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No. 30A35(17)/2/2021-Ad-IIIB Government of India Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs *** New Delhi-66 To, All Cadre Controlling Authorities under CBIC Though CBIC’s website Subject: Nominations for appointment to the post of Assistant Sub Inspector and Head Constable in National Investigation Agency (NIA) on deputation basis-Reg. A letter dated 07.03.2022 inviting nominations from suitable & willing candidates, for appointment to the post of Assistant Sub Inspector and Head Constable in National Investigation Agency (NIA) on deputation basis, is forwarded herewith for circulation among the eligible officers and necessary action by the Cadre Controlling Authorities under CBIC. Encl : As above Yours faithfully Mohammad Ashif Under Secretary to the Govt. of India [email protected]; 26162780 I/43085/2022

No. 30A35(17)/2/2021-Ad-IIIBGovernment of India

Ministry of Finance, Department of RevenueCentral Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs

***New Delhi-66

To,All Cadre Controlling Authorities under CBIC

Though CBIC’s website

Subject: Nominations for appointment to the post of Assistant Sub Inspector andHead Constable in National Investigation Agency (NIA) on deputation basis-Reg.

A letter dated 07.03.2022 inviting nominations from suitable & willingcandidates, for appointment to the post of Assistant Sub Inspector and HeadConstable in National Investigation Agency (NIA) on deputation basis, is forwardedherewith for circulation among the eligible officers and necessary action by theCadre Controlling Authorities under CBIC.

Encl : As above

Yours faithfully

Mohammad AshifUnder Secretary to the Govt. of [email protected]; 26162780


\1q5,\$s' \'.\Jt'\r\".0jr zr\\y+-+lw',-t.-



No E-96l002,Depu-I{C &ASI/NIA/2022 Nol-l)ts i'ti Dated- 7 March-2022

ToAii N{inistriesrDepartments of Government of India.lhe Chi::f Secreta:ies to the Govemment tlf ail States/UTs.fhgDlectors Ge;rerrl of Policc i:f all StatesfuTs.-((9..pirectors General oiBSF, CRPI, CiSt', SSB, ITBP, RPI-,;issOn Rifles, lvCRts and tjclh.i Poiice.T'he Dir.'ector of CBI, iB & EIi.The Secretary, R.&AW.The Chairman of CBDT.The Chairman of CBIT&;

i'oiirvitn pa', scale I







441 "2--

t) Assistant Sub-InspectorPay Scale- Pey MarrixLcvel-5 1PB-2 with GPRs.2800 pre-revised)


., l


N4unrbai, Lucknou,, Jammu,Kochi, Kolkata, Raipur,Jammu, Chandigarh, Irnphal,Chennai, R.anchi, Bengalurt',,Ilhopal, Bhubanes*ar, Jaipur,Patna & Ahmedahad.

ii) Head ConstablePr.,y Scale- Pay lvlatrixLevel-4 (PB-2 with GPRs. 2400 pre-revised

2. The eligib'ility criteria (educational qualification, experience, etc.) are

furnished in the enclosed Annexrrre-I (A) and Annexure- I @) (available atNIA website wvrr.nia.gov.in/recruitment-notice'htm). The candidates who

apply for the post will not be ailowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently.

N' fl Contd"()2i-u\.r






3. It is requested that the abor.e adr,'ertisement may kindly be circulatedamong all Departments,,Instillrtioi:si0llices under your charge and also hosted on

their websites. The nominatioiLs of eligible officials alongwith followingdocrmrents should reach to the SF (Adm). I{IA HO.Opposite CGO Complex.Lodhi Road, New Delhi-l10003 throueh proper channel within 01 monthfrdm the date of nublication of this itern in oEmp loyment News'.

i) Bio-data in prescribe<l profonna (Annexure-II) (available in NIA websiteM'iV. ra. ov.in/recruiiment-notice.hfm ) dulv filled and countersisned bvthe competent authority.

ii) Photo copies of APAR dossier from the year 2016-1i' to 2020-21 dul.v

attested (it may be ensured that the salne are attested on eacl'r pages rvi1i1

rubber stamp by al <-rtficer not belo'w the rank of Under Secretary to the

Govemment of India.)

iii) Vigilance Clearauce Certitrcate and Integrity Certificate issued by the

respective department. r

iv) 1-he details of major/rninor penalties imposed on the official during the last1 0 .7eals.

v) Photocopies of Education certificates duly attested with rubber stamp.

