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pi' ^ "ilP'Bfllf' 8

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Births, Marriagesand Deaths


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CANTWELL and BRADY—February llfh,1935, at St. iPaul's, Arran Quay Dublinwith Nuptial Mass) by Rev/J.Q'Reilly,-C.CV Caving assisted byJRev. P. Heerqr,C.S-Sp. , St. Mary's, Rathmine*, «su£Rev. M. ' Martin, 'B.D., Edward John,fourth son of Daniel and Mrs. Cantwdi,The Mall> Watexfor<J,| Annie Josephine,eldest daughter "of the late ; AndrewBrady and : Mrs. Brady, , 100 Phiber*borough Rqad; Dublin, No: cords, i .

if DEATHS. ;; ' ' : ¦

GRIFFIN—At Carricfcpriilip, on 1 January27tb, 1920, second eldije* daughter ofjtlie ,late Richard and Mary Griffin—R.LP.

RTCHA^DS^At 4 . Cattiedral

Square,;.enFebruary 12th, 1920, Frank W. Richards.Remains will bo removed! to the CTa2»«>-dral th if , eyqnincr (Friday) at 8 o'clock.Foneral at' 2.30 on Saturday to Kilma-ctmy-'Rl.?,\ . ¦

I ¦ ¦ i

T! :!


j . . . . INSURANCES of , "' all classes on best terma.

; .TO BE ;UET. . ;"SARATOGA ," WOODSTOWN : (I miles

; from . . Waterford).—Furnished house,newly renovated , to Let from let Sep-tember (by j month or otherwise). Twositting, six bedrooms, motor house.Beautiful Tneighbourhood, ' ideal for

holida y*. I ¦ ¦ ! : : I

EXCELLENT BUILDING SITES inWaterford .and . Tramoro. .

j WANTED. - ¦ ; ¦

WANTED TO RENT; a GOOD HOUSEin Whierfard or Suburbs, containing 2 or3 sitting-rooms, 5 or 6 bedrooms; excel-lent tenant. ? . . ; : , . jCash1 received on deposit at 3, per cent.

repayableRpractically) on demand.Coupons and American Money Cached.

12, Gladstone St., WaterfbrdI I ;





- ._Directc»rai=r ::i. ,'JOHK MOONEY. C.V.O.. D.L, Chauman .LAURENCE W. MARTIN, Esq .PHILIP H. GRIERSON Esq. ;JOHN SINCLAIR. Efq. (BeliasO.

Low Rates] of Premium and Promptand Liberal Settlement of Claim*.

The position, of the Company Ja AmplySecured (Independent of Capital.

Proposal Fof ma and all ™/o™»*«« 9°application io Company 's A^°lV™IV. COOTE, Manager and Secretary.



| ! CATTLE. Eto. :


J i l l »___«__ *

HJ?%J/ for u *J>npHlNK of what this means at a timeA ! when eggtf are 6s. a dozen. For the

price pf a single egg you can obtain thesame result 'as Mra. <M»s«nnityf of Fa/ug-hard j /Who wrot e to .the proprietors as fol-lows:—"My hens were not lay ing. A 7Jd.packet j of Ovelle Spice from you madethem lay, two dozen a we?k during No-Tember 1 and ' December." 7$d., lsj 3d.,£ fiS'Vs and 10s packets, i SHUK will?ua?d'your hens frorn chole 'ra. There toSortinf Hk» it. Is 3d. and a,, packet,Postage Gd. extra all ; size*- •

A«6DW— iWaterford : H. Bell , R. Pool*•adfSnirteo. White and Sons. IL Par-ker •' W J. Jones.


' '¦ i :


¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

. '



/T1HE Finance Committee oMho CountyTcouncil of WattrfordI wil . at. Ugir .Meeting to be held on the 14th fcbBKlJ-ARY 1920 appoint Temporary. Clerks for

^SJSSAR^KVSSwing Ale o -remu n^pn .-."K^ySb Valualioi . Lista ; into Rote¦ ftntffsa&i *, p.*VS!8&>: w Bboks ^

r ! Clerk 9 of

tsar-S'Sff^ -^pIottinplMvariou^R^: j t latcr*K^tLnof />na in he rece''"-v .;.. -m.v:

ilSfiljtoiw ^ry'i, O^ce.Junsanran,


A L L Kind* ol Gramophono r > JUTO oae- I t icutod at our; W&rcnouM xfOKitrd'a, I *pQw. Waterford. *\

AN old-faded photograph, but perhaps —the only/ one; RPU have of some dear i

one. . Brina it to uit to bo copiod or en- lilarired. •. W« make a BpocdalT^r of this daclass of work an(J get wonderful result*.A. H.^pQOl^ttnd

Co.. Photoatraphora, 34, fTMall, Waterford ! . ; XJ ; ' ¦ ¦' "

. : • r, ;th iALL PhyeicianB* and Surgoons' pre- ya

ecriptiona compounded at George paWhite and 80ns; Ltd., O'Connoll Blreet, ; PoWaterford. : I • . i ; 24.

BRASS TopB, )Bottling 8ypnon8, Cork-ing- Machines, Corka, and complete

installation for bottling: All kinds of re-pairs and' general machine work under-taken. Jamea' |Fox ' and 'Co., CovertWorks, Drury- Street, Dublin. i•pARTING of; all description done ] by\U piece-work or on hire. T. McUralh ,82 Lower Yellow iRoad. ; [ ¦. \ .

rtTOWARD'S Gramophones (or HomeJ.JL entertainment. . The only Gramo-phone houce.—HnWARD'8, Quay. Water-ford. ¦ . . : ¦

OUR Photographs are more than' goodphotographs. They | are true portraits,

bringing out all that's best in characterand individualit j. Our copies and en-largements, too, [Bhow that Bamo skilledattention to detail that costs you no more,yet makes all thd difference.. A. H. Pooleand Co., Photogfaphere, 34, Mall, Water-ford. ¦ I ¦ " ; • ¦ ' !"DIGS (killed)4-Quotation ' ¦tequired for-t good supply, 'loaded ' F:O.B. WaterfordDock. Irish aj id Continental TradingCo.. Ltd.. 33 Tho Mall .' Waterford . i

PIGS fatten quioily when they getOvelle Worm and Condition Powders.

Seven for eixpence, sixteen for one ehill-tng. All chemists. '

. > ' » i. J* .\ **.• *j ? t t iKiUi'.Li .iv H" •O«»i>nk *.% th* Grttmi>pho u« H*nie<r .

Jioward't , Qutj, City . , I

j ( \l ' \( '\ "H18 MAoXER '3 VOxCE,'-£i\J \J \J and Zonophone RocordB in• w.ck.—UOWARD'8, Waterford.


pARTRIDGESJ Cartridgeer can now be\J obtained by bring ing the necesearypermits to Joseph Kflox , IronmonKor ,Waterforh. : J '

T7WR Sale, Two Large Plu,?h CarpeteX; Dining Room and DrawuiR Room).Apply by letter to No 331, this office.

FOR Sale Stanley Range, second-hand ;good order; cheap. Apply, No . 330,

'.his office. • :

FOR Sa!e, a Small Milk Float and Fast-Harness Popy, 11.2. Apply, Phelan

Bros., Auct 'oneerfi , City . ¦ . •

FOR Sale, Best Cabbage Plants, la. 6d.100. M. Norris, Yellow Road. ! :

TTpTONS" of 'H ay Tor "Sale. "Apply, No'.1U33C, this offioo.

' LD WATERFORD CUT GLASB For'_/ Sato. Some fine specimens now on.<w at Poole a Stortn , 134, Quay, Wator-V1J : , ! .

STRIPPER Cow (milking), five ; yearsold , for sale,1 near Waterford. App ly,

326, this office. ;


I Buy and 8ell Aotiques, Becond-hand

Furniture , j Feather Beds, Hair Mat-•re*«es. Highest prices paid. J. Lovi . 66iohn Street , Waierford

• ¦ 1 .

OATS WANTED—We want Oats (Blac kand White) ! and good Malting Bar-

leys. Please &end samples and naundyour price . Wm.. McEvoy , Ltd., Mount-mellick. !

SUPPORT a M Purely Irish Finn b7Belling for Prompt Cash Rng« ,

«eiali. Bags. Paper , Horse Hair . oto.. toCocka. Central ; Motal Store*. Conduil

. .tn«. : - ¦ !

mYPEWRITEP, required . Must be inX first-clasr; o.indition. State au e.andN'o. of mach ine to 1 risH and Continen talTrading Co., LUl., 33. The Mall , Water-ford. ;


A l.L Classes of Plumbing, GaBfltting,ii -tc, donoi at Moderate Prioes byMurphy, Exfliafage Street. All work.-iiaranteed . Pe/sonal auperv iflion on all

'"IJLU MBING , Gas-Fitting, SanitaryJL Work , oud : General Repairs ' SatiB-.^ctioh GuarRnte d. Power, Plurab«r,

:-ii >ut*t »u(^ Colbeck Stroel . ; .

HOUCEHOLD ncquiatTao.

A' PEKlWIi— the upii-cb QHlipfttitiK H.uiu -

me and Irot i Touic. Uottlei U4 AIJUil/6. Quinine and Phosphorus Tablew icynte nerves, »Jd . G. Wliite and Soui ,jyimited. | ¦ ' ¦

A GOOD LIGHT is a Luxury. The bed t

Lamp Oils at Bells. Delivered iuiound tinB and I casks. Town delivery, 1-noon. 3 and C p.m. dailyj 62 Quay. .

A CID1NE—Tne Great Cough Cure. Forixx the immediate relief of Coughs, Bron- |cbitiB . Hoarsnesi, .Difhculty of Breathing,)Huskinesa in the Throat 1 and Loss of ,Voice. 3s. perl bottle. Smaller size, la.Jd. At Bell's, G2 and B9. Quay.

A DANGER Avoided by using a few

drops of " Anti-Flu" on the hand-kerchief , . Tho great Germ Killer andDisinfectant. ! In bottles, 2s. 6d.; 6mallerefre, 1B . 6d. H, Bell and BelJ Broi., Che-mists, Quay, Waterlord.

NTI-RAT CAMPAIGN.—The provtdand mort «ffectivo means of exter-j

minatirig Rat , {s RODINE RAT POISON.The right weapon for the Rat W&r- Safe ,1sure, speedy. 71d.,' 1/3/ 2/6, 6/- ; post, 3d.Harley. Cheniiat , Perth . Local Agents :—H. Bell. Chemist . (52 Quay, Waterford ; J.!Tyrie Turner , Chemist , Carrick-on-Suir. j

pATTLE MEDICINES and all approved\J remedies for Horses, Cattle and Sheepstocked at the jMedical ¦ Hall , TramoreJ

fTIHE ^Sugar Shortatre need nob worryX' you". Tt can easily be overcome by;using Bell's Full Strength SaccharinaTablets. 100 Tablets in a box. Is. 3d. 62and 89, Quay. I . : • ; '¦ j

:""T" -;- :-;t ;-- T!r '"it7"DHE value of Picfclrca la much: clo- ^TRAYED from the lands ol

G^acedicu,hanoed by havfia thom Qaitab& M Twc Weanling Calvee. Anyone giving

rkmed. Geurgo Whito's mtiko (a: information leading to recovery!: will 'bejecialitjr of ihis wor t, and nill 'fflad-ll rewarded by j Comelius Lynch, The Glen.ive ffon tha bone^t cf thed? osianaiw ! •—

1 : -r -7,oorenod. . i : . }, : \\TlL.j the Person who. took1 Gent'e

_—: ; L , -- J. • I V V . V<Jour,[Hat at Dinapexs1 ' Dance Ia4t/ W V A UMBRELLAS, newly oovr riight r« turn;3ame to/Caretaker at Town

i vUU ered and repaired in lihna Hall at once.; ' :ajrfc-P.|F. WALSH, Draper. John^BfT -j : | . I r—. — r —



riiHEBE i»! BomethiAj about a Pno o- j j £A. irraph b? Poole— 1 style, a flnligj-r >L ¦ —that you psnnot get iny where elBo.jf^nd |A

CAye i you • pay I no more than wan l tratflo xx Midpay elsewhere tor inf< rior work, '£J H* ApartmPople and Co-, Artisto and Fhoto^Anhm Dly to ISI , Tho Mall.fWaterfoid. / ? : .: ':: TV|r OECRl

V V cure for I poxns, In packata, 7JdK^°« pensiveP<fit froo to ^y jaddr^a. j^Whit? Chemisland Son»| Ltd., Chemistji^ Watorford. :. tj oUerm2J . will purchase i packet of; B ejl's ¦ afeionsiFamous Cough Lozenges. .JThotJaiimis j equirerof packets .sold at the Drug. ' , rHatt,JS2, respondQiiay, and at tho Pharmacy, 9 i QuoJr. i ; Street , !A^THITE'S Family Antibilious' ipi'jl^— .-\»7AN>|V Dircjctions : One or two Pills at1 bed- ]VY <;litiihe. In Icaoes of obstinate Constipatiion,tace a Sf^ulitz Powder the following.ij fprb-in ,». (2d.|each, Is. 9d. per, box 'ofc. '. wiedc zen.) ^hite's Fami y Antibilious-Kills(sugar-coated) are sold, in bdxes; 6d;'«n dle each.] ." :-\ 'f - "¦; :?•) ; ¦

WHITE'S Little iiver Pills.—TheaePill^ are purely [Veeetabl6 and;will

be found invaluable fcr Headaches,- .Con-st pation , I Biliousness and Liver I: •Dis-orders. Tliey are i id:cated I wheijps;;<igentle laxative is reqi ired, and aieiwofycdnvenient on account of their ^mall;size.Dbse. two to four when required. ' Phialscolntainirig 40 Pills, 9d| | : - i-MTt\R. Blj AUD'ScIron Pills; be'ar a;H?f illJi/carnfid reputation as an j Excelj entTonic for] Ladies. ' In caeca of Anbaniath ey -are invaluable , li rnisliing[ the bjobdwith iron {in a form ii which j it may boeasily assimilated , aruT curing. Languor ,N mralgiai , Pallor , etc. Bottles [Of 12 dto ,l.v <kl, I Geo. White and Soiifi ^ :Lto*.,0 Connell! strtet , Waterford. j ] \

I HOUSED &c.fln O LET—Unfurnkhed , up-t-oidate Biui-JL palow (Lisduggan ^odge) otandinc -bni t-s own ground), within one mile of *Ya-terford (,'i'ty, including therein a Pleasureground , 'JLennis Lawn , Garden ,]Yard andOpt-offlces. Electric 1 ight throiigliout" j illbuildings fro m , private plant. City WaterfScipply 111 d sewape. Current yearly rated,£ 1 4i. 4dj . Will accept best offer of rent ,ir writing, from; suita >le tenants by 2fstF ¦bruaryi 1920. App lj for further parti-culars to Owner , M. J. McClanijy,M.K.C.V.S., Waterfoud (who is leaving [orDlublin) . 1 ¦ • I •> - '¦•. I\IXTANTED Storage or Dry Loft or\ V Co^ered-in Yard in Waterford uij iil

Jnno for etoring Furniture, etc. Statelowest tw nio, position] etc. , ito John Mc-Gkirk , 6 <:oal Quay, Cork. . > !WTANTED Small House or. Cottage,VV wvtli Garden oV Small JP16V pre-

ferably J nile from citj but not 'more, thanii. App l y Riving particulare, to No. 342,tl is office . ; I I I ! j , .¦ • — --t"r^rwcunAJNCE. . ; - ' ¦" ¦

T70R ikk, Life jTnsJranco P<ilicy, £200,J. in firb tr-dass company. ; Annual pre-n. ium , £6 Is. lOd , Pj -ivate offer will bereceived, up to 1st; prox. App ly, No. 332,t iia office. : : !" 70K Hale, Life and Endowment PolicyJ. in leiwlinff Assurance Company, £10p iid ; what offers! Apply, . NoJ 341, thw0 lice. I ; 1 ¦

I rvsdTORB, ; CVCL.ES, &C.' 7OR Bdlc, Rud gp Mjj lti-Combination in-- perfect running or^ler; all accessories ;c in be (iden by apjpointnient . App ly, No .3.59, thi.i j office.

LOOT arjD FOUFJD.QTRAYlE D fiom hat Waterford Fair ,>p Palo !Rod Strippe - Cow. Reward- tofinder. E. Hartrey, CaTri ganarde.

J i ^

. : ,_ l ! ¦ _ / .

! cy l S

Pi B\I.OJ 'R Ql ' lTK D 1FFEREX1



\ N D Ii


¦:<"OMKS SCONESm ' I ^U U D I N G ^

rub n.ouitTHE ; RKSUl/1

pi' ^ "ilP' Bfllf 's : 8p/ a. iJ^J J'Tk . M^


^^&m j ; : !; .! . JM§2P ] ¦ ¦ '' WHAT EVER YOU i M A K E . ..IT INTO W$^W± ! ' • ¦: i ' : '^ GOOP- v i : §^

^ I . , OOLB MAHOfAOTUnEnCU I 1 ^^ 1 . ¦ ] JQSEptl I^ANK, Ltd . # 1 1 !'p3 '

¦ '¦ , - ' ! • ¦ ' LIVERPOOL. ' . |i . \ j l£&M


!A CARETAKER wanted' for City Club.•*X Mid i'le^agttd' marrie<J man preferred.Apartments provided on premi&ss. Ap-ply to No/ 340, this office.SECRETARIES, Advertisement Writers,

M Khanical1, Electrical, Motor andArchite< turalj j workers wanted. ' Inex-pensive home1 training for good positions.Chemistry^, 'Marine, Draughtsmanship,Boilenn iking i all • Profeseidnal . Examin-ationsi 200 courses. ' Send stamp, staterequirenenm fulJyt International Cor-respond snee 1 1 Schools , Ltd.; 23, NassauStreet , publ^n.

WANTED /Clean Tidy Girl to take outchildrurl ; little house work . Apply,

ij^o. 834, this j office .

WANTED a Lady Assistant to the Gro-cery and Spirit Trade (outdoor) .

App ly, No. . 335, this office .I

WANTED ^ Respectable Woman asHousekeeper for hoiiee in country ;

must be sober, clean and able to cook ;no farm work -, must have good references.Apply ; No. 287. this officei¦\TTTANTED IGirl , about llC or 17 yearsVV old to do light houis work. Apply,

338, this office.

WANTED Experienced General Servantfor city,; good wages; no washing ;

help kept. Apply .to 332, this office.

WANTED:!Serva'nt able to milk cow ,good references. Apjply to No. 333(

thia office, j

WANTED |a Young Girl , age about 16,to can; and be foil d of children.

Apply, with Taferencce, to No 322, thisoffice. j ! ' ¦

WANTED I Experienced General forBuainess Houte. Apply., with re-

ferences , to No. 321, this office.WANTED i at once a;Geaieral Maid.

Wagea '£15. Apply 'with referencesto 10 John 's I Hill , Waterford.

WANTED!! for Dublin experiencedGeneral , Good Plain Cook-, email

family ; no washing; good wagee. Replywith copies discharges to Miss Pasley, 22Pembroke Park, Dublin.

j TRAMORE.TjAURNISHED House waiit«d at TramorejJL for the month of July or Aujrust. Ap- iply, No. 337, this office ". irpRAMORE—Furnished Houeej wantedjJL foT inontilis of July and Aujrust. Ap-i

ply, No. 333; this office. | ,

; THANKSGIVING, jri RATEFUL thanksgiving to the Sa«wxl,VJ Heart, Our Laidy, the Irish' Saints ,and -the Littte-Fibwfcf"•for-epwitual andtemporal favours received.—J.C.t).



Fif*y Sets of Jennet Harnes^ madefor Australian Government , j sellingat half their present value. ; i

Also a. lot of Hoozins , Breechings, 'Winkers , etc., all splendid value.

New I Hunting Saddles, Bridles,Cart Cover**. DTurnnionds, Head Col-lars, Neck ; Collars.

VV'aterpnK)f Cur Rugs , Plaid Rugs ,Cushions , ' etc., etc.

i S i H E E D V S ,PftWDbxoker , Jeweller , and General

i , Salesman,E3;; 44, 45 BALLYBRICKEN , £






ClikAiBD iIINE; 1 ! ¦ : . r ¦ 1 .


• ¦ I T O NEW YOR^.Mx iretania : Sat, Mat.' 6MaWfiuria , ; ' j ; Sat., Apl. 3;mperator, I ' ; , ' |Sat., Apl: 17

SOUTHAMPTON TO NEW YORK.• •Royal Gejorgte, , . . Sat., Feb. 21•Rolyal George, , 1 Tues, ; Mar. 30¦ tVia Hivre ; ' *Vaa Halifax.

LIVEKPOOL TO NEW YORK.K. 'A. Vidoria . ! [Sat., Feb. 14•Caaroania, : I [fues , Feb. 17Zrn^eraft>r : ; Sat.; Feb. 21

i V •Vin. Halifax. ¦

I LONDON TO " NEW YORK.•Sa'xonia , " ' i ' . ' ¦ .Bat- , Mar. D

i *Via Halifax) iTO CAHADOi


j ' SOUTHAMPTON TO HALIFAX.+Rc yaf Geoirge, 1 ' , Sat,, Feb. 21Ro"ul George, ; i Tues., Xfar. 30

I ¦ tVia j Havre, ¦

LIVEllPOOL! TO fliLiFAX.Kaiserin Augu&te Victoria, Wed, Feb. 11Carinania . | ' I : iTues. Feb- 17

I LONDON TO HALIFAX.Saxonia (pj^sengersj only) I jSat , Mar. 6

I All Canadian Sailmgs connected withOanadion Nati onal ; ilai>walys.

I • , • , ' : ' ¦ • 'i • ; .

F,or Rate* of pass ige and further par-ticulars apply Cumird : L^rie, Liverpool ;51 I Bishopagate, London, E.C.2; 29-31CocJcspur S'txeet , London, 3iW.l; 98 Mos-leyj' Street) . . Manchester; 24 Charles¦Street , Bradford ; I 65 Baldwin 6treet ,Bristol ; l!8a ; High Street, Cardiff ;tyn -i t ime Chamber . Southampton ; 117N' .'W Street, Birpiinghain; or to1/x al Agenis—W ardjBrothers and Harveyaii ' I Son, Waterford; Mrs. M. Bolger,B. Syduff ; Michael Foley and P. Evau.«> ,DungarVan ; J RB . Ahear!nej« |r Jos. Geary,LiR iiore ; James McGrath , Carrick-on-Stnr.

I I i 1 I I ¦ ¦

Important to FarmersrHE C^TY AND COUNTY lOAl

i ' O'CONNE LL STI jEET , | Wi«H A bVAN Pf < :s daily to Ladies. ] GMake CrtSlI Ab yANCF v S dail y to L- tlies, j

G(ntlcinVn,! ' Farmers] Shopj teetyerip,j

I r\ L »TOI ' GoverJu lent Officials; and all rt*ponsibl<> :

( ¦) A 'Al Sl pers<iiiR , in j any part : of llrfland , 6niJV Approv al I'or^nal ; Seoij rily— rj btej |to

i 01 (\ 1 l lDWT A D T^C1 hlLnd j lonc^

and I without publicity,i A IU U JL VV xViiJL/p« Repaym j nts canj b e inade bjj instalment*;I ; 1 or as in :vy bej arranged. Those ;rj ]quirinfr::tetnpo fa y advances will find the above the -: bc,st aiid InioRt relialj le j nnanciali

idvaiu -ii £ on per sonal security. Call or w«ite fpr terms! and parLiculare lj ; ii»hicb|will bo furnished on Tcceipt. .Casli sent by i>iwt. ' I ¦ ' j ¦ M ;

I • _^ I I :¦ 1 ¦ .1 j ._j . |: ( 1 J

AMEkldAN LINE)n y Cabin and TOird' Class Passengers


I i U.*5. MAIL STEAMERS .NEW Y<pRK , : Sat., Feb 2P«T. PAUL . ; Bat,. Mur. 6LI VBRPOOLi TO PHlUDELPHIA. ,

j Regulpx Savings.

I Appl y to Atott'ici n j Line, Liverpool ,Southampton ; or tt | iWaterford-f-HarVey bnd gori . 12 GladstoneI i street . ' I ]iVatorfo-r d-l-Ward Uros:., 2 Baj ronstand

¦ I BtOftt. j j I I i :

Tipperary-^-Tohn (Jrtrri pAxj ., 51 Main St.Caj rric4\-on|Siiiir-^u!r'h iel Mc(jraih, Iri&h| House.l or .1.'J[ IDuJgn an , LNI ain St.Plonmol—P. Nug dj it, 75 O'Ckmnell St.pdngarvail—.Tas: j ilcKlJiorje . 42" Irish st ..| or W. J. Trimble aid Sens , 16 CliurcJi! " street. ¦ ! i I ,• .' . . •Ta!low-Timothy 0'Loa.ry,Nia,tional School^SaKS™ — Agj »U, lor toi i WHITE STAEMMBpW^xford-H. Mur^hyJ South Main st.

TW n ^ rLv^S8 R *?^^Kilamtchofna^P; O'lj onoj lhue. If T^SlnLS^SS? F O? * ^ ' ^?

Qi/eenstowii-ScbW ifc «ho. kQ' town), Ltd. I 88 Leadenhall' street,; E.C.O : ¦ .

IScinks, £© TO Off^eesJ ete I j ;i' : 1

¦ iv 1 : ¦ ' ¦

. r :! .

Md»NEt . MONEY. ;MQNEJr, |r

\ \ . j , : 8 JOHN STREET, |] | ' ] ; | ' \ " : y

iMiiikcfi CA SH 'Adviincxis from £5 liPWA .'RDS on your ovni AiMirov c-d JPERSOWJ U

JSECORITY. : HliPAYMENTS -W^-kly . Monthly J or ai . iiuiy j ie nrranj sfd | to; p ii

;(¦( nven ionOft of Horj rowers . All applicat ions wilL |t>ci:ivi» imrned-iate : att!eiition ;^ QC

w 1! be trvntori -onfuloiiti ally n ntl witl i courtly. SP|KCIA^ iJKKMS TO FARM

El i5

j Appl y, ' THE MAJNA QER , 8j JO^N STREKT , - j V.TERFO JRD.. j | JI <

¦ _ , , , f ._.

j >* u,|e0,00i JSDV^ED PB, : LollSi'sL P fflSJ.j VATEIiY on iiuipW ProniiBSory Notei j j ! | ¦' ; ¦ j j !|ji I

\o liillb j of Sale ¦ [lablen , . a;ud absoluv MONEY ADVANCED from ! iBO

i^ivacy cuaranteod. First letters of op. UPWARDS , to Fanners and nil R^speci-

p ficutiou receive !proilipt | att^ntit in , *IK able .Persons! ori :tl j eir () Wn Approved

intending borrowers are waitt-d upon bj Securitj . i j ; j [ ¦. '. . \ '¦¦ ' \ ' . l . I

* repre siintflt ivo who ' is , L-urncwerod *t ' AnDU RB ) :— i j j i 1 : j - i ncjj iii ip lote transactions on teriri lj mutucl l; -ry ^liV /rTTT Ti ""

A ' \j \RTrmi K ed , no charge beipg t.-mde iinlen- J \j t { IV| !i j;!| 1 j l j

A .M^biUBiuess actually :: conl^ieWxJ . Bp«si»

i i L ' ¦ < < '¦ ' i l

auotatioui for shin loaiuL : i ¦ !l FINANCIER. : ¦ ] . '¦

Wri te ' itj ffnfi<l«[iice to-' ( i 5 PARNELL1 STREET (Near1 Towta 'Ml *ADyANCEOi :(Leice»ter) , Ltd . , | w iTVil K rW 'i i


II W O H K O fK R STREET ; DUBLIN , j i j ¦ f • < j ' !

GOOD! : VALUE1 , TNT " \S .: W I N K S .T.J .t «

j \\ H 1 > K 1 ' .V'; (H H N N ' E ^ P ' SN X Slof- j - , MASS 1 A1.E .I VM. . TRYI N'OTIv ilAnDHESJ ?

i JWAL^H'S,30 GEORGE'S ST., JWatorford

¦ ' 1 ; |:

: ! ¦ !__

j j : £oectl pldye^i


AT.L ' nK 'DS (itf CA ri lUAG ES . ! CABBFto .. . M '.-V I 'M" A N p | U F P : S l l R R ( ). RITBBEjE

TYHlN 'G ; ON: TFTR: PREMISES. -4-- ' \ \

¦ ¦ l r —=—1_- ¦ ¦ i


: i l ! : ; ! - . FT ! : ;


. - ¦ | f - | ; - ¦

1 ,- i i -

aiid I iQ^hers. i ; | ; .! COMPANY, 11MITED,lTERFORp ,j ' [ :|| ; j :


. . - : | STEAMERS: I | ¦ ! t: ; ' |. >

¦ OLYMPIC, '46,359 1 tons; j ' Hi

I Largest : (British-Built i -Sitjaiactt-. j 1I Paaoenger and Freight 'Sailing*: J

80DTHAMPTbNi i ANI) | OHERBQTJRGEi ; ; . TO NEW llYORK j n , -Adriatlic ' ¦ Mar. ! |3 Adriatic May :; ] 2("Lapland Mair. 19 #Laplan(] May ;:28(Adriatic April 7 A'^lriaicic Jnii« 6[•Lapland April 23 'I • ' | j ¦ ! [jI

¦ , :| -jnassengeis oniy. ! j M ;! LIVERPOOL! I XU i J NE V V YORK r 'H•Gedric '¦' Feo1. jl .8 Celtic; ! Artril" 1 , 28IBaLtio Feb. 25 ¦ tlr-ishman Mto; )Wrisrunaji Mir. 10 Bal 'tio | Mt yi AtBelgie M^:. 17 tfelgio ' ! Mjay; SCedric Mar. 24. Celtic I Jnae 'i\Baltic Mair . 31 Baltid Jiirui 9\¦ i^Oaigo ibnly. " | - ; i ¦'¦


j Sailings later . l j ; ' ' : !i i : J ; i " . - : 1 . ¦ ; :


: ; ¦ AND NEWj YOBlKj ;\ ¦ I (yialGibraltaT)L I . . : . : ' ;

Canojpie' leaves Genoa Fel . 14; LeavesI Naples Feb. 17 i : ; !

Cretic, leaves [Genoa Fe|>. 28; leaves

Canojpie', leaves Genoa Fel . 14; LeavesI Naples Feb. 17 I : : !

Cretic, leaves iGenoa Fe ). 28; leavesj ! . N. aplies Mar. 5. . ' ! -j j

WHITE OTAR—DOMINION iLlMVi f - JO CANAOlflj . I ¦ j '. ¦¦ ! :


¦¦¦ \ - . "\ - .:¦Canada Feb. |13 Canada April 2

LIVERPOOL ISO PORTliAND, 1Mb. 'j . i | : (Direct). :j T : K j il

Doniiinion Mar. vl3 Dominicin Apd. '23\ : i ilCairgo only.1 ! i I. j :

iln'ERPOOLi TOlQUEBrx: AND! I ¦ MONTREAL.! | - | - : |

Canada ! May ,25 Canada Jphr 2LIVERJPOOL[TO MONTREAL (Dprec*).

Dominion (car o jonly) ; .! j Hogr 33BRI&TOL TO! IPQRTIIANDJ Me.i (DirejrtV.TuroorrKin ^fer. j S-ConnielimaiJ ' lltet. B3!;.Welshman Mar. i|15 f : ! -f ' . ' \ ¦ :

¦! . ; |;ca*eo My- 1 I ¦

¦ ! ¦ ¦For further ipurjicular s »pply to r} §?<;

8tar .• Line. ; Liverpool : ! Poutbamj>Wvr *BHrt^l; London J l | Coclc«pur !«tr<k£S.W.I.. , and I S3 t/eadenh»H Stri*EiC.S: or to Local AgeriUr Harj vey and EtttIfl GIfld?f«ne St.. W&tt.rtnrd ; VfM»rB WkrVBToe.' y BarronatTandrpt . w<»t*rforci ; M»fMaroyiTPt RnVf>i .;! P<^*t Offl'c BailydeP- .Co. Watirford 1. Mr. TlGoartj . Lisip o.ro otWatorfotd; James MoGtdtH . BbipptegAjrent. Carricf? ; toj8cj>tt and Ca. \QnccS3-town), Linaitd/ Queenstownl; E.I^Di!.* .Ron&'neJ Kenjrmre j J! ' O. SWj'th, K&iwden ; | Michael j. P. « l

»h Qi ppoqulB. :! ¦

i KVHITO 1 OTAR i - UMClJ:-1.^



I ' ¦ i i i Africa). |: . • ¦ . ];¦ ; ; ; i

(Sailing) will be ftdyertisec As arrange^Fine Accommodation on ttiese Ttiplq

! and Twin-Screw s^ ameraJ,1 ' i \ IONE (5LA8fl:ONLY!-Fa^: ToMu*te>

Ha. £S9 |to £62; io Cape:Town, «4 |I&to £sa E3. 1 :| : ¦• if ] |! . .; 1

For further particulars apply (0 LCcC3


! ¦ !i . CERTAIN i : j 1

The ' WICKLOW H 'atailds lorj aUJLi sSthese, worda : convey. St^ndinK

in ilu

buaineas centre of Dub in , the Hots?i»; NEAR EVERYW H1JKE of iinteWto the Traveller. ' j ;Its ta ile and rol^Ta*are as good as trainiii ; , car<> , { '&&& '—1—kinowledee ic»ni mfef»>j them.——

J WICKLOiy - , ^OTEl.,lj ;rW cUlow Ot;f|oo]t Ouj^lfi- .

! : T- M A H Q N . Mail e!«k ' i

i :i K ! ' ! . iemenis. | \ ¦ j¦

;¦ :¦ ! i i ! h 1 ¦ ¦¦

-ii ¦]

I . H \ ¦ ; otoroo[ ¦ ¦ j 1 ;! :DEAV.OJTM iWATEBPOB^: \

onutry Ordara direful \j Atteijde I Bi

4 JamcJi:" Saj taon^ Waterio ;ri 1; ! i l TalBDhW pf7 , -j — L







¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

' ¦ '

' ' \

' ¦'.

' :

; ¦

' i . :


On© night last December ThomasHurtop, a farm labour©*, disappearedf x o m h i s home at WBiitestown, KilmeadenH5a fato w.aa a! mystery; all insoluble,sin.ce then, until his mortal remains weresurrendered by 'the pJacdd waters erf the6ilvery Suir, a month subsequently. Itwaa then .established that the unfortunateman had i met his fate by cruel violence,¦and at ohoo the district was enshrouded•with an oppressive cloud' of gloom. At theinquest proceedings evidence : was ten-dered that the deceased labourer was le-tuming from Wateriord fair on the 1stof December when ho entered a public-houso in tho vicinity near hia homo. Herea quarrel developed1, and, if we recollect,blows exchanged, and later on that night,in the solitude of the surroundings, anawful tragedy was" enactedj when the un-fortunate Hurton was done, to death. Thecircumstances of tho tragedy, as disclosedat tho Inquest, j are fresh in the puWidBlind and need no recapitulation; sufficeit to oay that a verdict of murder was re-turned, lit will be recalled that tho medi-cal testimony proved that; the deceasedbore ovideee of strangulation prior , tobein$ consigned to the river, which factprovides the substantial theory that Thoa.Hurton was iiret murdered and then hisbody-was •unceremoniously pitched intothe mer as if to cover the crime es oneof natural cause, or to supply it with thecomplexion of suicide.

Exhaustive enquiries were pursued inaearch of dues ! since then, and in thoearly hours of Tuesday a sensationaleequel took place when the following werearrested as being concerned in the tra-gedy:— /, . j

Jepffrey Murphy, Whiteetown (former).Thomas Browne, Curraghballinalea,

Carrick. ! 'John Browne,1 do. (son of former).The three accused were brought under

a heavy police i escort to Portlaw wherethey were charged with the capital offenceef murder before Mr. George O'Connor,R.M., and Major Gethin. •

Evidence of , arrest having been given,the Portlaw District Inspector of the R.I.Capplied for a remand of eight days to a-Iow htm. to puwvue further investigations.

The;, two former , Jeoffrey Murphy andThomas Browne^ were removed to Water-ford , Jail. The third accused, JohnBrowrw, being a juvenile, an order wasgranted committing' him to a DetentionSchool. •

The deceased 'man. Hurton, was em-ployed by Jeoffrey Murphy, one of thosecharged with the capital offence.

Tramore Patty Sessions


Tramore Sessions were held on Tues-day before Mr. H. E. Benner (pit-siding)and .Mr. E. Kelly. .

Captain O'Boinue, DJ.( charged JohnHunt, an ex-soldier , with assaultingGonsiabfo Connor in the execution of hisduty. • [ : •

The D.I. said the case S\'as one whichtoccurrcd during last Christmas week. De-Bendant ia an ex-soldier, and on this oc-casion he was rather, festive-. He h'ad for-gotten himself ; rind was scarcely respon-sible for his actions.1 He1 assaulted one<*>nsta.ble, . and Kite-rwards kiefced up arow. That was the whole case.

Constable Connor ¦swore that on : tlieoocn«ion in; question he ' was on patrolwith Sergeant Kcogli . About.9.30 p.m. it¦was repor.rd tha t a row had been goingnn in the direction of Train Hill. Whenthey arriv?d at Train Hill line yasccrtain-ed that the row , was otfor . .When theywere returning '.hey hoard some men run-ning towards their direction. One of theman , the defendant, rushed ' up andstruck witn.ws on the head, and said

You struck mo with a baton." • Thetwo men then caught hold of witness,and some time after , one off them said"That is not the mail." When the de-fendant fount!; out Chat witness was th >wrong man lie vent 'a.way in the [direc-tion of the barrack*. | ] .

Corroborative evidence ¦ was givon bvSergeant Koo^h. : . !

Defendan t , who appeared, said he wasWit wi'Jv the butt end of a rifle at Lr<Jat/*ei. and ever since that if he tookspirits it nffected him.

The Ohairtmn-n said the;police had&ct?d very kindly in-Urn: mutter toward?fuie ripfMi'dnnt. j It was ' a very seriousiJung to assault a policoman in tho exe-cufron o? his duty, and the bench werela'ting oVfondfirvt down vcr>' light by fin-ing him 2s. Gd. j

It was stated ithat the defendant hadtafcen the pledge. j ;

Cfo;TVmi.n — A ;fine young fellow likeyou oil Jn 't to have some respsct for your-«lf. >» j I :

AnJr tws' k<eps | ^ f ^^m^^S¦you right." . . . \ / fj T/M^^^^ M

i ; AM^«f\ glass of j Andrews';-I Keep a lin of Andrews' on the shelf ic, ; the Bathroom, j Don't use it-every day.; Just leave it there, handy, for when youI . feel not quite y hurself. : ' i • 'i . Tleo, Ulce « tpooofal in a glass of waUr foif ltre«j - or fo«r mornings running. You will quickly 1 be

4 ; 1 yotwel/ ooce more. ! Andrews' has a simp le, ea»yj !, *wy of tiiftaip that ilull feclinj . j :. A n d r e w*' cleanha internally. By gentlai i cduJnit, ft helps Naruro to keep the ItiveiI . , actir*, Stomach normal,-Bowelt regulolrarid¦I :¦ Kidney* effectivci Iu timely use eliminatejj ¦¦" •; the mbor Db, atui wber« little 111* c<W>t, ; cwbm^ tM

W^ vhe» hto

nnlAely to venture.Anirtttk ' It j o t l iU. W"/«. Mother .oAd the

,1 CU4nn ti it it -f ir f athtr. •

|, W « | <}ET ( ANDREWS' ®AW It-' dtmitlt, Cf i i tn mi Stent tirimlctt

j / DUBLIN DEPOT-Great Ship Street orK?BELFAST DEPOT—28. Warinc Street.


aierlc rd No. 1 District Councilv



A m<^ing of abo^ e District Oouncd

as ! hfeld on Si fuidaiy. i Mr. j Bralsh {Clinirmttn) p' osiided, l and tuier<ero aU> present:—' 3omjnandOT Oarew.N.; MiSsre. Maurd< e PowerJ Kennedylannon, Thomas Po wear, N. Phel'anj Wallwey, N. O'Begi n, M. Humt, ; 'Diordaii. and P. W. J lesanj, X.C. |

THE ELE 3TIONS. jThe Local Government Board wrot

fixing tih< > day of tbc electaon! for cBaiiian and vice chairm: m as th© tenth ;daoifter tlho election, of mennlbers to constt{ite tih« i lew CbuncdL ; | • ' i

Thio Cl'>rk said th< Kilkenny CountC ouncil nad fired 7th of ' Jtine |as tho' :da;tor tf oa elections, but tho Watenford j Cc[Jmncal h!ad fixed no iaie as jj et. i

. I INFLUENZA; | :' The L.G.B. wrote <<Krwardin^ a circulaon the "pjapjeat of inau-gnwi, containih 5uistruoiiona to be aipplded: in the poss:-bility of any threatened outbreak. , The rpiscommehded that ©aoh sanitary autho: -ilywhttehj didinoi, poseass a Public Healt iCoimmitteo ahould f orthwdth . appoint a jei emergency commiitee od tJireo or fot rmember?, who, in * njunotion with 1 Ui eModical Ofncer of Ittalth , should fonm ;-lAte a ncheme for the organisation lan dcp-ardinatdon of Uio 'tneddctil, niiTEdng, |andhealth services available in the distrio i,ti ith l -a vienw of the "fullest advaTsbage1 ;b !-ij iir derived fherefron: in th» event of! anoutaj^eakl - . - .

¦ I . j ; J

The following wre appointed to consti-tute '¦ th^ emcrgpbcV committee •—fTl ieOhsiranan (Mr. B. Walsh),, Command 51Garcw, Meesre. ;K«nny, Lyn<&., Galan,Keat, arid N. PnWaa . ' ;



The L.G.B. wrote sanctioning the pi o-p osal to|grant the oleik n wir bonus »f£30 per year, and the assistant clerk £21per jess ] \ ' I ¦ i ¦'¦ ntey nlBo wrote sane tioning the proposali > inaraise the salary of the | Vetorina1 yI ispoctor, Mr. Do;bbyn, by £15 per yeai .


Thfe L.G.B. wrote approving of j tinCouncil'J proposal t) contribute a sumA £40 peryuinuin to the KilmeadenDistrict jNttr&ing Assicialtaon , on the: uln-derstajad.'ing thai the subsidy J will Tie ab-nlied in| defray ing thte cost oi nurse 's.p irt-tinie srovices a» i ioalth visitor, or forsuch further nursing services! as weree igible ior recoupment from j tho Exche-quer grant. They pr esumed the Councilwould ujie stops to see tliat ;satisfactoi7service was- given fo nthoir financial , nip.V :ifcli n^taid to rewupmen't. I Irom , tneE xchequer f^anU th

e dirrxjted the

Cotih-c l'a a-t-tention to Article 1 of tlw Bej r .i-lctions, ind ata'xj d tl f.t as- the Coimcii'sinitial contribution Would pre sumab yh;- paid in 1020. thpj r claim .if or rai'6u vJi [tnt wculd not mati re until Uie tind p f.the- year. '

Coram inder Oare^- It i» on the undej r-s'andins that the Ch ild Welfare schemewiill be c arried -out? |

Clerk—Yee. . . ; !Oomin.iindcr CaTew sojd they v-' eh

ful ed to apjw ini thre< rcpresenl-i' -s cj rti « workinc c<oirravHte J of fihej Ki '; idarDistrLot. Numng Aseoaiatioh. I* -udlhj m si rii?e that the ffuardiifui of: 1 v oi'vision. Mr. Kennedvj the relieving offl.cir , Mr.l Doyle, and tlie o'Jier mc-mbeimpjrht find it higWy nconveiiient to

^ a|tr

tend the)nioe.<,i.ngs every wcw>k and po inljo^w.ry ca<e; He ?up?e? -ted that th" follow-ing reprf-sontj ativas Yx put on! the w6rk-mg conhmiace:—Mrs J. i Btophen^Dn,Fiirt>ro (vk ; Mrs. Fwidin. .i S'onrilioiisa ;M i>s . R. (j 'ramble. CulHnaj rh.' On tho g<W.ml comrp ittee he proposed ;thn» 'followingnr di t ional names :—Mfflsew .' W. G-.imbli s,K?mied}j. Doyle, aii/1 'A . Be^ran.

I!b? proposition was pa.ssed.1 ;


Thwre wei* te'n applica4ions for Usevf cant cottage at Orbpally, recently 0^ci pied by the late Maxy Haniingtom.-A 1the namp s were subm t^ad to a pO'M, bi tor lv four roceived-suj port , with nhe fo i-loWing rj esult: ' '

For James Blanche Messrs. Kennedy,M. Shannon . Tliomas Powar , N. Phejui .M. PowiT, Wm. Ciallwoy, aj id CoinniaiidiiCArew—7. . . ¦• ' '.

¦ ' IFor Tl)oni;:.= Rut|pr--Mr. O'Regan.

Fon Joh n Powor— MT. M. Hunt.For J '/ lm Fnrlon?—Mr. O'Riordan. ,Jame? Blanche, having a clea r in ajoWfiV

ON or (aul oilier ajvpH o antt . was graiitt 'jdt i e len«!ney. >¦ > . ' I

The (|)ainnan d^id ;not vo'c, and j M • .Kenny v.'1'8 lai -? for tlie poll. .;

k "510 >r.VLICIO I ' .S IXJITIY CLAIMS.Mr . C !iii)inan/s>q lr. j wmte notj fyin^ h s

intention oi claiming]V&'tii, on bdmlf ofMr. WVilter Halluy, Qool brtittin, .IOT tile«»|leged nwilicioiis ( £stru<Aion of Insdwellin!>hoHKe and fu-ni' :;ure. ! j

IA c-lai,m was rccoivM on bolralf of Jlr.Jiughes photograiphe •, for . £00 dama<<|i sior loss »justaiui;d by hifi motor car bj e-ing oon signed to the River Suir. 1

IA furj ih er claim of £I'J0 wa Knrade pyMr. Hughes for constquun-tial loss to , Hisbusiness. ¦ ¦

A claj m of ,€2TJ was nvnived on behaVfE Mr. (G . D. Crokpj photographer , : thetall , WaU^ford, i for1 allaged niuJiciolisamu^ei to }iis studio. ,It was decidinl to enter a!d.-ifencc in i l l10 claims.

Dun ^a.van fe uy SessionsBefor^ Me.«sre Will j am Orr, R.M.i. inm chair ; Robert IT. Longan ,. and fVnis

r an. . . ¦.SlftEP SCAB. ; |

P'or fij i lurc to notify tho. presence of Ihcabove ip two of his p l ioop. Patrick Kii - l y,t rouRh J wa; fini'd s. and J9s. cpiicialcosts, i . • ¦ :

Mr. Williams , solr. , who appeared ford efendant , admitted the offence , but jsaidt mt defendant"? ehc^p bocaruc - infectedfrom a difieaRed ram b?lonp;in2 to PatrickIickcy i that ww olio ved po throuch theountrv. ; i ; '' ' ;Chnirhian—There is, no offence i n , the

disease |itsclf. Kannei s caninoi help that ,l u t they 6houkl notifv the!authorities of

A similar .eaoo a^.in'st ' J6hn Kicly,Vieknrs it owii . C > .t T>I> if li . was I drsinin^d ,DviUenf j . havinp been p.iv«n tliat defend-( n\ lia<l duly notified the pro?ertcn ofi tho

moase to the local jolice. : i - ¦ ;Tlien! was no othei bti»ihp«;'s. iI ! .

¦ . . : " !


• I ' 5 '. ¦- . : ¦ . ;

For Skin Troubles c lUsed; by1 Winter's^HO^T^Mr^c^or cracked akin, also dhablafais )j {acts lik« magic. .¦ ' | 1 ¦ ¦ ' ) ¦' jFTocommondod byj Doctora.In case of colds and oatarrfi ttenhr" MENTHOI^TUMJ" "kS adSffiyon feel the cur? it 'once. : >It |ol8ocures piles, .bufne and Sores. ! Youwill find it useful :-iriit tihnWh thewinter. 1/3 and 2/< In note. At illChem.is.1a.' ' ¦

. • ¦ !¦ ¦ i ¦' ; T ¦


Beotli of a V/eterfordracn InSan Franclcco

: ' i - I - -M"We have received from San FroncdBCt:

s. copy of "Tho Leader" '{dated:- January10th), from iwhidh we wke the 'foUow}«g:- ; ,|

¦ -: ;

I ;' ¦•

¦ , I

: j : : f 1 jThe death; ai Mi. Edward H. Commins,

¦which occuinred -on Beqember, J29 , cameunexpectedly" .upon has Mends. He hadibeen ill of pneumonia but n few day&when h« pai&sed aw^.y, after having re-ooivedr tho last Sacraments. The funeraltook place from his parish church of St.Monica. The; pastor, tihe Rev. E. J. Do-Tan, said tho -Mass o the Dead and givethe absolution. The Revi. P. 0. Yorke,D.D., the Rev. Johi Buckley, and: theRev. ,W. Butler were presenlt in the sano-ituary. The Rev. jAaned: McDonald, asdhol-tfellow oi Mr. ¦ Cpmmins, pleached ashort sefrmori , ajid alf o read the service atKihe gtraveaido. i JIUW3 guavcciiuy* 1 j .

Besides his brothers and sisters—Kath-leen, Bessie; Alice, j Ftrank, Thomas j andGeorge Comminsr—a ilairge number oi; per-sonal friends and assoedqies in businesswere present to dhow their love and re-Bpecj t. far the dead and offer thoir sym-pathy to the! family. 1 Few;! men hlave beenibetter loved in. lifej thian 'he ; few morerespected, and not oaten has a man pass-ed into the I silent le nd amid BO muchgenuine reg-ret. : j. .

Edward B. Commans wias bom in thecity of Waterfard, |IreJa}nd, rjearly GOyears ago, of one of fhfe oldaat families ofthat old city. Oommans'' Hortjdli i was thecentre*of all;activitie^ there for long years—long before ^©"Damous^tuarti :election,ifrom wWoh! date Jieople of thi2 .Southcounted time equally wi;tih |the ;ndgh?t of¦the big wind. It .was ]th'e stage coach(headquarters for Cork, Kilkenny, Wex-tford, and Ctonmiel, and it was there [the©leotion fows occurred—"with jthe Com-¦minses always on the> wrong sodej" as Nedused l to say; with! a chuckle. ^The stiagecoaches have gone; the eJeotiion fights-jarenow staged Ion Ballyibricken HT3I; a-nd I^believe not a single: member 'of the Cpm-m<in8 family now remains lii- J tfhat .oldtmvn. oi which they werje a great part-in!the so many long dead years.

Mr. Commin8 came to! San Francisco•foTty years ! ago, and, with a short in-•torval;. tesided her^ until Ms death1. Homarrisd Miss Mary; Perry, of pork , whowas tiiiken firom him' two years ago, leav-ing him a^yery lonely man. indeed. Forit was no ordinary bond of love| that wasbetween these two, fljnd seldom were theyever apart outside of lru? business hoursduring ! the j long yeaTs of the^r union.-Though they were r)o* blesseri with chil-dren, a happier home tih<ah theirs was! IIQ-wTiere to be , found.j We may surely be-liove that they are in a happier home nowwhore there is no more partingi

He loved the-old I times and the oldthings and the oTd friends. He1 kept theliriendship of h!b$ associates of ' the firstyears in Sain Fnfnca&co to the end-something that canj be said of vmy f»«wlTicm. But it was" 0} the days of hiis boy-;lwo<l . .thc Univ .?rsi tr School f.nd its prin-ci pal , l*, athc'" Jo? , a id his eciliodl-fellows.i:l;a.t remaiiv.yi always and nearest hi?Iheart. Ho tried ' to rcep track of his oldfichool-follom through, th*J quher andtangled ; pathways o: KBe. One he foundun in Alaska, s'onlfiiiff, or .trying! to steal ,(lovernmentlcoal lards ; anoth er^ a pashaor something in Egypt; some thiroughoutthe United!-Stati:^, panada, an<) Austra-lia , in dioffrent degpees of succc&s andfailure; many are d<^ad. !'"Jilieir homes are! soaWired for and wide,By moutamj stream andj sea." ¦:iSome, not many, arp Stil l alivcj Tf thisoomes to thje notice of those uift. and•they still say their braveTS occasio-nall\r ,I sin Rure they wiW. renumber earnestlythe latest anti U10 wst of | thorn all .

Strictly and un!c«t3ntt«tj iously.;: faith%'u1to h'is roligiicm , ecrupulciusly hbnest inhis business relations, a! good husband ,an affectionate brtirtthbr , a true friend, thisgood - man Kas gone- from amonpst us .'leaving us tlie poorej for his loss. And Iiwlio write this in sorrow,! and writ? it eomoor to where he steeps] in rea,ce, prraytHiat God , wh' om he B^rvedj well, may giv<^etrinal rest to his soul. !¦

AVe we.ro also ; informed UVIR wo3UVu \X Mies KalWeqn Oommdns (mentionedin the iroove toucliihg obituary) diedshortly aftexj the passing away . of hvr,brothor Edward. } \ \


mlmimkiMkM if M M

These bracing Spring day* arcfine—but you need a Raincoatto really enjoy them.Choose a Good Raincoat

...H.a Quality Raincoat

...:U "Dukbak " RaincoatIt is a purchase you 'll congratu-late yourself: or every day youwear itl Ask :or o|ir Ready-¦for-Service Style. G^OLgQiy.

" 11 ¦¦ linn' ' aiSRflte:/ *x*_!' ' " 1

¦ !

' !:

2^ ' Birofla Street •yj ArasiFono.

^'¦ ¦ ;^1. I II- ' ' - '^


DUBLIN ftltONDON . CERTIEIOATEP! (lit* Matron Maternity Hospital); |

WUben4A- dnnouaoo that ishe haia Ooetiad; A PHIVATE i NURSING HOMO¦; . . AT N<>. 1 CATHERINE St.,1 For MAternlty wd Ganeral N[ur»intr! Poreonal attention.1 Private ind Son l-Priyaika Rooms.¦ lloderatai Terms -on i Applicationf ' . flfaxetJa flupplJed. i |!

¦ ¦¦> ¦ ! - : - -: : J ?

I; - :- - P " - " i :

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FRlbAit iFEBRFAEY til 1920; ! ! \ !|

| ! ASYLUM MEITING :I A meeting of the pommittee1 of Manage-j mWnt of | the WatertJord District LunaticJA^ylum yrit& held on

Taesaay, Mr Cassinpresiding:. Also Jpi^sentj :—'Messrs. E.a^>nnelLy, P. Lynph, J: J. Wyley, W. J.Smith, J. Mollnerney -IT. Whittle,. ¦ JohnO'Donnellj and JoHn Shedaan.

i ; iL ! ' I : ii iBSGAPED, LUNA"] TCj RETURNS.!Dr. Fitzgerald, RIM-Si, reported :—

['Since ybir last meeting the health of theinmates hiis be«n gciodj ; : The male patientiwho escaped j on tne |0th popemfber last]waa TecapLured on thte 31s-t tilt. Arttend-|lint Jamei Walshi;' whid' ' m'ei with an; acci-jient on the 15th ' August, 1 1919, resumedduty on the (1st inst-h: I beg to .acknow-[edHe with thanks la t»resent: ©f several

dent on the lt>ui < August, 1919, resumed;duty on the (1st inst-h: I beg to .acknow-ledge with thanks |a present^ of severalv'olumesj of pictures. |for the use of thepatients; from Miss jEUffi i White, -Suir-jville. II had1 to employ a plumber ,to dosome needssary repia irisiduiing the month.j Appendedl as' directed} ar? the namos ofiatiieiidan ti and trade&moh ill or lade re-turning (to duty pi-rioe ;'h *t ; month. I,was abserit on privats^btuiness irom tha31st uli. tp the Sndj ir st." : iuThe RJM.S said j tie cjnly item in the

report wai in connection ;v, ith the patientwno escaped. Hei^afe inl the town practi-cally tivp [whole time, living ' with hiBpeople at Philip street. lie had been inK lmeaden, and worked ' has ;way back;<aid wheri he got |tiroublei*>me with hia1

people they in'o'ifiedl tha' polikse and thepitoent iwis returh6d) | ' . : ! i¦ iMr. VVlhfettle-rvViaB- jit' no; sji extraoidi-

naiy thih£ thai 'his' people, seeing the re-jiport of this in the newspapers, did notreport? i-J i i | ; : : . . j ¦

•i The, EjrI.S. I said the patient^ father¦was an old man." i j "' i ; I i:Ti» -matteT dropiped.: |

l lVISITI NG , dOVERNOR '8 REPORT. ,i'Mr. EJ ' Domnalilv. vkiitinff covannor. re^

ported : j 'rAocompjaooied by the doctbr> Idnspectedi the Bto^fes and I found food : oigood qualily: I would reicommand you' to¦employ la lplumbej * at onde and, makf hirn'a permanent official , as I consider there.ds enough I work in1 tWinsmut; on for him(perrnanen tly. ! Th^ T>ip«sJ_and the s*iea m(h eating apparatus! iill reqiure overhuiulingand refitting. ,| The machinery in thie,laundryi ik in a tra[d state ; most of th<?wa.shlng; ind wringing ^ mai shines requ>r^<re-ea*sing.l The stjyim- culveri is badlydoaking and wants looking aft'er at . onceiThe walls| and'| poi-tion M the> lirooiS arerotting owing to'the leakiiig !cpndftion ofthe pipeaJ I wouki suggjest a pmall oom-mittee to iinspect sirne1, as jit is of ureMitnecessity. The 'fla^m- wwk is very for»ward and well d"-Mie. ¦' ¦The pa^ente lookhpalthy- j airta cloan The1 pouse is cleai)ahfl in cvvwi' mrde'r! and nr> 'comrylnintafrom attendants.ori patients.' ¦;|Mr. \Yliittle enquired j i f the plumbing

•work wa.4 not before the boind a coupleo\ months ago. ' I

The Ri.M.S. r.?pli-ed that it was.MT. Wllittle—I lUndeTsitiiud that an or-

der was ^nadq inviting 'tenders to carryout ari v nj ' t imbin crj th !a.t w;js necor-=var>r .:

i Mir. ^ dnerney-H-Was tilris for theia-indrv? I !

: Mr. k ittle—Fir 'Sh e ' whole ins t i tu -tion . ' I j I :

; |Mr . DoTinnll y r--ferrcy) to t7i' r | wa'1's androoin of| {bo institution \ aing in a hadstate or> [risnaiir ounng to the defective<xj ndiHon of the pijte e.iHo thought rt waswcespan' to havej a perrnin'irit plumlier.

|Mr. W|;ittl e ' disa,?tfipd with) Mr. Don-rifj illy as }lo t!he ntj clpswly of a ;perman<?ntlytumber | which would c*i(=t the instiiu -'ti^n nboiil £4;ippr !wo-k i !He merttdohedMint tih oy had an enmneor loJ their own .ib'-it tih oy had an ertmneor loJ their own.

R.M.8.(-fPlumbMi(r is an| occupation ii.itself. ¦ ! j

¦' . ; ' i j I |

; Mr. Smith paid h« uMeTBtood tliovwere ti> bring i .thej plum.biiiir . work ^ip :todate undar cont|raft. j cj iq, then lrt thc«work p o on as usual, < I | \

•Mr. DorineMy doh|tnniied tx> hold that aipermaaiend plumbeii was i necessary, arid,he suj rceslled: theiapDointment |of a smallcolmmittosl to po iij to t.hjo rn.kt.teir. ¦ Tho ;hf!.'i;'iTig apparatus of tiliei institution v/ .as\orii of order . ' j I ' \ • \

R.M.S.—|There is ft lot 'ot the piping ina bad way!. .- : : : ¦ j

Mr. Smith—The fluefttio i is, what j istlie besrt, rfieans o>5 pettink- the plumbingwork dona1 ? Is it ;to briivc tflie work upy v uin u u n u; is I L ,\,\r u i n r^ t mix; n \si

n. u p

ic) dat. ? and ffo on |is lisi a . of employ: a•p lbmher? I don 't 1 think ' we should beesUbliFhii p new ,j< j >b s. Tikis is an afjy:him and not a factory, andj ie not a plujpe-to! omplo; r more tnadesrii«jn tlian : aren<j eessary . \ • ' . '.

The R^' .S. said ias a^amat that theyhad a phn ibf- r mpro or l ess permanentlyitlitine formerly. j j , .

ft f r . Whittle eadd i<f they pot a pormati-<- -n:t plumb- >r tliere tj liey shoulj l also have•;<- .| pureha! .c tho piping 4n(^ otftier rle-qair -ni ientf . The; 'order. !fiit» ; board hadniicle on t , preyiojufl occasion! was : thliit»j vlp 're be mv.itod/! Tf 'tilW took in ap]iinvl >er tAmporaiiily, he wuld be onlyJ ) J I I J i l l A rl IT l i i i A /t tu ii i i

^T , J I V

¦ T T ''V« IVA KJ \J \J I I i j

temporary in name , as he \lrvuld make orinj i 'iid to iiiak-i i t la ; petmaiipnt job. Tie.would prbl oiu; tJrpi job,-and ' he (Mi- .\A*luttle; preferred iKaving i tjlie work doiie¦J)Vj contract. He wi'- hod ito know ho\v!nim vh was j paid to ;the plumber for thei pnk two nv>nths. ¦ j ¦¦ \I Mr. SliP. - !lMn—If you appoint an a*)t f- ;v!da;it pcrminently,.wiia,t wo^ild his w<igi>>b."? I "i ' .

R'.M.S. -HThe .standard rate of wages."S ir . Shcchan—Would .1 ixj rnkineiit man

.bf» ; a-s clicnp as anotiK'er? ISir. Smith—K you1 let ! oul the work by

.'.ni ;'.l• ¦•!• mVd l it i? brongh t up to dat(5—as Iyi ::ii!d do in my f.ictoiry. or inyono would<loi—r ^ .nd 4npposin fr i it o>s{ you £400 ,vo'uld it noX be ri itioh cheappr thtwi to em-n'cW a mail at £200 !a yea,r ; for ever?

In n-p l y l t o Mr ; UHili:tt !ei the Clerk=a;d -1?!. 'V ind tl i roo t«idt>r.-5 j rwv fb o phimli-] n >- wdrk lie referred to. < |nd Mr. Mur-y.'r.- '< ( ' -f l-]xo'ha.ntre -Istttv-tH itoniljtM- at £7M1,.,', ) 1 ..i>:: accopted . j !' ¦]" ¦, ¦• 1! M|- ^- ^ai( ^ £73 :would not cov-r(!, ¦ \vork j i { any moflins. .' j , ,v ; n (l lpcidod to inv ite tenders t > >

',-.;. |- 'i-v "ii Iho work : as re f^m-nK-r.i lud in11K ;pport . ,

i AU DI TOR'S REPORT.Mr It. (i-nibi ) , MC3.B. Auditor , rvpo i ?

r «V - lu'i v i j 'iif [:) iidi';iMl Iho accounts, -n.l n-

• i i i i ' i i c n ' l c i J t-V .nt th^ emp loyeos In- p u i i l;"- .,.. < i nv n t h . Ho suptro :-U'(| M ISO t l ' ,< :th iV .'iItendants bo ppd by orders in 1 i - uf/ !Cash. ' lAttdntiorj was qrawn by theciuditor to inarrW iit i touhlit-s I>r i t i j - in ^In me ni t i o i i s v;hM\ thvv r cniHinwl ( i f f

cj , T y . an.l l» -» di'sc-nhcd tll i i- sy-t ^m .u,,,i lit ' umk> .| irable, and r .-eoii!me!: .ii -<l t! ;;cfj i -y d i»n[d »i>t thJMi' r-,'. t i i i n > '. } < < ¦ s;iii ',T. ;.hf o wr iiUMid{iiU.i • HL - n. iK - ' l I't hu l.(/i ¦ C-orprx'J-U.iV'.! in-rtaVnlii'iit ¦> ! Xl . :rtp M.-WL :i:>t C ut . r ibu t e d | l ipj to l.imr . ;tn<l Hi e< .i . : ' im it - t <>o ' K f inimcial pij sidon up . to ' t h e,'ViLh Sop t , v.-a *- f u r fronl Sivt i -ira civry . ']'' :<•C'.miorat .ioti wn' s still iri arrears , and the,< ., ; . ,Mu i f . f ' ^ l - 'hoi ild ai1 or(o> tak e ii.-n ion?

hlr . 8inL f h — T lave ]welany m«<iiil>er i)ffh'f Cor|«H'j itioj i liero to back ; thi.* uintit^r

'[MT. -*' iy< |h'!U'—TTiore is no (>x:[ ) laj iati ' ) i i^. l.v .Jivm', \.\ o\\. j . i

flTie n 1i<li L/ JT".- rpport fnrth-r ' r -iAlini ;l»: i tl ive clcrk 'F and t .f orekcepi rV accountswi 'iv w..H,i |"t)t . I , ; 1 ¦ :

iMr. Wi'ittU-—I" rfevonce.j to the ni-Hoimif,>r t 'ri -i > : nii |rrii 'd-'i>'twnd^nts ar»> they on-•titled to 'the nvHon's during '¦¦ thni r ab'-¦sciiioe? : I : : \¦ \

Tt.M.S.-f-Ye?. - THat ,Was l part ofj tin;^(jr Km-l-FeUiom'ent fl-rrived lrt ;wibh t]iein.

bfr. WrHiftle-rno they in 1 that case ?etj hVir rittioift cookedijor afcytftey suppliedviJ-h the irtiw ' materta>l?i i j . j

It.M.S.-HTlijj v cret Taw rn;iticrial , wlhidhji- ^uppli ld at a cer ain! vail ici ; ' : i ¦

In roply to]Mr. Stoith-, ftl 'n R;M.S. .«aidj flie syistcm was both ersqme, but- 'the boardhad decidf«d ^ri this ; j i i i I

: !ln refercjnee to tlw 'Canpoija-tio-n's in stal-ments bqi^ig in arr .ari , [Mr. ; Smith sup-pcjstefi thili a mandamu^ b, e!3ssued againstthe Corpdriation. ¦ ¦! | . ¦: ;

Ajpenture No: 12. > '' ! • '¦ !!

fey I m

; —vzunf —r^L . • ?— ¦ -^^— *" —'—

i - i | | ; | ;; ! | 1; ;I , i ! [ ' ; . ; •The\ ty ibs.aecide^

totahva \ trip , ',/ \

j Across \ihe Channel, p n hoard a ship,And when\-iheyi ran rif lh t inia. a Storm ,

W 'Drank Rqivntree's Cocoa io keet) them Warm11 - I

l ; 11 i I' : ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ! : 1 ! ' •¦ ¦ :They got in a train ' vtihich ix>ent quite fast , ' ¦ ¦

! And\ when they, came to ]a town at last , \Both 6lj f the Nibs began 16 sho ut: j I '

I "It 'lm uf t be Biiisskls, for there s the Sprout "[ ' . ¦] ¦ ¦ ' 'i t7"o he eohtmrrJ. : ' i I

\\ \ \ \

§"; dm


: ¦ • . • ¦ :; I :!J ;

f f h : \the oiM sk \ : X i \ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ i - l 1

1 I I I |: ! HI ;j l i . 1! I I I i' i I J : ! I • ¦¦[I I iTI • Ii • I I I

r~~The R.M.S. said he had writoejn jto {the

Town.Clej -k .ibut! : had no zepJy. Thelmat fteT was, dtscusaed.. j ; , i| " I ; j ¦¦

. Mr. Smith'-r-lt was: a ahort diacul&sionitoo. I . ' ii !- : ; ; j !| i : I I ;

-Mr. O.'Eonnell—They niBde an order to•pay £900 electaop qxpensesj and | theycould n'ot pay this. j i ; ' ;|| j , I i

Mr. i Sniiti-^mmunicate' with! '¦ the |Towh Gle -k 'Baying ; that :we hawrf i n> si- (.tern itiye >utj to j apply -flor |a maaidamus i: ithe Lnstal nent is not 1 paid : orthwiiiih ' '¦M:-. O'l onlheLl—If| ihe 'Oonnty Ojj i^ci: jwere id arreao-s! like this il l do net know !where yo!u! would bo.j ; 1 -j| . ¦:

Qiairman4iW^ could nod so on a; we owou: d hvdy« no money I ¦ I

It wa(» ' doejjded to 1 adop', Mx. SmSth'ssuggestion! j: ! : } '¦ I I • ¦ ¦- \

SliURIES INCREA SED.; : |, In proposing that the dJiaplain's Salary

¦be .incTeAiedj J byl .'£50; Mrll VVaiittU - saidthey: had no !application ire m tM: chap-¦lain , no:' aidrthejy ihoreaso 1 is salaiy foxthe past) 30 vear^.

l i ^ j | j |

; ¦ ;

Mr. Mcl nerney seconded the pro]x>si-¦•jon l whic h 'yvas1 passed uii( niinx).usly.!M^1. WTii ttle proposed that tihusj ' j lahd

steward s salaxyl be'increased by 1 79. ' <>d.per week , j ahd .M|. Sheehj iln seconded. ;|

Mr. rinvith I 'enquired w|ha,t tbio : j landjstewjaj dl's l aJaryl wai! !at pres ent, ' an I the!R.Mfe. [rot lied WW I which' incilud. oc laTl.

MrJ. Vj hi .He; HSM- l ]no land sU-v/a: intlie country Iwas |ayaiiliabl(i or le^e Ih'iin£4 pjer >ve<;k. !i j j ; |! ;i| ' : . it ¦ !

Mr[ Wyk y .proposed that the sala y beincreased I y |l0sf p«r . week. Tlnnu wasno seconde r , j ana ! Mr! WhiWLe 's 'prop osi-tion jwa4 passed.| i | j ; :; | . j

¦ || hMr. Doniiolly proposed that the sJuars

off tire ing rnj-er,| MrJ I Haz,fes>n, be. in-creased. : ¦¦'. | : ' i | . . |: | : '

It j was Stated that; ithi? Pita lard rn.tk ,(>iwagea was £4 8s., aiid thd eWuiMsr wasin receipt 6fi£3 fe. 6d. j | } !|

Mr . Smrtjh ;said ; i f i ' the enginear -« j i rUtlfix>m!thi 80ryices of i tJlie b<Jia-d he w6ul<il»e ehtit]ed l to j£80 superannu-ition, $m] j j naddition to!'that he I could enni *< • Ss.:|aivpt !k!ou' side.i |

¦ | : ': " j l i ;

1: \vas dec-ided to . increase t le salari bytw. ; i i i I r -: | M I! Tine ;. P>OOT icoNTidcr. J |

Mr Wylie!aske<j if* j a lettcjr vas rj ewfivtidfroi/i i t l i ij local' Boot iind Shoe Operativt's^ di icty ^n referei ce to the Ix ot < :<iritrs« }t.

TI IO ' R JM.^. stated that a! ef tor had !u'4n1 11 io KJiM . j . stated that a! et ter lia^ m-.tnroad from that society at tlu- last ¦J lparil

. iu . - . > i i i ' r . ! ¦

j ! j " ! | - . ¦ ' ; ! i NMr. Wy ley Stated ihat tl u letter; \Vil»| a

r^iiK-st to ha^e lalt

|the \ byote oliij l pcal! manufacture , | and ho: ma ni ained i hat! hcMit -s had' hoen bought in loc-al niuiwn-; shops. ;nid i they i wen: not e ;eii c|[ [jl ir li

ma i iu fac tu r f . I H-e conte^dtd tha t l f hi«v.-iiK ,cou(rai !y :to :tho . ;nilcs or the id aril

I which l^utm l tliem lo;c;i.vL r.refen> Vce :wi fur as possible to artielos of Irish! 1 iimi-

factur e . .' i |i j j .' !| . | i j ; r :At this nbint the Chainnii l (Mr. f t [ l Ca.i-

^ in) stated ihajt Mr; Wyley Wiu; oilt !o fi oi-il« :i- in QiBCU epinj ; aj i na t t < r not i { . t l > i ;apj nda. '.. ! • ; ' | j j . ¦ " J " : j

Mr. Wyky then a?kod w nit decis i i \ \] i-Drev.ous! m^etinpi hadh-come Io wl <;¦ tlj. >letter hhd been read.i I I i

The C erk replied ; that tht Boa rt : de-cided1 to postpone : the maj tw, bWi liVpointed put|!t|j at jhe woulq (place exa & onthe agendaIjfoii next meetinip. |1|| I I !

:Mr. Wyley iriaid , in ;view |of the Tlopk'sRtatemerit tha| the matter; wia po h j'orie'dfrom last meeting, lie (Mr. Wyhj y i i lw a »within ;lii3 |rij c^hta- •inNdisclira ng the ^ »ub-ject . a-i a moqth j had J elanVrd .sincf< ih.en.

The Chairman,! however1, |n led t> il tlin.matter was but of; order, ancl < allt*d! fbr th'*-.

¦• ?"-$i\ ¦ ;¦ ¦¦: ; ; II .:¦]• )m i i

WATERWORKS ;ANDi COLE STO.3 A 1E.A communication was .received ii<i n th'c

eng-ineerj entrusted ; Vfith: tlie n?w wat er-works proposal estimating tha cos biltheorecitionj of ww-feritower with1 QO.OW) irj iUo.nacapaicity at |£l ,2S0.: :Re haa no .ej tinwteprepare j ldfq fj - [the j cost of mlst illatij in i Af' acold | storage ;systejn.; The l ost ioS erect-inp a re rijrprating ott-ambor was betwejeh£1.500 and jfll 'jBOO;! '¦ \ ' ;| | - ,VW \It was' 1 decided Ito po&fj>one the it a(«rJ¦ ¦ : i - i i i i = ; l ;| ii ' ¦ ' . l ^ l '

I ! ; : ¦ ; :' ! i ! ¦ ;i '

, i' : ¦' [ ¦

:'• i ,' ¦'¦ ¦ 1 / ¦ . ¦ '. - i'i " ¦


HI i ||| :; ?wae .*i III MilI tm^ - Mi 1M-ni ni-v .Li ii l(

mm'wk} —,^- >— . CJ>~.«-. JT<

R. ARKELLi ; : ; j

<t&S_ ' : : ! : Ii 7{f « K : , Y? ! ¦ ¦¦•

j 7^®fx l %> ; :w\ ] "*k - ! 9 ¦ i •wf^pv l

X U r 'cold, see that %^Cocoa d hot] J/ %|

, :¦ : s i ! ' J I ]! i l r- h i ii i L'J

¦' ¦ - ¦ ¦

i I; I II I . I:

' i ; M HAKDS UPl * ' ,!:v : ; ¦ i - l' l ¦ | i | |j,


OLD AGE PENSIONER ONE OF THE. j ; : . ' VXCTIMS. ¦;: I ¦ • ; ¦ ! . !

The "hold-up" craze haa apparent tycao^ht a srrrp of Waterford, for two riia(eJfoj betnes! are now reported. ! One of Jj 1-yi stinifi w^s a j Min eJ William McGrai-fi.wi e of al substantial farmer. She \S \\Apr jceedin^ home to Xiia-spey on Moriujv .ev ininj; about 6.30, .driving 'a pony :a;:.ica|.I wben ,; a t ;the 1 Ballyrobin iKo 'ad , si|. -wt s iheld-up by two men unmasked. Oii«»i thia*"men stepped forward (from ; tliodi ch and aeked'lher V Where }s your, lifej j 'The wpmjj a , taken by eurpride , was. strut-!;wi h torrbr and was, for the nonce, i li-able to reply.; iThe seconcl man imm! -difttel yiji imped on;to the car and drew||;ihapdlierchief across the terrifi ed , woinon!"rn^uth.i She was knocked back eornewivUinto |the| car arid her fabo received :i!ascratch!. The chief operatorj then deman'ii-ed Mrs. McGratri'n money, | but 6he- r<!-rj lied tha i I fihe had none. jHe called ()i>his , companion to !¦ "present ;his revolver!!'The latter, however, did not do so, he' ' ap-parently not beirv? poesessed of auch a.wriapon. ;The woman was then shovej ltj apk Jurtlier in the car and lier pnx-orio/j .tpsethex vith some tobacco for her hii's—ia id. tpkj en. after! which she I was allo«4|l

to proj eeed home, i The robbers then dfj -t"imx>ed and have not since been traced. JOLD AGE PENSIONER ROBBED. !

: i " •' : - ! I ; :On Bit irday night, an old age pen-

s dner 3niployed as farm labourer by ianji.n Maiding near glieverue, was i prb-«j xdu^qiietly home when. I at the MiloPjOit , h4 was 'accosted by a person dtisainaf a ' -Jwofnan." The latter bagged- ,tli*1ryIr °V ^n an<J ri« swifUyfthroun-h hSpWket«, relieving him of all he had—25s.~in cash ahd two'bottles of stout he wai .CD yin5 Vome - (Tllfi ' ClS6 oi tho lat ' <4c«mmqc it es would be keenly felt tliin]( rn m^ a,fter '.) . Th? "woman " was nr.nooU er than a man difigulsed iii female a!I-11T6. ' A '!

I.T . ¦' li ¦ : ' :H

I fighting for Breath ; I^' ELY SEVERE WIIOOPI NIIj -Pl-O.rim'RED BY VENO'S LIGHT-'| N1NG COUGH CURE. ¦ ; , j

i f f - *<?$' %- Sia!-on :4"l. Pen-Jj.r V, u" 1K- Rays.-"S07ii.- l i n ic ago . i -jvl rIj le bpV Fred had whbopinjr cough. Thetwely' jflRElniR ior breath Svhil.-. they lastLnlaht I' M

J f 1)OfaSlble. lht> y were .worse j itv!i j J S' : used to brint' up! blood , i azi<Jb ^1 a^th, . nose, too. At last L got Veno':- ,« id: atnj t iankful I did , for in a day iifl T° .he p»a<s-easier, and the iniprovomciit.contin^d until he was cured . Vend'ti.nj is eince cured my little girl u!«>." i 1Vonp(o Llshtning Cough cure1J «?5l ld' a supreme remedy for Couplis-a*?>.Colds. Lun K iTroubles; Asthma , Bron-

u 1 !? ?1 Catarrh. Hoarseness, DimCWV Breathing, I and Influ<?n/(». SpeciallyrS™mmLnded Vor Whooping iCoush iiidynfr ; Bronchial Troubles; in children;\"Ce&j is 1:3d. , |and 3s., the 3a. size beiript'Y^rapielleconomiqal- Of , Chemists : andM tditin'ei |Vendora everywhere, tnsiat! oB|hrying Venb's' and refuse all substitutes. ;"¦I JJ' i I 7!1 '! - I : - ! - ¦ . : i ¦ :,;, - H ¦ ¦¦

|The Land: Steward reported!haying" <HE-•Wed tf ieh fab pigs, at £196} ^The farm-oj iUs were sold and delaveredi at 27s- :G<Lp^r banel!\ I \ \ . ]

. ' ;. - ' ¦ ¦ : . ; ; : : ;

!i i.i ; ![::i;-i! i;-il: !i-!i



i - : iI- - i


To bo obiamodfroin aille&dlng Wino Herotiants throughout Iral£5fl!* •;||BACM BOTtUO OUAttANTCSD DV eMIPPBRB OlOtlATUnO. \i

Notes from4' Farmer s Gazette."¦

I ;

: ¦ '

Ry« after ipata.—Rye h usually; grownin patches ola poor mootry 6oila or on cut**way; bog' irt Clare and Western ocmniieBpen-j iaMy.' i It is dhaefly growa for.' itsktraw', which1 makes; exoedknt ; tihatah,And rarely IOT its grain. It is the hardi-¦est oj the. c&teals, and i3 sorwn in Octoberand November will stand the win^eir well.It oan be sown ' in spring at the sametime w> con|[ and th« rate oi seeding i&much about) ;the sam«. : A good, irell-cleanpd sample bu&held up to SOIbsJ orajmo^t the saine as ivitoat, and t barrelw>f Tye is ;alA> taken de of 20 stones, youJin nni. *t\v \feViW.ViAr vVm numioflfi to OTOTfUie acre .forj graJQ soiling or for allowingit u> Tipen for grain. ! In either o&aa jyouneed not a,p' ly any farmyard manure, asi'. will respond veil to a dressing oil arti-rfk-ials, say 2 to 3 cwifi!. oi superphosphateor 4 to 5 cuts, ba&ic jslag. J Seed firmsKtale : that it does best on poor sandy | soil•ivhere groWni for grain: They . advisesmvirig at tl e i;ati> of|3 !bus(hel3 per acre,and Taet yvar the Iis'5 pru-e for the seaect-•til giant variety was 178. 6d. per bushel.

idling Stjore; Cattli.—<1) As you haveiturnips and. - straw, in our opinion j yovwould be best' advised to hold over yourstores tor alj month or six weeks yet,I andto cell them! 'when the demand for stock-lin<j Spring ] j ia3tures s eto in. ' Stores aretelling %Vell at ; present , the common : runat t3}« Dub] ;n eiles l st week WAS 80

S. toBis. per cwt for catfle oi good substance,shape, and; quality ; soms of the selectedlots made <j s much as 84s. Sd., or fuliy»»f# tp beef : atos. It 'is Ukeky these fatesvin ;ad\ian<Se yet , and hewj e.iif you nran-a-se-ib '- kocpj your stock over , you atiould•inrvke a j iooj a sale. If GO, you might thenImy thinner! etort>s reasonably, and., vrithl:W- yeoT 'fi pick , may count on- a fair re-i urn for grazing them into foxwtard1 con-dition ; thisii&ummer. It ia oertadn catUe¦will not be [cheaper , but likely dearer, inMarih'; at (Me same time yoii must be on»4ie j tookout ; for tho, dealer's profit] an.dl»ny fa*j . cheap ly as ypu can. i

Fastening Pigs on Pasture-—There isno reason wiiy you should not carry outthe pian yoli have in!.mind , and this modeof feeding ' {will be both instructive', andfdiicationa't )j to- otlu'iis, and , ; vie hope,profitable tP i yourseJfi FaXioiing liogs on¦tJvU f^st/ 'hi ^s .widely followed hi the corniK'it of 'the] States, and some. -trials, onibriri griny- store pigs ;to porkor s on I grass«iipp !t.;i)t 'i) j ||ii w-ijj i whole ma.ize showedthat this c?n bo done with profit in thattountry. 4() article on the subject ap-peaTed in : Uie\ Departmen t 's i JournalBrrm e yeara agb. ancl gavs particulare of aKUfc.ceBlul out-'foeding experiment \ withI>i-Ts carried out in ' Co. Wi&terford. It-will be essential for| you to have' tH-.1 for-a^rir ; crop rp«<ly for cutting at the pr<>i>er¦tinie . iiliouj ?h we notice you propose notio'huy th<j young pigs until Uvis i«' so. Auiixt ui"!' of bats . v-Mchos and TAjie .-fhonidfiivf " excel en *,' forafre . though we ^lv<j uld|ir«fcT rye to i th e r^pe , and aini tQ li<j vetif -- ilarpo ;. ;hulk o'. \ vatoh'es as po^«ible.:mi] \o ut i iso tlie two cereals for holdingi,\\i\ leinniipnous c-rop up. Tliw vetehe;4

IIUVP much i the higher feeding vciHue. andjn.ti ,- iu: « "-:i lt> I )IPV oi 'iTviy wiU'baijUiee thefc{arch ' flfWr< I ( .-J by wlwtever kiri<T o? mealy«>u feed. :[] _ ! ' ' I ..

