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Official - Diocese of Vijayawada

Date post: 28-Feb-2023
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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The turn of world events these dayshave saddened all of us. The cries ofthe people of Afghanistan, especiallythose who desperately wanted toleave the country even by trying tocling on to the wheels of the Militaryaircraft made everyone tounderstand their desperation. Wehave also seen images of mothersthrowing their babies across the wallinto the hands of US Militarypersonnel hoping to save them fromthe sufferings they may have toendure at the hands of Taliban if theystayed back in Afghanistan. Thenthere was that devastatingearthquake in Haiti on the 14th

August leaving 2000 people dead,84,000 houses collapsed. Even aftera week the aid has not reached thepeople and the little that managedto arrive there is controlled byviolent street-gangs, causingenormous tension to the aid-workers. We have seen over TVscreens, how five people were

fighting for a small bag of rice. Wehave seen images of children withoutlimbs, people without a home,debris everywhere and whole regiona rubble. There are cries for hunger,cries for freedom and cries for justicein all these countries. We ourselvesare still reeling under the threat ofCovid-19 variants and our social lifeis considerably blocked. In theChurch related issues our educationapostolate is shaken by the new lawsintroduced by the Government, andit looks that Government is keen ontaking away our Institutions whichwe have brought up to well acceptedlevels of standard in all theseyears.This sudden decision is goingto cripple our education apostolate.Ifthe project of the Government comestrue, we will not have any socialoutreach and we will not have anycontact with children, youth andparents and we will not be able toimpart any Gospel values that hastraditionally been communicatedthrough our Institutions.Europe hadalready gone through this experience

Reading the “signs of the times”Reading the “signs of the times”Reading the “signs of the times”Reading the “signs of the times”Reading the “signs of the times”to know the Divine Messageto know the Divine Messageto know the Divine Messageto know the Divine Messageto know the Divine Message



and so we must be ready to learnfrom them.

These experiences invite us to readthe ‘signs of the times’ and know thedivine message through them.

The concept “signs of the times” wasintroduced into official Catholicterminology by Pope John XXIIIin the 1961 apostolic constitutionHumanae Salutis (HS): “We knowthat the sight of these evils sodepresses the minds of some peoplethat they see nothing but darkness,which they think entirely envelopsthe world. We, on the other hand,love to reaffirm our unshakableconfidence in the divine Savior ofthe human race, who has by nomeans abandoned the mortals he hasredeemed. On the contrary,following the admonitions of Christthe Lord, who exhorts us tointerpret ‘the signs of the times’(Matt 16:3), amidst such darkgloom we discern not a few signsthat seem to offer the hope of a betterera for the Church and forhumanity” (HS 4).

In our pilgrimage through historywhere disorder and confusion seemto prevail, God continues to speakof his redeeming care via the signsof the times. We need, therefore, to

recognize and interpret them inorder to understand how theycommunicate the loving providenceof God.

In the Christian perspective there arethree major categories of signs of thetimes: primordial, perennial, andepisodic. The Christ event in itstotality is the primordial sign of thetimes, in the sense that all other signsmust be interpreted in its light. Thereare two perennial signs: Creation,revealing God’s providence and thecourse of history, pointing to God’scontinuing involvement. Finally, theepisodic signs refer to particularhistorical events, with both positiveand negative outcomes. To identifythem and to grasp their meaningrequires discernment. While all ofcreation as well as times of peace andharmony might more easily showGod’s providence, troubled timesusually require a social and personalinternalization, leading to repentanceand purification.

In order, to recognize the signs ofthe times, it is necessary tounderstand the language of the Spirit,who speaks in different “languages”at varied times. It may be in the formof a gentle breeze, a radiant dawnor a lush green canopy where the


Divine Artist is at His best. On theother hand, we can also hear theSpirit in the cry of the poor, in thesilent groans of the sick and dying,in the frustration of strandedmigrants, in the revolt of theoppressed masses, in the violencewith which the exploited cosmosresponds to ecological degradation,or in the important impulses we feelin our inner selves. Consequently, itis clear, that in the process of tryingto discern such language of theSpirit, contemplation anddiscernment must be accompaniedby insights that come from thehumanities and faith.

In interpreting the signs of the times,faith, ethics and social analysis mustgo hand in hand. Without a faithperspective, social analysis wouldstop at the mere phenomenon, losingsight of the deeper dimensions ofreality. Without a social analysis andan ethical commitment, faith wouldend up being mere piety, proposingunrealistic answers. The signs of thetimes, when we understand them asthe results of God’s presence andaction in human history, also havean eschatological dimension. Theyare given in view of the fulfilmentof history, and therefore must be

understood as the future impingingon the present, bringing a continuousnewness to the here and now.

So, on our part as we face theseproblems, we need deep faith tounderstand that God is at worksteering the world-events and willbring his purposes to a fulfilment.He is present and active in ourdifficulties and protects us as we gothrough the upheavals. Withouthesitation the Church must assumea prophetic role and give hope to theotherwise desperate world. Thesesigns must be understood asindications of a new path that theworld should take. The believingcommunity, that is, the Church mustprepare itself to take leadership invarious fields to lead the peoplethrough these paths indicated byGod. That is going to be our newministry in our world.

With good wishes and prayers,

Yours sincerely,

Thelagathoti J. Raja Rao, S.M.M. Bishop of Vijayawada







: Monthly Recollection, Bishop’s House

: Inauguration of New House, SJA,Mustabada, 11:00 a.m.

: Diocesan Directors Meeting, Commission for Ecumenism

: First Professions, Silver & Golden Jubilee,SABS Sisters, Enikepadu, 10:00 a.m.

: FCC Sisters Vestition, First Professions, Golden & Silver Jubilee, 10:00 a.m.


: Feast Mass, Kankipadu, 6:00 P.M.

: Blessing of the Newly constructed Co-Cathedral, St. Peter’s, Vijayawada, 9:30 a.m.

: Nuptial Blessing, St. Paul’s Cathedral,10:30 a.m.

: Priestly Ordinations, SJ, Loyola College, 5:00 p.m.

: New Church Blessing, Rudravaram,Bhairavapatnam,10:00 a. m.

13 Monday

22 Wednesday

23 - 24

27 Monday

30 Thursday

03 Sunday

07 Thursday

08 Friday

09 Saturday

16 Saturday

31 Sunday : Silver Jubilee Lourdhu Nagar Parish and SilverJubilee of Rev. Fr. Paul MuthoottilV.C, 5:30 p.m.






[27 September 2021]


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti, I expressed a concern and a hope thatremain uppermost in my thoughts: “Once this health crisis passes, ourworst response would be to plunge even more deeply into feverishconsumerism and new forms of egotistic self-preservation. God willing,after all this, we will think no longer in terms of ‘them’ and ‘those’, butonly ‘us’” (No. 35).