4. The eligibilitv criteria and aptrrlication fbrm as u-ell as Recruitment Rulesare also available on MA website w'rvn.nia.gor,.i n/rerrurlnq 9rt-rulls.ll 1m.

Enci:- Annexure 'I(A)' & I (B) & Anexure-IlYours sincerelv

\) 3\)L(Amit Singh,IPS)

Superintendent of Police (Adm)NIA HQrs, New Delhi

011-24368837 (O)011-24368801 (Fax)

Copy folwarded for informatiorr and needflil action to:-

(i) fhe DIG (IT), NIA HQ, New Delhi for uploading the matter on NIAWebsite.

(ii) MA Branch Offices, tucknow, Guvrahati, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Mumbai.Kochi, Jammu, Raipur, Chandigarh, Chemai, Ranchi, Imphal, Bengaluruand Patna- for information and widc publicity..


Assistant Sub lnspector

43* Posts for deputation"(*subject to variation depending on vacancies)

As admissible under the Central Govemment orders from

time to time.

20% ofbasic pay.

(a) The officers of the Central Government or StateEligibility Criteriafor deputationiabsorption to NIA

Government or Union Territories:-

i) Holding analogous post on regular basis.or

(ii) One rank up if,IICs (pay scale PB-l with GP 2400

- pre revised) with 5 years regular services in the

grade, and

b) Education - Graduation from a recognized


c) Experience of at least 02 years in the lield ofinvestigation of criminal cases, or intelligence work or

operations or information technology management'

Note l:- Note 1 : The clepartmental officers in the feeder

category who are in the direct line of promotion shall not

Ue "eligibte for consideration for appointrnent by


Note 2:Theutatlon lil

period of dePutatianother ex-cadre

on including Period of

Name of the Post1


J Classification ofthe post

General Central Service GrouP 'C',Non-Gazetted No n-Ministerial

Pay Matrix Level-5 (Rs.29,200/- to 92,3001)

lpre-revised PB-2 (R-s 9300-34800/-) with Grade Pay Rs


Scaie ofpay1

5 DA, FIRA, TPT &OthFr allowances

Special SecuritYAllowance




ost held immediatel



Nos of Posts


preceding this appointment in rhe szune or sot,,; otherorganiztttion r>r department of the Central Govemmentshail orcii na,ri ly riot exceed three yrs.N<lte 3: 'Ihe rnaximum age limit for appolntment bydeputatiorr shall be not exceeding fifty-x years ason ttre ciosi te ofrecei tof lication.

8 Nature of duties F Accompany to CIO (Chief Investigation Offi cer).

,} Par:t of raid/search,/seizure team.

F Securing crime scene.

F Execution of summon and warrant.

F Collecr.ion of intelligence.

,} Gound verification of intelligence inputs.

F Guarding/security of accused while in custody.

t +n, other <iuty assigned by Superior Authoriqvtine to time.

9 Deputation nditi ti .,vii

Indi OMay-


Th other terms dan co Son Io LIta no bed.po edem ato down m the Go\,t of DoP T&a,

No 6 0 0812 09 dat 1edEstt(P 067 20 III) 0 a11lAS den defrom tr m ot l1l e






General Central Service, GrouP

G azette d, Non-Mini sterial

Level-4 in Pay Matrix (Rs 25,500 - 81,700)

(pre-revised PB-1 5200-20,200 with Grade pay ofRs. 2400/-

20oh of basic pay and as amended by the

Govemment from time to time.