WA'fiERg'Ocip MARKETS: " ] i r: ; ' ;No Buttt'. i : . .

bBNERAL PRODUCE. . .J f ay , JM>}\' ton , iiOOs. to 'ilOa. IOaten S raw. 120s; to 140s.Turnips; 40s. to 50&. ;

Mangold \ 42s. Gd. i to 50s. ¦ \Potatoes' Isi 7<{. to le. 8d. per stone.

M i BREAD. > ;lib. loaveF . at 2Jd. at counter ; ill other

lib. 8bapfij 2id - \ [

' POULTRT, : : ¦

Best Ch ckens . 10s. to 14$.; per Dait.Old Hens. 83. to 9s. per pair, j

T; ; EGG9. i : j : I \i~ . Cd. per ,(lo7.ei ) for duclf i .-wid jj cii ^ .

! ! FISH, i ¦ : ;

; , ¦ :


) ¦

Haak . li. 3d. to Is. 4d. per lb. ¦Cod, lei 'id. per lb. , :HaddcKik , le. 2d. per !b. .VVhiti ng, 10d. per lb. ¦¦ ¦ jPlaice. Is. 3d. to Is. 4d. per lb. ,H«nin^.

f, Por^zcn. , , ,

Cellar Report-Top price; lf»7s. up to 15

j i , i c6AL : : - ; : - JNo pri<jo

:. I ; j ' ' : ¦ ; j : | ¦


HYPERMETROPIA (far j Bight) as theuiosi. cbmmon optical defect. !

MYOPIA^n car sight), if not properly cor-recSfis "able to progress and cause

PRESBIOPU (old sight) usually becomes

3fTfSM^eVpM.: vOTA freWniocourrerice, and fieeds care and

msmmMr it Anderson-Brown,f i Dic.o. !

!¦¦ 0PTOM TEIST' '¦


¦ i ; ' - ) . - - BJi Exam..' : : J



Waierforci Meat Factory


Mr. Michael Sl&tteiy, J.P., Cliairman oiilie South Tipperary County Council ,presided on iiaturdiy at a meeting in¦OJonmel in connection with, the proposed/Cc-operative Meat .factory at Watonord.A County Committee was formed, whotedu'ies will bo to be responsible for theorganisation of tiie project in the county.

• .air John Keane, Bant., was tlie princi-ipal speaker, and saddi if tlie factory wasestablished it would be the biggest j ito-ngof its kind this side of tiie Atlantic. < Theobject was to establish, in Wateitbijd, for.the South ol Ireland, a factory that woulddeal with the farmers' produce, princip-ally live stock , arid their by-produots. Itwas also propo&ed to erect a cold storagepliant. The ofganisation would bo en-itirely owned by Jaj iuera . Hitlierio busi-ness of this kind had >be?n in the handsof big proprietors, but he need hardlytell them that big proprietors do not pro-mote 'these things for the farmers' bens-fit , .and any :prolitB must go fro a limitednumber of s'toaxeiho.ldcTS. The result w-asthat the farmery did not get the full ad-vantage of the i produce they control.They must not 'think tluat an. enterpriseof -tJiis magnitude could be handled inlihe same way as maDy of the cooperativesocieties are handled. The enormous de-posits in the banks must, be to a largeextent farmers' money, and it ; was for theLruirmers to luice -confidence in | their•power of management, and carry the ./project tihxough ! to a successful conclu-sion.. Tho speaker described the details;as to the organisation of the society. They !had •acquired alsite for the factory, and ;for ty ucres of Hind outside the Oorpora-ition limits of Waterford , but wiUvin halfa mile of the centre of thfc ci1^. Itjhad »water frontage of about 400 yards, with a :

railway running: to it, and as far as theycould see all the arrangements were fav-ourable7 Th?y had decided to se\ up ajJarge County "Committee in each-|cc , vnecounties concerned for tlie purpose ofcollecting capit-aL and canvassing farmers•tJiroughout the Icoun'.y. It was a ^matterof life or death "ivfret.her theyi ovvned theirown husinc&s oir others owned it. Heiisk d them to take the ma^tr seriously,'QS it was- a. go|>d opportunity for] Iri^h-Jnen . A pood;many were prepared toscorn the business capacity of Irishmen,but ho did not think tiiat was justified inthe least. He felt pure , if tho promoterahad the united Bupport of tho formers ,vher>? would be 1 no difiiculiy whatever inienTT>-ing the business to a successful con-clusion. : . , • | - |

Asked by Mr. IWiayne if :i hn.inoh of¦\h<i business would I be eetablifiiod inClonmeli the Chairman said it was quite¦po?j ;il)l e Umt if pr?niises were not. avail-able in Water.'prd "or the niajmfa^oire of»h ."» bv-j iroducti * . a branch migh t be eh-itabV.shed in C'.onniftl . ContiriuinfT . thoOhairnian sj iiil the 1 pTop<>6,-il niibracoiltfie King 's County, Queen 's Counl^ Kil -kenny, Carlowl Tipperary, Waterford anaCork , and ha believed th>nt Limerick ^tisnov- 4i.iixir>ns to come in. i

Mr. OourteTiny, ' oTsaniser. ^advisedtli-ern to beware of persons gomgi aroundteliinC them th at th f> racJorv is to do thptt-nd do fh'.rt. forao big c-.vttlo dealers hadbeen grodng around saying this I 'vas afrozen meat business.; but it was no suciithine—it was to p\it fres.h nvsiv <rn thomarket in tho best : possible coVid i^fion.They hart pot nn ppportun .ity of Icon)rol-ling their own liu^ine-s s. and tlui.tj WHS the,-nn^i i mT>nr '!ii.i)!t th'iiie he saw in the prr?-joct. To-day th ey p,->.w Armmn vJ -of C\v.-cafro , looking tor a |Hit e in Ireland. Theydid not do \\M I I hir t.ho >»onr(i : of [ t.hn- (ar-.inor ^. but for (the benefi: of Armour. , o!Oliioago.

¦ : ! ; -, i iA Countv Crtmrnt iitt ee WJIS appointed ,;

Irish Co Oo-raiive Meat Ltd. \

' I iAt the monthly meeting of Kilincadon

Co-Operativo Cruiiuwry ((. 'A / . WaUr ford ) (inTuesday nigh'J tho above projivt [was diiycus.sed, and : it wao unauii i ioiusiy a^rocil ,on the proportion of Mr. C. (i . fctoi iluh-6on, seconded by Mr Uan Lynch ,I tliat tiieKilmeaden riooiety tak»: £500 sluirLY, in theprujfct. Tlw : greatest sati .-fuctu .n ' wj, -uxpicbsed at. ttm progre ^o already! liiade hiacqu iring a site , raiding ca])ital , |».'tc , andthuae pr<.>st.'nt |promisod to take an actil 'epart in organising tin.- parish ;ui noon iu'?ii public meeting for that purpo.-o ie h<;tdat Ualiydufl. | I

The foilowi rt K it;.sohilio )i was aK-p pass-ed.—"That tl«e Kilmoadci; (Jo-OpuratiyeCrciiniery, Ltd., being only :\ few year* intivi fttence and having largi.- liabiiiU-'s st iUto incetr —and having taken £500 irhan-H inthe Irish Co-Operative Moat Ltd.!—a*k thvnro.-socrous and wdl-ostablislu'd i c i i . 'aincr-cs of tho South wiUi larp<: mi lK; "<y ^

and big turnovers to take at loos . £1,000shares in thd project , ancl -th.i t 1^.^?tral Organising Committe e lx- ^tpe<-t. uyJequoated to nio its b«t to see that t^stsocieties contribute in share n progortion to the dinoiint of tr ade Iwinc: done

by them ; that the project f' 1^^'ryevery Co-Optrative Society and ( ¦>•<-*}

fanner m the South of I" d n

«.d udeserving of the best P,«*slble ,f " J,capital and Supp lies from all , fannersK . r incw 1 Unions and Co-OfM-raUve b..uo

ties." j ,

At the mooting of tlie Slievenic- Co-Oper

ativo Creamery, Ltd., on Tuesday night

Mr II. Murphy, I.A.O.S.j exp lained thi

project of tho iTiph Co-Op<'riiiivc Mea

Ltd., and it was unanimously decided I O I

the proposition of Mr. 1*. Cirant . .JiP

Cliainnan , to take £500 Miams in the t>f<

ject . i . • ¦

At a meetJnjj of the Suirvi lU- Co-Ope

ativo Dairy ! Society on Moml iy it wa

aproed to take £500 Rhare?- ilvMl io Ir if.

Co-Operative Meat , Ltd . i

TO THi :: ASM?j ' I


1 • ¦ I ! '


I ¦ : i :


. v • i . ' "rT"- " : i - [ ' ' £ &F Dainty has been.uii ible to accept tiie

offe r to ride Clonree in the] Grand:rta-tdoi al, ae his services aie likely to be re-qui; xxi fot Gerald L. ( , ,

i . • • •¦ • ! [ ¦ j.

I- 11, is atiid that this v will be. ihe i Jaatseason of Ernest Piggott in ; the eaddle,ind tlhati he intends to start ji n - businessae i traiiter. ¦ i ! ¦ : 1I '

• , • • •'¦ i ; ! ' ' : :

[ The amount subecribed i towards thetun l) for the wife and fimily , of i the latelociey, Cullen, now totila £1.769.

I Ii is interesting to leaj rn that a certainepo t3mail cloeely asBociated with- thoIsta j le is ] ai the opinion that Ballybogganas ;apabie of giving aubstantiil weight[and a beritinjj to Troytown over the Liver-pool course. Ballyboggan was bracked tof rih nearly . thxeo tiouaand pounds inorip hand a few daj is ago for the Grand(National; • '" ' ! ;,• I * *( " * t " :' • ¦ ¦; A s a rodult of tiie Rabiea Ord^r now inforice in! Englan d there] may j bej np Iriahcompetitors in the Waterloo CupJ DOR'Scai be shipped' across from this,' country,but their return might have to be delayedfoil an indefinite period probably; consider-able, which would mean great expense.Inquirie/;" at the IXepartmen't of Affrwul-tu re (Veterinary Branc I) elicited the factthat no i exceptions! ca' I be made to theOHer. j o J j ¦ : | |.

]Troyt<|wn, one of th-i Irish-trained! can-didates i for the Gran,l ; Notional , ' had ;a ,spill on; Wednesday mi the coujse ofl .agallop at the CurraRh. Neitheri the horsenj )r Mr.! J. R. Anthor.y, who came spec-ially to! ride hirri,]wa< injured and it ! isbwipv.fi that the cont retemps does jno't-dim thtj> prospects of Major (xerrnrd',8gran i-ioiokine hor^e for the b g Aintreeevent. Troytown. who looked ifi the pinko! condition , iumped theibie obstacleseasily, but fell at :a snail fence.

! < : - : ,¦ j

¦ , , , .

Tinpp^a.ry Hunt Raos orre to be revived

S . Patrick's Dav has beon ' fisj od for the-,.r. r %..-o i | o* *i ir> f-N-hirf . A Tfv>d snor^JnpcommiUec have Ure m atter in hands , andt l i fy . prioceod at once to map t>yt a suit-nble mud control cour o for tho event.

•¦j -MNTiNp ftXTURECI !


Tuesday, 17th—Ratl gonniack,Frida^, 20th—Fairb; ook.Tuesday, 24tli—Cloi coskraine.Friday, 27th—Dunh 11.

'. | ¦


Monday, 16th—Ballyglan. . ,ThureJday, 19th—Kiunacow. 'Monday. 23rd—Holjcrosd. : iTliutiiday, 26th—Mil epostj Co. KiDj enDy

At 11.30 j'clock.««t »- .1. _»Weighed Obly 2 l ibs,

ijvhen 2 Tea-s OJdlOULlj 'NOT WALK MADE STRONG


Mrs . (Burgess ,- 41, J rythian i Street, St.ielensl says :—"Aflter an ] operationj mylttle i-Idlth was alwt ys weaK aiJd puny ,ind ecx-med to get thi iner every day. j Shelid notj eat well , but iust lay about, a frailittle thing. A:, .twoTyeois oldi slio h'adn 't. . . . . . . . J^ n. - . » I L - Wl i . i k n ^f iiroetjv ^ ^«rn 'if +nc;;uii {o walk. She j u,5t wasted away toi skeleton , and w.ha' , iie&h tli'ere was onler pO(>r little bones was qiii t e boit. t lmdlied everything Il coi .ld think of for Edie..vithou t benefit , wh n a friend advisedlit ' to give her Dr. OasseH' ? Tablet,-,. Ilid , and it was re r l l y astonishing I howthey hi'lpad her. Sh^ p icked!up woj idcr-fully, i.nd quite eoc n W«H Hi'-inc bette rthan ()ver she had 3on?.; Then slib he-sun toj put on flei-h , and now; sln> is; run-ning apout ever so v ell and strons.'!

Dr. Cas-sell's Tablbts an? the perfectiDoderp home remed'y,- for Nervo\is IJreak-down , (Nerve Failuixj , Neuritis, Malnutri-tion , Wasting, Anaarj iia , Sleep'leAsnese, In-digestion, "Kidney Trouble,1 an<l PreniaturcDecay!. Bpecdiiy Uuitable !for nursincmotlu rs and womerJ of midd e apt). Soldby chemists and stores in all p ;u t3 of theworld ] Prices: la , -3d . aiul 3s. , the 3^.size being the more economical. Free in-torma ion u:i any ¦ao<^ &int ' on request"Dr. C issell'6 f'o.a L mrt;:d, Cliester Koa«l ,Mane lester , EngJ ; . ;

RICHLY COLOllED j and GLO,SS\H MR may once again be yoursK1 EP YOUR BEAUTY and YOUTHFUL CHARM by tho use: of


MOST EFFECTIVE , KEl. iAn LE ,LA STING. Ka ,y to use and quiteunrleteeiab le.

1 AH Natt ira Shades^ fri^mBLONDE TO RAVEN .BLACK.

1/» !, 1'6i 2/6, 3/6 por bottlePostage 4d. ;xtra per bottle.

From Hit f o llowing Local A qtntt :—t . .) Uormun , 6!) The Quay, Wutorfo rd

> -s' ¦ i l l i v a i i , 4 Thf Mall .I'itzpatrick & Co. , The Quay, Water ford

• ' ."will ft- Co., M i i n Strte t , Carrick\ t. French , -MthJical Hal l , N«w Koa*W . 0. Whitney. 4 Charle a St.. ;)r . Mii^nier , i Midical Hall , Feroicy '•i \ ' l i i te nnd Sons , Ltd. . Cheuiib t s .

I Wate-rford. :MuV phy 'e Medic i) Hall , C:»rrick-on-

: Stiir.. I Broderok . Patrick St. . Ferni"?-

Tyrie Turne . Tho PharhiHc y .Carrick-on-Suir. .

A' J . Nolan; lid.. 43 Main ; Htrce i ,Dungarvan.

¦ , : ! 'u nw IJyrne . 27-'27 l Dublin Street.

Clon rnol. i |Or from the Sole Owners and

Manufacturers:— | \O. R. H A R K E R , STAGO . cxntt

MonGAM , L\ *i., ' IM U.K KNT) . LONDON . E l

CART A! N U lfLOU (i-\' | . : , ! :

T Al ;K5.ING - .I i ': : j J i . . . , . ; ¦ ;





. M i i , i i

i . l ' ¦ ' !. | - ' i : • iTo be p e f f t e ty j

¦you 'can :' bet :¦I ' | Ji ' ! Jyouri bottom:] ' ' Hi ! i ^

i 1 . L L i i .wat Y"f n "ouore nqt feeling up to the

MMIthere Is, nothing to

equal a dose or


i >Worth a

• aiitak .o box. !

I !( • . : . ]

KHAKI Serge , Riding Breeches, goodcondition. 12s 6d. pair; Lafge

White Fleecy Blankets, well 'dripped ,new, the "Kora" brandj 16s. 6d. pair ;Ladies' ru^al! Scobch !Tartan Wool Skirts,Black Watch pattern , all sizes, as nfcw ,£>s. 6d. each1; Blue &rgc \ fTrousifrs, goodquality, all . sizes, 10s 6dL ; Blup SergeTrousers, better . quo-'ityj as- mew, 1,1s.;Blue Serge Trousers,:absolutely h.ew, 21s,genuine bargain ;j Khaki ! Drill Overalls.OS ou., luia IUUUU : L*[i.u uuuavr^. winpockets, 68.|6d. 'canh.; ^Tmy Jfew Re-Soled Bootel 12s. 6d. parr, iAl sizes ;Waterproof (Rubber Groui id Sheets, 72 x36, brass eyelets; 2 | (or 8a., 'A for 15s. ;Large Oanviia Oart ^Covets, about 6 ft.square, witli brass eiyelete, 6s. 0d. each ;Black Pegajmoid 1 Wjateniroolf OvercoMB.sUafhtly soiled, 1 15® 8d| - eaoh t BlackRubber Cbjabdnartiori Suits, soiled, coniplete with Sou'-westJeT, 16s. ; Lsj iRe Aus-tralian Heayy Wjsol I Blankets, i2G». perpair, bargains ; Now Full-Size Army Blan-kets, 60s. pair, best bargain ever offered.'SAGARS' f STORES, '65 Hyde Road, Ardwict, Maiiohester '.

WIS-E AND THRIFTY PEOPLE1 will eit down at eavoe | and send forI Bargain lists in I Surplus Clothing,1 "D • late.1, to i i1 OAGARS'iAuNIVERiSAL) STORES,| ARDWICK,1 MANCHESTER.

W$~m -&0ffi, ~ ic^Te by f \; l fe^fc i??. -jvhe §


HDW 'ARD WALS HFJlde, 8kin , Wool and Tallow MerchAft*

Hore-9 and Coittlo . Slaughterer .THOMAO OTR E'CT, WATERFOWL

Is prepared to remove Dead and DiaabWHorses anti Cattle ifrom any place wiVb }

* radius of Fifteen j Mil^a of Waterlord '^m prepared to pay Higher Prices tb «vMiy other; firm. X \\ Arj imals Immeduh ;-•<emored j on receip t ol Teleffram , L»»»»or Postcard. !!

Please Note Address :—eOWARO WALSH j THOMAO «

VVATEBFORD.¦PelegranJB:— "Walah. Thoma* ?«¦

Watorford 1."

COUNTY OF WATERFORT) IDotea fixed by the County Counoll itrf

Waterford for holding of Quarterly UtAsIngs, for flio yeaT ending 31st May, IWfl

. ir 8 = s = = : 1 s !S ?L« l!'" = t ' '" *' i 5& > 1

3 2 8 : : -. . :* 1 S - -- &S3 2, 2 ; I s • - II I l ===== s ! Ii il

u «^«—-|-— ? j s- SJiL.—! ' M ! i-<? ! . g 1 -

»S e> -a


\'^!ii!i! % if IffrI|is?s|S - ! & Si I"¦ ¦j a i 'T;l i \ i} , |6||B

n| - !o ! 5i3 isintJsTj «- ,8' ;' : . ; ¦§ sSlf?

W sfl"i« s*Ojim f t

Anyone may: make! a im^ ;lfc^^py^\ I Jii—> i^ I \ ••¦ !: ¥take,, biitl you make no inifr:K^S|| ^lr ..- ^TT| j vi i. I V-~, / \

^ f t**? a i ; ¦! ii ! ^fiiii \MML Wj j k /* . 'SUB BEK LINED TIE W&,

Rubber ' 1 Lined Ties do [nk '' F;'i|cfreaso orjwTinkle. jDhcy out- ; w- &Psyear ordinary, tees!, ¦ booaiiaa : /TTTntiie pure I rubber Kning jp're- '. li \ f tserves tii!e silk. I ' | \ \ \ If "/

I Sold in all : qualities from i // ' \1B. 9d. ujp. Afek your Drarj er | //' or Outfitter to show you,1 t t i eJ j //_/aLjL-

tep . . ; - =-*—---| -~f=


~~" r^Ti r1 PIRS T

Veterinary Memcl^^ • ¦¦ .{- .FOX'S Alterative Dog Pills, also W orm and Distemper Palls. ;B^|ablei ind

Efficient. ' Ishould bb piven. whan Dog is showing ^gM0* , 1!W<?Sfl i : ,: f3311

^ i | :*

"tSSSi W^rr^ersfar lHorses.-Th^ B^'lW^^J^ kHorae is! troubled eitiheir wi fli tJhraad or short worms. Is. toer 'Pa^ei, or wrt e

¦" FOX'i Red Blistering Ointoen t for H«w».-X:saJe Jd Iregablej PW^Pcompounded from tUe jbesfc ingredient* f rom a celebrated reca^ . boLc ,



*Z Iroxf Aconite iciujh1 .Powders for Horses.- e l su t ^^& g^JgCoughs anti Influenza oSd> at present on tiie ^i^^H^J^^, !0™- fg|

toiSf-wtl b penfoet cure. i Wsed by ail the most .important ! jM&se breeders m m ©district. I Bold in packets 2s. 6d and 4^ 6d. , ; |. i \J ] : : \ U 'J . ' L^~ ^!T.Ii FOXJd, Foot BW OiAirW-This O*««n«rt . ifeMS^J.| f rtffi

ykffim! <PS and th,oep owners to :be toe safest ^^WiffiSefe o*Two dreBsTngs only: n>quink ; Sticks on ^ell and dpe8; :no^ ^SU^fLy15

wet pras'sj l Sold inlTins , -WiSh full direct-ionB '«1 ^ J^B?^M^i *K£il T¦T #OX|'8 Cleansing I Die^oh for Cows after Calvring^The f Dre^

^ g^ejW

«U* kM carry awa^ 'al lhat is required , land r«tW^J T^rtSfffJal LTiFOX S Bi-Convcal Piyidc and Condition BallsHP^^JW Ueda-utne, war piei it drajnfis. A ' splendidTpWgLng baH , and easily |Oaaunisterpc... j - h

'I ; | All jiiift above: ipreparations are prepared only t>y ] ¦ : , || :

. ;! " ¦: pwJ i i i.p: J . F 6x, *f f i i & ; & 'i - : t .:M

| ¦ ; . VETEjRI3JfA-R|r k^D PHARi)MCEUTJlCAL:|CI IST,!;j I

'- ¦¦ • -:.._ xT r.i iy . in ^n Wea^r iniooxts Accurately ^Compounded. |

i i i i i - ¦ - . . . _

| Stocko^/ners and Iiririkri ! 1;))) i I , ' , : : : ] • ! ¦ ' : ! I ¦ *, i !

)i) ; I | i PLEASE NOTE THAT i - . !, | •¦ ; ( :¦

) \) I' ftf i Highept Priceo !or Dead and Disabled iHoWea and CattW;^eame ; A1

(f^ romived from any place within ft

Ireks^nable ' diet fiiico' tro>u . WMpj -torrt ' | j .

•?? j Kll Mini aU ji v mediately rem'o'ved ion I receipt ! of ' Telwram*': if '

Y\\ o -fvkK KK C'iRACED IEU . WATERFORD. OT ; by!: Telephone »4o OO 4|,

))[ I Highest ifricw paid for Live,Horses brought jtj i> par Worko, Mid k

J(J C»slri paid far s A m ej b y our Manager on delivety ij | .j j ! y

¦¦ [ \) 'R PM1*'<I I QHJ H i/her Prioea than any other ] j Firm ' [

: !

M . L:_LJ ^ i 1 " .1 jMj_M i jjj


I " " : -; ¦




I i !Price.t 1,'7i tc, 1/1Oi :per 21b. Pot.

| |® ~ ! ! j l }•! ; ] . ^ _

1 iv AT ^ixFOKD AND ] ¦ {TRAM 6RB I

. ! . I

ALSO AT k\RIX)iv . RlLKESKt. CIj Osj ^L; j cWcK^ Ni-SUIK,|¦¦XEW RO$S,CORK^ i j f l !

» n V C ' V« \ > O ' ' I : ; ! ¦¦ - ¦ ¦PHONK No . 132

' i : ¦

amilovtaiiit lto ^drmeTs!

St3j TTC)H'S |SEE lj .> S

¦' ¦


¦ ':

Tlnomai Cronin.: I M . I


ASK FOIi! I ' l ifeE LIST.

,J " J ClrECTRIC j TORCHES,i " » KlL 'J -tn .> Flash Lamps, Electric! •!¦'//> I M i s . Matteriea , Bulbs, Patrol' • i4| Lie iU^ .s, : flints . Wick , iGaa

i "ad Ligji ters, etc.[ ' (¦-¦ GlikMiOPHONE SPRING 'S &


Kjk Tubes ,! Lainp3 , Bella, iPumps,

r f ¦ Peaal s', Chains , Handlebars,

I Qtcf | Illustrated List jFree.

fci; ' Trade Supp lied. | .^ GORTON, ic J^NOW HILL ,

BIRMiN CiHAM. . - v ¦

I i :i ! i

wijrnocppu?h f.wioi i tj- A-LTn is IMPOSSIJ3LR

TviE !-B fiafeA|Wi 5Sft« !iV58i».Tthl \m-V.i- f | t |c fc. ::i f tfr . » ; v;:oj lA eiuliU ot

\~ l tALV A 1 r> ;.-m>*Y «^yui*TiOH.i

tTV O j h OJ ET0 :*' £5 PILLS POR Tfic

(I fUfl. die t In IM IHu *. i/ -i. t. liariniUini ! hoi

?# l««1 ln« I t f m 'tu or l)r \.Y. CT,KK0 UED. CO i

ILt HiUtir onKi Ul> N tt S WIMIO» KNOLXND

laid Le<J3. Swnlnptat>onWuuT>ds NiJJv§SS^

v3»^*»rfJ«- >Q.ClBS 0X frCc CIS'e L&^< D»hl.n.

I . . : i | : : III : j : ¦' 3CLASS I I I: ! : i ;j

—H— in ' : ! ' i " ¦ ; - i i: ¦ ¦¦ I i : ! ] l rk

y-U^ftoKE W TTM

I ,: F|RESH 3 DAVS WEEKL£ ; : !.

' !


: ; ¦

I . . "

! ' ¦

. ; '

LOVING CUPJ-THE Cli" ?AM OF ;' ¦ ¦ •

: - ¦H i iMirgarm©• I : ' ¦( ! ' ; i ¦¦ '

'¦ i ' ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ! ' ¦ ¦= 1/ 3 per lb. . ^

i ii! ¦!. ' L PURP IBLOff'"lliSl';>lll l l l l l Mil l' ' ::V V "" i 'M"f1** v~ l

!!.: I i'utr l n\ol<\ -.•!' „' aw Si f« '¦' ,¦ [ ¦I l . e l 'un 'poUiiiU - *t eii ;bp L^ P

C: |

( ' (rj t -ij nach in^ l- - < i'-j < wi' f »!»¦!V^ : Ii cr [u'( .ecuijL/ . H i . i i - ¦ • ¦ > > > a ' ''•" < r» |! iei kctl y lwhA ' ii 'iL ' -Oj :.! i «f-'f .* t l » "

j bu|» ! tbU-.jui h >J | • -J * • -- « . 'I ] •?.- ;, j Ti f:i

!iU'p <£.¦: tii - .-'.- c »f r' ••'¦'"« . "•) ; j

i l l i jj -4t . IN^rir'Tr''' "": J'1 t""'- ''"lr"i^flK iH^PTO!! piksgEiiisfe

\ : ' , 1 ' I , : i | i j l ¦

;• . • I 'ollow»j't GiQitw.i. Iii | <U-u :¦: Jaccvka i \dth <ba| PiiJi iJj «:;i nj&tcU'd' taASkia Cure , ^peeiiityI immoyli all disfi'

^iirlug blD^dh's.: pimple* ;*&'d blx^tbeAds. h Is falire irata '$} tot j Obstinnto P ^w*iii Old "/'oandi, at we.'J ' « lortiiiuiuui- + LamtJiijo . fic.i|y. aliaill ! o'»' »» * of Chen1 and 'J ;|uoai'l|*- -%i:«i it giveil almos: miiiic»|, kd] Prices ij|i$ and ^[p«iiix of PUU or u>i\ of OiJuUeotl!: ; l f . . . . . I. i . •

¦ im m i^p

S00: Pfiirk Kid Cloj .4 [or disrij ife .al'iat &>1-

lo|Wing !prices,' :4Clnt<irdn 's; 6iij 6d.! il Ye-men 's indjyc|uths ', j7i;.j 6d ; rnahj's, 8^. 6d;

g<tod,' &Haiios ,|hand-niMJe solesJiilroned andtipped.h W. P.fO'Shea The CJeatral Boot

Stores , .George's Street and Qiiay.H .!

V¥H l\\ .VA IRB AWS M O 'R ISE ! ; !

I ? : 1 !.] - . ii l l ! i

! - ¦ ¦ ¦¦ '

•fEB&ik Roberts. . .CNO. C5J . : .] . : ; . . : ¦ j ^:

• , i ! | FergnsoiiThe louse of I Stj rtfe1 ¦ Qnalfty S iValne

$'¦<¦¦' ¦ . I


¦ ¦ • • "rr— '¦¦—"p ' ¦ '

¦ ¦ 1 ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : : '

©harming¦ : i j ' AND : . ¦ :

Distinctive :Millinery; ; :.

! Models ! i. :

| AND I ; .

Beautifully' l|ailorGjril | j -SMfft Blomses

Bainity Frocks

1 Wai

Gaclk €TO1 •

¦ I ' ; • 39 <



[ I


! ' —-THE 81

Irisl (S@©dl§


39 4UAY.

o-o-SHssae* *e^^«-

it . \ /tTi 'TJ& TD)I i i ——

M@8l8ll MltegpSS !•—— ; : - _ jj7{ ' . ' . Have now Equipped and Staffed ! moct II^ iSllaffil flSfP IPjj: ¦ i : : - ¦ :

SI i I I /If * y^ /u\ iwV\\ j liy l L if i S rZQl mi J






our pnnr-1AM0IJ3 . yllj' ¦ ' ¦ : :

' . 1

' V


i 1 1 Telephone: 120 Watwrord. <l

' • ; ¦ ¦

. - . i i ¦ '

fr qff jffissafr ft 1., . yfcyssssBaa^

^ ^fe^X 1 ii .k::. !. ^ .: .'

¦ i - ¦ : : ; •

¦ r ! i ; > :


! - j"J « " ITONTf FAILHfil I I £kdl l& ' TO!SEE - ODEMil9• •! fi-,WlH ^ .WINDOWS

; ' • : THIS WEEK.

&'.tJOog Lp :- ;

¦ ' ¦ : ¦ :

I Kf©w0§ti Dadgfis' I j

' : IN ; ! | i ! i |(Scats ' S9 ! SkirtsGowr Sn Costs

I Coat ' Frock©I AND I ¦

; - . | ;¦Y M igmtet " , :¦: Footwear

for Little OFtolk

erford ; : i

• THE , • : ; l; j

3LU Y !j



TIOE. IRISH' GOOEiS t%)I M/ !EOIALIY. i I I : I—— . J,4

!' " " " !- ' ' ^Ike Spe^sj latty



ip-O-{335350C>-- r-Qggg=^ -<«<^

IL^ ll v•"•? •


illsSi i)ill iS mm It1EIT ' !

^ !!&?:•

^; SMI I

) SALE SHOPS, ; ' » :?» :


ID FROM THE ; I \ ., .

IAL3 OBTAiriABld " S9

-O-—Q !

; " i ^ i IiVJLL BE A3 UNRIVALLED AS '< ' i ¦ ' '

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' ' ¦ ¦ 'i ! ! ! ' !

I—\ ¦ '¦ : : ' S I ' Z.SY '

l i i l. ,> -. ^ «. . > . i in «W«,

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52o MICH

O-—*5 E5' ¦©-—« ?:• ?©—-<> g& SH—isS ; "I*-r-rQ

Q ¦! ¦ ¦ - ' ' ; : : !

"i i ' '

i '* - ; ¦ - . l''

r I Fbf Confectionary : of all kinds Y


n , THE; HOUSE FOR LUCHEONS . DINNERS; TEAil . TTC; ! «I l ' I ! I : . M Y

DRAWCH - Soavlbw iHotcll and JP oataurant |II' i | ' 1 TR^MbRE ; : i f1 ; , : ! ; i M•?• Wlien at tne Soaside you can nlwa v? rt-ly t-n pett i /i or cyei -ytluri K "of tha V

best" at the SEA VIEW. Cohf?cti fmrry anil Brown] Brea d fresh daily.I I Chocolates, Sweets , etc !, byj Bost 1 Mak ers> .alway3 in B ;u>ek. : I©—^—^5i—©—«—?—e«—>>—^J—L

C—£=5 . I *:—-o¦

: . : ¦- I ¦ ¦

; !

%m• wivUNLESS voi: (J AN BOAST A J> .\ 1: 01

dJ animeii THOROUGHLY R i L l A H L I



" I 1 1 ¦ :


SMITH'S i Cakes, €

i . -

¦ ¦¦


f| issue'sW. J.j j

¦ ¦ £H»V

jPhbno S3. :¦:i ' : i

! ¦


• ! ¦




I -«s I ' I , -fc :

i 1 . : ;CUR SUITST : iTASl'E IN

i'KEY suii:THEY Fill P

THE THRIFTY MAN I WltO :j i : : ! ¦ ¦

I ! ' i ;


irf<SCT£ 2i^

il ! !

j |i ' i | 4 '¦! ' I

¦ i | : ' I ' '

^Y;i| pggigf S i

fW 17d. Cu. per ya.nl.THE SEASON.


BL ! ST..-

O ^— r- »¦

i l ¦

i .





i i r ¦ i •

IS1 BE8 1. I ! .| ! . I ! i

Gateaux, IScones and B11T13 are :of ;JHi^rhest Quality and Daintiest1 ' 1 1 i : l ! i


$L M & 121 Qoayi-WatsefordraiTi

iS, BREAD THAT ds|"HOV|Ii! Wire: "6to

i i ' ¦¦ • ' '

J t t : -H T] ¦¦ • •ff lf tmM

©itL f EBElMs

I ! ¦

. .



i i ¦. 1

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; I '

LISTS, ; i i i i

WlTERFORli1 I : I 1

FooT\yj :AO.

CL.jJN.fe,' ; ' ' '(T!* ; O'OONNELL ST.)

r [ iND B -.$T E Q I ' I I M ' E I l

th, miar?oid.M !

G0 tl ti 'ILIi S)

I : : I

; jI J

I • ji ' !




! «Finisii.


¦ 1

¦ \

1 i|

?;i ¦ U; ! ¦:

*! - ;WE HAVE

f ¦ !• !i : : ¦ ' j


ii .i ! :'.' !i ' !' • : i

i t 'i"!Graia Bsp1 M: : !¦ ¦ • ' ' 1 :

I f ; . I :

li SeedsnI ; f j j |: ! <WHOLE8AILE : AND RETAIL). : '

j ;

I All tlic Be it Bjra nda of Cak|es,; Meilj, Feedi ig Stuffs, Poultry Foods, J el e.,Stockdd and Sa d jat Lojn€st|il(arkei Price* , i We Supply only the BEST1 -TESTED SEEDS, which} takjea1 iri <|onjancfi<>n nrHH our incomparable BONEAND BLOOD ICOMPOU^DS and SPEcW; MANURES, ha^e established

; our unrivilled ^putationij :' ;: , : ' : I i ' I ¦ : p i; j | ! Basic pagv Sulphafje] ; <j:f Amo oia, Nitrite of Soda! ', Superphosphate; -And! all ; available Fertilizers jSold atjLowest fri^ea. ; Clients' speoraj mixtureai carefiaiyT)rcpat, .d; HIGHEST MARKET) PRilOES PAID FOR OATS

BARCEY , AND WHEATj. 1 j ! !' j ] . ! ! ¦ ! , 'BARLEY , AND WHEATj. | i| ! ; . { . . | ! ¦

, ; i ,

Heail |Pffi< «5 : jJ0HK 1 S,. IJLN-EJ : i { . j | . | ' ¦I Jritichfis : O'CONNELL STREET andManure M Dnirfact^r.r r 'GtRAb^h^u..

; ' . < \ ! JOHN STREET. i : jTelegrams - Kijlly C.d.JWaterib 'rd. - i [, ! i I ', : ' Phoa» iw

K^LII^. ! &l(i €®.,! : iWa,ti»rford.

\ F' KKlPffJi i i f


ij U/ i iii! i I i i |N : Mi [ tfV'ATEjRFOBD'S; LEAD

ffi(?&n i i oj : |

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ri l l .< WF.DK VE ARJ;: i ; ; i iHi i . i i .


i l l i ' '. - L #01 till'¦'¦ '¦ I 'i : l» 1 i ; ¦ !


i !: i

| ¦; i .

!]BJe^a;©-^ S®o :>s

i (s&u uiitjy MeI ! i i : i ; | f in j I |M -

| NOW GOING ON. i¦i ! - I I .'- ' I

; ! ! : .' ¦

i ' : f * :j: :

¦ ' ! i i


I , - ¦;


Reduoti»spn a sjercsepiz g scale will bemade in I' ¦ rrerjr Department , eyen in'fieperieotlj!jfresh1 goo k.i and ttyfliing ahop-eoiled lor out of toMs jiB to EoJd atabsunflfj 'low pmea. Gjash Sie |only,Tennaiof Sale} ¦ ¦ ' i ,' i - ! . ! ; ; : : i - I . ;

¦ ' ]| V i . - I L, | | | I '

' ' ¦ - \ i ; ! " i l l i | V L 1 i"63 &! 64 QUAY, -WATER fORD.

; :! i ¦ i ' ' ;

: i

' E ! ' ¦i ! i : l \ ¦' !

: : II M i in ¦¦• ! ' : | i ! i I : i ^Tr53

j' ' ^1 i ¦ ! 1i ' i ; I - : i C ¦

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JUST, BIj J3EriJE)ij ii liAEJaiB COlfSIGNMEN T Off 1puc*o ! fl|ndh j :M©n oM ' : i ; : ¦ Q

UjND |ANI) pOU SD pOK TAH KBS ! {iLBO E2DEQ. S; ; Pj tLLED BECTI0N8. | i \ . ! S

WATER^ORD, [ ZLND; BAUCHEQ. . j ' '. j j ' H

I - = ; ; j I i j ' I ' " I ¦

I M I |' ' ! " * 1 ¦ ¦ " ' I ; !. ;. i LL: ~TTO I ; A : . ! . ' „,! ¦ [ |

l^A^EiFORD ' i !V V| i l l Ul li-<IlxV lL \ J 'i i} ^a J 'Q I I1 : . ! In

¦ :f i : i . ! : . i I ; : : . • ' ¦ • !3ft2f s, !fid^k@s]s of Kelly 's Celebrate

; : ! i | ; ; ' fiaaQ:r^S: | : : ¦ ; ¦ ' :. j Ilen, Flour and Meal Merchants :

I ¦!

i (ESTAIr ! i

©rails - 'IFaJsitfisft1 ikj i: l: i. i i

i i .

. I ¦ i | _ - i : : : :¦

i "~~T""rT-; I i


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| I : :


! / ! !i i ! ; • • • !


ii : j in ' i ¦

id I!.

5 T;AILOB^li ' ll ! ¦ "&©m©¦i i ti ;

AND: HATTERS, ¦ > ¦ ! ;• ; ! | - :j

¦ . • : ; : :| ' ; :

Street. . \ - \ i , : -


¦ "' : I i


! ¦ ¦ : | j


\ , m- - m^ M -

" 'iT T ; - ::|MJ^-]-/ Q^;-;WATERtgBd WEEK | |f |L ' ':i«l- . J- f ^ if ' ' ' l

j i ¦

i :

! '

! . - ¦ : ¦ ¦;

¦' ! !

¦ , ' : ! ;

M i ! ¦ ¦

. .¦

•! \ = r-J_ -L. L

. " ; — !¦ i .' - Od'tSi lt^inS ffOiTi ©iduKlfflmiw ffi ^T^^wV^^^rHP VELVET. Solid Leather Soles and HeelSEVENTY TWO PAmR^STr??^^ 9?e Bax« IJw Rubber H€el> Warm ^nOVF mm'^n Y* T£?£C!

LEATIrE1* HOUSB SHOES, Rubber Heel, !One Ba



AlUCLASIN BOOTS;AND SHOES FOB MEN.-^Entire Stock of these Fine Welted Boots an


Tlie ©en^rai ¦ ¦

£adie^i iBalbriggan ' 'Hcf story1 ¦ ¦

j ! f ¦ . j ' '¦ '¦ ¦' : ¦ : . •

j .

i .' I i. i f ; ! ' . ¦ . . . | '


¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

. >



36, 87, ¦:&: ££r j QUAY, WATERFORD

Im&ortgdl ¦] Seed! Meiatoes; i i I

¦ ! ' Q~~--^Q 6 ¦ ] \ I

¦ ¦ ; . ! ¦ • : ', . i 1 ¦

. : : ! ;

If.i ¦wRf£O SEED OATS, GRA3SES, CLOVERS,.; ¦: ¦ i ! I i i I I 1 |• MANGOLD !AKD TORfclP SEED.

. Howe$t Prices¦ -

• ¦ ¦ ¦ n M

¦ :'

J . i ! I

£.t!F.|! fPHEL$ia3B. " I I


Waterford¦ i i ,

I . :J5*—"-- -r : p.-— .

QALMOf'1.1 «.1!.MON. SAI-MOF'¦ ' i i I ( l

WiV, i; :i . \KUE SUPPLIES . ¦¦

. ; i ; j . !

W Y il Ai iS !A! BUYER. !




P. BARRYiI l ; i I ¦


! WATERFORD; ' J 1 •roini and Countiy Orders caxaially ,

and promptly attended to.'


1 All Requirements Stocked-AT LOWEST PRlCES-j




; COKCEETS i; will bo held in :



i Inl aid of the JMotor Permit strike Fund

SuDerld array ofilocal tal^ntj includinc trieK failnwinir — !^ , — ' foUomng :- ^

¦ ;Mr. I Maurice (F. Murray. Mr. Pstr .ck

isolm, Mr. John Nolan, Mr John Powi-r ,Mr L am Walsh (All-Ireland Gold U*U\-lifi t), I Mr. Lany^

Clooney, , Mr MichaelHarrison.1 Mrj Jam^ConnrnKUm. Mr.

MahS^*nd j : James £.<*"» ¦ ( '"KWsh l Stcp Dancers); Misa Maa O'Neill?Mrs - Griffiths); ' Misa Lily Hunt. MwJo' Wne Farrell, Mis*'Lily Flynn. M««fASruckor (Gold Medallist); Ilia* MayRo8eitorirW?nwr -AlHrel-nd Dkncinj :ChSSpionihip ; Mifise* Kearns and Cof cyn^l/i i Madellwts; Misse«;f Mar Mealy^Uv^McdSlSt), FiteswW,.I^vle, and

Fl^ircrtl- i . i j ^ r ":. r : ' j1

! : ; I ! - :

'i ¦ ¦ !

I , ; ' Solo ViolinisV—. i ¦ . i

Pro^HA#r MCCARTHY, U.R.T A1 ;; . •: ' JAccoinpanisla— | : . j

MrJ^M.!R Murray «»4 Mj™- f0111? Pawcf:. : bjtei0N-3 j

»/- «ni :iM ;•

jipb^^ ?;30. ;

Comroeno3 at :8 p:ip


¦ !

!- 1.f


Boot Stdres'a


T H E .' PUBLIC ! HEALTH (1HE].AMD^ACTS,: 187 . to 1918, j

: : i i.VD : ' !

THL: iiorsiNcj otv THE WOHKINC.. CLASriEti (1UELANU) ACTS. } 6W lo; 1919. ! | —¦ • !

WHEUE^y.i thi- Carrick-on-Suir UrbanDistrict Council have prcsontoi' a

Petition to the IJOCO.) Govcrnjncnt Boardfor. Ireland praVin g 1 for a ProvisionalOnk-r uuiiar thjre Acte : I

AND WHKHKAS. the proper advertise-ments, have bot-n publishc-d, notice? ,?er-ved . and' plans | deposited tor public | )D-s.po<:tion : : i ,

AND WHKRUAS . the saitl Coiindl havo.iij ^ l ktl to tho :Local (iovfrm nent Boardfor their sanction, to a loan of A14&,000 forth« purpo^'3; oi orectinp; Workinsr Clas-eIx>df.fing-housesiunder the Hou^iim of ilu 1U'orkin t ; C!ns:::-s (Ire lami) Act« . i

NOW. TliHUKFOUl-:. the Umu Gox .ri-;neiit Board lu-roby pive notice:—I; That tlie purport ol tl»e propoeed Oi-

d<^r is to empower the Council to put• in force the [>o\vers of the Laiido Oau.-(-s' Aeta with ruipect to the purchase; an<.vtaking , othetwiH< ; tlian by nKrevin -nl .

'¦ ol the linids twl fortli in Uie Petitionof the said Council , the denominations

¦ aiul quuntitivs of which were ntat*.-ci in! the said adwrtiscaiu-nt and dt«cr ibed; in the said Petition , for the purpo*«.> oi

L-rcctinj,' Working Clatss Lodftinx-houstf! under th.s j l lou ri in ir of the Working

C;ii< »-' -o ( lrei^nd; Aci.i.That .they ;have insi - ru eted their In-

s])i tluor T. if- Strahan. 1'><I-. f> ]) > '<>*':l U*i\ \ liiqiiiry i into .said Petition , andns - u» the proprV'iy of a«<Mittnc »-" Ui fi , iuv >r iht i ioof , and nl^o f> hold a W.iiiKi'uiry in tlie matter of the appheatioi.lor sauctioij to the Raid Ix>an of £45 ,(> M)

and t« n-rxiH to them thereon : an i u\x<thf -ai.l TJ K. ^tra: i ;in wi l l ;i'.U :;d ai

ihe Town ! Ha l l . CarrivU- on-lMiir , I .I

Tu-wL'iyJ 17th day of Fcbuuiry, ;••¦ < )

at the hour of eleven o clock a.nv f'make iinnnr,- awj rdni^ly.

!. That a'l person^ i r\lcn-sted \nl l |y: p> 'f tu iu.-d to attend ami ii'rake objf : "ii to ilie p to p oHid Provisional Onh v . ; .t iI n l i rutepayi^ in the .-JIK I cn-!r;c- _ :i..

I nt:oj i<r at tlie Inquiry and make o:)j« -

lion to 5aid Ix)an.bein K panction^ .

! ayy cu?h objections may be forwyrdi

' 1«i 'thf: Ixnal (iovcriui'.ent Roan, at|;t:-! Oflkv. Cn^ton: Hou?.\ Dublin , \o -K- i

,-..iv«Hl tliere on or heforo Moni l v.y ..lf.th d;iv of Fcb!nary , 1V-0.P.v order of the Board. _ ... ..: ARTHnt D. CODI.lM': S.vretKry to th> - Housing Coin

IhMi in-j Department ,¦ L<.;-ul Government Board,

IhuV.in. 41 h February, Iv2

LO STf l X REWARD—City of Monte V

out/Bond No. 991317 (useless CACepiow ner). ; Above reward 'will be paid forrreovery <ti same. ;


0 J2, Gladstone Street , \Vaterford,


TMMEDIATE Payment of RATE*X is T.;C|Ucsted. I shall bo rf ;lu<.coinperh.^ to take Proceedings Io/ ostanding Rates without | any '.Notion. ; !

¦ ! • ¦ ¦

; ! i , • Mi ROCK r

! ;,. ;







i r<

RD NEWa fMDAt, yJBRUJ&lta• ¦ ; • : i ¦ : > ; ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : v f - j ; -v | !¦• : .

• ¦.. -¦ ¦ ¦'. ¦ <$- ¦¦ ,, L: M i ; ; - -!! :



LARCI' IV,1 ChOn Wednesd

Kvlly, residentv<>yed undcT esftird , \vher<j> holarceny ofj 13I'iiriuci: from tHtliai. the An in:Waterford' dea

i f • ! : '

tRGE. / j . . :y & Wexlord man nataedin Witerford, was con-

ort to1 KilHnick J Co. Wex-.«¦¦• boing| ciliarged j **itli j theamhs , the! property of a

nfl youttlr.fi at ' locaUtj

fls woreel's. : I

It |s statedpurchased ! by

¦ r • r / ! : ¦ '. '

| i j ; ; ;'¦ ; ; " .

"™~T~^. . . v !"!¦" .' : ,•¦ . . ..I ' .¦; ¦ .¦ • ¦ - .| ;

i ¦

I ¦ i ¦ '¦ • ' ' '¦ 1 ¦' i

¦ : i '

: i ¦ \. ' J. ¦' • i - . . .. !| ¦ ¦; •

HO 6, SALE PRICE 1/11; SiiKs 7 told. 2/Cj. i } ¦ - : ji Heels, sizes 11 to 1 only, &ALE PRICE 3/0}. !rm LdnSl, sizes 3 to 7, SALE PRICE. 0/0.; !)no Rai, Good Wear Soles, ill- sizes, 'SALE IPRICE S/6:so in Bar, Smart Covered heel, SALE PRICE 6/11; worth 10s. 6d.Dots ani Shoes, Blacks land Tans, 2:7/0 l atfd' 29/0 to -cleari Original pricoi*.-i i , '' I ' I ' » ¦' • ¦ !- • 4fe., «o., : 50e. ; 'W SEASONABLE STOCK-J SEE iWTNDOWS TO-DAY. ;

Ik SSsttrfotb Uto MESSAGE FROM (THE POPE. | i'. During the rosii'daya ofj tihe |illneso o:the1 late Mrs. Ricshard O'Mahoney-, Gur..teen Terrace," Traimore, her' family hadthe felicity of r;«deving "mom tihe) Pope'sSecretary a telegram of wiuioh the follow,ing ia a txanslatabn:— j !; j:

"The HolyiFniheT Rfm dsj the Apos.itolve Beneaieiiion. asked for1 ihn i in-valid lady, Matooney. ' :

1 'I JCARD. GASPARRl'l "' : ;: ' ^h- i ¦ 'GUN TAKEN FROM A HOUSE IN !: CARRICK ] ] i :s ; !

It was stated ifl 'Carrick-pn.'Suir on Wed-nosday -that on ihe previous night throemen;entered a htxuse in Castle|atxeet dur-ing the absence , oif the residents and .tooka shot gun. The| occurrence i'<j regaj -dedm OarricK preuty mueh as a i</ke on ih«owner. I : !

SANDBAG FORTIFICATION¦ A peculiar spectacle was wdtneseed- atWoodstown Strarid on Mand'ay; w-hon soniehalf a dozen policemen "a'.ijjh^ed ffp m amotor lorry driven by two soldiers andproceeded to load a number of bags! withsand. The laborious taek finished, thecar j was piled with the eacks iind drovecity warda.; i I j i

[HIGHWAY ROBBERYA sensational occurreri.-e took place out-

side tlhe city on &unda.y night when a, manfro m Waterford whoise pome 1 we are notat liberty to disclose, was held up by twounknown men tod relieved of 23B., whichwai all the mincy h«| had in his pos-session. Tho ej eciting incident occurredat Mullinabro, Co. Kilkenny, aboutithree-quartera of , a mile from the city , when. 1 . _ _ . ^ . . » h . •fcJ_ rt ^ 1 ...I. j . \I,A .I #-l/-i»wltrrf* /rl / I ll 1l:U U d l itVl O U* I •¦ T*' *V^» 4* V7»* A mw ^-* 'j *

the youncr monL who was deprived ot Ir.smoney, was accosted by his assailants ,oni ot whuiu seizetl hinj by the ».-oatcollarwhilst hie comradi» in the criminal' trans-aci'ion searched his trousers no^ei?Ha'ving !iecure<i the money the assailnnioij n .hiedia.tely deca:nn;-d; Sp-?a,king to a"N^ews" representative on Monday, ftheyoiing man. wlio was deprived of his pos-sessions state'd the perpetraton- of tlwattack carri ed j no weapon , nor wejx: they,masked/but he was unable to identify theparties.


About one tfclodsi yesterday afternooha iuilittary: motor waggon in. cJuirge oi i»oofficers and some arrried soldiers and adnvcr 'wnihe!'4 up .in DnibUn, at the junc-tion of Blessington sitrt'eet and Berkeleystr r-et . Tha liarty wno stop])id the wap-pon eon?i .=7ts'i O* c-ho.iii t If" 'H :< < \-M 'ntirmed meni, i They demanded thut iheTn'Elitary [ahouJd hold, up lljheir hands , arequest which! was pionrpvl y comp iied ,with. :T5io riders ttiiy n se.arcihed the e.iriappaj ranti y in j search ; of a prisoner—sup«nr-oi to he Mr. B.xr'fii . Not fine? I T ..!.' hi > ijin th'e oar , j tbe party retired r..rter- n-ilievm^T tSi? officers «nd soldiers

of theirrevolvejT?. ;¦ ¦ ¦•

The whole of ^lie Droeoedinpti was caxrrie<r out ! witli nrnnTka.ble prw.ision. mialasted only about fivo nr inut^ -.

i .

CARRICK I5OAT CLUB RL'OATTA.A Iviy-'iar and M!e;bf work in aid ¦•! thle

Ca riuc -k-on-H Hur 15«til Club , held .u thelocal Town I la 12 on ^hiesday and \Vcdn«4-day, was very successful' and realis-.-d luisuhy.ia.ntifl'1 -Rum. Tlie bazaar w.us orn'nJed by the \"«ry Rev[ Ca.non Sheehy onTuesd-iiy' afternoon. ¦ Tho onruui cxpre sf-od h,is ph-as.ilre at .i opening t3ie lj aza;lifor such a .worthy ohj<x?t . Girrk-k hatalways had; a pn;t jjn;unie in Uie no will;,'.vorld as well ii .^ in ( !|t!ier -.jilu-r -s "f .-poit.H.<: wi.Tii-ed i tlie biznar (iod^pewl' aij<evrry succoss. Th 'e foll' <.>wi n }.' w.'rt- th'fttalliio!de(r. :—.>frs. JR. DalUxn . Mis? A}Slwhan , Mrs . Cou.e-y . ^is.s 'Morrisscj.^.

f.Ti-3n;ii' :in. Mi'AMrs . Jrth n ((V ,rlo-s. Mi

COM !riiit . MiMrs . Joe f l uA. ( i i i l v an .

- i l lI VMVMrs

¦ i l l V l l j l

Fit lDAY, FEBRUARY 13J 1920J

! . koSCAJLi- --] AJjpJIj ' I ; .¦ " i;

¦ T

¦ i

l : - - r ¦:

¦ ;

¦ ¦ ¦ 1

DUBUN NJIWS. ! ; ¦ ' : ¦ ¦ :On AVIedhesday Mr. E J. Cantwoll.

fouiti i son t>( MrJ and Mrt .Daniel l Cant-well,] tlie: ilall, Waterford -was; rnamiedto Miss Annie Josephine Brady, [eldestdaughter of the late Mr. . ndrew Brady,Pihiisborough , Dublin , 'flhe ceremony,with Nuptial ita^s, w'as otilebiiuitiediat ;&t.Pa.u3.fs, Ahto Quay. Dublin , by Rev; J.O'Reftlly, jC.C, Cavan, aspsted by Rev.P. Hoerey, C.S.Sp...; St. . Mary 's, I Rath-mines; and Rev . Martin , ¦KD . : j j

INFfKMARY BALI,.: ' I .1 \Al lighting and heating ortj angemonti

for itiliiis ent'eT'iadhment we re done |free ol:har e by 'the AVaierford- Gas Company.

BIG PRICE FOR THREi: SALMON!Tl Tes salmon , wnigh'inr a total, of 94

lbs. were on exihibition j esterday at ' thepm lisa's |<>f Mr. P. Kr 'by, CWick-on.Sub . Ai ,4s. a pound the tihTce 'salmonibxoiight £18.1Sa; (to *he co;| fiBharrmm wlincap -ured th'em. One cf *he : salmonweiMifed 46lbB. , !

BURIAL OF A BALACLu VA VETERAN.Tlie Commander of tWc Forces in Clon-

mel.^informed ; Mr. Join Bdrry;, T.C.,Ca-rtrtck-on-Suir,1 in TOplj to a telephonemessage from the ln/iter that he wouldserid a party of eoildier. to Oarrick fortin funeral o f ^ M r . Janes Bojirke. aPaj cclava survivor, if t le locali Federa-Uoh would pay; for railv r-.y fares,' and TO-frc+innentT sor .' -the «>1c!icrs. The costof fhiiTVYmr the BalnrX ava ve' j an waadefrayed ! by a col lectio i .in the town .TIJers wait no military ci&play. jSA TURDAY NIGHT'S CEILIDH.

T3ie Ceilidh announcqd for Saturdayni ;ht next has been postponed until '. afu uro date. | ¦ ' : :

LIVE STOCK SHIPMEflTS. :/ , Last; week's ishipinentjc. from \Vaterfordw-^re 862 cattle, 752 shec ip, 1,266 pigs, and12 horsea. : |


Tlie Most Noble Jan os Wtilluun Tbeo-1) vld Busier, tlrird Ma juisi of iOrmonde,r.C. , K.P.. of ;Ki l fenny CastL\ :!K:..'1veiiny.Iw andJ w<j io i di-?d on ^ 1iei26bh Octoberlast , a-se'd 75 yoiirs, lef{ personal estate'oft K; total value of 9u ,2>2 17s, 7d.. but a?estate (Juty is biing evied; on tlj e pro-X erty ai 24 per cent., tlhe total value o^(the \x\6 Miu-quis'a t> oper't'.y is betweeni-lOO.OOOJ and £450,000. Tlie testator ' leftrienu-ntoes to Iu6 fam ly and j friends, in-< ludin<r f amongst! rrtHcrs; Lord ' Nort Qi ,]»rd' Frederick FitzGprald ,; Sir Simon

joeklvart, Dr. CrozuJj ', Protestant I'ri -naie o( All Ireland ; l>r. Butler, Master?f Trini.ty; and Adriiral Sir TOlmotFawkea. Hei left £2<J) to each execmoT,ind it-Ill his ' rpai estate in Ehg' and' or lTe-Land he divided! upe n trust to pay : ft »imiuarl - rent ,ehaJ£e rf £3,000 to his bro-ther; {li. > Rev. Lord T' n-obitkl fJutlor . withpemj indtT to his wife fai . shi? survived\v\n\ '; s',nd , subject tnfTcto, i^i strict pct-Llement upon his nenhewB , James George\nson Butler (son i &F the i>rofOnt ^^^ r-rtui.s) f ind his heirs , p tail j n.ile ..5 whom[ailing[ upon hi« brbrherr T3ioobnJd andliis ! hairs nimilaf lyiJVhoni ¦failin?. wj t hfurtlwi ' remainders. <riving the life tenantpov.- nr ;' to creati: a jrtlrli 'ir? <'li;i :-^< ' not ex-.vedii'K £1,000 per -rtfinum (the tu'.-il; MI >>-^isiin^ .

ati any !.ime net

exceeHins £l ,'iOfi),snd cili'arRe portionri f-anr younger children

at unvirKsuhsistincing £15.000).to di-volve n.j -usts above

up lo £10,000 (tJia tr-m; ti'ine not excectlie. pij TEonal ost-atcpossible upon f rhalor hi? real' estate.

He lo"t Mi .. .far as nan

defined \i j ,! Iran,

RAMPANT ; HYPOCRISY, jAnyon e who | haTptyuia a |doubt about

the trickinosB andl ftiJTOcrisy—io use no?i ronij cr expressions—of |Mr-. Lloyd(5.'j or;.je lias. only. tA r^ad hiis speech atWj ' .-.t'iiiin.-'ter oil \\\>;lnefiday abopt then:aioliali.-ation! of hiines? ; | He d^-larr dir^i''i- * b(' ..t tiib ,-t1i\iiiij iiiy ¦ ii irmm r •J'na: h""would fi^ht r ip ln to the <-nd" iipiin st tJietlo-oiy that *"a brivalegwl minority"-hanld rule the majority. | WU iat . may^Y(• ;i<<k , is , the 'case of this country,? MrLloyd (.i eoTgelandhvis puppets will not[permit :hc m.ijorioy in Ireland to nile:t 'nc Iri sh nation rnutrt ! W nil-i-d by a'• privil eged ; minj >ra ty " -j- the rottenOran :<H-.men in Norith-Eait Ulster . . Irif .li-ni< >n all over th^ dlobe—-land de;»-Iit Knp -•lirhmen posseKsoq of a, niodicunl >i' in-

¦ (fHii iene t—nnts t b{- alivd to! the ;r t lM inl i iy" '.' rJii' vi-!l;;i] antici of -the \V .. -li WimJ.

! M . ' j ' "- M ( ) '(¦ NT .iilOX SOD MAT Y.r Tli:' annual clexkion of pfficcTs for t-ho1' ^ru i iiit Sion Sodalj ity will t-ak" p laee nextr Siind ;iy. All the members ar • ro<iuest«]- in bt > present .

;i:n ii: KK; THRE .-:'S IGNORAXCK.i i/l'lie Pence Cor for en oe is cnlfuU :<- d toi-Ci:;ut Ui. 1 . Towei of Babi'J. 'Ihe Iwlian)J M!miur cannot ( peak i ni t h e Eri '.'l Mli orKr |ieh Jan'_'iLa};e]; tlie Frendi fremiertamiiot talk in Khlian or in En(.'li.-!i : andihej lOnglirii Prern.ij r. thoygh hi! h'.is aisniattexihg otf French , dare not MustBVni ip el f to indulno in oratoricial outbursts;in flie French lniipuiige,1 aj id liib know-lodkc of Italian Ka nil j Tin' .ibfiince oTUncle Sam knockfi the1 6t.ufiLn£ out of tlio

1 v l i < i ic fni.iiness. f , ! * i /•:: ; \, . . .___ i '.

- 1: IH. PEARSE HURLING ' CLU B.: The- annual genera] ' irieal.in? of t) iO |P.' H. J P^apie Hurl ng ClubJ Ferry lip uk . v.ill

o . hc j lH'lt ) r>n Pun lay next^ aider ,n o'clocki« !l M:i>*. in tlie school prrotinds.. jTlif1 htj ^i-

In 1 nei-s lo be tnii .sitcted vfrt l lx»- oT '^n >'tn-poi-La.-nt nature, and will indude eleetjona'\ n f f i r r r ^. ^oir ihationsj for delcavnl-^; toAli-Ireliind Covcnidiwi1, etc. AU merrrbere

, ahd firti'e •w wliitg to joir ) orxs earnestly""

¦'j r eiiuesi-i'd to be present!! | i - ¦ <

¦'¦ ¦> : -" ¦ i l

s SljMTH I Taaffo. M M , Itnurke . Mv

M,L=s M. : I$ourk i \ Mrs. F^-JujiFeeh'an , Mrs. Paxle, Mi.* ( lear

DavLs, MiKiS M . : IJ o u r k ^ , Mrs. h c h u ' r; .Miss Feeh'an , Mrs. Paxle, Mi.* ( l ean .and Miss. :Heii4y. T»** Room?— Miss if .Dowle'v , Aff.-.-i Haves , Mrs. Hinsori, >i rcN. Ga lvanl Mrs; CK-ove. uhe Jli«» 'S y -.cvrr:.. Tho! prize.s ai t]ie SUM U S infhul«- da ,C3 note .j a fi Ct SV< M > H . h;ij f U-n <j owii! r as-;*fk f> f f l ' f l t r . ft cu 'ots . 'eJ i l ' i *-. r ?f t - . s l l i tlenu'tlis, (j-.ir v.ojr- , Me . Mi'> IV I > c w ( y:irave a .eii'O. i:|l rrr iz ^ i>i '-:; t.o t h e t • i-i- iw^m-1 . I'rhL' i following '.'(M I 'JCIII n <;¦¦ v(valuable j I a .?.? .s"r.u(>< > in or'.'. in i^nvi arjdoarrvdnct biroi <r\\ tin bazaar:—Messrs \V .Parle (Chut-nin nf t h e l$o:i«. ( T u b ) . .1 J .l JoiCy (ViVc-cj iii tainl. .1 H ;:m(»v . ' < ; '•v,-n , J . •}' . Qiiii -k ' ( . T - - ¦¦ Turn - .. T .f.nii( »l)in.".ii , X. P»<-.urke . P. IV/ ' T - . I ' :!Cleary, I] . Sounders. Th«- Si«vr- I n -Af'ircv fin" piiH 'li v:i ' ) > ;> b l . - h " !r> Tl fi i i?cJr-'X'.l (7rch'--;t'-a was an n "' .- -*\\- f ' -. ".-.j r • ¦

r,» •;' ¦< . r,;;.- ,i ,l - - I ¦ oi • '• ¦- !• / - i ¦ > ¦ ' ! A

(Vn v « r -nj \\'|,:, --. - ' ,.. |. -, . . ' • 1. - , ¦- ,:¦'¦¦¦ |:|.


funct ion (o ;( clo-'e ¦ j


FACTORiY. . II n ; tin Kami 's P»t !ieh DivL -u.n 1 'iJ i r t .

Dubl in , ¦ o"of()re t in - [,< >r < l Clue:' .J u -j •> •Mr. Justice Gibson, and M r . In- ' :<• ¦• ( '.or-<lon, the arfnimtj ntrt in tlie. Prtil 'uni olRight brought by MassrK Thomas Th'j i i t> |son nndlaSon', LUI.. of Cariow . atrauist thiiKing, we're doucluded. Tim cu-e * ;«m«i !> • .•>fore the. court by way of an applicationhy the JAtt'jrney-Gcneral . a, - n -pnv enl-ing the j Crowu, for an onl-. r b et l in" ; j ic Nthe itidprncnt etiti-fej ] for the ft'.>m>l i\n '-by Mr. | Justice Pi.m. ( s i t i i n s ? u' i l l i o it ;•

jury) ill Delcember last. l,r £4 .( MKI tuirtcosts, nj id f<j >r an order dircctinc thnt udg-ment if . entered for <hc Crowj.'. Tli ;J n»-pluiatiori wa= ninde on tin- fo l c \ y in > »rroj indf:—(|n That the (indiu" «'n-- n'Ji 'i \y<the ' wtHuht of evidence . (2) that M r J llu£-fic« Pirn drew n wr^rii.' infft'-enr-.- frornj thefnew : and j (3> that he mi^dirr -cted h rnsi-i fin ;holdinc that Umn' ^a» n C-TH 'yd M !contract between ttye Ministe r of ^tuni-^ion.-> "ind Lhe aunnliennt * <or the «i)e <>ithe Wntorlord'Munitions Kaetorv f>r the8Min of £?/*.200. TliO: negotiations ^ r pur-chase Inn J sale wfii'i? .cnrriH on !•/ c'^v-repnowl^nw in . Fehtnary. M-iy. and Jim"1919. fVr\m which 1he yunplianto. ifa weil1919. frrvm which 1he yunohanto. M wena,i lhA null'"- thon-TlIt that thev hari j nome\r> n j .rir(rp in. : nnd . i as the Ministry: ofiTuniijion 1

^ broke offlripgotiatinns, iji fj sotv

olianua claimed S4.PO0 o".arnfteeR. For -t\\«Crowii it J wnp ndw|tte<l tljn t the wj ioiJ Mtwas not ercits.'ive. if. in fijet . a |f<fa ) e"i>-tractihacl .been entered into1 : but Ujn «"'r'hcontract was concluded they denied. Thequestion for the coWl wa.' whethf-r ih^''1..vn* :i h>^i\ \ b 'n 'l 'mj r e^p' raft or nj it l°-> > 'court reserved ju dgment.



: ''

iai- ¦ %Carrlck Jrban i Council i

Mr| P. -Kirby, iJl.P.; Ctoiirman, ipresidecat $zi adjourned imo!oilhily kneetiog of £h(Camckron^uir itTrbaj i Cpuixoil yeuterdajBvehaog/1 Atleo presenJti-jjMftsslrsJ I.J. EG«il>b , J.P. ; R."Waters. M- BankJ>; T. FMoWissoy, T. O'Hickey, ij . JBoWy,' MStem, J! Delahiiaty.iJ. J. OfKyffei WMurphy/ R. Wa&h (Main street), arid J.Hairtvey. i ' : I i ;i I . -: •

!-i: ' : J " ¦I THE COMING INQUIRY ON:| ;; ' HOUSING j ] ¦:

The Chairman s id tlia; ini conneotionwith the application for £45,000 foir theereqtioniof housfcs, :it would be! very im-popiant ith'at the Council wotild! ¦. l ye aVlith'f necessary .eVideniee; tor ,the inquiry.iHe (drMMrman).' Mt boun 1 io ] acqnow-ied4e the debtiof fiie Ccunci lj ito : Mx.Grujbb fOT all he ihad done during tho pastye &. Rut for, la.ll \ Mr. ', Grub bh id doneth 3 ischeme would not be 'as far divaucedas j t is. ' ij I M M i

Mr. GruHb said,, aa th'e chairman 'Wad ;sti lled, .it waa : iiecessairj- 1 to ;liay6 all the:ev idence required in order r for the en- 'qwy. ; ¦ . : I i .

¦• ; : . ' '»fT, Bauka ; adked if ,thc |Cou icil had

artjr-powexs fo compel oWneors: o:f housesto keep' them in a sanitary condition andin ^epoj ir. ' : . .

¦ M , !:. j 1 ¦

Mr. MoTri&sey ea,id ini Glonmel : recentlyo-^herBj'of houpes weTe fined £1

leach' fornot lhaying kepd their ihous-aa ihlorder.

; »Mir. j iivrry,1 Mjr. Healyj arid Mi»; 'BankspaJH3 drifttanees: if /houses [in the town fromwhich nearly' h'ailf : itihte -roof .ha'dl,been re-nWvedJ and pH people aim: sNvamped. dur-ing wet MTeather. ! ' : • ! ¦ ¦

I Mr, Gnibb: and Mr. I Ban kfl ; urged thatsieps should toe -tiaken' i to , Qiave ] tihesehouses! ropaired. ¦ j i ' ] j •

I Afr. (Kickey &'aid if a. l^ndlordfi expendsnuneyj on repair ingr ih6us«3: he!:demandsar incxwised rent owing ,to -thcl Irigih costof material and labour-. '. ; ¦ , :

I rM. Banks-r-He can 'get 6 po'r cent, ofIt o outlay, j !¦ | : i I 'I Mr. j O'Hiicksv .said I ha thorough I vj iMr.jO Hiick-sy .saud I he t|ioroughly

ij^reod wi th ! alL Mr. Bailee and M-r i Grubb

iad '.stiid that landlords dlioula be com-)Wled! to plititheir houees iinU UiAbdtaiblex>nditdon. j|Hhe .presctnt | condition ofnany of fcho houses' in ilie ' towri was cal-

culated !o ciius? epddoimiei. |11 MrJ Hoa-ly .ind Mr. ; Barry gave in-stances of htolrdships suffered by them-*lv£$ and btiners owing U Inching roofsand eianitaxy defeeta. ;(;!; Mri Walsh11 and Mr. O'K'qttffe afrreedivitli wliat MrL Gxuhh 'irid Mr. Banks hadtaid. ' | ..!¦ '

An order, w*as ¦ made asking the sub-^ainitj ary officer to report ;

to i the next

n>£-«ting of the Council lire de&xf'tive. houseamd .to take iiteps .to c*»mpel i&ndlord s to :¦epair them. I . \

¦;In! connection viih- i the idq-uiry , the :,

1'owii Clark {said Mr. :O'Sh r«J. solr., had ,wolitten to h im ¦askin^ rh.nn tQ ^tand theLnquirj- r -ndj j r ivo ev.ij lenix?'.¦ ' Ho would !be pToparedi to sive ovj idiTiice-thah. .tivew is!grave, now! fbr houses! iiri ;' tihei -oV.Ti. ;

•~ In .reply ti Mr. O'Hackey, ihe TowniClerk said ahy m -TTibcu- of th't public can 'come "to the Jnquiry apd give Evidence forar aicj ainst the .housinp schiMne. j ?

Mr. Barry Raid lie (had lienn-asked by!MTJ O'SHi^e to give ^\*iden'ce at the in-<ruify- A '

In reply to Mr. (^'Hickey, th* CitrrTtsaid .ifae sites for th« ii!ous<ia. w \TQ Sirs.Eiittar 's lanlr] at Cn.rrlckbe£. and the fieldwr ¦M'-Jterp . Clceve'e. Kvon if Mr?.BirUnr or aiiy other person refuged to givethei fiel d they could t!ak<> thejm Prom themcf fcJio h.G.t. thought;, fit. i )

The Chaitman said it! w;a.4 v-=\ry impor-fant TO li:i v« a derlnratinn: f rom \f) \ c I^ah-o;ir Party m the Coij incil ao t« what iT entMie fenan ffj of the 'lion. ps proposed to bebui l t wdula be- able to j pay. ! ;

^ fr . fiBnk 'a—Th 1? la.Dourers would hi- pre-iparcvl to p<W 5s. ' ¦ ; . ; ¦ ] I

Mr. Nlorfissey—I tEink 'if shouid be1O3B. "

i ¦ ; I

In reply- to «, que?tioi|i frqm Mr. O'Hic^kKVv" a.« to* Jiv'hat world h'lpOwi if only 20¦of f lih-' KK1 lion^e:' woukl be-j oceiipip d. Mr .Oriibb .saij l t.h j '. wAuki noi happen.Con-t inuintr , Mr . Grubb any! it WHS v.iry im-¦poi 'f.int tlirit th ey ftioij ld h-fivc a declara-tion as to] what rot 1s j the - tienanu wouldpay. ¦ Unless rhve «'pn]d nriv. say. S'5' .il^-r:- would not he much (lianco. ri? jret-(t 'in? tch eih'ous'*. lie imdoui-.iobd thai, in:Cir>nTnol I tiicy. are th.in;kvncr r>f fix:in<r' thpvoa!. ..-vt f^s, "' M ' ' '

[Mv. Rank.o-Theyiwill not 'M Hs. horo.;M-r. Bf rrv , ^fr . J^ink.« . n.nd fMr . Hi-;ily

e\1>re^Pe<-l|t;ho view .tri-V .it fiVc rent i^ fixi"^aj. ">s. (tr, 6s . it .=hri!il<l i t i "hwl i ' ra.tes.

I l l ^ . -V l^TT -v '^*^ . . I 'I (fK V A \ * - l 4 1 l 4 l » * l 4 l !uiuiirm'f ln— I ;i r hk> wit l i thn tl . ;


I \ri:-liii^ out of an: appliedi- -j > f'" 111 j r\

l> C ray SC 1KK)1 .\tunidaj ue pfhciT . KM

an inerUse of saalry.-of £'.J3 a yiar. MrD'Hii-ck«|y h'and?d in notice that he wouJd

move a.t next mvlrtj riir ¦ Uinrt- Mr . Cray tfriUrv lie incn a seJ by S-ti

11.' (Wibb said school .itt.'nd 8»ne«-> olfi-

c'i-rs slifvM <lbe p- id by U H > j n -suhd u

tlviir v.-oi'k. I:.-,~- | . '

) . . I -• ¦ •rr-"""" PUBLIC ¦LAVATORIES.

r. li;j nks, I

i l iwbl i : - I n v nOn tlKo proposition r-i Nf\v;is >loc C-l«l to pl -onae i Vii MH -Lories for fhetow rj .

A proho sn l t <> H: ive <in c of,.!,! ,..• ..•[ .K_ WAll t (k I fill t ,li; . ul(l

i l h . ^ Cl .ruj

Oid wuwn-nouM'. ; < > » ' i"1

«)pp f>swt by Mr . (yVHieke;<tha -t tlli*i \vutch-4iou«» isment I i • .

f i i " ihiri luttoru

enmdl r . i

,»:K l.liHT Ri.XKA,.,. KW.ingKD ^K A^ALCAj J : j

crrl .wari only ^- J ) }'¦ j | j ! I j - I :j .1 1 : 1 .


~) ; | ' We be-t :' ' dej nont -1I i , ' i <•<.:>.«a " '•

iThe di-Jn<ironi MFeb. 21igiven h"

o ; !;- || • Telephone i26Sh i 11 i,«. U: __L—Ji-J—-"—V

>\i 'f I ; ¦ ! ¦

IJllgi : 'M l I ; ::

' = 1 J H 'T ! :J - ? rvwi 'mII' . : M . --Mg: i :l : i ?Ml!:jI

¦ ¦ . |

¦ ¦ . - j

¦ || . ; | ; li II ; ! : ¦ ;. !

I - - I

¦ ¦ - " i

¦ IMI: || ! ! :

' ¦ M

! HCOWRSM j : '¦ M IliR-FKH

, . ; j - The;jM8h Cnp ; ¦ ; !

IRISH! CU?, 'for 64 all-ageiiat 7 8. ewh'i> winner £200 arid piece of plate!, value

£60; [aecond, ,£60; Ij two dogs £20, i tout£7j eight ,£i lOsl, sixteen £2 lOsUeadi.

Judge-i-MH jM icha^l FJ, Dayin.1¦ ' .j ] • ' Slipi>erpOponoghue.| i ! - : -,.-p ¦

I .: [FIFTH iRouto. 1 1 • ; 'Irish Steeple1: -beat ;Eoyal Dictator. ,5 to

J to 1 ion Ijrifih &teeple|.: -. , |: . | |.i ¦ ¦ .Lively Trine !beat Beauty's Boy' 7 to ^>n Livj ely Tunej f j -j - j , ! i | -| i l

M - M i (FINAL1 .; ; i ; ! <LIVELY TUNE beat IEISH STEEPLE;

"7 to[.2 on Irish Steepl^.l Iri^h; Steepleled a |length: aruj l a[half , l% b^t in) a' Rreatworking tr ai was gubsequently iwell out-poiriled. :| / I- ! J ! ! ' ¦ ' 1 : i | i

.; ij ;;: !¦ THE PTJBSE: I | ' I

For: i32 dogoibeaten in first |round of Cup .Winner, !£20; runner-^p,:£8;|2 i'dogp, £4each ; 4 j do!g8, £2 each ; 8 dogs) .(£1 each.

i . , i '. :: -.ii.JJj. . I ! I i . !| : ' ! | THIRD 1 ROUND. ' I | j | ' !

. Cheerful Chairman beat Boys Oh Baya-6 to! 4 on Boys Oh' Boys. ¦ ; j {v- j - - j !

Flying Out txsat SWefOaway. 3 to 1 inFllyng Odt. ' | )¦ H i | ! , [ \l

Spot beit Oui«r 'Jib'. 5 to 2i on OuterJibf . ; !:¦

¦ ! j h . I I I ; i | ! ;

Irish Cl eer Wat Golan. 15 'to 3 on Golaa.

; i , FOURTH'iOXJND] { \ i"CheerfuT Chairman beat. Flying Out. 2

to 1 on Cheerful Chairman; | ' | " I i1 i Spot bekt Iriih Chear. I 5 to 2 an IrifehCheer, [ !: j 1 ¦¦ |H | ; |

¦ | ; f :, ¦ ' I FINAL.|; ; ! ' ]hQHEERFUL CHAIRMAN .teat 8POT.

Stafe'iea divided-. I; ' ;. ¦ ;, '¦ ' j : ! \1 ',

I THE. PLATE. |-- . |.; /For 16 ffof^s beaten in- 'secondj tound oi

Cup. Wiriner, £20; runner-upj £8til 2: doge, £2 each ; 4 ckigej £1 each. | '

! M !: I ¦•¦ ! i ; I !•! I II -: ,


¦ Modesti Beau beat ¦|Wee Ally;, c to onMbdest Beau. | ;: M| ! ;¦ i ' ,

IThe O-Rahiliy beai RnocHca' irbn. S td1 on The O|Rahilly | j ] i j | |j| | : 1

Grand Paraldeia bye ; ROSSDOK . drawn!I I ; : j . j I ¦ .

. FOURTH ROUNDJ 'rTa .GoJ Mint] beat Modest iBoau. 2 to

; on Modeat- Beau. ! ¦ ! . i- J - =! .|The O'Rahilly beat Grand (Parade. 8 tUl on ThiO'RiihiUy. l-l i ! T ; | !

