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Operative Environment

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Operative Environment Liaisons: Pouya Alijanipour MD, Joseph Karam MD Leaders: Adolfo Llina ´ s MD (International), Kelly G Vince MD (International), Charalampos Zalavras MD (US) Delegates: Matthew Austin MD, Grant Garrigues MD, Snir Heller MD, James Huddleston MD, Brian Klatt MD, Viktor Krebs MD, Christoph Lohmann MD, Edward J McPherson MD, Robert Molloy MD, Ali Oliashirazi MD, Mitchell Schwaber MD, Eoin Sheehan MD, Eric Smith MD, Robert Sterling MD, Gregory Stocks MD, Shrinand Vaidya MD Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/jor.22550 ß 2014 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 32:S60–S80, 2014. Question 1: Do numbers of bacteria arriving in the surgical wound correlate directly with the probability of surgical site infection (SSI)? Consensus We recognize that the probability of SSI correlates directly with the quantity of bacteria that reach the wound. Accordingly we support strategies to lower particulate and bacterial counts at surgical wounds. Delegate Vote Agree: 97%, Disagree: 2%, Abstain: 1% (Strong Consensus) Justification Postoperative SSIs are believed to occur via bacterial inoculation at the time of surgery or as a result of bacterial contamination of the wound via open path- ways to the deep tissue layers. 1–3 The probability of SSI is reflected by interaction of parameters that can be categorized into three major groups. 2 The first group consists of factors related to the ability of bacteria to cause infection and include initial inocula- tion load and genetically determined virulence factors that are required for adherence, reproduction, toxin production, and bypassing host defense mechanisms. The second group involves those factors related to the defense capacity of the host including local and systemic defense mechanisms. The last group contains environmental determinants of exposure such as size, time, and location of the surgical wound that can provide an opportunity for the bacteria to enter the surgical wound, overcome the local defense system, sustain their presence, and replicate and initiate local as well as systemic inflammatory reactions of the host. The use of iodine impregnated skin incise drapes shows decreased skin bacterial counts but no correlation has been established with SSI. However, no recommenda- tions regarding the use of skin barriers can be made (see this Workgroup, Question 27). Question 2: Do numbers of bacteria in the operating room (OR) environment correlate directly with the probability of SSI? Consensus We recognize that airborne particulate bacteria are a major source of contamination in the OR environment and that bacteria shed by personnel are the predomi- nant source of these particles. The focus of our recom- mendations is to reduce the volume of bacteria in the OR with particular attention to airborne particles. Delegate Vote Agree: 93%, Disagree: 5%, Abstain: 2% (Strong Consensus) Justification Air is a potential source of contamination in the OR. 2,4 Studies have demonstrated that the number of air- borne bacteria around the wound is correlated to the incidence of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI). 1 It has been suggested that if it was possible to measure accurately the number of bacteria present in the wound it should constitute the most precise predictor of subsequent infection. 5 Bacteria can be considered as part of the total mass of particulates in the air. Some studies have suggested that the airborne particulate count should be considered as potential surrogate for airborne microbial density. 6 Others have found a correlation between the number of particulates larger than 10 mm with the density of viable bacteria at the site of surgery (measured by colony forming units). 7 It has been suggested that monitoring particulate count be used as a real-time proxy for increased risk of wound contamination or infection. 7 Persons in the OR are a major source of bacterial load and shed bacterial particulates. These particulates circulate through the OR via air currents. Movements of personnel and objects (including OR equipment) and opening and closing doors can generate significantly marked air currents and increase the probability of bacteria being deposited in the surgical site. 3,8 Question 3: Should the OR in which an elective arthroplasty is performed be fitted with laminar air flow (LAF)? Consensus We believe that arthroplasty surgery may be per- formed in operating theaters without laminar flow. Laminar flow rooms and other strategies that may reduce particulates in operating rooms would be expected to reduce particulate load. Studies have not shown lower SSI in laminar flow rooms and some S60 JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH JANUARY 2014

Operative Environment

Liaisons: Pouya Alijanipour MD, Joseph Karam MDLeaders: Adolfo Llinas MD (International), Kelly G Vince MD (International), CharalamposZalavras MD (US)Delegates: Matthew Austin MD, Grant Garrigues MD, Snir Heller MD, James Huddleston MD,Brian Klatt MD, Viktor Krebs MD, Christoph Lohmann MD, Edward J McPherson MD, RobertMolloy MD, Ali Oliashirazi MD, Mitchell Schwaber MD, Eoin Sheehan MD, Eric Smith MD,Robert Sterling MD, Gregory Stocks MD, Shrinand Vaidya MD

Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/jor.22550

� 2014 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 32:S60–S80, 2014.

Question 1: Do numbers of bacteria arriving in thesurgical wound correlate directly with theprobability of surgical site infection (SSI)?

ConsensusWe recognize that the probability of SSI correlatesdirectly with the quantity of bacteria that reach thewound. Accordingly we support strategies to lowerparticulate and bacterial counts at surgical wounds.

Delegate VoteAgree: 97%, Disagree: 2%, Abstain: 1% (Strong Consensus)

JustificationPostoperative SSIs are believed to occur via bacterialinoculation at the time of surgery or as a result ofbacterial contamination of the wound via open path-ways to the deep tissue layers.1–3 The probability ofSSI is reflected by interaction of parameters that canbe categorized into three major groups.2 The firstgroup consists of factors related to the ability ofbacteria to cause infection and include initial inocula-tion load and genetically determined virulence factorsthat are required for adherence, reproduction, toxinproduction, and bypassing host defense mechanisms.The second group involves those factors related to thedefense capacity of the host including local andsystemic defense mechanisms. The last group containsenvironmental determinants of exposure such as size,time, and location of the surgical wound that canprovide an opportunity for the bacteria to enter thesurgical wound, overcome the local defense system,sustain their presence, and replicate and initiate localas well as systemic inflammatory reactions of the host.

The use of iodine impregnated skin incise drapesshows decreased skin bacterial counts but no correlationhas been established with SSI. However, no recommenda-tions regarding the use of skin barriers can be made (seethis Workgroup, Question 27).

Question 2: Do numbers of bacteria in the operatingroom (OR) environment correlate directly with theprobability of SSI?

ConsensusWe recognize that airborne particulate bacteria are amajor source of contamination in the OR environment

and that bacteria shed by personnel are the predomi-nant source of these particles. The focus of our recom-mendations is to reduce the volume of bacteria in theOR with particular attention to airborne particles.

Delegate VoteAgree: 93%, Disagree: 5%, Abstain: 2% (Strong Consensus)

JustificationAir is a potential source of contamination in the OR.2,4

Studies have demonstrated that the number of air-borne bacteria around the wound is correlated to theincidence of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI).1 It hasbeen suggested that if it was possible to measureaccurately the number of bacteria present in thewound it should constitute the most precise predictorof subsequent infection.5 Bacteria can be considered aspart of the total mass of particulates in the air. Somestudies have suggested that the airborne particulatecount should be considered as potential surrogate forairborne microbial density.6 Others have found acorrelation between the number of particulates largerthan 10mm with the density of viable bacteria at thesite of surgery (measured by colony forming units).7 Ithas been suggested that monitoring particulate countbe used as a real-time proxy for increased risk ofwound contamination or infection.7 Persons in the ORare a major source of bacterial load and shed bacterialparticulates. These particulates circulate through theOR via air currents. Movements of personnel andobjects (including OR equipment) and opening andclosing doors can generate significantly marked aircurrents and increase the probability of bacteria beingdeposited in the surgical site.3,8

Question 3: Should the OR in which an electivearthroplasty is performed be fitted with laminar airflow (LAF)?

ConsensusWe believe that arthroplasty surgery may be per-formed in operating theaters without laminar flow.Laminar flow rooms and other strategies that mayreduce particulates in operating rooms would beexpected to reduce particulate load. Studies have notshown lower SSI in laminar flow rooms and some


cases are associated with increased rates of SSI. Theseare complex technologies that must function in strictadherence to maintenance protocols. We recommendfurther investigation in this field.

Delegate VoteAgree: 85%, Disagree: 7%, Abstain: 8% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationThe most cited studies supporting the use of LAF wereconducted in the 1970s and 1980s by Charnley9 andLidwell et al.10 However, several recent studies haveshown no clear benefit of LAF in reducing theincidence of deep SSI.11–14 Breier et al.11 conducted anationwide study in Germany, controlling for con-founding factors with multivariate analysis, and foundno independent effect of LAF on SSI rates, even whenconsidering LAF rooms with large ceiling sizes (atleast 3.2m� 3.2m).

