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«Inter-Intel Collegium» project structure

Partner journal «Inter-Intel Collegium» («IIC»)

Status of the International Intellectual Parliament

«Inter-Intel Collegium»

Mission and goals of the Parliament

System of functioning of the Parliament

Mechanism of functioning and Regulations

of the Parliament

Current Administrators of the Parliament

«Partner University» project

In the modern world problems of open social communications, free access to them and influence of the public opinion on major political decisions are among the most important, resonant and significant for the system potential of the society. Future step-by-step development of humanity in many aspects depends on the extent of compliance of declarative democracy (as a generally accepted moral and humanistic standard of social processes) with everyday reality in all spheres of public life.

After various historical upheavals, catastrophes and continuous soul-searching human civilization has finally made an evolutionary choice – the democratic mechanism of building public life and management of relevant relations. Such state of affairs is based on the global natural selection from among alternative instruments of social self-organization. It is based on the objective acknowledgement of the supremacy of equality of human rights, social justice and humanism – the everlasting core of public consciousness. In modern conditions management as purposeful activity in consolidation and guidance of certain collective efforts for the sake of achievement of socially significant goals must not be monopolized by a small group of people. It is natural for any processes directly connected with rights and legal interests of the majority of people forced to abide by administrative decisions. But the system of public pressure on political decisions in various spheres and on various levels of political management (international, national, regional and municipal) is especially important.

Undoubtedly, democracy based on elections is the most efficient form of construction of political management systems, invented by the civilized humanity. The most efficient but still not perfect. That is why politics is often too far away from real rights, freedoms, problems and needs of people. Moreover, political processes are not always characterized by fair, professional and truly democratic decisions, affecting lives of many members of the society. Sometimes politics is separated and kept away from the society. Such a destructive breach in the social system must be healed by

active self-organization and direct democracy coming from the civil society. In conditions of political vacuum it is a necessary provide evolutionary correction of the vector of development of local social communities and the whole civilization.

This is why in modern conditions any efficient channel of public opinion formation and informing authorities and authoritative organizations of this opinion is highly important. If such channel is based on interaction of representatives of humanitarian, intellectual and business communities from various countries, its potential, possible contribution to optimization of social management and efficiency of collegially developed decisions will be huge. Politicians sometimes do not take into account even real public opinions. But even this fact allows us determine true level of democracy as well as legitimacy and efficiency of activities of authorities. International project «Inter-Intel Collegium» involving participation of representatives of intellectual, commercial and other sectors of civil society from around the world invites everyone interested to take part in solution of urgent problems of today.

Do not avoid full and unstoppable social life! As thinkers, professionals and activists you surely have something to say to a world around you!

This world was created for development and prosperity, but this plan is not always followed. What if your participation in progressive social initiatives is just the thing we need to change this state of affairs?

We may be ignored, but we will be heard! Progressive ideas do not just vanish without a trace, but always find a way to efficient realization.


«Inter-Intel Collegium» project is a combination of efficient resources for ensuring communications and tight cooperation between scientific, educational, political, humanitarian, social and commercial organizations from around the world.

«Inter-Intel Collegium» is organized in a way promoting the most efficient work of mechanisms of self-organization, development of initiatives and fruitful cooperation between civil society institutions. This way we create conditions for development of joint cooperation principles, collegial decisions and consolidated

opinions of members of the international community united by the project.

At the same time implementation of the project excludes any financial or organizational burdens, except obligations in observing the corresponding Regulations and being even a bit active.

«Inter-Intel Collegium» project includes the following programs:1) Partner journal «Inter-Intel Collegium» («IIC»)2) International Intellectual Parliament «Inter-Intel Collegium»

Within the «Inter-Intel Collegium» («IIC») partner informational program, members of the Parliament and partner educational and scientific institutions have a right (not more than once a month and at least once a quarter) to provide survey information about their activities, achievements and initiatives (not more than 2 pages). Such information may be provided in English or another language of international communication (English translation is necessary in this case) and will be freely published in electronic and printed editions of Inter-Intel Collegium («IIC»).

