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This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’18). April 9–11, 2018 • Renton, WA, USA ISBN 978-1-931971-43-0 Open access to the Proceedings of the 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation is sponsored by USENIX. Odin: Microsoft’s Scalable Fault-Tolerant CDN Measurement System Matt Calder, Microsoft/USC; Manuel Schröder, Ryan Gao, Ryan Stewart, and Jitendra Padhye, Microsoft; Ratul Mahajan, Intentionet; Ganesh Ananthanarayanan, Microsoft; Ethan Katz-Bassett, Columbia University https://www.usenix.org/conference/nsdi18/presentation/calder

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked

Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’18).April 9–11, 2018 • Renton, WA, USA

ISBN 978-1-931971-43-0

Open access to the Proceedings of the 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked

Systems Design and Implementation is sponsored by USENIX.

Odin: Microsoft’s Scalable Fault-Tolerant CDN Measurement System

Matt Calder, Microsoft/USC; Manuel Schröder, Ryan Gao, Ryan Stewart, and Jitendra Padhye, Microsoft; Ratul Mahajan, Intentionet;

Ganesh Ananthanarayanan, Microsoft; Ethan Katz-Bassett, Columbia University


Odin: Microsoft’s Scalable Fault-Tolerant CDN Measurement System

Matt Calder,†? Manuel Schroder,† Ryan Gao,† Ryan Stewart,† Jitendra Padhye†

Ratul Mahajan,# Ganesh Ananthanarayanan,† Ethan Katz-Bassett§

Microsoft† USC? Intentionet# Columbia University§


Content delivery networks (CDNs) are critical for deliv-ering high performance Internet services. Using world-wide deployments of front-ends, CDNs can direct usersto the front-end that provides them with the best latencyand availability. The key challenges arise from the het-erogeneous connectivity of clients and the dynamic na-ture of the Internet that influences latency and availabil-ity. Without continuous insight on performance betweenusers, front-ends, and external networks, CDNs will notbe able to attain their full potential performance.

We describe Odin, Microsoft’s Internet measure-ment platform for its first-party and third-party cus-tomers. Odin is designed to handle Microsoft’s large userbase and need for large-scale measurements from usersaround the world. Odin integrates with Microsoft’s var-ied suite of web-client and thick-client applications, allwhile being mindful of the regulatory and privacy con-cerns of enterprise customers. Odin has been operationalfor 2 years. We present the first detailed study of an Inter-net measurement platform of this scale and complexity.

1 IntroductionContent delivery networks (CDNs) are a key part of theInternet ecosystem. The primary function of a CDN isto deliver highly-available content at high performance.To accomplish this, CDNs deploy Points of Presence(PoPs) around the world that interconnect with other Au-tonomous Systems (ASes) to provide short, high qualitypaths between content and end users.

While a CDN’s goal is to deliver the best performanceto all users in a cost-effective manner, the dynamic, het-erogeneous, and distributed nature of the Internet makesthis difficult. CDNs serve content to users all over theworld, across tens of thousands of ASes, using variousforms of Internet access and connection quality. Userperformance is impacted by Internet routing changes,outages, and congestion, all of which can be outside thecontrol of the CDN. Without constant insight into userperformance, a CDN can suffer from low availability andpoor performance. To gain insight into user performance,CDNs need large-scale measurements for critical CDNoperations such as traffic management [1,2,3,4,5], Inter-net path performance debugging [6, 7], and deploymentmodeling [8].

Microsoft operates a CDN with over 100 PoPs aroundthe world to host applications critical to Microsoft’s busi-ness such as Office, Skype, Bing, Xbox, and WindowsUpdate. This work presents our experience designing asystem to meet the measurement needs of Microsoft’sglobal CDN. We first describe the key requirementsneeded to support Microsoft’s CDN operations. Existingapproaches to collecting measurements were unsuitablefor at least one of two reasons:

• Unrepresentative performance. Existing approacheslack coverage of Microsoft users or use measurementtechniques that do not reflect user performance.

• Insensitive to Internet events. Existing approachesfail to offer high measurement volume, explicit outagenotification, and comparative measurements to satisfykey Microsoft CDN use cases.

Next we present the design of Odin, our scalable,fault-tolerant CDN measurement system. Odin issuesactive measurements from popular Microsoft applica-tions to provide high coverage of Internet paths fromMicrosoft users. It measures to configurable endpoints,which are hostnames or IP addresses of remote targetdestinations and can be in Microsoft or external net-works. Measurement allocation is controlled by a dis-tributed web service, enabling many network experi-ments to run simultaneously, tailoring measurements ona per-use-case basis as necessary. Odin is able to collectmeasurements even in the presence of Microsoft networkfailures, by exploiting the high availability and path di-versity offered by third party CDNs. Last, we demon-strate that Odin enables important Microsoft CDN usecases, including improving performance.

There are two key insights that make our design dis-tinct and effective. Firstly, first-party CDNs have anenormous advantage over third-party CDNs in gatheringrich measurement data from their own clients. Secondly,integration with external networks provides a valuableopportunity for rich path coverage to assist with networkdebugging and for enabling fault-tolerance.

2 Background

This section provides background about content deliverynetworks and Microsoft’s deployment.

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2.1 Content Delivery Networks

Architecture. A content delivery network (CDN)has geographically distributed server clusters (known asfront-ends, edges, or proxies), each serving nearby usersto shorten paths and improve performance [3, 9, 10, 11](see Figure 1). Many front-ends are in CDN “points ofpresence” (PoPs), physical interconnection points wherethe CDN peers with other ISPs. CDNs typically de-ploy PoPs at major metro areas. Some CDNs also de-ploy front-ends in end-user networks or in datacenters. Afront-end serves cached content immediately and fetchesother content from a back-end. Back-ends can be com-plex web applications. Some CDNs operate backbonenetworks to interconnect PoPs and back-ends.

Figure 1: High-level architecture of many CDNs.

Microsoft’s CDN is a “hybrid cloud“ CDN, i.e., it isused for both its own first-party content as well as forother large third-party customers such as streaming ser-vices and online newspapers.

CDN services. Two CDN services are relevant toour paper. Front-ends cache static content such as im-ages, JavaScript, CSS, and video. Front-ends also serveas reverse proxies, terminating users’ TCP connectionsand multiplexing the requests to the appropriate back-ends via pre-established warm TCP connections [12,13].The back-ends forward their responses back to the samefront-ends, which relay the responses to the users. Re-verse proxies accelerate websites because shorter round-trip times between clients and front-ends enable fastercongestion window growth and TCP loss recovery [9].

Client redirection. This work considers the two mostcommon redirection mechanisms CDNs use to direct aclient request to a front-end for latency sensitive traffic:anycast and DNS. With both mechanisms, when a userdesires CDN-hosted content, it issues a request to its lo-cal DNS resolver (LDNS) for the hostname of the con-tent. The LDNS forwards the request to the CDN’s au-thoritative DNS resolver, and the authoritative resolverreturns a record with an IP address of a front-end thatcan serve the content. With anycast, this IP addressis announced by multiple PoPs, and BGP routes a re-quest to a PoP based on BGP’s notion of best path. The

front-end collocated with that PoP then serves the re-quest. With DNS-based redirection, the CDN’s author-itative resolver returns an IP address for the particularfront-end the CDN wants to serve the user from. Be-cause the request to the authoritative resolver generallyincludes the LDNS (but not user’s) IP address, CDN per-formance benefits from knowledge of which users theLDNS serves (§8.1.1).

