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Organisational Communication

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Organisational Communication A Presentation by Rajiv Bajaj

Organisational Communication

A Presentation by Rajiv Bajaj

The Vital Link

In every part of the business organisation, communication provides the vital linkbetween people and information

Whether a newcomer to the organisation or a seasoned employee, you have information that others need in order to perform their functions…

… and others have information that is vital to you

A Complex Network

Looking over all of an organisation’s communication, we see an extremely complex network of Information Flow

We see dozens, hundreds or even thousands of individuals engaging in untold numbers of communication events throughout each workday

Your exchange of information & ideas with others in the organisation is called Internal Communication

Exchange of information & ideas with those outside the organisation is called External Communication

This exchange of information may be over Formal or Informal Channels

The Formal Network

The Formal Network

Just as body has arteries and veins, Business has major, well-established channels of information flow

Formal channels are arteries or mainlines of operational communication that handle bulk of the communication that an organisation needs to operate

These main channels should not just happen –they should be carefully thought out & changed as needs of business change

Most information flow is Downward & follows the formal (from top executives down to workers)

This is so because most information, instructions, orders and executive decision etc, needed to achieve the business objectives , originate at the top and must be communicated downwards

Helps employees to do their jobs

Specifically, flow includes upward, lateral & downward movements of information…

By reports, email, records; orders instructions & messages down the authority structure;

Of working information through the organisation’s email, intranet;

And of externally directed messages, sales presentations, advertising & publicity

However, most good companies also recognise the value & importance of Upward Communication

Flows from employees to executives, providing timely reports on problems, trends, opportunities, grievances & performance

Executives use open channels of communication to be better informed about status of things at the frontline

Information from the lower level can be important in achieving company’s objectives

Horizontal / Lateral or Diagonal communication flows between employees at the same level or between departments

It helps to share information as well as to coordinate efforts towards common goals

Especially useful in solving complex and difficult problems, particularly in large organisations

Informal Network:The Grapevine

Grapevine – The Informal Network

Runs parallel to formal network consisting primarily of Personal Communication

Consists of that part of personal communication that relates to operationsof the company

If Formal network is like arteries, then Informal network is like veins . Comprises of thousands upon thousands of personal communication that supports the formal communication network

Complexity of this network cannot be over-emphasized. Consists of all communicationof employees whenever they get together

Not really a single network, but rather a complex relationship of smaller networks comprising a group of people

Made even more complex because many people may belong to more than one group

Group memberships & links between groups are constantly changing

Also known as the Grapevine in management literature

As fickle & inaccurate as the human beings who are a part of it

Even so, grapevine often carries more infothan formal system

In many matters, it is more effective in determining the course of an organisation

Wise management recognises the presence of the grapevine and uses it effectively

They give talk-leaders the information that will do most good for the company

They keep in touch with the grapevine and turn it into a constructive tool

In a large organisation, the informal network can be so large and complex that it may defy description





Complexities – Formal vs Informal

Variation in Communication Activity

How much communicating a business does depends on several factors

The Nature Of Business is one. Eg. Insurance companies have a great need to communicate with their customers, especially through Ads, mailers & letters, whereas housekeeping services have little such need

The Operating Plan affects the total amount of internal communication. Relatively simple businesses such as repair services, require far less communication than complex businesses such as car manufacturer

Geographical Dispersion of the operations is also another major factor that affects volumeof Internal communication

People who make up the business also affect the volume of communication. Every human being is unique – each has his own communication needs and abilities

Varying combinations of people will produce varying needs for communication

Sailing Through The 7 C’s . . .

7 C’s of Effective Communication

1. Credibility

Establishing credibility is not the outcome of a one-shot statement

It is a long-drawn process in which the receiver, through constant interaction with the sender, understands his credible nature and is willing to accept his statements as being truthful and honest

Strive to present yourself from a position of reliability and competence

If the sender can establish his credibility, the receiver has no problems in accepting his statement

2. Courtesy

Once the credibility of the sender has been established, attempts should be made at being courteous in expression

In the business world, almost everything startswith and ends in courtesy

Much can be accomplished if tact, diplomacy and appreciation of people are woven into the message


A. BOSS : “You can never do things right. Try working on this project. If you are lucky you may not have to redo it.”

B. BOSS: “This is an interesting project. Do you think you would be able to handle it ? I know that last time something went wrong with the project, but everyone makes mistakes. Suppose we sit down and discuss it threadbare ? I’m sure you would be able to do wonders.”

