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Nonparametric validation of similar distributions and assessment of goodness of fit

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Nonparametric validation of similar distributions and assessment of goodness of fit Axel Munk{ Ruhr-Universita¨t Bochum, Germany and Claudia Czado York University, Canada [Received October 1995. Final revision February 1997] Summary. In this paper the problem of assessing the similarity of two cumulative distribution functions F and G is considered. An asymptotic test based on an -trimmed version of Mallows distance F , G between F and G is suggested, thus demonstrating the similarity of F and G within a preassigned F , G neighbourhood at a controlled type I error rate. The test proposed is applied to the validation of goodness of fit and for the nonparametric assessment of bio- equivalence. It is shown that F , G can be interpreted as average and population equivalence. Our approach is illustrated by various examples. Keywords: Clinically relevant difference; Equivalence testing; Mallows distance; Model validation; Population equivalence; p-value curve; Testing goodness of fit 1. Introduction One of the main goals of statistical inference is the assessment of a significant dierence between several populations. Rejection of the hypothesis of equality at a controlled error rate leads to the empirically founded knowledge of a dierence between populations. However, if the hypothesis cannot be rejected, often a large p-value is considered as sucient evidence for the validity of the null hypothesis. The following example illustrates the above procedure, which is sometimes called the power approach. 1.1. Example 1 In a multicentre clinical study performed at the Biometrical Centre, Department of Medical Statistics at Go¨ttingen University, the cholesterol and fibrinogen levels were measured from 116 and 141 patients in two dierent clinical centres. Fig. 1 displays the corresponding histograms and estimators of the densities. It was of interest to investigate whether the choice of centre has any eect on the result. A preliminary Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) goodness-of-fit test indicates that the data do not follow a normal distribution. From Table 1 it can be seen that the p-values (in parentheses) are smaller than 0.1 in each group and centre. The values in front of the p-values are the outcomes of the two-sided KS statistic. A two-sample Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney (WMW) {Address for correspondence: Fakulta¨ t und Institut fu¨ r Mathematik, Ruhr-Universita¨ t Bochum, Universita¨ tsstrasse 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] & 1998 Royal Statistical Society 1369–7412/98/60223 J. R. Statist. Soc. B (1998) 60, Part 1, pp. 223^241

Nonparametric validation of similar distributions

and assessment of goodness of ®t

Axel Munk{

Ruhr-UniversitaÈt Bochum, Germany

and Claudia Czado

York University, Canada

[Received October 1995. Final revision February 1997]

Summary. In this paper the problem of assessing the similarity of two cumulative distributionfunctions F and G is considered. An asymptotic test based on an �-trimmed version of Mallowsdistance ÿ��F , G� between F and G is suggested, thus demonstrating the similarity of F and Gwithin a preassigned ÿ��F , G� neighbourhood at a controlled type I error rate. The test proposedis applied to the validation of goodness of ®t and for the nonparametric assessment of bio-equivalence. It is shown that ÿ��F , G� can be interpreted as average and population equivalence.Our approach is illustrated by various examples.

Keywords: Clinically relevant difference; Equivalence testing; Mallows distance; Model validation;Population equivalence; p-value curve; Testing goodness of ®t

1. Introduction

One of the main goals of statistical inference is the assessment of a signi®cant di�erencebetween several populations. Rejection of the hypothesis of equality at a controlled error rateleads to the empirically founded knowledge of a di�erence between populations. However, ifthe hypothesis cannot be rejected, often a large p-value is considered as su�cient evidence forthe validity of the null hypothesis. The following example illustrates the above procedure,which is sometimes called the power approach.

1.1. Example 1In a multicentre clinical study performed at the Biometrical Centre, Department of MedicalStatistics at GoÈ ttingen University, the cholesterol and ®brinogen levels were measured from116 and 141 patients in two di�erent clinical centres. Fig. 1 displays the correspondinghistograms and estimators of the densities.It was of interest to investigate whether the choice of centre has any e�ect on the result. A

preliminary Kolmogorov±Smirnov (KS) goodness-of-®t test indicates that the data do notfollow a normal distribution. From Table 1 it can be seen that the p-values (in parentheses)are smaller than 0.1 in each group and centre. The values in front of the p-values are theoutcomes of the two-sided KS statistic. A two-sample Wilcoxon±Mann±Whitney (WMW)

{Address for correspondence: FakultaÈ t und Institut fuÈ r Mathematik, Ruhr-UniversitaÈ t Bochum, UniversitaÈ tsstrasse150, 44780 Bochum, Germany.E-mail: [email protected]

& 1998 Royal Statistical Society 1369±7412/98/60223

J. R. Statist. Soc. B (1998)60, Part 1, pp. 223^241

test for the cholesterol and ®brinogen levels was performed. This leads to a p-value of 0:02 inthe ®rst case and to 0:33 in the second case, i.e. we know at a controlled error rate of � � 0:05that there is a di�erence between the clinical centres with respect to the cholesterol levels. Therather large p-value for the ®brinogen levels indicates homogeneous distributions at bothcentres. In comparison, a standard two-sample t-test gave a p-value of 0:11 for the cholesterollevels and 0:58 for the ®brinogen levels. In accordance with common practice one would omitthe clinical centre as an in¯uential factor for the ®brinogen levels within a (non)parametriclinear model.

