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Plant regeneration from cotyledonary explants of Eucalyptus camaldulensis

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406 Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), v.62, n.4, p.406-412, July/Aug. 2005 Note PLANT REGENERATION FROM COTYLEDONARY EXPLANTS OF Eucalyptus camaldulensis Roberson Dibax 1 ; Cristiane de Loyola Eisfeld 2 ; Francine Lorena Cuquel 3 ; Henrique Koehler 3 ; Marguerite Quoirin 2 * 1 UFPR - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia. 2 UFPR - Depto. de Botânica, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, C.P. 19031 - 81531-990 - Curitiba, PR - Brasil. 3 UFPR - Depto. de Fitotecnia e Fitossanitarismo, Setor de Ciências Agrárias. *Corresponding author <[email protected]> ABSTRACT: Breeding methods based on genetic transformation techniques need to be implemented for Eucalyptus camaldulensis to shorten the long breeding cycles and avoid manipulation of adult trees; that requires the development of plant regeneration protocols enabling development of plants from transformed tissues. The present work aimed to optimise the regeneration process already established for the species. Cotyledonary leaves of E. camaldulensis were cultured in MS medium supplemented with naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) combinations. The most efficient treatment for bud indirect regeneration (2.7 µmol L -1 NAA and 4.44 µmol L -1 BAP) was used for further experiments. When explants were kept in the dark during the first 30 days, the percentage of explants forming calluses increased and explant necrosis was reduced in comparison with light-cultured explants. Mineral medium modifications were compared and half-strength MS mineral medium turned out to be as efficient as full-strength medium, producing 54% and 47% of explants with buds, respectively. For shoot elongation, MS medium with half- strength nitrate and ammonium salts, and 0.2% activated charcoal yielded rooted shoots 1 to 8 cm high after one month. The procedure is an efficient protocol for E. camadulensis plant regeneration, reducing the stages necessary for the obtention of complete plants. Key words: in vitro culture, forest species, culture media, organogenesis REGENERAÇÃO DE PLANTAS DE Eucalyptus camaldulensis A PARTIR DAS EXPLANTES COTILEDONARES RESUMO: A implementação, para espécies florestais, de técnicas de melhoramento baseadas em métodos de transformação genética, permitirá reduzir os longos ciclos de melhoramento e evitar a manipulação de árvores adultas. Isto implica dispor de um protocolo de regeneração que permita o desenvolvimento de plantas a partir de tecidos transformados. Este trabalho teve como objetivo otimizar este protocolo de regeneração para Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Folhas cotiledonares foram cultivadas em meio de cultura MS suplementado com combinações de ácido naftalenoacético (ANA) e 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP). O tratamento mais eficiente em termos de regeneração indireta de gemas foi 2,7 µmol L -1 de ANA combinado com 4,44 µmol L -1 de BAP, o qual foi utilizado nos experimentos posteriores. A manutenção dos explantes no escuro durante os trinta primeiros dias elevou a porcentagem de explantes com calos e reduziu a morte dos explantes, em comparação com os que permaneceram na luz. Modificações da composição mineral do meio MS foram comparadas e mostraram que a redução de metade dos sais foi tão eficiente para a formação de gemas (54% dos explantes) quanto o meio completo (47%). O meio de cultura com a concentração de íons nitrato e amônio reduzida à metade e 0,2% de carvão ativado apresentou-se adequado para o alongamento e enraizamento das brotações que atingiram uma altura de 1 a 8 cm depois de 30 dias. O processo completo representa um protocolo eficiente para a regeneração de plantas de Eucalyptus camaldulensis, uma vez que reduz o número de etapas para a obtenção de plantas completas. Palavras-chave: cultura in vitro, espécies florestais, meios de cultura, organogênese INTRODUCTION Eucalyptus camaldulensis, (Myrtaceae) has high potential for adaptation to Brazilian tropical conditions (Rizzini, 1971). Although its wood is not recommended for cellulose and paper pulp industry, it is an excellent alternative for furniture manufacturing, building and en- ergy production (Rizzini, 1971; Souza, 2001). Breeding methods based on genetic transforma- tion techniques need to be developed for this species to shorten the long breeding cycles and avoid manipulation of adult trees. The establishment of plant regeneration

Dibax et al.406

Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), v.62, n.4, p.406-412, July/Aug. 2005



Roberson Dibax1; Cristiane de Loyola Eisfeld2; Francine Lorena Cuquel3; Henrique Koehler3;Marguerite Quoirin2*

1UFPR - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia.

