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Pharmacological studies on synthetic flavonoids: comparison with diazepam

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Neuropharmacology 38 (1999) 965 – 977 Pharmacological studies on synthetic flavonoids: comparison with diazepam Guy Griebel *, Ghislaine Perrault, Suon Tan, Hans Schoemaker, David J. Sanger CNS Research Department, Synthe ´labo Recherche, 31, a6enue Paul Vaillant -Couturier, 92220 Bagneux, France Accepted 25 January 1999 Abstract The present experiments compared the central BZ-v binding characteristics and pharmacological profiles of two synthetic flavonoids (6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone) with those of the benzodiazepine (BZ) diazepam. In vitro experiments showed that while diazepam displaced [ 3 H]flumazenil binding to the GABA A receptor in membranes from rat cerebellum and spinal cord, two brain areas enriched in the BZ-v 1 and BZ-v 2 receptor subtypes, with nearly equivalent half maximally effective concentrations, 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone was somewhat more potent in displacing [ 3 H]flumazenil binding to membranes from rat cerebellum (IC 50 =31 nM) than from spinal cord (IC 50 =120 nM), indicating selectivity for the BZ-v 1 receptor subtype. 6-Bromoflavone displayed weak (IC 50 =970 nM) affinity for the BZ-v 1 and no affinity for the BZ-v 2 (IC 50 \1000 nM) receptor subtypes. Diazepam, but not the synthetic flavonoids increased the latency to clonic seizures produced by isoniazid, thereby indicating that neither 6-bromoflavone nor 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone display detectable intrinsic activity at GABA A receptors in vivo. Results from two conflict tests in rats showed that 6-bromoflavone (3–10 mg/kg) and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone (0.3 – 1 mg/kg) elicited anxiolytic-like activity in the punished drinking test, while both drugs were inactive in the punished lever pressing test. The positive effects displayed by the synthetic flavonoids in the punished drinking procedure were smaller than that of diazepam and were not antagonized by the BZ receptor antagonist flumazenil. In two models of exploratory activity, 6-bromoflavone (3 – 30 mg/kg) and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone (0.3 – 1 mg/kg) produced anxiolytic-like effects in the rat elevated plus-maze test, whereas both compounds failed to modify the behavior of mice in the light/dark test over a wide dose-range. The effects in the elevated plus-maze were antagonized by flumazenil. In the mouse defense test battery, where mice were confronted with a natural threat (a rat), 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone failed to decrease flight reactions after the rat was introduced into the test area and risk assessment behavior displayed when subjects were constrained in a straight alley, and only weakly affected risk assessment of mice chased by the rat and defensive biting upon forced contact with the threat stimulus. In a drug discrimination experiment 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone up to 30 and 3 mg/kg, respectively, did not substitute for the BZ chlordiazepoxide. Taken together, these results failed to demonstrate that the synthetic flavonoids 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo- 3%-nitroflavone possess anxiolytic-like properties similar or superior to that of diazepam, as was suggested previously. Further- more, they question the contribution of BZ-v receptors to the behavioral effects of 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Anxiety; Benzodiazepines; Binding; Conflict tests; Convulsions; Defensive behaviors; Diazepam; Drug discrimination; Exploration models; Flavonoids; Flumazenil 1. Introduction Benzodiazepines (BZs) have established efficacy in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia and epilepsy. They produce their pharmacological effects by positively modulating the action of GABA at GABA A receptors through allosteric binding sites called BZ 1 and BZ 2 (Squires et al., 1979; Sieghart and Schuster, 1984), also designated as v 1 and v 2 , respectively (Langer and Ar- billa, 1988). Even though BZs are relatively safe drugs when used in the treatment of pathological anxiety, they may produce untoward side effects such as seda- tion, muscle relaxation, memory impairment, tolerance and physical dependence (Lader, 1994). The search for * Corresponding author. Tel.: +33-1-45362470; fax: +33-1- 45362070. E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Griebel) 0028-3908/99/$ - see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII:S0028-3908(99)00026-X

Neuropharmacology 38 (1999) 965–977

Pharmacological studies on synthetic flavonoids: comparison withdiazepam

Guy Griebel *, Ghislaine Perrault, Suon Tan, Hans Schoemaker, David J. SangerCNS Research Department, Synthelabo Recherche, 31, a6enue Paul Vaillant-Couturier, 92220 Bagneux, France

Accepted 25 January 1999


The present experiments compared the central BZ-v binding characteristics and pharmacological profiles of two syntheticflavonoids (6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone) with those of the benzodiazepine (BZ) diazepam. In vitro experimentsshowed that while diazepam displaced [3H]flumazenil binding to the GABAA receptor in membranes from rat cerebellum andspinal cord, two brain areas enriched in the BZ-v1 and BZ-v2 receptor subtypes, with nearly equivalent half maximally effectiveconcentrations, 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone was somewhat more potent in displacing [3H]flumazenil binding to membranes from ratcerebellum (IC50=31 nM) than from spinal cord (IC50=120 nM), indicating selectivity for the BZ-v1 receptor subtype.6-Bromoflavone displayed weak (IC50=970 nM) affinity for the BZ-v1 and no affinity for the BZ-v2 (IC50\1000 nM) receptorsubtypes. Diazepam, but not the synthetic flavonoids increased the latency to clonic seizures produced by isoniazid, therebyindicating that neither 6-bromoflavone nor 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone display detectable intrinsic activity at GABAA receptors invivo. Results from two conflict tests in rats showed that 6-bromoflavone (3–10 mg/kg) and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone (0.3–1 mg/kg)elicited anxiolytic-like activity in the punished drinking test, while both drugs were inactive in the punished lever pressing test. Thepositive effects displayed by the synthetic flavonoids in the punished drinking procedure were smaller than that of diazepam andwere not antagonized by the BZ receptor antagonist flumazenil. In two models of exploratory activity, 6-bromoflavone (3–30mg/kg) and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone (0.3–1 mg/kg) produced anxiolytic-like effects in the rat elevated plus-maze test, whereasboth compounds failed to modify the behavior of mice in the light/dark test over a wide dose-range. The effects in the elevatedplus-maze were antagonized by flumazenil. In the mouse defense test battery, where mice were confronted with a natural threat(a rat), 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone failed to decrease flight reactions after the rat was introduced into the testarea and risk assessment behavior displayed when subjects were constrained in a straight alley, and only weakly affected riskassessment of mice chased by the rat and defensive biting upon forced contact with the threat stimulus. In a drug discriminationexperiment 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone up to 30 and 3 mg/kg, respectively, did not substitute for the BZchlordiazepoxide. Taken together, these results failed to demonstrate that the synthetic flavonoids 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone possess anxiolytic-like properties similar or superior to that of diazepam, as was suggested previously. Further-more, they question the contribution of BZ-v receptors to the behavioral effects of 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone.© 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Anxiety; Benzodiazepines; Binding; Conflict tests; Convulsions; Defensive behaviors; Diazepam; Drug discrimination; Explorationmodels; Flavonoids; Flumazenil

