbid any member to take part in a ride nor stop them from entering onto their property. Storage – NSWERA/AERA Sonya and Gay obtained prices for storage. The meeting agreed to only worry about the NSW stuff

at this stage. Swabbing Discussed the need for the SMC to decide on an amount of money to spend on swabbing this year. Need to agree on what rides are to be swabbed. Agreement swabbing can be done at any time at any ride. Discussing Shahzada and the Championship rides for the different zones. Tom P said that the rides to be swabbed at, should not be announced at an SMC meeting. No one should know which rides are to be swabbed except the relevant portfolio person. Gay said there needs to be something in the newsletter advising that swabbing will take place. Make up a box for the newsletter – advise random swabs will be done and then advise the results in future newsletters. Proposal for Zone 2 to host 2013 AGM The proposal was tabled and duly discussed. Confirmation that the SMC have read the proposal. Tom P confirmed that there was agreement to rotate around the zones. Melissa asked that any feedback be sent to the Tamworth Club. MOVED Belinda Hopley, Greg Moore THAT the proposal from the Tamworth Club

to host the 2012 AGM be accepted Carried Unanimous Future of the on-line Survey – Greg Moore Very little feedback is being received. Perhaps a modified ‘on line version’ may work for new rides only. Greg said he would be happy to rework the idea but there is nothing new coming in at the moment. Feels it is just a waste of time. The meeting suggested that he undertake a review and see if he can come up with a new proposal. Portfolio responsibilities – Haydn Haydn said that he and Belinda have agreed to split this portfolio. Haydn will take on the EWS. Haydn will also take on swabbing and invasive treatment. Belinda will retain Chief Stewards, TPRs and vet liaison. Horse Death – Haydn Fisher Tooraweenah – horse went down with colic. The AERA has been advised of the death. Haydn is still gathering the necessary information in order to put a report together. EOI for TDEC to host 2013 State Championships John said that he had the application. Weekend 13/14 July at the Oakhampton base at Manila. This is not a long weekend. The date has been set to fit in with a number of other rides. Muster in early May, 5 weeks later Quilty, 5 weeks later State Ride and 5 weeks later Shahzada. Discussing the Q60 date, Manila and ‘traditional dates’. The Muster is to be moved to the Q60

Notes from the NSW ERA Committee Meeting held at Richmond Club, Richmond 11 May 2012 commencing at 6.15 pm

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weekend. John said that given the fact that the TDEC have run heaps of 100 miler rides he would like to move that the ride be accepted. MOVED John Howe, Haydn Fisher THAT TDEC be granted the NSW State Ride

for 2013 on 13 and 14 July 2013 Carried Unanimous It is now John’s job to negotiate with the rides that may be affected by the 2013 State Ride date. Agreement to proceed with the ride calendar at this stage of the meeting. NEW RIDE BOOKINGS RECEIVED. Cedar Ridge Easter Carnival 2013 – 29 March-1st April 2013 – Approved AERA 80/160 elevator over 2 days. FEI 120**,FEI 80*, AERA 80/40/20 Tooraweenah 80/40/7.5km 20-21 April 2013 alternate 27-28 April 2013 – Approved. Bright High Country 80/40/15 – 6 - 7 Oct 2012 – dual affil VIC. Not approved. Oakhampton 80/40/5-20 4 & 5 May 2013 alternate 11-12 May 2013 - Discussing traditional dates for May. Mudgee, Manila, Q60, The Rock – these are all traditional dates for May. Agreement that the Muster, being a bigger ride, will impact on the Q60. Tom suggested that John contact the ride committees involved with the Muster ride date and see if agreement can be reached regarding ride dates. Sonya Ruprecht– Secretariat/Membership services Membership to date: Adult 402, Junior 33, Associate 28 and Honorary 6. Total 305. Newsletter 305. John Howe – Ride calendar The State Champs at Wingello has been run and won. Manilla has put in an expression of interest to run 2013,thank you Manilla. Everything else seems to be going well with no contentious matters on the horizon. Tom McCormack – Treasurer, AERA Invoices for approval P&L No report. Tom has been working on AERA things. Kerry sought approval for payment. Mary Lou Locke $185.60. Two swabbing course. Two state ride rugs – $495.00.

MOVED Brad Dillon, Greg Moore THAT the accounts as tabled by Kerry be

paid Carried Unanimous Kerry wants an understanding that the swabbing course expenses should be paid for out of the sport and rec money.

Gay Bonham – Secretary, Ride Administration, Ride Standards Correspondence in and out was tabled. Email from Virginia Blain was tabled. Letter tabled from another member. This was read by Gay and concerned the State Championship ride horse break out. Discussing horse yards in general. People should make sure that electric fences are kept switched on. Needs a reminder in the newsletter and website. Also the chat line. Gay Bonham to put something together and forward it on. Brad Dillon - Newsletter, Web Site Liaison Neil posted the newsletter out today. Brad will put a copy online tomorrow. Quilty nominations to be called for again. No replies so far. Haydn Fisher – Horse Welfare, CS & TPR, Vet Liaison Heard most of his report from Belinda previously. Gail Fisher went to the drug course. Carol Griffith - Promotions No report at this stage. Her computer was stolen. Lost a lot of stuff. Currently doing a lot of back tracking. Kerry Spratt – AERA, International, Grants Grants : we have received the project funding of $14910.00 plus GST. Please ensure we acknowledge NSW Sport and Recreation on all stationery, entry forms, ride publicity etc anywhere we can. Could the Zone Delegates please reinforce this message with your Zones and Clubs?

Please also encourage your Zone members to take up the offer of funded training, especially First Aid courses. It would be a good thing to have trained first aid personnel available for rides in all the Zones. Last meeting I asked everyone to identify people who would like to attend training, for example governance, sports administration, child protection and first aid.

I would appreciate details of anyone you have identified please. I'd suggest that the medication control course attended by six of us last weekend should be funded from the project funds, in the form of reasonable travel and meals and accommodation if anyone had accommodation expenses. It was a very worthwhile course.

International: the Cedar Ridge 1* and 2* events ran very successfully over Easter. Feedback has been very positive, by all accounts the multi format rides ran extremely well together. It was great to see the officials from both AERA and FEI working together to the benefit of the rides and the competitors.

Thanks to Lesley Freeman and Haydn Fisher who both did great jobs as Chief Stewards. The FEI National Championships will be at Red Range later this year and is the only other FEI ride in NSW for 2012.

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AERA: we will be called on to vote on the draft EA/AERA agreement later this month, and will require your instructions on how to vote. I think the current offering from EA falls short of what we need and what I believe are entitled to, and should be renegotiated by whatever means available. I would ask for your support in having the AERA continue to negotiate an agreement that will allow the opportunity for those of our members who want to participate in FEI events to do so. Kerry queried the AERA meeting which is in July. Queried the discussion regarding the EA agreement. Tom P brought her up to date on what happened earlier in this meeting. Kerry elaborated on the suggested agreement. At the moment the AERA has hit a full stop with the EA. The mechanism for aspiring to international competition becomes very doubtful without the EA. She advised on the background on the Sports Committee. What does this mean to the average member? $7 – that’s all. For a person to be able to attend a FEI ride each year it would cost $800. We need to foster international competition. Difficult to do it without the EA agreement. The current form is not what we need. A lot of people would say ‘walk away’ but this is not what Kerry feels is correct. We need to work it out. Been able to ride on logbooks – this could change. It’s the same people riding all the time. It’s important to protect the one star events – that’s where we get new riders from. Kerry wants an acknowledgment that we want some sort of representation which won’t have a financial impact on the rest of the members. Gary Tweedie –AERA Zone Liaison Unfortunately I will not be able to make the meeting on Friday Night. The only things that I have to report are; Track Preservation; Fiona Meller will be at the meeting with an update on the Draft Strategic Directions for Horse Riding in NSW National Parks and Reserves. Fiona’s Submission on Karuah.s m LOGO; Unfortunately Jo Weismann is not able to assist with this at this time so I have sent the original draft LOGOs to Neil Clarkson who is going to set up some examples for us to consider. At this stage I have not received these from Neil. Zone 1 – Greg Moore – Feedback Forum, Ride Surveys, Membership Surveys

Zone one have had approval from the SMC to run the Q60 on October 7th. Hawkesbury Council have carried over all fees for this event from the two cancelled events in February & March so there have been no additional costs. Arrangements are well underway for Careflight, Shahzada & Putty, the venue for the Zone Championships is yet to be decided.

Ride Surveys & Feedback Survey forms have been received for the Oakhampton Manilla Ride and one form for the State Championships. The consolidated results for Oakhampton have been forwarded to the ride organiser. The feedback received for new rides is of some benefit however for established rides there is little to no benefit as the participation rate is very poor and the comments are virtually the same and from the same people . I recommend the SMC consider a link from the Calendar to a Ride Survey Form for new rides in their first year and discontinue the current Survey format for established rides. I have attached the consolidated survey results. Zone 2- Melissa Attwell Since the last SMC we have had a ride at Tooraweenah which by all reports was a great success.

We have the Zone 2 championships to be held at Mudgee next weekend.

Zone two has submitted a proposal for the 2013 NSW AGM to be held at Manilla. This is attached and I have asked for it to be an agenda item for this week’s SMC. Please have a read so we can discuss your thoughts on Friday. Zone 4- Steve Roberts – Dispute Resolution & Disciplinary Process amendments

DISCIPLINARY MATTERS Clause 13(2) of the constitution provides that, where the SMC receives a written complaint, “the Committee may, in its absolute discretion, reefer the matter to the Independent Disciplinary Panel (IDP).” If the SMC determines that the complaint constitutes a dispute, rather than a disciplinary matter, it is handled through that separate process (which see). Where the matter is referred to the IDP, the following steps must occur and are to be verified as occurring by the Secretary and the IDP completing check lists. As the SMC cannot interfere with the deliberations of the IDP, there is no need for a portfolio person, it is simply an administrative task for the Secretary to send out the relevant correspondence and check lists to the IDP members and to complete, or hold and verify, a check list as the IDP reports completion of each step. Such check lists would include the following steps: Decision by the SMC to refer the matter to an IDP Selection of the IDP members by ballot from the pool Confirmation with all IDP members that there is no conflict of interest Despatch of all relevant correspondence held by

