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One Family… United, Empowered Committed United as a Catholic faith family; Empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim Christ’s teaching in word and deed; Committed To be Christ to one another through love and service ...and honor the dignity of all people. Former Pastors of St. Francis de Sales: Rev. Joseph F. Firnbach Founding Pastor 1949 - 1970 (1990) Rev. John T. McEnroe 1970 - 1982 Rev. Richard J. Valker 1982 - 1992 ┼ (2011) Rev. Ronald J. Gollatz 1992 - 2006 ┼ (2018) 135 S. Buesching Rd. Lake Zurich, IL 60047 847.438.6622 Fax 847.438.6638 www.stfrancislz.org PARISH FIX-IT TOGETHER CAMPAIGN GOD AND COUNTRY RENEW MY CHURCH All for One… One for All in Jesus Christ ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL P A R I S H M I S S I O N E Q U I P B U I L D

October21,2018 St.FrancisdeSalesParish Page

One Family… United, Empowered Committed United as a Catholic faith family; Empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim Christ’s teaching in word and deed; Committed To be Christ to one another through love and service ...and honor the dignity of all people.

Former Pastors of St. Francis de Sales:

Rev. Joseph F. Firnbach

Founding Pastor 1949 - 1970 ┼


Rev. John T. McEnroe 1970 - 1982 ┼

Rev. Richard J. Valker

1982 - 1992 ┼ (2011)

Rev. Ronald J. Gollatz

1992 - 2006 ┼ (2018)

135 S. Buesching Rd. Lake Zurich, IL 60047 847.438.6622 Fax 847.438.6638 www.stfrancislz.org



All for One… One for All in Jesus Christ






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Sunday, October 21, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Mission Sunday

• Reconciliation Commitments: 9:30 and 11 a.m. Masses—Church

• Rel. Ed. Preschool: 9:30 a.m.—School • 1st Year Confirmation Class:

3:15 to 6:15 p.m.—Ministry Center & Church • Emmaus House Comm. Dinner: 6 p.m.—Fr. Valker Hall

Monday, October 22, St. John Paul II

• Mass: 8:30 a.m.—Church • Art & Environment: 9:30 a.m.—Church

• Yoga: 9:30 a.m.—Ministry Center • Rel. Ed. Classes (Grades 1-5): 4:15 to 5:30 p.m.—School • Boy Scouts Leaders’ Meeting: 7 to 9 p.m.—Ministry Center

Tuesday, October 23, St. John of Capistrano

• Mass: 7 a.m.—Church • EQUIP: 6:45 to 8:30 p.m.—Ministry Center

• NAMI Family-to-Family Class: 6 to 9 p.m.—Ministry Center • Rel. Ed. Classes (Grades 1-5): 4:15 to 5:30 p.m.—School • RCIA: 7 to 9:30 p.m.—Church Gathering Space • Boy Scouts: 7:30 to 9 p.m.—Fr. Valker Hall

Wednesday, October 24, St. Anthony Mary Claret

• Mass: 8:30 a.m. and noon—Church • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

7 to 8 p.m.—Church • BUILD: 6:45 to 8:30 p.m.—Ministry Center

• Rel. Ed. Classes (Grades 1-5): 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. and 6:15 to 7:30 p.m.—School

• SPRED (Total Community): 6 to 7:30 p.m.—Ministry Center • Choir Rehearsal: 7 to 8:30 p.m.—Ministry Center

Thursday, October 25

• Mass: 7 a.m.—Church • BUILD: 9 to 11 a.m.—Ministry Center • Parish Council Meeting: 7 p.m.—Ministry Center

• St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry: 6 to 7:15 p.m.—Ministry Center

• Pack 309 Den Meeting: 6:30 to 8 p.m.—Fr. Valker Hall • Handbell Choir Rehearsal: 6:45 to 8:30 p.m.—Church

Friday, October 26

• Mass: 8:30 a.m.—Church

• Art & Environment: 9 a.m.—Church

Saturday, October 27, Blessed Virgin Mary

• Mass: 8:30 a.m. & 5 p.m.—Church • St. Peregrine Prayer Service: 9:15 a.m.—Church

• Confessions: 11 a.m.—Church

Sunday, October 28, 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Priesthood Sunday

• Home Study Family Session: 11 to 12:15 p.m.—Fr. Valker Hall

• Emmaus House Comm. Dinner: 6 p.m.—Fr. Valker Hall

This Weekend: October 20 & 21, 2018

Next Weekend: October 27 & 28, 2018

World Mission Sunday (2nd Collection)

WELCOMETOST.FRANCISDESALESPARISH! We welcome you to St. Francis de Sales. Organized as a parish in 1949 by the Archdiocese of Chicago, St. Francis de Sales Parish encompasses the communities of Lake Zurich, Deer Park, Hawthorn Woods, North Barrington, Kildeer, Long Grove and has a strong spiritual and temporal presence in Lake County. If you are new in these neighborhoods or are returning to the practice of our Catholic faith, we welcome you to our Parish. Please call or, better yet, stop by the Ministry Center so we can meet you. If you are a visitor, we know that you will take some of our goodwill with you as you return to your home parish.

October21,2018 St.FrancisdeSalesParish Page3 October 21, 2018: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Mission Sunday Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.



FirstReading — My servant shall justify many, and their guilt he shall bear (Isaiah 53:10-11). Psalm— Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you (Psalm 33). SecondReading — Let us con idently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to ind grace for timely help (Hebrews 4:14-16). Gospel — Whoever wishes to be irst among you will be the slave of all (Mark 10:35-45 [42-45]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from theLectionaryforMass© 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

TOOMUCHINFORMATION! There is a common expression: “Too much information!” We usually use it when people tell us details about their lives that we don’t want or need to know. Today, when James and John ask Jesus a simple question, making their request for places of honor in the kingdom, a simple answer might have been in order. Instead, as he often does, Jesus answers a question with a question; today it’s about drinking the cup of suffering. Then, once the others are indignant over James and John’s outrageous request, he proceeds to give them what may have been “too much information” for followers who were simply interested in the pursuit of glory. But this information, though it can sometimes seem “too much” for us, is essential for our lives as disciples. In Isaiah, in Hebrews, and in Mark today, we learn this information. It is in suffering, in weakness, in self-giving service to others, that we come to understand the kingdom. It is the information we need to ind our place and come to be honored in the reign of God. - Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

READINGSFORTHEWEEK Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Jer 31:7-9; Ps 126:1-6; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52

GROWINGDISCIPLES This column is written by fellow parishioners with the hope that it will help you on your journey to grow as disciples of Jesus.

REDEMPTION Because Satan misled and confused us about the true identity of our Fa-ther and his goodness, wearenoweasilyconfusedaboutouridentity and relationship with our Creator. To bring us back in right relationship with our Father, Jesus, ourSavior,wasborn. Jesus shows us what we were originally created for –

toliveintheloveoftheFatherforeverandever. For a deeper re lection, watch Fr. Riccardo’s video: https://youtu.be/JyFzpr4Mg4I

Look for more next week! Questions? Please e-mail [email protected]

SAINTSANDSPECIALOBSERVANCESSunday: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Mission Sunday Monday: St. John Paul II Tuesday: St. John of Capistrano Wednesday: St. Anthony Mary Claret Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary

WORDSOFWISDOM:THEGREATESTTEST The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. —Robert Ingersoll

