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On the complexity of deciding behavioural equivalences and preorders

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BRICS RS-96-39 H ¨ uttel & Shukla: On the Complexity of Behavioural Equivalences and Preorders BRICS Basic Research in Computer Science On the Complexity of Deciding Behavioural Equivalences and Preorders A Survey Hans H ¨ uttel Sandeep Shukla BRICS Report Series RS-96-39 ISSN 0909-0878 October 1996












BRICSBasic Research in Computer Science

On the Complexity of DecidingBehavioural Equivalences andPreordersA Survey

Hans HuttelSandeep Shukla

BRICS Report Series RS-96-39

ISSN 0909-0878 October 1996

Copyright c 1996, BRICS, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Aarhus. All rights reserved.

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On the Complexity of DecidingBehavioural Equivalences andPreordersA SurveyHans H�uttel� Sandeep Shukla yOctober 1996AbstractThis paper gives an overview of the computational complexity of all theequivalences in the linear/branching time hierarchy [vG90a] and the pre-orders in the corresponding hierarchy of preorders. We consider �nite stateor regular processes as well as in�nite-state BPA [BK84b] processes.A distinction, which turns out to be important in the �nite-state pro-cesses, is that of simulation-like equivalences/preorders vs. trace-like equiv-alences and preorders. Here we survey various known complexity results forthese relations. For regular processes, all simulation-like equivalences andpreorders are decidable in polynomial time whereas all trace-like equivalencesand preorders are PSPACE-Complete. We also consider interesting specialclasses of regular processes such as deterministic, determinate, unary, locallyunary, and tree-like processes and survey the known complexity results inthese special cases.For in�nite-state processes the results are quite di�erent. For the class ofcontext-free processes or BPA processes any preorder or equivalence beyondbisimulation is undecidable but bisimulation equivalence is polynomial timedecidable for normed BPA processes and is known to be elementarily decid-able in the general case. For the class of BPP processes, all preorders andequivalences apart from bisimilarity are undecidable. However, bisimilarityis decidable in this case and is known to be decidable in polynomial time fornormed BPP processes.�BRICS at Aalborg University, Fredrik Bajersvej 9220 Aalborg �, Denmark, e-mail:[email protected] of Computer Science, University at Albany { State University of NewYork, Albany NY 12222, USA, email: [email protected]

1 IntroductionWithin concurrency theory, a number of preorders and equivalence relationsbetween processes have been considered in various approaches to the seman-tics of concurrency and automatic veri�cation.In this paper, we shall consider the equivalences that have come outof the study of interleaving semantics in the context of process calculi inthe tradition of CCS [Mil80] and CSP [Hoa84]. Most of these preorders andequivalences �rst arose in the literature of comparative concurrency semantics[vG90a, BIM90, GV92]. In this particular area of concurrency semantics,the main emphasis is on full abstraction and various notions of equivalenceshave been found to be fully abstract for di�erent language constructs. Forexample, bisimulation equivalence is used in CCS [Mil80, Mil89] to identifyprocesses which are equivalent under a particular semantic notion [Par81,Mil89]. However, in [BIM90], bisimulation has been shown not to be fullyabstract and the notion of ready simulation has been de�ned. In [GV92], anew notion of 2-nested simulation equivalence has been de�ned and shownto be fully abstract for languages with a general format called the tyft/tyxt.Within the area of computer-aided veri�cation, there has been a signi�-cant amount of work devoted to using these relations to prove the correctnessof concurrent systems [BCM+92]. The correctness criterion is then that theimplementation is equivalent to the speci�cation. Also, establishing thata given simulation relation holds has been used as a partial procedure forproving some safety properties [LV91].In [vG90a] van Glabbeek proposed the linear/branching time spectrumas a unifying framework for classifying all known equivalences in the area ofcomparative concurrency semantics. We shall follow this classi�cation here.Figure 1 [vG90a] illustrates the classi�cation as a hierarchy with the help ofa Hasse diagram. The arrows in the diagram imply strict inclusion. Henceif there is an arrow from a relation R to another relation Q, that means R isless discriminating than Q. In other words, if two processes are related by Rthen they must be related by Q but the converse is not true in general. Theleast discriminating equivalences are at the bottom of the diagram.The coarsest equivalences are trace equivalence and completed trace equiv-alence (=language equivalence). Directly above them we have the test-ing/failures equivalences, and at the top of the diagram is bisimulation equiv-alence.As all equivalences save bisimilarity are de�ned as the symmetric clo-sure of a preorder, there is a similar hierarchy for the behavioural preorders,illustrated in Figure 2.Motivated by the importance of these relations in automated veri�cation,2

Bisimulation equivalence?2-nested simulation equivalence?Ready simulation equivalence? QQQQQQQQQQQs����� Simulation equivalence��������������Possible-futures equivalenceJJJ

��������+2-bounded-tr-bisimulation?Readiness equivalenceReady trace equivalence� JJJJJFailures trace equivalenceJJJJJ �Failures equivalence?Completed trace equivalence?Trace equivalenceFigure 1: The linear-time/branching time hierarchy of equivalences.several researchers have studied the decision problems for these relations[KS90, PT87, HT94, SRHS96, BP94, And93, And94, ABGS91, CS91, MS95,Hut91, HT90]. A main distinction has turned out to be that of �nite-stateprocesses versus in�nite-state processes. It is well-known that all behaviouralrelations in the van Glabbeek hierarchy are decidable for �nite-state pro-cesses, and the main concern is therefore that of the computational complex-ity of the decision procedures. On the other hand, for su�ciently rich classesof in�nite-state processes, no non-trivial behavioural equivalence is decidable.However, in recent years, it has been shown that some behavioural equiva-lences are indeed decidable for certain interesting classes of in�nite-stateprocesses and recently, a number of complexity results have been establishedfor these classes of processes.Apart from a short survey byMoller and Smolka [MS95] on the complexityof bisimulation equivalence, there has not been any attempt to present allthese results in a unifying framework. The fact that these relations are widely3

2-nested simulation preorder���) ?Ready simulation preorder? QQQQQQQQQQQs����� Simulation preorder��������������Possible-futures preorderJJJ2-bounded-tr-bisimulation preorder?Readiness preorderReady trace preorder� JJJJJFailures trace preorderJJJJJ �Failures preorder?Completed trace preorder?Trace preorderFigure 2: The linear-time/branching time hierarchy of preorders.used by the computer aided veri�cation community to establish correctnesswarrants a survey of the complexity results for these relations. The presentpaper gives an overview of the results and attempts to unify the results withina particular point of view. Here, we shall only consider the so-called strongequivalences, i.e. notions of equivalence that do not distinguish betweenobservable and non-observable actions.In this paper a further distinction between simulation-like equivalences(preorders, respectively) and trace-like equivalences (preorders) turns out tobe important. A common characteristic of simulation-like equivalences isthat they are de�ned using the notion of simulation w.r.t. single actions{ more precisely, the simulation-like equivalences are bisimilarity, n-nestedsimulation equivalence, ready-simulation equivalence and simulation equiva-lence. All other equivalences are trace-like, in that their de�nitions at somepoint call upon the notion of a sequence of visible actions, i.e. a trace.In the case of �nite-state processes, all simulation-like equivalences are in4