: ¦ ¦ ¦ i ,j '- iFiNAL;1

i . . i| : ¦ - :' Ta Gd Maitj and 'f he O'R/ihilly diyidepurse; ! i ! | j i ; i ' i ; i

; ¦¦ " -

¦ .'

I ¦ ¦ i ¦

i '- ,


&¦• ' . I. ^ :0; .

? ¦ ¦ I ;

ISrowH y Ori bffct Ciinnijrar Boy.I l l n r t c h lU i -aj byel! - | 'JTlio]| fin»Hl l; course nvasiiic'. nin

Cin mil iinj iidsj I' II div-Klin s- t.b -Slowly.. i-k Ar

-t 1,.- rin n ad H-nj iid si l* p div-Klin s- to' F. akp Oi

\VI. « £15. !; ' I j :: I : . - J - 'l -Ji i u . I | T-lii-;: v : in<Mi?i d ( ;dsaonr; given j ;by .-|the,ir.i- j iiclse w.-fe j fauine-'a and gave satisfaction

t< ; aill' cohcerned-. : ! ;: i i '.j 1 - ' : i

¦ ' ' : ' I MM! , i I I • < *> ¦ ¦¦


T» _ . , ;„; _ . :: : j |

¦ . , i i ¦¦ ! ! I

Dungarvan CoursinfJ Meeting

¦ * !'

( i : ' . ! [ ' ¦


i Yesterday :<Thureday), under tibe, aus -pices oji tlie DungaxvanlCoiarsing Club, a.highly successful I <:our6ing meeting washeld a- , Btonmuck, on thp :,lands lr>f Mr.Charles J CuTran.| Tlhe nuraber of 8p<*Cj-iators was* very :large. The| arrangejmehttjwere perfect ! in e-Jery | detail!, : aonxi wieprowdlwas of a most iorderly oharact j .•For « nuj ykuis paati i) 'o i)de|eting a? thisikind- lias been1; ttjeld |in puigarvin, : b| 6we may safplw aasett;j thaj , yesterday's:meet was tbe Ifoxeruinaier | oi maj nyj euch ievents tc .be held ;ih ) th'^ town in . ,thsjruture xne mem pare oi; |iuie ciu-u uy-serye j to )e pishly conipTiirinted on; j iihssucee^a

of ih'oir jeffpri lB . iPxesidenit—Mr.•M. Brcnioct.iC.U.D.C. ; •VSj ecretiary, Mr.;Kielyl 1 Judge, J M'-i Mat|Uh,3W Wublh;ISlipp^r. Mrl J. Keating. I Details.:— \\ | ;THE IDIp N GAlRVAN] DERBY, ajn ppeji

stake "Jor 24]aU-!ag^d!aog8 winner, i.15;riin fnmJ.ui>' £5: third doff. £2 10S.; '¦ I ¦ ] >runW-up', £5; third , dofr, £2 lOs.j '¦ \ ¦ ] >

: I I [First iRbund; ¦ I I ¦ I - J 'i Mr JohniHugries's iSilowly on beat-m-;: Joliin Powi r ,'6 J0n|tlieRunl ; | : !JI Mr Tom -Burron's' Turnover a bye. . I -i

Air , El Davis's! Glen Boy bea i Mr/F.. . I 4N. -' •¦ » • • * I I J ¦' I I .

Stiwrt'slGomg \]i«fw.! ¦ |!. . j •! .-r :

Mr . J ,1 Huirhe» s Hiddeft Mist beat Mr.Mr. N. Keiinedyi G-l«ndohne!l Swank. ¦¦'

Mil. McKettTick's!' Tew.i>l(v: Fa -rp | ;baaiMr. fr . Broderick's SpringijViewi | : ;[¦ |

y m3 Apieri Dee'si , Curinj i«6T Boy;UalMr iTarj ies | DpocW's jFi-ist Attempt. : | ¦

Mr. E. Fitzperaikl's Black Adder bea-1Mrs PtWeW O.p.D.i ' \ : , ; ; [ |

¦Mfcs Kit£y Flynn 'a Heivick Boy beadMr. !D. IFahey's Eyes j Rdglhit . i I - -1

Mr D. Mun'hy 'f' Cioiurij That beat Mr ,John Harris 's Rjtn 's Pet.!;! ; J V| . '

Mr. B- Hayes's Hande jUp, beat Mr. G.Goffi 's Rep'ii h'l.ie. ! ¦¦ ' [ ¦

\ ¦ ' , - i I

M|r K. F-Uik'VFind Out I beut,! Mr..McUn -io-'siiCiiar ty iXViiilkJ - % . | ; h i

! " 'j Second | Round. , • ¦ i. . -;

¦Slowly Onihet>.t. Tiirnofeir. - | ; j1 " 1

jCSue's$ Apam beat Glen Boy. : i ij . |Terrible jFim be.j t lHraUfn.Mi st. iOunii'-'aSr R "y \ bpnl Bippk Adder. r

iffi- Gour That hfikt;IH.-H-ij |k Boy ; : i : ;u Hnnj ls Up 1>'V Find <?j it. . - j !

ii ¦: i- TJitoljRoun.d. . ¦¦¦ : jSJowiy pn boat !'Giief»iAcain-. ; ¦,

V;-- jOivnn-iehi'r Boy beat Terrrble 'Fire' ' iHands'Up belit G 'OUT Thait.1 : .

j ! ! ! v SomirPinal. ' . t h :


to invite Uu ' to an| interesting Ijit ion Uf fthe J prei^Uon

of :

<i pcii^Jn-'1 : :. ! i ; h . '

pURNVMLUE ;COCOA,1 , 1 1 , ;;! T i ./,!


"The Coc ia dfe^LuJce-ii

jnstrtij ion wilj J>e h^' g^day. lFe); 16tai. *;!*«?%1 when isajnble cxip i wiU «

j |

i ii ! ¦:i - ' i ', ' i i

j l - i ¦ ¦ ¦ I

i . i i

i !i. : i




' i

¦ ¦. ! . ;

• . : . :

5Ait)|t t rriAc CflAit.tp beAg f jojiine . in "ouitfie "O6ifeAft

nip 4ifl1$ (jc 615m 4ji 5-$ibne;&ltH4C CjuiC >sujv dp tu gnfoituiitd$4ile Agup 5&'fce. *>? f«$ne fG t-e "-*linn.' till iAo'inne A &4fp*itio eAC T14¦Oflurp t) sti pu le n-A ^pflipco fein "oofiAin .fe. "DiAOin 'e 4 tviift gup 0 SliAt>SCUA 6 Agurj A tuiUeA* A TieuppA*gup 0 t)Aite ilf §A*PA 6 A6 ip beAg AOpuit pop nVpfptnne ac& mAp if 1 SeAnpobul t>e.*$Uiirt A fiugAt) ip A toga*) 6ASup ip Ann 1; pbAn.peits bAile ITI ACA0T>4l$ ACA i U4ig A£Uf A ICdCC A5Upaiinno Ap miie leip SeoOAfb r* T)UtAgap peufiAinc 'Ap an teac-cinri AC4 PAfeils pin Agop <Si"6j:r& p6 A Ainm AgupA Aoip Ap An I ICAC Annput). "do p6ip<OO4lljUt> bA 6 pedjt bA DpiOgmAtpO ApIticc A dorfi-Atmpipe 6 AC "DAU 54ft Aon^4tpcitOA6 ejilo x>Ap riiAip to tinn nAtiJuAtpo pin cjsapAti pccutcA bp6isc mA tAOO AgUp CHipeA-D Ainm SAtpCitie At)flunArti Aip nip Cmtl p6 pidtfi. "Oeip-COAp gapAb AmtAitb tjo fAg A riiAtAi pf4 cticOin 6 in Aonap cp^cndnA Agupgap titntg AP| pluAg Agup gup tflSAtjap&f An gcliAWn 6 Agup 50 pAbAT)Ap|i^ap O Uirti gb Utrh to fonn 6 Opeittea A6 sup Ciimg An rti4tAtp optA AgupAn peAp 1o6i*eAnA6 A ptiAip in A Uii m<J j(Hn j i tun A rfi4C<sp 6 Ajjup Dponn pdUU<vO peAtA Aip ' sup nuAip -o'eipig p6fU Ap bA tu fliCo 0 m mart sippfiA* r\iv$ ?eA&Ap cfl. X)eipceAp 50 pAiO ffi4g piAt>AC tnAiT)in Uo DoAt^Aine AsupJUA BUAi t SIppfiA* j:6 Agup d Ag 01 b6Agup gup £UAI « pA coin Ap A tOip ASVPStlp tus p6 A AgAit Ap feAn-troCpAdAgUP tJlpOdft j 1p A A£ TJUt ipCOAfi p*Opuinnooig j OAini ce*nn "oep TIA coinSpoim Ap Agup nuAip t>o lean g^ibpdAtirccuC 6 CAti vo OoAt) Ann AC pcan-CditteAd. tiom|)in pd f Cup Ctrn biipnwpA nT)ouii j»<it> pd mioptj itcf 615m ACOApbiinc T>O Agup Cus fi AniAO pfopAcpom iApp<»nn 50 vz\ An pput Asupcuip pi AS fnArn Anonn ip <inott 6.t4ini$ cittiaip 6 CopcAig u£ip cunCpiAtl X)O DAiriC Ap igup CUAt)An AmACAn Ag<xit> An ago Ag CAiCe^rh cpf L6im.¦Do Cf bACA i giibpeit CAid;ce Ap Anbpitpc Agur nuAip vo puAtp An cdiUuipAmur Aip pug p6 Ap an mbdCA Agupr>'fs s r6 r n s 5ilb P6Al- ^

eo <iunf eACA 1AT> AS lip nl pAID AOn CCACC pUApAg 5<iibp4Al teip n<J n) pAib pe AS bpe«CUAI t) gup buA If AT}4p An A0<X it)Op.Voipig Art cj i - i u i p tie i«im Asup no5A10 pf toiteAT) A tiA Conn Ap An caoOtill. Sc^t) ! • Aibp feAt An An 4ic pinAsup n{ pAiO tiuL A CuilteAt) Aige. X)oCI be<in ^5 |nigeACAn Ap pope nAit-AOAnn A5<ip connAic pi An tfiim SAip-cttig A *oin Jn i cAitiuip. ; " 1p lonsAn-CAC An teimh',' Up pi. "pe'n eipeAcc!/' AppAn CAiinuip, t)A Opeicpei An pitiepgACA X)O 01 . fliCl . :

j I U. "Do t>.¦ 1 ¦ : i

: ^ •«-« i i

Simple ; IVayc of Defeatingtile autumn Cold ! ;

"It is foliyj" a well-known nbee andlluroat specialifet declar ed to an "EveningStandard." reipresentative, "to start thewinter by allowing the reserves of healthstored up during the summer holiday tobe frittered away by that most exhaustingand tiresome inaiady, the common cold.Onoo let it got. a grip of the system inthe first cold spell and you will have theenemy within' ihe gato all through thewinter." Boinb him out ! The articlethen goes o n j t u oUf^ cvil l>ow this maybe done, and incltidee -such valuable ad-vice as tlni avoidance . 01 wrabprag up•tho throat , but .t omits to add) that p ro-baibly tie quieJcust way of doleating eventhb worst col ' l l i and cwip;h for Uiat matter)iaj to take Bitrate of Tar, a cough syrupthat has provi-d its value - in curing eventhe most et i i l i imiu cases. The footliingvapou rs of- Bitrate of Tar permeate everypart of the bronchial tract , loosening thephlegm and tdi-ini the chest in a wonder*ful manner. I ! There are germ-destroyingpTopgrtie; in j Bitrate oi Tar , too, andth<ve are of Mireat valut a in speedily ter-minating the eolJ ; in fact you htm) onlyto take Bitrate of Tar to-day ! and ' to-morrow your j eold will be cone. ¦¦ Everypood chemist Ho!ls !Ritrat ( - of Tar at In. Id.arid 2s. 6d. j ai bottle, and onclo&ed withevery package is a binding guarantee ofsatisfaction OT; money back , so that thereis no ridk of lo=« or disappointment, anda trial of it costs nothing unless it com-pletely succeeds. : |

i ¦

' H ! : ' 1 i

IRISH ORGANS FOR IRISH: CHURCH ES. :Those in favour of Irish industry will

be glad to Jcairn that the contract, for thebuilding of the new organ to be erectedin. St. Patricks Churc h , C.SS.R., Ksker,Athenry, Co. (i alway , hae boon entrustedto the well-known firm of church organbuilders, Messrs ' Chestnutt and Co.,Manor Organ I Works , Wato .rford;

To :,void Fain After Eating¦ j 1 . : \v

Thousands 'who .have tried it , iticludinp;hundreds o£ i poople hero in Ix>ndon , saytliat ,the 8urcwt way to avoid pain anddiscomfort afte r eating i& to take two ortliree taBTeUlof Bisurate/X Magnesia aftereach meal. This !, prevents food j ferment-ation and thb Tesultant formation 6f pasand acid , arid enables even tho worstdyspeptics to; cat almost anything withoutthe ehghteat danRcr of distress to follow.It pain has already started , or in casesof acute indiceetion , Bisuratod Magnesiaacts almost like imngic. uaually bringing

, complete relief in] five or six minutes. ! If: you want to :enjoy your meals as you did: in childhood i j^et a Is. Id. package of Bisii-I xated . Magnesia I Tableta and t3ko ias' directed; a bindj inR guarantee of satis-! faction or money back is enclosed1 with: every package s that if you aren't de-

lighted you can net your -money refundedi for the asking.- r 'he chances are 100 t6 1,i however, that you'll Goon be telling yourj £riend3 that j Bis^irated Mafmeeia is

the\ finest thinp in the world for "indigestion.! TrV it and ero fnr yourself. • • ,'. 1 • ' : ¦ • .

¦ ! ;i


I 1 ¦ ¦


¦',:- . . ;!' E. PHELAN bepa to give Notioe to hi3v. " i v • Friends* ana the Public that " the¦;• , ; ; .• ;-CHlMNBV CLEANING BUSINESSh e- i !: - !of the late] Vincent Hogan is rum: .-:

¦• '; i tran&forre(i t-o Mr. E. PJiolan, 27 John

,< ¦'•, .; [ Street,; .WatiorfpTd, . In future 1 - all;- .;• "|. jbUsiness ; cbmmtinkationa' should ¦ be

» - - ¦¦- -:.-

- .- -- .I: : ;: : ¦ : ¦ : ' E.1 P H EL A N , ! - : !

¦ < ' ¦'¦¦' !.; f ¦' ;.- . 27 John Stbet, Watoriord. : i

} ?jt '- -: i<s Ui s - : - :, r .:! ¦ ' ¦¦ .. : ¦ "i

Waterfiord Manila¦Ypsek 1 ;¦ ¦ H-i i ir. . : - !"¦

10 WEST 60th ST., NEWi YORK,j j DEalaOth, 1919






Irish-irdand Dancing Clabs


Tac Irish-Ireland Dancing Cliiss,starteii a tew months a X" for Oil'.- purpose01 spreadmg a knowledge of Lrisn fi j redancing, ij uid !Uw)ir thsn, airnual dance! in

, tiie Lai-ga| Itoom , City Hail , 6n AlondayI alight. Ihe event was ifrriTi miphaiit suc-l cess and reflected groajj credit on tiheI promoters I One hundired and twentycouplis pa.rtica i>&ted in the dances, and it¦was cvdd'euki Irbm. (iie dis-play we witness-ed ttliat, •(] evotees 1 of the light fantasticbenefited very iconsiderably by'the weeklypractices ^n tpie Temperance Hall. l]hetsdxteen-hand Cecils, eight-hand jigs , "TheHigh Caul Cap," "Falla na Liiimneacr ,"etc., were executed in faultless style aidshowed t}re graceful and picturesq ueform of amusement that Irislh danci lgundoubtedly fy A specdal wor;d of praise&houJd bo Igiyen to the; oxcthes.tna, whichwas the finestl musical

^ combination th'at

we ever h^ard] ait a CeqlidJi in: hht Oi.tyHull. Tlid milsic was thoroughly eniqy-ed by the I big crowd that thxonged t(hegallery. T1I10 jnemhere j of the 'band woj reMrs. J. F. PoWotr (piailo), , Jkleasrs. M.O'Bnien, i. Murphy, Soamus Nolan , J.Power, M. Kearney, J , Fitzpatrick (vio-!Mns). Liam O'Lyneh (clarionet), S&inQuilter ! (' cullol , and B.- Power (.piccolo; .

Tire ipTo< eedings weje opened by hisWorsfliip tiie Mayor, Alderman Dr. V. ll.White,1 , wl o is Hon . Pxasridewt of tiieIrish-Lrela id Dancing Class. His Wkk--ship, who Received a tremendous ovatioj n ,confrrai'.ulated: !the meni'bers of the Danc-ing Class pn the good work that thj >y•w» ,re doing for tho Irish-Ireland cause,and exproreed his de^ighH, at seeing Momany raiCini iand buaciailli present, litfiU.Lrured wj oll (For die devolopirient .of t.lieold (iaelicj customs and traditions in tiiecity to see such an enthusiastic gather-ing asseiiibloi;! there, and he was surePortila-irge would always be in the van-guard in adv-j ancing every national o!b-j ixst (loud 'applause). !

Rev . Father Kclloln-r , S.T.L. .also ({o-livored a short address, and nd\iLs o<l ii.l lpresent toj s t^dy the Irish kvnguago, 16. 1.it was thnj ni<rli that mediuni Uiat all t.h<j ir |grand cliaraciVTisiiPs as a niuj on had be^ii!.preserved for j Uiciii . ¦{

Amontr si [ th f is e provsnt at the CeiluiliW<> TB several ftf the Ciity cloirgy and mom-iber« of the Corpora tion.

The d'<XT)rationsi were carried out on nvery elii'hjira.t* scale. Fliiiss , fe<yt/>oni-(art.i HT.ioaiW cles-ipfn edi , Irush mottorj s.and ot/iier fdovicp .s gavo t;hf^ Larpe Rooma vory pictu resque appearance. The cia-tering n.rr&nj:i?nieii.'s\ wer° carried out bvithe Missis Coniiolly in their usualgratifying style. ;

'¦} / : "r ';. : - KIeW

¦I. ; ' ! . j i - V 1. :¦ I . " ! ! " ! , ¦ ! : k I I =


¦_ j T-©| ! . . : : i : ! ' i


I ¦ ' : ; irr ~ 1 ¦

. : 1We j received to-Jday the following letter, held \m bj the Britijsh controllers of

tihe IrishTAlmariean mails. The letter was obviously de.aysd in j ordei: that it|&contents might '-am re too late to bo of any use dn the recent municipal1 flections,HoWore'r, tihe messa je arrives in tihe nick of itime as, far taa tihe cpi iing local bye-olectio-ils are concerned :— .

: l '' ' ; :

! 1










; : ! • ' 1 REMAIN. . ! :

SO YEARS AGO: 1 —T 1 1 I: (Prom " The Waterfard1 A'ews,"

I 11th Febnaxy, 1870.)

^AVASSING. ¦ i : ;Canvassing is p roceeding vigorously,

ind Mrj P. J . Smyth, accompanied by aLarge body o5 ;citizbns, canvassed King^reet to-day. A report of his splendidjpoech on. 'BaJlylwicktai Hill appe-ira inmother] part of thJs issue;1! also an ac-xiunt ofi the mating in Mr. PaUick Com-nins' stj ibles of Mr!) Bernail Osborn© andliifi friends: Mr. Cretin held a meetingm tho Mall on Wednesday evening, andJI tho (j ours© of his sjpeedhj gave an ac-»unt of tiie manner in which Mr. Qs-sorno deals witih1 his tenantry.

)>COTnH]ELL'S BORjTR/UT. 1Last week Dr . Quinlatn and Alderman

lednionll paid & visit to the studio in)ubliiri cS Mr. CatteTBOii Smith, in ordero inspect Uie full-kngth poirtraii of the;reot Tribune wKidl. Mr. Smith is paint-ng, and which, V/ill in due time be hungn th<-. Council Chariber . | a

EXTRAORDINARY PHENOMENON.On Tuesday evoanj, betw-een 6 and 7

> 'clock , lap extraordinajy ; phenomenonippea rea in tiie jhea vens and a'JtractedJie obs.;rvation of a number of people.striking from east t) .west acroiij tiie sky>an an : mmense| white streak of amazingliamcitc , assuming all the] dlin.nu?teris-rics of the tail o? a jomet, and of exoeed-ng bril iancy. It remained for about;hree m nutes, and] ;hcn gradually disap->eared. The atmos- >hore was quit^ calm.


At W|ednesday's lm<eti ng ;of Uie Poorlaw Bokrd a letterl vas rea<l f rom theCouncil] Office, I Dublin, pointiij ig to anOrder tn Council made on tho 27th oflanuiinf , directing j that from and afterthat date burials shall be discontinuedin thf ! bjur ial prr quncj s of the two parishesaf Kilbhrry and! Kill St. Lawrence

ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE.A : c«1L?ctL»n vfill bo> maxle on Sunday,

the 20t 1 inst.. . i ar, ihe doors of all theCathol.i i Cliurrilcs in the city in aid ofthe ! fin ds for Jho . "erection! of the newCollege on St. Joh n 's Hill.j The work<r construpt .ion is r roceoding ni.p.idly. Itis, a sp.t?.ndid buildlint ; and will do crj editt<> the diocese, as well as being an ofn a^nient ti the environs of the city.

THE qURRAGHMORE HOUNDS.Tho pock mei at thte Club House on

Tuesday, when ;tihe muster wa« the larg-os.' of Uie season. /[ good day's sport wasenjoyed in the j no^glibourh'ood. 'Mr. H.Wl fki'scoe, the, rc^pecW Master, waaabkent l owing to i l-Ciealih. He is nowat Anifestown Hoi so, thfe residence ofCap::iinn W , B. Palliser, and we nr <« frlad•Vojlcarn that he ifi reco\i»ririg rapidly.

ART LECTURE.jMr. John Carroll of Earlsratii, gavo a

voVy ij istmcti ve and interesting lec -tur oor.' Tuesday evc n lnd in tie Town Hal l , tin,subjed being "Tli^ True and Boniii. ifu Fifrom d Catholic pj oint of viievv." T)i !oh ai r was ¦ occupied" by tUvej Reivd . P .iNolan , Adm.. wlic introdiice<l the lee*iturer. The lecture was • illustrated w i t hthe exliib ition -o'l1 sw wsnal picitiiris j ) ainu'dby Mr Car roll himself The proiwdstare tO |be given tovards th< - defraying of'the . »lebt on Moun i Sion SchoolH . Mr.V.ni*t>->1?8 concluding leoturir will ' takoiplaco 6n Tuesday droning. l'5th inst.1 4— IBARON HUGHES1S REPORT«rrr?(iLrc!port of . Biron i 'HugiheH .art theWBtorford ; election was pTCccntcd on Uie8tn iiist. to the Speaker of tlix? House ofComirions, : and app^sired in tho Votes oniWednbsduy momiAg. In his reportKaron Hughes staiea thore- was no rea-son W belies that corrupt practices pre-vaikc| extcpsivoly at ' the ' last ¦WiHeri.\>nlelect.ion. " ¦ '

COUNTY AND CITY SHERIFFS !• ,H?n;r .Dudl(iy Fortescue has beennppoi alcd Hi?h Sheriff fo'r . WafeHordCoun y. and Napo eon Bonaparte Wra-Esq Rounmore. [has been : ) appointed'¦Hj ldi Sheriff for ^ferfordW T


Am mgst ATle.company recently Btayinpat Ornonde Castloj , on a nsit to the'Mn^mm kind Marchioness of Ormonde. I v»r'e'the Marquis-and MJurcfliioTipss of Water-'ford and Lord WiUliarni BeHeaJord

TETh j MATTHEW 3HEFt CijTARITY 'Th«j Trufttoes of «.ho Matthew i ShooUianity aye prepajrod to cbnsider j plansfor nti asylum to ¦: w creotea on the con-fines j of tho city-,-, for the:accommodation

"f twenty male and i tvrority ; femaleinmates. ¦ ' ¦ ; | ..- i \ . . .¦

I ' f l ' ' ;;\ ' " , ' ' ' ' i ' ' : j ' ¦'! ggggg A i :

- i . i

Burns, Scalds andBroken Blisters



The. firo i aj iplication. of Gennoleno to-l ievfd the pain of burns or scalds, amihealing p roceeds Inaturall y and rapi<il .\!without a inger of| suppuration or wouj iilpoisoning. Germdkj ne is founded on UicAeeptic system of treatment; which meaiioexclusion of gorn»B and ecfentific cleaniliness of the ; wound. Old-fashioned an|tiseptic p "epa:rati(inft could onl y destroy.gerniH . L'ivinj sr the bad matter in thewound to fester and poison . G'nrmoleh<idraws out all toxins or poisons, keeps * h< }wound germ froe , and heak positively l ikea charm. It is j ' j


TOUCH. ; ;

One of the; chief ingrediente in Gijrmolene is Ihe extract of a North America^plant, long,usj ed by the native races aslnremedy for j snake-bite an^ poisonWwounds; i^nd «>mbined with this ore heal-ing principles of proved efficacy. |

Germole'ne is the eure home remedy fp »Eczema, Psoriasis , Skin Rashes, Acneor Pimplea, tiurns and Scalds, PoisonedWounds Old Sore©, Cats, Bruises , B.-ldLegs, Insect Stings and BitPS.iRingwonj i ,Bald Patches; Piles !or Haemorrhoids.Boils and!Ulcers., ] \ I .

Pricea ],B. 3d. and 3s., from Chemis pand Stores evj erywhere, the 3sl size beingthe more economical. A6k for Germolenfi ,and refus fe' every Bubatitute or imitation.There is iothling "justj as good." ; \ -

Sole Dj stributore, the Veno Drutt CaJ,Ltd., Manufacturing Chemists, ChesterRoad, Mdncheater. ! , :

1 . . 1

1.4,000 VIILES AWAYI ] ' ¦ ' ¦

! ¦

. I ! . '




Brisbank !Q leensland, • ': . ' ' ' ' I: , . December 11th , 1919,

I ' E. E owneV ( | Esq.

: Sir—Herewith I amj posting jou someAustralian piper 3 containing wxme goo'dand solid reading !re the recent Irish liaceConvention convened iby that great anilfearlesal Irishman, our ' illustrious Arch-bishop of Melbourne , Hii GrUce Dr. Man-nix, whb, to his eternal • :redit was instru-mental I in having Coiiecription defeatedon both occasions, thertsby keeping Aus-tralia; ,W'hi^e ; and.i preventing the hatedEngliehl jin KO3, juhkera, [and toerags fromenslaving, libertyloving1 Australia. !'

PerHa'pe your rieader3 inay have the un-doubted pleasure! I of reaping some of theaccompanying dR eecheslin your staunchand evergreen "Waterfo)xi ;News." I hopeBO. I send them for thai; purpose. Other-wise I dope you j will miike the best pos-sible use of 1, them for propaganda andother p lrposos .so] dear, t > the old cause. ;

Had some: October <op ies of tiie old"News" yesterday' Waj delighted to readsome of your fieily and earless efforts onbehalf , of our beloved Krin and her na-tionality. More poWier ; Mr. Downey; ! Asyou will see in jtihe enclosed "C.P." weIrish in] AustralK"! iara all in the same boatwith you . namely, a free and unfetteredIrish Republic. (We are "unanimous in de-mandinb it ,- ; and' want nothing more ornothingf less . ¦ ¦

\ ¦"' ¦ '¦

I wae. one of the deluded \ who thouglitwo woxL iigluina ior .-Ui '<! ughia 01 sjuaJi¦ationii}— t leeuoiu. aein(|cracy, existence,

and last, but! nod leut>t , Uw "' wet -ping iii]dwaiiing of the lj oigian won:en and Kidii. "L woo ]\; rung., 1 gave my ioui yeuiy lijj lvi-.ng ior | Kingb , j t dUee ii«>, liUi pirct s , I'"'IMj uuUcj ln, cuxiqulist , y'raiidein , and theiii'iiLo ' and j iiiKiiio 01 oii.iivfc . 1 ^iip] ;eu,uo aid liiou-sauds. Uivd ine , f l ucsiaiiisiiibefore ; j linglisliisni. Aei| iielanti , ngypi .,Inuia, dr cdutli Aiiicu. iVV nai, b .iyo wboa-»uw AV i llsOl) , f-he k gulbf i l ' rouau.y liu 'uaol iko lii ;' ly Hiighes (our Iptti u Labour rao),nisiead o: upnoiuing ti j io pr i i i t - ipii ts w<;iougliU for li 'c went and, l ;cbiiobl»ea withtlio l»'iu -bioo|deii:|dukes knd duch^sscd inMayfaJif. To tlh a devil witli evoj y. 'hing ihatdoea ritit assist the establishing oi j ourRepublic. Aecorjding to; th-e lawa ot (i<j 'iana main they fought for judtici. - ,. ireedwnand liuiuanity. j \\ e (the «oa;s) j ought ;arhypocrisy, humbpg, cam., capitalists , anddomination , ia 11 in the: l rutre-t 01 our ou-pressort. and ' their con'federau*.

Whatj a this stunt ; about thaw tlireosquarehead kiijg jpi uturei ) ir. the old (Jrl>sIntacta Council Chambtir? fancy 6i)nieoi the epineless 1110b haying the audacityto advocate "restoring" them. Oh . Lord,\s-hat h;is become of the: ,Irish sp int 'indmaahootl ? Do we; really iwant to get av.'iiyErom "v^oodbine *' domination and oppres-sion? PiM- aQna '/ly, Mr. , Downey, ii .s aWaterfoTdmap 14,000 mifcs away , 1 indig-nantly 1 lubject to!: rcstord , pampe r , jpiaj nt ,powder br puff up' any of] those three nion-grcl sqularche'ads ¦. As arj Irishman I! pro-pose thof/O tnn>ej ~picture3 bo bunied 0:1the Rcdmondite strong hdld (Hallybricken )on St. I'Jatrick 's Day next. Ot l i J iwise (ex-cept toburn them) our .di.ir dead; martyrswill turn in their tjrayes at the thoughtAof spending money on otjr oppro=sor s amienemies Waikc up. Irishmen , restorationby' a bloke in London . What rot ! IsEaater Week forgotten? U 700 .years[ ofmurder, treachery, and brutal oppression

. _ . . , 1 ¦ i l l ' ¦!!

lorgotteft? Apparently Alderman 1 r .Quinlan was the ;onl y member worth y ofbeing called : an : Irishman at that int-et-ing. H(ire to ihis health . ( Again al thoi i gh14,000 niil-es distant , ,1 e<x:ond his resolu-tion to liurn them. ; |

Wo arlo only two day* away from <il> -c-t'ions h'el-e . U's^ a go uetjwcen Laoour ,( '1 ¦J. Rya'm and "Nationaiiiin ,'' otiiervv|i.s .<.'linpenalism , UoJiswrjpiiiou, lulaLitarteui ,prouteor]ing. capitaiint-a , und iiagwrapp wr 's,called ' lloyaiicU,. led Dy limy. Hughes.Labour [is tery confidtint of victory, andall goo'd Aiwti -alians lid pu it wins. "ih:«(?«are very qui^t. Tiie yap iiahsis andi :j ui-gos ari! 'nnaiu i ing !l l .»glie:s campaign , hlip-poie you liL -afd of ky.au being cj electt |d; lolead tilt L:U>aur pai ty j sat -riJiuin gi theiwrtiolios 01 jLi'reinJj iJii" j aiid Awornoy-i.iuneraliliip of yueoiVilahd 10 do so.1 lieliad a i\vonde < furrecep ti (jj ii here last wo^ fcin Hrisb' uiiu a t tu r kw rc tu tn f rum : t ln :Southern Stales.; I ¦ |

¦ •?Things are vdry unsettled throughout

Auotrana ai presj ent. buili .es, 'go alo!w"lK)hcics ,| and 1 industrial , unn«t is ,. np>'ovurywtt ere. ! liriobane just had a]b ar -nuuu s' i trikei 1[ laUed j 10 <luys , and . isL>t:ing stilled by, arbit i ailion. Ihcy arede;nandhig e^ual pay of ,t3 17

B. f*J>r: 48hours for boill : suxus (.inOIUdii i u KJ^ P)-Now thi builderk' labouh.-ri aro .strikf i i i ,'tor a 4-1 hour |weejk aiid ID Satuiday wiirK.Ttie "gci slow" pol icy us in fo r«x; ey-urywln :re fi i tiie nortj henl un<i soutlu-ni po t t s .Truili i«l Australia is f inancudly sLiah'g'lvJ-liiauks to il ij ly Hughes, tho late capital-ist war over ' near ole ivrin ca-it usC4U0 ,!JUu 00, inlstead uf stay ing at l.omlo andtnindii H ; our own1 businitSti .; iu^ we wil l doin iutur le if the L,abour 1'arty are vj iiitor -iou.s in 48 hours hence. Rus.iia cannotpay its gratuity to its holders (£"ir» ,(H)<)[<)00) .HugheeJ is promising I .OX's. and 'Ryanis ])roiiiising Casli . The little ;rat (l lught i - ]lias AuAtralia wfell strangled Tliis | fairand won derful land is oniy a l ink in 111 <•Imperia 'l Chain of DominaUon (or a Ipoi iitin the nail). ¦ ¦: I ; I ¦. ¦

P^verythiTLg is very dear. : Mont conuho-dities have treblixl tlio pre-yar p rice, andwirsii siill 98 jpe'r ceiii. b f ' the go>xU arcimporterl f rom America ! iu!i d .Japan .] A.suit of clothes :co:st £12, boot* £2, hat 5i)s .Tin; only goods ff can mention froni oldKri i i is I tj uinric. t c f "s stout which c>>st |tv "s.per qiKir: bot t le ; ' s;>-iJ-H,«, 9d. ' a tot; ji oUi-loi',s. £¦)»» i>or toil , etc , .utc . i j ¦

S^cn where Father 0'iDonnol l w ii. ii<:-quitti.-d. Str aligiJ , Jio wa|i tli« onl y priestwho was a cnsej -iptibnifit in 1 Au st r a l i a atiKJth 'nifi -renduinsl Didn 't he squttal Iwlnjnhe gotU (id*! oi Jiax<)n medic ine . ;

• Mixst ables to Australia goein to bc-j pre-judiced againnt Sinn Ftj in. I That ouble-griiniuiv bloke i* jlhoj u^'ht j liighly <>f inj thispart of th-j ' worlil. ' '¦).'> per ^ cenl. o: ilici-ablus ' bo here .» c i n j U:< to in i 1 f i o i n .sijj ineold Toify d>ig-oiit. ] However , we l i . fvew>iii3 brill iant l a b o u r - p imitat ion * , hi-rewho heij ) to bri K litvil t lui gs up a bi t - ' A sa. Sinn l oiner I Komistly ;ay 1 have neverseen a ( ab le conip l i i i i . ' i i t a rv to ni l i -a i i l - i 1.Cannot com nth i i i 'i; In* il '"e. We hdv ethre e J Li i ! ,'!! daily and . t h r< " l a l « ' U i : (2weekly ) pap er s i i Uri j hine. j (.)f eour- etj ie latter an; ' OIK- f<>r an Irish R.;'pn;lilie .'Ihi! foniier rags sinj ; about Hinpi re 'g^a'.vdeur. ctb. ' • : |:| !

Well , [Mr. Dow r e v . I have said all T- |uyJto say. I,:it.T I wi l l nu il von my j wii .-script ion for the old f a - ouij 'it-.' "Xi .-f.v s ,"which ; 1 lin|HV W 11 j rcacl nie rogu |ar]ywhile I am away f '. ' i i o d . E r in . I W M I I

you an<: your f(> !ii!t ; :s p ipt'ij t h > be.ft |> {luck andl pr tx spcr ity . i ^o e power to 'yo<)relbow ,' i n d may Gnd spe -d . the Irish 'Re-public. l!p Da Aj 'nlera . nnd all gcod' aii<itru e Iriihj nijn /and wo m e n .- .' j

Yours ^ fa i th fu l l y. | r;S "SINN FEIN AUSTRALIA . "

THE IRISH-AMERICAN IJOAN. ' ¦ i !'•The ,! Irish1 Ikxin in. the Uni ted States is

meetinR with oxtraotdintiT suoce«s'. j |Tlj eamount asked for by De Valora will'J|ijL 15expootedl, bq largely; oyejj -subscribedj ] !¦ I ' ! I ' ! J : ; I I ! '

!¦ : - i i i !- . ii - - h . r

I ! ! ¦ ! i i I , : .- ! i ! i ¦ I .i - ! : : in i i ru ¦ ¦ : . U

¦ !' ;

¦ ! | l : 1 ' ; : ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ : .


| ' : l" : • ' | : \ ! - : j ] - \ - J . ¦ | ¦ ' :THE HQLY S His. G^TED THE MATNOOTH MISSION To ¦ i '



; ITS EiTBNT ' :

j IS QUApE R THEBX^^ IREliy.,: na CHIEF S '. \\ IS -HAN YANG, WHICH ! HAS j A POPUXAinON OF ! 60o!oOO I •

ON ST. PATRIOK-S DAY OF: THIs| TSAR 16 OF THE MArN'OOm ure. 'PRIE^ WILli l^V^ilRE^ FOEWNAl;! \ ^^^ ^^¦ \ * \ " ¦ j ' ' !| 'f | '] : : : i | N : ; : -They wjll be obliged hxmx$*Aety: to p -ocurkj houses for fcrnselvis for ^rca ech^ts 4 «isteato. Tl^er will hLe

U b^uild sdhoolsi arid <&£. *Cwjill have to support fc cal chtete and teadiU. Immense1 sum, JT JbUequirid iihin^^! to nS flu,

Wk dS ^S^TiS^' teh n^"1ile of Ireland j irelppeaW |p i ti «ue to \ &i iS£lc?S1hen2OliCCp»a. ; ' ] : ! ¦ I

¦ , i i j ' : h : i j *««»« ;mI i \ 1 ; i : I ' I M ' I i : I " ;

!. M ] ¦ •IT WILL REQUIRE £200 ; W>; SEND EACH PRIEST TO CHINA. • ]Each priest wflj 'requ re a o>Lr>£je pet of | requisites fo - hk ohapei : neiml'itor -Mass land Benedkj t on, at» iJtonii. . ill «fa« ekexed hnkiture W £ iw

i ¦ i : 'W f*-

, i !¦ ! i j : . : : :! ALIi ] CONTRIBUTIONS AND ALL: ' M : i I I - i I i ; i i .l ltEDIATELY , AS ^"E ARE NOW¦PRKPAILVTIONS, FOE THE VOYAGE; ¦¦ I

I" i i : - i : F 1 r ¦ ;|L I ! !i : ' ! M

I ADDRESS TO, : REV. JOHN I S1.OW1CK, : , i . . : ' :

! ; ST. COLUMB^N 3 COU1£GE, i i; . :- '; ' i i - ! I i •: 1 i 1 I Ij j J DALGAWll^ARK, CALWAY.


¦ ! i !

¦ : ; ! - J | I : ;¦

i : ¦ I ] | • ¦ i | l ' -


; ; | : THREE DO UBlii; N^Vj SNM OF MASBS AND fPRAYERS.! • ; |

! j ' . ! . i '

I !:| FJJMAV WOT4CE. . ' ¦ j . . : ' ' i "Dpar iLovers of Our Lady of LouftJesJ \ •' ¦ ' i 1 I ' '

j ' ¦ ¦¦ l

iffijrawi wmi w™ ON V^T - pp- ^

j I] earnestly .exhort {hose wtto' iwisli tj :; be earolkid in :|he ConJua.'jomity of- oirI r-uly of liourdes to nd :. me ,thdr fuji n amlW l U) bs entered . in 'Jie llo-Liier. ! A!1-rj -ady nearly lone hundred t2iousiind are enroled. Prayers are said IsovoraMamesV^ra^^il^ferf HrdL iiH t]ie '4ition f ui ihs ' s- s\ TS ''??ffi"^W^/2^


LL.* iA^P TO AlXiMY| BENEFACTOi. S 'f TH K APO S COLId BiXEDICnONSend y.ourl petition^ and ydv h W|

8;;for ' -'O'ux Lad Naw Churcii to:- I ^'- |

I :| pfoura grn.teful|y] j iiJ | -C8irisO:i " |"| | . i ! : | "I - v-

1 j. 1 j ^ i L iT -iffrI

¦ \ \ \

~l "[¦ " ! l - | "j l


, "'lfeh Tea]' :fig:ured| largely ]iii ' ths^ social I'u*u>i|i6 Ofjtn e Vikor-raJi j&raodl anca has nc .v'er :gone qutj of) fals l apxi in. [the'prov.iii|ces !j j In London it was, ti.] popular¦liisiitulioii in suburbia. !and amoiigf I tlhi•• ]iiidd:ie . tJ las<ie4, " ; bilil ; |as sutH it1 Waslooked down : upon by ;(hos.2 vl-Cio;! |dined,"ftjid "higlii tod" ; waa j dridpied by! dveryon twho asp ired! to ;any distuictbnJin tiie so-cial eeale;|| It is now.lcom.i i g N- .'k , uidftOmei pf the- London re.i:auniln I lire '& irv-.irig a] auiiij kuous six o 'iilobk inUii!, iht ud-injj- i,ea; uj ith j sweetbreilds oii iSiii t, fi iech' h . I sardines' rfLiraiii Hl 'eu I\P'A ''\ W/l lshrarebit , niuffiA s , ennnp^ aS all

ki icQ

! W£?rT-- tner

«** "Pv ">P"of piJeservS^s l and pastrtU. TvW iD ¦ ltlfe -^1

1™" 1" - . >\?«>ro,.nighuires fie»ei.i. are hiking 'for Ulflr i m& 'S1 ° P^™?1 :° &'&?«*;


tca .'f .'.he j i> .ineipal ;o^ bei iluHe sTrvT i ^KJlif^1?^ n - ^mse Vsaiit Iliflic ilty! It- kv«?dk tfe ffief o: " S2W°WS a"? ^

llfrf > s f° ^ ttle «wi|»jt ;

a. opiri ns :iad dinner , AiidWiiVt Jnl, . ™®,W. T1" "• Perhaps lbs n ost« much w'orli saved! itlaiso »J* f y eds^ ' p^

k T (,lf al 'ifal-Wrmen ui , for it :n>u?ta

the difTicultv lin ^10^,^, ul \MT^ slip-on 1 'dressint j aekiit, ou.i on the Kin-

couuiaratV^ f r ,yj fa& b\l\ ft™H i ^ 'm«>f >» ?| i^ e

.possible amount

aUo uvdidH uL ,-,iJ>, hA\ rT -i t i , " t . * \X oi l o* ,Tindprploth ik',! iwhich for daibr M "earJlniC a^'om abu^ 2i'fira = ^W " 7' *'. ??? j0Vl > 11 »^-afu u - l wbrf Hud :Uu,1L !a4« riH.i ^ ^fe'-fe^; ™% :at ".rass ste 2nant nl rkin ?td i rlf »

u^n": ¦¦¦¦ | i : T* ____i ¦ i i ch# |nighldres6: or pyjani-vs, dhenv*** or

I'LU'k-\C;F QRN\MP^ 1t« I:

^.•mi-{ij n i(>ke>rs, |and;a|drosJsing jadV^t.l A

]Tojw «4 ,a swoVi ianwlo " aAJ s^y H iie: < \ ^SF if l u^F ' i^i' ^ °

n H« Rin--'^ appeJrs : to be the !. amt$h? fof Jiej : '2 fe,} lW*\ lf S",Ickfe' n

^<len ant! hf».Mj7

••}ma;if: i'oi wn . but !a i fiodt kli't copd NJ?1" K'/lP* dofr^d." » of |a flowared ?i\k4ry i w«lli i inf> up -mtti ad vaf^ ^e1 id ihiJ ! J ;iii 1 H f. ej)i» . .i: is botih, pretty ;andpractice. oj fi/wj o ar inp ^o.ipTeyf f PkraoTiRo: j u! e u l ' i ^ j ]

1 1 1 ]¦ ¦pj uni!.s, and !j.he bodies of pl j fflafe birds [ : . i | j . ' I j i ~ T | , j ] :n.4 dfH'ora.^oiiii :'or : nnUihOTy s n\l t ie h.- JT. SI\[PI ICTTY i>I TTV TIT?W WP A T » ' lMnrfi li^j bet ir ^irl atd ' wnSn to <fis- j | .MVi R^ K^SPn ^^^ i l-<4ura ,o tlo f d o.x>h.tbLtidnfl . . A$ i i Ire ! Lj l^ %&*£%% F ?*?* ^^pAil tri ;» eWl Pf.lc.TKt apr ar;! ^^$&& «««di«Wly- n f v w i t l i ! l i t l l , . " effw- ; in J l t il \iioLi )lel VAi & l 00??*"" garjuente reducet l a t . i^KJ l A^or. MJP.. I w i l l ,-14 lr>r \n- &i \ £" fnatenal consklerably.:! Forfl - w i i c i - in I^rl Lin.-nt ! o Rfcrei ^tih -n' . [hei ' ff I^st] manufacturers have

! done*l' "inr, B i l l ] Po.H-t.ioi : from W d-ab '.CT.^? 'V^*

iii(: f on-ployni bnt »l

i n - -H . .f il. :]. W!ir > . . o ^bti , ehcoyiraee1 fflif i l Mf ui^H'f1" on

u fder-linen . biar.- viiv N i lof ^avM- cr tours Lnnid imjd * wbSch i '%L % VK ^

eryi ¦ ¦ ''f 5 - much 'un-

v.- .M ho; p uWi ;j corspLcunus •foia ira in the1 1 V ^P' [ '< ha\\n 'A ior: decoration luind -voin-v r rl . l j . s f jlr., , t ln , :f.p;fin ?, l b \ i j : t i i i i tt ; 5°[' ,^d


p t ,v ;t . ! int tli is ( fu st, should >e : -oiterjtt at i vn Sg

r: ^

kc V] 0 plafe °-f - t)l

° ona-t-ime..! • «!>:;n}r oj ib, sl .u^hj tor ot

RFO Wl i&f ™ 1 ,?\ h Insert ions ivd!.'.. !!, !;,'ul tenls. ; ¦ j I IT ; t?^^;!

B?tiu jr:nil specimon s o f :

filet .

' ¦ ? : : i i i , :' ; i 'D? f?g . i n ' cirekM; idia«mn< i s or triaiHes :(


i-.A^f FR()MrAR^; :;

j i^E^' ^ .in th , Yrom of r,i*ht-|] .I .AiKKlh. ; ; . ; i rN ¦ :; |r «?e|f f t j andiichenwsos and roun^; 1tlmu :-:. :bla ,,Ia-{:o:ol r6 . f,>P C(4S |i :c ] skj rt*1 i 5KK"? H- "frti . iw .Oie kuickor-c,h4im Se.: :•••¦ •, . ¦ i j : > : v | j ;i^.smj i 1n :te\ kh ?>-:¦ iW I s ervice-j < 4 ?±L ?

:- S'iln a!sr ' be bqu?lvt worktxf on !»} >. * [ Wj Uio a my jb la .k.k j Uf iilbe]

; &J % "««1W. and loan ; l>e x?ut j 6ff air.u .iiir n-t i i 'Vj ui -J^d.iJelol^ak r'fittiivky :f^u r«!v -. \ ¦ ; -

«.hiiu,.l «; n b!i... k c t iA i t e l inx j ; iTh?B* i ¦• ¦ ' . . .¦ . J ! - ' ! ¦ - ¦.. .l ih i s ( .|>v«rium i t ! blank ks lr^ ajsoi U : i i : ! : :\u ¦; : >.'* converted 1 >tri sijtsV coi isUn " of !l ^^fHONS FOR 1 THF 5M \ TT J IV

• -• ;,iSrw ;fl l hf r i^i°f H i e!ofe"av?^ 3;diilStlili milsii

^aws ,,re in an the «S ^ ]ofi thfS :foft| ff Iri &tT or t^l?1^^01

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II L I ' V " : \ ' ' :^moii [hapQiazard fashion , ; but the effectus |not very .plviisin^ .j A n- .w idiu is theanihgljng o: be.ide ' witli straw , whicli give»ijytry | brillia it surface . I Some j of :thelarge straw ha ts are j turned up in I frontor J j it ;the sides, 'ior j . ilhay bav-3 'doublebrims that give] this ^ppeaTartce. Aj greatnumb >r ofi t-hMe! |lmts are small and ] oi.tbe| tclque and turban typo. Th'3 Bretonsailor- is a fav6urilre shapa for both strawand , fibric^-Ti-aSs, but; the !shapes of hatsare (so vuried thiat both old and young ofevery type , ca.n |fjjid eometlLing to suitth'etp . ¦ :j ] ; I . i

¦ : : I

VERY UTTLE UNDERCL0TH3NU.. Ij ij awHJ Kngexie in pale, ,d,?HcatP> shades

is to hie fore just now, openwork. sej iniHandN n ytifs ,. tojj L 'ther Iwitii eaginsB , - fr»rni-ing' tr e ' trimmings. jWliwxij .nighldresfies'are' ipriJforred o pyjamas : : the Masnvir

l" il I

¦ ¦¦ ! ¦ i - H

; ! : - I . * ¦ ¦ '¦ '

' ¦ <

i ¦

N :


, f ho Saoapfc otfi a tyro io itp tubo. i¦ ! , | ,

' i . : ' ' ¦ ¦

'¦ \ |

i gEE that the sturdy reliability of j yoorDunlop cover is not discounted by the

use of an inferior tube. i . 'I . I . ' I

¦. ¦ i Mi : - ¦ : . i . i '

; | Rumple Supplies of ill the well-known DunlopGrades of tubes] (Dunlop Magnum, DunlopRoadster, Warwick,' Edinburgh and Pericles)ore available at j ail dealers.

Co yea ceo beaded csgp cavcroKo chtsjrtaso c* euppEcoEn sny rircdo cr elzo.

I -r- ' ~ ; i ¦ ! i


The fallowing IB. tho List of ihpse whokinaiy eui*k:rioecL u*011*3

lov/iuxio me ex-penses or iood tor Uie supper oi Ute Inui :—

Collector^ 01 euuscripuona iT-Alre. A.i PhelaD, iMr'a. Parle, Ali-e. ; Kidgxray, M*a^UVM ., Uui* M. i uinlaa.' i

i Mws G. Cauitieia, .Mt. T. Cromn, 'Mr.T. Wavj ies; Mre. i»earce, liw Quay ;O'Brien ia iJaiseries, Mr. vi.¦ .j D. Croker .Central i>to!ree, Mrs. Mayer*, lire. H.Ridgway, Meeera J. and K. WaJth, MissN. O'Brien] the Miasea Kily and JUiyO'Brien i Miss J . Power; Stephen; etroet ;MiBB MMialdwin, ! Mane M. C&sey, MiisM. Troyl'Mifis JS. Grant; MraJ T. Cronra,

¦Mis* -Cifcorrift. Mies K l Allen. Miss M.Morgan,!fliilsa Kyan. Mm H. 'Kel ly,. MussB. Morrltiioy, AU.M L. Condon, Miss * •Lynco, M'i4 -LauKhum, Mb* 11. O Connor.Airs, iiiopuineld, Aliss VdaJeho Bellevue;Lady Irene Consreve, Mr. J. Mullin, Mr.and M raLi U W. Jueiy. JLT-unoro ; air uiuMrs. A. fneian. Mrs. D-: UaUtrey,! Mr. J .Ktuly, Mi J. K. Hammond, . I Messrsluuigo-WhitWonb, Ltd ; #»jK»fo *"•W alsh, Catherine ,jireet;: . Mus i Walsh,Ballynaneeanagb; Mra. Haydtj n <#**%*Hotel); I Mr. 1J h'itzgerald. Jkarmleign .Miss DaUei, Mm. " Waidi.!the Mall ; LadySuaan Dfiwiicy, Miss Croker, MrsJ Walah.Lombard sil-.il ; Miaa Ci Molaa, MB udC Boyd, Miss Pim, M» Stonw. (Ban*«f Ireland)-Jurs. jj'enxwsrfy/ MiM N Power.Mrs- MotnJ, Alia Doyle> Mrsj toley »»1 FiUKL-raia^ Mrji . Murphy. Mre. i.WaCS Law.ec. Mi» M; Power. 2£i»MoirTMieairidrwy, Mri i *«wv»a. Jfr*.R H Cire*. LiiUliaamona ; Mta. M. Mur-i\| L: o i>ri*n, Messra' Roberteon,I^dlk "^rkas-.a and Co; Mre.; CahiU.

Hill ; MU. Mocseay,. M^ ¦ Flarln. &«««»D-L' . IM ™ . T. Davi<K.! Mr3i Q ; . MorriB»

¦Mr w ' iWiit. Mrs. Long. Pupils ol theUrsuUne Convent; Mr. %**& M^.Thw-iitea and Co., i Mr. iM:. Walsfi. New-

Tath^Mre P t\ Murphy. Mr. L. Casein.Ai rs ite^ni Viiiay ; Mass! Bourko M«a? ,1P « s F Pholan. ; Mfc.1 Neill Mc-

SSw50 I\




Ei. ¦»•\Vhfw ' M».' K"nt.!M«i. !Hylaad , MU* M.Xylwara

1, Mr. F. Aylward. Mr. E. i Cromn.Mrs

¦ J [ Phalan; Mich&el [street ; Mrs.Pof^r Hi Kh bircet ; Mrs.

¦Canty . Mrs. D.

t.? \ ' I \T" xi n r^iv Waterside: Mre.\VJU};ui , i -Juno . .... r-i , . . ,

Wilisimij , John 's Hill ; Mrs. J ,| Strangftian ,Mrs. O'Kelly, Aiainded Square; Mrs .Lynch, the 'GIon ; Mrs. Pi Bowss. Mr. OwenDawtj onj ; Mrs . Cauifieldj tho i Glen - Mre.Hcylin , do. ; Mrs.1 Walsh , do. ; Mre. J.Widger.j Mr. T. Shecdy. iMr T. W. Ander-eon, Mr6. .R. Ardagh , Mb. Stanford , Mrs.0 J Cumj nins, Mescjrs Harpur Bros. Mr.P. Wal^h, Mr. R. Cutlar . Mra. 1 Carroll,Mr. ; lk>yd, M-d.;Brs Tylet and!Co. ,' MesereLip (on ,anl' Co., Mre. J. McCoy. Rock-lands ; {'Mrs. W. Murphy, Chridtendora ;

Miee Bqlton, Mrs.;Mcade, Messrp Demp-.6tiy aivd 'Brennan,; Me'sars Hearne and

Cuhitl , Messrs Lynch Broe.,! Mre. Boyd,

Mr. 0. Hoyce, Mr. Palnicr, Mre. A .Ford,y r -" v^Mmc. Meqsre Pheiari Bros.. M^e.li. J. W'halLey, Mr. A. D.; Denny, ixax. A

Drabazon , Mess>rs : Carroll and Co., Mr

\V. O'Shea , Mrs. Ed. White , Mi£6 Mor-riisey. Mrs. Jellett , Mri D. SOKCJ Mrs. SiStrangnian; Mr Dick Power,: Dri Bailey,

Mr. P. S. Benson, Mre. Phelan, Newrath ;

Mis* Hazelton, Mrs. Parker; Mre . Mao

Donidd; Miss Robexteon, Mrs Oahill, Mri

Greer , -.Mrs. Kent, Mre. O'Loiichlift, Mre l

Ellis , Mrs. WeaterKardc;Miss Momn, Mn>Nolan, MT. W. J. Smith , Mm W Miackeey,

Mrs Anderson, Carrick ; Anna Lady Gqjf ,

Mrs Carroll , Mra. M. J. Murphy, Mc^rs

E. and iHl Hall, Ltd ; Mr. M. Breen , Mr.

P. O'Mtara, Mocere Croker and Co., Mr :

T Murphyi Mn. Gorman, Mr. T. Power ,

Mre. Clancy, Mr. !M. Veale.i MISR Veilc,

Mr. J. A! McCoy, Mr. Elwatd Maher , Mr.

Thornton, Mr. Barden , Mi*« Norris, New-

iath ; Mrsi Flanagan, Mr«. Morris , Lady

Lane ; Misp . Nowton , M«cr4 Chapman,

Ltd.. Misies E.,and H White. Lady doff.

Mm. Gibbon , Mre. Vf ; Gallwey, Miss

O'Neill iWalshrJlrB CuIIen , Mrs. Keanit-v,

Mr. J. White. MTB. Shortis, Mrs . Jen-

nines, ' Mr. Walsh , Broad Btreet ; Mre .

" ' ¦-- '- v'""=«i the Areei:tinc Meat Coi,j aCKmau . -"-•• • Tj v-n Hi^n 6t,ect.; Mrs

Hearne. Mrs. Gnffith^ G strang

€. Manahan.Mm^- ^'^ n?^,Mrs. Kearney, ^^^ 'nigh street ; Mr

CahiU. Mrs..] - ™™* x£ V, Croker. Mrs

Mo^re, C# feffi Tbe Cross; "In-Palmer.]J»r»; *•^costen. Bw *" 1.

IValerford Street Committee

i A meeting ; of the Street Committee j o ithe Corporation was h.el<jl on Mor^ay,Present:—Alderman Dr. Vincont J. White(Mayor-elcot), preaddinG; Aid. P. Quinlan,Aid. P. Brazil. Aid. T. D. Connolly; anaCouncillors P. W. Kenny, jj . D. Walfen ,R. Outktrl J. J. Garhsher, T. O'NeiH.John 8. O'NeiU, and T. Dunne.! Mr. j T.F. J . Higgina, Town Clerk, was in 'at-tendance. j : :

¦ _ !! nitJi referonce to tihe neyr name-pla{e3for the new Centr© Ward, it was ordered(that the name of the ward only be in-scribed thereon.I ¦* . ¦ • * «. • ** !« . a l l! It was unanimously <Jecaded that A3d.T. D. 'Connolly he clectod viotscSiainnanp i the commrtiee. ! :I The application oi the hbrsooiniers forpayment of, £6 per week for services of/their horses ihaving been considered byIthe committee, and after having inter-viewed some iod' the owners, it was decid-led to recommend Uiat th'

be paid I atthe rate of £4 10s; per vreek . on conditioni&at Ih'o standard ra-tie of wages ie paidIto the carters employed by the owners.i Councillor Dunne and the Borough'Surveyor weto roquested to interview the•Au'JomibTe Dnrvera and Mec'hanics Union•v.if ' i reaturd to Mr. Hug(hies'» motor car."winch is a^ present lying in tlie rrver at\he ferrv hii'Jc. I ' I

A letter :waa read compLMnang oi theobstruction ind miis-ance cre«'V«d at thecorner of Michael, street and Peter streetby fieh venders, : -and it was decided tolinsituct UIP Town Clerk to issu^ the fol-lowing public notice by poster : "In con-sequence of ^repeated oomplaints thaihave bo&n niade to the committee of thenuisance and obstruction created by fishsellers in .arid around Peter street, Broadstreet, and Michael street, iiie committee¦have ordered that irom thie day forward•no f&h shhll be allowed to be sold in thislocality, as the free fish market erected"(for this special purpose is open to sxichpcraons for t!ie carrying on of their busi-ness, and the commitr'oe will insist j onthe diec-otinuanoe of the nui&ances andobstructions I referred to. The publicgenerally air4 invited to co-operate with!tho oommititee hi carrying out this deci-sion by declining to purchase fish at |thepinices mentioned." :

It wae decided th'at the wages of Wm,Hearne, a.<w«tant operator at the bridge ,•be increased by 5a. from the date of 'hisappointment, viz., 30th Ootob<T, 1919.

It was iigreed to rocommerid lhat j UiP<erry pcTvicc! l>e entirely discontanu'xl oi»S'lmkiys uinCil IH Apri l , as tho Corj xj ra-lion are ninJ ijn g the ferry at a ' wry con-siderable loss , and am dcin? everythingHo avoici any (uliire Itvs. ~ | j

Tho application, of Uie bridge overEeerand those employed on tli» "bridce| foipaymomt of overtime -was postponed . Andthei . Tovqi Clerk instructwl to refer* thrcipplican^R- to tlie terms o'.' thc-:r npDoint -ments , without projudice to their elaini?

It .wtis anilenxl that tenders for. stone.1-for fhe cominp year be invif etl. . '

Tt wao ordered <hat tlie notiro h^an" '¦in the . Park |bc repaire<l , and the name othe new i Pwk Ranker . Councillbr TIIOHO'Neill , be inscribed then-eon. | .

It was wfj crwl that tho future rne etin?0? tin1 ooii'ijpitye be hi>ld on the ! 5econ<Tuewfay of en oh montii nt 7.0 p.m.

It was (i t ' ci 'lrMl to recomnniii d to rluCouncil th'it th< % wagw of tho Cfin>f >Ti:n 'u>t«nir 'fljw \ii> i ini ' l . n« f r'in I F-'J f ' .Mnrr -hin' f h«»' Town Hull ' on Friday j i i^ht :it (o 'clixk. ; : ;

Th'> pt Mi i k-nt.ion of the tVrrrmwi forl»aynnn>t <»f 'rticri'a'w ' r<v -M iMv •.' :vmi'"l I itij wn :IA f rmn t l io (Lie of the app lir : i-*;i'oii w!!B a<'<?edc<l to.

Tho»» MTt'crioo. Wirele»i M««i<r« M iTbtt riling «un eongraiulalct ibe : j

\ Eartb oo poi»c»jiog nockt o« j

W<S>(D) in>-T iniLF5IS""Speciial" Revolvin5| Heels

decoration of all the rooms; toj Mus MaV-Ij ij g and Miss Feiiniiw who wtJ«; >erpoi |-eible for the table dwonitioi^ , to |Mr.Sinnott , lUffh str^t , who boil i'd . tlie ;, tur-key ' ! ' ' ' j I'lie following firnu Jont china , cutlrry,

ctc :-Mv«ri» Kobertso n , Ledlie. itW} ™})and Co.. Hoarno and Co.. London ,a::<iNewcastle Tea Co., J, (J . McCaul. ; I

Wine,.whiskey and iinnrrnle .—Messrs itDowU- and Co... *-.&™.- K ?-J&Wand Co, Rawictt und Mereaith , 31. O hul I-van . T un<l H. »o«la"- , _, . ,. ' .

Cigaret«^-Mr. P. M ! Doyle Mr , UO'Gnwly. Mcssri Purodl and Co. ¦ .• MesB» Robertson Bros, provided 1] cstewards and helper* badges; Mjiser* H<£vcy and 06., menu cords, etc ; Messrs.Roberteon, rxulLie, Ferguson arid Co |Fup-Dlied all I the decorations. j inss j aunuiFirth'a nai^ie was omitted

in the loij t liktof hampers In the supper room. i

The^ htonJ eec. believes that the ahoyelist is compleU', but'ttonld bo oblig^ ifBUT prtrsoni whoso haine has bcon omit-ted will communj cj ii) wHh biro. ! ! I

! I

WATERh ORD GUARDIANSA meeting of tie Waicnord Board of

Guardians was had' on. Tueeday, Mr. £.Welsh (Chadiman) presiding, i Alao prcs-cat:~Mre. ! Poole[ ! Messre.' . MauricePower, John Dunphy, James Fanrell, E.Phelan, Martin Shanabanj and EdwardDonnelly, ' '¦

\ ¦¦ ¦'.

' :. \ '¦ : ¦

DOCTOR'S OAR; HIRE. ;Trie L.GJB. wrote statihg: they had be-

fore iihem the replies ito queries nespectdrigthe employment ol Dr. Viacent J. Wlhiteas temporary "medical offidej- ot the' UHtoland Kalmackevogue dispensary districtfront the l^Si to the 21st !ult. and :with.:reference . thereto they md^hit be informedoi tlie amount proposed to be paid to Dr.'W5iit,e in-respect of oar1 hire for 6he pe-riod meirtncoed. | . ! i . ¦ i /

The Oerk said tlwt Dr. Whiiie was awayland would not be home until to-morrow.He (suggested that the oommunicatioi) bemarked "Informat on bo be •forwarded."

The Clerk's suggestion was 'adopted.

SCHOOLMASTER'S REOR^ATipN.The L.G.B. , wroto stating they war© not

oble : to approve c f the arrangemeni bywhich it was pro JO^ed that Miss" Drea¦would discharge har fatiher'a duties whilebbsent on recceatim, as well;as for theperiiod of his annual holidays,! ¦vrith' re-muneration at the Tate oi 5s. per week. !

Mjia. Poole 'said it was passed .by tihehoard some time ajgo, and it was not fairla aAk Mr. Drea tfo continiioely do dutywithout some litUe period (of recreation,and considering his adughtex was will-ing 1 to discharge hdA duties in Ms absence.6h.e ppoposed tim [fol lowing; resolution:—"That we respectfully request tbe L.G.B.to reconsider their decis.i6njregarding thecpjiointmeilt of Ml ,<<s Drea,j hospital ; tea-cher, to disdb'aTge the schoolmaster'sduty wfoile avaiHn \ of his weekly recrea-tion from duty anil wheri on h-is nnnn^Jvacation. We knew of no [ more favour-able at economic arrangernent that 1 ca!nbe jmade. • Mr. I 'rea will ! not tobq hlin•weeltly rekucailiron except diiringi 9ome ofthe| hours the hos ntal toacher is free totakeicharg.9 for htm. and nds annual vaca-•tioh .' wfln coinoide| with' tfhe Babool chil-dren's annual vaoation. : The cMldTencaii , therefore, suffer no | disadvaritagefrv>m the aTrangenSenite we! hOTe, made,and we request tne Local GoVerrupentBoard to sanction \i\,." ! :

Mr. Dunp hy peebnded the propositionwhi<)h was passed unanimously.;

MEDICAL OFFICERS' SALARIES.The L.G.B. wrot « with reference to tho

minutes of proceo lings of i th|e Board ofGuardians on the 28th uit.'j , and pointedout; (Mat the propos al to increase the Sala-ries; of the medic il staff !ofi the unionshould be considex.'d after due notice to"each guardian.

Mr. Donnolly—Vasinot the arra,ngo-irnent unanimous afbout tihe:doctoT8| soJa-ries^on 'the last day? j i

Mr. M. Power—: t was not on the lastday'j ¦ ; J : ! '

Clivrk—The on ry kliffeTence you had thelast jday in th;? transaction was tihat Com-(rnander Curew's motion fixed the initialsalary at £250, to be increased to £300,¦and : there was a l amendment to that,starting at £250 unt i l a maximum of £350was!reached. The latter, tihe dark con-tihuixi, wae passed .

iMr. Donnel ly—IJ you wno xs to tlhe L.G.Board pointing ' o.n : that it was the! vv\-nimpiiB wish 1-of t ie board| that day t >eraht.the sara.ries lecfommend^l, would hhave any effect? '

'dork—Tlmi woufld only deal with theworkhouse medical officers. I ¦ :

ChadrrnanirDoos this lotter apply to allifej nedical ;ofDoeri ? . |

jOVr k— Yes. Proceeding, the clerk1 saidthe;:L.G.B. . requin-d that the matter bebrought forward a'gadn an [notice. Trieformer noiice of rr otion, h1

^ said, was re^ferred . to the comr littee. i |

¦Mr. Donnelly—Vest on | the under-stinvLing that my notice of imition wouldht>ld good. . |. Cerk—Evidentl y the L.G.B. hold |that,not having dealt w th the notice of motiononij ho da'je it wt .a fixed^for, the guax-diam s &hoiild hava another notice, andrequired each gua-rfian to get a copy oftit ..1 You could hav > dealt w th it this daymorith . You did not ; you referred it tothe ;eommiitee. I

M;r. Donnelly—When it was referred toithc ' committee I nade it plain that mynotic e of inotion would hold pood "j ntililieit .ime i,t wi.s i it her successful OT ac-ifea.>xJ. . j

< !erk—You - caniod the terms o4. your.riotice of motion , hit r .' ippnVV ' iit l y the I..G.Board, according ic i the way tlii 'y read it ,believed you did not, d :a!i v . i Ih it absn-¦liit > ly, luid^ tjio fiict of your r<-.foTTiing il tothe! committCi7" nia:le it alterable.¦ C)'.a>inn;in—Yv m wen- un.'JTiiiiiou.s about':ho! medical ofTioors of the \vorkhonso lanei they are Rending in ji loi ter to-dnyit sking ior more t4 lie civen them.

•Tlie Cli 'rk 'here road tlwi following let-ter fro m Doctors James Jj. H. .Ia<km ;triand Alex. Pord : 'With reference to tbdireiision of our F.ilarir<i ( w? be? to putthir follow ing fac s !>efbre! the Boa.rd ofCiupr ddans. Tlio salaries M medical offi -:corn of workhousfs in unions classifi edwith Waterford ifnion nre :—Dublin , sixmy< li«il offio.Ts, salary £3 >X): 'flelfast. fivemJ'dical officers , -salary £305, and four\rith £280 each . Ihi 40 unions , where 'bewoikhouse s .'ire n no way comparable ,thi ' t i nt -d.ical ofTicir s havei£2 iK» upwards.W<> R ¦¦e no reasor why w! should not bnI'l^ced on ¦ the «vme scale of salaries asour collea gues in tho Poor Law service,our dut ies and re; ponsibilities being iden-j .ica.l. or \\1iy your boaixl ivliould not fallin wi th F/( niiin ; otlrer bo rt rd.s of j rtiar-di : in ^ . tb'rougb ''>ut the <-our |try . We <-"n-f' (l! -i) "'l y a«k th'it our iii .' ix i inu i i ) F/ I I ICV bofix:-<l ..-it £i'»(l i i i ftlc i id ' of £201) as nvoin-niiiKh >( l by the ,Si!.ari:s .Committee ."' AIr« . Pool *- tlwi phi they .could not c<w-pate Wfltorford ivith Bi"Vfa?t , but , «heasked if they we e not giving those doc-lore a« much as hey wore n.-iking for?i r'cTk—Xo.j M ir,. Poc>le wii 1 tin? ouflit to be justnn the ?nme b.vis as the other doctors.tin (l .'l iould pet what tJfey a^ked, consi-fl i i r in .'? the "X]>enJ(is incu rred on tyren andrai ri « . II |It was decided . to defer the v/lioleh i t ,)icct , to be brought on again under' UMALAOA.MA'nON' OF COUNTY

i : : IfXIOXS. ., ;Th" C'l'-rk of f t w Dtni carvun , T' n ion.wiot t - sUtini' that they ;hiad fiX'.yl ?atur-

, fl ;ii - . I J 'h i t' -v* . , I'or f l i e ! uroiio- . d rr-^ 'ej -' <>¦"(" T(-? ">w\\n's 'fw t i n i pn anaipamationfor Hie enn 'y. ^1)0 co.nfr-.reno? would )>o

.hr1d : nt 12.30 in I he Courthouse , DunpraT-.v.'ij i , end tiiey sugiror i fed ' thAt tlie Hele-

|Kai.es should, b" aicconipanj ed by the clork¦of the union . '¦ 1 I.' iTlio C1""-! ^'ii:l J '^ai .'b"!0}'' iir rC'nn . Mr.

fRob.-rt Wnl.^li. sj |i l M.f; T. TOiittle were':!) ''¦(' throe nieinb c -s appoirt"<l- 1?> ropreserit

t l i * LT 'ir ri ipn -^ - '¦' { t^ie confo rence. ,1 i\> renly to Mr Durii'iyj, thr cVrk Raidt r ' i j > matt er uro '= - out of a ro*o!uf.'v'n .isk-inj r f or t 1v-> | nmnitrn mj iifon of the foji r<v> i>p 'V nninri f; i 'i (o two , nn<l requeslin^<W r j i nointnicnt of a commitleo to con-si<^r it . i

¦ . j ¦ ' ¦, ^ i -j i- ivin—Tf * ho. ("'iv fArenc? stinnn eprli t( . ' i>o reorcsoTi 'si ¦ .iye of 'the fou r union??I i '^'^Vev ' : ; ¦ i ¦ ; ' • ;I ' Mr. TTunnhv—^be s it only conwro lliisi<: :r7" n? ^'P Tivcr ' , : ' ; I ; ; .i \Tho C .rrk rep lied *hr»tj it ; tvas only in^connection with Co. Waterford . '.1 1 , I * -^ I . / ) ¦

¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ i

j *' TirE NATiqVATJST/' CLONMEL;! ]' The N-ationaust ":¦ ifi published thfee

tidies every- weetf* It bn.s the larpest n 'nd/!tW?*y Local , T '-legraphic. «nd- SportingNfws and all mntter« 'oH) public interest inthe Premier and ndioirrin p Counties. Thebctst pos&ible Ailvextisin^ Mtdj um in th"fi cist part of Ire! nrl Qiiotations ant] allfurther infprma ion frorri— : ;

! ! : [ D. FENNEESY, Manage*;



¦ :r ' ; ¦ Ji ¦ • i

Yesterday Mr A. P..Felony[ L.G. BoardJnspeotor, opened a bworn inquiry, inthe Boardroom, Wlatepford ' Wbrkhoi ^e,into certain j irnegularitiieB that, were al-'leged to havd taken pliice in, that institu-tion. Mr. McCoy, soli*., j represented theGuardiana | ; J j j .

Mr. 'Buggy] 6olr.f said 'be appeared: forrthe officials £enei»Uy land for "a ce'rilanioffioial. 'f .-j •

¦ i

¦. | ' . | | |Dr. ;Alex Ford, medical officer of the¦worKhouse, swore he wiis in charce of tihefemale hospital. Bel received a, reportl/rom thei moitron ot the woirldhouge; ffnd¦the head nurse oi t/hjej hospital.! SisterMary Mejrey.i In cons|equen<fe of; tihe j re-port he rjeceived, he cinnmuriieated a Ire-port on the.28th January to the clerk. jInspeotbr—jHad you j an jniormatiion inregard to this alleged I irregularity on 'oribefore th,e date of your rcpori?—wbne .h'¦MT. Buggy jcaiquired fron> witness if he.had occasion I to .go to this plate ai niglit?.Witnesj f-Yes.:? i TDid you ev&r <]g:et access tlie«> throu jhithe door beirig tfpen? [ '< IThe witnesi replied jhat he had no -e-collectdon] of it. : I i IAfter $|o'clock ^are the key.s in chWge

of the lay nurses and the nuns go bffduty?—Xes. j 1 :-; . :Nurse Mary Jane Oonroy : swore 6hewas a probationery nurse in the work-house ; infirmary, andi remembered theearly morning of FTiday, 23rd Januarylast. At-Jhat; tame-fih« j waa a^tine as

oneof the night j nurses i,n th» female infrr-ary. It was ia part of,:her d-iity at nj ghtto visit No. 14- t .hc female ! Pro'fesff.intward. S7ie visitod .this! ward at 12.30, andagain betweeh A and 5 i.im. jOn thns par-it.icuiar morninc she remembered visiting-the yard |of this! ward >', 12.30 a.m. Wit-n«?<s was| accom panied by Nurse MtiryAnne Ryan. She wnn the senior of th»tAvo nurees a^id held trie key that oneriedthe door inW the ; .yard attached to NoJ| 14ward. Thfet key; also opened the door I n-to the nnrsery yard, I The nursery ytfrdM these' doors'Were usually kept locked.When she arrivejd at Uie doox leading I in-to No. Hj yard &lie observed tftra-t the doorwas wide open J which oocAsion'etl ij ersome surprise, as it was an .unusual I n-stance, j She never knew of it to haveibeen open rxyork Wfitness went to No.14 ward ,and; whjen approaching the dporof the .ward she noticed the door JeadinpTo the nureery ydrd wide open ; she neversaw this door op|?n before. On returningfrom the J ward v itness sa-w a man mkh-fing hurriedly to 'the door leading to theyard of iNb. il4 vard . | He ran from thedoor leading! to the nursery yard. Theman wnsj ahput 0 yanfe away from wit-ness when shie m tieed him running a wiiy.It was very dark at the time. TJioy hadr.c lantejrn t^iat nigWb, Uiough they usu-ally carried one.

Inspector—IWas this the only night youhad gone! without a lain'terrn ?—Yes.Will you tell JTT? tho reason u)iy'?-

Tb^Tce was n'io o':l in tlie hmteni at ' tin:¦time. i | :

A ro> you oiii te sure it- w,i* the sbp^h coo.f oil tha!t. m.ide you go wi thout the lan-tern , or |(.h-3i'bri:.h'!n©i>s of tlie ni ght?—The absence |of c U.

Was Hja. moon light rivghi.?—No. jResuming j her evidence, OTtne^f. saidphe was ' sure trw ? figure wn-s i r. mnm. Shecould n'ot; identify himl nor could she payEif the mian was tall , s-liori, Uiin , or stout.

Mr McCoy—I suppose you could notBay 'whether he h'ad Whiskers or wasclean-shaven?—> 'a. i

Inspector—[Wa i it merely a blurred ordndistinct figure that parsed ?—Y^.'s.

How did you know* it WAS a man;1 orhow did you for n fhe dos^tinction of sox?—I camel to the Mnolu&ion it was a j inanbecause; the foot iteps were heavy, and Ieaw the ' figpxe oi a man ; I haw it« do.ubtbut it Was a ma a.

Mr. McCoy—VS"hen lie got to the doorof Nro. 14 yaJ-d w hart. did he do?—He v|]entthrough the door ivay into thoihospitallen -classure ; and locl ed tliej doox' on the cut-hide against u» . ; ¦ ;!

WHi'at ; ilid you do theJi : did you !|runaftor ; the! man ?-Jl did , '!

Inspector—Tr>' to catjeh liiini ?— NT o,:ibutto open 'ih ' .: dooj he had lo<-.ked . 'WIICJIslu; opened the < oor she- first* listened landIn -urd f 'f H) t s 'ops [ms.'iiiif; tij rougli the yardof tlie hospital :-nclositre, but she cjj uld¦not 'j ay ;iv(h*at direction. After slie ij un-tockod the dow tho nuin w*a« not tb beseen I again. Wi mess locked Uie d'ooijj she" liid -opened , !-li _» also Kvekod the doorleading; to the nirsery ya,rd . Witness¦tlu -ni iinme<liaL< ' y reported Uie iuatt «-J r tothe. <ih a;rire ti i gh: DUTS O . W-i.tn"*s liaj l to•JCI a! second round that in 'ominc winchwas «bout 5 o'( 'o tk . Nurse RyiCn i wa«•with witness , ai d she lwwl t-<> piirfonii Uiesuiie <lutie.s as before, which wi re tovisit tile pa-:li- <i ts in fhe ward . \\flienshe goti [to the < oor of the y;u<l n t-tachedrto thisi *A-ard sl .e noticed tl ie dr> »r U) bea^'ain wid-L' ope I . She proiv'oded to] theward , and uhil.' t going tli -re slie observ-ed the door lea line to the nursery yarda.!so wide open She. looked botli floorsa'j ain. Slie;did not vitiit :ho. u-ard at; all .She returned1 t<i the charge ! niglit j jurs?«nd ref>i)rte<l Uve circurn . Utiee? A f te rhaving reported! the mat ter U> tin: cha rge•night n ;ir&; she went kic k to tlie wardand visited tluj patients. ¦! ¦ :

Mr. McCoy—\VJioni did y.m ge: th i ! j l:eyfro in l when ' you startM out I > M U w ^ e l j t w oocc:i.sion'K? , Fran) Uie < h u ; u- >.' ni .tr lit i U I -M -personally. I i

When you wer ¦ ilcncyou " r- . u i i d < . ^ )r 'i i idid you give tji '«- key t"v -Th. - .'1 i ir.'e.nii -'i i t nurse. ! '

H OAV long ; a rc you l i ' i e - - -H i - h tmonths. ! j '

Have [you- beij n fre .(ju<' i i l y "'i i l i i 1- . M - r'ht.d u t y b.1fore?—Just two ii)"ni!>s . ¦:

With "t l ipjexc j optj on ' of I I M ; orc i t idr i r t -fenc-d to", hiive ' you c-ver t'' > i u i > l t - lu > s<!j twodoors , olr any cj f t h e m . o p i M i l ie J o i v ? j - No.

Do you r 'Tininihi-r :he nioni in ^r o:| the27th J ariuar>'?-rYe« j ,

Do you remember when you wore re-r t u r n i n g from your fir?t. r - .u iu l f iN . i n i | No -I t ward that moi-niii}.' a bout I'J . .'Mi a .i!n.?-Ye.s. ; | ' . ' I

Whew, you .passed out from No I'l j v 'anlhad (•ver j i .hingl been a-jifi.iip .- i i t l y :i l l ; ii i ?l i t?—Yea. . j

W 'hcnj you wore pn^.- i i i K l>y i l i < " ,' "M ' ' ' "¦ei i e .U- Hiire 'ell UK .w h a t 1 I t , ; 1 1> ¦ * " ' ' * " : ' ' • *¦ ii * - » *was fi ; fj toni .1 th rown w i t h t r r t - .i - t I -ic '-w 'i i i r h stnk-k the w i l l :ii t i n - !- < - | ' ?» ;

Insp:Hor— Did it t o l l 1 1-yt e \ < > y i u ? - rpn ^~-ed 'filwul two y a r d ^ v - n> nH ' i ; itiro-bounded : f rV)in the wa l l I)."-k mf d theenclosure. ;

Di<l . ,;»'iou p»nnediat<'r !y r . 'H ' ir : _ t. )r. ¦ in j ; i ' '.'to lhe.chgare nigh': nurs. - 'J -i Y.v .