For this reason, I have wished to devote the Message for this year’s WorldDay of Migrants and Refugees to the theme, Towards An Ever Wider“We”, in order to indicate a clear horizon for our common journey in thisworld.

The history of this “we”

That horizon is already present in God’s creative plan: “God createdhumankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male andfemale he created them. God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Befruitful and multiply’” (Gen 1:27-28). God created us male and female,different yet complementary, in order to form a “we” destined to becomeever more numerous in the succession of generations. God created us inhis image, in the image of his own triune being, a communion in diversity.

When, in disobedience we turned away from God, he in his mercy wishedto offer us a path of reconciliation, not as individuals but as a people, a



“we”, meant to embrace the entire human family, without exception: “See,the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them; they will behis peoples, and God himself will be with them” (Rev 21:3).

Salvation history thus has a “we” in its beginning and a “we” at its end,and at its centre the mystery of Christ, who died and rose so “that theymay all be one” (Jn 17:21). The present time, however, shows that this“we” willed by God is broken and fragmented, wounded and disfigured.This becomes all the more evident in moments of great crisis, as is the casewith the current pandemic. Our “we”, both in the wider world and withinthe Church, is crumbling and cracking due to myopic and aggressive formsof nationalism (cf. Fratelli Tutti, 11) and radical individualism (cf. ibid.,105). And the highest price is being paid by those who most easily becomeviewed as others: foreigners, migrants, the marginalized, those living onthe existential peripheries.

The truth however is that we are all in the same boat and called to worktogether so that there will be no more walls that separate us, nolonger others, but only a single “we”, encompassing all of humanity. ThusI would like to use this World Day to address a twofold appeal, first tothe Catholic faithful and then all the men and women of our world, toadvance together towards an ever wider “we”.

A Church that is more and more “catholic”

For the members of the Catholic Church, this appeal entails a commitmentto becoming ever more faithful to our being “catholic”, as Saint Paulreminded the community in Ephesus: “There is one body and one Spirit,just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, onefaith, one baptism” (Eph 4:4-5).

Indeed the Church’s catholicity, her universality, must be embraced andexpressed in every age, according to the will and grace of the Lord whopromised to be with us always, until the end of the age (cf. Mt 28:20). TheHoly Spirit enables us to embrace everyone, to build communion indiversity, to unify differences without imposing a depersonalized uniformity.In encountering the diversity of foreigners, migrants and refugees, and in



the intercultural dialogue that can emerge from this encounter, we have anopportunity to grow as Church and to enrich one another. All the baptized,wherever they find themselves, are by right members of both their localecclesial community and the one Church, dwellers in one home and partof one family.

The Catholic faithful are called to work together, each in the midst of hisor her own community, to make the Church become ever more inclusiveas she carries out the mission entrusted to the Apostles by Jesus Christ:“As you go, proclaim the good news, ‘The kingdom of heaven has comenear.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons.You received without payment; give without payment” (Mt 10:7-8).

In our day, the Church is called to go out into the streets of every existentialperiphery in order to heal wounds and to seek out the straying, withoutprejudice or fear, without proselytising, but ready to widen her tent toembrace everyone. Among those dwelling in those existential peripheries,we find many migrants and refugees, displaced persons and victims oftrafficking, to whom the Lord wants his love to be manifested and hissalvation preached. “The current influx of migrants can be seen as a new“frontier” for mission, a privileged opportunity to proclaim Jesus Christand the Gospel message at home, and to bear concrete witness to theChristian faith in a spirit of charity and profound esteem for other religiouscommunities. The encounter with migrants and refugees of otherdenominations and religions represents a fertile ground for the growth ofopen and enriching ecumenical and interreligious dialogue” (Address tothe National Directors of Pastoral Care for Migrants, 22 September 2017).

An ever more inclusive world

I also make this appeal to journey together towards an ever wider “we” toall men and women, for the sake of renewing the human family, buildingtogether a future of justice and peace, and ensuring that no one is leftbehind.

Our societies will have a “colourful” future, enriched by diversity and bycultural exchanges. Consequently, we must even now learn to live together



in harmony and peace. I am always touched by the scene in the Acts of theApostles when, on the day of the Church’s “baptism” at Pentecost,immediately after the descent of the Holy Spirit, the people of Jerusalemhear the proclamation of salvation: “We… Parthians, Medes, Elamites,and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene,and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs –in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power”(2:9-11).

This is the ideal of the new Jerusalem (cf. Is 60; Rev 21:3), where allpeoples are united in peace and harmony, celebrating the goodness of Godand the wonders of creation. To achieve this ideal, however, we mustmake every effort to break down the walls that separate us and, inacknowledging our profound interconnection, build bridges that foster aculture of encounter. Today’s migration movements offer an opportunityfor us to overcome our fears and let ourselves be enriched by the diversityof each person’s gifts. Then, if we so desire, we can transform borders intoprivileged places of encounter, where the miracle of an ever wider “we”can come about.

I invite all men and women in our world to make good use of the gifts thatthe Lord has entrusted to us to preserve and make his creation even morebeautiful. “A nobleman went to a distant country to get royal power forhimself and then return. He summoned ten of his slaves, and gave themten pounds, and said to them, ‘Do business with these until I come back’”(Lk 19:12-13). The Lord will also demand of us an account of our work!In order to ensure the proper care of our common home, we must becomea “we” that is ever wider and more co-responsible, in the profoundconviction that whatever good is done in our world is done for presentand future generations. Ours must be a personal and collective commitmentthat cares for all our brothers and sisters who continue to suffer, even aswe work towards a more sustainable, balanced and inclusive development.A commitment that makes no distinction between natives and foreigners,between residents and guests, since it is a matter of a treasure we hold incommon, from whose care and benefits no one should be excluded.



The dream begins

The prophet Joel predicted that the messianic future would be a time ofdreams and visions inspired by the Spirit: “I will pour out my spirit on allflesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shalldream dreams, and your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28). We arecalled to dream together, fearlessly, as a single human family, as companionson the same journey, as sons and daughters of the same earth that is ourcommon home, sisters and brothers all (cf. Fratelli Tutti, 8).

PrayerPrayerPrayerPrayerPrayerHoly, beloved Father,

your Son Jesus taught usthat there is great rejoicing in heaven

whenever someone lost is found,whenever someone excluded, rejected or discarded

is gathered into our “we”,which thus becomes ever wider.

