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PONDICHERRY Setting an Example - informatics.nic.in

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PONDICHERRY Setting an Example M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry) A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry April 2004 AN e GOVERNANCE BULLETIN FROM NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE ISSN 0971-3409 VOL. 12 No.4 APRIL 2004 http://informatics.nic.in SPECIAL FEATURE l 2nd Asia IT Ministers’ Summit l Virtual Private Networks STATE IN FOCUS l Tripura DISTRICT INFORMATICS l Junagadh l Bilaspur E-GOV SERVICES AND PRODUCTS l ICI Facilitates Cashew/Coconut Development & Export (Cochin) l Koshwahini l Tenders Online l President of India - On the Web

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 2004

A N e G O V E R N A N C E B U L L E T I N F R O M N A T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I C S C E N T R E

ISSN 0971-3409

VOL. 12 No.4 APRIL 2004



� 2nd Asia IT Ministers’ Summit� Virtual Private Networks


� Tripura


� Junagadh� Bilaspur


� ICI Facilitates Cashew/CoconutDevelopment & Export (Cochin)

� Koshwahini� Tenders Online� President of India - On the Web

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 2004

Advisory CommitteeDr. N.VijayadityaDr. B.K. GairolaDr. Y.K. SharmaSh. D.P. BobdeSh. M. Moni

Managing EditorNeeta VermaEditorSonal KalraDesign & LayoutMohan Das VSSubhash Kapoor

Print ProductionA K AggarwalAnita Arora

DistributionAnita BhardwajJasvinder Kaur

Editorial CommitteeSh. A. MohanDr. Subir RoyDr. S.C. GuptaSh. D.C. MisraMs. Nandita Chaudhri


WWW VersionAnil Rathore


Dear Editor,

The Informatics Bulletin of NIC gives an excellent idea of ITProjects of different State Governments being implemented throughNIC. This would give a much better chance of replication of successfulprojects by other State Governments at much lower cost. A column inthis bulletin to indicate the replication status and experience in thisreplication of successful initiatives would add great value to thismagazine.

Sanjay Kumar Rakesh, IASManaging Director,

Bihar State Agricultural Marketing Board

Dear Editor,

It was an excellent experience going through the“Informatics” newsletter of NIC. The Technology Update sectionwas fantastic. I would like to suggest that apart from the paperssent by NIC Employees, you may accept and include papers fromother departments/offices also.

T. V. PrasadSc-C (Dy. Director)


The Information Technology Ministers of the various Asian Nations met in Hyderabad early this year fortaking firm steps to spread the benefits of ICT widely and equitably, through increased co-operation at a regionallevel. Our lead story in this issue features the prestigious summit and the active role played by NIC as a member ofthe Indian delegation. Another lead story in the issue delves upon the concept and technology behind the ‘VirtualPrivate Networks (VPNs)’ and what they mean for all of us at NIC.

Happy Reading….

Sonal Kalra













District InformaticsBilaspur

E-Gov Products & ServicesKoshwahini

E-Gov Products & ServicesTenders Online

E-Gov Products & ServicesPresident of India - On the Web



Special Feature2nd Asia IT Ministers’ Summit

Special FeatureVirtual Private Networks

E-Gov Products & ServicesICI facilitatesCashew/Coconut Development & Export (Cochin)

State in FocusTripura

District InformaticsJunagadh

Visit http://informatics.nic.in/newsonline for the latest News

Editor Replies : Your suggestions are indeed valuable and we have forwarded them for due consideration. Keep writing !!Readers are invited to send their views, comments and suggestions to the Editor through this column. The same, addressed to

Editor-Informatics, may be sent to [email protected]

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 200403


2nd Asia IT Ministers’Summit

Dr. Shefali Dash & Nandita Chaudhri, NIC HQ

| A Unique EventThis international forum was the 2nd AsiaIT Ministers’ Summit held during 12-13January, 2004 at the Taj Krishna hotel inHyderabad, the capital city of the stateof Andhra Pradesh. Hyderabad was abefitting choice as it is a city thatrepresents successful governmentinitiatives to use ICT to boost socio-economic development. The Summit wasa result of the recognition bygovernments of Asian countries thatthere is an urgent need to undertakedefinitive and firm steps to spread thebenefits of ICT widely and equitably,through increased cooperation at aregional level.The Indian delegation constituted teams

from the Deptt of IT and organisationsunder its aegis including NIC, CDAC,

Cyber city Hyderabad was recentlya witness to a high level seminar and

exhibition, bringing together the ITMinisters of Asian countries. They had

assembled to utilize this unique forum toexchange their experiences on the quietICT revolution sweeping their homelands

and in fact the entire world. They alsoattempted to evolve methodologies touse these experiences for cross-country

technology and application exchanges totake Asia to the very pinnacle of


Media Labs Asia etc. along with someprivate organizations.The delegation wasled by Sh. Arun Shourie, Hon’ble Ministerof Communications and InformationTechnology and Shri Chandrababu Naidu,Hon’ble Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh.The event saw a spate of informativepresentations from delegates fromthirty-one Asian countries, lively debates

and discussions and also a high-techexhibition of ICT Applications , in bothrural and urban sectors implemented bythe government and privateorganizations.

Hon’ble Chief Minister of AP Sh.Naidu addressing the delegates. Seen on thedias (from L to R) : Sh.K.K Jaswal, Secy (IT), Sh.Arun Shourie, Hon’bleUnion Minister for Commn & IT, Sh Thirunavukkarasar, Hon’ble Min. of State(IT) and Sh.S.Lakshminarayanan, Addln Secy (DIT).

Delegates at the Asia IT Ministers’ Summit

The dignitaries visiting the exhibition at the Summit

| The World Wide ConnectionWeb casting infrastructure was set upby NIC at the venue and the entireevent was web cast for the benefit ofthe ICT community in general and theinterested people all over the world(refer box). NIC also establishedInternet connectivity using Wi Finetwork. Plasma display screens atstrategic locations, outside the seminarhall, were set up to display short filmson some of the significant projectsbeing showcased.

A Book entitled ‘ICT Solutions for GoodGovernance’ was prepared, publishedand distributed by NIC at the Summit.It showcases NIC’s contribution toE-Governance initiatives throughsoftware applications/packages andalso contains a CD-ROM containingNIC’s Treasure Chest of suchapplications.

ICT Applications showcased by NIC at theExhibition :

| RuralLand Records Computerisation(Bhulekh Soft; Bhoomi; Tamil Nilam)Property RegistrationSmart Village ( e-Panchayat)Community Information Centres(CICs)Rural BazarDRDA/Panchayat Computerisation(RuralSoft & PriaSoft)eNRICH – Framework fordevelopment of portalsAGMARKNETOld Age Pension & InsuranceSchemes for Rural Women, Widowsand HandicappedE-Gram Suvidha

The NIC Team demonstrating the ICT applicationsduring the exhibition

| Urban:PassportCourt MISLess Paper Office in DGFTSarathi – Smart Card based DrivingLicense Issuance and ManagementSystemNagar Palika ComputerisationCommercial Taxes (STAMINA)Koshwahini (Treasuries) System

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 200404


| A Historic DeclarationAt the conclusion of the event, theparticipants reiterated their resolve towork together on initiatives to promoteand strengthen ICT in the region byformulating and adopting theHyderabad Declaration. The salientaspects of the Hyderabad Declarationare described below.

1. Bridging the Digital DivideGovernments need to identify the rightapplications in tune with their nationalpriorities, leverage their existing non-

IT infrastructure for proliferating ICT,ensure multi sector partnerships andhelp evolve sustainable businessmodels that attract non-Governmentfunds, trigger entrepreneurship andgenerate employment.

2. Standardization for ICT Developmentin AsiaIt is important to promote standardsof ICT for inter-operability and foroptimization of cost and effort in thedevelopment of applications.Standardization efforts have toaddress areas relating to data,metadata and information interchangebesides the business processes thatunderlie the services.

3. Digitization of CultureTaking into consideration the fact thattraditional expressions of culture arebeing obscured, diluted andtransformed, the Summit proposed todevelop an Asia Digital CultureCommunity for developing regionalcooperation, coordinating internationalcollaboration and catalyzing knowledgepreservation in member countries.

4. Construction of Broadband NetworkEnvironment in AsiaIt was noted that broadband networkinfrastructure as well as IT services,products, applications and contenthave been deployed rather unevenlyacross the region. Asian countries,which have modest preparation evenin respect of narrow band Internet,can benefit from the experience of theleaders. Different technologies forBroadband Infrastructure, wire lineand wireless, are growing in differentcountries and new ones are beingadded. These will have to be exploitedappropriately depending on thesituations in these countries.

5. Internet Affordability, Managementand SecurityInitiatives undertaken by the membercountries should address issuesrelating to technology options foraccess in the last mile, the cost,availability and quality of access andexplore the alternative approaches to

creating affordable access. TheInternet Infrastructure will have thedesired beneficial effect on themasses only if appropriate citizen-centric services are provided through

it. It was recognized that well-architected e-Government initiativescan play a vital role in promoting thedevelopment of the region through theuse of ICT. The need for creating anenvironment for promoting complianceto international standards oninformation security was recognised. Aspecial session on Integration ofPhysically challenged with the DigitalWorld was also held during the summit

| All Good Things …The release of the declaration markeda fitting finale to the historic eventand its implementation is envisaged tohave a profound outcome in terms ofbenefits of ICT being carried fromaffluent urban dwellers to the poorestof the poor in Asia.

For more information, please mail [email protected]

The NIC Team involved in the IT Asia Summit

Sh.Arun Shourie (seen here with a visually challengedstudent)demonstrating tools for integratingphysically challenged with the digital world

| Webcast of the Event….NIC provided Live webcast of thecomplete event at the second Summitof Asian IT Ministers in Hyderabad.A special webcast control room wassetup at the venue of Summit. Highspeed conncetivity was establishedbetween the webcast control roomand the Internet Data Centre at NICHeadquarters.

Apart from the inaugural ceremony,ten plenary sessions were covered

through the webcast. A CD-ROMcontaining the various sessionproceedings and the backgroundpapers was then compiled anddistributed at the end of each day.The final version of the CD was alsoprepared with the presentations ofthe respective speakers. To make thelive webcast available to Internetsurfers all over the world, a websiteat URL http://asiaitsummit.nic.in wassetup. Now the sessions are availableas video on-demand on the samewebsite along with the copies of thepresentations of the various speakers.

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 200405


| Introduction

As all of us are aware of various securityissues with the Internet, it has becomemandatory to provide safe access tovarious internal resources to the users whoare on the Internet. These users can be onthe enterprise network in the Internet orcan be from various ISP Dial-up networks.In the recent past NIC has launched theVirtual Private Network (VPN) services forthese kinds of users. Some of theactivities that will be diverted through theVPN include: Updation of sites throughvarious mechanisms like front-page, ssh,ssftp and ftp.

| Overview

A virtual private network (VPN) is aprivate data network that makes use ofthe public telecommunicationinfrastructure, maintaining privacy throughthe use of a tunneling protocol andsecurity procedures. The main purpose of aVPN is to provide any organization thesame capabilities as private leased lines ata much lower cost by using the sharedpublic infrastructure. There are three typesof VPNs, namely trusted VPN, Secure VPN,Hybrid VPN.

| Trusted VPN

A virtual private network consisted of oneor more circuits leased from acommunications provider. Each leasedcircuit acts like a single wire in a networkthat was controlled by customer. Theprivacy afforded by these VPNs is basicallybased on the trust that all the routeswithin the VPN are kept without sharing itwith any other customer/ Internet.

