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Polyphasic Metric Index: Reaching the Practical Limits of Proximity Searching

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Polyphasic Metric Index: Reaching the Practical Limits of Proximity Searching Eric Sadit Tellez , Edgar Chavez , and Karina Figueroa + Universidad Michoacana de San Nicol´ as de Hidalgo, M´ exico [email protected] [email protected] + [email protected] Abstract. Some metric indexes, like the pivot based family, can natively trade space for query time. Other indexes may have a small memory footprint and still outperform the pivot based approach; but are unable to increase the memory usage to boost the query time. In this paper we propose a new metric indexing technique with an algorithmic mechanism to lift the performance of otherwise rigid metric indexes. We selected the well known List of Clusters (LC) as the base data structure, ob- taining an index which is orders of magnitude faster to build, with memory usage adaptable to the intrinsic dimension of the data, and faster at query time than the original LC. We also present a nearest neighbor algorithm, of independent interest, which is optimal in the sense that requires the same number of distance computations as a range query with the radius of the nearest neighbor. We present exhaustive experimental evidence supporting our claims, for both syn- thetic and real world datasets. 1 Introduction The metric indexing machinery can be used in diverse fields, such as pattern recogni- tion, textual and multimedia information retrieval, machine learning, streaming com- pression, lossless and lossy compression, biometric identification and authentification, bioinformatics, among others [1]. However, proximity searching is a challenging prob- lem since exact indexes (those returning exactly the objects contained in a range or near- est neighbor query, defined below) have a linear worst case on the size of the database, even when the query output set has O(1) size. This behavior is thoroughly documented in the literature by Samet [2], Chavez et al. [3], B¨ ohm et al. [4], Zezula et .al [5], and Pestov [6–8]. To cope with this intrinsic high dimensional case, the metric indexes should be tweaked to support approximate searches, as described in [9–11], and imply loosing some relevant answers to speed up the query time. Other relaxations include allow- ing reporting false positives, some examples are [12–18]. While the above relaxed ap- proaches can be used in many application scenarios, the exact indexing problem is interesting by its own side. In this work we introduce a new metric index very robust to the intrinsic dimension increase, with very good tradeoffs among memory, real searching time, and number

Polyphasic Metric Index: Reaching the Practical Limitsof Proximity Searching

Eric Sadit Tellez†, Edgar Chavez‡, and Karina Figueroa+

Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Mexico†[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract. Some metric indexes, like the pivot based family, can natively tradespace for query time. Other indexes may have a small memory footprint andstill outperform the pivot based approach; but are unable to increase the memoryusage to boost the query time. In this paper we propose a new metric indexingtechnique with an algorithmic mechanism to lift the performance of otherwiserigid metric indexes.We selected the well known List of Clusters (LC) as the base data structure, ob-taining an index which is orders of magnitude faster to build, with memory usageadaptable to the intrinsic dimension of the data, and faster at query time than theoriginal LC.We also present a nearest neighbor algorithm, of independent interest, which isoptimal in the sense that requires the same number of distance computations as arange query with the radius of the nearest neighbor.We present exhaustive experimental evidence supporting our claims, for both syn-thetic and real world datasets.

1 Introduction

The metric indexing machinery can be used in diverse fields, such as pattern recogni-tion, textual and multimedia information retrieval, machine learning, streaming com-pression, lossless and lossy compression, biometric identification and authentification,bioinformatics, among others [1]. However, proximity searching is a challenging prob-lem since exact indexes (those returning exactly the objects contained in a range or near-est neighbor query, defined below) have a linear worst case on the size of the database,even when the query output set has O(1) size. This behavior is thoroughly documentedin the literature by Samet [2], Chavez et al. [3], Bohm et al. [4], Zezula et .al [5], andPestov [6–8].

To cope with this intrinsic high dimensional case, the metric indexes should betweaked to support approximate searches, as described in [9–11], and imply loosingsome relevant answers to speed up the query time. Other relaxations include allow-ing reporting false positives, some examples are [12–18]. While the above relaxed ap-proaches can be used in many application scenarios, the exact indexing problem isinteresting by its own side.

In this work we introduce a new metric index very robust to the intrinsic dimensionincrease, with very good tradeoffs among memory, real searching time, and number

of computed distances. Moreover, our index can be engineered to allow the approxi-mate and probabilistic relaxations cited above, broadening the usage spectrum of ourtechnique.