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the SMC to the IDP members, together with copies of the relevant parts of the Constitution, flow chart describing the IDP process, pro forma notification and determination letters and check lists for the chairperson to mark as each step is completed and copy each step to the Secretary. A time line is to be notified Secretary to notify complainant that the matter has been referred to the IDP IDP chairperson to send notification letter to member (see pro forma), with a request to confirm receipt, that e-mail correspondence is acceptable, advising a timeline for a written response and advising that a hearing e.g. by teleconference, will be held to allow additional submissions verbally IDP chairperson to notify Secretary when the notification letter has been sent to the member IDP chairperson to notify Secretary when written response received and when hearing is to be held IDP chairperson to notify Secretary when hearing has been held IDP chairperson to notify Secretary when a determination has been made by the IDP and details of that determination i.e. a copy of the letter IDP chairperson to notify Secretary of any response from the member If member does not advise an appeal and matter is finalised, any penalty involving suspension to be notified by Secretary to all Divisions Secretary to notify complainant of outcome IDP chairperson to return all correspondence and copies of all electronic records to Secretary Secretary to file said records as directed by SMC, depending on whether any conflict of interest exists. Suggestions had been incorporated into documents that were tended for discussion. Zone 5 – Belinda Hopley – Horse Welfare, CS & TPR, Vet Liaison, Ride Reports- South Coast 26-2-12. 40,20k. Was a great, well run ride, good underfoot and marked well. Horsley Park 17-3-12. 40k. Was a good ride, but a bit boggy. Needed toilets and Marlee is stomping!! Oakhampton 24-25/3/12. 80, 40, 20, 5k. New ride put on at the last minute. Good track, good underfoot, plenty of water, variety, good marking. Riders loved the ride and were well behaved. Wandandian 24-25/3/12. 80, 40, 20k. An excellent and well-organised event. Cedar Ridge 7-8/4/12. 2 day 160k elev, 80, 40, 20k each day. An excellent ride, plenty of water and the track checked by a FEI official. The riders were very good with 182 horses over the weekend. There were 2 horses given RO’s – 14 and 28 days. NSW State Championships 28/4/12. 160 & 80k. Bec Hogan and her team have done a wonderful

job - everything had to be brought in. The track and marking were excellent and there were only positive comments on the track. There was a horse breakout the night before the ride that resulted in Virginia Blains’ horse being quite severely injured. CS/TPR- We are having a TPR school at Kambah PC on Sunday 23 September. It may also have a “getting started” component. Haydn has done his 3 rides, but as we are waiting on his report from Woodstock, Haydn assisted Graeme Birchell at Tooraweenah, so congratulations are in order!! He has also assisted at Cedar Ridge. Email from Sean Pollard regarding CS status. Has done the CS course in ’06 with Jeff and Kym Hagon, then Prov CS March ’07 Q60 (40/20k) with April Bonham, May ’07 Bendemeer (80/40k) with Jeff then July ’07 Rollands Plain (80/40/20K) with?? but was not a TPR. This has been done (Sonya has card). Couldn’t find any provisional reports done therefore I suggest one more full ride as provisional CS. Horse Welfare- EA MCP stewards – Steve, Haydn and Marlee have done the course - in addition to Jeff, Denise Trollope, Irene Malone and myself. This should cover the State quite well. There were 4 horses swabbed at the State Champs, with the riders taking the notification in their stride. Haydn is going to look after the EWS. I’ll send the vet/rider reports to him.

Other Stuff- Could the vet and CS/TPR lists get updated on the website please? Haydn is now an official chief steward and his kit was given to him by Belinda. General Business Sonya received the new computer. Gay said at Tooraweenah there were a lot of littlies in the social ride. Do little kids need to trot their horses out with their helmets on? Agreement that we would like them to do this.

Marlee discussed the Horsley Park Ride and the fact that there were riders turning up without their log book. Question: Is there a problem with this? Agreement we need to try and enforce this. The bigger picture is about identifying a horse. Agreement to put a notice into the newsletter – people need to use their log books. Gay to produce this.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.46 pm

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Cedar Ridge Easter Carnival 80 klm One Star - one day Open 1 Jodi Smith Davelyn Park Comanche 04:58:01 2 Emily Streckfuss Webbs Creek Captain Starlight 05:03:34 3 Christopher Bailey Razorback Khamaji 05:24:16 4 Jennifer Gilbertson Windaroo Devina Glamour [PA] 05:40:29 5 Judith Burton Woodbourne Larry 05:40:31 6 Frank Mollema Littlebanks Crystal Wings [A] 06:19:55 7 Tami Parnell El Jabal Brook [A] 07:05:41 8 Kayte Barnard Riley te 07:12:51 9 Frances Derschow Lydia te 07:13:40 10 Mathew Broome Donallagh Annika [A] 07:41:52 Lame Jillian Bourton Veloce Waterloo --- Lame Tom Bouzianis Conderosa Millenium Silver --- Youth 1 David Anderson Conderosa Rassim [A] 05:01:33 2 Nicole Whitehead Arinya Park Kla'saar 05:02:36 3 Ben Hudson Littlebanks Dizzy [A] 06:19:55 Lame Hussain AliAlMarzouqi Bundy --- 120 klm Two Star - one day Open 1 Sonia Hodgetts Bellawongarah Sulieman 07:18:13 2 Blaine Astell Holiday 07:18:30 3 Emily Streckfuss Kurrajong Shadad 07:50:54 4 Jodi Smith Highland View General 08:55:22 5 Emma McCormack Adios 09:36:39 6 Mary Hollingsworth Tatiara te 09:39:38 7 Darryl King Shanadarr Khaleel [AA] 09:55:30 8 Andrea Laws-King Razorback Lovesong [PA] 10:40:18 Wdn Courtney Freeman Quinta Essentia --- Lame Con Bouzianis Conderosa Shammis --- Other Phoebe Harper Woodbourne Bilby --- Youth 1 Brooke Brown-Cordell Cedar Ridge Fire N Gold 08:22:25 2 Brooke Warner Cedar Ridge Mustang Sally 09:21:34 3 Andrew Mackinder Sundown Park Cariad 09:36:49 160 two day - elevated Heavyweight 1 (BC) Ian Dreghorn Mountain Breeze Jack The Ripper 13:54:12 Lame Jason Wright Parlour Mountain Spring ---

Middleweight 1 Alison Knihinicki Velona Amadi [A] 14:43:00 2 (BC) Corey Nix Razorback Blue Rhapsody 14:48:00 3 Ruth Van der Wegen Razorback Kendra [PA] 15:25:00 4 Fiona Meller Malu Vale Embers 15:51:00 Ret./DNE Garry Weis Carjola Park Prince Shahwan 06:12:00 Ret./DNE Mette Sutton Tuldar The Magician 05:50:00

Lightweight 1 (BC) Robin Gossip Lila 13:22:00

Endurance Ride Results

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Tooraweenah 15th April 2012 80 klm, Heavyweight 1 Paddy Smith Akifa Farras Titan 06:01:00 2 Gary Thomas Ben Mariah [PA] 06:57:00 3 Mark Lindsay Kintamani Jaffah [A] 07:48:00 4 Phil Coleman Rainbows Reach Snowfyre 07:49:00 4 Roy Barsby Dumaresq Buzz 07:49:00 6 Donna Tidswell Oakleigh Park Bailey 08:00:00 7 Keith Nagle Tristram Enforcer [A] 08:01:00 8 Dallas Blakely Rothlynne Sweet Serenade [A] 08:34:00 Heart Rate Bern Harvey Velona Phoenix --- Metabolics Sharna Harvey Velona Bartez ---

Middleweight 1 (BC) Garry Bennett Karabil Yaningi 06:00:00 1 Mette Sutton Tuldar The Magician 06:00:00 3 Carol Major Major Luke 06:34:00 4 Ashley Thomas Nyora Dust of Gold [PA] 06:57:00 5 Virginia Blain Suncrest Naomi 07:39:00 6 Terry Wood Tallawarra Destiny 07:44:00 7 Alan Lindsay Kintamani Silver Motif 07:48:00 8 Ruth Van der Wegen Attallah Esq Jabu [AA] 07:49:00 9 Mary Symons Ralvon Vim 07:57:00 10 Kevin Guihot Windradyne Ferrero [A] 08:00:00 11 Kate Pilley Pancho 08:31:00 12 Sheree Gray Happy Joseph 08:32:00 12 Jane Martin Kiljora Park Playboy’s Shah-Razz [PA] 08:32:00 14 Rod Cox Tyson 08:34:00 15 Alison Knihinicki Fenwick Finale [A] 08:43:00 15 Rochelle Knihinicki KY [A] 08:43:00 Lame Sonia Bonham Box Hill Bullzeye [A] --- Lame Gail Fisher Kailani Shatara --- Metabolics Dean Walkom Santa Pasa Zaraq ---

Lightweight 1 Sue Todd Shakista [APP] 06:50:00 1 Melissa Attwell Red Legend 06:50:00 3 Robin Young Razorback Kadance [PA] 07:12:00 3 Dianne Luker Burralga Scandal [A] 07:12:00 5 Neroli Mitchell- Cooper Bilbo 07:16:00 5 (BC) Sonya Ardill Splitters Creek Rosie [A] 07:16:00 7 Suzanne Barton Mahazin Blaze [PA] 07:40:00 7 Jessica Taylor Diamond R Amaya 07:40:00 9 Allix Jones Castlebar First Light 08:30:00 10 Emma Fletcher Diamond R Oscar 08:33:00 Wdn Ros Ryan Cloudburst ---

Junior 1 Shantel Nagle Elrebel Afternoon Delight 08:01:00 2 Justin Pilley Box Hill Rain Lover 08:31:00 3 Julius Fletcher Diamond R Eve 08:33:00

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NSW State Ride 160 klm Championship 29th April 2012 Heavyweight 1 (BC) Selwyn Nix Dunbar Mahadik 13:53:06 2 Haydn Fisher Arasarta Narhalinian 14:43:36 3 Peter Luthy Eljannah Majid 16:18:00 4 Robert Catlin Copperkahn Tiara [PA] 16:51:00 5 Ian Dreghorn Mountain Breeze Jack The Ripper 18:17:00 Wdn Steve Brisbane Phoennix [AA] --- Heart Rate Sarah Kelly Littlebanks Storm --- Heart Rate Tami Parnell Littlebanks Crystal Wings [A] --- Lame Ray Spence Dahman Nile Star [A] --- Lame Craig Hugall Flametree Sunrise [A] --- Lame Gary Thomas Ben Mariah [PA] --- Metabolics Marty Moran Jelignite Jack ---

Middleweight 1 Jennifer Annetts Littlebanks Dizzy [A] 11:20:00 2 (BC) Mette Sutton Tuldar The Magician 11:26:00 2 David Player Mirakhani Saa'meer 11:26:00 4 Raymond Griffiths Hazeldean Sahara [A] 12:35:55 5 Rachel Reid Blake's Heaven Summer Reign 12:36:02 6 April Bonham Ralvon Courier 13:26:00 7 Jennifer Gilbertson Windaroo Devina Glamour [PA] 13:32:40 8 Thomas Hermann TTH Headliner 13:51:45 9 Carol Major Major Luke 14:11:00 10 Sandi Brown Ithilien Arwen 14:37:45 11 Sonya Ruprecht Yahweh-Salih Gelibene 14:49:16 12 Catherine West Lofty 16:12:20 13 Jennifer Rogers Tristram Hero [A] 18:13:00 Wdn Virginia Blain Suncrest Naomi --- Heart Rate Alamdar Dastani Candynae [A] --- Lame Derryn Nix Rowallan Rufous [A] --- Lame Anika Basiak Flametree Samirah --- Lame Christopher Noonan Bridle Track Bogart --- Lame Bev Turner Shazzam --- Lame Noni Seagrim Rahan Mushtar [A] --- Lame Talea Hasko-Stewart Blake's Heaven Venus [PA] ---

Lightweight 1 (BC) April Newman Lasaan 12:00:46 2 Robin Gossip Lila 12:35:55 3 Shelly Ison Aloha Fabian [A] 12:36:46 4 Emma McCormack Donallagh Annika [A] 12:50:30 5 Antonia Gilbertson Kurrajong Shadad 13:32:40 6 Julie Brooks Aloha Byshara [PA] 14:43:15 7 Bridi Rice Pocket Full of Posies 15:43:49 8 Mary Hollingsworth Riley te 16:40:00 8 Jodi Dewick Lydia te 16:40:00 10 Lydia Thomson Burren-dah Gladiator [A] 16:47:00 Wdn Roz Edmunds Everon Park Apollo --- Heart Rate Sue Todd Shakista [APP] --- Heart Rate Wendy Jones Nioka Park Jag ---