This allowed the organizations to havetheir own IP addressing and their ownsecurity policies. The VPN customer trustedthe VPN provider to maintain the integrityof the circuits and to use the bestavailable business practices to avoid

snooping of the network traffic. Thus,these are called Trusted VPNs. TrustedVPNs provide assurance of properties ofpaths such as QoS, but no security fromsnooping or alternation. In India this kindVPN is becoming more and more popularas the cost to the organization in buildingthe network is reduced and these arenamed as MPLS (Multi Protocol LabelSwitching)VPNs. These can generally beseparated into “layer 2” and “layer 3”VPNs. Technologies for trusted layer 2VPNs include: ATM circuits ,Frame relaycircuits.

Transport of layer 2 frames over MPLS areas described in draft-Martini L2 MPLS andother related Internet Drafts. Figure-1shows typical MPLS network where the

customer connects to the local POP ofBSNL at that location and creates a virtualPrivate Network.

| Secure VPN

Networks that are constructed usingencryption are called secure VPNs. TrustedVPNs offered no real security with respectto data confidentiality, the industrystarted to create protocols that wouldallow traffic to be encrypted at the edgeof one network or at the originatingcomputer, moved over the Internet likeany other data, and then decrypted whenit reached the corporate network or areceiving computer. This encrypted trafficacts like it is in a tunnel between the twonetworks: even if an attacker sees thetraffic, he can not decipher the same. Nochange in the payload can be done by thesnoopers/ attackers and the change willget reflected and the end node comes toknow of the change and rejects the packetand requests for a re-transmission.Secure VPNs provide security but noassurance of paths.

Virtual Private Networks(VPNs)

Anjana Chowdhary & R.S Mani, NIC HQ

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 200406


| Secure VPN technologiesThis includes IPsec with encryption in eithertunnel and transport modes. The securityassociations can be set up either manuallyor using IKE with either certificates orpreshared secrets. IPsec is described inmany RFCs, including 2401, 2406, 2407,2408, and 2409. IPsec inside of L2TP (asdescribed in RFC 3193) has significantdeployment for client-server remote accesssecure VPNs.

| Hybrid VPN

A secure VPN can be run as part of atrusted VPN, creating a third type of VPNcalled hybrid VPNs. The secure parts of ahybrid VPN is created by the customerhimself and is fully under the control ofthe end user. (such as by using secure VPNequipment on their sites) or by the sameprovider that provides the trusted part of

the hybrid VPN. This provides the assurancein the path of traversal and also encryptionof payload. The secure VPN acquires theadvantages of the trusted VPN, such ashaving known QoS features.


The VPN Services currently provided in NICcome under the category of secure VPN.(IPSec VPN tunnel between VPN Appliance

and VPN Client). The diagram on this pagedisplays how the VPN services areimplemented in NICNET.

| Components used for this VPN setup

VPN ApplianceVPN Client 4.0.3 on a PC runningWindows XP/Windows 2000 Prof / LinuxA Windows 2003 CA server is used as

the CA server for issuing clientcertificatesRadius Server for authenticating theuser and application of access controlso that the user after having connectedto VPN can only access the designatedIP and PORT.

In the near future the VPN Services will beusing NIC CA Certificates.The VPN Service provides a secure

communication channel forupdating the websites and accessto various resources that areinternal to an organization. TheVPN supports all the IPSec relatedInternet Standards.

The secure VPN acquires theadvantages of the trusted VPN,such as having known QoSfeatures.

A user with a VPN clientconnects and receives an IPaddress from the Internet serviceprovider (ISP). This is thenreplaced by an IP address fromthe IP pool defined on the VPNAppliance. The user has access toeverything on the inside of thefirewall, including networks.Users who are not running theclient can connect to the webserver using the addressprovided by the staticassignment. Traffic of insideusers does not go through theIPSec tunnel when the userconnects to the Internet. Eachuser is given access to onlythose servers which are relevantto the particular web server forupdating his page.

The VPN is made available athttp://ftp.ren.nic.in/pub/vpn/and can be downloaded and

installed. The documentation file is alsoavailable at the same site. A mailing-listcalled [email protected] has been createdto support this service. Any issue withrespect to this service can be sent to thismailing list so that it can be addressed.

For further information, mail [email protected]

NICNET Network






Private Segment (Trusted)

Firewall Segment

VPN Accessvia Cable


VPN Accessvia Modem



Public Segment (Untrusted)




PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 200407


Cochin, known as the “Queen of the ArabianSea” is also the Commercial Capital of Keralaand is as famous its enchanting backwaters andfriendly people as for its cashew and coconutproduction. Enormous potential exists in theCity, for the use of Information Technology,especially for the export intensive produceincluding coir, cashew and cocoa.

The National Information TechnologyPromotion Unit (NITPU), Cochin under NIC, hasbeen tirelessly providing its support toorganizations such as Cashew Export PromotionCouncil and Coconut Development Board infacilitating their operations through an effectiveusage of ICT. Some of the important ICTApplications developed by NITPU Cochin forfacilitating the development and export ofcashew, cocoa and coconut include thefollowing:

| Cashew Export Promotion Council(Ministry of Commerce)

Membership Information SystemThis Software automates the Membership andRegistration of Cashew Exporters in the Council,Renewal of Membership and Registration ofCashew exporters in the Council, Export /Import Details of various Cashew items by theexporters, Annual Trade contribution payable tothe Council by the exporters.

Trade Information SystemThis Software compiles Daily, Monthly / AnnualExport / Import details of different Cashewitems received from various sources andgenerates various Statistical Reports.

Cashew Price Information SystemThis System maintains Cashew Price Informationof various Cashew items in Indian markets,London and New York markets. The Councilprovides various outputs like the trends,comparison, Cashew requirement etc. to theExporters and publish in the Cashew bulletin.

Country wise Information SystemThis System maintains Country wise Informationdatabase. Information maintained includesGeneral Information, Statistics, Tariffs / Duties,

ICT facilitates Cashew/Coconut Development& Export

Dr. K.S Raman & Julie Zacharia, NITPU Cochin

Export / Import information etc.

Payroll SystemProcessing the Monthly Salary of employees, DAarrears, Bonus processing etc.

PF Management SystemContributory Provident Fund ManagementSystem maintains the PF accounts of theemployees.

| Directorate of Cashewnut & CocoaDevelopment (Ministry of Agriculture)

File Management SystemThe purpose of this computerised FileManagement System is to monitor the variousfiles that are generated and maintained in theDirectorate, within a Financial year, subject wiseand seat wise.

Payroll Processing SystemAll the Earnings, Deductions and Recovery detailsof all employees are processed using this PayrollProcessing System.

Schemes Monitoring SystemThe Physical and Financial Targets andAchievements of various centrally sponsored andState Work Plan Schemes of DCCD are monitoredusing this Schemes Monitoring System.

Despatch, Diarying and ReceiptMonitoring System

All the Despatch details, Inward Diary details,Payment Receipt details are daily maintainedand monitored using the Despatch, Diarying andReceipt Monitoring System.

| Coconut Development Board (CDB)(Ministry of Agriculture)

Market Information SystemThis System is for monitoring the Daily andWeekly Arrival and Price details of variousCoconut products traded in different Indian andInternational markets.

Personnel Information SystemGeneral Information regarding the employeeslike the Service Book details, Promotion details,

Training details, Transfer details etc. aremonitored using this Software.

Directory Information SystemThe details regarding important Traders,Manufacturers, Importers and Exporters dealingwith Coconut Products can be accessed usingthis Software.

Stores Monitoring SystemThis Software is being used for monitoring allthe Technical and Non Technical, nonconsumable items purchased and used by CDB.

Journal Subscription Monitoring SystemThis Package is developed for monitoring thesubscribers and subscription details of all themonthly and quarterly Journals printed andpublished by CDB.

Board Decisions Monitoring and RetrievalSystem

Details regarding the Board Members,Committee Members, Board Meetings and theirdecisions and implementations of decisions arebeing monitored using this Software.

Some of the other information systems underdevelopment for the Coconut Board includeFarms Activities Monitoring System, etc .

In the words of Sh.V.K Sankaran, Secretary ,Coconut Development Board , “ NITPU Cochinhas been offering excellent services to the Boardin areas like consultancy, software development,web designing, computer training etc.”

Besides the above, NITPU Cochin has beenproviding complete ICT support to the IntegratedFisheries Project, Kerala State ConstructionCorporation, Spices Board and Coir Board. TheServices offered include software development,website design and hosting, Training,Consultancy and other ICT related services.

For further information, mail [email protected]

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 2004



TRIPURA – following theAction Plan

C.K.Dhar & Pradip Roy, NIC Tripura

Tripura is one of the seven states in the northeastern part of India and is famous for itsabundant natural beauty, rich cultural heritageand handicrafts. National Informatics Centresaw its emergence in the State in 1989 andsince then it has left no stone unturned inrendering various ICT services to the State andCentral Government offices located in Tripura.Now the NIC-Tripura State Centre is regardedas Total IT Solution Providers of Government ofTripura and is actively involved in most of theICT enabled applications and tirelesslymotivating the State Government to make useof the latest state-of-art IT tools in their day today activities.

| E-Governance Action PlanNIC has prepared an E-Governance Action Planfor the state of Tripura with an aim toaccelerate ICT infusion into Governmentfunctioning. NIC specialists conducted fieldlevel study to assess the present status of ICTimplementation in the state and futurerequirements & chalked out a road-map. TheAction Plan, with an estimated cost of Rs 18Crores envisions the setting up of costeffective ICT infrastructure for differentlayers of the administration and quickdeployment of a few prioritized applicationsfor major State Government departments.The implementation of the first phase of theAction Plan has already been initiated. It isthe first initiative of its kind in a North-Eastern State.

Commissioner (IT) & the Director (IT), Govt. ofTripura,handing over DD of Rs. 1.25 Crore to SIO,Tripura for the implementation of e-GovernanceProjects.

| Infrastructure CreationIn line with the E-Governance Action Plan, NIC-Tripura has also implemented an ICT Projecttargeting five citizen centric applications atstate level. The Project has been executed andimplemented at a cost of Rs.1.35 crores havingthe following major deliverables:

Commissioned OFC backbone forSecretariat Campus Area Network with aninterface to high-speed NICNET gateway atAgartala for Internet services.

Agartala City Area Network consisting of 20LANs located in different state level offices/bhawans and interconnecting such LANs througha 11 mbps wireless (RF) media to SecretariatCampus Area Broadband LAN.

A Network Operation Control Centre(NOCC) at NIC-State Centre for SecurityManagement, Access Control and NetworkManagement.

Passive Hub based Secretariat LAN hasbeen upgraded to state-of-the art intelligentgigabit switch (L2, L3) based broadbandSecretariat Campus LAN.

Commissioned and configured Intranetservers for Web Publishing, E-Mail Server, Proxyservices, Instant Messaging (IM) and databaseservices on high-end servers.

Data replication and regular backup overthe wireless (RF) media for five state level E-Governance applications on a high-end RAIDbased server.

Commissioned servers, clients and otherperipherals for deployment of Intranetapplications of different departments in theSecretariat LAN

| Citizen centric ServicesA G2C Application has been developed forAgartala Municipal Corporation with wirelessmedia based Touch Screen Kiosk Interface atmarket place. Similar application has been

developed for the Transport Department.Gramoday- Village level resource database

for grass root level planning. This is a G2G &G2C web enabled Database application inBengali script.

Khatian/Records of Right for Land ownerswith touch screen interface & web interface

Hospital Management System : BloodBank, OPD Registration and Central Cashcounters

| Transport ComputerizationThe operational features of the system,implemented for the office of the DeputyTransport Commissioner (DTC), Agartala,include Motor Vehicle Registration, TaxCalculation and Collection, Learners’ Licensingand Commercial permit etc. Touch Screen Kioskinterface for IT enabled Services (ITeS)deployed at a market place for viewing TaxDues and Tax Calculation etc. has become verypopular among vehicle owners in Agartala.