'C', Non-

Officers of the Central or State Police

Organization or State Police organizations orGovernment' Intelligence agency or otherinvestigation bodies ;

a) Holding analogous post on regular basis inthe parent cadre or department. And

b) Processing the minimum educationalqualiflrcation of 12th class pass or equivalentfrom an reco nized Board of Universi

) Accompany to Investigation teams.

) Securing crime scene.

) Execution of summon and warrant.

F Collection of intelligence

) Ground verification of intelligence inputs.

) Guarding/security of accused while in


) Any other duty assigrred by Superior

Eligibility criteria fordeputation to NIA

Nature of duties

Authority timeNOTE- l: Por the

to time.purpose

Head ConstableName of the post1

24* Posts for deputafion(*subject to variation depending on vacancies)

Nos. of post2

J Classification of thepost

Scale ofpay4

As admissible under the Central Govemment

orders from time to time.DA, HRA, TPT &other allowance





of experlence ln

) Annexure-I fB)


9 Deputation conditi ti


eTh tho tenns dan ons d ta o wln Iepube overnmen t as I d down 1noc th Goe vt fo Ind a,

PDo & L4o oN 06t /28 00 9 Estt a ad dte(P v II)7I 05 02 01 amAS den de from to m

intelligence,which hasIntelligencewing of as p

only such experience rvould qual...been acquired through u,.orking inAgencies or specialized intelligence

olice or Enforcement Agency.

NOTE- 2: Period of deputation including periodof deputation fur another ex-cadre post heldimmediately preceding this appointment in same orsome other organization or depanment of theCentratr Goveinment shall ordinarily not to exceecltlrree years'.

NOTE- 3: The maximum age limit for-appointment by tleputation shall not be exceeding55 years' as on the closing date of receipt ofapplications.

NOTE- 4: lhe total number of strength of HeadConstable absorbed shall not exceed twenty percent of the total sanctioned posts of HeadConstable.



of I


BIO-DATA/CURRICULUM \TITAE PROFORMADOP&T OM NO. A8.14017 12812014-Est. dated 02.07.15

Post a lied for

5.1 Note: This column needs to be amPlified tt-, ii.rdicate Essentiiti and Desirable

eualitications as mentioned in the RRs by the Administrative MinistryiDepartment/Office

at the time of issue of Circular and issue of Advertisement in the Employment News.

5.2 In the case of Degree and Post Graciuate Qualifications Electiveimain subjects and

subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate.

1. Narne and Address (in Block Letters)

3, i) Date of entry into service

5. Whether Educational and otherqualifications required for the post are

satisfied. (If any qualification has been treated

as equivalent to the one prescribed in the

Rules, state the authority for the same)

ii) Date of retirement under CentraVState

Govemment Rules

Qualifications,{Experience required as

mentioned in the advertisement/vacancycircular

Qualifications/experience possessed bythe officer

A) Qualilication


B)B) Experience

Desirable Desirable

A)A) Qualification

)B) Experience

6. Please state clearly whether in the light orracle b,v you above, you meet the requisite Essential

Qualifications and rvork experience ofthe post'

f entries

6.1 Note:confirmingCandidate (

Borrowing Departmentsthe relevant Essential

are to provide


their specific comments/viewsexperience possessed bY the

) with,reference to ttle,post appfied.as indicated in the Bio-data


2. Date of birth (in Christian era)

+. Educationrrl Qualifi cations





7. Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet C ,r-

authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.

