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Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan Debates Vol-VII Part-VI ...

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Wednesday, the 5rh June, 1968

a I t'An rJlll Cit - ,r .^^:.1 "1t63.

. !h9 -Ass_enbly met

,at th,e As.s.cmbly Chantber, Lahore at g_00 a.m. o! tt;cclock. Mr. Speaker, Chaudhri Muhatimad Anv,ar, U. i ,-in iio C*oir.

. Recitationfrom the Hoty e-ur,an by eari Ali Hussain Siddiqi, (eari oJthc Assembly) and lts tranilaion.


*w* '*p,,ffffr##W:c:#Efiffi-,,. / ,w(r.x


,ffi btLl' 11r u$s"u,:

6800 PRovINcIAL AssEuDLY oF wEsr PAKIs?AN [Str ruNe' 1968


Mr. Speaker : Now rhe Question Hour' Mr' Hanrza'

DEctstoN or INptlsrtlel Coun'r' Lrnone ARour EMplorre's

Utttolt oF NATIoNAT Benr oP PAKI$rAw' LnHoRE

rl04?0 Mr. Hamzr : Will the Mioister for Lrbour be pleased

state :-


(a) whether ii is a fact that the lndustrial Court at Lahore has

dccidetj tbat rhe employees' union of National Baok of Pakistan, Lahore

can|]ot get a remedy from the said court as their services havc been decl-

arcd essential;

(b) if answer to (a) above be in the affirmative' the remedy

ment intend to make avaitable to the employees of the said Bank

thcir grievanccs redressed?

Parliamentary Secretary (Mian Miraj Din) : (a) Ycs'


to get

initiate conciliation

of failure.

The Industrial Court (Northern Zone) at Lahore has held that in

view of the National Baok of Pakistan having been declared as an

Essential Service under thc Essential Services (.Maintenance) Act, 1952'

the Industrial court cannot take cognizance of tbe industrial disputcs

filcd with it after issuancc of tttc failure ccrtificate by thc conciliation

Ofhcer. The Corrciliation Olicer also cannot

proceedings and iesue failure certificatc in case

(b) The D. L W. in excrcisc of tlre po$'crs confcrred on him trnder

Section 6 of thc Esslntial Services (Maiorenance) Act' '1952 rrradc recom'

mendation oD the wngcs and other cooditions of setvices of the empl-

oyees of the National Bank of Pakistan to the Central Covernment'

tt has been learnt, of late, that a bi'laterll agreenlent has been

reached betweeo the nranagernent and the employees, according to which


irrnrso etBBTroNs AND Afirtttr 6E0l:

-'(ry''lL td ,*t 4* ,-,>le *z<,:-fu Vt+ t3f - r;*,j,-. "crj)\,irl .r E. r*I tJ:4 tr jb t*, )li tf of-t cr: c*. ,sjt aSE* t1 "+t t.l4 E ,.:Jl.rp Li* tt L)-.,t u 2,t Ft r.iu a,.rl ..i-rL*. U ul *) 2r;p.=Jl.re L;* rrtr.ri. 41 ,-t tj - uf


u'l t + tr* .ojti w .ll ,fi - +- t:(. lf orU. dq.rs E. 0l

' I +- -ul;*-r.+ sV*-*$YLfd- b {Lf i!'f"'r


[ .c,lcjts a+1, - Ylr st:; - (rlt- 1! &l ,.SU) ra.a yjj..Go. crO 5 r"^ir,5.r tor c,lr.lti 6j) (Altf.rr) Oglti i;r.. al-L

.4. 4-JU E's,>\.t , "rjE. -*, l* fb *.:tLr f cllr;f Jl sr.'li' iil ,fi - + !dr" 6 ;;f 6'L;f t$tt+* 0t "1, L *;a-jb "E .rUtL. E, Ot JJI LI .5 OJlri deJsr i x d a;47.- r)Lalr

vt.r dtd 4l Qr l3lls rJ .*SjlJ r4 E Lf 6i t ).re qi

fq g' '*.rK- O:* -{ ,.rl tX e)t€ f ot !;tL os )sl ot Lf4

::t i!':,






- uS 4I) G*l

f , ct9:.j1q ,r-11 ,rf + €i.!D e1 U5. - tlr Vl,+ -.j.. ,JJ'r' : u'.,

Lf i ?T se{l f3 {,r: $*t}V 2*; I otcjui t" w ) )\HI € l+.ftEil d*.fl-+,"l.y'l*+s.tl*it fr+

9 t.5f-u# rur+ r.l.rf f )V^4* Cl* L qJ.if 'at ;5- hr a5. .

' : :.. u Lii

,rl,lrf a-:{al} u",ra:l'*l ,q .f a ratE - ltr vu: - sti.ri,,:,t; .trl ..(; dh ,;(.J 4- tJ t3;-- r---tl :V,C.b ot r:rai ;f. lrUri.1)t! {i- '"f drr Fe+.. r4rf- tJ1iri .i,l,,lKq}}."J."f 7 dt l,{,,.

f,:r0L*fl, G.,s d + .JU. .,14 .5.:tr ,.1 ,se-d f 4 ,-[io, - g-

. .<7'fu-.. -1

6tBi pnoVrxcr*L *cr$gly or weff ierlslex.[Snr luxr, 196g

0l J! &-i 4l ;:..C i ,*r* ,5f,-r. rrt.!1t.. ,5 eio *.Gr,

ef .it ,ru * ot*_f, 6rL"1 o(oJ tJ U, f )eb-,ti j,f .rt{ti-Lf, er\i', a. s*t,S c."j ,5.e>\.t'. Dl a Llf *;b: .l! r.;!p

f g..la*. 1rl dKJt E -f:1 ,j..1*.; pl tf clU;t e. fi o!_.JrCl c,.:-.l1.lj i,- E irjX. dl L rJlll ;31 Lf t.f o)LT;E ,r! r;.1

6 ol, ,S + Uf t , .e,, .*lr: J ,-*a dt f hi;-s sl Lr*+.-.iYL erp.l oft ,, f-r. o; EL9431,* oll Dl tc, tj,r.d.e+-

{ Orj)\. t .*r j*J "f * ,.t*:.:4i^ t tf - r3.r *r$..t "r r,t E trt lrl sh vtf lti]8 ;) E Lt* oUrL. j$l

,, . rftf

.f ,lUji i oxrl "f + ,O , n; - Il5 eL- - lr.*;pj1

fr g ,+,,, # '.Jrl 6(J tet tf tr, tD ,rt;u .* sf ,.Jtijl .r:,;r.f ,.f $-. r.(,r.. .pl of S 14 E. j$jr .3 Cf ,S ,r.:;rf1'f try, *a, .rj,.r $9g- ilt";) 5 ;r*$a" L &U;11 ,6.j)\. dp a

- lcl

Af A E 0l L yT d a- uEtr, ''.!.:- + tf - r3- .tr.Jujr E vI djrt l22a- L o24l I nl te, lj-r*a tJ,!i" *-tr srytt


u{i; 6tirl erL E rJl* url E ,*-V oi*. /4u - ,:,;r.li,




ltAXErD QtlsilONS AND Arit*.trJ 6803

.Lr*;t)6jf* 1glJ*.l.;tt t5. - Oti JE rg}f ;... - t.rzt*-; J- L *3Lri Otrr lf ,lt )t

cry r-r-*l "{ ,f ,n, i4 L u&U.rK ,-\11o*itri 3e1 (.Jl)

(y'r:) ut &i t{ s: (.Jrt) e- ,rsf rlrri .5.11 .li dl.,1l

- uu.rlfr, .l*tl (l:-) .pt ,** (,J6r c.It- .5+;t

"=f ,f tr ,fr-tx.F ..5.,ro.,tj 3r: .rtp, L otl1l-.1e (rp)

,f ssl a-h Lf r:-:lr,l clt?lr.l Z{ ' ,iN jfiI lJ,r iL- J$

#'J, (,.ijl) : (rlr+ r,lti .!t il r.rE. 0U) Ai(*. Aj;.Jftt

,r rAat ,:- ,h.fi ,5 *sxsK .},r*;ti 3l -f ur ,r-ra Oli r.

- + .!i "r5r:" d[:rf, 5.r r rro*r r.r',:

tlrf 1 grnl 'r'I Jtr (i)

ArYa r.1. .rt- d"l (ii)

'lr'. ua.'t Jtr 1r-1,.}6 liii)

jr.I .t &rAtV 4rr.;l-) 3rf 0l.rr) L.tq.11-14 (.r)

6iu,. ;rl 4ss et, dtb r rA t I €f (4!s Lrt 4rr i21LL

- lst 4U r t latptDA

Ac q, dl - a- 6 [f trl ,f t V oe,ga-t t yrr'ra (il-.gj

ACArv ,11i dl.5r - 1,p 'rfJ .}.tl ,rLjF l:.1 lA *

.Joa, d.t .)bjf j>7 fu. ,*a




dgo4 pnovlxclAt rcsiMnlt or wtst pritltrl lirn luxi, 196l

:t^.1 .rrl u ,Jr ,F .,iUf, ur ,rb .r+al ..,.*l * (ii)

rjr-t r tr.r *l .pl cB dJ ,J+ ,'r, tJL ,./rapt* f.- r;U &E sr..

L *.r. -f L .r ur ;{ ;t+fs :Q ,Fb ,"+ -r: (iii)

gr-cr r 4 I u:, ,il .Pl of I L Lf ,r;st b C

,rcti { *V 6}.fu 6r:-Jitg st^: tf '6l! r'r' r,lt"

)t &J, uS,tJJt LIr.I .!Ju u'{ q.r}'r'IjK!r.*t lrrrl J: "f Lt t'Y ,r{'Jt

Ol qu ,/ j,t, tQ ,rtlj( r- fu./t+ - ,s.if--- dtir.i,Jlt

6 A ,ral ur*t rar ur. (fr') th Lcc*tt s4tt Evl* a o*

- ,* .$' -{ ,Sl'rl c,',

r+CN 6s{c't 6ibEOl -g*,r.i.dk

- + J,,ilj o .!t- e,L - 15;j.1(o- .grLtllll

9 + tf dt"--, L r.llljf, L G, - ei- .Lre dtl.

.Sh 1.4. 'l.Sp y' E o.-r. .f,* ,flt - $jf1*,9;...llt-(A

6jft- 6rL.ft3 c/h "y - Ytr vU: - trlr lLr .111. 6l,r6 .lr*l s* ,,rl a ( trUf, ErE J? S ,sx kol3" ka;e4 a, v*tat

I + .r>t" e tl +;.. r.f clr-l \ - q a1-U ,j, {.r





srAr,RrD QUtsTroNt AND ANtWBrr 6tot

+ Us .rl3+ tln L r-lr6t - Yr.r.rl+ - )ti. r.r.. rrl3i

* Q q.Dt#, Arif* Aj^.J! L5- - rrr:r lLr 1l1e 6b':Ar. ,5 4b L Ol 42eg 1rl & "f , F* sr. 6 0l r5/ q


.r!a; ,l .Lss J-frt-3 o*4 * - Yllr vt : - ,Si.fv, Aj..Jrll

.;3.r .r*r Fis .J'ri r: *,Cx r.JL. rt+. 15 22 L rll ,Adh

? c.tN rJL r v )h. 6 0l r,lu

t Li L .*t', \9;-Sr- rS.rh.J.rt* - tlr Vt+ - e-r, .t rrCtL.

0l - + &U rcerrr.li 6rJl-l qr 4il z t tz t ttt 2 aza"f +tl:. u.l lrl ctt t f rrLt;l !t{ ;11 f- tlT eF t::f , dk{ e(: ,5

I + ,F.:.j $r,1.;-;

' Mr. Speaker : The Member should give a fresh notice

Minlster for Law (Mr. Allah Bachayo Ghulam Ali Akhund) : Thc

statement with regard to the cost of buses included in the expenditurc issubject to verification. I arn not able to say whether it is correct or in-

corrcct. It may not be correct. If you will kindly allow us we willmakc a statcment oa it duriog tLe course of the day. (

crl ,.,al t*. - llr .+t:a - r3rT ciT &ilrl - .1.t. tLe j1. .r;L

dr vlr: 4r -9':;l .r'[.' l)s'te' cJlr- g:'i c41 rLI'\l

6r-. ri *,f q\5,tf *tLw-)ltrvt:: -OrUrj,.:if orl q, - ,t .J &t, .:.6i rj dr-t .rlE q, {rl ,}f /f 2q AL * 2 ,yl +,rrC tJ 4- &.t, rr, rrl E - .5- t:(. +5- uort *l

6tff PlovtNclAl AsgluDLv ol wEsr PAEISIAN [5ru ruwr' 1968

;T E ,rllr "ii-r r, ,-f L.j HI ,fl rf t6; V ,r* a ,.-.'b fos

3>tLl .E'r -f ,,"ju rfu f cur 4-r dtd 4l .rL:, L ,rl q' q,

'E*+ EKJirrL- 6rt" c;{t" L q. )fr .rt.1 - )Jb rrr.. rr!9r

i{i, A.aJ .}3 ir, tf d i ivr '5 t- Ol "f e- UIa ":l ,rl c. vl

..t tr01 "f + Gi*.- "1 .:.36- lrf P ,i*t L c.iJ' ,vl - +8x

t €- b, ,Jb rl 2-* €* s\t{

Minlster for Law : Sir, I will makc a lubmission. Actually of late,

therc bas been increasc in the erpCnditure on accouot of several reasons,

for iostance, the price of petrol has increascd by 25 paisas per gallon ;

therc is Defence Surcharge on fuel. oils aud lubricants. There has also

been an increase in the cost of spare parts and general stores besidcs the

increase in the salaries and wages aud other allowances and bonorarias.

There bae also beeo an increasc in the provision for building iosurance

expenditure, etc. Therefore, during the year 1966'67, the expenditure

rose by Rs. 61,44,842. Naturally on account thereof, there is less profit

and this is something which cannot be helpcd. We are, however, trying

our bcst to run it as economically as possible.

)tir )+t +f! 't!f L ,Jrrrl - Ylr vU: - O'i d-l J.t'. rflr

,.f,.1r*l dl, 3l "(r: q- t5*rL r;r 3r rrr gt. Y 4Aclrtsll t-.rlgU. dlL 2l )l.t )i .rr sri 4 r.7t-- grl - urlp r 1y1 sl&i .[f r.rl .:.jfi- !f - + l3a CU "Jl)q ,* ui 4,tl,Ja€" s:+ A tll


f,r* 2 tl e ufrf.rtf rrl qf yl c-jfi- - !l-r sl* - (rrti .14i,

..nj4il.K1a*l - sU "}l"

.S'".!J ,rJJf- .rtJj c .rtlj rf i* S +






{t*l.i Jr; W rly't- , ,..1 "zAf "f {A ,-#.e. ci[ ,rl -f VI

4-,;1.) '&l L,rt 4" t.f !f'-{, "iit Jirf w glf ;] .r5Urgrf -+{tfl;*t 4r,f ,.1, ts:ilf E -l- jT -d.plf at;.)Lj 6 ;ly jlt3It .\t.;t; 34 ^f dtr Lioe.- *, GP

* ,stS

,ra,l ,el L isn-r -tb vU: - Ylr .rkr - e!, f.r. r.tt.r./r. 6 rll sale { ,r: OQ {- .rLj e6 6r tr01 "f kt Ut,

gtr. .r*"J o1\ .21 rl t' ,tN ,5 ""'f \#tA .rrss uS ft +

0t.i, .-1l.rl L 0l q:. stso .r: u$ "6.i fl -.rL- E

ibe K.,.1 "f -lrrU 2 LLf dtii,5.r1 -J15,-j$lL t)t'S {

3l .ry cr!t- 6- ,^.f t)y [:€+- uL. - ]fr Vf+ - Orf, ,j,ir:. q ,Jx &t L el + sal f af .,rJtil As:rst-)

'+ Li{

!t ri A L qiV ,2;9 .rt:1 - )llr 1;q - OB pLl .r.er. sfl.

,x o-tif L - tl - JT - d lrl z*-s q, drL .:L .!r4 ,f +U:f UI *f or Qb uf .rltr-rr 6i (4, i - + tJ qf*iulrk sf

- o.:t1j t ,ru nf e- o3stf L.\r$t; ,i? ;t-{ L b)rr.jl}

Mr. Speaker : Thc Mcmber should give a fresh notice for that.

Ssrrrxc up oF e Hron Powrnso CoMMtrrss ro ExrlnxsDsluexos or Roep Tnenspont WonrnRs, eNo Openrrors

*10861. Matth Muhammed Alhtr: Will thc Prrliamentary Secretary

Transport be pleased to state :-





. ...'-.rl

68C8 pRovrNctAL ASSEMILY oF wEsT PAKISTAN [5ru lune, 19.i8

(a) whether it is a fact that Government have appointed a High

Powcr?d Committee under the Chair'manobip of Member, Board of Rove-

nug to examiDe the demands of the road transpoft workers and opera-


(b) whether it is a fact that on 2nd october, 1967 the said committee

held its meeting. and heard various representatives of the transport

workers and operators;

(c) if aoswer to (a) and (b) above be in the affirmative, whether the

ComnrittoO bas submitted its reeornmendations; if so, the nature of

recommcndations madc by the Committo€ and the action taken bv Gove-

rnment thereon?

Parliamentary Secretary (Khan Muhammad lqbal Khan Jadoon) : (a)

Ycs. (b) Yes.

(c) A summary of recommendations made by the Committee to Gover-

nment is given in the Appendix.* They arc being submitted to Governor

for final otders and action on them will be taken in the light of his orders.

l:LrJU- t{ i- -p L -tdsrs iI .!1e; - ts?- :rU" - ";e> ;1..r

+.X 1)\ L 22s t^r2 t\51 .jE ,r -*t &tW q, 0l J3l .Jr€i q5


+ e) t" ,5 dtii Clt" ,5 otlti. r.f r.ll - 6irq" ortbJJtt

- tr jt- U5- implsment ,f ,ll u^ .rl- .f a .r..1 .;rl

dT i f st^.rJtL 0l - -,(.0- .rt*: - *r. [Le 1lr.y 6Li! 'ata2U- r.ll

.rf r.ty A-s ,6 str u#t vl { .pl gry * tf *Sfrtl {ih:,4t .(;.rel -{ d i L r;l - f,rt.r.I1:

"}.c q si:s

E ."a'.e ,rQ E 0l vI /r+ 2 nl + ,u.rt s,r h,g fU t.




L-. .

* Please see Appendix I at the end,


-{ iv

sTARRED QussTloxs AND ANswgts 6809

tof - f jb tf .r"I1s J* , .Jrl t-t E- ',;rl rrl t'x ya * u4 ,,et

|"l .r.T1s J.c cl. dL jr dL n o.l ,d Ott t(. *;tt 14,

"<! q-,4r, t4l o1 - (rrril ,,}c fF r+te .irl r:*) OrU$J

ltilr .13.1 e.(*. .rt lt.L 6 ,r+t - + Ji, .ry ,rl ou. { cljn(-.1i|

- u,r{ ss; rG Lf 0t r ,aJ iL" tf l ot *fs .rr ,F ,*.a f.5Jr,?*ilj .--,l - q Gf J f :b tf ot q1A 6jt. u*r otilti. ";t sl .tL" jl .tt" "f + *l )tl + lnt f .Jui ert". L5 crl Jn!.,t?i.!

- E .,, t" 2i 1-st

r f ;f 1t.,, ,.i J .r # ,cnb - il3 l7k- - Oti d-l .t a. s(L

,Jt, ,JT (JtrJ ++i- .f ,rl i 1#. q- tlLri 7.,an aai * L Ox^l ;l.gn:*^Ll o1 q cr9 jgiti .ri 44 q "f L,:C tg+* €,?f 09iU )2)t

- r;f irE a;

Minister of Law : Sir, this requires clarification

O-l.l,5 CI .f q 4 c>[ &trr - Yl3 ek- -n:o.c,r.r eJj*

jt A. *; .:,-.ei cJr4ls u\-f 2. E rsrt,. S *V1;tt+$ q 1,16.

-,+fUA qn rf, -f ,s* obrfr "f qy 2-d slyl;(,lj,rrrrl 6f *,st*;[ u,.l .rrl + ,ut,J,. hla ,^r. "f ? *t Ur^f f & -r,

-it e'

- fj,. qr f ..rJ;st e 2 L o* - O4tt.*r. \

Grt.f d "f a hu;. ,rctl ,ol L 63w lb vt4 - q* lu




*t &tLy ctC J f :b f tt ltr QV L *r(- ot4ti- sl

,d q ts-(, { c}:. r .rd &sL.}i 6 t.

"sublcttiog of route peroits be curbed by

rcstricting issue of route permits to such vehicles

shich are exclurively owoed and possessed by


&, tf -* url L irT d dri hta uf c,J!i) 6l q'

-+ t5

yp* o]U,!i- I ^{ + tS ,-r.t L tN - lle .7t; - rJ3iti y;3

,Jti db .f rrl 2tt & L .Lr*;r) ^,'l .,el ,tx 6 J ft5. implement )f €l vt Jl> -,1 "d + a"-l JJI Lx L) )fr ,.


v.r.rJlk.r^J ;f c,tl.;ti- ril - !13.-rl"f -)Ji.2 f"a" arlj*

'6West Pakistan Bus Stands and tf q e crlL.(:l .*

Traffic Gontrol (Gujranwala) Ordinanco, 1963. ( 1) It should

^:.tf L' ,x *f l"q: O(J g i &|;* o; iy'*i L ,,rl cont'inue"'

c"JL ,5 &L ua ,.r.1 ,Jq-1" cl:jl tf tei Uf ,f ,s & cnl Je-l .ra:l

231 g+..r .f ki l)lt z-**^,L rieiu.*jr rrtb Jrl utrSr ,re lljk^r ub q, cJl - {*e..(; ,ell .r u(J - t #b tlto3 r,(.J ollo

,r.P ,-ltr;i u\f w drL .5,,r"1 .* ,ret-^{ 2- ?}u 4+' yl oe1

Jtf tN;.{ cb "*t .fl a- ilr Ll ,r*, tt {,}.lb r -l .t.el ,rija

(Jrr - g ;V N { * :qd L 3x2- nt ,rt i tS f a4,r t}r,. t}iea

M su a s.lJrl dL le++ e sl itl + *-{ tr.:.!t'- ,n1 ,5,r1 vl





,f ,* !, ,.;l Oelti ./s: Yu" tf - se, .rt- st2 6,rl dL

I L ,n'Ui

t".rtl .l orl L g,t ef f .;r r! f r.-t, Arlgi - r.rl,U.d!

6;tL. I oL-/,,. G2* :tl * t.f frt" - lK- L * 'a rir*f,U fitri 2 -.-V qlrr f 3 { 0" cry r*rr g)\(:* '3 , L,t63 Yl

,rl KJsd & I * e:.t !r&t rr-t, qlrr ,d +.!t+ lr"1rl ,

r.ltor.rt ,rd 2 6l oe pl 6'"t .*K: df 4*.L o:it + L

+ a'4 '-'ll- t3

f x o otol fN 6: l4 .,et vl .ri w - 2tur. r'rrr rrll*

- r)rr tll

r;br dH vl S + { $f f .---t.,0, ":lri fl - OrU ri,

- ola Jti C E. Lb I,lt r -{ Jl ra, } A sJL u7 s-$ sl

?.Tf '.,ol c4, r4r * ,,rl t' t1 cjt?l fl - .tt' t\'- o:f ,.r*

You are most wel- - .ritj rt;.;l )ti - JJip r.rr. qlJncome, Sir.

l*,1ey) dL.;- E. W ,.nt J* S+ e)tc q ,tl - fi* 3'rIj&" a-lt stKdLrJr L.Jlttlftf ,*l,I;ra,'pl *Jlril.r,rf L'.;

-iv";f d U lhf J.:r ef,r'1.1r*ix* o) * u) s: "f ki t".l Ja

,rrl tr 0l qr e.rlr, Lt dl .,el ,Jet JXt &^,.$l ,501 L v-V i:

U) ,t ,f ,;; ,.1*1.t , L L-.; L:.99ral )tl + f - e*ir' q'


6El2 pRovrNcrAL AssBuBLy ot wBcT IAKIITAN [5rn ruxn, 1968

,il4$ * €l ot 2! E- tnr -rr ll., r,rll ;f Consultant Architect o"ui

Jrsx t 2r1. ^ ,ti ri.i, t^t vt4p ,'d + dti pl - q Cs f

- r.f a-r f ry,n 1.KKrp; .lbfe.& - )Je"e Jrl.,cl.4i

Zl:t ,S;.&-- 6r*;.Jt, t1f - J:il .Lrr. Lfl. - r . Aerr*

&4f "f q- o^il9 ,.tl q !L,{ Z url,-ri .lt* ff o\ jl qr*J1;

s+ ss ,5 stb.:b ;t; .(rl L t"rf- Jirf Jijrr3 Jj ,nf)J- 4l Z Z,ijrri lrref'r- ff,rc, F S &tv e, .:,.3,(- ,-Ls.-* -f N r-it ,ft - /b .I Firi jlqir b.p*t-i Jr,;; lkir

f !t ,!le1.,f t"f y .:l1lri rrl

- .rb ,.i: -'(rlr.b ,itr ,Jqil .r.-. OL) 19j,Ko,. 6;..|t1.,;- rr orir.! ,r.X:t .,41 :lt .1lj .Sl L J*rrt .l,jrr3 lu.r-f,r

.},JrrJU dr"r.1 or4ls A L lu;fr.f ,rei ,S :-b f or t.r.a \t ,S.ff 5 #Lr Jt L ,t;-t)if 6q - jb ,5 Ju ekrl

- t5 ,r.{- /t: Ouit a .:lr;t i .--l

tn.:efr- I * E! ,t 7-b o.l t.f -.r(.0- r.rk-, - ojs .jae

E 4l - gi - JT asJ,.S- ,l:t ,t*t ,rili 6- 6 ,* *t s rJj:r3

;J--{4t L.7 d.22 qtr sf o-rfrl.rr-te }1f,-;u- a, ,!_tt.r, .trr!- u /b , 8*i 2l: 0yt3 toref- e. o:e Ji..? c4, ir 4-r s,LGl

' + ,r*J Cf- "l - OIU .t{f

d'l "f q- Llf'bf .l u*. rrb: f tJlr." .- Olr pLl e.a" r(t



r- ^rrc.ct^\t. aNlr ^lItt[rDI.


Lrr. 6rfr al - j - JT "F,

.$l "5- ,rC ,rf ,sr ,.rd 'rjhl ':rr

; -(1f .rr bt-f,- rr'l 'd +,,r:r' eii- "l t5,F - jb JUI

=-Le 6;fi- 15;,,*..rtU ,J--.. dtr.. t ,.r4 +,$ Or al ' ri - 1l

- \kt .,# L

-t-ri ,T 2 t brfr rrlf 4- c.1) a- ' a/-&'6rl'oL\q- 6; ,it

'r Li /rlt ,* t- rejbl .5 .r..l.e tsf lJ.'[ * - oinr.*++r

t E,.*lh &

Mr. Speaer : Disallowcd.

.5 -J rrl E *s&, ret i 4r a-leilr -J '.itsr *l-{ 2r, V{ ye.as ct).,r'r i '':*l;tt

S { :, \f o,t**. L -J - tb vu: 4 ' Olr l,.l r'rr,. t(t'

vl -'ti g*1.r .:...1r os l-tr-1913," L *V .9;f-.. 6;*$l{ ," CI

.JrCf * b* e e-St c) - * Lr Ylr:.* 6i-cle' 4-1* o;[lr

r4, vrf- +l-ri-.\ "d c- lrrt l+l iu ", e ql q- li) 9*L

,- letest d L :f

* rI .rtr u'"1 uoril r;r tf i - 4r,r+ '#c

d' 6f tf ,rtt q'' 0lrll o) - * vl-r:

- + $ ,St f elt :t.,J rJL e)tcdt- * - f-'a' }*'

---DrsrntsurtoN oF'WEB-lr AND ATrr ur LeFons

rll0l7. c[rurilhri lrtrt,Muhrumld: will the Mioistcr for Food bo

plcascd to 8t8te :-it "n

6814 pnovNcrAL arlBrELr or w8tt pArrsrAx [5ru luxr, l96E

(e) the dates on which etta and wheat were dc-rarioned in Lahoreaftcr Independence;

(b) tbc total population of Lahore at the time of de-rationing ;

(c) thc quentity of atta or wheat as was consumed pcr month dur-ing the rationiog period in Lahore, alongwith rate per maund at whichit was supplied ;

' (d) the quantity of wheat or arra being distributed in Lahore Dow-a-days and at what rate ;

(e) whcthcr tbere is a scheme to re-iotroduce the rationing of u heat

or atte in Lahorc ; if so, wheo and at what rate ?

Prrliamentary secretary (cbaudhri Imtiaz Ahmed cill) : (a) Ration-ing of atta and wheat was discootinusd ip Lahore in Fcbruary, 1950.

(b) About 9 lacs.

(c) About 4150 bags of atta daily at the issue rare of Rs. 13 pcrmaund

(d) About 6500 bags of atta daily at the issue rete of Rs. lg 75per mauod.

(e) No.

'^f E .ivri ..-L, ,s;.$* ca;,|*J.,tr tt - e"i, Jcr,r. dU:,

)tl tf U,f ,;JXe- til 6s-tt po.,i _..e,+fy c 15;)UI 6l-rry -.:

e, e.-tJ rl tf i - e- 6)tiT Ot.Jr t. +5-y y 6 .rlt , . "f vlI e- o*tu 9f

+.+. -f -J i *. Ed L 15;.lt;I - ({J$.r- hr .fu) sfl3c, y;1.t qH 2f d)\.- til t + p, 6 6I f { ,"t lrt,. oruj 4.at\ i xgssr grer.rbj *blJ LarLIJL,a &- dt I;



trAttlD Qt ISTlOtlt ArD Al{EwBrl 68t5'

,r.{-, oti f iI vT uu rt' f 2-t ril * e- ,td ,f C'f s\- uU 41 6; f,1.rf .r-lr a *) tI fd,+s 2t+l

$+ tlr vlrr L +V.fu -!l3r7L' - r.e. tLc;lr.p utt-

At) tr b UI.^f + ,r*i { qr,5-l tr - C $J tll o * J'r

I 4 s# a,^?, Lt ,jlrf - + b. 4ts trrcao 9l ;el l{l,, rr

It'J dl , - it, !f "E-X- 2fl .--lr ,r-t- -'fb* lil

)T n q.s(L as\ {rlt.i Jic )tl - + r"/ rllrf $t rvetb e

2 L e)LLl ,5 vI ry 2! - 2- r{ srl o ..(lt- L.-e) q- ":.'"i rJ

a;s\ .>i: tl "f tcr V ,r* L rx *lE .,& fl - 'r' f 'r*r5. -J 2 ,rl - + ld &. l)s o. Lt, Jt-r*o .ri'l .Su ruL'1

cr!t- ;el 2- jrt ,.5ral '!*t ,l otrt J *^t" [rf lrl F K at


t*a* dt , L gnl qr - 1!rI ;I J^il* - r.r. tLl.1l1' 6t-L ptra .rrl p- o-1) & + ,i{ ^l y .:*i ,5 iT "f cljn urt3

Uf Uf u.{. *i$l r-1' olei.i ,SO.rjX'

Nert question - + ,8d J3JT ..lT &;ile, jtf a - $,rv j*

Rtcr PnocunBD AND Suppl-rso ro RattoN Dnpors

*11059. Pir Ali Gohor cbishti : will tbe Minister for Food be ple-

ased to state :-(a) thc total quantity of rice of all qualities procured in west

Pakistan during 1965, 1966 and 1967;

(b) the quentity of ricc of all qualities supplicd to Ration Depots


6816 pnovrNcrAl A'sEUELT or wBsT pAKrsrAN [5ru luxr, r96E

for distributioa in wegt pakistan in 1966 aad 1967 atd proposed to berupplied in 1968;

(c) tho quantlty of rice reservcd at present for export ?

Parlirmentary Secretary (Cbaudhri Imtiaz Ahmed Gill) :

(a) 1965




3,70,83 I





t'(b) t966


1968 Releases of rice during the year 196g canrot at this stage beaccuratety esrimated. A quantity of g6i to,s was releascd upto rhe 30thApril, 1968.

(c) Export ir the subject of thc Ccntral Government.

drta t" 45- I, u'ik, t,s'.s. J-js qf - t;: -ff & xt.rar e+5- f ,i.r.I rr! JrV *. ,rl -t, + trt" t3"el rf c$t . .;

t r jb Lr, s* L ,jst -f o,,.-".*g

-rf vT cih. L ,rie,I - Ytl vL- - (;+ t#. !.(.) .fr:rr, yjr

"Jrt, :j *, g,"l !1...1.: Lt:tf r0 JJI ,, L-r, ef S J,t sa2if b-d.fu +.-t L 3:f I o .1rl .rL "f L,rl or)\r rl e_t".t b trUf

f ,taK:^sKa. 0l ^f "r ."J JtJ- wt + bt b h.s drt" rf 0t -frloy &, f ,.r* 4 L eatl .5 0l .ry i - ,t*t rr 6- .kL e+f

"/h ,Sr q e)tt,j[ subsidy fertilizer

'5 a$s bf ,. ff.r" -f|sf &., it* )tl + GN t E a-.rju LtsssKt*K*re .r -a-




.i t" 6r * s)tl;[ subsidy pesticide,gturl ,f it', ,.5 4thf &J rr tr;t lrl .ry dN CLa-tJu E ol*'t{r.sst ot L

srtr .t + .rb d;) i .:d .5 6;"n'' subsidy +s L 4:t

od rt.i A L ,:,ll rrl .:.3K- + ttla A LaiU L o::Krtg

+ - lt tsr f .tr 2 L,.rl N.1-u;'r'I )r a.-i.".-(ll {5-

'q- ut? s' 'fu *LiEL ,5 .fu -J - ttr .+t+ 5\:. - g.{.1ll *.r.. 4;rrJ"

prdducers ,y.S 5U.uU ;l: otalr"3,f producers 2l categories

category gnt i + S,r*, ,.ttl f ,.rl - e- Uf exp.rrt * -ff ot Zf dePrive of -J -f

t;.;tf !* n "!-. tr export .J - lli r.7L. - .ftrr $fdt3,. rrt 6(J del t(- f ,ft Uf Ot*, L,rl q - + dL,g", Et^\f "t Jl,' )rr.S. - t€/ zlt" Ufrrsl f ;W d tit' ;&- 4 , ,rV 5\:. qU products 6.#li t+ 'd + ,-;.J\.81 ,5

Interuational ; 2itr L.r 4t fitt sil. , Ot fi ,Jrte ft'o !H grl pl K1, a-, 1t; devaluation f ,rl Monetary Fund

,,ff 4, ,? .ll 'q .5 clyt- 3l ' + Vh uf devaluation u'in't ''31

dl-l- i,.l S , { 21 "l =-b F - tt.r b !r rl"{^l {t.i .lrt ttr f

- 2V !i ':itr-1r r,r-'.. r.tl:ti Ct':' f

nJp.rrf r. d z t f h5- ,* rT .rt+ - J\.r.. tLe i1- 6bS oN tS 6es ,.rr, tf - tC tt [f r."s .Jrb ,i r d '(i e 11

(q,) pr (;rr) d"- oi b- + e ot * f Utef, b)t * *t o dt Ol ! + U os + tthr .rlr: r? (J|,




68lt provtNclAL ASaBMBLT ot wssT pAKrsrAN [5rn ruuu, l96t

Y )*. ad pl ,,.r. r t s: - + e; - Ylr vLr - .fb- fjf- a- c3 j 6i us. ,j .rrl ,. - * li1,t

14, (rr) .lrl ('rJl) 6€- L Jly L2{ - .t.i. tLr 1by ,r-t-- q, oy' tl + ,1, r.rr.. Ojr ot + Uf UUf, b)t *

- * E)t K o-*3 .t -'{lt* *t

q. "i r r.r L J .^f L*: - Ylr vt: - .l.r"r lhc ;br- arrL

Jrf ,t, - + l{t .i rr.rr dk+ lrl crt 2*cl2^! .i rrr.,r,- + u".=rt{ tf,5 L:-J)rf 2 L rstn

du31 .Jfe ,5 J1.., J -rhcl ,.f =-Lp ,s:L vU: - tft:* $lL .rr(- "f. 6i + Jl-r ,d +,ry c,tr &1.1, - rJr 5 eall q.

rAU ,41 et A- !.: e-, lrl5 Y sl L q + tt &L .!ta 6tt \f -. u:. r,Pl *d ll-tt s,d 1.r.1 s,t dlJ- KLb ;xl ;el KLt:

4 Lt,.J ,rl i - ,oU g"f Jrl dU-tti vi)L. g

' Mr. Sperker : Next question.

Rours Pgnutrs GnlNrno rv RecloNar. TneNsponr AuruonrrvLlnons lx Jexueny 196g

*11249. lllalik Muhammrd Akhtar : wilt thc parliamentary secreta.ry Transport be pleased to state the names of the parties and thcir address-cs to whom Route Permits were graoted by the Regional rransport Aut-hority Lahore in its meeting held on l7th, lgth and 27th January, 196g ?

Perllamentary secretary (Khan Muhammad lqbal Khao Jadooo) :




- ----,--.^r!. ^116 rrtcil66. 6819' srAnR'8D QuESTloNS LNE ANSWERS

Tbe names of rhe parties alongwith their address€s to whom route Per'

mits were granted by the Regional Transport Authority, Lahore in its

meetinghcldonthelTtb'lEthand2TthJanuary'lg63aregivenintheenclosed statement.*

Mrlik Muhammeil Akhter : Is the Parliamentary Secrctary in a posi-

tion to give tbe nemos of thc political pcrsons wbo are thc owncrs of thc

concerns givcn in the list ?

Minister of Law (Mr. Allah Bachayo Ghulam Ali Akhund) : Tbcse

arc not givcn on political considerations'

Ju irl.r tE 6! e ?-,5,Ju r,.l er - -5+ vt* -t:.;.. ,

€jt 4 ?- 6 .Jt- .rr + .fi - ts#' eu- ' 6.i.f*'o;*'Jrtl

e .t uJ"! 4 €.r1) q. dr+ 4,-t', ,Jt" ,f st* dttr LU

- tig !r 4-) ui et 2 L Lf ,ti f e'.1' 'F 2"t

rf rD * tt d7 6;.5*a;,t:.Jrtr r;q tf -oi*Pdr)^, &i 0l & erl I { s.rb &'.rl dot-n sv rlr'r tlsl

1 V u:r r.tsU[ jf L vT ".'b ,rr' uE 4 ott: qt'

- rJtD .,? - r'ifr .g;".a!ltl

teI UL, L +-V 6;.6-- 6rr{[ - 6rp vt': - 6* 2l,,r

2V e, .dt - [ ]t ,rA L..i &u 4 , 'q .;[ crb-r' .fLl."f

f e.itlr) (J[i f.t - UL i '*' 44t '; e{ ,X fl lte lJa' Ljy J;

,-4 Z g*. *iv dV Lrrl vI i ,sst ':-l-';Jr '* fl nf rrjn bi

tEafu#r)t3tt4tPlease scc ApPcndtx II at the end'

6t20 pRovrNcrAl AssBxBLr ot wssr pArtarAu [5ta ruNn, l95g

Mr. Speater : Disallowod.

, Suppry or Wsser trvo Rrcg ro rrrE pBopLE on TglnSun-DrvnroN or TsInpARKAR Drsrnrcr

tll288. HeJi sardar Atta Mohemmrrl : will the Minister for Foodbe plcascd to statc :-

(a) tne poputation of such areas of rhar sub-Division of rbarpar-tar Distriet where the movement of rice rnd wheat is restricted ;

(b) thc monthly quantity of wheat suppried to rhe shopkeepers of rhecaid area since the year 1962 to be issued to iodividuars on permits;

(o) whether it is a fact that the quantity mentioned in 1u) ab-ove waslnruffcicat for the .requirements of the population of rhe said area; if so,the steps Government is intending to take in this respect ?

Psrliamentary secrerery (chaudhri Imtiaz Ahmed Gilr) : (a) 376,000.

(b) Movemeot permits for foodgrains are issued under orders of theDeputt commisrioner. No monthty quotas are fixed, but transport permitsaro issucd to the deatcrg of this area by the Mukhatiarkar of the tritukaconcerned in accordence with the local requircments. permits for rbefollowing quantities were issued during the year 1962 to 196? :_








(c) The quaatity mentioncd in repty to (b) was adcquatc to meet thercquircmcnts of the population of this arca.





. 19,532




+96.$tsl e,\pi ,5.grUI .5.i>\c ,.1 ,l.ri. r1'

"ud ,l{ 2 LLf

eAlr AA e L dj61-rT ll.r" eltee *fy a "f ,-lx usl, ,a.

fr* -f ,rt.-. C ,f -J - * t:t w dL ,,{ r} rt6 A.

' ,l t, unt' IS:UI ohr * "t>\c K td 'l '&Yu I 'a ZY

,f + lLrr g.rr L -i - (,,;-1 t-u .fi-) sfll3E t *lD t$t

.ll& lK o>t,.i ,r;l;! ,(1.r.pl .llr: -.27! qr ,rl - + "D\, triC

orl;el- ,ry ,rl 4- .rrti; - + Oj { {r, t<,Er L -i qu ,}x wr+# { *l I € s/h }r s,eal ,::,>\.er =. f +,sd e1J r.f

Url pl - A- t i L74p crtr.j *t i d;4,^i g€l o)\^ai ?? - + Vh

f.rt.r 'd + US ,, t*"l url oJq! KOl s ,yt L{rJr; al -r, *,'

K fd'.(, .rh - + S\r 2 LIJL rr,r[ E 0l *f a. dti

,r{., Srs-t- rl;)L4 It E rll "l - + ,1.'-.t .fttri 6, cll + - + dl,,*-

l3t .rlr E Of ,af =: 1;6. olL ,il + sil" 4;) ,5- ql + ,.(ti - +,

;lel'r.g t ,ral .-f Or :i Jillr;,r+l ,.f, rlt ,ry .g!t- 0t - ,6 N

c,U y .5 .r ,rt5 Jn 2\ Vft .bv E-r* uu -{ st - + dx''* c+l

$ Ott U"b trg"rt a +V ,tit * - r.i. the 1l1r 6t't1;A crtlst;; d Crli .t "i)1, rrl "l "f t8 &,.L4 VI e. 9l5'" rl





6822 pnovrNclAl AssEUrLy OF tEsr p^xrsrAN [5rn rulr, lg6g

;itJ". ,p \rI rf c,rr f:^b f:erl cr - r5-bj* ! t*15 999sry

tetrl y 2 ,rl - cjtt 6L-Le 26i (4, - r.i. tLt 111- ,.trt€J

- 8- ,f-rf .rtr t- * - ,rJ. a s4,- ,41 - sfl$d. S *\) :1tte- ,f.. - Osf yr tf ,yl tf + ,f.,, l.* :l + Lj.l* Ot r fl

- 3a "J flLl g,r"c ,*+.

cnslrroN or Jos opponruNrrrEs roR tnr HoLosRs oF vARrous Decees

exo Drptol.rls

*11299. Mr. Hamza : Will the Mioister for Labour be pleased tostate :-

(a) wbcther the Government is aware of rhc fact that therc is acuteunemployment amoDg the educated classes.all over wcst pakistan ;

(b) if reply to (a) above be in the affirmative, the steps taken orlntended to be taken by the Gevernment to solve this problem ;

(c) whcther the Labour Departmeot maintains lists of persons whotave paesed Matric, F.A., 8.A., B.Sc., B.So. (Engineering) M.Sc.,M.A., B.A., B.Ed., F.A.C.T., S.V., J.V., and Diploma in Civil EeginecringExamination during 1958 to 1968 ;

(d) if suswer to (c) above bc in the affirmative, the number of pe r-roos out of that who have not becn provided with jobs ;

(e) io case such list is not maintained, reasons therefor ?



Prrllamentary Secrefary (Mian Miraj Dio) : (a) yeS.



8rARRED QrrBsrtoNs AND ANSilBI! 6923

1b1 Thc Governmcnt counrelliog aud guidance rerviccr have hecn pro-vidcd at Karachi to impart guidancc to such educated pcrsons as nccd it.It is also hoped to ertend such guiding service at othcr places accordingto thc avaihbility of fundg.

(c) No.

(d) Docs oot arisc

(e) Registration with Emptoymcnt Exchangee is onty voruntary.

L .r-t, .S.i.Sr- gy'*Jlk - Ylt rrLr - Otr f.i.. jg UL

,rf 2f p oe trl.,+ - {'dta 6,, + rrLl tr (*,t) r> E,.r,r:c) r*t i6 It S! th d$ )tt - 6- ..:bj cv o1{)y a drl.ui t5 or.ik+: q:. oslt)ls I .,f .rrtj ,>-)) .t f'f - c.19

t q- orlj

C!ry 14. , t\ ,.rl - )lr (.rL: - (oUJL .nl .(L) *t ,tj9sl*6 if Og1,**^ tr q- rstlj rtr^i g[ ,.lr-jtrlr "f tS- +f qr" n )*

- * ':!j$ E.r# t ri )-ro Jt .g! r.rl o:*-, ,sjg t3f - lJir Jrrr ,?lJi

c9.lrt .5 ds.rT $its A .e Ch lLi u., ttst ett rrk 4-;Laqualifications i[Ot ciL L ,4rV f.. Ot q. f? l^ra,Jl c-.tt,rf "f oS- f ,3L*, gr .5-u + od €sssr,e tJ - o9a CJr .,0t

t ot s{)tt A Sj :s

J 6.rtf ,*rt' ,5 c,!19- .Jb- + - Ytr yLt - e*tt y-19

f dlr oi sel c41 e{- Jr13 Jri al, srt - r*l Lf kr* ,ra

6 45 vt.* tr a Ji.*r, s* at\ ,rt jir .- bl $ ktr.r


6824 provnlctAl ASSBMBLy or wEsT PAXTSTAN [srH runr, 1968

f" Llr) o,_.r tk rlt tjlr- + "f ;I ,dtr't *n & 'os't

S os, Erf Gt ,+l er 111 t{J tf Ef ve )e L .l.'. - q- b.r

Ost# a-! ;tj o* sd.al9,a ,iUs L CFis: A 4-'rL .5 'i'j(-dt;';r ,$)st AttJ *f L 6t i2o *fr' K 0l lrl ,8 ! 2$ ,.*

CJ) q, r:-r; dtal fU hl u t o)1 ti dll ! rJ;'r I zh o3 '13;

.f.r uU r;t" ,5 ,ootrl c,tcJ,Ll 6i r4i jUr 3l ,tes: *A - ullf

r.f clr^.Ll cll -f ol Jt- clt.Ll ,, F-,,r1 rltd "S e .-l,J,,Sdrlrl

,ir ull .e pl * .ih ts'r g)\Ll -f 'ss1te^^'l ril .1tL L s*-tt

"f .!t.i 4 - llr ./t+ o(.l - q, ;L f Sct- talj)\' g;ttL,. L

t*.i*: st :tL..r.jY ,J ct9.U L ewl *i! *L; fU cry s#' "tto

i* * ,ji o. g1l q. '+ a# dtiil 4' oA g+'' itr t;lf

- + vg. pol lel +&* 6jr it 'l 'dt "U*' o1 of oNG f

.lJ6.lt; .9*, rr'l - Ylr vt't OQ '+ ,.r.r't(: df t* t'rl

& ,, o.r3U k:: a tl (4.D (4, "!U' E 'Jl t L rJ;a etal;l 'q /

- A x ox" J^d' L ,rl finences I a'if'- c {

,urb fJs r: si stL lb "f + q rf.f - Yl: wL: 1-.>-!)

,S + .rel .^l ,--.r .(ll .5 otl t q L) -tt l(i { €$sq A StArl

E ,fr .,H., - * 2.{ 1*s i} .f o*b L ";l r$t .,r .rtij

- +rL crL

Lr( /51;t-i 3 .:l.rel ".f q- cJl3- b.t* - trlp Jrar,rljr

- ,:r ylr: 6url -'T 1 ,A Lf ,.:.rJ tl gU




.S 7 \t.'f if L t1y. - Yl.r ' vL: I 4r - ei{r' :t)l


gra*ltD ouB$tloNs AND ANS${BRS 682 5

'*{4 ef )t..a J :lrel f -:ljt *^iL ,'J.i * 1eL s'il *' dlc- 4-1Lr

- ,rr-, .rj. U-t

L ,.iuri,.!tijl e .n* orl ita2" $:\'{ - 't'ti Cbi' LS"

rl;il *iQ P * ^f "t or - ll, tf ,rt=l e* ot'i 'Slt "f

"f,lf ,5 Jt - ra r"l>\. ,rr r11t(: 62'P ! uu 1'j>t". t+r dr'(a Jhin"

pl t)-*tsist - ov1 .f\ a g-fi ,/l r: ' ZV J f ;U 'r';ti

J.t - jt J f $ c.'s*l or::3Lc'-&f ,5 sol;c;l T:iU r'Jd +d-frt{

rB rt l{)ss ,t S ;r, .f rtJ e'x" .f, .fu*:l :€il\ ,2"'xt

,1 ,i Out rtr { e,-tr a tt - qu sfiu 2. lt.' !r\ Jrl

_ rJF_

Mr. Sperer : That is a suggestion for actioo'

,nlf d +.i+h, 'rilr .+lr: L r*T -.&ltl ,tl't T .*.-. ': ..:

q, - -_" ,;1 .5 Fit Counselling anq ,Guidance Servico's u-

[f .rK.y-i K,.ll t uu;l .lkf services 'J "f ox hta Uet-rt

e*;,r*f ,.iIt4l (.,L, ,-frlf iL,xl+otrfrrrKdl tA'

. - j't Counselling and Guidarce Services lu tr,;.: te$.r

b.l rf, a q )t) ,jlrJ ,sti.l .ir, o1 - Ylr vl;: - c;r.. t$t

- ra ,{.f t.r. ,.dsr ,5 4 d * o.lsfu c1r1 ciis ,.rl - +pL ,r.ai Ket$ q. .orJ-& 0l Olll &e a .-trL gf c;"3K- 4t6;

t -.1gU jefJ fr.t rrtrj ..,J! ,5 &..1i. - of 'os ^f 1A d ,lV tt

drtL, f- .ql - * 4f l ri^d; .s!j a or.7.r - 6-{ stl - ,-21l JrL

E Or tet oJ 2f iV 2t: Gtt q e-f.'Lo\IL ;* ;1L 6rpl- o.1

* A t ,J"#4. E Ot ;pl' .crs 2F i\,dql.l g.g 4 6rrllr



tf CL.

pn,oylNcrAl, rsstuBLt of tgsct lArrstex [5tir rurit, tg6g

f dll a. url - (# /3"*-- .\& ot $jr, tI



L ;g 4,*. v*V ;t): tf - Yl3 t7t:1 - Oli *r. gl* Ulr

e-h # rfitra! 2 crtlj "5. frrq.rqd- g*cy6t !T*fdia:.t-l JB.f a-f arta & f p-i ./l .l,JS- ,fl q 14..:tr+)

3f :lrtl e-it 4 L ti ssl Ct" hr Kr -f ,4;ta.r .r..e.i ^o


r.rr, p..- stfb d. a- tt t*f , Jb a, V$ ,4. o:..f &r-r.itrt

t s(.r?

*X C rJrl u.d ,* o. {.G, a-tt .Jlr- 4l - ** ,$9

- l{- a: ot$ ylr:

o5J 6rlril ,Al 2 E ,S*l .*t e, 6 0J u.l - 1Jdr;r rrr,r rrlj*. t u:ri &il, ,tl *t € - .- 6ss:* .,itrJl f*, .rrb g*a Y

6sti €.llc "l *f I o:f ,f f cx - llr r7h; - wu y-4g

,-- t:(- J, qr.r .$U ulJt a a| ,iV ur* g ,rl * r,L-. ,ql rrld>u J- 2 E Lf y!r- K .1rl rr )rL ,ig F, .$

'*, f .j

nlt ,itirl ,^tt*. el "f + Ltrr L c*.,rljr c/t+ - q* fu+ "",1t,l pl V ,>:*, ".(.. r5- ,*l yL"-l K.:tf (]rl ,r.ril Lr +-.l .(; .r. ,.furJei r-.? 6;slf)t i yt uy ,(irs d *:lril re "f$-ar ;*f,"::'J;x:.-I





stAx,rED Qt Bsrtol.ts AND aNrwEns 6921

L *AY "5.:.;(- 63fr. W ,rx rJL - !13 ,-,t"- - ti.rr yj9

- 2l: ,5 t* u+5- ,5 man powors services "{ + gf "Ie; rr

- S uS lLj ,Lytrs ,-*t f / +q { syt ru irt -r+

,+. yfr: L dl:- dt; .d t i_F - .t'frU ,bcl 4.a,, ;,-df Gb.r ,5 o*t st ot { sP *t ,d z Ut, L v-V :tjsrJr?rcrl ,,.i1 q -L**f &LFcl,ritr- ts2f fl6^f f.tJ vt f qf jh q, ur3,, e r:rt.- ulrcrl J? rD aS:l a..:-rlr,:, ( pl-i ,5 at gi f+(9, !f+-l tr Ol ,.j"U L d subjeote

- q_ qfl qr vtr: {5- L* _ * N

"The Qsyslsmeot couosclliog and guidanco

scrviccs have bceo providdd at Karachi ro impartguidancc to sucb educated porsols aa Dsod it.'r

r.5 Ot qf .:iL FJ., .f, J? dtrr { l*, { .7tL. { grl 3;

dlr5. o.;lsl r_e .s- t+ krrl L cx + tJ fSrjr, .rtrt Z ;-.,ibl3i o.rl;l ot /9t 3i L,:p piU "f cD d + ,s t-*, *)2- pl q

- l*",

- + ..21:l r.t-Js .f,il + - r.rC dU,+. O-trL - r*re $gyl osrV.j ei or 2-t: C LLf ul[,. ,* drr(. rr.1 rJ!*it ;tjb.l: o. uJ.rJlr E Jt - * d;st 4. tlr?r cr5 2f t*if =, VL

;l- interesb L rsj,ao. 1et u:, tsb. L tJ;ip E .lf ol 2f niV

,.,rtl tr, !t{ f ot.jl*. gl .rr}t - c,y 2f' Jrt- oL3L. *. Ls\- +- d t 6t tf

"ilellr E *s34tt -t^ q 2f vir &:it




UT "f q a dl-r- lr., - Ylr ?t+ - JuU etrcl l1nr.;-.

6828 pRovlNclAl ASSEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN [Sru lrlre, i968

)1 sd. a.i ,:,j)\. sf b, S ,:9f5,:i! ,ql'i J?A ,'!ti.rr51 1-r1

lf ult*^r.5,rrar ,:, f b s:, dy'e(- ,iQ - + V-d,riL.r.1


;Ua;;l uir{ rrx^Ip { ,rl L cse)$.- ilt*U - .fw :l*,t L,,.d

- tS*l Ut? - r:.fe r;jg

- u#' C.'p \rlr: a .leg -f - rJfltl /irl 19.*";:-.,

L s.:G 6f.r. ,r{ + l t, ,!- v^V :tjs - ,3o>, 22,,r

.:itfs .a (e, n + qrnJ t" 6 +sr 6 t>y 6rljl .i-, E eLK'l

f ..t& L9r o9 ..(i ,5 yl l1a c-f ,^t .j K ,tl ",f Ot, ti;ffE"J

":.!Jtr "l.cj n1 - E(. q ,srC .9,, eJti ,-f ,rl .e. - t;;*. $tta ]Vgf ,'iti man power committee .S1t ^f lrr J$l ;f. oL 3)

- Lt -{ o"rt btsl: gr.,{l lrl 2 ,i\ K,:rU rl

Sracr Cenntece Psnulrs cMNTED sv Rrotoxll Tn.tlsrontAutnonttY RlwetPtNpt

.11314 Malit Muhammail Akhtar : Will the Parliameotary Secre-

tary Transport be pleased to state tbe names of companies and number of

stage carriage permits along with tbe names of routes granted by the

Rcgional Transport Authority Rawalpindi in its meeting held on the I3th

and lSth January, 1968 ?

Parlismentary Sgcretary (Khan Muhammad Iqbal Khan Jadoon) :

The names of companies and number of stage carriage permits along with






thc names of routes granted by thc Rcgional Transport Authority Rawe'l'

pindi in its meerieg held on the l3th and lsth January, l96E aro

given in a statement placed on the table of thc Assembly'r

L.11 ,!t: I .ft. ft ost* ld t,/q -J tt - o3rr i..r

&ls Cl glw ot. ..rl - + cCx llrr; * r>-ra.t tl ,? JUr& S Atf tJ tf *-{ d-l,t t+s .!".,

MinisterrorLaw:TheRegionalTransportAuthority,Rawalpiudi,had dcclared open ?7 routes including tbe district anri inter'district routes'

After condtrcting proper survey and inviting applications for the grant of

permits and observing all the formalities provided by law and keeping

in view the provisions of section 49, these permits werc granted'

AsoLrrrox oF POSrs Or sTBNOCnAPHERS et Govser'{MeNr Tn'.NSPORT

SsnvtcE, Sumun aNP HYoenesAo

*11323. Kazi Muhammait Azam Abbasi: witl tho Parliameotary

secrotary Transport be pleased to state whethbr it is a fact that thc posts

of stenographers at Gover;rment Transport Service, Sukkur and Hyderabad

wcre abol,ished by.the Road Transport corporation after the receipt of thp

award of the Indusrrial Court 6xing pay of Stenographer of Government

Transport Service, Hyderabad in the pay scale of Rs' 250/ and new posts

.of Stenotypisrs were created in the lower pay scale of Rs. 150/ which both

tbe stenographers at sukkur and Hyderabad were arked to accept after

giving them notice for thc termination of r,heir s:rvices ; if so, reasons

tboreof ?

ParllamentarySecretarY(KhanMuhammadlqbalKhanJadoon):Thc Award of the lodustrial court fixing the mioimum pay of Rs. 250/ lbr

thc stcnographer of Government Transport Service, Hyderabad was receiv-

cd on 30th August 1967 and implcmented accordingly. The posts of

stenographers at Government Transport Service, Hyderabad and Sukkur

wefe not abolisbed but down graded to that of stenotypiste in the scale



.Please soe Appendtx III gt the end-


of Rs. I50-g-lg0/10-300 -vide an order dated t6th January r96g inthe interest of economy. Thc incumbcnts of the posts of stcnographerswere ofrercd tbe lower posts and since then they have becn working againstthese posts.

RevgnrloN'or Me. M.U. KneN Cor.rrrnueo Csrer AccouNre,Nr rNFoRrfrER Slxn Rorn TnrNsponr Bolnp

tll524. Kazi Muharomad Azam Abbasi : wiil the parriamentarysecretary Transport be pteased to state whether it is a fact that Mr. M.u.Khan who was a confirmed chief Accountant in the former sind RoadTransport Board on the eve of Intcgratian and was officiaring as contrortcrof Accounts (Director Accounts) has bcen rcverted to the post of Ac-counts officer in the scare of Rs.750-t,J00 and a deputationist from EastPakistan Railways has been appointed as controlrer of Accounts ; if so,reasoDs thercof ?

Parliamentary secretary (Khan Muhammad lqbal Khan Jadron) : Itis correct that Mr. M.u. Kban was a confirmed chief Accountaotin the former sind rransport Board in the scare of Rs. 460-30-200on the cve of Integration of Boarrts in 1957. Much tater, i.e. in

.June, 1961, he was appointed Dcputy chiof Accounts officer bythe former wcst pakistan Road rransport Board in a higher scare,viz' 600-l t50. Mr. Khan was appointed contro[er of Accounts inaddition to his duties purely on temporary basis on two occasions inseptember, 1962 and in August, 1964 when tbe post fell vacant. In Aprir,1965 he was given an officiating charge of the poet of controiler of Ac-counls until a regular appointment to the said post was msds. As soonas tbe post of controller of Accounts was filled in, in November, I963 oothe first occasion and in Jury, 1965 on tbe second occasion Mr. Khan wasrelieved of the addirional/officiating charge. The post of coptroller ofAccounts (now Director of Accounts) in the Junior Administrative Gradecarried a fixed pay of Rs. r400i-. Thcrc was a general rcvision of payscales in 1963-64 and the corresponding grade for officers of the Centralsuperior service was rcvised to Rs. r600-1700. The present incumbentwas drawiog psy in this grrdo with thp coicurrence of the provincial




sTARtlD OrrElTlONt AXD ANt$wEts 6t3lD'Govtrnmcnt, and only senior offccrs possessing gualifications as prcscribed

by Govcrnmeot can bc appointed to it. The present incumbent is a very

senior officer of the Pakistan Railway Accounts Service. Mr' Khen who

was in a yery juuior grade of pay (Rs. 460-30-700) at the tlmc of lotc'

SrstioD caonot claim this appointmcnt as a matter of right.

GovnnxlreNr Tnerspolr SsRvIcE rN PnsurwrR AND D I. KnrxDtvrslotrs

'11372, Mr. Hamza : Will the Parliamentary Secretary Transport

bc plcased to Btate :-

(a) tho mouth-wise income of the Governmcnt Transport Scrvlcc intbc Pcsbawar and D.I. Khan Divisions since January 1966 upto datc ;

(b) thc number of routcs withio' the said Division ou which thc

Govcrnment buses werc plying during thc said pcriod ;

(c) in casc the monthly incomc from thc said sourcc bas dccrcascd

during the year 1968, reasons for the same ?

Prrlirmentary Secretary (Khan Muhammad Iqbal Kban Jadoon) :

(a) Road Traasport Corporation does not maintain statistics of its Ser-

vices Division-wise. Howevcr, Pesbapvar and D.I. Khrn Divisions aro

witbin tbc opcrational area of G.T.S., Peshawar. Accordingly, month-

wisc income of G.T.S., Peshrwar since Jenuary 1966 upto date is givcu in


(b) The numbcr of routes op*atcd by G.T.S. Peshas,ar most ofrhlch covcr Pcshawar and D.I. I(haa Divisioos is rhcwn in Anncxure.At.a

diUrl S-; 'd t+ E Dl, ,S;.fu g;,}..,t! ./U" t5- - cyp ;t r'6& & LU s*, .il,lr.Jt-i 1rl rJH {:.ib *, rose tlf &l' a






lflr*i tce lpgcrtdix IV at tk enil.

6t32 provtNcr^L arrilrDLr ot w8tf,. ?aEtsTAN 15 rB ,uNB, l96t

)tl r;t+r. ,jlt Lr*l i Ol r I q-? q, 3 r t.r.r 613i1 ,rt L

19S-.l11 s1,-. s9t)q, r!ti. LVI - r-ce, \;rf r I yy1r r oi*T ^,t^L

,rf,a .r.*r n drr qy.lrl tr-tr -.i./Ur,*rrn GtrrJlls.rl

tf .!.rr *rej t|l nnt60^ ,Jl tAtoal yA6r1rr,r;r.I;r(.1 *6it ,J"d sb.ltl

Ministcr for Law (Mr. Allah Bachayo Ghulam Ali Akbund; : It icclcar in thc ansuer -

"Tbc drop in tbe income during January to March, 1968, as com-

pared to corresponding periods of 1966 aod I967 is mainly duc to shortaSc

of buses and grant of route permits by R.T.As. to privatc opcrators."

Li ,!,A L f 4-5.,- c&li\ ,d + lLl q L vI - 6,*;l-r \

1t-3erl.ul a -q L) ltaf,6ptL. L*t*.rti.111 -ol /{;a:uPl .rrK 3,1 rtr'i ,5t1r-+ q, 0l r4t E flr 6lr;-U ,tl\jf t-

I .rptr gita-11J 5.rt + )ti, J? 4 A ol w.ri.r.T 6(! q-

Minister for Law : Naturally, when tbere is competition aud thcre

are so many route permits on which so many buses are plyio3, tbc num.

ber of passeogers is divided. Therefore, there is drop in incomc.

rj\ ,t + .,iYr 'r.'l L -J qr vtr: - lrre tLr .11'r.p ,rlr,it ,f af ts r. *r - * ,,sil t .t d':J5- ,5 Lt', ,riJ'[ u^' d*r-t E ,rit"-h .,i.r.l e 'a* '{ -i - t ,,tf G:ts- .* + ,f tl

E ,,f tempt.pl E .l) dx-..rt1j e5-01 r', - lrU ri1

,.f-f ,tL r4l rJSi-; Lc.r.L' olEV

rJti uJa. q, itv* 4* L vI t{? - ,(* vL: - .jr. fu







ileiriS qprrtol$ Aib rxiivsflr 6iJ3

- sai ,53sr dt- crlr q ctlor Lg* .1ri te, t** 2 {*)2.J.tr

JJq Jrl Ot* J.r.-l .r13 ,f + ,'r" + ,,.et f oli6 .*)s vu: tf,l*l1ef yl Dpa ,5 Of .pl r.rg * ,"-l rf dyr-C #4 rl, if,{.,dr-t d diL.(- "& ,r# gt competition o* o-*r,5,et.f&l -t*tl-i

dr:rtr }f ,5 Oyu.zg 0l 1el + Et" UhJ r:-rr;i:f o:{.1 ,*'

+ { .,ir.T .5 ,ys-r- .J,t3n,,.tl} ,!*,t)f e'a?t oi q ,rrr

,rl u[ .,p. rr-r rf olfr(- *f e- Lte u{ + - OrU rj,_ qg tE t# ,: r.ry ,:rttll ;i: stll

rlrr; 1.16, lfi. ,{ * ULr.f Lr,,-.-lqa o1.r - l!.l.l$ ql1

Jtr , .rtrj .lLjf, S 4t -Jti ,!;.;)f a s: a- { ,5 ,sliyi.f r4t - zib .urr ur,..iEt s1r tlr**f Lt:JtS A,:l Lrs ,.,rnJ

pf *r, a \),5 ,,ll+tr rrLj cp et*|i t^\f f'f otf

.JE ,. ori*f co,rtrJl.i J+r+h ,*rt L,rllrl cd 2f *d5r-; 6 ,J+5" Al#1, .r!j ,-(ta e tfr r.tf uJlbt;rl r,rg .l*'.,1 rrr+ 6 o.1,;J 4$l* t"" I *rl e-.;f, *-r uf * ,s

- 5 -rr {tr A L,'l3e f, e1 *itit

L ra! + tt.;1rJ f3Yo1"4.J-l-trlt4Lw -ry*sr*

ltd ff .tJ ji ui! rlJ.l ;j3 t5 - jl, r.i,. dirrJi? - r r rao*

-; *5- E #t"r;

q {'i:t{ 1*1 rltr.rLi*iLJ- :17lef 1t;t"t &l-'l (.-iJl)

F#! 6 L"*xl;f "-G" "51 s*, "{ S caK: "r




683,+ pr,uftNctAl AssEM$Ly oi wtsr pAKtsrAN [5rH junt, l96g

try +) 2f 'f*-225 2 L r'.1113.r-l j(;l r-- lrl)tl ,.lrfrrtJ L ,Jtr".L .f,1 -ir{:f d.i- st!

fe, ea.:. f r r-r-,yr e1 0l;er f. iifJl L U*+ u-t:- +) l\ r.6' dr*: sf 'ssits

!f ,l o.t i + u* ,rLit -,t- f yU (.Jt) ,y..{l (v)

Ji-l tl ,J"r, ft si ! r:ft { Lf h ,rf d jtllff qg rrto3*3 l,f

$.t-t d 4..? (.-,1) : (rlti l,(. ,Jti) r5j,(.- tS*.Jhta-"-t t.rA 6).r .5- tar- tf U, .,.19- ge:.0lll o.l -rf rr-o-t.t.,n

,{ * €,15:, ,Jtj .(rl rf (Jt;) .lrrrL sl-i*s.,"..l "t .ef

f: tl).,+) 0":l--l -{ a-o. I i 1A ,$ frt - ,e, ,jf .f L Ct *li- uS uiyt dtt-t sift ts;F 6l

lnf ltrll Y ;rt o,.l Dl Lre, 6.;llr*-, L :l-}1rs .t,::-l (rr)

' 2n ur.C .16 .:LlrJl f q;

a^lr ,Ja"t dlr- q .:ir \fr - Ylr vU: - jl, J.i. \9r,-uft ,g ot; e*l .ir* L ".(,*. L -J .,€{ dJ ,tl i k, fJ t'f ei$r,.,rE dlJ'il dtr+ L u,*.r? &q + ,{.5.*K; gltlj .r "f U 15

,S bJ Utj L -j, + Lti, e "5- Lt {,.-tJ6.,r a. uj )rl t2{ )\,rlc,tiji,.i ..I .,.; ,ri J. ,zt$a a ,f & . )rl ,F 15;r slift 6.*.tn

., J 4 9i st, .(Jl - + L;,.tr.i-.rs.AE:.! .f lrr fA.rf Lfi Lf i:tilJ rf "l 42r)) )tl + E ,r# ., + ai) J" eJl,



. itehinb qtrrstloxs ANb exswtns 6835

is.y :t)s l{ i + tlE .r+1 r^i +- uf! .}-.r: .}iK, q 6 l-tt ltdL a-f uPli .*rrj )tl Gf { Ltf el4,a-i tI ,rl

"f rry del ciLil3 - Ylr .rL: - (,,-t l.r- .fi-) tl! rt.ul $!obr L C? X. dlr "l ,po eir o," ,! ..5 etK* :a :* dV )a€"ift ,Jtlj .$t n5- ,r€i ,nr r.Jt- c,t19c e{i .:ir ,rl. tt &t- vlP. aL ,rl ,5r .S dfo{ 14 L LI L dls- tl *,r+i .,9:. ,J.tt E 0l

*1 l+J Js, d:*-r g.-lriJr {,5 0l f ,, ",9}*:s r+1.{'r't

eru s,.t .^f osS t*., u{J LL s& .t tt [.:,=.13- -.1 Kdlr-

- ,_*i u{,5'rc d.r qp 6l* d+ Lrjl url .(i

9 tsi Lr vls: -f si. zL vI -.fa. 1'l.,,

- e t1!) u. -f ,-F . - s*t{ rlr.l;ig

- e Jrt !r '19- ur &l L "t . L gi .r-Lp '(L - t**.;.-

,.rfr: ?? { J"t trr .iir gl i vlr: vL: - ,orp rlll ;11

_ ti t9r Jy:.

Mr. Speaker : That may be a fortnight beforc that, or may be a

month bcforc that ?

Minister for Co.operation: No Sir, I don't think so.

ot L V{ Z- djril G?.f jn ,--t, .(L - jl, r.r, gir{a

- * )n-y.r3.i Kg'"t ,.r\ *r, + Ae

+ ,*y cr9, .fil .,el ,rq 4r - gia! rl.Ul ,g9

"$J," "{ ,r1.r r:rjL.l 4a,. -J f,l { ,sld C* * - llr rlLr

cni n "Jb I W LtS 4F A a! d q ,z-le;sr rfll .f ,'tl e


ease pnotrxdrlr essnuilr.y oii wesi pe(rsrr'u [5ru luNe, l96t

"-(r*. a;l ot; s-tr g*ll uitf u,.. ^f L rrl fhl .l-1, t4"-* 9f gt

- dr.rJl.i u* J(.l- J-r Ot ! .;r: 4f ,! L

IupleusNurloN oF RssorurroN RecanorNc sETTrNc up l couurrrBB .ro

Itrvssrrclrs rNro UNEupLoyMBNT or Enucnrrp peopre.

.11763. Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : Will the Minister for Labourbe pleased to state :-

(a) the steps Government havc so far taken to implement the resolu-

tion passcd by tbe Provincial Asscmbly of West Pakistan on -the lOth ofOctober, 1967 urging upon the Government to sct up a Committee toinvssligsls into the question of unemployment of educated people and

the reasonr thereof, adult education and its feasibility and technical edu-

cation facilities ;

(b) in case any Committee war set up in purruance of the said resolu-

tion of tbe Assembly, the details of its recommendations-and if no actionhas bcen taken, reasons therefor ?

..G. {$Jtr dlr- + - llr vti: - (0ti JtJ .11 ,-f,L) .ra, yjg

,t )tl + tt tr.l G.gt f cb ".G. q 2 fl t€.' ,eL:. - *t*;of +) ,f 4.r e,l9- Kurl

- &l E, Lt1 J7*e. ll3* _ *tb $t

il, e# &, h $ L u*. dl3- q vu" - )Jio,rc.re aJji

- t€i t.f

ter tlr f ,h.*t r. LgT u.,el Kcl - $*, ,t ,.





- 8 - a3t'. ss u+l r+l urt.; y' ' fb f,rrr't r;li-

.ll* pl oll jl *,=. $t l{ - c,,V y'ul e,.r' srti - t t,rrr'*

-- SL rrt'tj

;it* yl dKJt E 1g;i$ Lt,'ls '*{ +. r*il3 .r'l 4 !I ('-jJl)

)tl, js|ls.* 1$,,:Ql 4 .(i U-t*-f .(r$ J4 r:T

cr! Zt pj , Lf ,.i+, Lrtrpl ca!,11 r-U 6s.t,ri ,3

,-rr, fjX. .t df d dr..i A$iir ,fia oe .(;.,..? Jrl

ot i) {:grf .:.r(- n tl qr crtil vlr: Kllt (JJl) th fl (v)

t + ,i{:.rlrl Kif ':rLl'ril tf ,* bV'

L cr.3G - ,;d f|,* - (0,, Ctp .lt.) Oi.rfu 6rlr-.lJ\

+ ,F ,5 s.t' *Jlu iJ L ,:*)-)" d ei 'r4' o-i E c't"Gl t'e-;i:'

6;9si "oJ,rl c.U diir.e,!" 2 L d3:.j)r\, ,i*t $it9r' lfi.rt(.lt ,rL1

gKl(;l ,;x^rl .^f ,;"1- trL. ,rt*- L o}.t*-f .f+(i Ja ' +- ur{r \ e- \{ !f 6x*, e. rJt*-l ;i g..lol '^'U .51'r.aj L s}lsn-

- f Uf a"t: st..; 6tsf vf il:a{ if r.l'. }t-" url (rr)

Suppr,v or Supruon QuerttY or Rtcs

.11963. Khan Ajoon Khan Jrdoon : will tbe Minirtcr for Food bo

plesrGd to 6tata :-


6838 ?rovrNetAl A'tlrrtly ol ?trt ,ArlrrAx [5ru ruNr, t96t

(a) the total quanti(y of superior quality of rice produced in lllcstPakistan in 1967 ;

(b) the quantity of rice out of that mentioned in (a) above,as was (i) reserved for consumption in west pakistan and (ii) rescrved forcrport ;

(c) the District-wise supply of rice mentioned in rb) (ii and wbctherthc supplies were made tbrough Government sale depots or privatetraders ?

Parliementary secretary (chaudhri Imtiaz Ahmad Gill) : (a) About6'66 lac tons.

(b) (i) No rice has so far been reserved for internal distribution.The cntire marketable surplus is beiog purchascd for export.

(ii) .d quantity of about t'98 lac tons is likcly to be purchascd forcxport.

(o) In view of reply to (b) abovc, question does not arise.

L cr5,l r* vlr: f. (.rl) - tl3 etq - OJ+ OL Ol+t Ot-

-lt1 lrd .'i 11 efy .r (# cr q:a r.Jrta Kcd t"-lr "f + \.f,rih + ,t'.rli. qr *f! t .i-p.J q, zfb rrf 9ro*(1l .d- t: )sl

t{.. tf o7e L c)gsc,;it, tf i q Ub.l ,j,,t.,;n rn sfl o

l1 a:r tf 6 ,-rl i,s"tu rfl)tl +,rf ,5,-iaf jrf ;Lf,

'd + p!* -{ 9T - Yl.e vur - (,j-{ l.r- .(L) ttby .f-ttO_t* L Otsc ft) ta + tit" .J ti9i 9i ..(; ,r*.i rr rr.. fll;f 6ta.r * Urr l+l u:rrlri)tr &.,,^t rq L sl + Ut" hei tr".4 L oltsi dl .r+t 6t*.$l ,511 .j -{t q.:\I 6t.riu efy v.

,rt - v4 .r., :l.rl+ J;ti ,;f i ,-t *{t C t,:tf dt yl




i u'-l + tij r,o,i rr ,: "r *I- W tf dtr "l.L p. tr".4tJ-

dh d Ur oUU, e;rf ^j **f ,s*crYt- r:ft )tl + ruf., -,1f+ L5lr.ri cJt+ l;L,,.:i1r ,rl,;sl *V t1t5olrt ,j a.,rl "fu uu

- o$.[rt- r:!j u=ir*l JJt .r.,b5- pfj>\ k+f .f

e el $ + #r- €+t & - llr rrt+ - 0J+ 0[i Oftl OB'

d-rle J: ,f { o:f vf.f o*, bA ;b lLf rJ:\.lj r.:!j a ritljsr.l .ll gLE ual * ,r{ + .l.e /. L VI cs 2- ti b o: ,r.. .fi. gnt

,t .f + CN e)ssc f orft )tl + tiel gF3ri ; c..j ,Lj,,,.

f/lJ 4a "f d* $ { ,ssf tff 4 q c1te.r-ll - qr j+r-til 2 A o3,.s, JL; ,, *.irf 4t ;rt rai t6f tr4 &tl,e ,get "'tri E *i ;rsl1 pl At f (:i Vi ,:od O:{ u t*t Uf.It!. A stsi ,at rJrtr 4vt o3 ,d + &u .f q sf of_f

'''jr . f drla t? {f f ,s:f €-f o* 2 nl - *C f Jtl'

tr W f of! "i.sl Lr+3 #l; ,t + ut? er uo- .(L st a-

- lt"

vtl A ,, gfl y {f A 6 ,irl{ L ,:,,- - f.tsy ,a)s

+ lrt" hrel ,oQ of sfY r .,rb a +ef *f tJrb 4al +sc irgsl

)tl + ub .rr iE *"f + ub tef.; .rs 2 L 6'r e+f e o* ':t

u.r ,eYu 0t r, ,tU Lf l.l,.g rf ,tl l: +.ttt" ! o{ "l1r grt s?f

JJI lt" !r "i e"ali E 5J O,.lt-,,Jrb "f ttt51,.Jtr,.1 ,^ri> grl

: r, - )V tr*t rlr e E Lt5 r,rlr..r.i


6840 pRovtNctAt; AssBu'BLY oB WEET PAEISTAN [Srs luxr, 1968

s: 2 4-tLr ot e- ,,t; *t- L5tsr,*jr vu: - c;* .Lr

nt L 0f tf - ,f f .r.T;.r ,.r,:r+ U #bf jX+ pr i \ ,* ;'tt.e*Il9 .2,.t sS 4 ,3(.J 4 .,& '# "(U 4-rU, -f .r.ir{ '{ e- r.ry nlc

t4, dr" , jl."(:. o 'lJt- a-rf .,rlK -i.r. 2i ,.dL # "f e-

- 4(4.r.ri i\ ,,ft. e.Jrb '-f-rl rrl

Mr. Speaker : Thc Mcmber should bctter ask this question in the

Natipnal Ass'embly.

t-rt+ ,U6;* a: *slj $s r7h q, - J.r,. thr ./rr- .rrtr

t q- *-;: { Uf + i"l Ja r:i1,

- + o# 3i f\tl gls ,rV Ly. - *St.;* SJS

tof ^f t #tri rl uti yjr vt+ !f - rrlr r.a. qlri

llto o r.lu .,/o ,*f ,Jq u.d .,1 dL 4rl *5- q tL,,-l + rf rJl

Lry dt&Ja ':'';'e' 4,J*JU 15 L''fb o)3r'9'a d '='f(-

r.b K .5itl{.rt 5 dl ,s* )*L L u-J\ a*+. - sftp *jljr{ A,r f ,:"d t^,., cJrb f tll r'6 ,rS + grt*-l 4*. utJ - ,*rir9rt: lrl ter ri: .f,lt { S\* 6 Ol d3t" t{ ast k6?*

{r.6,r ,.J qn

*l rs*t el i- [i t^ol.- W l.rl tc,, ti3t L!t^*;l u11 cil.i-.1 .5 *r.a

&y q b,,).rl t*. li .r) o15i-. Jrot u3-{ e.*+. VT rft - 2t- ,.

2 L.rl - U !t3. J!+:$ U + *l ULf *J.>t,r)tf oe* )ti l La-1t.il ;J + dti 15- ;31 d3o Lo[' $-d ,frt gy gglri .f cil q,

t:a) )t5 jf dtJ r.r-t' L LtJ- *,rL.:j "f Z uJb e+.--4 s6





;1f;f pU 3f ,.,.i zfb U.11 L+lr.1t':l r.-'-te .-(L - .16!0' i*.(a.z1i) - 4Pt

srri 15 Jll1.i r.jr .rt+ w - llr .rh ' 2tJr r..r' erlj*

.SL at\t tf A urL-l l.p+ K orl 4z "S' g

's:-d ';'-l'iJr !*'

rjrb.rrl *b uus-Jrt.;j Jf tit:. f\ tlr ztv" f' 'tV pl -fta +) 6 pr Jrl '? t5' t" tJtJ *JrL1j e & rll u"ti L4l 4l

K ,"r'pJ te,, tst ,Jtr- t33l l.! s#l L =-l.r g-9'r- t'ti k ,F

3fy r:,L L.,il r.. .'.? {f tf rr, ,-r,, '/h 'P + clt+ 1.," t*lr:

uj +f! rr dL ',,r1

a ta, r.r,l y r* 2f t* 6ta ubla,r-[ ;,1

efy e) s. sr ,, +5-y o jh - ,a qt f procuro n *l L

J.t! ,lrb .t9t e- trLl rt3ll L Jlty .fss S;-' '{ t*" .:i :

Lr?- Jr.Y .1.rl t. sl +rrr r . - tr &;jf ,ri sfy o+ 'Jtl ' q-

l.qg JJa rt ?? ,rl:iJtit {rb + ti.r''t' *sl tr tl +Ur I o ' ''

,- Jl" ,raj.f s...; rI drb -ri #t+ ;b;rr a rJri)\e 2t: 2f

)tr," drb :l o4l' L rf r9)t'! Pr 15- + "eil3 "l .l

"lr*il3 ,rl u'$ *l' Jrl - {- b.t Ji: ,trl K 5lr:* 6lb a ;91 'tJ 2K' I

L * ,.1 rr9rr ,lrf .p r\p.- { J:l:i clrta tx 4Y d *d +

e* f fl* S oN U*a-* ,'-' e'!t- ,.rrlJril -/ tS-n .r.l., r*tt

s$ 'sf stri Aru ot ^{ L ,yl 24 {-rt d ?-L:. t '-r rJ* ill

Al yl - 6f r&rl trLVr L olrb q, oeieos ,fii f h rluJ e,rd[ .f p; .rf tf - ,r* c"tl' { c":*"" 2 L oip'ls pl

.s: r"p ..,-k- q tf - q tJ lq urr' &* .iru f oft L 1o'

E.,&l'"f 7 6*l e -,rit" J lL .e, r+ r):Jrb-r'l[xrl "Ff '



6842 piovtNct^L AsEErrtLy or wesT pAEtsrAN [Srn ruxn, 196g

131 el; r.(;t -{ a-h ,rrC r.!,r t* .,rLf ,.IJrt,-;j c_;t.o a Ltl.j\y 'd c- d" d'1, ,*. yl { oer-f * Lre) )rl { orts#b r53tL dtlq\ n S+ ,-jf,StU. a .i,3(. 6f ,,. tJL* ,::^.r(-

l-.;- *" g,rG Sfe "J&. hl or ,{+ q$.f .Io,F r}\y a

dL :" dL L e,f- G3fr. a ^?J ,,5 ,519;.{ ,r4l ;rl ,r:(- *.;

'{- .,1'j Llt3 .1q$'

Jl "f O-lr Uf 4)-) e 6.11r ,r.3 qs;,rt ,-f ,rl q. _ .ftlf- :ljlL ){ rty} L3} +{ "i erf - + .i*il b'p*i ,F q de:.e(- 3.r

0t rr .{ U?f e1 ;,S.1 * t*l ,;b e+ 61Lo - * Vtt )ti 6,*.

4P dit"l5.+1., \lri qf 1rf .;)Url rl .r! Jtcl s,-f iL L,.) L 6 ,a! rgrrr . + ,rt' .21) + Ujt Uf5- a. rl)l cli$Oh yl a Ji';- 6.h,t - tlr './l+J, L/ti w a;stt l: .J es-y

J'rb .+.rr L i +f) r { .:.3K- .r'l E. ,irs{ glssl ssl * g,Z*a

.f ,0,*, tg.rtil ,g. .:.JE ,5 .*1" qlri 1[ .1! L u.. - + ,]fu-U t{ + rti;- ,,,1 Kl--tp *?l-ri Uf f A t.f ugrs u;V i:,i;*.

.l.r.Y ;-rl. dtit;,f - y212;a.t - Orflt* et',rl 2tr Lf l+t drta

s& r5.prrrr) U 4l .trl , - #t" )t 1sV. *Lf .#Kdurl

tlJ- )el -+ tit+..r .,i! + 8x s:.J CV r .l -f ,rdb.J +5-J

,rL r9i r+tp n?bi - + .;L:, E Ah E ,-..i ;,l*l K.*t,6 ON rrllr+\ .rltj d" ..f orr bta t'g;* e. 0l or qU r.rl#tr.

-ZrV UJ,r l.lF.^ lJt"u.frl -f ,r,sl + rr^h o r'--tli 6l ,relatit.ir r,Jrb Uh +{ S + ta1 rJsl trN * g>\Ll Or sel r: r.JL ;d'f + ,{: Lt crjtll L fi r+r - ur ef cjt :-l S-l u +





,,9+i - ot f i_[^*:-l 3f 6t t * ,,r, ujtr 2(.Jrb .(r .r o

stl + db 6 =. oK *Jrij L &itt," si s€.:.1{ si +,.rib .5 -f'6.lL .f. ci.3(r j\:, s.tl sf:" 6f o31-bo$ Q.r"f fsc *t s&l o{

- + u;1., -i)kr.l uitf )tl + ,S^I r",,

- U(. y ,-rt, .i>\,:;l 4 )t .rilL {;45 - )Jip J.a. rrljri

E ,St, Gl:" ss;e li a otl vT ,S + clt r 1.r.. - €b* $y.ffi.i.Li; 6:t6,:il ;rl .5*t- .^l )tl + jrt o:!j tit. LLf al>t^. )j 6

.ry rtrt 4-l- q. u,l dt- ..,r.t . * 6st:o 4. a

- * Bst n= .r)13- oiie - ,*,* ,t*,

,^fcs-yt krt" t;rfjre {: - frr vU: q. - gg1ti lid 11.r..9.-

"!*L crL3t, "$ * t* f"l t-il .(:l f uils.lt{ 15 cll*l oYlr- tiit '

f:r oh:.r { r;.(:t Jf,-r, kE, Lvl * vdq5r *4Ji {LfLE 4 irt .5 rllr*t- 11.: a...i .,a4 a-1Ll ot:l-r: ;] oYlj* *f +,5 Lf ,l)-{ Ctb.rl .rrl .a 4h ;p oUk LE - uu lh if ;*

+ !ct" 6 'Ptr- rl;a trf {)j a. f) Ls* 6.rtl gr.l qr - €t:* ,l)l

L .';I .f t{i b; f ,-r* ,! (J|. - ,JffU pbsl t9.*, :1.-

r.ll91l rl[Le 6)\d* 6}:.Jrt* )tl ol;,. sllj vd { -s, 6 Lrp.GrI .3) f)\tl Un citi3l u4{ ciir iD r:t;19- L *!tr- 1,11,


,5 ,rf - sr irf 'prrf ,5 Lf eids track ;:l ,a if' mislead

*+ rx eLI- t ;1til ,gJrh.;lri .f rnr/r nd a- { j, du...f,tl


6t4'4 pRovrNcr^L ^rsiulLi

o, wlJr pAElsl^N (Jtn ruxl, tg68

,(rf ?? - + od FrU .,iJt*rl .5,JE JU u3-f ot"r "f tf hf "r

roit, .-rJteil ,3rs-;lj Otor ,r# e4. .rl4 ".f lh trU, y Ja

vl+.t. vt:: f ,Jtr- 4l L *V oF - ,JE ra-r: - q ,& sr

L o.)!n 3{ ,-tftl ciil *Li L *lf af lLy L a:a, .t)s

Counselling and Guidanco Serviie ,Sl 2"f j:r .:.r, w dy*-

uFl dtaS - O3a 'iilt e o!t- 5 otor gy vt+ - + eSti "1l.rl K

.:.j1, dt*- ,S ,:9fil .^JU {r.t i J- - u.d ,oi6 o.1t:l ui-{ K r'ie{ c'l.t- Jl 17T rs- tr osf €.f e- r;T q, - y vf jk"1 q.

fLbt K.llll - 6f fl.r:-f { d- L ,}flJt ot ,{ otf +r-

mislead A7 a. rj: u{r ,:,!lrt €, f rllrll )tl - otf- tllr .^i

.;hl ef4 vt-il 4? - !b vL,r - (Otr ;! airl .(L) *4. ;|jg* :tL ils L ,-ry 6iyL + t) jU

", ,t- *V ,rirU ,'l;rl r3-*.

f ,y,) &,,st siL .pl - {- br .,f l{ gtr3 o;1.:l "5 d a€u?C pID ,4. ,;\ t e-1ltl orl lf *^V.ri9;ti Yt: f l* t t;l4 rer. &{ E Lf .il.;el tr u& y dl ^t,, ,-.(il L otdl - +c.-J) oKU ylr: K r)l-t-,.r1- llr vL: - f- ti, ,i tlivf od.;ll

)tt +.C{ S fa\i r)ti* 4 I L .:ljl a:i[ r,.H ft; - q- tf Us

erL ,sr dL - ot L: f ,)rt- rl-t,l Lf fti "t 1., * ollrl .rl oJ

ot - f- b.l f ..Kc1l.:t "g g& 4 L sLlt ,rat*i :lj ter d3J3"C , 6

f,tt "hfJ a. slt)le E. 0l ;rl ctlL 2st ot 2f ^;U.Kcly'F dLr'.

../f-r" a"! -.Jf 2f ,bV oL-9,tr. q, ,lb E c,tit7', E Ot Af

":it*rJ*, fB +,i-1r,J3g "l + dli 2 L rlril ,cl! p$ ,1bl ef




- ur 2f dE .htt e 1-1lsl anl .rlrit

l* .lt* ,^f + "l jU .;tS l-::. e,rL, t:i-DU -.*o ,l* ,

ff . cry 2\ 4t * s* .j.C ol4 r:t1l- .;f 8l +- .5t'3 K.:,Y13-

"f c;u a3r.Gr f :a gnl 0ht, rgjF* 6ll+rJ! rrl OL-ta clrjr

L -J ;rl rfSn t r u:irrr slrlr: L .:l!lr- 1't.i a .rp ,5 ".'(-,.

di ,*.,rt Fl + G-n itt ,>-xi -r,_5 .r!ll- "{ { j, te,(r,

ait: x 6jl3 .:li; 4 $* ,xj.rti] .{t - q 2x )*-r c,llle-

,:Yf-l- 0q.L, elfie "S + :!ti "l K .=,I - .r,ri s:r[ .r*11 ,]s{ C 2i

* 8 + tJL. &. .f-, C "*-t .,;-",r Gsx q,:,U:: Er5. VI of a!9a tt?t. glrlr: f .=Yl3* lU ,* ,>-rai .t )U

- qu * S 6At- ,t dl vI lrl + til *iy K &JtL. t. Ol


- Yf-r vb - (r-rr.r+ lti dtjl a.'" AU) 19j6, 6r*.olltl

- Ola U?t" tirf ,-flt ed dI':. ;f t , ill.r..i .Jt-r- .4.

jr' L cllll crLl-r: L ,g!l:- e"it tiT )d -.6r. tl*,

- *{:}

Parllamentary Secretary (Transport) : Sir, rest of the aoEwers arc

placed on the Table of the House.

Parlirnentary Secretary (Fooil & Agriculture) : Sir, answcrs to

questiors rclating to Food Dcpartment arc placed oo the Teble of the


f. .:,!t- q,r r# - ltr vt+ - (""a,, .rl.r.l) 6j1f,* g;j..rl1t;

- t)x rr*fi J H E itljl se\ler

.- i:

6846 pRovrNcIAL ASSEMBLY oP wEsr PAKISTAN [5ru ruxr, 1968

Minister of Labour : Sir, I beg to lay the rest of the answers on thc

Table of the ffousc.

ql rrfr: L r.izt xJ dll- -(c,)\rlj,.) Oj.ri. gr!,.:rftl

gf! o jsf oU e- a - t+, !f ,-ff .;tri L c,l:tril L r#

kJ t1f ,ff L (J.rdk^.E,o?l+ to'Jd Z.tttrcjlrarg.fl &U {4t 6 o34 ,22. o'l + &t, g.i 6 rJl-l rr:. (Jrl "r

- + &t' FJ ,sdePreciatioo j2r


Pnooucttotr op Sucln

.11964. Khen Ajoon Khan Jatloon : Will the Minister for Food be

plcased to state the number of Sugar Factories in Hyderabad Division

alongwith (i) quantity of Sugar produced by each factory during the

period from lst August 1967 to l5th April 1968 ; (ii) quantity of Sugar

Cane crushed by each factory during the said period ?

Minister for Food (Malik Kbuda Bakhsh): The requisite information

is placed at the Tablc.





Name of Sugar FactorY Quantity ofcanc cruehcdfrom I.t.67to 15.4.68

Quantity of sugar pro-duced from 1.8.67 to1 5 .4. 68.


From Total.Gur/ShakkariKbandsari


l. - Fauji Sugar Mills, Ltd.,

Tando Muhammad Khan,'Dirtrict Hydetebad.

2,47 ,481 2l ,053 21,051


2. Bawany Sugar Mills, Ltd., I,44,80t 13,430 I,t06Ttlhar, District Hyder-



I 4,536


3. Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills,Ltd., Mirpurkhar, District .


96,079 g,g7t 718 g,7og

4,48,361 43,:454 1,944 ' 45,299

Pnvstctr. vgntrlcerroN oF sToRBs or ceNrn^r sronrs oRGAxrzaTroNor Roeo Tnr,xsponr Conpolruox

'12008. Babu Mohemmarl Rafiq : will the parliamentary secreraryTransport be pteased to statc :-

(a) whether it is a fact that a physical verification of stores of ccntralstoics organization of the R.T.ci was carricd out on 30th Junc 1959 ;

fact that on rhe said physicar verification shortage oi stores worth Rs.

16,87,321 was dctccted ;

(c) if answcr to (b) abovc be in affirmative, the amount rccovered sofar from thc ofrcials responsiblc for the rhortagc of storcs alongwith thelction tlkcn or intcndcd to be taken against each of thc aaid o6cials, andifno astion hae been takeo, rcasoni therofor ? :

Perlirnontery Seoetary (Khan Muhammad lqbal Khan Jadoon) : (a)Ycl.

(b) Yes. Thcrc werc shortagos of storcs worth Rs. r6,92,662 but ti,crcwcre exoesles amountiDg to Rs. l5,6l,ls8 wbich werc adjusted against therhortager of itemt beariog the same or similxr qgpgndaturc. Tbcrq

i7|i tboJC art thortcgo of Rr.. 1,31,504 only, ':;, .:,:

6848 pRovtNclll AssEMbLY oP wBBt PAKISTAN [5rH lut{s, 1968

(c) An cnquiry was conductcd aod as a result thereof two Storc

Kcepers were dismissed from service. 'No amount could be reCovered

from the persons hetd responsiblc snd shortages of Rs. 1,3'l ,504 were

written off under orders of the competent authority.

INsrrultNc Sucen Mtlr. tx Dlsrntcr Muz,rrreRcenu

.12016. Sheith Frzal lluscain : Will the ldinister for Food be

.plctecdto statc :-

(s) whether it is a fact that sugEscaoc produced in District Muzafrar-

garh is taken to Sukkur for preparing sugar ;

(b) whether it is a fact that sukkur is more than 200 milcs away

from Muzaffargarh ;

(c) if rnswcr to (a) and (b) above be io the affirmative, whether tberc

ls any proposal to instal a Sugar Mill at Muzaffargarh ;

(il) whethcr it is also a fact that Sugar Mill at Leiah does not accept

rugarcane produced in thc arca of Muzaffargarh District ?

Minlrter for Foorl (Malik KhudE Bakhsh) : (a) This is not in thc

knowledge of the Government.

(b) Yes.

(c) A party was sponsored to Pakistan Iodustri.al Credit :and .Invcst-

meot Corporation (PICIC) in August, 196l'for financial assistarce to ,set

up a Sugar Mill in N[u2affargarh Distriat. .I-atcr oo thE party did not

show any interest and the sanction was witbdrawo on lst April' 1968.

'Sufficient provision for setting up new Sugar Mills is still availabh in thc

Comprehensive Industrial Investment Schedule for the Third Plan Fetiod.

It is entircly upto the Private Sector to apply to lhe sanctioning ,agencies

for bcing considered for setting up Sugar Mills.

(d).The Sugar Milts in the Previncc havq normally to'mret [heir

rcguiremgotg of cane from .withio' ,thtir Zoe ,{s6as. - tbors is.so hs to






aN8st8la,To srARBlD qtsSttoNs LAID ON TUa tABr|, 684er

tbo-Milb purchsring caac from outsidc their Zones aftcr intimaiion to

tbe Cane Commissioner.

Rseernert"r AND-CoNDEUNID BusBs ar RoAD TnnNspolr Conponrrtox


'12054. Rei* Khan Mohammd Khrn Nizameni: Will'thc Parli'

lmcntary SccrctarSr-Transport bc pleased to state :-

(a) thc pr$ent nuober of repairablc and coodemned buscs separstcly

at the Road Trensport Corporation dcpols in Sukkur, Hyderabad, Multan

Lahorc and Pcsbawar;

(b) thc number of buser repaired at cach of tho said dcpots during

rhc hst 12 months ;

(q ilbo' 'arrsrgcmcotr madc' te. ropair the Gownnment bulcrin ttr Ftor.iocoand tbdstcps takcn to further ioprovo these arraogc..

mcntr ?

hdlmcdarp Sccretrr.r,-(Khar! Muh amo ad Lq,bal. Khan, Jadooa') : (a),

Tbc &railf arorappendodr be,low, : -.

Sr : No. Name of Servicc No : of Rcpairablc


l. GTS Sukkur

2. GTS Hyd*abad.

3. GTS Multan.

4. LOS Lahore.

5'. GTS Pcshawar.






No : of conde.

mned buses.






?oo$r: 4St 2t6

6830 ?rouiictlf Assrurir ol wtrt pe*rreN tJrs l0xt; l96t

' (b) No : of buses repaired at each of the said dcpot during tho lart

l2 months are as under :-

Sr : No. Name of Service

l. GTS Sukkur,

?. GTS Hyderabad

3. GTS Multan.

4. LOS Lahore.

5. GTS Peshawar.

No : of buses rcpaired during

last l2 monthr.


i 8164




Totel : 44024

(c) Therc is a cbain of well equipped workshops throughout thc Pro. _

vincc at thc District Headquartcrs as wetl as their sub-officcs and rcpairc

to Govcrnmcnt vehiclcs arc exclusively crrried out at our'own Wotkshops'

To irrprove rhc capacity, quality and output and to moderanize thc work-

sbops of Road Transport Corporation machinery worth Rs. 30,00,000/' ir

bcing purchased, but because of tight foreign exchange positioo'

nachirery wilt tatc somc lime to arrive. When the proposed machinery

is rcceived and installcd at Road Traneport Corporation Workshops thc

output will furtbcr imProve.

VentrtcrrtoN oF sroRBS oF CENTRAL Sror,ss OnclNtzeuoN oF TIIB

Roep TnrxsPonr ConPonArtoN

rl2l84. Chauilhri Muhammrtl Sarwar Khan :

Sccrctary Transport bc pleascd to stste :-tt

Will the Parliamcntary

(a) wbcthtr it is a fact thatphysical vcrification of storcs of Ccntral

Storcs Organization of thc R.T.C. was carricd out in 1959 ;



(b) if tfc anrwcr to (e) abovc, be in afrrmrtive, whethcr it is also a



: AN8tvbRs fd srrrh,ntD QuBsflOi.ls LAlb oN fis trsl.t egst '

fact that on the sai<I physical verification shortage of stores worth Bs.

10,87,321 come to light ;

(c) if answer to (b) above bc in the affirmative (i) the sEount so far

recovered from the officials responsibte (ii) reasons of delay in recovering

the amount aia (lii) action talen against the officials rcsponsible for not

rccovcriog the said amount ?

Parliamentary secretary (Khan Mubammad lqbal Kban ladoon) : (a)


(b) Yes. There werc shortage of storcs worth Rs, 16,92,662 but therc

wcre excesses amounting to Rs. 15,61,158 which wcre adjusted against the

rhortages of itcms bcaring the samc or similar oomenclature. Thcrc war

thus a net shorlage of Rs. 1,31,504 only.

(c) (i) Nil.

(ii) and (iii). An enquiry was conductcd and as a result thereof, two

Store Keepers were dismissed from servicc. No amount could be re'

coyercd from the persons hcld rcsponsible. According to lcgal opinion the

frling of a Civil Suit for the recovery of shortages was not considcred

advisable. As recovery was not possible tbe net shortagcs rmounting to

Rs. 1131,504 were written off under ordcrs of the compctent authority.

Busrs roi G.T.S. HvprnlnrD, Surrun MulteN, LYllLruR, RlwtlplNpt,

Lenolg AND PEsHAw^R

ru2lg4. Rais Ehan Muhammart f,hrn Nizamaoi: witl thc Parlia-

mentary Secrctary Transport bc pleased to state :-

(a) thc number of buses which were to be giien to G.T.S. llyderabad,

SuLkur, Multqn, Lyallpur, Lehore and Pcshawar duriog 1967-68 ;

(b) thc ntmber,of buses out of thosc mcntioned in (a) abovo, wbicb

bavc been given to each of thc said rcgions so far ?

685r' plovrNclA& A$ErlIL! OF Wlsr pAKrsrAN [5rn rune, 1968

Prnlianentary Secretary (Khan Muhammad.Iqbal Khan Jadoon) : (a)

Thc number of buses due to Go'lernment Iransport Services; Hydcrabad,

Sukkur, Multan, Lyallpur, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Pesbawar in accor.

dance with thc provisions in thc Third Plan for 1967-68 is givcn

below :-

Name of Service. Single Deckers Doublc Deckerc

Hyderabad. 84 4

Sukkur. llMultan. 6 -Lyallpur. 54 3

.Rawalpindi & Islamabad. 13 5

Lahore. 7 12

Peshawar, 89 3

(b) Thc number of buses out of those mcntioncd in (a) rbovc which

havosince beeo:supplied is givan below ;-Name of Service. Single Deckers. Double Deckers.

Hydcrabad. 19 4

Sukkur. llMultan. 6 -Lyalllpur. 54 3

Rawalpindi & Islamabad. 13 5

Lahorc. 7 12

Pcshawar. 55 3

Note:-65 singlc deck buses outstanding agaiost G.T.S., Hyderabad and

34 agaiost G.T.S., Peshawar have already been arraoged and are

under body fabrication. These will bc supplied within the ncxt

4/5 montbs.

Ftrt,u.le, urop GI,zBTTBD Posrs lx tasoun Dnrrntusxr

f1234il,. Mr. Heoza : Will. tho Ministcr for Labour bo plcasad to

rtatc :-






:tuswtrc ro t?AreED Qulsrlol.Is LAID,oN TllB T'aBLE '6t53

(a) tha namcs of Class I officers in thc Labour Departmeot wbo have

becn given extcusion in service under the latest Rctirement rules after

attaioing the age of 55 ycars

(b) whcther it is a fact that cettain elass'Il gazetted posts in thc

raid Dcpartment bave been filled in since t962, "by depattuental pro'

motions ;

(c) if answer to (b) above be in the affirmative, whcther the cascs of

the promotees wcrc referred to the West Pakistan Pubtic Scrvice Commis'

rioo for approval within thc stipulated period ;

(d) if auswcr to (c) abovc be in thc affirmative, whcthor any obsor-

vations were made by the Commission on any of tbc said cases ; if eo'

the copies thereof bc placed on the Table of thc House ?

Minister for Labour (Malik Allah Yar Khan) : Thc position in

rcspccl of the various Wings of the Labour Directorate is given below :-

(l) Labom Welfare Wing.

(a) Mr. A.K. Kureshi, Assistant Director.

(b) Ycs.

(c) Yes.

(d) A copy of Commission's letter No' 2954-GC[-PSCJ275-G'

dated l?-9-1965 containing itr observations about tho promotion of

Labour Officcrs is enclosed.f Proposals for promotion on the basis of

regional cadres (as desired by the Commission) have been sent in Oct''

1966 but have not yct been finalised by the Commission'

(2) 'Manpo*er and Empteynert Wiug.

(a) (i) Mr. N.A. Qureshi, Joint Director'

(ii) Mr. G.N. Nasir, DeputytDir€ctor'

(iii) Mr. L.A. Ztidi, Assistant Dircctor.

(iY) Mr. Nariman Dorabji, Regional Manager

(v) 'Mr. G. Rasul Niszi, Regional Mantgcr'

I +Pleasc sce Appendlx Y at the

6854 pnovtNcrAl AssEMBLy OF wBSr PAKISTAN [5ru ruNe, 1968

(b) Ycs.

(c) No.

(d) copies of Public Service commission's letters No. 1I'G-PSC'

GGZl67ll2-G, dated 24-5-1967, No. ?28'GG II-PSC-67/92'G, dated

3-10-!967 and No, t5l-PSC-GG II.68/124-G, dated l6-4-t968, contqining

tbe observations of the Commission are encloscd.' All the cases havc not

yct been finally settted. The ndvicc of s & GAD hgs beeo sought on

ccrtain rccommendations of thc Commission.

(3) Technical Training Wing.

(a) Nit.

(b) Yes.

(c) No.

(d) A copy of the Commission's lettcr No. 465-GG II-PSC-66/13/G,

dsted 24-5-1967 approving rhe promotions is enclosed.*

(4) Inspectorate of Mines enil Coal Mines Labour Welfarc Fund


Uureo Uuox or P. W. R. Wonrsns




*12344. Major Muhammad Asleo Jan

Labour bc pleascd to state :-Will tbe Minister for

(a) whether it is a fact that tde Railway Atlministration is still conti-

nuing to provide financial aid and other support in the shape oi special

passes and special leave and office and other accommodation to United

Union of P. W. R. workers inspite of the award of the Chairman of thc

Industrial Court of West Pakistan,. Northorn Zone dated 26th June 1965,

,Please $c lppctdix Y al lht $d,




)published in thc Gazette of lilest Pakistan dated I2th , Septcrnbcr,&966.

dccisiou of thc fligh Court of West Pakistan in Writ Petirion No. ?IOU

65 and the decision the Registrar of Tradc Unions, .dated 5t[r January

1967 on the complaint of the P. W. R, Union dated l6th July l965,,tbat

it is an unfair labour practice ;

(b) if aDswer to (a) above be in the affirmative, thc steps taken by thc

Gwernment against the Railway Administration and in casc no. steps

hryc been taken, reasons therefor | ' -

Minicter for Labour (Malik .Allah Yat: Khan): (a) Yes. :spccial

rplJSGS and special leavc to rcstricled number of trade union .workers on

restricted occasions is alloucd by the Railways to,rhc Uoitcd tlnion"ofP. W. R. Workere-a registered and recognised tradc ucion. It ir ool to

the knowledge of Government if officc or otlrer accommodation has been

providcd by thc Railways to rhe United Uoioo of P. W, R..Workers.

Thc awerd of thc Lodustrial Court ofi.Wcrt, Bdltistan; Nortlrerh Zonc.

datcd 26th June 1965 published in thc Gazette of West Pakistan, da,tod.lgth

Soptember 1966 did not relate to the issues raised in this question. Neithcr:.the Railways Administration nor aoy' of this Tredc Union of Railways

Workcrs was a party in this . casc. This award was on a referenco

madc by Governmcot in the case of Tradc Unions of Nalionl Bank

of Pakistan oo tbe question of Management having provided-accomrqoda-

ation for the ofrces of their trade union. Governmeot has not bcen ibloto trscc out rhc decisioo of thc High Court of Wcst Pakistan in tbe lV;itPctition No. 210l/65, without knowlcdgc of tbc Damee of thc partics in.yolycd in.thc writ.

Thc Dircctor of Labour Welfarc took no dccision.on,SrhJanuery

1967 that thc Railway Administration has committcd unfair labourprsctioe. In fact, on 5th January 1967 the Dircctor of Labour Welfare

in a lcttcr to Govetnment sought clarification of certain issues.

Thc award of the Industrial Court dated 26th Juoe 1965 is not at all

-:.66)EG!!!Gd tith thc matter. rcferred to in thie qa$stion,' pArticr'lary*(a) the

prrtic. in tbat ca6e wcrc diffcrcnt, and {b)'Oaly tfie.'ryitio*66.3lrovlr$orl



61156 pRoytNcrAl AssEMBr.y ot tf,BsT pAtrrsrAN [5rn ruus, 1968

of accommodation was raised in that case which it not so in thc prc$ntcstc.

1b) Thc mrtter was referred to the Railway Administration whigh'hetd that this conccssion to recognised tradc unions had been allowed onlbc analogy of rhe award of the Industrial rribunal set up to adjudicate io

,tbo dispute betwcen the East Bengal Railway Administration and theEast Bengal Raitway Emptoyccs League as amended by tbe central Leg-

'irl"turo vide,-Government of pakistan, Ministry of Labour No. LR-2157, datcd 29th septcmber I954. Tbis conteution of thc Railway Admi-nistration is under examination of Government and furtber clarificationis bcing sought from the Railways. Appropriate steps will be taken by

Govcrnment when all thc issues bave duly becn examioed.


, '12360- Mian Muhammarl shrfi : wiU the Minister for Food be

plcased to statc :-I

(a) whether it is a fact that the owners of flour mills are permittcdto mix a ccrtain pcrcentage of other grains whitc grinding rvheat ;

' (b) if answer to (a) above be in the affirmative, the perccntage ofmalze or 'charui' permissible to be mixed with wheat alongwith the stcpstaten or intcnded to be taken by Governmeot to check misuse of the saidpcrmission ?

Minister for Food (Malik Kbuda Bakhsh) : (a) Mixing of I0 per

cent sorgbum with wheat in the milling process bas been discontinuedwith effcct from l6-5-1968.

(b) Does not arise in view of answer to (a) above.

Cnurrrox or Crnss II Posrs tN Co-openrrrve DrpeRlMENT,.

. t.l?366, Syerl Muhammad Mund Shab : Will the Minirter for.Co-olrcrpti0p hf phascd to rtlte :- . j '. -








(a) the Dsmes of the posts crcatcd in class lI service in the co'opera'

tive Departmcnt on all Wcst Pakistao basis betweeo the period l4th Ost'

ober 1955 to 3otb Juno 1958 ;

(b) the namcs of thc persoo! appointed against thc said posts during

thc raid period ;

(c) wbethcr promotions to thc said posts'riverc made on ill wcst

Pakistan basis; if not, why, if so, the procedurc ldoptcd on this tcspect ?

Minlster for co-operetion (Malik Kbuda Balhsb) : (a) The follow-

ing posts in the Wcst Pakirtan Co.operativc Scrvice Class I[ wcrc created

froo l4th Octobcr 1955 to Junc 1958 :-






Tcchnical Offccr

Planniog Oficer

Principals (Inrtituto)

Professon in Institutcs/Collcgc

Assistant Registrdr, Farmiog in


Revcnue Officer in P.C.S. tcale

Agricultural Advisor

Research Ofrccr

Tcchnical Ofrccr

Planning O6ccr

Priocipal, Co-opcrativc

Training. lnstitutc,

. Hydcrabad.

Qazi Muhammad Asad.

Mir Shamsher Ali Jafri.

(i) .Ch. Abdul Rasbid.

(ii) Mr..G. A Qureshi.








(b) i.




4. Principal, Co-opcrativclostitute, Peshawrr.

Khao Muhammad Ayub Khan.

..5. Professots in thc Cooperativc (i) Ch. Mubammad Sharif

Tilioing College, (ti) Ch. Abdul Majid.

', . Lyallpur. (iii) Ch. Abdul Haffa, '' ' '


(,818 r,






iRov[isrAL es'sl.q&t.ot, wEct-:pAK[6trN , [Silr ruxu,,1968

(iv) Ch. Muhammad yousaf.

(v) Ch. Ahrnad Khan,

(vi) Malik Gul Nawaz,

(vii) Khan Abduilah Khan.

Assistant Registrar (i) Raja Muhammad Ashraf.

['arming Hydcrabad.

(ii) Mr. Faiz Muhammad


Revenue,O6cor, (P. C. S., Not availetl of.


Agricullurat Advisor Ch. Rashid Ahmad.

Research Officer (i) Mr. Muhammad Khan


(ii) Ch. Shahabuddin

(iii) Ch. Abdul Hafeez.

Ycs. Thc promotionc wcre made on the basis of seniority. Y'-

DtsTnrcr Co-oprutrve Orrlcers or FoRMER SrNo Pnovrxcn

.12367. Syed MuhammartMurtd Sheh : Will the Minister for Co-ope.

ration be pleased to statc :-

(a) whethcr it ir a fact that District co-operative officcrs of the for-mcr Sind Provincc,wcre in the gazctted cadre of Rs. 200-20-400 and thcy*crcsupcrior in,rae&,.and grado to thc Inspectors of theCo-operative

Dcpartmcnt of thc lntcgrating Units, who were in the Don-gazettod cadrc

of Clars III service in thc scale-of Rs, I20-10-300 ;

(b) whcther it is a fact that rhe posts created in class II in thc Co.op-rative Dcpartmcnt,oGol,l:Wcst Pakistrn.,basie.aflcr.,iotegration during thcpcriod from l4th Ocobcr,. 1955 fo 30th Junc 1958 .were fillcd by promoriog

Iaspcctorr of tho-fornerr,Puojab;in tuptrcession of thc District Co-oprativc


Officcrs of former Sind area; if so, the names of thc District Co'oparativc

Offiocrs of former Sind Unit thus affcated ;

(c) whether it is a fact that the representations of the said District

Co-operative Officers, now working as Assistant Regisrrars, itr respect of

their seniority, are still pending and undecided with the Government and

that instead of deciding their representations, two more promotions to

the posts of Deputy Registrar of Co-operative Societies were made by

Government io September 196?; if so, the names of such promoteos ?

Minister for Co.operation (Malik Khuda Bakhsh) : (a) Ycs.

(b) No. The integrated seniority of District Co'operativc Officers

and Inspectors of the former Sind area and Inspectors of the former Punjab

Area was prepared on the basis of tbeir original date of appointment

ae Inspector and on the basis of tbis seniority list promotions to the

posts of Assistaot Regietrars were made.

(c) (i) The question of senior,ity,of Assistant, Registrrrs . vie.uris

District Co-operative Officers of formcr Sind area has since been decidcd.

Tho.rcpresentetions of Assistant Regbtrars of former Sind Area. for

their inrerse , seniority with Assistant Registrars of other regionp hAvg:,

becn examined by a tribunal of thrco senio.r officers consisting . of twg ,

Joint Registrars and Chief Auditor. Their recommendations havc been

incorporated in the revised tentativc seniority list which is under. priot.

Thc revised tentativc seniority list will be circulated among all. Asgist:

ant Registrars and their represeotations shall be finally dccided by Govc.


(ii) M/s. Abdul Rashid and Sardar Ali have been promoted on ad

hoc basis on the basis of the present tentative seniority list.

Pnouortou or Cu : Asour Rasgto rs PntNctpeu, Co-opERtrlvg

Tnrrrntxc lrsTtturr, HYnrnrslP

; 'r12358;l Syedr Muhammad'Muni Shab::: Will thc Mioister for Co-opr,

crrtron,ibc. plcascd to statc .'-



6gOd erovixCrAi Asstrrlv of *ut pekrrrrft [5rn iuNa 1968

(a) whether it is a fact that Ch. Abdul Rashid a former Inspector

of Co-operative Department in the formcr Punjab Unit was promoled

as Principal, Co-operative Training Instirute, Hyderabad after integrati-

on in supcrsession of thc District Co.operative Officers of former Sind

who were working in the Hyderabad Region at that time irnd were

superior in rank and grade to the said person ;

(b) whethcr it is a fact that tbe above named officer has again

been givcn a second promotion as Deputy Registrar, Co-operative Socie-

tics by ignoring the claims and representations of the said District

Co-opcrative Officers, now working as Assistant Rcgistrars; if ro, why a

sccond promotion has been given to him before deciding the represe'

ntations of these former District Co.operative Officers (now Assistant

Registrars; and how long will it take to redress the wrong done to

thcm ?

Minlster for Co-operation (Malik Khuda Bakhsh) : (a) Yes.

Ch. Abdul Rashid was promoted as he was senior on the integratcd

scniority lirt of Iospectort which was prepared on the basis of tbeir ori'ginal datcs of appointmeot as Inspector'

(b) Yes. The above meutioned officer has becn given promotion as

Deputy Registrar, on ad hoc basis on the basis of the present seniority

list of Assistant Registrars. The repreaentations of the former District

Co-opcrativc Officers of former Sind area for their inter se seniority with

Arsistant Registrars of other units has been decided. But the qucstion oftheir Intcr se seniority as Assistaot Registrars with Assistant Registrars

ofotherintergrating unitshas.been cxamined by a tribunal of three

scnior officers consisting of two Joint Rcgistrars and one Chief Auditor.

Their recommendations have been incorporated in the revised tentative

seniority list which is under print. The revised tentativc seniority listwill be circulated among all Assistant Registrars and their furtber reprcs-

cntation, if any, shall be finally decided by Governmeut. They willbe givcn their due right when their reprcseotations arc fioally decideil.




Atu SUpTLIED rN Klnrrcst

*12{24, Malik Mir Hazas Khan : Will the Minister for Food bc

pleased to state :-

(a) whcthcr Government is aware of thc fact that Atta supplicd on

Ration Cards in Karachi is not auitablc for human consumption and

that stoEach troublc bas assumed an alarming proportion duc to it ;

(b) if answer to (a) above bc in the affirmative, what stcps Gover-

nment intend to take to cleck thc said adulteration ?

Minister for Food (Malik Khuda Bakhsh) : (a) N,r.

(b) Does not arise in view of answer to (a) abovc.

Wnrlr Procunro rnott Gnowens oF HYDBRABAD AND

KnetnPun Dtvlstot'ts

112475. Haji Sardrr Atta Muhammad : Will the Ministcr for Food

be plcased to state :-

(a) tbe quantity of wheat so far procurcd from growers of Hydcra'

bad and Khairpur Divisions this year ;

(b) wbcther it is a fact that ntajor quantity of wheat has been

purcbased in the said Divisions from dealers instead of growers ; if so'

reasoos therefor ;

(c) whether it is a fact that Rs. 1.50 per bag is bcing demanded as

advance moncy before the Bardana is made available to thc growc?s ; if so,

rca8ons tberefor ;

(dt whcther itis a fact that for purposc of procurement Govcrnmcot

has preseribcd tbat gross wcight of one bag of wbeat sbould be 2 mauods

28 seers 4 chattaks whereas the standard wcight of such a bag in Southern

Region 2 maunds 20 scers; if so, whcther Govcrnment would considcr the

advisrbility of procuring wheat according to the ltsndard weigbt ?



b862 pRovrNcrAL ASSEMBLv oF wrsr IAKIsTAN [SrH luNe, 1968

Minister for Fooil (Malik Khuda Bakhsh) : (a) The quantities of indi-genous wheat procured in Hyderabad and Khairpur Divisioos upto 2?tb

May, 1968 were as follows :-

Hyderabad Division 35,244 tons.

Khairpur Division 13,620 tons.

(b) Wheat is purchased at the floor price of Rs. l7 per maund, sub-

ject to quality deductions, if offcred on votuntary basis by the growcrs/

dealcrs. A category-wise accouot of purchases is not maintaioed.

(c) Ycs. A security of 'Rs. 3.00 per gunny bag is obtained wbich

is refundcd to the growers/dealers no sooner the wheat stocks are deliver-

cd by them in gunny bags to the Food Department.

(d) It is correct that a uniform filling weight of a wheat bag has

becn fixod as 2 maunds 28 seers and 14 cbattaks net.

Quore FrxBD FoR lVssr PerlsrAN Co-opERATtvB Senvrcrs

Crlss I ron FoRMER Srr.rp Unlr

112482. Syed Muhammad Morarl Shah : Will the Minister for Co-op-

eration be pleased lo state :-(a) wbcther any quota has been fixed in thc West Pakistan Co-ope-

rative Services Class I for former Sind Unit ;

(b) if answer to (a) above be in thc affirmative, rhe quota so fixed

and how it was fixed ? \

Minister for Co-operation (Malik Khuda Bakhsh) : (a) No.

(b) Does not arire.

Nox-Grzsrrgu Orrrcrer,s or Llaoun DuplnrueNr Susprnorp

rnou SrnvrcB FRoM 196l ro 1967

,'lZ,84. Dr. Sultar Ahmrd -Cbepur : Wil! thp Minisrer for Lrbourbo ploesed to statg :-





(a) thc namcs of the non-gazetted officials cf thc Labour Dcpartmentwho were suspcnded from service from 1963 to 1967 alongwith thc per-

iod of suspension of each of them and whether any of them was pun.ished;

(b) in casc any of the said suspcndcd officials were subsequentty re-in-itated due to their being innocent, what action rpas taken ageinst thcOfrccr responsible for suspension ;

(c) whether the promotions made in the Directorate of Labour lf,ct.fare and its subordinate offices since 1963 werc according to the grada-tion lists of those offices ;

(d) wbether the said gradarion lists were brougbt to lhe norice of theilaff concerned ; if so, when these were last circulated amongst thcm ;

(c) in case the gradation lists havc not been finally prcpared andcirculated amongst rhe said staff, what criteria was adopted for mak-ing their promotions during rhe pcriod from 1963 to 1967 ?

Ministcr for Lsbour (Malik Altah yar Khan) : The relevant ioform-ation is bcing collected from the various subordinate ofrces and wilt bcplaced before the House as soon as possible.

Gnrur or Roure Penurrs sy R. T. A. Mur.reN

rns(D. sahibzaite Noor Hassan : \lrill tbc parliamentary secretaryTransport bc pleased to state the names of rhe pirsons granted route per-mits by R. T. A. Multan in Ig6? and lg6g alongwirh, thc dctails of thcroutcr aad thc grounds for the graot of such permite ?

Parllamentary secretary (Khau Muhammad Iqbal Khan Jadoon) :

Thc statemcDt showing tbe names of persons graoted temporaryrtagc carriage permits from l. l. 1967 to datc is at Aoncxure A.i simi-larly names of persons grauted permanent stage ca,riage prmits froml. l. 196? to datc is at Annexurc B.r


'Plcetc scc lppendb YI at the end,

6tdr pRovtNctAl AssBllBLl otr wlsr PAXIcTAN [5rn runr, 1968

G T. S. Buses PLYING ox Tsertl'Hvoenrsro' THert,t -

Klnrcgt rxp Fgnnr'Ken.rcgt Rourus

.12560. Syerl Bashir Ahmert sbah : will the Parliamentary secretary

Traneport bc pleased to state :-

(a) tbe number of G. T. S. buses plying on the following roules

(i) Thatta-Hyderabad, (ii) Thatta-Karachi, and (iii) Ferry-Karachi routes

in the ycar 1960 and at Present ;

(b) whether it is a fact that thc present number of the said buscs dti

not meet tbe requirements of the residents of Thatta District ;

(c) whether it is a fact that tbe residente of the said District do not

enjoy tho facilities of railway and thc only means of transport available

to thcn are buses ;

(d) if answers to (b) and (c) above bc ia the affirrnative, whethcr

Government intend to ply morc buscs on tho said routes ; if so, wheo

alongwith the details thcreof, and if not, rc8gons therefor ?

Parliamentery se$etary (Khan Mubammad Iqbal Khan Jadoon):

(a) Number of GTS : Buses ptyiog oo the routes in 1950 and at pre-

rent is as under :-_

(i) Thatta Hyderabad

(iilThatta-Karachi ,

(iii) Ferry.Karachi

(b) The present number of buses is rdequate to mcet the rcquirements

of thc residcnts of Thatta District.

(c) It is not a fact that rhe residents of the said District do oot enjoy'

thc facilities of railway and the'only means of transport aVailable

to thpm are buses. The distanal bet*sqn.':f,hatta'and'J*ngshahi









AdjduixileNt MorIoNs 6$6J , )

Railway Station is only l3 miles and GTS ir operating l6 daily ser'

vices to provide adequate road transport link with the railwayr for

rbe residcuts of Thrtta.

(d) GTS do not intend to ply more buges on the said routes for thc.present, because thc existing number of buses is edequately cateriog

for the traffic offering on the said roules. More buscc will. how'

ever, be addcd as and whcn traffic requirements justify increrse in


DsuoLrrrox wtrrrour Nortcn or A lrousg IN CLIFToN Colotlt, Len;rgBY TBB Ltnons lxpnovBulxt Tnusr

Mr. Sperler : Wc will now t8ko up thc adjournmcnt motiqnr.

adjourument Dotion is No. 260.


\- Kbaraja Muhrmmad Safder : Sir I bcg to ask for leave to mate a

Eotion for thc adjournment of the busiucrs of rhe Asrembly to discusr a

definitc mattcr of recent and urgent public importance, namely, the demo-

lition of rhe newly built House of Hcadmistress of tbe Governmeot Girls

Pilot Scboot, Lahore, situatcd in Glifton Colony Lahorc by the employces'

of the Improvemcnt Trust, Lahore, on 29th May, I968, without notice.

This illegal and high-handed action of the staff of Improvement Trust

Lrhore bas caused widespread rcseotment aEongst thc public.

Minirter of Lrr (Mr. Allah Bachayo Ghulam Ati Akhuod):Mr. Spcaker, Sir, this adjournment motion pertains to the Basic .

Dcmocracies Department. The lcaroed Ministcr is out of Lahoro todey. .

I would rcqucst that this may kindly bc takco up tomorrow or rathcr

on thc 7t[.

Mr. Speaker:

Minister of Lar

Thc Ministcr means day after tomorrow ?

:. Ycs Sir.

I hppc t(tewaju Sahib has no objcction.Mr.Gpbrlrc :

CJ6O inovtNcrel rsstucrt 6r tvrsrfnlttsux [5tH ruNa, 1968

. fihawaja Muhammad Safdar : t'lo objeclion Sir.

Mr. Sperker : lYe will lakc it up oD tbe day after tomorrow.


soMB Mallrs or Denne ADAM Ksrl.

Mr. Speaker : Next is 261.

Kharaja Mubammed Safdar : Sir I ask for leave to make a motion

for thc adjournment of the buslness of the Assembly to discuss a definite

msttcr of recent and urgent public importance, namely, thc death sentencc

p".r.d'by some Maliks of Darra Adam Khel on four persons, As a result

of tbc saoc four persons were shot there and then, their dead bodies were

mrltilatcd. and sqnt to thcir homes in Peshawar. This heioous crime has

scnt r wsvc of decp indignation amongst the public of tbe provioce.

Mlnlster for Trlbal Arees (Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan) : I oppose

thir motion. Sir, thie motion was received yesterday eveniog in tbe Home

Department, who secured information from the Deputy Commisrioncr.

Thc Deputy Comoirrioncr has not so far supplied completc information,

but whetcvcr he could scnd, I think that should satisfy the Member, and

that is that both the partier were progla,imed offenders living in Darra

Adam Khet. Tbey wcre discussing somc afrair of thcirs when therc was

i quarrel betwccn tbem and thcy fired at cach other, and all of them wcre

killcd thqc and thcn. No Malik gavc a verdict against anybody nor irit thc job of a tribal Malik to pass such orders. So this part of the story

cluBot be correct sir.

e)f,tf ,5 vI {t! ,J f check up .,J - )Jb r.a. rflJ-

_ fr ".j glr

- t- ucfi Gbt q -Jl.l dl,.f $,




AorounNiist{t rioriors 686?

.1 t-6, &sxs 6l ;15 ;11 otl .* uf r,,I - rqc' i'"'

- & h u*# if ot^ile tl "5-U

+ od ur,rL J*Jj "r - {- .3ilril L g - rvt ,J$ y';"r

oftt ril sei r", .^f it t, .;t*:il ^t -f Jt' qr'^J+ E' Jj.r',f- tf J" rf

Mr. SpeeLer: Wc will tatc up thir motion tomorrow'


Govr' Gtnts','T,:,T:ll;i]l"urut Grnpsns

Mr. Spcahir: Next is262 by Mr. Hamza'

Mr. Hamza : Sir I ask for leavc to make a motion for the adjourn'

ment of tbe business of the Assembly to discuss a dcfinitc mslter of recent

and urgent public importance, namely, the failure of tbe Government to

maintain supply of drinting water in rhe Government Girls High School,

chauburji Gardcos Estate, Multan Road, Lahorc, during this hottcst'

pcriod of summer. Ths flow of water in thc water pumps of thc school

has practically becomc nil. Water is not availgble within the premises of

rhe school. The matter was brought to my notice today by tbe parcntr

of thc studcnts of the said inrtitution.

Minlster of Lew (Mr. A. B. Akhund) : This also relates to thc Besic

Democracies Department.

Mr. Speaker : we will take up thic motion thc day after tomorrov.


oedi provrxcrri rssiriali or rrlr mttsrrN tjrn june. t96g





Mr. Speaker : We will now take up Orders of rhe Day. Thc firstrcsolution on thc orders of the Day is from chaudhri MubammadIdrccs.

(Just then the Membcr entered thc Chamber)

Tho Mcmbcr should bc in his seat at the proper time if he is intcrcstcdio bis Resolution. He mey now move his resolution.

Chaudhri Muhammad Idrecs : f am sorry, Sir

I beg to move-

This Assembly is of thc opinion rhat in orderto build bettcr roads, schools, dispenseries, ctc,io thc ricc growing areas of thc Provioce of Wcst

Pakistrn, Rice Cess sbould be lcvied on tbc salo

of rice to Govcromcnt under the Monopoly Pro-

curemcnt Scheme liko Sugarcaoc Cess io the

Sugarcaoc arcas.

Mr. Speaker : The resolution moved is -

This Asscobly is of the opinion that io orderto build better ro.ds, echoots, dispcnsaries, ctc,in tbc ricc growing arear of the Provinco of Wcst

Pakistaa, Rice Cegs sbould bc tcvied otr thc ralcof ricc to Goveromcnt -undcr tbc Monopoly pro.

curcmcot Scheme likc Sugarcaoo Cor io tbcSugarcaoc areas.






Ar there is ao opposition I will put the queslion'

Thc qucstion is -Thic Assemblv is of the opinioo tbrt in order to

build bettcr roads, schools, dirpcnsaries' clc" io

thc rice growing areas of the Provincc of West

Pakistan, Rice Cess shcutd be tevied oo tbe sale of

ricc to Govcrnmcnt under thc Monopoly Procure'

mcot Schcme likc Sugarcaoc Ccss in thc Sugarcaoo


The motion loos caruied

.S:* , Cldsys oi - llr r;u" - r'i' tb' :l)l- s'l-- u*, f*..t3

el tf ?T i sd r*./ 6 -J * ,ids)v ,-rt fr - t*#' rL',,

uf ,J.+J ,rh orrJ*r ctr ,5i rl *f ser aa[ urf e;Jtt' d;

+G sf s': "

.rl - &t;

Wc.,!8w'pal$on to thc o,ext Resolution by Malik Miraj Khalid'

$ ,Ss, t* lf 6ls J.*.r ui' r"f - 2(64 "'7b* - 5* fu

r,; .,*tf - q- U fr z- .,!rt+ &sd- .lo! ,5. rrrl'a Jli Cl,' L(l'

- E Ll 2 u,Qt ccyrl I 'i)ll- ^iiss ot )tl 4 t4'.. dl.lxl

(*riJ) - .,', t" 2 J-.P q, Lt€/ J + cJti l."r - ;fts- ;5r

- + Y;lj;4 lrU .-.(l. 6'ljl511 Ufi

,ie *dsy) nt a t ,b ,5 r.ll r* tf - llr vUr ' c;* )Le

! rJ, l('f


Mr. Spcllu : Has tho Momber his authority in writing ?

6t70 yrovlNclAl A3sEMBLy oF wBil ?aKtsTAN [5rn ruxr. 196g

Khan Ajoon Khan Jrdoon : I want to move it on his behalf.

Mr. Speaker : Rules .ro very clcar on this point

f,han Ajoon Khan Jadoon : I assume the responsibility.

Mr. Speaker : There is no question of assuming responsibility.

Pleare se "

rule 8l -

"The Mcmber mey, with thc pcrmission of tbc

Spcaker, authoriee, io writiog, any other Memberto DovG the rcsolution on his bchalf aod tbe Mem-bcr so authorircd may move accordiogly.',

If the Mcmber has any authority, ln writing, tbcn I can altow him.

- a .l.,tO | ,y\ +rn - Ytr vt* - dc p.ti .Lft. 6rJrA

- N ,rrl si + ./Jt{', t 'rt; f. ?T -tl - rq6.. j...

,.rir oi UttOt - Ylr .rE - dr. p..U r.r. 6rJr?

- A c46,

Khan Ajoon Khan Jadoon:Speaker.

It says with the permission of tbc

Mr. speaker : If the Member has got thc authority in writing.

(han Ajoon Khan Jadoon: Authority can be produccd rater onThcre is uo bar to it.

Mr. Speaker :

..Tbe Mcmbcr may witb tbo permissioo of thoSpcaker, euthorisc, io writiog....,...,,.,"




It should bo io writirg,



fK(J ,r, .:l\.t #ilsll,+ - ilr vt+ - Olr r'D ll* Utl


- a-Jb f. gr::.1 ,5 'l-r: -f + 2 L 1K Sor * f' ' o;,o ;ir

- * €st:o,ritdt .,+. oJ 7 sls slS * ,.rn

jrkll .-$ "r:ef .(tt Lri.. - ltr .rE: - At:. ,rU rtr.. 6r)re-{ o3I l


r, r derer _{,rt vr - :,;: r- i: :,,_r,ili, o,

Mr.Spealrer:Alright,theMembercanproduccthcauthority..Wcwill takc up this Resolution last of all.




Mr. Speaker : Next Resolution is by chaudhri N{uhammad Sarwar

Khan. Plcase move it.

Chaurilhri Muhanmarl Sairar Khan : I bcg to move-

Wbcrcar the WAPDA has completely failed 0o

maintain aod supply electricity to tbc Proviocc of

Wcrt Pakirtao, thit Asrcmbly ie of tbe opinioo tbat

tho maiotooanco rnd supply of clcctricity io tbe

Provlnco of Wcot Patistan sbould be entructcd to

privatc sector.


6E72 pRovtNcIAL AssEMBLy op rrsr,pAKrsrAN [5ru runr, 196g

Mr ffiorher : Thc resolutioo moved is-

Wbcroas tba WAPDA has completety failed tomaiotaio and eupply eloctricity to tbo proviocq ofWett Pakistao, thh tu8mbly ir of the opjnio tbatthe maintcDsoce and supply of olecrricity io tbe

Provioce of West Potistan sbould be cntrusted toprivate sector.

Mioister for Irrigation & Power : Opposed

Ifaji Srrdar Atta Muhamumrl : Opposed

lh ;tf "l -.r.r.e .rL: - (r - d:flto-) Oti f.r- J.r!. dirJJa

"d 2 L * + €t.,tr3ri t\ Gf s, d pl q .sJ *itt rtiK,te;,'{ + K c,tr url J-c)-, "l - dJo br Y ,* g3l, ,rl ,F-."J -ty-t "rr (4,

ti tJUf niU l4lr ,+. &t lorr 2 L g)le aa1t;^. .,trc urt e. v:'+ u!'o 't1 :t:sLG)Ji{o?lt.reid.u*llr a.tl c,ti-f ti"i-r.l .]t'i, sF, .,i .I .:-+b * ljgle L fi r" d, * ,,t or;fZ ;t*t -.r.{, .,f S .-i S 5 etv z, )tst L r*, upt ?." Lt

Jcrrl )tl ,rrj - lY.r.r$ e. $ a,- L;.i.6*:..!t .-fL 4l ,"rJl

a f4lJ e,triel ,cl.) qs 6 * *.6lsl i ,* L orr.Jju- r: .f".t - )ltr vt9 - !f Uy q. & fi"i tr t{t3 js; .r? o&j a. it ,sl

2n eV E..rtJ e rlrel lt.; E ..I"fl 4.G. €'{.r ,{ + s\ 6tt:c

-f slit 5 .rrr 6crl r e 2x ett L fW zt* &+l *.: - crr

E ,fl.;tsl JUi=. .lri fJ rei f: t€, U(* t- t".f ,+ j.i Jrt u"l

L fl ea.l L dt- ette .,-l i + .r& b t5 .:,.i ll olrt:;.t

;k;:' 16 nj i )* gl{r f n, Lf ;u oJist ,^r rr. r r r 0 r


.rgslLUTlol|S 68?3


," - uJ .f, *+lr ralri, oL fi e..rl rrl 15i+-! c+r- .f 'a-ltrt

g .ri,:. E. r$;lrl JUi. )$ fJ L ti ,r1,,4,. .it-. Lrlt 6

! x stl 6 .S+ ,+t* i dt ss b L a-1ls|*rl O(J - .rC

0l qr illrlr U'.l ,ro ri yl f* f ,."F ,jfu s,iif p^ .;;t':. L *drL 3r dr 6Q -"d,r( t",5i, J,SrfiKJ,'-, ,f o)-L E G; ) 2 ,i ,5 ay oA Dl .(t grt u,ne L l4rr .r+ E

i rj,- rel-q l.!le f "f trt OQ - "e, .,rtofr qt$K,r.ll ,.r.

,iS ,,!r, .; { hti olf,:{.;i ,.rt .fJ rI >\a r:!e .rrt t.}ortlj .-* P "il'i L gl "f 6 ,iaf s"! et- rtl -p ilt *.f,- rrlrUrl al L.rl cpL {iU LoA $l iVl"{.JXt "t " ostlj s.

2,x ,Ju J+rt$jt3 ,a d4j(;,'lls - tf>tr t J{ $rpl c:tr.j a o:l1j

l.!1, *f uib u.r, 6td - +) !)u.-,ki ail:Q -,-il ,# { l,& .:1'1,,.$. rJFl S * + ltt f ,rrr+, *I.s .:!j a asg'b tX

lrl E 0t qt or.rs o.('! ,'d t fl* .** E .fi. sl S ? pU

)tl ,f rf dys rr+lrri,:,i o1l 0l-it c e, lis u5,-re-(t 2N {.rC ,if -{ e:j6Jli 6tYr yl Af irc cie q* rrt"igr*.. .JJ "fll,f tr nr 1t4e K LtrfJKd 0l &t E,rt,,;"rf rJU*-t 2 L e,tl,lrr

got )t1 *ef ,S + ci.i- ^) - + tf ,r, -ir'rt f JrlU 1,U K l{13

,i jb rt vl.F G.* )tl ,jf v- a uif $ ,f ,r*t ,r!rr oh el

f lirlr w d.y,sl,r.a- a,€es"tL;en *)5,$ i{St)sr d*.. vl y' uty'clUr.2l .pl rJrtlL*.5.r1 A ub t{F.- alL*

,rl L e,*t - * e*t 15;lt*l 6h a=-.5f{r3 6(l - e-6 X

rltl rl1 r4r d*d e) *l )tl + uit .lJ r# dr(- 0l 6 &Lrr { )tr.rl }2L o:.r L t&lr 2 LLf J.v f d $ +


6874 ?rouxcrAD rltrrtLt o, ultt ?ArBraN [5rn runa, l96t

.f.i(Jl )t;! b i )* E du. - 4 r,rrrg{ }d Lrl r"u.,!.i citf ,sa 6'T ,fJ

"d ,if, [f tr- uhr ok+ ,r!.f .,lX.-

C:j o-9. ,-fl6.r) , u|n 2 L;5 -. rj ^f U(- "$ uda +

s.*s a. ,s-{ ,sul- L ,-rl ,rlt 2 L u."l;J rt- Zt L *a.

,..d 2 L Lf \* ,rle* w ut-,{ -f ,s*{ L ,rl U -rr ,.i JrL,51 Lrct f{tr ijs S ,sx ber.., q, &(J - rt .f Jys o-#s *L,rl "d A 6 e * * f ,-"d,.id tr re,.:I u...f f eS

t{ vT - a 5 &L ,-rr d" o-is r.rq 6:S:f K.rt* t* r1K. all..5 ,rlo, )tt Jt+ q{ pt L ,F CI .^f + d" {,rt f .(il x rrl

U vai;l ,€sj ,Nlfu urt .L rrt.".?J3l L6)tro sfi.rf ts..rl.ri

L os:t .r.ilr q- ,F * r-]el. &:f "lbra,.r.r

6.rtr t +uf,l?ir- Jrl * 6 )r l4b Jt€irl f s"!hl & ,, 2 Lll3lJ.r cj1l

z!t+ srl ot (a ,flI ,-irn.))\(.t, * -f oilf.t ,*. Lrf S.urhrf cI M.C:G. )tl - + Uf .:t 31K1.1 ,.{t- 1.tj L oA ,:u

J? u!. )*L Lt"l t4, ir ,rt yl 2- r L .31 l4lr ,5a )16- K

)tl A- *:.lly.shl .,6.; ot + Ut f l{le dt.j)trj.,3t rlrof-rstiy'

+ f*" -f d N V{s s*t s* l- lj2g uo. ,^Lt', ,2i j4-1 32

er+l- Lr- ".r JJI uI ,S r^ lb r .rti rj Obj .lUfr'tt2 ;[ ldl3 "fK rr*E ,, ,rt+* .r)\o f, .llrl+ 6,rt71 '{ + ls,r - n7s ,sl i2c

.,"i ;K K p'; d,rta -trr 2 ,rl t:l + c^i L l4lr ,rer lKLXa )t o-)s.l E ,r.,,t, .rl.r.l 3f irl .pl iV Vf 2l:- L dr*.f* L e& 5.rtol ,d a,,*{st;l.ril *ilrl.l.4f 4 l it,.5 a-rqg crL iL L oA Dl (r, l.r.l uer .!tL rjt.ri r:jqe sr.

.Sib e:rl ,la, rlr c4sic,*f * C},rt - 5*! ser :te;






.f .rf rrt + *..3 L d{ !(rt uf J*L ,rs J* s c} *,s1y'stl ,rrJt+, rJarE. .f$oi *! - a g;.1lr ,..3 .f ,.pf 6ys: g-*ii

Lttt E Ot ,s*t e ,rJ .S; d L f," 2 s-l .rrl grt.sil f f{ ,l

ua{ q L 91 ,# ,* 4 oFt os "d ,-r ,sr*l .:rft t-i-{ q,^, ss4 2 f r3.rlt d;i,i(t LuW "f u- tff 4

"d.re,& -{ u8 6:.(f K.rr+l a u;uT A L.re.i.; -! * rf ,5+t

-..LfJa -

Minister for Irrigation & Powcr : Question !

-,J n .t iT 6r\ ,5 -J .+ _f q - Oti )ttr LE 6,a13"

u,.i- f -J fi ssl L Af defend rf t&tr ,x .f-.F ;[..),f ,r:gl

Lf oiLt3 ,5 ,rl )tl + G Crr ollrl l! .:6 .(ll l.Llr &lr) - E,d of - e- oEf, Stt{* 5. 0lril Csbl ufi.Ki, * 2"1,-slrt f r: or l.y-1,,t iti cells jirl-.- ir* su Zrx l{lr

si ;rt; 1f, til K .rlu- c,*s si .,tal u r*..:iL dl i qu 1ki. -:jE

,:r? )rt uf t.r.g ,,1,Lr 4 L./hI z3 Ll\lr, - yt { :idrJlrf Lseg n s* J.(. ltr fu lr[ )tl )h tsr ,f #l+r ,-f

,€r5. ; ,tgzf L p,t-}a.l -{t, .i* orLj u i ,ll-f,f sr-L1a.. erL t LU,l rrl - a- irt t$ ,s-l tl rrr .;.ri t: i + rs,t ,sif.lb Uf t)b ell. L f lJ dtitt ef sltstri tl S t o:f .:.-13,i1:

- ,:lf ,,ie €j ,Jrtl vI g;l - 1-.-tna ,r-L - $''- j;

vrf &t .(tr., q ra. - !13 9$ - r.i{ tLa 1lrr. urtr-OX

68?6 pRovtNctAl ASSEMELT op wBsT pArrsTAN [5ru runn, 196g

r.ll.l o!, 6 *, .)* r4r sls jj c)92- td

fu 4sJ\rt sS ${, LtiJl 2ts LN

tV L" Ywt itn 6 o2,, td ,AF -{"rbt*. ,r"i. ,5 l4tr 2 L Lq;tt tf.:,3'G 4l )rl jt tt, f t ef c"p!r t+ ..(*, oJcti[ .(Jl Kcll*fb c/.r;

-,-"ib {4"ir,Mr. Speaker : Resolution under consideratron, emendment moved


That io tbe proposed Resolution, bctween the

wordS "tbat" aod 'thc" occurriog in line.6, thc

wordr "io order to iniprove", be imortcd ; aod

for thc wordc "should be cotrusted to private

ssctor" ocrurriog {o linpr 9-tr0, lbe soooa and

words, "the autooomous status of WAPDA should

be aboliehed aad iostcad it sbould be formed a

rcgular dcpartmeu of tbc Governmeot of West

Pakistao", be substituted.

Minister for Irrigation & Power : Opposed

it.rgJ e L (Jt. - ttr .rt+ - (r- l-* r.r) r.r,. lhr .1try ,rrl-s! lri G,rl ot-i;l L a-jsl lLie )ei ,A "f e- ,5 ;*, / sl

q,r taf t,e ,Jb f oA fl 2- t# sr.l- ui-f 5r= "f q 5,5 oi 2tr' ,*t E grl ;,(=l [f ks. *2F2f- -f t;l.f:r "f a*ot .5- il 2f ds*s e, LV ql ,*s et* ;-..p1 ba; 1rt olj#s

Lr+t K CK*. tl i -q\{ A LLf, e^) r.r 4.1 .f, +"*,rf-

e:s tS LN "i dU 61, .f &* lrte &.fii L .,e* - a clt- .erl


RflOOLUTTOT.|3 5817


or l{ tt 'lr.,3 u.i tl 3* d{ ,f, s ;f rl dsr r*,. .L e; ,i.a;{ o

A .nl it cfl.u q + € N iUdlr u'{4tt..lrf! 4,fre qt.5 .rt Gx ,-.*S LE r!,rjf" s*, LJUL - + ttrth

.t4t .Jrt{ K ,rjL .rj{ ,Yra L ,bi.re". - l;a 0t.aii K 4tr,lret!2- FJt'i Q f SrfJY 6 /t*,.rt ,+ OlrJ )$,* 1el 'r\I.,'qn - rJ

Zl €- cre*, a. tJL 4l ,f Ot r ,.1- st ..l- .r*iI s*:t-s E ,.lt r "fdomicib dr{ g' !l .1el ot Ztt d: SF f.; yt S}f .#*,t 2V t.ri - .ry J, r,.iu. "s !r1 oi.rJl L sd vQ cer'tificate

dlrrt ,,{ ,)t-^f + ,*d ,tl.*l .,4 cl 8. - ol 2ts 7.bs L ':t{i .rtP L 4cf ) t 'il &' bQ ':t iN .{, i;u-ft L,J(, 4ts jly er €a .lr{ &' 0c Jl ,) S c-e1 o-111t ' e- 'tl-*l141 $€ * L Ogyll r4rt.1a-.rrr ntJu. E r,rl-t8 4$s*tl

d9rrl rer oif, ,2\ i.e qr dri)Ar sl9:" .f, + v3'*rt rh q,

,d t-." d o-d * .t& )t ,gr',J 0l "r - a Jt?s{.? ,lrH Ladr, .rl} oJ rr ,* jf * 'd + t"-l+t L ot- rlr J€ t92o-'9-

JJf ot +)y o1-2 .{S t dloJ 1rl - u} 4' ,-rl?tt tf $ + e- h:

- + ,ll{ r{tr .-(rl otar - ox llr ef.l { ssl* r*l ' u! "} ''}t

- - (rI j;:r-&f;1r .,s ot (,l5 jtl ctrrr! J? .f ottr rJ(.rt-f 4p)

!,.,1 ob ("rr) - ( 2€: "&r,a f! .--tr 6L ' f'-s' -l*'itf e q rb a'L e-lqi- r'l-x;l - llr *J'- ;ol - { 2x{ 'a*,.5cf d; L ur? ' * dl) f o3*f elt'l .(lt

'S 4st

,-fcg5cl + ,lt|;kir'r '13;' ot S +4 i'.J '5 Cl t5' laif'*t

6E7E . provrNcrAL AssEtiBLy oF wBsT pAKrsrAN [5ru rur.rr, 1968

defence ,jt{ uei ..r.rja" E ot r yl - a--d e-b.r # +,1 fJ tJ i ell cll ix if $ -f i," tja. *t 4t - + o#0l ,.r.1 .1rl - Uf Uf ,"e confirm .-(, ,s11,.l ,{ 0t -S. - * 50l .r.l,r ,jr .Ut* ri rA 2f gtQ a +V ),)t Ol);l cit^:. f,jt-* ,;f .t 0l -,r! 2f .:iJl* 6 ot ca er. o*i ,ot rrti 6s-*s e"1lt .rl..;n t) e.,rl + Ujr1 Uf confirm -{ * El - odi.r-tp Fr €fsla,rell "f t*a - q-,.:Jt- q ,.5 l{tf lrl - cry 2(lttl N uti{3" --l { + Ub \S ;b rr .rtr iKr: "f + tih Ln e- bf otr

"/yu * ! t$ yt jirf . ,fi .irt 4t +o:f ,i:t:f q * Et,"! ,rl - +;;.K t-i;t3 r1 ^f .d { Srl

rftfU l*29 ..G. ^t 2W15Lh Jf ., )l:l1ki. :e; gr.l "f f

- o-t,t tif ,irl p*,j ,41 ,* 2 e"l set - ZV tf ,rirfl .fj ,t

a-3*{ 2 L Lf nF 0B .r.a. drgt ut.l ,l a,l-,r, u,"l)

E, r,,tlll sil €l d ott f €f ,g g.rta Utl -,(*;...

f$ U (r. lrr L fr*t -J.ft €- r;;t p..rr .f .--[,, s:t- l.LL ,i-ls:tt .,J ft - iuri cis ,yt :t q i"V vf ,r.r .j)\i td* .fi. J- 15" rr E, gr.l-f rs 0l -f .ry ai^t" Uf ,1r,r gL:.

vI -ft - ,* 3 u; -,;.F st 6.r.J L =:t, s:L .rrl .r^,t, .r,u.

v!r: .+tp ,.l,J;E -i - of /F- f ,t* -f c*ta Ul..2i.;,.i3 o.l

- kJ tf oPPose e,t L dj,.ll lf dif - L se: urrt




L^b UrJ- &iL' .5 r.-y q5 .*t !f,L (.,J^, - Oti r.r. d* Ull

- oia

Mr. Speaker : Yes plcase.

,.f Av +s\ - -6*'vL+ 'r/- ,rr'l) r'tt'i er* d* Ub

t?i- 4 o:s tS Lx rjg ctr Jy' ltE ^(r; u.r, l'!ll 3t .' slsl o''l

u..6 e*; 6 r-.rle,J-b - ltr vt': 'rtr 2f :tJ a' ft' t.,rt,b

-+-.$ .!. a ti;l c#J s4. *.(-. sl ^{ - ost uf e1r'- 2 nl

.!--t *. ..lytr+r e-Jb e 6?),.5 rltr ^f- or. -* df uE, t/l

Zih 15t pt *r ,(J - JN dt f ,>olsi 6|'t e J+l trt 1i uirtt

- )tr vu: - 4;j* ;f f st ,-f u-.-a .:;-i ,5 .,l, ,5.r1 *{ - *

,..rr.r. lLi E Ur L url - t9 -p.Ft .(1l - tf T ,! .'ile.-(31 4;'L LN 0t t ". L ,rl yl - \l -rr 0tt* ot f I ,ln rI - if Jtdl

.r"i jU .f dr etf r<-t .rl - tf I i,yt rJti..l ^4 L d) .).i? sr)

trni r,se (st,J od c-\t a2{t sd *ju -r.s-}l u*.}{ ,et -r+tj t9}l

Ur *f - 6- kg(J ,,'. 6ril! ..r.ll ol - tfrr ti e s*l J4 trf .s - 6h

- +- fa-l e.o.r. t*al - .-- O(J - tf tt ::l L rx rf-sl.t. flJ t

,,f "*:

* jf q, u.l - ltr vu: - q- k*t. .:4 fatigue "l ,#

,J*:rlJa ,*. .alr+r z-;Lr - 5,,if 2- drtrl aort Lslt* l{lr

uCf. +i- crl .S' clr1.; 6(31 - +l+'*.Ju.r,f diB;K t/'* - +*fir. u"l $lr*il E ".(*. oi d - Ox k4,?* ,^l cr.. - +- dLJ tr

sS - cry u.r- .j..jX. L &t)tf 9; j:-1$l t {.G. ,,rl - 6.8 L

- tiJ,r 1l3rt 1K ,jtf El - drr r:++.- r,n, "$ - qrlJ.rt pj)L'E. z ,l:l



, .,'"-jl

6880 pnovmct^L arrtraLt ol w!n, pArt.tAN l5rg ruNn, l96E

ll L,rl -f - * dst.r'il ,sel hi 6 4fu "(ll rf ;as1 fl- oja zs:f r{ j-{ x 26i u-f tr ,fl; o*f yl - * tt:-r v*l4lr "f - i*1, J ,f t? crlor - o* Ls h ,rjr" tr! & "5 U

{.f,JA..,lrK+ r.ll r.ry shls Ol - +Ur, i:.1ifr:11 .e& gr.lto L-1; K

virl L.-(. an: - Yl3 tlLl - tt-r"r r.r.rl =Fi ,e te({ K 6;t dtr-4-1l.rl .r - )1.,; dllrl a"i lt'',eal { G; .f .(L tfi ssl _ x Gfk0?.- 4. r(! ,od ,ji d: .fu ,, - iL ! otrl )*.t L;.L1.L,fr1l

Gf u:, rrl- Yle.-,[:- q es fiV r..r.d f ?i ssl.(t-,3 ,J-rss.,

,]i ss ,rl e.LKJ ,.1cr w-# o, "1r rf vbl sf .(L rf - ,.,0r, ..(;

tl*g l-ss K.rl OQ - + frf ,t 2V 5 -tr- Jrt u.- - * ,is J..)fJ[il os -{ ist-y;ljr vt: 6 -o-}t Lg7- ,E i u"3S: vI .tlu,U E 0l - urc f -)tF o C* dissl tf ".(', ,rl 8 - cD rxri

- + tr., 6ri: .(ll

crtlar ,rf JrJ- Ok -t.-l l-. --&- .rti J-rz ,rl)

xi ot+

oe ,^f -{ or{ &:.lf 6l a ,.!t1T :l)s atd - )13 wk- 9i

,ro. .(, otr-: OQ -q 2* 3 * Zjt aL L ,-i, st s ,rihidh" - )lr yL: - + *t, Jt;:il Jrf u". fl K r.lt or" ktr7.-

f, 17T dU. .fit ta .t - + dt i trZ?*fi orii tf rlrtt.r^..j r_$

.fX Ef .r-ffil: r.r€,, 4 .--Lr pl;.. Vt+.rrl O1aV[ h gU1!f qar" r,6 xJ 6a,..(tt L J"**l 6.r f - ,f-f oU.AE 6.rl J-






K.}r .+#.rl si - + t- UKI Ju -. i .(rl L t: '+ t}*).r+ E, .rf - .5 bt lt j{ L grl 4 L Lf Jrv connection

4t) ., f ,rt e- til ,.}l tr.L .(it - i- tjrtlT .h -f ,rt *

nf +.:t Jt -J (.;D, O9tsy" yl - + til l, t ' Ji K oV 4-r'es pl

r.rr f L a€)F gr'l - crl e.J'rl J*r -. ri - + e) ,iv &tu'

si - 2- {r sJt- d, ^.(,... f 'd - ;gJ 'jl$l .,i - + t'T J:{ l:lS &* ;f * 0l .rfl -,1 - +tp+l Jrtr.-r;i', Jf "l 'rt^r

,q .rf -f - uI 4,:gt A, q r' .tJl lil ar ?: & L Zvr' tt *'r

oJt-.t & ,,rl ,^l - llr vLr - tiT a oVf Uui f ftl t,trM.C.G. a. a.2L o"l ,{ - { ,s:f &i;f ^a a vk: (# ' 2-

J5- 0l 8 ;of..r.oi - .,r *! et2;, .L oyl;,.*;,t - q-"tlr,."

q. M.C.G. ot - + trt" e*f ,I V 4u i)^ u4 ''.rxf

rlx.,j =: .# q- * tf .r rf q ud & UiL r'lefd AfFtk;3- 11 1el - dr t t" rr.fi; ;r 6rrl n iV T rU tr.rt 4V L

- e- eV s' +.Jrta d ' + l8 G*'J '5 4tll." ''r*l $ +.i,t r5,.(. r-l * G;ta s:l * ttfl*', $t ttl '.ljb.rnrft*r vl

- .+ ,5 .f;& c,rt6; I e- U.h ,,ltrf tftel *r'l ssl ' + tij1 Ufbl

r,lf e. rg.rea .r:f &r L Zf+t (.^. .(;j! o.rh url - llr Yu:

/ + t'b !r Ci rr odtv)

' q € rt ,Iri lU vl -,0- 4l

.t "f a r! 4a" , t+r l-rr e3 w .lh: - Oti r"t' d1lg Utl


68E2 [ovtnqAL alrtrrlr o, rrt ?AEIITAN [5ru ruun, l96t

- + c'l| tf €r.r.p L r-(L a-lLe 4 tfr "C

.3i\ e.lt+l

(ot tK !!1

+ UKJ cjl.ril ,.rI ro r{ L a€t-: -{ ,.13to t&fr - Ytr vhaf u*.1 ,Sn jo{ ,* ,,r.1 - + 6 ,9 c.tt L n.(r, otl .^5-

dri." ,31 e ,f *.5.!.' sKA-rJF 6rJra: -*ri 6 air-conditionors

-f .ro6, r# dJ':' e^, Vl fl - * 6 rsri od L,^.(*. crl qr

2 ,yl - *U* g-{ l3s LChr 2l: Z*t * rt)c ,-rl t r.rrrrt

sr:L clr - cr, 4l &a t ol ) J tt d m e qt rs 1s; Ori,,,1l"t

r.reU! ,.$f t .t .",,rrfrf ri*r1 "f oN uf$B .5 r,..J .rt r-! =,trL ,rt rf J}* .I s171 { )t ,f - Zb tlr f Jl-rf L,^. r.(*.

cl$ AlLo / L l.li 4 scito .tj-,r'.1 ssl - it:V 2 * d4jto

ur, .cU .5 .fu grl 19- L &,,.1 ,J cly ril n qr rrl - lt: Jl.!e:o9 s91r! E. Lh slh*f\ - f*.-,rr, .ltlj J .fu tl - ,y+.*

- ca lw g b*el :{ ,-,J *l

G2o:3- c.y rilll .rl CT - r(.n- 9L* - (., - tr#Y) cjte ;laL * - ,S,* vU: (otiK!.l) - - -- slr .rlri + L v-V ter g\ir41 sub-conscious L;ro rry a-ltl L 6l - q- U+f r,)\i, a. upte

-.lx hte .rb .r.. - ,A it T; ,.ltrj ci4. ,: L r;N sYr.r s"5-

6r.f ti ltta u.f o.i r,.)\.,:, .,, (-FJh ef rll , CI _ ,i.* ,_,u.

cr5i .{,j .(1t f 6rljT d:J*, rrl 6rljl ;i ro3 - 6:ljT 6I L oe";t

- r.lJa Qt7 jt.. ceu - q- !r



grar 0l;l url slt tl.i *t L ,-)e )tr b ts2orla ' Ylr vt=

+rL r.rr eiL pl + tf 0L'l th e,e i 1te, L 4y ,rl L.{ ,ia

otril .S ox Vf d.r .lU 4L.. si&t sf .r-1., .r.:.. [L,e r.::L lr--

c:.rL- 61;; 6 r.ll r* - + ,f ,i} ,f dlyl u,.l 1..,, 5 9"t ,A Loy tst tk{ 2 L

A- fl$l "il.r:. r:ir- grt cd. .(;l -:l-r Jli ut 0l - rQ- vt+

yL ue2# pl - + til u*. fr- yl 2e(-s pf .,r" e6; d,9- t*11

td Jlrit g6 .;"1.1 { &r ,tl i q, 061 ):* L "i,,tl

.5 *r(- *

.,3tr,:ir 4 -+ tt) Lcser:t sr, tr if O- )tt *r n, d S'lJb uai. S ,. ,& s{..f! .r+l ,€ 42 ct- Og,.il - q- 'rlr ,-!ti

vd s{ 6;1.:Ue * .(L 6tb oUel .r,*ia .* "k .5 Ot Jrl ua+i "'a-

- 4- toJ rjL tfir a gr"fi 6 "l , .(,

a o.f L c*t .r'l.p o).- : llr vt'r - jlr' J'i.r 15;1l)Ja

os Stl + ,,..e- llt.o o; rf cD 24 U.p.J I (.lt Zs f l/.t :l *- q- "*- KYT

Itf vV b oL 3: ql; e d - r<$' ?u- - c;,.r;t"..

,C 5,Jr,t,Jksr .f l4rr tslsP L CHI r*r.-S:l L 0k-f\.rrri'

-: + te(, tr ql + (x db zr WAPDA Weekly q ,.(tl

"Govetnor pals tribute to WAPDA. WAPDA

laylnS touod cconomic basis,"

t a;lr sr. ,^" U" + c'sl,,f, .-(ll ,.11. rfJU - F$' YU"

6884 rtoytncrA[ Arlrrtl? ot wltr rarBTAN [5rn ruNe, l96t

,S us:fpl ca }urt ed *V l:-{ - eutrr/ .^" ,y st9;

- q- LnJi. ,rr .lfiU &ti tr J$t ;y. f ,rt,tt ,Jr.i. r v*.

I ul o;-r.:i E S{:- ^l ,^f s-,i - *.rgE pEel rlna. .i*.

'+ l;{ $115'7D df - + u{ ,s-# ui-f - c.i,e }..r- ,sotn * jof w L)\ L ,rl 4*.

u{ } drt sb &u r5. Or q S + ,4 ef _ -F"e- .rL*

15ui -. *1. f 6:T "e;f "C;f cilt \.,,?- r.lgf r4r .jrL ,-rl S osl

d fl t A ,>,.1;s 3- g[ ill sjpr\ L ,rl O(.J - €- ./t" .sr d* a.

o5:Ox be=.,.rt ,.& -.1r"Arlj,rjhSt qJiosf s$;l *o-{ aUtl jr, +rsr q, + !r .}J, b- 6.r:, oi21 ,y? d L oe6il

- otf ,.ia-{ 6 Lf +U, 6 1.1t o; "f € ,ssf .:-teil: ,&

trf gef L u^la, re. - ;3rI;I .Lil-r,t - {rr!. tLr 1lrr.l ar-t-

e- gl (* - + ,Jh Jt 4 '^:. * ,sW rrtr ,?- '€ ..95 d +- oy Uf .i>\.:rl

f K -j q_ U5. AT .il &it3r - ,(.* ,*i ;..-

a. sli o9 pl q rF u:irJri K6rI rn - trrre lLe llrr- ,r-L

+ Uf c,\ v?- o) Z nl * )**.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : That is no point of order.

L t-Ur drl d-r: ld + 4 cii.i- - f!?- ,-,f+ - clrr J-.


RESoLI tloNs 6885

6l .,1,t-. L url + to.1 UJr GiUl (JE, J*i.l Jt-l ;el1$;l .r!l.r

+rtfiK rI ,rl l$ rrl fl* L nts* trl trl .D e-s 2f oa=7.g;ri

l*l'ortrl ;kia. .1e- t4l ,-(11 l4lr - .ry +) Zf :Vbl { ,Sipt e-

,4r )jq-J ,f* tl ld r(,7) Qi q ctl":. Y o.-* o J5l.3 .f ,r:

lLia.rj;LeOltr:)r-a$ L otUlrl olr.-jq.f (uJ

JKI udi.: Gf 4 €iJ- oA CI OQ - e e-f c/b.t.5.tllrrlgi :sl.tl.r:-l ba L J3l-s *rfi - dU,:il{ t-!13 af Y* f ud

- q- JtL ,yJ{ ,.I a,* f, Jjt-r .pl .::o 6:lrijl 1el

6l f crlrla:it ,at th .;,1.; .&l *V z-* -f6- -,t;1

oJf I Lty - sl1 E .rLjlrJ L z-sl:l1hi':9i qv .rl : + 6t&'

1ki,.:5; ,/ ^t' A rl ULi tr,il - f- tf ttrLl K .rYt+ .n+ L

- d;4 grble s'cta. L c-l:l ,,rl S + I'j! "l 4 L e,r; L a-ltl

tgfl ..r*J.c a .>-V .=l - 6g .!rL g.,l1l;il "[f rrl J-*'' t{ .t,.l

LT - x e-." J;(JU.rkf r rpt.- K rrl e'L €iL L,-rl yl lV

da. U - 21ob Laf; 1rr al 4 ,a^V f-y.f cD LU, " )f tb

o1 _9f rljl .Stt L ,:YLr 3 tt, 1V *gi - vilr,. - dy J,.'t

,3t" Ub tiX" 4 ,4-b 'yl -{ zltt o.t fl - aob Ub Sr lK

- F* vt+ - e- t la ,.KL .rlrlKQlo.,t51 b*lrt 5ll a $rL ,-r;

a di-[- U , + 61,.i { 4t e'l;tgl Jf U )*Y, i't s'(i 616-

1f:i=.r3;. p,t oLjl3J lE ,^l de1 be-* (r 3 + dL' V ;{: oJ*Jc

f -) t + .itJ K ,rrt'i f ; 6s tlh:,fl ot +) ,]r,l- -{ " )l:l

.* .lh: - q- L,l-, Lr3t 6.I .1rl + Jit) LL.- :l a-isl ar'l ,roLJ



6886 pnovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wusr pAKtsrAN [5rH rur.rn, 196g

b.r Ub L)ta =. 2r* ,.rl -{ ,. ltrl ,-rl - e- gt*l K.'rtf J 1;l--,ff vhf l et-.- tr01 - uU 5 t. r.r- L ,rt ,J,Lr ). S +-{l :i - { irr Ll ,^6t s,& 0r L .:"tj tr r+ L Lstn:l 5 tps

f liilr e &rL ,.r" t;f f{ *- &} u-l o;l:l 61t1s1K &s;l," dtr- E[- J$ nJlel: Krrt "l,A ? - q t^1

t) e. et - u"rKJ .jtJl { u{v $ ," .rbl .rl !,T _ f4-,_,L-.l-tU L dty El ty q, Ot:lt srt i st"i.l _,rjr vt+ elrt cl:

rf) )f .in fi.rt J€.(, s,ra ^!s*\ p.Ji" K)\(:. ^.r ki bq u^-

8;A {- generating J" q, u.t - k, *t ap. 3f ---te ,t.,f, +yr. cls dl Od) + .,5* ,,t t+l J+l &tr K. t.. a.0t of.Sir- url a.-(a. Kljurr U l4tr s:*t- * ts.D91 cJt-*-t ,5t+r dlrK.,.

<4 si uin Ltfi ttil lrr; ,rt71 *. Xfu .'.? 45- ki ui.{^r !,,i:ail j3r

:.-h..1rl o.rUb KLt*'r; & maintrausmissionlines lf ",Ie

rf ,.rt": .5 )l\<- nS ,s',1-i1K'il a cii.i- ,.fl -rt ff d - Erf ltJiil- u:6i )J?t.,.tL,:jl .--l;- l) Ll_$:"g .-(i transmission lines 0l

ttlb ,Jfi Ub u^. Jt:^a.,i, r,.. - * t^J -lt Cli "rlsS ,S:tl:f { pi pl

2f ,-ai 2liflt (r.. tl7€ ,yl :+ ,€ u4, f Lt ,^f + * f VI

;J! r-t..;i -{ ,:t qf * e-vk, rd s,tar &e.; 6. 4 r.r. dl r.D

'rrf Z"f OA"2'

Mr. Deputy Speaker: 15 minutes is rhe time limit. I will give the

Member two minutes more.


efY a genelatiag capacity L!dri*'- r3l+ c.l,;i Ol - oSs rl.r


ote if ,* r{ ,t l}'4ei 6l*'^l' .rr! ,!*t oQ e-JJs}f

.,.3i S ,:f:t lts - q- uru { i4 cs J voltage d "h'


-e- ub lr-5 .{l U31 K.rllrr ,5 ,S*z-.,(;' ,5 Jn; t 6*2"..f Jlr

0t€i, Kqgl t^ 3s-d c"ctr L ,s'Kv 1rl ,l"lu L5 o.,lrl 'rl

L '>'2$

tr l(u Uja ltrU l{1, - q- Ut , L +-V9, vt+ u(J '+ Utel

*l { i + jrt tKu ,ft us* be;rl .r,. "Q

q tatv th * +'

,r.rtr. rl.r.l 4.(-. e) -J ft -{ iV q) ,f )N' LJlJ6re! ulf

€f '**^. Kra! rl.r.l lf + lo Ke!.rl ,f VT ,J';, f )t L

a-1V,1 td cl1, l7f 4;U L sf) ,!t.:;l gv - +- h.l 'b * e'}.

rJ.eJle:r4 .5.lirr.<- .ftrU e ol isr;Ku 6.rL 6, dLil t-n'.lL

ui-f ,,t; "d + 6; r)V *19- gir ,rl - + e. "tr r.5 611;f+ ;rl

- q op) )$ g:r.lgler* )tl +.5; ^!,Jk- '-ui .ry .rl )1 *f,"

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The ameodment is that the Member wants

WAPDA to be a tegular dcpartment of the Government'

d, Utl, "f g djq q, ri - .rs 1r 4*',j - q* 2tu

- us Lf objryl .5 .rKu

6L:" ! a,*,-.(j ^,-ri'-J + it. *is ,.rl - c,til J sltdT rlj9

- ,i "{ aa{ ua.