Recently, Govt. of India (MoST & H) prescribedVAHAN software, developed by NIC, New Delhi,has been adopted after customization; and allexisting databases have been successfully portedinto VAHAN format. The various modules of thisapplication software are Vehicle Registration,Fitness, Fee & Tax, Permit and Challan.

| Community Information Centres (CICs)In Tripura, 29 CICs have been established andare functional since August, 2002. Each CIC iswell equipped with computers, VSAT, TV, Webcamera, printers, UPS etc. Two qualifiedoperators are managing each CIC. CICs havebeen imparting IT training programs for schoolstudents, staff of the Block Developmentoffices, elected representatives of 3-tierPanchayat Raj Institutions and common peoplein rural areas. Services being offered by CICsinclude Computer Awareness training, E-mail/Internet, Access to Govt. Services (G2C) likeStatus of different govt. services, ExamResults, Farmers’ Tips, Tender Notices, JobAdvertisements, Educational Notifications andso on.

|e-Suvidha - Single Window Interface forSDM Offices

NIC-Tripura has developed and implemented e-Suvidha software for Service Facilitation Centre(SFC) for SDM offices where common peoplevisit to avail different types of services. e-Suvidha software process, maintain and

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 200409


monitor activities on-line relating to issue ofcertificates of various natures required by thecitizens and such requirements are growingexponentially day by day.Presently twenty two types’ of citizen serviceshave been configured and operationalised.

The new version of the software called e-Suvidha Ver. 2.00 has been released recentlywhich is based on a generalized model thatmakes the application software easilyconfigurable/ suitable for implementation inany Government organization having Citizen-Centric-Interface. Software runs on client-server architecture on a LAN environment.

| Healthcare Services Booking SystemA web enabled software which providesadvance booking facility for different types ofdiagnostic tests and specialist consultationfrom the G.B.P Hospital, the state levelreferral hospital located at Agartala. Bookingis provided to rural patients through Block level29 Community Information Centre (CICs) &private Kiosk in Tripura. The Applicationsoftware is designed and developed by NIC-Tripura and hosted on state level web server.

Sri Manik Sarkar, Chief Minister, Tripura,inaugurating Health Care Booking Facility forcommon people.

| Purbasha PortalIt is well known that Tripura state is famous inHandicraft, Handloom and Sericulture productsproduced by rural artisans. NIC-Tripura hasdeveloped an e-Commerce marketing portal

(http://www.purbasha.nic.in) for entire rangeof handloom, handicraft and sericultureproducts of PURBASHA for strengthening themarketing of such products through on-lineshowcasing and purchasing, thus adhereing tothe concept of RuralBazar Portal .Discussions with banks are on to integrate on-line payment gateway.

Other Projects

| RuralSoft

A web based application software formonitoring of S.G.R.Y scheme ofRural Development Department has beenimplemented in Tripura state throughall 29 Community Information Centres. GramPanchayet wise scheme detailsare available at http://tripura.nic.in/rd .The software has been designed anddeveloped by NIC HQ which is powered byfree text search tool.

| Computerization of Salary Bill

Pay Bill Package developed by NIC-Tripura hasbeen implemented in many state Govt.departments/ offices in Tripura. The packageensures accuracy and timeliness in generationof Pay Bills, Pay Slip, GPF & other loanschedules etc.

| Computerized Land Records System(JAMI)With the objective to maintain and update theland records data at Revenue Circle offices andmaking available Record of Right (ROR) to landowners and other users, Government of Tripurahas prioritized the Computerization of LandRecords (CLR) project. NIC-Tripura hasdeveloped the Land Records InformationSystem software for the state of Tripura whichis called JamiTM in Bengali script using latestsoftware technology and tools. The Jamisoftware has been released after a rigorousfield level test by a group of Land Revenueofficials of Govt. of Tripura for deployment.A web enabled module for Kiosk based LandInformation System is also ready fordeployment. The software supports therecording and processing of all types ofmutation pertaining to land transactions andgenerate ROR, MIS reports etc. Digitization ofLand Records data is nearing completion andshall be ready for Revenue Circle leveldeployment by April, 2004. The applicationsoftware has been deployed at one Tehshil in

South Tripura district on a pilot basis.

| Computerized Land AcquisitionAwarding System(CLAAS)

CLAAS software developed by NIC-Tripuracovers backend processing of all themandatory stages involved in Land Acquisition-starting from initiation of proposal for theacquiring department to disbursement ofawarded amount (compensation) to the landowner. All the forms, notices and lettersrelating to the process of Land Acquisition aregenerated by CLAAS software. Online status ofLand Acquisition Cases are available tocommon people over the net.

| Revenue Cases Monitoring System (RCMS)The Revenue cases (Case under section 95 and96 of TLR & LR Act) are filed in the court ofDistrict Magistrate & Collector are beingprocessed and monitored using the RCMSsoftware. The software generates letter to theconcerned Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) forfield level enquiry, wherever required with acopy to the applicant. The software has aprovision to generate the pendency list to theSDMs once in a month. Online status of suchcases is available over the net to citizen toknow his/ her case status through CICs.

| Character Verification Cases MonitoringSystem (CVCMS)

A large number of Verification Roll/Attestation Forms are being received fromdifferent Govt. organization for verification ofCharacter and antecedence of the personselected for government job. Such cases needto be quickly verified and sent to theconcerned offices. The CVCMS software hasbeen developed and implemented in NorthTripura District. All activities are effectivelyhandled by the system to process such casesfor disposal and various MIS Reports can begenerated.

| Passport Cases Monitoring System(PMS)

The personal particulars of the Applicant ofIndo-Bangla/ International passport areverified by the Nodal officer of Passportthrough the SP, DIB. The records of all theseapplicants are maintained by this software. Allthe letters of correspondence with Police aswell as Regional Passport offices aregenerated by PMS.

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 200410


| Extremist Violence Cases MonitoringSystem

The records of the victims affected by extremistviolence are maintained by this software. Theyare given either financial assistance or a Govt.job according to the qualification of thesurvivor. The software takes care of all theseadministrative processes/ sub-processes,reports & letter of correspondences involved ingiving a job or financial assistance to thevictim.

| Agartala Municipal Council

With the implementation of Computerized TaxCollection System, Agartala Municipal Councilhas become the first Municipal in North East togo for IT enabled services to citizen.

|e-Purasabha, a comprehensive suite ofsoftware solutions, developed by NIC-Tripurahas the following modules:

Property and Water Tax Collection System–Distributed counters at different locations overRF networkBirths & Deaths Registration System-Acknowledgement, Verification and CertificatePrinting over the counter.AMC Website : Municipal Profile & Maps,Grievance lodging, Development works, BudgetInformation, Downloadable Forms, Procedures,Tax Calculation, Online Electronic Demand Notegeneration etc.Touch Screen Kiosk Interface- Tax Payable andReceipt details

| GramodayA panchyet level web-enabled resourcedatabase (in local script) comprising of 18parameters for grass root level resource basedplanning purpose. Database is kept at the stateSecretariat server and updated by field levelofficial using CIC network.

| NIC at High Court- Agartala BenchList of Business Information System (LOBIS)has been implemented in Agartala bench ofGauhati High Court.The various activities of the system includefiling of fresh cases both for original andAppellate sides, Generation of weekly/ DailyCause List, Updating of case status on acontinuing basis, Caveat entry and searchingetc. The weekly Cause List is also available overthe Internet (http://tripura.nic.in )

Email: SMTP and web based E-mail server(trp.nic.in)

Internet: Web Server, Database Server andProxy Servers

Video Conferencing: Studio basedVideoconferencing facility at NewSecretariat Building

Dial-Up: Cisco Router based dial-up accessfacility for Internet services.

In the words of Sh.S.K Roy, Commissioner-cum-Secretary (I&C), Govt. of Tripura

“IT solutions provided by NIC-Tripura forTransport Department, Agartala Municipal Counciland e-Suvidha for SDMs’ offices are a few of itskind where ordinary citizens, throughcomputerized services (ITeS) at the counters,could be the direct beneficiary of the StateGovernment’s IT initiatives. Quick deployment ofsuch application software demonstrates NIC’sdedication and capability to further the causes ofIT initiatives of the State Government.”

For further information, please contact

The State Informatics OfficerNIC-Tripura State Centre,

Office Lane, Agartala-799001Tripura

E-mail: [email protected]

| Milk CardNIC-Tripura has developed web enabled e-Milksoftware in collaboration with stateGovernment for Tripura Milk Producers’ UnionLtd for selling Milk Card over the net throughauthorized E-Governance Kiosk agents for milkretailers and end-customers.

| Blood Donor Information SystemNIC-Tripura has developed web enabledapplication software for Blood DonorsAssociation and different Blood Banks andhosted on NICNET state level web server(http://tripura.nic.in/blood) which is a uniqueC2C and C2G application.

| TrainingNIC Tripura’s well equipped training centerconducts regular training on different topics forthe officers and staff of the state and centralGovt. organizations located in Tripura. In housetraining for NIC officials on the latesttechnology and tools is also a regular feature.

| WebsitesDynamic websites have been developed by NICfor the Tripura State Government as well asmany departments, CICs and DistrictAdministrations in the State. Various Onlineservices have been made available throughthese websites which may be accessed throughthe URL htt://tripura.nic.in.

| NIC Infrastructure in the State

VSAT: SCPC (DAMA) for Data andVideoconferencing at State level and DVBVSAT at District Centres with dial-up facilityfor Internet services at District level

LAN & MAN: OFC and RF backbone based450 nodes Agartala Town Area Networkspread across 22 buildings/ offices

Call for Articles

Informatics invites its readers tocontribute towards the varioussections of the bulletin by sendingnews items/articles reflecting theon-going e-governance activities invarious parts of India.

The articles, along with relevantcoloured photographs may be sentat the following address :

The Editor-InformaticsRoom No. 379, 3rd Floor

NIC HeadquartersA-Block, CGO Complex

Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003Email : [email protected]

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 200411


| A Start to TechnologySince its inception in 1989 NIC is beingrecognised as an important arm of theJunagadh district office and a proactivesupporter to district administration.Some of the prominent activities of theDistrict Centre in its early days includedComputer awareness trainingprogrammes, Support during ParliamentElections, Implementation of DISNICPackages, Transmission of informationregarding Fodder transportation throughNICMail during Scarcity, Processing of20,000 applications for LPG Connectionetc.

| A Landmark EraLand Record Computerisation programmewas initiated in 1997. Bhesan taluka inthe district is the first to get online inthe State, thus demonstrating successand roadmap for statewide plan. TheProject was inaugurated by the thenHon’ble Chief Minister Shri. KeshubhaiPatel in May 2001. Land details of all868 villages in all 14 taluka has beenverified and thus was perceived asmodel for e-DHARA project replication.The target set by Hon. Chief MinisterShri. Narendra Modi to make all taluka ofthe State to go online with land recordscould also be met in all 14 talukas. Thisresulted in selection of Junagadh as thefirst to go for complete elimination ofmanual records and a grant from Dept of

The Junagadh town is located at thefoothills of the sacred hill of Girnar andoccupies a special place in the history ofGujarat. In Gujarati “Junagadh” literallymeans ancient fort. Key touristattractions of Junagadh includesSomnath temple, Gir Lion Sanctuary andthe Girnar Mountains.