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OCTOBERSUMMIT:AKEYMOMENTFORRENEWMYCHURCHCardinalBlaseJ.Cupich,ChicagoCatholic,July25,2018 During my visits to parishes around the archdiocese or as I drive on our expressways and see the grand churches that dot the landscape alongside them, I am always left with a sense of awe as I think of the generations of faithful men and women who have made this church of Chicago what it is today. These ancestors in the faith repeatedly heard the call of Jesus to renew the church in every age by making new disciples, by building up communities and by inspiring witness to Christ’s presence in the world. It is in idelity to that heritage that we have launched Renew My Church, a multi-year effort to discern where the Lord is calling us as we take up the challenges facing us today. We do so undaunted and fully aware that, while there are so many unknowns, we embark on this path under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to revitalize our life together in the Lord as his disciples. The Archdiocese of Chicago has had a strong national and international reputation of leadership when it comes to renewal. Over many decades, our local church has introduced groundbreaking and imaginative efforts that have enhanced Catholic education and catechesis, marriage preparation, family life ministry, liturgical reforms and the promotion of social justice and outreach to immigrants. It is important to see Renew My Church as another chapter in that proud heritage, as we call on our parishes to team up with each other as pastoral groupings to take up the challenges we face today with creativity and vigor. A key moment, designed to launch our journey together and give us focus, will take place on Oct. 1 and 2 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont. The Renew My Church Summit will gather our bishops, priests, deacons, school principals, religious education directors, and other pastoral collaborators to listen, discern and envision together our direction for renewal. I want to take this moment to thank in advance each of our pastors for making the special effort to invite their core collaborators to join us on this occasion, so that we can bene it from the contributions of all in shaping the future of this local church. In addition to the presenters at the summit, we have invited Divine Renovation Ministries and its founder, Father James Mallon. He will share the story of his parish’s spiritual and structural transformation, and provide concrete examples of how renewal can unfold for us. All of this will serve as a point of departure for our own re lection and planning for renewal in our own richly diverse archdiocese. I want to be clear: I see our coming together in early October as a graced moment to listen to the Lord’s voice, to imagine boldly how we can move into the future, to support one another in solidarity as we take up common challenges, and — inally — to be signs of hope for one another. In other words, in our two-day meeting, we will be the church of Jesus Christ, inspired by the Spirit to be ready and willing to journey into the future with faith, hope and love. This is why I consider our October gathering to be crucial for our moving forward together and why I look forward to being an active participant, collaborating with our other leaders as we carry on the tradition of renewal that has distinguished this local church for generations.

APRAYERFORRENEWMYCHURCH Lord Jesus, you speak to us today, as you spoke to holy men and women who have gone before us. In every age and in our own time, you call to us and say: Renew My Church. Pour out the gift of your Holy Spirit upon us, and so enable us to hear you clearly; to listen to each other attentively; to imagine our future boldly; to discern your direction wisely; to persevere in your holy will courageously; to stay together in charity; to surrender our own plans readily to embrace the greater good; to hand on your gifts to future generations. May we remain in the holy company of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the apostles, and all the saints. May their example and presence inspire us with patient con idence in the work of your grace. We ask this of you who live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

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ANNUALCATHOLICAPPEALNovember 30, 2017 Dear Father Ryan, Our Annual Catholic Appeal is framed in the words of Jesus: Come,followme.It is an invitation to be Christ for others and to live in a community of discipleship. As Christ's community we help to sustain Catholic schools and parishes in need, support programs of religious education, ministerial formation, and promote the protection of life and peace and justice. Through the Annual Appeal, we together support the efforts of Catholic Relief Services that cares for people across the globe who struggle and suffer because of natural disasters. Since St. Francis de Sales elected to participate in the ACA Incentive Plan in 2017, your 2018 goal is reduced to 75% of your regular goal. Therefore, your 2018 goal is 4.5% of the previous year's offertory income. YouroffertoryincomeforFiscalYear2016-2017was$2,036,797.Therefore,yourtargetis$91,656. When parishioner contributions exceed the parish goal, St. Francis de Sales will receive a rebate of 100% of the funds donated over the goal. Just as you have my gratitude, you also have my prayers. Let us pray for one another. Together, as his disciples, we can do so much to bring Jesus to a world that is deeply in need. With God's grace and help, we will ful ill our mission. Sincerely yours in Christ, Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago SeventhReport:2018AnnualCatholicAppeal

asofSeptember19,2018 Amount Pledged: $322,195 Amount Assessed: $91,655 Amount Paid: $297,691 RebateReturned: $0Balance Due $24,503 Donor Count: 688

FINALReport:2017AnnualCatholicAppealasofFebruary22,2018 Amount Pledged: $362,520 Amount Assessed: $60,075 Amount Paid: $358,877

RebateReturned: $298,802Balance Due $3,643 Donor Count: 796

FinalReport:2014AnnualCatholicAppealasofFebruary17,2015 Amount Pledged: $333,292 Amount Assessed: $124,384 Amount Paid: $321,168

RebateReturned: $197,218Balance Due $11,070 Donor Count: 916

FinalReport:2013AnnualCatholicAppealasofFebruary17,2014 Amount Pledged: $307,083 Amount Assessed: $118,568 Amount Paid: $291,167

RebateReturned: $170,679Balance Due $15,915 Donor Count: 930

FINALReport:2016AnnualCatholicAppealasofFebruary23,2017 Amount Pledged: $385,913 Amount Assessed: $122,707 Amount Paid: $381,803

RebateReturned: $259,096Balance Due $4,110 Donor Count: 945

FinalReport:2015AnnualCatholicAppealasofFebruary19,2016 Amount Pledged: $357,405 Amount Assessed: $123,740 Amount Paid: $350,885

RebateReturned: $227,145Balance Due $6,520 Donor Count: 932

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The month of October is annually observed by the Catholic Church in the United States as Respect Life Month. We are called to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable, from the beginning of life to its end, and at every point in between. Yet this year, as we approach Respect Life Sunday on October 7, our hearts are heavy with revelations of how those who should be most trustworthy have not only failed in this regard but have in licted immense evil. As USCCB President Cardinal Daniel DiNardo expressed, “the Body of Christ is lacerated.” At such a time as this, we become even more aware of the need for messengers of God’s love and instruments of His healing. We realize again, with renewed urgency, our personal call to help others encounter God’s transform-ing, life-giving love and to defend the sanctity of every person’s life, at every stage and in every circumstance. This year’s Respect Life theme is “Every Life: Cherished, Chosen, Sent,” highlighting our call to build a culture of life as missionary disciples. Drawing upon the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Juan Diego, this theme is brie ly unpacked in a short re lection. I humbly invite you to read and re lect on it this Respect Life Month (www.usccb.org/respect-life-re lection). (There are also many other resources at www.usccb.org/respectlife that are available for use this month and throughout the year.) In his irst letter to the Corinthians, Saint Paul tells us, “As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. …If [one] part suffers, all the parts suffer with it” (1 Cor 12:12,26). We are called and sent to be messengers of God’s love, treating one another as cherished and chosen by Him. In doing so, we help build a culture that respects all human life. The Body of Christ needs you. The world needs you. Sincerely yours in Christ, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Chairman, USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, October 2018


October 8, 2018—In a statement released by the Vatican Press Of ice on Saturday, October 6, Pope Francis pledged a thorough study of the documentation present in the Archives of the Holy See regarding the former Cardinal, now Archbishop Theodore McCarrick. The Holy Father took the occasion to renew his commitment to address the scourge of abuse within the Church, and to do everything possible to prevent it. In the Vatican declaration, the pope also stated that the Church will not tolerate any cover-ups or accept a different standard for bishops who abuse or cover up, calling this behavior “a form of clericalism that is no longer acceptable.” This clear statement does not come as a surprise to me, for I am convinced that Pope Francis has no hesitation in following a path of accountability. As he remarked during his visit to the United States in 2015: “We will follow the path of truth wherever it may lead.” The irst installment of ful illing this renewed pledge of openness came the very next day by Cardinal Marc Ouellet, who has served as the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops since his appointment by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010. In an authoritative and compelling manner, he provided a detailed response to the central charges against Pope Francis regarding the case of Archbishop McCarrick. Cardinal Ouellet made clear that the Holy Father has given him the full freedom to speak in a way that provides information based on his personal experience and the documents of the Congregation for Bishops. In his capacity as Prefect, Cardinal Ouellet also called to account those attacking or countenancing attacks on the Pope and the Church. In that spirit, I join my voice to those of the Prefect and of the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in urging “all in the Church particularly the bishops to reaf irm our communion with Pope Francis who is the visible guarantor of the communion of the Catholic Church.”

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PRAYERFOROURABSENTBROTHERSANDSISTERS We believe that you want a relationship with each and every one of us. We pray for those who once knew you and have wandered away from you and from our community. We pray for their return to you, to the community of believers, and to the reception of the Sacraments you gave us. Please give them the grace to come home to the Ta-ble of the Lord. Help us all to open our hearts more and more to you. CatholicsComeHome...ReturntotheChurch!