We ask you to grant the followers of Jesus,and all people of good will,

the grace to do your will on earth.Bless each act of welcome and outreach

that draws those in exileinto the “we” of community and of the Church,

so that our earth may truly becomewhat you yourself created it to be:

the common home of all our brothers and sisters. Amen.Rome, Saint John Lateran, 3 May 2021

Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles





From Vatican

COMMUNICATIONSNew Ordo - 2022New Ordo - 2022New Ordo - 2022New Ordo - 2022New Ordo - 2022As the new Ordo-2022 is being prepared, all the priests and the religious are requested to make sure that their personal names, dates of ordinations and the feast days of the congregations are rightly indicated in the Ordo. If anything has to be rectified from the previous Ordos of the diocese or anything to be added newly, please contact: Fr. N. David Raju, Director, Diocesan Liturgical Commission, Mobile No.: 9849925526. A special note to the Religious Clergy currently serving in the Diocese. Kindly pass on the date of your Ordination to priesthood to Rev. Fr. David for inclusion in the Ordo.

Monthly Recollection for SeptemberThe monthly recollection for the month of September will be held on the 13th of September at the

Bishop’Bishop’Bishop’Bishop’Bishop’s Houses Houses Houses Houses House. It will begin at9.30 a.m.,9.30 a.m.,9.30 a.m.,9.30 a.m.,9.30 a.m., and end with the lunch.All the pastoral clergy are to attendwithout fail.

Formation of Parish YFormation of Parish YFormation of Parish YFormation of Parish YFormation of Parish YouthouthouthouthouthCommittee (Reference Group) inCommittee (Reference Group) inCommittee (Reference Group) inCommittee (Reference Group) inCommittee (Reference Group) inall the Parishesall the Parishesall the Parishesall the Parishesall the Parishes

Our diocesan youth centre is goingto organize the parish youthcommittee groups in all the parishesin the coming days. It is thecollective work of Prayrana YouthCentre and collaboration of theparish priest. Thereby, I request allthe parish priests to support andencourage the Prayrana YouthCentre to form parish youthcommittee in every parish tofacilitate training of our youth aseffective leadersat the parish and thediocesan level in the future.

FrFrFrFrFr. John Babu. John Babu. John Babu. John Babu. John BabuThe Director, Prayrana Youth

Centre, Gunadala


Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle We pray that we all will make

courageous choices for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle,

rejoicing in our young people who are resolutely committed to this


“It is not enough to say we areChristians. We must live the faith,not only with our words, but withour actions.”



List of the Seminarians of the Diocese of Vijayawada


A consultation meeting with the Vicars Forane and the Heads of SSC, Diocesan Education Desk, Holy Childhood, Pastoral Centre, Prayrana Youth Centre, Talitha Cumi Unnati and the Secretary, TCBC Commission of Migration and Displacement Desk was convened in the Bishop’s House on 27th of August. The principal theme for deliberation was, “ Recovery and Long-Term Action on Critical Issues for Socio-Pastoral Relevance and Impact.” In his opening words, Most Rev. Thelagathoti Joseph Raja Rao, SMM our Bishop urged the discussants to have a dual perspective on the art of helping and care-giving: vocational and systematic. Being driven by our vocation to serve the needy is the essential motivation we cannot do without. But along with this we also need to bring some professional rigor in planning, implementing, and evaluating our caregiving activities to achieve time-bound results for the good of our people. He noted that we need to look beyond relief-work and facilitate full-time recovery. Only such a forward-looking approach will give a visible face for the Church.

Consultative Session with the VConsultative Session with the VConsultative Session with the VConsultative Session with the VConsultative Session with the Vicars Forane and Heads oficars Forane and Heads oficars Forane and Heads oficars Forane and Heads oficars Forane and Heads ofVVVVVarious Institutions of our Diocesearious Institutions of our Diocesearious Institutions of our Diocesearious Institutions of our Diocesearious Institutions of our Diocese

The key resource person MrMrMrMrMr. Ray. Ray. Ray. Ray. RayKancherlaKancherlaKancherlaKancherlaKancherla animated the sessionfurther and encouraged thediscussants to deliberate on re-thinking and re-visioning the socio-pastoral plan of our diocese with aphase-wise strategy. Undertaking atwo-pronged technical study wasproposed by Mr. Kancherla. Lackingreliable data is a big setback forconceiving and framing achievablegoals, he observed. To fill thislacuna, he said, two technical studies– one on Girl Child and another onChildren and the Youth- will beundertaken throughout the lengthand the breadth of the Diocese. Thelogistics and the roles of all thestakeholders were then explained.The discussants observed thatbriefing all the Parish Priests of theDiocese and soliciting their valuablecontribution for the goals we haveset will prove extremely beneficial.It was decided therefore, that avirtual meeting with all the ParishPriests will be held on the 31st ofAugust.







1. St. Paul’s Cathedral (Jul – 6742) ` 76942. St. Peter’s Co-Cathedral ` 17,5603. Agiripalli(Apr-434, July-360) ` 3854. Ajithsinghnagar5. Arugolanu ` 5606. Assisi Nagar (Konkepudi) ` 1,2207. Avanigadda8. Avutapalli9. Azzampudi ` 1,33010. Bantumilli11. Bhaskaraopeta12. Bhyravapatnam ` 1,13013. Bodavada-Jammavaram14. Bommuluru15. Carmelnagar ` 60916. Challapalli ` 2,41017. Chandarlapadu18. Chanubanda ` 37719. Chatrai ` 59720. Chillakallu21. Christurajapuram22. Edara(July- ` 2,650) ` 4,76023. Edulagudem24. Enikepadu25. Gampalagudem (July – 590) ` 65026. Gannavaram (July – 780) ` 78027. Gollapudi ` 186028. Goodmanpeta29. Gudivada ` 5,00030. Gudlavalleru ` 2,42231. Gunadalamatha Shrine ` 50,91032. Guntupalli ` 1,21033. Jagannadhapuram

34. Jaggayyapeta35. Jakkampudi (Jeevan Nagar) ` 44536. Joji Nagar37. Jyothinagar ` 1,48838. Kaikaluru ` 1,50039. Kalidindi ` 1,16040. Kambhampadu41. Kanchikacherla42. Kankipadu ` 2,31043. Kanuru ` 4,14044. Keesara45. Kesarapalli ` 5,25346. Koduru ` 28447. Kondapalli ` 2,82248. Kondapavuluru ` 90049. Korukollu50. Kotapadu51. Kothapalli52. Kuchipudi53. Labbipeta ` 3,33954. Lourdunagar55. Machilipatnam56. Mallavalli ` 60157. Manginapudi ` 45758. Mariapuram59. Mucchintala60. Mudinepalli ` 92061. Mulapadu62. Munagalapalli ` 99963. Musunuru64. Mylavaram65. Nagayalanka66. Nandigama