P, whereas the trace-like equivalences are PSPACE-complete. In the case ofin�nite-state processes, the picture is di�erent. All equivalences other thanbisimulation equivalence are undecidable for the classes BPA and BPP. In thecase of bisimulation, the equivalence is in P for so-called normed BPA pro-cesses and elementarily decidable for arbitrary BPA processes. Bisimulationis also known to be in P for normed BPP processes.2 Labelled transition systemsThe common model of the behaviour of concurrent systems within interleav-ing semantics is that of a labelled transition system, which describes thestate change of a processes and the actions that they can perform at anygiven instant. The idea of using labelled transition systems for this purposeoriginates with Milner [Mil80].De�nition 2.1 A labelled transition system (Pr;Act;!)is a triple wherePr is the set of states, Act is the set of actions and ! is the transitionrelation satisfying !� Pr �Act� PrInstead of writing (p; a; q) 2! one usually writes p a�! q and interpretsthis as `from state p we can perform an a-action leading to the state q'.Sometimes we consider the re exive, transitive closure of!, writing p w�! p0if w = a1 � � � an 2 Act� it is the case that p a1�! p1 � � � an�! pn = p0 for someintermediate states p1; : : : ; pn.We shall use the predicates `p a�!' denoting `9q : p a�! q', `p 6 a�! 'denoting `:9q : p a�! q' and p 6�! for 8a 2 Act : p 6 a�! .3 Finite-state processesIn this section we examine the complexity of deciding behavioural relationfor �nite transition systems. When discussing the complexity of decidingan equivalence or preorder w.r.t the �nite transition system (Pr;Act;!),we shall always assume that the complexity is a function of the size of thetransition system, n = jPrj + j ! j, i.e. the sum of the sizes of the statespace and the transition relation. 5

3.1 Regular processesThe class of regular processes was �rst investigated by Milner [Mil84], whoshowed that a labelled transition system is �nite i� it can be described bymeans of a regular process.Regular process expressions [Mil84] are given by the abstract syntaxp ::= a j X j p1 + p2 j ap j 0Here a ranges over a set Act of atomic actions, and X over a set V ar of vari-ables. The symbol + is the non-deterministic choice, ap2 represents pre�xingthe process p1 with the action a and 0 denotes the empty (inactive) process.We say that a process expression is guarded i� every variable occurrencein p occurs within a pre�x, i.e. in a subexpression a:q of p. Regular processesare de�ned by a �nite set � of guarded equations� = fXi def= pi j 1 � i � kgwhere theXi are distinct process variables, and the pi are guarded expressionswith free variables in V ar(�) = fX1; : : : ;Xkg. One variable (generallyX1) issingled out as the root. We shall only consider processes de�ned by guardedequations.In what follows we shall feel free to write �1R�2 for binary relations R;this should be read as stating that the roots of �1 and �2 are related by R.The operational semantics of a regular process expression, given a �nitesystem of process equations �, is given by the labelled transition system(Pr;Act;!)where Pr is the set of regular process expressions and ! isde�ned as the least relation satisfying the proof rules given below.p a�! p0p+ q a�! p0 q a�! q0p+ q a�! q0a:p a�! p a 2 Act p a�! p0X a�! p0 X def= p 2 �We shall usually omit the subscript �, when obvious from the context.A process expression together with an associated transition relation is calleda process.We shall mostly consider systems of process equations in normal form:De�nition 3.1 [Mil84] A system of regular process equations is in normalform if each equation is of the form Xi def= P aijXij +P bik:0.6

Theorem 3.1 [Mil80] Let � denote bisimulation equivalence. For any sys-tem of guarded regular process equations � there is a system of process equa-tions �0 in normal form such that � � �0. Moreover, �0 can be founde�ectively.As bisimulation equivalence is at the top of the van Glabbeek hierarchy,we see that the transformation into normal form preserves all equivalences.Moreover, it is easy to see that the transformation of a system of equations� into normal form can be accomplished in time polynomial to the size of�. It is therefore enough to consider systems of regular process equations innormal form.3.2 Simulation-like equivalences and preordersWe shall call the class of equivalences and preorders that have a simulation-style de�nition or whose de�nition employs a �xed.depth recursive applica-tion of such a de�nitional structure (e.g.,n-nested simulation) simulation-like equivalences. The simulation-like equivalences are bisimulation equiv-alence, simulation, ready-simulation, n-nested simulation, m2 -nested simula-tion, complete-simulation preorders and equivalences.All simulation-like relations share a common characteristic, namely thatthey de�ne how a transition by a process must be simulated by another pro-cess, in order for the processes to be related. All simulation-like preorders(save bisimulation) are then de�ned as the largest sets of pairs satisfying theirappropriate simulation condition. This indicates that the simulation-like pre-orders in the preorder hierarchy are de�nable as �xed-points of functionalsover the complete lattice of relations, and the computation of relations thenreduces to computing maximal �xed points of certain functionals. We there-fore start this section by outline give some basic de�nitions and results fromlattice theory.3.2.1 Functions over complete lattices and their �xed pointsDe�nition 3.2 A partial order (D;v) is called a complete lattice if for anyset of points Y < D there exists a least upper bound supY and a greatestlower bound inf Y w.r.t. v.Proposition 3.1 Any complete lattice (D;v) has a least element ?, i.e. apoint ? such that ? v x for all x 2 D, and a largest element, i.e. a point >such that x v > for all x 2 D. 7

