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Oneness of God

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Oneness of God Achmad Marconi August 2, 2009 Abstract: This study is an asserting study concerning the understanding on Oneness of God. The study use logic and dialectics of rational thinking to approach the Oneness of God through physics and maths. Besides, record of human beings historical accomplishment attempt to define God becomes raw material in conducting framework of thinking restructuration to understand Al- Qur’an revelation. Keywords: dogma, doctrine, Al-Diinu al-Islam, Al-Akhlaqu al-Kariim, akhlaaq, Oneness, Allah swt, Muhammad saw. Euclidian-Einstein geometry, virtual time, No Boundary Proposal, event horizon. Introduction: Within Muslims Ummah society, still various problems of understanding and practicing Islam exist. It demonstrates strong cultural traditions and dogmatic thought preservation ability initiated when human beings beginning to know the technique of evoking fire from dry wood and kept it in a fireplace. [1] Dogmatic thinking that I present is thinking attitude that make dogma and doctrines on something as definite understanding and not subject to change. The dogma and doctrine is the definition for a belief or attitude in trusting phenomena eternally. When we believe phenomena on the foundation of our dogma and doctrine acceptance, then we do not need to do research in more basic on existed process of today phenomena and in the future, that usually called as "take it for granted." The word "dogma" that comes from the Greece verb δοκέω has the meaning of "to be sure, thought- provoking opinions already established, the principle of comprehension, which is considered to be true. Doctrine that comes from the Latin doctrina refers to the notion of “teaching, something which is taught: a principle". Both types of Greece and Latin words that give an overview of thinking model based upon principle of already finished something and so on. In a sense, this dogmatic and doctrinaire thinking model shall not change and be changed. The result is closing the door for seeking the truth that exists in space-time continuum, closing the doors of ijtihad – hard a new thinking in daily events. Analysis: Let us go to the Al-Quranu al-Kariim pages 8-9 issued by Ministry of religious affairs of the Republic of Indonesia 1978-1979. We read Sura Al-Baqarah (2) verses 1-5: Kwn

Oneness of God

Achmad Marconi

August 2, 2009

Abstract: This study is an asserting study concerning the understanding on Oneness of God. The study use logic and dialectics of rational thinking to approach the Oneness of God through physics and maths. Besides, record of human beings historical accomplishment attempt to define God becomes raw material in conducting framework of thinking restructuration to understand Al-Qur’an revelation.

Keywords: dogma, doctrine, Al-Diinu al-Islam, Al-Akhlaqu al-Kariim, akhlaaq, Oneness, Allah swt, Muhammad saw. Euclidian-Einstein geometry, virtual time, No Boundary Proposal, event horizon.

Introduction: Within Muslims Ummah society, still various problems of understanding and practicing Islam exist. It demonstrates strong cultural traditions and dogmatic thought preservation ability initiated when human beings beginning to know the technique of evoking fire from dry wood and kept it in a fireplace. [1] Dogmatic thinking that I present is thinking attitude that make dogma and doctrines on something as definite understanding and not subject to change. The dogma and doctrine is the definition for a belief or attitude in trusting phenomena eternally. When we believe phenomena on the foundation of our dogma and doctrine acceptance, then we do not need to do research in more basic on existed process of today phenomena and in the future, that usually called as "take it for granted." The word "dogma" that comes from the Greece verb δοκέω has the meaning of "to be sure, thought-provoking opinions already established, the principle of comprehension, which is considered to be true. Doctrine that comes from the Latin doctrina refers to the notion of “teaching, something which is taught: a principle". Both types of Greece and Latin words that give an overview of thinking model based upon principle of already finished something and so on. In a sense, this dogmatic and doctrinaire thinking model shall not change and be changed. The result is closing the door for seeking the truth that exists in space-time continuum, closing the doors of ijtihad – hard a new thinking in daily events.