Before discussing our framework in more detail, let us present some definitions andnotation. A general metric space (U, d) is composed by an universe of objects U , anda distance function d : U × U → <, such that for any u, v, w ∈ U , d(u, v) > 0or d(u, v) = 0 ⇐⇒ u = v, d(u, v) = d(v, u), and d(u,w) + d(w, v) ≥ d(u, v).These properties are known as strict positiveness, symmetry, and the triangle inequality,respectively. The last property, is the main tool to filter candidates from a result set usingthe general metric space model.

Let S be a database S ⊆ U , of size n = |S|, we considere two possible operations:

– k nearest neighbor query. Retrieve the k closer elements of a query q in S, formallyk-nnd(q, S) = {u | d(u, q) ≤ d(v, q) ∀u, v ∈ S} where | k-nnd(q, S)| = k, orsimply k-nn(q, S) if the context provides enough information to avoid confusion.

– range query. Searching all objects around q within a range r. It is defined as(q, r)d = {u ∈ S | d(q, u) ≤ r}, or simply (q, r) if it is clear in the context.

There exists two main families of indexes tackling the proximity search problemusing only information obtained by precomputed distances: pivot based indexes andcompact partition indexes.

1.1 Pivot Index

The filtering with a set of pivots can be regarded as a contractive mapping from theoriginal space U to the vector space where the coordinates are the distances to thepivots. In other words, if P = {p1, p2, · · · , pm} ⊆ U is the set of pivots, for u, v ∈ Swe define D(u, v) = max1≤i≤m |d(u, pi) − d(v, pi)|. Using the triangle inequality, itis clear that D(u, v) ≤ d(u, v) and hence it is also clear that (q, r)d ⊆ (q, r)D.

1.2 Compact Partitions

A compact partition index creates regions where items are spatially close to each other.A tree based index selects a set of centers per node c1, c2, · · · , cm ∈ S, such that ci isthe center of the subtree Ti. The set of centers induces a partition of the dataset such thateach Ti is spatially compact; for example, u ∈ Ti if d(ci, u) = argmin1≤j≤m d(cj , u).The covering radius cov(ci) = maxu∈Ti d(ci, v) is stored for each node. This construc-tion is applied recursively. A query (q, r)d is solved recursively starting from the rootnode. If d(q, ci) ≤ r then ci ∈ (q, r)d, and Ti must be explored if |d(q, ci)−cov(ci)| ≤r.

The List of Clusters. The List of Clusters (LC) is a surprising data structure. With afixed memory usage the LC outperforms all other indexes computing a smaller numberof distances per query, specially when the data is high dimensional. A drawback of theLC is the high cost of construction, requiring a quadratic number of distances. This costhas the same origin of its unmatched performance.

Let us explore with some detail the construction and the searching algorithm forthe LC, as described by Chavez and Navarro [19]. Define IS,c,cov(c) = {u ∈ S \ {c} |d(c, u) ≤ cov(c)} as the bucket of internal elements, which lie inside center ball of c,and ES,c,cov(c) = {u ∈ S | d(c, u) > cov(c)} as the rest of the elements (the externalones). Now the process is repeated recursively inside E. The construction procedurereturns a list of triples (ci, ri, Ii) (center,radius,bucket).

Please note that the number of centers is unknown beforehand. There are two pos-sible parameters, the number of objects inside a ball and the radius of the ball. Thisintrinsically defines the number of centers. As suggested in the original paper we selectthe number of centers m, by selecting instead n/m and avoid a complex parametriza-tion of the algorithm.

When the intrinsic dimensionality of the data is high, then most of the clusters needto be reviewed. In [19] the authors used probabilistic arguments to bound the complexityof the searching to O(nα) distance computations, for some α ≤ 1 which depend on theintrinsic dimension of the data.

1.3 Other Composite Indexes

There exists some indexes in the literature being composed of several other indexes.Below, we list some methods using this scheme.

Gionis et al. [17] introduces a new approximate technique for similarity searchingin high dimensional datasets. It is called as Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH). Theseindexes are typically organized as hashing tables, such that objects in the same bucketare closer under a distance function dwith high probability [18, 17]. LSH offers distancebased probabilistic guarantees, but the recall is low as compared with other approaches.Also, there exist a limit on the guarantees that can be ensured with a sigle instance ofLSH. So, if results with higher quality are required as set of LSH instances should beused.

Kyselak et al. [20] observed in the literature that approximate methods optimize theaverage accuracy of the indexes. However, it is common to find very bad performanceson individual queries, and consequently, an excel performance on others. So, they pro-pose a simple solution to stabilize the accuracy. The idea is to reduce the probability ofa poor-quality result using multiple independent indexes solving the same query, suchthat at least one index achieves good quality on a result.