2.2 Microsoft’s network

Microsoft provides high performance and availability toits customers using a global network with 100+ PoPs,many datacenters, and a Microsoft-operated backbonenetwork interconnecting them. Microsoft operates twotypes of datacenters. One set is Microsoft’s Azure pub-lic cloud compute platform [14] which currently has 36regions. The second consists of legacy datacenters, pre-dating Azure. Third-party cloud tenants only run in theAzure datacenters, whereas first-party services operatedby Microsoft run in both types. Figure 1 shows Azureregions as “Cloud Back-ends” and private datacenters as“Internal Back-ends”.

Redirection of first-party and third-party clients Mi-crosoft currently runs two independent CDNs. A first-party anycast CDN runs Microsoft services such as Bing,Office, and XBox [15, 16]. It has more than 100 front-end locations around the world, collocated with all PoPsand several Microsoft public and private datacenters. Thesecond CDN is an Azure traffic management service of-fered to Azure customers with applications deployed inmultiple regions. Whereas Microsoft’s first party CDNuses anycast to steer clients, its Azure service uses DNSto direct users to the lowest-latency region. After receiv-ing the DNS response, users connect directly to an Azureregion.

2.3 Comparison to other CDNs

Microsoft’s architecture closely mirrors other CDNs, es-pecially hybrid-cloud CDNs from Google and Amazon.End-user applications. All three have web, mobile, anddesktop application deployments with large global userbases. Google’s include the Chrome Browser, AndroidOS, Search, YouTube, and Gmail. Amazon’s include theStore, Audible, and Prime Video. Microsoft’s includeOffice, Windows OS, Skype, and XBox.CDN and cloud services. Like Microsoft, Amazon andGoogle run multiple types of CDNs. Google runs a first-party CDN [6, 7, 9], a third-party CDN [17], and appli-cation load balancing across Google Cloud regions [18].Amazon’s equivalent services are CloudFront [19] andRoute 53 [20]. Amazon Web Services [21] and GoogleCloud Platform [22] are similar to Microsoft Azure [14].Amazon [10] and Google [23] also run backbone net-works.

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Because of these similarities, we believe our goals, re-quirements, and design are applicable to networks be-yond Microsoft.

3 Goals and RequirementsWe need measurements to support Microsoft’s CDN op-erations and experimentation, leading to the followinggoals and resulting requirements.

Goal-1: Representative performance reflecting whatusers could achieve on current and alternate routes.

Requirement: High coverage of paths between Mi-crosoft’s users and Microsoft is critical for traffic engi-neering, alerts on performance degradation, and “what-if” experimentation on CDN configurations, to avoidlimited or biased insight into the performance of ournetwork. In particular, our measurements should coverpaths to /24 prefixes that combine to account for 90% ofthe traffic from Microsoft. In addition, they should coverpaths to 99% of designated “high revenue” /24 prefixes,which primarily are enterprise customers.

Requirement: Coverage of paths between Microsoftusers and external networks to help detect whether aproblem is localized to Microsoft and to assess the per-formance impact of expanding Microsoft’s footprint tonew sites. External networks may be any CDN, cloudprovider, or virtual private server hosting service.

Requirement: Measurements reflect user-perceivedperformance, correlating with application metrics and re-flecting failure scenarios experienced by production traf-fic, to enable decisions that improve user experience.

Goal-2: Sensitive and quick detection of Internetevents.

Requirement: High measurement volume in order toquickly detect events across a large number of users andcloud endpoints, even if the events impact only a smallnumber. Without high measurements counts, events canbe missed entirely, or data quality can be too poor toconfidently make measurement-driven traffic engineer-ing choices. A reasonable level of sensitivity is the abil-ity to detect an availability incident that doubles the base-line failure rate, e.g., from 0.1% to 0.2%. Figure 12 inAppendix A shows, if we assume measurements fail in-dependently according to a base failure rate, detectingthis change would require at least 700 measurements,and detecting a change from 0.01% to 0.02% would re-quire at least 7000 measurements. For confidentialityreasons, we cannot describe our baseline failure rates,but we consider several thousand measurements within afive minute window from clients served by an ISP withinone metropolitan region sufficient for our needs.

Requirement: Explicit outage signals, in order to de-tect events that impact small groups of clients. Historical

trends are too noisy to detect the gray failures that makeup the majority of cloud provider incidents [24].

Requirement: Fault tolerance in data collection, tocollect operation-critical measurements in the presenceof network failures between the client and collector.

Requirement: Comparative measurements in sameuser session for experimentation, providing accurate“apples-to-apples” comparisons when performing anA/B test and minimizing the chance of changing clientsor network conditions coloring the comparison betweentest and control measurements.

Goal-3: Compatible with operational realities of ex-isting systems and applications.

Requirement: Measurements of client-LDNS associ-ations, which are needed to operate both anycast andDNS-redirection CDNs effectively (§2.1,7.1.1,7.2.1).

Requirement: Minimal updates to user-facing produc-tion systems, given that network configuration changesare a common cause of online service outages [25].

Requirement: Application compliance across vary-ing requirements. Each Microsoft application indepen-dently determines the level of compliance certifications(FISMA, SOC 1-3, ISO 27018, etc.), physical and log-ical security, and user privacy protections. Applicationrequirements determine the endpoints that can be mea-sured, set of front-ends that can process the measure-ments, requirements for data scrubbing and aggregation(e.g., IP blocks), and duration of data retention. Thesestrict security policies stem from Microsoft’s enterprisecustomers. Any cloud provider or CDN that serves en-terprises, such as Akamai [26], also need to meet thesecompliance requirements.

4 Limitations of Existing SolutionsThis section describes how existing approaches fail tomeet our requirements, summarized in Table 1.

1) Third-party measurements platforms provide in-sufficient measurement coverage of Microsoft users.Non-commercial measurement platforms such as Planet-lab, MLab, Caida ARK, and RIPE Atlas have insufficientcoverage, with only a few hundred to few thousand van-tage points. The largest, RIPE Atlas, has vantage pointsin 3,589 IPv4 ASes [27], less than 10% of the number ofASes seen by Microsoft’s CDN on a standard weekday.

Commercial measurement platforms also lack suffi-cient coverage. Platforms including Dynatrace [28],ThousandEyes [29], and Catchpoint [30] offer measure-ments and alerting from cloud-based agents in tier 1 and“middle-mile” (tier 2 and tier 3) ISPs. Cedexis usesa different approach, providing customers with layer 7measurements collected from users of Cedexis partnerwebsites [31]. However, none of the platforms providesmeasurements from more than 45% of Microsoft client

USENIX Association 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation 503

Goals RequirementsThird-party


Layer 3 mea-surementsfrom CDN


Layer 3,DNS from


Server-sidemeasure-ments of




Coverage of paths between Microsoftusers and Microsoft D D

Coverage of paths between Microsoftusers and external networks D D

Measurements reflect user-perceivedperformance D D D

Sensitive toInternet Events High measurement volume D D D D

Explicit outage signal D D D D

Fault tolerance D D D D

Comparative measurements in sameuser session for experimentation D D D D


Measurements of client-LDNSassociations D D D D


Minimal updates to user-facingproduction systems D D D D

Application compliance D D D D

Table 1: Goals of Odin and requirements to meet our operational CDN needs. No existing approach satisfies all the requirements.