Analysis: Let us go to the Al-Quranu al-Kariim pages 8-9 issued by Ministry of religious affairs of the Republic of Indonesia 1978-1979. We read Sura Al-Baqarah (2) verses 1-5:



1. A.L.M.

2. This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah.

3. Who believe In the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what we have provided for them;

4. And who believe in the revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the hereafter.

5. They are on (true) guidance, from their Lord, and these are who will prosper.

We read the above verses by observing the accent as well as sentences melodies and other forms of mutual relation and the interactions between syllables used models. We find mutual relationship in unity and interactions of dialectical meaning of words and the thought structure that built on the foundation of logical rationality thinking and natural dialectics. While reading we cannot stop wherever we want to as we wish in order our reading reach the meaning that we suppose to or wanted. We have to read completely from verse 1 to verse 5. In understanding and interpreting these verses it is required a factual understanding based on facts, so that it can come closer to the intention and meaning of words that expressed mutashabehaat – deeper inside word model: the verses "believe in the ghaib", "believe in the resurrection day", "establish prayer" etc. Suppose the five verses are mutashabehaat verses. For understanding, requires a comprehensive study of the history facts formation phenomena such as black hole, dark matter, black energy and forces, time beginning, life beginning on Earth, the human cult culture emergence in society etc.

The five verses of Sura Al-Baqarah (2): 1-5 give us information about a book, which is no doubt in its contents. Because the Book can guide those who are committed to an independent objective reality (self-sustained objective reality), which is in Qur’an word phraseology indicated with the phrase "Wa lamyakun-llahu kufuwan Achad" [2]. Those who are committed have the traits in:

- believing in ghaib – phenomena, believing in something that does not pass on the information to the surrounding, agnostics -who established the prayer-who likes to spend part of its own economical benefits (rizki)-who believe in what revealed to Prophet Muhammad and to the Prophets and the God’s Messengers before him-who believe in the day of resurrection

From the above information we can look for the answers of the question "what Book or which Book?", "who writes the Book?" etc. Next we must do research on the meaning of the word "ghaib". "Ghaib" is in modern science principles leads to a condition, requirement, reality, that does not convey information or does not emit information to the outside. In addition, this led us to understand and answer the question of rationally formal logic to the question of



"why are we willing to spend part of our benefits that we earned with hard work?” “Why do we believe in revelation which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad and to the Prophets and the Messengers before him?” “Why do we believe in day of resurrection?" and more questions that needs answers and understanding.

Answering the questions in accordance with the guidance work field objective reality conceived by the above five Qur’an verses we will be able to meet the basic requirements needed to understand it. That requirement is the basic rational logic and even more the dialectical thinking. Without such a thinking workframe, we would not be able to approach closely as possible to understand the above five verses. For the presented problems by the above five verses are so integral and massive and making it very difficult to split or cut into pieces. In this case then we can clearly state that the 1-5 verses Sura Al-Baqarah (2) constitutes the underlying rational construction of Islamic thought as Al-Diinul al-Islam. Such way of rational, logical and dialectical thinking that now became the methodology in understanding the posteriori presence phenomena under the strict observation rules that do relearning and experiments fieldwork and laboratory, which known as scientific methodology. In the 6th – 18th century Gregorian year was human’s brain synapses connection still not so dense as nowadays and the scope of human environmental knowledge is still very limited. That is why human beings still easily believed in phenomena using irrational, illogical and mechanical way of thinking methodologies. Such methodology reinforced by philosophical idealism that became formidable opponents of philosophical materialism.

Believe in Unitarian God Almighty can correctly and best apply when we underlay our thinking system with Islamic thinking system that departing from God Almighty and closing in God Almighty. This Islamic thinking system based upon a rational, logical and dialectical Islam thinking as revealed in the five verses of Sura Al-Baqarah (2): 1-5. It is scientific thinking in the real sense of the word.