One important point, to put our work in perspective, is to notice that in the literature,assembling multiple indexes happen only in the context of approximate techniques. Thefocus is on increasing the recall (or the quality of the result, in general). And that comesat the price of increase both searching and preprocessing time. In contrast our solutiondecrease both searching and preprocessing times.

In a slightly related paper [21], author Yianilos introduced the Vantage Point For-est (VPF). Here the idea is to have a single index composed by a collection of trees.The idea is to exclude in each tree those objects near the frontier of the left and rightbranches, at every node. Each tree will index only a portion of the database. In exchangeeach tree will avoid backtracking, hence speeding up the search. There is a delicate bal-ance between backtracking and searching sequentially in a collection of trees. Addition-ally, the searching radius to avoid backtracking is way too small for most applications.

In paper [22], Skopal introduced the PM-Tree. This is a peculiar index mixing pivotbased and compact partition indexes. The PM-Tree base-algorithm is the secondarymemory index M-Tree (Ciaccia et al. [23]) enriched with global scope pivots on top ofthe local compact partitions of the M-Tree. We will show that our approach can mimicthis mixed type of indexes, while reducing the complexity and being less cumbersomethan the PM-tree.

1.4 Our Contribution

A basic view of a metric index is to regard it as a partition of the space. The indexthen guide the search by filtering some parts for each particular query. The parts notfiltered are then exhaustively checked. Our algorithmic idea is to use several indexes,several partitions, applying the corresponding filters and then search in the intersectionof all the non-filtered parts. One key aspect of the above idea is to efficiently implementunion/intersection operations to quickly obtain the answer.

We propose novel algorithms for proximity searching, based on fast union-intersectionoperations. Specifically, we introduce algorithms to solve range and k-nn searches. Ouralgorithm is optimal in the same sense given by Samet et al [2], where the necessarynumber of computed distances to solve k-nn queries is the same than a range searchwith the proper searching radius.

Since our index is composed of several underlaying indexes one requirement shouldbe to build on the better brick. We have to select the better index, appropriate for in-trinsically high dimensional data. Unfortunately the options are scarce. The most robustindexes are expensive either in memory usage or preprocessing time, as detailed below:

– AESA [24] stores O(n2) distances, and the cost of construction is of the sameorder. Moreover, it requires a quadratic number of arithmetic and logical operationsat query time. However it requires (experimentally, on average) a fixed number ofdistance computations to solve a query, on a dataset with fixed intrinsic dimension.

– The list of clusters (LC) [19] usesO(n) integers for the index, andO(m) distances,with m the number of centers. The construction cost is roughly mn/2 distancecomputations, O(mn). However, as explained by Chavez and Navarro [19], highintrinsic dimensional datasets require n/m = O(1) to be useful, implying O(n2)distances on the preprocessing step.

The above costs are even worst for our case, since we need many indexes to bebuilt and queried. In practical terms this restrict us to low-cost indexes, in both spaceand preprocessing time. Neither AESA nor the LC (for high dimensional datasets) aresuitable (as is) for the task for the prohibitive construction time and/or storage costs.

To be able to use the LC, keeping the construction time bounded, we used a subopti-mal selection of the governing parameter m/n in each one of the indexes. This impliesa not so large number of centers, as m = O(nβ) for β < 1. We will use λ randomizedinstances of the LC to boost the filtering. We bet on the fact that the probability of beingdiscarded by at least one index increases with the number of indexes. The price to payis an increase on the storage in a small factor λ. We will provide a probabilistic modelof the search performance of our composite index and will verify it experimentally.

Summarizing, we obtain a powerful metric index with O(λn1+β) preprocessingtime, O(nα) search time. With α, β < 1 and λ is a small integer number. Also, ourindex requiresO(λn) identifiers. Our algorithmic proposal is general enough to supportany mixture of indexes, beyond our proposed modifications of the LC. Furthermore, thediscarding rule is arbitrary and this imply it may not be based of the triangle inequality.This sole feature have not been proposed before in the literature, up to the best of ourknowledge.

2 The Polyphasic Metric Index (PMI)

Let Λ = {Ti} be a collection of metric indexes, λ = |Λ|. Each T ∈ Λ induces apartition ΠT of the database, as it is standard for metric indexes. Lj ∈ ΠT denotesthe j-th part of ΠT . Most metric indexes fall on this categorization, since all of themare based on equivalence classes as described by Chavez et al. [3]. Some indexes havecomplex decision rules and it is difficult to take advantage of the implicit partition. Onenotable exception is the LC. The implicit partition of the DB coincides with an explicitpartition very easy to handle. Each bucket Ici is a part. Moreover, the set of centers Cin the LC is itself a part (see section 1.2).