2UFPR - Depto. de Botânica, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, C.P. 19031 - 81531-990 - Curitiba, PR - Brasil.

3UFPR - Depto. de Fitotecnia e Fitossanitarismo, Setor de Ciências Agrárias.

*Corresponding author <[email protected]>

ABSTRACT: Breeding methods based on genetic transformation techniques need to be implemented forEucalyptus camaldulensis to shorten the long breeding cycles and avoid manipulation of adult trees; thatrequires the development of plant regeneration protocols enabling development of plants from transformedtissues. The present work aimed to optimise the regeneration process already established for the species.Cotyledonary leaves of E. camaldulensis were cultured in MS medium supplemented with naphthaleneaceticacid (NAA) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) combinations. The most efficient treatment for bud indirectregeneration (2.7 µmol L-1 NAA and 4.44 µmol L-1 BAP) was used for further experiments. When explantswere kept in the dark during the first 30 days, the percentage of explants forming calluses increased andexplant necrosis was reduced in comparison with light-cultured explants. Mineral medium modificationswere compared and half-strength MS mineral medium turned out to be as efficient as full-strength medium,producing 54% and 47% of explants with buds, respectively. For shoot elongation, MS medium with half-strength nitrate and ammonium salts, and 0.2% activated charcoal yielded rooted shoots 1 to 8 cm high afterone month. The procedure is an efficient protocol for E. camadulensis plant regeneration, reducing the stagesnecessary for the obtention of complete plants.Key words: in vitro culture, forest species, culture media, organogenesis


RESUMO: A implementação, para espécies florestais, de técnicas de melhoramento baseadas em métodos detransformação genética, permitirá reduzir os longos ciclos de melhoramento e evitar a manipulação de árvoresadultas. Isto implica dispor de um protocolo de regeneração que permita o desenvolvimento de plantas apartir de tecidos transformados. Este trabalho teve como objetivo otimizar este protocolo de regeneração paraEucalyptus camaldulensis. Folhas cotiledonares foram cultivadas em meio de cultura MS suplementado comcombinações de ácido naftalenoacético (ANA) e 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP). O tratamento mais eficienteem termos de regeneração indireta de gemas foi 2,7 µmol L-1 de ANA combinado com 4,44 µmol L-1 de BAP,o qual foi utilizado nos experimentos posteriores. A manutenção dos explantes no escuro durante os trintaprimeiros dias elevou a porcentagem de explantes com calos e reduziu a morte dos explantes, em comparaçãocom os que permaneceram na luz. Modificações da composição mineral do meio MS foram comparadas emostraram que a redução de metade dos sais foi tão eficiente para a formação de gemas (54% dos explantes)quanto o meio completo (47%). O meio de cultura com a concentração de íons nitrato e amônio reduzida àmetade e 0,2% de carvão ativado apresentou-se adequado para o alongamento e enraizamento das brotaçõesque atingiram uma altura de 1 a 8 cm depois de 30 dias. O processo completo representa um protocoloeficiente para a regeneração de plantas de Eucalyptus camaldulensis, uma vez que reduz o número de etapaspara a obtenção de plantas completas.Palavras-chave: cultura in vitro, espécies florestais, meios de cultura, organogênese


Eucalyptus camaldulensis, (Myrtaceae) has highpotential for adaptation to Brazilian tropical conditions(Rizzini, 1971). Although its wood is not recommendedfor cellulose and paper pulp industry, it is an excellent

alternative for furniture manufacturing, building and en-ergy production (Rizzini, 1971; Souza, 2001).

Breeding methods based on genetic transforma-tion techniques need to be developed for this species toshorten the long breeding cycles and avoid manipulationof adult trees. The establishment of plant regeneration

Eucalyptus camaldulensis plant regenetation 407

Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), v.62, n.4, p.406-412, July/Aug. 2005

protocols will allow plants to be developed from trans-formed tissues.

