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PROVIDING HOMES AND FAMILIES FOR ORPHANS IN AN ECONOMICALLY SELF-SUSTAINING ENVIRONMENT BEATRICE ORPHANAGE Homes and Families for Street Orphans BUSINESS PLAN Community owned businesses for the Beatrice project Supporting Orphan Communities where every child can say, “This is my family and this is my home.”



Homes and Families for Street Orphans


Community owned businesses for the Beatrice project Supporting Orphan Communities where every child can say,

“This is my family and this is my home.”

This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities.

All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in which or in any form. This proposal is published by arrangement with Mcguire Consultants Pvt. Ltd. The contents of this plan are confidential, therefore the text of this publication or any part hereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, storage in any informational retrieval system or otherwise without written consent with the author.

This proposal is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the prior consent of the author in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

Therefore this business plan is intended solely for informational purposes to assist you with due-diligence investigation of this project. The information contained herein is believed to be reliable, but the management team makes no representations or warranties with respect to this information. The financial projections that are part of this plan represent estimates based on extensive research and on assumptions considered reasonable, but they are of course not guaranteed.

Failure to abide with the rules and conditions of this document, legal procedures are to be taken thereof.

Project 2016©

McGUIRE Consultants

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The undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided by _______________ in this business plan is confidential; therefore, reader agrees not to disclose it without the express written permission of _______________.

It is acknowledged by reader that information to be furnished in this business plan is in all respects confidential in nature, other than information which is in the public domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of same by reader, may cause serious harm or damage to


Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to _______________.

Signature ___________________

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Date ________________________________

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We are grateful for the following people and organizations who have contributedInformation in the development of this business plan:

1. Mr Taurai Kayeruza of Mcguire Consultant Company2. UNIC / UNICEF 3. Ministry of Education4. SAFAIDS (Southern Africa AIDS Dissemination Services) 5. Harare Hospital 6. Parirenyatwa Hospitals7. Tanyaradzwa Orphanage (Mrehwa)8. Ministry of Social Welfare9. Kudakwashe Primary School (Glen Norah)

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PROPOSED COLLEGE NAMES 1. Beatrice Orphanage




PROJECT LAND SIZE 20 hectares (20Ha)

Project proposal is herein made for land measuring 20

hectares (20 Ha) for the purpose of establishing an

orphanage. This is the minimum area needed for the

building of our home, businesses, crops and livestock in

order to be economically self-sufficient.






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In 2006, an estimated 1.7 million Zimbabweans were reported to be suffering from HIV/AIDS. The number has increased since then.  The epidemic has reached a stage in which it has impacted almost every individual within the society, either through personal contraction of the disease or through a relative who has been infected.   

UNICEF estimates that the largest population of orphans in the world, 1.6 million is in Zimbabwe. Most of the children are being orphaned due to HIV/AIDS. There has also been an astronomical rise in cases of child headed families. This leaves more and more orphans in the care of the already over-burdened orphanage and Social Welfare Department.  

The death of a mother during childbirth is very common, perhaps because of AIDS and HIV, or from malnutrition, typhoid, malaria or birth complications. Even if a child does have other surviving relatives, they will often not have the resources to care for a nursing baby. The price of formula milk alone frequently makes it impossible for a family to care for the child. These children are often abandoned at hospitals, or left on the street anonymously, and frequently with fatal results. Those children that do have known relatives can often be re-united once they are able to eat solid foods and have the strength to face the rigors of Zimbabwean life. Those that are officially abandoned children can be legally fostered or adopted by other families. Our orphanage plans to be able to accommodate over 80 children and infants when launching and hopes to accommodate over 200 children; this is considered an appropriate maximum reflecting the local need and care ethos of our orphanage.

The Beatrice district has not been spared from all these challenges that have beset this nation. There is a great need to have children cared for in a home where they can get hope when their parents die. It is in response to this huge challenge that

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Agness Mukakanhanga is coming up with the idea to establish an orphanage. The project will be run by Agness Mukakanhanga and a selected member board with the assistance of volunteers workers, the orphanage will not only offer a home to the children, but also gives spiritual and educational guidance to them.  Every weekend the volunteer workers will take the children to church. During the week, pastors from the community will visit the orphanage to teach and pray with the children.