1. Introduction

Benzodiazepines (BZs) have established efficacy inthe treatment of anxiety, insomnia and epilepsy. Theyproduce their pharmacological effects by positively

modulating the action of GABA at GABAA receptorsthrough allosteric binding sites called BZ1 and BZ2

(Squires et al., 1979; Sieghart and Schuster, 1984), alsodesignated as v1 and v2, respectively (Langer and Ar-billa, 1988). Even though BZs are relatively safe drugswhen used in the treatment of pathological anxiety,they may produce untoward side effects such as seda-tion, muscle relaxation, memory impairment, toleranceand physical dependence (Lader, 1994). The search for

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33-1-45362470; fax: +33-1-45362070.

E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Griebel)

0028-3908/99/$ - see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

PII: S 0 0 2 8 -3908 (99 )00026 -X

G. Griebel et al. / Neuropharmacology 38 (1999) 965–977966

positive modulators of BZ-v receptors with more spe-cific therapeutic actions without the concomitant un-wanted effects has led to the development of drugs thateither selectively bind to specific BZ-v receptor sub-types (alpidem and abecarnil) (Stephens et al., 1990;Zivkovic et al., 1990, 1992) and/or modulate the actionof GABA with low efficacy (partial agonists, e.g. bre-tazenil, imidazenil) (Martin et al., 1988; Giusti et al.,1993).

In the search for novel anxiolytic agents devoid ofundesirable side effects, several BZ-v receptor ligands,structurally unrelated to BZs, have recently been de-scribed. Based on the findings that some naturallyoccurring flavonoids possess selective affinity for BZ-vreceptors and exhibit anxiolytic-like activity in the ab-sent of depressant effects (Wolfman et al., 1994), vari-ous synthetic derivatives of these compounds have beensynthesized (Medina et al., 1997, 1998). Among these,much work has focused on 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone which were found to display spe-cific affinity for BZ-v receptors (Medina et al., 1997).These two synthetic flavonoids also showed anxiolytic-like effects in the mouse elevated plus-maze (Marder etal., 1996; Viola et al., 1997; Wolfman et al., 1998).6-Bromo-3%-nitroflavone produced positive effects overa wide dose-range, with minimum dose levels in themicrogram range. The pharmacological profile of thiscompound is compatible with a partial agonist actionas it antagonized the myorelaxant effects of diazepamand produced a lower potentiation of GABA-stimu-lated 36Cl− influx than diazepam in cerebral corticalmembrane vesicles. In addition, 6-bromo-3%-ni-troflavone did not impair motor activity or memoryperformance at doses 100–300-fold greater than thoseproducing anxiolytic-like activity.

The present study was undertaken to investigate fur-ther the neurochemical and pharmacological propertiesof 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone. Effectswere directly compared to those of the prototypicalanxiolytic diazepam, which was used throughout as apositive control. In a first series of experiments, thebinding profile to native BZ-v receptor subtypes, in-cluding BZ-v1, BZ-v2 and v5 (probably correspondingto GABAA receptors containing a1, a2–3 and a5 sub-units, respectively, see Braestrup and Nielsen, 1980;Ruano et al., 1992; Tan and Schoemaker, 1994; Bena-vides et al., 1996), was established for each drug. Thedrugs’ anticonvulsant action against isoniazid-inducedseizures was then examined. This latter test was used inorder to assess the intrinsic activity of the compoundsat GABAA receptors (Mao et al., 1975). Anxiolytic-likeproperties were examined using several rodent testssensitive to anxiolytic drugs including conflict proce-dures (rat punished lever pressing and Vogel drinkingtests), exploratory models (rat elevated plus-maze andmouse light/dark test) and a mouse defense test battery

(MDTB) which elicits and measures reactions to anatural threat stimulus (a rat) (Griebel et al., 1995). Anadditional experiment was undertaken to characterizefurther the behavioral actions of both syntheticflavonoids by examining their discriminative stimulusproperties in rats trained to discriminate between a doseof the BZ chlordiazepoxide and saline.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Animals

Male Wistar rats (Charles River France, Saint-Aubin-les-Elbeuf) were used in the punished lever press-ing and drug discrimination procedures. They weighed180–200 g at the beginning of training and 400–500 gat the time of drug testing. Male Sprague–Dawley rats(Iffa Credo, L’Arbresle and Charles River France)weighing 180–300 g at time of testing were used in theVogel drinking procedure, the elevated plus-maze testand for radioligand binding studies. The latter animalswere housed in groups of eight, whereas those used inthe punished lever pressing and drug discriminationprocedures were housed singly. Male Long Evans rats(400–500 g) (Iffa Credo) were used as threat stimulus inthe MDTB. BALB/c (7 week-old), Swiss (10 week-old)(both supplied by Iffa Credo) and CD1 male mice(18–25 g) (Charles River France) were used in thelight/dark test, the MDTB and the isoniazid-inducedconvulsions test, respectively. BALB/c mice werehoused in groups of six, Swiss mice were isolated 1week prior to testing and CD1 mice were housed ingroups of 20. Different strains and housing conditionswere used in the anxiety tests on the basis of prelimi-nary findings. All animals were maintained under stan-dard laboratory conditions (22–23°C) and kept on a12:12 h light–dark cycle with light onset at 07:00 h.Rats used in the punished lever pressing and drugdiscrimination procedures were restricted to the foodobtained during sessions and a daily ration of 15–20 gof standard laboratory chow given at the end of eachweekday and over the weekend.