67. Nawabupeta68. Nehrupeta69. Nunna70. Nuzvid-Town71. Pamarru ` 2,40072. Pedda-Mustabad ` 1,04573. Pedana ` 91674. Penamaluru ` 2,00975. Penugolanu76. Pezzonipeta ` 3,01477. Polukonda ` 85078. Pydurupadu ` 41079. Rajareswaripeta ` 89680. Ramanakkapeta81. Ranigarithota(July – 476) `82. Sahayanagar (Ibrahimpatnam)83. Saradhanagar ` 69184. Satyanarayanapuram ` 2,280

85. Siluvagattu(July – 209) ` 20586. Siluvagirinagar ` 41587. Telaprolu88. Thukkuluru89. Tiruvuru90. Uppaluru91. Vanukuru ` 101092. Vatsavai ` 16593. Velagalagudem94. Vellaturu ` 65195. Velpur ` 1,15796. Vennanapudi97. Ventrapragada98. Vissannapeta99. Vuyyuru100.Yesupuram

TOTAL ` 1,43,6311,43,6311,43,6311,43,6311,43,631


16.08.2021 Challapalli ` 2,000

09.08.2021 Edara ` 7,600

26.08.2021 Edara ` 4,600

27.08.2021 Gannavaram ` 3,000

09.08.2021 Kesarapalli ` 6,400

17.08.2021 Satyanarayanapuram ` 6,400

28.08.2021 St. Peter’s Co-Cathedral ` 8,500

28.08.2021 Gudivada ` 1,500

TOTAL ` 40,00040,00040,00040,00040,000


St. Peter's Co-Cathedral ` 6,000

TOTTOTTOTTOTTOTALALALALAL `̀̀̀̀ 6,0006,0006,0006,0006,000






We are growing deeper in our call to love andto be loved, doing something beautiful for God,satiating the Thirst of Jesus as we serve thepoor and needy.

According to the need of our time - in the timeof Covid, when the world is stricken withuncertainty and anxiety, we the Missionariesof Charity sisters were privileged to care forthe basic needs of the Covid patients in the ICUof Government Hospital and thus help them feelloved and wanted , which brought much healingand peace.

We continue to satiate the Thirst of Jesus bydoing our humble works of love for the poorand needy.

Missionaries of CharityMissionaries of CharityMissionaries of CharityMissionaries of CharityMissionaries of Charity,,,,,Shishu Bhavan,Shishu Bhavan,Shishu Bhavan,Shishu Bhavan,Shishu Bhavan,


Living the Vision & Mission of

St. TSt. TSt. TSt. TSt. Teresa of Kolkataeresa of Kolkataeresa of Kolkataeresa of Kolkataeresa of Kolkata






NEWS FROM THE DIOCESEPandemic Relief WPandemic Relief WPandemic Relief WPandemic Relief WPandemic Relief Work atork atork atork atork atYYYYYesupuram Parishesupuram Parishesupuram Parishesupuram Parishesupuram Parish

Food Kits, Books, Blankets, andMedicine were distributed to thepoor families in and aroundYesupuram parish on 1st August2021, with the financial assistanceprovided by the Sneha CharitableSneha CharitableSneha CharitableSneha CharitableSneha Charitable

trusttrusttrusttrusttrust and the Buddhist TZU CHIBuddhist TZU CHIBuddhist TZU CHIBuddhist TZU CHIBuddhist TZU CHIFoundation. Foundation. Foundation. Foundation. Foundation. We are grateful tothese organizations for comingforward to distribute essentials to thepoor families stricken by thepandemic. Fr. Prakash from theCamillus Congregation, Elurudistributed the essentials atYesupuram parish. We thank theCamillian Congregation and HisLordship Most Rev. Joseph RajaRao, SMM for their generositytowards the poor in lending ahelping hand to the families affectedby the pandemic and the lockdownthat followed.

FrFrFrFrFr. B. Madhu Babu. B. Madhu Babu. B. Madhu Babu. B. Madhu Babu. B. Madhu BabuParish Priest, Yesupuram

Pandemic Relief WPandemic Relief WPandemic Relief WPandemic Relief WPandemic Relief Work atork atork atork atork atIbrahimpatnam ParishIbrahimpatnam ParishIbrahimpatnam ParishIbrahimpatnam ParishIbrahimpatnam ParishOn 12th August 2021 atIbrahimpatnam parish wedistributed Groceries and FoodItems to 370 Catholic Families aspart ofhumanitarian response to thedevastation caused by the SecondWave of COVID - 19. Each kitcontained 8 kg Rice, a packet ofcookingoil, dall, wheat flour, sugarand chilli powder. I could see at leastsome relief and joy in the faces ofpeople as we went about thedistribution. I thank God for havinggiven us this opportunity to serveHis people. I could accomplish thiswork of charity because of myfriends Mr. Greg and Mrs. BarbTrum’s family, who extended their

generous support. I sincerely thankand appreciate them along with myparishioners for their generous hearttowards the poor and needy. MayGod bless them abundantly for their


love and Concern. I remain withgratitude and prayers.

FrFrFrFrFr. Jojaiah Mandagiri msfs. Jojaiah Mandagiri msfs. Jojaiah Mandagiri msfs. Jojaiah Mandagiri msfs. Jojaiah Mandagiri msfsParish Priest, Ibrahimpatnam

First Profession of theFirst Profession of theFirst Profession of theFirst Profession of theFirst Profession of theFranciscan Sisters of the SacredFranciscan Sisters of the SacredFranciscan Sisters of the SacredFranciscan Sisters of the SacredFranciscan Sisters of the SacredHeart (FMSC)Heart (FMSC)Heart (FMSC)Heart (FMSC)Heart (FMSC)

“Give thanks to the Lord for He isgood; for his faithful love enduresforever”.

It was a day of celebration and joyfor the FMSC family. On 11 August2021, on the feast of St. Clare ofAssisi, two of our novices AlbinaKispotta and PunamTirkey garbedin white, with lighted lampsconsecrated themselves to God bymaking the first profession in thenovitiate chapel at Carmelnagar. Sr.Mini Joseph, the provincialSuperior received their vows.

The solemn Eucharistic celebrationwas presided over by His excellency,Most Rev. Joseph Raja RaoThelagathoti, S.M.M., Bishop ofVijayawada Diocese. In his homily,

he enlightened them,”… to alwaysbe aware that the call to religiouslife is God’God’God’God’God’s Initiatives Initiatives Initiatives Initiatives Initiative. And theultimate purpose is to be conformedto the Lord, who is our model. They

have to become Christ like. Theymust labour to be humble models forothers like St. Francis and St. Clarewere. Those who follow Christ willgain whatever they give up for theLord and loose what they keep forthemselves. Generosity flows froman abundant heart. A person givesgenerously in religious life withoutany ‘but.’”