The children we will work with experience unimaginable tragedies and are often victims of violence, extreme poverty, sexual abuse, physical and psychological trauma, trafficking, malnutrition, impaired development, and other harms.

By housing orphans, we prevent these children from becoming another of the many victims throughout the world. As caring people we promise to,

Serve them to meet their physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs.

Provide guidance, inspiration, and hope to children in seemingly hopeless situations.

Be their witnesses to the gospel aimed at instilling Christian love in the hearts of these children.


Beatrice Orphanage is dedicated to supporting orphans in Beatrice area, Zimbabwe. Founded and operated by Agess Mukakanhanga a Zimbabwean national who saw the plight of orphans in Zimbabwe, Beatrice in particular and decided to do something about it, Beatrice Orphanage promises a long-term investment in the futures of the children for which it cares. More than a home, Beatrice Orphanage will strive to prepare children to be self-sufficient through academic and vocational training, and will give them a strong foundation in the Christian faith. It will also act as a community development center, training and employing community members while providing a focal point for community interaction and development.

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This business plan is for the development of the Beatrice Orphanage project. Its mission is to create economically self-sustaining community where street orphans and underprivileged will live in families with surrogate parents, caretakers and or grandparents, receive healthcare, education and job skills to prepare them for their and their country’s future.

The Orphanage will consist of ten homes. Each home will begin with four children ages infant through 6 years old, two children from 7 through 12 and two adolescents. There will be two surrogate parents and two surrogate grandparents. The total Orphanage population will be 80 children and 20 adults.

The family environment will provide the children with the opportunity to learn how families operate and learn life skills which will prepare them to know how to raise and manage a family, should they decide to do so in their future. The children will also experience helping with the chores of a normal family while receiving healthcare, general education, and training in computer and job skills.

Funding to pay for the Orphanage will come from the Directors Owned Businesses that are selected for their ability to integrate with each other. They include: an academic and tertiary college, greenhouse, dairy, agriculture, shop and others. The businesses will provide food, school fees, jobs, skills training and income for the Orphanage.


Our Beatrice Orphanage will require approximately USD 100,000 to commence and complete all construction projects and reach sustainability in daily operations. Through efforts from our friends from around the nation and world at large, Beatrice Orphanage is well on its way to establishment. In the following years, the orphanage’s revenue generating sustainability projects will operate at full capacity, allowing for a self-sustainable organization with the occasional capital investment to aid in expansion projects.


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Beatrice Orphanage will be located in Beatrice, in the Mashonaland East province of Zimbabwe. There are many advantages to the location of the organization, including:

Education: The orphanage will be located within walking distance of the local public schools. We are also proposing to come up with an academic and tertiary college in the area.

Transportation: Will be situated within few kilometres of a major road, allowing for access to public transportation.

Markets: Will be situated at a strategic area near the market place and 50 kilometres near Harare CBD. Beatrice Orphanage can easily provide products to both markets.

Growth: Beatrice Orphanage’s property holdings will include almost 10 hectares of land surrounding the orphanage buildings, allowing room for future expansion including accommodating other orphans and venture into other sustaining projects and hopefully building our own school (primary and secondary school).


The global vision of our project is to improve the life and environment for orphans of any race, religion or gender throughout Zimbabwe. We will do this by owning and operating environmentally friendly businesses and using the profits from them to provide childcare in the form of homes and families for street orphans. This business plan is for the creation and operation of the Orphanage childcare project: the homes, families, healthcare, education and skills training for street orphans and or the underprivileged.

The overall mission of our project is two-fold.

1. Funding – economic engine providing income to sustain orphanage.2. Childcare – Homes and families provided for street orphans.

One part of the mission is establishment of the Funding Project -- Orphanage Businesses, which will generate the food and income needed for the support of the

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second mission -- Childcare. This business plan is for the creation and implementation of the Childcare Project -- the homes and families which will provide the love, healthcare, education, activities and skills training for the children.