Below we describe with detail the basic algorithms for the generic index.

3 Range Search

For a query (q, r)d, define CΛ the set of elements not filtered by any of the indexes in Λ.To avoid cumbersome notation, we do not include the explicit dependence on (q, r)d inCΛ.

Solving (q, r)d imply computing the distance between the query and every elementin CΛ and reporting only those with distance less than r to the query.CΛ is the intersection of all CT , i.e. the candidate set for T ∈ Λ. CT is computed

retrieving all lists not being discarded by the triangle inequality, and then joining them.Algorithmically speaking, the range search is a set union-intersection algorithm. For-mally, we must compute CT =


L. Where LT,(q,r) is the set of all parts inΠT such that the discarding rule of the incumbent index cannot filter. To fix ideas thinkin this rule as the triangle inequality. Finally, the complete candidate list is computed asCΛ =

⋂T∈Λ CT . Notice that the intersection CΛ is the set of objects not filtered by the

discarding rules (triangle inequality) using all indexes in Λ.Please notice that a center can be shared by some backend indexes, specially when

m is large, such that we might be duplicating distance evaluations against some centers.We can select centers to be disjoint at construction time. Our implementation uses asimpler solution, we add a cache of distances per query q such that a d(q, ci) is evaluatedonce in the solving process. The same strategy would be applied to nn searching (seesection 4).

There are several optimal (on the size of the sets being intersected) union and in-tersection algorithms using sorted lists as abstractions of sets. Some examples are pre-sented by Hwang and Lin [25], and Baeza-Yates [26]. Furthermore, beyond the opti-mality on the size, there are several instance optimal algorithms, like those presented

by Demaine et al. [27], and Barbay and Kenyon [28]. Since our parts are of fixed size(we are using LC to partition the dataset), and we cannot ensure easy instances for in-stance optimal algorithms, we focus on producing a fast worst case union-intersectionalgorithm not in the comparison model. Additionally, the structure of our algorithm isused to solve the k-nn searching with dynamic programing, producing the algorithm ofthe next section.

The algorithm 1 shows a fast Θ(∑T∈Λ |CT |) union and intersection algorithm. In

the algorithm, the arrayA is explicitly stored because n is not so large in practice (a fewmillions at most). If the plain storage of A in memory is not feasible, it can be easilyreplaced by a hash table, the complexity holds on average.

ALGORITHM 1: Union-intersection algorithmInput: LT,(q,r) for all T ∈ Λ.Output: The candidate set CΛ, i.e., the set of buckets that cannot be discarded using the triangleinequality.1: Let A[1, n] be an array of integers initialized to zero, each item has dlog (λ− 1)e bits2: Let CΛ = ∅3: for T ∈ Λ do4: for L ∈ LT,(q,r) do5: for u ∈ L do6: if A[u] + 1 = λ then7: CΛ ← CΛ ∪ {u}8: else9: A[u]← A[u] + 1

10: end if11: end for12: end for13: end for

4 Nearest Neighbor Search

Even when we focus on the nearest neighbor search, the procedure is trivially extendedto solve k-nn queries. Our nearest neighbor search algorithm is based on the best firststrategy described by Samet [2] and our union-intersection algorithm (alg. 1).

The nearest neighbor searching is solved in algorithm 2. In this procedure there arethree special variables, r∗>, r∗⊥ and q∗. r∗> is the best upper bound of the covering radiusfor our query at any moment, r∗⊥ the best known lower bound, and q∗ is the best knowncandidate to be nn(q). At the beginning, r∗> = ∞, r∗⊥ = 0, and q∗ = undefined; atthe end of the procedure, r∗> = r∗⊥ = d(q,nn(q)),1 d(q, q∗) = d(q,nn(q)), and q∗ isnn(q).

The objective is to convert the nn search in a sequence of range searches. In eachinternal range search the covering radius r∗> can be reduced, while r∗⊥ is increased.

