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P-Normal,Almost P-Normal and Mildly P-Normal Spaces

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P-NORMAL,ALMOST P-NORMAL AND MILDLY P-NORMAL SPACES Govindappa NAVALAGI Department of Mathematics KLE Society’s G.H.College, Haveri-581 110 Karnataka, INDIA e-mail : [email protected] Abstract. In 1982 , A.S.Mashhour et al have defined and study the pre- open sets and pre- continuity in topology.Since then many topologists have been studied the signi- ficances of preopen sets in the literature.In this paper, by using preopen sets, we define new separation axioms called al- most p-normality and mild p-normality and also, we continue the study of p-normality due to [21-22].We show that these three axioms are regular closed hereditary. We define also the class of almost preirresolute func- tions and show that p-normality is invariant under almost preirresolute M- preopen continuous surjections. Among other things, we prove that almost regular strongly compact space is almost p-normal and weakly p-regular p 1 -paracompact space is mildly p-normal. 1. INTRODUCTION Preopen sets sets and precontinuous functions were introduced in 1982 by A.S. Mashhour et al [13].Since then these concepts have been used to define and to investigate many new topological properties.The purpose of this paper is to examine the normality by defining the concepts of almost p-normality and mild p-normality in terms of preopen sets.In other words, present paper is the study of generalization of normality, almost normality and mildly normality concepts via preopen sets. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 54A05 ,54B05 , 54C08 , 54D10 ,54D18. Key words and phrases. Preopen sets , semiopen sets,semipreopen sets, α-open, almost normal, mildly normal, M-preclosed, M-preopen, rc-continuous,preirresolute, α-closed. 1


Govindappa NAVALAGI

Department of MathematicsKLE Society’s

G.H.College, Haveri-581 110Karnataka, INDIA

e-mail : [email protected]

Abstract. In 1982 , A.S.Mashhour et al have defined and study the pre-open sets and pre- continuity in topology.Since then many topologists havebeen studied the signi- ficances of preopen sets in the literature.In thispaper, by using preopen sets, we define new separation axioms called al-most p-normality and mild p-normality and also, we continue the studyof p-normality due to [21-22].We show that these three axioms are regularclosed hereditary. We define also the class of almost preirresolute func-tions and show that p-normality is invariant under almost preirresolute M-preopen continuous surjections. Among other things, we prove that almostregular strongly compact space is almost p-normal and weakly p-regularp1-paracompact space is mildly p-normal.


Preopen sets sets and precontinuous functions were introduced in 1982 byA.S. Mashhour et al [13].Since then these concepts have been used to defineand to investigate many new topological properties.The purpose of this paperis to examine the normality by defining the concepts of almost p-normality andmild p-normality in terms of preopen sets.In other words, present paper is thestudy of generalization of normality, almost normality and mildly normalityconcepts via preopen sets.

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 54A05 ,54B05 , 54C08 , 54D10 ,54D18.Key words and phrases. Preopen sets , semiopen sets,semipreopen sets, α-open, almost

normal, mildly normal, M-preclosed, M-preopen, rc-continuous,preirresolute, α-closed.1



Throughout the present paper, (X, τ) and (Y, σ) ( or simply X and Y )alwaysmean topological spaces or spaces on which no separation axioms are assumedunless explicitly stated and f : X → Y denotes a single valued function of aspace X into a space Y .Let A be a subset of a space X. The closure and theinterior of A are denoted by Cl(A) and Int(A) , respectively . A subset of aspace X is called regular open(resp. regular closed) if A = Int(Cl(A))( resp.A = Cl(Int(A))).

DEFINITION 2.1:A subset A of a space X is said to be :(i) an α-open [19] if A ⊂ IntClInt(A) , (ii)a semiopen[ 11 ] if A ⊂ ClInt(A)

, (iii)a preopen [13 ] if A ⊂ IntCl(A) ,The family of all α-open ( resp. semiopen , preopen ) sets of a space X

is denoted by αO(X) ( resp. SO(X) ,PO(X)). It is clear that , αO(X) ⊂SO(X) and αO(X) ⊂ PO(X) and moreover, every open set is α-open set(resp. semiopen set , preopen set ) but not conversely.

The complement of a semiopen (resp.preopen , α-open) set is called semi-closed [2]( resp. preclosed [5] , α-closed [25])

It is known that the space (X, τ) is called an α-space [10]if τ = αO(X) andthat a space X is called submaximal [8]if every dense subset of X is open,equivalently, a space X is called submaximal if every preopen set of X is open,since every dense set of a space X is preopen in X.