IT, Government of India has beensanctioned for the project in the district.

| Jewels in the CrownFisheries:- This system designed formarine fisheries has been implementedas pilot for Veraval & Porbandar fishingcentres. This encompasses informationon Fish Production, Boat Details, DieselSubsidy, and Port Surveys etc.Geo-Mine:- This package has beendeveloped to handle mineral relatedactivities for Dept. of Geology & Mining.It aims to facilitate MineralAdministration to generate informationand effective monitoring pertaining tomineral statistics.

| Other ProjectsMuseum Information System;Computerised Recruitment system forthe District Primary EducationDepartment and LPG Card Holder’sInformation System (which is widelyimplemented to target the actualbeneficiaries for Kerosene) ; Supportactivity to Village, Taluka Panchayat &District Panchayat Elections; District Co-Operative Societies, Irrigation, Forestand Animal Husbandry Departments.

| Other ActivitiesRegular trainings for DistrictAdministration Officers“Online Time Management System” forGirnar Climbers, an annual event, tocalculate effective time and delivery ofresults, a guide useful for sport coachesand participants.Total support in cases of emergenciesand disaster including Flood, Cyclone,Earthquake etc.Deployment of polling staff duringAssembly & Parliament election by usingrandomisation techniques and relatedactivities like detailed posting orders,Vouchers and Result publications ontimely and accurate basis.Duty allocation to Flood Control Roomstaff and posting management to other

district offices during monsoon.

The Success Story continues….Many other Applications which have beenimplemented by the NIC District Centreinclude Citizen Charter and Registry,District Planning Work MonitoringSystem, Personnel Information System,Arms Licensing, Old Age PensionScheme, Kerosene Distribution System,Payroll & Provident Fund, AccountingSystem, Small Savings Scheme etc.Besides, important applications includeStamp Duty and Valuation data, RainfallSystem, Mid-Day-Meal System, SWAGAT -

Grievances Monitoring & Reporting toHon’ble C.M.

| Future OutlookCivic centers for services like Record ofRight, Ration card, One-Day Governanceand Citizen Charter are on the anvil witheach taluka mamlatdar centers beingtuned to provide timely citizen services.

| Core Hub facilityApart from NIC VSATs the district isconnected to State capital through 2mbps line of GSWAN (Gujarat State WideArea Network). All Taluka are connectedwith District & State using 64 kbpsLeased line. Video Conference fromdistrict to Secretariat at Gandhinagar isalso through GSWAN. Other offices likeDist. Panchayat, Treasury, Police andCivil Hospitals are also connected.

NIC Junagadh DistrictDistrict Informatics Officer

Atul B Khunti

District Informatics AssociateIbrahim A Badi

For further information, mail to [email protected]

Rajnish Mahajan & Atul Khunti, NIC Gujarat

JUNAGADH –Sighton the Future


PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 2004



Bilaspur - Rapid Strides inInformatics

Mukesh Ralli, Himachal Pradesh Correspondent

NIC at Bilaspur

The District Centre of NIC was established inthe year 1988 and since then is givingyeoman service to the district administrationas well as other departments in the districtin spreading ICT. Various software have beendeveloped locally as well as at NIC HP StateCentre, which are implemented through NICDistrict Unit.

In 1996 a District LAN for different branchesof District Collectorate was set-up wherein 16Terminals and 15 Printers were installed indifferent branches of D.C. Office. This LANconnects not only the important branches ofthe District Collectorate but also otherDepartments like Directorate of Fisheries, SPOffice and PWD. All the offices connectedthrough this LAN have also been providedwith the Internet Connectivity.


NIC is not only involved in catering to thedirect IT needs but also actively participates

in each & every activity related to IT in theDistrict. Various advances in thecomputerisation have been achieved andsome are briefly mentioned below:

| Revenue: One of the majorcomputerization activity being implementedin the district. The Tehsil Centres are readyand shortly the distribution of Copies ofRecord of rights will be starting from Tehsils.Other activities computerized are MinorIrrigation Census, Gram Nideshika(RevenueLocation Directory based upon Census),Agriculture Census etc.

| Welfare: The disbursement of thepension to the pensioners of variouscategories like Widows, Old Aged Persons,Handicapped and Lepers is major task for thedepartment. The department is gettingimmensely benefited with thecomputerisation as the software helpsmaintain the pensioner details, ledgers,Money Orders generation on pre-printedMoney Orders. Another software namely‘Disability Certificate Information System’helps the department to issue thecertificates to the disabled persons foravailing various benefits and concessionsfrom the government. NIC District Centrealso computerized the information of thesurvey for the disabled before the issue ofthe certificates. ICDS related data is enteredregularly and is being forwarded toGovernment of India for further usage.

| Finance: The treasury software was thefirst major software implemented in thedistrict in the year 1991. Database beingcreated in this software is further utilized asinput in the computerisation exercises insome of the other departments that includesExcise & Taxation, Finance Department, andEducation Department.

Apart from above, some other ICTApplications which are in active use include:Co-operative Statistics Computerisation,DISNIC Taxation, Passenger Goods TaxSoftware, Education MIS, District Court (DCIS)and All India Education Survey 7 (AIES)

E-Governance Centre

In order to give further boost to the ICTspread in the district, an E-governanceCentre has also been established recentlywithin the premises of the Collectorate. TheE-Governance Centre has been establishedwith the following objectives.

Transparency in the working of the GovernmentTo ensure greater efficiency, objectivity,accountability and speed in providingservices and information to the public.To provide cost effective service andquality of the same.To provide single window for all Govt.Services at District Level.Responsive Administration.To provide a friendly, speedier and efficientinterface.To eliminate the middlemen

In the first phase, the Computerisation ofDriving License (SAARTHI) has been started inthe E-governance Centre. Other e-governancerelated activities expected to start shortly inthis centre include Vehicle Registration(VAHAN), Registration of Land Deeds (HIMRIS),Arms License (ALIS), Passport Form CollectionCounter (WEBPASS), Land Records Of RightNakal (HimBhoomi), Set-up of E-Kiosks to givea citizen interface to the information.

District Website

NIC District Centre has developed the officialwebsite of District Bilaspur recently. Thewebsite http://hpbilaspur.nic.in wasinaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister ofHimachal Pradesh. This Website providescomprehensive information on History, Facts ata Glance, Tourism, Access, Maps,Administration, IT in District, Citizen Services,Martyrs and Gallantry Award Winners, PhotoGallery etc. related to District Bilaspur.

The work of using Information Technology fora better tomorrow does not stop here. NICBilaspur is continuously trying to explore newareas where computerisation will helpGovernment as well as common Public.

NIC Bilaspur District Unit

District Informatics OfficerAkhilesh Bharti

District Informatics AssociateSanjib Kumar Mishra

For further information, mail [email protected]


Bilaspur district of Himachal Pradesh issituated in Satluj valley in the outer hills

and covers an area of 1,167 sq. Kms. Thedistrict headquarter is 85 Kms from

Shimla the capital of Himachal Pradesh.The New Township Bilaspur is generallyconsidered to be the first planned hill

town of the Country.

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 2004

Koshwahini – Bringing‘Treasury’ in the OnlineRealm

Punam Gupta, Maharashtra Correspondent



Koshwahini, the IT project for the FinanceDepartment, Government of Maharashtra,covers provision of ICT support to all 33-district treasuries, 292 sub-treasuries, Pay &Accounts office, Mumbai and the developmentof web based fiscal decision support system.The software has been developed andimplemented by NIC, Pune. All 292 sub-treasuries have been provided with a standalone PC, Printer and a 1200 V. generator. Thesub treasury officers generate their dailyaccount using the software provided and thenit is transmitted in electronic format to districttreasury. All treasuries have been providedwith the requisite hardware and user-friendlysoftware which takes care of daily closing oftreasury accounts, incorporation of sub-treasury accounts in electronic format,incorporation of electronic bank scroll data.

The Treasury software Ex-ACCT –Software forExpenditure, Audit, Accounts, Cheques andTokensTreasury is a vital link in the financial structureof the state government. It is the starting pointof recording, classification and compilation ofthe Public Account in India. Each claimpresented on government finance, at the PAO /treasury / sub treasury is scrutinized, passed forpayment and accounted. Monthly Accounts forpayment and receipt are submitted toAccountant General along with the supportingvouchers, challans and schedules. Acomprehensive software has been implementedfor online Bill processing and accounting in PAO/ treasuries. The functional modules cover: Gatepass, Bill Receipts, Audit, Pension, Delivery,Reconciliation, Personal Ledger Accounting,Receipts, Post Payment Audit, Bill Tracking,

Master Maintenance, Status (MIS for PAO /Treasury Officer). The system has enriched thequality of work of the treasuries and lead toefficient management of the increasedworkload.

Pension Automation System (PAS)The PAO / District Treasuries are entrusted withthe Pension Disbursement of around 4 lakhpensioners in the State. The system maintainsdetails and history of pensioners, their 12months payments, commutation, family /nomination, revision and allocation. The datacollected is available through the web enabledQuery module providing around 22 queries andreports, with graphical representation.

Web Based Decision Support SystemKoshwahini includes the web based decisionsupport system launched by Directorate ofAccounts and Treasuries, Government ofMaharashtra. A centralized database ismaintained on a high-end central serverlocated at Mantralaya, Mumbai to support thesystem. Koshwahini can be accessed throughIntranet as well as Internet. The data from 33district treasuries, 292 sub treasuries andP.A.O., Mumbai is uploaded daily on thecentral database.

Expenditure/Receipt Management /BudgetcontrolKoshwahini tracks the current status of bills atall 33 District Treasuries & Pay and Accountsoffice, Mumbai. The system views theexpenditure and receipt position inconsolidated totals as well as at the voucherand challan level. The vouchers and challanscan be displayed with details i.e. deductionsfor the vouchers, the components forming thegross amount of the bill, expenditure onpetrol. Queries can be submitted through aform selecting Region, District, Sub-Treasury,Period, D.D.O. (Drawing & Disbursing Officer),Major Head, Scheme, Detail head,Department. Details of pending cheques withtheir amounts helps the Finance Secretaries toarrive at the total liability of the Governmentand control the overdraft position of the state.The expenditure can be viewed vis-à-vis the

budget allotted, the payment for variousoperational schemes can be monitored andcontrolled. The system has introduced thetransparency in government accounts. It hasalso demonstrated the need for strongnetworking and centralized data store, for allGovt. functions.

Extract of Budget Speech March- 2003 byFinance Minister, Maharashtra“I am happy to state that the Koshwahiniwebsite is now in operation on the intranet. Itmakes available voucher and challan wiseinformation to every one and provides aninnumerable variety of reports. It givesunprecedented control to each Mantralayadepartment over its budget allocations andbrings about complete transparency in theworking of the treasuries not to mentionaccuracy and speed in the compilation ofaccounts. A word of appreciation of the workdone by the NIC team and the staff of theDirectorate of Accounts & Treasuries on thispioneering task will not be out of place here”.

In the words of Dr. C. Rangarajan,Chairman, XII Finance Commission“I was delighted to see the presentation onKoshwahini. This is a pioneering effort toimprove the functioning of the treasuries. It isa good example of the application of IT to avery important area. The program shows greatimagination and a good understanding of thedetails. I congratulate every one concerned onthis bold initiative. “

Message of Hon. Professor D. K. Srivastava,member XII finance commission“ We are very happy to find that Maharashtrahas taken the lead in utilizing the grantallocated by the XI th Finance Commission inachieving not only a full computerization of itstreasuries and sub-treasuries but alsoimplementing a software for prompt updatingand interlinkages of treasuries with apexfinancial control mechanisms. This is a systemthat other States may also find useful to adoptto their requirements. We look forward tofurther interaction with Department of Finance,Maharashtra Government regarding periodicevaluation of the practical success of theKOSHWAHINI. It’s proven success will help inachieving more effective financial managementin Maharashtra and subsequently in otherStates also.”