The two statements convey totally different impressions

While the first statement is more accusative, the second is more tactful and appreciative of the efforts put in by the receiver at an earlier stage

The crux of the message in both the statements is the same - You want an individual within the organization to undertake a project

The manner in which it is stated brings about a difference in approach

Courteous message strengthen present relations and make new friends. They build Goodwill

Tips :

1.Answer your mail promptly2.Be sincere, tactful, thoughtful and

appreciative3.Use expressions that show respect4. Use the “You” approach rather than “I & We”

3. Clarity

Have a definite purpose for writing and make sure it is clearly communicated up front. Be bold and connect quickly

Absolute clarity of ideas adds much to the meaning of the message

The first stage is clarity in the mind of the sender

The next stage is the transmission of the message in a manner which makes it simple for the receiver to comprehend

As far as possible , simple language and easy sentence constructions, which are not difficult for the receiver to grasp should be used

Use of complicated Jargon should be avoided if the message can be constructed without it

Unnecessary use of complicated sentences & words confuses the receiver

Here’s an Example…

Ordinary person : “Here’s an Orange for you.”

Lawyer : “ Know all persons by these present that I hereby give, grant, bargain, sell, release, convey, transfer, and quitclaim all my right, title, intere st, benefit, and use whatever in, of, and concerning this chattel, otherwise known as an orange, or Citrus Orantium, together with all its appurtenance s thereto of skin, pulp, pip, rind, seeds and juice, to have and to hold the said orange together with its skin, pulp, pip, rind, seeds and juice for his own use and behoof, to himself and his heirs, in fee simple forever, free from all liens, encumbrances, limitations, restraints, or conditions whatsoever, any and all prior deeds, transfers or other documents whatsoever, now or anywhere made, to the contrary notwithstanding, with full power to bite, cut, suck, or otherwise eat the said orange o r give away the same, with or without its skin, pulp, rind, seeds, or juice.”

4. Correctness

At the time of encoding, the sender should ensure that his knowledge of the receiver is comprehensive

The level of knowledge, educational background and status of the decoder help the encoder in formulating his message

In case there is any discrepancy between the usage and comprehension of terms, miscommunication can arise

If the sender decides to back up his communication with facts and figures, there should be accuracy in stating the same

A situation in which the listener is forced to check the presented facts and figures should not arise

Be complete - include all the necessary facts and background information to support the message you are communicating

Double- check your spelling, punctuation and grammar

Proof read it before you send it ! We can't afford to make mistakes !

Make sure that you -

1.Provide all necessary information

2.Answer all questions asked

3.Give something extra, when desirable

5. Consistency

The approach to communication should, as far as possible, be consistent - There should not be too many ups and downs that might lead to confusion in the mind of the receiver

If a certain stand has been taken, It should be observed without there being situations in which the sender is left groping for the actual content or meaning

If the sender desires to bring about a change in his understanding of the situation, he should ensure that the shift is gradual and not hard for the receiver to comprehend

6. Concreteness

Concrete and specific expressions are preferable as against vague and abstract expressions

Facts and figures presented should be specific - Abstractions or abstract statements can cloud the mind of the sender

Instead of stating:

“There has been a tremendous escalation in the sales figures”, suppose the sender made the following statement:

“There has been an escalation in the sales figures by almost 50% as compared to last year.”

The receiver is more likely to comprehend the factual details

7. Conciseness

The message to be communicated should be as brief and concise as possible

Weighty language definitely sounds impressive but people would be suitable impressed into doing precisely nothing !

As far as possible only simple and brief statements should be made

Excessive information can also sway the receiver into either a wrong direction or into inaction

Quantum of information should be just right, neither too much nor too little , e.g.

“In most cases it has been seen that the date of the policy...” OR “Usually the policy date...”

Which statement is more concise ? Do they convey the same meaning ?