DIAPERDRIVETHANKYOUTHANK YOU to all who participated in the St. Francis de Sales Parish Diaper Drive this past August and September. We had a wonderful drive this year with the donation of over 3,750 diapers. We are grateful for your contributions to support the children and adults of Lake County. The diapers will be distributed by local township of ices in Lake County. If you have any questions, please contact: Diaper Bank Partnership of Lake County, c/o Jim Dopler, at [email protected] or (847) 421-7228. Additional information is available at www.diaperbanklc.com.


In our Catholic tradition, during the entire month of November, we pray for our loved ones who have died. Most especially, we remember them on November 2, the Commemoration of All Souls. All who grieve the loss of someone special, whether recently or years ago, are invited to attend the 7 p.m. All Souls’ Mass on Friday, November 2, to pray and light a candle for loved ones who have died. To remember those whom we mourn in a tangible way and make their presence a part of this special liturgy, you are invited to bring a memento to place on a memory table prior to Mass. The memento might be a picture of your loved one or some other small article that means a great deal to you as you remember them. Following Mass, we invite you to join Bereavement Ministers and Ministers of Care in the Gathering Space to share stories about your loved one over refreshments. As we mourn, each time we tell our story, we take another step in our healing. If you have questions, please contact Mary Manson at (847) 843-9262.


St. Peregrine was miraculously healed of cancer after praying all night before an image of the cruci ied Christ. He is known throughout the world as the patron saint of cancer patients. There is a place for you, a place of comfort, peace and hope. Healing comes in many ways. Join us as we pray to gather strength to continue the ight, to give thanks for being healed and to honor the memory of those who are now in the arms of Jesus. Place your hope in our Lord and Savior.

WOMEN’SCENTER The Women’s Center is a problem pregnancy help center. Because of the care and concern of our staff, volunteers, and benefactors, each year over 70% of the women who feel abortion is their only option, decide in favor of life. We provide practical help, including counseling, clothes, baby furniture, referral services, etc. as needed.

SEEKINGDONATIONS:Currentlyacceptingcarseats(lessthan7yearsold)for20-40lb., infant car seats, toddler beds, baby carriers, dressers, no crib mattresses.WealsoneedbabyfoodandEnfamilformula,babyshampoo,babylotion,babywipes,and women’shygieneproducts. These items cannot be picked up unless accompanied by furniture. The families who receive these things are grateful for your generosity. For our address or if a pick-up is needed, please call 773-794-1313.

3,750 3,750

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BUILD/EQUIPFAITHFORMATIONSERIES The Ablazeparish mission is over, and our parish is surely Ablaze with the love of the Holy Spirit. These photos are from the Ablaze mission that took place September 24, 25 & 26. At the end of the evenings, we heard comments from those attending of how alive they felt. Many said they felt true joy and peace in their hearts—even after attending just one evening. The biggest thought-provoking comment we heard was: "IsthisreallytheCatholicchurchIleftyearsago?" The radical hospitality that all experienced began in the parking lot with rides on a golf cart to the church entrance, doors being held wide open with heartfelt greetings of welcome, and beautiful fellowship following Deacon Keith Strohm’s thought-provoking presentations. This is what can be accomplished when disciples bear fruit from living a life with the Holy Spirit Ablaze in their lives. Would you like to grow in your personal relationship with Jesus or are youreadytohelpothers build their relationship with Jesus? It's not too late to begin your journey on this year's discipleship pathways. Our parish is offering two avenues of formation - BuildorEquip. TheBUILD pathway (BuildingyourownpersonalrelationshipwithJesus) will meet on Wednesday evenings or Thursday mornings. The EQUIP pathway (EquippingyouwithwaystoshareJesuswithothers) will meet on Tuesday evenings. Registration is not required but is most appreciated so we can better prepare for your amazing experience. There are many ways to register: -Email: [email protected] -Register online at stfrancislzparish.org -Fill out registration sheet in last week’s bulletin and return it to Ministry Center or to the wooden box in the Church Gathering Space marked Growing Disciples -or simply call the Ministry Center at 847-438-6622 -Follow us on Instagram/Facebook @stfrancislz

EUCHARISTICADORATIONEVERYWEDNESDAY! Open to all ages! Join us from 7 to 8 p.m. for this contemporary hour of Adoration each week. Josh Goodman leads worship through music. Pray along with the songs, journal, or just be present in the moment. "Whenyouawakeinthenight,transportyourselfquicklyinspiritbeforetheTabernacle,saying:


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THANKYOU,PARISHIONERS!For the past 8 years, I have served as the Public Relations/Communications Coordinator at St. Francis de Sales. Its been a joy working with many of you to share information about your ministries through the bulletin, website, and e-newsletter, and to assist with your event plans and registrations. As my husband and I prepare to welcome our third son this month, I am stepping away from my duties at St. Francis. Your kindness (and patience!) throughout the years has made my job so enjoyable and I will miss working in collaboration with so many of you. Thank you to Father Ryan and the Ministry Center staff for always being so accommodating and supportive of my schedule as I worked from various Chicago suburbs and even from Long Island, New York for a year. Katie McGlauchlin, an active member of our parish, will be taking over my responsibilities. Katie is a graphic and web designer and serves on the Youth Ministry Core Team, Intentional Discipleship Leadership Team, and Women’s Retreat Team. She also makes and sells handcrafted devotionals at Knotted with Love (www.knottedwithlove.com) and runs a freelance business, Citrus Leaf Designs, which specializes in custom invitations, hobby websites, and brand development for small businesses. Finally, Katie serves as brand ambassador for the Josh Goodman Music brand. I will keep you in my heart and in my prayers and hopefully see you around the parish from time to time! Diana MacGillis

THANKYOUFORSUPPORTINGTHECLEANJEANDRIVE,PART1! Dear Parishioners of St. Francis de Sales, Thank you so much for your generous donations to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s 11th Annual “Clean Jean” Drive at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Lake Zurich, IL. Between your donations of jeans, money and the volunteers who donated their time (transporting, sorting, labeling, inventorying, bagging, taking orders, and marketing) I am honored to say it was a successful year. We processed almost 800 pairs of jeans within the month of September, and were able to satisfy the orders we received from our clients in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry: ~360 pairs were distributed in one night to ~100 families through the Food Pantry. The remaining pairs will be shared with our sister parish (Our Lady of Tepeyac) in Chicago, Journeys in Palatine, Timothy’s Ministry in Arlington Heights, District 95, Sarah’s Circle in Chicago, and our own Gift of Love program at St. Francis. Thanks to the people in our Community and donations like yours, in our 11 years of supporting this Drive, we have distributed just under 9,000 pairs of jeans! ThisismylastyearrunningtheJeanDrive.IfyouroranyoneyouknowisinterestedintakingoverthisMinistry,Iwouldbehappytoprovideyouwithalloftheinformation,andhelpwiththetransition.

PleasecontacttheParishOf iceifyou’reinterestedinleadingthisonceayearevent. Thank you again for your consideration. Blessings & Best Regards, Susan LePlae Miller Jean Drive Coordinator, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

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REGISTERFORTHE2019WOMEN’SRETREAT! Join us February 1-3, 2019 as we welcome…Father Britto Berchmans, who will be speaking on: "LoveNotes—“How to Build Your Personal Relationship with Jesus” Former Associate Pastor at St. Anne’s in Barrington and current Pastor of St. Paul of the Cross Parish, Father Britto Berchmans envisions the ideal Catholic parish to be a community of disciples who seek to live the example of Jesus as de ined in our Catholic tradition.

He holds Master’s degrees in Physics, Journalism and Systematic Theology, and a Doctor-ate in Mass Communications. His ministerial priorities include nurturing Catholic education and the religious for-mation of children and young people, making faith accessible to today’s Catholic and strengthening Christian marriage and family life. Born in India to deeply-committed Catholic parents, Fr Britto is one of seven children. He joined the Salesians of Don Bosco as a young man and was ordained a priest in 1981. We look forward to hav-ing Father Britto lead us in our journey of deepening our relationship with Jesus! Join us Friday afternoon (4 p.m.), February 1 through Sunday, February 3 (until 1 p.m.), 2019 at Marytown to understand these concepts: How to read God’s handwriting; The steps to building a relationship with Jesus; The need for forgiveness; Understanding prayer; Serving the Christ among us; Our call to be happy.