\\T ;« JTV it ibet 'aitK! Uglit tLi d you . iin .lXnr .so^ya-h po back, to thej i>la<f U' '- ''Vkifor tho *l - otJ< «?-L-I.r.-t. ' "r on in tJi< i n o n i i n p rw.: did so; !we found a f i a H y !.w-''- ?ton • .iii'b "»C?'trr e size of your han< |' Could you give us , any itt.-a r' roin vh-i:direction t r ie '.¦« tono i<-as t . lm>wn?- I ; oou !<ln ' t sny

1, bti '. I t l iou ffht it wa s froj irf be-

h . in d . , 1 : ! ' , | : . '

Mr: JMcCoy—B. l i i nd : wTipt par t o, f thehon-e would that b"! from?; '¦

Wit-np5:s pn.id she could pot sty ix .a-'-'.iy•V.-1W. d'jreeti-on the p '^n»> cj anie frtyii hutt h n t it1 Carrie' from behind. ; j ' . ;

;> i i . ¦ Jivv./tjy-r-i-'" .*"-• •^-vj""-"i - : • :•?

yoirr rounds on the 20tli January; i lwut12.3r>?-,Yai. ;) I ! j

Wlio ! ac^omT>naiod yon ,on J lrnj ) . Deca-aion ?—The: nipht nvr*<* ini cha-Tfro. ,|

Afier, hnj vinjz comp oted I your diiiv (oNo. 14 j ward,:! do you r«rr embw walkinglalonc ilhe onWJosuJe with JWJ nigh| :iuiscin ehiarpe?|—Y-ois. > i ' |i j| '

\W^Te von two ladici . wj ul k-in^- pr n in

¦armP-fYes'!. j ¦, ' ! ! ['When you arriver) at t% placn where

tho s'tOTie" was thrown: tlie previous fnorn-'ng dicl anything happerii' -Ycs; Uiere

Nil - I ' l - i . ! - .¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

i i " | ¦"• . ¦ ; ' ,, ii : >y-7—?,—r

From the! clay her baby is ¦ ;glvin * her eve^y mothej r hopes he |¦will prow up -jhe<Othy j j nd .strong, !full of l.fe and go. And thak is why j j ,a mUhtr ihouW, wherever possible, A IIfeud her baby |at "the bifeast. This / Xjv/ill j lx: easier if she incl ides in her/ , id^ilV food tl bowlful of Neave's / . i Sileilt li Diet. | i , n \ \

If baby h^s to be bottle-^fed-r-and sometimes, thi ough millc J

fever or other cause, th ; s cannot be Iavoided—the mother ho* to decide vwhich food i ie is to be reared Von.| The |deci lion you make is all- Iimportant, and you cannit do wronff |if you follow he ndvice of doctors 'ai:d j mothers ^a-scd

on a century 'si .irwienrc, nnd £ivo your babyNerve 's Foml.

A |Doctor [ writ esl :— "As regards the r'olpo'rtion of flesh-formingnlbumimii Us . and the bobe-formlmr saJu'/there tzitts B perfect nijformity b'e ween Ne*»e's Foodand. mother^ 1 milk ." I i ' i i I l : 1 ' l! ' i & ' ¦

Ndavc's FJbod si closely resembless 'mother's rriilk 'that t ;ensur s'yu-.ir IwhV growing up kieaith y and: contented , free from 'tiierhing ^roublej l , rickets anil othermiHiit i-onip laints arisirtg- througbi improper feeding. Neaye'g] >ootl| « : c-j asily K!siralU|ed Judddn; .rtitt . nnd gives the! little one healthy 'sleep, nntf when: made according to ihe directionsprovides him with all ihe nourishment required to enable him to thrive' as hVshould. ! 1 I: l ^ : ' i : : - . f ' ii I I S = i ; ; Nr T ¦ ; ]FREE SAMPL E ! s»ffi c'ent to last several days, will be; sent on ^ceiptj of 3d,| l i- i , i f . , in stamps (j o coverjpcj stage), if you imention this publication uAlso a really useful booklet , " Hints about Baby," bjj a trained nurse. : I ! '¦¦


Babies' , thrive ; 'on ;i : icvr\ | i : ' ¦ ; ' ¦ ; ¦ f i j

I ¦ ! ¦. s*7\vf i\J :¦ ' : i ' i : > i ¦ I

1 I I

I i I \ ; IV^^-^ Tf 7 \ \l&)/sFl i Sold everywHere in

CJ? . JJ^ \ \U/\iiy

Also !6cl Packets

dj i j \ / \\ It is the vqse mother vino studies the chfldrens\^4^^ f op dj and i so feafeguards their health. i Corni Flo^sr

combined with milk is excellent after ti e! teething period. : !¦

. A! nourijKirig G)n» jRo irj padding--all otearnnigand d ot—will Kelp guard children froni the winter cnilli. ', Mcicone for to-morrow't dinner and water! hivaj ch. ' I ! j l i I. , I i

—thelind for which children clamour,

was «i. ilump of earUi tlvrown w^h ich struckmo at the ba< )<j r

¦I nspector—Did it hurt you?—No. .Mrl |McOoy- -{But it gave you a: con-

siderable friglht?—YesiYou [pave a ump and, you bo'Jh" tu Tied

around?—'Yes. : ' ; ;Did knyvhing then happen ?Immo<ii ; ioly

a stont was tiirown. Ii was not thrownwith the violence- that was used whent'he stone was thrown on tihe prev!i(/uenionii |i«. |

Insi«'Ct/>r—Md you find out tho direc-tion l r|oin which the pioce of <artli or thf .s4/>ihf TO me?—y\o.

Onj |uiy of th|loiKi mornings did yoi; s«luiyoiu' rwissiii-K?—No.

Ha'cl you IfJrlt^rns -with. ;yoti on th>^c:wo pc<'asions ?—Y«&. :

The night ^irso, whom iyou woul I r »-'port w) undVrf I oxcl'inary c.irciiinstn K-es ,¦was M,j ii3i youP-j -Ycfi . : : ~ t

Inspector—6n any oUier occasion dur-ing |'<iur rouij cls h^ ive you ever s«>i thefigur«j |of any ktnaiiihorii sed piTson OT iheyroinKl.-'-No i i

Mrs l Poole Wlu ardian )—Th e onl y «i «.'htyou sAw Die j igurti v\-:ik the nightl youUind no ramp?-f Y<*. . i

M TS| Poole-rj l t could not have |>»>en•inuifr i tiAtion . {epuld it?—No. '

I nspector—Arn you: aware, wlro^p 'du tyit i.s t-b put oj l j i i n t f ) ti\e laii ' '<'rn.s?— X >.

VTa-l t l i i r f thi} - only oc^awon \'ou f uindtJi i -ro |wi ;r -- no oil in t3io lantern?— Th-atwas tiie onl y occasion.

.\ f r . 1'upcy was no;, preterit, to croaF-oxain i 'iK ' thf witness , and tiho matter was<lr>'rr "I j - ; I

MT . MH.*<>y wutf tho next witnc f-sl wasNuri T ' ' Ryui . but iiv was not uvaih«>l « .

l nj - 1 « ictor— !>id you , Mr Kei^i wiy,not i fy l Nur w ? i'yj ui iRiat I ' was to hohi tliislinqui iK' Unda;'| , ' "¦ '

Mv. Kinn i f y rep lied Unit- he h.ud fiventht? n<'i'«v>sa rj! iffficial: intiinttuoii , In t l^eii i i ( lcr} ~ i , " .' icl J-i .iit- I Nurse. Ryan 's n»ot l i «srW ;LS ill ¦ |i . \. " I j

Th' .'| In - >pec fir etKiuiTed how Ions Nui fje-Kyaii 'is moTij 'V «j is ill , and *in<: cn'el>N!sej ii said i iweek . ;

Inspi\# toj- (U ij < -li!rk )~j Cfui you ^howi iiie« copy of t,)n i nu thor(|.iation |>t -fiuitti ngNirrsi j Iiy.-in to ! tro'iiway on Ui« illriieU of

Tliej O< 'i"k ilopart^iij to ;vtti - iifl t/i Vn<'rc qiuj ft . and \i\ t l f e mp anUme Nfr I5Jui;kryr i 'Uii 'n «xl t> > t! i |o litK ird ir o- .'m and iOross-

< '.\.' n j IHM I N ij r so 1' Ck>;nro\ - : AV'lui ' i .t l ier

ni i rs i : - wnp' in dij t y tlhai n ;«_'!i-t ' i t i [ the• ¦n i i i i fi 'iij 'a l i j pd« o| the " ho>piu l ? —N\u> i Ryan ind riiyseJlf. i

I ld :n- II iH.4 1 \* k^ysjo c'ipihlo . of opMiin p the11. nt ,ir. ' ni t jj' fotaalo ftide of the hou se?-r ( k ii Id Jiot My. l I ,

I RI A:urs< !' I van A i<tTiporan ,- nil»e?-i-Ye?, J ! : ; 1 ! ' \ <- '

Y<>} siiyj yoii sii'w a| man on the nitr lltin (ju Wtio-Ti- jlou <lon U say he ca me, outof ank' build T^'-No.!

You cox iV [n ot say whether , h o : wasdnasl'd in iriihatc's, patiiiiit 's . or lay-man % elothrtsl1—No. ;

IT<V .v dr> .yrn^ .knowi it w ivs a main?—Isaw " lie fipiirj nj .of a man. . \

Mr ISuKJ O -i-A "«'ir| '¦><> a "U'fli larce rfi '^ui> than ii mou^.. D.id you scream?—No.- \ ] [ ! ; . : , \ j

Ho nnjflit h:'i\e. )>wr a -buur liwi'I-li'd vmitak< - aJiy l ei>m :<? rt<,Hl. lartiori to repork tJ iift¦to tUt m.-isU-V l ta iui;. li i rht?—No. ¦ I i

Mr ; . Pool<?. ihere. iriteTpolaiiCd soriie re-marks , and MT. Busfly retorted :-iPleasc ,this ! is a: public [sWom inquiry. . I amin -posseswioiU , : ; I . *¦ ' [ .

.Mil Bucgy^ (to witness)—Have y6u eydfonnA th^ cJ,a,s«i(Lca-6;in doom opon¦?— No.

Tlit walls ate riot [\lery liagli, are |they :Iho iviiilaj Vtibre iybu &aw tlio man?—Icoiiw not' Bayl ;i . : : : , j . i . ..

iiiSpector-f-You! ' ocuid not climb it ,could you? (Laugh ter.) ; , ! ' ¦; I :

Maf. Bug?yi-I>P J*u ;kiiow | whfere ' theb-diplit isf-No, - i - . L ! '. j . ! ! I


i ¦


;\ ; ; I j . . , . ; : ; : : ! l r i - . I ' Lyi :l ¦ i - I : ¦. ; ¦ , I 11: 1 I I..- i.nliTi


' ' ' ; i ! l ; ¦i&is'M: ' .. . l ! : ; i : SL I; ' : :|:j<^-??v^l

'I ^

il f : - | i I ili' i l : ' :iM

i ! 1: j | 1 U i i l - ; .( ¦ ¦•' Oldest,; cheapesti and stil the best:' i i: . , i I 'Mi

Sl<p km<s> ' ' ' I - ]


?sc . ;

: i| ¦ I ij I : | . ¦ I i ¦ | ! ! I 1, I ' i !ile'l the freyj you havcj thait opomB the ¦' .

c oors afdoub^e iwie?—It ie. J j || . :

!' :|Do you I know, ais ft . matter cr fac< tfhafi ;

c ioubl-e iey is' capwble of opeinirg jt'ihw nkaj ii fi .rid i female sidfis?r-No ' I ||| \ \ . '

(You aofri't know ' .Trtio f i l e d u>w ff -o ics ai ¦¦jo x it—Noi| ,j j ; ' - . ; , . | j I i J . i | ]

\IM BSB .J iiBa) 'Bargdn-.i : swore jj ue iwa» i |

<Jiafrge[night' nu'ree in; tihe infirmary . |SH|&:ireiivcmoer^l1 thei 'moTaiiig jof |23rd [Jaaiu-; 1s ry j wtie j she received a rLiport, |framj t'hto:|proinalioiien-y nuj rse afcout 25 |itiinu'tes ti&[

\iinc'l Niirse ; Conroy mad'e th'^ ^ep|orli.She! was "accknnp'aniicd by iNuree' ifi&anlfPh'e e[vn<icn cjQ ufe garei j that [' lay |co|-r«.-s[K>ndei| wj ith !he: rap Girt ]sh^

<S >rr munj -i-atwl jx) |wkiiess on tliis ! parti cuLur mprn-ingj \W|i-esc' te \>oiie<i Verbally I;© Nurfj ejWalsh th^ ixjpoxt macW by Nupse^ Opn[roy.Aboiit 1.30 ai.tn - on . tHie i eiuue :lj [norn:nj (r¦ivi-dies*;' WM i ' at 'the 'cprridoT !windj )W orWK -|iiFper flat cu I thq! . iemaj n kula-dj . Thalt•windo v too^ cl|ir-/>etiy"idown. on ¦ W th!odoor lfsidjn^l 'froW the| female .side |of thlehouise into tlift dfih.iiig 'j h ill.j Whilslt Fiand-ing i atj the ' window ^ ithe^s \ 'l|fea.ip d | tfoj e{loor lea<t(ngi fToni tihe femalej ei ae of ffie :'house!ihii) .the dining h all un locked and' !oel^i><l aB J i in! '¦ l \ ¦ :i . i j ' . : - J •[

Insjkctpr-rrlHd i not tiias suHli fe yoi as ' 1irnftuW Pff-T^. H - , i ! j V, [ \:

Did |yoii eyy.r kno w .iof j such a!;Lhin j to : ilap-jx-n bVo're?-jNo. !: ! : | i i I | !| :Wln|n- <|id lyouireporj i tP rr-Tn t ie mo-ni- ijinp ial l 8 | 'cl ,<>ch .:;to" 'Mnss : \yal?hi | | |I Procfieciinc,1 w itnwi s'sid she-; remtn -IH^WXI on \i\<?. 28tli J.iiij uiary pasiingj (he ; ih ospit al ! aiolosure with N urse |j O rnxoy.She, e)rr(>bomt'.>d Nii r Le ; Conroy?& flvid-<'neo about t3ic cl<»d of earth 1 and !t ie aton1© 'being thj -own. ¦ ' ' : | \ \ i ! - I ; 'I >tr.. Buggy—Are you- tlio lady 'Xurs* : 'Oumi <f got tile, key fn>m?—Y . -.s;[: | I ;

It ! is a <i(wiUle key ?—I Yes . M ¦ j i| Iiis-i ector—-Woiild :Llij i.t k» y b o iny pood -outside Uie iri fiTJoa'A'?!—I don 't, fciipn . j ¦j Wfa? th^re 'a biirpli'iri,- <Ln th« tinj io n Jur- ,j ne iyt iij -j tunio tl|i'.re ?—'No. [' j [j j h j . !| Qctxx d y\n\ i &ee| tho;ao<>r j leadiuj ; :to tJ i o 1

diiUng ropm on iiie w-oasdon yoij i lKTud it |Pixaijfro'm the eprridiolr?—I couji^ i)orj .sqc!that! Aijr lA; it was too d<i.rk ; ; !|| ¦¦ ,| You did not Conceive W yoiii-j duty io'!r'n> trt it.?—No. j < ;i I • : i l I . '

| Sr r.l .Bmrgy—MThen,- Nurse.1 Ccoij oj r\>-porfctj th'is io you on the firet' rxcawdnidid l ^ie. say -it was a !i-igur . ?—rtr ¦ U d

kyms i filii re, but, sh.e ikrew it to w a,•"'»!?• ¦ ' I'M i ! ' I; Mr. McCoy Wfd tliU j wiw iaj .l tiie Wi-:f ] vx] ct hf| eo'uW [give. j :U ; to trie !«2tj i ia ii)-ciden :.. Vlu> next evidence thi1) ; want/Uwitf wjl t hj n^ax<l to- t;h}e. keys.. 1 1 " I

ATiss MarjrartWWa J fjl i1 [s%yore-j fflie. w i snnpM instruc<tn I'fis . and: sLiited ] that tl onursfls under h ' r dt(irs-e Had! to do lu%yIwtih in tV ^na VV an d, females' sic ej s ' <> '. 4A eihoirw. fFh^re w ere <l iuble k-e.yB . [or pa-is

; ke;T5 ,| v/j kieJi' w< ipo : n|oj t, in [-w tn<W> povsessiin, rioTJdid ^he give, p w keys |tc aiy jof tlie nurses) I i | i i l

itui-se ^Beirgan , iToosilOod, .n ' rcnW -lo Mr.¦ M<j€Ay, ' paid, Sikcr.^Iary Mercy!¦ f-herl' wi-jn^s 'Wiit 'ofi-dutj j at {j olcippk

1 ;;in the¦c\-e.aj njr -[giaif<e : h 'er tbd pass k!ey||ivnd took;pa''sisHijrrn c/l it ajraihl at ft o elwK;ii | *,Minoruinw. i rrero ¦ wiu u u-«..v ,... , ....Ui^ rrw^ Ride.

| ', ^

i | ] .

] | ¦ J | . ; . i• ^|r=s-iexaj (JVJr>e<l byl XfrJ B\irgy—VVerw

>"o)ii In Icliflirge of both inrfima^cis P-r'VtsiiTherje We-rli!'nurses for eacaH waj fdJ I M ;|

JJflhb iflrt - ,th(iy?—Njnxse | ARnt aj W&lfttiJ•who was on 'diij ty in ifib lower.'ilat of thotniW infirnj aiyj i :; I ¦ ¦ : ! "' 1 ' : i

wlj olwa^ on Uie top ' flat; of tw> inhale side;

In| the JtemaJe side t2j eie vafe NUTS* G^oiroy ond ;Nuree Ryan.1 I ¦ ' ' | ' ¦ | .]!

Had ^he»fe • othw nurdes ar y¦} ey?—No,!jIt I was decoded to ja4joiin tliq inqn|rv

until Mon<byy;23rd:pi.t.. for j the »ft«Dtf 7a5«| ofiNBT Be; Byan. |: } : ;; ¦ ;i;

!¦ :. ! ¦ I '

¦ : : .!j

- ; |i! ! :l

: I -¦

. ¦ ! : ! ¦ ; ¦ !¦

i i : •: ¦

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fr*" .: ,'" •{V.v •¦":.\ '(v t i " - ' ¦¦ • '(fV - .- i - f - t l . »W .1

fSwp w&l<?s i ijitemi ii Ireland

L'-' - ' -l •¦- ¦ ¦ ' : ;":; j T~T ' • ' ; ' ' • j ¦. .

• iW. dopo^kaUoctLs "oil thie .week-end; themilitary idemonsbratioha, in Dublin ' andlaniedcJ?,1 : tho killing of two peaceful

:«dtiieaa ;in: the-latter caty, aad .the inces-sant " arrests,' ' raids j and . guppressionsmkrt the'reaJ'^>init '<w England towardstM»';Imli nation;} ¦" •¦. Mi-. Lloyd George 's

'. pi>6posals are ,U>': placate America,.- j'His"atrmoured oare; military- patrole, midnight¦ raids,. unprovoked ;shpotinga are ' toj J»a-;¦ <6atQ Jreland. Happily , every, hostile actfof thie British Government is day byi dayi circulated abroad jto Finance- and to Ame-: rica. England can no; longer torture; thiscountry -in ¦ seerv-4'. As' tihe.y:,try to teardown our poli tical arianS&ation it is forus not only to sustain that , but to buildtip ¦as well an industrial one. For in-stance, the time lias Isurely come -when<ttie purchase of'Engliiih goods should atlast definitely 004.se a]mv?ngst us. % Eng-land iff already;in the throes of a great-commercial iwar .with the Unrted States ofAmerica. Every j English-made article.Wo jnow truy 'is our contribution to; thedefeat of our greatest | ally. Tthe forma-tion in every loctaUty in Ireland of peaee-tful : "Watch Committees"—on Washing-ton's modi]—committees who will seethat Irish shops will stock Ws-h goods-is one way by whiicih. we can reply to re-pression by new industrial effort.

The world interest in Ireland grows! -with every day1. .!' Th' e demand of: thoI Irish people for full and unfettered inder¦ pendence is winning, sympathy in the! «aost unexp.?etod quarters of tJie Oonti-I nenf. And thus sympathy, is. based upon1 a very shrewd understanding of the realconditions in Welnnd. England's eco-nomic spoliation and militaristic repres-sion is now the frequent subject of lecd-

' jn*r '.articles1 and .special articles in thej orini'oip-j il dail y , .-I I K ] \yp-->-My paper* in. Norway. :,D etnnrrk . Holland , Belpium,: France, Pwitzer lrutd . Spain , and ' It-aly.Within f.he last two months Inland hasbeen visited. 1>y VdVwesr-ian, French . Span-ish . Italian. ;md n hos'. ;of American i Ppe-cirvl 1 correspondent . These cornespond-dnts- h ave frRvp .W? Treiand and lfave ?eenthinj rs for th ewsol ves Tlie Englishpapej wall ha« h> ;n torn in f o FhredR .' ondiI-relnnd—thanks !fA Sinn'Fein—is now ar-tticuln.'e in ennnt.rj es whore pr .avno'uslyth; p/vme of Trel fmd wae hardly ey e<rmentioned. Ari d a« . dav-by day, outsidenation? are cominjr io a k?«enex realisa tionof oiiT strupple for fibfration. and theeridimstnricps of ;it ; . Mie circle of onr«grmpathi«eTs is 'spreading iiirtheT andfurther acroc* the surfa'ce of th? world.

: An indication of the economic disasterit moans for Ireland U> be forcibly lihkeoHe uie liuitislli . Empire is given in thesepresent days by the collapse of Uie valueaf tlie £. In -Aiuwica an JSngiish sove-reign is now worth little over 13s. ; InCther words . English : credit has almostmolted away. The reason i& noc fir toseek. England is importing £1,632,000,000of goods PCT annum , and is'tryinp to payiar thcfK imports iwith a total expo:; wf£793.000,000. That is , England is livingteach year at ' the ! rate of £831,000,000above her income!. The outside nationsj Cons-Mjuently see IMJT eteering for b&nTc-^ruptcy, find are refusing hex credit." :The¦te suit is the mow!, sensational collopso:in the £ that has. ever occurred. But ! Ir-2-. land suffers from this collapse too. Jlt-T£ is valued in the United States at the!same rtit<? as the Eng l is-h''£. Yet Ireland

, 6el36 ; more tlvan she buys. . Ireland isabsolutely solvent '. In 1913 (the latestfigures available) ilreland's- exports or¦«ak-s to other coiintnies amounted to^l&S.OOO.OOO. Euij her imports or pur-chases amounted only to £126,000,000. Inother wdrds , \vhero .. England lost£834.000.000 on her year's trading, Ire-Jnnd made £27.0(VI. OOO- ^Vere we an in-d rp-.ndent nation the v-alpe of the Irish £would be ovar 22j . In other ooun'.<ries, and<ihe value af the ¦ Enplish £ would inDublin be I GPS than 17s. Ireland is notan independent : nation, with th? resulttthmt sho sftls to outside nations., not atthe 22s. Irvyh standard , but at the 13s.British s-tnndmrcj, ;!'>sing 9s. on every £Bale. And wihen: she buys in the U.S.A.she has to pay 27^. for every £ worth ,insfrn d of approx. 1ma'elv 21s., lowing 6s.cm every £ piirchn : =e. Tt is estimated byexperts that boc.inso th is solvent Irelandis tied inseparably to a bankrupt British¦Empriiv , Ireland! 'lof/t in 1916 £52.000.000•in hw trading. ITJi-i.o. added ?" ; the£-<1.000.Wi0 taxation which is annually'taken from u&, brings :' our yearly pay-ments for the bon 'efi'h of Imperial domi-•natj o'n to the oolow.i1 gfiure of £93.000,000from 1 thhBC two ; i>mK alone. Tliink ofthe boFitinn T rc-'and ATOtild hold if her¦people had Fole ' nrjd unfettered control ofher fj -nances ! ! ;

Tlierv are other items' of economicspoMntion. ¦ AfUsr an angry pTess cam^paipn the Brit i slj Govorninent recentlyyielded the -demand for an inquiry into1ihe profits made by the TrwuniTy out ofthe control of wool Tho result of the in-quiry has..created| a 6en«vtion in indus-trial cir 'elos. Thf Qovernment, one fin-ancial expert nt! tho inquiry sj iid , hadmade such profits 1 that he would not try<to es.timate thci iiij he w*>iild merely sayhat they were on; !a colossal ' scale. Th^sopfrofit/s Uro ' (j -niv-erumMit made by ¦ thesimple pi!an of ctJnt.ro Wnncr ^he purchaseprrio? of wool at, Is. 'M . a lb., nnd , liavingoommandeorcd nt; th '.it ¦ price . re-solliiiK itat 6s., and even :S*. 6d. -a lb. By thatmean^. tho produ cer iiiid the conf?inri<? r•wwe -l>ofh fte-frnni frd an<l the BritishTresa-ftry ¦ irtadfi c^|os.=al profits. Irel and ,in uhfc mutter of (inntrolling wool, cantri-linW liT fOi'.-i v-o U\ )?H"e profit 3. To beable 'c do FO is one of '(h e benefits, of be-Irinjrrrle to the- British i>nf>iTo. But thesepnibtte imposts ne.yer !i])pen r in TriM.suryWlife PnnoTe nft naH of .Irelnnd/a Impe-Tiai j con 'Tibution !l ¦Unquestionably;' we<rre ipnyins dearly for our "prptootion"(from -forensrn invasion. " And it is to thispood ;o1d British :F.mprro, w)iioh is dongits r>TAt to ruin ui< , (JuA MT. Dillon 'and(hi s 'traitorous .associates desire us ' tocliT1^-| s i ., . . : H . • . . ' / . ! -

! ^ocfal . an?* tpereon r!... th&. Duchess ;of j- I^cvonshdire, ; who is: <Sominj r home to : JiMeu<|' . f-he wddintr ofI bex daughter, I,fiqy .Dyrothy Oavendi^h.j and ' : .Captain Hn -nild' ¦ Mccmillam; will'.leave Cnnad a 'in idlio Metn^ama next Mon-day; " The Dijjcei , • wiiose. duties i\$

j Govxyijror-Ciener^l of Cnnadin vill detain; harri ,(i little loncrr . is expected Horns in. time for the 'wipddin j r. . ¦ • ' !

! ' • ¦ ¦ ¦ > I ;

'• - ¦' •


; MAT? ?.TA0E AT 'dARBALLY . !•;—0ri' ;W2d nesdar;|at tliw pretty, . lHtle,; ^Jiurcji 8t Ca'rbiiriy, noar Txamoro/ Rev,.'i .'Fatlio*'-5L H-earriCT, bj otlier of the bride-i groonil celebra/ed\ the .marriage 1 between: .Mri $$.- J. Hearne,; second" 6on of 5In R.•¦Hearne. J.P.,;and!v\Irs; H«?arno, 'William.;street; WaK>rftodi\. a>nd ' Miss E. Nolan;'thsrd-j daupHtor^ &ij Mr.1 arid Mrs. ' Geoipe'{Nolsj if/AnnavUld/ iMr John Hearn e. B.L,

t»uppcrtetf; the' briiclesroom, : the. brides-i|'in5id:W»ig7Mnfs-f.y;.":No'hui , sister p/.' thcliri.df .]• Mhr the k*?Temohy Mr. and Mrs,¦(Hia^rod loft .for Du3>lin-' .'¦ • ; ; .

^(SHyPRICEJ^oi^.ORAZINis: ,;.' ' !i^AtJanv aV^ion iof ipra aiu/r CTJ .IIKV' landsiiilf^Mfiw '•Fofcy- '.oi G.rarijre .' tl^hifliJi ' priceiitii;;£22.1an ; acrq -wja ^ r.Oalizec^.fU '; iiiontlis'j^m^Sj1 ".W;S*J5J|?'iSljf| '1sin3 = B^iyo'.vero "the

mm1 ¦. ¦. .

';¦¦! ;i; \- . ¦->,'¦?> , r

¦ :":

' • :' s . •.;.

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/."¦ -I

Waterford Diocesan Function¦ I ' MM . . !• *"•*- . I :'¦- '• . . ' ' ' • ' . ¦¦

The l iii'ductioa oif the ;Vaiy Rev. ;D;'F.Wakh.; .tj li^i jKrwly^ppoontcd ' E.jP t p i St.Ma y's; iTishtown, Clc ninel; ' -was ver-ion led on -Sunday last : :>y ihe RjgJhi Rev.Alp; isirnj>r i AValsIb^ Dea a,' SS. ; Fettir and^attT*, (Tldnmel. ' . Ibe \i2 o'dopk. iMass,a'i Mv1ch! there WSB a laawe congregafc^bij,•¦Was cele|»:ated- by ifie 'Renr. P; Hoarn,C.C , Immediately Kite: ¦ Mass, r ¦¦jr **-'- -¦ RlgHt Iter. Monsigira •'- Wtttb. osoanded

the pulpit and, addrea ing thd oongregu»tior , said it was only a few vweek&.sinceihey \rexk> assembled- around 'ihcj remainsc-i their !4ear daad pastor. ' !Fo r a. longtim j before, his deatlb [he haid bot iboen:abli to discharge the iu wtions.of hie posiitior as flos-tor. J3ut ,though Got! depriv-ed idm; (through "the b jrden | of j ago and¦ilbi 3ss, ;'<|f the great privi'lsge of jbeingabl< to ;minister anionj at tiiem,| he i gayeIhira in tliat. tr.ial an 01 portuhity of i test-ing rhi's virtue. They who liad dn oppor-tuni:vj of seeing him (L orn tomej to- 1 tamoand| fcn?w has suffering in his advanced:age] wer^ edified by ^ho cheerfulness!witty . wh'i<>h he bore it all and j tiie i wayin w'hach1 he Tesigned '1 imself w tli3 willof (lod. i -Now he h'ad g< ne to hifi reward ,and as the Church's wo:kihad to ibe 'done ,a sr ceessWr had been aj pointed to fill his.place.! ! He (Monsj gn >r Walsh) : waseha¦•gM j l>y the Bisho]) •Ito perform theceremony of inducting their new pastor ,Pathej - Walsh. He h id known FatherWalsh, for somewhere a »ut forty years-psin< e Itriieir student da; re/. It: wpuld notbe ;ohgeiii&l to Fathar Valshior lp: him(rev . speaker).' even on an occasion such¦as • hat j j to enter into any laudation ofhim. 1 A' frreat Father 01 tiie Church hadsniq pointedly "praise a ma-n afte r hi alifoj " , and he gave!..two Toasons j for thatsuggestion. One j 'affected <he .;8peaker,iand! the pother the subject of ; whom hespoke. |But as hc| was not gbin<j .to in- 'dulie : in I thai' ras3m?s3 he need riot tell ,them :th c reasons.| H i v6\i\d only &aythat in .the last pairtsb in whichi he min-istered ;for somewhat f ver two years heeffected a renovation of the dhuTcih which :spoke i eloquently for his zeal and onerjryin doing|the work of. God. Ho was sure:that wihejii the ¦time came, as j cbm? it ,-would: in1 the ordinary course of events,and anoihor priest or bLshop would ! oe-cup/ she position he oeiiipied t-hj at morn-inir .]f)ind was iiidiieting n notiier prios-t to'•fnkd ith ? place of Futhaj Walsh , he wouldbe

^ble to aay . without, .'Xtwrgeiratj on , thht

dunTTg *fn e ministry of father \v*alBhithe¦interests,] spiritual , and tempbrAl, of: St.Mary's Wrtre well lookec oft-er.- Th^ 'aym-hol af I handing 'th e key? to Father Walshthat) nior)iin£r wn-s thn. , as the «i)iritual.intepst? j ahd already I con handed overIto him by th " Bi?0wp. fo also the admin-istration jof the tempor il welfare df j tlhepariphj w^ s now likewisr handed lover. Asthe [Bishop, within the limits: of! hi's dio-cese; was! the cus-todiaii of the; ccelesias1-'.'fi.ij tem^r>ra.li lies , so u-ns t/he j PaTwliPriokt Tesponsible for il^e of the j iinrip.h.Having hianded the key;j to Fathi-hr Walsh*-'«n CMrTi"|i':"o r p/iid he I 'j p ' H i.U ,\t evev v-thinn : would be as it s!iould be; for fhehonour . j nnd glory of (iod. A;* j thereshould be a close bon d bstween the parishpriest anil the people o ' ;tho parish, andas no bond wa? compi j -able '. wfitb' thebond of : fmiritu 'al uniw , he could notmor<[ fitttihgly finish the few wonls of hisaddij ess th-cui by jasking them <]tiring lif°tc pij ay tli ac God' s Wall yould hejdon n bythe parish, priest in th i i r regard, ixnd bythemselves in his regaT<!. I

Fajh-sr |W«ish, P:P., t!ien ascended th?pulpii antl addressed th ? congregation inc'-tai- and| impressive to les. No .one feltmore intens^y than he did thut Imprningthe fcreitj iresponsibility w<iioh 1ia(l : beonp laced ppin him in taking over ltho pas-lora'ie of i liitit imponUnt pari sh , i and ,speaking Sn all sincority and in th'j [spiritof stri f-eoj i 'scioufness off. what h¦'.• was andthe few ii||-rits lie possessed , he wits ! fill edwith| s. fejir lest he would not .b<j able t»discharge thr? dti .ies enlruf.tod to h:m asfai thfully ; as they shouid be di-itchnrgedan tl e iniore^t of his Dik-ine Ma«U.ir[; andibis cars;were aupmentad ¦and increasedwhvn he <a*t his niinj l>aek on tj fe manyr.nd able i mon who had minastbred tothen , in: ;? )tit parii -h. Hje knew their his-tory 'fairly well. One oil them , hj s iinmi1-ddatc pn-decessor, was a vary, dear friendof hJ 6^ |He was a man |of biiautiful qua-

; litie; of ih!4al"t and mind., and in his dayd|of ea rlier I activity hud lilft behind him on¦ the b,Tiik of the Blackwatex 11 l iving. teati:no t)iU) of- his ar-al. IIn latex youra in-! r i rnn ;y |ii ; |rr. -d tha t activi ty , bin this;much he |:<>uld truly say!—thai no one f»'ltimort Uiviiil lie did his inability , through'•infmnity, ; to be activelyj engaged amongstthwi . Fp-|lowing, then ,' in the iout ^Uj ps

' of those ' good and gtv.a.t |ncn , in Uivir way¦ men who . I . altlintigh Unj y were 'nut pro-1'ii iii em. n| any line of Jhouglrt «i aKion ,were siiii ; j to ins mind Vi'luit wa.sj i innicj i -M-l y l i r t W i }. j-'dod . sound , faJt Siful , and

. zealc us j C-hurc -hman. To <follow j in theirfootsteps he was natura|!y fiW

^l | wit l i 11^diffidence tf his own t ipaWl i tyi TO suc-ceed then:. He Imd li:;lc or n'o ment ,but a gri-at many fa.ul . -> arid filiortcuii i-ings but hoped to porr .rm hi4 duties'Ui'ro igh'Jt ? people prat ti.Mn fj ; virtue iindextc iding ;to him th«ir eliaiutabib iudul-gence. -List thoir unity of action for thehonour and glory of (J ^ d be centred inthe • Heart Of Jesus . He had | not thfpleaj ure of knowing tlie n as, a people , ashe never ihcid! what lie Might 'call tihe ad-vantj ige pf| n.iinisi<.Ting n|t th:iir side of thehe never ilitid what lie 1;ligh t •e.i.ll tihe ad-vantige pf|minis fU/Ti ng At t.h:iir side of thoSuir but . I tlie pria^e. o ' the ' parish andClonmel penerall y epokc w-ell (unl k ind lyo ' tleni i i\.nd he was si n> wi th 'their c«-operation ! j rpod work \vx>i Id he dori - in tin 1I> :irK - h for j fhe 'honour and glorj - .'of <!od.Tfo vri:- Fur e (is t ime went on and theylc-rr-ed to know and understand on r> un-o h e - beU ir that th<;y Hvou ld W,n:k ' hni -mon ously and fa ith fulvy in Hii^ pari shfor t ie honour and glory of their Master.Tesub ChriW. ¦ I ¦

ANOj THEir GAS INCRlfAPE. ! • ; ; .Tin? Ga* !Co. now announce a fij r th j ' r in-crease in .th(f f price of their patent (ins 1¦We iK>vtT cot any reply to our enquir-

ies as I t \\;hat hnd been done by the oldCornnmtio n about t!ie p: Uo. of gas. Tl enew Council should l>e«(j r it~elf in th isvital matter. !

'¦ ¦ i

WKDDING AT BALLYBRICKEN.Or Tuesday, a-fter 7 oclock Moss ,at B!aHybrieken Churcfi . Mr. j .JosephSliorj tall i o'[ the locomotive department ofthe Great Southern and";\Vestern Railwny.was married to Mi=6 Nora McSwoeny.voni jrest daughter of 1:T. Daniel ^^c-Swwny.. Killens Upton, Co. Cork . iRev.T. qoRhlan , C.C , ofilcir ted at :|he ¦' cere-mony, the attendants or the brick-. Ixiinj :Mrs. J.,[ R iortall (Bister-5n- la\v) .;|and iho.heat marij Mr. Jainea Shorlall , lIonL-s6n'BRoac , Watorford. ' : ! i 'RMP ONI POTJOR nA tmA f' K ¦ ¦ ii ¦K M ' U.M IKOI.I CR BARRACK. : ' i! ¦

It I is renorted tlia t ihr polic e barri j e-k1' (¦ 'stlen'iartyr . b^two^n Mddioton nndYoughal , was captured on Mond'uv by abody of i armed men . atid that J aftorn astrenuous nuh|f. tho polj w wore over-¦powftred) inrid piflcod .under nrr<3st. . i- iAHarms , ttmj nunif.io n. 'etd. were enn-iodnwp-y by tlie'raiders. '¦

I ; ¦ '

. : | . ¦

¦ . t j : I ¦ 1

itfR. 'T. 'A: . LYNCH ,' CARI1ICK. | ; !' 'MT. T.' -A, L\nich ." printer . Carnek-iin-SuLrj . -Ws itiRt . .1iaJ ..: J-c:/i 'ri >d to , ;hiiii his

type 'and :l|iix-h inv'":r . AV ": \--h tf ' -^ 'imMfaryfte.i&ed" iri; J913. A few .friends-j arc ; i\ii-Heav.>uriiigi : t'o rai.«e a R iij j .' of nionny i .f.oenabCMT , Lynch to resitri it! bis 'huj i 'ri ij SB.nj --\.n >riiit (ff bv puiY'li-iK-h -i ' f r > r b'.fj i jxij if-r ,1ink1, etp J i 5ubscrix>tj ons , however Bmall ,.wfll ,l)e gratefully recei ver!, by t]i% folIOw-ansj :-f-D. ! Murphy, Mann .itreoi',' ,CV.rrii'k-:ori-Si ir; rC.lMcGra11>, 32 M'ain stfeet y do;John O'FJynn^ KirwQu's Hotel; do. j j j

:! :;;M i-ilu' ¦ ".• : .' - ; , : ' J " : j NJ: 'ill 1 :!

*:¦•: ilv ¦:!" ¦"•!' i-- —!-i:!i>; 1 1 ' • . uv;¦ '¦¦ ' " DuriWvdti Pnipni ' i"Mr. John Curran presMeiihat :he meet

ing of the . above| hold on Tuesday. Ahopresent—MesfilrB Thda. .¦ Flyhh/ "JJP ; PatfttKelly; Thom^ Meskilt, a'.IT. Outran, T[Morrissdy iTH6a. ¦ IFriiher , !and- 1 ThomasMprriBSey (CJbnea). * '¦' ' • ¦ j j : !

|I •! VUNJIUI JY FEMALES. :J ' :. . - jIncluded' inl the TVlas'ter 'arrepoTt was a

comp laint ; frop the.!Matron., witty regardtoj female tramps who.were admitted tothe workhoii'ce- under the:!influence 01drink| Eeccnf|y ibveral <cas^8 of .this;kindhad come ' under j her, notice, and invarilabiy. tlie drunken f^malce,|iwho hvere fol|lowed oy iwoj or! UUee children ,! causedaiUuiTb.auce :'ii th'e house. ;She aeked vh<igqardiand toj lemedy this etabe oifj affair^ !

j l'he Clerk iaid that flic- ueual procedureinfeases of tljis kindl was toiproseiute th4offenders, , .

¦ I: , j | j

¦ I IMr. Flynn-^If you[ prosecute them anc

get them sent tc< gaoi yoiil iwillj have kkeep their children j in thp house untithey coinii oU: , again' : |

ivir. Ki"lly-j -I>6n'tj etart i making a" round up"' of tiie .poor paupers nowLeave thiiin ij ione (liughter). '

ti he Chairu|an. 1 suggested1 .:that no perton under tlie/ infludiicc of drink shoulcbe admitted to the jhouse.| 1 ! | "

tlerk—You can 't jdo that. You can 'ltie the handsjif the Relievinp; Oificera . Iia .'puiBon .-coin<ji3 " to them fo^j a ticket theymust give it, land j thej guardians axe boundby. Act of. Parliament to admit] Ipersomhaving a ticket to Uie ; house. ' ; |

Chairman—j Adniit ,tli2m |and then prosecute them< :.l . \ \- ¦ i | - ¦ I I

Maoter—BriW it under the notice of th(¦Cruelty. Inspector. . !j| ; j j• Mr. Maskill-}—Get a good etrontfj man iithe body of j the \ house- and givp. him fStick. He ouj? ht ; to ;be able toi ;manag<them (laughter), j I • :| '. -.

It wa3 decided !to prosecute all; tramp<entering the house under the influence odrink. ' I l l - 1! '

Mr. Kelly—Thaj . will be known in Dublin to-morrow; iind: allj the tramps Wil l shuiilie Uun^arv ;i o woi'khouee ind it.31 Master(laughter). | ! ! \ '


Writing in 1 Reference to the above theLjG. Board stat-od, Ihat before eoneidermf:tlie question |6f sanctioning! the . appoint-ment of Mr. iMcGrath. as Clerk of Worksul the Un.ion',1 they would 'wish j tto kno'W

^whether Mr-. ; JJiggs wa/3 still .in . the <nn\ptoyment of the guardians as Engineer. !

iThe Clerk siiid that! Biggs' " appointment;ceased ;on the| 31st of! December ,! 1917. .

Cliaihnan—Waa 1 he not v/ith tlje army-Mr. Flynn—'Th at doee not matter. The

question you -j iavje t<| answj er is whetheilie is in your eiijiploymsnt; now ' or not,He is not in 1 iourjjemp loyment now..

The Cierk was lldirocted to iniorm theL.G. Board tliat Mr. I Biggs,' appointmen tterminated in [December , 15(17. ' i

; SANCTIONED , ' . !The L.G. Board, wrote saiic-iioning the

;:;munl increase of £5! in tli{; eu '.-iry j»f lh< -Assistant 1 Clerk , Mr. ' M . Fj iyn:i. "

Order—App roved. ! I jThe L.G. j Joaril rj ?fu*-ed| t<) Banctinn

nayment for r.n overcoat for tit. work-jhotise porter. ; ' ! j -i '

Chairmiin—If it wlj ia a case of £500 it!would be alsight . 'bu tj they iepn 1 . ko3 their:way to sanction ft tuppenny, oa^' like this.

Mr. Morriss i'y—jWliat is their object !nrefusing it? !| j |i ¦¦ , !

Clerk—I don 't know. This ie the thirdt ime you have ivjked tbeni .

On the sui'iroatipn 'of tho! Chairman annv<k 'r • y.T.s made exiire. i tj e sunjri^e attin * ;>cti ( in of tiie 'L.G! I'oard in tbis -vnnal lm:\tt -r -r. |. . I I ' ¦

Tiiey al-o Tefus nl i j to sahc '.ioni tho in-crc^ 'f-cd in to p f v|acrfe nrorwd 1 by the<»n !\r t ?ia! )p in :thp jcafio of rh 'o anlbulanceil iiv r r. Tlvv i lnoi Tj itccj out- tbnt |ho em-ii] .j ' - i> c ::i f iP p tioTJi wn.-. at pr"=^rit b^incr»- ' ii ' l inn r o than tho n' vnra ?^ 1 rnt p ; paid jo-n > i , , fTi 01 . |andj i f , dissat JRfi^dj it wasit '-I l i t I i i m t/> rfl.'isfiji . ' ' ¦

T'oc ' otter wKa 1 rioted."KNOCKLONG !)PRISON 1'-HS.

A J-iisolut iorilfr Qin tl|e Kilni'illock Boardof Guardi ans Ifctrongly condemninff thoaction of tho (Jovej -nmcnt in <l'oiaiping tlieKnocklon g prii ;ono|rs po long in gaol andremandin g thciti so often waelunun 'iniouslyadopted. | | ' \

OLD AGE PENSIONS . -Arisin g out Of a !cirij u!ar otter reoeivod

from the L.(l. |lk)uid stutin .c that1 accord-ing to thi: provi eior id 01 beciLion ii of :li«Old A RC Pensions Act a peibon would notin futun : be \ilisqualifieJ fiom receivinga j Kiiision who! "-j1 'u receipt of put-doorrei.iiM', Mr. r; lynii : eaid Uiit hi; Ahough't-ome of the .old ' peop le lin tli^ ' hou.-"-might go out j if they knew they wouldget u 6uppleni ( intar!y pension with j tlw out-iioor relief. j j I

Master—Ye a; some of them would eomit . I cannot- r-ay from " |meiiiory howniiiny p:-r .soiis| wi: ¦ hajre in Ihe hoij oo cli-crible for the j wrMion . | i '.

Mr. Flynn —-If we have Uie power totrraiit t lifm .'Jrij or i-l«. : a we^k in additionU> tin- pension wo Would savi; mon<j y by it.

Chairman—Iiet t\\c Masted give aireturnof the names j of ulll thoiie <jl igible ]at thoiK'xt iiK iotin g of the Jj oard .

Mr. Curran-p l-et him off^r them 4s a

wj fc'k in addition to t|ie pel sion.Msi -ti -r—Y ou caij inot off c ^r them any-

tt > i ; ' ; '. hut if y> -u fire j tluy (ye in jneed ofa (A upplLMin -'i itair y grant you.co uldi sive itto them . i ¦ I .

The Mast ir was j dlrected to submit tlienlmi '.i of ail "he lold age iK'nsioner s inthf l wi i i s f for I t ln >: ni 'xt irioeting of theiruard ians. \ \ '

DAN 'CIXG DT SPl^Y AND CONCE RT.A "fe'roii.:. <lis:.|! of inter -st is be-ing ! taken

in the city in] Uio foi '-llicoming dancingdisp lay :ind concert which will be! givenby .Mrs. Boy d' tv clfver dancing pupils inifo? Theatre Royal , : VVati 'iiforti , on Mondayliitul Tufsdiiy , j lGt,h and 17tli inst . Acharinin ;; tuniiat uri ' li.uKet , entitled "ThePii pi's of i'uin .Vj will b ij produce d , and thej >j rotrr ;viunio will contain a in inib-ir ofoj lior da in Sv li i inco s afi alluring original-it!}. The Insli , Riis sian . Spanish ,- andI)ii!cii ( laiv. ' .'.s will be )>.arrieulai!ly wellworth .sc'i fin g. . The concret programmew-ill im-lude sewnil wolKknown t;mB?rs,

l r-^i-^ctew^l-Vtune and ; ;Mr . ' Worth . tod . ij i j addi-- m tl i i ' inu ;ii:<vlH 'l : local comedians .••This and Tlikt ."; All the dancingpex-foTmc rs ..ro Wht orford t-h.l< ren. ijTlios.-jX wwn pro fent>t , t,h ehvo success u!«,i »VP "ivn lilst ypar- in tUc Theatre byMVS Boy<l i"»V rest iiMiir^ that Wie en-tm ainr p ont t.l.i .- y^vr will be eve" better.sr r ,t s arc r.' r. -M il y lini ng booked .at I^IOSPTS

Hmvard ' s i ;ui?ic v;i»rehous -.J. 1i t I

TITF MOTOR t'KHiM IT ORDER. ;' The wi-i k '. hViiir> t l'" Motw P^aanitsOrder came to an enji on piondw. anddrivers .1*3111112 1 vt-rk on ifw^ daj M

This ia - tlic oj u toqmd ^' M^i™twocn offi«al B ^f the I A ..D..M Mf tJnion«nd the. Chi«f Cwnji ussioner V\M.l\ ,v.-l)ic»i To.9uHC (J|in 4 modific ition

^: the

¦•recu " lauonrf .quiring d'n ivarpj to suKena.r» .'hotr permits to ' . tbl- i'i'siiini; .ofn eor, in theewnt -of u : ohaiice 'of ¦cinp lt> TV 1"',>'nt '"i J •anodi/ioation was acwpf .al bV t]ie drivers¦yi"i !s:-rd -n\v: - I ; i > 1 ! , ! J

jXo-' oHicin!" iiifann -itiion l|»i* off" re*

c> ived in W-it.-'Tfarcl 1 oiiout this, matter.:! - i

' '

. .'•'¦ :' ¦ !.' ; '• ' ] '¦¦¦' '¦ j ' i ' i i ' : ' "jDRA'l'H OP -MRS.' 'A: !C. A^feRSdN. ¦! ¦ 'the ' dfiifh o^tnnj ed^

on I'|r .;day \at herilirv idcnc ..'. • UaUyinoimtain, " linear ly a}cr-i for l , of Mrs. itawarct Wii ' j f red A"der -jW i . widow of fihe l latdl Oaptam A . (f : An-L-dcrson. - - The l fuii er i l lef^-for. Monday¦¦mbftring at 11.30 for !<th!e Abbey CIIUTCU.

k:- - : . : - - = - i " ;: ll. Fi H - ib . - 'li 1 '

i ||" ' i lpjoJRtAwiir ¦ : ^idtice/'' ;¦ ""' ~h¦•j ' l "

'.•'. .¦.•


fiE^ SALES; '"] '¦ !:¦," ¦

...] -/ : ! |. • ¦ —ij—! N ; : ¦ : • • • ¦¦t?,OLLaW-lNGH his I ' recent Preliminary! £ .¦NotL6o||Mf.J :Joieph| Wi iger, ] Skg& to:!aninounce that he : has pow fixed TUES-|-DA|yi the! 2id MXR0H, 1920 for .the Pub:I lie I A.ucti6h j of' his I roperty which comj -Iprieea ':— 1 . '- .I " ; ¦; " \ [' ] ' '. ' '¦[•(Firs tly)—His SIX l FXRi :S,| • n'aiielyi\ I COSGJ&AyE'SUnd LiNTJY'S at¦iBallrr

1i dprinoy -,1 POWER'S at Ball 'adajn.; Rock-i lodge i Fkrm ;: Vj estxnvn (BAfl&E'S)Farm, anj i the^ Ke nnel F.arni. andi>Ken-! nele atlTxainore. i | j : : ; ;

(Secondly)MH»s [private | reeidence knownM a s 'ALBION HOUSE,'.iTriifnore . : :(Thirdly) ;

4 'Hi8 |. THOHOlKiHBREDfiimfi/:'L-j i»- ¦" T,...I-U ». .._ - ¦; fiyd year, bid Fillies ; 2 ifoun year Fillies;•¦ '2| four ] year oldi ipeldings ; "Mitchels-¦tdwn-Dowh" Gelding; ! 10 Iluntcre/ andtwo Ponies. * • i | 1 (

i HENRY D. KEANE , Solicitor , 21I : O'Cinnel!! Street], Wtaterford. : ;

12th Febr|iary| 1 20. i | , ' ¦¦ iVALUABEl-i 7-pAY Lj ICElNSED PR&

iMISESj L\ND| DWEI]LINGHOUSE !i ! ¦ i l l FOR I SALE ] ' ;j : BYi PRIVATE i TREATY.I ; ' I L ! ' \ ' ¦ ¦ 1

Centre of City . Long Lease. Low Renti. ' -Ai» a .going1 cohoerh. :

App lv. I I ! i l : t i• i ;JOHN MURPHY & SON.

AUCTIONEERS, &C, jwArER^ORD.- ; ¦¦ i I I ; : i ! . . : ¦: :. ¦ ¦ 1 I

; 1 : ! I I ii i ¦ ' 'Saloo by Dalton, Bourko & CoJ

!. ¦; : ! ;! r- I i Ii ; i !TUESDAY; 24th j FEBRUARY (Fair Day)!

in Miss] M. -Oulliiiani jY&rd, Kilmacithomas, UisuAl l Kale of InfCalf Heifem)Horses, etc. Entries desired as soon a<*p;os6iblej -30' that .Jceta|led ||lietn may be

- prepared , I and inte nding! tiurchaeers benotified.I ; I '

THURSDAY, 26th FEBR iJARY <FairDay), at I ourl Sale [Yar ls, KickhamBireet, I !CarricK-on-Sutr, \ ueual Sa:le ofCattle , j Hbr.se.T ' et<5. Entries invrte'd as•eprly as' possible so that I detailed ¦ iist.5may bej t>repiirod. an'ti intending j pur -

. cliaiers be notified. ! I iOn above. I date yr c will offor for Hale at

our Sale jYaids the Sheltt-r 6»H imt inour list"! lor last itfairj iiniy, biit which\ye were unaOle tq reinov;u to our pro-mises iii I tinur for 6dle.2i per c?nt. Cominisnonion Live Stock.

DALTON , BOVRKE & GO.,: Auctioneers and Sal ?sraen ,; plARRICKiOIs -SUfR. 1

1 LicKEirsTdwk, M ;O'ONCOIN ,I - ¦ 1 CO. KIL'KEXNt .1 1 1 ! . :i . . 1 : T

AUCTION O[F GRAZING. (Eleven Months^ . :

: ! —J— i v [WE have been fa'youred j witl i instruc

tion s I from J !bh n Mackry, Eeq.Polerone; W Sell by PIjBLlC AUCTION

on the U'nds , Btj lliK?KE [rBTOWN , onTllURSDAi", lOtli !| FEHRf 'ARY , 1920

I (it 12 o'c^peki ! noon,'.ZQ I! ACRES ([.P.^f.) !


i : In Lots to .suit burj ehasers.Toirns aho Condition ! at Sale!

DALTON, BOURKE & i CO.,: Auctioneers |& fj a '.esmen ,: Auctioneers ||& Ssa '.esmen ,

CARRICK. ON-SUIR. '' ! - I I I , i


:Etc., a CLASHROK , P<{)RTLAW].

I have been instn 'cted by Mr. .limes;I>oy l-j . |ti > Sell by Pli' BUC AUCTION,

oh ! the Ldnds. ¦¦ on TiHlfRSDAY, 19thFKRRIJ..' IiY, 1020, (20 AORER GRAZ-TNG (in iL'oj U'i. 20 A^'rCri ' fqr| Con Acre orMondowd . 2 four ' yeilr ( Sd ' 6olts. 2 thr?ennd a h i.lt Ivear ' old ] Co ts', 2 one and ahalf yiearj ola CoHfl . Ah 'n Cfattie; Pijrs andHor.-tis for; j othur accou n t*.!

Ti'-rm. .* ann Coisdit ons; at Sale.Sale at I. oVIork. ' ¦ ' ¦ :


Imm :nse Meeting in jLondonDemands Ireianc 's independence

I The ' l i{!j * .'ist g:ii: i fr ;n s evo r heldiiy ¦ Iri fttinien I fii ' ix ndon as-LcltbU'd on j \|> ciinesd.ay nis-htin l>ondo i 's laxgest ; public hall. The

ifsuaUn g ' accorniiiodu Jion.' Of Uit Albertliall is sot (down 1 at XD .tAJO. l^Lst ni^httvery sej i t nw 6c\u jit nl . Despite pr e-cau tions of - the aut-l i jritios , wh- forbadx;

j inen l in u i i f> rm t'o aion-j th^ mco^ng , a.]numi> e r pf Australj aj i soldicr si n >t onlyjjaiiied adlniisi on ' butjj acttKl £s stewards.

The Ch airinon at this gr sat i iKetin ?!|\vas Art 0' Srieii , :nlid dn : i ,he ¦ pla '.formi yud Mrs. Dct spard . sifcox lof Lord French .Tlie i>.row«i<lp iig.aoix-ik-d. vritli th« sniging

; |r>f tlie ' Nati onal An:h !om^-"Gid Save I n -¦ iiuid!" Hroi li i ; v< ;ry j l pa 'r 't <) ' the hniis < -/p inii i Fein flj ige w!ere jwaved. : ¦j j AfU ;r Mr. O'Brlc-n j luid i ad lres-sed th< !

beet ing, |Mi . Arthur |jG riflitl: rose. HeJ was . pree tled with prolong,-d diecMnn-; .' !trh« i tr ist j f ' ris speeo 1 was ' j liati IrelandI ; Was : not -'oili? back.] It ! WHS »? longer1 a cnOst-K" ''? <» : tho four anil a half ini H ioii ^i of Irishuu' h in Ir .ela'id | eth gglinR withI .Knpl.i-nil : ii ' v as .a question of theirace aU¦ ,ti u° >,vorl c '<)V < r 1 einj, lyii'ted inj its de-i tna nd for ^rov i 'mui fiii; by t tlie wJI.I o.' the,' Iri^h -' pcx ip l l1 . I! KiK'H"'l. is she pro

f^^ id 1 wiif i f^trf il of .lriu-ir.g a: hostile¦R^iKi lili e oii her llan H , lot her reooirnisc

i Ireland a ; ( I n 1 o f ! the] Ml dH'. i lation a.li tics'i lfor th- li 'x - i 'y of ! which she. wajred war.

: On 'win' day 'hat Engl inc: ret- >{,Mii6fd I rt-l l and V 1-f l : i m to iiu lepij nd clic e tlio- liostil o: f l f u k wil l d sappi -iir . he ¦luHf it wil l no|]o'n"v r lie tli. d'esiii-e oj ' i ji Harid to l ive in

J^nv^ihiii K '»"¦ al l lU l >' > itl ,J 4° ^"f-'1''5 '¦ 'p.mr<'s.-x r ' MarNe i l l .J !.who -followed Mr .I CirifTi ' '}) . t ">lil Wv.< anihy iKJ e 1 that the r >f<' s-:< .nt po l ic e "I .KnL ' l : i . i i i"j ii In Land wa.s aT> olidy

; r«f ' irg hni .'ed v.i [>Ie ice . Our d '-t fr -.¦iin'ii.|t i - -'ii is .: [f ixed in j l r e -M i ld i . filiid Koin¦ MacKeill . N \ i » arc not j r^ing back. En^'-VN !i i i n ^ n u f a '^ t H r .-d P .ilKpfar |"the bi 'tter

?ovo.Tnim':it ' o.! iTohviJ 1" ; werp a mor •'fthani . ' j

Mr. Oathal O' Si inncn . H ] > v i k i n g :or;|OO .ff«) I rish workers .: .-.:!.id that u n t i l!|rel ;iind> j lei vandl wylre r. ( oL « i i i . -< -d th<"

"could be no ij>e .riee, ; i! ' !' ¦ :Th '.' Rcv-d- Father ' , i 'O 'Ha l l r t rnn . Vice-.presjileii.t of the ¦ i ]P< ' lif-l )<- r n n m a t i o nit>?ft1Tue , supported r)ie revol t l i e i i . pro-po?wl by ?Mr| P. J . K >l' y. V¦ •cv.idon t of

It ihe I.eacue , '' d^ iu ^ inc l i if t ' -.i' ro (>cn.r n i t i o n¦l :,v Knt flimcl i C f thii ' prkiHple. ' of Scf-dotvr -^ i n i n t i M v lani t l '.n imluivlii!! ,t.i 'i ro'ca:^ ofit' he I»rd MaVor of Tjh . b l in |nj d otOwr . de-iAoVwd Trish.f H' n - 1 f^ n ¦l*0 ^''

11 W ;I S c"r'b|ir«fl w i t h I c-iwlni^^'fi r..i.\A t j i r :pro p rvi< (] -ij in ,» .« cr.ncluds d - w i t h rV ^in|c ihi' : of "" 'Pin-SoliliftS-s ' Split" bv ii'4 v. i M ¦• - Ji • ? » r - r : i i ' 4 -i f . ! i ; l : i i i

|pnAPKRS!l ; l - |lNALE. p AI - L -j .

T O n \V<-dn(*d.-ky: n:i;r1i,t :;i ! bull un . l .' i -Llie niis|>ici^ I

of the \Vii t «rfo i d I)rnn cr>Dancing Cldis. wns. IJ vou ? it off : " tin-s' aw. Reoin " cJf the City Kai l , 1 here woreW cou ples' piWnt , n ijj d <!anc in S. v. )iic -hiiomw.-nHl . iIt Hl . o 'j -flr v*. ^!.V .«. }n t inmUith l pr«- !i« >4st n n t i -i f l .r r.7r V liours .of

!kyliicli Avn^ idoal . ii wns CT'i' ,rV |i>iuTcd byMeisrs nilriii n 'l.l .Striii'.' i f' f iiirl .; | Mfirv-uorough, and tlu; ifld6r ; |]bci , |iq .in ¦oxeeHentc-ondition. ii ; mosj . oii j ovablj e" nipnt !W!IFfenent . ¦Thu !|c'iterlnir ; 1iirl the |K nd elof 1 tlioMisses f' ffnnoll y . i lRroii rl r -trn i'. .'was ii41that coiild|b '<!meafted . ijTo ' - 'Hie h6nv;>eci,.,kJcWa. M.' iU iJt nn lind P., Clf aiy^ti d :the«;C.;: Air. j\V Wat-liJ ij yo.ry. rJdi'v !is dueIpt ,tli e eucce; 3 of ; tho ifunotio i . . -1 ] i i j ;

\ ' ¦¦¦¦' •'.

'¦'¦ > ' .

' ;

", i

; ;. -1 ¦ ¦'

.¦ ' ; ¦ • i - i )


|yw;ii9wyt - ffliiff ipppf i?h ""'''¦ n ; ' ¦ ' ; ! .-i P|8ElilMINXRY.AIKNOUNGE] 1JENT .! ii T -: , : ! ; ' :; • ; ] : !¦' I. ! - ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' : | 11 ! " ! : l h 1 ] i i ' ¦

. ¦¦' I ! ' ; : TQ ,; ;BB BOLDi|.|BY|: PTJIsil


: • j ! SATDfWAX^ l Pflii .MAHCH, \ 1920i | ' ;)![¦' b^tHE :jPBElll|] ]

|AT 1-pU, '

! ' ! - :; | -jjjNi Ormond^2ot j qonmer ; j :

WITH MINERABi WATER FACTORY AX TD :W HOLESALE;AND RETAnGEOOEPY; AlpFUOWSEEl BUSINESfil !i| AliSd frHE : ENTIRE' VArn'ABLE APPOMrtMENTS OF. i Hq?rEL' ETC., f&Hfie Executors tff ' j £ hTO'Keefff. Esq.t-pfcoas'ed. l ] - | | | ; i ; I :

J . ] ji ] \ : \[ ¦ | ! ; mcfcFull pflrtdculars arid' Oohlditionslpi ! SaW can be had) irom j

i l l ! 1- l :! |! ¦ : ! M ¦ : . THOMAS F. O'BRIjEN; Solicitor, ¦' ! ' !¦ : . N , !l . - - :-. i'U'a i ^ 'i i - : M J lQuay Bouse, Clonmel¦ j : THOWAS 1VAL8«I AtTCTJOl^EER A-Mp lVi^LtJER, : ¦ ; |¦ '¦ I , !•! ;. ¦ I i l l . ] i . " ! ' : to'.n fT i v l TITA tn^nr-^J^ ': : i - - U- - V J !• J Mi l l - N l - I i i f l l - ! 1 ¦ h ' r

! ¦

i ! ¦ ; ! :f ] i i l ' - .IM : 'i I j - i : - I ; : : i . M : ¦ ' I z * '

- ' : I - . ! . : H i . f h ' i . . ? I i - hi ! : : l l ii I i ' ; :¦ !

GRACEDIEU , KNOC WOl sk\ I. (Within li ; "mj ilegi: of| ' W^fonj ^,-

IMPOflTA^T AUCTION itI i r H^ r i f r i i!!

Choice Dairy Cows ; Store .Cattle; Well-bred Bull; ;Horses ;'¦ Farming!. 'Ilu p.lfments ; P -oduce[ 6tc. Al^o ' Letting! of(Jrazin^ t f 64 Statute Alcres df 'JPrimeLand , and Tillage of 21 Statute :jl A«:r«fein "fourj d visions. ;|

: | • ; I ii Mil

TO BE SpLD ! bYJ |ALVnONl oW^eLands, bn IWEDNESP' AV.i^thj FEB-

RUARY . ;19!2O, at 12 ofclocJfd, by directibd aof Mrs. Annie MJcGrath, : |-who is fhsins;-ing "' her j system of |fanninffj aboutli MStatute Acres of tlie well-kho'wn FattendnaL'aridk oilGiacedieu for, Graain]K of bWhedcattle and! 8 leep ojn ly for a |tiarm pf jeleyen;months ; I also ii2 Statute Acres preparedfor tillage , in 'Sowr divioic-n's. I The Idbdaare w^ll water

ed andlfenct d, aiul p^^eifs,an abundance ofj keej> . " I | ' ! . ' : ' ' j ;

Imrhediat sly after will be fcold->-rlO L ^rgeFramed Newly Galvied- •$ liry- Gow;3 I 10Excellent Springers : due ti| calf ;; j t3 patCows ; 14 two year old fleiiers and JBul-j16oki |in forward bondition ; 8 YearliHcs ;I two |year Aid- Bulli | ! ! : I ! | i | | | ¦

HORSE6--3 Strong!Farm Horses ' 1 (tw oand a half year [old Colt by V K n J ofHearts,"1 rniist prornising;i]l Donkey. j,

; PROpUCE—Abiut 50- ^pns Pa

& pet;Cham'pionsJ frown : from j ] imported s^ed-Abou t 80! Ton.*. Mongol*. || About- 60 TonsTurnipp ;| Part Rick of Hay Stravri! eic. ;

; The foreRdinjr will 1 be cold in loW 4o ;suitpurch 'oserfi. ! • • |' :: '¦ !| . i |i . i ' \¦ FARMING •: ¦ IMPLEMENTS !—j baxte ;Tacklinp; Fj louj ih s,; Harrows;; Grubber i;Turnip Sower j i RoJlier; 1 etc.] | ! H I

Fori (urthe"r !particu|ars l and e mpitionsof letting afrfcly ti' : i ' - "I I i ' ' I I I

JAMES McCOYi Solicitor, CoiUeokStreet , N Wttterf ord ; '¦ jpr I to ' ii

I THOMAS II, WALSH, : 1 ^Auctioneer & Valuer. | !| ;



[ UW FH SERVED j ] .

EXCELllENT ;; HOUSEHOLD FURTSTHiRE .I Kboriized China! Cabinet, MarblCiojok and Ornaments,! Alxminfet< r |fL'aipots,1 Bookcase, Mirrors,1 Appointj n j infof [pminRJ and1 Drawing. Rooms] H al!Tliree Bedrooms,; Kiitchen Giass, iCb na«*«

¦ I : J ! I- !' - !t ; i! 4 . 1 - B

TO BE |S0LD! 1JY J AluCTIokl <JnMONDAYvj &ird FEBRtfARY , JQ20 A*

12 o'clock ,; a|t No. -i3 (J ROSYJERNpH 1 ilX-RACE. by directions idf-James: i Fitzger; JcJ ,E^q. j

¦ V- f ii | - |l . " | < :j l i " I jOn ;view morninjr pi 6aIeJ j ' ! • .Terms—Cnlsh : j! \\ | i ; j ] \ ',¦¦.

" THOrVTAS ] iWAlLSH,; Au!ctioneer |<x yaluer, ;

83J Q|LTA;Y, ! WATER^ORD. ¦;• ;;

CULlLINA 'GHi h"!klliM' EADEN,. : j i |: : I W A T !KT? voR.nl i I ¦ '¦-: '. I.I Tir^J-H | | I i |


TO BKiS QLP BY A' I ?CTLON. ion . Kl ^'-

DAY .iUOth j FEBRItARYllat 12 oWo :kj,at Our ,i S.\liEROOMft ,l ITHE MAl L,WATERFOR] !); ', by directi!on& of MrJ.Michael -Hieikay. p.or'tfe of.|]ihe Lai ,-lk o'fcrUJNAfiH.:contain !in!j'nt>out 4 \'<ir >J .Statute Mofj, -iireJ HELD^FOR. EVl iR.FREE OF REN.T. j j j | 1 :;[ ; . : :;

For further part iciil .ars| ^ annTv j to, :iURN'RY ill IKKA NK .ISoiiciteir. !;

O'Coiinoll ?T.T(ik . W&terfcmH orTHOMAS j vyAL&Hi & SON;

: Aiiet''cineers «' Valaera. : i i¦T.HB» ' MA, LL|: \VATERFORD MlTHE KMiPORlF'Ml: T|HE 'iill\J

. ; , [WA TKRFj ORp.j '¦ ' ¦¦ , | ;

TUESDAY , -24l.il | FEBRUARY . 1 M) .I j! ' T; .i| I ''

ATTRACTIVE 8ALE: i ; ! li- pr h- 4 if i I

SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD :Ii'I;RXIT JR iCottar Piiiiio . it.a.*y Ciiilirs . So i<tM¦ Ciiina 'Cabiiiets 1. Sideboards. Vhc :}h'ontfrb, : Diiiitis, | Dri .wih(2j | Room a i dBodrooiri Suites , ' etc: ,1 Firo-prcoi Suf HTurkev Carpet*. ! 5 'Che-its of Tien , : 2\iu-im^.

(^" 'lJuit '-r! "Piii i^'i! Wiili-l'ipi )-Slj op i Divsks- liind | Fittinps1, |('io,ve -net *Car , :Harne.4j !Sack Ounci} , etoL :

mO' -HE SOLD BY ; AlfCTION . ;iJnLi T,i:ESDAYl h>4th FEBRUARY , llfi iuyii

V2 ; o " i l (v k , ut i -VH K EM POH HrM . tm} -\

.J 1A.I.I -.1 \\;ATHRFORD ,| by iii'iyct oii> MExet'lltorS :' ] |i | i | ¦ j ' ! j , i

For further particulars se<e p]ost TS. diu ifuture , advertisements. ! ! ! : ' ' ; | :

THOMAS I WALSH & SON,¦ Auctioneers &!Valueri , | ;:¦ i

I THE MALL .|WATERFjORDi |; ^i n >¦ I i i i i ;^ I i

I: |

, i ! VHKT l IJj m srAKY ! j NOTICEI j : ¦ ¦

' ' A'-u rai i>N| :: ;

i ¦ ¦ ^~ t ;P j~ | '¦ : :i , I- '

SUIM^IUOR HO^SEHOIID'EPRINITURTBcxiktase. Cottage Piano, :iPanH'tei ': etcat THE PAIj ACE^ WATERFOnb ^j ;


1020, nt 12, i ocl<kl'k , | ajL arKp : [Quantify , cSup erior H(»isi' |iold Furniture. -i : ' ¦. !:' j Fu ll pariiculak -is hi posters lolnd h ter ;uv ertisenents. i I ['. \ :, . \ '¦ \i\ | I : " \ -¦ ' JOHN DJ PALMIER. ! :l I! l ' '¦ . • I l : .' I,; , M .: 1 : 1| Auctioneer <x valuer, ¦: I , "J 'CATHERINE j ^TREET .j WATERFl )R I) .

t|~ ' i PRELB ilj'NAj RY ; ^01 ICv T^ ~T

! ! 1:UM'|N ; : : ;i i : t r ' ni I I :


i 127a. 3r. Cp. Statute M»aku iv He! 1 r¦] FEE-SIMPLE, i ' ' .; : . I ¦ : '¦I • : I • | ! —iiii, |l : : : !fTIO :RE SOLD JBYl iPUBLTC AUCTIONJ- mi: a ilaU '. toj l>e ; no.wetl.l tho : BOMI H

fnl lv ! Situutt -d ! Resiliei'itial Ii Hj okl in 'cP iARKSWOOD. .PApSM JKi ir 'BASTi WA'l EUFORD; 5 miloi !'.from iC.i'H- 'w W: 1-j rfji rd (upli? *s . pivyioj i^H'i j< li .tp|>?4d . of ( b;Private ;Treaty)i by- ¦ linsiTU cjt a^j n

sli o f | R '" ALambert ,, .Esq ., j if.D}.;.'dolrltaiin^njr 127a - 31"On. Statute 'MoiUiire .iheldiiri. a'bsolut^F^e: I Full particuhirs liter.! i ^'H f ' w 'i IJOHN T D.I PALMER;¦-, ?>!. •: ' ,'. . ; : Aucticjrieer !¦ &i iVaju^.* v«|--l' .!CATHERINE STREET ,; ^ApE^EOJI);.

i ¦-- --¦:!;; :¦-/ . -1;i. - -L'^ ¦!,!.!; ,- ik-ife ^J:

. • ; ! . ! I I - I . - - . | . l i i - ¦ ¦ - ' ~ -¦ !€oik; SPRING SHOW


. ' \¦ ' \ ¦: ] I Will be1 iheJd on :

• I ; ! - ¦¦: l ! - :: ! : | . ' i ; I j ' i -. '

¦• =

¦: ; ;j THURSDAY:, FEBRUARY ,26th .' { ¦ M]- M M : . '¦ ' ¦¦ ! ¦Xlrvtries Close: on I January 31st ,or byFmst .Post bn . the Morning of tlie 2n «lPebrnarlst. . I - . ; .! . 1 | ' : . . :i F»r Prize'L'ists !&nd all particular*!,*p#i- I | - I i • ; ¦ ! - : : : :' ;

¦ •'] ! . ; ; Jj BYRN E, Secretary , |;. ;! ;. . ' . • ! | . j |¦ i j 2fl Cook Street,,OoTk.

i : ' i | " ; h Jli; .: - : : ¦ .

] Another Large Consignment ofaH the 'L&t-esl !shades in DOUBLE :. i KNlTT7NG,| JUMPER TEASLE,1 andiiFJ^TG-ERlNG: WOOLS.Fawn , ¦/TariJ :Jade' Gr 'eeri , Helio, Saxe,Royal : Rose.i l i #nk ,- : iSky, WhiteEm^ralpJ . Carij l inal, etc. See our

' Windbvys far Special ShpAv To-INi gfat;. Our; Prices axe the'Lowest.!i I il I ; I- - I ' ' ' I ! : ' II ! : - ; | | - ' ' ' O 0 Q I

¦ ¦¦ !

' ¦ I \ \

:- : \ l \ ' ¦ ! ¦ I Mpmk Carroll : & Go,;LJ .; UM ; ' If I | ! . : j &nc± i

I COUNIIY :0UNCIL OF WATERFORD,¦ I ' ¦ I - L 1 —— ! - ' I i! ; : ' I ICOT -XTY IPRINT IN G. ¦ ;¦ ! - . 1 | I I ! ¦ ¦ ! - :

"NTOXlp: I i HEREli Y GIVEN that T<m-X I tiers; >v: li be iAccep^u uy i thy . toliu w-

,im conifac tf ai !i-he Adjourned Quaffierly!M|e 'ting-. 'ol jtlie 'Pnipuiais .Committee :t«1 b€ i h^ld' ir] |the COu ill1 HOu'siS, DVK-1 b4i" held1 in theJ COu ilT HOlisE, DU'K-¦ GARVAN , >ii TVJtb DAY , the 24ih day 1 .)!f FEBRUA'Ri', 19-ioS, at ii oVioct .noon :— ;

No.' ,2SG-r To fesetu Ui ior ' tliree - year»,Ironi tha ll st Apni ,, lwo, Uie i'nutinff au(lBij akbiridiig, exclusive :oi : Blank Forms-presciibejdi ly tiie Public Bodies Order ,1904; ireful:!'! for!the oiiices oi tiie tj eci e-tanj to]:th€ iCounly- Cpuhcil ,. County Hur-yeVor, and Clerk of tlid i'i-ac-3 and ' Crow; taccording o the Specitii;iii.iun| and Sp h«?-<liiit| toi be si en kt my oitiiie , JJunganrau.;LKo. 261]— ti.supply lor three year*, frwp.

0 JstiApri l , .Vs'O, .ihe iik'ol>!» and Formsprescribed [ by .the j Fubiic ; iiodius Oru<!r,1&HJ las' .in&y bei: . reijui uxli i ircim time to

J'ti i ie.] !F6 bi qu,bted: ior iii uuantities of,€a |h j Fprml Form I 22 to be 'quoted fori wikhl arranjreinent for duplicaunj r aa weflasmvithdut Isucli |arrange< :i iit. ' i The head-ings :of the pbrnils are to 6e adapted to thfrequifenienUI of : tho County Council t>fWSterford. f i | ' .. . : :¦ ¦ : : : \ ; ' :

i KcJ.J 28^-Xp exj etute for ihree years thiePrinung] b fi llurors" Lists tor each Unionipfj the-Oouhiiy..,^ . i ¦ i . ¦ j ' , -¦ i :- '. ; Tbe "5cv!eral Farms ace subject to modifi-caiione directed by the Local GovernmentBoird -dr|C,ounty! Council. j ' ¦ • ¦:¦ .

; Al] ' paper i ^i^ed ;in! above Coptracts ti>

be off Ihsh' Maribfaicturc. : !; All :Bookk and! (Forms tq be deliveredfre* at the several '¦ OfBcsn 'mentionedaMve, h ¦ I I : | I : : i : j ¦ ' ¦

j Tend'ere',* Eorny' of iwhich: can be ob-tained 1 Ai! my Office ,! p]ungarvim ,! are tobe[| lodced-M-'wp.th |:me ' not later ; than onetfcjj ockli'n Monday, : 23rd February next.

I ] lj : t!cnd«r be] accepted the person tenderrins and ihia sur^tias! must :be ' present t«'j ieileot biond. : 1 : | I : ' : I :

; | ; D.!j h | OJSULLIVAN, Secretary.County Secretary's Office, DunRanran , :| I ; illh] February. 1920. :

i i .- i : ' . i l l I' ' J ;


' ' ii

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ! ¦ ' ¦ :


FISHERMEN SAItORSU H i I U. ¦ ' .h : ' ¦ ¦ : :



I ! M ' H i ¦

. i i ¦' ; ¦


Al. i oi i i i i 'Rubber— 2l's. ' ES jtflT ¦ :Sleigh Boois' all new. Sl' . - ^^UJ 1

I |i 'ffl- I i I [ W] [ ' --wJ€fj |iil (4ion |!Pricfi 63-4.— |!: ' , : ' ;i rJfJiyce p Piri .-e 45's. i."'- -" '" ' , ' 'i'W; ; . PURCHASE OF ; ' li-. ; > ' :^M-.NiAVAr j " SEA BOOTS |:i:i#' (As-iisutfipli th :! t<l thte ; £. : ; ' ¦' . "?¦'&- .i hAdmirali-vi ! | , j p-- ' ' ¦ ~M jOf 6 PA tRrf ' V CLEAR W:;s> -3*41 F :: ; A'll 5?it^, I I ' ; fe' :- 'W

I :mM Gk , '¦¦ :]! XH ,E PfeO P.LE'S PROVIDEE.*f |; MICHAEL .ST. , ' SVATEJIFORD._ !| ;

; ii I ' ; ¦ ! ! i ' i I ' •' ' :

' I ~" " ~~' '

•I'lt^lLte^- ; '^ :¦EpfrEprrcs; ; TAKE iflEA^io.-.;. REAF -THE: FOLL OWING iJUNSOLkliTED I <

M !. |j : IpSTIMpNIAL^ " : ' - : ;: ! ifo?te^';

W^P j uite- we LTUonKtiY^ - TWwMO'ob. dr iving¦fl iv2 ¦ "^if lorry

' J°b I -woul d never« f ar fld h kle; before ! haW-hartviol 1 £3HT T


P^ik. it tob- iftO '" t i .you »»ay make what u^e yoir Ip£l f S T

epf i f -^T J^I*iVl

(\ :P'^cnp,tioh |for tliis niot- t 'succfeaJ I

vmr-l'^r"' !" rP")^ !T U- - fr.*e froniM. :J W.PV &!o:). ffl^k No- .»»). Winsfordj jv-heshirc ' < . ' - 1 r ! i ': ' :: "• | • ¦ ¦ ¦ " ;

i:J: : li -h :: ri: ¦ : ;j M- : :; !i " : i : v ^ : ; ;, ; !S»»" »»«»Mfa» -»»-»»»»» »iii !J!:;=;;_:::;:j;!:,; i

;TOEBFpRJ)i-Printed |j' and ¦¦; PriblU^3 i !'•;:iW; Wawnbrd . N6w»;: .:Ltd. |-Bl - -|asU '!* F STT: . J*«W8-Machine PriES*¦ «5f' •???«:bindinjr; and Machine Btillaa¦x'Va.tabliuinnii, !-49 .*ad;;:Bn;r :. n'/v»«2»>

\rj ftreet-.;:ii iU P,a vr.&a of TriuitJ Wifhirt'l*-i ! ( ; ii i '¦

¦¦ i: ¦¦¦ ¦) '¦' " .i - i - r i M :. : - '¦ ! v i : \- - ' \- ' V^ j

.¦Srvkii - r - l -. - i r v -t- ¦;-v'l;iii" .v t ' - i - ' I ' ' ! ¦:}

¦•' > ¦ ¦ : -" - '< '

\$t*- v '

\ . i



I :

"H- - • ¦¦•

'¦ ¦

¦:• : : ' ¦


: ¦

Birth^ Marriag^arid Deaths; j.