It is easy to see that, given any transition system (Pr;Act;!), the familyof binary relations on processes constitutes a complete lattice (2Pr�Pr;�)with respect to the inclusion ordering. If Y � 2Pr�Pr then inf Y = Tfy j y 2Y g and sup Y = Sfy jy 2 Y g. The least element of (2Pr�Pr;�) is the emptyrelation ;, and the largest element is the total relation Pr � Pr.De�nition 3.3 Let (D;v) be a partial order. An endofunction f : D ! Dis said to be monotonic if whenever x; y 2 D and x v y then fx v fy.The following two standard results of basic lattice theory form the basisof the theory of simulation-like equivalences and of their various decisionprocedures. The results, due to Tarski, are also central to the semantics ofthe modal mu-calculus (see Section 3.3.2.)Theorem 3.2 [Tar55] Let (D;v) be a complete lattice and let f : D ! Dbe a monotonic endofunction. Then f has a least �xed-point �x f given by�x f = inffx j fx v xgand a largest �xed-point FIX f given byFIX f = supfx j x v fxgIn the case of continuous and co-continuous functions over complete lat-tices, another characterization of these �xed-points is possible. A function issaid to be continuous (resp. co-continuous) if it preserves least upper (resp.greatest lower) bounds of totally ordered subsets1De�nition 3.4 Let (D;v) be a complere lattice. A monotonic endofunctionf : D ! D is said to be continuous if for any totally ordered subset Y � Dwe have that f(sup Y ) = supffx j x 2 Y gf is said to be co-continuous iff(inf Y ) = infffx j x 2 Y gTheorem 3.3 [Tar55] Let (D;v) be a complete lattice and let f : D ! D bea monotonic endofunction. If f is continuous, then f has a least �xed-point�x f given by �x f = supffn? j n � 0gIf f is co-continuous, then f has a largest �xed-point given byFIXf = infffn> j n � 0g1(aka chains.) 8

This latter result allows an iterative characterization of these �xed-pointsand forms the concrete basis for several equivalence-checking algorithms. Inwhat follows, we shall express any simulation-like preorders as maximal �xed-points of an associated endofunction. In the case of �nite-state processes,these endofunctions are all co-continuous.3.2.2 Simulation equivalence and the simulation preorderIntuitively, the simulation preorder relates two processes, if any transitionby the former process can be simulated by the latter in such a way that theresulting processes are still related. The notion of simulation equivalence isthen simply the equivalence closure of the simulation preorder.De�nition 3.5 A relation R between processes is a simulation i� wheneverpRq then for each a 2 Act p a�! p0 ) 9q : q a�! q0 ^ p0Rq0. A process p issimulated by a process q, notation p�!q, i� there is a simulation relation Rwith pRq. Two processes p and q are simulation equivalent, notation p !q,i� p�!q and q�!p.3.2.3 Bisimulation equivalenceThe notion of bisimulation equivalence was �rst proposed by Park [Par81] andlater used by Milner [Mil89]. Bisimulation equivalence is the only equivalencein the linear-branching time hierarchy not de�ned as the equivalence closureof some corresponding preorder.De�nition 3.6 Given a labelled transition system (Pr;Act;!), a relationR is a bisimulation relation if whenever pRq then� If p a�! p0 then 9q0 : q a�! q0 with p0Rq0� If q a�! q0 then 9p0 : p a�! p0 with p0Rq0.3.2.4 m2 -nested simulationsThe hierarchy of m2 -nested simulations was proposed by Liu in [Liu92]. Thishierarchy generalizes that of the hierarchy of n-nested simulations describedin the next section. The central notion is that of nesting a simulation withinanother; the matching condition now requires that one matches transitionswithin (the inverse of) a simulation. 9

De�nition 3.7 [Liu92] Let (Pr;Act;!)be a labelled transition system, < �Pr� Pr be a binary relation. Then S is said to be a simulation nested in <if S is a simulation and S � <�1 A process P is said to be simulated in <by another process Q just in case (P;Q) is contained in some simulation Snested in <. We write PN (<)Q in this case.The following results from [Liu92] motivate the above de�nition.Theorem 3.4 [Liu92] N (<) is itself a simulation nested in <, in fact themaximal one. If < s preorder then so is N (<)Lemma 3.1 [Liu92] N is monotonic, that is, for any two relations <1 and<2, if <1 � <2, then N (<1) � N (<2).Hence by Theorem 3.2 N has a largest �xed point.Theorem 3.5 [Liu92] Any post-�xed point of N is a bisimulation.One can apply the nesting operator N repeatedly to obtain a hierarchyof �ner and �ner equivalences and preorders.De�nition 3.8 [Liu92] Let (Pr;Act;!)be a labelled transition system. Wede�ne a series of relations �!m2 � Pr � Pr and !m2 (m � 0) as follows:1. �!0 = Pr � Pr.2. �!12 = f(P;Q) j 8a 2 Act:P a�!) Q a�!g3. �!m2 +1 = N (�!m2 ); for m � 0.And for m � 0, !m2 = �!m2 \ (�!m2 )�1.As mentioned earlier, this hierarchy contains the hierarchies of n-nestedequivalences and preorders. Further, �!32 coincides with the ready-simulationpreorder[BIM90] (a.k.a. the 23 -bisimulation of [LS89]!)3.2.5 n-nested simulation equivalences and preordersThe notion of n-nested simulation equivalence was introduced by Groote andVaandrager [GV89] in their study of the tyft/tyxt-format for structured oper-ational semantics because 2-nested simulation equivalence is the completedtrace congruence for this format. 10

bbbb bbbb..??

�����/ ?HHHHj??CCCW @@@R@@@@R� �����/ �!1 !11�!2Pr � Pr�! 12 ! 12�! 32 ! 32

�Figure 3: The hierarchy of m2 -nested equivalences and preordersDe�nition 3.9 For all n 2 N, n-nested simulation, written �!n, is induc-tively de�ned by� p�!0q for all processes p and q,� p�!n+1q i� there is a simulation relation R � (�!n)�1 with pRq.Two processes p and q are n-nested simulation equivalent, written p !nq, i�p�!nq and q�!np.Note that 1-nested simulation is just simulation and that therefore 1-nestedsimulation equivalence is simulation equivalence.11

3.2.6 Ready-simulation or 2/3-bisimulationThe notion of ready simulation (or 2/3-bisimulation) originated in work byBloom, Istrail and Meyer [BIM90] and Larsen and Skou [LS89]. It is the com-pleted trace and the trace congruence induced by the GSOS-format [BIM90].The matching condition of the preorder de�nition now states that two pro-cesses are related, if the transitions of the former process can be matched bythe latter with the resulting processes staying within the relation and thatthe two processes have the same sets of initial actions.De�nition 3.10 A relation R between processes is a ready simulation i�it is a simulation and whenever pRq then for each a 2 Act we have p a�!if q a�!. We say that q ready simulates p, written p�!rq, i� there is aready simulation R with pRq. Two processes p and q are ready simulationequivalent, written p !rq, i� p�!rq and q�!rp.3.3 Complexity resultsWe shall now we discuss the complexity results for simulation-like equiva-lences and focus on how these results can be obtained. The main result isthatTheorem 3.6 All simulation-like equivalences of the linear-branching timehierarchy are polynomial time decidable for �nite state transition systems.There are (at least) four di�erent ways of obtaining this result, namelyby means of approximation techniques, characteristic formulae, Horn clausesand characteristic games.A lot of attention has been devoted to establishing good complexitybounds for the bisimulation equivalence problem, as bisimilarity has becomewidely used for veri�cation purpose. In 1991, Alvarez showed that this par-ticular equivalence problem is P-complete.Theorem 3.7 [ABGS91] The bisimulation equivalence problem for �nite-state processes is P-complete.3.3.1 Approximation techniquesBecause of Theorem 3.2, for any simulation-like relation pRq the decisionproblem `pRq ?' amounts to deciding whether or not (p; q) is a member ofthe largest �xed-point of a suitable functional, namely the functional inherentin the de�nition of the relation. 12