News about activity of the Parliament, matters discussed, decisions made and Resolutions distributed are subject to publication in the partner journal.

«Inter-Intel Collegium» («IIC») is a permanent journal. Every next issue of the journal has the status of an independent edition connected with previous and subsequent issues not by thematic unity, but by belonging to the project «International Intellectual Parliament “Inter-Intel

Collegium» and by the general subject of publications.

Official publisher of «IIC» is the International Academy of Science and Higher Education (IASHE; London, UK), acting as the Parliament Administrator.

Issues of the permanent journal «Inter-Intel Collegium» («IIC») are consistently individualized with symbols of chemical elements according to their serial (nuclear) number in the Periodic Table of D.I. Mendeleyev. Technical requirements to published materials are similar to requirements imposed to scientific researches published in the GISAP project editions (http://gisap.eu/).

Printed issues of «IIC» are published under British jurisdiction (with British ISBNs) and subject to obligatory free mailing to members of the Parliament, partner educational and scientific institutions, as well as the largest libraries of England, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Besides, every next issue of «IIC» will be sent to the selected addressees (various authoritative international and national organizations) together with Resolutions of the Parliament connected with spheres of interests of such addressees.

Electronic issues of «IIC» are published on websites of the Parliament, the IASHE (iashe.eu), and must be also published on official websites of the Parliament members and partner educational or scientific institutions.

Each subsequent issue of «IIC» will be subject to



publication as soon as the necessary quantity of materials is accumulated. Each edition will include not more than 1 obligatory material from the partner organization and 1 additional material subject to publication in conditions of insufficiency of materials, provided by other partner organizations. Depending on circumstances of materials accumulation the

planned annual number of issues can vary from 4 to 12 editions a year.

Materials of members or partners of the Parliament, regardless of the extent of their direct correlation with activity of the Parliament, can be subject to publication in «Inter-Intel Collegium» («IIC»).

STATUS OF THE INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PARLIAMENT «INTER-INTEL COLLEGIUM»The international intellectual Parliament «Inter-Intel Collegium» is a noncommercial partner project offered by the International Academy of Science and Higher Education to representatives of the progressive international community for free participation on the following terms: - open access, equal rights and realization of conscientious aims of the Parliament members; - democratic principles of the Parliament functioning;- joint mechanism of decision-making by the Parliament members; - promotion of constructive influence of public initiatives and collective positions of the Parliament members on effective development of various international and national social processes.

The Parliament doesn’t carry out any political activity. It is not a legislature of any country. It is not a supranational organization with official powers granted on the basis of international conventions or interstate agreements.

The Parliament is the international civil society institute. In modern conditions of development of globalization, democratic processes and humanistic values collective initiatives of the Parliament can act as expressions of expert opinions and civil positions of the international intellectual community. Such initiatives can positively affect the process of regulation of public relations in various spheres of social reality.

Authority of members of the Parliament, variety of their legal statuses and vectors of work, as well as the international format of parliamentary procedures, provide high level of representativeness and professionalism of decisions made by the Parliament.Decisions of Parliament are made in the form of Resolutions. They are sent to addressees, whose

competence (responsibility area) covers the official settlement of matters connected with such decisions or effective authoritative influence on such settlement.

The Parliament has wide joint competence. It has unlimited right to make decisions on any matters of all-social nature (on international or national scale) demanding public discussion and intellectual initiatives for effective solution.

Main spheres of public life including problems that can act as subjects of the Parliament Resolutions:1) International policy;2) National policy;3) International Economy;4) National Economy;5) Science and education on the international scale;6) Science and education on national scale;7) International Law;8) National Law;9) Culture and arts on the international scale;10) Culture and arts on national scale;11) World outlook and philosophy on the international level;12) World outlook and philosophy on national level;13) Social psychology and mass consciousness on the international level;14) Social psychology and mass consciousness on national level;15) International Medicine; 16) National Medicine;17) Physical culture and sports on the international level;18) Physical culture and sports on national level;19) Environment on the international level;20) Environment on national level.