He further emphasized, “ Today thepeople look at us as spiritual persons,as peaceful people. Then, what is ourroleconsidering such expectationsfrom the people? It is a propheticrole, which includes speaking aboutGod, and share that experience withthe people. Once we are committedto Jesus, it should be seen in ourlife too.”

Finally, he exhorted them on thevow of obedience as listening andknowing the will of God.




The newly professed expressed theirgratitude to everyone present.

SrSrSrSrSr. Selinamma Sebastian. Selinamma Sebastian. Selinamma Sebastian. Selinamma Sebastian. Selinamma SebastianProvincial Secretary

Foundation Stone Laid for theFoundation Stone Laid for theFoundation Stone Laid for theFoundation Stone Laid for theFoundation Stone Laid for theNew Construction of NirmalNew Construction of NirmalNew Construction of NirmalNew Construction of NirmalNew Construction of NirmalHruday BhavanHruday BhavanHruday BhavanHruday BhavanHruday Bhavan

In 1974 the Government of AndhraPradesh had given a piece of land toMother Teresa on lease nearRagavaiah Park to run a home forthe dying destitutes. Mother waspresent and visited the home fewtimes thereafter.

Even though a new constructionwas inevitable, we could not go forit as the lease was not gettingrenewed. However, in 2020 through

the generosity of the HonorableHonorableHonorableHonorableHonorableChief Minister Sri Jagan MohanChief Minister Sri Jagan MohanChief Minister Sri Jagan MohanChief Minister Sri Jagan MohanChief Minister Sri Jagan MohanReddyReddyReddyReddyReddy, we got the renewal of lease.

On August 10th, in the presence ofthe Joint Collector Dr.K.MadhaviLatha I.A.S, MunicipalCommissioner Sri PrasannaVenkatesh I.A.S, Regional SuperiorSr.Marie Ancelle MC, Architect Sri

P.Ranganath Reddy, Engineer SriMekala Mallaiah, Sisters, Brothers,and the inmates of Nirmal HridayBhavan, Most RevMost RevMost RevMost RevMost Rev.Thelagathoti.Thelagathoti.Thelagathoti.Thelagathoti.ThelagathotiJoseph Raja RaoJoseph Raja RaoJoseph Raja RaoJoseph Raja RaoJoseph Raja Rao, SMM – theBishop of Vijayawada, blessed and

laid the foundation stone for thenew Construction of Nirmal HridayBhavan.

Nirmal Hriday Bhavan, a homededicated to the Immaculate Heartof Mary takes care of male andfemale, sick , abandoned and dyingdestitutes of the city, irrespective ofcaste, creed or religion. The homehas sheltered 7457 inmates till date.

May the good Lord continue tostrengthen us as we the Missionariesof Charity continue our service tosatiate the thirst of Jesus on theCross for love and souls by laboringat the salvation and sanctification ofthe poorest of the poor.





National YNational YNational YNational YNational Youth Sundayouth Sundayouth Sundayouth Sundayouth SundayCelebrations at Diocesan YCelebrations at Diocesan YCelebrations at Diocesan YCelebrations at Diocesan YCelebrations at Diocesan YouthouthouthouthouthCentreCentreCentreCentreCentre

The grand celebration of theNational Youth Sunday wasorganized at the diocese level on the8th of August with a limited numberof youthcoming from differentparishes of our diocese. It was agreat occasion as we celebrated thevery existence and the role of youth

in the parish and diocese. Theprogramme began at 9:30 am withthe arrival of the youth followed bythe mass celebrated by Rev. Fr.John Babu, the diocesan youthdirector who insisted the veryimportant role of youth in theparishes and encouraged the youthto attend the needy and helpless onesin their parishes. The chief guest ofthe programme was Most. Rev.Joseph Raja Rao , SMM the Bishopof Vijayawada. His presence addedto the grandeur of the celebration andmade it more meaningful. He

NEWS FROM INSTITUTIONS / COMMISSIONS / CENTRESaddressed the youth and laid out theimportance of National Youth

Sunday in our diocese andmotivated the youth to stand againstthe evil practices of dowry andabortions. Thereafter, the prizedistribution ceremony wasconducted by Fr. John Babu andprizes were given to the all the onlinecompetitors. Finally, the celebrationended with tea and snacks at3:00pm.

Executive Committee Meeting ofExecutive Committee Meeting ofExecutive Committee Meeting ofExecutive Committee Meeting ofExecutive Committee Meeting ofthe TCBC Commissions forthe TCBC Commissions forthe TCBC Commissions forthe TCBC Commissions forthe TCBC Commissions forEcumenism and DialogueEcumenism and DialogueEcumenism and DialogueEcumenism and DialogueEcumenism and Dialogue

The TCBC Commissions forEcumenism & Dialogue had itsexecutive committee meeting at theBishops’ House, Vijayawada on18th August 2021. Most Rev.Thelagathoti Joseph Raja Rao,SMM the Bishop of Vijayawada &Chairman of the Commissionspresided over the meeting. The


others present Fr. KondaveetiAnthaiah, Regional secretary, Fr.Arlagadda Joseph, the deputy-

secretary of TCBC, Fr.Raju Alex,the Telangana State-Coordinator,Fr. Domathoti Nathaniel, theAndhra Pradesh State Coordinator,and Fr. Anthoniraj Thumma, theformer regional secretary. Theydeliberated on the vision, goals, andactivities of the commissions, and

made some important decisions for

the promotion of ecumenical andinter-religious dialogue in the Teluguregion. It was further decided toorganize a meeting for the diocesandirectors of the respectivecommissions on 23rd and24thSeptember 2021.

RevRevRevRevRev. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Anthaiah Kondaveeti. Anthaiah Kondaveeti. Anthaiah Kondaveeti. Anthaiah Kondaveeti. Anthaiah KondaveetiSecretary, TCBC Commission for

Ecumenism & Dialogue

NATIONAL / INTERNATIONAL NEWSIndian Church prays for worldIndian Church prays for worldIndian Church prays for worldIndian Church prays for worldIndian Church prays for worldhealthhealthhealthhealthhealth

New Delhi: The Latin Catholics ofIndia on August 7 prayed for thehealth of the world that is awaitingthe third wave of the coronavirusvirus pandemic.

Prayer services were conducted fromthe tombs of St. Thomas in Chennai,St. Francis Xavier in Old Goa and

St. Teresa of Kolkata and frommajor Marian basilicas in India.

The one-hour prayer servicesstarting at 8:30 pm “took placeexactly as they were planned,”Father Stephen Alathara, deputysecretary general of the Conferenceof Catholic Bishops of India, toldMatters India.