Example 3.1 (Ready simulation)The ready simulation functional Fr : 2Pr�Pr !2Pr�Pr is de�ned as follows: (p; q) 2 Fr(R) if for any a 2 Act, wheneverp a�! p0 then there exists a q0 such that (p0; q0) 2 R. It is easily seen thatFr is monotonic and that R is a ready simulation i� R � Fr(R). Thus, byTheorem 3.2, we have thatp�!rq () (p; q) 2 FIX Frand also that �!r = !\i=0Fri(Pr � Pr) 2The above example is easily generalizable to all simulation-like preorders;the value of the underlying functional F(R) is simply the set of pairs (p; q)that have matching transitions (in the sense of the corresponding de�nition)to processes that fall within R. Membership of a simulation-like relation thenamounts to membership of a post-�xed-point of F , i.e. as membership of thelargest �xed-point.A possible decision procedure for any simulation-like relation now consistsin computing the largest �xed point of F . Theorem 3.2 immediately givesan iterative re�nement strategy that consists in computing the successiveapproximations of the largest �xed point.The pragmatic problem is one of �nding a computationally e�cient strat-egy for computing the ith approximant F i(Pr � Pr). For example, thepolynomial-time algorithm for bisimulation equivalence by Kanellakis andSmolka [KS90] computes the largest bisimulation by means of a bottom-uppartition re�nement strategy using an algorithm due to Paige and Tarjan.The polynomial-time algorithms for simulation equivalence and ready simu-lation equivalence by Huynh and Tian [HT94] employs a di�erent strategyfor computing the largest �xed-point. The Bloom and Paige algorithm in[BP94] for ready simulation uses yet another variant of the approximationapproach.3.3.2 Characteristic formulaeAnother approach to equivalence checking appeals to model checking by con-structing characteristic formulae. Following Hennessy and Milner [HM85],properties of labelled transition systems are usually described by means ofmodal logic. The modal mu-calculus extends the basic Hennessy-Milner logicwith recursive de�nitions. Here, we shall only consider the nu-calculus, whichallows maximal recursive de�nitions and has the syntax13

F ::= tt j ff j [a]F j haiF j F1 _ F2 j :F1 j XHere X ranges over some set of recursion variables Rvar. Nu-calculus-formulae are given by means of declarations; a declaration � is a family ofrecursion equations of the form� = fXi def= Fi j 1 � i � kgThe semantics of a nu-calculus declaration is de�ned relative to a labelledtransition system (Pr;Act;!) and to an assignment of the occurring recur-sion variables; the semantics of a formula F is the set of states satisfying theformula F . Given some � : Rvar! 2Pr, the semantics is de�ned inductivelyby [[tt]]� = Pr[[ff ]]� = ;[[[a]F ]]� = fp j 9p0 : p a�! p0; p0 2 [[F�]]g[[haiF ]]� = fp j p a�! p0 ) p0 2 [[F ]]�g[[F1 ^ F2]] = [[F1]]� \ [[F1]]�[[X]]� = �(X)[[:F ]]� = Pr n [[F ]]and by the condition that the semantics of any recursion variableXi is thelargest set of processes S such that [[Xi]]�[Xi 7! S] = [[Fi]]�[Xi 7! S]. Theexistence of this set is guaranteed by Theorem 3.2, provided all recursionvariables occur within the scope of an even number of negation signs on anyright-hand side of a de�ning equation.A characteristic formula for the relation R and the state p is then a mu-calculus formula Fp such that qRp i� q satis�es Fp. Thus, this approachreduces the equivalence problem to that of model checking. So, as the se-mantics of formulae involve �xed-points, the characteristic formula approachagain (albeit somewhat indirectly) decides membership of a relation by meansof computing �xed-points.Example 3.2 (Ready simulation) Given a �nite labelled transition system(Pr;Act;!), the characteristic formulae for the ready simulation preorder14

for all states are collectively given by the declarationfXp def= _f(a;q) j p a�!qghaiXq ^ _fb j p 6 b�! g[b]ff j p 2 PrgThe �rst conjuncts of the right-hand side for Xp in the above declarationdescribe that any process satisfying Xp must be able to perform the sametransitions as p in such a way that the resulting processes are again related.The �nal conjunct describes the requirement that any process satisfying Xpcannot have other initial actions than those of p. Taken together, these areprecisely the requirements of the de�nition of ready simulation. 2In [CS91, And93] it was shown how one can construct characteristic for-mulae for a number of equivalences and preorders within the nu-calculus. Asthe model checking problem for the nu-calculus is decidable in time O(n �m),where m is the size of the declaration and n is the size of the transitionsystem, and as the declaration constructed essentially describes the transi-tions of the transition system and therefore is of size O(n), this shows thatthe simulation-like equivalences considered in [CS91, And93] are polynomial-time decidable.3.3.3 Horn clausesA third approach, which is closely related to the characteristic formula ap-proach, builds on the approach used in giving polynomial-time algorithmsfor the rest of the simulation-like relations �rst presented in [SRHS96]. Thesimulation-like relations can be reduced to the satis�ability problem forweakly negative Horn formulas [Sch78], known as the NHORNSAT prob-lem. Since there the NHORNSAT problem is decidable in linear time [DG84,AI91], this shows that all simulation-like equivalences are decidable in poly-nomial time.Given a type of simulation relation R, the method in [SRHS96] entailsa top-down construction of a propositional formula f in CNF. The variablesin the formula f are Xp;q where p and q are states in the two transitionsystems. Intuitively, Xp;q is true i� p and q are related by R. The clauses inthe formula f are of the following three types.1. A single positive literal Xp;q. When we want (p; q) to be in the simula-tion relation we construct this type of clause.2. A single negated literal Xp;q. Such a clause is constructed when (p; q)cannot be in any simulation relation of the given type.15