/24 networks. On top of missing over half the networks,the platform with the best coverage provides 10+ mea-surements a day from less than 12% of the networks and100+ measurements a day from only 0.5% of them, notenough to meet Microsoft’s operational need for sensi-tivity to Internet events.

2) Layer 3 measurements from CDN infrastructurecannot provide representative coverage of the perfor-mance of Microsoft users. A CDN can issue measure-ments such as traceroutes and pings from its front-endsor datacenters to hosts across the Internet. For example,Entact measures the performance along different routesby issuing pings from servers in datacenters to respon-sive addresses in prefixes across the Internet [1]. Onemeasurement technique used by Akamai is to traceroutefrom CDN servers to LDNSes to discover routers alongthe path, then ping those routers as a proxy for CDN toLDNS or end-user latency [32].

However, these measurements cannot provide a goodunderstanding of user performance. Many destinationsdo not respond to these probes, so Entact was unable tofind enough responsive addresses in the networks respon-sible for 74% of MSN traffic. Similarly, previous workhas shown that 45% of LDNS do not respond to ICMPping or to DNS queries from random hosts [33], and40% of end users do not respond to ICMP probes [34].Routers are more responsive than LDNS, with 85% re-sponding to ping [35], but measurements to routers maynot reflect a client’s application performance becauseICMP packets may be deprioritized or rate-limited [36].All of the above fail to exercise critical layer 7 behaviorsincluding SSL/TLS and HTTP redirection.

3) Layer 3 and DNS measurement from clients maynot reflect user-perceived performance and do notprovide sufficient coverage. Many systems performlayer 3 measurements from end user devices [37, 38, 39,

40, 41].1 These measurements are generally droppedby the strict network security policies of enterprise net-works. Further, these measurements generally cannot begenerated from in-browser JavaScript and instead requireinstalling an application, keeping them from providingmeasurements from Microsoft’s many web users.

4) Server-side measurements of client connections cansatisfy some but not all of our use cases. Google [2,6,7,42], Facebook [3], Microsoft [43], and other contentproviders and CDNs collect TCP- and application-layerstatistics on client connections made to their servers [44].To measure between users and alternate PoPs or paths,CDNs use DNS or routing to direct a small fraction oftraffic or client requests to alternate servers or paths.These measurements are useful for performance com-parisons, and DNS redirection could steer some of themeasurements to measurement servers hosted in externalcloud providers. However, if a user cannot reach a server,the outage will not register in server-side measurements,and so these measurements cannot be used to measurefine-grained availability. There are also several practi-cal challenges with only using server-side measurements.While Table 1 shows that technically server-side mea-surements can be collected on external networks, thereare a number of engineering and operational trade-offsthat make client-side measurements a better solution forlarge content providers. The first is that measuring to ex-ternal networks would mean hosting alternate front-endson an external provider which immediately raises seriouscompliance and production concerns. The second issueis that doing A/B network testing with production trafficis considered too high risk with an enterprise customerbase.

1Ono [37] and Netalyzr [39] also measure throughput.

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5 Design DecisionsTo meet our goals (§3) and overcome the limitations of

other approaches (§4), Odin uses user-side, application-layer measurements of client connections, combining theexplicit outage signaling and fault tolerance of user-sidemeasurements (as with layer 3 measurements from usersin §4) with the representative performance and cover-age achieved by measuring client connections (as withserver-side measurements in §4).

Client-side active measurement from Microsoft users.Odin embeds a measurement client into some Microsoftthick clients and web applications. It directs measure-ment clients to fetch web objects.

This approach helps achieve a number of our require-ments. Odin issues measurements from Microsoft users,achieving coverage important to Microsoft’s businessesand (by issuing measurements at a rate similar to the useof Microsoft’s applications) sensitivity to Internet events,even events that impact only a small fraction of users orconnections. By embedding our measurement client intothick clients, Odin can issue measurements even fromusers unable to reach a Microsoft web server.

Application layer measurements. Odin clients per-form DNS resolutions and fetch web objects, measuringavailability and timing of these application-layer actionsand reporting the results to Odin. The clients can usehttp and https, allowing integration with Microsoft ap-plications that require https. Unlike ping and tracer-oute, the measurements are compatible with enterprisenetworks that host many Microsoft services and users.

These measurements capture the application-layeruser performance that we care about, exercising mech-anisms across the network stack that can impact per-formance and availability, including TLS/SSL, webcaching, TCP settings, and browser choice. http andhttps measurements also provide status code errors thatare useful for debugging. They also suffice to uncoveruser-LDNS associations [45], a key need for both ouranycast and DNS redirection CDNs (§7).

External services and smarter clients. We designthe clients to conduct measurements and report resultseven when they cannot reach Microsoft services, as out-age reports are some of the most valuable measurementsand measurement-dependent operations must continue tofunction. To build this fault tolerance, clients that can-not fetch measurement configuration or report results fallback to using third-party CDNs for these operations. Weuse the third-party CDNs to proxy requests to Microsoftand to host static measurement configuration.

Flexible measurement orchestration and aggregation.We built a measurement orchestration system for Odinthat supports parallel experiments with different config-

urations, helping meet a variety of requirements. To ac-commodate the unique business constraints and compli-ance requirements of each application that Odin mea-sures to or from, the system provides control over whichendpoints an application’s users may be given to mea-sure and which servers they upload reports to. When ap-propriate, experiments can measure to servers in external(non-Microsoft) networks, and clients conduct multiplemeasurements in a session to allow direct comparisons.By having clients fetch instructions on which active mea-surements to run, new experiments generally do not re-quire changes to operational services or to clients, reduc-ing operational risk. We also allow for flexibility in ag-gregation of the measurements (e.g., in 5 minute buckets)for faster upload to our real-time alerting system.

6 System Design

Figure 2: Odin Architecture Overview: CDN clients down-load measurement config, perform measurements, and uploadresults. If first-party network sites are unreachable, third-partysites can cache config and relay upload requests.

Figure 2 outlines the Odin measurement process. Anumber of Microsoft applications embed the Odin client(§6.1). Odin clients in thick applications support a rangeof measurements. This paper focuses on measuring la-tency and availability, our highest priorities, supportedby thick and web applications.Step 1: The client uses a background process to fetch ameasurement configuration from the Orchestration Ser-vice (§6.2). The configuration defines the type of mea-surements and the targets (measurement endpoints).Step 2: The client issues the measurements. To mea-sure latency and availability, endpoints host a small im-age on a web server for clients to download. Many Mi-crosoft applications require https requests, so measure-ment endpoints have valid certificates. The endpointscan be in Microsoft front-ends, Microsoft data centers,or third-party cloud/collocation facilities.Step 3: When the client completes its measurements,it uploads the measurement results to a Report UploadEndpoint (§6.3). The Report Upload Endpoint forwardsthe measurements to Odin’s two analysis pipelines.Step 4: The real-time pipeline performs alerting and net-work diagnostics, and the offline pipeline enriches mea-surements with metadata for big data analysis (§6.4).