The conference is the national bodyof the bishops of the Latin Churchin India.




The Church organized the services“in view of the difficult times thatthe people of our nation are goingthrough on account of Covid 19 andto pray as one family for the healthof the world,” Father Alatharaexplained.

The Marian basilicas that joined theservices were the Basilica of OurLady of the Mount in Mumbai’sBandra suburb, Basilica of Our Ladyof Graces at Sardhana near Meerutin Uttar Pradesh, Our Lady of theAssumption, Hyderabad, St Mary’sBasilica at Shivajinagar inBengaluru and Basilica of Our Ladyof Good Health at Vailankanni inTamil Nadu.

Auxiliary Bishop John Rodrigues ofBombay and the choir members sangthe opening hymn from the Bandrashrine. The initial part of the prayerwas recited by Archbishop GeorgeAntonysamy of Madras-Mylaporefrom the tomb of St. Thomas inChennai. He is the vice president ofconference.

Father Raymond Joseph, secretaryof the CCBI Commission forVocations read the Gospel from theBengaluru shrine. Cardinal OswaldCardinal Gracias, the Archbishop ofBombay, gave a reflection from the

Holy Name Cathedral, Colaba,Mumbai.

The prayers of the Faithful wererecited in seven languages from theSardhana shrine. Father ChetanMachado, secretary CCBICommission for Youth, led the theintercessory prayers.

Jyotsna D’Souza, President, IndianCatholic Youth Movement;Montfort Brother Alex DiamondRaj, director of Montfort Bhavan inMeerut; Valentia Nongtdu, financesecretary of Jowai diocese inMeghalaya; John Paul, member ofthe youth movement, SistersSudeepti, a nurse of Our Lady ofGraces Hospital, Sardhana, SisterDoctor Lisa, of the same hospital,Montfort Brother Prem Murmu,assistant director, Montfort Bhavan,Meerut recited the prayers in Hindi,Tamil, Khasi, Telugu, Kannada,Santali and Malayalam.

Archbishop Anthony Poola ofHyderabad recited the prayer forthe control of Coronavirus andArchbishop Thomas D’Souza ofCalcutta and Sister MaryPremaPierick, Superior General ofthe Missionaries of Charity led theLitany of Supplications from thetomb of Mother Teresa, Kolkata.



Bishop Vincent Aind of Bagdogra,West Bengal, led the prayer for thedeparted souls. They organizedspecial prayers for all deceasedbishops, priests, religious and layfaithful, to whom the Church wasnot able to give a decent funeral dueto the pandemic restrictions.

Archbishop Anil Joseph ThomasCouto of Delhi, CCBI secretarygeneral, recited a prayer from theSacred Heart Cathedral, New Delhi,consecrating all people in India tothe Sacred Heart of Jesus and to theImmaculate Heart of Mary.

CCBI president Archbishop FilipeNeriFerrã of Goa and Daman gavethe Eucharistic Benediction fromOld Goa’s Bom Jesu Basilica. Theconcluding prayer song wasdelivered from the Basilica of OurLady of Good Health, Vailankanni.Bishop Devadass Ambrose ofThanjavur and Father M. Prabakar,the rector of Shrine Basilica, joinedthe choir members to sing famousMarian prayer “Salve Regina” (HailHoly Queen) in Latin.

All Latin Catholics in India spent onehour “as one family, thus givingwitness to the Catholicity andcultural and linguistic diversity ofthe Church,” Father Alathara said.

The Latin Catholic Church in Indiahas 132 dioceses and 18 millionmembers.

Salesian Sister’Salesian Sister’Salesian Sister’Salesian Sister’Salesian Sister’s alumna winss alumna winss alumna winss alumna winss alumna winsOlympic badminton bronzeOlympic badminton bronzeOlympic badminton bronzeOlympic badminton bronzeOlympic badminton bronze

Salesian Sister Rosily Theckanath isproud that P V Sindhu, her formerstudent, has become the secondIndian and the country‘s first womanto win two Olympic medals.

Sindhu, the reigning Badmintonworld champion on August 1secured a bronze after a straight-game win over world no. 9 He BingJiao of China in the badmintonwomen‘s singles third-place play-offheld in Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

Sister Theckanath, former principalat Auxilium School Secunderabad,recalls Sindhu‘s school days.

One of the first parents I met as Itook charge of the Auxilium SchoolSecunderabad in 2009 was Ramana,the Arjuna awardee. He came withhis beloved daughter P.V. Sindhuwho was a student of AuxiliumSchool Secunderabad.

Ramana told me that Sindhu cannotattend the academic class daily as hehad enrolled her in PullellaGopichand Sports Academy.



It gave me lots of joy to accompanythis budding star and do all that Icould in order to make her dreamcome true. A girl of determinationand courage Sindhu wanted to be awinner always. Obedience andrespectfulness especially towards herteachers is part and parcel of her life.She cherished every value weproposed with lot of interest andearnestness.

Sindhu could not attend the classdaily specially when there were therigorous practices and variousnational and international matches.We gave her all support includingfull attendance. Her friends were sogood that before their teachers couldask they would complete Sindhu‘snotes.

Each time Sindhu reached the schoolwith her hard earned prize we had acelebration in the morning assemblywhich boosted her for greaterheights. Ramana always told me thatit is because of the tremendoussupport from the school Sindhu isable to win even the tough matches.

When Sindhu was in grade ten atthe time came for the BoardExaminations, she had a match inMalaysia. Naturally my thought wasthat she would opt for the BoardExamination of course with the

thought that our usual 100 percentpass may not go down. But to everyone’s surprise Sindhu said that shepreferred going for the match thanappearing for her first publicexaminations. We send her with allour blessings.

Competing with the Malaysianplayer Sindhu stood atop thepodium to receive the gold medaland after this victory match as shereturned, the public examinationswere already completed. I startedfor her a few days of intensecoaching with the help of othersubject teachers and got her readyfor the instant exams in June.Sindhu was much focused and mostcooperative and earnest that shefetched a distinction in her boardexaminations.

I proudly recall that great momentin my life as Sindhu and her parentsinvited me to share the stage duringthe grand reception in Hyderabadas she returned to India as the RioOlympics (2016) silver medallist. Itwas a rare moment and our hardwork really paid off.

Christian persecution set to riseChristian persecution set to riseChristian persecution set to riseChristian persecution set to riseChristian persecution set to risein Afghanistanin Afghanistanin Afghanistanin Afghanistanin Afghanistan

Christians are being urged to prayfor people in Afghanistan as




persecution is likely to rise due tothe Taliban takeover.