A recent study by Hooper et al.13 that was based onthe New Zealand joint registry evaluated the subjecton a wide basis. The authors analyzed 51,485 total hiparthroplasties (THA) and 36,826 total knee arthroplas-ties (TKA) and revealed increased early infection rateswith laminar flow use, especially for THA patients.This increase was found to be independent of patientcharacteristics, operative time, surgeon, or institution.Unfortunately, except for the study performed bySalvati et al. in which horizontal LAF was found toincrease the risk of PJI in TKA, other studies, includ-ing those supporting the use of LAF,10 those opposingits use,13 and those with indifferent results,15–17 didnot conduct any sub-analysis to distinguish influenceof different types of LAF on PJI.

Question 4: Is there enough evidence to enforce theuniversal use of body exhaust suits during total jointarthroplasty (TJA)?

ConsensusThere is currently no conclusive evidence to supportthe routine use of space suits in performing TJA.

Delegate VoteAgree: 84%, Disagree: 11%, Abstain: 5% (StrongConsensus)

JustificationSimilar to the situation with laminar flow, the use ofspace suits during TJA has become a subject ofcontroversy. A recent study by Miner et al.14 showedno benefit in the use of body exhaust suits and a studyby Hooper et al.13 evaluating the use of a space suitand its effect on early infection rates identified anincreased rate of early infection with the use of spacesuits both in conventional and in laminar flow thea-ters. However, there is some suggestion that spacesuits should be worn in laminar flow-fitted rooms toprevent contamination.18,19

Question 5: What strategies should be implementedregarding OR traffic?

ConsensusWe recommend that OR traffic should be kept to aminimum.

Delegate VoteAgree: 100%, Disagree: 0%, Abstain: 0% (UnanimousConsensus)

JustificationPersonnel are the major source of air contamination inthe OR, both by traffic that creates turbulence andcontaminates ultraclean air and by bacterial shedding.Ritter et al.17 showed that bacterial counts in OR airincreased 34-fold in an operating room with five peoplecompared to an empty room. Keeping the OR door openalso significantly increased bacterial air contaminationof the room in the same study. Andersson et al.15 showeda positive correlation between traffic flow rates and airbacterial counts in orthopedic procedures. They alsoidentified a direct correlation between the number ofpeople present in the OR and bacterial counts. Quraishiet al.20 further demonstrated a direct correlation be-tween the activity level of OR personnel and bacterialfallout into the sterile field. Panahi et al.21 observed dooropenings during primary and revision TJA cases. Theyidentified 0.65 and 0.84 door openings per minute inprimary and revision cases, respectively. The mainpersonnel responsible for door openings were implanttechnical representatives and circulating nurses. Lynchet al.22 showed an exponential relationship between thenumber of door openings and the number of personnel inthe OR. In their series, information requests (an easilyavoidable cause) was the reason for the majority of dooropenings. Multiple door openings can result in a drop inthe pressure gradient requiring more air being pumpedthrough LAF systems and therefore the high efficiencyparticulate air filters are consumed more quickly. It hasbeen proposed by experts that OR personnel passthrough a sub-sterile hallway every time they enter orleave the OR, although evidence regarding this practiceis lacking. If preoperative templating is possible, avail-able sizes of the implants should be in the OR at thestart of the surgery.

Question 6: Should operating lights be controlledwith a foot pedal as opposed to reaching above eyelevel?

ConsensusWe recommend a general awareness that light handlescan be a source of contamination and to minimizehandling of lights as much as possible. Other strate-gies for light control need to be developed in the futureto minimize contamination.

Delegate VoteAgree: 91%, Disagree: 4%, Abstain: 5% (Strong Con-sensus)



JustificationDavis et al.23 identified a 14.5% rate of contamina-tion of sterile light handles during TJA cases.Hussein et al.24 showed no evidence of contaminationof the sterile light handle (autoclaved plastic ormetallic) after 15 cases of primary TJA. However,we were unable to identify other studies in theliterature addressing the risk of contamination of thesurgeon’s gown or of parts of the sterile field whencompared with reaching up for light adjustment, orstudies that looked at air disruptions secondary tothe movement of the surgeon reaching above eyelevel.

Question 7: Is there a role for ultraviolet (UV) lightuse in the prevention of infection after TJA?

ConsensusWe agree that UV light environments can lowerinfection rates, but recognize that this can pose a riskto OR personnel. We recognize that the benefit of UVmight be the inhibition of operating traffic.

Delegate VoteAgree: 74%, Disagree: 13%, Abstain: 13% (StrongConsensus)

JustificationEven though UV light use has been shown to signifi-cantly decrease the number of bacterial counts in theOR, as well as the occurrence of postoperative infec-tion, its use is harmful for OR personnel and increasesthe risk of corneal injuries and skin cancer; as such,current guidelines from the Centers for Disease Con-trol (CDC) recommend against the use of UV lights inthe OR to prevent SSIs.5,25–30

Question 8: Do UV decontamination/sterilizationlights or portable units in unoccupied ORs (nightsand weekends) make a difference in the sterility ofthe OR environment?

ConsensusUV would be expected to lower bacterial load in ORs,but the technology has not been studied in thisapplication. It might be considered an adjunct but nota replacement for conventional cleaning. There arepotential risks to staff by UV technology inadvertentlyleft on at the start of the work day.

Delegate VoteAgree: 84%, Disagree: 3%, Abstain: 13% (StrongConsensus)

JustificationAfter a thorough literature search, we were unable toidentify evidence to support or refute the use of UVlight to keep the OR environment sterile outsideoperative times.

Question 9: Should the patient and OR personnelwear a mask to avoid contamination of the OR air?

ConsensusDespite the absence of conclusive studies that show areduction in SSI when surgical masks are wornproperly and uniformly by all staff, we believe there isreason to expect particulate airborne bacteria countsto be reduced by disciplined use of surgical masks.Until evidence appears that shows an advantage toNOT wearing a mask, we believe that it is in theinterest of patient safety that all personnel wearsurgical masks at all time that they are in the OR.There is insufficient evidence to support the use ofmasks by patients that outweighs the benefit of airwayaccess.

Delegate VoteAgree: 85%, Disagree: 7%, Abstain: 8% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationSeveral authors have questioned the utility of facemasks worn by OR personnel in preventing air andwound contamination.31–33 A study by Lipp andEdwards32 included three randomized controlled trials(RCTs)with a total of 2,113 subjects and concludedthat the use of face masks had no significant effect onsurgical wound infections in patients undergoing cleansurgery. Sellden et al.34 decided to refrain from theuse of face masks for unscrubbed personnel in the OR.A recent RCT by Webster et al.35 showed that if noneof the non-scrubbed OR personnel wore a face mask,there was no increase in the rate of SSIs. However,this study included non-orthopedic as well as orthope-dic procedures and followed patients for only 6 weekspostoperatively. Furthermore, it was not clear iforthopedic procedures included implantation proce-dures. We were unable to identify studies lookingspecifically at face masks worn by the patient undergo-ing TJA or studies evaluating the benefit of thispractice in reducing OR air contamination.

Question 10: What garments are required for ORpersonnel?

ConsensusWe recommend that all personnel wear clean theaterattire including a disposable head covering, whenentering an OR. Garments worn outside of the hospitalshould not be worn during TJA.

Delegate VoteAgree: 98%, Disagree: 1%, Abstain: 1% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationSome aspects of the appropriate attire for surgicalpersonnel (such as surgical gowns and gloves) havebeen addressed in other sections. Controversy hasbeen raised regarding the utility of surgical masks or



head coverings in the prevention of SSI based oninconsistent results from experimental and clinicalinvestigations in the field of general surgery, gyneco-logy, and cardiology (cardiac catheterization).36–42

Nevertheless, as affirmed by CDC guidelines,28 useof surgical masks by all OR personnel is an advan-tageous and harmless behavior that provides amechanical obstacle for OR personnels’ oro- and naso-pharyngeal secretions. These secretions may containbacterial particulates and all efforts should be made todecrease the risk of exposure of surgical wound tothese particulates. Moreover, masks can also be bene-ficial in protecting the personnel from patients’ bloodor other bodily fluids.

Question 11: What restrictions should be placed onthe use of portable electronic devices (such as mobilephones, laptops, tablets, or music devices) in the OR?

ConsensusWe recognize that portable electronic devices may becontaminated with bacteria. We also recognize thatincreased levels of talking are associated with higherlevels of bacteria in the OR environment. Accordinglywe recommend that portable electronic device usagebe limited to that which is necessary for patient care.