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Figure 3: Odin supports two measurement types for latency.Measurement a measures the test domain directly. Measure-ment b contacts an Odin authoritative DNS first, which re-sponds with the endpoint to measure. This gives Odin client-LDNS association for a measurement.

6.1 Client

Measurements can vary along 3 dimensions: http orhttps, direct or DNS-based, and warm or cold. Fig-ure 3 illustrates direct and DNS-based measurements.The first type has the client performing DNS resolu-tion of test.domain2.com in a1 and fetching the im-age and recording the latency in a2. The measurementto <randid>.contoso.com is an example of the sec-ond type, which we refer to as a DNS-based measure-ment and which we use to measure web fetch latency andclient-LDNS association. The domain (contoso.com)is one that we control. We design the clients torecognize the <randid> scheme and substitute in aunique, transient, random identifier $(RandID).2 Theclient then issues a DNS request via the user’s LDNSfor $(RandID).contoso.com (step b1). The DNS re-quest goes to our authoritative DNS server, which re-turns a record for the endpoint Odin wants to mea-sure (test.domain1.com) and logs its response as-sociated with the $(RandID). The client then fetcheshttp://test.domain1.com/tiny.gif. In step c, theclient reports its measurements, reporting the ID for thesecond measurement as $(RandID). The measurementback-end uses $(RandID) to join the client’s IP addresswith the DNS log, learning the user-LDNS association.

The Orchestration Service can ask clients to perform“cold” and/or “warm” measurements. A cold measure-ment initiates a new TCP connection to fetch the im-age. A warm measurement fetches the image twice andreports the second result, which will benefit from DNScaching and from a warm TCP connection.3

2Generating the $(RandID) at the client rather than at the Orches-tration Service lets caches serve the measurement configuration.

3The client prevents browser caching by appending a random pa-rameter to the image request (e.g. tiny.gif?abcde12345).

Web client vs. thick client measurements. Web clientsdefault to measuring latency using the request start andend times in JavaScript, which is known to be impre-cise [46]. If the browser supports the W3C resource-timing API [46], then the client reports that more precisemeasurement instead, along with a flag that signals that itused the more precise option. If the image fetch fails, theclient reports the HTTP error code if one occurred, other-wise it reports a general failure error code. A limitationof in-browser measurements is that low-level network-ing errors are not exposed to JavaScript. For example,we cannot distinguish between a DNS resolution failureand a TCP connection timeout. Thick clients issue mea-surements through an Odin application SDK. Unlike webclients, the SDK can report specific low-level networkingerrors which are valuable in debugging.

6.2 Orchestration Service

The Orchestration Service coordinates and dispatchesmeasurements. It is a RESTful API service that Odinclients invoke to learn which measurements to perform.The service returns a small JSON object specifying themeasurements. In the rare case of major incidents withOdin or target Microsoft services, the Orchestration Ser-vice has the option to instruct the client to issue no mea-surements to avoid aggravating the issues.

NumMeasurements: 3,

MeasurementEndpoints: [

{type:1, weight:10, endpoint:"m1.contoso.com"},

{type:1, weight:20, endpoint:"m2.microsoft.com"},

{type:2, weight:30, endpoint:"m3.azure.com"},

{type:3, weight:10, endpoint:"m4.azure.com"},

{type:2, weight:30, endpoint:"m5.azure.com"},

{type:1. weight:15, endpoint:"m6.microsoft.com"}],

ReportEndpoints: ["r1.azure.com","r2.othercdn.com"]

Listing 1: Example measurement configuration that is servedby the orchestration service to the client.

Listing 1 shows an example configuration that spec-ifies three measurements to be run against three out ofsix potential endpoints. The ability to specify more end-points than measurements simplifies configurations thatneed to “spray” measurements to destinations with dif-ferent probabilities, as is common in CDN A/B test-ing [16]. The client performs a weighted random selec-tion of three endpoints.

The other component of orchestration is thecustomized authoritative DNS server for DNS-based measurements (§6.1). When a client re-quests DNS resolution for a domain such as12345abcdef.test.contoso.com, the DNS serverresponds with a random record to a target endpoint,with the random choice weighted to achieve a desiredmeasurement distribution.

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Even a unique hostname used for client-LDNS map-ping can generate multiple DNS queries. Our measure-ments reveal that 75% of unique hostnames result in mul-tiple LDNS requests, and 70% result in requests frommultiple LDNS IP addresses. If our authoritative DNSreturned different responses for a single hostname, wewould be unable to determine from logs which targetendpoint the client actually measured. To overcome thisissue, we use consistent hashing to always returns thesame response for the same DNS query.

The Orchestration Service allocates measurements toclients based on experiments. An experiment has an Or-chestration Service configuration that specifies the end-points to be measured, which applications’ users willparticipate, and which report endpoints to use based oncompliance requirements of the applications. Experi-ment owners configure endpoint measurement allocationpercentages, and the Orchestration Service converts theminto weights in the configuration. The Orchestration Ser-vice runs multiple experiments, and experiments may beadded or removed at any time.

The Orchestration Service allows Odin to tailor con-figurations to meet different measurement needs and usecases. For example, the service can generate specializedconfiguration for clients depending on their geography,connection type, AS, or IP prefix. When experimentingwith CDN settings, we tailor Odin configurations to exer-cise the experimental settings from clients in a particularmetropolitan area and ASN. When debugging a perfor-mance issue, we tailor configurations to target measure-ments to an endpoint experiencing problems.

If the Orchestration Service is unavailable, proxies inthird-party networks may be used instead. The proxiesmay act as reverse proxies for the first-party system. Al-ternatively, if the first-party system is unavailable, a fall-back to a cached default configuration can be returned toclients.

6.3 Reporting

Listing 1 shows that the measurement configuration re-turned by the Orchestration Service also specifies theprimary and backup ReportEndpoints for the clientto upload measurement results. ReportEndpoints arehosted across the 100+ front-ends of Microsoft’s first-party CDN. When a ReportEndpoint receives client mea-surement results, it forwards them to two Microsoft datapipelines, as shown in Figure 2. If for some reason theMicrosoft CDN is unavailable, the client will fall back tousing proxies hosted in third-party networks. The prox-ies forward to a set of front-ends that are not part of theprimary set of front-ends.

Fault-tolerant measurement reporting is necessary tosupport our requirement of an explicit outage signal,since we cannot measure the true availability of Mi-

Figure 4: Three types ofInternet faults that may oc-cur when fetching measure-ment configuration or upload-ing reports.