Registrationisavailableatwww.stfrancislzparish.orgfor this wonderful event that includes meals and overnight accommodations. At this time, all Marytown rooms are full. Rooms continue to be available at University of St. Mary of the Lake (adjacent to Marytown). Come as an overnighter or commuter. We ill every room so make sure you register quickly. Watch for details! Questions? Contact Rose Weismann at [email protected] or 847-975-8005.

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Seven Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Schools have been named 2018 National Blue Ribbon recipients, including our very own St. Francis de Sales School! Congratulations to our administration, staff, students, and families under the leadership of Principal Kyle Schmitt and Father Ryan, Pastor, on a job well done! We are proud of our school! See the full news release from the Archdiocese of Chicago below: Chicago, IL (October 1, 2018) – The Archdiocese of Chicago announced today that seven of its Catholic schools – Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Elementary School (Orland Hills), Queen of All Saints School (Chicago), Sacred Heart School (Winnetka), St. Bede School (Ingleside), St.FrancisdeSalesSchool(LakeZurich), St. Francis Xavier School (Wilmette) and St. Therese School (Chicago) – have been recognized this year by the U.S. Department of Education with Blue Ribbon Awards. The National Blue Ribbon Award is presented to schools based on a school’s overall academic excellence or the school’s progress in closing student achievement gaps. The Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Schools have received 102 Blue Ribbon Awards, more than any other school system – public and private – in the country. “I am extremely proud of our Catholic schools for being recognized by the U.S. Department of Education,” said Dr. Jim Rigg, superintendent of Catholic Schools. “The honor of achieving Blue Ribbon designation status reinforces the academic excellence and quality Catholic education we provide students and their families throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago.” All seven schools were recognized under the category of “Exemplary High Performing Schools,” meaning the schools are among the state’s highest performing schools as measured by state assessments or nationally normed tests. Five of the archdiocese’s 2018 recipients have earned this prestigious honor twice: Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Elementary School (2008), Queen of All Saints School (2008), St.FrancisdeSalesSchool(2007), St. Francis Xavier School (2012) and St. Therese School (2011). Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos recognized 349 schools as National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2018. On November 7-8, the Secretary and the Department of Education will celebrate with 300 public and 49 private school honorees at an awards ceremony in Washington, D.C. The Blue Ribbon Award celebrates the idea that all students, regardless of background, ability or location, deserve an excellent education. “I’m pleased to celebrate with you as your school is named a National Blue Ribbon School,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in a video message to the honorees. “We recognize and honor your important work in preparing students for successful careers and meaningful lives. Congratulations on your students’ accomplishments and for your extraordinary commitment to meeting their unique needs.” Now in its 36th year, the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program has bestowed recognition on more than 8,800 schools af irming the hard work of educators, families and communities in creating safe and welcoming schools where students master challenging and engaging content. Catholic high school seniors in the Archdiocese of Chicago graduate at a rate of more than 98 percent. Ninety- ive percent of Archdiocesan Catholic high school graduates go on to college, earning millions of dollars in college scholarships each year. Catholic school graduates are committed to helping others through community service, a commitment that continues through adulthood. Catholic school graduates are also civically engaged and can be found in leadership positions in business, government and non-pro it organizations.

October21,2018 St.FrancisdeSalesParish Page14


Life Nights are teen events which can help you grow in your relationship with Jesus and have some fun, too. These nights also include social nights and special events. We offer Life Nights almost every Sunday between September and May. Life Nights take place immediately after the 5 p.m. Life Teen Mass with activities usually scheduled from 6:15 to 8 p.m. Food is always served. Also, join us for Wednesday Adoration in Church: 7 to 8 p.m.—All ages welcome! UpcomingLifeNightTopics: Sunday, October 21: Chili Bingo Night Sunday, October 28: Getting to Know Jesus Series #5 Sunday, November 4: Getting to Know Jesus Series #6 Sunday, November 11: Getting to Know Jesus Series Wrap-Up Sunday, November 18: Friendsgiving Thanksgiving Celebration


technology,maywebringmanypeopletolivewellinthislifeandthenext." -HisExcellency,TheMostReverentFrankJ.


SCHOOLE-NEWSLETTERSt. Francis de Sales School, a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, offers the traditional Catholic experience as children learn in a supporting community strong in faith in Jesus Christ. We are blessed with a dedicated faculty and a vibrant community of families. We are truly all for one and one for all in Jesus Christ. Check out this week's school newsletter to stay up to date with events and all things St. Francis! https://conta.cc/2yFxP0O

SFSCROSSCOUNTRYNEWSOn Tuesday, October 2, the Eagles Cross Country teams were well represented at the 40-team Notre Dame High School Invitational, highlighted by our boys' varsity team second-place inish. Here are the times for all of our speedy Eagles: Varsity Boys (1.5 miles): Dylan Franada (9:21), Brad Schaefer (9:33), Charlie Luby (10:35), Rylan Franada (10:40), John Cacioppo (10:50) Varsity Girls (1.5 miles): Elena Labuda (11:18), Ashley Ribordy (13:42), Caitlyn Armstrong (13:43) JV Boys (1 mile): Evan Villinski (7:09), Trevor Quast (7:51), Joseph Quast (8:06) JV Girls (1 mile): Lucy Wolter (8:39), Laurann Serra (8:53), Maria Bukowski (10:56) Lastly, our Eagles competed in the 2-mile sectional meet on Saturday, October 6. Overall, our boys placed 6th and our girls placed 12th. Lance Heine inished 7th (11:56) and Dylan Franada (11:58) inished 8th, both qualifying for the State Finals in Normal, Illinois on Saturday, October 13. Way to go Eagles!


SaintViatorHighSchoolinvites you to attend its Open House event on Sunday, October 21 from 1 to 3 p.m. or Monday, October 22 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.Come join us and learn why we were twice named an Apple Distinguished School and a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. You will have an opportunity to tour the school, meet current students and parents, faculty, administration and coaches. Pre-registration is available at www.saintviator.com CarmelCatholicHighSchool,a four-time Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, cordially invites you to its 2018 Open House on Sunday, November 4, 2018, from Noon to 3 p.m. This event will give prospective families the opportunity to tour the campus, meet faculty, staff, and current students, and learn more about the Carmel Catholic community. Guided tours will begin at the Auditorium entrance (Door G) throughout the event. Pre-registration is available at www.carmelhs.org/openhouse.

October21,2018 St.FrancisdeSalesParish Page15 † MassSchedule†

Monday,October22,St.JohnPaulII8:30—Intention for Police Of icers and Fire ighters 8:30—Intention for Amanda Wilk, Req. by Loving Family 8:30—Souls in Purgatory 8:30—Phyllis Yingst, Req. by Jan and George Yingst 8:30—John Plueger, Req. by Family Tuesday,October23,St.JohnofCapistrano 7:00—Intention for Francis I, Bishop of Rome 7:00—Intention for Persecuted Christians 7:00—Intention for Ryan Bergschneider 7:00—Intention for Jennifer Hicks 7:00—Emil Albert Blazina (Month’s Mind Mass) 7:00—Helen Marie Blazina (Month’s Mind Mass) Wednesday,October24,St.AnthonyMaryClaret 8:30—Intention for Safety of School Children & Youth 8:30—Theresa Chiovari, Req. by The Davern Family 8:30—James Nutschnig, Req. by The Angelini Family Noon—Intention for Renew My Church Noon—Intention for Karen DiTommaso Noon—Intention for Andy Thomas Noon—Intention for Marcos Linares Thursday,October257:00—Intention for Blase Cardinal Cupich 7:00—Helen Barbara Gaj (Month’s Mind Mass) 7:00—Esther “Kitty” Dembski, Req. by The Latter Family Friday,October26 8:30—Intention for Charlene Johnstone 8:30—Intention for Barbara Schlosser 8:30—Shirley Kopfer Saturday,October27,BlessedVirginMary8:30—Intention of U.S. Veterans 8:30—Intention of Those Missing in Action, Prisoners of War, and Refugees of War 8:30—Intention for Patricia Mizak 8:30—Duane Blackwell, Req. by Karen, Britt, Genn, Eric, and Laura 5:00—Intention for Infant Omar David Spitz 5:00—Intention for Infant Olivia McGinty Hoth 5:00—Intention for Infant Blair Lai 5:00—Intention for Doug Wheeler 5:00—Intention for Nicole Woodhead 5:00—Deceased Members of the Fanciullo Family, Req. by Scott and Nancy Fanciullo 5:00—Deceased Members of the Mizgata Family, Req. by Scott and Nancy Fanciullo 5:00—Harold Chisamore, Req. by His Loving Wife 5:00—Diane Judge, Req. by John and Carol Washbish 5:00—Dan Sopocy 5:00—Eugene Gawalek, Jr., Req. by Family