For further information, mail [email protected]

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 2004



Anil Rathore, NIC HQ

Tenders Online - A ComprehensiveSolution for publishingTenders

The Ministries, Departments andOrganizations of Government of India as wellas the various State Governments keepfloating Tenders for a variety of procurementand job functions. Such Tender Notificationsare conventionally issued through the PrintMedia and lately, the individual departmentshave also been publishing them on theirrespective websites. However, a need was feltto have a centralized one point resource tosearch for information on all the tendernotifications issued by the Departments,Organizations of Union Government as well asState and UT Governments.

With this objective, a comprehensive web-based solution for publishing GovernmentTenders from Ministries/departments/organizations of central and stateGovernments online has been designed anddeveloped by the Web Services and MultimediaApplications Division at NIC Headquarters. Thissolution enables the respective Departmentsto directly upload their Tender Notificationonto the Web as soon as it is issued.

Salient FeaturesThe rights to directly publish and managethe Tender Notifications without anyintermediate interface have beenprovided to the individual GovernmentDepartments.Multiple work orders can be entered andmanaged with the single tendernotificationSearch options are available based onproduct category, state, city/location,sector, date etc.Automatic archival of expired tendersand archived search.Provision to register with the System soas to subscribe to the latest tendernotifications and announcements throughemail. Whenever a new tender isuploaded or something is updated onthe site an email is automatically sent to the subscribers with the link to thelatest/updated tender.

Modules and interfacesThis Government Tenders Solution comprises

two main interfaces-Administrator’s InterfaceWeb enabled Interface (for viewers)

Administrator’s InterfaceThere are three distinct aspects to thisinterface pertaining to the administration ofthe System :

User AdministrationDepartments/Organizations registrationTenders Administration

User Administration

This user administration module enables theadministrators to add, edit and delete theusers. There are three levels of users who canoperate the System –

DBA (Database Administrator) : This user hasall the privileges including creation of UserAdministrator & tenders administratoraccounts, registration of the departments/organizations etc.

User Administrator : A User Administrator isthe middle tier functionary which may createmultiple tenders administrators and mayregister the departments/organizationsA User Administrator for a departmentcan also act as a tender administrator.

Tenders Administrator : This is lowest tier ofuser hierarchy and has the responsibilities oftender administration of concerneddepartment/organization. The TenderAdministrator can enter, upload, edit andmodify the concerned tender notifications ofhis department directly onto the System. EachGovt. office is envisaged to be having onetender administrator.

Department / Organization RegistrationA department / organization may publish theirrespective tenders online only when they areregistered with the solution. After theregistration, the user administrator assigns aunique user id/password for management oftenders. Registration process is very simple

and user-friendly, where a registration formhas to be submitted online giving thecomplete details.

Tender AdministrationDBA, user administrator and tenderadministrator can use this module.This module offers the followingoptions –Addition, editing and deletion of thetendersAllows to handle multiple work orders/contracts with the same tendernotification.Publish the relevant documents relatedto tender notification as well as foreach of the work order/contract.Has provision to publish amendments orcorrigendum of existing tenders etc.

The TechnologyThe solution is using the index key as tenderID and tender reference no. All the optionsrelated with tender administration are basedon this index key. This is a web enabledapplication which can be accessed using anyweb browser.

This web based application uses scripts,which check for the expiry date and as soonas the last date of submission of the Tendergets over, it automatically removes thetender from the list and places it under theArchives.

Web Enabled Interface (for Viewers)This Interface allows the visitor toconveniently locate the desired TenderNotification. There are separate modulesfor New Tenders, Corrigendum, Tenders duein the coming week/fortnight, Tender Types(Buy/Sell, Empanelment, Auction), Product/Services, Search etc. Distinct sectionshave been allocated for the Tenders ofCentral Govt Ministries/Deptts, State Govts/UTs, Cities/Locations etc.

Over 400 users have already subscribed withthe solution to receive email alerts andannouncements and many GovernmentDepartments have started using the solutionto publish their tender notifications online.

For further information, mail [email protected]

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 200415


President of India-On the Web

Mohandas VS & Rajesh Sharma, NIC HQ

The might and authority of the people of India,the largest democracy in the world, whichpervades this Republic is represented by thePresident of the country. The official website ofthe first Citizen of India was recentlyrevamped and transformed into a graphicallyappealing and completely dynamic website(http://presidentofindia.nic.in).

Though the President’s Office already had awebsite for the past few years, a need wasfelt to enhance the content and visual appealas well as add some dynamic features whichfacilitate an interaction between the Hon’blePresident and the common citizens. The re-designed Website, a joint effort of thePresident’s Secretariat, the concerned NIC Celland the Webservices Group at NIC HQ, is anonline resource of information about thefollowing: President of India, magnificence andglamour of Rashtrapati Bhavan, presidentialretreats, ceremonial functions, Mughal Garden,

Herbal Garden, a brief about the former

Presidents of the nation, a collection ofspeeches / lectures / addresses / banquetspeeches as well as press releases & recentevents in multilingual format using dynamicfonts.

In a special ceremony at the RashtrapatiBhavan, The Hon’ble President of India, Dr. A.P. J. Abdul Kalam, launched the new websiteon 25th January 2004. During the event, thePresident personally appreciated the effortsof the NIC Teams involved in the project.

| Salient Features of the Web Site:A special module called “Children’sCorner” has been incorporated in thewebsite which enables the children toask questions to the President through aspecially designed form.Lectures and speeches can bedownloaded in different formatsincluding Audio/Video. Some of thesespeeches in languages other thanEnglish, such as Hindi and Tamil havealso been provided using Dynamic Fonts.The Recent Event & Press ReleaseSections on the Home Page list thelatest events for easy accessibility.The website features an attractive Mediagallery which displays various sections ofthe magnificent Rashtrapati Bhawan inthe form of still pictures, audio andvideo clippings.The Press Coverage section directly linksto the online newspaper websites.User-friendly search helps the viewers to

access information based on date,subject, location, title and contents.

| Design and AestheticsThe website has been conceptualized withemphasis on aesthetics blending traditionalvalues and an aristocratic feel. The layoutfeatures flexibility for the content managers toadd or update new items without disturbingthe look and feel of the site. Mellowed userinterface design exclusively conceptualized forthis site enhances its unique nature. The visualoutlook of the site certainly stresses the IndianIdentity, which is valued much by aninternational visitor. The Navigation throughoutthe site has been designed to keep it simpleso that the visitor does not face difficulty intracking the desired information.

| Content Management SystemIn order to enable the President’s Secretariatto update and maintain the website as often

as desired and with total convenience, abrowser based user-friendly Content Manage-ment System (CMS) has been developed forthe Presiden’t Website. All the modules in thewebsites can be easily updated using thisContent Management System without theneed for any html authoring. CMS provides aweb based user interface for updating thecontents of this website, by simply copyingthe text, images, speeches in variousformats, at the appropriate input fields, aswell as, upload audio & video version ofthese speeches which in turn are insertedinto the database and then retrieved &presented as a Web Page. The beauty of thissite lies in the organization and variety ofcontent & information that it provides andalso in terms of ease of navigation andaccessibility.

For further information, mail [email protected]

Hon’ble President with the NIC Team led byDr. B.K Gairola, DDG

Dr.Kalam showing keen interest in the websitebeing demonstrated by Mr. V. Ponraj, Director(TI)(Presidents’ office) and Ms. Neeta Verma, NIC

SAN Setup being used to host the website


PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 2004




| Directorate of Pension, Assamhttp://pensionassam.nic.in

The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Assam ShriTarun Gogoi inaugurated the Directorate ofPension, Government of Assam website atJanata Bhawan on 26th February 2004. Thewebsite, developed and designed by NICAssam State Centre contains informationabout the latest pension cases resolved,procedures, guidelines and forms related topension for school teachers, districtwise andPPO-wise query for individual cases. Thecontent of the site will benefit all retiredteachers and those who are about to go forsuperannuation.

Tasiruddin Ahmed, Assam Correspondent

| J&K State Road Transport Corphttp://jksrtc.nic.in

The Official website of J&K State RoadTransport Corporation (JKSRTC) was launchedby Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister, J&K, Pt.Mangat Ram Sharma, on 10th of February,2004 at a function graced by manydignitaries. The Deputy Chief Minister saidthat though the website is in its infancy butit will go a long way to make usefulinformation regarding history of JKSRTC,Board of Directors, Management Team,Objectives, Package tours, Sight seeingtariffs, what’s new (happening in JKSRTC) etcavailable, not only to people in the countrybut across the globe. A Distance FareCalculator is also provided in the website.

Jit Raj, J&K Correspondent

| Nagaland Statehttp://nagaland.nic.in

NIC Nagaland State Centre has designed anddeveloped the Nagaland State OfficialWebsite which provides a whole range ofG2C Services to the residents of the State.Some of the prominent services include DailyNaganews publish by Directorate ofInformation of Public Relation, Kohima,various Application Forms of State TransportDepartment, Scholarship Forms for students,

Utility Forms, Government Tenders, StateElectoral Rolls, Exam Results etc. Also NICNagaland has designed and launchedWebsites for all the eight districts ofNagaland within a very short period of time.The District websites contain in-depthinformation related to various facets of theDistrict Administration.

Kemvu Elah, Nagaland Correspondent

| Arunachal Pradesh Policehttp://arunpol.nic.in

The website of the Arunachal Pradesh PoliceDeptt has been developed by NIC State Unitand the site was inaugurated recently in aceremony by the State Home Minister Sh L.Wanglat at Itanagar. The Minister urged theDG Police to educate all high ranking officialsof the department on the use of internet andalso for making the police website moreinformative and interactive for the generalpublic. In his welcome address, Sh. SureshRoy, DGP, observed that the website willenhance the performance level of police andmake it more transparent. The websiteprovides crime statistics, search for FIRstatus, information on criminals, missingpersons, vehicle theft, village directory, andpress releases, besides many moreinformation. The efforts of Sh. Dilip Debnath,SIO and the entire NIC team was appreciatedby all, for their role in developing thiswebsite.

Tasso Habung, Arunachal Pradesh Correspondent

| Rohtas District, Biharhttp://rohtas.nic.in

The official website for the Rohtas District ofBihar was recently launched by Sh. KrishnaMohan Srivastava, District & Session Judge,Rohtas in the presence of District Magistrateand other senior officers of DistrictAdministration. The website has beendesigned and Developed by NIC DistrictCentre, Rohtas. Speaking on the occasion,Sh. Srivastava praised Sh. Manoj KumarPanigrahi, DIO, Rohtas for the efforts made

for the development of the web-site. Theweb-site contains many vital informationrelated to Rohtas District such as DistrictProfile, Historical background, Geographicalprofile, Statistical Developmental indicatorsof the district, Tourist places, Electedmembers information, Incumbency list ofdistrict dignitaries, InformationCommunication Technology (ICT) in thedistrict, NGOs information, DistrictAdministration, Welfare schemes, Tourism andmany public utility support like TelephoneDirectory, Photo Gallery etc.

N.K Prasad, Bihar Correspondent

| Lakshadweephttp://lakshadweep.nic.in

The picturesque Union Territory ofLakshadweep already had its website for

many years but a need was felt to re-designthe site and give it a more comprehensivedynamic look. The Site was redesigned by NICUT Centre and launched by the Hon’bleAdministrator of Lakshadweep, Sri.K.S.Mehra, I.A.S. at Secretariat, Kavaratti.He appreciated NIC for providing completesupport towards designing and hosting theweb site. The redesigned web site comprisesweb pages of twenty one departments of theLakshadweep administration. Each of themhave citizen charter, photo gallery andvarious citizen services online. In his addressduring the function Sh. Sandeep Kumar, IASSecretay (IT),Lakshadweep described the siteas an “Electronic window to the islandterritory”.