Figure 5: Topology ofbackup paths when FE1 is un-reachable. FE1 is a front-endcollocated with a PoP whileFEDC is a front-end in a dat-acenter.

crosoft’s first-party CDN if we also report measurementsthere. Odin’s fault-tolerant approach for fetching mea-surement configuration and uploading results will suc-ceed if the backup reporting channel(s) use a path thatavoids the failure and fail if both the primary and backuppaths encounter the failure. As long as the client canreach a backup, and the backup can reach at least oneof the Odin servers at Microsoft, Odin receives the re-sult, tolerating all but widespread failures that are de-tectable with traditional approaches and are often out-side of Microsoft’s control to fix. From operational ex-perience, Odin’s handling of faults provides a high levelof resilience for our measurement data. We now discussOdin’s behavior in the face of three fault scenarios. Wedo not consider this an exhaustive treatment of all possi-ble fault scenarios.

Interconnection faults impact an individual link(s) be-tween an end-user ISP and the CDN, caused by issuessuch as peering misconfiguration or congestion. Connec-tivity to other ISPs is not impacted. Figure 4(A) showsan interconnection fault between PoPs A and B. Figure 5shows that, when these faults occur, the client will senda backup request using path 2,3 to Proxy 1. The proxythen forwards the request back to the CDN by path 3,4,through D, to a datacenter front-end FEDC instead ofFE1.

Front-end system faults are failures of a front-enddue to software or hardware problems, as shown in Fig-ure 4(B). Because the backup proxies connect to a dis-tinct set of front-ends (hosted in datacenters), we gainresilience to front-end system faults, as seen in Figure 5.

PoP-Level faults impact multiple ISPs and a large vol-ume of traffic exchanged at that facility. These faults maybe caused by a border router or middle-box misconfigu-ration or a DDoS attack. In our experience, these faultsare rare and short-lived, and so we did not design Odinto be resilient to them. Figure 5 shows that Proxy 1’spath to FEDC goes through the same PoP as the client’s

USENIX Association 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation 507

path to FE1, whereas Proxy 2 avoids it. We present apreliminary evaluation of this scenario in Section 8.2.

6.4 Analysis Pipeline

Measurement reports get sent to two analysis pipelines.

Offline Pipeline. The measurement reports include areport ID, metadata about the client (version number ofclient software, ID of Microsoft application it was em-bedded in, whether it used the W3C Resource TimingAPI), and the measurement results, each of which in-cludes a measurement ID, the measurement latency (orfailure information), and whether it was a cold or warmmeasurement. The offline pipeline enriches measure-ments with metadata including the client’s LDNS and theuser’s location (metropolitan region), ASN, and networkconnection type. This enriched data is the basis for mostoperational applications (§7).

Real-time Alerting Pipeline. Many of the targetendpoints that Odin monitors are business-critical somust react quickly to fix high latency or unavailabil-ity. To ensure fast data transfer to the back-end real-time data analytics cluster, each reporting endpoint re-duces data volume by aggregating measurements withinshort time windows. It annotates each measurementwith the client’s metropolitan region and ASN, using in-memory lookup tables. Within each window, it groups allmeasurements to a particular endpoint from clients in aparticular 〈metropolitan region, ASN〉, then reports fixedpercentiles of latency from that set of measurements, aswell as the total number of measurements and the frac-tion of measurements that failed.

7 Supporting CDN Operations with OdinWe use Odin to support key operational concerns ofCDNs – performance and availability, plus CDN expan-sion/evolution and how it impacts the other concerns.The two CDNs we support have sizes of over a hundredsites (which is more than most CDNs) and few dozensites (which is common for CDNs [47]).

7.1 Directing users to the CDN front-ends

Low latency web services correlate with higher user sat-isfaction and service revenue. A central proposition of aCDN is that distributed servers can serve users over shortdistances, lowering latency, but deploying the serversalone does not suffice to achieve that goal.

Odin continuously monitors client performance forboth of Microsoft’s CDNs. Previous work demonstratedthe value of comparing performance of our CDN to an-other to guard against latency regressions [15]; of com-paring performance from one client to multiple CDNservers [16], and of comparing the performance from aCDN to multiple clients in the same city [6]. Odin pro-vides measurements for all these analyses, which can un-

cover performance problems stemming from circuitousrouting in either direction or from poor server selec-tion. This section describes how we use Odin to cre-ate high-performance redirection maps for DNS redirec-tion (§7.1.1) and to identify cases in which Internet rout-ing selects poor performing anycast routes (§7.1.2).

7.1.1 Generating low latency DNS redirection maps

Azure’s traffic manager service (§2.2) directs a user to aparticular Azure region [14] by returning a DNS recordfor that region. When determining which DNS recordto return, the traffic manager knows which LDNS issuedthe request but not which user.4 We refer to an instanceof the DNS redirection policy as a map (from LDNS toIP addresses of Azure regions).

To achieve low latency for users, we need to under-stand which use each LDNS and their performance to thevarious regions. Microsoft constructs maps using Odindata as the primary data source, as follows:

(1) Data Aggregation. The offline pipeline annotateseach DNS-based measurement with the LDNS the clientused (§6.4). We use this associate to group the measure-ments directed by each LDNS to each Azure region andcalculate the median latency to each region from eachLDNS. (In practice, before finding the median latency,we aggregate all LDNS within the same /26 IP prefix,which we found balances precision because of IP local-ization and statistical power from measurement aggrega-tion.)

(2) Filtering. Next, we filter out LDNS-region pairswhich do not have enough measurements. Our minimumthreshold was chosen using statistical power analysis. Ifwe filter the region that was lowest latency for the LDNSin the currently-deployed map, we do not update the mapfor the LDNS, to prevent us from making the best deci-sion from a set of bad choices.

(3) Ranking Results. For each LDNS, we rank theregions by latency. At query resolution time, the traf-fic management authoritative DNS responds to an LDNSwith the lowest latency region that is currently online.

(4) Applying the Overrides. The final step is to applythe per-LDNS changes to the currently deployed map,resulting in the new map. The map generation processtakes care of prefix slicing, merging, and aggregation toproduce a map with a small memory footprint.

7.1.2 Identifying and patching poor anycast routing

Microsoft’s first-party CDN uses anycast (§2.2). Any-cast inherits from BGP an obliviousness to network per-formance and so can direct user requests to suboptimalfront-ends. We identify incidents of poor anycast routingin Microsoft’s anycast CDN by using Odin to measure

4Except for the few LDNS that are ECS-enabled [48, 49].

508 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation USENIX Association

performance of anycast and unicast alternatives from thesame user. Our previous study used this methodology fora one-off analysis using measurements from a small frac-tion of Bing users [16]. Odin now continuously measuresat a large scale and automatically generates daily results.As with our earlier work, we find that anycast works wellfor most–but not all–requests. The traditional approachto resolving poor anycast routing is to reconfigure routeannouncements and/or work with ISPs to improve theirrouting towards the anycast address.

While Microsoft pursues this traditional approach, an-nouncements can be difficult to tune, and other ISPs maynot be responsive, and so we also patch instances of pooranycast performance using a hybrid scheme that we pro-posed (but did not implement) in our previous work [16].The intuition is that both DNS redirection and anycastwork well most of the time, but each performs poorly fora small fraction of users. DNS redirection cannot achievegood performance if an LDNS serves widely distributedclients [32], and anycast performs poorly in cases of in-direct Internet routing [16]. Since the underlying causesdo not strongly correlate, most clients that have poor any-cast performance can have good DNS redirection per-formance. We use Odin measurements to identify theseclients, and a prominent Microsoft application now re-turns unicast addresses to the small fraction of LDNSthat serve clients with poor anycast routing.