DEFINITION 2.2 : The intersection of all semiclosed (resp. preclosed) sets containing a subset A of space X is called the semiclosure [2]( resp.preclosure [ 5]) of A and is denoted by sCl(A) ( resp. pCl(A) ).

DEFINITION 2.3[ 15,17]: The union of all preopen sets which are con-tained in A is called the preinterior of A and is denoted by pInt(A) .

DEFINITION 2.4[17,23]: Let X be a topological space and A ⊂ X .Then A is said to be a pre-nieighbourhood of a point x ∈ X, if there exists apreopen set G in X such that x ∈ G ⊂ A.

DEFINITION 2.5[12]:A space is called pre-T2 if for any two distinctpoints x,y of X, there exist disjoint preopen sets U and V such that x ∈ Uand y ∈ V .

DEFINITION 2.6[31]:A space X is said to be weakly Hausdorff if eachpoint of X is the intersection of regular closed sets of X.

DEFINITION 2.7[3]:A space X is called Ro-space iff for each open set Gand x ∈ G , Cl{x} ⊂ G.


DEFINITION 2.8[5]: A space X is said to be p-regular if for each closedset F of X and each point x ∈ X \F , there exist disjoint preopen sets U andV such that x ∈ U and F ⊂ V .

DEFINITION 2.9[27]:A space X is said to be almost regular if for eachregular closed set F of X and each point x ∈ X \F , there exist disjoint opensets U and V such that x ∈ U and F ⊂ V .

DEFINITION 2.10[12]: A space X is said to be almost p-regular if foreach regular closed set F of X and each point x ∈ X \ F , there exist disjointpreopen sets U and V such that x ∈ U and F ⊂ V .

DEFINITION 2.11[27 ]:A space X is said to be weakly regular if for eachpair consisting of a regular closed set A and a point x such that A ∩ {x} = ∅,there exist disjoint open sets U and V such that x ∈ U and A ⊂ V .

DEFINITION 2.12[28]:A space X is called almost normal(resp. mildlynormal) if for every pair of disjoint closed (resp.regular closed) subsets F andH of X , there exist disjoint open sets U and V such that F ⊂ U and H ⊂ V .

DEFINITION 2.13[16 ]:A space X is called strongly compact if everycover of X by preopen sets has a finite subcover.

DEFINITION 2.14[32]: A subset A of a space X is S-closed relative to Xif every cover of A by semiopen sets of X has a finite subfamily whose closurescover A.

DEFINITION 2.15: A space X is called paracompact [6]( resp.nearlyparacompact[26] , p1 - paracompact [7,15])iff every open (resp. regular open,preopen) covering of X has an open locally finite refinement.

DEFINITION 2.16: A function f : X → Y is said to be :(a) pre-irresolute [24]if inverse image of each preopen set of Y is preopen in

X ,(b) rc-conitnuous [10] if inverse image of each regular closed set of Y is

regular closed set in X.(c) M-preopen [15]if the image of each preopen set of X is preopen in Y ,(d) M-preclosed[15] if the image of each preclosed set of X is preclosed in

Y .(e) α-closed [25] if the image of each closed set of X is α-closed in Y .



We recall the the following.

DEFINITION 3.1[21-22]:A space X is said to be p-normal if for any pairof disjoint closed sets F1 and F2,there exist disjoint preopen sets U and V suchthat F1 ⊂ U and F2 ⊂ V .

Clearly, every normal space is p-normal as every open set is preopen, butnot conversely.For,

EXAMPLE 3.2:Consider the topology τ = {∅, {b, d}, {a, b, d}, {b, c, d}, X}on the set X = {a, b, c, d}. We observe that {∅, {a}, {c}, {a, c}, X} is the familyof closed sets and PO(X) = {∅, {b}, {d}, {a, b}, {a, d}, {b, c}, {b, d}, {c, d},{a, b, c}, {a, b, d}, {a, c, d}, {b, c, d}, X}.

Then X is p-normal, but it is not normal since the pair of closed sets {a}and {c} have no disjoint open-neighbourhoods.

We have the following characterizations of p-normality.

THEOREM 3.3 : For a space X the following are equivalent:(a) X is p-normal.(b)For every pair of open sets U and V whose union is X, there exist pre-

closed sets A and B such that A ⊂ U , B ⊂ V and A ∪B = X.(c)For every closed set F and every open set G containing F , there exists a

preopen set U such that F ⊂ U ⊂ pCl(U) ⊂ G.