Sunday,October28,30thSundayinOrdinaryTime,PriesthoodSunday 6:30—Intention for Robert Marcocchio 6:30—Intention for Ed Olczyk 6:30—Silvio DiVito, Req. by Jo Bevins 6:30—Vincent DiVito, Req. by Jo Bevins 8:00—Intention for Susan Osterman 8:00—Intention for Ron Gaj, Req. by Geri Gaj 8:00—Chuck O’Brien, Req. by The Stubstad Family 8:00—Eleanore Von Bank, Req. by Lambert 8:00—Tommy Gaffney (18th Anniversary of Eternal Life), Req. by Family 8:00—Joan Wray, Req. by Loretta McNerney-Molokie and Dick Molokie 8:00—Helen Gaj, Req. by Ron and Geri Gaj 8:00—James Donnelly, Req. by Rick and Dianne Rose 8:00—Lorraine Rose, Req. by Rick and Dianne Rose 9:30—Jack Box, Req. by Larry Box 9:30—Christopher Johnson, Req. by SFS School Board 9:30—Bernice Kucynski, Req. by Orlando & Kim Stratman 9:30—Charlene Loftus 9:30—Fr. Art Fagan 11:00—Mickey Aromi, Req. by Martin Schuett 11:00—Steve Moran 11:00—Joseph Palumbo 11:00—Annie Moore 12:30—Intention for Robert Haren 12:30—Intention for Mary Monti 12:30—Intention for Nicole Woodhead 12:30—Intention for Marcos Linares, Req. by Scott and Nancy Fanciullo 12:30—Joseph Czysczon, Req. by Bruce & Mary Manson 12:30—Dominick Senese 5:00—Intention for Life Teen Youth Ministry and the People of St. Francis de Sales Parish 5:00—Intention for Intentional Discipleship within our Parish



NathanRalph,Son of Robert and Carly Nicoletti LeoCharlie,Son of Violetta Mickiewicz and Tom Wytrzymalski LilyDaniella,Daughter of Mark and Roxane Gorecki JasmineEvangelina,Daughter of Mark and Roxane Gorecki VivianAnastazia,Daughter of Keither and Elizabeth Prociuk

October21,2018 St.FrancisdeSalesParish Page16


LexingtonHCC: Mon. 10/22—Presider: Bonnie Balster Joanne Jacobi, Liz Bush, Patti Rusch* (Sub:CathyCriel)

Silverado:Fri. 10/27—Edgar Garcia GoodShepherd: Tues. 10/23—Jo Anderson Thurs. 10/25—Fran Farruggio Sat. 10/27—Aleyce Baca, Fran Farruggio, Mary Kay Delaney, (Tammy Baczek) Sun. 10/28—Bob Kopfer, Eileen Glazik, Patricia Ludwig CedarLake:Sat. 10/27—To Be Scheduled LZMeadows: Week of 10/22—Cindy Gauvreau AzpiraPlace: Sat. 10/27—Debbie Devitt and Adrienne Voltattorni

† InSympathy†

HelenGaj(Mother to Ron (Geri) Gaj) JosephCzysczon(Husband to Sara) BerniceKucynski(Mother to Diane (John) Tieman) AndrewSchramm(Father to Carol (John) Brozek) IsabeloAlegado(Husband to Milnor) P.K.Joseph(Father to James (Jennifer) Joseph) MarkGallagher (Brother to Jean Marie (Kurt) Humbrecht) JoePalade(Friend to The Arvidson Family) DavidLight(Son of Donna and Frank Steinmetz)

† PleasePrayfortheSick†



HolyCommunion.Pleasecalltheparishof icewhensomeoneonthislisthas


MinervaMuniz(Wife to Oscar) AmandaWilk(Daughter to Mitchell and Barbara) MichaelHornacek(Husband to Claudia) WallaceSchejbal(Parishioner) BriannaLillyandHerBabyAveryLee (Friends of Janet Whetter) EdwardSocki(Husband to Mary Ann) JeremiahBurke(Parishioner) TrishMiiller(Parishioner) LukeChiarelli (Son to John Matthew and Amy Chiarelli) MariaZepeda(Parishioner) LisaFriebusPaulandSandyWillis (Friend to Bob & Sandy Allard ) SusanRodriguez(Wife to Alex) WillelmaO’Brien(Sister to Marty O’Neill) RichardPloog(Parishioner) RayUrban(Husband to Pam) MichelleRyan(Friend to Janet Whetter) DonnelleCaulder(Friend to Diane Whetter) JanetWhetter(Mother to Diane) MarcosLinares(Husband to Patricia) SusanSullivan(Niece to Marty O’Neill) PatriciaMizak(Parishioner) We continue to pray for the recipients of Prayer Shawls and for… Robert Cook, Theresa Sacomano, Michelle West, Liza Hassler, Constance Dimock, Ryan Bergschneider, Carolyn Brefeld, Dawn Repta, Jocelyn Brown, Bridget McGuinness, Jocelyn Brown, Irene Ruckoldt, Donna Steinmetz, Baby Omar Spitz, Karen DiTommaso, Mary Monti, John Thullen, Jean Marie Brefeld, Charlene Johnstone, Jennifer Hicks, Robert Montcalm, William Miller, Carolynne Fox, Kevin Kleine, Ed Olczyk, Jane Polnaszek-Gray, Scott Urban, Kendall Urban, Patrick Rams, Marlys Marie Williamson, Cheryl Jonelis, Sayra Stom, Kristy Williams, Barbara Schlosser, Helen Mazur, Nancy Grasso, Barb Grabarek, Jack Lococo. Alyssa Matney, Beatrice Flitman, Chris Koster, Brian Ford, Lydia Oliver, Morgan Naczi, Dwayne Shepherd, Robert Haren, Melinda Rodriguez, Wayne Dreyer, Robert Marcocchio, Peter Powers, Chrisi Rusk, Cathy Orlando, Veronica Hoehne, Chuck Bartels, Tim Youngman, Jane O’Reilly, Eduardo Farias, Dorothy Parola, Barb Westerlund, Judy Patton, John Duffy, Steven Sobie, Jerry O’Hearn, Janet Grashoff, Jim Kuczora, Phil Falson, Gina Meeks, Frank Koob, Angela Orlando, Janet Burrows, Dolores Guzy, Audrey Krupa, Ligia Jimenez, Sam Orlando, Tripp Buckman, Milton Jerard


SundayNights(unlessotherwisenoted*),6to7:30p.m.inFr.ValkerHallFor more information: www.emmaus-house.org

Oct.Coordinator:Mary Cohen, 847-204-8988, [email protected] Nov.Coordinators:Mariann Gorman, [email protected] Kathleen Johnson, [email protected]


October21,2018 St.FrancisdeSalesParish Page17 Only two defining entities have ever offered to die for you. One was Jesus Christ. The other is the American Soldier. One died for your soul † The other died for your freedom!

We thank you for your continued dedication and service to our country. You are in our prayers.