Junior 1 (BC) Andrew Mackinder Sundown Park Cariad 12:50:33

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Ride Around The Rock 13 May 2012 80 klm Heavyweight 1 Paddy Smith Akifa Farras Titan 05:19:00 2 Roy Barsby Dumaresq Buzz 06:02:00 3 Mark Johnson Sharahd Lateefa 06:44:00 4 Donna Tidswell Oakleigh Park Bailey 06:59:00 5 Jessica Dastani Castlebar Diamante [PA] 07:02:00 5 Daniel Feltrin Jasmin Park Fame 07:02:00 7 Rod Mitchell Aloha Tribal Warrior [AA] 07:26:00 8 Frank Mollema Littlebanks Emira [A] 07:37:00 8 Sarah Kelly Littlebanks Storm 07:37:00 Other Louise Pearce Performance Park Beau Dangles ---

Middleweight 1 Jeff Adams Takoi Jacky Chan 04:14:00 2 Kristie Wright Blake’s Heaven Aztec [A] 04:52:00 2 Noni Seagrim Rahan Mushtar [A] 04:52:00 4 Elley Fraser Castlebar Conquest 05:18:00 5 Linda Tanian Castlebar Tempest 05:45:00 5 Kristie Taprell Castlebar Gulfstream 05:45:00 7 Renee Jones Amaziah [PA] 06:25:00 8 Alamdar Dastani Oso Lorikeet [A] 06:50:00 8 Ben Hudson Oso Last Eclipse [A] 06:50:00 10 Kevin Guihot Windradyne Ferrero [A] 06:59:00 11 Katsumi Ishiguro Keldon Park Sophena [A] 07:02:00 12 Sharyn Coulston Castlebar Truffle 07:05:00 13 Ashleigh Leibick Camelot Retreat Shakira 07:24:00 Wdn Rebecca Furness Sweet Meadows Enchant [A] --- Lame Catherine West Lofty --- Lame Beverley Fraser Savannah --- Lame Rachel Reid Blake’s Heaven Summer Reign --- Lame Tina Walker Battenville Cowboy ---

Lightweight 1 Talea Hasko-Stewart Blake’s Heaven Bombora 04:47:00 2 Alison Pellow Jirrima Smooth Sailor 05:43:00 3 Katie Gibson Oso Edith [A] 05:44:00 3 Jenny Berg Oso Lee [A] 05:44:00 5 Allix Jones Castlebar Nova 05:45:00 6 Courtney Chapman Wakado Sharkhan [A] 06:13:00 7 Irene Adams Shane D Survivor [PA] 06:25:00 8 Lydia Thomson Burren-dah Narla [A] 06:51:00 9 Rachel Beatson Castlebar Citation 06:52:00 9 Carly Nix Castlebar Cayenne 06:52:00 11 Tracey lee Feltrin Riverlee Ashira 07:02:00 12 Wendy Dower Castlebar Cordoba 07:05:00 12 Ali McGrath Castlebar Glitz [A] 07:05:00 Lame Louise Stevens Aloha Desert Joy [AA] ---

Junior 1 Sarah Lymbery Garonne Park Phoenix 05:43:00 2 Ellen Vine Silver Ridge Navarro 05:57:00 3 Courtney Lewis Kyang Mister Personality 06:13:00 4 Elyza Rogers Ainslie Zilka 06:32:00 5 Harrison Berg Castlebar tomcat 06:52:00 6 Sorsha Stuart-Rokvic Blakes Heaven Angelico [PA] 07:03:00 7 Tamnaya Mercieca Littlebanks Antwonett [A] 07:37:00

2 Britanny Johnson Coolinda Park Louisville [A] 15:44:15 3 Shantel Nagle Windradyne Ballerina 17:35:00 3 Tayla Warren Warren Park Kiara [A] 17:35:00 Lame Olivia De Gruchy Blake's Heaven Dubonnet --- Lame Sorsha Stuart-Rokvic Wantley Kaliph ---

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Lame Olivia De Gruchy Blake's Heaven Dubonnet --- Mudgee 100-83 klm elevator ride 20th May 2012 Heavyweight 1 Brodie Freeman Quinta Essentia 05:10:00 2 Scott Davenport Alhambra Pierrot [AA] 05:19:00 3 Paddy Smith Akifa Farras Titan 07:01:00 4 Mark Johnson Sharah Lateefa 07:30:00 5 Frank Mollema Littlebanks Crystal Wings [A] 07:36:00 6 Susan Luthy Mystical Knight [A] 08:15:00 7 Martin Gregson Burren-dah Gladiator [A] 08:19:00 Ret./DNE Sharna Harvey Velona Desert Piper [A] 07:04:00 Ret./DNE Phil Coleman Alnotarj Statistic [PA] 07:07:00 Ret./DNE Brooke Holden Shambala Bold n Brassy 06:46:00 Ret./DNE Jennifer Hargraves Baringa Expectations [AA] 07:42:00 Ret./DNE Kym Hagon Gandari Alva Caasteele 07:59:00 Ret./DNE Haydn Fisher Arasarta Narhalinian 07:07:00 Ret./DNE Andrew Jonkers Girilambone Comet [A] 05:52:00 Ret./DNE Jason Duff Aratahnes Premier 07:11:00 Ret./DNE Neil Clarkson Espirit Sherwood [A] 08:25:00 Ret./DNE Steve Brisbane JonDeLe Madison [AA] 05:35:00 Ret./DNE Bern Harvey Velona Phoenix 07:04:00 Ret./DNE Sue Warren Warren Park O B One 05:51:00 Ret./DNE Brad Jones Karrana Crackerjack 07:47:00 Wdn Scott Peters Sharahd Jara --- Lame Stuart Walker Trazir Sheeza Divah [PA] --- Lame Greg Moore Parkview Armageddon ---

Middleweight 1 David Player Ryton Pipes of Peace 05:10:00 2 (BC) Raymond Griffiths Hazeldean Sahara [A] 05:29:00 3 Kate Pilley Pancho 06:14:00 4 Sandi Brown Ithilien Arwen 06:24:00 5 Alison Knihinicki Velona Amadi [A] 07:01:00 6 April Bonham Ralvon Courier 08:00:00 7 Kayte Barnard Candicete 08:19:00 Ret./DNE Garry Weis Carjola Park Prince Shahwan 06:21:00 Ret./DNE Tangara Nolan A Primadonna [AA] 07:35:00 Ret./DNE Christopher Noonan Coolinda Park Heeza Lad [A] 07:28:00 Ret./DNE Shan Symons Fazah Rebelex [A] 06:45:00 Ret./DNE Carol Major Saradon [A] 07:44:00 Ret./DNE Ian Burns Miss B Havin [A] 06:45:00 Ret./DNE Sonia Bonham Box Hill Diva 07:04:00 Ret./DNE Garry Matthews Raymar Khalif 07:55:00 Ret./DNE Tina Walker Balaam Park Shayr Alustafa 08:07:00 Ret./DNE Virginia Blain Suncrest Diva [A] 08:15:00 Ret./DNE Ben Hudson Kurrajong Oak [PA] 05:31:00 Ret./DNE Fiona Meller Malu Vale Embers 05:57:00 Ret./DNE Adam Kirk Harmere Morocco 07:08:00 Ret./DNE Claudia Reid Ningadoo Tornado 07:42:00 Ret./DNE Kim Hagon Diamond R Boston 07:59:00 Ret./DNE Rachel Benad Windradyne Ella [A] 08:10:00 Ret./DNE Stirling Keayes Joli Roger [AA] 08:08:00 Ret./DNE Frances Mudford Foxridge Merlyn [A] 07:56:00 Ret./DNE Ruth Van der Wegen Attallah Esq Jabu [AA] 08:08:00 Ret./DNE Rochelle Knihinicki KY [A] 07:42:00 Ret./DNE Sonya Ruprecht Yahweh-Salih Rasami [PA] 07:56:00 Ret./DNE Alana Ljubicic Zakiyah 07:09:00 Ret./DNE Jessica Cass Attalah Resyk [A] 08:08:00 Ret./DNE Jo Davis Wicketly Good 07:13:00 Ret./DNE Dean Walkom Santander Aladdin [PA] 07:44:00

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Ret./DNE Brooke Campbell Imparja Ben 07:11:00 Ret./DNE Mathew Broome Raymar Bennjamin [A] 07:55:00 Wdn Renee Kirk Henley Farm Rafi --- Wdn Kylie Jonkers Girilambone Aurora [A] --- Wdn Lee Curtis Suncrest Kadenza [A] --- Lame Jennifer Gilbertson Out of Africa [PA] ---

Lightweight 1 (BC) Allix Jones Nioka Park Jag 06:14:00 2 April Newman Jon De Le Jasper [A] 06:48:00 3 Anne Hills Kerewong Shelfyre 07:49:00 4 Sonya Ardill Splitters Creek Rosie [A] 08:09:00 4 Melissa Attwell Red Legend 08:09:00 Ret./DNE Ann English Cinbel-A-Chanele [PA] 08:15:00 Ret./DNE Belle Bollard Bondale Brown 08:17:00 Ret./DNE Emma Fletcher Diamond R Oscar 07:18:00 Ret./DNE Mary Hollingsworth Sabir 06:44:00 Ret./DNE Robin Young Razorback Kadance [PA] 05:52:00 Ret./DNE Suzanne Barton Mahazin Blaze [PA] 07:18:00 Ret./DNE Sue Todd Shakari Bear 08:27:00 Ret./DNE Amanda Myers Grattai Station Traveller [A] 08:07:00 Ret./DNE Lydia Thomson Shellal Cattle King Flyte 07:47:00 Ret./DNE Deanna Trevena Dumaresq Warr Jet [A] 08:07:00 Ret./DNE Emma McCormack Dartanyon Spa [A] 07:55:00 Ret./DNE Bernice King Karabil Arrinya [A] 08:06:00 Ret./DNE Ros Ryan Cloudburst 07:07:00 Wdn Courtney Freeman Rowallan Justice [A] --- Heart Rate Gloria Mills Pirate --- Lame Courtney Chapman Kurrajong Blue Jeans --- Lame Dianne Luker Nicari Giselle [A] --- Lame Natalie Thome Cedar Ridge Georgia --- Lame Jessica Taylor Diamond R Amaya ---

Junion 1 (BC) Tayla Warren Lilonda Sharjaw 07:23:00 2 Tamnaya Mercieca Littlebanks Antwonett [A] 07:36:00 Ret./DNE Indigo Noonan Orr-Brae Rajiyaah [PA] 07:58:00 Wdn Kate Taylor Sahala Nightshift [A] --- Lame Rachael Hartas Splitters Creek Ruby [AA] ---

Tenterfield Results 20 May 2012 Heavyweight 1 (BC) Michael Combe Nasr [A] 08:31:00 Ret./DNE Dick Collyer Jayhal Midnight Star 08:46:00 Ret./DNE Tami Parnell Churinga Flyer 09:36:00 Ret./DNE Allan Caslick Cheval Arabe Magic Pearl [A] 09:49:05 Ret./DNE Delma Clements Kynnum Park Shaniko 08:37:00 Wdn Matthew Gadsby Kalkadoon Alfresco [A] ---