3. Implication clauses of the form Xp;q ) Wi;j Xi;j. A clause of this formis constructed when, for (p; q) to be in the simulation relation, one ofthe (i; j)'s must also be in the simulation relation.The details of the construction of the clauses depends on the actual prop-erties that must be satis�ed by R. The e�ectiveness of the reduction relieson the property that if we generate a clause of the form Xs;t, then it is guar-anteed that no relation satisfying the properties of that particular relationcan contain the pair (s; t).The resulting CNF formulae are so-called weakly negative Horn formulas2[Sch78]. The satis�ability problem for such formulae is called NHORNSAT.It is easy to show that NHORNSAT is decidable in linear time [DG84, AI91].Moreover, from [AI91], it is easy to construct an algorithm for NHORNSATwhich is incremental or on-line. As the size of the formula is O(n2) where nis the size of the transition systems, we getTheorem 3.8 Let (Pr;Act;!)be a labelled transition system of size n. Anysimulation-like equivalence relation on n is decidable in time O(j ! j2).Example 3.3 (Ready simulation)We give a polynomial time algorithm thattakes (Pr;Act;!)and two states s; t 2 Pr as input and outputs an instanceh of NHORNSAT such that h is satis�able if and only if s�!rt . In theinstance h the number of variables is � jPrj2 and the size of the instance isO(j ! j2).The algorithm is given in Figure 4. The algorithm relies on three auxiliaryfunctions that together code up the conditions of the de�nition of readysimulation. �r(a; q; p) is the set of all states that are reachable from state qby executing an a action and have the same initial actions as p.�r(a; q; p0) = fq0jq a�! q0 ^ init(p0) = init(q0)gWhenever we consider the pair (p; q), we want to represent the conditionsfor their inclusion in a ready simulation relation. Given a transition p a�! p0there must be a transition q a�! q0 for which (p0; q0) is in the ready simulationrelation. C computes clauses expressing this fact.C(pi; a; p0i; qj) = _q0j2�r(a;qj;p0i)Xp0i;q0j if �r(a; qj; p0i) 6= ; elsefalseFinally, we need to keep track of the variable occurrences in a newlycreated condition clause as these correspond to the pairs of processes thatneed to be included in a ready simulation. This is expressed using V.2A weakly negative clause is a clause which contains at most one negative literal.16

Let C be the set of clauses initially empty. Let V be the set of variables initially empty.1. If (init(s) 6= init(t)) then return an unsatis�able formula of the form Xs;t ^Xs;tand terminate.2. C := C [ fXs1;t1g; V := fXs1;t1g3. pi := s1; qj := t1 ;4. Do until V is empty.(a) V := V � fXpi ;qjg(b) For each t 2 D1such that t = (pi; a; p0i)for some a 2 ActC := C [ fXpi;qj _ C(pi; a; p0i; qj)V := V [ V(pi; a; p0i; qj)5. Let Xp;q be the one element in V . Then pi := p and qj := q; go to step 3.6. Output C.Figure 4: Algorithm for reducing an instance of the ready simulation problemto an instance of NHORNSATV(pi; a; p0i; qj) = fXp0i ;q0j j q0j 2 �r(a; qj; p0i)gif�r(a; qj; p0i) 6= ;else;The constructed NHORNSAT instance h has the property that givenany satisfying truth-assignment v, the relationR de�ned byR = f(p; q)jv(Xp;q) =1g is a ready simulation. Conversely, if s�!rt then sRt for some ready simu-lation and we can de�ne a truth-assignment v by v(Xp;q) = 1 i� (p; q) 2 R.This truth assignment satis�es h. 2Notice the similarity to the corresponding characteristic formula for readysimulation given in Example Game-theoretic characterizationsThe fourth and �nal approach to obtaining complexity bounds gives a game-theoretic characterization of behavioural relations.17

In [Sti93], Colin Stirling introduced the notion of a characteristic gamefor bisimulation equivalence. In [SHR95, SHR96] a general class of games,called the Stirling class of games, was de�ned and shown to characterize allequivalences and preorders in the linear/branching time hierarchy.A game in the Stirling class has two players. One player is called theprover and the other is called the disprover. The game starts in a positionhs; ti 2 �. A play of the game is a �nite or in�nite length sequence of the formhs10; s20i; :::; hs1i ; s2i i; :::. The disprover wants to show that there is a di�erencebetween the two transition systems. The prover wants to show that such adistinction is not possible.A partial play in a game is a pre�x of a play of the game. Let �j be apartial play hs10; s20i; :::; hs1j; s2j i. The next pair hs1j+1; s2j+1i is determined bythe following move rule:� The disprover picks a triple hi; x; ui such that i 2 M and x 2 Ri andsij x�!i u. and u = sij+1. (Note that !i denotes an extended step inthe transition system Ti).� Let the choice of the disprover in the move be hi; x; ui and let i0 6= i.Then the prover picks a pair hy; u0i such that (x; y) 2 mi0 and si0j y�!i0 u0and u0 = si0j+1.This constitutes a round of the game. If in a round, after the disproverhas made its move, the prover can also make a move according to the movesdescribed above, then we say that the prover has a matching move in thatround.The game continues until one of the players wins. The prover wins thegame if either in the last position of the play, no player can move, or there isno further allowable move by the disprover. The prover also wins, if in theplay a position is repeated. In both cases, the disprover has failed to exposea distinction between the transition systems.The disprover wins, if in the last position of the play is not a winningposition which means the disprover has been able to force the prover to anon winning position of the game or if in the last position, the disprover hasan allowable move but the prover does not have a matching move.A strategy for a player is a set of rules which tells how to make a movedepending on the partial play and the previous moves of the opponent so far.A strategy is said to be history-free if it only depends on the most recentmove. A strategy is a winning strategy for a player if, for any strategy by theopponent, the strategy always causes the player to win.A game G in the Stirling class is called a characteristic game for a re-lation R between two �nite-state processes, if the following condition holds:18