2.2. Drugs

The drugs used were diazepam, flumazenil, zolpidem,6-bromoflavone, 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone (synthesizedby the Medicinal Chemistry Department, SynthelaboRecherche) and isoniazid (Sigma chemicals, St-Louis,USA). [3H]Flumazenil was purchased from NEN LifeScience Products (Paris, France). Diazepam, flumazenil,zolpidem and isoniazid were prepared as suspensions inphysiological saline containing Tween 80 (0.1%), andthe synthetic flavonoids were suspended in physiologi-cal saline containing Tween 80 (0.1%) and DMSO.

G. Griebel et al. / Neuropharmacology 38 (1999) 965–977 967

Vehicle controls contained Tween 80 (0.1%) in the caseof diazepam, flumazenil, zolpidem and isoniazid, andTween 80 (0.1%) and DMSO in the case of the syn-thetic flavonoids. The drugs were injected intraperi-toneally in a volume of 2 ml/kg (rats) or 20 ml/kg(mice). All doses are expressed as the bases and werechosen on the basis of previous results with thesecompounds in behavioral studies (Marder et al., 1995;Griebel et al., 1996b; Wolfman et al., 1996; Medina etal., 1997; Viola et al., 1997).

2.3. In 6itro binding to different BZ-v receptorsubtypes

Inhibition of [3H]flumazenil binding to native BZ-vreceptor subtypes in vitro was studied as described bySchoemaker et al. (1997). Briefly, the cerebellum, spinalcord or hippocampus of rats were homogenized in 50mM Tris–HCl buffer (pH 7.4) containing 120 mMNaCl and 5 mM KCl. The binding of [3H]flumazenil (1nM; specific activity 70–87 Ci/mmol) to the v1 receptorwas studied in membranes from the rat cerebellum, aregion enriched in this receptor subtype (Braestrup andNielsen, 1980), using a 45 min incubation at 0–4°C and1 mM diazepam to define nonspecific binding.[3H]Flumazenil binding to the v2 receptor was studiedusing membranes from the rat spinal cord, where amajority of the expressed v receptors appears to be ofthe v2 subtype (Ruano et al., 1992), under otherwiseidentical conditions. The native v5 receptor was studiedusing [3H]flumazenil binding to membranes from therat hippocampus in the presence of 5 mM zolpidem inorder to mask the v1 and v2 receptor subtypes (Tanand Schoemaker, 1994), under otherwise identical con-ditions except for the use of 1 mM flunitrazepam todefine nonspecific binding. Following incubation, mem-branes were recovered by vacuum filtration over What-man GF/B filters, washed and the amount ofradioactivity retained on the filter was quantified byliquid scintillation spectrometry. Data are presented asthe compound concentration required to inhibit 50% ofspecific radioligand binding (IC50).

2.4. Isoniazid-induced con6ulsions

Isoniazid (800 mg/kg, s.c.) was administered simulta-neously with the test drugs. The anticonvulsant effectwas assessed by measuring the latency to the appear-ance of the first clonic convulsion. Data were analyzedusing one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s t-test.

2.5. Punished le6er pressing

The procedure was a modification of that describedpreviously (Sanger et al., 1985). Animals were tested instandard rat operant test chambers (MED Associates,

Inc., Georgia) placed in sound-attenuated boxes withventilation fans. Each chamber was fitted with a stain-less steel grid floor. Electric shocks could be deliveredto each grid by a shock generator and scrambler (MEDAssociates, Inc.). A total of 11 rats were trained ini-tially to press a lever for food reward (45 mg precisionfood pellets, PJ Noyes, Inc., Lancaster). As trainingprogressed, schedule parameters were graduallychanged to a variable interval (VI 30 s) schedule offood reinforcement during daily 15 min sessions. Afterseveral sessions of VI 30 s responding, five 60 s periodsof a visual stimulus were presented during a 25 minsession. Each visual stimulus consisted of three stimuluslights situated above the food pellet dispenser and tothe right of the response lever, which flashed at a rateof 1 s on, 1 s off. In this component, a footshockpunishment schedule consisting of two independent VIschedules (VI 30 s for food, VI 10 s for shock) was inoperation. Footshock was initially set at 0.1 mA. Thefirst stimulus presentation started 5 min after the begin-ning of the session, and each following stimulus com-menced 150 s after the end of the preceding stimulus.The magnitude of footshock was individually titratedfor each rat (shock levels ranged from 0.3 to 0.65 mA)to obtain stable baselines of responding (i.e. an averagelever pressing rate of 892 presses in each 60 s pun-ished responding period). To obtain stable levels ofresponding, an average of approximately 30 sessionsafter initiation of the punishment contingency was nec-essary. Once stable baselines of responding were ob-tained, drug studies were initiated.

Drug injections were given once or twice each weekwith at least two nondrug days intervening between twodrug administrations. The vehicle was injected on allnondrug days. Drugs and doses were given in a mixedorder. The effects of drugs were assessed on punishedand unpunished responses rates. The former corre-sponds to those recorded during the presentation of thevisual stimulus, whereas the latter were taken from the60 s periods immediately preceding and immediatelyfollowing each stimulus presentation. The mean valuesof punished and unpunished rates recorded during thenondrug session preceding the drug injection sessionswere used as the control values. Thus, drug effects wereanalyzed statistically by comparing performances afterdrug administration with the mean values taken fromappropriate control sessions using Friedman’sANOVA.