7.2 Monitoring and improving service availability

The first concern of most user-facing web services is tomaintain high availability for users, but it can be chal-lenging to quickly detect outages, especially those thatimpact only a small volume of requests.

Odin’s design allows it to monitor availability withhigh coverage and fast detection. By issuing measure-ments from the combined user base of a number of ser-vices, it can detect issues sooner than any individualservice. By having a single client session issue mea-surements to multiple endpoints, sometimes including anendpoint outside of Microsoft’s network, it can under-stand the scope of outages and differentiate client-sideproblems from issues with a client contacting a particu-lar service or server. By providing resilient data collec-tion even in the face of disruptions, Odin gathers thesevaluable measurements even from clients who cannotreach Microsoft services. Anycast introduces challengesto maintaining high availability. This section discusseshow Odin helps address them.

7.2.1 Preventing anycast overload

Monitoring a front-end’s ability to control its load.Previous work from our collaborators demonstrated howMicrosoft’s anycast CDN prevents overload [50]. Theapproach works by configuring multiple anycast IP ad-

dresses and organizing them into a series of “rings” offront-ends. All front-ends are part of the largest ring,and then each subsequent ring contains only a subsetof the front-ends in the previous one, generally thosewith higher capacity. The innermost ring contains onlyhigh capacity data centers. Each front-end also hosts anauthoritative nameserver. If a front-end becomes over-loaded, its authoritative nameserver “sheds” load by di-recting a fraction of DNS queries to a CNAME for thenext ring. These local shedding decisions work well ifanycast routes a client’s LDNS’s queries and the client’sHTTP requests to the same front-end, in which case theauthoritative nameserver can shed the client’s requests.

The previous work used measurements from Odin toevaluate how well HTTP and DNS queries correlate foreach front-end [50], a measure of how controllable itstraffic is. Odin now continuously measures the correla-tions and controllability of each front-end, based on itsmeasurements of client-to-LDNS associations.

Designing rings with sufficient controllability. Weuse Odin data on per front-end controllability to designanycast rings that can properly deal with load. The datafeeds a traffic forecasting model that is part of our dailyoperation. The model predicts per front-end peak load,broken down by application, given a set of rings.

Two scenarios can compromise a front-end’s abilityto relieve its overload. First, the above approach shedsload at DNS resolution time, so it does not move exist-ing connections. This property is an advantage in that itdoes not sever existing connections, but it means that itcannot shed the load of applications with long-lived TCPconnections. Second, if a front-end receives many HTTPqueries from users whose DNS queries are not servedfrom the front-end, it can potentially be overwhelmedby new connections that it does not control, even if itis shedding all DNS requests to a different ring.

We use Odin measurements in a process we call ringtuning to proactively guard against these two situations.For the first, we use measurements to identify a high-correlation set of front-ends to use as the outermost any-cast ring for applications with long-lived connections.The high-correlation allows a front-end that is approach-ing overload to quickly shed any new connections, bothfrom the long-lived application and other applications ithosts on other anycast addresses. To guard against thesecond situation, we use measurements to design ringsthat avoid instances of uncontrollable load, and we con-figure nameservers at certain front-ends to shed all re-quests from certain LDNS to inner rings, to protect an-other front-end that does not control its own fate.

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Figure 6: In a regional anycast scenario, if a user’s LDNS isserved by a front-end in the user’s region, the user’s perfor-mance is unaffected. If the user’s LDNS is served by a front-end in a different region, then the user will be served from thedistant region, likely degrading performance.

7.2.2 Monitoring the impact of anycast routechanges on availability

Long-lived TCP connections present another challengeto anycast: an Internet route change can shift ongoingTCP connections from one anycast front-end to another,severing the connections [51, 52, 53, 54]. Odin measure-ments address this concern in two ways. First, by hav-ing clients fetch an object from both an anycast addressand a unicast address, we can monitor for problems withanycast availability. Second, we use Odin to monitor theavailability of different candidate anycast rings in orderto identify subsets of front-ends with stable routing.

7.3 Using measurements to plan CDN evolution

7.3.1 Comparing global vs regional anycast

In a basic anycast design, all front-ends share the sameglobal IP address. However, this address presents a sin-gle point of failure, and a routing configuration mistakeat Microsoft or one of our peers has the potential toblackhole a large portion of our customer traffic. An al-ternate approach is to use multiple regional anycast ad-dresses, each announced by only a subset of front-ends.Such an approach reduces the “blast radius” of a poten-tial mistake, but it can also change the performance ofthe CDN. A user’s request can only end up at one of thefront-ends that announces the anycast address given to itsLDNS, which might prevent the request from using thebest performing front-end . . . or prevent Internet routingfrom delivering requests to distant front-ends.

Figure 6 shows the three scenarios that can occurwhen partitioning a global anycast into regions. A user’sLDNS may be served by the same front-end as the useror by a different one. If different, the front-ends may beassigned to the same or different regions. If they are as-signed to different regions, then the user will be directedaway from its global front-end to a different one, likelydegrading performance.

In a use case similar to anycast ring tuning, we usedOdin to collect data, then used a graph partitioning algo-rithm to construct regions that minimize the likelihoodthat a user and their LDNS are served by front-endsin different regions. We construct a graph where ver-

Country P75Imp.

P95Imp. Country P75


Spain 30.68% 10.79% Switzerland 10.67% 22.18%Italy 29.92% 17.95% Netherlands 7.22% 24.94%Japan 28.14% 32.02% France 6.60% 18.14%Australia 20.05% 16.82% Norway 5.61% 14.93%Canada 19.17% 5.10% U.K. 4.44% 12.39%Sweden 14.14% 24.02% Germany 2.82% 5.49%U.S.A. 14.04% 8.81% Finland 1.56% 12.97%South Africa 13.97% 6.33% Brazil 0.68% 6.18%India 13.97% 6.08%

Table 2: The performance improvement in the 75th and 95thpercentile from a 2 month roll-out using the Odin-based map-ping technique over May and June 2017.

tices represent front-ends and edges between vertices areweighted proportional to the traffic volume where oneendpoint serves the DNS query and the other serves theHTTP response. We use an off-the-shelf graph partition-ing heuristic package to define 5 regions, each with ap-proximately the same number of front-ends, that mini-mizes the number of clients directed to distant regions.We compare the performance of regional versus globalanycast in Section 8.3.

8 Evaluation and Production ResultsOdin has been running as a production service for 2years. It has been incorporated into a handful of Mi-crosoft applications, measuring around 120 endpoints.