: ; MARRIAGES. :. i \\: ' j

CuU'-TWELL and BRADY—February Mb/; 192&, at St. Paul's, Arjan QuAy. DubH u.1 with Nuptial Mass)' by ; Rev. J. O'Boilly,j C.C, Cavan, assisted by SOTV P, Hoerey,C.S.Sp.. Stsl Mary'e, ' Rathc^n©*,' va4.

i Rev. M. Martin , B.D., Edwara Jrfiis,i fourth son ol Daniel and Mrs. Catrrtxrell,| The Mall , Waterford, jAnnie Jo$eiphiaje>,! eldest daughter, .of the lat« Andrewj Brady . and i Mrs.; Brady, ;ie^Phtti*-: borough Road, Dublin.: No 6arqs.

j: DEATHS. 'I l ¦' ; ' • i . j ' • ¦


UKI FFIN—At ! ;Carrickphilip, ooi! January«7th. 3920, second eldefet daughter of tho1at* Richard and Mary Griffin—R ?.P-

KIC HARDS-rAt 4 CaUiedral 'Square , ' o«February 12th , 1920, Frank W. Richards,lie in a me will be removed to the Oath a-dral . thie evi-ninj : (Friday) at 6 oVIock .funeral at £.30 on S^Uuday to '- KiUn o,-

¦ tio\r.—R.I.p i . ¦ j ; -. . - ¦ . : p ; , , i '

VVALL—On 13th ; February, at the nvi-doace'of hi^-sister, Mrs. Veale, Michaelstreet , Watirford, Michael Wall , aged79 years.—R.I.P. Remains will bo re-moved to St. Patrick's Church - tp-m#'r-Tr>w (Saturday) evening at 7.80V Funeralto Slieveruc' on Sunday at 1 •'clock.


I disc & Land Agents,K RE. LIFE AND ACCIDENT :

. : ; INSURANCES of .aJ.l classes on best terms. ;

i : .W U : . ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ '.'¦': ' TO B£ LET.\ i '¦;

-'"SARATOGA1." WOODSTOWN- (7 milesfrorm j Waterford).—Furnished 'hotuo.

: neWly renovated , loiLet from let .Sep-tembpr (by; month or olhsrwis*). twositting, six bedrooms, -motor ^house."Beautiful ; neighbourhood. : ideal I far

holidays.! : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦• '¦

A ' '

EXCELLENT BUILDING SITES j inWaterford |and Tranio/«. ; ' j i .

. ' ! | : WANTED. : _ ; . | J 'AVAJTIIED iTO RENT, a GOOD HOUSE

in Waterfoxd or Suburbs , containing 2 or3 sitting-rooms, 5 or "6 bedrooms j excel-lent tenant.: : ' ' ; i \ ¦ J |Cash received on deposit at 3 per cent-

reja yablej (practical ly), on demand jCoupahtj and American Money; 'Castted-

12 , Gladstone St.. Waterford* ^H& PATRIOTIC j

A«,SU^ iC.S: CO.,; 'jUtil-For FIRE.j ACCIDENT, ' WORKMEN'S


¦ ; I " . i ' . -¦ : ! ! ¦ ' . - . j


! : ¦¦ | . - Directors:— : i ' ¦¦ - :

JOHN MOONEY, C.V.O.. D.L. lChaini an;LAURENCE !W, MARTIN , Esq.: •!PHILIP H .lGRlERSON , Esq, ; ': ~fOHN SINCLAIR. Esq.: (BeUds«> ;

! Low Ratea of Premium and . Promptj acd Liberal SettTement of Claims. |

Che position ; of : the Company! ie]Amply1 Secured Independent of Capital.

P*opooal Fprta^ and all information on•pplication ito Company's Apents. or! to

, W. COOTE, Manager and Secretary.

FIRE j AND LIGHTNINGi INSURANCE ¦ ,: - : [J ; . " • ! | i j ; ; ' . 1

i F|ARM PRODUCE; ! iBHRESHING MACHINES, .H0R9E&; j | CATTLE!! EtcJ ¦ ! : ¦ ¦ ¦'


fQf%JI for ^2 IfTIHINK oi what this means' -at ' a iimo¦•J. j when ej.' are 6s, a dozen; For] th?price {of a_ single egg ^ you can obtain ; the«'ame [result |as Mrs. Mogenaity^of Faut;-hard .l'wh o wrtft? to the proprietors as; fol-lows :-f-"My -liens were not laying.; A ,7jd.packet of Ovelle Spico from " you madethem j lay tAYO* dozen a vro?k during No-vember and December,'.' 71d,' - 1B. ! 3<1..fe. . «4.. 8a. and \ 10s. pack .ts. SHUIC Iwillguard your liens from fchofera '.:.' There fei i '>Uiing - i ik3 it-.i Is. 3d .; and 3s. packetsPo3tago 6d. ' xtra all sfces. ', : : ¦! :

Agents :—Waterford:!H . BelU; R. Poole«nd Sons; Geo: \Vhite, and Sons, H. Par-ker, W; J. Jonea. ' ; •. i |


1 ' ! ! ;



' :


; :


¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦

i ; ¦ I . i . ! ¦ ¦; : : r: :.


: ' AJ 'POINTMENT OF TEM PORARV: : " \- ' j CLERKS. . - \ \ : f I

THE "Finance Committee 'brth.0 County

Council! of I Waterford will , at U»eir•ftleet4»g to |be Ilield on the ' -MU KFEBRU-

• ABYi 1920, appointf I'eniporBry! Cferks for: the p tep&rwbn of the!

R^te ; Bdpka i' and• t>etnUd Notfee ifor tha opmiMiRale at Hie

CoHoiing Bcail^lof remuneraUpiihrf.: a! i—Oopyiny«iValuatjj on Lists; { jAto RateBook^&j mW¦lOb'BstiniriJ ; . ; :

- „- 2—Applott^p;Rite! BookB-r|3S/| 6dJ per

I - yiS te/^ooks jtori i


s ofi Grdw&teTM perrlOO Bitin^sJ , J

¦i ^^Denwia


tor Hate|Col-

li , 1 .A>»Hifeftn tkvjroust Bef-«oiBtoeWM - of -an-" • ¦ - blotti »«"th(s ya|riou6- .Rfl?e^:- ¦

^' i\ -r. ' -!

1 - AoiilfciftO^Tto be[ received, Hot Hater|i fcSpSvfcsd^rday , ihf Mth IFeb-

1. 1 waKeW toxUti U\ made mJthe; Apph-r• ^feM &Mm^; i: 5 ¦ ! ¦ " ¦ « ' ': : '<\* i ifecretah^ ;Cou/ity:Councj l. ¦

3::ii '-i v.i"'4 * ¦• •A"' Pkv'"-" '- 'i H- - '¦'• -¦ ;l ' i ' p i 1" '

it- : ^^pKidiii^dv i 1- r iAKNOUriCEMENTS

A i A t kinds of Gr«unophono r ilr» ezo-cutx>d at our ! Worcboiua xfoyrord'ft,

Quay, Wotorfordv l j ;

AN old-faded photograph, but perhapsthe only ono, rou have of vsome dear

one. Bring ii to ,Ua to be copied or en-larged.! We make a- Bpociality oi Ithisclsas of work and sot wopderful results.A. H; Poole and. Co.1, Photosraphots. 34,Mall, Watorford ; |; "

ALL-! Physicians" and Surgeons' pre-ecripUone .compounded at George

White land Sons. Ltd., O'Connoil Street,Walarford. ¦ I ;

BRA8S TapB,; Bottling Syphons, Cork-ing Machines,'! Corks, and complete

installation for bottling. All kinds of re-pairs and general machino work under-taken. 1 James j Fox and Co., CorertWorks,' Drury Street, Dublin,PARTING of all doicxiptio^ don (- byVJ piece-work Or i on hire. T. McGratl i ,62 LoTT«r Yellow; Koad. | . '• "

TTOWARD"S Gramopnonea for HomeO entertainment. The only Gramo-

phona noueo.—HOWARD'S, Quay. Water-ford.' - : : , j : :

OUR PhotographB are more than goodphotographs. j They are true portraits,

bringing out* all fiat's best in characterand indiyiduality;: Our copies and! on-largemenU, too, chow that same skilledattention to detail that coats you no more,yet makes all tho diflortneo. A. H. Pooleand Co., Photographer*, 34, Mall, Water-ford. ; ' ' " . :

"DIGS (kiJied)-JjQuot<ition require d for-t good supply, loaded F.O.B. WaterfordDock. Irish and Continental TradingCo., Ltd., 33 The lMall J Wttterford .

PIGS fatten ;<|nickly when Jhcy getOreJle Worm [and Condition PowUers.

Suren :{or eixpeivct", sixteen for one sh ill -"g. All oht-niislij !. I

Oitock at tho tiremophono livu»e,donotd'i, Quay, [City., / V/ \(-\ "HIS UAriTER S VOiCE,"ii v/V v/ eiu'd Zonophone Records in

-tocic.-HOWARi) B, Waterfor d.


pARTRlDGE^ !:CartridKeB- can now bew obtained by "bring ing the necessary-permits to Joseph Knox , Ironmonger ,Waterfora. :

FOR! ' Sale, T vo LarRe Pltwh CarpeteDining Roo u and Drawing Room) .

Apply .by letter tij No 331, this oflice.

PORJ Sade Stanley Raj ngc , second-hand ;good ordor; '-cheap: Apply, No. 330,

.his office. . || ' ;

T7K)R Sale, a. Small MilK Float and' Fasti- Harness Pony, ll.i. App ly, l'belanpros ., Auct 'oneera , City [.

FOR1 Sale, Best^Cabbage Plant .s, Is. 6d.. 10Q. M. Norris, Yellow Road.

1A TONS of Hay for Sale. Appl y, No .1U336, this office. ' j

OLD! WATERFORD i CUT GLAS8 ForSale . Some Qno specimens notr on

• -W »» Poole 'o Storw. 1S4, Quay, Wator-"«J !

¦ •'

: -. ! i



STRIPPER Con (milking), five yearsold. f<5r e&) e, |near Waterford. App ly,

326, this office^ J :


I Buy and Sell Antiques, Seoond-Jianri

Furnityro, Feather''Beds , Hair . Mat-: reuses. Highest prices paidi J. Levi, 65John Street . Woterford

OATS WANTED—We want Oats (lJ!ackand White) land good Molting Bar-

leys. ! Pleaso! send samples and nameyour price. ' Wiri i McEroy, Ltd., Mount-meiliek. : . ¦ ;

SUPPORT a Purely Irish Firm b7selling for Prompt Cash Rag<s.

Vletalfl; Bags , Paper , Horse Hair, etc., to'locka, Central | Metal Store*. Conduit' .»IM>. ! . ' . .l , ;

fTIYPEWRlTER: roquired. Must b.? in-L" fi rst-clns« condition. State n^re and

No. of jnachinq to Irish and Continen talTrading Co., Ltd., 33, The Mnll , Water-ford. ' ¦ ' ¦ ;¦ ¦

, ,


VLL Classes oi Plumbing, GasnttmK.etc., dono j at Moderate Prices by

"Jurpby, ExchnriRe Street. All wofk/guaranteed. Persona] supervision on allj oba . i : i

pLUMBING , ; ; Gas-Fitting, Son;tary-L \Vork , and General Repair * Satis-

iai-tiob Guarahtetrd . Power, Plumber ,¦'*,' titreel oodiColbeck Street i


A FERINE—The nou-coustipating Quin-XX ldo aiid Iron Tonic. Bottlea M andij Q. Quinine and Phosphoru s Tablets foriiLfe lierves, 91U.I G. White and . SOILS,Limited. . j! ;

A GOOD LIGHT is a Luxury . Tlj e best

Lamp Oils- at Bells. Delivered insound tins ondi casks. Town delivery, 12noon , 3 and 61 p.m. daily. G3 Quay.

A CIDINE—Tho Great Cough Cure. Forxx the immediate relief of Coughs,'Bron-chitis, Hoarsneaa. Difiiculty'of Breathing ,Huskineaa in j the Th roat and Loss ofVoice. 3s. per bottle. 8maller sire, I i .3d. At Bell's.; 63 and 89, Quay.

A : DANGER1 Avoided by using a few

drops of j" Anti-Flu " on the hand-kerchief. The great Germ Killer andUisirifectanf. In bottles. 2s. 6d. ; smallersize, ;'l8. 6d. H. Bell and Bell Bros., Che-mista, Qnay; Waterford .

• A NTI-RAT CAMPAIGN.-The provedXi. and most i eilective means of exter-minating RaUiU RODINE RAT POISON.The right weapon 1 for the Rat War. Safe",sure,; speedy.; 7j d.. 1/3, 2/G, 5/- ; post. 3d.Harley, Chemist, Perth. Local Agents .—H. Bell. Chemist, 62 Quay, Waterford : J.Tyrie Turner, Chemist, Carrick-onj -Sui r.

pATTLE MEDJCINES and all approvedv-Z rlemedies |for' HorEes, Cattle andj Sheepstocked at the Medical Hall, Tramore.

rnHE Sugar I Efho'rtafre need not ! worry4. you. It cart easily be overcome byusing Bell's FuU Strength BaccharirioTdbleta; 100 Tablets in a box. Is. 3d. - G2and j 89, ; QUBTJ ] . ;¦ : ; ¦ . ;F

f i J ¦ • • ' :

¦ - I ! .

- " : ' • ! ¦

:¦ ¦

' ¦ • :

T1 HE value of Picturpa io mucn en-X hariced by havin j them auiiabljr rau eu.j ! ' Guurge W lute's mstcoj atuwMilf l of thiB vrotk, and will ulndlygive irou i tha ben^t m their, ostsnoivo«xpa »nea. : -j ; : . ' ; ¦ ' i ¦

| > .

1 f \ f \{\\ UMBREL LAS , newly eovl>v/ v/ v/:ered and : epairod in Uirojdayi-PJ F.; WALSH, Draper. John 8t;

fpB ERE is oomethinj nboat a PhotoX graph br Poolo—a style, a finish—that pou cannot get anywhero «lee; andyot you ; pay no moro fhan pou wouldpay lelaoTctero (or infer or work. A. H.Poole and Co., Artitta ai d Photographers,ti. !Hio , ijTall, Wttertori . ¦

"WJHiTESON'S Corn- Silk, tho speed?V Y cure lor corns, in pabkatA, 7id. each;

Podt free; to any address. George Whitsand Bono, Ltd, Chomhta, Waterford.2D. wil^ ! purchase ' ,• a packet of Belt's

. ] ^amous Cough ! Loze nges. Thousandsof packets! [sold at th( Drug |Hall,' 62;Quay, and at tha Phaniacy, 89 Qtiay; ¦ - . >

iWHITjI i'S Family Antibilious Pills—: V V Directions: One oi two Pills at bed-time. In caoes of obetinate. Constipation^take a Seidlitz Powder , the following morn-ing. (2d< each , Is. 9d. per box oJ onedozen.) ; White 's Farnilj Antibilious Pills(sug'ar-cob.ted) are sold in boxes; 0d- and1B . ^ach-j : ,

: - . ,j ¦

T^HITE'S Little Lifre'r . Pllls.-The»e- * VI Pills are purely Vegetable ; and willbo found' invaluable for Headftchesj Con-Btvp lition!, i Biliousness, and Liver DJ B-ordere. ; | They are inpeated where agentle laxative ia required', and [ are veryconvenient on account of their small size.Dose, two to four when required. Phialscontaining 40 Pills, 9d. |

D'fc BliAUD'S Iron i?iUB bear a welleanii'd reputation as an Excellent

Ton c for : Ladies. In caeca of : Anosmiathey1-are i invaluable, furnishing the bloodwitl . iroii | in a form in which it may beeasily assimilated; 1 and curing : Languor,Neuralgia , Pallor, etc., Bottles otf 1*2 doz,1*. Cd. . i ! Geo. White and Sons, Ltd.,O'Connoll street. Waterford.

¦ i l l HOUOEO.t CtC. ' :TO LET—Un furniehed , up-to-date Bun-

sulow 1 (LiBduggan Lodge) atanding-ohits )wn ground), within one mile of Wa-terford pity, including therein a,' Pleaeuregiotlnd .¦ i 'Xennis Lawn , Garden , Yard andOptJ-oflic(!9. Electric light throughout allbuildings;fro m privat e plant; City WaterSup j ly land Bewage. . Current yearly rates,£11(43. '4d. Will accept best offer of rent ,in Writing, from suitable tenants by 21stFobruaryj 1920. Applylfor furth er parti-culars ¦! to Owner , .S\. J. McClanoy ,M.K.C.V.S., Wateriord (vrho ia lcavins {orDublin).: : - ' ¦ ' ) ' : IiWANTED Storage ,or Dry' i Loft! or

Cpvered-in Yaid in Waterford untilJuno fpri storing Furniture, 'etc. Statelowest ' terms, position , I etc., ito John Mc-GuJk , 6 Coal Qua^, CoVkV ' ; . '\X7ANTED Small f(ouse or ; Cottage;V i j wit li Garden or Small Plot. ;;pre-

ferc bly ; li j nile from city |but not more than2. App lyi, givinc paiticulare, to No. !342,thid officti 1


fiiOR ij«le. Life Insurance Policy, £200,in first-class company. Annual pre-

mit ra, |£J Is. lOd, Private offer will bert-eiived iip to 1st pro*' . Apply, No. 332,thi^ offlee. : . I IFOR S>ile , Life and Endowment 'Policy

in '.leading Assurance Comp|any, £10paid ; what offers. App ly, No.: :34 1, thisofTl^O.. ! . I : ; : . ¦ '

MOTOnO, CYCLED, \Ctc,]^OR . Siile, Rudge Multi-Combination in

- perfe ct running ord fr; all a-cc^ssories ;can h<- ei-en by appointment . App ly, No.'«<J, this office. [ •

UOOT AND ! POUrJD-STRAYED fro m loat 'Waterford Fair .

If ale iRcd Stripper Cow. Reward tolince^ . , K. Hartrey. Carriganarde.

^^W^^^s^^s^^w v^( ^^w^2 i S/>K??wti3 ^^^^^SS^^^K^I

mw l(PIP


M A N Y toons , • | ¦ 0^

WF$ ' - j y ) U DON'T KAT IT AS YOU B VY IT , fe" I



LSD: &%ft


K'| ! AND BRCOMK ^ SCONES ' l 'IKS . . Mb$X<£ j . Pl 'DDI N GiS . ETC. ,' ¦ i ' : WS ^>§SV! ! " IF TIIK n.orit is GOOD , ' Pff l^<^fJ j THE i.RESULT IS SPLENDID • ! ^^2tim II ' - .. i : : j i ' i ;


J^S' ; i ¦ • ' NEVER LOSE S'ITS lbENTl 'v Y. { fe^^Q } ! . " . WILV TEVER YOUj MAKE IT J NTO ! &MW5&. I I ¦ ¦ ! ' :! Ia GO°D- : ' ; L . . nJggJt3 I ! i 3OLO : MAMUjfAOTUncnO— Mp ¦ . ' j ||§1}

W} \ '' JOSEPH: lUNK, Ltd ; \ 'WkWSL ! ' '

j UVERPOOL. [ :• ; ' . ! §)$ &

¦ • ! i . 1 !

:' .i I i

^TRAYED icom j tho.landi 'of Gra^edieu,)p Two Weanling .Calves. • AnyoriefgivinRinformation leading "to recovery ! will berewarded by Cornelius. Lyn£h, Thi Glen.

WILL the ^ Person wh^!, took ]Gent's. Velour Hat at Draipera' Dalnce lost

night return sambj to Caretaker at TownHall- at once. :| . : ! j $ ¦

\_ . *v? ; . . i j - v ¦ ¦ ; ;;; .. ~~

| 81TUATION8 fvACiAWt.!

• - ¦ ¦¦ ¦

. ¦: I | . | ¦¦ r -Jj- - - - i !

A. -CARETAKER I wahtedl for City Club.jt*-Middle-nseid1 married! man preferred .Apartments provided on premises. Ap-ply to ?Jo'. 340J this office. ') :V^EpRETARIES, Adyerti6cinentr iWrit©TS,O'." Mechanical', ; Electr ical Motor andArchitectural I workers v/anted. : Inex-peasiv'e home^aining for good positions.Chemistry,, 'Marine, ' Draiightsininship,Boileunaking, all! Professional Examin-altioi^B. . 200 caure

ejs. ;¦ Send ; stamp, staterbquireraenta ifully. ;: International Cor-rpspondehce Schools, \Ltdjj 23j NassauStreet ,' 'DublinJ ¦ . 1 /I' ¦ ']

\\ *ANTED (jJUa-h T4dy-'G^rl,to take outMychildren' little j iouaeiWrkJ j Apply,

No;;334, this.j p fficb . i , ! ,

"it^ANTED aj Lady Assistant to the G ro-

y » : eery and Spirit Trade (outdoor) .Apply. No. 335, this office. j ' | i i

T\7^VNTED I Reipectable Woinan asy »;' Housekeeper for houise in country .

musl , be sober , clean andljab lo to cook ;no farm work J mu^t have good iviferences.Apply, No. 287, this office. i\\/;ANTED iGirl] about ill or 17 yearsjW old to do light houoe work. Apply,

338, this office. J .: '

WANTED Experienced General Servan tfor city ; good wages ) no washing ;

help ' kep tj. Appl y! to 332. tpis office._— ^ | -D- —-——j- —-

WANTED Servantiablej:to milk cow ,.4»ood xoferen,coe. ; Apply lo^o. iwl

th'u office. ; | j : \ : '

WANTED a Ydunp : Girl| ace about 16,to care | and bje fond oi children .

Appl y, with freferenceis , to No. 322, thisoffice. . I ;WANTED Experienced , General for

Business House; Apply, with rc-

#cea, to No. .321.! :this office.ANTED |at jon W a General Maid.

, Wastes £15. ( Apply with referencesto 10 John'siHill; \ydterford.

WANTED!I foi publin experiencedGeneral] Good j Plain Cgok ; small

family; no washitj gv gopd yagefl. Rep lywith copies discharges'to Miss Pasley, '22PcmbroKe Pixk , publin. j

I . ' ; 'JTRAMORE-i ( iinUBNISHED House -wanted al Tramore jJJ for the month: of j J.uly or August . Ap-i

FRfeBiSfel^Sed House wantedXior monthU of Jul y and August. Ap-ply,; No. 333, |thU office. | i |, r~~ v TIj lANKOGIVinG.


h RATEFUL thanksgiving to the S»cr«^G•Heart . Oli'r Lady. th« :imh Sainte ...dnVSS Littfe Flower for-. mtaal andtemporal favours } re^eived.-J.C.D. ,

jusrr |R :CEIV£:

DFifty Sots of jJ ^nnel Harness made

for Australian j Government , sellingat 'half thoir present value. ¦

Also a loft, of;- Hoozina, Brecchings,' Winicers, etc., jail splendid value.

New Hunting Saddles . Bridles,i 6S*t Corem. DrrnninowtrT Hoad Col-lars, Neck ; poLlar8[ , : ,^'atcrpro^f CaT I Rugs, ¦ Plaid Rugs ,

Cuahion&, etc., etc1. ; 'S H E E D Y ' S ,

Pawnbroker , j eweller , and General[ • Salesman .


I ' I !


. I K h \

¦ ' ¦ ! l i* f i '| [ J: I - ¦ ¦

bxJiNMDlj llM^: ' : I , I ¦ - >¦ i 1 1 J i !

¦ ,


:\ TO NEWI YORK-. ¦¦ ! ¦

lMiauietania ; '- j! ' | I Bat; ajar. 6Mauretania, ! / ij ' feat.,' A p l; 3Imperatdr.l : ; ; j. : ! ; ; Sat.; Apl. 17

SOUTHAMPTON TO NEW YORK.t'Royal George, I H i \ Sat'., Feb: 21•Royal Gebige, | : TUes, Mar. 30, tVia HaVre i

¦ .; *Via Halifax.: LIVERPOOL TO NEW lYORK.

K. A. Vi^loHai ' ' ." Sat. ,• Feb. 14•Caxmania : rues, Feb. 17Imperdttor i v i .' ; Sat./ Feb. 21

] ¦¦' | : ;. »Via HdlifaxV ! ; . ; '

LONDON iiTO NEW YORK.•Saxonial, : I .] • j Sai. Mir. 6

' "Via Hdliiax,¦ | :.! : I I \\M I W*IMMWM |


tRoyal G«H^-, '. i Sat., Feb. 21Royal George, i : Tiiesl , M"ar . 30

! - tVia Havre.. J :¦;

i : ¦¦¦ ¦ ; ¦!

i \

¦¦ I

: '

LIVERPOOL TO HALIFAX.Kaiserin >Au 'gvsl l Viditoria , ' Wed, Feb. IICaxmania:; I i || ' Tue*. Feb. 17

: LONDON, jTO HALIFAX.Saionia CpaS««ngfj r? |jOnly) 6at , Mar . 8| All Canadia n Sailings ¦ connected with| Canadhm 'National Raibrayal. ' :

| . I ; ! ||. : '¦ . . iFor Rate*; of passage and l fur ther par-

ticulars I apply Cuna'rd Lino, Livorpool ;51 BishDpag&te, I^ondop, E.C.2 ; 29-31Cockspur Street ,1 London; S.W.I; 98 Mos-ley StrJBetj I jMancj j estiir; 24 CharlesStreet Bradford ; i 85 Balcrwin Street,Bristol : I 18a Hian Street. Cardiff ;Mari t ime Chambers!] South unpton ; 117New S^refet,- Birminghan J ; or toLocn I Agentla—WardlBrotheri and Harveyand Son; Waterftfidi! Mrs. M. Bolger,Baiiyduif ; Michael Foley |»nd P, EtmtDungarvani Jas. Ahearne of Jos. Gaary ,Lismore; James McGrath , Garrick-on-Sulr.

" ' —-—I : !—:i : : ' ' ¦¦.'—r—!¦ :—;—TTTi

| - . ; topokaM io Fafmcijs ¦ atii !W iri. i : i | P 'JTHE CITY AND COUNTY LOAN ' ©Caj lWI jj iiilvJ- U»lUlTB t>i ¦: '

: ' || O'CX J NNELL STREET ,; :WATERFORp. I : ; ] M ' h | : . ; ;

Make pAsH ADVANCES daily to Ladies , ' i GetittemKJ iFariners J SbopltUpflw ,

]' . J , .Tn

Government Officials;- arid all reep'inflible

i( ! )A'\ S persons,! in anyj : part i M !irelatid|i pn

i U\r\^y

\.J Approved Personal " Secjuity—nolte:: |t<>

o t lW U M 1 V itlii/tj « Repayments can:be made by: lnetalmui^ti

I : il I

¦¦ \ or as may bej arriuip ed. 1 Those rec|uinlig

{ompc rarj 1 advances will find the above the bebt apd '.most ; reliable financial

iulvuuci n 'if on ;H'r=onftl security . Call Or writo. for terrris Iri iKl ¦ pprticulalre , wnich

i I will be furnished on recei pt. : Cash sent bjrjpo et. !| ! | ! : i ; | I :

* ¦¦ I ll ' I : ' : i ! i ' T.: l ';- :

I I I I |- • ;' ; [ I ;

| ' M#Et/ J MO'N IEY. I MO^EYi ] ;¦ "

fHE - Wifii&DiXO^^ s'oMAl! I - : | 8' JOHN iSTREET,: i ' j | ' | | I •

Mike* cXkH Adva uvs fro n £5 UPWA fcDNon your own Aj pprov tj d <j»ERSO

SECURITY. «4 t ^pplicatio t i^Will (ecdv^ ioinj icHate tt -n »0«!

cnvciiicm c ;o( Boriov,er3. AH ^v 'L pprui TFlub TO r ARM!

< i

AMERICAN' LINEOnly Cabin and "Tinrd Class Paesengerb

' I : cariied.: : I¦SOUTJIA M PT(;.\': IJTO : NE\V YORK.

fltJ.J f . MAIL ;STEAMvRS;NEW YORK< I ' , Si .t., Feb 28ST. PAULV !; sk:;- Mar. eLIVERPOOL TO ; PHILADELPHIA.¦' ; Regular jSailiiigs.

Apply to American Line , Liverpool,Southan ptc i ) ; or toi: I :Waterfo^d-jHarvey j ind SqnJ \2, Gladstone-

¦ streM . I j i ' ' |Wiiterfoi-d-j W' .ird Bros. , 2 Barronstand

T-ipperaty-{.Tfihn Cnjrri gon, ol Main St.Carrick-jon-Fuir—Mi chael jMcGxath, Irish

Hou?e ,Jori X. J. piiifln jul , Main St.Clo'nmolj—P. Nugent; 75 O'Oonhell St.Dunp ai-vanWns. McElhorj e 42 Irisih si.,

or \V. J. Trimblfc and SOISJ 10 Church. street. , J , ; ¦

Taliow-j Tirrto'tliy O'Iieary ,Nftti6na.l SchoolTliomas-wwjn— Deni sj l Milrphy -W i>.xford—II. Murphy . SouU Main st.Kilamtc4iomap—P. O'Doino? me.QuWnst 'own— Scott & Co. i(Q' town), Ltd.

; ' I I !l ; _J

flO to E5,00( ADVANCE D PHJ

| VATELY on aim )lf Pro cuissonr Note*M <J> : Bills iol Sale ' f aken , I and abaoluWprivacyj guaranteed First letters of ap,p lication receive p -ompt attention , andintending ! j b orrower j are wkited upon b»• { repr^seij tative w io IB dnipcwered wcotnpleie t ransactions qn t ferm a mutuKll fVrraugedi no chafrf e being made- unle sibuB .inesj s ' , actually ij completed . Specuuiotftti pni for . short loan».| »

Write1 :io confldencei to— ¦j ADVj ANCBO f (Lo)eeBter), Ltd..


r f —i-!ou- i¦. GOOD i i V^LjU E

: ¦ !: SINTl AS , - W IN E S . J..I . &l S. 'WttlSKEY]; GUINKESS'3X ^ STOUl , BASS' ALE .


WAl.SH'S,30 pEORGE'8; ST., VJ/at |orford

|£oeal .dygytispme^


¦¦ I I ! 1 !?— - ! ; i ¦ :


\ Hi " j .!-Cli[:l ' : ! ; ¦GENERAL i SMITHWOBK.-TPERSONAO¦ ACTEHTIONHflK) ; ALli OBDEEfl.4-4

i " ! - < : : ! i i il : ! i ". \ : : '|1

i#oUiJiidJji*i/!k:Jqs( ¦•• •! * ; ¦ i!



; ! i OLYMPIC.! 46,359 ! tons, iI Largest (British-Built i SteamorI PaSBenser and j Freight ! .Sailings' -|-|


1 . " . ; "I 1G NEWiXOBX . | \ \ - \ \ \

Adriatic? ' ! Mir. 3 Adria'trcl May. IBi«?Lapland. ! .;Mir , 19 •Laplanld May: 3&Aclriaiic ¦, .' ; April 7 Adriatic! Jtra* 15tLaplaxidi April 23 % \ \ i \ .

¦ j i

1 ! • i l: ' ¦"•PktssehgerJ; only. ! Ii : UVERPOOLITO NEW YORK !Cedric,' : i' Feb. ljB Celtic ] ' I Ap^l!38Baltic ' ; : Feb. 26 tlrishtdan Kaf-11*!¦j -IrisluDah Mar; 10 • B^aJtio! ' May ! 5'fBel gie .' |j . Mar. . 1,7, tBj lgip &$>¦¦¦»,Cedric1 i i Mar. 24' Celtio 'i JtuM i ]2Baltic 'i Mar. 31 Baltia! Jvi t 19! i ; : . . ¦ ¦

rtCargo only.1

| J ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ j

' I .

LIVERPOOL TO BOSTON, ij ¦ • -j ! Sailings later; •: j j

i GENOAi AND NAPLES TO BQ8K& | : ji ; '¦ i AND NEW | YORK, r 1| i :I

¦ [ : ::- (Via GiWaltarjJ -.! i .

Caji cpp e, 1 5eavi» .Genoa Fobl 14; : leaves! i- ' .' Naples ; Feb. 'I7.f | ¦ |T||j ; | ,Cretie, ¦ ' leaves Gen<?& F«b. 23; \inrii .j - 1

Ifapljes Mar. p. | I II r : ¦ ; :

i VVHITC OTAR-DOMINION LIHOJ ' , ;; j : i TO CANADA' ! - , I! |l ! ' | :


;; : ! PORTLAND :M> I ¦¦ . \} \\

¦ ¦ \ : ' .

Canada. :. ' Feb. 13 CanacU' |' 'Avdi 2 |I LIVERPOOL TO PORTLAND, m i

M ! ! ¦ ¦, ; (Direct) ; i ; I I ; It fi I ¦ !iDomiinion Mar .

'53 Dominion i &&'. 23 j1 . ¦ ! ¦ : ¦ ; ¦ . \Carg6 p n l y i ll I - ' ¦ |* |- ; , !


;: ' MONTREAL1 I | ' ¦ il '| Canada - ' -. May 25 Can^dd. i Jail 1 iJj LIVERPOOL TO MONTREAL Cp^»^.iDominiori (cargo only) | i ; : IJ237|jl 3BRISTOL TO PORTLAND Me. <Wi)a«>.Turcoman Mar. ( 2 Coraii^inian J^i{ VH • I . j

i Welsiiman Mar. 15 , i ' j i i II j ] ¦ . j . ;; . ! ' ; ¦

I Cargo , only;.! ¦ ! M l i ¦ ' : , |] For ifurth er particulars apply ;o Wb®' i j.Star ( Line, Liverpool ; j :Southampton' ¦ ; ; ;Bristol ; London ] 11: : Cockspui' | j trccJ j ; !B.W.I1., aod i 89 i Left^finh»U '' Btlrw* ! ¦ |.;E,.l/.o; or w L,ocai AK«IUI :| imrvwj , aiiq HJW* |Jfl Gladatbne St.. WaUrforHl J Uoean W»^ |Bros.. 3 Barronstririd St.|W»terfo>4 |iC?T( IiVaririwti Bniclo . P<v4 OfB o*: ¦B«l!tdw5 'jCo. Waterford j Mr. iT Oeary l Usm^M \ C? 'iWute^foTd; James i MoGrp tov, 8hippC2 :Agent, CaTrick 1: to 8co'tt irid Co. !(Qiiisca!t !town)', UmitcJ . Queanstown; • E. irD aSjj f. ;

I Rpn&nej TCenrftarei i JJ Oj i Smith J KittinS? ;: den ::|Miehiial IF. jWelsb :Oalpnoqtiln7| |- | I '¦ '¦¦

¦' .VVHITff jp ^AR; LINO. ; l ; ''¦: . '

LIVERPpOl'TQ p&tR/p IjCol llnrj at CAPEIT OWN (Ooi ltD : '¦ ¦ .! . i -Africa).' !

1 l I ' P l l i !(Sailings' will be advertised as arr^ngtiU .;

Fine Accommodation onj jtheee Tupld : ;¦ | and Twinj-Screw 'steam«r». I ( I fONE CLASS1 ONLY;-hFalrea> To Auate> i

Ha, 4$9 to £62; to Cape jTown ^ £24 IC3 :to £B3 to. \ ; F | ! I ¦ ' ! : j | I . |M|.|- | ; ' !

Fo4 further 'particulars upplyl Io! LdO ;Agents, or to; WHITE STA

iiNEija jJames 8treet.j Liverpool ;i [8outhampiot» 'Londpn-. i 1 Coekapur street, i S.Wji , e J i88 Le&denhall street. E.C.d. • j I j f | '

¦; ' - :f I

¦ I

!1 ;

' ¦ i

: - i: '¦

' i : i ¦ i hi , h i : ¦

' i ' ^ II I !


UPWARDS , to Farmers anfl all Rtfipeivable) Persons j on I th ir Ovmi App ov >dSecurity. i 1 | : - ; ! : | -I ¦

ADDBE88:— • ] . • ; ¦ I I '

R.|. SMtJLLIAMi I ~ ¦¦ i i

¦, - ¦ i ' i i


| j ¦

( I FINAJiOlEl . ; j |J6 PARNELL STREE T (New Town HBU

i i I HfotTlf - I Mlrj <OMFORT AJK DI /j < riJN'|ENlli:N. (fcE

| -:

, ) ¦: C}F;RTAIJN I | :¦ ; ¦

The 'WICKLOW ' starts for1 aU tl iatthese words convey. Standing in iihobuaineas cenfr l ijbfj DubliinJ the HoialiBj NEAR EVE1RYWHE3RE; ol idterfca|to; the Traveller^ Its table and robpware as good ai, j trjaininjj, cart> , and~-knowledge lead make them.-}—>| WICKLOW HOTGL, '


i i : ; I Ti ^O^^an^n^r i : ;n. • I

I ;: I ! : 1 1 L!i

¦ i

¦¦ ¦¦ ! i ! *¦ { ' ¦ ¦¦ '¦ I : i \ r r !- ' ¦ 'IT

tyftoiooiklo &( Rotall PlohOa,md, Poultry & led

: . ¦! i ! l i .M i ^WH I UM¦ GoodJ i Of jkhajOhpiclest QakUto. .

Ooubtrr Ordara Carefully |Attended Ci

i .Calcaramfll " Balmoii : Wateiloira/1;

;: L U;- i I • . 1 tftlcplionoTjW. -' , , ' - .1,, -i iV n '-H

! j i l ' i ¦ ¦ • : I I ' ¦ ! I

' . ¦!? | .

= ! ¦: I j - i t -- 1 1 ¦ , i < \ \



^H-vr MORIJER ; i*&

¦¦'^ r¦ ;v;">rrj ^rf"'-^ ;' :- - f -~. ¦¦ ¦

: . ' ;:.. 7! JTPREE ARREST^. '¦- - . . " :

¦¦' ¦ : ¦ - - " " I - " ! - : '


' - "r ¦ ¦" I : : : "


¦ . '• i j '• • '"¦: "' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' \

Co# i^ij iii' '¦: last r Deceirfber ThomasBurto»» <«i form: labourer, jdiaappe&r&duwn hi» ataa* "at. WiMteataATn' KitaeadeaHa faik' Wftg 'a mystiiry, all insoluble,Htace thanl until his mortal remains wereEUCrpead&red by "the placid waters .of theellverr Suir, a month subsequently. Itw»d uiott established that the; unfortune toman had inet his i fatai by cruel ; violenpo,and ai onoe the diafrict was' eriBhrouded-with w opp-reeaive cloud of gloom. At thednquost proceedings evidence ' waa wn-dared that ' the deceased labourer was te-turoiB£ from "Waterford fair on the 1stof Dooomber yrhen ho entered !& public-houso ia tho vicinity near his home. Herea, quarrel developed, and, if we recollect,blows oxchangod, and later on that night,in the solitude of. the surrounding?, anawful fcrflffedy waa' enacted when tha un-foriuaato burton' was dona to death. The•circunut*acc8 of the tragedyj as | disclosedat ;th»; inquest,. are f resh , ia the publiomind end!need no recapitulation ; sufficeit to cer tihafc a verdict of murder was re-turned. ' Ik will be recalled that Itho medi-cal-icBbiaoiy proved that the-j deceasedbor« ovuttcc pi ' strarigulatibn prior j tobeing ^dnsigned to th« -river, which factprovide* tbe substantial theory that THos.flurtea iros first murdered and, then biabody was! unceremoniously [pitched intothe rHrer ps if to cover the crime as <nd«f mfeu-ftlj cause, or to supply it with heoaxapledbti of suicide. ¦ ¦ ¦ i '''¦

Exfessstive enquiries were pursued insearch «f i olu4s since then,1 and in teacart? tcufB of TAioeday a '.senssi-lonalcaqud .Jswk place when the following w|oxeorreatsdj <ts being concerned in the tra-S y :—

J i ¦ », : , ' ! ¦ ' ' • ' I 'Jeo&re?; Uurphy, Whitestown (farmer).Thosaia' Browne, Curraahballinalea,_ .. . _ -_ , - — g _ — w v_^^ w — - ~ r

Csrrtofc. . • ,John Browne, do. (son of former) .Th« Ciiie accused were brougHt under

* heavf polj.ee escort to Portlaw whereth^y-were'charged with the capital offenceo£ raocfleif before Mr. George. O'Connor,BLM. eafi Major Gethin. |

Bviflenoo of arrest having been given.tLfl P«rtJ« ir District Inspector of the R.I.Capplied far a remand of eight, days to) a-tow hits to pursue further inveatifratioj ns.

The two former , ^Jeoff rey |Murphy andThoraes Browne, were removed to Watei-&rd Jail , <Tho third apeno'ed, JohnBrowosJ beinfr a juvenile , an order yasgjanteS committing him to ' a DetentionSchool. ' \ : . '

The deceased man .' Hurton, was ^m-ploypfl by Jooffrey Murphy, one of those•char?ed : with the ' capital offence.

Tramore Petty . Sessions


' : '.

Tractate Sefisaorw were h'dd on Ti|es-day bolor* Mr .- 'H. E. Bej iner (presiduis)and Mr ; E. Kelly. "

Captain 1 O'Boirritt, DJ,, diarged Johnifynv *n

! ex-soldier , , witJi assault ngCfon&t&biUj' Connor in iJie execution of iiB'duty, i .' i . ¦ :¦ :

TTjtif D.I. sfl-id:the ca.se wan one wh ch?Kcurired during last Christmas week. Dc-Bendnab . is an ex-soldier, and on this oc-casion he was- rather festive. He liad lor-gt;tt*n himself .' and vris scarcely respbn-«tbl» for his actions. He assaulted onedonatoble-, and nJUirwnrds kicked ,up| aiwwj That was- Hie whole case. : ; I

.CYjnstaMe Connor svroTc that on Uie#»ocRwon j n quc.ctioa he was on patrolvritih Sergeant Keogh . About 9.30 p.m it¦was!- vepb-rvd that n row liad been po ngon in fchojdi rMtion of TVain Hill. Wl en>.hcy flrriv«d at'Train Hill tlw yascertain-<*1 that \he row was over. \V2ien tl e>\r&r« returning they,heard some men run-ning toiwajds thoir ; direction; One of hemar), tie ! defendant , rushed up andBWiclc W5LJL«S3 on- the head , and skid"You atriick me with a baton." 'phetwo m«i|t3\c-n caught, hold of .witness ,and! wm* time n.her one oi; them said"That i»inot Uie man ." When the dc-fendft ti t found out that witness U~JS :h-iivton* nvan ho wont ' a'.v.ij- in the diiec-tion of ULIC barracks.

. CorroTxirotive evidence, was given byB«n?c<an.t 'Koojii. :

Def-radAnt . who apjwared .' said he - wasli'i t witMlhe butt end of a rifle at | LeCat*J.ct.: and ever &ince flmt if he tookspirits itjnffectcd him. ; JTli« Ohnirmnn s<vid Uie polio? Iiad'^ct?d vtry kindly in this inat-tor towardsU14 def^n dnnt . It was n very sorilousfhing to assault a- policeman in Uie dxe-cutKm 'pi' hi.-» duty, and the bench vVrrclo*..ljnr dpfr-ndant clt.wn Voiy light by Tin-ins kiM 2a. 6d. - JIt vm.B js ta ted tJui t the dt^Midaj U hadliken £h<? pledge. . , ;

(lli>airiiia.n —A fm<» youuo : fellow ikeyi>u. eujjlit to have some Tcsp^ct for ycur-

yon right. - . . . /^VplPt ^S^

:«¦Am;ornh^«»glass of Andrews'—Keep a tin of Andrews ' on Ihe shelf inthe Batiircom. Don't use it every day.Just leaye it there , hand y, for when youreel not quite yourself.Then, take ¦ spoonful in a gUu of water for tli ceor : foar-aiDniRi^ running; You will quickly beyourself ioacc more. Andrews' has a simple, e; j ywar of shifting that Jull .feeliu».Andre^ro' deamct intemntly. By rj ca leeoMta^, it belp* N«tnr« to keep the Li,M*«*«»»» ^toraach normal, Gawels regular n idSumps * effective. Its timely use flimm ai Mli«TaJ»oi ttk, «ad where li«l» Dl» cannot'«a«arej Oe big one* are unlikely to venture.Andrea * \i* j a i l .a t.good f o r JtUtbtr end theCklUrvn <n H ii for Father. ' ¦- , . '¦

li*j «i :'|B-B'-SUJte; YOU ^$3 } * S*^^' Oncrri- *nd Stem rtrn/*p««^UBUN; OEPOT-Gr««l SKip Street, or

1 r

mWvBmWaierfotdN). 1 District CoupcU1^[;3T?::;:VK : : - !£i!:i!' i:V ;F u' ''¦¦• i^ lHE"~FXX ' -A. PRECJiU^ION;• ;. i I

1 ' - ' . . . ¦ ¦¦

[ ¦'¦¦ P ;| . r.i -


; jwa; MALICI OUS INJURY O]LAI:M.S! 'A-meeting .o! abbye - Distalat J CSpunoil{wiae

¦-'• lield. oh ! fiatedaorj Mx. I E.

Vfslidi (Chairnian) presided, . end therew<>re ' dfeo pre&ent :--iCteiniaaiiderl ; Garew,B.N.; Messrs. -i^uxioe Bywer Eetfiiiedy,&hinjioii, Thomas Power,: N. Fh^l'an; W.

HffaHwey, ; N. O'Eqgan. M; H-u»t/ D.KioTdajo, and B. W. Kenny, T.<^. I ;

\ \ '[ '~ ": THE ElijOTIONS1.' ! ! : ! •'

iTlie Local Government .Board ^vroteflwng- the day pi the 'eLectdon foir chair-man and vice-chairman as tiho tenth daybfter tihe electibn ol menibera- tp copj sti-tutc tihe new OiundL ! '¦¦ l ' ]

I ?Tb» 'Clerk Raid the Kilkenny Countypouncdlbad fi±ed 7th of June aa th.°;day

• fiirj the electioiis; but the Waterfard Co.Cirancil h!ad fixed no date as "yet. i i

l.- i ' :: ¦ ¦ . ¦ i :: ! i

! ( ¦ • ¦ I1TFLUEN2A: " i ¦ j; The"L.G.B. -ntote <orwarding a icirculaxon | the' supject oi inffu-anza , containingiristt*Uotiona to b« aa>plaed in the possi-bihty of any tTrreat«ned 'outbreakl TheyWcbmmendcd thtit' eaoh 6aiaitaryj auihor-ltiywlnie'h did noi posaaas a Publio HealthCommittee should forthwith appoint anlaii j emergency t »mntiitite« erf three or :fourjmembera, wnQ in doujunctaoni' witlv the[Medical Officer of Health, should formu-iate » scheme:for the iorganisation i and^coordination cri the medical, riu'fsing.i andibfeauHh services available in the districtj¦wi ii a view oi ttie ruHest advantage be-ing derived therefrom in th« ev«ctt of anioiubreak. i ' | ' : ¦ : ' :. :

I The following Tv-ere appointed to const!-iwA the. emergency commitAee:—TlieOhiidrman (Mr! B. Wal^i), ' OommanderOarew, Measorel Kenny, Lyndh, Galian,'Kent, and N. Ptefcm. ¦ ' ; . ; i , ¦

i ! | ' 3 SECTIONED. ¦ i . ''¦ '

' j !

' |

¦ ¦ . i " ' '

' ; Th© L.G.B. wrote sanctioning the !pro-posal to grant the olerk a war bonus oi|Ji3p per year, and the assistant ol?rk £21'per year. ! ¦ . ;

."Tbey also wrote aanctioning Uie proposal:.to ;inarea«e the salary of the Veterinaryrnspector, Mr. Dofbbyn , by £l& iper year:


: i Tho L.G.B. i rot* approving of

theICohincdl's proposal U> contribute a sumid: \£40 per annum to the Kolmeadeiij Wistriot Nursing Association, on the un-'derstanddng that' the subsidy will be ap-plied in defraying the coat of nurse's

; part-time srevioes as health viBitor , or fori-nucli i further nursing servicoa as wereolisible for' recoupment from the Exche-quer grant. They presumed the Council; wcjuld take E1?PB to Bee ttot satisfactoryiij etvice was given fo rtherlr financial laid.!With reg-ard tp recoupmerrL.1 irom , the¦JJxchequer gTant, they dirooted the Coun-;<ril's attention to'Artiols 1 of ;the RCRU -!lation& ,,and stii'ed tha.t as the Council'siinitiaJ contr ibution would ' presumablyilio 'paid in 192D, : their :c!aim for recoup-'ihent would n<j»t mature until Uie end ol:,the year. , 1 ' : ' :

i €ommandeT Oarow—It is on \l\e under-alp lndnng that ,ihe Child Welfare schemewill be carried! out?

Clerk-^Yea. ! ' :I Cornmaaider ;CaTe-w said tliey we •• • , en-

titled to appoint thTee representati -? onth^ worklncr tfoimmitico

of tihe Kiln: •:

l?cil^istricT1. Nurpi iig A?eooiation. j It ¦ ! <chhim since'that .tho ffuaxdaaj > af < f | di-ivisiion.' Mr. Kennedy * the relieving oflB-'CM, Mr. Doyle, and the other memberijujjht, find L*. highly inconvenient to at-¦tfend the meet/inga every week and po intojvery cuee. H* suppreated that W*? follow-

'ih{* repr«j«entta.tives l>e put on the work-ing committee:—Mrs. J. Stephenson,I^aj rhrook; I trs . FSoldin?, BtionehouBe;lire. R. Go-mbli, Cull inagh . Ort the gene.ral; committee ne 1 proposed the 'followingnidditional .namea i Messrs. W. G«)n>ble ,Kennedy. Doyl \ an4 M. Be^ran.!Th? proposition was passed.


.Tlhiane werojen applicolions j far thevacant cottage at Crobally, recently oe-riil > ior l Viv fli o lflitv. Mairv HarrinartoTi j Allthe names werjj eubmitt'xl to & poll , !butj>nly four rece ved support, with tho ; fol-j lb^Jing result:, ; For James 1' lanche Messrs. Kennedy,M. Sliannon. Thomas Powor , N. Pheian,iM. Pow?r, Wm GaUwey, aiid Conimanderi(7airew—7.j [. For Thomas Butler—Mr.j O'Regan.I FOT Jolin Pow r—Mr . M. Hunt.

For J-ohn Ft rlong'—Mr. p'Riordan.Jamea Blanc ie , hnying ni clear major i ty

<iver the othe • applicants^ wa.« grantedI.lie tenianey. ¦! The Clialrm JI did not vo'e, and Mi\Kenny was la ,; for the poll.

|BIG MALIC OUS INTUJRY CLAIMS.1 Mr. Chupinn i , solr., wrote not i fying hU.(mention, of claiming 1,558. on bt 'lmif ofMr. Walter Halley, Coolbiiittin . tori the.fi l;leged nialioious destniction of hisoweJlinghouse and furni'Aiiv . 'MA claim wat . received ori behalf of Mr.H|ughe3, photographer; foi- £00 damages,fo|r loaa suatain-ed by his i motor car be-ing oonaignedl to tlie River buir. II |A further cJuini of £100 wa snvade byMr. Hughes Wr consequcuitial Joss to hisjbiisiness. . '. ] ¦ ':j A claim of ^25 was received on bphalf|of Mr. G. D. Crpkex , pJiotographerl Uiej Mall , . Watcrfoi-d-; for allaged muliciou sIdam-.ige to his! studio. : '

i l t was dociaed to enter n dafence in allthe olaims. j

I r I

JDii i igaiYin Petty sessions|Bef6re Mesbra Wi l l i am - Orr , R.M. , in

the chair; Robert T. Longan , - and Dcn ij;Ran. \ '¦ i ': I

; . ^HEEP SCAB. |

j I For failure to notify the presence of (l ieabove in two ftf his sheep, Patrick Kic 'y,Cjrough , wo3 fined Is. and 196. 6i>ec-Ult'osts.;

¦ i| Mr. Willinn .i, solr. , who "appeared for

defendant , ad nitted the offence , but Faidtj nit defendar t's 6heep bwame infeck't lfrom a diceasi d ram belonginjr to Piitiickllickey that v a<» allowed go through thopount ry. |j ! Chairman—There is no offence ii) thellisease itsc-lf. Farmers cannot help j that ,but thi;y bhou d notif y tho authoriti(» .i ofsame.' '¦ ¦ : : Ii j A flinuLir ci oe against; John KielyVickerstown . C.ipp.-igh , :v,-,i.s <irs tn i= e *.vlevidence lmviiiR boon given that defend-ant had duly lotified the ,prq=ence of th<L weose to-the local police.¦; There was i\o other buainrgg.

a^^raaI Forj skin TDubles' cauBed by' Winter 's!?®h^W-"*&?a138i or CTadted r;kin, , also .cMlWalnaJ iti acts bke rflsjaic. .¦ 'j Recommnndod by Doctoro.

In ease of ooldfl and Catarrh &tmlwi "MENTHO^TUM'' to 0m

n'olgKi you feel ths cur© at onca. It alsoj cures ' piles, burne and aorea. You;¦¦ will find it useful right through the[ winter . J/3 and 2/0 in I pots. At j ail' Clienusta. ¦ . ;¦ : .. j|: . - . A H ISAUNQ CREAfVI. j

\ ¦

: ¦: i AS |HJMJ iiitonNG :'; • ¦ •; - : ; ,K |A: meWr|1|oi''fchei Comiaiii'ttee" piiHanag^!ifflj ent .61. the WatarjtordiDistribt; iLunadotAfiflum wWiheld on'Tuesday, Mr CaeBiii•prdsdding. iliAIao lpnesent«-rtM:esa». 'E .;;» inelly. Pi Ijrnob, J.' J. Wyley, W. J.Smath; ! J. J^ToInerney, T. iWMttle/ Johia'.O'Donnellj |tnd' John Sheabao.1 \ '

1 ESCAPED LUNATIC HETUliNS. \ iDr. ¦ iRiziferitliLh R.M.S i ro,nairipA-~.

¦"Since your las^ meeting tlie'heaih of the|drimaW.ha^ been good; Tbe imal*; patientwhb eaeapeji on the 9fih' pacenoer la«tvroB re6aptui-ed ori ¦ ttoe |31st ult . Attend-ant James" Walsh, j who met ! with an acci-dent on the 15th August,, 1919, resumedduty on tM1 lat iixst.: ; 1 beg to acknow-Jeage with mhanksio . present of severalvolumes of picture*, for the usi of fcliepatients, frttin I Miss Eliaa. ¦Whi'lfe, Suir-ville. 'I h'opi toi employ! a i pluohbex to doeoihe necesa'ij ry repairs durarig the month.Appended; &s directed ,] arc! the r ames ofatttodanta and ' tradesmen , ill or late re-turning; to [duty J^inee lait moafch . flwas absent on priyate business I rom the31st uli to lthe Snd ' in&t'." I ! . ii

i Tho R;MJS. said :the { only item in thereport wad in conneotion Mri tlh tihe patientwho escape^! He was: in the towp practi-caUy tb« kmvo/le ti me,! living wilh hiscany t^e Wivwe t me; uving with hispeople at pnilip eLreet. He had been inK Imeaden,! and workjed his way back,and wheri he got i.rotil>l'et*>me wiili MB.people they I n'oSified the police aaid thepaiaent WAS; retuwied. j j , ) ' |

MT.' Wttvittle-rWas it not on ej ctraoTd, !-n'aiy ttiing Uiat hi3 ,peoa>lei, seeing the re-pott of this in1 the newspapers,!did notreport?, i | | ; " : ] . i

The E.Mi$. said, the patient's father•was an old man . j ' , : j

. The matter dropped. ! j: VISITING GOVERNOR'S REPORT.1: i m "« 4r ¦ ¦ *4 I * ¦ • • • ''¦ air. E. DphnoHy, visiting governor, re-

poHed : . ','4ccompanied by the doctor ,; Iinspected | the stores and found| food ofgood quai|,ty! X would recommend you toeniploy a ;plumber at onoe ahd niake hima. perman-prit! officlaJ . as I consider thgreis enough ! \v6rki in1 the institut on tor himipermanently1. The papes

^and tr\e sheam

heating appaj a^us'all require overhia/uliTigand TefittSiig. ; The machinery j in thelaundry ijj |in a bad state ; most of the•w aaiiing inq! wringing maicmmeti requirexe^casing.! j Ths steam ! culvert is

badlyileaking and |wants looking: after at once.Tlie walls and portion oi tihe roofs aretrotting owing to the leaking condition [ofth£ pipes.1 -i

^ would siiggest a small oom-

Jiuttee to inspect same, as it is of urgent.nej ces?it>'- |The Tarnv work is very " for-ward and; well d<ni«;. The patients lookhealthy and I el«a.n. The house I ia cleanand in ff6od ; order , and no cojm.plaintsfr<im attendants or paAients."

Mr. Whittl e enquired if the plumbingwdrk was not . before the board ia coupleoij monthfl j ago. , '

The R.M'S. rjpdied that it WBJS.^Ir. Wivittle—I , understand that am or-

dejr was mn^e in'/it .in g tenders | to carryo\n anv oliunbinc th'-it was necessary. :

¦ Mir. Melheniey—Was this for theinhivl n-? I ! .

Mr. .W'Hiwle—F.cr Uie whole insti'.u-,tWn . : J ! "¦ ¦ ¦ : i ,

Mr. Doimolly i-Merred to the wuils findrobfs of thD : institution being1 in a badstitft f A l'ebfiiir owing to the defectivecoltdirton:j of the pip^fl - He thought H waanf'lcosM rvr i to ; have :a permanent plumber.

Mr. Whi ttle ;di«jaaraed- w^th Mr. Don-noj ly as to; 'Ihe; neceftfj ty o fj a permanentijv lumber . IwhSch vx>uW co*-i th'e inBtit-u-¦tidn about ;£'l prri week . He meiUioned4 ii>« 4 ili ' /-n» ti is) rt' T-i n.\r\ ffiinA AIi n$ 4^-t rfvti* /V^Tr»^tli ft tJiov hj id an engineer oi thear own.

K/M -S.-friunrbihir isv an occupation j r

j M.r. Smit. I . siaidj he urideretood thevwexe t)6 brin£ tho plumbing work up| tcdn '.o undij itj con-traol; and th enj let thework go onj aR usui-l . ' : . ! :

¦IXr . Donnj eH y cotji tanued to hold that' sj>miYaineri( plumber was necessary, andhe flugeestoi : tHe appointment, of a sinntl<:onimilto *[ to| fro ;i fi to the miltnr . Th<>hoaitin j j ni>pa |-atus '.of tlbe iastiltution WMou{ of I M ^ T . i ' . '

R.M.R.— Thbre is1 a tH of the piping in|a bad Sviiy; . 1 . ' I ; ' ;' : Mr. ISmith—The question is, w^hat iat!i(i best means otf getting the plumbingwo!rk done? |Is; it] to ibrins Khe work upto!Idat 1?- and go ion j as!usual, or employ a•plj lmlx'.r? | I dori'j , tihink we; should j beestiiblipliiiig new jobs.; Tltis is an asy-lum ami not a factory., and is not.a place

K G | oiuploy i|iv>re (ividesmen than areji ieiessary.i .: , i ; ' .i ! '(lie R.M.S said as againat tliat theyIhrtd a phimbjT moaj1

^ or less permanentl y

[itlirtiie formorlT. : • :I : Mr. Whittle Fja.id if they pot a perman->M il |> luinl>er : Itlii-i-c ihey . should also have•io 'j puivhu E a th<> piping and other re-cni: r 'iiipnts .1 ; Th< : order 'ho begird ha-dniaW. on a .jprei-ioiw '¦ occasion was thaiU iflcrs ne inv.lted. If they i took in liy ,j .hiruber U-mporaHi y. : ho would be onlytemporary in nanic , as lie would make orint l iKl to n i a k r i t 4- permanent job. He[w ci i!d protnii q t.hf job , and he (Mr.[Whittled prij ferrod - paving Uie work <loneby ontractj He; wished to kf^> w how.v i n i -h was paid to |'tli e plumber for thet i i i t two months, 'i . ¦

I Mr . 9ho':flMn-r If "ypu appoint an a'itni-llii i t permkhentily, .' vlikt would hie wages

; l t .>r.S- —[Tlie standard rate of wages.! - '"Sir . Siieehiin—Wio )1d n p<srniii.ne.iit manj io lis ohea ']>| a.s anp h'-ir? : '.

\ lr. Smith—IJ: you 1st out the work byicnil- r (uid U- ipi brought up to date—as Ij i«.- ., !Mcl (to i nj m y '.faptWV , OT anyone wouldit i .- l- .-.nd silppo 'sing it cost you £400,\ \m 'i!d it not ' lie jmuili cheaper th'an to eni-i.'nl- a man ]at- £2(»' a voar for ever?

In r.'p ly to Mrj j WJilittlP, the Clerk-aii 'l -hi -v i'.ii.'j l thrf 'd '"iiclors f<>r thu phimb-ii i ' - work h<> referr >d to. lu'ul Mr. Muf-i v i - . L V (of lr-ii i-hain^e >V>.'t> tondi -r at £73

j - l i i x- .'M .¦lf^:¦^^pt fvcl , ! I I

' I h . ' R.M.S. fin id j £73 would not covoiIi work l iV 'nny mefliii's. . |

i w:is rldt -id ed '«o : invito tenders toc n i i - y on tile \Vorkj a.s rocoininendcd inth. n 'pDrt . | I

AUDl TOllfs RKPORT.> i H (irubll. l. |.C.H. Auditor , repor l-

,H l ' l i . i v i n u ' audiW -d the acc.iinUs und nj -•I ,, Mi . -ix l i M i , U--.it H i - oinplij .vi-os be pa i l

., , .i ui .>ntVi L lie Hiiggtv -wd 1 nU) tha t

lilu :i : tendants be ' r aid by .»rder* in ho i,-,< ca -.lt. :¦ AltontiDii was drawn by . theii i ' i t o r to! miu'ij ied ;H)t i. int l - i in l -< ijniifiW};uS> > ra tK ini r t wlifi th< >v ¦ ivmained off,'lu ly . a n d j l i ; d:csei' i.bed t fl iis system usm, u nin l i-H i !.abU' . aii d rcu ninnci id i 'd tha tt( . , •. o!iinnil gt>t j tl M y r a t i o n - t i f -* mnif'.I l l i - d j j [ -M uf f i "Hi-- . Hi- nott-il that'( 1,, (\ ,rp. ) }- ii Li ?) ii ih ial -iii. --nt ..-1 .Cl.»)9 Os.w -iL II . >t »:<ii t r i l lu l f- cl nj> tn t i in v , and tlieoun !initt (>i > ;s tiniuiW .-il po-skion up to thei()l|li Si !|)t. :-.va .i.fi '.3r Hroni s;it.is:tn-o.ry. I he(kii i ioM t.: in! wiij i MlU in arrears, :vud theco 'iun iMw ) il io ' l ' ']' ')'• '>"'' " Ux ^' ' nf'tion? )i i Mr. .Siuiih— Hal- t we. any member ofil l )' Corpoli ij tioii l o r e to hack tins matterin). 'I . Mr. 'HliiWi'nn-trTliPri1 ' ip no c x:] »lanatioiiivre-M-iry i «M- oil. ¦ iJ 1'lie auditj oT'a ropprt f u r t h e r sui^d thatthf df.rk'|< ] and I siorekoppi -r 's ;u :counLsjvv drf. well IkPDt . : j| Mr. Whltili*—lln r?feivm e to the wcion*ioi th") . nVii|"ried itv ridants. are they eh-itit .'led to Uie r!a'dons : during Uiisir ah-seiice ? :J j I -, '¦: '

R..M.S.—;yes.j That-was part of UieU(.|u »ra.l:petllomen-t flarived. jut wi tj li them .i i ^fr. Wfii-(tle-f-Do they in .that ca?e gettilKir rations cpojwi. or are .i.ney. suppueuwitli tlie raw material? \ ,

; !R.M.S.-f-Thcy get raw material, whichis|supplHd| at a ccitfain -value. I ¦! |In r6j>\y to Mr 1. Bniith , tih'e R.^f .S. saidiilve system was, bothersome, but , tTieboardh'id decide 1 on thi s j : . - ' ' • ! ¦ '! j ln!refereficeito|tu? iCo^porationU instil-indents, baing in t»: rnp.rs, MT. .Smith silg-jr ested th at! a marie amiis be iissued againstthe Corporation. :- ' ¦ !; . - \ • , :

A - I l i l : ! . = ! ; : , i | : . i ' . .


Death of ft W^erfordmau H\ ' ¦ ¦ - P|[:K- llSafrJiraiidlca;- . •• -¦ - r¦

¦ ;• n i !' !¦ !!¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦

'ivi' -i 'l

' - . ¦• - ¦ ; '

I jWe .hiaTe. gceiWd Itiotd Sa«..I^kn<jj8coA cop^. o|' **?lfe6' LfeaderTgdoted ffariuary10th>, | ftvm i wfoidh; i' ¦ wo take Qu| j foBtow-ing:4 j .; ' J , . -;u . • . ,- ¦. : ; : -|

\\ '¦ ] J . - i " - - - 1 - - : ¦ ¦

,/! ¦ 1 - i-

¦ The! death ,oi Mr] Edwird'H. cirninlris,¦whicli ocjeunted on' Deoeirrber 29, isaraaunexpectedly upon I his friends. IHel hadibeen' ill of pneumonia but a tew days¦when i he i passed iwfay, | after having re-ceived ihp last :SacrameW8. iThe Ifuneraltook-place ttiom his parish church of St.Monica. iThi; pistior,!'.tflia] Rev. E}1 JL Do-ran, said ! th$.Mass/ot the Dead andj gaye¦the absolution.! TKe. Rev. P. O.L' Ybrke,D.DJ.Ithe Rev.- John ^liekley, and : theRev.i .W. Butler Iwera presienib in the feanc-ituary! The! Rev.l Jaane^ McDoriattd, ; afitfhoVJfel-tyw oi MirJ Comir^ins,1 pre^clie^! nshort 'sermon/and jalso.read the service atithe giavesid^.' r i- ¦- - j j " ; . ' » I :

Besides; hift brothers and eUteTfi^—^ath-leeni; jBeaaiej! Alice;. Prank, Thomas! andGeorge Cpmmina—a largej numbei ! oi per-sbnal I friendsl and iassocdates. in tiusansssawere | Ipresenlj to dhow their loveJand . re-spec* | foxi the dead and |6ffer tihedr sym-pathy; to the family.: Few men hiave beenbetter loved' in life thiaii he;- few ; morere&oeoted. end not! often had a m^n pass-ed into tjhs !| silent! land amid B6 muchgenuine j egret.; ] j ¦ • | • . .. j - I

Edward B. Oommins was born; in thecity i'Af WatexfordJ \ - IreTand,. .'nearly 60yeaiis; ago; of one <j)f -thejbldesi families oithat bid i'-oi-tjri Ooonman4| Hottel ["was' thecentre of j all;! activities, thereior long jyeaTB—long before the Samouj&; Stuail (iecition,(from i wMch^ date;¦! people of

• Uhsj - "Southcouotod j time equally .vritih tho ndgjht ofthe big |Wind. ' • Ifc : was.| 'the sta^e oonch(headquarters for Cork , KilkennyL jWex-fojd .j and; Ctonrnel.i and it was there theelection Irowa occurredr—"with tHe ICom-minsesiilwaya on tho wrong-side '! aB Nedused | to eayj with j al-ohulekle. The etogecoactties have gona;: the election fights .arenow, istaged ! on Balljnbricken Hi)l; ;md Iibeiieye lfot a. single member of ihe C0It1-;m/ins: family now [ remla.|n3 in ffli 't : olditawni di[which they wari3 a grea-tl part inIthe ;s<o many long; dead years. I | |

•M:rl Commins oaime to San Franciscoforty! yeira 1 ago, |a-nd , iwifh a fshoj' t in-¦tervnl, resided here until his death. ! Hemarrisd iMiss Mary Perry, of OcfrkJ whowas taken 4rom rdm twp^ears- agc%j leav-.dng himia iyery lonely man. indeed . iForit waa ho ordinary bona of love! thAt va6.between Itheae two , rtiul |se4dom yvjsre theyCV CT' Iapait outside |of has business hourhduring thejlong j rpar aj 'of their unionThough £hey were '. pot blessed y /Hh childronfa happier home than theirs: was no-where to be found'. Wie may (fxvrely be-lieve [ilia-it tl |ey araj in a liappier home now¦wh6rosthore is no! more! parting! ! I

¦He! lovedi the' old tinj ies ' and 1 tlie . oldthings and the old j friends. He1 Keiit thefoienj l&hip of his! oRSOciates of! the firstyea;ra in/ Swri Francisco to the lend—something jhat .ean be 1 said of ^ vcr^ k-vimen. Bui it was |of tJi4 days of hif boy-ihood the Umv .-'ranjy School and: rts! pr in-cipal , Ffithc!-- .IO-J ,| -and t |ii8 scliool-fepows ,illiat j rerriaiile il always) and nearest I i i nheart. He tried tjo keep track pf his oldtschool-fejlov.-s tl^rpu'gh ' tha queer |. and•tangrled pathwaysl of liie-. One , hc foiindup in1 Alaska , slloannfc, br .trying to -fik>al ,Govej fmn'eni coal lands ;| another , a pashaor sconethiri'r in Egypt ;!'some throughouttlie tinitod'IStat^.;Caaiada, aaiil Aii^tra-•lia. in dief^roat degree of success !


failure ; many arej ^ead. ; !"Th'eir homes are iWatiTred for arid wide-.By nioutsain', .streani. arid sea." I ;iSome], ndt many, |aro still alive. If tinsoomes to tlie notice , of those ilasii nndthey J3t.il} &dy thelrrpraj T^rs occasionally.T nm tiiro flipv witl rMiirtrnhfir 'fia rrie stlv¦tJie latest and th<^ b>st of

thorn . nil. ' :- - 'Strictly and uno^t'rHii'laitiously ; faithf ul

to his roligtion, Scrupulously honest inMs business relations , !a good husband.an affectionate brdtiher. a true friend ;. -th isgoodjj main has (»o[np from amongst us .leaving us the poorer for his lossr. And I(who writii this in sprrow, and write it t^>jnearjj to where he sleep's in peace, ;prayUiat |Godi whom he JBorved well, may giveeternal reat'to hisj soiil . .• ¦¦ . ; j

(We 1 wore" also I i nfo rfned tins wookthat!Miss KaJ3iJeen Oornmins (mentionedin t.hi» nlKA\/i» toiiAlitncr ! lobituarv^ diixl111 1:J1V IVl/\>VC AVU^illii^ |

.vwmu t t i j i uim

sliortly after tlie passing away of :herbrotlvar Edward, j I ' | ' . .' '


These! bracing! Spring days (arc 1

fine—but you peed a Raincoatto Really enjoyj themjChoose a Good Raincoat

[...l- '-a Quhlily 1 Raincoat|......a "DuxUld" Raincoai

it is a] purchase you ill congratu jlate yoursclfj on every day you iwear it. A»W for pur Ready-r jfor l

rS^mce Styl3 .<t30l .gQ ; i ; |


29 Bro^d Streek ¦ : : ¦ ' " f l


DUBLIN & LQKDONi CERTIFICATEfiOatd Matron Materriity Hftspital).

Wlxhos to announce thai abe has OpenadA i PRIVATE I NUROIN Q IHQMO

liAT Na. 1 CATHERINE BTiVor Mttlernitv and Genera] ]Nurs ing

! poroonQ^ Attontlon.lPrlvatoiand $emi-P^ivate' Roqmi.Modijralo. Terms on Appl|canon.

' ¦ I ; ::! Narcoa 8nppHcd. i¦¦¦ • : : . :- r - ":i : -III' . I i : ¦ -.1

¦ ¦


¦MM um,


n^^ J TH uiLL

ILL r ly 11

i -I i : ! : !"~ '! ; ! ! : i .ill¦ ¦ ¦ • - i HI


I ¦ ; ' : : ' Nl|

The N ibs de cidc Q to thi,i JZcry s'i thi- Chcrinel \

tnd ' wheri \iiiey, ran ripVi; 'a\ik koiMtrUsp

Tl '¦ '¦ '¦ '•¦ [ i !•'' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • I • '»- ' j 't <I h ey &ot w a tra m m>i)i

j : Jf ind when they mmtBotmm Nibs Mgtih^11i mit0eBr4eh

! ' ' , i | j ; " ¦ ] ¦ ^f >V"

Kietii 'Jjti'H iawl. 1 1 i illWtf V

:: ¦ l ip. vi^l |' ]/yC?\'i II' - ! j - ( i I* , I ¦ ¦ ' j ¦ : i :

!- : itntr]^^•! S4 pr;i"1- -; ' : W\M$ ] Wheri liigh Wqk c6!d - see ihat ->f W:I 0i\the Ftbtdntme j Cocoa rsj \hat f %-r M - : , i ; l i 1 1 ; i I ! ! '

¦ i ¦ i*!M^iI j ; | ; : : ' ¦ Ij l ! | . ! ! i . i : I : il I ¦; I ! ' _

! i l l I I ¦ ' ' ' ; ! [ . ( | . i|f ! i I I

! ' i I \: i ! l j i ¦ ¦ ; • ; i|| . • I I I : 1 |!' Ihe E.M.S. sWd he had Jwriitten fcof|th«[Town' Ule.rk ,; biit ^ad no reply. iThe boat-'ter was discussed.) ! | ' ¦; ¦ i!| ¦ j . - ! ' ; | '

Mri iimith1—It , Iwaa tt short discusfi on.;¦too: ~^ ri ii PW i F FT'LMr O]Eoain.eU4|Tliey roada aa oidex to

piy f 00 election 11 expenses and ! theyIcduld not pay- &&' | | i u I SI.

1 : . j I '| i ¦ I. ¦1 |Mr , Smith-fOirnmuni-ca' e vrith i the¦Town] Clerk lisay iriglbhlatilwe haya Inoj j al;-'j teinative but to aprily llor :a mandainUjS ; ifI'the ihstalmentjifl' lnot Ipadd N ortJiTrith^ ! j I

iMr 0|Poan^-!}li tlhe/CoWtjf ' Councilwj sTe in j arreairs like this I do not' know.where you would be I ; : | ¦ I j ; j

iChfiirraan-j -We could not: go on , as' jwewould h^a-ve 'no!money ¦ : ; ; : ¦ i i | l | ! IIt W. decided 11 tc adopt ; Mr! Smifih's

suggestion1. " | | : ¦¦¦ ¦ h i I j , ¦ i \J ^AJLARIES INpREASBD. ; l ! j ,

In proposing I that the ;dhdplairi's sal iryb£ ineroastid by ; [£50, Mr. ' jWhattle saidtHey [h ad no apppcatipn fyojni 'tjhc ch|ap|¦laiin nor did th'ey increase 1 is slalary foxUiju past ' 30 vears. i N , ' ! : l ' | ; j :¦ alr.j Mclnerney seconded! ¦ the proposi-¦tipn , i which , was paired uii£iiimouslyJ|-; |

Mr] \Vhittle brppAsedj tliat JJpfij landstewara s , saxary oe jinoreasea py vs. pa.1Ipqr w|eek,: and ' AfJ-1 Sheelj aj ij secondedj IN| LMrj Smith , enq^irj d ! 1 what, : thfa | laht^st«wird' s salary Aras at i miedeniJ and theilifM. fc. replied £U2, whiSH ! tuoludecl aTl.l

[Mr: { WhiMle ej aili no laj i<l steward in|the country ! was: j it \Ta ifl)ab|lti ; for less thani;|per w?ek: 1 !|j j . I \ • \t

¦¦ ¦"[ ; j i i -Mr .j Wylcy ' p'rpposed |that the salary ; bis

finbroased by 10?,.* jpe : week.f j .Tliene wasniJ fiebonder ,; aij dj Mr. iWliit^Li's Ipropoii-tioii vas1 passed1. ' , ¦ i : j !> '} ; ! ' | i

air. Donnollyj prpr o&pd fcl ljati t3(e salaryoi: thp eiigiirter . iir. Haateilon , ; be in-crUsed. ', , | . f Ti; l i l ||| |i . ; '¦ j '

i l ^ ¦as : 3tatedJ tlidt t-lK? |«tkcliu*^ rate ofwAges' waa £4 8s.:i a idj tho iMgineer wtisin ree'eipt of £3 3a. od. i ' ! ¦ \ ! | : | '; ¦ : r

M r ! Smith said j if tlif.'; engineer reCired|fnlm tha i services of the boi rt,1 he wou ld ;1« on-titled to C|30 «u mranni af.ioil. tind m|acdi t ion to that lie could ioarn X4 | 8s. ; a!acdi t ion to that lie could ioarn X4 | 8s. : a,v< ok outside,' i .(I: ' | ' .- i | ' ' ! !. "

. t «!«s' <lecidv d.- t|> increase .he salary byU M \ ' ¦ i -i W I j ; : - I I - I : - : i !

j VIj- i\Vy Iii> :isk(>(l |if a letter jvas receivedin :ii J he. local lioo't nnj l Sin j >l OperativesHu -i *-tv in reference to the boot mmtpalc-'t. 'I " T l K ' lR .M.S . ntat aVl that a lejl tur had bt foir; r c id j froni t l i a t 60 ?iety at tlj i i ' hist board:ni {eiti i !». '¦ j i : f , i l | ' j j, ; !:!. I

t f r . Wy lov stdtcdl ihaf the! letter wa.<- i aI . . \

¦ I l i k . ¦» ! . . I i . 1 .1 » . i ' . .

ro [u<-*t to havti all .the ! :ljl>bulofj localiii iinufsu turo. andl In' ,' i nj jaiii fitined i tjiatIK o(s had tKj en j bought 'in ' ' ij locuj l paj ivh-^h:> l ) S and (hey "j tt -ere |not - even j ot i Irialiiii i i i nir ; iL -t |iM -. j H^ contend > U ' j t lmt .thisH :.S ( o n t r a i > , to t i e rules ;rl I i lj t Boardvvliivh: bdinidj tlioi ^o give! ^icfclr >iu-(ij a<ihi • as i>ossible to lr iclea ' of Irish nia'ii u-i" -tnr l i '. ; ' ; : I : | i F : | ; !. || I: :|

\ t t h U : point thf Chainiian Mr| M. Cii^~i n sj ateil t ha t i W •. Wylqyl w w 'di t i ' of or-

;,(U v in discv osih^ a ' matter! not; r>n ! the'i"d i -i u l ,a. ¦ ¦'

i ¦

! "¦ : M

' I ) ¦ ! i


I Mr. | Wyley tliqn i ijslted wlia:t dedstilm tlunieviQiis ' mettinc: lad iconic!j o wtulu tlu!c ,tcrj had been! read. | !' ' l ! ') \ '-,

The. Clerk replMd ) that the Bbird de-ci.lexl to po^tpont tha rnaUer .i but hepi|mtj .'d .put j lhat lie |wpuld place ^ani.e crithe acenda for next me'etinsJ I ' l i l 1 '!

j Mr.j Wyleyj eaidi in view! cjr the Clerk'astatement tlj at thd matter'Was postponedfrom, last" nieetinft. he (Mr. I Wvlfiv^ kvniswitluh his ^hta jir i discussing tlie livub-j ejet. a* a month ihaa elapsqd sinte; theril

The Chairman , however,1 tuledl liat1 thematter was out of order, arid !«allc<i for (he¦^•f -j »"'f«i. -«?- .Tj< f | | ;: | .[. ; i - |. [i ; TWATEK TOEKS ! AJfD COLp: STOEi GH.

A communication waa teceavedl n^m1 the

engineer!! entrusted' iwitrt thfi ri^U iwaier-•wjork& proposaliestimatirig Sve fe«-tlo|E .lhfee-ecitfon-j ol water Slower with|60.00(t gallonsc ipacity at (£1,250. He ihad no! UtimatbfffPfre dfor; the; co it off installation I ,'of ac>id js torage :eysteni. .Tihe cost | oS erect-VAL refripora-ting, ibamber.-was betweenn.50p and:£l ,G0O;.: ! | I { ' ||: . M v ¦¦.

It waa u"ocide,d to postpoay the matter! ! ' ¦ i : : ' : i : .1

¦ i ' I i! : .

'! I - ' : - i ' : I :; ^ -: ^^ii

I Ti - ;i ;;:i!

¦¦I I


@ s




"I ; !__ J- I'—-^T-~" ^—"~ ~m\ !

aei i ¦

: !! :¦i • I |i : ;

lie a trip ¦ \\ ' .- ! | ; jon board a ship, \ ' |

l l it into a storni, \ Ilocoa- to keep them voai'rn.h:h went qu ite \fas t , [e to a town at last , :

^o shod t :, i |¦for1 there s the Sprout! 'i ¦ I ! ! '

ti rwtJ?* ¦ ¦ | ; :

j ¦ R. A'RKELL; ;

| "HAKDS OP, j i ] !"ji : :

. . :¦ i : j



¦ ; VICTIMS. ¦ !: ; i - : ;

i ILL : ' i r ; i! . . '.The "hold-up" craze has [apparently

t augh^ aj ^rip of Waterford, for two mow¦nobbeajie^ aie now reported.] Oiie of

; thei ictinw w'asj a Mre|. William | j McGrath,wife ef aj [substantial farmer, i p'She[ wwI roceoiinp home to Kilaspey piii Jiuiidajevenirig about 6.30, driving aj i'ony andcar , whenUat the" Ballyrobin : Koad shevras-h«ld-|up||by two !mem unmasked. Opepl f iher 'in^n stepped forwardH'from thaditch and aaked her |'Where is your, life?"The womanj!taken j by eurprise,i'was struck^rith terrpriand was, .for the j iiuicjj un-able to re'ply. The| second j nian irnme-c iatelj f jiimped on to the carj and drew ar andKerchref across (the terrified woman sr louth She was knocked : back ledinolwhatonto fhej car and j her face' received ascratch. The chief operator then 'demand-ed Mrs. McGrath'a| money, I biit j ehis re-plied p a tJ 8he had |none. ij el lcalled onhis comp uiion to "present hia;Revolver."