On Aug. 16, as the Talibanconfirmed it had 90 per cent ofgovernment buildings under itscontrol in Kabul, thousandsgathered at the city’s internationalairport in a desperate attempt to fleethe country. Christians in the middleeastern nation already face beingkilled or imprisoned for their faith.However, Christian charity ReleaseInternational fears persecution willbecome even worse under theTaliban’s ruling.

“Even before the Taliban came topower in Afghanistan, the countryhas been going up the ranks of themost difficult countries in the worldto be a Christian. So, if you try tochange your faith from being aMuslim to Christian in Afghanistan,that’s apostasy. You can be sentencedto death or imprisoned for doingthat,” Release International’sAndrew Boyd told Premier.AChristian contact of one ReleaseInternational partner described thesituation as “dire”.

“Our brothers and sisters in Christare telling us how afraid they are.In the areas that the Taliban nowcontrol girls are not allowed to goto school and women are not

allowed to leave their homes withouta male companion.”

The Taliban have pledged to preventwhat they see as the westernizationof women. It was the PakistanTaliban who shot 15-year-oldMalala Yousafzai for going to schooland telling the world about it in ablog.

Boyd thinks it is actually womenwho will play a key role in keepingchurches alive in the country: “Theposition of women in Afghanistanhas changed substantially. So,women have become far moreeducated. And it’s possible thewomen may play a significant rolein the underground church in theyears to come. So, the church inAfghanistan is very well placed tofunction underground under extremepersecution, but they need ourprayers,” he said.

He went on to encourage Christiansto pray for the situation inAfghanistan but also to act as “lightand salt”.”The good news here is thatthe UK has accepted report by theBishop of Truro, that goes back alittle bit now, which is implementinggovernment policy to actually putreligious freedom and human rightsright at the centre of our dealings




internationally. So, this is a long-term issue, but we do need torecognise our calling, to engage, tobe salt and light and to press forrighteousness and oppressed, tomake a difference. We’re called todo it and we need to do it,” heconcluded.

Pope prays for Afghanistan,Pope prays for Afghanistan,Pope prays for Afghanistan,Pope prays for Afghanistan,Pope prays for Afghanistan,appeals for solidarity with Haitiappeals for solidarity with Haitiappeals for solidarity with Haitiappeals for solidarity with Haitiappeals for solidarity with Haiti

Vatican City: Pope Francis hasexpressed his concern over thesituation in Afghanistan and peopleto unite in praying to “the God ofpeace so that the clamour ofweapons might cease and solutionscan be found at the table ofdialogue.”

After leading the recitation of theAngelus on Sunday’s Solemnity ofthe Assumption on August 15, thePope said only this way can the“battered population of that country– men, women, elderly andchildren” be able to “return to theirown homes, and live-in peace andsecurity, in total mutual respect”.

The Pope also recalled the strongearthquake that shook Haitiovernight, causing numerous deaths,wounding many, and causingextensive damage. He expressed his“closeness to the dear people hard

hit by the earthquake”, offering hisprayers to the Lord for the victims.He offered his encouragement to thesurvivors and hopes that the help ofthe international community mightreach them. “May the solidarity ofall alleviate the consequences of thetragedy!”, he emphasized, invitingeveryone in the Square to pray aHail Mary for Haiti.

VVVVVaccination is an act of love,accination is an act of love,accination is an act of love,accination is an act of love,accination is an act of love,says pope in advert campaignsays pope in advert campaignsays pope in advert campaignsays pope in advert campaignsays pope in advert campaign

Pope Francis launches a powerfulappeal for people to get inoculatedwith approved Covid-19 vaccines.When each individual makes a smallact of charity, like getting the Covid-19 vaccine, every gesture addedtogether can transform the world,Pope Francis said in a globaladvertising campaign.

“Being vaccinated with vaccinesauthorized by the competentauthorities is an act of love. Andcontributing to ensure the majorityof people are vaccinated is an act oflove — love for oneself, love forone’s family and friends, love for allpeople,” he said in a public serviceannouncement released Aug. 18 inRome.

The video message was part of aglobal effort by the US-based Ad




Council and the CovidCollaborative’s “It’s Up to You”campaign to increase people’sconfidence in vaccines by remindingthem that the vaccines are safe,effective and save people’s lives. TheVatican’s Dicastery for IntegralHuman Development alsocooperated with the educationalinitiative.

The three-minute video in Spanishwith English, Spanish andPortuguese subtitles feature PopeFrancis and six cardinals andarchbishops from North and SouthAmerica. Archbishop José H.Gomez of Los Angeles, president ofthe US Conference of CatholicBishops, is among them.

The “It’s Up to You” campaign hasbeen inviting “trusted messengers” todeliver “fact-based and life-savinginformation to populations hesitantabout vaccines, helping them tomake informed decisions forthemselves and their families,” it saidin a joint news release with the AdCouncil.

Lisa Sherman, president and CEOof the Ad Council, said: “The role oftrusted messengers to educate andinspire their networks isundeniable.”

“Thanks to God and to the work ofmany, we now have vaccines toprotect us from Covid-19”

“We are extremely grateful to [PopeFrancis] and the cardinals andarchbishops for lending their voicesand platforms to help people acrossthe globe feel more confident in thevaccines,” particularly to the world’s1.3 billion Catholics, she said in thenews release.

It said 72 percent of the adultpopulation and 67 percent ofHispanic adults have currently beenvaccinated against Covid-19 with atleast one dose in the United States.

But cases are on the rise worldwide,especially in North, Central andSouth America. Some nations arestill showing very low rates ofindividuals who are fullyvaccinated, such as Honduras withonly 5.5 percent of the adultpopulation and El Salvador with 30percent.

While access to vaccines is achallenge, “confidence in thevaccines also presents a hurdle,” thenews release said.







“Take hold of the eternal life towhich you were called when youmade your good confession in thepresence of many witnesses.” 1Timothy 6:12

Sr. Anne Jose ValliamthadathilMSI, who made her faith confessedin the presence of many witnesses isnow called for an everlastingdwelling in heaven. She was bornon 24th November 1943 atBharananganam, Kerala to late Mr.Joseph and late Mrs. Mariaamma.Among 10 siblings, Sr. Anne was thefourth child to her parents whodedicated her to serve the Lord as agreat missionary and accompaniedher missionary journey till the end.She joined our missionary family on10/06/1965 at Bhimavaram after the


(24.11.1943 – 23.08.2021)

completion of S.S.L.C and aCertificate Course on Telegraphy.She made her first Profession on 4thJanuary 1970 and her finalprofession on 8th January 1976.

Being trained in the Leprosy ParaMedical Field, she served in differentcapacities in our communities atGunadala, Vegavaram,Jangareddigudem, Seethammadhara and Bhimavaram. She alsorendered her services at Adhikari(Siliguri Province) from 1996-1999.Since July 2006, she had beenjoyfully offering her services in ourhospital at Gudivada.