In his lecture on the campus of the University of California Berkeley-USA, Stephen W. Hawking explained his opinion regarding the universe existence history based on the human thought and observations model. He has alluded to Islam dialectical logic that becomes debated among cosmology scholars, i.e., about how the universe was beginning. The Cosmology scholars are only able theoretically approaching near the singularity [3]. Further Hawking developed his own thinking along with his disciple James Hartle that bore "No Boundary Proposals" (1983), which managed to combine the Einstein general relativity theory with Dirac et. al. quantum physics. Nevertheless, problems of “how the universe would begin” have yet to be resolved. Here the logic and dialectical of human rationality is colliding the granite walls of space-time continuum that hosts (includes) human beings. He asked, "Is a creator required to decree how the universe began. Alternatively, does law of science establish the universe beginning?

S.W. Hawking, questioned such a thing while he learns that the universe emerged from nothingness into existence that he described in No Boundary Proposal derived through the summa universe history according to R. Feynman idea? For God concept definition that he cannot understand is the God concept definition from Pope (Pope) John Paul II. He declared to the experts attending Cosmology Conference in Vatican "studying the universe after it begun is OK. But don't find out the beginning because it is when the Lord creates and works".[4] As we confront it with Al-Diinu al-Islam God concept definition as revealed in "Wa lamyakun-llahu kufuwan Achad," we know and appreciate that the revealed definition is a definition that human rational, logical and dialectical thinking cannot achieved. It is as same as human intelligence ability cannot imagine and understand how universe began. This



means that ALLAH Almighty is indefinable by human thought sophistication, no matter how genius is the intelligence it self.

S.W. Hawking only shows that the universe has a beginning, has a historical path and not just a chance to show up as take it for granted. Looking into its mathematical formality we find what technically called the Euclidean-Einstein geometry. A Platonic geometry model [5], which can become rational, logical and dialectical argumentation in explaining the emerging of space-time continuum from zero (0’s) information condition or from ghaib conditions to exists (1’s) information condition, to be condition. By which the time we experience being rotated by imaginary time or virtual time for those of us included within space-time continuum as a modification of the Gian Carlo Wick idea in constructing a quantum field relativistic theory through the replacement of the Euclidean Minkovski 4-space (E4). Technically this is mathematical leaps out of infinity noose, an annoying Lorentzian metrics, and thus the cosmogony paradox can be smoothly resolved.

We confront the S.W. Hawking et al thinking on the universe origin and open honest question of "how to begin?” with the Qur’an Sura Al-Ikhlas (112): 4. And by this effort the Pope John Paul II rejection to scientist study on the universe origin is becoming clear. S.W. Hawking et al have proven that the polytheists view in defining God as a charismatic figure with human beings image as irrational thought view modeling, illogical and mechanical that nobody in science understood. It found in mind expression of S.W. Hawking: “one can choose the Lord to initiate the universe beginning on the basis of reasons that we nature scientists can not understand.” [6]

When we learn the theological view history then we will be able to track down the birth of ideas that is based upon allegations of (dzan) something that no human being can percept through the five senses of which devices human beings have. To break the deadlock on this the wise man in times of knowledge scarcity began to develop "the sixth sense" based on daily life experience in meeting the needs for life.[7] The six senses, as a model of biological human (al-basyaran) internal senses is an activity of the human biological force field formed by universe 4-natural forces. These biological field forces gain medical acknowledgement as a neuro-psychology model that is familiar with the term "spirituality" in the form of human religiosity. Until now realistically, based on rational, logical and dialectical thinking is still difficult to access it through the fieldwork or laboratory experiment (depending on science and technology today). This sixth sense is the source of "religiosity" of human beings in tackling biological desires (bestially impulse) that serves to the defend own life (qadrati – measure - every living things does not want to die, but in their taqdir – predetermination - every living must die). According to this sixth-sense observer, human beings is “meaning seeker sentient and in contrast to the animals, it's very easy to fall in despair if human beings couldn't find the value and significance of their life." [8]

Theology has spawned a variety of God concept, which is equipped with the system of dogma and doctrine as a source of "value and morality" for adherents in bringing themselves in the midst of human society and the environment of their life. Therefore, in the history of human civilization progress there are events as genocides, racial discrimination, and war of conquest, oppression of minorities and the political deportation as well as the colonialism system as an act of religious human beings in carrying out God's will of each theological thought. The reality of human culture as that has always countered by the wise expert born in the praxis of struggle to uphold justice in society and the universal truth of humanity as "fii al-ardzhi khalifatan".