The following two questions arise. Firstly, how large is the di�erence within cholesterollevels, and, secondly, how large is the evidence for the homogeneity within ®brinogen levels?The ®rst question arises from the unsatisfactory observation that the pure test decision of

rejecting the null hypothesis F � G alone does not contain any information about the level ofdi�erence (Staudte and Sheather, 1990; Victor, 1987). Therefore, it is only of interest to showa scienti®cally relevant di�erence in contrast with a purely statistical di�erence. The secondproblem has recently been well documented in applications (see Rogers et al. (1993) andMacKinnon (1992) for a discussion in psychology and econometrics). From a methodo-

224 A. Munk and C. Czado

Table 1. KS test of composite normality for the multicentreclinical study

Centre KS statistics for the following tests:

Cholesterol level Fibrinogen level

1 0.095 (0.012) 0.092 (0.066)2 0.136 (0.000) 0.161 (0.000)

Fig. 1. Histograms with density estimates (Ð) and normal approximations (..........) for the multicentreclinical trial data in example 1: (a) centre 1; (b) centre 2

logical point of view this question is directly related to bioequivalence testing whichhas become a challenging ®eld during the last two decades (Mandallaz and Mau, 1981;Schuirmann, 1987; Chow and Liu, 1992). In broad terms, the `equivalence way' is to replacethe classical null hypothesis of equality by a suitable `neighbourhood' which becomes thealternative. Most popular in bioequivalence testing is the assessment of the similarity of themeans of certain pharmacokinetic parameters, to claim the same therapeutic e�ect of dif-ferent formulations of a drug. Various researchers have criticized this concept (Anderson andHauck, 1990; Holder and Hsuan, 1993) because average bioequivalence focuses only on acomparison of the means of the underlying distributions. Therefore, Hauck and Anderson(1992) suggested a bioequivalence criterion which requires the entire distribution of the testformulation to be su�ciently similar to the reference formulation. For a patient starting on anew drug, it was concluded that this criterion, which is known as population equivalence,seems to be more appropriate than average bioequivalence.The aim of this paper is to provide a test for the assessment of similarity of distributions

within a purely nonparametric framework. In Section 4, we show that this test can be used asa nonparametric test for population as well as average equivalence. In particular, the ¯exiblechoice of trimming allows robust bioequivalence assessment which is required in manypractical situations (see Chow and Tse (1990)). Crucial for the success of a nonparametricequivalence test is the choice of the measure of discrepancy between probability distributions.Although it is necessary that this measure should be not too complicated it is also importantthat it contains all the relevant information for the experimenter. In this paper, we proposethe use of a trimmed version of the pth Mallows (1972) distance

ÿ�,p�F, G� :� �1ÿ 2��ÿ1��1ÿ�

jFÿ1�u� ÿ Gÿ1�u�jp du�1=p


between two distributions F and G in

F p :��F : F is a cumulative density function (CDF) and

�jxjp dF�x� <1


Here � 2 �0, 12� denotes a trimming bound and p5 1. If p � 2 we say Mallows distance and

write ÿ�. If in addition � � 0, we write ÿ. Con®dence intervals for ÿ� and asymptotic testsfor the testing problem

H: ÿ��F, G� > �0 versus K: ÿ��F, G�4�0 �2�and its dual problem K versus H will be provided in the next section. As a more precisemeasure of the evidence of the test decision we propose the corresponding asymptotic p-valuefunction given a ®xed outcome of observations. This is illustrated in two examples in Section4. In contrast with the test for the classical null ÿ�F, G� � 0 (de Wet and Venter, 1972), forequivalence testing additional estimation of the variance of the empirical Mallows distance isrequired, which is numerically rather cumbersome. Therefore in Section 3 we report brie¯yon the ®nite sample behaviour of the proposed tests from a comprehensive simulation study.In particular, recommendations governed by sample size for the choice of trimming are given.A numerical power comparison with the (asymptotic optimal) standard test for bio-

equivalence under normality shows that Mallows equivalence is even slightly more powerfulin many cases.Finally, the data of example 1 are reanalysed and a signi®cant di�erence of the cholesterol

levels between the clinical centres as well as for the ®brinogen levels is demonstrated.

Validation of Similar Distributions 225

Section 2.1 is pertinent to those with an interest in applications exclusively. Sections 3 and4 are understandable without previous reading of the more technical Section 2.2.

2. Asymptotic theory of the Mallows distance

2.1. Properties of Mallows distanceThroughout this paper, we assume F and G to be continuous CDFs.

Fn�x� � nÿ1Pni�1I�ÿ1,x��Xi�

denotes the empirical distribution function of an independent and identically distributed(IID) sample X1, . . ., Xn � F and

Fÿ1n �t� � inffx: Fn�x�5 tg �Pni�1

X�i� If�iÿ1�=n<t4i=ng ÿ1 Ift�0g, �3�

its left continuous inverse. Here, X�i� is the ith order statistic of a random sample of size n.The following result shows that a small (trimmed) Mallows distance ÿ�,p between F and Gimplies that all (trimmed) moments up to the pth moment are close, as well as the entire(trimmed) CDFs. We shall see in Section 4 that this property corresponds exactly to what hasbeen demanded by various researchers for a nonparametric measure of bioequivalence.

Lemma 1 (Dobrushin, 1970; Mallows, 1972; Bickel and Freedman, 1981). Let Fn, F 2 F p,p5 1. Then �F p, ÿp� is a complete metric space. The following statements are equivalent:(a) ÿp�Fn, F� ! 0 as n!1;

�b� Fn!d F and

�jxjp dFn�x� !

�jxjp dF�x� as n!1:

The next result shows that the Mallows distance controls the (trimmed) di�erence in means.The proof is an application of Jensen's inequality. In the following, we write � for ÿ2

��F, G�and for ÿ2�F, G�.Lemma 2. For X � F and Y � G with F, G 2 F �,2 the following inequalities are valid:

(a) 1=2� 5 ÿ�

1 �F, G�5 1

1ÿ 2�

���� �Fÿ1�1ÿ��Fÿ1���

x F�dx� ÿ�Gÿ1�1ÿ��Gÿ1���

x G�dx�����,

(b) 1=25 ÿ1�F, G�5 jE�Xÿ Y�j:Inequality (a) will fail to hold when the scaling in expression (1) is replaced in the de®nitionof the trimmed Mallows distance by �1ÿ 2��ÿ1=p as could be done as well. Further, we havein general ÿ�,p5 �1ÿ 2��p�pÿ1�ÿ�,pÿ1. For the special case of location±scale families F �Hf�xÿ ��=�g and G � Hf�xÿ ��=�g, we obtain for H 2 F 2