2.6. Punished drinking

The procedure was a modification of the techniquedescribed by Vogel et al. (1971). At the beginning of theexperiment, rats, deprived of water for 48 h prior totesting, were placed individually in cages (27×22×21cm) with a stainless steel grid floor. Each cage con-

G. Griebel et al. / Neuropharmacology 38 (1999) 965–977968

tained a drinking tube connected to an external 50 mlburet filled with tap water. Trials were started onlyafter the animal’s tongue entered in contact with thedrinking tube for the first time. An electric shock (0.06mA) was delivered to the tongue after every twentylicks. The number of shocks was recorded automati-cally during a 3-min period. Data were analyzed withone-way ANOVA. Subsequent comparisons betweentreatment groups and control were carried out usingDunnett’s t-test.

2.7. Ele6ated plus-maze

The test apparatus was based on that described byPellow et al. (1985). All parts of the apparatus weremade of dark polyvinylplastic with a black rubberfloor. The maze was elevated to a height of 50 cmwith two open (50×10 cm) and two enclosed arms(50×10×50 cm), arranged so that the arms of thesame type were opposite each other, connected by anopen central area (10×10 cm). To prevent rats fallingoff, a rim of Plexiglas (1 cm high) surrounded theperimeter of the open arms. The illumination in theexperimental room consisted of one red neon tubefixed on the ceiling, so that experiments were per-formed under dim light conditions. The light intensityon the central platform was 10 lux. At the beginningof the experiment, a rat was placed in the center ofthe maze, facing one of the enclosed arms, and ob-served for 4 min. The apparatus was equipped withinfrared beams and sensors capable of measuring: timespent in the open arms; the number of open-arm en-tries; and the number of closed-arm entries (defined asentry of all four limbs into an arm of the maze). Inaddition, rats were observed via video-link by an ob-server located in an adjacent room. This permitted therecording of a more ethologically-orientated measure,i.e. attempt at entry into open arms followed byavoidance responses. This includes stretched attendposture (the rat stretches forward and retracts to origi-nal position). The results were expressed as mean ratioof time spent in open arms to total time spent in bothopen and closed arms, mean ratio of entries into openarms to total entries into both open and closed arms,mean total number of both closed and open arm en-tries and mean total number of attempts. Data wereanalyzed by one-way ANOVA. Subsequent compari-sons between treatment groups and control were car-ried out using Dunnett’s t-test.

2.8. Light/dark test

This model of anxiety was based on that describedby Misslin et al. (1989) and consists of twopolyvinylchloride boxes (20×20×14 cm) coveredwith plexiglas. One of these boxes was darkened. A

neon tube fixed on the ceiling provided the room illu-mination so that the light intensity in the center of theilluminated box was 150 lux. An opaque plastic tunnel(5×7×10 cm) separated the dark box from the illu-minated one. Recording started immediately after theintroduction of the animal in the apparatus. At thebeginning of the experiment, a mouse was placed inthe illuminated box, facing the tunnel. The apparatuswas equipped with infrared beams and sensors capableof recording the following two parameters during a4-min period: (a) time spent by mice in the lit boxand; (b) total number of tunnel crossings. Data wereanalyzed by the nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test.Subsequent comparisons between treatment groupsand control were carried out using the Siegal andCastellan test.

2.9. Mouse defense test battery (MDTB)

The test was conducted in an oval runway, 0.40 mwide, 0.30 m high, and 4.4 m in total length, consist-ing of two 2 m straight segments joined by two 0.4 mcurved segments and separated by a median wall(2.0×0.30×0.06). The apparatus was elevated to aheight of 0.80 m from the floor to enable the experi-menter to easily hold the rat, while minimizing themouse’s visual contact with him. All parts of the ap-paratus were made of black Plexiglas. The floor wasmarked every 20 cm to facilitate distance measure-ment. Activity was recorded with video camerasmounted above the apparatus. The room illuminationwas provided by one red neon tube fixed on the ceilingand two desk lamps with red bulbs placed on twotables (elevated to a height of 1 m) located 1 m awayfrom the runway. The light intensity in the runwaywas 7 lux. Experiments were performed under redlight between 09:30 h and 15:00 h. The experimenterwas unaware of the drug treatment.

2.9.1. Effects on spontaneous locomotor acti6ity: thepre-test

A subject was placed into the runway for a 3-minfamiliarization period during which line crossings wererecorded.

2.9.2. Effects on flight responses: the rat a6oidance testImmediately after the 3-min familiarization period, a

hand-held dead rat (killed by CO2 inhalation) wasintroduced into the runway and brought up to thesubject at a speed of approximately 0.5 m/s. Approachwas terminated when contact with the subject wasmade or the subject ran away from the approachingrat. If the subject fled, avoidance distance (the distancefrom the rat to the subject at the point of flight) wasrecorded. This was repeated five times. Mean avoid-ance distance (cm) was calculated for each subject.

G. Griebel et al. / Neuropharmacology 38 (1999) 965–977 969

2.9.3. Effects on risk assessment: the chase and thestraight alley tests

The hand-held rat was brought up to the subject at aspeed of approximately 2.0 m/s. During the chase, thenumber of orientations (subject stops, then orients thehead toward the rat) were recorded. After the chase wascompleted, the runway was then converted to a straightalley by closing a door at one end. During 30 s, thehand-held rat remained at a constant distance of 40 cmfrom the subject and the number of approaches/with-drawals (subject must move more than 0.2 m forwardfrom the closed door, then return to it) were recorded.Both responses are described as risk assessment activi-ties (Griebel et al., 1995).

2.9.4. Effects on defensi6e threat/attack responses: theforced contact test

Finally, the experimenter brought the rat up to con-tact the subject. For each such contact, bites by thesubjects were noted. This was repeated three times. Theresults were expressed as mean number of bites. Datawere analyzed by one-way ANOVA (Line crossings,avoidance distance, orientations, approaches/with-drawals) or the nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test(bites). Subsequent comparisons between treatmentgroups and control were carried out using Dunnett’st-test or the nonparametric Siegal and Castellan test.