Delegate VoteAgree: 84%, Disagree: 14%, Abstain: 2% (StrongConsensus)

JustificationMany studies have shown a high rate of contaminationof cell phones and other portable electronic devicesused in hospitals by healthcare workers, from 44% to98%, with a high percentage of resistant strains,namely extended-spectrum b-lactamase-producingGram-negative bacteria and methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus (MRSA).43–49 Ulger et al.48

demonstrated that 52% of S. aureus strains isolatedfrom cell phones were methicillin-resistant. Bradyet al.43 showed that cleaning mobile phones with analcohol-based solution significantly reduced contami-nation of mobile phones, similar to what was previouslyobserved by Singh et al.50 for pagers and Hassounet al.51 for personal digital assistants. Thus, regularcleaning of portable electronic devices with alcohol ishighly recommended, as efforts towards maintaininghand hygiene to prevent nosocomial infections, includ-ing SSI, may be compromised by the use of handheldelectronic devices that act as reservoirs of pathogens.Limitation of portable electronic devices in the OR isalso advised, although no evidence in the literature isable to link their use to an increased risk of SSI.

Question 12: Does prolonged surgical timepredispose to an increased risk of PJI?

ConsensusWe recognize that SSI rates increase directly with theduration of surgery. We recognize that some surgeries

present a marked and inescapable level of complexitythat will require more time. We recognize that mini-mizing the duration of surgery is an important goaland a cooperative effort on the base of the entiresurgical team as well as the institution. We recom-mend that a coordinated effort be made to minimizethe duration of surgery without technical compromiseof the procedure.

Delegate VoteAgree: 96%, Disagree: 3%, Abstain: 1% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationNumerous studies have linked increased operativetime to the risk of infection after TJA with statisticalsignificance.52–65 Skramm et al. investigated the inci-dence of SSI following THA and TKA for fracturesafter the implementation of surveillance policies. Whenconsidering the risk factors for infection, the durationof surgery was the only significant independent factorin a logistic regression model, also taking into accountage, American Society of Anesthesiologists’ physicalstatus score, and level of emergency.61 The study byvan Kasteren et al.64 supported the use of duration ofsurgery more than the 75th percentile as a risk factorfor PJI, as previously suggested by the NationalNoscomial Infections Surveillance risk index.66 In apopulation-wide study based on the Danish nationalhip arthroplasty registry that included 80,756 cases ofprimary THA, surgical time was a significant indepen-dent risk factor for revision due to infection.57 Similarresults were reported in countries such as Norway andEngland.60,62 Peersman et al.58 suggested using opera-tive times as a predictive risk factor for infection afterTKA in a risk stratification model. In a systematicreview of only observational studies that investigateddeep SSI in THA and included more than 100 patients,Urquhart et al. found just two studies that examinedoperative time.63 After merging data from these twostudies, they reported duration of surgery as anindependent risk factor for SSI. In addition, in a recentanalysis of 56,216 primary TKAs, Namba et al. identi-fied a 9% increase in the risk of deep SSI per 15min-increment increase in operative time.56

Nevertheless, methodological concerns exist regard-ing the studies that support the role of operative timeas a risk factor for PJI, including missing data,9

failure to consider potential confounding factors,57,58

and statistical considerations.59–61 On the other hand,there are studies that failed to demonstrate such acorrelation67 or even found an opposite relationship.68

Moreover, none of the previous studies considered thepotential confounding role of repeat doses of antibioticprophylaxis during prolonged procedures. Procedureduration may be an indicator of complexity of surgery(extensive surgical exposure and more severe tissuedamage), surgical indication (previous procedures andindications other than osteoarthritis), inexperienced



surgical team, surgeon with slow pace, perioperativecomplications, inadequate optimal standardizationprogram, or patient’s preexisting medical condi-tions.57,69,70 Perhaps staff education in how to operateefficiently and follow systematically defined stepsmight decrease the risk of SSI. It has also beendemonstrated that procedures with a longer durationare at increased risk for revision due to asepticfailure.62

Question 13: Should the scheduling of elective TJAbe ordered so that clean cases are not preceded byknown infected, dirty, or contaminated cases?

ConsensusWe recognize the concern regarding risk of infection toa clean surgery following a contaminated surgery. Werecognize that studies have not demonstrated in-creased infection rates in clean surgery performedsubsequent to contaminated cases. We recommendthorough cleaning after contaminated surgery andbefore further surgery, as defined by local institutionalstandards.

Delegate VoteAgree: 89%, Disagree: 8%, Abstain: 3% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationAlthough performing an infected arthroplasty proce-dure before non-infected procedures is theoreticallyrisky for cross-contamination between procedures,there is inadequate evidence to support or oppose thispractice. However, this policy may allow the hygienestaff a thorough clean down procedure at the end ofthe OR working day when there is no economicalconcern regarding the duration of time that might berequired for a compliant OR disinfection.

A common practice in orthopedic surgery, especiallyin arthroplasty, is to organize the OR in a manner sothat confirmed or suspicious cases of infection areoperated on at the end of the OR session after cleanprocedures. Whether the practice of performing aclean arthroplasty procedure following an infectedcase increases the probability of infection or not hasnot been adequately studied. Microbiologic studieshave demonstrated long-term survivorship of commonnosocomial pathogens on inanimate surfaces.71 Thismay support the theoretical risk of cross-contamina-tion between procedures if there is no efficient preven-tive strategy for disinfection of these surfaces afterevery procedure. There are only two retrospectivestudies that have addressed this issue, but both hadinadequate power and inconsistent conclusions.72,73

Despite the lack of evidence, a sound practice consistsof thoroughly addressing this potential factor of PJI,even though there is inadequate evidence for cross-contamination between procedures.

Abolghasemian et al.72 evaluated 85 primary andrevision cases performed after TJA resection for PJI

and evaluated the risk of infection in those patients.After a minimum follow-up of 12 months, an increasedrate of superficial or deep infections was not witnessedin this cohort when compared to 321 patients matchedfor demographic factors who did not undergo TJA afteran infected TJA in the same OR. The one patient whodeveloped a deep PJI in the study group had adifferent infecting organism than the one responsiblefor the PJI of the preceding surgical case. Cleaning theOR after an infected case did not differ from cleaningafter an aseptic case. Namdari et al. undertook asimilar endeavor when they evaluated the develop-ment of infection in 39 cases of primary TJA per-formed after dirty cases. They identified one case ofPJI in this cohort when the causative infecting organ-ism (Propionibacterium acnes) was the same as theone causing the infection in the preceding septic case.However, no advanced microbiological testing wasperformed to certify that both organisms were ofidentical strains.73

Question 14: Does patient normothermia have anessential role in preventing infectious complications?

ConsensusWe recognize the significance of patient normothermiaand the data from non-orthopedic procedures. Wesupport general recommendations from the generalsurgery literature and identify this as a field thatrequires further research.

Delegate VoteAgree: 92%, Disagree: 1%, Abstain: 7% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationKurz et al.74 undertook an RCT of major colorectalsurgery patients and demonstrated significant de-crease in SSI rates in patients receiving warmed fluidsand forced-air warming (FAW) blankets compared topatients who did not receive aggressive maintenanceof normothermia. Melling et al.75 conducted an RCT innon-orthopedic clean surgery and identified a signifi-cant role for patient warming in preventing SSI. Asystematic protocol using FAW blankets or localwarming protocols using a radiant heat dressing ledto a significant decrease in SSI. No such RCT wasidentified specifically for TJA or orthopedic proceduresin general.

Question 15: Do FAW blankets increase the risk ofSSI?

ConsensusWe recognize the theoretical risk posed by FAWblankets and that no studies have shown an increasein SSI related to the use of these devices. Werecommend further study but no change to currentpractice.



Delegate VoteAgree: 89%, Disagree: 5%, Abstain: 6% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationRecent studies have raised concern about the possibili-ty of bacterial air contamination by FAW devices.Some authors evaluated disruptions in airflow.McGovern et al.76 conducted an experimental studywhere they found that FAW blankets lead to adisruption in the airflow at the surgical site underLAF conditions when compared to conductive fabricwarmers in simulated THA and spine surgery. Legget al.77 found increased air particles above the surgicalsite when using FAW compared to radiant warming.On the contrary, Sessler et al.78 did not identify anyworsening in air quality with use of FAW underlaminar flow conditions. Memarzadeh et al.79 reportedthe results of a computational study conducted by theNational Institutes of Health which showed negligibledisruption of laminar flow by FAW.