1 Ideally, r∗⊥ will stop in r∗>, but it could overrun r∗> since it advance in ranges.

ALGORITHM 2: Best first nearest neighbor searchInput: A query object q.Output: r∗> = d(q, nn(q)) and q∗ = nn(q).1: Let A[1, n] be an array of integers initialized to zero, each item has dlog (λ− 1)e bits.2: Let q∗ be the best candidate at any moment of the nearest neighbor, q∗ ← undefined.3: Let r∗⊥ = 04: Let r∗> be the best guest at any moment of d(q, nn(q)), r∗> ←∞.5: while r∗⊥ ≤ r∗> do6: advance bottom← true7: for T ∈ Λ do8: {Inside next best both r∗> and q∗ should be adjusted if it is necessary.}9: L← next best(T )

10: for u ∈ L do11: advance bottom← false12: if A[u] + 1 = λ then13: if d(q, u) ≤ r∗> then14: r∗> ← d(q, u)15: q∗ ← u16: end if17: else18: A[u]← A[u] + 119: end if20: end for21: if advance bottom then22: Increase r∗⊥ to the minimum radius such that at least another candidate (in any

T ∈ Λ) list will be available.23: end if24: end for25: end while

The algorithms follows the constraint r∗⊥ ≤ r∗>. The main problem is that we requireseveral times to perform union-intersection operations over the same parts, as requiredby the algorithm of range search. More detailed, let r∗⊥ be decomposed in its steps in thealgorithm, thus let r∗h⊥ be h-th value of r∗⊥ at the h step. Since r∗1⊥ ≤ r∗2⊥ ≤ · · · ≤ r∗s⊥ ,after s steps, then follows that (q, r∗1⊥ )d ⊆ (q, r∗2⊥ )d ⊆ · · · ⊆ (q, r∗s⊥ )d. Fortunately,range searches can be decomposed in terms of the previous ones, hence we can use ourunion-intersection (algorithm 1) since it stores in A the cardinality of the intersectionof previous steps.

Let us define next best(T ) as the procedure returning at each call a list not yet vis-ited, such that this list intersects the current query ball, i.e. (q, r∗⊥). It is necessary to re-mark that next best(T ) can adjust r∗> and q∗ as needed. The idea behind next best(T )is to access each L ∈ ΠT in the order that it should be accessed by consecutive rangesearches (q, r∗⊥). In each step r∗⊥ is increased (line 22 in algorithm 2) to the minimumnecessary to obtain another L.

Please notice that the efficiency of next best(T ) is tied to the particular implemen-tations. For example, when T is a tree, next best(T ) procedure can be implementedusing a stack to emulate recursive calls.

ALGORITHM 3: Global view of the next best(T ) procedureInitialize: Let LT,(q,r∗⊥) be the set of lists intersecting the minimum radius ball containing(q, r∗⊥).Input: Let r∗⊥ ← 0.Output: A set (list) containing objects intersecting the current query ball.Procedure: At each call it proceeds as follows:1: if r∗⊥ > r∗> then2: return ∅3: else4: if r∗⊥ was incremented then5: Retrieve the necessary lists to complete LT,(q,r∗⊥)

6: end if7: if LT,(q,r∗⊥) has not visited lists then8: Let L be a not visited lists from LT,(q,r∗⊥)

9: Mark L as visited10: return L11: else12: return ∅13: end if14: end ifNote 1: At any moment, if it is possible (e.g. at line 5), r∗> is updated to a tighter bound, in suchcase q∗ must be updated too.

Example 1 (next best(T ) over a single pivot). Consider a pivot P ∈ S, inducing apartition ΠP , using a discretizing function g(d(P, u)) for each u ∈ S. In the figure 1exemplifies this with |ΠP | = 8.

The first step is to find the list which may contain q with radius zero, i.e. |g(d(q, P ))−g(d(u, P ))| ≤ g(r∗⊥) = 0. Then, we must increase r∗⊥ such that we advance in to thenext promising list, e.g. g(r∗⊥) = 1. In the process both r∗> and r∗⊥ are adjusted. The pro-cess is repeated until both bounds meet. Figure 1 depicts the advance of next best(T ).Please notice that this procedure is the one used by any pivot based index.

Example 2 (next best(T ) for the LC). We start the procedure by determining the orderto review the lists. In the process, r∗> bound is improved. This step evaluates d(q, ci)for all ci ∈ C, sorting ci’s in ascending order of |d(q, ci)− cov(ci)|, because this is thereviewing order induced as r∗⊥ increases. Section 1.2 shows the details of searching inan LC.

In general, k-nn searching is implemented replacing q∗ as a priority queue of fixedcardinality k. In this variation, both r∗⊥ and r∗> bound the covering radius of the knearest neighbor.