To create economically self-sufficient, and high-technology based home in which street orphans live in a family, have surrogate parents and or grandparents, receive healthcare, continue their education, learn how to use computers, participate in social & recreational activities, receive job skills training, raising orphans in a Christ centered home and have a chance to attend school, college so they are better prepared for their and their country’s future.


Our vision is to bring joy, inspiration, and hope to all orphans and vulnerable children that we accommodate and our orphanage service glorifies the Lord in all his majesty.


To provide orphans and support underprivileged, Zimbabwean children by upholding their basic human rights, giving them opportunities and helping them to fulfill their lives' potential with a loving home environment that will meet their physical, psychological and spiritual needs, allowing them to grow and develop to their full potential.

Specifically: To care for approximately 200 children from birth to 18 years of age in a loving and Secure environment; To maintain close links with the Social Welfare department, local hospitals, local

community and established orphanages to ensure that we receive needy children as efficiently as possible;

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To liaise with established orphanages with the aspiration that Beatrice Orphanage’s children can benefit from a smooth transition into other establishments catering for the needs of older children where a permanent family, or foster family, is not a possibility; and

To provide appropriate ‘Outreach’ support which may be financial or ‘in kind’ to (extended) families of young children where this will provide on-going support to enable a child to be returned and/or maintained in its ‘family’ home or avoid a child being abandoned and neglected.

To develop the concept beyond the Orphanage in a more holistic manner, recognising that disadvantaged teenagers may also need help in getting a good start for their independent adult lives. The initial focus of this is on bringing young people from other local orphanages into the Beatrice Home to give them a variety of skills through education and training.

To ensure that orphans receive an education through to University level and or learn sports and or a trade, preparing them to live on their own.

To provide orphans with a solid foundation in the Christian faith. To provide orphans with education on HIV/AIDS prevention and other health

related issues. To develop the community through employment and training opportunities. To operate in a financially accountable and sustainable manner.

Key goals of Beatrice Orphanage include completing the ten homes which will form the Orphanage in which the street orphans, their surrogate parents and grandparents will live, grow and interact. Other goals are the establishment of specific programs of healthcare, education and skills development to optimize tapping the potential of the children. This will be done concurrent with the implementation of the funding project, which, when the businesses are in operation and integrated with this project, will provide food for the residents of the Orphanage, jobs for some of the adults and older children, skills training and internship opportunities and income for this business plan.


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Our Beatrice Orphanage has identified three stages of development in order to reach long-term sustainability. Stage one is in place through December 2016 and includes the following targeted objectives:

Register the proposed project with the relevant authorities. The local licensing and permitting requirements will be followed. The goal of having a healthy environment for the children will often require that the standards with the Orphanage are higher than those in Zimbabwe. Whether or not the children are legally adopted by the surrogate parents will be an issue explored by the relevant Ministry in Zimbabwe, board of directors and taking Zimbabwe’s laws and culture into consideration

Establish Beatrice Orphanage Construction of ten houses and necessary infrastructure The organization will move and begin accepting children on a limited basis Determine feasibility of various sustainability projects

Stage two is in place through August 2017, the projected grand opening of the organization. Some prominent objectives during this stage include:

Complete remaining construction and infrastructure and development Official opening of Beatrice Orphanage Begin to implement sustainability projects

Stage three looks forward to the financial sustainability of Our Orphanage, and includes the development and expansion of our various sustainability projects.



Staff and employees will be carefully selected from within the Beatrice community of Zimbabwe and surrounding areas. Caretakers must demonstrate a love for children and knowledge of appropriate childcare. References will be checked, and all employees must be trusted individuals of high character, showing a desire to support the mission of Beatrice Orphanage. This will provide us with standard

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operating procedures for all employees and children as well as provide guidance for caretakers in case of absence of the director.


Employees will be hired when there is a need in a specific operational area of the organization. After the hiring process is complete, each employee will be trained in the area in which they were hired according to the operations manual. Supervisors in the appropriate areas will oversee training.


All employees will receive a full orientation during training of the mission, vision, and operations from the Executive Director. Employees and volunteers will also be acquainted with the children whom they serve.


Volunteers are a welcomed part of the organization, and will be subject to all training procedures outlined in training and employee orientation sections. Volunteers will be treated as employees but will not receive monetary compensation for the work they perform.