Other authors have investigated the bacterial con-tamination of OR air. Moretti et al.80 undertook airsampling in experimental conditions and demonstrat-ed increased bacterial contamination of air afterturning FAW blankets on; however, this was muchlower than worsening of air quality induced by person-nel placing a patient in the OR. Tumia et al.81 under-took air sampling under LAF conditions in orthopedicprocedures and failed to identify any significant rise inair bacterial counts with the use of FAW. Sharpet al.82 also performed air sampling in LAF-equippedORs to study the effect of FAW on air quality usingvolunteer patients with psoriasis who had increasedshedding of skin cells. Air at 30 cm from a theoreticaloperating site was sampled and there were no positivecultures. In addition, a smoke test that was used tovisually assess airflow found no disturbance by theFAW device. Zink et al.83 were also concerned bypossible contamination of the OR environment withFAW, but did not resort to air sampling. Instead, theyplaced culture plates on the abdomen of volunteerswith use of FAW and failed to identify increasedcontamination rates with this method.

Albrecht et al. found that the intake filters used inair blowers were not optimally efficient and resulted incolonization of the internal parts of the device. Over-all, 92% of the devices they tested resulted in positivebacterial growth with organisms that are typicallyimplicated in PJI (mostly Staphylococci species).84

However, there is no concrete evidence to link the useof FAW system with SSI/PJI. McGovern et al. studieda change of a warming system from forced air to analternative system in 1,437 patients. A significantincrease in deep joint infection, as demonstrated by anelevated infection odds ratio (3.8, p¼0.024), wasidentified during a period when FAW was usedcompared to a period when conductive fabric warmingwas used. The authors conceded that the study was

observational and may have been affected by otherinfection prevention measures instituted by the hospi-tal.76

Question 16: Should OR personnel be required todecontaminate their hands with at least an alcohol-based foam every time their hands have been incontact with inanimate objects (including medicalequipment) located in the immediate vicinity of thepatient?

ConsensusWe support current recommendations for hand hy-giene in patient care.

Delegate VoteAgree: 86%, Disagree: 8%, Abstain: 6% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationProperly performed hand hygiene affords protection toboth the patient and healthcare worker from crosstransmission of infectious agents. Hand hygieneshould be performed by OR personnel involved inexamination, manipulation, and placement of thepatient, in accordance with the World Health Orga-nization’s (WHO) 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene.85

There is ample evidence to confirm that transmissionof pathogens from/to a patient to/from their immediateenvironment, defined below, occurs. However, there isinadequate evidence to show the influence of handdecontamination on this sequence. High-quality clini-cal investigations are required to study the efficiencyof hand decontamination on prevention of SSI andPJI. Frequent hand decontamination has been sug-gested,86 but concerns have been expressed regardingskin irritation and contact dermatitis.87 Moreover,some risk of change of bacterial flora to colonizingbacteria with skin damage might exist.88

Five sequential steps for cross-transmission of mi-crobial pathogens have been described.86 These stepsinclude shedding of skin flora to inanimate objectssurrounding the patients, transfer of the bacteria tothe healthcare worker’s hands, adequate survival ofthe microbes on the healthcare worker’s hands, inade-quate hand antisepsis technique by the healthcareworker, and transmission of bacteria from the health-care worker’s hands to other patients or inanimateobjects that can potentially be in contact with patients.

Approximately 106 skin squames containing micro-organisms are shed daily from normal skin.89 There-fore, surfaces located in the close vicinity of thepatient (such as floor, bed lines, gowns, furniture, andmedical equipment such as blood pressure cuffs) canbecome contaminated with patients’ skin flora.86,90–92

Hands or gloves of healthcare workers can be contami-nated after contact with inanimate objects in patientrooms.93,94 Laboratory-based studies have demonstrat-ed that many bacteria, including S. aureus, Gram-negative bacilli, and Enterococci, can be transferred to



the hands by touching contaminated surfaces.86,94,95

Microorganisms can survive on hands for differentlengths of time varying between a few minutes toseveral hours and healthcare workers’ hands can beprogressively colonized due to poor hygiene, longerduration of care, and higher quantity of contamina-tion.86 In one study, the use of an alcohol gel handwash was associated with a 36% decrease in nosocomi-al infection rates.96 There is substantial evidence thatdemonstrates improvement in the rate of healthcare-associated infections with hand hygiene promotionalprograms that include the use of an alcohol-basedhand rub, although studies with improved designmethodology are needed.86

Question 17: What are the guidelines for handhygiene and glove use for personnel in contact withthe patient for examination, manipulation, andplacement on the OR table?

ConsensusWe support current recommendations in patient carein accordance with the principles of Standard Precau-tions.

Delegate VoteAgree: 92%, Disagree: 1%, Abstain: 7% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationGloves should be used by OR personnel as dictated bythe principles of Standard Precautions.97 Added pro-tection to the healthcare worker, via glove use, isrequired in the event of potential contact with blood,body fluids, secretions, excretions, mucous mem-branes, non-intact skin, or contaminated equipment.97

Glove use does not preclude the need for application ofhand hygiene principles. In the event that the patientis on contact precautions, gloves should be used for allcontact with the patient and/or the immediate patientenvironment. The dynamics of contamination are simi-lar between gloved and ungloved hands.86 Gloves canbe contaminated after touching the patient or inani-mate objects in patient rooms.92,93,98,99 Risk of cross-contamination through contaminated gloves is similarto that of naked hands.92,99 Therefore, when gloves areused in patient care, hand hygiene must be performedprior to donning gloves and following glove removal. Asingle pair of gloves may not be used in the care ofmore than one patient.

Question 18: Should triple gloving be used to preventcontamination during TJA?

ConsensusWe recommend double gloving and recognize thetheoretical advantage of triple gloving.

Delegate VoteAgree: 89%, Disagree: 7%, Abstain: 4% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationA relatively high rate of inner glove contamination hasbeen identified with double-gloving in TJA, leading tothe consideration of triple-gloving practices.100,101 Hes-ter et al.102 compared the rate of inner glove perfora-tion with three different gloving protocols in TJA:latex/cloth, latex/latex, and latex/cloth/latex. Theyfound a reduced rate of perforation when the outerglove was a cloth glove compared to a latex glove, andinterposing a cloth glove between two latex glovesyielded the lowest rate of perforation. While double-gloving with an outer cloth glove had a notable impacton tactile sensation and was troublesome when manip-ulating cement, triple-gloving with a cloth glovebetween two latex gloves was not perceived as havingsuch an important impact. However, reported differ-ences in rates were not shown to be statisticallysignificant. Sebold et al.103 demonstrated that the useof a cloth glove between two latex gloves was able toreduce inner glove perforation rates to zero in theirinstitution. According to their observations, surgeondexterity was not affected by this gloving practice. Inaddition, the authors showed that the use of orthope-dic outer gloves yielded lower inner glove puncturerates than regular latex gloves. Sutton et al.104 showedthat a triple-gloving protocol with a cut-resistant linerinterposed between the two latex gloves significantlyreduced the rate of perforation compared to double-gloving with two latex gloves. Overall, triple-glovingseems to decrease inner glove perforation rates; how-ever, this is at the expense of a decrease in surgicaldexterity and tactile sensation.

Question 19: How frequently should gloves bechanged during surgery?

ConsensusWe recognize the advantage of glove changes at leastevery 90min or more frequently and the necessity ofchanging perforated gloves. Permeability appears to becompromised by the exposure to methacrylate cementand gloves should be changed after cementation.

Delegate VoteAgree: 89%, Disagree: 6%, Abstain: 5% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationAl-Maiyah et al.105 conducted an RCT on THA proce-dures where the study group consisted of changingouter gloves every 20min and before implant cemen-tation, compared to changing only before cementationin the control group. This change in practice led to asignificant reduction in perforation and contaminationrates of outer gloves. Kaya et al.106 reported thatglove perforations occurred after 90min on averageand suggested changing gloves every 90min. Dawson-Bowling et al.107 evaluated glove contamination afterdraping and before opening the final components andfound 12% and 24% contamination rates respectively.



Beldame et al.108 identified a significantly higherrate of glove contamination before prosthesis implan-tation and advised changing gloves before this surgi-cal step. The authors also showed that when the outergloves were contaminated, changing them lead to non-contaminated outer gloves in 80% of cases. Further-more, in a prospective study, Carter et al. found thata surgeon’s outer glove perforation occurred in 3.7%and 8.3% of primary and revision arthroplasty proce-dures, respectively. They also found that inner gloveperforation was ignored in 19% of double gloveperforations and recommended careful inspection ofthe inner glove whenever outer glove perforation isnoted.100

Question 20: When should instrument trays beopened?

ConsensusWe recommend that the timing of opening traysshould occur as close to the start of the surgicalprocedure as possible with the avoidance of any delaysbetween tray opening and the start of surgery.

Delegate VoteAgree: 98%, Disagree: 1%, Abstain: 1% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationDalstrom et al.109 recently demonstrated a directcorrelation between the duration of open exposure ofinstrument trays and the risk of bacterial contamina-tion. Some trays were found to be contaminated imme-diately after opening. After eliminating those trays,they reported contamination rates of 4% at 30min, 15%at 1h, 22% at 2h, 26% at 3h, and 30% at 4h. Brownet al.110 demonstrated that bacterial air counts duringpreparation and draping were 4.4 times higher thanduring surgery, leading them to recommend openinginstruments after patient preparation and draping.