2.10. Discriminati6e stimulus properties

Rats were trained to discriminate between a dose of5 mg/kg i.p. of chlordiazepoxide and saline using astandard, two-lever, fixed ratio 10 (FR10), food-re-warded operant procedure. Thus, rats obtained a foodpellet (45 mg) each time they pressed 10 times on theappropriate lever in the 2-lever operant test chamber.Responses on one lever were rewarded in sessionswhich followed chlordiazepoxide injection and re-sponses on the other lever were rewarded during ses-sions following saline injection (see Sanger andZivkovic, 1986, for further details of the procedure).Daily sessions were 15 min in duration. When theanimals had acquired the discrimination, they weregiven substitution tests with a range of doses of chlor-diazepoxide followed by the drugs studied.

The results were recorded as the number of ratschoosing the chlordiazepoxide-associated lever duringthe substitution tests and the number of lever pressesemitted during these tests (expressed as a percentage ofthe number of lever presses following saline injection).Data were analyzed using the probit method ofLitchfield and Wilcoxon in order to calculate the ED50

values. The ED50 discrimination is the dose at which50% of the rats responded on the chlordiazepoxide-as-sociated lever and the ED50 rate is the dose at whichrates of lever pressing were decreased to 50% of those

occurring after saline administration. In addition, theeffects on lever pressing rates were analyzed statisticallyby comparing performances after drug administrationwith the mean values taken from appropriate controlsessions using Friedman’s ANOVA.

3. Results

3.1. In 6itro binding to different BZ-v receptorsubtypes

Table 1 shows a comparison of the potency of di-azepam and the synthetic flavonoids to displace thebinding of [3H]flumazenil from native BZ-v1, BZ-v2

and v5 receptors in cerebellar, spinal cord andhippocampal membranes, respectively. Unlike di-azepam which binds to BZ-v1 and BZ-v2 receptors withsimilar half maximally effective concentrations, 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone shows selectivity for the nativeBZ-v1 receptor. 6-Bromoflavone displays weak affinityfor the native BZ-v1 receptor, whereas it has no de-tectable affinity for the BZ-v2 receptor. 6-Bromo-3’-ni-troflavone, but not 6-bromoflavone displaces, albeitweakly, radioligand binding to the native v5 receptor.

3.2. Isoniazid-induced con6ulsions

Table 2 shows that diazepam [F(5,53)=83.02, PB0.001], but not 6-bromoflavone or 6-bromo-3%-ni-troflavone significantly increased the latencies toisoniazid-induced convulsions. Post-hoc analysis re-vealed that the latencies to convulsions were signifi-cantly increased by diazepam from 1 mg/kg.

3.3. Punished le6er pressing

Fig. 1 shows that the rates of lever pressing sup-pressed by punishment were significantly increased bydiazepam (x2=20.75, PB0.001), but not by 6-bro-

Table 1Effects of diazepam and two synthetic flavonoids on the binding of[3H]flumazenil to the native BZ-v1 receptor in the cerebellum, thenative BZ-v2 receptor in the spinal cord and the native v5 receptor inthe hippocampus, studied in the presence of 5mM zolpidem, in orderto mask the BZ-v1 and BZ-v2 receptorsa

Drug IC50 (nM)

v5BZ-v1 BZ-v2

1992 1292Diazepam 11195970970 \10006-Bromoflavone \1000

6-Bromo-3%-ni- 120923 77092303196troflavone

a Data are presented as the mean9S.E.M. of three experiments.

G. Griebel et al. / Neuropharmacology 38 (1999) 965–977970

Table 2The anticonvulsant effects of diazepam and two synthetic flavonoidsagainst clonic seizures produced in mice by 800 mg/kg, s.c. ofisoniazida

Latency to convulsionsDose (mg/kg,Drug(min)i.p.)

Diazepam 0 22.9491.30.3 28.4591.11 33.5092.1b

3 46.7591.89b

10 59.4092.5b

30 68.1592.4b

06-Bromoflavone 21.2590.81 21.9091.1

17.9590.7310 20.2090.930 19.8590.8

100 19.7090.9

20.1091.l6-Bromo-3’-ni- 0troflavone

1 18.2590.73 19.4590.9

10 18.3590.830 17.6090.7

100 18.9591.2

a Data represent means9S.E.M. n=10.b PB0.05 (Dunnett’s t-test).

Fig. 2. Effects of diazepam and two synthetic flavonoids in thepunished drinking conflict test in rats. The drugs were administeredintraperitoneally 30 min (diazepam) or 20 min (6-bromoflavone and6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone) before testing. Data represent mean9S.E.M. n=12–20, * PB0.05 (Dunnett’s t-test).

4.03, PB0.01; 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone: F(4,95)=2.98,PB0.05]. Post-hoc analysis indicated that diazepam(2.5 and 5 mg/kg), 6-bromoflavone (3 and 10 mg/kg)and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone (0.3 and 1 mg/kg) signifi-cantly increased punished responding. Fig. 3 shows thatpretreatment with the BZ receptor antagonist flumaze-nil (5 mg/kg) had no effect on the anticonflict activityof 6-bromoflavone [F(3,60)=4.74, PB0.01] and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone [F(3,52)=4.51, PB0.01].

3.5. Ele6ated plus-maze

Fig. 4 shows that all drugs significantly modifiedboth the percentage of time spent [diazepam: F(3,30)=2.87, PB0.05; 6-bromoflavone: F(5,64)=2.87, PB

moflavone or by 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone. Diazepamalso significantly increased unpunished responding at2.5 mg/kg (x2=9.3, PB0.05) (data not shown).

3.4. Punished drinking

Fig. 2 shows that all compounds significantly in-creased the number of shocks received [diazepam:F(3,44)=10.38, PB0.001; 6-bromoflavone: F(4,95)=

Fig. 3. Effects of 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone aloneor in combination with flumazenil in the punished drinking conflicttest in rats. The drugs were administered intraperitoneally 20 minbefore testing. Data represent mean9S.E.M. n=13–17, * PB0.05(Dunnett’s t-test).

Fig. 1. Effects of diazepam and two synthetic flavonoids on rates ofpunished lever pressing in rats. The drugs were administered in-traperitoneally 30 min (diazepam) or 20 min (6-bromoflavone and6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone) before testing. Data represent mean9S.E.M. n=8, * PB0.05 (Friedman test).