� ��ÿ ��2 � EX 2��ÿ ��2 � 2��ÿ ����ÿ ��EX, �4�where X � H. In the case EX2 � 1 and EX � 0, the Mallows distance reduces to theEuclidean distance 1=2 � f��ÿ ��2 � ��ÿ ��2g1=2 de®ned in the parameter space R� R�. Inthe presence of trimming, we obtain for symmetric location±scale families

1=2� � �1ÿ 2��ÿ1=2

���ÿ ��2 � ��ÿ ��2

�1ÿ 2

z1ÿ� h�z1ÿ��1ÿ 2�


226 A. Munk and C. Czado

where h denotes the density of H and z� denotes the �-quantile of H, i.e. H�z�� � �.Trimming has the e�ect of reducing the squared distance (after rescaling by 1ÿ 2�) by2z1ÿ� h�z1ÿ����ÿ ��2�1ÿ 2��ÿ1. If h is a normal density (see also Fig. 2), this correction isroughly 2=3��ÿ ��2 when � � 0:05, i.e. trimming puts slightly more weight on the meandi�erence than on the di�erence of the scales. In the particular case of homogeneity of thevariances, we have

1=2� � j�ÿ �j=�1ÿ 2��1=2.

2.2. Asymptotic theoryThe following results give the asymptotic distribution of the estimated Mallows distance inthe one- and two-sample case. From representation (12) in the proof of the following theoremgiven in Appendix B, it is apparent that the quantile process qFn �z� :� n1=2fFÿ1n �z� ÿ Fÿ1�z�gdetermines the asymptotic behaviour of ÿ��Fn, F �. A well-developed theory for the quantileprocess exists (see Shorack (1972), CzoÈ rgoÈ and Revesz (1981) and CzoÈ rgoÈ and Horvath(1993)) from which we obtain the regularity conditions on F required to guarantee weakconvergence to a weighted Brownian bridge

qFn �.�)D B0�.�F 0 � Fÿ1�.� :

Here, B0�.� denotes a Brownian bridge de®ned on the space of cadlag functions �D�0, 1�,jj�.�jj1� equipped with the sup-norm, i.e. a centred Gaussian process with covariance functionstÿ s ^ t (see for example Pollard (1984) for a careful description of D) and s ^ t and s _ tdenote respectively the minimum and maximum of s and t. To deal with the untrimmed case� � 0 we must consider sequences of trimming bounds ��n�n2N. The following regularityconditions for the sequence of trimming bounds and on the CDFs F and G are required toguarantee asymptotically a normal law for n1=2fÿ2

�n �Fn, G� ÿ �g.(a) Let F 2 F 2 be a continuous CDF F with continuously di�erentiable density F 0 � f > 0.

There is a real constant � such that

Validation of Similar Distributions 227

Fig. 2. Mallows distance contours (F � N�0, 1� and G � N��, ��� for no trimming (Ð), 10% trimming(..........) and 20% trimming (- - - -)


�F�x�f1ÿ F�x�g

���� f 0�x�f 2�x������4 �:

(b) Let 12> ��n�n2N > 0 denote a sequence of trimming bounds, such that limn!1��n�

# �5 0 and �n5C logflog�n�g=n holds for a positive real constant C > 0.(c) Assume that �1ÿ�n



f � Fÿ1�u� du � ofn1=2= log�n�g:

(d) Assume that

1=2�n ÿ 1=2� � o�nÿ1=2�:

The following asymptotic result in the one-sample case will be used for the validation ofgoodness of ®t in the sense of expression (2) where G is a speci®c CDF. For example, provinggoodness of ®t to a standard normal distribution is required if we are interested in verifyingthe model assumptions of a (generalized) linear model. For this, note that the Studentizedresiduals for large samples are approximately a sample from a standard normal distribution ifthe model assumptions are correct (see for example Cook and Weisberg (1986), p. 56). Wereturn to this problem in example 2, in Section 4.

Theorem 1. Let � <1 and assume conditions (a)±(d). Then it follows that

n1=2fÿ2�n�Fn, G� ÿ �g)

D 2

�1ÿ 2��2�1ÿ�0


h�F,G��t� dt�dB�s�,

where B�s� denotes a Brownian bridge in �D�0, 1�, jj.jj1� and

h�FjG��t� :� Fÿ1�t� ÿ Gÿ1�t�f � Fÿ1�t� :

Further, if �1ÿ��_s

h�FjG��t� dt 2 L2���, �5�

then the distribution of n1=2fÿ2�n�Fn, G� ÿ �g is asymptotically normal with mean 0 and


�2��FjG� :� 4

�1ÿ 2��4��1ÿ�



h�FjG��t� dt�2

dsÿ� �1ÿ�



h�FjG��t� dt�ds


The next theorem provides the asymptotic theory in the two-sample case, which will be usedto assess the nonparametric equivalence of two distributions.

Theorem 2. Let �Xi�i�1,:::,m (�Yi�i�1,:::, n) be IID according to F 2 F 2 (G 2 F 2) and assumethat ���n^m��n,m2N is a sequence of trimming bounds such that asumption (b) holds. Assumefurther that conditions (a), (c) and (d) hold for F and G. Let m ^ n!1 such thatn=�n�m� ! � 2 �0, 1�. If � <1, then it follows that

228 A. Munk and C. Czado




�n^m�Fm, Gn� ÿ �g)D 2

�1ÿ 2��2�p



h�FjG��t� dt�dB1�s�

� p�1ÿ ���1ÿ�0


h�GjF��t� dt�dB2�s�


where B1�.� and B2�.� denote two independent Brownian bridges on �D�0, 1�, jj.jj1�. Further, if�1ÿ��_s

h�GjF��t� dt,�1ÿ��_s

h�FjG��t� dt 2 L2��� �6�

holds, then the distribution of fnm=�n�m�g1=2fÿ2�n^m �Fm, Gn� ÿ �g is asymptotically normal

with mean 0 and variance

�2��F, G� :� � �2��FjG� � �1ÿ �� �2��GjF�:For the proof see Appendix B.