Question 21: Should trays be covered with steriledrapes/towels when not in use?

ConsensusWe recognize a theoretical advantage to covering trayswhen not in use for extended periods, and that largercovers may be disadvantageous, if they are movedfrom contaminated areas across the sterile field. Werecommend further study of this question regardingtiming and techniques.

Delegate VoteAgree: 90%, Disagree: 4%, Abstain: 6% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationChosky et al.111 demonstrated that covering theinstruments with sterile drapes reduced bacterialcontamination rates fourfold. The Association of Peri-operative Registered Nurses guideline for maintaininga sterile surgical field does not recommend covering

the sterile table with sheets that fall below the tabletop because such a practice may cause air currentsthat can transfer micro-organisms from a nonsterilearea (below the table level) to the sterile field over thetable at the time of drape removal112 Nevertheless,Dalstrom et al.109 showed that covering trays signifi-cantly reduced the risk of contamination and did notidentify any increased risk of contamination whenuncovering them.

Question 22: After skin incision, should the knifeblade be changed for deeper dissections?

ConsensusWe recognize high contamination rates in studies ofscalpel blades that have been used for the skin incisionand recommend changes after skin incision.

Delegate VoteAgree: 88%, Disagree: 8%, Abstain: 4% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationIn the majority of institutions, separate blades areused for incision of the skin and the deeper tissuesduring TJA. However, several studies have questionedthe necessity of such a practice.113–115 When comparingcontamination of skin and deep knives, Ritter et al.115

were unable to identify any difference in contaminationrates in both conventional and LAF conditions. Fur-thermore, organisms retrieved from deep wound cul-tures did not correlate with those that were on theknife blades, thus refuting deep wound contaminationby the blades. Other authors subsequently corroborat-ed these findings.113,114 However, Davis et al.23 identi-fied a 9.4% contamination rate of superficial bladesand supported the routine practice of changing bladesafter incision. Schindler et al.116 reported a 15.3%contamination rate for skin blades, 74% of which grewcoagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CNS), one of themost frequent causes of PJI. In this study, 10.8% ofdeep blades were contaminated, 50% of which withCNS. Based on their findings, the authors supportedchanging the skin blade after incision.

Question 23: Should electrocautery tips be changedduring TJA? If so, how often?

ConsensusIn the absence of evidence we recommend furtherstudy and no specific behavior.

Delegate VoteAgree: 95%, Disagree: 0%, Abstain: 5% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationAfter review of the literature, there were no studiesrelevant to the necessity and frequency of change ofelectrocautery disposable tips during elective TJA.



Question 24: Should suction tips be regularlychanged during surgery? If so, how frequently?Should suction tips enter the femoral canal?

ConsensusWe recommend changing suction tips every 60minbased on studies showing higher rates of contamina-tion. Suction tips can be introduced into the femoralcanal for the time necessary to evacuate fluid butshould not be left in the canal, where they circulatelarge amounts of ambient air and particles that maycontaminate the surgery.

Delegate VoteAgree: 85%, Disagree: 8%, Abstain: 7% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationSeveral studies have demonstrated high rates ofcontamination of suction tips during the intra-operative period.23,117–123 In 1988, Strange-Vognsenet al.123 identified a 54% contamination rate inorthopedic procedures. Twenty years later, Givissiset al.117 found the same rate of contamination, with78% of cases growing Staphylococcus species. Theauthors reported one case of deep SSI where theorganism was the same as the one isolated from thesuction tip. When looking at procedure duration, theyshowed a 9% contamination rate in procedures lastingless than an hour compared to a 66.7% in procedureslasting over an hour, which led them to advisechanging of the catheter tip every hour. Similarly toStrange-Vognsen et al., they recommended turningthe suction off when not in use. However, there areconcerns that turning off the suction might imposerisk of contamination of the surgical field due tobackflow of the material along the suction tube andtip.

Greenough et al.118 found a 37% rate of contamina-tion of operative suctions used in THA. However,when evaluating the suction tips used only forcleaning the femoral shaft, only one of those (outof 31) was contaminated. The authors advised chang-ing the suction tip before preparing the femur inTHA. The same conclusion was drawn by Robinsonet al.122 who conducted a similar study amongpatients undergoing THA in laminar flow rooms andidentified a 41% contamination rate of suction tips.

Question 25: Should splash basins be used, as theyare known to be a source of contamination?

ConsensusWe recommend against the use of fluid filled basinsthat sit open during the surgery.

Delegate VoteAgree: 88%, Disagree: 3%, Abstain: 9% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationAndersson et al.15 showed that 13 out of 21 irrigationsolutions stored in basins were contaminated at theend of the procedure in conventional ventilation rooms.Baird et al. revealed a contamination rate of 74% intheir series among specimens taken from splash basinfluids. In their series, Staphylococcus epidermidis wasthe most prevalent organism.124 Anto et al.125 demon-strated a 24% rate of contamination of liquid samplesremoved from the basins. Conversely, Glait et al.recently showed much lower rates of contamination ofsamples taken from basins that were used to wash andstore instruments with only one contaminated case outof 46 (2.17%).126 However, they used culture swabs asopposed to culturing fluid in other studies.

Question 26: Do disposable instruments and cuttingguides reduce contamination and subsequent PJI?

ConsensusWe recognize the possible theoretical advantages ofdisposable instrumentation but in the absence of datawe can make no recommendations.

Delegate VoteAgree: 95%, Disagree: 2%, Abstain: 3% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationMont et al.127 have recently demonstrated a decreasedcontamination rate of 57% in non-navigated and 32%in navigated cases of TKA when using single-useinstruments, cutting blocks, and trials.

Patient specific instrumentation can shorten theduration of surgery in TKA.128 However, there are nostudies that have specifically evaluated the incidenceof subsequent PJI in patients that received customcutting guides or disposable instruments versus thoseundergoing TJA using conventional instruments andcutting guides. Thus, this issue remains unresolved.

Question 27: Is there a role for incise draping? Whattype of incise draping should be used (impregnated orclear)?

ConsensusWe recognize the presence of studies that show iodine-impregnated skin incise drapes decreased skin bacteri-al counts but that no correlation has been establishedwith SSI. We do not make any recommendationsregarding the use of skin barriers but do recommendfurther study.

Delegate VoteAgree: 89%, Disagree: 7%, Abstain: 4% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationThere is concern about the recolonization of skin andsurgical site with the host flora during surgery.129–132



Incise drapes are intended to provide a sterile barrierat the beginning of the surgical procedure. They areused on prepped surgical sites to provide additionalprotection and minimize the risk of recolonization.While it has been shown that impregnated incisedrapes decrease the recolonization rate of skin flora,there have been inconsistent conclusions about theexisting evidence regarding the value of drapes inpreventing SSI. High-quality evidence with PJI as anendpoint is lacking. Use of adhesive incise drapesimpregnated with iodine should be avoided in patientswith systemic or topical allergy to iodine.

The bactericidal action of iodine-containing incisedrapes is inferior to conventional skin preparationsolutions such as betadine. The sole use of incisedrapes as a substitute for conventional skin prepara-tion is not recommended.133

In an experimental study on the skin of normalindividuals, use of an iodophor-incorporated drapewas significantly associated with a lower rate ofrecolonization of skin bacteria compared with skin-site preparation methods, with or without non-im-pregnated drape.131 However, another experimentalstudy on an animal model found that after contami-nation of skin samples with S. aureus suspension,iodine-containing adhesive drapes were as inefficientas the control group in reducing the number ofcolony-forming units.134 Another experimental studyfound that non-impregnated drapes can facilitatethe rate of recolonization of skin after antisepticpreparation.135 In contrast, in an earlier investiga-tion, bacteria did not multiply underneath a plasticadhesive drape and lateral migration of bacteria didnot occur.136

In a prospective RCT, Chiu et al.137 could notdemonstrate a difference between the wound contami-nation rates after surgery of acute hip fractures withand without the use of plastic incise drapes (4/65 vs. 1/55 for with and without drapes, respectively).