According to Ho et al. (1998), a MS based medium(Murashige & Skoog, 1962) supplemented withnaphthalenacetic acid (NAA) (16.2 µmol L-1) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) (4.44 µmol L-1) can be used forinduction of callus and bud regeneration in E.camaldulensis. Mullins et al. (1997) also succeeded in re-generating E. camaldulensis buds from leaf explants of invitro-cultured plants. The culture medium used was an ad-aptation of Muralidharan & Mascarenhas (1987) medium,supplemented with 1.0 g L-1 casein, 16.2 µmol L-1 NAA,0.44 µmol L-1 BAP, 50 g L-1 (w/v) sucrose and 0.5% (w/v)Phytagar®. Arezki et al. (2000) observed the proliferationof meristematic agglomerates in E. camaldulensis explantscultured on MAS culture medium [MS medium contain-ing 5 µmol L-1 indolebutyric acid, 30 g L-1 (w/v) sucrose,0.5% (w/v) agar and 0.2% (w/v) activated charcoal]. Diallo& Duhoux (1984) obtained plant regeneration from coty-ledonary leaves of the same species using MS mediumsupplemented with NAA, BAP and 20 g L-1 (w/v) sucrose.Valério et al. (2003) reported a process of shoot regenera-tion from young leaves on LS (Linsmaier & Skoog, 1965)medium, used for genetic transformation of this species.This study describes a procedure of adventitious bud re-generation from cotyledonary leaves of E. camaldulensisand subsequent development of rooted shoots.


Plant material and seed germinationSeeds of Eucalyptus camaldulensis, collected in

Itabé, SP, Brazil, were provided by the Instituto dePesquisas Florestais (IPEF, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil). Seedswere surface-sterilized by immersion in 70% (v/v) etha-nol for two minutes, and later in sodium hypochlorite 6%(v/v) containing Tween®20 (5 drops in 100 mL) for 20minutes. Seeds were then rinsed three times in sterile dis-tilled water. Germination medium consisted of half-strength MS mineral salts, MS vitamins and organic com-pounds, 20 g L-1 sucrose, and 7 g L-1 agar (Vetec®), pHof 5.8. The culture medium was autoclaved at 120°C for20 min, and poured into Petri dishes (10 cm ∅ × 2 cmhigh) sealed with PVC film. Seeds were then sown in alaminar flow cabinet.

In vitro culture conditions and culture mediaCultures were maintained in a growth chamber

under cold, white fluorescent light, with a photon fluxdensity of approximately 40 µmol m-2 s-1, 16/8 light/darkregime, 27 ± 2oC. Basal culture medium was MS mediumwith 30 g L-1 (w/v) sucrose and 7 g L-1 (w/v) agar (Vetec®),pH 5.8. All media were autoclaved as described above,and except for seed germination, poured into flasks (60mm ∅ × 90 mm high) covered with plastic cap.

Indirect organogenesisFifteen days after sowing, cotyledonary leaves

were excised at the petiole base and cultured withthe adaxial face in contact with culture medium. In thefirst experiment, nine treatments were tested, consistingof the combinations of 0, 2.7 and 5.4 µmol L-1 NAAwith 0, 4.44 and 13.32 µmol L-1 BAP, in a totallyrandomised experimental design, 3 × 3 factorial scheme(n = 15).

To test for the effect of absence of light, the twocombinations of growth regulators yielding the best re-generation results (2.7 or 5.4 µmol L-1 NAA and 4.44µmol L-1 BAP) were used and compared with a controlmedium without growth regulators, with half the cultureskept in the light in a totally randomised, experimental de-sign, 3 × 2 factorial scheme (n = 15). The following modi-fications of MS mineral salt composition were also tested:(1) half-strength MS mineral medium, (2) half-strengthMS macronutrients and (3) half-strength MS potassiumand ammonium nitrates.