Middleweight 1 (BC) Tracey Hutchinson Junabee Park Shamekha [A] 07:32:00 2 Jane Davidson Heartfire Hafiz [A] 07:38:00 3 Tad Cossins Jaytee Silhouette 08:32:00 4 Karen Fields Ra Anji Firefly 08:38:00 5 Cora Becker Bones the wizard 08:51:05 Ret./DNE Lee Cutler Hillbrae Alec 07:39:00 Ret./DNE Bob Locke Ally 07:44:00 Ret./DNE Jillian Crowley Countess Crysda 08:08:00 Ret./DNE Judith Burton Woodbourne Kitty Hawk 09:36:00 Ret./DNE Susan Bugden Elfar Saffire 08:03:00 Ret./DNE Debra McQueen Laras Song [AA] 07:31:00 Ret./DNE Jenni Sansom Alchin Meadows Chantilly Lace 09:49:00

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Ret./DNE Dean Chamberlain Annordean Sir Zac 06:48:00 Ret./DNE Terri McLeod AL Wathba Mashi 08:14:00 Ret./DNE Nicole Urquhart Wantley Blue Angel 07:08:00 Ret./DNE Renae Kuhn Krystal Creek Samson [A] 08:07:00 Wdn David Cleland Sunset Ridge Jupiter --- Wdn Hannah McQueen Ramalea Nick ---

Lightweight 1 (BC) Christine Christie Reg 07:44:00 2 Clare Fleming Birramalee Queen of Hearts 08:10:00 2 Cathy Ferguson Die Kinder Summer [PA] 08:10:00 4 Leah Begley Royal Dominier [ASH] 08:28:00 5 Jillian Moss Aloha Desert Opal [A] 08:38:00 Ret./DNE Diane Kupsch Fortaleza Ascira 07:48:05 Ret./DNE Judy Battams Sommariva Malik 07:39:05 Ret./DNE Lisa Stoffel Cameo Kingfisher [A] 07:26:00 Ret./DNE Robyn Brazel Thomas 07:48:00 Lame Annette Chamberlain Annordean Lady Lily ---

Junior 1 (BC) Hannah Terry Ausden Illusion 07:33:00 2 Darcy Begley Shinto [A] 08:28:00 3 Anu Woodruff-Becker Teddy 08:51:00 Ret./DNE Joseph Craig Kynnum Park Winter Wind 06:58:00 Ret./DNE Amee Jones Asalah [A] 08:09:00 Ret./DNE Rhiannon Corney Bonnie Downs Aisha 08:09:00 Ret./DNE Scarlet McQueen Cearadale Jabez [A] 07:31:05 Ret./DNE Matilda Hose Picnic Park Desert Dancer [A] 07:26:05 Ret./DNE Tayla Hadzi Melcot Bella [A] 09:35:00 Ret./DNE Jessica Kuhn Jezabelle Oceans Of Fire [A] 08:07:00 Wdn Megan Stehouwer Brentwood Optamhys --- Lame Sarah Huddleston Follydown Gai Emerald ---

Gundagai 27 May 2012 80 klm Heavyweight 1 (BC) Con Bouzianis Conderosa Millenium Silver 05:02:00 2 Martin Gregson Burren-dah Gladiator [A] 05:28:00 3 Marty Moran Jelignite Jack 05:29:00 4 Mark Johnson Sharah Lateefa 05:46:00 4 Andrew Bailey Aloha Delegate [A] 05:46:00 6 Ian Dreghorn Mountain Breeze Jack The Ripper 06:27:00 7 Peter Norman Tallaganda Downs Natifa 07:29:00 8 Marita Rifai Tianna [A] 07:44:00 9 Sharee Cassell Inshallah Nefertari 07:51:00 10 Stuart Lymbery Aloha Typic [AA] 07:52:00 10 Keith Nagle Tristram Enforcer [A] 07:52:00 12 Julie Dixon Baranne Bedouin [PA] 07:59:00 Lame James Ryan Karabil Billbungra [A] ---

Middleweight 1 (BC) Talea Hasko-Stewart Blake’s Heaven Bombora 05:18:00 2 Bev Turner Shazzam 05:29:00 3 Noni Seagrim Coolinda Park Louisville [A] 05:32:00 4 Carol Major Major Luke 05:59:00 5 Carly Nix Razorback Blue Rhapsody 06:18:00 6 Tom Bouzianis Conderosa Zeus [A] 06:52:00 7 Mary Symons Back Creek Karen 07:22:00 8 Mitchell Ravallion Danjera Jed 07:29:00

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9 Jenny Berg Aloha Delilah [A] 07:44:00 9 Katie Gibson Kordelassie [A] 07:44:00 11 Jennifer Rogers Tristram Hero [A] 07:51:00 12 Anne Lymbery Garonne Park Phoenix 07:52:00 13 Leonie Gash Dunollie Muscat [A] 07:58:00 14 Karen Rhodes Stratfield Ghayth [A] 07:59:00 Wdn Angelina Patterson Razorback Rimfire --- Wdn Jenny Berg Al-Marah Staro Parade --- Heart Rate Barbara Wiecek Al Khalil --- Lame Mathew Broome Erin Park Spirit [AA] ---

Lightweight 1 Adeline Gibson Blake’s Heaven Venus [PA] 05:55:00 2 (BC) Wendy Dower Castlebar Nico 06:04:00 2 Allix Jones Castlebar Nova 06:04:00 4 April Newman Jon De Le Jacklyn [A] 07:10:00 5 Penelope Whatman Ralvon Vim 07:22:00 6 Shelly Ison Valinor Park Solly [A] 07:29:00 7 Sue Todd PPP Kool Pashin [APP] 07:44:00 8 Emma McCormack Hazeldean Fayid [A] 07:53:00 9 Melanie Whiteley Blakes Heaven Angelico [PA] 07:58:00

Junior 1 Ellen Vine Silver Ridge Navarro 05:54:00 1 Tayla Warren Warren Park Kiara [A] 05:54:00 1 (BC) Shantel Nagle Elrebel Afternoon Delight 05:54:00 Lame Sorsha Stuart-Rokvic Wantley Kaliph ---

Tom Quilty – Tasmania 8-10 June 2012 Heavyweight 1 Dennis Foley Jnr Jack 13:09:23 12.16 2 (BC) Robbie Walsh Free Spirit Czar 13:35:02 11.78 3 Mark Johnson Sharah Lateefa 13:45:45 11.63 4 Elizabeth Laurie Kholonial Farrington [A] 13:58:10 11.45 5 Jeremy Ford Ruby Running Bare 14:13:27 11.25 5 Gerald Nicklason Wongawol Digger 14:13:27 11.25 7 Erin Gadsby Sheikh 15:12:10 10.52 8 Helen Astell Harmere Burkhan 15:39:25 10.22 9 Steph Cooper Star of Courage 16:04:04 9.96 10 Stuart King Kaban 16:14:43 9.85 11 Louise Pearce Performance Park Riverdance 16:55:40 9.45 Wdn Denis Sugars Dial Range Dark Omen --- --- Lame Natalie Humphries Duo Park Almighty --- --- Lame Matthew Haig Summer Breeze --- --- Lame Craig Wall Sharabhan Sashmah --- --- Lame Tamara Atkinson Jezzabelle Seranada --- --- Lame Noel Lockhart Ralvon Splendour --- --- Lame Allan Caslick Karabah Tully --- --- Lame Shimpei Miyamoto Duke --- ---

Middleweight 1 (BC) Brook Sample Brookleigh Excalibur 09:14:16 17.32 2 Bradley Hill Lockleigh Park Sparks Afire 09:35:40 16.68 3 Matthew Sample Brookleigh Ricardo 09:56:53 16.08 3 Akhmed Pshunov Tarrangower Crecendo 09:56:53 16.08 5 Debbie Grull Lauralyn Notorious 09:59:42 16.01 6 Kristie Taprell Castlebar Gulfstream 10:23:43 15.39 7 Gayle Holmes Desert Dullers Con 10:45:09 14.88 8 Heather Johnson Black Heart Dashar 10:48:40 14.80 9 Jennifer Gilbertson Windaroo Devina Glamour [PA] 13:19:32 12.01 10 Bonny Burgess Rythem 14:55:59 10.71 11 Pauline Goodwin Marley Hosanna 15:06:27 10.59

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12 Anthony Bloom Kerribea 15:12:10 10.52 13 Carolyn Foley Braveheart Charlie 15:12:20 10.52 14 Nicole Ford Highland View Piper 15:38:32 10.23 15 Jillian Bourton Veloce Liberty 15:41:40 10.19 16 Dave Evelyn Kalody Park Peppermint Twist [A] 15:43:35 10.17 17 Jean Sims Codgers Creek Orion 16:04:04 9.96 18 Tania Jago Rivergum Ripper 16:10:58 9.89 19 Viv Lawson Valley Springs Saarina 16:14:28 9.85 20 Leonie Stewart Rojenn Retaan 16:17:06 9.82 21 Lyn Nicolle Lauralyn Precious [A] 16:33:52 9.66 22 Linda Smith Tierview Cloud Danczer [AA] 16:43:52 9.56 22 David Pilgrim Lauralyn Mishad [A] 16:43:52 9.56 24 Brenda Hardwicke Cassata Royale 16:55:40 9.45 25 Alison Colbeck Malricia Salibah 17:01:28 9.40 26 Lynette Walker Samson Glen Dhu 17:01:29 9.40 27 Keryn Mahoney Tonki Dee Boo Pricilla 17:33:05 9.12 28 Jan Lewin Dot Com R.U. One Two 17:45:40 9.01 Wdn Kaye Mitchell Beer Street Bluewitch --- --- Wdn Dimity Schofield BJ --- --- Wdn Shi saeed Bin Maktoum Jezzabelle Mushodoe --- --- Heart Rate Greg Burford Brofour Wedgewood --- --- Lame Steve Blackhurst DrumlinHobart --- --- Lame Rebecca Pinder Ausden Anastacia [A] --- --- Lame Keren Wilde Satchel --- --- Lame Heather Hampson Costa Zu --- --- Lame Jodie Clarke Bluegrass Geronimo --- --- Lame John Fletcher Bellarine Sheffield --- --- Lame Anita Hutchins Enderby Shakira --- --- Lame Alan Lindsay Larabi Bint Fantasy --- --- Lame Casey Hayes Undurra Braveheart --- --- Lame Alison Lockhart Misty Rose --- --- Lame Luke Annetts Tallawarra Jazardis --- --- Lame Kaleb Smith Beaucheval Akhiran --- --- Lame Anita Johnson Mulawa Wisdom --- --- Lame Rick Febey DJ Rocky --- --- Lame Joanne Marshall Rivergum Renegade --- --- Lame Yari Perotti The Hobbit --- --- Lame Darcy Nicklason Mulawa Flight --- --- Lame Janine Parr Harmere Natez --- --- Lame Robert Crowe Cranbook Park Tank --- --- Metabolics Karin Morris Saraya Sun Elegance --- --- Metabolics Max Lockhart Razara Xstatiq --- --- Other Linda Tanian Castlebar Nico --- ---