PROOF .a⇒b: Let U and V be a pair of open sets in a p-normal spaceX such that X = U ∪ V . Then X \ U , X \ V are disjoint closed sets.Since Xis p-normal there exist disjoint preopen sets U1 and V1 such that X \ U ⊂ U1

and X \ V ⊂ V1. Let A = X \ U1, B = X \ V1. Then A and B are preclosedsets such that A ⊂ U , B ⊂ V and A ∪B = X.

b⇒c: Let F be a closed set and G be an open set containing F . ThenX \F and G are open sets whose union is X.Then by (b), there exist preclosedsets W1 and W2 such that W1 ⊂ X \ F and W2 ⊂ G and W1 ∪ W2 = X.Then F ⊂ X \ W1, X \ G ⊂ X \ W2 and (X \ W1) ∩ (X \ W2) = ∅. LetU = X \W1 and V = X \W2. Then U and V are disjoint preopen sets suchthat F ⊂ U ⊂ X \V ⊂ G. As X \V is preclosed set, we have pCl(U) ⊂ X \Vand F ⊂ U ⊂ pCl(U) ⊂ G.

(c)⇒(a): Let F1 and F2 be any two disjoint closed sets of X. Put G = X\F2,then F1 ∩ G = ∅. F1 ⊂ G where G is an open set. Then by (c), there existsa preopen set U of X such that F1 ⊂ U ⊂ pCl(U) ⊂ G. It follows thatF2 ⊂ X \ pCl(U) = V , say, then V is preopen and U ∩ V = ∅. Hence F1 andF2 are separated by preopen sets U and V . Therefore X is p-normal.


THEOREM 3.4 : A regular closed subspace of a p-normal space is p-normal.

PROOF . Let Y be a regular closed subspace of a p-normal space X. LetA and B be disjoint closed subsets of Y . As Y is regular closed and henceclosed, A, B are closed sets of X. By p-normality of X, there exist disjointpreopen sets U and V in X such that A ⊂ U and B ⊂ V . As every regularclosed set is semiopen, by Lemma 6.3 in [5], U ∩ Y and V ∩ Y are preopen inY such that A ⊂ U ∩ Y and B ⊂ V ∩ Y . Hence Y is p-normal.

A p-normal space need not be p-regular [5], as the following example shows.For,

EXAMPLE 3.5 :Let X = {a, b, c} and τ = {∅, {a}, {b}, {a, b}, X}. ThenX is a p-normal space, but it is not p-regular since for the closed set {b, c} andthe point a 6∈ {b, c}, there do not exist disjoint preopen sets containing them.

However we observe that every p-normal R0 [3] space is p-regular [5].

The concept of pre-neighbourhood of a subset of a space is given in [17].

Now, we define the following.

DEFINITION 3.6 : A function f : X → Y is said to be almost-preirresoluteif for each x in X and each pre-neighbourhood V of f(x), pCl(f−1(V )) is apre-neighbourhood of x.

Clearly every preirresolute function [10] is almost preirresolute.

The proof of the following lemma is straightforward and hence omitted.

LEMMA 3.7 : For a function f : X → Y , the following are equivalent:(a)f is almost preirresolute.(b) f−1(V ) ⊂ pCl(pCl(f−1(V )))) for every V ∈ PO(Y ).

Now we prove the following.

THEOREM 3.8 :A function f : X → Y is almost preirresolute if and onlyif f(pCl(U)) = pCl(f(U)) for every U ∈ PO(X).

PROOF .Let U ∈ PO(X).Suppose y 6∈ pCl(f(U)).Then there exists V ∈PO(y) such that V ∩ f(U) = ∅.Hence f−1(V )∩U = ∅. Since U ∈ PO(X), wehave pCl(pCl(f−1(V )))∩pCl(U) = ∅.Then by lemma 3.7, f−1(V )∩pCl(U) = ∅and hence V ∩ f(pClU)) = ∅.This implies that y 6∈ f(pCl(U)).

Conversely, if V ∈ PO(Y ), then W = X \ pCl(f−1(V )) ∈ PO(X). Byhypothesis, f(pCl(W )) ⊂ pCl(f(W )) and hence X \ pC(pCl(f−1(V ))) =pCl(W ) ⊂ f−1(pCl(f(W ))) ⊂ f(pCl[f(X \ f−1(V ))]) ⊂ f−1[pCl(Y \ V )] =


f−1(Y \V ) = X \f−1(V ). Therefore , f−1(V ) ⊂ pCl(pCl(f−1(V ))). By lemma3.7 , f is almost preirresolute.

Now we prove the following result on the invariance of p-normality.