Remark 1. At ®rst glance, assumptions (a)±(d) seem to be rather restrictive. However, thechoice of positive trimming � > 0 guarantees a bounded support and the only requirementthat we need is f > 0. In this case assumption (d) is guaranteed by assumption (b). We stillrequire the more general condition (d) to deal with the case � � 0. In a location±scale model,it follows from equation (4) that assumption (d) is always satis®ed. In general �n � o�nÿ1=2� issu�cient for condition (d) to hold. Conversely, condition (b) serves as a lower bound and weobtain that �n � nÿ�, 1

2< � < 1 is always su�cient for theorem 1 to hold. In practice,

however, the trimming bound � can always be chosen to be rather small, but it must be takeninto account that the asymptotic distribution will be a rather inaccurate approximation forthe ®nite sample distribution of the empirical Mallows distance. In this case, conditions (b)and (d) indicate that the trimmed statistic should not be replaced by the untrimmed statistictoo soon. With this argument assumptions (a)±(d) are not real restrictions for the dis-tributions to guarantee the limit law; rather, they are indicators for those cases where theasymptotic convergence might deteriorate. This will be the case when the distributions haveheavy tails (condition (c)) and when the density is strongly peaked or almost zero (condition(a)). These observations are supported by a simulation study which will be presented in thenext section.In the case ���F, G� � 0 we have

fnm=�n�m�g1=2fÿ2�n^m�Fm, Gn� ÿ �g!p 0 as n ^m!1 �7�

which happens in particular for F � G. This is explained by the fact that in this case � is avon Mises functional of ®rst-order degeneracy. A non-degenerate weak limit is obtainedwhen expression (7) is multiplied by fnm=�n�m�g1=2. The resulting distribution was cal-culated by de Wet and Venter (1972) for the case of F � G standard normal. They used thisresult to obtain a goodness-of-®t test for testing the hypothesis H: F � �. However, our aimis to provide tests for hypotheses (2) and the converse problem where �0 > 0 is a positivebound. The proof of the following theorem is straightforward by observing that the con-vergence in expression (7) is su�cient to prove consistency of our tests. Let u� denote the �-quantile of the standard normal distribution and �̂2��F, G� be any consistent estimator of thevariance �2��F, G�. For brevity, in what follows we consider the two-sample case only; theone-sample case is analogous by theorem 1.

Validation of Similar Distributions 229

Theorem 3. Let �Xi�i�1,:::,m (�Yi�i�1,:::,n) be IID according to F 2 F 2 (G 2 F 2) and let �̂��Fm,Gn� be a consistent estimator of ��. Under the assumptions of theorem 2, the test with criticalregion �



�1=2ÿ2�n^m�Fm, Gn� ÿ�2


�̂��Fm, Gn� 4 u� �8�

is a consistent test for the equivalence problem H against K in expression (2) and�nm


�1=2ÿ2�n^m�Fm, Gn� ÿ�2


�̂��Fm, Gn� 5 u1ÿ� �9�

is a consistent test for the di�erence problem K against H.

Remark 2. Theorem 3 includes the consistency in the degenerate case K: � � 0. Inparticular, we ®nd that consistency remains valid even for sequences of hypotheses Hn,m: 1=2� > �0,m,n as long as �ÿ10,m,n � of�n _m�1=2g. This implies that nm=�n�m� ÿ2

��Fm, Gn� <1almost surely, i.e. we can still assess asymptotically with probability 1 the similarity of F andG as long as the sequence of hypotheses Hn,m approaches K: � � 0 with a slower rate thannÿ1=2.

Remark 3. From theorem 3 an asymptotic one-sided 1ÿ � con®dence interval for � isobtained as �0, ÿ2

�n^m�Fm, Gn� � u1ÿ� �̂��Fm, Gn��1=n� 1=m�1=2�. We shall see, however, in thenext section, that this may become a rather crude approximation if � is rather small.

3. Estimators for ÿ and �2 and the small sample properties of the equivalencetest: simulation results

To perform the test given in theorem 3, we must estimate ÿ� and the variance �2��F, G�. When

trimming is present these estimators are rather complicated and can be found in Appendix A.The corresponding S-PLUS functions are available by request from the authors where allestimators are computed by replacing the CDFs and their inverses by their empiricalcounterparts and evaluating ÿ��Fm, Gn� and �2��Fm, Gn� as a Riemannian sum. In theuntrimmed case �� � 0� this simpli®es to

ÿ2�Fn, Gn� � 1


Pni�1�y�i� ÿ x�i��2

for equal sample sizes, and to

ÿ2�Fm, Gn� � 1



X2�i� � 1



Y2�i� ÿ 2




for unequal sample sizes n 6� m, where

�ij ��


m^ j

nÿ iÿ 1

m_ jÿ 1


�Ifi=m^j=n>�iÿ1�=m_� jÿ1�=ng

and X�0� :� X�1� and Y�0� :� Y�1�. To investigate the small sample properties of the Mallowsequivalence test we performed detailed Monte Carlo studies which are presented com-prehensively in Czado and Munk (1996). We brie¯y summarize the basic results whichaddress the following questions.

230 A. Munk and C. Czado

(a) How large must samples sizes n and m be for the Mallows test to maintain its nominallevel and to achieve reasonable power?

(b) What is a reasonable choice of the trimming bound �?(c) How does the Mallows test perform under non-symmetric, heavy-tailed and strongly

peaked distributions for F and G (see remark 1)?