Lightweight 1 (BC) Jacopo Di Matteo Lockleigh Park Wildfire 09:29:33 16.86 2 Wendy Dower Castlebar Tempest 09:56:58 16.08 3 Jennifer Annetts Churinga Goldfire 11:43:45 13.64 4 Antonia Gilbertson Kurrajong Shadad 13:19:38 12.01 5 Linda Blanchard Galoubet 13:21:00 11.99 6 Jane Walsh Undurra Geisha 16:10:58 9.89 7 Rebecca Bramich Zharion 16:14:03 9.86 7 Nicola Robinson Sterling Nakeeta 16:14:03 9.86 9 Phoebe Harper Southern Charm 16:14:30 9.85 10 Sonia Hodgetts Diamond Tail Desert Opal 16:14:43 9.85 11 Gillian Lowth Orabanda Dancing Silhouette [A] 16:18:06 9.81 12 Ann Rouse Middleton’s Rousabout 17:33:05 9.12 13 Brenda Blucher Coolawanya Estasharr [A] 17:45:40 9.01 14 Alison Simpson Sandine Balgriffen 18:23:10 8.70 15 Chrissy King Sir Andrew of Seven Oaks 18:33:10 8.62 Wdn Astrid Walters Diamond T Funky Town --- --- Lame Jessie Aistrope DVS Barnaby --- --- Lame Jen Clingly Imaj Zamir --- --- Lame Angie Clarke Cameo Bucephalus --- --- Lame Angela Hawks Summit Park Assett --- ---

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Lame Narelle Sward Pallano Kisha --- --- Lame Fran Jordan Tierview Sadat --- --- Lame Allix Jones Castlebar Nova --- --- Lame Trish Smith Khayem Requisite [A] --- --- Metabolics Robyn Nibbs Beer Street Reuben --- ---

Junior 1 (BC) Alice Mitchell Beer Street Takone 09:59:39 16.01 2 Sarah Parker King Park Aberdeen Pelion 11:50:24 13.51 3 David Anderson Karrana Crackerjack 14:06:20 11.34 4 Amelia Napier Bellawongarah Holly [PA] 16:02:57 9.97 5 Ellie Maddick Armidale Flash Jack 16:03:55 9.96 6 Grace Huxtable Highland View Jess 17:02:04 9.39 6 Hayley Marshall Rowallen Aspin 17:02:04 9.39 6 Hannah Colbeck Malricia Frankie 17:02:04 9.39 Wdn Emily Shadbolt Malricia Jess --- --- Heart Rate Breanna Smith Glendhu Calypso [PA] --- --- Lame Samantha Sward Vandieman Princess Ellie --- --- Lame Felicity Perry Dream Catcher te --- --- Lame Ellie Woodhouse Crystal --- --- Lame Brooke Brown-Cordell Yondover Ridge Mojo --- --- Lame Shannon Hill Kantarabia Park Runako --- --- Lame Samantha Noble Monkhani Lodge Nobles Locket --- --- Lame Ashleigh Green Highland View Eclipse --- ---

Ride Name: Kundabung Macleay Endurance Ride Ride Distance: 80km Date: 24/06/2012 Heavyweight Division 1 Steve Brisbane JonDeLe Madison 4:56:00 32,39,48 2 Gavin Peacock Eclipse 5:07:00 36,43,52 3 Martin Gregson Burren-dah Gladiator 5:31:00 36,41,54 3 Tami Parnell El Jabal Brook 5:31:00 34,41,44 5 Nicole Urquhart Wantley Blue Angel 6:10:00 36,43,48 6 Gary Thomas Ben Mariah 6:27:00 30,39,50 7 Selwyn Nix Dunbar Mahadik 6:29:00 29,39,44 8 Sue Warren Warren Park O.B. One 6:40:00 38,30,56 9 Rod Mitchell Aloha Tribal Warrior 6:59:00 35,34,53 10 Dallas Blakely Rothlynne Sweet Serenade 7:25:00 28,37,46 11 Gary Pevy Texas Cowboy 7:43:00 38,42,48 12 Steve Brooks Alandell Pirate 7:59:00 42,48,41 13 Craig Smith Marneross Maelaeki 8:22:00 33,41,60 14 Heather Nagle Aloha Karina 8:24:00 36,40,45 15 Marita Rifai Tuldar Slingshot 8:25:00 32,50,57 --- Keith Nagle Clovelly Pak Kazeem Lame L2 32,35,40 --- Charles Gauci Charleville Lady Heart Rate L2 33,49,66 --- Allan Caslick Cheval Arabe Magic Pearl Lame L2 34,46,46 --- Con Bouzianis Conderosa Millenium Silver Lame L1 32,47 Middleweight Division 1 Jenny Shepheard Currowan Brizzy 4:00:00 36,50,43 2 Jennifer Rogers Tristram Hero 5:39:00 30,40,42 3 Jane Davidson Heartfire Hafiz 6:05:00 30,35,48 3 Debbie Pevy Halimas Esdikarn 6:05:00 36,46,44 5 Tad Cossins Jaytee Silhouette 6:10:00 30,38,38 6 Terry Wood Tallawarra Chance 6:12:00 31,43,50 7 Allana Rempel Raymar Bennjamin 6:14:00 37,44,43 8 Joyce Corbett Murland Park Mikahla 6:15:00 34,44,48 9 Susan Woodward Tallawarra Holly 6:23:00 32,38,43 10 Ashley Thomas Image of Gold 6:27:00 34,42,49 11 Chris Cheney Sienna Warsaw 6:29:00 40,41,49 11 Derryn Nix Dunbar El Maestro 6:29:00 32,46,45 13 Dean Chamberlain Annordean Cash 6:30:00 33,44,49 14 Carol Major Saradon 6:40:00 34,46,57

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15 Alicia Weed Aberlene Park La Det 6:43:00 33,41,59 16 Mathew Broome Bellarine Asti 6:46:00 40,50,50 17 Nicole Smith Toocanns 6:52:00 36,43,49 18 Kim Hagon Gandari Alva Caasteele 7:23:00 36,51,48 19 Renee Kirk Henley Farm Rafi 7:26:00 36,34,40 19 Jason Kirk Noble Navaar Blakes Crystal Icon 7:26:00 36,41,46 21 Tangara Nolan A Primadonna 7:50:00 40,46,44 22 Katrina Woods Shefflan Park Toryana 7:52:00 34,44,43 23 Wendy Thorsborne Dakar 7:53:00 45,39,44 24 Jessica Cass Attalah Resyk 7:59:00 41,44,48 25 Elizabeth Moir Kenya s Gold 8:00:00 28,35,38 26 Jenni Sansom Alchin Meadows Chantilly Lace 8:12:00 34,42,50 27 Monica Majerowski Valinor Park Sakim 8:40:00 32,40,44 --- Tom Bouzianis Conderosa Zoltan Lame L2 37,50,51 --- Rod Cox Tyson Heart Rate L2 37,45,63 --- Gabrielle Joyce Mahazin Krystal Prince Metabolics L1 38,39 Lightweight Division 1 Xanthe Webb Rio sufwahn 4:40:00 34,43,39 2 April Newman Jon De Le Jacklyn 4:56:00 34,42,47 3 Anne Hills Kerewong Shelfyre 5:28:00 34,46,54 4 Cathy Ferguson Larabi Sid Simba'ar 6:05:00 33,45,48 5 Sharon Foster Sharabel Akaysha 6:08:00 34,41,44 6 Clare Fleming Ramalea Nick 6:10:00 32,40,46 7 Caroline Windle Sarina Rosetta 6:16:00 30,45,46 8 Lydia Thomson Danjera Elsabina 6:46:00 31,43,44 9 Antonia Somerville Allyndah Dezynah Vogue 6:51:00 44,45,58 10 Renee Schneider Badia Just Rosie 7:22:00 37,37,47 11 Sue Todd Shakari Bear 7:23:00 36,45,59 12 Emma McCormack Dartanyon SPA 7:50:00 36,46,56 13 Ros Ryan Rainbows Reach Snowfyre 7:59:00 36,50,50 14 Jan Wade Hillville Amigo 8:24:00 34,40,46 --- Philippa Lillyman Zenith Park Shiloh Lame L2 34,40,44 Junior Division 1 Tayla Warren Lilonda Sharjah 5:08:00 34,44,54 2 Shantel Nagle Windradyne Ballerina 5:39:00 31,40,41 3 Tiarna Young Burren-dah Narla 7:05:00 31,39,46 4 Tomeika Bond-Pevy Makhtar 7:43:00 36,42,43 5 Michaela Araldi Raymar Hassan 7:50:00 32,44,48 6 Isaac Majerowski Conderosa Silver Shah 8:40:00 35,43,58

Training Ride Results Cedar Ridge Sunday Trainer 40 klm Ann English Cinbel-A-Chanele [PA] 42, 50 Karla Walker A'Landell Moonraker 46, 42 Barbara Wiecek Al Khalil 40, 54 Sarah Kelly Littlebanks Storm 39, 54 Tahnaya Mercieca Sweet Meadows Enchant [A] 34, 32 Cedar Ridge Saturday Trainer 40 klm Peter Grelck Fairview Dream Seeker [A] 34, 42 Raymond Griffiths Hazeldean Sahara [A] 32, 41 Ann English Cinbel-A-Chanele [PA] 40, 52 Craig Exley Barcoo 34, 46 Neil Clarkson Espirit Sherwood [A] 32, 50 Michael Broderick Monkey Mountain Minni Moo 32, 44 Chelsea Moore Razorback Sugar N Spice [PA] 39, 53 Deanna Trevena Dumaresq Warr Jet [A] 39, 45 Kim Bienkiewicz Windradyne Ballerina 31, 38 Claudia Reid Ningadoo Tango [A] 38, 41 Karla Walker A'Landell Moonraker 44, 40 Peter Strickland Rivergum Zara [A] 31, 38

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Justine Blunt Ningadoo Tornado 44, 45 Aimee Mitchell Ejen Park Commander [AA] 39, 54 Danielle Beard Botusa Park Aswad 33, 54 Monica Majerowski Valinor Park Sakim [A] 44, 42 Lee Curtis Suncrest Kadenza [A] 33, 39 Mark Johnson Sharahd Chemoss 53, 45 Scott Peters Sharahd Jara 37, 44 Stuart Walker Trazir Sheeza Divah [PA] 36, 53 Tina Walker Balaam Park Shahra Alustafa 42, 54 Ashleigh Leibick Camelot Retreat Shakira 40, 54 Donna Scott Suncrest Beata [A] 36, 42 Brooke Scott Rowallan Raven [A] 52, 54 Warren Trevor Towarri Blaze 40, 52 Meg Norquay Shanadarr Amaani 39, 50 Narelle Bush Larzar 44, 62 Dianne Luker Nicari Giselle [A] 38, 51 Jillian Mitchell Bobby Dazzler 30, 42 Cedar Ridge Sunday 20 klm Social Amanda Overall Shimmer 48, 42 Steve Overall Our Thomos 44, 53 Kristina-raphaela Sadowski Noah Al Jamil Ibn Choice 40, 47 Sharon Bourne Galaxy Bey 38, 40 Donna Scott Suncrest Beata [A] 44, 39 Jaime Balzke Tiarri Coyote 36, 39 Gayle Balzke Painted Boon 'n' Rock 42, 45 Elizabeth Balzke Tiarri Annabelle 36, 42 Aimee Mitchell Ejen Park Commander [AA] 42, 44 Monica Majerowski Valinor Park Sakim [A] 40, 38 Isaac Majerowski Conderosa Silver Shah 40, 44 Dustin Walker Duszah Mickie 46, 51 Stuart Walker Camelot Retreat Shakira 40, 45 Tina Walker Balaam Park Shahra Alustafa 54, 52 Cedar Ridge Saturday 20 Klm Social Kristina-raphaela Sadowski Luke 44, 45 Naomi Thane Inspirations [A] 32, 46 Sharon Bourne Galaxy Bey 29, 35 Michelle Mercieca Pickeleno 32, 55 Leanne Holz Sweet Meadows Enchant [A] 36, 42 Tamnaya Mercieca Karma 38, 46 Ian England Ralvon Milark 36, 42 Garry Matthews Shuja Dawn Flyte 32, 44 Liz Doenau Bentley 40, 52 Tooraweenah Trainer 15th April 2012 Sasha Buckanann Tallawarra Chance 38, 45 Leslee Burrell Aloha Flamingo [PA] 32, 35 Catherine Connors Incognito [PA] 36, 36 Rod Mitchell Aloha Tribal Warrior [AA] 32, 44 Kim Firth Box Hill Diva 38, 42 Bernice King Karabil Arrinya [A] 38, 40 Darcy Thomson Megsy 40, 49 Anthony Blessing Olivia 36, 46 Jessica Cass Attalah Resyk [A] 38, 46 Tianna Watt Boxhill Breaker 35, 48 Susan Pritchard Khalidah Tasneem 36, 44 Wayne Matthews Maggie 40, 55 Peter Cooper Mateys 38, 46 Amanda Myers Grattai Station Traveller [A] 36, 48 Brooke French Bonanza 42, 44 Brett French Pepper 41, 55