Almost all wise expert are familiar by locals and usually hang out in the midst of the people. Generally, they come from socio-politically and economically poor families that are not popular in the community and there are even some coming from people who are enslaved in which their life and death was decided by the owner. General characteristic of this wise expert is Al-akhlaaqu al-karimah quality accessible from everyday praxis in the society. This Al-akhlaaqu al-karimah quality is becoming main characteristics as human qualifications to be "fii al-ardzhi khalifatan" and the mastery of natural and social science through to spiritual creativity where the delivered revolutionary ideas acclaimed as coming from The Omnipotent Creator of the universe. Moreover, they are merely recipients of revelation, which claim themselves as the true prophets, and messengers of God by bringing evidence of system thought and the concept idea of rational, logical and dialectical God. The system of thought and the concept of the Godhead as such that bears a named, as straight lifes’ path for human beings that by Al-Qur’an word is Al-Diinu al-Islam.

Search for meaning and purpose of life during the period of human society civilization history, which is a written or unwritten, has raised wise predecessors (al-hakim) activity to explore the possibilities that conceived by biological force field. At a civilization period that named by philosophers Karl Jasper "Axial era", 900 BC – 200 BC, in four different geographical areas of the world the great cultural traditions of human society were blooming. The spiritually tradition of human society culture is efforts of human survival maintenance under the religiosity and spirituality guidance known as the Confucianism and Taoism in China, Hinduism and Buddhism in India, monotheism in Levant and Iran, philosophy and rationalism in Greece which includes the coastal areas of southern Europe and Asia minor. The wise expert creativity of the axial age is the interactive fields’ fluctuations of human biological force attempting to fight against theological, political and economical violence ideology of slaves owners, wealthy merchants and feudal lords that claimed themselves as representatives of God. In that period occurred changes of flourishing thought that invites man out of his imagination, dreaming and went interacting with life environmental realities. [9]

When we archeologically and palaeo-anthropologically (not by cults and religious preamble) dig the praxis struggles inheritance of Messenger Muhammad saw, since he was appointed to be prophet and messenger of God Almighty, then we will be able to find the relics of Islamic social-economic with "jurisprudence" cultural legacies which can be scientifically tested justified. The first received revelation by Prophet Muhammad in the cave of Hira is ordering human beings to learn the alphabet. Because God Almighty teaches human beings what not knows by way of pen. In addition, pen is the instrument to write words and sentences that explain human beings knowledge of life and the surrounding environment. Theologically that revelation is still unrecognized by theologians and their theology, which suspects Muhammad as a pseudo figure in the history of Islamic theology in order to legitimize Islamic theology that fighting against theological views of paganism and the ruling polytheism. By theologians and theologies fighting Al-Diinu al-Islam, Al-Diinu Al-Islam's of Prophet Muhammad declared as a sect of the Nazarene since the birth of East Byzantine State theology that initially persistent opposing the State theology initiated by Emperor Constantine of Byzantium. According to these theologians and supporting historians, the existence of Islam was a Christian theologian ”conspiracy" opposing the first Council of Nicaea, A.D. 325. Another researcher of history and Islamic theology considers Islam is a Arabs theological legitimacy as a self-sufficient nation in the Arabian Peninsula following an altercation between the Arab nation and the Jewish nation post the return of Jews to Palestine from Egypt under the leadership of Prophet Moses as and Aaron as. This estimation is strengthening by the evidence that so many equal theological ideas contained in the Al-Quranu al-Kariim as well as in Old and New Testaments. [10]