Parliament has the right to make relevant decisions concerning matters of private

nature, affecting interests of the narrow circle of persons upon condition that such interests in specific sphere of activity have the nature of distributed events and characterize large-scale social problem.

Resolutions of the Parliament do not have the imperative nature. They can not violate competence of international institutions and national governments, authorized to control relevant spheres. Resolutions do not substitute decisions of national governments and have the nature of professional expert conclusions based on the social initiative and having recommendatory status.

Content of Resolutions of the Parliament obligatorily corresponds to criteria generally accepted in international practice: tolerance and respect towards rights and interests of the interested parties; actuality; logic, legal and fact-based objectivity and reasonableness; direct relevance to the subject of regulation; moral-ethic and legal admissibility of sources and ways of receiving of information, conclusions and measures offered to implementation; practical applicability of recommendations.

The Parliament acts on the basis of Regulations (having the status of the open contract of adhesion). Any person wishing to play a certain role in functioning of the Parliament agrees with norms of Regulations and only then becomes the competent figure within the structure and activity of the Parliament.

The Parliament does not have the status of a legal entity. It functions in the democratic form of a professional expert community on the basis of self-organization of members of the Parliament, solidarity of goals and rules of Regulations.

Organizational and resource support of activity of the Parliament is carried out by its Administrators. They accept the above-

mentioned functions in order of the voluntary initiative and do not have the right to interfere in the activity of the Parliament or affect its members in any way.

Administrators must support the Parliament’s activity in scales sufficient for promotion of efficiency and target productivity of its functioning.

Quantity of Administrators of the Parliament is not limited and their personal list may be subject to free rotation.

Official address of the Parliament is a legal address of the Parliament’s Administrator (who has made the most significant contribution to the promotion of the Parliament’s activity during the reporting year preceding the current year).

At the moment when Regulations come into force official Administrators of the Parliament are the International Union of Commerce and Industry (IUCI, London, UK) and the International Academy of Science and Higher Education (IASHE, London, UK).

In case if at any moment other Administrators stop ensuring the Parliament’s functioning, administrating activities will be carried out by the International Academy of Science and Higher Education.

Administrators have the right to act as members of the Parliament on equal basis with other members.

The Parliament does not carry out any financial operations or operations with property in any form. In case if the Resolution adopted by the Parliament assumes implementation of such operations, relevant actions will be carried out by Administrators or third parties involved on behalf of the Parliament. Financial operations or operations with property, connected with promotion of the Parliament’s activity, are carried out by Administrators sui juris and with full responsibility for implementation of such operations.

The Parliament has its own official website, company title, symbols, blanks, stamp, representative documents. The Parliament has the right to present various awards and honorary titles to the Parliament members and representatives of the international community

MISSION AND GOALS OF THE PARLIAMENTMission of the Parliament determines main semantic content - philosophy and basic goals of its activity.

Mission of the Parliament is the following: 1) integration of efforts of international community and activation of efficient dialogue between its subjects in order to promote social progress; 2) development of democratic instruments of influence of professional expert community opinions on the solution of urgent social problems; 3) wide announcement of reasonable positions and initiatives of the professional expert community in the context of promotion of pluralism of opinions in selection of problematic social relations regulation methods; 4) development of unique approaches to analysis of social problems and determination of ways of their solution.