Another trial tested three treatments 30 days af-ter explant inoculation. First, explants were cultured onMS medium containing 2.7 µmol L-1 NAA and 4.44 µmolL-1 BAP for 30 days. Then, one third of them were trans-ferred to the same medium, fresh (Treatment 1); one thirdremained on the initial medium for additional 30 days(Treatment 2), and the last part was transferred to a me-dium without growth regulators (Treatment 3). After 30days, the percentage of explants forming calluses andtheir colour were evaluated for each treatment; after 60days the percentage of explants that regenerated buds, thenumber of buds per explant and percentage of dead ex-plants were recorded. Experimental design was totallyrandomised, with 15 replicates per treatment and 8 ex-plants per flask.

Values used for statistical analyses were themeans obtained from three experiments. Treatment effectswere analysed by ANOVA and means compared byTukey’s multiple range test using MSTATC (MichiganState University) program (α = 0.05). For some results,a second degree polynomial model was fitted. The ad-justed equation model was: Y = bo + b1 X + b2 X

2 whereY was the variable, X the applied treatment, and b0, b1,b2 the coefficients of the model.

Elongation and rootingBuds obtained on MS medium containing 2.7

µmol L-1 NAA and 4.44 µmol L-1 BAP were submittedto two treatments for elongation and rooting: (1) MS me-dium, (2) MS medium with half-strength nitratesand 0.2% (w/v) activated charcoal. Each treatment con-sisted of 12 replicates with two explants of 0.5 cm ineach flask. At 60 days of growth, root number and sizewere recorded, as well as the presence of calluses onleaves.

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Effect of the combinations of NAA and BAP oncallogenesis and regeneration from cotyledonaryleaves of E. camaldulensis

All treatments with BAP alone, or NAA and BAPcombinations, efficiently induced callogenesis (Figure1A). For 0 and 2.7 µmol L-1 NAA, both concentrationsof BAP were efficient, without differences among the re-sults. The combinations 5.4 µmol L-1 NAA and 4.44 µmolL-1 BAP or 2.7 µmol L-1 NAA and 13.32 µmol L-1 BAPinduced callogenesis in 90% of the explants (Figure 1A).Calluses beared different colours associated to the pres-ence of anthocyanins, and buds sprouted from greenishand red calluses, in the petiole region after 60 days. Thebase of the petiole was the best region for callogenesisand subsequent bud formation (Figure 2), probably be-cause of the accumulation of photosynthesis products inthe region, or to the polar transport of growth regulators(Margara, 1982). Results confirm those obtained byMuralidharan & Mascarenhas (1987) and Hervé et al.

(2001), who observed a correlation between the forma-tion of red calluses and the regeneration of adventitiousbuds at distal part of the petiole of foliar explants of E.camaldulensis and E. gunnii, respectively.

Regarding the percentage of explants regener-ating buds and number of buds per explant, the interac-tion among NAA and BAP concentrations was not sig-nificant. Among the combinations of the tested growthsubstances, those of 2.7 or 5.4 µmol L-1 NAA and 4.44µmol L-1 BAP yielded best results (Figure 1B and C);regression curves indicated optimum values when theconcentration of BAP was between 4.44 and 8.88 µmolL-1. These results differ from those described by Ho etal. (1998) and Diallo & Duhoux (1984), who obtainedbud regeneration on cotyledonary leaf explants culturedin the presence of 16.2 µmol L-1 NAA and 4.44 µmolL-1 BAP or 5.4 µmol L-1 NAA and 2.22 µmol L-1 BAP.These authors used auxin concentration higher than theBAP concentration. In this study, best results were ob-tained when concentration of BAP was superior to con-centration of NAA.

Figure 1 - Effect of combinations of NAA and BAP (A) on callogenesis after 30 days, (B and C) on formation of adventitious buds and (D)on necrosis after 60 days, for cotyledon explants of Eucalyptus camaldulensis.