However, the reality of the human community cultural history definitively shows that after the establishment of the Arabs dynasties that ruled the Middle East to the Indus Valley, the cultural development of human society in Western Europe takes place quickly. Dynasties of the Arabs Middle East introduce human mind guidance called as Al-Diinu al-Islam contained in Al-Quranu al-Kariim to the European thinker. The basic principles of Islamic thought in turn served as the basis of rationally positive thinking build by European thinker as substitute system of traditional theological thinking of the European Nations to launch "Europe enlightenment" in the dark ages of Europe. The Muslim civil society models established by the Prophet Muhammad in Medina complete with the first modern Constitution of Medina had become an example for the arrangement of modern "bourgeois" Western Europe community in the form of state system based on legal laws where everyone is equal before the law as the legal position. [11]

Discussion: We can find the explanation of the process revelation to the Prophet Muhammad in the QS. 53 (An-Najm): 1-18:

1. By the Star when it goes down,-2. Your companion is neither astray nor being misled.3. Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) desire.4. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him:5. He was taught by one Mighty in Power,6. Endued with Wisdom: for he appeared (in stately form);7. While He was In the highest part of the horizon:8. Then he approached and came closer,9. And was at a distance of but two bow-lengths or (even) nearer;10. So did (Allah) convey the inspiration to His Servant- (conveyed) what He (meant) to convey.11. The (Prophet's) (mind and) heart in no way falsified that which he saw.12. Will ye then dispute with him concerning what he saw?13. For indeed he saw him at a second descent,14. Near the Lote-tree beyond which none may pass:15. Near it is the Garden of Abode.



16. Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!)17. (His) sight never swerved, nor did it go wrong!18. For truly did he see, of the Signs of his Lord, the Greatest!

The revelation is a process that takes place in the interaction between The Khalik – The Lords and al-’abd – servant that by theological thinking transformed into contemplated mystic and magic process. Doctrinally and dogmatically, the sunatullah – Allah swt behavior described as a miraculous mystic and magic beyond the general laws of the universe. Thus the verses Qur'an Sura An-Najm (53): 1-18 during the time we understand it dogmatically and doctrinally. Such theological understanding have force us to release basic intrinsic human beings uniqueness of rationally, logically and dialectically thinking and should accept an explanation commonly referred to as metaphysical explanations. However, the rational, logical and dialectical DNA double helix program in human brain is currently still ongoing fight against the metaphysical explanation models as that, even if the promoters have already published thousands of volumes of books to strengthen theological arguments. This is the cause of restlessness and confusedness of human beings when their life guided by the theological morality and value collided with the objective reality of human life praxis in a society that is guided by morality and value of socio-economic communities’ behavior system. Human effort in overcoming confusion and unease by imposing a theology as society supervisor has produced a wide range of socio-political and ideological resistance within the community in the past and nowadays The Arabic word "malak - angel" and the Qur’an revelation to the Prophet Muhammad main issue is the photon particles role as information carrier and mediator from The Most Have information to His Messenger, called in the Qur’an word as the Archangel Jibriel (Hebrew: Gabriel from Gabri-messenger and El-God). We can approach this through a particle collision model "deep inelastic scattering process” that occurs in the top layer of Earth atmosphere or in human environment, which causes the particle interaction took place to generate low-energy photon which is able to interact with the atoms in human cells. Moreover, the information brought by the photon to photonic-atoms in body cell and delivers through cell walls to the chest cavity. The chest cavity cells fluid translates digit codex photonic atoms into oracles that understood by the Prophets and God Messengers as seems likely TFT, LCD, LED and LEOD desktop monitor or a laptop filled with letters and graphic images. Al-Diinu al-Islam offers, if allowed to call, a sophisticated Islamic disposition for humans with spiritual quality levels put forward as "fii al-ardzhi khalifatan". "Fii al-ardzh khalifatan" is a human beings spiritual quality level as creation product questioned by the angels. "Inni jaa'ilun" in the words of Qur'an Sra Al-Baqarah (2): 30 have set up human qadar - individual measure, both biological and spiritual based upon the "khalifatullah– the vicegerents of Allah swt" quality. With the development and progress of modern science and advance technology to date, human beings are increasingly able to approach the meaning and purpose of their life as a "khalifatullah – the vicegerents of Allah swt" within the framework of rational, logical and dialectical nature thinking. By developing science and technology creativity human beings increasingly able to differentiate the imaginative fictional gods constructed by human own spirituality with independent, objective and indefinable God. With Islamic human beings disposition is the straight way lighted by divine light is open as it shows in the Qur'an Sura An-Nur (24): 35.



35. Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. the parable of His light is as if there were a niche and within it a lamp: the lamp enclosed in glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star: lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil is well-nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it: Light upon light! Allah doth guide whom He will to His Light: Allah doth set forth parables for men: and Allah doth know all things.

Only by rational, logical and dialectical Islami thinking framework is biological humans able to improve the quality of his spirituality; underlying with survival urge based on natural human spiritual quality. To a level that driven by the intrinsic awareness in understanding the divinity attributes that should educated into them in order to represent the Almighty Creator on Earth. If we are able to use probability theory in setting up an open opportunity, then only by the mastery of natural and social science we have the chance to educate ourselves the respective materials that can improve the level of our biological akhlaaq spirituality approaching human model "fii al-ardzhi khalifatan" or as Egyptian "al-Imam al-Ustadz": Muhammad Abduh named "al-insanu al-kamil". For that, let us learn natural and social sciences patiently, resiliently and tawadzhu – in humbleness as long as we are still breathing. The nature of human thinking is rational, logical and dialectical thinking model, this is hard-wired in RNA and DNA and therefore difficult to remove it. Even all the imaginative mystical thinking system of indoctrination and religious dogma that enforced since humans can enjoy tender thrones of politics; economy and cultural power in the history train of human society will be removed and dumped by the Islamic rational, logical and dialectical Islami thinking.

Conclusion: This paper is an approach based on theoretical studies results in positive science. Through observations, laboratory experiments, statistical data-test, palaeo-anthropology as well as written and unwritten history records of human culture. The use of classical and contemporary Muslims experts thinking and understanding Allah swt word revealed to Prophet Muhammad published as the Mushaf Al-Quranu al-Kariim.

In Qur’an revelation can we find verses that describe on Oneness and the whole path headed to the Oneness that revealed by Allah swt. Moreover, Oneness is intact, round with no boundary, massive, singles no concurrent and indefinable - objectively self-sustained reality. The Oneness described here with such understanding is asymptotic approach that will not be reach, let alone to be one with the approached. Because we clash with God Almighty ghaib nature (lack of information) that among other things expressed in Qur'an Sura Al-Ikhlas (112): 4 revelations:



4. and there is none like unto Him.

This situation is exactly the same as the process encountered in high-energy physics lab in tracking quark, where it was discovered no free standalone quark in nature, similarly virtual particles are born at an event horizon of black hole. On time, interpolation of the universe beginning through general relativity will come face to face with massive singularity whereas if it tracked through quantum physics, the black hole would swallow all particles that submitted and from the black hole is not one digit of information can come out. However, before the particle reach inside black hole at the event horizon the particle has to split in two: real and virtual caused by a very high temperature and unevenness of the event horizon upper layer. Thus, the information can escape from black hole using Hawking radiation away to outer space. [12]

We can approach the Oneness of Allah swt through Allah swt word as such stated that Allah swt is the Beginning and the End as well as Perceivable and Hidden.[13] This word is a paradoxical claim of human beings formal logic that formed in the unfolding process of space-time continuum. The humans logic can understand that every beginning has its end and vice versa, but to understand the beginning and the end as an indissoluble whole is beyond reason. Hence, people in their effort to know the Omnipotence that determines their destiny on Earth at the time of knowledge scarcity of natural life environment in a comprehensive manner, human beings develop "sixth sense" mystique premises on beginning and end as separate process and incident in long distances. In addition, to achieve a good end needs to do "practice", "thariq" that uses "sacred" intermediaries as a supervisor on the way from the beginning to the end. This human experimentation criticized by Allah swt with the revelation stating that in case of "hablu min Allah – relation with Allah" no intermediate commonly held by religious institutions. The Muslims can directly appear before, beg, and complain of his or her fate to Allah swt, without having helps from anyone. Hopes to Allah swt usually delivered by former Muslim reads as follow:


201. Wa minhum mman-yaquulu Robbanaaaa aatinaa fii dun-yaa chasanatan wa fii al-akhirati chasanatan wa qinaa ' adzaaba al-naar - and there are men who say: "Our Lord! give us good In This world and good In the Hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the Fire!" (Qur'an 2: 201)

In the above mentioned hope of word semantics "dun-ya" is no longer resting on something material however, a transformed semantics thanks to Allah swt existence, but to time or process derives from the word "awwal - initial". Thus, the interpretation to the combined words "fii dun-ya" becomes "at now time" and "wa al-akhirah" becomes "and at future time". Thereby, the whole singularity of the Beginning and the End became an indisputable existence of rational, logical and dialectical Islami. Hopes that not only covers the solicitation of solely material goodness but a petition for the goodness of the Muslims quality of life beginning from the births up to the end of life.



Dzahir- perceivable and bathin - hidden is a singularity signs of Allah swt existence that observable in particle physics laboratory and astrophysical observations. If we read the particles collisions study reports papers, then in spectrographic data we found the existence of rays beam that its wavelength lays beyond human eyes perceivable wavelength spectrum. In the “dark-blinding” universe nevertheless, there are awful lot of stars and galaxies that have already exploded billions years ago. Thanks to the presence of light wavelength beyond light spectrum unperceivable by the eyes, we still can see it through our high-tech sensors and detectors gadgets. Sophisticated sensing equipment produced by human creative activity is a blessing in an attempt to find out the meaning and purpose of human life.

Our efforts in understanding this Tauhidullah – Oneness of Allah swt are efforts relying on sophisticated instruments in an attempt to approach personally Allah swt. Let us try to educate ourselves personally to cleanse and purify our Al-Ruh – knowledge of life, from guesses, dreaming and human beings definitions about God Almighty that defacing Al-Ruh. With tazkiyyatun nafs – purification of will we do Insha’Allah – by the Grace of Allah our prayers more khusyu’ - designate and we feel the emotional inert vibrations of stronger personality for sure. _______________________________________________________________


[1] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, April 2, 2012 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1117620109[2] Qur’an Sura Al-Ikhlas (112): 4.[3] ArXive.9409195 SW. Hawking: The Nature of Space and Time[4] [6] The Origins of the Universe – j. Robert Oppenheimer speech in the category of physics red by Prof. Stephen W. Hawking, March 13, 2007, Zellerbach Hall, University of California, Berkeley – USA[5] Roger Penrose's "The ROAD TO REALITY", 2004[7] Dr. Anandya Madal MD: Sixth Sense a Reality: Research. News Medical, Marc 2, 2015; Joshua Brown PhD. & Todd Braver PhD. Science Blog Feb.18, 2005

[8] Karen Armstrong: "The Great Transformation, The Early History of God" 2007, PT. Mizan Pustaka, Bandung-Indonesia.

[9] Karel Jasper: “Vom Ursprung un Ziel der Geschichte”, 1949

[10] Eildert Mulder en Thomas Milo: "De Omstreden Bronnen van De Islam – A Controversiële Islam Sources" Minema, Zoetemeer – Holland, 2009. [11] Jonathan Lyons – “The House of Wisdom: How The Arabs Transformed Western Civilization”, Bloomsbury Press, NY-Berlin-London, ISBN:978-1-60819-058-4

[12] ] 't Hooft, G. (1985). "On the quantum structure of a black hole". Nuclear Physics B 256: 727–745. Bibcode: 1985NuPhB.256...727T. doi:10.1016/0550-3213(85)90418-3.[13] Qur’an Sura Al-Hadid (57):3