Aims of activity of the Parliament: - organization of cooperation of members;- providing representatives of progressive international community with access to the discussion of urgent modern problems and development of mechanisms of their overcoming;

- organization of democratic procedures of development and approval of joint expert conclusions of recommendatory nature;- professional expertise of various modern social problems;- providing authorized international institutions and governments of certain countries with the possibility to use sectoral Resolutions of the Parliament as the alternative analytical material useful for efficient decision-making;- providing the authorized international institutions and governments of certain countries with original mechanisms of solution of problematic social matters;- authoritative influence on formation and development of the progressive world outlook of the wide international community;- promulgation of information about unsolved social matters and possible ways of their solution;- promoting real overcoming of social problems and regulation of conflict social relations;- promoting the social justice and protection of rights and legal interests of groundlessly impaired social groups and persons;- promoting wide distribution of information concerning progressive experience of overcoming social problems and realization of other socially useful actions;- promoting the establishment and development of the status equality of progressive community representatives of various countries in the process of development and adoption of joint expert conclusions of recommendatory nature.

significantly contributing to the development of global social progress.

Activity of the Parliament is subject to illustration in the «Inter-Intel Collegium» journal.

The Parliament does not enter property relations with the third parties, does not make deals of other nature and therefore does not create legal basis for property responsibility. Compensation of real damage caused to third parties by actions of the Parliament is to be carried out by Administrators in coordinated parts (only upon condition of existence of reliable evidences).

SYSTEM OF FUNCTIONING OF THE PARLIAMENTThe Parliament carries out its activities in a remote-interactive mode through functioning of its official website: http://inter-collegium.com/.

Activity of the Parliament is carried out in accordance with Regulations through implementation of own authorities by members and figures of the Parliament.

Structure of the Parliament is represented in combination of the following types of elements:- members of the Parliament;- figures of the Parliament - participants of the Parliament’s members’ communities (with no suffrage);- the Parliament visitors;

- procedure of decision-making within the Parliament («Conference Hall»);- discussion-based accompaniment of activity of the Parliament through the possibility to comment and attend forums;- partner journal «Inter-Intel Collegium»;- the Parliament news;- news of parliamentarians;- visiting cards of parliamentarians;- the Parliament fractions;- the Parliament Presidium and its members;- the Parliament Administrators;- visiting cards of the Parliament’s partners.

System of sections and options of the official website corresponds to the Parliament structure.

MECHANISM OF FUNCTIONING AND REGULATIONS OF THE PARLIAMENTActivity of the Parliament is based on individual membership of collective subjects – legal entities of various national and sectoral belonging.

Parliament members are divided into 9 specialized Fractions depending on their legal statuses, aims, methods and scales of activity as well as professional belonging to certain areas of public life.

Additional “Free Fraction” combines Parliament members not meeting the requirements of standard Fractions or not wishing to join them.

Any active parliamentarian has the right to initiate consideration of matters covered by the Parliament Regulations in the Parliament. Project initiative of the parliamentarian is submitted to the Parliament Presidium for its further consideration after verification by the relevant Fraction.

Depending on the nature and significance of the matter under study, voting of members for initiative projects may be carried out personally (by members of the Parliament) or by Fractions (on the basis of joint opinion of their members).If members of the Parliament approve the initiative project in accordance with Regulations, the Resolution of the Parliament based on this project will be adopted.

Parliament Resolutions may have the following statuses: - Expert conclusion – professional collegial assessment (by international expert community) of actual circumstances requiring solution as a social problem;- Opinion – motivated attitude of the international expert community to actual circumstances requiring solution as a social problem;- Recommendation – motivated suggestions of the international expert community concerning measures necessary for solution of the corresponding social problem;- Comprehensive declaration combining several status versions of the Resolution.

Parliament Resolutions are prepared and sent to selected addressees, whose competence includes official regulation of matters studied in such Resolutions or efficient authoritative influence on such regulation.

Highest governing body of the Parliament is the Presidium elected by parliamentarians. The Presidium consists of three members: Speaker, I Vice-Speaker and II Vice-Speaker. Speaker is the formal head of the Parliament.