For the ®rst three simulation studies F (or G) was assumed standard normal (normal withmean � and standard error �) and a sample of size m (or n) was drawn from F (or G). Valuesfor � ranged between 0.1 and 2.6 and for � between 0.5 and 1.5. In the ®rst study, weinvestigated large equal sample sizes �n � m � 50, 100, 200�, whereas in the second study wefocused on small equal sample sizes �n � m � 10, 15, 20, 25�. For the third study, unequalsample sizes were studied �n � 100 and m � 30, 50, 75, 90�. For large samples trimmingconstants of � � 0:05 and � � 0:1 were investigated; for small samples, � � 0 and � � 0:1.500 data sets from each parameter setting were generated for the ®rst two studies and 250data sets were generated for the third study, and the Mallows equivalence test of H: ÿ��F,G�5�0 versus K: ÿ��F, G� < �0 for several �0-values between 0.3 and 1.2 were performed atsigni®cance level �s � 0:05.The results from these studies can be summarized as follows. The Mallows equivalence test

is found to be always liberal. This liberality decreases as the sample size and/or tolerancebound �0 is increased. In particular, if the tolerance bound �0 > 1, then sample sizes of n,m5 25, as long as 1

24m=n4 2 is satis®ed, are su�cient for a maximal deviation of 0:03

between the nominal and the actual level. If the tolerance bound �0 � 1, then larger samplesizes of n, m > 50 are necessary. In particular, the equivalence test becomes always liberalrather than conservative. For the appropriate di�erence test the converse e�ect was observed.This is to be expected since the asymptotic law for the Mallows distance fails for ��F, G� � 0.If we can assume homogeneous variances then a slight trimming of 5±10% is preferablerather than no trimming, since it increases the power of the Mallows test. This showstrimming as a powerful way to make robust against outliers. Nevertheless, as homogeneity ofthe variances increases, trimming leads to a more liberal test.To address question (c) the Mallows equivalence test was investigated under a family of

generalized logistic distributions fF , 2 Rg (for a de®nition see Czado (1992)) with heavierright tail ( < 1) and lighter right tail ( < 1) than the logistic distribution ( � 1). For � 1, the corresponding density is highly peaked. Here, n � 25, 50 and 100 with m=n � 0:96and m=n � 0:48 were investigated. It was observed that in the heavy tail case � < 1� thenominal size was better maintained for 16% trimming than for 8% trimming. However, theobserved power is adequate for n5 25. In contrast, for the highly peaked case ( > 1), thenominal size was maintained for both trimmings, but the observed power was inadequate forn � 25 and n � 50. Therefore, the conclusions in remark 2 were exactly supported. Tosummarize, the e�ect of heavy-tailed and strongly peaked densities decreases the quality ofthe approximation. It was found that as in the normal case the bound �0 � 1 serves as achangepoint for the quality of the asymptotic normal approximation to the ®nite sampledistribution.

4. Applications and examples

4.1. Nonparametric bioequivalence testingIn bioequivalence studies, when normality of the data is assumed, the two one-sided testprocedures should be applied in a 2� 2 crossover design as recommended by various

Validation of Similar Distributions 231

regulatory authorities (Food and Drug Administration, 1992; European Commission, 1993).If this distributional assumption fails a distribution-free rank sum (WMW) test has beensuggested by various researchers (see Hauschke et al. (1990) or Hsu et al. (1994)). This test,however, should be applied only when a pure location di�erence between test and referenceformulation can be assumed because otherwise the test decision may be extremely misleading.As pointed out by Hauck and Anderson (1992) it is important to compare the entiredistributions which should include speci®cally the between-subject variability of bioavail-ability (see Chow and Liu (1992), pages 186 and 218) to guarantee exchangeability in the testformulations. When an equivalence test is based on two independent samples lemmas 1 and 2guarantee that these requirements are exactly ful®lled by the Mallows distance ÿ��F, G�because the ®rst two trimmed moments are close whenever ÿ� is small. Hence, the proposedtest applies to population and average equivalence, simultaneously. One might argue that theMallows test cannot be applied to both periods in a two- (or more) period crossover design,as it is standard when carry-over e�ects can be excluded. This is not caused, however, by theparticular choice of the measure of equivalence ÿ��F, G�. It is merely that no nonparametricmeasure allows for a proper analysis in a crossover design because the interpretation of thetest decision can be distorted heavily by the dependence structure of the observations. Onlywithin a semiparametric linear model (as required by the WMW test) does a crossover designremain tractable.Another common problem encountered with decision-making in bioequivalence studies

consists of the detection of outlying observations because these have dramatic e�ects on thebioequivalence tests (Chow and Tse, 1990; Liu and Weng, 1991). Therefore, a trimmedversion of the Mallows statistic may be especially useful to the applied working statistician.In this case, we ®nd from the discussion in Section 2 that testing bioequivalence by using thetrimmed Mallows statistic is tantamount to the assessment of similar trimmed moments anddistributions, simultaneously.A key issue in the nonparametric bioequivalence discussion is the sample size required to

control a small probability of type II error. Therefore Czado and Munk (1996) simulated therelative e�ciency of the Mallows equivalence test and the standard equivalence test under alinear model with additive normal errors. Typically, such a model occurs after a logarithmictransformation of the raw data (such as the area under the blood concentration±time curve orthe time to achieve maximal concentration) where the ratio of the means must be within somereasonable limits. When we assume a multiplicative linear model the parameter of interest isj�T ÿ �Rj, where �T and �R denote the mean of the test and reference drug respectively(Mandallaz and Mau, 1981). The trimmed Mallows distance reduces after rescaling exactly tothis quantity, i.e.

1=2� �1ÿ 2��1=2 � j�T ÿ �Rj:

Surprisingly, the simulation study showed that the power of the standard test was in mostcases slightly exceeded by the Mallows test, although the standard test can be shown to beasymptotically optimal. This curious ®nding can be explained by the fact that only when theunknown variance �2 is rather small compared with the equivalence bound �0 does theasymptotic optimality allow for a valid interpretation in realistic sample sizes, say m, n � 20.Otherwise, the power tends uniformly to 0 as pointed out by Brown et al. (1995). In addition,the Mallows test was found always to be liberal, which causes an additional improvement inpower.It is interesting that trimming does not a�ect the ®nite sample approximation under the

232 A. Munk and C. Czado

standard model because variance homogeneity in both groups is assumed. Therefore, theMallows test represents a valid and powerful tool in bioequivalence assessment to guardagainst outliers.