Spending long hours before theBlessed Sacrament and her specialdevotion to the Chaplet of the MostPrecious Blood of Our Lord JesusChrist were her enormous source ofGrace and spiritual protection.Being a faithful child of the Rosary,she encouraged others to pray therosary to merit a high degree ofGlory in Heaven. As zealousmissionary, she was simple, full ofspirit, active and energetic in God’s


vineyard. She was ever committedto her pastoral ministry, in preparingpeople for baptism, meeting peopleand visiting the families specially thefamilies of other faith with her warmand affectionate nature. Her habitof reading the Word of God duringleisurely hours and sharing theGospel reflection to lay staff inspiredall. She had a special place for thepoor and the less privileged in herheart which she expressed in hermission.

Sr. Anne was suffering long fromDiabetes and hypertension. Latershe developed rheumatic arthritisand moderate left ventriculardisfunction and was on regularmedication. On 18th August, 2021at 4.20 pm she suddenly developedbreathlessness and was resuscitatedin our hospital. As her healthcondition worsened, she was shiftedto EVR Super Speciality Hospital,Gudivada on the same day. She wasput on a ventilator, and she showedsome signs of improvement. On 19thAugust, she had a myocardialinfarction and went into coma. On

23rd August, she breathed her lastat 1.05 pm in EVR Super SpecialityHospital, Gudivada. The funeralmass was held in Vegavaram on 24/08/2021 at 10.30 a.m. She was laidto rest in our cemetery.

Her 51 long years of missionaryjourney was a blessing to all of us.Her life spiced up with cheerfulness,simplicity, gratitude, missionarypassion and optimistic approach arevalued ever in our hearts. Herspirituality to be human interwoventhrough her personal attachment tothe Blessed Sacrament and devotionto the Precious blood of Jesus arethe fragrance that follow us in daysahead. May God grant her eternalpeace and happiness in HisKingdom.

Nirmala Sisters,Nirmala Sisters,Nirmala Sisters,Nirmala Sisters,Nirmala Sisters,Vijayawada.




Bro. Francis More, was on hisjourney to the Promised Land whichhe unfortunately traversed only threequarters so to say. However, asFranciscans we are, we believe thathe has been allured by sister deathto join the heavenly family of thesaints and the angels. All through hislife Bro. Francis More was a trueFranciscan as he is named after thegreat saint Francis. Belonging to thegreat Chandramauli Family ofHindu heritage, Bro. Francis wasborn to M. Panduranga Rao and M.Vita Bai in the year 1958 atSecundrabad. Being the eldest in theFamily of four siblings, youngFrancis had many responsibilities.His parents always respected hisfreedom to choose the religion thathe wanted. Having completed hisgraduation and a few years ofworking experience as an

accountant, Francis left home in1986 to become a FranciscanBrother. By that time Francis Morehad duly fulfilled all the requirementsto join the Congregation ofFranciscan Missionary Brothers.He made his first profession in theyear 1990 and his perpetualprofession in 1996. Being veryintelligent and astute inadministration Bro. Francis Morewas always helpful to the Provinceeven when he was in Formation.From 1995 Bro. Francis More’sexpertise in public relations wassought by the Generalate inMumbai. From 1995 to 2008 Bro.Francis was the Asst. BursarGeneral at Borivili, the Generalateof the Franciscan missionaryBrothers. He has held many otherimportant offices in theCongregation such as ProvincialSecretary, Asst. Bursar General,Registrar of SFIMAR (2003-2007),Borivily, Chairman of SFIMAR(2011-20130), Vice Provincial andSuperior of Gokhivera Community(2013-2016), Principal VidyaVikasini Junior College, Vasai(2014-2016) and Superior of St.Anthony’s Institute, Goa (2016-2017).




Bro. Francis More was a learnedperson with many Degrees andQualifications: He holds a PhD fromAssumption University, Bangkok,besides having a B. Com fromMadras University, MA in PublicAdministration and M.Com(General) both from OsmaniaUniversity, M. Phil (Entp) from MKUniversity, B. Ed from KrishnaUniversity and M. Ed from RKDFUniversity. He also has 4 diplomasin various other disciplines.

For a few years Bro. Francis Morewas helping our ITI and ITC inVijayawada and was undermedication for heart ailments. Hemaintained a balanced lifestyleowing to his bad health and wasregular for his morning walk andyoga exercises. On the fateful dayBro. Francis had a fall from amotorcycle and was taken to thehospital close by and the Doctorsthere advised us to shift him toRamesh Heart Hospital,Vijayawada where he breathed hislast on account of a Massive HeartAttack.

By the Demise of Bro. FrancisMore, we Franciscan missionaryBrothers have lost an able


administrator who was a multi-linguist and multifaceted religiousperson. He had a heart for the poorthat went all out to help them. Hewas deeply a spiritual person whowould spend long hours in silenceand meditation. Bro. Francis willbe fresh in the galleries of our mindsas he completed his journey havinglived a life of charity, humility, andpeace. May his Noble Soul rest inPeace!

The Funeral obsequies were held atAssisi Ashram Chapel Eluru, on 19thAugust 2021 at 03.00 pm in theafternoon. May his soul rest inPeace!

Bro. Sebastian George CMSFBro. Sebastian George CMSFBro. Sebastian George CMSFBro. Sebastian George CMSFBro. Sebastian George CMSFSecretary GeneralSecretary GeneralSecretary GeneralSecretary GeneralSecretary General





12th Fr. Nagothu Bala Raju, MSFS28th Fr. Faustin Baliar Singh OSB


02nd Frs. Nimmagadda Ramesh, Thulimelli Jojappa03rd Frs. Remalli Suresh, Kurma Thomas05th Fr. Moganati Thambi CppS,07th Frs. Kondala Thambi Ravikanth, Konda Mahesh Kumar,

Sebastian Simeon OMI, James Devasagayam OMI,10th Fr. Udumula Balashowry11th Fr. Meriga Suresh Babu13th Frs. Yangaladasu Velangani Raju,16th Fr. Antony Vincent CSSR19th Fr. Michael sdb21st Frs. Sebastian Anthikad CM, Pudota Anil Prasanth SJ22nd Fr. Gundabathini Kishore Kumar28th Fr. Neelam Lourduraj30th Fr. Dovari Joseph


02nd Fr. Bezwada Samuel John (2017)06th Fr. Joseph Vempeny (2016)10th Frs. Eduardo Miranda PIME (1971),

Louis Misani PIME (1981)14th Fr. Saka Johannes (2013)20th Fr. Chacko Maniangatt (1981)21st Fr. Meka Yesudas (2002)