In another prospective RCT in abdominal surgery,within the group of clean and clean-contaminatedprocedures, iodophor-impregnated incise drapes signif-icantly reduced the contamination of the surgicalwound by normal skin flora organisms, but the studywas unable to detect any significant difference in therate of SSI compared with the control group in whomno drape was utilized (5.9% vs. 5.6% for proceduresperformed with and without drapes, respectively).138

In a prospective study comparing 122 patientsundergoing hip surgery in which Ioban (3M Company,USA) was applied to the operative site 24h beforesurgery, bacterial sampling of the wound at the end ofthe procedure showed that the wound contaminationrate was reduced from 15% to 1.6% by this method.139

One review combined the results of clinical trials ofa wide range of clean and clean-contaminated surgicalprocedures (cesarean sections, abdominal, and hipfracture procedures), most of which did not meetcriteria for high quality evidence. In these studies

plastic (defined as polyethylene, polyurethane, orpolyvinyl) adhesive drapes (e.g., Op-Site (Smith andNephew), Ioban (3M), Steridrape (3M, United King-dom)) were utilized. The authors concluded that adhe-sive drapes are not associated with a reduced infectionrate compared with no adhesive drapes and appear tobe associated with an increased risk of infection.140

However, the quality of the few studies included inthis systematic review was not high. The authorsconcluded that if adequately disinfected prior to sur-gery, the patient’s skin is unlikely to be a primarycause of SSI; therefore, attempts to isolate the skinfrom the wound using an adhesive drape may bepointless and potentially harmful, as excessive mois-ture under plastic drapes may encourage bacteriaresiding in hair follicles to migrate to the surface andmultiply.137,140

Another issue that should be considered is that thetype of skin preparation affects drape adhesion.141 Afew studies demonstrated that addition of Duraprep(3M) enhanced the adhesive capacity of drapes.129,130

Choosing a skin preparation that enhances drapeadhesion may minimize drape lifting and the potentialfor wound contamination. It has been concluded thatthe separation of incise drapes from the skin wasassociated with a sixfold increase in the infection ratecompared with surgical procedures in which the incisedrape was not lifted.142 A prospective RCT on patientswith TJA confirmed that Duraprep solution wasassociated with significantly better drape adhesionthan povidone-iodine scrub and paint. However, thestudy was not able to demonstrate a significant differ-ence in skin contamination between the groups, al-though Duraprep was associated with slightly lowerrate of contamination.130

Allergic reactions to povidone-iodine can occur andthere is at least one case report of allergic contactdermatitis associated with the use of iodophor-impreg-nated incise draping.143,144

Question 28: Does the application of towels or othersterile materials to wound edges and subcutaneousfat during an operation, clipped securely to the edgesof the wound, diminish the chances of woundcontamination and wound infection?

ConsensusWe recognize the traditional practice of covering skinedges with sterile draping but there is wide variationin clinical practice and we make no recommendations.

Delegate VoteAgree: 94%, Disagree: 2%, Abstain: 4% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationEvidence regarding the application of sterile materialto wound edges is mainly available for abdominal opensurgery.145 There is no evidence regarding its use in



orthopedic surgery and we found no recommendationregarding their use for PJI. Towels can serve tosupport the drapes against instrument strike-through.They may also protect the wound edges from traumaby instruments such as retractors or broaches.

Wound edge protection devices (wound protectors orwound guards) have been used in abdominal surgeryto avoid contamination and trauma of the wound edgesduring laparotomy.145,146 There are two main types ofprotectors: (1) wound protectors with an external andinternal ring connected by an impermeable plasticthat covers the wound edges and (2) those with aninternal ring connected to a drape that extendsoutward and over the abdomen and is fixed by adhe-sive material or clips.146 They provide a physicalbarrier to protect the incision site from contamination.In contrast, adhesive drapes do not cover the edges ofthe wound. Wound protectors have only been used inabdominal surgery.145 Two meta-analyses of RCTscompared the use of wound protectors with no protec-tion in abdominal laparotomy. The authors concludedthat their use seems to be protective againstSSI.145,146 However, the quality of those RCTs hasbeen poor. Two multicenter trials on abdominal lapa-rotomy procedures have been registered and are beingconducted at the time of writing.147,148

Question 29: What type of draping should be used(reusable or disposable)?

ConsensusWe recognize that penetration of drapes by liquids isbelieved to be equivalent to contamination and recom-mend impervious drapes. In the absence of data ondisposable versus cloth drapes, we make no recommen-dation except for further study.

Delegate VoteAgree: 90%, Disagree: 6%, Abstain: 4% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationThe available evidence is solely experimental. Most ofthe studies have been performed in models withrigorous conditions that are unusual in real-life sit-uations. Clinical trials with PJI as an endpoint arelacking.

In addition to the physical properties of materialapplied for fabricating drapes, factors such as pres-sure, friction, contact time with contaminated materi-al, state of moisture/dryness, and the moisturizingagent (blood, normal saline, or antiseptic solutions)can affect the bacterial permeability of drapes.149,150

While passage of bacteria through dry drapes doeshappen, the strike-through rate of bacteria is en-hanced when wetted by normal saline or blood anddiminished when wetted by antiseptic solutions (iodineor chlorhexidine).149 Moreover, drape material maydemonstrate different levels of impermeability depend-ing on the penetrating particle (aqueous fluids, albu-

min, or bacteria).151–153 Woven and non-wovenmaterials vary in their ability to resist bacterialstrikethrough. Disposable nonwoven drapes are supe-rior to reusable woven cotton/linen drapes in resistingbacterial penetration. When wetted by normal saline,reusable woven drapes were penetrated by bacteriawithin 30min, while the majority of disposable nonwo-ven drapes were not.151 Being impervious does notnecessarily mean being absolutely impenetrable tobacteria and impermeability can vary between differ-ent disposable drape brands. However, disposabledrapes considerably decrease bacterial load passingthrough them.154

Two RCTs were conducted comparing reusable anddisposable drapes and gowns in coronary artery by-pass graft and elective abdominal surgery, with SSI astheir main outcome. None of these studies founddifferences between the two types of gowns anddrapes.155,156

Question 30: Is there evidence that the use ofsticky U drapes, applied before and after prepping,effectively seals the non-prepped area from theoperative field?

ConsensusWe recognize that adhesive U-drapes to isolate theperineum has been traditional practice but in theabsence of data we make no recommendations.

Delegate VoteAgree: 83%, Disagree: 11%, Abstain: 6% (StrongConsensus)

JustificationThere are no published or unpublished reports that wecould identify that were related to this issue.

Question 31: Is irrigation useful? How should thedelivery method for irrigation fluid be (high pulse,low pulse or bulb)?

ConsensusWe recognize the theoretical basis for irrigation todilute contamination and non-viable tissue and that agreater volume of irrigation would be expected toachieve greater dilution. We recognize advantages anddisadvantages of different methods of delivering fluidbut make no recommendations of one method overanother.

Delegate VoteAgree: 91%, Disagree: 4%, Abstain: 5% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationThere are indirect data regarding the optimal volumeof irrigation in TJA. In both animal and humanstudies, increasing the volume of irrigation solutionremoves more particulate matter and bacteria, butthe effect plateaus depending on the system. There



have been no reported human clinical studies relatedto the volume of irrigation.157,158 High-quality studieswith PJI as endpoint are lacking. No evidence wasfound regarding differences in irrigation in primaryand revision TJA. Use of high-pressure pulsatilelavage may have potential benefits of being time-saving and removing necrotic tissue and debris moreeffectively.159–164 It also improves the mechanicalstability of cemented arthroplasty by allowing bettercement penetration in cancellous bone tissue. Howev-er, there are some concerns regarding damage totissue structures and propagation of bacteria intothe deeper layers of soft tissues with the use ofhigh pressure lavage. High-pressure pulsatile lavageshould perhaps be reserved for severely contaminatedwounds or for open injuries for which treatmentwill be delayed. Low-pressure irrigation might beuseful if contamination is minimal or treatment isimmediate. High-quality evidence is lacking regard-ing optimum lavage pressure in primary or revisionTJA.