4.2. p-value curves associated with Mallows testTo obtain a more precise insight into the evidence against the test decisions in inequalities (8)and (9), the additional consideration of the asymptotic p-value function corresponding to thehypothesis H and K in expression (2) is helpful. In the one-sample case X � F and G ®xed,this asymptotic p-value function is given by

P��0� � limn!1


�PFfT�X� > tg� � 1ÿ��t� �10�

if the sample X � x is observed. Here T�X� denotes the Mallows test statistic n1=2fÿ2�n �Fn,

G� ÿ�20g=���Fn, G� and t the corresponding observed statistics at X � x. The two-sample

case is similar. The function P��0� can be interpreted as follows. If P��0�4 �, the data leadto the rejection of the hypothesis of non-equivalence H: ÿ�F, G�5�0 at level �, whereas bysymmetry we reject the hypothesis of equivalence H: ÿ�F, G�4�0 whenever P��0�5 1ÿ �.For a careful discussion of the use of p-values corresponding to precise interval hypotheses asa measure of evidence in the parametric case, see Berger and Delampady (1987) and thesubsequent discussion. Although they gave strong reasons against a naõÈ ve use of p-values, weagree with Cox's rejoinder (p. 335). Sometimes a substantial improvement on p-values may bepossible; however, the conclusion that p-values have no role is incorrect. In particular,equation (10) shows that P�.� equals asymptotically the p-value function of a one-sided test.Pratt (1965) showed that this allows for a valid Bayesian interpretation in a parametric set-upas a measure of evidence for H.

4.3. Example 1 (continued)Alternatively, the nonparametric tests given in Section 2 were applied to this problem. Fig. 3gives the corresponding p-value curves for 1.4%, 4.3% and 10% trimming for ®brinogen andcholesterol levels. From the curves for 1.4% trimming, we see that an absolute di�erence of15 and of 8 at level � � 0:1 are present for the ®brinogen and cholesterol levels respectively.When we standardize these values, this corresponds to about 5% and 2% of the medians ofthe ®brinogen and cholesterol levels respectively. For the ®brinogen levels, this signi®cantlycontradicts the ®nding of the WMW test, which can be explained by the fact that this testfocuses only on

�F dG as a measure of discrepancy and not on the entire distributions. From

these curves it is further concluded that the cholesterol levels between the two centres areequivalent, if we tolerate a di�erence �0 � 42 which corresponds to about 12% of themedians for the two samples. We can show a similar equivalence for the ®brinogen levels if atleast a 4:3% trimming is allowed. For 1:4% trimming equivalence with regard to 15% of themedians can still be shown. This indicates outliers in the data, which is also evident from Fig. 1.To summarize, the example illustrates a systematic error whenever assessing equality of

distributions by means of accepting the null hypothesis (power approach). Although wecould show similar situations with the Mallows equivalence test for the cholesterol and the®brinogen levels it is found to be di�erent when using the WMW test, because the underlyingtest criterion focuses on a misleading measure of discrepancy

�F dG and, hence, is unable to

detect a signi®cant di�erence in one situation, although it is equally evident in the othersituation. The next example illustrates the opposite e�ect. The KS test behaves too sensitively

Validation of Similar Distributions 233

and detects a di�erence which is not larger than in a situation where no di�erence isindicated.

4.4. Example 2Steinho� et al. (1995) investigated the in¯uence of epilepsy on extroceptive suppression oftemporalis (es1) and masseter (es2) muscle activity. They compared the extroceptivesuppression of muscle activity of 31 epileptic patients and 20 normal controls. Measurementswere taken from each subject at the left and right temporalis and masseter. Further,measurements for each subject have been averaged to form the variables es1 and es2. Theresults of an explanatory analysis are given in Table 2.This indicates that only the es2-values for patients show evidence of non-normality. To

investigate goodness of ®t to a normal distribution we standardize the data and use the one-sample Mallows equivalence test. Note that this involves the estimation of the mean andvariance by its sample estimators. The asymptotic results of Section 2 are therefore notimmediately applicable, and extensions of results for proving composite normality arecurrently considered. However, for illustration, the corresponding one-sample p-value curvesare plotted in Fig. 4 for the two variables of the patients group. It shows equivalenceat �0 � 0:4 and �0 � 0:5 for the standardized es1- and es2-values respectively. Thiscorresponds to 0:4� 3:67 � 1:5 and 0:5� 11:71 � 5:9 on the original scale and therefore toapproximately 8% and approximately 13% of the means for es1 and es2 respectively. If weallow for 19.4% trimming for the es2-data, only then can a signi®cant di�erence of 0.1 on thestandardized scale be detected. A closer look at the data shows a cluster of three observationsin the far right-hand tail. Removing these shows a more non-normal histogram, explainingthe last ®nding. To summarize, the one-sample nonparametric equivalence test agrees with

234 A. Munk and C. Czado

Fig. 3. Two-sample p-value curves for the multicentre clinical data: (a) cholesterol (Ð, 9.92% trimming;.........., 4.26% trimming; - - - -, 1.42% trimming); (b) ®brinogen (Ð, 10.08% trimming; .........., 4.32%trimming; - - - -, 1.44% trimming)

the KS test for composite normality for the variable es1. For variable es2, however, there isnot much more evidence to assume non-normality (as the KS test indicates falsely). Finally,the p-value curves for the two-sample nonparametric equivalence test are given in Fig. 5 forthe normal subjects and patients. They prove similarity of es1-values for the normal subjectsand patients up to �0 � 1:2 which corresponds to 100� 1:2=19:5% � 6% of the mean. Thesimilarity of the es2-values for the two groups only occurs at �0 � 6:2 which corresponds to100� 6:2=42:94% � 15%. Ultimately, the clinician must decide whether these values shouldbe regarded as empirical evidence for the similarity or for a scienti®cally signi®cant di�erenceof the underlying distributions.