*The laltej .{however , 'did not do!bo> he ai>-fafentiy not beins: poeseseed ofj j auch aweapon. jT,he woman was theri; shovedl ack furt^ieij iin the cair and hpr groceries,t ifijether with «ome tobacco for |; her ihus-hand , itakenl 1 after which she jwai> allowedto ^rocee^i home.

The robbejre I

then de-

c iriipecl and jhave not since been- traced .' I _ J . J i L _ ' '' ' ¦¦ ' : I i ; - i M ' '


Qn Saturday night,; an old; !age pen-oner | employed as I farm labourer by a

AaJi residing near iSJioverue. ; j was i pro-ceding quietly home .when, lat' th.' (Mile'pat , Ife was accosted by a person di Jsea'i

i a. 'Iwonian." The latter tracked ! the>or okt man and rail swiftly!through his>c.kets, rdhevinghun of all he liad—253.—i casb an^l two bottlec oi stoiit| he j wa»iiryiiig home. ; (The Ur- -a of ihe latter>rnmddit)es would be keenly re lt ! Hieomirig after 0-; The "woman '! was non uh

^er than .a man diuguised 1 in i' feina !c]at-

re. i : . : r ; ¦ i : ¦ :i i

$htiflg for Bre athE XTREMELY SEVERE ! WliO OPlXC.

poufiH] CURED : BY VI :NO ^I K '- HT- '

jj. mm COl]OH l - T R K i ; . :Mrs. J cck , 0G , fet 'i iiif.n-roa il.i Pence,

Lbnilp i. S]K., .«ay.<i.-f-"Soiij i ' tiiij c ; a«o ':"ivl i t t le boy F.red liiid whbo ri .npr tough.. ; TnefttliickA \w\.\- sim |>ly I'a w t i t i ; i ic ;' ,w :is posi-|tfyely figj'ti 'rij r t' l - r Vnoath wl' iile! thoy ilaat-Pjd. And . if pt 'c- siblij , 'they weri worse athi.eht. Iii - i l i- . -d t<> bvint { up l ':qn<l .; anabUl a t i e IK .K-' ion At la>t 1 si >\ Vino's.anti dii i h a n k t u l 1 Id iU . for hi a <la\; !!°[tj wb hi \\ a,-J .a.f!ior;, and the iin '|!.iov.MiientcoptinWr u t i t i l ; lie (was curr d^ j . Veposliab eij n c-e i^ir.v lj uiy Hvt'.c gir l iti tio . : |

>fQn^o_ Llerhtning Cough; Curois the woHd^'n sui>reme remedy tor e's""an& Coldfe. Lunc Trouble? , Asthma , Bron-Chitis l Nasal Catarrh , i Hoarseness , V}mcult dreathlne. i nnd l lnf l iHWB.i ; S"f CI » \Jeconiint ided for: Who«|»i»>f Cough ) a«iaOther Bronchial Troubles : in |i ?hll«p

rf":Ibices: 1>. 3d'.. |and !3s.ht-he; ^.j i»i?e bcw|1lhb , mortf economical. ; O? Chemist* and

lUtdicin^ Vendors oyerywl "«.Mns ct


having \\en6 's and refuse all substitutes.

ar barrel. ¦ ' . ¦ j :¦ !:T i I ¦ : i i ; : p ¦



if ; ! : -^AiMtf rf^• • • ; ¦ • ( ] ; r • j ; ; j • : ; [ ¦ ! ' ¦ ~ s : :r ;: ; ¦ ; ¦¦ • .-¦;:' :* ~ !: \ :.H : ; ' ¦ . / ! .¦ ¦

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i j : > . ' ;¦ ' j

¦ 1 ¦¦ i ¦[ ' j I 'I !' ^

J . : " i I


^1 Ikoabtomcd from aU leading Wlaa Hewhanta thron|hont Ipcdpd!| *! BACK IBOTTLB ouAnAKtmra air dHirawp SIOM*TUC3. \J

Notes from*] Farmer's Gazette."i l i : I -!-* : = " ; : - : ' M - :

Bye after Oaik—Rye n usually, gr«w*in patches on pqor mootry soils or cm cat-¦.way bog' in Clare and Western aoaairesgenni<ally.j It ji a irjaieny groTrni(«r| itsstraw, winch makes : excellent thatcfa,and. rarely for its grain. It is the hardi-est m ihc cereals, aod £J scprn ia Qote&erand 'November will (gtaaid tte .-winter weH.It ¦can be sown, in ppring at the Mastime a» corn, and [the rate of aagdiog ispiucix about the same. A goodi .Tr«5i-olearrad Sample ] bushels up to 60B»,j oralmost the fame o» ,wire*t, and * bamdef rye isj alEo takei 6» of 2<>.Btone», T«it^do not say whethc^- you purpose

t» grow

the aure ior groan toiling ox for allowingit to -ripen for gram.. In either aa&o youneed not] apply j any farmyard maionre, asit will respond •weffl to a dressing <fi arti-ficials, say 2 to 3 CWTB. ol superphosphate•r ;4 t* 3 ewts. ba&c slag. . Seed firmsstate ttiat it does best on poor Bandy ! soil•wtoete crown for grain. They j advisesowing at the rate of 3 bushels per acrd,and last: year the Iwtt.pru-e for the select-ed !giant[ variety . wa« 17s. 6d._per busHe!.

Sailing Store CaCtLe.—(1) As; you haveturnips and straw, via our opinica j yot»would be best advised to told cA^er you*stores, for a month or six weeks yelj andto &ell them When) the demand for block-ing' spring pastures sate in. i Stores arewCing vrell* at present, the coimmooi ruaat the Dublin paJee lastewGek *&s .8». \A62&\ perjewt. for cattle off good substance,shiape, and quality ; some of the ealodtefllota made as much as 84a. Gd.J ct i fullyun t» bpef ratca. ill is likely th'ese-rateswill adranco yet.jand hceoe, if yovi inian-«ge to fc?ep your slock over , you '&ealdmake ajgood sale.] If eo. you mJgMj tfeeabuy Uiinncr stores reasonably, and,|m(&lasi year's luck, nwy cotmt on a fair re-turn -Jor grazing them into fonjttxd cea-ditfoj i ihis summer. It >B certaon cattle¦trill not bo cheaper, but Idkely dearer, inMarch ;| at the^ same tame you muet bo «at>i0 liniikout for the dealer's; profit andbuy as ieheaply as you caa. , T j . ;

jF a^tening Figsi on Baature.—Ehere 'isno reiason why y6ii ehould not carry outthe pbfi you have in mind, and 'the|niod«•f feeding will be both 'instructive and'educational to others, and, i vre ' ;;hope,profitable to y<iu_rfie)f. F.a'Jti2nJne hogii pathis system is widely foilirwed; in the cornbelt efj the States , and isome trials ontoringine store piga to porkers on ; grasssupp!em en<xl with whole maize showedthat tfys canibe done .with piofit in tWatcountry. A n ; article on j the subject ap-peaTe^

in the j. Department's' j Journalsome yeaTs ago, and gav« particular» of aimcceeisL'ul outAfeeding: erpeximfent l witJipies carrk-d Joutj in Ob. Watorford. Itwill be essential I for you to have th? lor-«?« crpp ready for cubfing at Hie proper*time , Jihbugh! "we notice you propose notto buy the young pigs' until tihds U 60. Amixture of oats ,jv.9tch«9 and rape shouldgive excellent, forage, j though we shouldprafwj rye tcj the rape, and aim tb haveas large a h,u.lk: ol vstohes i'aa possdWe,«nd t<| utilis^ the tw^o ceroala

for holding

the leguminous, j orop ! up. IThe Yetcheabive ^nuch the nigheri fe?ding yaliie, andthe proven IJiey' Buppry xril>: balarioe thestaj ch a ff nrdvd by whateiver kincTdf meal:you feed.

; ! i : : ¦ ¦: ¦ !


No iBntl**. ¦

i : ' ! : .;: !j GENERAL PRODUCE, i

Hay, per ton ,1 200a. to 240s.::Oaten StTaw, 120e. to j 140s. , ITurnips. 403. to 50ai : < ¦Manpolds, 423; 6d. to 50a., j '¦

Potatoes, Is. 7d to I6.i8d . per 6tone.! j j BREAD. . !¦ . , i

llb.!"loav€8'. at2id. Bl counter; all otherlib. shape . Sfd.i ¦ ' j .

] . ! ! POU1/TRY .Best Chickens. 10s. to 14s. per bair .<vUOld Hens) 8s.u to 9a. iper pair.

; I j ; EG«8. • . .¦•

2s. 6d.[ per dozen for ducks' and hene.; ! : ; FI8H. ;¦ ' .

' ¦'


HaakJ Is. 3d. to Is. 4d. pier lb. |Cod , le.' 2d . per lb- l jHaddock , le. 2d. per ib. !WhitiiiR, lOd. per ilb. i ,Plaice, la. 3d. to 1B. 4d. per lb.lHerrinRs, Id ', per i dozen. , i ¦

I : ; Pius . ; I : ',Cellar Report—Top price, 167a. up to 15

stone. ; ' : ' : ¦ " ¦ '

i COAL. ! :No price. . j : J j. : . ¦ !




HYPERMETROPIA (far; siRht) ds themost common optical delect. •

MYOPIA (near eight), if not properly cor-rected, is. liable |to progress and causedisease, v i j • ; ¦ ' ! : !

PRESBYOPIA (old aight) usually becomes•nnrvifeAt at about 45 years of age.

Sffi vriH eventually; become , bland.


•> ¦ ¦; . -. j i'-- ¦ :YjOUE -EYB3,;F.CON8U|LT: f :

t iMx % ndefsorirBrown,SI :: .- |. - : - i i -' ;- ; ' j . ; JQPTOMETBlSTl j . : . -. ' ¦

h- ^ V - .-l i-lBxEBlGHT- 'UW): igPiEJCTA'CLB '

; , • ¦ V - |J : - 1. :' - i . - . i - f -SPBdAZJB^ ;•- *- " ¦-:¦¦- . :

^¦;i: .:lT; j ':ia 'jpit*Bi^k«Ma^ ¦. "¦¦¦•- •

r:k- J ¦¦¦*9mmtM&aiH!ff li */ " ¦ ¦ ' ¦

Waieirford Meat Factors

: 'THE BIGGEST ITHIKG OF ITS ,''¦ ¦ ¦¦ : ;

¦ , KIND." : -j

Mr. MJcha,el Slaitefy, J.PV Chairman piSat Southi Tipperary- County .Council,(presided on ;>*turday at a meeting inV/'iXJnmei in connection with the proposedCc-operatire Meat 1'tetory at Wateriord.A County Committee was formed, whose.duaesiiwi'll be to b<» resppneible foT theorganisation erf the p' lOject in the county.

tiir John '.Keane Bart , was the princi-pal speaker, and Ba^di il .tSas .ibctoxy ,wuseetabiished it would' be tJhe biggest iliicgf i i its land thi» side bi the Atlantic, lite(object "was to eatabliah in Wateitord, for.the South oi Ireland, a factory that woulddeal jrith the f arntore' produce, princip-aily live stock, and j their by-products. ItWB6 als« proposed to erect a cold storagepdant. ' The c-rg'ani&ation would bo en-itirely owned by luxinere. Hitlierjo buii-ncss oi . this kind had boon in the handsof big proprietoTS, ; but he need hardlytell them that big proprietors do not pro-mote "these things lor the farmers' bittj-s-tiC and; any prolite imnet go to a limi\jMnumber of shareholders. The result tr2ithat the farmers ddii not get th$ full tid-vantage of the produce they ¦ control.They must not think that an enterpriseol due magnitude ;could be handled ;inihe same way as many at the co-operativesocieties are handled. The enoTmouB Be-»wiitd Hn thte banks must be to a largeextent farmers' money, and ii vras for theliaxmeTs to haoe, 'confidence in th'eirpowerj of managwm^nt, a»id : carry theprojecjt through to 'a successful conclu-sion..! I The speaker, described' the dotailsas to ;tjhe organisation of the society. Theyhad aoquiied a,tmte for the factory, andforty: acres oi land outeide the Cbrpora-tion_.limits of Waterford, but : wiUvin lialif& mile of the centre of th£ <&i$. It had &'iwatesr j frontage ofiaJl>out 400 yarda, with arailway running- to lit, and as far aa theycould isee all thVarrangements nxrre l«v-ourable. They had decided to set up aJafljgo1 [County Oommittee in eacn cc wecounties concerned for the purpose ofcollecting capital' and canvassing farmers¦throughout the county. It was a matterof life or death whether they owned theirown business or i others owned: it. jH ensk^cd them to take the mffU.tr seriously,as it | was a good opportuni'ty for Irish-men. ; A pood many were prepared toscorn I the business capox>ity ' of Irishmen,but he did not think that was just ified inthe least. He felt; pure, it the promoierehad:the united support of.the farrners.therej would be no dilliculty, wnawver ni(carrying the busings to a successful con-clusion, i ! ; ¦ '¦¦ \

Asked by Mr. j Ronayne if a branch ofthe business would be established in¦Clonmel , the Chairman said it was quitepossible that if pr?iiises were not, avail-able in Water.'ord l 'or Uie manuiaoiiure of(he-lby-product fl, a branch : might be e>itablished in Olonnifil. Continuing, th«Olw irman said the pror*>sfll finbra codthe iKing 's County, Qu?.cn'6 Coiiritv Kil-kenny, OarlowJ Tipperary, W'aterford anuCorkj and he belicvM th*at Limerick wasnow anxious to conie'in.

Mr! Oouxtenay, oiiganiser, advisedthem; to beware of persona going aroundtelling them that the factory is to do thifi«nd do that. Some bip cattie dealers had•been going around saving this 'vas afrozen meat business; but it was no suuf ithrhg—It was!to!put foreah mitat on themarket in thtj best posed-We condi'fion.Th^s had got an ; opportunity of covStrol-ling their own business, and tlpit wwis theitiopt inrporlsun't tJv'mg1 he saw in the psro-jecL ; To-day th ey s-vw Armoure. of, Chi-caco| lookinp for i n site in iTeJond. |Theydid not . do that fl»r tho h<»n«>n.t of thr far-TOprs, but for thi? benefiv ,of Armours ofChicago; ; j ' ;

A' County Comnuiiftce was appointed.

Irish Co Obrraive Meat Ltd

At the monthly meeting of KilmeadonCo-Operative Creamery (Co. WaUir JoTd) onTuesday night the abovo project wiia die-cussed, and it wu^ unanimously agreed,on the proposition of Mr. C. G. St.'phen-«on; (seconded by Mr Dan Lynch , that theKilmeaden Society take £500 shares in Uieproject. Tho grcate&t . satisfaction i WASexpre&sed at the l progreas already made inacquiring a site,! raising capital , etc.!,. andthose present promised to take an activepart in organising the pari sh ae ao'on asa public meeting for that purpo se id heldat Baliyduff. : j .

¦ ' • jThe following ' resolution was al>:-0; paus-

ed:— "That tlie Kilmcudon Co-OperatiyeCreamery, Ltd., .ibeing only a:few years inoxistenco and. having large liability's stillto ineet—and having taken £500 shares inthe' Irish Co-OpCrative M-eat Ltd.—asK meprosperous arid; well-established creamer-ies: of the South with largv ? mi lk suppliesand big turnovers to take at leaist £1,000shares in the project , and that the Con-trol Organising Committee be respectfullyrequested to d<> its beet to 6ee that thesesocieties contribute in shares in propor-tion to the ; amount of trade beinff doneby j them ; that the project deeply concernsevery Co-Optrfttive Society and everyfarmer fn the South of ! Ireland, and iadeserving of ';tUe beat poe . ible support incapital and jSUpplies from \ all farmers.Farmers' Unions and Co-Operative.Socie-ties" j : i , • . j .• At the iheetirtp of the Slievprue Co-Oper-ative Creamery, Ltd., on Tuesday ni^ht ,Mr R. Murphy, I.A.O.S., exp lained thenrnippt of i thd Irfeh Co-Op' erative MeatLtd.. and it >•¦* unanimously decidea ontlie proposition of Mr.• P- Crant , J-t^CbairmcSi, to |alw £500 fl.ares ,u the pro-jefc a meeting of the Suirville Co-Oper-

ative Dair>': Society on Monday it wasa?!racd to! tak« £500 shares in the-In-nCo-Opcrative Meat , Ltd.

TO TH :^ ABM TI '. ¦ . ! jOF SMOKERS.


• •• ¦ ' ¦

• ' ! ¦ ! • "

. v

~ '¦ . :

'¦¦ : .

B;REEN ? S: J B R I D Q i . :

SeuRTlKG ' TATTLE-: , . ; , '

F. Dai aty has been unable to accept tliooffer to ride Clonree id thj •Grand Na-tional, as his ^ervicee are li! :ely to be

re-quired for Gerald L. ;

' " ,T * * '* - ¦ ' ' '¦

It iaifeaid that this will ' t* the j laitseason - "61 Eri>est Piggott i I the eaddle,and thai he! intendB to Btai , in businessas a trainer. : \l ' : ' , ' ,'

¦ ¦\* « o '

Thfl ^mniint 1 subscribed towards theThe amouilt: subscribed towards mefund) for! the. ivVife and fami y 1 of the latejockey, Culleili now totals £1- 69.

It is i iteresung to Jearn ' hat a certain6portsman clceely associated " vrith tliestable is of t]j,e op inion thin J3aNybO|i?ffan)B capaole b {!|giving subs tantial weight"nnd ft - bbatinft '.to Troytown <iver the Liver-pool course., jiBallyboggan van backed to•win nearly, three thousand! pounds inone hand a few day^ ago for the GrandNational. ¦ Mi ' ' "¦ i - ; i- • • • •. •• _ .

As a redultjj of tlie Rabied Order now inforce ip England there may be no Irishcompe itora in the Waterloo Cup.. Dogscan be shipped1 across from this country,but thvir return might havb to be delayedfor an indefiitj ite period probably consider-able, 'vhich ij would mean great expense.Inquinea at ;l the D'epartmant of Agricul''ture (Veterinary Branch) (licited the factthat no exceptions can be made to theOrderj ' J > (v : ; "

Troytown , I one of tha Iiiah-trainesi can-didates, for!.the Gran d r ational , had aspill m Wednesday ih the course of agallon at the Cumujh. NsitheT the horsenor ft r. J. JR. Antlu>ny » who cams sipecsiaily to ride hin>, wai in ured, and it isbflrlievpd ttwit the effintrewnps does notdim jhe prbspeete o f . V. ajor G^rrnTd' Hgranujiookirig horse I for he bie Aintreeevent! Troytown, who.lot ked in the Dinkof conditiori, iumped the big obstadeaeasily^ but j fell at a oma 1 fence.

Tinperary]Hunt R-icea J .re to be revivedSt. pktriek> Dav has .brsn fixed for |he-*>T! «»-j >ii. <Sf j t.ho .ffi v -fuj -fj . ^ trood snortinftcomtiittee b4ve the matter in hands, andthey 'procpfjd at once to map ovit a suit-able jruid j cen tral course for the event.


¦ I ATERFORD FOXHOUNDS. .¦ : ! Februam :

Tuesday, .17th—Rathgoi mack.Friday, 20th—Fairbroo]:.Tuesday, ' 24th—Cloricw kraine.Frikayj CTth—Dunhill . . '


Monday, ' 16th—Ballyglan. :Thursday; 19th—KiJmaicow. » •Monday, 23rd—Holycrdso.Thursday, 26th—Milepdst, Co. Kilkenny

; ; ,'j . At 11-30 o'clock. !

- Wei|hed Onl;Jr 21 lbs.I Men 2 Yeii '8 Old


; ; |j . TABLETS.Mrs. : Bulfgcss, 41, Pry hian Street, St.

Hele-na, sivys :—"A^ter SJI operation mylittliJ iiditli; was always weak and puny,and ecemetl' to Ret thinncT every. dayl : Shedid riot eajj well , but just ) lay about,-a fraillittle thinjj . A.t« two yedrs old she hadn 't«egun .to svalk. She ja st wasted away, toa skjelptpri'i and what flesh there was onher jooii little bones was quite eoit. I hadtiiec e,ver>-thintr I could j lhink of for Edie,witl: out ; benefit, when ja friend, advisedme to; give her Dr. Cassell's Tabletjj . 1did , and ' -ji t waB really a^tonisliing howthey helped her. .She riieked up wonder-fully , ' &n(\ quite eoon Wan eating |"betterthan eVer ' «he had cTonc. Then she 6e-ganj to p\it on fl«;h, anti ROW >»he is run-ning aboiit ever so well and strong.'*

Dr. Cansell's Tablets ate the perfectmodem hom e romedy for Nervous Break-down, Nerve Failure , Neuritis, Malhutri-tior i , Waotin?, AncemiaJ Sleepleasne>ss, In-digostioh ,| Kidney Trouble , and Premature

' Decay. : i | Speedily 6U table for nursingmo hers qnd women of middle age. Soldby chemlpts and stor3« in all paito of theworld. ' lMcee : 1B. 3<1 and 3s., the 3s.size being the more economical. Free in-formation an any ca^ &.-nt on - request-Drj CasseH'fi Co., Limited , Chester Road ,MancheBter, Eng.

_j_ ._, .ii_ . . -f- •

RICHLY COLORED and GLOSSYHAIR may once aeain be yours ,KEEP YOUR BEAUTY and YOUTH,FUL CHARM by the use of


MOST ! EFFECTIVE , RELIABLE ,LASTING. Easy 'to use and quiteundetectable. !

. ! AH Natural Shades , fromBLONDE TO RAVEN BLACK.

1/-j V6, 2/6 , 3/C por bottlo.I'oiiage 4d. exlra per bottle.

¦Fnnn jht following Local Agenl t :—! J , U nrnian , G9 The ' Quay ,.Waterford

l 'U i i l l i i '« n J Tl.n K f u l l'" Su l l ivnn , •» The Mall . .. .itzpatrick & Co., The Quay, Waterford• .N eill A Co., Main Strtet , Carrick.\ R ;-French . Medical Hall. New Boss'.V G; vwhlt n ey . 4 Charle s St.. ..

)r. ' Ma r nier , Med cal HaU-, Fermoy.i \V;hite and Son «, Ltd., Chemists ,

[Wnterford. .Murphy 's Medical Hall , Cnrrick-on-

fiulr.: .) i lhoderck . PAtri ck St., Fermoy .1 iTyric Turner , The Pharmacy .

Carrick-ori-Sui .•V . ' - l . Nolan Ltd . <13 Main Street ,

;pu nRafvon.l nines Byrne , 2^ -27 Dublin Btreot .

: ; Clonmel.j ()r. Iroin the S( 1e Owners and: ;.: Manufac urer s :—

T. '. \n . H A R K E R , STAGQ andI M ORGAM , Ltd., " ;ii A f lT.K END . LONDON . E


i I ; . T -ACKMN G j ; ' ¦





't ¦ .-

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I'. . / ; ¦ ' • ¦ ¦ ' ? '"' - "1],1' ¦' !) ) ' '' • '¦ ' : ¦ J j

¦|V . ' ¦; to be perfectly ; ;- ] [¦

Anyone may make ' aji mis- ^S^ ^T"takoj but yx)U make no mis- Islijii^^. **>¦*> ij tp t*\ - f i i i mm

RU3BER ONED TIE I^ PRu bber Line I Ties : do;nioi '/'l^^^^lor^aso 'or wri lkle. Tlhey out- il ppS^liyeur;ordinar r ties, b^saufia \T Wthe pure rutjper Mnin'g pre- Tf lTAff W

• Serves tho pilk. ¦; 1' j I | //l f/ : l\

| Sold in all qualities ifrom I f : \] f fl '. j lo. 9d- ui>. ;Ask your Draper */; I I I ! \

I A*1 Oii+fittlftr in RIIQW VOU one. f / i £\V ¦ tt

. ;¦ . '\ ~ : i : i j l - " ; j

'¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ i \ - i -


" 1 ! l |yoju can bet ; I '

; ' ! 'X' n- : ! I¦ _ . your .bottom ¦ ; : I J

-¦: , ' ¦ ¦'' ' ¦

J i * ¦ ¦ i i i; • .: that ijwhbhr lyou : j \ \i - 1 , > i : i . . ; i .are not feeling;tip toi thc

: V • : i I

¦ ¦• i i ¦ ¦ ¦•¦ !

:, there is nothing to i i: . equal aj dose of i I ' ' : !

.• M J :.T,: ;1' ":..m. ^^I I il I I ¦ . . { ¦ ¦¦ i ' . ' ; ¦! '

t3EEbH^M| S• pi iiiisj i

1 Ml - - - ! :iWorthj Q ! ; ' .

* ¦ i f L - ' •! a box. :I I ¦¦ ! ! ••


¦1 • • 'I i : i ! : . ¦ : ¦ '

! . ' : : !

! ¦ ¦' ' ¦ ¦ -'' ~'' \ ) -


'r : i : : !r

: i


KHAKI Serge Riding Breeches,; goodconditions l Ssl j 6d. paj ir; \ Large

Wliite Fleecy Blankc'e,] well; whipped,new , ! the "Nora" brand, I63L 6dJ ipair ;Ladies' Real Scotch Tartjan ^ool Skirts,Blaci Watch; pattern] j all siises, as| new,9s. 6d. each; Blue] Serge TroiiserB,! eoodiquality, aU si es, 10sil6d^ Blue : Serge'Trou'&'srfl ,. better qua'ity , as mew;, 1 13a.;Bluel Serge Trousers, absolutely new, 21B ,¦genuine ¦bargaih.ij . Khiki Dj^ll Ore^ralle,6s 6d.,, and~ Kfiaki l>ri D Jajckets, |. wi'.hpockets, 6a< , 6dix eaoh^ : Arimly View Re-Soled Boots. ii2s. i6d .[ :; pai^,! aU| kizes :Waterproof Rubber Ground Sheets, 72 x36, brass eyelfjts , "% for 8a.: '4 for ]5s. ;Large Canvas|jOart Covers,] about 6 ft.square, with brass oytietB, 6s. 6d, ,eacib ;Black Pegamoid Waterproof! Overcoats,slightly soiled1.1 las |6d. eajch ; BlackRubber Combination ;Suits, i soiled,' complete with SouWesterj 16s. i 1 Large Aus-tralian HeavyilWkxil Blankeii, 2^> perpairj bargains j |New Full-Size ArmyiBlan-Ws, 30s. pair, best bargain l ever offered.

:SAGARSJ 8TORfi9, !6P Hyde Bo j i, Ardwiok, |Maaiehj&ster.

WISE AKb TJIRIFTT ipEOPiEwill sit down at ornie and sendj forBargain Ios!ts in Burplus; Clothing,

i I etc.'iio ' ' ! ¦



pPlgVj ! \ r

rx-sja rSr l SoId I! J 2r~~sx&f i$Q£\ cerywhiire )fe- ^EBg^iSSjTiji -


by \lit^pfl "ciEh" !' -Eg^Sqlsg lf and in the

I ¦

j i • ; - I u_


1 1 f

I ' '

H nWAs RQ ' WJLS tfi .3ido. Skinv iWoot and Tallow Merchant

J Horse nnd pattle Slaughterer ,YHOMAOJOTnCCT, VVATEBFOBCVi 1 1 . . .

Is prepared to remove Dead and |Dieabl»-Horses and j Catt fe from any place wi|i>L»|r»diu s of Fifteen;Milea of WaUrtord .ipn : prepared toi pay Higher Prices tb»<any other 8rra. /All Animals ImmedUteltRemoved ori| receipt of Telegram , Lett*or Posicaid.j; |

I Please jNote Addtesa:—1COWARD jl WALOH , THOMAO Ol

! ' iWATEnPORD. ; j '

I TeleRrama:—"Walsh , Thomai B»/ CP--Waterford."; i ] : [

COUNTY |OF ! WATERFORD^Datea flxtd bV the County Cornell 0

Waterford for hiding 0! Quarterly WIngs, for tho year ending 01st May, 1W3

! i ! *

2 |l!r" B h' l s $ i$ > jI s* £5555£ ^S 53 fl I1 2 oci o OT -<nn to r> 0 *£a 10 S

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- - rrp - T r- * SI ' - ' j ; i ' I " : U l ¦ I'¦ FOX'S A teraiive bog Pfiljls, also Worm ! and DistemUr PdllaJ Rfj^J? *=£Efficient. Shciuld be:g|ven wijen Dog is showing signs of j iiinesa : ] ^|

I*"v .

Jiht! drams'. ; A. splendid jpurfeball , and;easily adtnif eied. : |

; ;

| i ¦ All th<|! abbvef Preparations'' are prepiirec only by :• ; : ; :: ! I " v Mi t t t i J - FOk, M l P \. $ \ i l ¦ j j ;


Cu^mevs- 'own Veterinary! *>— !A4rM' f *f *ff * - j j¦ ' i ! '¦ j I I i I ;

"if I ¦ : ' .i _ ijJ__

M 1 - ;. ; ! i . ' ' PtEASE NOTE THAT ' f f • ! ; | U

I E IDWAJHD i6'K|SEFB. f ^ S S ^ P}« Payij Righeet PHoea for| Dead and EJiBaHed Horsek and , Cattle) ; fame A

Q rompved from «tny place within a roakonBhle dist-a, ice f^nm wa^ij ford . ;1

!X Mil Aoim al 'a immediately removed on receipt ! of Telegrams: >

I Jjj O'KEEl' K. r .RACKniEU.! j WATERFORD. OrJ by Telephone N, o tlO. ;£

|J{ piiheat Price* paid for Live Holies brought to oar Wbrki., apd ,i «|) Canh paid for j aatn e b? out Manag«»| on deliT^ty. I j . ¦

j ; ' S

'^ b 'Kep f ip '* piy.1 H lj rh|or Prices than uny other Plnn.l . I \ \ |T

,0-3 fy| -tf^* ^^^"""TTTTI'I 1 TT'f-¦

1 L ¦ .L


¦] ! CHI\fERS' ,

DElllCIOlIS I ' AM B] \ \ '\ ! ' ¦ • ! : ; '

kid MA^MklLADEj ; ¦ '. «

.' Pricej s 1 ,'7J to I^IOJ pOi 21b. Pot .

jUkdon $ ^mIWAT ^RFOR D


: ¦ NEW ROsdPHONK - o . 13-2. I , - j 1 ' J

3mp<f rtant to farmers!' ¦ ! : I

I ' ¦ '

* !


TBJi'rim^ii feromimi3O J OHN 8TFJEET , JW /VTE RPORD

: = ; " h — !I



f : Electee Flafsli Liamps , Electric

WilL Beilsii JJ alt e 'riesJ Bulba , PetroliWi?> Lig hters , Flih tSj .j Wick , Gaa

W-2 Light-ers; etc, ' jyf \ GRA .WOPllONE 'SPRINGS &i;cj NEEDLES, ! ( CXCLES , Tyrbg.

& Tubes , Lamps. : BeUB . Pumps ,

F*3 Pedal 1 , CKains. | Handlebars ,otc. ; [ Illustrated List Free.

bv ; j Trade Supplied . J


' I ¦ ; M !! j1 . 1 1



' l i i , r, ; - I T BLOOD T

\£i I /j ftlrn f l Mj l DRAIN AND It—3 U tot U u iia'iv' tfcnvE root)

trl»l| nottl» «lth » « EffSfiJT i« . W\ ^>n« ChMnliU o»

t - T f i l A U P~A"dKMt uRY UCPUTAT IOH.T

no* ic nr'in' c piUv-s POR THEiJlUi I.Ei ULtnU O UIV E R&K'ON^Y SIDTUutble lor iueiiKt ol thclo Imporl^nt orjui

!i.Tje»4l»t Cfcemfitt lor t)t> I.K CLFItO HED.jC OluifEBSTOni< BIT, « « f Lnsnos. BN QIJIND

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~J~M PURE BLQOZf^1!1 1 1 ¦

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io (;»••!: of Chetf pnd Jbro»tT- ;oles lit givislalmds^ tnaglcal¦ tt 'ii iPrloa Hji 'M "I* F**6o:. !ol PUli or *pk or Oipftmnoti

J .L - I ! t JI ' " ! : !M&LEHK SH IV I? ! V'i'T ":" il :

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i 600 Pa is Kip Ciirlj for dispo ^ aJj at ! oKUnvinp r ric^i-CluWhih ., ^.|d;; | V-;men 'fi and yWlis . 7s Gd ;,mei |, ta., W,imod shii>os!:hand-nmde: soles , irpi)Cd|an<Jfficd I W P i O'Shei i The Ce l ,trf 1 Boot:BSetio ge> 'St|reyt. and , Q^yr R . ! ,; ? . ) . ; : : : i l l ! : l l I ' - ' Ui :

THE . .I .TAIRBA INKI S ]vip R i ^ \ ;.j |


¦ T" ' ". ",—rrr —j Ft fHAMBl '- St.

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[ ' ; . ' I I ; ! .' ¦ \_ " - r \ ¦ ,

Phdrmiu g I• •

¦ : - - i •

¦ • I km . - :

Distinctive: ' ! • . ¦ j! j

Milliilery:I Modelsi ¦: i :

Beautifully- ¦ j TailoredSliirt Blouse

Dainty ! Frocks fo:¦ i i ! ; ! ;'

'¦ \ . : ¦ i Wsifcetfed ¦ '• !

¦- . ; . •

' ¦ i

• ••



I - i j : ¦ I 39 i Q lllY !




. '¦ ¦ : ; THE SPECIALI I : . ! . I

Ifflsl j ij Eeodls |ffi @ Sjpeciiraf¦ | ' i ; !

; ¦ ¦ I i ; M;


80 j hQjI A.1H, Waterxbr d

¦__ mmmmia ~mmmm . ' '

t> ; :i} :JS j I ; •

@- -Ca5 i=:©«>^—


85 < I . i < ! ¦ ; : ¦ ! ¦ ¦

¦ ; ! . • f

il@idl Mteirii(§i 4I - ! ; l i : 1~^ ^~~ fi Haveinow Equipped and .Staffed ,'a lmost .!!

i i " iiiFPki&TMFphp i IX l , Hir iUf lt i lvil il IVHiwl u Ji <J

i . - M ; j CP-o-g: . i' . . . . $£

1 i ! ' ¦ ! ¦ ! I ! i ¦ (Sic| AT THEIR BAKERIES AND 8ALE SHOPS, :: '. . . ***•At Wpterford , Traraore | and | j! Carrlck-on-SuIrI A CHOICE AND VERY ATTRACTIVE ; HSPJJAY OF BIGtf CAKES, H^(PLAI^



' ¦[ > I ti

j;^ PUREST MATERIALS OBTAINABlJo l|'IM . i i j ' JQj .ir i ¦ ¦ . iHJJI : ; : ; ! ; :- " ! . : ; | " ! V !|

I ^OF OtlR JOONFECTIONERY Vf l lj J BE AS bNRIVALLEJ A8 ! If¦fi> i t ; ' . ' . . . . . v ;r J .' .¦

.:: ; l|. i . 1 . v . - i : * .;§


?elephpBej ?i2O lW«tOTfdrd. 0


ig^ ei ^wi l'.->¦ 'iiiJl!^ ' : : >ON'T .FAIL":

I fifl 116 'ro SEE OTJR v¦ ¦ ¦ .

¦¦ * ?HI8- JWBEK.:V

tt'J . f t td- ¦ ¦; ¦ ¦.

¦. ¦:¦¦

¦. i

: ? :

uMity © Vatae

I ' j . • - - ¦ ' , • • ¦¦ • • ¦ ' ¦ '¦ '

; | fewest t; I Designs ;

• L : IN . ¦

51 oats ®> SkiptsGowr Sn Coats :

Coat Frocks< • • AND

! I " ' - ' ' '

. Eoot^ear 1¦!

" ¦ i


| ; -. - I

far iittle l Folk

anil OUTilTTERi i

¦ • ;

ft-» g=S55Bg« C>( 55ss5ih:-O .. i i- - :! i

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. ! i ' M .

¦ / ; i - : ¦ ! :-$*

I I ' ! , ' i *^ **; : ; i • i: L - • • : : ' i - . • h i : :. : ¦ ! ¦ ! . ' U .

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! t«vf - fAsTf r; :»|.:!; THEY 1 W* PI| ... .ygpp

¦ . :, THE .TlJRIFli 1 . 'ff ' • I " THE MOST F'

I LET ! US TAILOR YOUR NEXT 1! • ! , ! . i * i -M i .

i 1 1 . - L A L' ¦¦J i - : ' ' I i

j ' ' ' ¦ • :





ivnU BRING; !YOU AI ; | KAN(! j - I • i - ¦ I ; !PATTERNS. i : :

I i ! i ! ' : ,' ; i ¦

147 , -Qu 'jsiy, Wjati i ' i ! ¦ l . i


J '¦ i i M I ;


BilfckAJELi -SEii - 1

ds :¦ ¦©—g£5 ; ?—cbrf

I ! ; ' ¦ i 1 i

| 01© QteOMo 7 ft(For jConfe^tionetny i o'-. i i ! ^—IfH*THE SERVICES OF A !HlGH-Cr^SS OO


DRANCH t Soav^ow fjiptel ,

; " I TR \RI I ¦ ' • '

' When at the Seaside you can always rely on ,best'' at! the SEAVIEW. Confectionary and I

Chocolates. Sweete , eti., by Best ; Mak©—?—5ss ; ©-—^— -^—Q e-rr*—

'• I I I : . . ! !

i ! ' ¦ ¦

! :

1 1 ; ' : . MEANS !! i :•


dMij ies i £11 ¦ ~ I I ;


. / : *' ! : ' ¦ ¦


' : ; .- .

. ^S j//-MAPE IN THEJiOLEANrS 'J ^ANL J I KST : EQ L) IP!PH\ '¦ ' . ¦


'h. : is! | ; BEIST.- . ; i i N ;

; • , . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . :¦

; : ¦ ¦¦

: : "":SMITH'S Cftkef, Gateaux, Scones .ip d Bunsl ar lc of ;H . i ! ^ ¦ :

; ;> \ :; j • ! : :

; Highodt j QuaHty and DaintieH Finish/; : , .¦

. ' : h|

' : l . l ! RESTAURANTS A|ND; SHOPS: / : : ' ' i ': j : ;

.; . : : . . ! : '

S%ei@fs ^o 4^1 :^a^Waieffcd i ' . tit"* * ¦ 1 I - L . 1 l » . ' i l l " l f " ' ' I " l l ' " I

X \ f "\ f l '¦ \ ti J !' •".,' L.. -L I

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' ' ¦ ¦ i ;- i j : ; i ¦ i '¦ ¦ I ' - : . ¦¦- I ; : ; I i | ¦ ii ^ i ^^i r 9 . '; ¦ \a£S \" : i i Wf l tERf iQRB , ¦!! - ; ' ; . ^

;. ! KOVIS BREAD THAT IS "HbVlS.": | L \ ' U

: I . I ; : 1 : ii in : ri^^-#;; . : • i j

! l - ¦ ¦ ;

i i v i!'l:ii ; !

: vi :

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! IAfBRI C :AND j¦ ' ¦ ¦:{ - i I¦.VERY , -FIGUR]1 : h i : 1

irBCi'LY. TtaEr , MAN WHO ¦







)1ULri ord.



STS. i:6i -6. ¦

: | ' Crraia jl?{|w,VATERF(!)RD. ' i _ :¦ I !

iii i : ;.

N ail kill iFEOTIONER , » » , . Manure A] aO^AL. . i i Telegrams :iRS, TEAS. TTO. (ti ¦ [ '

[©RE I ': ¦

'I ' i , ¦ ! e=^=retting everythinp; ' K>f tho \\ '

irojvn Bread fresh darly. I ¦ ' i

iS^SLj Wit

tOp or

! i



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\ A [\*N T : . ' Stock<-i : 1 ' TESTii): ' T w-

© . . J B ji, , : :

J ! M1 ' a!V(

3| : - ! ; : BARL' I j j ' Head Offi<

' ' , Manure A''¦¦ i Telegrams


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I i







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4TYLE . |I

3l JFOR " !. '!

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WANTS : : ;

^o> » 1 j <3235«&-r53ir-O-»!»-¦ ?-?J?

ted. ; J/ ! |!i{ ; . ! ; j |

* :! ! WE HAVE [JUfll kECEIYEi) iil,AHG: E CONSIGNMENT OP i i|! ! ;-| ! ^;Ifidp:; iu, i i : ; : :ft

N, HAliF-POUND AND ; POUND| I CbNTklNEB8 i^L8O S7BE& ft' !i |.

¦ I f I FILLEpTSECTIONS. I ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦

- j n1

I : $6b<kl f c : Mdki M . g@.,: £U.- ' ISi : i | j- ll.WATERFOB J, - ASp . JBEiN(]jHEfl. M : | I g1

IL .I j : i = Ml :. ¦ I I - = !: 1 i . i i ¦ ' 1 . j : |IN o^s«:«

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! ^ j ^-1

eidsmei , Flo .I :[ .; : ||w«ot^

5 Best Bri .:ids tf Cakes,; \Ad j a-nc Sol|i atJLovrest 'Mi5D. SBEDB; whk:i uktti |3L|pai) C<pMP|0UNDS crffral ed reputation i !

. I 1 ¦ ll ! i | J

; Isi6i , S: ag,|SulphafJe oi J. ij

il4bl4 Fertilizers Soldat!lyj pripardd. i ijHIG/HES1]EY. AND' WHEAT. ^ ! Vi l l : ; I ;¦ , ; I - ¦ i I je: JOHN^S LANE. - |anufJctorj: GRAJCEDI: Kellkr Co./ SViltejriprd.

1 Z'i I . » '1-I^ V

j ¦ ¦ :

t^fffi I ;.f : I '



^f\ii-piSJ ^fi; .; :!URJwilWdwS ^ F; : ' Ii ! I


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"% ] dibits ; .' ©. Il i : ' I ! Til / -!i. ! i r ! i i : il

l: .'t;Lf!KJ^ !l ! .l; ¦:i : ! ! : i ; . i - T. v ; ? ; i t 1 :l ¦:N!i ' !U:f h iI . !


r ^c uctionsmade in everyle'j edtiy freiljGO ; led or outabSTirdiy lor ;Te'nns of Sa is

II i _

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C>R : TFng ! UNIQU E 'Dii[jjjjjj

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Irj lSPLAYlNi 1! I ! -M ¦ • !


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t |l|i! ; : ( I % I .W GOING ON; - ' : ¦ • ! :

! 1L_ '' : J ! :! !¦" : 1 j

a ': \ v'9?pirt 2 scale will i 'beDepartment, i even in the

irbo!ds!. and anything shdn-¦¦

' i i | ¦ • . 1 1 ' - . 7 1

1of ^oJds will: be sold' ^atipces..; ' Cash; i the only

! i i ' ' I ' ¦ ' ¦ i '

" &' : C©., vbdJ,1 I ' I ' ' i . ; : i ¦UAYJ WATERFORDJ \

I \

i :,¦ !$¦ . £ , \

, : : hi , 0 T ! i PHone 10S-'"¦:

' '¦ I : na j - ; ^p f '1 ¦

I i '

(t . dSi?©wit^

¦ r - U l :

Mrs of Kelly 's Celebratedh\ ¦ - • ¦ : . ! W \ : *' I I ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

r |and Meal MerchantsALE ABjp | SETAIL).! j : j M ' ¦ ;als.i Feeding St iffs , Poultry iFooda , etc;,ket ! Prices. ;i W< > supply 'only-; th© : BESTa oo njtinctjo i iwJth our ;inco 'mparable BONEI 3P iClAL|! MANURES; ! have established:

' I - h ! Ii • : ¦ ! ¦ ¦ N ¦ ¦ ; :

I i - : ! : 'h i . ¦ • ¦ ! ' - " i '¦ ¦ :

snia; Nitrat e- of Soda, Superphosphate , and > .oweijt I Prices ' ; Clients'! i special j \mixturt» \MARKET (IPRICES PAID FOR OATS.•i M ¦ ' M: i ' ' ij . i L ! ! ; . ¦• 1 - h - i I I . i ' : ii i j i l , : : 1

I 1 Braixpi vg: O'CONNELL STREET and. I ¦' .

' !.: ; ' . iTOHN i BTRRKT 1 ! '

:qj , j iWatiBLISHEDi i isiS],. . '¦ ' ] ]

1 : - l h \ - ¦¦¦ | j : h , ,i i f : • ! > ¦ 7

[JfG liailORS AND ' HATTERS, j ' ¦ \1 ' \n [ ; i I: '' ¦ !. : : : !h- : : ' • •

¦Ge ^gb'ih 8tree*.i- ' :

^ I- i i l I I h r i '. i

¦ I : i - ¦ •: . . . ' ¦- ¦¦

1 i



m^m; mmm

i n o^yiitem^ worn :©@yONE GROSS LOT CHILDREN'S I CHECK 1 BAR SLIPPERS, ".©atlicr Solee, eizes 4 to 6,1 SALE PRICE 1/11; Sue's 7 to 10, 2/4J . ¦ ; j i : ! ! ' •FORTY-EIGHT PAIRS DITTO .GREY AND RED VELVET, So id Leather Soles and Heels.l sizek! 11 to|l only] SALE PRI CE 3/6}. . I I - ! , .NIXETY-FWE PAIRS VELTET, WARDi SHOES, One Bar, LW Rubber Heel, W arm Lined, iiik 3 to 7, BALE PRICE, 5/8. " ! ; : : • ,SEVENTY-TWO PAIRS GLACE IALX-LEATHER HOUSE SHOES, Rubber Heol,: One BaifGoocI Wear Soles, fall sizes, 'SALE PRICE 5/6. j i jONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT PAIRS HIGH-CLASS VELVET COURT SHOES, also inJ Bar ,' Smart Covered Heel, SALE PRICE 6/11; worth lOe. j6d - : . ¦ !.MOCCASIN BOQTS AND SHOES FOR MEN.—Entire Stock of t hese Fine Welted Boots and Shbt k Blneks and Tans, 27/6 and 29/6 to clear ; Original .prices, J1-wtok ,- . . - . : :

¦ ¦ ¦ " l i j i ! • ¦¦¦

• I ¦¦ . . ! H—'¦!¦! : I I " ' • fi»., l«& , " 50B: ;: | i- " SEE WINDOWS TO-DAY. HEMARKAPLE REDUCTIONS ON SEASONABLE STO CK SEE WINDOWS TO-DAY. | i . !.-. ; <

The ©ent&l feoot :BtoresP tfelita ; t 1S! (Si© M \ ¦.¦ .

¦ • - MM ! ¦ ; ' : . i j I ' M I"" ¦ ¦ ¦ ; l - . i I. • • '¦ ¦ '. i ":. i 1; f • r

! ! .'

! • = ! !• - I |i; i r v ¦ ¦ - . = 1 1 :

Xj adie^' Balbriggaii - Hosiery¦ ; : '1 ' : ! l ' 4 ! • —IILL_!—:— j ¦ ! -v • ': v j . - .

¦ ¦/ : : j . i : ¦- . ^

¦ i ¦ M ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ! • ! . I ¦' ¦

. :


' . '¦ ' ' : i M ; . f : ¦

ia,dies? ; Balftrigg&n Mosieryi IN^CASH-MERE, LISLE THREAD & COTTON, IN ALL COLORS. .


¦ ! i ¦ , i ;

| • • ¦





. - i ' ¦

M ¦ [ . ! - I . j

¦ ! ¦¦/ - V : i i t inSPECIAL NOTE—WE HAVE ONLY 0

i i ; i i ' ; ' ¦ ,'¦


86, 87, & ne, QUAV.j WATERRORO__ ¦ ' : l i ! __ : jjT ___ __ _[ - ' H I . - :

I 1 ' , .i .- I ! I1 1 ¦ ; l Qi ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦




IJef 1 ^ual ity.|




¦ : ! .


; ! ¦ : • !


• ¦ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦¦ ; ¦ ' !

i THE RELIABLE DEED HOUSE,' ¦ : ! ¦ ¦ ! : I

¦ j

I J M Water ford1 1 1

i " V ¦ -

: ; "¦-

. "• " 1 H^^



: j 50 YEARS A BUYER: i : j -

PROMPT PAYMENTS. i : | J "i I HAMPERS SUPPLIED! ; ' :¦ ¦ j I : I i

: • ¦ ¦ . ¦ ! . : I • ! ¦ i



!P. iBARRYi ' ii ; : ! : • ¦ : ( ! !


; WATERFORD. ¦ | j , .! i . i - :. : ; i -

Tovra and Country Orders care ully• and promptly attended; to.


I [ i —— : Mi¦ All Requirements Stocked' -\T LOWEST : PRICES-r

WATKRFOR1) & DISTRICT: WORKERS: COUNCIL iAND LABOUR PARTY .;' • - j ¦ ' !' i ' ' ' ' ! '


I ! COMCESTfs!,: j _ :>ill be held in ¦ ; :

THE LARGE 'ROOM, TO\V^ HALL,i .; . :, j _ ON J- 'I ! ! !!: MONDAY| AND TUESDAY,.-; j FEBRUARY ISA and ' l7tl> ,

I . "' j In aid o( tha ;j , jMptor P&rmit Strike |?and

Superb array of locai talent iiicludinR the¦ ¦ i i ! jfb lloiring :—; '1J I i _ . . ,

Mr. Maurice^ F. Miirroj . Mr. i Patrick

JJolaa, Mr. Jorin Nolan , Mr. Job* Power ,Mr Liam Walsh CAUjIreland Gold Medal-Jkt) . Mr. Larry !Clooney , : Mr. |iiicna«i¦Harri-on. Mr/ Jiuflas Conmntton Mr-

i ^rirfopher ! Coridoo ; Mee4*..! Joseph

i STstep Dancers):., M»|!Ma« O'Neillffirft Griffiths), Wss U\j Wjmt, Miea

! Voiephine Far^ell, Misfl UJyiOMynn. M»B6UUinic Tucker <GoM M«ta}lM()i 2bu May

^nUpufcn Wwmer ' All-Ireland Dancingi !SamSsh%^s0K^rn^d Coffey.1 O6L& B&ddtfats;:!; Misses ;•;*%» Healy

i FiaJwrty. ' i ; ]' [ ' l ^ : l . \ ' ' : { ' ; 1 : ¦; ¦ ¦

i ' Protewr HARRY JlctJARTftf. jILRfcA.

! '¦[ ' , ; i ilocoinpW«{»r' 1 : ^' z ¦'¦Jftti M.>;iMiirxay and.Mrt.poli^Power.

! 'hiaBM 3 i\¦ilfl" . - 1';-:-- :j poop epei -T*.':1- ' iP<f«r«W.:^'*'P-ra

Lowest r rices


: ¦ 1 AKD


WHEREAS, the C'arrioft-on-Suir Uxba ni District Council have presented a

Petition to the Locnl Government Board{or Ireland praying for a ProvisionalOrder under thJde Acte ;

AND WHEREA^ . i the proper advertise-ments have bei'ii 'i piib 'lished, notices sci-yed, innd plans deposited for pub^io in-Bpcctaon : . j |

AND WHEREASJ the 5aid Council 1I»T«app lied to the Lcx ril Govt-rnment Boardfor their sanction; to a loan -of £45,003 fortlifi purpo^s of erwtinp WorJcing ClosaLodping-lioiises nhiler the Housiuc of thoWoi king Cliispoi; (IK-land) Acts.

NOWTTH EREFORE , the Local Govern-ment Board hereby; Rivi: notice :—1. That the purport ol the proposed Or-

der is to empower th' o Council to putin :forcc the powej- s of ' the Landa ClausesActs with respect, to j the purchase ari dtaking, othenvipa than by ngrcemfij t.ol: the lands get forth in the Petitionof ; the said Council, |the dtnoi innation sand quantities ; oj which were ataU-d mthe said advertisement i and describedin tho said Petition ,) for 'the purpose oferccti-ng Working Class Lodsinc-housi'sunder the HoUoin^ of the WorkiiiR'C!ai:««j .s (Ir elan "d> Acta .

2. That they have instructed their - In-sjj w.-t<ir. T. I-'.1 l^trahnn , Esq., to makea ' LoeaF l i u i i i uy ! into' said Petition , andas to the propri ety of afrvontinj r to thepraj v r tlioj eof , -itn d also to hold a Lo\-alI- - " j -- - — — ,

Inquiry in tht- inatter ' of the app licationfor sanction to the Kaid ' Loan of £45,000,and to report to ' thom tlieroon ; and thatiho aid T. F. iStral um will attend 111the Town H all , Cunick-on-Suir , onTu.'siliiy, 17th Uay of Fi -bru ary, 19'ii,at tho hour of ; eleven o'clock a.m. tomake inquiry n^cordrnply.

3. That ail person s interested will bo per-mitte d to attt -n 'd and inake objectionsto ilie proposed Provisional Order , aniiall ratepayer !in the . aid d^trict niayat!ond at the .inquiry and make objec-iioit to paid Ij ti.in being sanctioned , or

^.npy su 'oh obj ectiona may be fonvard&lto the Local (iJovenimcnt Board at thei rOffioo. Cimtoin House , Dublin , to be r<^ceiv«'d thcie xi» or bfforu ' Monday. t > i < i

: ir .t l i day of Fchtuarj - , ll>20.By order of^he Board.T' ARTH UR ID. CODLINO ,

; Secretary to the llousing CommittrrHpu ^iii f ; Department^j Local Goyfrnmont Board ,

DublHn ; H th i February, 1920.

L O S Tf i K REWARD-City of Monte Vidoo

«*l/Bond No. j JJ01317 (nstlpss except tooWner). Abovn reward will be paid for tli-erecovery of earafc. '

,! HARVEY AND SON,! : 12. Gladstone Street. Waterford.


TMMEDIATEI payment of RATE8 DUEX is requestod . I shall b© reluctantlycompelled to t 'nkc Proceedings for oil out-standing Rtitr * . without any furtherNotice. . i: l : ;. ¦ . . ;'¦:¦ !: I M. ROCKETT.

M i - . ' ¦ :" " : ' ; ;;.,: i

:H . ; ^ - ,. :J -;

: •¦¦. -^ ¦¦ :-/ i

'' ¦} . ¦¦ ¦. - .1 'b

IL : : i L: ¦ ' ' • :

?' " ' | : = ' ¦ ¦ ; ¦


¦' • ' - ": i ;;""[' . I; ! : ! !.i "

tie©s Bargains

i I '¦

¦j i : ! ! : _ ;


i i - !¦ • ¦

TO-t^lGHT at 8 c 'clock ,! ' ! I ' M !



i i :|o!LEt- . : ¦: ':Fully HiriiiShed , froj n let Hay to 1st Oc-tober, ' Charminp : Seaside Residence,' Co.Wexfora. ' Three Reception Rooms, 7 Bed-rooms , iiidj Dressing Room. : with pleasure-grounds arid fully stockel; fruit andvegetal e gardea?.' App ly, No. 345, thisoffice. : ! ' : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ '. ',

VT EW S j vyintcd! of Jajmes O'Brieri ' ("Jim '))!.native of WateTford , who

went tc )Amer ica apout 40 years ago. Anyinformation:] gladly acknov ledged : by hisbrother ,' JohA O'Brien , 13 King's PlacedRushdin , NcJrthanta. |

f f l $ \ W aierf oj & .ftosPAY , FEBRUARlf 13, 1920.:


DISfSICT "(iOSSXPINFII ^IARY BALL. f¦All i^hting and heating nj -rcuigesmen 'stor ;t3iiiS| ent' .'n«uiiment wexe done free ofcharge by the Wa-torford j as Ooniuariy.

j 1 I ; , . ; JIESSAG-E 1-TlOM THE POPE. '¦¦

During :tli4j last day& a the HlneaD oithej ia1. M

TS. Richard O'Mahoney, Gur-

t«en ¦ Tjj rr'acfe, Tramore, l e x family hadthe; Jepicity 'of rxdevdng 'ip>m tOie Pope'sSecretary a lelegTam of w licGx Hie follow-ingi is a! trarislaition:— ' !

'The Holy Father sends the Apo*-to k Brineaic'.iion asl ed for thi»; in-

; Talid laoy, Mahon«y. _ ,CARD. GASPARR1


It Was 4iaiod in Carrkk-m-Suir on Wed-nesday j that! on tlfo previous ni«ht threemen eiitei et) a lipuee Ln C astle street dur-ing tl|e absynce of the iv« ideals and tooka shot jj un.i The occurrej ico U regardedJn 'Carrick pretty much «s a jok » on thoowner . I j ' | ' •1 \ U \ ' —:PATl RDlv Y NIGHT'S CEILIDH,

11H ^Ceilidh announce^ for Saturday

night ¦ next j lias be«i postponed until afuture date.1 • ] :

I I ' ¦ I

LIVE STOCK SHIPMENTS.Last iwieek ' s shipments from Waterford

were fe62 cattle, 752 sheep 1. 1;266 pigs, and12;horso3.;] jRAMPX N T | HYPOCRISY. ' ,

Anyone; who harbours a doubt a|bout1-he trickiness and i ¦hypoprisy—to use noeiiwnj er i Expressions—oi . Mr. Illoyd<.i<-orgti ha:^ only to rvaj l his Bpoe^-h titWj fcstj ininstisr on We<Lnc«daiy about theniLtionalisation of mines . ' Ho declaredirj wik |bcst.!tub-ti i iun])uid manner ((hat he"would fkiH. riur".i't .to tholend" iij ;ainpt thothf-o/y that "a ])riviiegwl minority"piiouj d ruU- t7i« "ninjonitj y. 'SMliat .' maywe apk , is the case of Xl is country ? MrLloj'd i Ge«Tge and his ">uppcts will notiperniit LMi i majority in iValaj id to ; Tule :the Irish pation linifj t be ruled 1 by a" prjvilcscd minority " — the rott enOran genneii in North-Ea ;t Ulster. Iridi-men all oy<T th ? globe- and dewnt En?-liehmen .1 iwssessed of a modicum d:' in->:«Hi|!renc(>-^mu3t be ja liv^

to Uie absurdityof th' e-verbal antic^of .thje W'is-h Wizaid.

Moyfor siON SODALITY .; Tlhi annual election if of fureis for tin-

MV)ifiit Sion Sodality wi 1 t ;ik t ; pi.u -iMn.'x tSunj lay.. Al l the meit i lers aiv n.-qiic.-rt i (1to 1 e present .

THE BKJ; TH REE'S K NORANCE.j The Peace Conferenc ¦ is culculaU-d 10recall tin Tower of B ib.-] Tin? I t a l i an1' re'miur cannot pp cj ik n t in- Enirlwh orFr<'Tich : l;ineunt:e ; the Fn-ndi Premier^•vntilot ti ilk in Italian < r in FLngli.sh . andihc Endi^i Prerrlicr. tl ou<rh hp hiis .awnittcrin'g o1.' French , dare not ; t -tn ? tfliiniHe -lf , t> > indulgo in o, aldri .n l oinbur:-t s¦in j tlib Frenoh l anu ur t c . and h iis kn ow-l<xlge . of Ita.'ian is nil. The nbs Miw ofUncle Sfw knocks tlu- ftufT ing: o i^ t -of t lu 1whole business. | |

P. |H. PKARSE HURL Nfi CLUB. ,TTlio p i inual general IUMI in 1-' <>f ;i l u - l' i

II. P/Mrcc HurJij j g Club , Fonybank j willbe hsld on Sunday nep,'; after 111o 'clock"SU m, in the school grounds. The busi-ne^ to be transacted w»M be of «i ini j-po -tasxi natirre, and w It include, eW otioha'. ^fl^o.^Ts. nominatioj ^ for delcr-'; 1'!?'1 K*1AT -Irelapfi Coven !ri<>n , etc. All hicrribcrfand thoHo wishing to ]join are Earnestlyi^uested to be pros?m. ¦" :

LARCENY Cll.KTU iV.. ' ' ¦• '• ipn. |\Vjedne«lay a W ixford man named

K^lly, ; resident in V 'nlerford , v> a&\ con-veyed und?r eooort to <illinic.k, Co. .Wex'-fo d , M+lere he is bcin? chairged with : thela-ceny iof 13 lnmba . th-2 propei ly of : ufa -ihc.r fro m :Qiat locality . It in tiii ivllthat the animal* \v re ' purchased ! bvWaterford dealers, j ¦-, j ,

COKE.PRICES. ' ! ;' i i: First Mass coka ia ..j n'owirabfe 'in. GTpatByitoin for about £2 -, -. tan. The price o|<cc ko in; Wattrford is £4 a ton. 1 - i

BIG' PllICE FOB TK(REE SALMON'rUh^ oalmon, wnirfiJns a latal of 04

idSj were on exJ»iWti)n jiasterday at ti eppernisi's of; Mr. P. Krrby, Oa>rrick-o:i-SUJT. At 4s. a jiouj i l the fJireeW naimt nhf aiip hl £18 16a. to the cat f ishenn*n \Wl odipt»K:'d tlioui. Oni of the j salmon

.Woisfhorl 461bs. . i: | , | i1 ' l . i : i ¦ ¦ ¦ • - -i i . ! '

iyi»ifflp;iR f^;- if, ; i!!?a[:ii•¦¦ . •¦;.qitjr ' j^ifxyj- pEssibNs|l

GOVERNMENT ipjROFIlEERlING r¦ f . ; .|| m SUGAR. ¦

j ! . !

MR. McCOJy , ISOLtctTpR, MIKEB l;i

¦ ¦ ; : JBE|V£LATI6N. : ; j i . | 'I : ii I : '• I

¦• ; 1 !

The ! City B^tty Seesjo ia were held to-day before Wr G. 0'C<?iinor, R|M. |(pre-sidilng),! M eeard If. QuhiTan, E >\lils!ijajid. J allies' Ybung.

¦ ! : i | , i j i I ' w¦ 1 ¦

| !HOT|ISE POSSESSION. ! i . : i |

Mr. G. 'K. JSI £}.kin;rent collectoh .'sough t-1possess-ion cA a h'ouso ' lieM as a kveekly;¦tenancy: by riitrick 'JilvoiHpson.' ' \ ; . , :

\\1ieri.; tli-e case was called ! Mr. J.|.McCoyx; .solrj rose to protest, a& the»se-nior nicin'beT of | tile legal pio^sdoh pres-ent|; oh 'Uie k;r6tind t5i<iiti tho complainant ,was ; thi^ landlord , who should |either ap-jpeair pe^sonaj llyj or

be re' pVeseinteq through.

h'dsl legal agj mtJ | .. : . ; : ;Afr. Jf*'iTt-m .' wild . the : landlord was not

abl^ toibe pre'sint. : ! I . : j • i .

, Captain WB & TTW imtimailed ¦h tf .t - thelanj i'lord \Va.i ftflr. Jacob.) . [' . 'In adjoun ing Uie case the I . M.| saidtiie' complajruuit should appear per^onafly'or through, his](legally appointed a!genl.

Tpvo <yth'or|.j cases, for a siinilaj r j ni'^on .weTe also ad.joulriied. . | . ¦ iI 1 , ! : - j : | i : t * [ 1 i '

J ; IHR3AT1 -.NED ASSAUljl'. ! j • :Jloilm j 'Qiiiiiln -j l ,' pubi.K-an.. BaJlybriVkon,

isuriimoned James BrLtn under tire Liirens-ing Act| for TJcJai&iiig to : l f-iarv,? Jiid licensedpremis«k when requested to do ^o, andf6r .ihreatcTupgl to assault him!. MT. P.A.- Murphy,IjsolT., appealed for Iplaini 'iff.

i Plaintiff , in lj eplyito Mr. Murphy.- saidhe ttiald l'icoiised premises ait Ballybrickej >.and tli'c defomiant entered Iii j s sliop be-tw_^on fl.30 andl 9 o'o'.ock to ask | for adrink. ;, Witnxks raised luim ain d toldbp Igo:. .out. [|He ; would j oiot go out , butm^de a rush' at ' plainwff to strike him;Inl doing 6O the. defcin^iant sii'pp'ed andfel-f on j the flfoolv He 'lajy there! aiid wit-n tiss thoughj i- th« police! would removehim. He hjid , howioviexL to put him outhimaelf. ' ' ; - | . ' .•

. Ii). Mui-phy--Is he il irmn \r) k > holds

people up f o-r monev and drink! .•|V.j t»rie5s—jY^s. "firocj pedinf,'-, witness

$ii|d | t.hc'i driTindant was drunk "wJieu heentered¦ •."ne |sh< p. He a!i-.k, "d to have himboiund |to the \ crac«: j

¦ J i

R-.M.,—If 'jj s lardly f;j ir to1 jh -ajve himb^urid

to the rcace under tlid s isuinmons .beoamso heij sh i>ukl : <zet j fai r notice, j Youare fed 11 y goi'ii :, under the Ij icepsing Act .

|Mr. Murphy M.icl he 1 required loj havehis preexxrd piwluccd , amd see i f ' it wasn3CG5gary. | : ¦ I I .; ¦ i

j Serg|ant Slaf.t ei-y quoted 63 previousconvicponv agaiimt tDi'S dofe r cl?tni forri^tou.s behnvi[)ur, dninkcnnc 1, j'and ns-sa'ults j on tih'e t>olice. | : jsaints ion tiie police. ; ; <\

Mr. ; :MuTJij hy|—Wasn 't! tl iws Hom^ '.hingin a; CMPO . whore ii man 's leg w^ sj brok en ',?

Pnrd^iMt ' Slatte.rv--^H«j gai 12 nion.ths fo.Vll at;/' j : : |'| " . I . | ] J j

j lrr r^vlyiilo the bench , Porj rt . JST.M! i -rycaid tJ fe do|en lant ' wnH a pig bJocktr a iulwiis einp!bre<l by a OJrk c 'itle d'ealta *. •

!A fine o' f cOs was i :nj ios?d. ' i :

I GOVERNMEN T PROFI TEERING.J Mr. " P. : Ilo?iy, grocer, Watct-ford, wae

prosecu ted ! ;, by Deti'-dive. IpspoctorOi'Beirue for i«lling sij gi'.'r in., ndwd' formanufacturing ! purposes for retail gro-cery n'urpojies J I | . r i

Cap-lain P'lieij'iic , iii in trod uiuif,' thecase, said |t ^j is a violation

ci die FoodControl Regulations. . \ \ ', \| Mr. | James jMcpoy, 4olr > aj)j p-ta.red for

the dei.VndaaU l j :j . .j Constable Ltncey 5"wire tiJiat on t3ifc 21st

^fl-nuairy, .in (ionsequeike of a. compJainthe hnd rep?ifed ! tbaii Mr. H«eiy wasdli'axging lfi. id. per lb- for 4uga'r, IHJ

f. - i t cj l his- premises 4^1 fou ul', havingexamined fl i if i books , J an . c nicy il f flowingthe sale of- 1-ilbs. of sugar to I 'MTK -. Wil-sbn cj eometJih'ng like ISs. 2d. '. i ' brough tthis o,n iry innl(i?T Mr. H eoiy 's notice andalsked liiiiiiiV lii?. was? ' t-li :.irgiv^ l.s;. Id. p l?Tlb. : He relied tha:t |it was tti.3 "free"sugar which cos t h-irii wry rriuoh thesame price! ai- he pol ' d | i t . : Witnfe.s a«kedlliirn -j)r tlw? iiivoiceJ wlidch wak pitoduced ,showing an ientry hi j ivo baes JOT sugar ,containing! 1CJ5 cwti . which tt -pr esentix jtiiu: sile prici to be ih or ab)Uj i, la . OJd.per 11). It] xy Ks miirkej l "free voucher forij ininii faetu!riiilg purpo . s only."1 In con-fj equon ce of ( his e-mail'. hut;k»t . ?.ri wt-re re-(jelli ng thci :naj iufa<-lt.upng :sui|aii|-at Is 6dl)' "1 lV - : i I ; ¦ I

¦ i ' ¦

! Mr j Quinla 1!]—Wiiai ; is ;2i|r j iordniai -ym-io, of ; househol d Hiipnr? ijI Wiinefia-j rHjj d. ]>«)f lb ;Ls the control price.He found I five rrgistniaion cf rda lodged ,tj tnd he wife lwoivjng apainsi Ui&t- 84lb&.i MTJ ^f•c(7ov ."i-uit-d tlj r 'Te wnt- 4ff . per c\rt(or fmij iui 'U , vhicli w.o(i.!d. brii c ithe pricvpf t]i |>. .«-ugaT r i l lti s dij 'Jit t<> J I'J.); per c^'t.(To iv i tJirss)—Mr. HeWy gav** j you everyissi?|' :i.ncH naid did n<it obstr ,n.-]t you ii»i'ny ivt iv? I \^i!ncsy a < | i n i t l . ¦:,! il) ic = .' -Mr L McC'oyj - I h'.«;tr( J Kiunibody K M \> athe buck |)f the courtl v.licn 1^ . Id. wasnent,ir>n«i m conni-cuon with thi.s si tcar—yoii do not'|«?uggesf. i,'t -K M profiteering?

: Witness; II do nc»?.. ! jI Oa t rn . in j ('b 'B i r i rn ' —i -It is | /ac i l i t a t i n™othi-r j i i 'dj i l c t< ' profUdci' . i !i !.Mij Mi-Coyj - Tlu M.igr.r .-^.y. - jo r.-,. per

|c.w-t., | a-n d I adding : t h e j iiiin/ijT v and freigh t

p n u\ tha t 1. i{| w' .uld :be lfr t is . , ¦ v h i f j i would

J Tepr<\s'nt I over I H . per lb. , ind he was;£el l i r ! i« it j it 1.- . 1<1.?- -Y OR .

Mt. Mc('«i'—Th piv- !wa s no pirofite< rin(;

thc-rij '?--No; it ; rn nn|| s.i.yin^ t iure was.

R .N l .--'ih('lTr i < :\y MIL": . t i - ; ; ) t b . i t lie

W H S I t r v i n p j t< > p r ' - l i s . fj i r . l iu '.l \)r . H ci -r v

i-.: tu i fp i m ; t l ) : 1 cn i r r i r ij v < > a • ¦¦".j i unn- 1 w hu -' i

i t ' s-h' i i i l d j i i ' i i . L-c . .-"I 1; 1- may Ii) r\ " :i: '.ii!g il-a«.r, op t - ii le ]-) i -i'vp )f ' .

.Mi' . .M(.!C(Jy - 1 ..)»j t i-t •.:. , t h a t inf r r -

erici . I t ! i s no: HO . ;T r i i nr t h o r cn' -.-v i'S .'M i i i i i j i t ¦ .,i ^ -itnesn '

si t i *l . t n i d 'TH unrc cJvarced -V< 1. J ICI lb for

l i ou v i ! i» !< l s i i L ' .-i - . ; nj l ' l i t - v 'v •¦!¦ ¦ u l lowi -d

1 I'd. ' I .IT 11) nn It T J H - |u il i - \ \ i -n very

i!- : i i : i!! . Ho i l i d u- ". '>|\ i - r c l i a i -Jr ' - ;my <r h \±

! reci i-ti r "d msvuTiers j . He I kr ;»w this

^iigo t" was ;iotiA'ht f«ii - {"¦ \\c )H- -tfi >l d , butho (l id not know if M r . r It K- -y knew it

I i ::' ' :' i -ht-' n r «';i« s.r -l ( l t- a ^(v^on '.o

! 'i - i t i t i nt o | c ; i k c - s t t ' i ' i '<- « .i.< no offoni -i!?- —

I No .: , IMr . McCw— B\i ' l|- -c;- u. f it ^ws into a

1 ' pprj vonV s.t imac-h in; tra insirj i d of cakes: it i f . ¦¦ '

[ ; i .

I ! ; |

' O ' ' ' I.I

\ K \ W,. be- to ^vite you to nn-iin^resti ng ; I1 M : : : lmS.r n

of >e | pkpf™t»n |. , of j;1 ' ' 1 i <»«K-oa " in perfection . | j j l \ \ \

' ¦}/ ; . ' ; ! : BOORNViLLE C CWJJOfi , j i : J


. m ¦ !¦ ,

¦ ' ¦

.-TheJCocoa' de lix^eJ" ¦ \ ¦ ] ¦ ¦

1M - ! = . .feS=sS B*?f ¦! ft

¦ ' i' ifiveh fwe.' ' : ' | '

j j . j

i U • ; I . ' : ! o : I i i ITelephonoj 265

i : • ! " ¦ = 1 " -; i ' = s . - ' - . i .DUBLI N NEWS.i l" ! i ,

On: .Wednesday Mr. E. J , Caniwell,iouaitlh son of Mr.iand Mre. Daniel Cant-well , the Mall, WaterfordL was niajmedto ' JfisB l Annie Josephine [Brady, ej ldes tdaughter of the kite |Mr. Andrew Brady,Pfoisborough , j D,ublin. j Tlie ceremony,¦with Nuptial Mass, vj-as ioedebraited ' ilt St.Paul's, Arran Quay, -Dublin , by :. Rev. J .OlReilly, C.C., Cavan, assisted by:Rev.**.! Heerey, C.S.STX.J Stj - . Mary's, Rath-mines ; and Kev.iMkrtinj B.D . ; . '] i -


The Commander of [ Mtii '- Forces in CTon-jnel, ! informed 'Mr. I John Biairy, 'T.C. ,Camiek-on-Suir, iin reply to a titfleijhonemessage|from, the lai'.iter, th-a/t! hj e would6end a party io tf jsoldier|s tio Oarrick i forthe funeral , oi Mr . iJ orhes Bourke' aBalaclava eurydv^r , if tihe local ^edera-tito would p'dy for railway fares and re-freeihrnent? sor Dhe eo3di«rs. : Tlie costof burying the Balajc-laya veteran1 1 [wasdefrayed by a colleotiop in the town.Ther s was no j military display. i

SANDBAG FORTIFICATION; — I"A peculiar Spectacle was witneseed at

Woodstown Strand on Monday' vrhenfspinehal f a dosien policemen! aliKhted from amotor lorry driven by j two soldiers : andproceeded to load a pumber of ba^g withsand , The laborious task, finished , thecar -was piled with the eacksland drorecitywards. ! L i * :


About one o'cLock yekterday-aiftemoona. mdlitory motpr| jwaggori in charge j rf. twoofficers .and some armed soldiieaa and adrivCT was held up in Diiblin , at the junc-teon of Bles6inston i street and Berkeleystreet. The party w3io istopp.ed the |Wag-gon con sisted oi? a^iouti h'-'M n .dozenarmed meni : llhey demanded thut themilitary should;hold up their lunds, amjuest which ' was; prompXy complu'd«ith .| Tho raiders rjh.:ai; searched trie car .apparently in search ofi a prisonerj-^6up-pnse<j to be MT. J5a-TtJon. Not findir)^ himin tlie car, th« pa^ty retired arfter re-Waving rQi? offiC' srs »md: 6oldders of ;thei rrevolvers.- i ' i ¦ ;¦

Th^ wii&le-of j he

procoedinpe was car-ried put with rnnarkable precision ,) andlasted onl y about five rhanutes.

DEAtH OF MS. MICHAEL WALL. , ¦An old resident of Waterford and dis-trict parsed away tcwia'y in Waterford inthe person of Mr. Michael Wall, wild diedat the residency of his daughter ! MrsVeale (wife of Capt. VealeK Michaeiotreet. at the ripe age;o* 79 years. De-ceased had been a prosperous farmer be-foro his: ' retirement: • Ho was anardent supporter of the Irie h-IreJandcause, and was a keen:Sinn Feiner. Hi<sremains will be|rej noved. to St. - Patrick 'sChurch on to-morrow evening at 7 30 andthe iunerai will (take place at 1 o'clock onSunday to SheVerue. ¦ :"•' . : j ' i " jTH


In the I Kind 's BcnCjh Divj iaion Court ,Dublin ,, "Before ] the; Lord C^ief Jiiijture ,Mr. Justice Gibson; aii'd Mr. Justice uor-don , the ar^umente !in the; Petition otRifj ht brought by Messrs Thomas Thomp-son and .Son, Ltd., [of (parlow; against theKing, were concluded. ] Tlie ca^e camp be-fore the court by way; of an applicationby the Attorney-General , sis represents;inp the Crown/ :for an brder eettinp : asidej thc ju dgment entered j for the eurj pli antaby Mr. JuoticeJ Piim (sitting wit f iout .aj ury) in December last , for £4 ,000 andcosts, and for an order .directing that jud g-ment be entered for the Crowj - The ap-plic ation was | made i on the followinggrounds :—(l)/IJ |iat the -findin t ; was iij.Mi.isithe wf.ight of ey i<lcnco ; (2) that Mr. Ju^-)ire .Pirn drew u wrong inforeii<-<' from theacts ; and (.1) that pe miidirecte<l liiniscl fm holding , that t|iere was a conoluds-dj contract between the (Ministe r of Muni-¦tiom and t]ie . suntl l io in tp for the ^ale ofthe , Water/ord i j Wiirii t iVu i fi Factory for Mu -slim of £24 .200.;| Tile j lcpotiatio iio for pur-chase and Rah- were : learned on by cor-respondence iri February. May, and Jinn- .1919. fro m which fho isuppl ian t f i . a« .weila-: the jud«*!. trioutrh t itliat tlu-v had :-ometo a bargain , :|und !. as the Min ' rMry ofMuni t ion s broke off negotiations , tho Mip-j >hants olaiitifd ii^M) damage*. For tin;Crowix it . wusj I iKhi 'i i t ted that the amountwas not exfes.ij ve. ' rf .jin fact , a "It -gjil < oii-(rnet liad beeii'J L-nto rei l i.itu but that t-iu licontract wns concliulivl tlicy denied TI Mquestion for tlie court was whether ther ewufi a legal: binding contract or not. Tlucourt reserved Ijud S rment . ' '

H1CH PRI CK FOR T iRAZINi iAt an nucti<i» i of grazing on the l u i u t a

of Mip s FoleyJ of .Grange, the hi gii p i i c tof -C22 an aL-r i ' wiis realized (U n x i i i i l ^t ii ki - '- . Mt - .Mii-iI Slu\? iuid Himc W < I I t i n -ai ictioneeri . : i i


In connection with rumours, that n ej ro-t iat ions ni'e afoot : for amn< !gaiiro *ii < ii ofthe IVovrn ciHl Bunk of Ireland ' and anKn;;1isl) hank | ;m ^ J r i r f i . i l n d f ) ) ! i ) d < ' i i t "ivj iA-^ ontrf 't ivij \va.° informed by tin- sec-re ia-ry at thy ! Ij ondi ii) otTK-e of tilie Pi'o-vinciai 15ank| Uiao he had no st|i1«'j n' *ntt '> make <»u t\tv tsubji . 'i .-t . !

I.ATK MR? KRANK ; W. RK.HAHDSTI M dodth jlook place ytvterda }- at l iu

> H ; i\ 1 luce ', 4 j CiUhedTU'l Squ;ire , of Mr.Frank W. , Richards. \ A member <if an old\Vat<Tfor .J j /aJniijf . tlie late Mr. Richunls .who -wn.vla compositor by trade. , spent aer nrii lr -riibl e j uiniber pf y< 'c(rh on the stuffsof Dublin ' anj l local ;ineu-spiipi-is . Ho washighlv esteemed sociall y' and . wa- iinopular figure in typo^raphic -Ji l chrlvs .The ' remnina-will'be i-nmoved to tl ie Cathe-dral this 1 evening it 8 o'clock , land i l l ' 1

fuix-ra l take/? plaeejjto-morrow for Kilma-cow nt ,2.S0ij ; ::

fhe FCQCC ConferenceT.ic linden hlttihirs of tM? Pffr.ce ( on-

for. !ic? were! rcRurricd at Downing Streetto-day.' ; i . - ; j i : | . '

tltfiigees ; from Russia' ! • ' • ! ' ! ; Gonstantiriople, Frb.- 13.' The «i«»mer [Cregor, \i-aUv ^00 ^

Biitis-hrefugees fri^in Odessa, grounded ncurKylos.. 150 -r«fuge<>? werpitak^ri off by therocket 'a'ppa^-atiis. '; The' vessel lis . break-ing up. j ; J | - | J ' '

¦ • :

' Another Rodnd-Up in inbto, I Anothea;

¦roiSnd-up of Sinn F.euiier8' .tftoli :

ptoce in Diibliin tihls mbrnaiig^ i^heii aoila-;.tanry and police; visited a j jnjiljd.bex . wlihomes- and made airrests. ¦ Gireiafi ifiilj taj ryii;aotiivaty prevailed!; during ihei forenipo». ' : ;: ¦ : " I i ! 1 j : - 4 : ''^\ Housing Bonds

| . . At- a conferenc^ (between. Enjliiih pro- l;'vinoial mayors ;ancl th'e P|remiex n Lon- jdon to-day'i t \yals ' agreedi: to| [nake: t '\simultaneous! issue: of Housirig ji Tqud's by !Joco.1 aiithorities. ! The i hdiufe- will btar !an agreed; rat-e of uitere&t.li ' ¦ ! I : i

i : - i i I " ' " ! i 1 - ¦ i • ¦ ijr ; 1 ' ¦ , :• I I . 1 1 " k . -: I i: ; ; ! M" ¦: " !¦ • I J I | - ' : I- ¦

Mr. Quinlan—Or brandy halls (Iaugh-ter>- I i i I i - i i ! | | 1 " i : ¦ !!