K tirt3 ,rd 2- { o:J 4l - r41 ,:rto3-3 .I .rl ' oro' ;2u

d.e.K;tj 0l or*fqe I & 6K'rt1j il l.3 E it+t U '*(*'.+te r.2.. tLc 6v 2 grl - ,;C a-t s$;hilr et o..h :f

L,t"S*,'., ot-alr ,r-f $ g pil .pl rlrl+l t5,rt4=r rf ;497.i o1 rJ


6tE8 tlovtlrGter Asr.Lt o rrr ?arrtAtr [5rn runr. 196!

fr url sC L r{p rrh lrl - A }rd d9x'. .41 - jb tf ,r*,;l*. tr $ L !r"l .fi ,f + tf- fi - *d .f ,$t" o\t.ra i[i l\lI dlil g;1" 1rt jt" l1r f r"*l ui. d3*. t{ uE crj.('"

.ff ,- 0l a- *lI,- * x.lt*.i stiKl tl .ry ji ,4rl ,roitii r:-5rjl, .;l.rl n1 tl 2t: tf U"" J -*r*I .I.+f., ,r, fr - jt ,^.:i.rG rf rlu-s-q S AV rf vT ,$ .f jb rr, f tr* f,;6-,,(t.r* ,r."{ f .(u urt :j ,*.{ =u /ii ,.tri)t6.1 Z LL)\a

- 2V tlr.f )rc- L ?j

Mr. Deputy Speaker : That is nor relevant.

l-rl'l )tr lF - !13 ,-'t; - (, - .(*:) gC.,rl J.rre 6rrr,a 5* .qt rf ,,,,f l-rd a. K" x 1Yu l4tr *f + "t #-itt) {"f +- el r*r ,5.+t" .,-L - jb U, f Jtt) w}fu Lt-$l:l

Jtt [r k *.(." Y ,:-:-trlf -) -f ,r.r. rstt- $tf$ ,f ,,ft flfY ,s hf c) .lrr 2}b t+r ap1 sil CJD. 5- e* e{ l\te tes

Jtit 6 r*.; .f .+t, cr:b rar Zl Ct + sU s,e"l 4l q - z.d-oiatxt3{ 2 L

,;f Kp-: Uy'+ -x l+l ,re ,jf w p*, fr - llr vt:;Jil t 41" Qr ,.(:.et f bK f *- s.t V i l\ n,1K$ ,^,an

61e Kd'.t n 2V x tf.r. jf tf *- ,F t- f*+ -fi S + *f tfu,r. dC ,or..y cfity-t { ,*-t* fr lF. fi - }V V.ft k -,r.r, U a & AE'fu ,rt 6a- q r4S1 t t lV V

€.rk .frfif .5 t4tr .f jb U f aooepr Z d f y-yld ,S itt

d[,: E a*t ,*t i jt" qr tt f 5* \rJtA =t )tt Lr;.;


rud'mloDs 6119

ud uo Ot L A gtl.lU tg . (trl .l,htrl ,5 t*I ,rl dtsrl1Kr ,5 0J 'tl Olrl" E, ,St rJft .d . (d cr\Kr ,5 d

- 14 .rhK! uS Ot *. .f, Ort tJ grL u'tpl rl

Mr. Ihputy Spcrtor : Telcphonc lr a Centul rubJoct,

6 p*t url gter. L ir&$t CrL ,r.' . Urflrl i.i. Or{t, 6p erhKf

. rU sqK, 6 pd g.l uo dLl t, yfu . rJ.};Irr

4gjlr1 f oe.*.. tU 0l VI b5- Jfi , . U.lrll llr. d,rlJf.Edf ut1if tK*

f-f af .lU" E t, j ,,"S. Lltf . Olt rlall rrrr jllr. rrnd sdKo vttr tS

. * ej)l tlr" ,t . rl.i. lb 111. 91tr

)tl cry rJt ,t" uaq .Ju,/r. r, s,UK' . d.lr'l rb* ttar{i

tfi f4 r.f r.ita $b$b o$* Oitt ol Prr* 14 r,lrty'tau rrrq

ft . 14, ,]s ,3 ohr$ 6f $b L st y' rr .r*K, lrl* tjtff ,*,r" Ltgilzt 1l ,f W d n sril dlhe. SYV oS*,, o,.fLd ,tl dtcr at* s3 C),r-f rar.cYt- $*y fb|, a-l

pf -d ZV s itl ds4f tOb,s,,l .strtsVt *#rLU+ us slrb ulU .,ttl .{ r(t1 4 A? & s, cfi b, 2*r,,0tl, A L dt. 1el ,Lsi| 2a u,dbtofl+


6890 provtHctal. atrtrBLy or wlsr pAf,.ts?AN lstH ,uNB, l96tt

-€ 5, J- ,r.rt it. trLteil .riU rf ,.lec a 0l - a$e^ .r;ri

3f *&-, t)rl no ,.f 5 1,. ,t eiU Jt*. ,_e+l .f,1l o1 - )l.e 9,L-

{t-)\, ,-J -g -lt J^, Jrti U:?,;lr z ).:*iL;f .llrl o.urb r-(;l

)tl ,-(rl f'*r, $,rln, siK z-:f t.iuter; tlrt.r* .-f,rio, "f i"5Lr*t aL ,f i tl ssl ,5 x * J* c.htt ti 4 2it- 6,11r ef ,^ tl>l

*S J* .= uUrl f ,s- J.-a girors; - Ylr vk: - { 31 ,.2a3,\.s

e &.j al e(q .rit. .f u.r produco u,"f u4- - + Gf J, Ju. j[{ p*Ji .pl + [r t- l;s f transmit Li ir* sf ,rl + u^t J*produce ,rla .f .-: tit- Lf r.ri produce

"f ,-rl e_ )l)rV cr-Jc

(,.*ii .J ,rl+l - q jjt tr{ process adopt e &t-t / L Lf.:or.r f )xf rrlrf -{ ,rt CrL 5 n{ u3r- - e_ job .-tqKj .Sll

produee )a t{,tl tsVt - lt, t;r fn*x sf ,rt Ll d trt- rK,

.rft e- uL Us- z process J(;$ produce sf ,.rt yt K 31ti.2{

jl. !.: a-) ut d9)lrl or>^lc or-Jc a: peii lll production f,yl

i:lis gl production ;vrf ,f ,t - 5 Jq st )c? J-s jgtiti .(11 ei

pr*;i ti * sib * stl; uar. Oi! .(ll *. r-r 5 action .dl ,/o.,1t.:l yb bf fr*ii - € 2,, x )K). "e { 4.,f t-f o;t:l \lt L:{Lf production .pl g lA f$l * ., Jbl 2ts tr{ production

e) ur d:21:l d9ie.: Dt { iKt fi)t.p cll)l 2ls z-rf ,o.*ii o;1.:l llr

q;i f .r3$ ..5 .rlT rrl lrl 6 +r,JN u3l3) *-o:r J 2-21 ,).c

l{ I r*di .5 oll .d }-d el lirJ € e1 bVai :d ,.s2;3s u*

,:.iJti., .f .rl ur. Jrl 5:t &o JIUU j[ o) 4-) of orl>l J+9.!lr,

- oy tif



.r,> )tl crl +) te,.-}l+l 6.rU ,.- c,YL u.. U) 6I - Yl1 .7t'1

j,r? .r!U E ,F r.,t t l'(t LsVt;rl u;r +) ),r,)J1i .=. c9.,'+

61rJ crJgr q, .fl. ,,5 A 4 Uti, tr 0l ga +) ,t ,j4 a €f

":., K .-jS- .* r-[,Lr UrI .:Jr: c)t a-h { * { \ ,1,-['Lr

J. lir Y .*l.t ef 6:I )^ L .(u gnt SE t ,.h.i { .LyL pl 3"

,rt -f { ), ;1) ,* dreit Lts*trt'rf Uur 6l f,t$ *r-,t,.a..i -f o"tT .f e #Lr ;] .fu ,.f K gd otai 3f Jyl

otl 4 ,j-ls;s ,rl L.+Le Jl.r- r/Lh ,*r: * J."U ,? { Ln4€- K,r.:I , L L* i JiLr 6lril c;le: ''d+. c/r. .ri .5 .lrr!

r/l + &L (.i- { 4x !/U u'i e- ql .{ u"I f Yl fat- Ueo

tsf #ti .5 rrrr r.i,.r-I.p ,5rt-;ll oyt V-d -ilti. .f .rl w 2' ola

.,1 .r't, g:L r*. - ilr.rl: - (o - ,Jq) r,ltr .t ru 1\21 st,,.

lfrl grl L v-V "?lri l: .:U .t )tl ot1. U-I +lu ss):l ,5 g*t

+ Ut" 6 o.l it, ,, vtr s* f ,t.r+i Jri zh .1, 6 r-l.

,S { ot{ q 2:,t Zlnt rf .rq ,fi - + f - ctli4tn

-t S

,r lu {, ,rl .flt qV U ur L,iJ ,-(;t gt^:. f tltr u*l q. -*.-iL- g "lh [tr" - a 2.r q!. 1te" rl. -r.4 -f t\tt +$ Qs d+

clr41 ul1 .rcl #Yr - - llr vu: q- a G)tt pl e'-*t.ry -Sl

L urf ,r{ e- o*J .art)€.rl .ry dt+ a-r. ,tf }tL r,ll- 'r-*,

- + r,f ldle S 2V tf sti d e r.r? jb .s, .!u.,.el "3t{

2+ ,glr.r - llr vUr - + *(r=" { Cs-t; pl osis lill9 ga' c'Li-

"fu jb frh r.(a. KOU-ft* ,51s. u1f* ..r;UL ,f ,5",.-l 'f

6892 provtNctAL AssBlrBLY or wusr pAKrsrAN [5ru runr, 1968

,5 f*l o?l ,5 r--r[.2 ..f L q. l+J - Oia p) dtdl,i e- * ql

- d1 uf +!ti 6.,r

"*(.*.. uS .{t - Ylr .rh - (n - ,;7,t.d),Jrru nJlr;l 4ou it*.

-f dglL;l ,S$lf L .(t ,"- "f +.* .ltr a,.l 1t.,a:.il K,rU .5

0l + upfi ,-.-a. .>e; J'/i^. 2 L Z{l bsd e u. rar t{ -* 4li1i:f;,1 e its3t,f n-r I L 2tj- *. K0l c. sa L sri;yt .5 ;ri Jr - l', wl:: - jt o, f sjsf ff ,2*i o]^s

.Lrf J.aL .!r.rl i ox Lf lr* .!rb fis, L .lL r"- S+ un4-2r)) e oll )tl iq \s f ?sro a os!*'ri q54l ef Jl 2 La jL5. 5 Z,*e-tt(,-t.rl )tt 2) !f .r.irl ei".i ot.L a oefu

L* f t- t;r ,f et -d geile J.L.rl *l il: t.f Jrt*,nJ:t-j 3-

- Yfr .rU: - I J.ti J JrF i gts uiJ,! a* Jy rS 3:f ,,:-,St G, t{ ol )*il L rJ-. 6-S ,rd e- q i-e,-lr, 5 G; ftL Ltf dt.s stts e Slge .J)\c t. clei-:i 6 0l .rf as qt'ic;

fHf rrL.ri \sr. (s e)t, u4t e- rdre L-i; i ZL: !: f tlji 2Jlell grl ,{{ e. rL rf ';1 )d deir 14..ral - Ylr vL: - Gr} tsr

tl.1 s! s*t a- ,sfi L ,i) d i tei e"a Jj qli l4lr .:." ua1

,5 ,*if Lbt- :- 6h rt d-e"1lr;;f fj+fr v&t L de.eiL ))*. zrs,1l.rr.! t 4g(r, .:LtliJl f. l&rr ,, Ji ,s 6 L d 2e i v6d9.(:.. t.il ^{ + kf ..1 .l ;.,, l{{ bl Z-, ^"y rrSt{ * .,r.l .ry

f s, zjef ,t ;V.f .r;s u& r: i qt aib .5,r!lrl ,.rs -r: .f8f,f url Z L c.:Lr ,5 or.r*il :r esr.t 211 pl rrf +ri .f ,rl

,f* r:.,\ 4l ir, * )tL E.,JU. 1;1, - ll9 vL: - r,rf iti *is{



L t;ai* {. Oi*l ,-rytl5;;51 )a tslt.r.:E 'rel "f tr r:s-d

L drr"l q L,t4 t€S, 6Ju. J$r..!l cnr zfi L ,Stf:{.f t4tr

Jrtr yl Lu-; L -:,.* -[tst'L4.6;;*,5t1 2- ti te rf qul

q-? 19l € 6 ot*l.r .pl cltnE;f tf tf ,.r Llu;. f, equipment

*f tlL-p "* L p;*. .,ti: i ,rf ..' -.ritf-l .irL .t ,vl .-* dl3al u'Nl

..r L drl tC disgruntlod r(;js 111 t$ fjX. K l&tr 'l::e''l c:

6 ,.t;o ,;tf "S + Q':I!- K disgruntled - + Ut€il 6it-iL'

Cnr.i Ll.rf- JU. ,s tf ,./l .r: ttl + Uet? Uf ,.[rt^:ti' i-{ *.

L rg.1l.r ,r..i !r'L.-l Lt$ *, 2- tif "il lteT j)\i L,rl si 8x

6i "f t€ L otdl flr, lrb q :f ,i*.i,; -n ,{ d91 !i!:1 3iL

a-rei;r 2 L si)\..5 rdrr u€ L g'l J 1rl t6r ,'i>\'' Kl4lrr'2L L -J L q E + "ttJ {,5'flf.5 t-!tr q - Ylr +'l+ 6'

.,rJb x ,r*ll rrhl;i J:^.(-, O*f '-- S +."1dlr'rt - Uf ,i"l '

q, -#* t4,"39. -{.rl tlT I jt. t.f t.f w z-r! "f' ^.G" .rl i

drrr- ,.r", - 2V Ur e-r *,1 st ssL ,sti j{ 'z'2(,- tl ib Lr a-r

i i\ t, rt,lr;. ris ui-{ Ka-a tr .^f oN vf 'r'.'ti tf et>ta'

vt*f GJI 6>te f, r/l ,flt L s6i 6>\c K tl ,st tif ..r-"I' f ,rl

c..9(- 6>\c V ,)A 13, s(at se. K p*- a Gr) .5 O: a tjKl U{ V

L,rl ft - { J.t .r"r. 4 4) 45 .1, stL ,-f ,f e-(;- 'rl *,f\ L

&l ,.5 Cl ,,str-:ll ? sf* "f ,.r, ,;l,S ,sa'e(- if f *5'-'

i&t - S ;i .d od e, f ,rl; ,'l *r(- -f + "tr rf ,rlt;

i - + C>\, Uf f ,il ;el oJN t):rf .rt*lr a ^f 7 *r e! Jlr

f ,rn L 4.3(- f d * :tb $ '',f oN ,:ad c8 r.!- rrt cry

. Vf ,.t {4. ,.$ Jh t , 4-) w ;S* ,r-t;lx -f .rl L ib trr


6894 pBovtNcIAL AssEMBLT op wEsT pArtsT^N [5rH rur.re, 1968

,S 4 e-19;;: ru 6* tx dieti 6.ist-y -t)s yl d91 ko[. tirf

tr ,1. ttB L ,rt iI "f a1ob U .i!b f 1!rrK 5 t{tr rf 0l

#"L. 4 ,rl sora ; tf i + e)):e \5 LKJ Gssf { srt q ud,*

ve )1 - r.ly 2.{ r)€} u*t pt of 2f ..r.lK.l .ftl - e oari

Lui E, "t*-t

gr ?? uJ e&, dl'i E ,b. .i.,. - + V-d stK..

r.fll Vtt L+l - e- list cljti .$.rr K,rh ,;ljss i ur il:rt! qr.,J crt r E o6.(1, ,';.f, dt- o))o,s*ll r.r- u{f .;I - e- r'l G.4

,Jt?.I otrr - -1.1 ,s*f: ,* lt .x )tP L )". *{ E u.<,Q: .r.r. .J

- + rkcl ls1' d O2)le ut+l rf ,rrft f. ot^r )rt + t€-l ftli:;l tr

tA. ,ia u'S f. -lrrY VI - + c/r.r Ji urr .l)ti I .rt.i ,tar dtag

ja ,ft u:l f-r. ,* jl.r) L -n gtae olib ; dKr:,r*f ;t-t J o*t sL=l ,g ".(-. E ,rta f ofi dq-i "5- y') ,rt ,, S l.l.r ,lal i ltL g*e ordl ftt; tr l4lr "l nf t l ,Iri )t.rl o.1.jl

^", ,rrll i-b ,rl ,t 6 { rs:f s-!-rir) o lG q - + U(*-..f

rf .rl-r jri url "; s:l ef :-fu f*l.f =.1, s:L f *i;ei - ,1:

'b., ,.t ,rl - + .5 ;t.l L r-olp )!y jyse? *5- t: ,j-.{ ssbs-,}.;- utl. rf .rk s*f ,-i ,.rri }js uSsf K jlrT rf r.rtlt ort ^f + 6)

Ltf 'id

q. OlJ,rl Url VI -11 rrUtL ;tj lel .rlrlr.,1l.,i 5 yt - ,J-f

"f + 6J'? + Utfi K,r.:T.jrl .Sll n - ,rt oj: v:-{ K,,ll cr*

€5l -f sl .-t ti +,*d ob Kotl r.f d { "-f cre*r,< e.-?

,.s-f ; uzu uerl:.,Lt .,J .f d.54 to; f *lrs) q, - tt 3xz vf.rt" { of! tQ fr ;f. *t.t, S.f .*l slrllri .,ir .rr€a{ L -Jupf .* CT "f E irs(J, -J O(J /t" ,5 s.t GS.fit / L e)

-lY ,s261'r'I;'r J.s Y *lL..


Mr. DeputY SPeaker :


REsoLuTtoNs 6895

The Membcr is not relevant to the amend-

slllj ',{ .re1 g $ L 3.7 ,rl * - ,Jfrtl plict rjirrr. ;t..r

6::, - * t9) f r.ltal J* =. ,.rl L (# 6?J .f ,.rl pl ,!t- 5 "' ;lJ'

q, r"J .t grl lrl Lf d 19li;, ,3trll rf p{} o,'l 'd + q €.fyI o3a Ut" fl 1rl ;-ri .&l .nr - z:f )il.i,,' ,; o-{'S djarto.; kl

sP 't f s, O:c. L.rl*l E -J,* 16 rj- Jyr: nf {e1rk f

-J ot "f + K" :f ners {tJt ,i., - ZV ,5.s+ '.ttri t'{ ti Ut

J* 6h Lt, LlL tr L c^'2*t eL:"olr; fl; sf vT pt :lrrlj t;[

G)e .:.3S- n )* 6si J- 6r ur.t- q-f n €l L s{ 1rt c$

,-rr- Gtt;,{ Jrt .Si 6i .:'3S- - L) q-f j.rt J:"4 ,.,r1 JLJIS

,^t Y o;J cy uf ,r.rT 6..12 S ,Jlr b.t f ,fr 6l r.l, n - ,5- f

si + rxrl bis rtf f 'gll o-*. td +tf €2** oJ r.? 'dq Vu;

,,:.t r* 0l.ll o,l tr slrlli ,,rl - ;V x &t'. ot td + ,4yl,,>3c 6 ,';nl -J s! ot L){ lt.2 ;l- L U) Jf Al tlr,f -J Lf

5 flf S '*f ..rc, qJtL". e c..i(- - ut d)5 L Lu uf f s

,^f uI eSQ: rr fl l.? (1(J j t- Lf Do a. iJ).;'tr! ; &H,tlj*

,itt df { d 4,-sit 4-2- pl Cx r:*l 6 v3tst:{ ,tif ,t r.l.l

4h Vf ,nt u..t qr,,llrll rf :b;lri o?l *f 4 retli, Uh U t}f'

,rC &t- aaf pl xA!.ft. ttir Kfrell "i L ,:tl ,tl it9- a. tl-+

K .eh gyl p - llr vL: - (,' - F tJrtrr) 0,,,r)l .rl;ptp

tl ,1$ lre'4 te.a $l 'rtel es\ + rU "f t.:" ,Jl + &b- l*II

6896 ptoytrchl asrrrrt.r or.wltr,lArltrAN [5rn ruNe, l96E

dt +l "ill "f ? kL si { c,tl

'rl a- ojrilettK$rL "f oe.f $1^- pr A L o- Elf ,r*J J- KJ;L.,.F.r pt )l:l! L*5L sLL .5:.ei oU ,: d + €tl.rLt a - Ylr vt^: si - +t o\fq - df .rjri ,pl 4f )t*t{ /rr,rrt rt ,:ir,.l"t :r,rr[ i:[i

-*r,"f +,1(. - rsx vf ,-r*.;;]::;:j:;

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Address the Chair not tbe Minister.

,t* q. .ii.Ji 1.t Cll a oLLs $fl ,ry - &{.r 1y .rl;a-La

-on 8f

- ot A) .JK =. ,sK c-rs> f ir e o{ .fll ,r - *.> 2b

,.,:l ..f ^, e ,51lx,i[-: ot,, oJ "(.lr& - .:u, f gihT rjr>

irL .5".1o dl L =-te ftJk rset .:r? - &*r 13J ,ft'*k

-.5tt -l &-je !f,U: L Jeetl.r !r,-7le- KciYl-t- *

- i.N ,r"rl aggrcssor ,t -* - r./-lrl J.t d;,o.t3'"

dt- €')tc g'.1 ,S 2**: ,?-p *1f c,l.f - &.... 1j,i rr$rLe

- + tS tf vt srl Y -*js ssrf gil ua :t

Mr. Deputy Speoker : The Member is not relevant to the amendment.

Hcmay plcase come to thc amendment.

niloLuElors 6897

u.r 6f d;a bl f ,7e.,e 6)'* L ,fl * - J..- f crl3aatr

& vl ,s,od os ,Jt.$ x a:tf:K yl 6s$S '.5

S vT L ,rJt jT d -{ ,sp7.f - Oli gt r bu r5rarl?

.(\ u91 uo7, .r.tli ,^t *. xd ,5.rjt^ ti,tr - &-i pJ crl;.rte

.z.tlrr.r. Ot.ii "t tf !l ;91 t4 iE ,=ttt osbf K pi a. ":r 6 gr:

- 1t, ;ri rl K e)e: uri - + xb { 'itf:Y .f ..rl "2 -i - l} Ur'-

*t" Ut" Lr *J u,.r, ..,b1 .1Li..r3; d f url "f de1 k33* gr^'

t? rI c.* jb a ur: $ 2V [f &.r; rJy z Jl:l d-t sf .rl n(\

.rll * f qx j\ a- dl ot ^{ n JeV & ,f c}lrl urt pl E- +) .; q, r5J .f e-ltrt 1t^i', ':.9; o)5,r.9- 4'(-'

Ogbi) l;r- - llr -,k- - (A.l ,/ ojr) .r.t nlb Nu 22*t

,X Y u.l d$ ,L - #T eUS .f 14 dt*:, t l&'lr .., .irt ,5

4.K; E tdlr .(; r,tt61 - llr vk: - d;a k^t? Url J"t, erL L ,st

C$r.;bi." r3; d t{ ..,"1 tJ "f UI u"1.i *l c.t, €+d 6:*, *.rti tr

.4r ,.*t.e J)t 1fr. S d91 Q7* q1 -,., t .P," u"f .re '.l!Pl

L i*_ up .s, orr:-rril;Ir::TIj;;l

- d.;4 Q4* * l** ,-rri i -i - srUi; f uihT ,lj.f

0lll L a<*, gl ,{ rJla kg+.- r-1r - g-I prt! f.i' }-'rJ*l- /i .1"l sy ctl)er*u.rtl or )tl + do at jG J{ f


6898 pBovrNcrAl, AssEuBLy op wBlf pAEtsrAN [5ru ruNe, t96g

,rf ,l 1rl - cry +l ,f t.f .r "f Ui Lrri LrSt r4r €?.- Li 0l ,^f cU

- Yfr t/t+ - A Uf n (-. rg af g,- gv.-,.r.r, ,* - cry -r*il L n*;

U?b pl .--lc )9.r- ?4 .4, JJI ( ,Stnf *2 ci2e uM LtiJl ;a-)=. t*t

oll ot ^5. tr ,s:{ a y-lc .*b l* ):f ,>;tl;..,5 ..t-rrr: ,-rte

tS dtrt;f , orl a- tf r.G- trl4ll .^f uo?9- rjiJ. c.ry )-L-- 8 f Zf ,iL:. L l4l, u& o!le- 4i: ,^.ir ,rl+al - ];l: t.fUf c"i$r a* ;f 41tl .5rel lrYl* Z.: rx 6c-f L cJL -r> :ll.t l )tl t h t.f K Ot r-rr! L ;t*rf .r:il r;r:" o"-.rc y't S O:t

L clt :rlr: dtd Ja ci3e.9,. 22)l o*, tr3'b 1;,. grl - u". ..r.-il,o

/tt e.(-" ;l- l4tr "f t.f p.L, L rJe6il - Ei ls* o-e u].rl: r.!

- i)t ys:vl Ylg'1 19>."

Mr. Deputy Speaker : This is not relevant to the amendment.

vrl .:ltri g11 - lle -,tl- - JiJi .jI U314 - y* Jit .9rAr3?

n l .r1l L ,-.tr ,r-t- - OX Uf -i>t:il - ..(:J9; L Vl *!.r h *.(-. {,\*,i)f tf ".<-. oA ^f +- tJt, *t- fxLrf ,}xU.is-f ^Si. q rd L rst: b .5,.r.{,^l JJ) sa.r qlr L rrl - jt.otirr 2t)s .2 ,fl - 5:.r *'ib lr!ry v- Jsf o.n tl e:. c-t- g{ b-

L oYlg- L|..1 irrr* 3f 65113 {-(*, tl si K 2,lr-21 *-(--. (

- L oth 2rr Ylr:

Mr. Dep[ty Speaker : He is not supporting the amendment, he says

Chauilhri Anwar Aziz : He might bc

Mr. Deputy Speaker.: I have givcn a ruling. Thc Member may

please resume bis seat.



".I*l- U'"1 .ilry :lb "5- tr J,r,o2 .H -grl OilA.t rrl t*.,>lYs ,5 l.:Ub l.t. ,rjt^ ,rl "{ L,rl ;WJJI rr:?J- r.rr rri'qr

tsl dl.{ *. .r: u.!Y }-s7; ,sal jtf .l\, .jtd. E. o.l ,t .nf

Cl 'd (rstf uy'rs o|:e r*, - E b t.f )t5 .f ,a{.r itllr....r .ib L ,rl - +,=f Ws it )t;.(11 j E ,rit^ t--, z-h

- df ,-ir-{ I L Lf ss:l:!ft 5 flr" Dt oe-r-

L1t' rf L*? - )13 r.7t:1 - ( I - ,.s.LJrl.;) Ol? FLI r.a. Jah.

.(rl 2 L e-3:{ s$ *..(ll *f + W.f 2 ,s*-ct )3u 4r-e)

- + rltt c,,1ti ,5 slr4 JJ:'[L

- * ,sitt etp.2J',-f fS fu o v' - .r" s*l

i*e yl * e X estsc gtll .5 1.KJ 13t - Oli pLl .t a. .+0.

,5elK ,a-.1 L,.rl ,i + tKJ r.i .5 lj;13 dh - +,cJ:t s)bc .;el 6

+r*.(;rrt Jt:a e-:\ -q je*yn ,-j:{ 2 L 213-tt.*l $ -+

A) 6 )t: ,.G,, e; r.set f +V pr;,.. [la 2Xllrl a,lL

f *o tl'. .rlI .^f * dt+ c lr2. yl - sr 2! f O*l i Al ot ol))Tt..lt.llr 6J Lt, ,n (r-. grl d uE 4 ,f St;rct g& )9i oj

,s2lrl; a 6t2L v-{ -f "..(.. .1 .,{ | ,x Olsi )*,rl ,(. - ,.tU

- j^1" tJf ,-r-j

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Is the Member in favour of ths amendment or

against it ?

Maior Mubammad Aslam Jan : In favour of thc amendment.


tstrf n,yjto t.!t3 r; q-,r(- yt bt gi{ 7sl L sl - Yb.rt.:

6900 rtovDrctaf alllrBLr o, wtlt ?lrlrtlN l5ru ruxs, l96E

)Ji 2 O*t ,,ro. s.,blfr ! oYl3- .rh .$ A h ,.r,. drl gfY r.- cr5 raq l) I ljltr .,e{ ul "f e- ht

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The resolution is pertaining to electricity,

that they have not maintained the supply of clectricity and there should

bc a Governmeot department, and not the construction of the WAPDA


Gt{ "f - e- dt:. .$l ,.f ,rl - llrvL: - Ot" nLl .t r" r4r.

e. ^at,J-f d o,.f ol i + ub .ry &:-tJt?ri ..(rl -^- .,.:I- A g-{ etu. o) A .1t p t- V StftK 6- tit !.: Jt3 r4r ctrrig

,r3tn l4lr rf *!L; a1 g1.. \il - rirT ;I &!le, - a;or;L".

-?.iir trUtlJ u, ,'l.l - cD ,iis 2:f ,l.,rl 4- t"f [.f ,-'i 3-

- + ,r# d':' a f'*il 5 u'l fl ll:l++ ,5 J+r o, t5-

Mr. Deputy Speaher : Not tbe maintenance of electricity.

df ril lli dt& fir )tt i:*tl J1l 1'Uril Kd'.1 - rjoa;i*r

- r.ry A.l f -- u"il i.o

Mr. Deputy Speakel : The resolution is : "Whereas WAPDA has

completely failed to maintain and supply clectricity to the province ofWest Pakistan..." It docs oot say about the construction of WAPDA

Housc. That is my ruling.

rfl r.11 - * Ut-,i L ,,-'j ,,-r? - Yll ,.;L- - Ot? pLl a"*.. g".

-{ L* Jj L "q=l

J - f,.ljb ,,;.ri J(lU {r, J.,.ir,.f clri.=

8, l4lr ,j*ljQl lt t "f r.r.d ,_r:.;.r1 .l .(L rrl *: tf - c"sS,

tLi 65. A (J;jlr ".3 qf l.!13 e -!lr (''k: - - - + rF ot rf )tr


naior,urtons 6901

lf k, hf oW- Ldrr,l - + L,i,,)rfN Jp .rle* ltr U * ,tto

r-,tL -r, 62 - + uJ,r 0W, g 3tf 4l s 2N & ulH 'Jr '-& t

apparitus 5l 0l 2- tiel r:rt1 0r t)Leii n Y ,;f-l )tl + Ot€fl tr

Lr qirt'. K ,rl ,r ,:fn ft q 2V xr^l cl ,x y'a .:1101 3q

S-l "s + u+t o:ru I d\+.,,(- iV a prl a! c.rt" n 2V

J, ,t+t ,.llje; s:,:lo+ ; yL ,-fV' t f ,sod a^JtL' 96' cJl'rc

e- ,rrb -rr

J", 0r ,rl .rt?q .r ;\.1 - J3i .ii J'ibt - &"r 1y orl36rtr

- cry 2T vls: E .rW.* "'(a rrt4 0r L2'$ L'gx

Mr. Deputy Speaker : That is not a point of order ; Rulcd out of


JK. ael o*( ,a-,. ptx' e.,. La - .if - Ob ;&t e'z *"'

u.{jl -{t -,i*,.rL-l u.dl , ,::t g rl -}-f Ji.e' oV: 8s ,f," 2x Ji

""=. S s, ph' o.ril n ;V V'

'-'d ''r"jtn :lr'*

,rf ,.rt it f ,.rc 1.K 'fel gt - + Ga ';J$ u-{ 'f o;t- A .f.t ,rt ula ,fS 4+J) J) L crl.t ,rd 2U) I

- L ox z;ota Lrr ;tJ ef 'sT'e - -1(o* ,.13;*'

- + d9^*. K ",ljr.r + - Ot"' pl 't'a..;;t'

Aftcraltrwearcsayiogitisawelfarestate'andwearetryiogtomake it a welfare State.

Mr. Deputy Sperker : They want to givc mental rest to you'

6902 rtoyt*ctAL arMDlr oF w!,, ?aflltaN [5ru runn, l96E

otr.f 1.f:i .r:o.i si - lt d 1.llT .rlU*- - Ot? nLl r.a..gerf,i eXt' a- - cry iV x.r:r apparatus g ,s_ftt - + t5',- Jll*.q Ef condemn - d;6L Lrn L ?sst li,5 ,5t+r d- a,4 osb-) 4 .-rG UJ +r de.lr 2 sl lett at i rs:dl,,,scj tsrtss u:'f yl + urb rr Jri o-e vl - !.r KJ -t y ,,;t71 1sl a3f ,$os- * o"ri sll d ,rto, clrfl 1,"\ L 0l "(,;J.f - c/i ,-rt L,,liH ..$,Jrt+ .f ,'r.l ei u*i ,r;Kt .,u t5 p.-:../31 K: d aiv i o*l flst wt-* t: ot .fr-;: L d, ,s:3sf dtrl ?t , .rei;ot- ,rj! .rcr-9'o r-rl; c.'^ra lL, e 6?J tJ.l pl - as f u.., f{ Ssl A +Sy ,.r"" - g.d 21"1- .r;rf .(,.;1* g*c uisf ,5,r1 u:rjl - * qs..l

uiN rsjl-r-(l ,rrrf .5 r4rr - cry i{ 1tr" t": o9.r e4o.* n;

"& Zl+f u."! .ro e. de*ito drrr n, ,nf or lyf ot ,.19c - int+q-) f ,,ii-f 6 LVf o. dJrt" s:,r: Lljq dsi:r.,rt cle6jb d;rrr:.lrrr ,)t - 4i Zl; )r)* f ,rtn, +, ,^t3sf r_r (4. t:V) )72 _ 11p

lst wt;. ^l 0r ;i vl ,i - us, jx u^ri .;.t(i ust e{ 1t3s)tl + dJ t" d/y,S l.tJtr .irL .(rl f. Sj* u*.siJrrr _ q Zs.}j f frl ,ity ,5 r.ljJly l.dtr -,.f r:of,r!1,'_.fj(Jt 6i^t-et., j.,L 6r3sl-!13 .;.-3r .fit ,r, .!l- c/:, ,:"d cH #Y .s-r, ssl e- s,t) ,.te"t .8 cJlr - + !f +"5- q, dl, nS .ei L-t ^{ ,x , stt L

"Jlj .rjtt q. ,.rl - + vilt pl," dKr, L!l) 6rt-,^1 ,.ft ,.d yfos{ ntL 4;U L ?ls, i;-t- trls .,;T - .5 2(; ,rt; .flK"f,-t .--1.1r,.i L1l ,-j ft -crf irf defend ef L:.!rt-1.i a;t .,J i,a asrf

- S +t ..r:t ,rhr f ortrt wsJ f. r;T g,&t ei &;


l\fr. Deputy Speaker : Don't be personal.


* >\a s4 ,!le rirr rf fK.rl ,{, - Ot" Ft-l r.r/rr*.

- u{) e-t sf *5 Ly*il1.rJ 15 + ff .L.l y rrJ

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The Member said that hc was supporting the

amendment but now hc is saying that it should bc given to privatc

scctor. I thought the Mcmber said that hc rvas supporting thc amend-


Major Muhammad Aslam Jan : I am opposing the amendment ofHaji Sardar Atta Muhammad.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Ioitially the Member said that hc weg

supporting it.

Mojot Mubanuad Aslam Jan : The main Resolution.

Mr. Deputy Sperker : Tbe Member mry please tako hi3 seat.

r^r &fif or* - llr .ru" - (,' - gjflt-) uy )ttl t9$tre

,JU6 sr" .rl rr.,l ,,r.l JJI qU .f Lrti; L o*s) a, ,>a,^{ azF ;tl L .*sW 3l ,r.:T j f Ft t * ,5; -nr .^i,.:. o3 4 ,r!rr

t 5 -rr "iL:. yra ,t \{ i t-d

- d3a tr+.- .ry, &Jlj K Vi ,;1. - f* g.fJ.*-.

4:* "f kJ bl rf ,iJl"^f { rr, - )ltr vt: - tV r9il tllrJr,

i'F *i L *w .#;; jiill;;; :;; :,:Mr. Deputy Spceker : Thc Member can epeak but so far as it ir

rclcvant to the amcodment.

- Hr c-r t+ rry rrrrdrt* ,5 Oyu *s1vl eI - W r,t olr*

6904 pnovtNctAI, AsssMBLY ot wBsr PATISTAN [SrH rune, 1968

({n;ri) - + ",t"j lr[r *l 4 al -r$c. ,rli rt*

q- U &+st a- \rI ra, ,?* L.l*!t:U .f -i - )tP Dil t9.ll;ra

-,-"r. le q- c:,jht 5i-t t1T e.

- ,.r+ t arr s{ 6 0l -I - YI: q7t:; - .Jltl ltrl 19.r. i.*("*ri) - ot 2$ &rt ,

,F n ".r, ui tr o:f! e{ - ttr vt:: - y# rdt grrra

---Ottl-tt3 ,f 8 +

(".rJrl) - ,;l itt e-si + - .Sc" .rl3 ,t *

1.. l/ ,E .{ + .-,-J) ..J - Yb q/U" -itte yil4;rrJ?


+ sti.l $t .,,*l * -F sf ot1+ "Irt{,i.,

3: - Yt3 eL1

tU e-.rtr "d + pLu e. Crt u6g'l ,a ! 4t )te-6).:-lS\ *&-r ., q, $fl .:r:.. ,rrf- 4 Olx- frr 0':-t ,lljf

4 dl.r:, L ..-\s p)re.,n, "LL ,rl - r,* 2f' ltr-l K o[-r:

,ut os L ." ir, *' -rJ:::t,:: ;,; ;# ; :

7Y ,zr;V L * .ftl ?T ..t ^5- a a1 u'"rlf - Ylr vt+

- of * d+ ,rt, r=:. s,li Gl tf P 4)Jl ,rl vI q +s fq/u?J, s"t c;tb <,rt- erL nF tl=-t, oy- f\ (.lt->tf g!)

y*,G-.b f. Of Af ,S {- & -r, +." rrr ,e S' -YT.i- Ylr




6l + dil., f autonomous body .(; clhr ,f + ", ,iltf - yb,

E Lf ,)s2S -f Ol "5- qu I *t a-r 'rl1$-t t F- 'rt f

VT Af L,3: - q- rxt lt*:s ,;-r,U ,;tf .rt+ E. ,i-t--r $s 2c-J ri #f. ;r, L) .1f lt rl rf s4rl ,F - ^f .-,u abJis .r "*Yt- - * f .pe .9 td +- t$ L3a orl*J -l *:'J

Ol fl uS &L .lf ltr-l & rt A ke*- ,s -Ett "{J.}5-

litlr a-.ll.,t - oN rf ,P qr .f A b(- tf ft *l ':'"oI c'"rl

ssl + d S ef *rr .f YL'+ s'l 'l + d.,t{/t S-L-S r: t5" ' -f 'frf *"J lT*-Jt=tf *lt rr es +) f *{ :r fi S e- G ,r &* c*

f:(- ^f s1"l dLi L r.-rl.a pt*u r,;a. u.,. ..I-L o'l - d +)


' ,.f O1ts- + r4 a. 21 tJ9y,21u 1l1 ii- U

ffUr, W f r.,, lsl 4rf vT r- J" u*r"

dI!:. t fr--r; .f ..-L, .r-*. tLc';lrr u?L ,.r. Yl - !l; r.rt*

"f a 4 LiitL- L dtr f,, .+Lz grL rJlr ttf ,Jr't ou;lif .r1l

2V tf ;tr t ,^.ft" oretitl ,.(tl E. r.tk-fq ,r1r'i. .:.j,(- ;6 e

K U: - dk .ftt G* |l:-t a t5- Xa a. C:t gsal -f tl .5l .J I

.r #h'2i1, f .5* {+r.il* ,f fK f r.tc rt*. fta-4.,1j r{

.(,r ,rq *f + €f o.2 dt,f,. L't{lr - .,, lq lh"lruI Ot} -H

- 4- glrl .,fub" 4t "l ,i* ors> )el + autonomous body i* '

)p fl . st tl dd e 4ll pl ,tr 2f J)\r- ,h t{ ,:f} u-

&f. rablr,. fH G* 6 el3.(*. L J"-*ttf q i 2\ t6$r a




-r, -,,.&. , .

6906 fnovrNelri AsSEMBLY of wtst peRrsreN [5rH lur.rr, 1968

*\ L rJ;$;5 L19.ilr4 ,rt+ cjh: ,r.. .fiL 4-s-)) - ,Jf if.t n /t" jt a. ;.l: :t 4 t ..rhl .ltoii K 6.:I ,gf f,t +* Vtt 01.4fi U:- tr ,rl r, * tqt -d bsr: ui)\r t t-stJ- rl

dir f |sy, f SLFi' grl "^o.f

Jtt Lf .ri** .5 ,./+r ot

JJ$ ,Sk :f dl q, lrr -,rj ;i LB1{ osi}t .rtc OfJ q-

Jt-t 5 L:;sf e si c- ".(*. K L2.tbf e1 *$3g. * vixr;)\,e f srr uI i*- f *n; aat -{rt o I ,,rl + uy .,tglcllne.ii l: K tszfS '{ + k(* L tf u,c ,,rrf uiof *i1 ;31 .r*f,..(>,. u,"f yI $ ,d +,i.,lrf ,i ,gn" - u.(* f l::l os A- lN

("rf C"t) - I, ..r,, c,-r (.j*. &:d ,! az;rrf ,f

.r." Jcri, e *L9 6 vt: u.. .5l, upta ,ft *-t, lr-\-.)

"f * lr.r !h ,r.; aaiU 4 ui2e L vI - on !S- h ,f Ol ,f h

f Vl (t:(- Je .6, *ar:r, ,1.t t ,rir uA ,!t: N act of God -E Lf ,riln- uh +u L ,t:f-l vI - ct d.,L cttsta *4

u.f n, ft '{ or ;! lJc$ j)\f Jr.Lr.. vI - .r* aif contract

n rL jrf .{rl a-;t1 i * f ej ,r5>\n+ ul+) e. *;s u*f L ,:rr

Ujr srr,r- (,l?t ,? + o.,trl ,r1 ,..(ll f ?I "$J+r g l, b ur u.d

.cr. dl J s& -r? - qt*r- t;I? e. 1;i "f r..ry :l*. .f! b- - *,,t * s-r iXo- J? qt clrt J>\i E Ot ai.n ol t;y jl4$ h3t,;

"..r4. Jaf "fa- >tS el .*-T,^rJ K-t -q ,lN r4r r_F if-l hst;

"; 9+- ,,}-a; K vT *t "S /n .;"Lri. il est L -j "i;-r l+.r sfl,.,pr*J" dlsk .5 orf, - Ut- tl 6.-r- ,* Lf 1.,* .ll,a; K ,s5fg

RtSOrUilONs 6901

,.1.3 ar "?J 6 Lh rr J:l t .]* t*, l-.t ljt toeJ ut" cll uy uir'r

df. V 4ss .Jr.rf.r^ (JD. deiBlr f ..*-$* - q- tit".x .rlF t^;J

,rib -n xl !,,1"1 |f rrl c.I: ,.rl + trb -rt UF fY q.? A U-r{ l:r lji

* n ttsl0: r c f. Ot ,a ix ds c-i:t rn.. Incubator - +E ;t$ tt^ .rl+, ,5 C - ,st y'st /* A, J*r t. 0: :s ot 2y,

L ,,lrj:a il ,^J - uH 2t: r +)* Osst:t u q- .lh N &. 2apf L>1) su { ,ry ("r-rt) - q- tii, d).,r.5 vi 6tfjl. { 2:.yi ^f -r,r Ltl ,ft - + Uf U, llri {5..::-. aJ-, K 9T r5- oil \s fti E h L2\a e-lu. .drl L -J e- ^rt ,5 ,srfJf l5 ^J*. E,

rt! rirl .t!L L,*t K .,'i *f Z A-h Zf S*.)Lj Jl ,f ,sefg

r:ilt*. A s,.l ,5 p..i .i.*-L, cfb u'--K.ib a;.P)t U-{.(ll K .rl + Ls tf L, t: f ,!,&,t)f l.(=. * ft S ,s-n trf

ui :rr or r,r, +) s$: ,iis ,rl 0r ,JL.ti sr i qf ;,4 .t;jrr;3

A .:rU ,r-*l 3,l jt. t , e-r lK tf ,K* be"3l,1 4 tfl - 5 uS- J{

*-l i s* ,s*st{ oacti! r.f Al - L os, ,lr r..i L ,rl S-t * ,,5

,j-*:y-: Lv-Lo 1ts' J,,u c92ore^ "d c- ;"t 2,rl'{ s ti}a

tfJrE:-U f f{} .f =-tr r.r, ttc .r-L .pl 2V lS ,r\ -{'iv

,..fr*. L .rl.: ;ll 6l u,.. - (t - tjlrpL) jl, Jrrr, 6rlr?

"f O7a U37.- ,F*. K ,'{rq. -{ +V rlti.Pr rraer 4i})3ir

tf s1 *iL L ,tl ssl + q! .rr.rilli .5 "f

fr 9.!t r.(tt L ,S9oSl

dr,r k++* ..i^:d K ,\ftt, u€d f ,-*lo f* s-J) jy dlA *r r.-.IL. Y * + ,5 .*ri .1i)t; ;f rlr lri vl L O34t a(;JJ

6908 pnovtxclrl ASSEMELI oF wBsr P^KlsrAN [srH 'uNE'


- A- Uf ,*p ,f oe2iln si d3.'ti 6 ifa' drl L oet;t ^f

ue, J..,Er ,fy I 6:t a-sl:l ,ki'' 'rji q "f A tiT 4 qi a**t

,j"s &\ 6-l Oth ,f Zt* & nf t. -rf rtr s*f "f or 2T

J€;" qb l4lr e ! a-;l:l 1bi.. .:j; ! " llrl "; 6(.'t - L,ri$61 '-(;

u.l - uI ,..Gr; .ff U L J,ra.L ,J'l ,:!t- L ,tl td Lf !h aJ E

-&l e,grl ;rl .5el { .5t-l L rrl u, )rJ' cltJlr J? (l' '" Jl':l

Ly Ltd c,ti1l ,-&i'. u,., 01311 orl - *Kt t- q-f *'{ ed v*t

re;;E a"..t ol lf ,7: .9t':' L 6* .rl tr\l* s: L o-)l'r

uar$ 4l "^<r.. {.^f e s, pb 4 a 0? dy1 hr 5 C* n )tL

dt,. ..(rt t.,n .,t )tb L dtl. - + t.l 1.KU 6.i ,f *,rr-: ptdl 5

,F .t J"t rf q: te=Jr {i (J,.' dl-r !r'l L o:' - te' r t rvaa -xJ

El sst + ,;5' consumption .r4:i' ,5 t/f ,d ^t ssl + ,f 1l3le.1

.7t9- K&jrl L ts1vil - * v;f rl'r*:-l ,5 Lrf U* uln 5 Yi 'r)\r

rfrl{r ,5 Ja - 4 *t or 4 { aolri ;t..i 5 :lrsl * ]ss -;-)

{# ?? e+ E,,rl - 0J. rAt rert consumption - C"L rlYr.An

st ,i.te cSlL ,5 GlL oe tf q, irf t+l -J .rl+l l: "f ta^o1 2

u,- {t a "i',

- un6., t.5 ,SUl, sbl:l ,5*l i * ft .lrl + ./ tt

r5.rr3 slA tiq fil ,i ,fx erd 'i)c lU .l ,f, + s/fi h.t .rlal lriq +fr: Fdlr- ,ll L,.l-rCl r -e- --* yl ,i:{ Kr.rrl U * r-f) st

$ + !t"ri .rl.:;l

"Howcvcr, the diffcreucc in Uoitr geocrated

aod Uoits sold coopriscs @ostly of Units uscd io

aurilirry powcr statiolr, Grid, llalioog etc."



qy rJt=rl;- (,,J^. & e'l rf or 2f (".L' Jt':'b trl " Gfr

"f+t{*qLosdl &&l

"A pcrceotage of coergy ir also lost due to


"rt; r .:l.rrl .rf p4t dL E 0l S oN Brf ..:ih1) *l a r'll rl'

;s- rlri. &l q- ,ise iu ,lo, r: b a- ,jN €:s; r" LltL' f

,r. *! -a small percentage 4 t"f i + *rar 'l'ej LjrJ Kllrl+t

.rf:t *l *f rJ91 tol t; e: )tl drt b.l 4;J o!lj'- a' vlt: E' Ot

,rf ,-Flu t & ,,rl "d e-v1,fU'^l a tl ' 2'lt [s lle

-e-(.,,q e'ri Ji fu"

,.iI* L lUr rf ki ka* L .r' ..Jlr .pl "(11 r*r E' ''l,l

drrJl y'N jlr Ylr: K or? ,tr {..r*J '}r w:i ;S t'r' drJL

.Ir .,.# r.t.r .(i or l1o-1'.r -S 4 etirt-rt "f te' l2vSL

J" ."f ta,, !5. oitfr *t Jt,- L ,-r"..-ik. t. ,,rl ' I 5 Zf *a

ir-l s* x ssL dlsi e- c:d bl A 5 **t L 's21st

#r '+1"'

!f .:r.r,i qf crl I f ;r ,* ,b 0A I ii; i6t cit

* *.\*l ,h: w-i *t ^5- Uh L cs34t uv vlr: E' at - r*3

rr.e, f:4 U- ;le,i Jt.lrrrr .r# .ll t<,r k;-13 e- q xl L "rl

:t.r'l ![ ,rl zcrrCl - 8 r,, vtF &t E v* *.,{ L 2V 5E. 0l )tl iV r0S) rf ;Li e rl.rcl Al ,5t ,,, - "e ikt rlr

".G. { "r +vx.r^u.c. rrt i 2) uSr rf ,|tff 6 iK"'

drrjl q.* ,rl yl + l^r ltrU cjfltl ,lr l.{ \n -f 'ssi'r"3 ,r1l

+- ur. l+t .l stle- *t st - c,- tf Cu not ! { lt ti {,o':K- L


6910 plovtNct^L ArrlrlLr o, ?rrt pArrsrAN [5rn runn, t96g

5 "t+,

t{ +.5,}, 6;-S; -r? Z.-^t*n 6V s7r Jr*e (tj)9r 65-

irt "l tJ - /b 1g;r vr.r- ,{ dglrl ,rp p=J ,j .rl lrl .1t51.r.,

ur{.i dtiil a )tF ,.rl ,5 Ot q, r4l, cJto- a-r. n - ord L F_r^

.rrl + 6>tc K €r u-"{ *f o* b67.- ,^: cr.. 6r.f - t:(- rf,.irf 6r g;oa .Ktr eib tlr jse; f *.* 65\c! tr ,rt ^f +l2l.j 2.r-Lp 6t- af L.; - + Ut J' Kg*l ,;i S ;"p17 uifL,rl f W.;lrl ,i3f uil tr g.:.G nf + dt.ail e gt 4p*. qL,ie, "1 4*. g dL L url OQ - a"b Uf lt+r 6r- e+f dl*:,

f f'.*t r4r dr.ll.rl ,-ikt. s: -f ,fr.. +srl ,fi ^f + ltf 6rc,5,r1 ).r E Lstss .131 1l3l.t, d .rh Z) L .f,il .rrl /" f,.t

.ul2r dti id 4, o.l u.. dt+ 4-r, lq !, -f 1'KK,,.;iJjU 6 {rd 6 =.t, u-L q{ rrL {. c,Vssu..rl _ E Or^

- oy $tf

Mr. Depuly Speaker : I will now put the amendment to vote.

The question is :

Tbat io thc propoed Rcsolutioo, bctweeo th6word "that" aod "the" occurring io lioe 6, thewords ''in ordcr to improve", be inserted ; and

for the wordc should bo cntrusted to privatc

rcctor" occurriog io lines 9.t0, the comma aad

words, "(hc autonooou! Etrtus of WApDA should

bc abolisbed and instcad it should be formcd a

regular departmcnt of tbc Goveroment of Wcsr

Pakistao", bc aubstitutcd.


The motion was urried



notice has not been given. It is rulcd out of ordcr. Before I put the

Rceotutioo as amended I would ask the Minister of Food if bc wishes to

say 3omething, on the main Resolution as amended.

.rf q- J opinion eri.r r) ,5 0l 2 -i - jl, J.i. 6.p)r"

- cA jot;' ItJ9. -rl A*j ,fl rcf u+1., P$4'

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Not on the 'amendmcnt. He wisbcs to speak

on tbe main resolution as amended. The Resolution stands in thc namo

of Chaudhri Muhammad ldrecs.

c.r.r ,-j mein resolution r.,pl+ n ,rotl - c.fll Jrrr.6J.rrt

e,*1 .;j r7l .t cti Ar f put ,"/l C i main resolution tII ,r.+.


dr.i, .ftl .-l .{ aq-{f lsit $r. ?T - F.r- (:.,L- - or* },o

dh yQ E. :1.:;l; S.rr- 4-rL. c,lr..d -tais - #b / q.F a

sd {r.ss *f "i es if !t r3 d 2 "ro: {rtt):rlir;

Khrn Malang Khrn : Point of order

Mr. Deputy Spcaker : Just a minute.

(A short pausel

Mr. Deputy Spceker : Yes, what is thc Mcmbcr's point of order ?

{jr ,S'rcsolution o1l i d - !l: .iu? - oti rit irtifqtOlution + dX €"i)td.5 f*y ,tl ,A "i;rl uf .ziJU.. i+V

? 7 U -f :-..Jr^' [osr;l g r","' CI


69!2 pRovtNctAl AssBMBLy oF wEsT pAtrrsrAN [5rn ruxe, l96E

Mr. Deputy Speaker: No. No. That is not the positioo. Tbeamcndmcnt is carried and I will now put the Resolution as amended totho House. It is now upto aDy oDe to oppose or unoppose it.

"WhcrcaE the WAPDA bag completcly failed

to maiotaia and supply electrlclty to the Proviocc

of West Pakistao, thir Asscmbly is of the opioioo

tbat io order to improvo tbc mrinteDaoce aod suppty

of cteclricity io the Province of Wcst Pakistan thc

autonomous status of WAPDA should be abolished

aod iustead it should bc formcd a rcgular depart

mcDt of thc Govcromcot of Wcst Pakistan". bc


Ministcr of Irrigation & Power (Makhdurn Hamid-ud_Din) : Iopposc it.

-{ h l+f ++5- * ,i-ity.tgd iJ, ,-i\b d+. -..,(.t- vt*6.rf - crr 5" dli ,Fl )t oStt";' Lik=. ;i l{lJ r 5tt a- ql

.,j ,+ CI - -&- vt+ )tl - + c&^, d- I 2 rl o--ra| ,;f _-I

t.tgl1 ,--t.J a o,.l {,f - o).t ta1 1r ,rlkfr Z' ,rl d*. ,f&l- vote of ctinfidence ,.p dl91l ).*. ,.r.1 ,* .ik E ,J"rrJjJT

o,l 4i*. (l;-l .j>\-, .* - os, K: 2 !:-*i .:lr - d;4 A f- g h t;rf ,jy sf .5Li L ,i-dty_t

d? dL:. L fr.; ,5 i.-b ,rrtr srr.e i )d - !l-l rrl=

"41 jJ51 c4. ,r.l - { ,s:f ,r* *{ - ox K: f oppose u^.

,.$.p d)lr -.tiJr O)\i ..f hf q irS:,ut.:,Jt .5$ orr i sb.dt-

,.1.f dlr.. E tlllrr- n:Jt 'rd -dtUt e Jl d". i jlr _ 6- yt2r

tr3olutroxS 6el3

.ff .5.rri ,si, L c,ss.rt t=\t. g, trl otrr "S + '-i)Url '-(i 'r-

0l jL - l3q u,.{. expand otor c(i g.^ii d.l 3.,f d.r).rti ,5ir{ - +turbines C i Fr J- de1 ka[ uf ,ff rr 2 E pttt ;f

,4 L x'b;,:.2+, 6 r[It+r Lf link *l e ,s.i:f f KJ rlt"r

lLrr 4 i. a)1'tl *>\" E ,rl . ra Zt f Lt. al- jl $? e9i st,

dt "q 6 crs L ,s*n n r-l[o: - + ,,{-rt{ li; le e. t4, 1.;fi2ti 15- k/

si:lK rrf ot r f,Jl - * {t# plo tr oA 4,,* - q air'conditioned

,A) ,€et families ;[ consultants - oJ g*tJ families 6 ,:-r{-l ,*'

,5 |clrel f b ot r f rJx t*rta Uf .:it;;: .* Jl * '3s r*t

& ,5 4: L 0l ,rd le1 peL*, tS rt t u*&r .16' ot*,,t tJ

- + "*J d*af .ef*" L,.rl i 4+' + air-conditioned

uJ[ lb rs 2 .r-Lr dti r.tr rjf+f UIJ lF - r(:'?' Yt+

i*.'S{r::f',ff*un rr-t*t t5 Ot*''L'gL61t d;t3s

tllrrf vT ue .* .f + V ,f,, 4 elta- 0tr.-. r:'li3l L4

.rdKJ ,fu{lrl 6 f*, *rJ tl clk. L.-*&t .;*'U riE- or;;{f

Jf Ef generalise al t jsr.. cttc Ji.+. ,d L ,rl JW. i ttK*;t, g"5.* . O,,{ L f*t i,*l ,5- ?i t ? ( i\ ,5, opinion

ur. J,, ,S.5 ,r.ritij e u$,-lrt d*. ft d.i1t.c ol1 jl y rt &J- U r,til ,r)a ,J&g- Gf a grt6; *f os ti)r 6i: ,t vI

physically usi uif { ,rl - +( complaints &.i;Q! 6rillKll.-l

!r.l 131 { a-f Jlst$ ,f *t ,4 (.s. d Jrl Kib <.,L E. vl

Kot.ill .S ,,ltg -f. - .5 ,t g,td "lErrr "f n*i u.r u", d&

;1;lt a.* ,{ e a-h uf ,r.t ,r.a o2.jl rd d+t , q #

69t4 pRovrNci^L ^$sglr6lf

op lvtsi p^krsrex isru iur.rr, 196g

+ -,J ,rf Vf I u* - c* j) etift rJL-t., ue.l e- ur!. L!r:&r)

f rq v: & af J: jl.i sJ - urr n / r u"-o af * pf et*ftq. g,l "S-l"f d) t;: CJr sLK* "l -*T "5- d, a.-19i.1"r *J e, 0l

*rL E yl;rt €- lit- Jr involved, element K 6.,lt .,j L t3N

t; f il, .) , + urr ,il ,r)sl #i.- ,? l.rLr .:ir r:.1.(i =t:i - Lr f :61 I r.re6it3; f,eb InvestigationOfficer

generalised .51 n*i 6 { n u.ri rllLi * .jrL dljr ciLi E .rfK.rf -& 5 j,. .la 6>\tl ^{ + .S# rt q n* 4, f statement

rt* - { ,Stf G* .rJ 14. ,JU ,f-, - b,(. J1 ,r".; .f;t.ri g lrl.r,L,-r"-* tf j5rt Iq,J",ur!"i. eq:tl n,.,tro,'l ur. 4-2ilr. tf oy tjrf r.r& t/l )tl + tf *f; .t- ,,rl -il.r-la-f st ef e+f ,.f tai l\ r{g.rs uo. *$tl ri - r-r} s-ri ,;..,.; d FJ&-h; &*. -,r":I 4,f ,re .i) tl g.-lJilr gl er*.:i;) Ly)K. u.) vj + 6(., :i c+G generalised os d VS 2 t4r,

F ,rl *ir 3.r .(l / o{ - + f-rL. E?. - L ,if r.rt, irt lrt, - trl )f )Kil a itf 6:r .:rft Z os..l _ t6r Lf trial

r;r.t-, r.lrl,; r;T L )3*t *{ { €+5- .(i ,--- nf { or;f ,-rt ^l- 5- e1 Jljt K,s>K:. Jl "5- L67* o"C w l$ .:;9,rl E, ,rct.r,

Dl t,t':li 2 L c,\ ,,rl @ * ".f c)y v2f ,sprs o1l25s,_r,..!i

,.r\ a-tl* - a u*i i tjlf 6.1s olft .; &b ,,yi'sl ,.rlrf +

u:r n x :V I L ,itr{ 6lr complaint 6f, 6l ,,.f )l {U Iuquiry Officer l;11 gir s-l *iU L lel 6: Or,t Uyr O*

- flb dL E ;,I ,;t Y ,-dt+ ! K Investigation Departmeur


flssoluiiroxi 69t 5

3t; .r.-. ..14, tilJ {i dtr- - ,5 it: ,1 er, *K.i airle ti.il .1el

ls4" Ap 1J r:tr od .:-f ,5 Ot ,,s*, * d,ttj f tle- a2.e: {tei l5 r;Q;r .nl e_ *?. ,". question Al i c.1*;l ,{ { O3tf

)tl a-"ta Ub / t meter reading *..:I .(1t { ,Ff ,A* ^f6>ttl 5 dl utl .9'.r t€, Lf rr! #1y'92s .Slt y' ox|l q. 6tJ- d.t

,,f ox urf d:,p f g[ ,rl tg& CI .;'. *{ e;stlif ,r* 4 L,S,f:f ,.ry *f { f * rt".-*z K J-;rf ..drt uS nd- Lfi ,J- jt" L5- lLEit Grf I g!- s"lse rr boundary

ur-f c"3lir jJ: nLs ,,r y F t !f check f V meter reading

rfrl^i...dlJ--" Lr$f 6";9 pl a tl(.rJtj 6l3c f. -J ,-t S EA.r L_ Lf check - h. ..1)o "f E- ,1.: .>r,U &t or - ,f.fbl f g..," .S; .r^ ,.d ,s S q- tr(- e(;, f t- ,r.)T u!r{ ,rl,f ",.(*, al ir,t directions 5rr*t,-rt i -€- b.r f lzJJ-Q+

e-b Uf d#>; 1! n-i s"l ,.l,.rrf i#r4 G:{ *: S ury 6.1 6*lt" & o>\irl>\i pr ^f g,"ib f c-t 3)\Ll "f 21.b :f J :tr - t.l} iK- ,{ r crjta Uf .ff." .5 ,g! ,rl ot6 ts - ol *)

2 Os1n,4" "LL ,rl - Orr Uf Jr* ,5 .ll .r, uet ,gU +

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The Minister may please address the Chair.

- rJ;4 tol z!-r vlj; -{ rll r* - ,gu.;l f gihi ./jf

sfr: K .:)le- Zlhtt ,^t + qf qf q .rh f- otl3- ,;tp

ttnta Uf 6Jljl V ,.rl ua, - * v*iW t* ,3bu L 4"1 - !r ro/. rl.X

6916 , piotri.ldrm tsssrr{Br,y od rtBsT ptttsren [5rH ruNr, l96d

e*€ ot ,{ OX Hgae u.. JJI + ^t.:r rj ,.r! - )lr VL-.f te+- tal 2 O3ail - t<a g,.1-i FI'r Kprocedure ,f ,Jl 6 +0l 12t. nIJ- g'"1 fl - r-rU il: 4t ,f pool + r c;1 l: g,!19-,^L;

,vl v1 14t - jt" t, ,i:i Lst t* "f ki sr.C r"ts Ko! grl 9fdl-l- vtt ul l-ql 4 Lltirl .1rl - c.lU 2X .2t- ;,ll ,:rt,l9- gl1lt- ;f,r ,slrlr: ,j{ oo, j\. - 4 & e& g,:1-i e,le- os L i:: ;!T,f vI ,r:, n + Uf tr, t67.- ef 0l {f .-: vl - .*i ,f; tt

- .5 a., ,.d uJ- uStf 6 r'-t ,.rl S ct,, fYr 6ee

Ut€+.- f Cll &. - A dI*, K,.--t* cst> pritzt.$ Otf?

-{ ct 1,T"f ( o:f tf-f a- di5.: ,Q: ,.r.. .,( z}b urfl }y tt )tl + capacity tl3€a 3- &i "5- *&, *! q. ;trfu grl

(t - + tE + - €- b.l t, L!J{ dlrEr r:- .,;h - a "f.t


e)ti ,ri? otr: - + t.+f.r co-ordinated t{ stations ;lcs.. 2g5 f regulation g- d-L L generation cltL, L u-l t1product- 61t.1 regulation -rt 5 Z b .l demand 6J1.1 .r.: - q.D

tl generate s- ,# I e- u$ tp 6l , - 5 e-r t l ,f ion

- tf.l x g# ,a generate -r U ot - L vil tl iV * f

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Thc Ministcr should please address the


.S.rn -j f + tirr €9*zr.t ,rr 4? - st!, f urhl .;rjf

' +) 4t o*i "-i \t*

Mr. Dcputy Speaker : That is not the reason for not addressing

thc Chair. '


Minister of Irrigation & Power : I am supposed to address tho Cbair,and I am addressing the Chair. With this intention I am apcaking that Irm addressihg the Chair. Because sometimes Sir, as you know, a rcgular

commentary goes on, and when most responsible membcrs, like.KhawajaSahib, speak, naturally out of nature I have to divert my attcntioatowards thcm.

K cr! v'l K n*l ,rS f rit *f ts,i bt f j:e ": Lr.. -rI

.(u L * firm capacity u::" ,e, *it ,rl - y'..ta Ult ,rorJ dt:-l

moving condition tf b:.:-.r6 rr-t .g,tL 5rl - a demand ;[

2nl -* f L,:C .r1 ultimate3f 6-*8N u6,f1 cr..

,-t-f 1t.n*. )L(:. i *-t cr5, .rirr voltage problems a ql "dgnt ,il-Kit" )b .(;aqf /b r.r,tr- trzih)\"..$;lut.rrreduced oapacity tjp -,5 r-le1 involved, voltage problems uti

,r: i - + tii tr,f run ef genorators ,-iL;. 4l .r-r J

- Z- sbs s1 genoration 6tLr dttL. L ,rl g;l - q- demand

f consume Lrryi ,- t) f ,, ,- A; generatioo S + u# *tLIn ,rl

"*l ,:t[:c rt; il o3 "f { ,::f g* ,al 4 dl q, - or +)

- .rJ Lri B# ,J "f",

L ,f o-rt UI Jrt 5 subject &l q. r.7l - ltr .+u: y

- q- tf tf A* ,p-d1;.: e1 gl,:.

,-5.r1 i N s>t ll rt s! irrelevant ,i:{ ?? - llr vu:

fl,:^f ;* + gQ jt t , ,^r vlr: { ,,rl y ti uU s(. x dty ss


6918 pRovINclAL ^ssBMBLy

oF wEsT pAKrslAN' 5TH ,uNB, 1968

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Who is to decide whether it is relevant or not-

tbe Chair or the Ministc ?

Midister for lrrigation & Power : Of course, tbe Chair.

llIt. Deputy Speaker : When-I have allowed that they are relevant. .. -

Minister for lrrigation & Porer : I am not questioning or contradic-ting that but I am merely expressing what I have heard and this is

what I have expressed. I don't ask for your prbnouncement with regard

to the ruling. lf tbc worthy Chair is rhat liberal ; it is alright. I don'tquestion it, I always seek assistauce and help from you.

.l"q "l dlc. 5. ,* ti_d*) &l "f t<, t^.r f tf.p A) wf bifurcate rf ".(o ,tt "d A tJ bf q * .r: )tt + 6{ ,1

- 2t: Lr f #& rK* !rr^, .=t .pl ft. !:

f ,W t{ )!S* d+r+l:* A .r.t!" Kvl - )tL, r.i. qlJi.

- ltr t"

^:fri S + Vt., p)*, e,rl Ota (J" - 'rrur, f ,-t*T ljf- Q C) tr a. ge*{: €3t +-V

.9,, "L1., "; - ltr vL: - JiT .jI &,ilrt - rr..r 13J dlFL,That is finished. The resolution stands amended _ q_ G ,1 i:

Mr. Deputy Speaker : He has a right to rpeak ou it.

,?.f ^' .4. ,.ilo L grl - Ytr !/U? - c,tt; S ufhT.rljf

L os, e* ,i-,L f, .rt1l.if r54, r1(;l jy. ;el { ,;sf


rE ocrnroNi . '6ltg

Mr. Dcputy'speaker : Frivate scctor is sut of question becrusc trowthc qucstion.ir that it should be a Department of Government.

E .dt- ,gty*;a. u4'i - ltf ,.rL: - s!i, , gihT rj,fl {t q € o.t*. "f,i Jr 6,"1 3rf .;,t+ gnl L c,.,(. Ja; .*,Lfi sl t: *,rf.S, Ur .(r, /b ,r!t+ oi.f .l;t eE L Ct":Dt

f -e4 .--L. r{ LI "f - * stl f explain 151 exploit -,5 h .rt q,pl;l5l.t4,5.rl Uaq L, f ,bifurcate r,f activities;[ r.!r; JA E E>ttt 6 crl;*t ;;". g*l r*:, - dV !r -f .l.,L .-frt f ,"-;t::t 2-n /f, appreciate ,f .:,Yt- ,sre*;u ra+ rS- { rstf ,f*J&,n )d Hf ,riK .e,3K- lt" af €* -f c,\tti u*d-jL; lrl e- - + 5r f :* High Power Committee 4l car

*f (rr .-.-L. ,.1 !I "5- d; z-f ,i* sf ,>.iS- &r$ g.;l r#

ry - jt t5,rj ! iV !: .,f bifurcare f activitios ;f l-ljlj

-s:L r.7.rl.p,r;L .^frr.lrr qb Ulf ,.rl*tt a,cr\,.r1 lf ,ri* {l..t {;11 cff "::Ki (r- l:.7t (JL. uft ,4, ru,rjl 6Jq €- 6 ,}* fnt

er F )i rP ".*rJ o:3tf f .5* J+r.rr.,* y .*t r( uu

-{ - uf

Mr. Ileputy Speaker : Privatc sector has alrcady been rcjcctcd by theHousc.

Milister for lrrigation & Porer : Original rcsotution related to privatlecter.

Mr. Deputy Spcrter : In the origioal reiolution the recommenda-

tion rrr thst it rbould bc talen up by priyafg stglor rnd it has bceq


6920 pnovrNclAr, AssEMrtY ot wEsT PAKISTAN [5ru luxr, 1968

rcjcclcd. In its placc an amcodnent has becn rccepted that it should not

be an autonomous body but a dcpartment of government. Now. tho

resolution bcforc the House is that it should not be an autoDomous body

hut a dcpartment of govornmcot and the Ministor has opposed that.

- i,r\; qr t*rJ ,s:{ -f #* t+:il; ..f a .71!' K.=,I


':' ,Mr. Deputy Speaker : Thc House has already rejected its being takcn

ovcr by private sector. Thc Minister should oot go into thc privatc sector

prst of it.

,Llrfl "5- - ,.rU; rt:1| 6I.:. E, .r! ,rl -i - JJit.t r. rrli*

- 4t" tih ur.ri .Jrf,^.(r, .(l ,f

, Mr. Deputy Speaker : Tbc Ministcr bas said that it bciog made an

attachcd department is under consideration.

Minister for lrrigation & . Porer : It can be cousidered tbrough

various aspects. It is up to the Committee.

- jtro* Jf f .-rL, ,jr yl - r.^4 &l1lrr. 6L


-" ., *f tr otf €f q. 2 L ,rl - ,:,Ug sJhT tj,sj ilr tlr f soparate ef operation 5 ,rl "d L ssl $ s*t

,rf ,rl 19l + ,*i s* $ .,gr c)! *l - .!b ts) tl O&lrgb-,.(rl:'f ,;.; Lrd A, t& t? lit4 attached departmont rry l!* .ff



- + dK'l

titoLurIoNS 6e2t

+ rrKl tst - )tio Jr*r oalj*

purpose f jJb ,f ox 6f ,.r* ,n - e,t&, sShI ,i,.$* ,f d[* f, ,i.rJs;; sl S .E 04 f. Jtr.rl - ti sc Ltr,.

UY qr. s+ .ri tr Lf JG:, f fu J"-rclr{ a. 5*_t(-L

Mr. Deputy Speafcr : Tbc Housc has atready rcjected it being in thc

privete Eector.

d.:. 1.r:g f ..--lt :ljl L Vi - t7t+ - f.rr. tLe 111- 6tr- *J g+-- - ,,rJ 3fi, 113

'-.,.I or 7;+-t

- oja t.(- 4-s .re U-. c . f rll ql - -5lr" ,ff3 ;-,

jrta 4t .r" 2 E $ g": Et L l&lr, - c,tJ.rt, uphT $,aswt ,; f rVL &.?UJJ^ftC.lr.ci.Krrl tertJtf4,suca1 r* r lh t , f amend -tr -i:4 ,-rt .{r vt ' l) r{t tt.et

o! te, objectivo J? 2 L speedy development 5 rg

s,-? gir o.l f j,a ,1 oy )q424 .t )tl { Z+ il il';f fK i,r a .?, '5 iJt" lrl + ,* tl u7; *l"

rJja L6a..- ta. y jb 6 crrl ,ry ,rt ft 4. U(. lt tf Jl J:'S

- trJ,r ip Y dt.t, u... r.t, ,:rIL ctl "f

Uf .,:liJt; d; as amended i-J-.lJ::lt ,tl gy slt- t Uull dl

-,;Lj "i +!U rS ,rl "f ,sx8f 9-te;'.2.r a r.llell jr" yl ' o34

Mr. Deputy spcrler: I will tror put thc Rcsolution ar amendcd.

Thc qttcsiion ir :

6giZ irolixcrer emslirir of wrt rr;ilrrx 15rx rur.rs, l96d

?hit *rtrteas tbe WAPDA hat coBpletely failcdto maiotaio aod tupply clcctricity to rhe proviocc

df Wcr Pa&istro, rhil Asrcr$ty is of *bc opinionthat in ordcr to ioprovc thc maintenaocc aod

rupply of clicrricity ia tho provincE of West pa*-

i$aD, tbc autoaomooc rtatus of WAPDA should be

abolished and iortcad it rhould bc formed 8 re!u-lar departmeot of tbc Govcromcnt of Wcst pakis-


Thorc who tre in favour of it should say ,AyE,.

(Yoices .'AYE')

Those who are agtinst sbould say ,NOE,.

(Yolccs .'NOE')

I tbink'NOES'bavc it ;

Mr, Hamza : i claim divislon Sir.

tllr. Drpmy Spcrtrer : Alrigbt ; those Mcobcrs who are io favour ofthc Resolution bcing passed should risc in tbeir places.

(Fivc Mcmb.ts rose in their placesl

Now, tftore Membbrs who are.gainst should risc in their places.

(28 lglethbers fow iit*ail places).

thc'Resotutiotr stsnds rcjccleil.

- .r.f, .i'tlj e t l A t+l .rr83' ,1 u:11 c-i2* - .J.- g*.

rrav 4i1.Ur - f- rti.j l5l r.l, # r cJrt - tJb J..r. r?lrr

- + b.l f or"l s")\- J..; Jf t: rA A; ,rf *n $l i pr


ntsoruftoNs 6e1l

:"a Jrl *r dt i q. elU .f J,-:l - ,Jlti |aat 4r*., ;--- ? br N tj1J' .j)\i t ,.rl ).tn "f 5 yr



Mr. Deputy Speaker : Next Resolution by Malik Qadi.r Bakhsh ; tteMember has authorised Cheudhri Muhammad Qasim Mela to move the

Resulution on his behalf. Yes plcare.

O21Br{ ,?* &r*' ut" - d, ,rti r.rr 15ir)r?

,.y )i:t-,5 ,r&rbl .f' &*l J\.t* 3$t ,{d r.lfrlt u.l l+J * slsi r.ll ,5 e7*. lSil

..(gl c,tojaLgr L erlrr,d+qilspl j,l;

"f ,..J J4r{.. i}1t*l-f g jtq

6a.4", L rt t1A - .1t 2 L *L tl- Ct" tf .fe ntb.r

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The Resolution moved is :

That whcrcas tbe necd of a mosquc at tbo

'Pipal'c (M.P.A's Resid,cstial Quartcrs) caooot be

ovcr-cmphasised, this Assombly is of the opioioa

that a lmall aod bgrutiful morquc bE comtructld

thcrc duriog 1968 and that fuods for this purporc

be allocrted in tbc Budpt for 1968.69.

(At this stoge Mr, Senior Deputy Speaker, Syed Yusaf Ali Shdh,

accupled tlre Chair).

€- rl ,ff - rKtor g'1"- Posed - (,r - JJ,| ,rj.y) 03,$;i.d

6924 pi,ovrNciAL AssEMiLy oF wssf prhstex [5nr lUNr, 1968

.i51J qb Uf g"d Ct*. rf o!+ Ltsfrt i;*. * ol}t url (x n{

ur1. rrl31l .r-i ^f k(- o1 ord .* aS .,&t ,iitl 4 6JL 9t- f gr.l

,,*.t rirU cr3<r"r *: ) L At ;lj clyE .j)\i ,f dt..:-l L vt.i

ir t9rirls. 6Gl o.:r "5-,rx L6f 6iL Lg-*l .,,trrt ,N si iNL oil lL, L lLt t_ dril.r.*, + f 3 q, cf, .i .tsL Uls {t{ 6 Ot^^. f Or + t.f t1: .;tj ir sf drr? b: e. p: ,,AA

dti." f lr^ dt L 0lr.- 4- e?. L J*l ,J'"1 t.(J - ca/ j>\:il ,ri;

2{: s.rb rf 0l .,(. tS.. \S ,r# q, ri It L d, )tt d:A- rf.flr-, E o9;t.t*, U; l:l jti -,,(.* wt+ - *, by q tb LUf t:t jH + U ir. ?? ugr z? pl q- €)1.(ll o. .4, ,J:il,

urr"-, fq S + .:tii. f d ,rl ,* J-t r 1Jy a-tL^ -ft ,yQ ,r*tSF j* L 0k*tl{ ao-yy-7 )tl cr9 if l.rt ,ejLi ,:l 2\ i

OiT .r 1rl w jt*tl '-ol- K,rt r.ry if l'r*t f #I .rl crt '2W

g;tL. L a,- t olri -f ,31li d,i ,'1 ,^f +- l9r kFl .l r*, u+

E,,,rl L -rr ttlr.rLi &\- sf flr sa^2;4ry z-F - t "rt,caL- ,-I.:.rg ,rl S -lt u.r., o9 9,1lisf .,3trt d.aJ- .f clt r:-l

.,iUt "\p.r- 6 is::! Qs ,.rri llj Lt* -{ el;i yl vVf

e, qltr,gltr ...: - dV vix r;*i.S .rlh l+* *l +Vf,r,l jt" Ls rlj jbu tr dt.:-l L .7ll ,S f Uf */[L.


efr.:rtr, d+. ;f-l jt"rjsiJti a g;* d, JL,:-l t.:rt+rl fl,^f + U! L{q ciL L Gtt*- ssl dV L,tt;jl cltC {/-LE.

Uf ,:lt -.f .:.rg i. a*.- yl fs,t 4l: -{ ,rl L r:{t j*

,.t sl + g Y Ol.n{p*i .rlr..i J? (,JEr,5*; J., { - t47.-.r-L.




i1,t a yT - .ry *d 2f yt $"f i?f fi .f + ,^l .^?1 6rto.t

* 5 Od $ter a*t *1 is *? a d L fi S s kjL drf

6) u-t1.; lr,,f o-s. Zt? U).,|i #lt f *,},u .!l '2's Lr''- 5 Jb,,\

w #-$sys ,vl - Ylr vh - rlrl ..iI a:tlJ-' - r'l* Cl.,r't$'

f d .=--Lr 9.- !+ *, Lf move .=l tf ,i r*'r t9J^' "({l

UI ld amendment 6t t.t. dt - a-.,rr - ca i9 f, oppo8o

- ,d, Ab

*,+ o ba-l,Jtls ,:"1 - ilrrtt: '.,irtti r#ol U'"L t1'-'

uI & -{ ,-rl t€i s5$ ,}-'J::t: .-*1 { *V dti et* i-vi dV

- d ,xi )lr.s.4n rJle;l ci2 srl oe ' -fi-c.,rq3 -;;ttur;'-

L ,;{xltlrJ crl oe. ot - Ylr .rt': - igtl |aell :g"'t',. tL'

- .r* .,U 2 Lz-f move 2{ u''l o-' 1'tll

t6,i to.; f ,-r*..1 14, - 5r* Yt+ ' c3*;l..r

prf N, 4.P .,j .5*ll .=--tr o)rt - .5* ,13 rrp 3r

4tL, I o.rlU + F)i,61 d, Jtr l=rt,6ly'l$' Ur Olll:tt

-+ ,* x *tj rl .or E .rl a:rb Jx ,i* tj *+ 't

=,tr .drr Ctr*, .SL C $ - f .v ?q -,Jrru ,lael :yn' j'u

6926 pRovtNCrAL ASSEMBLY O' rry8sr PAKTSTAN [5rH rUnr, 1968

,; 0l yT r. .,U d, .,jl+l S Lrf ,id f r,*,i ,rl;i 6*- ,rl "f.# .9, ,x , sll L ursf d) ;lr rl; * L oeTil 131 *"f ft

- /4.tt c,j[l .-f Lf ;fo .ro *t 8; 2t: Lf ,i,t ,s a*

4.rf 4gl -f+-l*.rlt- 6l.r l(L .-tl: - -,(.* q,L: - r3e .Lg

,rl - /4 tf Ur.. gy KL)f enls br.t)sl .,:;l 151 a ta{s,r,a-l

tsrss;rl ul )V 2 E. Lh u{+- n ..lrt.S,t "f o.riU !f -, ot Lt f ptE,it { *{lj: t* L.,1rf gs,*

Mrlik Miraj Kbalid : Sir, I beg to move :

Tbat in the proposed Rosolutioo, the wordg and

Ggurcs "and tbat fuods for thir purpose bc allocat.

ed in tbe Budgct for l96E 69" occurriog in lincs

5-6, bc deleted.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Resotution under consideration, amend-mcnt moved is :

Tbat in the proposci Resolutioo, thc words aod

figurcs "and that fuods for this purpose be atlocat-

ed in the Budget for 1968-69" occurring in liocs

5-6, be delctcd.

It is nod opposed. I will put the question.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : The qucstion is :

Tbat in the proposed Resolutioo, the words aod

figures "and that funds for this purpose be allocat-ed in thc Budgct for 1968.69', occurriog io lioes5-6, be deleted.



The molion was cqrricd,


Mr. Senior Deputy Spcalcr : I will now put thc Rcaolution u amend.

ed to the Houre.

(oL"KCi) - - - - r(,.-,-,t- - gs t'-e

Mr. Senlor Dcprrty Speaker : Doet Mr. Hamza oppoec it.llrl,terrugtions'1

E..a .. d.aa )

A,tr- - - - ,Q- rpt-^ - (. - J, ,JrY) l3s jrr

,'{ + #:lU -, 6..r f ur,, ,}C:r+ - tb rrrrr qljr6 a),{ g* S ,sn kea* t4. OQ -,.i tl Z\ Jh r;-.

-t, #r

Mr. Scoior Drputy Spoelcr : Docs Mt. Haoza oppeso ir ?

€-) ,.rl rrr q/t+ q. - ,3rI UI Ulrl - r.n llla 1lr.p .r-t- o3a t f, €.ilt =, 6

- €- 6" tt u?d ot -.frt' ,AS i+ i.*'

{lei. + u1n 6jrf,l r.rt9 c! - f.i. tb ;trjl 6t-- .rI,rd

' Er rt .f;l rf tg, bs f ,f* q, - ,!p- 17L- - q* 2l,,.

fJ A*l .rr,i L f !f !f #* ry dlJ,fl url driE .,,K:6 "fll 4l1.;

d :* g!: rl. .rI; rfiYL eV rsr rd li .t ,;'-y -{ dJu "s- t*f

Or; /rt 5' Orrrl ds I { q}$.f suc,l'lf-l




6928 pRovtNcIAL AssEllELv ol wrsr PAKIsTAN [5rH lune' 1968

Mr. Seoior Deputy speaker : The Member is not relevant to the


- ,rJu.i dld. t ,$dsy-t vl

r.ilr3 6*ftlt .8 si>l;ll ?jf 0J st d-p - .'(* rrL: - r.1r> j-r

-,e C "jt ,-rr w AdS 21l jLi yl qt 4s

dsrg - ctf A; r6f re! "iL:. vT Yl - .t* 43 ,ry ;;,-rf f:'Kurt,

.J &, U rrt*jl ei! f ju ..* &f? - ,(3n- r-L- - .3rr i...

o, F t*ll ayd + 6f,- - a. .r.,. z 6JU l;x i?; etl N

oh l:{ lit- L W.l, ,;[J dst Zs,t e.r..,tl{ a ,i;.,t, n{L\l f &) pr .ft "f + 6x efr lb.i:,, i"{ c,t.e /!vr )tl

tf .rLn \rhr,) o*; :V ;S L 2L lK.lt lri 1rl "tr- ,lli / L{ Zr, qp 'Pipals' .,* .,rL Jli & - .** vt* - cr* uref.r ur*.

.r:. .:J3s.:6 .irl,t-iL r: S, ,t ^.f + ,Lc 4x. - + UJq dUjl

LQ r=-.,Jk+ rf 0l , *sl 'S- f *f .:rl Lr. bn sl.J (r,

JrJt I .i,f - 45 2f.* e-t o*i V J: llr ,s i k, uJ.l ue ori 6

L ,* & a ,s*fs Lr ,)ss tf c4 ;rl lte ,.stfu- f Ol L

;j)L'. c,L .:L e! 6,t , erU i$ 6 J? (49 d(1, c>|.,.,L- d*l oh4

uir o-r y ,* * f A* n rJl .l ft - ,": Ly Jf of dt "*.t

ta.-. 24 6 Lf iy )t a$ ,t ft - tt e,.1.i .:pal osi sf'td e-+ rlrtp sU. - frr 4, .-*f o! tJ U, f U ;tt .{.itt a






rtSOLt rrdNs 6929

-u L

,$.r/rt -q€qf t Llr>t+fr611 4),Lc-Syar

-tt,lk .irl - e- ., ..$l - ? *:13 4t + { 2t3.Jr^, ,r. tlr3*I

L *.s + nls K vi -{ ,yl - + fjl,...lt- Kr.tr-.i ,5 oyut

6i.Kef q $L t3(1r ,otr L,rl Q1a.0l*l (Jlr"f.r;;,rf-e ,...

oLI & kri ju f b ,* t"d - ,& ,-"r, (3lr" rr s-f .5 {-rf rrrl - ,i3t C ,r.{. ly r}iJta. ,.f .rJ ,l cllaj "fi9.f + $2 LLf ltljtJ ,.2.5- 4l ot^r -V g, uD, 'Pipals'{ s, t.1a 6tirl

- iry unr g o Lf l.:l jLi oos s{ 6 Jf :tt + uft&,,.{: ,*t dk-d .t p-, .I .l(ea .rrl cD ,it uw.see cJlrtf r.ltrr

Lf lrl jtj ob3 Jj fi nf ltt ,"r.i grt..'l "l -{,F -,a j:tjtj ,r.ri t+l ,.frl ..rt+e i otnr - dV UN rsg;1.Ll ob3..;ry Zh

: - t- ..(!e! Eili { el ,a *i rrt e- ,r;I ,al; a -{* - +. trt }

) ot^: f uYr. ti - (.iu9t dJi o.blj &) w 99


a td

rrl rD itt ut *l i ES E ,r:tf - ,;tf $ - q* s!*4-JL. L rJ-.1.l I u€d .pl .D ,jrrri f i r;to tsb rj.f -j ri

,'r".., d 4 { ,t* - t- vh: - +\f trtf UraS 2{I oA1

/ LLf l.rl ,-,.;. ju ,ru3l tst ru.Jl * cyt 6h ,s Jt- L3."

qr L g:l o.,.{ ft - 7 a ,r-;il ot ix dfto"fLr i* G,t

ld), L:z- - + frf .fiLl ,l.fls k;t ,t i N til'f .+Jt . C1"

- ,J.fJ ,Sca";a. 2 L Zb g* .f5 f" r4r A-ttt E, Ar t Jto.,f# ,s, .F ,;ilri E 9".t1 O$ + t4l 6;tr .tht jrf qr"rrr,l







6930 PhoviNehr ^ssEMbLt

op tvEsT frmsrAx- SrH rur.re, 1968

.pL: L.lf - rt c.:itlr e O2l.5*,lcir[3! f O,, f n, a-: y'+ilr,

.^J l:l a *\* €. litijl {. dlrt ot )st ,t dT ", "rel sfi -f ,r:

tfir gr., - A L(- a-s lbit aa{ ,s^lrl f .:.Ll ,r..:I l.ll E;,:,rJi iq rn dtri - + lx t"f pUi:st {crf; u:, L:L.-l L t/T 6: or1

,grtri +: S+jKJ .$ Jr grl a. c,lrirf;f^*t lfrl 0(.J a tib dt i

tJ$t at,-.:hj a' o$ .lo,'S+ k&rr:fl Lw -f 7 viN g.ir.-.rJ KolT,rllj - CI .tfi .u-;b .+r JrJ ,.ro+ 111 ix ,:*i )t+rtf ,r1 )tl + Ur5. Lf 4[. rirl -r&r of rry Z+y oe 21 titl f,d up.

.Srf L,yI - g"1.i ga * *.-.r! 3 *r)\J td g *, i,,rt q ifrJtdl ;Arr ett,t q 2X {:*:l .,rlr.L ,^*t) ,,.]t.. 6lU

/b ,.rrrl Li,o S-l J" JJI ,tr 2f l.rl * ^lii ..f.i ef twl - cu

e.ral t5 Z..fj r.*. cJr E .,rT - qS ;l) f u$ u=.f ll;f r.tl rr

,tf fr o(} /Y od +r.ij 2 L d- 0Ti.,J ,{ +.1$ rrl

;f .t#.(ll .re q. - e){ u.fl &o.rt €l q 3; f u*t t-t* a )Xt*l jgQr fr u(J tf .r.rJ ,!sr", { ui-rlr,Je;f L qr - rJel rJLil

tr.r tf g^ sr 4-t f ,rl L fi + *rti r: { L-{ J* *f r2y

V Lf,.\T f r,Jl ,.Q e- Lt-* ea f Lq d+*. ct e-lLr - €-

+rf ,rt\ .rs i:t al - r.:t - rll .t/o krr.t jLi,S.r.r*. - u{JcrtrjpJ ,5 .rl - cD CV pf .u. .:Jr: - qf it\.:trj rf At ,-lrt

-,a ;f r! o:!j sf A 42i 4lq4-K.lrf 0k , 2\. eie ,4JUrf l:l nb-j{2Jiry1el + UJ,r .i.i ortrjK c,Jsrf Ofi*l

,fi,gl if, errti trl uLl..,.€dUE+ udlt', al n - lf ,,r.r.r .rl,*f





*4 Uf J* t t L o.l )tl .(, rD ,5 jt.i 1'.ax. ti ol. ,sA 2f,

db3 rfi - or 2_t- T ,rlr;- .r4. i Af 1sF Q: dlSl - 2f td

6lt?* .l )q i jt .s, f ,sd '.rri '4*r Lf Q; *st Jlic *"

jl;ti..:!j r sr dLr Jrl ,rl ,,5 zs,s.!l Ju ,t S & r,r,.rr'! r\I

o. h iUai c-r - OX..ne, iS {la,,,. trt - fn' vh - E ayt

c"i1l .fit .lt r -f ,:l .5; -.; .ra.* gtoS ft + )-r-r Ja*' dh,

otxi z-):'f 4- a* -f -i -e 2,, !r &Ko) * * c.tr. -r. +.urti.rgl LD Lti ,:.o rJl: ;:t- - + ,gN \>)t-f 6! 6 diil: qt

dtrl.r.r s*l a*o ot2>zt -$s nl d jt+ uE a 0[-L' ]fll n )*

lrf cD i3:e j.lu5-T.,,li 61K -{ el.r a "f. 6 #t i tit 6* er

jitJT jl3 6llKs rr- l.el S+Vrr,.l "+::j r;S Zf w\ 3f tS:

c+t r4:. f? tii 6 os2et flo 2 ,tl a-.,,/b I ,ri ,r ,rl e- rlx

Zft:t,Jl ptl ortlj ,.:rt c^iJ) 6l Lt, Lf iV tr+ tiel ol9: orlj

4,t21 4;sl a4 dt61 nf + *l 'Pipals'sr lU K'Pipals' - ,4,

- 8 c** S* .f "o.1,

url 3r^r - 4 /f, lj'1 d"i.,) L ,.}ttt

JJI - if oui,J {y'U At c"iJ) - .ry r:r\o91J .Jr"' ,5 *tl stl


ox hb"{^sart ^J q, - ,irT UI &1131 - !r.I Frt! r"tu }-.

t.f .-iLe q - (,1y A: f ,iiJl;. .t Ll+ e+-, r.--tra 'i.'- Lr{ nl

- zlt" T c,h .f ol q, 67.- 4;iLf"fE ,rgl

.}c+ Ld,rr ert 4l obr ^f + e o/: 4a. - 5rr 3!e

{- sls K


6$) pRoVrNcrAL lssBMBLy o, wnsr petrsreN [5rt $Ne, 1968

.al .re*. ,r ,.f + ,n.i ld f qfL, g.^ - Oti .rg.r 1r)\i r1l1

g S zb ,rite "L S c.i1)

fr sitr+, r)t- 1t..i A gj I O3:i1.: rll *! rJtrl - o.is ;1,..r

:i rry o:.{ a-;t.r - * a.b) 4t'r c* iI d L i* f ,s:{! r,,* r{t - rst dt f{g.:rr.J- 2 E, Or e"i.;r .^1 pl stvr #h*f ,ril

- I' uit" h p; ,t i 2.t l:{ gt e ,5fr el dr;.,.r dl

un1.l rtJ .*l .& - L ,i t+ ot.: ?f ;f .t+- "f d_ )', ") &-,rrt,r; qy ,!l.l dtlr 3- sl-r'i $ b{l)l )* ol *ts crt - L Afr+. crUrl E orjL; ,5 ,* yl -F r t.l.c 6(.1 + .fei .$ f eiL

)rL d;Jt i rrlr*-,i -,r-jr v1:1 - t ,^f o"; l.:l rgst - b jt.i &5-J drfq€ a_ ls#it J.a L -i;.1',tl ,rq-fi1 )rl t-'if slt.- ,S,rl *et f J"rL J5i K .x- OL o.l os yl 3t KJ ,n49.1 sl J*n l{ LJ"{r !r+t c,lrp; ,^rfu - + 6l Ur Uti 3f 6lr Z ,;:f_l - Leo$ &il L-, i Z oitr r3-- o9 2fl _gJ,tdrf ,i.l q,. LUI

- E .lr -d lo,.. ,'-y: { 24 cr3J1 L f LKJ **l K.-,./-l L;rrjl -jg:4L- d 5 el W + d .i=t eJ * C- r--t,a .rJt- y'r,. "(L.:..3K- i 7 sJ.i! ...(i e- ,rl aLL, .u.., f V\ ,fl - cSr, U fgf .p a ;<;u .(.s e &al;ri -r: 2Wt tS Lf a)rh- oLq r+*. 4 d.st acl - * uif .n; f 2 "iri e asri{ )? - *,5.r1 qr - uJ Ut rzzat Lf e" .*" )-li fr "d + i4 JW 6dtor .-(I .:.* ..(1t irlx- ,.r*Jb pf jl nf *" { ,Xf 0r ,;pt elL-l:l jU

^rK?+ rreli! r;y Upl - * rf*f . *l .t2,-. u2f l:l jLf



- + trh h5- - tlr vL: - (, - .sjrlrtt) Ol" pl-l s. i4*.

L Olle sjr uf r.lt+l ,.r. .l*r rJ t5l H )i )4d

.^trf y'* -rr q.- f, 3r t6(1r i vT + UlJ 2 *V rys- s*- rSr tl ,r--..p| t.f [fi .*a rj F-{ 2 ,ff * - * )*.r tx

- + tf .5'.r*jLi "d + { d('*'

r rD s.f.t ,se 1!jU - .11- {l

6jti of (4l qt U; c.45 7.fat Lyt - Ot y'-l r.*. goa

Jft.l .,6r s.ot-a tt jtJ dtrr d.9lr b.l ,.r.r 'Pipals' ecl (# - cL srl

- ud j9o .r'sT oru U +tI fU

- * ts*i -\n*. dta-t ih - .16.t 4l

ir.-r $ z ,.t-t Gss.ti C L JLi-, - Ot? /-l erz gy

- .tr /i.i jti ,.*ta * ,;k: -,J ef l.:l i2et.- tr jt.; u1, .,lE rlt t*. Utr ,..*- \f ;.r* C* ,t rrlJt or tl ,.r..1.r:. Crt 5 rfjrr.r

- ,.,"!t1r dfi ,.(1 ,F Z t- ,:cLr ! jU rrT - ,rr+. ss:i 2dltL, L rr" rS 6ilei a*l ,jf .lh - is, g-tJ sfl 4{l VI ,#55 5\:. - r,a 1i- q, f)\..1 r" 6a, 2s iri ib rf rJrig 3l f"



6934 provtNcrAL AsBsnBLy ot wEsr pAKrsrAN [5ru luHr, l96E

Mr. Senior Deputy Sperker : The Mcmber is not relevant.

- uS Jb Ui* e.{ .{ ot*l vlf - 0t? y'-l rrrrr.s.rc.

dld. .f jUt .^, l, /trl sa- utr* ,;T -.6* .143.6- rL".

- ,:*f

- ;.^ta UJ'? 0tJ-- a. dr ,.r.. - Ob nLl .t a.r ,6or

.I .+1, rl.- g.*[ s:t- 6T - dfti Oli 0-l! P>\i 'll3ll]1 y'! ,r*l df q'. rit,

A, { l\ x t V }\ {Jfci r*" - ot" pLl *ae;7p

! jLi u.-. OfJ - + otrY gft siL;gl ,{33 o.d r.rrrf trt V }\siJt*, rf.rl u'. -rr3o q, di- A 2\ l3*r str -,rri 6sA K .:o,.-

(,it{ +* .^f h, "{ q S ,sN llf ,sero at ,i;e Ut" - tif u.{iq1 "t-. .(tl "f L rrl !tp. - + Urf ,)eV crrr; .r* , jt+s.-.;Jl h &-.$l qf O-)* Uar "f + i"t *t- - 94 +-- .$l1si Jt- o) pl 3o &d {lqr *L,..p ft -u. g". r.ltorJ3J

a{ * &-J) 4-.t* r,Jt.,rr.t - t l, crt r o'riti uf f e- o"l ti +)ti + Ji "l ,501 ft -orr.^i lu dr.rc9jtj 4-t- 4ob.ri:1 J7t*r clir

g$." L,6rl Lrll$l &f .r-? lf UH 4+l 9i rllr..*i ./j-l tJl313,r -. ,t o

J: uIJ u.lfu .,-ll ,.rril 2 q, - q$ 4.it, .r"1..-o .t i + kls

uildil trdl J,r q. - u.jL 2 or4l v&t or & u"*s Jft. jg;lol rr dlt Uf .fr*Li u, 6 g,,1 ..iL ft.i l)* $l ofi ti.,f 1.L:-l

pts e r.iL )tl f,.lrf ,rd c.iJu* 5 .rl t q - + )t(r" {




us* rsjt.j dL L 2\ rr,s ?I &$ it1 ,St U1 .4* d { dx^f

.Jlr- K bs.l *is f? J.rl (,ly 2.{ ,>itu"...'-i jrJ, .-(1l - ,Jl- l**

-qrA) 1;9-5sseTgUI

2 q,.-lr .;- -!13 vtr - (r - .r!rr) OJ+ rrtr irrrlOt-

S Ot k€?.- w + cs: -!re c".l .(tl Ef&ilt;. ,-f :!s .llj .r.l

,sU .fu -+ 6tti .,!Wr-r.-i rf r4,*t 6 .i,xt .fll ll. 'Pipals'

5,r1, dtli d' ese2i ptt c&l Lf Ji:g )l) Jtri ,^t 1q-tc 414

Jf.l-l) L &&- ul*.-l 0\-1., s:.. L 1,,\--l ,-i2c ri (.rE, iPipals' - +.fii:.!. ;4.; -e ;fl oto3 e- tirr ad ba"- r.? efit qH b&!.p*Y .3 ..1 c* *LL L sVst{ ,ril-i 3l ! 14q-rl-L- L o:*{

^5- tr osf ,f* )41 ,E 2 d - ol. 2*d ,r 'Pipals' ,s.i

'-u ll- {- rr.jY Ulr .5+l ft.l .-ql 2 5.-r7*..(q 2- 6st.1i.$*a r-i.p *;

6LKJ p$f 4l n dl;:- ,r jI grl f +V o.2.- - Yl-r vburr, .r*i Ji .t7* A ,rl .ry 7,bit r.r:rr jLi + .^f + tS o"yf*h ,r*" L .* *j+ jt.; J*. ^{ + "+ $ f 11l - 2peb ur:r

- "if-r(J

6ir e. .=-te cy> )* .-r y ,;-*.i* jh *- .{, - ,a

lfr. g1^, "51 6s UYr aiU o. - + ,F J o* tt &?n r:,tr {r

.t*-- ol^r - L Gx r5,rrb d)* jt-t ,afl u.* 8l ol )-tt .*J! rf;t.!.*. - * ,jN .-=r, ilr,:f jU ript..l, C ,A + uf jl?1.

,il t jLj o.tctiU crlog ,f + *r&1, t,f .lrl rl:L- crlj.o ,.rl Ce,Blr;el L (; orl JJI 4tn Qs r-:rd JSL oltgj ef ,r*; oA e.*d jt.i ot ,'d ,,#^ta Zf o# a .r* r.frl .[. .rtT t{ al,.^.

rtl .l'.lt .4f +ltL, Ke& ,,r"1 rJ -.(d* u"1* ddt' ud "

.' (* Clh


6936 ptovlNcrAl AssEMELy or wEsT pAtrrsrAN [5rH lur'r, 1968

'eLlrl L p; upt Jl. .r![4 .r7-, Obr { e-f gr* d{* rf otl

..-L. 2 L ,Jt-rr., L 0t9ll (,]Pl t+r ,):L -f ,,JL'. o.l L UK,


i )* .ii:. rl;1lri 4 *f K o:f ,tj:f { ur*. - !t3 9h-

' 2\ '5 r.rtl

r"{. q.' - )lr vt: - (, - er(J [1.) 116 rsl OtlL ft3.f .rl -drr r'l,C uE Li' L ti-ils:ts*l .& o91 w r-i- r, L 2q.iir.'- .!,'d .ltr: q- ,-*ri "L ,ss)s. Jf * oPipals'

"f + r{ 6-.J

.16 dt .r* U--ir* {5- A ,r*r 6t ":r r.f rrl Ls-)) lb 6f4 fl -,;U 5- t? Ct E ,;UT 1li (J!, o* e- )s:.tn.r7-.;l.rjt^c

- + t^(- & orl.r-j .p; vtri K trt ..db,ry a* f Ja;ri,r:^rF.n 1ry a-.r.!Li L flso p. A.f + ..:U 4i ,rs *e o1)\.c L dE fl3r u*a ?t ';t ef lslju f & €iL L lec c" "f lab5.,F un^! si + ,.;\ ut tstc "a*. ft uf ;f- & i'r. L 2! Ot-

- *l; uif ,*; sv*. {rf e? ,-r:t

dr!r-l*. J+*. - llr vl^: - (n - .f,|f) dffU nttrt t3.r. r!*.

u..6-ir-j,itit5 cll 9r 6rt1T t5 rlgiLt* rjtl-,' ef + d- g,1.11r.::5

elr: di. q", ,;all1 L ,S:3LL, - 9" .r2.*. .,!l dta1 ,rf f- stl "l,!4 x drl $lj e .(rl tJ cJs 6.sI o)!j * y -{r*f a ..;.itr

fcf lt-: - tf l.:l jU .:ct-b L z^}t tri tr L i^jl lu; .flt

$l x dl.il u1r -tz.*,. =: .^f qLy .,g €r. ,Klt Z &r *rt, firl "rlr

*f e- trle ,e l,31 .f.t-,r 44 (.l,l. osr{ f ,r sl:\ 6 olil J,


TtsOLUTIONi 6931

.r.rJ .r* .ra* r: - rJ:r K, J | 2f o:r{ L rll Lf "elft


)t-r+' *- 2 vlz'el ,h - !b qrL: - aja +) .-I jt.j ,- ,{ t lT.rf ,.r'. stl +,5,i't t-r"t + 4 ,J, ,,f-tV 2 otril q- 6 ,r*toNVf 2 t)A g"lL. .5 f-ra" ,rl r-tn -OttUf clL' 6;lr+,

E 0u-fq d* ::l iT "* 'Pipols' jlrT .5 ,5t at ltr r Ci, "furry sL-l q 2f $.uit.i .5 nril os3s.tf or*fY .1p a-J^iLi.1r

-r - + t! .:* dJl 1* ef e-h jlrT .: r+ r.lK L at b * ii€r. ,r3tf ot2 a 0l rr +) t? Zf ,\u tJrb,qL- r", ,-5u+

,Jf ,# :f r* jbi.i>[i5 rj- f+ r;*. s!.-l t-- - a- gilL

JJt, Jll -:: rJK e, .1, rf JJi url - ,jf -fts ,:rC a .js- hiErtr'(-Katft +ther.

a t-e+.. dlJf i :r o.ra- r-.(11 'iot*J f .r.rl + q) e, osJq*.jg

e or)\" Lii$E r- ( *h (.,ln, crJF E o-{-t 0t lt*.r "t K djr,cn. - qt il e.fi ,+r 0l*l 2 L2rf .J*itl .t JX" dt dlJ. '. .jb dr& jL, obr "ft; ,Jr uf .:tL- A u,.l ,5 rlr+i ,,l.f

.f c-f .rr)\i 5 .:tlT ,5 jtt^i nUl. re 5"t ..Ll ! s 0i3. crta3

;31 .rlJhi "Ul 6 .,Xt'. ,5 rrl .r+ E 2iU r'(- t '. i ,,r: c,"6lr

- q )f, ,-<+ O>\Fl .-i)tr E- ,rl pLr qlo rul ,!ta ls-s {,ll:, rt f+f "tt ". tr )y Dl u6!! .,-rJ.ri, 31.-b .11.. (# U,.jt6 url ,--

;teT ,r1! .r)\i t, ci.l(. f x jV ae. Jlr ,*f t, ,-iet o*f ,e

1 -



693E pxovlxct^L AssEMlLy or wEFT pAxtsTAN [5ru ruNn, 1968

$u J s,.l Jrl o.st tif r.rF 6 jh J*d d", - ltr vtr0Tj cr-e15; r-y dlrt! .r: Jl il.j rrt r fb 5 ec .-? ,.f dr.r Ef

Jl.i 1.1.r- :{ wl-n I ;Jt r.^tJt 6r Lh r# cjrjK L btr*jtrl .f/.r .rilt'i dl - + ti.: )lt Sly ef zir: jtt*i ,.Ul - a trr e-r

o* L lrti ole; - J, u-, J* .-5 jrr 3s{ rt olei u,r. Jfu * _rf

JrJt', dl - S- Lr-: j.,i llr t1 ra. Grft ,rJ ol-p ,1 o{.}ft .tdf - N L,:. Jfu ,rS .t otgi A t+) Jl,.i flr- u& 9f ,tlra

"l!, ol;; - tl (r. 9)tc .f ,*1, r.; ily"- - t1 o{ s)se 6 rA

i.1.ll-I".1""Ul .91.rc!j-1 { tyl )tl &Jt,,,JJl -rrur.e:rprf- of 2fte o*J

b e t"n $ gi.r -T .--1,, sil.,U - .,(o* glti jro. .L.

- ,.JLrl r*I uL:. E ,rl f- rrrlrr r.rri ! *- r,,/Ur r**. - ,Jf !

tf ott try f .rju .f .rl - tl3 .,t.- - ,JgU nltrl lnru ;Lr- * €:sy [::r f,.t7*.

.ln-* rf + ge1 ;j eU.*. q te-) f - .fit .flJ ,rr* **.-;.rniL:(-'

tnr .f, Cf tri ot .tcli 6 r,rl (j':, - JgU y'tsl lj.r.;.-Jf {*.4. .

"q- .;!ti tf K r+-. - A 2 ,f r*d "f .lrn

{ 2q L gl - +,rrt el .(jlr .5 l&lr q U - + t*r -rJ rG*

Slrr+. )y +t\,,rf + r1 rdU * l,rl L ,;,1 t f r,r .$U jrf

OQ f,-r.r tni *l tl .f f ,f, crr$ ,f.rt"f .5;tts "IJl da.r I





j[.rt-K.l pl ls 6l^:, I ,51i '&; " ,Ji 21 r*' trlrtl 'J r*

ci .re * a* ,rl { "r} Ct" ,):u. f s.,tl vl ot 'o! ZV J*

2f I'u, c1, tis ef q |lt J* :{ ..:\ trl ot - ? '}'tL ul:t

rrtcjl 3 6- - + .;-sih f grl c.st c)l * ?'- * lri .-r;r llr

cirt 6 2:f J- tf ot 21Jtu ?" )t dlJle e,f *U t{ 3t31 '$

J$l .f0l -rt lJbi )..;,^!-)l l+g rit'll 'q'T.::sitaf lJi

o oLlf ;. .rrli ;f I't.l lrl jl3T ,.5 0ir,. - rt l{l 6rket :3;

y o, - C. 4* ..$l cllr S oN u^ta tr I ol - e' l'r'; 'rkel

,.f r.D l).Jre )3* o5 f 1 * r.ll3al gr'l - i!')U 6l'tr;;'1, e

E -- 2\ - q 2f iL':-l f lt: ,r'tl ..i)[;. E rK-l E. l'u or

c* 04 (r1,tJii d€ - + ,r€, fri 6 sl:B ils - * c'si €h a

1.:[-l ua;l os E L of vi i il: f s!t'*:'l 'i)Li ,' ;:['l ll]r

6 flro its ,s + ., );a, U\ 2 fls' /l: s: 4 al L Pv V

t. l.ri .r -+, ,.i cJu,:-l jl1 -i)\; L uf../ ,, l.rr;' 2 A, ,fl - e'

E 0l stl 4 4* S ,J.n u^ta q ' + 'rrt+ O)\cl .j)\i L 1V'-l

,.b* 2l* f 4-) ;l$ r: 6 ltt - ox.jt, uiu .) (x d,,.j

:f il: tl - a-s r-rir, .r..o itt*i ,^ul r.5 2l*!l tf grl q- hael

.rer .j>u. L d- r*T - u"C" f dL':'l 2 L ,i- C*.f ll-r!

p U- g- tih qf f r" fXt K"ur as- * i ot ;9 f .Jt"*-!

J dtor ,sl,u if -n zt\ nd ost u*"* * / d - tf €grl 1rl u-f- f nlu jt", ,.lt^r u *( 2 LeJsr- ,5 0l or t))t* +*.r; +)ttaryl ,-(j Ol f)lif K l.ri St2 s gc 2 5.c,,!.

' /ts Yia t*5

6940 provrNcrAl AssBMBLy oi w'si pAKrstAN [5rn luNn, 196g

r""J .l'.q*. -.6* c/t: - G - :sl r.*) .rore lb 111- ,r.Lq. ;lL- 6,rl w + .,.f S c,el r+. ltyl grf sl.r ylri 4 Ol* Lr*,J r i -V

Jti. Clrr, .(L pl rJ-lt et+ UJ r_f.f pjl; a.;

O*rl - rlrr ht+ lif e"ili;,..5,11 ,*. + ,S:ly.o oy:!.r ll,tl4 L..r;il dL iJ Er^.,i 1i.r-*. g*l ^f +.f C.* g*.i 4 ff*l u- dfdl r5-dgt us+.- nl rd, i -;V J, ; uau.r fl r]-f q5 r**. r.lttr {tl, + ,F St , ,fi u,"l )i rt4l ;i .:.3fi-

d.f o"+. *L ait / L ,rt -j ft 6r.f - 5- ,; si ),, )*,,,J-,5* ,.; $ .r+*.*l i t

f-J*. f v-V uiL - F', sl+ - ,3rl .ii &ilr; - c,l.r.rI fjr.}4 ;lj g*i ,U*. r.f .r.1,r .rtU. Cl.;;., ..(U .:i: ,rl 6 2!b U-r,1

- + \t*, yj rl.: llj al "& + ,"r,

#u.I AF x:l.r .;lj .,j - r.-a.t, u-L - -Gr. "lJ

):* )r.t- ? r-r*t 4 :25 Fj ot t>i5 gr.l *CJ+5"

e u.-.L, .i* ..r? - ';fic. :U: dt- .r1-2 - bu tLe ;lr.p ar.LAl eS, e-et-o.irt .fjl &flJl jp tFJ; .jsiJri. ;f slr stt ,_rt

L CJt.; ,irl gy l-fq citl { ,s:, Urr" Ut+ -{ ,:t q. *(jyL _ dj*! q-,&.llti r?-.J?"5- Ltr.:k1l *f.Lrqb eill .,it" d3-1 ,31

drtJ*.4 "(i.;lf' s: f 11.,. e{ ,rl + Gt };l r-:et.re ;rl ciiL..{ "f rlr: U!.r6* -}5- vI ,+r g - u{.f .lr, r*j I t:tL L- d 2 *tt l;wt 4t o, I &V f Or A ,rt q_ ,r# &w.,




Lt r+*. - osi a 4;'." d + LLI qr .fq rrlri t! tb L Cr,t', ill

c1, o.? f "1., * -{ Cf t hi os S A 6D:e a! ,rl a-;

- tsl ,>.a.u..{ )tl E lrjt'5 8l )t-.f + t't" b5- rtl riil2r

a *) 6.irr t, dy ! *{ E. jtrr ,f ; q 2i r.ltr4 r',r .r: -r'

"ltt u-... t, ,rf 2f ,r# f,l rJL*-l gu { Lss 4l i1

.r.^Lp D* .* ofi J*) Z* p1 C tl - 1,..J rtl LGJI ;i IrJU

2 Ltre*bE ,rql ;f S rl dhl r* 'r+"' tl'^f y'otl tf fl f

* ..JU *Ul 131 d31 rJt=& .7t rJ3akf 8l stl ,.n^t irf '^Ui ':i-t ro

.f jl,t i JJl Jll r,"a.; ;lf;r" vt 2 L ff t -tte' 2 L dl.Ltn it

- r.r*J Zf eY ;"t'

.,,ilf ,r 6 uf sd a,.=--Lp ';.- yT -,iilA pel 4^lc. rL"

- ,-; f ei it L:2sil

L|Sr sy, t7-. / L zlzii .;41 3j o5 - lotr tLe 1l1r 6tr

* { )tt L rUl ity c.is if .; .r,; or - L eh ,J'' L- 2t3 ,r-tr

,5 +*.; clLo; S' ,ss, qb U.d ,y* .^J sl, -fi3- ";L-

jH crtor 9, . (ry 2T x dt6l fq ef ?? "f "n ;) ,rer f ,i a-'*i

rr! .ir u€cA tf uil f JJL, trr e a.r!tt.i JJI p! "iTf


.t3 ,. ,.,*. f i ..lh )tl |ta, tts olr- JrJ'*, I .ftt* ,"lJl 6 2{U1. r"-- f. Dl E t* 6, & q, .jl a-.1L. ot + VJ1 €i**'

f 1 I utr+rrl "o(=f dlrl d.,3 6 *rts '5.tt f, n F

6942 pBovrNcIAL ^ssBr.BLr

or wBtr pAKIsTAN [5rn rurn, 1968

€-f e (Jl. +rL t ,tVs.tu 0l - *& rf $UU e:i., 5 fJ, srrl

U91 u,.r.r' tal pl atV U* -rb S9l y2o -".i ,5.r2.*- url "{{,ssff*t:|.:1lj ,521 2) L Cle-.sftt ;;l f.t ri *.,i-b s(1t J-;at;

"tf,C^l F.*lri ,5 F*, o.l }'rf Lh ,il i *l pt i:L -s2*)s.1rl u{r

$U LEfirl Al - A 6 ,irl i-.r-tr .rJt.. d.r. .fU n,; 5 e-,*- rJ;4 Uf eiU |f rlr sl-,, ,yl ,x

6*1116 ..(. - !b .+L: - (-d:: lLi .r.,=. ,L) .rl.r"'r rjlki jtI +l-,- i )e OUz. L,rt +,,f;ip )tr slsi -* a1 { rate

4f .:rt.- ,5,r1 oJ uu Odlsl )p ,j*t ir: * ,!-sa ,ht, I orl af

El rf191 pb. 4*. &t L e*./.* ,5r--tna, oj* v1.: .fiJ te \),rl { .r3t.i .;el + ,* t" ,j siJh s& J ,i-iltg 4;tdf o. i.b rs.;La ft s:t ol $1 ./J * .i)\Bl tpi- u "d +,rl L rJrt"l a-f ot* d osof 6 t-F * jtf ,l* tft )ynl fl ^tss - + U (*ro ,.fri qt uf .*.ta jLl o.lU gUj 'b-ii n ,Jt1.1 ".f { t l:L. ,i it, tAj{ rf .:l: .1lri

Lf t*': .J u) ,5 ,*;H J? q, g,.1L- .5 .rl L tlf-- ,(1^r

f .6-, ri r.lbf af ,r{^ ..(.: q. L,?l - e =jhl ,j- q.

62nsra yL:.pl ,-rsi d., rr ..rp 4 b ui{ oy.2i ,5 ,,"'te. &*. *.1..r .t e * L$l ?? i .r-b da. p-ti +-,.+tp;tjq.r.)ti L.(u CT - g 2rf 4tU- K .r...; ,5 J2c*t g,"l

qi, 'Pipals' ,j:*r. L ,ssrr- A.f Gg AT ).:lr ,lri 4J q. gl3;l lrl: , - - - Jt" 15 ler.I .t7* ,.f,;t 1,lt- rxil


R.EnoLt tloNS 6943

Vrf ,f* ol r4r- Jlr yl,+ -.,!tI UI &:lleg ' rJti Clr-t$"

3f rlr rli ,rt 2 -J u L -*y .5 =-1., yil-..+ vl+ f clja Qb

14 L,,r"l vT ^f + ;,(.. ,1rl + ltf ,-*,f 2 | 6vba Lt 0lat

htf ,^1 0.,1t;l.r c.r,. -ri - "r) f s* / L.$ ,5 ,jluK.5.r:Ltl

&t-.,t*l ,^t f -J c..l E ro ,pi o&ti. S osrldl 2 Lrf

-;rr 3jt:l li art;i,t 2'l'L'.Jlell 1f 'rlr.1l.2i .9'"'-J "{L'

cy Ol.eut -{ ,,rl fl } d'l 7 sl: .lli r''lt tgt 4 '-Gl q (jra

\rS,- f )Vbl (oY!i a;l )l ,tl 'i,t) ?' n lb tt' f AL

-$: J;ri .r.+f.; i1# J ,.1ur ; - f.r ,14't ;;r' tt;-'

-g oy** rf ,b-f e.rf riL:. E gl.l w.51 &t L.,t* f '-'-te

rrf rlllr; f, l* ,-*l 2 +V .r-L - r(.0' .rta - c'I,ogi.tljj

ga.i l+ /. .-"1., Jti Clr" '(L tlr 'rlr i.p d '{ + Ut,.i

.5 +* u,.l di-e(- +t t ,..f q- ,*.1$! *- tf 0t a tJrl ,J{i 6 ,itt

cl\+ ,d e- a; 't;t.! orl.ll l1L1 ,.f e sslg.*fs u*f' o)l.rl Jf K.p'*i

v.T w - jh.-f *i.r.i ,,J sr,*.g6t lq 5l.l^b >lrllri ir* .i

L ,tl -f ,F - ,rw , dkl rl: llri ^t fl S drt uYr #'4 f .

Os*.r+- r1 ,,{ Z ,rtf ,.?\-rf * 2} ejl:;\ f'r -rl J-l-r' ulti

nd r *!.rjl lel .frl ,r>\, Ltl - x # lb ,* ,.FN ''rl L

6 Lf -rf, L url dt-Jl ui * .lh: 'd + llti dk 2 '-'-V q"'>

- uh Utr.gl )S +,f- rrl q cj1s ..(rl f &'* .2; st'3 g 'K-



6944 pRovrNcrAl AssBuBLy ot wBsT IAKTSTAN [5rn lunr, 1968

r..? 1f.t7-. grl 6 drc Uat? Uf ,€f ,^2 2 E a>ttt ,5 0l qr yrf: ,-;>ttrl yF JU pl Jl-5*l JU r .-.-t, ,Q- vt+ qr 2 L,.tlf y--t7., r9i 14 L 2$t rf ,.lal , lh os S K ,ssf .:-l;t1s

,5 &r" ,,rl -f r,rl "(rrf - lV .5 ,.d .f +-, yt ,g ,(1 L,f nf-t*

.= ,-rl L ,:lf :t*.. or .(l :: 2 s.l yl + pls K.196$ ,.ui

.I e+..- 7--b il yt { ). s:ta gr, K.aK; uel ,f bf, ji- sS-,.Ir, "3 os * Gy ois.rt ,-J$ s: sf O5t.1t jy. )*: L r.i

.t t.f {'r:lf ,:-l-;ls -p .i2og. S)t yh: ca. - gor .5,1-e

- .;.iT .:ir I r.lr ,KU ,iI * sf .:ll (Jtr JLst

nf g ,S:f €-f ") / L 1>ttl 5'e--t-.0i.- r4r - stJ:.rf rj3,{ + lf a1 yl ot lKl lrUt}lr: .ry }li 63r" serJ .r1t i osrtl

u,,:fb ef :l ef ais L jt.i i Ot^r {t- i"ttt t^+!, q *t ,s..t

ct {# ))- rfl r.11r - i"tlt ,}fr-"d r^.ri J>*. ,il: OX rr?-1. 0'.r-

Jf.rr: f, f)\-l E Jr*t "f * tn 1.rl*. rf VI "f K ,Stf ,y*,r5. .rX" I o,"l Dl ot 4:b) i .ltrr,lfLl -i1*. ,r-l ! 2:- pf jl efi) ,rl -fi ,tt if t:\ .r1 ailj4 2 t aL. ,tsil.r.rT e- Jl; s) uiat rsl.ti 6e,aia. u|-f ,S ,ss,y,. 2lt zrh jt-i ft ^f rt.t1t q K cjl

,t tS dj4 kg3.- .e, jtt .l..ri J7-, Ls1 -rry {. ,rl i X )-l?-y

6Wl * JJr u,l .5 0l ,ry ;(..l *iL,r :tlll of i#-.--V.2-,>llt- ,g -f Odtll ji,. Jy 4 sanxi Ji .t7".- ;*l e*3'f -k( J5-u.fi

uu f 0t cry 2I ,t o\: 2 L .t. tf ,Jl S! t, "ft 5 t, *;l:l jti ,f h.* ,,ltrys si st.:ir Kjui.r? 45. ,S x o)tr- e,rlvT.lhLl {t: + 4L ,r"r ^1

,^f 69,, u{ - b^.at q{ )tl - ,-f.){


nBnN.UrloNs 6945


.rL 131 a $1J 1.1y Lf r4r .e)A'.L.. Lvf 2ls 2s't,rl rll di"'t

- L Af;r. cslj fr 0lrll Lt'l 4-JL{ cill.- 5.r: q ,idstlu

Mr. Senior Deputy Speeker : I will now put the Rcsolution to the

House. The question is :

Whereas thc oecd of a mosquo mosque at Pipal's

(M.P.A'' Resideotial Quarters) caonot b0 ovcr

emphasizcd, this Assembly ir of thc opioioo that

a smalt and beautiful mosquc be constructcd therc

during 1968'

The moion was carried'

(l, ?'Lr.(l. 6 Ut*il .,3.,I;I &jt-* 61 2 ?V .(L

*tlr- K ,g'n ;f Rules of Procedure L ?T "f e otF ''r* 6:

nf L,1. ,yl - a (r) ro rJ, + - .riLi *ti-)\' 9T t.1i ') '4- Lr

- * gitt .iV

25 (2) Save as otherwi;e provided by thcse

Rules, business oot inctuded in tbc Orderr of the

Day shall not be traosacted st any sittio3 witbout

thc special leave of thc SPeaLcr.

q, fl o1 ofi9fti y Lr*t tf'l ,l sl ,t- L dit'' f ,rl ..S d!'? i

- tf ,.:=d ,-?"t L vT 'Pl td included

Malik Mirrj Khalirl : With iou special leave it can be

+ ,* tl w ct1zo sel leave Jirc' - -*t' ,AS l* :l*'

J.t",- ,t i i,t 6, include ra1 Orders of the Day i* s: S

,tsrq .ll ,^r .iL, L,.rl - * ,* x include 4 E d loave

- * ,;*i aPPlicable o3 ;el L ,'rl - + rylt

6946 pRovrNcIAL AssBuBLy oF wnsr rAKTsTAN [5rs ruNu, 1968

Mr. Zrir Nooranl (Karachi-l) : Sir, bcfore you give your ruling

may I say a few words in support of what Malik Miraj Khalid has said.

He has pointed out that there is no bar to prevent you from permitting a

Resolution wbich was to have been moved in a particular order and be-

cause of the absence of the mover from the House it was not permitted tobe moved latcr on. Wbat Malik Miraj Khalid has guoted is in support

of his stand which he has been taking since the last two hours. Even ifhis Resolution was Dot on the list of business to be transacted todey tben

too the Chair can allow him. It is your discretion not to allow. But the

discretion to allow, in thc absence of any bar, is also there. If, say

Mr. Hamza or anybody else wants to move a Rcsolution which is not

included on the agenda it can be allgwed. The people who draftcd these

Rules of Procedurc have specifically provided for this. In other

Assemblics, say in India and other places, the wording is different. There

special Resolutions not on the list of business of the House are permitted

at a particular time, on ceremonial occasions. Our Rules are different

aod it has been made possiblc to move a Reeoluticn not included in the

list of business.

Minister of Communications & Works (Mr. Muhammad Khan

Junejo) : Sir, I remember when Malik Miraj Khalid was called upon to

move his Resolution he was not preseot in tbc House. But subsequently he

camc and raised a point of order asking for Mr. Speaker's permission to

movc it and I think it was ruled out of order. This is my impression ifyou could cbcck it from the record. Now, if Mr. Speaker has already

given a Ruling will it be possible to revise the Ruling.

Mt. Zain Noorani : He was not present in the House when his

Resolution was callcd out and wheo another Resolution had been called

out he wanled to move his Resolution. Therefore, the Speaker very

rightly did not allorv him to move it at that stage. The situation now is

very diffcrent. Wc have gone through all the Resolutions which are on

the Order of thc Day, He is now sceking permission to move his Reso-

lution after the entire business on the list, has peen finished. He can be

given permission.



Mr. Scnior Dcputy Sperker : As the Ruling has bcen given already by

Mr. Speaker tbis Resolution caonot be allowed to bc moved at this

stage. Dr. Chccma may please movc his Resolution.



Dr. Srttrn Ahnal Cheeme : I bcg to movc :

That thie Arsombly ir of tho opioloo tbrt road

bctwcco Jamko aod Wrzirabad cbould be mctetled.

Mr. Senior Deputy Sperhcr : Ths Resolution movcd is :

Tbat thh Asrcmbly il of thc oDioioo thatroad

betweca Jrmtc and Wazirebad rbould bo mctallcd.

HaJl Srdrr Attr Muhanmarl : Opposcd.

Mr. Scnlor Deputy Speeker : The first amcndmcnt is from lfajiSardar Atta Muhammad.

- o3a Uf ;i; .frp q (Jt. - J.r.. tlar 111. ,rrtr

{13 'J61

y , 1 .b W .rls .,lri ,jta- ,f

a oLu pl ":\T $t' tsrilt 2,t Lxr3f Lr Jll pl 6il.pl L*f 3;o ttitt 4t-r:

-.rrt? Sqube|ss..r-

Mr. Senior Deputy Speatcr : Resolution undcr conpid€ralion, emend-

uot moved is :




6948r 968

Mlniiler of Communicatlon! & Works : Opposed'

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Yes plcase'

+ 6, p*; .&l L q - -[o' vt= ' Jri' tLe 1tr.p ,rqL

- + c;) tCt jtrT .f .:"iJh 2- o37'l dl .r* trl

,.fjrr+r,S2-kr SF * a -)lr vh - CJq Oti' Orl Ou'

- A 6r .l.rj:,t -r. q L o-sel + Srs 5'V rtll ij-r -f ot' ' + Gf

,Jr! ,lr o.l ,-f !-,5 & lrl g{ n q "fil.f ' + s3J uI ojl 'r-orL)

Mr. senior Deputy speaker : But this amendment has already been


=-tp ltr 0rtl t{ - c- r;'5;l 4a" - lr'rt tha 1111". .rtb

f avt:gr- url Y o:f I Jrl J) L Lx "S o-{ + lx $ l)t' 3{

,Jf ,j) t^i ,;y if ue ''s "S K;sf u,t':Jt z ol q - + !':

pt Lr.f rf osf ,f f ..t. - yll vt"+ - L ,rlrf riti '5 cll r'r

LtP t-i-:t.f ?? rl.ttID o *2* l-i*f &-'r:0t"''') Lah:

ts1,- t c.,) sf ,rl r-.,1 .;Jl - t+i !r dl3.re'l ;l 1'ls tl L d.'t. I 9!

.rif a .rl -f - v{ Jur ,,.i. d; .f, uel d-i' rl - cD { ,', nr,

u{- r. ,r- *i:{ df a , a- .rL b oj(,-hr "; '{ *'-o"r(;

plovtNctAL A3sEMBLY ol wBsr PAKISTAN [5ru ruxr,

. That in thc proposcd Resolutioo, betwcco thc

wordt "Wazirabad" ood "sbould" occurring in

lioc 2, thc commas and sordr "Garnbat aod

Rupri, and Ranipur and Sobbo Dbiro"' bc incert'



lEioluTrot{r 6919


.!e.i coqnection tr Ll" LT L 3l + tt.5r, ^LrlJ

f 0l qpuif,.


clL*:-l ttiJl L ,sy-.fi| =-Lp ,,-L - gr.I Frt J.i. i-.- urf.rlt E, 1r.,1 .5: L)t1Vf ,Ptf, a ,Jl t4. - tJU e-l -{


Mr. Senior Deputy Speeker : This is not a point of order-

lrl riJ53 c,.rt S-rt E r,rt r - Ylr vb - J.,ri tLr .1trr* 6t'-cat4tef'

dl,. "5- + l{ L Oe*;t - Yb vUt - Oti itt * .9J"h

&.!le, lre - llr vt:; r, - or +) f rJt *-t LuJt E .srfil .*tr4y"t) 2 L * )* os S -,* &#I u3-{ t5'f 'A.r JiJ 'ii

t f- t:(- {s tss C al )ri ., )tl.L,i'6

Mr. Senior Deputy Speoker : Tbis is not a point of order'

.iI *rlj4 - !13 r7L- - ,fT JT JJIJ'i - r#lrl &'rr 6rU?

63ff .d + ,!, t? K ,*-tr.f,L "f 2- \t't l+t C ,.lt! .lirl

explain -*t - af e*;l ,5 .ll - ra or,7 K cle'rrT * t! ,li

.D 4t" L1.f tJ 's S >\; u# r:; J of 4f

t5 rldlrt J-rE 6ralf ,{ + Lrt;l ' &lr' tLe llry ,rrb

ut - &* *rr tf ili 6,i(:f ,e nf * lx ,fl*l sH a,,t.b

-. .,$ .L. .rr JLor L o3;s pl LS d + faittL qr,dt utei.-

,c;i..,.rhl .r*l *t S! * rJtol s, - +rs>rrJ slKr.r::. 6fu rltrr .pl



6950 pnoviNciAl ^ssEM6Ly

o? wgst se(rsrtr- Jrn lur.rp, lgdg

J - c.rr Z& r* I ail 4,*f ,f ;{tS s*f ni - srr 2(- y ,1,t(- I ;"q; ,i - a_ *r& T 6jf t^.rf oi - + u(- T Jtr- tj:*f ui tftfrt f*, - q. :l.r^i .5 .l.r;li" ,Jl * S-l *, otor cJL rt - q

- it, tt Ki sf 63- ,rt S + Lfj) ,set I E Or - ot & ::f

1 ol i) d rrt l .f; ...rt!, dL - .,(or- &3 ir* rl*d Sl or*.r -f & b *,*ri,rs r.J& ,lhr as- ot +) Lj vi

I ot d:*t

JitJ 4+" tst i) *l - A Ui Ut" - r.i. tLa lltp ,r.L-, (oty>tf eLf) - - i - - c4 Lb ; .rr3\+ S) ,o dr)b

Mr Senior Deputy Sperker : Order, please.

*-V .rlfli af + ,hlf d.'x a! ert - rrir tLe 1l1.. ,rtr2+ U f *w.;ol 4,a€tadr:tsal*2LrtsalL15gf .t .Jt- ,ft - gt I o, garq r)9r o.; "S K ,-lsf .::-l3i1.r ut

cr}.el2. -t-s a. - ,if ;.{ €t2U ,::-.{ -f ,s-f i- + w K oUfqa:{! rJr.rl} n I iT +V ,tyf .?* "f { ,stf ,.hlf *..,ttf, vt { )t{ -t€i ut ,:t;--;:{r::;:;

- 2b 72*+, - (t - Orj - r ot - rI3 - ,sr),rtp JJrl p* rtJ-ll

0t Jr L r\T;j1 ;11 Ffa ,f + unf,J srJta" ,jf a,r?l d+,gp.t ,n ,f + .^. ,.il|f a.ro. o&, - 2) [f ( -{ d * G-ts *Ut{ 6 ,f 0l S + ylr- dl .:,b 6 'J"

qu fls 4l u{ w




ttsot utlcixS 6s5l

jtf t4. &"!J t Jl ^{ 2- Ll:l L u.,-l,p 6t',rerl - * 6p* 't'tl

cro t*. ,?ts L +-te {lJ - c4r 4rb UQ (3 ,-s f ,r? +'c*l)q. &)) d-;c.. 61 Z4l - rft lrta tiur K; ot tf Lfr + ":*\ "i9fUl N s\ #sJsy_t ^2 ,ft Ci r, - ,rr i4 I t q *tt ,{ ,*

hl f"r ,f ;

- <- q t4-t E,t7T ,rer a - &ir tbe ltlr., 6lr

Dr. Mrs. Ashraf Abbasi: I mean constituency.

a"l {q ,fl ,S k, q *i. IJM i - + ti; ,>a ,fr) l+

.,t ,^i 2\ yl ,* ,f 6, Jf.D J 0l -r& 13l c^fl Lf s\ #dty-s

,.r"ei 1,€. f slrsLots^...-t:r,$:.4'.1 2Lr-*al ,t4&I ,^l ri - & ri ^i *r-b q LLf;\ 6I5Jr-;s* f,t S I'L-set) n \S xt\ yrs)tj-s *- ,fl 6i - 6 tira policy motter

,-o n{ q. t2 rc.L lt - L q 2 Aal*U dl ua .p AlilllUJ,' r.piu genoral *|tf { ,.rl n .1,,y #ilsls jS'dtTl pt

*l rt ft Jrl - tt .riu e?5. f Oufq tsv a 'fr 4V'---J"+l;

c.4 i ,/dtn1 .:ir cr.l - *-1, & - .,(* G$ ,r* .i*- + \silJa C"4 ,l f*'t,5 ='t,.fb ci: tyl -,Cl N o*'

.t Cl *f drr s{ ^rf w si ,sd - s-t:r Lrlil Ffd i5-i3

6 "rfjy G;L1 *f ,5 ,,lji 2 r,*t.rtl nl. 6 -,.ru j\ 2 r,*j ttll

bt-ilt.tls t*:l *f' ort 6) er.f*3 ,* 2,-rl -LV,,,51 'tj-* { e-rJU general rt a}ta Urt

6gii piovrildirr, AssufunLy oi wisi mtrstrn 15rn ruxu, lifl-,Yfr .,,q - b+J:: 0tr. .r.*. fu) et;*l f cr>t"lt ;jJLt l t.tt 2-5 ,sA lU E. ,S9Sa- 3r.131 + G) t*ri S+L .--t, s-LJr 0l "f + q .r.ai, K 0t a .rl rrrJ Xtt- )-* uilt pl ,5fu LS,l*

"+, ,fh q yl Zt" U f &ti * bl-ils:ls s& ef ofl

r.:.i.ir 61 ,rd g Otf ,t* 2 L g>tLt 6.r-tr g?t- r.l1. - "r*b O:

d *i GN :-fu ,f, gP: qr,r iao q1 Af-i-i ,rt -r "f +!L, phased prcgrammo / L rse{3- rjt ;1t L Af 6 ,{ 0t pr

L,rl - lV qf earth work .Jtr.l .f 6Z- r.r3pl afe - W rt- Z\ q5- black top t{ 0l rn L d / b tf stone-sole :f .ll e,l

Lrer r"e! - tl, f J-i upt earth work L oe6t clr rJ!1r ,.rl i,rl -. JL r:. r:.l.if 131 * f u,arJ metal tf 8i6A - 4) l*al

ZSL{ Utii ,^l d[.t, ;f 4-y4s rrl l,--tp u?L s3l q. rJ.*lA.D.P E rju r-r-l L Fr )tl ,if metal -j -f o7f j- r.ll "f cu

_f o_{3- Jt" (+ Ylr Ly di &r E. Z*- &t vl cJL r:) .ryuS dJ . a u2,,Jf3- grr cll ,* *^fj-.lta l: .t )tl -+ tf J.t,3l ,fL *23 *t-r - 3e1 o:*. r*i.r*3 \Ltf - Ses lfu*{ ,r:..- 3ai

.'f b.r- "9 ,r level J;-,t)f L p1 .rl r, -J, ord L..t[L;11

phased programmt rr" f 0l r * lr Stons-solod roads sr-) a;

- ,if Q :f ,:-fb :\ ol J- kj lf:* b - 6f Yr ,>^i Lfi tf 0l r crtu{i * r} (4, r+ re,t5 #b -r .F *. *e. u*-.te .,?L L r* si - L Af include w l.ds*.l;.rt;JiA.D.P. dL ,rl L 9t ,nS3- tb r: S .4 e ,tl,-r+, 6 .:,\ .,rt.*!I ,prf J.( p1 9f Ol S ,sN k64er- u:. , qs 6 include q,

rrr rf Ot r qg stone-soled roads .5 .=,T .,rtr r" r4 E yl 1el jL




lJ31 u,r.. K Anl .5 Or .f ( o$ ':-t;lr "l t*' ri' - L e'f A

A, L Lf, 6etal ,5- Sl fl straightaway sr+| o'Q e' gpL'-l

,;;fl3-.lb rt +.f ,rr! crji;l ,4!a gT -Lf +rJ rre3 iu E -J

Lrif qJt- {l .,3g - ,} f J.(, f tll I r;u qr db 4j-b }?t

- L Af ,$ "l,l .tiit p.r get rr - rtr o-'t3' €? ,? ,iU ,5 -J U f

6, press -f grl grl .9 lt e ,S:f '>'l if ' 4 ='t.e tf,L r*r

- €- t*al i ''*f

* L o).219a ,r, 3l-r:-r - tb Yt+ - J'r' tLr ;l1i 6trL,,t- tiug qr3t { J.f 0l ;6J clx t f dri'l tr a rl 'a ec: }-'-

t .l .Ia :f..n3 .>a pKf r,ll - .ly Jttt i.-J *f 3- lta lt o5 ^f o37

.grb or ^tt, E af )i s{ ,x l+s f. ,rt -i ,d + J!'l - q-'

ott Y er ,ri! o- Dd rrl lrl lV n

r.J1 Sil 1l *d r-.'tp s?l- - !13 ;.qi' - jtgi 'ue. 6.l!)Ja

(.)i\#it' L qr;l ,,.;l 5\l - e) I ,.6 37* s*a .f O: ol Lt

t- € jt":-l Eil {

- ,JJ oit oe + JL' g a)\;" - uirli Pl t9'*';-' t


.rll f,r ,l- "5- tr otf ,.hlif 4 ..t, - .t'r' tLe 111.,,. ,r;tr

- + t:i o# x e+f * n dlr 1.1ro 6i llsr'; o*r e p*'f

*l otl ql na ',f oN vf '-?titi

*t J ,uu tS tl! tlr tjt- 'r'r

,eu.llif rrl - uJ) q (.$ dL .ril , 6t' ,rell .{D ,t llt' .l:l r'rl

. Otl U .trt, -f rr"'i grtl ,l' dL L




6954 pRovrNclal AssBMELy oF wisr pAKrsrAN [5rH ruHe, 196g

S ,lf .:-l.i;s .- ,i-it. - .+tp s-L -.r(r. ,rtj ,:;r- fu- /V 6r .rjLl ,5 4"1 odls F.si *l 6 .=,I

a; u^>le i)l e.,:tLr ,5 ;,i ,-r." - .lcrrr tL.e Jl).r ar.L(ot.tK6!r) + su E Ot i ,r3lo yt cry1 uJ crjbl


4 L,::,jt;l .o ,rjt^ :fT - .r-tp s:t- - Jf.r. ,qi ,q, ,;.e- ,-nf .:-l-P1r

t3lo tf * t+(.1 ..;ai .rj. ,b, L o*. - trrr; tLr 11r.1, 6tror. a! ,.rl - + llf E.r-t, $s i nl - u.r. v1 *..5j1 Qt K

djro kg4..- 01o, Ui I

Mr' senior Deputy speaker : I will put thc amendmeut to thc voteof thc House.

2 ttls amend6snl i o, - e[orJ t r;r)\rl9. tSl

- tD A.l

f o-le;1: * -l 4 t7l 15 ,rjt^ or - -5"c. ,143 .r::* ,L".


- (fl ,gJ 2 ,*t: a. r',3lo i ot - c.il.raoi -l cr>\,elf. y-jf

,yllt *. trltl ro,I tf .*t," cr:b -.6* ,rtti )r;rl. -fu,f .ry Ab t+J oj$l * L1lj4l u,l g .* a.l f ,>-11.11, .5 .J


.,-el .-uii L tJ.;a l ft - ytr DA- - jl, J.i, 6r{"




RsroLUTroNs 6955

Lq p, i ,^*lr url - L uJt L,1r, 1'1 rsl ,. .5 ,rLte


-tr r*j ,.rl a crtrrl -J '..'t, T" -6* ,ri ::-*t ,-rr arb LJ oj[l 6 d *ts

rry r Uff 15- Ol.rtl atV - Yle.1';.- - r''r' tbc.1l1' UrL

S ,sx vf ,l* * f &? tD *' +{ a(J .D, k++- ,r"-l .r-+l

- ZV rs; c,jt"l 6 4 oalt f r*'.t u'l

Mr. Senior Deputy sperker : Has the Member leave of the House to

withdraw his amendmeot ?

(The amcndment was' by leane, wilhdrawn\.

Illr. senior Deputy speiker : Nert amendment from chaudhri

Muhammad ldrcos and Nawabzada Ghulam Qasim Khan Khakwani.

Cteurlhri Muhrmned ldrees: Amendment not moved Sir.

K u.-. J:3- "l - llr vtr - (, - ,3.1.(lr*) r.€ lDl OtlaL r'5i5

-+t.r-YJ]- slT.,r.jr Jr: &lrr A€ tf ,lr #xts)tt r' fr,lr t.ro 4 K ,.rl - + *"*r] ,if -{ Jj-,5

'JJ.9,? af .rr y'|" vi

*U& >El ,.et E. c'.11 t5 url - q € J" ,f 'r' r*i E .-& t5

lCh .t! L ,s3 - ,r\3 - .rr ..$ l-f-rl -- ritl& -+ !r f ":*a "*.t F pT a 2i.t :i + ,-{ o., soling "S ;!.t -, t-i-tnt. - e-

<!.. ..l.r4 f) e.Jlro ;rL 6 drr btt t*t L ,rl - + 6 n ":-t

,1. rlrY err 4r.y' jb !, f"!r &, fSi' ,rt, ft -,t d g

6956 pRovrNctAl AssBuBLr oF wrcr pAtrtlT^N [5ru ruNn, 196g

ah -* E sUT.*jr cl..ear' &3 JL*li .lJ.r*; LL,aai .f j--J -d lt"d!

", ft - + d::( e t* rrl r.ry,;:,lr+) th a-)trrt l)\c j=-r;

.rrl .5 2) :, *.j ,x Jo r .lu il.ri E..)k4r At i lb rr *tox t/sr cjt w L\ 2,-5; ajt .l r[T /-jr "E \t efcr.e;r*+j

Oth* -rJULtJ.tiJ.rit4s &, lrl .ry d9(.,ril^ yl- .* -f3-,rt -.-l

Y Otf ,f* q ,* or)[, E. .rl ,5 x cJ-t,*,riK ,ln ,>i1 3 *1 1f- + fil ah ,t*t o ,b &, ."y ,-{}- *2 ,^f

,!{tS - Yl-r 19tr - (g>\t r )\* .ry) sry Frt! r.i. :r44lttlj4{ 4 L.:i,n, rf .rl w + tf

';l.+ b}s)sts * L r--[y,

;f slT ib pl o.i;s "f b: f c*i .iiJrrE .f ;a ,rl q - de1

u.,o, , -f c**l 5 grl - dV urr ,rr, -fi 0t.:r

-+ t:;L

)f €,j.Jlx. ,5 :* ,f -J .r& n - llU ntict tjrere;la

-(,r c)

"f kr bt f ,frjrf, * .^lJ- pet q. - .f)l nib .tre, ..1-.

,.:s 2 ,.rl - + 6st:c r.n ,5 &" u! *-tj-ptl s*rl ut. oij.c rrf ,S:1t ".3 .r:;l f ,*1* pl ilrt- tlf !,.2*-. 9{ 6js r.i ,r1ll, y'rtr ,r:r) c...al .rhj f rrLti. bf f S &r, r:ef; ,lr;&J:.-l 0l . l(i gt"- - of Zgr.a-- 6D:i o.:bj o3 9f c,Lti f dstti 6 o9t3- gf r.:t- "i;A.c 1lt 4l oe.f'r71r- f ,st + ,g,j f.f otar u a sLj a, tJriXe 0: ri: {.tr;, yl ,s2r{ qy.,,,o, 2f'Srt'tf ,h+ #-l:i-t c L *v .{,3 - ,,;,i t.Jrs Kcrrrj-




rlsor,urloNi e951

,J p-r o.f .rd tJ tos- .r,tf .f Oa..,"J,t:tt ,yt fr ,fJ a qtsil ps 166l

dl dl ra .5- g |V.J. i- s{ v- n n ,F c;.r dlj p-; ! rt'l.rb #rJry; U"rt Lrt?.-l ,l! ?? - Of ,.i* r+lKi '5 crri)\,

.1,.", srt "S {l)N qt* A L*-& n S e-f- e-f *19

,rf + ,r:,u ,^t l){, - llr rrt+ - ,,IfrU y'tcl rjnr.. )t *s* $ -f ofi J[ .ry>t" ltr "fu 4b U * ,9* .Srl

' ;2t" UY

f tr, ,{ s\ -{ ti-iltys ,rl ,fi -.rt dt r.i. j..df .'f |xe ,fi- f^l fL, of { jt t qr .dL, f *ef* o2 j)*s. f otf {}ruf o Ot ,x A ,rt - i) tf ..,, *i ,f SY

,-r, J u4le a.l o3

.rl rry -Yl-r V.Ut -(r+Jr: !tr. r.*,,. ,L..) el-;ed J .")Uh $J

tidlts E ?*i dPl fl - Os lrs f rii,iiE, ,5. urt:JSll

f,ro ,*.t ..--U.. 11 j* L) |tt dq o.. rrit 1rl individually

- + t{ tf lay doyn j,f priority ,5 o:fh od atte "tit{Lr* sl - cr .rrr d'df )tl &V ,jx ^;4 *i 6i s- b3{ "d

fti - 6J. ,stt I domands e & , dk L oefi-.f "+ .f:

tI U*ro L Jl*. iy 0: ur support ,S #*l:ys E v-Vu-Ll. ,r.tj. ,rt r *f ur 6 demand ,fy 2 E dr)\, all .rrl ,a



69SA ricvrxdler, ^iairlr.t ol wrrr pArltlAit [5rn Juru, l96t

aS *{ ,J lf df q, 6;si .5t d I .9 rf rJ91 [-3ry-- .r/ 4-lb

{. ..lj>\, .r- 0l ,{ l V tl3r .5# -l} 6s-} "*1 ;Q - .a

important jY o, cry j1'o { s+t jrl u*. au*f! ,t,i. o.e}c

L ;,,.2K* - c;y tr.ri connected *. 5h.! .fi ,r€{l ol ri(;J .ry

,.rtr.f .lhf ,.f + Uq plan 4t s:l a tf €teE. -f X ,rl

L ,-#f .&l ,5 &rraL f{ "t *+ rJL rr - #h t5-d *t.}. ,*important mandi ;11 imporls,nl cities .t "{ ki tJ Uf )trdlri.r^l L 4.1 )tl - ,if .1rL figures 1[ traffic ,r"' towns

.ft -r: ,rr :# e b-.,l. O-,f ;rl r;u l)rc a. 6tf Jtf S af .

- otf priority lay down ..5 Ot - ux r.ror. 2* * ciL E. o-fyC-s .}lt$ .l vl.P "ftl9. k66.- ,E )tl cry 4f tflY *L!L 3.r r;

u-i f justify et i { ZT *v c-;t.o plan 4 =: - E ,r,E set down principlos C* '{ ,f 0l u'd .! ,.rS y * I L

lb Lr J..(. €""1

g-s t19,.2t 3a &rL Lf rlrr* .r, A.D.P. E o r t.r e - a.

'{ Ct nl ri ,t "it" JW -rd3' .,J 'id 5. prioritY ul Ifavouritism €,tL A 6 {5- 5 at *r.i qb:, 4 tf q.-1, r-..

)tt LuJa cd E laid down principles '{ e, r=- - + b:N

-,.f r, ,>ttr f fr* n E #t+ .rJ-t q o$* important

a2nly.f a *V .iS-ls 14. nIJ- I #-ilsy-: specific .;rl

fi4 f-rx Ktrl r.r.d + G€: €.."!l lri r,1.1 Si 6 \rT "f { otfl5l- a-;Lo L 0k-rJ"r ,-- b t)t tt - ,Jl 2\ f,t - + LrL"-l




.e)\fu )r, L/,f 2 L c,t- 6i)t' ll! f. ,dr$q- tb i tf "t'- *

+, itx ai -.fi- dl^r -.r.d ovi ,sd)' fd oh: - urC ut'dlr

planning ;rl c;f ;..V asL,l crrt, =- ni - rs+i ,iT ,hl ot: ,F *,

o:c jl$l Jd us ef ,-fj-,.r1 (t - uI 4' .b ct*r '-* ofu 2f

rqls*l + ril ZU t-|.,r ,/-lDs *2 a,"e.b ,fr & L af,:-lrilr * =-tp ;ff> cI, 2 nl - LAf o'r' accept .l:.l

.5i 4r .$ otp .iA ctJ 2 cr{s f #-l::l ,rl os '^{ { 's:f- L Af ,yi ailr;.r.o p,r ;Ul L ,tl €- ,-iU { '{3'

Dr. Sultan Ahmeit cheema : sir, in view of the speech of the Ministcr

for Communications and Works, I ask leave of the House to withdraw my


Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : ilas the Member leave of the House to

withdraw bis Resolution,

The Resolution was, by leave, witMrawn.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : The House is adjourned to mect agein

at 5.30 p.m. today.

The Assembly rhen adiourned (at 1.00 p.m.) till 5 30 p.m. the same






Thc lssembly met al 5 30 p m, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Mr' Ahmedmlan

Seomro, in the.Chair.

Recilation lrom thc Holy Qur'an and its *anslation,




6962 pRovrNcrAl ASSBUBLy O! WBST PAKTSTAN [Srn lUNs, 1968



Mr. Deputy speoker : The House will now resume consideration of

thc draft Rules of Procedure of the Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan'

Mr. Hlmza may please resumc his speech on his amendment to Rule

No. 50.

.:1Lr.I r'.rl ,,4l ,f rry - .Sr- 9U" - ('r -.1* J3Y) '3'e i-'

JJI r.,l 6 lh dlr- tr Liu':-t L trlll *f ter u: f \f-P 4 w

!r rrh+ U F!c- rrt+f,l du'!:-l .-(trd 2 nl * liN ..f;u it6:rt

f gr.l L *"r-- &U U:lr f ,,rl ! ,;J) -{ tl qer r# r.r? z}l

4".- + ,is,t ,it- g.^tl rf du'E:-l C* trl93 sT+?" 6sl:c *rkst KdgiL 1.tj t,0lJ,il ,.rl tf .6rr.rL: ,{ + s"L-l { at,Jrt

lrn )r:rb L rrl 6(.J q s*ai.,11b ,-r.lta .pi .r5t6il ,J q- clrL

dti*:-l "f e- i\ sfrn .,?J- .,!tr:il "r 6.r, "& + ,Jt.l ;t;,t- .1"" rar tJlegl ,{u a-.d d4; c4, 0l-ql .f.F. )d f .(irJ .5

,Jty U dti*:-l .u$ l-Jtf Sg, "f y'l- Jr & 4 -f J-"-l Jtril

Lre't ftr Y S*- vL: rry tJl.: a-5,. eL ,;"1- + bt+ bt€-fl 6ti*"1

63t Jrl frl 6 &rt J: 2,9 d:c'r:f L -5,* vt': - { ;'r -ro KI^

- d/,. N { 7 c;,;l: r,.:

U )rc Yt+ ,.f { ,::f ,t-t v*t .rl (4' $ t- r.st er L f' ,rl

-f 6l rJK.!l.,^- - ca 2N ,>ariJ uri r'o1[:ll.' roc .-.(il .fi.6- c.,b'

r:rl.1t1...l L (*i ,-rl urr,l tl .-"tb 2\ tt erl-icrl1l;il { g; orl

Zls .rtlw #t.- q,.-jU:^.,todl ql u:2lta U)f o.d jt'*:-t j"f

,d A fL-l se Y -t nt ,(a* r;L- - +31 vf tpt Y








'd J+ I Jt{il .,e du,.:-l 2q "*J dt * 8l.rpt url .:,u31 ,a*;

- UL !f ,h r.;6, Jllll -f ll E .o o:r+ J.L E c*.rtJri url

,yt L f,t i* d ,* o: t'+ tf ta(1r q J t-rt J-,i(lr.e ti q. t..lf dLd-l rf lt -l { at.:'i E }4V rl L elblarl ,.lfjr \f JJ,.&. ,.5 ...1, ,(* ; a 6 J1.,.': I x t* 61s2i

dtbr-l ,u(l ,.(; Ot r -L r.ix c.16;K 2 L {tr eS-.rtat f,f ":$ o,.l -5.* .rt: ft +.iU VLf ,irl Ljtir;-t dtr. tl

.3;t!. E -bt ,8 v€-# .11 lrl ,r4 L LV lf ua rry r.,tll

"f uU jYrgrL-l KoU,,l,l trs, -{ S*Jrt cD 2rt f s1 ef o,l

i :* t dti':-l e:(t *t S t€r ,r.d 6ss*;rt F.ll 1.u-t &t*. *1

5 Lf ,H L dti'u-l r:5li 613; * L ri yl j - ub tf d.fdtid-l jt ":(j #l ,(I; ,tf 2f l:l .,t:r3- p1l &l-e.; 4l w s)t,gr.l f F.j orl .r*l rry - .fr* yl:1. ,.ir *t $ tr,Iu :rj 4 LornT *f .rN kel* Gs:i vA 2 ,yl Vf ,id ?U E .ll-11 jjr.t *r.t.E:rl 13l ql.tc , 6::i. "f.;y i{ -.t ornT n(ll A ti3, t.al; e1 (Y .:! u.l i )* ,fl3 a**. yl Oj1r,*eitr ,sn L.rrl-e.rj,it.lt6l

+ U$ jfU &- ,f r.Jeit;.(- Uf g-r rr Jit"- g.i+ *f .?_ fr4, JJJ ,rl - ,.lU *s lf, e. 13J ,rr p,t + t ti tr a-,,) t;,a gl- + sil h .dl mL )tt )il oast 5 orrr; E Jur e r*

"rlJl+ib rp 6 O: 4-llrl .t tr rl;t t) [r3i [:ie L drtrGf ,F u.p.f VL.x.rt.r*b L * ti csd,,,,/rr Jg 6r-4 Jr€Jt

L-er. Ui - U.l f gs* ,s$ f r,t;tt{b r." .t dl t€i ,$ri ust Dajq, ril-*l E orl .*JlJ ctl .nt dU,:-l "5i Frr- vur _f,t ,.f .r.1l1

e itrr. E, ,r.l o) -Gl u,l .r i Le{) .r4 ELU 5.,;*t

6964 ?novrNctlL asslrlt.t or w!!t PlrlstaN [51H ,uNE, l96E

U5. JL^:-l oUjl ,-j,9. e,..rt" 6dr/J(- nf c- *il& 4g*,.f r:r 6-11 6cjki * *;*;,,a r5.ll o. CrL,.rl )tl L r.ib d, + Ull

1J 1lr-l r tr,)l )y-rt Jf 0l .}- ft.i E cllll JJI ($Jr Jlr*t"r.;grl { ,i:,lj ,5 ,(.;- .r,t+ ri t* ,tl| ,*, - E oil l&: a,.,fi

f, Ot e .t? )tl y qi ocjLi t? "S htt ,rd Ut+?Jl q **6 ,'rl ,-rtl .ru eiL 8, LtiJl 0l -,r dtr-l {Lst Ct*. E 1,t;t

- tJlt Uf c,lL-

Mlnister of Law (Mr. Allah Bachayo Ghulam Ali Akhuoj),: Mr.

Speaker, Sir, I oppose this amendment because what tbe amendmcnt

secks to do is to take away the power of the Speaker to give consent lothe moving of a privilege motion. Sir, the Speaker is an elected member.

He is elected twice ; he is elected first as a Member of the Assembly, and

thcn he is elected by a majority of tbe Members of the province as Speakcr

of the Assembly. He, Sir, discharges his duties with utmost sense ofresponsibility, and if we have to keep up the dignity of the House, we

have to repose confidence in the Speaker. This power is not givcn to a

Minister or any executive authority so that anyone in this House may

have some kind of suspicion that the power is likely to be mis-used. Iftre cannot repose confidcnce in the Chair, Sir, then I don't know whcther

we can repose confidence io any one. On the other haod, you will have

noticed, Sir, that during the last week or so, certain privilege motions didcomc up before this House and at the end tlre Speaker was constrained tu

observe that tbis is a very valuable right of a Memhcr and, tberefore, itshould be sparingly used. In other words, he hinted at this rhat it is not

bcing used. . .

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : On a point of order Sir. Does he want

to open a debate on that issuc ?




Mloister of Ler :. No.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar

was otherwise


Supposing I defend thc position, which


Mr. Deputy Speaker : What is thc Member's point of order ?

Malik Muhammail Alhter : Sir, he is referriog to the rullng of tbc

Chair. Does he want to havc an answcr to it ? He should not mention it.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : What is wrong in referririg to the ruling of

the chair ?

Mrlik Muhammad Akhter : Could the ruling be referred to in other

words as well ?

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The ruling is always meant to be referred to.

Malih Muhammad Alhtar : But not io a sarcastic toce, which thc

Law Minister is using. It is an objectionable lone, wbatever thc


Mr. Ileputy Speakcr : What is tbe objection io refcrriog to a ruling

of the Chair ?-r

Mr. Deputy Speaker: The Member has every right.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : I don't want to do tbat ; I havc great

respect for thc ruling ofthe Speaker.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Thc Member may plcace take his seat.

Minister of Law : I bcgin to understand that thc wcirer only knows

where the rboe pinches. In any case, Sir, the power of the Speaker must

be preseved and must be kept in tact. If the control is not exercised by

the Speaker over the affairs of this House, I don't see any other authority,

which will be able to exercise the control. Therefote, I, for one, feel vcry

strongly on thc point and I anr propared to givc all the power to lbc

Speakcr for regulatiag tho busincss of the Houso.

6966 pRovrNciAl AssBuELf ot w8sr pAxrstAN [5rH luxr, 196g

With these words, I opposc this amendment.

Mr, Depury Speaker : I will now put the amendmeot to tbe flousc.The question is-

That io Rule 50 of tbo Rutcs, thc c.:mot appcar-ing after thc rrord "thcreof" io line 3 be rcplacedby a full.stop aod the words fotlowing rhereafter

bc dcleted.

The mction was lost

Mr. Deputy Speaker : I will now put the Rulc to tho House.

Thc question is-

Tbat Rute 50 be approved

The mollon was canied



Deputy Sperker : Rule 5l as recommended by thc Speciel Com-

Tbere is an amendment by Malik Muhammad Akhtar.

Maltk Mubammad Alhtar : Sir I bcg to movo -

Tbat in Rulc 5l of thc Rulcs, for tbc word

"rhall" occurriog io lioo 5, the word "may" bo

eubstitutcd ; and aftor Rutc co amcndcd, the

comma aod worde "uolcss tbc Mcober satisEcs thc

Speaker that the docuncot is oot readily ovailablo"

occurriog in lines 6-7, bc dclctcd.

Mr. Deputy Speaher : Amendment movcd is-

.That in Rule 5l of the Rulcs. for tbc word

"rhall" occurriog Io lioe 5, tbo word "mly" bo

cubstitutcd ; aod after Rule Eo am.odcd, tbo


comma aod words "uoless tho Mcmber satisfies the

Speaker tbat lhe document is not readily availablc"

occurring in lines 6.7, bc deleted.

Mioister for Law : Opposed Sir

Malik Mubammad Akhtar (Lahore - II) : Sir, before I open debate on

nry amendments I would like to give assurance to the Housc

Mr. Deputy Speaker : What does the Membcr mean by debatc on

ameodmects ?

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Beforc discussing my amcndments.

Mr. Depoty Speaker : Then say like that

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : It is the same word. lts interpretation

may be different. We are going to finish thc rules witbio tbe prcscribed

time and I am not going to prolong the discussion. I will be erpressing

myself on different anrendments and leaving most of thcm.

U}r"Ef ;t--l ,.rt'J f,os5lzz. { dhl -qrl2!*


Malik Muhammad Akhtar : What I seek to amend with this amcnd-

ment is that it may not be made qandatory for a Member who raises a

question involving breach of privitege to append documcnts to his privilege

motion. As you know, Sir, a privilege motion has to be raised at thc

earliest possible opportunity and if a brcach of privilege occurs today

necessarily it has to be brought in at the earliest opportunity and docume-

nts have to be appcnded. Although the practice in this House has bcen

vcry liberal and in cegain cases certain persons have been accommodatcd

and they have been bringing forward privilege motions days and days

and months after tbe occurrence but in otber cases the rules were observed

strictly; so strictly that many motious had to be rulcd out of ordcr fol


6g6g psoviNclel Asitr.bly nf wcsr pAKlsrAN [5rH tuxr, lg6t

lack of documents. In a single case I lost three motioos bccause I couldnot obtain official documents.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : What does that imply ? Does thc Mcmber

mcan to say that thc ruling of thc Speaker was not correct ?

Melik Muhammad Akhtrr : The ruling was correct according to thc

prcvailing rules but now I have moved an amendment to the ieffect that itEay lot be made nccessary to file documents alongwith privilege motions.

Some times thc documeDts are in possession of thc Govcrnment and a

requett can be made to the Spealer tbat hc may kindly direct tbc Govcrn-

mcnt Dcpartment conccrned to producc those documents. . ...

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Unlcss tbe Vember satisfirs thc Spcakcr tbatthe documents are not readily availablc.

Malik Mubammad Akhtar : Why not to make tho emendmcnt thatit mry not be made mandatory. I don't waot to add anything but I only

wsnt to say that tbis is a denial of thc right to move privilcgc Eotions ifit is made mandatory for a Membei to file documents alongwith the

privilege motions becaule privilege motions have to be raised at tbc carlic-

Et opportuDity. Of course, newspapers and such like documents could be

rcadily available but certain documents such as attcsted copies froncourts could not be obtained very quickly. In a reccot privilegc motion

one of the Members had to obtain certain documents from Karrchi . . . .

Mr. Ihputy Speaker: That is clear. Please tekc your se8t

Thc qucstion ir:

That io Rulo 5l of thc Rulcr, for thc word

"shall", occurring io lioo 5, tbc word "may" bo

rubttitutcd; aod aftcr tbe rulc ro amended, tbo

somoa aud wordl, "uolcsi lho Mrobcrratirficrtho Sperkcr that tbc docuocntg is oot readily

evailablc", occurriog io linea 6-7, bc dcletcd.


Thc motion was lost.



Tlrc qucstion is :

That rulc 5l be approvcd.

The motion was carried.

Mr. Deputy Speoker : Rule 52.

Mrllk Muhaumrd Akhter : I beg to movc :






Thrt io para (l) of rulc 52of tho Rulcr, for

tbc rord "o[e", occurridg io liuc l, the word

"thrco" bc suhtitutGd.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Amendment moved is

Tbrt io para (i) of rulc 52 of tho Rulcs. for tb:word "ooo", occurriog io lioo l, tbo word "threc"bc rubrtitutcd.

Mloister for Law : Opposed.at

Malik Muhammad Akhtar (Lahore - II) : I beg to submit lhat it has

been provided in the rules, and it is rather reckless, that a single question

is allowed to be raised at a time relating to a single speci6c instance

where a breach of privilcge has occurred. I havc gone through the rules

of procedurc of many Parliaments aod I don't find such rcstrictionS aoy-

shere. Moreover, if you allow me to say a word over hete I would

mentioo that in the House of Commons . the powers to punish by reprima'

ad, imprisooment or fine for breach of privilege are exerted at tbe discret'

ion of thc Mcmbers. Not only do they punish outside offendcrs but

cvca tbc Members are punisbed for makiog dGrogatory speecbes. They

have got the power to summoo in cases of contempt, breach of privilege

and wilfull disobedience of an order; if a person is chargcd with s breach

of privilcge, in ortter to protect parliamentary privilege and to compel

testimony. It is a sacrcd right and I consider that we should follow the

democratic countries like U K., ths Senate and the House of Reprcsentati'

vct io U.S.A. Even the Coloqitl Aromblies hrve cxcrcised such Porort

6970 plovrNcrAl Aistrr,.r o, wtsr pAtrtsrAN [5rn rune, l96E

to proseiute for contempt and may I give a quotation with your per-


Mr. Justlce Tori defended this rigbt and said-

"Now, by common taw, the power to punish for contempt of thisDature belongs lncidentatly to the courts of justice and each House of theParliament. No man ever denied its existence. As to our colonial. . . .,,

Mr' Deputy speaker : The Member is not relevant because it is aquestion of breach bf _orivilege and not contempt.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : I was iust emphasiziug my point. WhatI beg to submit, through this amendment, is that this is a sacred light;the only right provided under the existing rules u,hereby e person couldcome forward and now even that right has been snatched away from thisaugust House. Altbough we have passed a rule whereby we have givenpowers to the Speaker for which I .,sRoke in the highest terms yesterday

while referring to the Speaker of thefouse of Commons ........\

Mr. Deputy Spcaker : Not relevant.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, if the Speaker of the House ofCommons wants to seck election he is allowed to lre elected witbout anyopposition. He can continue to be the Speaker as long as he desires.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : I will put the amendment to the vote of theHousc.

The question is :

Tbat in para (i) of rule 52, of the Rules, for

the word "one", occurriog in line I, the word

"threc" bc gubrtituted.





Thc motion wat lost,



Mr. Deputy, Speaker : Amendment No. 53 is ruled out of order.

I will aow put thc qucstion.

The quation ir :

Tbat rulc 52 bc approvcd.

Thc motlon was canied.

Mr. Deputy Speeker : Rulo 53, The questicn is :

That rule 53 bo approved.

The motion was carried

Mr. Dcputy Speeher : Rule 54. Tlrc question ic :

That rulo 54 bc rpprovod.

The motion was carried.

Mr. Deputy Spcaker : Rulc 55. The gucstion is :

Thet rule 55 bo approvod.

The motion was carried,

Mr. Dcputy SpcaLcr : Rulc 56.

Mrllt Muhrnmd Alhtrr : Sir, I beg to lnovc :

That for Rulo 56 of tbe Rulcr, the folloriog bo

rubltitutcd, oaaely :-

"56. (l) Tho Committco oo Rulos of Proced.

urc rhall cremiao avcty quertion

rof6rrod.to it md dotcrmim qi{h



6972 pnovlNctAL AssBMBLY oP wBsT PA(tsrAN [5ru rune, 1968

reference to tho facts of each casc

whether a breach of privilege is io-

voived and, if so, tho naturc of thc

breach aod tbo circuostaoces lead-

ing to it, aod makc euch recommco-

dationc as tho circumstances maY


(2) Thc Proviocial Govornmeat shall bo

bouod to tako action at rccommeod-

ed by rbo AssomblY.

(3) If tho accused person is a Membcr

of Ceotral Service of Pakistau aod is

in servicc of the Proviocirl Govcrn-

me8t for tbe time beiog, he sball bc

ordcred to haod over the charge

forthwirh aod Ceatral Govcrnment

will bo asked by rhe Proviocial Gov.

cromcot to ioplemeol thc recomme.

ndatioos of thc Aosmbcly :

Provided that action uader sub-rulcs" (2) and

(3) shall ooly bc taken aftcr tb: recommeodations

of thc Committce aro approved by tho Assembly."

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Not tangible; ruled out of order

Thc question is :

That Rule 56 approved

The mbtion was carrie d

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Rule 57; amendment by Malik Muhammad


Malik Muhsmmad Akhtar: Sir I beg to move :




Tbet in rub-rulc (l) of Ruls 57 of tbc Rulcs,




for tbc wordg "ono mooth" occurriDg io lioe 7,

tbe wordg "two wcekg" bc substituted


Mr. Deputy Speaker : Ameodment moved is :

That io sub-rule (t) of Rulc 57 of thc Rulcl'

fot thc $,ords "ooe mooth" occurring io lioo 7, tbc

wordl "two wecks" bo substituled.

Minister for Law : OPPosed.

Maltk Muhaomart Ahhtar (Lahore - ll) : Sir, thc original rulc provi'

dca tbat wben a questioo of privilege is referred to a Committee, the

Coomittee shall immcdiatcly take action and report to the Assembly with'

in one morth of the day on which reference to the Committec wat madc.

Of courac, if the Assembly is not in session, it witl be made immcdiately

on the commencement of the next sessicin of the Asscmbly' Sir' I

coEparc bere the actions of the committecs on the Rules of Procedurc

and Privilcge, of the House of commons and the scoatc. without

taking more timc, I woutd refer two instances. According to Galloway,

thc Housc committee on un American Activities has been the most aclivc

Invcrtigation committee, as cstablished by thc coogress from 1945 to

195.. It hcld 130 public hcarings at which more tban 25,000 persont


Mr.DeputySpeaker:TheMember'samendrnentistorcducctbcperiod so he should be relevant to that.

Malik Mohammail Akhtar: I mean to say that in dcmocratic couot-

ries, thc right of raising a question of breach of privilegc is coosiderc{ to

bc a racred right and in England. it was a right so granted, In American

constitution as well, of 1789, it is there. our constitution also grants

such right to the Mcmbers. what I mean to say is the Rulcs of Proocdu'

rc and tbc interprctation of the provisions of Constitution made to thesc

Rules by our prescnt Govt. as the rules wcrc originally coforccd by the

Prcsidcnt of Pakisran and adopted by thc Governor of west Pakistan and

witb Eioor modificatiotls-... -.r.. I

6914 tsovrNcrAl AssElrBLy of rvEsr pAtrrsrAN [5rn luxr, lg6E

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Malik S rtrib may pleasc be relevant to tbe

amcndment and confine his speech to that.

Malik Muhanrmail Akhtar : I will Sir, It is a very important matteread it rbould be taken immediately. I will refer rhat the committces inother democratie couutlies continuously sit for years trying such cares.

That is my arguments Sir, and I support my amendment.

Mr. Deputy SpcrLcr : Thc question ia :

That in rub-rulc (l) of Rulc 57 of tbe Rulcs,fct lbe wordr "oDc ruoDth" occurrio3 io tioo ?,

tho rorda "two wecks" bc Eubttitutcd.

The motlon was lost

Mr. Ilcpnty Spcekcr : Next amendment.

Mrlik Mohrnmad Ahbtar : Sir, I beg to uloyc :

Tbrt in sub-rutc (5f of Rulo 57 of tbc Rulet,tbe colon appeariog aftcr thc word ..Auo ubly" attbc eod bc replaccd by a full-rtop sod rho provi:o

followiog tbcreaftcr be dclctcd.

Mr. Deputy Speater: Ameadmeat movcd is :

That in rub.rulc (5) of Rulc j7 of tho Rulor. tbocoloo appoario3 aftcr thc word ..Arroobly" rt thccod bc replaccd by a futl-ctop,rod tbo provlrofoltowint lbcreafter bc dcletcd.