5. Conclusions and discussion

It has been illustrated by two examples that the assessment of similarity of two distributions

Validation of Similar Distributions 235

Table 2. KS test of composite normality, estimated mean and standard errorfor example 2

Values for the following parameters:

es1 es2

Normal KS statistic 0.1431 (0.351) 0.1569 (0.221)Mean 19.75 42.94Standard error 3.72 9.26

Patients KS statistic 0.1081 (0.460) 0.1769 (0.0146)Mean 19.24 42.45Standard error 3.67 11.71

Fig. 4. One-sample p-value curves for the variables es1 and es2 for the patients group: (a) es1 (Ð, 6.45%trimming; .........., 12.9% trimming; - - - -, 19.35% trimming); (b) es2 (Ð, 6.45% trimming; .........., 12.9%trimming; - - - -, 19.35% trimming)

from accepting the hypothesis of equality may lead to the wrong decision with highprobability, even when large p-values are observed. But even when we reject the nullhypothesis of equality the pure test decision gives no information about a scienti®callysigni®cant di�erence between the distributions.To overcome these di�culties, a nonparametric measure of discrepancy between two

distributions which generalizes the Mallows distance was proposed. On the basis of thismeasure, tests for precise interval hypotheses were provided. Moreover, the associated p-value function represents a very informative tool for the exact level of similarity as well as fora signi®cant di�erence. We conclude that when testing goodness of ®t the classical powerapproach to `prove the null hypothesis' by accepting equality at a rather large level � isinsu�cient and should additionally be supported by a consideration of the Mallows p-valuefunction. Our approach applies also to the nonparametric assessment of bioequivalencebecause the proposed measure of discrepancy has an immediate interpretation of the directdrug e�ect in terms of average as well as population bioequivalence. In addition to thebetween-subject variability similarity of the entire distributions can be tested in contrast withthe commonly applied WMW test. Nevertheless, one problem occurs which is not knownfrom testing the classical null hypothesis of equality. In most applications the main di�cultywill consist in the determination of precise bounds for which the distributions are regarded assimilar or scienti®cally di�erent.


A. Munk was partially supported by a post-doctoral fellowship of the Deutsche For-

236 A. Munk and C. Czado

Fig. 5. Two-sample p-value curves for the es1- and es2-data: (a) es1 (Ð, 6.46% trimming; .........., 12.9%trimming; - - - -, 19.36% trimming); (b) es2 (Ð, 6.46% trimming; .........., 12.9% trimming; - - - -, 19.36%trimming)

schungsgemeinschaft at the Institut fuÈ r Mathematische Stochastik, Technische UniversitaÈ tDresden.Parts of this paper were written while C. Czado was visiting GoÈ ttingen University. C.

Czado was supported by research grant OGP0089858 of the Natural Sciences andEngineering Research Council of Canada. The authors would like to thank Professor R.Hilgers for placing the cholesterol data of example 1 at their disposal. The authors are alsoindebted to Professor B. J. Steinho�, Dr B. Fangmeier and Dr B. Paulus at the Departmentof Clinical Neurophysiology at GoÈ ttingen University for the es-data of example 2.The authors would like to thank the Joint Editor, the Associate Editor and the referees for

their helpful suggestions and comments which led to a substantially clearer presentation ofthe results. A. Munk is indebted to Dr E. Berger, Professor M. Denker and Professor J. Maufor stimulating discussions.

Appendix A (estimators for � and �2�)

For � � a=m, a an integer between 1 and n, and m5 n the Mallows distance in the two-sample case isestimated as follows:

ÿ��Fm, Gn� � 1

1ÿ 2�




�x�i� ÿ y��in=m���2 �Xmÿa


��x�i� ÿ y���iÿ1�n=m���2

�� ��iÿ 1�n=m�

nÿ iÿ 1


�� �x�i� ÿ y��in=m���2


mÿ ��iÿ 1�n=m�


��� 1=2

where �x� is the smallest integer greater than or equal to x. It remains to provide a consistent estimate�̂2��F, G� of �2��F, G�. For this, rewrite the asymptotic variance expression in theorem 1 as

�2��F, G� � 4

�1ÿ 2��4 ��fT2��F, G� ÿ T 1

��F, G�2g � �1ÿ ��fT 4��F, G� ÿ T 3

��F, G�2g�:

Each term Ti��F, G� will now be estimated by Ti

��Fm, Gn� for i � 1, . . ., 4. For example, T 1��F, G� can be

rewritten as

T1��F, G� �



�zÿ Gÿ1fF�z�g� dz ds

� 12


fFÿ1�1ÿ ��2 ÿ Fÿ1�� ^ s�2g dsÿ�1ÿ�0


Gÿ1fF�z�g dz ds: �11�

Assuming that n � m and � � a=n, T1��Fn, Gn� can be calculated using equation (11) and substituting

empirical CDFs Fn and Gn for F and G respectively as

T 1��Fn, Gn� � �

�12�x2�nÿa� ÿ x2�a�� ÿ


y�i��x�i�1� ÿ x�i���

� 1ÿ 2�

2x2�nÿa� ÿ 1



x2�i� ÿ 1




y�i��x�i�1� ÿ x�i��:

Using the same approach for T 2��Fn, Gn� gives after some algebra

Validation of Similar Distributions 237

T 2��Fn, Gn� � �

�12�x2�nÿa� ÿ x2�a�� ÿ


y�i��x�i�1� ÿ x�i���2

� 1


Pnÿaÿ1i�a�1�x2�nÿa� ÿ x2�i��2

ÿ 1


Pnÿaÿ1j�a�1�x2�nÿa� ÿ x2�j��


y�i��x�i�1� ÿ x�i�� � 1




y�i��x�i�1� ÿ x�i��:

The expressions for T 3��Fn, Gn� and T 4

��Fn, Gn� are the same as for T1��Fn, Gn� and T2

��Fn, Gn� respectivelyexcept that the role of x�i� and y�i� is reversed. In the case of unequal sample sizes, boundary terms mustbe included. For m5 n we obtain

T1��Fm, Gn� � �

�12�x2�mÿa� ÿ x2�a�� ÿ


y��in=m���x�i�1� ÿ x�i���� 1ÿ 2�


ÿ 1



x2�i� ÿ 1




y��in=m���x�i�1� ÿ x�i��


T 2��Fm, Gn� � �

�12�x2�mÿa� ÿ x2�a�� ÿ


y��in=m���x�i�1� ÿ x�i���2

� 1



�x2�mÿa� ÿ x2�i��2

ÿ 1



�x2�mÿa� ÿ x2�j��Pmÿaÿ1i�j

y��in=m���x�i�1� ÿ x�i�� � 1



� Pmÿaÿ1i�j

y��in=m���x�i�1� ÿ x�i���2


The other terms Ti��Fm, Gn�, i � 3, 4, can be expressed in a similar fashion.