Post heldon regularbasis

From Ttr *Fay Bandand GradePaylPayscale of thepost held onregularbasis

Nature of Duties (indetail) highlightingexperience requiredfor the post applied for

*Important: Pay-band and Grade Pay granted under ACp,MACp are personal to theofficer and therefore, should not be mentioned. only pay Band and Grade pay/pay scaleof the post held on regular basis to be mentioned. Details of ACp,4vIACp rvith presentPay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by the candidate. mavbe indicateC as below;

Otfice/Institution Pay, Pay Band, and Grade Paydrawn under ACPA4ACPScheme

From To

8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or 'Iemporary or Quasi-Permanent orPermanent

. In case the present employment is heldon deputation/contract basis, please state-


d) Name of the postand pay of the postheld in substantivecapacity in the parentorganisation

c) Name of the parentoffice/organization towhich the applicantbelongs

b) Period ofappointment ondeputation/contract


I9 N Inote case fo ffio cers utat no rhedepfo uS hc oush d be b rh enar tp

cadre/D ent oal thw1 Cadre IC earan ceance,

a) The date ofinitial appointment



Clearance and Integrity certifi cate.

9.2 Note: Information under column 9(c) and (d) above must be

given in all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation

outside the cadre/organisation but still maintaining a lien in his

parent cadre/organisation

10. If any post held on Deputation in the

past by the applicant, date of retum fromthe last deputation and other details

l6.A Additional lnformation, if any. relevant to the Post

you applied for in support ofyour suitability for the post'

This arnong other things may provide information with

regard to

Additional academic qualifications

11. Additional details about present


Please state whether working under(indicate the name of your employer

against the ielevant column)

a) Central Governmentb) State Govemmentc) Autonomous Organisationd) GovemmentUndertakinge) Universities

fl Others

12. Please state whether you are workingin the same Department and are in the

feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade

yes, give the date from which the revision

took place and also indicate the pre-

revised scale

13. Are you in Revised Scale of Pav? If

14. Total emoluments Per month now drawn

Grade PayBasic Pay in the PB Total Emoluments

15. In case the applicant belongs toGoverrunent Pay-scales, the latest s

sation which is not following the Central

issued by &e Organisation showing thean Organialary slip

following details may be enclosed.

Total EmolumentsDearness Pay/interimother allowances etc

break-up details)


Basic Pay with Scale of PaY

and rate of increment

(i)(ii Prol-essional trainin &

(iiD Work experience over arrd above prescribed in theVacancy Circul arlAdvertisement)

(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space isinsufficient)

The candidates are requested to indicate information withregard to;

(i) Research publications and reports and specialprojects.

(ii) Awards/Scholarships/OfficialAppreciation(iii) Affrliation rvilh the professional

bodies/institutions/;ocieties and:(ir,) Patents registered in ou,n onnle or achieved for the

o.:ganization(v) Any research/irmovative measure involving

cfhcial recognition(vi) Any other informarion

16.8 Achievements:

(Note: Enclose a separate sheet,insufficient)

if the space is

17. Please state whether you are appiying for deputation(ISTC)/Absor:ption /Re-employment Basis.

#(Officers under Central/State Govemments are onlv elisiblefor "Absorption". Canilidates of non-GovemirentOrganisations are eligible only lbr Sho( 'ferm Contract)

# (]he option of 'STC'/ 'Absorption'/ 'Re-empioyment' areavailable only if the vacancy circuiar specrally mentionedrecruitment by "STC"or "Absorption" tx "Re-ernployment,,).

18. Whether belongs to SC/S1.

I have carefirlly gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I a1r r.vellaware that the information fumished in the curiculum vitae duly supported by thedocuments in respect of Essential Qualificatiorr,/work Experience submitted by rne rviilalso be assessed by the selection committee at the time of selection for the post. Theinformation/details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knor,vledgeand no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld.

(Signature of the candidate)



Contaot No.

. Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority

The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are

true and corect as per the facts available on records. He/she possesses edrtcationalclualifications and experience mentioned in the vacancy circular. If selected, he/she willbe relieved immediately.

2. Also certified that;

i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/Smt.

ii) His/ Her integrity is certified.

iii) His/ Her CR Dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the ACRs for the last 5

years duly attested by an ofhcer of the raruk of tlnder Secretary of the Golt. of lndia or

above are enblosed.

iv) No major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or Alist of rnaj orlminor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is enclosed.

(as the case may be)


(Employer/Cadre Controlling Authoritywith Seal)