Ajith Brahmanandan, LakshadweepCorrespondent

| Kottayam & Kollam Districts, Kerelahttp://kottayam.nic.inhttp://kollam.nic.in

The official websites of the Kottayam and

A Glimpse of some of the new websites/portals launched on NIC’s web servers……

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 200417


Kollam Districts of Kerala were recentlydeveloped by the respective NIC DistrictUnits. The State Revenue Minister Sh. K.M.Mani inaugurated the Kottayam Districtwebsite and Sh. A. Ajithkumar IAS, DistrictCollector delivered the welcome speech.Smt. Beena Ciril Podipara, DIO Kottayam

delivered a talk on websites anddemonstrated various features of thewebsite. The website of the Kollam Districtwas launched by the Minister for Labour,Govt of Kerala Sh. Babu Diwakaran. Both thewebsites are quite information rich anddelve upon various aspects of the Districtsand their administration. Provision ofinformation which is useful from the point ofview of the citizens has been the primeobjective behind the design of thesewebsites.

Asha Varma, Kerala Correspondent

| National Judicial Academy, Bhopalhttp://nja.nic.in

The official website of National JudicialAcademy, Bhopal was recently inauguratedby Hon’ble Chief Justice of India, Shri JusticeV.N. Khare at New Delhi. This is the firstpremier institute for training of JudicialOfficers at National level. The website wasdesigned and developed by Web ServicesDivision, NIC, Madhya Pradesh and hasinformation about the academy, objectives,background details, rules, composition,programmes, design, etc, as well asbeautiful photo gallery covering variousphotographs of the academy.

Santosh Shukla, MP Correspondent

| West Bengal Human Rights Commissionhttp://wbhrc.nic.in

The official web site of West Bengal HumanRights Commission was launched by theHon’ble Chairman Justice Shyamal Sen on

26th January,2004 in the presence ofHon’ble Members of Commission andSIO,West Bengal State Centre. In hisinaugural address, Justice Sen expressed hispleasure that NIC had managed to developand launch the website in merely two weeksand emphasized that “Where there is

will,there is way“. He also stated that thecommission is planning to automate all itsactivities as far as possible. SIO, NIC WestBengal delivered a talk on various E-Governance initiatives undertaken by NIC inthe state.

Motiur Rahman, West Bengal Correspondent

| National Film Archives of Indiahttp://nfaipune.nic.in

The official web site of National Film Archiveof India was recently inaugurated by Sh. RaviShankar Prasad, Hon’ble Minister of I & B. Thewebsite has been designed and developed byNIC, Pune. The website has an array offeatures such as pop ups on special filmscreenings, Film circle activities, filmappreciation courses etc. The most importantfeature of the web site is its unique searchengine, which allows people to obtaininformation on films from the silent era to

present day blockbusters. One can get detailsabout the film’s director, cast and other detailsby either entering its title, year of release,

director name or name of the personality.

Punam Gupta, Maharashtra Correspondent

| Districts of Chhattisgarhhttp://chhattisgarh.nic.in

With the launch of the website of DhamtariDistt, Chhattisgarh joined the ranks of thoseIndian States/UTs which have established thepresence of All their Districts on the web. Thewebsites of all the 16 Districts of ChhattisgarhState have been developed and recentlylaunched by NIC. The official portal of theState acts as a gateway to these sites whichprovide a plethora of information on therespective Districts, their industries, places oftourism, district administration, statistics,departments, public utility services etc.

M.K Mishra, NIC Chhattisgarh

| Board of School Education, Haryanahttp://hbse.nic.in

The web portal of Board of School EducationHaryana, Bhiwani was launched by Hon’bleChief Minister, Haryana, Ch.Om ParkashChautala, on 5th February 2004 at EducationBoard Campus. According to Board sources,Board of School Education, Haryana is thepioneer institution in the country to provideAdmit Cards along with photograph, signatureand Date Sheet through Internet. Besidesthis, the portal includes information aboutEducation Board; its working, rules andregulations, various branches and OpenSchool Scheme. It also publishes latest news/

events of Education Board. Especially for thestudents, portal contains information on DateSheet, syllabus, books recommended &Application Forms for download. TheChairman and Secretary of Education Boardcomplimented NIC for the key role played byit in enhancing the standard of servicesprovided by Education Board.

Hari Chand, Haryana Correspondent

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| Principal Scientific Adviser to GOIvisits NIC

Dr. R Chidambaram, Principal ScientificAdviser to Government of India visited NICHeadquarters on April 1st, 2004 and had aglimpse of the facilities and ICT infrastruc-ture set-up of NIC, including the newly builtInternet Data Centre and iNOC Centre. Hewas briefed about the latest ICT Applicationsbeing offered by NIC in various sectors. Inhis parting comments at the end of his visit,Dr. Chidambaram wrote, “ It was a greatpleasure to visit NIC again after a few yearsand to see the excellent work being done here,which ranges from rural connectivity, e-governance to platforms like CollabCAD. In thefuture, as India goes ahead on a fast-trakpath, the potential of NIC is even higher. Iwish NIC all the best in the future.”

Dr. Kashi Nath, NIC HQ

| NIC Assam bags Best IT Stall Award atNEARID 2004 Exhibition

NIC Assam State Centre participated in theNEARID 2004 Exhibition at Guwahati during

February 14-17, 2004. The NIC stallhighlighted various projects of relevance tothe theme of the Exhibition, namely, CIC,RuralBazar, AGMARKNET, DACNET etc. TheGIS development work at Guwahati and useof Open Source Software was alsohighlighted in the Exhibition. The ChiefMinister of the State who visited the Stallshowed special interest in the promotion ofOrganic Rice through limited E-Commerceas tried out by one of the CICs in Assam(Dhakuakhana in Lakhimpur District).

Notable visitors to the stall also includedMinister of Industry, Minister of Agricultureand Union Minister of State for WaterResources.

Tasiruddin Ahmed, Assam Correspondent

| ‘MAHAFOOD’ Software Developed

MAHAFOOD, a web based application hasbeen developed and implemented by NIC forthe Food and Civil Supply Department ofGovt. of Maharashtra. The system enablesautomation of the various stages ofmovement of food grains. This applicationkeeps track of the monthly allotment ofessential commodities under various schemesfrom Centre to State and similarly from Stateto Districts and also monitors the Lifting andOfftake of the commodities from theDistricts.

Moiz Hussain, NIC Maharashtra

| “Viswa Gram” Project inaugurated

Hon’ble Chief Minister of Gujarat, Sh.Narendra Modi inaugurated the “Viswa Gram”project at TIMBI Gram Panchayat of UMARALATaluka of BHAVNAGAR District on 18thJanuary 2004. Power & Petro ChemicalMinister Shri Saurabh Patel, Members ofParliament, all M.L.A.s of Bhavnagar District,District Officials, Sh. Rajnish Mahajan (SIO)and Sh. D.K.Jhala from NIC were present.

The Viswa Gram project module “e-GramPanchayat Monitoring System” is for

maintaining record of village information ofall families’ data and issue of necessarycertificates to citizens. This module hasbeen designed & developed by NationalInformatics Centre. The Viswa Gram isbased on survey form of each individualfamily of the village, which contains thedetailed information of each member offamily. This is used to provide manycertificates such as Income, Caste,Domicile, Character etc. to citizens. Also,the database of property of each family ismaintained to provide necessary certificateand to use in panchayat tax collectionproperty wise. Birth, Death & BPLBeneficiaries data is also maintained toprovide respective certificates. The Projecthas already been implemented in 32villages of Bhavnagar District and duringthe function, Hon. Chief Ministerdistributed the hardware for another 10village panchayats .

Manoj PA, Gujarat Correspondent

| ‘UDAY’ Inaugurated at Uttaranchal

‘UDAY’, a system for computerization of theRegional Transport Office, Dehradun wasinaugurated by Hon’ble Minister for TransportSh. Heera Singh Bisht. With this, the processof Vehicle Registration at Regional TransportOffice, Dehradun and issuance of Permits atState Transport Authority is completelycomputerized. The software, also named as

‘VAHAN’ has been developed and implementedby NIC. Till now, the Modules which havebeen released for RTO Dehradun are VehicleRegistration, Fitness & Fees Collection. Verysoon the already developed module of Taxcollection of commercial vehicles would alsobe started. The inauguration was witnessedby Principal Secretary Transport Mr. N SNapalchayal, DDG NIC Dr. B.K. Gairola, SIONIC Dr. Rakesh Goel, Additional Secretary

This section features news about NIC’s activities/events across theCountry and the various new software being developed by NIC inits mission towards facilitating e-governance…..

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Transport Rajeev Chandra Joshi alongwithother Transport and NIC officials fromDehradun and Delhi.

A.K Dadhichi, Uttaranchal Correspondent

| Research Collaboration between NICand Stanford University

The Country has witnessed many ICTApplications in the rural areas to addressthe issues of information availability ,empowerment and sustainability. Thisphenomenon is common not only to Indiabut also to many other developing nations inthe Asia Pacific Region. To study and analyzethese initiatives, the prestigious StanfordUniversity has chosen NIC as a partner for acollaborative research project on “Study ofGrass root level ICT initiatives in RuralAreas” and to formulate an optimal frame-work for future projects in this sector. Theproject from NIC will be co-ordinated byCRISP division, NIC HQ.

DC Misra, NIC HQ

| Symposium on IT & E-Governance

NIC, Yanam conducted a symposium onInformation Technology ande-Governance(SITEG) on 9th-10th Jan‘2004. During this symposium, the officialsfrom state government departments andstudents were invited and given a demo onvarious packages including CDBS,Multipurpose Identification Card (MIC), e-Vidya, e-Citizen Needs, e-Municipality etc.SIO,Pondicherry Sh. A. Venkatesan,Dr.N.Chalamayya, HOD(CS), JNTU,Kakinada, Dr.B.V.N.S.Prakasa Rao,DIO,NIC,Kakinada, and Dr.K.V.S.G.Murali Krishna,Asst Prof, JNTU, Kakinada were specialinvitees at the symposium.

Sivanandam S, Pondicherry Correspondent

| Computerised Rozgaar Disha Kendra inUttaranchal

Sh. Narayan Dutt Hon’ble Chief Minister ofUttaranchal inaugurated the Rozgar DishaKendra in a recently held function atDehradun. The Govt. of Uttaranchal hasconverted the Employment Exchange intoEmployment Exchange and Career Counseling

Center ( Rozgaar Disha Kendra). NICUttaranchal State Unit has developedsoftware for the computerization of thisnewly evolved system. After this the vacantposts in state government wouldcompulsorily be filled with registeredunemployed persons only. Computeristionwill help in monitoring the huge database ofEmployment Exchanges in an efficientmanner. Salient features of the software areGeneration of Registration Card, Fresh

Registration with photograph, Backlogregistration with photograph, VacancyRegistration, Renewal of Registration,Transfer of Registration, Daily Registrationreport, Daily Updation List, List of eligiblecandidates against vacancy as per seniority,Lapse Registration List etc. In addition toother details of the candidates, the softwarecaptures the photograph of the candidatewith the help of a web camera.The occasion was witnessed by Sh. HeeraSingh Bisht, Hon. Minister for Employment &Training, Sh.N S Napalchayal PrincipalSecretary, Employment & Training, SIO NICUttaranchal and other officials from districtadministration along with members fromPress, Media and Public.

A.K Dadhichi, Uttaranchal Correspondent

| ‘Seva Ratna’ Title for Sh.M.Moni, DDG NICDeputy Director General Sh.M.Moni wasconferred with the title ‘Seva Ratna’ by theCentenarian Trust recently for hiscontribution in extending the applications of

Information and Communication Technologyto agriculture and rural development inIndia. The award was given by the SwamijiSri Jayendra Saraswathi Avl at a functionheld at Chennai.