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Jade Clarke Comanchi 42, 55 Peter Bonham Box Hill Ralph 36, 48 Dusty Hagon Gandari Alva Caasteele 36, 42 Kim Hagon Diamond R Boston 44, 52 Sam Duff Box Hill Rogan Josh 40, 48, 40 Kate Taylor Sahala Nightshift [A] 34, 48 The Rock Trainer 13th May 2012 Monique Mccormack Aloha Delilah [A] 36, 42 Narelle Bush Larzar 39, 55 Dauntie Rutty-muirhead Kordelassie 41, 46 Vanessa Richardson Rowallan Sovereign 32, 36 Margaret Burge Aloha Karri [PA] 25, 36 Gail Pound Aloha Farid 29, 41 Telea Leary Coolalee Park Yadaga 44, 44 Keisha Miseski cadbury 32, 44 Emma Campbell Ollie 29, 39 Mahl Weisner-milham Milo 40, 52 Kate Brown Monty 44, 50 Sam Wothington Poppy 36, 40 Amy Sutcliffe Ashante 31, 44 Ian Curtis Blake's Heaven Ventura 31, 46 Suzette Brooks Navada 34, 36 Kelly King Prue 32, 38 Stuart Lymbery Mr. Pops 38, 40 Megan Menzies Eminem Shahrona [A] 36, 40 Deanna Trevena Dumaresq Warr Jet [A] 32, 39 Andrew Pedrick mosch 32, 42 Bonnie Baker Coolinda Park Chynzo [A] 35, 44 Jessica Head Ellie 31, 33 Colleen Worthington Stormy 33, 47 Hannah Lea Eromen Wind 32 Laurie Stevens Mullengbung Cricket 38, 55 Mudgee Trainer 20th May 2012 Jacque Thoms Blake's Heaven Harissa 38, 36 Sam Cunningham Chilli 34, 50 Brett Willis Carlwood Park Frosty 42, 42 Leanne Holz Carlwood Park Frosty 38, 38 Jordan Urquhart Ejen Park Silver Flash [A] 42, 42 Donna Scott Suncrest Beata [A] 34, 36 Aimee Mitchell Ejen Park Commander [AA] 36, 42 Craig Smith Marneross Maelaeki 40, 36 Eileen Rawlinson Aloha Artic Opal 34, 34 Margaret Boland Rosebrae Cameo 27, 48 Jillian Mitchell Cascade 38, 44 Peter Grelck Fairview Dream Seeker [A] 52, 38 Michael Boland Rosebrae Alladin 36, 45 Linda Logan Willow Valley Dartanyan 40, 44 Susan Pritchard Khalidah Tsneem 36, 44 Isaac Majerowski Conderosa Silver Shah 38, 35 Monica Majerowski Valinor Park Sakim [A] 34, 40 Bradley McCarthy Khanish 39, 47 Anthony r Blessing Jamaar Makybe 48, 36 Sam Duff Box Hill Rogan Josh 32, 39 Peter Bonham Box Hill Ralph 36, 41 Leisa Neal Razorback Fire Wing [PA] 28, 42 Warren Trevor Towarri Blaze 38, 44 Anthony Blessing Jamaar Foxy 44, 44 Bonnie Baker Coolinda Park Chynzo [A] 38, 48 Ann O'Leary Dumaresq Legends of Warr [A] 39, 46

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Jennye Mulholland Desert Snow 32, 60 Tenterfield 60 klm Trainer 20th May 2012 Wendy Thorsborne Dakar 31, 42, 42 Peter McDonald Wollumbin Aria [A] 37, 53, 51 Brown Karen lily 34, 39, 42 Maureen Feltham Fenwick Razoul 39, 45, 39 Allan Piggott TRENTON ROXY 28, 42 Mackenzie Roberton Mt Eerwah Silver Mariner 30, 37 Steve Clibborn Murland Park Mikahla [A] 32, 42 Elsie Newsome Mimosa Ellira [A] 34, 53 Joshua Benstead Rosevale Park Angelus 42, 46 Sonya Ryan Lindall Farvio 37, 40 Angela Georgopoulos Elfar Amigo [A] 45, 54 Kim Tyrie Alcienne Dominion 35, 46 Allyson Taylor Fortaleza Rebel With A Cause 36, 44 Michael Benstead ROSEVALE PARK ANGELO 25, 34 Louis Ryan Magnum 34, 37 Bianca Porter Phox Kei [A] 42, 45, 46 Steven McQueen Saddler 26, 37 Elizabeth Benstead Rosevale Park Silver Princeton 30, 37 Rachael Tunamena Shemaih Bey Bert 31, 55 Cassandra LinsleyNoakes Karim's Pride 29, 39 Kyia Bodsworth bataan 33, 44 Jagaran Haie Merlin 33, 44, 37 Vicki Enklaar Salam Zahbeel [A] 37, 43 Libby Jones Prada Kei [A] 32, 59 Len Derkacz Torryburn Rahal 33, 58 Phillipa Kupsch Rei's Jazz 36, 68 Smith Peter zara farm beybonn 45, 45, 62 Nick Hart Banjo 39, 57 Marrissa McDonald WOLLUMBIN KARIM ? Peter Kelly Kerewong Mingus [A] 44, 53, 45, 46 Joyce Corbett Bellarine Odyssey 36, 42, 48 Rilene Heydenreich Sadaf Wa Azeem [A] 41, 47 Ride Name: Kundabung Macleay Endurance Ride 40km Training Date: 24/06/2012 Joseph Bechard Charlieville Jack 31,45 Dianne Brown Sharabel Maleka 30,46 Melanie Anderson Hollydale Finale 36,39 Tracy Broadbent Kynnum Park Sahara 40,38 Cassandra LinsleyNoakes Karim's Pride 42,39 Jackie Tattam Xena 44,53 Denise Wagner Pulsar 35,42 Warren Baird Misty Blue 36,39 Joanne Aldwell Geliza 38,48 Michael Combe NASR 36,45 Jacob Austin Watch in Wonder 33,38 Peter Kelly Kerewong Mingus 34,53 Robyn Hillier Tarooga 36,48 Terri McLeod Alwathba Tazmir 32,44 Luke Campbell Lusharn 42,47 Steve Broadbent Khalidah Tasneem 32,39 Joan Barnes Nevershi Velvet 50,41 Robyn Coombes Montville Abigail 34,42 Ariel Riek Cassey 42,51 Helen Rick Tyke 33,43 Malcolm Matters Duray Djzulu 40,40 Megan Matters Jaboticaba 32,33

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 64

Photos Jo Arblaster

Above: Adam Kirk riding Harmere Morocco, 8th MWT at St Albans, Keith Nagel riding Tristram Enforcer and Jennifer Rogers riding Tristram Hero, both successful in the 80kms ride at St Albans.

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 65

Nadine Allan Gilgandra 6847 1129 Anthony Bennett Berry 4464 1899 / 4464 2147F David Brown Kiama 4236 0554 John Brown Tenterfield 6736 2233 / 6736 2833f James Carroll Manly 0433 256590 Don Crosby Dubbo Grove 6885 5544 Chris Dowey St Mary’s 96233970 / 96238800F Brian Dellow Oberon 6336 1596 Ray Gooley Mudgee Contact NSW ERA Kym Hagon Manilla 6785 2385 Emma Haslem ACT 0411 249 729 Ilona Hudson Medowie 49829899 Donald Hudson Nelson Bay 6736 1033 / 4981 5505f Rochelle Joyce Gunning 0408 681534 Karim Kooros Bowral Glynis Kuipers Sth Nowra 4447 8172 Robyn Mather Medowie 0418 876848 Adrian Owen Wingham (02) 6557 0000 Ross Penrana Dubbo 6884 9777 Sarah Pollard Williams Wagga Wagga 0427 231 193/69332967 Heather Reick Cresent Head 0447307676 Steve Roberts Gundaroo 0413 759226 Jim Roger Jerrys Plains 0412 521848 Jantein Saltet Young 0429 991665 Georgiana Sheridan Church Point 9979 2076 Andrew Speer Tamworth 6765 4244 / 6765 4338f Emily Streckfuss Kurrajong 0400 032153 Sarah Van Dyke Armidale 0405 751817 Britta Wallner Scone Contact NSW ERA Matt Walker Thirlmere 4681 84760f

Rachel Bailey Sth Berry 4447 8172 Claire Dennis Wagga Wagga 0427 003031 Terri Eckel Bathurst 0420 973810 Darien Feary Camden 4655-0777 Elizabeth Gale Taree 6552 2633 Tamaryn Grimmer Barraba 0418 269769 Heather Glover Cooks Gap 0409 826423 Alix Haig Dubbo 0428 142602 Emma Haslem ACT 0411 249 729 Nikki Hui Tamworth 6766 3088 Amy Little ACT 0418 458 982 Peter Launders Cowra 6341 3113 / 6342 1795f Peter Prendergast Collaroy 99718487 / 9971 6708f Tom Pritchard 0413447370 Kelly Seres Cowra 6341 3113 / 6342 1795f Daniel Sims 0427 322 093 Hazel Steven Wyong Ck 0427 299935 Andrew Thompson Mittagong 4872 2408 Megan Vetter Dubbo 0400 678183

Not Accredited but willing to help

NSW Veterinary List

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 66

Ride Bases Map The NSWERA Web page now has a Google map with ‘Find it’ features that will show the distribution of ride bases through NSW and provide a map with directions from your home to the ride base.

To access the map just go to www.nswera.asn.au. When you get there just click on the "NSW Ride Base Map" towards the top of the screen.

To use the map: -

�� Click on the ride base in the list on the left.

�� A text box will pop up near the flag for the ride base.

�� Click on get directions ‘to here’.

�� Enter your hometown in the start address.

Click ‘GO’ and print off the map and directions. If you have a navigator in your vehicle the map coordinates are shown in the text box, but a word of caution when using a navigator to go to a map grid reference, navigators are programmed to find the most direct route (as the crow flies), and as you get close to your destination they sometimes want to turn you down a side road or even a forest trail.

Ride organisers To have a ride base added to the map, 1. Go to Google on the internet.

2. Select 'Maps' from the menu bar at the top.

3. With a map of Australia showing.

4.the curser (a little hand) on the area you're interested in, right click and select 'Center map here'.