Whenever the game G be played on two transition systems T1 and T2 withstart position hs; ti, then the prover has a history-free winning strategy ifand only if sRt.The following was shown in [SHR96]:Theorem 3.9 All equivalences in the linear-branching time hierarchy havecharacteristic games.Example 3.4 (A characteristic game for ready simulation) Rsim �game is a game in the Stirling class with the following parameters: R1 =R2 = A, m1;m2 = �, � = fhs; ti j s 2 S1; t 2 S2 ^ init(s) = init(t)g,� = fhs1; s2ig, M = f1g, r =j S1 j � j S2 j +1.2 For certain games in the Stirling class, the problem whether the proverhas a winning strategy is directly reducible to the NHORNSAT problem.Hence, for any behavioural relation R, whose characteristic game is in thissubclass, the decision problem forR is reducible to the NHORNSAT problem.This immediately leads to a polynomial time algorithm for the problem ofchecking that relation, provided one can create an instance of the game fromthe instance of the relational problem in polynomial time. For all the gamesin the Stirling class, such a transformation to the game instance can beshown to done in polynomial time, provided that the winning positions canbe decided in polynomial time. Hence, we get a su�ciency condition as tounder what condition a behavioural relation between �nite state processes ispolynomial time decidable.Theorem 3.10 Whenever a game G in the Stirling class satis�es the fol-lowing conditions:� The game languages R1 and R2 are �nite and explicitly enumerated.For example, in ready simulation game R1 = R2 = A, where A is theset of action symbols.� The representation of the set of winning positions is either by an explicitlisting or such that determining if a position of the game is a winningposition is polynomial time decidable.then it is polynomial-time decidable whether the prover has a winning strategyfor G.An immediate corollary is 19

Corollary 3.1 Any behavioural relation between two �nite state transitionsystems, whose characteristic game satis�es the conditions listed above, isdecidable in polynomial time.It can be shown that all simulation-like equivalences satisfy the conditionsof Theorem 3.10, and this again shows Theorem Trace-like equivalences and preordersThe trace-like equivalences and preorders are de�ned in terms of the be-haviours of the processes on unbounded sequences of actions (traces). Thetrace-like equivalences are trace equivalence, completed trace equivalence, failure-trace equivalence, ready-trace equivalence, failure equivalence , readiness equiv-alence, n-bounded bisimulation equivalences.One can give characteristic characterizations of all trace-like equivalences(cf. the previous section) and show that the existence of a winning strategycan be decided in PSPACE for any such game; this shows the following:Theorem 3.11 All trace-like equivalences for �nite-state processes are inPSPACE.However, we can say much more. The main result of this section is thatTheorem 3.12 All trace-like equivalences for �nite-state processes are PSPACE-complete.3.4.1 Completed trace equivalenceGiven an arbitrary labelled transition system (Pr;Act;!), we can de�ne thenotion of completed traces as follows:De�nition 3.11 Let a labelled transition system (Pr;Act;!)be given. Theset of completed traces of a state p 2 Pr is de�ned byctraces(p) = fw 2 Act� j p w�! p0 wherep0 6�! gTwo states p and q are completed trace equivalent, written �ctr, if ctraces(p) =ctraces(q).Thus completed trace equivalence is in all essential the well-known lan-guage equivalence from automata theory. The following result is well-knownand be found in e.g. [KS90]: 20

Theorem 3.13 The completed trace equivalence problem is PSPACE-completefor the class of �nite transition systems.Completed trace equivalence can be seen as the equivalence closure of thecompleted trace preorder:De�nition 3.12 Given a labelled transition system the completed trace pre-order vctr is de�ned as follows: p vctr q if ctraces(p) � ctraces(q).The following is immediate:Theorem 3.14 The completed trace preorder problem is PSPACE-completefor the class of �nite transition systems.Proof: By Theorem 3.11, we see that the completed trace preorder problemis in PSPACE. Showing that the preorder problem is PSPACE-hard followsfrom the fact that p+ q �ctr qi�p vctr pwhich immediately shows that the equivalence problem is polynomial-timereducible to the corresponding equivalence problem. In fact, for all trace-likepreorders, + acts as a least upper bound operator, so the above reductionapplies to any trace-like preorder. 23.4.2 Trace equivalenceThe notion of trace equivalence considers arbitrary traces.De�nition 3.13 Let a labelled transition system (Pr;Act;!)be given. Theset of traces of a state p 2 Pr is de�ned bytraces(p) = fw 2 Act� j p w�! p0gTwo states p and q are trace equivalent, written �tr, if traces(p) = traces(q).The following was shown by Kanellakis and Smolka [KS90]:Theorem 3.15 [KS90] Trace equivalence is PSPACE-complete for �nite la-belled transition systems.De�nition 3.14 Given a labelled transition system the trace preorder vctris de�ned as follows: p vtr q if traces(p) = traces(q).Theorem 3.16 The trace preorder problem is PSPACE-complete for theclass of �nite transition systems.Proof: Along the same lines as the proof of Theorem 3.14. 221

3.5 n-bounded-tr-bisimulationWe next consider n{bounded-tr-bisimulation. This equivalence is a gen-eralisation of trace equivalence and possible futures equivalence, in that 1-bounded-tr-bisimulation corresponds to trace equivalence and 2-bounded-tr-bisimulation is the possible futures equivalence of [RB81].De�nition 3.15 We de�ne n-bounded-tr-bisimulation, written �ntr, induc-tively as follows.� p �0tr q for all processes p and q,� p �n+1tr q i�{ if p w�! p0 then 9q0 such that q w�! q0 and p0 �ntr q0 and{ if q w�! q0 then 9p0 such that p w�! p0 and p0 �ntr q0.This notion of equivalence also arises naturally as the consecutive approx-imations of bisimulation equivalence [Mil80, Mil89].Kanellakis and Smolka have shown that the n-bounded-tr-bisimulationproblem is PSPACE-complete for �nite transition systems.Theorem 3.17 [KS90] For alle n > 0, the n-bounded-tr-bisimulation prob-lem is PSPACE-complete for �nite transition systems.For �nitely branching transition graphs, and therefore for �nite processes,the limit of the n-bounded-tr-bisimulations for n! ! is bisimulation equiv-alence:Theorem 3.18 [Mil89] For any �nitely branching labelled transition graphwe have � = !\n=0 �ntr3.6 Failures, readiness, failure-trace and ready-traceequivalencesFailures equivalence was suggested by Hoare etal in [BHR84, Hoa84]; for�nite transition systems it coincides with the notion of testing equivalenceproposed by Hennessy and de Nicola.The notion of readiness equivalence can be seen as the dual of failuresequivalence and was originally put forward by Bergstra, Klop, and Olderog[BKO88] 22