Minlrtcr for Lrr: Opposed

Mallk Mohamnrd Akhtar (Lahore - II) : sir, gcnerally the privilcgemotionr are sdmitted -I do not want to catt any rcflection on aay suchopioion wbich may injure the fcclingr of my fricnda in powcr on tbo othor







side -but it has been felt that in most of the cases external influences are

cxercised and delaying tactics are used against the "persons who raise the

question of privilege to kill the privilege motions. Once a Committeo has

made a report, I do not consider that there should be such provisions

that the report be referred back to it. This is in order to protect the

rights and feclings of thc Members. You know Sir, we are hunran beingr

and are subjected to influence and pressure. I consider thrt if this

proviso is there, the question will be referred again and again back to

the Committees. Hence there should be only cne report.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The question is

Tbat in sub-rulc 15) of Rulo 57 of tho Rulo,thc colon appcaring after the word "Asscmbty" at

the eod be replaced by a full-stop and tho proviso

followiog lbercafter be deletcd.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The question is

Thrt Rulc 57 be approved.

The motion was carried.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Rule 58 ; the qucstion is :

That Rule 58, as recomoeoedcd by tbc Secood

Spccial Committec bc approved.

The motion was carfied.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Rule 59; the qucstion is

That Rulc 59 bc approvcd.

The motion was corrtcd.

6915 trovtflcr^L ^rJtuBLy

of rfBtt pArrsrAN [5ru lutrg, 196'8

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Rule 60; thc guestion is

That Rulc 50 be approved

The motion was canied

Mr. Deputy Speaker : New Rule. Malik Muhsmmad Akhtar.

Melil Mohammarl Akhtar : Sir, I bcg to movc :

That afrcr Rulc 60 of tbc Rulcl, the followiog

bo added, namoly:-

"6GA. Wheo a Meober ir dctaincd under thc

cxccullvc order tbc Speakor sball causo tho attco.

daocc of thc Membcr io tho Arrcmbly duriog


(a short pause)

Mr. Deputy Speaker : This would bc an amcndmcnt in thc Act and

Dot iE thc Rulec of Procedurc.

Matik Muhammad Akhtar : You know, Sir, I only mcan tbat wheo a

pcrson is detained under an cxecutive order, Dot in a criminal case, during

that pcriod he is deprived of tbe right of the presentation of views of hirconttitucnts. If it is provided that during that time he would ba just

allowed to come and attend the Scssion it would be much better. Sir,thcy aro taking a similar attitude in the Army. Tbey don't chain or put

thc military officers in a lock up, They simply put a guard on tbc ofrcers

and the oficers arc allowed to movc about.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Ruled out of ordcr.

Thc qucstion is :

Ihat Rulc 6l bc apfroved,




The motlott was catlcd.




Mr. Deputy Speaker : Rulc 62. The question is :


Thrt Rulo 62 be rpprovcd.

The motion was corried

Mr. Dcputy Speeler : Rulo 61.

Msluk Muhrmmad Alhtar: Sir, I bcg to movc :

Tbrt for Rulo 63 of tho Rulcr. tbo followiag bo

robrtitutod, oamcly :-

'63. A motion for an adjournmcot of the

busiocrs of tbc Assembly for the purposc of di+

cusaing a dc6nitc mattcr of urgeot public iopor.tsocc m8y bc oadc by a Mcmbcr.".

Mr. Deputy Sperker : Amcndmcot movcd is

That for Rulo 63 of tbc Rula, the followiog bo

rubrtitulcd, oemely:-

"63. A motioo for ao adjouromcot of tbo busi'

Desr of tbc Asrembly for tho purposc of dlscugsing

a dcfnitc roettcr of urgent public importaocc aatbc made by a Mcmbor.".

Mlnicter of Law : OPPosed.

Mrltk Mubammad Alhter (Lahorc-Il) : I want threo changes in thc

PrBGnt Rule.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Even if it is out of order hc m8y bc permittcd

to mate a motion, irrespective of tbc fact what thc consideratiOns rrc ?

Mdlk Mubammad Akhtar: Sir, motions rbould bc madc in thc

Housc atrd tbcn tbe Speakor can mske his observatioos. The Spcakcr has

pottrs ruich ho user in ruliag out the adjournmoat Eotios. Tbao



6978 pRovtNctAL AssEMlLy oF wErr pAKtsTAN [5rn luNe, l96E

inhcrcnt powers are always with the Speaker. I seek to omit the words

"recent" and "with the conscnt of the Speaker" as provided in the ori-ginal Rule.

Sir, may I mention that this is the same R.ule which we have been

having in our Rules of Procedurc for the last many years and Sir, duringtho Budget scssion of 1965 out of five adjournment motions moved fourwcre out of order and one was held in order but not admitted by theAssembly. In the winter Session of 1965 out of six alt the six weie outof ordcr. In thc Budget Session of 1966, thirry-one were moved, eleven

were not prcssed, nine were out of ordcr on two leave was refu.ed and

coosent was witbheld on five, The remaining were beld in order but were

not admittcd by the Assembly. In the Budget Session t967, 186 were

movcd, consent withheld 126, out of order 32 Not pressed 14, held inorder but not admirted by the Asscmbly 14. [n the winter session 19f7,

236 were moved, consent withheld 94, out of order 103, leave refused bythc Assembly 8, not moved 31.

Sir, this is the state of affairs as the Rules stand and the question ofwithholding tbe consent by the Speaker is there. Sir, undoubtedly I agrcc

that thc Speaker bas got great confidence of this [louse and I am tbe per-gon who has always cheerfully and happily accepted his decision and Iconsider that ours is an Assembly which is functioning in a more coopera-tive spirit than any otber Assembly of Pakistan. yet, Sir, you knowwhen an adjournment motion is moved the entire Department is justshivcring They movc from the peon upto tbe Minister. The explanationsare therc.

Mr. Deputy Speakcr : Is the Member sure about that ?

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Ycs Sir

Ministcr of Foorl (Malik Khuda Bakhshl : If ,shiver' means that we

bave a sense of responsibility and we respect the wishes of the Membcrs ,..

of thc Opposition-if he means that, then it is absolutely correct. If he

mcqns that we are in any way afraid of adjournment motions he is wrong.. '::

Meltk Mohrmmad Alhtar:. I mean tbat if an adjournment.arotionis,.





malc it should not be killed in tbe Cha.ober. Lct it be read out in lhc


. Mr, Dcputy Speaker : No rcpetition.

Malik Mohrmmad Akhter: Then the word "recent". could you

gUide mC whetber thiS wOrd.'recent", thiS sacrcd doctrine "reccnt'.'becn

defined anywhcrc ? Could you put some limit to the occurrcnce which is

reccnt and to such occurrcnces which ere not rcceot. Sir, may I submit

tbat in tbe Standi6g Orders of thc House of Commons exactly the samc

provision exists. Sir, there is no provision in the Rulls of Procedurc of

thc Unitcd Kiogdom or Canada that an actjournment motion will be

killed in the Chamber nor therc is provision in the Rules of Procedure of

thcse democratic countrics fbat the conscnt 9f tbe Speaker would bc


Sir, the adjournment motion is a great privilcgc [or thc Mcmbers of

the Opposition. The grievance of tbc public can only be vcntilated

tbrough an adjournment motion. The matter which concerns vitally with

the public is brought in rhe House and, Sir, with such restrictions you

will be imposing Scction 144 in tbis House as well. Sir, in the Standing

Ordcrs of the llouse of Commons in Bngland, I mean to say Standing

Ordcr No : 9 the word .,rccent" tppears in the Ruling of the Speaker but

not in the standing ordcr itself. could you guide me what is tbc

dictioncry meaning of the wofd "recent" and how could we define it and

how could wc dccide whether an incident was fresh and recent or trot.

Sir, wc are only crcating difficulties for you for wbom I have lrcat respect

and regard. Why should we quariel over tbe word "reccnt" ?

Srhibzrrta Noor Hessan : On a point of order. Sir, hc is rcading the

script that he has in his hand. .

Mr. Dcputy Speakcr : He is justified becausc hc is probably referriog

to his. uotts.



" Mrlll Mubrtnrtrl Akbtar : I rm not rcading.

6980 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wrsr ?AKtsrAN [Srn ruNr, t96g

Sir, wby need we leavc the admissibility of tbe adjournmcot motionsto the Spcaker.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : No repctition. I will now put the Mcmber'ramendment to thc vote of the House.

The question is :

Thrt for Rulo 63 of tho Rutos, tho fottorio3 bo

rubstituted, namoly :-

"63. A notioo for aa adjouromcnt of tho

business of tbc Arsombly for tbc purpose of dit-cussiog a definite mailer of .urgcat public impor-taoce may be mrde by a Member."

The motion wos carried,

Mr, Deputy Speaker : Next amcndruent by Mr. Hamza,

Mr. Hamza : Sir I hereby movc-

That io Rulo 63 of rho Ruler, tbc sords ..with

tbe conscot of tbc Spcakcr" occurriog in line 4, bo


Mr. Deputy SpeaLer : Amendment moved is-

That io Rule 63 of thc Rules, tbo words "withthe conscot of the Speakcr" occutring in lioe 4, bc


Minister of Law : Opposed Sir.

L e ff.i ,5,'; ,Jr.t - ,*i*./t+ - (.r-.l-rl "trY) '.p+ j-.

L/-r*;l,rit6:il dr.. - g<", Gr r.ret r,1,1 d4$h dl L dti*-l .&F,

f evtfl ucl;, L csstri yfu ?q *f + E.l uf ,rt rt iL E.






mAff lutrs ot IgE ErovlNctlL AtgExDLt oF wtsl PArIstAtl 69tl

,9t ..:ljU 0l f, r,ll ..r- kJ ,flrrl &U €.*' ct + br &, ,?

f roj "r ki ULJ .^: L oe4t ox Efets'l 4.r.' I 'rlilr*l.l kp tf rfr.Lt tr'rkcl ;.ir X f* .rti ,L ,s Lx if *t,H JK-t ts rr urri sfb rrd )* ,jf o.. U, - 2 W -lt'.r, rrL +,-L 5rl ;11 u+ .*: )l:v {.a.' c.,UK..l L LW

u3n pr' "* ,fi| t{ { otf €.f ")- q *o .5 Oru ;jr vl+

s*l ,* q: jt*,| r. ){ e.b .t .x' u\*l J.l "{ apb

j,f eljJl 4rr,, iJl L.;..a u* qtLf J- rf vl dL bJ 44t1

tt* '{)p gd .t + *t.;. c))-t' 9a Y At f n:r 3it 2f kjtt

L r - + )[" ,r*r "irL 4 a .r.I 6 vI 1no' te t! '* ULtl

g{, ;.x .&l E ril3{l rJrl ,(s u,u- "f I5 od ,tlitt q r*f.* ,tf ,.r*l - urri .1$' rr! r'--:L ..(:l E, 0lial url os \ unrl

a.Ki .I;rr-l I cr?jtrrl -f -J pl ,-r." S'1l.",e" vI "f c')H'i

-* ,,p d-l*i,Ja4rl ,,f {r:2sf ..(t ofr+ i ,t*"$ e- U[tfir

Lb a$: a. .Ki .5 1'l.r=t t s? 'rtr.j ,5+l - .fu E uL'-l #iJ

\r*f (JE. .131J[ t ,.rl &A - ,r^ Lrt 1l'r^it- ,.c ollj o5.,91 ,.pr

J ol.i dF-r .f [4ry* u!t^, !U r *! .(; .r- url u&t ,f ua-'t

3e ru u.i, Gf ,r* rulings .ri., d: 0t tr E tr qf suptpl ;f

",arrtii ,5 .fii ,-r*f A irL,t v*f - r-rp LP ,aiti; *' 0t-il

- Ulr urr thll. K rt -l ,.re .r..1 *t + ctf., f* ,if t+' f

J.lr cr.! v;E* L ,.ll+l ,rl ,f,.... r-,1:: nf ki t;h e L v-V lil

f $5r .Slr -rfir .(,, l'g?:r. ,r.f, .1S..r 4-..!r -61 ut,,t Lrr

1r$r, 4F - r.n d5bl tb)*f t *."{ ,ul ,t,Jrt urf .rilcl c".4er

,k(- ,t? tJ ,n4 t\ &g K .rt :rl fle "D\r 5, .,!bl .e-;12' ,rJ


dgfZ ifr,ovixclei AsssM$Ly of Wtst pArlsrex [5tn Jur,rt, .1968.

Jf -. *a. ,ft - t(- b tf gn6i or-J" e. Lrrs L sl t{ ,s-l

Crttf ,:.--l)u ft .f JK*- oarEr.{l .f *tf r:itj;: ,r )* ,il3$ &(J t t^ c't' t. dtol a-.rtr {^ff l(yL d4, - rJ,.r:

- {- trt" A. 6,"r tb .(rl ft u- 2t- U ,.r jLet .:-.,ar- j-f :\ .Sll

{rtel e-; r sf cst *, q.rft - + b*i tf-t *l il: u{: #t7:f.t,t".t ft *f tr os{ Fi s+t *l r;*. srL +rL Et -rX" cr.r kga.-

- e- dLii .(rt ,j,.lr,ij ", i l) t"f;r,:;.t ni!r-e,- * $ai,-.,

t + ,r,tii t..r,t ,; lV tfuuir -{t rl - *ti $t

, **$ crl.sgl $U.lfl .lCJ + Ur^ jUjl oUel ;1., - 5rr ..lee

g6i 2L 3l r, uil y.ful .fi yt L,i+?a{jt;,| rrt t;l f 6.u-.t'e. tt si zltti;u-fq ,jf ,fi pt cdb r" e-3{ f u! gro

rf O,lrU, .5 g; ,,;l.f cr - u:^ 2lrU1 L -j,no ,.f ,{ uel

t+.' Lf ,f ,f* 4 c,.1 -,,(1*.rU: - b*+* qd 611:U9

- btta *1 k, v!-r: gr - e,ebj:ljl

u.r., flr:;l c;.l a,l L;ea- ,;.p 6lsUi rll .r, - oy> fuE dU fl "f O2.$f ,i* ./U. rrijjrr CU L Vl o{ - ksry.-

..f! ..f-* dit-. 4+l .rUrl r:.a 2*Lf r,lt.':-l rf ciltk;l .iriglr..t ,rl * t* E du. - 2a g#,.?d d f[ Ue1 rft crr rllrl

"pf l+i [: ,""ei { Z-f ;a1 r.l}l.(lr- 4l L L,r, ,., rr)\-l Lri)\, d,n .,'r; El L ur, &, L o* "5- sC ", tr:Jt $ra ,s






Dilepr nulns oF rrie pnovtr{ereu lSsmrflLv on wsst prklsrtu 69tj

J'J )tl u3* 3r*:!ro rii- ,s* erli ,S o:l-tjs lrl .rarl stut tE

.;ff trn;: I r:,trtril L tE t:;il ,JN ..e- o.rU! Ji d)

.fiT ro - r. !,2ii ,ilb L ,.r-S J*L .:,L.lrli' r" ue o 2s14,

5;l L y* jx ,r--j -, oif €)T .. - t1 . fl 5 -1.r,r lrr ,i-ti { Lf ,,;zrl u:. cll3al grl el;Jl 'SlF .r: ui c-r\

,f trt'ri L -,dc' q/k:'

"......(hi discussioo of this adjournmert motioo

would bc against tbc public ioterest.'l

*.ts .:LL !f - + ZLrf q-K ,rL*1,4 .r*t r-T 4f [a,].. oed ur.

*.tc .rti. ll' ,if #t rf Ls-)) "(1l ,rit+1 ..,iUJti ^{ +- r.n.r.l

,ttl 4^ lt.j ,o-l ssl jX r/"f rJlrll ,J"l 4F ot nd A ea..'l

f*, fl nf 2;r u- f 3s: - f6t ,g{t y Lf s'a't { L\

4 o* - i# ItfJrrs \f g rr.l r,r.*r.r.!l 1.el lvt r:.{ t'Ktr tr

.9(-t .1rl tiL [=f r,".i r.r.n, 0lrrl ,: d:..- ,rl -fi "f or, [:4.:r'-

tf *l .r.l rill JJI t*i u:. .^..b rU,4 i te., 4}b UL U5- ;.1 L;y

-tf t.f f* ,., -r.* -f *t3Jl L(l-F oal ill tsi ..l)Li L nV rti. Ut:

rr j.r1 .k*l - 7. cl-eJl $fi 4t i u.n ol)\, El-.rL- vL:.

dtd. L .^*q .$.J u". .!J L jt^il prl ,J.. dk *flx:l -f,d { r, {t sJtr.:il ,(- + rf vtlel ,r(.f 6,-{ ni'c u*' e4 t9r

q4 f 0UJ-q Ld.r* a.Jtc ,:Jt.rs ..,J..-a .r-" 9U" c{l'tp df J" u"l

sill Me ?sp-ta- r7L: 6J*-.4" "4L E. clUfq *si.b )tl 4;*g el3Jl .(l.rri .j)\r E. ,sl.f ,i:z orl I s.. - 4 )t:y J rrhr

\lld ,# 2 g^.3K- *+ .^! ,Se; "5-

tf bf "l a. QP F S

oflgt tRovrNcral erslrmf of wrrT lel(mtex [5ru tur'u, t9o8

(/r.rrr? ,{ q- *-t:. .s.-l *l ;C q 5 ,r.f, €.4 -,1 vl *l.f,r4 ^5. O3a tS- f ,,id ,./t:. cl91...c;

"* - 2) tf dr .la.

*, LN;a rly'l 4rd r.r.. dlutl OQ ,rf r.f .t).f ob d dr-I-

t- ':Jl+ aJ- djr +5- ai siL.f flFl r c'y ,_;tt-,| u-- - (Jir Jrr

u.l 6S.J f 3n tf tir;) g;r ,:-Jb ,.1l *- Uf r,Jt ^:-t .r$il r: L

t5- tp ir. ^l 2f ,2.3*- L p. .S{t ri;W{ fr'i L,rl u-"!t;fl .ll.t jt;r \l i d c-f ol-., "l J? gard o-e [ ,(*- *f A-

*XXX XX X X X rf+ ui u1^f dLrs. €3*it a-l u- 4a.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : That is not right and aot jurtificd. Thesc

rcorrts arc expuDgcd. Tbe Membcr may please withdraw thosc remrrkr.

Mr. Hanra : I withdraw Sir

Mr. Deputy Speakor : These remartc arc expuoged from the procced-

ingc of the Houso.

,;c dj. td ftlr od gptle. L fr(- E -J - ojs.lrr

J:;l J.r..(L -dra tX- f".Stl, di elj;ll ,51rt*i .#l .r...rfo- v[.1

+ )*v .rh Ls* vttl .l:., tr*l ,re, 5 ;=1 el3Jl .(lF 4t iq gl -'rc .S1l ur. ,,6.l,f "f ttnta Uf * t J J5. f.* ,sal n

GfN,r.rj pl ,;l f a ,sa*l .t ,sa:, ,st: f *

Mlnlster of Lsbour : On a point of ordcr Sir. May I know rhcthcrany Menbcr caa eriticice ihc rutiug of thc Spealcr ?

Mr, Deputy Sperllr : Thct he her.alrcady withdrawa.




.Exgungcd as ordcred by the Depury Spcaker.





Minicler of Labour : H'p is refcrring to aootber iocident wbcro

probably tbc Spealer has given a ruling.

Mr. Dcputy Speaker : That is why hc bls withdrawn, and tbose havc

becn cxpungcd from the rccord.

Mlnister for Lrbour : Thc Membcr ir now rcpcating,

Mr. Depoty Speeler : Lct mc bear him. I can't aoticipate what hc ir

3oiog to say. I ao not goiag to allow any criticism on the rulings givon

by tha Sgcakcr.

l.r.; d Jty KJf .,:.} uu$ , 0t lr- - ,(6- r;r.r: - 6rr i-ra €l + g{: #h.f h or o?l *f ,rrr tdry ,- - Ujn gr.r,

,Jh r. ,r'l c"arol .5 tlr-ll .Sr-r*l yl a- lrt" r. ls94 t,a.i. K*.5,f^

)K&* rrl r.1*. u\*l e. dt-,j, 4h *f dt=t *.-, -,J fl - +,tJt{ .rd dJ. cljU ,.:".p, ,,r }tf yl , + br ut" t.f.}., .rr

rl,r^i 6 "J)tsl lri- ut' A*l J<al ^5- f- 11 rf VI t ,r{, rglry?.

- q- Jl" ft 6s rl.ro- 6rrl ..:ir ,srl ;5l,rei 1!.:"i- i o{)l rtlrt

CV Vf: f \, f ;>t rt * S o* a"t+ vi rjnJl{ L ,rrl

tf bl )tt Lf ,g ,*l>7 r5- *.ut s- .,i-re ,Jl vI )r:rh E ,:l

fo'* o* - *d-,;lil4l K ttl -rr oq vrztd :V -f 45 6* E Ol

,i4 irL.f .'-1,ill .r.*.. .fL r- sei o\)l.Srs ..(.l.^f ki Lrl

- rso ,sr: f *- r* sc '';lc sdl "f Lh I o9a;t ,8 €l -,/,S

,F ly " - d;6' skf ,t4 2 2t:,.ra ' ,t,{ f 2f 2f * pl

&jbf ,L ,{ .j..ft; 1,o. 0l}l ety'l {r"'- q - l-rr ri 6lr "", t;s

L G1.. - rJjq tsf ,*i Au 8- gI ;u .rry )tl e) ,F ,;l. G,

,./ a, ,r,r, ojbr * & ,5 irf ,$Jf ;4 etirt.s,r., 4l

6886 pnovrNcrAl AssEMBLy or wBsT pAKtsrAN [5rn ruNe, 1968

o.l sd i - ,;S 6) r.ntr .:rjbl ,-rd 5 2.,1; o. glell 9f u,-l ,,'(U

.z,AtEi .5 ste ./t+ .f { ,s:f l l ,. vI J, ,r.r L Ju;s:e

li91 st..:el ( rl3at- ,.Li 1rl L,-rl ? cly Jl.rJt- * yl !! r ,4

f gl ,rl or vI i .r$ Urf o# e.*" f 6,.1 --,1 f,t +JflU ,f ..;I ^f tr Otg,.* 1,.. ,tf ,J t i J$

t* +) 6 S-l l) ,vl i t a-s tr.t, sjhl ,5 2rf ltr AilrhJt- J,"e

- * o)'.T u- .(L "fMinister for Labour : I will also be speaking

4*.,5 5rI u* ej utt C* - Yl3.r,b- - rdl r.re s(L

1r..i,^r.,,r.c,9iti 4V 2.ro. -Yll gU: - ji- t1r *j,9.{g)9r.:ir ,,1.l

.e- 2 E ix cr:t cr.. tsly-l { 6!3. L;- dr:ill *f + L5 ,*l- .jV,riKJ d Lrr ,$.rj[t "f

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The Member has already spoken on this pointin his previous amendment.

Malik Muhammarl Akhtar : I will be quoting an instance.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Alright, let me 6rst hear Mr. Farooqi.

C 6 t{ r.-tna ,-(L - !t.e r;t; - .Jgtl Ofel rjrrrr, .i*-- -lrEJJ

Malik Mubammad Akhtar : Sir, I will not be moving my next seven

emendments if I am given 6ve minutes now.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Theo I will give the Member seven minutclinstead of 6ve because he is leaving seven amendmenrs.








Malik Mubemmad Akhtrr : I want to bc fair to the House because

this topic has bcea debated upon thoroughly.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The Member has already wcsted two minutes.

Melik Muhrmoad Alhtrr : I know you will be kind enoueh roaccommodatc me and wilt givc.me two more minutcs.

Mr. Dcputy Speaker : Thc Mcmbcr will, I am afraid, consume allthc,soyen minutcs lit<e that. (laushter)

SYr, V r,r9,*-, ;j-J - Ylr vt: . (, - Jja!) ,il J.i. t(LLrr '24 * Al ,ix g.t ,l oF ..jl':r=. J: !r.. iljri elutp E rfl;l2 2f { tf ,::,11[:il L "-p o..f ,t gtf ,,irl p*2i *ief tt fl

tJ 6.- e I + tJrr ,:rtr d*{,>,f- rrl =: - + dt? 19, fp.ft-*4tl- Gl +)hrlsiUL,!.4-)!E0t1l e-t -f +UtE ,lt 6 & r.r:. .A? .:ir r;l =-l.p .,(.* rt U oe ^ dht dtr.J

rK!r-': ^1., )-ll Je 6;o19 .$r otl G,t +) h F. E:iti r.r..4rtl- cJ,'ZK-t t f* ff 4) Jf lr .7.-t.; t.,.)- oh k6..r o*gt-, - un

- rtt;(- t* urg r.*ty, j9.1li,ol&l Jyar - f*, "*J;-.-

"tr-, u€ - dt ,i,

+ K- lr scl *t - u* 6- x tr-lra jl$ - r:il Jri" dfu

"it alt u,r r-i>\:;.| s..r- .J uaa a.e*l .* d3q:^.1 *illi- r:i5 r,rl 3q .S:.,

Ojljt - *t"..!3' 29-rJr?:l,eil;i.o1 crlr zr# *. ._i}.:il v;.. 9.Dl

'{ it F.rl ,f Lh,..r"rl "f y'tr"t+*r "l,.f J.rt uh a* *t it


.-^'t.rrfro. ,rd { otf ,-r* + u.' - llr vtr: - e- u-h a-h ,'{ yl 2

$f+l srl *? bf s vt 43r Jfi[ ,-wt ix t-rr.t ..!t L cllsll tscl

8{sltrstt*u^tfstqiz*s$lu -.-ral ;f: 16' Gtu'E

L ut:*l s*l ot )tl e- r+ s('a' '5 * 211 L5 '-- 'sl ' '-'* Zlt

h, , nL, K ,rr.-t "fu ,ron ib .f, ;: ;t+Jlr "'iil, E fu

"fE .r 6 ,{ ,,{ ux,,Qs .+tp $,r* ,fi - * b V{t ril'-

./j Jrl )t 6y- L ,rf f'- "*!' r.!- K 'rl -l q 'f * 6) t1

L r.tl*l .,.,t - *C fi Dsd f A* L ,-rl c) v ea u^J t^

gf 6(.,. ,, ,,rr{ ,.rl -{ -fu' ;) L Z{: sll-s sf 4; s tW

-f ,rl 6- K LW sf vl K Lf b-*' ,f rti" t .-flc "pl q- lJt-

u#rt & d t rl Jf ;5t;t E. Otfl S ,sN k6'7'* e" - g- tt+'rl

lel - g t:7:1g ,.1.,. c'.:* ,5 Lx o'rit.i '511 :9i ,f 0t "f u+ e-

,5r".i* .lrl .(tr, ,, S e-f "I€et F:c- af uKl L; u"' &V

A ci-;:t! *l rJgo k&=.* ,.. 5 i4{ Jt ojt-l .5 ,(* 2 L ':l6 clt + ,^f d9" Lg7.- u., Ji il: A 2 4 trK:' Lir {r f,t lrl

It,rl ,s-- - * tiL t.f,trUl K-:t.:cl ;.r.r>\; t dl Dl + .,lL- O"

rri L(Jl A -i>\i f. .lr;u,+ lrl dr. vf l*j6"ni d.r\"t 061

o#.rl "ft + dE 5 Le,,' f. crle;l iy *i h) ;F-l )f J-13

sll i .:,!,.r1 u\*l f: - q r* K trl*l t? + drt:j €'iL L

l) ,5 4 I ,-rl it ,;"1 q $V K *-b 'ipal *LL' .nf q- l+r

gi)U. t .jt4it )* ,nl + 5rt t+l ^r '5 Ur{ *In,o.ri a; (-S.o* O(J

lrl 2f €.4 i.laJl ..(1r-i 6l o3,S + li- K6ilell - +rj|vt- ,r-, * 4.-r "f,"19; W 1*.111 .--l'e ,$..




The Secoad standing order of the House of commons lays down

that- / , ,

Every Membcr is frce to move an adjournment motion aud to seek the

teave of fhe House for moving that adjournment motion and thereafter

if 40 Members do not rise then the adjournment motion is not over'ruled.

Thcrc is an alternativc provision that if lcss than 40 persons but not less

than t0 persons risc in their places, the question whether the Mcmber has

tbe leave to move thc adjournment motion is dctermined by division. By

this manner it is decidcd whether tbe adjournment motion is in order and

rhould bc discusscd os not. In the House in Canada, when leave to makc

a motioo for the adjouroment of thc House is sougbt for thc purposes of

discussiog a dcfinite matter of urS,cnt public importtnce, it cao be askCd

after the ordinary daily routinc business bas been concluded' If.aMember desires to move a motion be will simply risc in his place and ask

that lcavc bc grtntcd to discuss a dcfinitc matter of urgcgt public


In Canada, if 20 or more thsn 20 Members rise, the Speakcr calls upoo

thc Mcmber who has sought leave to rnake an adjournmcut motion, and ifless than 20 but not less than fivc members rise in their places, the question

whether a Mcmber has got the leave of the House, is to be moved and put

to division. What I meao to say is this that hcre we have got to take

leave from 25 Members ; thcn thcir is a consent by thc Speaker, when lbe .

motiotr is held in order. What is the fun in having this cbapter of ad'

journment motions. Under these circumrtances ; let us do away with tbe

adjournment motions, as has becn done in the United States. I may add

that they were cogtomplatiog to amend their Rules of Procedure to intro-

duce thc right of moving an adjournmcnt motion.

:t p*i srl a,e*. - Ylr !/l+ - (8tr'.,U .^ul dL) ';;l'" )$t

rrl,-l v? ?" - + |3l1 .r:*it ,- r' f e ;-/uJ rf .r)t:il -',1'

Of *f + pl;l a$i spl c4,o;.: fF.c- d + rJr+ 4 { uJtt t.i}J. E, Ol "5- + U) l,ri .(i .t- grl 2 +V c;.' 9t'.: q, .J\ I



69ft pftovrxcrel rsssuiily or rtirsr pekrsrex fsrx iuxe, rCOd

;ll r,.--t:e .{ oq ,.rl ,s bQ - + g# .. -tL UY &-p9 K .:ksl ;.rhl =, ils o.{ 2 ol9-l a.: 2(5- f arl-eptlrl "f rD ;*- )it:{rlsl,.i-ra r { aif ,71 2 *-V ,?- S: - * tf ,**:i 1rr

I y.l pl cl)\.h clt er+ tS ,*i &L .r' 4 sf dl - + tit.rf,

4 ofrrl ,,rt * ,\ , O: - + ,if q 2 tslsi ,t ,r: q. oJq

.t )f ,-r*- *s ilt a ,.:tl .(4, .JU L lylOl - + l:f iy .:,is

- U, ,.fl tJ gg oecU r-i)\i

t6(1r g ,b .f plr:'l r.f; r- rl f S*.1- .r: - llr vt:;E*::.;f. dl - + Ut" t*}-- dbl r-ir Koljsl t-r+il *f q- Ut:

dri,Jtl.3 l..f .-f, 4++l 4!l o5 *{ + Ut, i.rl 2 r--ta, r,^- r4r rltl

E ,1.l .& Z rsN it "i f:rlJ 4+;l ;il ve L Fr E J:.-l

{ 5; f urri1.:l.r nl,o.i uA. ,* LelgJl r..Qrrd .t td - .-*b /J. crtLr 6 VL; q. &.r yl .* + ,J.C U { oJcti .i>\i .r "f

6rl:.*lJ 6 a ,fga;;[ .f ..-t, .j.- vt: ;11 ;eJtl f tsll-l ,.rl

UYr r;; l.5jL 5 ttiJl Ol E, (r) l* L rr. ;d *r;b, E ,,#.rl- d;q lltt

"Its usc'by uooficial Mcmbcrr ir tioitcd by

S. O. No.9 in point to tbc period bctyccn querti-

oos snd tbc csmmcoceoeol of public busioesr, aad

in aubjcct m.atcr to tho rairiog of what it acccptcd

by tho Spcttcr er a defnitc mrltcr of urgcot public


If rbc Spcrher cooridcr ,&o tcror of thcmotioo to bo io ordor, ho iqquiror whotbcr tbo

Mcmbcr bat lho tcavc of thg Houlr."





bnrtr ntl*ii or rire fnovtitcili lssrufuv or' wiet,reiisreN 'eg9r

- {- U) *Jl3- K u&.t+ Lrit."JJq ,5.St ,rl q 2try - llr vt;1

;++-- Jsl "tJ f ar)?+ :{ iWl t 0l 1el .-''tr cr^- qV7 12l9l dt+ \ lx ,r)*r*, * OL v,f odl ".f u(. r.rti &7* ctr gg

,--b Oh f- l9n !: r;11 *lri { cjrl Jp L gl r: crcli + 'dtss L ta.-,-f3J 5 olt+: c* llr vt* U:[e L vl - * *r;s{ $ lW: L tSl ;Jl .--tr .1-- ;rl 9f vtll ..r} ,.5 **t2 i\

- L j)r.; lJ[l ,J": - + 61 o.Eti ^l - rllt kot; UYI ""-f

"56. Subjecl to tbe provieioos of tbeso Rulcs,

a motion for adjouromcot of thc busioers of tbo

House for the purpolc of discuesing a dcEnito

matter of urgoot public importa.acc, may be madc

witb the cooseot of the Speaker."

j* ,Jt$tr rJtre - uy scl3j I cU[,ltl 0l 4 - Ylr .it:1

r.4:. rJ;'. U*r, ){ ilfrS L ifl 13t .r-tp o)^, ux;t lfl +u:.et*+rL E LtiJl rrl - !l: vt:1 qr zf slt e;3T ;51 llrrJe L etsrtsiJLL r.f p.,..;i .1.! 6 ,.--1.2 j;Sli plirl r3re..;Jl ,-s.lr J:i.l .fi, UF

- ,S-tt Vf

Mr. Dcputy Speaker : I will now put the amondment to votc.

The qucstion is :

That io Rulc 63. of thc Rulce, tho vordt '.1witb

thc conseot of thc Speaker" occurriog io lioo 4, bc


The motion was lost.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Next amendment by'Malik Muhammad

Akhtar is not moved.

6,.9.Z floVlxClAL Atslrltl o, wtt? perlsrel lsrs luxr, lg6$

Tbo qucstion is :

Tbrt Rule 63 bc approvcd

Thc motion was carrted.

Mr. Deputy Speater : Rule 64; Malik Mubammarl Akhtar

MatiL Mubrumad Alhtrr: Not moving, Sir.

Mr. Dcputy Sperker : Tho question ic :

fhat Rulo 6d bc rpprovcd,

The motion was carried.

Mr. Dcputy SperLer: Rule 65 ; amcndment by Malik Muhammad


Melll Muhrnnrrl Akhter : I am not moving thc three amendmcntr.

Mr. Dcputy Spcaker : Thc question is :

Thet Rulo 65 bo approvcd.

The motion was carricd.

Mr. Dcputy Speeter : Rule 66. The question is :

Thrt Rulc 66 bc rpprovld,

Thc motion was carried.

Mr. Deputy Speahcr: Rule 67 ; Malik Muhrmmad Athtar.

Mrllk Muhrmmll Alhter : Not movlng Sir.

Mr. Dcputy Spcrlcr : The question is :

. That Rulo 67 bo epprovcd.

Thc nation wos curicd.





Mr. Dcputy Speatcr : Rule 68' The question is :

Tbrt Rulc 6E be aPProvcd'

The motion' wos carried.

Mr. DePutY SPeatcr : Rulc 69'


Mr. Dcputy SPcaEcr : Thc qucstion il :

Thrt Rulc 69 bo rPProved'

The motlon was carricd'

Mr. Dcputy Spcltcr : Rulc 70 ; Malik Muhammad Akhtar'

Metlk Muhenned Akhtrr : Sir, I beg to movc :

That in rub'rulc (4) of tho Ruler' bctwcco tbo

word ..spcakcr., oEd thc full-rtop appeariog at ibo

cod, tbc words "wbose decisioo rball bc 6oal"' bo


Mr. Deputy Speetcr : Amendment moved is :

Tbet io cub'ruto (4) of thc Rulcr, betrroeo the

word ..Speatcr.'aod tho fultstop eppoariog at thc

cod, thc wordt "rrhote decigioa lhall bc 0oal"' bo


Mlnlster of Law : OPPorcd'

MrliBMuhammritAlrhtgr(Lahorc-Il):Sir,theamcndmcntrcletesto tbo giviog of notice of Privatc Members' Bill. It has beco provided ia

Rulc ?0 that a Privatc Mqmber shall havc tg seck tcavc of thc Housc be'

forcmoviogaBill.WhatishappeningisthisthatmanyMembersdrefttbcBillsandtheyareimmcdiatelybroughtonthcagenda.But*henthcI cavo ic sougbt to introduco tho Bills, thcy arc Litled at thc introduction

rtag a,



6994t ,R.'.INGTAL AssEMBry or w,sr pAKrsrAN [5ra runr, 196g


Mr. Deputy Speaker : Let me knowber's ameodment make ?

that differeJce does the Mem-

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Let the Speaker say that it is out oforder io the House and refuse thc reave. Tbat is ail. I want nothingElore to say.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The question ir :

Tbat io cub.rule (4) of Rule i0 of the Rulcs,

bstween tbe word ..Spcaker" and the full-stop

appearing at the end,'the words ..whose decisioo

cball bo fioal", be inscrtcd.

The motion was lost

lVIr. Depuiy SpeaLer : Rule 70. The question is

That Rule 70,be approvcd.

The motien was carried

Mr. Dcputy Speaker : Rule 71. No .: 69

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, I beg to move :

That for sub.rules (2t aod (31 of Rule 7l of thc

Rulcs, the followiog bc subslitutcd, namely :_

"(2) Aftcr a brief cxptanatory statement by the

Mcmbcr introduciog the Biil, the Speakcr willdcclare thrt thc Bill staodc iorroduccd.". \




Mr. Deputy Speaker : Amendmcnt moved is



fhat for sub'rulcr (2) esd (!) of Rulc 7l of the

Rulet, tbo followioS bc EubstitulGd, oamcly :-


"(2) After e bricf erptenatory ststcmcot by lhc

Mcmbcr iotroduciog tho Bill, tbc Spcekor 'will

dcclaro thet thG Bill standc io troduced.".

Mlnirter of Lrr : Oppored.

Mrlil Muhrmmrd Athtar : Sir, I only scck to amend . . . .

Mr. Depnty Sperker : lf the rub'rule ctands ae it is, is thc Member'l

rncndment intelligibl

Melik Muhemmad Akhter : No Sir.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Shall I pcrmit him to ask for leave of the

House to withdraw bis amendmcnt ?

Malik Mohrmmad Akhtrr : Yes Sir. I ask thc lcave of the Housc to

withdraw my rmendmcnt.

Mr. Deputy Sperker : Has tho Membcr lcave of tbe House to with-

draw his amcodment ?

The amendment was, by leave, wilhdrawn.

Mr. Deputy Spcaker : Rule 71. The qucstion ic :

Thet Rulo ?1 bo approvcd.

The mollon was carrted.

Mr. Ddputy Spceho : Rulc ?2. The question is :

Tbat Rulo ?2 bo epprotod,

The motion v,as carried


Mr. Deputy Speoker : .Rulo 73. The guestion ir :


6996 pRovINctAL AssEMBLY oF wBsT PAKISTAN [5rH ruNs, 1968

That Rulc 73 bc approved.

The motion was carried.

Mr. Deputy Speeker : Rulc 74. Amendment No: 70.

Malit Muhammad Akhter : Sir I beg to move :

That for Rulo 74 of thc Rules, tbo followiog

bc aubstitutod, naoely :-

"74. Upon introduction aBill shrll bc rcferrcd

to tbc Standing Comrnittec conccrncd witb tbc

aubject-matter of thc Bill.".

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Amendment movcd is :

Tbal for Rulc 74 of lho Rules, tbc fcllowiog bc

substitutod, namcly :-

"74. llpoa iatroductioo a Bill rhall bc refcrred

to tbe Standiog Committco concerocd with thc

subject-matter of tbe Bill.".

Misister of Law : Opposed

Malik Muhammarl Akhtar (Lahore-ll) : Sir, lhis is a very impcrtant

ametrdmcDt, and I would like to imphdsize in this House that it concerog

the Bilts wbich are moved by a Minister or a Parliamentary Secretary and

thc proviso to the Rute is :

"That the Member-io-Chargc may movc tbat

tho requiremcntr of tbis rule may be dispeosed

witb, and if the motion is carried, the provision ofRule 75 shall appty to the[Bill as ifthe repcrt of the

Staodiog Comoittee oo thc Bill were prolented on

lbc day on whicb tho motion it carried "







"Tbat thc Membcr'lo'Cbargc may movc tbat

the roquiremeots of thic rule may be dispenscd

witb.,.. ."

sir, what I mean to say is that according to the Rules of Business of

the Provincial Government it is the admioistratively concerned Depart'

inent which makes thc draft of a Bill. The draft is sent to thc Financc

Dcpartment if there is any fiooncial implication and, sir, .after thcit

opinion is sought it is sent to the Council of Ministers and therc thcy

decide whethcr a Bitl bc takcn ioto consideration st once ; whether thc

Bill be circulated for eliciting public opinion ; whether the Bill bc sent to

somc committee ; and, sir, whatevcr is the decision of the counqil of

MioistcB that is carried out by thc Party in powcr. Aftcr a party

.caucu8' ac thcy term it in thc USA a Bill can be rushed through tbir

Ilouso lf this Rule is allowed to stand. as it is,

sir, may I be permitted to say that tbis [Iouse had an opportuuity of

pstsing 8l Ordinances which were similarly, drafted and 15 Billr wero

iutroduccd cxcluding the Bills which are to be considered in this session'

In tbesc 8l Ordinaoces and in all these Bills not morc thao fifty amcndmentr

werc moved. And Sir, may I quote a statement in this House that what

did it cost, what is the colossal cos.t at which this Assembly is maintaioed'

If you look into the Head of Account of the Province coocerning lhe

moncy paid to the Mcmbers and staff. . . .

Mr. Deputy Sperhcr : Thc Mcmbu is not relevant;

Melit Muhammsd Akhter : I mean to say that io thrcc years wc

havc epent one crore of rupees for fifty amcodments' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

Mr. Deputy Speahcr : The Member may please explain hor all tbat

ir rclcvant. His amendment is that upon introduction a Bill should bc

rcfcrrcd to the conccrncd Standiog Committee.


Mrllh Muhanmart Akhtor : Yes Sir; I am coming to that. sir, ifa Bill is rcfcrred to a Standing Committee we will have thcir opioion.

Oigt rioVrxcier essiubtv or {vrsr pAKrsr^N [sru lur.ra, 1968

Tbere are differcnt Committees. These Committces will have an oppor-

tuoity to calmly and quietly consider the provisions of the Bill. May

I refer that in the Hindu-dominated Central Legislature our worthy

Quaid-c-Azam was able to get a Bill passed relating to Auqaf. As you

know, Sir, the atmospherc in the Committees is calm and quiet and cool

*nd therc we cao sit and discuss alt the pros and cons of thc Bill. In the

altcrnative if a Bill is brotrght and rusbcd through thc House no Mcmber

cao possibly contribute to this hasty lcgislation. And, Sir, in a way, in aE

indircct way all the powcrs of this House are raken away by this very Rulc.

Sir, I would again repeat. , . .

Mr. Depoty Speaker : Repetition is not allowed.

Malil Mrhammad Akhtar : Sir, the Rules of Procedurc are thsre tointerprct thc provisionr of the Constitution.

And.Sir if wc frame ruch rules, rbese are negation of our rights and

I *irh tbat all the bills mult necessarily go to rhe Commirtee.

Mr. Deputy Spealer : Thc question ii-

That for Rule 74 of tbe &ule, tbe followio3 bc

substitutcd, uamely :-

"74. Upon introduction a Bill rhall be referr.

cd to tbe Strodiog Commlttco -conccrned with tbo

rubject.mattcr of tbc Bill.".

The motion was lost.

Mr. Dcpuly Speeket : Rulc 74. Tbc question is-

Tbat Rulc 74 be epproved.

The motion was carried,


Mr. Deputy Spcahcr: Rule 75. Amendment ofjMaliklAkhtar.

ufr.rri nur.rs oF rHe piovtr.lctrr lssnMflr bi wesr firrSrex

Malik Muhammarl Akhtar : Not moving, Sir.

I$r. Deputy Speaker : Amendment not moved. The guestiou is-

That Rulc 75 be approvcd

The motion was carried.

Mr. Depu(y Speaker: Rule 76. The question is-

Thst Rulc 76 bc approved.

The motion was carried

Mr. 'Deputy Speaker : Rute ?7. Amendment by Malik Akhtar.

MaliL Muhammatt Akhtar : Sir I bcg to move-

That for Rulc 77 of the Ruler, tbo followiog be

rubstituted, oamely :-

"77. If a Member raises ao objectioo that a

Bill as a,sholc or .oy part of tbe Bill is .repugaaot

to thc teachings and reguirements of Islam es cet

out in the Holy Quran aod Sunoah, the Sfeakcr

shall decidc thc objcctioo. If tbc Spcakcr upholdr

tbe objectioo or holdg it to be prima facic hain-taiaablc tbc qucstion shall 6taDd rofcrred to tho

Advisory Couocil of Islamic tdcology for advice

wbcthcr thc Bill or any pert thcrcof is repugnaot

to the teachings and requircmcnts of lrlam aad

thcrerftcr the Bitl shall bo proccedod with onlyrft€r thc advico ir reccived.".

Mr. Deputy Speaker : May I know from Malik Akhtar, whit docr

thc Constitution say ?

Msli& Muhammad Alhtar : Sir, may I rcfer to thc Arriclc.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Did the Constitution not say whcn such 8

qu$tion ariscs, it is the Housc*ho docides ?





,000 rlovlNcrAl AlsrLiLt ot wtsr pAtIsrAN [5ra runr, l96t

Malit Muhrmmeil Ahbtar : Let us tec tho Article Sir

Mr. Dcpuly Spcrter : Could thc Law Ministcr kindly alro help ur ia

tbir matter. I tbink wheu such a question arises, it is for the Housc lo



Ycs, it is Article 204 (3), which says : "Wherc the Assombly,

tho Prcsidcnt or tho Governor, !8 thc case mry be, coneideru that,

in tbc public interest, thc making of the proposed law in relation to wbich

tbc qucsrion arose shoutd not be postponed until the advice ie furnirhcd,

tbc law may bc madc before thc advicc is furnished."

Mrlit Mubrnmeil Akhtrr : Sir, I conridcr my apendmcat it incon'

rirtrnt with thc Coostitution.

Mr. Depnty Spcrter : It is rulcd out of order. Now the qucrtion


Thrl Rolo 77 bc rpprovcti.

Thc molion was carricd

Mr. Deputy Sperl,cr : Rule 7t. Thc quertion is-

fbrt Rulo 78 bc rpprovod.

Thc motlon was carrled,

.sr:t JtuV ;Lt.iu - Sv t/t+ - ,lrrU lrel re.rr ;-- * dN jU L5 v* i &' gr: ts* ..:'u "fi;x5- ,ar f





Mr. Dcpoty Speaker : Rule 79. The qucstion is-





Tbet Rulc 79 bo approvcd.

The motion was carrled.

Mr. Dcputy Sperker: Rutc 80. Therc is ra amcndmcnt of Melit


Mrllt Muhennrrl Alhter: Sit I beg to DovG-

fbat io cub-ruto (2) of Rule 80 of tho Rulot'

tbo wordr "uolca! tbc Spcakol ruspeods this cub'

ruts aad allowr tho tcDort to bo trkco ioto coosi'

dcretioa" occurriog in lincr 7-9, bc dclctcd.

Mr. Deputy Spceher : Ameodment moved'is-

That io rubrulo (2) of Rule 80 of tbc Rulca,

thc words "uolcs! thc Spcakcr suspcads tbir gub'

rulc end allowr tbc rcport to bo takco ioto coosi'

dcration" occurriog io lioec 7.9, be dclctcd.

Mlnistcr of Lar : Opposed Sir.

Melik Muhrmmait Akbtsr : Sir, it has been providcd that tbc

Speakcr. . ..

' Mr. Dcputy Spertrer: I don't think tbcre is eny necd of a ropcch.

It is quitc clcar. I will put it to thc House.

Tho quertion lr-

That io rub'rulo (2) of Rulc 80 of thc Rulor,

thc words "uolosr tbc Spcakcr turpcnds tbh rubrulo and allowe tho rol,ott to bc takoo loto coori'

dcrltioo" occurrio3 io liogr 7.9r bc dclotod.


The.motlon was lost.

[5rn ruNa, 1968

Mr. Deputy Speaker : I don't think Malik Akhtar wilt move No. 74

Malik Muhammed Akhtar: Not moving Sir

Mlnlster of Law: I think Sir, rule 80 will have to be pu! now.

Mr. Deputy Epeaker : The question is-

Tbat Rulo 80 bo approvcd.

The motion was cairied.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Rulc 81. Tbe question is-

That Rule 8l bc approvod

The motion u'as carried.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Rule 82. The question is-

Tbat Rule 82 bc approvod.

The motion was carried

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Rule 83. The question is-

That Rule 83 be approvrc

The motion was carried.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Rule 84, The question is-

That Rulo 84 be approvcd.

The motion was carried.




Mr. Deputy Speaker : RuIe 85. The question is-

That Rulo 85 bc approved.

The motion was carfied.

Mr. Depoty Speoker : Rule E6. The qucstion is-

?bat Rulc 86 bc approved.

The motion was carried

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Rule 87. The question is-

That Rulo E7 bo approvcd.

The motion was carricd.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Rule 88. Tbe question is-





Thrt Rulo 88 bo approvcd.

The motion was carried.

Mr. Deputy Speeker : Rule 89. The qtrestioo is-

That Rulc 89 bo aPproved.

Thc motionwas carried.

Mr. Dcputy Speeker : Rulc 90' The question is -

Tbat Rulc 90 bo epprovcd

Thc motlon wai's carticd.:

70[],1 pRovtNctAl AssBMBr.y oF wE6T pAKrsrAN [5rn ruxn, 196g

Mr. Deputy Sleaker: The flouse is adjourred till ?.25 p.M. forMaghrib Prayers.

The ,tssembly then adjourned (ot 7.M p.M.') tilt ?,25 p.m.

T'he Assembly met at 7.30 p, m. Mr. Speokcr in the Chair

Mr. Speakcr : Rule 9l

fi'erown )tt .r" dtrt .4. - Ytr rrkr - dfrU y'rel t3nr ,l-.

KJI+I ot3r.-t {d gr:ri O,t fr-l"':.;;l t*


Kr. + rf KJI+I ot-i J.rl rJ - dt6 s,"-;ri, r.rc, elljr

- + \f t*{: dk4 t f t!j{a us-.)

Mr. Speaker : Amendment No : 75 by Malik Muhammad Akhtar.

Malik Muhammad Alhtar : Sir, I beg to move

That io sub-rule (l) of Rule 9l of the Rulcs,for tbe word "6ve" occurring in line 3, the w,.lrd

"threc" be substituted.

Mr. Spcaker : Amendment movdd is

Thet in aub.rule (l) of Rule 9l of the Rules,

for thcword "6vo" occurriog io lioc 3, lhc word

"3hrcc" be substitutod.




Mlnhtcr of Lrr : Opporcd.


MaliI Muhammad Akbtar : Sir, tbe existing rulc says that :


"A mcmber may movc a rcrolutioa for thc

disapproval of eo Ordioancc undcr clause (2) of

Articlc ?9 of tbo Coostitutioo after giviog 6vc clcar

deys' noticc of hil intcntioo to do so."

sir, what I hrve provided is that tbis notice should bc for tbrec days

instead of 6ve days. And, Sir, I need not make a3y more explanations

oD this amendment. I just waot to givc more opportunity to Membcrs

to movc tbcir amcndments.

Mr. Speaktr : The question is :

"fbat in sub.rulc (1) of Rule 9l of tho Rul't

for tbe word "five" occnrriog io lioc 3, the word

"thrcc" bo rubstitutcd.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Speaker : Ameodment No: 76.

Malik ll{uhammad Akhtar : Not moving.

Mr. Speaker: No : ?7.

Malik Muhammail Akhtar : Sir, I beg to tnovc :

That io cub'rute (3) ol Rulc 9l of tba Rule!,

for tbc rrords "the tatter resolution shall have prc'

ceilcnco ovcr the resolution fur tbe disapproval' of

the OrdinaocG" occutring in 'lines 5'7, tho wordl

"the rcsolutioo for disapDroval shall havo prc'

cedeocc ovcr rhe resolutioo for thc approval of tbo

Ordioaoco", bc gubstitutcd.

$Ir. Speaker : The amendment moved is




f,hamia Murrmmarl safilar : This is against thc constitutional


1006 pnovtNcr^L ^srBuBLy

oF w,sr pAxIirAN [5rr ruxr, 196g

Malik Muhrmmed Akhtar : yes it is. May I exprain it before yourulc it out. The sore object.f moving this amendmenr was to poiot outa lacuna in the constitution to the framers of tbe constitution.

Mr. Spcaker: Wbich

ruled out of order.

the Member can't do. The amendment ir

Next. No : 78.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, t beg to movc :

That proviso to sub.rule (4) of Ruto 9l of thcRuler, lhe wordg "unlcss the Speaker suspcndrthir proviso aod allows lbc ameodment to bomovcd" occurring io liocs 4-5 be delctcd.

Mr. Speaher: Amendrnent moved is :

Tbet proviro ro rub.rulo (4) of Rulc 9l of thoRulcr, tho wordr "unless thc Speaker suspeoda

tbit proviso and altows thc amcndmcnt td bo

moved" occurriog io lioec 4.6 bc deletcd.

Mlnicter of Lrr : Opposed.

Melih Muhrmmad Akhtar (Lahorc - II) : sir, it has bccome custo-mary in this Housc Dot to risc at the proper occasion and make tast_min_utc amcndme,ts. As far as coDsequential amend,ents are corccfned, atour worthy Leader of thc opposition generaily picks up such racunas,this rulc could be justificd and restricted to that ext€nt. There has beenabuse of rhis Rule and tbc Goverument party has been, of course, abu-sin3 it. In casc of the opposition therc is no such provision and gene-rally our amendureuts arc moved well in time. wc movc with propernoticc. They want to have wider powcrs to suspend thir Rule, whichghould havc been only the inberent pow€r of the speaker and that tooto be used sparingly. If you make sucb provision in thc Rulcs then therearc cbanccs of abuse of this Rule. And so, sir, I quite realise thc slateof affairs and having gonc through thc procedurc and gractice for tho






last three years may not have moved this amendment if the usc of this

Rule had been restricted to the consequential amendments. Then there

ir a provision whereby you can refer a draft of an Ordinance which isamendcd or draft of a Bill after it is amended to a Sub-Committee and

the Committee can make consequential amendments. So, Sir, I don'tconsidcr tbere is any necessity of that Rule. It is redundant and it ie

only there as a weapon to be used against the Opposirion by the RulingParty, because in srrch circumstances we cannot give due deliberation and

catlnot duly consider the arnendments whicb bave just come, somctimes

a moment before they are to be moved in thc House.

Mr, Speaher : The question is :

That proviso to sub.rule (4) of Rulc 9l of tho

Rules, the words "uoless tbe Spcakcr suspends

tbis proviso aod allowr tbo amcndmcnt to bo

movcd" occurriog ia liocs 4.6 be delctcd.

The motlon was lost,

Mr. Speaker : Next, No, 79

Malik Muhammail Akhtar : Sir, I beg to movc

That rub-rutc (7) of Rulc, 9l of thc Rulo, bo


Mr. Speaker : Amcndmcnt moved is :

That sub.rule (7) of Rule 9l of th€ Rulo, bo


Minister of Law : Opposed.

Malit Muhammad Akhtar : It is agaiu inconsirteot with thc consti-tution.

Mr. Speaker : It is ruled out of ordcr.

Tho quertlon is :

That Role 9I bc approvcd.

the motion was caruied.



?0Of PRovtNcIAL AssEMBLY oF wEsr P^KtsrAN [5rH luxr. 1968

Mr. Speaker : Rule 92. The question is :

Tbat Rule 92 be approved.

The mofion was carried.

Mr. Spealer : Rule 93. Amendment No : 80- Malik Muhammad


Melik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir I beg to movo-

Tbat io sub-rule (l) of Rulc 93 of thc Rulo,

for the word "Ecveo" occurriog io lioo 2, tbc word

"threc" bo substitutcd.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-

That in sub-rulo (l) of Rule 93 of tho Rulco,

for thc word "sevcn" occurriog in lioe 2, tbo word

"three" bc substitutcd.

Minister of Law : OPPosed Sir

Malik Muhammail Akhtar (Labore - II) : Sir, rulc 93 concerns noticc of

a Resolution by a Privatc Mcmber, and Sir, it is required that only its

notice shall be givcn to submit a rcsolution. Of course, a copy of the re-

solution will be fited along with the notice. Sir, I will not repeat, but if you

look into tbe duration of the Assembly, after every five working days of

Govcrnmeot business, we havc got one workiirg day for a Private Mem-

ber, and, Sir, after ten days' working is done and GOvernment business

is conducted, we get two days. Onc of the days is just for moving bills

and dcaling with rhe bills already introduced, while the second day is

for the resolutions. In this way if seven days notice be dcclared to be

trcccssary and a provision is made, I consider the Mcmbers will havc to

be more and more vigilanr, and many a time, sir, if you look into thc

affairs of thc lcave applications, you will find that a Membcr bas gom:'

times an urgent call and he goes back. Ia such cases, thc Msmber, who






is away from Lahore, caDDot possibly give seven days notice of a resolu'

tion. So, I havc tricd to make tbis necessary amendment to just facilitate

my friends who are from the remote parts of the province, so that they

could have an opportunity of moving resolutions at a shorter notice.

Mr. Speaker : The question is :

That io sub-rulo (1) of Rule 93 of tbc Rulot,

for thc word "scvco" occurriog io lioe 2, tho word

"tbrcc" bc rubstitutcd.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Speaker : Thc guestion is :

That Rulc 93 bo approvod.

The motion was carried.

Mr Speaker : Rule 94.


Malik Muhammad Akhtar

Amendment No. 8l by N'talik Muhammad

Sir I beg to move :

That for Rule 94 of the Rules, thc followiog be

substituted, namcly : -

"94. A resolutioo may be io tbe form of a

declaration of opinion or recommendatioo [or may

be in thc form so as to record cither. approval or

disapproval, coovey message, or commeot, urge or

rrgucEt ao actioo, or call attentioo to a mattcr or

citurtioo for consideratioo for Goveroment :

Provided tbat thc rcsolulion sball satisfy thc

following cooditioos, oamely :-

(r) it lbail be clcarly and precisely cxprcssed ;

(b) it shail not contaio arlunGots, iofereacol,

iroaisal expreslioos, lEputetion! or dc[amatory

rtlttEfotr i

(c) lt ltrll Dot cootain r relrctlon etr tbe

Jod;o cl tbe tupromr Co{rt or r Hlgb Court.".



7010 ?r,ovtNctAt, a!!!rBLt or wBSl P^rtE?AN (5ru ruNn, l96E

Mr. Spcalcr : Amendment moved is :

That for Rulc 94 of the Rules, the followiog

be substitutcd, oamelY :-

"94. A resolution may bo io the forml of a

dcclaration of opinion or recommeDdation or may

bc io the form so at to rccord either approval or

disapproval, coovcy messago, or comment, urgc or

rcquest ao actioo, or call attention to a matter or

situatioo for considcration for Goveromcnt ;

Providcded that the rcsolutioo shall satisfy tbe

followiug conditionc, namcty :-

(a) it shall bc clearly aod precisely expressed;

(b) it ehall Bot contain argumeots, infereoces,

ironical cxpressions, imputations or defamatory

stBtcmcots ;

(c) it shall not coataio a reflection on thc Judgc

of the Suprcmc Court or a High Court.".

Minister of Law : Opposcd Sir.

KhawaJa Muhammad Safdar : Sir, instead of the word 'commcnt', ltshould bc 'command. ; approval.or disapproval, it is a command.

Mr. Speaker : This is a 'comment' ; whatever languagc he usee.

Minister of Law : He means comment.

Matik Muhammad Akhtar (Lahore - II) : Sir, this is a very sacred

right of this House, wbich is being dr'nied by the original rule. May I

refer to the original rule, which reads : "A resolution shall be in the

form of a declaration of opinion by the Assembly. (2) It shall relatc

to a matter which is primarily the concern of the Provincial Government

or to a matter in which the Provincial Government have substantial

financial intercst : Provided that a resolution seeking to recommcnd to

tlre Provincial Government to approach the Central Government or com'

municatc the viewr of tho A6cmbly to that Government in a mattcr

rhich ir not primarily the coneern of the Provincial Govcrnment ehall

bc edmis:ible."








Sir, wbat f mean ie this that let any matter, of whatsoever Dature

it may be, bc commented upon on one of the tcn workiog deys, which

are 6xed for discussion of resolution. Sir, tomorrow supposing thcre

is an aggrcssion by India and this Assembly likcs to diiapprove certaio

acliotr of tndia or certain action by Bharat in Kashmir, Sir, rre nced not

be dcbarrcd when thc basic dcmocracics, tbe most insignificant bodies,

thcsc union, committeer, these third class municipal comr:rittecs, hlve o

right to pass r*olutions rcquestiog the President of Pakistan to cootett

tbc clections. When their rights are unfettered, when their privileges are

uncheagcd and thcy express their opinion, I wondcr why this Housc be

dcberrcd, which is the only representative body in th: province to como

forward and take any of the political issuer and dcbate it. Sir, I will not

takc more time of the House. I would merely suggest that wG need not

rcslrict tbe power of discussiog any lcgitimate subject. Of coursc, there

are rertrictions imposed by me ia my amendment that it shoul I be clear,

it rhall not contain ironical expressions, imputations or defamatory state.

ments, and it sball not eontain a reflection on the Judgc of tbe Supreme

Court or a High Court. Bcyond that I consider all the Eatters oB carth

should bc open for discussion in this august House.

Mr. Sperkor : The qucstion is :

Tbat for Rulc 94 of thG Rulcr, thc followiog

bc rubrtituted, namcly :-ug4, A rcrotution may ba io thc form of a

doclrratiqo of opinioo or r6commoodation or may

bc io tho foro go as to record cithcr approval or

dirapproval, coovey mcssago, of commeot, utgc orrcqucat ao 8ctioo, or call attaotiod to s metter orrituetion for conridcratioo for Govcrnmcot ;

Frovidod that thc rosolutioa shall ratisfy thc

following conditioor, oamoly : -(a) it rbell bc clearly aod prccisely exprcsrcd ;

(b) it rhall not cootain argumcatlr io fcroocce,

iroDical srDrolrioor. imputntioot or dcf$ottoryt3rtarlott' ;

mt2 il,rvrrcteL Algratl? o, wltt pAKtsrA.{ [5rg luxe, l96t

(c) it shall not contaio a reflection on lhe JuCgo

of tbc Suprcmo Court or a Higb Court.".

The molion was lost

Mr.'speaker : Next amendment No. 82 by Mr' Hamza.


Mlnister of Lew : It is substantially thc same as beforc Sir

Mr. Hamza : It is quite different ; Mr. Akhtar's amendments says

"Provided that the resotution shall satisfy the following conditions, . -','l

Minister of Law : Yes, this is Bot in the Member's amendment ;

otherwise it is the same.

Mr. Harza : Sir I hereby move -

That for Rulc 94 of the Rulcs, thc followiog

bc rubltitutod, oamcly :-

"94. Thc resolution may be io thc form of a

dcclaration of opinion, or recommendation or may

bc in rhe form so as to record either approval or

disapproval by the Assembly of an ait or policy of

Governmcot, or convoy a mcrs I,e, or commaod, or

urge or request ao actio:r, cr call atteutioo io a

matter qr situation-for consideratiorr by Govern-

ment or.io such other form as tbe Speaker may

coosidcr appropriato. ".

Mr. Spcaker : Amendment ntoved is.-

That for Rulo 94 of tbe Rulcs, the followiog

bc substituted, namety ;-

"94. The resolutioo roay bc in the form of a

deslarctioo of opinioo; or rccommcndation ormay

bgh tba form ro al:.torocord cithcr'approvahor-

dlsrpDronl by tb6 Areeobly of rn rct or Dolipl .ot






of GovcroEeot, or coovoy a messagc, or command,

or urgo or request ao actioo, or call attcolioo to a

mattor or situation for coosideration by Govcro-

mcot or io such other form ae . thc Speakcr mly

coocidcr appropriate.".

Mlnistcr of Law : Opposed Sir

J,.i.c- S{ x )L ,f ?T - ,.(1c. !rt+ - (r- lrJJ)) 21o, is-rd t5-,id L * t4r d J"tU .!r\:. U st -r .rl .;tt J4 L.5i+l1

zt\ .{. + gt" e -f VT - ,/ .t 14 Urf LIPJU- .^. rP ,r5:

6f,J tal Jrt- r:-,1"1!:;.1 ut{ f deie(- u|\t, c.'i L,:"3I ;f r.$'

JrL J* rr-.rtl L 2n JrL cc:1fr .U u;r!j f el;Eil :r ;tj &l

srl $l qu E .:.3"(- .,.t,-r, 9- .rl;t;il a &d *f + f.f q(1.1 a ,1

dh.r. 4..?J 6 st"l.ril f ;.1f-- 6:{-r j\..e ,i1[ LX ,kU f

6Lf il f ,-htr cJrL:. tl +r -,a 5 , f x,-i* Au'

E crlll ,rl. - .r.rt" i\h ell!:;l f r.llell ,-rl S + ^2 e)li t L.f f

it31r urr ,S atj +t "l stl e- L- *: .rtl -r-r^;r L t.t! .5&l .ptl trl l'ril

;l lSt ;l- l3.r- orf )* 6 ,lil Stl ui r9ri' ujtfJl c'l;*;l I'

t sf dr.tl.ll a.,-rl3i o!to! e5-,:l1t:ll f cllgll .-r.l r" -ft Z*

e €, K 2f .fr:!u a-'it-b )t' f ,'o.lrl (rn r;t;t q1 ;t'l'-l

:t-y,J q r,'.Jt lrf r.n ls:*{ .lt dfu ,-r: --S*vt.r - { ;!"

Jl,r s\.-l j\n "d +,^1 rLL:, K0;u;jr vu: aql +6 €

*!ff.r rr"*S- r.r.t .=,r[*r jVr*.-lLi K0: ci>\.L' ot &3 [ rlr

.* c,Yq; dl -{ uL-r ofr ! + ts sf .>-13:1r 'S2-rf'lr*-

.S[,a cr.Xb- ell rf .rfr--r ,sft "f q U -q- ,* f St


09li pl .1ki- rJi .Srl in ;o1 y$t { rlr- ,;[ #I ur\.-t

.F4.ta3'G o3 r{ 2^V uet Urz )tl e- ci^*l 6,rl + o.1lrl jl-l+ lhil u-f f .i"9(. yl & f oaW".f ,rl t1 c4t.- 6,.1r.*.Jh

Y6l_;51-5-rfuA uf* ^:(; rl ,J.l g;L aiL E.:tt.- .f ,r-Jtg,rf.r& C# .,c{ ft4 J,f .,lf-l efr. oi r(le a*: Uf l.p *Ll1 ,rat . S{

J* ,l ,fJb s,.,f )tl & f ar| g$ ,^-L.(- otisl g.i.; yl e-

ll.bJ., "?, ..r1" f "Lt , sev o..f ,3 *f ot L F .ltS ), 2 LL rlr;f.i .J3 dlf" ,(J e_ t ; b !.:Jt.s.l 4 sf ,.s\*t _ * tr{

uLt 2 p^ - dJr .j)\i ;f. e*l s4. q- .rLj { Lf r-r.^-i 9f ,rilsOf-r. rpre

- of 2V -or 14{ ety 1l a. oe * k.(l: ,*. .iSj

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Lja ,j>l jL 0yu E, .rq-f * cl4 c,1,;e sl .rs, ,S Lf ,>1ilx.

d\f "lclr rKJeV 2;i,.$io- - e-u€{ c!-l.rLr,^l ui,:*n 6rf-t- s l* .;l ,r1.." t! €;-!) "f "4 fll.. g dQ ,rU ,,*ft- t=f U, f )3J:r-e ,rjtdl ,f rh .! ,::rt^-fr f :f Al Lf t.f

,"rtJ d,"ie- tl "bJ; ,rl L rl.sllri ^f { r1 rtl f -J - J(ie- 9qe... t? O{:l os L 41911 iF grl 131 .pi uis, ,S*r, o.icti! r;A.

d- ttrl Z4rr{l 6 *1 .i I ts trt"il ,- ,Jodl-i dl q cfi.f<- b b Ulf.:il dl' .rrl f rJ.l4 dl.2- r* uQ t*r' trr bss qL w - 1,2, +J )Lrf )rrr.. f ottHil ,st itL 0Ktt g] ,rfr*t ,rt

s# ,* 2f { rf olll,.rt 3qt ," tg{r e.d L.st cltst Jrf





i{ n cr :,.: ''f + 'r J* )-b { tit ; j.'t .-fil - af rrta

q i 2f -rrr .tJ',tJ 5 ';:fi vI ta ,l el;t;;l E YT "5- qg

.fr- rd "f cp d pl ,a { d-jlrl 'i)\i e--t\ t, tib cul

.4,, rhE sr.l ,* t L ,,rl .f -r, if C* nS ,* Fr olth'

r! -(rl 2 $ iW: a:V *f + E-rr ,o U a **tsl Uj ;'lr !* tsH ,* d * + t.f -rr** uf af '1\$ f c-J otltn -l

gT *f o;, urf l2*Jl 4 0l3{l dL Lc'Vsr" r.tl ,* - .ror" r'7'U..

N l* { ol.t.t*. ue.r.' Oqr L ,;"5 J&n- - # t"ri JJE lJi :l ql

.1rt crlfta,.-l r3 ;91 #Kt ^t 6r+[ ; rrl.1l":il tst ltl vI ,# ol IJ.t- O- *#I ,f vI { o: + ,.ir K Yt r: ,J-f ,irf 6 Lf

-J*f tr otf t?dl q-ef *'"r+vTl L 0t *(rl+

u{: a Zu f o*r{Q b- ot-ss* ,.r .,irq olJ'f- q j}:*l vF

,x 2 ,rl - *K.ltrl 4-2. r(! gr.1'K.frt+ .,.f'tt" a&$- L *lt;ci1L- ,5 y-*'gl 6.n vi ^f ottlitf ett

4 L 1p '!,lr - llr wur - (n - ,tlf) ,Jf.rtl y'trl rjr'rr' -J-,' .

f,91 htf .E-)\,4 vI ,.,!'*-V L,rt 7 ,5 ,irt I q' ,? :'ra" clrL:'

OU-fh d* ot,rS ttlr":il llri tf O.{bl E rll-*t ,rl',f, q 4 os

,r*lrr tel .fr|*rG * ** u."{g[';'aclu-ft., 4s54"t't'{ 2r, lif f E. $ .r-$ pt.-fr) Jr.r * , lhil ,t+. g{L'>f*qi rb rt; "frrel b6,n-q.Jrl ,5-f ..l11 & L5 :lr.rl;

"rtl .lhLt

dt u.l JtrO$t t rif+|,+- ri- prl L+l "t )VEl { 2l) tN c"f

-,.5 -rr -irt . L g'u.; 6v L oJr,,r 11. rrl;sl if,J.u 6.qh 6 ,rJ,ry,!/r, d.lp.s,,.f + .l,s r-t34- .t*t *+ * g:l 6fi €rtt



10rc pRovlltctil ^sseMflLy

or WBlr l,Atrlstlx [5ru luNE, lg6g

- q, dL at\.) ot j,i.t ot:.,li. j" lr:$l t u{.Ilj+.llr;tri f glyl ,-rt S e- t"f [f o:rsl K..i! ,.rl re .rtr rdl c.1,. ,.ll

.-- K x,:# I *t &L (ia { Jf :*, _{,ri ! K if ,i*,,E ,Jl tl *,/.f.rL .,,r.f,5 g-,i ,{:} *t2e otrtr- ! e(t- sb S ,

al-1$ gr| ,r$ 6 ct. - r. 6) tl reflection cast ,5 f; ,{ *:trf{LLf c})|.5r 9f 6dtrt L rsl-xl,-frJ}r A f r-f:e eJ,!,,ai, A}. *;+ta urf i- K;hLt E irt C* atn ui, "lJ- 5 61.rtr tty rr qr

f ,r"i;l g*1&l Lqsn otrt r r g.(L. )rc o, .^f rr, fr. s.rrlylt9; hr ,rj {r, .-ll ordl - u&;f ;trLl { 2\ u:rl U rr$-

.f .-f .&t 2 .$t- r3*.i;.el wir. L U.: - + dV E .rtlt-.r

- o*t. &00" E 3l t w l5 y'u glll rltre r: ra E t* s \a:.,i *iri :f ".-.t u*f yl + tJ, rJ- 6rt+ ,, V ilJ Jtr"ll J f!*lcl, * r$; K,yl s*i 4 rt, ,.rl - [f u,.1.j tLr lU. b' Ztt l\lt

"r -f qr - .r! orjt-; ;f ,t3r. si q Sj b*, se _.i 6ofrJt E rllesl

", &t^'.1- ,^1 3f qr, u*f L aa,-r*J f uf ,od .u*, sei. -l

E "-Jq

L tlr-nf L ,rl.*. o.rtl E 6rI a-h o -h uS ,s S Nt.

6Ur -&f "t ilt:Wl!tvr{sqiLic..;iY.fl+ e1 c.[1 r-1t;L,

coflributioo +l a?- dfX-l - + *!jk l+ b-p>\-t ..rr g-Jtr ,

jl"'{r J'? t;rr; .^r a- Lr.l ., rf of:: f. ur L ,rt s + n

E fff dk LtWy ser u.-., ,i:f ,9 91 ,5.1.. ,l:t r Q rt !.:! !- fi * Si :t uJal; u(-l 4l rd lrl - qu j(- E:1.; .ft i,hf;rl f't J.1l-.1 -r.' ,r, Crl, s4>\-l "f l$ trql tr yT,F i un




' -i':--.l}


DRArr EULES of rHE ptovlNclel AsseMBLy oF wEst pr(lsTAx 1Otl

,5ei er ^:Vj a-s;f ;f u-t ndi, a,i L){ ,tt )t) L rst#l:lut*

,reI * C)f ilt .>5JL ;31 ert:l! .5,.,-lf s:t Dl,*lj;1 $ *:t*i *i,-o, a- S Otgf! u+t .:ir ,.rl - tgi U31 09;r;}iitK.t::q *a

Oll 4* 7! L "iJr -nf x lW u.,1 ri.jl(. dlll u6rE: *(l "fitgl4l .: .d + *- J-yl lk o ,-* { fi grl - tsi U(- f ,ft*tL rl.l -f L "tJ, ti .:(I- olsy s* al*L t 6U* ,oS L &

(j1 - rtar Gr{h ,}-{ x .-rl I +ta hs 2t: G$'rft ,-.Jti E, :ttf.5. ? ei ae,*t fl -uI AJ -d Jrt- j- 6ssr 4l I E. rllj,ll

- E ,.e$s * tr;t*J ,yl -f 0ji0 .,dL 4-;Lo 2t: & ,i* grt:t:-{ r.tf ssl .tb 6f ,>i5 rrl .^f L *e(1, ad *-Ltr.J u.l 19l

x l:f, ,s*t ,jf ! rr .rr- ta &f - + ,y:*.:i.r r-I dil, - €-.It t . E Af llrtl jrt .rnr f. vi .r S *{., -iyr q vId- 3l - L,-r*f q..1f* s*f Jt,-j .rrr,S{aJ,; d / -J

- + .:! qf .5 13 - .{+:f ,-.r;V tt

Mr. Spcaker : The qucstion is :

That for Rulc 94 of the Rules, rhc followiog

bo subctitutod, oamoly :-

"94. Tbe resolutioa may be iu thc form of adcclaralioo of opioioo, or rccommcndation or may

bc in tbe form so as to rccord eitber approvil ordisapproval by tbe Asscmbty of ao act or policy ofGoveromcot, or convoy a tnessage, or commaod, orurge or requost an actioo, or call atteatioo to IEattcr or situatioo for coosidcratioo by Govcrn-Ecot or io gucb otber forn as the Speakcr m.ycoasidcr approprialr.".


The mofion was lost.

?018 PnovINCIAL Asssubli oF WesT PertstrN

Mr. SPeaker : The question is :

Tbat Rule 94 be aPProved.

The motion was carried,

Mr. Speaker . Rule 95. Tbe question is :

That Rule 95 be approved.

The motion was carried.

Mr. Speaker : Rule 96' The question is :

Tbat Rule 96 bc aPProvcd.

Tke motion was carried.

[Sru ruNr, t968

Mr. Speaher : Rule 97. Amendment by Malik Muhammad Akhtar.

MatiL Muhammad Alhtar : Not moving Sir

Mr. Speeler : The question is

That Rule 97 bo egprovod.

The motion was carried.

Mr. Speeker : Rule 98. Thc question is :

That Rule 98 bc appro6!

The motion was carried.

Mr. Speatrer: Rule 99. Amendment by Malik Muhammad Akhtar.



Malik Muhammrd Akhtar : Not moving Sil


Mr. Speaker : The question i$ :

That Rulc 99.bc epproved.

The motion wos carried.

Mr. Speaker i Rulc t00. The qucstion k i

Tbrt Rulc 100 bc approvcd.

The motion was carriod.

Mr. SpeeLer : Rulo l0l. The question is :

Tbat Rulc l0l be rpproved.

The motlon was carried.




Mr.-sperher : Rulc 102. Amendment by Malik Mubammad Akhlar'

IvliltL Mubammad AL,btar : Both thc amcndments not moviag.Sir.

Mr. SpeaLer : The question is :

That Rulc 102 bo approvc<i.

The motion was cizrried

Mr. Speaker : Rule 103. The question is :

Tbat Rule 103 bc approvcd.

Thc motion wos carried.

Mr. Spcrker : Rule 104. Mr. Hamza.

Mr. Hrnzr: Sir, I bcg to move :

Tbal in Rolc 104 of thc R"ulct, bctweeo tbo

rord'lconcerocd" aod' full-rtop rppeariog at tbo

cEd. tho fotloriog wordc be iDsgrjcd, aaEcly ;.-

7020 pRovrNcrll AssBMDLy op wesr nAKTsTAN [5rn ruNe, 196g

"aod thc Goveromeot sball report thc action

it bas takon oo such Rceolution to the Assembly

in the Seosion ooxt after the Sessioa io which rhe

Rcsolutioo is adoptcd".

Mr. Speaker : Amcndment moved is :

That io Rulc 104 of tbc Rulcs, botweeo thc word

"cooceroed" aod full.stop appcariog at the ood,

tbe followiog words be ioscrtcd, oanely :-"aad tho Goveronroot rhall report the action

it has takcn on sucb Regolution to tho Asrombly

io the Sessioo noxt aftcr tho Scssioo io which thc

Resolutioo ir adopted".

Minister for Law : Opposed.

!--tp Jrril 1''U? ?? - r(6- 9t; - (t - JJ-[iy) cj.. j...

- "r(/

Gst or. Jr 4^. td 4+r{ O*l yl - A rJyE ljr

f- =8 drf qL- grt"r q/ r:,t1 .,e.l ,a ot v5 tgi bjt da-f .!Ut, rf drLil 4"1 4| t'e4 6[rL+. 111 r:,YL 1el {JrL

Lf tr! rl.r ;lj ,8 ht)t€ J rtl-f 0l 2 f. - -$30. t/Ui - Lp ,.i)ri",+.5;* u,ir.J! L ci)\.L. O" rl))U .t )tl q u*fs,,St"tr,,L cr)\.t'. )!J*a rll ;(rl - a t"f t1l f r.yler t,rti k:l u.,.rl

-.1 f, o"t 6- .,f up.i rll.1lri fi L,:, o)'.1 L0- gto3,,J. [J Jit-.dc dh /. n -{t <- rirf urlt 4l sl--l 61t.6 J. LL{ rirrt

+er6 u- r5 .r:-h'-'; 3x=lf 3 *:i..Li,c -f u* ,rf ,r! ,-f*, fJ5. C - zr,tl; u.r&fs,.:.d gt ,,pit"f ii :l:llri u,:-,! u^. ?lsc ,rl

.7! a &2Lr 6 .,3rQ sLF ,iz :l:lri 6" dl9ll .rl 'S A- d"

)tj L c,Ji tJ;)Je rftl r.t ef o6; .4 rJt+-:i 6t{.t - +- gl .5r1

et,q 4t ,f v*V +sl.li ,ejt./t+ f| - ,r.(- lf .r\ *.1 e





.r: ziftta ftFt tr.rtli: t A!.rl ,-r.tJl i *fi rlr:-l Ke'lti !

- utrr 4 .ilt .t a r'9 f o.11.- $,ra sll ctx i{: ,.iLi 'r "d a

t:(-L 'f ,ri r,r,! .5rr K rL:e I ,.'re ,-.i>\i L VI ^5: ox t"L .r.'

+ &t- .:r1L- 5 ,iflJl j* L "ptr

.tr -fiLr:rb E .rl "SrSlr*I.-.rLprilf yt+ *it!-f rli-n ,'i &t',.:lt" -rf vl 6 Ot 5

- if ; r.*r u+f: rrjr -1(,,I U uh ,jr

.,rrh.f ,t l; r[ rlrll; ,E Ube At 2 vl -dt - ,(op e,trr

{ trr. ,:.:rrl .5e ,-" ieK rrl sf rlr i} *,,1f'- dfoI i + ,{t1;l, .sh a lrl 6 Olrll upl + ,Jn ,SN ,t8,9 :l *fi s:|)

' ,j(' a ',d sd 2et

r1( EiL ie i r*i,fi 6t - lj 5""

"f u"A fit Z?f 4 fuy [r, fr lrl L €il rr., dlelr fl .r 5

- 4 ,1bl oxlLi ,r1 - a r-1lrl jL OJIU ,^, - + ozlrl SVia. ,Ji ',r.r.!U L ,of-S fi -+ rlbl o.r:!u b.6r!I 'sgf * ! dh g3u *

tutJ't .14 - -.- - -.r-rr! LrsS*:,'tj clt f ,r, .Jl.rr .,1 - u*r

LxW .9T,r,rl , rra a-rJu A;.t*fg,i.rrl ,.r*Jr+ e,rS !1,

. - ulr Lb -rr p.rl vI ,.t

J.tg ,., ^U,iL

lJ 2f 7t1s

lttr. q'-f tj.r d JF ,n Z)f ei ljtrojtt hl ,r.r tligl

- ua tt +{4-Jb "}.e

pl n, F *{ o 1r t'r 'd u,tr

{ku +I ,;a.Lf {:.* r,f ,r\ f rl.:;lj s*f ,-i -tr1 - A'*t::



lozz pnoviNctAt. AssEilBry of wnsr pAKrsrAN [5rn lune, l95g

4ll.lJL9i r.lrilr:.:l* a- s2. yT.;r^ tstj tJ C'- ge 32..- tj - o--+t

,iA ,*il { i, cr:.ir..r { ofol pt - a*t &:rj .rrl :K ^lra; .5r +4l4..-Ett- rn yI ,>is 2rf grt3 rtrltj Uf oi\ &. J - +_ J*t-

i-tt ur: .S + pLo .* J- ,;rl I stL ,fl: 41. - rJ.? a+) l-t ,!'ss

{,99r,,-. d1JJl, tl ,,rro e/fr d:t ,jr.d ,g:lr;lri (,o. Ltl-f I ,Jrl

r.rttiQ b ):t "(ll ,5 u!.1\ , jG ,.rn L_r" L* ,ia 0yti,::t.:.9,..-

Lf * f-l ft - + Ut" L( r:b ti71t sr. fl e- .;rr .(*r.

Utf ,r., - s:J) unti .:artl ,jf sf ,rl c-.rG "#l

,5 -j sf:.ltl E

,Cl yI ;Q ,. ,^, j ..,.r; )V #' 2:: c*.rl ., A? J.rr"

r,r\-l .rl.r1l.,i if ,..? .f .r.c tti vo. 2{;;r c...rl .$ .b ,rt

e:. ,Ji)\"| /lt tE c-s\ Ft; it: x.r!,,.r*. r/)\-l .(il ;fLu t-lrf fl J - + ,F ;i ,r!trr,5'lU- I ,rt "f lt ,s.r e>ttl

' ' - u*Lr{ c-;!5 i, tl; ,f bf e. ol vi .rr Lf ^-JtL

,t 'Lf el r*rr, + a. =ib dlLr J c- 4 ,-fso - r,(.r. s,L?

rI3t.-t &+t "f a,'t" + sf -J "f u{ ,S qt* 4 nl c,*iOA ,rtr d ,rt+ rb llri .dl ,5 .rll at

t l rJl.;3r E .!rljt -f*.rrU.e, stlll: L *V Ji-,;f J3r,. Jol r-rlu e,r. crYlj- ^ii3

- + lO "! dt-^:-t V Vl.i )S:l )U c,:, *tr+ LSV, rf q;

6 dt,:-l E .rl.* ;W ,5 vl-* gU:.r ,S +jr Krtlii trt "r

.1 3{1i e;,L r.rr +tL ;!.t - Yfr 1;tr - + 6 x Lt)r .,i$t ,tcfb' tJ qf * u-.13 ;f. t|, J1.,, 4l ,Ja, c,l9rl ,rl E f j'r str






Dt.ft RULEs ot rrlB pRovrNCrAL AssEM$Lt 6r wEsr l^rrgrAN 1a2l

dll OA L;f clr-l K oi-?<.,$1{,.:.,3S-,.f ,,luftr GF t{

k; cjl-r- "(ll tr .=..Lp 1.t(p .t.a=. ""lJi ,rr CI - ,F l5 ",.d lrJ r.#

v{ 6 S .:-l-r;t.l o:+r gs) a1 ,>.-2$.- c* ta s{J 5 c! 1t:1lri

,eqir., &t e- u6J ,: * q{jil Z J? Lrt' o:f l .8 43l ^5-

Lf ,irt .,lrra, ,5 Lf n:i ,,Ct u if et t{ ose)c: +\ } Lunr.i J-r sl ,oL 'fb ssn .d ,rl ,ril lV 6 st. ,iS S;-l Z'rf,

.r'l sUrl ,ar: ;:l1lri ,^f u* F n{ e.,,i - fr;- .7L; - tt U5-

6.rs> dh" s$ ,jlt csr f & * ssL "/tta"

yl 4** 6-r

"{ ui - o:t )-# Z r.rat 1,r ,J\t + t;r ;lri )t r A ilf r.9:!I pt';

,:r. Lh E .l$t dl - + o)2f r;"U .r-r(- 61Lo ,.f rr.a 2L#I r. f:l:.,1; oe l.,l,u & +,.rrr Jir Atf !t-a pf jl rf.riLaf E,6- e-tL. ..iLi Ks: - u:a jf t:a tf drru, Lt.fu "d a-\{s* L r..o ",r-;i L &" - + 4

"trit..r prl.,

d-f .3,rJ : Lf .i ...I- -{ O: jV tS ,y t{ #t- nrl Jtrrl

2f uiluf Gf - J L p + rr ,, ,Lt c"o.JL d' ..(t e;btf t€, !f LJIL, Uil \JaD. * -,T ti I a - 1l tsrJ +-13,-1r ;[

d Ch S af,etiirl { ua&. t? Lr.f s* ,*-f ,r4t ..$l 'sI

c.,Llril tJ ,f ,.:.3K- A LLf W $:: f oftt sejtt *vT ;,h ,5 L{ J." - df ,;*t rs$ d-g J yl yl ,r*.b Lf

unr.*. .r'l L 0: .ioi [ ,fr 2: ,rau "f sai ;li 2 L e* ,0t 4

u.r eii - *{ .5 Jlu{ tf ,o-l .(, rr1[-l .*,JT .flt

1A21 phovlNctAI, ^ssEMBLy

oF wtsr pAIusrAN [5ru luHn, 196g

- g:A ,r,:i ZJ* 0d ot t-rs, g+:J- s{-r rl f Vd :*

u,J - .;,,o ! -1 f c,! s,ilr:, * Vi =-t, 5.r - f.c- .rt -,Jt.)i dL:. E. t*t y) 1sis.

f n,ilp e)- a uif ,f,"F6 o1 uE, oJI -qe, st*E. C>\+l l(gl ,r:.s ,,tt..lr L ,t)\-l deI3J E ,ri.*t "f (ef tlr d,rC t€f Slj *, nL 1 ..f,i 4-n t!:r f. rr)\-l Lyp.pl ;h:ilKrL-t !,rl ti1 s; ix ni ,iih.f * .l^. ,i.jl ,fl - zlta uJr

)tl J.f 4h r,; E dL .(rl - t t U)! t! .(rt ,r.. eJL gr)\^t

0l ua .,,.rj oe) si €t19*t5: - )U q. od 2&t n s-J) dLt-

ti* J4 A oL : ,r)\"1 K.5!^-l .--' - Uf UL Jr dtirl Y * *c-tt*t N LX rr)\11 tr .,L*l I {N .r! ,{I i e- trl"

*; r:JtL" - ,.t* 6-;'requisition ,t.*t ,ifttl _rrt tjt€,l jI"

.rliib, ,3it lfr' +s4 * .SJl - *, & e-s f efl - u*r

;f,rlle1l r;1, f lerf h.i*-> 4 f1-lrl ,-f s-rLl L +-l* riti st.r--.;

t"r - tn ,.d I ert f - tir jte{ Ft i arlell .riti - !r e-r *rtL.

etJ.. ;I5 orrlr.llri -, VI rr, - o*t )$.f s{-i F! . N f'J J.(*t fi - v-,, 5u ..S.* a. -j ,o1 - ur, 2f *lrst 6rf u.1 rf$.rs ,'l"l - u"r .'.i ! I,ri rrl J, .* y c*t 2V 5t

tf 6a "f ,r.o Z-q f *


- ,-riL,j u{l dld,. L l:l - .fv b,



- d91 \t 6 dld. t rfl ,r* - o3s ;i.-r

Itr ,-,-I *ft .r.^ +) ut ad ,g e-s\ L,.rl v[ - f'l*' )b'6 ot* ft S q-a g;-.f 61tL. E ,]-+ sr+t,rl at +) f etl

a-f ,i*l ,-t* 0lill ,(-l '>ef* i t ,.5 ,ilsss{ * * ':l:;l,i

-f* vr:: - Eh ,r.{. ljl, ,.ret a vlrl ,,r.^r OQ - c:* fu

.:,utL. a4f 1-f L ,rl + ciN..II* *. olu grti 6f rlrllrirt

ix JL;l,g{.5- ,ril{ d ,.r,'! e:'f)bl E'"t f' n * {

-i,a .l.? U q- .5,ilL ed *' & f a*' )t*' o+l fi i +

ur) hryi til u!.D - ,rlf ,i seh;' ifi'l'-i + Gf ,5 d.lE' ,!o t

1g, €ai- .f,stKe 05- jl tf ,ra,.rri lU lS a2, .-(.+l rtT ft "f

a rr-te 03lU ,.t)t .lk: ,roi €/L L slvssu 0l + L{ .}- bb

aW osr$ -,J -uib u n; cJr ot il vI f { 'serf


Ju r5- al.rlril 1sl er*)..a,r-+t .rj - ojb .!. "; oz- otr ..^f .-i'

* ub ,.. Ssj ,r"ltorf t}(J a. otrl i ,Prf - u{t1o

4r. .(;r: - !13 rvtq - (n - ,rtr.5) JrrU y'&l l9'*";'.. \'/

i.,, ,r i d cts.d )a,*,. e.l u-'- {f + )S i 'tjti Ls2t

d;-l L 0;u ;jr vu: { osf ,-f-r o* P' ort sr uJU rr

Lf "Je, q ,iy L ,a6rcf - jx o2* l9b 4+'i 'S':i'a'Ll,

,5 ,rr*r ,4 El i + vf t:b 9f -:tr1l; nf ,Jte2t ^, .lt 'd *6 uftss$ld o!),.Ly| .f lta * e{ ;st9l.:.j'(' *' c-*; uft

'+ rF




7026 pnovlNcl^L ASSBMBLY op wEsr PAKTSTAN [5rn rur.rr, 196g

E. 0ll.l ,rl fif ltr:t 6i1tt L eblr; jt+J.rQ - Ytr vLrt:(- f "J&. o Jl o.. f.1,. u*f blr2t JJI ,..,,.r /x ,$y 2V.r* 6.:1l.ro )" rf &l L 0lr:l *f+ ttil )f ,)L vl-r: lrl aif 2l:js e,Ei L,,Uii ,rirl,r.a 0A - a .I u1sy{ Uf L cre6rl I rrl

.Sll .t .(,-r.f - u.-? 6f., o-!l:: 2t- L Olt4l 2 L ,,:rU ,.rl

t q,0fSl .1rl 0l3t ;31 at 2x slril o:f sj. L .:eyK- olS.,-

t-p ,5rr:-r. l.r" ,5 g.: d.t - u"r iN if y'ri a.L;t1 .51t ,,t[.t,

t-.lrL ,5 ,yltif UB- -A lN ati7..ltir r: K.lltl o.l rJgir )*++

T,rrf ,yl r* tt q.ro ^5-

te, trb [::.; L v-V.j.s] - { *Xr{ulJtii

6t f rl ii vtrt tE Itc rrl ef ,-r€p 5.1.eli:- :lrlri ,-$l L

ZL L Stse 4+. stt + ,SI 1f l* ;r{ a\ + d+. - ;t-uv ,.rL.-l ^f ,.rrt 2f c;\15 a *? ot ?? + dI f.i i:,t 2V- ,s*i 6:#, :l.s1lj .(ll .* )* lai;- t gr{trt u.?i ,. ;ql yifd,l

r! e cllll ,.rl { d91 EQ "';t3 c(11 t{ uJ g* - lst [f K,rt

t .$t JtA )t: *: u- .(L ul u.. o32K yl drjl! ;L;,*.-l "$rt VI "f tsarl e- 1? L ,S3r:l )i uisr,.:li)\. o ,:-f-)slrrlj 4l r* )* ,i;,;.L o2f; vI .r: d .ji:l .,j un ,fs L!/fl. dh ..,+t ,i ,r&t ,5 ::L o* bL L Lf q sf ,r.iei .7tr.!

-f - a Ub tf ,.lr:-l K ll.t 6 rri ,.rrl F + ,r,(, ftE l{ orf

-"r! - * vil pp ,g*. iT ^ij ,-jI ,;;ci 1-i Jf bl a. ci! ot f,).'sl .,{ yL *ii:. i* L:lrrlri r.(11 lJ *f + ,sr{. s:.a 1,lec

uofi ,jlsss{ ujsf €..j(- ..f *; rJlr *! .f rrl si *t Zf 4lU..




)ti7. .t urel * 21h .gl*, g j)t;$ 6 S n js"l ,(tt s'f,5;t nfr<*fi) trrt U.t? * C*,rl .rU-l

g'dllt L.tst; - L,s+i

{ 'rl t{ "f { o:.d [c,.u..t *. A ,rt sst + Gx , ;.6; zw\ + rin ull91$ g",f n ci-l3i;: 6;t.o ^5- ".rg u;lr n ".t

- viN ''"d

Minister of Law (Mr. Allah Bechayo Ghulam Ali Akhund) : tsir,

ncithcr the protigo of any memb:r nor o[ the Assembly is involved if this

ameodment is not approvcd. All that this amendmsnt wants to do ig

that in tbc Asscmbly shall be placed a report with regard to the action,

but this is not the only way of eliciting ioformaticn. You know, Sir,

last time therc was a resolution with rcgard to which therc wls a qucstioo

in this Assembly, and I have replied to that question. Information can

alrays be clicited by way of a question, and we arc always ready to place

the information before the House. We have not kept back thc information

from the House. I think it is unoecessary when a question can always bo

put. If any report is given, that would unneces'larily lcad to a debatc.

On the contrary if any qucstion is put, you have been allowing and wc

have bcen replying. So I don't think this amendment is oecessary.

Mr. Speaker : The question is-

Tbat io Rutc 104 of tbe Rulcs, betwceo the

word "coucerocd" rnd full-stop appcariog at tho

ead, tbo f-'llowio3 words bc ioscrtcd, oamoly :-

"and the Government chall rcport tho actioa

it has takoo oo guch RcsolutioB to thc Asscmblv in

the Sersion ncxt after tbo Sessioo in which the

Rcroutioo ir adoptcd."

Thc motbn was lost


Mr. Speelci : Nert amendmont No. 88 by Malik Aff;iur. '

7U28 ?rovtNct^L AssalrBLY or w8ar PArt3rAN

Mxlik Muhamnrad Akhtar : Not moving Sir

Mr. Speaker : The question is-

That Rulc 104 be aPProved.r

Thc'motion was carried.

[5:n roNa. l96t

Mrr Speaker : There is a notice of a new rulc by Mr. Hamza

Mr. Hemzs : Sir I hereby movc-

Tbat aftcr Rulc 1O4 of lbo Rulca, tbc followiog

aew Rule bc addcd, namely :-

"104-A. Tbe Speaker sball allot reasonablo

timc to all thc Rcsolutioos set down in thc List of

Businecr uoder Rule 24 (d), 80 as to coable tbe

Assembly to discurs all thc Rcsolutions includcd

iu tbc List of Buciocss.".

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-

That aftcr Rule 100 of the Rulcs, the followiog

oew Rulc be aildcd, namcly :-

"104-4. The Speaker shall atlot rcasooablo

time to all the Resolutions set down in tho List of

Busincss under Rule 24 (d\, 80 as to enable the

Assembly to discuss all the Resolutions iocludcd

io the List of Business.".

Minister of Law : Opposed Sir,

ildl*t" t d1:l:lri L ,g - :(a- wh: (. -;rJiY) o;rr :Ls

-l-lS yt* d.r Ldrii * A-l ,S + t^f y3vi / nl rJcU ,rltil ,,.:-i {

1 "2;.I rJr ,.,r,l ri ,sd rsts tt 9.,.l i dJ)l)lri ur- dlgil trl .r: ln,f u€J ,f S e?a a- rf.f lle.#b *5,.+1, uil.r*i.r'L-.rlrlj



tf 0r - y'b c, d, rt" jt -r"b rf or:[o oJt*s Jf ,iB 6ira .rJ

prt Jtpt oe pl sex .r;T tsl! ,5 llrr$ €rP.f,il r+ f 'rlr.llri

15 .)l ti 4) LS ,-\rs I t*i qf qf "rJtL. oJ u:, ..fr ,4i -:1r.1!l

;4 .5 gnl )tt jb t,, f .f; -f :Y g,t,l'. o3-, L i*fi,Jli cssKr tf bl oy dsoe peil * Lf ;N .f ,ss** g.ts

- lt" t"f .fr 2 E .rpE. uJ.*, f ,r,'r.I grl Lf e? r,..

L dy,-| ;ittl ji*. tU &l ;f. LN ,id rbltri ,5 =-1, tif,. ipl {m o, -f Ol r.1; rb b-sl*:r '5.r.r

t=f -r...1 uf ,ltr J rrl

- ,t*; "j F5- e i-i,rt .a.. g...1 ,.1fl.,i.lb qq x .-td dt"r a-rr.

6 rt rlrlj rfrl 13-t i*:r,l,Fq ,su.d.rtr irf * cll 6(.t

LX" ,jlsssK .f ,rtr*t r*Yt- - tJ tr, f i.,-.:ir ;L; K.llrrl

closure motion L u* cr.i L 0l * L2l3i r rsl, $'ny n 2 E

A* &; Lti ,r.r, Ju*g L ?I U,f .lr; ,(; t6; t"5. mrrva .5*r x

-tS -r, (F- u+. Lf *4:l rl.:11; - !$l s-it ft.j K lU *.

O&.* slr.r L+? - 2- g*-i ,i p*,'4 4l "2 €r. f*- .',,t+

+sb "f cry att .*r vI 6Q - A r;nri S ,ri-{ go C At E

dt &l 2{ -t i ,f f o*i &l 0l vs. L oyl.r:,t* fu*

uI c"r; r) f .:1.:1lri Lr.! .(ll jr! ,rrr^(- 6tL. f' - t*i '..f

d;r\I iu ,5 0k-ft u;.r" :l/tl J, L clei 6.:-rc r*t rrl +- !fll3.

crn *' q- Crt ?tF e tb L Lf s*l sl r.re.:b1lj ltj ,fS oN $ .d 2 g,,.t.3U 6 6,srUT ftJ 6 r.rk-fg ;.p.



,030 pRovtNctAl AssEMgLy of west pAKtsTAN [5rn luue, 1968

oea Uf .lt-:r J .:Yt"r L o)f! fb ,* nf +{Sf, { lx.

;tlJl ftj. t Jr,:rt vf 1- *r, r,is. \s1 st F. j2c ,.fl,

gl L cs3"4it- a* &t - or if ,.rit.:.,; d o!r+ L of,p ,V

^{. * UL trf "l u61 ,e{ uQ - A tJ) f *trj ry us a J*L ,:*.,t 4r.r .rl *r g(J - 2t: Ct *e :* L o-*t L.1Le1

0t*f ,r.l :bllj j t{ * {rL 6 Zf ,Jri rf ,r;i tit} .)r?J.

€* tib, Kj; ,.:jlr .rrr , gi ,>nt .tj -rCl :, q- "/b

5 ,i* L,!,

uf Lf .:16 + o ,.ho )* ilt or - U[ tJy u"d ,r,4 )tj eill pl

b'Jl o? ,"t rgti c19 4lb u*f: Fit f :K 'at* o,l .3 "f -

- ,i J-L, lti. .r3l3 df

r; L.rl Jtf s:l lljal L1l ,-j:f L fi *.r-- U, - rfu -,U-

.r ,i*fl.rl i? c -{l - n )ti a 4 rfu-\ ,: ,'{ k(1, .."1. "r{

y rp 2l3l )*-.i lrLo J, r, #h rrll rt -. f or /f- p2

d VI ,r.. - & e,t crtr,.J-ll ..*, ,tl m pf jl ff &(l ol il3l

vi ,.r". - ,nf c,f 6*.-re{ -J ^f ,rr^ knta .r .lrl ,Jrr Vf oy

Otrj dl -J .i* t lJlri d,(3, - Ost ks7.- s,r !,{l -f e'* ,5

E.rirt, Lrr .,.il .5vI -,J-:f ,Pf ,re .5lt+l if ol cry F *

6jl.ril ncy .:l:;lj ;l q.1l .pl !,eJ 6 ufut rlr.,lri .l1l L ;{t )* &t

L-wI, ;(! uo ,Fl ssr , e-iarl 'd rE ,rd ;T.rer .JS ,r,

r"S, t3,f a tl ,rt i\,5 e"ry, d.l -f !f ,-"ri ,*-g ,e 1('L;


Bnr,fr nql-Bs oF rH8 PRoVINAL AssEMgLY oF wBst PA(ISrAN 70Jl

o:: z!t+ ,,f qt ;rf ,aJ -,i n .-ib !$l - rJ91 tS- f tl

drilx-Lr diLj tsrr =ib G2*)) )tt J\ tf e, Ct trJr:- crJrJ

- ,,p 4"t" t6s flrt JK-l -J + &2L iir,. t? f It c'-f) t

/!.,, .5 c*; i rl-:1lj ut .f,lt ,rar.. *{ q- .r^ta 4 iltl g* .{t

&jt"l ,-I .:tl ,.rl ,s*r, #b os 6t 64t 5.r.r, ,a:l1lj drrD s-sl

fi;> E r.*i o,'l f Srn- vh: (j}., - u(- tt ,-t# ,tet &lf.rlr 2 L if s*! )):1.:llri u*{ o2 $ oN Lr[ L1r rt*l *r

V- r,(. f ,r*,/


Minlster for Food (Malik Khuda Bakbsh) : May I have one minote,

Sir ?' As you know, thc time for to,Jay's sitting is fixed and, I think, we

have just reached about that time. According to the agrecncnt, which

hatl the approval of all sections of the House, we have to coocludc our

deliberations and pass these iules today. So, I would rcquesi tbat you

Lindly agree to cxtcnd the sitting of this House up to the time wc have

concludcd the rutes. If that is not possible, in the first instance, the timc

Should be cxtended for one hour so that wc are able to concludc tbesc

rules. I hope in the absencc of Khawaja Muhammad Safdar, my friend

Mr. Hamza will agree to this suggestion.

Mr. Speaker : Tho time of thc House is extended by ooe hour'

f VT ol1l..-l ^; ,^+Ji L gt fl ql. - ,6* rru" - q* fu

,rf ld+i,rr ,4 yI 0l1rr L s*t -t 63rlsllj .nf - .lr', ttttt U{5

- z) L! e",=r $ q drlll Lrl 2 L df F 3f :l: ,l-i ,f S

- ZV Uf ra*, ci3Y 7lr1 2 f' :lr sl.f n "5- t:rt u.ti "l qr

.rLj I L ,,rl vI - + frl sr{ rts Jli.Slt *f,r={*." { \rI,

1$2 ' ptovrNcr^L rsssubl.v oF wEsT prkrsrrN [Srtr Jur.ra, lg6g

6'tl .r: 'd - + *.-tiu Lti drrL 4 0(J-,Js j(. f st*cis)tl r'b .-I e.a y .:1.: ,t; rflt L,n E. - ott sl a_i:.ll 4.rl.r )l-i,J-rt'. "(tt t jh trr j:ea l-l.c K zl, ef o3:t.:.lt-,r .rb 6.rste *i 6rJc g:il .ri-,t+ "rJG "f- tr .Jrrf 6!)41 t;1 1. _ + yFft - a5U7 yt:,. ef .:t.: st:. tt *4;rf -j _ /Ut *j criU rt"U

JLU;r[ jb ,a a o)i 6.r.rc ,:r,l ?T ".f - or a!5a [ * sr1 urt J,g-qty'fsiL-z-?T,5,J.1 -e- siltf c-;S-.IvT EfAU t JrJt*r.61 1el ljo -{vT e*l 'r.^ - *,g-r. )tl + st-i..- s!r-J

fl a-Jii &U Qf Qt - + Jr-tjtsra Lrdt s+l _ qf iec*o) ?,ler

-P- YT ,$ 6r - uI 2U; l*;l. -f 4-$ ,.rl _f n.t1 ort I dt -,J

- r, 5slr. .^(t1 r" dr*

Mr. Speaker : The question is :

That after Rule 104 ol the Rules, thc followiognew rulc bo added, oamely :-

"104.A. Tbe Spcaker sball allot rcasooablo

timc to all the Resolurions set dowo io thc Liet ofBusiness uoder Rule 24 (d), so as to coablc thcAssembly to discuso all tbe Resolutioos includcdio tbe List of Busiuess."

The motion was lost.

Mr. Speaker: Rule 105. The question is-

That Rule I05 bc approved.


The mofion was carried.



Mr. Speaker : Rule 106. Therc is an amendmeot'



Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Not moving-

Mr. SpeaLer : Tbe amendment is not moved

The qucstion is-

Thrt Rulc 106 bo approvcd.

The motion was carried.

Mr. Speaker : There are no amendments in Rules 107 to 123' Iwill put all tbese Rules to the vote of the House.

Thc question is-

That Rutcs 107 to 123 be approved.

The motion was cartied

Mr. Speaker : Rulc 124. Minisrer for Law to move his amendment.

Minister for Law : I beg to move-

That ia Rule 124 (l), lioo 2,.the words "bv the

Spcakcr or", b€ inserted betwcen tbe words "it"aod "by".

Mr. Speaker: Amendment moved, the question is-

' Tbat io Rule 124 (l), lioo 2, tbe words "by thc

Sporkcr or", be iosertcd betwoco thc wordc "it"tDd "by".

Tle molion was carried.


?034 pRol,lfictAL ASSBMBLY op w8sr PAKISTAN 15ru ruxx, l96t

Mr. Speaker : The question is-

Tbat Rulc 124, as amcndedn bc approved.

The motion was carried

Mr. Speaker: Rule 125. The question is-

That Rutc 125 bc approved.

The molian was carried

Mr. Speaker : Rules 126 and 127.

Thc question is-

Tbat Rules 126 and I27 be approved

The motion was carried

Mr. Speaker: Rulc 128. Malik Muhammad Akhtar to move hisamendmeDt.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Not moving.

Mr. Speaker : The amcndment is not moved.

The.question is-

Tbat Rulo I28 bc approvod.


Thc molion was carried,



Mr. Speeker : Rules 129-132.

Thc question is-

Tbrt Rnlcs 129 to 132 bc approved:

The motion was canled

>Mr. Spcater


Rule 133. Malik Muhammad Akhtar to movc hic

^MrIIk Mubammail ALhter : I beg to move-

Tbat for Rulc 133, of tbc Rulcs tbc foltowiog bo

rubrtitutcd, oamely :-

'133. AU the procedurc beforc thc Com-

mittcc, iocluding tbc cvidooco glven bcforo rCommittcc sball bc laid on the Toble of rhc



Mr. SpeaLer : Auendmcnt moved is :

That for Rulc I33, of tbc Rulcs tbe followiogbc cub,ititutcd, namoly :-

"133: All thc procedure before thc Com.mifice,

including tho evidcocc givco bcforc a Committcerball be leid oo thc Table (f thc Aiscmbty.'.

Mlnieter for Law : Opposcd

Melik Mubrmmrd Ahhtar (Lahore.Il) : Sir, this august House has

got cyGry right to know as to what werc ths deliberations and proceedings

of a Conmittcc aad the documeots, wbethcr privilegcd or Dot. which were


7036 pRovrNcIAL AssEMBLy oF wEsT pAKtsrAN [5rn ruNr, 196g

produccd before the committee should necessarily be produced this House.

IUe are causing a breach of the rights and privileges of this House when

wc ray that the documents and the evidencc produced before zCommitteebe not disclosed in this House particularly when we provide

thet thc evidcnce and all other documents produced before a Committeobe not produced before the Members of this august House, In thismanner we are giving certain rights and privileges to a Committee by just

ncgativing those rights and privilegcs cnjoyed by the Membere of thisHouse.

Mr. Speaker : The question is :

Thrt for Rulo 133, of the Rulcs the followiog

bc substituted, oamely :-

"133. All the procedure before the Com.

mittce, including the evidence givco bcfore taCommittee shall bo laid on tbo Table of tbe


The motion was lost.

Mr. Speaker : The question is

That Rule I33 be approved.

The motion was carried

Mr. Speaker : Rule 134. Amendment is not moved

The question is-

Tbat Rules 134 to 136 be approved



The motion v-qs. ggrriel


Mr. Speaker : Rule 13? and there is an amendment by the Lar


Minister for Lrw : I beg to move :

That for sub.rutc (l) of Rulo 137, tbo followio!

bc ;ubstiluted:-

"(l) Rcport of a Committce shall be prescotcd

withio tho timo timit fixed by tbo Spcaker uodsr

rule 74 or lbirty days from tbe datc on which rc'

fcroncc was madc to it by the Asscmbly uolcss thc

Asscmblg, on a motion beiog made, dircctr that thc

timc for preseotatiou of the rcport bc extcndcd to

a dato speciEed io thc motioa."

Mr. SpeaLet : Amendment moved, the question is :

That for sub-rule (l) of Rule 137, the foltouiog

bc substituted :-

"(1) Report of a Committcc shall bc prescnted

wiftia thc timc limit 6xed bytbo Speaker under

rulo 74 or thirty days from thc datc on wbicn- rc'

fcrncc war madc to it by the Asscmbly uoless rhe

Aucmbty, oa a motion beiog madc, directc thrt the

timo'for prcseotation of tbc rcporl'be Gxtcndcd to

a date rpccified io tbo Eotioa."

Thc motion u)as carried

Mt. Sireaker : The qucstion is :

That.Rule 137, as ameoded, be approvcd.


The motion was carried,

TAiBg pRovrNcr^t AssEMBLy op wEsr pAKtsrAN [Sru fuxq lgOB

Mr. Speaker : Rules 138 & 139 ; the question is :

That Rule 138 aod 139 bc approved.

The motion was canied

Mr, Speaker: Rule 140 ; t\{alik Muhammad Akhtar.

Malik Muhammad Akhtrr : Sir I beg to move

That for cub.rule (l) of Rute l,l0 of tbe Rulcs,

tbc following be substituted aamely :-

"(l) The business of lbe Committec and tho

a3onda for cach mcctiDg of tbc Comoittcc shall bo

dotcrmined by fte Chrirmen of tbc Committee.".

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is :

Tbat for sub-rule (l) of Rulc t,l0 of thc Rulor,

thc fotlowiog be substituted namcly :-

"(1) Tbc bucioess of tbc Committoe and tho

ageoda for cacb mccting of tbc Committeo shall bo

dctcroioed by the Chairmao of tho Committee.',.

Minieter for Lrw : Opposed.

Mellk Muhammail Akhtrr (Lahore-Il) : Sir, as origiDally providedtbe arrangement of business of a committce and its agcnda shall bc deter-mincd by the chairman of the committec in consultation with thc

Mlnistcr or, in his absence, tbe Parliamentary secrctary concerned. Iconridcr that there is oo need of such consultation. The chairmanof thc conmittce should bc authoriscd and cmpowcred to fix agenda


DrAfr RULES OF rHS piOvlXcrrl AsstusLt oF wEsr PAtIstAN 10t9

and issue it. This is a restriction which I consider most undemo.

cratic. The Chairman should be empowcrcd to use his discretioo and

should Dot be guided rather directed by the Minister or the Parliamentary

Sccrctery concerned.

Mr. Speater : The question is :

Tbat for sub'rul: (1) of Rulc 140 of tbe Bulu,

thc following bc subltitutcd, namcly :-

"(1) Tho businoss of thc Committee aod tbe

agcode for cach mcctiog of tbc Committoe shalt

bc dotermiocd by the Cbairmao of thc CoE'


The motion was lost

Mr. Sperker : Ncxt amcndrncnt by Mr. Hamza, Mr. Farooqi, Major-

Muhammad Aslam ian ; they are not present. I wilt now put tbe rulc'.

TDequeslion is :

That Rulc lll(} bo epDroved.

The motion was carried

Molih Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, I will be moving my ametrdmcnt in

Rulc lEl.

Mr. Speatrer : Alright ; I will put Rulca 140 to 179 to votc ; the

question is :

That Rulcs 1$ to Rulc 179 bo approvod.



The motiod was carried.

?040 pi,ovrNctAL AssEMBLy oi wBsf pAKrsrAN [5rn luxr, 1968

Mr. Speaker : Rule 180. The question is:

Tbat Rule t80 be approved

The motion was carried

Mr. Speaker: Rule l8r. Malik Muhammad Akhtar

Miuister for Law : Sir, if you .will kindly excuse me, I will pointout that Rule 179, has bcen dcleted according to the recommendation ofthe Second Special Comrnittee. Therefore, the announcemenr that Rules

140 to 179 stand approved, will have to be modified.

Mr. Speaker : Whatever has been reportcd by the Committee, thathas been approved. We are approving the recommendation of thc Com-

mittcc and these will be re-numbered accordingly, Yes Malik MuhammadAkttar.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, t bcg to movc :

That in sub.rule (l) of Rule l8l [of the Rules,

thc full-stop appearing at the end bc replaced by a

colon and the followiog proviso be added tbcrc.

aftcr, namely :-

"Provlded tbat if 0vc Mcmbcrs cxpress their

desiro to speak, thc Speeker shall declaro tbat tbe

motion is ao iofringement of tho right of


Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is :

Tbat in sub.rule (1) of Rule l8l of tbe Rulcs,

the full-stop appeariog at thc €Ed bo rsplaccd by





a coloo and thc followiog proviso be added tberc'

after, oamcly :-'


"Provided lhat if fivc Members express thei(

dcsire to speak, thc Spcakcr Shall declare that the

EotioD is an infriogemeot of the right of


Minister for Law : Opposed.

Malik Muhammarl Akhter (Lahore ' Il) : Sir, Rule 181 providct that

if at any time after a question has been proposed, a Member may rise in

bis placc and movc that tbe question bc put. Io that case, the questioo

will be put forthwitb. This is a very wide powcr and I consider that at

eny timeby moving this motion, the entire amendments can be just.ruled

out of ordcr. This is Sir, a very harsb provision and I have tried to

amend this by moving a closure. May I refer, in this connection, to thc

practice obtaining in democratic countries ? In 1917, in American

Senate, Henry Clay attempted to revivej previous question and all efforts

failed to rcmedy obstruction in the Senate. Then in 1917, Rule No. XXIIwhich permitted closure, was adopted. Rule of 1917, provcd ineffcctive

and it was invoked l9 times between I9l7 and I949 and after that it was

amended. Even in that Rule in which closure was sought, it was provided

that a two-third majority shalt be required to movc such rule and this

rulc was done away with altogether irr t9.{7 by an amendment. I mean to

say that we do fied such rules of closure in Arnerican Seoate but it has

bcen used vcry sparingly. Theref,ore , there is a proviso that Rule cao

ooly be used if therc is support of the majority of two-third Members of

the House. So Sir, I consider rhat this Rule could be abused maoy times

and this is my suggestcd amendment on this Rule.

Mr. Speaker : Tbe qucstion is :

That in sub-rulc (l) of Rule l8l of thc Buloc,

tho full.rtop rppoariog tt tbecoU bo roglrcod by e "


7042 pRovrNcIAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN [5rn ruHn, 1968

colon eod tbo followiog proviso bc added thcrc-

after, oamcly :-

"Providcd tbat if 6ve Mombers exprcss thcirdcsirc to epoak, tho Spcakor sbell declarc that thc

molioD il ao iofringemcnt of thc right ofminority.".

The motlon was lost

Mr. Speater : Next amendmcnt No. 106

Melik Muhammad Akhtar : Not moviog Sir

Mr. Sperker : The question ie:

That Rulc l8l be approvcd.,

The motion was carried.

Mr. Spcrter : Rule 182. Thc qucstion is :

That Rulo 182 bc approvcd.

The motion was carried

Mr. Speaker: Rulc 183. Malik Muhammad Akhtar

Malil Muhrmmad Akhtar : Sir, I beg to move

Thot in sub.rulc (2) ot B.ulo 183 of rhe Rulcs,for tho word "6ftecn" occurriog in lioo 9, lbc

sord "lhrco" bo rubrlitutcd,


Mr. Spcrker : . Amendmcnt moved is :





appcariog at the eod be rcplaccd by a coloo aad

tbc followiog provlso be addcd, namcly :-

"Provided that such actioo sh.ll bc dcemcdlto

havo bcen cerried only i[ aot te3$ than two-third

of 3hc mombers prercot in the Housc voto in ite


Mlnicter of Lrw : Opposed

Mrlil Muhemmail Akbtar (Lahorc-I[) : Sir, Rule 20C relates t.o

"Suspensioo of Rules" and it has been provided tbercin :

"Wheocvor rny iocoarirteocy or difrculty

rrircr lo tbc rpplicatioD of thctc rulec, roy Mom-

bor may, with the coorcot of tbc Speekcr, Eovc

tbrt auy rulc nay bo suspeodcd ia itr rpplicrtion

to r particular Eotioo beforo tho Asscmbly and ifthc motion ir carried thc rule iu qucrtion rhall

rtaod suspcodcd."

Sir, this is a very very wide rule. By mcre motion of a Membcr tbo

entirc Rulcs of Procedure of thc Assembly cao be suspended and the

Aescmbly can conduct its business. Sir, whatever wc havc been doing,

whatcvcr wc havc passed that is all lost and negatived by mcrely onc

Rule i.e. "suspension of rules". Sir, may I quote from the domocratic

couotries what is the practice over there and you will 6od that therc will

be tomc restrictions on the suspension o[ rules. There is a quotatirrn on

wbat Speakcr Loogworth eaid absut tbis procedure of suspension of

rulcs :

"suspcosion of ruloc ir oot a normal legisla-

tivo proccdurc. Io a scosci:isa trifleuofairio

that it limits dobrro rcd doer oot pcrmit thc rigbt

of an amendmcnt. But there are timcl wbca rus'

pca.rioo of tbo rules is vitally neccssary to dirprtch

Dublia burinbls, lnd tho Cheir must utc hil dit' '

7048 pRovtNctAL ASSEMBLY oF wBsT rAKISTAN [5rH ruxr, I96g

crction, wheo hc bolieves it ir io tbe iorerest of alarge majority of rhe Houre.

Anotbcr mcmber of lhc Rulcs Committee,' Mr. Colmer, exprcsted his rcscolment against ,.thc

high'haodcd totalitariao Ecthods'emploled hereio gaggiog us into takiog thc Bill ag it w83 writtcnby thc Pcotagoo brar: with oo opportunityafiorded for needod ancodmeots or froe dobate.

Thcre le neither rbymo, reatoo nor prccedent forthis actioo. This ir a major piccc of legistationwhich should be coosidercd under tbe normal rulcsof the House aod thcre is absolutcty oo neccsgitv

for a rurpcorioa of tbe ruler. The geatlcmen.io-

charge of tbir Bill could havc appearcd before tbo

Rulcr Committco.at aoy timc duriog tho past wcck

aod rccured to opcD ,rule for tbe coosideration ofthir imporlrot.Bill."

so, sir, after giving this quotation I would stress that there are pro-visions for suspension of rules aod thc provisions even in the House ofRepresentatives relating to which I havc made a quotation beforc thisaugust House is that it is suspended by a majority of two-thirds nototherwise.

,.Mr: Speaker : The question is :

That in &ule 200 of the Rulcs, the full.stopappeariog at the eod be replaced by a colon aod

the following proviso be added, oamety :-

"Provided tbBt such action shrll be deemcd tohavo been carried ooly it'lot tcrs than two.third ofthe membcrs proseDt in thc Housc votc in itsfavour."

The motion was losr




MrliE Muhronrd Akhtnr : N.l more {rncndm;nt from mc Sir.


Mr. Sperler : Tbe qucstioo is-

''Tbrt Rote 2()0 be approvcd.

The motien was carried

Mt. Sperker : Rulo 201. The,qucstion is-

, Elat Rulo 201 bo rpprorrcd

'The molbn wos camicd.

Mr. Speeker : -Schddules I to V. The qucstion is*

Thrt Ecbedulca I ro V be eDDrovcd.

The motion was eanied.

Mr. Spcrter : Rulc 5 pleasc.

Mlnl*er of Lew : Sir I beg to movc-

That for Rule 5, tho followiog rulcr, bc

sub3titutcd, oamcly : -

"5. (lr Aftcr a geoeral clectioo and until tbc

first Eeetiog of the Asscmbly after such clection,

'apcrroo clcctcd as a Membermaymakebcfore"tbo outgoing Speaker or any "outgoiog Dcputy{sprrter'oonloacd by' rho outgoing 6perLcr, tbo

"oclh rit out io' thc First Sc-tcdulc to tbc eoo-

rtilutioo applicablo to c Membcr.

(2) ?bo -outtoiog Spcalor, ifhc ber boeo rc-

clccted to tbc Asrcobly, shatl takc tho oath rst..oulJothc Fint .scbcdulo;.to thc .Coortitutloo for.,r tfembrr of tn ,ArctpUy bdorc.lbc oqttoiot





?0.50 pRovrxct^L AsJrltDLY oP wEsr PAKIsTAN [5rn luNe, lg6t

Seoior Deputy Speaker, and if he be absent be-

fore rhc outgoiag othcr Dcputy Speaker'and in the

abseoce of both of tbem bcfore tbe M€mber

oomioated by the Govcroor under rulc 8 (2).

(3) At the flrrt mcetiog of the Assembly after a

gcocral cleclioo, tbe oatb set out io the First

Schedule to the Coostituti,rn for a Member of atAssornbly rball be admioistcrcd separately to each

pcrron electcd to tho Alsembly wbo is present has

oot already taken tiro oatb, by tho outgoing

Spcakcr, and io his absenco by the outgoing

Scnior Deputy Speaker, aod if he too be abeent,

by lhe outgoing othcr Deputy Spcakcr, and if all

of lhem be absent, by tho persoo elected as Mem-

ber aod nominated by tbc Govoroor under

rulr 8 (2).

14) Aoy persoD clect.d to the.Assembly wbo

hal not rlready takco the pcrsqibed oath undcr

the provisions ofsub-rule (1) or sub-rule(2), may

do eo bcfore tho Speakcr or any of the Deouty

Spcakors oominqtcd by thc Speaker.".

Mr. Speakcr : Amendmont moved, the question' is-

That for rule 5, the followiog rule be substi-

tuted, namoly :-

"5. (l) Afrer a gcoeral elccticn aod untill

thc 6rst meetiog of tbe Acsembly aftcr such elec-

tioo, a person clccted as a Mcmbcr may makc

beforo tho outgoiog Speaking or aoy outgoiog

Deputy Speaker nomioatcd by the outgoing

Speaker, tbe oath set out in the First Schcdule to

tbo Coostitution appticablo to a Member,

(2) Tbe outgoiog Spcaker, if he has been tc.clectod to the A.rombly, rball tako tbo oath sct





Tbat in cub'rute (2) of Rulo 183 of tbo Rulct'

for thc rord "fiftcen" ocaurring io lioc 9' thc gord

"tbree" be substitdted.




Minister for Law : OPPosed.

Maltk Muhaomail Ahhtar (Lahore' II) : Sir, Rulc 183 rclatcs to tho

powcrt of rhe Speaker to order a Member to withdraw from thc sittings

of thc Assembly, and, Sir, it has been provided that if a Mcmbcr

repoatcdly obstructs the procecdings the Speaker may direct a Mcmbcr lo

cbscnt himself from the meetings of the Assembly for a period oot loBger

than fiftccn days. and the Member so directed shall absent himsclf ac'


Sir, this is a very barsh provision' In thc hoat of thc moment a

Msmber,c cooduct mry become so disorderly that he may be ordercd to

quit the Housc and, Sir, normally after a day or two tho mcmbcr m8y

cooldownaodruchalongperiodofabsenccistodeprivchimfromtboright of rcprcscntatioo of hir conStituents and fiftecn days is the meximum

timit and I have madc an amendment (if it is approved by thc Housc)

thrt ao Member should be ordered to abstain from the sittiogs of

rhc Assembly under the directions of the Speaker for more t'oru thrcc


Mr. SpeaLer : The question is :

That io sub.rulo (2) of Rulc 183 of tho Rulcl,

for thc rord, "6ftcon" occurrlog io lloo 9, tbo

word "thrcc" bc eubstitutcd.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Speeker : Amendment No : l0E.

Matlk Muhrmocd Alhtar: Not moviag.

t!fr. Sperker : No : 109

foq+ moirrci* rssiui*t or *asr pr{,rrrex 15ru iuna, tl6a

Malit Muhemmed Akhtar : Not moviog

Mr. Speaker: The question is :

Tbat Rulc lE3 bc approved.

Thc motion was carried.

Mr. Sperker : Rulc 184. Thc question is :

'Tbat Rule 184 bc approvcd.

The motion was carrleC.

Mr. Spceker : Rulc lE5. Thc question is :

That Rulc 185 bc approved

The molion was carried.

Mr. Speeter : Rulc t86. Amendmcnt No : ll0.

Malit Muhamnad Akhtrr : Not moving

Mr.Spealer: No: lll.

Mrlik Muhemned Alhter : Sir, I bcg to moye :

Thrt .ftu cub-rulc (2) ot Rulc l8d of rho Bulor,thc followin3 be eddcd, ntmoly :-

'.(3) Tbc aittio3 of thc Arrombly rbrll notordiorrity bc bcld in locrct but recrct rittiog rob.jcct lo tbo provirioa of rub.rule (l) may bo hrtd if




6nerr nuiud or i'He pnovtiidrri rsseilsLr oF *est pAKtsrAN z0os

a proclamation of cmorgcncy hrr boen made undcr

Article 30 of tho Conrtitutioo or lbcrc ic en ioni-oeDt dangcr of war.".

Mr. Sperker : Amendment moved is :

Tbat aflcr sub.rulc (2) of Rulo 186 of tbc

Rulcs, the followiog be addcd, namcly :-

"(3) The sittiog of rbc A*embly rball oot

ordinarily be hcld in secrct bul sccrct rittiog rub-ject to the provisioo of rub'rulc (t) may bo bcldifa proctemation of omergcncy brs bcen oadc uader

Arriclc 30 of tbe Conrtitution or tbGre is an imoi-Dcot dlo8er of rrr.".

Minlster of Law : Opposcd.

Mrlik Muhammad Alhtar (Lahore-Il) : Sir, t bcg to rertrict tbc

powcrs of ihc House of holding sccret sittiogs. You will apprcciate that

the only forum in this Province is this sacred Hou$e, this august Ilouse.

We ars privileged under Articlc I I I of the Constitution. Wc can criticisc.

Ofcourse wc havc got our own code ofhonour. Wc are bound by tbat.

Otherwise, believing honestly, whatcver is corrcct rye can do constructivc

criticism in thc Houee. lf criricism is made secret and thc Prcss is not

allowed to attend and rcport and if our constitucnts arc not thcrc tocriticisc us and to scrutinise our conduct I consider all the functioos, sllthc affeirs and all the purposes for which this Legislaturc has been con-

stitutcd would bc lost So, I seck to move this amendment.

Mr. Sperher : The question is :

Thal aftcr rub.rulc (2) of Rulc lE6 of thc

Ruler, tho followiog bo addcd, nlmcly :-

'"1(3) Tbc'sittiag of rho rdsrobly cholt not

1A$ pRovtNCl^L AssEItIBLY of wlsr f^KlsTAN [5rn Junr, 1968

ordinarily be beld in secret but secret sittiug rub.

jcct to the provision of sub-rule (l) oay bc bcld ifa proctamation of emcrgeocy har becn mado uodcr

Articlc 30 of tbe Constitulioo or thcre is ao immi'

scot daoScr of war."

The motion was lost,

Mr. Speaker : The question is :

That Rulc 186 bo approved.

The motion was carrled

Mr. Speaker : Rulcs 187 to I99. Tho questjon is :

That Rulcs t87.199 be approvcd.

The motion was carried

Mr. Speaker: Rule 200. Arnendment No: ll2

Melik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, I beg to move :

That in Rule 200 of thc Rulcr, the full'rlopappearing at the cud bc rcplaced by a coloo and

tbc followiog proviso bc added, namcly :-

"Provided that soch sclioo lbrll bc dccmod to

hevo bcco corried ooly if not lcsr thao two'tbird of

thc mcmbors prcscol irn tbc Houlc votc io iltfavour.".

Mr. SpcaLer : Amendmcnt moved i3 :

That in Rule 2fl) of tbo Ruler, tbc full-rtop





out io tbe Firrt Schcdulc to tho Coottitution fora Mcmbcr of an Assembly beforc thc outgoiog

Scnior Dcputy Spcakcr, aod if ho bo abscot be.forc tbc outgoiog othcr Dcputy Speakcr, aDd iD

lhe abscoco of both of thcm bcforc rho Member

nominated by thc Govcrnor under rulc 8 (2).

(3) At the firrt mecting of the Arscmbly aftcra general clectioo, the oarh sct out in the First

Scbcdule to thc Constitution for e Mcmbcr of an

Ascembly sball bc adminirtcrcd separarcly to cacb

perron clectcd to thc A*cmbly whc is prelont

and has Dot slrcady taken tbe oath, by rho out-goiog Speaker, and in hit abseocc by the outgoiog

Seoior Dcputy Speakcr, aad if hc too bc abrcor,

by tbc outgoioj othcr Deptrty Spcekcr, aod it allof thcm bc abrent, Dy the pcrsoo olcctod ar Mcm-

bcr aod aooioatcd by tbe Governor undcr rutc

E (2).

(4) Aoy pcrgoo clcctcd to thc Arscmbly who

bas oot elready taLcn thc prercribed oath uodcr

tbo provicioos of sub-rulc (1) or cub.rulc (2). may

do go bcforo tho Spcaker or aoy of the Deputy

Spoekcrr nomlnatcd by thc Spcakcr."

The molion was corried.

Mr. Spccter : The qucstion is-

Tbat Rulc 5, ac rubstituted, bc approvcd.

The motion was cafiied.

Mr. Sperkcr : Rule I plcase.

lltinldrr of Ltr : Sir I beg to rnova.-

?052 lnovlNctAL AssEMBLy Or WBST PAKISTAN [Srn luxr. l96t

That for 6ub.rule (l) of rule 8, thc following

gub.rulc bc substitutcd, namelY :-

"(l) At the first mecting of thc Assembly after

a 3cneral clcction aod aftcr tbo pcrrons clected

al Mcmbcrs, who are praseut and havc oot al'

roady takeo thc oath, havc takeo thc oath, thc

Aescmbly sball bcfore procccding to thc dcpatch

of eoy other buliness, procccd to elcct tbc

Spcaker ia tbc following 'raoocr.".

Mr. Speeker : Amendment movod, the question is-

That for sub-rulc (l) of rulo 8, tbo followiot

rub.rulo bo subrutitutcd, oaoclY :-

"(ly At tbo first Eccting of thc Aesembly

aftcr a geoeral clection esd after tbe persoo!

clectcd as Mcmbcru, wbo arc ptescoted and havc

aot alrcady takeo the oath, hrve takeo tbe oath,

tho Asrembly shall beforo procccdior to thc dcs'

patch of aoy othcr busiocss, procccd to clcct thc

Spcaker in the followiog maonor.".

Thc motion u'as carried

Mr. Speaker : Ncxt amendment Plcase

Minitster of Law : Sir I beg to move-

That in rule 8, after sub-rulc (1I) th,c follo-

wing cxplaoatioo be added, aamelY :-

"EXPLANATION.-For the purposes of sub.

rule (3), (4) and (11,, 'Member' 'iocludes a persoo

ekcted as a Membcr.".

l\Ir. Speaker : The sub-iule (2) says that "the meetiDg of the Assembly

oball bc presidcd over by the outgiong Speaker, and it he be absent by

thc outgoing Scoior Deputy Speakcr, aod if he too be absont,. by thc





sutgoiDgo|herDeputySpeaker,buiincaseallofthcmbeabscnt,thcEc€ting sball be presided over bf such Member as may be nominatcd by

tbe Governor for that purposc". Should it not cover (2) also' becausc

hc sould nominate a Membcr......

Mioister of Law : Yes Sir, therefore, it should be Bxplanation

for (2), (3), (4) and (ll).

Mr. Spcaler : Amcndmcnt moved, thc qucstioo is-

Tbat io ruto 8, after sub'rulo (ll), thc follo'

ring crplaaation be addcd, oamelY :-

"EXPLANATION.-For tbe purpocer of rub'

rula (2), 3, (4) aad (11), 'Mcmbcr' includer a

pcrsoo clcctcd as a Mcmbcr."-

The motlon was canied

Mr. Speatcr : Tbc question is-

Tbat Rulc 8, as arnendcd, be approvcd'

The motion was carrted.

Mr. SpcrLer : Rule l. Thequestion is-

Thrt Rulo I bo aPProvod.

Thc motion was carricd,

Mr. SDcaher : Ncxt motion Plcasc.

Minlrter of Lar : Sir, I move -That Draft Rulcr ot Proccduro ar epprovcd

b, tho Arscmbly bc tha Rulos of Proccdurc of rhc


?034 PlrovtNCIAt AssEuBLy ol wEsT PAktsTAN [5rn rutrn, 1968

Proviocial Assembiy of Wcrt Pakistan with cfrcct

from the lSth of Jull 1968.

Mr. SpeaLer : Motion moved, thc questioolis-

That Draft Ruler of Proccdurc ar approvcd

by thc Assoobly bc thc Rulcs of Proccdurc of thc

I'rovincial Asrcmbly of Wost Pakistan witb cffoct

fiom thc l5th of July 1968.

The motion was carried

Mlnister for Lew (Mr. Allah Bachayc Ghulam Ali Akhoud : Sir, Irire to conBrEtulate you on the slupeodous task that har been performed

during thir short time and under your very kind and ablc guidancc thirHouse has successfully passed thc rules which but for the cooperation ofatl the Members would have been very difficulr to perform within a short

spen of time. I will also congratutatc the distinguished Leader of tbo

House and the eminent Leader of Opposition and rhe Mcmbers of thc

Goycrnment sidc who bave tried their level best to sce that utmost

cooperatioo is lcnt in tbc passage of thcse rules and with the passage ofthese rutestlr is Assembly will turn a new lcal of lifc. I hopc and pray thatthese rules will hold ground for a long, long time to come and theArembly sball continue to be guided and govcrned by these rules whichwill help it in making the best possiblc laws and thc bcst possiblcstatutes for the Provlrcc and by thesc the Province will gain. I hope

cvcrything that has bcen said will be forgotten aud wc will turn a ncwlcaf of life witb thc passagc of thcse rules.

Oncc again, I thank you, Sir, for your kind cooperationsnd I thank everybody on bcbalf of myrolf, on behalf of rhc Mioisterrand on behalf of the Government. Bverybody has done bir bcstin this regatd. May God guide ur all along the right lines.

rf 4:. /b .f 6r:1. jtq$qf .llll E-,rt;& - S,.. ,rfqb ,$ ,h, rq {.rk q1 €....li t5 0l-,r- j}u ssl6,.lre1r a iy{ 5 ttla;. \t.* r rlli t J:.-l ,{ * ir. X* rr 6I .f d}r


bR^fT Rt]Lgs oT IgE Pf;ovINcIAL AssEi{BLY dF wEsT PAKIsTAN ,IO;5

r^ I K;>Uit vi'.ri,itrl (Jrjto g: iT.r+).*, *.rl .lr-.O

v:$ It L f{ d"l ue, roU ,el ;.r;l L ""3\ Lo*il Lf ott L)-rru

Kr,6t ra3 ;el !t..,r d:t'j ls* ls* f I t{ b; f dr..iL, .ilritt -

,f h.lt; r rrl, E. ..r\*t rf t"f r*ly ir. "t 2 tsj,6l "f q ts.

F0;u rjr .rh r ey.rl qr - #b 2.t f i,t * ^.f { as\.-l a. t>l1i t ft{.1r| .:}fi .atr. 2 Otrrl ,f Oh ot;u J, 4Lt.:i Orti 2s, itt s.1j b- o'!U 3t Z O:;r..f cJei.e.r 131 ;.ril f-.f Jti.r ct; i.Jr{-l J, C ,U,Fa. jf *-,r,.f ,..-.-151

dJi" O.9a b3* J- C s& K -lr,:J.l ,-,;r .rlti wh oy .i)[l f !,rl

d.94 L':+T* gn .pl ti C,Jt*, ,i{,W c* l{S a:t L+l v1 e g.n 2kg4o.- (4, .,+lJ$l E. ;4"{ - ULy ,a; al3lri k lJ "LJ. n lOSSl ,rd

E ,;.1.1rl [f Z os,,ll .3 tai t5- ea i1[:il C,f a nf t + ,{ O:,t

,rjt ,ff 131 gtr .;rl.1"ril L ,r,\"{ t+r cSr*rs s# ;G j} Kril .r>te

(fli q, Jrl *) f ')2t\13) r.rsly 4l n J)\" {r, t-r-^.r r.r.

e*J:5- o91 j;{ $.a yl oy cs9;* ."r' { +-l* r:d.l ,r-:=.l.(L;19L

ct Uf ;.* w if * L 4t*: -rclei 4l zstt 2 oxut clrt i r:et*.. ,:lW 2 rS:ft ^5- .ffr

jy'. { ,>:,r*,,.f ,.ll ql - t€i LJb GJt

se lrr: - W U, .,l:[:;l'tlt ,l ,.r.1 r.5 &s:$ 2.{ )a * oJ ff )ss s # z, dri.l nf + urrrru € tfr t.(J t5JJ K,-r.rt

,r'jl .pl .=. .-b .I r,,ll:ll ,-,.. Ur uinr 2 O:Ct r.trt i b:.pl t3f ;K

S ON0.p. (grjb 1.tj cap .pl oNVf l.rl ar(a Kcll .e..rt")tl ;l .Afi rJt1.1 ol rlf f tY ,.rt E f ";..* .Li I cr3{.|

Li&?* r.r. uJ t{ Ltlt) s ;rt!i Z,l e"t ,S + ht & gr. u.4 G,I

K.rr-7tr f.ri .;:r* ,rl frl tf f{ *- r::rq. u"r 2 F S ,5.1,



7056 pRovrNclAl ASSEMBLY Or wEsT PAKISIAN [5rs ruNs, 1968

JL t" JL )e z sr,t ef t{ E #14 1,U 2Jt3 /T .r:!Lr tf .rkLl

.;rzt,s d c* A )ss a*t c: -'t 05J I +)T 2, j, o.

jlt'r.Irr - 2b [l:1 .2:;f .1rl ta3l f ,it "S + .rtf ,5 ,]rf s:t

f \t* 3 .rr,l3i rrl dt- L 4t,K.rtrj pr "f z|j &.o,&'r' ur-.1

a..)ti a)t6.rslel 1,t .eJ- Gtss:{ 5.-l*l :rj_,:.;

Minister for Law : Sir, I will be failing in my duties if I do not

pay compliments for the hard work that has been done by the Secretary

of the Astembly and the Joint Secrctary of tbe Law Department, namcly,

Mcsrs Muhammad Iqbal chaudhri and Z. A. channa. They have bcen

ofutmost help and cooperation and at cvery step they have guided tbc

Committee rigE ly and properly.

Mr. Speaker : The House is adjourned to meet again tomorrow, the

6tb June, 1968, at 8.00 A.M.

Thc Assembly then adiourned (at 9.15 p.m.) till 8.00 a.m. on Thursday,

the 6th June, 1968,






(Ref : Starred Question No. 10861)



t. Traffic Cbecking : Home Department may be requestcd to direct

Supcrintendents of Policc to co-ordinate their traffic checking programme

and to detail Deputy superintendcnts of Police and higher officers to car'

,y out frequent surprise checks to supervise the work of the Police stafr do-

ing trafic checking.

. 2, On the spot prosecutions and imposition of heavy fines :

(i) Home Department may be requested to ask Traffic Magistrates

to keep strict watch on the activity of the staff attached with them and to

make personal verification of the alleged violations pointed out to them at

tbe spot.

(ii) Heavy fines are oecessary and the cxisting system of recover}

of fine should continue.

3. Receipt for fine : Home Departmemt may be asked to arrange

lupply of reccipt books to Traffic Magistrates in sufficient quantity. In-

otcad of couut€r.foil, carbon copies be provided'


may take necessary Eteps to fix responsibility of transporters in traffio

cases by calling represcntative of ,{.I.G. (T) or by other means'

5. I[arning in traffic irregularities : No such provision in thc law'

Police staff is, howcver, already doiog so under executive instructioos.

May lcave it to Magistrates' discretion not to proceed against offenders

dctectcd committing very mioor irregularity'

6. Challans in cascs of fatal accidents : Unqualificd driver or drivers

whosc driving liccnces have been canoelled/suspended involved in fatal

?058 pRuetNCtAL AssEMBLy oF WEST PAKTSTAN [5rn ruNe, t g6g

accidcnts may be charge-sheeted under section 304, p. p. c. similarlya driver who brings on road a mechanically defective vehicte knowingit to bc mechanicatly defective may be prosecuted likewise. ordinarilysection 304-A , P.P. C. applied. Investigating officer may, howcver, ex-

ercise his discretion in such cases.

7. H. T. V. .driving: After obraining a L.T.V. licence if a per-son drives a heavy transport vehicle continuously for two years on lea.rncr's licencc, he may be issued H. T. V. licence.

8. Grant of fresh permits : (i) Law Department may be asked toexpedite publication of west Pakistan Motor vehicles Rules which inc-lude rules regarding the procedure for conducting surveys.

(ii) Preference in the matter of grant of permits be given to large-

eizcd transport companies.

(iii) R. T. As be directed to fix the numher of permits ro be gran-ted on a particular route for atleast oneyear.

9, Temporary permits : committee approves instructions issuedby the Provincial rransport Authority, west pakistan in this regard.

10. Formation of sizeable transport companies : (i) prefcrence inthe matter of grant of route permits be given to sizeable companies.

(ii) Subletting of route permits be curbed by restricting issue of ro-ute permits to such vehicles which are exctusively owned and possess-ed by grantee.

(iii) Replacement of vebicles for cogent reasons alone be allowe l.

ll. Plying of buses without route permits: Registration of a busin the narnc of a company/individual be allowed on production ofrouto permits only.

12, Timc table for stage carriages: (i) R. T. As be direcred to.fixtime tables and altocate timings to various buses by draw of lots wirhin

fa pcriod of thrce months.





(ii) Draw of lots sbould be held evcry year




(iii) Time tables should be promiocntly displayed.

13. Bus Stand : (i) B. D. Department may be asked to dircct local

bodics to set up stands where tbere is no gencral bus stand.

(ii) Association of traosporters be asked to direct local bodies to set

up stands where there is no general bus stand or where local bodies arc not

willing to set up bus stands.

(iii) Establishment of 'D' class stands by individual operators be


14, Bus Fares : P. T. A. Wcst PakistaD may be directed to $ubmit

a report within a period of four months on thc dcsirability of any incr-

erse in thc prcsent rates of bus fares.

15. Loading capacity of trucks : (i) P. T. A. Wcst Pakistan tray

be asked to rc-check manufacturers' specifications and raise tbe load-

ing capacity to that cxtent but not beyond that.

(ii) Fixation of extra springs to carry more load be stoppcd.

16. Speed limits of trucks : Subject to local rcstrictions P. T. A.

West Pakistan may be arked to increase speed limit of trucks to 40 m.p.h.

on an expcrimental basis on Peshawar-Lahorc-Multan-Karachi road.

17. Hcight of trucks: No. rclaxation should be giveo. Howevcr.

P. T. A. may appoint a tecbnical committec to advise on tbe desirabitity

of extcnding thc bclght limit.

18. Rationalization of goods tran$port : P- T. A., West Pakistan

bc asked to enforcc rules relatiog to Goods Forwarding Agencies ae soon

ar poerible.

19. Import of sparc psrts on commercial licences : Transport Pla-

nniog Ccll may uemioe thir lrrua rnd make neccaoary recommpndat-i

iooa to Cootro.





20. Dicsel duty : Demand for decrease in duty on diesel is not


21. Modet restrictions : (i) R. T. As be directed to witbdraw these

restrictions as these are illegal.

(ii) A. I. G. (T) to direct M. v. Es to bc vcry careful in the inspe'

ction of vehiclee of older models.

22. Passengers for short distances : (i) R. T. As bc directed to ad-

vise transportcrs to arrange way side booking booths'

(ii) Complaint books should be maintained by all stage carriages.

23. No. seats for Children : R. T. As and Traffic Police be direc-

ted to strictly deal with it as it is illegal.

24. Training for drivers/conductors : P. T. A,, West Pakistan to

evolve procedure.

25. "Naka System" in Hyderabad and Khairpur Divisions : B' D'

Department may be directed to ensure that Government orders regard-

ing abolition of this system are implemented immediatcly by the conc-

erned Municipal Committees.

26. West Pakistan Bus Stands and Traffic Control (Gujranwala)

Ordinance, 1963 : (i) It should continue.

(ii) R. T. As may advise the operators to ensure that.the entrance

gates of buses are closed while passing througlr the specified areas.

(iii) G. M. Gujranwala may be asked to personaUy deal with

caser regiaterod under thls Ordloanco, to ensure feir trcatment to acc-

uoed parties.

27. Free travel by Policc Offioials,in Buees : (i) Finaucc l)epart-

mcrt mrt br uhd to glve adequatu fundr'to Ptltee Depgrtnleoi. :i

^PPBNDiT( ?061

(ii) Homc Dcpartmcot may bc asked to provide for tavel vouch-

crs to be issucd to Policemen dcsirous of travelling in buscs.

28. Labour Laws : Labour lawt io respect of the tranrport workers

should be cffcctively cnforccd and for this purpose adequate staff be

given to Labour Departmeot.

29. Rc-organization of thc Transport Department : (i) Transport

Departmeut bc askcd to cxpedite implcmcntation of itr reorganization

scheme to as to etrsurc co-ordinated cfforts in the field of transport.

(ii) Financc Dcpartmcnt may bo rcquested to create requisitc num-

bcr of posts for thc ncw sct-up.




(Ref : Starred Question No. I1249)

Ststement showing thc Route Pcrmits gianted by the Regional Transport Authority, Lahore in its meeting held

on 17, 18 H and 27th January, '1968, alongwith complele addresscs of the Srantees.








Name of the Company LiBited/Rcgistcred

Route No. ofpermitsgranted

I 32 4 5

I Kamal Transport Co., Badami Bagh, Lahore.

2 M/s. Shami Bus Service, 127 - Shahrah-e-Shami,

Lahore Cantt.

3 Alumi Transport Co., 15 - C Gulbcrg II, Lahore.

4 Noman Bus Scrvice 3 - Shadman Racc Course,


Lahorc to Gujranwala










5 AzizBbatti.shaheed Bus Service, 60 ' Sbahrah'e-

Sarwar, Lahore Cantt.

6 J.B. Transport Co.,52'F Gulberg III, Lahore.

? Al-Afzal Transport Service, 59 - Ghulam Rasul

Buildings, Badami Bagb, Lahore.

8 Ittefaq Transport Co., 90 - Railway Road, Lahore'

9 Sarrar Shahccd Transport Co', Race Course,


Anwar Treneport Co., Badami Bagh, Lahore'


Lahore to Gujrat


Lahore to Qadarabad li,.



Lahorc to Rawalpindi


Kasur to Pattoki


Kasur to Usmanwala







Shaban Transport Co., 9?, Ferozepur Road, Lahore'

Anwar Transport Co., Badami Bagh, Lahore'

Fazal Transport Co., Pattoki.

Asgar Ali Transport Co. care of Ch' Shah

Muhammad, Usoanwala District, Lahore'

Tariq Ismail Transport Co., 19' Birdwood Road,










{.c,o\l5 Limitcd Kasur to Usmanwala

I 2 3 4 5







Tahir Islam Bus Service, General Bus Stand, LimitedLehore.

Haidcr Transport Co., House No. I Gali No. 27, RegistercdChowk Rajgarh, Labore.

Pal Roadway Transport Co., g, Shafi Building,Badrmi Bagh, Lahore.

Hilal Motor Transport Scrvice, Gencral Bus Stand,Badami Ba3h, Lahorc.

Bluc Star Transport Service, General Bus Stand,Badami Bagh, Lahore.

Kasur to Raiwiod


Lahorc to Raiwind yia

Ali Razabad.




Lahore to Multan yra





















Lucky Fricnds, I I - T, Gulberg. Lahore.

Star Ligbt Transport Servicg 12 - Sulemrn prrh,Baghbanpura, Lahore.





Tariq Ismail Transport Co., 19, Birdwood Road, Limited


Now lttcfaq Traosport Co., Badami Bagh, Lahore''t

Khothar Transport Servicc 93, General Bus Stand, Rcgistcrcd

Brdaai, Bagh, Lahore.

Anwar Transport Co.r 679, Shadbagh, Lahore' Do'







Lahorc to D.G. Khan.

Lahore to Bahawalnagar

vfa Kasur DcPalPur.


Lahore to Babawalnagar

vra Sabiwal. Arifwala,


Lahore to Haroonabad

Labore to Halla

Lahorc to HarYana rra


Shcikhupura to Gujran-












Rcbmen Transport Sorvice, 14 - A, Peoplcs Colooy'


Malil Hayat Khan Transport Co', Village Gulliana'

District Lahore.

Khawar Transport Operators, 35/9 Jaswant Street'

Ramgarb, MughalPura, Lahore.

Nichan i-Manzil Transport Co' Sheikhupura'

The Noorari Bus Service, Sultanpura, Registered'










I 5432












Abid Transport Service, Braick Office, Shcikhupura.

Public Bus Service, Sub-C)ffice, Sheikhupura.

Bhawana Bus Service, G.G.Jhang Saddar.

Al Asar Transport Co. Near Excisc and Customs

Office, Kuchery Road, Sialkot.

Tahir Raza Transport Co., Kucbery Road, Jhang.

Darhal Transport Co., I03, Badami Bagb, Lahore.

Chohan Bus Service./P/ i87, Circular Road,Lyallpur.

Chaudhry Bus Service, Jhang Saddar.

Rana Transport Co., Bhai Pberu, Lahore.

I{cw Karwan Transport Co,, 66 - J, Model Town,Lahore.

Registe red










Sheikhupura to Jandiala

Sher i(han

Lahore to Jhang




Lyallpur to Cliishtian

via Chichawatni.














!i -{












Ihsan Trgnsport Co., 132, Multan Road, Lahorc.

Inayat Ullah Transport L'o., Chak 224lRB,


Ashraf Transport Co., 35iC, Peoples Colony,


Stara Raza Transport Co., T.T. Singh, Lyallpur.

Hamiyat Transport Co. Jinnah Colony, Lyallpur.

Tariq Saleem Transport Co., Lyallpur.

Faren Bus Service, 8iD, Samanabad, Laholc.

New Rajput Bus Transport Co., Sargodha.

Lali Transport Co., Village Kanwalwali, Jhang.

Hashmat Ali and Co., General Bos Stand, Lyallpur'


Lyallpur to Tandlianwala

via Samundri.




Lyallpur to Sargodha




Lyallpur to Sahiwal yia




















52 New Ittefaq Transport Co., Ward No' 6 Nankana

Sahib, District SheikbuPura.

53 Blue Bird Express Bus Service, Siddiqi street No. 7, Registercd





42 3 5

















Khalid Transport Co., 79, Multan Road, Lahore.

Kangra Bus Service, 160 Jinnah Colony, Lyallpur.

Iqbal Brothers Mai-di-Jhuggi, Lyallpur.

Jeranwala Transport Co., Jranawala.

Zamindara Bus Servicc, Gojra

Lyallpur Sahiwal Bus Service, ll.B, Temple Road,


Al-Afzal Transport Servico. 59, Ghulam RasulBuilding, Badami Bagtr, Lahore.

Awan Transportation, 1305/8, peoples Colony,Lyallpur.

Pak Shahcen Bus Service, 29/C, Satellite Town,Sargodha.















Lyallpur to Multan vra











A t












Tufail Shahcen Bus Scrvice, P.A.F., Lahore Cantt.

Raza Trrasport Co., Lahore Rcgistcrcd

Pakistan Lyallpur Samundri Transport Co., Limited


Chohan Bus Scrvice, Pll87, Circulor Road, Rcgistered


Niaz Bur Scrvicc, Gencral Bus Stand, Lyallpur. Limited

Pak Punjab Transport Servicc 441D, Pcoples Colony,


Zamiadua Bus Scrvicc, Goira.

Ncw Caravan Transport Company, 66/J, Modcl

Toio, Lahorc.

Kharal Transport Scrvice, Sycdwrla, District



Lyallpur to Sindhiliao-


Lyallpur to Chak 484 G.B, I


T.T. Sineh to Chicba-











Ditto I

I {o6\\o

Jaranwala to Sycdwala

542 3I





Muhammad Aslam Transport Co. 385, JinnahColony, Lyallpur.

Ali Transport Company, Civil Lines, Jhang Saddar. Registercd


Jhang to Multan vr4

T.T. Singh Ch;cha-



Sargodha to Rawalpindi

via Chakwal-Sohawa.

Sargodha to Chak ll3 via

Chak No. 104 N.B.

Sargodha to Bhera yfa


















Chohan Bus Service, P/ 187, Circular Road,


Soan Valley Transport Company, Village Jubb,


Sajjadia Transport Co., Block No. 23, Sargodha.

Aamir Transport Co., Limited Sargodha.

Bundial Bus Service, Qaidabad, Sargodha.

tslue Bird Exprcss Bus, Siddiqi Street H. No. 7,

P.O. Ferozcsons, Lahore.











Registe red


a1. t

&) Ncw Shahecn Transport Co., Chakwal Do

Jehanzeb Transport Co. 55, Lawreuce Road,


Al Munir Transport Co. Badami Bagh Lahore. Registercd

Blue Bird Express Bus, Lahorc.

Noor Bus Service, General Bus Stand, Sargodha Do

Bhawana Bus Servicc, Jhang.

Muslim Bus Service, 106/A, Satellite



Shan-i-Amir Transport Co. Sargodba.

Bundial Bus Scrvice, Qaidabrd Sargodha.













Sargodha to Choasaidan



Sargodha to Gujrat


Sargodha to Jhang


Jamil via Jauharabad

Chak 16 S.B. via Chak Is.B.

Mianwali to Multan via

Darya Khan












89 New Bundial Bus Scrvice, Sargodha.

99- Mianwali Transport Co.,Isakhel Group, Mianwali.



I 42 3 5

91 Amjad Transportation Co, 65/A, Fcrozepur Road, Limited


Hamid Bus Service, Mianwali Registered


Mianwali to WAPDA

Camp Kundian.

Mianwali to Talagrng

Bbakkar to Karor via

Serai Krisbana.

Unchhali to Rawalpindi















New Indus TransPort, Lahore.

Bhakhar TransPort Co, Bhakkar.

Salt Range Transport Co', Sargodha.






{ {



(Rcf : Starred Question No. ll3l4)





Namc of ComPanY No ofpermits


Name of Route'uEE2Ux


I M/s. New Sarhad Transport Co' Gunjmandi'


Z M/s. Kherian Bus Service Limited, Kharain'

: M/s. Rizwan Transport Servicc' l5E5' Deans Street'


4 M/s. Pindi'Ilazara Transport Co' Limited'


3 Rawalpindi to Lahore.



Rawalpindi to Lyallpur via Gujranwala






2I 3 4 5

5 M/s. Sbabzada Transport Co. Registered, Rawal-


6 M/s. Khalid Transport Co. Rcgistered, Gujranwala.7 M/s. Muhammad Yar Transport Co. Registered,

Haripur (Hazara) Sub-Office Rawalpindi.

8 M/s. Agba Bus Service, Registered, 313-E Pesbawar

Board, Rawalpindi.

M/s. Grand National Transport Limited, P.O. Box

No. 76, Rawalpindi.

l0 M/s. Eastern Transport Co. Registered, 4317,

Gowalmindi, Rawalpindi.

I I , M/c. Gujar Khan Rawalpindi Muslim Transport

Co. Limited, Rawalpindi.

t2 M/s Burhan Traosport Service, Limited The Mall,Wah Cantt.

M/s. Chachi Transport Co. Registered, Gorval-

mandi, Rawalpindi.

2 Ditto.

Rawalpindi to Gujranwala.



I Rawalpindi to Gumti via Chowk Pandari.


I Rawalpindi to Hazro via Hattiao.













Rawalpindi to Ghurghashti via Hattian.





t4 Mlc. Sher-c-Islam Bus Sgrvico Registercd Pul

Shah Nazar, Rawatpindi.

IJ M/c. New Pcryez ]lus Service Rcgistered, Thc Mall, I

Slah Cantt.

M/s. Aslam Transport Co. Ganjmandi of New

Hazara Goods Forwarding Agcncy, Rawalpindi.

l7 M/s, Kohisar Corporation Registered, Cll Satcllite

Town, Rawalpindi.

l8 M/r. Anwar Transport Co., Rawalpindi.

Bawalpiodi to Tarbela via Hattian-Ghur-



I Rawalpindi to Abbotabad via Lora.


1 Rawalpindi to Jabbar Drrwash via Rewat.


2 Wah-Cantt.-Sialkot via IVazirabed.

I Rawalpindi-Sialkot via Wazirabad.









M/s. Mirza Transport Co. Rcgistcred, C/1587 Sabri

Building, Saddar Baztr, Rawalpindi.

M/s. Burhan Transport Service Limited, The Mall,

Weh Cantt

Mir. Ncw Motors Service, Limitcd Liaqat Road,


M/s. Kamran Transport Scrvice, Edrvards Road,





22 Ditto.


j3.,I 54

Ibis Pak United Transport Co. Reg. Liaqat Road,


M/s. Sipra Bus Service, Registered, Dharckan

Kalan, District Gujrat.

M/s. Soldier Bus Service,

District Jhelum.

M'/s. Raja Aoar Khan and Co. Registered, Jhelum.

M/s. International Transport Eogineering Co.

Registered, Chakwal, District Jhelum'

Mis. New Shaheen


Transport Co. Registered'

Mls. Iqtjal Bus Servici, Registercd Mandi Baha'


Choa Saidan Shah I Jhelum Choa Saidan Shah-via Dhok Tahlian'



I Gujrat-Dharekan Kalan]via]Pharianwali.

Jhelum to Choa Saidan Shah via Chakwal


I Chakwal to Labore via Sobawa.

Serai Alamgir to Mandi Baba-ud-Din via

Kharian, Dinga.

















Mir. Fricndr Transport Society Llmitcd G.T. Road,

Lala Musa.

3t M/s. Mughal Mujahid Co, Rcgistcrcd, Rasool.

M/c Midway (Pakistan) Limitcd 10, Tbc Mall,Lahorc.

M/s. Fricndr Transport Socicty Limited G.T. Road,

Lala Musa.

M/s. New Shaheen Transport Co. Registcrcd


M/s. Friends Transport Socicty Limited G.T. Roed;

Lala Musa.


17 M/s. Faran Transport Co. Rcgistcred, Muslimabad,


3t M/s. Hilal Bus Scrvicc Limited, Gujrar.


I Kharian Cantt. to Lahorc.

Scrai Alamgir to Mandi Baha-ud-Din via

Kharian Dingar.

I Kharian Caatt. to Rawalpiodi


2 Chakwal to Sialkot via Wazirabad.

I Kharian Cantt. to Gujrat.

I [,ocal Omnibus within Kbarian Cantt

2 Gujrat to Tanda via Jalalpur Jattan.










2 Gujrat to Tanda vla Jalalpur Jattan.


39 M/r. Faran Transport Co. Registcred, Gujrat

M/s, Mustaqeem Bus Service, Rcgisrercd, Sargodha

Roed, Gujrat.

M/s. Fazal Transport Co. carc of Ch. Muhammcd

Akrum, Maudi Baha-ud-Din.

M/c. Indoncsia Bus Service, Registered, Maodi


M/r. Phrlia Bar Bus Service, Registered, Mandi

Baba-ud.Din, District Gujrat.

M/r. Kamran Transport Scrvice, Edwards Rord,


Gujrat to Miana Gondal via Phalia' Mandi






Gujrat to Labore.


















M/s Pbalia Corporation Limitcd, Gujrat

Y )

.( I

M/s. Uppal Tranrport Registered, 3612 Parade

R,oad, Rawalpindi.

Mis Haroon Bus Service, Registered, Circular Road,


M/s. New Gujranwala Bus Service, Gujranwala

M/s. Cheema Transport Co. Registercd, Wazirabad,

District Gujranwala.

M/s. Afzal and Brothers Transport Registercd, Bazar

K haradian, Gujranwala.

M/s Rabim Bukhsh Pchalwan Transport Co.

Talwandi Rahwali, Gujranwala.

M/s.'Mailsiphon Bus Service, Registercd, Qaid"

abad Colony.

I Gujrat to Lahore

Gujranwala to Karial Kalan via Naushera


I Ditto.

I Gujraowats to Qaidirabad.



I Ditto.












M/s. Taawccr Bus Service, Rcgistered,

Industrics, Estatc, Gujrenwala.



I 2 3 4























M/s. Ncw Kisan Bus Service, Registered MohallahBaban Bukhari. Hafizabad, Gujranwala.

M/s. Gujranwala Bus Scrvice, Registercd CivilLines, Gujraowala.

M/s. Khatid Transport Co. Registered Gujranwala.

M/s. Data Transport Registered 4l-A HardingRoad, Rawalpindi.

M/s. Haroou Bus Service, Registcred CircularRoad, Gujrat.

M/r. Tazgam Bus Service, Registered, Omar House

Murree, Branch Officc Satellite. Town, Gujranwala.

M/s. Chenab Valley Transport Co. Registercd,




Ditto.Gujranwala to Zafarwal via Daska Fasrur.




I Vane-kaGujranwala via Hafizabad

Y- )

{_ -Th

M/s. New Kisan Bus Service Registercd' Mohallah

Baban Bukhari, Hafizabad, District Gujranwala'

Ml:. Chenab Valley Transport Service' Rcgistered


M/s. Iftikhar Trarsport Co' Gujranwala'

M/s. Ncrry Parvez Bus Service, Regd', The Mall'

Wah Cantt.

M/s. Khalid Transport Co. Regd', Gujranwala'

M/s. Highway Transport Co', Regd', Rawalpiodi'

M/s. Kamran Transport Se-rvice, Bank Road'


M/s. Union Transport Service, Ltd', llS-Ravi Park'


M/s. Wcsiq Transport Co. Krishan Nagar No' ?'


Kot Nikka.-Nausheral'-Virkan][via Pindi

Bhattian. Jalalpur'Nau Hafizabad-Gujran-


I Kalo Tarar-Gujranwala via Hafizabad'

Gujranwala-Sialkot via Ghucnk



2 Sialkot-Labore via Sambrial


















\toF2 Dirro.

542t 3










?J M/s. Hussain Traosport Co. Regd., Sialkot.


M/s. New Sialkot Transport Co., Regd. Iqbal

Chowk, Railway Road, Sialkot.

M/s. Hazar Bus Service, Regd., Sialkot.

M/s. Bari Cheema Transport Co. Rcgd., Sialkot.

M/s. Malik Transport Co. Regd., Sialkot.

M/s. Sunbeam Transport Co. Regd,, Railway Road,


M/s. District Transport Co-operative Society, Ltd.,


2 Sialkot-Hcad Maral a via Gondal


Sialkot-Shakargarh via Pasrur.

I Sialkot-Satrah via Pesrur.


I Sialkot-Qila Sobba Singh.


I lVazirabad-Pasrur via Sialkot.













M/s. Kausar Exprees Bus Scrvice, Regd., Lalamusa.




{ -T



Ncw Attock Transport Co., Rcgd., Cambcll- I Rawalpindi Attock via Hattiao.

M/r. Tariq_ Farooq Transport Co. Rcgd., Gunj-

maodi, Rawalpindi.

I Rawalpindi-Campbcllpur via Hattian-Gondal.

M/s. Pindi Hazata Transport Co. Ltd., Rawalpindi. t




M/s. Khizri Traosport Co. Ltd., Rawalpindi. I Rawalpindi-Sialkot via Wazirabad.














M/0. Burhan Transport Scrvice, Ltd., The Matl,Wrh Cantt.

M/s. Ncw Mujahid Transport Co. Regd., Rawal-pindi.

M/s. Kausar Exprees Bus Service, Regd., Lalamusa.

M/s. Er-Serviceman Public Transport Co. Regd,,


M/s. Pindi Domcli Bus Service, Regd., Rawalpindi.

M/r. Iultraational Corporation, Regd., -33/C,Rewalpiadi.



I Rawalpindi-Domeli via Sohawa.


Wrhoola-Chakwal via CUoa Saiden Shab.



M/s. International Transport Engineeriog Co'

Rcgd., Chakwal.

M/s. Sikandar Bus Service Regd" Jhelum'

M/s. Kahoon Bus Service Regd" c/o Malik

Muhammad Afual, U/320, Nia Kotra' Rawalpindi'

M1s. Sikandar Bus Service, Rcgd', Jhelum'

M/s. Kahoon Bus Service Regd' clo Malik

Mubammad Afz'i, U/320, IIie Kotra, Rawalpindi'

M1r. N.* Jhelum Transport Co' Ltd', Jhelum'

M/s. Aftab Qamar Transport Co' G'T' Road'


3 4


t Wahoola'Jhelum via Choa Saidcn Sbah'


I Wahoola-RawalPindi via Sohawa























96. M/s" Saeed Ttausport Co. Rcgd., Jhelum'




Ia_ -r






M/s. Sultan Trarsport Co., Regd., Civil Lino,Jhclum.

M/s. Munshi Talib Hussain and Syed Ghulam

Sarwar Shrh Tranlport Co. Sobawa, District


M/s. Shabbir Transport Service,. Rcgd., 40/13

Lawrence Road, Rawalpindi.

r00 M/s. Gujrat Local Bus Service, Rcgd., Arya

Mohalla No. 2. II. No. H1273, Rawalpindi.

l0l M/s. Aftab Qamar Transport Company,G.T. Road,


102 M/s. Shahzad Bus Co. Regd., 301, Peshawar

Road, Rawalpindi

103 M/s. Shamim Interoational Transport Co. Regd.,

Gencral Bus Stand, Gujraowala.

Mfs. Daud Tranrport Co. Regd., Lahore.


I lhelum-Mirpur via Mangla-Dina.













l. 432

105 M/c. Harbmrt Ali & Co. Regd., Lyallpur.

M/s. Rcgal Traosport Service, Qila Didar Singh,Gujranwala.


I Gujrenwala-Sialtot via Sambrial.



I Gujranwalc-Sialkot via Sambrial


M/s. Punjab Public BT Scrvice, Rcgd., t44

Murrcc Road, Rawatpindi.

M/r. Noor Tranrport Servicc, Sibtul Hqiain.Sambrial.

t09 M/s. Shahana Bur Service, Regd., Gujranwale.


















M/s. Sultan Exprers Bus Service, Regd., 300,

R.A. Brzar, Rawalpindi.

M/s. Punjab Public Bus Scrvice, Rcgd,, No. 144,

Murec Road, Rawalpindi.I Lahorc-Sialkot via Sambrial.

I Ditro.

a' \-)

{ a

tl2 M/r. Qamar Trrnsport Co. Rcgd.

ll3 M/e. Sikandar Buc Service, Regd., Jhclum

M/s. Intcrnational Traorport Engiuccring Co.

Regd., Chahval.

ll5 M/s. New Shaheen Tranrport Co. Regd., Rawal-


M/s. Jamshed Corporatioo, Ltd. Rawalpindi.lt6

lr8 M/s. Eastern Transport Co. Regd., 4317, Gowsl-

maodi, Rawalpindi.

ll9 M/s. Shamsi Transport Co., Thoak Cloth

Storor, Raja Bazar, Rawalpindi.

I l7 M/s. Scthi Transport Co. Regd.' Rawalpindi


Rawalpindi-Chakwal via Mandra. Dhudial



I Rawalpindi-Sagri via Rcwat


I Rawalpindi-Plakhar via Rewat Kallar Sroha.

I Rawalpindi-Choa via Chowk Pandori

Rawalpindi-Kuotrilr via Sohawa Miana

Mahcra-Dhcra Badbal.










M/s. New Green Transport Co. Rcgd., W1413,

Gunjmandi, Rawelpindi.

M/r. Javcd Bur Service, Rcgd., Gujar Kbor,

Dirtrict Rawrlpindi.



42 3I





M/s. Chishti Bus Service, Regd., Maira Sharif,Tehsil Pindigheb.

M/s Pirzada Transport Co. Regd., Maira Sharif.Tehsil Pindigheb.

M/s Faiz Transport Co. Regd., CllgTlg, MurreeRoad, Rawalpindi.

M/s. Wiqar Transport Co. Regd., Xl6S4, RatreAmrat, Rawalpindi.

M/s. Hamdani Trancpart Co. Rcgd., Bakarmaudi,Rawalpindi.

I Rawalpindi-Maira Sharif via Khair-pindighebIkhlas Chowt.


2 Rawalpindi.Bagh Jamari via Kallar Kot.


I Rawalpiodi-Ghilla Kalan via Rewet-Herrka.










t2s Mls' zahoor Transport co. Rcgd., Raitway Road, I Gujm Khan-Bagh Jamari via Dbawali.Gujar Khan.

M/s. Awrmi Bus Scrvice, Regd., Rawelpindi.







129 M/s Kiani Bus Scrvicc, Regd', Gunjmandi,



l3l M/s. Hussaini Transport Co' Regd', Ratta Amrat'


132 M/s. Sowan Valley Transport Co' Regd', Rawal'


if.3 M/s. Munir Bus Service, Regd., Mokran S.O.,


I3l M/c. A{hwal Bus Service, Regd., Bawalpindi.