4.1 Expected Performance

The cost of solving a query, the size of the candidate list, is closely related to the ex-pected performance of the internal indexes. A rule of thumb is that every index mustprovide a diverse (low correlated) set of candidates, such that

⋂T∈Λ CT is close to the


LP,4 LP,6LP,4 LP,5LP,0 LP,1 LP,7

LP,3 LP,4 LP,6LP,4 LP,5LP,0 LP,1 LP,7

LP,3 LP,4 LP,6LP,4 LP,5LP,0 LP,1 LP,7















r∗> r∗>

r∗> r∗>


Fig. 1. Next best procedure for a single pivot P .

query answer, i.e. items not being in the result set should be discarded by at least oneindex in Λ.

Let PT,u be the probability that a random object u needs to be reviewed for somequery (q, r)d in the metric index T . Similarly, let us define PΛ,u for the set of indexesin Λ as the probability that u cannot be discarded by an index Λ. Assume all PT,u forT ∈ Λ are independent probabilities, then PΛ,u =

∏T∈Λ PT,u. If each T has been

constructed ensuring that Px,u ' Py,u for all x, y ∈ Λ then PΛ,u = Pλx,u. This suggestthat we can improve our search simply adding (independent) indexes to Λ, arbitrarilydecreasing PΛ,u. This simplification can be seen as a probabilistic lower bound in thecomputing of the probability PΛ,u.

Since PΛ,u = |⋂T∈Λ CT |/n, the probability is not lower bounded, because the in-

tersection could be empty. On the other hand, the upper bound isPλ,u = minT∈Λ |CT |/n.The probabilistic lower bound is found for independent probabilities under some proba-bility distribution. A more precise model may consider the dependency between objectsand the characteristics of the indexes. As a formative example let Ti and Tj be LC in-dexes in the collection, then one of the following cases may arise:

– u is a center on Ti and v ∈ Iu, then if v is a center on Tj it is possible that u ∈ Iv .– u, v ∈ Ic for a center c on Ti, then if c′ is a center on Tj , it is possible that u, v ∈ Ic′ .– the most common case is that a query ball intersects with centers and buckets such

that the previous cases are extended to set of centers and buckets.

With the searching algorithms described, we need to speed up the LC construction.

4.2 Revisiting the LC

The LC is an efficient metric index, but it has an expensive preprocessing time complex-ity for high intrinsic dimensional datasets. One observation is that the original algorithmdo not fix the order in which centers are selected. In other words, center selection do

not make sense because the centers are selected sequentially starting from a seed cen-ter. In the original paper the authors propose four heuristics for iteratively selecting thecenters.

One of the requirements of the PMI is to have the partitions selected independently,see section 4.1. For this reason we introduce a new randomized construction of theLC. This serve two goals. Firstly, the construction is faster, and on the other hand thediversity on the partitions (as required by PMI) is achieved.

As explained in section 4.1, our method requires a high diversity in the partitionsof the underlying indexes, hence we must promote this behavior. In this sense, pleasenotice that the original LC does not necessarily select c randomly.

Our contribution replace the deterministic selection of the center by a random selec-tion of c ∈ S. This modification is implemented applying Knuth’s Fisher-Yates shuffleto the set of identifiers. The complexity remains the same.

The recipe for high dimensional datasets needs n/m = O(1), that is prohibitivefor many real world applications since the preprocessing time of LC, O(nm), becomesO(n2). An alternative strategy is to produce non optimal LCs, such that its prepro-cessing step would be cheaper. As we will show experimentally, this non optimal con-struction does not affect our index since the combination of several suboptimal LC’sproduces a faster index than a single optimal LC.

Let m = O(logb n) for some b ≥ 1. Under this approach, we require close tonm/2 = O(n logb n) distance computations. If b = 1 then we obtain O(n log n) time,similarly to VPT or BKT [3].

Another possible approach is to define m = O(nβ), resulting in a preprocessingstep of O(n1+β), and n/m = O(n1−β).

Example 3 (Gaining three orders of magnitude). Let n = 106, suppose that m =O(logb n), specifically b = 2, and an involved constant of 2.52, thusm ∼ 1000. Finally,nm/2 becomes 5× 108, which is much smaller than 5× 1011.

The same preprocessing cost for this example configuration is found fixing m =n1/2, such that n/m ' O(


Using these configurations, the number of distances needed to search are, a priori,larger than the required by an optimal LC if using a single index. When using severalindexes our PMI reduces the number of distance computations over the optimal LC.In the following sections we experimentally verify our claims, and obtain very goodtradeoffs among space, search time, and preprocessing time.