Sonal Kalra, NIC HQ

| e-Dhara Reaches All Talukas in Gujarat

Gujarat Government along with NIC met thetarget of going on line with Land Recordsdata in all 225 talukas in the State byJanuary 26, 2004. This was the culminationof years of efforts put in by both RevenueDepartment and NIC.More than 96 lakhs village forms of 56 lakhsland accounts spread over 18000 villages ofthe State are fed into the computer. NICwas instrumental in supporting the StateGovernment in this massive process withsoftware support and monitoring the dataentry at district level along with the districtadministration and management of this hugedatabase. State Monitoring Cell (SMC) ofRevenue Department carried out theverification process and manages the projectalong with the officials of NIC State Centre,DIOs/DIAs and district administration.Principal Secretary (Revenue) Smt. VilasiniRamachandran, I.A.S put on record that“The achievement is not a small one andwould not have been possible without thecooperation and technical support of NICStaff”.

Sh.Rajnish Mahajan, SIO Gujarat inauguratingthe Anjar Taluka in Bhuj

Manoj P.A, Gujarat Correspondent

| Workshop on ‘Organizational Issues inInformation Systems Development’

Prof. Geoff Walsham, Professor ofManagement Studies and Director ofTeaching at the Judge Institute of

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Management, University of Cambridge, UK ,along with Prof. S. Krishna, IIM Bangalorevisited NIC HQ and participated in a workshopon “Organizational Issues in InformationSystems Development’ held on January 8th,2004. Dr. N.Vijayaditya, DG NIC, andSh.M.Moni, DDG NIC also addressed theparticipants during the workshop which aimedat understanding and analyzing the variousaspects of Information SystemImplementation.

Sonal Kalra, NIC HQ

| GIS Workshop at Assam

NIC Assam State Unit organized a two-dayworkshop on Geographic Information System(GIS) at its training centre at Beltola onDecember 29 and 30, 2003. Dr. Anil Kr.Goswami, ex-principal, Cotton College,Guwahati and Chairman, WWF, Assaminaugurated the workshop. Officials from anumber of State and Central Governmentorganizations attended the event. Theresource persons were from Assam RemoteSensing Application Centre (ARSAC), NationalInstitute of Hydrology (NIH), Cotton College,Gauhati University, World Wide Fund and NIC.The workshop intended to familiarize theparticipants about the capabilities andusefulness of GIS tools and to explore thepossibilities of sharing of existing spatial dataamong the various government organizations.

Tasiruddin Ahmed, Assam Correspondent

| Internal Quality Audit Training

STQC is conducting training Courses onInternal Quality Audit (IQA) for NIC Officerswith regards to ISO 9001:2000 Certification

Processes in NIC. Each Course is of 2 dayduration and a test conducted at the end ofthe course qualifies the ‘Internal QualityAuditors’. The first training was held onDecember 2nd and 3rd at NIC HQ and thesuccessful participants were awardedCertificates of Indian Institute of QualityManagement, Jaipur distributed by DG(NIC).

Alka Mishra, NIC HQ

| Traffic Challan Courts Computerisation

NIC - Courts Informatics Division extendedsoftware support to the Traffic courts in Delhiand developed a system to computerize thechallans issued by the Delhi Traffic police. Thishas greatly benefited all the Traffic courts inDelhi by minimizing the time duration ofgeneration of various notices, issue ofwarrants and summons. Printing of receiptshas also been made easy with the help of thesoftware. Various registers like InstitutionRegister, Register of Summary Trials andRegister of Fine imposed, which aremaintained in the respective courts, are nowgenerated without any delay. Case detailspertaining to any vehicle or person are foundinstantaneously with the help of detailedsearch facility. The Traffic courts’ servers areconnected to the servers of the Delhi Trafficpolice for obtaining the data pertaining to theChallans issued by the Traffic police. Facilitiesare available to enter complaint details,findings & sentence and driving license detailsfor all violators. Important orders like orderrequiring production of a person in court foranswering the charge of offence and order tocompel the appearance of an accused are alsoeasily generated with the help of this system.This system developed by NIC has been highlyappreciated by the Traffic courts of Delhi.

Sanjeev Kumar, NIC HQ

| NIC Support during PM’s Nagaland Visit

Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh. Atal BihariVajpayee made his maiden visit to the stateof Nagaland a few months back. Havingrequested by the State Government, NICNagaland State Unit provided complete ICTrelated support during the visit. The Servicesprovided included Internet Connectivity, VideoConferencing, besides the hardware support.

During a function to mark the launch of mobileservices in the State, Hon’ble PM interactedwith Hon’ble Union Minister forCommunications and IT Sh. Arun Shourie overNIC’s Video-conferencing.

Kemvu Elah, Nagaland Correspondent

| NIC-DIT Workshop at Lucknow

A one day Regional Workshop with NorthernStates on NIC and NICNET Services was held inLucknow on 3rd March 2004. The workshopwas chaired by Sh K.K. Jaswal, Secretary, DIT.Dr. Chandrashekhar, JS e-Gov DIT, Dr. N.Vijayaditya, DG NIC, Dr B.K. Gairola, DDG, NIC,Dr. Y.K. Sharma, DDG NIC, Mr. M. Moni, DDGNIC, Sh VK Dharmadhikari, SD DIT, ITSecretaries of Punjab, Uttaranchal, HimachalPradesh, Chandigarh (UT), Jammu & Kashmiralongwith the State Informatics Officers of theseven Northern States participated in thediscussions.After a warm welcome of the delegates Dr.

Chandrashekhar highlighted the National E-Governance Action Plan - recent developmentsand decisions of GOI. An overview of NIC’sservices & future plans, its activities &achievements particularly in the sevennorthern states was presented by DG, NIC. TheState’s vision, strategy and plans forimplementation of e-governance projects invarious sectors, their plans for meeting thenetwork and data center requirements andexpectations from NIC was elaborated by thesecretaries of the different states. In hisconcluding remarks the Secretary, DIT

Dr. N.Vijayaditya and Dr. Gautam Bose (NIC) alongwith Prof.Walsham at the workshop

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appreciated the services being rendered byNIC.

Anshu Rohatgi, UP Correspondent

| NIC’s Support during SAARC Summit atIslamabad

During the XIIth SAARC Summit at Islamabad(Pakistan) in January, NIC setup the VSATbased Internet Connection as desired by MEA& PMO at two locations i.e. P.M. Camp Office(Hotel Serena) and Indian Media Centre(Hotel Holiday Inn).

A team of six members from NIC New Delhiwent to Islamabad along with portable VSATsand necessary equipments for providing thedata link. These VSATs were installed and high-speed data link was provided at both thelocations. The VSAT was installed on SCPC modeand was oriented towards PANAMSAT-10Satellite Transponder and Internet was providedthrough NIC’s Gateway(NICNET). The Data Link atboth the locations was provided at a downlinkbandwidth of 1920 Kbps and uplink at 128 Kbps.

In addition to this, NIC also setup avideoconferencing and voice link betweenP.M. Camp Office, Indian Media Centre andNIC-New Delhi. Apart from providing Internetconnection at P.M. Camp office, connectivitywas also provided to other Senior membersof PM’s entourage as well as the ControlRoom set up at the Indian High Commission.The NIC Team for the Project comprised Mr.

Saprative Sen , Mr. Dayanand Saha , Mr.K.P.Sharan , Mr. Subhendu Dey Choudhury,Mr. Kuldeep Singh and Mr. Joginder LalAhuja.NIC’s services during the event were highlyappreciated and applauded by the Ministry ofExternal Affairs as well as Prime Minister’sOffice.

Subendu Dey Choudhury, NIC HQ

| CAPES Examinations at CICs

The North-East of India consisting of thestates of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur,Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim andTripura, is as well known for its scenicsplendor as it is for remoteness and difficulthilly terrain. The region has a largecommunity of students, availing tutelage inall spheres, especially in computersfundamentals. Communication, especiallyroad connectivity is sadly inadequate.Ordinarily, students have to undertake anarduous commute to the state capitals toappear in examinations. However, in therecent past, NIC has brought much neededrelief in the form of online examinationsusing its own CAPES (Computer AidedPaperless Examination System) technology.Now students need travel only to the nearestCommunity Information Centre (CIC) at theblock headquarters to participate in theexaminations. Students and teachinginstitutions have hailed the initiative and looktowards government to use IT to furtherimprove educational modalities in the region.

CAPES is a multi-user Online Examinationsystem (Internet/Web based) that isextremely user friendly (GUI based). InCAPES every student needs to have a singlecomputer terminal / PC and should be ableto use the mouse. The candidate answersthe questions by clicking the mouse on oneof the multiple choice answers. Thequestions are served from a CentralizedQuestion bank from the database server atthe NIC HQ in Delhi. The questions arepicked randomly from the question bank,hence no two candidates get the same setof questions. The questions are stored inencrypted form to prevent any unauthorizedaccess.

CAPES has recently enjoyed the patronage ofDOEACC. DOEACC conduct the Course onComputer Concepts (CCC), an introduction tocomputers, in the North-Eastern states attheir regional centers. Practical sessions areheld at the nearest CICs. Select CICs havealso been chosen as accreditation centersfor CCC and the CIC operators conduct boththeory and practical sessions using CICinfrastructure. CCC is a certificate course forwhich conventional examinations are held

periodically. However, in the months ofSeptember, 2003 and January, 2004, a newdimension was added to the CCC programmein the North-East. On 28-29 September,2003 and 25 January, 2004, NIC conductedon-line examinations using CAPES technologyat selected CICs. Students fielded byDOEACC and the CICs as well were able tovisit the nearest CIC in the local Block totake an objective exam, instead of having totravel to the regional centers in the statecapitals. In Sept, 2003, a total of 150students participated from 9 CICs. InJanuary, 2004, 208 students appeared from22 CICs.

The examination was conducted from NICHqrs. by the CAPES division. Completetechnical support and co-ordination wasprovided by them to the CIC Operatorscoordinating the exam, in the form ofexchange of emails, chat, telephonic supportand a CAPES support website before andduring the test. Respective SIOs and DIOs ofNIC also contributed critically to thesuccessful conduct of the exam. The examwas a major logistics exercise as many ofthe CICs are remotely located. Mock tests/Trial runs were conducted prior to the actualexam for troubleshooting. The exam wasvery successful and it is envisaged that on-line exams will be conducted on an everincreasing scale in the near future.

Nandita Chaudhri, NIC HQ

| NIC Webcasts Second PravasiBharatiya Divas

Second Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, the largestgathering of Indian Diaspora from all acrossthe Globe was held at Vigyan Bhawan, NewDelhi during January 9-11, 2004. NICprovided the Live Webcast Support to theevent and also demonstrated its webcastservices at a stall in the exhibition held at

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the venue. All the plenary sessions at theSummit, inaugurated by the Hon’ble PrimeMinister were webcast live by NIC for millionsof viewers all over the world. The sessionswere addressed by various Ministers of theGovernment of India, the Chief Ministers ofsome Indian States and distinguishedluminaries. After the event, the webcast ofall the sessions were made available asVideo-On-demand at a specially designedwebsite http://indiadaylive.nic.in

Sonal Kalra, NIC HQ

| Storage Networking Summit at Mumbai

The second Storage Networking Summit, atwo day international conference organizedby the Storage Networkin IndustryAssociation was held at Mumbai duringDecember 3-5, 2003. The Conference wasinaugurated by Dr.N.Vijayaditya, Director

General, NIC and was attended by over 500delegates from all over the world. During hisinaugural address, Dr. Vijayaditya stressed onthe growing importance of the concept ofStorage Networking, especially in the Indiancontext. A team from NIC attended theSummit which also comprised useful talksand tutorials on the relevant issues.