Appendix B (proofs)

For�f �u� du we shall simply write

�f whenever the variable and domain of integration are obvious

from the context.

B.1. Proof of theorem 1Condition (d) implies that


ÿ2�n �Fn, G� ÿ ÿ2

�n �F, G��� n1=2


�1ÿ 2�n�2�1ÿ�n�n

�Fÿ1n ÿ Fÿ1��Fÿ1 ÿ Gÿ1� � n1=2ÿ2�n �Fn, F�

:� n1=2�T1n � T2n� �12�


ÿ 2�n �F, G� ÿ ÿ2

��F, G� � o�nÿ1=2�:

If f � F 0 > 0, the corresponding quantile process

qFn �z� � n1=2fFÿ1n �z� ÿ Fÿ1�z�g

can be strongly approximated on compact sets by a sequence of weighted Brownian bridges �Bn�.��n2N inD�0, 1� (see theorem 4.5.7 in CzoÈ rgoÈ and Revesz (1981), p. 153) as follows:


j f � Fÿ1�y� qFn �y� ÿ Bn�y�j � Ofnÿ1=2 log�n�g almost surely. �13�

We obtain

238 A. Munk and C. Czado

����n1=2 �1ÿ 2�n�22

T1n ÿ�1ÿ�n�n

Bn�u�f � Fÿ1�u� fF

ÿ1�u� ÿ Gÿ1�u�g du����

����� �1ÿ�n


fFÿ1�u� ÿ Gÿ1�u�g�qFn �u� ÿ Bn�u�

f � Fÿ1�u��du

����4 sup

�n4y41ÿ�njqFn �y� f � Fÿ1�y� ÿ Bn�y�j


����Fÿ1�u� ÿ Gÿ1�u�f � Fÿ1�u�

���� du4 sup

�n4y41ÿ�nj f � Fÿ1�y� qFn �y� ÿ Bn�y�j ÿ�

1 o


log�n��� o�1� almost surely

where we have used equation (13), condition (c) and ÿ�1 4 ÿ� <1 (see lemma 2). Taking into account


Bn�.� �D B0�.�for each n 2 N, we ®nd that the limit distributions of�1ÿ�n


fFÿ1�u� ÿ Gÿ1�u�g qFn �u� du

and �1ÿ��

fFÿ1�u� ÿ Gÿ1�u�g B0�u�f � Fÿ1�u� du

are equal. We have

n1=2Rn)D Z ��1ÿ��

B0�s�f � Fÿ1�s� ds �




f � Fÿ1�t� dt dB0�s�,

where Rn :� n1=2T2n. Z is a random variate with ®nite variance and hence it follows that Rn !p 0. Thisproves the ®rst assertion. When condition (5) holds, straightforward calculation together withproposition 2.2.1 in Denker (1985) shows the second statement.

B.2. Proof of theorem 2The proof for the two-sample case follows the same pattern as the proof of theorem 1. Therefore weonly sketch the argument. We must again replace qFm and qGn by two independent weighted Brownianbridges B1�.�=f f � Fÿ1�.�g and B2�.�=fg � Gÿ1�.�g and apply the estimates�

f�Fÿ1m ÿ Gÿ1n �2 ÿ �Fÿ1 ÿ Gÿ1�2g ��f�Fÿ1m ÿ Fÿ1�2 � �Gÿ1n ÿ Gÿ1�2g �

�f2Fÿ1m Fÿ1 � 2Gÿ1n Gÿ1

ÿ 2�Fÿ1�2 ÿ 2�Gÿ1�2 ÿ 2Fÿ1m Gÿ1n � 2Fÿ1Gÿ1g:From �



�1=2 �1ÿ�n�n

�Fÿ1m ÿ Fÿ1�2 !p 0,



�1=2 �1ÿ�n�n

�Gÿ1n ÿ Gÿ1�2 !p 0

it remains to estimate

Validation of Similar Distributions 239

�f2Fÿ1m Fÿ1 � 2Gÿ1n Gÿ1 ÿ 2�Fÿ1�2 ÿ 2�Gÿ1�2 ÿ 2Fÿ1m Gÿ1n � 2Fÿ1Gÿ1g

��f2Fÿ1�Fÿ1m ÿ Fÿ1� � 2Gÿ1�Gÿ1n ÿ Gÿ1� � 2Fÿ1m �Gÿ1 ÿ Gÿ1n �g

��f2Gÿ1n �Fÿ1 ÿ Fÿ1m � � 2�Fÿ1 ÿ Fÿ1m ��Gÿ1 ÿ Gÿ1m �g �14�

where the second integral of equation (14) asymptotically vanishes of order op�fnm=�n�m�gÿ1=2�, whichis a direct consequence of the Cauchy±Schwarz inequality. Now we apply theorem 1 and we obtain�




fÿ2�n �Fn, Gn� ÿ ng )D 2

�1ÿ 2��2��


Fÿ1�t� ÿ Gÿ1�t�f � Fÿ1�t� B1�t� dt

ÿ �1ÿ ���1ÿ��

Fÿ1�s� ÿ Gÿ1�s�g � Gÿ1�s� B2�s� ds



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