Physical persons (members of communities of certain parliamentarians) take part in activity of the Parliament with advisory and communicative rights. Visitors can observe activities of the Parliament and comment certain events.

Detailed rules of activity of the Parliament are presented in the special Regulations, available on the official website.

CURRENT ADMINISTRATORS OF THE PARLIAMENTOrganizational and resource support of activity of the Parliament is carried out by its Administrators. They accept the above-mentioned functions in order of the voluntary initiative and do not have the right to interfere in the activity of the Parliament or affect its members in any way.

Administrators must support the Parliament’s activity in scales sufficient for promotion of efficiency and target productivity of its functioning.

Quantity of Administrators of the Parliament is not limited and their personal list may be subject to free rotation.

Official address of the Parliament is a legal address of the Parliament’s Administrator (who has made the most significant contribution to

the promotion of the Parliament’s activity during the reporting year preceding the current year).

Now the official Administrators of the Parliament are the International Union of Commerce and Industry (IUCI, London, UK) and the International Academy of Science and Higher Education (IASHE, London, UK).

In case if at any moment other Administrators stop ensuring the Parliament’s functioning, administrating activities will be carried out by the International Academy of Science and Higher Education.

Administrators have the right to act as members of the Parliament on equal basis with other members.

International Union of Commerce and Industry (IUCI, London, UK) Head: Stivens GodvingAddress and contacts: 1 Kings Avenue, Winchmore Hill, N21 3NA, London, UK; WWW: http://iuci.eu/; E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: +44(20)32899949

Info: The international Union of commerce and industry (IUCI) is an association of businessmen, managers, social and political figures, scientists. In its activity the union combines the social and commercial activity. The organizational structure of the union consists of two elements: the system of social activity and the system of commercial activity.Commercial activity allows the union to find the necessary resources, finance and develop various projects, corresponding to aims and goals of the union. Social activity of the union is expressed in the consolidation of representatives of progressive international community in order to: define the collegial opinion of such persons concerning various questions of social life, economics, business, policy; representation of joint interests of businessmen, managers, social and political figures, scientists in relations with the third parties; realization of global social-economical, legal and political programs and projects; influence on social-economical processes and political activity of certain states and public institutes; satisfaction of organizational, economic and commercial interests of participants of social activity of the union through the realization of various projects of the union.Social activity of the union is based on individual membership of the interested persons in the Congress of Business Elite of the IUCI and adoption of the relevant joint decisions by this body.

Info: The AICAC considers disputes of the following categories:- disputes emerging from economic, commercial, industrial and trading contracts and agreements (when at least one party is a non-resident of the USA – legal entity of foreign jurisdiction or person – citizen of a foreign state);- disputes emerging from civil law relations and disputes emerging from agreements and contracts concluded in professional sports (when at least one party is a resident of the USA; the AICAC can consider disputes of the stated category between non-residents of the USA if such action does not violate legislation of countries of residence of parties);- disputes emerging from investment contracts

and agreements, including those connected with acquisition of corporate assets; - disputes emerging from labor contracts.At settlement of disputes between residents of the USA, the AICAC can act as the tribunal of arbitrators in accordance with norms of the international law, federal legislation of the USA, legislation of relevant states and Regulations of AICAC.The AICAC may assist in organization of the ad hoc arbitration. It also can organize or take part in implementation of procedures of mediation. Additional services provided by the Court: a) arbitration support of the contract; b) expertise and protection of commodity and financial operations; c) assistance in organization of international certification of goods and services.