Terrance Cullinan: Stationed in Iraq, Nephew of Mary Layton

Al Stroh: U.S. Air Force, Stationed in Iraq, Friend of Sharon Anderson

Larry Herrera: 5th Deployment, Stationed in Afghanistan, Friend of Susan Wilberding

Stephen Morris: Great Nephew of Annette Feller

First Lt. Richard Evans: 1-504 Brigade of the 82nd Division of The Army Airborne, 3rd Deployment to Iraq, Nephew of Raymond & Deanna Clutts

Captain Jason Finkenkeller: U.S. Army, Deployed to Taji Iraq North of Baghdad, Nephew of Robert & Irene Louis

Matthew Schrock: Il National Guard, Stationed in Afghanistan Nephew of Steve & Joan Schultz

Staff Sgt. Andrew Pelc: Stationed in Iraq, Friend of the Glazik Family

L Cpl Edward Mc Donough: U.S. Marines, Deployed to Afghanistan Cousin of Susan Pflaumer

Major Jon Zachary: Redeployed to Afghanistan, Son of Frank Zachary

Staff Sgt. James Stonehouse: U.S. Marines, Deployed Overseas Nephew of Joe & Diane Collins

Commander Colleen Glaser-Allen: U.S. Navy, Stationed in Japan Cousin of Mary Margaret Matuga

Cpt. Bryan Marone: U.S. Army, Deployed to Afghanistan, 2 Previous Deployments to Iraq, Husband to Melissa

Major Joseph Andresky: U.S. Air Force, Stationed in Washington, D.C., Nephew of Laurie & Mike Sweeney and Patti & Steve Yellin

Michael Scott Guzy: U.S. Marines, Stationed in Pensacola, FL Grandson of Dee Guzy & Nephew of Megan Bajor

Lt. Kristopher LoveKamp; E.O.D.: U.S. Navy, Stationed in Niceville, FL, Cousin to Fr. David F. Ryan

Captain Michael Vyn: U.S. Air Force, 5th Deployment to Kuwait, Grandson to Marie Fries

Commander Cory Rosenberg: U.S. Marines, Deployed to Afghanistan; Brother-in-Law of Angie Kula

L. Cpl. Cameron Kasmar: U.S.M.C., 2nd deployment to Afghanistan Boy Scout Troop 927 Eagle Scout

Captain Christopher Aument: U.s. Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, CA, Grandson of Barb & Bill Donnan

Lance Corporal Allan Borowick: Stationed in Afghanistan. Friend of Mary Margaret Matuga

LCpl Brandon Helm: U.S. Marines, Stationed in Afghanistan, Nephew of Ric & Diane Bloch

L. Cpl. Scott Johnson: U.S. Marine Corps, Deployed to Afghanistan Friend of Kathleen Guzy

Bradley Vicciollo: Stationed in Japan, Nephew of Parishioner

Private First Class Blake Sieben: Stationed in Fort Lewis, WA, Son of Paul and Pamela Sieben

Sgt. Nicholas Raeff: U.S. Marines, Nephew of Anne and Russ Parsons

4th Class Midshipman Lindsey Moritz: Annapolis, MD; Daughter of Dan and Kim Moritz, Niece of Don and Tina Murray

Thomas Corcoran: Boatswain Mate 2nd Class, U.S. Coast Guard Station, Washington, D.C., Son of Terrence and Christine Corcoran

Amie Maychszak: Stationed in Norfolk, VA aboard the U.S.S. George H.W. Bush Aircraft Carrier, Great Niece of Barbara Yellin

Major Eric Penney: U.S. Air Force, Stationed at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma, Son of Wayne & Linda Penney

PFC Nicholas Whitman: U.S. Marine Corps, Son of Renee Whitman, Grandson to Penny Whitman

Sgt. Lucas Jokisch: Illinois National Guard, 4th Tour of Duty, Returned from Afghanistan, Cousin to Father David F. Ryan

Petty Officer 3rd Class Gregory Gornik: U.S. Navy, Deploying on the USS Harry Truman S. Aircraft Carrier, Nephew of Rick & Kathy Gornik

Mitchel W, Gornik: U.S.Coast Guard, Maritime Security Response Team (MSRT) based in Chesapeake, VA. Nephew of Rick & Kathy Gornik

Trey Ross: U.S. Marines, Stationed in San Diego waiting for Deployment, Friend of Karoline Yacono

Lt. Michael Hornacek: MC U.S. Navy, Stationed at the Naval Medical Center, San Diego, Son of Michael and Claudia Hornacek

Corporal Ben Schick: U.S. Marines, Grandson of Anne Schick

2nd Lt Charles (Chad) Bohac: 2nd Battalion 4th Marines, Camp Pendleton, Son of Chuck & Ginger Bohac

David Gudgeon: Air Force, Stationed in Colorado Springs, Grandson of Christian and Priscilla Roder

PFC Robert Mahute: U.S. Marines, Deployed to Middle East, Nephew of Joanne and Tom Jacobi

Patrick Shoaff: U.S. Army Ranger, 2nd Lieutenant, Fort Campbell, Nephew of Thackray Family

Pvt 1st Class Brandon Mahute: U.S. Navy, Deployed to Middle East, Nephew of Thomas and Joanne Jacobi

Sgt. 1st Class Alex Tirabasso: U.S. Army Special Forces, Nephew to Phil and Yolanda Strutzel

Petty Officer 3rd Class Michael Geske: U.S. Navy, Deployed, Son of John and Cathy Geske

Captain Michael Crisman: U.S. Army, Deployed to Afghanistan, Nephew of Bob and Sue Arvidson

Staff Sgt. Andrew Kremmel: U.S. Marines, Stationed in VA, Nephew of Bernardine and Wally Labuz

Do you have someone in the military stationed in harm’s way that needs our prayers? Please call (847) 438-6622.

Returned Safely Home: Alex Gozzola, 1st Lt. Timothy Kirshner, Lt. Col. Joseph Thill, 1st Lt. Josh Bell,

Navy Petty Officer Nicholas Thill, Sgt. 1st Class Linsey Roland, Lt. David Benning, Spc. Rogers Ramirez, Captain Matthew J. White,

Private Joseph Grimmig, Adam Colon, Timothy Krajewski, Col. Vince O’Connor, CPO Guy Hetterling, Capt. Kristen Brockman, Spc. Joseph J. Muraeskis, PFC John McGinley, Sgt. Sabrina Scarselletti-Derhammer, Matt Brown,

Private Todd Jackson, Lt. J.G. Daniel Gackowski, Jeff Austin, Bryan Broyles, L Cpl Conor Camicia, Aaron Cornelius, Col. Daniel Klippstein, Joe Little,

S.S. John M. Butler, Staff Sgt. Scott Sloss, Sgt. Joe Basgall, Tom Mahoney, Spec. Sean Anthony Whippo, Lt. Jack Connor, Private Michael Szydelko,

Staff Stg. Rod Jacobs, Cdr. Mike Sheedy, Airman Joshua Emmons, S. Sgt. Brad Ginn, Sgt. Sarah Leigh Forgey, Petty Officer Stephen McKean,

E4 Jonathan Mele, Michael McGarry, Alec M. Brown, Capt. Bryan Blackburn, Jesse Ward, 1st Lt. Clayton Rife, 1st Lt. Christopher Best, 2nd Lt. Luc Logan, L Cpl. Kenneth Trygstad, Capt. Bianca Lane, Airman Robert William Dones,

L Cpl. Donald Adams, Sgt. Cass Zacharyasz, Dylan Becker

Veterans and their families can take advantage of Veterans Administration and other helpful resources by connecting with the Lake County

Veterans and Family Services representative and parishioner, Bob Gorman. Bob can be reached at (847) 322-5176, [email protected].

October21,2018 St.FrancisdeSalesParish Page18 Financial Report from Business Office

2018-19 Monthly Collec ons Special Appeals Christmas (2017) $192,800 Li le Sisters of the Poor (2018) $11,826 Christmas (2016) $224,463 Chicago Jesuit Academy (2018) $10,173 Chicago Jesuit Academy (2016) $7,512 Holy Family Food Pantry (2016) $7,971 Easter (2017) $159,887 Li le Sisters of the Poor (2016) $22,700 Easter (2018) $112,270 Lake Zurich High School Choir (2015) $2,827 Eagle Scout Projects (2015) $2,769 Molly’s Adopt A Sailor (2014-15) $3,259 Our Lady of Tepeyac Lenten Collec on for Ghana (2014) $15,189 Sharing Parish $30,711 Community Flood Relief (2013) $26,554 Karoline Choir Southern IL Tornado Relief (2012) $31,302 (Uganda) $2,734 LZHS Choir Trip to Va can (2012-13) $23,480 Eagle Scout Projects (2012-13) $8,177 5 Seminarians to India (2008) $8,000 Archdiocese Required Second Collec ons: July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 Hurricane Harvey Help $21,946 2015 Annual Appeal Rebate $227,145 Project Kashalala Lake Victoria $18,630 2016 Annual Appeal Rebate $259,096 Hurricanes Irma and Maria Help $4,081 2017 Annual Appeal Rebate $298,802


contributionsofyour inancialresourcestoOURFather,wholovesusunconditionallyasHisFamilyinthiscommunity.