8.1 Odin improves service performance

8.1.1 Odin’s DNS redirection maps reduce latency

In May 2017, the Azure traffic manager began direct-ing production traffic using maps generated as describedin Section 7.1.1, replacing a proprietary approach thatcombined geolocation databases with pings from CDNinfrastructure. We evaluated the performance of thetwo maps by running an Odin experiment that had eachclient issue two measurements, one according to eachmap. Table 2 shows the latency change at the 75th and95th percentile for the countries with the most measure-ments. Finland and Brazil saw negligible latency in-creases (1.56%, 0.68%) at the 75th percentile, but allother high traffic countries saw reductions at both per-centiles, with a number improving by 20% or more.

0 50 100 150Global Latency Difference (geomap - Odin) (ms)








F of








Figure 7: Difference in global performance over one day be-tween a Odin map and a map generated from LDNS locations(geomap). Values less than 0 show the fraction of time that thegeomap performed better.

510 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation USENIX Association

Comparison with alternative DNS mapping tech-niques. A simple approach to generating a redirec-tion map for a CDN is to use the locations of LDNSes.To test the performance difference between this and theOdin approach, we generated a map using a proprietaryMicrosoft geolocation database that aggregates locationsfrom many sources. For every IPv4 address, we findthe geographically closest front-end and choose that forthe map entry. We aggregate neighboring IP addresseswith the same map entry and convert this into a set ofDNS records. We then configured Odin to measure boththis map and the current Odin-based map for 24 hourson Sept. 21, 2017. We bucketed measurements into 10-minute bins. For each bin, we calculated the latency dif-ferences at different percentiles. Figure 7 depicts a CDFover all 10 minute bins. Most of the time there is no realdifference at the median. The difference is also small atthe 75th percentile, although Odin is better around 65%of the time. The real improvement of using Odin comesat the 90th, 95th, and 99th percentile. At P95, Odin’smap is better by 65ms half the time.

Dispelling mistaken conventional wisdom. Prior workon CDN performance sometimes exhibited misconcep-tions about DNS redirection, because operational prac-tices were not transparent to the research community.We distill some takeaways from our work that contradictprior claims and elucidate realities of modern CDNs.

• For many CDNs, measurements of user connectionssuffice as the key input to map generation, whereasprevious work often describes mapping as a com-plex process requiring many different types of Inter-net measurements [4], including measurements frominfrastructure to the Internet [6, 55]. This reality isespecially true for CDNs that host popular first-partyservices, as the CDN has measurement flexibility andcontrol over first party services.

• The geographic or network location of an LDNS doesnot impact the quality of redirection, even though redi-rection occurs at the granularity of an LDNS. Previouswork claimed that redirection decisions were based onthe location of or measurements to the LDNS [55],or that good decisions depending on users being neartheir LDNS [45, 56, 57]. In reality, techniques formeasuring associations between users and LDNS havebeen known for years [45], allowing decisions basedon the performance of the users of an LDNS to vari-ous front-ends, which provides good performance aslong as the users of an LDNS experience good perfor-mance from the same front-end as each other.

• Most redirection still must occur on a per LDNS ba-sis, even though EDNS client-subnet (ECS) enablesuser prefix-granularity decisions [32, 48, 55, 58]. Our

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70Hours











Figure 8: Debugging 2017 availability drop between Helsinkifront-end and AS1759 users in Finland.

measurements reveal that, outside of large public re-solvers, almost no LDNS operators have adopted ECS.

8.1.2 Odin patches anycast performance

Due to space constraints, we summarize the results fromour earlier work [16]. Anycast directed 60% of requeststo the optimal front-end, but it also directed 20% of re-quests to front-ends that were more than 25ms worsethan the optimal one. Today we use Odin measurementsto derive unicast “patches” for many of those clients.

8.2 Using Odin to identify outages

An outage example. Figure 8 visualizes Odin mea-surements showing an availability drop for Finnish usersin AS1759 during a 24 hour period in 2017. The avail-ability issue was between users in that ISP and a Mi-crosoft front-end in Helsinki. Because Odin measuresfrom many Microsoft users to many endpoints in Mi-crosoft and external networks, it provides informationthat assists with fault localization. First, we can exam-ine measurements from multiple client ISPs in the sameregion towards the same endpoint. For readability, welimit the figure to one other ISP, AS719, which the fig-ure shows did not experience an availability drop to thefront-end. So, the front-end is still able to serve someuser populations as expected. Second, the figure indi-cates that AS1759 maintains high availability to a dif-ferent endpoint in Microsoft’s network, a nearby data-center. So, there is no global connectivity issue betweenMicrosoft and AS1759. Last, the figure indicates thatavailability remains high between clients in AS1759 andan external network. The rich data from Odin allows usto localize the issue to being between clients in AS1759and our Helsinki front-end.

Reporting in the presence of failures. Odin success-fully reports measurements despite failures between end-users and Microsoft. Figure 9 shows the fraction of re-sults reported via backup paths for representative coun-tries in different regions, normalized by the minimumfraction across countries (for confidentiality). Duringour evaluation period, there were no significant outagesso the figure captures transient failures that occur duringnormal business operations. All countries show a strong

USENIX Association 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation 511





Local Time












e D



in p


nt o







United StatesGermany



Figure 9: Relative difference per hour in percentage of reportsreceived through the backup path across four weekdays.

diurnal pattern with peaks around midnight and valleysaround 8 a.m. local time. Interestingly, the peaks of high-est failover reports occur well outside of working hours,when Microsoft’s traffic volume is low. This is consistentwith previous work which found that search performancedegraded outside business hours, because of an increasein traffic from lower quality home broadband networksrelative to traffic from well-provisioned businesses [43].

The percentage of reports uploaded through third-parties varies significantly across countries. For exam-ple, at peak, Brazil have 3x and 4x the percentage ofbackup reports as compared to Germany and Japan. An-other distinguishing characteristic across countries is thelarge difference in range between peaks and valleys. In-dia ranges from ≈ 3× to ≈ 8× the baseline, Australiafrom ≈ 2× to ≈ 4×, and Japan from ≈ 1× to ≈ 2×Backup path scenarios. Backup proxies forward reportuploads to datacenter front-ends instead of front-endscollocated with PoPs (§6). To illustrate why this is neces-sary, we allocated a small fraction of Odin measurementsto use an alternate configuration in which the third-partyproxies instead forward traffic to an anycast ring con-sisting of front-ends at the same PoPs as the primaryReportEndpoints. The third party CDN has roughlythe same number of front-end sites as Microsoft. Outof 2.7 billion measurements collected globally over sev-eral days in January 2018, around 50% were forwardedto the same front-end by both the third-party proxies andthe primary reporting pathway, meaning that the reportscould be lost in cases of front-end faults.

Fault-tolerance for PoP-level failures. Figure 4(C)shows an entire PoP failing. It is likely that the nearestfront-end and nearest backup proxy to the end-user arealso relatively close to each other. When the proxy for-wards the request, it will likely ingress at the same failingPoP, even though the destination is different.