De�nition 3.16 For any process p, de�nefailures(p) = f(w;X) j 9p0 : p w�! p0;8a 2 X : p0 6 a�! g;readies(p) = f(w;X) j 9p0 : p w�! p0; p0 a�!() a 2 Xg:Processes p and q are failures equivalent, written p�fq, i� failures(p) =failures(q). Processes p and q are readiness equivalent, written p �r q, i�readies(p) = readies(q).These equivalences could also be de�ned via the associated preorders:De�nition 3.17 Processes p and q are related by the failures preorder, writ-ten pvfq, i� failures(p) � failures(q). Processes p and q are related by thereadiness preorder, written p vr q, i� readies(p) � readies(q).To show that the equivalences de�ned in this section are PSPACE-hard, weshall employ a class of processes introduced by Huynh and Tian [HT90],called locally unary processes, for which failures equivalence and readinessequivalence coincide with completed trace equivalence.De�nition 3.18 [HT90] A process p is locally unary i� for each p0 withp w�! p0 there is at most one a 2 Act such that p0 a�!.Lemma 3.2 [HT90] If p and q are locally unary normed processes thenp �r q i� p �f q i� traces(p) = traces(q):The idea is now, given a � to construct a locally unary �0 contain-ing the variables of � such that traces(X) = traces(Y ) in � if and onlyif traces(X) = traces(Y ) in �0. The following construction accomplishesthis. The idea is simply to precede any action by a # that indicates that anondeterministic choice has been made.De�nition 3.19 Given a system of regular process equations � let �0 havethe action set Act [ f#g (where # is a new action) and process variablesV ar. For every process equation in �Xi def= X ajp +X bk:0create the new equationXi def= X#:aj:p+X#:bk:0in the new system �0. 23

It is obvious that �0 is a system of regular process equations i� � andthat the construction of �0 can be accomplished in polynomial time w.r.t thesize of �.We immediately see that the resulting process is locally unary.Proposition 3.2 �0 is locally unary.The following is now obvious from the de�nition of �0.Proposition 3.3 For X 2 V ar we have X a�!� p0 i� X #�! a�!�0 p0.We therefore also see thatProposition 3.4 Let � be a system of equation in normal form. For X 2V ar b1b2:::bn 2 traces(X) relative to � i� #b1#b2:::#bn 2 traces(X) relativeto �0.Theorem 3.19 [HT90] Failure and ready equivalence are PSPACE-hard forlocally unary regular processes.Proof: From Proposition 3.4 we get a polynomial-time reduction from lan-guage equivalence to language equivalence for locally unary normed processesand the theorem now follows from Lemma 3.2. 2The above ideas can also be used to prove that failure trace and readytrace equivalence are PSPACE-hard. For �nite transition systems, failuretrace equivalence [vG90a] coincides with the notion of refusal testing [Phi87].De�nition 3.20 The refusal relation A�! for A � Act is de�ned for anyprocesses p; q by p A�! q i� p = q and whenever a 2 A, p 6 a�! . The failuretrace relations u�! for u 2 (Act [ P(Act))� are de�ned as the re exive andtransitive closure of the refusal and transition relations. De�nefailure-traces(p) = fu 2 (Act [ P(Act))� j 9p0 : p u�! p0g:Two processes p and q are failure-trace equivalent, written p �ftr q i� failure-traces(p) =failure-traces(q).Lemma 3.3 If p and q are locally normed unary processes then p �ftr q i�traces(p) = traces(q).Corollary 3.2 The failure trace equivalence problem is PSPACE-hard forlocally unary regular processes. 24

The de�nition of ready trace equivalence, that we shall use here, is the char-acterisation given by van Glabbeek [vG90a].De�nition 3.21 De�neready-trace(p) = fA0a1A1 : : : anAn j9p0; : : : ; pn : p = p0 a1�! p1 � � � an�! pn; pi a�!() a 2 Ai; 0 � i � ng:Two processes p and q are ready trace equivalent, written p �rtr q, i�ready-trace(p) = ready-trace(q).Lemma 3.4 If p and q are locally unary processes then p �rtr q i� L(p) =L(q).Corollary 3.3 The ready trace equivalence problem is PSPACE-complete for�nite transition systems.3.6.1 Subclasses of regular processesWhat happens if one considers only certain classes of �nite-state transitionsystems ? This section summarizes the known results.Tree processesA regular process is called a tree process if its associated transition systemcan be unfolded into a �nite tree, or equivalently, if its de�nition does notuse recursion. Huynh and Tian showed that for tree processes, bisimulationis in NC, the class of problems decidable by non-uniform boolean circuits[HT90]. Hence, the bisimulation algorithm for tree processes is seen to bee�ciently parallelizable.Unary and locally unary processesThe proof of P-completeness of bisimulation due to Alvarez et al. consistsof providing a log-space-reduction from the Alternating Monotone Fanin2, Fanout 2 Circuit Value problem (AM2CVP) which is a well known P-complete problem [GHR95]. Given an instance of AM2CVP, the reductionconstructs two unary processes such that the two processes are bisimilarif and only if the AM2CVP instance has output 1. As the processes con-structed are tree processes, we immediately get that bisimulation equivalencefor unary tree processes is P-complete.25

Deterministic processesA process is called deterministic if its associated transition system (Pr;Act;!) is deterministic in the sense that for any p 2 Pr and a 2 Act there is atmost one p0 such that p a�! p0. One should note that for deterministicprocesses, trace equivalence and bisimulation equivalence coincide [Eng85](where � denotes strong bisimulation equivalence):Proposition 3.5 If p and q are deterministic processes, then Tr(p) = Tr(q)i� p � q.Proof: f(p; q) j Tr(p) = Tr(q)g is a bisimulation. 2Consequently, in the deterministic case the linear/branching time hierar-chy collapses, and in this case all equivalences are in P.More can be said, though. For deterministic transition systems, the bisim-ulation equivalence problem is in NC. By the above proposition, all equiv-alences are in NC for deterministic transition systems. In [HT94], it wasproved that all these relations are in NL, which also implies that they are inNC.4 In�nite transition systemsAll equivalences are undecidable for su�ciently rich classes of labelled transi-tion systems. For instance, it is well-known that bisimulation equivalence isundecidable for the full CCS calculus. In this section we shall brie y considertwo extensions of the class of regular processes which have a decidable equiv-alence problem and survey the known decidability results. For a survey ofknown decidability results and their underlying proof techniques, the readeris referred to [HiM94].4.1 Basic Process AlgebraThe class of BPA (Basic Process Algebra) was de�ned by Bergstra and Klopin [BK84b]. The abstract syntax of BPA is given byp ::= a j p1 � p2 j p1 + p2 j XAgain, a ranges over a set Act of atomic actions, and X over a set V ar ofvariables. As before, the symbol + is the non-deterministic choice while p1�2represents the sequential composition of p1 and p2 (one usually omits the `�').26