Our Beatrice Orphanage will function as a full service home for accepted children to whom care is extended twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. However, in the interest of maintaining a regular schedule and adhering to a spirit of

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consistent structure for the children, visiting hours will be limited to 9:00AM-11:00AM and 2:00PM-4:00PM each day, unless otherwise approved by the director.


An underlying belief in establishing the businesses and community projects which will serve street orphans is that “people do care.” When they truly understand what the project is all about and are given the opportunity to help, they will come forward with what is needed to help the children. This includes businesses because they are made up of people. People who work in businesses care and people who invest in the businesses also care.


The least served group of orphans is that of street orphans and or the selected underprivileged. This project intends to work directly with this population that generally has few constructive options available to them.


With over 300 million orphans in our world and the increasing AIDS/HIV devastation spreading through third-world and developing countries, the need for orphan care is mind numbing.


We will operate in a full support with the surrounding families and form communities within Beatrice area to create employment to the local people.


The organization is a nonprofit corporation.

This status allows us to receive donations and provide tax deductible receipts to any donors, which will hold, invest and disseminate funds to the Orphanage as determined appropriate by the board of directors of this Foundation.

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All businesses and social systems within the Orphanage will conform, at minimum, to the laws of Zimbabwe through the Ministry of social Welfare.


Beatrice Orphanage will be providing with homes in which street orphans of varying ages will be brought together with two surrogate parents and two surrogate grandparents to form a family.

Each child will have the opportunity to experience the relationships of older and younger siblings, how they relate to each other and how the parents relate to them. They will participate as regular family members helping with the chores of any normal functioning family. Families will be responsible for arranging healthcare, education, cultural activities and sports for the children in their care.

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The project will also provide computer and job skills training for the young people to assist in preparing them for their future. Young people who qualify will have the opportunity to continue their education at any University for which they qualify.


Most third-world and developing countries are overwhelmed with orphans. They need more help to provide housing, food and medical care. Many are not able to meet the educational needs of these children. There is little doubt that we will have more opportunities to build Communities then we can accommodate these children.

Beatrice Orphanage will of course not the only in its sort. To get some inspiration and more feeling for the subject we are in touch with several orphanages in Zimbabwe. There are many people who are involved with orphanages in Zimbabwe. We researched from different people and they told us about their foundation and about the orphanages. Especially the part about the income generating and costs reducing projects were interesting for us. The most impressive was that at one of the orphanages an entire school was set up. Hence our vision of coming up with Multitude Academy. In contradiction to Beatrice Orphanage all researches in this case over a hundred children were taken care of.

Another activity is to let European people visit the orphanage so that they can experience the way of life over there. Furthermore, those visitors are invited to come along with the outreach programme. This programme is to help the poorest locals in taking care of their families. This is the real misery in Zimbabwe. This should be an incentive for the tourists to donate money. Though we do not have an outreach programme it will be interesting for tourists to visit the orphanage for a day. This activity will be included in our final business plan prior to opening.

The last idea which will also be relevant for us, but might be in the future. The first kids that lived in the orphanage will reach an age that they will be settled, get a job and can take care of themselves. Some of them even will have their own business. It will happen to be that those people would love to give something back to the

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orphanage, to thank us. They will do this by giving the orphanage money or helping the kids to get a job/apprenticeship.


Our Beatrice Orphanage will market its products both in the local marketplace and Harare, the closest large city. A school will provide lessons to ECDs through A shop will sell goods and products from sustaining projects in the area and surrounding places.


Looking only at the initial capital costs of the homes and infrastructure of the Orphanage will show misleadingly high initial cost per child. This is due to not taking into consideration the big picture of how the Orphanage contributes to the overall economy and future of the host country.


The street orphans participating in the Orphanage will be living in a home and seeing family life from the inside of a real family. They will get food, family healthcare, education or skills for their future and the future of our country.