135 Mis. New Gujranwala Bus Service Regd., CivilI Lihes, Gujranwala. '

136 M/s Sayyara Transport Co. Regd., Railway Road'


137 M/r. J.S. Karavan Transport Co. Ltd., Gujrat.



t Rawalpindi-Parial via Rcwat


2 Eminabad-Gujranwala.


Rrwatpindi-Thalian via Tama Railway


Rawalpindi'Tbalien via Noon'

Rawalpindi'Chakri via Rcwat'







32 4

l3t M/s. Sultan Transport Co. Civil Lines, Jhclum.

r39 M/s. Qureshi Trarsport Co. Railwa'y Road,


I4O M1r. Sikandar Bus Srvice Regd., Jhelum.

14l M/s. Jameel Transport Service, Ltd , Jhelum.

112 M/s. Barki Transport Co. Regd., Gujrat.

M/s. Rehman Transport Co.

Building, Rawalpindi.

Regd,, $abri










I Ditto.


I Choa Sidan


Shah-Sargodha, via Kallar.pai


Sargodha-Gujrat via Bhalwal Mandi Baha-ud-Din




141 M/r. J.S. Karavan Transport Co. Ltd., Gujrat.

t45 M/r. Al Firz Traasport Co. Al 62, City Sadar

Road, Rawalpindi.

t$ M/c. Fayyaz Exprtrs Bus Service, Rcgd., 127 -

Circular Road, Shah Alam Gate, Lahore.

117 M/s. Saeed Traneport Co. Rcgd,, Civil Linec,



l4t M/s. Shami Bus Servicc, Regd., Shahrai Shami

Lahorc Cantt.

I49 Mir. New Kisan Bus Servicc, Hafizabad,'Dirlrict



I Sirlkot- Mirpur via Jholum.

I Lahorc-Gujranwala.



I Laborc-Qrdirabadvia Gujranwala.





I \rE\o

150 Mis. Cbcnab Vallcy Traosport Co. Gujranwala. Ditto.

I 2 3 4

tJr M/s. Rchman Transport Co. Regd.

Building, Sadar Bazar, Rawalpindi.

Sabri Ditto.







132 Mis. Sikandar-Bus Service, Regd., Chakwal. I Rawalpindi-Chakwal via Mandra-pirplai.

I53 M/s. Kausar Exprcss Bus Servicc Rcgd., Lalamusa. I Wazirabad'Gujrat.

Y ),


APPENDIX ry(Rcf : Starrcd Question No.



r l 572)

Month aad year Monthlyincome





I 3,52,359








I 1,41,533


t 1,38,601





I 1,88,527

I 1,9t,598

I 1,98,755


8,53,9 34

9,8 1,5?6





rJanuary, 1966

FctruatY, 1965

Msrch, 1966

April, 1956

Mey, 1966

June, 1966

Iuty, t96ll

August, 1966

Septcmber, 1966

Octobcr, 1966

Novcmbcr, 1966

Dcccmber, 1965


February, 1967

March, 1967

April, 196?

May, 1967

June, 1967

July, 196?

August, 1967

Septembcr, 196?

Octobcr, 1967

Novcmbcr, 1967

Deccmbcr, 196?

January, 1968

Fcbruary, l96E

March, 1968

























1094 p.ovtncrAl assruBlt o, tvErt t^xrstAN [5rn luxr, 196g

(c) Iu ordcr to assesr decrcasc in iocomc of G.T.S. pcshawar duringJanuary to Marcb t96E it has bcen comparcd below with the corr*pond-ing periods of 1966 rnd 196? :-







! 1,22,816





I 1,41,533


I 1,3t,601






1Thc dropin locome during Jaouary to March, 196g as compared to

corrcsponding pcriodr of 1966 and 1967 is mainly due to shortagc of buserand 3raut of routc pffmitr, by R.T.As to private operators. Howcvcr,cfrort is bciog mrdo to lacrearc income during the rcmaining monthr ofthc ycrr,






(Ref : Starrcd Question No. 1233t)




Mr. F. D. Saifcy, M. A. LL. B.,

Sccrctary, West Pakistan Public Service Commission, Lahore.


Thc Director,

Labour Welfare, West Pakislan,


No. 2954-GCI-65.PSC/275-C, datcd Lahore, rhe lTth Seprembcr, 1965.



With reference to the correspondence resting with your letter No.

LO-SAP/4-ll/10553 dated the l2ih June,l965 on the subject nored above,

I am directed to say that as the service Rules for these posts have lnot yct

been notified, the promotion of Labour Officers will be governed by the

Government Policy Letter No. SOXIX-Misc-I/62 dated thc l6th April,f 963. According to this, promotion to Class II services and posts arc tobe made from the corresponding Class III officers of the Region whcre thcvacanoies occur. In the Commission' s letter No. 4177-GCL-64-PSC/94jC, dated the 7th April, 1965, you were requested to send thc RegionalSeniority Lists with a proposal for promotion on regional basir. Thc pro.posal forwardcd with your letter under reference is not on rcgional barirand thc seniority lists have been forwarded on all west Pakistan basir.This is irrcgular and in accordance with tbe above Governmcnt poticy

lctter, the proposal cannot.be accepted. The arguments given in para 2 ofyour lcttcr under referencc for not prcparing the seniority lists oo rcgional



7096 ?tcvtxct^L Asgtlrrli of wisl Pe(ijra!{ [Srn lune, 1968

basis are, in the opinion of the Commission, not convincing. The Com-

mission observe that difficulties explained by you were facecl by other Dep-

artments also. They have finalised regional seniority lists and have seot

proposal on regional basis, It is, therefore, requestcd that the regir.rnal

ceniority lists may kindly bc finalised without further delay and the. pro-

posal sent on regional basis.

2. It is further pointed out that in para 6 of the Govcrnment

letter datcd the l6th April, 1963 referred to above, it is provided that

"vacancies in Regional Sub-Cadres of Class II services and posts to be

fillcd by promotion shall be filled from among corresponding Class IIIofficers of the Regional where the vacancies occur". Accordingly promo-

tion to the posts of Labour Officers is to be made from amongst the Ass.

istant Labour Officers of the Region wbere the vacancies occur. The senio-

rity lists already sent show that certain Superintendents and Senior Super-

intcndents have also been promoted as Labour Officers on ad.hoc basis.

Thcy are ministerial Government Servants. It rnay kindly be intimated

wby thesc ministerial Government servants have been promoted as Labour


3. The Wcst Pakistan Public Service Commission, however, agreo

to the continued ad-hoc appointrnents of 23 Labour Officers, named betow

up to 30.9.65 or till the selectees of the Commission are available, which'

ever is earlier :-

l. Mr. K. D. Brohi.

2. Mr. Miraj Din.

3. Mr. Gul Nluhammad.

4. Mr. Muhammad Hafeez

5, Mr. Abdul Waheed.

6. Mr. N. A. Farooqi.

7, Mr. Abdul Shakoor.

E. Mr. Shaukat Mukhtar.

9, Mr. Muhammad Shafi.








APPIrDrX 1097

l0 Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Butt.

ll. Mr. Muhammad Sharif.

12. Mr. Ahmad Atta Ullah.

13. Mr. A. Akhwand.

14. Mr. N. M. Ghadiali.

I5. Mr. Ali Ahmad.

16. Mr. N. M. Siddiqui.

17. Mr. Fiaz Hameed Niazi.

18. Mr. Sh. Abdul Rahim.

19. Mr. Mumtaz Ahmad.

20. Mr. Muhammad Sharif.

2t.. Mr. Muhammad Aslam.

22. Mr. Abdur Rauf Khan.

23. Mr. Y. A. Talpur.

l. Mr. A. S. Kausar.

2. Mr. N. A. Leghari.

3. Mr. Mohd. Saeed Anwar.

4. Mr. Shaid Hussain.

5. Mr. A. D. Khan.

6, Mr. Basbir Ullab.

It is stated in your letter under reference that the "Commission agr-

ced to the ad.hoc continuance of all thcse oficers upto 30.6. 1965" inclu-

ding the six efficers noted above. The commission's office rccord_

shows tbat tboy did not approve of the continuance of thesc 6 officers. tam thefeforc, to request you to clarify the position indicatiog the numbcr

of thc Commissions letter with which approval wat conveyed in r6pect of

thoso ofrccrs. Approval to their continuance rill bc conveycd on rocoipt

of your rcply,




r'7098 pRovrNcIAL ATSEMBLv or wEsr pAKtsrAN [5ur luNr, 1968

5. I am further to state that in the meantirne the seniority lists may

kindly be drawn on regional basis and proper proposals forwardcd to th'e

Commission immediately butnot latter than 30.9.65., failing which furt-her extension to the continuance of these officers will not be accorded by

the Commission boyond that date.

6. The requisite certificate for Audit purposes is given below :-

"Certified that the Commission have agreed to the temporary rppoint-monts of the abovc noted 23 (twenty-three) officers as Iiabour Officers,

purely a3 a stop-gap measure, upto 30.9.1965 or till the selectees of the

Commission are appointed, whichever is earlier".

7. I am to edd that the character roll stated to have been forward-ed separately under sealed cover were never receivcd in the Cornmission's

office and to request that the complete and up-to-date character rolls of allofficials proposed for promotion, as well as those proposed lor supersession,

may kindly bo forwarded while forwarding proper proposal to the Comm-


An acknowledgement of this letter is requested.

Your obedient servant,









* APPENDTI .i0gg


Employment ExchaDgc Wins.


Mr. Tariq Fehmi Rizvi, C. S.p.,Secretary, West Pakistan pubtic Service.

Commissioner, Lahorc.


The Director Labour Welfarc,(M&E Wing),Wcst Pakistao,


No. lI-G-PSC. GG2/67llZ-G Dated Lahorc, the 2{th Mey, 1967



With rcfercoce to thc correspondcnce resting with your lctter No.DLW/EE(A)-47516r12t10, dated 3lst January, 1967, otr thc abovc subjeor,I am directed to state thet rhe percentage of 33 for promotion to tbepotts of Managers of Employment Exchanges was fired by tbe centralcovernment in consultation ritb the central public Service commissionwhcn the dcpartncnt was under its coatrol. This ratio was at first mainta-incd by the Provincial Governmcnt aftcr rhe control of rhc departmcntwrs traosferred to it. It has, however, been stated that subsequcotly tberatio has becn raised to 50% on the recommendations of o ccmmittec,'but it ir not clcar as to what was the composition of thc committes sndwho had appointcd it. The commission observc that this is a mattcr ofpolicy and the approval of thc services and General AdministrationDcpartmcnt for the proposed changes in tbe perc€ntage is necessary. IaB, thcrcfore, to rcquesr you to obtain and convcy their approval, if ithas not alrcady been done go. Uotil this is done, the original rario of33%ia to bG EaintBincd. According to rhis ratio ouly onc post is availablo

for promotion as fivc out of six posts having $pgo alre3dy 6llcd.





tl00 pRovINctAL ASSEUBLY oF wBsT PAKISTAN [Srn ruNn, 1968

' 2, The Service Rules governing appointment to Class II posts in the

Labour Welfare Department have not yet been notifie<i. The draft service

rulcs which have been cteared by the service Rules Sub Committee are for

rhe Labour Wiog while these posts arc to thc M&E Wing for which scpar-

ate rules are yet to be framed. In this connection I am to state that

according to the Government Policv lcttcr No. S' O. XtX'Misc.I/62, dat-

cd 16-4-63 promotion to Class lI posts arc to be confined to the personnel

gcrvin8 in thc region in which the vecancies occur. I cm' thersfsiq, 1q

rcqucst you to forward a revised proposal accordingly at an early date;

3. Thc Character Rolls of the officials received with your lettcr

under reference and lettter No. DLW/EE (4)'475/63, dated the 9th Octob'

er,1964, arc returned herewith.

An aclnowledgement of this letter is rcquested.

Your obedicnt servant,

sd/- Deputy Secrctary.








ApFBI{Dlt ?t0t



Mr. Amir Yousaf Ali Khan, C. S. P',

Secrctary, West Pakistan Public Scrvice

Commission, Lahorc.


The Director Labour Welfare,

. West Pakistao, Lahore.

N6. ?28-GGII-PSC-67/92-G Dated Lahore, the 3rd October, 1967




With rcfcrcnce to the correspondence resting with your lerter No.

DLWEE(A)-47516319556, dated the lgth August, 1967, on thc subject no.

ted abovo, I am directed to say that after going lhrough thc record ma-dc

avallablc to them, the West Pakistan Public Service Commission consider

thi following persons 3uitable for prornotion to the posts of Maoagcrs,

Employmeot Exchangcs, subjectto the rights of tbeir senior :-

L Mr. Israr Hussain.

2. Mr. Wahesd Bux Cboudbri.

3. Mr. Haq Nawaz Khan.

2. Tbc Commission do not agree to the proposcd superaession ofM/S Mohd Muzammil and Abdul Qaddus. They considor. thcm suitablc

and recommendcd them for promotion subject to the rigbts of their sen'

lors. They sball retain their original seniority as in the lowcr cadrg.

3. The Commission obretve that Mr. Muhammad Muzammil ir s '

very seoior officer aod his record is quite satisfactory. It is not unders!-

ood on what grounds he was lcft out for promotion on ad-hoc basis by thc

Department. Thc officer next bclow him hae been promotcd towards. !

thc cnd of 1962. Normally on tbe basis of his record Mr. Muhammad

Muzammil ihould havc got this vacancy. He has thur becn kcpt out unf-

airly.for fivc ycarr. Tho Commission bave acvcr becn approachcd for



7lV2 pRovrNcrAr- ^ssBMBLy

or'wasT tA(lsrAN [5rn lunn, 1966

approving his ad.hoc appointmeot or for its extension. This is a gravc

irregularity and the Commission have trken a serious noticc of it. It isbeing noted down for nrention in tbe Commission's Annual Report and

is also belng reported to Govt. in the Servicc and General Administrati-on Department.

4. Thc Commission have deferred consideration of thc case of Mr.

Muhammad Mohsin Malik for want of his conlidential Report for thc

ycar 1966 which may kindly be made available immediately.

5. The Commission have to see the Character Roll of the following

Officcrs which may kindly be furnished to thcm at a very carly date :-

l. Mr. Abdul Aziz Khan. He has been reported to havc retircd but

as a vacancy was available long bcforc

hir rctircment he has hrve to be considcr-


2, Mr. Arizur Rehuao. -do-3. Mr. Shoukat Danyal. As he has got a licn on the poet of

Supdt. in thc Dcptt. he ir also to bc

considered and if found suitable will bc


4. M. Amin-ud-Dio. fle has beon lcft out bccausc hc has bcen

appointcd by direct rectr. but if an ear-

lier promotion vacancy ir available hc

should get benefit of it.

6. I am further rcquert you to expcdite forwarding of proposal inrcspcct of appointmoot madc *tes 1962.

7. Thc Character Rollr of all the officers excepr Mr. Mohd Mohsin

Malik reecived with your letter undcr reference arc returned herewith.

Plcasc acknowlcdge rcccipt.

Your obcdicnt rcrvant,

sd/- Dspuly Sccrctary.








? lal


Mr. Amir Yousuf Ali Khan. CSP,

Sccretary, IVest Pakistan Public

Service Commission, Lahore'


Thc Director Labour Welfare, lVest Pakistan'

(M.&.8.) Wing, Lahore.

No. I5[-PSC-GGII-68i 124-G, datcd Labore, thc 16.4.t968.





Wlth refercnce to the cotrespondencc resting wlth your lcttcf No.

DLW/EE(A)-q75166, dated the lTth Feb. 1968, on the'subjoct trotcd

ebove, I am directed to state that it has been recommended by )ou tbat

thc promotioDs may be made under the formula that 50o/q of the ,gostr

mry go to the promotces as envisaged in the draft scrvicc rulcs. It hec

becn obscrved that the proposed draft service Rules havc not been sppro'

ved/considcred by the Rules sub-Committee and therefore, the formula rs

proposed bas no force. According to the Ceutral Public Service Commis-

sion letter No. F-12/8155-55-G, dated the 5th June, 1962, for the purposer

of promotion tothe above postt, the Superintenedents of the Emptoymc-

nt Exchange aod Manpower Survey Offcer are to be considered firlt and

if none o.f them is found suitable then AsEistants, Statistical Assistant

and Stenographer of tbe Directorate who are permancot or eligible for

confirmation in these grades are to be considered for appointnenfi at

Manager Employment Exchauges. However, in thc absencc of suitablc

ofrcers forth coming from abovc categories, thesc posts arc to bc transfo-

rrcd to thc quota of dircct recruitment. Accordingly thc Commiarioo


1t01 pRovlNclAl, rsrErslt oF wrst pAKtsTAN [5rn rUnr. 196g

re-iterate tbeir previous advice contained in para I of their letter No. ll-G-PSC/GG ll-67112.G, dared rhe 24rh Mty, 1967, rhat 33| vacancies

should be filled by promotion.

2. After l6th April,.1963 all promotious to class II posts arc to be

made keeping in view the regional sub-cadre of the subordinate servicesin TVest Paklstao vide Govt. Instructions conveyed to all the Depdrtme-

nts vidcS&GADs letter No. S. O. XIX-Misc-1162, dared 164.1963 pen-

ding foalization of service rutes the followiog principals arc to bc obs-

erved from filling in Class II Vacancies by the Department :-"Vacancies in tlrc regional sub-cadres of Class II servicc and

posrs to be filled by promotion shall bc filled from among corrcspondingclass III officers of the region where the vacancies occur."

I am accordingly to request you to re-examino the position and mako

out tbe proposal in the light of Govt. instruction refcrred to above.

3. The Commission do not agree to the proposcd supersessloo of Mr.Mohsin Malik. They consider him suitable and recommend him for prom.

otion to the post of Manager, Employment Exchanges against thc 6thvacancy subject to the right of his senior. He shall rctain his originalseniority as in the lower cadre.

4. The character rolls received with your letter Nos. DLW/EE(A)-41516315s3, dated 16.1.1968. (ii) DLW/EE (A) 475/66, dated 29.3. 1968 and(iii) DLWEE (A) 47516316556, dated 19.8.1957 are returncd hercwlth.

An acknowledgement of this letter is reqnested.

Your obcdient scrvant,










SECRETARY.Tclephone No. 63110 CONFIDENTIAL Tech. Trg. Wing.



Mr. Tc6q Tchmi, CSP,

Secretary, Wcst Pakistan Public Service Commission, Lahore.


The Director,

Labour lYelfare, Wcst Pakistan, Lahore.

No. 465-GGII.PSC-66/13-G, datcd Lahore, the 21.5.1967.




S/ith rcference to the correspondence resting with your letter No.

DLW/A&C/TA-1407/1968, dated 3lllt1967, on the subjeot noted above, Iam directed to statc that the West Pakistan Public Service Commission

have gone through tbe records made available to them and they agree to

thc promotions of M/s Sher Muhammad, M. A. Babry, A. K. Khan and

A. G. Idris, subject to the conditions hereafter mentioned :-

(i) That the seniority of the promott€e$ will be consistcnt witb

their aeniority in the sub-cadre for the record of nonc of

them justifies superscssion.

(ii) That as there are no rules the draft rules cannot be acted

upon. According to the Central Govt. Rules governing tho

posts when they were with that government, 20% wcrc to be

fflled by promotion and E0 by direct recruitment. Thc

departmeot proposc to chaDge this ratio to 50:50 but dcpa'

rture frou the Csntral Govt' Rulec would oeed quito a stro'

7106 pRovINcIAL ASIEMBLY op w8s? pAkIgTAN [5r.a ruNe, 196g

ng justification. The maia consideration would bc thenumber of posts in the sub.cadre and the number of postsin the crdres under coosideration for the chances of promo-tiou to be provided for should be in lines with those intheotbers services of the Provincial Covt. Hence till thispoint is dccided promotion to 20o/o posts ma:, be regularand that to the remaining posts tentative for the posts fall-ing to the sbare of direct rccruitment shall have to bc adv-


2, Thc Character Rolls of the above mentioned four officers, reoe-

ived with your letter under reference are returned herewith.

An acknowledgement of this letter is requested

Your obedicnt servant,


(Dcputy Secretary).




APPENDIX VI(Ref : Starrod Qucstion No. t 2509)




Scrial Namc and addrees of the CgraDt(G.

Namc of tho routc on whichpermits granted.

No. ofpcrmits



for gran-





t Mls Al-Qadaria Bus Servi"" Regd., Lrhorc.

2. M/s Hyesons Mrlls Ltd., Jstra Bhutta.

5. M/s New Muzuffrr Trpr. Co., Lirnited, Mulrau.

4, M/s New Khan Bus Scrvics Regd.. Khanpur.

5. M/s Brugla Ichha Trpt. Co , 11sgJ., D.G. Khan.

(l) R. Y. Khrn-Lodhran via Khropur. t(2) Vchari-Bahawalpur. I

1l) Jatta-Bhutta -Khanpur.

(l ) Multen-Brhewalpur.

(l) Khanpur-Obbrrow.

(l) Banglr lchhr to Sadiqabad.





lo the






-do -

3' 4j 5,l

6. M/s Fleet Macters Ltd., MTN'

7, :M/s:sheiwala Bus Servlco l;td., Sherwala.

8. M/s Mirza Bus Service Regd , lvlultan'

9. .M/s Sardar Transport Cq', Regr'l', Sahiwpl'

lO. M/s Syed Ktrurran Trpt' Co', Regd', Sahiwal

ll. M/s Ncw Hyderia Trpt. Co, Multan'

12. Mls Afzal Trpt. Qo.' Ltd., MTN.

'1.3. , M/s Swan Roadways Ltd., Haroonabad.

14. M/s Fortabbas Trpt. Co., Fortabbas.

15. M/s Indus.Trpt. Co., D.G. Khan. .

16. M/s Al-Farooq Bus Service, Multan.

17. M/s Rafiq & Co., Ltd., Okara

18. M/s Doaba Trpt. Co., Khanpur.

19. Mls Pb. BWP. Traosport Setvice, Khanpur.

(1) Multan-Lahorc via Khancwal'

(l) -do- ..

(l) Multr,n-Jatoi'

( l) Monreo4erY-Lahoro.

(l) Chak Mir Jaffar Ali Shah to Jhang


Multan - Mianchannu.



D. G. Khan-Chati Bala.

Multan Ghugtr.

Baha durnagar- Pak Pattan.

R. Y. Khan-Liaqatpur.

















-do-- do-


-Co -


*.do -

-do -



-od -









Y -L

Mh Afzat Trpt- Co,, Ltd., MTN

M/s Bodla TrPt. Co. Ltd., Sahiwal.

72, M/s Faradia Nazkia Trpt. Co., Bahawalpur.

23. Mlr Mirza Bue Service, Regd., Multan.

24. M/s Sardar Trpt. Co. Ltd.. Multan.

25. -do-

26, MJs Al-Farooq Bus Servicc, Multan.

27. M7s New Iqbal Trpt. Co., MTN.

28. M/s Tariq and Yaqub Bus Service.

29. M/s Sowan Roadways Ltd,, Haroonabad.

30. M/s Pak Punjab Rcgional Trpt. Service.

31. M/l New ladus Tfpt. Co., Ltd., Lahorc"

3i. Mh Re-Pubticien Trpt. Co., BWP.



- Srihiwal-Lyallpur.

B\UP-Alipur vie Uch.

Multan-Ahnadpur Siat.

Multan-Lahorc via Vcbari.


Multan-Kot Addu.

Multan-Matotli vi8 Shujabed.


Haroonabad- Labore via Vehari

Sabiwal-Lyallpur via C. Warni.





2 -do-2 -do-

2 -do-2 -do-
















4 -do-




BWP-Chishtian. - do-


33. M/e Mahboob Safdar Trpt. Co. BWp

34. M/s Rafiq & Co., Lrd., Okara.

35. Amir Bus Service, .{lipur.

36. M/s Al-Farooq Bus Service, MTN.

37. M/r Sabe Trpt. Scrvice, Otara.

38. M/s Sardar Trpt. Co.. Ltd., Multan.

39. M/s Rais Bus Service, R.y. Kban.

40. M/r Fonabbar Trpt. Co., Fortabbac.

1,1. M/s Teuosa Shadf Trpt. Co., MfN.

Bab awalpur-Haroon abad.



I\{ultan-Kot Addu.


Bahewalnagar- Lahore.

1l) Noor Ahmadabad-R. y. Khan.

(2) Soon Miani-R. y. Khan.

Fortabbas-Bah awatnag ar.

D. G. Khan-Lahoro via Multan Kha.rowd.




-do -

- do-

- do-

* do-


-do-* do-



, 'l

















\ -r/-

A- -,,

42, M/a New Motor Service, Ltd., Okara.

43. M/s New Nili Bar Trpt. Co., Sahiwal.

44. M/s Karim Trpt. Co., Multan

45. M/s Zamindara Trpt. Co., Sahiwal.

46. M/s Taj Trpt. Co., Regd., Multan.

4l . M/s Faiz Trpt. Co,, Regd., Multsn.

/t8. M/r Zamindars Bus Service, Sahiwal

19. M/s Arif Bus Service, Babawalpirr

50. M/s Hasnat Bus Service, Sahiwal.

51. M/s Qaumi Bus Service, Muttan.




Multan-Lahore via Khanewal.

Multan-Ahmadpur East.


-do-Noor Shah-Chak 45/ I 2-L.

BWP-BNG. via Chishtian.

(l) Sahiwal-Multan.

(2) Sahlwal-Fortabbas.











-do -












2 -l


52. M/s Sherwala Bus Service, Sahiwal Sabinal-Multan.

I 2 3:l










4 5

53. M/s Rcbbar Bus Service, Sahiwal.

54. M/r Kassowal Bus Servicc, Sahiwal.

55. M/s Qasrani Trpt. Co., D.G. Khan.

56. Mls M. Ahmad Trpt. Co., Sahiwal

57. M/s Fazal Siddigue Trpt. Co.

M/s Rajha Trpt. Co., Multan.

M/s Tahir Rizwan Transport Co. Multa r

60. M/e Miss Nasim Tufail Trpr. Co,

61. Abbasi Trpt. Co, Multrn.

(l) Sahiwal-Ihang.

(2) Sahiwal-H/Abad.

(3) Sahiwat-Lyatlpur.

Sahiwal -Miancbanuu.

Multan-D. G. Khan.




Mulran*Lahore via KWL.


Multan-Lod bran via Shujabad. 2









* do*




- do-



- do-58

59 2 -do-

I -do-

- do-

\-- L

A -

62. M/s Sial Bus Scrvice, Multan.

.6.3. .New.l{uzaffar Trpt. Co., Multan.

64. M/s Riasat lrpt. Co. Okara.

65. M/s Ncw Pak Shahecn Bus, MTN.

66. Al-Haq Trpt. Co, BahawalPur.

67. M,s Aziz Bus'Scrvice, R.Y. Khan.

6t. M/s New Baluch Trpt. Co., Multan.

69. M/s S.M. Naseer Trpt. Co., Lahore'

?0. M/s Ali Trpt. Co., Regd., Lyallpur.

71, M/s Malik Trpt. Co.. Regd, Multan.

72. M/s Wahid Bus Service, Sahiwat.

?3. Mls Nirzi Bus Scrvice, Sahiwal.

?4, MleNcw Kgmand TrPt. Co,, Sabiwal.



Okare-Mari Pattan.


BWP. Head Sulemanki.

R. Y. Khan-Cbak No. 26alP.






Sahiwat-Mir Jafar Shah.

2 -do

2 -do-



2 -Co-


2 -do-

















Sahiwal-Lyallpur -do-

32 1 5






75. Rahi Trpt. Scrvice, Okara.


M/s Zahid Bus Service, Sabiwal

M/s Tahir f,,izwan Trpt. Co., MTN.

Riaz Trpt. Co., Otam.

M/s Saleem Trpt. Co., Multan.

82. Mls Aziz Motor Regd., Multan.

83. Mls Zafar Trpt. Co., Bahawalpur

84. M/s Khalil Babar Trpt., Co., Bahawalpur.

Bahadurnagaf- Pakpatta o .

Multan- Qasur.

Chak No. 166-Sahiwal

Multan-Lahore via KWL.



Okara -Chichawatni.



BWP-R. Y. Khan via Uch.




2 --do*


-do -

I -do-

2 -do-













2 -do-81. M/s Saleem Bus Service, Okara.









-do-285. Mls Ztfar Iqbal Trpt. Co., Multan.



L -








Mir Haq Trpt. Co., Ltd., Lyallpur.

M/o Salccm Trpt. Co., Ltd., Multen.

M/r Lalazar Trpt. Co., Sabiwal.

M/r Al-Hag Trpt. Co., Behawalpur.

M/s Taj Akbar Trpt. Co. BWP.

M/s Lucky Frienes Trpt. Co., Okara

M/e Shcikh Trpt. Co., Multan.



MZG-Kot Addu via K. D. Qurcshi

Sahiwal-Noor Shah.

BWP-Hcad Sutomanki.






















Statcment showing the names of Transport Conrpanies to whom Pcrmanent

Permits werc grantcd.











Name & address of the


Name of the route on

which pcrmits granted.

No. of per- Reasons

mits granted for grant

52 3 4

I M/s. Sardar Trpt. Co. Ltd Multan.

2 . -do-3 M/s. Saddar Bros. Regd. Khanewal.

4 Mlt. Sagma Trpt. Co. Lahore.

5 M/s. Amir Bus Service, Regd Alipur.6 M/s. Al-Farooq Bus Service, Multan.

? M/s. Joya Trpt. Co. Multan.

Multan-Lahorc via Vehari.

Baharvalnagar-La hore.

Multan-Mian Channu.

Multan-Lahore via Khlwal.

Multan-Kot Adu.

Multan-Kot Adu.


3 in public


-do--do--do -- do-










Fi.:. _I

[:r|' ,.



".r+...+Sl$., A -rr*t




M/s. Mirza Bus Sorvice, Multan-

M/s. Ncw Muzaffar TrPt. Co. Multan'

M/s. Sowan Roadways Ltd. Haroonabed'

-do-M/s. Amir Bus Scrvice, Sahiwal.

M/s. Faiz TransPort Co. Multan'

M/s. Zamindara Bus Service, Sahiwal'

M/s. Pak Punjab Rcgional Bus Service, Chishtian'

M/s. Mohd Ahmcd TrPt. Co. Sahiwal'

M/s. Nasim Tufail Tprt. Co' Lahore'

M/s. New Nila Bar Buc Service, Sahiwal'

M/s. Bodla TrPt Co. Ltd' Sabiwal'

_do_M/s, Hasnat Bus Service, HasilPur'

M/s. Riasat TrPt. Co. Okara'

M/s. Raniha TrPt. Co. Multan'

M/s. Afzal TrPt. Co. Multan'

-do-M/s. Akbar Bur Scrvice, Jaranwala'

Mls. Sixth Scpt. Trpt. Co. Sahiwal'

M/s. Ncw Ghausia Bus Service, Mtn'

M ultan-Ahmedpur.





Multan-Shujabad. /

Noor Shah chak No. 45112-L.

M ultan-Lyallpur via Chichawatni.

M ultan-sahiwal via Khanewal.

MultLn-Lahore via Khanewal.

M ultan-sahiwal via Khanewal.


Multan-Sahiwal via Khancwal.

Okara-Mari Patten.



























-do--do --do-


-do --do--do--do --do--do---do--do--do--do--do--do--do-,1

-do--do--do--do -




















. i, .l

1. . ".:i-?g*,,: i











M/s. Gopang Trpt. Co. Regd. Alipur.

M/s. Riaz & Rajput Bus Servivct, Mtn.

u/c. T1j Trpt. Co. Multan.

M/r. Bangla Ichha Trpt. Co. D.G. Khan.

M/s. Sanai Bros. Trpt. Co. Lahore.

M/s. Tahir Rizwan Trpt. Cti. Multao.

M/s. Ncw Melii Moters Rcgd. Multan.

M/s. Ncw Haidcria Trpt. Co. Multan.

M/s. Chccma Trpt. to. Regd. Sthiwal.


Multen-Basti' Maluk.


Ban jla Iccha.Sadiqabad.


Multao-Irohorc via Khancwal.

















Thursday, the 6th June, 1968

. r r,r1 dJYl CJ r - (# et

The Assembly met at the Aisembly Chamber, Lahore at 840 a.m. of.clock. Mr. Speaker, Chaudhri Mulummad Anwar, II.K., in the Chair.

Recitation from the Holy Qur'an by Qari Ali Hussain Siddiqi (Qari of.Assembly) and its translation.

,{xisd6u;'ff/##"*;-4tsar,y';t+)( b tyi( ay; u i(1, ;f j f,n g 5, g*;4J u.

, ei$; & I e-9 # t',Ft+r v*ffi ,&fr ,,1eg.H*crrgibul-t.&#.l;..9;1tir1'd'l?3'92y3

-$ ;q rU$-,r$* ;S ;*9, W |WW&95 y o3, # 41 6( tt5,'6-rrA,# Vr s(3a r ;4r i6# t & U 4)\-u4 o'- 4J


- ' i-='r'. r' "

r,',1' -: ,,:!1

7r20 pRovrNcIAL AssEMBty otr wEsT pAKrsrAN [6ru ruNr, 196&


Mr. Speaker : Now the Question Hour. Sardar Manzur Ahmad KhanQaisrani.

CoNsrnucrroN oF e BnIoce ovnn SlNon.tR HrrL TonnsNrrN D. G. Knen Dtsrnrcr

it039l. Sarilar Manzur Ahmed Khan Qaisrani : Will the Ministerfor Communications and Works be pleased to state :-

(a) the total length of portions of the lndus highway from Karachi toPcshawar via Dera Ghazi Khan which are still unmetalled alongwith thc'location of the said portions ;

(D) the date by which the said unmetalled portions of the said highwayarc likely to be metalled ;

(c) whether it is a fact that the hill torrent sanghar in Tehsil raunsaSharif is obstructing the construction of the said highway ;

1d) whether Government have conducted any survey in order tocof,struct a bridge over the said hill torrent ; if so, result thereof and thetime by which a bridge over the said torrent is likely to be constructed ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Khan Muhammad Iqbal Khan Jadoon) : (a)"The total length of Indus Highway from Kotri to peshawar is 794 miles.Unmetalled portions are as under :-

(i) 29 miles between Rojhan and Kashmor.

(if) 1 mile of Sanghar stream near Taunsa Town.

(iii) 24 miles length between Tibbi Qaisrani and boundary to D. I.Khan District.

The total unmetalled portion is 54 miles.

(D) Schedule dates of completion of unmetalled portions subject to,availability of funds, are as follows :-


(i) 29 miles portion between Rojhan and Kashmor is June, 1970.


(ri) Investigations and feasibility study for the construction of a bridgeover Sanghar Nullah near Taunsa Town is in progress. The work of,oonstruction of bridge will be taken ln hand after the investigation andfeasibility study is carried out.

(tai) The rough cost estimate for the portion of road i.e., between

Tibbi Qaisrani and boundary to D. I. Khan District amounting toRs. 49.75 lac, has been prepared and is under approval. The work willbe taken in hand and completed by June, 1970 provided the required fundsare made available.

(c) The erection of a bridge over Sanghar is a part of the Project.

(d) There is an allocation of Rs. 1,07,000 for carrying out feasibilitystudy of bridge over this hill torrent. The bridge is likely to be constructedand completed during the 4th Plan period.

t*.P ,-{9- q Glrni dtr J.>l )jhb js-*,ef J? 2- ljfi { & 6rv K tl .yl A- ,.r..J J.. A..e; tlT .d L #g &. r-rtp -f-js t"f - A_

"rq Uer +tt

yl.l.l e- u;1,lf -. J5.t$ 5 .{rL o.l $ ,od tl a- er;J

.Kl &n, sfU) .pl f Lb jo *lt ei .dry 4t { .$

5 e)Ul rrJl,'*f €,!{ Jb ttl - Fe. {-ll .;.r, btr^. tt e1{ a .r>t K Gr,

dtf" - (r*rrr: 8ti rr:=r i*.) Olr*;.2 d")t^al y j)S,iA f- Lh I { q.{ rLru a dt', { highway sfi

r. 2- .rtJ { Jrr o,.l .(i oh" - K 4-h ulc ot .rtjj

tra' GC - rrer AJ 4l ef, el p. - A 6r b Ji.riU L

7122 pRovINcIAL AssEMBLY oF wEsT PAKIsTAN [6ru ruNr, 1968

f Kt A tK- -r, rg.il" sff: f sll 4- el'PU b5- f

- r;n! 2-l

) c,r\el!. :tb \{ - a;fJ'7 lli Ofl 01, - I .lv I n*

-l rS E- ,-"1".i .lt.r ff ol1 jl olr.4i

r..l .2* ^otf &n u* 0lsr. C; t 4l3e J""r,'' tri (.--i'l)

L L:f t ;itl ,{ C"- ,5 r,i .t O)\a3 6,ttbs 6 S}- l-i:S-

- g*A 5" ," :V 2r;; ;t

,fJo i er uc" otjl vlr: K It1 (-Jl) rr ,ft (Y)

aqf J) .,..&i5;K

i: 2 L S{ ,rf'xn t8 J"?'t L '1q1.'1n t1I (e)

ebrrr ., orl n ,{ '5 ,* -{t t L ,r,{ t5 tar.

- .-. Lfv-

t f, Lq tJ) 15- €fr f{ of-.sa. .53 Crs "rrf (r)

(.*rr) : (0rr: Otr tJ\rl .h'. Oti) ,Sj.S* cE.;l;{-l!

- trto rf,

SIiihE,D QUBstIoNs AND ANswBRs 1123

( : - As) yA,... d.. (v)

- ,rr; .,r (c)

orlla-.,A flfts s/Uri ^ryL n ^i $ q drJ," (r)

A Z pK o.l ..,{ olss du Jt d rJ )tl A &1,, Lp

tf .r.r., et* $ .I 2 gr.l u* { ;{ t f. j.Ll

- (5. .-

3 o)wle. t2)e f - Urr* crB rf.97l Ot* - | .1v,1'

I d E #Li ,.rr* ;.f cl1 jl c,l6.r

- .13nY ur. rllf. & ,{

- A ufr1 r'..i )lj

A &rb v,l ^l UT (.Jl)

e oJL ,;S r*'rf ,-ftt- U1^rJ

,fJla, 3lI ,: ua. ,cljl , ele. f !U (*'l r)? .ft (.i.)

2 L $ ,fb a- tJ JY ,td c&r .,,tt rE' 5 fKit 114-r-r. fJ, .jf e, o{ u,"l 191 t{ ,5 t1.. dJ 1ri ,rf

,5 ot* 4 Ot{ bt{ L .Srz. ,t{b ',F 6 J.,c t(,

''1yar.$ lt Jl3 o2*cJ.:U-l J !l pl .9e'.$ r" rFJ

2 E ,rF.I l5 -fir ,fib {llpr E :it 114-11. (e)

114 fU,oVtNclAL eSsBlrbly oF W-gst pAtrrqex [6rn runs, 1968

- ,ro, ,;f ,5 lon. & 1.ri ,f

e Otr Stf A .f3,- 1db Jtrr, A cri13-1n (r)

- ,5 Lt" dtJ dr5- tu , 0t "rrt ,S Lt" ,J ,...i 6 ,,rr,-_

,f, dn(. .$ 6pu sf 6b t lrT r-r"Y J.(. (.)1 a y,*i .;[ ll3 .Jrf r$ i o.t .r.lt

(..j,1) 3 (r,lr.r: 0B .Jt il .lrre i,ti) ,Sl J<*,, Lfu4Slt

, - A et* e rl l1." 2*rJ rt ltr q - Ole Lr?

Jf*lt V 6"& . A 4{ ,5 e.r, r",i .5 rg (v),.(, ]t114 0r: fo Lr pl /$ t011,!1... d.... liri,

5 7Y orl .$ )t 7.tz 0.r f . - a, A$ .lrAArir! &1U , .{r, .}r, L - 2- J,l.i (...- + K" 3r -* dr.i,

a L 4- .1.. a. )t-y .r)ae E. oi . 2- tt ub?l Jf I

u'. dJL, 6 0l )tl 4- tt tf Ci" r$t )tl .lfitU f .Ie r.rri !. lV g 2ar', ,5 ,.lr! Lx; )tl c-h

-a rt

AD ctlt o so c c d" A L $ oll .,l,, qtlrr dL (e)

-,rr,. ! _5 W

LW Cf lu d q/'. 1 {.,1'. tF ctu ;lt dr?, (r)



Lt? v $ f Lq & r J2c Lrtt e*o'l -ai{r+'8

' E .,ri" 3r ,f& Lh, dU ..dT tf t - f

-3rrti irrr ro (.)

r ra:[rlr. xt.r Lf - 03q 0E O3rl Otll \ ./{"'

-; rf E uJt , 0td 7f n1 jl c.,lr+l

l$ {-r (r 6n*, 6}* r5' a &rb srl r* ttT ("uE

S? yt Lf r.l{ C- .5 aF L 'SrL ,)ts Ltf a! :

Lf t f- *iJ ,.K, llL, oJ.cU! e'L L c-$t 'fk- A

-!,at * JD Jt' P 2 A

,f:,e, -f ,l u.. c,l.il vl* K ,U (..lJl) l* f,t (-r)

,Jwtr.2L grlhltL l5 JY,i.i"2L rtr

, rrrl .., .r-rt ft - L ,S .e) f '& -a tirl"'

- u* tt e,bjpJ ., u,l

,f ib A ,St- qf L rf ir- rJlJ v.l rl tI (a)

tJ Uf lrr, r+ir s.K: A ALf r:! * 6 aFrglr o+l d{u 8, etlloJ ^{ t lps L 'oLrt 'fq rfi96 le

7126 pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy op wEsr pAKrsrAN [6rH ruNe, 196g

* ft a- ,rf a, c*,rl f $ o1t UT n ea uf L4t ftf uor lJ ob.:r ,5 gr.l n ,/ O,

(.,i,1) 3 (crrr: Oli ,Jtft r.i. Otr) ,,5-i.&- 6rf".,11t1

- dL Lr?

,rl - a d$ tlr'lyroo &. e^fy 't-.r., ,j lK .rl (v)

f rFAr... {:. -f yQ )lt (Jit! ,l:e+rl .4' rrh A L f- 9* .{ d) )f ,.5Y1 itt

?Y -Ltd OlSt

d.,)cju Ju

6*/ r..*[:.. f 1.Kr- otr .,.$qrfairirtta-K"

-r l\


-ts Lt$Ja .I.(.

P.l,y Sc.^r.ss or BeLo.ans or CouuuNrcATroNs ANp WonrsDEPARTMENT

*1012r' Khrn Ajoon Khan Jrdoon : will the Minister for com-munications and Works be pleased to state :_

(a) the existing scales of pay of Berdars in communications andWorks Department in the areas of firrmer punjab, Sind, N.-W. F. p.and Baluchistan and the dates since when these scales are admissibre ;(0) in case the said scares are different ; reasons therefor ?

Parlilmentery Secae6ry (Khaa .Muhammed Iqba! Khaa Jadoon):


The scales of pay admissible to Beldars in various areas of west pakistan

since lst January 1962 arc given below :-

(f) Former Punjab and

N.-W. F. P. Areas

Lahore, Sargodha, Rawal-pindi, Peshawar, DeraIsmail Khan Multan,Bahawalpur (Civil Divi-sions).

(ii) Former SindHyderabad and Thatta(Civil Districts).

(ru) Sukkur Khairpur, Dadu,Larkana, Nawabshah,

Sanghar, Mirpurkhas(Civil Districts).

(v) Former BaluchistanKalat, Quetta, Zhob,Loralai, Kharan, Mehran,Chagai, Lasbela, Sibiand Fort Sandeman(Civil Districts),

(iv) Karachi (Civil Division) Rs. 60-75

Rs. 40-60 Minimum starting pay

Rs. 50 per mensem withincrement of Re. I per

annum. Those whohave completed l0years' satisfactoryservice or more willstart with Rs. 55 per


Rs. 50-60 Ditto.

Rs 40-60 Ditto

Minimum starting payRs. 65 per mensem.

Those who have com-pleted l0 years' satis-factory service or more

will start with Rs. 70

per mensem. Annualincrement of Re. Iwill be allowed forboth the grades.

Rs. 60-80 Ditto.

7118 pRovINcIAL AssirMBLY oF wBst PAKISTAN [6ru ruur, 1968

(b) These rates were prescribcd by the Standing Rates Committeo.

The rat€s are, however, being revised.

Cox$nuc{IoN oF Rolo our or Suornclur Csls

rl01?;2. Khan Aioon f,han Jarloon : Will the Minister for Communi'

oations and Works be pleased to state :-

(a) the amouot released for construction of new roads and repair of

cxisting roads out of the sugarcane cess during 1967-68 in former

N.-W. F. P.;

(D) the details of roads on the construction and repair of which the

said amount was exPended ?

perllamentary secretary (Khan Muhammad Iqbal Khan Jadoon) : (a)

The Finance Department have released so far a sum of Rs. 15,(X),000 for

the construction of new roads and re-conditioning ofexisting roads in the

former N.-W. F. P. out of the sugarcane (Development) cess Fund during

the current financial year 1967-68. Finance Department have also approached

for the release of a further sum of Rs. 8,00,000 for expenditure on the

abovcmentioned roads during the current financial year'

(b) A list showing details of roads on which the proposed amount

of Rs. 24,00,000 would be expended during 1967-68 is enclosed. The

expenditure/liabilities incurred upto 3lst March 1968 on the abovementioned.

w0rk9 CQB9$ tO Rs. 8,E4,685.

StrqfEh Ourulo\q Axp Autwstr




Name of work District .{mountof A/{


Amountproposed to

be spentfluring1967-68


I.-Nsw CoNsrnucrroN

Rs. Rs.

I Construction of Chichar Katti Garhi Mardan 3,80,400 2,50,000Road from Katti Garhi to Salak.

2 Constuction of Shermakhane Road Do. 3,04,300 2,50,000from Gujar Garhi to Haider KhanKilti.

3 Constnrctipn of Pirabad Road from Do. 6,08,600 2,50,000Mardan Katlang Road to Pirabad.

4 Construction of Lund KhawarTaza- Do.gram Road from Hathian LundKhawar Road.

6,08,600 2,50,000

5 Construction of Sher Garhi Harich- Mardan 9,12,900 3,00,000and Road.

II:-RscoNpITroNINc or EllsrrNaRolps

6 Bei:onditioning of N. C. C. Road Do.milc 24

2p3,6:40 1,50,000

7 Bccenditipqmg of concl€t€ l,hk Do. 4,56r0p0 . 2,50,000Road

7130 pRovrNclAL AgsEMELy otr wEst pAKrstAN [6rn ruNr, 1968

Serial Name of workDistrict Amount

of A/A

Amount pro-posed to bespent during


8 Reconditioning of Umarzai Harich- Do.and Road Mile I to 6.

3,00,000 I,50,000

9 Reconditioriing and widening of Do. 3,61,800 2,00,000N. C. C. Road, Mile 18. MardanCharsadda Road mile 1

l0 Reconditioning and widening ofmile 22 an,d 23 N. C. C. Road

Do. 3,61,800 2,00,000

ll Rconditioning and widening of Do. 5,42,700 2,30,000mile 16, 17 and 20, Mardan Chars-

adda Road.

Total 50,40,740 24,00,000

CoNsrnucuoN oF l Bnmcs oN RrvER Klsur

*12186. Syetl Inayat Ali Shah: Will the Minister for Communicationsand Works be pleased to state :-

(a) whether it is a fact that a boat bridge exists on the River

Kabul in the vicinity of Nowshera, tehsil Nowshera, district Peshawar ;

(D) whether it is a fact that.the above said boat bridge is not used

for heavy grafrc ;

(c) whether it is a facr that the above said boat bridge is. dismantled

during the summer season due to the excess of water in the River Kabul;

if so, the periorl for which it generally remains dismantled I

(d) whether it is a fact that the people of the area have to face great

di*ulties due to the closure of the above said boat bridge ;

(e) the total annual expenditure incurred on the above said boat

bridge and on the staff stationed over there ;

(,f) whether it is a fact that the abovesaid boat bridge was washed

away a few years ago ; it so, amount expended on its reconstruction ;

(g) whether it is a fact that the above said boat bridge connects other

areas of west Pakistan with Nowshera, Mardan, Dir, swat and chitral ;

(ft) if answer to (/) above be in the affirmative, whether Governmen't

intend to construct a pucca bridge in place of the said boat bridge ; ifnqt, reasons therefor ?

Parllementary Secretary (Khan Muhammad Iqbal Khan Jadoon) : (a)


(D) Yes.

(c) Dismantling of the bridge during summer season depends upon

the seasonal flood situation in the river. It remains closed to tramc tillthe water level subsides, in the river.

(d) Yes ; (To some extent)

(e) The total amount of expenditure incurred on boat bridge Nowshera

and the staff stationed over there during 1967'68 is Rs. 75,918/- as

under :-

l. Cost of repair Rs. 39,936

2. Pay of work charge Estt : Rs. 35,982

Total :- Rs. 75,918

1132 phovt{crAL A'SEMBLV oF wEst llkisrlr.l [6rH ruNe, 1g5g

ff) Yes. rt was washed away during April, 1960, due to high flood inRiver Kabul. The cost of its reconstruction was Rs. 6,19,419l-

(g) Yes.

(&) Yes' There is a proposal for construction of a high revcl bridgeat Nowshera. Preriminary investigations are in hand. Estimated cost :Rs. 35.80 lacs. An amount of Rs. g lacs has been proriA"A for thiswork in 3rd plan.

Dmrl-GurnlNwsr Roao

*12216. Dr. Surtan Ahmerr cheema: wil the Minister for com-munications and Works be pleased to state :_

(a) whether it is a fact that the portion of Daska-Gujranwara Roadopposite village othian is in deprorabre condition and is a*."r* day byday for want of repairs ;

(D) if answer to (a) above be in the affirmative, what steps Governmentintend to take to repair the said portion of the said road ?

Parliamentary secretary (Kban Muhammad Iqbar Khan Jadoon) : (a)No.

(6) Question does not arise.

-l crLrfr. ;ljs V - | .t e.r .fr{ - t t/lrtrn*u*lti old lf ,\ jt etjpri

ot" P-: 15- E

ut- O&JrlJ ,:t+rl .Lr&Ir.{ It 4- &rl, v.l *, tl1 ("rJl)


.3.t*iir, el .5' * (6 j* )tl .o1L") .93-r.!l-.rt olro.'l

.r tlr eJL .*Jrt 2 L .Sr E a.'tDli5- lr K r.zrti 2e;;tl

&L i qlf 2 A rrr. 5sf, 3rt1.1 0r: f 2 ercrtur

--f r" s* .:,til vl* { yU (.Jl) t* fi (.r)

.fia. e rt - up V lU A ot i ll f.l grt (.b!)

- [.J tt tf &l- J .tlf )"d.i

u6. ! ls f lrl ,eL?b ,f A .{lf .,5ir UI (e)

t ,p rS erbjpJ .5 u;.1 I - Lf rf rr{., !+l fl

(.,t,1) : (rlr.r: Otr dlrl t r.. 0B) 6j-&*, Lrr42\- crt sl

,t .if e altlrtr ? &t ;l b.,*, -r?*t ( r ) (-,)-rc't'rtJ&L

- ,*3 dst r r1A..,.. dJ .l {tf E t+Jt' - (r)

r, cp e{ i.f rbl dl, ri^r oe. a .S ,r*tl f fl k)l: tsl , * rslrti. 6 jt+. ftf- 3, ,,lirr.. r {il4 f

- E .^tt" ls

7134 pRovrNcrA[. AssEMBLy oF wEsT pAKrsrAN [6rn luNE, 196g

,d t- * Lri .r-t, ,eis 15- rlt+ {.Ll -r-- , )*{9 dJ cir" ey c!l- ,r{ S.ilrt rsriT 4r

{ - G*,r- OE .Li.. ,b) .rlr.*j _l &)\"al t :r.jl- ir. cru r i1a-11

,-{ ot g>\tl tte f -J $t, _ 0h &l *, t*- 15e, ti* f ctqlr 0l: r. .l A

4- a)\Ll -r? ,r\ a-6, - ,:rl;^*i , o)t-l-f jjS_ a- ;iro t{,rir: 03; y. $;t.rt 6riT 6ptt, ;] grl

,sr-I .rdl - .rJ )f check ,rT - 6lt aLt a^:., -Ft'- e- ,J* sf ., q.rr' Ert r.. 43 ealil ,5 4ss rlr ;[.itrt

,5 competent authority n.? tf A b51 *J a a:.i1e3 5 yII

lb o&, E #b o!: dil zlrrt ,,nitr si ,Sib ea 6yE^.

Csi*b 6 competent authority .S sell )rl ur& 4f 5s tsl;fr.ltrt 4 tS 5- *3(1, ,f I **!.r .rei ..'/t t.f - jer ,.rrj

e- ;f ltj! J? g ,rk* c,ta) afti 2l: 13;r ){ ilr jt rtr

5- ,, f{ "s

vl .:! 4l ,-w ,itt a-lL" - ,:r1.,;1^^i t O\*alJ, ills,:f ct drn r,rr-r ,SJlrl -r: .d E .*fi, e t.rJ - Z ,;T

r,rL(itrt t? 6 f*i t:,"1 .lrbr 4to 6) )f 5. * €.rI"


.f:.irf43 u.rt t ,J.fil - 4 [I9,o Proced:r" t..J lh, { Ol of ,ff.d*',-i -rL a .rr.l I l9o t?%$ case q L t j1 Ur...1; t{

f:-b r.

rf dJ. U.b Uf frU. 4l o{ - ,-l.1rl J.i. ts-ptfrrt ulf 4 z tt r, A, rtA.i 4lf { .,* -,#t rl

9 tf ,fi", ots U-r:l 4l t tt U .JaS-

i Xs5- U ,F* ^l ?n - .:,lpd t .:)t"elr. J)s4lf 2 u'.l 4 {i .,$t ji:i 4l t., d :*i-f ,rtJ L Ol

LT .;.rh L 0l tt ulf eie & otl tJ U JL tJ l3a .ftnrt ql L rr91.,l r.7l )tl I

3 cr)/\.,|e. .ilt t{,- iti )tf f)ti r+ll - \ Fp. \ *

-: ^5- E #Lri dtd lrS olJ jt olr*.ri

.J-*, - .J&; - Jf K.er $ a- e'Ile u,,l 4J tll (.jJl)

eti J.t .JL o r rv lK g { ll3 def.lu i .{3F. eaprl

- l.9,r ."-rr .1"C .$ ,+ll - te, kf tf

o.l 3a 1n ,.{ s,t?it vlr: f yt1 (-iJl) th ft (r'.)

7136 pxoyrNcrAL AssEuBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [6rn ruNr, 196g

t{f k5- 4). [t.rit 4 L oll )tt (J,.a rJ obltr ,s

I a lKrr

(-i,l) : (0r.+ Otr .Jlil rrrr 0lr) 6,jrq- cgf,.J)tttf ,r qlrr ,* r r $ g L.d JB!r, ,rtl LJU .f f".

-a tr. ert

Jr pB .(, rt !a. 09; 1, . ;K { r5- A. Jr"l (v)

=C L\

dr. )iK:,- K $t .rt* crt jti f ,_ ;)\i r+ ll.iti q, olati +t? ,5 d)U cJt -l a_lL. L rJrr,l {5.

4 rf a ULy L ;,T gi!*. a (1p) .,..r A .Jb- - AsJt- ,5 .fj- o4,,9n r=,T tf - a te; ,. F;; u'. r r ta . .V

f,rb si 6r\r.t 6rf, I E ,rrit.r )* *i e grt ,dtlr I E, fl* :i A- vl.r .:rd .rrL ,5 s.l e- {rr .s

- a- ir' s:{ 0f

dlaf - (r.lr: Otr. J.-. j-.) O\*; 3 Cr)trl y ,,i,t*; .gptL, E gnl t+, Uh L r.G.. a-JLr ," ftfsrt* d".(,. ,{),- e; .L .ro,.l ..(, er$ oi a_ Vf L ur. ef

.Sh .f3,- { A h5- L pl,y, qlJ .f L." - ,SJt" -r,,' 6+ ,* 'f E ,ff *f r, 2 url 4, \fb. pl

-n .tfq ?-trl E h7:rrf i? Bi,r,rdnp frnet?-gfr tr|l.r: l& f^f ir f:f F.5r !:2. rt ,flfr"

r:1+r 5J rlrec a1e - n,., fifi - .alp {f , ,+ -p

(6) ft A -ftp rn Frt rr'o dgl -

riJ-. -fP :P /=o = -

hrlY, $'e6 (ae 'r.rr lnp :}Q irrg) : (rlln)

4P -F {* {it r''r t -l? I e

(-) f ite (fnn) ir[ .q irtA tgll,a 'dr f .{t \-f,

3fl=-SrFr ffc Se Fy,.x fq Afrr -{f, A 1ft ,\(? g ;fP

(tf.) yl F !.;f, _f f .,eo L .rP f;rt hfr 4-n A

F.;rrrr It cy -fJ n? .frf tr , : -

.d 'dC \ - rlq ?KJ GrfC fle - j rgr rgra,er c

nA? v, ifr) q ;:., rr i? -

a?y'r $t' ? r'a -P .f re d sesf lP T .st po

5 tP ;:*' tf A - f qro '1F 1r? ttf,- f 5P fr.LEILs"xE{tlsNv gl{v'$fIoIIlloO {EItvJS

7138 pRovINcIAL ASSBMBLY oF wBsr PAKIIITAN [6rH ruNs, 1968

- .5 Ltr * *,,LI. or. Lf fV .l"lll ciL L oidrl.r f

t ,l a-f

-yb vt+ - (J'"iJ? 0t- .t€.**) &lr.'i 9 J)l,al3, .$-l

* - $f C.J o&t ,;f ,rOl cr-- dI,€. A eLt*. ui

6)t{ +- # CT ,'.', .5 0l ct 4--}$ Lta," Lx; ,su

'2. rf { 9 cd ,f.. u- l,rl qn A f, a-llsl t qs-tt*

,jf 2 t- Sr' .ti 0l-Pr L ut*-'b rJt'r'{ :*,Ssf orc3

r ,:,)L.,lr. iit ur - 0t if lXc a*l-l - lYf .t'*

rllf- A qilrt E zOar t.- dljr .r; tfuj 1.;f ol.1 jl rrlronri

-te, tof tsfi ;'k,.50lrll ,f ettie-r-tz8)t Sno,

. $ E ot'u;, 0r.r

ft - z ..5* rr d*(, .-&l ,5 .fi,- )K c,lrl tJ (.rll)

- .;1. tf .et -1a9 ,5 url n lJ^ ,9nC t+l

A J., rU A hi'fj L ,>.f* itrP

e F f 63- o2f,*:. rlT (.i)

,;f .t Ltn_h .(, .f ots



sTARRBD'euEsTroNs AND ANswiRs ltlE

L "iy-y ,rl.rfs E 't t1a $ A- &tb v.l rl ttT (e)

t{' i- oy{ i. L €3- ofk $ t+, tt o're, ^t ;l /t rf| -f.l+!rf *q*f 4


11 f .fj. ,,fi; c..r(- rJI ,.Er u4g E. yU (e) $: (r)

I'rt t ' {1f ub st c.rt... 6 Lf bt f a-js E &pl a.2S rljl tf sj.r..![ L eilr ,fb lfu - e- ,;€t

d.hf ,fl - Lq- r. JrL uiL., .(i .,rus af;-i t &,.rs

t q. tf etre;J ,5 ,.rt i qt ,fi - ,; rl .ll

7:* f (,.,;,1) - (cri+ Otr dt{l + i,ti) 6}.Sf 6}4)11

- f Lb3o fi .(, 3ttl1 0r: r. yl L

- A qC s-r $ L s.-* y-r+t df

olct K Lr{ Ssi .t! dlo.r u'.1 L c,)\rb. ljs (e)

- t€i tof

Lt" tJ Kt e{ .f}- Lt l tf - z- ,}nlr ..;i r;;rrf (r)

' - A #t. ,rS ,5 LL.r f-

rrt,rri. dtt-t L *-* - llr vl+ - &ti )t.f fS .rl"l

1t40 pnovrNctAL ASsBMBLI oF wEsr pArtsrAN [6rrr ruNs, 1968

- A t t b l'f J.i tf 6j,- _E .rla1 $ a- ,jVri

.{ qt L Ay ,s{ c}', , eiT .s, ,rK OtS E-l o. .F aQ

,- ,srtlT 6 C! dll $ rll 8- ,yt - flb r"f e:a {t; a- 2 I at Ls,j,l* cf. &..., tJ & tr of! i,l .pl

-f 4 Ly .+rS .f ri)\r grl gT '-.1, - A ,.1r. ,,rt.i1l

e- ?T )tl v*t ..{ ,t ,hlf cy s.li ,5 vI dLL E ull

K L-r{ )-re tl oll c4. qL* 4dl ry el-.| A 1l;r 3i jil1 E ,fLri s* :t .rl vT tJ - te, ttYr O*l

- llr vt+ - (r+*r: 0B re ;*,) CrlJ:f, 9 d.ll1zl\t;59

q. gl.l - a- Ylr ) L.fd 2,u A tJ +-+t { cju o,l

* f &t i c1. flf,srl a1il -{ ,rl rn ^5. f, 3o "$J &fu

,rf p. 3, lg 'f*, fi ,Ju d:'I { C* )r€ l5l ,,fl

uC-,9t-4,1 ,*t4{Df q!g-z,. rf U Er,Ct*tt f lfttl-LV r" &t r c4. ,rl e1 , ,. &l ,,4.

t c,:[.,|r. ;jr tJ - 0[> )t-f ;Xe ql.l - t Yf .ll*

,*:.r J? vl-p E .6n? , , dlr- orj Otli 4-1. .rlr*.;

Ord ff ,b )l e. 2lr A r [3 t.f !s f 3r t.,4-,r-ra

.t"rq 6 o-f3- &r - .Ir5- rrl ,,tLr Jlrr, tJ rf A qsti

Y .!3i1 pl .11l t{ 5 t1.. ef c,lrrt: L('*. ,3i;' 4 A




AG r.lK* "ftt yrr+l+l ,f1 -a- €*2r.ta7Y

t gp tf .r:r 5 .rl .f "ld Jl yl "p tr J'ai'ti' ,-f ,rl

- rrb ,? - (rrrr; Ori dr.il Je Oti) ,S.i-&* UtJf.$U

dL 2€ Lf Kt f of3- &t ,!f vt ,ltf 31.#

- q * {st *fY d[ Gry. rr t1a-.rA

." *(

frf a. .5? Jr etf ,!., r,5 or& .l' drlt' &.' *1

-ArJ hrf g.f 63t$K Cll ,;. a' JtsL.l fi{ )tl e. rf !r f 6j1l,ro(3i Jhi.' 1'K K crelr'' ,r }it

e.n ,gl 1( Y Lf Jt, ' 2- K" .rr tltt tr+l ;K- lr. .lt'

&.-, I q,lrt lE, vT - !b ./h - oti )tf pt .+l.l

JlrfJ 15- dJ. U.t" t*a4 t:jl J2e sa. - 2- dti3l tl*

.*,- lti 4l rrl' f,e" e* ,5 $ Ot.l) L ,Jrff ,5 Lb rrJ.i (.,J[. 4f {

- !b yb- G*lr: dl;. .16 .*-.) Olr*; 9 O)wly $ls+n. rt ta. Ol? rI gpUr. A grl t' ifll phased o l.lL'

-f,e' d'C


.{... ..__;_,. .,-1..


7042 p(ovrNcrAL AssBMBLy oF w,st perrsuw [drn ruNn, 196g

t ':'il*tr' $t tr - oV s9y f)le rtl-l - t yf . A*,A).t * Vl* A zbrr ,,., .JlJ- c.lj rjtii Lr r:,lra.^i

,l) jl e 2lr E ki, tJ !r Ll. tsle! e{ cri.ra-I-ta.fy & : eri f ofrt; ell. rlT ef L #r.y Ott ff,i gf l+l ft - C. ,F ,.f l.r, fh A E ,F-, d6 ivl , qri ft 4- 6 -r" e.fr i{ ,t €3- .rrtl rlT r,

f cna lrf c27-9

(irl) - (0r.r* 0u. r,Jt it + AB) 6 j"6*, d;FJ-rtj,

- i-$ cfY €,i{ - dta Lr?

- e- tf r. eti s.K - rrra 6 (v)

- tirll cr^d l.rd dlrp (C)

r c,)\,rfr. :lb $ - ,AJ .r*e Ja*r -f** - ,f ppf*

-: rf E eJL2i ,.ltl Ssf olsjl olro4o

6 r..t, ,.rr. dt- df cltrc d fb rJ:i Cy u.sj (..jl)i"15!t ,F S er- et .r-f )f rE r, .f*f I - d ,,:f


J*rr g.tt, ,_t olL" ,U{L rf g arilg v.l { !I (v)


- qL I i ..if*, dh;. cry. srLo ,sfL e. *, 6

oy{i. ti ,a q. .et.il rrlr: f yt; (.e) r;t fl (C)

t I ::l q. llre.! gr,ti=;l 4{ 2 ' L Jt.r, uaiU t5 oit'e

,' , i !. ,S: crlll K Lf jl.ttK ,r"-tf .'>t;' J3l ..:..9(-

c)i (.j,1) - (rlr'r: oli JrJ { ittr.) ,s}.s.*' 19,};-*J2t,

3tla.1-a+ € trlor-orv .r."5telLr &l .5 ft" ,S df

& .t - t- ,.isn iy i r..J * fl eL- - .rei ,irt ,*''LFl tf l rY r'lrlo..

rJ .l-*d)

udu ^f tt - u.D Lt^ ,rU 'iK'' *+f (v)'

- err und A +t

- Ulr qrl lq L!le- .rtJ e*rl L (.r) Y! r:r't-i (e)

.*tp *t;-$* 6.rt:+11r; - Ylr vU: Sg o;;1,jelV

;*ri u4ru -iKJ { Lf : * ..iK, cry. orl '5t ql 2-11'rl

I gP Lrt a \t Pl .s*f ! qt LI * AtJ t5

-!lr vt+ - (r+.,5 rlt; r.-..r:..-) drlJEar, 9 O)'rlSt 1;gr*'i 431 ,O-:';:



7144 pRovrNcrA,L ASSEMBLv oF wBsr pAKrsrAN [6rn ruNe, 1968

CoxsrnucuoN oB Nerrou.u, Hlcnwey BBTwEEN KlnecnteNp Hypgnlntp

*12326, Mr. Muhammad Umar Qureshi : Will the Ministcr forCommunications and Works be pleased to state :-

(a) the date on which the work on the construction of National High-way between Karachi and Hyderabad was started alongwith the totalestimated expenditure thereof, the amount actually spent ia this behalfso far and the prcsent stage of tho said work ;

(6) the name of the firm to whom the contract for the said work has

been given alongwith the terms and conditions governing this contract ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Khan Muhammad Iqbal Khan Jadoon) : (a)The work of construction of National Highway between Karachi andHyderabad was started during April, 1967. The total estimated expenditureofthework is Rs. 10.266 crore. Actual expenditure sofarincurredisRs. 31,5031788.

The up-to-date progress is as below :-

Service road upto 40 miles completed.30 complcted.

Drainage culverts upto mile

Drainage culverts betwecn mile 3l and !2 are in progress.

Earth formation upto mile 14 completed

Earth formation between mile 15 and 25 is in progress.

Box culverts upto mile 24 completed.

Sub-base upto mile 3 completed.

Aggregale base course upto mile 2,5 completed.


Bridge No. 1

Bridge No. 2

Bridge No. 3

Bridge No. 4

StArhEb QrrBgrloNi A!.tD Amwns



35 pcr ccnt complcted.

25 ,t,t

5,, ,,


Bridge No. 5 3 ,,

Bridge No. 6 Initial stage.

(D) The name of the firm to whom the work has been entrusted is-

M/s Gogefar Astalde (Italian Firm).

The contract is for items'rates and penalty is Rs. 10,00p per day and

the work is scheduled to be completed by 19th September 1969.

silrfr. ,tb kf - ,-;r.t lr*ll+' )b ' lt'l'JPn*

- ' $ E ,;l,u-f rlt l ;f 'l.l jl elr6'r

e rl &L dlJ dL r k a t' A r.rb ,.1 rl UT (.Jl)

' ,# ,y' a, .r.:,tE'* A L t"-s ,S 6Y r:;J L(' ^JlYu* ,(ol

.Jrl( rkT Oh;f 6 15s .[rL rf 2- {r;b v,l { ttT (v)

^D[l 0k-l-re ri*[.


A . ilr J .{3- !t{ ')fi.

1146 pRoVlNcrAL ASsEMBLr ot wESt PAKTsTAN [6rn luNe, i968

4 rJL &., .,*rf 53- ,19f;- td A rr.rb ,,1 al t1T (e)

' a ,.'ri ;j

sK'..-p K S3- ,rl .(i ,retl ^t 4- &rb ,,,1 q

_ A- l9r r.1ri ljfi { &.

tll (r)

Oti ?, JJ

$ i I sM .rtjl vl* V Ytl (r) t, (.ilt) t*t ft (,t

"{n tf cJ?J rt 6lkit ,i* tf

(,.iJl) - (clr'r: r.lB .lt l Je

Jtilr. ,"S. rf x*, rf .{yOtr) ,S.i.S*, 6.p^l\Yl3 dti93. - JrJ &L .ag .::".Jfi-

-Jaa tb.f rr-t-lr

- rlta s? (v)

- dta rr: (e)

& rn J.i ,!r, v ,i* .(, r7l .{ 2- {ia.1) 11 (r)

qpftr e.\) ,S L* dJ'Pt- &.j il E &y1rl A0l S, ,S A ,it f .tl*l ?lso 5 r.ltar e(Irf t r r.

- e-tl: Oj:f ^l e6;;j 6

JJI Jfr$rel y9l ^f q. .I obl-l'1f ,SltJt o* ,;i fK (")

g-fr 6 .{i. r?J 6s-!) frl rgj! .rri, ..tott E L;S-f,



LjJ f u{!- * *. crr+,j dtl g of,! 4 E a*l Lr

- $f et rfrlrr A E

E, (.Jl) t,c- E dlr - !b yU: - ,-p..r, ?Al+o ,r*".d



Ut, L =-b ,s;.&- dtrl,i.eJyq .rtt s* .-"b"

t{- c?, { ,Jr. tf - J* lrtr r*i tf '.,'-i-Irt A tr. dr*,. ,f 4:tt f l$i f dr O.l q

Qu ( Jrr irtr .{ rL) cll,.*,; t O)L,oly 1;2 )

K- f ,rrd e* g dld.. 5-l ut' - tC lg G e*,btrf pl.1lafui - a $ss f b q{ d.rr, ,f L ,t*€{ rLtr. e .t?, ,.f .rl ,r$ ,F-P 6jt, 4.Jti. ed 6.;t L,-flr. Jr .3C ud. et* dr. he!.- ua. - fq li ,J.. olrri

fr. *jls 6at A ,*rrS u, Jlr'qei &t ,, o,,l 2- .,.i

f .t' r1*. LitLoql-rF* rr e r-J5..,+

. . L dt.i lr* lt tS- .15- qrt ,t*

dl-r- L q!,-1, *t - Ylr et*t - e.J g*.Xt-tf ,l-,;rl;r,ll fl1.c 8- otar .5- A QUri (;la ?lr" A (r) ,'*- t

Uf - Lb ojif 4, 4 dj ., 0l .fi,- .S L* Lt f4". ,;r, aL .g .jrL ;aa a, ,,rt Of tC- aerl o 0l rp

u.l u'q, 'sia ,a &{3 ,5 ..$..- ,* o, di ,ll €9 - * A

Adrb ^EI .n {)-4pt grrC 5 .Fr'.! ,;f L


t a- sal tr b".j ,5 s-l q tlT

tlrl .Sb J". ,j., J? bl - olJ:^d 3 d))t^al y -f),t fl - ,;S .J,l .t , t,ed t*, .i f5e+ ,i:t- o.. ,,*t ,.r+

e i,r.j .t d5h;.j u" .t 4- ,.5 S*u L fa alignment

rla,. ^t*L 5- alignment ,"1 - t f .r# dtiil L d9;il A ,;:fn - c-f ej ditirl 4 d,"l .,ui&"j s.b .,fl lf e. s.jy {

,f h ,jf acquire &..j - (.,,l.a ,-fh ,i.,t qd formalities g4J:

- A- Lr^il 9o ,*; uf j- &l E fl - A Ut- t.J rip K .-r..j - A

Uf frh' q ,ro" - ylj ./q - u'-l.;rl J^.ru (S-l;fro{ acquire 66.j .F&J e Lf Lyr.t pK { tf rJr! [:ot^

Ui r-.ri .t sl ,.."i ,5 6j- J.. ,id t .r+, 6:f ,j u.ri

f KJt" ,'a iV ,s E ul.,f J.(. rtt 9T .(i ?? 4.

L vI ,, Lt$ - 4. 6(, - drlJ^.ri J dry^zl S, i)S19.134 formalities ?- *l a. L2f gt.fi ;K 15- - a 16{ g,,,e

a.l -F ,;iol L cry,.rl ,5 €i" oll f.J _ o*6i €sssi ,jrfassurance r.i-tf a O9f3J 6le. sili ,, ,-3s 1:l trf t;s ,f 1s,a

/!;lu T ,r dkJ) 4J S*. €* cr-t,p ,-rtt ef 3o .rL

& ET .f3,- r1 )tl E #h 0t, Jl.r:."j s.ra" ssl

''.5 Lq

StAtRsD QuEgrrcNf AND ANswBEf 7lr[9

u'. d:..ti .5 uisry :tit ct* - ,AJ g/t+t i*db, ur. r.rarJ q g dt- s4i- f 0l .r1b f o-tt{ gf

"4" ,;3J L u!. r.ItL- L { Z 1;T - ur. ltr 4!,) V

rJtnl ,S A q &l .l: .:h - .5 .:tl i 0r4tj 4 ida.rl

dJ a-9. th JtL r,l:pru oi 2- dJ t" 53,- J**f t{ .fj- - d,pu { j&l &c 6y - ,* L* 3 '.:iiJi L

z:d ){ ,s2frl .L-l - e- "/t" JR i lb s-l r31 f,

eL rfr - 5 ,;*t uif vtF rrel uJ,.at 5 8l - &* itlef Lr: . ,r# &s{: ,i:{ ut' o,.l a- .rn.t b .{3r J*-r:

Otrr fr^ te$, i VT d[r.1: E rJ3; Otr,. pl dlj'.rU - OUl.

ri" Gf 1rt a. *jrd jtc drfl _ .l (Jr" "{g ,f ,*.1

0U-lra {-l; torr- lftl - A }{ l* -53- q - 4. ,rd

JL r. - A scJ ot S3- ,l e.JtL. L fl* rJ - A l:f -,-ri ,.rr. .9t*. L ,.rl ssl 2. .r# $>\e jk-J3q 5'b ,i-f -

- Grr. Q tf g* bltt

\.f e- .r-te .r&ri ef t** - CrlJfr, 9 Ofu13,, l,ilUT Jidrlil .4" - t c. 2*{l dt, 4- *Ltt gr'l ,i,r. et t-

,f g ot) )\l t{ 8l o;. dlrr L &.-l ,r>\;l e- ljn

rLtr. u"l u.t rJ lfl u.rt" e* elt- z-;-b stll v-V (&i

ditt t{ Ol F" lt ,lrf #u uB.. ot - ul) f sort out ,si



7150 pRovrNcrAL AssBMBLy oF wnst pAKtstAN [6rn ruNr, 1968

Buu,prNcs or MAvo HosrnAL, Lluonr

' *12346. Rais Khan Muhammad Khan Nizamani : Will the Ministcrfor Communications and Works be pleased to state :-

(c) the amount spent on the repairs of the buildings of Mayo Hospital,Lahore during the last 5 years ;

(D) whether it is a fact that due to lack of proper repairs, the condition

of the buildings of Mayo Hospital, Lahore has deteriorated to such an

extent that Rs. 1'5 crore is needed for its extensive repairs ;

(c) if answer to (D) above be in the affirmative, the name of the Officer

responsible for this negligence and the action proposed to be taken 'in

this regard ;

(d) whether it is a fact that the extensive repair work of the said

buildings has now commenced ; if so, when the work was commenced and

the amount that has been spent on it so far ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Khan Muhammad Iqbal i(han Jadoou) : The

yearwise expenditure incurred on the maintenance of the Mayo Hospital

is as under :-












(6) No. The condition of the Mayo Hospital buildings has deteriorated

because they have undergone heavy wear and tear due to extensive use and

have also become very old and passed their useful life.

(c) Does no! arise in vicw of (D) above.

StAhnBb QlrttntoNs ANb ANSwBh5 ?l5t

(d) yer. some improvcments/renovations viz., provision of additional

fans, tube lights, conversion of roofs, etc., are being oarried out' The

work was first taken in hand during July, 1967. The expenditirre so far

incurred oo these works is Rs. 1'61 lac.

c,lr.a.l J s)[rlJ,. ais V - rti ,-P.l"l Jr- - \ PPAfi'

aJ)q!. u., Jrl{ 15- a' r'ib el tt tf rf ;[1vti rlt* 1'f .l.r jl

I * t-rl tl a- ,J;t or,4 E ,>f- & ,jf 6 fti E r,ljti

.(l ,; ,-$ orfia, :J e-.r5of ,rd*{ FrJ .;r.f N t*i' el

r .*rtn r. &g

- 6la Lr" - (,.rr+ ,.rti dLtl Jf 0rr) 6}.fu ,s.j,*Jt\

r"rr ,5 Js ef! d3'" i 2 L & &'3U Jrt4 clt-tt;

I.ltl 2- ,F ,5 ge9+a;c. ol.,9r f *9'*a.itirl dL*q c-td

,sl { A i, .pl 4- L,r., b 5 tt.i ,'.f,- girJrci .rt iI - ,r - e- f Lh t t!fr.r.T1.rt e 0lrrr E Gt i11'1r) dt' ult' 'xJT,

q-V L9;-&-- 6j^.0J1! - !b q/tt - ol.i |e c.u,2 ty"

tf or-, yjb rrl pr a ,JrL ,jd wl* ^l A !r rrlr: t? L

.t *{ € Olf ci-191.1 .og crlJ,..r, 3 tr)\r19. i)l sc' - up aJ

rf op ;lt" g* s,c?l vI - .rJt, {"r, ,.Jli "irt t5 rlL grl

o- i*.5 o.-1(- 6 CT dtf" 4- ,?r u....i.q .-Ql ,rr ltll

q--L, fb V - tt L5- ,e,n ,* ,t )lpt ,rJ .,f Lul .r:-t "['i


e-ji ,rll.i i.l ,.r.1 ot tf & eJt.rf ,rlt r &iJ tr.. 4lJ- oll

f ! ,rJt.ri

et+ (r*1l: ,.rt- + .**.) o>tnly 9 t>lr7*n 1)9s.l .${l g* s,{ L rr^ $ a do K,-tr ,.rl _{.*tr rt.l _ ylr

- tC L.f pLl{ s+: s9* ,r*, Dl e- ,5 c.* ob 6i.:, f <}.se:.

- ,.,r+, $ og .:! ct * ,.rl L u.. e. e".tJi:il dE. dtr..

dJ{.il vl - a ujr. e ^?t.5 vE*rl E & :a-S ua. ,J,l &l.rri 6.rr $sda:.fu pl a_ J f )rb Ef .:-r;:. r(; L- L ,.lt e*rl *f Y Jt ;l E ,,rl u.a. o, Jt- iit rf e- hfsF a-.llu o.l ,.$ rJd, ,to ef ,r" j(- t.i cjl.Jul e, ql vT ri

- a$ J* i tl e ap -rr J: Jri u.,- rf u-- zs f 'irsf

f-jr rrL: dl ,Ju &* - llr .rh - )J,ie;t"^, gAJuf efti !L:,r#Lo34l Jrl t€it{e*Leo,is*-yf .r.b drn ).fu c',l- ,i-tr;l E t* ,rt ,-I, ff6 L_S :*

$l Ur" :i :l rnt .(i J

ta Ltf g 0l - Ytr .rt:: - crlJ*J e ,;i).4;t3, 1)9,r, ,f.t - A tal T Xa lf ,li a tess ,l{ ^lt*u + rf A4 L rE$t d: rJ;;4 .fEl ,rt, rf tr Os2f €)e q u2. ,!A- o.l

t-{l 4f $L2,1 €r,*rJ\ 251r A Ul. 1.K 1Sl. r..(Jl ?tiajl f e("

o. fl tt ^ ,5+. ,itr &<j un. tl36 t.-. y E ,,r: tf I oa



- jtel tiT eF "lK tlt ^ .rl ,rf i &5 k d>[l f I 6o.i ; obr

e pl g*l 8o. 1l ,.fel 5 obr rf "* ,rd gri 4 u.1r 1-tl

rrl ojt -.r .a,tL E rrtat eJ,.u Jea3 L e .fiJ - E A+;r-.-ta oti a-.lLn ua. u.: .-rC

"OU S:tt.(ll .5 r..tE:;t .,.ti

Jri ,r.u. f obr .f tei tJ t.f .ro3 rl ; cttrr I s*y s&l

A "p

,j(J 2l) o,r. process gl -f - E ulrr.r .rrr, O)\l { a p.

- ,. {i dU ,Jl ur. rtl o.r^JI rf a h(. 9a r;.,l 6(l

rti;l i- ,)eee. ,;t - )b .rU: - r)lJa rlB rl37l 0t*

f s# 1,1.tr- .f sl rrl a. G r. vt *il f rq .+l *f 4. Ut ,..('. L o9rrl ,a3, a dtr Uf Ls* f{ irt vl 11l e- f U

crrf L,,r r4e1 6fY 1te ,iy 2 A dL /it e. 6-ul 4e*2.

jnta uftU l.Fr 4., Y ofy # i qta- ,-rl -f 9i S a. KiU

_ f, Lb 1r carry over ;(3 d.t* g* Al .tli ej.,r tC

.g.ut qt? &G. - Ylr vt:; - i,r)t^alg. 9 ,>lr$ fi9,r .JL ,rf 2 L p*- s"S ,trt a Uf ohase out ,f flftrls,r dttL. E JlLr dl Z qrell e$36f 2- tl. L) \UJ t':f

u.r, e"r., 1fI 1q e, 0l n L p - rar seiea ;f adjustments

A E Lf 1'rc;'.. d.l .rtlj e orkj o, 0l L p" e(! - l6i Kit"

A E dt. Jfl e4l et! s) -rt* u.,.o L ,JrCl 0(J - t6,, t*f

f ft 6uFd HIr.f -**1$po&ar rfusq.r

7154 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLv oF wBsr pAKrsrAN [6ur ruNn, 1968

.9.q ^t;; r.G.. f. n ,j* c,ts*,5 dJ .U;. ua$ rrlrrr E.

e} $ i dt-lt ; - u{) ar, 4.r. ,rrr .t { E- ,# -Jjl Ll.t$ 6 fK &, E, ,.rl - a- cttre 6 dtt ,r*. 4 E Lf

? Lh tJ +tL" V f t qt { f,er lt erit ,l .lkir .f-l

t .l)\rl, ij: Lf - lti i- f .-St - tpf{f 6*

L)95 .^r*. gp,lf o.3,(- tJ rf E, #t, ,.tt* pf cl1 jt ral.,.arJ

rrtJ & , O$:. E .b s* 29l. r rL! 1... , 3rl ,i 3f,:. c gkt

I *r t*f ,g>\..cii 6 ,rl y r. ,c. t-{l "tr| L ,r*fs orlll K Lrf

,)-fL - (rrr.r: 0tr. .Jt.il .le 0ti) Lgj.{.-,, g}.t;tl- ,.. if, crr rlrr 15 O&.rr.rV ;r;o ,4,lf .I a_1U I Os3r

rLi ce*. - Jg ;d t'" - Utef ,jr., ,,1x ,a;lf rf [f P I u*ttti L ,il ?lfti ,Jf V r'*, 6 drlf J osjy L ot.! .p.i .131

-ad t*

,,J;lf 4 t-r.., .5 r.ll ,rt ft - drJq dB 0971 llieJtt- f fl* Uf-rt "* ,r.ri jr*t ,rh L tfrtgsi r .[o-I3ry

.t .f ti'9,r ,of, rrtr i:t 4; ,rlrsi e.(r. e. €*.5 Lt"r+

t e_f .#, 6 dt ,,l,l


-*,- n fl - !b ?r"" - d,D{^at.;r t 9L:.^i })t, ,rf f. S 3 igllr e.! 6yLr { -r' 'r,'' * s{ ,}r-' 6Jb

!r.tr. U tfrta:V ;}ol"rJ'., "fi- ,tf.rl .*' 42f :r's '2,ir th

S L ,i* 6;11.r rr3 6 0l { 2e1 , -ra dr-' )ti L Authorities

- g1le.t- .rt- 6 .rl ! ul.rf ,p.i 6plL' 2 c'l-t' & .* tl 'l

sJr.il, r ,:r)\.dr. ,Ul tf - ,^itt lgdt+".f- t Yil<ft

-. S E s;v.lOh 3f a1;t

r-rl &t- t4d dL o.i r*i ef + +rlr "'l { tl-t ('itt;

{ gt.n e )tl d+'t- ;K V /13 .Fru i 3tr ,rlrr d.rl


.(i vl 0lrrr I rerr $ dt ;* rf a e'ile ,.'l r1 tf (v)

- a- Uf r,f .-l f zFi L Jr' s> ir

- j rn .r{ o$l vlrt K !\ (Y) ,rl ('i'l) J;tt '$ (e)

- e- ,t{' ,5 pb r"l ,rf N sY 'fi- (drl)

.- A ,{ S ii* P *.t *' f, 'rr ve (r'{")

7156 pRovINcrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsT pAKrsrAN [6rn ruNr, 196g

prJ ,F .4d \r3,- ldb rrl:rr E dt- sJfr.l (dr-)

Jrf - a ,f S ua:ia

pK f eJlS .Lf lU i €j- .rt .-(i te;,- Z:f (;tfr^a)


.r (-trl) - (clr+ 0rr ,Jr*t + or;) ,s;.5_,, q!,;^$\

- otr

-,dl^ .r? (v)

- dtt tAltteoo. ,.i2e (rJrf) (e)

azlL2ot1o & 6l- tr .$ ,t l1a-1-r. .d:s. (prr)

- u* dr.t

' dlS (tso o2o o o Jtc (;f-)

)tl &L rs,r V S, ,.rt* .J,ssi rrl &t_ (1.ttt:)

srr.,, ta. 09; 1.K K LW r:*, f yl3 r,tje*

- ! at f prl; ;is {Lr* K,ib * J.r"

sh o- tf , *a A, h q &.+, -,J u5r _ or*> j,,,,tdL q ft I Lf di.i rt ud a- cJ- .ltcir r** JU .r*F,rf rf vI ft s e" 6r KJ Lra

^J i.- vl,,rcl :* ,rl .trl E *r(|

' '--"ru


.f fK 9T qf ei -: f 4tf ,).f,. a.l ti ,#ro tr.. c'l.eis 2! $

d ,s 4- .,H 53- * e. llul^t.rl tf.rrl rrp 6tL" o lV,it tl

- si r uCrr u"f, gU eiU eIL E,

- !ll'vtr: - (r+.b: dtr .rf.**.) C,,)t^ely S Ol,r;"ti 1)2

.rl .$ dlr: .trl 4- Ul. phased programme t{l t{l Y a.(ot 1 ,n

.;Js e?f ,rr" Lf etra f K ,l ,,rl e- 6<.. e- d,LJ f C"(;lr1

gf ,a*. rd91 +f y lb 4 L vl 2- nl r7l ,3(.l .rr. .rf ,r*- e- &l e. al g*t 2- t ., 'r. f{ o..rlrir .r: yl e-

-f3. 4 rf e- !t,y Z otril - 2(3- qp$ - o;* ,L.t..s dU O+ .rl trl 4,i ,trr ltj * 4 L d:s {l o.rteil

u:r! ,--l,re 4 /t L *.t<- tf a- l9r eF **lts ef y *iI J rrl

og *l oe if dsf Efi uf ,";t t{ f A Si- ,r 6 e-

r" .rt+ f,}. ot rr. rJt- .rr cJL *fl, #q fn { +} .J 1.t i

,r"', .5 ..fj. ,s^,f *. tl31.(,. lta r) $ L,rl L? - a-f !b

- Ja r+U r.5 6.rt €l *. LW. E .rl 13l L\ 6 1tf

Mr. Speaker : This is a suggestion for action.

7158 pnovrNcrAr, AssBMEil.y or w$t pArtsrAN [6rn ruwe, 196g

.r".:r[rlr. ilt t'f - tu.? .t >l ltLL .Fl\ - \ f ilAg'

-z { $.,,roiLr 0t* ff rt1 jt r:rlr*.ri

Uf Uf of .r.l f Ah crt..rr L dt,z.1et &efi[- (,.jJt)

- ,roi ,j* it* fr., uxf i ,rl.pl ti

l- Lt',.rJL r:-i €j- o2{ia tf A uilg ,,1 ^J UT (w)

,fb r, -r. d hl ft a- srts ,l t* .ilt a,s ,5 s.t rrlttrLt"Ve*=J-r{{*e6,f,,

,-fi, (r,rJl) - (rlr.r; ot- dtit .r0 rrnl LSj.&- 6jLJJtttt2taet,tl r:$ .t t1^ &rl pl ,tC ,-i{ jh *. r111a 2rdr

_ gI cI! 3rr

- A dnt ,-J*, sjt 6 Sh - uorJ s? (v)

Rrvlz Glnprx HousrNc Scnsur

112496. Mr. Hamza: Will the Minister for Communications andWorks be pleased to state:-

(a) whether it is a fact that some plots were earmarked by Governmentin Rivaz Garden Housing schemc of Lahorc for allotment to GovernmentServants ;

st&,nsD Qrrgrrolh Ar'io rusWcnd 1ts9

(b) if answer to (a) above be in the affirmative, the nrmes and desigu-

ations of the officials who have been allotted the said plots alongwith the

area allotted in each case ?

Parllamentary Sccretary (Khan Muhammad [qbal Khan Jadoon) : (c)


(D) A list showing the names, designations of the official alongwithPlot Numbers and the area is cnclosed.*

3,(; slrll .t 6 *r ;(. h r; aw ,-J !f - 6.:.> ,f,,*rL VT - u.a 3r r5>ti 4 tg discretionary quota .rei rJ L \rT

t A t5- tF t\u t*;t{ c;t Lf gYl ,.IXJ .l ,t irl

r, 4r - (r+rlrt 0tr Je j..) C))r[rrl3r , &lrfr, $lr. f-r1. e- )* sil5. !(ll 2 L sl ssl 4 discretionary quota

,r.rl .j rf a .r:6,nr rI ot )tl A ,f .d ,Jlii ett" ,5 case

$tr.f. [.dr. rl q )tl g ,-SJL tr.rlrf .Z!al rrt 6ir*r - ltr:llls

g**r / rl - sn *l 6>\ .Jrf trh E 1rl ,rct 4 ,f51 .&, ,r'.- a- )l3r1u

Allotmeat of plots is totally a discretionary matter which rests withtbe Cohmitt€e and while giving plOts they.take into oonsideration :-

l. the Chbracfor Roll of the Officer.

2, thet"hb tbes notlossess ariy plot in'West'pakistan.

t,,ry? a5i'-dr. lX- f ctL..1r e{ e, t*T ,Jo. U5- - op .1,,a

' Pleasc s6c .fipc* I at^lhcwd.

TteO pi,oVrNcrlL AsSEMBLY oF Wssr DAKTSTAN [6rn runr, 196g

6,b r.:g.n gtt vi-f t{,yt Lvl rfa urfie- vI {,.}*fI

"lf gYl g)\ J Jt.*. ,if os ef ,^r ;f

Minister for communications and works : This is the laid down princi-ple which is always before the Committee. Whenever they make arryallotment, naturally, they have got it in mind.

A- Ut i tt L J:*t. $r t.5- - Jatu lhe jsru .'t-9r ri d* ..rg .S ,.r*f uE. r,k*ftl ,stza" rrll L ,ar!., o"? 45'

I u.. Lt: dt &:t ^J -{ ,.rl

,rl &:\ r1 .[rl.1r - !b vU: - .:r)t^e13,. 3 ..}lr2.r.5 ;)9E dependent ,rJ- L ql ! t+l ,r! L * td g r:(_ & -f ,f;a

- ,. 4J t2y c5* j3f cr. rlY r,1,.!

+t" ,5 d!+d L s>\.!r, 1 r:lr"g3 ,jr vk: - op .J,.,,

,rl ,:* 0k*5-h d* ^{ Ut.y L dril .!* a- "lKt

.ftX6 ah sd-,r. {, r.rar 19r! Uer. - uor Ltf .rl - 3la rl r5)\l ,}f ,,* A.f u.r - Lh'tll .lr* .f $.[al a :l ,]t. ef ,.,.t .r-t- r1 U5-

- ,& , .pl #! .r! E s.rl .-(tt ,ft - eo ai ;t t gJt- r.Jl.

AW E ,.rl - f rl:3," ,5)\g u:. gj.Jrl.r .pl 4.lrf r rlT ;.r.-

d* L)V ,rQ A g* A (J[ri ri- Y t.;.a rJ.l tJ .-f- 9r Ai gXl ,.r. ltaftg

suggestion 6 ?T 4J dL.rl - drl )?; t a)l*aly ;.g


*f - a 6r rf ,,-r.* L sc, o3 - A .r*JlJ ,$ U*;rrf3? - Af, - - u* 1ls .g- .t - A r5>\ u.. Jr^y ,.rt, L *a *L ,r.*Jt{ ,,rl f ql ti - 4- u:r., .5* ot, *a.lrn! ,.t; L ,sl

- a t(- Ji. ,g* d:.i,

6jl.til rcri ,.5)\g or t5 - ll1,,9k; - Jafr,. W )bf ,6bi ,r-^ {,d, *

- 4 atrJc ,3.f g 6.ll.rJl &/ v-tr urt- - L:*.t 1)1

ExncurroN or Seurr,my Wonrs rN por,rcs SurroNSglrlnclnn

*11,499. Mr: iramia : will the Minister for communications andWorks be pleased to,state :-

. i.'

(a) whether it is a fact that a contract valuing about Rs. 40,000 forthe execution of sanitary works in police station Shakargarh, Districtsialkot was given to Messrs. chand Traders during the year 1964 ; .

(D) if answer to (a) above be in the affirmative, the date on which thesaid sanitary works were completed ;

(c) whether the said contractor has been paid the amount of contract ;if so, when ; if not, reasons therefor ?

i , ir.'' ..r. ".' ,.', .n.....Parliamentary Socretary (Khan Muhaqmad Igbal Khan Ja{oon) :

Yesr't. '' I l


1162 pRovrNcrAl AS3BMBLY OF WEST PAKISTAN [6rH ruNe, 1968

(D) These works were not completed by the contractor' Some portions

of the works executed by him were below specifications'

(c) Following payments have been made to the cootractor for the said

works which were up to the standard specifications :-

(r) lst running bill

(ii) ZnO runnlng bill

(ili) 3rd running bill

(lr) 4th running bill











Totsl 19,227

Mr. Spealer : Any q.upPlcmcatary.

,6,si rf - 4 tJ r"bi i drf,l - .,fo.." vt+ - .j.> Fl.rl A$ rtry.duu 4 (r. rrl rrl -b'tr dil)ly.r*'t"

$ ^(F - dJ! f:(- f c.ik.r) { e, VI s.. tof ,t" I {

t sV ,r *,rl S,r.r2-t f rl "Jpl - [f qf J''(. srt ol lrrv

d9f ^L.J g.:* L d 'Ja,.

drL 4t i ' .5 uef i .# .5i1iL'

f Ut ,rrF

d..i +'f+ - (-r+.r4 Otr JC -f-.) dr)t€l1 9 Olt;rti 1$9


,. ^LAi , q ti Uf cancel f fK "rh

E st *t, - tf ,rati


.:rLK.l ,sr-T L vT.f - *t ;f.- kt vTtof - oF .fuN Lf tst f url vI - a r,rl trul * tof - { 6.rb [f9f oi-s otl c1t1e) oe tf - a- tf {ri al L -J h .r. ,r-r, lt i

t ,SJt? $ .$Jlrl t{ ,rl fitl lul ortL. E. rtr.

,,rT urf .$ ,,rhl - llr vl:; - gtrrrri 9 O)\rl t J;lr "f\ - rraf I et zq L ,.rl -f d - 4. gt'I Y ?K Lf e-r 15- Jlr5r.i Ly-er L fA .t - tr, fK f .'oS- original

-g# rr& 5 afl lt.ll u*Jb ca tf q .ki. V ,,rl - a- U lrlpl - ,f 2f eF i o3 4 glri { 4,u ir ,.r*Jta .(l ot1.:

cl 6fJ - a. ct f or sC ,if 2 fb *,t r: .5 c,.lLr Gr3,1

sot PaYment 2! \bf f { l!1 llit ,tll 2 p. e 5f $ L _,2..55f

t c,)\-tr. )tb tf ;g o:l;gV - I Pd . A'

- ; rf L ,,lut, otJ ff, rll jl 1lr,+l

la'drk+ q|r ;r* rJt, .if ^{ .r- J\'rlJ v.l e; ttT (.i]l)

7164 pRovrNcIAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrstAN [6rn rur.rr, 196g

ir? *{ rr*, .5 .fj.. yll dU e:-f, rlT i13.1to a rJta:ls. ua.

s"r. errt'. ,jf rf ot - re, .y' .5 JrL &ri a. .,illt dKJt,

- tJtf trt

.*t 6 tl i ,. r.r*. .:,Ul vlr: K Y! (.;ll) ,:: ft (v)

f ..^o Lfu-

rr (.,U1) - (..rrrr 0B d$t 'r* OE) ,S}'*qgr5'J.,b.till-T-t. ti.;9r *flsl 2 E S!- uJ ,J.. .(11 ef A_ t>_ss

- A Uf lsl3f &r.j irB,lr. r*rL. K,'t"r _ ,rd Gf d &L rf

6.l{jr&liql pi.1 't+}i - A rsll; ,Jl:s$.f ;trf rJ3-- (v)

.r t"1A FJ ,5 r.prb A i, JJI A ,/ O, u:. .,lo:ll E $Ib-

- 6 1,. (e) uy !113r f

UI r5. - drF frnb t,f eib.1r *! ur. -,y- Sg otll>le

,f €t- r.il ! _ A ,ilr Uf lsl ,,:4J d t3f,i JB, ,-(Jt .,*f6l.rl ,g..;i 6 clrli cJ.t Ll.rL I t_,J/l _A & vr .rlt.J 5.

I o,.r.l tl e- r$ t:

K vT - (r**r dti Je -i-.) drlJ.^r, s J\\el! ,js-,e, U ar rrll* l. ,rn { 94 _ k}i uo. /J- E & ,Jb-

u* * E J.. 4t ,Jlr- l.r. .rt: - O*r.J, c)lj-L,. & te{.i

srARnBD Qt ESTIoNS LND Alrs{vEls ' 1163

e ,.5 .r: -'€-' J.', c&l .j.r, - Olr*J f .-r)\","1 .y ljl- e-.ff t.1l comPensation 2

t e- .$ eo l.rl 5 .,i,, - O.> tg o>|1>tc

6 or! r. g1.l n Lr.. - drlJr"j 9 J)\cly j)S- 5* ri* p*

ct[.,fr. t-j: t{ -.-fu lti J.-, y'i o:tJt> - \ f 6f \'-i ,S t oJr-j 0t.l lrf o1J jl cllr.l'i J

$tr 1 .{j- o1r .,;.i r *l- Jlri ef a e*il3 ,,1 r; UI (.rJ|)

- k, tf 6 efr r:i.d dt- Oi fK K ,.J .5


Jls .$' vl fK K ;.*i orf,i'". d Z *il5 al + fri (v)

gi- a-.$U A rilc ,sfL gl,. .tf#i .f, ,r? - }- lr" urf,t

- uct &l * :!a,rs * &**,

n -* (ri. ol,rit .rl-6 ( Yq 1.-; rrl (,-rrl) sl.*l fl (C)

.ei.1 -r"{,,I "h f*rfi ul K ijb.p J.(, ftr..1f*. .Si r;rs af, t &lb tp .lref N

7t66 pRovrNctAL ASSBMBLy oF wBlr DAKIStAN [6rH Juxs, lg6g

ff (.ir!) - (0r\ 0u. .Jtit + Oc) ,Sj-&*, 6r1")j1- tf .m.r1 €$j ro sts{ U ttr V e* L9 ,u r dL r

r-Iligi r:-11 tJrF. 4l r.rg ;el l1l ,r# r- 1{ 4rfl (v)

_ 4- rltl. A E

r| Cg ,,r.. drrr- cJt- oril f{ I ,r4l;-s .5 .L,; (C)

_ rj.b

vtr: A (v) _ ytr vr+ - qt-p r.rt_ ._r)tf grt*t-11 dr[. ..f,ll dt ,t lr. qr, F:i +/l ,.K ^5-

A f h5- .f*4 2- t*.r.4 .!rt+ .$ oh: i - e- r,,rea N .(i,j

Cr, .trJ r'* fK q .l*{ :j - ,sh of e,ssi .5 ih ,-t.?-

I rl.l"

n { - fu+jr: 0tj. rt :r*) crl4-ri l,.g)t^pl y iJsrrl a- tiK, L r.. rf oE - a- lr) t"r ,? 2_ r.nr f Jt Jtr.

ct . $ 2-l .t .,,r€, *j* ,r ,? q Lrf construct ,5- &3rr S dle e, .-r.p oyl.r .f! - rd lh Ulr,(. o *tl ,};jr.

- .e- .l; , J-(. +ll *l -f .r t3j dI-, f

t ti ca. vl-rt - llr yL: Of"f+ Oti tS*l 0t*

A 15

STAInBD QuEsrtoNs AMD ANswEnS 7l6il:

Thc work would.be completed by the cnd of winter ncxt year, if funds

are available.

Ul,(:. a ,U Jrrt, ;[f Jt S - a, llLy L r-+-V $r Yl

- a tt I &.*r. tl a rL*. ( availabil':


8f'La.,l J1 pl a- tt Ta -,:.,|;-rif .:r}n4t f J)s: trJt" ,. .rg ;1.C rrlyro

t c,)l,rlr. .ljr uf - r(ntr ,J, CS .SL - \ lDlA'

- z E Cu; ,,lh pf of jl elr.prJ

r+lrl (1,rr) drf ,er-J (r.[l) rf a- r.ilr v,l { tJ (..iJl)

L s-rt ., +t .;JJl( cJ:tt; (rr-) pl }iY trjt:

$f t-.la. r4i 7t K rl3i-i .$il a rJglr 4lf4-tl"6d-t

,r$ r;1r J*-l :rilf, d:th d I erilg ,..l 'J tJ (v)

.t.fl s*t ytt (.-i,l) JjF 4" r,nri lr?J'' d*'- A )r?J, ,At4- q tJC, Or.'rf J) 64J

8 c-f. jfd *f .4t S 2- r,ilr ,l 'l tJ k)

7Ltr pRovtNctAl AsstxBt"y,ot wBst pAtdcTAN [6rn ruNs, 196g

[n.' f*- .,]U ,J,!. ,]i]-l j3lf, gr.f* )_r, ij.ji-t, y-*t rJ .rljl &t O(J -

"re, *+: .t Lf

- ,r&, $ ,st .,f

-f *. ,s etjl *pb" f yU k) U (,-iJt) ct1-t,ft (, )

* ,r$ ef d3.,1.l r-lf E +-*-l yJlf, s-.rr"

1eL r.rsU! .3 rK3; - ,"r tJ .fJ 6 ,f d Lr.

g.i Lr+ ' uP 2-t f lsl 4l:f e G.# ,rl Iu.. dr",rf ,(11 ,)fL o* Yt1 (.iJl) t* { e.

9 uzr 2f ItS ';ttnl 2ls c"t

- dt. u? (.JJl) - (clrr: dti LlLrl Jc otr.) ,sjr<*, cg.,fi{;tr

- dL. rr (v)

.a. lfs.tl .-dU,

2-,F 6) fliYt- L rr ir1-.1i ,5- frrf- ( e )

d-,. yxt ,5 Lr{ &t.i

A .lrli:jt at K )*rt

tt tr u# t r. i*- ,Jlt, .S, ,ret q. J,**l ( , )

,.rlr. ,ot, (lr'l+t 0tJ (Jt- U 2 E p{ o,l .$r.f



cr{ $l* f rrdrla ?q ,tqr rl,f rdrttr) r ,LL rr

rpsroSi1r'4 vro - J" i" 4-f ry prrle -l -* ? t*7 _gt'fn.

1jf1so fC -3 - *o ert r€oteo ? tu crnF ;rn

rntSl5J scc2 z-

1-p fZ vf -

fi gr ie 2) 1rf \e -F F rrr .:f,r8. rLt rg r f- r),'f ,r-fF. tt fSSJ #cf,t ^,Lbrs $ {r2 Jt n

?rO -ff:).r H eh $ ?

lA Ct.r a .*f 2 15ff q:t' 11A cf -1 = lfr {k ,l .rf r*rfl

*f do5:flrf c1;=-|f,tfrh-loLt-Pc;ri0 !f do-

h.frfr, ${n (a? --r t!-rP a? +f?) - 4 s;J rr


,D!. -l(, ? - g!'li*t rs ? cr !. Jf r;rt,.ajt rs I

f( ry5eG * 9 r"* F _5::q oc* {, rfg - lt r..r:JJ fittn

3 g qrce lqc *1o ce1 7 nnr 3c .d'' 9,p;1r1 ;;n ?

{lp - it, 4C* 'l-Q-Vl'l ,o -f rh n gq rle ff fo

f 3*r1c; t! Ct, lJ *e nnq lro t'tf, l* vLtrl t 3' ;fy:r.J

, .V I I'{ I - 4lol'le, {C <.e ;1 i{f rt,lco

69[L sus&rsNY qNY sNortrscoo @uuvrs


Tl70 .

pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [6rx ruNr, 1968

,>it,* .{t 4 - YIJ lll+ -F U orl;;+La

- A grt1 ,[ rrlr+U e.G. q a ois o?l - A .Jf. integrationor *,::*:, *.':lx:;:i

coactruction rr: grl - yb tpk? - CrL:.r, I O,jwl9r lllcrlo K er. d t gr.l .-fr.Jhr.rrl -a 6 UF e rrr.rr

- -- -L urr r(JJ-S. -r. fq d-Jb 4 integration rf A g(. rj

{ - 2- tJ t{*t {, - yb vL: - Ja> )t 6li*lar

"(,J- i . A .5. t? JK &tr- :l ;-.fii t ,]r-- OJ ty ,rlI A lr. *c; l:"{ t* 3

Mr. Speaker : The Member should give a frosh notico for that.

JgrL,b. lb \f -j;tillt- {rl .i", G-frF - \ t/Irn*- 3 S E uJt i 6t.l ff.tt jt c.,tro.ri

eblt ! LG._ '{b ,},. iI ,I s.. tltril*rf *) (.iJl)

r"'' i - r;'* 3Ui:il iS E


€-tl+(l ., otfy qfL 0lrrr A 3 t t .1a-r1 (1p)

-,{ 6rrcr. etg{ N


0t .(, tpl e ,r. FrJ qfl ,Jr. tlt 1v) r:r ( e )

l" .t Er dl ,irJ- i *ilr6fi ,5 ofh-e-u$

d, qtfr. r^t A .tictz L l - l+t - d r.G" (, )

ru5 Fi dY #d, {,s

(.jrl) ( iu+ 0lr .Jr.il r.r.. Orr) 6;fu 6f-Jrttdr. f aAszl

- d$ orr I roArrt' . (v)

l$ r1lar.tf.1'.. 3ltrrr 6tL rt r', t' (e)

- dr. a;.tcttr (r)


RBsnnvno RBsr HousEs roR Axu'ConnuPTIoN Ixspecton

or Unnnrot

379; Hr|t Srrder Atte Muhrmmad: Will the Minister for Comm.

unications and lforks be pleased to state :-


7172 pRovrNctAl AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [6ru ruNr, 196g

situated in each Taluka of Mithi, Nagarparkar, chhachro and Deeplowere reserved for the Anti-corruption Inspector of umerkot from lstfanuary 1960 to 3lst D&ember 196?'; ..

(D) whqther any entries lvere made in the relevant Register of the saidBungalows showing the dates the said Officer had got the said Bungalowsreserved in his aainc ; "'

, ' ; ,

(c) the nuhtbrs aud dates ofthe letters issued by the authority con-cerned intimating reservation in the name of the said Officer during the

period from lst fanuary 1960 to 31gt Docember 1967 ?

Minister for (bmn{nicetionsr dld Works (Mf: Muhammad KhanJunejo) : (a) There is no Public Works Department Inspection Bungalowor Rest,House situated.in the Taluka of Mithi, Nagarparkar, Chhachhro

and Deeplo; There afr, however, bistrtct Burrgalows in the TharpdrkatDistrict which are under the charge of the Deputy Commissioner,Tharpafkar. The Anti-Corruption fnspector, Umerkot, occupied theDistrict Bungalows as per details given below :-



(i), pistrict Buqgalo-y at Deeplo,. 8-5-61




(ii) District Bungalow at Nagarparkar 26-tt-62








3-t 0-63



(D) and (c) there is no system of reservation of the Dak Bungalows.Hence the quEstion of lssue of letters of rcservation does not arise. Theentries given in part (a) exist in the Register.

.. . ;'; . ; UNstARtID OUEsTIoNll AND tXs-UmRC 1t7t

CoNsrnucuoN AND MelxrgtltxcE oF Htcs mtp Eow TYpe

Rolos rN lVgsr PrrrsrlN

418. Khawaja Muhammart Safrlar : trrill the Minister for Comm-

unications and Works be pleased to state :-

(a) the total length of high and low type roads. sQParalely, in the

Province of West Pakistan on the 30th June of 1966 and 1967 ;:-

(D) the length of roads of high type as well as low type, separately,

constructed in the Province in the years 1965.66, 1966-67 aqd 1967-68

up-to-date ;

(c) the expenditure incurred on the construction oi roads mentioned

in (&) in the said years ;

(d) the expenditure incurred on the maintenance of all thc roads in

Minister for Communications and lVorks (Mr. Muhammad KhanJunejo) : (a) The total length of high and low type roads soperately in the

Province of West Pakistan on 30th June 1966 ar'd 1967 is as under :-

High type. Low type

(i) on 30.6.66... ' 9901.965 Miles 10868.025 Miles

(ii) on 30.6.67... 10230.395 9337.53,, t,

(b) The length of roads of high type as well as low ',type separately

constructed in the Province during the years 1965-66,196657,1967'68 upto

datc is as under :-


Year. High type. Low type

(r) t965-66 276.46 Miles 52.27 Miles

(i,) 196667 273.9t 24.70



t, I5.00


t,(n ) 1967.68

(upto 3G6-68)


(c) The tothl expenditure incurred on the construction of roads in the

Province as mentioned in (b) is as under :-

Year Expenditure

(,) 1965-66. Rs. 4,15,72,180

fii\ 1966-67. Rs. 5,17,f,fr,117

(iri) AnticipatedBxpenditure1967-68.

Rs. 5,25,49,330

(d) The expenditure incurred on the maintenance of the roads in the

Province is given below :

Year Expenditure

(r) 1965-66. Rs. 3,85,49,654.

(ii) 1966-67. 5,01,41,435.

(fii) AnticipatedExpendituret967-68.


Rs. 4,43,91,000.

Qu$rroN3 oi PtilILlGB ,tlt


RB: INcoRREcr ANswBR toStmnun Qussrrox No' 11562

ABour rHB FILING oF A cIvIL suIT BY Ponoux'or Ltnrtxl

Mr. Speeker: We will now take up privilege motion by Mr'Mahmood Azam Farooqi. Minister for Revenue had to reply to that

motion ; he is not prescnt in the House. I admit the motion'

Mr. Mahmood Azam Farooqi has raised a guestion of privilege of the

Assembly on the'ground t[rat a breach of privilege of the Assembly

has occurred due to incorrect and misleading statement made by

the Minister for Revenue and Rehabilitation in answer to his starred

Assembly question No. 11662. In parts (D) and (c) of the apswer, the

Minister had stated that further action could not be taken and the entire

matter was held up as Pohomal had filed a Civil suit in the Court of the

First Class Judge, Larkana, and had obtairred interim injunction' Mr'

Farooqi produced a copy of the District Judge, Larkana's order dated 29th

November, 1967 from which it is evident that the suit and the injunction

order referred to in the Minister's reply to his question No. 11662 was

dismissed and vacated respectively on llth october, 1967. Furthermore,

Pohomal's appeal against the order of Civil Judge' Larkana' was also

dismissed by the District Judge, Larkana, on 29th November, 1967. It is

evident, therefore, that no civil suit was pending at the time the Minister

gaveanswertohis,QuestionNo.11662whereastheMinister]sanswerin question is incorrect and misleading in that it clearly conveys a wrong

impression that a civil suit was pending at the time of giving the answer

which restrained the Government from taking any action in the matter

raised in his Question No. 11662'

The Minister for Revenue and Rehabilitation has, therefore,

breached privilege of this august House and of its Members'

ThoseMemberswhoareinfavourofleavebeinggrantedshouldrise in their Places.

AslessthanihirtyMembcruroseintheirplaces,leavetoraisethequestionwog refused.

?116 ph0vrNcrAt, asilMbL!.of-wBr.ratlsrAN [6rn ruNa, 196g


Exrcuuox oF FouR pERsoNs UNDER THE sENTENCE oF DEATHpAssED By soME Maurs or DlRn.l AolM KHer,

Mr. Spcaker : We will now take up adjournment motions. Firstmotion is from Khawaja Muhammad safdar, and Minister for Revenue hadto reply to that : he is not present, the motion is deferred for tomorrow.

DprrtoLtrton oF A LARGE NUMBER oF lrousEs By rHE MuNrctpl,LCorrllrlrrrne Oxlna (Dnrr: Snnrwer) wrruour pRovrDING


Mr. Sperler:, Next motion is from Mr. Hamza.

Mr. Hamze: Sir, I ask for leave to make a motion for the adjourn-ment of the business of the Assembly to discuss a definite matterof urgent public importance and of recent occurrence, namely, thedemolition of a large number of houses, most of which were built by therefugees since after the partition, by the M. C. Okara, District Sahiwalwithout providing the occupants with alternate accommodation. This has

caused great hardship and dismay to the affected persons and has alsogenerated wave of resentment among the public of the town. I was informedof the situation through a telegram received by rne on the morning of 5thJune, 1968.

Mr. Speaker 3 This is about theB. D. Department and is deferredfor tomorrow.


FoR rIIE vsln 1967-68


RE: ELEcTIoN or Mn. Muxlwln KnlN M. P. A. ro rIIE SrenotNc

., CoMMtrrEE oN Loclr GovenNlunNt

Mr. Speaker : There is an announcement.

In pursuance of the notice drted the 3rd June, 1968, four nominationpapers of Mr. Munawar Khan, M. P. A., Sahibzada Noor Hasan, M. P. A',Begum As\raf Burney, M. P. A., and Mr. Muhammad Hashim Lassi,

M. P. A., for election to fill the casual vacancy on the Standing Committee

on Local Government were received by 12.00 nootr on the 4th June, 1968.

As Sahibzada Noor Hasan, M. P. A., Begur-n Ashraf Burney, M. P. A., and

Mr. Muhammad Hashim Lassi, M. P. A., have withdrawn their candidature

before nocn on ine 5tn June, 1968, there remains only one duly nominated

candidate i. e. Mr. Munawar Khan, M. P. A., As there is only one

candidate, Mr. Munawar Khan is declared to have been duly elected as

a member of the Standing Committee on Local Government.


Mr. Sperker : We will now take up the Orders of the Day. The

first motion is from the Fina,nce Minister.

Parlirmentary Secretary, (Raitways) (Sardar Mubammad AshrafKhan) : Point of order. Sir, there is no quorum in the House.

Khrraie Muhammad Safdar : This is very strange, Sir. Lack ofquorum is being pointed out by the Government Party which has the

support of 150 Members.

Mr. SpeaLer : Irt,thrc tc a gount. '

'.,.. :

\count was taken)

7118 pRovrNcIAL AssEMBLy oB wEsr pAKrsrAN [6rn ruNr, 1968

Mr. Sperker : May I know about the Finance Minister ?

Parllamentary Secretary, (Ratlways) : He is just coming, Sir.

Mr. Speeker : The House is not in quorum. Let the bells be rung.

(bells were rung) Five minutes are over, let the names of the Members

present in the House be rccorded.

f,hrn Aioon Khao Jadoon : Sir, the House is in guorum.

Mr. Speaker : The House is in guorum. The first motion is from theFinance Mioister.

Mlnlster qf f'tnance (Syed Ahmed Saeed Kirmani) : Sir, I rise topresent the Supplementary Budget (General) for the year 1967-68.

Mr. Speaher : The Supplementary Budget (General) for the year

1967-68, stands presented to the House.


Mr. Speeker : Now the House will take up discussion and voting on

Supplementary Budget (Railway), 1967-6t. Yes, the Minister for Finance.

Minister for Finance : Sir, I beg to move :

That a supplementary sum Dot exccedingRs. 75 lakhs be granted to the Governor to defrayth€ charges that will comc io coune of paymcnt forthe financial ycar cndiag. on 3&h func, 1958, iorcspsct of Ordinary Workiog Expcoset -OpcratingExpcnsgr.


The Demand moved is :


IVIr. Speaker

That a supplementary sum not exceeding

Rs. 75 lakhs be granted to the Governor to defraythe charges that will come in course of payment

for the financial yoar ending on 30th June, 1968, inrespect of Ordinary Working Expenses-OperatingExpenses.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar (Lahore-Il) : Opposed Sir, and I also rise

on a point of order. According to this booklet containing two demands,

Supplementary Budget Statement (Railways) 1967-68 has been presented

to the House. Sir, the first item contains a huge amount of seventy-five

lakhs while the other item contains a sum of Rs. 1,59,21,000/-. May I refer,Sir, to Article 44 of the Constiturion.

Sir, there is a procedure for laying before the Assembly the Supple-

mentary Budget and the Excess Budget statement and that is as follows :

"44 (l) If, in respect of any financial year, itis found that the amount authorized to be expend-

ed from the Central Consolidated Fund for a parti-cular purpose is insufficient, or a need has arisenfor expenditure from that Fund for a purpose withrespect to which there is no authority for expend-iture, the President shall cause to be laid before

the National Assembly a Supplementary BudgetStatement settiog out, the proposed additionalexpenditure."

The second part of this Article is :

"(2) lf in respect ofany financial year, it is foundthat motey has been oxpended from the CentralConsolidated Fund for a particular purpose andthat expenditure is in excess of the amount author-ised to be expended for that purpose for that year,the President shall cause to be laid before theNatjonal Assembly an Excess Budget Stater4entsetting out the excess expenditure."

7180. pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wBSr pAKrsrAN [6rn trtNe, lg68

What I mean to say is this that there are two types of the statements

which can be presented under the Constitution before this House. Thefirst is, Sir, the Supplementary Budget and the other is the Excess Budget.Now, the definition of Excess Budget Statement is this that if need arises

to spend an amount in excess of the amount authorized on a particularitcm then a different Excess Budget Statement is to be presented before theHouse.

Now, Sir, if you kindly go through rule 99, that will again suppo rtmy contention. Rule 99 clearly states that there shall be two Statements

before the House, one will be a Supplementary Budget and the other willbe Excess Statement. Sir, the provisions of the Article as well as rulesmake it quite clear. Now, Sir, may I read rule 99, which says :

"The procedure for dealing with supplemen-tary estimates of expenditure and excess demandsshall as far as possible be the same as prescribed

for tbc Budget......"

Here, had they used the words ..excess demands," then there wouldhave been a different meaning. Anyhow, we are not led by the rule, we areled by thc Constitution. Now, you kindly look into Demand No. I Theopening words of Demand No. I say : "Additional amount required to meetgreater expenditure as a result of increase in the price of fuel oils, andadditional expenditure due to the current pattern of traffic. sir, it is theadditional amount and additional expenditure. Sir, similarly, if you lookinto Demand No. 2, again the words are : "Additional outlay to be incurredon "Open Line Works". What I mean to say is this that according toArticle 44 (t) of the Constitution, this is supplementary budget.

Sir, if you kindly go through Article 44 (l), its concluding two and a

.half lines are: "the President shall cause to be laid before the NationalAssembly a Supplementary Budget Statement setting out the proposedadditional expenditure." But, Sir, additional expenditure is if a need hasarisen for expenditure from that Fund for a purpose with respect to whichthere is no authority for expenditure. Supplementary budget could only bepresented when there was no authority about a new item. Otherwise,atleast I fail to understand what is the object of sub-Article (2) of Article


44, which says :

"If, in respcct ofany financiat yoar, it is found

that money has becn expended from the Consolid'

ated Fuod for a particutar purposo and that cxpcn'

diture is in excess ofthe amount authorized to be

expcoded for that purpose for that year, the

President shall cause to be laid before the Natiooal

Assembly tho Bxcess Budget Statement......"

sir, as I have referred - I need not repeat - the Demands as they

have been worded are additional amouhts required. So, Sir, I don't know

whether the framers of the Condtitution failed to makd these two

provisions, if there is no difference between an Excess Budget Statement

aBp Supplementary Budget Statement; and if according to the persons' who

have framed the Constitution, these Supplementary Budget Statement and

Bxceis Budgpt Statement are two different things, two different Statements,

and when under Rule 99 of the Rules of Procedure as adopted by the

Governor for the conduct of proceedings of this House, it has been clearly

laid down that there will be separate Statemsnts. So, Sir, I beg to submit

that this is not a Supplementary Budget. This is rather a statehent for

excess Demand, ani, sir, it is ultra vires of the constitution, and thb

Budget Statement in the form of Supplementary Budget cannot be discussed

and approved by this House.

Khaweja Mubommgd Srfdar : Should be thrown out, that is what you

mean to saY.

Mlnister oftr'inance: Frankly speaking, I have not been able to

understand precisely what 'the point of order is because I don't like to

say things from my own side. If the mover wanted to say that the amount

has already been spent - Sir, I don't know what is his point of order. I

Mallk Muhammsd Akhtar : That is my third point of order that the

amount has already bcen sPent.

Mlnlster of Flnsnce : Kindly help me in understanding him. He has

delivered a long speegh but he was not to the point' He could not in a

7182 pRovrNcIAL AsBEMBr,y oF wnsr pAKrsrAN [6rn lunr, 1968

terse manner put a point of order. If you will kindly help me to know hispoint of view, I will give you the point of view of the Government, and

ultimately your goodself will be in a position to declare whether it is inorder or out of order.

Mr. Speaker : What I have gathered from the speech of MalikAkhtar, I think he is of the opinion that under Article 44, sub-Article (1),

a supplementary budget is prcsented by the Governor before the ProvincialAssembly, and in sub-Article (2) the Excess Budget Statement is presented

before the Provincial Assembly. The point of order of Malik MuhammadAkhtar is that the present Budget Statement, which has been termed by the

Railway D€partment as Supplementary Budget, is not actually a Supple-

mentary Budget but is an Excess Budget Statement, and, therefore, cannot

be discussed by way of being a Supplementary Budget.

Mlnlster of tr'lnanee : I am thankful to you Sir, Sir, in the first place,

sub-Article 44 (2't.has no application to the given case because sub-Article(2) of Article 44 only deals when the anfount has already been expEnded orspent, but this is not the case with this Supplementary Budget. Theamount has yet to be spent and, therefore, this crse falls normally withinthe purview of sub-Article (1) of Article 44, which says that-"[f, in respect

of any financial year, it is found that the amount authorized to be expendedfrom the Central Consolidated Fund for a particular purpo,se is insufficient,or a need has arisen for expenditure from that Fund for a purpose withrespect to which there is no authority for expenditure, the President shallcause to be laid before the National Assembly a Supplementary.Budget

Statement setting out the proposed additional expenditure."

Now, Sir, a need has arisen for expenditure from that Fund fora purpose with respect to which there is no authority for expenditure, andit is yet to be spent. Kindly see that in the Supplementary Budget state-ment at page2, paragraph 2, third line from Udlow. .,[n other words, thebudget grant of Rs. 12,23,35 lakhs is sufficient to cover expenditure uptoJune l0th 1968." so we had funds which enable us to coverthe expenditureupto the l0th of June 1968. Now, of this month tiventy days are left.Additional funds are therefore requireJ to cover expenditure for theremaining period of the current financiat year. The money has yet tobe spent. Sir, it is the same point, which was raised last year.......



Mrtik Muhlmmad Akhtrr; I assqre you wiu not bQ able to reply!


q/tr" E or' * :3,,i,:i;'::"i;,lfrli *f vI , t f r. .rrf ,(" tel illegal I os - Fl .r^*r "(l

'u# d r+ f o.tli

- dr. krl t4$;- ad *6 e. vT ,.r.. - df ljl

So, Sir, it is clear that this presertt Supplementary Budget Statement

is covered by Article 44, sub-Article (l), and it is decidedly not covered by

sub-Article (2). Therefore, there is no force in the point of onder raised by

my learned friend.

Mr. Spealrer : In view of the observations made by the Finance

Minister and the portions, which he has read from page 2 of the Supple-

mentary Budget Statement, does the Member still press his point of order ?

Malik Muhammad Akhter : I not only press it but I consider my

position to be firm and correct in view of the fact that there are twoprovisions. It is clearly mentioned that this is an additional amount

required and this is not a new amount. If you will kindly explain I will be

convinced. (laughter.)

Sir, tell me why they have kept sub-clause (2) of Article 44 in the

presence of Article 44 (l) ? lVhat is the necessity ? Could you kindlyexplain as to what is the difference between an excess budget statemcnt and

a supplementary budget statement ?

Mr. Speaker : I was not one of the framers of the Constitution

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : But somebody has committed a mistake

either the Finance Minister or the framers of the Constitution

Mr. Speaker : Anyhow, if the Meqber lYants mc to give the ruling or

fg interpref. .. . . ,

7184 pRovrNcrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr rAKISTAN [drH ruNr, 196g

Molik Muhammad Akhtar : Why have two sub-Articles been kept ?

Minister for Finance : Are we going to convert this Legislature intoa class-room ? Are we here to teach them ?

Malit Muhammad Akhtar : I am here to teach you ; if you so like.

' Parliementary Secretary, (Railways) (Sardar Muhammad AshrafKhan) : You will remember, Sir, last time, during the SupplementaryBudget (General) a similar point was raised by Malik Muhammad Akhtarwhich was ruled out by your honour as being frivolous, As far as I think,Mr. Athtar has himself been unable to uuderstand the word .,supplemen-

tary budget", ttexcess budget", ttexcess demand" or "extra demand',. Ifyou go through the Demand that has bcen incorporated in the statement,you will see that in Demand No. 1 a sum of Rs. 75 lakhs has been demand-ed on account of certain reasons. As has been very rightly pointed outby the Minister for Finance that we have got to meet the expenses throughthis demand till 10th June, 1968. This amount is to be utilized fromlfth June, 1968 to 30tb June, 1968 and, as such, this will be termed as anextra demand and not as excess demand. Excess demand will come after30th June when the accounts are to be appropriated. In Demand No. 2you will seethat the total amount of Rs. 1,59,21,000 has just been trans-ferred from one head that has been mentioned ........

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : They have just been transferred ?

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Have they been transferred ?

Khawaja Muhammarl Safdar : Sir, I want to pin down the Parliamen-tary Secretary. He is saying that they have just been transferred.


Parliamentary Secretary, (Railways) : I seek your protection fromMalik Muhammad Akhtar. Firstly, it was impossible for us to understandhim and then we sought your protection so that you may kindly tell us

what he wanted. Sir, it is very clear in this Demand that these amountswhich 4rq deqanded will have to be transferred from one head ........



Mr. Spcaker : No interruptions.-


Parllamentary Secretary, (Rallways) : My friend is in the habit ofraising points of order otherwise there in no substance in his point of order.

Everything is clearly mentioned in. Demand No. 2. If he would have

taken the trouble of going through it with a little more care it would have

been clear to him but as he is over'burdened with work, most probably,

he has not been able to read it. This amount is yet to be transferred from

one head, i.e., from New Construction to Open Line Works. Both the

amounts are yet to be spent after the presentation and passing of the

supplementary budget by the Provincial Assembly. On these grounds Isubmit that it has become very clear from the submissions of the learned

Finance Minister. Sir, a similar point of order was also ruled out by your

honour during the last supplementary 'budget. I would, therefore, suumit

that this point of order may also be ruled out;

Mr. Speeker : Malik Muharirmad Akhtar has raised a poiot of order

that the supplementary budget presented to the House has not been presented

in a regular manner and that this budget is not actually a supplementary

budget but in fact is an excess budget which should have been laid before

the House under sub-Article (2) of Article 44 of the Constitution. I have

heard the learned Member and the Minister for Finance. The Minister for

Finance in his speech has referred to page 2 and he has also.referred to the

contents of this supplementary budget wherein it has been mentioned that

this allotment in Demand No. I would cover the expenditure on the oper-

ation fuel for a period of about 11$ months. In other words, the budget

grant of Rs...... ...

Khawaia Muhammad Safdar : This demand would be required for the

remaining 20 daYs.

Mr. Speaker : ......Rs. 12,23.35lakhS is Sufficient to cover expenditure

up to 10th June only and additional funds are, therefore, required to cover

expenditure for the remaining period of the current financial year. Simil-

arly, in Demand No. 2, at page 5, it has been mentioned that it may be

added that this authorization is needed to meet the expenditure yet to be

incurred during the remaining part of the current financial year. In vigw

?ttg pRovrNclAL'lsS.rMBty or WEST |AKrsrAN ' [6rH ruNe, 1968

of both these observations it is quite clear that the expenditure, thesanction of which has been sought from this House, is yet to be incurredand if the expenditure is yet to be incurred, definitely it is a supplemenrarybudget as required to be prescnted before the House under sub-Article (l)of Article 44. I, therefore, hold that this is a supplementary budget andhas rightly been presented befbre the House. The point of order raised byMalik Muhammad Akhtar is ruled out.

MaHk Muhammld Akhtar : Anotber point of order

I would like to refer to rule 93 of the Rules of procedure underwhich we are conducting our day-to-day business. Rule 93 says :

"Stages of the Budget debates-

The Budget shall be dealt with by the Assemblyin the following stages :-

(i) discussion relevant to the Budget as a whole;

(ii) discussion on expeoditure charged upon thcCentral Consolidatcd Fund ;

(iii) discussion on demands for grants in respectof expenditure other than the new expenditure andthe voting of motions for reduction of demands

for grants relating to such expenditure ;

(iv) the voting on demands for grants in respectofnew expenditure;"

Ifyou further refer to rule 99 it has been provided :

"The procedure for dealing with supplemen-tary estimates of expenditure and cxcess demandsshall as far as possibte be the samc as prescribedfor the Budget......"

I would confine to this portion of the rule. supplementary budget asprcsented and as the agenda has been issued, a discussion only on the

stJpplErlttNlAty DEIIINOS (rrtr,w*v) t'l'g,

demands would be possible to be made. The various stagps of thC 6tdgrfas required under rule 93, which are six in number,'may not arise in thcpreseat case but at I'erst g:neral discussion on dbman'ds,shti,r*d hete 8e:ndone and fot' that I again refer to rule 91 :

"The Speaker shall allot days separately foreach of the stages of thc Budget refcrred to inRule 9l in accordance with the requirements of thoConstitution."

It has been referred in Rule 94 that the requirements of the Constitu-tion are such that separate days be allotted for each stage of the budgotand, Sir, I consider that the procedure being followed for the supplp-montary Railway Budget is not in accordaoce with the provisions of thcConstitution as well as the Rules which I have referred to.

Ministcr for Fioance (Mr. Ahmed Saeed Kirmani)': Sir, again I harvo

not been able to understand correctly what the Mem,ber has boco urgiag.Perhaps the Member is trying to make out this caso that the prbvisionscontained in, Rule 93 of the Rulos of Procedure, are noi being followe0..

Sioce'this Rule 93, is a mandatory Rule, therefore, any deper$ur€ fromthat Rule will make the proceedings nullified. Incidentally, tloi Mtmborwas absent while a reference to Rule 99 was b:ing made, in which Rulelies the answer of his point of order. Now before I reply to the point oforder I would like to rsbd the relevant rule 99 :

"The procedure for dealing with supplemen-tary cstiinates of expenditure and excegs demaU.ds

shall as far as possible be the same as prescribed

for the Budget, except that if on a demand forsupplementary grant, funds to meet the proposed

expenditure on a new service are available by re-

appropriation, a dcrhand for the grant of a tokensum may be submitted to the vote of tho Assembfy

and if the Assembly assents to the de4ands,. funds

may be made available."

Npw Sir, the words "as far as possible" "I. very important hele.

Had there been no such words, thea anC then of course, there woula have

;- .J


?tt8 pnovrxCteL r$srusLY ol WBir mtrsrAl.r [6rn ruxe, 1968

becn some force in the point of order raised by my friend.

MeliL Muhemmatl Akhtar : Kindly also refer to Rule 94.

Mnister for Finance : Rule 94 is to be rpad subject to Rule 99.

Malik Muhammarl Akhtar : It is to b: read subject to the provisions

of the Constitution ; why don't you read 94 ?

Minister for f inance : The Rules have the force of the Constitutionbecause they are made as such. Now Sir, Rule 99 clearly says that the

procedure for dealing with the supplementary estimates on expenditure

sball as far as possible be the same. Thc framers of the Rules could

vcry well say "shall be the same" instead of 'oas far as possible be the

same". In that case, of course, we were bound to follow the procedure

laid down in Rule 93 and the procedure in 94. But a flexibitity has been

provided under Rule 99 by using the words "as far as possible". So Sir,

if there is a slight departure meant for the general budget statement, thatis well covered under the Rules and there is no violation of the Rules.The Rules enable this relaxation. In view of thissubmission, I would

request that the point of order raised by my learned friend MalikMuhammad Akhtar, be thrown out ; it is invalid, illegal and devoid offorce and reasotr and sense.

- A kI" !p lf e, d-.ilS eU" rJ - i;l J.tu 6t

- eU oy,t a r,lyb .::,j*l E ,.lr! - dli $l

Mr. Speaker : Malik Muhammad Akhtar has raised a point of order

that under Rule 99 of the Rules of Procedure, the procedure for dealing

with the supplemcntary estimates o[ expenditure and excess demands shall

as far as possible be the same as prescribed for the budget. Different

stages of the budget have been provided under Rule 93, and the budget is

to be dealt with by the Assembly in the following stages. There have

beeu mentioned about six stages of the budgct in Rule 93. The

congention of the learned Member is that these stages of the budget have


not been followed so far as this supplementary budget is concerncd and

only one day has been allowed for the discussion on the supplementary

budget whereas different days should have been fixed by the Speaker for

the consideration of thc supplementary budget'

I have gone through the provisions of the Constitution and und;r

the provisions of Article ,14 (3) of the constitution, it is laid down that the

provisions of Article 40, 41 and 43 shall apply with the necessary

modificationtoandinrclationtosupplementarybudgetstatementorexcessbudgetstatement.Allthesearticlesdonotprovidefortheprocedurewhichis to be followed by the Provincial Assembly for discussing the budget or the

supplcmentary budget. It is ooly chapter No' 12 of the Rules of Procedure

which deals with the frnancial matters, and Rules 93' 94' 95' 96' 97' 98 and

99 deal with the procedure as to how budget would be- discussed in the

House. Rute 99 clearly lays down that the procedure for dealing with

thc supplementary .rtimni., of expenditure and excess demands shall as

far as possible be the same as prescribed for thc budget' Now we

have to see whether it was possible for me to fix certain stages for

discussionofthissupplementarybudget,ashasbeencontendedbyMalikMuhammad Akhtar.

IwouldliketotelltheMemberthatthegeneralbudgetwastobeprcsentedonthellthofthismonth.Wearehavingthreedays'holidaysfrom Sthto 10th June, and from llth onwards' every day has been allowed

for the discussion oo tUt general budget' As such there was no otbe!

dayavailablewithmetofixadayforthediscussionofthesupplementaryestimates(Railways)whichhasbeenpresentedtotheHouseonthe3rdofoftbismonth.Asitwasnotpossibleformetofixdiffcrentstagesforthediscussiononthesupplementaryestimates'Itherefore''fixedtodayforthe discussion and it was not prossible for me to fix different stages and

difrerent days under the provisions of Rule gg' I' therefore' fixed one day

forthediscussionontheRailway'ssupplementarybudget'Ithitrkinviewofthisdifficult,,.o,,,wasnootheralternativeexceptto6xthisveryday for discussion oi tnt Railway''s Supplementary Budslt' which action

is fully covered Uy in" provisions of Rule 99 which clearly lays down

that as far as possible the supprementary budget. estimates of thc

expenditureandexoessdemandbethesaoeasprescribedbythebudgct.Inthiscase,itwasnotpossibleforthespeakeri.e.forEe,tofixdifferentstagcs of the budget for discussioo' Theiefore' the point 'ol


by Malik Muhammad Akhtar is ruled out of order'


Mrlik Muhammrd Akhtar : sir, I again rise on a point of order.sir, the statement has been made by the parliamentary secretary and iscprroborated by the language contained in Demand No. I and2. Nowthe legal position of my point of order is that under Articre g9 of theconstitution, the provisions of Articles 40to 47 inclusive, are appricabrefor presentation of budget and these provisions also govern the presentationof the supplementary budget.

Sir, I would agaia refer to Article 44 (l) :

"If, in respect of any fiaancial ycars, it isfound that the amount authorized to be expendedfrom the Central Consolidated Fund fora particuldrpulpose is insufficient, or a need has arisen forexpenditure from that Fund for a purpose withrespect to which there is no authority for expend-iture, the President shall cause to be laid beforeths National Assirnbly a Supplementary BudgetStatement setting out, the proposed additionalcxpenditure."

Now, sir, I would request the Finance Minister to look into the word'proposed'. Now, without taking more time of the House I wourd refer toanother provision i.e. Rule r4.r, r4.2, r4.4, and'r4.7 of the punjab BudgetManual. Rule l4.l reads :

"(a) Expenditure for which no provision hasbeen made in the original budget estimates of thecurrent financial year should rarcly, if ever, beincurred. The budget estimates provide for allitems of expenditure forthe year as far as they canbe foreseen and withio tbe limit of funds available.Proposals for fresh expenditure not providedfor io the estimates duriog the course of the yearare therefore not justified in ordinary circumstanceseod should not be made uoless there are veryrpecial reasoDs."

Again I refer to para (6) 9f this Rule and I woutd b9 tgqvipg the rest of


suFpLDllENTARy DtsMANDs,(nru.wlv) ,l9l

tho Rtrhs.

"(b) Unavoidable and unforeseen cirtumstances

may, however, sometimes ariso in the course of a

financial year makiog it oecessary to incur urgently

fresh expenditure on sanctioned activities or to

incur expenditure on-a new service notcontemplated

in thc otiginal budft cstimates......"

Sir, I mean to stress two points. Rule l4.l says, "fresh expendituti

oot provided for in the estimates" and (b) says, "new service not

contemplated in the original budget estimates.." In that case they could

come forward according to law with a Supplementary Budget Statement.

Now, they have violated both these provisions. These are not new items

for which they have come forward. If you read this you will fird thatthese are the eristing projects which they want to develop and for tbcoprojects eveo they have mentioned that they have got the amounts in hand.

May I put two questions to my worthy friends whether the staternent made

by them is quite respolsible that no funds have been spent so far......

Mr. Speaker : lYhat is the Member's point of order ?

MrliE Muhanuarl Akttar: My point of order is that they could nothave spent the money and they have already used the money.

Mr. Sperker : I have disposed of that point of order.

Malik Muhrmmgal Akbtar : According to their own stxtement, the

phrases which they have'given hefe......

Mr. Speaker : I have also quoted their language in my ruling.

MallL Muhammed Akhtar : Iu that case I need not stress it, butaccording to oy interpretation thby have epent tbe money.

Mr. Sperher : It specifically. states that they had the money upto the

tcnth of June. For the expendituro from lOth to the 30th June i.e. tillthe conclusion of this tyear they aro corting before you and they arg

requesling for morg money.

7192 pRovrNcrAL AsltBlrBLy oF wBsr pAxrsrlN [6ru ruxr, 1968

Mrltl Muhammd Akhtar : Then definitely it is a mis.statcment offacts.

Mr. Speaker: It is in writing. [t is an authentic document presented

to the Assembly.

Malll Muhemmaril Akhter : You can call for the tape record. Astatement has bcen made by thc Parliamentary secretary that they havespent certain amounts which were trot reserved for that purpose. They havespent it oo some other purposc. I take a staud.

(At this stage Parliamentary Seqctary (Railways') rose to speaky

Mr. spealcr : I have already decided this point. No morc discussionovor that.


Mdlt Muhrmmad Akhtorirsue.

If you don't perr,nit that is a separate

Mlnlster of Lrr : Though vaoquished hs can argue.

Mr. Speeker : The first cut motion, ic from Malik MuhammadAkhtar, in Demand No: I

MallL Muhrmmed Akhtor : Sir I beg to.move :

That thc totalofRs. 75,00,m0 oo account ofOrdinary Working Bxpenres-Operating Expeoser

-Total New Expeodirure{Recurring) bc reducedby Rg. 74,99,999.

Mr. Speaker : Demaod under consideration, motion moved is

That thc total of Rr. 75,00,O(D on accouot ofOrdingty lYorking Expeoscs-Opcrating Expeoses

-Total Ncw Expoaditufc-{Rpcurriog) be reducedby Ro. 74,9,99.

tutD[nllNiaRt DETIANDS (nrrr,wev)

Mlrlltor of Flnrncc : Opposcd.


,.rl ,{ hr I,LJJ t-lr, q,,l+ - (, - 19.I) /il J.ar.<td., f sy+ 2- q. el& E cilrl.rl J".agpl A rU - .(l{e E

.5 at\t l5.f a, .{ .Jlr- A -, ibuf ,5 q.riu ,S a*tlr q Gi.- q- E E Lt)rf1K ;rt eM d-L E il:aV 6 ,eil

,r"t ,li, r.t,il hl q. .Jq ,.rl ry - 4fb uf !.r. f 0l

E Lf c,! J .frfJf jrt .5 e-*t .,*+. - 1t"e vl+ - Kbf

- Clsf c,rt , ja3 .Ftrrl 6 drl c,y €'-rr- ,, qL ilr' .if

6 ,td aL A .rjtr r +, IlQ! crr ,l - f,*' ;.*.rf -J q, 5 El. 4J) *fY .o 4 2 L )"ri. yB .,": - 2- d{

"+lU; 'Y'- L

Mrlik Muhammrd Akhter: I want to be led by you within what

sphere I have to contain mYself.

Mr. Speaker : The Member is not relevant.

Metlk Muhemmaril Akhtar : I am led by the language of the

Constitution. I am led by the language which they are using and I do not

knbw whether I am confused or it is the Department which is confused

becausc the Minister is a mature Minister an{ he has got a long experience

but pcrhaps he is so busy with other affairs that he does not look into his


Minister of Finance : You are blowing hot and cold in the

same breath

,tfl96 pRovtNcrA,L asSH*BLy oF,wE$r pAtrsr*N [6rn ,uNE, i96g

^r $ dUy .jhrl -J - l& 1.'t: - ;;l J.r&. .<L,, 6U.lq .:.f- r(r9" $er Ue. er A ,rt is ,S 4ts,efl .oL .l3fJl a r.G. y { Natural Resources ir1l ;;ilrl -iT 6;L-.- u.. rsr fe! ,6..; {f, Products dr* Gll e- e r t.r. "iYr: r I- A { ,t\pl X.t 14" - C. ,y',Jt.} e. etr.ra .[1.ill n( *:..i +

Parliomentary seuetrr.y, (Railways) : Sir he is himself confused. Heeonfuqes the House with a lot of papers which he has at his disposal.

- A .3;tL- .f. St j ,.,,id ,J. 3l - yb cit "

_ ,3l l .U*r .<li

"Immcdiatoly after the budget for the currentyear had been passed, the Ministry of Industriesaqf Natural Resources, Goverament of pakislan,

vide their letter No. PL-NR (4)/66, dated lgth July,1967, raised the ex-reEnery prices of the petroleumprodusts effective from lst April, 1967."

sir, are we bound to make payments to the Government for the stockswhich were already procured before the receipt of that letter ? That is avery valid point; could a customer be burdened with an excess amount ?

sir, the Government department as well as the railway department,although they are semi-Government bodies or call them Governmentbodies, but they are two different commercial bodies. sir, we received theletter according to them on the lgth July 1967, and the prices had been

raieed with effect from lst April, 1967. That is my first point.

Then, it is further added that this increase in the price of fuel oilsinvolved an additional expenditure of Rs. 40 lakhs during the currentyear. Sir, then they have added that the current pattern of the trafficresulted in haulage of a large proportion of empty wagons to the port,involving an additional expenditure of Rs. 35 lakhs. This additionalexpenditule, as far as I understand, of Rs. 35 lakhs may be justlfied; but


':i': " ' "')'. ibfuLrilirtrfrV'bsriANrr$trffr.*i"J ''-

'''" rr*Sir, whai:.abqrt .the afubunt, which" is propbscd to bc paid as enhanccdprices, for the period from lst of April 1,967 till l9th July 1967 2 Thatmeatrs we will be paying for the stocks received during April, May, June and

mid of July, for 3| months, and, Sir, if you look d the total,Demand, they

are demanding Rs. 75 lakhs as additional amount, and that means the

original purchasel must. be of croros. Sir, we are bgjng bgrdened for theexcess and enhanced rate for 3| months, and the amount is approximatelyRs. 40 lakhs, although they are saying that this is for the current year.


i ir,

Sir, I beg to submit that the Central Government is not justified toburden the poor tax-payers, the poor persons, the poor customers of thcrailways,.by passiog arbitrary instructions. Sir, the Provincial Government"

may bi subordinate to the Central Government, but in financial matters,

wg haye got every right to claim and only compensate .them to a. .jUstifiablcextent. Furthermore, I vould wish to add that they have'add;d that whitiobtainipg budget grant for curfent year in June .1967, the pricq. increascd,

by tnd- Certral Government in July 1967 comes to the extent of Rs. 75

lakhs.in total. I. consi{_er th,at there could be only one - if *e are. to polf,isg

the discussion on the Demand, then there could be in my opinion onlyo.Pe-,valid objection, which could be rdsgd., that tbe moricy pai,fl oaenhanccd rates duijng the peioid from lst of April 1967, till l4th of July

is.not a valld cfuargo, and the personq, who.hav.e made tbe payment, b,avo

not acted responsibly.

II'l",'Mr. SpeaLer: I would like to see this letter of l9th,July 1967.

Perliaperfery Secretary, (Railways) :, This letter fr6m the Goverl-ment of Pakistan.


Mr. Speaker : Yes please.

L 6hr Krj LlrL,. t[. .(, ,rrr: -,G]&;' g.N.t\t r!,- d sl$ r-.(tl q d Cg qti .rJi-)\. L

rt een' ,*.f ry 4+ ;' 2- ,; : +0i.

;,T rf uJ

1- sitPle :-1g1

&u a-jr}grr)

7196, PBovTNcIAL Asl8uBry OF wBSr PAKTTAN [6rn luxs, 1968

.1fI "iI .!fl3,; -;*l J.i, .<Lti


tr al Lb r ei 8rf q .jru grl

,rC u+t JIJI! rr. elU )tl o.. Ly

(rtt-.>tf f)

?v Fl rrre dl, - Yl, vkr - 6.i.S* 6rr"-$[djl. r4rr e5-y (t o .d - a- Utcit ,rl*l r{ L(ll Lf u,.l A f tfi .* 4 {D.J ,S ;il3 dri{,tlt 6 L.::frrtia ,:hrlt 4 ,fi, tC lr9r e- rrt.1e .i)r: ti ;l6,.trr 01.r" tt trh s,,t L,!, - A- 1$ Ln .i*3 rrt { el-t 2 r#- $ er.t 6 {,{.1 e clU &., ,.:r-JJ J#U 4_Jl.

f.FJ-l J,il tf rl, U.lr Ub, 3f, ,;,-ss,J#U dl or. _ u|..

.r.1,(. jU.r, .f by: r $ rrl A riL f lU u., d- &llA ,tB * )* 4V tstt od - L s:lr f tb f ,rf

It y -f "r 7t. .iIr: I I .itlrr r1 ,5 c.j,(. 6fe ..f$ rC ,r"r, 6(,. tLi A a +.rli:rl 6 e_*t i*

- (,J K rjlXl e. fil K yl 6* 6 .r-r,, ,l-l r.fle o-e

Off S A 4f,.1 K dle- L2rt) .$ dh" - Ytl !',f+

* .1"*r(. i\f .t f $ 4, JllL d- { f c..jG

ststLluBlrAry DBxAI{DI (rrrwrv) r*i1

vf* K rrl !r.. - a-f ql.tJr. K d f Pt t,t'a &rd 1.fi

E ,rl - dt rij-rea tl 4., Q.r sf ., r-'rt'p Yrl ..fir

drtr * tr ujf- cfr 15. rJrr qJr" € ttl LIY

- '-'2jF-' (,&i " A L

MilF Milt+Ert Afhtar: 'On a point of order Sir' h q"! .o.tq IThe Parliamentary secretary is speaking on the Budget, and this is the

de6nition ef Tqr.

Prrllrmeltuy socretrry: sir I have hcard my learned friend vcry

pptiertly. If tc had allowc4 Fe tp sn98k I told .bip tbst tlis is p dury e*lit is lot I tax.

A drl- d- f ** cft L tt lYt L drr',| -r+

a dr 6 +5-Y ro .r)\t A uJ - e-f dlYt rl " 6

e A* gl 4-h ea d[& A oi a tJlr q*

J &fi *t dtr - L d{ rs) f ,:-lir oe, i ^rtlL'

*JL ut? / -Fr a- utcil OtL L t-!u oltt + rrrrr lt

L oFl .,. .11l tF tlE, srl Ot&+r J" rr l$ttJ ' 2'

,A tJ rof LJIL. .1;u V ^!|$ +5-Y rA 11 2

ryl ,rt 10, tf, fUJ *.1 q.-li, Jl).r' - .fu )bI a- ,S S "h+l


gr;r,i;I*' 8- .r't * '- Jlr $';' '-- €*$t" d.F-f;r{', r1 ''

,7198 pRovrNcrAL AssBuELy oF w,$r pAKrsxAN [6rn ruxr, 196g

J , crtt rrl +*s A 'dl.I ,.K a-*.s .<i ,.lte rf d, g.,5i

,. 0e- .rlt r$ ,r -{ el ,}i tJL pt* rt e_ )*6* ,J drJbl .l+JlJ .llrl { -*, -.'Lreit o , dbl &c t{. f \.rt' 6.rL' trl u!. L2o)) JJI ll: Of.i :+2 gi1tL. E rl.ti. ,rql .t tt Ab Ub 2 i,tL Jf ftJr,lr ga-}.s -Lt" 2 ri, uL 2 d otL.rrt -iVOLL e(: ,r.,f f a-*s ft .{ e- 6r+U a a s*grf rt ,5 Ltit rt" jt + f ott c_*t Lb rfr tt..o,.t - )ll, tlrUr - e,. r"th. .f ,a-t7.6g ,-$, )r,,l&" .!i" f.1,"1 0lrr, A obr dL S 2- ,t;Jf q €;7't cry. ^lJ.,#.tt 2 L A: U ,?As -f a*-t Jirl*. a*l 4u," .dt a=.1,*f - 14+, djy shct r*i Jt; ,:fl ca. ,i!11; tC r.ra, qb hoc .y +tt't; ,i.rL t l..- f? tt.ri.

6 rr,I 0Jrr, !, e,!t- rnr * lyt- .rl11 a ete Lf". ftt.f L oL rb gf .d .dJ;l 6 f A e,Vs* st c"rJii

6q5-q ,f* e, r.rkJq 4re. d.*5. rJlj a ,i +f! Jr q"

--__.a rf he f

!r)* L &,: + .,{l . -..,I .-r, ^l - JJ.i.a J&- ql9- q. Af f c,t1(.

uf ;f.li { itr (n "1* {t ,,,rSi.S;* tS,*l*


-frrrr: .Jrt,'dt, +t* *4, +*l (f, 's*r{ $ drr trlt.1)tc E r,rl rrl br .lJi qlb 1ll saci ,)rqi. Jttn;3 ,.drf."or*r dti .$ :t* d;y f-. t*l. U3,r set L+l c.,s,1l fl

- - -. - tC Uh.,"1 s,ft. r3,ai, d:+ ..d,J5-'"r l

i,l #urt rE-)[. yI : Y't 3u+ - ).tr- *r- tlp ". .

-d lu,l { U.,

, "Furthcr, the currrnt pottom of tra6c rcsultod

"rri the haulegt"ot;a taiiii proponioi' of cmftywagolr to tbc port."

Movement of empty wagons to the port ^$ a_ .# crh 6 yl9 Criy' .l


2-t f 'otr sf .iJr E &J, .rtl sI { yl a- e! 6-it r'


Mlnlster for Flnance : You had interrupted him. Had you allowedhim to continue he would have explained the position.

KharaJa Muhrmmrd Sr_fdar I,et him explain. He is golng againqt

his own drgumOnt.

4* e'Vs* q ua. - Yllt/u? - 6.i.* g;.;iid.rq. .

d'.1 ^l ,rs, "brJ, J? Lr.'. e:* E .ft.j ^5-. U , t r f

fl t.f ,d ,.Jr"' eJ{, dF s$ ,.rrttf -*l d .,llt *r f*r.f rf .rp A, ,;Cr . eat 1ri "ii ;fl *r3r Ltd .r)\c. €


7200 pRovrr{cl/lL AssEuoLy or wstT pAxnsrAN [6rn ruNr, 1968

0I(J & l9 lh dit{ ,il )ly 1l J oJnl"a:. rt}U otv Iit, - e.rti ,, ,t*l t'r. lJEsU a*t 4 E iteil .f ,rl

,ot e E orl S E ,#tri dl8l e &.+, qr-1, r?lJr

,ify, dB ue, A A ed yl - ep ,Jr. s{f ,Jd(1,

l|fi*r 6 ,,p,l;J. ,rjl .l)\s - up .J.I .JlJ{.c{ .titl-- sf

"5t, Jlr s$ 2 A LrI f u.l -r. h r,LL ,ft rt

. stt tlh sr*Ot r.ttrt

,rr, grs &t {t? "ri + { 0$l - fr,- fu-t, U9

rJt- grf 6(| bI 89 .5Ot J.l ^r - 6i.&* 1g,I.$lr,

- A lr. rrlrj

Mr. sperlcr : will thc Parliamentary sccrctary term it as a change iuthe pattern of traffic ?

lr1 f cf* { ..t - llr vt r - G}r{**' #j..;,qOLL ,re Ottt f a- ,Jr. ,Ut rgr:ltl { :l +*s f r.t

.Jrt?., .t Jr; 1 t Jt sf UlCl a.l * A L Lr!g11lrl .-C .t )tl jo /\, tl 9,r dA4 rr.,nr A! A sl e. ;[1 LS

4 8 .rf Utr I Ouu sff fi { ,j(- f .ylr, CrL .,A'n -d-) f #t*.|'tcit f d.rt,.. ,ri,tit

, SuBpr,rlENrAir:Dlr6t{bs (rutw*v) 7*1,

1 Jb { g otf &lrirr .l .,. "n A* A .rUc;l-rf 6t

.rlt Lf, .lto, ref; {a&, r$yL d djy rr[lril 4 2& ,ref ,r". .rYt- aCl ul.t .f A lri UE, )br .jl.rtl .t

ol (,'.l ).t &S E ,rh Lf c,Ltlr,l 4 E rsrb,

Ujr 6yi Uf of*.rf 1rrl rrl C.ri ,:,tirl r,ft .r el; qjrif A-lf,l* .,ttl.t eoiLtr.5- Lf JJI A

6 L) 2 OU-fq GtL .L:"1r &l ef t rr ,.r. cL .3J ,Jrt

- d €st:o Lf c,Lt&il ufE 4 E ,r+ .rd 6h qtidltL ge) 2{at qteaie)\ pl ..(, d f 2 e 6u-.fq ;H

A yI so, .t 2- tJ .;t!- f ,f"rif 6 L c-*t qs *3 ,Jr" uai l$. ,J4 rf ,"r Cb ,cet J - .;.. 4|LA r-- lh rlr.t 6 a-*t Lg. u# grl ,- (,Jir. sr0l dnU o* lft.rt s-f L c-$ - uC drt ! rsrlr r.3 pl

rt .rj) jl tr url t I .$rr, ,i,tf ft .r 6r:t +rF!S z tJ ,t* q L L,{ 4 d.l -A lr} , **; Jgnl e- ,i* "!+ E (f 4.,b A .(t j .a rrlr1 dL

ai sfi$ t*-t ,t;lf e{" r$u }rt ,Jr E-.r e q, 6

- d { I Lf ti.!br4 ot;l;l 4l cp e A tn cd

'fr-{ 4 rr.t )*r! L dr! 1,tJ 0l L e-*: {.f'.. ,isJ

Jt" U ?Y e. tsJt", c4u5- ry €,l"l.l-l a 0l '{ 2- .t

&J c,tsi E Lf .r"t sj dtl; rc .{.. set $t ,#;rl &*. .fi. I f otf ,t* { ry A ui a. srT

12Mt rnovrxciil,'rbeririar{:oF'wrif pitfsieN: : I i6rg ruNa, Ii6g

tb. tf tp :;f .8.,', 5 '5'" -i*-i .rt' ,J ?-1.,

Mslif, Mrtammqd Akhtar r Sir, what^apout that letter which you hadordered to be produced in the House ?

Parliamentary Secretary : I will produce that.

Mr. Spcrter : The questioq is-

' That the totdl of Rs. 75,fl),(X)0 on accouot ofOrdioary Working Expcnser-Operating Expcnsos-Total Now Expendittrc{Ricurring) be rcduccd byRs. 74,99,99.

The niotionwas"lott.

Mr. Spceker : Next motion by Mr. Farooqi..

Mr. Mrbmool Azam Farooqi : Not moving.

Mr. Speeket : The cut motion is not moved. Next motion by MrHamza.

Mr. Hrnzo : I beg to movo-

That tle total of Rs. 75,00,fi)0 on account ofOrdinary:Working Expenses{paratiog Expcnscl-Total Ncw Expeodituro-(Recurring) be reduced byRs. 1q).

Mr. Speoker : Demand under consideration, motion moved is -

Tba! th9 .total of Re. 75,fl),fi)0on account.ofOrdioary Working Expeoess-Oporating Expenscs-Totel New Expenditurc{Recuning) be roduced byRs. ICI.

SUIFTE#rrABY bnlAttDs (nenwet) 12Ot

Miirirtcr for Finence : Opposed.

d u:14 c-*; r.(lo. - ,lr.- .pt+ - (.t-lr.U!) o;*> ,1,*t

Cu t.,,rr .-I*l ,i\y q rf I ,A.S-u"tr g e.G- L5- urJai

jti + r.ri .rl e ql e- Uf ftr LG. { (rf .* Zrf {)drf.rl .3(o, tf ,liDt cr^. o11l.d dr) *4 L oA ^f 2-

,.rl a f uC urJ tt n ,ejt"l c4. a-s\ grl e e L- bf .mr \tf L ,rrel \sot uf ,* &r sy *1 ..d A tti \5 siU L *t-il ,Jt*rt *.* fv vUr

q E, Lf rr>\lt tr orljT tl Glbi. rr* dl L ..f.-. ,tl

A t- Lf jrL c,Lyr 43. cf 0lrl u'l d-;l.r .1 el $fib \rti &t E 31 ..(l *" ,fi, - E qry qC ,itfiqt d - tls .f ,.id r{. 0lrll upl {-"t

'-* { L r,lii

- .J* ,ll-,P ..Jh,tt & $ ZFcf

LG- 4- .rL, K rrL3,lr. 6-;le .(, cfh+ - ;f,*- t,7Ui

a r.,{ dtl Gt. g-.i ,5 ottlf E rg.,lrriq e- e..*)

oltlrf E ,,lt t*" a. G. *St * 1i 2-Ui f ritil dll .(,

dir$ ri rf a d" ,{ vI - A qr $El fi s-l sg ot

4 o$f L O$l* JJI ottlf E- aillsrpl! "i'l r.tl.r.

"rt, ,J* f c..*s r5*. tF dl- Jt $n.y ,J.I J"

15. g UK, yL.- 1l L g!, - "it i-t:..rrv1i?p..2... r!

Lt? t+fi ,$l ,j!* f AVI oll L r.r.i EIt{ tr d$lf ,rl

1?Y" pRovrNcrAl AssBMBLy oF wBsr DARIsTAN [6rn rulrr, lgdg

,j* ,Jr.T ,S 4-t o5-y ,r'Jtr rr.1, c!r--t f a-*t nrJr..i ,5 .li L drfrl oh: l.5- her.- ua6i ,:.r, -f - ;af"4r., r: 5 Lf jt or, erY u,.Jt" .rll ,l ,h rI Jvt ,rq .{ dra L6a:* L,.e e_ t"f ,.f,"1 sj +JtL. -p ! a- d0lrl u,.l .,st o.s c.rsso ,r."f p

'fo3 L djtL Ol j e.Jtt,

LG.. $ dra 01.r.- tF - tsi /nta Ul: tJ .,F4 ,r.r. ts*,

LL.r, rl T.Lp Orir*,* 6rt^..11! vL* uE. atlq L ,.t: t)ls

vr{ l.:l 1t3., ,tal .ra otl eJ .r-r*' Gri Lfi 1!;1La rf - uor

,j|hf LTfl$ifar.G. V r- upl r.G. {-a- ,(oo- .7t+ - L- tl>b .+,b ,,5 a*t -tr &il 4t { i a4[*L rablr.' u{ .f a*l r.G.. r5- .rra Ztt4.- d ?T

ual r;lC &L i :tL "',!i

9f ,Lyo*:t,j lrl tf ," - !,i.

u!, att-lf & dL Jr t*r" 4 eT rr:r[ L o.l ,3(o,

rrEl K .r*.i e,tt r$ dr-.t rt tf dEt V &..J drt{ srthi! + )tl bn J{ oi rl r.lnrb E sl ,- a t.f t5. t{ qC c1. L* .lpl gg1 re 6.r tr 0l {5- cr.. rK..r

q Lb 2 ,{ K8{ +3 "lu. +t" ,5 galrf .s, dh"

".9jfi" 6rt qJ1!. !/!:".- a ql rll.- \t ,;rf { - A {L-

3.3 !ltr. q,-,1" 5 .,;lf .f - A !L.,r q )J,i st.r, Lf?ft 'cf ,r!U. E. ctelL *e dt-.1 e'y* ,5 Lt? 26rf:..J.1! - A ,F S cy d.a tii ,yl llDwt.* - A

"pJ f

i& dJYr. re - sar: { ,;irt ctiY, J? L .r.-t', 6jfip


h,rf r$ {9 r! "rot^l

f drrl - 4 L.{,*4E .f,i*l 5 ,.a;tf U 4 .,?lf iJt gnl A a- ilo' g

r.T1s e .(lt . * rE, J? r* r.rk-s-q rlp 4 &{Ji

lsrl t$ { ,l )tL ,sJt ecljJt- .!+ad Jhi' t5 r.rt - a- l3o

U dr-.| A Lltd { .r.T1r q -rbf .(i dh; 'r)\e A

.11i dEl se# df cy grl 'tll.pr L dt' JL 'rr3r-.3r

gu. a 0t +5. t s) *P fo *'L CL E ','rl i3(J lr"

.,[1f +f" ,, .f.l-**l ,5 Olf a .$, OrfSl U":'r' ''rllj

rgjfi.. 6;rr..=t1\ .rh .r>[c L ,rl .r-il - ,Jp ! 2 A+JS E

4-rb ctu url S f; 3n * "rr rl f ' .rq'L ib Pl

Jlj ,)ls U nV i eft .rf t,.' Ou-tU .i;l rra' 2-sp

e {"J ,5 L* 1.r.1 L ,eqf r5l; gnl JJI - a Jrn l+{

E .rr!.r ..Jt" .5 clf a .-fu dr1ril *eil( *f! $S

J t* ,r*f ,,[.Js 4l .5 ol 2 ,rl - uo. ,F dr" 2 r'Ui

dU ,il 15- A sfJ t" .5 'irt{ .5 il, Ker: ua.! !'') y

- c-h L) 2 +3 dltr. .jtlj +t" ,5 ,-f,tJ- 4 "st 0r/l

^f - f,-rn dr sgt 4l t{ 1;I ol)[o L url - .t?' vt+

rlrb pf rd .1- +te c-lb 4 rf t ,F 5, {rtt"i at

r.+l .r*rr" t lr" ry +u, L ,:-)u 2!r6i ' 3u rbl'rc tJ

)* ,rt#q- br+r-. i, E- 0x lri .rP ;f ^l L ,j* ortlj

- a d., ,r ,1,+rf c4. rtrr- il*; A .$. 4'lri E ,)tt tt

7?W pRovrNcrAt llguup,ly oF WET lAr,tsTAN [6rn runu, l96E

f .Qt A Nb u.ec eL k * t'}' E, .rt* !-p drts, pl

yl 1r- eaf - .t? Lf ,.TJ f. {$Jr .,.i1" 5 s;fq ot - + Lr lih kl" 2 en .ep,4t, 0h-trJ ,lrL {,tf glb rf .* *t ** A dfu- A 0l .d fu7.- .fi"J

4.- t .!1, yl *i.,rr.I CUS fiL €JL E e.h E uir.T

1"{ ,$ ry - a. lI!" tJ dL*.| .rl{j f #L_. E: rr rJl. il, ,tf q, ,Jr.I 6 a*t .{ tr! gr,

F .ftJ*tllt "lldl i"S*. q S a rI *i.r- - ,(of q/q?

.5- t q e-r.j Lt3l1 .:. K crr.lrpt+ grt pt _ + lF*

{!- 8, ,.tfllr .ltJj U dBl qw orbr.lk r {iEl ry o31t,f

* d.f" f, irrt 0r .J-^.I 6 {.G. ,rl , r*r! E ) o..{ q1t, ,t).f.* A}-o,lI yl+ 5[ .rrb .(ll - A ..r..r t:

q* A s'l - lh Ut" 2 q. r;>\e Lrtt e ei>\s .(tl

YI ' .6r' vh - li Ff E - .rtJj yl .frT ,J;oJ o\:tr cirr

,Jl1;Jl yl - uC ,5 gill.rr e 0l ,::,! riLa. 4t .J$rr L!e dL b dlf ^l ttl $ dI eb .--k )tl osje.

!trft w o1,.. sn:i. L d,k J:q ',,L a .U€r! .,,L

- tC h?.q 4l .1J cr rflr .,C aJ dL ,s1er d u|-f { t frg.llsrrl - a K" f eiUl cn o$lf LG.. f ,yT c,-" $??{-tergjl F vf C. t-tf oLj:.f $LL / *f eS { g-, Lf d{ f *_*t c+r d*

. suppLFuFNrARy DBMANpS (n4,u,ur) 7t07

- 4 trlJ .rlrj fu;1r 3tf, }t ud! 4[u. E dL 2r6t

{ Si ,,l.l W e)to F .dlr. * \rT edr.r bf C[ sl

*'t L url ,Jfitr tlt s)tt *f+ - a b5. C" rl. Ll1r

,rrtJrSll 411 +*t r-(r- lf g ^l r:iiir - .&, ..'7lnr * 3

91. LdU-q ufl yl - L S * fu+ * l1r r.5 grr.r rrl

J* 6 **lt r"&. f .rih. 6l * & b.1 Jf +it,t A.U gr

;',1tr - * "f c{. 9r$f, a-rh. d - 4 trlr b5- q 4r+if .n .dr, d .rrt" tg;.J) .# ., clt dbt *3 dl;

$C f #rur * *tft ,srlurK E dx' ,,f sI = Jh Je s," . * Crn+. .drt e#l C { Lf br.. *t {* Jtr +l A ,..J fl - t& f cf, .rF+t \td.r ,;r{e 0l rrl AV tlt" cr" at*f A of-rt f r,I ,t u1l

VI - 5xr 1f, tr Pbl.z ,r vI F. 4rT I zpb ErI-

& ,',J - .41 rt, C E Lf Cl f utl6r ib , f.1rl .rl li - L eh+t tt ,rr.* c!2- ste f pr f oLb

,rlJ f r[ r. - ,Ji ,I* ot$ GJ1p q. ^-(-. z-.t\

.1(. f d F:i ,t )*,P U E o{) f p.- J ,*pf A rt .::.rL d: StJl .f x ,S jl F5- rf ,,rrl tl L- e- r.G. { e-*.t , ..it" .(ll ,}-1J - .dl ,f { o

J" r9rJ{ ft.i 6 ft i ^f - (4! elrl+ c,tcl,z dt rt .df.r.I1r Ails E $$ Cl tr 0l * Lf *.Trr 4 r*dUrdlri ll +tt?i - Ef "f.i ?,h drts : ,ji. .irf ,Ari


720E pf,ovrNcrAL AITBMDLy or wrsr pArrSrAN [6ru ruxr, 196g

ry competition grl .1rl - a, competition 4.r.t cis grl iL E,

crtil;el .t .f - A e,y' qt { ,zl grl .r.tr U d e-d't

E vT q * L 4r., ,J ,;F urt ,1t L !f. r":t.J .r .t - q" .rd ;lo3 4U L irl1l o,,l U gL

rJt *-t "T

r J., '.t d 2) ,4r, { t i' vt - (I;P erlJ

d vI -,rfr Lf dt,:-t 2t: o-{; J., dr _ ct L.d11- ,tr !r{f f ,s)-fu t9}...rrl|'.rt+ .r..f- 2- #..rtlj a.it

crL 6 6y t{ (e nrc + -{ Ot - a r3o durt trLb .,atf

Lf ,4f, r:-f Vf * ur. Jtr c,lri- j:,*, .&6(oJ - st, { dUdLr! u of) rfl; .11.l vlr d ,-tri

"aa. 3rL 3iL E ,.rt pl

.pb-r - ..Fi. g,r ,:,.f.1 ry ,$)L .t Cf o[ obl J? L&- .rlJj c.1.1 t3 e! .,.t L* vt*-r f,t rrl - ca. j r..4JK, .5 Ot :rd pl - A. e.*5- sfi .,3t 6 drrSti - *+. Lr",rli & - Lb r" C1J F* s111 u.r. dtt-. A Ol U

4l eL Jrta; tl Vtf- :. l#rY ft .f 2_ Fr, i ssL

.(, # .retf f orl -f a ut" +r" d ,-frtf .f;- 2- dh ,tf l.:l c,-*t Lr.jy r(- u)+?l ,rt ,rf jl {,;f ,4f, lrl 2- tt" a cltr+ r: f ,F-r E ,.';T rtJ,-- sdi ,rxr u,ir, e,-*t 4l f .;Jb ,rJl r"f ;r { - e *r.G- t, A ,Jt" .5 drrt ,-.&) fl I 2 f& r. Off

4 r5- ,rr o$ - E orp Lf dys .lKLt 4t A a*tl'L hlf 4' tlt 3. dtr" - ,Ji \tf cnr", bl c,*t r(|

StJp?LtrrftryTAnt, DEIANDs.(ner,wrr) .,. ?2q-

cr3ft G-tttj e f {lt ,;gJf tl a ,Jl" ,, hl obr Adrb tlaLfltict -clf a:b L*Lyf:f dts

.* olrr L a-*s e.G. , )rL d# t f e"t f. ':

.{ d, tl,f €-f r, *t ry ,l1l - .r. lKLl L-* Lt*

,JrUj { c4. i orr t+, lU Y JKt^l L* Lt* (J!. *Y v.l 0i & {$raf U.b Uf .4n, CL A orJ.i 0l

r.G. ,J,.1 d q. :*-la .ry' dlj .r\ 4*. )tl A- qX

dys s9i,t u.'r. .t n A- etl, ,it* pg:. u\f ft g,lt.