We say that a process expression is guarded i� every variable occurrence inp occurs in a subexpression aq of p. As in the case of regular processes, BPAprocesses are de�ned by a declaration, a �nite set � of guarded equations� = fXi def= pi j 1 � i � kg{ only now the pi are guarded BPA expressions with free variables inV ar(�) = fX1; : : : ;Xkg. The de�nition conventions of regular processesstill apply.The operational semantics of a BPA process expression, given a �nitesystem of guarded equations �, is given by a labelled transition system(Pr;Act;!)where Pr is the set of processes with variables being the vari-ables of � and the transition relation ! de�ned by the following rules (�denotes the empty process with the convention that �q is q):p a�! p0p + q a�! p0 q a�! q0p+ q a�! q0p a�! p0pq a�! p0q a a�! � a 2 Actp a�! p0X a�! p0 X def= p 2 �BPA processes are also known as context-free processes, as it can be shown(cf. section 3.4.2) that a language L over the alphabet A is context-free i�L = traces(X1) for some BPA process � with root X1 and action set A.De�nition 4.1 The norm of a process p is de�ned byjpj = minflength(w) j p w�! �g:A �nite set � of guarded equations is normed if for all X 2 V ar it holds thatjXj is �nite. A BPA process is called normed, if it has been generated via anormed set of guarded equations.Note that the class of normed BPA processes does not include all theregular processes (such as X def= aX). Still, it is a very rich family, includingprocesses with in�nitely many states.Theorem 4.1 Bisimulation equivalence is decidable for BPA processes.27

This result was originally �rst obtained for normed processes [BBK87]and can most easily be obtained via a �nite representation theorem [Cau88].This theorem states that the maximal bisimulation of any normed BPA tran-sition graph is the congruence closure (under sequential composition) of abisimulation base, a �nite relation whose congruence closure has a decidablemembership problem. The existence of a search procedure for such a bisimu-lation base is established by means of unique factorization theorem; Hirshfeldet al. have shown that this search can be done in time polynomial w.r.t. thesize of the BPA process declaration.Theorem 4.2 [HJM94] Bisimulation equivalence is decidable in time poly-nomial in the size of � for any normed BPA process.The general result can be shown using a more general notion of bisimu-lation base, which only requires semi-decidability of the congruence closureof the bisimulation base. The original decision procedure for bisimilarityfor BPA processes relied on the conjunction of two semi-decision procedures[CHS92], one searching for a bisimulation base and another searching for abisimulation error. It has recently been shown by Burkart, Caucal and Stef-fen [BCS95] that the search for a bisimulation base can be bounded, givingan elementary complexity bound.Theorem 4.3 Bisimulation equivalence is decidable in elementary time inthe size of � for any BPA process.However, no other equivalence or preorder is decidable, as was shown byHuynh and Tian and Groote and H�uttel.Theorem 4.4 [GH94, HT90] All other equivalences and corresponding pre-orders of the linear-branching time hierarchy are undecidable.The undecidability proofs for the preorders all proceed by reductions fromthe trace inclusion problem for simple grammars, which was shown undecid-able by Friedman in [Fri76]. The undecidability of the corresponding equiv-alences proceed either by reductions from the preorder problem, using thefact that + acts as a least upper bound operator w.r.t. to the preorder (cf.the proof of Theorem 3.14) or by reductions from the language equivalenceproblem for context-free grammars.In the deterministic case, however, the linear/branching time hierar-chy collapses so all equivalences are in P in the normed case [Cau89] andelementary-time decidable in the general case [BCS95]. But as determinis-tic BPA processes correspond exactly to the class of simple grammars, allpreorder problems remain undecidable.28

p a�! p0p k q a�! p0 k q q a�! q0p k q a�! p k q0Table 1: Additional transition rules for the merge operator4.2 Basic Parallel ProcessesAnother extension of the class of regular processes is the class of BPP (BasicParallel Processes), �rst considered by Christensen [Chr94]. In the case ofBPP, the non-communicating parallel (merge) operator has been added tothe syntax. The class of BPP processes can be shown to correspond to theclass of communication-free Petri nets [HiM94].The abstract syntax of BPP is given byp ::= a j p1 k p2 j p1 + p2 j XAs for BPA, processes are de�ned by declarations of the form fXi def=pi j 1 � i � kg, where the pi now are BPP process terms. The operationelsemantics of BPP extends the semantics of regular processes with rules forthe parallel operator; the transition rules are found in Table 4.2.The following result was shown by Hirshfeld, Jerrum and Moller [HJM96]by appealing to a �nite characterization theorem similar to that applied tothe BPA case of the previous section.Theorem 4.5 Bisimilarity is in P for normed BPP processes.It is also known that bisimilarity is decidable for the full BPP calculus[CHM93]; however, at the time of writing, the complexity bound for thebisimulation problem in this case remains an open problem.References[ABGS91] C. Alvarez, J.L Balcazar, J. Gabarro, and M Santha, Paral-lel complexity in the design and analysis of concurrent systems,PARLE91, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 505 Springer-Verlag, 1991.[AI91] G. Ausiello and G. F. Italiano, On-line algorithms for polyno-mially solvable satis�ability problems, Journal of Logic Program-ming 10 (1991), 69{90. 29

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Recent Publications in the BRICS Report Series

RS-96-39 Hans Huttel and Sandeep Shukla. On the Complexityof Deciding Behavioural Equivalences and Preorders – ASurvey. October 1996. 36 pp.

RS-96-38 Hans Huttel and Josva Kleist. Objects as Mobile Pro-cesses. October 1996. 23 pp.

RS-96-37 Gerth Stølting Brodal and Chris Okasaki. Optimal PurelyFunctional Priority Queues. October 1996. 27 pp. To ap-pear in Journal of Functional Programming, 6(6), Decem-ber 1996.

RS-96-36 Luca Aceto, Willem Jan Fokkink, and Anna Ingolfsdottir.On a Question of A. Salomaa: The Equational Theoryof Regular Expressions over a Singleton Alphabet is notFinitely Based. October 1996. 16 pp.

RS-96-35 Gian Luca Cattani and Glynn Winskel. Presheaf Modelsfor Concurrency. October 1996. 16 pp. Presented atthe Annual Conference of the European Association forComputer Science Logic, CSL ’96.

RS-96-34 John Hatcliff and Olivier Danvy. A Computational For-malization for Partial Evaluation (Extended Version). Oc-tober 1996. To appear in Mathematical Structures in Com-puter Science.

RS-96-33 Jonathan F. Buss, Gudmund Skovbjerg Frandsen, andJeffrey Outlaw Shallit. The Computational Complexity ofSome Problems of Linear Algebra. September 1996. 39 pp.

RS-96-32 P. S. Thiagarajan. Regular Trace Event Structures.September 1996. 34 pp.

RS-96-31 Ian Stark. Names, Equations, Relations: Practical Waysto Reason about ‘new’. September 1996. ii+22 pp.

RS-96-30 Arne Andersson, Peter Bro Miltersen, and Mikkel Tho-rup. Fusion Trees can be Implemented with AC0 Instruc-tions only. September 1996. 8 pp.