0 4.44 8.88 13.32 BAP concentration (µmol L-1)






s (%


Y without NAA ( ___ ) = - 5.68 E -14 + 22.48 X – 1.33 X 2 R 2 = 84.39% Y NAA 2.7 µmol L-1 ( ) = 78.20 – 1.59 X + 0.18 X 2 R 2 = 29.79% Y NAA 5.4 µmol L-1 (- - - ) = 76.60 + 5.22 X – 0.49 X 2 R 2 = 58.88%







0 4.44 8.88 13.32 BAP concentration (µmol L-1)








Y without NAA ( ___ ) = - 7.10 E -15 + 9.22 X – 0.65 X 2 R 2 = 85.75% Y NAA 2.7 µmol L-1 ( ) = 5.00 + 10.67 X – 0.70 X2 R 2 = 74.51%

Y NAA 5.4 µmol L-1 (- - - ) = - 1.42 E -14 + 11.67 X – 0.84 X2 R2= 88.27%








0 4.44 8.88 13.32

BAP concentration (µmol L-1)


s pe

r exp



Y without NAA ( ___ ) = - 3.55 E -15 + 2.83 X – 0.19 X 2 R 2 = 54.35% Y NAA 2.7 µmol L-1 ( ) = 1.00 + 4.08 X – 0.28 X2 R 2 = 53.60% Y NAA 5.4 µmol L-1 (- - - ) = 1.6 + 2.03 X – 0.15 X2 R 2 = 51.81%







0 4.44 8.88 13.32 BAP concentration (µmol L-1)


d ex


ts (%


Y without NAA ( ___ ) = - 2.13 E -14 + 8.76 X – 0.45 X 2 R 2 = 51.21% Y NAA 2.7 µmol L-1 ( ) = 38.20 – 4.69 X + 0.30 X 2 R 2 = 22.35%

Y NAA 5.4 µmol L-1 (- - - ) = 33.40 – 7.38 X + 0.65 X


R 2 = 65.56%

Eucalyptus camaldulensis plant regenetation 409

Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), v.62, n.4, p.406-412, July/Aug. 2005

According to Tibok et al. (1995), different resultsof bud regeneration in the same kind of explant may re-sult from genotypic variation among seeds used for ex-plant production. However, our observations are in ac-cordance with those of Skoog & Miller (1956), who werethe first to indicate that the process of bud neoformationrequires a hormonal balance between auxin and cytoki-nin that favours cytokinin. In a study with E. grandis ×E. urophylla leaves, Barrueto Cid et al. (1999) obtainedcallus induction when the explants were cultured in thepresence of 20 µmol L-1 thidiazuron and bud formationwith 5 µmol L-1 BAP and 0.5 µmol L-1 NAA. The high-est regeneration percentages were reported by these au-thors for leaf explants of 30 and 40 days (53%), in com-parison with explants of 20 and 50 days (13%). In ourcase, only 30-day-old explants were used, and regenera-tion was 33.9%.

Explant necrosis was reduced by addition of BAP(4.44 to 8.88 µmol L-1) when NAA was present, but itwas increased by this cytokinin in the absence of the

auxin. The lowest value was reached with the combina-tion of 5.4 µmol L-1 NAA and 4.44 µmol L-1 BAP.Barrueto Cid et al. (1999) also observed the oxidation ofthe explants of E. grandis × E. urophylla cultured formore than 8 weeks in regeneration medium, and relatedthis result to the activation of specific promoters involvedin the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds by light.

Effect of the absence of light during callogenesis andbud regeneration

For all combinations of growth regulators tested,the highest percentages of explants with calluses (90.2%)for both NAA concentrations were obtained when the ex-plants were kept in the dark for 30 days (Figure 3A). Aninitial treatment of the explants in darkness for 30 dayswas beneficial for callus formation from cotyledons of thehybrid E. grandis × E. urophylla (Gonzáles et al., 2002).Also according to Warrag et al. (1991), a period of fourweeks in the dark promoted callogenesis for E. urophyllaexplants (immature inflorescences or parts of them, zy-gotic embryos and hypocotyls).