G. Griebel et al. / Neuropharmacology 38 (1999) 965–977 971

Fig. 4. Effects of diazepam and two synthetic flavonoids on the behavior of rats on the elevated plus-maze. The drugs were administeredintraperitoneally 30 min (diazepam) or 20 min (6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone) before testing. Data represent mean9S.E.M.n=8–12, * PB0.05 (Dunnett’s t-test).

0.05; 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone: F(5,64)=2.68, PB0.05] and the percentage of entries made [diazepam:F(3,30)=4.73, PB0.01; 6-bromoflavone: F(5,64)=2.63, PB0.05; 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone: F(5,64)=2.94, PB0.05] into open arms. Post-hoc analysisindicated that diazepam (2 mg/kg), 6-bromoflavone(10–30 mg/kg) and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone (0.3 and 1mg/kg) significantly increased activity in open arms.With respect to the ethologically-derivated measure,all compounds modified the number of attempts atentry into open arms followed by avoidance responses[diazepam: F(3,30)=2.5, PB0.05; 6-bromoflavone:F(5,64)=14.55, PB0.001; 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone:F(5,64)=4.9, PB0.001]. Post-hoc analysis indicatedthat diazepam (2 mg/kg), 6-bromoflavone (0.3–30mg/kg) and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone (0.3–3 mg/kg)significantly reduced attempts. 6-Bromoflavone[F(5,64)=2.54, PB0.05], but not the other drugs sig-nificantly increased the total number of arm entries at1 and 3 mg/kg. In another experiment, the BZ recep-tor antagonist flumazenil (5 mg/kg) fully reversed theincrease in open arm activity produced by 6-Bro-moflavone (30 mg/kg) [open arm time: F(3,32=2.72,PB0.05; open arm entries: F(3,32)=6.49, PB0.01]and by 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone (0.3 mg/kg) [open armtime: F(3,32)=4.17, PB0.05; open arm entries:F(3,32)=3.59, PB0.05]. Flumazenil also blocked thedecrease in attempts induced by 6-bromoflavone[F(3,32)=10.76, PB0.001], but failed to modify the

effects of 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone [F(3,32)=5.94, PB0.01] on this parameter (Fig. 5).

3.6. Light/dark test

In the diazepam experiment, statistical analysis in-dicated a significant increase in the time spent bymice in the bright area [K=48.76, PB0.001] and thetotal number of tunnel crossings [K=44.64, PB0.001] from 2 mg/kg. Neither synthetic flavonoids sig-nificantly affected these parameters (Fig. 6).

3.7. Mouse defense test battery

3.7.1. Effects on spontaneous locomotor acti6ity: thepre-test

Table 3 shows that prior confrontation with therat, none of the drugs significantly modified the num-ber of line crossings.

3.7.2. Effects on flight responses: the rat a6oidance testThe avoidance distance was significantly modified

by diazepam [F(3,27)=16.1, PB0.001], but not by6-bromoflavone or by 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone. Post-hoc analysis indicated that diazepam (0.5 to 3 mg/kg)significantly reduced avoidance distance.

3.7.3. Effects on risk assessment(a) Chase test: diazepam at 1 and 3 mg/kg

G. Griebel et al. / Neuropharmacology 38 (1999) 965–977972

[F(3,28)=9.4, PB0.001], 6-bromoflavone at 0.3 and 3mg/kg [F(4,45)=3.4, PB0.05] and 6-bromo-3%-ni-troflavone at 0.0001, 0.001 and 1 mg/kg [F(5,54)=4.47,PB0.01] significantly decreased the number of orienta-tions.

(b) Straight alley test: diazepam [F(3,28)=4.63, PB0.05], but not 6-bromoflavone or 6-bromo-3%-ni-troflavone significantly increased the number ofapproaches followed by withdrawal responses.

3.7.4. Effects on defensi6e threat/attack responses theforced contact test

Diazepam at 1 and 3 mg/kg [K=21.83, PB0.001],6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone at all doses except 0.01 mg/kg[K=11.4, PB0.05], but not 6-bromoflavone decreasedsignificantly the number of bitings.

3.8. Discriminati6e stimulus properties

The effects of diazepam, 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone in rats trained to discriminate adose of 5 mg/kg of chlordiazepoxide from saline areshown in Table 4. The results are shown as the percent-age of rats responding on the chlordiazepoxide-associ-ated lever and the rates of lever pressing as a percentageof the rates obtained on saline days. Diazepam, but notthe other drugs substituted for chlordiazepoxide. Com-plete substitution was reached by diazepam at 3 and 10

mg/kg (ED50=2.2 mg/kg). At the doses tested, none ofthe drugs significantly modified response rates.

4. Discussion

The aim of the present study was to compare thecentral BZ-v binding characteristics and pharmacologi-cal profiles of 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-ni-troflavone, two synthetic flavonoids, with that ofdiazepam.

The in vitro binding assays showed that 6-bro-moflavone displaced only weakly [3H]flumazenil bind-ing to GABAA receptor in membranes from ratcerebellum, a brain area enriched in the BZ-v1 receptorsubtype, whereas it had no detectable affinity forGABAA sites endowed with the BZ-v2 and v5 receptorsubtypes, respectively. In contrast, 6-bromo-3%-ni-troflavone displayed high and moderate affinities forthe BZ-v1 and BZ-v2 receptor subtypes, respectively,while it displaced [3H]flumazenil that was only bindingweakly to the v5 receptor subtype in membranes fromrat hippocampus. Although previous studies using radi-oligand displacement of [3H]flunitrazepam binding tosynaptosomal membranes from different regions of thebovine or rat central nervous system indicated morepotent displacement by both synthetic flavonoids, thepresent results confirm that these compounds show

Fig. 5. Effects of 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone alone or in combination with flumazenil on the behavior of rats on the elevatedplus-maze. The drugs were administered intraperitoneally 20 min before testing. Data represent mean9S.E.M. n=8–10, * PB0.05 (Dunnett’st-test).