Mr . McC^y i said the; Go ^ern mont;

bought up oceaj ie of sugar a-nidj were dis-tributing it to .wholesale | groefers-, and iwere pro fl :«cr.irig| on it! .Are] ydu awarei, '!he asked y.'ifhcss ,i tluvt England is flooded; !with sugar? : ; H j j , . ' : i . ¦:

Witness—I cou&d not say. ' I j : ; .Are you awarei that ! the rnanun^cturing

agsn-t s in Englarid;1 are trying; tio get rid -of it in Ireland ?-J-No. ¦ | ¦ J I - j ;

Are you ' awarei that) it was j laj mL-iniifac-;tuning agent who ! supplied;;Mr. | Heer'y ^with the sujrar?-|yes;i J

' ;l \ j : '<Captain O'Beirj ie said tlti e ej igarj 'phould

nbt be sold for any ! purpose but i ; or nianu-factUring purposes! | .] !! , j '

In furUier i crrfsa-exajnination kvitrj *sssaid under tlw, citcumstaincesiitJ Wts hajdto tie Mr. Heevy down. ! j ! | , i

R.M.—If a : fi:ttj nger;oame hi [.' on someotheT district wj ioni JNfr . ; Ho-^r!y lid notknow, and stated »he ; wantedj [sigar for;manufacturing , rpurposes ,I ;>vc uld Mr. 'Hcpry be |justifu<d in selling it j to ihim ? I

Wiitraesa—Yes: ! j | ;| • ,. : ' ;D.I.—But h'e tak^is a! reisp onsibildty

then, and if he y t-as aivrise 1 man he wouldnot . I , ' " . I ; ;

! ¦ , i :| j : : VMr. McCoy—Tlie unfo rtunate thing is

that Mr. [Hecry cannot i(riv $- j (ivndcncpliimseLf. Thy? d rfendani is ho-r ^ ia.nd liasmouth is sealwi , ; evon tholiph he gaveevidence to us i I ansv-or to ihik ;

Mr. Quin'ran^f'UVttld you i>ti surprised.to know Ithat f>en? are 22,0j X)jpeople in!t!ho city- of Wa Lorford using1 thait jugainto-day . } ' ! : ; |[ H ' : ; = 'Mr. McCoy |j aid . the ' eonfj -tajble hft'djiri\ {en hisj evidence- iii(a f.'i.ir j i-nVl .^traight-jforward marine •. Than sugaii went iow^inria person 's i stomach in b|airin . bracts!sweats arid cakes , and could j io'j DP put int<?a . Thdte wa- no (juflFtion ij of" lirofilcc-jin^i in th'is ca's at all . nn'f i tiia cbnsta-blcjbald admitted that Mr. HV elfy had notprtrit-c-JTeci ljj > ii.he.?a |lle . : of | tlij i.s ; f ; gar. 1/ws(.« the j Govern ment that wad j lofi-teerrinp in ttqs case;-thc.v|,'rot rhp iiwj ri o <¦ pn>fH|an'd h.? knew! Si gentleman. |nl t ewn whorirhl £W!) ( W*. x\ for die,.-r j w i.yiiii p/ixt•fortni gj vtt ' Tlif! .Go^c-nnne-riti puj ioli -jdoc-f-'iis of wsj r. - to .»nflnu. 'i n'- i !iu.j»rH of >anland sweats in l ingiind , and ltliosp m.irnilfa^turers , becoming j overstocked,. wwf,try-ing, througl their , ageirts. i toj l.uid ij tjOT#T' on the people]here, ji lt vf as v<?rdhard on p?o'ple| LUce Mr. Heery .-cj id thwaprobablv those who come along and fc? vtlie sugar n 'slt |it ifori Gocf' 3 iisaie!. . TheyheaTd a j cood deal n> x>ut . outrages in Ir^laxid and cririejin 'England j but hear^becans? j irOin-r- went down with one forniand not -anotlj i-sr forn-—-¦ ',| j . 1

R-M.H-The (irdea- a tihenoj iai d niust bifobserved. ; ¦ ' :< ¦: ' ||Mr . McCoy submitted ,1 iheni » |was nr

,«Uggo?tion- brf pvoiitearing, aj idj asked for idismissJal. I : S . j : | ; \

.Th& ' B.it | lTiou>rh)t more car« shoulchtive been- isx zrcised in .selling thd6- clsaioi sugaarj | j. | :| I |: j |

'CaptaSn O'pc<n"ne jsa id rnahi^folrtJir 'rs:roquirin . thi? cla«3 of *ugar ij ould applyjfor a vouche: to be -preiBOJited to . llj offTOCeT. ; | ; I ¦ • • :| |j !| j : , I

, Tho Ki-M l !,-vif 1 tH.T.*: taking into cor>»j derat>ionl tlfi .t this wasl th^ Ergt ca«e Iits kind in] WattTrfe rd h.a iwcjuld impej i'thfe small pen ilty of *>a. | : I! J Ir ' J.

\ SUGAR FOR BUI^! BYES. .\QTobias "Vc eker, Barpnaj trind street .

w.a* suirnnojn.cd for selling siigjlir j of ma!nuj -factuiinkr, q uir ility f< r cilior/ uian fflanu-ftkituring pur ^osea. !l ; ¦¦ . |j ! !

Mr . H. p. 'Itam*? , 5olr.,:i ai)peaa-ed ; fwthe defendant. : X :¦ i| | . Ithe defendin g. : ' ' ' :\ i || |)|

Margaretj " i roke , Br rrybiric icn. swojv {in reply to i'aptari O' j B«iri)2 , 11that sh'eliad a s5iop| a id got, sweats IIK nufacture<lShe did not nake sweets henieeiM. On tihje21st .Jmiuary she bought MU.ij of fugij jfTom Mr. Ve ^ker. at laj per!lb;jajid sher*-tailetl it at Is: 2d.y When|ishe iiBked MrVoTeker for t li? aupar }ie ; :&a!id:j it waj sl i ianuiractur irg suj rair. aaid coilld not <;i\|t[i t . He gave her th^ sujj ar.i; ij j : : i

D.I. —Did :'o 'u .i make >¦ diflWent PtaL-ein^-nt- for irrii ' polio? ; to that whnch yd

D.I . -j -Lis'tt- > t o tl is. Is th s ihe s'.fit| {- .inen-t. .you - iiii .de :to ihe lo '.icfl : 'ij l visiieijMr. V«-.rekl-r ' ! shop on t, ic 21i- t c^Td askiMfor 9lbs. i) i «iigar a4 Is. pij ir lb. Mi!V<-rokcf paid : ' l iuin not: going to; give youthis-sugar! to s«U t; I givo • itl for yoiirown use. ' | 11 took the si, gar ^nd .wlcl itjj ' jIH<1 voii sdylthiit? 1 : II ^ i .1 : . j I

Witm-ssA did.. : ' i | :; " :| J .Cros'9-exhnumd b^' M^- , Kojine , witne l ;

^said" she had a ."Jiop 1 .ijnd sold 'ew^ets ; amnn in Brill'"bTnok.Yi n uiwlc f .] swwts foi'ner. I , • ¦

if : j ' ) \Mtr. Ke«nae-r-Doe«|he make brandy balls

nn< i bull ' s! e,-cs?—No: , ||: j ¦ ' ||

Did youl gi i-c Mr. [Vorrtkoi'. ti undcrstfi i dih-n .t yon Jv< uirj i-d sujg aj r for ! manufacti : v-in '.' |iiir] i ( is ( .< ?- 4 1 s-'iid no iv ov;\ and 11 *r»-j ;r.v(> ;•„ to; me. . I j ¦ : j

R.Mi— ft 'i hncc : giv<> < i'Yt n -CTit. : I(V«m'|jibje r .ivicy fi 'd j lie "-.-i^r-ivocl in-'i1 -

plaint ! thri .t Vrfj . 'Omfc w.w j pelling suisarnt Is. 2d. j x>| lb; Wi'iii^ss \vent :;to ?c-o h.}ranil she- i mjid i1! tho s.tntoiirAit : f!v.it x was) ' - : i ' l out |n cour t . ' W i t i i i ^ 1) ! w;:ini to Mr.Vi -reker i(n< ! < ino stj i'>iw;|l lt 'u 'i about; ¦ thft«iilo (¦¦;'¦ thjs sui(;:-r aj ul vn< iu i ¦ ¦ < 1 fro m lij' iiiif h-.- hadj swA '¦¦mJ |i> "t< Mjj -s; Orok-\ .


s;i-id he j l i t ! l i ' f> t . nnd thji i-t 1>< ^ did i|otkr i ' iw i t "> J «J - u "'i> ;in ] JI .1 \ >^ -f i ! He s'ulij -fi-q i K ' i i t f y *-j i.i< h i > MU-i uJ ih'nV^j sold it. j \ \ \

I n ( % "osf-«' i £»j n i i : i 'ij ' .ioii], xyj itiiess said itilip

d«- f . ' !i<lan'j . M'IS , a iVcryj : reUp'octa.ble i nt a n ,

ibu * -lopwln ;! liiizy;jivveir t-lij iflitranRadion.A fine rrf ; >«- . j wa«i impose 't lj ' !

I • ! r- . •

^&j0ft$At tTlAC C^Aiti. ; '; i ¦ . '¦' ;;j I . .;;. .. :v": i -. v.

IpibeAS "ouine in •ou.tie- 'b&ireAfiti4p Ai pig cpAftc j eigin AJ\ 5*iton6AlttlaC CjuiC Agur! 4-nA snloriiAptA5AHe-i5iS«r 5Atrc|'e! 1bo |M$ne r6 te n-AUnn. "j till Aotnn^

i& cArp^nGe le-ac nA

TJfiuj tpiT) juji ie nU pApOifce p6in -oo»Ain r6. "O^oine A j\4<> sup 6 SliAftSCUA '|6 Agur A tiuU'eAti A «euppAt>Sup O'bAtle HI $<it)pA 6 A6 ip toeAg AOpuiJL ipdp nA pijurine ACA n)Ap ip 1 SeAn¦pobul "OeASlAi n A pufcAti ip A e<Ss<v6 6A$ur <f Ann i peaii peils UA»ie tTUcAOT>41& ACA A UA1& A5UP A teAfcC AgupAOinno Ap tnAit i lj eip $OOOAV6 :p6 •oiilAgaf j ?eu<5Ainc Ap ian teAC-cmn ACA P4feils l pin Aj up 6itiptt» r^ -4 Airim A5upA Aoip Ap an leAC Annpux) . "Oo p6ipTXWllpAt) bA 0 peAp t)A CplOgmdipD ApUlCC A 6Olfi-AimppO 6 AC "OAlA £&t AOti$Aipcit>OA6 eiloi Tsip ttiAip to Untr nAh-UAipo pin CO<»PAO pcculcA bpfiigp inA CAOD Agup cuipeAt) Ainm gAipcitio At)onnAtft Ain nip Cuili p6 piArh: "Oeip-ceari gupAb ArfilAtti vo £A$ A rfiACAipfA cticOAn <J inJAOn ap cpicndnA Ajj uf*gup tiiimg An rlu4$ Agup sup CdSAT)dpAp An j SCliAWnlfeiA SUp JO fAt»AT)Ap ACap <J | tairfi go Jutrh te ponn 6 Cpeitteo At gup cAinigJAn nWdtp OJUJA AgupAtt pe*p T>6itfe*n4C A puAip in A llitrfiC ffn pfi Cun A rfiACAp 6 AgapOponn p6OaAt> -pfiAtd dip ^isup nuAip M'eipig p6pu-ip OA luotCo ft in tiiArti E'PpF'Aidi nAt)4 ^e'AOAp cO. t)ei|vceAp go pAib |*0At putdC mAiT>in IAO DoAlcAtne Agupgad DUAil gipppiAt) p.6 Agup e Ag oi DOA£Dp gup CUA1t> ft A COin Ap A tdip AgupE^P tug pd A AgAi)6 Ap feAn-potpAtAgUp *>1pOAC ip A «\g T*Ut ipCOAC PADpuinneoig OAIH j ce-Min "oep n& coinSpoirn Ap Agup niiA in t)o leAn S^b j^AlIJ COAC * CA-O t)0; peat) Ann AC pe*n-CAitte;AC., tioni |.n pS ! Cup Cun Diipmap A nT)eunpAO r6 m'oputlct 6igin oCOApbAinc T)0 Ag«P tUg pi Att lAi piOpACjiom ; lAppAinn ^o tj cf An ppuc AgupCutp jpi Ag pnArh Anonn tp anaLl 6.C4tni CAitiuj p 0 popcAis UAI {« CuncptAli vo &Ainc Ap ^up 'cuA'OAp ARIA CAp A$Ait) An age AS cAicearh cpl ldim."Do 01 bACA gitbpfeiL CAttce Ap Anbpdtpp Agup nuAi p t>o puaip An CAiUQipArhup i ^ip fug ! p6 Af\ &n mbdCA Agupxy 'f i's r* pUn Ag 5A DpfiAL. Seo CunpeACfl IATD Agup xif n<t iD Aon ceACc puAp^5 5^1lT*At tcip |n<i ni fAiO pe Ag bj ieicUAt t) j gup OiiA-lf'A'Odp an ABA ttiOp.Tj 'eiptg AH CvMltiii|i x>e I6'm Agup t>ogAtb p6 lotceA'o A t>A Conn Ap An CAO OtAtt. ! SCATO 5AJbp .6di An An 4ic pinAgup ni pAib nut A eu.le.v6 Aige. t)oW be*n Ag nigeACAn Ap pope nAh-4DAnn Agup 'connate pi An Idm gAip-cif »S ¦* *ein An CAiUuip. " 1p longAn-CAC An Wim 1/' Ap pi. " t)6'n fitpeACcV' AppAn ciUidip, t)A GF© cped An f it»e|\6A$A "00 t>{ COlCl.


1 . i i C. -00 t>.

Simple Way a of Defeatlno¦U the Autumn Cold

"lt| is folly," a well-known nose andthreat specialist declared to an "EveningStandard" representative, "to. start thewinter by allowing the reserves of health«tored up durinR ! the summe r holiday tobe frittered away by that ir.oet exhaustinRao4 tiresome malady, the common cold.O^oe' let it get a. grip of the system inthe firet cold spell and you will hare theenemy within |iho gate all through the•winter." Bomb him out! The articlethen goes on -to ! suggest how this maybe done, and includes such valuable ad-vice :as the avoidance of wrapping upthe throat, but it omits to add; that pro-bafcly the quickest way of defeating eventhe worst cold '(niid contra for that matter )is to! take Bitrate of Tar, a cough syrupthat haa proved j its value in curing eyenthe most stubborn cases. The soothingvaipou18 of Bitraite of Tar permeate everypart of the bronchial tract , loosening thephlegm and easing the chest in a wonder-ful manner. There are germ-destroyingT>r.qperties rn Bitrat3 of Tar , too, andthaw arc of great value in speedily ter-minating the poltl ; iu fac t you have onlyto take Bitratcf of Tar 1 to-day and to-morrow your cold will be gone. Everygood chemist cells Bitrate of Tar at l<s- Id-and 2s. 6d. a bottl e, ancl enclosed withevery package is a binding guar antee ofsatisfaction or money back , BO that there»3 no risk of IOFB or disappointment , and& trial of it costs nothing unless il com-pletely succeeds. . ; ' '


Those in favour of Irish industry willbe glad to learn that the contrac t for tlie :building of the new organ io be erected!in" St. Patricks! Church , CSS.R., Esker.iAthenry, Co. Galway, hae been entrusted]to tlie well-known firm of church organ,builders, Messrs Choetnutt and Co.JManor Organ Works , Watcrford . . j

; To: '. ( void Pain Alter Eating'] .;. - - Thousands wjio have tried it, including[' . : . .hundreds of people here in London , say'; that tha 8urcnt way to avoid pain and• • ": ¦: ' discomfort afteT eating IB to take two orl r \ " ' - three tabTeti of Bisuratedl Magnesia after:i ' ¦ each meal. This prevents food ferment-. •[ :; ' ' .. ation and the 'resultant formation of gas> : and add, and] enables even the worst :

¦ j : . ; dyspeptica to eat almost anything- without;! i | . • thej slightest danger of distress, to follow. 1

t: ;• i . • If' pain': has already started , or in casesii - J ¦ "J of acute indigestion , ftisuratcd Magnesii^' ; i .j ' I' - ^ actfl almost , like magic, uauafly bringingfci. ' j - .' . ooinplete relief in fivo or eix minutes. IfWk>\¦> '-',.. yow want to etij oy your meala as you didW' .\ '" in ichiWhoo^l R^Jt a

Is. Id. package of Bisd-

$K:?: ; ;¦ Tated : Magnesia Tablets and take aa1|iv ; ' -i:" directed ; a] binding guarantee of aatid-&j1? .- .' ; •: faction- or money back is enclosed1 withf ^ 'l ? '' - every package so that if you aren't de^&/£ " ' lighted you] can got your money refundedfifi -' .' :'. for the aikingi The cliances are 100 to>l |¦ifiv;/- •_; however, tliatlyou 'll soon be telling your|kv. '• •. . -, Wends .that Bisurated .Majmcaia is- the'tfel- K^finieet. thing lit the world for "indigestion,lift'- :. ; Try- it and eect for yoursel f. ,. i l


. ¦:¦:¦¦ ; '

: \ ' ¦ ¦ ¦

, , . ' ¦ - ¦ ¦

p^Vr -b' ' ' ': 'i>:..lcHnj ixEy CLEANING; '. I

M^^p "" E?PBE1A^he?i to ^ive Notice to his jf &*i-;::'--i ' '¦'friends anfl the' Public Uiat the!|||TV,.\1- - '.<THIMNEY ' CLEANING BUSINESS/^^'^ '¦oi the'late .Yinceni. Hogan is' nmri .-l/:*f '^ 'aneferred to Mr. E. PJielan, 27" John Illig^'StreeV- Waferford.: In futu re all !Igfevvk-friainesa ' comniunicsitions ehptjii be i

! ^P^i»<[diCe««a^-:r ¦¦': ¦- .: ' ' •

rat - : ,i, Et i P H E L A N , ¦- ¦ ; :

i^^^p-h "W *WW\ Street, Waterford; \ \

TTTTi — — , - . . ; , . ; ¦ > !| ; ; - . I - / • |Message fi'om l Waterfo# Men In\\i : : How '.York : i l ' k :|v ! -• ¦



j ¦: |i j h . ¦ —. ¦! I.

¦ j | ; ; : ; :

! Ve' i rfcfeived to-diagr ihe following letter, held up by;|the/Bri.tish.; c|ontrohe!rs bltiba Jrisix-Amej ican iaai o. Shte letter jwas obviously d4ia7ed jj on - order that itsobnlonts [merhi arriv.t too lato to bo ot any use an the reoent municipal «leotaona.Howerrpr, ihe message OTirej in l?i« nick ofeieciiooa ire oohcexiied-.— I i

¦U' T i " " ¦"¦" "" ¦ : ! ! ¦ - ¦

¦ : ¦ l \

' IJ : -

! \ >

' ¦¦'¦¦ \ m\SmEpi\D MEN'S S. AND B. ASSOClATOlON, j . i jj 10 WEST 6Wk ST., iNEW YORK, j J

! | ; ¦ :

i ' ' ¦ ' ' I I ! DEO- ¦ Mth. 18*9-iiB^kuiyD I>av;ifB7J ESQ:, EDITOR "WATEPFORD NEWS." I I

:>nAii siR. ¦ ¦ , : . i , ¦ • : 1 i . i




¦ ' ¦ , ¦ - | I i ' ' I ¦

[i | l = lT -! i i ¦ ! ¦ i - I


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I : I - ¦ [ " I EEMAIN; :; j ¦ I ' i .'^ ¦ : i " i l ' ¦ ! SINCERELY YOURS

1. '

CDVVARDj J. WHELAN,J SECRETARY. Ii i i. ¦ • ' ! i :

Wl^TEMfOK©I ¦ : ! i ! I ¦

_ _] 6&f |fEAl§ AGO.(iWni "The Watij rford A'ews ,"

| . :. I ' 11th Fcbrtiair^, 1870.)

CAj\r^S[NG. 'j Canviwising SB pro^eiddng vigorously,an^ ]Mr . |P. J.

Snvjth, tkcoompanded by alargo body o? ciiizeni , canvassed Kingsireet tOK^ay. A rej-wt of his splendidspeech! on Ballybricken Hall appeaTs inan. )tiicx: Ip'art ot this issue ; altio j iui ac-coiJit of jtho m<3otin£ in Mr. Patrick Com-¦in ij is' fi-Ukble^ of Mr, Bfernal Osbonuj andhis j rierids. Mr. Cieon held a mootingr>Ti t.iio lfsLii on Wednesday evening, andin thesj course of hifi' E peecih gave an ac-icouiit " 'of! ihe mannor m which Jfr, Os-(borrie deajs with hifi tsiantry.

O'CONNELL'S PORT! AIT.' Last' -vreek DT. Quinlan apd AldermanReamjond | paid a viaH to tJie studio inDublin ¦ of j Mr. Cattere^a Smith, in order(to inspopV tiie full-1' .ti tti poxtnaiit of

thegreat Tribjun© whidh: Mr ; Smitli is paint.-dngjan d: which will j r due time be hungin |the Council Chimib ^T.

EXTRAORDINARY PJEIENOMENON.j On Tit?sday evening , between 6 and 7ioYtyck , an extraordit ary phldriomenon|appeared;in the heavens and 'attracted¦th $1 ob&crvation of a nurnber of people.iSt niingi rrom east to vest acToss tiie sky'rai an irnmenso Vhrra streak of amazing; d.ijuneteT; assuming qll the- dhairaeteris-'tncE1 of the tadi ofl.a •;omet, and of exoeed-rin c brilliancy. It r unauied for aboutthj rfee j minutee, and lh ;n gradually disap-peared. ; The atmo&ph ire was quit? calm.

CLOSING NEIGHlioURING}| |GR.\VEYARDS.At iWednesday's m .'eting of the ' Popr

¦laW Board a letter Vas read from 'th e¦JU.Vf 1J)UU^*U i* IV UKTJ. 1TUO icuu I I^/ I M i- t i v .

Cpj incil iOffia? , DuWp, painting to anOrder ;j .n- Council ma de on the 27tli ofJanuary,! directing tnat from and afterthr* d^te burials tihdl be drecontj i)iiedriri {he tj iiria l gro\inds of the two parishesof Kilbarry and Kill St. Lawrence.

ST JOHN'S COLLjiqi- 'A coU^ctibn will b« made on Sunday.

H 6 20th i inst., aj^ the' doors of 'all ! the"Catholic i Chunks ir the city in aid of•the fund.3 for tho etecrtion of the nowCollege ' pn St. Joh n ' s Hill. - ,The workm |confttfu ctj on is DT'>eee d.rng niv idly. Itas{ a. splrj idid bu ild(in r and will do :credit4O ]the diocese , as well as b«ing an| orn a-nient to the enviroiw]of t3ve city.; |

THE CURRAGHMORE HOUNDS.j The pick met at /hte 01 ub House OTJ

TOesdayJ when the rnustra* was {he larg-i>y; of the season. A ' rood day 's sport wasenjoye<t iin Uie neig lbourhood. : Mr . H.¦\\ ; Bris<|oe; th,? rcaptccted Master , "wii«a isent 6whig to ill- health . He is nowa. Anne'stown Hou& s,1 th'e residence lof¦C apl 'mn j W^B. Pallit er, and we arv gltid¦t<J< -leorn ;tGint he i« reK.'Ovuring ru]>i <]l y.

ART LECTURE. ¦' ,Mr. John Carroll , ni Earlsratlt , gave a-

very instructive ant I interesting lecturedr. Tufsday_' cv<?nij ij; in Uie Town'Hill , tlu>Rtibject .bsing "The True and Beiniti/ulfinj im a 'Catholic, j ioant of vtiewl" Tlv?<ll}air was occupied" by tlie ;Revd . P.Kolan , Adim . who introduced : the lec-rSurer . i The leoturc was Hlustrated withtlie exhibition df < crv eral pioturea paintedHy1 Mr, Carroll h'un« elf. lilie proe^odsin to be given tortlrd s Oie defraying! of'tjb e d<;bj , on Mount Sion Schools. Afr .ynr>ro)l^ concludinp lecture wiill take¦place on Tuesday i:veiling, 15th 5nst , !

JARON! HUG-HES'd REPORT. , ,rThe ! report of Baton Hughes on the

rVaterford electSor. vas pTcecntied on tlio!t?i Lnstj. to the Spe iker of tlw3 House of^ommoTis, and apjpi arcd in the '. Votes! onWednesday rnorn,ini:. In his [ report[iiirprt Huj rhes &UAoa there was no: i;ea-;6ri; tiij believe thni: j orrupt practices pre-vailed, extensively j, t th<e last Wfliw'ibrd>lectiQnl. : :• ! i 'M ¦:

j « ! | " ; i j ¦;

:ouKTty AND CIT ^ SHERIFFS; ! ! ': ;T!i<t ! Hon. Dudlej Foriescue has beenippointcd Hiph Sh irj ff for i: Waterfprdj ounlyj and Napoleon- Bonapartei Wys?,Esg., 1 Bbanmoro, I n s been ':'¦ appointedilitrh .Sheriff Jor Virf tCTford CaLy. : : i ¦iriSITORS AT KJ LTCENNY OASTLEJ: Am'finisst the. company recently istayins

ivt , Ormonde Castlj ); on a risit td tlie ¦j far .[juis nnd Marchion< ss of Ormonde . :yr?reLiu. Marquis and M nirclhioness of i Water-ford and Lord Will ani Benesi.'brd: | i

WE >fiATTHBW S HEE CHARJTY.i The I Trustees o'( (ili'o . Mattii&w' Slioo

ShaTity-j are prepd* xi to consider plfrnsor tiTi i^v-lum. to' b ? 'efecslod on1 tte oon-ires <^f|Uio city; {'or 'tJi'o accommodation•f : tweiHy n>n !p ind[ Iwenty femalolimales.) • ¦ ' !i j : ' : !

i ¦ ' i


time as far^as the oommg loctojl bye

Irish-Jrtland Dancing ClassJ ! ! -: ^ -

\ i ! !T~ , 1 :A BRILLIANT SUCCESS.il ! J I

j The Irish-Irolaij d Dancing1 .Olass,B'UrU.-d a' few! niontiw ago[ for Jiv3 purposeoi spreading! a knowledge of Irish, li^uredtu i i-ijj g . heJd tlieirl iirst aimuai dance inilie Largo Hoonj , ttty HtiiLl, on] Mondaymight. The' ov^nt! was!tlriuiiipliant suc-cess and reJieoted !gTea'D ioredit I on thepromoters. hOne h'undired and] twentycoupbs partiedpited] in tlie dances, and itw'as cwidant 1 from the display we: witness-ed tlKK. devotecja p i tlie 1 light ]fantasticbenefited v?jry considerably by the weeklypractices in [the] Temperatice Hall. Theeiixteen-hand reds, ledcht-h-and iii'es. "TheHigh Caul; dap,']" "Folia; na Luinmeach,"¦etc., were executed| in faultiest style andshowed tho] graceful aiid p'i"ctures<}ueform oi amusement1 thai IrisSi dancingundoubtedly |is. j Aj speoial world ]of praiseshould be giveoai to] the otrohes-trja, which^aa the finebt musical cpmbdijation thatwo ev?r heard tft aj ;Cedlid3i rn| tj ihie QityHall. The musio whs thorou^y enjoy-c|l by tlie big crowed that thronged tinepallery. The membere of th© band wereMrs". J. F. Power '(piano), Messrs. M.O'Braen, J.'IMuJrphy, Seamus j Nolan, J.Ptowar, M. Kearney,' J. Fitzpatrrck (vio-lins). Liam jO'Lynch (clarionet), SeanQuilter ('o:illo) , j and i B. Po-werl (piccolo).

The proceedings iweje Opened by hisWoraMp the! Mayor , Alderman pr. V. J.W'liite, who I is Hon. Prfj iaidonvt of theIrish-Ireland Dancing Class. ' His \VIOT-shlp, who refceiyed;a tremendous ovatibn ,congratulated the "memlb<sr& of' the Danc-ing Class dri the good w£rk ithat they¦were doing, for ! the Irish-lTClaiid cause ,and expressed Jhis delight at: seedng somany o-fiiiTiiii and jbua'da/illi present. Itfi(tpured wolj l foir die developrrrent of theoW Gaelic cus'-oona' 1 and trad'itdbhs in the.city to see puch an enthusiastic gather-ing a-ssem-bj lod j th ^.-fi?. and Iv^ was surei-Portlai rge would always be iin tlie van-guard in aij lva-ricing every national ob-j oct (loud appla'uad) . . »'

R«v. Fat ilier KellohrCT, S.T.L. ,<also de-livered a si ortj n4dires«, and iadviised ailpresen t W <tudy the Irish kiinguane, lo.At was through j ihat medium that all their¦grand charaocfi saefi as a n a.ion had beenpreserved for them . , v

Amongst ithoie pres jnt at the Ceilidhw-ens sevenj of ] the city clergy ji -nd mem-bers of the j Corporation. 'i

The decorations ! were carried-out 6n avery elaborate j scale. iFhvga . festoons(aiiiEticaHyi desagn'od)v Iris-h ! ' mottoes,and other jdevices ; gav? - fchc Laarge Rooma very picturesque aT>poaran<j>e; ' The ca-tering n.rraTigerhen.'s weT? carried out bvthe Misses Connolly in their usualgratifying s lylei

Burns, scalds andBroken Blisters


I PAIN AND HEALS WITHOUT DANGER; OF SUPPUR^TION .OR WOUND; ! :| POISONING. ! ,; - The nr'dt j application! of Gennolems tc-¦Mi '.ves the rpairi of bun s or scalds,- andhealing procee;ds |inaturally arid rapidly.wi thout danger of suppuration ' or woundpoisoning. | GennoVnie is founded on theAseptic sy^temj of Itreatment , which meaJisexclusion of psnne nnd scientific clean-liness of the j wqjind. : Old-fashioned an-tiseptic preparati pnft could only destroygerms , tea^inj; the . bad matter in thewound to j fest<>r and potec-n.1' Grirmolem;draws out all toxins, or p'oisons; kaepB 'li<'wound pemi free , and heals positively l ikea charm. ''. It is , ; j



¦ :

One of the I chief ingredients in G?.-molene is the pxtra]ct of a North Americanplant , lonf used by thai nativj e , races as' nremedy for anake-bite and; . poisonedwounds ; and combj ned with this are heal-ing principles ot ¦pj roveq •efficacy;. . ¦.: Germolens is tliq 6urq home remedy for

Eczema, ' I|sordasjs: Skin Rashes, | Acneor Pimples, Burrisl and Scalds ,1 PoisonedWounds Oj !d Sored, Cuts, lfniises. BadLegs; Insect Stingfil and] Bites , Rin^vorm ,Bald Patches, | Piles or Hsemorrhoida,Boils nnH rtTin^r 'c l I I I ! !

Pricea l8r :3d: !ihd 3a.. froni Chemistsond Stores: everywhere, jth e 3B .I size beingthe more econonitttll. 'A«k for Germolene ,and Tefusej everyj :substitute or] imitation.There ! is nothinprij 'fju st ins ffejod. " jSole Dj etributort , Ihe Veniv Druc Co.,Ltd., Mahofacturjng Chemista , ClusterRond/ManchestorJ I ; .: .

¦. : ¦ . ! • j I i N i r - ¦

14,000 MILES AWAY \ \ I ! !! ¦ i !¦ j I : ' !

: •¦ i ]! ¦ : | ! :! I ; i . i ]

THE PICTURES OF THE KINGS. ¦¦ ' ; A . . -4— 1 ' ¦ ¦:. . I "I ¦ I : ,


i i Brisbane, Quefi dland,

: ' ] . Docemlier 1.1th, 1919.1

!E. Downey, Esi^ . ', \

I Sir—Herewith I a'm porting > ou some]Australii .n (papers containing itoine goodand eolit 1 ; reading- re ithe reeenV Irish RaceConvent: onj convened by j thati great aiidfearleaa Irishman, our ilhistrious Arch-h'ialiop oif Melbourne], His Grace Dr. Man-nix, wh< , to his eternal cr>ed it :wa6 instru-liiental !n having Conf«riiHion defeateddn l both occasions, thereby keeping Ad&-tralia \Sliite and pij eveii.tiin.j tiie hatedEnglish jJn (,'O3, junk lerB, anc toeraKs fromenslavinj ihber tyloving Ads .ralia.. i Perha]>6! your readers- may have the un-doubted pljtsasure ofj reading some of thedobompo nying apee<f hes in lydur Btaunch jand evergreen "Wat;erford News." I hopedo. I sandlthem forj thal, p'u[rpoee. Other- jwise I hope- you will make] tlie best pos-sible use Jof them i for propapanda andothor pi.rpQsed iso d^ar ^o J l e old cause. '

j Had some October <:op i2S ; of the oldYNewB 1' yesterday. ]Wa» (|e ighted to reaid^oine

of your fiery and i fearless 1 efforts onbehalf <j >f our beloved Erh) and her na-1

tiojnoKty. IMoare power , M,r Downey ! A^yoiu will see in the] end6sed! VC.P." vr&|riah in Australia are alf in the eame boat,with yoi , lhamely, a free and unfettered 1trash R< public. We are unanimous in den^natidin ij !it , and want no binj; more or]nothing Ua>. \

I I was one of tho|doludea who tlioughtj '.e! wci : |n'i<nt.ing i(i r ihe liRhts of wnailj atioiio—j bieedom. f ieni ixtiey, existence,aiid las ,, i Llut not least, tlie "wcL-ping aiiuivaiiing of j tlie ^3el(,'lan woj i on and kido ."1 ivw wro}iK - 1 «ilj e my icur yeai-3 ligtii-|a|» for Jj iniRs ', yueeibii, binpire s, lm-pJaahd li, I conquest, uiandjj iu , and Uioliiliw nil mixlitti !oi bum-csi I .slipped,•j oj <iid .hoj usuiicls. ]Uiv :<: i:Je 1'iuesiainsuiboforo Englishism, j Ask ill eland , i-«ypt ,liklia, t r ij outJi Africa. \ViiaL tiaya W ood-i't/lw. Wi soil , the squib:' Prouab iy ho na«j ilj w Bii iy , HuRheH (our little j Labour ral )i>iisiead !ol uphoicinig tlid; j principles welought o' t he iwent and lxbiioblxid withllto l blu i-biooded dij ikes and duch-^sseo inMayiaii j 'lo Uva devil with ev trry .ihing ihu tdoea n(.t ! assist th (f e!>tablij hin^ oi OUTliepubl ci. i I According to five laws ot God[met mahi Uiey fpugfit for ijiclice , froed oniiiiul huj iiaiiity . | We (tho goats) jou ght (orhypocri'syJ humbug^ cant (| <fap itali6t(? , andIdouiination , all in ithe interest of our op-ptessom1 and Uwir ] confederates.j What 's {thia i stunt aboiitl UIOGG threopquarel ead king pictunns ir. the old UrbsIntacta ^Counci l Chambei? Fancy 6Ortiejafi the epiii aless mob having tho . audacitytd advcicatle "restoring" thrill. Oh , Lord,what hj y uecome of tlie ]I "ioh spirit andmanhood? Do we rially ^nt

to get awayfrom "woe dbine" dominati m and oppres-sion? I Personally,- Mr. , jj owney, a«3 i aj \Vaterfird;nan:14,(Kio nr.l^s away , I ind ig-nantly pb. ect to rf?store,i )ainper , paint,powder or puff up any of tl ose thivie mon-prel squar :heads . iAo .an 'Irisliraan I pro-piise tl 6e< three pictures be -bumped 1 6nthe Reamc ndite stronghold! (Ballybrickon)pri St. Patrick's Day ney:t) | Otherwise (epc-j cept toburn them) pur \l*&-\t dead martyrs¦will turrj n their grayesl at the thought™pf spentimu money ion our ]oppi;e)-sor& andlenemiekl Wake .up1 , IriiiHiueh. Testoratibnby a btoK : in London. r

¦ What rot ! laEaster W' !ek forgotten ? ; ts 700 years of]m[urder!, treachery , I and brutal oppression;foTgotU|riP Apparj ently . lAldermnn P.Quinlan was the only member worthy of!¦ l:— 1-IILJ J.^ Tii cl iAinlnl at. that meet-prig. Hero to his health. | Again, although]l4,000 inil«8 distant, I 1 second his Teaolu-tij >n to' bulm them.j ¦ ' j : ¦

jWo an| lonly! two] dayu Way j froai elec-tions hbre It 's a go botwpen Labour (T.Jj Uya i) and !"Natioiicaisni," other W I&<J

liktperi il 'itiin , Coj isvri|>t>ioa, niaittaxistn,ptoiitec riiH?, capitaiiots, and ilagwiuppcrB ,cillod Loyalists, led by , Billy Huxhee.Labour is) very co^lVdont

o( victory, and

all goou ; AuDtialiaiis hope it wins, ihingsa^-a very! kjuiet. ihe capi aliata • and j i_,t-gia aro iiiiaucing l)lughc > s campaign. Sup-pose you heard of Kyaii btiiig selected toltJad t|i'Q Labour party, sacrifieinK the!portfolios of Pir^inicr y Hid ; Attorney-(j'tj nerc |lship of Queentiland to do .so. Ho '

had a wohderful riception] here last we~;k !

in Brisbuho alter | liis return Jrom tlio lSputhej rn Statee. j ' i

i Things lire very unsutilj id: . throughout ,AuitraJisl l at present. ' ' cjtrikos , "«o slow ";liolicick, land industrial uiiresi is npo;

everywhere. . lir idbano just had a bar-limulu ' stlrike. It JlaiUti 10 days;- and i*IJeuiL' Siit ilediby iirbit iatj on. They aredemanding equal pay of] £3 17». for 48Hours j fo'r1 both fexes (including , iwep).Now the builders' labourer,; aro strikingfor a 44 lwur week and no Saturday wort.The "jro |slow" policy i« in for*© every-where fai She horth fiiii mid uouthem ports.Truth lift Australia jf s financially strangled.Thank's to Billy Hughfca. the Lati caiutal-itt wiir! over nela r old : Erin coat usX4U0 o6o,00, instead of fcU y fri fj at home and ,.Uin/ i i l i .* t>ur own business us. we will doin - futlirel if thu labour . Party, are vJctor-ioud in' riS hours-; lw?nc-?. Russia cannotSay itfe giiatuity to [its holders (£25,000,000).f iuEh^ 1 w promising l.O.U' s. and Hyaiiis prolnisbg Casl(.j The liUlo rat (Hughe*)has A'uktlralia well etiang led This fair ,and wfohd erful latid is only a link in thd,Imperial Chain of Domination (or a pointin thtv f i f i l ) . :f|'¦ Everything is vo, ry dear. Mont commo-dities ' h'ave trebled tlu. pre-yax i>rice , andworse1 3t 11 98 per cent. : of the iroodb areiniportod from America ond Jap an. Asuit of cliothes coH £\li, , booUj £2 hat SOS.The inly goods ft can mention fro m oldErin is Uuinno.^'s stout- 'Ohich cost6_ !?3<her q li.tr : bott le ,'' 5r»iiits, 9(1 a tot ; pqta <toos , ^4tl PC"" ton' - etc - otc -I « .<iL ' v .-liere Father d'Doi inell wa.s ac-ij uitt -d Strange , l>e : w|i's the onl y pnes^tWlio \v4? ll t> - nser pt ionkl in 'Au st ra l ia atwtli l-efi'lrendinn s. Uiihl 't he wiuea'l whenio Ki' il ii dosj of Saxon iiuMliciru ' .

Moi't jC .ibles to Aust ra l ia sot-m to bo pre-j 'udicid ' waiiiot ^ inn Fein: Tliat cable-ijrainmv bloke is t louji lit h ig l i l y of in thisf.art bf j live worki . % per cent. ' of thof;:ibl«w !td here j -cuin 1o t-oihe from KOIH Cbid Tor : dug-out}. However , \vt: hnv.fi>ome| br illiant labour 'publ icatioiw hj 'ij ewho hell. ' to brighten things up a bit. ,A?;i Sinb F Biner I hoimstly j ay I have ney lirsi 'en li- 'c ible co iii i)lim- .!ntiiry to. <>ur 'i0iiii |-e.Cannptl ; 'onietliin s: be donO . 'We haveUMOCJ jingo dail y| aiul : t l n o i labour , (2weekly) papors in Br i sbane. Of coursethe. luttc r are out! for tin ; I r i sh Republic.The loi'ioor racs mug ubqut Ivuipire «i j in-deur. etc}. ; j

We l , Mr. Downby. I have ,aul all 1 hadto wiv. iLatj r I wil l nidil ; vou my su!>fiorip(iou for tho| old fayotirit. ;- "Xcwp , "which-I I hone will reach me regularlywhiloj I Km ' away from old Krin; I wif-l iyou andj your fearless paper tii »' host ofluck trick prosperity.' More powor to yoij relbow, ;niid may 'CJod ; 3r>oL-<V the Iri *h R ¦-public. ! |Up Bs VaU-ra ,] and all ncod andtrue Iriflhmen and 'women.' I

Yours faith fu l ly ,j . ', "SINN FEIN AUSTRALIA

. :: ' i i I i :

THEllR jISHiAMltRICAX LOAN. !i 'Tho! Iif slr Loan ]in f,he iUnited Stotes isimeeUj ng with extj aordin-OTy success Theamount tsked for by I)e IValera will it] isexpected, be laTgtly cvei-subgcribed.1 1 !

; I ¦

I : ' ' I - i : • ' ¦ ¦¦ - i :

i i l r i iS! • ! ' ¦¦ I ; i i. I J ] ' ! ; •¦ ! i » ' ; ! : ' i I j i ' . :

1 ' '< ¦¦ .' 'M U i 1 - ¦ l : i - k l ' ; ! i ' ¦ : 1 1 ¦ !THE HOLY SEE. IAS GRANTED THE MATNOOTH 1 .MISSION TO.


¦ . , ' \ Q-4-®GH-4b -r 'l .'

il ¦ ' r ' , -

:! i ¦ ¦ ¦ i

¦ ¦ ! i - i

¦ iV H M Ni v : : - ;


^ N I : "e3 |I

¦ ' !i j ¦ ¦

! ¦[ | i ! . I j i j < ¦ : i ' ;¦ ' i : i ". ^T?iey j itill b'e obliged iimnnediat Wj to' procure¦ 1I[OTI»S fca- tliemselves, .for thei rcatechiste. (said ^siKtan'ts pHicgj will Uvc j to tuildj scflioola; and Icfl KLpeds ; tli<|j¦will piav«: to IsuppoTt, tttieir citechiBtfi and tea^h'«r.e.| ilimmense 1 sums of money wil lbe reQufred imm'ediaUily ft make m jwrfkj ei onij poricsta a success. Tsie OatJiolicpeople of Ireland are appealed to to ew»4 ;to tTic a'«>iatcracdli of tj ieh- priests in™t\ I . :l ; I M p M .i M I ! in ! : .


•¦' . i I :¦ j . j f ; ! ; : :¦ / !' ¦ ; ! | i . , ! "

Each, jpTie^t will require a cbmpleji* set oi ir^qubiles Sor bis chapel , VesUuem'tfor Mais- and Benodiotio J , altar stiWs, all the «aered fuxaiture far t2ie altar ;

1 i ¦ .

¦: . ¦ ' ! :, : :

. Mi i i : ! i 1 i

: , I ; '¦

i i ! N I . I ! ; : ! " : ¦ ; .| \ ; : : I


AD:>RES J5 TO: REjV . JOHW! sioWICK ,; '

: I ; ! ' |i : \ . .j ! ji 1 ST.' COLUIMBAN'S COLLEGE, : : ' !¦

• ¦ . ¦ : • ^Ak'cAW ^¦ I '¦ >

\ I '¦'¦


¦ I ' M ! ;. i ; ' . i ! . | ; ; I __ 1J__L_LU_ ' ! I . :!| - ; : | : i ;


: ] ¦ I i I . | : ¦ ¦ :;¦ j . I

' • FIWAB. NOTIQE. ] ] : . ] . . . ' • I :

Dear LoTera of Our I&dyj ofiLourdeie, I H ! M M ; ' ; ¦ ' : ¦' : " ! : •TUffi SECOND ]5opBLE NOVENA CJP I MASSES' ! IAND PRAYERS, WH. 1< HBEGAN.ON THiK FEAST OF THE API ARIT30N (Wednesday last) WILL K !.\ l iON' !THUR$DAY 'N.EXTj FEB. 19*. I ' i ; \ !: I :- 1 ! : - . : i : ' i \ ' \ \


1 V i ' i - :> i ' ' ' I ¦ ifThe beautiful pictures, Novena i Prayers j &s' ijaid ai Ifourdes, List of DoublaNo-venas for the year, and Liurde'8 Medals w!fll' bc sent to j all who join in ]tli «Novenas: | i ! j . j l f ] \ j [ ' I ; .' : ¦' ¦

\ :| . ¦' i : i \ - ' ' I - M Mil earnestly; j exhprt 'those who wi.ih io be etiroJLed in the- Con: iatornity ot Our - ]Lady ! crf Lolurdes to, : si'hd|:me th j eiirj ruii r ejnes tq -b« ienterred :in the Repidier. IA | L : Tready; nearly one hundred thousaad arc enro3W- Prayers]are said]several fcinie.* !a day at the Shriinj ? orf i (i)!ur| Lady o't Lo\ xdes i for tne inteaiioin s i .o-f i frhe iiwuxv t? 1of : the IConfrat^rnity. ' ||' ' ! H i" . : j ! I ' . i , i


MYfSELF AND ,TO ]ALL |ilY BENilFACTO'riS.'TllfE APOSW LIC BENEDICTION[ ]3on!d your petitiohs and iyour: iali:ns: fw Our lLadyV] N?w Church! to]:— , I !i | ; : Ydurs I grate ful ly in CBirist M i ' i ' ¦ ¦] ; ' i i I ; f . ; : - :[ ' ¦ ' : ' ! '<

¦¦ I l(Ror ) PATRICK ] BOYLE, j j M ' i ' ! - - i i: j .j i i ! ' I ]' ' : |i 1 ]HEDNTESFORD STAFFORDSHIRE. j 1 ' !

: i - . : 1 1 H i r \$~j ~rT7~~

Mr ' l i - -mijF rni ;MIEJliEVIVAl OF HiCrH J TEA. || !

"¦High Tea'-' figured] ilatuily in the so-cial cu's-toiiLS of tlj t 'j ViciUi-rian pdridd, an(jlit ip sj nevex gone lout j c[f uushdon j in j Iheprovinces. |In iLonfloili it was a popularinstitution in ^u-burbi la. and aanori^ ;] the"muddle classes,"!: bu|t las soeh i^ t : ]waplooked] dowiii upon by ^hjj s.2 wllioj "dined,]'and "Wgh tea" was dpoin>ej d byioyerjj oTifewlio ' aspired to any distipouon :ia ]iihc eq-cial ecale. lilt is¦ n p w i ' cbming bacjk , suipsoinei of the ! London , res^u-rants! are »?ry-j ng : a!s|uaupt>uous six. o|cl'ock mealj includ-ing 1 tJoa I with sjveetib ; roads on toast fric<Ifish, isaidrnes, a 'ranibl^d j rggs,' I Wplshnarebit, Imufiin^ , crutuji >< |'s ,i aaid all kindpof p reserves arid pastries.) Two ] ip flu.onccs .are. making tor tlitj return ol "J>ighltea/ ' | ;!lie piin6ipal one |bping ', tsh* eer j -ant difficulty. ! It 1 avoids the .bojther o?prop iring late ainnor .'anti this is net cnlv£>o iniich work saved, it ]i)£b groatJv sasepthe difficulty in bl>':iaiaiplg j serrint^ whenthey know they can lialv'e |thcdr ev.'.n.injrscoiiiparatively free! |T[1 0 j lnisinfta uia:ialso avoids !the|rudh hbii • at the sutfaon; ,¦tralias,' and] omnibuses j n\ g.r-i tt fnej honileafte r 1 >Yark ,i i anVl tiltis) lip dnother > reasonwhy the London restaurants are taking t Jproviding 'j high tea;"1 j ; | j ' j ; .

PLU'MAG-Ejj ORNA\tK :NJl 's i ; : ] 'To wear ! 11 sweet ¦' Hindi e j and ;¦«:>• li. 'Ue

'iltif appears t6 be ; tlio { ambition \'p !: the"smart " :\winap , but i a ] mode R.h eJ |- c]<uilplinp »le !>h e ; _Cj (.uld . . (! . , .

^ j . .fe L^ct -. pretty ; iuu j

tf lpluma«: birtl3'|: | ! :! |!- ; ¦ i i , : ' ¦] ] i?rry and thk ' v uj : -} (SIMPIJCI TY] IN UNDERWEAR: ; !t ]\rnUej i!to diH- 1 | ;Much lingerie is being riiade at home,'»/ wlnd i arp i j j ;ino »j t'lie styles of to-day| a]re exce;<rinpl"yop l<\ but larjSpai-j j ^p ^ p e.: imd combined garments; reducend it is iwiwibleij ^td , r ; and material con'siclerably. i Forwill u.«e Ji" v r m-ii afjj ric t ime past manufacturers hare dona>] f-trencUii,;-,* i he i j Mir host to ipyive tWe l employment !ol; fr- -iiii •[h<» |j / Irnb i j ^ee; iindi ehrbr'oidery an iirider-Hne-nJbufitj encourj ige tftc j j, ,;,far with very 1 littte st(ceesa, muclv iut .-.nd niod/ 'sl ^nach ;; dunvtoT'having for. dcWatiion hinnd-vi'iri-

vtery wen gn vw iup . wiWi jpractice of ji woj .i'in jr . "josplumes , and the bodiesas 'decorn^ions j for rn'il-!.ii|Mucli has tyeen said mo :>ifra «e these" jo j&l lib it ionp.-ijnf -u l to t l io u gl i t fu l I W i<-nf\i w i t h l i t t '.Ji eff- '-c- l ; tt h t i t lU d y Ast oV, -M.PlJfhihVoc . in Pnrli.'im' .mt' i VPli }ii 'ja «Jr« » - BiH , ! K— .j . :t.t 'Mitrn |.'s of ih3j walr , no d0|Uliw-.iv-n lrt if piyei ^iloiij -s ]i••vij l b fj .suoh' a conspiciic¦wojrlcl : j *f dn -7.3. t -iii s "sprnitk' .t l iaf t tiiis loiT.v.t &h r,

ns. but f a is vild be ?o<jpht aAhUr of r; :fe anii 1! I . ¦ i- ¦:I ! ; I :l

exoensej f>f 1 ' :": planirJl'ul bi lrdsL' i ¦ : I

i -OATS AX-D SETS F, RQ VI ARM Y i ' \MhAN K RT S. ; I j J . : ! !,

;j iv.- i.r* ltt.i v.cl for s'oj i t ! ' j niii p;l } beftn11 ]:v: u li lanUc t c!r>t.lfc: |fo r exits anci ; ckLr g'.v . i i '. i ;i ,-o as Kihar j .' as till -y arc t arvic-•:i.»l. '. owl Uu'. , ;irinj iblanktH it?e f j is t e:v.<4 ;mn, .(l int< |- ii;M..,-<la e elo;ik> fittingl ylulc.n u rd wi ,h li '.L-nkc ¦ k Lu^ iin.' I T\\°'e.- i i ip I iK Cio|renun (!nf .l, 1dnk -.tV i ;uU! | als o

,'U :- :1"' ' qiivfri^l : info (so t sj coii^ iU h;iat , i >cr ;irf , .|a.nd bag. j cadh of i whi 'c-h le'¦.•ini iued with kvoclU n ?i iUikv.ry1

in a coA-"a.nmg -colbui ' iThe^V. is \-,n W,^li.Ut t l i -j cloaks andi fel.ts a.r* verS wariaiv l . c ,-on>foij tabK UdAY \c: t ? i ;> newenco: U and .e lo jU's- . are ash,io;., d of tv 'o«iatenal« of different]]>Lrtt4rn nnd coloukmg. H ILS arTan-eiDent miki.? for iii:i,m5.

nV/i .i ' r t P ? 1 -°W CTlly - 1*! ' P^cK .WiVOfy wmpj fj in ma-kt , wiih usually «AS V^W W Tf° HlWin .an .l rbcade , ^ir : ai xT knotted \HU\ ArtificialcomfflioW^-JlWL^y I1 S<lc

^ ; £ * ^ s

junip frs U also m'o?t af-Sfttf v^ Tk 119" i11 1 .q !. ^ ' -

Frock and cO* 'fo r ch'iUlre *

5:^'; XWb tie nnd | \vh io i ^P; rimmed w ith bancU o'fhkniXi iL ' ]inKhi^X^L ^V?"r?#° »>"ii« Mied ! or ordinary Wol . Oremlls fan.!IT i l ' J5 T^f

; >l:rl# <i o:lo"rs M t0 ¥

¦^F-1) -w«: ^"w nmdi W i^ , aiid l a^ ^ ol

o^r ; nairov, ¦ skirts| a|ul ^vmise ^cks . - | >j oke. - f .ii\ ?)o:ket!s m d l n n^ ' of j a Ipale

cVlT-,*\AI fr ; • - ' .il l - : I ' i '* illaatratJ iK IniirW rhymes1.j Ute-f 1raw 1va;t 3 ifor , : s.imMer wnar iU al- ' rtent. doth nia^y' idail rompera I MamiTJ lf l <irb;Tn !h

^n < W* verylihllil^ ::

re Siveri i fallingkllar^anriS

«» *,£"£ l i9 *Ji?e l^ f 0*1*- , ,^«'nP2fi W cbffs edgM witB a iiny PWtihf( ofPtrj >s are in all tJn» Itwinurs of <Vi» »«. ntn*4. loi-^ ;_ , «w:«-/, ii-_ UL-K- -J7i i ih.-, .

kw \min<r iAA < ?« Ii ¦ r-l_ " "I'fl""-' 1" °trfJ ia v n » '« Y «K or inc colour of thobo-A ] mingled: together j ii apparently tWe e l pf o. | ¦ , ; ' 1 : : ' .- i 1 ;1 ¦ . i 1 I ' ' " - M i l i : ! i: ' I ' 1 i ! ¦ • ' :

1 'i Ihj i ' iH : ' !i : : i i


NT. ' i i ! : , I

ip' . ' - i : o ; i : ¦ . :¦ S I '.


j ' j ; Ti ' f"7] ¦ i '" i " i ' I ~ • 1 1 ' .

ooriosi ! iiapliazarxi ]fashionj but tlie effiictsis Jabi very pleasing. :A ii 'nv idtix isj i hij t)ingling!o.' beadd >vitli straw , !wliich g :v«a.', yery \ brilliant jsurface.' I bomo of ] 1i«lairge straw hats' j ure tiu-neti up _ii» fron t6r-j a4| ihe ¦ sides , j :or llbJuy] hava doi(bl«b-Hms that give this appearance. A greathu'nVb'er oi these! hats axe | small and oi¦tjh^ toqu« and turban type. ' Th'a Bre^oaSailor is a favourite shape for boUi Etra -w>nd fabrtc hat&jjbut the! slhapes ftf li]iif«ire so varied! that- botih old; and young 61ev^rj r typ« can1 I find something to ? uil¦*t"t : . -. . . j i -L-i i- ! - H iVERY iLITl'IJ?;, UNDERC LOTHING. |

!)>awn rlinprerie in pa lej delicate sJi;» !«¦is v> ,f!he fore ju ?t now, pprawork sc;i ti?«and motifs, together witli |edgin^H , !i> -nl-ing !:0iel trimmings. "\Mibr»> nigiitdnv sci :are j -pT^ferdied Jo 1 j >yjamas '. | the , Mn ivi irshape j ^ invariiibly rfios'enj because j [ i f .eonrS>rtable and i-equires l so HttJo sewj inp. !Tlj e!1 tarni-kruckOT is;, pei'h'aps, t.he nlbst ipcrpu afj of all dual snnnihits , for i' nnf*(fl!eiip-oni .dressing ijaoket , cti-t. on Mie iSii-iriety :Tb*.tepdency of the momen t $' in 1tne «i i Fec>tion;oi the I?ast|r4>s.?ible Hmomi i«-f liBdpi rclothingi. whidi fc^r daily vw' .irconsists) usually j o ii1 fine iwoven coinVvp a-li.ioitis ', ;<jorsols . cami-kiiic-kor?. and an ' ;i t-i«iniiited pet^icoj it. Sfis of underlitK-ii¦arn :!ynry popular and useful. 'Vhcf t\ in- .< ]lud *J ni gh'trl re«<i]or pyjarru? , oh"emv«* orcaj nifkhiokera , and a dt^siin"- iac3c«t ! li»r -.-ji :"; Hurut siug jacic ?!, cut on We ]Kin-{•ono lines . i$ quickly mnld e an<I :eaki [y¦ki ' i infd and doffed. If of a flowraredj 'ilhoiU '.hi U.j ii icril '.Me .j it- ib bekh*' pretty ij iuj 'j

nig ;oiuy|. |:uot i ti ; -and f 'nt-ifuIly-finiFfi' irledkings] itakc the place 1 of the; one^iaioynfd s ' aiid! vard? of lo,:4 linsle-ri -ion-s ] andi-dptngsi ' B:an^ !Hil specimens of jfil< ' » .P<vint 'de Paris , ] ami Olinjv lhccs ' a rij - tobe had in cirolas , diii ii iop t is , c.r t r ia n cri i -' .nnd ! j these are lot ¦ in th* i'ron t of ni lrh *^' flrrjsses ! and ' che(r..i=c-s an 'd rotui f ' ' th*Tiomyj -sonie distance upaVt j —of cr.'n\>i UN I ;e-«,tinrat4 .. .

1such h? M10 kni L - lj 'pr -ciioniisf]¦Moj iifs ciih; also \bo how^\\ v/ork.?d. | <ivt r if M of mup l in j and can be cut off <""

FASHIONS IFOR THE S V.A U. .FOi.Ks' .:: Giiild f-eTi'siclotlies liavt always folLAv<dn'\ (fx4 OTJless closely the fii.'Wons qii Hn f i r¦eldejs. |Thus jjumpers , j -weaten'-il '¦ ''}¦sports boats? fire found alike- in .th.'? de-' portmen-tsidevotcd to Clio itnaj l /oik's and, 1c! tpfe j grpwn-ii ps. Tlila I woollen I fei (..'!(•tOatv aj re .mbst ati-wctivc in ! cotoiuihu;and tde^pn , ,and a jroodrdeal of bnii -lied

m:j !¦

; , . ' ¦ i

7ho hcapt o? a typo

*§EE that the sturdy reliability of yourDunlop coyer js aot discounted by the ;

use of an inferior , tube. <: • ' ¦

•¦ : ¦' ¦ I 1 |:j v -j' :• . : i

; I !

Ample supplies of cur the well-known Dunlopgrades of tubes (I)unlop Magnum; Dunlop 'Roadster, Warwicfcj Edinburgh and Pericles)!are available ct a!! dealers

09 ycii uso fsdaded CJJQO covers ?Ho chortaco o{ cuppl'co ;In cnv credo cr elzo. :

i ! I

INFIRMARY BALL !: : : ' ¦' i : i ' ;

1 lie following is the "lij st of iUiow whokinuiy aulwcrioea money ; towaitlii it«e ei-1». -uses or food lor the supper of j th* butl:—

Collectors oi euU&cnpuuaa :—Mr8^

A.Phdan Mr*. Jfarle, Mrs. Kidfcway, M-fc*I ..,MVII , - . .»US6 M. «^uinlan. [_ ; ; . ,

Miss G. Uultield, Mr. T. Cfonm. Mr.T. Dav.ec. lire. Fearce, tbe <iu«y;O Mnea'3 Bakeries, lir. ii. U.-. HJ wcer ,CVrilxal i Stores,1 • Mrs. Msvy*M,

^MLiS. H.

Bidgway. Mesers J. and K. Waffcta,; M«saM. O'Brien, the Misses Eilir sad Lily.o lSiien, Miss J . Power, fctepnea street ;Mi&s M. Baldwin, MJ3* M. Casey, MWSM.iTroy, MissiE. Grant , llreJ T. Cconra,Misb" C; Norri .s, Mi68 K.| Allen, jMi s» M.Morgan, Miss Kyan , Miss N . KeUyJ Miss1$. I Jlom&j ey, ! Macs'lJ Comdoa .j Misa £".Lynch; Miss LauRhtori, Mi&s 1. O'Uoaner ,Mrs. UloomfieUl ; Miss \V\Sileh*, ; BelLeTtte;l^ady Irene CouKrev«,' JMr. J. Mullin , llr.•lid Mrs. 1'. \V. Kie.y, ilTiniol-o ; Mir. andMis. K . Phelan, Mre. i). GulljwO'r, Mr. J.K«:ly, '!l Mr. J. H. Hauuuon'd;! '< Mtssie

J ombtird str.-xit; Maea C: >olan> Mrs aa4C Boyd. Mies . Pirn. Mrs. ^tonejr IBJok

ig a -Mplia^S iM p lirvX*^' gbgggri PrHk.: tWuiiwn and .Co;, Mrs. ,Oanw,Grosvcnor Terrace ; MK. UW, ii*"^Sffi& S!&^3#£3S

K£ MS.' Kent , Mrs. HylU. MMI K.Ay lwrirtJ; Mr. ! K . Aylwiud, Mr. ;R. Cronin,Mrs. :|J. Phulan , Michael street; Mrs.Ifowe r , HiKhiisueet ; Mrs. Canty , Mrs. D.Widyjc r , Mi.^ Murp hy, Waterside; Mnj.\\ il!i»'iiw, Jolin 'o Hillj .Mrs . J!. Btrai iRinan ,Mi B. i O'Kelly, Arundel Sqiiaie; Mr3.Lvi id i , the (ilen ; MisJP. Bowo, Mr. OweaD.mv-oii, Mid . Caulfieid, ihe (Jlen ; Mrs.Hivl in ;' <lo. ;i Mrs. Walsh) do'.; ^Iw. J.

>\ ' :<Jir er , -Mr. iT. Sliecdy, Mr [T;| Wj Arid«r-»( .n, Mrn . 11. ArdaRh, Mrs. Stanford, Mrs..1 . Cuuuuiiisj Mi-sere iHarpur ij Bros.. Mr.I' . Wa ' nVi; Mr. R. iCutlar, Mrs. Caitoll ,\t- '\Kiwi\ M .v,sr3 'l'ytvr and Co..! MeaansI.i pUin anl to., Mrsj . j J. McCoy, KOQK -l ; ii>il « | ; Mrs} W. MuTpliy, Christendom ;Mi^fi i HoltonJ Mrs. Mcade, Messts Demp-.-i-y and Brcnnan,. i Messre Hearne andCi ihi t l , Modirs Lynch ; Bros'., j -JIts. Boyd ,,M : . ,C. Boyct , Mr. Palmer, Mia: A. Ford,M i s i i Field inpr , MesonelPbtlan'illros., M's.H J : Wlialiey, Mr. A! D. Denny, Mr. Vl .iiili azon , Messrs Carroll : and Co.| Mi\V. O\Shea, iMrs. i Ed. ! White;1 Miea -Mor-rir .T i.-y. Mrs. Jellett, Mr. D.| SifiO .' Mrs. S-strni frmnn , |Mr DieK Power , ll )r > Bailey>Mr. Y. S. Benson; Mb. Ph^lah. Newrath ;

M'is-s HazeHon. Mrs ] iParker.,' Mrs. Mtvc;-

DonaM , Miss Roberteon, MrH J CbW U , Mra(..reijr , Mrs .| Kent , Mire. O'LouRhlin , llr *.E\V\$, Mrs. Weotercarde, M isa j iorrin, MrsNoldn , Mr. >V. J. Sm^th , Mirs .W MaokiMy,Mrs | Anderson , Carrick ; Anna Lady Goff ,

Mrsj Carroll , Mrs. M. J. Mwrphy. Me*s:s11. ;ind H. HaU , Ltd ; Mr. iM|, Breen, Mr.- -• -¦ - ¦¦ «™« Ir-y-k^i- and Co., Mr.

T Murphy, Mrs. Gorman. Mr. T. Pow-j i .Mr;*: Clancy, Jlr. M. Voale/|MUs V01I2 ,

Mr.j J . A. McCoy; Mr, Elwird Muber , Mr.Thornton , Mr. Barden, Mir8 PJoriis , New-rat Ii; Mrs . j Flanagan; Mrs. Morris, LadyLuive ; Miss Newton. Messrfc j Chapruan .Ltdl, Misses E. and H Wliitf. Lndy, Goff .Mr*i. Gibbori; Mrs. j W. Gallwey, MiwO'Neill Walsh, Mrs Cullenj Mra. Kearn?v ,ftl rJ J. White. MT©.' ! Shortii; j Mrs . J->n-ninRS, Mt. Walsh,' Broad street -, Mrs ..Inc-kman', Messrs the ArKej; tine Meat Co..

Phelan , iMiss : Ryan , Hyh street ; Mr*Caliill , Mr. ! M. Quirilan, Mrii Flynn , Mis.Staaord, Mrs. Gravies , Mr. J.! Fitzgerald.Mrs. CRcRati; Grahville!Hotel, Mr». J.Hej irne, Mra. GrifBths, Mre. i Widger ,Mrs Parle, Mrs.ia.iRoss.l Mra. G Straus---:. *<„ -T. - WalshL IMr. Moltoy, Michaftl

Itpitippv '' rlVat'/ Btree M"i iKeaiDey. .Mr».

io ito fcubo


waierford Street Committeet I

i ¦ i 'A meeting of t3ie Street Committco ofthe Corporation ! vfas held on Monday,Present:—Aldexman Dr. Vincent J. Wihite<Mayor-«lecit), paresiding; Aid. P. Qudnlan ,Aid. P. Brazil, Aid. T. D. Connolly; anaCouncillors P. W. I Kenny, J. D. Walsli,R. Catlar, J. J. Gallagher, T. CNcill,John 8. O'Neill and T. Dunne. Mr. T.F. J. Higgina, Town Clerk, was in at-teadan.ee. ' i

, WitJi reference t<? t!he new naine-platesi!ct the |new Ctentr* Ward, it was- ordered(that the name of itho ward only be in-scribed j thereon, j

It w"aB unanimously decoded that Aid.(T. D. Oonnolly be ' elcfiSBd vice-cbairaianof the commiiAce. i

The application of the hbrseowncrs forpayment of £6 per week for services ofilueir horses hawing been considered bytie committee, and often having jnier-¦riewed j some oi the owners, it- wus decid-iftd to recommend! that ttey be paid atithe rate of £4 10s. per week, on conditionChat the standard! rate -of wages is paid\o the eartexa ernployexl by the owners.

Councillor Duririe and the BoroughSurreyor wero requested to interview theAirfjEMDible DnivcTS and Merfiimicrs Unionwith recrmrd to Mr. Huglhes'& motor caj ,whidi 5s ai present lying in <2ie river atIhe forry huik. . !

A letter wus read complaining of theobstruction ' «nd nuisance crea-teil at thecorner !of Michael1 filreet and Peter otreetby flsOi vendors, <md it was decided toanBrttruot the TowrL OLerk to issue the W-Jowing prubTio notice by poster: "In con.sequence of repeated complaints thathave been made (o the committee of thenuisance arid obeto'ictioin created by fishsellers]in and around Pete* street. Broadatreet,|and Mich'aiel street, the comniitteehave ordered that. Irom this day forwardno fisSi fthivll be'allowed to be sold in .thislocality, aa the free fish markeUcrected(for tiiis special purpose is open to sudhpcraons for t2ic carrying on 0/ their busi-ness, and the ccnunit'ee will insist onthe diecotinuanee; of the nuisances andDbsiructions- referred to. The publicgenerally are in-vii tnd to co-opdrate withSthe cDtn mi-:tec in! carrying out this tleci-Kion by declining ix\ purchiis? fish nt thepliicos mentioned ."

It was decided j tlvat the wages of Wm.Hearhe , assistant, operator nt .;lhe bridge ,.be incieased by 5s. from tJ i? date oJ hisanpoihtment , \nz.:, 30th October , 1919. ;

]t was agreed j 'to' recomimend ih:\: tho(ferry service be entirely discontinued on•Sinulayfi unt i l l^.t April , as the Corpora-lion drc running jth c ferry at ;i von1 con-sidonible loss,1 aiid arc doiujr eves yiiiinp!to avoid any fuhir e Iv-.6«.

'Tlio application of the bi'idge overseerand lihosc emploj-ed on Oie ^

bridce forpaymen t of oveirtimo wap postponed , andtlie TOWTI Clerk j instructed to refer theapplicants ¦ to th« termp o: Lheiir appoint-j uent«, without prejudice to tliair claim?.

It was OIXIOTM tha t tender s for stonesfor 'tfie cominp yfrar be invited.

It |Was ordered Hhat the not .i:^ l;rr .-in -.=in the Pa.rk be rppavred , and the name oftho new Park Ranjrer , Councillor ThoF.O'Neill, be inRCTibed the*reon.

It |was ordered that the futur e mePt iDS "of Uif- ooininif.W be hi>3d on tho secondTuejj dhy of ench ^ month at 7.0 p.m.

I t : was docidod to recommend to the(VmiH-il tls.it the; wages of the Corpox^.lioni?i»ii) !oyoA« bo niid . ns from I F* O1' MnrHi .:n i]\f Town Holl- on Friday v 'v/ nX at 6o'clock. : !

'l':|«- a nnlirnt .inn of tfie f erryman forpaynioTit of ine-ijen«r« reopj i' .lv ci'i:!1 '< 1 iol]ii»i|i a fro m ihe 'Lite of the applica-tion: w-.is acceded to.

Tbotc /'Mr»ierioui Wirelett M« ««« J e«!lThe riling tun congratulates theEattb on po»&e»slng stocks of .

fW<Q> <p& ID) -"M| HJP3 E"Special" Revolving Heels

KS^^^ fe^^ r^ r*^ L >

decoration of ail the- rooms ; to Mi.-? May-ling nnd Miss t'enna^sy wlw w«.-re j f f -pon-eibje for tlie table decorations , to Mr.SinnoU , Hiffh street , who boned the tur-ict'V* '

The following finha lent china, cutlery,etc;:—llesers Ifobcrtson, Le<llie . Forpus-onand Co., Hcarno and Co., Loixlon andNewcastle Tea : Co., J. G. McCauI.

Wino, whiskey and mineral.—Mcsm IIDdwnos and Co.. J. Kgft-n . R. A. Jlt-rryand Co, Basael.t and llercoitli , II. O'Sulli-vah , T and Hl-Doolan.*¦ Cigarctte&—Mr. P. W Doyio. ; Mr. hO'iRrwly, Messrs Purcell and Co." jMe sfirB Bobiert(>on Bro6 providc-d the8t«ward9 and helpera badges ; Jleser.s Har-vey r.Hd Co., :menu caeds , etc. ; ; Messrs.Eobertij on. Le41io, Ferguson and Co. pup-plied all the decorationr. Miss Mnri?lF»rth'« name *ivaa omitted in the last list .of helpeTB in the Buppe r room. :

;The h'on .'eec. belicn'cs tliat the obovoli.Bt is corupMe, but would bo obliged iftmv" pTPon whose pamo has been omit-*ri will communicate vriUj 3iim.

.4 iai letin^i-elf. -tJ«> WJaie locrd Board-olOu^oxWa^s

wai'neld:oa T iedday. Mr. KWalsh |(Cha.irman) preai<li ig.; Atoo pres-«ni|rr-Mrs. Poole, M<asre. MauricePiower, jJ6niir PuDpby, Jiimea FjanrtH;: E;Phelanjj Martin 8hanah»at end Edward•©onnelly.

1' L : . . - . ! : • ¦ ; . '¦ •¦ , ; ; - .

I i DOOTOB'8 OAB. HIBE.T5ie L.G.H. (wrote stating p e p had be»

ft>ro th, an-: the Replies 4o queries respectingthe employnieiit of Dr. vinoant J. Whiteas-tempoxary medical o'ffyeriof the UBidtanaj KiUrij ackovogue disij ensary ddBtrict*roin the Km. to the 21st ult. and withsreferenceithfai&to they migttit be inlormedof the axhoithi proposed to be paid to Dr..WMte in roanoct o<f oar hire for tine:pe-riod m,«n1ao!Qe|d. I . '

The Oleiki j said that Dr. White was awayland iwould hoi be home until to-morrow.Ho su est<»d jthat the ooiHmunicatdori bemarked "Information to be forwarded.";

The jClerk'a suggestion was adapted.

SGHOOIAIASTTER'S ICECUEATION.Ilhe JL^G.KJ iwrote statin? they were1 not

Able to: approve of the arrangement byCThich it wa$ proposed 1hat Miss Drea¦would disdj arge h.ar fatflver 's duties whileiabseni, on recreation, an well aa for thepemod of lkis| annual holidays, with1 re-niunoration1 at the rate oi 5s. per week.

Mrs. Poole said it waii passed by \ thetooard some-!time ago, and it was not !fairto aslij ; Mr. i 'I^rea to contanuosly do dutywithout 60jtie[ htvle period of recreation ,and considering his aclujghtex was will-ing, to disclX5i?ge h,is duties in hds^abseJice.Sh.4 proposed! tli« followi \g. resolution :—"That, we rjes'pectfuny pjc uest the L:vr.B.io rec.)nsidi>r|their decisi< n: regarding, theoppoiutoeilt lof Mips Drea, hospita,l ; te>a-oher, to diicviarga the; schoolmaster 'sdutiy n^lulel ayailing of hig weekly recrea*tioh from duty and wh'?rj on hrs annualvacation. jWje know of no. more faifour-ahl« hr WNon'omic ftrmiiffifwriflnt. thAt i ioanbe made. ^Ir. Drea will not taks his•weekly ^eljutj a'Sion except duTing solne- ofthe hours the hospital teacher is Free totake charge,^or him, and hdfl annual vaca-tion i\iin oppedde witli- ,Uhe school &hil-dren'fi annual vaoation. The childrencan , therefore, suffer no disadvantageireim [flie , at+angemente we have made',and wo request the Local GovernmentBoard to eanction ft." , i I

Mr] Dunphy seconde>i the proposition,whion was. p\assed unand nously. :

mtr\Tf i r rvi?t<T/-rcn>iQ> c A T »TJTi ?a

Th^ IL.G.ti. wrote with referenco to

th©minutea of procoedinesi pf tiie Board ofGuardians on the 28th ult., and pointedDut ihat the;proposal to ractreas© the 'sala-ries jOf the | medical stop of the unionehpu 'd: bej bonsiderrd aiter due notice toeach guardian.' ¦ I . . ! j.

'Air . Donnolly—Was no,t the arrange-ment unaiumous about the doctors' sala-ries on lht;']a&t day? : i |

Mrl 1 M. | Power—It w.is. not on the lastday. | I ' i j , .

¦" , ¦'¦¦ ' ¦

Clerk—T3\e- only difference you had thelast day in; th? transac1ii<in was that Com-onaanilcr Caiew's motion fixed tfce initialaaJary at £250, to be ir creased to £300,and [there | J was an ata^ndment to ' that,starting at £250 unti l a rjmxrrnum of £350was j reachej i. The latter, the dark con-tinued, W«SJ passed. " ¦¦ • • :

> fj TV.nfJ^ll»r T» mil Lnntf tn. Khft T: CiBoard pointing out thai, it was the. urn -nimbus wj sJt of the lxiard thrat d!ay twgrant 1 the!sal-aries rectonrmended, would hhave any i effeot? :

CH^rk—That would only deal with theworMiousi; jmedical offic<5r8. '

OhnarrnJ'.ij—Does .fivis:letter apply to alltih? :hedical officers ? : ; . :d irk—Y|?s. Proceodiig.i the olerk said

the L.G.B: required t'h-Lt the matter bebroi ^iht forward again' on notice. ; ¦ Th>former notice of motion he said , was re-ferred-to ; the commitU*,

Mr."Donnelly—Yes , on * the under-star ding i 'Jhat my notf» df motion would!hol< [ goodi

Cerk—Evidently thu L.G.B. hold that ,not having dealt with 1;r. e notice of motion |¦on (ne da> it WM fb ed for , the: guax-!diciris.' .«ilio.uld havo' an ither notice , , and ,required t;aoh guardian to get a copy ofdt. You could have dea t with, it this daymonth. You did not ; you referred it to:the bominittee. . :

Mr. Donnelly—Wh«i it waa referred to.t3iG cominittce I madeJ it plain that my>not oe of .motion would hold good \ntil 'tlie it i im? jit was eitfuOT successful or he-1feaiid : : i I

¦ : ¦ ¦ ; !

Clerk —You carried he terms <\\ yournotice' of motion . but ;a ^parently the L.C5 .BOE rd , according to thv way thvy . read it ,bel ieved you did not i^al with it abao-¦lut ily^ and the fact of you r ref (»rrm<.' it totlie committee made it alterable, r •

¦Chaiirnian—You wen uniininioii s aboutt-ncj ' iu?JicaJ officers of the- worltlioi ipp .and they are sendrng in a letter to-doyai?Min g for more to be piven them. ,

ithe Oli-rk here rea d , the foll i>w5ii! » l r t-ton;fmm I Doctors James J. H. Jnckinanaj ijl ' .Ale^ Ford: "Witli roferenc-.fi t - > the/revision jof our &alaone&, w? be;: to putth ( - ! follow in £ factt s 1>oforc th -j Board of(l i iitd-ians. Tiic saJj uji es of medical offi -ce<» . of: workhouses in unions cla rifiedwith ' j1 U'aterford Unior are ;—Dublin , 8ixnu ili t sil offi cers, sala rj £500 ; Beffas-t, fivenij dic-dl ofrioers, salary i £305, : imd fourwij th £2i*0 cadh. In 4 ) un.ions- vi'here the¦we rkh^UFos are in n\ way comparable,til ; in.idica l ofucers l ave £2f )0 lupwards .\Vi ' R^O no mason wh;r .we' eihould not bep! iced ¦ on the same ^cale of - salaries ason- colleagues in tiho (Poor Law service ,oiir <}uties and responsibilities being iden-<j ca,l j or: why your be ard should not fallin wi th so many otl or board .* .of pnar-<li::ii\? i lirough'out th? countr >-.| : \\'*> t- 'ii -/•d (-71 ';]>• ' a.sk Upat our in(ixiimin >- <^ laiy befii-b il al £i">0 instea d of £200 ; n s , rec -uin-11 clndei .] by the Salar ?« Committee. "

Mrs .:: Poole thougli;'. they could not coiii-p iVe Wat^rford with BeTJast. 1 bur. •shea luxl if they were n >t -givin? Ui 'o?e doc-U is as much as they ware asking for?

Clerkf-\o. ! |Mrs, Poole said th s>y ought to; bo just

0 v the -same basis IU the otlier doctors ,a ul ?])onld pot what they a-sked, crwisi-0 'Hn g.-Uie expenses incu rred on! tyred andCilb. ; ¦ ' ; ! .

It was? decided to defer th f' wholeF ibiec l . to be brouf ht on op nin under1 A KvP J . . ¦

! AMXLACAMATICN OF COI'NTY! r UNIONS. . 1Tin- . 1 CU rk of (.ho Dainffarvin Union

M to-'.e stating that -J .eyi had fix"(l f n tu r -< .j r . 1 It l i i ip t . . for he propoi"i < ¦ n [< r-<%iK• " re "pcc-'.inj : tDie inion am<il gania t ionf ii t-1 1 €."¦' county. Tlie conference would be1 old at 12.30 in .the ourtliouyp. Diniira r.i ;iii , fin d they sugcj etod th/i t tli<? dt 'le-f ak'.s should b^? accompanied by ilu 1 clorkof t)ie ; Union.

' f l ic- CI(^k i Fiid Mia ,' IJ IP Cli.'i iri iM' ! . ^fr.Rji heri .AValKh . and Mr. T. Whitt!. - « errij 'j e ( .lir(J (> members .1 ipoint. "<l to- h-pn - .-ent¦oil - sj i'iKlin.n f. nt t-hc con te.T<p :t)<\c:

I jTi i h'i> '.v to Mr Pupphy . tlv'o! clerk «aultj lic n fi -' - t t iT hroF,-> out of a rcv 'lut -i :ii »•¦> '»-¦i n tr for tl " ""] amaleoinaiton of .the fourMIIIV J V ;.. unions into f,wo , and i ronies*ingv \\o ni 'mintmcnt of a committee in eon-. -|<lcr:|it. . I .

¦ ; ; ; i ' :|r ' i ; t tnnnn—T s fJin confore-nc.1 supnosed

1. be; ren rf Rcn -'aUve of the four unions?,n. ¦r': -Y«M .Afr.i ;Dnnphv—D00 1 it only conrern this

.« r?p 0! *y >r ' river?The Clerk ropiicfl f.hnt it was only in

p innoction with Co. 'Wiaierfbrd. ¦

1' THE NATIONAUST," CLONMEL. " i" The Nationalietl" is p\iblir«hed three

time? every week . f.t has the larcest and<!rj .l!l?Sv T/)cal. Telefjrapliic. and SportingN(j w« and all matte « ofi public interest inthe Premier end" ac j oining Comities. Theb<",5t iposdible Advortisinc : Jf eflitim in; theheist ipart of Irelnnc Quotations and allurtiier informatict from : : ! •¦ ' ] ! • ¦ • '¦ D. FEKNEfiSY, Managr.«-- j :i i ¦ : ' '¦ ¦ ¦ } ' ¦ ' ¦ -J : ]

¦¦: ' ¦ i

' ¦


^•; !' i i - ,i^!:f?rTHy :. : J;: -!.-}i !.! .; -


i : ; -vN-f i } : ' - ! ¦ . 1 . ¦ ; ¦

j YK»terday Mr A, PL Dejany, t.G. fipairdanspeotor, opened o wtorp ; inquiry, ioiho Boardroom,; Wa&eBford i WbrkTwyuBe,into I certain invjgulairitik» that wetro al-leged to have taken place in that institu-tion, i Mr. McQoy, solrJ , represeaited theGuardians. ¦ . ( j . j , \ ¦ j

¦ ' 1 ¦ ¦i Mr. Buggy, 6olr., said be appeared: for

ftiie officdala gerienauly and for *'a ceftlainofficial. '-' . . J f i j i: 7 . - - I J

;I Dr. Alex Ford, medical officer of the

¦woTKhouse, &wori> he I was in: charge of tihelemale ho&pitalj He!|r|ecei\(ed a reportttrom thev matron . of i the warldhouBe | and¦the' head nurse of tttie; j 1 hospital, SisterMary .Mercy. In coins^auence of tlh« re-port he received, he( commuriioated a re-r— *. i -« vu. MVVU I WUMIMM * IAS IUU U«1?i&.