Regarding the percentage of explants that regen-erated buds, there were no interactions between the lev-els of growth regulators and light conditions of the cul-ture. All treatments were efficient in inducing bud regen-eration and the best percentage of regeneration (39.2%)was attained when explants were cultured in the dark, onculture medium containing 5.4 µmol L-1 NAA and 4.44µmol L-1 BAP (Figure 3B). The number of buds per ex-plant - 3.8 to 4.6 buds - did not differ among the treat-ments (Figure 3C). Dark conditions for 30 days reducedexplant necrosis (Figure 3D). The induction of tissue ne-crosis by light was also observed by Lainé & David(1994), who studying callogenesis and bud regenerationfrom E. grandis leaves, demonstrated that dark conditionis beneficial at the beginning of the culture, for it reducesnegative effects caused by the exsudation of phenoliccompounds and, consequently, reduces explant necrosis,even without using PVP or antioxidants. The percentageof callus-developing buds, after an initial period of cul-ture under dark and posterior exposition to light, was38.5%; for those maintained under light, 7.1%.

Effect of modifications of MS mineral content oncallogenesis and bud regeneration

Results did not differ when the concentration ofMS mineral medium was modified (Table 1), except forthe percentage of necrosis, which was slightly lower ona medium with half-strength MS salts. All treatmentsyielded percentages of regeneration between 44 and 54%,the average number of buds per explant varying between7 and 13. The modifications of mineral composition ofthe culture medium, especially nitrogen compounds, werenot important for the regeneration process. Valério et al.(2003) described a protocol for bud regeneration from

Figure 2 - Effect of NAA and BAP combinations on budregeneration from cotyledonary leaves of Eucalyptuscamaldulensis. (A) Bud formation after 30 days ofculture on MS medium containing 2.7 µmol L-1 NAA.Bar = 2.3 mm. (B) Petiole base showing bud formationafter 15 days of culture on MS medium containing 5.4µmol L-1 NAA and 4.44 µmol L-1 BAP. Bar = 1.25mm. (C) Clump of buds covering the explant after 60days of culture on MS medium containing 2.7 µmol L-1

NAA and 4.44 µmol L-1 BAP. Bar = 2.2 mm.



Dibax et al.410

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young leaves of the same species where Linsmaier &Skoog (1965) medium was used, while Moralejo et al.(1998) recommended the Woody Plant Medium of Lloyd& McCown (1981) for E. globulus. Both media presenta reduction of salt concentration when compared to MSmedium.

Effect of duration of culture on MS medium supple-mented with auxin and cytokinin

All treatments were equally efficient in inducingcallogenesis (Table 2). The highest mean percentage ofexplants that differentiate into buds (51.5%) and lowestnecrosis level (3.2%) were recorded when the explants

tnemtaerT htiwstnalpxEsullac




----------------------------%----------------------------muidemSM a86.68 a86.64 ba43.8 a0.31stlasSM2/1 a87.78 a80.45 b04.2 a0.9

stneirtunorcamSM2/1 a04.79 a08.05 a86.11 a0.7stlasetartinSM2/1 a05.79 a03.44 ba0.5 a0.9

)%(noitairavfotneiciffeoC 29.01 18.91 78.27 84.14

Table 1 - Effect of modifications of MS mineral composition on callogenesis and bud regeneration from cotyledonary explantsof Eucalyptus camaldulensis.

Means followed by the same letter in a column do not differ by (P < 0.05) Tukey’s multiple range test.

Figure 3 - Effect of light and dark treatments (A) on callogenesis after 30 days, (B and C) on adventitious bud regeneration and (D) onnecrosis after 60 days for cotyledon explants of Eucalyptus camaldulensis cultured on MS medium supplemented with 4.44µmol L-1 BAP and several concentrations of NAA.








0 2.7 5.4 NAA concentration (µmol L-1)






s (%


Y light ( ___ ) = 7.1054E-15 + 30.33X – 3.229X 2 R 2 = 98.38% Y dark (---) = 7.1054E-15 + 49.07X – 5.967X 2 R 2 = 99.93%







0 2.7 5.4 NAA concentration (µmol L-1)








Y light ( ___ ) = 2.4869E-14 + 17.37X – 2.510X2 R2 = 95.84% Y dark (---) = 2.4869E-14 + 17.92X – 1.975X2 R2= 98.41%