Children will be accepted to Our Beatrice Orphanage based on three main guidelines:

1. Children must have lost at least one parent, and the extended family must be unable to care for the child.

2. Both boys and girls will be accepted, regardless of pre-existing health conditions, such as HIV/AIDS.

3. Children from 0 to 5 years of age will be accepted, as this is the most vulnerable age.

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We hope to be located only a walking distance from the local Schools whilst establishing our own school, which educates primary school children up to secondary school. Here, children from Our Orphanage will gain their basic education, helping fulfill one of the main objectives of our existence. “To ensure that orphans receive an education through University and learn a trade or sport, preparing them to live on their own.” Once primary school is completed, the children will be able to finish their education at a nearby secondary school.


Children will follow a regular schedule, which will include meals, schooling, chores, free time, sports and religious instruction. Chores will mainly focus on experiential learning activities, allowing children to help in the upkeep of the orphanage while learning valuable life skills.


At an appropriate age, children will have the opportunity to learn various skills by assisting with operations within Beatrice Orphanage. Children will have the opportunity to be instructed in the following areas:

Poultry and livestock care Gardening Cooking Shop Keeping Care of equipment Construction projects etc

These and other opportunities will allow children to leave the organization with skills that they can use to support a family. An emphasis will be placed on the applicability

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of each skill to use outside of the orphanage setting. Where opportunities to learn a specific trade are not readily available at the organization, children will be connected with experts in the area who can act as a teacher and mentor, ensuring each child leaves the organization with a solid education and/or useful trade.


The founders of Beatrice Orphanage, Jack and Agness, are both trained professionals in Zimbabwe. While Agness will transition to work at Our Orphanage full time as Executive Director, Jack is training to be a clinical practitioner. Jack and Agness’s training allow for them to care for special needs patients as well as healthy children. For routine medical care as well as emergencies, hospitals are available in Beatrice and Harare located about 55 km away a short 25-minute drive away.


They will be selected for participation in a family based on criteria established by board of directors, the Orphanage management and the surrogate parents. While it would be nice to take any child, as the Orphanage will not have a treatment center for addictions or mental illness, children with existing behavior problems will not be selected to be in a family.

The initial demographic profile design and opportunities for children in each home are:

Ages: each home will have 4 children ages infant through age 6; 4 children ages 7 through 12; 4 adolescent girls and 4 adolescent boys.

Gender: as most families have both boys and girls, it is more “normal” to include both in our families.

Street children will be the target group served as they have few other positive options available.

Education: children will attend the local schools and receive supplemental education within the Orphanage including computer based educational programs.

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Computers: each home will have computers for the children. Filtered internet and educational programs to help them learn in their areas of special interest.

Job skills: the businesses owned by the Orphanage will provide many job skills opportunities for the children of the Orphanage.

University education will be available for children who qualify. Cultural activities including music and art will be available. Sports and physical activities are part of the Orphanage.


There are no other orphanages exactly like the one we are building. There are many institutions that have pieces of what we are going to do, but in each case they fall short of being economically self-sufficient or are not able to provide adequate education or job skills sufficient to prepare the young people for their future. Also, few institutions exist that demonstrate family life and child-rearing skills.


Being the only totally economically self-sufficient, environmentally green orphanages that will be providing a real home and family experience for orphans, we anticipate that we will be asked to replicate this project many times over.


The Orphanage goal for each day is to have the children experience “normal family life. “The older children in the families will help with the younger children. The school age children will attend school. The children will help with the chores around the house and yard. Each home will have rabbits, chickens and goats and a garden in the back yard. This will supplement the income for the family; as well as provide chores and responsibility for the children.

Grandparents will help with raising the children and perpetuating the culture of our country. The parents will determine whether they can hold work outside the home or if the needs of the families require their full time presence in the home.

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The businesses of the Orphanage will provide opportunities for job skills training for the young people. The families from the Orphanage homes will interact daily. The adults of the Orphanage will elect the Orphanage social management and decide together what activities are best for the children.

The income for the families will be from the Orphanage Owned Businesses. Based on the cost of raising the children and the expenses of the homes, a monthly stipend will be provided to the parents to cover the needs of the family.