THEOREM 3.9 : If f : X → Y is an M-preopen continuous almostpreirresolute function from a p-normal space X onto a space Y , then Y isp-normal.

PROOF . Let A be a closed subset of Y and B be an open set containingA. Then by continuity of f , f−1(A) is closed and f−1(B) is an open set ofX such that f−1(A) ⊂ f−1(B). As X is p-normal, there exists a preopen setU in X such that f−1(A) ⊂ U ⊂ pCl(U) ⊂ f−1(B) by Theorem 3.3. Then,f(f−1(A)) ⊂ f(U) ⊂ f(pCl(U)) ⊂ f(f−1(B)).Since f is M-preopen almostpreirresolute surjection, we obtain A ⊂ f(U) ⊂ pCl(f(U)) ⊂ B. Then againby Theorem 3.3 the space Y is p-normal.

The following lemma may be proved by using arguments similar to thosegiven in [6,1.4.12,p.52].

LEMMA 3.10 :A function f : X → Y is M-preclosed if and only if foreach subset B in Y and for each preopen set U in X containing f−1(B), thereexists a preopen set V containing B such that f−1(V ) ⊂ U .

Now we prove the following.

THEOREM 3.11 : If f : X → Y is an M-preclosed continuous functionfrom a p-normal space onto a space Y , then Y is p-normal.

Proof of the theorem is routine and hence omitted.

Now in view of lemma 2.2 [9] and lemma 3.10, we prove that the followingresult.

THEOREM 3.12: If f : X → Y is an M-preclosed map from a weaklyHausdorff p-normal space X onto a space Y such that f−1(y) is the S-closedrelative to X for each y ∈ Y , then Y is pre-T2.

PROOF . Let y1 and y2 be any two distinct points of Y . Since X is weaklyHausdorff, f−1(y1) and f−1(y2) are disjoint closed subsets of X by lemma2.2[9].As X is p-normal, there exist disjoint preopen sets V1 and V2 such thatf(yi) ⊂ Vi, for i = 1, 2. Since f is M-preclosed, there exist preopen sets U1 andU2 containing y1 and y2 such that f−1(Ui) ⊂ Vi for i = 1, 2. Then it followsthat U1 ∩ U2 = ∅. Hence the space is pre-T2.


Next we prove the following.

THEOREM 3.13 : If f : X → Y is an α-closed continuous surjection andX is normal, then Y is p-normal.

PROOF . Let A and B be disjoint closed sets of Y . Then f−1(A) andf−1(B) are disjoint closed sets of X by continuity of f . As X is normal, thereexist disjoint open sets U and V in X such that f−1(A) ⊂ U and f−1(B) ⊂ B.By Proposition 6 in [25], there are disjoint α-open sets G and H in Y such thatA ⊂ G and B ⊂ H. Since every α-open set is preopen, G and H are disjointpreopen sets containing A and B respectively. Therefore, Y is p-normal.


DEFINITION 4.1 :A space X is said to be almost p-normal if for eachclosed set A and each regular closed set B such that A ∩ B = ∅, there existdisjoint preopen sets U and V such that A ⊂ U and B ⊂ V .

Clearly, every p-normal space is almost p-normal, but the converse is nottrue in general.For,

EXAMPLE 4.2 : Consider the topology τ = {∅, {a}, {a, b}, {a, c}, X} onthe set X = {a, b, c}. Then X is almost p-normal space, but it is not p-normalsince the pair of disjoint closed sets {b} and {c} have no disjoint preopen setscontaining them.

Now, we have characterization of almost p-normality in the following.

THEOREM 4.3 :For a space X the following are statement are equivalent:(a)X is almost p-normal(b)For every pair of sets U and V , one of which is open and the other is

regular open whose union is X, there exist preclosed sets G and H such thatG ⊂ U , H ⊂ V and G ∪H = X.

(c)For every closed set A and every regular open set B containing A, thereis a preopen set V such that A ⊂ V ⊂ pCl(V ) ⊂ B.

PROOF .(a)⇒(b): Let U be an open set and V be a regular open set in analmost p-normal space X such that U ∪V = X. Then (X \U) is closed set and(X \V ) is regular closed set with (X \U)∩(X \V ) = ∅. By almost p-normalityof X, there exist disjoint preopen sets U1 and V1 such that X \ U ⊂ U1 andX \ V ⊂ V1. Let G = X \ U1 and H = X \ V1. Then G and H are preclosedsets such that G ⊂ U , H ⊂ V and G ∪H = X.

(b)⇒c and (c)⇒(a) are obvious.