I Inspector—Had you i lab • inionnaitlon inregaid to this alleged ' irregularity on orItefore t9ie dkite Jof yptii, Report?—None.

I Mij . Buggy enAuir^d iajora; witnes'S if hehad occasion to "go to, bhas plaee'ait night?

Witness—Yes.' \A'\\\ ': ' i ' • |

! Did you ever get lacc'ess ther© throughitjhe door being <>peu? i 1 1 1 ¦ ' ' j

i Th'e witness replied toit he had n'o re-icollection of it. ! | j ' | . 1 | - - • ¦

! After 8 o'clock aTe iihe keys in owairgeof the lay nurses and i;.he ; nuns gb offduty?-Yes.: ! 1 j :.¦ i r ' • |.! . NUTS© Mary Jaiu? Oonpoy swore | shewas¦; a pTdbatloj i«t?| nurse I in tJie work-Jiouse;Infirmary), and" i remeanbered thelast. At that time ww> ; was ; acting as oneof the nig'h.t nursei irri the female linfir-nry. It was a part ctfiheriduAy rnt nightto visit No. 14^th

f| female ; Prtf'festcntward. She visii ed »' w|ard at 12.30, andOjCrftin between 4- ani 6i :a.mJ ! On tihis par-ticular mornini; &ho rbmbmbered- visitingthe yard of tiv$ ward ai',112.30 a.m. I Wit-ne«a waa accorrjpanied, ;by ; NuTse pVfaryAnne Ryan. She was tihei senior of th»two nurees and) held the [key1 that opened'the door info the yard ,1 attached to-lffa. 14¦word. Th^t keir also opened the door in-to the nursery (yard. 1 The nursery) yardu)Kireu \JU iaic j uuu vu, in/, it wara.i DOWItrf these doors pere usually; kept lcWked,When she arrived at tlie' door leading in-to No. 14 yard she observed jt lhia't the door¦was wide open , wjiieh j oocasdon'ed hersome surprise, |as it was an unueu|al in-stance. She never knew of it ¦ toj haveibeen open befqre. I \ystne8s went fo' No.14 w<ard ,and wjhen' appTJoadiing th^ diporof the ward she noticed the! door leadingto the nursery yard; wj d^ open ; she ineyersaw this door open| before. !On returningfrom ths ward I witness paw a ntanlrush-dng hurriedly io the door feading |o theyard of No. 14 ward. {; 'He p m from, thedoor leading to tht^ nuoaery yaTd. | Theman was about lOj yarclj away from wit-ness vf tien she hotij ;edjhim runningj away.It was very dark at the time. They hadnc lantern thalt nigMr,: ihough they usu-1 ally caj>ried one. I . . : ;

'¦ Inspector—Was this; tae o|nly nig^it youhad gone without a l«ntern?—-Yes.

Will you tell m? th,e 'reason why'?—Trj 'ffre was no oil in \ine Ian tern fit the'¦time. .. i 1 1 jAro "you quite si re ^Lt- wn& the aheonceA? oil that made y>n poj without f.lj e lan-tern , or th? '. lj ripi r.noas, of. the ' night?—¦The absence of oil! • | j '¦ ^

Wns it a moonlight rii^fht?—No. ;Resuming her Qvi^ernce , witnes£ said

she was sure the figure waa a man. Shecould n'ot identify !him, nor, could she sayid tho m!a.n was tall , sluurt , thin , or} stout.

Mr. McCoy—I suppose you could not6ay whether ;he h'ad .- .vhiiskers or wasclean>-shaven?-—No. 1 :

Inspector—>Va€ j it merely a blurred or.¦ind istinct figure thai; passed?—Yes.

How did you know it Was a n an , orhow did you form tlie iislltinction >f sex?—J dame to tlie c<j nolu >ionj it was a manbecause the footsteps ; vero heavy, and 1&aw the figpre^ of a ma.ii; I!have no doubtbut it waa a manl ; ! ¦

Mr. MeCoy-r-Whieni -lr e got too tile doorof No. 14 yoj -d w*jj a1.;dii he do?—He wentthrough tho doorway :' uit» the hospital en-closure and locked tli s door on the out-side against lis. [ : j :WHVat did you do j tl fin :i did you run«fter tho man'?—I did.

i Inspector—Try |to .cdtcJl | him?—No , butto open tha door [he h id locked. W^enslifc opened trj e door 6] e- fi rst listeped andIward footsteps passing th' rough the yardof fchc hospital enclosure,! but ehle couldmot say wGiii ti drirj cctiicv i . j After sne un-Coc-ked the dit)or |the ruun; was n|)t to beseen again . \Vi'ness x)ckied tlie cloor &hehad opened . Sli3 -also locked tihe doorleading to tli e nursery yard. 'Witnessthen im-mediiiU 'ly reparted the n>attor tothe t 'iinr<!Q JU?h: [ mir.'e. IViIn-".$.¦) had togo a. second round that morning, whichwas rJj out 5 o'eTJoc-k.j Nurse Ryan waswj t)i witness and she had to perform Uiei vOiiic -duties as befor e, wh icii were tovLpit the p:v ii .iiits hi tlie ward. \Vnonshe pot to the door 1 of the yard attachedrto this ward she n'oi-fccd tl ie do-^ r to beagain wid-.? <cpoij . SI e proceoJed U> tlieward , and whilst K^ iu? th^ro she observ-ed tlie door i leadinp no the nursery yurdalso wide often. ! Sh< locked both doorsnij ain. Slie did hot visit the wa(d at all.6he returned to ' thle' cha.rge nigh t nurse¦and reported the ^irj umstances , Afterhaving repor ted| the mat ter to tlie chargehigfct nurs -Ji ftho wor t back to tlie wardand visited tlie ¦' patients.'

Mr. McCoy—Whom did you go^ the keyfrom when youi started out on tjhese twobcc.'isions? From Ui<| cluwge niyl it nurs upersonally. .| i j ; , ''; ^lien you] weiV.' (tot |e your ix>urj cls wtKm x<lid you "give l i i /j ! k^y to?—Tho chargeni .a-ht nursdj j ' ] ¦ i

How long jar fi i yoj i here ?—Eisr litmontih s.-.— ' . i - \ .

Have you 'ibp .en frt |i |iueri'.ly on tiii s n ightduty before?—Justj tjwo months.

With the 'ifixcepUftn of the occa6ioii r>-•ferred t'> , have you [over found the:~c two ,docifii . or any of tlj oioi . open before? — N 'n .1

Dw-i-yoij, ri 'iiiMnTi'cr ! Uie morning of t hu27th January ?—Yesj; I

Do. ..you romej nbefi viien you wore re}-turning from you) ! :fi r?t round from No.l-l ward thai inw ilife' about 12.30 a.m.?-fYC3. j I if [

A^Tien you .pniascirl . put from No. 14 yam*had evei-yth'ing ibe t 'nj oppiirently ' all right ?

When 1 yon wcjre Wi =;un<r by tho h ospi ta lenclosu/c 'Ml i s v ,] iat kapi)cn«l?-Tlier'was a fitoiii- t-1 lojvr with great f<>u - i ,wli'ich stiuck tiie k- H nit tl u> hosp ita l

Insp <-Uirj - D (1 j t fal l close to you?—l i tpa-ssc-d about cwo] \ an l4 from me; jtirebou'nded fi *oi 1 the wi ll back into t. 'icenclosure. :| i ,

"Did you nmj ffl ia. i'e.ly 'renorl the ni si !¦ >'to tlu - c-hcare tiiyh' t i ntir.se?—Y «-.s. ,

Wl' if i n ' i 't 'j be r h 'ne lit'lr did you i't ij - lKurs- Ryan pol back to tho place to lnc kifor the •<rme?-j-T 'i4 1' c" ilJ tho n)OI ""fwe 'did so: wi> foiin fl a l iarly large .-tonl - .la-bf/Ut- tha size lof yc ur hand. I

Could yf Ax give :ii ; an.v idea :wm wh<hdirection the .*!tonc -W ii .*[throwi |.-'-I cou <Jn-t say. biit -t tho icht it wai from b ••¦hind. I I '¦ ' ! . J

3fr McCoy4nr li nd : what r^rt of th ehouso would tliat l; n. frwn ?

Witness 'isaid she- con d not say exa<- y.what fjireotioit the »^pe came from l.litthat it rnme fronV behind. > , !

Mr McGoy4-Dp: hro u i romomber goingyo'jw ' rounds on itho 29tlt January about12|3U?—Yc3. j. : , . j

Who nceoTmian.it d ypu on that occa-oion ?—The niihtiniin«e in charge . j" Af ' er having <x» nple ted - your dutv j toNo. 14 ward , d<> > f>u j -emembflr walkingnlont; fihei 'ene- .osij im w ith tlie rtight nuHein diiarpeP-V ra ^i ,. • [ ¦ . ; !

Were v<>u i wo. hdiek walking arm 111mrmP—Yea. & .' I 1

"When you hrriv ?d at tlfe place when-the stono'lwai tlirdwn: tlie previous moj rn-<ng did anytniriij happen?—Yes; Ui 'prc

¦¦ '-: ¦ i i ! ¦ ;i ¦ '' I 1 ¦


From |the day heir baby isgiven- her <!vety: mother hp p t s hewill erow l ip healthy and itropgvfull otj. fo add go. Anc^ that is ¥fhy;a mothei- should , wherever possible,'fei-il her baby at the breast. | Thijwill be easier if she Includes in lerdii ly food la bowlful of Neayo'sdflcalth DietJ 1 j . i : 7

¦ ¦ ¦ • ; •

¦ ¦ i . . | ¦ i . tIf baby has to be bottfe-fed—and smnetimes, through J raillcfever otj ottier cause, ttjis c»nnoi beavoiJeJJ—th '« mother has to decidewlilcb food he U to- , be rearedon. Tn« decision you make'iii atl-iniport j it, and you ennnot do wrongIf you fplloy the advice of doctorthnd mothers based on a century's»xj- Kirienrc , ! and pivo! your ' babyNe.ive's F00J. I ' I '

: ' I ' ¦ I ' ! ' • ¦ ! ' : ' ; i i : ' -:A Doctor writes : -"As regards: the proportion ofjiflesh-fbrmin^

nlbumir oids , and tho bone-form ng- salts, there exists a porfect tuiiformity between Kea1 'e's FoodnnJ nio hcr's milk." i 1 ' . . J i ! 1 I ! I¦ - , " , ; ¦ ¦ i ' ' • . ' . ' i . ' H - i j , ; i! . " . : ' i ,N'cav j's Food so closel y resembles mother's rj ii lk that ijc e nsuresyour b.- !)y ! JKTowing: up| health!y and contented , free frorli Uelhing: itroublei L rickets and otlieiiinfant j omplainls arising thijoi g it Improper feeding. Neave's Food i is rasily laasimilated andd-.;.-»t -J , ah-J gives the litUej o ie healthy sleep, aoH when made accordlrigito tK'e directlbntproviJds h m wlh all the riouri: hment required to enable him to'tbrfvclas ho shouldj ' ||

FREE SAMPLE su ^c'eint to 'ast 8cv«ral tJays, will be sent ion receipt of 3d.

. 1 : in stamps (to cover postage), if yotj inentioyv-thia ' pulj licatiooiAlso a ret My usaful tooklet , " Hints about Baby," by ja trained nurse. .' ! ¦ j i

I JOSIAH R.iH|EAVE & CO. (Dept .39 ), FORDINGBpibGE. | ji;' : I JOSIAH R.iHE>

Babies thrive on1! . .' . :

t \

! j ix ivOoV^^ V/v^S / Z \ / ? n I Soli everywhere inirO JJz WWWf i Also 6d. Packe'ta.\

¦ 1 ' ' ' : i ¦ ' ii I ; H " U . !

LJ 1 i f f . : . : ! ! ¦ Jutf cZ&'mA

j \Juj [ X I* « the wise mother who studies the! children's!] \%i>-y Food, and so safeguards heir health ' jGorn1 Flour j

cor bined with millc is excellent iafter the teething period.-I 1 A nourishing Corn F our pudding j -atl tt«rrung

and ho<—will ne!p guard children fro n the winter ;| chill*. ' Mc!m;- -•- dae. for J to-morrow*

* dinner and waitch it vanish. [ ¦ j ' '| , | i j | : ¦ !

'j:. : "sbSfenf C! ?ini IFIOTS^ I ¦ j ; i[ i 1 i ! — the kind for which children clamour. I | ; ;I ; j - I llb/ IOId ^ - .iib ., sidi'J j JH»J: ad.l - i i i . ' , : : ||

I I ¦ |' j l I ' ¦ • ' M i r j I i > :: : I I I ' f I

was a lump of earth thrown w^hidh struck i Is thejkey you have thsub opens j Zi«md lit t^ie

: ! back. ' | , : , doors a jdouble oiie?—Jt ie.||| . - | - . [ MI ine-pectoy —Did it hurt yo i ?—No. Do you know, ! as:a 1 'matter off fact, f th&ij- Mr. McOoy—But lit gave you a con- doubl e key is capdbW'bf 'qpenihg tlio zaaJesadtsrabl p. t right?—Y^s. and eipnie sidesi)-i-No. j : M . J ;.: | ' |

You gikvd a jum i) and yc-u bo-Jh turned Yon don't kriow; .who fined t!i« at«S:58 ataTou ndFHXes. \ \ : you?-)-No. ' !

: ; I I J ! ! | ¦ " | '•I Did iiBjytning tiien ' hap.pi?n ?lTn 'me<lin.to1 y Miss ^JuiSa Bergin: BW.ore! sh« ! j .Ka*ja Ptone rwaJa thrown' It was not - thrown charge-night purse in ftfw JiinirnMary She(With dip I yiolenoo that wap used when , rein€fuibere<] 'Ui'e j inoming ofl 23rd (l;;apu-Wie stonei Hvas ' thTOJvn . on tihe previous ary, j when she received iaj p-apbrt fpmlinenioniin^ . ! j " promationeryl nurse about 25i minuiles to

In-spebtor—Did you _ ftnd j ut the diree- :ono. Kurse Coiiroy made j the ' j ep'oort.tion fro m ^hi-ch thei piece of eartJi or the She was .accompanied by Nuiee ) Ityan.&w>no c-Ami?—No. i ¦ _ Tire eyiidencii she ^ave that day]; [cor-

On aj p jj pj those tnoinings did you see rcspondtxl wj j -h the repoij t she coimrau ij i-anyoiu? parsing?—Na. j I ' cateel tp! witness (on this particular Mt W-

^lad jy;«j> ii lantorni with you on these ing . I Wilnes* I rented-ivSrballly tk ^iiirfeetwo oc<;asi'ons?—Y«i. | ; Walsh tlie re >ort made by Nurse Coilroy.

I Tiie niglLt nuroe ,[whom yov would r .- Abo it ' l.30 a m . .on the Jaanie taoHingUport to| urtcfeir ordinar y ftireuinsuiiKc.s , wi-.iiess ' wa.s |ai tho c^rridwi wi'ridt>^ oni WM with 1 you?—Yes |. . ' ' ' th e- |*i> "i>or fla i dl tlw i femal e war'd.lLThat| Inspij cto r—On any oth«ix occasion dur- window : look {d dii'x>tly libwjn ori tb 1 the•in }s yoi r rounds hT>'e you [ever seen the door lwuliiip j frt -m' the fem'ale 'sad«- i'f \hefigure df aky unauthorised (person on the j 1Ouse into tic ,'dSning- tiail{ Whilst Mn'd-«roimdr? ;4No. , • I ing iit l ; the vi indbw witn iUsj heard ; the

>.Mr *. \P CM Q (Guardian)—Th e onl y nigh t - ^00^ leu-ding 'from ' -flie feriiale »i<& Utiieyou s;iwithe figure was tihe n ight you .house iii'.o tl 'e: dining hali) u!nlocked- andiliod no| lainp?—Yes . . . . kx-kwl acain ] \ M ! I |, ! I ; || : ;

. lira. P|oble—rlt c6\i U) n <J>t liave beeniniajj in.iti U 'n . could|it?—Koi

. Tnspc -clt r— A re you ia,wai}e ;wlvo« dutyii i.s to jju t oil into- the lft ' ni:o!n.<?—N "o.

'Vas thi s the only oewision you foundIhcro v - 'isa no oil in thp lantern?—Th atwas tJie o iil y occasion. j

; Mr. j Btifey was no^. pr< |sent to cross-•exumii <; (3K- witness , .and tllie matter Was< l i : i r r i ' d i ] \

¦M r .. Nfc- ^oy Raid itlve neit : witness wasN'urc -o Kji- iii , but sj io wan not avaihiblr ,

; Inspector—Did iyou , Mr. Kontfod y.li' c t i f y j S'u rse Ryan ldhat I WHS to hold thisii iuiuiryit cfday? ; [ \

; Mr. Kcrancdy rofJli ed tkak, h<; hti<l <rivf -nthe ' necjtVi v-iry officiial intimniion . but lit ^l i t idcr . -it^cAl : tJiat : Nurse Kymi 's mother

i Tlie |ln -pec 'or encju inHl Row long XurseUyan '4 'n otil ior w.-jn i l l , ;ind -Um, - 0110j li io . siMi'r-ij -ii d a week . i

! I i i . f>ect>r (to clei-k)—C'aji y . ,n *.\w \> - meA copy oi the authoiiiaatfon . pi % r n n : t i i i j JNursiM -R.y j.il to go j awa-y oji tho i l ln t - s s of¦1KM in|>!:h '.r? ' " | :

i; Tht' l Oi -rk dopari^d to a t t e n d ' ( ' ¦ thv

r<- c |iio *>t!. nd in thy i n i - i i n u t l i r M i U ujr^y

! I '( I I I I W W> tho bi iai - dr o . M I and . < ro< :~

C- Kimil 'if i Nurse 1 C'v- n i < ¦ j Wlm * n '.h i - i

j i i i r s i .-.- w -TV on dik ty t h a i j n .iul n i n the(•mire .toatalo Kid(| of t i c l i o ^j i i t a l ' - •

Kiuv c IvvaJi and inysel:How ;j ij l iny-k (\vs |capable of o|H -n ' in < .' t i n

|i. 'or i rj" |in tl< <- fornail e f^id r of . thn lujH-^ v-I t-o\i |dj not say.j i i :

) I.- S'i|rtio Ryan 'a U-inp 'Kary ij uiv c?—

I Y<''» ;say you so,w a man .on thv niirh tin (pik^tion—you idon 't s«'y he canu' outi> i imy- j b'u.ikli'ngP-j -No. >j Yoii j (jould not sao' v'h(4 li< fr ln> wasdroj ised In inmate's , p ati nt ' ? . ui Ij y -'»(.-i;r^ |bJ'othes?—JjJo. i

Howl | do yon ktiow it kvn.» a n ian ' - t-I^aw tllie njrure of |i man , |

M r j j . HJiigpy—A |man v .^ a much l;j ,r(rorfL't i rq - t-luan a mouse. Did you sc.r ivu iiri—Xo- H| i " ! i !

He iniyh't have |L*cn a burglar. Did t n"take aiv r concert<e<l ncu<>p to repon ij l i ihIo tlib inia&tnr Qxfy l n iplit. ^—Xo. j 1

MrK. fool© here interpolated sonie i rn-niarlcsj knd ;Mr. ^ug«y rj etoiled :—Please ,•Uiie id a puWio sworn inquiry. I amin pcss4M&i<>n.

Mr. Buggy (to. kvitness)|—Have you ' everfouti 'l Uie plassiticaidori doorw open ?—|No.

Th j|v ^alls aro |not vei> | lwpli. are Utcy :the pvalls wliereFyou s4w, "U)e man;—Ieoulj l 'nl)t say. | ,' i

IukpcJetor—Yo u could nut climb it ,

]\li. Kug«y—Do you kuow where the^hM J3?-No, ] | .

! I 11 ' " P : ! : - . -Qj ¦ H - j i j V -\ i : ! i :M

¦ ¦Hi "Oldest, ' cheapest,/I and still ihe\ best."

I " I fl M J ' i i i M I! I" - ..HI

Iii'spobtor-fpid.- noi i cjins l stidkle :yi'u [asunusual?—Yes.i ¦ |' . ; I j |; • - ! ||| l -

Did you ever know ; pf such ft ' JtiBS tohappe n before?-|No.i ; i M . ¦ : \ l :)j f :

\\lien1 did von I report jif?fr-I n the Worn-in? at 8 o'clock,!, to Miisa j ^'al-sh. I: || I

Proceeding ! witness |&add j she | reraeni-tK?red on th$ 28lh .T.'unuaTjv | pasathW the.ho»pital tTiclosure with' jNuisc :Oonroy.She; o»rroborii,1j?<l Niir&o j t'onroy 's ¦ fvj d-«nce about tihje .'clod o.' earth and the Btonebeing throwiii.; I ; i I. | ! i ! |

Mr". ' B\igg>"f}-Afe yjou Ithoilady iKurseCanroy got U)e.' key frohiPf-Y, s. : | i ¦

It is a double |key?-Y6d. j ' | r :InspeotiJr-^Wo^ild

that (Key; be any :goodoutside the jmfrrma'ry ?-j -I do; n 't tnow .

Was tlK.re 'a .burp liirji iij i tlie union I'dur-ing jyovij r tinj h 'thei«i?|-No. ¦ ; j II. j

Gould you jsc«( tlieJdpdr leading fi .thedinj ng .roomlon. tlio occa.ji >n| you ' hfj ardj itopeii , froj n tJj c corr idor?-pI could not seethai nifrlit; jt w|as- too idflirk , I || ¦ ¦

Yjou did not conceive it youi! du y too-^port it?r->o. :j : ! | j | I ! :

I r. 1 BuggV^yaicn' | N use GonrbV re-P<>r <d tJi^is to you on : ths first oc *sion<tid she sayj it was a figii ro?—Shis [{aid, iiwa^ a figiiro , ! but sh (knew it! f< |b« amap. ' j. : I | i i ' : |. -Mr. ' .McCo^' said tha' tj vais all ij * evi-

dence he could , give a' sj to the acti al j in-cidj iit . Tlit|i next evidence! they ivaniedwas wiL h rcjpird to -' rhe .' jk'cys. ! ' ! l|

Mi rf s Marj iraH- Wnj I sJi 'M f wore eJ ^; wasniiree instj n |ict-Ti .\s3,; :ttnd! sta ted th'at theniij-sos1 und^V her cflta ff *: "! had to 'd6||d|ity¦both in t lw > male and fq I ales aides}of j^ie•.house- . Th i-e \\y.r<i doi I le! keys, :ori passkeys! wiiio i w.er*1 not ; i"i jwit.ness 8' i!>o>^M.-^ion , JIOI |di<i yhe give pass keys to any,

' oi |thc mines. , ' . ' . v j ¦ \ . j M - I

Nuret Bcirj fj ri .i rccd.Ucid , in repj y Ij O-MriMcCoy, sakl Sister Mato j Mercy.' . wlj ewrtniws w :-Ht off du t j 3t 8, o dock m th

«r«apMion kr( iliftfflii n1 h f k o-Aock n tj ipns.se^ionlof it (ft fr airi * i »| o'clock/" fl¦moniinff. There wa.v « rc^-rve |key lotthe male N<1<> ; , . i j j ; ||| 1¦ Oross-exfiiranwl , by . V J.L Bugj syhr Wj w » iyou iii chmgel pt both ; inrfimamaWYe .;ThCTe weife' riureco for j achi ward M .- iWl* ar : tUoy?-Nu-ie Agnea Wfl;iwho' wa»'# f^ity in !tl 4 lower flai .f i t tlienj ale' infirmary: j ; j ; ; : ! ¦ _•

I Whaf Mher nurse ?- -iNUrse ; nAnn^r',who was f>n the top flih of the maj e: «d

JIn i\w fc{ij aJq side tj idrfe ?™9 ^"ff C<)1

rov' and Niirse Ryan) ; I | . : ;¦ L . ..I Had thfe« othor «««>! an^^ fc VI- was j aftcdded to adjour n *f W^M

uUil Monday , 23rd linst.,1 for ttoe attenH|. abce of Kf\>rs«j ;Ryan. ; j ; -' ! : j

?kt JWbjrffei interest ia it^anjl&"v " r ' - :U- . I 1' ; i Lii- ¦ :V': j-'< ; ! > ¦ [ ¦ '! HOW j WE lARE PLUNDERED/ : ; r¦I - : ;-

; .¦

.-r . ; : :¦•¦• ¦ • - ¦ ¦

• ¦ . . • ¦ '

i '\ . ; ; ¦•

I ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ';

¦ '. '- -I - ' .

'¦ ¦ ' ! i

": J l


' L Hi« depoiiti&tdcais ol ths vroek-end, thetalitarjr- demonfitoation* in Dublin- andj linxorick,j the : : killing of two ! peacefulBittswis'in tOie1 Utter caty, and theiinces-

JB*ufc .arrests;, -.raids end- suppressionsmark the i*eal apiitit of England towards

r !&M.IriAh! nation. Mr. Lloyd George'sj fenapwalfljare tor placate America^! His*roouxed oafs, military patrols; midnight

i.wMa, tohproVofcod shocflingB are to pla-j csjp Irelandi Happily every hostile actI «f Jih© British Government is day by day• cif*alated • abroad to. Fiance' and to" Ame-tfioa. England can no longer tortuxe thiscountry in- secrecy. Ae1 tflioy try to teat4rwn our] politSoal brg&nfisation it is. forMa »ot only ;to &ustj ain tfoat but to buildup.w well ivn industrial one. . For in-stance, tihe time has surely come "whenttte purchase of EngTM> goods should atlaat definitely ocas© amongst us. i Eng-land is already in the throes of a greatcKjmmercial WOT with the Unfted States ofAmerica. | EVery English-made ' articlew$ now ibuy is our contribution to Uwtfofeat of out greatest ally. T!he forma-itio-n in every, lodality in Ireland of peace-ful "Watch i Oonrmitfoes"—on Washing-Jtqo's modal-^-committees who will B«e4h«t Irish shops will stock Irish goods-is ona way by which, we can reply to re-pression by new .industrial effort. .

T&e. world interest in Ireland growsTrith every ' day. - Ths demand of theIrish people for .full and unfettered inde-pendence, is; winning sympathy in fch«most unexpected quarters of the| Oonti-mint. And this sympathy is based uponA rexy shrewd understanding of the realconditions in Ireland.' England's eco-nomic spoliation and militaristilc repres-sion is now I the frequent subject of lead-ing article*- ; and' special articles: in UMprinicpal daily and weekly papers inNorway, D«nm'aTk , Holland, BelgiumFrance, Switzerland. Spain, and ! ItalytTOtihin the ilast two months Island hasbe*n visited.by Norwegian, French, Spanldsh. ItaHnnj nnd a hoSi of American epe*cTal correspondents. Th-ese* eorrespon'd-ter^ts have. f.rftveMed Ireland and WaVe^eenthings for! themselves. The Englishpaper wall has be?'n torn into -shreds, 'aridIreland— <Jwvnks to Rinn Fein—is now arj -ti«ula.'ie in ironntries w*he<re previouslythe name- of Ireland was hardly'eyoj :mentioned, j And as. day by day, outeid

^nations are coming *o n keener, realisationi&f our struppl e for liberation, and theKJrfciumstn'nces of it;, the circle of onrsympathisers is spreading f\trther andfurther across {he surface of UJ.9 world. |

i o • • • o o i IAii indication of the economic disaster

it jneans for Ireland to bo 'forcibly! linkedla khe British Empire is given in thestpresent days by the collapse of the raiupo.( Hho £'. In Ainwica an English soveowign is now worth little over 13a. I^iother words . English credit has. almosttnelied away. TJie reason is noi far tos«ek. England is importing £1,632,000,00bof goods per ami am , and is tryinc to payJttr th<.*e imports with a total expor; <A\Xif93,(W0,OO0. That is, Enghind is livingteach year ' at the rate of X83-KOO0.000,above her income. The outside nations'consequently see her steering for bank-!cuptay, and are refusing her credit, j Thj er« suit is the most sensational collapsein the £ that has- ever occurred. But Ir«-t*nd suffers from this collapse too. Her£ is \vilued in the United States at thesame rat? as the English £. Yet Irelanlisclle inort' i th'un she buys.. r Ireland isah«olu(-ej y solrc-nt. In 1918 (tho lateitjfigures available) I reland's -exports <j r«B^-. s to other countiries amounted to£ir>3.0W ,000. But her imports or puNClmscs amounted ' ov?.y to £126.000,000. Ijnother \votdfi , where England . lost£331.000,0r<| on her year's trading, Ire-tand made £27.000.000. Were we an in-d?j>"ndont nation the value of the Irish |£WQi'ld bo over 22s. in otliei" coun:iries, a^dW\e value o.f tlie English £ would uvDn'^in ' bo . V*n t.hnn 17a. I reland is nolfan iniopond nt notion , with th? resuHthr,r she sells to outside , nations, not ptth> 22s. Irish st-indard, but at the 13a]BtitiP-h - stindnird . losing 9s. on every |£sale. And when she buys in th: U.3.A|she has to pny 27«». for evorj- £ worth;instead of I npproximA'ely 21s.., loaing ^sican every £ purchase. It is estimatfd byoxTKjrts that because this solvent Ireland,is tied inf*!i>irably to a bowk nipt Britifh•Empdre , Ireland lo^rt in 1916 £52,000.0]X)in hex trading. Tliis. added tp e£41,000.000; taxation which is .annuallytaken from u«v. bninge our yearly pay!-ments fox : the Honef>"i? of Imperial donj ii-nation to the colo^il gfiure of £93.000,000fr/>m tliVw two i{<*ms alono. T5iink ofthe portion . Ireland would hold- if herjvsopV h.T(5 sole And unfettered control ofIrer financ^ !

' * I - ¦ , ITneiv are other itsms af jeconoii iq

spoliation; Afw(f an ang.rj ' press cari-p^aign the British Govornmenii recenUy,yitdded tlie demand for an inquiry irto !i\lvt profiti -mad e by. tlie Treasury but of :iSiiB control of wool. The rosulVcrf the n-'quiry has' created a sensation in indus-trial ! circles . The Government^ one f n-!ancial expert at the inquiry said, hpdmade such profi.a that he would not tryjhi o&t.imaie tJiem, he w^ould merely sayhat tSvey were on a colossa l scale. Th<isaprofits the Governmen t nwide by flicsimple plan of controlling tihe: purchasepri-03 of wool at Is. 3d. a lb., and , havingpn-03 ot wool at Is. 3d. a lb., and , havingoommandeored nt that price, re-soiling itat fts .-, nnd even &?. Cd. a lb. ;. By tl .atmftans Uie producer and the consun erwe*e;bo:1il dofroiulrd and the BritishTrwa-ury tirade col<v«aJ profite . Ireland1,in this m-itt-T of controlling wool, cooi'tiriJ-5\ut«d hor< fth'nre to tliiese profit s . To lbeable to do PO is one of (die benefits of bc'-longrn g t<> the British Empire. ;But th<^?esubtle imj iOFts never appear in Treasury•V/hite PapCT©. ap' part of Ireland's Impe-rial corV'-ribution ! Unquestionably, VeKit paying ' dearly for our "protection"ffrom foroifm invasion , And it 'is to thisff tp d old "British Emparo, which is dongH $ baat to ruin us, that Mi. Dillon aidhin traitofrous associates desire us tocUno. . • ¦ t , .i | fej |'

OUR UtiHT RAINFALL. ¦Moat oj l the inhibitn-Tits of jWatercttrd

thought 1(hat we had more than our ownebCaxe of fain during the montli of Janu-ary, but at eeeme that the lighteat raan-fall in fiouthorn Ireland wus Watearford's.Tha hfeavieBt record wus. t3iat of, Dimm m-way—10.40 inches—while ^"UtortAyrd's te-coni waa onJy 4.83. • | : ¦ .

HIGHWAY ROBBERY . j MA sensational occurrenqe took] place out-

ald« tihe city on Sunday night When a ririnfrom Waterfo'rd who.se name we are hotat liberty; to disclose, waa held ;up by twounlpnownj men ahd relieved of ^3s., whichTTM all : the Jmoney he :hod in his pos-liession iTh^ exciting ' incident occurredat Mulliriabro, Co. Kilkonny, about tl\ree-qu&rlerA. iof a- Jnilo .from tlie ^ity, whenthe' younjsr mpn, who was deprived of (hiemmxj , was 'accosted by Jais iasallante,t>ne of wlJitMn seized-.him by the coat collaiwhilsi hip comrade m the criminal tn na-AcUpn &earched hw trousers pook !t{».Having eocured the monoy the assailantsdminerfiaiely decamped. Speaking k :a*'N«^' srepresentativte. on Jlonday, . hoyotipg-m|iJi, who WRS deprived of his T OS-Sfissicns, I stated the-.- perpetrators -of J>eoitairk .carried; no weapon,;jy>r were' theytriajkect, but he was .unable to identify Ithe

iPiS^. siti'.ilfflljM ;-4v -. ¦ '¦; s-^v^- V"^H"']1':;l - i . ::nr^Fvt

h'-'^i-'Carrick:! WbairCbiittcli' ¦ >;¦ .(

¥f r : ; :^H t::} \tti jMr.'-P . Kirbjr, J. ?., Chairmain, pare sidedit|aftv adjourned r loiUMy meeting cf theCiup?.ick-»n«Suir Ui1>an Oouttoil yeatorday-CTediang. Also pnwenA^-nMissars.. i .Jj. : B.^m|>b, t:f, ; &. VfciteTB, M; iBanlts, T. F.'iMoiMssey^ T. O'Eticker, J;. i Barry J H.tiealy; J. pelahurSy. J. J: iOIKeeff^ W.iMurphy, B. Walsi (iMiain street), and ! J.HanOiey: : ¦ j < ! (I . i . : | . '. ' ;

li :.*" ! [ ¦ ¦ ¦M i ' [i 1 : :irHB COMING INQUIRY ON i!| ' j j . 1 H0jU8IffG.i l : | . .

¦ ' ' j

' i Tlie. Chairman tm& that: in connection.¦With! the : application for £-15,000 -fdr theereoiion of nousesk it wouid bel verV im-poril4nt .that tho (pcnincil would' , h'aro'-all(th'ejhnecesaary evidence 13or! tho inquiry .(Hej(dhiaartnan) fe .t bound ! to ac^now-ledgo th6 debt of flie Council to | Mir;Grubb fox all he;h.j »d done during the pastyeaij. -But-for all Mr. Grub bhadjaoinet|he Bcheme would not be eta far odvtmcedaB id is. 1 ¦ " . ' ' ' .' ¦ ¦ ¦ i i ! • i

I . ifL r* L.L/i. » .1 _ _ it . ' -i • _; t. - ii | i -M J r . Grubb saidl o» the 'chaiTman had; tasted, it wae ne- ssairy to; have all tihei evidence: required in order for the en-quiry. . v ¦ -, . i | : . - I , :( !MT. Baiiks aaked if tiie; Council hadany powers to compel owners di Housesto keep Uhem in aj sanit&Jrjr condiiioh andin . repair. r ¦ '¦ i : i ¦ ¦

. '¦' | . ' !I Af jr. Morrissey aaid in Clonimel recentlyowners of houses [ were .fined £1 oach fornot 'Slaving .kept ¦thoi/rihouBes in order, j|: 'M"r. Barry, Mr. i Healy. «-nd Mr. Banksgave linstances of ihousea in th'« town trom•irhdeh nearly Jiafll <tihto roof had been rermoved, and the people sure IsTramped dur-ing:'wet-weather. • ] : ; ; ¦ ; . , . ¦ ;, -MJr. Grubb And, Mr. Banks urged that

steps should be taken t»; have these<h'ouses repaired, j ' '. ': . '' ' . i| - ' Mr . Hicltey eaid if a landlords expendsittoney on Topairing Ihousea : hei demandsiin' ; increiased rent' owing ip; the!ihdg!h costbf materral and labour. . ' ¦ j : ¦i TM. Banks—He' can get 6 per cent, oftho.outlay. . -I : ; j . i - I! 'Mr. O'Hick-ay «iid ho ¦ thoroughlyagreed with all Mjr. Banks and Mr. Grubbhad said tJiat landlords rihould be com-pelled to put their hous«3 ;into habitablefconditiion. , Tlhej .present ! ! condition bfirnany of the hou^ei

in (tihe town :was cal-'culated to caustI cjudemics.' ,| Mr. - Heily aria Mir. Barry care in-sta nces of hardsjhipB suffered by them-selves and others, owing to l3aiiing roofsand eanitary def^tcts. ; ¦¦ : :!. Mr. Wal sh arid MT. "O'Koefl! lagreedwdih. w*hat Mr. Gd-ubb and Mr. Banks hadeaid. I . . ¦ !eald. !¦'. An order ' was mad* asking tih« eub-isiuutaiy officer "to report to the nextmooting of tho Council <re ;daj3ct,rve housesland , .to <take step^i (to compel landlords torepair tihenv. ! j "i I i

i i in connection j -witih the inquiry; theTown Clerk said Mir. O'Shoa. eolx., hadwilittem 'to him asking Ihim to attend theinquiry and {riv evidence. He; wouldbe prepared to' give ericVaioe that .tihere is

I frftjvB.noed for hpusee in the town.;Jtn r<T>ly to Mr). O'Mickey, th« TownCl^irk said any m.' mber of the public cancoij ie to. the inquiry and pivo ©ridence forox; against the housing ftchemo. ;

; Mr. Rarry eai<j l lie toad been .asked byMr. O'-Shse to give evidence at iha in-quiry. I

".Tii reivly to Xfr: O'Hiekey. tli* Clerksalu' the sites for th-e houses were Mrs.Biitla-r 'a land nt CttrrickbeSi and the fieldn-S?ir 'M<*«rR. Cleeve'a. : Ey*n if Mrs.Buti'or or any other person refused to givet-Wfiel d they could tnk ejth wn '''torn th emif ithe L.G..B. -trwiug-h', fit; : :1 ^la Chairman ss-id it iwas vwy impor-tan.t to 'hsve a dpclnratapn from ihe Lab-ouj" P*nrty in tho: Oounei} as to wh-it rent(ih i» tenante of tlie houses .proposed to beb-iii.lt would bo Able to pay.

Mr. aBnks—ThJ» labourers would be pre-pa'red to pay 5a. i ' !

J\Ir . MoiTiepfy]—I think it should belofe . • '.

!Tn reply to a. que.=.tion .from Mr. O'Hic-kfjj - 3-i \r> what f^oiOd 'hhippwi if only 20r>'j *iJie 100 houfip^ wntiW b« occupied, Mr.GmKb snid \h<?\ w^uld not hiappen.Cbn-'ii |niin<r . Mr. .-G-rtj ibb said it WOB v.iry JTO-rvfj-rtant that they <»VniM hfl-vo a declara-tion as to what rent* the fienants wouldTuyy. Unless t ive "WouVl Dny. say, 6s.'Ix'fr? would not be muoh clhanee olf ged-^ij ie the houp*6. He

irndeiNtood fcha*. inOlorrmo1 '(hey aro thinking: of fixing theren-t at 8s. I ¦ :

jMr . RnnkF—They-wi'l not pet Bs. here.:>Ir. Rp .rrv . Mj - . Bnnk«, nnd Mr. Healy

"%T-reP?fHi 11\» v^|»w t.Ks.'-.i f tihe rent is fixed•vt j r>s. or SA. if .=jhould inr -lnd ft rates. ;

i Clirtirm'^n—I agree with that..

ii ; ' I : ¦ ;; i | INCREASE OF SALARY .

i ¦ j Arising out of an application from Mr.: P' .i Gray, School Attondanca ;OfBcer , for; an increase c^^-a&lry of £!i3 i\ year , Mr.;Q'Hickey handiu' in notice that ho wouldTOOve -at next meeting Uiart. jMr. Gray 'ssiilary be inerealied by £23.. :

I Mr. Grubb said school attendance offi-ci'Vs sJvonl <ibe padd by the • results oftli-iir work.


I / ' '(On the proposition of Mr. Banks , itw:is docidod to provide throe1 public lava-tories for thetoTrn.

: A proposal to have one of these at theoifi watch-housj on tht? old bridge wasopposed by Mr. O'Hick ey , <-n ',iw. ground•t/li '-at tilie wat-ch-noup© is a historic tnonu-ment .


; . | j 5:cfal ano Ip^r^anali : i ¦


Ni ' ~~i pThe Duche«s of DwvonsJiiixe, who . i«

icij ming home t > a'<tend tlie wedding ofb\v daug hter , l^idy Dorotfiy Cavendish,

luti d C«Tpt>ain larold M^cmillam, willj leave Canada in fcho Metapivma next Mon-: day. The Di ke, wiiose duties j as(>ovr>riior-( !eneinl of CSanadn will detainHim r. little lonpet , is expected honn intj ine for the weeding. :

| ! Ii- |The Most Noule James >\1iUmm TJieo-i' flj fdd Butler, thhrd Marquis of Onnohde ,! IKC , K.P., of Kilkenn y Castle, Kilkenny,JreJand, -w<ho c ixl on tlie '26'uli Ootoberlivst , aged 75 years, left personal ec-tato of¦the total value of 05^52 17B . 7d., but as<38tati3 duty is b^ing levied on LIK.1 Ipro-uibrty at 24 pei cent., tho (.ota.l value oiftihe late Marq lis's proper'iiy. is between£400,000 and £ 150,000. The testator , loft£iicmentoe£ to lug family and friend? , in-cluding, ' annondst others, Lord Noitii ,J lord I'Vederick FitaGerald; Sir " Simon1jockh*rt,, Dr. CrozLer; i Protestiuit' Pri-iaate of All Ireland ; Dr. Butler . Muster^>f Trinity ; aiid Admiral Sir WilmotFuwkcs. He left £200 to each , executor,and all hi» real estate in England or Ire-Sand he divided upon trust to pay anAnnual, rent c&.nxgo at £3,000 to his bro-^)ier, tlie Rev. Lord .Theobald Butler ,: withtemajndor to liis wife i-J- , Bh!? survivedUvini ; and, sub jec t thereto, in striot 6et-llJement upon 1 U n«phewb,!.Ti3.mcs GeorgeAnson Bu-tlar (f i 'cm ' oT . tho present j Mar-ftuis) end liis heira in tail m'a?© , whom... . ..... ,I..IID , YWlUHlfailing, upon lia brother TOioobaild andJiis hoira f.imiLarly; wW.ii failing,: wi'Uifurther remain iers . civiin s'' iboilife tenant' ijioweir to creat ; a jontur o ohairge not ex"•feeding £1,000 ~>er niinum (the total sub-^istiiif; at any l ime hot exceeding'£1,600) ,({jnd cli'arge ooi tione , for .yottn^er childreniip to £10,000 ( Ji? ' total subsisting at cnyfyie time not ( xcceding £15.000), He" W-liilic personal o?fcato to devolve 03 hi aspossible upon tti? trusts above defined{'or his real estate. ' ' '. '. . <;! 1 ' , ; v 'i :

ji '¦¦ ', ¦ ' ¦ ' "-'

jjppppl ^pi| :::Mii|S:i |iBip|j|i|l|lio|¦ •'. . ; - . -- irjj -!- . I ¦ . ( '¦> ' ' i j , i :

I . ', '•

:•; : '¦ ¦ >. ' ' :f ; !l t "TJHi .i / •;..¦ I The Irish Cup

IRISH CUP> for 1B4 ail-ages, lat 7RS. ep*h

j winherj £200'lar)d piece i of j plate, value!i £60; second, i|£W; jtwo; .doK8 £20, j fouii £7, eight £4 lOal, irixteeh £2 10s. each. |i Judge-rMf. MMichael) F.l Darin. j1 SllpperpQ'Donoghuo. : ; j'¦ . . ¦ ¦ ! • ¦ l i r j i I . ?

¦ i 1 "

¦ :

; FIFTH ROUND. , iIrish Steeple :bfeai , RoyaliDictator. (j "t«

2 to 1 on IriBh Ste iple ; . { . .. .- . : |; Lively! Tuiie Wati Beauty'd Boy. 7 to ^on Lively TuneV (| '; i :

. ' , j ... . : , :

1 LIVELY TUNE¥eit IRISH STEEPLE;.' 7 to 2[- on|! Irish Steep le, llrieh Steepleled a length -arid,- e half, but in a greatworking trial wai i mbsequently well out-pointed. \ ' . , 1 : ( ¦ i ' : " ! I ' : :


For 32 doga beaten in first i}ound of [Cup1.Winner, £20;j runner-up.;£8; 2 dog.5, £4each; [4 dopedj £2 leach ; 8 dogs. £1 each.

i • ¦: ¦ 'M i I ' ' I. • "I ¦ ' : !it THIRE EOUND. , , j

Cheerful Chainha n |beat Boys Oh Boya.6 to 4 on Boy^ Oh Boys, j j . ' j

Flying Out peatj Weliaw ay. 3 to il inFllyhg .Out; 'M M ¦ j ' I ;

Spot beat1 Outer Jib. 6 to 2 on OuterJib. ' .i MJ | . | j •' ! - |

v Irieli ChoeT .Beit Golan. 6 to 2 on Golan.

.- ¦ ! l FOTJRTH ROUND. . ¦" . iCh'eerfuT Chair nan beat Flying Out. 2

to I on;iCheerful (2iiairman . i"Spot beat Irish Cheer.' 5 to 2 on IrishCheer. 1 ; ' : | ! ¦' ' : ¦

¦ . 1 • ! ¦ ¦ ; ( FINAL.

' ' | ¦ . ¦


CHEERFUL!. CHAIRMAN and SPOT.Stakes divided'! | ! i ' ' '

: : j . i ; |TftE PLATE;. , ; 'For ;16 dotes bee ten i in second1 round of

Cvi p. i Wihner , £20!; runner-up, £8; '2dogs, £2 each ; 1 4 dogs, £1 each . !

' • ::l ] ! I ! ' : II TJHIfcp ROUND.

Ta Go Maitib^e ! " . ! :' jModest Beau beat [Wee Ally. C to 1 on

Modest I Beau:! | - I ' 'The O'Rahlilyi' beat Knockcarron. 6 to

1 on The 0'Rah .lly | j IGrand Ptiraj de a bye ; Rossbog drawn.

. ' i FOURTH! ROUND. ' • ' .Ta Go Mait! bisSt Modest Beau. 2 to 1

on Modeatll BeauJ ! i , ; '.The O'Rahilly beat Grand Parade.1 6 to

4 on The OfRih lly. ¦ ! ¦ ' !] ll I - n r-y t tr ¦ <

i .! |i ¦¦! FINAL. ; iTa Go Mait! aid, The O'Rahilly divided

purs«. ; i I ; . I ' ' : ' ; :: ¦; _Liii,ov_j ; !

Ducgarvan Coursing Meeting' \ I :.i — i [ !

Yesterday (Tnureday), under tihe aus-pices of th^> Ihingaj ryanj Coursing dub, oj i-ig'n-iy : success! u 1 cour&ini aieoi.in^ wiaaiif-ld at Baj llinn uck| on| tn--? lands <f i MJ.Charles J. Ciirr in. i Tihe nj umber of | spec-tators ; was ffery rarg;. I'iiq arrangementswere perfect j in evelry dotiail, and] theoi-owd jwas'|ofi a moist ordbrly oharacter.For 6ome lyixj uxi. past no meeting o? thiskind lias poen fioel d iii D|ungarvai|, butwe may sivfejy assert that x.est^fdiay'Bme:t wtu? j the !oreru.nn.er of many] suchevents ) to ibe l;old in th'? town in thefuture] T-hcj memtora' of the cldb de-serve to be lifgi i'.y complimnted oh tlir?success of: tih'air efloiJ'.fe. j President—Mr.M. Brennockl fr.U.D.C : ! SecTetarrv. Mr.-M. Br^nnockl C.U.D.C. ; ! SecTetatry, Mr.Kiely;} j GdRel Mr. j M^ft/^w Walsh ;Slipper. Mb. J.] Keating. |Details :4 :THE DUNGARVAIf DERBY , an| open

f-t-ake for| 2-ii all-aged do^e ; winner , £15;runnW-up.' Jto; third dog, £2 10s.i | j] !.;First Round.Mr . John Hughes s Slowly on beat Mr.

•John Pomiir 'ejOn the Run JMr. ironi! BarronVj Tumbvei1 a bye.iMr. 'J E. Ddyial'B Glen Boy beaf Mr. F.

Stuart's Corrig jV .iew. I ;Mr. II. Huj rhds-'s Hiddeii Mist be-i-t Mr.

Mr. NJ Kennedy's Crl^ffidonnoM Swakik. 1Mr ; McKettTj ck 'slTeiTi'ble <Fire beat

Mr . T. Brpderlck's Spring View. 'Miss Ajjney Dee'H Cunhis'ar Boy beat

Mr . Ja.mes1 Dpo(e-«y'R Frist!, AttemptlMr, |E. jFitzjj U-ald'3 Black Addet bea t

Mrs. PoweJ'si Q.B.D. '¦ J ;-*i n*. i'owtsJ Bl v.^.u.i/. • i ;¦Miss Kittyj Flym|'s Heilvick Boy boalMr. D Fahey'sl Eycfe RiigJk. |, !

Mr:JD. Murphy 'pj OourlThat beat MrJohn Harris 's Rrta 'R Pet. I |

Mr. R. Hayei'a Hands Up beat ^lr. !GGoff' s Repiibliq. .' ; !

Mr; E. jF 'lrim.'inpr'ri Find1 Out beat MrMcEniry 's Ch!atity Wallk. '

| !' | S(}cond Rxfund. • j.Slowly On jbea b Turnoveir . IGue?s Afrain beat Glen Bov. iTerriblei Fire bfeat; Hidden Mrisit.jCim ^iar fi r -B, ojr bopt TFi'ick Add er '(Jouir That-iWat H-?Tvrick Hoy. : ;

'¦Hait 'ils Up bint F.ind Otit. !I Third! Found ,

Slowly On' -boat' G.iio^ A!»nin..Cun :i i j ,'i r Boy beat Terrible Fir«.Hands Up bej at! GOUT Tlisnt .: : • j Sfjm ,i-Frinal.Plowlv On ben t Dinniga r Boy. |ITwirls PP [a bye-Tlie firpi l coir$o j V.-ns no', run , pfowly

On and H'sruls Up ^dividiing thii s&ake »?£15. " : i I " I i£l f> . " " ¦ | i ' " ' '

\ \T\w va^iouis idecJ .Honri , given by the

judge were fflultlfss and Rave satisfactionto alll coricerhea. ¦ j ¦

- J : ; ! [ I .- ; :

i ' , ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " :

: MANCHESTER. Jj * : j

1.30— COL'N T-Y HURDLI- : RACE of yj (Jdovs. Two m ilea. '¦

PLANET a'n l FRANK WEBBER deadheated fo.r first, place ; . WILD FELLOW,3. Betting—2 |to| 1 agot '>Vildfellolw andPLANET ,1 3 t o l lFI tANK , WEBBER.2.0—FRIDAY i^ELLLING STEEPLY¦ CHASE of 100 SOY». Two miled. ;

SUNLKJJHT III., finished alonej Aleoran—Rotterdtim, [ Hillock ,| Penhowe. i

Betting-I-C tol 5' on winner. j i2.30— FEBRUARY HANDICAP HURDLE: RACE ofi400 j sovs. Two miles . ! ,

MANRi;C0 l'; VERTIGO, 2; V.OXOL 3.5 to 2 wmneii. '| : i ; -3.0-vSTAND SELLI;N(; HANDICAP HUR

! DLE RACE oi 100 sove. Two mllesJBOAVERBY , ,1 j PRINCE LIONEL , j 1 ;

FIiAVilA . 3. : ID,to I 1 winner . j:',.30-?AIiFORp J HANDICAP STEEPLfi-

i CHASE 'W 150 oovs. iThree .mileti.LANDTEEL. ] ; LITTLE WILI IE , 2,

9 to '2 wihner. | i j


NURSK—Wanted! good capable • girl i '(R.C.) with s6me experience/ for, 2 .

childrj en , :2 yeard and 3_ r|ionth^ old! Ap- D"ply, Stating j aie, (jxpenepce and kragos. l cand aendingi references to No. 343, this theoffice.! . ! ' . ¦" i - ¦

I i - ?aiI . I ¦ : . I I T.m

ply^sta'tinRi aie": ' eneiice "" ' 03. |O|i

Wednl^(laj• j jii sfht a


' undei

I • j ' ! I : . Lar ;e Room lof the City Hall. There wereTXTANTEDia Bui Calf 10 or 12 rbontlw ,90.£ouple3 riersbnt; ami dancinR .1 whit -liW Wdi App y, Jo , 344,i this office. ¦! corr menced |at 10 ,>J clock , WJV, c {>nt )ni! (

: ,. j ; , i F I ' i 1 - ! with preat ?i?bt until the p arly hours ol"U10R -Sivlej » Tom of Mangolqa. <le- Uh<> ! -nfirnin-r. Tsic ;brdh<«:™l |music ,J-j Hvercd, within i-easonable dwitaijcei of whith was' idea , |A-as ¦ contribute hycity ¦ Wide 50s per ton. Alfio ofBci he!atr Meisr s Bannonf.5 $Uin« , Band, , Mary-ing ^fovei (n|ew). Apply, 27 John, strciot , boriueh; and the flobr i being in exeellcntCity .' ¦

I [ i ' ! I condition, a n osti bnjoyable ' nicht wisT1VISCHARGED soldier got 289, 225, 2156, anek . Tho bat >rii i £ J in the hands <j>f the1/272. -5i51f ' 2''6 MEI Jrom eix in'expcn- Misses Conijolly . Brnad .strp.ot .1 was.; nileive trnp'ne^(ec. Wnj fte Leghorns ori Ka|ra- th'atl could bi» d^3ir {d.

To ths hon. «ecs.,w |r<Dd! harmless Pdaltry iSpicw.. Packed -Mes srs M. Upton n,ml P.: Glerfry, rtnd the21d;, r?ld~ ">li. id. jCaWy.1 30, Johnstown, M.C. Mr. Wf \VaU)i nvorvcr odi 't j U dueWttterforcl '. i j i ' ; j : " ; (or the success j of Iho , function . i ;!¦ ; ' ¦¦ ¦ i ! !' • :

j i ' ¦ ' . !

¦ ¦ i : : I - . ' '

j i IMPORTANT NOTICE.- . . - -H ' H ~H i ; ¦¦• - •:¦> • ¦¦:] .¦

- I ! THE WIDGBRISALES. i ^ . i¦ •! I ; -• - M ¦ l -i ' i - [ . ) . . - - ; ¦ ]

T7roiiLpWIN4 his ; recent Prelinj inary-L Nqticoi Mij . Jod'eph WidRer beg6! toannouince that he: has' now fixed TUES-DA^Yj Ithe 2nd' J^LARCH; 1920, for the |P,ub-lic|'Atiction: of |his: Property, which! ,com-pricea:— ; ¦\ \- \ ; : |: ¦ • ' . ' . : , I I(Fi ratty)—His] SIX : FARMS, nimely,

COSGRAVE'S and;MNDY'S at Bally-dorinoy ^POWER'S at Ballyadam ; Rock-lodge Farm; | Wj astown - (BADGE'S)Farm, and the Kern el Farm; and 'Ken-r eW at Traiiiore| • j ; : : ¦ ' '' ; J i

(Secoddlv^—Hik piiv <u ^ !n.aidence 'knownfilsj'ALBION iHpUSE, Trimorc. :| ' !

(Thirdly) — His] ^THOROUOHiBREDS'TO'CK, namely :—3j Brood Marei;| 5five|year old IFilliea;; 2 four year Fillies ;2 (our year|' old Geldings ; "Mitchels-towh-Down"i Geldiht ; 10 Hunters, andtwo Ponies, j - IT ; ( ' : I !

: ; IT HENRY D.-. KBANE , Solicitor . 21; I O'Conriell StRet y Waterford. ¦12th February, 192$ ; !



Centr* of Cityi Lonp Lease.: Low Rent.i ' As a gclingi -onoern .

Apply, '• M l, [IJOHN MURP HY & SON ,

AIJ CTIONEERS, &L WATERFORD.I 1 1 • |||[ B ! -! 1 1 ¦ " i

Salpo by Dalton , Bourko £k Co.. ! || ; - ! * I ;lUESDAY^ 24th FEBRUARY (Fair! Day),

in||Mi8<j ; M.| iCi illinans Yard , KiLmac-thomas, !iisual Sale, of In-]Calf Heifers,Horses, eto. L Entries desired as eoon aaposiaible1 so ;thdt detailed 'lisU may beprepared, and intending purchaeers benotified. i I I ; i : ' ¦

THURSDAY, j 2Sth I FEBRUARY (FairDay), iit our l Sdle Yards, KickhamStreet , ¦' CtirHok-od-Suir, usual Sale ofCa' itle, Hor,jeoj eti.i Entries invrted asc-at fly as possible so that 1 detailed list<jpiky be prepared and intending pur-chasers be notified.! \ \

On Above ' datie ^re jwill! offer for Sale atbur Sole Y^rds tlie Shelter oet out inpijr list forj laist Fair -Day, but wh'chwe' were unable to remove to our pre-iniW in time] for eale.2j |per cent.j C(>mmi!si3ioh on Live Stock.j DALTON, JBOURKE & CO.,I : | Auctioneers arfid! Salesmen,I ' | CARRiCZI-ON-SUIR. [


' I AUCTION OF i GRAZINGi (Eleven/ Months). • •»

TjSJ E have been favoured with- instruc»Y tions from John Mackt-v, Ef- r|.

Polerono. to Sell by PUBLIC AUCTION¦on[the Lands, at LICKET.STOWN , on

THURSDAY .; 19th j FEBRUARY ,' 1920j . at • 12 o'clock .noon.


; ! In Lotis to .suit purchasere .Terms 'and [Condition* at Sale.

DALTON, I BOURKE & co.,Auctioneers1 & ; Salesmen ,


CO. WATERFORD| l : ~ V j _J , ¦ .


I nave be^n instructed by Mr. i Janie?j Doyle. tolSfl l by PUBLIC AUCTION,

on ij the - : Laiids. oh; THURSDAY. 19thFEBRUARYJ 1920/ 120 ACRES 'GRAZ-ING; (in Xot.fi. 20 Acre .-* for Con Acre orMeadows; 2 four yetir oM Colts , 2 thr^eahd a hal f Vear old Colts . 2 one and ahalt year oldjColia. i 'AI?o Cntt 'e. Pj .us andIjorFOft for other acoouiita. i

!Ti|rm^ and ] Conditiona at Sale. :

Sale at 1 4'o!or>kJI ANDREW ' F. OUIRK. 1


"I"1"!"! ! " ' ' ¦ ¦

Immense Meeting in LondonDemands Ireland's Independence

! ' I : - :!'

' !

¦ .

" 1

¦ 1 /

j .Tno bit;g|\Iit galihorinj ever heldDV !| Iri&mj ieii :. in. ixiiidon; , as1-aahoU-d on! \ \Vvxine3d11y , niglitij i London 's i largest public hall; Theseaiing acdomraodiu lion of tlie i Allse-ntliall is sot dow:n at- 10,000. . Li\s\. nightt'j vej ry seat was j occup ied . Despit-e \ pre-cautions of the! authorities, vvii . forbademeii in unifc/rni! to :; a.Uund tlie meo -nt . tnumber of ,\ustraliuJi soldierh nf^t onlygaiiied admiis-ioai but acted as etey.virds..

I; The Chairman at tins gr^at meetingwas Art O'J-kkm., ;iwi d , on the p'laifonrwas Mrs. Dej spal-d , "sister of I>ord French;Tlw pcoc oi'dj njji oiiencd i wiLli the Ringing0/ the National,- A)i |them— "(.iod Save -Iru-huid. " Frotn avorV part of. the house6in 1 Fein flags [were waved. ; . ¦

I A tor Mr . jO 'Brieri had addressed , themot tin? , Mr A:rthiir Grif fi th j rose. Hewas greeted! with' prokxng-rcl cheering.The gist of his j speech was that Irelandwas not. going i buck. It wtii '10! longera qu-^Ktion at the fo vi r and a half millionsof Irishmen ! ini Ireland etruggMrig witli.Knjj !;i.nd ¦: it was a question of tine race alltht world over boiny uai led in l ita, de'-rniind for govcr uni i-nt by the will off theIris-h peopLa. If .iEn^lr .nd, as she pn>fe.-.' -d . ' was I foi .rfu ) of having a j hostile\p i\ ul>Ho on lie: fljink, let her recoRnise]|rel mil as one »,f tho smal l nationalitiesIfpr th' 1 liberty pf >v}iich f.he wa^r^d war.On : the day (:ha| Englan d recognised Ire-lniiA's claim ! to lindoivndcnee , the 1 hostilefliMk will d,isa]l>pi%8r . bot-.airt-> it (jvill - nolbnte-r be tri p desi.rt» ' of Ireland , toi live innxi yf:ll'iii>S buj t. aj nity wi 'Ji tho Eng lis'li

1 p-ofessor MaiNoill . who followed Mr.(WiTrih told hip andicmee that Ml-' pres-o!n:t policy of Kiv.'lii.iu l in Ireland was apolicy ol 'organfec .l v.iolenw. Our di'tor-inii' ftt i^n is i f ixU d in I re land , smid EoinMnANcill. \ye "fre jn ot iroin-R back. Eng-lish nwmu 'af-tul-ed l Bills for "tho bettergovernment ', 0! jlre land" were a mor?ohiv n. : J . .

¦ ¦j Mr. Cathai 0j '?-annon., spoik i^ g for

100i WO Iri f-hl workdrs .. *a.id that; untilIrel md's demands Nyerolri-cogiiiso 1 thor .'cou d bo no peace.

(Tie Revd. . Father O"Hal1oraii .[ "Vice-ProWdent of thi SeM-Dotwrnmatio nLcaime, Bupporjtod i Mie |Te.soliit ,ioni. pro-posed by Mif. P|. Ji j Kelly. P-roiiclWit ol¦th e I^apno. ! di ' n-i' .j i dinc [ t.h< » roc 't 'nitio iijby' Eng land bf t|h e j i r tnc.'iple iif ?ei :-llcter-niniation and tj ho ' i 'l ini i fdi f i U' re](Nv.vv oftJie Fx>rd M.'iyor; ofj f)tib in .-..and otjlif-r dn-p'on od rri?h-lneit. ! Tlie motion was car-riect wi th oif tilnle-iasln . a.n d the j ^rocivd.inct . • .con 'c.hidJL'd with M i c |f - i int i in c of "The.Sol i liers' Sorj g " by- tj lie vast ga ther ing , j

i ¦ : i ; 1 ' .1 j :DRAPERS' FIN, AL>| BALL. I ![ O n Wednl'sd vy j iiisflvt a ball 1 under

I ¦} "¦ I' ' rSAliEb';BY ' ; THOP: -j ;:; - j - iUJSa.. : THfe |^Q

1 : j ' ] [ i TG> |;J BE:,SbilD' Y!i SATURDAY, 6th

: . ;i' : I j | : |;ON TEE '.P: EEI. , I j

¦'¦ i i JTIie 61 moi idWITH IMINERAL JWATER FJOrOlGROCERY AND| |LICENSED 1 iBl|SI3ABLE APPJOINTMENTS Ot1 HOT3pfKeeffb. Esq..1 Djedeasedi -I . ¦ ::

Full pacij icularsi and Oonditi >ns «rf IS¦¦ ¦ * ¦ j I

¦ !¦ ' ! ' I ' .- TfiOJ


: - ' ;M ! ¦ ' i n} ' \¦ ! .¦ I ! i ill i '' ¦ ! • ! ! I : ,

¦ I i

I ' ¦ ; ; i :! i ; j | iPRJELitoa

I M J IKO. 126!

¦¦ ¦ : • ! i

': r i :

GRACEDIEU', KNlOCKHpUSE | "¦(With'in f lJ mi lei [of Waferford); |.

IMPORTANT [AUCTION \ |I! ! . ! i - I ! ' , :¦

- • ¦ i! • .

¦ - :°i» r , . ¦ ! ; : i v

Clioice ipairy Cows ] ¦ Store Cattle ; Welbrdd ! Bull 1; Horses ; Farming ' Irbpiepmthts ; Produce

.etc Ako :| Letting rfflGr liirig of 54 Statute Acrea of j iPirinapLaidjj and Tillage of 22 Statute Accrain four divisions.. ' | | : . ' : - | ' ;

TO ifE SOLD BY kUGTION, on ffi»:.arids,i on WEDNESDAY , 26th FEB-

RUARY, 1 )20. at 12 ;j> *block, by directioaj sof , & r sj ^ Annie McQrath, | who is cJans-ing; hex system ' of fanning1'; about 54Statite! Acres of Uie weJl-knowu FotosniaeLanda of Gracedieu Tot) Grazing 'of hpraej dcattle: and1 isheep only- for a terith of flleronmorithe' ; ato 22 Statute Acrepl preparedfor , tillage! in four ifiiyiiionB.ITTho lan«iaare vretl watered and fenced, arid possessan abundance of I k'< <ep. M !

Irimedi'ately; after will be sol ip-10 LargoFra ned Newly^ Ga Veld Dairy I Cows;- JOExcellent ppriiigers; due ,to calf;;' 2 PatCows; !44 two j year ! old Hei-ferel anu . Bul-lo!dki>| in forward ;ooiidi.tion ; 8 Yearj lings -,liivroi yeai pld' vBull. I i; ' :. : ¦

! HORSES—3 ! Stroti ? Farm HWa ; 1 t*oand aj ^haif year 0 d! Colt |by| '!Ki ng hiHeJirts ," most promising; ii Donkey. . |

PROpUCE-rAbou t 5C Tons f .&aioia ,Chomp-ioris, grown: frora imjiartjed 8e«d.AMut |80 tTona :MongqJtdfe. Abj)|ut 6 Tonsfur/nip ?; Part;!Rick Tol| Hay ; Stiralw .J etoJ ; .

The foreigQiri™ will^ bb 6oW in lota to

mitpurchasers.'- ' !|' i ' ¦ ' I ' ¦ ¦

; FARMING I IMPLEMENTS ^-Dwte ;Tacj klinpr; ; PloygHsJ Harrows' Grubbaw;Turtiip : Sower ; Roll<sr j etc. ! j ¦ I i, ' r

tor jfur tlierI pa'rtitujlajTs anx condition^of lettinB i apply toi I i . ' ¦ p '

i JAMES ! McCOY, Solicitor. Cplbenk¦ : l : Streetj ;Wat4rford ; or [to :: . ; . | :

; : THOMAS WALSH, ; ¦ ; • ! ;

: '¦¦ Auctioneer- & Valuer , j ; ! j ; ': : jj XJJ QUAY , (VV|VTERF9^p . '

Oi.:'! 3 j GROSV^R;NOR : ..TERRACE;jpHj N'Si'HILl|, WATER FORE . :|

i ' l ! i i ' UNREJa^RVEDJ- j j : -

; ;^::U|CTi:q N : ,: ; I , j i i i 7- OF — • ! . ; : ¦

E> :CELLENT i HG USEHOL ) F,URM-'j 'UR'li , jj Ebohizcdj Cl ina Cab net . Mar pieClocik :apd Oinar ie its, Axinj inster Car-I etsi! Booicafioi li rfirro re, Appo' int-meiticf |pin. inc and' tirawing ; Roprhs. H_ iJ l ,' liree Beiiropmsj Kitchen 1, Glass, Chr ist,

rj i!j |. ;i L4- iTUT' jTO !!BlJ |.SOLP liY AliCTION. on

MONDAY .. 2Jrd FEBRUARY , (920J at12 o'clock1, at Noi. ,"i GROSV>]iRN0R TFU-Rf.CE; by dire'etiof: .> of James Fitzeen Id ,E^- ;i: |

:: i

¦ ' i j ! ; . i - : . ¦ ¦

OH y iew i mominj, i!f i eale. iO'>rrrta—Cash. ; I i ,¦ • ': '; i

i | THOMA 3 j WALS H, |: '>: ¦' Auctioutvr \& Valuer, | iI i i S3 QUAY,]] VJATERF|DpD:. ; ¦

CLLlilNAGHi |KILMEL^D£llr , ¦' i\ \ i . ; . , ^yA|

:Tll;RFORD. ! : ; ;


^ i' FO^

LE- : i I 1

/TIO BE! SOLD .BY AUCTION, on FEU1 DAY , ?Oth FEERUARY^li l S i o 'clockat Our SALERtiOMS, THE MALLWVTERFORD , by [directk lj s ;df : Mr1 .M clj uo.l Hick.»y: ; I ' arts of the Land s jq lCi :LLINAGH. con aiWnj r abWitf-lI Acife3Stiiti i t-j- Measure ,- HELD ' FOJl EVCR,FKEEj OFlRENT / ] ..

¦ j | : | i ;¦'or : -further pan cellars ' ar nlv toI HENRY D. KEANE.' Soliiitior , ! ,'¦ ', ! OTonneli:Street . Waterford : 01 't«

THOMAS VV VLSH &| SOW,, I: Auctionee-'is j<t Valuer*.! Ii-THE ] MALL]] JWATERJ^ORIJ*.

TiiE ! EM ip oR^Hf ; THEI WALL , ! |¦ j : I . WATj lj lRjFORD. 1 j ; : : ' :

VUESD'AY. 24ilT"

FEBRUARY . 192C .¦ i: M 14—!— j j I . : «.1 ATTRACTIVE SALE - i

i i : I1 ! . -- rfW - tn ' i -SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD KyRNITyi lE,

• Coitagc : Piano, I iai^y Chirr's, Settees,China. . Caoine.ta, I Sidobm r|ds , ; | Cl ef-f oncers; Dining, I D|i-awiiiK ' ! Ucona andljedfoom 1 Suites,! etc., Fire-pxios So fe,Turkey Carpets, i &| Che.ita qf fen, : 21Reams of Butter tfapi -r , ; Wail-Paper,Hhop: Di«ks ; an'di FiUinfrs.1 mj oTternt'seC|ar ,i :Hanioss . Sa|k OtuicilUotc.

mOl 'l BE SOLD !|BY AUCTION, oni TUE SDAY , 24U KEBKUAlt Y . 1 )20. at

Yl o'clock ' at THll I EMPOI ^IJ U VI . ;MEMM-li i WATEIU-'pij RU . by c jBi ra Ut .ns ofEx icutors." ¦ !! J ¦ : ;. I ,i \ '< i

Lor ifurther particulars w: pc? ty -s ; a 1Ufut urc ! i .idverti.-wments1. .J _j _ ¦ [

THOMAS WAllSH & SON ,!! Auctiondar s & !Valu6r5 , ; :ITHE MAI-^ |W ATERF,|>RD.

i;PRKLl Mlk ^RY , NOiilc:|v. : I¦ ikiui dfru N : ' i¦

j . ; : r;i i -Li- ! | : = \SUPERIOR HOUSliHOLD FU^NI' 'URE

1 ookense, Oittagt- Ifiano , ' iCJaifMi etc.k THE ', !PALACE . WATKRF0U1X !

mO i liE SOLI) BY PUBLIC AlXrION ,X on:-WKl )NKSI UY ! 25th ! FiFBRUAKY,

19'2 J . at 12' ocl6ck;' | a Larpe|jQu uv.ity olH11 HTior Hinisi-hold Furniture , i ' ;

l ull 1 particulars iii posterd abi lat er i, 'd-v c i t i .-ioinents. , ;l ¦; ¦ j || ¦¦ . :'

i JOHN D. PALMER. \ < \ ;! Auctionee r & Valuer ,| :

CATHERINE 1 STltKET . WATERFORl) .'"-y ' ~ J 7 TJ ~ ' •-- • ¦"1[TTT —[¦^PRELIMINAR Y NOTlbp '. i : ¦ |] ! ¦ il - : - HH- -, j | | I . : ' Mi^JII G f f l O N - : ;

¦ :' i : ! HL ! i 1 j i :-, 1 1J i - ; ! : - :?F| - I i: | I -1 : l i= i J :

BFAUTIFUL RESIDENTIAL ' HOLDING ,\27ni 3r. (Sp. Stiitiita Measure Held iuVEE-SIMPLE. j I ¦; ¦] : j |; - i

¦ j I

rno p : SOLD kit PUBLIC AUCTION :,-L on; -A (lat« ' ;to Ij e flamed,!: tl \e iBe'ax ty

ful y! i! Situated . Residential |li)Uli!>R,PApiCSWOOD, PASSAGE ! :EAST , :WA-TERFOR|)| 6j ;ini,leii from .Gi^yjof:- Water-forll |(unlejj s preyiou.41y disposed of byPrij vate Treaty) byi instruction^ of R. A.Lambert , Esq '-, M.D., containin'e; 1 7»- 3r-Bp. SUtirtiC .Measure, 1 eld in abk)lu a F ee-siWipict . i- r 1 , : ¦ : -;. :i, 1 j ' j

K\iL\ i partiexilars i ater.; ' n I i ; ¦ -i¦ - T . i JOHN'iOi. :|5»ALW>ER. ! - i iI i! Auctioriedr & Valu'^r j j ;J i :


I ' l ^ ' •¦i- ; ' ; I'"' - ! '' M-"'- : '• "¦¦ ! ¦ i - : ;-J. ' ;::tffi:' ;f:;'

I : ' ' : . . - ' ' ! - . ¦¦ - . ¦; : : " ;, '['¦ ;,- -i r










PUBLIC AUCTION |ON ¦ ; iMARCH , 1920 ! !

Mis, A? 1 P.m., 1 ; ! . ;; 1 1Eotel.I'Clonmel ; i


EL; ETC., fctr the BxecuWrs 6>f Patrick ! '¦i - i ; ' ! !¦ 1 ' ' ' i :

i le can be bad tron , ; >rf AS F.; O'BRIEN, Solicitor, . . 1 : ; :

1 ' : ; . ; Quay Houts, 01/>nnie-i i ; i -GTIONEBR ^LND VALUER, ; | i

I ; 83 QUAY, WATERFORD j ! |I v i ^

¦ Ml •- I: - - ' i 1 :

ay, Waterford


i- ' : I ~ 1 \] ' i ' 'AND SALE OF PEDIGREE SHOBT; HORNS. ABERDEEN ANGUS' FBIES1ENS, HEREFORDS ANDI DAIRY C6ws;i also SWINE/ j|: . — ' WiH be Uld on !- i j i! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th: ; ' ' \[ :

¦ i l ' i 'i

Entries Closn on Jahuary 31st i .bj- forFirst Poet bn Vbe Mprnnig; of the' ' 2ndFebruary. j ; ' | : j i ; tjPor Pri2ft; Lo8tB *hd all : pattictj lare

apply— ; - I ¦ ; I s | 1 '

- J. BYRNE,; Secretary, | j31; Cook Street,, dork .

h: ¦

i 1 i i - : ~"r~~TttrrTOST AKSIVEhi ; ¦ -. 1 1 1 -, Another Large Consignment ofj all the Latest Shades in DOUBLEj KNITTING, JUMPER TEASLE

and FINGERING WOOLS.Fawb,i Tan, Jade Green, Helio, Sax*'; Royal Rose, Pink, Sky, : White

| i Emerald, j Cardinal, etq. Sea our! i Windows : fcx Special Shoir I Ti>

: :Nignk- Our Prices;are the LoWest.1

; ; ' ¦ : i ¦ i ¦. 1 I 1 i '

; ¦ ¦ ¦ I

:1 O !Q

•'O ! i i ' - i i

! !v |' : ¦ 1 . | " i :J oiin: Carroir& - j£So!itB&lcvsi • ¦ - 1 |i , : '. , BSpo

QUAD, nAjanponeJ I


i j ! : | i ' i l l I - I ! :NOTICE; IS HEREBY GIVEN ;t latj tn-

ders will ibe accieWd Jor • tlit} Ioli6>-ini contracij^ ' sui.ifool Adjouriiwl Quarterjj rMeeting oi ' th« Proposals! Coiauiiiiee| tobe-" h-ald in th« COURT HpUS'Jbi .i !DLN-GARVAN .ion TUESDAY , tlie 2M| day ofFJEBRUAHY, 1920, at 12 o'clock ibon .-f

I No. 2dO-j-To execute for .thrutj ; years,from the 1st April , 19i;0, the Priniing ,plbookbmdingi «xcliisi|ve of- Blank , b'ormipre3ciubed| by the Public I Bodies i Otd^r ,1904, required for ' the] offices oi Uie jSecre-tary to the I County ' Council , Coiinty SJur-yeyor, and j Clerk 'of the Puac2 aiid ICrown,ftccoxding tso tti« 'Specification ai}di 8ch»-dule' to be 1 seen at liiy office, Duiigarran.

No. 281—To supply If or three yfeiira, fromthe 1st April, 19-20, ;tlie Books aii^ Formsprescribed jby tbt»;|Piublic: Bodies! Qr; er,1904, as rh»y be. required from!; time -t*time. ToJ.be quotedjj or in. quantities !oieach Form. Form1 1 22 to be quoted forwith arranstement toi dup licating ai IJCUas without such arra;igo;i:\!iit. iThe 'ihead-ings of thelForma arc to bo adapted , to .th«cequirementB of j trte Countj CouDcil ofWaterford. : ¦ ': ' ' \\ '


: i i ! i i ., '1 No. 332-pto execut4 for ;three;yew3j thePrinting of JurorB*|Li8ta for each UriioBin the County. ! J 11 i j L •

The ieveral Forms ure subject jlo. mopin-oations directed by.ffie Local GoveraJoenl,Board or County Coiincil. |j :! . All paper iueed in above Contracts rtb« of Inah Manuf4cWre. , ' ; .

All Books and ! Forms to be|i deliy^redfree at the several Office); hientioieaabof«. : ¦' i I i I - ' i i : . . ftVw; j Tend'ere; Formi o! which can be OD-tairied at my Office ,! Dungarvan . ar* «be "lodged I with me (not later ;-Uian ^ne;o'clock on Monday,I 23rd February , nej t.' If t«nd«r ibe acceptid the person toiper-;in^ and his.sureties must be present »|perfect bond. I ¦'> '¦ '* > . '¦: i J. H. O'SULLIVAN, SecreUrj'. ;County Secretary 's Office, Dunuarvan ;: I 11th February, 1«»- ; i| j ' | .


; i OlpTDOOR WORKERS, ';¦ !

\ - BE ' JWIS4: ¦ : - ,'¦¦ WE CATER SPECIALLY FOR THE1 : ' : I ! ! :i! ¦ ¦

i i WORKING CLASSES;;: >I ' - I ¦ ¦ 1 1 . • ; : ¦ :

Also in Rubber—2Is. n 4 :EiHlSl«g4» Boots, all rioW, l&''j?7!UJli _1 : 19/9 . - .: ! i '-ili . - . ir^Repiilation | Price 63;;.— fe^' | l | \l\ 1: Boyce's Pxice CSo.- , K- " - il xV '-iS 1BIG PURCHASE \} 0F . &¦ •; :|N . : 'Jj l iNAVAL SEA B00T8 fl ;; ^;B:|(As, supplied to the Wr ;j if j j

i ' Admiral^).' ¦ Ii % ¦ '¦%¦: ": HI .CM PAIRS TO CLEAR p. j ! ; . -.i? 5. ff¦ 1 . All Siz^a. ' ; ;i I ^vii ' - ' ' ' M


FtiT SEPILEPTlis . TXkf HEARTi ! :: RbF

THE ,! FOLLOWING UNSOLICITED; ; ;: ¦ TESTIMONIAL. 1 1 ; ' ' '.Gentlemen— "I arn ' keeping Quite wellfor jwhich all credit is due \q you1.,' I have-

now got ol very responsible job1, drivinga ^©nsinotor lorrj ll ia job 1 would neverhavp dfcred to tackl<j> before hayinc hadyour treatment. -ilj| ctannot praiie it toowolf, and I you may! mcfe© whatluae yonlike of this letter, etc3 etc.—Yours siu-Mwiy. i- I r! . : • ¦ ¦

j l - H .?." ¦

« -' v . ? P*.escrjptioii I wr this most SUPCR ' -^

liomermadc I reiiieVrj' U free frontWHITBY & CO. (I e4k No. 34); Winsford ,Cheshire. : ' : i i ! - !¦

J ' ! - - : :. li ' -, ;. : i l ! i " \ 2WATERFOJID—Pnnled tod PublUM

by Wttorford i NOTJL Ltd.,!;: tA ©»WATEHFOBD i NEWS Mftchitte BrlOtat. Bookbindinc; end Machine BulfepIZtiabliahmeni. «tend 60, WCof c"**

; Street , nTthe Pfltiili of :T?{p}ty Within.

; ii