A L(rH ,,rl i # .fjt q. d-L lA ,tl - 2- Y Lfi* -r+

Mlnlrtcr for Flnencc : Question !

|lr.jl ah ah JJI jr ," g r,.<'- orl - cp i".,cy -f lrr. * ,tl Lt ft Jrl. cr.o At' cIU ., ' q!yt+3 ei-i uif yrt" 2 E 0f 21 Lf drrt c,tit .rtlj


Mlnlster for f,'lnence : You are vcry unfair.

l;y * O* ti1.f c*l! sfr ,n - )llr vt+ - oy> i-t(r.lt".Xf #) - - .. tci Erf kf ld .Jt rb oy o. 6T ;te

Mfudrtcr for f,'lnence : You are very unfair.

r\\o pRovrNclAl mseuelv oF wESt ierlstlN [6rn ruxr, l96t

Mr, Epeaker : No cross talk, plcaib.

11- ,, dr c,jt"l *.o vT /l - ,,d- .iu" - op ftDUJI .t i+ I o, St\. crhj rrlt 6 0l Jrl ,Jtii 6 0l

- q" 2-t { ,o Olrl o.l .t ,: rt5r t(. f .id

Mlnlster for Finince : I never said that the senior officers of the

Railway Department had been taking bribes. I ncver said that. I challenge

this statement.

- q^ L, d L* .j eJ 1F1.J q. d,,ol - op Pf e d.!rr ,Jh - q!., d L* JKrt .rr"f n 4h

- - - - A Jyl r.L. Ulrl tr U) rl Jrl A Ut" !f

Mlnicter for Finance : I have only said that you are making an

incorrect statemcnt.

ij, rrl .g vI - 4b ur tf f r*I, "l - cP PI -(ot>tf C.D----t-s:(-t"d: t"rd

2at3 A of) .f ti vt ,{ Lrf q c^. - tslr- rru"

U f ofj 2tt Lf A otl 2- t3j,a 1Y -r. K rsrlllrk

,.1*rr qfr tf sr.t f Jl qr rlril s 6iI*" €- rt;gf s.l

rrtrk E, o,.l 6.Q - ,1. ,4r, ,,;idrs f c-*-t {t J? Cl

Ub gt"l ,Srf: rrtlj - 4- UL Girl grii, dt i r3,.rr. d;..

sU!?Lrr,iEfirAhy DEMANUs (nru,wrY) ni

- A Ut" tof J-r*t u-tf nf * ..rYU .nic e(t{ A

dr"t dL cut q 45. e--1" U,fir u- ef +*; - ,(*- r/t+

rrk .f q t{ * 2- r-G. t4l 4l a*.s - L dt * llreJ

cib* .&l ,:rl#t f .J.l ssl - ,1 rllrl ,;r* l!. e q.- V

d.rhr.rK clt rf grt €" zft" UXr e &* sl E a-.1lrl

- a- tI:[" -f t\t$ ,Jls 4t sdT

;pl 4l , q. ,5, fj +,tL r.:lr. 9r -* rJ - ,(3o- t7U"

f,S Y grl 0A 2- &t, c4" 0l i )tb djY ti Utt.

.,irT - .5 Ll€ g1$ 61p; 2- r. oe - ;$- .pt+ - A .#e;}s L *rl .-fl. eu" *.t 0r of p e eI f,r. sU fhq & orfll , 1, ,;!3t ,l-t:ll 4r, L(tl q." dl.€. Arlr-Jl rrG- pl A ft, €.r'.t JU- .',ti) ef a*S .f

ea|rr *f! ,) n fJt tka ,ir" L rrlk- e'r,t

.tt+J eit*. r::r[ { - q.}b oj- - .fu ;*t 4 relevant gS e, tf-r tS o?l

t' L

Mlnicter for I'inence : That is a different question.

r5: u,,. Lt $ 3,1 el t{ e- {gr1#l l;y -of .b-rqr. , giK 4 q. J.3 u"l Jrlfr i l3n 6l- ortlj J JJ

+ Wl r(lt kl" ,4rJ q- e",l .l.i q - a Ub rt c9r-ra


1+*2 pBovrucrAL AsltBMDLy ot wtsr perrsuN [6rn ruNa, 1968

.fil + ul" q.f ab - a t+ e(; si ,r..d .r)\c L** { &t (,.ttl.Xf

6!.r) - - - - ,if qdr,Jt *-l 3{ oll c-*t

6rd-l- to1 ol d{d)J? e.,i e1 rf d, tJ f'.. 4- ^t ,-(ll 4 c^, otrg;J ,*l .99. .>d ,5 ek L

,;tr ;{ ,rt cJ^.^ - r! t/l)t); rl r(Lr:.1 ar^ta Ua! i er-

q" L) ,Lr*ef J.rt .5 4+.1 tf a*l r^(-" ot o^a E:-

f O$ cy tr s.J Llt- cJ.,Jii & ,ft N CIII

- ,(;-; yk: - (.j^r Lr{ ,pf 6 &ls ,{ fl 6rLo l,I' ^fe,L. .l.hiJh$ r.rls ti,s* 'r.G- rl;1u rf ti t"l f ,,?* 4 .:1,.

r* ,i i.rL elba L 0lll E- ,rlb sJdl al.r*ll L(-*,

L .Idti .rlir vt+ y - f Uf* rr1 alji jL K *u ef )l r,

4-Ll . !r vltr e'st4.* uf t5 ' l0?l .,! q f d.l

rLs uhr r: JL, .3q, lf C{-i n rJ rlF .Ju *f 3* - 4 L* LW tt; 1tr -e .rhsl L oal lc, tiL tof

U ut5h.2!s tq Lln /t .,r.- ; st.rcl L .:rJt ,5 Jtjp rr lljo

"Gi 0(l- .td ,r,E a! ,;f , Lt" ln )J r1e,- OtL jf

e! )2t r.lei OLL V l;s C y J) J) ft q ultt; .Sll

h Jlj K t-tt +t! rr .t 2- tf rU -r" 0Lt- k Lt"

afi 8- +rtli$l .5 {.G, o,l $ dgJ .jl$l \rI i Lb r*r

,-:fi3- ^*Ut (.rLrXtg) - - - a ,r:C *Llt tf ,5 vT. q.

r.ryr qf ,s* 4)U. E Jr, 'r$. - t+f .rC e; uc. a-ttr E i* ,,g

st ?tLEuEr{rARY DEMANDB Srrrwev) 7213

S + urF utr:el sri .-<*, $ 4!KJ rjl.rJl vT rrl

e.f>Wr urrE - Cl * + -, (,j[. bogus :t.": f .ll.t*l ;lJ ork- {s 3r .t! ^, 4 "p i6.y ,r.rU e.l - ql Lt" et 2 E

g# 'rS.re 1.2* - A u& 6pi *y eJL A .4"' .9,a u&'

a,f ,! tlt" tire 4l tfi rs,fl lr+ ef y't+ ".1 rrl - *-

- t:f- f Cd ,t6 t, rs2ofi tr.r ,5 {tY J) .t ; V

).r.+ r Lf ,*t f 4* .t ,it{ e*l ,.rtt ,rn'l dee sf,ot LF * e ,S).fi-' 6r:'J;\ Yt+ o* )tl ti.

.d*l $ f o$ a, .ll ' ,.ro. f, j* L rjlrll ,.rl si

tf J* et tf gI - up ,s}.*-- 6rr:'J1rg -J rf Lerblr, .,3l s:rl f yI e.ii;1s Ssl gaa Ji.rt- gt}l e,lel,r,

2 d - ,* .J-r" &L tf r.il ;l,.Lt*.Sl r: unr'l &t;

4 o$ *.3 211 6 t{ 0l u.. otf ,. Lt-d F tr; E ol

r.. *5- alq u*a / o. .,,1 u& ,fr e - .J*t Jr+r e-.rt r vI - *",!ter a-lr.r O(| - u$ rt, A A Cu P .,dl c' - ef' , rsgts-

ciLgrrr { jl { -JZ f *tst.-g. €3fi f'*Cf ,* LJ.rUj *ir- E- p, ,srL ft ela - ,if tt s/rtlj .r

tf ,..r8 r{ 6 ,-J .f, A ,ri:f." }lt ,Jl-& { jl ,'ff tii'r tt t- tJ|Jt" =r vT rrl - t d, # f

M1,$n91q9.11 N9'pcsonal rem4rf;s. .{9;, !.arder Aq[raf' -


7214 pRovrNerAl AsEBMBLy oB wBsr pAKTsTAN [6rH ruxr, 196g

- tlr .eU: - (0li .i.;'lt r.r. rlrr:) ,S;.1"-,. qgrf4J-;[

L Sj +JlL. grl L q1-[, gb r*tq $ A. ,,ru*ll *.\- u;r 15 orUj ./.rtt dh,,t k general r5z-9r )tl { dtd"

.r+ f crEl;rl 1,tJ, 0111 ef tai { jf 1--L. Ylr vt*)tl 615 e*l - ;![r+ (Ja. .t.G. L r--l,r .).., vttJ.,* ,t t4t a-*.t vl* tr 0l u!. { dt*. E ,J.tU

-f *V .j.- .pl+ - )llr rrtb - ub !r dl.ps E &,l(.J

a-*t e5.. i* pl 0l#l j* At sl a- q eL !re?f-

.,.(r,. J-l E jtlctz {t (,al .tr I 7* r.l0:l 4 SrfJf da €)rr-o,. f pl lh U.lf e cr)lL ,Jf.t. { ,f t*s.f ft, .t ef !h &l oll tr 1;T 4l L e-stt, r.G.

tf lfr{ f 0l , ,.rri .:i, L ,:,YU ,S e.li J? g\pi

scr ,? 2 LLf .f )J f rtrr ,5 d;,5.tu sjstht J5- d L r.G* t u;f dl! i c-*t r.fr.. g1l11lr e,.i

d - !1, rlt+ - Ulet, 4 A.,L 421 ttl e. grrLt Li'r-

$:rf2f e 0llrr E .+ .5 Dr iro d A r! Gr! s€lL .rb &U .t A- .itef.r L t*s r.(u

n$ ,rf .btt fjr.. - yb eLr - )Jic J.i, ql.;>

- rll 2-t tj.rl ,

- d ti +rL. *,rr ij - ,gifu 6;r,*)jt


g .t tft* .lC -- VT L oc{ )Jir€ J..i.. qlJr

- 2- barf e !.-1, .6r, L

a, rJgrer 2gl & - llr -,. t+ - ,Si.S.*, L5i^:l.rtt


.irtr - J,f,o', .eh - ilT .rI &rljl1 : Pl J.,-.. "<t : ; .

,* Lf c.-t Lf concisc f rLt. 9p f.,, .5- A q 5q

J tru +,, rl )tt u+ * f ,-:'JUr::r,:

?.-li, ois r:,9) 4t:t - Ylr gt+ ' 6ifu LSi4)1,

2 4-F sc+ .l+l ,5 u.c .'rk rihr ,+l ,.if ^", L'

19 d, Jt*lt & - l. l$tr? tqr vlrt K c'l'rt':;| L 0l

n Lf ?-12 ,,sl b, f:+fi ,r# i, e 0l .,r{ d'r5

- srt3l 4i Jl.,* &

,jrfJf 0,-- 6 a*t rf cr3n Urf €.f ut*

r 8. Olll ri\- L url ,Jl ...tJi:,| r 3,t

2- 6ilrr+ 2- s,*) rlb-r ef hr 6 el

,r# *aj ,r ol c,.iu ,+l - u# e! uftl

u-t eL trb f h ,,f :t s.l .+?

xI .a*i ,l srl eo. L-Y 9r ii A 3rr

llr vt+

4-h br- fJrl 2- i

.L "iW-{ h

e(rr.S- - u#lr

e-jl tt s4!

1t16 pRovrNcIAL AtsEltBty op wEcT pArrsrAN [6ru ruNr, 196g

- L slt ,Jt" ,, ,iltug ,

.t'c*f o L t.tlrgl ,5 a*l $ a Uti i r*l.p ))ss,,f )tl 4- d gJrtlj ,4: Jr."l Of,y' tl, f eitil ur. {lfU:f ,f * 4 L e)\Ll .5 0l ur rsr uaf, g)\!l ,5 F-,

A rr orfu .d a &L rL$l rd f fl e_*t *feltil e1 .:rr.i A rt:ll .,-l - 4-r f rlUl oa. o31lf ,z*l

A r*Trrt -f l+,',". dL A $L,r { a rt \tk(- l" V * la q* c,le. Ol riij, grl - fr. ,;i;t 4i-dFl .d a- Uti dt*l E o-rr.3{ ,Jtr. L- o54t ,U _ tc,

- 4 u.bt" a1.t ,ro6il ,, u.a i-r arguments .r- L s,r, u.. .lJ-

srYt- gl; .f tr o$ ,f* or. d,t*. E o.l _ ltJ vt;;rs! urt $ Up ,.r.r, O(.t A L *J.ts e.r +.rn l{l ra

6 $.url )tl gJre-(ll, 0lp) L dU .f A f 6p fcs-t rr ef a- ht a ,.:i-J) J#U 4ssc - .5r" tf O:*jrl

.r+ L .ro )tl ti tt h.€{ f .161 tf .rj.$-l d-:..- ,id{.a. f .r6i ^I ,*i* &trr - ,reI Lli .J .r,*, ,S, statement

otl - tc, k?h+t !L.Sq ,f.fu Lsst tet A ol. ;it Jl j5 fsr4l, .* uar e) dt" e+.+l *&r 4 6:-)5 o;)\c EA*. ,frlf .3&, emPtY ,b u.. .*f ,fr - #I dtu )t

stil 6(.J t€, uT f f" .0uu 4- .irr rf- 0t ;l !, j,;UI Jtr .rofrl 2,-l tijn UY Ut6 rf " .r+ rfi {, ty:h, $UL,

.;=': Stnytrn$*rrty pqrrax.pg (lxr,wax) l}tt

.5 dr9f dL .r,i 'A tr.1 Ui .bttf Ar., .$-f n *.t . lits2",3r r$3of - 2- ,Jr" { A drL lulL .}?"J { &st*l

g* oi dJ )t"Ar. dltil ,l-ri, ,J*ti 6 ^Ilrf €- d,*S.

t*, tt ,. imbalance u.. ,r.r*-&r )tl ,isx.l .ra lt 4-

crt*,r2i lU pl - tC' ,JJi qH wf ),3 - W e ep ,-l or

2El-t -chrif cl--os,#e**4 LLr{tv}t{g-rr JTt r5- ,res i, & - A ff ;{ .rtit;el rt

ur.r.i 5 ,5r,5Jf 6 z-*t =-t, .i.- )tl =-Le qlrr r7t+

iJt ,." Ul q1ls , a-o r*-k * L e-$; l$rot E Af

tli,r,d E vt a- t*ter, * tr;l, .f o*lt r..i ,5 eYt-

..,g, 6 ,9tlj ,/U ,ett o$ up .5 cfb r+ L rJr..ri.r

- L l3-r g,l e g'"1 &



2tt .Jt9(3 o2c ,f V -f i.fr G"* pl .l:,ytp 4.p

c1", .,3t 2lr'dL 9(ot ^l.ri' ^fl{ E ,ff ,r.ri q .f- L Arf.4p 5 ,jr,.[f &",.- .5 a-rf* f ty tt-fi

t-*t,3$1 E ,*f -it .i 6 6-r "l[ vT - 01.> fuE ,if, ,rf, ,5 rj'-- E

Mr. Spealer : 'I will trbw put the cut motiou to the House. Thequcstion is -

That the total of Rs. 75,00,000 on account ofOrdinrry Workiog Expenses;Opcttting BxPsa*t-

1218 pRovrNcrAl AssBMBLy 0F wrir petisuN [Ora ruNa, lg68

Total Ncw Expenditurc-(Rccurriag) bo roduccd byRs. 100.

The nntion was lost

Mr. Speaker i In view of the rejection of the cut motion, the nextcut motion of Major Muhammad Aslam Jan is out of order.

Next cut motion from Khawaja Muhammad Safdar.

Minister of Finance : I think you wouldn't move it.

q.rtna ,Jril )lt.r

Jt Ar t/lr" {)Ji,? J.i, .lF

"r-{ ,JJU s-tl t{ Z-

- dJ. )t*

cbJs 4t*

SuP0l o,r,

Sir I bcg to movo-

That tho total of Rs. 75,fi),0fi) on account ofOrdinary Working Expcnses-Operating Expenses-Total Ncw Expenditure{Recurring) be reduced byRc. onc.

Mr. SpcaLer : Demand under consideration, motion movcd is -

That the total of Rs. 75,00,000 on account ofOrdinary Working Expentes-Operating Expcnses-Total Ncw Expcoditurc-(Recurring) be reduced byRc. onc.

Ministcr of tr'lnrnce : Opposcd.

sUppLEMBNTARy bBuANDs (hAtLwAy) 12t9

S*f i,rl - !b .err: - (r- O-;st ) )$.a J-i. ql,g.

.rt a- tJ Us' ,irl u.. Ol1r1t o,.l r ,ri .rj q,tt, ,? ur. Jfu

rl n a-J .Sl Lr.! ,F ,Jkt sbl:r J) d Lrt 'r4 E

rrt, ,rLti uJf I fuel oil *. .i* ,J o,j,(- Cfy S 2-

t*t rdr.l 35y r. t+* s 4r.e ,5 od -,e, ..f A, f4 4ri*.. roi 4ojL:. .(ll q dL )"1 - th Uf .jr olj rf){ i Lt j r\ilL !,utt r u..ql ,-{ u*:rf ,Jf ul $- [l(- t" f;f ,rC t-tl o*t dl$ Ls*t - CC tl A ,S-Ul e+l f.j el 4 oll a- dL. { o,& afy q (,JB

kT .f a- G$r Uf t L. f ,:.t - g,.i qJl - .rf, rr.-U.

ul-r 2- .Jf dyy f e-*-t e.G- .,$r ,-irf ,5 r'+ .rl

tt* ,rCr ed E j!9; )tl 0* . dt , r;}1;l e- ,) .5

1j-*3 'Jr, rr, te, hJri q re, tr 6,.r- J", L drr,l ."."

,Si K e s,.^f d 4- { Llt ,Jli 6x, - L9h vf bl

a & L dt j 6ls K ,rr+ "s..

t" 6 ,rr, $b ,il3 k

t" ,JK, , d L o*!I ,ri*l tI sry r ,.(3i f F*, ., _ *,r" dKr *., e r).5 d A g Zvj {ilL efit e- ,Fu'.1 cfr r/l f. L tof t-ll L c..3S Cf:. {(;Ja -.,j(-* r) L i +,tL. o.t - Ytr vt: . * f .,.C c.r, Jht, .l A L otl u+ J'di.. , {tr.r fY ra ,? trr

' l(irf e- 6h Vf ui.2c Jtj A od F r ^r $ a- rJ,trlf fl*l a de*r ultJ E ^!tc ottJtr Jrr (f srht

!229 pRovrNcrAl lssBMBlY, ot wBsr PAkrsrAN [6rn ruuu, lg68

grl e"ei ,5 .(iJj grL. ue.. dlr., r.lU pl u* ,sh !+rct

6td ,,f ;t f U dsp,r f 0l a- q "# ,F *t5 F*i

r:lr .rr \r a{ ,o. Ll-t 6r-. 6fl - A !s i dj6il J?

*-t" .ie .riU p* - llr vk? - e- rtrl * )tl Lti

,Ft .rd! cdsra. a c,)L 0l .t op rc rLl.. rttlcl.it,

u€"f f .r:[.t'. cll g$ 0t; ufl ;lrr- €.rJJ Lr JJI

*S ^, 6 ,rrr, fF 4f. up p )tl u.r arb eL

i9a ) J5 rFU 4 .rYl- 0l A- ,;f er e. 0l ,*lide;

,p' ,,1i.-t.r) f 4y u,"l .n L* Jb f c,YL 0l yl

.r!l- L F."t s-l .,$ o*3I $l up .*l 1) * LJL ,{ siL* &fs /ri ,Li.r. jf cr!t- 0l L ,JJrJl L u*J O.rlr

.*r-j .r cllrr dL o"l d L: F { ,- ,rl z* r;t

K'rl e up country 43 Jtr Jrl A Gf er ,Jg+l ;* .5

r-r. t9 o{ - yb .pt+ - oa. a-h UL 2 .rtlj 4 .i* .5

*+. 't*l $l d9a Br{ ,f* o* tirti .5 =-[.e *.* u.:JU

c'.tsc tg)lar.l - L o* r.JU r{.. L dr.. u,.l ot osllj e,.

GlLr 6 4- 4J ot A &il.ts tf dyc gr.l rf * clU

r$9r ur, volume )tl tr Eb e r:l.r.Tr1 rglL. ,rl.r.T1r

f .t t6A shJ .S e 17? u6.. rrtlj = dt- ,;-f )., OtlSs+

ola.T1.r 6 6Ut n d* ilr ,f5- .5 eul u., lse urt e &t

fjy it L a*t r9Jb Oi oi lr. rrEl rJr: rJr: ur.

6Ul rr *f li L!rstl i .f.l.r:l ,rql 23 JE .t ^f rJ rr.

!-- .


s ,r6fis ,f relL ol d n - A b UY "fl,. $3;'rit f

A drL ;f Jrl ,o. d 'h $ dS * ol'r'T1 et'r'T.1r 6.rLr

pAttern ,n- .$ 4rL ,;{ n.r-3T .pl 2- t .l I )\" pattern r{

t\*l Lp;- .pl rrjr rrl.r.I1s 6rLn )d .-Si ?? f 2; ut"

Jr 6* ef t** - u.it" ,."C o!. 4 r;:'l'r'T.1r (9;l'1 4

,,r.lft * f .r,l.r.T.1r Jrl #h rj; ':'lr'T.; rJrb $ I ."l3r

,-'$ Llti tJ,.t ef e- c+l &)x Jul," 6lLn se .,sl

Jtr o. i,L .(ll ,,i"t L ,ih tiY (F .-S- 0rl$l o E$t

,f q rrtr.Ilr 6rb fl S rr rp*' - r5-rt uI p2r fir

Lh * ,.&rl A pattern ct.t-i ut* c+rt ,r+l t 2l: I

.3. a-;Lr tfte{ (et ,rr, .riU if f e-*l ,# Y

- du E .fl, e-rb ft L .f,i*l i* sf '-(ll uiv o:t

stl r.r. vr': .pl ,i* fl*l su tE w* ']* of)'q s6f

,l - f+, l{- .) .46, pJtI pattern { r+l n .-Jrt f,r*t

a-rL. ttl Lf se, c,l.r.I1 :i c'l'r..T1r 4- JrL r! r'

1jt sC ,jtr- I ollr- .,e, u.. pattern L J'- r #' ClrS

&rJ JJI € Al E . ,.ItJf' pattern s Lf os4r JH" L

L rJ" u* *r' 4-l u4rl , l* L du' L tnl u3'r

4l t-,- u&l )tl ua' .Jr" o! rrl'r'T.tr t9lb Lf 0l'pr

Jhr.rl K r.rl r,r* "/1"

a! ol.r.Tr; 6rLr 0lll) E, 6+ u*

scasoo {!(U e- 'urG, sf J uftlu ,5 cr!r.I1 pl c'lr'T.,r 6Jb

;rrr ,r\f tt a. f.r. V f!t: 'd N €f L ssl i

n12 pRovrNcrAl AssBMB[X oE w4qr pAKurr^N [6rn rur.rr, 196g

lrLf $ $d.rri 0A - .!Jt" jn t.ra e)*e ,5: .Lr" a)21 a p*l r? srqt V drb Jrl a u.d (*r. eqr f.rL ert r.Iri 6 opl n u.r .[l. ,g ,.*f r:l.r.I1r €lh':rfJ q qr-I., t9i;(- rsrfioa{r! vl,+ L VI 4t - ,-fJ,ft

rrt L br -rr dl, du;. { {r W tf dt - dy+,. ui€.f *t L s.r $ t*" n $ U5o

"ef ,r€ t Jr,€,1L. K .rl A Cl.t e, Oiljl ,Jf.rrrr.: V vl ef a gfK u.f * c,/rtstrr orb pl a- Cl^} + c,l*Irl pt. .:,l.rJ.p

c}+r + * el.pllr r5rtr qe. dl-- Ldt ri.e g.fl + ,g,.,

uh.+, uf Oalj4 Jt{lr.r ,ro. .l.rr sd1t {t rrt. a- ,ier u,.qf,

- !b vt'r :. 4 sid- rt, +rJ r,rr. *&jrt .Jt+lr*. d .rrt + d.lE

eacf u,L.i +, r.5 ?I ,.r. d E unt r{, rJ dt - *; + eI

-r I p rri; E a. tf !.l c1.1 fL E 44 L ,stss. dL *

oIy drP-ltl .pl drr 6 ,,n1,- Yll vh - dl. tiYs .i* 6-: .-*3Ly.. +h-)\. g,I

"Firstly, the unusual conditions prevailingduring,the last yoar aod uoforseerble changes inthe pattern of traffic during the curreDt year put anunduc strain. on railway operations. During thecurrent year, in particular,........."

They arc. talking about 1966-67"

"....lhe priorities tbat had to.be ertsblisho6iiDthe national interest resulted in latge scale move.mopt of Gmply_yagon to tha port......,.,;D

sutBl/ Ei4ENTABY DErrAl'los. (na[wev)

Exagtly the same wo1ds.

t'........,and handliig of lower gra,(le trafficadversely affected the figures of trafrc and greatly

rcduced the railway eaiaings. Bunching of foodgraiaships took placo which, combined with long hauls

roqpire* lor movirE wbg upcouatry, alnin resul.ted in large scale movement of empty wagone fromfar awqy pdfu*$to tlm $gf1"


s,,: 1", .r

+lt 4, 'x.l dL, oa;f €t\r "i, dk g:l - Yb ./h

4 ,nl t - + !r!.'.. ri+ {, **a. y"{ 4 ,rt #l .+a-4ll.l, .(1r. +, .5. 4i- E ."(L rj2a .i + f r.r.gr kff0l {r. 4 tt til.,, rlla rF, 4r yt 1 qf d. s.l {ni

It - Yr, ?u" - a. ,t+, ,C yt z Lti Ji, Crr L c,JL

2f ,rl .4.,s eit "rt dh o"t$, ,j, li' r.1l1l .ttti rrl+e4b a. rrl U /\ith u,.l .5 tdpl* €j.'{, €FcJ.,[ rrt i i+t.,# ql qr Lf tt \ lts q / "fi ',r.E d rt.fr

lrfr1Jl- { & ,rdtr *5-Y 6; f ,* xf I ,4 t:(.

Y 0l Jrl r,r-o 6 .f+;rr.qt L p" ,? - #rF 1.r.1 c*j qf.

.5Jrr-Ql cr_* olr1 dt L r^ cJrh d ety t{ a- 1pr",

efl c* rJu Jqa't - td tJ u.d dL **t rf t? to, ttft' 0l fy -r I clt" &+t a5- 2- q dsr) [ 0l tai ,jif .r.I1r d +fI

" -n L pr dL gr.l Jrl

".i .rf .5 {,rlJ,).

:r" -t" ? FYL et hrr r;r *I+ )! *Tl, { +


{**ft = s}i..d '}- s't*{l 6{b rrd uo. ;F * 't,

7224 pKovrNcIAL AssEMBLy oF wBsr pAxlsrAN [6ru ruNr, 1968

L ry .{ Lf ,Jp .5r g { .rl.r.T1r g;Jb cy r,rlr.l dU

6j$! vt.t. ,ct| o9 ,itt .rl gnl q. .pl a- V ,t.*t*, Uti rt !11 ct ,2.F & , gf., .ral L .r--tr 6j.6-O\4 e"f ,- ,# Ch t+.$ .,1t {-:.:- +. 0l +ty J) .f

ed .r? )tl tJ t11- c,jf Y rrpl A V i_ L;.. e+f .r"

ttl ,Stf ft V e.r0 rt4 A Lta f ,yl a- V Z- drrtt

.r.r .t A ,{ 6 Ob .}., -r+ H 0t ce. ; d* {rruf ,tr dtlj 2 grl r4rr 3tY -?a .t S 2 ,s*s ftUt" / .i* ,5 .fi.rrt a uP countrv .3it, Jtr c1,"rl .d lh

ql c.-1r e sDc ,t*f ry .arL ,51,,y l:f 4 - ah,5 c-t F. ef N 'C.l )tl .r. er1) .:r .l -{t - 2-

rrL rl .,& cl. Ju {4L et .,r, f ,)* al 4 ,f i..ql , tr uJK, #dl ,rtL.i { orL ltJ sT ft .,C

& { a u9 ;elr. t*ll - .5 * ,}* .r(, 6Jy .,rl s4.

J., .r{5 *: t{ a tof Lr of.r f I srl a- *i .f_ Lh+r h f *f.l rrr stt ,5 gnl n J. tra wi2o nrt1j

.*L * f at, 4t rrt Erf B. ,rae$T L t*se.(*.-a rd 41 2- n rlf d V u* - 4- !.r 3(, \Lri { Lfr9 ef 2- lti rtc;l ^l L *tt ?F L.w - yb .,t+a-JU r9Jb t4, 'sti- 'lt.

.l tr AsS 11fl ro 6;- dttrj

lY G rJUlt+ 15;.1 - L *lb .8t Y Stfiv sr*l 6

: , SulPLEtlBNtABt DEuANqs (RAILWAy) 1223.

Jrf a:sl, I Clr".d ,n raLl;l 4l a tl b t!-

,J"U ,5- rrlrL!.;l L bl *,a 0q' 2- le.1 3n rrDl c,t. ,ri.r,I

.t f,t of {,,. fi.fl{ L lr} uf, dx eL drr.il ,,r0. 6 u.rtt ,g+ L djrr.'l t{ d.1n d ..rltU

t-}'t - ,,-r, tl* ,;f 5 ot .+. ,5 tJrr A ,s.rL .5 ,9lL

ui2e lrl 4l ,-i2e rfJi" K ,5rfiK .t orl ,il| .:+.1 ,5.

€ Ll;; L .(L g.l L o)dl .f A_ ".(.

,. la! .-$l

-lb vt+ -a ilr. 6 0t lri ,f -t5 gr !.ts $ ,f,r4 du .!car L dril ef f,9 s! f rit;; ijs tp.rfrr ,JL ^f LJb Lrf 'fa ,J.p J-1.1 !fi| l$ tJU- ot-;- rl

*f ! r c G ct .jr.T .5 e*rr 3:f 11' *.p ,g .r& (s

e-*s ^f r" J LT o* .jfu d iU. u,.Jtr r*u d l"1r.r

d* +t l .t -ft - yt, vh - .5 Ltr .5 Jr;- ,r* 3tt uilllA-Ii .r J+f +*t 6- dJ) Yr s! ,o/l & -i ,tSt !e.,ti L drfrl u'. grl .tf #Ui )r" 1,I. , . ,n rrr+ Lg$. lr! tel [f.,,']U tr.l *f! y o J ra * FJI iu.f! .. bf a. Ett ir., - ,nt e5-y rr Lt.5 .,,, ,rt.r.T

rJ5Jl - !13 .rU: - r4rJ e5- y y o it.. dli yl st? t I

3# .l a V ,ir .5ct Lfr .:,t"Lil fir rdr.l c5-y t6 L.Jt""i tr e5- ! aa ur. e1# A .frfiK &,t l o,t - X$ lf,Sr;.f1K ,!rbl .l e. I olrr dL rdrr r5! aa - r.f r" it,q1. rJt- r4L .,L f r. il, o1l."i, uE$. at 4 q;l .,f

ffi pnovrHirir e3liubr,v bi ivssi irerriier.r t

16rr ruNn, i96gi

rJU get rr ki CU. odll V r.ll +lr.r +fY a .ir, ,ret

j ;r-T L dU .,^Tlt1 s! ,$, ,F ,j ei.l ct ;I LLt,.r ,gl tt 6 d). Lail'.- up. - f r. ,-tJJ+ L1. 4*.;

dst e5-y ?a ry olt: dL L "rrrJl

e- .il,f - A LW {t4l1 *f j. orX, L O grl A tf LIL'.:.| $fj JJ ff rt - yti vt^r r-r - .;3I 4f trt cf. .J(.l 6 ,,!llh6fis e1 L rr. - ,rf dri & { ,!rj[f Crbt .{t^.n k ll A- tt .r-.U, K ;e.I pl .d"fFl a-rLr S 2-

* { d i ,SrfiK Crlol f.. -f ,,rl r l,ar ,Ja.i .;--t5

A t grl -Yb qru? n -q" & 4-5 tu ul ASOlf ,i* * W grl c,! 1.il 4l ,-i2e q,;[r rirJe ,5 VT ry*ofJrJu(J..+u. L Jt &*SL {.t::t ft51 d$l K ^drr fy r . q. rel;l;l L di d lrttf . 4t ri dL)[. yl,+ r I teii,o g {-+t u*t t}t ft

fb ff I ? bf r r - st,.. r:!.il or; ,rtti "E A 1a-'r r

1f! r? jff r y (ry \A-ia ,r eL lry;r3 C4 yl sl,o

tt otlt ,r ;!61 ra. ,rt Kr*l fy r. .(*i ur+ r{l ra

.2 6i ln. qd i.V 4-)Lr ,slt- ;[c .irir ,rl - a- ft- A. t.J tt pattern d;+ K .(i# td U(. er"sa olJj ..F

ttit (f" d,. s6r &f eri &tl y sl orq Ol

,rr,. dh9- iar n eb srl , E otf d4 .1+l air[f ail;r

.,6,k r+ L ua,i n ell ,/! - e rc! Jb .rrrl j.b .JE


ol..Jrrl 1ll q.-1, ,jl s.lr 4-Jb 6rJ up 6r f ,if

f * u+ 6) f .lJU ,ral *+f &ra L v'>t'2 6.lif*

g.is ,5 .rf L ry 4 ud - lc, t|f ,rrf' &, d" lr*

cr{U ,}rl I uif, .}-.rr *,.lJ rl af 2- 6r f ,'Psl{ 4,

6y ;A J.it n ,rtt" 5 #.1 ;it- E rrlsPl d"l f\

' ff ,."t'' .!rp sel dteal r.l.'o 4 sd['{ !q}

,Jo, - ytJ vt+ - ( r - 6l'olrtl) 01" fLl J'n'

- 1;r.5r +r. lkf {4, +'u 1, *v tS ti '-"-t'r r"lls

s.ol 6 qpr eftll rt o t{ a qt ' V t{ L'" ' ltr .rt+

2 'rrl es"I ra Jrt l! Qr otlj '{ '

a-}u e eP ta}

drlJil & $ rlt, #: 1g drlf,lJ:l *"'^&.l Jrr '+'


.Jo. - 9, .rb; f- tr. e; n J:i ^drr 2 tl *J "/y .('"

pi "trlts

af c-t\t rl L J.' LuA q S d'a uea" rI

q{ url L C:h ,ri'r,.I Ltrl dt.. f e ^"J 6 t"ur;ilal

.l :F" ,rirll r9;-3r td .t'? - A 13'l b r..l3rt ib g5''

ug rlrl| ,,r. crlif, casl.r )tl dt' t5 +*l a' ur! ;&s

f+' ,;C .r, n ':lr'3 rrl '*lu tt Ol - L tr1 t" 1"

LtJ- g r.Jr, 6 (,". Lli* L .fu rrl Lkfr ir 'l

,rJ ri ff- ;q ;!q 2W:' ,rr '1L;' dt' '/t r* rtr ;el

qitrt dlrt L )l$."Yh ' .rtf ufu$' 14* gr:riL' rrl' sr '2'ld

$ lir: f L z-1l*r rltJ sc, 'oyl.rf A'rd 6 z rr t)t


.1.rt ,rl ft - kr f {ipt rei

r,li .f c-t\t 6 rdrr +fY o. f

e4L&dLg'"t(r o i lrt? [f 9t*- e_

)tl ,J.lU 6 c-.*t )tl .jr" qr, ;.r.T. ,6(.1 dr. ,J.tf irl .d ;e(s ,yI - a_ kI, .r_rj , orl { ,r.t}:il.r,0f f 3*; ef al-$l-s a €JL L t)t4 ), o:!j dlri.

tr$ UJ. -f ,/ )tl A .lr. ,61 crtgj e_ .o9,*t €lr ,I6-;or r r q. 0u*5-rj A* arL" (rs. A-; .Sl _ ;lt3l;l.d E ol A ctr, q. r.ry; ll!;il t-{t oEJ o,..

"iflLlf E 'a*.t A olt .,,r crlj sC u;. +rL E ()r4

-f Ur. or .1.1:T pl ti3o a t91bi1 ht )i- pl l* fs- flf u{jia lL, rI ,S ('.? .fi, l{- J. iu, f Ot Jt,- ylJ V[* . r*. _ (J*. ,erl ,J*t, E o,.l c,yU q. 5-{ gT - d3o Uf ,f* 6it^:. L oats Jrr ,r.L E \rIOQ ".. tr. rf Or gJ36- lt , 4l tf t *" ,i ,.rJLr, s*J.nd "sr btf,- -, sA #y ..l.. { e 0t itf L \).r-;

,r+{l ,". { - 2- 4 tL. Ail Jr ^df y .4_*), y y)\fry )tte. E grl f 3rri; 41 4- tJLi i ,)_t,,t .r*J 6

' ,*t { dj{ avrl- ? *l trr r.{rJ ..(Jl qlf V 4V .*tl si -a sc c6 drt r {|f b- cr)\f 3p f.trllj rt r/ crto rllU E ,.rl - A crt i. dss .r qff- 2- d$ 7 4lf K opl A url7rt (Jirl" .!lrj .pl A .r ftJdt: ,, $lf +*t K 1,rXf lxi b' .,1 #y lt .,1jfrt.,


)tl td - A 4t e,L ql,5 K d )tl a- L4 i

^t-lf K .1jr! Jrl Ai:ot3t, )tl or! Qr l1,3,a ,{ rrr&

- rJl. t{

Ministerof Flnancc :' Wait for the general discussion. It is too earlyr.o form an opinion.

i A d[-, V o. Jlu13 .,re ]j V or{f - .# r2-

e ArL o,'t Ltf 4 .it 0t" d-l J.i, .*4-Jb it-13 6p,-5- { Jll - Ul. ri r1l."i rr6dl n {, /\i

- uil li ,1t-

.dJ i: r" 4 L oA ,{ a- rl dlr- -fu. P- se ,5 ot u0, tlUtt \te*. L

Ol { ft ,Jr. . l,l f{ .t - 0h fLl J^ft, #- Lf J* ,l ..dh

rrl $ s$ ,i..I rsb-j 4. oe4lrf f,t - fu" ,2* :

,rS dJ ,5 u.:*. it t- rr ,J.l L d J" ,.. frt :,: - .rJl" T rj -tir+j o r*! - .f ,.

'_'rfi .rg * paper transaction .f _ 0h "t-t

_f.:.. -H

7230 pRovtNctAL ASSEMBLY oF wBst pAKtstaN [dtn luNe, 1968

- ,rei 6str i clJa:..f vT clL .* - .6* -b

a lLy e{ L .J1"1 - llr vu,: - irt" d-l b t?t'cl. Lt? i of,rr.l ,&lf O&, dlti L 0t rfir. .S

uf tr* { f o+ A- ter .Jt*;. tr 3fy 16 u*/l 4 o.l

- A 4rtr.t f f-, s(Jl *l rf A- dte- l)c, - uc. 4t"{"bi .rdl ^r L." - t:(. ,A, rt J n1t-l { F*i .r*f -.f 6t

*tf drta JJI uist e rJtl e-.1L. e- !t, L .r-t,,p )Ji,.

,lf ,,rrf a .#! pl q. Lf .r.Trl u{.rl nG - ,Jp :-byl gJrr-fi| ,5 ,tn.. . )-, q,g lrL. sir+ ) Jt- , - &a3 a .5Ll b- ,Jr&r Jtr ,5 Ot ..(i rJh: - A sd C1;.1

-r. lr4 s.f $ C" ;6f { d[r:. L u/n A_ rdrr J"

.H trtr r.r. U ,fi ua! L: f lt11' 4l f. si a- ,$C,l fl - e- ,r:(- 9r ug1,tl 4 JrL g sot) ,rS 4l n g

zfb Ulr dEl c^. os.iV E 0l n J^ serl ttr .5

,y\ a-i, - a .rf ti ".l u.. 0l f L ure(1.r -J O&,

Stafistieal Haild Book, 1967 ,S r.tk*fq L*s-1 ljl.!*,!)f, {,l 3:f tr t4lt!1r-1r -A , y.r .r,i,2 L sA 2-

si\* E Ft s.cl g tV. L gr.>\f Lel l* .ry c5.y

g.f v* altl* 0l sr t I t1o-l 'r - 4s Jl;n r f y tt

Ssrf I r rlrl ,5 ulrL L .r>tf fg dL gnl - u{ e:

1r o5.t t .1 ur. cr>\f rrl Jrl - ,.,# sly I e5-y t3

st mbuerF*B* Dnnat{Do (**tr,ver)

V wasoos Jtr :u .irT (*pf #) - U{ * L lSl /t*t

9I Gr# f current pattcrn of traffio L ,t'I - kt l .rrfi


Mint*cr of Finaoca :

Iliaic M*rnnerl Aclrd' J*r: Enpty wdgpns as *clt as ovlr'alltrafhc.

Mldld0r oi trimtce : It Says :

"Additional amount rcquircd to mGGt gr.atetexpenditure as a resultofincrcase in tbe pricc offuel oils and additiooal expenditure dutj to the

cdrrcdt pattcrD 6f tfafc iovolvin! largcr probortion

of harihle of empty t&iSotrs to thd poft."




Empty waglotis are uodcr discussion.

.rtrr Jc otrr fl - llr .rt+ - ,Jtr ,*[,.l J.qm -HJrl ,r.rL Jrl ,s*t ,JUJtr it-. 4 Eyes tfl 2i u.f j-b

t L dfr,- 3n tistl d.{ .! n ,. .ir.I .it}J e 01

i &+r ,e",tl a, -J ft (9 ht ,dlj . f*t Jbrt

- ,r.Jt.f ,l d,t L c.rf P

Mr. Ahmcdmirn Soomro (Jacobabad-Il) : May I say a few words ? Sir,

while opposing the cut motion of Khawaja Muhammad safdar I would

like t<i point out.that Major Muhammad Aslam Jan has slightly confused

tn" ir6ifi. Hcre is a delnend fbr an adbitionai sum of seYebty:fite lhkfr's

and that for a reason mainly, for something which, when thp prcviour

Eudget rflas presented afl passed, was not [nown. In fact ttiey have

oou1 come' forward only with these tws dcmaads. It is creditable and

1232 pRovrNcrAL AssEMbLy 6tr ivEsr pAtrsrAN [6rn ruNr, 196g

it'is good 0nancing in such a big Brrdget ai the Railway;s t<i come forwardwith a supplementary Budget containing only two items. The secondone is..not under discussion so I would not say anything about that.The first one also, the major portion of it was due to something whichho one could foresee at that time as is clear from page 2 that the increasewas effected wide their letter dated the lgth July, lg67 i.e. after we hadsanctioned the Budget and forty lakhs out of seventyfive lakhs are merelydue to something which was beyond the contror of those who had framedthis Budget and not to their knowledge even. In fact, therefore sir, tobe fair to the persons and to the authorities who gave us the last Budgetand had brought this supplementary Budget I think anybody with .a fairmind would give them credit. The other seventy three lakhs also is merelydue to the haulage of empty wagons. we know the crisis that we hadfaced after passing the last Railway Budget. we know the manner inwhich the Railways were moving food-grains from the port to the farthestend of this Province and it is really creditable for them to have quicklymoved those food-grains and then come to us only with these shortDemands. I, therefore, would not waste more time but would say thatinstead of blaming them we should place on record our sense of gratitudefor their good financing that has been done in this year,s Budget.

.41 - !13 JriD - (jtf 4ry r.-,1 r'-) ut-d ljlIt.!11 ; #f I ,rl L crlrf. j*

.f" ,,(J c1f lil':. * ,o. 2l:

lr. tff iu 'tr f*, uPLi 'e ,-rl i

E .,tlrll Lrl r: uJh gf

u.tU 6.n cJ cf. ,lUl

e,hil3. ,f ,r$ e- ,l* sl 4rttoo{ d;s *7t u..,U .,

A .,.ir.i. { Lg h4

- t osf r.r, qyU a ia*. '* L\ jn rjt$t €, g

0tp) E

L ,Jrf"rl

sfr '4'

t-F L t-'L' )Ji, J'i. {"fri - llr )ti-?? - A ci) { r::,! ,5 d pl oJ.D 6h 4lcl pattefn of trafrc q. 4tc a-Jb rr !L;i {

, suppLEuBNrARy DBMANDS (n*rlwlr) 7233

rrlj *.-l;.r .t., gJ "€"f

_ a- ,;fullr -f , *e*- Jr_ c,)sc'n,l month to month - a ,Jr" .s!j -r.Irl oL ,r."f 2- ,i*qt"J Jf - ylj )th- - 4- k J kJ4 pattern tr season to season

- ua. 4f d,l*l insecticides, seed, fertilizers L e r51 Hb

*'; q e. * r.a GI e r:-r 6 Lf import -rt ot

,J'.i ,5 tjlb - 4 bumper crop e}ai t.f fd .r- 4s_ ,rl ef s+turf .4y; Jllrrl K r,ts .rll unl. - a ,J-rn !/.ol ,,,r{ s}t., f,r*l ,,fr|f c4. crt+ ,,l.t O&r ,1t f. .d k, A\,\ 2 OLL e?5. F. e. o!+ .5. i\ * .3o.l e1.r r: u#,0+.

^rjL..lr.r"f otf" &lJ, : 4 .,Fia." I -t*, ..! ..u,.. . *,5 .flf g - A lri tif, import oLL otrr ,*. A tigr

,sl'rfl ssl .rYL, g .(l. rlhr ula Ls f ,;bt Ofu.U*a*l e!t- fl - q+# ,*r Jr- )be (*,rt.r ef e 4l{ - gi**t .i ,fu, Jrt 6 *U ,atf f,* +*: i Ls, {ipatternof traffic tf -; Uti L =r1., ^?lrt - 4- ;.h 6tL. .iJl_

6 0jli l# cr" .l.Ill ut;*a 6;L ^l - e- .r.r*, ;Kix_l ,6.

, ilr ":'ll { $- 4. dti b- .riu. .$ rrtg _ u3a e trA 6r J" i per unit of traffic handling da dr. bta e.r f ,

# L 2vl s;t .,j*J ,L!t o,.fi e- r^r b 4r., or ,

cfr - ur) dK, e. q vt f urt _ 4- Ur V,h, .{ q.r .,f orje? d/rr Ol i- -6i t i s,.e, ,rt fugt e_ ci.551,,,,

: ..'.. ''

,., t" - - - Crti, d6 .

7234 pRovtNctAl A3BBMDLy OF wBlr PATISTAN [6rH rUNe, 1968

Y c-,1.; { *fir ,31 f * 'r-l -J - ,il1 ljlItJ r lt.rrl - 2- lg { .t a- l+ r+ e.,; tr .,&i pcr unit

a ,i-.. ct" - A- l, { e* rf qr Lf 1t^sl '-i.,L .5 ,'l .rl

egguoptbn off,u,cl in lbp pcrcnginemile t5i O,a bf 6>Ul K,:t5 ,nt

t'|f L t..t q. at t11-1a ,ra, t.l q. .l !14-11

irr ,F .t t.1.-.11 ,.rt dL s,l - 2- lp rtEl ry

dL 'J,.1

! G[. * { wastage f url t,f YI L

_ 4- ,i* { e ,s consumption of fuel in lbs per engine mite

ry orL ,r & -'tt, ,J# 1.r4 !f .lly K L9 it;tg culr€nt yeat Jrt qr I I t engine uiles per day per eogine

ft - ,f g rvy Lr+l ,5 nt 'a d* improvcmcnt

.rtG ,.tJr$l 6 Ol -,J q ,.lt f ,r.r. ,;f tf e-}rt t A

f OUI 6b. Jo, "J

t q1 2-) 4{ vl.r- ,rt{ fdL grl uP ur{ ,rJh rJYrr e1 2 L Lf #H

9r pf ui.l tt .r. lr1 constunption of fsol in lbs per spgine mile

- il g r y r Lta+15 r r t tngino mitcs pqr d*y por engioe - tt

or:lt lr ELb 4f y L{" tf:r *r' f 'st'il, '}l .tf

- A gr} essieacY 14. aA: A5. "f-

f t,,sri p,u Llt


- L J* vt..K a-*t - 2- &n qC wastage (r.' t*:perunitoftraffic ,Lt" t5,-(Jl tf ,::..J ssl duty ,5 .,., tfllrf fi K cryb t€ sC dt1a - f,r. p{ ot 2- 6.i * K

xt f L9t ,1!t L t4t +s\S *f .lr. be+* ..". ;(J 2- 15

u,"l tf dt CT - e- [:(- L l?{ e,*f u*. a}t L di

o*t tE )l*f cjt- orl LG. V a-t\s rf 2- y'c K c,tr

& t4t K e-rlll & ..." - A l-ro itt *{ al a(! ttJ

$ .F ,r rr:ri p3ti Lls s.Jrt {J .$ ': ,i Ll: )) ei

e- Uti .:l.r1l * 2- llr )t&- - uP rf cr!t- dL rrl

L* Lf ,rk t4l cry ,,l.jta u-l it L '+ rr .-(ll 'd

cit uFl & 5 )tt- d$ Jli. 16 ety yr 3tf t r

t4t -{ or7.. i!r: r I ee3(- 6fr" *{ tei q1.r dt+

ex-refinery prices of petrol products &l ri: t I L Lf fq L

cr j.1a .lrlr & 6[tl K {iEl .tll )tl .5 Lr f ait;l q,.

f& q tf .:.3f,- ,itty e.it Lr{ ,r! 4 - tJ rt 4

6.r $lj L t*,t: e5'! (?o a *r 6 r5I ..$l 'S tc' ei

- - - - [bJ edrl 3.fy ro "f! ,-{:^ cf9*tza crlli ,5

6.rtar .l^+LJ3 L diCl .r'tna ,-iLf .fu .1.*- a- lea dEl f o.l - 4- LKJ

Minister of Finance : The letter was produced here before me'



&+t*r3 tf - ry .*d 4s Lt:l" o.l .t'' ,'*

7236 pRovrNcrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [6rn ruNe, 1968

I A U i,i.(Jl .::.,J L .l&l gry

retrospective if ,/ Jtl _ yb et+ - )Ji*o J^fr, 4"bi

- 4- [r effect

uf ,5 alU .#" f e r t ra ,i!r:,i,o ,fY ,iri ,{

rt - fu" -i*etqtz. ,I,-rlt ,$ )tl

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : How is it possible Sir ?

Minister of Finance : There are powers under the rules.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : On a point of order Sir. Since a fact has

been revealed in this House, it would have been fair on the part of the

railways authorities to produce that letter while the statement was made

by him in the House that the railways spent-.I don't use harsh words

that it is the negligence ; I don't say that they have been making excess

payments, and theirailways have been negligent in guarding public funds.

It was mandatory upon the Finance Minister or the Parliamentary Secretary

concerned to have placed that letter in the House trj grant me an op-

portunity of discussing tbat letter. Would it be possible under the rules

Sir, or while discussing the subsequent Demand, that that letter be scrutinized

and 'criticised, whether that letter has got any legal force or not ? I may

kindly be enlightened on that point.

- A seslr ,;da ot L cry ,--le ..St - .*-, )*C){:. A os2{ GJt" ., et i.1e .,5lra I t ,reb ot

refinerv ,4K.!l pl (iI f 0l 4K ..sll 4 j* rJ .:.jfi-

LKJ o, ,Irll g& ,!.t-1 $ a- kSJ q. url - e- ,;f ca.

Jfrr L cf )tl a- .r! Jlr aelr AJ cy e*l - q" !


Cb al, ,L21 Ll;l tS a € e.* .5s a rr.rt,



ciril J.-..

$jly r51r

Mlnister of Flnance : Sir, they will soon produce that.

Pdlamentary Secretary (Rrltways) : I have asked them Sir

c*t Oh .5e q:roi )tl c1' 2-h 4t - )* -P&r3 t u.; tr1 eri r! ft, f J&l .,rry o.l lz.is o'l 4E

(r. ;;.1b A a-*s s,* 4r Jrl a- tt !t.-l .r 4l

t-(tl tr ,rf tF 4J ,{ 2- .tl ta.(1r - l{ !r f ,yu

;;rl" E a*t €..., 6 04- url tf )tl 4- b, s" L

-a- &r, q.

Malik Muhammad Akhtrr : Again, a point would arise whether the

Government could raise cess and make it retrospective and is the Provincial

Government in a position to challenge that decision in a court of law ?

Would it not be advisable for the Railway Authorities to challenge the

decision of the Government for making that cess applicable from a date

when it was not imposed, it was not the statute book and had no force

of law ?

sA E c"it a. +ii ti crr' - llr 'rt': - 'il,; l)S

?.-U. eis gnl e"*; rl Af 4- JUr lr, ,fJ tl :U' ..irL .5 Ct

15 j;l {*;I J!. r#. ,}f a- gr'l s" 4i pl 2- Ct'

t.f !r d*f retrospective effect tf rili drl rf 2- fd' r"

.jrlS o.l s-3 L sCa orl \f L { r'ilr v"l - 2'


7238 pRovrNcrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [6rn ruNr, 1968

l.f l{ *, ct i.,a ,}rll r& .;:Uf { ,-r"l yis Lf !h-} tfel t ,F ,5 a.rb ,{ er i.ra J!* urif ,reb { {"

ef qi *.b rf fK- a-t\s Q tf e.e(- af qf 4J

retrospective effect ,f o.l *f Lf el" q, .:Jl.rc uS -f ,rl

\t ) q sb url .S Ota Q7- (Jt. - e- lS !.r os{

&.,i q7 , tf e- li d €-f 4l ,i.2e & - 2- ,-.-ti.U

o,"l ti t4,I tnr b t5 .r! 4t aAt cl. ..J.*l ,.rl .Jt-

Cf,, rJ! 'r,l L d) uril tf ti 4i F[o { q.a gil

-{ ,rl e - ,Slrrf dEl e.e ex-refinery prices ..5 rrJr.* .:,j'(-

lS -t, eitil gn. rJe:cj r.Jt- sr! - 4i I f *A foresee

.:.!lrr.r 6r- K 4-:l +f! .r*rta *-;. cl.a u^, gii L fr

- 2- ,5 ass +t! g,,'d s)e); €2'!) csrLt - e- lh li){

Ssl - e- d.f ,5 improve ot A- .rti li efficiencv .(f rftr:

improve GY !r*l the consumption of oil in pounds per engine per mile

tj eliminate .(, .b ut{ _f wastage o3)\c f gpl - A- df ,5

tj' .itrrt { stl U.l >\".; ti L =-tp qljr Dl 4- lS

{ 6lL. 2 d - ,rei ,q.i stability cY pattern of traffic td Z

q." o*3 E. .:YU (JPt; )tl q. O)* !)fti' tf sS, 6)*

*t+ CI o3lt t ,.rl ,ih L-3q-1*l t{ up countrv qit:'(l-J Jti

a{ e- ari-r^ 4 a:: ,J-l ot a ,3fn bumper crop .i Ll.

.,iT ut'frr rL +F si )hf 6c t? 24 o{r.t4 .5 gfrlf

/:f L Lte ft.j J{ r! r! u^. ot&s tf Ol qs, 6h


4 4rn c! CI $ a- 4:! u,r) yl tf UX'$ ci[. lf),V. E llrl.r+ .5 f,uf e ^f qo lf t" &U L .4-fgl f.. ft ti - r;nb i2a ./UrK .$ Jr .5 L*.. q,

.r db, JL +F yl )kf 6:l ot $ ir's' 4l '>is

4 L Ls! f 0l qC 6h ,i ,t of.1.r-r .5 ,r,tf 'd8l ,..(l q.? dt^-I 6i t{l f eg. of ,r"&r Jtr F

ri t.r". 2 L Ll{ Ot t- ..(, ,-*lf o. JJay ry drfu

dL ette ,Jlii cr1, crt+ ui.l n Lb d er; lJta J'

?t{ f !C .,{ ,-dq t{ e'3S- YI ssl "/b rt ':f ft

1.r,.{ c,!t- acl }rr. .5 Lhl 4d r4. L of! i,l 'ftJ r" j*- u u-rl.r fat 4 L ,.J fte e5- u^a At f,rrlrs-9 Ol - 2. tf c-il-rrr 6-i rrlj { L f' 2 ,rl -f z

- * Lf ,:iJti. d: Jj Li3irE .&F .rl 1or tW ,ia t

Mr. Speaker : I will now put the question. The question is :

That the total of Rs. 75,00,000 on account of

Ordiuary Working Expenses-Operating Expeo-

ses-Total New Expenditure-(Recurring) be redu-

ced by Re. one.

The motion mas lost.

Mr..Sperker: I will now put the demand. The queslion is :

That a Supplemeotary sum not exceediog

Rs. 75,00,0fl) be granted to the Governor to defray

7240 pRovrNcrAL AsltBMBLy or wrsr rAKTSTAN [6rn ruun, 196&

the charges that will come io cou$e of payment forthe financial year onding on 30th June, 1968, iorospect of Ordinary Working Expenses-OperatingExpenses.

The motion was carried,

Minister for Finance : Thank you Sir.

(At this stage Mr. Dcpaty Speaker, Mr. Ahmdmian Soomro occupicd the Chair)

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Demand No. 2.

Minister for Finance to move the motion :

Ministcr for Flnance : I beg to move :

That a Supplementary sum not cxceediogRs. 1,59,21,000 be granted to the Governor todcfray the charges that will come in course of pay-ment for the 0nancial year ending on 30th June,1968, in fespect of Expenditure not met fromRcvcnue.

Mr. Dcputy Speaker: The Demand moved is :

That a Supplementary sum not exceedingRr.l,59r2l,000 be granted to the Goveroor to def-ray the charges that will come in course of pay-mentforthe financial year ending on 3(hh June,1968, in respect of Expenditure not met fromRcvenue.

Khawaja Sahib please move your cut motion.

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : I bcg to move :

That the item of Rs. 1,31,47,(X)0 on sccount ofExpenditure not met ffom Revenuc-B-Open LineWorks-Rolling stock-New Expenditure{Non-recuming) be reduced by Re. one.


Mr. Dcputy Speaker: Demand under consideration, motion moved is :

That the item of Rs. I,31,47,000on accountofExpenditure not mct from Revenue-B-Open Line

Works-Rolling stock-New Expenditure-(Non-rocurring) be reduced by Ro. one.

Mlnlster for Flnencc: Opposed.

jj +JU. r, - Ilr vh - (r-gFt-) )$,? J.crr ql9i

dl,r. 8- :j qrtL" ei1t +rl Jrl A *..4Jr ortlj sel 4 Jj {tL. r\,IL

hf {+5- * L r*. L* Lf ,rd c'tal;f cY .ilrll u'.l

.2- rrlii )tjt r7U" soJ) j2f 19. .4W liP tf oi tC

rrl.i - ,.,c .5 Lief .5 Lf 04 {;,,0. ,-lrJ sf ,Jl .-(ll

d?V ss u.f )ti f 0l Jrl d.f s" t-*r s,+l r7l ct

.S A r, &ff G$. dtd,. E v .ri )i n tL. dL x4

2- rKrs qllJ JIl u*,u+ +t! .r;f l 3:f .Sll f +*t

,..t 1 )tl * f i2c ,l ,-fu- ..t.l31 tf il grl ot ef U

)V Ln.h t" L drr.rl ry I ;1.J item 1 L sf'li .5 r.'lrf !r f eJ) ,,1 e,h 19l )V ^^Lp sei or - A tt Otd

.2- F. S -z t6f e1, *t L ,rrfil N u,l -2-rehabilitation and 131 plant and machinery edJl )l-ia .f gf! 6t

rdr1 Jljr il as'y ur) a. U t"t e q expansionof works

g-o if ct 2 'rl - e- U t7; ,,. oyK A Or{ L F.

tD .5,Jrl -A s3t {"fY 1r tr,,r {* f rq grl g

7U2 pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy op wEsr.pAKrsrAN [6rn ruNr, 196g

f,f r5-- yb v4 otf s* ryl - 4- J )f spl s^ ltt Lt4-2- rF,5rifl e q. s+- 8 S{ 6s:r * {6 rr trie E q L olrr dL q, .5 ?T - yb *rh:

rehabilitation and expansion $ L ,"a.Qs =.1 VT - rJg tiys jp

4f Y .5o1n )tl. +t y A.)zf s| 6-ij-. ,91 .Li>\g of workshops

rf - s1o LU.f ;l.3.11 .l 1 c4. u,,l tei tijr iy r*;r.t

dra 1tbF cy - A tJ Qp1 AdJr Jt,o z? +fY ay L edJ.*. )t Ji.tU ,5 4-*) el ! osrf s?l 4l q. t{

I E ,fi o,'l rarr 3:rf lt tdrii L oe,^2 rf -Lb tfJrf Z ,;tf Ur 65. yt &j* c1" .!c,{1s rf gs: &Ll.r"t;l & - E- ,f-f tx$a.l Lt url 13l 6r:rt ry VU,.f st

)tl - a, br ltrU c4. Lf 6_-* a-*-t r..J (t o K e, af

- t0, tt rrf { crbr.l E t+t r4L gr.r .ilri E clfrl ,,r:

tit" hf 4l git':,. E 0l 6.I (+ 6)b, jt*t r:rl-16l ^l .fg-lL,J - llr .rt:" - A- J f .z"t L po cy .rbbrl r.ll *f - a

ry gnl - drl UYr a-y' 1t ?T cy.i* .5 rr lri,a UiCl

Jf;n ar ef! aa I L OI - qo 2efi 6t^:. L bridges works

_ t{j Uf l.f u.a:i'a {gr,1

"The renewal of old and weak wrought irongirders of a number of major bridges on Jand-DaudKhel Section remained in progress. The work offabrication of girders for Jabba bridge has been

completed and that for Reshi bridge is in progress.

With the replacement of the old girders, it will be


suPp.tFrfrtlrABY pBMANDP (F 4tI,w+I)

possible to permit ruoning gf heavier loconotivcs

cnabling longcr trains bcing hauled at higher



- a' fi: ^.trJ ""5-f c,6 *st A L Lf {r-f -rf 'lrlr i$

pl g rrf ,qd *i* {y t o ctl 0t ttt - tcr tt 'K,t..

+r r.f - W tf qf ,-Jt +. pf tirr gfy ,c,p L$ :'?t

rr vl; ilSl$ L 0l Afir.f - 2- 9)t* .5 '>lt .5 'lr$Lts ,ylr+ ,Jl itt.A 2- t f- rr .1rl g.! 4ll ' rlf .S

-b (f jl pf $ - 2T ui* rirL ,jf ,r 0l # lcl ,t

# e I S .'lujf 6rhl rD { 16' l€'fl I ..'rdl 6&f *, , f r'.if !r!rt 4 :t [tl rrlJf 1u, iC , iL Jl*f

E pit:r( )rb. 5 6rfrr Jrbl ({fl 4.t eilf $p ?tu

e Jirl ,J.l aelrl q ,2 L r* - te' uf $ ,! tf

I ,.rl ,- ts ,f4 ?J i E ,ti q ',ts tr g'f /rJi'

+tr-j .r.rl #. V ,5rf;K lrl"l -,r$t et ft f tf *r oae

lt tJ ;91 t*t Jl! airr g $'Jrlu ! - f L,. t ,!.-..

f ,,r. { ^l ^(Ir qd ,t , g# ,. !1, rrt': .= rlf,6..;j1 1el gt* ; A U tp ttrr slf ,ar *fy a,r * ,F.

ff a- 9b !H ^l u..o + rehabilitation and expansion of workshops

.r!p-r Ct- t)t 3s.J- r* U;u 6!r- - + ,;{ 6 tr .'r

*. u.t - td tJ tf oarrE 4 I ,-ff orl tle'. .+-t E.t 0l .,€rl ir.. lof & ,f ,t-l oY g# t'P'' lri { 4

;jr ..pu: ur - g o:nlr tf .f'rfif 5 Ol K ajf "[stu

', -J

1244 pRovtNCrAL $srMsLY'or wssr FektSrAN [6rH luxr, 1968

)F ot ylr: K l:! ,Jpl df dra Uirg. ,l n i L riljr

fl & f ,rrt" 1..\.t .r-n.,*" *.) o.. {t-.1K F5 $ - ,r.ttrt

4 ei tof ctfr -H tf sV .:.'1,p .5 UaLIK ,71 L pr

- E urr rri ot vlr: g otl A- c.&lU tl A ,!tf:K6,Jt- L o|til 4-h )tl f / 4 J:.-l u.t pr"1 .r.e"i rrL dt- )tl t- oc) )f o3 r. L otr ){ aJ F. $oi: d t,.4- - e- J t7 f) L F. ef c,,^a S ,s,. rrlef clL-l -A ra ge€l c,i: Lr{ 6-.r )tl OL-l i r. ,Js,

rdrt sfY trht $ a- t f 0L-l l, i p; el L f^LLc 4 ft q Ll.t 6t* - yl, ,*t+ - t.f r,.rad ,.i2e L f.,ft - sCt" -f .H. .:lL ,5 opl:J-y 19rLa f,t - dl" ,.oglA{y 6Jt.. )tl ,/t" ,it ,l |-rL -H t*t 6xL 6lb

- ti3o 0t.-l , .fu L;=ll ot ti Ub JB ^i$l ,o, ,jrfJf ,5

A e; 4-J $l +rori g ,r.l i - [f t[fj t4t L cre/l flord - llr t7t+ - u-.! tt*, , a-*s JrJ J,llti Lr4 ^5-

fl 6r. !,#l { Af - u-^a LVt ,s u.. ;T )rl u.C .rt ,-fi

,,f .,t 6 ^f e- 4I ^$ - Lf af ..It e yI ,F ,j:fl2t c.t7o Jd )tL *t e rJ4llr e.! ,r1l e r?J 6 s-U.rU

r!! furii 4 4-J ,5 planning LIa ,ll e. H d aL J. d!13 ,n,t"- tJt6f o3 )tl & f uxi 6i ,ril; e, qJrJ jt-f'

- )t .$ #; , .Sll )rJV Otr. 6jE .r13


,5 .'tr rdt r{ c4. Jlrll ,rl .r: JL &"1 - !b vt':

r#K 0t- rsjE '1! Uu bf ,) L o' t{ "d ,F&.I e e.l rf t6i rf Uh ^l r*.. i 2 tif J2c ; .*J !3.1

ils allli gJ L o.l A rr ^ii, uful ,.rlLl ' Ern a titi

st rJ3,*- JtJ A At€ )tl d.\f tf 2- rl ..'(ll - rrp

.f - qt /" d JJI - ( Ll: .ln Lr-, r:'l.l g!':l;' ..(lr

rf - t6i GDf JJI s.jy 1$ ,r{ 14 L .-q ,5 31 116

t tu * - tlg sTl c-11 Y t*l .!lt^' ..'Ql ,,r({ 4)b

.*r lUi,, c-*t ltJ lrL. .,lq - U5n i* ,5 a-1v{ qilr

6.rlr - 2- ,rd,Jfe q r.i., 4l - Ujo ,i* ,,rl L)6 dU E

r Oli 6jti .rt! e*l r+ d 2- "{ Jq rl ti:s 9r

L *3f crpJ sft" ,f V Ll ;rl g>\;t ;w 4 o,Ls ^F .iJa'

-. ,,rr" bl .}l ?? : ,J.t e)|.il criL*tr 4l " 4 e)\il L

,5 0l pl - E .rni t$ Jrt ,5 ,i; L Ol ti ,5 -tSe(lr.f - Jr:r + L oell e1l GrJ Dt - len #lj J'rit'-|

,;* i* ,,rl s- a-.r'f ,J! L rr:- Lbl) '*llr llj olb

n - utr & ptr: )tl ..rt:e ' d? !.1) (,ltl tt .,.,t ''t+

0L*6 €.rt f z-*t 6ltro c'ti3l Fl 4 ^"J t5 tJrtata

A url - A ,Jt" 1r lr.i dlKt r.nr ciilr'r'I lrl - 2- h++l

L,ct t - ,J Q .(J .t-tJY 0' fl $ ' e- orlu g&l {l

3:f O rrl Ltat L drOl e--rJU &., - Kg orjti lrJ {t

ft , 4 2 .'411 F*f t?f L f'- - tr =U + P' ^.lJJ

7i46 provNciA" rssrnrffit of wM f.rftrsr.dN [6rn ruNr, 196g

4 urf - A' Lf hrf U i & tbJ €+l ,f ^trn .$U hrl

S tf lea ,fi, - L tf- & uel, ., - dilri .Jb orkj

Minister of Finance : you are very liberal today

Khawaja Muhammarl safrhr : ccrtainly, sir, I am liberal and I willalways be liberal.

.r*,t'r trU ci2e €- {1.r 6 tfrfif 5 0l I trf tp fir

.{l - f* f {, J2c { r,e.i cttor. .foci .qd a(b &eoi

a tisi tj ,i u-^. i{: .5rrf.rK lU { olt eit;i. ;tjt- A t;(- ,! tK l1f o!.a - rl.it, dt . ,#sS t d.; _ ,r*ts,SrrfiK lU B' ,,rl S rJLy rei ot - A ,S 0l ei 61t.r r.!


I A )tl *?f tJ a_

)-fr ,,*l:{ H g+1, lr-gs dB., oi - Yr, ./t+

- - - , *4{ .:t1; .rt*. L ,Srl ,*. - L*-t

What is tvritten in it ? .g h; Explanatiou _ $lf _i,jl

o9r t6f ,y* g$l pt+ ct - )W Jarir 4+bie,tplanatioa K yl 6gtlr E .:lLr .1. ejlp :rj: ,.r _ ,.,/t* ,.iUEir*rJ L ua, l,J*rlls-;-- j! t+$ u^r. ur"l -r.lrr k&; d.r ,rU .+rt Li. g-JL. sary 5 dFl .${ :L }er bjt

v*, ,{ t*f? ; p Ett r.f)\r t .rlji n), exptanaliep .l yl

sulttfdtNrritv pttiuxps ((crr.Wiv) 1241

.{ k, qf ,-f * dr,.:. t cxf,anaflon E r ;., irt J-i Lf t q,t;1 ! q3- cxplartfion - A t tr .D\r L rrt .,6l .t

&Qrt; ,-rl bt L Lfi !,rtg &+t ldlg sr., ua, lr {rz &rfl

tlLi rf i;a N rl r'r E ,/t - tal tf U f :b. tre+f .iU.. L url - .,,t, d., & .4rJ ,ryj - tei ec.1l5 qpt

field organisatioh f- ni ef A .rlq fJ .t;. j 13r-ls )tl tC rojUl

19rri - tC tr{ .J ssl Jrl ti brf .r- )tl - .3i ,Jf s*

& L ,L-r, &lrt u"lf tf e- ,jUl rl L drCl .:r

4l .t ^f t5-^'iirj,*.- 11 eiL e-.1L. .1r. rt l.ta rJf: ii-

---- A o?l i Y c-f bl rcrr f €

"It was in June 1967 when the Karachi PortTrust agreed to pay their share cost. It is expoctcd

that thd famdnd would be tni&6 in the irixt finan-

cial year. In the meantime preliminary arrange-

mendl hav0 h;en c6mileted iro as io 6nish the ffork

.f,*:n as the said Demand is made."

ult{ rr$ .r - f, a; bt, n cJ b, uL r? r.tr e dl .:,S

,5 e-*: - 2- semi'autonomous body - 2- cr6i nll.ll J-;,-9lll

hr L p t? 4.1r, ofy u,#a? ^J i - a- oltri ;l: e..i g,L

ecl )\*.: .(l e ..t* o.l f tJ u*d i.1e ,:s{ -f ,.rl lei

13l - 6 t.f ert 6y sii'*rr*J; U .41 - tJ tf .fd 'isoj.{- *_Glf # L oj) {r.r .t * ef a 4J i,d.trsrrd+'r /+te erl -6&hi5,f'rt{ 6 irrhf &,}r[r

7248 pRovlNcrAl assEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [dru luur, I96i;

r" .tt )tl - *) yr{ 1la:it K r.r.l I Kit. dJf *f! ,.,.tea a. pa

Ji Uil ti t:(- & fK tr* =. gfY ,J.#{e r, te, 6l,U dn & e

KrL qgp; rl A E +*t )tfr sjf ?" yt - ;;J 1\"

- tC Uti rLill q L drtt dt& L o,,t n

"The Circulsr Railway will providc an efficicntand economical melns of transport to the growing

needs of Karachi area and also help promote the

development of industrial concerns located in itsarea of iofluencq."

.5 0l eA Lq a-riU 1) ct . L rJj4-il t/U? 3i

, .Sll - ! .) p* e J6t-i dirr 1ol 4 rr.3 ,J J,.t U

? 9f O - ,5 r. cJrc- tf ,sfi E ,,.t.d ,{ r+, ^l

,,-0. r41.S 4l tr Lt" LI r(. g24) a. e(; ..(1l tt Lt,f3 L & ^r)U -r { ,,,17,lJf ef q L2-)5 JJt f Lrr T

c-*; dA .5 * :l.r.l q. L* ,i; q. oib:,,o .5 u.l

- 8 , pJ,... o $ly ..p drrr f a, -J 6 ff;K {rrcr .5

4 f. L ,Jrfrl E {lrr ll} gr.) a5-y u.;3g' ot 6r.5-

"ir,, ,s f orl r [i Kit. e. \r o,.l . ti Krt {_trt Lr.l

6.,--gs c1.. 4dl .r .f' "l^ d u- ,.71 )rl - A f I

Lt" 13ls ejt"t tS Lf j:. .i*

---,*JT t*l Y,rl - Yb .;t+

Mr. Deputy Sperker : Will it not be relevant when we dissuss theBqdget as a whole becaurc-the Member's cut rnotion dealo only with . . . ..

'-' 1' supitli*,inxtlhv bsMel.los (niriwiY) " ' ' liqg

Kharaia Muhauimarl Safdar : My cut motion pertains to the sum ofone orore thirty-one lqkhs and forty-seven thousand. The othcr sum is very

small. Therefbre, the 'total amount contained in these four itqms can be

covered by my item (cut). Only about 27 lakhs is in item four. So 1 can

say a few things about all these things.,

dlj o{ grl e- amount ts: n ?T - dl:*li,' - qr Zs f discussion J amount


,J{ t" "Ue

.=,I - q1.r vL:: u.r^i - )Jie J.i,. qlf

. ! U +fY 1r l+r, { - rfYr.3.1l )tl

Minister of Finance : I am talking about the savings.

- rlr. Ut f ua rrtl d savings cv - Ssi.e J;i., +lJ-Lti ef! eit- jlf .Sr { 4 V yT rs- )\. ,{ ? Ol

' ' t i f .rrs .Jr+a :rf +fl .,*J"b r,4. - JI.l.Qj g)P g0l 2€ Y {/ r ud.va

-ir i .i '-f 4h' qd

t; l

- "ryt" f-)\ce{ djq 2- tter * - ul i ljl

p 4 ft *-V ;,,*;..' .rit i - )Ji*€ Jrerr 4"lprr[j lri ,r3t' ZlJ ellir.f - Uf qd c,! .rl;j ?" '3j ' .tn

h.r 2-h ry 14 " - d 6, nsl ll! .o o .ilf 1.2.1 ,l

125a piovrNpl+!" AisFMltI pr rryEsf P4$,SI+N 16rr luxe,

"Fqn_ds allottcd duriqg the yFa.r rscllt{pd the

cost .of ballasting the track. This ballasting has

beon deferred in accordance -with the instructions

of the Government to economise in expenditure."


,5 di?t 61t.r ( e. ItL tS economy i- d36il ./k? 3i

u*Jta .t* *..rrt htrJl .ir?l .!rqJ ui r'lr-C.dieJ) CA , * ,-fo*

- ql A-t .$u rdl 3tf Jr sl* <52-er yl - a- ..5 efYf e- c.7; t.f + - economy e, 9n r.h-11,. 113

- eh I'T - ,;l)* $s

- ctl 4 .h "4

E\ - sJie J.ft. ql;l.;

"This deferment will not io any way affect the

,Dre3ress .of fbp implomentation of thc project so


uet r;1. pl rl. c{ri s'rT rr(*l ou!) ls*. z-.2a - Ylr vt-:

d ^i oL, rU..- rJ*.| ef 4- dtd lr. 4 u/l - d9r c+!i ,"sI j(;(.i

- lfr .7t+ - c1{^i $ e- 6ssi ballast t1T rf tet ;44 ortlj ei ,1}

,. { ballast - A_ Vf fY l1;L L cushion * C} .-(ll ballast

gf r7i # f,r+ plhl .baltast rfr ' u,*<, t" ,4d .,i>\; phJf ctrh r,

- C- .6)ti s.sl+ ti,ra S' ballaot - E, &$, *a dgjf 6lbi sI

d6' 1t .er"' jsJf tiJ J .,iy 4*) pl s;p,Jg

- A t ll d tlrl llL t.--l'c rrlgi - nlf ljl


e-f r*t; p. At - -f p-f "irl - )$4 Jai, qlJ;

E,ilrlt o?l Lii-i s$r',,-rll "y *Jt- E ltiJl 3l - yl, yU:

- dr' '0f &* ZU

oh" - Ylr .rh - (0r; ipt { lb.r) 6}-fu Lr,t:^J.;t,

gf LrplJ:Dl q L?-1, )ri.o & {"lF vk: , d9r [,7.- cl.. .(,

U3o 6,r I 6r:*2. .rrl J^,)\l .}r.tt L t44 ^{ * rcJr 4 { Z

,ts g s?r€;E A L bridge works .n fi) {#f .J)[t L el pl ter

.t c L f tf6.r *io-t{-t,*))Lf eia-u;l r,5cr

,U f 4l ,t" sM new construction ,$l or>\" lrl t+, .41*, ,t"lifr* ./t+ c4r - !b .rUf - di r..q.r ...-t.. Ltgl cS ( 2- 6 6

sf ,.:lt$ ebr-.1 151 ,:rYL lLi af f ,* €",$. .f =-1, )tb .V

5 ,rf ,ss .,et ,3ft q. ,-/f 6 6.rr ry oL f, $h3 srl e e,.'t;,

working 6 r.G., "-h 31 .(lt af rJgr tif ,s?rs rlt,gs L1. s.li

gilr Priorities ..rU3l L1 -f O: * g3:" ,r*gl ,.elta ,s- 4. 4.

ct A.l f grt.tl lK * E e- tijg k6!s t) 4-2oe) - qt di

.i 1,.t.i.f.p .$ ,,1\* - 2- r-^-l!. )tl €)tt€ .(' Jr ,rf ot

.r.LlJ-19 rt dr. U!: 96,41 9f ,-.-le +l3r cl. A .91'l b' expansion

drr otp (.!*U ,.frfiKotlti ,S allt q' +I*L 5 maintenance .;i

- A Ui Urf chanee ,f Priority .i-i E O1lll:y O*l &A 2-

e,*l;, .rkj - ,s{ crslr, 6 loans 2 E expansion .;[ workshops

7252 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wBsT pAKrsrAN [6rn rure, 196g

O&jrf ,5 foreign loans rf t Ostf .ff q 2 L Ltep 4,

- e qr., specificlorns ,-if loans o9,J-jl or)\e -,.,,# tight .:.r.1

r.ri.l r€,l - 4t clrt ol ,sd e'lti cl.. 6 loans L O; * lrrt

4J t9,ii, Ltf lK 4 J "h .5 r,.r9l1t9.l.l uiki'. 131 o)L se9.ai-.

$* Jrt. e- lel g*f $lu orttt .* ret - 5- ) 5 s ,tjlii ortus / el - d' ,-rl.pl ,.[ti re LT -. :.tr j.;.L,i r: tl

- Lf .$ +a uiK C* st - { '-rr<,

:{ ta oi .+-lne F.a- ,./t+ - J--, lhc jrye cd-- 2 crlsi 15 oro.:T lrl otrl I ,rl.rf urq ,r.:T ,=L l.f

e- 6t X !'new coustructions .(i crh: - ,S jr* cS.F^:!.lk

d*t- o.l - lg ,.rtil slp :f 6- crYt; L *1, ul3* ,++-

L a-)U .,(, rr €? )tl ..5 i +*: r.G.. Jlstt{ J? rr.

- dr. K, f ,r.tl K .rl ..5 ,jrf .5 Lh ..;if sii -{ vi Z{

.51'i K oedY z-*t esl ,,Le{ )tl )t^.rg Jt,:. .5; - 63 .$ clt6a

!,,? d;3 Jrl 9:l b9{; phase r-(rl - u^' phases J) L ,rl Z

.re, 5 e#J {,f! rD. allocation llJ 4 L L,+ te' K otr

rt! * t" 5 et- !3l gf! va. .$ ;.'tv-IA a t{ tl

,f ,.t-it [d;i .:r;e *rt JJI t+i tf tf Ltri cl. or lrr ltr t{

- t+i i1.r f e.fr cl. rlr: goods traffic i fl - A G e"nl

4 o.l - ,5 LV d;) dr{ cy et 1'rr ::..) passengertrain

clri €.pol i :tL €t al ef oPlrel r1 g 'r-t'e rtlri

'- t




)t# + ,rf ,,

J..(I 'rl! , rirL W .pb 6ptt. 5- ftftl rtJhd. .r,,

t*s { e- ,}* qt.f ef! ,'. -t , grl 4 lo1 e:o4 .(i

Oti .l: cs3 stl lrr{ phase l-J5 a e+Ji f SrrfiK.re=t J- ,j* dtts. cl. .t l1a 4 ;rlr r.ip g;yliz. d gr.l - tgi f

,r .i* oil l.rtr t3,"l i formalities 62-JJ yl e_tr- -r+ {. .rl

+f Y , . AiA.' I q. o.l A_ total allocation 9- $ 6,"1 l+J Lf

..(i o11.. .p| A h; er e Gfi 1.K - q" 5" f 6-:- td-tt

dl,€. E L*s ;K)- u.-l;{ dtri - { LV eA 3,f "},n(i


q1 url rf * #- ;rf ..-t, jr.rt, - A tf $ f3tr qt", er- rolrJ taf ,retl .trl q. rin A* o}(i.. t€ ettNavy, KMC, Port Trust, KDA, .511!. L lfil fl _ K- t"

Jt' .5 f L .r" yl tlei' L ,i" 'et" ^.('. a+l U

.rl t*i st,i,- titT:6tr .(3 &.(, '^J! ,5- ^tt?*. o.l * rl"t l

e-*s e. r-.: t5 o:it{s + .fi, si a. qJ 6 ;a+{ ei pc. El5t{s * )tl 2- jr. -.u * { url ,5- ,{ d 6ri rer t4l

- ! sfl t" 5 ,iarf Ofu r^ 6 Lf rrr *l a- Jr" l+t

- u.. 3; ts, C,r, lfsrl L o.*t 4-)r Zt L Jr.(j .5 o"l

q ,rl 6(J ql1:' "jl st 4: c,jt7l f' .f. details lti ,rtl L22o

- {l^ ,-i1c sis trti t{el

$ s*f a- *,4 Lrl *f df Ulr o'GJ f ..-tna +l9r q,

7254 pRovrNcIAL AssBMBLY oB wEsr PAKIsTAN [6ru ruNn, 1968

ec dL:-l ,tf K ilta;l u 6-r ,s."{ U ,LsVs ,{ Zt g

!s ,.r. (al) t e- t t lrl ^f t*" ry ,ff L grl - 4-

,5 iso rrl e.ts .:l,L t? !.r.. I J oLl'ril .-fll r+ a tJ

ler eit,;l oL. assets 4 ^i}l (J,t - s^:Ala Lb { n Z Oetg*

- E e1l,r ;fobt rl ltJ * &.rL ,.-,-k .1el

cut motion .u.l rt dr6 tif .:i-|.-.t.r (r. I sh Lt stryFJ dl

-Lt" !r rf :s f

Mr. Deputy Speaker : I will now put the cut motion to the House.

The question is

That the item of Rs. 1,31,47'000 on account ofExpenditure not met from Revenue-B-Open Line

Works-l. Rolliog stock-New Expenditure (Non-

recurring) be reduced bY Re. ooe.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Deputy Sperker: Next cut motion by Khawaja Muhammad Safdar.

He is not present. Next motion by Malik Muhammad Akhtar. He

is also not present. Next motion by Mr. Mahmood Azam Farooqi.

Mr. Mahmood Azem Farooqi : Sir I beg to move :

That the total of Rs. 1,59,21,0fi) on account ofExpenditure oot mct from Revenue-Total New

Expenditure - (Non-recurring) be reduced by

Rs. 100.


Mr. Deputy Speaker : Deman{ under consideration, motion moved is :,..

That tbc total of Rs. 1,59,21,@0 on account of

Expenditure not met from Revenue-Total New Ex-

pcnditure{Non-rccurring) be reduced by Rs' 100'

Minlster of f,'lnance : OPPosed Sir

{r ilr =,. l;; - (n-.,alf ) jSrti dl,l t9*o )'*

tt tlr ry rdtf e Lx" rrl v .r.i LJIL' ,F K e-,jr-t

'tr rg$ 4t*, u.'U '€l rl - A $'e'- tl c,l'i'a cl3, r: A



.,.f drt 6 o+ - 2-l,Jt" g under budgeting "pl 2' )rb'

.r.l ef e- q .eU .St, 4 |J,.l - 6 rr ,it 6{'i c,' r'G"

' q 5 5 ,?l o .ri.l' Ll, 4l t'lti- rrl rt..t e rl'tcl gl.

j* f-i,lrl G,Fl r$ f U 3K e sltd Lt; ef e i*'J

- .L ,rd ,t ,jrf 5 ill! st:. rL'ti' f ;'$l

Mlnistcr of Flnancc : Question !

.Jlji $t iPt+ qr3 E trl - ,iuv facl tt ^' j'"'-brcak up K rrl *. L J +t r"l ,5 rdr, €t! I a t -t? L

- .f* ILI otlj d- t($f n t osf '.?a

.tf A 4l oraf f.5- OU -r? *1 4 tF ry u'l

fl" Ldr" , dy.y cr.. 31 111 -tz E ,JUjtr .5 4y 6! rr'


,59. ^^

&t E ,:.1 - qrl .a. lf,. p.t crr. 3l tlla-lA ., crei

L ,:$K Jt- .r v rfl )tl €,. ^,El

q. s..i .f .Uif .t .dy

si qC .,t;i ,,i-l jE? rJ ci-s LUI d4 q,t - ,F d' lrl FrJ S+l I.fd J.Ai .f ,rl A Hr1 efY t.lr r 11 J? FrJ ,5 ol.u g13ri rf.rKrr r*r ,{ Z t- ,:,1.r. d9it 0l .it .(1l $ -,;f ;*,{ - qp L"ll &(J a- lr" it* { )b t3,*. r>! + +k - a-

2- ,t{ ,5 .5 .td 4l oi3 Lq L*l )tt - e- o{ .S [.r." .rq.

r.rf - t5 a_h c,h -f ,5 LI d,..pi, 4t- L ,rtlt -ft *rt,d t- )-hri .r.r 19l .lK .} r,, f e- Uf Uh rl .f. (U) r,r E.

3fy ztet.t 2 ,yl - C" dd T tJu o.t qC .,jT JL $t- a- Uf tt +,1L. r+l tr ,J," a- Uf gr ei b e; cb


a,tf lkfr +drr *fY r... .r,^C Eoe.{ 4-2o!) #jl .r>\o

-at ort ltl a- Y" .dr-r e5-y t:i " r r {t!. 6 grt o.t ssl

f .:+t c1. ,:l -{l a eJt}. lj K llr. .,., ef! .^.. 3:f , ,ft4- +ttL. .rj -f .*t e-{ e- qrr .r-t:. ,i ,}, f .(Jt

4 L ..G" ..f arb U6fis el - tir. ctri ,--k. Uf adjust

u5- o- ,.rt ssl E 5 # Lf E eLt;t 2gt ,zis Lkl

K ori+ dy3r 0l - jf ,,.f .lhf u^. .:Ll;l .,.r1 ler $Ut

lfy o I e5- ) .El E. f adjust t{ ,rl - 4nta UJ .rt" oJ+olc oJ-Jc

sfut. s*{ ! J"+l "f ^<U - f, 3,n ." ..-L $f $rf ,t

ohr S L- ,rr, 5 c,f:-l c,):tc A4l 4 #b K ;rk-rtJ .rt" oJar.tc V o*t 1i g,l rft r A t{ ra ,rtjj 6r K ,,rt

[6rn lUNr, 1968

suppLEMENrARy DBMANDs (nru,wlr) 7257

U .rb l.rrJ.c, Y ,.rl i a_ J* .rf .y € ft pt LVr r:.i lj +JtL. 2 t- oE A- l,o dBl 9y .ct"lFl .$ra rrl L$-crt.ra-.r,r - lC Y +f Y .rr. 3:f , ,f { a-;i4 rJ^. 0l+l

.5 t+. dJ ,5 sf Y t t tr.ni :lsl L ,gl.t rrt ;rl o*,r, L{:fd. c4. t+l -t: fot ,5 gfY .rn 3:f r CrJ, ,rl i Z- u{6[underbudgeting -.lq-L o:tlj r.*itr a.qlL6 6.-A -ri -r ry ,a;"t o,.t $ dr. t;65- 2 erl dh- lrti .*l

.f ry*. +i+, r: OQ a- til cf €.*.- n Ub r! 4ri *l t*i

J ,A s4 i ,f ! 4iEl 'r!j e. rr.r -t. o ft ,j*:l-rK'J; U ,Sh ;f under budgeting ,el ,5 r" under budgeting a1

,{qnl S{otf €-,e4 6t .*l-)lrvk:-adu.,r 114-1A .f Ub fo5- { q" LS\ ;!l: ct .rt;l;l .+l4l d I qt et- el cry. z-t\ L t4t L t-*t La- cy a-it L O&l -t r . -r: .JtL. Xd ntu - L a4?t gw'oI 11 .r-.. { A- lsb t3(, c1,. l3.1k5- ,A !+. Ltr Jl..a4, .5 ,rl

oblrl ,5 ,J.l )tl LT { c.r t .1e-1A 4*3 LI ,F:r t" q

- l,C ,F * .ur (Ju.r 9-y S .# 4l ^:r .&l 'e r.te

lflL. ql;1g lt , )d q! r. cl! 4l o^. d, L VT - )lr vf::

.rilK .SlJ a, shipment t+r" rt LI c)t gt 0k .fq 4-

.cr i.re 0r: 6 Jurt js- .tsl A tKJ ^i6s

{ *:ir -t ..(,

- k, [f d.- i )€.. L ,J.tlrl e(11 ,r{J ,.is^ -r4 t{

,)t{ }y cis ,yl i tei tf, t.f *l 4t 4l ;,|e,'t srrJ

, -..]

7258 pRovINcIAL ASsEMELY oF wEsr PAKISTAN [6rn ruxr, 1968

,zit t* *l JJI tci lJjf ^4P K 0s of r, a1t': ier r4 t{

,sl eXtl d;l K f K" J" .Jt q n td l-rn &+ aa .l

grl 4,a;q *f 0r:rLa n r€J )[t,4# flyl ,5*shipment ( wagons at .$ 0r: f k n pl t6"l lr" ,,rl q. 0l3pl

ct t1e-1n r: zsr. "5l, s.J 4J te' lr" .fr' .= &L ql.f,l

Ort A shipment Kq t{,i dt .,.J 4t si Lt^ d-rtt sf"

Ut"I .Si 0r: t. *l t{ orl - f,r^ K" Jo r.$ e I l1a

4 nl - zlta ,Jr" b a- tJr: r . .$Jl:l ,5 oi )tl *V'

$^-l U ljr ,i*l ct ,rl*l orl l4-l J? f rt lta d.* A

r; f ,et JL ijs ssl t*t e.(-. cl-rl [i c"-t 21j )? q*'

sr 111-14 c,Ll;l 4f ct {t zfb tiio d* s,fr. dr

E_ "r"*ra (Jlf, J"i.S, et t1a d* r. !? q! .lU 4.1 L

orl - f c-h ltf byslT 2 L d'"1 ry it r1z'-'lA )tl

f9t," s,U q c,ie-l f d,l 45- u{ 4l A L sA el A

h g q+i K .:tii .r1r,a ,5 0l q ef d9o [:3e"' r-l' lrei o{-i

Lf d q. crt7l;l ef ti "'f

,5 under budgeting fu5' {'

l!- t" rlh * f 0jlei L 6-i si ,ir.l ,5 c--)u

e, ,h "AV d: w 6lill u'"1 .lt'i r rl'rsl ;""I ALJti' lcl yl

r:r[l;l ot )tl ea pl*, :4 ,J-rrf;K rJ e-s\s.pl ,ri'r'I ,,5 as\t

e eL se.l rfil dil*r, A ir" l'- 4i .,bi ,i* E 0l t?

Uy ri z?l- L 0l3*l c4dl efu tf qlaga i.r* -r$l ti ,"t"

t" !r Keor J5- .,(t.g e j^.t e sl.rsl ;*.I rUE )tl lY t"

Supblsusl.rtlnY bsrulNns (h.l,trWey) 7259

t*fr Ly rUtL ss tf 0K1t E r.llll j* oi ^fi{ A

4U; { eit.:. l-jt t{ dr. hC+.- ct - Yb .rt.: - & t

or. Lb -rb ,t"i Ll. sL Q .!;l ;t* 3 rl.rcl L LV1 d Lef. tgi ,.el*. JSil .1. ,ri. lel .prql rf { ,s-tf ,t* q. n

Cf o, q. dl$tr ii. .rrl (lbT .$ crr.rz.0J? .Ju ts5-

k1: j-s .54+ q. vlr: { o.l L .dt" q .,'t{ tiT fir,f tt"i .lt..i 1 .rhst r.le A tl d.rll L gT ,..(l*t .d d3,o

,t) q. 0l.1lll L,!l Lz,l e(.- t{ 0e1 A ,i$l L orr Ac.ir , f .,J tib r^ ltr' sii,- .1"+l f .*.- ; te, c"it


L\ cJL .r.p- J2,-.. ,; bt- L ,-J ft $ a i, { ,:,U ,,1.l

Jr.* q..1ti3.:l.rcl Lt+tS;,o tp e1 4,'+Jt.$ A f ,,i"t oF dlrll t{ gr"l vI ri 4- Jlr.rr. ,11.r;

Jifrf ?? a ,rrt" ,rt ,>ie sl dt J jlr- vkr .ft - 9,r. iL )f

4V Ul. ;rL. + rt -J c.is d.l n tf rL )t .rs Ltsf .f, .1111-1. rf Kr. fr. f9t. -{ vI t.rl ,Jl ti

pl f A e.r"t qfi, .(j st i1a 0r: r. J? e- t+l 'tJL

uf q et ila-IA .5[itrt .!i-t ,{ r*I .pt K,lI .r+ L 6* r; oJ

.# ltJ I L iu f,rn tf .:trl tnt 2 sel - ,5 c-hi\

oLl.r,-l 0l -f vT ,zit L:f ,*tr J4) g ct l.1a-I1 ef gjrbringfirnvard Lrr.'rri1r,-lrrLhe L etr.,r-rar: te,

^, dr f

- te, iK.r K ritrt o.. a?{ L vl e a:r .f ,,rr * L*K+, rf ll* pl ,S OIJII o.l L ,;,T Jrl te, d, ,f HI

125p pRovrNcrAL 4S$FMBLY oF wEst f+KrsTAN [6rrr ruNr, 1961

Lr{ .,iot ,,. 1$p blL t{ 4 L e-*: rrl It L ;.tt.tCr ,P sf qt I E

e ;-.s\ L trailers )el otlK Jl: y r - llr lrt+ )*l

-; e- tJ hf "f. (q) t item g -, t,,,io

"Against procurement e,tder of 24 broad-guage

railcars and 60 broad-gauge trailers, a part ofwhichwps scheduled to be delivered in the next financialyear, advance delivery had to be arranged so as to

comply with the gut-o$ date of L D. A. loan

utilised for fnaocing the project."

^f- e{ W trailers )tl ,-ilY .-kf .l $ l-rr r, =+. K.l "r"l

)tl { T -r jl J,i ,.r\ t .iT 6ra ki til ua. ctlil - 1i

& loan at - oJ - .jI af 4-h t,Kt" lLl stu ll *,4 rar.J .5 dt e1u rgriT ,5 o"l t$ b1 T .Ju q c?FI

.fr loan .t tf d.lla L*ta t et* ^t uB{ - L\ * rj Oll..

etu rsriT ,5 gr"l ld z t.J t" tJil 0t-.t- { .:-IL {t{ vT (ri. .t l1a-1A tnA tC ,.rt,

'J, 4- *4 ,f VJ ,f

4! A.r Ku 0Ut- .lt \rT o*i L aid !ffi 6 Ke; t J Cli

,::,\-l ef -J pl a- gf glti tsrrl ,5 Lsb d; L aid orl

.rtia-.ra g.tti rS;I 6 tl - (J;1 - iT 4f f,3r t^J 0Le ,q {

,rd ,t, or l1A-'1 1 i! o,'l 2- L,Pr 3a fB c,is e{ &,,';T J-rl - f 4-h UKt Lr! u.{ rt lla-lA Ol.L lJt-


6Lt- cl" L loan 4-l - .r3 - .ji ^f ki d" .r+ K qh-l Jr

iupprrildNrrnv (riuireNos) nrnwev 7261

uF. .t tra-.rA ,g .5.rtrt ,5 ,rt rrl ,,rd elra U+ Jys orL ,5

,fi-t lrf t5 ,r"l d-t, uE J"., dt t{*l L -J rcl &Q ,r*3 jrf

5 i.(-.." E eT )Jd t# .$l efri t{ :tr{ i.r." * Lf J-ut

- !b vt:; - Ll a ,.',t- L 01311 u'.l yl 2,t- L fe" .5 Srrf.rf

4f ,r P {- Lt{ ,t* f JlJ r rlacl ;,iT ILJE 0l u*.

E s+ !re' ,t{ b L tr t? f ,s-tf eitil .Pl K ;.3

rf .lrU L {U , il.rrl t$ [6f "{testion" L c:U't} $s *i& o dl tf 0lrl td z tt r.5-

"ed 4 tfur$ b[;- d,"l

- lll qpt i - tr Lljq dU. s1l .-(tl .5 ,;.1 .r. , jt" !r jU

-z 2- { .L" l,,"tt o.t (at) r g}i t, n i',ii i ;'l

"Additional funds are also required to meetthd increase iri cost of 88 broad-grage pusseng"i

carrlages on order, aod to cater fot l@/o payment

against tfre order of 6i passengcr cdrriages whichhas beco placed a few mooths back."

df. .ES ..5 Er ol.r. .,^+ ,€l JJt lr" rl 4h- K is"l

oLl;f d ,;r Ls d:t .{ rK t6 gtil El (z-l) .r, ,rt qlgtdt/l {f .;,", L4t u"a Ly 5i ri ..f, *ti upl L vT

e 0j: ., i { r(! L d9a Lri .ff or r. tI 3l: rrf u.. i"f .rJ i)tLL Ju.-*. * r" r-?&,S 0{ L J !f n u.. ,.rfl ut-sf ,h: !. st ,r i.rz-irr

,1r+ t L q/I 15. rr, \ei ,c; - d ,# .tjlJt .t c+,

,; C) s.t - A €r f ,iflst 5 .r.* .,, ,lf & €-

7262 pRovrNcrAL AssBMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [6rH lur.rr, 196g

,# .t t+r il\ A E tD ;le.i1l .r4i r . ir #&jll*l - 4 l9o G r. order replace .,s1 oljl Sj a- K. ,b 6F

-! srn! {6' iI c)

"It may be added that this authorization isueeded to meet expenditure yet to be incurred."

!,,-" & { :l f,f ts* tr.ta l..e}* 4 -,J tf

# ' ctjn k3;- ef .r[l;l .:4 t3* s*t e- ;I 6j;rtlil

broad-guage lt . sr*t A Uf f3 {.rL.l;l C: L i;I *. (a_l)

dr..i sr ..(1, u.l OT;l J)y )tl or. .(1. ().1 tiT tr dr&r

ef ,.r.I 2 L O: Itf &t- { ,sssK ,-tl1 )st JJI tiEl u..

: &(a. tr a*t .:t.l;l ltJ q li klr u.rb&t r*,l I o

{ .f t:nf .l &, L oA $l -A tr.G ,{bte-c)::L drr .(i rJf: t. 4 0f- .t ,:r; d-jr ,.r*p incur .)bl,il

o[JL .;;jr r;t+ a*? - 2- d[l LIe { ^5- oJA h€"- o!.

ct"brl { ^5-

{ osf c"-13;;.r e 0l ur" - A ,r# dUJl e-

-. 1.,0d ! Lr.. & JA ot $ uJ) Q o) a- tls ^Jlr- K O:

V .9r{ 1le:- s.iU { ,S f Ot2{ €f gr:n - ltr ti

Jkf, ed -* i .lrrS Jhr.. ui, si - a- -,rb ..(Jl

cJ Lr:,J :l s::t 3fy €rI jrf .St 0l-o. 6 ,5 u,.t a- ,r{.pl sFcJ l5 .rlt e Ol1l o.l u;,is ata +-4 L yI J? p)

^ !,'f 4l t/T e st uBi sr Ef )sli* f vT L 6t1at qt



!:rt r efy rD a, u.. tl :4 - up zt f e: O{ rJr ..f efY

,JrIJ 4f * lit or .f tssf ,rr +5. ! r . Jrl 3b{ .r +fY or .rrl

- a ,J.C fi e ,J'.i"i, 6 tr O! ".. .ts g! a..;.+ r.! .#r

A .(r-j Urf or 2- & tirt ., c,i. ,clai O 6sf .-t iT

6ri vT.yl .1el ,rd #lf )fu fis { L YI 2) L u.?

r5,,.ro.tltti .,ael rfr J;tr ,s{l L ta'rt, "blri - L) f, ,#Af t+f gf!' r o 4,,u., *fl rr VI a ,A .rei r.5 dr! .d

.{ e- .r"1, ti cnlt 4l tf gaa ,4-1 h vI Jr.rf r'. ! unr

3 trf uaf s6.l q.f.i .kf rs$+i s31 ur 2U)' L inflation

h '{ L.,;I rf g ,rtf" 9r , 6d q ,Llll ii qJ d &rr

.(! * d * r'f uo. &t Jrl ,. JK, ortrj l13 .:it ,5

e- a!t*:, orl ,{ 2- -i(. 5l r:J ,., .(1l ."5. dp {:e.?... g,3.

- r? U) ,{ S} !; rrl -f ,,rt rr trj Jij ,Jhl,, t, vI ," &q8l ,rr, .reff -' f, ,rl, dl9- .!l f &fr"th ,slrL e-'j) *..r-lr llr i>\.:r5- dr)\" L ,o)l pl ,.Srrf 4r - a- & yf

.f ,.rl r;l e& 4- Llt.r:.| &U U .4 .JL &, .Ii + - A cI

f U, lty .h .furLi. ,f ,r,.t { 2- ^t ufu sit sJL

{l e- l.J t" tf ,jt-;-l & or )l-.1! L 2* Jurti yt'e-

rI(, ,rell' )tl L tllsl r'a- KlGrj jrl L,rl - 4- ut" tof

ttl *,{ ,5 ,r# rcr', '5 url L L* 6u.h; L ,.rl )**rxrr f! rr rf lr"frt*. n rf Ureir ,Jtr A l'-.rt:t.*E,,htl-- e F it 0.1 A rt U5- s.:n C:


12aq pnovNcni, .tssfflcr,t or rfdsr irtisfex [6rn ruxr, 196g

ob+^rutrLLFn ll" -a uxi rdr.r drr e L.It.lt*rl ,*yV L ur. - tt tf 6.* ed, dtrr 2 els/ otttj

0u.5q dh pt d lri JI Yf bul ef rar- L e $t 6$fr slr )f fir h .* ly'- ,t* ,,.rh er 6ei & a.t-ss EE cr\ttt, &" )tl ,r.e, d .,ft1 c\ll7c

.*iqt L p. rt Ae. € 0l qd .5 .rrrt... f* 3 t-,.r#t6{ e-rt- L VT diilq4 f ,tl A Lf \r 6 s"l . tl t?{ r{..i {to L -Ji* 4,L vI - up sh*l Lf &. g,.l &- rf.l ,^ sa. r,rr!

.1p, dJ o)t, rL ta1 .y .lJ r,l>\, 6 ogt g{t ,s 4t*t,.lr.f,r$$ A E e$ a of dl. rrylrl e ,;o,I ue. . bJ &r

i q,tln 9T _ Ly or.tr d_1Lr d llrf jna 6, _ slfscagl o9 .f !,Jr Uftrl .f gft .1* Ll ,f o+t 4 .JD.

vI ,t k 2- et J. *f t5 ;,T ,l yL oS ,errt .g utrs.

le, lrlA {rpr. f .d eiir Jut U+t { utf FrlJ o! 4l

rj q2x, uE. \r,I 6 i-f ..tLt fqU* /., .S .(ti Lr

eLLvl u... iti1a -otf pJlJ f e! 6l d -.,#el c.itt .5 * te 9T gA ,r.*, ,rr[rr.f ltj ,j r(t.a-r.f Jplu ,11 ,:;T n5- osu-,i FJ*i ,t ddL o,l gt y ! ,rti?'''a*s j-fr ,frt,r . g f rj trt ,s- eU utt elt tA!-1 . rJj! Uls r! rf d ,.r", - )lr vt.; rrt& L 1'r,,ir.

A El ,f nro K du A GI - t3o e# fb, )l otl t*C+t e.l E U.l ,rl lr. Jtr, phase \; V rr,,l err *ttip

surprwfNxlhv orrhlol (*1;tlv+y) lWl

il f *t* o,",1 dl- ,fJ ^f + h.r b UFt e{ cr

t-*\t .ltfn s"1f *f dr. F.a.- .Jr, ,fiI L d{ &.rrl ,..(, g"r g,.l )tl t5- J. ,Jrf, .16, .$ ci;1 sn ql* 6

be;s, t.jt +5- .# ?? "& ,, .r# .:'JlUl t5 qiy c..*:

J& 9f z-2er. url - LV ^i tl>\. e &^t*' s,' g)f tf

e'fl h qt' f .;Jf -* crtlt"eI rla.i Jr E L'd

,f.lf ,, ub ,c .lo(. orf:, {l fl ^, (Jla. lJ D o.' Li

t{ ,il * ki t{- ,r )q' ,A' li-' Jrl '4'T tF .fiC 6

.Sl* d J.(. A A* gd ,$ - a" .

tar I c.ry.! )..\-t

.-f1i crbr G4 L ,rc .(irrt i od'U a-r[r o'"1 4 ':rf o.l 'rd ,riq ,Il J? 6 dr't":t tis .{ } 4 ttt

ir:, .\.l c.rl{i .e,.' an ,n a. r:-r ,5 i![' ^i 4 &iC€ "!t.s,4. r-it t7 of,! $ A ,A 2- lr.t I ,rr' d'd- ?J tc

,l ,?, ,glf 4 e.?.:.. $t drrt r.rls ,i{ K ;t-L' "6i

rrer uI .,r.r g;lf f ottt rir - 2- ko.1 sl'tt J- r s#

r;ai Ll 4. .Jrjtr ,Yf o) ^flt LI ,'rti 4 +*s ot 2-

* t-5s ,{ 2 e 3rr .fJJ 'f 2- 'r ea;i up Lt" )tl

3r dhi, f a-*s 4 ^il 3 tfi ,rC €es' ,jf 'tri

.,p .-il" .-fj o{rr ef or. Uq e1 - 9J vt.; s{ - 2' lr'1

# tE pl o, t t? t'r 4 ''ljrr ur, Ol ft.a V L,e'

K ,r* ,.. ,l t .-Si dlrf r9JL 'f trrt rdi g* g j'at

d-rt;. 6 ,;)s grl *t* |L K c-jl't dt 19 .rr .rl'b



1266 phovrucrAr. lSsEirsLY Of wesr DAkrsr,lN [6rx ruxr, lg6g

tf,..,y- f{.q +d e, q a:r 6.rl si 4-,t).Je @

--I .(i eT .l t*i 29h tiL :3o JtJ *4 dt- 0., e, CT

cr.' dt.,P -::.; ,;,:1

t:;::.r:: :

,S.j.S* 6rLrJl! vl+ - ,(-- .er;: _ (.r-,r#!) l;.- fuf-h .rf "rb { 4a" - l* t{ *fi ,-rllr: ,S .+Lp $t .pl

u6, rril .r* f ,yl Lt d tf 0kJf lS l3o, =*,jatb-t r.f b, 0Lri,K vT rrl .,,on f Ltf du rr las Llt5l 2- lh U:f e )ri. J9.r. .,.o a-h u.. dt- ,-i ,f_ ttq ,r.r, ete* e.(*.. e1 .(i ,refl sgr! L L\ .:f te;.

6"f K ,,,r1 ,,rl l.JlJi. t..i { e .E elii e--t,t - .,(,c- vQ.

Ct g* 6, q. .lr l.,fy ,5t 6rLn a--*.t 1f a olr.ii..l 6h ,r.rry & f A: $ ot +f L qt LW _ A_

Jiil ,f 0t Lr" Lt+^r"l 6 Ji.r, &Q + jt d- a_ &L6srg t-lCl ,rC ,ts** f:ut t 2 f,'0t pl ,{ dl3 ,,r.,

r.l.l rrt ei! L ..(L 4_1t- 2 or;,l Ef 6-; tl r.:tar,

,rirtr.j Jrr*f +iL t. *.e, oi rrl c^iL E ,stfj L rr>\e

, 4 .rb f ,s-dl,- L +*t L du 3.r .!ea yI - a- di

it 4,8 t4t ./U/ crt 31 116-11 .f f a!; q ,f gT

e oE 04' : g.el .rf .t uaiie (t,J '.I A$ ef! 6 . 3:fr r'rrt !ri-I. &t L o?l - Lf C* - dsl ef) . r ,bf r r.


5 e*. 2 L t+t urtiy' Css cfI :A 3ttf 'r 1 &'

{ {e;4il +fY16 3f rr e, .-,..o+8{

vl .,re, ,F g€, ,rJhf l5 i, hf Yl c* ot i1a-1A

G2-fi "# ,r{ .f goti=. 2 L o-*.Y

"Cli, -r: pil r5tL el vl

eiL L r..2.jl Jtftil aW - A sf., t" t5 6F -,4 .:h.

?lr{srl sitil L a-}.U L .:.3,G 6Jb ^f A U} U.f .I

"dt" 6) el E JJI U d- { ,.rl tt tg) erTi c44l ,t -f

.iT .fi i:.. ,F;...g- al .rtl 4-):. - .r*o- .rl,:: - 15g, /+ta

ar" u.. 5 it Ott .t u!, 6l - L 't 11a OU-ft+ .L*t-l

rt ila s6r orro .:l.r;6[r.ll rrc. stlDa-6A - uf..,Ce oljf .rl

Ut4 qC c-11 U ,;t{ - 4 s. orro .rl.t i (.f dl sr&t tE -11

a*t ut' sr qao-61 s,L dL L rrl,rib,riA" .ltljf, , O" f

U-* ,*,5ei Jc. zDl. s:. r l1A-11 ;rl ,5aI J* zn,ft #Y

sA yt - ,;f 5. .- Oi! e-*.r ,f &. A r ir, ,r Jt ri +iI

111.o - ,&* .rU: - z- sd & r, "t"b-91 tJt- d el 4 .iL-

3rl Ojf -- .h t&tti e-x.- A trl lS e.p: .fUr"Li Jhrt ,.St

E ,r.>t- ,5L uf tH .rb jl .rt" ;j! a-rll )tJf lti 6jtn orp3

il * i ^lt*:. ,,rl L{ G 37.- c11.l 4' - 2- rstsi ,JWl 2

L f ,ia-f JWr s4. *s J.r 4t "# ,f .5 'rdj,E

.ff t,rl rf 4- f Uq { (;,1^. CT - tJ t*f ',i 6i o{

Lf !.r f .stL drtL. L ell.io "t Lr;sf lV { Lt+ ,

,.5r" .ft, r+U k ,.Lt{ S c4. &!$ .5 43e:. 4 tJrl & 2-

7268 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLY oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [6ru ruNr, 1968

o?l 4 Lf a,i ep L f.r 'J,"1 ft e- Lti LUi r1

of ,pWf S ,yl L vi * r 6rn umi ,.1tI g1. etr..".r

Lf ei ,l ,lrt.t ,- rf crC { - ,(r .rU: - ,rei ,t€t

,Stsi 4 .t ,r.+, 5 &L rrt.ei.l 4 p! L t/l 2 L

d *i V ,,.1 ql t{ '.,J lel ef a. rl -F r}i' l.r' - rf

dUjtr aJ ef t4i fte { f -J ^flt ti 4$t" Ujo fL..-l

vT .r, u4tl o.lL2i aapua - 3* Jsr-t dL ,rl rf vT +3 tl

ly:. .ftt- a-t\s el .:i:J f ?T rt ter Uh 11 c1.' L

- t4i t.f o&e u- * e L g,I lr:r! L o,'l 6fl - Kj,^

!,rl a,.G- K -J *f ki !!: &#l JJI sd 6) ,Jj q oa.!

A ostb.pl oslj e, rei 'r ur. lK L rsrbrl! 5r-.r! A

ifAtl pr.t 2t L ,i- 'Csr 6)hP ortrj e- .lr.t o 2

-: dla tit - f ai ld .{l f tr.l t*. g

"Aphrt from the above, it has not beeD

possible to augment the fleet of locomotives as was

intended originally. During the first two years itwas expected that 20 locomotives, which were

included in the Second Plan programme, would be

received and, in addition aoother 65 locomotives,

intended for procurement during the first two years

of the Thir<l PIan would also arrive. The former

have been received almost two years late only last

month while there is no indication yet when itwill be possible to procure the latter. In fact it isdoubtful if these will be received even during the

next year. Ngvertheless it is hoped that goods

earnings will go up by 6 percent and passeoger

earnings by 5 percent during the next year for

tbe reasoD that the 20 locomotives which have


rccently been received would help in quicker move-

ment of goods traffic."

U Uh rl ua.r L oer;t 6e oltl E :t:Vt ,f t*s ',(* "t;rrlj dt ,,rl tf yT rf qi u"t*-l K al .rl d b f vT flrrfrr dU rf te, fjy 2 L t/T ei 6 r" a)sf .5 .!L}.l

{ ,.}Js ..f.rt .-rr ft ,F - $ ,Yt+S ,5 ol or. L+t E

I - a- ,F * rlrri dL .::,2- ,tUfu Jf ef creJ clL .ret

Er c.:rrl Jt*-t f Lt*A. L eJy & u'. .'fl. sl ,.t* g.e,l

eJ! a-*t ,j d dtr" rt' di)\" 6J Ol L:* trr.

elejpJ rr.4l ,jf rf h66.- ,t# tr Jrl r.lao 2s te+t

,b €l U Lq Ory c-*t r'lbr J "E 15 ir: t.loa GS' J'

- Lt" 6 r+t us, !t a:. .!l o* Lf


.5 ,fr' 2- shl

oi u4tl ,'l.ttf L .,rdl - .&{ .lt+

Depreciation Reserve Fund r-(1l f z-*: 4;Jb

- "r+'

AJ '41' S € f


lJ sirAYT


"The Depreciation Reserve Fund, as consti-

tuted on the Railways;'is dcsigned to proiide the

cost of renewals and rcplacements of assets, as and

when thcy become necessary."

L Lf ,;1t A qrl-i.. &rt f dro h64=" rl

,F * di rt + '5 +'l;,3. !;.l 'd ?" GJL sll

g* rl rrl -e * e.grr {'fY q hf rr ''tl,r5' u'l LV, 4l .,J d[r:. t * sa rf it $)1t

7270 pRovrNcrAL ASSEMBLv or wEsr rAKTSTAN [6rn ruNn, 1968

).o^i.V fr )tl J!- [=f GSI: *. srtrr-.rr L e-*S &G.

-: 4- Ut.ri 4J i -J

",.....to the general revenues...,..provision forarrears of depreciation writiog down or writing off ;

capital; and strengthening the fioancial poritioo ofRailway in order that the services rendered to

the public may be improved and rates may be


dJ. b€+.- cn - u^a ptt 3:f crL kf ,.rll L d.jl$l Y ,.r.1 vT Ji cf€/ ,r^ ,i-d "!,eL

oLy ) 4 tf ,-J -{l ,f

$l:l,tot', ,r.l3iYl&l ui'l tf - 4 & KJ q".i O:lS )*(.? ti ^l zg^^ta -{ .,J 1 4i )t.*. tl -qq J i ot^l

ef ! c 3tf I r &. Depreciation Reserve Fund u.q L -J tf

al vT qa +t) i:f I t+r6 tn. ii $y) JJI u^. 4-t)

cl. e)tc ,F f .rlr.-.i ;,(J 4 f ,,kV * dtrl r:rLei.;

rJ Ll.6 eit- ,ro 3,it- L ,.rl - .r(.n- r;t^- - /lJ 4i e!, elgJl

- A J .,f ,*p. q. r..'i 6 +s\s L vT ^f e- Uf Uq .ga

ef g9o Jt.- Ci )tl l9i;*o { l-.-t,a )Jb a:lri ./U" q.

Oe) s,:;r-, Dl ,rL ,:U9l t*; -.f YI F. 4 JiJ ^Ari -td3* ;*,.+rl 4irl gd * P r"r3l dirY qn iu..-- a- .it'i K fG +h L a*t .(r dh" .$ ,,;ntt E z*s

,Ft$ * A L i,,i .5 dr\ L -J $ u^! 4*- F. lrl

,? rt, Slal L rJu ali t'rfl s1p ry e?^- ts)s. e! + .r+r s+f.t


- t5- *r, r:-{ orf vf ciriCl uA, .#I L L!r' ,ef., ,.Pt+{

4+-l q.fi, + tf ,fs f & 2{ :i L .r'-t'p ,rrlu vt*

r.*l K yl A UT cfd cr. strt tt-p * f os,.{ f3 { Jl

t--*t ,nf & ,-t - L lh tY 4-B rr L ilstf 1." dr:

"trrno *l ;) L dsr- r.5 orrt- .5 tfr 2- N b'i&

n:, it e { r. .J .rrtl f L ,,rl LW ^f der k6;r- g;'e 2'

- e- lk L :lL L fl* .pl e-s\s Uh rf it ,-rt ,;'b .f

.e,V52n ,r+l ,J"'{ L* Z-f, i.fi L o,* - -Sn' 'rt-- urrf, ttf u

-,2x., f ,rjte z-h Lt;t t? ,rt9' ,5 .-fo|

,9 6 L drril i di. t6f #J (r.. 15- hf L ,r *

-- uari #'l,(J a- uf i

- .rc Ja a cli, S td t1.f q .L cn - nli lsl

+sx a-sb. A #i :l )* L .:y' - llr Yt:: - oP )b,rsfi z!14 r,Jt- ea 6f[ L *]Vt a:* - ,rJ" uf ,*4 ol;uek'r

- ef td Ut, rt;1| r; Ls" Lf

$f q &tf €Pr 6l ,r ';l - lle ..it'.? "e, OsSs.,.Li .:ir L *.6-.d)"il e5-4t3o bot-

screen out .- +r ,.5 ;:r!r + f ol*t -h -ht.- - -- - tei tJ tJ

Mr. Deputy Speaker : That is not relevan! to the cut molion'

7272 pr(ovINcIAL ASSEMBLY oF wBsT PAKISTAN [6rrr rur.re, 1g6g

, #.y tS ,,fl $ A { €.f - fi'* sh - o},>., ,?,*,t

- a- .5 qJ, Jt#l ,r.tEsl 4 $ z lty L =-b ufrru q/r+

2- q 4"J 6 *D - 2- ;T j,.? 4l (r. -Jr- ,5 dlE$l {

,jf ss ua, 2l eL ,5 ** *f a lrl'. 4? $f ku, ^r ssl a- ler Gl* a, =rb ,5 cll - ,=1 ,"6r' rrti

pd g-r 4 L .tll e - V{ uEf., .:-.rr L Lr. .S f*,


Mr. Deputy speaker : At the relevant time the Member can say that.This is not relevant here.

Cr. rrir ,Ft ; uarJ rril uJ - Yl9 !,-,U^ : 6y> ,f*tC- 5 VT s.. cii-r o.l n At 4, gr. et .f,t - ffq f

- tif d,i t rlF

I carred,r"' ;,,: ;:r::"*:rf' ; *::.:Next amendment is from Major Muhammad Aslam Jan. He is not


Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Mr. Speaker Sir..........

Mr. Deputy Speaker : When I called upon the Member he was nothere. I will now put the cut motion to the vote of the House. The,

question is :

That the total of Rs. 1,59,21,000 on account ofExpenditure not mct from Revenue-Total NewExpeoditure{Non-recurring) be reduced byRs. 100.

The motion was lost.


: Malik Muhammad Akhtar : On a point of order Sir. When i cutmotion is moved by a Member, according to the precedents of this House

prevalent for thc last three years, is another Member debarred to stand up

.and support the cut motion ? I may be enlightened on that point Sir.

:.Mr. Deputy Speaker : I have not understood the Member's point of


Malik Muhammad Ahhtrr : The chair may kindly try to understand it.'I want to second the cut motion moved in this House by another Member.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The Member had given a similar motion and

when I called upon him, he was not present in the House.

Malik Muhrmmad Akhtar i I follow you but now I can speak on a

diffcrent motion.

t { Grtt Gs+ , r ,:.i dl.p - Ylr .rt.1 - op )ra.,- 2- )tl ,*y

- A db c.-b .rrru - &-.-*f3 -fu

)d e- r1 ct - A Jtri'. .JStl ,tl ot ' o)., )rr,,,4

To discuss wastage, inefficiency and corruption in the Railway Adminis'


Parliamentary SecretarV (Railrays) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, at that time'

for your information. you called upon Mr. Hamza but he was absent.

,pr;., 5 qr-1, drfU yt: L ,s, - llr s/U" - oP .Ja,

-A5:t* s rjUd

Parliamentary Secretary (Railways) : Your motion is similer to that

.of Mr. Mabmood Azam Farooqi.

. ..-,&

7274 pRoyrNcrAr. ASSBMBLx otr wBsr rAKTsTAN [6rn ruNr, 196E.'i

/ep te- ,gr-I K l* i dr. gll .r fl - o|> r!.*t- l{r d 'h'

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Yes, Mr. Hamza is allowed to move his cutmotion.

tlt* t3t u.. I o:f ,.H rr,.. - llr rrh - og ,i*t- drA €-t*}

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Does the Parliamentary Secretary want to replyto the first cut motion or he wants to reply to both of them ?

Perliamentcry Secretary, (Railreys) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want tobring to your notice that the cut motion of Mr. Hamza is similar.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : But the reason is different. Mr. Farooqi says

"To discuss the policy underlying the demard . .", whereas Mr. Hamzasays "To discuss wastage, inefficiency and corruption in the Railway Admin-istration. So the remarks are different. Yes, Mr. Hamza.

Mr. Hamza : Mr. Speaker, Sir, I hereby move :

Tbat the totalofRs. 1,59,2I,000 on accountof Expenditure not met from Revenue-TotalNew Expenditure-(Non-recurriog) be reduced by

Rs. lO0.

Mr. Deputy [Speaker : Demand under Consideration, motionmoved is :

That the total ofRs. 1,59,21,000 on account ofExpenditure oot met from Reveoue-Total NewExpenditure-(Non-recurring) bc reduced by Rs. 100.

Minister for Finance : Opposcd, Sir.

suPPLEMENTenv nEMaNos"(nmmv) 7275

z-Jq f, #ts &J.rJ r.1,r.. - !b .rt t - (t - J91 #Y) o)*> j.i"t

vl+, 1}E#Y, ,r* &a?--dr!tt.l+Uf ,ff ,so,

-lf .r t.rr irr: r r L ,Jj#l r+ fr[ K.--V stiUf .r.p e.-l

rrur ,r -J ,f r! [i Lr !r- $leat erl fu '.Ju 'r k , -. d-: ^5- b, !t.rr .1L!11 a uf;lu oUj s#l L ohr;t - rJlr

4 ,?:lf ,Sssi &-l rr". .rl - Ylryl'+"

ItJ eis L .r.j'(- dr6,l ^f of kat" Ufr:r ,5 .,JUr{ ,5- o1,.jl th uh e. orf*.

t6_ - _ k, tJ tr.5jT ,j-$- e

Mr. Deputy Speaker : This is not relevant. The Member's cut

motion is about Open Line Works, and his speech should be confined to it.

Mr. Hrmza : I am confining to that Sir

Mr. Deputy Speaker: It is not a general discussion on Railways

,5 0l a- .lC c"'t J;: { - Yl, vU: - oP ,2*t- lr. ,41 d-" .rf Ol a- .:s d ,S:-t- $t3)

Mr. Deputy Sperker: The Member will get sufficient opportunity to

discuss that.

- A t r. t€,?'l ai L) ,srf tl {r. ':r! ' oP .fu

Mr. Deputy Speaker: The Demand is as far as open Line works is

concetiled. .{s far as that cut motion is concerried, the Member will be

perfectly relevant and not on the Railways as a whole, or an], other depart-

inent as a whole.


7276 pRoviNcIAL AssEuBLy oB wBttr rAKTsTAN [6ru rur.rr, 1968

4 ,t.f 6(.1 tr1 2f s4.i c,U rji: - yb 1pLr - o),.> )L,,,t

aV 4-rb .* r*ll-i". ,r* 4l $ ,#Ut & -J ^5- A

4-h U e- leo tof 1gi g .{fi v.S { tJ L tf qf .}d3 A tf .rt.i L tSl,.,{

- .(, ,*iI "fiJ =. ,{# - ,S:f ;:r,3 ,t-"

2 grl - a "[rlU

., 0lr-tl ah cy uFl - o;*> .1,.'o

- A ljo ; .r,I1r J- .'l oi

Mr. Deputy Speaker : As far as Open Line Works is concemed, Ihave given a ruling on that point. He will be allowed to discuss as far as

his cut motion is concerned, and not on the Railways as a whole or the

Government as a whole

hnf s^f, .n L)lt L e-*l:l l* uft*. $. - of .r?*:t ,vl j- c4..1 og t{ ,r a.it 8- 0lr*il ah cr fll .lr"

- qf crtlr, J.T1r d.t

Mr. Deputy Speaker : I will not allow him. He is going to have a

general discussion on the Budget.

e.l ,i*. .(tr., 6 ,;:tf Z- u, - ylJ eU" - o)4> )Xp,- Ll: tf c!* ,,g ,rit.f ,ro1. .r.-l .rrp 'c.r. d A 6 ,*d A

-g *ey -f -J

suppLElrENrARy DEMANoS (nAllwav) 7277

diehrU E 4t .t ,lj/tf .1,.*- -r.-l -ta< nlf *S- $,-rlli=. A rf,b-fq -r" I 3JL E 0l vI stl - 4 frt- E

Mr. Deputy Speaker : That is also not relevant here.

- - - - ua. Lf "itt zS.t l*l { - )JAe J-*. qlf

(dkXr C"t)

Mr. Deputy sperker : I will request both sections of the House that

there should be no further discussion on this.

Malik Muhrmmart Akhtar : Then I will be speaking on this cut

motion Sir. I hope you will allow me.

Mr. Deputy SPeaker : Yes, Please.

Mallk Muhammad Akhtar (Lahore-Il) : t beg to submit that a demand

has been made for additional expenditure to be incurred on open Line

works amounting.to Rs. 1,59,21,000. The argument advanced by the

Minister is that the budget allotment for rolling stock programme for this

year was Rs. 138.23 lakhs and an additional amount of Rs. 194.89lakhs has

beeo asked for in this revised budget statement. The necessity arose because

they could not obtain 990 broad-guage wagons for which an order was plac'

ed due to the closing of the Suez Canal'

Mr. Deputy Speaker : This has already been said by Khawaja

Muhammad Safdar.

Malik Muhammarl Akhtar : I will not repeat it but I will be giving

different arguments. I have only started. Sir, then they say that they also

require 88 broad-guage passenger coaches. What I want to impress is that

they have got 8s many as 8 Workshops wherein these carriages and their

component parts are manufactured. May I be permitted to name these

7278 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLv otr wEsr rAKTsTAN [6rn ruxn, 196g

Workshops in order to establish that it is the negligence of the RailwayDepartment'to import such material and component parts which couldeasily be manufactured in these Workshops.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : If the Member reads.it carefully, he will findthat additional funds are also required to meet the increase in cost.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : I say that they could manufacture thecomponent parts locally. There was no need to purchase these parts athigher cost from abroad. That is my point. I will try to be very precise.

I know I cannot go off thp track.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The Member can't go off the track while dealingwith the railway track. (taughter)

Mallk Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, you would appreciate that they havegot Carriage and Wagon Workshop at Moghulpura wherein they not onlymanufacture the carriages but also the component parts. They have gota Locomotive workshop but they intend to import those trailers as well.Then they have got an Electrical workshop at Moghulpura where theymanufacture component parts. They have got a signal Shop wherein themachinery ipstalled could be utilized for the manufacture of componentparts. Then, above all, they have got a famous Steel Shop at Moghulpurawhich has repeatedly been discussed in this House. They could haveobtained steel from these Workshops to manufacture these component parts.

Then, Sir, they have got Carriage and Wagon Workshop at Hyderabad and

a big Workshop at Jhelum. Excuse me, Sir, if I add three more Workshopsto the list which I have already quoted. They have got a Track Shop atSukkur, another Plant at Haripur and a Sleeper Depot at Karachi. NowI will tell you what is the mystery. It may astonish you that all these

additional funds are being demanded because these imports had to be made

for the sole reason which I alleged that the Railway Workshops were

lockcd from 3rd February to 9th February, 1967, They have admittedaccording to a document in my hand that due to that lock-out, which was

an historic lock-out of the railway, they incurred a loss of Rs. 1,09,68,000.

Although the lock-out was over and the Workshops were opened after theGovernment resorted to killing people. Sir, people were shot dead.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : How is this relevant to the cut-motion?


Mallk Muhammait Akhtar : It is relevant in this respect that they could

m4qufacture all these component parts locally and there was no necessity

of making any imports. I am comin'g to the next point if you feel


Mr. Deputy Speaker : Now the Member is going off the track'

Mollk Muhammrrl Akhtar : Had they been vigilant enough to manufa-

cture all the component parts, need would have never arisen to import all

these things.

Now, the second point taken by them is and I may ,be permitted to

use adulteratcd English - .gf jl f+ .t,l' !,

Mr. Deputy Speaker : I have never heard about adulterated English

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : I consider it is Persian.

Now, Sir, they have come forward with the audacity, and how bold.they are; of claiming to be efficient. They claim to be vigilant and they

say that in order to meet these demands they have got surplus funds. How

these surplus funds have_ been raised ? They have been raised by cutting

outasumofRs. 115.20 lakhs from the allocated funds of Rs.200.20

lakhs for the construction of Dera Ghazi Khan-Kashmor Railway linkline. That means that this project for which a provision was made has

not been completed to the extent of 55o/o. I mean to say that they are

behind the schedUled progress by 550/6 as far as this project of Dera Ghazi

Kharr-Kashmor Railway link line is concerned. Then they said that they

were going to complete the Karachi circular Railway. There has been a

great hue and cry about the Karachi Circular Railway of which phase

number one has been completed. Oui vigilant officers passed that Circular

Railway through the areas which have not been inhabited so far. The line

passed through scantily populated areas. Naturally, after having spent

crores of rupees on that project they had to under-take a second phase ofprogramme for the Karachi circular Railway. They provided Rs. 36.10

lakhs just to do what they had Dot done earlier so that the Railway runs

through the densely populated areas of Karachi. I raised that objection

7280,/:.tpRovrNcrAl ASSBMBLY oF wEsT PAKTSTAN [6ru lune, 1968

in 1965 that they had passed the Karachi Circular Railway through such,

areas whereby the general public of Karachi could not be benefitted.Naturally realising the objection or having realised their own fault, theyplanned a second phase for Karachi Circular Railway. But Sir, when youlook at the progress, it is 'Nil'. That is the efficiency. May I ask theFinance Minister, in the absence of a Railway Minister, to make comments

on this lack of development and the negligence on the part of the Railway?

Sir, I don't condemn the Railway staff. As a whole, they have got good

officers but there are negligent people as well. I do not mean to say thatthe officers concerned have been sitting idle. The Railway Board might be'

working but the Engineers may be at fault; it is so shocking. I have been

aggrieved to know that the funds surrendered amount to Rs. 36.10 lacs,"

i.e. the entire allocation made, has been surrendered.

Parliamentary Secretary, (Railways) : Sir, the Member is repeating.

the same argument which Khawaja Muhammad Safdar, Mr. Farooqi and

Mr. Hamza had explained. There is nothing fresh.

Mallk Muhammad Ak-h!". : I come to the next point then.

I t*f 2- u3o 23,Qs LT LI

Mr. Deputy Speaker : I think the Member was not present when otherspeakers spoke on this.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, the question is the same and afterall Ihave to make references. Anyhow I will not be wasting more time o[the House. Iiwill only refer to Kot Addu and D. G. Khan Rail-link.

I beg to sumbit that again out of a sum of Rs. one crore, allotted for,

Kot Addu and D. G. Khan rail-link, ......

Parliamentary Secretary, (Railways) : Sir, this point had already been,stressed.

Malik Muhammad Akhtsr : Let me say someting and finish or I wiltleap across because I have got a lot to say. And Sir, my friends from Dera


-GhaziKhan, have been repeatedly prqtesting during the general discussion

on the budget regarding this bridge and again I find......

Mr. Dcprty Speoker : I think the Member has nothing further to say.

'He may please resume his seat.

4 - !b ter+ - (0ti .iy'l + ,lrr) 6h<*, 6?4)ll- A tJ LJ- ,rc Jj +Jt!. y Y L, $ )1, r, sfl oq Jrf ,-{l

-.Sf { ,,:rrJr,lut - L i +,rL. V F.i ,E;(., .-(tl J+l.lr 'lA- r..- lr$ 131 open lines works 4l - ,.a f tt L Lilf

,ei crLi: .r+ 4 a:r .;[ e,!r- ,-fu u4 - new construction

.4trp u,a open lines works "head" 4ftt f r.tr ".f- U ,5 .,i

tfr ,re, crl; tf Jt*. d .:ll$ '-(ll ^J 2- tt tl) ,5-

.s(l. ,-,U" slt^arJ\ di-J) JrU 4--t* S - I r.";r a* ,,5

--lt9 et+ - r.rt A.r -tV e ** rf cr! s: Je,*,yl .r:il +

.s>tr.r, ltJ ,.f ,,rl - A dtJ K r .r.*i, qJU, o1l .fJ dh"

f GJ) tF s'l iL E ,J*ri, u;l otp r:b.*r ft.3 t5 crl pl

.- 4- l{t , ll L r-.rt e ,il$ ,r}&l r3,.r*. ..;t+ - ,t, ,F d;J

)51 - 4 material -r L broad-guagecoveredwagons ll. J? a rf

.S "r4l

r:,la9p tf or - te, -.rtt. UT u". et trl-rz, f uF

li e r.r.3 ,, i,l )tl - tt |5- &U od *t 114-1A ,f 0l

f3 I yL ells \,.- ,rl - Ylr .rt+ - li Uf &t, Lf )i {t}".qrl - .re, u,aa

late shipment .t up t" ^"J .-ld t5 0l .f - a.tr4 ,r)t- aal ef - tie. otJ Y i* o.l ,lie Lh .1""1 vr+ f]

7282 pRovrNcrAl ASSBMBLv oB wEsr pAKrsrAN [6rn rurve, 1968

&t L .:ir .).h oLL {rL lL, ^l tf L #b *.- Lt: I f oLtli:Jl ;l .,rl i )tL ,r.,1! ,i - { ll

- rer Ar" ur. a:t rf vI - .rrrti dirl s3** ,l*t-l

- te, ,J,oC l.JL. q ,J..! - Ylr yu: - ,S;.5--r,6;r..-ftr,

- Ur. rtl f Ot*ts E 0l [ .;gU pLsl +,.rE r{t,

tof ^5. A- C., lrb f r;T - )$4 J^fr, l"tjs

' f Atr.tr&

.t., crk .5,rr 1$t rl - Yl, t/tl -,Sjr<,- ctJtJ.rq

Ll e u3s f 0l 1el ,ri31U pJiel )j^*. vt+ Jrt 4 - ,,

31d Lt+ *1 13;JLl -** { a,sf .gl^:.f or;atJty

-cr(.l1-f,oqq.€{ dl.:. Eot;,g Jlra.Ir"rS-z

K ,).t Jf p. ur -.rJ.rI uT &t5s - Fl Jr-r *(tf- rc+ ut A ef ,5a lrf 1{

Mr. Deputy Speaker : This is no point of order.

.-., 4l t, grl r Yl, rrt+ n - ,S.ir<*, ,S-}*l)*Midat" &l E si )rl stgr late shipment 4 dtl1 +f ,rei rJ,

rtr oi - ,{ * q dqf )*- 4 r-.J ,5 East disturbances

L ur.l )tl Gf .r. ,.,rU ))i. alr 1W L clU oi e


32-t- r5- ,r+l at ot ,r0I jc? 1eel o v- t? - lll vl:; or}c

.rf - l-it Uf, 1t*;.1 *-11 rjr$. -r+ e Ltr -rr *t L dt+t

4a. gT - !b .ru: - l3o eilil et4 w }lta Lr, e rtr .5

: A sl, ,a th + 4 f ?-1., crrrU "rt^t &-:. sjt"l

ot (trrf - tJr. aDl rcgt "f. .,il3 d- err .5 :*lb alr

rDJ ,5 ..ryb rJrJ.ll Jl rrl 4* Ut" l5 sV -f .h, cy .,ili?b S* -1, ^iEl 1.1. dJ 6 +tt st! 16 Jrl rr' &

- llf ..',t+ bt L.rl - t+i ,ni ,r,(. lrtrl q cr^. sYl+

Mollk Muhrmmatl Akhtar : Sir, is it conceivable that freight was

tnhanced ?

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Is the Member on a point of order ?

M{tk Muhammnd Akhtaris very important point of order

Yes Sir, I am on a point of order and it(laughter),

Sir,I may be enlightened as to how I can get corrcct information from

the relevant Department or the Parliamentary Secretary or the Minister

concerned when he is making a statement which' aPpears to be false ?

Mr. Deputy SpeaLer : This is not a point of order but a point ofinformation.

Matlk Muhammad Akhtar: I want your guidancp Sir.

Mr. Deputy.$perker : I said this is not a point of order ; it is rulodout of order.

Maltk Muhammad Akhtar : Then may I rise on another point of order?


7284 pRovrNcrAL ASSBMBLv or wrsr pAKrsrAN [6ru ruNn, 196g

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Yes, the Member can.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, this morning an incorrect statementhas been made in this House.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : This is not a point of order again, the Membermay please resume his seat.

4-s;t- F-rn srr*-l q -rf VI- Ylr ?Ui - ,g.ir<*,CSj.^Jlt,

E drr! 0l Llt- - e- trl T .l.i )EJ e*{ r$ra e{ oe:4:

t{ # - !b vt+ eL .,-l - A qri avS yl Lrh E 0l

d - .rC ,Ss sf ooJ,i,9 ,5 .:! tl e. d""i, c{, Lr,ir L cj1.

,-rl - 4 s9*7e LV ;f s[rtr passenger carriaees oJ 4 Zt ty*

- Gh e'ss-tc tS funds $-2a cJA.. 'u

A A Lrf dt ':-l Jrf

K rr 5 Z.i Qu a5- J- N Lf, down payment ,,5 ,rl

5 O "1." 2 L L.d l.rl .1f o,,l a "l.r^

r.FJ I o

4J oltrf r.^ Cl*, E '*

Qi loan t*ll l81 { - 6} x11,t)i

- rt. . zo*i L u" _ 4i.:YU d-l 6 { kr .nr, fF r1 gpo 6(J

.t €it- L qll )tl "Elf SSI .j1., drl,:. E loan 6.r- Cl fr.

JLd-l s[. t.tlr.l dL s# 4.1 4J af - 4 /K- trf clr.i

.(, crtr: - Ylr et+ 4 &rL orl - (Jt" & €r. K Lf

.(1l ,5 0qb JSJT K tK dl: - a- .rili K Oajr+ .5 .16' ,!.r

,I.l J) d - tsi el orrtrr €iL E. 0l .;rl - te, lS t1.r f fri.(ll 9f 0l rrl - E qib { \* ct ! jrb--i rb rrt ,:t$tf sel - .e- if Ut4 t" K .rlK .J*.1 r'1 L trial t dL


- r,1I €fri. ,S el * a-lL. uil ,5r 6f,J K.rb rof .r.Tl,

- - -,.f,rt $r, .*. .:,Yt- lb rrl - rF T tf J f fi or

cql cy Lf ,,rt - llr tt*.- - jly J-i, 6.Pfi- A Cd 2.u c9 !- .jlrJl lr.,' ..$ dtf" A tetl T 6lT ;

,!rT 2 4{-zri* JS.(i, L,4. -01i.*t Ot*.

- &.fr, Ohnt

Mr. Deputy Spesker : t think the Member should know his colleagues.

glp---tS rr, Ah q 4-rrJl ,f a-.rlt - o;*> t1*r

llt o?l L .& $r, ' Jb .rt':-f -,6;.fu 4;tf*)2\

tt , rhll g tsslrr "t. j,.t" Lbh L ,rl t;C c,r' rt ,5

.l rrt fb $ * - lh Uf .r.T; $" .,$ t{ oq{ .y1 rrl l'tal

k- +. & . r trr .n:- d$ &s lti r{ .d - tei rJ dlo-

& e" su .4ail - *tS P L c,.r. 6(l - 5 #t" ,5

L 4q fY z,r.rl ctr. e *t 6,,r,l yl - lh uf .r.T1r a!*

- e-h Lf rrLlrrl 'tJlj

L rglr &U 1s* f * ek'.r l.p9'r ' ib vt+ Yl

L a-*t S 2- ^r 2- .5 'iaf 5 4) ,ia!'l 6h

7286 PRovINcTAL AsSEMBLY oF wEsT PAKIsTAN [6ra ruNr, 1968

)nl q. - Ytr .rt+ - cir ctri +i e:A.i* ,5 newconstructions

.:i\r.r dilrl :l rlt &5- 6 qf-l.b Stnb Jia:r Ll3S ./f:" stttf ,f* q c1b.jr e'l ssl d3lr Q f ,;+l oVes,. .ral -.S:J 0E 1g;jt .r13 rsl ,Ltf - W cf phases 3r e1 rf a9

){ pl f Lb * J.i q. crt!,\ 0r? _ A K;, J.iA- ,"$r, f .Slj .t7*i'.S3 ot6 JJt .- ,5 Lb r" jg.rtr .(i#

cl. ,.rl ;rl ,SJt" d;r d*{ .re .(ilj +:4t rl. ct t1A r..-r0t- gjE Ui s#{ .(, crtr* - A dDt * .tC .ri S ,jfqf' q 6 q.t e- lis €sA rf a. .:i.i' r1 4 6,t'i tr ,-,(lJ

J't L otl )tl ,C1rtt e ir 6$;* .5*l .5- ,rd et 4:Jt5 .rl

ry rr:r! L dri! lt., ol &U g Lrf 1L ,bte ;lJd3r tu$ UYr 01ij { rf .llrll lp yl Lir\:rl l,ra ,rJU q/t+

,..1.S .f*l .rrl { LU. rr lU 131, e& qglL.. ,ql q3"n-. aJ ^5.

(r-.,..9"i - vri) ,5 Lt" f cry. ot 12,

.5+, &t dld. A phase II 6 a*s )sf .* ,*lrf CrL ,rl,5 ,l^ri)f .c1. ,J.l .(lrt .S dlD b." f €f e ect.i3

c1. ,rl 'local bodies 191 semi-autonomous .prl autonomous o. ,>4 pl

rstsi ub (5 y' V U. .f I Jirt*. 4,ll **{ JJI c4l involved

e.j e r-J 6 Uf E oi a cJL. (J;)UT dh:f rU )el k,

3o7J -1j -t: dl,:. E drb 6s4) JJI drl{ .rsl JJI Urf &L tr

)tl 2- .Jrn ,.iu cy 'JFl e, +, 6 .!rJ ry sites 6i 0l .l*i


- gs. l" JlS -t1,r 4 e-*t .t L cs1b e"3 ; ollj * .y .rl

d, I disposal .r1l r.$ .:ir .ril jii 3l r:"o L a.t\l r(rr.5-

L\ * d'.i .$ et1z. .,uJ eu olp.rfl ,cg .ltat., ^l - c4!

2- a-*s I a .stf r*l;3 4 L r*. - Ylr vh l+l - f,

open line ,oLrl A :*+ { jf I 1!t#. l] new construction ,J- l* "ff, it .-rer J ;." o",{ ,Y nl - C' 6 ei ,l

Mr. Deputy Speaker : I will now put the cut motion. The ques'tion is :

That the total of Rs. 1,59,21,0(X) on account ofExpenditure not met from Revenue-Total New

Expcnditure-(Non-recurring) be reduced by

Rs. 100.

The motion was lost

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The question is:

That a Supplementary sum not excceding Rr.

1,59,21,000 be granted to the Governor to defray

tbe cbarges that will comc in courte of payment

for the financial year ending on 30th June, 1968, in

respect ofExpenditure not met from Revcnue.

The motion was carried.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : The House is adjourned to meet at 5'30 p' m'

The Assembly then adiourned (qt 12.55 p. m.\ till 5.j0 p. m' tlrc same



The Assembly met at the assembly chamber ai s-30 p, m, Mr. speaker,Chaudhri Muhammad Anwar H.K., in the Chair.

Recitation from the Holy eur'an by eari Ari Hussain siditiqui (eari of ihc,Assembly)' ond its translation.

,ii:iwri*,fl*'ffieo*,'d*t,L;#e5*,i3ip:iteS,-ati1rfi WStr:j3rgri6 u,fA cfr$ r# y A! A,s l, 9i, #-lUqKLj!-ft jk yr!%

",F !yi,[z,i; e1,{q(tilas,iaugr{rblfi t06laagi,6j),s

t" d) t9'*, 69,fr S Li;'Lijj,"* $ "- 4,jrL{i, (# r {*f ii u-LKd t ti i i r ?l $,t,t

LY., y, i*L, -'z-utD b { avy z-,-e



[6ru ruxe, 196&


(r e sump t io n of dis cu s s i o n)

Mr. Speaker : The House will now resume discussion on the West

Pakistan Trade Unions Ordinance, 1968.

Section 16. Malik Muhammad Akhtar to move amendment No. 38.

Mdik Muhrmmrd Akhter : I beA to move:

Tbat for sub-sections (2) and(3)ofsectioo 16

of the Ordinancc, the followiog be substitutcd,


"(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section

(l), a fedaration of trade unions shall oot

be cntitled to registrotion unless it fulfils

the followiog additional conditions,


(a) that all its constituent unioos are registered

trade unions ;

(D) that each of the constituent trade unioos has

parscd a resolution in its general meeting to

tbe effect that it agrees to become a consti-

tucnt unit of the federation ;

(c) that its constitution provides for the holding

of a general meetinS at least once a ycar ;and


(d) that in the case of a federation of trade

unioos of workers, itl constitution alsoprovides-

(i) forobsewaoce, by its constituent unions, ofthe procedure for doclaring a strike as laiddown in their representative constitution ;

(ii) for elcction and removal of members ofits executivc and other officers, and themanoer thereof.".

n*i SXesfir: Amcodrncrt moved is :

That for sub-sections (2) and (3) ofsection 16 ofthe Ordioance, the following bc su,bstituted,namely :-

"(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section(l), a foderation of trade unions shall notbe entitled to registration unless it fulfilstho following additional conditions,namely :-

(a) th*t all its canstitu€trt unions are registeredtrade unions ;

(D) that each of the constituent trade uniooshas passed a resolution in its general

meeting to the effect that .it agrees tobccome a coostituent unitof the foderation ;.

(c) that its constitution provides for the

holding of a general meeting at least once a

year; and

(d) that in thc casc of a federation of tradeunions of workers, its constitution alsqp-rovides-


q292 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKtsrAN [ru9 luNn, 1968

(i) for observaace, by its constituent unions,

of the procedure for declaring a strike as

laid down in their representative cons-

titution ;

(ii) for election and removal of members of itsexecutive and other officers, and the

maoner thereof".

Minister for Labour : Opposed

u^. &i^(.- J.,,! - yl9 .rL: - (t- 19r!) _rfl Jar!, .<LLkr &ilri.r .,{l ?? ,}.i} nj ef a- Lf Ur provide rJ

c.-lji1r 4 L 6,i.trl*-1 Ltf 9.! 6":3alr;l.r 6l ro.tE:Jl ,5 o"l

tJ L drs L,ic:-t L Presidents L 0.,11 .ilri lUl :l gl as

5 r'tt slJta:j.l eet- a ..ritr ., ucrl &i tf & Olr*il

,.5 ,jtf ^J rs. 0l u^o JKJ rri )? ert{ Jt" L ur. der

&j tri - a K; ,! dt-Jl { yt3- 3")-; tt.r t drl - 4-

dro ":;*, constituent unions pl^i - e- LfiC A{ U K jail

)lt .,(,t 4J - ra -lb ."(Jl oF. dL { jl pt &0, .5 Ot

nf .d::)rL t{ 9 ){ GbL { o*. #T { ,yl ^{ LV t1s

6n(.Jl f 6Fl L2tg 1el q.tJ&il uf ,rl - lV 6 declare A*

o6l i:* ,r", - 6r. C.rL gS removal .;[ 0l JJI { $ C} ,f

- d9r kit" Ur"5-

.fi. L*. - Il9 .;11-

clrr.rl d a .-j>lr:il

- (Oti Jtl iirl ..(t ) C.:i, lSl

4 gr"l a- g..; "i5 e'rtP id'l J.z',


)-r.l &? o* ,tdt' Jrl u4l" eeit &i o;. (*?rl .,{l L

- u:l rlty .,f Or .t l sf *f .t A tJ o1L!l Jrt ,5

\{ f3 ,r O, .t Oru c.rt t.i o,l e. ,ztLie f 0l )tl


ee6ltt 191 eto." o# dt3 ,5 0l .$ dlf" - )lb r-pL;

Gff +i .5 t.-1, iil r.i. s(L u'. aS\ E dl A dL, f

rr9 ut.r .rp .5 (E) ll (plt) (.1at1 (4) (iii) .r # .5 or;u

0. - 4- tJ tt f3 .:* Ls\ L )t t lLi 0l .;* O"

1* ', tg)si U-{ -{'t s:. r*} ,r:jl L Or{.rl .s:o c-s\ L

a- Ut, 4t L rJgail tg ctry" lr.g i )tL L dU - 2-

.*t. 4Jyl- ef 4b urr ,-.fr e1 I iT L ,li.IJli S

ur)2lt' lr4 L .1 r.ir (J'. L)b. grl - 4-f lJ" 'J,'' ..'(ll

-a- !l, !r e1 .,,1 )*.it, s1.

"......the holding of a meeting of the executive

of the Trade Union at least once in every six

months,eodofameeting of thc gencral body at

leagt ooce io every yea,t;"

4-)\ L-2- \rl.*E rc.,b3;9 0l


(J) (.eJ) or &3 ,5 F.., ,5 =-Lp ,:;l .$.

tS f3 tF upl" lr4 E .r ci! .5 0rtt &l s;t

Oa ur. 4)U. E y lr4 OJ &i ,5 Pr,-i JJI

d: dr! [':,8].- ur. i - a- Uf tf $ cl.,,, 33Lt'

q .5 c-^la J:il J.*. ..(L !/U" tl tLt .5

- 2- 6)tt€

1291 provrNcnr. AssEMBLy oF wtir pAKrsrAN [6ra ruur, 196g

That for sub-sections (2) ahd (3) of section 16 ofthe Ordinaoce, the following be substituted,namely:-

'"(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section(l), a federation of tradc unions shall not beentitled to registration daless it fulfils tbefollowing additiooal conditions, namely :-

(a) that all its constituent unions 8re regi$tercdtrade unions ;

(D) that each of the constituent trade uoions haspassed a resolution io its general meeting

to the effect'that it agrees'to becomeaconstituent utrit of the federation ;

(c) that its constitutioo provides for tbe holdingof a general meeting at least. once a

year ; and

(d) that in the case of a federation oftradeunion3 of workers, its constitution alsoprovides-

(i) for observance, by its constituent uoions,of the procedure for declaring a strike as

laid down in their representative cons-

titution a

(ri) for election aod removal of memberg of itsexecutive and other omcers, and themanner thereof.".

The motion was lost.

Mr. Sperker : Next amendment No. 39 not moved by KhawajaMuhammad Safdar.


Now we'c6he to section 17 aOd the first ainendmcnt is by i(hawaja

Muhammad Safdar.

Khawaia Muhammad Safrlar : Not moving.

Mr. Speaker : The amendment is not moved. Next amendment

No. 41.

f,hawoia Muhammail Sefdar : I beg to move:

That srib-section (2) of section t7 of the

Ordinaoce, be deleted.

Mr. Sperker : Amendment moved is :

That sub.section (2) of section lT of the

Ordinance, be deleted.

Minister for Lebour : Opposed.

grl u,a, - llJ pt+ - ( r - g9fit ) )Ji.e l-i, ql3i

<rf ,.rI*. L dt &J e(JrJ U.b Uf ,:llr, c.-t ,jf )t

..* -tt .gct .J* .rl4 , otr"l dr) l:.,Jf jXf ,,e .-&l ,5 P{'- ObJl ,tl * ,J.{J ,5 dr,.t €'t Jljf rrll ,l rrl cf 0lrll od L

f r*l ,,r't u., A url ' t€J !'r f )b u i 1r url

€.,.f rr-y J yl ,3(oJ rll. Qr 5 gf ,h4 .i.1c , g-n oi

_ ( otf ,:d €f

Mr. Speaker : The question is :

That "sub-sectiotr (2) of sectipn 17 of the

Ordinaoce, be deletcd.

The motion was lost.

- .1,-;-.- urJ


Mr. Speakcr : Next amendment at No. 42 is not moveC.

Section 18, amendment by Malik Muhammad Akhtar.

Mallk Muhammrrl Akhtar : Sir, I beg to move :

That io sectioo lE of the Ordinance, the

brackets and figure "(l)" occurring in line I and sub-

section (2), be deteted; and in section 18 amended

as aforesaid, the words "or employers" occurring

in line 3, be delcted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is :

That in section l8 of the Ordinance, the

brackets and figure "(l)" occurring io line I and

sub-section (2), be deleted; and in section 18

amended as aforcsaid ; the words "or employem"

occurring in line 3, be deleted.

Minlster for Labour : Opposed.

F.i ,yl rr - )b *;t+ (r- r-r.Y) ,r;l Jar.r .<terfr .r[3 ,.5 r rr rrir r5' dra U.t" d 1.ri o,.l eiy 4)3 L

-Ll-. t1r )f .jL f r

Of.r.. E executive 6 d[U. A rA &i) _ylJ ?l+

,j&ljJ .d t? 0lrl++" 4-.2-!s .pl r.aj (JFH { rh,i ,5

6&.ril .t ti of L Ci* 3t) t- OKJL )tt )$y )tl dr. E.t i g ri .r.;q ,5 lfl.fr Ol u&rjJ -r: )tl uc! * kt

$ a !r )l.f q q, r ,., )tl ,j(. ,! ,r*t *,,-'


"18 (2). If a registered federatioo contravenes

the provisions of sub-section (l), the Registrar shall,

after notice to the Fe.deration, as provided inscction ll, caocel its registration."

tr ilt JJI e. Csti * ci, et S o* tlei* rJ .;*, nLill.r.lrl &J jS ,* ,S 4- t{- J" e r r:r d, pK

f:(- .lr ;K tr. Ol 4 (i) I A rrir n .5 4f ., A'qtj ,5

. -A 6 ,;-d p"., rl L td 2 url -e-

*!t;l & - !b vu: - (0t; JU .11 .SI.) C,:i, .f.j_l

f.u.d Litiil a dt61 ,r.l L *V ,:;l .-(L ,F ld 2-

^ftt r*t J" 6 Lf .-iL J5- "emplover" Eil L cse4il ' t6'

q &&Jli trrl .t t{ ,rrd d fiL. el .r1t., tf 8t L 6

- L tJ U, u*. I L O*,*, d,- tr srl -{ ,:l {(iif ,,. *- rp Uf €-Jti. .5 o.l o.r A s,l"

Mr. Speaker : Malik Sahib, 50 per cent shall be from amongst

workmen or employers ?

.st+l yl Z d3n Ollssl J€J o{q{ - L;o,.r Lj1- t ,4rt" it 4 ,oU r*.i

..)iltt.t ua" fl S Z el ,-tL K .=,l urr1 - .fo, ;-*&t, z-*l3t.j s*t L dKJt. )tl E d.1* a-.t itJ sa L


, ,-..,11e.

7298 pRovINcrAL ASSBMBLv oF wEsT IAKISTAN [6rn ruNs, 1969.

- rrta .9: - C,:i, jJl

Who are not ordinary members of the federation or trade union

)tt E d, ctt t* L tJ* &j r: - fu ;..-f E dra ,*t, r?.. sel E #{l.t

tt [r q uE comtitution L ,ll ,flj _ ,::fr, l)l- 'r* * 2 4 ,U r.+i ul;pt dKlL S A

&ttr - ylJ ?t+ - (r- r3-rfit") )$1,,a J.fr, ql,-d .r# "As.the cas€ may bol gUrl o* o,,l d. e_ rJ .11t

dr" .5 oKru *t U )tl ,5r. &Jrl ,5 osysi. n U {, .rt t" 4 f, ,l.U .-f gal "As the case may ber Ltirl fl )tlr...i ,rk* n ,.1r" Crrl rJ Oilf, ft L1. c1s+ od )el

gri ,:17g i e- cruf ,5 ,.#lu -{l yt L ,s* e-.r.iLi E 0t

- E ,Ct" T e .rnll rej u.!3; )tl L OtD e ,". dl,

2ts { ,&U 1l.r1.rn e L O&l,rj t.f - .S* )\t

'L dra

O#'it-.j ,jf ft - a g.t- ,"& - )J;*a J"ri, iq,llf

,:C er ,rg 5 irKJL .pl A u{. ,. cr&t 6 ,stsesy.l r, 6 d.rf*.rr- .t L J&, ,f f r{ ,"tO, S Z { L.r; ,.. srl A_

Ltfutr tl g;Fjil orl .t n e! &J!- ysi. q fl yl L osr-


L *s* e. otpsy 0l 'rr, grQ yl L dra }ts Lf fY ,r

ar ssl uaa "l{t L oili-r. .3 .i(.J Lf urC ltr rjt *f e-

rJ!2i .111 .rrr.ll+t g..t p^olr;l 1j.,. 5\l. 2- ljl ctirl 3,1-i $ {

6r:.iit g*.1 .ra.i sl€rl $,5r" #f &j ,5 JKJL rfl arL o-l o22n5

6o .(lL { oeil;1( gl ef e- L dra a-.r:iLi L r.lKlU L

,f ;itl L)cr gl 6l;ot. t€., d€.tt 4 ;r! or orX, E ,,rl $l

et &ii t: :f )\" tf diirl Jt:;= c,L &A - ,ra &

set ,5 orlo). )tl 2- r:(- eo g€l t5 dKJt, O4tfu .t n 15

r.pJ ,-rl+l ti o.. ).A- L .3st.;ji ,5 ot)t)),. - A ,rS- 3a

pK ,rl *f * L clr! Ofs E executive )tl !fl.r1q-e a-;ujLi

ot ,J &. L ,:s, 3-) ,t.rej u"tn* )tl E oea Lf se;. f

O&li.t -tr| ct* e)te.rl -ri - u.^ ;a[ tirf irt- fL:r1 "1el .:r.

- E #F / e. ratp 4-J:![^r J..j irptd y 6rn ,5 ,ss1st3.

Otlssi. tf e- k(- 9o sel ^l ei ,--it, { ,.rl - ,*r- ,l*t

4 Stt r,qi grQ4 * .ro! rba ,syilsil rJei.er sr4 0KJt JJI


"as the case 2 o* rf e- a?J vt') - )J;-? J-:o. qlf

oetft 6 or,is 0&;+i e1 r(3.f - u* 5 ytot Dlitl L mav be"

.fer .(rl .*l Js{ ,.1* c,tr

. ..,-*,4}el

7300 pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy oF wEst pAKtsTAN [6rn luur, i968

,F * uet rc ji interpretation .5 6.1 &qJ - 6\* -i*,tJ #tn / a,.r.3Li .r*rt urhl 4 .ratr ,.r+.1*liJ..ry3, {f A-

- Lt" 2 bi *t ,-jf )tt LV ) t*"i ,.ri ,j-f

Minister for Labour (Malik Allah Yar Khan) : Sir, I agree with the

view-point of Khawaja Muhammad Safdar that the words "as the case may

be" be inserted as it will convey the sense.

Mr. Speaker: Then please move an amendment accordingly.

Minister for Labour : Sir, I beg to move :

Tbat in sub-section (l) of section 18 of the

Ordinance, after the word "employers" occurring

in line 3, the comma and the words "as the case

may be" be inserted.

Mr. Speaker: Amendment moved is :

Tbat in sub-section (l) of section 18 of the

Ordinance, after the word "employers" occurringin line 3, the comma and the words "as the case

may be" be inserted.

There is no opposition to this amendment ; the amendment, therefore,

stands carried.

I think I had not put Malik Akhtar's amendment to the vote of the

House. The question is :

That in section 18 of the Ordinance, the

brackets and figures "11)" occurring in line Iand sub-section (2), be deleted and in section l8amended as aforesaid, [the words "or employers"

occurring in line 3, be deleted.

The motion was lost.


Mr. Speaker: Next. Khawaja Muhammad Safdar.

Khawaia Muhammad Safdar: Not moving.

Mr. Speaker : Next. No : 45.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, I beg to move :

That for sub-section (l) of section 19 of the

Ordinance, tho following be substituted, namcly i--

"(l) The provision of this Ordinance relating to

registered Trade Unions shall mutatis mutandis

apply to the registered Federations".

Mr. Speaker: Amendment moved is :

That for sub-section (l) of section 19 of the

Ordinance, the following be substituted, namely :-

"(l) The provision of this Ordinance relating to

registered Trade Unions shall mutatis mutandis

apply to the registered Federations".

Minister of Law : Opposed. Sir, the amendment is not in order.

The am:ndment reads : "The provision of this Ordinance . . ." It is not

clear what provisions of this Ordinance.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : If the original be looked into and if it is

not a printing mistake......any way let us save time and it may be ruled out

of order.

Mr. Speaker : Ruled out of order. Next-46.

Malik Muhammai! Athtcr ; Sir,I beg to move :

7302 pRovrNcrAl AssBMBLy oF wEsT pAKrsrAN [6rH ruNn, 196g

That for sub-section (2) ol section 19 of theOrdinance, the following be substituted, namely..-

"(2) The executive of a registered Federationo[ workmen shall be entitled to perform suchfunctions as its constitueDts may by a resolutionauthodse it to perform inrespect ofmatters con-Dected with the welfare of the members of therespective trade union or unions".

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is

That for sub-section (2) of section 19 of theOrdinance, the following be substituted,namely :-

"(2) The executive of a registered Federationof workmen shall be entitled to performsuch functions as its constituents may by a

resolution authorise it to perform in respectof matters connected with the welfare ofthe members of the respective trade unionor unions.".

Minister of Law : Opposed

,frff a- f i.ri fal 7-S$ tt - Ste 9t+ - J:rl J^r., -(L-: A !: Jt, .r u.. r 1 (r)

"19(2) The executive of a registered Federationof workmen shall be entitled-

(a) to negotiate with the employer in respect ofmatters connected with the employment, un-employment, thc terms of employment, andthe conditions of work of any memben ofits constituents; and



(6) to represent its cons tituents before Gover'

nment in any such matters as are specified

in clause (a)."

-: Af A J ,-Prlf 4 Lf gili 1.2! t{ ,.rl L ts* - !l-r vttt

"The executive of a registered Federation of

workmen shall be entitled to perform such functions

as its constituents may by a resolution authorise it

to perform in respect of matters ionnecxed with the

welfare of the members of the respective trade

union or unions".

* h1x &i 3rL.l rf deo t:lt7 UKJ rider .-5Q1 uE ?t+ s-J

rf O+tfu 3;*a, -l .1rl'rJ tl t#'r.f;'i'- .-(11 t4l -'f J'o, r,"'

.r" )tl * ,{ $ jrt+., 4 }rr ,f ,.rt oA;fu S-i*:s pl 4.: 4-s

tf 0l dJ^ )t l '.g2

l+ L labour welfare uo, fl 9o support

- Lb U: f &ti (r- o?l

Mr. Speaker : The question is :

"(2) That for sub.section (2) of section 19 of the

Ordinance, the following be substituted, namely :-

"The executive of a registered Federation of

workmen shall be entitled to perform such functions

as its .constituehts may by a resolution authorise it

to perform in rcspect of matters connected with the

welfare of the members oi the respective tracls

union or unions".

The motionwas lost.

Mr. Sperker : Next. Minister of Labour,

, .- j..j..l.l.i1.r4


730+ pRovINcIAL ASSBMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [6rn ruur, 1968

Minister of Labour : Sir, I beg to move :

That for clause (a) of sub-section (2) ofsection 19 of the Ordinance, the following be

substituted, namely :-

"(a) to remuneration and allowances and thepayment of salaries, to negotiate withthe employer in respect of mattersconnected with the employment, non-employment, the terms of employment, and

the conditions of work of any member ofits constituents ; and".

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moyed is

That for clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section19 of the Ordinance, the following be substituted,


"(a) to remuneration and allowances and the

payment of salaries, to negotiatc with the

employer in respect of matters connected

with the employment, non-employment, the

terms of cmployment, and the conditions of

work of any member of its constituents;


There is no opposition. The amendment, therefore, stands carried.

Next - 48.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : I think, Sir, it is redundant.

Minister of Labour : No, no.

Melik Muhamma{ dkhtar i Sir, I beg to move


That for clause (b) of sub-section (2) of section

19 of the Ordinance, the followiog be substituted'


"the executive of a registered federation of

workmen sball be entitled to perform such

functions as may be prescribed in respect

of matters connected with the welfare

of the members of its constituent Trade


Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is :

That for clause (b) of sub-section (2) of sectioir

19 of the Ordinance, the following be substituted,


"the executive of a registered federation ofworkmen shall bo ontitled to perfrom such

functions as may be prescribed in respect

of matters connected with the welfare

of the members of its constituent Trade


Ministor of Labour : Not opposed.

Mr. Speaker : As the amendment is not opposed, it, therefore, stands


Mr. SPeaker: Next-No : 49.

Khawaja Muhammad Safilar : Sir, I beg to move

That after para (b) of sub-section (2) of section

19 of the Ordinance, the following new para (c) be

added, namelY:-

"(c) A registered Federation shall have all the

rights and liabilitiec of a registered Trade

Union under this Ordinance".

7306 pKoVrNctAL AssEMBLy oF WEsr pAKlsrAN [6rH luNe, 196g

Mr. Speaker': Amendment moved is :

That after para (b) of sub-section (2) of section19 of the Ordin:rnce, the following new para (c) be

added, numely :-

"(c) A registered Federation shall have allthc rights ard liabilities of a rcgistereclTrade Union under this Ordinance',.

Minister of Labour : Opposed.

6)a. )b et+ - ( r - ,glfi[-) )J;,? J.e=r 4+lJ-

2_ { d ilf &t., ,^. srl 2f sub-section I nl c,la s ,f i

- a- Jt:rl f O&tfu i,5. f,e. lLi rE-)\. L *J t{OJnlrd, ,J Oillu., 4.. 1lr aiiilK ;el 4, .-(,1. & o, ,{

5 o)L ly)r L 0l dJ.* E g,Sss_t ,j Of r !it:. LI p L2at F..-j .,$l ,.^ql - A_ .,(- f c.:: .r! dld.

L ,.t"1 rf g ,iLi .Jrr, L Ollt ,rl 6 irl .16 ."(t. &rJ)

.(tl 6(J - e- L;S- l)f * .,3; r.r)\.1*. 4_.2u!r ,:;:";1jj l,tJj

cfrlfu tof rf 4- 4l oJ - a .(i ,retl gcr ,ir.: 4_5t 9; ek-.

ort)y u., dispute ,-t.l.*-iil o,-{ ,9 of - a &t- 1ir 4l ,frJtr: - A sf- tf GS:nl rS grl - 4- .r:(* 9o & a- .jrt ,51

jiJl n.j t,l'l (Ji(* f ,aC t4l 03 4- [f e,,llL. L se .-$

-djr bb q g*i - A- o."i _f ,-rl o - A Jrt- &s: _{

,:(. 9r u}.;:. )? .:lril 3* - 2- u*- 2a ,sis*; Olf .ilj ^f4r{ .[rr-iil .9 ef t:(- 9r uari {rt..;- Uil ualg L,-rl _ 4-


rlL;- ,-r\ L ,rl n$r'f - tst: 2 ujLs ,;f { ossss? uf,.rl o. sto3 pl 6 J, Lr 4-f l.Jrt-jil .3 ,fi t, - e- ,r#,:* / ,.rl - g(- t- ,rni ,.,". Jif*j .f -f l.;n d',.j .r)\i L.t )tl deo .[rt- qj3i- lti ot sf i#1fu *f e- td :t-rd LE .lU. -,,1.^ rf 0.,1 h) S * rJgo a..ir L,-rl rlklls e".i ,.L;

o,,,{ * u3 6 .:>\(.:- JL ,11 Utl hri .,ft ^f .:! snt ,l t*r- 2 ,.rr.i er &.11f .p .i-itl tf &jts G,* u.,"{ t 9f dispute

,5 O.rf ili ri ,r( f ,:"t, tst* 6 d o.) ,-l::l.i U "i(.

.rr J.r_rdri tJ Lt" I ,_* bs:{ ,-k.i-nl ,f ^t!* ,rl Oartfu Lr+l

61tL. L 6iI .rl) eti3l #-l n Ja e,yt; ft t2 -L$ lt- ,re .fi bssf ,rib ot (,5 Lt" .(, .brf jh 4 rrj[ldtd l,,. pl - Z_ li ql iy a, p{ti oll ,f i 6x, - *5 u.l g-J) Lya a;t; &l L sVl* Ol 6s* )S A

' L o$ ':"i si'ti-'

{"fr- #. - )lr ?k? - (ot- JU .[rl .(.) c-to ;)9.r*ll s- sC. { z .j>\:ll ;l 61 4 0...J grl 5 =-r.,.S ,: u..a ,rrf g;) u:, d-rit, Ltr4 $ opl f r: ,1. uCtl

d- q ,.f l{ trade unions L1l i.p .131 uro d[d. o trade unions

pA .re .t )tl - lS !r ..p1.r d- aq f federations A tt U)

q.-lr rrlgi ef g19o kg;* 9c. ,$t e12e gi - cr.. & f, ,f\

2 ,J"f, tf-U. fG., rJ 5

.. " . ".!currla!




Speaker : The question is :

[6rn ruxr, 1968

That after para. (b) of sub-section (2) of secti on

19 of the Ordinance, the following new para. (c)

be added, namely :-

"(c) A registered Federation shall have all the

rights and liabilities ofa registeredTradeUnioo under this Ordinance".

The motion was lost.