Parish Community Statistics: July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 Registered Families 4,447 Extraordinary Eucharis c Ministers 186 *Registered Families in 1949 94 Teen Eucharis c Ministers 29 Ministers of Care 139 Ushers 32 Religious Educa on Students: Cross Bearers 8 Preschool 28 Sacristans 12 Grade School 328 Altar Servers 100 Middle School 143 Adult Lectors 65 Home Study 22 Teen/Child Lectors 11/18 SPRED 8 Prayer Shawl Ministers 32 Children’s Catechumenate 9 Sacraments:

Bap sms 50 Life/Teen Confirma on Students: Marriages 13 (Registra on Pending) Marriage Anniversary Blessings 16 1st Year Program 132 Funerals 20 2nd Year Program 131 First Communion 0 Peer Ministers 50 Confirma on 0 First Confession 0 Parish School Students 320 Received into the Church 0

July $138,757 August $131,091

Parish Debt to the Archdiocese: $0

October21,2018 St.FrancisdeSalesParish Page19






GreetersSaturday, 5 p.m.

Fr. David F. Ryan Bob Kopfer, Kathy Duggan, Victoria Morrissey, Betty Duff, Lisa Labudy, Cindy Tomei, Bobbi S ire, Gloria Bakken, Joey Greco Bob Christian, Anthony Tomei CrossBearerTo Be Scheduled

AltarServers Grace Ergastolo, Isabella Holaday, Olivia Thomas Joanne Luce

Sunday, 6:30 a.m. Fr. David F. Ryan Sue Arvidson, Therese Wegner, Tony Pfeifer, Jim Gill, Gary Radwanski, Diane Kleine, Kathy Dellaria Gene Kussmann CrossBearerTo Be Scheduled

AltarServers Jennifer Bukowski, Spencer Kinsey Jim Gill

Sunday, 8 a.m. Fr. David F. Ryan Linda & Frank Dodds, Victoria & Art Williams, Marjie Connery, Mary Stubstad, Irene Goldthwaite, Geri Gaj, Bonnie Balster Marilee Grenning, Kathy Morris CrossBearerTo Be Scheduled

AltarServers Marco Bruno, Kevin Huels, Mary Huels Karen Cole

Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Fr. David F. Ryan Joyce Bozacki-Rae, Tim Lawson, Katie Forsberg, John Wallor, Audrey Spoerlein, Mary Kloss, Dana Petraglia, Jerry Jagla, Laurie Wright, Judy Filek, Donna Abbott Bridget McGuinness, Janet Paulus CrossBearerTo Be Scheduled

AltarServers Ben Cacioppo, Tegan Rae, Brad Schaefer Myra Genovaldi

Sunday, 11 a.m. Fr. David F. Ryan Rocco & Cathy Abbinante, Mary Pat Williams, Steve Lammers, Gerald Kmiecik, David Nolan, Patty Antczak, Mary Tinkham, Holly Smigelski Jeff Clery, Kevin Horcher CrossBearerTo Be Scheduled

AltarServers Nathan Di Legge, Maddie Gillis, Nathan James Volunteers Needed

Sunday, 12:30 p.m. Fr. David F. Ryan McKenna Zobel, Kelly Bush, Natalie Warkenthien, Pam Postlewaite, Edgar Garcia 2 Volunteers Needed Jacqueline Kuhn CrossBearerTo Be Scheduled

AltarServers Colin Ulbrich, Leah Ulbrich Volunteers Needed

Sunday, 5 p.m. Fr. David F. Ryan Katy & Matthew Roesner, Georgia Wiersnia, Julie Dobrow, Danielle Amato, Julie Warren, Michelle Roesner Lizzie Kalafut CrossBearerTo Be Scheduled

AltarServers To Be Scheduled Youth Ministry

October21,2018 St.FrancisdeSalesParish Page20 MINISTRIESANDACTIVITIESATST.FRANCISDESALESThere are many opportunities to get involved in ministries and activities at St. Francis de Sales. The following ministries have been organized into Commissionsthat are set up by our Parish Pastoral Council. The names and phone numbers of the chairpersons of each Commission and Council representatives are also included for your information. Please feel free to contact any of these dedicated men and women to answer any questions you might have about a particular ministry or activity or visit www.stfrancislzparish.org for information.

Finance Council Chair—Michael Carlino: 438-3260 School Board Chair—Bob Quast: 847-909-9088, [email protected] Parish Pastoral Council Chair—Thomas Purtell: 304-5574 Parish School Principal—Kyle Schmi : 726-4826

Chairperson—James Ba aglia: 462-0818 (PPC) Adult Faith Forma on—Fr. David Ryan: 726-4723 Annulment Informa on—Fr. David Ryan: 726-4723 Bap smal Prep Program—Maureen Kowalski: (847) 975-2260, [email protected] and Erin Jessen: (847) 438-0830, [email protected] Convalida on (Blessing) of Civil Marriage—Fr. David Ryan: 726-4723 Great Bible Adventure—Kelley Gries: 438-7050, Pam Urban: 382-7619 Children’s Catechumenate—Mimi McGlauchlin: 726-4850 Eucharis c Adora on—Denise Alianello: 726-1307; Lillian Shu y: 682-4555 Inten onal Discipleship—Judy Reilly: 847-516-0806 Liturgical Ministries—Fr. David Ryan: 726-4723 Altar Servers—Fr. David Ryan: 726-4723 Child Lectors (Grades 6-8)—Cindy Blank: 847-924-7876 Crossbearers—Laurie Haas: 726-4840 Environment & Art—Mary Ann Kwasek: 438-5751 Extraordinary Eucharis c Ministers—Deacon Bob Arvidson: 438-2935 Greeters—Sherry O o: 438-2782 Lectors—Cindy Blank: 924-7876, Jacqueline Kuhn: 269-8342 Music—Patricia Stewart: 726-4720 Sacristans—Irene Goldthwaite: 438-4260 Ushers—Kevin Wegner: 438-3161 and Anthony Baca: 771-773-6968 St. Peregrine Prayer Service—Dena & Jim Ba aglia: 462-0818 R.C.I.A. (Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults)— Stewart Tanakatsubo: 224-475-7919, Fr. David F. Ryan: 847-726-4723 Rosary Ministry—Joe Armagno: 550-6139 Rosary Ministry, Lexington—Dolores Miller: 847-650-3331 Rosary Ministry, Silverado—OPEN Voca ons—Fr. David Ryan: 726-4723

Life Teen Confirma on/Youth Ministry—Deacon Bob Arvidson and Deacon George Flaherty with Cathy Chiarelli: 726-4842 Life Teen Youth Ministry Music: Josh Goodman—757-814-1191 Confirma on, Adult Program—Chris ne DePrez—436-2265

Chairperson—Patricia Linares: 550-1053 (PPC) Knights of Columbus, Past Grand Knight and Trustee— Paul La er: 847-809-0476 Knights of Columbus, Past Grand Knight and First Trustee— Stewart Tanakatsubo: 224-475-7919 Knights of Columbus, Grand Knight of Council 3954— Thomas Wolter: 847-847-7329 Knights of Columbus, Past Grand Knight and Membership Chairman— Curley Strack: (847) 550-0388 Men’s Retreat—Frank Johnstone: 438-7979 Our Lady of Tepeyac—Patricia & Marcos Linares: 550-1053 Welcoming—Jodie Shield: (312) 305-6503 Women’s Retreat—Rose Weismann: 847-975-8005