Info: International Academy of Science and Higher Education (IASHE, London, UK) is a scientific and educational organization that combines sectoral public activities with the implementation of commercial programs designed to promote the development of science and education as well as to create and implement innovations in various spheres of public life.In the sphere of public scientific and educational activities the Academy acts as a voluntary association, formed on the basis of common interests of its founders and members, as well as representatives of scientific and educational communities of the United Kingdom and other states. Activities of the Academy are directed to:- joint realization of rights and freedoms in the filed of education and science by these persons and other representatives of general public;- organization and execution of professional assessment in accordance with international standards of scientific studies and educational activities;- globalization and organizational formalization of international scientific and educational community;- creation of conditions for the development of international scientific communications and cooperation;- creation of necessary preconditions for the development and practical implementation of innovations;- global distribution of scientific information;- ensuring the international mobility of scientists, researchers, teachers, professionals and trainees;- ensuring the mutual recognition of foreign scientific and educational qualifications by professional

societies and government agencies of different countries;- creation of conditions for ensuring the wide recognition of scientific achievements and their authors;- resolution of urgent scientific problems;- creation and implementation of innovative teaching methods for various specialists;- popularization of scientific knowledge and creativity;- ensuring the increasing role of science in social environment and its influence on the development of key social processes and institutions;- ensuring the general ethic, cultural and intellectual progress of humanity.While carrying out its core activities the Academy also implements effective programs in other areas of social life, directly related to the dynamics of development of civilized international scientific and educational processes in Europe and in global community.Besides the beneficial effect on the development of social progress in the field of commercial activity the Academy focuses on realization of educational programs and innovative research and educational projects that can make profit.The Academy is a public scientific and educational professional organization that does not seek to achieve any political goals.The Academy is a legal entity registered (legalized) in the UK in 2010.In accordance with the constituent documents the Academy is a hybrid corporation that includes systems of organizational, commercial, social and scientific (professional) management.

International Academy of Science and Higher Education (IASHE, London, UK)Head: Thomas MorganAddress and contacts: 1 Kings Avenue, London, N21 1PQ, UK; WWW: http://iashe.eu/; E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: +44(20)32899949

American International Commercial and Arbitration Court (AICAC; Wilmington, USA)Head: Boris ZhytnigorAddress and contacts: 1209 N Orange Street, Wilmington DE 19801-1120, the State of Delaware, USA; WWW: http://court-inter.us/; E-mail: [email protected];Phone: +12024700848, + 442088168055

«PARTNER UNIVERSITY» PROJECT«Partner University» program is implemented by the IASHE for extension of cooperation and interaction with any interested organizations carrying out projects and holding events aimed at the intellectual progress of the society. The concept «University» in the title of the program is used as a symbol of any community of people seeking for acquisition of universal knowledge and self-improvement.

The program «Partner University» includes the following joint actions of the IASHE and the interested organizations:

1. The IASHE places the list of partner Universities (Institutes, Academies or scientific institutions) with logos and links to their official websites on interactive web-resources of the Academy: iashe.eu; www.gisap.eu; www.platonick.com2. Partner educational and scientific institutions publish links to the IASHE (iashe.eu) and the GISAP project (www.gisap.eu) with the corresponding logos on their official websites;3. All participants of the GISAP project championships, officially working or being taught in partner educational or scientific institutions are provided with 3% discount for the cost of participation in such championships (during such partnership; cost of printed issues and shipping is not included);4. In all British peer-reviewed materials of scientific works (collective monographs) and magazines published within the GISAP project on the special “partner page” you will be able to find the list of partner educational or

scientific institutions, representatives of which are presented in such editions. These pages will be presented in English with publication of relevant logos;5. The partner certificate will be prepared and sent to all partner educational or scientific institutions at the expense of the IASHE;6. Any partner organization attracting a new member to the program “Partner University”, gets a free participation in the GISAP project for one person which can be used in any way at own discretion (cost of printed issues and shipping is not included).Partnership between the IASHE and the interested organization is established on the abovementioned conditions on unlimited term and can be stopped at any time on the initiative of one of the parties or in their consent.

The GISAP project participant contributing to the establishment of partnership between the IASHE and an interested organization, obtains one-time free participation in scientific analytics championship (cost of printed issues and shipping is not included) and the status of «the international IASHE expert», verified by the corresponding Certificate.