G. Griebel et al. / Neuropharmacology 38 (1999) 965–977 973

Fig. 6. Effects of diazepam and two synthetic flavonoids on the behavior of mice in the light/dark test. The drugs were administeredintraperitoneally 30 min (diazepam) or 20 min (6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone) before testing. Data represent mean9S.E.M.n=12–16, * PB0.05 (Siegal and Castellan test).

selectivity for the BZ-v1 relative to the BZ-v2 receptorsubtype (Marder et al., 1996; Viola et al., 1997).

The in vivo experiments showed that diazepam, butnot the synthetic flavonoids increased the latency toclonic seizures produced by isoniazid. Isoniazid inhibitsglutamic acid decarboxylase, the enzyme that catalyzesthe synthesis of GABA from glutamic acid, therebyreducing the neuronal stores of GABA available fornerve impulse-mediated release of this transmitter(Loscher and Frey, 1977). The maximal delay in onsetof isoniazid-induced seizures produced by a test com-pound may therefore be taken as an index of increasedGABAergic function. It has been proposed as an invivo measure of the intrinsic activity of BZ-v receptorligands at GABAA receptors (Mao et al., 1975). Thepresent results suggest that neither 6-bromoflavone nor6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone displayed detectable intrinsicactivity at GABAA receptors. Although no study hasyet investigated the anticonvulsant properties of thesetwo synthetic flavonoids, it is noteworthy that previousfindings with 6,3’-dinitroflavone, a compound which isstructurally related to the flavonoids tested in thisstudy, showed that the drug had no anticonvulsantactivity against pentylenetetrazole in mice (Wolfman etal., 1996).

In the punished lever pressing conflict test in ratsneither 6-bromoflavone nor 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavonemodified rates of punished responding, whereas in thepunished drinking test both synthetic flavonoids pro-

duced anticonflict activity. However, it is important tonote that the increase in punished responding with6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone wassmaller than that produced by diazepam, indicating aweaker anxiolytic-like activity. It is unlikely that thepositive effects of 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone in the pun-ished drinking test are due to decreased sensitivity toelectric shocks since the drug was reported to be inac-tive in the tail-flick analgesia test (Wolfman et al.,1998). The reason why the two conflict proceduresyielded different behavioral profiles with these syntheticflavonoids is unclear, but it is noteworthy that previousfindings with these tests showed that while non-selectiveBZ-v receptor agonists are active in both situations,selective BZ-v1 receptor ligands generally produced an-ticonflict activity in the punished drinking model only(Sanger, 1995; Griebel et al., 1998a,b). Results from thepresent study thus confirm that BZ-v1-selective com-pounds have limited efficacy in conflict tests. Alterna-tively, the discrepancy between the two conflict testsmay be explained by the fact that both models measuredifferent facets or levels of anxiety. One can assumethat the level of stress in the punished drinking test ishigher than in the punished lever pressing procedure. Inthe former, the experimental situation was novel to therats and they had never received electric shocks beforetesting. In contrast, in the lever pressing test, rats weretrained for several months in the same cage and hadalready experienced electric shocks before drug testing.

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Surprisingly, the non-selective BZ-v receptor antago-nist flumazenil failed to block the anticonflict activity ofboth synthetic flavonoids in the punished drinking test,thereby suggesting that these effects may not be medi-ated via an action at central BZ-v receptors. However,these compounds have been described as selective BZ-vreceptor ligands since they did not displace the bindingof specific radioligands to a1 and b-adrenergic, mus-carinic, cholinergic, GABAA or 5-HT1A receptors(Medina et al., 1997). It must be noted that in theexperiment with 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone, a tendency toan increase in punished responding was observed whenflumazenil was administered alone. Moreover, whencoadministered with 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone, flumaze-nil tended to potentiate the positive effects of thesynthetic flavonoid. Although flumazenil is generallyinactive in anxiety tests, there is some evidence that itmay exert certain actions of its own (anxiogenic- oranxiolytic-like) (Lal and Harris, 1985; Pellow and File,1985; Hodges and Green, 1987; Urbancic et al., 1990;Kapczinski et al., 1994; Griebel et al., 1995; Pokk andZharkovsky, 1997), or may unmask other drug effectswhen given in combination with BZs (Barrett et al.,1985), depending on the level of stress and/or the modelused. It is thus conceivable that flumazenil failed tocounter the anticonflict effects of the syntheticflavonoids because it did not behave as a neutral ligandin this situation.

In the elevated plus-maze exploration test in rats,6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone showedanxiolytic-like activity on all behavioral measures.

Thus, on traditional behavioral indices, they increasedpercentage of time spent in open arms and percentageof open arm entries. Regarding the ethologicallyderived measure, they markedly decreased attempts.This latter effect indicates that animals treated with thesynthetic flavonoids showed a reduced reluctance toleave relatively safe areas of the maze, a behavioralpattern that strengthens the conclusion of an anxiolytic-like action based upon the traditional index of anxiety.Furthermore, the positive effects produced by 6-bro-moflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone in the elevatedplus-maze were of similar magnitude to those of di-azepam, indicating a clear anxiolytic-like activity. TheBZ-v receptor antagonist flumazenil, which was inac-tive on its own, completely blocked the anxiolytic-likeeffects of 6-bromoflavone. While flumazenil antago-nized the increase in open arm activity produced by6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone, it failed to counter the effectson attempts.