Chairperson—Michael Carlino: 438-3260 (PPC) Tom Purtell: 304-5574 (PPC Chair) Building & Grounds—Hank Paulus: 438-2294, Deacon John Sfire Collec on Counters—Laura Angelini: 726-4747 Finance Council—Michael Carlino: 438-3260 Business Manager—Laura Angelini: 726-4747

Chairperson—John Ergastolo: 726-7746 (PPC) Care Ministries—Father David F. Ryan: (847) 726-4723 Dana Petraglia: (847) 471-0726 Homebound Ministry of Care Visits— Kevin Wegner: 438-3161, Frank Dodds: 847-438-5128 Angels of Mercy (Friendly visitors/medicine/grocery pickup/ meals/drivers/Church, hospital appointments) Drivers—Tami Anderson: 847-726-4712 Meals—Mary Lahr: 438-3553 Friendly Visitors to Lexington—Marianne Bailey: 550-9463 Cancer Support/Sharing—Mary Manson: 382-3051 Bereavement—Mary Manson: 438-6622 Grief Support Group—Forever in Our Hearts (for those who have experienced the loss of a child)—Father Ryan: 726-4723 Prayer Shawl Ministry—Lisa Warren: 540-8654 Meals on Wheels—Volunteer Drivers: Molly Ergastolo, (847) 867-1179 Meal Sign-up: Intake at Catholic Chari es, (847) 546-5733 Molly’s Adopt-A-Sailor—Cathy Chiarelli: 726-4842 Na onal Alliance on Mental Illness Chapter—Teri La er: (847) 809-6038 Pastoral Counseling Services—Open Posi on

Safety and Security Ministry—Joseph Pasquesi: 726-9550

Covenant Ministries—Stewart Tanakatsubo: (224) 475-7919 (PPC) Emmaus House Ministry—Brian Pozzi: (516) 658-2089 Gi of Love—Jane Clery: 847-370-8933 Jubilee Garden—Sharon Fredrickson: 847-643-6633 St. Vincent de Paul Society—George Stewart: 726-4890 Food Pantry—Kathleen Murray: 726-4890/www.svdplz.org Coats Collec on—Judy Reilly: 847-516-0806 Clean Jeans Drive—Susan Miller: 540-6240 Back to School Backpack Drive—Sherry O o: 438-2782

Chairperson—Pam Lynch: 550-8001 (PPC) School Board—Bob Quast: 847-909-9088, [email protected] PTO—Susan Johnson, PTO School Liaison, [email protected] Athle c Board—Jeff Kinsey (Chair): 847-736-1943 Jim Ronayne: 540-8163

Boy Scouts Troop 309—Kurt Schafer: 847-736-2906 [email protected] Cub Scouts—Kate Bialecki: 480-390-6799 Girl Scouts Main Contact—Lise Wiseman: 224-244-3836 Daisy Troop—Ann Monte: 847-865-5192 Brownie Troop—Lise Wiseman: 224-244-3836 Junior Troop—Amy Ribordy: 847-847-1849









PARISH STAFF Rev. David Francis (Joseph) Ryan, M.B.A., M.S.W. Pastor, 847-726-4723 *Appointed Pastor 1 July 2006 and Re-appointed Pastor on 1 July 2012 by the late Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. On January 25, 2018, Blase Cardinal Cupich re-appointed Father Ryan as Pastor with a term to conclude on 30 June 2019. However, in August, Father Ryan submitted, once again, a letter requesting an extension and re-appointment to this parish. Mr. Robert Arvidson, M.A.P.C., M.B.A. Deacon Mr. George Flaherty, B. Pharm, R.Ph Deacon Mr. John Sfire Deacon Mr. Kyle Schmitt, M.A.T., M.A.Ed. Principal of the Parish School

Mrs. Theresa Grom Asst. Principal of the Parish School Ms. Mimi McGlauchlin Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Patricia Stewart Director of Liturgical Music Ms. Pam Lynch. M.A. Director of Young Adult/Youth Min. Mrs. Laura Angelini, M.B.A. Business Manager St. Francis de Sales Parish Website: www.stfrancislzparish.org St. Francis de Sales School Website: www.stfrancislzschool.org Archdiocese of Chicago Website: www.archchicago.org Lumen Christi Institute: www.lumenchristi.org United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: www.usccb.org The Vatican Website: www.vatican.va/

Mass Schedule

Sundays: 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. ,12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. Weekdays: Monday: 8:30 a.m. Mass Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. and 12 noon Masses Tuesday and Thursday: 7 a.m. Mass Friday: 8:30 a.m. Mass Saturday: 8:30 a.m. Mass, 5 p.m. Mass (Fulfills Sunday Obligation) Holy Days: 7 p.m. Vigil, 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., Noon, 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m.

Sacrament of Baptism: Baptism is celebrated after parental participation in a preparation meeting. Please call for a date to attend. Do not finalize your plans until this formation meeting. Sacrament of Confirmation: Preparation for Confirmation takes place during the high school years with the celebration of the Sacrament taking place no sooner than the end of sophomore year in high school. For more info and registration please contact the Youth Ministry Office at 847-726-4842 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays between 11 a.m. and noon. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: This Sacrament offers the Lord’s healing strength and peace to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill, hospitalized, or about to undergo surgery. Please contact the Ministry Center 847-438-6622, or Fr. Ryan at 847-726-4723 if you wish to have someone anointed, or the Last Rites near death. Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance and no other plans should be finalized until the Parish Priest or Deacon has been consulted. Sacrament for Adults: Adults interested in the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation) should contact the Ministry Center at 847-438-6622.

Ministry Center (Parish Office) 847-438-6622 School Office 847-438-7921 Traci Dahlinger/Tami Anderson (Reception) 847-726-4712 Mr. Kyle Schmitt, M.A. Ed. (Principal) 847-438-7921 Karin Jurczak (Financial Asst.) 847-726-4711 Mrs. Theresa Grom (Assistant Principal) 847-438-7921 Laura Angelini (Business Manager) 847-726-4747 Marion Meyer (Secretary) 847-438-7921 Julie Morones (Business Office Associate) 847-726-4722 Desi Vodenicharova (Secretary) 847-438-7921 Katie McGlauchlin (Public Relations/Bulletin) 847-909-0986 E-mail: [email protected] (website, e-news) Patricia Stewart (Director of Liturgical Music) 847-726-4720 Jerry Perez (Maintenance Personnel) Chris Tovar (Maintenance Personnel)

Religious Education Office (Preschool to 8th Grade) 847-438-3233

Mimi McGlauchlin (Coordinator) 847-726-4850 Laurie Haas (Secretary) 847-726-4840 Kelly Corrigan (SPRED Contact) 847-726-4742

Confirmation - Life Teen / Youth Ministry Office 847-438-9098

Pam Lynch, M.A. (Director of Youth & Young Adult Min.) 847-726-4862 Cathy Chiarelli (Youth Ministry Coordinator) 847-726-4842 Deacon Robert Arvidson 847-438-9098 Deacon George Flaherty 847-438-9098 Josh Goodman (Music Coordinator) 847-438-9098

For education and resources about Biblical Studies, please visit www.wordmadeclear.org, which features Fr. James McIlhone, Director of Biblical Formation for the Archdiocese of Chicago.

1567-1622 Spiritual Guide for All, Inspired Writer of: Introduction to the Devout Life and Treatise on the Love of God. Bishop and Doctor of the Church Feast Day: January 24

October21,2018 St.FrancisdeSalesParish Page22 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Francis de Sales Church #635 135 S. Buesching Lake Zurich, IL 60047 TELEPHONE 847 438-6622 Parish Office CONTACT PERSON Call this number first: 847-909-0986: Katie McGlauchlin (Public Relations and Bulletin Editor ) Cathy Chiarelli: 847-726-4842 (Youth Ministry Coordinator and Bulletin Editor 2) E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Traci Dahlinger and Karin Jurczak Parish Office 847-438-6622 SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 5.0 Windows 2000 PRINTER HP color Laserjet 2600n SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION October 21, 2018 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 THROUGH 22 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Page 20 is the Ministry Page —21, 22, 23 ADS—Page 24 is the Parish Staff Page