Keep in mind the reader's knowledge of the subject and their time constraints. Convey the information as quickly and easily as possible

Remember to :

1.Eliminate wordy Expressions

2. Include only relevant material

3.Avoid unnecessary Repetition

Forms & Channelsof


Communication - The Basic Forms

1. Verbal / Oral – Talks / Conversation / Dialogue / Speech / Discussion / Meetings etc

2. Written – Letters / Circulars / Memos / Reports / Brochures / Books etc

3. Non-Verbal – Body Language

Language constitutes the vehicle on which both Verbal & Written communication travels

And The Other Forms…

Apart from these methods, the other forms are :

The Visual

The Audio-Visual


Forms of Communication

Oral- Talks- Speeches- Telephone - Discussions- Meetings- Seminars- Counseling- Radio- Dialogue- Monologue- Arguments

Non-Verbal- Body Language- Gestures- Expressions- Posture- Appearance- Codes- Signs / Signals- Behaviour Visual

- Pictures- Graphs- Charts- Signs- Symbols- Signals

Audio-Visual- Presentations- Demonstrations- Films- TV Advts.- Video Conference

Written- Letters- Memos- Circulars- Notes- Reports- Brochures- Books- Print Advt.- Fax- Email- Telegram- Telex- Printouts

Silence- Absence ofwords

Verbal / Oral Communication

Refers to the Spoken Word. Takes the form of Sounds & Words

Is both , Structured & Unstructured

Instant two-way process - no time loss

Highly Interactive process / cycles

Spoken words Carry Weight – can be very persuasive

Supplements as well as Complements non-verbal communication

Demerits - Verbal / Oral Communication

Ineffective when target group is spread out

Constrained by language, accent & vocabulary

Also constrained by noise & other barriers

No documentary record, and does not permit repeated reference

Cannot be erased. Often dependant on memory

Written Communication

“The pen is mightier than the sword.”

Great significance in lives of individuals as well as organisations

Ever-improving writing skills & word power of communicators make it forceful & effective

It is well structured

Can be preserved & creates a record

Permits erasure , substitution & revision

Demerits – Written Communication

Takes time to reach target

Less interactive. May require many repetitions and clarifications to be properly understood

May continue over long periods of time

Non-Verbal Communication

Thrives on observation. Has universal appeal

Includes Body Language, Gestures, Postures, Appearance, Personal space, Codes, Signs & Signals, Facial Expressions & Behaviour

May be deliberate or unintended

May substitute verbal communication or complement it

Visual Communication

Effected through pictures, graphs & charts as well as through signs, signals & symbols

Useful in reaching out to illiterate audiences

Can be useful in communicating when languageis a barrier

“A picture is worth more than a thousand words”

Audio-Visual Communication

Involves Demos & Presentations through various audio-visual aids

Effective blend of both Verbal & Visual – High Retention Value

Particularly useful in fostering learning & in classroom sessions

Gaining high level of popularity

Signs, Signals & Symbols

Date back to probably to prehistoric times but still of considerable significance

Sign: Mark traced on a surface to indicate a particular meaning

May also be a movement or gesture that has some significance or meaning

May be specific to a subject – e.g. Maths


Placing of hand on heads of people – Blessing

Player raising two fingers in V Sign – Victory

Finger on the lips – Silence

Touching of Feet of Elders – Respect

Senior executive present in meeting - Support

40 mph > Speed limit 40 miles per hour

] [ > Narrow Bridge ahead

+ > Addition

@ > At the rate / Email id indicator

/ > Division

= > Equal to

Apart from these set of signs, there is also the Sign Language

A system of communicating used by the hearing or speech impaired persons using hand movements

It is their Language , as Braille is the language of the visually challenged

Signals – a Sound or a Movement

Used for giving information, instructions or warning

An indication that something exists or is about to happen

E.g. Danger signal / Green signal / Traffic signal / Radio signal

Signals differ from signs

Sign – something that we find or see

Signal – Used for something done intentionally and usually suggests some action to be taken in response

Signs & Signals may be overt or covert; explicit or in code language

Their awareness makes communication more meaningful


Refers to a credo or manner of representation of ideas

Also understood as a person, object or event that represents a more general quality or situation

E.g. Logos – Commonly used. Printed design or symbol that companies use as their special sign . Some more examples….

Symbol of Justice

Symbol of Strength / Supremacy

Symbol of Quality

Status Symbol

Symbol of Non-Violence


State of Wordlessness or Verbal Abstinence

If self-imposed, carries a powerful message

May also convey a form of punishment

May be deliberate or unintentional . Unexpected silence may cause awkwardness

End of Unit 3 THANK



This presentation contains extracts drawn mainly fr om the book “Business Communication – Skills for empowering the Internet generation” by R V Lesikar& M E Flatley