Sonal Kalra, NIC HQ

| Budget Information System at Karnataka

Karnataka was the first State in the countryto make its mark in Total BudgetComputerisation way back as 1991, and nowyet another milestone has been achieved inFeb’ 2004, with the presentation of theBudget Document under the new environmentof Oracle 9i database on Linux 9.0 withDeveloper 6i front-end.

Budget Information System (BIS), developed

by NIC, embraces all the functions of theAnnual State Budget, starting from entry ofaccounts figures, received from AG’s office tothe Final documents – Annual FinancialStatement, Assets and Liabilities and BudgetAt A Glance which are presented on the floorof the Assembly. Accurate, aesthetic, slim,bi-lingual (English, Kannada) budgetdocuments are generated through BIS, themodules being integrated into a single menuproviding necessary security. District,Department and scheme wise data for planand non-plan schemes culminate in the Planand the District (Zilla Panchayath Link)documents. BIS has been well-appreciated bythe Finance department as the time involvedin the processing and generation of thedocuments has been reduced drastically and

it is very user-friendly.

S.Lakshmeesha, Karnataka Correspondent

| International E-Governance Conferenceat IIT Delhi

An International Conference on ‘E-Governance’was organized by Deptt of Management

· Papers/Articles Published by NIC Officers

· Title : Exam Results through Internet – the Changing Paradigms

Authors : Neeta Verma, Sonal Kalra

Publication : i4d (Information for Development) Magazine, Feb’2004 (Vol 11 No.2)

Abstract : The Education System prevailing in most Countries of the world emphasizeson the concept of ‘Examinations’ as a performance measuring parameter. And directlyrelated with the importance of examination system is the significance of the exercise ofproperly disseminating the exam results. Till a few years back, it was a common sightto see the students thronging notice boards trying to find their roll number in the list ofsuccessful candidates. The emergence of Internet has seemed to transform the abovescenario as it has made it possible for students to check their Exam Result in thecomfort and safety of their own homes with the ‘moment’, just a mouse click away. Thispaper discusses the entire gamut of Publishing Exam Results on the Internet and theway this successful annual activity of NIC has brought about a paradigm shift in the ICT& Education sector in the Country.

[email protected]

· Title : Meeting the NetworkAuthor : Ashis Kumar Mahapatra, NIC Orissa

Publication : Journal “Orissa Review”, Volume LIX No.6 January’ 2004, ISSN: 0970-8669

Abstract : The Internet technology has changed the market requirements.Organisations are now moving from conventional LANs towards the web enablednetworking environment. Many organizations already have presence on the World WideWeb, which is the first phase of what is known as “Internet Road Map”. The secondphase is “ LAN to Internet integration”, offering a variety of network designs, whichinclude mailing and World Wide Web(WWW) services among other Internet applications.This article covers various networking applications such as Intranet, Virtual PrivateNetworks(VPN), Extranet, Internet Security Consultancy, Virtual Meetings, Videoconferencing, Telephone Conferencing, Digital Dialing & Web Chart etc.

[email protected]

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Studies, IIT-Delhi during December 18-20,2003. Hon’ble President of India Dr.A.P.JAbdul Kalam inaugurated the conferencewhich was attended by delegates fromvarious Countries. Dr. N.Vijayaditya, DG (NIC)was also amongst the eminent speakers whoaddressed the participants on various issuedrelated to e-governance and was awarded amemento by the organizers. A team of NICOfficers attended the conference and alsopresented some of the prominent e-governance applications developed by thedifferent NIC Centres across the Country.

Sonal Kalra, NIC HQ

| AGMARK Exhibition at Orissa

NIC actively participated in the AGMARKexhibition organized at the IDCO Exhibition

ground at Bhabaneswar during February 17th

–21st, 2004. The AGMARK Stall of NIC wasinaugurated by Dr. Bhagirathi Senapati, ViceChancellor, Orissa University of Agricultureand Technology. He was given a detaileddemonstration of the Agmarknet Portal andits utility to the farmer community in theCountry. The VC appreciated the pioneeringefforts of NIC and hoped that it will go along way in helping the farmers in theCountry.

S.K Panda, Orissa Correspondent

| Delhi City Civil Court Computerization

Hon‘ble Chief Justice of India Sri V. N. Kharerecently inaugurated the “Computerization ofCity Civil Courts of Delhi “ project. The primaryobjective of the computerization project is toalleviate the hardships caused to litigants andreduce procedural problems. A total of 591 P-IV desktop client systems with 375 Dot-MatrixPrinters, a Local Area Network (LAN) consist-ing of 600 Nodes have been established in allthe three Court complexes. Software basedon three-tier architecture (Oracle 9i DB/Appli-

cation-Server9i / client) has been developedby COURTIS Division NIC(HQ) and implemented.The software caters to the needs of the courtstaff by providing options from Initial Filing ofthe case, day to update, preparation of Causelists, to Digitally signed Certified copies of theJudgments. Apart from this, the software alsoprovides immediate access to information thatis of public interest. Each Court complex has aFacilitation Centre, where information likePending Cases details, Case status, judgmentof district courts, Orders/ Proceedings, FileTracing, Cause lists and Notices are providedto the litigants. NIC has provided training tonearly 500 Court staff. The litigant interfaceapplications such as Cause lists of nearly 120courts and Judgments are available on itswebsite http://delhidistrictcourts.nic.in.

Sanjeev Kumar, NIC HQ

| Computerised RTO at Varanasi

The UP Transport Computerisation Project(VAHAN) got a boost when the Hon’bleMinister of Transport, Uttar Pradesh, Sh.Reoti Raman Singh, inaugurated theComputerised Counters at RTO Office,Varanasi on 18th January 2004 and releaseda project brochure to mark the occasion.

It is a state-of-art solution developed byNIC, under a secured environment using thelatest ICT tools to facilitate single windowdelivery of e-services like vehicleregistration, its fitness, enforcement, tax

collection and permit etc.

‘Vahan’ also has inbuilt intelligence onGovernment rules and procedures on taxcalculation, i.e the number of seats in abus, laden weight for trucks, private orcommercial vehicle etc. The data entered atthe counter is verified, tax due is calculatedin a flash, you pay the tax and walk awaywith the receipt.

Anshu Rohatgi, UP Correspondent

| Filing Defects System for Supreme Court

Starting form 1st January 2004, in closecoordination with the Registry of theSupreme Court of India, NIC hasimplemented ‘Filing Defects System’ alongwith the already implemented ‘Case-StatusInformation System’ on the Supreme Court’sweb site.

As soon as a case is filed in the SupremeCourt, it is scrutinised by the Scrutiny clerkto make sure that the file is free from Filingdefects. The Registry has prepared a list ofFiling Defects consisting of 192 items. If theScrutiny clerk finds any defect in a case, thecase is not registered and the list of filingdefects found in the case is sent to theAdvocate-on-Record who filed the case forrectification. This process usually takes time,depending on the advocate’s response. Allalong the litigant is kept in the dark withoutknowing the actual reason for not gettinghis case heard by the court. With theimplementation of this ‘Filing Defects’application on Web, the litigant will come toknow for what reason his case is not listedfor hearing in the Supreme Court. He/Shecan access Filing Defects information eitherthrough Diary no. or his/her own name onhttp://casestatus.nic.in.

Sanjeev Kumar, NIC HQ

| Public Health Engineering Department,Arunachal goes online

The Public Health Engineering Department,Government of Arunachal Pradesh wentonline when its website was inauguratedrecently at Video Conferencing Studio ofNIC, by Hon’ble Minister(PHE & WS) of Govt.of Arunachal Pradesh, Shri S. Ngemu in thepresence of Chief Engineer (PHED), ShriG.Padu , State Informatics Officer (NIC), Shri

Dr. N. Vijayaditya, DG (NIC), speaking at theinauguration function

PONDICHERRYSetting an Example

M Manivannan, NIC-A&N (former SIO Pondicherry)A Venkatesan, SIO Pondicherry

April 2004


National Informatics Centre, Department of Information Technology,Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India,A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003

Telephone: 91-11-24361133 Fax: 91-11-24362628 www: http://home.nic.in

This publication is brought to you by:


D.K.Debnath, Shri S.Chakraborty SE, ShriS.R.Dey, SSW cum SE, Shri Toko Jyoti EE, ShriA.N Singh EE (Mech), Officers of NIC and otherdignitaries. The Website has been designed byPHE Department with technical guidance fromNIC, Arunachal Pradesh State Unit. Hon’bleMinister and Officers of PHE departmentappreciated NIC for continuous support towardsthe computerization of PHE department in anendeavour towards e-governance.

Tasso Habung, Arunachal Pradesh Correspondent

| Online Treasury at Una, Himachal

The District Treasury Una went online withthe inauguration of the new software OLTIS(Online Treasury Information System) onFebruary 11, 2004. The Deputy Commissioner,Una Sh. Rajneesh, formally inaugurated theOLTIS Software. The software has beendeveloped by the NIC HP State Centre foruniform implementation in the State ofHimachal Pradesh. Latest software

development tools and client/server modelhave been used in its development.

The OLTIS software is based on the work-flowof the Treasuries and data is captured rightfrom the Token stage to its final passing.Besides linkages have been provided for AGoffice Voucher Level Computerisation, LICdata and departmental Budgetary controls.The special features include onlineverification of DDO signatures and photos of

messengers, preparation of deductionregisters, creation of data files fortransmissions and DDO wise expenditurematching against budgeted amounts. The NICHP was the pioneer in the country in Treasurycomputerisation when it developed theDISNIC-Treasury software in the 1990s. Theearlier version of the software captured datain offline mode.

The NIC District Centre, Una hasimplemented the software by impartingnecessary training to the officials of theDistrict Treasury and installing the softwareon the server/clients.

Ajay Chahal, Himachal PradeshCorrespondent

| Web Enabled Information System forPublications Division

Publications Division of Govt of India isengaged in dissemination of informationabout the nation on various spheres ofactivity and publishes and sells books /journals at affordable prices. Now, thesebooks, journals, CDs and other importantliterature may be purchased through Internetanywhere any time in the world.

A dynamic web enabled system, fully in Hindiand English, has been developed by the NICCell at Press Information Bureau for thePublications Division . Highlighting featuresof the system include :

Provides current Job status in Hindi version

of Rozgar Samachar on the website.Enable Hindi book catalogue to choosebooks according to user’s interest.Anyone can subscribe to mailing list of theDivision to receive new arrival (Nayai

Perkashan) on their e-mail ID.Announcement about book fair and anyimportant news for net viewer in Hindi(Udhghoshana).Easy remote administration.Remote updating, deletion andmodification of books, Journals and CDusing form.All corresponding images with theircontent are migrated directly in thedatabase using web forms.Only authorized users are allowed toupdate their content remotely withadequate security feature.Division has decided to accept onlinetransaction through credit card or demanddraft for selling books, journals and CDsusing ICICI payment gateway.

D.H Khan, NIC HQ

| Chinese Delegation visits NIC

A seven member delegation from thePeople’s Republic of China led by DeputyDirector General of Department of Facilityand Finance, Ministry of Science & Technologyof China Madam Wu Boer visited NIC on 24th

December’2003. The objective of the visit wasto exchange management experiences on theCentre-funded national facilities and servicesfor scientific and technology communities.The delegates were provided a tour of thevarious facilities and set-up at NIC

Headquarters and there were rounds ofmeaningful discussion and interactionbetween the NIC Officers and the visitingdelegates.

M.Moni, NIC HQ