Mr. Speaker


Next amendment No. 50 by Khawaja Muhammad

KhawaJa Muhammad Safdar : Not moving, Sir

Mr. Speaker : We pass on to amendment No. 5l to section 20.

Malik Muhammatl Akhtar : Sir, I beg to move:

That for section 20 of the Ordioance, the

following be substituteC, namely :-

"20. The funds of a registered trade union

shall be spent on any of the functions which a tradeunion is authorised to perform under its coDstitu-tion or by a rcsolution of its executive".

Mr. Speaker: Amendment moved is :

That for section 20 of the Ordinanse, thefollowiog be substituted, namely :-

"20. The funds of a registercd trade unionshall bc spent on any ofthe functions which a tradeunion is authorised to perform under its constitutionor by a resolution of its executive".

Minister of Labour : Opposed.


.,F c.ltc { - )J€ vk1- - (r- -rrti) s*l J.r,arr s<t

sf gltr, .-(1l .ro. Cabinet 6.1Lo Ailii s1ljl *: - g eL*. prl

aS u.! jJui a-1t.4 jn { = at s'l e- .5irf l)l role r'!l

,zss. -.lL +-lr.ljr vL: (s.)\f Chrl - - - - L,;+rl &i 3;-*t

salaries ,i :tL f cJk, e_ ,j ,;af 6 ih comprehensive uf

prosecution ,44 audit of accounts .t4 E url - ($.jlrl |i allowances 131

grl - c,Ll;l dL:. L o?l tb s€ bstf J'Jj-j,l - defence 1ll

l.rYl r.-.-13 t{ *. ,rf -l: compensation - !b vt:: J'l E

allowances .ltt E ,,"l - .:*i I trade union activif g..,{ -f" rjf^

u"l - rSl" ! Ja disable l: Ot *-.1 3f 6tr-r glrl*r ft

policies of - r.r* { tT g$ e ui - llr vl+ r4 L

- a t.f include 2- olil ,.534 9f assurance on the lives of members

tof include ge l{ provision of educational or social or religious benefits

jaf + u', (j) a- trell ,ro 4,it- L gr"l - lle vt.: .3(J - 2-


"( j ) the payment, in furtherance of aoy of thc

objects on wbich the general funds ofthe Trade

Union may bo spent, of contributions to any

cause intended lo benefit members in gerreral ;

provided that the expenditure in respect of such

contributions in any financial year shall not at atry

time during that year be in excess of one-fourth ofthe combined total of the gross income which has

upto that time accrued to the general funds ol the

Trade Union duriog that year and ofthe balance at

the credit of those funds at the qommencement of

that year ;"

'. . J.--,r;,n-"

7310 pRovrNcIAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [6rn ruse, 196g

;pf ,s J't E ih p.23 comprehensive dtl - llr vti c#lvl - Z *f- [- Zf ,r*i eLlril sil, o Jter-r+ .(rt .rf ,"oincome ..5 qdrr llf ,r ft .5 O+f jlj ,.fif rd 4_ ,, It. K

itt 2 E. -,*a ,.rf ^rlts r- e,t+ 4 oE. url - !19 .7h1 9i 4-payment of _ it L aid 1[ dependents _ ;! L education f f9a

,r+f L OX"l { - llf .;t+ - 4 5_ salaries and allowances

o) .tf s^ fr:i 6tU trade unionism 4 sr? 4_ 6) KJ restriction

ll*il c(11 u- L osdl u- (k) - Yl3 .pt; r,t L u"t _ g it:-: u_^a d 4 - A ta,f.r,rt{ .+l

"(k) subject to any conditions contained in the

notification, any other object notified by Govern-

ment in the official Gazette."

0l E- ,J-f ,-i2c 4i -{ ,.rl A .ri.r.T e1 .rrti .fe"i { u:rJ

-tl ,,rl ,*+. - \19 qrk: - n-r{ notify Lrisf -r5 &: -,{ objects

L s". rf 4 rl n .(ll }.i - u^! r:tilr+l Jyl *i Jr

,rl j.Li L *i:l it-.i 3.i*, .(ll af z_ V{ 4l rr. 1o...ri .r:gl

si ssL gr. 6jI L o"l tf t*:? L ,se^ O: ,l te.,L yl yL

#d$ls .(gt executive ;f sal ef t*.- )rl _ Ja t"f t;l ner!

.5A sJtd ssl e. 6lLr ub ..::Jtri &ll) - yb t/U? - Ab ++tj E.

insert \r{ i{ v* !r.F 2o[ kJKi tf item ,-(.tl ^! e 6lt#ra

- - Ytr vtL - d9a krl^ tirf


Mr. Speaker: The word trg)l*, is unparliamentary.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : I withdraw it, Sir and I stand corrected

6lti:6 ,jrthi - Yle ,,.kr. ei

-- 4 1.:-r(te - o)** ,L*t

- Ylr vf,.: - cra j^ta trKi -{ os* J) ar (^$ri) )f Ihl n iff ll1 $lla' { (0Lr- lrJ ,,r.' clL ri 0t" el , 4l

e- Al slts J €i 6 ol - !19 r7k- 3.r r?., - ucP zfta dst$

representation 6[ special interests ,-.- o*jT ef - *. j.b { )tl

rJtrl f sil )$). L ..ai l)l yl L Jh" 4l ^) 3rr lo

-{ ,sststr,;rl *it- y' ,. rl*l J*i tJ ,tiT ) L r{ nominate

o.r:3Li df trll ,, contribution ,ri+l o9 S go ei J,at- ci- tu

- ,5r" repetition - Ylr r7U" - ,& ,f l3*f /J L :+b*) uS-tl;l .*3 grl) (r.. st t6y a,f ,r+, 6) 1!8, ,,6 ts*il L u:.

(f-r^ f.f seek 6A(.Jl s$ L og,.il - I \d .=r-t., a-l3i

,41 2 L &.4fu1 )f p:al.rrl 1i.,. L a-t\s 6x";1-i,i )iypartition , Jt a U*l - IlJ.r.k-;Jl - tgei.Sr contribution a. sc. j3,:i

* jfu L Olll:y.liJ lrr-r. ef *o )t?t .rJE. ,r-11 :r*L Ji a)"f L,jr h provision 4 t{ 6 - yl3 1;k: - e-: L\ sf f elect

K .--L, .i.* 6 E *ltrl )ti I r1 r& K ,--to, a:lr* [ l2*.

... .'ir d,i,B:-

7312 pRovrNcrAl ASsEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [6ru ruur, 1968

Jt ,--.-t" o;^- .t6j **l e d €l 2- Sl compensatory allowance

froi ,.r.. dt. d 3t.' l - !l-9 ,-rL- - alr{ l{ eri 4 sjt"l .5

. t 33L E. jrrt L otfi))a A tf dl,.i K Ot - 4- str Jb ,0U..

A ,J,l )t)€ - L .ri9o embezzlement *. tJS td op F {ordinarylaws VI g a- it L )*c{ a.t rri.r ,5 VT o, ,)s1 us! Lf l.r4 ,.$!tf 2 A.)b., 3 .(a ,-\{ /sn )sa L,rC er! ,l c.ll1j ui. - tC, Urf €f ,,sd & :,t::

- t.b rtf

oleil E? - Ilr !/u? - (0ti JU at .fu) g:*, lJ,)* * tf d., oA L .-^[, ;il .(I. ./t+ *f a-

A- rt.:l i .!*tl 1&$t q tr 0l - 6 u.C ,iesf 6 a3<*.- Itf yl - 2

"i^t" U,f e4i .,1 jii Jl I trade unions .i.3K- a5-

.itn e t3. ji:i i,l *f a .,f O, Kt ,S*lq ^l .,1 Jrt ,t"U

- Ytr vt:1 - f /,. l1r 1t;i.l { Lf er u6ril ,rJtejra .fJt

ef { j,, -p ;3[*" AJ L,3{^il e] sjt../ ^*JU. :A { crj crl ry ,ft

-* f r|ga ur.2 sp a.* L )s.l 0l ise ,rit6,i9; .&l 4r

,jl l.f ..; jjs a; - dj6 il L )ryt rf b^{g A r.JerTjt dl *f

oi )i L uJb { L}t.,:-t 2t L +*,J ,.fl_,t f. cr}.7it

L ,.rl ,F - L o* unf.i o)bj 4 ,.rikira .(ll q (r.. ct-rc

1 )to d:L J) &d t5 ,g .,i{i srt ,ft _ lte ./q ol)\c

-; *f 2. i:i € dl ,i ejt,, e*JtL.


"thc payment, in furtherance of any of the

objects on which the general funds ol the Trade

Union may bc spent.. ..,"


f3 sul i- .8. K ,. - 2- s2. L)\ L 1e.l !l .-rrr 64ll *l

rf f nls ra. ot;,;,,|1i ,5 ii tS Lq: or)\s L ,-rl - A t.f

- u.al3r':i .5 dlJlrJr{-e A d1i."il 0l e u.' jii dl 2-

6.F t" ct* L)12 L 19'l .r,.l!:jl 191 ':rt-l;l E 0l - allowances

- L ,s* c,t-l3l J? u:r L)l) L audit accounts l: isl t f o5o

otal;l -n $. ^t*L E, J-S: L 4l t1 sn" 4-)\l L eejts ,r.5

,.rl i .oA .r;1o L Ol t? u.a ":Llril oJ ltj q L ':9n

2ro ;{t ,bi ;t* 5f ot-l;l lL' 0l ^{ lri 6ts2i ^J 2

- 4tsr .-(11 oe clra i2e ji:i t ^f !q 6r f .lit" 1g-ultJ

l:ll L ss.l trl.r ,riQi93. &i ui[ )tl - L dJa o:d orttj

ItJ al ,5 u.-,lc ,Bl el+ 2 ,.rl t- o* vf o[l;l ,..

- r,*r 6)b€ xi $l t--t:.ti amendments

Matik Muhammad Akhtar : what about imposing such restrictions on

the salaries of Ministers ?

- L sa.i restriction Jf ,1 salaries - !1, ./t:?

Mr. Speaker : The question is

That for section 20 of the Ordioance, the fol'

lowing be substitutcd, uamelY :-

1lt4 pnovrNcial, lsserurr.? o! wnir pekrsr^LN [6rH luNe t96g

"20. The funds of a registercd trade union shallbe spent on any of the functions which a lradeunion is authorised to perform under its constitu-tion or by a resolution of its executive".

The motion was lost

Mr. Speaker: Amendments Nos, 52 and 5J are not moved.

Next, Malik Akhtar.

Malik Muhammail Akhtar (Lahore - II) : I beg to move :

That in section 20 of the Ordinaoce, in para (b)

the word "the", appearing in the beginning be


.tJ - A 6 ,rttf ,5 Lr{ r}r";) 6-:.Jr(il cry o/,1 L cy

!r.t{ Lr. )? - A J 4 r.3'rt, E 0k*51 ,!.*ll L o," jX"f

tjrf correct vI fl Jrl L,C a.(1r - fr^ .rer ,.r\ L rtT - e- )t?t.

- ,*) s{ Jf qot}

tir{ o-1t rf (A) - t.f g^ri s-.,r :{ (u) - fi* ;t ^.- ,J." 4t"

e(1 ,rJ ,F* correction & ,rJ - )Ji,a J^*, le.l1l-

- ,.jr" 4J

- 2- ,f* omission e *t { - ;;l Jr-.e cSt

3* ,taalri urr el urr. rj:r .rJ ,f i u!al? Urf correct fl

- dJ. kls


- u.. At" Uf .:-.1r tJ tJ - "fu ;,-*

-.r.1" ritirl .o1, 0l C.:.r, jJl

Mr. Speaker: Amendment Nos. 54 to 57 are not moved.amendment No. 58 by Malik Muhammad Akhtar.



Malik Muhammad Akhtar : I beg to move :

That for para. (f) ofsection 20 ofthe Ordinance,the following be substituted, namely :-

"(f) payment of allowances to members or theirdependents on account of death or disability due toaccidents, old age, sickness or employment or incase ofdetention under preventive laws or convictiondue to trade union activities of such members;".

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is

That for para. (f) ofsection 20 ofthe Ordinance,the following be substituted, namely :-

"(/) payment of allowances to members or theirdependents oD account of death or disahility due toaccidents, old age, sickness or employment or incasc ofdeteotion under preventive taws or convictiondue to trade union activities to such members;".

Minister for Labour (Malik Allah yar Khan) : I oppose this amendmentand I would like to point out the word "employment" in it. Actually, theword "employment" was not intended here. In fact, it should have been"unemployment" and this renders the amendment out of order.

1316 PRovlNclAL AssEMBLY ot WBst PARISIAN [6rn lutre, 1968

Kharaja ]Vlqhaqmart Safrlar : It means unemployment.

Minister for Labour : I don't think so

Matik Muhammait Akhtar : Let me explain, Sir. tt is in order

because the words are the same as they exist in the East Pakistan laws.

Mr. Speaker : Yes, the amendment is out of order.

Amendment Nos. 59 to 62 are not moved. Amendment No. 0l by

Malik Muhammad Akhtar.

Molik Muhammail Akhtar : I beg to move :

That io para (j) ofsection 20 ofthe Ordinaoce,

after the word aad semi-colon "general";, appear-

ing in line 4, the word "and" be added and rest

ofthe para, be deleted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is :

That in para (j) ofsection 20 of the Ordinance,

after the word and semi'colon "general";; appear-

ing in line 4, the word "and" be added aod rest of

the para, be deleted.

Minister for Labour : OPPosed.

trr. (a) lr1 - fip ?t+ - (r - Jray) ,>l .r-e.' t-(L


"(j) the payment, in furtherance of any of the

objects on which the general funds of the Trade

Union may be spent, of contributions to any causc

intended to benefit members if general;...... .."


And they have added a proviso-

"..... provided that the expenditure in respect

ofsuch contributions in any Enancial yearshall not

at any time during that year be in excess of one'

fourth of the combined total of the gross income

which has upto that time accrued to the general

funds of the Trade Union during that year and of

the balance at the credit of those funds at the

commencement of that year ;"

substitution 6 r*j {fl dr" A f y,::,!,,r. - llr .rt+contribution $ I f U, -r, o* proviso f'f jl n{ tt }U ,t*t tr

f ys tf brt ,rl g & * irt ,-t*, cJt- .(Jl +- lteir" 4l tr

{ U t o* c,t"l;-l UUt r.a.l aD J (i; uJs t t ffl .9 ;91 4'r

_ .E,,r& t"

rrb rs- vI - Lt" J Ou c,! 6.rar [ ,ir f ..t't' & \

L i - u.rjyl 3f dePendents ui,.. 6a r.r*. .lr.l ri ;LI ^l ^f f,r"

Jrf oLl;l L education ,, O*l - compensation tf Os:*

,.rlj,r^i uf orllr clp yl crLlril E industrial disputes L drlrr;p .

t"t ti(' b 1J;r

- drn K; f ,>Vs ..5 0l uo. fu e- Lrl - C.:r." J)S

- ,t" ! Lt ,r d9i, Ol sl"Lil lH rl

Mr. Speaker : I will now put the questiqn.

The questoin is -.

73 l8 pRovINcIAL ASSBMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [6ru ruNn, 1968

That in para (j) ofsection 20 ofthe Ordinance,after the word and semi-colon "general ;", appear-ing in line 4,the word''and" bc added and rest ofthe para, be deleted.

The motion was lost,

Mr. Speaker : Next amendment by Khawaja Muhammad Safdar

Khawaja Muhmmad Safdar : I beg to move :

That para (k) of section 20 of the Ordinance,be deleted.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : There is a substitution and, I think, itshogld come first.

Mr. Speaker : Please move it.

Malik Muhrmmad Akhtar : I beg to move :

That for para (k) of section 20 of the Ordinance,the following be substituted, namely :-

"(k) payment ofany expenses iocurred for anyother purpose notified by the Provincial Govern-ment in the Official Gazette, subject to the condi-tions specifi ed therein".

Mr. Speaker: Amendment moved is

That for para (k) of section 20 of the Ordinance,the following be substituted, namely :-

"(k) payment ofany expenscs incurred for anyother purpose notified by the Provincial Govern-ment in the Official Gazette, subject to the coadr-tions specified thergin".





Mlnister for Labour : Opposed


0l Jr u-- K(A) - )b vt+ - (t - Jr!!) J:*l J.r*, .<tL *. -f A ,.lod attractive .59-; ,.* eh .t 4 language {fpayments s# .,"+ r+t3 f. gLGl E c"*s:f S a tJ €.f) ) ,{ tt e.e(- ,set $ *t-} 2 L Lf oLt;l 1 0t r,l3o

,J)U FJ.r,t U Lb Al r5. .r)o pl '{ ^f O{ u urr- ss,c

)tt). - )b vt.a es(lrf 2-b or 4 L iri

they will be taken by surprise.

2.t" 6 rell.ra Jt 0l J e" up s-t"l o Of u S urd q e"5-

c-rF'. fl cr et)t+ ,*l i ,f-f rrLl;l 4gl oe ef o.a .Jlr

specify uel tK,ritrL g Lf ,ot-l;l 9i A s:tr e.tl.rl rf Al

-L) )f

Mr. Speaker : The question is

That for para, (k) of scction 20 ofthe Ordinance,the following be substituted, namely :-

(k) payment ofany expeoses, incurred for any

othir purpose notified by the Provincial Government

in the Official Gazette, subject to the conditionsspecified therein".

The motion was losi.

Mr, Speakcr ; Next amendment at No. 56.

7320 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [6ru ruNe, 196g

Malik Muhommad Akhtar : Sir, I beg to move :

Th at for para. (k) of section 20 of the Ordinance,following be substituted, namely :-

"/r" payment of any expenses, incurred for anyother purpose notified by Government in OfficialGazette subject to the conditions spccified in the


Mr. Speoker : Amendment moved is I

That for para. (k) of sectlon 20 of theOrdinance, foltowing be substituted, namel y : -

"rt" payment ofany expenses, incurred for anyother purpose notified by Govemment in OfficialGazette, subject to the couditious speci0ed in thenotification."

Minister for Labour : Not opposed

Mr. speaker : There is no opposition to this amendment"; it is caniedAmendment at No. 64, is dropped. Next amendment at No. 6?, now.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Not moving Sir.

-: llf'A aJ p:. Ltrr E;ri(.. rr-l !r.-1., .(I. - :* ;,,*

"The gcneral funds of a registered TradeUnioo shall not be spent on any other objects thanthe following, namely :-"

-: lC eI .--L. a{ t5,

",..,..9D any objecls gther than the fellowing :-':


It should be like this.

Minister for Labour : Yes Sir, May I move this amendment ?

Mr. Speaker : Yes Please.

Minister for Labour : Sir, I beg tb move :

That in line 2 of section 20 of the Ordinance,

the word "other" occurring between the words

"any" and "objects" be deleted, and the word

"other" be added between the words "ob;ects"

and "than".

Mr. Speaker: Amendment moved is :

That in liue 2 ofsection20oftheOrdinance,the word "othern' occurring bqtween the words

"any" and "objects" be deleted, and the word

"other" be added between the words "obiectg" and


- .5* g,g- oPPosed - of ,2r."t

Vt :l or" A u,:fJ .!;,i"'l oJ aJ =-tp

oio - )* fu_ e- t-$ r! ,rJ. cr ,^r ;ata hJ9;

,i:ji;li". ,5 6i(. gr'l i )+ ,rct.:;l ,3' ' oj-- .fu- oJr tif

Mr. Speaker : There is no opposition ; the amendment is carried

Next amendment in Section 2l at No. 68 by Malik Muhammad Akhtar'

7322 phovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wssr plrisrax [6ru ruNe, 196g

Malik Muhammad Akhtar: Sir, I beg to move

That provisr to sub-section (l) ofsection 2l ofthe Ordinance, bc deleted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is :

That proviso to sub-sectipn (l) of section 2lof the OrdiDance, be deleted.

Minister of Labour : Opposed.

a- tf, tl, .,f,l q -- Yle r;U" - (r - lr.Y) ,*l J-*a .-<t,ptL s heading r.f t-a: or)\s L &i dr" .(Jl O+* jr-; S- llr q/k" - 4r{ y'ti separate fund for political purposes 4l hl aji,i ..ra*to al iltt &j 3rr.":t .(l.l rf A tof !.: llri (r. y r ( , )

-: a gl hr K, proviso 4f "l

iL _ !b rrki

"Provided that the Government may, by orderin writing, prohibit the constitution ofsuch fund byany Trade Union or class of Trade Unions in theinterest of public order."

L u{ u f * r;tii + .}.r(- u.. grl - Yb tit+ii separate t{ e_ l"f tJ) Jl, AJ u!. (e_r) r I - yl3 gt.r_

l:(- tt rof riu A l: interesr de- yt d L ,-rtit d(*1,1constitution E i[*i ,,rl .:.j,(- *f g tf U, KJ q proviso )rl AA r3rl .qi 2 E ut hri .jI u")\r ! orr, 3*i s*f f


atf *t coostitute -rf .i:i ,rl .l t{ a- ,F f -q uE. interest

ret r, U9 .);;J g'interest .(Ui Ltil ,5 lStT 4{ lt - Ylr vUr

- UT 'ot, ,t-r* e?.- 6r. ,l.rl dtl 'l ' ,]* ':! ,jf ,"U

,rtl E Al 2 L J3i .fld e- ,.a31T .r-Jc 2 L maintenanoe

4 Defence of Pakistan

&t f public interest !; - (,.1t- t! eirl l(t ) t?a.t 1.j9

- ZAt c-s t*3.) rl .,J E d .rL 1f

uJJ 4s .L:.i.| eJ n ,r.^ta t l: YT ' i;l J.r,t .<t

fl rf *e(;, { .,J - !t3 vLi - u't oeC u' proYiso ^l or

.f, ,l ,f constitutlon of such fund ; l* $)P i Al" ,>",f*

,t e- 4 ,l.r .o 'such fund' 4 ar:(-

"Contribution of a separate fund for political


,3JT .(\{ 3^- ,p uJl{ .41 c,l.:tc. ,-[- 1el 6:# - Yl3 r-'tr iJ

Zt L ,slrti, s-t- - yl, vt: - ,Jdi 9. 961 1'rt+:' ,,#{ o

t4r Kr a.r{q 4l 14 L ,.rl 1el t4.r s;hl ,5 Lf P'tt j-Li c'ra'Jr

iS$ a Lrf kifi j-b a-t e-b rf 0J# ,tJi ..* e"t S

# 6 ,.l'!st.iri .r ,lf s,,! "hr vT { &f t'll -J k a-r

*l / .n:(. / od ta- ,8' ")rt-t - 15&t , ^itJt o"f yl i

- u* l,i f' E' vI fn ib ur' [o


1324 pRovlNcrAL ASSEMELv oF wEsT pAKlsrAN [6rn ruNr, 196g

- (r. ,J# lrr- J*U e - )Jii Ja.>r lrylf

.;i o! .f ..lf Unla ,.,.. - Ylr vt,r - ,>l .r.=. .St

.{ g1;tr .figrrl vT rf u"^ 4{ sT u} .-(lt _ ra ur+-

r,el .1a. CL ,{ 4$ ,fs sil C f e,tsti. ts.,tJ yl .ro. ;(-.lti -rt ZF d- f ,:*l &) ,slLn -J.lrl ,rd" Crjt;"| rel

..Ylr vk: - a dL. trJJJT.fl^l q rf u* ;4s 4f vT.lrl .r#BtL"aJ ,r.S tl tgsb ,5:J v*{ oi.oirt &i tf uE6 4ot3. 4r

its y .l ,( ,r* f ,.J &L ,5- rail .l(ilrl lr*5- U o..

,rt E .r&: VI - Ylr .rh - op ) .r; 45 voluntarily E Of

,clf u.oill ili ,rr'r L * uet ,irrlrr,rJr:. ,r 4.,.l .pl rortlrp

tf 0l JJI u3l d bg E iti :-*l ^rlst 4 oE Oetlez.:J.f .rlr"...{l ,5 L o;.. - A tI$ 6l consolidated fund UGI - Yl3 ytil;t:1 q os, gl - tilrlr uarJ vl -f ,rl u., sej ,5 ,irl bl.jf,e u.a { o"tr-S .f Ot ,. cashiers * L dJ#, &ri f kj Lf.trr, u&t JJI oed Jtrr tf ill olgif ol-ti ,lE ,{ 0l .fg,t t, ,SJtrt -rf ,tt e? € G{ s! g,ani ,rr & f dl ua.li.s

,o &!.1.(d ff e. LK) E ,.tf.r:lQ .r*1t - ltr vt",,: 3'r - s{ra

/ U - a ur# d .q*t Q: KJ proviso .r*Jl .pl u(- & u#S 0t Jrt #r? 13;) f q ,Ftr ot ,f,r- ,.t- .f Ot _ !b vr+0l * ! A ..U .(Jt .l st Ltr ,. r-.i ,.f .;},5 ;;fs, ,)t-r,,r. rrl - ,f.d tgft ,f ;tu d(lJ9d ca ef ,J) st€ }{ f


gF t- ^t ^f .lrn b{,q..- ,.r. Li, jtS,.l f 6r."i ,rJ - !t9 r-". l";

- -lq r" ,5 .r# .*lsrl .tt's).re oS + yl a' it.etl + ts

r,t3n r:47.-.r".. Ytr vh'(r -drflt,) 2J;4 J'tu' 4Tl1*

)t5?19r:;[ rtls.t^i:. ,lt6!l 4l L *'-e"(- 7rlf L proviso srl rd

j .r..b UT ,, ,:,tort, .5 '(t' fl " ^f a 6 '^Jb I rJ9"'+ll

4l )tty td e- ?F -tf eI - )le 'rU: - * 2 (J|.t'' r.,n- ot

2 f, 0l - ,"f- ) t* rr:' c'!ti=:il c9 t{ Nt trotJ #Lr

4l ,E &l L rli. .11)i' os..e'il 5 0l *{ e- c;.lL ,a .dl

a.r- uo. se$ruJl e u* ,rrl 4, Ll.r' 4{ 'f ""itJ u..S

-Atf U,,"+a.cs ol d- { c$ ,}f crLT 2 L A

A*. .t rf crp hf :[' .l 4 '2:'^" :til. f.P cf - !l: trt+

5 Ur 6r{q { - ,1s qfr gi, .5 pi .rt oo. drti o"'f a l;s

- d 4 ot Sf, r.l9J 0t tr i ,1r [f'r cr. #rl 3t'; 'f

;rl'.lf vT - ilr vt: - ;3;l; d)f 9t# siJti.' t.f ''t.l 4a" yl

*y yl u* zlb stsl -J - tjt" t'"r' tlrf uF 01911 ''rl s:l a-

+,tL.rl ft - e- t*t:f -d ,r llKit cri-' 'rl rf t='t" ',ori

bf 'rV t ,jf .,e, ,r:l ur u:$ 'd n sier 't3te .s.l:lq q td

.9a{q el ^(i-ra

ahe 6(J tE ufi 6t ,r# f: ( 'r:';rq or:3lJ

4* e. or-f e-xlLi dl L o*1* &i 5 ..fi' url'i 2' fiJ

.,-l - ,& * ,.ht, E, 2-.r4 J;jl f ', rfu s" 'LLJJQ u" Lrr

dXI,t q..-+ e# €r{q ,}f .I r* 'rl e€t u" erh a}


7326 pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsT pAKrsrAN [6rH ruNr, 196g

,/,S r*j u* aEl O& hri E er lrl i uiT un .(t. ,rt g.j,(-ai*ti K .r.r(- .rl>\at 6rf ,jf dKJ 6-qq { Ef ga.i yl

2 grl up t# + gre. &b ?lf L .-(l. u,"t $ ri al

tlti L .r-[.p JJp rl- - e_ &ri.. ,".t .(1l Z t_ 0l .:._t-

L O*l ,r &l ,lQ "rf' c.1s* dLi ,5 oe;sL- 6t- ot4 rf

{ ,*-g ts* rf g19o U6*.- ,Sl ,..r1 1s;" t-fl t.t J,,J^, cjl.. t ll,rolti ,r.:et.- olo- f,l u., .(. oi *f a Lsfl ur6l .:i1 gr.l Jt.;.

- fr. -H i it- qr .*sgg ur. .,r.- rf 0t U uJt+ 6r f

Minister for Labour : Question !

K--b rJ.p - craa ctllr.r+. rf trl ^l - )Jie lar.,. qllio9:rL" .l-[-,.r"..fu 15- 4- dt$ Kcrl ef A )r_.j.; i1Kl; rrtl

- *C eSgsi t5

Minister for Labour : who has brought the constitution, who hasbrought the.Political parties Act ?

- drr ktr vlrt ,sg.l *,*fl.4r$ _ )J;e Je.te {"lJ;

Mr. Speaker : I think it is not relevant.

)t).t .5 Ot - a .* J- ,rl eil*. { - )J;e J,r:.,r +l ftr,ltadl .j [T ef A tf !.: 3-x".- i r14lr ..i cll tf ,s*+;t

' - un(- 2 wt ll .t. 9f- I b ,r..


a.* .,.


Mlnister for Labour : This is not true. This is irrelevant. Nowhere is

it mentioned that these funds cannot be spent on election.

oj. - !t3 vl:t - dra t-.il *rr, - )J|a J,e.er,. 4"lJ-

-i 2- C* ,rl

"Provided that Gov€rnment may, by order

in writing, prohibit the constitution of such fundby any Trade Union or class of Trade Unions in the

interest of public order."

ef 4ljr b+.- djJ u.. =J.L. K (]'Jdr*l ,srl - Yl9 .-rl.-

gq,a;u 4l .r tS z rJ !, d- g rf 6+f .i;j u., r 1 Jr

Lr-t- ! q$ ct *fU "lf

g9 o#?' e O)2nu ed t .a-*

9f o)V1 o.l ".(.

I ,ot1B*il pl ".C 2 e.a- o* s)\-tr.

uitf df A Lr- g rrl ..tJ o.! 2-; 4-) € .-it" dl 4 *

r5d a. u.s:f - ,,:tr{ e" j.Li f JKi r'atrr a u:, ?.?

- J -l d*J - J:.-l ,;i;lty Lr{ C: jis 4l os - e-1 .(iL

a-.r.itJ dl 2 E. .rE.:rl L ,-;*{,.Fr, ,tS - ,satstt,s{ ,sS

,fl $ 2 19r +fs Lrt 4 L .,rcl 6(1 gar j(- ,f s3.li

jJe *t -f ,1it h) sf d A l.,itii e1 V ebli. L ftt'

,r.rl.,i rf etL:- L g*i g*-l tl L .f.?, kr ,-$ e L)t' ilidi dJA b*rr* ur. A- ,z:-ll- 9 ,sirl 4l , - ,5 f\ ,S> ,-f-l;

,/F @ i.ri 9rl e! q ' e.t { clre rtl'l '--le }'"L'

-L t;I

."-, ..,..'-lrls

7328 pRovrNcrAr- ASSEMBLv oF wEsr rAKIsTAN [6rn luwn, 1968

- Ah se' ET u,T - &;a,t 1;t

,retf ^t fl - 2- tai L tf - )Ji,a J.i, ie+lj;-,. t * t L tr {l.s J, - e- ler,4fi

- th s{il r j)tf e.- - c}to 1;9

8- c-F rfu f, .rr"i ,r$ -f sll - )Ji,? Ja.r*r rtlr-O.if &j ,J U tf t,.,st h; ,f ot S :^ ei .r[:rt 4l .rrt{ .rtJ .l$ f r.i .rl ot t{

"& L) fg { ,f vrf EOrS., .* $l* se2,iu Dl fr" ^lLr- .r[ L 0l rJ ,f-fS 2 ,,l.l u& f ,; iy u .rao ts ot"l 4- lr. hr u.. r.rrTtxjl ct d ssl f-r. u.C 4rt.r- f ,t."r ,.fV uif rlk .f 0l

L s,* i 't4 6 o+ A r:l sil"t - E- ua(. I {rar ,'.4 r.p.. u.. .:-t r. ,5 ,-fl. f o*r* &ri q;I rf V €:,$ r-.-tr o:*.. t-jl Jt, a, oll L Lr., - u.. A,: ,SU 4.

^t (fi. Oyti L .ff- "S d4r. c, rf g \.f gf ..16r erJi.

drA lti f ttf d-t* rf o! .5 0t q, 5i uJ) t3fr 61:1lt

- drl Jl+ f L\) ,Alt *. -f ,,r.l a- VS i_ u . €+f r? Jrl

f ,* .6^f t."ll ,zzt. ::-j-t ef dr. l\-f 4 d99r.r u.. ;,F.r

! ,Ei r.tii ,see$u .(tl tr 0l u3. .(1" o,.l a.f ot{ S-.t o'ri - 2 L i* $ a- 4r ., )rt a_. dl, *4to9r 7513 k r-.irl tr op SS .f$ €-h t* r. ^it )gi.


o.l - 2- ret:*. *i e-t- A L dl Or! ,tlr; tl ,,1r" flr"

- A ,F S &u ,s,ll r{ s{ o_rilr o t i :* L,pl- Z4f ..r' t t t.r, sib:i 4 *l 4 ?u,.. r-(l- grl - Yb rrl.t

2 *.3rrr1 J.{ 4 grl -,r{ Jy l+t3;1 r-q31l ,r*.;

- .# el siSlul 41 ,.. OrU oA dU rry ..,(, c t i 1. fbf o{ drl- f rv 0l ,S rJrr t *a* e. *. rjr .rL: u..

lL;i .1. r glt,eii L Oef oe tJ - tei lf T 21 o*) url dL-I L

sflu:l ,.rl i "h .5 t* - ter lr^ i!, c4. .fi. o,l o_ -ht

t *V ,;t f K p.at;t lj:. - 6 uo- c,sti S L! fr.t"JU L osysy re - ,9 ri e[ Gn ,]-rf ttg ;p(Jt .j>\;

L olysy o9 ef tf dsfr 4 L .r-tr ,ju-,{ {.r. q e, *.t - L orlj g;r!I ,5 rlrrsi. ,x. 2* ,yl $;-{ .*r cxiLi

dq. l{ V lW f prtr4t ti-,. 4 r/b ,5 ,",Jr J); 5,

- kt U et6,r s3e lJE.:il ,.rl L *. (rr.f A rL a_ OL seal

- o.l #1, Jta q oi9 .rl ,rk 4-2* - a- blU c.-- 6.rq! e.r

Obf - e- s;(- 3o *i t sat 19e.;l{ jJf ,5 F*, o.l tF slt31

t-e(- JJ) rJlrJ ,iy - j(. y $d r# u3, &i sU aJ 0tr(-

,jh *1 e .t'l - up ,.,i(. t" J! .yU ..5 p*, orl q.tF 6dl-r, L Ok Jq cli-. - se, ti tJl1,9i ac srlt r,r. gk*fq

6 r,tl L ,.x-. tb 4-Jb .S. (Jt. s$l ,,fh (,€l e+f ry4f e rfr dr.Jtcal 5 Ot f- - ,J-" J f *u 2l fE crtjt.l

E .e*l.t-.tr ..f rb r! 6;r ;11 - .5 ,r*, ,ptf 6 Lql get


ilfo pnoVlNcilr. lssBMnlY or ulest PAKISIAN [6*r ruNr, 1968

6s* - (Ab L) )f JKI 4 Lf '{Jr.i rf ..l#tql rrl )-rrtl

6jJti eel L VI - uq*fS ei ,,,l{ a3l ,:rl.1t$l q .,i ef a c"-19,i;,r r1

)ri lll.i;. - e- tl) ,f &)\- r{tJ e{ 6eall rr:} 4t3 L

L llt, 1;I - q" 2-s t" 2 urL f Jf .$' ?T tJ- qiL.;i

L2o)) L l* 1el r.l3;.ail ltri. vI cI! 4) ){ ,Jt! 5{ jei-

.r!tc dU.t-tQ rrl rrhi=- t" ,5 P*' u,.l i drJ" =Jtr )tl oN

- e- Jtt * l)- ,5 dt'il Jl all ,l+ k rrj rt vI * zs f

d- ,-,1..- jrl u,.l lll.r- - .f & qc urtf :f YI 1'ri + 'b.'l

- r.f gK ^l L vi jr.l ,.1>\' - { 2t:. 6 q e r*I ?? 4:3

t { $ tt L g,I dt- d)U )tl t5 $ ^J L "j cl' d)\o

c*19;1.1 ..c ?)l d4tC gy r.:.r'ti tI t'llrll rrl r.r.' git- E. tliJl 0l

c.,Ll.ril 4 L ci.3(- td - q'3i;r -t* i oll ot $ { os.t{

*5111 :r .g L dhl - .lo & [- ur&t ">u L ?T .,f

g rilrr.*, )tl $lrlb J" ,5 slL- .t #1, si e, '+t L

gt qf r9i 19 cf. .l4 .pl - e Ll{ ..:iJti- O^ .t &" Jrl

,f- e- ,.rt*il I .:Jt- d Jl a*' - d Ait'li { c#lri eilll-

.J; 9f ,:q 1g;11'o L tl-rrll i,f'J k'' tf okil '.r,rt

L n5

,)lrJl f e*i rl'l ,ral L4' e'3L E, 'Utill 0l - !b ../t+ [5- Jr;

_ r-rl. tif ,,1h_+ ..r,

S e- d" rf vI - ;*- ..rt.: - (.r- r#J!) o),.> .b,grl e r-, .5 ,r..Jt{ ;f )$-r-, )tl I"I4 ,, e".rG 6rL.


rlll*n A9l a1a lll L L* rj ,a.+il $s-r ,.p. .(L otl gA c,rt

drlrG 0l .t 6f.l qp .1t i 4 L Lf .:.!l-:r: cr#l .:.lGlrf qr:"r ^l f o.&,a 0l .f, ,rlrti. ,t"ti E rJllb vur -ff# .r.: - ,j(. L. r*C 6 ,.$ Jt crhj dL '5 15;,,( a5- d9o

**l UOfJ {4Ji L stl99; ,tl L1r'T ,g cr3;.7i1 ss>r 6r:Jq al

.9jt; ,5 er E r=,I -pl 6-r- ,5 J - &.3 L .,J { A 6

.Jt*tt U$ bl uc:.+rl y)-ra d ,g; rrt" ^l tf 'f - L ,.trf

8l .J^r uFJ )f 4- JJ) 6u.b t-rttril efl; e ,.:Yt- 1fluuqfft ..r:r 2 L *tU grt- Jll cno )5J-r sU. t) ,.r i:i n LL vT crL dL L url a- s{s L yi ,,Ft+f -* 6 LfJa, Al g e.[e i,.l t I tf t t.f r:*l Urf .ritc 6.r4k

^tOx{ 4 a, ,:;ro, y)9 vt+ ,r. - car 2f- f .t3V 15;.r.;tf , 0l

.:.1,G crL. {Ll* L'l. V ,.1 -t" .ri,Jl-, .t ,41 ;,I )d 6 {E or'".+ll )t), *4 - "C f

lsil f 0l tl" L* .rJle i- ,rrf ..(*el .:,>\,L. L s.-* ,ral r/T )a - !F?9- c{. oJtt

r9;.Jtt L L* r:l;t =l €t 1l r=,T {.f bT Cd { cl. s4c..., gs4a

cr)\.t . E ,sean )tt? t;i) ZL {) ,rd dti i 6t.l 3 ,r.l

,rx L* Lt^ L crl.ltgl dtl - uAa Lf ,.rlit.r. ol9i.. otj4 ir!.

ult+rl ,4rs Jr {:ii L .,J *f dJa ,.rjt+r ri- s:. { ^l

.r"4 $ti 4 oltil L Oeilr-G r: .5 Urf f{ ,>rS L r.tc .rG.

- ,5 *nt f ,U 1l.r; r..iL s-L- r5'4 ,rL g1{r 5 ! .5 ulf

,{ &,=l pa -ra A 1t... o, { K *-& 61t.o - r&- 9U-

rL J) .(tl 4 eT ti.-fi- { tfl .,gA A-s fi.r a- drL

c,l.lgil L p-, orl p. .ritl ,i G* J Jl.r:il r i *.1.)14 L :,T ^f u* a6s q F" ,# - Lt{ *i el*=t t;il ,g

i . -.lrrtuli.Gi


7332 pRovrNcrAL ASsEMBLv oF wrsr pAKrsrAN [6ru ruue, 1968

o.re. 4 L[.b ..,+ L* Lq o$.ltt us-t- ! u#.?,1 )tty )i

.rijtl ,.r-t* u*f oet a, Ut*J g*{ .t A t.f .rr+ Uf kflr*T - a ltsrf ql { -J , +t" .Sl - tqr qri =lj )frrl uaa )j,-9. )jll si sfi1-- r ;ls qLr- e-h c-h .r! E.(J 4*. 4, o1lrr,.fL e-tl zh L 4y ,.rl ssl a. At j-o\. Al L J - a_ qf tdti l.r:; { 4ss o-tbf Z L

6t- :t rrt ibu eI 17 s! - 2- tt tdtl i ilrs ;3bu r?Ol -J gSJ e,d ,ri 2 L LgJ s4! strr yT i t qt * Lf2 L ir{ ,>aai ,.r+il .lrl 4 L Ltf Cful L5 de-?.rl 1t)jt

- LID ]2.T 2.L .rf ,j &.*L.

rrlie ,r-[- 3j -jt- ,-.('lt ef A plc e1 rf VT - ,'(-- .rU:

.{l K c,9.:1 ,J-[* t,rli teal L t/T Vrf telfl oJ*? 2 L

i jrQ ,-t.- o:,;l 5 C ^f ,',.,, /, + tf ;-l tf - e- Ut-t 6-.-itr .(1l - e- t.f Jrt- a, ,J.)I .'r^ -(ll 4.lr.l kfJ4SJ

-1rl Ji**(i tf 'rl -,Jt^ 6r-9: J3l u.a Lrf lyt oJr; z .tri .(11

rJ3.-3'l )F). JL s1r, 4J - q,:a Ztt 4-.r 4*5! L L€4 ,). .rfsA

&l o ,F:- t L;ro J.:.i. ,4 .:lril Jl u.:."il )55)t - 4 gff.r ur.

o:t1j ,r:il ,-r\ L dl - ,ro ,f* :{ t.f." J.f cr\Sl* 5 4 LVf

,)it-e | 0l - ,.( rf klfl \ls: ot3s-r{ oe a{ * .,r.C *t.3i1

L* Ls, L .Iit-l )Jrr'. .,itntrt .t )tl u.6 {r-r .,3tttit

.rtl - ,str{ } tf cr)\.t*. 4l - ..r.,\ 1b' g't}i Utl *4,f 0l crL yr +?f r4 E ,,rl ,:t:f rstfl eL3i.1 2 L :r^rl r CNt{ [4,*.- .lt i (r.. u.. c,!U o)9,r9r O(J 5 ,J.(. 1 ,**

4 L Jeli. Jl ^dJJ gf ef g9r Li^. .iJL lrl u€"?.ll .,1:i'

tgjt ,r.31 ,; r-tl r-;!tt L o.l L ,>.9*- ,# ,.1 f Wft

- L Uf *+ Uf .rltc dtJ-tqtt


4 Af t., Al .+-tr 1-\ir r't' l"l1l- ,r3ll - ,(*- r7U1

5 pi al tt t Ji.";l )t\' trel ,&' ..fl' s-f L lild

.it. ,lil ,-li k dU ,ij ,;* Ur lLi )$t - L u'!c c9qtl

,*. 9 ,>:a. ,5 O!$5it - q' 2-S f l:l c!r-f pl ,ritr;il ea'

b tt r.lri ,su tt@ V g; e ,"ss q' '-(L ,F * L

,#fr* K trl rt d; c, f 0l ,5- ossssv F .-$ ?? JJI - t5.

., -J ., .S At" r:e?., ^r f C E d) qc 4- d-

- E sra.r 4 b$t a* s-,t srt u^. G'i tI fy 'pl .St'

A- Ol", V e; 4n- rtat crtr-t, :f dJ:'"'l $):' .-* oh:

rlU 4Jb rf ,Jr. ter Q 4l .f v-V '>:'*' S)9 t+kt .r'

6rte E, 4r stlh r,:t 0k-lr-r r-rUel ifl 0L-b t/T )tl 0lrl

ulrl dI b 4 pr.s Mr. V-V-Giri .lrp .,jti f, 4k-3J r - cr\r

u.. .St E, rrl f q. * q .,J tf - k' $e { o&l+i

2- f9r )-r.u i a-tt' s:\- s*{.re{ /; )t|i' ,}tf .-$ {,Jr. Uf5- cIt- ;f .til ut. - F..- trt't ' 2- t4 iit 't c/r.{

rl. 4so L OU*fq ,i,.' L1l' ^fl1 t4r' - ttC ar u^t'' L$l

.t $ 9 Ls u,rr al L &Jt" ^6t f A: L1Lil ce ryb fxl

P f 0l or L* -,* r..{ 2 L a1l'.' t5 o3aeili' 0l

L>rf ,f; p)>. t; L v ssr* ^I) q. a-s f ii:f ,5 i-.rf

6tfti ,, fl (e- ti[ !r .rf .lrt & U ct:' ,]" ,Sl tf u,"l

rjnJtt L rJrl 2- trt" !r ,f '(tt o- ,s.,{! ,f 0l ri drr c4'

6rljl rf ill rrl -rA ri 3r.L. 4 tsti)stt{ ,5 0l ':'F ft

grl r:t Jl -;*t n ,-f ri *cl Urf ltr U U-lel l;',e€ a

- 4- t t" !) C# 2 L t;\ &" ;' ol e*i L 8-tit' *ftttl

. t.i -(T 6' ;trsl E.0l )tl g s tt' sel J{ tlslr rsU:"| ,fl


7334 pRovrNcrAl AssEMaLy op wEsr pAKrsrAN [6ur ruNe, 1968

- cn 1i5 6:Sl J.: &ii L /tl clf:.5q .iI ,.:rni;3 -f Ol idr:.?il 195)a ,s;. il.te t{ 2- ^I .[.o jrL ..-ib .dt K f*T

tF s.lL €" oJ.+il )tt). ai5 Od - z!.b U9r u^{-i f}r,- t{62'9) f oal t:o ual 3; l) .Jr. .rL Lr1. u^D ,s&) .K*-krs. 41 9i u,.. )tl u:a #Lr ),J-r jr6-il L 0l +t"r-r.C sr:f. U&! Jlt-9 {J*e silfil u.! L 0l .5. dr.Lsb .tt:t. Jit-3 {r-r sitfil Lrq L 0l eI ,fl - r-!..

lltufq - fr,t / tf Jr*l jiU.y ,5 dk*fq tj-r. r;I nortt)a ot' tttc 4-;Lo 4 2 f J:.-l 6){-r. .5

;f * slr.i .f ,frrl, ejtilK .g. rl.r; ,5 clrrlrf: .:l.r; ,5.J.l ugt 4-J:itri L dl t.f rf cl,it4 ..e*. 9T A ort;j tS :ly)gu rf e- ,rttri ..ltr * ,yl - u:a i* 1&, Ll. dlrll

e! r11J K cll e- qri r9:r s.. ..(L ,al i )* ,r-t^- { di."rltJl. 5 L.firt tf A \f €:" L sr. lf [*^- rjql! L L9n

)tl jtt tf 0l r: )tl L 1y =. -.i { 0l ,rLt lV. .,; .(i ,=.f

- tr L) rf crt.t.$l e-, ,-i>\i L osss:,:. f, 4.f A L6f r1

e(lu 4o[ sp1.i tirf ,riaa $U L dr."jl )tt). q - )l-e et;.2e< 0Q - ur. Lrf ,.raf ,5 2*{s st> tf r.7l*-.irJ ! ;ti:il g,} rl

otf t*:Jl .2:. .irJi .f =-L, r::*.r $3 r-rt; a ,>Ll*3 .5 i;Id!-q! ui'3. uit*t u:. - - - - - dlJ.r:ltd j-r. !l3*r.-I r'i orl .S {{ -,J a- .}rtt Gh srt orL .t o)y)it af g9o l€ 2 ,rt

.5 osjer{ dref'Y - g /Kt )l r:-11 L[c t{ osss>s. J.c jrt

- e- !h *it.Li K:.r.l.i 3 :,:: -f 0l L .=,T r91r! L L9s gt. .rlr*i

?a - af * a*Z{t ,31*il 4-11- ?? u.a )tta. t )-r*. o5

..6tU dtl.Uq ; ll; 5 vT ri .rrf eo .:t1j .ir.l rl.r*i ,5 0l


'proviso upl dtl.L{U #* rrt ,sru 4.jl; - .5 ,Jt" el6 rK+ trl * a. q" ,F .5 'r:-r .riKl *'

gJL- 6 fr...r, .-r^il tg il- L c'Vtsr. Jl - !13 .-'k^

-d, vf

url - Ylr l*t+ - (,r - sat.f) GUlt fbl )t^r,., .i*-}i, L:Gl .ql E. el a tsu,l t !,,,1 g proviso r: rl cr, drjti

Z{: ,** Cl., .Sll r.5- - a ,jI } or ..5 ortla. i .}rU a- 2- t f !t . e o"l 613 llr 4\ t# rr-t- .(lt Jrl yb

L o.l .S 2- ,.jjt:3f s:il ,I,NS al olrl r1 - !t3 .7u;

j-t" r. o3{ $tt .d 3$l tr 5rr-.r. ,5 aal )f )rd- L f* ,.1n. l(L orl Utq { Ul- Ltt *f or! tqrl ur. - ual

Uq 0-"Jl .(ll I L Ll1-- e,UtL. 2 L .rl.rti. L ortsy

ft - L,it ! JD c.t 4 0l r.!rL lb L oilra S 4- 12;

c,kr[, -f ol:+a lte ,.. ..(t U f a-1lrl s*f s* .fl.

u#en +lrr ,jf i- -J l:LLrtLci-K7;J'*,r2- o3.1lrl A or$-r. - L ,.r+f )D). .(ll ,iT - f,r. trfOri t{l rrt #t5 .r Zd d '* { J ^.f A Uf t* Lf

$ r.'.r )f ,bK dd b- ot7. dl ot - df &t- cr, f 4-)

l'prl d- l{ { ,.rl -{ vT - .f ei e6- ct. e,t-t- o3 )tl df.VT -rt A ^l4U 6t- [- Oef ,e 2- d)\rl L Af ot - 2-

! r" ,.srls .t ab #S 6.u{q i ozrrEr .(1l .t A q) ,y t{.ry .::.-t- Ef l{l *d a o*. 0.r,T

"ilf fl oi - ,a ri

pi 2 E e.tc st;. ulf, t' u." { -i 3i Ata t{ r.*-

)5: Og befl e .:.-te &u :l)t sl. - A- .r.(- ,-{q t{Oru { 2 E Orj>t 61{2- U di-;il ps.r rl;I i- vT

. -,. -;ILESTAEA

7336 pRovrNcrAl ASsEMBLv oF wBsr pAKrsrAN [6rn ruxe, 196S

,o ef qt conduct rules L i^.j)\. 6sfr { tof A_ !t+r,-- K F-i sS q. di-[- fj>t cSt{r 4l &*i LA 0iti K osysy lt rf q - hefJ qC (ir ,j:f V 4- sr.t Lf aad rljl n " - up u# fjX' f. e.,j .prr. pl'

Lf jt.f .$;.r .lr- Ql - up Lf ltJit .:.j1. ,5 Lr€-r. ,alf J i a-

"fr. &L r*.r u|s{ tf 6l e ,.rt ft s! ,*Uf ir. f r*.r ,rt .t 4 L .r*;. u-r $ z h*^C 6 [f

{t: a- sl -f ,rt;,[ 4 kot-

L L:. d uilellf qf r.rl5,{l 2 L r-,. ri. jLi - .*. .}*- A ,.;/b .5 c9t*' y''

The Assembly then adiournedfor twenly minutes.

The Assembly met at 7.30 p. m. Mr. Speaker in the Chair.

Mr. Speaker : Yes, Mr. Farooqi.

.r1l - lle etr - (,r-.61f ) gir-rU dir I )1ezt ,2*so. ,t "L L oe a- r3.,L;T L:3letr.ftl & * Lrf llp .ili6''

,I Rules of Procedur" ! l;L. r7l - d9o [:ato. ,rit.a; 4 rt ;,T q*

c*. dl .d Z e'19,c o*21 ,;f qf - .f" .$. Ja f! 4 J*-l

C,ti Ltfl (,5 ,r*Jb pf K Olrl s,'l tf 21 t- lJi ,*,i ^t:

- L *t ):?t' ^&$ ,r":I gq ,'r s Lb !r fe ,r e4 y-,xr 4 9f ,o'I a- cJt+ 1.7.t - -5* ,*(.rnri) -Lf S4 ,f vT )ttp al attiea Q-l .rf [f - L s&73*"

bt ,f i* ^t cry - Ytr wt+ - jttti dlel t3,eo .29,.*t

L l.jlv.T cf r,l9iu IJL tr L)L ti Ott { Trade Unions r,J af U.Jlr'I ,al { 4- eo., )t) sis o,"l -ra d.} q cl. srl ,ieq. .J, L sa;,er, ,J,- .S 4- sl-tl,:{f u$ .rrl gflr ,,l5l ,* ,fr i.h


.. ..T._"1

,5 url*-l ct. .-li E o.l )tl J. Jt+l sj1 lJs )# sfLrIrl 4 oA s+p ,5 rt , I #st s# t9JK" ,€ Jt"'u^, ..(L rrl S r;rr U.t" frea* 4 .& $l q. - 6 -f*U3tf pf o4f! -{ s * o-t- K tsstt:y ," 1Y l:.'* .(ll.ra[Er,:il f .:lrr .,3r. jt.f ,.ral t{ grl 2- tif l.r.g i-t),t Lf 6.i f pal a-ta .t 1'.{ *a. u,+ E tts ! cy

{-i*t bJf ql t? 4.f 1ts? ^t *t - 2- c1/ O.rr! ,}fA- 6f &L .gp:.r. Lf ,sjxt r f t4 .-(i c[-l a, s/t&l

ft f ,). )t5, s+f Lf oszil i: ,jf ot a 4. unt ,ft4..-

"1. oiKajl t-f kr!-l ,5. it ,.rt e, ,i,z eillKtr; .r1l

..r.t" uf rK ..r+l J-f V .a.t" t{ ;K g,"t- ,}f k .*b t{

,r,f ,5 tjr trt yI .s- U Uti L ..-1, etl-r;. - llr vut

)1 ,;r [fr Gr.{tr ,}f ,5 p- o.l q. deiti L o:rrl ,Ja,1ll-s fo,,lt, ,S.tL ,ral 1el c>l)11*l 4sl- JJI ,.JUi 61L ,'11 c4'

Lr( J$ *l .r {d t;l 41- - 2 gt" t} .}rt 4t - V Ot 24-2-5) rJ .1.) drr Uea* t l .i-e =. 0l q. O(J - .41^, ! r*..f! r*n .*tt t s;e s;ie1 ,.rl L.=,I rj,- ef (trt- u^rJ L[. .fl.

,F * rJltU rl;f Provision,rl J".+.^(i o1lrto rraer ir', fl q

"16J fdtr .::,>\(i ,jtf ct. oA .pl 21 ta1 t6f $ L ,Jfra'

atlta -Ll. Lrel sUtr:ll s,1. .(t d.l c(I lt l.l , 4 et lr1- #T

!f:-fr"r alp uE, et lrvrr-rvo -LSn.:,!ti*Jl (JA. dU'J't:o +ld *

r.lk-fq Gf q e t 16 r &r E i4 612-f t{ .,al - Lp rrlti*il *'.rr!E:il q. rlU.Sq ,i"* cf .r Ioa - L* olttil r;ln'

,dh" L ,.lr.r.JtJ E Labour unions ua, oqt-:il lE bl .Fl -L*

5 o3{ rlrr'.1 )try - 5 Frt, ;ir ,7t tob .,3 { dl

7338 pRovrNcrAL AssEMBry oF wEBT pAKrsrAN [6nr ruNe, 196g

4 eie orl 4{ S z* e- ,}cl-rr Ot ., ft _ ;f qd t{.

a pl ,Sh a*J c1.j o-t2{ ,5 eI y *^ A,r Lf orti:-l t;9,1

sss* 5 r.*f ,.rl ,*. e 1!1r ef t*[ rf tJr. q,.1 glli9L l*t-{A uAC ^K ,j-rf o if Llit gt &. - lle ,-,r^- t ,-JL r*rL ojs t + .4. jl-.I ,5 11l .pl A lk;t U:" f Ot *f A-l

"1. ,i(J-a{+ #.{ 6it L:t:I 6 dl -a ^4'd+.ots.l ,5 oylriiB .4 ,h ?T rf f ,ssf ,f* q ,jy a tll,

t* L r.lral;r 2K ,* ;9 ,rl qD Lf $*SU {. rrle4t

bl fl r*T .f" 5 .7-", q ltlt o,,t -J / L .:tr;u- ,1[

E OL ,.rl S t-) c)tJ,. tf Ol 1f ,t1 n cf" ;trri3 L!5 !r- E Otlssi q. - q. c.11.l r& cry d- t. 0l r-ri df,ll.rJli E rrl .* S9l V 9a o.rij V* i SSsi. *siij,*f tirf ,nni .rq

{ orrl ,5 ,Jaili L .,j ,t i 6 [ o.f J 6:tjT ..t.,St -,j ti ,5 st:y 2 ,rl - { e-f ot f e,b Uf * *..r:,lti vT L u: ,5 dil$ti. Ol dt r*I .lr. kr5- ur. - df qV,rf vI 2 E.:tu- 6 or- E 0a Lt o9&ls2 ,- 1{ :-.2.p 0l qr,Jt 2\f otti- 5 o9i- L r.ll _.,1 9E 4f g"&) rl. irt#l

i,";lJi ltr t c(L 1el 6rilei s9sy.-,J /"t s.t;ti- d ,.le"fri) 5'

s{t ,et a!:{ 0t j ,s:tl E. .csefe! g,.. 6- ef Olta o;a* aalj2.tl'. 1J 0l yl s-|rl. 6 cll .rrl f Lf e)* ,S- ,*rl { ui*I- .ryf. 4, tal1 draJo L 7.,L st ; 6stjT t9y*a ,J Jl stlr.:t1 al ,r1. (-ro d ltl d d9o Uit" L[. &A _ !19 9t"-!lr.G n - A- 4;.1tt .::,y 'e^Li ,4el t Ol ef ZL-l _,4f, .-fuI

cl. +ao.- r,5 0l ."tt j5t c1" Z-r" )Vt- q. 4 E rrSi

.t )41 -,* ;W ef o! ;[ oitt .s sit! $ s1l _ A c46i ,riT

Y u^ri 4 0!j ef rr[ ,5 rr^ .r & r ef .r! ..f !t{j .eg. 6t1j,


JfrLl ,71- L vI ft Jrl qr etr,,* J5- OUj .f gitJ ir* ,s - q.5 Lht.- -rf -,J .,et .itrj .9 eirl'ti.il 3i t-s Alb cf lSL o.l

0U .* pt - ra. & ;. ts)t.c L t#- ?T f rrQj or:

f 0l ,1.-iljytr -a' Ufr. lti6o3 K d 2'5 pA * .t .J A r: .r, 'e.1, .l ^f ,.Urf lilJ ^J .i7 (# ;T

- a- hf g or*L dpl .2513 sn. e-s\ L o+ {

LI L ,-(jL* t .,* .-(.- .l* u.l

JtaU. s oi Lt ro r /c s tE r Jb

'r3U .5- LF - ;r!- ./t+ - (irtr ,tl dill .fl.) c:*o 1)jtl ,-1. r.letb e.*; t; $ al ^t tei Ut, q. ;.jfr

"i{l J .r)\:i.l qr}Trade Unions # + c4. "rt.r. -r,rl - r*i 1*.r o b 4 ef,g arr5! 4i. iso et or)\e 5-l -

"*3 ,rrl, JIJ .f" Act, 1926

- Ylr vta 6Q - "re, ).1+s. g;.! { .,jp q*. Trade Unions Act

,#A e. erll.r ef a lLri L ..i>\:it '-'.i- J'ti '.f L"."

l;t{ ji s# .$, t.tey c4. OiU url O; e1 e(.- ...(, r I ! 1 .

91. Orti ,.rl cy it11 ..9{ 6a uli o'"1 r,(^- t€i lh Ai lLI€ OS:f ,€f *t- ce. (JA. VlJ? t o"l - sfsa ,yte *11.t* .5 SttS

er i1. 1i tC lh Oi onri clt.-T uif r-(! ot 11. a et tr1 fl S

rlt -T Urf 4 u,.l i 2- ,rf JlS .5.1 d t? .(, CI 4

,tf e { 3{1 g.-r>\:;'t v} 'f rJea k4'-r" 4' - 2- lh eiOa ,.rl .-rg .fr, 6l c;. .(L g,"l rf E -t .{t' ,Jtt'..(1l ,.rgl

- r. tf t f dt-+*l ef

orf *l f ,F 6 eC dt*:-l +.? - sJie J"oi, .l9i- z ,.{ gfl

7.340 pRovrNcrAl ASSBMBLy oF wBsr pAKrsrAN [6ur ruNn, 1968

r',.- ;91 t{,3 l2i..ri i .-i>\sl r-r. } .r3ti r.7L; - &o 1)2cf. dru J ;] .fl. v*{ L t;r ,..;I rf .,# ,5 r.it 2 v-V,.r+lt s{ p:,./ ,ll .1. n cJ Shl u^. e-s\ L .lrr:r. .5 .;.i ,rl

t L tjr rf { orf (i)o ct ri,.t.j. 0l ry -.{ Oel ),rif JtS ai: 6)tt 4 r*. cJrU f sestt). dl4 q" 4l r$U

,,rl L d3,ail - U,yi L,f )t?). ^f q" lle.ri o9 ,rl - 2-

- .I qt' &'rj J bt' w tl|q

q^ L.t L-t f d9:.7i1 19)2, ;lj ollt.:il {J ^.f .4*Sr gT

tcb s ail)Ll all pl g:r,o 2f- U; jii .*11 os)\c L 3i r.Ji: or rf

.t L t.f qr proviso p q. d., &i - (Jlr j(- f dt.':-t A L

2..V aal otigl u,a4 d3r5 - e. l"{ .lqv-- 6)3-f 2 drl

:tL ,ril3 f +f t Lir.t lYtl ef sti. L css:*l )tr, t" o- Z*ef T

Lf dtd-l i yL;it-U f 3;i L ()rtt). Jrl q. {, *L f

si S:L litlti ,rt= L fi o?l t{ e* )J-.}. crtiK.l L rr; ,,lal u--

[.-.- Gst:i e7lLa - ,-n 25- to 6)itl)il L rf dt,:-l f :iS

*r1:; - llr .+k? Lb t*f: {. drU t{ # vl ef 2- tr')tt, L .-.3,(- rf a- t;Lri L ,-nlc o1'- pl cr)\:J'l g'. > JF

rfl frf A uitF'f{ -{) li . o.l e{ st.i. L o))t)).;rt rr9*7rl

U f L:os spsi. u.S ^f q. t{ 65 t{ 'rib pt1'r:1! l-r! rrl ,ril sy rJl.ra. s-t* tJ tirgll f 4-riLj L 6'"il )t))' ,s*faf A r"f eJqa tf r:,[ u/l )tl - 2- G( s^ c''! 6(" U

- A h u{ $ oslfu .ti A h .ro K J*-t 9i ai l*o; sst.t ,-i.tf

1)l o. J-.-l g)i - tif ql.r dliil .s ,tl.Fl ,-rl L 0l q'

cl. yjto o.l orao f, lrl - (.,,l1! kl; f O3P5). r" qD dlr-..

L ?-t, rrrtgi Jrt ,.5 rJ? Ut. l.:t2 1:o)t g2l .-(l ,O ci-9 g"l

-,1::r '..E.r;4.ry.,


- .4. 6(.- i $* L sslj.c ,s ill U tt ort il uE J-F ,s1lr;ar t..a1 )ttr,.J - A a_ uilrf {r- Jsl .r*- Vh tl.,u t|;;1"r

,+e t eijt q. s.F df !k*5- k st.fu .pt q" f:s sssy.fiU pll - e-l ./t+ cry. .:.3G ef,,. /* .Jt- *" - ql Ju ,l

- t-s Jti .rt L+ L )..i- (Jt. q - g $: t,A.

qlle- ,?frb )s wi-4.rr- -rd- ,rfti ,+- .fu. :l &,. ,rl)

. (L* 6f':' ;

- C. A-l t"rilir4 E All Pakistan Confederation of Labour .3

2*l c1. cll4. s-tr b.r I. dJi."il )$u $ z Ua *l a tlc4. 0l+. 6t- e \r rI A.r"lh ,.rl ^5- ;L c.-1) U ^l .pl q.UrJ .lt'rb a*l U 4. Lp .r!U J-fU ,a4 A i,(.. Uf tr 0l

- A lir. Gttsc 1el 6jY Ur" K dJ ,5 rri ,r,l Jll - crr Ll" .5n

l\rlr. Senior Deputy Speaker : I will now put the amendment to thevote of the House.

The question is :

That proviso to sub-section (l) of section 2l ofthe Ordinance, be deleted.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Next amendment by Malik MuhammadAkhtar is not moved. Amendment No. 70.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : I beg to move :

That for sub-s€ction (3) of section 2l of theOrdinance, the followiag may be substituted,namely:-

"(3) A member of a Trade Union shall be

bound to contribute to thc said fund and such

contributioa shall be made e condition for admissionto the Trade (Jnion."

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Amendment moved is :

7342 pRovlNctAl- AssEMBLY oF wEsr PAKIsTAN [6rn ruNe, 1968

Thatfor sub-section (3) of sectioo2l of the

Ordinance, the followiog may be substituted,

namely :-

"(3) A member of a Trade Unioo shall be

bound to contribute to the said fund and such

contribution shall be made a condition for admis-

sion to the Tradc Unidn."

Minister for Labour : OPPosed.

jl. ,yl ef t*"- - -t.r., .tL: - (r-lr.!) jtl Ja-. .-(L

r: f r. j5 separate {l UatL" f. r r f, e- ,5a rt c"-1 c^.. dlrll

t,J (.,riK 14 proviso tl - L ,1rf constitute f f nolitical purposes

Lt f x{ , lt; .:,i(- ft 'S e- ,Ji9n ',*l

cltlj .6 ..-1,, .r:.il - lle .7k- - Gttti fli9l )J,,e-r ,fu33111 ! A 13;ilr5:il

- c1&t,| a =-V r:il '''(I' q - ;** &3 .W ;*

- ,r ira Pb Je s: - Fl J^'*,. *.(t'&r,i 5- proviso ,.rl ^f ti to; ,5- &:s 4 uM - ts?' t/U"

&J3u JJi d z t^J rf JrL ;tt:il 2 L ,;'l { ea constitute js r:

oti raise ji:i 2 .f political purposes ot t{ r.f rt 6-qtr n

ct e- ,;f JKr Lri t? ,g Political funds wt:t wl ' L Af-: ef a- 4l

"No mcmber shall be compelled to contribute

to the fund constituted under sub-section (l), and

a member who does not contribute to the said

fund shall not be excluded from any benefits of the

Trade Union, or placed in any respect either

directly or indirectly under any disability or at

any disadvantage as compared with other members

of the Trade Union (except in relation to the

control or maoagement of the said fund) by reason



of his not contributing to the said fund; and

contribution to the said fuod shall oot be mado a

coddition for admissioi to thc Trade Union"'


lri rtr qrJ, { j.i,i .;e* ii ry ,rf s q' i{ el or stot

.f L !: Jl, 4l q. r o erir L O9r;t - - e' ^J 1ol(.

"L,t r, ffb gi constitute -!; ,yi* -tri N welfare of 'Labour

Uf:l -[1 separate political ;I5 political purposes 4- ttr tgf )lt ^l

i 4-r" t*f* fl ^t L ,f ,-;g restriction i crl JJI tr Lt?

political fund d"i, .i;j ct t{ 4-t f 6.lb oll'ro f u.S

tr -f r. s*f ".5 A 4L:a )tl 'ltl " it f qc du

€ 5- r" tf (* )t* *l i * r;el '.;':" g #r &'i !''l

A political affairs .- 2 L id fl 4-f contribution 63 'd,rf, r*r political fund o: fl ur*r ,rr:rU L ,,rl - Lt" \{ gSu ;l,;tL 1jl ,rlst,r lU ,^J L ,* L Ai:i. :-h -f d , Uf

l{ ,.rl - q{" &t - td dl.r.-. -fi, ra contribution ' L o* J,'v

&) * Cfu E* L[.rL dei- 19l '>teta 4{ L )':" )h-r, *i: - llr .7bi y - C" Jirl' t{ ril.r.*' ,('r L Ul

-: A tof substitute C}*;l L * f

,"#,y"":,Til:'i: ;:"::,.i",:; ::fl #. cootributioo shall be made a condition for

admissioo to the Trade Union."

uS n -r,^u rs $ z t{ y.F 4 L cl' - !13 r;ua ,r:'1

t.5. dtt is ,F.r*l t{l 2- O+* n-i rl .pl * tr { 6;r &i

-n "!r J* o, d fr. qt* l.l ,,i.f 6 AE{ .*. ,il f riA) at f,9n ,r.j! A E sal ^$ tf contribution o..' fu

di! + -fr - yr, .rL+ ri e-s{ contribution ,# *f *r r-Kttrr

rrii { i e- hf .{. F} u{l L L*,. 'S t'"" Lb !: rl.lp



Lf defaulty' ct {f tr&* sel^l *ets*dal, tVf 2lt- L ,tt &i od f b{ -. wages 6[ .r.t .rr q ]

- Lt .stMr. senior Deputy speaker : I will now put the amendment to vote.

The question is :

That for sub-section (3) of scction 2l of theOrdinance, the following be substituted, namcly :-

"(3) Amember of a Trade Union shall bebound to contribute to thc said ifund and suchcootribution shall be made a condition'for admis-sion to the Trade Union."

The motion was lost.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker: Next amendment at No. 71.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Not moving Sir.

Mr. senior Deputy speaker : Next amendment by Khawaja sahib.

Khawaia Muhammad Safdar : Sir, I beg to move :

That in sub-section (l) of section 22 oftheOrdinance, after the word ..Unions,' occurring inline 3, a full-stop be added and the rest of thewords be deleted.'

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Amendment moved is :

That in sub_section (l) of section 22 of theOrdinance, after thc word ..Union" occurring inline 3, a full-stop be ladded and the rest of thewords be deleted.

Minister for Labour : Opposed.

(4, r r &i(* - Yle ,.;k- - ( r -&r([ -) -SJie J.tu 4"lJieqL.- E o;4lt )!))a oe tS Z t.f !r .1t+il 4 ,f sl-i*:s,

^f gp ,sl.1l$il * sC sa; cr)\c L oA si *f .JtJi ,sg otf jbf dJ,b L rrl q. L ,.i1 *l- t 22t ce rJr: or:r+.ri f. (t) 05a- 1,- pl A 0"1(.1. ,.-rl

glte 19; ol.r;6:(.- e.,,


{l U )J'i ot .f a tJ [r -f t*V Jl':-"J .rt#ll ^l

.5 .:rUL.- E 6.4f )t\. sS 4;i L ,il sS =. c/t";rf o.p Q7.- o.:!j LtiJl e; ,4. gr.l cry, 6tl - 2- 6- f .Jt i.ff a- tf tJU{ 0i.(.- al .rc ,,fi rs+ lrl .Jl. t47- GSS.tc *r-ii- L c,\. ltirl y 2- L:(- t U5. ls1l sol .r'l L,.rl f ,-fi

-: q. L r,; url Lli)l el - q^ .{ }r{ Lf

"The Registrar or any officer authorised by him

may inspect the accounts and records of the regis-

tered Trade Unions......."

-: !f'J LtXl stU )tl 2- U{ :l-t+t Oi al L q

"......and excrcise such other functions in that

rogard ar may bc prescribed."

A-t -f .r.-lr )ljL*) c,llli::1 p. ?? -Lb !r f ;L -{ ;tt

,t: ,{ d3}-?1 42o!) JJI ,o[L- L p*t ,! .t $ ,4. 4lJ

./L \tf check ,r3l e+ri E z-Ju3Li ,gl yl uo ;(. f check

"if dt d-l crlll;il .t e-ta r: q W !,rl ^.f tl2t et r, q?

hr rf )lj.*) r:,11$il €t .tsl Ftr L d ql si e- qC c.-U.,

€ ql .pl gtrJ ft .:als (,sl , )* s,*{ )tl 4 cftirLi .l- jl

L o*zat )tt, ct 4 0" sLt":il .r3.r*.. ! yl ol1$.1 e-, LE tujl ol ey qf L,^r-, ?-u. qL W* 0t*'i, ,r ru' l:

- tJJr t f ..1&l cl. 013,11 ,q,ri tgll erU

t) a rlyU upl - ltr'vU: - (0tr r! At ,..(") C,:ru lj-l4(! "frb i,

ol1$il €t Cl f JIJ:...-J tS Z cr./ "t^l;.

rrf I ct'b !\ ;stei aa-l S A tf [5- .l o;,a Z 6t el

* 'i*tt" .ji.:-trr 6 gllgf 4l ,r e L ,n+ { 4,t- qrb t J- dLd-l e t) ,5 .r"ly qi: .rrl E* )5)tet ."b*il

7346 pRovINcrAL ASSBMBLY oF wBsr pAKrsrAN [6ru ruNn, 1968

u".l ciir u..l 6 2 ,F ;i o.t,,^*. 2 nl c1tr€ r.f .ri .rt+

- L ,;h U ,.t-f d,' ,J4-t ,t,f ais Lf dt'- K .rLL"-

L-r^ { a oir.2,E ,:llr;K Gf o., e-}t L r.3111..- 0l ,tl;l.r1.rp L &."r1 tf 9: ,rL; e1 *.1 ! r. orb; tf jj*^) V

l& t" Lr ,sltr;.i.l q rt )ljr.,,-) n L o^,1! !e" ,5- .:l.rnK

,{ .rl.tr,iK r,ll .t )tl Lt" Ls tla a dtr-e 9f ,::,li;( 0l rf cr^a

orl -* ,5 rcl;t5l E p-t ,rl si e- te*,- 2 s6; c4. r..".i ,ral

E 0l .pl ,5;t" ,5 r:rtJ;, (.J^. .t.llei f qV ;f Gt* _{

a$r' q,'Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : I will now put the amendment.

The question is :

That in sub-section (l) of section 22 of the

Ordinance, after the word "Unions" occurring inline 3, a full-stop be added and the rest of the

rvords be deleted.

The motion was lost.

I!lr. Senior Deputy Speaker: Next amendrnent by Khawaja Munammad.Safdar.

Khawaja Muhamma.d Safdar : .Sir, I beg to move:

That in sub-eoction .(3) .of section 22 of theOrdinance, the words and comma "or otherwise,"occurring in liae 2, be deleted.

Mr. Senioi Deputy Speaker : Amendment moved is :

That in sub-section (3) of section 22 of theOrdinance, the words aod comma "or otherwise,"occurring in line 2, be deleted.

Minister for Labour : OPPosed.

o.l vT - Ylr ./t"1 ( r -eFto.) gic J"efr, 4"lf

-i 2- "S

S dLd-l r.rtd ; ,.oJt,y .t16.-)\. t{ 6\i


"(3) If, on inspection of the accoif,lts and the

record of a registered Trade Union, or otherwise,

the Registrar or the officer authorised by him, has

reasoo to believe that the account books and othor

record specified in section 23 have not been

maintained by the Trade Union'....."

d4tf 131 crlL.r .S 2./t" I 4. g.'* 9i 'ct; 4 - !13 r'vu-

qC .rt s$ *,c!t*- 'd /t: J; q q &l f- iujl tfr.t L tJUi )*t Jq, $ rrri cr! yfs * a,2' q I {t-f Ol L ,se, el Jr Jtt ot !,r'J r tr Lb 3b lrL' gStz-* n ,:! ,r*rl dt ,;C obL.- L ,rttl dre rf f,9" 3$Jl

UX Jf I r..-, tl-il ls:y L v-lc )l**) 'S 2- "/b

T on'

r. .1) tJ L dra -tli .it,t-- - jtgf) re!t"'- ,&t $ hf :rl\ /i dt ,* i )tL ea1) ot' e)tc 62'e5 U L dJ)'

)tt ..re(1s ,4r:5 ,S { LV Ja e { {.*ft od 4 Lrt5 f ub tr ufl !i 'otherwise' 11 0(.J * ,-rrJ,-(*gi crtlt*-

erl ef K 2V eo ;el*e t{ Ot h4 L .Jtr} )tl sA L r:Jt"

d.ilA &l #? vI - dia 0l.r- ,r ,1o LIc 's!t-- L dl,Jss L ,-l t{ dtijg 6rt .rl -f

.(L + i q^ g1c ,nll Jt ,fl - J3J ;T .1":3te9 - o;*> t\-,t- s.:A lrf 9{ c.lri u(1, 1Jl gna tt; ; &L

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : That is no point of order'

- u.r LtiJl 6Dse .nL ,"rit6^ll r"1 - )$e Ja*/' qlf

[f LI-. i r L djn.Til )l). f ?nlc )l*"*) 4 slr5,

L q,ol.,

#lrt ,r*..p r!.rT .lI *Lilrl - .Fl J"o.*. .5t

.t .'i u-^l 4:.!, cl. .SI. rr-le .-(U tf L l{t a- t.f 1.K e.3 A 0l tf

., :,"*ifiol

7348 PRovINcIAL AsSEMBLY oF wEsT PAKIsTAN [6rrr :uNe, 1968

- E df ua, uit" .5 tlj** 9I - ;lj -f.-, Lg-p)fral ^f kJ bJ f c* ct i - )Jie J-fr, 4"1i0l or A [r,. J" V t*;trf - ,.a ,Sss:* * JtfJt Lti1l ,)- 4- ,r:(. l- ,5 dt i .5 c,!L- 0l _ a- t(- er sa :"a EalrL rrl;t$l u.J sel .1,i{ L lE,l Jr dl ,f =-q, strL;t

{ ,)L'lil LU,l 6sti * ,f A r;r t.f ,e* ,j L r.roa.r

udt" L.r L) ellt;il y, f At Lf dt :-l LUI q h s.!t-cr!t-.- i 6aril p)ti $ .rl+f f * .,..4 lr ,11 ., 1fe..ti. tii, E : e'ir n ,rl yl st fr _f ,.rl te d: ,:#.S g O:f a-l9i1.t o* tirti, if (i:r!. l;-t lF uc. jX;J*f K .rr* q oco Lt f 6jt- lrili F^ Af ..#Lri )ri os

- kr *5-.r cr- Oru t{ 3l * 4 dtr? UliJl J? *{ e- qC

,/t*it 0rtt - up l.et4 Z cp J-f, { qbt U9o ,eni }till qUlo specific lrl zlb U3o ,aC &r... 3Q. U9r accurate i stL

- a"ta U3o grle ;rt3d(JU Ei, { - Ylr st+ - (,jti Jtl nlt .(t.) Uo.t tj.,,?rf ,5 p f ott L Jrsr.l r-r. j.- airi rrt: -ff A_ git3

4 sl c,)b€ dr liiJ o,"l - o"d sri U* ,o{ !,.1 n .5 ,srri

u&l rd gir Lf e.it'. K .r!L- ol i2e ^f d{ 6 o"3.,o,.

d)\i e5- A sil e)\tt f :t.i*t S e_ Ur" u& t*ll .:Uet

.t ef q ! a1 l: ds'r.rJ ,r. Osb. g:*r cr!t*- L atl h.ir;.f fi rl. 2-: ,f Llt..:-l ,g ;SL J'f \{l ot tI t4n J.t;

eatl ,f ,J ft - I urr" c,tt.t) ,5 Lf dt'. E ril r.ro. s)sc

tF c)t+ oi 9i q. UA s!t..- L #l rf Lt" e+l,d O* UeZ..- rt, S t- "rf

.5 oyd*. ,4ti 6 ltiJl 0l_ e.a qri


Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker: The question is :

That in sub-section (3) of section ZZ of theOrdinance, the words and comma "or otherwise",occurring in line 2, be deleted.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker: Next-74.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Not moving.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Next-75.

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : Sir, I beg to move :

That in sub-section (3) of section 22 of theOrdinance, the words "or enquiry under sub-section 6'r occurring in line 9, be dcleted.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : The amendment moved is

That in sub-section (3) of sectioD 22 of the- Ordinance, the words "of enquiry undor section 6"

occurring in line 9, be deleted.

Minister for Labour : Opposed.

s$f .rel | - Yb vh - ( r - .5-6,t-) )Jie Ja*, 4"lJ*rt *; ,g t t ,i,ifu f^ .* t5. k, lLri rt,r.1l L ,>;x. :ljl i?j$. oJ r;il aJ f si,t'. F. .5 # u.? n g t-t f?- ..r+ 45- d9o Q.: crgcr 9f !l ry - !- )9.9t u.. dU"-ftt

.l&f E 8k-fq tisl,. c3 2- sf., 9a c"rt €;is o,"l )l jxrUf ir .rr $. ,i u,J I .Jb .pt 4 ed" f rJf; e, dJt* Ur^ oa, J-(;t ll 6k*fq ui.fu K ;6 ,F ft df dr.fl - A- ttat jlrl { ,.rl uC ta Jk .ftJ ds,. )*l n A-

tsts:* * s# dt+ ot i th ,{ S dto .:-.1r U c,b J-f, .lf.r

"f ,.rsl r"l.l e1 fl *{ dJ. Uear* u.. - L .j(- t" .5 dta:

JJf - 2- crtt) tf ,5 i{: .-r* sl -{ ,yl i e- otti ,*,uE, 4- 1.fr" JIIUY * Lri L 1 p\.f ..-. cr)\t L gnl


7350 pRovINcrAL AssEMBLy otr wEsr PAKISTAN [6rn luNr, 1968

0b*ftg $ Z q si.ai .!rl1: 49r .j)\i L oi .," 4 L2o

vl ti l4i :919. 0^i.(.- K ,.; ai o.. c t i v.r &!l riJrl &.ri

,rrt" JJ;9. 4 L2- 6i.(* ?* z urt! L 0r(r* ?- A !l.2* sa.

u^..$.,Jnl .'(!' sti.1a )f 2 4 e riy.t OrU o) )tl u.a

*{ o. 0kltr vifu o;. e t q 16 14 L u'.1 - 2- t^J dt,i - r#' ,5 1*.l, U,.. c111.-1 | b * tl )tl uE 5 etlflf sl:4t **5"{ ;K ,5 Ll{^i f{)i u& s*l tu. s))c o.l

2 q. .ti-i aal 9f ,,rtrt*- i.tc e'i o9 tf 2- l.f !: 1t.*l a1

a",,U" A- U(- lf eJ) ,<; l.erie .-l>\i L 0l o) A& 2up { Lt ) ) c,,l1t;;l .q A -f ,.rl 6 cJJa q".- cf.

sar 4. Lf cJL.:-l -f A: 0.6 I2-s ol.1t;;l elta=, a! f ,.rl

6-,Ji; .JfiU u(s2r'i 5 uirl kri (F:" Arc o?l af r.:teo k37.-

J-f' L* ) sb ol.1t#.l { L i.,t*-1 - Sit" .) tf s^

f ftr ,il hj ot iri u:f''- )f ,srt f{ r,el 0r 1t1 ,yl &jdrjlrl: L a,-$ -r" tJ 6 e^ ,,J e-K ,5 slrl*-s -r" A sf-f r.Jtq .,oril uF.:) t*6f f ft Ft uc"":? ,r-il .i o2ari ,.,tr

,.-(tl - llr .rt:1 uQ - A- )tai. 2; ciJer J) L cll r: ,5 a-,

Git- Urs- Jr-.Jr: 2 L rti. f Ot)t))n /t g ;.+il 11.: -r9;

u$ fJt, t.t Ji h+ cr.i L 0riU eil.:.r^i;. ,/l os ea .r:otr tif ! ,o5 2{ Ltt.':-l u^, (r) O:^(.- ?* t? LWI '3 ,r - .,S- o.1 c^fi

-: uP el oJ u!6

"or enquiry under sub-scction (6)"

- Lb !r .rf .iL u.{il

,r-ta qlri .7u" - (r-s;bf) j:tti fbel t3**t ,La,t, OtLtq ,lrb cJ (4a )-ray otr"l tti,l t" .{ e- { st"+ r.5 pr.f 6


o3nil;t.! OJ|1P tU rf a- e1 'rei- ,t ,r.t uEC )9rJ'. uE' dglU E'

-J vl.,- e vl* -r. rr +*. L Ut it-ri Af $ Lb lrf l{l f

lui t Us ol qT .f ,.(. a<1r " qpo LT o* a6r '3'l.l,l

o-e !T at' j-b k{s s*l { lrl .po ,.:.rJ tl ," &ti. ,.r-- Orly

- *t ,tr.r lt ,,." &t, sel r.r. 69iv A OkJti G,L tltJll

,5 UUI 0l - lfr vU: (tlt- rtl 'nl .-(L) U*t t:)j

L cfrl &ri s*f ?? t{ 2- } oA .1psl c.gl )tl orlj

U,.p tf o!L- ot 6 L) * d'e rr ut' +sll L c)!L-

Af s 4tt ,l JJt .(.{,i ot;t*o' at AJ U s^J +fJ Cri :t tLt l h tf ,+C i2e i tsL €' adrr ef q U u^a Ar tt

,S A 6lr.r,, ub tf gls *-.,L u^i ,rsef J'E' ol'l L x ''rl i

ef 112-,-) .d trnf q &(.J Llz d r:rE a*i (,[' z-s\ 's'l

&i"(! ?- y? - qd c^-1) { ,t-* 5 Lt e,,11$;l s9'r-'! }l

!r ge. ^) -f srir.f lti 3i S Ll+'f 6r5l3Sil o'3 L ('t)

.{ ,J-f ,>V9 )tl saSlrf r:-L 'rUk 4l ot ^{ KtJt"

.;12!--.; a{ t4r{ ^t -5. .-rv^i U q' 5 *{s i vL ga-r rr!t"'-

- e- t>-)> u .[r! ar rl. E 'a> ollt;il )3'Iacr) f

)tL €, c:,t11-- 2rl .;*:t h)i Jt{ t{ Ll: s^ 1':tr*' rl rr:

Uf ;g;.1 ;K ri2t 41 2 L o'l $ oI ei gtPs $ 'tc J

0l tif KT tf 0l q. .:,!t- tll -ri 2- Urb l-rL' 6s'esi tit-

. \*V jrrti )tl ,-.-l,_ n-l3i - A Ul! 6)9.f !t:r 'rlJll 'fo) ,4d du F clr' vt #rl &i a tl ef 6n LVt 4

e b4l L g; .),'l ^{ !K' sl6j g4"' gr' 9{ ir: yl 93 "&

p.; ,.rl I ,rlf .rr;l Clu L e; 'rl oJ rf a 6<" 'fillof ^)

.:lri r ,-f i 6 0l -f - ,5 ol) qc i* tf oe4i34 '!j r;!'urQ rI

: .



i $ e.4 ct q. jj$ t? L qrrlr &j $ I u- tjso

g1s U} .dl i stL y f d[.',;-t L Ol 1rl rJeo ctt.i:-ly'Q ,rr .-I vl - 5- b d .Jtij; dt d o!L- ^f U _Lb rf,- e- s,'t" ,.iXi L ,,rl L e- ..Jb .+. )U, t u.rl i-j .r! rl efurf S W \{ vr* *. ,tro dJti ,ral 2- q, )rt a. ,-rl

{ rlr*r-* 'U J., a, oll $ 2 ^l o2l| 9 sb.ri ,j OlUY)ia. 3f sti. E r,sl 4s3 L csetti1rl .rl JJI 16, q/ 1,3r.. sLA.

'L ,F .5 s.esf 6 LfUrf sqlr el q, - J&- .rt+ - ri.,T.;T &JIJJ - o)a,> .!*tJ" 6 6lf 4 .5 {:-tp :tjt ,5 r-elf t.f rf 6ao tft-

- Ct .if t;t :lit ot Lf st 6fJ j3*. agr-9t

' 4 gp- 9T ,cu e{ * - r.,. .-Sll

tizc elll t vff .5 .rLis 0l Yl-l 9t* f - Jb,* 1)9L 0l )tl 2-t" Uh *t ef 1Y 6t-rL L cr,rJ &ri 4f A rl1f gis $ .rrrt 4l 4J E L.d dtd-l rf ..rr {. jfo r:r"f, ,11 ,s { LV ,5 gll.rr { tf ,ss,;U h--) sst _ Lt:i stL W f jl$ ,71 ot S - ,if d,., CrL ,yt saoaai *d $l L ,;,1 2t:- J*a. K ttilt 0t _ ur(- f .tt^*-r

L3g L oiftrt L 0t r: - cfa jir, ,? E .ry* &j S{x or. ep Y 0! u^! g 5 &t- e. .,lt.f .I a{Jl a o,.l tf t*" - rJgr rj it*-l ,g )* W o-r .pl .9o Jiir;

o3 ulo ) .r,a 451 j.i:, * L dr*-rJ &j ef e- t3dr L p- L$ d: qri r:bt..- ;f 0l -L* ctC dl..:-l d S* gt*t u|-f ,l ,rt d, oirrl unl L* o^flJt J,- E ,Nl jlj

- c* sf., t" .5 dL.d-l eb ,r,{ sLfi d rrl .f - tir. qf,



rrlj 9f Jii*, I g9a;l )ttr. )tl Osysy ef g9o k63.- en..

rrt ir q aJ L iU; ,aG*. .131 Ls;A. orlJj 4 L iq .H- Cf 6j! pl qtrl ork4

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker: I will now put the amendment to the

House. The question is-That in sub-section (3) of section 22 of the Ordi-

nance, the words "or enquiry under sub-section 6"occurring in line 9, be deleted.

lhe motion was lost.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Next amendment No. 76 by Malik Akhtar.

Malik Muhommail Akhtar : Sir I beg to move-

That in sub-sectioo (3) of section 22 of the Ordi-DaDce, the words brackets and figure "or enquityunder sub-section (6)" occurring in line 9 be de-

- leted; and after sub-section (3) amended as afore-

said, the full-stop appearing at the end be replaced

by a colon and add the following proviso, uamely :-

"Provided that no action shall be taken againsta trade union except after giving the accused TradeUnion an opportunity of being heard and produce

such evidence as it may desire to produce;

Provided further that the officer taking actionunder section ll shall record reasons for the pro-posed order and any such order shall be appealablein the manoer laid down in section 12.".

Mr. Senlor Deputy Speaker : Amendment moved is-That in sub-section (3) of section 22 of the

Ordinance, the words brackets and figure "orenquiry under sub-section (6)" occurring in line9 be deleted; and after sub-section (3) amended as

aforesaid, the full-stop appearing at the end be

replaced by a colon and add the following proviso,

namety :-

"Provided that no action shall be taken againsta trade union except after giving the accused TradeUnion ao opportunity of being heard and produce

such evidcnce as i1 ply desire to produce;)

7354 pRoyINctAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr PAKISTAN [6tn ruNe, 1968

Provided further that the officer taking actiorr

undergection 11 shallrecord reasons for the pro'posed order and any such order shall be appealable

in the manner laid down in gection 12.".

Minister of Labour : Opposed Sir.

A- -r. y y ^'is { - f,e vk: - (r-tr^!) j>l J^ft, .Sl.d9a k47r- r.l cy - A r.!t*, L xit*. L !1K5 .1rl rc!L- 11

L 31Kl L r:r!t*r L q5l &i 3.i*t gS tf c^.r(- *f4i 4 dtp K dl r(, ,..1 - Zi.^l" Ulr e!,i JrL di- K 4:31'.

.fl- tI ..j)\i ;f e.te sli. ,s!f r .5 iprl h.,i s*{ *f r.,tS .5$ cru s)r+ o'"1 - lll t/l+ - cf^ .r)\i E. ..:i.,"Jt' d

14! rt:.r ct!l, fit 2 L al-r .1lri r.liiU .r)\r tl .::.cL-

c:n;t / L 8{t d:id .}& .i ot4il jlj - Ylr vt+ vl

{ 3.1K.r [ ..:!t*- L cdl &i u*f t{ e. !r -rtr q L- 2- U(* ,f u,51.. Ata .r: o-\,l,ltJ Gf { iJ*.| U js!^*-s

2tl -f 3tfr,' )tl o4kf 1l e'!l'- t 0l ois L e.3L. url .,el

LKt rej rr sl tk;l JbU €l L c4. 2- t:(. 2 L1. lr.ap

!,.1 .;)\i L 4:t Lri sS ef q '-!l - A ,5 $af 5.fJj r* ,-.(, =r .SJtr 5 *J sftsst{ ,s;*l ,}-tf .(i .*g- e-f 0h rf uti5. 2,21 ot ef !-L q: d {r. .Sl s{ qtst

- z-r{ ,-rrl ga u^. defence L iyl 9r r'})t6'i u*! ,risf ssl

9q 2.jl o9 t{ 2- l"{ .,# { ! o^. o3)\c L ,-t"l - Yl3 9t-qjlr sto.r?r { e-f aiit sl .pt*- L 3tKl L qtt, hri ,s*f

-r{ 6.lb or c,LGl er 1rl a tf L+t o:5 L el d z-rf

r { s, ot 8):L K J*l yl 5 * t" ,, J*l .j)\i L 3l

A- 94. ty rrir


(irl t(1, Jr, - )lr ?q - (.Jt- ltJ.ntt .(L) g,;il t)l



^l L o-r1ll 2 L r-ai. €. a- q/ .li &ir 6J, L *V(t) .i.r "Ii .rrl (.) .i.t .-!i .5 r.}.: ,rl ra,," oe - A 6 ,,ef r*..r,qt, S' 2- eF rl q. (.t) 13i; ,.,[13 - A- UL ,a lpl 91.

L grl of ,,id s{ .fi-r 211 oe t{ K.rb !r g:. 4l ftt tlr g$ ci- K Lf J*l f 0l .:i, E G) r.i;

"}li ,r:[,

- 2- 6slr *, rr*l el ,5 0l u^. rtrJ,-.9. (5 dja.! 3.t trl - a

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : I will now put the question. The

question is :

That in sub-$ectloo (3) of section 22 of lhe

Ordinance, the words brackets aud figure "orenquiry under sub-section (6)" occurring in line 9

be deleted ; and after sub'section (3) amcnded as

aforesaid, the full'stop appearing at the end be

replaced by o colon and add the following proviso,


"Provided that no action shall be taken against

a trade uoion except after giving the accused Trade

Union an opportunity of being heard and produce

such evidence as it may dcsire to produce;

Provided further that the officcr taking action

under section tl shall record reasons for the pro'posed order and any such ordershall be appealable

in the manner laid down in section 12.".

The motion was lost

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker: Next amendment by Malik Akhtar,


Mslik Muhammarl Akhtar : Sir I beg to move--

That for sub-section (4) of section 22 oflhaOrdinance, the following be substituted, namety:-

"(4) (a) If the Registrar has reasons to believe

thet thc funds of aoy Trade Lhion have beeo mis-




7356 pRovrNcrll AssEMBLy oF wjsT pAKrstAN [6tu ruNr, 196g

appropriated, he shall make a report of the com-.mission of the offence as.provided under section 154

of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 (V of l89g)for necessary action to an officer incharge of apolice station in writing,

(b) If such information is given knowingty orbeUeving to be false intending thereby to cause

injury to the Trade Union, the officer making such

complaint shall be punished under sectioo 182 ofPakistan Penal Code.".

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Amendment moved is-

That for sub-section (4) of section 22 of theOrdinance, the following be subtituted, namely :-

"(4) (a) If the Registrar has reasons to believethat the funds of any Trade Union have been mis-appropriated, he shall make a report of the com-mission of the offence as provided under section154 of the Climinal Procedure Code, 1898 (V of1898) for necessary action to an officer iocharge ofa police statiou in writing.

(b) If such information is given knowingly orbelieving to be false intending thereby to cause

injury to the Trade Union, the officer making such

complaint shall be punished under section 182 ofPakistan Penal Code.".

Minister of Labour : Opposed Sir

g* trc+.- rJ g1. - )rc vkt - (r-lrn!) Jitl J^-, 5L{tt ,{ abuse of powers q JJI A Crl GSS9 sa sJtC .lg rf

,J.l fr., t5 (") r r &i(rr 2! ,rl e- 6g:c ts. qW N;a )t)r-.,>s ft ^{ a q (,,) &ir Jl! Jrl - Lti 6 :l yL.t q. j ,n misappropriate j-Li L #rl .ilj s*{ *f * ,*r4 5. 4 q. ."H ld f JlK.l 4-2t!) 131 Accounts Books

!.lJp *{ d pl g Lf .ib r,itr-l 4l .f" ,rJl.re ,r*f



U9r iV s.


,.:iJl.rc JS-l * 31K.r u:. r;i L * L .Srirfu

-: *f A 6 &t r*.j liti.aL .(l ^l L ,a - f -rn


"lf the Registrar has reasons to believe that the

funds of any Trade Union have been misappro'priated, he shall make a rcport of the commission

ofthe offence 4s provided under section 154 of the

Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 (V of 1893) for

necessary action to an officer incharge of a police

station in writing."

-Lt" ,5 d oaiE .i ,-jt{ ^{ dJa Uat" "y - lll vt+

d- { if audit f account yl'>1Kt1 ,S Z cr[ ,r- r,ara'{

LW ot i L ,h. ..ry. o?l *{ 4*: ,s ft * tf sl-i*t,d Llf er) bstts .Sl cry o/tt L Lf il: dl^: l

rt tl L,rl - yb t/t+ - L J* mis-appropriation uE' j'Li J-i

glt! el a. g,-l $rit1 .f r: .,T - .,iT - LAI lt Lsis ,ft 'd a. !'fA ,5 Ltn bsUt i5o lta.1.tl a1t1 b o gflr + ef LV t^

&u tf )l**) L.rl g Llf eJ) bstlt Lr*)l i2!*1 ft ti

JA Ou.f \ :sl 3 rsfr 6.2t ,rl tf ,.rl ' LV !r .rl-p .'blr'

o3 .131 ;ll eJ) uJle ,-i>\l L ,-rl ,>*i L t nv rtir r.f stf

ft * Ot -i)\i L q,rJ &i &s9's r? - rD }4 q'btf, .(ll .il stL o* t- ,5 LIn d-t-tl:Al lf LV er elti ry ,rl

)l**) ..rl 2- ti[ Ulrrf l:? i zJ) br1t W ,rl -f oatEr

.iXi E. 6:# fb .(1t vI *. - Lt: tit:f 12v' CrL ,rl ue fott ,rel ..lXi E )l)2."-) ri tlr I tf Jlsn{ 'ni L IAY

e fr lJ-zal*.r-lr ne.,t + i.p -Ylr,.rt+-Lt" $i t jt'\vV

.'Dts e- 162,a' oll 1l2r*-1 .Ir - q^ & Sss t{ Cl:,.'"l

3K erT U qri .(ll g Lf t* tr q,, &i L f &Le rD r*i - * e& 'f* Fl vI ^'lli L e'l i Lt" #)


7358 pRovrNcrAL AssBMBLy oF wBsr pAKrsrAN [6rn rur.rr, 196g

J yf or)\s E ,.rl ssl ct 2-t 4-) tf :J-i*s ol:kil o.rt;j

Ef 4 3.rKr { ryr &i d fr *r crd ,-(.- Jef ;1t

ct 0^l*- ,Al ofrJ Ll", ,5 L,i e_f rit*-l .jrk. L ()rl

A s;. , dJ { rerL 11 .d L\ } qU 4 ,fl - eo 6;r rerir

eU E 4*,* rr)\f ,t-i 4l ot f* s:bt or.i L r ar ri; r-.I E r rrr i Ltr _ra gali p* ,J)\i f. nt fl _ ,^ .-hl

-Lt" c;) li vnt f ,.rl e-..rrb .9,,f 6r# 1.ts s$l t2-

C Otf ,-r*t q q. - Ylr vk: - )Jie J.i. +lfLt* ^$r.5-

j-b !r t&i 2S ^:'{ .dt .:ir { !t}l efFr. fjy / ,.rl a- uf p:i ,5 rf .h d L ra c+. uJrd

I r. 6..rL r,l,l - 4'. f y* -{ r I #.q, t Jr .rl ,.^ ff"xli val E tt. ^(.rf,,5 qit" ea r:i .,e{ p..l.j rro tt

K ,,r.jt" sl i dU; drj tf rr! crl ,.-.-l.e .(t. ,ft - .f"_ j_t- !r t.l l:lis

Minlster for Labour : I have no objection.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : I think, the sense of the House is notin favour of extending the time.

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : The Minister has got no objection.

e- U )f .lf* sA L d9:-3.r 4-2o))

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : The time of the House is extended forhalf an hour.

rr j>\f ,- efuf rrT - Yb vU: - )JAe J^r*, *lf- * * e*l tr"' .-(J

Minlster for Law : I think it is necessary that the lime may be

extended for one hour,





- A- U t , eb e:{f uT * - )$*e J.c-e .l3>

,? a ctd a.rl[ ,;f ; clteLa .,*' ' L ,l rt! ,g *af nrl

d: ,-lrl -trri otC * yl e-.ritlrr. ,5 0l e^o .*!l tltrl

,tf ef *-es ,f -{t - a- qc ,E dt{ u,I*:, L 0l

)tit 1P Jrl llesl .r3U L po - e- ki [: oJ rn lK 6stf

d F! - 2- !r d, r' L Lf p:i $ tf t-'>tat "ii,,,-'

ci-r Ul iy uD.. - ql 4t" Uf CB ,(.l .(, 8. os\ 2-j*

- , J(- f rhLr { o)$ .sl qf nl 'd LV tp Lt

d\ .rrl 4 ,*.61t{ r.y rrl4l - jr.rli d;rl 4^>a }*t-L*t

L* 41 ,zit u,"l r .tfill )r €tVr 'o;ac- ,'*- ,nV 2 .il.r,ai ,y't*. ot rf cr9 u;s cljt"l -r{ $ try, c,-o

(rr+r) - L *sl.1t, cltsi ,.ltrl 6 vf zsr*l ^l ,iI

ctsttn d , cryb /e c. ,fl - ,gV iril ;f t3 f*' L Ll'k- tf ,f

4# tl rf 2- .ritlrr- ,Sh ,.I Ot - )Ji,e J^a-r tl j;u^. L*

Mr. Senlor Deputy Speaker : I have extended the time for half an hour

in the first instance.

!.-t.,, pl .(l. - !13 rr'k- - (08, JU .itl .-fu) C;*a tt)9,S Lf JL * # rl l{ Ltilt rrl qlS L r,r't 's"l L

-ifad.i..l y4)

79fi pRovrNcrAl AssBMBLy oF wBsr pAKrsrAN [6rn rur.rr, i96g

".......he may take into possession the accountbooks and other record of such Trade Unioo for thepurposes of an enquiry under cub-section (6).........,,

* E, yf b * lrl* AJ tf )1fu-) oit u/" - llr ..t+?- i sta ctC ri-1r .:l!t*r L 41 k; ,-{*f Ll: T .:! rl cyopl Dl z--dg)rltS3l o3 L{. 4)lt L s"l tf4 tieo 6)ri + [l aL 6.tt-6tl.rfr -.{^ [ Zt q. i .r.t ,]j ot.lt;lt f 6rillef;t eff, Lt" * itt { L Lb t d, f .r! ,rl ,{ st ,stys

;l sfu - A e-;r UL c{, .:Jl.rc Y o"l cla cry., e-1) r-,1*s

/lot; -f )l*r) -e 5 6rit3S;t ef g td )t*i ^t L ,-_t*o;6 Ltn .3sgt ft Llf CJ) 5t1's i 6Lj- ueel oe t{crb q - A slfi r--t!. )tl ri.ilJ .rtl u- /.11- ggl 3f Lr,,l 9a

q. a-S\ L u'.1 .$ eb ,-r- - A stL. f. rt.i. L ,aU &ri

E 4U il:i v*{ ! ,.r*,rl ef Lb r^ d,i frL. :l s* g*f .:.tl.rc q ty ,t * I dt {C * ;5L ,>-1s.}!L-

Ju; L v-lp p.l cfu -r" y--xJ q - fr. ei ci-:.r $f bus.j)\r E s[i. L {t:t L ,4tail $ty pl r,y.7il )rry o, A_

- rl9a tif c.iftl r.5 prn.zi ,'1rl "1. -

yb ./U" lLl - A ,rrt:

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : I will now put the question. Thequestion is-

That for sub-section (4) of section 22 of theOrdinance, the follouring be substituted, namely :-

"(4) (a) If tbe Registrar has reasons to believethat the funds of any Trade Union have been mis-appropriated, he shall make a report of the commis-sion of the offence as provided under section 154 ofthe Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 lVof tSgti)fornecessary action to an officer insharg: 9f 4 poligeptation in writing,






(b) If such information is given knowiugly or

believing to be false intending theroby to cause

iojury to the Trade Union, the officer making such

complaiot shall be punished under section 182 of

Pakistan Penal Code.",

The motion was lost.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Next amendment No. 79

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : I think No. 77 will come first

Mr Senior Deputy Speaker : Yes, please move it.

Khewaja Muhammad Safdar : I beg to move-

That sub-section (4) ofsection 22 of the Ordi'

Dance, be deleted. ,

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker: Amendment moved is-

That sub-section (4) ofsection 22 of the Ordi-

nance, be deleted.

Minister for Irabour : ,Opposed.

Khawaja Mohammrd Safdar : No speech

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : The question is-

That sub-section (4) of section 22 of the Ordi-

nanca, be deleted.

The uotion was lost

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Malik Sahib, may please move his

eubJtitutio,B .clause fi rst.

iJ62 PRovrNcrAL ASSBMBLY OF WEST pAKrsrAN [6ru ruNr, 1968

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, I beg to move

That for sub-section (6) of section 22 of theOrdinance, tlre following be substituted, namely;

"(6) (a) Where it appears to the Registrar thatthe funds of the Trade Union are likely to be mis-appropriated, he may make an application to theIndustrial Court restraining the Trade Union fromspending the funds.

(b) The Industrial Court after due inquiry maypass such orders as it may deem necessary.".

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : The amendment moved is :

That for sub-section (6) of section 22 oftheOrdinance, the following be substituted, namely :-

"(6) (a) Where it appears to the Registrar thatthe funds of the Trade Union are likely to be mis-appropriated, he may make an application to theIndustrial Court restraining the Trade Union fromspending the funds.

(b) The Industrial Court after due inquiry maypass such orders as it may doem necessary.".

Minister for Labour : Opposed.

r'ir 5 0riU u.l - Ylr .+t:1 - (r-.rr.!) Fl ,.*r.<tcrga ^l Jlr:*-J .{l ,f A lJ tls.;f-p {J q... (.,) roir.}j .f ,,{ L* misappropriate g jit L bl,1. 3,r-; ,r.d t{ L:{A- Lf t{ ert ,f Al d y.l aat u*f tf d.r tr A rrJE

,zl tl ot ti uAi ,,,rDC )e{L c4. &Ji L &,34 &j *f r:grl .rr1 L c- .i6r. { d* hri.pl e+ E Lf oti.a!, 5,ic ,L, V Uy- h.i .S 4-4) ,1(- rJ ga 0t11s A e6ob.I

cy dr,U ,r.d 1;I !f,J - Lb T cy ,!rd d;-l A A oL

".5 crrL- ij r;y .:Jl.rc ,f {f Lq qC ;lta*f .rUf



;, tur.rr f ji,t dr,". :'X * q: y- ,::L Sui f, 'Y Jo.ru E ;r ia,r - Jf..- yt:; - E A,*. &d2 * ,h$J ,-r.ll 'L **,* jj5 5, .rr-t+ .,-13- d- .:.rg J,q

; Qi qf !: slt sirrti * ,f crrcl- 0l 6lo5- A llr-l..i f. r'*i ,J"l fl '$t'..:-l ,b U o,l 1- rrlj;il L ry 3tr

.rF" ^r 2- 5 )2tF ftj., q e. ,;r;c ,5 {t: ,f i'}$li-3n misappropriate a 1i:i L OJt &j ,rJ.f 4(r 4 jrt:;;1

t*-{r -r:-lys.1r .(1l t{ ,>ll,tc L;,'* )ljL,,-).r _rl $ e.:.rr. K

&r E. ,rl ssl :^ ,-{ ;f Lc.u- l ,5 Lrf +I ,.,ft.l p(i .f o*ff fu .rl oe *f a-f €dlJ{6 ' .J f Ut- .t;j ,:Jt.u usir{,

,5 .r,ll.u Gbb &tg; ,i - 4-rf ri iir .rCt j t1'll ,y.frslh ,rrL:.| n(r t.r,1t .5 K 3r K ,rh*e ,Jll. )g ObL K c,ti.gr,

:- tr(. \ Af $ "iy jb .L .;.l- itri e t) ,S ,r: ,rd e-f-rl lob hr ,{ gJl.rc t* Ll"l d' )ljrcrJ eljk:rt e{.14.

eU.u uai. erf -rf tJ;:b c,l.K-l "ft;

l Va-l .gpb '45-

- A s/t!j 5 4:..1" .rr [J .1. .]r-, ,rfll ,5- jfu I 'Q rf

eit o* *{ C nl L c4,6i dtiil a. t--*J .rl .f v-b r:,rl Je

* jiri L C",l &ri uS { Lt" r^ Fl.e K .:tl s,l

L :tfr sl ,5 r.ll )q n qA Al b 5 ,a+J dU'*.| i rLurl $l 15 Lt" ,st t{ .:Jl.r.c G\* g>\Ut .5 sll -it .lrtl.6rt" fGl &5. gJl.rs G* J\'t L Lf eti,i,., q. 6*,4 r,ltor crt;t "- ,? ef g t.(- 3n 0g.l { CrL orl - ,S tfeUKl E' f-,yl i) r.rl -.#bJa cf nu' & 4 os dJ. +-.r.L r- oi -f lt*: ) ^f a- Gssr q ,;4 L Lf )D f

1364 pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrstAN [6ru ruNe, 1968

?t UI ^{ * 2 ,rit" ( .:,t; grl .J ^f db L: rrllt$;.f

9l d, { .r! rrl t{ tl fl Jrl cry.i tl q" €eo1J c,!t-n I dt u!.r e.-1s crUL- ;] Arl &j ilrt,ri ef Lt:i:tL ;jo ot $ z tJ Ur rt#l ^l Ft .f, crterrl .2*l

L cy ..f U." .3fJ - / 2 ct r;, ,gl f c,!t*' 0l

Jt.:;l rl .& e- qC r3Jr:rY Jta:il q ef A- \{ ,f*i! L i2l*1 u''l d :tL ,rsv j;i or 4rr:r! ' a +rrE.

&t- o- lJ -{ ,lt.At L #l &ri c# :tt 6(! .$e. q.e )l*q 4 f .:[lril 2 o4jts ! oLlr-l 2gl oe tf { grlirc L o.l -,* 5* f &L ,^ft €ss:c L f .:-13;1.r

.r*l K Lf J'dl q. c-tlrs .-l>\i E, .rLGl L r-"t rl onit

c,l.1tgl )eJ*r! tf j.i.q,t ef U.f 4 2 ,rl - g &L lkrlg4. Z1 dl ,t )l )* #:-. j.ii 1l ^f .l U E rJer L[rL

a1 dl I t* ,g* f jff ,t tl - A,--k U 4 t;(- Iu^ril q^ jii t .d ,!i ,i.* L &ti'l ,rl y A t{ (# (#

f ,>St.tt ,;t* ,S c$ t-1 .Si sir url uiltL. E :lr+, .I ,.ll

gr.l - g t5- t" tf r,lt 'r-t , )tL Lln tf 0l Lb d,s;'t os

))*t rJ .5 0l S drr k65.- ct. -F ,;fol L /t- 2- -'bU

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : I will now put the amendment, The

question is :

That for sub-section (6) of section 22 of the

Ordinance, the following be substituted, namely :-"(6) (a) Where it appears to the Registrar that

the funds of the Trade Union are likely to be mis'

appropriated, he may make an application to the

Industrial Court restraining the Trade Union from

apending the funds.


(b) The Industrial Court after due inquiry maypass such orders as it may deem necessary.".

The motion was losl.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker: Next amendment at No. 79.

Khewaja Muhammerl Safdar : Sir, I beg to move :

That sub.sectioo (6) ofsection22of theOrdi-nance, be deleted.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speeker : Amendment moved is :

That sub-section (6) of section 22 of the Ordi-naoce, be deleted.

Minlster for Labour : Opposed.

f,hewaia Muhammarl Safdar : No speech Sir.

.x 41U. L c4:.1 - f3n- el.' - (.t-l*UY) op tl*.

.$ tIp q4r, .*41 ua. nT V .fu ,r..f ef a- ub hf rl

q. r(! a- hr c"" f ot) oill? 4 c4r' 6ef';.'.,'I 4lgir ,rl y a- til llxil .p .tl ,tT 4l .r? 4t f ot{ rl,

4t ,.1 a,(I3.5- A Jb , f ra JKrl qr$ t9'ul 4te:' Jl$tif :tr*:: c:,l1t;il L e or +it-e qr Lrr l+l * 19).'

€lst*: .,&, ,r.,f ot c1. stea ;i,-t 4l.s| L e"ir *!3 s't

L o:* |-jt t/t+ - I tr zi) "i f 1'.i)\' OlK.r' un' lfl'

o 0l q. Z{ J:*l C-t s{ )|ir.,,,-) rJ''l crllt;il L r*t ,l:.Sttf - 4 ,:rLlrf I JL^f r.stp ir!-q1 a 'f e- t'lr rtU

), )ri lrt , ,5 ,;92 ytr s*f $ ,4fJ ,L'l ,h L g:i&l rleLrr rl 4f p ,;it L z-r+ril JJI 4 oA e(! qD Cs *

- a u(. 2 q ,}lr- .,fl| ,f ':rLrr ,'rl 'r sf,lt rt ).ll ).,-


o9:4ut lJrj. tI ofrl. -ir-j lbrf * -f j,-fo:t- .r(.6- et:*sdr lb *5- r: a isr{ sfr e...1 o, e. tf toir- o." )*L Lal f 1l.r.lg -A tL lctl- f .rl+,te ,r*f u:, lX,,t.d .S itb er q$ -f vl dhn - A Uyo &L lkit.rll4lk, L ga yl A t(. rf uils4{ or _ f-r. vKilt K f nJt" 0K.,t )* JJI - a kf,1r a-rf dt *-t ,:,11t:it e, dl -f45 ef a3ll.ri[i =? gl1l.;il e-l L rrj .rf *f - lF,r.e. el ssl Lf [f 0u{, )f l.ri gieE, 4 orl ,j _ $- ,f.o- ,-rL',: lr4 .(i Jr d,"l f rJr:*? ,al L drl+it€,i,.f rf+rt+, ,,thfu L>\. :* I L 6)!l rro rJ Z L o:sfu{

2!lr 1'hil2' ,Jl8l, ed sFJ .+ii.. rloJ 4 E r.rr...+,1 )rt-r.:li-t ./t+ - fi;, et.- - a- f tof s* ,f )lJ^*?) it LP ,t t E f,.f;- E :l-i*s ,ft ,f, - 4- Ut, 4l L *"o.,

2 *,}trtl s{l .r U clgn ry }-*. ,5 .xl oLei.l ,_i 6.-il )!)..t.lrL ,.ir .l -rf .l.lll, "rr", L 6r;jl 19.rr, &l E ,.rl li _ lAN .ril" Lt )1i..-) A{ c.,Ll;l E o,.. )ts ,11 os { - f -r.tf - .5oo- vt,: - df olrL o. crta.l rrL9i.; ,tl o)fcf,c r,t1^Gr .f ILJ E g.rG g;.1L. ef {C Fle 41 3feC grl * e- )*il s*{ Fa - A tt- eaf C} ,f L ci tr(s) ci.cf.3Bll -, ,irb if 1l.lo.r6e L 6,"+il lrri ,{l tf Lr{c9tl': eLKel -irt+ pl .*kr, i ltL 6t,.i )t .rl rj .f LtrFh f .;r,a.i- url -* stL d.'3. d4" = JK-- (E,t+ - t .4it" d: dr51 - A tf 4;r!I 61,t, .I lk*frJ *lr? tI { qt pt - A_

-teF. r,fL, arl -f o:*l .stF.,- dl. 4 ," J_ .>.ef-, 6.rhe

fr + q1* OJE K ue:qir )tty 6! a- trf c!t*-, C e


L L2f d.rL tf' +vu 6t. dl vb,'. L ,>,1t .ft ;TrJ S .#t & L dL c,.,J. gr"l - ,(a6- vU: - t ll rili 2,fU- .5 0l ^& grd sf pjX. ua*" g .:.9f,- 0lr..il c:{r8l-it GsVr 0l .r-f- ;tp3 .I fH +(! uif {: j* L !it\,stfr S uL ue"C erf - &- vt:; a ,Jb JX" a+.ri E.

- - - : A t t" tf ,Jt --l .$ o ,f ,rn 0.1"(Jl tf 61,.;l

Mr. Sepiop Deputy Spealer : The Mgmber is. not relevan(..

E ' 4 t.l h !r lkrl { ..,* rfrb:r - o).? -W{ nl +. .l! rI .r.f- {t - a.rl-riti { rJ}.7i1


:s:x {.(l ^f + ..1d{ ^l ,. {l i 19L rsr!:l ei bl Ker o.;t:l e1

c,1.1!cl 6,.:r tltai + f 6J)\. c;t,6- 4l -f J-ls sl tf \ra;Er

-f :l.iet o.l tf - + e1 g.r, ga. yl l;rs - e*o L[ dt0l Hf n..tS .(r. +? ,.r1. e,rt^ I .:,1$ Jl\ L)f &.5fi*, s,.l *.. .(1.- .9 19.1 e- .ftirLi )$ srl 3tKll r4L K

,,,.f +l + 6 #l - e- uf., ,tf - + uf; ,f l.r4 g!t- .r1jr ,Jo{if K ;irt ,}f +. *o. 0L-1, j.i+s ,fl - + 6"a1 Y el!: crs ,# ]1, u-jb * f ,ul n ( r. 11.: -jt- *,:rt l.t f *3o.j)\. GlYr- s.r(- 61Lo ef ,.^ zlh r" - K"it:

,if uad \ft&. Aot+(a+ Jtt L-Ui ,r* *.,{ L}t^.:-l (r..t f dtt*-t 4t f tcta. grt- 1f &t * Jt- + 1sl Jth3 l(t1

qlt*;l I. pr, ql ,a1 ,ti ;fol 4 ,rVJs,. 0l - 4- bl Ub

- -o.r? .i>\l ,l )* ,# { dt tt st}et

Mr.,Senior Deputy Spelter : Mr. |vl.ahnOod Azap Farooqi,


?368 pRovINcIAL ASSBMBLY oF wBsT PAKISTAN [6rn ruue, 1931

ct, - Ytr vt: - (r- .r"lf) GuV dirl \9*ru ,1,*,t

,-r .!l q-. o9-)\f ,rir*" L e ,{ {iitf ,f.t {- tC t.i

a-h ,Jt{ .r. i & t5 r$J

J- .5 ,eq Lt" ",{

S' a- ;dt

il*, I d- ..t ${ rf L ,j s;-r. ornlie CT rl! q .3(ol

)tl Lt,, K ,alp- 0l &A 4- ,jf, u"*f ;. Lh A ,ritl

U f t>at ,4 $)V opl a 0r C^, F. rf - a €;e- L'31 613

f ot- - a- dlrl hiJ .El 4f # .SJi .Sll ,, ,rl - ,c.

- A ..l)Li E oe)3,e1 L .iterl yl d.ro A Ylr Ltf ,-,er

L 0l - (J,a| 4 &.,lri * 2 E dJi.+,| )t'y ,J [Is ,.t i, lb .lb , 0J .iJ r .er ,r und ..(Jl - A ,:i>\i E o9l9ol

tit- lkg tf 0l :il - u:l ,jrn *l t Ot * otrt-fr rr) rr)oe\cl ! orfu lti ,S A .26,4 t4l ds f 0l e(J - A

Jf L r{ *{ ,r ,,r"1 'r+ t e-.,f I ,.lq ,rt t xt E21 gat--l ll1' { e\ ot"l /a- - ilr gUr - L-lo grC l-r.{ .,tiT

L g,.l - A- tS U) J5" )l*..-) rt;;t .r. .r (.t) .3;a ,rl ef

&L ,8 oit Jrl .r*;l K ib u,', &:.f ,-k-,Lfi1 -;)\rdf,. { ;ls llo:il q ,iT d dJ^ hg-,$ (r. ,F 2-

i*. f )\L*) rf t*1t c"el 1l;il rl A Era t'r.g os{ ,-?

rf ,r4l o., .:Yt- 8) JJ) Cl 'S 2- )l-r L9o t*1i rf 3r

-e z-t :f olKn gr;c,, Jrf +U rf r. o'taG,. tf u.l

knb t ea, u,a.. - 4- t(. rf *t' i rl#t? lL' .5 o'l i tJ"l

-.4 J.?.rl ,5 eJL ,Jri u|-f tl A &'+il y:-ra q ef - dr!

ql - g.. L* Jl) w s.l 2* dtt ?' ot r.lle r+ ys-r<


bhoNlNcss 7],69

dl a ,Jry G{ - 9* &f t.:}.-L" 6 Lf J*L rri ,iit

oJ.t r.-.cc:. E Ot fl - *" LQ cit $' funds dl l{ office bearers

3(1rpf dlr* ;[ funds 3l t .ftl 2t, 2;{ ,-*;:. oria,Sl .r:l

V e-fu ,tf u{ ott ,{ tfi .;,." u'l 1el - ,ao *-l f dte

- e- )-*.r body .!; .5 Ul )i). 6tt- .9,l - 9a l'^.{ 0K.l

,s3U.Jr+ qi 6 r:f,-l 2l: {: e^a - e3a }r.er ,-fS tl:a-*

cr! ,,r,1 yl - e- jV o 7* 6Ssl ,, r-:! rJ''l o) e L )l:-y

i 0l . Lr^ Ls, L -*(;-fr| ry *{ - A lt;il l.1eg f ,rf tt

- c-h € = cl!"f 1t.r1rc.: jtr- ,-,J el - c-f $t' d!.t:ltl

,yl - so l4g ,JK.l g ilf Jf ,r. ;,.7i1 )F, tff cr[1 rf

lll .r.r O.i E rrl -f - ra dK.l K tf ,F o{ funds L

,-oLp rf L\[f rf .i^i L Ol lF c(ll - eo l.r.g o!t;

4-1L L u,l - a- Jir Ltn hf *. runds L uel i;i d)b

- otf &f e vT u--.. - ltr vu: )tl 4f &.i i funds

s{ ,>;,c ,? tf - f,rn r.t J.rL { trl - {* t1f &t { oll tf

tl a Lf ,kl- L c'-fi', ,-rl ei { a-: 4} s-*) t{ )l}*-) s*f

rf .:l.rkil a-sV os i - 4- Jl, L* hf ,:* funds ! .-rl - 2-

Lf e...e,.; tf ,]r;l- ef funds L ,io,tt GtU, f ! ,r'. lK

- rJ, hrlg' E*-.r{ =. 3l u., e z-: -{ }L,- i{ activities .5 at

r-t, & orLa gr-Ui. rsq q=ta 62-93 g,n. .(1, U'"1 ;T *f

a-*!U E ,rl -J - a, s"e[.- d; .fu e-h 4l.fu & - A

?370 pRovtNcIAL AssEMEn y oF wtst pAKtsrAN [6rrr rur.rr, 1968

t* Uf s:a. iV*:) 4 L trl Lf! funds e? 1.r! t grl (J!a

ei - .*a tt Lf "U*r 1rl - dj. .:tiK.l L h.f ,*. ti.l g -a-

* CL ,!: ti -'2- gnri :* Jl.L"") ,-i:f ei ;.tl L 6lfunds .;l tf oi sj - A- ts9;ttet K .rtil .- A-gcls* .&l aJ

tf ,:.1 t VLf ,ril-$ ,5 u.l , K Lf ,-isc t V Lf g,a ,f

- 4- 1t;il Y {t ,{\ * misappropriation 9f ,-rl { 2*f:"Y;b*grL- .(l .5 of,t dtr 6 d,.",1 )$y 4 OL s-l .Jfiq y

&uqr.d$ael-al1n tofr€s1 .i, qt y,rt -a_

e,.{ f u*"1 L &.*Jyf -- 2 J CC aid ,}:{ 1 vl - e-

vT l5 rJa1 ' e- 15) und aid ,Sf L $ Lr,:.p - !r r.r.ri

&.d f JLf ,.r.Jf s#l , A (sd t{l b',rl - {" Zs f ,JlF1r:*l lU , Z,;l ,71 al a- r*.{ 6 **l "rJli a1l t L(.,,1. oll t{l )tl - ,;t:f er lf rl ,ronb CrL g: ef ;rb U-rr

ft - * Eitr, ,5 yl ,.rn lli ol , ,n |Kl tr misappropriation .rJ

))b ^f ,ib '.r\ L q/I ..*d I --e- frt e."lk-l E.:tuL,!l- ,J-f ).t. 1gllb ?T - A

"pl f ^art 6.7i1 re ,g funds ,z-Jt$

vI ,: .(J --- 6Q - ,,2fl )ti I L Lrf ua .[.t L otl

L ,{ 4l - d) eJ {l,re) .5 d) ..[ir o., crrLtr. dl frr.,>\.L. ,5iiU ,l)\.1i, L ,€ ,71 ,r+rt L l.ri f\ .r>\.t .

vI * -f u.3le+L rli - e- LrrEEt e3-)\r ,5 2-rf .(.gl ,{gl ,fl gltr - A d- [f V 1it a[^r ,., ,sr>\al*. E Ol fqib: 6

"*f ri-l3i1s A, vT "o g "- .;la ,tl ,=s 1k;.1 €


- !b vt+ - df u. 6lL. ur Lf .(.sl c,:[.t . 4)bdtJ-\:11{ lH { bilra 9 r3i*i ,.t.i,rJ 6 0i trl a,f g9a lre+i- ger

activities .I Ot * A L Lf ,*,j ^t[ ,f dJ,:.Fil )rl,Os)s:y 33ta E O-t1Y e*p )tl - sS C L Lf .tl*. efu# "l^ii aJ K vI f, )tl - ea! 2 L Lf Lt:,e. *t)\i E. siT *r.1 lfr i rf gT - .r*itrl o C)L 15€"| -{ ,:iv n 4,

,rs. Au L drSl. 42o)) - ,!i.3l f$ ,{ b .2a! ,f r". .S-f b-1,6 Lrl L e-1bl jt- !r,t, rf ,31 ;I- L ofrJ ,71 )rl

,,,rt, .(Jl ,5 .rtnrl t o* oq - e- Uf )jbx,.4- u#

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : I will now put the amendment to theHousc. The question is :

That sub-section (6) ofsection 22 ofthe Ordin-ance, be deleted.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker :

Safdar.Next amendment No. 8l by Khawaja

Khawaja Muhammarl Safdar : Sir, I beg to move :

That in sub-section (6) of section 22 of theOrdinance, the words and commas, ..or are liketyto bb", occurring io line 2, be deleted.

Mr. Senior Deputy Sperker.: Amendment moved is :

That it sub-section (6) of section 22 of theOrdinance, the words and commas, ',or are likelyto be," occurriag in line 2, be dcleted.

' ,.--:JA"i


, Minirtsr ef Lrbsut : Opposed Sir.

[6rn ruNr, 1968

a+t c{ et - Yb vl.- - (r- &-fJt-) )Ji,a J^i, ,qlf

tf ,r4l ,itf & ,rJ [:'it; n fi $ a- € ?."e t5-ll

,J,a*. ;fi, e- .drei i *l n 2- t3o eW K {L.r , z dfjt:ll .t'r.. , 'q 6 .(., ,i*1 "or appears to be' , 'lrl .I .Jt':-t

g.Jr 6 .+-l.p )V*q d+ d.rt;-l L p*i gnl i '14 t5

r . -.1f sp dkrl ua*. r 9s 'ggrtt .it r*{ir fl ^f t+r f ,ic ,r

E Ur{ c}t;Ktt - Jta1r }sS

t, ^r I A t+<J dtf tsrlr$l )Ji,? J"$ft, +lf

- "or appears to be" A-

- *h Ll - L:,x L3t

I wilf read it Sir."Where it appears to the Registrar that the

funds of a Trade Union have been, or are likely to

be misappropriated or that the fuods are spent on

obJects not specified in this Ordinance, he may

bimsclf hold or cause to be held by an officer

authorised by him in this behalf, an enquiry """""

- A (,AtJ €e1J J "h 6 Llt.:-l e;

Mr. Senlot Deputy Speaker : The question is:

That in sut-section (6) of sectiot 22 of the

Ordioance, the words and commas, "or are likely

to be," occurriag ia lioe 2, be dcleted.

The morton was lost,


!ftgwaia Muhrnqlq El$sr : Sir I beg to novo:

That in sub-section (6) of section ?2 of the' Ordioance, the corima occurring aftor the word

"charge" in line 8, be feplaced by a fullst9p aod

the rcrt of the words be deleted.

Mr. Senlor Deputy Speaker : Amendment moved is s

That in sub'section (Q of section 22 of the

Ordinaoco, the comma occurring after the word

'rchattlQ" io line 8, be reptaced by a fultstop aod

tbe rcst of tbe words be deleted.

Minister of Labour : OPPoged Sir.

L w " Ib ?t? - (r-&F[,) )Ji,a J.r.,' .lj-

d Jtt d,,r+u f &'it' 4)t'g"l 115 t7l --!?-4\'r rl

lrry sr^f .f Lh. r. !.r* dt*rl ft S 4 rl q:' ul - r#r

e.* ojtr*ll ,4 4l *t I 4. .}; V Lsa Cl; ^lu- K 6'7it

E *rt .S L *1.,:&t) e Lf E:a oit$l ll ' .I Lh re

) q +i artl lLr { Url r7'rt, )l*"'') (tft 'r'Irl dtU'

.S.ril-r(lf d .Jp LU,l 6;I I ef cr3s ke! ^l q - E'd

f .rL -f Ol E .*, y' q.. d al *lL.r or s! Lf Qre,tltgl JhU .rrl . Lin sl.,ta;il e'r c4td lt St*' - Lb !r

J.rl A qri V .r-b )l;-*) - Z K ;r'1,,tl y>l i tlbr - !t"

dl-rf q+ L { sa,r 4l rf s! + -aK Ulf sr 'iAi-* &j .lir. elri t{ ,*>la rl.i-:.t ' * a 1"-l'e '11;--'

f ** J erL.r E, ,rl & e, €Jlr$l rrl t+r h ./r e'i I. :. - A ctd g'lr el ld


73?4 pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy oF wBsr pAKrsrAN [6rn ruNr, 196g

eh f t*," - Ylr .rt+ - (Otr J! .nt t-(t.) Cji. t j-l- A_ (.l|fl K o.F elL.r {J (J|. LUrt .r)\:il r:jr rlu

1, OQ - a- 1& cr.*. K ,yl - a Cr, .,e, K :t.bt .19l

.t - A qd .5$ { drltrgr6c L dr."Jl )tty Jtc All,r

:Jsy ,'it* L e oh - 2- { clflJl L ,.tr:.+it )D}. rlLr-

)tty ^& e- Uf qr, !ii,"r .rn K rti. E, rrr1l.{+o E .l*+ll

Jrl A U &,.c- q .tri rJ,.l L ts94 q" &5- lJl c" L cl3;qil

otl si - l- $f L,i,S ,r+l K rrlsti. E, Of qa d contributions

j&, ,;f r5t r. jt.:-l f .:U ,,rrl r-? - ytJ s,t+ Jtu ,.irl L,el* E- .4rt+ 5 tt cr-.r Al b 5 !tt.':-l ,rl s*';Jbu- )lr .rt+ ;91 - aJ E 6r ,.rl .5 rn qsjlFl .f. ctlec oi

e! dt.':-l i yL ,t"U ji:i q tf es dtd-l tr .rU u,"l .rfl

Lt" [f .rt!:jl .-(, c$ ,.rl af a 6y)i rJ ;f -ri E .rptr

pl 3 oer & t" jl..:-l d stL ,L t, j-Lt s, ..(I .:i1 e"1

ct t-*. ,sl a4 E ,yl ! f r! A;ilrftl i ,J,.1 &t L Lr,.l

G.-1, l"l9r ^f t* .*i €AE .. u^. I Lh t5 &.ffl.f s.. gjl.rc

S L:{ .ry.J os{ e.rj ,5 a;r g-b trel c{, Ltq o.t

,#b r. dL.:-l ,l stL ;it;U ji$ ef p JL:-l f, eh yt =:j-t,i ot ..(i .r.? t"f L+ t.f ttliil .-(, eis o.l tof ,i Ls)re ,.5 c.,! ,rl i q E u'"1 f c,er ;!; rn dtd-l d stL rt" t,

&-fir ,jf q ;,f gnl U Lt" r.5 6jlrfil $ "i.l

qC "t

- ib 6 cr,,. .:Jl.rs


Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : The question is ;


Next amendment No. 83 by Khawajr.

Not moving, Sir.

Amendment No. 84 by Mglik Akhtar.

Not moving Sir.

Amendment No.85.

Amendment No. 86 will come first.

That in sub-section (6) lof section 22 of the

Ordinance, the comma occurring after the word

!'charge" in line 8, be rcplaced by a fullstop and

the rest of the words be deleted.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Senlor Depoty Speaker :


Khawaia Muhammad Safrlar :

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker:

Malik Muhammad Akhtar:

Mr. Senior Deputy Speakel:

Malik Muhammad Akhtar :

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Yes, amendment No. 86 by Malik Akhtar.

Malik Muhammarl Akbtar : Sir I beg to move :

That for sub-section (8) of section 22 of theOrdinance, the following be substituted, namely :-

"(8) The Registrar taking action under sub-section (6) shall not make an order whereby the

positionofanyoftheelected office bearer of theTrade Union shall be affected unless he is found

guilty by the Industrial Court.".

Mr. Senior Deput.y Speaker I Amendment moved is :

That for sub-section (8) of section 22 of the

Ordinance, the following be substituted, namely :-

"(8) The Registrar taking action under sub-

section (6) shall oot mako an order whereby the

position ofany ofthe electcd officer bearer of the

Trade Union shall be affected unless he is found

guilty by thg Industrial Court.".

r '-lA:*

7376 pRovrNcrAl ASsEMBLv oF wBsr pAKrsrAN [6rn rur.tr, 1968

Minister for Labour : Opposed

4 J..-l ,hfl1l * c1, - Ylr gh - )Ji,o J.,i,. qlf- Lt" Ur tn-! pl oir A L 2,,{ *t 15- tr os2{ .::.-tF.rs

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : The time of the House is extended foran other half hour.

rf a lf !f-it* {-,(*-.rL:-jil J-ftr.<t)tl 2 w q f ,y'.t3Kl Jrl jlLti E ttl- &) u.,Srl.t"?r ,="rl q. .* j.L, q {5- Lb ,! .ilti r1 &, ;! summary inquiry

-:, q. L) * misaPpropriate

,n";::o':'.,1,""'j'T:lJ';H':1:T'J[,;"'Til:misappropriated, he shall make an order directingthe officers of the Trade Union to vacate theiroffice and call upon the Trade Union to elect newofficers iu tbeir place, and on the Trade Unionelecting new officers, the Registrar shall, if the

order made by him under sub-section (O for thevesting in him of the funds of the Trade Union is

still in force, vacate such order;"

dr! irregularities ,fl q. 0l - (J^a Llr 6n(;l - ylj vU:.rl) Cn gl4. elections oL. civil courts _ u!.

"lf" election petitions ,I

S e_ dr L t )lt 4l JU. Jt s{r 6tL^ &A - q&

i Ol {ita ,>is Lr? q -{ rJrjl.r1.rr"s L tiade unions

,71 .,J $ ,i*.{ qr'rl f K, charge l'misappropriation of funds

judicial 61p { t rj - yl, !/k" - ,J-, f vacate f offices

pl A ,S tf prescribr ,Op

method ,J{ ) c;rflrfil ej .pt 4


j.L, *{ i l)L url va*' ^f 4- tf gf a t''d - ilr vhlp fd- f ofrce-bearer g# ,r*f * z-s .lP misappropriate

uu! K,,rt fl - * E J. remove o & .rrl vI t{ z [S' l-

u/l t, ,& cognizable ,2'3 L PPC 9r 9a , 'h r.5 p: cf

t) f embezzlement €.ri L PPC .**) { adoOt 9f Procedure

- gt) f office vaoate g,I s4 $ e- t(. t" 6 f sa'EJ. oi

principle of justice equity and concession ' y'&t - !l*t+

2-.,:rri*llst embezzlemeot fl ' (J!. 2'S ,f dePart :t{ 4 e

qC rir 2 sl e..tie - ut" Uf .fC du dr5 AeJil ; ''rl 'fut" *. e-:it eb ,5 f-it' ,sa sf -i-iet d'J'f Ub tr.eJir ble L ,J.l *{ L\ ,o e.lti ^t r..'U' 0llrr ft € +h

rgi. unholv trl a e-)ls1 )fr 4l L r'lfl - [i tr dU

,r +r q $- t t5 g ){ &)b ^l 2 L ) )f J'.t-

Crb * .,.4 - s: f office vacat" r+ ,.rfu= f F.r Jtet ts"l af

! Rolitical ends 9f dellrJb uh a-3t ,>'t L Land Reforms

6h -;,l;. yl )tI r.i ..S ,&l culturable lands .1ll e. Uf f 2

4 rj 5 stris Crl-r+ri tf sl.i.t L drrJl C-* s'l 2-

.f office bearer ,,rl S a- t.l f &l* ;*i. ql L* LW

L ,r.S ft ^f .l-r. $rf eil." cl' - LV !'r dK o dtoJ

Jrl ,J#.b ,j* guts gr vf -* 4- 6 misappropriation of funds

2 ue. open court 4..,1i. .t )tl - ZPV lif Jl' rr'ti' n u'|l

q - 4f" Lry JW 4 L * consequences ii !"1 ''el #t"

f misappropriation of funds .,-I eb grl Z tlrl s{ AbL

cognizable offence f embezzlement of funds - sr.r Lf encourage

autonomous rf A l[i rf L.t 4 "if c-6- Llrll 6 Lu{




opd cro olltl €l{r ,rS [5 semi autonomous bodies g bodies

'i,l i OAr-, tf, lKol ;' L df embezzlemert ,j odf.l :l;l u,t+ltf :*t 9i oa. .,.t- L capsi. e. ej .(.j q fl _ uJ) fJ) Jr L ,JHf )t! Ostst-t r,f rJ.a L) )f ;J_t+i 4J eLe? ftJ .5 +J, Jl-P dtt U ,rt E f g? .ilrJ tta .lb.ll.rl+o -i2e n Lh -r. embezzlement ,J fl ql )rl 4_ 6,.s*af c^.i 6 dl d - urb A*.r* ty d{ f vacation of office gu:! 15.L L Ortt). q d )tl u.. 4g7l tilsl E 0t rj 4

- LrtS ;r"at a! a; -

L 0t o'

Mr. Senior Deputy Speakervote of the House.

I will oow put the amendment to the

The question is :

That for sub-section (8) of section 22 of theOrdinaoce, the following be substituted, namely:_

"(8) The Registrar taking action under sub_section (6) shall not make an order whereby thepositionofanyof the elected office beareroftheTrade Union shall be affected unless he is foundguilty by the Industrial Court.".

The motion was lost.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Next amendment.

Khawaia Muhammad Safdar : I beg to move :

That sub-section (8) of section 22 of the Ordi_naoce, be deleted.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Amendmeat moved is :

That sub-scction (g) of section 22 of the Ordi-oance, be deleted.

Miniiler for Labour: Opposed.


LF - llr 9l+ _ (r- g-6JU-) )Ji*, J-i, qlfK .)ytd r.;..L- .,. c4W 4 ed L

-V .(1. ,:-3s ;;*.

€f q if ,s* s,JE. 6 c."*. ljt * 6f| - e- lti Jtf,El

g f.g3 cr)te ^r .t 6r5ltsl url 4f ,#ti *-.9i o5 S { Os:f

Lb rn ;./r. eJ J s* L ^#J E. tsrlrsl ft ^5- a- ,F3 q { ! A K" eo r.r! )F tl Alr.e$f qLrftJL:-l K L9n l.r+ E. ).;. 6.d ,r.f - lr^ ,r.f.i ), )2,- .fU fi, ,f S Z:" f,rn dt d U ,\.. L ltf ot - ,.16f, d

-.t /t r. U rr- f'J &t ;f. rJ) r O{ 2+

rg,*..oJlh se - A- t*.t ail-d .(ll - Fl J-tu .<td ,s.i.fi-

- \ ,.d rf K ^itd .(l ,rut ,f 0t - ifJl f.f. dk

#t" l: ljl .Dtitt drrr ^l ft - )Ji.p Ja-. +lS*u;e dlr - 2-

"/t" 9r e, ,,::lt1 ,$ i "o'are likely to be" ,:'d

&.3 .rf ur. .r1t.c - A- et1syb tJ .5 Ot ef 6 eF- u,.r.i -r,

.ali f* d-f i tl - K- €+.{ ql c,! a! ,rl oe" h it,,jf ,S a- Ut L d ef t.*: - tS- o1 12srl dl* - rr el ! ,A .!lJ Lf r'J L rjr r a lt 0: Jr f* .$l .S J+ \rd.r

.t". J'"4- S I r-Jt.:-l orl u&, C* srl l+ U fr f ,yl

r.!.8 U c ,,i. prl rFi{ )tl e- Ujn .l.;p )Ji elLr { . OlSls?

Jt#il { otl *t yl - 4- "&

b .S, G6,e -f tl: c.rt e sl i2 oi - u# erlr

^J - 2+ !s 1-i .-r ert L ,lr:-?J!U,1, 0l .{ oJ. Uf tea:-l pl aljo Uf ,:i;lta.' .5 ,tI ,.rt

:Jb.k' f 'n;,- 6

?38q pr(oVrNCtAL ASSEMBLY ol wBst pAKrstAN [6rn rutE, 1968

r7l u6l. eru - ,(*, *16 (r - 13l Jil) oj.- ;--*F+t'a )t*- :l- )! 4e- ,-*i dtr" r(! *. 11 Lf ,r4A + .(rQt!.,<J), Lf ,td *4 2 4l -h \rl tf A ,Jrt el K

-tsf ri rl*{ A L

url oh" .d A !r )L:il 4J tf ,lrL,,*., otC L ,>"if*t;ps 9! r./ 12. .c'l-3ft t5 dJn +rl )t5, $ 9o dU-t ff .r.J. e dstp' L 0l t{ ctrtl) or6c L o1l ot n u.^


r,; L .:rLl 5 ,S-f,sl ! Of . *D-.) F6 - -,(,*- .tUl

4 &.-1.0K./ ;;*. ,r1l tf 6fJ (J,iC ui. slr L L* r,cflU) e if 'lsjs sl )tL rftd )tl dJa tif c:^it1lr 4

fj L .r,.9f,- 4tr t |* { o,*i c".ii- ar tJ f o3a Ufg t l) W ^I "tl .& e- lb ,::.rl n,t&) )tl * ,|tfru?l s*t 0f &t E L* L,I*. g .:.9fi- g,.l 6t;t.r *f f,3a

E clk-r.r.r ..rx.. dU" ,5 url .{ 2- .,il ur. a3fi, .(, J-

- JT cari, q. 26r q * LreJ f lr, E .rr>u ! .r, t,.df { - 9o ej ft" 0f dh" &- ^.G. L4l l- ,s-{ c;s ,Jrl

{ ,* ,J.. 0."i1 )D, s*f { ,sray gT *: rf a d}t"i.

f L* orl l.rl&i. - s1r 2f o.r-Jc ,f Jl) orr.e n e- dU:-t

"n u". dlrl u?l f J s&l e3 d:{ $tc, i .,j 4l t*$uir. L sl:rf dl Jt' ei;, ,r\ L,rl a- ;irt leiU .r.Kre dirr.3 ,71 a E Lf du dtr (Js.r .dt u 4 atljr,,*) A a,-f- oi d ,-* # p! - y'at" Utr er oratr

jrUp .[. g13;.ail )fy ,?: e; - It,J- und o.r+!e -f -J i L,ff ,rl + e.rol dtf 5 Ol a- r:rie ,if 6 0l C?

OtDrNANcls 7!tt

L rJJ1j.s3r uarrl up a-*!U L o$i o, - A eJ[. 6y1,t

E. ,srtrl .5 !fu 4-Jb ot op 0lr(- a-lt- f OfJ a'hor.!u ,jf .J(. ,r.S ,r{ ft .& q. u.r, a-r'lli .ta

Jbfq '5 a-ii3 Gsse E r;T sb,.. .5$ ot i L )3;et


0l rr-r! L ,/t .i(t "+ ,rrr, ,.r+l a--rJL, rl - Frc. .,. 4

,:rf{ .r,l - e- o.1JJ JJJ K ,riL- s:4 si tr cr-.f'fr' ,5

,rry OQ L'.a (fd tli 2 L LLt*; t{ o*'f ..,fi| '


S l* tJt :-t q dl':.. L 6l ll )S 2- bri 't 2 L dr'"Jl

,=,T ef * t*1, )l)ril 4 f ol i 1rrasfrf .:'ti u,i, d:'iLl rI

L .,J up 2-t h 5 ,* yT E rrr:'+rl )t)y -, o2L 3

L dJ:.+,| tt:y 0l ct rf ul. ls ol1$l { f 0l

t !t1l - J,(?- vt r - ult f ore.lc a dlp E .Jl ,'f o4l+lfrJer i)L ; stL "*r L .rllt;il fKJ d L d nl r+..

crL Ct- L dJ,:."r| )r, Jl ,-f €tti .::,lJtdil 4l-l .{1 ,#,,1t},,

,_{ ,r *& .'U fr rf Bro rh:it .,+, 4l f i2t*1 f!|"d, f orr{.c .t Lr3g 9f ,z:-. fjr r;t{ I L t^l -r. .}" ^q

- ./r. 4;*. .f url 6 of t e+.: ,.t* -i E

Mldster for Law (Mr. Allah Bachayo Ghulam Ali Akhund): Potd't

of Order. Sir, I will bring one fact to your notice, that this amendment

is out of order because' as you will see, in sub'section 16t, the funds be-

come vestcd in the Registrar. In sub-scction (7) also, when thd funds'

of a Trade Union vest in the Registrar under the provision of sub-section

(6), the Registrar may call for record of expenditure, etc' Now this sub-

rection (8) is connected with this and if we lcave it there as the intentioil

of the learned Member is, then there is no provision or-law-by *h1*tho Registrar can vest himself. Now he caa db so dtrd vdcete ordet un6€r

subseciion (8) (b). Then what is the position of the Labour U1io1?

1te fundo phall repain fisted in hip an{this will create a lacuna in theI!-i-r,;.-s,i


738? pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr ,AKT'TAN [6rn ruNe, 196g

law. r, therefore, request my friend to reconsider it, as this amendmentis itself defective.

rs3.f l(. ll ctc rule out a- €)t - )Ji,? J.e-,r 4"1J,' -'Yt' 2 L e* O,J ,iy tt..r v\ L )t ,*:)

Minister for Law : If before three months he wants to divest himserfthen where is the law ?

4-!) )tl tr L) e, E ol. 6aI - )Ji,ra J.fr. 4"lJ-- a. .iihrf 5 &l 6. (r) o^tqi" ,.--

Minister for Law : He must necessarily go in appear. The Registrarwill have no option of vacating the orders.

Mr. senior Deputy speaker : Has Mr. Hamza concluded ?

q., uf crrU al ^5-

A- 4 G-f - ,(r- vk: - o;* j,,a- Uer l+l u.d sp dl-r- Y Lf .et f, ,,rt a_

- rra Zs f of l.o.n -J *i i _ r:;r. t$-lpl t Uf expose

-r5- vI i ir. , ua.a - oi.> -fu-f Ot:ta o,.l L -J ft - 4- Lf o.e(- $ a tjkl ef ,sef2s

{ 'vl :t 21. U 0u ! JV U )f r--LJ ut' .:Jt- o)e,rer

.t u-a rfrl+-, -r" L dr.+rl )!)). f fr. s€t { 4l +J?'rL.' j2b*1 .t d-f e.LU^ |f r:l.lG, )!)jn ^f L gnl ll+tttsy ,? ..:ri L eei.r &3 - E- Uf c#sf 6 Lf &:_ fff I f-) L v^-le )\r1 oa* .t L,.a rl.^l-rr.o L rJ9:.7i1

.rJ lrlri 1r d.llo uf hlr z, ottu./jr .ytr. u* _ L rJla J15,.,.n Lf r:*l 2 L oft: .-J i? ). ef u.e(Jr g€i .rt ual r'la. oa$* .5 Lf q f ,rt ..pt C at rri -JgrL q. &f ,-.tI a91l3o ,"p J) .(Jl L .lr(- orl 6 .,JAl Lf pt q. *t Lf sit- ,hu Lt 9t b,I ei ur. L,at


{r, -rr- * ur. ^5. 4- tJ .-} .(, rr url W lrl cl.

e2- &IJi L oe,t. | ,l;;yf r: sLy't or nf ,rr. t & +5.

uar =a: Lr alrrl n u J.Fil -a. * ' * dl u-.! dl" ,J!r9.,l.Uqci ! A ,rit- Ja .r* .=..: .5 rJ9ily'- ! u,* ult: J"8 { q c,.p .5 c*r .r,l f,t - A .Jb Ja ,r =.: ,5

a oltp 2tr1 r.;li ot ti ,if ,i srt* ty ,.:l'Ll SS 'dof:t e-4-es fl - ki ;j! titl 3r orrlc ; crl .pl ft- 3o .fi|

n Af {, drit.i or. driLl *f 2- ff ,:are,i ^l e,9"(- f'rJrf rJl zlta lt){ ;i1 LlU. orj ..!l )i. b ef .e.,3G g"l

- ;lt" Utr rn .fl| * orrf )Ji & L:^ Lf ..[* ,l e.*:

zitt" g& )21 4 ,j- s{ c.,.d€J. g,"l .5 J ,f7 *t ctsse d.l

sJL ,5 vT 6,q LrS' r:4 t{ e+c; ,5 r*; u,'l SS 'da, Jrl ,!r.!,r,rC rto, 2 L ib c*#i .f r;T -f! f 6, f

- L rJ'! Jlti

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : I will now put the amendment to vote.

The question is :

That sub-section (8) o[ scction 22 of the Ordi'

nance, be deleted.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker: Next amendment at No. 87.

Khawaja Muhammad Safilar : Not moving, Sir.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Next at No. 88.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar: Sir, I am not moving both 88 and 89.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Next amendment at 90.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, I beg to move :

That afterpara. (d) of section 2l of the Ordi-

nance, the following bc added, namely :-"(e) a memberof trade union may authorise in

writing the trade union to receive such amount as

he may fix from the employer every month and the

n,l: n

...: -*".d;lj

194 pRovrNcrAl AssBMBLy oF wBsT pAKrsrAN [6ru rune, 1968

employer shall be liable to pay sucb amount to theTrade Union."

Mr. Senior Deputy Speoker ; Amendment moved is

That after para. (d) of soction 23 ofthe Ordi-nance, the following be added, namely :-

"(e) a member of trade union may authorise inwriting the trade union to receive such amount as

he may fix from the employer every month and the

employer shall be liable to pay such amount to theTrade Union.".

Minister for Labour : Opposed.


,;f unt-l ,;n. - Ylr eL" - (r-t-r"Y) ;;l Jor,. .<t#l &i S-l *f dro urf e1 e(! .Jr^ u"t" uf ,6i o! ,rJ.S: LV .9s K, $ rJ fl u*o Ljr defaulter ,.. lri or+ tr

JJ6-f d- nly'uf 6l.1L. .{ al1{ * .(lt. all )tt? _}r{a-f Ut" & 4a ot. rr ol i Lt" !: Giet ,*. $l3i r.c-

Lt:+ g* dafaulter 11 e. C-h-l )tl Ktn r".. 4t JJI tr

A r&rt teaf r1 ,S d, U{a* ,r - E '*f t5 contribution

- L dlt rrst ..r, r(lL. .'&, rrl

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : I will now put the amendment to vote.

The question is :

That after para. (d) of section 23 of the Ordi-nance, the following be added, namely :-

"(e) a member of trade union may authorise inwriting the trade union to receive such amount as

he may fix from the employer every month and theemployer shall be liable to pay such amount to the

Trade Union.".

The morion was lost.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Next amendment at No. 9i.Malik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, I am not moving amendments at

No. 9l to 97.

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : We now pass on to Section 26 ; firstamendnteqt at No. 98,

o&,brNrxce3 ?385

Malik Muhammad Akhtrr : Sir, I beg to move :

That for section 26 of the Ordinance, thc follo-

wing be substituted, namelY :-"26. Notwithstanding anything 'contained in

any other law for the time being in force, an agree-

mcnt between the mombers of a registered trade

union shall not be void merely byreasonofthefact that any of the clauses of such agreement

regulates their trade :

Provided that nothing in this section shall

apply to aoy agireement concerning the condition

on which any members of a trade union shall orshall not sell their goods.".

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Amendment moved is :

That for section 26 of the Ordinance, the follo-wing be substituted, namely :-

. "26. Notwithstanding anything contained in

any other law for the timc being in force, an agree'

ment betweon the members of a registered tradeunion shall not be void merely by reason of the

fact that any of tbe clauses of such agreement

regulate their trades :

Provided that nothing in this section shall apply

to any agreemeot concerning the condition on

which any members of a trade uoion shall or shall

not sell their goods.".

Minister for Labour : Opposed.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : No speech Sir.

Mr. Senior Depaty Speaker : I will put the amendment; the

question is :

That for scction 26 of the Ordinance, the follo-

wiog be substituted, namelY :-"26. Notwithstanding anything contained in

any other law for the time being in fo.rce, an agree'

ment between the members of a registered trade

union shalt not be void merely by reason ofthefact that a$y of the clauses of such agreement

regulates their trade :

Provided that nothing in this section shall applyto any dgreement concerning the condition on

which any members of a trade uuion shall or shall

not' scll thcir goodp.".

Tl& ryptian'wqc lottt

:-":. '-',^'n M



7386 pRovrNcrAL ASsBMBLv oF wEsT rAKTsTAN [6rn ruNe, 1968

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : No : 99.

Malik Munammad Akhtar: Not moving.

Mr. Senior Deputy Spraker : No : 100 by the Minister of Labour.

Minister of Labour : Sir, I beg to move :

That for section 28 of the Ordinance, the follo-wing be substituted, namely :-

"28. Any person who has attained the age of15 ye31s, may be a member of a registered Trade[Jnion, and may subject to any rules of the TradeUnion enjoy all the rights of a member and executeall instruments and give all the acquitances neces-sary to be executed or given uoder the Rules.".

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker :' Amendment moved is :

That for section 28 of the Ordinance, the follo-wing be substituted, namelY .'-

"28. Any person who has attained the age of15 years, may be a memberof aregistered Trade

Union, and may subject to any rules of the TradeUnion enjoy all the rights of a member and execute

all instruments and give all the acquitances neces-

sary to be executed or given under the Rules.".

It is not opposed. The amendment, therefore, stands carried.Next comes No. l0l. Minister for Labour.

Minister of Labour : Sir, I beg to move :

That for section 29 of the Ordinance, the

following be substituted : -"29 (l). No persoo shall be elected as an officer

of a registered trade union, who._(a) has at any time within the preceding 3 years,

been convicted of an offence under thisOrdinance or undor section 23 or section 24

of the Industrial Disputes Ordinaoce, 1959. (Ordinance, LVI of 1959), or under section

30 or section 3l of the West pakistan

Industrial Disputes Ordinance, 1968; and

(6) has been coovicted of an offence involvingmoral turpitude, or for any act, prejudicialto the defence or security of Pakistan, orpublic order, and sentenced to imprison-ment for a tcrm of not less than 6 monthsunless 3 years or such less period as Govern-ment may by notificatioo in the OfficialGazette specify in this behalf bas elapsed

from the date of expiration oftbe sentence.


(2) A rcgistered Trade Union, shall elcct oot

iess than 75 per ccntum of the total number

of -its officers, from amongist the persotrs'

who are for the time being employed or en'gaged in the industry with wbich tbe Trade

Union is coonected.

(3) No person shall be elected as an officer of a

registered Trade Union who is not-(a) is case be is employed on engaged iu thc

' industry with which the Trade Union is

concerned attained the agc of 21 yearc ; and

(D) in any other case, attaincd the age of 25

: leers,and is a paid full time Trade Unioa' Worker.

(4) No person shall hold ofrco in moro than ono

rcgistcred Tradc Union'

(5) Government may, on the grounds of sccurity,

by notification in the Oftcial Gazette, pro'

hibit any registered trade union in any in'dustry conoected with defence carriod on by

, or uoder tho authority ofthe Central Govern'

ment, from electtng aoy person as its offcor,

. who is not for the tiTe being employed orcoonected with such industry'

(6) On tbc comiog into force of this Ordinance,

if any persoo who is an officer of a regis'

tered trade union and under thc provisions

of thig Ordinance ig dis'qualified, or is not

qualified to become or to be, an officer ofsuch registered trade union, he shall forth-

with vacate his office, and ceasc to be such

officer, and his seat shall, as soon as may

be, be 6lled in accordancc with the provirioor

of this Ordinance, aod the ruleg of the

rcgistered trade union by a persoa qualiEed

to hold such office".

Mr. Senior Depu8 Speaker : Amendment moved is :

?hat ior section 29 of the Ordinance, the follo'wing be substituted :-

"29 (l). No person shall be elected as an

ofrcer of a registcred trade union, who -(d) has .t any time within the precedin8 3

years, been convicted of an offence under this

Ordinance or under section 23orsection24of the


.':. . ,-s-*-.J

7388 pRovtNclAl ASSEMBLY otr wBsT PAKISTAN [6rx ruNe, lg6g

Industrial Disputes Ordioence, 1959 (Ordinance,LVI ofl959), or under section jlo or section 3I oftbe West Pakistan Industrial Disputes prdinance,1968; and

(b) bas been convicted of an ofence invotvingmoral turpitude, or for any act, prejudicial to thedefence or security of pakistao, or public order,and sentenced to imprisonment for a term of notless than 6 months, unless 3 years or such lessperiod as Governmcnt may by notification in theOfficial Gazette specify in this behalf has elapsedfrom the date of expiration of the sentence.

(2) A registered Tradc Union, shalt elect notless than 75 pcr centum of the total numbcr of itsomcers, from amongst the persons, who are for thetime being employed or engaged in the industrywith which the Trade Union isconnected.

(3) No person shall be clected as an officer ofa registered Trade Union who is not _

(d) in case he is employed or engaged in theindustry with which the Trade Union is concernedattaiaed the age of 2l years ; and

(b) in any other case, attained the age of 25years, and is a'paid full time Trade Union Worker.

(4) No person shall hold office in more thanone registered Trade Union.

(5) Government may, on tbe grounds of securityby ootification in the Official Gazette, Frohibit anyregistered trade union in any industty connectedwith defence carried on by or under the authorityof the Ceotral Government, from electitg anyperson as its officer, who is not for the time beingemployed or connected with such industry.

(6) On the coming into force of this Ordinance,if any person who is an officer ofa registered tradeunion and under the provisions of this Ordinance isdis.qualifed, or is not qualifled to become orto.foeraDomcerofsuchregistered trade union, he shallforthwith vacate his office , and cease to Ue suctofficer, and his seat shall, as soon as may be, befilled in accordance with the provisions of ifri,Ordinance, aud the rules of the regirtered tradeuaion by a person qualified to hold such ofrce,,.

i' I onDINAI\DCg' lt89

MaUk Muhammrd Ahhtar : ' Opposcd.

Khawaia Muhammail Safdar : Opposed.

f if .u- cr., - J-t, rrt+ - (r-t.rn!) ,:il "t^*. .St{ o* C*i 6flt r'l t L* &4 A fo'ri o.l rf ctrl

J rrr Ft 14 5;l )tl &b* th.lt; r.-r)\i ce 21 rrr.x'Ief a tf tls )lt { ua, 11 r*i) - 1* vt+ - L'il: bJrl $ .#l V ,rl.sl &i '>t*',-1 .dl *f91 oa,Er ,5g ,jfr r,lrr r.ir 6 .rqitT ,rl +n J. ly Jf =. gi"qJl dt' OJ a.l

g[.I,' K 6 JJI op dtLd, E jy .llaj rlLi; ,? s:r, €'tI ELb ,! .-Srl tr misconduct .;.r; L 0l 2- 4 misconduct

-r.:lk ll ur. industrialdispute ,2ti L f r/f. 4ril ot 6,rL-l .Ul

fr" ,jX.l -tf L ,sl td e+ Q - -r' lrt 'r! lr 's ! re

(.,G * ,*t i gr' tS l5 -r:l .rb e# E 'lGl (,!J}G, "o* I €+.{ d..rt ,,,/T f rrl ,rI r. Oni*

- L aC 6r:l Jai rl - )Jj.*a Je.e.r +lf

z;. otr s" lrn .ft - yt, ?t: .rel .trl - ;;l J^fr. , (L

o - ? - - $l .f -t, conviction ,5 .:!j e oV 3,? srrl ,! :)t j

Mr. Senior Deputy Speaker : Malik Sahib may please take his seat

The House is adjourned to meet tomotrow at 8 a. m.

The Assentbly then adjourned (at 9.25 p.m.\ till 8.N a.m. on Friday,

the 7th Jme, 1968.

. ,-{


(Ref : Stared Question No,-.12496)



Serial Name and DesignationNo.

Department Plot'No;











K. M. Sft.

1. Malik M. A. Ahmad, XEN

2. Major Iftikhar Ahmad Khan

3. Capt. M. Iftikhar Sadiq

4, Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad, S. O.

5. K. G. Murtaza, News Editor





Radio Pak'




























A. H. Mir, Divl. Engineer

Abdul Karim Khan, Asstt. Dir.

Ahsanul Haq, Admn. Officer

Muhammad Azhar, Assistant

Abdul HafeezKhan, Dy. Supdt.

Muhammad Ahmad Rizvi, Assistant


Dr. Mrs. Kausar Kamal, Lady Assistant


Nooruddin, Assistant

Rao Iqbal Ahmad Khan, P. C. S.

Ijaz Hussain, Tech. Asst.

Waziruddin, Accountant

Abdul Qadus, S. D. O.




Irr. & Power


A. G. Office

P.W.R. Hospital

Railway Board

Housing and Sett.


Civil Judge

Civil Airport

P. W. R.








010 60

011 65

0 10 130






22 0










14. Ghulam Muhammad Samadani, Ekistician




10 130

10 130

ll 55{.1t,rC'



l8; 0 l0 130

{t\0\rSerial Name and DisgnationNo.

Department PlotNo.












Mr. Ghulam Haider, P. A.

Muhaumad Aminuddin Khan, Supdt

Malik Inayat Elahi, Div. Acctt.

Raja Khizar Hayat, Overseer

Iqbal Hussain, Supdt.

Dr. Miss Feroze Yasmin, Lecturer

Muhammad Afzal, Instructor

Sarfraz Ahmad, Supdt.

Samiullah, Assistant

Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq Farooq, StatisticalOfrcer.

Telecommunication .. .

Mineral Dev.

Public Health.

E.M. and Services...


A. G. Office


Tech. Education




r0 25

10 25

l0 25

010 25

010 25
































0t2 45

,tF" -F- .-''-"' *-rtF--










Mrs, Safia Muzaffar, Lecturer

$aeed Ahrnad Siddiqui, S. D. O.

Mr. Mushtaq Ali, Inspector.

H. M. Haneef, SAS, Acctt.

Muhammad Sumro, Budget Asstt.

S, Tulil Hussain, Asstt.

Mr. Basharat Anwar, Movie Photographer.

Fazal Ahmad, Asstt. Director

Mr.Imtiaz Ali Khan, Asstt. Income Tax Officer

Muhammad Bashir, P. U. D. C.

S. M. Akhtar Abbas, Assistant

Mr. Amanullah Butt, Asstt.

S. M. Uuframmad Abeed, Supdt.

Mr. Abdul Majid Kban, Senior Chargeman.

Syed Altaf Hussain, P.A.


Public Health

Post Life Insurance...




Road Research


Works Audit

Income Tax

c. A. A. F.

Railway Board

High Court


P. W. R.
























































Department Plot Area

-Jt,\osSerial Name and DisgnationNo. No

44. Muhammad Akmal, Supdt.

45. Manzoor Ahmad, Draftsman

46. Mr. Ashiq Muhammad Nasim, S.D.O.

47. Jamal Din, Supdt.


Irr. & Power

Public Heath


















K. M. Sft

0 l0 200

0 l0 200

0 15 125

12 137

t2 100

10 60

l0 60

l0 60

l0 60









48 Muhammad Ajmal Khan, Engineeringlsupervisor,Electrical.

Mr. M. Jamaluddin, Asstt. Supdt.

Muhammad Rashid Arshad, S. D. O

Mrs. Bushra Yasmin, Lecturer

Zafar AlJah Khan, Supdt.

Mr. Ghulam Muhammad, Assistant











53. 010

{*'. ,&



Mab mood-:rl'Zama4,- Sgpdt.

Muhaoaadr$iddiquDr,Cfuightai. Prosccuting

Inspector of Police.

Amanultah Aurakai, SuPdt.

M. H. Bukhari, Section Officer @)

lftikhar,Ahmaal'Kim, Forerren

Zahurddin Siddiqui, Subhead

M. H. Phzada, Tehsildar

Shaukat Ali, Qureshi, P. U'D. C.

Mr. Akhtar Hussain, Family Planning Supcrvisor.

Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, A. M. O.

Mr. MehmootluFHaq Siddiqui, Scnior

















Labour Wclfar

Irr. & Power


P. W. R.


c.-M..4.-& P.

Family Planning



















gn s.

O:F . S

010 60















Ilousing and

?80 0 l0 60

342 0 n t52

.1" t1r :r.rqi



Mr. Manzoor Ahnad" EogirccriXs iurclri{gi,,


Sfl, "' o lo 25



af,r t. "

Serial Name and Designation


'. 1''



:j ljl r.i








I Mian Asghar Ali, P. C. S., Secrptary

Ch. Muhammad Sbafi Gill, Director

Colonel Aziz Hindi

Mr. Ghulam Murtaza, Pircha, P. C. S.

Mirza Hamid Ali Beg, P. C. S. PrivateSecretary.

Capt. Dr. Saeed Ahmad, W.P.H.S.-II, MedicalOfficer.

Major Shafqat Baluch S.J.

Mr. Abdul Jalil, Assistant

Mr. Muhammad Shafi, Private Secretary.

, i' ; -': -. -


tl; P'c 318



A. D. C. (G) 69

Irabour Department... " -?0


health 8s-86




24,' iill0I :I






















Civil Sect.





Labour r30













Mr. Abdul Kareem, Head Clerk

Bashir Ahmad, Boundary Inspector

Naib Sub. Abdul Ghani, Private Secretary

Muhammad Zamat Khan, Assistant Director.

Sh. Ashaq, Hussain, Personal.Apsistant

Dr. Khalid Ch. Deputy Medical Superintendent

Sh. Maqbool Ahmad, Headmaster

Mr. Iqbal Ahmad, Accountant

K. M. Farooq, Section Officer

Kh. Ghafoor Ahmad, Deputy Secretary

Mr. Waheed Akbar, P.C.S.

Mirza Karamat Hussain, Section Officer

Mst. Shamim Fatima

Mehmoodul Islam, Personal Assistant


B. O. R.

Small Industrics ;..

B. D.

$upremc Court

$calth. ,,. :..


Ittran "'..;:.ri . ,....

Cabinet Division


,1, ' ..,ii'Frivate Secrdtary to ..

fri4cipal Staff Ad-ministration College

c. &-w.











-r' j109




r0 ilD

i0 ll0

10 iil

{0 .t0

0 ttz











,. '.1'

-35 -













0t40 ill012li'

i;' r,i





! )'.:-.rr { li.'3lrl j,;",

$Upreme Court -" .,, ...- ?.9j




'l',1.':' , ,1 r . .i,..,


Name and Designation Dcprrtmcor PlotNo;: ts

24. Mir Abdul Rehman, Superintendcnt

Mr. Ghulam Afadt KhanrD.H.O. Lahore

[IfilreGcf' ....

Ilousing aad Sett.


3ler;nid Aseembly...

K. M.


0t0'r li..'










26. Miss Farakh Saee{, Mistress

Na sarullah Kban, Sgperinteodent

Mrs. Satara.Halim

Dr. C. M. Ishaque,Dsputy secrctary

Mr. Ham41'unFaiz .Rasul, C. S.p.

0pl0; .P;

0lu0, ,s.

0i :P,





2t. ,*

f29. :*tfulturc

E *C.




# * .i ,'.1lir..---.r- tl '*- --.1>a



Friday, the 7th June, 1968

. r rrr d3Yl grt I . - 5Jt^'Jl a:"?

The Assembly met at the Assembly Chamber, Lahore at 8-00 a'm' ofthe clock. Mr. Speaker, Chaudhri Muhammad Anwar, H.K., in the Chair.

Recitation from the Holy Qur'an by Qari Ali Hussain Siddiqi (Qariof the Assembly) and its translation.


,+, U *," u'W)ff €eu o'4 s,c

C Y o t 4t u, r rye# rh t1 c* 49 q q 4.it :r ioi/,$ rc**+* ait :t'* i 4; *i c;d ( At,o31

"dfi; &3 r fil/als,'Lil,G 3 -v lztfi4 r's $ iu a

,F; rt*i * t9 4 I ii*,l. ;,1 e$itS- v, i,3!9-1t t 5

i t* h A 6d/3 lo t,P i Ufr # i,,oi,"t$3 I u,





74W PRovINcIAL ASSEMRTY oF wEsT PAKTSTAN [ 7rn ruNr, 1968


Mr. Speaker: Now the Question Hour.

4. 9T 4 e)l ri1t6i r..ln. - Yle vk: - sJi,c af atl3-,it, L^. \i.ri d' dlgll 9"1 - h-ri [ + )jl ( atrf .:-13;1r

L[rA * eL,-rl Lb L:rf 6e:1, ciYle* *iie{ eT *{ { or)f

fr.j pa )tl ( Lt" & r1i. *k4,f .-(11 ;l L Lrf e.'.; r r.r:2.3.17

n. ef 4- dtri lta" n it: J. et4,f .(11 - E_r;'Jrf rri utr4 lK.=-- tn, e(1, ;r:-., - l!- r:.-1 ,rlj f q 6.i"(.- ,li 9 Oll u.a /(. ,{ f{Ylr.;rf .;.sii u4l gnr Jr1 L u*l - (lo A-l t,2i t)2i! .tl srl

- cJJ!

fry - r4o clr.i l:Ylr- ortlj - (clt- 19r- ,.)\i clt;.) Jl" ,$l*-tt *r-l Jrt.3 e,tr 2,bl- 2^i, r.Jl.r:." f j>\:il-r-,;- ef A rJt.i*f I Ltt.i lr, 0(.J Lt- [.f 6e:[.,:iYlr- 4i6l c.*o Al l.2i ca

- g 5l q,fi (iie orUj

.:Yl-2- eilj j,o ni di:. gl91l lL, ,-(, r.: - 2**u ,l*.,f 69d, no ,i 9o .3c. jrrl lJt- ,ft - Uf*; [.5- qFi 6e:Ie

-.1^ j(-

- 4 tirf n:t ,.*131T 6ri9l 3rr! i f^ _ JIi.a ,l€ etlg;

,5 L* o::i fK ,*, o324f uj e_jr- - jl_/ & 6r^117- e- tet ri Lb Lf a.j 6ril cryle- *i;5 .,{l { Jyl

l"f oJ.r.e e.0lrll Jti L cr.." - ltr../k: - 1J|c J€ atlf-q.A a-l5 L ulr f f:: pa [:.a1 ,-(; gt ottt e_3t- eI ef 4_ ter

.Sf n cJ^!Lr; )to ?T ,ft - 4,lt j3,y1+ ,r.li ts.;t- g 6;t-,_r1lg,'l yl e- J:.1 r5'L3a n:i L fY a,,t-tf j2c g;r,",-rt s,)" *I;+f


L,-rl 1j e 2a .i,tL,. L stis L ,-rl 4l JJI A- 62:1.t if 0l9ll c.t.