A single home by initial design will have 16 children and 4 adults. Parents will be selected based on criteria established by the board of

directors. A selection committee for parents will be appointed by the board of directors. A selection committee for children will be appointed by the board and will

include the parents. Training and counseling will be available to the parents and children. Orphanage Management will be established by the adults of the Orphanage

and the board. Guidelines for selection of children will be established. Guidelines for selection of parents will be established. Behavior guidelines will be agreed to by the children. Behavior guidelines will be agreed to by the parents and grandparents. Orphanage standards of behavior/guidelines will be established with the input

of the Orphanage adults and the board of directors. The standards and guidelines will include the methods which will be followed in resolution of disputes and penalties for violation of the guidelines.

The home office of will be constantly monitoring progress in the orphanage and sharing the benefit of experiences.

At no time will the home office of our orphanage, its board of directors, its staff or representatives advocate the residents follow any religious belief.

At no time will volunteers participating in the Volunteer Work Experience advocate the residents follow any religious belief.

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Beatrice Orphanage will have multiple sustainability projects that will provide a reliable revenue stream, able to support the daily operations of the organization.


The establishment of a college will be put into consideration basing with the idea that there are few schools and no effective colleges in Beatrice area district despite the increase of primary school pupils since the advent of ECDs and the large number of secondary school students, failed O’ levels, school leavers, underprivileged and adults who still want to improve themselves academically and technically for a variety of reasons. This can sustain our orphanage as well.


The organization will raise chickens to receive a small amount of income. Future plans entail ten poultry houses being constructed at each and every home and able to accommodate 400 chickens at a time. Both layer chickens (for eggs) and broiler chickens (for meat) will be raised. Broiler chickens will be raised in stages, providing a continuous availability of chickens for sale. Eggs will be sold on a weekly basis to businesses that the organization will contract.


Our Beatrice Orphanage will be strategically located which will confirm the feasibility of using a garden to provide fresh food for workers and children at the orphanage as well as the sale of surplus produce in the local market to generate revenue and aid with sustainability. This operation can be successful at building relationships with community members who may potentially work for the orphanage when in full operation, following the organization’s goals of economic and community development. Various crops, including maize, cabbage, potatoes, and beans will be grown. Orchards will be planted in including orange, mango, avocado

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and guava trees, which will continue to grow to maturity and be used for food as well as for sale in the marketplace.


Cattle, and goats will be raised, providing milk and meat for consumption and sale.Goats milk has been shown to be very close to breast milk, and will be able to be used as a supplement for orphaned babies. Cheese will also be made from the goat’s milk.


The piggery is becoming a serious profit making and job creating project in Zimbabwe. The project pigs are attractive to the market because they are not only reasonable, but they produce healthy meat without any additives or medicine remnants.


A vehicle will be acquired for the transportation of people and goods (for a fee) and will assist in the movement of goods from the orphanage to the marketplace.


Our vision also is to construct our own shop in the local marketplace. This will facilitate the sale of products from the various sustainability projects.


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The management structure of Our Beatrice Orphanage is essential to providing a loving and compassionate environment for the orphans of Zimbabwe Not only is the management of the orphanage passionate about the children they serve, but also they seek to support the local community and use the operations of the orphanage to create a positive economic impact in their community. For Jack and Agness, the founders of Beatrice Orphanage, the orphanage represents the values they cherish the most: their home, their community, and their faith. Dedicated to loving orphans and improving the community around them, Jack and Agness see the organization as a way to better the lives of others, while sharing the love of Jesus in a tangible way. Therefore, management hired at the orphanage will share the same passion as Jack and Agness for the children and the community. The culture of Zimbabwe will be ensured of protection by the board of directors and the modeling of the parents and grandparents.

The orphanage organization will be guided by a board of directors and a management staff with years of experience in management, international finance, social service, adoption, counseling and more. The board of directors will establish committees as needed for selection of parents, children and management of the

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Orphanage. The Orphanage daily operation will be guided by management elected by the Orphanage adults with guidance from the board of directors.