0 2.7 5.4 NAA concentration (µmol L-1)


s pe

r exp



Y light ( ___ ) = 3.5527E-15 + 2.962X – 0.466X2 R2 = 95.66% Y dark (---) = 2.6645E-15 + 2.111X – 0.260X2 R2= 89.57%

Y light ( ___ ) = 1,2435E-14 + 9,000X - 0,919X 2 R 2 = 99,11% Y dark (---) = 3,5527E-15 + 2,963X - 0,439X 2 R 2 = 71,68%







0 2.7 5.4 NAA concentration (µmol L-1)


d ex


ts (%


Y light ( ___ ) = 1.2434E-14 + 9.0X – 0.919X 2 R 2 = 99.11% Y dark (---) = 3.5527E-15 + 2.9X – 0.438X 2 R 2 = 71.68%

Eucalyptus camaldulensis plant regenetation 411

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were transferred to a medium without growth regulatorsafter 30 days (treatment 3), but these values did not dif-fer from those obtained when the explants were subcul-tured on the same medium (treatment 1). The mean num-ber of buds per explant was higher after treatment 1 oron a medium without growth regulators (treatment 3).Necrosis of the explants increased when they remainedin the same medium for 60 days (treatment 2), possiblyas a result of death of tissues caused by the release ofphenolic compounds by the explants.

Shoot elongation and rootingBuds transferred to MS medium without activated

charcoal and growth substances produced chlorotic plant-lets. Elongation was not uniform and no root was formed.The exsudation of phenolic compounds into the mediumwas observed. This phenomenon had already been de-scribed by Lainé & David (1994) during the regenerationprocess from E. grandis leaves. According to these au-thors, the negative effects caused by the liberation of phe-nolic compounds may be minimized with the addition ofPVP or other antioxydants to the culture medium. Anothersolution consists in keeping the explants in the dark forfive days (Valério et al., 2003).

Buds submitted to the second treatment (1/2 ni-trates and activated charcoal) elongated and no symp-tom of leaf chlorosis appeared. Plantlets were between1.0 and 8.0 cm high, their leaves were dark green andcovered with calluses, and eight roots were formed inaverage per plant, with a mean size of 10 cm. These re-sults are in accordance with those obtained by Gupta etal. (1993), who reported that activated charcoal stimu-lates rooting in E. torelliana and E. camaldulensisshoots.

Rodrigues & Vendrame (2003) indicated that theefficiency of eucalyptus micropropagation is highly de-pendent of the ionic balance of culture medium. For ex-ample, the JADS medium (Correia, 1993; Correia et al.,1995) was developed to meet the nutritional requirementsof young plantlets of E. grandis. This medium, specificfor eucalyptus, is characterised by significant reduction

of nitrogen compounds and other mineral salts, in com-parison to MS culture medium. Tournier et al. (2003) alsodescribed culture media with nutritive balances specificfor each stage of the regeneration process and adaptedfor the hybrid E. grandis × E. urophylla.

Several aspects of the described procedure madeit cheaper than others published for this species: reduc-tion of salt content of MS medium, suppression of growthregulators during elongation and rooting, which occurredin one stage only. Acclimatisation studies need to be de-veloped to complement the present study. Histologicalstudies are underway to determine the origin of adventi-tious buds.


To the Instituto de Pesquisas Florestais (IPEF),Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, for providing seeds and to theLaboratório de Micropropagação de Plantas,Departamento de Fitotecnia e Fitossanitarismo, Setor deCiências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Paraná, foruse of equipment and reagents. To Coordenação deAperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES),Brazil, for a grant to the first author.


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Means followed by the same letter in a column do not differ (P < 0.05) Tukey’s multiple range test. 1: Explants transferred to the samemedium after 30 days; 2: Explants maintained on this medium for 60 days; 3: Explants transferred to a medium without growth regulatorsafter 30 days.

tnemtaerT htiwstnalpxEsullac




----------------------------%----------------------------1 a42.89 ba08.54 b65.5 a08.112 a00.001 b06.13 a01.42 b04.43 a00.001 a05.15 b02.3 ba02.8

)%(noitairavfotneiciffeoC 65.1 74.12 70.98 49.93

Dibax et al.412

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