S --r{ ritil ;; ds ct. .,ti1

p*"1.;,; ,Sss.tc.r; 1.t; d Z e)\t s.el 4l .(:l - JV l)S-.*ib a: jre;

.s 1... ft 'r!l 15 Jrl ,qf gr'l.f r t. - sli.a 'td rtl.l;- 4 J='.l'

- L.*!b 6; lr.l -, ,L:. 15 ,:r!lr- - cfl-t:l 4 ,Sg:37

Mr. Speaker : Chaudhri Muhammad Idrees.

UNorcnro MurlrtoNs rN Dlsrntcr L^lnonr'

*11375. Chaurlhri Muhammarl ldrees: - Will the Minister for Revenue

be pleased to state:-

(a) the number of mutations in each Tehsil of District Lahore which

were undecided on 3lst December 1967 ;

(b) the number of mutations whicl, were registered in January, 1968

and the number out of those which were decided in the said month;

(c) the Tehsil-wise number of mutations which were pending for more

than 3 months ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) :

(a) Lahore 746

Chunian 322

(A) 2,118 mutations werc registered in January 1968 out of which 1,977

mutations were decided in the said month.

(c) Lahore 20

Kasur 3

Chunian Nil.

7402 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLv or wEsr IAKISTAN [ 7ru ruNr, 1968

Ar.r.orr,rpur or Rscer CtNrul, Ly,qr.r.pun

t11556. Chaudhri Muhammad Idrees : Will the Minister for Rehabi-litation be pleased to state:-

(a) the names of the allottees of Regal Cinema, Lyallpur alongrvith the

amount of their verified claims under Schedules I and III separately ;

(6) the names of applicants who had apptied for the transfer of thesaid Cinema;

(cI whethet it is a fact that one Umar Daraz Khan had also appliedfor the trinsfer of the said Cinema but his application was not consideredat the time of transfer of this property; if so, reasons therefor;

(d) whether it is a fact that the Assistant Settlement Commissionerconcerned had recorded a note on 17th October 1959 in the matter oftransfer of the said Cinema but thc same has been tampered with by erasingcertain words ; if so, whether any action was taken in this respect ;

(e) whether it is a fact that the Enforcement Directorate had recom-mended to the Claims Commissioner that the claims of Azim Bakhsh, oneof the transferees of the said Cinema, be cancelled as it was a bogus claim ;if so, the action taken on this report and if no action has been taken sofar, reasons therefor and a copy of the report of the Enforcement Direc-torate be lajd on the Table of the House ;

(/) whether it is a fact that a report was called by the Rehabilitationand Works Division, Government of Pakistan, in respect of transfer ofRegal Cinema, Lyailpur from the Chief Settlement Commissioner, Lahore,in the month of September, 1967; if so, (r) the date on which the saidreport was submitted and (f i) reasons of delay in submission of the report,if any ?

Parliarnentary Secretaiy (Agha Sadr.ud-Din Khan Durrani): (a) to("f) As mentioned in part ("f) of the Question the question of the disposalof Regal Crnema, Lyallpur is at present under consideration of the CentralGovernment to whom a report in the matter has already been submitted.Since the Central Government are seized of the matter, I am not in aposition to furnish detailed replies to the question.

c*r.i a,L*tt jsf * rs,l ly. -yl3 ._t:_ _ rfl_r:l & csra>g7af a3 tl a .,]" l.- U-f ri,_+(* 6)f ,,. !

"]tlr', al....i g' onl *f I

J? A $jl,;r:l",.;r.iil ,-(1,.Lc7." - g- tirf a[a..i I Z- d96ll ,r+;l

airl*:, ,J.ti f ,yTr5"t - e-:t?r. u.l, f Ol ,3 af clgo [:ez]s u^r


Lf ,f os{ a d) e}tl a1 .,j .r+t ri 2- )t t'JiU- uAa

-f .,r !- J11l r r Jltt e1 - (rrti 1e2' 1\L r'lti) Jt' -/ 'J- L uK g;?t&t * g"tg a'1t.o

uXJl.rf e,!. d:rli ,.5 .r-t, .rrjr Yt+ (Jt. - Jt, d.p .<t

,ri*. Ji ,s Z- l,it- t.f 8Ll tiL t*.gt K Jit, €? ef der Erf

)tl 2- t.f ,.r.. ii) ujt*. K jL LJrl L A"ej - A &.13.11 .-(.,l

Lf tr tl li e-)j?t cna rli) Jiti 1r cr$l ef d1o t:g.:tx srr

- e- yll"

grh z-s{ dt- )rl - < oe) l;{ #l K j.r ,.rl w - Jl, ,t3t- e- 6) ,{ ,f ,o L t;;. o2 2- bsat l:

fff.Ij 3f 6rl*2" Jrl:- or-ri L o* - cfl-r:l & C*>X- tgi t1r

that I want to inspect the file. I also telephoned the officer concerned.

A t*f confirm L o2nil;rl cl..9r to1 ,f ,ist s- 6;lJi!r 6).* q'

,? et Jl.r+l r r )tl L u?.rt .Jf tylt L bl ,r&l Jiti 4r af'

u$t diti - A ler Uf bKl c.(i V oe*", r. .ri rl e- u+xud.s$s

Ci t)S* rf clgo tr'rf ,.ii[1) c*, J, L '-ri-- sn , tJtr'l

jf .i)\i t 0l i;T tf A trr vtr: tl a 6) cLytr; hl; efI L ,.:ttf j.lsss{

-Kclell3 G.1l:4.! [:.i1 21 r.rl q. - JV ]jt

Mr. Speaker: This is quite a serious matter and the allegations which

the Members are making ; if that is so, very severe action should be taken

against the person who is responsible for furnishing this information to

the House when the flle is in the office and he says that the file has gone....


7404 pRovrNCrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn luNn, 196g

Minister for Revenue: I will finci out.

Mr. speaker: And wirl the Minister please let this House know whataction he takes in this matter ?

Minister for Revenue : of course, I wi[ let the House know.

q t1I rf ! c.rdt.-p \ i5e3" slt L5- - jlJi & 6r^tr7o).rt Sft t{,r [s 2f ,3.,I1,r -f,,1 L *.(,=.. rf *- qr^i si#-

tqo A.l'I f{ s c3t.r Lt4 6I*:. L Jr,t o,.,1 i) {L.,f uayclr; vlr: { ,-rl c^. - 4- c41-i Jiti i_rl) 4_22a - JV ,$l

- k(- a.l.jl-ril K o"rf yl s" rli .,i - lly !,k? - c,r*l.t:l 4 ,, ra47{ ,!;.;tof Jrl:.- .=,I - t.f t?.3,r

..r.el reminder t{ J:rll ra - &"tus?.41 s{ Jtrll tr &s-tlt *.. JrL 5 +j 1el !K:" ur,i cre.f n(-

9 L Utf .:-ti3 :^{ \iT .5 -irr r,1,"l ,t - Gf-K ,:ss rf CL" ,f n3ta Lrf .:itl.,rr ,". - ,)lu ,,;9

Mr. Speaker : we may repeat this question on the next turn. In themean time the Minister for Revenue will hold an inquiry into this matter.

- !,,k? e- .(d - e*lJ)l J€ cg2rr37

Minister for Revenue : The central Government to whom a reportin the matter has already been submitted.

- { ,4vf Jf 0l -.,ll- grr.

tl:t. -,,r.i K rl .sj crli, Ls1" - Yl_e 9k- - c.r*ll:l J€ caz^:_g-

- e- itrjt" liU 2- d-o6jl ..,1. o4: aef Jrr4l 1y rf e- ,i( ,St .il..,rt;;1 ,f vi - 2{,*u ,2*,)91 2- )J?J, u^rr:i) ril':" Jiii af e-a1 ,.|;Jl o(:.sf 6:6.*r,-fitir5ril-r"(l i tl ,ltlsr. Ll2; to1 [- t^5- ,;11^i ,::..r ls., ,f s.l af t,Gatt J Jl ei Lr! LKJ cil.llJl *+f t 2:.., J.,iri - LF J t,.,;

f 0l *^ if ;f ,>\19- u:-} ci1 . s.l J? ssl frf citi^ii-i g,1r,




L ) vl vl-l: V ,rl \ie Jft *i e. Jt.i 1.2:" sbi .,i.{

- otssi otj -;*. - Jt2* >tft - Lr*f,-

Bocus Ar,rorurNr or Lluo ru Tnerre

*11954 l[{r. Zain Noorani : Will the Minister for Revenue pleaserefer to the answer to my starred question No. 10007 given on the floor ofthe House on lst May, 1968 and state:-

(a) what is the total acreage of land allotted fictitiously in Thatta bythe officers and employees of the Revenue Department against whom caseshave been registered by the Anti-Corruption Establishment ;

(D) whether fictitious allotment was made by rvay of one allotmentorder or more ;

(c) the names and addresses of person or persons to whom the saidland was allotted, alongwith the acreage in each case ;

(d) what is the total amount of fictitioustaccavi loans sanctioned bythe officials mentioned in (a) above, alongwith the names of persons towhom sanctioned and the amount so sanctioned in each case?

Parliamentary secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) : Informa-tion is not readily available as the matter is under investigation by the Anti-corruption Establishment and the relevant record is with them.

tr1.r, ZrinNoorani : On the lsr of May, in reply to a supplementaryfrom Haji Ajoon Khan Jadoon, the Minister had promiscd that if a freshnotice is given he would supply the necessary information. 'Then in thethird week of May, when notice had already been given and the questioncame up on the list, it was said that information was being collected.Today, it has gone to the Anti-corruption Department. I feel I am entitledto an answer in this House during this session at least. It is a very validquestion and there is no need of hiding the facts.

Minister for Revenue (Khan Ghulam Sarwar Khan) : It is not aquestion of hiding the facts, at all. Actually, I have got information butthe information is so conflicting that I think I may have to give wrongreplies. There are two conflicting replies and .........

Mr. Speaker : It is better that the Minister should first verify it. wewould repeat this question.

Minister for Revenue : Actually, I have got the replies but they areconflicting. There is a lot of discrepancy between the two reports.

7406 pRovINcIAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN [ 7rn luNr, 1968

Mr. Speaker : That is right. Correct information should be fur'nished torhe House. This question would be repeated on the next turn.

Mr. Zain Noorani : I would suggest that if the Minister and you,

Sir, both agree then let it be treated as a Short Notice Question comingup after four or five days instead of repeating it in the normal course so

that it comes after another 20 days, because I need this information belore

the general discussion. By that time the Minister would have had the

opportunity to verify that information.

Mr. Speaker : Would it be possible for the Minister ?

Minister for Revenue : I will try my best to get the information as

quickly as possible but if the Member wants any commitment about a firmdate, I am alraid, I am not in a positionto give it.

Mr. Speaker : There is no alternative but to postpone the question

for the next turn. Next question.

LlNo or Msr. Urr,c,r rN Crur No. 48 N.B., Trssrr. SeRcopne

*11967, Chaudhri l\{uhammad fdrees : Will the Minister for Rehabi-litation be pleased to state :-

(a) whether it is a fact that agricultural land was allotted to Mst.Ulfat in Chak No. 48/N.B., Tehsil and District Sargodha about ll yearsago against her claim ; if so, the date of final confirmation of thisallotment ;

(6) whether it is a fact that about 10 months ago, an appeal was filedin the court of Khan Saifullah Khan RAiDSC. Sargodha by one IjazHussain which is pending in his court for decision ;

(c) if answer to (6) above be in the affirmative, (r) the date of filing theappeal, (ii) the number of adjournments in this appeal ;

(d) dates on rvhich the Patwqri of the Circle attended the court withthe record in the said case ?

4;[*:, f dlr* o.l - (ilii ))r S)G crti) r:;l^Jt-1 ,.rj3,f j 6J.*:" L .rrl I F*{ &Jt-- ,r"? 45- A- ,f f rr c;4,

- t:(- t- t.f gnni,-lL 4 pb Jlt.iryl-*- g' dls* o.l +I 4- t6,fl(


sT tlEp QrrEsrloll,s AND ANSIvEED 7$l:

rer H- rrr.j .f dly ,rl i t;I t+, br se vll: ,-;f *l Z uJ

)*b tf ,>.at*,f .5 0l 4t; a.f t<,, cJU,: f ,::..f c.:.u.- .+a

- L ,stl Z-r rrll: .l ?l ;V Ufti !|.+er,r. f vlr: f ucb 6,,r1 z(x -.fu t.*U efr J r3.rk ,)tt f .Jlr- .rl .f K jn r7.-b. cr[j + 2 ,yl

- 2t,

++f E (6) .-- L dly url - Yle 1eA- _ jl-1o ,& lsasfrhf 6 ui'l ^f 4er u.b uf lrL. li r*" - l*t /5o lV Etill

9.a, elr

t: b $ ou + c,tto o* '$-d €r, .x - $** ;*.rf .r--t, jL.f ,LLll3- .r* * rrl tr,, lr. admit LllJ- { c4. ;.rU

tq,34 tJlg- q ^5-

W .f.s$ + (*., 'rr - j* J:-s. u* e, i:L

SSo ,S\Ss rt d 2 u4e - 4la[. Ueo 1eL.. t3 l) orl k(- ta g46i

,5,r1 w s;.stc cr.! f ti tB L 2f t,A. ei +l it7. ti \{vlrr,ji.il 6.ri ,,!T,rCl 511l d3-ri ! rJ3-.rl -t91 4-r 61eli:,.

(t' €12c o# tJB Ja, 4l e,r. rdlg- *-ni vl - e- tI tl' Ciel

e,*tr - (Jt. S lt .i$- Btilt C,t L,,rl 2 sl t- 6Vf t- iV !r; cslt; ,rKl vlr: { srl S K g

der kaL [f f rt- 11 cJt. - Yl3 )rA- - jlI & 6rl\qrJf r- rl>\i rf a kil ,f address ol sf .o,T e.(-. j f Uf ^f

- )r. tf t-rE u rf.rrlp ef 4- t:(l. rrf + *.(r" - A K- ,f tti . ,{.O* 1,,,-f ,i* r.-f Ql .e - .3lot" ,titn siti ,B * dtr.f &U, L

- K r. b' .;(3- d*.i ,;;r;.l Of,J cto 1f,- t, :,J+I, all - .*. 4(-)

,,,!*.* ..$,-s

7408 pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rH ruNr, 1968

AcnlcurruRAL LAND GRANTED ro DrsprAceo FBopr,rs or MaNcr,eDlrvr lNp Isr"lulnln

*12M3. Kazi Muhammail Azam Abbasi : Will the Minister forRevenue be pleased to state :-

(a) the acreage ofagricultural land granted to the displaced people ofMangla Dam and Islamabad in Guddu Barrage area,;

(D) the number of.displaced families from the gaid two argas alongwiththe procedure adopted rvhile granting the said land ;

(c) whether it is a fact that one of the conditions for the grant of thesaid land to the said people was that they would permanently settle downin the said barrage area',

(A f answer to (c) above be in ,the affirmative, whether it is a factthat the said condition is not being fulfilled by the grantees of the saidland ; if so, the action Government intend to take in this respect ?

Perliamentary Secretary (Agha.Sadr'ud-Din Khan Durrani) :

(a) (r) Mangla Dam displaced families

(ii) Islamabad Dam displaced families

(b) (r) Mangla Dam displaced families

(ii) Islamabad displaced families




No. offamilies



As regards the procedure, the Land Director concerned o[ the CapitalDevelopment Authority of Mangla Dam Resettlement Organization issued

the "entitlement certificate" in each case after ascertaining the area acquir:ied. The certificate was then produced by the granteee to the Colonization'Officer

or his Deputy who issued an ljazatnaina on the basis of whichpossession of the area was given to the grantee.

(c) Yes. Though the grantee can appoint an agent as well if he

himself is unable to reside in the'village.

(d) Yes. Notices are being issued by the Colonization Officer to thedefaulters for showing cause why their grants should not be cancelled.Each'case would be decided on its merits by the local ofrcers.

Mr. Muhammarl Bakhsh Khan Narejo : Will the Minister for Rehabi-

litation kindly let me know how many families from Mangla Dam and

Isl4mabad aregs have qo farbeen sgttled here ? t t

, .:,:l


€l q{ &l - Ylr.rk: - (.lt- )!)- l)U i,t-) JV $lO:f-l a*l * | o;lrl o-9 .(sl 4 .jl^t 4 drJl)l l, vll: K .Jlr-


e. O.t.st Ol L pa g Bt4 L,t,.il ,? A ry lrt35';rl 4. tqig|'3f

u^!t.ri vl -Sl - 4. crrtri s{ ,J.01 .,,t: ;f S*t- 1t-.i j rl.rcl 3-

,{,1"+, u^...dj-.rl fr" 1l-i 9:hsl 3- - jta J"f cil-tei tt). i

.5, eolorrizatiorf O.fficer'4 iJtJ .61 - 'cj!r 2t ,{ ,-f r"'Z no oi sp"p

gt,.1 2(. q" jb 2!=e a- dtar l: snr .r.:T gtl ,sh.2 e- dl*l

*fa k.J 1>\,Li J. c.[. Al*L .rl -J .r--tn, ,*rr, -;;:'^"'

l2as. 3f -J oj ,.! l- ) ,-i12i-i gne e,eJi 5 =-t, :tj1 J)lt ?I -.*.

- f ,-,rt f

RrrralssloN oF LllP RrveNur

*12281. Kazi Mohammad Azam Abbasi; Will the Minister for Reve'

nue be pleased to state: -',.{a) whether llrip;g ;fact tha,t. du'rin! July, 1967 heavy rains caused

colossal damage to Khorif ctops in'Thatta District and Tando Sub'Division

of Hyderabad district and the said area was deciared calamity affected area

and several relief measures were taken in this behalf ;

(D) whether it is a fact that the extent of damage in the said areas was

reported to the Government by the authorities concerned with the tecom-

mendation that where the loss is over 50 per cent, a general cent per cent

rebate in land revenue be given, crop-wise and deh-wise, in addition to the

/asli remission already granted, if any ;

(c) if answer to (a) and (b) above be in the affirmative (i) the extent

of damage said in (6) above and the action taken by Government on the

said recommendation ?

parliamentary secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) : (a) Yes.


?+to pRovrNclAl rssst'rnrv 6r'wBst PAiiritAN [ 7rn ruNr, 1968

(D) No. Only 25 pcr cent remission in addition to .fasli remisiion

ha's been recommended by the Local Officcrs.

(c\ Exient of damage



Faslirettdsston RsM.{hxs

Hyderabad 5% to 59,42,685 42,18,301 25 per cent rebate100% is in additiou to

Tbatta l0% to t00% 3601,5.55 2?.,90,716 /asliremisriou-,

Mr. Muhammad Bakhsh Khan Nareio: Will the Minister for Revenue

kinttly l6t me know whether the recommendation for the grant of 25o/o

remission have been accepted or not ?

Minister for Revenue (Khan Ghulam Sarwar Khan): Sir, I think it isgoing to be accepted ; it will be accepted.

CoNsrnucrroN oF Monlrln CoroNv lr M.tNpt Hlsrr,pun

*12337. Mr. Abrlul Qayyum Qureshi: Will the Minister for Re-habilitation be pleased to state :-

(a) whether it is a fact that 6 to 7 thousand refugees are living atMandi Hasilpur., but no Mohajir Colony has been constructed there;

(D) whether it is a fact that the Divisioaal Commissioner has recom-mended to the Board of Revenue that the said refugees should be allottedthe lands where they are at present settled against payment of its assessedprice in easy instalments ;

{c) if answer t6 (a} end {'&),a,bovc bo itr th€ a&t$trriv6, whethet anydecision has been taken by the Govetnment in this behalf ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) : (a) Afairly large number of refugees living in Mandi Hasilpur. No separate

Colony has been set up there so far.

(D) Yes. But a fresh proposal in accordance with the latest Govern-ment instructions is awaited from the Commissioner of Bahawalpur


(c) No decision has yet been taken in view of the answer to (D) above.

e- J-si L *:t L^. [.f - f^- ._;r^- _ ,-#.ri 1-riJ]l* ]*,L Jly Lr*,ilx"l a{ cr9^ t:(-.g;-.; etei)r!,.ljr vk: I


stAtiED oUEJTIONS AllD ANS$rtis 7{u

urB d; drr"t- ttb3 *f 4 tof*I-i Q cl' trlr: f' ('-t'!l) r'c-

cr* tf -cr-.. .Li C* ,rl a. dl- r I - y. '5rJ " 'L rgrjr )l&i

2f l*at + 4:at" t.prs ld si s{ t*i:-f a5-cl3r tsl' e?rl

lrt 4. uaiEet 6rrr-u*J 4[r r4a ls" 4k rJtt* ol S it Lt J "'fi '$t- 2;f

Zf irs*,rilK,.(rl .(d; p.r f)ta dxr) ...rUt*f ,fii.(rt rfU(. la u.ri { - cta .,r} 1.5r! l* :ti ut-x? v- c.r. 2 Etif rt,T 4 g,2rL g!i:. al - er dtol lrp ssl I cllt l t-f

- 4- tigo

.$l rf A ,.r.ri Gtsti a1 - lle yka - ,-;4,.e 1*Alr4, 2U*,

UA6 i* a# rrtnr e.^tf ot -:a rJtu ly9> s2l * oVt t8-ufl f* crb3 o9 tf A g*$ L f u':iiti- i=-lt .r"L''f 191

.ao j9o a,elr r(: ,ro .^(11 ot L e:r^i ,,ei9JK s?l?' yl ti 9l ,;lts- ,r! u.t o -r-Jc ..l-Jc

A- t.l3a ))Ls&t;'Lrl4-tof o2tcZo.. -CrUtq;jllr4 raLi .ql b- s,;.1 ,.2:. -,.rgi ,r!9o 61$ ,5da .(sl ,;*. rI-L rJPl

-! tJr! krjg Cll6 il L &:'.rrtiil r.f vjt" ,.rl si trf..'ry

"tf the area c&oachcC uPenircarsg*od lerlcridertiallgt'poses and the'abadi'set up by the encroacbers not properly

planned aird inaccordance with the approved pattern or can

be so transferred, thc encroachment may be regularized by

sale in favour of persons who have no shelter."

n Lrl i A d[tL, L ,rl ,t fl e- trl -* )-f i tl !/t+ iu'.rr sjt-l i z-.lri OltL, L,.rl -{l plK I V1 $ )-* r'ib1.t.r

- &{. a,

gr"f $ L.rjt.; J3o3. :t)s t"{ - ,rb.t ilioll-\* ,1.*,.,r frr 4, .rhr 4_ "; ;;lJ;i;:: ff:;

7412 pRovINcrAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7TH ruNe, 196g

- e- ,rrf 6U 6l:.;tiil rt). e =-tp )*^f - rl.rtJta r$g-( ;:- t- t1f .1yi o1!1r i, crl y K.tf: I ylr:

*12400. Chaudhri Muhammad Sarwar Khan: Will the Minister forRevenue be pleased to state : -

(a) the year in which the consolidation of holdings was taken rip in.Sialkot District;

(D) the n'umber of villages in the said District in which the work ofconsolidation of holdings has been completed ;

(c) the number of villages in the said District in which the work ofconsolidation of holdings is in progress at present ;

(d) whether it is a fact that the work on the consolidation of holdingsin village chawinda was strrted several years ago, but the same has notbeen completed so far ; if so, the steps taken to ensure that consolidationof holdings is completed in the said village before the current year is out ?

Parliamentary secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) : (a)under the consolidation of Holdings ordinance 1960 the work in thisdistrict was started on lst July, 1960.

(b) lt79 villages.

@) la6 villages.

. -@ The consolidation operations were started in chawind ain 196l-62.The work remained suspended for sometime and has now been taken upagain aud will be oompleted by 3tst Deeember, 1968;

tf S- u"!f"; + ,r,j: 6;,:-. t.f - dt; ily J6 Gr1)J?Stf $ 1el 1ls1,5,rl ., e_ [o1 eo lK r: 6: Jkrl L,r. de(JL-

u,f L* jr,." du .rt- e.. cJk;l L o3K .f,| - ,:.. oiJ. e-Kjb tf rrg u..,tq1n.2-c-) lrl t6"l tS t,f Lri ar",t11r

- LL2rI )"; jsftsal 9t:- a1 - (,;ti .1r2- ,,)\i. .lt; ) cjtr.fU.,

L cslrl.r -(1l -,.r0" I ) lr, Anti-corruption 3;Klt sr. tJ[..;:{ {el 2-lS Vf 7:* l{ xl 4, | 1tz 613.- 191 u*\,5 ,r:![r.r,

K.ib r^ p:j_ Lfi. ,iTf. .lt- r.l I



.ise a': g;j"^i[- url - Yl3 r7k? - tJE ; ly" Jar!,. CSgStr')9eL U!, {:ri,5 ,Jl tit' gi )3.,oi. j!,r! Al r,r. ,ry lOttigo itt*ii Url trdyL.ai ,i tb ei n:i .,r" Jt-.(11 ,Jt.*l ft -sei

-C * lra ![a;i t::f K d9l6.i .,rr. .JL rlt- af qlLri 'jl.ril r-T 2-

J rirg(- qe$ 61lr e,! .f ,-rl si a d,r:!!)J1 L rs .ls\ t.{ fl,5 rjl o3 ,^(- X; u"fi o* ot* €€ f )* dl o2 tf 2-

- ,,^r- Q gen! 6.lt+. ,f ufsf ;V

dr;l*..j S K- 4v-* gafi r.:t; e; g,;. - Yl3 ,-rk- - JV ll)lJi jisy{.li iL:.ll - A k(- eo lt.aii uo. & '{ f .r>\..i r,J

-,5 r" etfi a. Ll: t dr)Kal

.,! ,r5l L ,--t.p 624)-17 - llj -,kt - -fjl2- dr*.;(t- e:A ii -fJ os{ € Ltf d*;t tJt- 6 6itg af e. ,5 qftdt.:nl e. tJL €-lI €ii r;t6^ ,.311 i-! .:t11: g)l e{ ,.risi LVT rfl

t $ Lt1 ,5 it:ss{ gt*:. ;[-l Uf ; K. 9 e.ri

n uK jV a1-e rJ3,r'. j-rf ,5 6.rrr un. sle:)l fl - dV ill- (.th ["J action J ,"l L.;il

UYr ,.r.e 2 +-1, :t)s - !13 .r.k- - dt* )t-f & dirasj7

o.d .4?J d3i.. uif 15 .tt3 5tfs rsr. gl3lsY uf cjt.*t d ad u4-:'iJ c.-1 dr"l - A u{ I osas ,c, sst) csloe $ 1{*l it*sW tt e7ito3 lf.j;] r*.(-.. s.l ?i [.5- 4S .,alt,ri al ?T jlO,

,jLl qi .i* ,5 /ut irt t{ ,Stf:K &l tr L 6f ui';

5 1.19" L qsr,yl e(Ir .5.rjt. .rl *l *f o9t trg,-r- s:r - LI ,5-l^ ri.rri Ch e+t

,if N e-, ua.tAiJ &a ,;(.J E e-:f e, - JV t)l-- dj oat e,rtp $-l d;r L rth

, 1,1-,"bfu

7414 pRovrNcrAL ASSEMBLY OF wBsT PAKTSTAN [ 7rn ruNr, 1968

CNss or BnBrny AcAINsr ^l GnpnwAn AND A' Plrw,lnr orMrlNwAr,t Dtsrnlcr

*12553. Mr. Hamza: Will the Minister for Revenue be pleased

to state:-

(a) whether it is a fact that on 29th April 1968 M/s Ata Muham-

mad, Girdawar and Abdul Karim Khan, Patwari of Mianwali District

were caught red handed by the Anti-Corruption Establishment while

accePting bribe;

(D) if answer to (a) above be in the affirmative, whether the said

employees were suspended from service; if not, their present places ofposting?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) : (a)


(D) (r) Yes.

(ii) Does not arise.

u.l[ l:g;el al o::, - il3 r7t.- - ISSV gJiel )3*tzt ,l*,t

:t Ur,t ,rf os u,s litb JL" 61111 )tl ,1':"

, ; ::

.:ir e,-l 4*. r, K 31t; - (0t- )tr f)u au) db .,*jr- A gr::f.i 1:;

.:i[1r dL:, L elti sv ll9- 2.r-tr o]* - :*y :*- ki tr utt"i

ef e- ueo lr.1 11 cJls- -Yl3 .7k1 - .rirlti fbl )g,c** j*,,,t

Ot tJ -tS trf ..{ ,1L,. tf bt 5 Zf i;i.d f Jr2sl yr .t! Uf Lf J!r. .rr; L ii L dl )- ,-rt tf

-J $-\f Uf &'..r+f. l)z-frf af -JV*sh: e-: ..,lfl (-l e3. fi trf. t*afl al ,,:* dl3- 2 (


Srrtr.rMsNr or LeNo tN Snexgupun.l Dtsrntcttl2s6l. syeil Bashir Ahmail shah : will the Minister for Revenue

be pleased to state:-

(a) the year in which the settlement of land was started in Sheikhu'

pura District;

(D) whether it is a fact that the said work was undertaken in the said

District thrice but has not been completed so far; if so, how long it will

take to complete the said work;

(c) the rate at which land revenue is being realised from the lgnfl

owners of the said district for the last three years?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani): (a)

I 966.

(b) (i) Yes.

(ii) Four years from lst October 1966'

(c) A statement is laid on the table of the Assembly.r

Mr. Muhammail Bakhsh Khan Nareio: Will the Minister for

Revenue kindly let this House know when settlemont work .will be

undertaken in the former Sind area?

Mr. Speaker: The Member should give a fresh notice for that.

This question concerns the settlement of land in Sheikhupura District

and not Sind area.

GnnNr oF HoRsE Ar-r.owaNcs lNo T.A./D'A' ro Tnrsrr'olns


*12573. Major Muhammail Aslam Jan: Wiu the Minister fsr

Revenue be Pleased to state :-(a) whether it tt a fact that Revenue officers still draw horse

allowance i

(b) if answer to (a) above be .in the affirmative, at what rate

the said allowance is admissible to (i) Tehsildars and (ii) Naib-Tehsildars;

(c) whether it is a fact that the said offrcers are also entitled to

travelling allowance and daily allowance?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Kha.n Durrani): (o)

only Naib.Tehsildars draw an allowance known as Fixed Travelling


) *?tease see Appendlx I at the end,


7416 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru ruNr, 196g

(D) Fixed rravelling Allowance is admissibre onlyto Naib-Tehsildarsat the rate of Rs. 45 per mensem. Tehsildars do not get Fixed rravellingAllowance.

(c) No. Tehsildars are entitled to Travelling Allowance and dailyAllowance in accordance with the west pakistan Travelling AllowanceRules whereas Naib-Tehsildars draw Fixed rravelling Allowance at therate of Rs. 45 per menscm.

r;|.rl..".-i tf e- di.-.;) 41 t.f -!le vk: - 01" fl-l 4 :+{11.)\f rKIf r*.;I lr; t2*^iI At.i ,-- tsl;|.*-) ?- r.1l.rl^,.,a.-i .-iti.(tf .5s.11 t.f - r;o uailr;4..: .(l lts3t"";rt L*f* t1 i(.-

- g3& duties ,'

$ Z,:rb rrtli - Ylr !,t;? - (rlti .1rr- l)U OU.) Jf il:

. . . u* s!e13 s*,? r-(r *


- $ 1l.r[.n*i ;11 1l.r[.e,:.i r-.iti - 0t" ,,l..l _t6 -*{- s:7it ' JV

'$S.r!u .1rl e- s*iT j.r,;f ;l.r[p.ai - Ab &' + t42,6.'-*I €)2.; r!.- - rrir,i ,5 .tl.i-;s ?- ( a- ,*r;T 3;2ifc,U .rhti.ar.i,9 , ,j2ti 5 .L(- r)\t .rlflf ,j.:l*-l ,.ri9r3 15 r*.;I .i; , jl30l *s jq 1ld.6;ni .-^it, - 9$ gas| ,-(il t u::lt .13." f K:: &.Q j*V. jy\ .5 1l.rl.,a.-i ;31 6r

"5 Jrcj .r>t'f Lt.i*. j,rr! ,5,

I 4 .:-1r q U5- - s3r 5 -i;(.- d)\fol E rrr j9r3 ct t? O(.J a- s-J) e1 - )l-e qrt:: - dV ,$l

"*, --l+ .t1t.l t6,3.- u.1j JL. K cll c*. - .5 r. JLr.. .riti.I- 4iFr 96i .i.IL. K il

STARRED QUESTIONS /AND ANSWERS 7417 '$f Qte C ol 4 i2.a ,ra, -)lr ./t+ - Jt" &l -t6,+ylls r ta ol9-5 .5 tl.lt*-i ,-.iU ef A ti-J) rl tf ef 69 bt3

sf ,,rl #jyl l3:8 adJJ rva *f d-e: 2f ,>-|,;3,,5 el gr"l u€. - A,-,t*- L jtl e4r1 r4i - 4f S lj5*f .t ?? G,iDr .t) cr^. sJL grl -J

dtt,cet 2 L 2+{s e{ u,ril- - 4 [:1s >\ef rf L3t€ o) *,* jlrs.in! c, cra. 13r. os o.$:g af21t:-j) el tf - e- c,.rrJe tt

si L)9) d.) o1-q o3 rf 4 tr u:. :tu C Er.rl .ffrf.A trla

- 4r ,trI e- t.f llg- u:*|K 1,i ,.,-.-tr )?;a - -*u j*,

ef 4 r, Jl9- .r:.| lr.. - Yl3 .r,U? - dt" &t + .F!L C* .,ir,3 ,S z:-t:.5' .rl$.^a>, ,-iti .-$l rir o;.r:;

He has to remain on tour for fifteen days in a month.

Minister for Revenue : Yes Sir.

9 ;l,tl.na-i r..!U ! ;l.t[..a-i - .&r-rr;-*

4 p:[*, s#,rl tf .i - .;l.t[.+.i .-iti -,ltt fl-l Jf, -#t1.: t1-.gl K J.. ee t- )lt al- iti [;126 9f 1l.rl3'.-i,-'!U rf

9f 1l.ll..a,-r^.qr.iU e,I - A ,rtrp .r!rt3 .f a-.1rr..5',rf cttar A'lra

.$' 1l.r[c.-i ,-iU ef ,.!Lri ss| vl- uiA 4d) ,,:ri tl-;nxeauj u$ t{ dl $ K ossf ,if cs* 2 nl3o a! .r:r +t': sti)

9:o 4lr ,f 1!.tl.,ozzi g"c? 9l) Z-l - g3 .pl A-l -;

r.rfj JJr d9I1. o-e A- L;3t Urf c;J) * s{ ,yl - iV .rt;9

*. dt-. 1-s-) JJI .-(.,' t)l-.., ,*31 * cli-,.,(;l o9- a tijg Urf

u.l - A U9a ,-!", ,u; .[.i"-1 etrti K g*a A tit- e(i ,)l*. 1r*)

- ro niu aL,ll K tl e d9rl&,j af u 4- tij1 t:a.; otal oil) tfI

7418 pRovrNcIAL AssEMBLy oF wEST pAKrsrAN I lrn ruNr, 196g

A tu Jt.K dily us:.i ll.!,L Jl ....l,odti - ,(,*n ;.*,.t&l .li g6a 4.a? .(lt "6ilr;

f ;l-rtr..a*t L-iti 1:l 1l.tl.ne-i.-.- *fLl -; r, mileaee 3f tr-ls Jll ulo ,1tt z-l -.ri fixed 9f .(11 1;J

l*f : llS Os{ ostri el .1ll e_ tof tr ,5 rli3l.ci u;. dl _ u.a ;i.les tS

xg- tig ir. K Jaro:.i cg;ta 11,l[..p*i - A s:6! t-, | - JV ,219,cr'a]9o ;l.t[na-i ,-"iU .r:f ,r c]reai .(;l )tl

.Jjrri Lr\.. u"ii ,5 0l u^. f{L r.irl.l ,j(aj - -,*;{-i^*,- a t'ijr

[:3r,6,, ;l$1no-i ,-jti lrlinKJ? - 4.,ri3o ss+t dj:f3 - Jl, ,tStiSo 6ltril K c[.a.t 6.,1t- ;lA[.ori - e- k7.4, r.11! { j,tt"ez.! os A_

- A tlra s,$ d.,Jri (.,,t. .,i913 ,5 cll .pl - 4

,.:l,r;f, r' L purpose L tl -cs3 ::l 4-l -s,i Jt- --r{iu )l*"- kgf., u^f^! s;^i- r.:[j ,rll uisf tit- tr til tr

Jti 1l.r!.o.:ti ci[ )tl e- )*liT 3,:r1f -1l.tl.na-i - Jt, ,l)U ". ,

- a r^:.)j)

j9^ pc-i:' .,4r 2,- t Ol - Yl3 etq - o:,ill-t a 6-*>J?Lrf f{ ::l:t ur', fl- /'J 4l llJl;r.-i 131 ;lrl3na.*i jU - g,lo

- UAo

L *.t.p.rJb rrl-l + 2?2a A-o.ijyl ljsg{ frxed rate a^r31 r,i f 1l.t!3.e*i

ff '{ L3t6 a7a2) tz)J) d^, 4f A Lf .J*IL VI ,.rrtt. 5. !t.J

,--lc :t)s l={ - 2- 6.ti- Kdr otJ:r ar lll & er. { z-Lgf ff jl

,f l.r-; a- Olrf s{ ,-t"l 1|il^nczi ,. ,iti o3 J) oyr:; i! *f L o^:'U)t

_ K j),*f L


Minister of Revenue : Answer to part (a) of the question says that

only Naib Tehsildars draw an allowance known as Fixed Travelling Allow'ance.

f a3t{ ! 4- t"1 € t t3t8 oe t{ a ud 4 q^IL. K srl

s ta.1>[f

rf 3l t/T gsi .2f 2+f : {i tjtsf t5 - 0h gl-l & tF^,: f u:r u..i)l 3ter la 1il,9.:li::*

E_ atr rf e. Jt.t lr., - JV $S

u^f^i alc af ,-^-l.p tJt, -,tjr - !13 cpk- - 6t" ,1l-l -t6 )+!

c4l 1lr 6- f ,ri-iYt url ,s si g;ef t ); l3tef os ft rfiYL - aZ u"iL; )sL .tt url ..;T t.f - A rJSiU til;; cJL 9- t; l-'- - ,i*L[. a-l - 63 )tl Ll - j t Jl ,S ( & -t. p5- ik- ':'F.r efu)

./t+ t.f 3i - c^o t.a .$l ,Jail, t 3l 6r"f rr rj cry ,;tfI f udt. ri stl & €l rJt. ,;,

- L ,stsf lsl -n Lrl nr - dto ,r: ' Jl, J)S

clU.,j 4ti;9;- Jd 6ror* VT,*-tr 0ti pl - )Q;*,:;+ t1: ri a-t-,r! K,.1, o;'r1 'r1r -rf cll rf*3tly :.t'ce.l

ual L ..-b dL .*jr - lle ,.7t^1- 0t; )t-,'' & g-*t*'

Etr hr l-i!l Bt$t{b\efe- tu 6'Jt+" Kcll ef e- bt'v tt,.,,#l

- s1) l.)i ,>-llittS .rl tf ,;2s{ e. ol i *


TnlNsrsn or Housr No. NE- Vl-22'S'7

C12576. Major Muhammad Aslam Jan : will the Minister for Reha'

bilitation be pleased to state :-(a)whetheritisafactthatonesardarMulrammad,sonofNabi

Bakhsh had filed CH.Form No. LHR-IY g28, dated 25th July 1959, for

the transfer of house No. NE'VI'22'S'7 ;

1420 pRovINcIAL ASSEMBLv oF wEST pAKrsrAN [ 7ru luur, 196g

(D) whether it is a fact that the said house has not so far been transfer-

red to the said aPPlicant ;

(c) if answer to (a) and (D) above be in the affirmative, reasons thereforand the action'Government intend to take against the officer/official respon-

sible for this inordinate delay ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha Sadr-ud.Din Khan Durrani) : (a) No.

(E) and (c) Does not arise.

IsSueucE oF rwo P.T. Ds. IN REspEcr or Pnoprnrv No. 19/266,Moneluu MrsrrRrAN, Trnsrl CguNrlN

*12577. Major Muhammail Aslam Jan: Will the Minisrer forRehabilitation be pleased to state :-

(a) whether it is a fact that two p. T. Ds. in respect o[ propertyNo. 19/266, Mohallah Misterian, Tehsil chunian, District Lahore wereissued by the Deputy settlement commissioner Lahore to MessrsMuhammad Ismail Khan and Ghulam Kibria;

(6) whether it is a fact that the first transferee, namely, MuhammadIsmail Khan, son of Muhammad Mukhtar Khan, presented several appli-cations to the said Deputy settlement commissioner for illegal issue ofP. T. D. to Ghulam Kibria;

(c) if answer to (a) and (6) above be in the affirmative, reasons forissuing'two P. T. Ds. against one property and what action Governmentintend to take against the official/officer responsible for this irregularity ?

Porliameatiry secretary (Agha sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) : (a) No.P.T.D. for hotse No. 19/266, Mohallah Misterian, Tehsil chunian, DistrictLahore owned by Mool chand evacuee has been issued to Haji MuhammadIsmail Khan P. T. D. for shop No. 4341266 owned by Khushi Ram evacueehas been issued to Ghulam Kibria.

(D) only one application submitted by Haji Muhammad Ismail Khanis on record. In this application he rras requested that the propertytransferred to him may be demarcated. This is being considered.

(c) Does not arise.

Scrrsl\.rs r,on ReH.antLrrATIoN or GovrnNueNT Ervrproysrs*12378, Major Muhammarl Aslam Jan : Will the Minister for Re-

venue and Rehabilitation be pleased to state :-(a) whether it is a fact that a scheme for the rehabilitation ol covern-

ent memployees was prepared in the year 1.964-,

srAh.RED euEsrroNs AND ANswERs 7421

(6) whether it is a fact that applications were invited under the said

scheme by the Chief Settlement Commissioner;

(c) whether it is a fact that each applicant was required to pay a sum

of Rs. 6 as monthly subscription and membership fee ;

(d) if answer to (4), (6) and (c) above be in the affirmative, whether

the amount so received has been deposited in the Government treasury

under proper Head of Account ; if not, reasons therefor ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) : (a) No.

(6) No.

(c) No.

(d) Does not arise.

HatmroRu tN Trnstr. Swlrt*12580. Khan Ajoon Khan Jadoon : Will the Minister for Revenue

be pleased to state:-

(a) whether it is a fact that on 5th May 1968 a serious hailstorm hita large area of Tehsil Swabi with the result that the entire standing crop

of tobacco was completely destroyed ;

(D) if answer to (a) above be in the affirmative, names of villages

and areas thereofin which the said standing crops were destroyed;

(c) whether Government intend to declare the said area as a calamity

affected area ; if not, reasons therefor ;

(d) whether Government intend to compensate the affected landowners

by granting them interest'free loans ; if not, reasons therefor ?

Parliamentary secretary (Agha sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) : (a) A few

villages of Swabi Tehsil were hit by hailstorm. As a result the standing

(D) (,) (1) Hund.

(2) Khunda

(3) Ambar.

(4) Sheikh Dheri.

(5) Lahore-pore.

(6) Lahore-rapore'

(7) Jalsai.




(8) Sadri.

(9) Sikandari.

(10) Bachai.

(11) Tarakai.

(12) Naudah.

(ii) Estimated damaged area is as under :-

Tobacco Desi 344 Acres.

Tobacco Virginia 1357 Acres.

(c) Swabi Tehsil was declared as calamity affected on 20rh May, 1966

and this declaration has not yet been withdrawn.

(d) (r) Remission will be allowed in accordance with the rules.

(rr) No. As a matter of policy Government does not grant interest-

free loans,

L vls: 4.ll 2- oe63l - Yl3 '-.'t^- - dlJt dti +"1 01;orj ciil a ,|. u,at tf 6l3e J*.o*i af e- [t,2i s3. (6.) n*-

^{ d96 kot- It;'f frl- a.l a,.,3il(,1. ri - 2-lS tr:;l.ri a!}.s

f tslri,t a5- A t1t"./ e r Lt" (:) *.o- L vl1g L os,,eil

[:rt- lirf ar)lK 4t r*" ]*L- ul c4. jt - "J:^it:6) clt*.6;tL,

1rl sej ira 6t! *Jlj c.l. 6l3e J,:.ozi s6l J?i dt- J) ef rJl.

Lr L c!t" *.(-, ,yf A At) g.l?, ust ,f .(i d.1it^it, *i3 o.l

4-) c)lltr"9- .9,f Ol ---T nf dio kot" Urf oitl;: { cJt.9i - t4,i

tqri L uta A-1 l.r; jt*.,,5&l eitr;T lrl arlt. K0l i;I LI r*o 4-1

0l/l ,r.U. .rlcltz 4 -Yl3 .',k- - (clti )t)- iii-') JV j)S

.32f ,ljti- i) L el ,yl oe ,f I /) rl - c*a ot: c;) ,.i ot.!1ti- ,.f

- K.ita l^f 1ra [:*i1 2; ,yl si

af d,a [:ot- tirt g^i[;: 1l c4, - rJlJt 6t! Jrql Jt;L o2n:l !I.131 e- il)a^:. 5sils if *- dl i 9I .(i .^:i3 url UI

t .*ri tr e- 6 .,$ ul.,ti* jrf 'fi .ii3 grl


..5 2.i 6lti, L 0lr,z ,:.!-.f Jl3 - Yl3 ..-'kr ' Jlo l)l

.f d-rE- 5atr .* :-* f sl.r,l 9f Lle.,l'u.') 4st iia sl7, ct' uK':

- A ta-l t- Uf .tsl ,l q: L

J{ 9,,T dtr*il ,r.ti, f I - ltg .r.l:- - o,s> Sg o>l;^-la,

,r*f *-9i 5 vj ritJ ;i otor lsl ot2f *i 6|t, a oYt^ 3-pLrf 1[il ;*l'$ j:f d t.f c4" a)ro rrl :, .i!r .:.rL $ n'l

f u^o i-3o 11"; ;) l:

dlr*;l ,r.ta. ..,{/ cryti L,Lis.r.ti, - !13 r.-.'k- - Jl^ tljs,5 ..tL blsls ,6*t a0l .r*, L ,-t"l )tl o^6 Ll: z?rer .rl+ L

ssL sl cr)\.[.. dll r.. q. Glss 5 o"l r*l L c1" 2- it:- q^ L:5'

rf a- !t.j L dt. tjs wt:: - OSJ? r.lt- rl97l rlt-6elzi lrLt zlss sl:,a.rQ nf A ,5 ulilL I b1,'. .,:'::^'f .,,i3

Urf r:its.;: + u^{ ,i c*itr lt: 3f cl;1lJir.) L,.ltor L o*t

;rl qlt, K cll ef e. i5 g6t ex.;ti- + L tssr;l til af rJ-ro kr[;

,r€,1 )ti a- ui1ti- 6)to J cll t af [ !-t1 q: ,f ,.'ir"*' dt"1I

- g ,-l! "i9o

,r;:1t'i' 6r;T

t{ q{ 6y {r .*" (:) ^e- L vlr: - )ls','k- - lV :t)l

-r? u^. f*L- rrl li -rr$.ii: 6: 4ii*. gutL,. L ssl33" *{ 2-

)tl .$r!t" 6) :t.r.l tf dl LltL, L crl t- dJo -rle! u+l

s&2 )tL r{ rrl r.jttt, L,rl.l 4rt14 ...n" b19r) tS r'*i t? )&l

* Krit- i.5-

k.t* Urf pel'. {r .1. - Yl3 r-k- - !:.ft clt-.l3tl ilb'e . lJ

..f e- EJ. ,ol,L I e ,il 2- h) \ls: s: e- rJ31il ef cljn

cjl.ril V g\*ii f ,r? Ljf e^ 'tl J*' 5 ,fq'; Sal 3* or;'


7424 PRoVINCIAL AssEMBLy oF \yEsT PAKTSTAN [ 7ru luNr, 196g

af uA! a6f o3 rj-e! f U.l JJI A .rl.f L a3ss 3r2f .,(tL ,yl .t K.!b trf De d ,-rl 61tL" L sasti- J ,::.f gig3

4h hr rit*. jt{ ,s tiT ^5- si) ?19- g,-,a jf Lj^i LStt

!rt, (.,lir^ Jjti ,,; dtrr.:;T.Ji r-t rrl .r: .):i Llt- -rr - ystt^i L ct.l7t*- L ,r"f J At, ft:..{ u,+l 3f O2ilil2 / 1{*, I .rl :ji:.^f .r+3 trl af df ka t- tif

,. y'r, { qrr. j - g+i t3;.r rlJ.l .=

e- L5 )t*i.:l't l t.f L oer;l ef 4 yl u,6i 12 g ,)(l Sstts *i eao L) ){ J." [f ,,,J r; u.l Jel

)tl erJ af ,.o ;il- * - i .f t*.? - llr vt^- - Jln ;t-jlCiJ $11 -.1 2- tit- Lf .:;K 9ftr.; o{ g-9" rJe? ol)\c L J2 r;.jb 54t.e.1.r L G" s;f I )rt G" rt 612lsrf J.. cs"6 f1.f$#t-l rrtl.lti- Lt 0l sr;l: r'l L 6pl>r{ onl vl Jt - e_

- L ot f &' -:t o.l u{lt, f rrl r,a

Frnes tN JnuccI Corourrs ,q,No Ctusrrns or,HuruENTs INKlnecnr

*12588. Mr. Zain Noorani : will rhe Minister for Revenue bepleased to stat€:-

(a) the total number of fires in Jhuggi colonies and clusters of hut-ments in Karachi from November,1967 to the end of Muy, 196g and thetotal estimated damage in terms of money and loss of human life along-with the names of colonies and settlements of the affected localities ;

(D) the amount of compensation if at all given in each case alongwiththe names of the colonies where aid was given ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) : (a) Totalnumber of fires from November, 1967 to May, 196g. l0

2. Total estimated damage in terms of money and human life :_(a) Money Rs. 2,50,650

(D) Human life ,,. Three.


(c) Names of colonies and settlements of theStatement enclosed.*

(6) Total amount of cash compensation paid so far

Names of colonies where aid was given


affected localities.

Rs. 27,t@

Mr. Zain Noorani: Sir, in the statement given on page 17, column7 says against Ratti Lines : .,These families were provided shelter intents, cooked food, clothes, atta and other relief articles." Does it applyonly to Ratti Lines or to any other of the ten colonies also ?

' Minister of Revenue(Khan Ghulam SatwarKhao): It is'writtenin the relevant column that it lras been given in the Ratti Lines.

M;r. Ziln Noorani: Nowi Sir, would it be correct if I said thatnJt a single one of these items was given by the local administration orby the Government in Ratti Lines; tents had been given by the Red Cross,food by Habib Bank and Valika, clothes and blankets by other indus-trialists, and the Government has not given anything to the Ratti Lines.It is the only area in Karachi to which no cash compensation lvas given,by the Karachi Administration, because they did not like to see the faceof one of the public leaders who went and asked for help.

Minister of Revenue: I have no knowledge; I don't know what themember wants to say. Does he want to say that even this assistanceshould not have been given?

Mr. Zain Noorani: The member only means that in Karachi thepractice is that wherever there is fire and houses are destroyed, each

family is given one hundred rupees. But in the case of Ratti Lines,not a single pie waq-givgn jGt the same as in the raia-affected are.as, nopie was given to the iopulation of Gizri. because tbe Chairmen.of theseareas does not bow to the wishes of the Commissioner and the ControllingAuthority.

Minister of Revenue: If there is any politics involved, I am notaware of it.

Mr. Zain Noorani : Politics is not involved, criterion is involved.

.r-tn, .ril.l, &j - llr ei:? - sif.lti f}"l )-9^rie 2l*,,af [i tsrrl ua. dle- 2St )

"...the total estimated damage in terms of money and lossof human life along with the names of colonies and settlc-

' ments of tbe affected localities."

*Pleose see Appendix II at the end.

7426 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wESr rAKISTAN [ 7rn ruNr, 1968

- A- l"f trt,r"i u^r. yl91

"Names of colonies and settlements of the affected localities.

Statement enclosed."

r.rafi sA ,f 3 u"t-f K ..9tKr[I uar z-sl3i3{ o:f J"t' Ji

,5 dl l+i lr" dLpii 4 A?r ,5 jh .fl '-fI -f osr:Ul u1 - Ai T 4- Lf Uf i4 s;. ,pL 5, ,sjfrlT

Serial , ,No., Date, Locality, No. of families affected, Estimated

damage caused, Loss of human life, cash compensation paid...

- t er6i ){ i ,J! t{ { settlement s1a Statement

,f dellejB ori'i:i f ;;rtK rt;T pI*. - llr vk: - Jlr$.1u..j tf 4.,. oslall u,{ G f ol )tl 2- tS t{ rt'T ,.' .rirJK alilt

L 2l'o L2*!) i vif"f i - ,ri9;ti fE,t ,r.*, ::' "'

- Lf urri rt,f 3f oe{rs

tf A- ti3o ,o tb sr2 3i a aigaef .(l*:, - Jl, ljS-t"{ q{ r;.ri r[T a(- 62-e: s*{ ){ rs2{S u;t'

tirf ,:it;yr ^t * .is*y -*is o". vk: - g*> lg o!l1^>l*

6I*:.;f ,.lj!,r:;.1 Lr+il serl 2v-tr.ril.,13i "rlj.f t*1r c)3o [.l,ot^

hold qtril3(Jl &: .f allegation ,;! ,:t s ))*. t.f - e- [Uris L,.,tf

,r.h, A .)tt ,5,rq aa 4I6jl9fil 15,'*l q,f -r)lr rtttr.:ii.iai *b orl r.. clL; LJ.d -K s^ t€?-- urfj .=.-L iJl);l

v€ s) ;{

Mr. Zain Noorani: I wouid like to point out that according to the

statement itsell Ratti Lines is the cnly area where no aid was given. I. have visited it persopally and the damage done wasnot less than that ofan/ other are4. All the houses were completely burnt out. My supple-


mentafy qucstion from the beginniqg have been as to what is the reason

that not a single pie in aid was given by the Karachi Administration in the

Ratti Lines despite the fact that most of the houses were comptetely burnt.

Minister for Revenrle: Probably because, as given in this colgmn,

these famili€s were provided with sheltcr in tents, cooked food, ciothes,

Atta and other relief articles.

Mr. Zain Nooranl: Sir, in case of every fire the Red Cross imme'

diately seqds tentq the industrialists seqd clothes and people send eatables.

lu every oeloql it bappenc but in the care of Batti I,ines no govestr'

mental aid or compensation was given. On the contrary,I thi-a.b tb*tthe person who has given this information to the Minister should be held

responsible and action should be taken against him. All the information

shows that no aid has been given to the Ratti Lines. Not a single pie

in aid has been given and the Governmeot have not lifted a finger to givc

aid to the Ratti Lines.

Minister for Revenue: It is the aid which is required and desired.

From whatever sources it may be-whether from Government source or-private sourcc-does not matter. If the aid was required it was provided

at that time.

L r . ** L &:.rj- - lle ./U? - ,)*- )t o)lj.>t,

r.rt .5 e.lrl Jlia r rv .rt lti t 0? - r.rf cases uc ul. lK ArIU.i:.f,,-G' .r.f rf - rJ3o krt- Urf €^i!1r a- YI oi 2-

t ,J e-r ,f Pa}mqnt

- & .;{ G) Gi$ t{ ;t { 3t e;).b;-..5 u'"l - Jf $lL .s1t, r.! 6;3s f-r .(lt- )llr.it+ - ,f S! o>17>V

e o. =-[c ij1.;l;6L:. L,rl o.. JJI 2- to1 ,f Jt.1 git-

,,f hold6jl9(il s3l{ u.. r/l .5 af dJ^ krt- Urf .iihlrrlbls,+i

"iq L-(ll e.tf d:s sl)az. lf o.a irf ot - L

orl t1 e- lLe-f ) .rH + dt- c;if tl.t, q ^zfl - u{ 6) .r#L ,-rl - A- t9s-ti U.rf c,E;r.r' ,,*u L,,rl &q, - 2- g j{ e-

I a- Jt+ t { { dl d,I^:.

Mr. Speaker: I think, this supplementary has already been answered.

l.fext question.


7428 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru ruNe, 196g

Hlu.sronu rN Vlr,r,lcrs or TrnsE SwABl, Dlsrnrcr Mano,c,N

*12617. Khan Ajoon Khan Jadoon: will the Minister for Revenuebe pleased to state :-

(a) whether it is a fact that standing crops in large areas of villageLahore, Jalbai, Jalsai, Sheikh Dheri, Ambar, Mank andZakarya of TehsilSwabi, District Mardan has been destroyed by the recent hailstorm;

(b, whether Government have granted remission in land revenue andabiana to the zamindars affected by the said hailstorno; if not, reasoustherefor;

(c) the amount fot taccavi loans placed at the disposal of DeputyCommissioner, Mardan for payment to the said zamindars, and if noamount has been placed at the disposal of the Deputy commissioner,Mardan, reasons therefor?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani): (a) No.only a part of robacco crop of villages Lahore, Jalsai, Sheikh Dheri andAmbar was affected.

(D) The damage was not such as to warrant remission in Land Revenueand abiana.

(c/ A proposal for grant of Tuccavi Loan to the extent of Rs. 50,000is under consideration of Commissioner, Peshawar Division.

gnl r-3i ,5 iStS..rljJ .+tq ,.. - JlJt dt;d96il (r.r vl4 L dl3- )*+l 1-2a. rf 49o

Remission will be allowed in accordanoe with the rules.

- A trta -f(ll J* | 1 ott - g trL:1 .13; I O3sil 31 dt.ail ,,[ .1rl

- u:a /J t'r! 6.1

glt a

Damage was not such as to warrant remission in rand revenue ofAbiana.

+ .lrf - u.a JJ 6.J- Lilr:" L gt, remission tf dl yT [f ,;9A iE ,ft^.;{ At-t3e)f '-d') (t.,iii Lr., ur1 e^i.; K }*l y t.t) et- uL:. L fl) .iltct e:. ejtrlT &r.rf vI yf dl - A K"

te- t,:: llri Lr$ ai)tr .:j .:iI lf ,rl JJI ,.r.1

.lfl dt,tllr j.rt ,5 '-l

- t4i trLy j



- rJra G e-, l;ljq s;. a1 - (dti ;tr p)\i rlti) Jt i)S,r"ti. ;el - e- ttb t5 r:jU K cr)\.oi - A ;jr^ 6ylsf 5 o,.l

,5 Jl .3[*:e L grl afi9^f - A ttt1 t.f el.o.i ,1 ot.,:trtl* 6 f(-jrf f-.lls.. .r? - t*i s;p3 sri u,l dt.a;i r1 L( - A a:4lr{.t

- 5-ta [r J remission

,)13- )** st: i.=,i - !l-e ek- - gfJ+ Jti 0f l 0B3*l s* t t Dl t.f 9. damage frl s* t z. ^f - e- qf nr[*i Lh.

u.. si lt; i:r! tf ,il *f u.a &{ -i *l - 4^ damaged area

J3,t*" jf er {f Srrrf ,r.I*i .,T - 5 j,. gir u;{-i r1tc1 ui-{tf ol )tl - L ,stsf c,[,"1- s:l..9l. s*ll gI t5 - e- e.6! .pl9-

t ,^nt-,r:lr jf i\t orj.:iT * E_ ra: aid l--t:.

G e-, .1lrl al)\c orj .:iT s{ ,.rl L[a g13e t.Jti a-l - dV il:rJlj 9a 11 df - dJa t4-.- r-n^ni SfLll t- L ,.t )1*. e::e A:3Jl - drr,iJ^ c4t O3a21U ljki. ! - A ,i9o',5 g;ti c(11 4 .ri9r 6;trl,i JIJ- .-(l e, - ,-,1) h 1!f" 3i gr nlc 4 tf .=--tr, ,r.. ,f] - I

dl3* l2-9: yl

..riJ. ,r.. tt;u u^ .(;l 6;t, *Jlj - ,Jl"tt r,tB dfal Jtjc,1a la c,tr.)l9e

f t.i ai - 4-

61! allj ^f A el ..rll: { ,-rl q--taa L,911 - ,fu }*iLrf ,t* ef - g sy.i dt,e.ii J1.I.t ;Ji ,.rl oJ - A l9s OL..ci; J,.. 4

- [tr 6.r .rih" ,.. ntt4l

- rJJ6 la1 2{ rs?sc a(i lel. Ji sr.lr'1t:r - dlJt clB clr>l ;1;

)? r..rr. -l&t tu rz ^f - qa zlJ t,ri * -j - ;S'n* ,t,^,b- Of i * Lr6.; l9r dt.a.ii ,fl d A { tJle- s(t - 4- lJ^ dt.c'ii

- 4- lgo eri rJteii J1.r.t t-jl u*. -i(;l t- t. ^f e- q t^ff

743rl pRovINcIAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN [ 7ru luNe, 1968

Khan Ajoon Khan Jailmn : Sir, 1700 acres is the damaged areas.

,-(11 ,:. !211 j(ll y tL u'l - A 6+ r" damage 5? e- o9 t;;41 {

- 2!- tieo dt,,.i, { 3trf

Mr. Speaker : TheY have rePlied -"No. Only a part ofTobacco crop of villages Lahore, Jalsai'

- Sheikh Dheri and Ambar was affected."

cJ9it4) 1,11 rf -.eer fi8ure, ugl al ytt L 2at./t:?- Jl, t$S.4. u.l ;91 - t6i l.5n .:*f, 3fL; eci o)tij 4 j{l ez6 t-l.r.

- lgl ,.1! .lS rrl gt.di

Mr. Speaker: Next question.

Ssmrl.Ic uP oF GUJRANwALA ClNtoNurNt

*126?:2. Chauilhri Saifullah Khan Tarar : Will the Minister for Reve-

nue be pleased to state: -(a) whether it is a fact that land in 17 villages of Gujranwala and

Wazirabad Tehsils near Rahwali is being acquired by the Provincial

Government for setting up Gujranwala Cantonment ;

(b) if answer to (a) above be in the affirmative, the total land proposed

to be acquired for the said PurPose ;

(c) whether Collector, Land Acquisition for the said purpose has been

appointed ; if so, the name of the said officer and the stage of the land

acquisition Proceedings ;

(d) whether Government intend to give the affected land holders any

alternative lands like the displaced persons of Mangla Dam and Islamabad ;

if so, where and when ?

parliamentary secretary (Agha sadr.ud-Din Khan Durrani): (a) Yes.

(D) 9,006 acres and 6 marlas'

(c) (i) Yes.

(ii) Mr. Saif Ullah Khan, Revenue Assistant, sargodha but he has not

so far taken over.

(iii) The notlfications under sections 4 and, l7 of the Land Acquisition

Act, 1894 have been issued'


(d) The West Pakistan Government has already decided that the dis-placed persons from Gujranwala will be compensated by the allotment ofalternative land in the Old Colony Districts, on similar conditions as thedisplaced persons of Islamabad. The cash compensation will be adjustedby the Provincial Government towards the cost of lands to be allotted tothese displaced persons.

&ti 4ll u.." $ e- &r1) ^i tf . Oti &l cir- 6trfrt+la dell 1rl - sci ;ir. .]U.*, rt ilr*rl rta zh e )*il .Jt,

t t€3 tJ ra1.i 6tt;

.4ft l,s 4+. Y .:rt1 o,.l - (tlti 1e2- ;)G 0t-) ,)V ilS- firr 4-r t/l-r? K orl r.ir €2u!) ui. , ols u"i; l.t fl - 2-

gG L* Jrr* rf Oti .ll iy tl cJd.trl 4 gsasfiassure +.,Jtf ,*. lSjrr tt r(l;4r I," 3r,n sll rz,S Lltf Jrar gr* { - 2 2 Crb 15- T ,ll1.l e;,=r 4,Sl-,tilfo C* ,n L ,J-) tf sa6i cancel vT ri lfgrl - 4- trl ,f uzltf

t A U) ,f cancel ,f transfer d ,19..:I1q.

- a- u.l" nLs .*?. tS A b ) .tf €:t L g;. - dl, :$S

W U t*d 6.,b L,,rl ef gl1E.rl - a. lJ^ draft q rf gltigr:

I tJ (,r|,F Oe"f .S K.lrJ ^+

K.rl ..,0.

st 4 CJb yl tf so;,d .(rl * - rf1.;rl 4 C.f;Stt rr.r" U E .n(- ,{ t**n

url rf t47i 131a. 4p - L Arf )t?.:ts) f' - r)V $-S- tJ ,.,.r; gE u-{ Z

,|+; 6 e.... u 6ti .Irlgi- 4 {.f - O'd i[l ea- 19.Pfr..,af:\rr

7432 pRovrNcrAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNe, 196g

e1 rf - 2- t1t";i L ?T - tz.rtrp lti - .r(:l- )I*,err 13.f E &l - tJ uy^i 6.lbs,+rl-Lrs*;t .*^ ,? dti AIt ur.*

J: .*i i :l ,J*; r1 [f ^f ai:ot3' [i3o 1.31*, t; 4 ,- rp 5:8 b X *-i4; S <:rr.,1i { rf e- { cJle-,r:..; (.11 . !

9.t4ILeo;3.1T -eno

8 l, .t (Jle 6 1rr",i:i J) oJ - cl-l-lrl -l€ d.1l:37

#tt rn Lt*' ill rf 4n 4.1 ,f *n-{ .rrl .t.tf clc nls 4+. rf e- !r f ef q L q. - dV ljl

4- 4;r .:-lj*1.: rf ,rq,a L !,rl ttT

,>-V)15$ ot.b url .2t)s l2i*. Lr - 0E )).2* 4 e gtSq- Kib !s g2t u,^f 4el*. K 6.,j '.t

eJleilr- tf C; ^f E-,.,dLr,

;t LCi compensarion ea,. Land Acquisition Act -Jlr.rt39: - cr^a' set rules

ef a [1t"2i e.. (6.3) e.n- L vls:L + - jl, J€ cS_,ls-5,7

1,1L. rt e*. - ,5 Lt- ;i .5Yl ;.j 3,f 0l ,;r old Cotony Districts

rf e- -;1f 1s:* lS ,;y districts .lll -J nf .lr^ kot- 1;r5-

! ,'a llt zf &yl ,f 0l d r? e. ,.rf ,s.i! o.,j 4,3f .rrirl

- sr! .rf- h ih"rl fd L )f J.,t- ,.:L3i.. - JU $l-, 4i ef e.ri *7s j3{ J.1lo 6,:.j geil rf 4 LJt^i lr"

Mr. spgkpr: should we repeat this question so that the,Minister maygive two informations, one about Mr. saifullah rarar and the other aboutprovision of land ?


oll vT '[f )W ,ri.i 5.. rl{i s"l - tlp )r-,u 4 eg4714J., 3sf ,n ri.e(1 .s rJl.;plrl f C, ,.( E- u6t cJt+ tr.rtr

.? tx.j ql ,s,t- Ar ,-ir,j J:t^:. r: vI sd A- j-d ,kV rJr!.;j

,.,,. - a-,;t 6) ue. r!Tr>\*l :l E3i,r: - dV .rlj1

6 a,pt9;1r:1. K;)\i r>fu-l r &t- )t-ru,.ta*,. cg.psj'-.4 rltir

tf cd ci[1l.ro Uts { di ,i.r6- Lf - "rr.-lrl

J€ cS2a.:97

gle: ol el { e.rtr o-e.(i v: si ea ,i*3lr! ,.jX. cS;K-2-;tf ,--- tS- i r:qe

jrf fl 6K) *"i r,b Ol*,. f el.t,.. erl .{?. .- )1. 759

=Ll ef err 2*.- 4-f ,f ,:St3 OL ,tf r,a li i,. ,. .rt.* lj)\,

)i + - l'Jl:g;r Ai vfo;; *.1 O(J Llr s. o3 ol .i. Lb 6r rI ,st-- e6! dtr- .(si ;rf

i)t {-.".i .=rt - )llr gL: - j-lt, Oti IJI Jt* G:a:-t?

d) A*4 eji r grrr ll: f) 1*:1*5r L t)l9ils-9{ yl g utljua{' o 4 ^7, 5 1,. {i L rJU -;t clt^r ,i(l e- :V f

-&z-'- A .Jlr- t.f [7.- g11^i s:a - JV lr,

:rl - e- Lr lr( C" A*rt z! o))13 ,,:.i,.! - ,{-u ;*,dL r*;l O(.J u^A Jt.i sf z) Srt )tl u^! J[.i )f z\) .t

.f;J ,ra ri 131 5- a-: ep A*ri ot e- t: S ,5 2$ rl Li

.,. . ..,,r-^,{ 1.^*u

: ,r: {lz&.g

7434 pRovrNcrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rH ruNr, 1968

L qlYr ord.tt dr, :.jt r.f - 0, J" lti d-ltl Otl.

-{rl ^f ti ( j[ tf 6o. tf dL .rrl I uL 6st r.lt^r ,S

t qil f Jrt- rijt'

K cJlr- E .r-tr, Oti ,J-rll .a-t, rrti K^n t2-t- gl) glir

.'... t | 'f AdtJ-t5{cil-s)V;.r,

!t:r.tl 'f, o! u,"l -j t5 rf ct. jetr{ ll cJ . l*u .i.*- ) 2 6lta rJL ,*il gto3

^f, E-.rl!,L tS lLri rf [*r? tf of :s 0l - )lsi &,Sra>r"o2l tf gir jf :trT - K ;,, t f rtlT gy old Colony Districts

1e:rJf o$j.1 15 r,.ll trl r;t21rlrr ,5 0l rf { lt, t4f , dt+ K ,gtt

I qa., tiU' - 5 i" 'S u1.; ))i - dV ,'Js

LL.zi ,_6.. vlr: E ..r.t* tls- a!i9ca. st)t - gei J€.ltfot 5 j,. Gr q.) ,? u^. y'^, E Lr.j 5 rll9il*-f tf e-

.ti J6,J- 2 cl.j Gs$ ui - S jV csr J 4trL L rgT r>\-t

;:f 3{ ,sf tJ dl ef ,.!h -j - u.n Z-t *s c.r. rJl+|.,14; L2t!)I ,5 jb ar 61.j uf

ii){ €se t^rl c.ll - tiln clr.r l-r.+ e,yl cllg- { - JV ,$Sa!l9ilr-3f - S .3t- 1.9r .*,j gr1. OldPunjab Coloniesrf .lt ef g9a

€ f {l ,l1o L O,.l - A- Ula ;t..1 u^. ;.i9lK rrt*,1 grel

.Sti C*.j jkf I .. ,,f se L tJUf rt tf dl )S € ,ss.d

cjtf r.. Jf sl ,5 jt. uJ cluf n 1 o/? d+ -,5 Ab'54t1 6.r

Mr. Slraher : Next question.


jl rrtJbr; ;rjr tf - j.lU 0t dirl jy, 6.ft-fr - lylfy*Jre*i trl Ylrj.l;., J5c=i ,S o1;,t1,z'.;r 6f rf L

";U.i 4[, ,,.1f .1.1

jql j:f g)l2l uosj tfstu u:*tl u^. crt;1r r. L o)tt**- ,;S 6 u# ,5!l -rf ua;.r clt.Jti 4 u*f ,fJ ur*rl $ J? A

t a ,5 dl:l) :i t{ Lril.,l e1 ;;r;$L,. - (,rit1r Oti #.rJt lc t;I) 6;-L^- g,^1.J.Sb

)tl e- [nJ b t.f blfl cx.il,- .4r,, r-,t1i-) &trl .ri, rrtrglr.

- K.!b Ur<,fJ s| }s. !t dl3gt g1r g,'i3 ,---t:.

- llr ykr - .lJj .iI .LJtJr - Jra{ lt- }c e,a),a il,- L.r*i cr! .[*.. Urf ..,1rt- ,i..1li!l jsf * *Jl9llr-$ \ ollx*&

L .11aY 3; J.*-i Yl3 !.; - K- b !: g46i vlr: tf e-.1r tf- a.r:r.1r (.Fttl

',*s{ arA e- j}1, tif collect 6i.,;tiil $- e(4 . JV $l_Jt.dJ,"L.rt_ $ Lozt{

Mr. Speaker: This question would be repeated on the next turn.Next question now.

Evlcurs Acnrcur-runel LlNo rr{ Trrtslr- Gurnlrtwlrl,12635. Chauilhri Saifullah. Khan Tarar : Will the Minister for

Rehabilitation be pleased to state the area of evacuee agricultural land ineach village,of rehsil Gujranwala of District Gujranwala not allotted toany displaced person so far, alongwith its classification ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) : Therequired information is not readily available. It is being collected and wiflbe laid on the Table of the House in due course.

Mr. Speaker : I think the same is the position about this question andthis question will also be repeated on the next turn.

LlNo ColruANDEp sy Suxrun Blnnecr rN SaNcn.lR Dtsrnrcr*12il2. Mr. Muhanmarl Bakhsh Khan Narejo : Wifl the Minister for

Revenue be pleased to state :-(a) whether it is a fact that soml land comuanded by Sukkur Barrage

7446 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wEsr, pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNr, 196g

in Sanghar District has recently been granted to Haris ; if so (i)whether on full rate or on harap or on Yaksaala or on long term leasetenures ; (ii) what is the De& a.nd raluka wise acreage of the said landand (iii) how many of the said grantees are Hurs, locals and.non-locals ;

(D) whether it is a fact that out of the non-Hur guarantees more than50fi are those who are non-local Haris ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani),l

(tI Oa ill.'tenures.'

.- ', (ri) Staqement.is placed on the table of the Assembly.*

(rrr) 207 Hurs, 282 Locals and 3l Non-Locals.

(b) No.

GovrnNupNr OprN Pr,ots Nren Dnrc Rolo Rerlwa,y SurroN

.*12690. Mr. Mahmoorl Azam Farooqi : will the Minister for Reve-nue be pleased to state :-.

(a) whether it is a fact that s.D.M., Karachi cantonment recommen-ded in January, 1967 that 90 families living in huts set up on Governmentopen plots near Drig Road Railway station be permanently settled on thesame plots ;

(6) wherher it is a fact that thc Deputy commissioner, Karachi subse-quently decided that the said plots be put to auction ;

(c) if ansuer to (a) and (6) above be in the affirmative (i) the stepsta:ken to seitle the said 90 families, (ii) reasons for passing orders by theDepdty commisdioner, Karachi against the recommendations of the S.D.M.,Karachi Cantonment and not allotting the said plots to the said 90 families ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) : (a) yes.. (b) Yes.: (.) (i) The matter is under consideration of the commissioner, Karachi


(rr) The policy of Government for the disposal of such plots is by openauction. The Deputy commissioner did not, thcrefore, accept the recom-mendations of the S.D.M.

+f ,.rr-. !.b. t+ari el ..j:,o. (.l,. - jS:V *rl

(a) Yes.

*Please see Appendix III at the end

)1,*e,t ,2-2


.i.9(- ^U*.

K 6.1(rtf ,.5 rf:;lSU I . ^f a- LL, c*. (Lr-) 2- VI

f V 2rrt qr{ rf .ll $ 2$eo 2rU tt e,trl -L sti'il L( ft- l2t*2

t. 0l )d (J[rJ Ot. 41 t.f tf rJSa tilf *i[1: rl c*"

tf ,Jl ^f L ,yl 2l*l1,,^r j9o 4+ dtll n g .Jt.. I , J? 9f crgjl'rlti

qr,il ul) .{ f)\i c*,j ,5 0l Jel u^!t- 2 ^(: 6s-)) v*{

,,>\.i +.j oJ ct! j.b tit- zrf Ol .(:.r: lll ur.r rf rlTe*r- sll 2f

. K iV r,f sse :t ,.rl - dl, 119

BlnuoE Llr.Ios cIvEN -:t;;ffirNo RrrnINc GovsnNuENt

',12733. Mr. Muhammail Bakhsh Khan Narejo : Will the Ministerfor Revenue be pleased to state :-

(a) whether it is a fact that a three member Cabinet Committee was

set up in February, 1968 to consider the question of curtailing grant ofbarrage lands being given at present to the retired and the retiring Govern'ment officials;

(b) the number of meetings held so far by the said committee ;

(c) whether the said committee has submitted its report ; if so, a copy

of the same be placed on the Table of the House ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani): (c) Yes.

(D) One.

(c) No.

Mr. Muhammad Bakhsh Khan Narejo : Will the Minister for Revenue

please state how long the Committee intend to take to decide the matter

finally ?

Minister for Revenue (Khan Ghulam Sarwar Khan) : We are trying

very hard to get together and decide this matter as early as possible.

rf .t. ;4-s 2f rr llr ?U" ;tsssi * - )lg -V C:a>fr*L,.p .t .(; *f .,,f ,-.ht* tijr gn.i ! K oi: *" grl *{ o

7438 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLY oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ ?rx ruNn, 196g

did, f u?l ++f OQ u.a A.l ,f + hard ,9) i try - E 'tf

- ,sltf ji ,i^l;3

- .,.. L) )f u* -t{ Fa tf a_ lrf Lpr 9,1:- _ db il,- Kr" .[:1..:11 i1,r, tr gl.rli s(J

Mr. Muhammarl Bakhsh Khan Nareio : What progress was made atthe said Committee's meeting ?

Minister for Revenue : We met once and we took a lot of decisions.

Mr. Muhammad Bakhsh Khan Narejo : What are the names of theMembers of the Committee ?

Minister for Revenue: The Minister for Agriculture, the HomeMinister and mYself.

I r *,ie -!le ,.;k- - 13rI ;I .Lilr, - 0t; fLl J€ li.,rhn JJI t4,i tJlg- 1.6.. a1 - A r rar r ,.! K ta e- dll- .(ll I,#Uf u,rf,dlr- 4 Ld36il -IST fU L..--1., ualrl q a

, d9a kr ta t+=r{ dl9- e1 ,r.,

q td U 2,.rtlt r.Jlr- a; L o,*.rk: - ral.J:l & CS*:fi- Lff a. ,rLIe i Sli -*

,,ri-ti f c!ff- L,rl L yT tf.r-t., 6.;b);rr - .Sy 2X-.

f l€'i t;.)

- A tJ ..*tt )f ,)12* sll L s;t,F- r+,r)l J€ 6y.::?

I [i !r L VT ,r!t, { Llle- Lir'l - $-*,, ,:*,

a ;ti 4-2a e. uhL; i:i { dlr- nl - cr*U:l 4 g,asg-

-V ) ,r{s s{ ,rl L or't^f [) 4-s

,,ij Y L!le- u.l L -J ef ,.iL.ri ^l uJ a,474 - fu ;"-

- t6i !r


o.l Dl ttT n lti Ls*t e- uLle { - Upl.r:l -l€ .5}r_f+(lr .-*iilJ &^ - te,, dlr. l9r [fl K +it" L*a rf e- + atr ,5

- tsT tv tx. fMr. Speaker : It was sent by Malik Aslam ?

Malik Muhammarl Aslam Khan : It was sent by me.

L ).d vS \f - JirT -;T .LJlj4 - o*)t orljgt,at e- u(. t; tlf dls- * tti E, o.l $1.*:it1 i*r

.t a, ;ti E .r-l 4- tit- [r Jly 4 lU L oe - er-, .i.*- fi'I drr-

4- t)r Ol ed Ltle- upr cll - ylr et+ - 0[2- fLl J€ <t- dr L t,l eitt lta .lrl lgi 4:r. 6,b;ta

Mr. Speaker : Alright I allow the Member to ask this question.

Malik Muhammad Aslam Khan : 12721.

CoNsor,toettoN Wonr tN Dtsrnrcr CA,r{psrl,r.pun

*12721. Chaudhri Muhammail klrees : Will the Minister for Revenue

be pleased to state :-(c) total number of villages in District Campbellpur in 1961 ;

(D) names of villages out of those Mentioned in (a) above in which theconsolidation operation has been completed upto 30th April 1968;

(c) the date on which the consolidation work started in Jahanabad

village alongwith :-(r) the volume of work so far done in this village ;

(ii) the time by which the consolidation work is likety to becompleted;

(d) whether it is a fact that consolidation operation has been stoppedin this village ; if so, reasons therefor ?

Parliamentary Secretery (Agha Sadr-ud-Din Khan Durrani) : @) A84


:.. \:'!e

7440 pRovINCIAL AssEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN [ 7tn ruNr, 1968

(&) The list is placed on the Table of the Assembly.f

(c) 7th JulY 1962.

(i) About 90 per cent of the work has been completed.

(ii) Efforts are being made to finalize the work by the end of this


(d) No.

vl.r E. (.si) 2- cJelll - )l-e ?t+ - Oti fl-l J€ .(L$ 4 gl 6. - td lro g1ri r{ dU.ll n dtri .S 2- hh u^.

,f u. tJUlt rJhl tf I q'l1 a^- Jl.*f r. L ';361 tf dr!

u+t .J JJI Uf (3st oj23; rq E a3r"" '&l L ,rl *t )tl tei !.>

rJgfil ,rg, .rei u(J t.f u,.t, L --Lp.f*:' gr" ..? {f C* ,.rl

t 1 1r t:- rf c,^r a.1 crYt- - t.f gn1.i .r4 L fr. ef t*f a t4t c2-

,!ar 4? Jrl tJ t1r 2f *, e*' tllA l:' )tl t"f t-{ L:.rn o:'

hr[ Lg;j4 ri .)t ti qf [: ,f *t rf Jl.xl ta sH 13l trl i4

tt e1 - tigr erd J:t ,r*"{ )tl 2- titr 9o .t:t ,r*{ ef' g9a

I 4 ,:rt;

rrB- Lr.. r q ir {:- et^" - (dti llr lS Otr) Jt ljf-: tel a.; dlr- - ti Lf la ,r{ a. \t .f .r.f 5'

"(d) whether it is a fact that consolidation operation has been

stopped in this village ; if so, reasons therefor ?

The answer is 'No'. That means that it will start now,

- Lb J. f:; ef .r*. e) ){ ,ittf p. -ri A no q/lf K url

,d e- [L.2! i- itos. tis - lle,ek- . )lSi 4 6g:11

l*. ^l u:,. -ri A to.; tr't- 9r J! 1.K

q a 4?),5 ,r.f di -;tt-

u*f ,9 tS z o;f 1Y ( l.(a=, f vf .l [f ^f d3r kot; ti2f

t;f .'jk- nf )+(rr .g. CrL g++l alrl * Lf LtF tf lY- L *S- sf1 61[ rU KJ tf f{ .rl f& tf, .rrt a

*Please see Appendix IV at the end,


[:(- er s$ q cJt- ,a ,i(.J e, li$ $ r(lr. vt+ - lV il,- Lb r. r'f utt- ef a-

jtrir cliti 5 cll3- grl L s"".r-[r 62orer - -S*" u1.",

E- 1;l ,Jfr- { l,tfl e-tf tltr -r: t+i teo ta(t pU ( -j .,1 ,rl .!-

!T ra ,.ti1

Mr. Speaker :.-Th'e Question Hour is over. We wil.l ngh take up:a shortnotice question by Rana Phool Muhammad Khan. The Member.is notpresent.

L s*. fia. 9,k- - ,3",I ;LL:!l3a - rlt> )).tu & casrsl?

- A !r, r!9e? ua.)c gl- { gi

Assembly Question g(11 e Ol ;,T .r.-t,, 6.f rf - &* -in- ,;l.rf 1.;ae

r1! r,fl


BlRnecs LeNps crvEN ro Retrnro lNo RerlntNc GoveRNMeNr' Orrrcrlr,s

*lz7g3. Mr. Mubammad Bakhsh Khan Narejo : will the Ministerfor Revenue be plea.sed to state:-

(o) whether it is a fact that a three member Cabinet Commirtee wasset up in Fibruary, l96E to consider the question of curtailing grant ofbarrage lands being given at present to the retired and the retiringGovernment officials ;

(b) the number of meetings held so far by the said Committee ;(c) whether the said Committee has submitted its report ; if so, a i6py

'of the same be placed on the Table of the House ,t

Minister for Revenue (Khan Ghulam Sarwar Khan) : (a) yes.

(b) One.

(c) No.

7442 pRovINcIAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN [ 7ru ruNr, [968

CoNTnMATIoN or Tgnstr,peRs AND Mursulnrlns*12737. Mr. Muhammad Bakhsh Khan Nareio : Will the Minister

for.Revenue be pleased to state :-(a) the number of Tehsildars working at present in formcr Punjab ;

(r) the number of Tehsildars, out of those mentioned in (a) above,who are confirmed;

(c) the number of Mukhtiarkars working in the former Sind area ;

(d) tlp number of Mukhtiarkars, out of those mentioned in (a) abovc

whg are confiiined ?

Minister for Revenue (Khan Ghulam Sarwar Khan) :

(a) (r) Against Permanent Posts

(ii) Against temporary and ex-cadre posts









(i) Against permanent Posts

(ii) Against temporary posts




Texettoll ABour rHE GRANT or I 'No OsrrcrtoN CERTtpIcerr''

FoR THE coNsrRUcrIoN oF A cINEMA HousE rN NlztMeg^Ao

No. l, KlucHl

Mr. Speaker: We rvill now take up the privilege motion which was

deferred for today. No: ll by Mr. Mahmood Azam Farooqi. Thc

Finance Minister was to reply to this question. .

Minister of Finance (Syed Ahmed Saeed Kirmani) : Before I submit

my reply I would read the privilege motion tabled by my learned friend,

Mr. Mahmood Azam Farooqi, with a view to refreshing the memory ofthis House. It says that Mr. Mahmood Azam Farooqi wants to raise a

que$tion of privilege of the Assembly on the ground that a breach ofprivilege of the Assembly has occurred due to incorrect and misleading

statement made by the Minister for Finance, Excise and Taxation on the

floor of rlris House on the lst of May, 1968, while opposing my adjourn'

ment motion rcgarding the construction df a cinema house on plot No:

l-K/2 Nazimabad, Karachi. The N{inister for Finance, Excise and Taxation

had said that the Provincial Government granted the 'no objection'


certifrcate to the applicant in the year 1960 and that only recently the 'no

objection' certificate already granted was revalidated. Sir, I may now

prodo.. a copy of a counter-affidavit sworn on 27-5'1968 by onc

Muhammad Akhtar S/o Dr. Muhammad Ali in connection with case

No : W.P.226 of 1968 in the High court of west Pakistan, Karachi Bench

(Inamuddin) Vs. Mrs. Mumtaz Akhtar and another from which it is evident

it "t

tt. .no objection' certificate for the construction of the cinema housc

referred in my adjournment motion was granted in January 1968 and not

in 1960 as stated by the Minister in his reply on the 1st of May, 1968.

Sir, the breach of the privilege in this case is very serious as the Minister

being the most responsible person representing the Government, the chair

normally and rightly too attaches weight to the statements made by him

andmanyadjournmentmotionsaresometimesrejectedmerelyontheground of facts stated by him. The Minister of Finance has, therefore,

breached the privilege of this august House and of its Members.

Now, Sir the crux of the whole matter is this that I made a statement on

the lst of May 1968 to the effect that the applicant was granted no objec-

tion certificate in the year 1960, and that only recently, the no objection

certificate already granted was re-validated'

Now, sir, the position is that the certificate was granted in the year

1960, and I read out the relevant order of the Magistrate, and, Sir, 'for your

perusal I submit a copy of the same to you. Sir, this was the year 1960

when the District Magistrate of Karachi 'was competent to grant no objec'

tion certificate, and if you allow me, it is like this:

Applicatioo dated l4'll-57, from Mr' R'R' Khan' 25'Victoria

RoadnearHabibBankSaleDeposit'Karachi'requestingthcrein for permission to coDstruct a Cinema House on

Plot No. 2, Sub-Block 'K' Bloek No' l' Nazihrabad'.Karachi.

This ofhce letter No' JN/6117 dated 3rd July' 1958 refusing

iequisite permission to the applicant'

Order of the Admioistrator of Karachi dated 6-12'60 by the

Assistant Secretary to the Adnrinistrator of Karachi allowing

the aPPlicant's aPPeal'

rilq of the District Magistrate

Pcrmissionisherebyaccorded'toMr.R.R.Khanforconstruc.tion of a Cinema House on Plot No. 2, Sub'Block 'K' Block

No. 1, Nazimabad, Karachi, subject to the following

conditions :-l. Theplansof theCiuema shall be gotapproved fromthe


7M4 pRovrNcrAL.AssEMBLy gF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru ruNr,

2. Space for parking of 50 cars shall be left inside theprgmises for which a plan shall be prepared and got approvedfrom thc Superintendent of Police Traffic, Karachi.

3. The Cinerne Building shall be completed within the periodof two years, fron: the date of issue of this permission.

Issued uodcr my hand and seal of the court. This tgth day ofDecembor. 1960.


Sd/ -District Magirtrate,Karachi.

It rvas giveu to M1. R.R. Khan, regarding the construction of acinema House on Plot No. 2 Sub-Block 'K' Block No. l, Nazimabad,Karachi. Now, sir, during the year 1960, the District Magistrate wascompetent. It was later on with the merger of Karachi witl.r west pakis-tan that the power vested with the Provincial Government. Now, sir,under this permission the applicant was supposed to construct the cinemawithin a period of two years from the grant of permission. For reasonsbest known to the applicant, he could not construct the Cinema.


Now you interrupt me. I am going to make out a case that you havebroken the privilege of the House and you have committed a breach of theprivilege of the House, though I will not suggest punishment, that you havemade a misleading statement and not the Finance Minister.

I was respectfully submitting Sir that this pennission was for two years,he was to construct the Cincma within two years. For some reason, hecould not construct it. In the meantime the west Pakistan cinematographRules came into force in 1962, Under these rules, it was obligatory forthe applicant to get it revalidated. He applied for revalidation of thepermission, whieh had lapsed. It was done in the year 1968, and there wasno mis-statement. It was in 1960 that he was granted the no objectioncertificate to construct the cinema House. I was really at a loss to under-stand as to how I had made a false statement or a misleading statement,and thereby breach the privilege of this august House.

Sir, if you feel, this document can be shown to the Member to con-vince him that it is he who has breached the privilege of the House bymaking a false statement and a misleading one, and he unnecessarily threwmud on me for no faultof mine. I again repeat that it was in the year1960 that the District Magistrate granted the permission with regard tothe construction of a Cineme House on plot No. 2, Sub-Block ,K, BlockNo. I Nazimabad, Karachi, and later on in the year 1968, it was revalida-


ted because of the coming into being of thc West Pakistan Cinernatograph

Rules 1962. This is the factual position.

rrjr .rt+ bl u^. - Yll rrL; - ClsV dlrl )2a*r j*t.&.ni rA, !l*t gllL rJelil rf clr! t:lL Urf lrl qfl K rrUt

,-f,12-I €;^. LcJJfil yl ,it.2i ligf ,>.^).5*' 'al1- ,9v' sf \

- d.ra 7f ,*,.t cist;i (tll r*.. t.f .ug tqr r7l9- (.!tlu-l

Minister of Law : This is wrong. We have always faced it.

Minister of Finance : How far is the statement of the Member rele-

vant, and whcre is the oceasion to s{y that ?

llj q7k; - e- llr ,Jt* spt - ,Jf;li gJiel 4,** ,z*,,fJ U, No Objection Certificate - uy 1. ri- ef f, Otf rif o".

tJLr 3f clti .lT a-l i*. os

t 4- ,rre r5* - $*- ;,*.,,i:i-. drrc.f O(l, 4- r.rrr 6)[t . GltV /iel 4rrz.t .rl*t


Minister for Finance : My information is that Mr. A.R. Khan is one

of the proprietors of Nayab Corporation

t.1- l(- ,r-t L,.a;..! e; .71 ;(.1 - GS jt fliol )g*a ,/,*t

Oklx$ qr[ti - s{r ,rrri .-flt"!td)'t sl t}tssllK vtrti 4- Lrl k1

6ts* J*(iir J? + Jrl - ki 14; O\ q.,r lrr ,;.rf t, L

^f 2- t3KJ,*, u-t e- K,rt.n

"Government bave approved the graflt of a no objection

certifieate to M/s Nayab Corporation for the congtruction ofa Cioema House."

Mr. Speaker : The statement of the Finance Minister is that no objec-

tion certificate was issued for the constfuction of the said Ciueme on this

site in 1960.

Mr. Mahmooil Azam Farooqi : To the applicant.


7446 pRovINcrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru ruNr, 196g

Mr. Speaker : Not to the applicant.

cl" vfr: { s!*x. ,p:iu .rL: - j-l$ fE"l )3a*t ,f,,aA

.'I am not sure whether the construction is complete or notbut the fact remains tbat the provincial Government grantedthe no objection certificate to the applicant in the year 1960.,,

,otl * fal{ tr.:9f 1A - | - yA ,.L.(.;.!- { - Yl3 t/t+

1! [i9r

"Government have approved the grant of a no objection certi-ficate to M/s Nayab Corporation."

uei clnr di-19i1) &t;';,tS{ r.-,!t! rf l9o tu ,..1L Y ,-rl iufi 4-s-{ o:-2D11{ oll 6(rJ t.f t1r,t.(Jjr- !t, .rfi:, sf ,.r:

- t*i u*i JJtl .s.

Mr. Speaker : The words are ..to the applicant.,'

- ter brf cr:or ri-lei.1r :ei i - jl-Sli flipl s3*a,,. ,l*,,

)tl lS tsr Lf.i.ir- ot sf ,yl g4i oJ:o) r.:-l9i;r 6^l.;1-2:1$. e,Lti

f:- i crjt-l r.5,y| lS s",o::i os A c*d )f 3 viJf K oti si tl)f 3 j){ s&t { orl l"f [f revalidate ,f r /ro t{ l:1^f tt u:f sa

'A qr^i

Mr. Speaker : Mr. A.R. Khan might be the applicant.

- A r*tj ,f t { 0l r*, ,.rl - G-ISU fErl )3**tt 2l*lMr. Speaker : The fact is there that no objection certificate was

issued in the year 1960 for the construction of the said cinema on thissite.

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : It was not issued to the Nayab Corpora_tion ; it might have been issued to somebody else.

Mr. Speaker : He has not said this no objection certificate was issuedto the Nayab Corporation.


" 'Mr. Mahmoort Azrm Ferooqi : To the applicant.

-At5. f3{ A:,l-s3'sV vlULc*.Minister of Finance :. The question arjses, Sir, to simplify the matter;

whether the Nayab Corporation is building the Cinema House on that plotor not,

Mr. Speaker : Prima facie there is no case for breach of privilege.

The motion is ruled out of order.


DEMoLITIoN wITHour NoTIcE, oF A HousE tN CLrrroN Col.otty,L.lnonp By rHE Lurone IupnovnunNr Tnusr

Mr. Speaker : We will now take up adjournment motions. The firstadjournment motion is from Khawaja Safdar. The Minister for Basic

Democracies was to answer this.

Minister for Basic Denocracies (Mian Muhammad Yasin Khan Wat-

too) : I oppose this adjournment motion. The position about this area is

that this has been notified under the provisions of the Town ImprovemeDt

Aet 1922, and in the area which has been notified under the provisions ofthis Act, no construction is allowed there. So, this house was constructed

without any permission, and this was unauthorised construction.

Now, the demolition staff of the Lahore Improvement Trust noticed

the unauthorised. construction in this Scheme and a notice under section

78(2) of the Municipal Administration Ordinance 1960 was therefore

issued on 12th April 1968, to the effect that unauthorised construction

shoirld be pulled down or removed within two days. This notice, according

to the report of the Building Inspeetor, was pasted on the wall of the said

unauthoriscd construction as nobody was willing to receive it'

Io continuation of the notice, referred to above, as no compliance was

made, another six-hour notice, under section 78(3) of the Municipal Ad'ministration Ordinance, was issued. This notice was also pasted on thc

wall of the House as nobody was willing to receive it.

. Khawrje Muhanimarl Safdar: When was that notice issued ?


.: KLrwria:Muhbnnrd-Safdar: I have got the first one. I want to knowsbgut the second uoticc.


7448 pRovtNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru ruNr, 196g

Minister for Basic Democracies : In continuation of the notice referredto above, as no compliance was made, another six-hour notice, undersection 78(3) of the Municipal Administration ordinance, was issued.This notice was also pasted on the wall of the house as nobody was willingto receivc it. This was done on the l5th of April, 1968. A rcport wasput up by the Building Branch to the Secretary who ordered demolition ofthe unauthorised construction on the 22nd of April, 1968. A portion ofunauthorised construction was demolished by the Demolished Inspector on26th April, 1968.

The Building Inspector again reported on 28th May, 196g, that theoffender had again started the unauthorised construction on the said plot.A six-hour notice, under section 78(3) of the Municipal AdministrationOrdinance, was again issued on 30th May, 1968. The Secretary, on the3lst May, 1968, ordered that the demolition may be effected. The demo-Iition, which was partial, was effected on 3lst May, 1968 and not on 29thMay. According to the report of the Building Inspector, the demolitioncould not be completely cdrried out because of the intervention of theoffender and other people including the staff of the school of which theoffender is the Headmistress. This, however, was not the only demolitioncarried out on that day as another unauthorised house was demolished inthe neighbourhood. This indicates, of course, that the action was taken inthe ordinary administration of law. The position is that the owners of landin that area which has been notified under a scheme which is by thistime known by the name of rwo-Thousand.Acre Kacha Multan RoadScheme......

Malik Muhammad Akhtar: point of order. May I ask the Ministerwhether it is a fact that over ten thousand unauthorised constructions existin that area ?

Mr. Speaker : The Question Hour is already over.

Minister flr Basic Democracies: So far as my information goes, fouror five months back some people came to say that their houses had beendemolished but now the position is that we cannut permit the breachof law on the grounds, which the law has takcn into c;nsideration whilepassing that notification, because ,this is ultimately to the over-allbenefit of t\e people that that area shourd be developed in a prannedmanner- If we notify the area and prepare the pran uuiin between thistime if new construction comes up then the ptanned development of thetown in that area is not possible. Ultimatery, the general pubric is goingto suffer and I feel this wourd be mispraced sympathy if we wourd rike thatone individual shourd be helped at the cost of the generar public. so, mysubmission is that all these actions have been taken in the ordinary


. administration of law. A notice was given and if somebody would not beready to receive it then the law provides that it should be pasted at theHouse. If we leave it to the person that he refuses to receive' the noticeand it is considered that there is no notice then nothing would be possible

because in that way the law cannot be complied with. The law was comp-lied with but when they refused to receive the notice it was pasttd on thewall and then, according to the law, this action was taken.

1r;fi'e ritrill l: - !1.e.;U- (, - &r*t*) ).Jb Jd 4"lJ;c,t1) o! a E>\Ll 15;ri.'(i ,Jtr: ,.ra ;L); rt.!1t ;i ,--le 'stJ9

.r!u ;lf,.iJlq .U1tf uig{ r3rr3 qi2L*.J.o 4.i.; )*a - uar urri

lrr! r:lt1c ^t 2 *. - )\. ,.ni u"3t; u3o{ s(l .ii9 unl Jf dril

i ,-kfr L .nii )n J? L vn3l -.fiti,r1l ,5,L*)",\;-32.rr.1

6 .,[x + obr -r.l t. 2f aJtL. tr Jit, ,rl f l: g1to3 J.fe l Jal

9; clga t-rj; blstt 6 ,jj .(rl u.:. - e-,r!t4,f ) 1*. Dl 2-

i sits E 0l -6 $ 6]7 3f r.-c-1,r.id L.x (r) o1(*tr0l r5cytr - et: dtjrsf d.. 5. uu- - r.,r.rf t$t - c) ,.r!t3

,!tr 7tf uirs{ sJ-l crr vrt L oK. u,l lof 21 clK. sr7 ti.e'lrf .p*!e. ,r!t-T dto3 o9 s* 422*. .ip ;n^X.1 )*a {lv> A dJ(.

oll ALl.c u*t cr!r33 4l Af A et gtr 6.1-3s - lll .-t:^ - 4i 8-sK. A- ti3a ,rlL -Lf t.f c9.rtr .g .rjb ,5 =-te 6r!r*.r- :f *,ili

upa ofj Lz*-r L sf.;[ !l j.2* ,l ,tl11 :e51 Jt.i K5,T.4 ,t4 ;[ legal interpretation t.t' - s{gu }*,-'u.l!lt 2s, L;1.: E- 6r!.rd"- -* sl a(!_..f { cJeti .ili ,.rls3

- l9r e:rj cr. 4;ltt ar Af e- Jt.; { -j :ql tt

6Jl- {l - lgr ,^6i t.ln 6Jt? d: q)Ja [:3,1=.- * - SJie Jd 4"lJi!13 s,t::4- { .:ks - A- di{.! rr,k1 J:i:r lll e_ J,: jlsu|- 15. .r/.r "rJB u3i - u.t l- a-|.-(31 L L*)! L:-59.,q|r19rY ef

)U. - Lr:9n.r; deputation o3 .trt^$ - e- ,stt o"):| ",*l

,5 &-i


74fi pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLI oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru ruNE, 1968

.5 0l n(r; lrir \-b ,rlk-l .(tl .ltL. L lnf f t;.r.rltl))b) ts;.,Jri ui| ,f JrJKilrr3 A:-Lr,rik-l { rra.. 1lr *:.t.1

tJ qf 6rt- i:i r.? .r.rlE Jr.*l pS - ord j-d $ r.*a-f - r.rr ef tnf *6il ;rl ZT ,y\ L gi*. ii .lpr rJti J:-.. - +

&ii:5r* .sll3 s.. jr:.- v+f ,f .rik-i grl o.s all3 is^ gt*:.| ;f

t)- ef .e>\.t'. rr.tE:;J , 2 st j+ i* - r,, f ,.*tW 6 ifl,yl Z.L*tf, a uta ya - !) -f :K'l * if ,Lsli.. j5l" g{s.l-rl)l .jr( l2-3t o5

^a.f,l -!.:.2f e., cJ3(- pl u*f rJrti K,/t:;I

rf ,;t-i nl { tr\ L d-}*" i^o re .r-te r^.!1.rJti - a ,,6e .rr

q.,ts i.! - jt. tJ a; i.ru *t ;+(lr rf tpf e. cll ;st :f 24- yit- ,.f r.(2. 1d 3! a&+. d3o ,r:(- )f t"f 4l u:. lrf iu,"l i OtS,'il 9f .rl 1q a,7it:r $ r:tf isli el r.r,. le"! A t(-.191 ,rih-1.., ?? 4 a.*il9 { gr,, =\rr,iaq

-t1.:rf i:V sf uib-f

i t1iJ .rJ\i .;!*, - iT nrl3 a ;is L €).,2*. J.o J..x1 .rJt- j..--KrrJ *?n* e- gT 9., *f l6f 4 s,!21-e i.o j9o iT,rl,ls:e r.Jlo9

- 5 :^ cihilg ,.t; a3 u.r d) 3.: .-(i ..,], " I Es .,:. r 1 J*2 { s.l

- 6r ,f ,r.r*i csl) b:slt;[ Demolition ,:.(^*il .*.iq ,f gtF r.it* L ;lr=c s"l ,5 jl:::{ sil,- Jt qgic u.? 1, tL.s lti t fl,jt9rtr(.- - .5 ,,rri uil3y{ K: .l:l u-{ ue:f iJ--; Lt532i.lJJay

t.5. tsrb ,r!y{ l|f, a6. ,{ 4;l; r. }rt { oeh;=:-r f ,--t,,

,(, rJ.a ))?t. sa. cJ-.C 441 q-tr r!)s2*a -i^n 9f i:1ti " , - 6

- e- Ub i) L llr( ,5,6. gtas *l.c J? uit? 6r .r.1^i g>\U Jf 0t

rJ:. ,Stkf J-.i- )Ji .:l-.r, .r-t., ,.ri[ - ,"lt - 1-l o3 ol.r.o .f ,.1

- A- u:{' 4;r [:, [f .:Jt- ,5 dK, ,rl ssl - ,rf sre gi)JJ - ura )J?J.


:ADJouiNrviENr.' liortbNs','745r

eitf,.rU--f$"E,.ot:S 1ti,'J. "6f .:2.cLsr's,r'al ,5trl +

,a[ ,--6*rr_f,gu ji ,f jbfi dr53<f- :i z-)t3y tti - u* !

^<rt,-,{ 1+1, arb r{_,1g.1-.'*.,f{, u,. f **' f €.rl-*s .rta.5

:.':'..,- :: ., -L ' t.

U'{\ '


- ,Je, vi\ *.ilf .elLc e+f .r+rl'rf-;..' 'iF *r1 - !ir: -t"

.sll3ai '1$---i.a* jF 2; ;^t -"'*l ,r''-id ,r1r3'otf.lef ql trp gnl

;;r ,S cr=t.-'or" f,i irl .rri JT.r, g'ti*:,rl'nt -L r-{ jtF *,Af 6 91t - e, 6.*7rloa uil - u,{ , e-l uo i o-{, {s'))

irla? L f t/Jar 3s' 6lta os - il: tllrf ei tf 0K' lti)f .1$il o19r ,5 OL. JK. 'lJt- Y ,rl ' vS ,.r\ L 4' j l-;prvl.r,t.o"r:;.f'.(1.'af t-r- sae l1)\s o/'l!f f , r1 ,rlit;f 6,2q. ' e- tf,

e7f ua. d! ,;;. 5a O1 clE; ili^ .r: ,,r' rn51 gnl ef. e-,V{ Z

1eL ,sel*,r. ,.1K...f*1-lrr.A.L il.{.-.1.o.2fg *{ ssl ur^ d.=.rslci,1t6i. *-d uE,. -!l-l"l*r- - q; Lf. lf :-J*" oijf .r,g

jl311K rslt* Q - r.r+(t-r f lfrr:.Iit' \ri-6 K,*):f *A3n p

.ri-toe gy,)2!^*ti.i r.a.- *l*,rt;f ,., ,.rl z ur{ rS J.(. ,g. t{ r.

g>\tt .I'*-i, $s -L u{ ,5.;t L r'Y, riuli K ltiil t{,-^-lp-.;) ,6,it- f rTll .r;t6i 33 *. - !13 rr.rk1 - A p6i ci-;r

.-.r.lf - s-l sra1.ilti 4-? e- 15 S y, ,rl vilsll{ (9;t- q ^{ K':f' - 4 ,r-e,'tojr t# d3. ,$;l1i; 6; ,;1 ,s*f .lte'- u* i{ ji

Mr. Speaker: I would like'to see the file in this resp€ct.

Minister for Basic Democracies : " Which day, Sir ?

Mr. Spelker : Any day; I think we should defer it till 12th of this


7452 pRovrNcrAL-AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNe , 196g

-L,-f &, f e, 6 gt.rs, r - sJbrd qlJiur) trr*r Jiri 9T - &*.i*

rr' Jiu Jso - ,\i)t< ,yj t 4s:rq tj)k J.)t- A ,ril3=et

Would it be discussed in the House ?

E *l sf s&i discuss jtt ql - ,Ji. € .rl:iMr. Speaker : I am defering it till l2th; meantime the Minister should

please send the file lo me.

Minister for Basic Democracies : Sir, I can send the file even todaybut will it be coming before the House, because on the l2th there will begeneral discussion on the budget ?

Mr. Speaker : No that would not be.

Minister for Basic l)emocracies : The position is that I am not tryingto avoid it. Anyhow, I will send thefile.

ExecurroN oF rouR pERsoNs UNDER rHB sENTENcE oF DEATH pAssED

By soME Mllrrs or Dmne Aoeu Knrr,

. .Mr. Speaker : Next motion now; Minister for Revenue had to replyto that.

Minister for Reyenue (Khan Ghulam Sarwar Khan) : Sir, I had sub-mitted the other day that the information given in the paper is wroog.

,;"e, .Jti.rt+ 9) gae J.. ;rT o.1.: $ 2- { s+b - Ylj ..,h-

eCf ), L2-tJ .&t urn €trT .t - u.{j r.ltjl! ))t Oslsr r1 ;91

6.2-!) r-91 .r,rIrtae.j*.(!l -,j[sftriu J1-s-2s.(sl ;el ,o:f6r c,j[l 4 d9(I. ef ,.r iU; + - 5 4-;1. ,r..:I J) e (.jrL

J,3lj - e- t:(- _rb r.rari l*11 - $f .l.I rf d1..rT.,ltr nt rf arr dtng - 2- 42a *! 111 - A,r:(. f ,s"C,;ilr1t9 cr*ll u.. tl,Ul

L rJ9:i. rf cl/.ti t{ -s 6lj1 obr ai 1ll L sc".i.#ti JJI SJili

itt t';- '{ 2tt- f' 6:i-leJ

- 4 6: e:ri -f v*f i os. it* Zd3(1, - t<-u ,2*,


.1..r 6ih L,22t - Ylr .rU: - (r - &rflt ) $i.o -t€ otl.f. r . a-rL-l r;.. e1 2sl e- Jf l K &i el 2-',,)).Lt e.tij1.;

Mr. Speaker: But this is not as reliable as the statement of the


i +-V sti: aa. dt; a-r. - !19 9t:- - )Ji., Jd qlf,: ,f dl: r -,rit.r; .r.r, ljgf o.-) 6 Zf ,.rL, .r!t- 4rl

urn 8 ;f oU. reteil3 eI r: tt .r-ri e-)) .s d I 5 et.ilr

cltjlh Ogl;' ef t6,; t1t.ri rt*.11 2,-,L. lj: )s: grl $ ,:o rl.;r rr

.t trf-r! tr rJgyrl rJrl! 0l al ,r'.f u," - Zhl;. + u"{l .;rrL

{ ;rt! 4 obe ,r.:i .t - l-lts d: Kolfttr ;h3 e[*, ,eo

,itg, oll Z rlti ff" - a-rb tJ .rf * *l 4 ujts K *.) tfJ.- ;rT,o1.r tf 0r: f(l cs tf h.c ;ti4 :f JL) ctl :Llr ;iel*:i K.iil.1e 1[ rlrjL .rir. Ojre; 6 ,;lrJl .te- ]1 rfU #I

'&*ub- rf rjit rlfJtt .5 p,-f ,jr3 - ltr vt+ - Jt J)s

- cJr.

.l .9t^-. 2f-l .5!11 12.. - llr vk- - ;Ji,C'J-n ql3i,.rt^:. E & t d5.ri e: Ol U Js L ds.rl 1L dl ea.) 2-

.(L a-lb A .ptt o tl.i L lt.-l ,rl S Ls e(u (r:1f *6i' - A ,5a ,n ,1.i i lsL 4)zi 'i.2n 1l tl3iU ,o'

-ftg a.!tr.r 8tr lri SIJJ) L +5*: u-1"

s. jK a tsKt {sl.pl tsT .,K; .r!! f,b 0l ,rl &t .d .ul a-)teP { r.rK:

)f Wft -rf .lrJlti L f * -rf ds.:T

J. iL. .j rl.r^r- ,f .f,l ..f .,lrSt+ - tJ

ore\ )tt it1l17F. e-)ts;o E J{' f

7454 pRovINcrAL ASSEMELY oF,wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rH ruNr, 1969

. f ,r.rit1 g 3jtr 5. 3l JJI ,.tJ le{,f., a;l-l

.,, ,.{.!:lre 91";:,i s-l -.!rrf J:1 o1[J: e16!l

t)t; lr(. /-otr: -t{ t"f e? Jf d3(1,

^ffla n{ [r.a[*"!.*r ,f bn rrl,il3 f t.i 4

,rLt.t -r: ,g: o.i f;l )l: l,,t d:r-rr

)j.r .-rt- fF lid e. 5;,2 oh; *. a.i)[c

. or|alulti ?.rr" - a-s uf Jri sf 1reUtl lllorj&- f ,rt.rrl tf di ,r-b. ef )*";- Otj rF i pt"j lt"i. e;" .frr:-r. .I :lril

+.St) .rr; 3 tf ill .r..:- Jrl - clLj .r*

,-'k.l ltil &taf L cty { ,f -it; * c}-rr.r

,J-t, .11" & L Lgr.ur 3f 4lY 11 6Je:i.1:l

,r:il ei ,5 .iY '5 Ot,j ot.l - [) f y" fk(- t? ei titTr.g *l t{ u^f

'rS vi.)^ ,/.

f rY s;. tf 2!.(11 o:;! f 0l 2ag - ta3

"r$f c9) e€t rfils 131.t'1

,irn ,sr1; A gcr pLo Lr"..-(i cltr.: * eT {ry ,5.r:i,llJ, 8 gea! .:-1.: rit*il3 4 -fl - vi )n 9i ri.r i' di*t f.f jl ff - e-

. g3i l^t: .511o Jlrri ,5-l .* irt 5 J-:..is9f

- d,a t1r [:- ,f ^31flr(Ji c) e):. - Jt -,r.jf"This is inco.re.t. No death sentence was passed Uv anv Uatit

inDarra Adam'Khel. No ptaiik or any Jirga had theauthority to award a death sentence. Consequently thequestioo of'4 persons being shot x.a result thereof does not

arise, No dead body was mutilated. In actual fact, twogroups of proclaiined offenders :belonging to DistrictPeshawar who had previous enmity.belween thenr fired ateach'othci in Darra Adam Ktrcl, thb triba'l territory, withthi--resrr,lt that tso pcrsons from o'ne group and 4 persons

frorii thc otLer grbup wrirc-kiled.i'' ' -.




Mi. Speaker: It has been denied by the Minister for Revenue that no

sentence was passed by any Malik in Darra Adam Khel. The motion is ruled

out of order.

Flrcune or GovrnNuENT To MAINTAIN THE suppt,y oF DRTNKING

wATER ro GovnnulasNr GRr.s Hrcn Scnoor, CHlununJrGlRosNs Estnrr, L.lnonr

Mr. Speaker: Next motion by Mr. Hamza and Minister for Educationto reply to that.

Minister for Education (Mr. Muhammad Ali Khan) : Sir, there are two'schools in Chauburji Gardens Estdte, one the Government Girls HighSchool and the other Government Boys High School. Water to the Girlsschool is supplied from the Tubewell installed in the chauburji GardensEstate. Water is supplied for 24-hours, i.e, round the clock, from thistubewell. Drinking water is supplied to the Boys School from the tubewellinstalled in the Poonch House Staff colony. Therc is great rush in that area.The supplying hours for drinking water there are from 4.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.min the morning and 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. and then from 4.00 p.m. in theevening to 9.00 p.m. at night. To meet the requirements during ofl-hours,a special tank has been built in the School which has a storage capacityofabout S00gallons.Therearealso two hydrants on playing fields forirrigation purposes. T{ere are three bath-rooms in the School. The boys

usually go and take watrjr from water hydrants which are installed in those

grounds. Out of the three bath-rooms, two had been turned into godowns

by the staff and the third was being used by the members of the staff,

restricting the boys to use it. But now instructions have been issued to the

Headmaster and the members of the staff to remove the godowns from the

two bath-rooms so that the boys may be able to take water from the taps

which are being fed from the tank. The two water hydrants which are

situated in the grounds, get direct connection, and during flow-hours, water

can be had from there. When water stops coming from the main, then

there is no water left in these two water hydrants and the boys usually go

to the two bath rooms, but those rooms were turned into godowns.

Mr. Speaker: What is the position now ?

Minister for Education: The position now is that the staff has been

asked to remove the godowns from the two bath rooms to enable the boys

to use them for drinking water. The position of water supply, therefore, isregular as far as tubewells are concerned.

Mr. Speaker: Have they vacated the bath rooms or not ?

Minister for Eilucation : Sir, instructions have since been issued.Actually, this adjouroment motion was to be answered by the Minister for

14fi pRovrNCrAL AssEuELy oF wBs? pAKISTAN [ 7ru ruNe, 196E

Cortmunicatiorts aud Works; he is not here and' he had asked the toreply on his behalf. So these are the facts which I have placed beforc you.

The instructions have been issued to the Headmaster to get thosc two

bath-rooms vacated. The tanks are there and whenever there will be any

scarcity of water, that will be made good.

Mr. Speaker : Is the Member satisffed with this statement?

)tl e- il, cl, s. jgoY dg(. rr -.,1K"^-.it:? - o)^- t\*,62an 191u.e /tf g.i.i t:it tcar c,1i Oglia 61'U s)l gc uy u'l

Lr;q uc. rt ,fJ a )t?-r. rt # K riq , dubi dtt, f r.:L3I'.

sclJ 2i2t{ lat, rt Jt gel .rQ e(tJ 4- ,e"f s2sa {(iyt- - A u.fi

. 4, u.{-i 4[ 3{ Zf f Al 2lt 1r ) o*,llrr .r v./ pt t i

. Mr. Speaker: Any how now arrengements have been made.

rf clrr f ,frt {t r.rc. gt) - 2- j\rr* ,5 dl . o1*>1l*,t

d yL r.'1.3 u?. (! o* ..;ari qrl. I r>ttl u5' Jt+l r.:Ljl'. 6s--

dt :" Fl g. s6r i o-f,i E .lt.r Jrl d9a ,€i a r'ilj s'l

. gpo r5,,ic gr. r.ia.ri 6 cll4t d 2 o* $ 11 tg, Ukl

Mr. Speaker: The motion is not pressed'


Couurftrn, Orln,rr (Dtsfucr Slntwlr,) wITHour PRoVIDING


Mr. Spcaker: Next-264 Mr. Hamza.

- td"6;. ,f ,s*t, o*t - o)*>. -ir*,

Minister for B.D. & Local Govornoont (Mian Muharnmad Yasin Khan

Wattoo) : I oppose it. Sir, this docs not pertain to a single specific metter.

My fricnd has mentioned in the adjournment motion that he wants to discuss

a matter which is important and of recent occurrence' namely the dcmoli'

tion of a large number of houses; most of which were built by the fefugees

since after independence; by the Municipal Committee Okara, District

Sahiwal without providing the occupents with alternate accommodation

which has caused d.ismay to the ejected persons agd has also generated a

wavc of ressntment among the public of the town'(



Mr. Speaker: The motion does not relate to a single specific matter.It,is rulcd ogt of order,

No: 265-Malik Muhammad Akhtar.

lf b: g$ g4t oti(, 441 ua*l ott tl - )Jb J€ d"lJ-- A tr) t.f s? 15- 0l 4l d_.p!t O*) as i! t_ r{ .*-o t "

Minister for B.D. : .I .uny:tell -you, Sir, thtt alternate accomuodation

b-as -heen provided.

Mr.'Speaker : Alternate.dccommodation has been provided?

Minister for B.D. : We have given alternate accommodation and this

rotioo tur been taken at four places. ,At some places it is 3 to 3| marlapor fomily while at others it is 3 to 5 marl&s. They will now be in apocition to coostf,uct housos on legally aod officially allotted land andthere xill be aobody to disturb them.

Norrcss oF TEnMINATIoN oF sERvIcEs sERVED oN 53 cr,rnrs oF TIIEoFFrcE oF THE D.C. MuzzAFFARGARH.

Mr. Speaker: No : 265.

Malik Muhammail Akhtar: Sir, I ask for leave to make a motionfor the adjoutnment of the businees of the Assembly to discuss a definitematter of recent and urgent public importance namely 53 clerks workingin the office of Deputy Commissioner, Muzaffargarh have been servedwith notices of termination of service. The news relating to the illegalaotice of ternqinatiqn of service has perturbed the minds of the public ofWest Pakistan.

Minister of Revenue &Rehabilitation (Khan Ghulam Sarwar Khan) : Sir,it is qppoged on ,thp ground that it is not a matter of urgent publicintportance. The reason being that these posts wele created for one year

with effect from the lst of July last year. This periodhas expired. The

Deputy Commissioner approached the Government for the continuance ofthese jobs and efforts were made with the Finance Department to sanctiontbese pos-ts but the. Finauce Department refused. As these posts were

for one year and we could not persuade thc Finance Department to sanc-

tion these posts for a further period we could not help them.

Mr, Spedrer : Was this clarified at the time of their appointment?

Minister of Revenue : They were informed that these posts were forone year. They vrere appointed for the collection of Governmeat dues ?

7458 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rs ruNr, 1968

Mr. Speaker: Does the Member press the motion ?

Malik Muhammad Akhtar: In. veiw of the statement made by theMinister the motion is not pressed.

Mr. Speaker: The motion is not pressed.



(resumption of discussion\

Mr. Speaker: The House will now resume discussion on the motionthat the Assembly do approve of the West Pakistan Trade Unions Ordi'nance, 1968. Yes, Malik Muhammad Akhtar.

Minister of Labour (Malik Allah Yar Khan) : Sir, before we resume

discussioo on the amendment I would beg leave of the House to permit me

to move a verbal change in this amendment. The amendment which Imoved yesterday for substituting Section 29. In sub-section (a) of Section

29 (l) I want to delete the word 'and' in the end.

Mr. Speaker: So your amendment before the House is without thisword "and".

.t:- ft 2jt 2i eE-)\. J - sro.il+ - (r- lr^Y)j-l -t€.SIr

6;t.r .d )la:r ,5.rl rt e- .,it- 3a13b.:..ti! 19bi p.,.i 15 *:>.t.y))

erir srl vl;rl - Kihtr: .llri rtlt; .i>\i -f ,r.lr;,rjtl .,.lr5nf

2:{ fli;lis +* Dl 2 u.. , orl af ulf, ojt-r;l u:61 K .:..a1 if2 f," t{ ,Lt u4 L,zl ,rl poti - u.s 5 i:-r*i roo-l-j sil) * nr2

K .ts.r{ o:L.&)f ,;:a - A tirf n:i 9f ,>-2 ,' dJitt ,r.K:r prl CI

g:..ri 6rl a.og/! - Ol;f .;,t2iii 6lri .2*7i=. i g*si L< ii gr| t{- kil t- Lf gc1^! Lr6t s6'l e-.:..a I L5

,42)3 5*: ef e- f.., ,r*11 ,-(gi e1 J.al .;.: - r(,.^- ','1,lr

3rr! tf :? L ;f S prescribe, disqualification l) L \fi=i o.l

^f e- t.f t;.:1lri e3 o. @) l."l - 2- tigr ,-it:, ;l.q.r6c{ ,si32

u*f *z.i f Industrial Disputes Ordinance, 1959 tf serf u.,,f ,f t

uZ*ic;f clt::*f'tg rrrt, sal ir 9o qf q: jj ,-die f,1 misconduct (


.:", oRDINANCES ' 7459

,>rS L r | )tl r. 9tri.r .f , t l.,n t1J,oa .r*r3JT I r-'tcjts

L ute ,f{ f sar,l,yl si jb tlr' ltrl ?*s. $' misconduct

- Kib tg) .,l.ri Jrl$ sa. ,[*l- E rrtacil

siJiti ,roe ,6!l9i d9i3r rJl U;*i rrtri.r u:3 yl rri.r *Qt- - Ylr vt+

.1ei;l scope Kq u!. Lslt g unfair labour practices .1il dtij'

JA ,tir.re, r.rc, aotivity .r4l g*f f,t ,J*, 'irj f t{ Z €l

.1aiU rr+ ')-l;f 'vt-:il

ot i Jb Js-r,.. s.. 1.jl rrir9l jli of tl

E ,ib elt ttl Jlalti e; L ot*i.r,r6il os )i Kib hr.rl.p

s.a unfair lhbourpractices Lrl - i- !.1 rJlg-.eerl ,5etl 2 er.{ O:

uaa LI-t' ulla e'lt

1. Coerce any employee to join any trade union,

2. Discriminate in any way against any employer in order to encourage

or discourage the union members,

3. refuse to bargain collectivelY,

4. wage a strike or picket or force an employed person to join the


5. intimidate and provoke a person not to work.

1{ 19si. tS ll*fl ,9 rf uia "nlU s,*il 6 f.J' ,;"1 sel

u- Jl$a .j.l33, ^, ef ,jt,ri ojlr;l -j - Yl9 t-..t'1 wl - zf tr;

"o. 6 y' 2l misconduct 13 vL: ;l L 0l iel - u:r uiti

gpr gpi[ u*r-l 4qf - !13,.71.:- - g t:(- t- tilr.rf v>57*t l{ ,f'ehungcr strike 6 L:f illegal strike jf ,{t 5\:. j- cljg 6f K;,;definition LOrr;l if unfair labour practices J*11: -llr vt.; - Lfunfair labour practices .;l ,re \Jo;El j:5' S A tl r ,f vast yti *yl 3ft;rf ,:;1tif q 21,.. - )ll3 .7k- ..,1 - h(- F ,."; 4 splere 5-

rli tc-f J? - ct. L) )f disQualify ,rg tf ot( ) bl e1 rf I

K Sljtj- .,+rl .:ri L'rqai ed:1.i.;T Disputes Jtrl3it J* * ,Jt'

.-, "..fI

X*A PRovINcIAL AssEM&f d $mI pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNr, 1969

ql. -djr $rf ,*JFf tt cn - Yl, Ht.i - A t', !r ,li (f^?.,:*e

Oy1 .r- r:.:t' un. \fl. 3-jL. .{ K;lf ,56! rr[, .,J dlj.iit E .A L6* # K r-ri.; !tr Jrl r:,Urt. u? ljdrl &.,!,1.

{ .r5:rl unfair -r!- grl - t.1 ,Ja1, 1lt lsro o),t1tt sot jf

.SrF st-t E dk.flh lti (.tr ,t 1nL 5.-l- titrrf S fi+-r=,! cir,l .tlJ rS t t * rrr lr*:si ;jK rrr I .rrl.r) rf .-

"f,, "g., !t+

r;rgl(.; ,t-p t1 . u[.^ C*,;,1 :j ,6.rr1p.rrh-r.r^o Ufri -,4rr.e ut' o*.$j }-4n 1A JJI -1aL o\$$ f $ j a, u^.

.J)\, L o.l ul r uLiT qn f L clk-.fq dh,.}(i .L..o- dtt

9? e{ 3l llj ','[:- ;31 . jI ri jsf E- 4.1t.r ;1. J.l- driT

*fy O 3srf s(31 sa. rlhorlrla^i if 0l i - di c1,..5-p 6sD)t,t-uL llir r a Jy a, c.1. gl I si gVil -t-l! ll-jo ar

employment rb' llr VU: .'- - 4t q. g.*(.i i.**:.1 rL;l;t; * a&i

,JpD "i* a[-tth lte vL: e C,* nrl - "r0,

{r& J"ei ca , etlet:.rf llr vh- f - d r; tl;j-jrl u'. q" t ld ,1 .2f # ,-(i,

,r qrl f ai ,.rl'rl. r$95 - A 5.1-,, r: L r'. gy dt- 1n

,6..g1{. E d;l-jJl .(i rt{.vt f 2e't7etzQyt [:g3.-4

l-iLr Lre. drt- r,r dl !!r yt'+ i - ,it, ./il" .t, ,S'.3 .1i1ti jrf(r.. o"l )tl -l{ ^3t Uf ;f .t Y }*s Ltsil.4 tri erl.r* e-.ll"r..i .5 OtS5s3. a.-;Lr - l5o ^it;l { 4St d3l1l e(Lr ,-l:3tf

- q!t.r; .jl$l d t7l Ylr rrL- - G{ er cfl I . ia. s ,ttf 6aist

jlj u.{l c;L L continuous strugglc 2- ossss-r d}l tf

.,. .:ft r.f O** ij rf -cl3n krt- e:;i knf r1 pc. s.*1 - [t;,

pliti.li i! L gl , 4 l.lr !,i.rL -r- Urt 1r Of.t A l.es UfI




.1l r r4r & .try0l 6rrT eaf r: .;ie url - jl-r t/lia - 6 At

- u=. tro:r* d3 ,t" t9.1L. .-ItL, E.

r.J .rT 6&fj Ot-itr ,JI ( r )

uatii ttss. sr-f Q (y)

,r&/i .r+rr &i jUur (r)

o&t& lrri. 8k*fb &*11 (n)

(I am sorry it is all Pakistan Labour Federation).

rr1 $t i de.ler.l. 0l e'l - s:! u&lj.i :b rr - Yl3 rpL-

fl - L* u. -[* fl ot vti lrl ,5 u:tarf r^i.r.r a-.r&r

v(;;f !' miscondu", oJ td Z tJ [r 1l; ,*il s',. bst{,Jr-i-ilillcgal srike , frivolous ground ,r- ar:il et llf ,-,k- 9l - gaa 5, f

u:. ff - A ir^ ,-(!trr- .(ll ,( llr vl+ ,.*r - g -5;a {

urit, * 9f -*!lrl- l.J,.l rrl - ,.". L;f ,-filrl. )tt-r. ilp u'r

- sar L* .;it- .6ri I L or .{l )D? t1 yl - a- ttb t*) ,}t,q/l - a- U Je- o.i du3n L ,.t34;l S a- tit-T uE Jtt' l Jt

,se. i.f or*.01 - cp .;Jri. ilt y) r:-i;l definition e.l)13 9k;

{ LT ,,f u.e$) .r^1 f u/l 9[1 vl - h(- 6; uri office bearcr

llryt+-f>..6 J.lKOaGJl serEr ;f $ -zLf q.rll;

,de_6t, jri4 {T

"hG hag bcoo convicled of an ofrence involving moral urtritude,

or for any act, prejudicial to the defence or security ofPakisten, or public order, anC sentenced to impriuonment for

a term of not less than 6 months, unles! 3 years or suc'tr lcss

pcriod as Gov€tnment may by notifcation in the Official

Gazette specify in this behalf has elapsed frdm the date ofexpiratidn of tbe seatence.


7462 pRovrNcrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNr, 1968

cj-., ,5 cr-.;* &j -r5

ortrj" *f ;*: zrf 7,T. - Yle ..7ka

r^i".o Y 1)it*f EiJ )\l*j .131 JtirLi .{l +it- L .t.-l .;k;,.rti: - qr 2il: ,.ti L ,a" ta L 6"1.;1i; lta )tl A- tr; Et- [(J

- t*A AJ riil'::. 4 clif: h.i * ,l;. n;3li r-,k- ))l 2l;. ,^^)

- Ja lS Uf ei J^1 )Ei tf s. 1,,^J f ti { ljJ .rJ .,$ .-(tl

- qti epltslj:f,*.. ,.*{smoral turpitude if.rl -rf --i - Yl9.7k-

rl, +? ! Jt- cp L r: is^ conviction e.l ef clef.l sp2 et VT

-(lr,4fr J^ I o3 a2L orl tf q) *f s eits { te2o 4vf vT.lrl - 1-f

,cuil u*21 1tl r^i L dl:*fh iTA$l.r!16.- *f t:;.r llrl e1

,A t"f Ulrrf ta>1i*a { l;- g$t c.i9 .rJ u.i; 9> t)t+i f ..:t*i:

c".f(- ^f t;:" k6,;.- L*. - [:(- r.lt clri officeholder $-Lti9l hr! r,

L /{ u^. clrtr: .2.e,.1.i,.e11 ,e+r ,>'i5 oll Ja tf ,sf l) dl L

-e- lra t.f 1tr:;.1 er3; eil.l.:*; r-Jl.r:sl J:l L!.r'. .$l L d;4.i1 .r,

?{ { negotiation rJl:,J) I t)3spia )tl .:.9(- oJ .,+t CT.pl

)f dKJ 9f J+J c*irl {ri reasoned # (j*i - u^a Z: f6)ts ,i:* ,f t, v, tjJ .f crrrl 3,)ri jf raw and illiteratehands

flL l.ri e- sl ef - 49. k1f 4 q.r - uta 2-s L) r.)3c) J{- (4o aJ cJt3 4. z-)h; tf .i..Jt- 1! .-(I" c 4!t- ;f .(r url

dJJiJ dl L,^, r.c:i I . a * b" -{ o)f)t dl -*T ,fl - !13 ,-,k-

.r.rG o.rt;j * t)s;ss3" o5 *f dJa l:s{ i2r 2*t, 6!t., a

if at ,f d d9ili .r.r Jrl.1.: )tl a&i alr*f a. +,' t^ L

,.lr.rj.J .ll:tir4l r.ll Lui ssl - 4- t.f t1u, / L .t(s2 11- .5

t)l Jt" h cd lU-|. - ))e l/t+ - t:f ,;y-i :t-rl ,.rst .14

ll; .d dla t:4,-.* rt c4. - A c, &l .* ;.3(- ,5 .jl L rSlsi"t


.i JJI - 4 zt,f l.:l r,J-r.l K jk*fu ap;l .(l Ji.J lt"S ;L

urf 6.(l - a+i & ;f nii; et,l.; dt^air { a.3d- )tl otp)).

& tit- o) "tf 9e p;,i t.,t.:,o.: -- Kdl J*l L (t.) e'ir

restriction e(11 ;.el f"? t^f 91ri ti:fl ,; s-l *!l: ,,.L-,.71

J" L uirl & s! 322*-1 af e- ar ot - A- u:f 6' ,f imPose

r.7l - Jrr. Lil*:, * 12r2*kl o3 2$;3a ,*il n: e{ :lr;l r*ci za

A 6i* jlj r: g1. r-,tJ t{ts t, q"f L a-s\s af ail:' z&*'

- uer .rJ)i.f *.lal u.l o9 ,;:o ,r$ L,r>\:- s* [l st b e-l L2::; Lrl

g crjt-l ,r:il 9f r;l - f- urSt^r 6.rir(.- L JJn, 4 tJa. ll 's l"{ .

rf jnta ,- -.-f -urb id* )e- .ptl Jqaj ya ise oJ tfwhole time job perform *1 +(igf 4: c,jt..l 3f Frofessional Leaders

9i rJr^ {i u.. interests e(l^; activities ;[ ol ,ft gto ,3o /!-rf. u"^ 2d* rf or-^Ic Jf 0l \iI

crtl .;tr*:e L ,.rl r.*, A t.f t^f provide t" i) L age limit

L,-rl - 4 immaterial;- a4 3o clt- ya t1 3o dt- r 1 o9K$sf u;ji_ A 4, restriction 6,;*1i J^r

"No person shall hold office in more than one registered Trade


-'? - 5 Lt= 3o J:; Ci.i d ,r.iel -!2i 3; CJL otl - !13 .-t.ra

)tl uAb Lb s:. il.rt(.i o3 u:a officeholders [ 6n!91 3rr! -{o)

inspire )tl encourage u:a af2f tponsor ,f s.i9r i.ri rj dr)rr_r"

Up*l *f { tigo r.:-rl-9 D:} ,-di J- u.l -rifu jli ( L}l - u"^ L2{

- gpA irf believe Lr:, uJli irri [:i;- ot Dl Lraa L.,,]o ;j>\, .f9J

Jii a.f ,.^ 25a L g*i otl gYl- L ,ir c* Lsb.;f ; *21 uzr*1

ef e- !s 2f develop V\ ,.rl Jf O^i I Ot ,- d9:i:.ra; urki. .2-91

7464 pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru ruNr, 1968

tg) 4tt.i[ri 4 L .r)\f ,^.J a.f s$ aSf l uir .:. 6;l.u![r o3

3;*-1 orq; e.(ll .rL, ,-i-tf tf a- Uf t,.l ;l2i*; sn, a,.l Ldt-

41. ljtai '.f31 ql.l .,gl tt csltt - t:(- & u,.r.r 1l.r;.rr.s K ..r.i.rl iri)tl 611 2lii r ri I ;l disqualification Lra )* i u? - e:a

J? t{ uaa ;ef + vl - e- u:f 6.: Kl L:r ,5 6v=ll ra.2i ac,

,s"ri office holder K ,J.i91 jrl o:t1; 2. .(ll ot { s, office holder

......A -r)\i 5 spirit ,.5,r1 ^l ,J. g)){9aMr. Speaker: Please be brief.

MaikMuhammailAkhtar : I will try to do so if you kindly allow me

to rush up with it. z

- e_ Lf [.:;lri .l g:. A f.i"Government may, on the grounds of security, by notification

in the Official Gazette, prohibit any registered trade unionin any industry connected with defence carried on by oruuder the authority of the Central Government,.,...',

- A .9) (J restriction us+l Jll { .=.1

".,....from electing any person as its officcr, who is not for thetime being employed or connected with such industry.',

L ,rl - 4- Lr ,fexPlain srt L O2nil public utility service .r:,.1

.p! $to, a-sl:l sponsored ta L.:-9(- rf e- t.f t1r ;lri r1 e*;

A .r .,-i r.ii 4;ril - k(* ,_il .,r,6! office holder { erl oo a j:f g

-K Ll:9o enforce,r"43.;T at s.i_l ,*:4t 4_l"f t;.1 1l2I ^) o2.,J.l

t" }fi h e- tJ lr: tisf L erl af { Ll: Utr ){l o,,,n} ui -t{e.l J, t{i Lf disqualify dt tt. L dl u?6 uK uiKS restrictions 5

- Kitt l;r 2f remove

,e *i5 a e-3seij a4+" *{ O3s ssdL. u:ri - .r(.6. vk:

-4-6 )ttr^r;+f va*ie-", ,,,ij.lt:*;'-'


jn b .rr^ e..r l:*( s: e 4.1 normall, - ,lrl Jr>nr .<t.5 cll ,.r, 1-el safi ){t:- uis{ e. ts3f3) csl 4*. - A plL .-(11 r1

.t L o,.9d- rf dj'r [:g"a,.- u.. rfil5 dgo s:-i uill x activities

,15.1 jKe ( gl 111 ,,;o f Osll:). ua 2il ui. rlyi ,i *L9r nominate ;{l a s:. 0l r(i9.f' - 4- $ra .i.,L .5 ,-.9Loooiotte rr.. .)ir.lj &rL.iil ,jf -f r.r. J;f .rf j,f *;*E .J.D[f- ,roJ lll ri.;(- :f >S:S L r.ll f. r.r€l ;61 -4ti9r

tf 1,i.:,* it j ,rl Uf n= ,f dl 17l - .u l+*e., e4^i L,ta,..r)

- A i{J ,-(;la*J 4?"1 dl- y. . sx-r I frf

Minister for Labour : With your permission I would like to makeanother change. I would like to substitute the word "has" in place of theword "is", occurring in line 3 of sub-section (3) of section 29.

Mr. Speaker : The word "is" occurring in line 3 of sub-section (3) ofsection 29 would be read as "has".

,5 e'l.zjrf ,.rdl - llr :rtr - (,-drfll..*) )Ji,? Jf, 4"lf*f dlJtl)l 4r(; V ,>x*..ril vk- afdgr [:47.- 6lss* g1,o sr. lr:Jl

AL3u8 Lsl A*11: f f".;iLoeiil t? u:.jXf .-ii d L denil

- a- trrf ,.ji- J.f drjaa J) (1" tl -e- i Lrrr.r*- 15 zrf pf f.rS 1Jr.r* ui:f ;l L ot. ,* fi af tai er r.y j)\5- J.al &lt&i ene- s^. t!-,titil L ,J:l ir! .r -9i -p to.l .r.l -rEi .:-i .f orj,iti

- A- d,{ 6r ljl g;.qk a,i e 6l e- J Jrr^i 3- +r vl t:*,- ),J =a.i.,3(-

*f t9 6J) c.t. 6;(.- J,,"l ef -A e1 Jr-r:i 6-2-3:

ol jl+ Lr tlo el Ji L;{ .r^*; ti.gl I eo ,./3j.ti a sls rttcj3l - up Gr -{ ..ri' 4 u::e 6i(!1" Jrl u.i! rJei.e; - 4 U.: dr,

t)?t. .r.,LF.t ,rl w! lgi r9-9...1.. g$: r*-;](3-{ Jrl Lg".2i

,rrfj. Jr.rj .113(a3: 4vf'ur. Oi fiUa( L r):Lf.- tl e. r.rl - r.lari

d-11- oll tf { OStf tf * gcr .ir.li ,.1 .:;.. i): 12:*. u.. gKrJ ;4

7466 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNn, 1968

K n*;s,"l *f g 4J &J) Gt -{ 3o r:72 j; il: t1: rf.-fri tf 6:td"-

U:e r, C1t AfL O.l 1'3*1. -tei ..r;fi )J?J. c4. 0:iti **{}d r5.-.J^i3r iti 5.,.r cr-r rll.llr L tY JrtL r*21-!;f e.-;3.1i.r.1.ri u(11

,-(i .r- Lr? .,&i o:ni .(; Jr u,"l Jt.\i o3 - lr( tJ Jl.rr rf .l(1t

J c.;,-. ;tss s: allg- (L,3ili 1r-9s - a {9i.1 ,2- v-V .rtjs djl/ .f* I cr.1. , I c 14.+ gk*fq a.1l-^ { ,e- *., p- [:(-ti t1.: a e.i$

.tli .rr A srri ail,ra':., 6.lti liiVa{.1-rr rrl ca - tg,i t.fr,"tg ,L(l ,-*rrr

s): ,rl .i Ss;.f { o:-it*, 4-.;t.o :: sr, o.ls.9)}" ,iT - 4- dgjli e1

"fl tf e- 4: 6J:1q J"* - sr6,rit- u3K) 63^f ![J:rtr,r*11 ,p

rfgiri j)\i fi))e,i*i f ait, Url ! r:.-i;l Industrial Disputes Act

Ji o:it*5-l ;; JU3o 2f o9y>1" [ ,j A,qar g.e iJr;jo ! ot:f Jrjo- A vK,ll K irf uilsss{ at,t.i i-i)\.j. ar

- :A K; JA .:tti p.F oJ r.? - ti-i*t .rt jg

rA 5; 1)" 11- al ,f )^ r:;$ ;21 cr;rl - SJi,e.l€ atl:-.:t"..,r!9f it L oll Dl - * ) a3 t*- sr ..7ti:!l o,uil o3 efti

) urri Llt* Jt- [::(- e.:fj ]. n*- ..p. r3ttt;Sl Jt* -9.r af cs;,ei )].af e- e ,=JL, - k(- ) o.ti A,rcr .fi tJt- s.) l, - t;:(-

dr. $J5- c.iJli, l5 ,rl u:. - t:(- ) g2:1j {,o- ,.c ,.t.i o9

.ri,r1 gnr 44'il9i g9:^i cll ae,r. a.f 69o K; ,f ,ist t;...;L ;t; .131

s:. dl .4! A) l: Zf yl; :: tl Lla AJ ,f ,yll r"a ji

-r:rJ ,-s;. 4!te d'l df iL, {, or;U e*r.;! f ,f: 2l: [1: k, aiil.rt .J g*Vn

6 5- ra u;r; LlittL,. L tsiti dtij^ ,rirf (.? -,5.Ct. ;[ Jr;jo

.rf u? o::. r7;i f ,-yl :i.5 ;^ dgil'i j1\,l o: 5 ra cltijr 3- 3i

a. l:1 lls LJrs L 6"ist 3rr! ,et r, os S )" li* 3f ,sali+r,l

s+i oir.i u., J-(tl L,r t, r stl nl - !l:.iL" - E- sr3tT ro Jalti


.rl +,,ll )tl a- qf t.f J,t^a s{ grl a*l.ri E p..! vl *.1 OQ

- A- s-l:-1. .)r. djiU L clk*fl.r tisl. {€- L :.r: al K f.."-J

s:. 0jti s*f ts*, 4*- uS L tir e- fb &..51r' atp 6(J

.;L:, 5- o"" sb 6r-J) - A .;od rr:r, &i(.- K n; *l ; f

l.r: ii>\it ,s*{ tf ,-fii ,f{ fl a{ e- A: cJ A ttt.rit- d36.il .

arte 0.1 L ra kef.r .iIJ e .(L gUr U 0k itt Lat af5 ,o.

e- .-r!l^ l;* orlj e- u/t t1 o(. ci ll J; k6f1 6ti 4

st. t7ti*i I s*f u$ J*t L us' p* li L(i dt* 41 o3 nL-i L

"l ;ll *'93 ,5 -J u:. - !13 .71:. - l:d.- ) gpr.i Ae-

,sl ,-t"l a::t rf ,.lKtl f. gl91l i)*. .t'l .lrl o:'t' )a)t tltl: .g

;el "f*-l J**; js 4rse L aip 3,2.,! $ rJ3o ko[ UYr ,..rrt ,5

.f ,rl .:3e,=l .5,r1 - g3o ea6i -..:*. r)trj a- o{i L g[:.-l ,ritt.l,

,"9i db'Jl lti t J;.-l J:.i.i -4- r,,r,1.i o.*il.i o)!j * Otf fit L,l.i.lr-

I J;.-l ,!t13r ;ll u:a itf .:tki a .-l2L ,5 uI- 2al r;c. "[t.-l

cii!1.r L s{ -o.b i)f.-r$ 15 *ii,-;+l ea, J1.-l ,5 +stb{i )t.

irf 3, Ja J.:j1., 24 osss).t" r.. clirt L-rl u:; .rft tS 4- t"f

d ^ie,i uA. r-,t*jl clkt -.T 0(.J - a tl(- 9o oxiU ( g,'l eLr

6.1 L,i-i :t,*, uS -fl af sp Lsfl dtlr:1h 6 r'J 'i A L

lUr uq-i a 4?t tS /13 JU. u^. r..tc ;.lq6i.:*i L ,*{31I e.to

lf3 4: r.r. rr'k*f tl ai^;i s,7i a *7s l5 /13 43J c4. diLfh

dt- J) [ Llt- j: u^. l.r? .i>\it i:o r(q r.rri 4 \r ,5

{1ar s,zrr ,.:r[b=Jl .t Lr\. o))* u-l Jj ja .rir. l]- o:!j 4

elrl r: ,1. a!:a +e ,s^ )* ,? J rJr.ltat dl "J - t{- I qn'

h iri!9r ci*- ,5 &" qfr cra! ,o &l ,-r:. J? uta db f'C 15"

7468 'pRovrNCrAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru ruNr, 1968

2vI 4tL.;l clj;F r-l *;rfl L,[ri :tltt L Otrrl f ]r^*l 6;f a.1-rfs.(ll t.Cflrrjrj ir!j!6;t.o u:-r AGrh rs?irt s.i' cf cll

.f ..lr r 1 fl gat-,t r r Jt- '-(11 ,* -fl u,*, - L u{,rb Z*i e. Jl:

jl,s, r:rt ,5 1;T cn. - L qrt.l.l I r:r[ti:il .,# 2sf E q!t1 lj-

. ,f.tJT t cnil gn" fJ- 5l disqualification L o),rn g.. J:.-l u.3i 121

,{ u; + y' f osss;-).. ;Q - d.rA t'lrf d:r:' .-rrt .5 | . re, af 3; cJll;l cl..(l' ,'l 3f unionism {.f pr a,.r'l e- 0i[,,r*f 9; c4o 2-1 ,f -rite rJhJ^t! 5 fN ,s-l s! dl - qa Ll Ssl,t gr1 .,t,.{ r-i.! rl - Yl9 ,-,[- - cla c.tri lit- 191 r.i'J) s*] st lsL

u+i tlti pr..,;ri rl .,el c*' d:il'' t 'l 11 | .t31 ,rej (*d c*" 't(ll E

'ggi c.:i9i[i ! gt. .(1. Lt"l nf ..: L 6, 2l') grl ;l-91'rp a'1 ,:'*1

- t6,i ,! Ja;t, u.. .(I. g,'l ..? 4f 2- ^2 a 'i.!9iti ! ':lr" 62.'

-d3s bnf cij9lii ! -tf yl c4, y't '-rl

i33a ,:r'i 0eiti.r59f 'Y j:;ri'

,,rl 2 d9,.il 9o tsi ei .r;*1 d9!l'! r.fut- 'r1t'i; 9fg9!lr'(- L 2t 1gt

gsssi g! gr'l 6.r ,r*l J*l L't lrr JJI 6r 'f 'r!t't 6't;;t; ,5,t*;

G\:t ^f 2-U-{ g* i ar' nf [*:? V2*) u!9a s*i oatet'

A- orri 6J+! uirf L:*ll L,ist )l ot)*r L J*-l u.36 yl J^.-l

,5 F*i. ,r-l st clr:l) 1-rrs L b"3i 4i ^5- ult.i A?J uStf ti

e4;5 f a..ri Lr-l i de63l -r{ L r-l ,(.J - jt. 15 't!t" 6.r{t;

Oi:* &j.rt1j e brist irri '(rl uai; uisf a'f 2' 4r L*4'

d3it! f dk*S-q dri, L,r1'ro J.i e., u(- # urrrj Jl ) avtic {

Lntlyl 4.J ), L r*:13.1i r.:'.li f.'t l't I J.i ei JJ' *- g:ri L,.'

E .r*r3.ri grl v,ar'. s9l giv,. a2 - u*i ;r{l5 J.U; o.r! u1. A(11

7-re'trf $ nl *{ hi[,.;;pi o.^ 8- ual [: J -t!lc i ltte srl g12:



3eff3.;il t.gl ua;., Gtf $ Z es ,^l.rlei .5.11 e. ,-t llE - 4o.x jt{ fl tf e- ,r(- er b- ritn,5,.r-l - A rf c g,-r

C-r jl Y u-l i K s^ 1lr 4-.4c K ,)or, &r! tb U .i* rr ,-(rl

K,;-;,A) ri ,ri! sa*:i v*t uilf ^{ e- {l t }.L. K trl .Ut: -{ s,O919)it q lf d9o kg7-- u*. - ja dt- I d9*3i1.5 .lf1rr;" 6lti

,Jrrl 1el .f :. e:.rr-(1, ,-l unionism L-; $ 4. -t)\i L:lL L .

dyr 1l.tg2r. - f o2l ;l.uilr) -r ,,5 Ja rr. aitof O9f ,l a.ll td liJ

z!.tc a-l ( 2t ,2i.*, gl *t ;) { Lz^i 19f L.i1 ,; L O3n 6L1 u^t' f.f g*i a; )fi.r(l Krr ,,rl;r i / L ?- Fa € ea o:.i.. e ;: t-.t:Lo2sf t-.^i sr,l.iet ir,!.f31 Zt 8:r 5.r!b f .r!tcd't*ltf

E- rs* )?* Z +. o!t- L S:i )" L djo ;i Z! 4 's!t- E .fu

ts*f i;1Lc*il) s;r - )11 r7k- -$tt^ sz* d*,oYL L ,!y *

- ( ,3lrl dtno,i; Jf .([. a o*l .S Erf ,a/ a:.l .ri ,rJ9l I .7- ,5

- Erf ss',. a"ri 6-.t: (.fu ,f *-9s )12 4a1 u."{ L 4s* a*

-5" L d3o ,L3 u-*. -f ) 4-s-)) o.:[r j ,o a- 4? *f e- 15- 9r

lf ,rl C tlA dt-J oy\.r-jl o3 e- utf ca) KJ 6+tf t? o{ ,)rl

rsie dlJiTitl 9f,I:.i1 9f **21't L Oa r-l -;ol3 Q.:i- iJ- 4 r.l\4

41:rita l*,3*,- Clf ,z J? sf r)*is u*21 u*{ 4 rf a er 1t;il

Jls eef :.i!- 4. i*:e ,.-l9o 6lri =.gtir { u*, Ja uBJ r}:

Ql "ijrl ot tf ,r.rT r.l)\i *f t> a-s gr(n 9f ,s1r.:I L O,i-tt 3t.i

- S a.r{ ,sre *x j> z-rt.c

- 9o k€,f., a,i .9lr*r a sul.r r(.t;& - L'^r.,. lt)t

-K ,!T s".61,,-:i rt 'J - )$"? J"r-r Afl;i:i

,f .r.rT L ft; ,r*f - erri 6.r1tr y' L *\ - J)c* j)3- A Uf ,rd ,*rE:,:.

7470 PRovINcIAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN [ 7ru rune , 1968

L; Lr-ll el (ir.f A- 6ss:c * ser;t 4 - )Jb J€ 4"L;et 1t,q.r6s a )^! re^i 75 t ei c,*t I .;r4 i:;! jf af e-

Jpi zd )tl u^a bLs ?i. )^i ll'.i ot t.f - 9a v11,-{ l

ul;f .(.J i ,gLlll ?- (5 u*f csgr{ po - r4r 6L2ll 9.- r)!t ) 1ls2- r..(JL { 1:f .-fj,*.,, rr)\s rf o1^f of u"Xt u*f olS pa

,:rfJ ,;rl+ 4-.1tcr .*^- g s^6! ,-(Jt. { j:rf efr(:., ooir rJ)fr; 111

fl 6 uit"f cJt.i q--U. dtr-r:1tr ^t )l €? oahroS ef go a!

.glrr:r 5A )tl Ztr ti Llt.*:-l 1Y *i1rL t*11 jf ..tr,J. tl,sJrJf r.- ,(t ef jt. tJ l2f .lrtp bs:i a ua ,!,12{ Jl.ri*,i;l

.re i K * e! .t.i. il Lgj91 &2! o"l sa;Ex a1 *f A .fr(;.

r---t;, Jt yL u*f [:1.: ;t.:il al .ra*l 5-t OQ 4 k(- T g3,. G].*


.4" rir.ti ,5 tLi^t $s :rk: u^. Yl: ./t+ q. ,iT

d91J^rtr,i I'i Ol -dio k1r eJlg- { ,r. ,:45-f :l - Jll -ii.S qit.ri )te a r'J: z-3rd .t )sl i.t, ;+f s ,;.1- 3flJ, ,f 0f f. t.f u(a is^ ;{ als3 .,.loiYl b* i toa _+?

(rsi - L) f *i si jl2-il a. Olrsl 0l fa [.f - ,.o 2,.) )i-t rJ-ra tirf ,"t4 2.1* f vJ (r) tr (tsiJl n. !13 el:rl. "Workers' and employers' organisations shall have

the right to draw up their constitutions and rules,

to elect their representatives in full freedonr, to or-ganise their administration and activities and toformulate their Programme. "

2. "The public authorities shall refrain from any ioter'ference which would restrict this right or impede

the lawlul exercise thereof."

n dd,t lij ef e- ll. t.f orcl f,,r i ,+r - Ile ...k-

or\.:- ,i.e1.rll 4 0l )tl L ur:f 'rits uif; 6r{ti 5,'; v*fbt!3,a 3 Jcls! 4l sf ,sl- L ,,*:f unr'i .titc giJ;;L u!s{ v$ s}


dl e,fil )tl - g ra 1t^:il 1131{ ,lta &.ilr, ld 3f al pl

2 fr^ so it. )tl f r^ 1t.:il ls* lssl ssl Y ..r; 4-r:ilai

r,ll u$ rJ:. s)te g*f U.i)rf 6;Ln tf e- lln Lf o*3 a1

J1 ollk-l 4sl ,f dt ..,kl 6,.,f u,r! ;Iih" ur, ol;t.:il L

siK K ,:rb gnl dliti vf2 t.f - ,5 f.rt u.fi a a!2f clt ';*l.,. e_ 1-Jct *i=; u. ,:1t6i L .(L orl Zd Z no rf saf.! .39.i

6rtlT lt* a;. ,ii sr" - -a 1[ o:-,t'tf f9"i. ,5 2rf jlzril

4K 'se^ j4 n

l. "In exercising the rights provided for in this

h.',trffi i:TtI["::ffl;j]***ril'**2. "The law of the land shall not be such as to impair,

;::'j3ill,l;":"J'd,l'i":;.:,:T::""heguaran'In this convention means Convention 87.

lLr 0l yI *f { os.,f u::rt;( { osrf t*:l r);. r.iari ,5 rll )Jl

. fk*fg ,lri*, 1ll .r'r[, rJ:ri ur." Oritt s*5. du, .r(:1 9f d31J:,,t3

t : - u:a l}ef tlts O2rf tf djr.t,l1! dl -,.T r:1. 1,1,16! sgt gr:,

.f ;r: it*; its; ^f A ,ttc ,f vl ti td lea fuu ,Y J.!Jt.

1ll .:.r=-.(i.l- ,,-l tf clgiti r+l ]j-J wl .lrl ,sU ey",.s,-(11 l1-

,-(i ,t- u,."l u& f o,9{^ J alk*f t; ,Jr*. )rl e_ L) k; b&-JJI or! oYt., lto ))l a_ c46i,YJ:.1t. J, Jf CT- t,tr; u^l^i OS-

ei.l kl 6;(- orLj sut e,,),.;;rt, ,{ tsr;V lref u.{ c,!t- ltr rile 'irL ,, .-i u:. 4l1 {, .(t.rJ )t))e yl 4;7t3* l.;l'r: - ,.orlf i cittt 4s{) o"" i*ll L OI )r; isf 1rl l1o|.-,r:[e gf).;Jro

... :-' ... - *pr(.r f "l

- 2jot; js"

7472 pRovrNCrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN I TrH luNr, 196g

(r.{ )r', d- ?s - !13 -,t^- - (c.1U Jtr ill .(L) ,,1:,x,, })Stslt L.(l2-i ))))t 2 tl3".il ef O)^ )l)f ,*,.AY rr-t,a ^:lri3f ot, o?l (rii d-r,lt, ,j(", - !L./ JtrLl f q,!tr- all si.g t1"l;sl &!; )t"l Ja s:e LIJ ei;t- nf e- t$ tgfl .h; *ef Q,r..- ts)t); 4t ua git- 2 O-t,rl - e_ l"f tl) ko ,f 0l

,sf air) s* €.t13,c t:f) a 6.1 Jnl [*1 ef J? u.{ p:,.ri otl

=t.I r_i";; 11 e(iYt- tg,*.- LS)t),i li)f ublr:sl u# i Vl L 6Lret er. .L(l 6Jt jrr! L 4k*ft; uirl.t t? 2- sr, =r;i

L)lt L.Sl .r-(r- ?- u.,. (.-iJl) re- L g^"tlol - yt;;.""

U*f**i E cl3;U o)2*9a {fifl tf e- !t,2i j- .r-tn, ,:il c([e 6".r 6 jt715.dE.ra .,gl t? it u.l tit- [f .lr; ;1ei jeitl ef clt;jo

y*; ,.,Ki.,.{ Lrf JUjo j3it! :* etKtrf * yl Ss: ast16 :*)$)" ,jrf af $^itr.f.litc 6*lt; o-i f +.i.r ,.rl i - K.i t- Lfc,tr sn. 1[:;.1 ;f j.2!^*-1 a: -( J* r.llg;- gr,pi ,.l.1^e K6.iyl ,r-f42ddl;jt 3f u*f ot

^f A- rrtr c*" ,t;^l f di;g(- el Jrl 4 qri

* .r*f t1T ef ae(lr r3 rf A .;t.:il 9f .:Jl.rc G*:o - ) ) llr :1ll s.. f$,.t-rl g!,-Kls. a$.-i3^ ogL.frJ )g)t r." dtij.;riU

L ,.illts gllt.:il e1 Yll ?t.:- 3i - K.itt [f1.:t.r als4i 11,r. J,: f, g.t

d9r kgTr- ur. Ji - ep gat.r E tKtn I ,fS'L di"9(- a.f r! u.a srtg

3.rt*1f1lr 4+e L 6ri9t i.; u*f K clt..;tU v*f ,J{ c,Yt- gl ef(v) 4,ra.r L (t) 6.i(.* .-.- g,,l Yl3 ..-,lr: .rel - L qr;6(.. ti3o

,.r*f .,34 (Jal., l*11 ui tf tf g lrf !t.ri ./l;sl grr *sl; L{ ,!'2lrf tl p.,,: .l)\rt u*f af 9- k(* rrt r41, ;l: 4l6e K 6.3i1

s*f E letc ,,r.1 tr clk*fq E;* .f vl \ 9a l9l ?f,i,-


qg) K: LF Lr. gt- {r llr vt-: 0(.J ea J, l)- u^. 1.,"

ct .d Jll la ri pf 4 ot, 4? ff jl pf l)- ot af 2- v{1ls s.trc K 6=il ,-f ."$ cJt- u^i J*t L ls^ lssl L l)-

.,+i s-t+-y Llr .-(rl s*r )* o grl - Ul3 r.7t:,- - [:(- & ctc

e3JUl )tl .i..al ,5 lrl 2 !r-t.a a-lri ef 2- tt*il 8.s{ Ot er...j u,l Jt.' .x^l - 6 o*i l)ljf c;.rj ,5 ig*.q tf

.rt 6jL 6qil rf ,r€, d .:lti r ,grL .1Jl 'L;" .r ,5 2of s ,slrt

u*f gr. Lt)t L tJ;jt- ,.2.i1 ts iro^f .ritc 6.r:111 .l f*i ,r*fscl:e gtl 11.; I ,i.7il ,.:i.i*Jl u; - 2.lv"f ll:i b:{s vf C*i

L irf JJ) tf d o^a 2r{ hrt &sis 4. t9jt* 6^z.l r:,{ .t!1" 19rt! 4)3 L ,ga orl *{ lr{ ls-o- 6tts) 4 /tOyiti e!t- ef d_'! kot- v:rf cr! Dl .(ll ui. - llortu.S g- ,3- .(:l u:*i 2- o) g-t ,-(tl L[r dgiti c)3>3a JJI

6.v31 u*{ tf e- *: ca f) L 1r) Jl) L)fe lrf ll: )f oa;r,z

2 rrar eplr.,rl o) {..:i yA u^. rrtrti=:ll L Ofll) LJte L

e ett lt OJo 2*f s r; .5I'i 4 ;.7!l grl ef J? oAa i{-&j r: qA iof ldr.; )t))1 jJ 4:.* pa tf rr? SrJ t:l{9!l' 1c f r . )*+t 2 osr;f Yl1 .,t^- .)(.J t-tr'; )?' L clirl

6llril4l JJI c.1a Or 1$il ,* c:t"J;. oL4 I vf d3ie-il 29)it u^.

k+?--.;r - !15 .,'t:- - 4 [^l ene.- u^i ,rit-^o1 vf 0l git- L

u:)3.r(* a- Oo!l.r; ..tl *i\* L 6t1.rit+l o1lli 2 rJ-o6rl af d9o

4- jrr:rl .,+l 1*?" )lr ./ua g .yl - 2- uf u.:;at{ u{ f:t

-1f gnftrl ,.t.; L 41311 e.l )tl a- jl.;;cl s+1 ){ r.rjta o"l

.rry 9rl - l:il l- u:ri U)\16- tf oi.l u.l tf 4- jl.zrl .,et

7474 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNr, 196g

aj a- 6i;i .r$l d) LT :l.r.r,r' $f Ot)t)). rS ?" r^l IrJ9:.3i1 )))s" u^, a,3Jl)l uk:., gjt- gil- [ viti ,i*:e - I Lr]J

clc e-J Ja J,.t.: )elie t)l r,.r 31 131 A trl T L,^. J.s f t*i tr

)t l.ld ise .i - 2- qfi .ilri git- L oll tL-13 )\r K Oa

go s(I*r. gil- L rJ9:.3!l ,,*tl e. r:r gf it^ JjJ )$'.

stt eSSc ,tl - L ,ri[ 6r oltJ' d- clb-r clril sj clr lt:g2l a;.,::rYl- up+ *{ 2d* .rf o.r:' jl.ril ,l;i ,f .:t6.l o.l 0a

sf r.ll ef d.la kiL o.. - rJJa €i r3i { ,, o?VE,rl

k(- [- t.f u:t^! )ls:l ,E tf dK.l srl rK. - ,f r^ f{ .:l,r*i

.tti, a.r! 9- U^r id- Ja J"t.l .f3l a"d (rii rJjn.Tjl dl {fr:rl:ti, Ji u^flll L 0l 131 gy:.ail lesst ,!) L jbl)al .r.Jl )rlorl i.)c Jr e- u{ uf ,,,ilo g!*;tr 41 .rfl - s:.r ,f dtlj ,f)t)). af t; - d_ro l:y{ * 61l..lital (rr.. l*rf rlil tJ _ /)lntt d1 fr^ - )" .:t3iii orlj u:r,jl )tl -na Ltri tf d3l.7llcJSiu e*c J? d3o r--i::, 6iz.i,l 4*..ll 1l> 4-J7s L cll ef 9:rO1i*t e-- s::.7!l ;3rje +f U cJra llejt.tl )tl ;l,r:it3) e^:r

)9))t,'l.ril a.1 af cl3^ t:g7.- ,r - YIJ !,k- - r-(* )f ,riri u::,

)tl lKxz-l tf dl o(! 4 .rrr! Js{S u,i. Ltri L d3l3jl

191 j$::il u..;r eit! u,t:- o.. It Lrl e-.jll;. L 2:;,+' c237i

o) tf Kijr{ ,;;lif es (r1, eaJj. vf ,jifl)l ltJ L ,jlril- a"t )f 13,; 3f gr's! tl

Mr. Speaker : The qucstion is :

That for ssotion 29 <lf thc Ordinancc, the following besubstitrrtcd : -

"29 (l) No person shall bc clectcd as an ofticer of a

rcgistereC tradc union, who-(a) lras at any timc within thc prcceding 3 years,

been convicted of an offence uoder tbis Ordinance


or under section 23 or sectioo 24 of the lndustrialDisputes Ordioance, 1959 (Ordinance, LVI of1959), or under section 30 or section 3l of the West

Pakistan lndustrial Disputes Ordinance, 1968;

(D) has been convicted ofan offenceinvolvingmoralturpitude, or for any act, prejudicial to the

defence or security of Pakistan, or public order,and sentenced to lmprisonment for a term ofoot less than 6 months unless 3 years or such

less period as- Government may by noti0cationin the Official Gazette specify jn.this beaalf has_

elapsed. from the date of expiration of thesentence.

(2) A registered Trade Union, shall elect not less than75 per centum of the total number of its officers,from amongst the persons, who are for the timebeing employed or engaged in the industry withwhich the Trade Union is connected.

(3) No person shall be elected as an officcr of a

registered Trade Union who has not -(a) in case he is employed or engaged in the.in-

dustry with which the Trade Union is conccrned

atttained the age of21 years; and

(6) in any other case, attained the age of 25 years,

and is a paid full time Trade Union Worker.

(4) No person shall hold office in more than oncregistcred Trade Union.

(5) Government fr?y, on the grounds of security, bynotification in the Official Gazette, prohibit .any

registered trade union in any industry conoectedwith defence carried on by or under the authorityof the Central Government, from clecting anypeison as its officer, who is not for the tim6 beingemployed or connected with such industry.

(6) On the coming into force of this Ordinance, if anyperson who is an officer of a registered tradeunion and under the provisions ol this Ordinanceis disqualified, or is not qualified to become or tobe, an officer of such registered trade union, heshall forthwith vacate his officc, and cease to be suchofficer, and his seat shall, as soon as may be, be

filled in accordance with the provisioos of thisOrdioance and the rulcs of the registered union bya person qualified to hold such office."


The motion was carried.

7476 pRovINcrAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rH ruxr, 1968

Mr. Speaker : In view of the acceptance of this amendment, amend-

ments No. 102 to 123 are ruled out of order.

(Amendments from No. 124 to No. 130 and No. 132

by Malik Muhammad Akhtar were not moved asthe Member was not present).

Mr. Speaker : Amendment No. 131 by Khawaja Muhammad Safdar.

Khawaja Muhammail Safdar : Sir, I beg to move-That section 37 of the Ordinance, be deleted.

Mr, Spealor : T-he anendulent moved is-That section 37 of the Ordinance, be deleted.

Minister for Labour : Opposed.

Mr. Speaker : The question is-That section 37 of the Ordinance, be deleted.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Speaker: AmendmentsNo. 133 to 140 by Malik MuhammadAkhtar are not moved, as the Member is not present.

Minister of Labour : If you kindly allow me I would move an amend-

ment. I was in fact going to accept the two amendments of Malik Akhtarbut he was not present. So, if you kindly allow me.

Mr. Speaker : He is not Present.

Minister of Labour : If you allow me to move that amendment to

para (c) of sub-section (1) of section 38.

Mr. Speaker : t will not allow the Minister to move that amendment.

If however, he gives notice of an amendment now, I will allow him. Butthe Minister cannot move an amendment on behalf of any other


Minister of Labour : I am not moving any other member's amend'

ment. I am moving my own amendment, if you will allow me.

Mr. Speaker : Yes Please'

Minister of Labour : Sir I beg to Inove-That in para. (c) of sub'section (l) of section 38

of the Ordinance, between the words "one" and

"Trade" occurring in line l, the word "registered"be inserted. 3

Mr. Speaker: Amendment moved is-That in para' (c) of sub-section (l) of rection 38

of tbe Ordinance, between the words "one" and

"Trade" occurriog in line l, the word "registered"be inserted.

As there is no opposition, the amendment stands carried'


Minister of Labour : Sir I beg to move another amendment to the

same sub-section. I beg to move-

That in para' (c) of sub'section (l) of section 38

of the Ordinance, for the words "ten" occurring

in line 2, the word "twenty" be substituted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved, the question is-That in para. (c) of sub-sectioo (l) of section 38

of the Ordinance, for the words "ten" occurring inline 2 the word "twenty" be substituted'

As there is no opposition, the amendment stands carried.

Mr. Speaker : Next amenclment No. 141 by Khawaja Muhammad


Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : Sir, I beg to lllove-

That for sub-section (2) of section 38 of the Ordi-nance, following be substituted, namely :-

"(2) When an employer has recognised a Trade

Union under sub-section (l), a men,orandum

of recognition signed by the employer and

the Presideot and the Secretary of the

Trade Union, or their authorised repre-

sentatives, shall be presented to the Regis'

trar who shall record the memorandum in

the prescribed manner".

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-That for sub-seceion (2) of section 38 of the Ordi'nance, following be substituted, namely :-

"(2) When an employer has recognised a Trade

Union under sub-section (l), a memorandumof recognition signed by the employer and

the President and the Secretary of the TradeUnion, or their authorised representatives,

shall e presented to the Registrar who

shall record the memorandum in the prescri'

bed manner."

Minister for Labour : OPPosed.

Mr. Speaker : The question is -That for sub.section (2) of section 38 of the Ordi'nance, followint be substituted, namely :-

"(2) When an employer has recognised a Tradc

Union under sub-section (l), a memorandum

of recognition signed by the employer and

the President and the Secretary of the Trade

Union, or their authorised representatives,

7478 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLY oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn luNr, 1968

shall be presented to the Registrar whoshall record the memorandum in the prescri-

bed manner."

The motion was lost.

Mr. Speaker: Amendment Nos. 142 to 144 by Malik Akhtar notmoved as the Member is not present. Next amendment No. 145 byKhawaja Safdar.

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : Sir I beg to move-That in section 39 of the Ordinance, for the word"Regisfiar" wherever occurring the words "Indus.

trial Court" be substituted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-That in section 39 of the Ordinance, for the word

"Registrar" wherever occurring the words 'llndus-trial Court" be substituted.

Minister of Labour : OpPosed Sir.

Mr. Speaker : The question is-That in section 39 of the Ordinance, for the word

"Registrar", wherever occurring, the lr'ords "Indus-trial Court" be substituted.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Speaker : Amendments Nos. 146 to 152 are not moved. Next,the Minister for Labour.

Minister for Labour: I beg to move-That in sub-section (t) of section 40 of the Ordi-nance, for the words "un-employment", occurringin line 4, the words "non.employment" be sub-stituted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-That in sub-section (l) of section 40 of the Ordi-nance, for the the words "un-employment", occurr-ing in line 4, the words "non-employment" be sub-stiluted.

As there is no opposition, the motion stands carried.

Mr. Speaker: Amendments Nos. 154 to 158 are not moved. Next,Khawaja Safdar.

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : I beg to move-That section 43 of the Ordinance be deleted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-That section 43 of the Ordinance be deleted

Minister for Labour i. OPPosed.


Mr. Speaker : The question is-That section 43 of the Ordinance be deleted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment No. 160 is not moved. Next, KharvajaSafdar.

Khawaja Muhammad Safrlar: I beg to move-That para (a) of section 45 of the Orclinance be


Mr. Speaker: Amendment moved is-That para (a) of section 45 of the Ordinance be

, deleted.