5. Slide up the scale ladder a little.

6. Repeat 4&5 until you have zoomed in on the area.

7. Now select 'Satellite' to see an overhead picture of the area.

8. Put the 'Little Hand' on the gateway to the ride base, right click and select 'Directions from Here'.

9. A green flag will appear at the spot and a 'Get directions' box will appear in the top left corner.

10. If the flag is not quite right, click and drag it.

11. In the 'Get directions' box against flag 'A' will be the map grid reference for the spot chosen, it will look like ( -30.294007,147.498579)

12. Jot down that reference with the ride name and email it to me at ‘[email protected]’.

To check we have located the marker correctly, or if the ride base has been moved, zoom in on your marker on the Ride Bases Map as described above, switch to Satellite and check the position of the marker. If it is in error follow the procedure above and email me the details. Also run some tests approaching your ride base from different directions and note any anomalies, see the Shahzada text box for an example.

Regards, Tom Perkins snr 20435

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 67

DOWNLOADS AT THE NSWERA WEB SITE www.nswera.asn.au The Internet has become a wonderful tool to equip ourselves with information. This means that information is now at your finger tips regarding your sport in NSW at www.nswera.asn.au The “Home” page of the web site is a great place to start. It will highlight important current issues and will guide you through the rest of the website. Tabs on your Home Page include – Ride Calendar where you can find a full list of upcoming rides, contact details for ride secretaries, ride previews and ride results. Prenomination where you can prenominate to ride secretaries via

email NSW Ride Base Maps – details how to find your way to a ride base and also how Ride Organisers can list their rides on the Map. Point Score for NSW Contacts to email NSWERA Secretariat, Newsletter or Secretary Forms - all the forms you may need such as Membership, Logbooks, Insurance, Horse Identifcation, etc. Starting Out Guide - Notes on Getting Started in Endurance riding. Committee contacts NSW FEI information Constitution – print off a copy Links to other Associations and the AERA Insurance – Requests for Certificate of Currency from AON; Claims

Procedures; etc.

New innovations that will be coming to your web site in the near future will be online Membership Forms with Credit Payment opportunities, as well as merchandise purchasing. So, keep in touch with your sport through www.nswera.asn.au. You’ll get a surprise at the amount of information on there for you. Remember, this is your website, so stories, photos and articles of interest are always a welcome addition.

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 68

NSW ERA Ride Booking Procedures

1. A ride must be booked a minimum of three months prior to the proposed date for the ride. This requirement may only be waived with the consent of the State Management Committee (SMC) under exceptional circumstances.

2. Ride Committees must be incorporated with the Department of Fair Trading and a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation forwarded with Booking Form.

3. Entry fees for all sections of the ride must be shown on the Booking Form and advertised in the Newsletter when inserted in the Ride Calendar.

4. Rides being conducted to replace cancelled rides must have permission from the NSW ERA SMC before the ride is advertised ANYWHERE.

5. Existing rides that have run on the same date for consecutive years will have preference for that date over new rides to protect the survival of the existing rides.

6. If a new ride is allocated a date other than as requested, that Ride Committee must change their date in accordance with the Committees decision.

7. A $10.00 Booking Fee is payable when lodging the Ride Booking Form.

8. A $50.00 Bond is payable if this is not already held on behalf of the ride Committee. This bond may be used for the next ride by that Committee if all paperwork is in on time.

9. The Ride Booking Form will indicate the Ride Committee’s request for their ride to be dual-affiliated with another State.

10. A letter will be forwarded to Ride Committees one month prior to their ride requesting confirmation of the ride’s Head Vet and Accredited Chief Steward.

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 69

Logbook & Identification Procedures

A horse is a novice for a minimum of 90 days from the date on which it successfully

completes its first affiliated endurance ride and may only attempt four rides during

this period, ie if a horse successfully completes its first ride on 1st July, it cannot

upgrade to endurance status until after 28th September and may only enter four

rides during this period. There is no limit on the time it takes to reach endurance

status. Your horse can be a novice for as many months (or years) as you like.

When your horse has successfully completed 240 kms of affiliated endurance (not

training) rides, it can be upgraded from novice (blue log book) to endurance (yellow

log book) status.

Ensure the brands are clear. If not, have the horse re-branded or microchipped

(Refer to rule H5.2(a) - (b) ) and H5.3).

Have a vet complete the horse identification form (written description and diagrams)

and sign it. Identification and microchipping can be done at most rides, but it is

advisable to check with the ride secretary beforehand.

Complete the logbook application form and attach I.D. form, novice horse logbook

and the appropriate fee.

Please allow 10 working days from date of posting for return.

It is essential to retain a copy of the I.D. form and perhaps have it laminated for the


PLEASE NOTE An Endurance Horse Logbook will not be issued unless a signed

Veterinary Identification Form is enclosed with the application. The I.D. in the novice

log book is NOT acceptable.

If there is anything that you are unsure of, please do not hesitate to phone me.

Sonya Ruprecht, Log Book Registrar, NSWERA (02) 6553 8640

Post Office Box 6627, Chatham NSW 243

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 70

Australian Endurance Riders Association Inc.

Transfer of Ownership Procedures

It is the responsibility of the purchaser of the horse to notify the State of the change in ownership details. It is important that the correct person be registered as the owner of the horse as this assists with the correct allocation of National and State distance and pointscore awards as well as identifying the persons responsible for the horse when disciplinary actions need to be instituted.

Process for Changing Ownership Details When a sale of a horse occurs and the horse has had a logbook issued it is the responsibility of the new owner to notify the State of the change of ownership. A transfer of ownership form must be completed and forwarded to the State, together with a cheque for $11 and the logbook.

Once the transfer of ownership form is received the logbook can be amended with the change in owners and the transfer verified by the Logbook Secretary/Registrar.

Procedure for Recording Change of Ownership

Transfer of ownership forms are to be made readily available to all members, preferably through the State Newsletters or upon application to the Logbook Secretary/Registrar.

Once a logbook, transfer of ownership form and fee are received the Logbook Secretary/Registrar will:

1. Record the ownership transfer into the logbook.

2. Verify the transfer.

3. Return the logbook.

4. Record the ownership transfer into the computer records of the State Division.

5. Keep a copy of the ownership transfer form and forward the original to the AERA Registrar.

6. Forward the $5 fee to AERA.

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 71



Current Horse Details To help maintain a current register of all AERA Logbook horses, please fill out relevant details of all endur-

ance horses in your care and return to your State Registrar with your membership form. Membership may be withheld if this form is not attached.

Owners Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________Postcode: ___________ Membership Number: ________________________

Name of Horse AERA No. End / Novice

To assist in maintaining our records, please advise of any horse that has a logbook that is no longer compet-ing for any reason. e.g. retired, sold, died etc.

Name of Horse AERA No. Reason

Name of Horse AERA No. Sold to another member (give name)

Sold & no longer in sport

Sold overseas

If the horse has been sold please provide details.

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 72


In consideration of the New South Wales Endurance Riders Association Inc. ("the Association") permitting me to participate in an event conducted by the Associa-tion: This agreement is compulsory and is entered into by:

Participant 1 Name: ……………………………..……………………….M’Ship No. ……………………...……………. Participant 2 Name: ……………………………………..……………….M’Ship No. ……………………...……………. And covers my participation in all endurance riding activities affiliated with or endorsed by the Association. I understand that – There are potentially significant risks and hazards involved with endurance riding, and that horses are power-ful and potentially dangerous animals; There are certain inherent risks in the terrain, public roadways, weather and other forces of nature which may arise during my participation in endurance riding, and that such risks may vary from ride to ride; The Ride Organisers and the State Management Committee make every effort to ensure the safety of the ride base and ride course, and the safety and well-being of all participants and their horses, and to minimize any risk of injury, death or loss due to negligence or omission by the organisers and the Association; It is compulsory to wear an approved safety helmet at all times while on a horse at any event affiliated or en-dorsed by the Association; I am responsible for the control and welfare of any horse in my care or which I elect to ride and for ensuring that I am capable of managing any such horse in the interests of my own safety, and that of other participants, horses and property: If I fail to comply with any reasonable instruction, request or direction by Ride Organisers or other designated officials, upon my being so warned by the appointed Chief Steward, she/he may terminate any further partici-pation by me, such termination being at my expense, and I waive any claim or refund; I am free to withdraw my participation at any time should I determine that to do so is in the interests of my safety and well-being or that of other participants and horses. I agree – That if I have a medical condition or impairment which may affect my capacity to act safely and in the best interests of the welfare of myself, other participants and horses, then I take full responsibility for any conse-quence of such medical condition or impairment; To comply with AERA and the Association’s Ride Rules and any reasonable instruction, request or direction from ride officials as to the safety and well-being of myself and other participants, and the management of horses; That due to diseases such as equine influenza, the Department of Primary Industries or other state or com-monwealth government body, may restrict or prevent the movement of horses, vehicles and personnel for a period of time, otherwise known as a “standstill”. I acknowledge that a standstill is a risk of competing and agree to pay any costs or expenses incurred by any person or organisation for and behalf of my horse(s) as a result of the standstill. I have read and understood the above document Signature of Participant 1: …………………………..…………………Medical Conditions: …….…………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Signature of Participant 2: …………………………..…………………Medical Conditions: …….…………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Declaration by guardian: As guardian of the participant: I warrant the accuracy of the assurances and warranties given above on behalf of the participant;

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 73



All endurance horses that are currently registered with an annual registration fee and intend to compete in 2012 must pay the annual fee of $11 per horse. This should be paid with your

membership renewal for 2012. Any endurance horses not registered for 2012 will not be allowed to compete.

Labels are to be placed inside the front cover of the Logbook. To apply for your labels, please complete the following details and forward with your payment to:

Insert Registrar Details Please make cheques out to: Insert Details

Owners Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________Postcode: ___________ Membership Number: ________________________

Name of Horse AERA No. Annual Fee ($11 / horse)

Name of Horse AERA No. Reason

To assist in maintaining our records, please advise of any horse that has a yellow Logbook that is no longer competing for any reason.

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 74


I wish to apply for a ……………………...km scroll for the horse listed below, I have enclosed the appropriate fee (if any). Horse Details

Name of Horse:

Other horse names that may have been used:

Log Book No: Sex: S M G (please circle)

Date of Birth: Breed:

Breed Registration No:





Scrolls are available as follows:

300km $10.00 each. Available to any horse that has successfully completed 300km of affiliated endurance rides of 80km or over in ONE riding division or has successfully completed the Quilty in under 15 hours.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 800km $10.00 each.

Available to any horse that has successfully completed 800km of affiliated endurance rides of 80km or over in ONE riding division.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1600km Free on behalf of AERA In recognition of any horse successfully completing 1600km irrespective of riding division. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3000km Scroll & Trophy free, issued on behalf of AERA.

In recognition of any horse successfully completing 3000km irrespective of riding division. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5000km Scroll & Trophy free, issued on behalf of AERA.

In recognition of any horse successfully completing 5000km irrespective of riding division. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AERA Certificates of Merit are presented at 1500km intervals over and above 5000km (6500km, 8000km, 9500km etc). Scrolls for distances of 3000km and above are awarded at the Tom Quilty each year, all other scrolls can be applied for at any time. Send your completed forms (plus any applicable fee) to the AERA Registrar: Jo Bailey 3008 Abercrombie Road BLACK SPRINGS NSW 2787 Phone: (02) 63358121 ah Notes: (1) Unaffiliated and training rides are NOT counted. (2) Unsuccessful rides (vet outs, withdrawals etc) are NOT counted.