5 Experimental Results

We conducted experiments over synthetic and real-world datasets. Synthetic data arerandomly generated vectors in the unitary cube, these datasets are used to describethe characteristics of the LC varying the intrinsic dimension. Real-world datasets areused to show the performance as will be found in databases obtained from real-worldprocesses.

5.1 Description of Datasets

– Random vectors (RVEC). Six randomly generated sets of vectors in the unitarycube with dimensions 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 and fixed size of n = 106. Two hun-dred nearest neighbor queries form our query sets. Each query object is a randomlygenerated vector of the dimension of the dataset.

– Colors. A real world benchmark of 112682 color histograms (vectors of 112 co-ordinates) with L2 as distance. The source of this database is the sisap project(http://www.sisap.org). Each query q is composed of two random objects u, vin the dataset, such that qi = (ui + vi)/2. Queries are also for nearest neighbor.

– CoPhIR-1M. This database consists of 1 million of objects selected from the CoPhIRproject [29]. Each object is a 208-dimensional vector and we use the L1 distance.Each vector was created as a linear combination of five different MPEG7 vectorsas described in [29]. We selected 200 vectors (they were not indexed) as queries.Queries are also for nearest neighbors.

All the algorithms were written in C#, with the Mono framework (http://www.mono-project.org). Algorithms and indexes are available as open source software inthe natix library (http://www.natix.org). The experimentation was carried in a fourquad-core Intel Xeon 2.40 GHz workstation with 32 GiB of RAM, running CentOSLinux. The entire databases and indexes are maintained in main memory and withoutexploiting any parallel capabilities of the workstation.

Please notice that the build time is critical for the LC, since it requires O(nm)distance computations, and high dimensional datasets require n/m = O(1), we gota O(n2) distance computations. Under this perspective LC is limited to lightweightdistances or small databases. Our approach is based on exploiting configurations m =o(n), such as m = O(nβ) with some 0 < β < 1, and to take advantage of severalindexes and the diversity found in their partitions.

We provide an extensive comparison against the original List of Clusters, howeverwe avoid a larger comparison against other structures since LC is a typical baseline formetric indexes. Also, we avoid disk based indexes like M-Tree or PM-Tree since theyare commonly worried about I/O efficiency, which is not directly comparable with ourapproach.

5.2 Build Time

In order to discover the gain in the preprocessing time, table 1 shows the real time tobuild a single instance of an index for RVEC-4, n = 106. In this setup, the distancefunction has a low-cost.

It is interesting to notice the preprocessing speedup achieved by simply increasingn/m. The preprocessing time for n/m = 1024 is 6.2 times faster than the LC withn/m = 128, and 48.8 times than n/m = 16. This relation from 128 to 16 is 7.9. Thisimplies that creating several λ indexes is even cheaper than create a single optimal LC.Furthermore, as indexes are independently created, they can be built in parallel, suchthat the required time is close to the built time of a single instance plus the time to putthem together. This later time is negligible.

method n/m m preprocessing timeseconds human readable

LC 1024 976 331.13 5 min 31.13 sec.LC 128 7812 2056.5 34 min 16.52 sec.LC 16 62500 16163.16 4 hours 29 min.

Table 1. Preprocessing time for RVEC-4 and n = 106.

5.3 Searching Performance

The complexity measured as number of computed distances is useful to extrapolate toother kind of distances; independently of the tested hardware, and of the database. Onthe other hand, the real time is necessary to measure the method to be used in practicalapplications. We are interested in both parameters.

Figure 2, depicts both the average computed distances and the required time for asingle nearest neighbor query in the RVEC set of databases. The curves with λ = 1 areequivalent to the performance of the LC in the specified configuration. In these seriesof plots, there are three variables: n/m (a pair of plots per row), λ (a curve per value),and the dimension (the horizontal axis). The first column shows the cost presented asnumber of computed distances, figures 2(a), 2(c), and 2(e) respectively for n/m of 16,128, and 1024. We can observe that for large dimensionality (dimension 24), the PMI isunbeatable, particularly for n/m = 128, where we need to review 20% of the database,compared against 38% of the best configuration achieved with the LC (n/m = 16).For lower dimensions, it is natural to select large n/m, for example, the PMI requiresλ = 2 and n/m = 1024 to review 0.3% of the database for dimension 4 (figure 2(e))while the same λ review 10% of the database for n/m = 16. A similar proportion isfound for the plain LC (λ = 1). In general, we always can construct several indexeswith large n/m and increase λ as required by the expected performance, obtainingthat performance increase as λ growth as observed in the left column of figure 2. Thereal search times (right column figure 2) are not showing the same dramatic variations,since they reflect the cost of the union-intersection algorithms and some effects of thecache. Nevertheless, the speed up introduced by the PMI is noticiable, as shown byfigures 2(d) and 2(f).