One can prove that almost p-normality is also is regular closed hereditary.


Almost p-normality does not imply almost p-regularity as the following ex-ample shows.

EXAMPLE 4.4 : Consider the space X as defined in Example 3.5. Then Xis almost p-normal, but it is not almost-p-regular since for the regular closedset {a, c} and the point b 6∈ {a, c}, there do not exist disjoint preopen setscontaining them.

However, we observe that every almost p-normal R0 space is a almost p-regular.

Next, we prove the following.

THEOREM 4.5 : Every almost regular strongly compact space X is al-most p-normal.

PROOF .This follows from Theorem 1.2 in [16], Corollary 3.1 [27] andTheorem 2.4 in [4].

Now, we state the invariance of almost p-normality in the following.

THEOREM 4.6 : If f : X → Y is continuous M-preopen rc-continuousand almost preirresolute surjection from an almost p-normal space X onto aspace Y, then Y is almost p-normal.


DEFINITION 5.1 :A space X is said to be mildly p-normal if for everypair of disjoint regular closed sets F1 and F2 of X, there exist disjoint preopensets U and V such that F1 ⊂ U and F2 ⊂ V .

Clearly, every mildly normal space as well as almost p-normal space is mildlyp-normal.

We have the following characterization of mild p-normality.

THEOREM 5.2 : For a space X the following are equivalent :(a) X is mildly p-normal.(b)For every pair of regular open sets U and V whose union is X, there exist

preclosed sets G and H such that G ⊂ U , H ⊂ V and G ∪H = X.(c)For any regular closed set A and every regular open set B containing A,

there exists a preopen set U such that A ⊂ U ⊂ pCl(U) ⊂ B.(d)For every pair of disjoint regular closed sets, there exist preopen sets U

and V such that A ⊂ U , B ⊂ V and pCl(U) ∩ pCl(V ) = ∅.


This theorem may be proved by using the arguments similar to those ofTheorem 4.3.

Also, we observe that mild p-normality is regular closed hereditary.

We define the following.

DEFINITION 5.3 : A space X is weakly p-regular if for each point xand a regular open set U containing {x}, there is a preopen set V such thatx ∈ V ⊂ V ⊂ U .

Clearly every almost p-regular space is weakly p-regular. The converse isnot true in general.For,

EXAMPLE 5.4 :Consider the space X as defined in Example 3.5. Then Xis weakly p-regular, but it is not almost p-regular since for the regular closedset {a, c} and the point b 6∈ {a, c}, there do not exist disjoint preopen setscontaining them.

However, it is clear that every weakly p-regular R0 space is almost p-regular.

It is obvious that every p1 -paracompact space is nearly paracompact.

Now, we prove the following.

THEOREM 5.5 :Every weakly p-regular p1-paracompact space is mildlyp-normal space.

PROOF .Let X be a weakly p-regular, p1-paracompact space and A, B beany pair of disjoint regular closed subsets of X. Since X is p1-paracompact, it issubmaximal and paracompact by Theorem1 in [7]. As X is submaximal weaklyp-regular it is weakly regular. So X is weakly regular nearly paracompactspace. Then by Theorem 8 in [29], X is mildly normal and hence mildlyp-normal.

In view of Theorem 5.5 we have the following.

COROLLARY 5.6 : Every almost p-regular p1-paracompact space ismildly p-normal.

Using Theorem 1 in [7], we can easily prove the following result.

THEOREM 5.7 : Every p1 -paracompact pre-T2 space is mildly p-normal.

Next, we prove the invariance of mild p-normality in the following.


THEOREM 5.8 : If f : X → Y is an M-preopen rc-continuous and almostpreirresolute function from a mildly p-normal space X onto a space Y , thenY is mildly p-normal.

PROOF . Let A be a regular closed set and B be a regular open set contain-ing A. Then by rc-continuity of f , f−1(A) is a regular closed set contained inthe regular open set f−1(b). Since X is mildly p-normal, there exists a preopenset V such that f−1(A) ⊂ V ⊂ pCl(V ) ⊂ f−1(b) by Theorem 5.2.As f is M-preopen and an alomost preirresolute surjection,it follows that f(V ) ∈ PO(Y )and A ⊂ f(V ) ⊂ pCl(f(V )) ⊂ B.Hence Y is mildly p-normal.

THEOREM 5.9 :If f : X → Y is rc-continuous, M-preclosed functionfrom a mildly p-normal space X onto a space Y , then Y is mildly p-normal.

This theorem may be proved by using arguments similar to those in Theo-rem3.11.


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