Decreases in the amount of bacteria present in thesurgical site have been observed with normal salinelavage,165 indicating that a component of physicalremoval for every irrigating solution should be consid-ered. For a clean contaminated surgery (appendecto-my) irrigation with normal saline was found todecrease SSI in comparison with no irrigation.166,167

In one study that used pulsatile lavage with normalsaline after cemented TKA, particles larger than 1mmwere collected consecutively after each liter of lavageup to 8L. The weight of these particles peaked in thefirst 1L lavage fluid and gradually decreased until theeighth lavage fluid. Significant differences were foundbetween the first and second, second and third, andthird and fourth lavage. However, no significant differ-ences were found beyond the fourth lavage. Theresults of this study indicated that 4L of pulse lavageis effective for removing the bone and cement particlesduring cemented TKA. The authors suggested that ifbacteria are considered as particles of approximatelymore than 1mm, 4L of pulse lavage may be effectivefor removal of bacterial particles.158

The precise definition of high- and low-pressurelavage is not established in the literature. Generallybelow 15psi (103.4 kPa) and over 35psi (241.3 kPa) areconsidered low or high pressure, respectively.168 High-pulsatile lavage has been shown to improve cementpenetration in cancellous bone and increase mechani-cal strength at the cement-bone interface during invitro studies.169–174 In vivo studies have also demon-strated fewer radiolucency zones in follow up X-raysevaluation.175 In addition, a relationship between thepressure of irrigation and the quantity of cellularmaterial removed from the bony trabeculae has beendemonstrated.176 However, there is no agreement on acut-off point for high-pressure lavage. Some studiessuggest that even lavage pressures that were consid-ered to be too low to have macroscopic influence may

still have an effect on bone marrow mesenchymal cellsand direct them to differentiate into adipocyte tissues,thus declining the content of osteoblasts in marrow.159

High-pressure lavage may result in tissue damagein cancellous bone, cortical bone, and muscle; and cannegatively influence the healing process and earlyformation of new bone.91,176–178 Pulsatile lavage (ei-ther high or low pressure) results in greater deepbacterial seeding in bone than does brush and bulb-syringe lavage in in vitro models162,179 and can spreadthe contamination to nearby tissues.179 High-pressurepulsatile lavage results in deeper bacterial penetrationin muscle tissue in comparison with low-pressurepulsatile lavage.168

There is a considerable body of evidence regardingopen fractures and contaminated wounds. A few earlyand recent studies, including in vitro and in vivohuman and animal studies, demonstrated that high-pressure pulsatile lavage is more effective than low-pressure pulsatile lavage for removing particulatematter, bacteria, and necrotic tissue, particularly incontaminated wounds that had delayed treatment.159–164 Moreover, in an experimental model it was demon-strated that low-pressure pulsatile lavage was moreeffective and efficient than bulb-syringe irrigation inreducing bacterial removal.180

One prospective RCT showed that pulsatile lavagein comparison with normal lavage by syringe or jugleads to a lower incidence of PJI after cementedhemiarthroplasty for hip fracture (3/164 vs. 10/192 forpulsatile and syringe lavage groups, respectively).181

In another study, the use of high-pressure pulsatilelavage during open debridement for the treatment ofacute orthopedic implant infections (mainly TKA,THA, and hip hemiarthroplasty) was associated with asimilar success rate compared with the conventionalmanual low-pressure lavage (n¼79).182

Question 32: What type of irrigation solution shouldbe used? Should antibiotics be added to the irrigationsolution?

ConsensusWe recognize the mechanical advantage of irrigationas per question 31 but that conflicting evidence existssupporting the use of one agent over the other andmake no recommendation regarding type of solution.

Delegate VoteAgree: 90%, Disagree: 7%, Abstain: 3% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationDetergents such as castile soap or benzalkoniumchloride are effective in decreasing the burden ofbacteria in musculoskeletal wounds because of theirsurface-active properties. The detergents act by dis-rupting hydrophobic and electrostatic forces, therebyinhibiting the ability of bacteria to bind to soft tissue



and bone. It is possible that some detergents act onsome bacteria more efficiently than on others.157,183

Weak evidence is available for the benefit of irriga-tion with diluted betadine solution before closure ofsurgical wound. However, no deleterious influence onwound healing or any other major adverse effects havebeen associated with their use. Concerns for its poten-tial chondrocytotoxicity are supported by experimentalevidence only. Lower concentrations (0.35–0.5%) witha short time of lavage might avoid potential chondro-cytotoxic effects in partial knee arthroplasty. Furtherclinical evidence is required to define optimal concen-tration and length of exposure.

The pharmacodynamic profiles of antibiotics varydepending on the type, dose, and method of deliv-ery.184 A variation of these factors, a difference insurgical settings in which studies have been per-formed, and a lack of specific efficacy criteria make itdifficult to reach a conclusion regarding whethertopical antibiotics are efficacious; and if so, what typeshould be used and which formulations are optimal forprophylaxis of SSI and PJI. Moreover, the safety ofusing topical antibiotics has been questioned. Evidenceregarding wound irrigation with antibiotic solutionsmainly comes from non-orthopedic surgical specialtieswith clean-contaminated surgeries. Most of theseRCTs found that adding antibiotics to irrigation sol-utions did not decrease the incidence of SSI signifi-cantly in comparison with irrigation with normalsaline solution.160,185–189 This finding has also beensupported by some experimental studies.157,190 Fur-ther high-level evidence with SSI or PJI as endpointsis required to evaluate the efficacy and potentialadverse effects of local irrigation with antibiotic sol-utions on the surgical site.

In vitro studies show that Castile soap is moreeffective than antibiotic solutions at removing S.aureus, S. epidermidis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosafrom metallic implants and bone.191,192 In an RCT onopen fractures, soap and bacitracin solution did notresult in any difference in the incidence of SSI,although bacitracin was associated with more woundcomplications.193

In one RCT in general surgery, there were morewound infections in the saline group (39/258) incomparison with the povidone-iodine solution group (7/242).194 Irrigation with dilute povidone-iodine solution(0.35%) before closure of the surgical wound in THAand TKA was associated with significant decrease inPJI.195 The same solution was associated with asignificant decrease in deep SSI in spine surgery (6/206 deep SSIs in the no betadine group vs. 0/208 inthe betadine group).196 Ten of 15 studies (11 RCTs and4 prospective comparative studies) in a systematicreview of different surgical specialties (two studies ofspine surgery) demonstrated that povidone-iodine irri-gation was significantly more effective at preventingSSI than the comparative interventions of saline,water, or no irrigation.197 The other five studies did

not detect any significant difference. This study hasconsiderable methodological limitations, such as con-siderable variety in the types of surgeries, quality ofclean or contaminated interventions, inconsistent con-centration of povidone-iodine, and variable use ofprophylactic antibiotics. There is no reported complica-tion with the use of dilute betadine irrigation and noadverse effect on wound healing, bone union, orclinical outcome has been reported.196 One studydemonstrated an increased postoperative serum iodinewhich was not related to any adverse effects.197 Thecytotoxicity of povidone-iodine solution is controver-sial: Chondrocyte ability for DNA synthesis signifi-cantly decreased after 5min of exposure to povidone-iodine 1%. Other studies similarly show toxic effects ofpovidone-iodine solution on fibroblasts, keratinocytes,synovial cells and chondrocytes.198,199 Cytotoxicity hasbeen related in bovine chondrocytes with length ofexposure, regardless of concentration, although higherconcentrations were associated with less viability ofchondrocytes. A concentration of 0.35% povidone-iodine was the least chondrotoxic but still reduced thecell viability when applied for longer than 1min.Cytotoxicity has been observed in cultured embryonicchicken tibia osteoblasts at a betadine concentration of5%. Less cytotoxic effect occurs at a povidone-iodineconcentration of 0.5%.200 Povidone-iodine preparationsof 1%, 5%, or 10% do not have a deleterious effect onwound healing in animals and humans.201 Povidone-iodine irrigation should not be used in patients withiodine sensitivity, burns, and thyroid or renal dis-ease.197 The sterility of povidone-iodine solution beforeits use should be meticulously monitored because itscontamination has been associated with infectiouscomplications.202,203 One experimental study showedthat there was no difference in the quality of cementfixation when irrigation was done with povidone-iodineor normal saline, although both solutions were inferiorto hydrogen peroxide solution.204

Topical antibiotics should have a broad spectrumand low systemic absorption and be relatively inexpen-sive and harmless to the tissue. The most commonlyused topical antibiotics include cephalosporins, amino-glycosides (neomycin), glycopeptides, chloramphenicol,polymyxin, and bacitracin.184,205 The potential advan-tages of topical antibiotic use are their limited poten-tial for systemic absorption and toxicity, low potentialfor development of antibiotic resistance, and the factthat their effect is essentially independent fromthe local physiological changes that may affect theefficacy of systemic antibiotics.206 However, topicalantibiotics may produce contact dermatitis or hyper-sensitivity and their use has been reported to beassociated with serious systemic effects such as ana-phylaxis with bacitracin and deafness and renalfailure with a neomycin–bacitracin–polymixin combi-nation.207–209 Earlier studies demonstrated that pro-phylactic topical administration of antibiotics inthe surgical incision during various orthopedic and



non-orthopedic procedures is more efficacious thannormal saline. However, consistent results have notbeen reported regarding their efficacy.165 In vitroand animal studies using bone or metal surfaces failedto show better performance for neomycin and bacitra-cin solutions in comparison with normal saline forremoving bacteria from bone, titanium, and stainlesssteel.190–192 Despite evidence that topical antibioticsdecrease bacterial inoculum in clean surgicalwounds,210 it has not been shown that they offer anyadvantage over intravenous antibiotic prophylaxis, northat they have been proven to decrease the incidenceof SSI.184,186 A study of a canine model for TJAreported a reduction in the SSI rate with neomycincontaining irrigation solution.211 There is concern re-garding the adverse effect of topical antibiotic solu-tions on wound and bone healing. An RCT on openfractures found that topical irrigation with bacitracinsolution did not decrease the incidence of SSI incomparison with soap, yet it was associated with ahigher rate of wound complications.193

Question 33: Is there a role for intraoperativeapplication of autologous blood-derived products tothe wound in preventing infection?