Additional option of the «Partner University» program – «Forum-Community»:1. Acting as the organizer or the co-organizer of scientific forums (conferences, symposiums, congresses, meetings, seminars, etc.) the partner university has the right to organize such events with remote informational-methodical participation of the IASHE.

2. Informational and methodical participation of the IASHE in holding scientific forums brings the following benefits: a) the event receives the wide international status; b) the right to announce the fact that the event is held in the territorial format covering the actual city and the country (where the event is physically held) and the city of London (United Kingdom); c) preliminary presentational information concerning the event and its final press-release in Russian and English will be placed on websites http://www.gisap.eu and http://iashe.eu ; d) in final materials of the event the organizer receives the right to indicate: a) the IASHE among co-organizers; b) the territorial format of event including the city of London (UK);3. Additional paid (within actual cost of the corresponding work) services of the IASHE connected with possible realization of partnership within «Forum-Community» and provided if claimed by the interested persons can consist of the following: 1) Production of nominal British diplomas and certificates for participants of the event; 2) Production of badges, other souvenir and presentational production of the event; 3) Production of printed materials of the event; 4) Providing printed materials published following the results of events with the British jurisdiction (the British ISBN); 5) Informational batch-mailing of printed materials published following the results of events, to the European, other international and national scientific and educational organizations; 6) Organization of postal or courier mass mailing; 7) Translation of the preliminary presentational information and press-release of the event.

4. Following the results of each event held with use of resources of the “Forum-Community” option the corresponding partner is obliged to submit the press-release of the event held in English to the IASHE for publication.

The program “«Partner University» can be implemented by the IASHE together with the interested organization through simple remote acknowledgement of declared rules of participation or through conclusion of a corresponding agreement between parties.

To initiate a program the interested organization must submit an electronic application to the IASHE (presented below).

In case of necessity to conclude an agreement the interested organization adds the relevant information to the application.

Mr. Thomas MorganDirector General

International Academy of Science and Higher Education


APPLICATIONDue to the launch of the «Partner University» program previously announced by the IASHE we ask you to include __________________________________________________________________________ into the list of participants of this program on official terms.

We ask you to officialize our cooperation within the «Partner University» program by conclusion of the corresponding agreement (this sentence is included only if legal officialization of participation in the program is required)

Address and details of the organization: __________

Enclosure:1) Official organization logo;2) Official organization website.

_______ __, 2014.

Signature of the authorized officer and seal.


1) The application must be prepared as an official document. Scanned copy of the application must be sent to the IASHE. 2) In the letter-reply the IASHE will send electronic logos of the IASHE and the GISAP for placement on your website. Signed copies of the relevant agreement can also be sent, if necessary. 3) Links to websites of partners will be placed on the left side panel of the GISAP homepage (http://www.gisap.eu) and the Cooperation section of the IASHE website (http://iashe.eu). Partner organization must place logos and links to pages of the IASHE and the GISAP in similar easily accessed locations. 4) Certain organization will start benefiting from the «Partner University» program from the day of placement of corresponding logos and links (IASHE and GISAP) on its website. 5) As soon as the IASHE receives notification about placement of relevant logos and links on the website of a certain organization, links of this organization will be placed on http://www.gisap.eu and http://iashe.eu. After that special certificate of the IASHE will be sent to the partner and the organization, its employees and students will acquire a right to use benefits stated in officially declared rules of the program.

Global International Scientific Analytical Project«GISAP»

Hypothetics: everlasting stories

Social Network for Intellectuals PlatoNick

Partnership program Inter-Intel Collegium and the Partner University project

Research Analytics Federations

International Scientific Congresses Of The IASHE

Publications And Periodicals Of The IASHE

Status-qualification projects: Academic, Doctoral, Attestation, Certification

and Accreditation programs and Rankings of the IASHE

International scientometric database Socrates-Impulse

Educational Project International University of Scientific and Innovative Analytics