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 75

Gay Bonham 4 Reservoir Road Manilla NSW 2346 (02) 6785 2055 Email: [email protected]

Jenny Cameron 751 Parma Road, South Nowra NSW 2541 Phone: (02) 4447 8999

Dianne Cameron 490 Reg Hailstone Way Woodstock NSW 2793 (02) 6345 0044 Email: [email protected]

Neil Clarkson 113 Glenhaven Drive Glenhaven NSW 2156 0427 258 291 Email: [email protected]

Robyn Coombes 749 Beechwood Road Beechwood NSW 2446 (02) 6585 6761 Email: [email protected]

Louise Counsell 190 Princes Highway Benandarah NSW 2536 M: 0411 480 393 H: (02) 4478 6288 Email: [email protected] Lee Curtis 1475 Freemantle road, Bathurst NSW 2795. 0263374195 Email: [email protected]

Mark Dunmill 7 Production Place Penrith NSW 2750 (02) 4732 1007

Dave Edgar 7 Crown St The Rock NSW 2655 (02) 6920 1203 Email: [email protected]

Clare Fleming "Flemingo", 663 Copeton Dam Road Gum Flat NSW 2360 (02) 6723 2932 Email: [email protected]

Courtney Freeman 135 Cedar Ridge Rd Kurrajong NSW 2758 0417 248 172 Email: [email protected]

Charlie Gauci 106 River Road Emu Plains NSW 2750 (02) 4735 3014 0409 202 224 Email: [email protected]

Carol Griffiths 3675 Old Maitland Rd. Kangy Angy NSW 2258 Email: [email protected]

Rebecca Hogan "Tayen" Vinicombes Road WINGELLO NSW 2579 0412 600 173 Email: [email protected]

Ride Secretaries

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 76

Shelly Ison 77 Gorindah Road Falls Creek 2540. (02) 4447 8580. Email: [email protected] Wendy Jones 666 Marsh Road Bobs Farm NSW 2316 (02) 4982 1758 Email: [email protected]

Col Lewis 15 Crisp Drive Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 Telephone: 0415 453 434

Meghan Matters 860 Sherwood Creek Road Upper Corindi NSW 2456 Email: [email protected]

Wendy McLehose P O Box 47 Gulgong NSW 2852 6374 2800 Email: [email protected] Abby McMurrich 675 Careys Road Hillville NSW 2430 (02) 6550 6337 Email: [email protected]

Megan Menzies Mobile: 0428 278536 Home: (02)69 278536 Email: [email protected]

Tania Mills 5 Ruby Street Tingha NSW 2369 (02) 6723 3259

Kate Moran (02) 4473 5906

Michael O'Leary PO Box 3009, Weston Creek ACT 2611 0416253981 Email: [email protected] Melanie O'Flynn 21 Jindabyne Street, Duffy ACT 2611. 02 62888195. Email: [email protected]

Rick Owen “Idylway” Tarrabandra Road Gundagai NSW 2722 (02) 6944 1628

Angelina Patterson Ercildoune Munderoo Road Tumbarumba NSW 2653 Email: [email protected]

Rowena Robinson 36 Forest Road Falls Creek 2540 (02) 4447 8814 Email: [email protected]

Sonya Ruprecht 17473 Pacific Hwy Ghinni Ghinni NSW 2430 (02) 6553 9523

Jenny Sandford “Wilga” Tooraweenah NSW 2831

Judy Shore 21-27 Schwebel Lane, Glenorie NSW Phone: 9652 1393 Email: [email protected]

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 77

Kate Smith 94 North Street, Murrumburrah NSW 2587 Mobile: 0411 795 278 Email: [email protected]

Louise Stevens 87 Forest Road Batlow NSW 2730 (02) 6949 2507 Email: [email protected]

Mette Sutton 2 Cox Street Mudgee NSW 2850 (02) 6372 4960 (ah) Mobile: 0400 308 626 Email: [email protected]

Sue Todd 285 The Gullies Road Glen Davis NSW 2846 (02) 6379 7218 Email: [email protected]

Tie Up Your Dogs Riders are responsible for the behaviour of their support crews and friends. This extends to dogs associated with their camp, which must be restrained at all times, either on a lead or secured in a float or vehicle. The Chief Steward may disqualify a rider if that riders’ support crew causes disruption detrimental to the running of the ride. Refusal to restrain a dog (of any size) after being requested to do so by the Chief Steward, or an official of the Organising Ride Committee, may also lead to disqualification of the rider.

NSW Committee

Provisional Chief Stewards Hayden Fisher – 74 Walsh Rd, Budgee Budgee, NSW 2850. 62733 3932 – Email: [email protected] Tony Warren – 13 Herbert St, Kemps Ck, NSW 2178. 0412 9600600 – Email: [email protected]

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 78

Peter Bonham – “Clancy” Tooraweenah, NSW 2831. 6825 4330.

Jeffrey Bonham – 4 Reservoir Road, Manilla, NSW 2346. 6785 2055 – [email protected]

Graham Burchell – Daruka Road, Tamworth, NSW 2340 - 0429663638.

Chris Cheney – 86 East Street, North Wagga, NSW 2650. 6921 5247- [email protected]

Neil Clarkson – 113 Glenhaven Road, Glenhaven, NSW 2156. 0427 258 291 - [email protected]

Phil Coleman – 174 Longpoint Drive, Lake Cathie, NSW 2445. 6585 4055 Louise Counsell – Lot 190 Princes H’Way, Bendandah, NSW 2536. 4478 6288 – [email protected]

Lesley Freeman - 1269 Beaconsfield Rd, Oberon, NSW 2787. 6336 3544 – [email protected]

Graeme Gilbertson – Rosemont Estate, Webbs Creek, NSW 2775. 4566 4442–[email protected]

Max Gowan – c/- Termeil Post Office, Termeil, NSW, 2539. 4457 1584.

Belinda Hopley – 63 Walga Close, Carwoola, NSW 2620. 6238 2293 - [email protected]

John Howe – Glen Echo, Greengully Road, Meroo, NSW 2850. 6373 7750 – [email protected]

Peter Kelly – PO Box 7, Kendall, NSW 2439. 65594172.

Bob Locke - 291 Crowther Drive, Kundabung, NSW 2441. 65-615124 [email protected]

Marylou Locke - 291 Crowther Drive, Kundabung, NSW 2441. 65-615124 - [email protected]

Tom McCormack – 89 Yass River Road, Yass, NSW 2582. 6226 5626 – [email protected]

Tom Perkins Snr. – 14 Virginia Street, Denman, NSW 2328. 6547 1290 – [email protected]

Sonya Ruprecht – 17473 Pacific H’way, Ghinni Ghinni, NSW 2430. – [email protected]

Louise Stevens – 87 Forest Road Batlow, NSW 2730. 6949 2507 – [email protected]

Sally Stevens – 306 Land Street, Hay, NSW 2711. 6993 1431 - [email protected]

Gary Tweedie – 11 Fairfax Road, Woollamia, NSW 2540 - [email protected]

Register of Chief Stewards

NSW Endurance News July—August 2012 Page No. 79

Deadlines for the newsletter will be the 10th day of every even month, February, April, June, August, October and December UNLESS otherwise stated. Remember to get your Ride Previews and Ride Reviews in as early as possible. IMPORTANT NOTICE It is preferable for Newsletter content to be emailed in Rich Text format, as a Word document or inside an email. Photos should be high resolution .jpg files, no larger than 3MB. Photo's sent via mail will be scanned and returned if a self-addressed, stamped envelope is supplied. You should always check to make sure that any emailed material has actually been received by the editor. Advertisements will not be published unless they are accompanied by an appropriate cheque made out to the NSW ERA. Long term display advertisers can be invoiced by the NSW ERA. For more information please contact the editor. Advertising rates – including GST *Minimum rate per advertisement for a maximum of 50 words.

Advertising rates – including GST

*Minimum rate per advertisement for a maximum of 50 words. Additional words $5.50 for 10 or part thereof.

Send Letters to the Editor to: Helen Rich, Post Office Box 7197, Wilberforce NSW 2756 Phone: (02) 4576 3388 Email: [email protected] At the discretion of the Editor, these letters may be forwarded to the NSW ERA committee for approval prior to publication. Please send all correspondence addressed to Helen Rich as above.

Newsletter advertising

One Issue Two Issues Full year

Full page $110 $198 $550

Half page $66.00 $120 $275

Quarter page $33 $66 $154

Inside front cover $132 $220 $660

Inside back cover $132 $220 $660

Outside back cover $142

Inserts $125 + P&H


Members $5.50*

Non-members $11.00*

NSW State Management Committee

NSW ERA Website: www.nswera.asn.au AERA: www.aera.asn.au

Endurance World: www.enduranceworld.net

Executive Tom Perkins Snr President, Procedures,

Governance Phone: (02)65471290 Mobile 0428592876 Email: [email protected]

Marlee Turnbull Vice President, Promotions, Child Protection Officer Facebook, Merchandising

Phone : (02) 4575 2279 Mobile : 0432 074995 Email : [email protected]

Gay Bonham Secretary, Public Officer, Ride Administration,

Phone: (02)67852055 Email: [email protected]

Tom McCormack Treasurer, AERA Phone: (02) 6226 5626 Email: [email protected]

Non Executive

Kerry Spratt Grants, International, AERA Phone: (02)43402412 Mobile 0412014430 Email: [email protected]

Gary Tweedie AERA, Track Preservation, National Parks & Trails

Phone: (02) 4447 8573 Mobile 0413 297606 Email: [email protected]

Haydn Fisher Horse Welfare, Chief Stewards & TPR’s, Vets, Early Warning

Phone: (02) 6373 3932 or 04 2832 4449 Email: [email protected]

Carol Griffith Membership Growth Phone: (02)43621176 Email: [email protected]

John Howe Ride Calendar Phone: (02) 6373 7750 Mobile 0401712138 Email: [email protected]

Brad Dillon Website, Newsletter, Google Maps

Phone: (02)49965691 Mobile 0400 314 629 Email: [email protected]

Zone Delegates

Greg Moore Zone 1 – Feedback/ Ride Surveys,

Phone : (02)4573 2357 Mobile 0419 692 070 Email : [email protected]

Melissa Attwell Zone 2 Central West Phone: 04 1769 7207 Email: [email protected]

Steve Roberts Zone 4 - Snowy Phone: 6236 8442 Mobile: 04137 59226 Email: [email protected]

Belinda Hopley Zone 5 – Horse Welfare, Chief Stewards & TPR’s, Vets, Early Warning

Phone: (02)62382293 Email: [email protected]

Kieron Power Zone 6 – North Coast Phone: 65512331 and 0439742360 Email: [email protected]

Non Committee Personnel NSW Secretariat Sonya Ruprecht, Post Office Box 6627, Chatham NSW 2430.

Phone (02) 6553 8640 Fax 65 538661 Email: [email protected]

Newsletter Editor Helen Rich, PO Box 7197 Wilberforce NSW 2756 Phone: (02) 4576 3388 Mobile 0428 763 388 Email: [email protected]

Course Preservation Fiona Meller, Phone: (02) 4576 1344, fax (02) 4576 0630 Email: [email protected]

AERA Secretary Anne Jones, 1327 Belli Creek Road, Ridgewood via Cooroy Qld 4563 Phone: (07) 5447 9308. Mobile: 0427 479 308 Email: [email protected]