To route around PoP-level faults, we want the end-user to send the backup request to a topologically distantproxy, such as Proxy 2 in Figure 5. The proxy will for-ward the request through nearby CDN PoP F and avoidthe failure. To test this, we configured two proxy in-

Figure 10: Latency degradation of 5-region vs. global anycast.

stances in a popular cloud provider, on the East and WestCoasts of the United States. These proxies forward re-quests to the set of front-ends collocated at MicrosoftPoPs. We configured a load balancing service to send allrequests to the East Coast instance by default, but with anexception to direct all requests from East Coast clients tothe West Coast proxy. After collecting data globally forseveral days, we observed that only 3% of backup re-quests enter Microsoft’s network at the same PoP as theprimary, as opposed to the 50% above. This prototypeis not scalable with so few proxy instances, but demon-strates an approach to mitigate PoP-level faults that wewill develop in a future release.

8.3 Using Odin to evaluate CDN configuration

This section uses Odin to evaluate the performance im-pact of regional rings as compared to a global anycastring (§7.3.1). The cross-region issue illustrated in Fig-ure 6 still has the potential to introduce poor anycast per-formance, even though our graph partitioning attemptsto minimize it. To measure the impact to end users, weconfigure an Odin experiment that compares the latencyof the regional anycast ring with our standard “all front-ends” ring. Figure 10 shows that performance changeat the median is relatively small – just about 2%. The75th percentile consistently shows the highest percentageof degradation over time, fluctuating around 3%. Whilethe median and 75th percentiles are stable over the fivemonths, both 90th and 99th percentiles begin to trendhigher in the starting in May, suggesting that static regionperformance may change over time at higher percentiles.

8.4 Evaluating Odin coverage

In this section we examine Odin’s coverage of Mi-crosoft’s users as part of our requirement to cover pathsbetween Microsoft users, Microsoft, and external net-works. We will examine four applications which we haveintegrated with Odin. We have categorized them by theiruser base: General, Consumer, and Enterprise.

We first look at how much of Microsoft’s user base iscovered by individual and combined applications. Fig-ure 11 shows Consumer1, Consumer2, and Enterprise1have similar percent coverage of Microsoft end users by

512 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation USENIX Association

Figure 11: Percentages of ASes and /24s with measurementsbased on 4 properties with different user populations.

AS. The benefit of multiple applications is more appar-ent when looking at /24 coverage. We see that all fourapplications combined cover 85% of /24s whereas indi-vidually all except for General1 cover much less. Wealso examined the overlap between application coverageand found that the four properties only see around 42%pairwise overlap in /24 coverage, meaning that individualapplications contribute a substantial amount of user di-versity to Odin. General1 is the highest distinct contrib-utor by providing about 18% of distinct /24s observed.

Breaking down the coverage by “high revenue” (e.g.Reverse Proxy for Enterprise scenarios), “medium rev-enue” (e.g. Consumer email, ad-supported content)and “low revenue” (commodity caching workloads), weobserve a higher /24 prefix coverage with Odin for“high revenue” (95%) compared to “medium” (91%) and“low” (90%). This suggests that the missing coverage ofOdin is in the tail of relatively low-value traffic.

9 Related WorkThere has been a considerable prior work on improvingand evaluating general CDN performance [4, 56, 59, 60,61, 62, 63]. Prior work has also explored cooperationbetween ISPs and CDNs. Specifically, the efficacy ofISPs releasing distance maps to CDNs to enable moreaccurate client to server mappings [59], or ISPs hostingCDN servers on demand [60]. WISE [8] is a tool thatpredicts the deployment implications of new infrastruc-ture in CDNs by using machine learning. WhyHigh [6]and LatLong [7] focus on automating troubleshooting forlarge content providers like Google, using active mea-surements and passive latency data, respectively.

Entact [1], EdgeFabric [3], Espresso [2] measure thequality of egress paths from a CDN to the Internet. En-tact describes a technique to measure alternative pathsto Internet prefixes by injecting specific routes (/32) atborder routers to force egress traffic through a particu-lar location. These paths are utilized by a collection of“pinger” machines deployed in DCs to target IPs likely tobe responsive within a prefix. EdgeFabric and Espressodirect a small percent of user traffic through alternativeegress paths to measure alternate path performance.

Fathom [41], Netalyzr [39], Ono [37], Via [64],Dasu [38] are thick client applications that run measure-ments from end user machines; BISmark [40] measuresfrom the home routers. Akamai collects client-side mea-surements using their Media Analytics Plugin [65] andpeer-assisted NetSession [32, 66] platform. From com-mercial measurement platforms, Cedexis is the closestin nature to Odin. Cedexis partners with popular web-sites with large user bases such as LinkedIn and Tum-blr that embed Cedexis’ measurement JavaScript beaconinto their page. Cedexis customers register their ownendpoints to be measured by a portion of end-users ofCedexis’ partners. In this way, a customer collects mea-surements to their endpoints from a relatively large userbase. Conviva is a commercial platform which uses ex-tensive client-side measurements from video players tooptimize video delivery for content publishers [67, 68].

Akamai published a study on DNS-based redirec-tion [32] showing that enabling ECS [48] greatly im-proved the performance of user. Alzoubi et al. [51, 53]have examined properties of anycast CDNs. Follow upwork focuses on handling anycast TCP session disrup-tion due to BGP path changes [52]. Our work is com-plementary and orthogonal to our colleagues’ work, Fas-tRoute [50], that load balances within an anycast CDN.

Odin uses a user-to-LDNS association technique sim-ilar to [34, 45] whereas Akamai uses their NetSessiondownload manager software to obtain client-to-LDNSmappings [32]. Measuring latency using JavaScript bea-cons is a well established technique [16, 69].

10 ConclusionCDNs are critical to the performance of large-scale In-ternet services. Microsoft operates two CDNs, one with100+ endpoints that uses anycast and one for Azure-based services that uses DNS-redirection. This paperdescribes Odin, our measurement system that supportsMicrosoft’s CDN operations. These operations span awide variety of use cases across first- and third-partycustomers, with clients spread out worldwide. Odin hashelped improve the performance of major services likeBing search and guided capacity planning of Microsoft’sCDN. We believe that the key design choices we madein building and operating Odin at scale address the defi-ciencies of many prior Internet measurement platforms.

AcknowledgementsWe thank the anonymous NSDI reviewers for a construc-tive set of reviews. We thank our shepherd, MichaelKaminsky, for providing insightful recommendationsand thorough comments on multiple drafts. The workwas partially supported by NSF awards CNS-1564242,CNS-1413978, and CNS-1351100.

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AppendicesA Measurement CountsLet the number of measurements be n and the true fail-ure rate be p. Analytically, the observed failure rate p isdistributed as Bin(n, p)/n, so the average error is

E [|p− p|] = E[∣∣∣∣Bin(n, p)

n− p

∣∣∣∣] .Figure 12, however, is generated computationally viaMonte Carlo simulations. For example, to find the valuedescribed in the caption, we simulated a large number(107) of draws from the binomial distribution

p∼ Bin(n = 200, p = 0.01)/200,

then found the average value of |p− p| ≈ 54%.

30 50 100













Measurement Counts











r (%


0.001% Failure Rate0.010% Failure Rate0.100% Failure Rate1.000% Failure Rate

Figure 12: The average error of observed failure rate, as afunction of number of measurements and true failure rate. Forexample, if the true failure rate of a service is 1.0% (red dot-ted line), then a sample of 200 measurements would yield anaverage error of about 50%, i.e., 1.0±0.5%.

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