Although 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-ni-troflavone were tested over a wide dose-range, no evi-dence for anxiolytic-like activity was observed in themouse light/dark exploration test. In contrast, the posi-tive control diazepam markedly increased the timespent in the lit box and the number of tunnel crossings,measures of anxiolytic-like action in this test (Misslin etal., 1989). The contrasting behavioral profiles displayedby the synthetic flavonoids in the two exploration mod-els used in this study are somewhat unexpected, butmay be explained by the use of different species. How-ever, 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone were

Table 3Effects of diazepam and two synthetic flavonoids on several behavioral responses displayed by Swiss mice before (line crossings) and during(avoidance distance, approaches-withdrawals, orientations, bitings) exposure to a Long Evans rat in the mouse defense test batterya

Orientations BitingsApproachesAvoidance distance (cm)Line crossingsDrug Dose (mg/kg,i.p.) –withdrawals

0 127.699.6 160.697.3 0.090.0 9.691.9Diazepam 2.390.30.5 138.6916.1 126.4912.5b 0.390.2 5.991.5 1.890.2

0.890.2b91.498.9b139.5922.01 2.390.6b0.890.33 95.1913.7 76.097.7b 1.690.6b 1.390.4b 0.190.1b

0.290.16-Bromoflavone 8.390.60 2.190.2133.098.9 145.4911.90.590.2 6.391.20.1 1.190.3114.4913.0 126.2910.8

1.590.24.990.6b0.890.2160.196.7126.5914.70.31 92.0911.6 0.790.4 5.690.9 1.290.398.899.63 111.1910.8 127.2910.5 0.890.3 4.190.9b 1.390.3

2.390.20 105.7910.36-Bromo-3’-ni- 142.298.2 0.290.1 5.791.0troflavone

114.596.3 126.899.6 1.490.4 3.990.6b 0.990.3b0.00010.001 103.099.2 137.397.7 0.990.3 2.890.6b 1.490.3b

0.590.2134.698.5107.3910.00.01 1.790.31.990.3b

0.1 92.498.0 1.190.3b111.3911.9 129.294.6115.999.2 1.190.3 2.490.5b 1.690.2b

a The drugs were administered intraperitoneally 30 (diazepam) or 20 (6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone) min before testing. Datarepresent mean9S.E.M. n=8–11.

b PB0.05 (Dunnett’s t-test).

G. Griebel et al. / Neuropharmacology 38 (1999) 965–977 975

Table 4Discrimination stimulus properties of diazepam and two synthetic flavonoidsa

Control rate (%)Generalization (%)Drug Dose(mg/kg, i.p.)

25 118Diazepam 12 71 108

1003 1096710010

1 0 1026-Bromoflavone3 0 101

0 971096030

0.1 0 986-Bromo-3’-nitroflavone0.3 0 95

103010 923

a Drugs were tested in rats trained to discriminate between chlordiazepoxide and saline. The left column shows the percentage of rats choosingthe drug-associated lever and the right column shows the total number of lever presses expressed as percentages of control. The drugs wereadministered intraperitoneally 30 min (diazepam) or 20 min (6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3’-nitroflavone) before testing. n=8.

found to display anxiolytic-like activity in the murineelevated plus-maze (Marder et al., 1996; Viola et al.,1997), indicating that mice are suitable for investigat-ing the behavioral effects of these flavonoids. Alterna-tively, these differences may be due to the fact thatthe two models assess different aspects of anxiety re-sponses, some of which may not be modified by 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone. Indeed, aprevious factor analytic study performed on the vari-ables from the elevated plus-maze and the light/darktests showed that the former loaded on a factor re-lated to exploration criteria, whereas the latter loadedon a factor related to neophobia (Belzung and LePape, 1994).

The MDTB is an experimental procedure designedfor screening anxiety-modulating agents in mice. Itelicits and measures reactions to a present threat (i.e.a rat). In this model, Swiss mice show an extremelyprecise delineation of defensive behaviors includingflight, risk assessment and defensive attack, with eachbehavior controlled by specifiable characteristics ofthe threat stimulus and situation. Extensive pharma-cological investigations have demonstrated that theMDTB is a useful tool for evaluating potential anxi-olytics (Griebel et al., 1996a; Blanchard et al., 1997,1998). The present results showed that unlike di-azepam which markedly modified all defensive behav-iors, 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavoneeither did not modify defense responses or producedweak and inconsistent effects, depending on the situa-tion. Thus, while both synthetic flavonoids failed toproduce significant effects on flight reactions (avoid-ance distance) after the rat was first introduced intothe runway and risk assessment responses displayedwhen subjects were constrained in one part of therunway (approaches followed by withdrawals), they

decreased, albeit non dose-dependently, risk assess-ment during the chase test (orientations). Further-more, 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone, but not6-bromoflavone significantly decreased defensive at-tack behavior (bitings) upon forced contact with therat at all but the 0.01 mg/kg dose. Taken together,these results indicate that the synthetic flavonoidsstudied produced only modest anxiolytic-like activityas compared to diazepam.

In the drug discrimination experiment, 6-bro-moflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone did not substi-tute for chlordiazepoxide up to 30 and 3 mg/kg,respectively. It is possible that this result may be re-lated to the selectivity of these drugs for the BZ-v1

receptor subtype. However, previous findings showedthat although the discriminative stimulus effects ofselective BZ-v1 receptor ligands (e.g. zolpidem) differfrom those produced by BZs, they produce at leastsome levels of responding on the chlordiazepoxide-as-sociated level (Sanger, 1988; Sanger and Zivkovic,1994).

In summary, the results of the present series ofexperiments failed to demonstrate that the syntheticflavonoids 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-ni-troflavone possess anxiolytic-like properties similar orsuperior to that of the BZ diazepam, as was sug-gested previously. Although flumazenil antagonizedthe anxiolytic-like effects of these flavonoids in theelevated plus-maze, the findings of a weak affinity of6-bromoflavone for BZ-v receptors, together with thelack of anticonvulsant activity, the failure of flumaze-nil to antagonize the anticonflict activity of both syn-thetic flavonoids and the complete lack ofsubstitution of these compounds for the stimulus pro-duced by chlordiazepoxide, question the contributionof BZ-v receptors in the behavioral effects of 6-bro-moflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone.

G. Griebel et al. / Neuropharmacology 38 (1999) 965–977976


We thank Dr M. Marder and Dr A.C. Paladini(IQUIFIB, Argentina) for the generous gift of samplesof 6-bromoflavone and 6-bromo-3%-nitroflavone. Theskilled technical assistance of Carmen Aliaga, MicheleLe Pichon, Monique Lhermitte and Anne-Marie Pois-son is gratefully acknowledged. The partial automationof the runway cage, the punished drinking and thelight/dark tests was carried out by Bernard Kleinberg.


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