Figure 3 shows performances for our real world databases, Colors and CoPhIR-1M. The experiment shows the dependency of the performance with n/m, i.e. the mainparameter of the practical List of Clusters, and both average total (internal + external)number of distances and real time (figures 3(a) and 3(b)) required to solve a nearestneighbor query. As in previous figures, the left column show the number of distancecomputations, and the right one is showing the real time. Here the performance boostoccurs varying n/m and λ, for the fixed dimension.

The number of distance computations is optimized for LC on Colors at n/m =32, and until this bucket size, the plain LC is the best option. For larger n/m values,there exists a speed up (distance computations and real time) for all λ values, withspecial remark on n/m larger than 128 and λ ≥ 4. On these setups the cost is half ofthe best LC. Furthermore, they have smaller preprocessing time. On CoPhIR-1M, the




4 8 12 16 20 24



d di






(a) Distances computed. n/m = 16





4 8 12 16 20 24











(b) Search time. n/m = 16





4 8 12 16 20 24



d di






(c) Distances computed. n/m = 128





4 8 12 16 20 24











(d) Search time. n/m = 128





4 8 12 16 20 24



d di






(e) Distances computed. n/m = 1024





4 8 12 16 20 24











(f) Search time. n/m = 1024

Fig. 2. Behavior of the PMI using LC searching for the nearest neighbor with a varying increasingintrinsic dimension over RVEC databases.

performance is quite similar, but we must remark that the preprocessing time imply anenormous difference since n = 106 and each vector contains 208 coordinates, which isvery costly as preprocessing time. The LC (λ = 1) is optimized at n/m = 128 afterthis value, all setups are better than the single LC, in both the distance computationsand the real time, see figures 3(c) and 3(d). We must remark that we found similar costfor n/m = 64, but we do not show such smaller values since preprocessing time ismuch larger and it does not improves neither LC nor PMI.








12 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024




d di






(a) Colors. Average distance computations

12 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024











(b) Colors. Search time









128 256 512 1024 2048 4096




d di






(c) CoPhIR-1M. Average distance computations










128 256 512 1024 2048 4096











(d) CoPhIR-1M. Search time

Fig. 3. Performance of the PMI on real world datasets.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

We presented a new metric index for general metric spaces called the Polyphasic MetricIndex (PMI) that is more robust to the dimension that the well known List of Clusters(LC), one of the most robust indexes with small memory requirements. The centralidea of our index is the usage of several backend indexes, where each one respondwith a set of candidates containing the exact result set of the proximity query. Thefinal set of candidates is obtained by intersecting all individual sets. We choose the Listof Cluster index as backend index. This selection is driven by the fact that the LC isa fast, and small metric index. Those properties are inherited by our index, and evenwhen our index is composed of several LC backend indexes, their configuration allowsa very fast preprocessing time, far from the O(n2) time required by the original versionof the algorithm. For example, we obtain faster searches than the LC with O(n1.5)preprocessing time.

Due to the compound functionality of our index, it is possible to adjust the numberof indexes at searching time. Such that hard queries are solved with a complex machin-ery (several indexes), and easy ones with a simpler setup (few or one index).

The above scheme is easily adapted to discover the better PMI configuration forthe (unknown) intrinsic dimension of the datasets. Based in our experimental evidence,

configurations with large n/m are quite good for small dimensions, and several backedindexes with this setup are useful for high intrinsic dimensions. We conjecture that λfor a fixed index setup (LC with fixed n/m) is a function of the intrinsic dimension,and there exists a maximum λ that improve the index performance.

In general, the number of indexes can be unbounded and dynamic and can be ad-justed at query time. Discussing the adaptive selection of indexes for a particular queryis beyond the scope of this paper, and will be explored in a separate manuscript.

We presented algorithms for range and nearest neighbor searches, which are new.Both algorithms are based on set union and set intersection operations and can be imple-mented with fast union-intersection algorithms. Our framework can be improved usingbetter set union-intersection algorithms reducing the overhead introduced by these op-erations in the PMI. However it should be noticed that those algorithms must supportpartial intersections, since they are the core of our iterative, optimal nearest neighboralgorithm.

The major drawback of the PMI approach is the required space, which is a multipleofλ, even when the LC is a light weight index and λ seems to be O(1) for a fixeddataset. This drawback opens the possibility of applying compression techniques to therepresentation of the LC and the entire PMI.


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