Support for the orphanage will include:

Board of directors Management advisory board Attorney Accountant Insurance agent

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Banker Consultant or consultants (including counseling support for children and

parents) Mentors and key advisors (support for children as needed)




One of the greatest strengths of Our Beatrice Orphanage is its projected sustainability within two years due to sustainability projects such as poultry, agriculture and livestock. Chicken sales have proven to be a viable revenue stream,

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STRENGTHSDedicated Directors

Nearness to road networks

able to provide education

community development

WEAKNESSESCompromised access to

capital for growthGovernment policies on


OPPORTUNITIESGrowing demand for our

services;projects venturing

Promotion/protection of local colleges

Government facilitated policies on charities

THREATS Political unrest

Theft Lack of capacity to accomodate many





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which will allow further expansion of this program. Not only will the orphanage be able to provide education for the children through the local school system, but the orphanage itself will function to give the children real life experiences through participation in gardening work, raising chickens, shop keeping and various other projects. By providing these opportunities, the organization is able to prepare the children for adulthood by teaching them with skills they can use when they leave the orphanage. Through building construction, the project will be able to provide work for nearby community members, most of who would otherwise be unemployed. With a proposed borehole drilled and solar power installed, Our Home will have free access to water and electricity.

Our Beatrice Orphanage also will have the full support of the local community which is undoubtedly keen to see the organization succeed and putting the district on map in terms of community development.


Banking and funding in Zimbabwe can be slow and time consuming, and so is considered a weakness to the organization. Additionally, uncertainty in the amount of funds that will be raised each year will prove to be an issue in the pace of development of the organization. One of the ways this weakness is being addressed is by developing more clearly defined financial goals and sharing these goals with supporters, our friends. While the organization expects to become self-sustainable from their revenue generating projects, it will start with only a few projects, and so will be unable to fully diversify the risks inherent in a new venture. One project not achieving expected revenues could potentially setback the growth and functionality of the organization.


There are many opportunities that exist for Beatrice Orphanage, one of which would be an expansion of the orphanage: more houses and sites would open doors for more children to be accepted. Scaling current sustainability projects and diversifying into new projects will be key the organizations growth and desired social impact.

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Scaling sustainability projects will provide increased revenue to Our Orphanage and will provide additional jobs for community members.


Political unrest in Zimbabwe, could affect our political and economic climate. Political instability in Zimbabwe is also a threat to the economic growth of the country. Theft is an issue in regards to the finances, as well as the equipment and animals that will be kept on site. Other chicken projects nearby may be a threat to their poultry business. If the weather is not favorable, crops could suffer, leading to a loss on produce.


Following the three stages of development, fundraising will be scaled down as Beatrice Orphanage opens and sustainability projects grow.

For Stage one to be completed, 40,000 USD must be raised. For Stage two, to complete the remaining buildings, another 60,000 USD is required. Stage three will require 10,000 USD to implement and scale sustainability projects. After this point, Our Home projects that it will be sustainable in daily operations and additional funding will only be needed for large expansion projects.


Our Beatrice Orphanage will have two forms of operations. As a whole, the organization shall operate as a charitable organization according to Zimbabwean law. However, part of the organization is for-profit entity in which revenue is generated with the proceeds being used to support general operations. The Zimbabwean government taxes these revenues at twenty five percent. An example of projected revenues for several of the revenue generating businesses can be seen below:

Financial Documents are to be available when requested:

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This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities.

Income and expenditure account 12-month profit and loss projection a four-year profit and loss projection (optional) a cash-flow projection a projected balance sheet and a break-even calculation. Together they constitute a reasonable estimate of the financial future

of the Childcare Project.


Building plan for orphanageCommunity footprintMaps and photos of location Magazine or other articles Detailed lists of equipment owned or to be purchased Copies of leases and contracts Letters of support Nutrition plan for familiesFood quantity menu for familiesEstimated electrical and water usage for homeBank account Company registration forms

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This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities.


Beatrice Orphanage’s vision has sparked a desire from people to support orphans in Zimbabwe. Through its core values, vision and mission, the organization will change the lives of children who would otherwise have little hope of a positive future. Furthermore, the organization believes in generating economic opportunities to the community at large by creating jobs and teaching skills to its employees. Through these economic development activities, Beatrice Orphanage will create jobs, earn money, and teach skills to the children under its care. These steps will help the organization achieve its ultimate goal of raising orphans in a Christ centered home, emphasizing sustainability, empowerment and community development.

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