ConsensusIn the absence of data we make no recommendationregarding autologous blood derived products to thewound to prevent infection.

Delegate VoteAgree: 94%, Disagree: 2%, Abstain: 4% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationAlthough some benefits have been observed regard-ing the intraoperative application of autologous blood-derived products in TJA, the majority of the studieswere not sufficiently powered to be able to detectdifference for PJI. Only one RCT demonstrated thatuse of these products directly decreased the incidenceof postoperative wound infection.212 Larger-scale tri-als with PJI as an endpoint are required.

In TKA, application of autologous platelet gel andfibrin sealant together on the wound tissues at the endof surgery was associated with a higher postoperativehemoglobin level and decreased the need for bloodtransfusion. The incidences of wound leakage, woundhealing disturbance, and wound infection (0/85 vs. 4/80) were significantly less in patients managed withplatelet gel and fibrin sealant.212

In a multi-center study (n¼ 58) topical spraying offibrin tissue adhesive (non-autologous cryoprecipitate-based fibrinogen) was added to standard hemostaticmeasures in TKA and resulted in a decrease in bloodloss and reduced blood transfusion requirements.There were three cases of superficial wound infection(2/29 and 1/29 for the treatment and control groups,

respectively) without any significant difference.213

Other similar RCTs on TKA (n¼53)214 and THA(n¼81)215 reported similar findings regarding bloodloss.

In one RCT using autologous fibrin sealant in THA,there was an association with less wound drainageand blood loss (no significant difference), yet thetransfusion rate and hospital stay remained similar tothe control group.216

One review included six trials213–218 that studiedthe use of fibrin sealants in orthopedic surgery. Inthese trials 482 patients were included, of whom 235were randomized to receive fibrin sealants. Thereview found use of fibrin sealant in the context oforthopedic surgery that was associated with a re-duced postoperative blood loss on average around223ml per patient, and reduced the risk of exposureto allogeneic red blood cell transfusion by 32%.Fibrin sealant treatment was not associated with anincreased risk of wound infection, any infection,hematoma formation, or death. Hospital length ofstay was not reduced in patients treated with fibrinsealant.219

Question 34: Do staples or the type of suture have aneffect on infectious events? If so, what is the bestclosure method to prevent infectious events?

ConsensusIn the absence of conclusive data and the wide variabi-lity in surgical practice, we make no recommendationregarding specific sutures or staples to prevent infec-tion.

Delegate VoteAgree: 92%, Disagree: 3%, Abstain: 5% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationWe are unable to draw a clear conclusion about thebest method for closure to prevent infectious complica-tions due to inadequate definitions for infection com-plications of surgical wounds. In addition, the majorityof the studies reviewed were underpowered. Evidenceis lacking regarding patients whose health may inter-fere with wound healing and in surgical sites of hightension. Tissue adhesives should be considered as abiological sealant rather than a closure method ofmechanical strength.

In an RCT that included 90 patients who under-went TKA, no significant differences in infection,dehiscence, general health, and functional and clinicalassessments were observed. The study compared thefollowing: (1) combined suture tissue adhesives definedby sutures for capsule and subcutaneous layers andtissue adhesive (2-octyl or n-butyl-2) for the finalcutaneous layer, (2) staples, and (3) conventionalsubcuticular suture approach (sutures used for thecapsule, subcutaneous, and cutaneous layers). It was



observed that the length of hospital stay was higherwith the staple group.220

Another trial included 187 patients who underwentTKA (n¼ 85) and THA (n¼ 102) and compared woundclosure with 2-octylcyanoacrylate (OCA), staples, andsutures.221 Early wound discharge (less than 24hpostoperatively) was reduced with OCA in both THAand TKA. In TKA, prolonged wound discharge wasobserved with OCA. No significant difference wasobserved in the incidence of superficial wound infec-tions between groups. No deep infection was detected.Sealing of the wound as measured by blood strike-through onto the dressing was significantly improvedwith OCA in both joints. The authors concluded thatfor more mobile surgical wounds (such as with TKA),OCA might not be appropriate for skin closure becauseit does not provide adequate resistance for withstand-ing early rehabilitation.

In another trial including 90 patients with THA,skin adhesive and surgical staples were both effectiveskin closure methods. Staples were quicker and easierto use than skin adhesive and less expensive. No signi-ficant difference was found regarding the occurrence ofcomplications, although the study was not adequatelypowered to detect any case of deep infection.222

A review of RCTs in a wide range of non-orthopedicsurgical specialties with pediatric and adult patients223

concluded that sutures were significantly better thantissue adhesives for minimizing dehiscence. Sutureswere also found to be significantly faster to use. Nodifferences were found between tissue adhesives andtapes for minimizing dehiscence or infection. Tapesand staples were significantly faster to use than tissueadhesives. For all outcomes of dehiscence and infectionthere were no statistically significant differences be-tween high- and low-viscosity adhesives.

Smith et al.224 performed a meta-analysis to com-pare the clinical outcomes of the use of staples andsutures in orthopedic surgery. The authors includedsix small-sized studies and noted major methodologicaldrawbacks including inadequate definitions for super-ficial and deep infections in most of them. Based onthese studies, they found a significantly higher risk ofdeveloping wound infection when the wound wasclosed with staples rather than sutures (17/350 vs. 3/333 superficial or deep infections for staples andsutures, respectively). Five of the six studies includeddata on patients who underwent hip surgery. A higherrisk of infection with staples also existed in patientswho underwent hip surgery. At this point there isneed for future studies to evaluate this issue further.

Question 35: Does the use of a surgical safetychecklist and time-out affect the rate of SSI inarthroplasty patients?

ConsensusWe support the surgical checklist protocol as beneficialto patient safety, and specifically as it applies tocorrect administration of prophylactic antibiotics.

Delegate VoteAgree: 97%, Disagree: 1%, Abstain: 2% (Strong Con-sensus)

JustificationChecklists seem to improve inter-professional commu-nication in the OR. High-quality evidence existssupporting the beneficial effect of surgical safetychecklists and time-outs for reduction of SSI and othermajor postoperative complications by assuring timelyadministration of preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis.However, evidence shows that many elements ofadapted checklists are not adequately performed.There is no evidence regarding the influence ofimplementing a mandatory surgical checklist on ap-propriate application of evidence-based measures forSSI in TJA. Existing evidence shows the beneficialeffect of mandatory safety checklists on infectiouscomplications for other simpler procedures.

One study showed that implementation of an inter-professional preoperative checklist in the OR wasassociated with a decline in communication failures(mean number of communication failures per proce-dure decreased from 3.95 to 1.31; the number ofcommunication failures associated with visible nega-tive consequences decreased by 64%).225

A relationship appears to exist between the adop-tion of a routine preoperative checklist by the surgicalteam and improvement in the timing of antibioticprophylaxis.226–228 In a prospective study of eightdiverse hospitals around the world (including high-and low-income locations), substantial decreases inmajor surgical complications and mortality during theearly postoperative period was observed after imple-mentation of a World Health Organization checklist inthe OR. The adherence rate to appropriate preopera-tive antibiotic administration increased from 5% to83% and the incidence of SSI significantly decreasedfrom 6.2% to 3.4% (p<0.001). The improvement inquality of care was observed even with incompletecompliance of the checklist.229 In another study per-formed in hospitals with a high standard of care in theNetherlands, performing the surgical patient safetysystem checklist, which includes pre-, intra-, andpostoperative elements, also reduced the incidence ofSSI (from 3.8% to 2.7%, p¼0.006) as well as othermajor postoperative complications. Compliance wasassociated with greater improvements in quality ofcare.226

In a prospective study, it was observed that manyevidence-based measures for SSI reduction (prophylac-tic antibiotic timing, maintaining normothermia dur-ing surgery, appropriate urinary tract catheterization,and hand hygiene) were not applied adequately forarthroplasty procedures and the situation was evenworse for fracture surgeries.230 There is no evidenceregarding the influence of a mandatory checklist onappropriate application of its components. However,there are prospective studies demonstrating that



implementing mandatory checklists resulted in de-crease in the incidence of central line associatedbloodstream infections in intensive care unitpatients.231,232

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