Minister for Labour : Opposed.Mr. Speaker : The question is-

That para (c) of section 45 of the Ordinance be


The motion was lost.

Mr. Speaker: Amendment No. 162.

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : I beg to move-. That para (D) of section 45 of the Ordinance, be


Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-That para (b) of section 45 of the Ordinance, be


Minister for Labour : OPPosed.

Mr. Speaker : The question is-That para (D) of section 45 of the Ordinance, be


The motion was lost.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment No. 163 is not moved. Next, Khawaja

Safdar.Khawaja Muhammail Safdar : I beg to move-

That para (c) of section 45 of the Ordinance,

be deleted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-That para (c) of section 45 of the Ordinance, be

' deleted.

Minister for Labour : OPPosed.

Mr. Speaker : Tte question is-That para (c) of sect.ion 45 of the Ordinance, be


The motion was lost.

7480 pRovINcIAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr pAKrsrAN

Mr. Speaker : Amendment Nos. 165 to 171 are

amendment, the Minister for Labour.

Minister for Labour : I beg to move-

That in sub-section (l) of section 49 of the Ordi-nance, the words, and commas "or, if there is no

such officer or person, every mcmber of the executive

of the Trade 'Union,", occurring in lines G7 be


Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved, is-That in sub-section (l) of soction 49 of the Ordi-nance, the words and commas "or, if there ir no

such officer or person, every member of the execu-

tive of the Trade Union,", occurring in lines 6-7 be


As the amendment is not opposed, it stands carried.

Mr. Speaker: Next amendment, Khawaja Muhammad Safdar.

Khawaja Muhemmad Safdar : I beg to move-That in sub-section (2) of section 49 of the Ordi-nance, for the words and commas "with imprison'ment which may extend to six months, or with fine

which ma:r extend to five hundred rupees, or with

both" occurring in lines 7-10, the words "which

may extend to fivc hundred rupees" be substituted'

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-That in sub'section (2) of section 49 of the Ordi'

nance, for the words and commas "with imprison'

ment which may extend to six montbs, or with fine

which may extend to five hundred rupees' or withboth" occurring in lines 7-10, thc words "which

may extend to five hundred rupees" be substituted'

Minister for Labour : OPPosed.

Mr. Speaker: The question is-That in sub-section (2) of section 49 of the Ordi-

nance, for the words and commas "with imprison'

ment which may extend to six months, or with fine

which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with

both" occurriog io lines ?-10, the words "whichmay extend to five hundred rupees" be substituted'

The motion v'as lost.

Mr. Speaker . Next amendment.

Khawaia Muhammail Safdar : I beg to move-That in sub'section (2) of section 49 of the Ordi'

nance, for the words and comma "imprisonmentwhich may extend to six months, or with" occurriog

iP lioe 8r be deleted'

[ 7rn ruNr, 1968

not moved. Next


Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-That in sub-section (2) of section 49 of the Ordi-nance, for the words and comma "imprisonmentwhich may cxtend to six months, or with" occurringin line 8, be deleted.

Minister for Labour : Opposed.

. Mr. Speaker : The question is-That in sub-section (2) of sect ion 49 of thc Ordi-nance, for the words and comma "imprisoameutwhich may ertend.to six months, or rvitb" occurringin line 8, be deteted.

TIte nrotion was lost.

Mr. Speaker : Next amendment.

Khawaia Muhammad Safdar : I beg to move-

That in sub-section (2) of section 49 of the Ordi-

nance, the comma after the word "rupees" appear-ing in line 9, be rcplaced by a full-stop and the restof the words be deleted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-That in sub-section (2) of section 49 of the Ordi-

oancc, the comma after the word "rupees" appear-ing in line 9, be replaced by a full-stop and the rest

of the words be deleted.

Miniiter for Labour: Opposed.

Mr. Speaker : The question is-That in sub-section (2) of section 49 of the Ordi-nance, the comma after the word "rupees" appear'ing in line 9, be replaced by a full-stop and tbe restof thc words be deleted.

The motiory was lost

Mr. Speaker : Next amendment.

Khawaia Muhammad Safdar : I beg to move-That in sub-section (2) of section 49 of the Ordi-nance, for the words "or with both" occurring inlines 9-10 be deleted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-That in sub-section (2) of section 49 of the Ordi'Dance, for the wolds "or with both" occurring inlines 9-t0 be deleied.

Minister for Labour : Opposed.



Mr. Speaker : The question is-That in sub'section (2) of section 49 of the Ordi'nance, for the words "or with both" occurring in

lines 9-10 be deleted.

The motion y'as lost.

Mr. Speaker : Next amendment.

Khawaja l\Iuhammail Safrlar : I beg to move-That in sub.section (3) of section 49 of the Ordi-

nance, between thc words "a" and "Trade Union"occurring io linc 2, the wor<l "Registered" bc


Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-That in sub-section (3) of section 49 of tbe Ordina-

nce, between the words "a" nd "Trade Union"occurring in line 2, the word "Registered" be


Minister for Labour : Not opPosed.

Mr. Speaker : As there is no opposition the amendment, it, therefore

6tands carried

Amendment Nos. 178,179 and 180 are not moved.Amendment No. 181.

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : I beg to move -That in section 5l of the Ordinance, between the

words "punishable" and "with" occurring in line 4,

the words and comma ."with imprisonment whichmay extend to six months, or" be inserted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is-That in section 5l of the Ordinance, between thewords "punishab le" and "with" occurring in line 4,

the words and comma "with imprisonment which

may extend to six months, or" be inserted.

Minister for Labour : Opposed.

,.iI^:, L crl -!t3 ...t:- . (, - A9fltr*) lJb J,c-,o qli,-ltr.: t Lr-toa €^^e )!jt qrl:? tf K dr;f uirs l::il .i2c 1;4"

,-l 4lo3 21 !t.ri )t:*'i rJgi-9; a!L;1 11 12- ,5 r.1 i) L Otysl.rJ3Jl3 Ll;){ [ ,-r(tL ,]. ;l"f L-,{ 6)ss.i>\i 6 d-];tr I f*iqryi ar ar.f dJa [:g-J, c,l4 - e- 6.*r+i li* t5 .\jt,;- ti;e ,! {

oRDrNANcEs. 7{S9

s-l j4- ,r:(- ea r.i 9f l1oit,-f -* L lf v*f $ r"f e- o-;f,

- ;al;.rieo l1-,5.r.i ,set l) L crKJt. r.). r*, uslrh ,5 p.r: L e;-K:, cx Oti )te p{ at:f OKtt. J. ^;-{l r€a {!L.,;r: ar;3.1 11.1o3:

,t It u-l - ;[it" .lti 2L"f 4r .r+l +fYrr jta6 1l;o3r or 6(le e,. d-2ie) fl ,r d rri ,ro .(11 .i:e$ uf lo ft ,Srsro ke+*

.2!c$ ,;I. l;- ,r-.1 ,-(11 3f crt -ri J; Lf vKilt K|..r L uS- a .5c tit6: K ,-rt*'t

A a.r Jaa.ir Y l)" - Yl.e -,k- - (dtr .1[ ,irl ,-fu) C;*, j.))s: ii)rf osp)2.t otr: - e- jb 6: ;lrf r.ci, urti u*f 13- af

s*f tf trf t.f ur6i jliil ,bi ,f ci! u,l olor A ;3 u*ft l:-Yl3,,.L- &il l.[. .r:4,f; o"ei li-,5 p*; ,.rt ]{ c(Jt, g 4-;l.rl

.i11"- ,5 z-.spo L 6ri3t i;r3 [ 6i.1.1.i.i L n*; sl * ))L l!.tb at

gi ssl e-l{ ta(1r nf .:6 tiro =$.,, K.1.,; u*{ { 6Klt, a

- e- uzf u*f I J3J*.r cf ;1t-..r- jre 13* ;) ,-l e- t.r3a pf oX

Mr. Speaker: The question is-That in section 5l of the Ordinance, between the .

words "punishable', and ..with" occurring in line4, the words and comma .'with impriSonment .

which may extend to six months, or" be inserted.

The motion was lost.

- Mr. Speaker: Amendment Nos. 182, 183 and 184 are not moved.Minister for Labour to move his amendment.

Minister for Labour: I beg to move-

That for sub-section (11 of Section 52 oftheOrdinance, the following be substituted namely :-I "(t) any employer who contravenes any provision

of Sectioo 9 or commits any unfair practice set outin Section 46, shall be liable on conviction to a finenot exceeding one thousand rupees for the llrstollence and five thousand rupees for everysubrequent offence.".



pRovrNcIAL ASSEMBLv or wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNr, 1968

Speoker: Amendment moved is -That for sub-section (1) of Section 52 of theOrdioance, the following be substituted namely :-

"(l) Any employcr who contravenes any provisionof Section 9 or commits any unfair practice set outin Section 46, shall be liable on conviction to a fioenot cxceeding one tbousand rupees for the firstoffcncc and five thousand rupees for everysubsequent offence.".

As the amendment is not opposed, it stands carried

Mr. Speaker : Next ameudment No. 185.

Khawaja Muhanmail Safdar: I beg to move-That in sub-section (l) of section 52of the Ordinance,

betwcen the words "punishable" and "with"occuring in line 3, the words "with imprisonmentwhich may extend to six months and" be inserted,

Mr. Speaker: Amendment moved is -That io sub-section (l) of sectiou 52 of the Ordinance,between the words "punishable" and "with"occurring in line 3, the words "with imprisonmentwhich may extend to six months and"be inserted.

Parliamentary Secretary (Labour) : Opposed.

Mr. Speaker : The question is-That io sub-section (l) of section 52 of the Ordi-nance, between the words "punishable" and "with"occurring in line 3, the words "with imprisonmentwhich may extend to six months and" be inserted.

The motion was lost.Mr. Speaker : Next amendment by Minister for Labour for substitu-

tion of clause 52 (l) ; this should be moved first.Minister for Labour : Sir, I beg to move -That for sub-section (l) of Section52of the Ordi-

nance, the following be substituted namely :-"(l) Any employer who contraveoes any provision

'of Section 9 or commits any unfair practice sctout in Section 46, shall be liable oD conviction toa fine not exceeding onc thousand .rupees for thefirst offence and five thousand rupees for evcrysubsequent offence.".

Mr. Speaker : Amendment move is -That for sub.section (1) of Section 52 of the Orcli-nance, the following be substituted namely :-

'.(l) Any employer who contravenes any provisionof Section 9 or commits any unfair practice setout io Section 46, shall be liable oo convicLion


to a fine not cxceeding onc thousand rupeesfor thc first offencc and fivc thousand rupees

for everY subsequent offence.".

There is no opposotion to this amendment ; it is carried. Amcnd'

ment at No. 186 is now out of order. Next amendment for addition of a

new section by the Minister for Labour.

Minister for Labour : Sir, I beg to move -That after section 52 of the Ordinance, the follow'ing new section be added and subsequent sections rc.numbered accordingly :-

"5!. (1) The officers of the registered Trade Union which

commits an unfair tabour practice as defined insection 45 shall bc punishable with fine which

may extend to one thousand ruPees:

Provided that, the Registrar may suspend all orany officcr of the said registered trade union

from their office against whom a complaint has

been made to the Court for their trial under this


(2) Wherc thc Court has acquitted or discharged theofficers of the registered Trade Union, the orderof suspension made by thc Registrar will stand

vacated ; aod in the event oftheir conviction by

the Court ; they will stand removed from theiroffices in thc said Trade Union.".

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is -That after section 52 of the Ordinance, the followingnew section be added and subsequent sections re.

numbercd accordinglY :-"53. (l) The officers of the registered Trade Union which

commits an unfair labour practice as defined insection 45 shall be punishable with finc which

. may extend to one thousand ruPees:

Provided that, the Registrar may suspend allor any officer of the said registered trade unionfrom their office against whom a complaint has

been made to thc Court for their trial under this


(2) Where the Court has acquitted or discharged thcofficers of the rcgistered Trade Union, the orderof suspension made by the Registrar will slandvacated; and in the-event of their conviction by

thc Court ; they will stand rcmoved from theiroffices in the said Trade Union.".

Khrwaia Muhammoil Safdar : Sir, I oppose it but wou't speak.

7486 pRovINcrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn luur, 196g

Mr. Speaker : The question is -That after section 52 of the Ordinance, the followingnew section be added and subsequent sections re-numbered accordingly :-

"s3'') :lilHH: ::' JiiiiT:"Ii1:.LT::defined in section 45 shall be punishble withfine which may extend to one thousand

rupees ;

Provided that, the Registrar may suspend' all or any officer of the said registered trade

union from their office against whom a

complaint has been made to the Court fortheir trial under this section.

(2) Where the Court has acquitted or discharged

the officers of the registered Trade Union, the

order of suspension made by the Registrar

will stand vacated ; and in the event of their

conviction by the Court, they will stand

removd from their offices in the said Trade


The motion v)as carried. I

Mr. Speaker : Next amendmcnt at No. 188.

Khawaja Muhammail Safdar : Sir I beg to fnove-That section 53 of the Ordinance, be deleted.

Mr. Speaker : Amendment moved is--That section 53 of the Ordinance, be deleted.

Parliamentary Secretary (Labour) : Opposed.

Mr. Speaker : The question is-That section 53 of the Ordinance, be deleted,

The motion was lost.

Mr. Speaker : Amendments at Nos. 189, 190, 191, and l92by MalikMuhammad Akhtar ; he is not present.

The amendments are over now. I will now put the question.

Mr. Hamza : Sir I want to oppose the Ordinance as a whole.

Mr. Speaker : Yes, please.'

dgiti K o9:.7i1 )e)2t -.r(.t* ?ua - 1.- rr^l!Y) oy> S!,*e

Oril; i Jlll url .f .r: t1 Jl. l9o rrQ r.r::. L1le1l grl 6I s.. gF; f:.A6J


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.-(;rt.i D) jt - s4i dlit.; ,5 c!fi- ).lde s::a &if, Jl C L 2)f

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. 'ul'.t.-(ot.,.4 1,pr gl gri-4qtr.rti a cll:J[ eti.,pl -e:r .p*

7488 pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru ruNe, 196g

,5 rl$,f, e;-a h dtDt;- L an d 6 J? A_ u*J t*rl j&l

J1)2i tl tgss erl 4)2. i ca tjt vk: - 9o tirf ;fxit.;.(1t r.r.. {i!if ,,iUrr 61t.r ,>i9.r.l ef td Lh el u-..a i:n ifq.t K iXff JiJ Dt). sf * *f e* )r?3. Ssh" tt)t gtlE VT crlrl.tll L l)t 1i=J 13r;" ,;l u,1 - fio- 9,t:- _ 4- &t_or. tFa {,,"" Oritt er ,.i,lt. L dr; t 0l af .lr. $ )f ut.t 2.1-r$ rr -f -tttl jt- 09itt t.l olri v^ -{ J,-*lyl e_ tf ilf s,"t;

hrU o CT - fio- llL?- lei Z.t- [:l:rq .r.tt .rf tsll Jf c..3(- grl

1r rrr !1111 erl cra .rt jr 6.I *f -l: / J& )J))a tl lrt dt- ,g?

tgi t1t.ri

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Whom is the Member referring to ?

Mr. Hamza : Mr. Ahmed Saeed Kirmani.

ult" ,! ,J o{ Zui f ark*f! Dl u!. oie L .rr;1.5;l .S

tf ossss)".i r'.tE5l a-)ts l:. )f ll;-t V ri:.j)\, zlttt{ 6)b L Utt &j.rl r;l 2K. - 4i it) riji- L .n* &Jf 'rJK, tS osysi" Ls\s o",,,.J uitf )tl - e-tr.1 t- Uf JLq

l{t dh.rle,&r ;) E u,.l it.tt )i - Ll:i)f p:t,i2L ,S af gto-t-y ,ag. e::-j)\, al Jrr E. cfr;r J:r .;Jl - s::o .rit: 6) ){gitiil 6*- l&t e.,>Ll-9,!T u. -Yt3,-,ti UrJ - e. tjt- Lr.,f

^f -K otf ur.ltif o{ €.rri, ,j ,$lii .ttjs r3i 6t ;e&rct ef - .13r i[rt- rii- L Zerc J. t: tf or)r)). L t-]tlq - rr.a * ,f -u;u

uu-f ,5 2tr:. olJrt dl L f .Ju.jb

t{ d 79 dt*-t E Ot - u6. rs. lf o:ss>i r? uri- ott a3#


rpt! - jl= t t+ e! eil.ti K,,S ;el .:r.ili 6-il ita Uf ei victimise

-,,r*i Jl.l5l r it,2.9*- ,j;r) r5- .'.: t6i riLj K r r.t, q - f.o-

- .rg *t1K eis ,tl di.9(r e,f .2f uF? sr*.Jh si.f ys;t vrt )51

2f un etti ef otltsr. e(! - L is, jQt --.3'(- + 6tT rf ,.t

- rJ:. .r,f .it36r st r.*'ij )21: r(! ,::lt3tf ;23. gt, Ojlti ,.rl 2 L

9f cle:q;l )t)i. U f Ossg). ,{, *. rlii {Lii LjTt - )(*- yL?

c)i,*t t-(-. n - irrLr a-r r.i- ( J,ij. C L 2tr:. ,i37- ;21

1lri. r(I1 -.5 Lit orr\ crii LU,l ,5.:Lti- t5 rry- Lbl )ftpt+ - E u"*- rf cilti- ;*-l L*.h a+l: E dU3^ ,f $ez> 4luxt t1 L d9,j)\. *>Ji { rJgiti d,l 'd 2,;r 4,1(- .1 - 2(r;-

2f 1t2*a e \t* L,s)l- 6qil jf ,*L th ert .&l L o92,f

sUtL. al ;l L fl5l. titL etl tf L)2:-f e:=e ptj - A U)

,rl - 63*: r.rri q:. ,j:.il4.r( uisf ,5 irf clU3" 2) L 21s..

.ilti- ,5 dli- L otq)). tt $ V.,f *t jg 1* L di.e(-

JZa 1)tze -,.r.. j"b U)\t z gt2L Jit &e2p -rf dr."il U E-,-rrf

.:t1 -rfu-.itt -4-.rir[j ,it6Jl 4l - L,:a ;ot; U2feU, rJrrtil

21 t*11 ^tL

lj1 cir+.&l { o-lsls.t r(! - u3b r. u.ri f:i graft

2f f ))r)e b1l1 1,., J? - urra 4+l c'F A'(-' e ea ):l

I Essential Science -f .Osr*t ,)? [ sb l.(., J? - u.l

{rf f{ Lr:. ori-ilt ! .irlp ,.rl L t.f t3r;lri Essentiallndustry

rJ.f; g*t 3f ,.:lcjki 151 cr)\.[*. ;:l 2.1- [ *)lsc g]:p rly'l 2ttL oglf ii:-r g! lf Ut.ri Q 5.:.16- s:. crYL bl - Zi,V 2grr- ..Kil- ;S.o- ./t:? - ,.r.fi s,-Jr g$ .* ))L g*f Q - rr' .lli 1;rrt

7490 pRovrNCrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ ?rH ruNr, 1968

International Relations and 2 Mr. Wilbert E. Moor Li:r, )rf1. uE

21- lLY { ,J.. the SocialOrder

"A tabour organisation must include within its purposes the' acquisition and use of power-either tbrough modification ofthe political structure or more directly through devices such

as the strike and the collective contract. The importance ofdirect power to the uniou has, of,course, been organlzed by

by labour organisations since the first days of industriat

. production.]' i

.rA .13.ai f itijA *+ f 6.3i1 )t5)4 a.5- 2- + rt.r-rl tr 0l

6[ afl; crri 6.T ot L ci- J? { i)f Jl;3^ )tl - U(-t- tsf p:r^,

+.-1(- 611.o s{ O- .-r? - A tt qf n.l*; .ir+ r.Jr- 3- gai e-

rljlKdj:.7i1 )9))t *(1s1i Ly:e -;(ar- ttU- - 4- t.f .rI- io3 -.r(i3r !r.ri rljl eg.7!l )F)t.(i ..1 - 2- 6stti ji6st ti-1o

u:. s{ oril.: A) ot ef e- s.jy e1 e(tr - .Jr(. 9o e16i dt*i

,i>\: uiri ri ;iY 6;96.a G-. 6.2.i1 ;3r1r {r - g)ra .1[*" Jli

g:A lrst r,ra*?il .r.tt*r ar e(L ;1s, ortiall.:l G13r.? gare 41 ,sitr

fl3:. lit^Jtt, lll )J)s. dtfr a(r3- - s:a ,r!9a s,S u6:.pl (r-1.*

.:i,t o3 gf 6l s.n ltEj t .(I. rf urD lab ,se ar o3 dto3 ura

61t-o - r<.i- yk: - t vi r{ l,"t,ii rl'r.i uI cll *f 9r - 9o L}rrl-

dj:.1=if f))t n" *f L v^) [:; q ,.-o e..1;.3 f ggiti otl .i.9(-

\f srf t{ | [1t.ri ar a! O37Jl ill - u:n lt" 3 ..r. .,S r.f

r.:l:ti, L Al Jl) srTe f. dl JJI - u.! ,ri9o Jar gr:.*il )t)).

cil;l.sl e-t il ,f lrl*-s 2 e^ / ,:l - i:f o.r; silrK, ..5

)t)). ?T - tr O:tf At 4 c)t>a ilS ./t:? tJra - u* 2 Sa lt:,.4l ))).\4 - uia ";3r;L )t)). - oP 41 2f ,ft .fr.f ,5 dr^+lt

L,[i e.iif .[,ti.rerl ,s!s{ i\'l rft - u.a f(- rf .;Ll; 1! ,.rtrt.i.

ORDINANCES 7491'.;',

J5. df - u.. 5{ 4) dr- 9f ,Sg.vil y))..,J}, rj Ad #.1

e*;lt 4l a. el-, 2ljl llt:1 sy trf O(J ula Cd- f c:e'3.i.i

2S u.. .ict.- .r-t3- .,.tl i VI *f - d3r t5- ,f cr.1t-1 1l

61Y2- ef rfra k(- e6f etisil sca - s=a ff r.si;*t u{-t J.: '

. . . . Jf JJL J." s.c ,\1 L c."tt

t A .:ct.- ,g;sf - -SX-;f1,3 ,r*.G1Y2-.-(t ;r.L:19,t - Z v*itf c.eL? 6s{y - o)*> j^*t

- A ,5 ,-(.J nL, j,- risL-

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Is that a Trade Union?

Mr. Hamza : Yes Sir.

Mr. Deputy Speaker.' Trade Union?

Mr. Hamza : Trade Union of exploiters.

i c*4f rsll t5 vI rf te", tr.l rf rf sc t2 ga'r - fi;' ','k:

Ql (.,T J,, - A J* 6jt- 6f1 ,'t; df lt., ,5 d tf - 2- q

l:t t'*l ti)\eil r.it- { ?f f djnrTil -l,t). --r*I - e- .11'r;f r1

tg1t; dJ- f 3\t J. v1.2f I ,.t, 4 trf e:, {iB drlril E. vI - u.r

Royal Commission on Labour tl- L q/T yl u.. - f..- ?t ? - Uf

- dJA tirf ,arg ,rq:tl .(ll * &t1:;i in India

"tt is in the power to combine that the tabour has the only

effective safeguard agaiost exploitation and the ooly lasting

security against inhuman conditions. Nor is tabour thc ]onlyparty that would benefit from a sound devclopmcnt of the

trade union movement, Employers anC the public generalty

should wclcome its growth."

;.Sl a-tlr J? 5 ujrd L[e rqcrr &-rrj ..5;ll L,.2:.r-{ ,.rl

3{ olali- #4 5 01.-5- JilJ url g1e - ,r€i $ 121i, I d9ily'-L.tsts ,5 Jrt clL gpit- Lrrt; * 6.I ^r -

{ o:f ,.!; 4.t- L -i

7192 pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rH ruNr, 196g

)ltf .la;j uy ci(L. rljl .(1t p 6.T qT rf f (t ,;t.ut vi - e-

4-.1trr rf ;;t- crir &Q - u. .rljT p! Ji f 4f u^a 2-1

rJ1il.,.f,- ,$I. .^i rlL J.c K ctylr.r(- c-.1t.o €-r- ,j d9!l;.(-

url W A* L csjt- 6.7i1 - r(ro-.lk: - a.S-Urk o)[j,rg{ *,5t l.p.'i rf 4- lgat- ci,1(- fl .,;,a; rJrrtl;.1tl. r; .L g*;.f.(l' ..: i E f ,i; f y )tl .(I. si * ritil os:il jts u^.

csd;f ftr 1g .(i oii ,-rl L r:t.{ qr; jl;il et.,,e-,Sor;r)ir ,+o

-: q! ![2i ,t ,f J; Lt L ,-rl - k(- 6.d r*r.; ,-(., J^.(t iltg

"The importance of developing healthy trade unionism is deniedby practically nonc. Government has declared its policyto be one of encouragement and a great majority of em-ployers appearing before us avowed a single aim, while theminority of employers are fraokly opposed to trade unions.We bave been struck by the great measure of unanimity onthis point on the part of the reasonable employers organi-zations and others including officials in charge of theGovei'nment cstabl ish ments. "

Llt-V srgl o"r.2 j9f $ 4 q oYt-.:;3 g,.l -.2(.0-,.7t:-Royal Commission o.l L Olll) eitilK 1)t s!2til otigf .(,1 *-.:3;rll .J 6;jt- u.*il ,5 Ot)g). L ,.: llo r,i ,;a.., 2.1- {L cijt- 6-7.!l (Jt. tJgiti !,,r1 s.. gft .r" Ci - eo [.f d jl;cl K

- e- jfu 6.3i1 r1 u{^t 6jt- 6.7i1 rr e- ;( u*t: u:-it=:( ;),5 .,lr^ ,5 o;lr.<- c) )tl$ ,.iq ,) .tf & #i Lf ,;-ui I e. ,;"1

JJI - !5 ,.!T .ry )e7s spya l) L gtr;li- 1! vested interests 5- 0l

-{f jg.l .2L tr 0l Uf c:I;U- ;f .reti. sre 9*zzn ;f. 1.1l

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Please try to finish.

f.f ,a rlril L d9*7il )g)n - r(*- ?k? - op )Z*,,i* E r.tt- c,rr,a ,-rl *b Uf lrl .1f dt ! E- a).tf lrl rjrl


1,"$, L lrl -{ Ll: t.f ei .:.ilr1 ,f Jl) c)7s D)).,re, jf d'urJti- i s:L glle + 1.11. b.tslt ,.5i Royal Commission

a u^. 0l & J{, L ,i."rl )t)l ,? u.. dgiti 5,ttrl tfE ,*ib C *.2ot1 r(I; L rs9. ctfi )ts)a office holders J*si 6.Lh trr ,f ,lr rf t.-i, of .^- s,l .S

"r{, ,j ei)U- L d,il

Ciu,f .d drJl) ,-J.ys { ot)t)). L g^ $ 2 ^l dr::i.f aT 6f,lJ

ss,c; *' cjt- c,. { ,r: A 6) Kl cs.r,r! ..f Urk 1jl 4,u ,5.

,rl Lhl *f A + s.i*f 6,T - r(.r- \,t+ _ k(. L taf ,*r; cref

L djr q{^i )tt). J? Jl) ,.J^as | 6r::il 11r,a g) .rf ,lr S E)tt). ur. r I dr - (.Srn .f.u.iu Jr;i 1a Lh.| .t J.aj 4. .-i ar

.5 r.i €l a- ,{ ;Cl6.r:rtl 5 p-i €? st rJl;t: r.r6s L de:.3i1

te.: g)\tl ,f *i so, - e€j ji ,"rr, w it- rrg.f )d e_ c,llcar:itr

))tA. .(l p*l2ll l),,- rf 6g Vf r.r*; t,h ag )rl d,4", ,5 r,lgiti ,rck.l ,r*f u^r.il r.let ltt .(ll & a C.al*. l{J,4r.il J! .ff ,*r L e. cruJq &(J - td Lf 6fqc 14 -ht 4d^rl, y'{ c-s-3.r .ra a*11 ;91 Maintenance nf public Order Ordinance

L cs-tsss). E tt\ I .leiJt.r^c g; - Uf bf., .+ #t s.*i Et+fl sr. itf:i .rj ui. arli *rzi L DPR j5- 0l c*. JjJ .F1.,qt+- - tJ Ur s;6i Lj,- sf o9ls -

".{ 6) ui3v (.'n-l .-iI*.

u:ry .t37.ll.r^c CIL ..-l - t.f qJ Gle5- ;,iti a ;*f .!, rJl ei3 a1>

- 6 tf J{ Cf sf ,sl ;! ;:i:r u3& Jj.J )rr;,. L lr.y r:Ot)Dj. E J. L:*tsf - rt t.f /, Ci rf tit f, J, rrli uLS,'f .$ju .;t L 6Lr-f eti.i,.i all L ri,36- - Gf ,5, .$.jU rlLhr ,5 sd jlt e. rJl .rei rf .(;ju L 16- r.rr - tej t1: ltri ,t"u

7494 pRovrNCrAL ASSEMBLY oF WEsr PAKISTAN [ 7ru ruNr, 1968

,rl1t.:il g-j 4;ll s{ ,f: 1l2l*-1 ,U - ,.rr{ 6) dt.iri tf Ol

r.7tf l71*- E. 6.2.11 ))s? 61tL" f .fkil 8l ot af g^o I Ct

)))). - A bil 2{az=)s 3f 1l: ot s u*f L t(' rf Jt'} eit- d

.kil y' u+l: bh.i*:t - A kil ,f e'e^! i r':t'3i.l '5 clr*z'l

r A lt:;l Stirbi itr$l 4 af ctgo k47.' LJA. i) ,rl ' L

a-.1lrl )t*" )Ji ,-(ll ef cy'61 )t))' *f t€Jz1lh 2f c"i('--) *i tr o.t* ct ^{ [4'7" (,cC 4' ' jl': Lf fV :l ))L L

- L,Gi- f AL ,"f jt':o1 ,5 O92'2s ot ia ol; o'r-,f ff

gp. !-5rrti ,r.K;r g'l ,5' d(l u'- s{ r t e*i'r L e;au .ziji qrt:>

.(L r*f ll t^i-r ef, e-lJtri K dl - A ^'t) Jlri s(.l ot e- t+f-r

tf O)sst)a ..? df kt** url'! u.' - iI tJ,fi t*' zls&r ut'

.,J .Nll :, ut^ jlr .rjbl 5 L.,f {t ::x lJ L 't"2t7, ,e't1'

ct rf u.a jg[ dgrf ?i - .#n 6'r:l! .l+ cll rf ear .3tr ogof

{ .>1*. .rljr vk: - ,sls{ ei Jt":*l s^i L e'tc lti' '5

i; grl

,1i))- o1 ,;(l - tla )li.(:i I' ts;l''u3 (r'r .(L o3 )s 2- Jt'i

li .,Jl .([" u+t '>i2 u*{ o.;r rf s^o Ltf 'l!le pl;Jl 'f d9l'7il

yl e-4"^c jtn:ll e; t- ,,ttrf f{ isf :" )tL ,et':;t '-i)\' L

,sjt- gpzol ;rl L uf a2)t,"? ttsf, ;L|VK 5 r'J '.rl-g irqj- z itstsK ,5 n*l #i rl .l)\i L

*, d - llr r/u? - (r - .912f ) j3-l\i gEcl )3a''.t )2*t

6rli"6 pU f o9l,{ s^lzct 171 o31t))' ;* ''f tl "f a!tl6'r'e9l.-(11

:t ,)l;(.1 4ui JLil i,4 Llil { jt'*- Ltasl r: '- u€r &l

rrltl $l tl4* a^rl JLf ,-- &i) 'yl - ze' s;fi s*a'69i- { dgitjl

)ri ,fJ tei: trf t,,4 '{lv; i) L d.32*3) - [i ti','I' l'r'1 J^oi .,f


;* tS 8li{/ls zetF ,t*dviE.1K,rhrlii3 ,'l - t6i 6k-"

;st dl.riti. Jol 1rl AH LOl -,fl - i) L4fito'3 p* LdJ.lr3')

Lrf qf ,o^; tl)\:', tlt ah )35)",:.i9 oal -.+i af S 2$i u<;t

L LU;2 -, G))* \ / L LIA a t/rr) if .t' 7;:tl &Q Ittl ,-.,,)\,i11 G*,,p a* ?)-* r.r.i - .rei scri 1*7" o*; isf :f ,Sl it.d t/JJl 4-)\* ae(t) ,st i6lr .191 t63l cJr[ { v>\i;l G*t* .-(rl

l3r 11.r.; 4 ,Slr{ Ylri Ll:t dgl.Ira 241 y>s"il3 u''t - tf lea

Lyl - L 6 K & ts"" t.i.: grl s{it el *f l3c t9**' '\1 dl JJI

2- tirf t.n, ,.lrrd dl,{* /J LOlr-3| ?a e t}":'zr qgil ,r' tjr

JJI ,l&"j .-i ;el 4- d- { L)f l1e; i'r;j csVpsi v&t *l i+i9,Jrl *+'-e-r lti,3f,S9\l*f 2al *fl9r ))*' y+ r3! rr''l -rl).l^ft-

lre cjtL +"f f )ts). 4t rf l9n )):?..* gL s/'l 1{ **:*

l3t t|a-r'.li rr!g'l ,r/l pl e:!lo D:?'sl oU url sr;'9(> -e-''f

- t:(- b clrJ [1)\* a dJ.q+t J l:; o-\cl t(' d3ir c^4 st))a af

- L ,tt3t Lr{ vi';;'Jle! 2 L 4l) r.,- ef g;rl e(I;

.lrirfil eis d" - t+r ,E' t) rl K gYt^ ;f t.!r - lle vL-

Lf ii|i &(1l Ld3,1 i2.,! ,e i) L g13J:.x11 L y,.t1 lef'*' ,.rl L

l3)f -tiU.;.. e(I" iJr,l 0-1itl lr--91 ,-(11 a r{ Lit- CT pa s{ vr?

,t;l *:;l g€.t I *,,,r.., cn, i)t:*-|*r,:t rJ"l ,p^*iii -r^i' *'i-| 'r"l -' o;*o ;ot;,

t 97 3\ I J- rio ,-t!. , ra.i I -rt gF'r.L .1 i"rpl ))) -Y" "r-9

! - rgS'i s't e-! 9ei

j;il*,S gri*,;.t i..., id,") [-, I K -*i rf";l .: :* )y',.;l'; [ "nic' 'L-\')


. t.,\'i..r; ,Ji ,{, ) *..,J-[..5 .- ..'.-9d$. !". 'r-c ;: .' ,o ";.-

..;'" i ' ''t'"' t'zlrii r'i


' 'i:-^' ., 1-,- . 1 rc (\,. ,.: -'.]i - *2. r' .; ;':'' 6]- r' * O.e

\ir'"{ -lit; .i,l r!.L t-:! r..-1. i,i(.. !. .+ *i.9itr t,t lr,1 &*',c )3i't €-;s,


7496 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru ruNr, 196g

O:trt ft.i ;f c(I" orti:-l )? e c;rljl ef ,r+i d-tl u-l o1s;i

C*ilri l) L d) oi- t 0l tf Ostss). ct" srl Ja ]ct- 3fif ,sat oUtL, .s Jrt 15 dt sts). -,jb 5 p...,;,i 6tsi t7."

5 { u{t silj- sr, rJe;l^.*l - if zf urrl s& a.t!.,ne.*, 6| 11r {,*.;31 r11. - t laq dd )l::L L cSyaa3{ lti dl 0(.J

gnilel L OtSttS" dl (r1. i:,3(- 13r j9!tI Y f ,! ;!.:rt. sn"

.9ri ,9 u.tf rf p..lri J? ua" &1ib! LLI;I. L o9;61 )l)se o*.

L o3:^2.;l )t))4.s. rnr.lj 0l ol6i Jl-r LV 2 Jrt ,5 L,,r*.- 4; 2f tL,r ef dt L,ss:t.S:l ,7 2{ b&" d- st ,c: ciei_ o5

eT usr r+ f. ,.Jt- n )el if .l.lf du ^ )f I q 1. 4:- - Ylj ..;h-

a{ i) L ,S)l- ;r.z!l f OS13)it.-. 1.ti f .:rt-},rl ,." .(l., crl

af 4i L) )f g:i *r i ssLl*l .f 3! - e. "iy d3iti t.i .:,3(-tolr ,r. 5-t ,.rl sf rJgiti 131 E- otf Jo:.12i s*il g13..rl 4t;.-,1

O(.J - g 5- t- [g,..- rJ3iti ( ,-(I. .rl;I ts*f ,? i ,.jy ;.1- Ld3r ii2f Gsc srn di.rri 5 VTsr0l91l grl git- 2or*il {jt aa"

q,r. ejl r.J9!ti * - A.,i.t; ,5&t e- d9;t, f I ty..' r:- griti 4r a.f

ItEi .r.lelYl6l Jgit!; a,r - A- cit; L C)t- 6.3i1 L1i,ri- L9a f1t)4, - L ,-i)\i L 5:"42:f L 622;it^{l r*J Jli.'r5l [ 1( !-tr;Jr r.l:r 69;- a o!19))a si rlt;*ftr Lrtj" )tl clr:.. d,itt ar

l* 4 ?' e,.' 0Jit, uPl - Yl3 ,-,t^- - A 09!r llr;rf l.r.; cljlgi

.f3l .5 6".,-{p )f **- 13: ott.(tl f .(I. L d},9(- url

ssi uzil>.;f f o:ti-l ,jyf or. dJ;ti orl .rf t arf r.j,,r.i 63*)..ue.c(i" O"l Lr+:f .$ 6I- r!- tt t ,f 1)r^" o c:ti:*l oA ,; g*t

f{ Lt*, Lr*, o, ^{ s"..(L.r*f ;r L;r [r l-1a L)r?; t*11



{, cl3Jk *o - 6a"j)\, 61{;- )ts a;+{1 }il*3 nf 151 lg i4 rlsi;jrl3i^r' a5- 5 r.r? - g:"j)\" L os.dn" L Jt.udr* - 0yjX" L)f lf4- ci* {. 6jL 6^{l _{ U A u.r.i jK.r+r i L {:.^j drj L 0l

)n -,,-* *fg er jt;al osL{ Jeili.,*l vl - Lb [r;f f)s*tOJet Ls^ /f ()c. ;.ii .;>U E cS!3*l 6)rt^.? ptj ua.. yl

a*lf .(ll f c(t, rl ,-i>\i {. t-t9"U a6c 4.1-f t.ir ;rl .-i>\,;. L'r3'l;a? [lt Lr{ pK.p" dr;ir r,rol^. L,yJll u.{ rr: 3f *rL191 ,*:l-3 /l: Lrf f u,.. djJkn*a r rl-t, 5. J9Ct ,.{sKlls Lf ;K e." &rt.-;el ;i;;t'., lr, L)f lK ,,ri" cr3)kn*r

L tf 6jt* 6.7i1 19 *f ;f ;:: ,f prr*. a- ci- rrl rlr5rt'-(i" orl J? ul(. -rf o:t.i:*l * g,.ile, tsl ;l I J- 5_ .,il*. a3)l

se. - Ylj t/k? - e- gLilz*f q! orti:-l j3f ,s;" csl ,ft c*. ei l) o".(r.{ lieJi. if .:,1r" ..lj3 vk, L3a ir{ Jzt ;l L}j 6 d,iti Lqlr tf uS V JUja ,., ,-(1" :ljl oll eT tf tej qf rf.te,lai", jof a{ r-r.a {, 62t otl gnilgi af ?: A c*ri ,rc Jrt-uaA .t?t t.f -,st n e- ,s"ri Lr6 jt7" K aS*,-{3s "f f{ ld,5-i )n L u.. K ul 1.5' O*,j)\, 61{s-.-*.T 1 ,t:; d ,atr.' grrilyi i) L Lrf fltr.. 4. Li- L 6jt- 6.arl 4 [fur" Ji sr*l ia Lir l,ir"f ,fsi :&) rr:a 4-l ){ t*r., ul-il*:f)g?A'J- dJo t:6,f; qir { 1+;sl lrl r.Jyo t;:ol- [:4,,.ll1 el s:Jtei .bu .d .(1" q1 a(ll K ,rqrr rr? d- dgJt- (ra - (rn.f 3s*;1.K ;l-,r.fe? si5f r Lt dujr Z o.ft! L ,yr!_* z.t){ eie. {?l dor-,j>t. 61{r- : tf , i{ g"*t ,f +fssito rr 4,ito

r.l9Jt::r*o +{ ssl a-j,)tf clti;o 2 ognil +f 4,f 1a Jrr .r.iii:6s{r-


,.r^l"f oluf a,:,.ilt ad f jxa =! .-tb rf os*,:,.. -,3.in'f A

,f, ur. j.te urf c!uj. ;t L Zl* 'rt.ltt' c),1 "e af ;{ ,s'

fr.j)\. ull ef A a:J t^f ifi .f' lrt grri t*11 ,.,a. CJE di c'lt:*fll

9f rr:.j)\, )ls z*{:Artr.;* nf lrl 6*"j)\" Lsa ,f^t ;sl *{

6jt- 6.;il .rtl ot tf rJ.E jnta l'irf f)s* 4' L',- 6l ''l

id .rei )tl of rt .-(l.ri see s'n!l ,5 *'+ rall l:l er(' 2f ai

..riyu )tl jb i) L /l-r.3f c,UtL At / L ds*^ L ril;^

0l f t*L zjt *6r .(ll - Yle ek; - ,r5- { 1til K rr: r r:

-J l) L nrt az^L L ,3.';>\-l ,f, 14 l. ,,-: ,f f)sr^ * ti3n^

gtl ssl of ,{ 6jt- 6'7il ry tf L ,sst: uiihf d c:b 's''l ;

e.(- l3:, ,f ol1JtL" 24,. )sl s*la" 7:tl a ort-'erf .r:rl .l31 4illi

s$ c9) f ,s3ef ,;-sl*:r9.ri t9rar) r'(L e.6! ,-(11 ur 4''ll L

rJ- r*(- d tla g 3(- err i.rJl.i ,s:" f-115;l ,++ *"1 i '')

- u.il f f Llsl- 6J u:fl? rJra ,9r rf 63cf crllllt) v*tl ikrt- t+l-rl 4t rJar - rr(- ri tlo o-9 l*? .ra jJl3 a-tlss

" |uJq of .ieg(- o.. u,.?

(9 ogi! gcr u(le tlif, o"{ 4r rf dia

sL - L) ri ojtal .5 ,S)l- 6.2=il 9f u*{ o9 af a tzxi6t Li-

lK ur. 49.1t-:l uTtio r1 A urfr ;r'7il 'J tJt L dJil tf ;*f s

,1e"* g.I .5oal f t-s\*:;i e dl o3 { 6'7il 'J;6'j)\' )ls ir{

3<rf *a iit+rt rf gu, Zll os re Jt" e{ c,132i,r:sl ae - ,.o

,Jl af L 1:)-*^t{d - r.::tJ ctllsi.5,rit*tr 5.5*f .rt' rrtl grl

ot{ rrc. bearers ,-*I t-.ll .rrt A s'rT lkcl J;t' J-rtL1to'.l'r;f,

ue;l -{ sl; ud ot Ltstf ci.$" K'l e' '\ef ste K'l' e- L.f

i ;Il Jf dl - ,rr" ait: ,r,$ 9f rtL f e(1" oJ - s;a 2it- a2L


6f -J -LAlf lle )rf ei-tf )tL g Jl'lt'A ts) 6!o-t;:it

,fI - Yl1 yU? - a-jt .$ o.+ €d 2l's z***3f tJ*i g, E JI rf

6) Kt +i + e- rsf tL.r.l er *- rr1ftra!6f 4 s:'r'teiti srl ,i

rf .ft .r? ,r:(- 9r gs6!: .i*:le$ ':i3*l 6'7it;l)i'r ,;tf $ e-

- ita g t; ,.*K 6.i9r grl 16- 'r"ei r . K 6o'$' f' a-;l'il srl

)J,r. E c..J'r;L i c*i ri O+-rr soll rf, d'9 kl$ L+ar* "c

tfr u"

-\q E b:ut.i*:s i -d-)t 2- 6prt d.l{- f &* t'rs[ 2- uc

)i.. L grl, *.etr r o tf ,ro aJ f qJ[h" 4 *sel ''rl' tf r'

V 6lq j*-.1 -f ,rl .;et vl oB) *-lri f ) L &'i*+) " )t 4

){ r:l;r* :t)s }g 2f :fu'i, di u.l' 2 'r{ K va J"t' o-

G*nf? ^f a 4r ti-f - €0, ^, .;il f .r[ *f "{/ ,rlY' r:ri

.ljr c(:s uB.. M L.rl b g uer ;F at 'f 1** ur'. e-Jl)l

jof I 5-gLti-,5.i- all )ts zf 4tb*{ 6i- 4l' td 2-

)!s)*J5--:,, - ,.o jt: sa e-jsf b{ L,rt rr o*r fle ziut 0'?t'jl

jb * LW bV L ,-ri o 14 Ji tt s$'r - 4 allergrt e bitt

21al o's - A giea ,j{ >; nt it L *t f -kf dtr vl u o

r! Oar-rl & (r, L2u '5- 2- tdr Z-f, sV-l Jit'3 .lrl 6il;3

,-(12.t t1 orjf .(l.ri ,,r.. d'l -r? t{ o:{l' ltJ - Z\ I

Vls ,, 1t! .t:o. { 6'7il )$sa itt 1\ ''f 0l (Jnl ;r[ U,A

J.c ,c" - t".r f of .>ni L 4rbi seti ,*f c'! ^l urt' - a Utl

iSgs{x,+ gce - cJ.jla ko1 9*.. *r L d91F':* .;ee -dJ} kol o' t^ir

d:*i O' o 111' c't'9r t$t- ,5s 2f o95. t,;i',-t ' dl'' l:it? t'a+ 9f

6.arl ,r*f ef ,J.fi r.:l 6F.r'ltt er - r)yo t''litl s*'l'r gf 'll 'h tj

4t .rl' .rrl 4r ">J3'ill tf /t+ &iv1 3.;}*l'r l'tr'n" 'l't*i 1 ' f'

75OO PRovINcIAL AsSEMBLY oF wEsT PAKIsTAN [ 7ru ruur, 1968

SJA .J,rn" siJ J: s;" .315h:.6,r1 Dl ol.t.:*lgi1r rf !.? uii6ltl ,'U Ql .g ?J.r?.r 56.7i1 or:iAt; oe ,fl .ry dllr: url 4-L

"J lrf 6tt* lti Ql * o:irl !121o. rr? Ji - e- k(- l.,f

r.:!JA u€t r.ir .-(11 s;" OgiU ef d9a tst- Lr{ s1e e)rc ts"l sjL S19l;;- 15,-rl )i a. c,b L it: c"-l3i.1r ,5] 6,^*:) $ e-

u!f.; -rrL2t * .:""j)\,,5.r1 3f ys)e,r*f ;K;,* ulsf s(.g.i1deiti q rf [:63o- ua. Jj 2lr .::"jt-; rj -,.+ rrl 9I fl - k(-

"f- A t1Q i) f ,.ilL- ,5 sts). e(1, [h ocTi ;) L ty;^^o i _)

,rl { r-r:a 6 O-t13:5. rf a t;j1 ta{ sit- f +fs .rit6:il 1&?e.irt 5 Gr tsl.(ll 6 d3it! g*l ,rr. - tf l{s ,:*i dt..i 2.113 L OtlS"L tt L ts?J..3i.:l eit,j

,.ti-,t1 ,.,09iU lrl .f .ll^ ttr5- o-1t.Xl

u.. di-[- .rfi 6.2oil )t5). uis{ e. l?r.f ,fl & u,.f u*{1 ,9.:t

,-.1 ;..e 5 J*-l ,r,.ll .ri3f k1l o_9 *f o c.ttri crl e-b [:.J A1ap.

,-ls- uitf ,, ,fl4t- tirf lt atf .r;"U 3(-l lt c_tf LT i: Zt65-l a^13.1 4 75i.;e,r:11 1rl 4[ tirf a*I- ,ri1f 4t; tJ(; *:",t:fA ,.$- ^{;rl A ,r(-.f3.1 e- sl _f ,-rl .:,.3(r Jj at^ tiJ,{ Otl5s;.9; _1K:*^.a t* st L ,rl _ 4** sf srvi fK *l ni. afk+ ;{:^:c .t )tl e- k3J ana- Clt 4.s;r .i-[-- )rl e_ [:*9_ drj.s.. ,.l(lj ur,i 6J:;! uisf ;,;01 -9j r.o id* )f ,.5€r 6.,i u..t?))s2a ,s tfl - e- .,il,a $ eitc giJ:rL Osr{ s1 )-ls)a af ..11. kelr*ot L .r? v*f .r.*t 1lp L 6.r.il ,r:rl uiL.f ,.5 ,.r*4 e_3< ,.rl-llt {tt tf rl s:a jer r.ref 9T ri Ata tir{ 6r :t S{ .,-[:-. grr 2T oerf g*.3ty1r

"T C L a{s: )f Al e. st:lril;it:

e-)131t .rilt.: c,l? ct urn jr ol.;t;il 6*) est 3{ llrl*_, 2 9T


4r 2 .,J $ ( O:{ 4l g1e - A [i(* Jssf ol Ab tieaf efl4f1 g.l- 3{ u;1. r; Jl.i s;si 2lii 4 olL ;f t.ir r:i3 jt4 delu

ojl.til K.rYt- f J1i:-" 2-j *i 1jl t+(ls rf oYt- o)J?J. ri.131

'J sa! 2f :f $ ,F ,f 6s- gleo la,9i ,i ,-(rl t.tr. - qfu-L- E .(l, a2l oit if rl.ej -1jl ,sab 2t{ Jrt- sg^- 4 b,5t. aif -i F - rr:o jt{ 0jii, rf a{1 2l- rf .:,Yt- csit'{ )tl2-l !re? a. Os19s3. ,=,I .g- ta ti L ,.:r*f t oag-i 13.1- r,f oYL

uJ ,f JrL .1t^:il .4s VT.r a s)11 )tj Ztl oe tf (r!T *;e tj u*

-J .r 413 f v>\;it L sl J:i r, f1;t" u{^l e(.el * 9I oj - Lrflli eitr .t ui4 ,.iI- E vT.lrl uJ &c;,r:*.ry j cji- z4l 4-L o3ys1. ?tsl 0l -j ef glro l:rf * dgil;.(- o.., uJ JKj

riag(e { lrl A-189i*," .rje rt .rT a.fU s)s 9f trl cjy- lit- ,.t.i

ir{ 9I;i.r;it.;,Str ,.C olb3i*. gr*t Sr) ot )tl t-) bei*" ,s&l

L l, .ti lel fer sri. 4! f. -J ri ei t.f r! t*11 i-J ,fl - ur^

- frn s"i. 4)

ur. 0l4l u*l Ci -.y(1;-.7t; - (, -.1:^!) j-l .f*.r.-(Lglr r39tt; Jt- r.J-llrr;, €,f! r . pa eI - g .1, .g,i[ { ,srf .r.r3!

,-f so fV 4-*1 t- lJ) L,::{ - fio- 9k- - uaa y'lj .iKJ J"f g 3ll

(r.>\f a"U; sle L(L s,l ef deo Uf- L t:f ,i.t, sf t- ot6f 1&?:r, - ,** Glt, -i*,

,5 2t.; i* ts^f +f Z e1 ,-IL. ls2t - -i-l Ja-e .<tSK{ 4,7f u*" !,Ai. ,.1...(1, gyrl - Ylj ?k?- rJSa ti2f r,,f;s crtr

.4-$tt lti bi s:jt--r- ql Dl s+i ,it:1 s:.it-J- L(il i el2i- ;,i;ljlj,;.,

21") t)A tt:;. - Ylj .-,t* - t6,i t6,f; t.r1 J:ll tJjjl .jI ,,firs-



t1l.2f .21*;1tririE.tKtl ,3.$.f :f g;y tl ci td ei \L(y' &,ill

K *rq!t*.r c &.1 'a5- t6i t:l{6 ;;.f;l rfiea' - lll t'.ltu 'r*1 .!'l ' t"f

K ajt 6.3i1 .j5l i* *i{t try(g "fe) ):or. J" it. [t;r ,7; ,.tbi

LjdJle - >\. ioa; )tl -r{ &a'1' 6JL. rr.' '-(? ** K - t.5-' jET

l. {.A }rl ter f f{ s{ ,-ia.y zl {.,o yl /f afil ,.' c(:? '-(Jt"

l,r 1r#'U"-!r...rrl t5 .;** s(l- { rcl o;r.f Ltrr tit:; ,r1;.- ,r:*}

Zt" {o Si ,t'. ef rla*i ,J'orar:i" f* ;n31 "ttt Yt:: .16l

!rr. -(L 2lrt s f - tf "il+ ,.r.' sub continent.,yl 6.'ll e c.d.

.:i3 drl s,6" t.ir Jrl;l - )rc r*{;" - t{ tf itii tr'L(tl 6Jrl j,r!

JJI u"r,."),i)r 3i ri^t e(ll - A *nl J: .-(i1 01.'.1r f dgirt 3'r

* - !1.9 9t:3 - *- ^i:L K,.lr/r qLy lr-5r '.1j{ 4- ( s}'itr'{

Z-trt.r g:-o 3it- L gl r' ."ri.ft tLc ..i"i 'J 6':ljT ,rr ; t l ra gt:'a

2 r,A itn l! $ fttt cf bl 3i fsa J'at- ,541 J!t-3 l* I

gr .(Ie **lT **lT ;91 ,.pr rul'cl.r' ,.5 n*; u'"1 9f o91K;,n:'2 J:?

6r dl'r;t; y.. r:t1j .s o)!j e^' )\*'.' 42j.1 *f 8t^ o}- o'

i. l)Astr2- e1r r-([. ,o - Yl9 yk' - ;!J a1.rf .rrlr'(- o: f

4 ,il - 9.) J;l or[j ag:. o:hj Kgrl s." &'3(- *{ e. ''5 u:tatf

,.t.i ;lor*f{1 9i t6i trrf dePend' ; }(3- o:rl.1j o'aa" .-(L !:..} J"

.f .;-fsyse.t:r. )f uE. f l'E'i f.. ,s3 ur d, - &i uflt' )t ti'la'

rrrlf) 4t,3- Lx. s.*t.- - g ,/l sSil;ll'4- ,riio c;3si I J's)

er,.1 lrl t*i t:Kt t*r;i *,!;f u.j) trdei[ 4l ] - e- 611) o1t'l i

- ita 9f 6il9i L Ossss). o.,1tr1) .:,9(- '.i-

ur. ftEi ;f,s! et rf ,.ikr ea s;'! 9T- oLiUfe &rLe J^'*'

- A- lr! +*e 'jU ui -tf rf -vi t'f K 4l) tl 1z) c'' :

oRdINANcEs 7503

.1t. - ur?3?J* e ,J, *f a*l :fT .+lt:'{ .sl - jrl a .fl

- K.rsl u.d vlr: Y )r; u-l -{ -J .1" d3o koL t'erg e i*T

,t.r#j sf Otss:). pl tJ.:g 6jt; .;ls e1t,;* 1{ r;'T lle ".,t^;.9f

Jrl tf r+ ,f .1tr1t u-l 2l { ,t,,,.a. ,s-l yl lS l"f ltEil 'tr 2+1

r; -!11 r;1"1 -.tr1 lr,..f rr-l Jl -r L.r-tp ;1.*:. s22) v[:; frl

L[" 0'1J.. E Ojt- d9!ti 9-- 2- 19VJ,.t c;a" 6l) .:.*- ,,iil -f s..fK-

6tls,b 4*g ,L(11 ,-l:j - .,(- ;{ sari ritirigr 9f 6il9i .-(3 CT

r;rrr .i dslt)l .*J .Kl *l el - A Lf tJ jl$l JEi ef 6*lei

1lr9.i /,.t-l )tl e- ri1o 1l.rg.i o..s)tc ,5 arll:rt.Ktl ,f ,l'rl.(1l Oi*.ilr! ,g t{OilJt lti L pt'i trl efg kf q ,i |tb

os1$j.rf)..t- 13.1i .(ii1l.;rl Ji:.f r 4eit!f,ots1H €*

'tr"rSi ftf" a Gsb lti Jl urf.il "rrl A tl) )\-.rc g- 241 9{

2 ,so" *f Lg'- sr. dt- ,.. r$ 6.rrp urei rcrJf 2 '4*it x 2-

&t- - tgi l9r d- ,trrrr jEi { ,59".2f ,- yss" $ e- t.f f5

glS tt,.;l u-lg { Otll>}t J*t { 0jiti u*l - )J,c vLr - Al lf

,r*...(rt K .L(l 6r;4 jlri -.rl) j:e 6jL r^7il or -f L - uP

|la o- ,-rl -tf O1l3tin A g'I*:. L ua;t*J: I yg erls,ef qI a1

6jt- 6.3i1 >\3f y'g.f .r afu - jta Lr ./#y..!;: ,rll 2'E'E, u*,ly gll"\"y *6!1 4 - )tc vLr - .r.fi trl ;oi3l &.i t* *(.;r-

21 dl -ri o2s{ *4,i f €irr ;r)ie ,{,1 ^{v ki / L }to. a;K.l

e.-9(- ! ui)\i L F o.*.e i rs-r1..t ef er d.t i)[tl K r rr' {1;r

sf :f a3+l.l J. L .il - 4- 5 o.1)l', 'j)[i ;f {+b rtt U ,,,)\n' {.

' 5.,r i+.r &&l ; -nhj e+ilhi; rs -,ft-.t3: ri llri f;t.qt sii6ti



7504 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNe, 1968

E ,f ,r:i ci*i E ,J,.^,i3.rI ,i*rl jl j o)9r3r og ,*." -t*, tf LJ rrri

tf ,f ,f ,S: e s-l ef *e$s ^: vT- llr .ru: . e- tf hr +f.r

--f ,:-J9r,r.J.'3,.IOt - sf c,t-t:a.5r.19;.er1. e. crl - S 4,+lE ,rl L rs:6i6, S j f .rj)\" h3lr,:,,5 rll pl .f rl.r.l .,,f ,S Ot

'-A.rq*6g ,f i e. rel ,# 3f ,*l1i LuirLr,lgl .r5t46 rSol o-r1i\c

g-l r1 -A Lf h.: €rf., L t{ 4- ,{ ,e3a- 1.t.i f g.ilt)).- !13 .ek-

fl S sa s.r.i ,\*:),3,ier &j uitf , tJrl tf e- cJeiti oi.ap 1.ri

lri rrl K cl*9(- ,; 4l t der iri t" L Jl Jt jt- sgr -ra s\*.)iy rrjt;l 2L r..e- ,r!t€,il,.. i^t b. rfl ef ,5 :n .r;lf; yl d9r2,S

rf a t"( tr, )l-f .,6l q Yl3 eL; .r.l L u-l - g E t^ Lf c,E1.i

ol.tf ,qfl 4 L Ju,i,r-q- r.1r 91 r.l:,te-1i.; tt E il .,hr -il,i u-tr-

-.. .E-

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Whom is the.Member addressing ?

Malik Muhammail Akhtar : I am addressing the Chair.

J:i o-t., Yl9 .;tt rlra t.J f vtL- ,f + u!. - Yl3 .,.t;-

s-t- rf ,.^ z*t+ 4l - A Urf llK.li ef .r:j.q d cll ,.t.; rJa^lc g

.=,j rf u5- a-r n(- 11 ,.ot3 9f 64il u*? q ef6 gr o.t:,.le J:i

U1*;.-l O9.J "f

.(l, Z osrtl - Yl3 l,r,t:1 - atsf ei t4lfl j:; ,r-t-

d- q 3{ Oslt:i.r 41 - ,sgf t.rrti &*- ;rf .J r:|.:ti. ,sey*Lt s*t

L ,f 1-)22:a a-,*itJ J) [ c(;l ;;l o3 tf u:{-i .rt i i) L dt131 6I^-. L 6rilg 2Y tt oe rfti u.(. ! e:" de;L.-l jt- aelti qll

lrt5 Gj,rti ,,*s. ,J; .(t" 17.16r uS it l. O: - u5- f n$ { it,r,illti q;U- *f t*+ qit,/, ojl.ril r-,T - Y1.9..-,tr - g.ti e(1 f9f *.


ef 6*f .5rl - &l -.,iluyr j ri /r^ {5- 4 k5- 2nV,vl:*t 2L:.ir,rf &kJrg 61t.o rr..,|Ir'r l{ E,.rl-tf ratify

r$ e- ,ritr 5- ;.:;r:f .t; 0! 0Jit, r1 - Yl3 .ik? - t.f ratify;:1l ur. ,r: A jk. ..r$ f ,..r*.Jh oJ.t riU ,tr .5 U,.iSrf d;!:- l2

arbitration, conciliation of negoti- ritcjl^i ,cbtc lt.t 4"f g [f qr 1l;crt*ir di., .dl ,;a. &(ll ;aiel JJ2i.r-1-3. - L urr{ z! e-ation

L:1.$*:s Jlli .(rl -r!:r .(1l trl A-t"( tsrsf-1 L rf f* s{*tf h;: .^l7 9f 6;iet i2; or? o3 rf e- rlf 61 4,) g,:i rJ.6itrlri 4ta ef rlr;l u: .4r *fs L f e. Ct; sf ,* Jrl

- z*f sd 4t" sf' rs? ae{s j> t.qs, L 6ri3a

4 ol E- u{ ,5 e:. 4.(ll o)9r3e l: cL 6}t e- Li- - Ylr .:t:

{rLel e:. d3[igli1j.:ij crl -t: 9{:lril l(r;.27.r ,.t.i cll S A

.(I'. e"| e{ 1}t;iet &} L rf CJI ir:s*:.fe) ,e - 4i jrll;s

ur{ o, .f eT ft e- t.f t,, sf s L f p,* rs- lLi dt - rJ- et, *".rf cjss.iXi 6 dgjti .3 *f d3^ [:ga.- 4: u:" -1, u.. e-s 2f 1{r1 - Yl3 !/U? - Zf n ,J9l.: .;tr )Jr:e ,: 4i 3_l o, rr - tr.l A.l

tit., l1r llrl 11 J+ L ltrl ;f ok*ft; u..,t 1. /- Z,a? A_ ua 1tlk(- ,l *ri ,f t K ;t- 6.iI ,.6" h Je-l ,r-f $.t pl-. .,i,5- l5-

Z rS:f :J u" - tr j-ta't^5- u.ri J"tj ,;:. ..:,9(- ;S 1gL u-f o9 \0l u.l.il A l1r isi sf ;-r:J3l

j:jr'Jt- n. *:.lif :f 24,rAt.6.i9t ir.;i.r1l o9 tf e-lrf t.r: ;f lJ.t-, a ci. grl .:-i I,i.llye7.:r' ,r.j! K crl -Ylr r.t:- -r^(- afj 6Jt1 -il -9Lgjrti .lt.,.fr .I

- i ,.51- f3 under the ground o3 tf K 9a tt

7506 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLY OF WEST PAKISTAN [ 7rn luxr, 1968

Mt' Dkpnrty Speaker : What does the Member mean by it ?

a{ Z lrf ;) ,.rl ; se. 'under the ground' - i;l € tKl,'

V ,s9^.rf s-, ,r*;rl .rf tt 3;3trf f'il| oe' - a 3;3tr( '5 rlk*fl3 Al

$os$ &iie Ja - 5 dvo ,.rih' { *"ls ':li' 9- L u'rf vK.r!

- )l: vt.: - 5.1-r" siti" L )U" t ,.J'r: DI S deo .rit:' f :ti'

qit,Lz; nf 1.: 4i c,!L ,ra 4+l a.f clgo kol'a tilr r&il f "ll .r,

Yl1 .7Q - u$i c*9 ,riti-t c:i3 orl g$ dto3 - tll 9$;it v:*i a{'

qrno 6sil9i.r::) -r? c,1. r^iitl ! a(l al af urf'i c^-J) .ro t;1f a1

'o.1*- G1t.o ,.:i9 Lrl 2- 1tl,^ sf yT *f t*1r - or'o 6Jl3i r.fl n9

irL ..f .(Jt., J,^*Liy- Oo ;rl A .-l)t .5,r*.lg urlti :ljl 6t7-1 K

9f 6.il9i ,rr) dl ctl pa *f [:47" s:fi sr' Ji - r.raa ,-fit' ollj

e- sle €s* - rJ:! r.ri..(Jt., L*lJ3* 3-;!l'43 a'; d3'fr; aig.i 6l

,LJ;"1;.1 t? A s.J &it* Jlrl urA jh 6^;l9i J" i ao ef

0,ilt unl ea, Af 4r rrjll a*+" i 'vl - ;Jr '/ti? - 3 s1r ..(J["

-Os:{,fs, gyi*:i I tlrl.r^l! 0l u.a u'f ,3KJ .,;t.,*lti J? r,r"

6eill - ( ,:sf ,if 6Jr'r':'r f 6'q! n ui-222*>1 altt e- ?'

6- t.f rf yT - S- d-rr .53T jfu ft.i t ,'t'i *f A 41 6r;;! v

accounts audit 5 d9.rl)l Lry"lls; t; f d-lllrl .r+! ---f nf a Jrt-

-, qrl l$ ..rclrl 2*l L ,-rl L it' .rih ,'7il e(11 .r+ - u''l;f

: uia ]j.s^ )Jss ztl L u^l - u* it' hls; ztl L a''l

,.3i*:" f ,-l *.f *a ttl accounts ! 4- .('1 ulsf o"n i)s1 ,fl

ef a !r.ll;p 4:2vi 6(.1 e- .-(ei Ji 2-,-rit{ i';^'!11- u3sf

{ i.* embezzlement ,a,r ji:i t13o apprehension ,;e e)Jc u*{ ,f1


onDrNANeEs iffi

2{t..rr ah-rai vr,) t{.irr,rl 2 Lrti uti )l**)'i * t}t':-t

. . . ,)Kf "ty-rl

ilj .rl4l 9f u-t tr 4V :f office bearer u^- lll {crl.rti.. L 5"i9r- itr? account $' .rJ ^f { e-s e-) FG, it4 ,f

9o embezzlement ,fl - a-,J.fi ,r:. interest ;i ctl a+ [ .L .9cai crttk" E.

U3r democratic af -J it E ,;"1 * . misapproprl+tion of fund tt

3l f ,sls1r. L..Air., &i'in!+ t'.eo csl;a'1 { d ';}t"09f ci"j(. - urr ,Ji-, K 2:{ ofice bearer elect r'r11i E 'rl;el

Lr& a+ !13 c7t; - 4-: $r ui' cl)\'t*' L ',,,)ls L dt *f e-

e-U.l !r llri monopolize i.,e $ ef rsjt- 64;l tf 2-t*f !: llri

f r|ir1 ,n? ,iT2r{dt u'l 3f u'l ^s-rJgok37""t'^fl1j-1., jrJ,srtiT 15 cl"t.llri' ef ,jt'2i cjl'ril q;i - .+i c'!t- E )rt

s:. rJlJ3. ,-ru, vI -r+ r.ra+(lr sf 'ss:J vI .lfi L ,sPl t j2 '26

- J!U-(.! a s-lr.r.a i-J 4.-) YI s? L.:to3 ! ,;o L) ){ &- ..5!l

L i:ri ,rbre- e:a gal .-(J isl f >I' ;rS 131 &3t; - :L f:r

eJt,2i njl.ril yI .rl - a tsn s ^ h + €iii ,5+l orlT 61t'r 33t' 3jL

t.J 9o ritil lJI grl ,;1. rlr*i gf O-g)s))' yl 1si.r:r:'a r')16 *f

- { to1 3r dEl J$ glrf ,rer (r.' tJ3:'j ,5 'trn ibat rJbr 4-

L ol tt d.;;3)le 2 -J uiai f g3i'i g'l sra 2Y cr;ti J? ?T

f s r.ltL- Ql .) rf e- [r f 1tr*' a ri- L 2!.ri wagcs

,-*tL. L wages -.r& ,{ *3 r^JtL'' V u-l 4 oP, t? 'g5'

F6. ^f .19^ kg3.- er - A 5a 3e st:l)( elt eat i2o /l*l

-,rei forcedlabour af .r: ur* At b o". iL)t Jt' E't tt't

. uia L) )f )J:Tt ui f O319r3e


Mr. Deputy Speaker: The Member may please try to finish.Malik Muhammad Akhtar: I was promised thirty minutes Sir.Mr. Deputy Speaker: The Member has five minutes more.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar: Ten minutes more.

Mr. peputy speaker: The Minister wants twenty minutes' time. Isthat so?

Minister of Labour : Sir he may be allowed another five minutes.i Mr. Deputy speaker: How much time will the Minister take?

Minister of Labour: I will take twenty minutes.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar: Alright Sir; when we are cooperating,let us cooperate on this final issue also.

4- srk. L 6a2jr{lt ,r) Jr.tjrl;t deiri 4r _ ytr t/k?

!r., )tl A ,rik. L Os .;i Lri)\il lLt - A,rit:. f gti:*fQ 6.il

ua" 01911 ,rl 2VI eI - A *ritl. L gr|*n Jis- 4J 4f der trg*r- 13

o*ii 9f dk*f! af .ll^ [:.6,n-- ct.. zl$.r:4- tlta]l ,.Ji t."il .,(ll

2l ,;a. tf a at e, tl sl4 G2;a E- 4t ,6 u.",i1\(::. ,rJlr li.(L o,,l .:l.t;6i o3l!s1. e(1r L,9o t^,r rf o.1kl ci2t f,,-!1 y'19

eitil e3. Llt- U,".1 o.riil;rl 5f. .r(; ,b js2f 9: uX.r J frf u.,g$ 3r 6.:t1T $ 3trf !) s;t a!3e o.l t ? - A g_li ,;! i$jf Osrst L 0l - li)f f)f.t e- ci- f. rll sf os4s). ei $3a

,.FQj., ,f dependents I 0l )tl \tf, fs*i a t)yi) j4- ,r.3lilif 1e-*e n i){ lY :t,:,r1[ nf )f d - Uf

f )2aa e. oe:!36-

Jlti grf )t).y r;f 6I ,,*. nrtjt vil)f o,l ef u*iKl ojl.ril ,yI

d, Ljb sz. - z5- 2f 1.7.;i"r;; .:q1e:i 6 o)?t Z{ o.e *f ,.lf).fr. e- O3i36-,r41 .:l2il f. O: Ufa ,_rilr e, o9il,rjti 0l 6, -191

riir. -l: r)-,a Lib qs€t ,f dgil.ril* 1) I sr - yl3.,.t:_ _ u1r


Jllti f t.i t lU of - gp )lc^, u.. A J-b utt e J .r". ,* ,flelZl ,,rl / q;T 6rljT tf - ylr ?t+ - oao l*{ 16t.i a &J , y)2e

8 $;nY ot - g )1oi.ce 11.:r..lc ah -. v- L 6:lji - A JE 1,)\-t ,+lte 4 ef9o.: lt o,1t .(;l + rf cJJa kg-- s..


*r.i .r.ib ,r1l 2 o7f_l tf - 4 ak*f! lU K*: n, ta> stl

o*i J* a. J$ E dl Lr - uJ ,.t..t, sa:rec ,5 of t5 - ud)

o6! JrL (L t).. ojtea ,-f crr.llr$ Z oxrl lr{ - ,,{.r[.gf

2 .iI )tl t.f J,rt- a ;qr(il Jf c(1. o?l i de6!l - t5.

,ft - llr vt^: - tl: )f )ls- L dgil.riB ,- J) e(.1

aSef dl rU { eI - 2v"L4,.t .! d ,lr"f 6e7- L ls.0f stl .!ET J? JiJ L 6aier irr! $,/ pr , - $ro r.rnri

- e- trs f t; j ?L uet -{ 0l e1a z?s:{ nitl e!l; itylr L

- |t^.rYt- .:i3 L v>\i;t uy [:!h. J? - ji.s" .;r!t- ot Vt)- i+ts gi ef a.ta Qr ,l3cr ,f .rYt- 0l ,rI

.:.jF riti.(&r -,.(rn 9L? - (Otr Jti dl! ."(L) L:,o 1)gJ, a gr.l l:l !r;U at ij I 6rf I j L .j>\:rl v)- 1.1,l.r>{uit

oT;-t{ ,S 2rf .:;ti r.ljti ytr rf !l ,oo if ifq\ ,Jlei r?-adi

4- Lt aLrf e. grt*.K yl - lJitc J€ 4"lJ-

\ Jy ei 6jl3i )t))" r; ef g e; r:iiriir 6(J - tUa.,rrt)g

,.:f rI osp:.y -rsl ,.* gtti 6 .(t. grl efll c* 4t, 'A i,f










o6t t6: ,raL- .5 J., .-(:- s&l sr gtlti 6.(;2:=i ,5 .S;t-

$l s bf 2 tb :,ft*atf *Liy,vtjlr:sl Kr-:

o, u) $ djt^n.1 ;f d9:.7i1 1llt )tl d9:.7i1 Dl-.' oP3*il12

bsL;. Jrl Jti L 6rt1f.1!. -vl bf urll L O^ilrt 0l u.'a

,dir.f )9c2,, 9t+ t{ Lr- - Yl: crk: - sr! it^ JSes

l+j,ro gi.l i-{ + .t ,.ri!f; $' e- [t'ri 2 .r-tn' sf.rJti

Jf -- 8l A? - 4[l*f s $iul."t rf oYt- L .-(L jtl

IJLL tf ,;llJ dl tf 2- Ai sst diisi- )tl e- ,-!ui'l )9L

,tl + .iir .,;f cllJl.rl 6sl;c a:' ;oil3! ril JJI *is if

1ti ef uci :}ii ul.l -tl.a .:{i- 4r JJI t+i Lf l+f I bs^L

)t).r. E ,-(1. g,"l giL git- L u,t ,.tH*,J ..(I" &l f, dU*fq

;f. 0l *.ra ual .9o [.ig.1 trtL.rl ]? srr. t)lJh. E d3:.7i1 ,5 tll .lrl

r.lt"l*-rJ 6Slsi l:l nol ,rte s:e ,i:rl9i dl Af 2- 6SSsi al ;tr r;i,t

,gl ;31 / L 7:ts lii^i or[j ef rti. f de:.7j1 y)l pl clit" q

6)!); (ra. $lsi a+l;) L Zt: is.f n Z)L att rxe or! j ef

JgiU .l-;raj -rf ,rt.i L ,rf s.l r-ik; - ,.ib rJ cltaLl.ri pat )51

- ,t;f,S .lt.L:'rl 6yi t€,; Lf tf iiU Lri' 'l 1r r lf -r? u.'

rJrA K; .{ ,.f ro .,ot .l.*d e. gl s:' {f [*r? - \\ 9l^- f /

a tl yl e- 6l*i f 6jt- 6.7!l $ d9;3ry '}.(l O.i-rl jlr! if

d9:^7il Ol )tl s{ 6trL L c9jL 6'}il u:' L'rl' I'r qY1 d?i

)-r?-r. st )-tL g;19 ,.:[l.ra ,ri9f s* L1l) L jt'*il. f i; L

d9*3!l ,i-+ea (jr*, u:. .lL nf t€,' 11 47.s Kur": - r.r.d rrri

2i9e 6(:. .11 do)fe f. ct9:.ail seh'rl ;tl yl K! ic^ .ts* {


L laeai L cjij- L 0l JJI .:ti" f Ui.?il )etln tf O, Ioy2),5 .:lr yl +;t a - t+i [i.;lo ,;rni g*t*-l o:t;j rr. a-rh

tf dei2til r.ll lrl it t ,jb. ;lt*. s{ oi. 6.7il *5- ,F S €3at*zzi f 6.,rjb 4i ,-;.r. s{ ot} il L jxa .ri i rL ;d,raif ,ral * :sL o.Icti! oe ef jta .t ollrn + tf 't*?'l ;y,t)i

.1Jl s:. O9*. Urc{ Ot)l4Ji,.e L d9:4jl sll )tl ozsf Jirrr

.i)\i L dl1lr1.t6s 0l ef 41 Dl ottf r.7ti:il a fi2L g*c

t{ ot rL + Jl e.. crl - s.(- t{ s-** vst s(1r., 15 :[.rl lJt

6.7.i1 )tt j. s*f s4:f s& ..: 4.f Q,i U9r q a?:^, { n, tct d

)J))t e(i-r; n e jfl; 9a tl*, 11.4.t6s ,-f-f r9i u." rt

0l or af g+i,,;.r.i ir?J, .3.i ,r4t u3sf u::. Jslgi L d3:-2ril

,.r,(. ,f uioi .Gr-, u!r{ ,5 rt;pl lro .j)\i E dl1l.r1.l"e

f,. rlr.+il )t))t \f L ujt..ri 6t,iil a 4?" tJ u*. s))e .r*11 3i

D)? dtor d' &l- c,l1t":il r3lE.y dtr^: tf dr;l+rft

rr: ef t6i a.! rs-9. ){ o))L[2l u3ef Zt L &.flJl L rrei6l

3f Siti f ct9r.3;l ,-tr{l 1f e ! e^(- .fe; ,f !r9.rl4,r fE L

4. dt.r:*l L *l s+r 2f s(1r is, if clt.":*l i ))L jt-U

,? df dra [:g7.- u.. l) oi - o"<-2f t sf 63;l.r1.r6c gl

:1.i. ;f rJ9:.3i1 )1olt 4l u"r u'.f ,5 uo. cJgitl o.l Ot.!-rJ 6Sssi

Lrs +rt- L grl )tl u.a slf L5' A L b.;*; 5- $i- L 31 131

5 ;l L liia; L ,.!ri- L Orflll L de:.3i1 )F). eiL


!. 'r!)

7512 pRovrNCrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru luNr, 1968

6r{t1 L .l>\:il ?)- 4 jss Oi 3t a:}if .=,I - )13 9t:-

e, ri: ar. g) 0* rlJtii r.5 cll lel ol;!r:cl ;f if 4 *;b ,5

; crtlj { 211lai lL, r.riil 2o2eil $( eo [rJ KJ.jl$l q .;v|e$ y) 4lal'z.i { ciJi- L dl.1l-t1-t6c L d3:.7i1 )F}. Anar

tjr"- L di.,l.UJ6c L d9r.2ri! )i). gt6- 6Q A t.f iso saa

srtrti" L 6:fl1t E .t9:.7.i1 $r)" 0a dto ! 2- tSs:ti ,5*t b.i*; {

d- ,* .,f ,.t"+i jlrit rEi v*t sf b;,n; a&197i o:[j 3f is:l L6jt-6.7i1 uy de!t! grl rltl-- -Yli .,k-

rrlrti. f, 6.fl1l L ..lr:^z=;l rJtol - u"^ i( ;f c't"lsil ;) f 42t

)9r-r .iti? - L Gf ,$, ul"ar{ 5 al) di;3ii orlj .5g ,f b;^i 2d"l rf 4- trt..ri + cllllr L ,.lEi dtl i v^l* ,ielti fbl6ji- oa, 0^7Jl 4- u? ef ,.o 6K u+f S oi..i,r*ll .t'*; usr d-rili

&.*il ,- 6"iI ;31 u"^ u{,J .r!tc cl!*lt; JJI iri c)!j s3r )*l- L0f )9;i )tl oLe{h a.1 a* if itt,,i,y- i: or4 )A- L s)l-

,,i>\.:il t/)l J€t a t>Ll-3.5+I .= dl u3e 9i - ,3o ,riti ;'- 139;-

ilrlui ,ft efdp ti2f ,;r1t-1 s! bS ,i.to 4; Jrl dra Brf

6jt- 6.7i1 a se ef 9a )J?). cjl v*21 ui){ ua" 09it! o.l

f ,i-.(ll .ff 4 o.. dji- 0l ! eo.rijl .rj uisf sl c3sa^ L

5 sai L oeai u*ll ,i st u{ ,5 uilsf ,5 2f J- ,531

t:(- t; t.f 6^ta ,-. elte .:Jl.tp c,it rs6t nf tf ,gt,t-r,il I.-k.r6 4 d .,ll tei l-r. .rh u., ,tl11 ..l. tJSiti 4 -4_

s; sf s^" dgiti url ,ft ti t+i qf qf ,r\ tf s,l ,:i.^; ot. r,,..,

{ A) gl. ,}!T *f }? e- )):t I uilo )J?J. d.t .,*tlt




dtr crJl.rc, .(; ..rl :f rr.!,rl si e- .-i)\r ;, c3- L 13;jL 6A+Jl

:{ Ot s*ll .rJ .rG.rr 5-l fl 6Q - t,'eo (- t? t f . e{.a or.

srJ &t K ,rll ,rl + n lS t.f u.rr el.? .-(i 6I e.. e^Jte .:Jhc

03it, url *f Jt r al K .r--L, *ri31ti plill )3ri.. .;k- *f 4

E. csjt- ,i.pl ;{ It rJ*. rieiT -}? r.ra )J?i. e;i.i 631 er

/- ,J*.3 lrli. 13|' o-1s Q d9o [:4,7.- g:r - -a .riti ;f gg;-

,.rillU l7k' j3o 22f n2i; i dSiti c.rl :ti - ilr yvJ/

6.pl tf !a.j)\. L .i.jK- rf tai t1t.y .ltl;l .,*; e; 2 +^lc

s! ryl ,5 dl 4*. - 2- \f tt) )f l9sn. 4 1.ir L'rSiJt

!a.j)\, ot L .:,.9"(- t{ A- .(ne! et - A o.{^r ditill ,cpl e

0.Cl u::r.Jl . 4*f I u.f! g;l'i e- a-i>l u7*i',ct { o"2d'- ^f l:e 9t- .ro g,it- 5-l O(J e- t"f tr) )f pt*. 4 6- 5. 6jt-

4 ,.rz^i Jrt- gj- K ,Sjt- 6.2=il .5 f*i v*{ J{ Al tf t;1..f

ri.9(- gel is^ l* L rJgiti srl *(;9.f - L a"i te'-.;) 11

ur.Al ,rrtl ot d 2- J.rl- (ir 4t tf 6.,jX. ltj L

djl oJ)\e - uaa ,ri:. .rih1 ei.3il s,il i tJ96il ,rl ,jUr

f 6e h.tlti i relti €)l y'J L ol )Ji 2 .:.F

rrlrti, L 0l Dl r:,j)\. 5 rrl dizi L u? u a 4f .t

gl clgr [:6,1r.- ear - A )9dt tit- t.f laa.i K tiSio E. Ol .lrl

f ,a r-!-;r.r- o9 o9j,c f- o,'l )tl ,.r.. ,-fr3:r ,5 h{$s J"l,

19 i* f. dl ,.o a(- ,{ dt.,:*t ;) L 6jt- 6'7il s:if "- 2- t{txf , ft)*n 4 Gjt- 6.z.il tf olat A ri-.;) t! k6f e1

uisf ..ri Gjt- ;.7i1 ;i Of **i {d./ti erl ,fi rtr; ,.,A* L,rl


75L4 pRovrNcrAl AsSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn rullr, 1968

.5,-!l u+i .tj uitf i ci,si- L Or e. sl si e- u{ ,5 ritr 6.111;

^f e- e1 9i *irrr - K 4tA rJt.eil ui sf .9f obti" L U.ra d )tl

a;c ,,Ji!3{ t" L t f t1s 6- ( 6jt- 6'a"l ..:'ai L J.iI tf ol

- u.^ .,ilo ,ril,4 sar.Til .r:gl o-i L O- ol i0363113l t:(-;*l

c,'.1 ef - 4 !L.;i c4, ;l;ii jgl L,[s;lt nlisl .:3.,.e - !13 9k:

L ,,13:4il cltr.: - A tJ .1t il' se Jrt ,5 qii rrl 5 .1.;riU J4 s2)

jtl or *f - I Gf S .r!ts gir:rlg Ar i der.f I JJI rJ-r.11.4.t6c

L 6.7i1 sll c,il Lrf il*, tr .:|.t*i (.f dr;l.r LrfD f, cl.;,:.7i1

!/l+ . o;+f ),Jt.i K,-.-t$ Lotsls ote, L d9;7il Dl e.flJl

u^{ A)p (),,1 *{ - o{ $ gr9*n" C ,yl slssi ,5 O.l u,.l - ltj

L t.. h n. ll-r*i t5 0.,j>\,,f.lttr - sro 4-.;l:l :l e .2t4

t1 6. .:l.t'r ,5 r.fr;l.r LJre L ,;4!l )$). crl Ssl - 4 c(4,; .(J

a 6.fl)l L r;lst I g*l g.. t.f )13 eh- 3i - a .(c .(J {. .r.

- A ,-*t;" a.g ,.. g!l.i L t/T Uf 45- -Kts:{ t:1t*r 5 z4o.sl

f. ,i.7il D)). !,rl )tl - Ja n , ))l z. .:l.t; .5,5 a-ltrl ,"- rf

,-*k" cr€t c,4. 9))e ,r*fa; - Yl3 9k- - 4- a. .:l.t*i ,5 cl:-ll ) t Jys

,sil -l^ sry.f Lf,-.?il )f ). a cyl - kil t- t^f g16i L!t.; J.i, .r3l

- A tJt:-l f ,g.:ytr ef j 9f olrti" Jt. L d9;o7il .;.9)2e -,;ao

Al 2 L $ gtt sl> tseo L djr:c*il p)l u&) ?: +(;y"f

- e- b-if tit- e(- Gs-3) * f: c(11 u1" )*L- L citrjLi 6*

s &,rt u:rjl ol. s)t€ orl 3i - a ti-! [9o s;d 14, dgJl.tc

u? ls.' ,t6s,.l-i o9 !19..,k1 ti - e- tijl tigo Jcarr ( ot-lr;.l

J,at- gi- ,5St { l:t^lril Jf 3l - 5:^ r-*ti:, )^L ,.:r;l .:la; |i


)t )rL iit?ti 9f funds 5 u-7.rl )t)). o,l eL gr.l rf (-t,

t{ AK.l ,yl i:c - a dK.l { Lea l.rd c,)tc ,.5 Lrf dL*:-l

Gf 6) d.s q i) L gy a- L!t- s13r u,.l $l 2 L Lf sst

L,-rl *f .g(r .Sl " *f - e- tf t;r g- a{ 3f j2l*-1 tf e-

L 6.7i1 grt sl.t'i .5 ,.lr.rlr 4-Jre L 6.7ll v*f (rr. r.Jt.-

s;tfl1l L 6.3i1 U'"1 o) J, - A ortrj e. .= -ki 5- .ll.r*i il o^r-l.rl

a- rr-tJ .fl ol ef - 4rf 61L o1l.tl 4j tf r.lttiil )tl tf

rr-toe c1.- -.!13 ,*7,/,/ r)2t Baf rlr*i ,5 .trtb 1-rfe {, o,.a,rl dlttl lL, ua. dgiti ,.}4 :tl *f - e- t1t".ri q r-1. ;l.;ii jll L

4-1"(12{ p3"2*t a L2{ 6*l- oJne { ,17i1 v*f ,{ ,selhJtl

L* LT uE sj '-t cdl3i ,rckil t .-(t. ,.1 .r+r .>i2 u*f f -l,..

r*. b.) upl -!l3,.ik? --lr ."ira lr- jsf oc" aL.J- rrl +pl b dla

e*. g;i.i- -,r+i t9s tf ,z-Lbl g* s22fi Gt i- qr-t,4-lJi. g,U-

,.f tel 0K"l tr,:r! g,.l 4 Lr? .lrl - r.r€e )Au c)trj af ,? Oa .t

.rcb:.1 €i .:i-l sst ,.r*f t1 i) L tcrc nf 6\"al gtl e- ed- 9o t.f -,Kitl K p: gtl L o37il L - rJ..lo il ,*.rj tJ ;,jl3i

dLJ4U 31 h s.i.: J;-tF v*f .trJari e.. dllti ual cgi ot-)13.,,/k;

L,.rl-!13 9k- - o"a tf g!) s;.. yq di ,j drilt La2 l) o"l

cr-t,a jt6:il o3 *f - rJJa K; ,f ,>-l)s **t alri Lle af t*r; .:ai

6.7i1 -19r;" u.-{ ,.cl:,s L n*; oll ?: e(i3-f - u^r G)b; JJI

Lr^. a-llrl G*r* v-{ .i2o Jlaie )tl tsr. K 0: .*n !t.I c^.

drl tc.t. { u? - Ja Urf l.r.g lH,:;l , Ja urf l.r.* 62;ilril

.rIt'. L p*i gr"l 131 ,.:t*!13 L g*i gr.l 9::r dgl.7il JL*. "{



75t6 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru runr, 1969

f, cJ9*3il ! !9;rnil sfiy ,5 aj:l orl 4 u? clgr 4_rf 14;

rrl r.:lrti. "jlj ld L 0l ,f; - & €rl r; r.riti j,.f 3f 6rftj

Lrl d9a tq4* s5. - ,{,- 3a d7o- $'4atia t ,-fl)tl dlj ltl L

1n., c)fiti d.-t nj r:.i ,_f g*i s"l;-91 4;,r1tg 6 p-i r.rl c4. e))c

K; ,f ,-f f Ji e. ts"l eo" df [*3- - !13 ,9t:^ - L 6sss;jt"sl k1.:

.i, 1 6-irl a blil j*:r s([. dq r. f 4k*f ti f r.t 4f - dJ.

[o1 9a til.)l e 6];i .)al gn. rllei ,5 ,;SSSs.r" 4Jt.o - { trl ;fritif e- 6i.i t-t5 crl .,gl ct. 6jt- 6.til 4/L gjt- L,.rl ))l - e-

.(lf sf s{ &.b L 6jt- 6.7i1 .(i.:i3 ,"1 rna *f -e tol eo

L cl3;.;l crl .lrl - L urr{ c*C oLt-tf ,5 i>tz e- fitL g7obiu,iit { r:rlrti. E. dl 19lr liiz=i sre g)-1:*r e^c g t|so- f s,,fl j

r"ra.?il { ti - t-,sttf qf.i "i}l{ ,5 Lrf g;- t)3;*a e*e

d-r.*.r e*c Ltt f, dl .rel - ,-r(;(* c*ri v4 .,& u3lf i bL g,rei2e ,l*. JJI r,o.i. !1Lr - Yl3 9'ts -{ 5- sa eti s&t u&:f uA.

[s if-f gre q)9r,ra g*c a{ d9*7!l y)}. stv *29e9"1 l.f -A {

yl - Ll: f p(r.:*. Ssl L27,ir. ue{ d9i*.r e^p J5- Ol Ssl Ll:*il Ur? cl:(- yl orf.i L3^A. yl nfe.;*. g+l U4:f gai.]! I y)).

Sf b= - ,.ib 9r J,t.X €te=fl gtl e:. d9:.pil )t)). 1.;l a.f .(i

3A o:!j e Jetj..t g ool)al 4;l or[j * g^fttl f de,.-;| D))a

- A 6) s:" dgiti u-l 6,[:;! ,5 f.*i a-l ] grl c_ p. Jj _ la

dJiti grl G.t^;! J? cr. z-s\ L:l.u 1l dJJl) 1-r7s - Yle ,.;k-

ua.03ili r-l ,r+i )t) a r-l 12 -o Lr.fj ,|: d.i e- "9(

6: oi.

,? tf trr 9f ert--*il Ol rj- { *; L d3;t, u*l .231 ,r+t )J?J"


,rr.i g^"jl, -r? - iefl r.rri .gL*i lL-13 )L 4 a-1bl j*^', ,f

s*f .t tf e- t.f q.: qir r; t-s4t u*.il - o;i tftt E,.ptr J? - r.16

r5,rr1l, LJts a"l ^*L:& u-s 2(.9a ,.raiU sl 1-Jve f. u.dl.

- A- 6 S r:1lJo s,et {1 dtft u(.J - ra ri rrlj.s J.a.i ra rl*;

js 4lvc E. Ot - d.r,a 2+f s,rL, o. e-sl:l u*f u^.j)\,. J? ef

tgf., dt.i K c,[ ,-l dt1- oi. s))€ ,*l -f d3r r! rrf * Je=i zb

,oo u.r.!l gtlag ,"(- rf Jrt- 9f 'J9J,rc L 6.61 jll 6" .:lt^i .-^*t;.

-r",f*i K2ot, j-{ ^f(44}.- t2 o9 ,fl *f A L) Li- .,sr eL

rf .2.€4.- ,g yl - t +fl urr^i r.il^i a,. 4- jsl 6* grl rt-lj >\l ^ft1) .i- e1 ,3f I i ( 5- tf, ,s* O1i*a O-,, b.ixi K cJy- L 0!

5 1ls-, svc L 6.7.!l .9tl f g,Pt-.:l E .*[ oe af - 4 Lf

rJgi: .u3. *ir? L -j - Yl3 yt^r - g.fi f .-i.:i e-l ,&. cr)ro

oll .191 - 4 t.f e*Jtt, ,iln ,L;;2 { oeaa tt; 5 dyti .:-; .ttj astlUl 2 yI d. .rita f;>Uilvj- C*flll Ssl a r..lL jkie jr{t- s3.ea 9f Lr? d.: Ja tf K9o ta(1r 4 L yT- .r.^ G*6jL ,^7.;l u.ao (r.. oi .,&i J3*it tirf JIJ:I tl gl,.;i e:. 03!tI

crlj ef crl:ti. L o^fl.,l ;'. .r;qil )e)). It L 2t4 4, ,.{l:.r; L dJitr,Jrl L e. lhrl J? JJI -A S u:;,trf 5 A.: liiai

t{ sir L sti, ;f d3L7il y)}t.1.91 rt.i, L Os1ps}..) - A t.f

=rb 6 .i>krl .;1- e,f J? L 6lr;cl.(rl- !13 .-,h- - 4 t.f t^f

E tSrlti .rl Lrf 5 U iS .r-t^- uS st djLTll ot - lS l.f *irl vt+ u,." 8e:tl a.l *f E ,os(r., gT - !13 .rl,:: - a_ set 4_212

. i -.a -i -.:L)

7518 pRovINCTAL ASsEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN [ 7ru tuxr, 1968

.i;i o.ta=Jo srl ^.f e- $.ri ,ll*l + u.. n)$ .9ll L rr^tna

ks7.- { u.. Yl1 9'kt a(Yt- - usi e)sti t.f ,5 Lf iV t-r,rj[l ,5 ,-tl r.rl r.rc. 0-9it!i gr"l e.f 2-tor- gf o! u-l .i *f d3a

js s*t- .(l o3)\e ;f i.t l::: dl o:.7.i1 )s))n af e- Gf ,St

A st1 grr*-i LhtI e, 45- dJc hg7.- gr - gia 5* tf iV usel

.E )jL ie 1r.,, d9^.u g:*c s51;l s.. 0lJ.'. ,r-ts* f c(I" or rfii

.r{t { cg-etd gr? J'l L ,,.r-l tltrl !11 yk- 1il - rsr*- ) Anp,r

d u*t giJlt; o3 -:.- Lf trf ,silr:cl o;t A-)lt €? Dl - e- tf t.f

L 6jt- 6.7i1 a. fa esra af - j( rl c!t.i,.,-k. ))l 6)t);

yA g4l 9f 6V,)l f .2ot1 it L dJJl) 4-rfs L d-1:'7!l tsl ;)s)te gl si - e- U) Lir { gs #l't * ot)ro.* sl.t*i,5 r*.i

- t- 6Sssi .ri 191 tt#1tr 5 p*i u'l af d9o kgTo* A: ,J.' u.'

L tJ9:.7i1 nf s:S-rl t- ro! *f JA ai [*rl Lr.{-f $ ;) r-l oJ

2 L ),el,,. s 6lrLl zll sf i;i .r-t^- ,-l o3 - tJJt ;iti ,; ot)re

{15flj { 6.7.i1 1t)}a ,: eL- ra L fo^ - a2sf *j g!t.*:*l

[:+?.- 4l o;. s:. 2iT - )13 .-'L- - A 6 ai,1Jf ,S Ltf ]ii-i K rti,

.j>\:ilr-,.;- JtI 'r'k- rJt{^1 .,1ii ,( t - KJr .-*t;, U r.r {f - d9a

u^r C^il9I ,:ar.*j LOsr-t - 4t.;.rfa.i lrl ar.r,(; Kca,flrt ,.tj cfl ;31

r71- .riti ;7L- (JA. rf l*il[ .191 [J a.o^ ))l *t Oll:: ,L ont

tf dr! )lt{ )da r- I K .-.-tr jil .(l.9t;- )tl .r)\31

-,1 ctl l:l - 4- trf a,*JtL,. K gr'.il9i dl 4 c.itt jlr:;l L o36il

jtast up4 $ 2- ea::i K *>t )tl ,2^:'t=' stl di 0l JJ! A Lt d.'=1

jlrt+i rsi., (.,,it{^:jl -r? JJI o^\f ,5 oL* e-.-ert d,0l t? pa,l;,i f.^l

u"l tW 6,it- .,a git- f url .rrl -."f .'3l*i L dlll ual oJ qs;I





.5 O: 9f p..l-,I u- t>lat L o-,;l ,{ z Urf lrl e;r(.i go K,:rt1

r.2ti 3 ,f .rL ssl J,"la. L rJgiti .:-1 :t). ,-rl;Jl ud *i oyzi o;-fl

,i.T L^. - [4.2.* .lr.i 6SSsi lt){ uiot q+t ej .--t:. ll L.lrl 0rt*i alal L Osr:? rJ3o ti,,f l;l a3.r(* K J^.-l g4ftrt 1t.I une

- A dI :lr.l 6r., q,.,!-:{ ,.r\ L rJgit5 s.l * .:j-9tr-

Mr. Deputy Speaker : I will now pur the question. The question is -That the Assembly do approve of the West Pakistan Trade

Unions Ordinance, 1968 promulgated by the Governor ofWest Pakistan on 8th March 1968 as amended by theAssembly.

Tlte motion was carried.

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Motions by Khawaja Muhammad Safdar,Malik Muhammad Akhtar, Mr. Hamza and Sardar Haji Atta Muhammadfor the disapproval of the ordinance are deemed to have been rejected.

The House in now adjourned to meet at 5-30 p.m.

The Assernbty then adjourned (at t2-30 p,m.) tilt 5,30 p.m. the sameevening.


. The Assembly met at 5.30 p.m. Mr. Speaker in the Chair.

Recitation from the Holy Qur'an by eari Ali Hussain Siddiqi (eart ofthe Assembly) and its nanslation.

u,*o*,':E#l{!,tr.,*a,uy,*l,At*#asi:ryr. j,i1y.,St6#c;drSr\Ftg

f yWj,eii_,f {tfryANl)}iitS&t3ltgo#, *,Hi tv rl# iyn r AUs e,y*sl jr*,,1fi3c7fi axTA@,*$Jeii4*;fi3

"* t6 (qa@ y S t;A,.; 6,He fi { *;Ii ; ..i,,L f,, 6 ! ill- hiSia{i,c, !,5; c}p 6L,fr h%ifi

,..' '-,. i

7522 pRovrNCrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ ?ru ruNr, 196g


YEAR 1968-69.

Mr. Speaker : The Minister for Finance to present the RailwayBudget for the year 1968-69.

- dJ. [:ot- crjt-l ,5 2.,f oZ;4 ot 11A-It .:rU a.il;. K

Csi S +. a1 e(11 4 r).4 ot'Jl9 ,-:l-ri f. I L olts dt- - y

L -fl13; F6 - .,:a u:f Saf .r.ol; .f ,r;ri ,;ki1 ;i s{ 1*i5 u, i =t2i.(i r- ,ri{ *- J;:" J 2y }."if rJi (r:. .!.t'.siK *f S- eJll 9o Jrti grl ,ro Jl- fr6 oirl,t.lil r r:i^ii-.;) -.1:6..rt; a3 - (clt"Jti) o"<- )f .r.I ,a 1l3l.r.{ uil'ri ss:ti 1l -r.ilj u,:. Jhi,ri.9(- o)9>3t u.. d9!L J^3 r:.iif - 3! s2*. &r! Jr jl l) z-)Vb

K 6iu; cJl - ,,o ;f *T I Ciuj {r Jrti i .,cL. aj[e*(3 5lrt^rt Z-.;Lo t" e- .l..ia.):oJ K;Ko:*l u-l^- U/l 5i e- 6.!1 d9*-trf ttc af .:I. .i *r[; J.o Stf t* si ,.*.1ril )r) 1.f ge

.:.!t.t j.nbl 21 J.-fi' t5 1li1{ r-lefr"o =it*t.i- rnn - (ot.Jtt)_e-

Z--*-1 - u.6 j(- A.(1r * rt.-l o>[j ..71 JrL,5 J-i:*. no - rst sfd e{ L 4,:t lrlcl ;31 uilr, J Ei-; L,tzk; r l[f 63t"-"f 2cf ;e ) d:L L *-(L r ,:. .:.!^" J:li .:ti_91 t*1 )rl gjt- L jr..*

;l:f prl (rii a"ti;Krf .! JrU d.{ [7:ar r-(i cl-.i)\s,ri31.l!l ,::.

- (ot.Ju) - g [.f l.:l

- 4 t^-l i1i a.K^o )b. tyt ,r,|9!lYl ;* =ib 6.7*fi - rL5a A! L hy r6i [4;i .131 dl.,;,*l L Os, .:2K L bh*t 6:tu*4 cfy - A ,ri9o .ril:. -, 1.li ,)L:".. .ii.^re 6i ,-(Jt.. ;5-l l4 f23 ,.rl.r.T;: ,"2f sa. J-l,.,rite1l L ur-) 6:l,r:il u-{l r.rrr^: r .(JL.Lr.j=. tr6; dlra Jli" -,r.^ jrn rik,6.1 6:! t e- trjt Urf .lt.a-il


ulf J O9"K"o 1Z-Lai G-J r-s4l .g. d;(I' *:i[2 ,]t; JJI ,*(":*'- gnA 4|;$ KJt- e)t€ 6:t.a:il c)1-1.a.t .l- eil :: u.o r.sal gL

6 is* J*l t ,-rl Sll 4!so u.f grr iir;i i5 ** u:i't l.ta -r'irgt^*.Jtr 6'(Jt.. *i[,riri tf 2- [i3o -rrtL e1 a 611.r;; [,ltaZ-

t 2- z rJ**.l ;5- :l.t.l 1rl cr1tn3.r.l9i!16* 6lJ ( O? oJ rf 9**ll:

Ol - L d3o .;i; traL c,lril it L ,:: rr:6 .,al J6 ..:iri o.1[9.r

. .fO9. Jj'k. .-(i' b .r: ,s*e9f ,.f ,r;ri 6rt..".:il .1ki1 -.;,j 6.ll* -- S zs ui:^r4 sp2; rS tlil:;3| .r;[' )Ei J*l*. s:.A ";ri,r-l

.j;$ ry 6 e16 1-1 l.ri;K,.[.lrt 91 cll.19r t r:.lif ,Jt* - rr

r e,"h-l ,ril.ri - is" jl.ril jl ..r+l -r* $trf 1{ ,5 Lsl;t st )tL

Li.. i|.I Ldt- Jt. o)2>9a jlr: r L,l.il r(;.:;91 .:t€,f 63;f

s:. J.T J,.tl * r:r 5 29o )'-: )tg- 26i t 4i 2l: 2.rt) cltc

L9a nf e-Os4.i+\,ri.l.I ,;at-a.t slns La';i 191 u{ s^ ilr r*t'-

::?; ,, .llrl4* s.ti. d .rk:l sil# e(1. rl1;J!l o9)\r L,-rt - 3a4ib- -

"r( T u-f sr. .;!Ji. ,5 )L gt"I;: 4 4-J 5 .Jt- s)te

- u.a ,s^J tJ siK ui. frti. L d9^:.i'r' Jrl ,;:l'r.T;: Jt- at;e? )tl gr"k-l (,illn d +fy t z alss L Jlt Jllr) L cllr.r dt-

,"ei ,zf 5 er, ,5 J.- J Jil 5:t4,f 63t..rf b! +f! rr*l a1.;t.Lel

A sit- J pr, .rl .lrl 5 .r..J pf ui( a- ,-rl ,-:1r.T.,1.: il9Jl.,, O(J

.13t g,.f;11 ullii e! {,fy t r itc /lt:': L 1;1.1 e(i r1 L dt- af

Jrl )? , tS )J q." J-c J.- J Jii d-:tgf 6et.."f b! +f! r

e- G)f ,olb,r.f ,5,j +fi ca?l *l;tjicl 6"iI e." )'li. L F

f +slrs ,5 J.- J Ji, t. ,J ( L 1t'ri" J 'tpl 6l'I; L.tL u-l

dnlL : rr,A Zf, :^lE ,s.f J*3i 1 \* 7tr*; s...i , ,re iri

7524 pRovrNCrAL AssEMBLy oF w'sr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNr, 196g

.i39il * l:t,5 Jr.fi 5 t- ;;At2 L ,:il,-'i Lt)t^:. ,5 arl-c )ie{ - vn) pf *f s- r Jii 5.Sr+r stl *\, c3ss g31.(I.

L ol4 Jt-,r+r ,.,.. j.- r d;i .5 ,fu JJI ,s3d) ,i.,l-o , .Jrt;

gil.;,..d sl 2t^ Ltrt $ i 'r:; 1^;.,i - u:{T,rJ a-1.ri r.ll;r:

L 21J( c;is - A gr; ,5 2t- e^ eitil rr:.. J.- 3 J;i .5 ALL

- A i, ,5 ,:rYt- t4t $J-\:: qe{il s:. d9^*J; 4-2-)) 4,iL 4,it*

-9; .l- (,.:*i.r., ,ri; ,ri2i .(;l o9 g tii 2,t- efB ,- { dt- o.r:il

(otiti) - S ir"..rieo n(z:*. *:is t;is

il- a- d:l ;i '-,ljl { }-"l3c r-rki" s:. c7t2i gita - a

.,. .ri&T J.rta, .(; ,iT p- Jt* -;91 ,.o A_1 ff ,r;.i,T J,,,ln

ui. .:t-lril cr*st L,rl - A gr; ,5,r5,r*U; ,5 4ss js2f 6"i

.t *lsf ,)L 2c,^a--A trl [.ri.1Krrt+-.; { il;l e. dt- ss e:i.xf

vtl;l Eli.j(- 6:f ,,../ cI+ .rro.r4l ef t6,; t.f ,fj Lr.. -i.tiiL 4.t) +fY r,lr! i9.7{ -d.21 :f tsLtl dt* ct"l a. r:r,5 J3*^.Jli. s1. ,-,t*- grl spo a 6l'51 ,Jl- - lh tiyo .l! ;t j c(& .(,L J. grl +f e-.\r.--Lt, { n, t LOsa rlrf l:l .,JJs5-y 1.

Ol.rrr { *2,:;K dL - 4- t^feo $ti e- lts 3:.5 , ;[; ,it3;. .:"*isillo u,:. ot?,lril ;f r:;l-r"* 13t oyku. ef t4,i LfSo ;(., a1 9j

,f ,>Al>2t tf ivl s;. l5e*. L J; s:ar:r I L ):t u-f st ))LJ*l*. u., &- J Jii rf tei lf \f Jt; r1 .:ie d,l n*r;i jt. ql

4 L z-t\:.iJrt ,5 .r: S * .r!r.T .r,1. sf altt 4 Zt;t-(g .l(. t*J .;,f .:i.l:.;,, J[ (.:!9ror,. o.t.l Jtc ,-(3'.:i9 u.lte, t (.f. p*^i ;(.. s)sc u.,"f t;; .:.*bra 9f d9il,;l eJt- F"ti.l.rttu E as\t tf dJa K; f .:-tir 6,,.1,11 rs. l.d u..


g-li uljl .-hil(i Jr ,;e lr. .rri o*f riiil r-(i a- 4el gar siJ.TU.rf ,:.llrr; o* ..1.6 lb get 131 gf dT;l 4;,. - ,r4' ,j{ 6gt". l.rtlq.?lS tf .:.-6' 191 rrt-l; I L ,S:rt s;l.xr - e- niftt

J? )tl . L t.J ,o rit*il d SlL.[i:*" 6(.J a:*oI euT J? u-..

.rr! "f s:JKi u.eit",S it EOt 6 uls e,j! K,-r*rJQ.5.rlri6.:t,o:!l

Zf : )E; ,id if orl ,,ci-* t-3e1 g,Ly: dt- s)tc e1 -4-

tL .I ,tdl .p4 - tJ-r. :t)fV ritLl ,r oe-r.l, )tl odf ir,rJg2il*. )tl -lS hr.rf ritil e. ,rt d, dt- gnl oca L)3:2.i,5 ,S.1t.tra

,;L y r c* O:-.fr L' &- r Jd r(1, {. ,S*3( ,il*. 12' O:t.d L

2Vl sl cf ot-.i - (. . . .'l>\:;.lrr-i-) - tJ hlf *;Ut r-.a 6 4L or-fi o* ) 4 (l^ *t-i s4 J-- , ,\ai 69a)2. crl Leltl {

.(ll ef 2- i, (r.. 8^=t L ll;l otl - A .,tT g2c. J-c ,itt

.r;,uT'rr,,5 4t 3:-d a =h.,ii rJl;er L $:rf $ 6 tJl- 4-)a

6lesl. or r e). url - (r.ltolti at* e.jrt 5 .r>U;l v.r-) tSsn

.,...rYt- nif$,;*L, -l.lr.+e,rJi q *f d-r^ krt- tiY.r ur;i rr )f

t..f ;rrhl 4r ,.t ,yl e- l{ tof rltil 3n t cSl2t .r1i. - a t*f t1qlt

it* ,s* tJJ-ri c5 Cllrr4 ,t, L5' .t..ill ,jel itc e- tl td z tt

-r)l! .,*rt .-:.tlrrl uiLI 4l sf s\ tt s:3o a.itil t- J3^,-.

2{t rhi ,i.r 3J- rti. L cl* eitil .,e o.. o3plrf L otsl*.

t):. c,!L c)ere; {r )tl - (. . . .i)Url rrj-) - e- l{ l,{ i*g;:t^*il ,5.(L *f e- d,.4 d?. - A aitil Oi.ri J'U ,.l$!tr:-

,, g1131 JL ,;ee*;J12.131 Jtz*3;. U)tljil J;19" e ^?) 5.1r,

u.ri d4ti stt olf ZVI e, Je*. a1 J- a4t L.ll-rl+l jl$ ylr

^l .,64 &t L y't;l ,,r't *f (2n ri J-' I :f S al dt1.l - L ut,

7526 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF w'ESr pAKrsrAN [ 7rH ruNr, 1968

urr. a!t;. E clrllf .r;U Lr.:r .(Jt.. v43l dl jlrf .;Jl ,;s-r.t

1grt.,a,:il L e(t.4tl ." .;t.o .:Yt;6rt,a!rl L,ftr:,-r"^ ff ;J.*Jti.

- (crt.lU; - ,;io ;+f.1 c.[it-. ui{ *. eYt-

&: dra lirf ,.X.4;t..1 3.rl.rcl ;-91 6it;- 4*ll .r:- u::.91 - 1

OSrf +ilil uy L).n-2i)ylO9llf $K 5*5a Tils d..r 4 rJr .5

L iT .,.. Jlr*i ullrr* 4.(a, { z-3l21af e, Jrl - tei Gtss,b

eiYt-.1-l.l 3srf 1 et-lril a rllil s;. coli d Ji ,r:oJ,:,.,| Jr,

L ls\S d.t|I.1t-rr ef e- d.1 rJt. {,rl-ura,{a}:

.t t1r rf a; LsoJJ A G 9o *it;l Ke*., cri ,s* itls{ cit-lril

1!tt * crl e lai lr( t.f eitrl sp dgolei:i ,5 f.' L t9121 ur.

L2*^i - 4- tt-h lirf .:.il;rr 1! r11. { 4st tttrf , .Jt- .6 jf4iYt- Jlr /1. ef )-" gtL. I clrLil i3 L dJAlJ,-:i af e,

tJt- /it -;1 tl;9o ait"l J*I*. ,-5, .3t11.2"i1 f 0*, )tl O:*i

gr dJUl orlj ,€l z Its 3l.rf .(11 .p. ol-lril sgr Je dl .(i

eiUl us2ttt oa- l\tss{ cit-l;l ltt L L-t\s CJL rr"l -{ ira

,:*1 ;!9: (r:" uiV JrL 62-)) - -e tf :" 4sl Lssr{ I r


/ilJ,,l jt-*.o.4()t>)i )tl d3;lrf (ri. ,ll1r )tl ur. oti.1 rr

sllr ,ri"r,T -rli.,5 4ss j-s2{ y (srii a osil;l ol - 4i i{ ifL tfer l.r4 Jj{ zlss3s:f 1. cJl1e.: Lrs3)l- 01 6.rt,.;nl -e-

i^l; Ut- Lf lss.L.,f u4t ) €f ,s;. Oe{sf 21 )tL fts 2""crt.tr;l *iki=. Z3Slt Llltl r tgi e1^i..:Uj {'af ct.p + *(.; - tai

4. a..,jl - 5- t^ t1tfuf .(3.t- ff *. ef sf ..rt-lr;.l rfli ifi )tL Gt)" f, ciLlril ; ,.:;l.rn(i )tl oi.,/ 5\,i ,:it,l.,ril u&r

1t'oail K.5rt.K |i ot.l.ril 0l ,'oE - A; L ero-tr sislc ,fx. etle)l


dEl Lr;tr u::. r,!J.T ,5 t-it: ef 11 '1rl - t<,i j crE92i,,orl3:

r:Y9*ar .1rl O9i-j,5,t:l lrl 0t.t- rdgalsi:r' t{ 4 ,"'3:191r (g

**lf a s;.*r q -K 3r Lr.f, 1tlji jrf sar rftgl3 6, 13l

1t;il rl;jr J.c crt.)3ri. 4l9i3.r Ar ,.r0, r,iif.l ,5 ol,*Jl3 L Llt-3r

e- 6# gre.r J^r i Ji! r'1;.! L z-.s\l rf gri ^2 - 5- f "rr"

L rrl - .5-1. ts.r3 6192 , S Z9. r;-r.I Lt ts\s ,, i.t^ ertil

(r.{ rrY9.a*e ..rrL 62-3) - rJJa. A f rJt.t .;tjl J:i u". v[-l ,rq.

ssl osdf 6tn' tfT ;k. t*;l .(tl U{-, e. to.l ttr. aitil JJ-kot- hr )f *J)9 + srr pat! - tf r^ y;{V eit;| s*t t)9:2i

rf? ( s&t't l L 2t;l 6r.;r .jU u., d3-si $l O2{2f t{ dja

,.j*i s,oli! 612:61 +s\S r ri ra .r;;T.r11, ,5 4:S 3srf o [,l.fi *,lrf vL f zltrl q't L 4ts jr.rf dtl u:.. .:t-lril 2,rts3 L.jrL f i>\:il yi-) - a ,.f.i .rrl..KJ9.'. uirf ^l

[*r, -.5.g.,

( tlt,JU 4)J e

ef clgo [:g7.- ( ;p;.b [: rf ,>^lsc rt cr. sl )-e crl - z

- A '5 cr"ll.653 a ,stuqf tlr.lK rrt-lril lV 81 2 "rt,


z-:\s $l 2- lea eitil o*.. LJeLi 6 r,ltU 6)b; ^f L yl rr:rtl

2it*e )tl "t,ei r 1 I r-,t*- L J.. 0! ,,r.. J.- J Jii {rJ3 E

=t;I otal.Fl .S.l\rtK

'.tt r e- lfA eil;l .t.ci t n 4131*- L J".

ui. dgrlg-j .lrl 6.rKT,:,Y9p., - u.A AJ fi6, eL-,.r-tl r-t;iL .,f jlril rE; ( orb K; ,{ rf.i s:jt J:i e.. { t:: ( -f Zt;t

,.ti-. (r:. )ita. L *- ,5 ,r tIt - 1T s:r )ltt)g crt.lr;.| ,.tc

23:_* ;--*ts tf e- tieo rrtl * grl -A ll. dt;l { e,"..i '

st $.1s2i ,5 2rf pf r.:[lril *r;f lit:" 5f $:rf 1K;*,


7528 pRovINcIAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN [ 7tn ruNr, 1968

tf e- rr^:t K A'9! Jil-r,r-l .t, ))l - 2- ,s*f s c-) trgi .,ltr$ltslrf a 4 a'l 15 o.6il e!9€r.e J2),,;91 clf .,, o:!j 51jr LsLll

- (otJU) - a-Uf er Jlti L /f, a;^.ibrp -f stt.(# .fJ E a1l,t

d9o kot,. k1:,.f rirt.)3 u+r 15 el trl Lr.. , uljl .3)\e - A

st ll"2- itn jKt L,>"trt 131 ,ct-l;il L :-r i osits t{

,j[ .fit il L J;::. *. rr, ,5 LVs- L2i*. or>\, f r.t.l l.:!1,--l-r

ljo $Uf { 4ss +{l uht !:;{ q :! l-tL $c2.+. o::. r.iJ .,ira

4 )tt,5 rilT J.eti, L9a aalr 0l -rf r-:l-l.rll L Zr)l ,-rt - A

L$ J,rt- a ojl.r;l 41t.2- e;!t- 9f 3y t3\1 s? l"f t^f t19g

- 4 tC, sr.i B'r.tli:ii 6*- uitJL L319t ts\-S v*t a- tl

E ,t q.1^ - 1i Jll ,lrt- r;-io'r.s.a,.f LOlSl clt- ,." .ll - td9r tirf gt.r.ii.rj sB3 r.ll f +ili.. .:rt- *.-;=i

,\111 - 1< tatb d)bl.*>

,{ sLl*- oLl J.^* { t:.:,-xf Jt- ,.. )* * tru - I .

il9Jlsi ti i { JJ.. r}t,t*- L ,t 111 - .tz. r.? - rJgr t+)

3sr{ 1r -rr u{/ ,;^a 4il{l o, 3srf rt pi),5,rir'I L!pnpt*'

.sl2) 4llef! ,'1 r.r:'flti'f. r:'t- {;'ii 61"2i L 4sS 4fy ,,

L 4:s *{l n. 3tr{ r'r .l!r.lK 'st'l;l ;b ,'ftr4 L ,.;nl - t-r€i

p.g - 4i orlj ls: *fl yz 3s:f .-(rl e- sb e;.ii rr...,63;L t * $jlrl ,5 4ss gfi z,o 1+l o'u Lrrii.i 5 rl- sl Osi:i

zlil L zps *fl r 6 €s t: tf d9ll€rJ t,,ir deJtri $l (Jikf

2l.rl tl a tr 15 ,i.rt ff L 4rJ sf! r u." ji ,;t.i; Dl e-

yl 4ts +f! r'i u::,r;.r,T.1rt . - 6!9a u-f .$ Jr c,t!


flr 1r ,il s*E { ll;l L At) 4'fY ri o.e J.rtt, eLl.,-l

,.r.. Jla. L a:t +fl yA tltf r ;[ o[ al.ii s.r.-i $L* LKS L cr.3"(- - lJ. 4tt ef! rr tttf .r gt^. ilJJlui,S 4tl tlir rr ef! a rq E.$.il:l iJ r'i1 l:Yl.-.:lr i ) ln.,'

L e-t\s fJ 6 4t: Jli6 ^r efy t u:. fru, L ets,r:..ii

- G( 6[ Ja::. er. LtJ2- b2i*.

"\11<-1,{, d-rb drt" {.^ii g.a);

:g"f,.T )cl*,ts*f .r, A1.-! ,r.^.2i K;.r"T ,)ol-. ll Lgll1 clt- - | I

JtL L 4ts +fY .r, 3tf .rg L .La )d Jn 2- 4e) *fY a.

L s.f rll ct. - 4l,irf ,otB ,r-f .5 4s: *fl .3srf y u..

4:t 3:f r tr.r., u.f Sf - deo 6; f ,sn )a c"-ti-e J '.7t3-l

4:r ,5 Zl;t ef t- ,*. O9-ri ))l O2tl2f - e- irt ,5L9,o1 19) +f! r 3s2f , ,f 2) .-ir:i;t

".-{ e1 ef 2- ,t'l'

,:- O 2-lr

3:f ^a J*V. c,Ll;l s."..i /) L r.llr.l cJU - r y

3:.,{ bz pi.t rJ.i 12b,:. 1"f ajl13, a{ t: 4" f-rJ a,fY cp

ur.f + .*^ r'f 4-ss e{l r, tttr|- 1 u^, JrUi" E +il ef! r,,r

t) ,5 .-"1: L (Ji* ,.r'. E^* L )e"i r^Jt- ,-(11 L 3tt +-itsLt*il'd, r..s-tlJ ,5 O3;r;5Lrf L[r Jr .5 Jt-r 3 .l1J7i J r,itil 4.\rte-,* bgi*,"LfZ.l ,5 L3o lr)l =:lr 4. j.i.I 1)cln. ';.-11d7rJl;9rE.r.Jt- Jt.(ll 2,"{ r.a.i. sal -,$rn l:!l ,--ll *.,,Sty}j.r.T .),cV-. E 5 Lb );{ 16;.. a et 9i1 ,si9i15 g*llr ttjt

),cV, crt'l.;pl


7530 pRovrNCrAL AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru luNr, 196g

i2o yl,5 r. cf;*" 2 LLf Jii::n s*.. $s3-.ri 4,t,.2* E3ia. aelp;i 9"f - ,5 r^ ,Jti:iYl*al s 3f $:3-2i itl"s- L3iz.. ua ,ai1 a3i1

( 3a s*2 J ?t-- l: tt*rl 5 .r*i ll ,5 ,ss)ri s(1. ,i dl .;>\tl (* 3,:.i dt.irt 4st.2*;t 0: cSsa ;f if J*l- iS Eos.{ cll -r:r:.t, gt=f ,saa,5it. ef L 6SSt; tr-,f Jf.i e1 cJl(-t - 4 tIt- lKl

{ Jo,l- s;. )A.- f cilr..*i r.f ii diitri ts Jt*r rJ1r7i .(i

a- ;r"T Jc'*. .:-1.1 ol;; tLil d, .,*il3 ,S Osir;.r(L ,p Lsr

dgt^*2 SSil cl{ grt. d-11t,;* A.ihir +(i4f gn6,i ,j:^ lrYl ,-'13

JJI u.A )S?tn 1S;l ,.1{ sar tJilt,.z- il ,.il O(.J , tryp,i ctr.'!/t:*.)

,5 Lrf .i,ilr.1 .:-11 ol.;rt 1L f, ot;119 1! Jti. rf ;-l.I J*l-._ <5.*. e)ly

()*. ua$a;' v4.)' i) L t')\sl{ crt-l.pl ,'tc" - lret-rr.i=i f eoil;, fiJ al vllrl 2-l{ hrf eitil K ;.sla{\ n,

-2-4iilefY rn3sr{ sas1.r )tla'L4,t)4{l ..3s.2f nn.5

.(&.fl La3ssdY.orl -!,,>zz!Lt.f ,j.Jr1l ,ti.; .rilja.1

L ,2"3K- G){). ,i'1 [*, L Ls^ 19b.:. ]-*t K cllr"l c]t- - I

4- 4?J d."a r d) [o.h cl:.:I aiti.lK jl .ff:"1 ,5 cJgiri ..roJ4l

ur1t.a. Jt). L 4sS +{l n, =hyi

Ol.pr 5. g1131 Jt* )f Llltl

qf L 4st +f! ra s;a bri L 6^.u11 f -tlrt e 4:J .5o)9>9t E J.. g.1A efi3.f L ,.*3lLr{ .:.!lr; ,it.l.ril 4}.

Jti t*. rl,t'i G jt 23.(i o(1.us ef 4 [:(l rs A:r.:i Y :{ At}

o,.. sbliil fr, ;91 rrt;lril .,.tEJl i.rL 6s-)) - e:o Ltl ,ro

ga:*a /J L v. j* ;Ua$l .Ka; &l L A-ss *f\ r r ;f s{' o2lif


' .(rl L|-st t-:\s gtTrl {1. -L u{ g;) 15- .joi*3 sae pi.1cr;}

d9f- ,*g L).t 1.tE; JsJ- 9f rllt*a *f e- t.f ,rer es al*3i

)^s lgtb e{ Jtr .i1.rt r p.bs r^*.i 131 cirrai a*., .lrl cll,?lril tOf:t Lt+r 15z-yr l.rl a;.r"T Jrta. ); 12)L o)3>3a st-l.,;.| JL

2 { .t,o,a. o.l - dJa lr!1,---lr * 3,:i dti-i i, urt-l d; r7t*-

..rt-lril t)l u.. rl *f ti A- t"f [.r .2f C*) s{ orilr K fu 1jWj

ui. JUJJtr.:t-l;l 1.tc ,a. 5:i L )*"i srl - ur(. t- It Jt.t''

.5 Ast +{l y1 o.13fi. 4jl J* t? L ir^ grf ,5 4u +f! rr- A J.t.* .J.. fi;

O9{.r- r-rl,:i=, r :L .gl*i' ( rrrrLlril Flr" .$ 6t61 - | r"

drc;i f. {*il;c" {riJ g.:".;i o.. tJ.b L lsts J-ll: LP J* f..1 r(ie3. 0Q - ,.rri Jls L-ra o:t1j zlss tl)t nn +f! y t eef L.- , ,J o9. ge Lr!. (]trt*- { og2l.2- .11 .ro 1'}.t ,'alti

z!rU. L rrt- a-..i! L ,\*t it ,-rl r A Ka t? Lf dLr uljl cjt'

-,-f Lh e.,r-f ,5 4ss+f! r.3trf I .:'-i f crl't'' cll Lf

L o-ti-l JL r., s: iP uet .r.5- 5 ziss +{\ rvl r.r' ot-lril

6-r:L oT., {i. - rsi ,l h d, tt*tl .5 u*llr ,5 J*l:i )tl )t'

u.. ctt-lril er+t a. d.1rcll{i oz=i {,ll-r. J rJgrit6:' ;31 cl.1llt6f

Lrrt*. sJ:'t a7lka - 2- ui^f 3a L4i-, .5 zi.tt +{l r r Ll2i;

e 2- sd 5 Arr+f! . , o::f r 15.:# L s" if rr:rt-l;l ,(1:"

gir.rbf.r-l s2 o2;.f sn v*c? a&f;;,1 d9J) J1r- 9f o!L- 9-

r .r*i u:f u+f t uaSlv;{ lto Lrll 2t L O? 6 r+ L Lt{

.rt^l;l vo34. * C)b gl"l -,5 lt. r" nf .-(; r- 15 alss*fl tr

- e- tS ,a ,iC. tr)f r-iiii ;i ltt 4f! c,r 3:f y ua'.

isgz ' pRovrNCrAL ASsEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [7rHruNr, 1968

il;l L 4:s +fY r" ua.citlljil .:-li L"sltss{ ot-lr,il ,.b",:rtllrrl e- G t- t.t' ,;jl J; ,fi { ,r: &l L Lr{ }-.t ,f

- 5 -r. Jt1 a{l r n 3s.{ r ,r.f ualti. u."

' ri' J;u3stf , s.. j.r.T Jnrt*. tf ,lai ,trl L r,.l o.l - 1c,

3sr{ I ua. L}rt*. ..rt-lril JJI e- "!-1. v.f ,5 3r1 ef! 1

1! *jl;. ur.ii ( 6it;" s.,l t I u:f 3r Lr:i;J t5 apS efl r.e,

-L 4ttofYr 3:f " tr..4,!ti. L zpt+{! qa jr.,fr ert

,tI1 .l Eik. j O92l"s-a3a LKI f cl3:"9(- jl,so )tl 6if ,.

4qa{\ .e 3l.r{ r pil oJ.i: 198:. saa {!11.< -r? J.l Llr{l:l- 2- At) *fY c n 3sf 1 ur:-. r.it- A...ii' ,r.;,.,1i u.., )lla. Lisc ,.-'l !rr. y'tl;" L ert ..5 f:.ii jl,r:;t ,5 4s: +fY r .

ete.,2- L3i*" 5- a-lts tf ne1 o.l - S -*, f;J J;t, Sott *f! o

/ - L )ts7J 5 arrrS- "fi*. u^,

" \ t1A-1\ y'l i *tl)f rl,t7 a;^-i

:,ri-tJ kr.Lt; ,-{r; (a*il;. r.it- .r.:^rii f r.,r{Tcl[- 6. tll - t1

3s.rf .r. *^..ii K ,rilT J,rt.. ,f i: .f.,rqr1-iq - rJra tl.rf

.J.. ftti,;f ,:rt- e;.ii s.*.-f LOI1S cJt- 9- t 2- Alt{l ,n

{ r,rt 'rilj u-l - 4. urf .,rttr; eil;l { 4es +fY az 3srf n

g;3 L Zl;t u:, O)-si ssl cs32l)f o)tf i, dljl J:6 nno- ij.*

ullie j{ *}ts uii J^i:*. e(ie3. -. I ir d 2}^ J-t- 6.,f b, ,{ a}l urf .1t.a-il r.:t1j a r)[j .r, 1l3l.tg ,.li, J ,-tr,l


trjl t;.r{ } rlrti nf 9,.6, cy J1li, f gr"t:1| uil.rli 4;.r,IJr-'tL--el

rJ.-. Og".2f2- sf d9ir.:i e-s-)) rf{ ri tf a- ii ll ,'l r4

Jl.:; L t-.J1.s uijl or>\o - 5 )t, 3o ts)il, gt:t L 2r;l- J)l blf o or:lT cJt- rrl 'lr:l L s-92-.lK Jrl o, 4j..1.(.-

+{ -,lF r. Ltra ,-rtlr clLjK;* ojy t-*-: dt; 6jE cr;3

- (ot.Jti) - e. i, 5 2o^ J.,t- ,ri.t,i .q1,

: Jrtr." d.rlTlrtl

3srf on il^.ii { r..[,rla, c,t;l;l ll L,tir^-r1 - ra

3sr{ A6 9i.1 ,5ob c..;d u.2asi L cll-ss tJL 91 2- 4t) +fi r,r

B;f .rrrL eilil K4t sf! nn 3trf , u.. J:ti. L 4t1 +{\ 6n

3:f y ,:,t-lril {i. & t\sl{ el-lril fl, * t)t all;l tl - e-

.ie9(- 1)l s2- L ,53;.r; 1$I. r:r1 rll,rl .ri[ - L rSS" 2111 3f ! an

5 l,,a 9e ritil .-(i r> ,5 Ail e{l r . u.. y.ri; l.rY I .r"-19 3f)tl r.gJ*I 4.^*.1 )tl p3(- ,5 zlY .* clyiY .rl.b rf {it;t*- e t?t

eilil ,-(i.r- ,5 4ss e,f! r. !r..crLlril I t{ Ct)L t p.E^i e..*

1", ,-t d3}1.rp .2*, L .i!.t. {f deJt6:, yl cs;l{ 62:J. t *

uiN 6t)? .5 or? ' lJ. 4 {:J ,5 *t;l L Ass e{l t t edgdi?t o* 1jj) Jlt l$,ja::.9f d9lt,r-.(i r- 5 4ts sfY r.trit;t 5' zlss *{l ax tsttf y u:. itst{ ot-lril lto - A *r!t- 9o

J? L a a:l (f etllril orhj I *zlseKi Dl Os>t .(.; .u 6j;

0f ,"l ,.r&r Le.tlif - L rJJ6 ?)i L 4ts a,fY a, nssf ,

4l .;l &1 L ae{s ff .$ crJe .Sl !r.. ,i'. lf ,rt-lril

Jt). i, 6oJ^11 - it, h! -* Osxb- l!, .rf trjr u.{.il *f e- 6.ss;}

cJn3 .$ s.(11( f oea ,-fu1 .fl L 4st +f! al J? rrol-lril

4l .lrl a u.J r.5 ctef rr[j ,5.J;*3 e;a 4yii Llr;l L otsf



rf)\cl r^Jt- L t:,9(- 6)f ,z sf rJ9:r^i ,5.f9I.; ,r:oJ.!l ,-(j .t-

'Zt;l eiYL sr derlril ..5 b -Lrs5^ e, \s d dt;l or2f

d:!r;T ;3t lss €5-y ra piJ rK f ,:rt-l.Fl d.,;,i:. yl o22i,3 6it4

$)f ){5 e ,s". - L ,.it: 3a ttlj 4tt sfY r. eri :l r-rB-

6., e:i[ .rirj 4r? ,f ltEi f or;t*- f ..11. Ur5- JLj. .--t;.

a glgLl ui9i c u&! uis, LSrt J.i cJt- -9.: J? p,:(- 5 4trVk: 6L:e e el: if cJt..:-l (COMPUTOR)

.2i 9.pf - A .'1t-

ul.rt o)3>gr t { Sn ,(" .(; Otr: oii J^.ri f ,-:[l.ro ,S Ss,o

Lri:!i. Jf lK.r., JS*. ?.rl f Ajl.Ul Jli f5- * pf s;. sY

Lt:r 1.K,ril.r:1| o.. Lir* L or:iT c!t- iJ L 4lr plsil a. gll3

-{ ir, !r .,f

' ri, J;l'4il +fy ,. 3sr{ 4 41.ii K4ik. i) L.*tTJu - tA

+f! ro 3t.,{ . pi),5,f J.1 f. a22f l:|.:t^-t-ef .:._11-- -4

;!1..,-bsiz,,. Z"? 5 iri. o) d)),ef! q I piJ J;U r p- u:t1 ,73,


ti *t) 2r Ji::' ""

: g*>.i'.f,'ri { '111<-14

r.:t.lr;.| uit.iJ, t)t .*l-ra" crb Al.ii f 913., dt- - t l

6l - .rei urf ,5 nrlri ul,!,b:f d 6r* L a3ss 3t.,f t 1 i) f64rl ra ft - C{ u{t isist u!. d3:srioi uoq"si u,i;3lv:( 6er,ritil fi 4ss +{\ b1 3t)f I ea! L 23*r. L ,;t.g;i- ;:.!Y


srr' t it*:. 4-2-!) L " .il.;n ri ul " fri-l { -& - e- lf"

u., & r,'r r.31.2:.ri u:i - 4- ,-f ,' .J sll e.:?t r5,oi1 .rr ,rjl

Ltf e i) pK , Ji! Lslts )t rK - dti cSjln 013 ,-r"iiti e1

$;l c!t- &)f G19h:. .5 pY ,rl - 2- ui2t e)t * t:s 6 it,btlsi,rll.ril J.i a ):f gs:t f{ J-l -,:€J ,ri-l^ J,a[- ,;::-

+f! ^o

{?J ,;:J: - u4i 61t2i J.(S (.' .,( oll:l ,r.ti. JJI &.(j,5

L Oi! dti 6jtn or13 - 3:l &of -6jq l:rf ,-rtls .it ,5 21ttd Z el e:l ri .-ra 2- Elr;,5 gat,5

4s1 a{l n. rJ.. c,t-[.41

,S-il .ht ,.slrl L lK^l t .i.9(- 15L:r z 6.21*;i; r:1t.if e:. .:Ll-rii

&(.:f-,* a-iis )L{)-t u;ltf r.lTra'+1- ( oitr uir{ 64.,rilr31 5

Lrra ,.KK .fi' s,.) 6lf e s*.. y-)s g* )-r" 1-s-g {

):1 6ti. *ril, / .K- L L*; bttt u+lf lftJ"f K- t: t.f d

.ril ){ o.ri C? -$ .rerl fr, 5 g- 4+ | ,5 ofV .5 Jt :t -*

!f^; .rti;l .ri3f * u:itvrf ,,5 zislefY ".1 ,5 ,f"t ,) tl - e-

.).r* rJi*f u.. o.:,5 eo j=iii ,5 alstef !r , 3srf , tF- K- t"

6 osst* 51.i., rti, i) L i'f J-(,.r!l*- aog2y*:n ct:,!,

.f ,::,1-.*i uil arL.rl - ,5 2l, on u.{ 4sl +f! r )Jit e. ^?,

;*!! 64rl - 5:A dt) efY a t 3sf t ,-c'i-i .r'Li ui':=i L t'

iA jr-rf I il L .l-l+i )tl dj;{l a.!t;l '.>>'i f r. d;d.jPtrE

rtJ $lj {i - { lea e-'! L /.1, /f o^l)i pi) 4j',5 zlts+f '!

.t{s> Z) L et.lr;t L **i .f rlt.t- ql it f ,..,, ,5 cl.r&r =Yrl

.5 JFr, o* J"-.ti 6jtr: .j(J t+i iieo Jg, s ,.Jt- *:*-rf -lt A

!t-,r jgn .+t q, ,.5, U:. .r:f L j)t- sri t)$ t? 4 ^?t


7536 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNe, 196g

jiL.. Iy )tl .5 r" $^itll ,,5 2t;t,ya ti.1;I ,5.1-rl3 Jit*, &-Ji,5 J.-rp pt ,S+ e- Lf qr 13.1T J.i.t. x3 / L Ar,5.l:13

.*r:;a;l -. ,-f ,L ,5 2rf J.(, ,rr fu *- *ie o1y.. - S ;V,.*.39:f 5,r, Jlj. ,5 z!il sfl rx ;l L urg .,ilri.'l' ,(1r .1rl

a.# L fu ,5 6;.:. .191 ot13*.5 .lTrl Jt). - Z r;S 5 f'al,u.. 6.r- L e-i si Jt-r J oeitilK , dtS +fY t r c,r Erid, ,5 ,-.ix tS aq efY r r ,r." lK L rs-$l )tl dt) €,f) r'r

2lil u€lt- '>*! Jt .r. t5 or.K E ;i! 61i e- otrs-3 r.rl - e-

- A,./t" t At) +f! a q 3::f r f.l 15

'1114-1^ [tr. *tr* r}t" dril4ss *fl r. 3tr{ r. u::. rrtr a;.it f .*iT cJt- - y .

de.f- Jr.,i -*j 4 s* Lr? L rF S,'rlj ,:.it7*f ;f ot-lril fltii s.sl e- urf ,5 rf J*2.. rri.l r-f zlst *{l ro 3sf , n 2 LL orJT tJt- l? it L rJ3n1(- cll p1 ,5 4st +f! q t 3tf t

zlts efl ,, 3:rf z ac. |f,u,.rl - 5 r*!b ,5 1-t:a ur..0l11r,Zt ;l- olr...i url dt) +f! .r a 3sf y l) L .l:r3 Jel d.r^"il

3tf " '4 L oy{ dlr..^i rel .Ki.r":.ril 4ss rf! n t 3t-d ;.5 .lrt* zlts +f\ x. , i) ! 'r1.rp; ,5.sr:1 .f Jl.r 4s1 *{l 1,Ssl ;t L G*L. )tl lrt*.a$ 4sS, *{l n t I L r.rl-.J

{ sai.. } L e-J" )tl Jta '5 cteiBlK At) +fl ..-u*5

ur, 619.l dL ^=t3f il L,.:: 2l L ttolr.; ;:itl - I r

,t l1A-1 q a SSb t crt-l.,^- I i,, ,..r.. 1+.-t ,jU.3,*. o)f ,;fo1

el ,rei u{ 6 \r. ,rxih*f ,5 d,t) +5-! aa 3tf , 2 A


- 2- dil tf! r c 3:f r oJ'A u{ ,5 ca*- gis :: t a. '| 11^-11

3stf r,r rr:r ;ri'll-'rt u.. & L os.{ L iiy &tJ}

rt'r t" 2 L,-rl vl - ud' ,-{ u*f : ,::36;f $ lss {l ea

eeka - 2- 4il+f ! ra 3srf ,1 oJ A sal t-..inalri "itq*f

ti elts) 5 c9.lt.J Lls I y')*:. ,s*{ * o.. o)23ii rrSirr 0t


: Jju" S oV;ul.rl 't 11e-1n A (-il*i { o9"'2f ,'l.rti.ri tfi L,h- - rY

i-t *ut. dl uM - A to.r Jt* K ,s3ajt'($ A L t-)ts 6k*frg

-K os.,f ,{3 V ,.:y j3f 1{ nr I 'r:-

j! jr+" s^. 6::(- JL.J) L,fl;- )t. ).n.13l r!I14- (r)

3rrf ,, x or? A- l"( U) ,f dr.r:i 6.1^. 6i! ,s3: t{.11.t1 .2.ei n,l (otJu) - e- iI .rfi 5 alss *{\ a.

- L tS t1.: de*f i) L,>iyt,i a

J? 0r! Lslts .,:i .(; dti 19jl'; ost3 eirl O9f (r),:f! ,5 z!s: +fl .. 3srf 1 ,? Jrl A.r.J J*. r'n*

o*3K du .<; -,*T L ot. g,.l a- utf er J.(. -\rrri

*-,ri1A.1el (r.ltJti) $Lt" cs.r dref iJ L.:i1e.r.T 15

c: dsaf ;! f oi13 J.I 5 ,::t3K;it*. e$ ,tsl J-

- '5 Lt:

s?.J J:. t ,'r Jlr L)\, e tyJ;{ 9f clt;. cSjti 0213 (t)(,:rt-l;l st sl -A t"f \t f Lsrr f{ ,l ri! a-elr.l

q' "f

1z' L -' l','";,;':-:];';'i-'r" ;:::

7538 pRovrNCrAL ASsEMBLy oF wEST pAKrsrAN [ 7ru ruNe, 196g

= f . t"f !r ,f LtF ;K a ;,i! :t,i ''1-l

g^. sl31 Jt- (n )

Jt- 3.: .- .ril .rr*i'i 5 4ss +f! r . 3rrf r ;K e,

- ( Ll: eri .(i J..f i1q u:. C:t Lt5 a3ts €,f) r r 3sr{ r sf Ylr 4.-el-e ssl {3s.1 (a)

c;:t.*51 s:si ,syh:. 1i2-)\,, Jl; e*1.1.,r, e- a(\,r:^.ai

OjY o)3v. - e- .l;. r^ J.rt- e jrL ,5 J}f2t=r ..5 Z-lt JtsL;f el*t.- r:.f la gs,t Ja. r I)\. ci-1.1 ol2t 4 or*, Jt.,.i; l- c(L 3f ,fi rjrtrt

E ;t rf .:t.UJt t Lrf (s:r t{ lF.rl _ S a-,

- 9:a

2)e,. LL)\" r-[r.l r.i.,r dL.J) 5- JIJ^iti. .g J-ra! (.r)

4,t) +f! .n 3srf ,, -fl Gr.*i 15 rr: , f{ ,t.6' crr alt- cril Dl e- 6.ltr J .lr.L ,;;, J-i ,5:^t*s 4 s*> - (r-:tJu) , { ll- 6.ri .fi J..(i i3t;

dt: 6l rvi ;.ril .lrl (9o ait,,l q. rl.r*:*l 5 ,ji!L lr^i sel iieLll -,5 r..l?l ,5 aJ;L. tj 6,.r.n-{ Ll: jo J.(. pK.(i ,^.:- o#ii .d ;i("- L rJt".tr

,5 cl9:;.ll L uLV2 19t 4l) .i.:r.ri Jf )., sis o,l

hr -J-.([*:. 4 t) drt 41 4- ,f f ,5 ;!t,;I-{ Lt:

.Jiri rr' *xi { llrf srl ;f r.nl-j ,5 d;a3.;el de:7il (.)

lri rr. O? cta 5 ;f JrL j2I, j q y Jrl ,llK J:.t

.5 t<^. dtr- ot Jf ,.lr" rfti r g^r jrU j irlli:f.4|- A q5AJ t: i:n d3f. a-.;: Jr sAr d32it*. ta 5* V

1.K { Lrf nilu 6. :t;T p)\-l r;tirK Kz_h 13 ;\*. (n)

(*., r Tzt-2, *itilK er - t+i tf l;r ,{ 1t:.s JLtrl4iyt- 23 , o. rr f. r.Jt- , stl ( ts s{ (s} S{


- (ot*rF) -{ 2 rf .1,.rt- rlr*:-l ,r"ler ,5 Lr{ Jt.i

Jb G)3t al2pse *I.- $ o3tj( zit*" J Ltl:l 4Lrl

'8'l ,5 Ass +f! r 3s.,f ,r .,* ail,i-;K r,rl - 5.*!t:

- ,5 S^ dreu dj!t- .l eJ:[1';j

131 t\;s{ ;; *{ **i f .r*1J! fl 5 Lsl:s 4'(-' (q)

;31 r.1913 sr, :[T1J^- , r.iL ,5 nlU 1)) a-;9o! ":t^."6i

rfri e- g^t 17 ..;iJi,-ir 52-ti;K c)3>3a LosKts.-(:.! f oi! .s-it tsl csi*: sel ,s32j{,5 OjY iset ot

.)J'Ji - Lt: 9o Jtti LLr{ &a.,r g!.;t4t 5 drKil

)tl 2- u*{ gr,rrJi ,::,.1 .g( .*. 1.K ,.l*l rJll9: t Jt-

A Cri ,52-b 3o J'(' L 'tl Ji- o'rJi

ut. , t16z L d? ( gt. 0.134 Ji" t/i;{19 LsLts (t .)

)- eiT 1l1o g*r .(; .;l t€,; t^f Ltri t;rf JLi clKrr

3trf i (,1, 4,;i L rr: c,1! 5r b ,5 ti.l ,.Kl: ,#*jr" *7q .! a.lrt^" tj 5t, )"e L;.jt, J 4ss +f\ n r

,,5 Lr{ .1t; *:!t- ,.r(l-9 tD. . :h*:-l o)2>2a - A

/ L .L-:f lt$ Jf c'l2y2i 5 , slt) 2? 2-


.Ll:t * a6'e,i.,i q Lf ;.3 ;t$; f J.- 3 Jii (t r)r*. r-tl - e- tot [- [f ,".*3 o.,l!Jr t1 L-+t. f o)\

J? e- Jl {2ad- i o..t- i-t;.1: yi '-(l ftl d-

)tl e- pt-ill .-1y hli * -fl ,5 4ss *{\ ..;-.f cll; .14.rkai-!,1) t" L J; ot^irl; aJ;:" 3> l:-s>

4ss*fl aa 3trf r 21 cr? L it f .(i1ri 5: -{3'


7540 'pRovINCTAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [7ru luNr. 196&

,f 1t^i L O1sr":r+ltl a9L2; e;tii K grl _ L ,sS^ e..id9i3.r 4l - A [r; l,- t1l9(;, 1lt,t-;J L,-rl JJI 4- tJ

3s 4t;,r L /-";yl d9r:^:.zrl 41l' a.ll..a .;srri .5.lrt,

(r:.r - ,:.o) _ 4- ,rr-1Ll; s{ L,Lf .;t1i .,i^l- .! 2*f ,3,*, ,!-16 21sn, ..g,(- ( r r )

[r ,f Ltrr lK q. cll.9; d[- JJI a ,Sa:n (-.r.:i J[

J-fr K &:s! ar:;l grtr .ftr 3,uo ,.tie st aJ _ .! lr(

b ;f .;t.i rarl- 1l1o ,,1i [1.2ii .(i' 9l - A ait;.;K

t f.rt; a- ofi ,5 4ss +fl .,,. e1 aiti.1K { - q. a["Lr" K a_sf trs'rt; 4!!t- ,,?l- +f ! y.;,j!I1 e_ t.f

s?r (5 drt^. Jj s(1. r.e riyt- dss *fl ty ilr7i *

-5r^stl 1P .ft e:i! .:,i .r:.r: ,f .(:h(- pl ;riY LsJtt ( r r)fK tr t:f (nli u:. 1K .:l"r*:-l q5 lla.r! lll de:X.-;f .r,r7i r.5 .Sr:, - 4 Lo.; rjr LT o. grgl-l ,.i-li4rr 1't2.il * )sL Gs): z L*)L,r:^i, ,f S-1.r. Jir

,5,r: t g l"f !Y ,.*. J.r ,.tj K prli:i.$l * ,f i 6r-f c.raq i;t$; 5 o:t3( Dl l{.r* uj! Ls\sc.terr..(, J- .gK 4_ j3s .r,j! dl.r3: ;L .u.l7i 9] gu l)Je

.5s\ -,i ,.ri!.*.r .r:L; CrL rrt trl P- utf Ja L;.:ii.i'

u,"l - e- u:f 3o JrtI LL){ a.6}:i1 j.i r1J:ri ,"f

{i 6.r:; Li ;rl 6.r:; gL* 6 ,jl.2s2 .5 Or:, 4 L t*a.{r?* ,5.S.r! al .lrl ,* ,-{ 5 Jot- g:t.l", tf st-t

- # .r".r b ,5 {,!t..:-l ,1 *fu.;t J:r )-1- i) t


1.,? -tt F I 114-11 t

.L cl3.7il ;rl r.fl3 sr,. )*L- L l2f3r2 L' tt1^-11 - Yr

* ufl ,:3ce=i ,5 a3ss +fY ,rt+* 3:f .+!i ciai L irfsxJi! - L u{..5,,o1; oail-f 2 LLrf J.,"L &?l r.J;,i 1a

-L-i s\-r ,5.1i+;t .(i ;T L Jt- oxil .1rl 6a ;{ ;:> ,f ,ssl:

- 2- (ti tS z-s, lsrs

& rf 1 r=i L flf,tr, I-rr.r7.r ,5 6;,,I; r.Jt- ..r:iT -:((,.cn. r.rf - L )Ei r,i* {ter' ,S.lrN.L J.. r aa 131 .r1{ei t5 .frl.ri.r.e? (= .lrl lJrf f(?:*.3f 6!! (J^r !,tr.r) L O-lrsS;rl 1.:T si!2- J.t;l Jl.r:i 15 ( 222 o'. rJ/i(.- L iJtl-r:f ol^i.2J ssl ,)ls a-j:.r;y J-c 1-s3 Cs2l5 or.i c!t-':-l ' Jo,t- .s .r;J7i ,5 dy 81"' *u5:-! cL. 1ra er d;:(.- JJdti c 6hss yl ii1Lls r l9.Y -$.iT

5 .:rl*K; 1)l o,".r. 4 ..f ,5 Lb 5' .1.i ,rei -(;iqe ,5 ,iy-€ s^ eitil u1. o!34^* yf ,J9;t*. Jrl 6 * uS cn. e.;l- vot*.

n:ai L fli:x L oy{ ,.jlr.d Jrl .(i.*61 - r a

,o* t{ .:lr.:-l .5 ,l!y yl A) j* {:iU G; ++ tf ,-*,LK.

,, o*3{ Jl.l d- €l - e- ,.1 b 6r *-ei o.:l;j i fV L yie:t;j rrlr,..*3 gii ..:*! L flf:A ,rl -( 3o r,ilil a* S{.ll.t':-l

Ofj * u.. &^lSr- crt.lji r 4t[.r:f - *o J*.::, X rf.r$ r,lt ,i, cJl+f ir- r &j,flty , t;f (.-! .rYI L s{ e} L..f)\L 1r *:F .;4 U9J*- L .+tili Dl dlt+t- r JJI u/rJy r ObJ-

bfy ,{ ciK.- c}^ss ,.:I eiJ t lirf l"* .:LtE:il E.(:L;(-l:$, )r) -* s*. 6i(* JJ{ riti 63^tlr !t*t) L :r1' 9l-t^. 1y,l3sl

1el llr eD\f u.. OX* ^:- L- )tl lti r rltrtr f. ,Jrr3 plJllrt1.: Jrl Al-L- 93. ir:^q- rflrl:9) Jfl *- t.- r !t.e1r t tL t;

7542 pRovINcIAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN I Tru ruNe, 1968

E L:.lrl rsjs"l . re;e:i J .(*,(* .f>\l tK )li gt.r.;) L

)tl eJ! .(? ,lti { ,:L}-.K;trf it rf,rl dt.,.,: L rs5::-J*

31t2 2;5 rlY .(; lel .r.rlri ,5 0i! .(tl Jrir d[e;) 5- 6b*l5ls

;11 :!T.,1.r^- (r.. llf,trl tl - si e.ci2i 15 3tL L s:;iti r*-9i {f,

)tl tJlJrot- rclt..e;i L irf t:f, gitt ult," Lr:, qfti )Jl s{

.1t^*. f,'.*-lf 13) e-r1t fl U;f 2..^i Jt ,l .f-3? ai.l^s3{r*.

- ,;ro J"t't tirf -r:11

: srrt S ),* J.rl ,.:rt lLill ,rxuT / 5 otlb.jit-, r3J-e L z-212t ,s:. ))- t ,r.riLT rJ r.l3rit*, - y 1

;tj r-gr! L 29^ olrf i, ( *t.JtL. sol2sst- r1r.l ;(1: y

dgiit-T 19! Oe)96* d.rt.:1 ff jl pf l) L O)ril*. s1 03:J.,2l*

oP3er)12 r dri(.- jki.- A toJ l: t+!i 6sl1- lr(eJ K us."l.f J

d a:t, )+t z it I L vris- tK Jr; g2:, oj:i(1- I- 6!) 6tr'

-(J -t> r.911 .\k*. o)9>9a { 1S+a L O-Stl*. j.p el ,s." tS32j{

-,5 iV 5b 2*7a t5trt o)3n rS si-.r ;t.;T )tl ):,i *dL;( ft- sa n{h 6 rr.lri u;3lv:f s2i. ,2.. oyj( 2it*.,Ji'r a .r.T 5 ,s j2': ;;

- { ;r, eo or ,.1.1T

or[j ,i- K ;lec e. tl - S 5*

r.JL J? s-.^(- 5 Zl+:rt prl ,.:lii-I Z) L d).sil*n - t z,!l Er a3:: +f! a. ,* dl 5 ,.i11 ..5 Ltri o.. 01.,3j 5 '.ril( O3:a; f) L C? a- r)i1\2 JJI y-2i " i) L O3sil*. e.. Jl - f,cO3:Jgt- ,5 --* dlE.i- t OgdK ltE:il rdgiti .rit*. r d3,.;ti lJ;

.r.alri .5 J:+ ,.lr! ;!Yb ,o5*{ ,.1.1i r cte^1i. ,S Lf fiicl

"!t*clt- o*jl L ui 1.K .r:^ A J.t^,, jl-l prt,,5 o3;)3"- .5lr.lrldjea 2t o2.ji aJ* {' os^j.i- I rv - urA *l A gr; t5 2b r"



O1lLj,- 11 r.;1ro f d:It .r!!t; n Oj;:".r- I I , .,sli ,5

t5 J:+ ,l o-n*j. rr Dl **:i ,5 ,.rl*.1, 5 ,itl t3*$ x- ar.r lri

d.e 4 d.;n1(- &" 2l f :21pt 1.5 )-o Jt- or;,!I - yA

0l -trJ^ e.ri { ,gss +5-! ya 3srf I rt dl { i,, t.f .r[r, dsj G*il c u^oK.i.til ( cryr**f '.*^K isT

t ))i)l)f r-!tl- 1,,^,

dtLL 191 J+r ,r{ os}sltf Ut:- c c-;lsl gq['! d c4:e? ;l { Sl}r.r:jT tJt- 5 ,a f{ J:; - go J.1,.} ti,f p"lri qlsr- ,S a**

;ltrt {?.r) rao yl 13- *:ss rr - r4a *l A iri t5 2* J-fi.f d^,jX" Ls\l' ,4^( f lJT s; O9lt*}* 9s ( jr! j3f tl'* L'e-r, lrf lt*i K r.l9J9(- a-l:t )t Ot;2.r,- i# 2l L O*t

' rr-s\s Lrr. alief , q^( ll.,T ;l L )-c f "1l:-f

y o'rt J-.K e:J .,lJl .(1l / L ).s s+. ta>3(n -1et g-eJ rJ Jk;*r

,A J.(" ,r.rl.ri ;f Jrl .*, 63.r!j3f ,-iU- Aa. rJT21 *r-- lI-oz*

: d.,tilri .,!^q {. a..ltijl tt b,!.c $ d-1a ti2f ttga. ,slst jr^ if 4r ct. - y Ie."tJi.;il LsLts- +) ;lr(;3i rel dt-,gtiLi,r.ot1 f e.*tb:il 1jlolr*s ef yl e- s.t*-l ,r,-1-; tr Jit*, of t;f L )^, all 9f-.nr AJ t,;fot"ltil oej2. Zt L ;1t4 .,:g.:Jt- ;f q.j}. /il 2\)tl jt-*- 9i21l2f i LtLtt iJt- ^:iif a{ K 9o )t1 9f r.ll3al

-Se, tiT (,.r:f ef 6e:f 1{ /1, jL ot-9*:; nf 4rt:3 L a3 Oit.l

fltT E )-o dtt- a1 -t6,i l{ Lsrr tJrf nolr, Ji oi.r;-f .1rl

cJgi- ,'>l2p2i 6.:t^:., ,5 .-lr.rr g*k.l o6il ef6 e- utf .5 Lr. At ErrJ,s oI olra L 61.j)\. ;f,, a-tLts - rr(. -rb rrt&r x drn:,,

7544 pRovINcrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEST pAKrsrAN [ 7ru ruNe , 1968

s I j.r1-1, llJ*i ,5.1.9,J9<- Ll\S - lL .,a.;t> 5 er" gi1 srd s4

.:i*i u*l yl e- ,{ t^ 6 r )f .-!r 4 6jJ9il 6q dil*i t"r Lllir o1-\^t sl*i J' ut )lt 2f Jrt- pJr c*.. dsJe(- csl a- L uK 9o a-9iQ,il tq 3) 1l1o )J j* ){ ajt *,r-t3! 3- lrt-

e) ,5- UL sjz=7at .-i!Ur L c"Jt ,S alU;l;o ,,Jh.! Jt- rraLr r3^1^ J? A- .J)\r t foll .rl ,5 4U +f! r ei; a1 - q^ /t?ij c.t. 6,t{ - L u{ ,5 )-rb- /t L ,,f f rr.J; e 4" \1.2- |c,t-lril L aiYt- Asl Jlia rr.! 2S L O9l2-3r ;r t^tt


J*ilri srie6- grrL 3{ )", L dl:tr ft.i - E_ gJt: { c,tl:.tt

3f gna-l9J f rrl .lrl gn.jl, a-tlt) - rt6 s^J [:5,rrl ;.=4 tq.(11 ,t- f olgi:i crltr ,5 2t{ l"p".fl;9i ri.a. u^r dgjk-*o

dglln*r ts\,1 e..rl - e- urf ,st ,f At: &a?l l- e(;l ,f to!-< E 9a J;ir*e -, r>)96-.;l .fl;ri L:.i,Al..e Jry 6)\c ii s*.

.,ita111 sl.t,l r=*tl.r )tl d*" f O9r.2{r- c.:1tsii )tl J.efcrt"l.ril )Jrrr ;f al-r )3:6t C2:i; a*2j { drtoef - A .ra.1 [-

- 2- u;)f d-9i e-*ti d3ra a,*tEJl e--itl )l t: e-.(ll .g c*.

jti, u^. drlti" )31 de[4,f .r.leiYl6, i o11.3>\+f L t-]ss

,.ti. cltlt.i q, rJ_lLllz. u.9i ptj 131 A 5if.r:,i|,.;5.(I" a..a*rt{ g u" s 9o t9*za t-sili c^. /l4 \2 a4vt - A- L5- J.rt-c!t- ,t.i *l J.rl A J o:? ?i rjte.r? lflo .r"9i 2 ts\s Jl*.|

tts jlj $a: pEll .r!E ;; Jrti .* h 5 a.2atli, ;jl lt)rtrK o.r.s

- (ot.Ju) - A- uzf 5

u.zj2{ 6. J?, ,, irt p:i stsii - 2(.;* vLl - r.r-.(i" j q.jX. Ls\s e. sit':kjt- )tl ,ror:i .y? af € astfgrr. ,lit:- )tl jlr:cl L ,s"l u^a llt ,.t2.il "pllrt

f *,.ri Jg*l .,$ orJI ot af e- q)"K iti 4?. - zsf ,3lpo 6;a. cllrll


r.J-efl o2otli. { t: E .t..1 jr: ,.t7.il ,Fl-l cll + /r: tl .fqt'1t.*, 'ul; { $:.rf $ 6** .t 3Lt1cil3J2 5.ra )tl e-[f sy u]1. 2

- 2- ala ;{ nit;

r,f 4yo [:rt- Ulf iJr{. \r- .rt ,,.1 ,-t"l c*r L^r 2j.I - r r

Jr &61 L j* J.,t- al 3:6i ssl ,S>:f lK.ol.c et 15a-r!.tot Ja A si ct^l 6 usrd) G2sf 19lr "]ti uJ ,S ,\ssf .r.!;-.(.r-

Ji:*. 1ll .riL:r; lrf ,-15 Of - c*6 A,1 crl * r.:)\.t*, L +-{tsyl c^. - 4- ,ril^ risti a.l.;r- { o29ii if er.t}i:!l a-}.ts.jlfr.d9:-r Jap L )J,e 1;t+ ,no rf glyo [:g3.- s"jy Jtj ggt { al&t- .ir .Ju I L .(I. L[. o.:tj ;r(il rJsJe f, 0: c*r !L-l- (rft.Jf &:t) - 4- ,r!9o r^.i:*, r-ri s.&t t s\) e- Lr? )tl4- dr

Mr. Speaker :

at 5.30 p.m.The House is adjourned till llth June, 196g to meet

The Assembly then adjourned til|5.30 p.m. on (-uesday, thellth June, 1968.

APPENDIX I(Re/: Starred Question No. 12561)

Statement showin! the Raies of Land Revenue in Sheikhupura District{(,rls6\

District Tehsil Circle Class of Land

Rates as revised underthe Punjab Land Revenue

(W.P. Amendment,)- Ordinance 1962


at settlement

Sheikhupura Sheikhupura... Lower Cllenab Bar

Upper Chenab Bar

Gugera Colony

lst Class2nd Class3rd Class1st Class2nd Class3rd Class1st Class2nd Class3rd Classlst Class1st Classlst Classlst Class2nd Class3rd Classlst Class2nd Class3rd Class1st Class2nd Class3rd Classlst Class2nd Class3rd Class1st Class2nd Class3rd Class4th Class

3l8l-rl4l-rl-t-318l-rl4l-1 l-l-4lels2l2lt0-lt2l-













Nankana Sahib

Lower Chenab Circle.Bar CircleEx-Ray villagesBar

Northern Banger

Eastern Banger

Southern Banger



1.561.255.7 s2.930.943.823.823.295.001.511.253.751.400.943.0s1.250.623.901.40

3l15131l4l-1l-l-3l-l-1l2l--lt2l-2l7l-I l-l--18l-3l2l-uzl--lr2l-3l4l-1l4l-1l- l-r12l-




APPENDIX II(Re/: Starred Question No. 12588)

of hutments in Karachi from November 1967 toInciilents of fire in cluster

Date LocalityNo. of










Loss ofhuman Cash


Mny 1968


Not paidfor want of



I 16th December 1967 Ratti Lines

2 lzth JanuarY 1968

3 20th January 1968

4 7lh FebruarY 1968

5 25th March 1968

6 26th March 1968

7 3rd APril 1968

8 4th MaY 1968

9 7th MaY 1968

l0 8th MaY 1968

Railway Colony

Banaras Colony

Bhutta Villag.e

Pakistan Quarters ...


Goharabad Federal'B'Area.


Gujro Nallah

'B' Block Shershah


5,150 Njl

19,000 Nil

Under process of verification

7sO Nil


These families wereorovided shelter intints, cooked food,clothes, atta andother reliefarticles.

Minor incident



Under consideration

























691 2,50,650 3 27,10o 24,000




7548 pRovINcrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr rAKTsTAN [ 7ru ruNr, 196g


(Rel: Starred

Details of Land Disposed of Haris

Full Rate

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No. Area

I ,,J 4 5 67






108 893-22

I 36-37 63 1433-39

9 66-L

5 7r-20

4 78-18

Total t 36-37 r89 2543-t0

[- --



Question No. 12642)

from 1-1-1966 to 30-9-1967 District Sanghar




Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No Area

8 9 10 11 t2 13

5 148-29

I 23-20

1 14-0

6 172-9 1 14-0

7550 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMELY OF WEST PAKTSTAN [ 7rU lUNr, 1968

Details of Land Disposeil of Haris from 1-1-1966

Long Term Lease

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No. Area

1 14 15 t6 t7 18 19







5 111-14

2 t-48

J s2-28

2 86-0

1 12-30

7 159-14 6 l5l-18


to 30-9-195? District Singher-(Concld.)




No. Area No


Area No. Area

20 2l 22 23 24 25



846-1 I l8

38 612-23

30 412-38

l3 1 l-8




28 4t3-9


r93 2t94-16 86 2336-29 3l 479-37

, "-Ji,di

7552 pRovINcIAL ASSEMB,LY oF wEsr PAKISTAN [ 7rn luNr, 1968

Details of Lrnrl Disposed of from 1-1-1966

Full Rate

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No Area No. Area

I 2 J 4 5 67


Qubo Yagan









Malsodo Rindi








Murad Ali Rind































l 5-6













5-1 I

APPDNDD( "7553

to S;9-1967 Tl.luka Shahdalprr.



Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No Area No. Area

8 9 l0 t1 t2 13

7554 pnovNcrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruwr, 1968

Details of Lanil Disposeril of from 1-1-1966

Long Terms Leasc

Hurs Locals Non-Lscels

No. Area No. , Aiea No. Aree

I 14 15 l6 17 18 t9


Qubo Yagan









Malsodo Rindi








Murad Ali Rind



I s-02



to 300:1967 Tolukr Shehderlpui-(Contd.)





No. Are'a


AreaNo Area No.

20 2l 22 23 24 25

























Dets8r of l{riln Disposcd of from l-l-lffi

Full Ratc

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Arca No. Area No. Area

1 ) 3 4 ,5 67


Mari Sabar


Manik Thahim

Chan Babu

Kubo Mir Shahdad

Darha ...

Yaru Dahri





Biro Zardari ...

t iski

Haji Agedino .'


Shuja Jakhro ...

A-hdi Junejo


Shah Ali Nizmani


B4do Brytapi







































0or 3&$1967 lduko $hef,ftdptr-(Carild.l




Locah' Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No. Area

8 9 10 ll t2 13


7558 pRovrNcrAL ASSEMELv or wEsr EAKiSTAN [ 7ru ruxn, 1968

Details of Land Disposeil of from l-I-1966

Long Term Lease

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area . No Area No. ;Area

I 14 15 l6 l7 18 19


Mari Sabar


Manik Thahim

Chan Babu

Kubo Mir Shahdad


Yaru Dahri





Biro Zardari


Haji Agedino


Shuja Jakhro ..

Ahdi Junejo


Shah Ali Nizmani


Ranjo Bagrani'






.to 3F9-1957 Trluka Shahrladpur-(Contd.)

7 559



Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No Area No Area

20 2l 22 23 24 25













7560 pRovINcIAL AsSEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN [ 7ru ruNr, 1968

Details of Llnd Disposeil of from 1-1-1966

Full Rate

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No. Area

1 2 3 4 5 67


Mianji Masjid




Jam Jani

Tando Adam


Kumb Darhoon


Total 108 893-22



to 30-9-1967' Taluka Shahrladpur -(Cont d.)





No. Area No. Area No.



8 9 l1 t2 l3l0



it562 pRovrNCrAL AsSEMBLY oF wEsr PAKIsTAN [ 7rn ruNr, 1968

Details of Lanrl Disposeil of from 1-1-1966

Long Term Lease

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No Area No. Area

I t4 15 16 17 18 19


Mianji Masjid




Jam Jani

Tando Adam


Kumb Darhoon


Total 3 52-28


to 30-9-1967 Taluka Shahrlailpur -(Concl d.)




Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No Area No. Area

20 2l 22 23 24 25

I 3-5













38 612-23


7564 pRovrNCrAL ASSEMBLY oF \IEST pAKTSTAN [ 7rH ruNr, 1968

Details of Land Disposed of from 1-l-19ffi

Full Rate

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No. Area

1 2 J 4 5 67






Lot Bijar





Kharho Rayati











































1 l-00


to 30-9-196'I Taluka Sinihoro.



Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No. Area

8 9 10 11 t2 l3









1 14-0

7566 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNE, 1968

Details of Land Disposeil of from 1-1-1966

Long Term Lease

Hurs Loca ls Non-Locals

No. Area No Area No. Area

I t4 15 16 17 18 19






Lot Bijar





Karho Rayati












tc g}}fllfl Talute Etrihoro-(Contd.)




Localr Non-Locals

No. Arca No Area No Area

20 2t 22 23 24 25


























.... --r *a&.



Eetails of Lanil Disposert of from l-l-196d

Full Rate

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area .No. ., Area No. Area

I 2 3 4 5 67




Lakha I 62_19


2-Dim 4 6A-26


12-Dim ^ t1n324 170-2- ...1O-Jamrao

Jutehlo 1 l-20


l9.Jamrao 1 5-0

20,Dim L t2_0


Duffani I 2gt-32

Dutehro I 2-35

l1-Dim I 36-37







to 3&9-1967' taluka Sinihoro-( Cont d.)



IIurs Locals

i ..'No. . r.Aiea No. 7 .'! Area No.



8 9 10 11,', t2 l3

I 24-O

7570 pRovrNcrAL ASSEMDLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [7ru luNt,1968

Iletails of Lond Disposcd cf fron l-1-1966

Long Term Lease

Hurg Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. ,Area No.. Area

I t4 15 16 l7 t8 19


























I I 1-00


t.3&$196t TrluLr Aqforo-1Canra.;




Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No Area No. Area

20 2t ,) 23 24 25
































7572 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7rn ruNn, 196g

Details of Land Disposed of flom l_1,-1966

Full Rate

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. . Area No.. Area

I 23 4 5 67
















Sarki Kandi




Total I 36-37 63 1433-0


to 30-9,157 Teluka Sinihoro-(Contd.)




Locals Non-Locals

No Atea 'No. Area No. Area

8 9 10 l1 t2 l3

29-5 r48-29 29 14-0I


Detrils of Lrnd Disposed of from 1-1-1965

Long Term Lease

Hurc Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No. Area

1 14 15 16 17 18 19
















Sarki Kandi




Total 5 111-14


to 30-9-1967 Taluka Sinjhoro-(Concld.)

7 575


Locals Non-LocalsHur

No Area No. Area No Area

20 2l 22 23 24 25






































34 535-9 28 4t3-9

7576 pRovrNCrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsT pAKrst'AN [ 7ru ruNr, 1968

Details of Lanil Disposed of from 1-1-1966

Full Rate

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No. Area

1 J 4 5 67






Saifal Junejo




Allah KbohiBakhrejiDingKetiGharhi Bux Pahore

Laik PirMorhadiAmliWaryan

Khajni .

BhopiDherr Mitho-Bakir



1 l-35






Total 9 66-l


to 30-9-1967 Taluka Khipro


Hurs Locals Non-Locals



No. Area No Area No.

128 9 10 l1

75',78 pRovrNcIAL AssEMBLY oF wEST PAKIsTAN [ 7ru luNr' 1968

Details of Land Disposed of from 1-1-1966

Long Term Lease

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No. Atea

1 14 15 t6 t7 18 19


Saifal Junejo


Allah Khohi




Gharhi Bux Pahore

Laik PirMorhadiAmliWaryan


BhopiDherr Mitho-Bakir

1 26-O


Total 2 86-0


to 30-9-1967 Taluka Khipro-(con cld.)





Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No. Area

20 2r 22 23 24 25

1 6-0


































30 412-38

7s80 pRovrNCrAL ASSEMBLY OF WEST PAKISTAN [ 7ru rUNr, 1968

. Details of Land Disposed of from 1-1-1966I

Full Rate

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No Area No. Area

1 J 4 5 67

RajwahPhatudhoroGharoBochnaLuhriroJhunChotiarunSiranwariBakhoroLihoreBamzi JikhandBarThar ChotiarunShair PirLalarTooriBobiTando Mitha KhanDhoro JanibWaghyonSethar PirSarojiYaru HingoroSangharSantoreMohd. Ali Wah



34-11l8-3l 5-8


Total 5 7t-20




to 30-9-1967 Teluka Sanghar excluding Makhi Area




Locals Non-Loeals

No Area No. Area No. Area

l0 1t t2 l39




I 23-20

7582 pRovrNCrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEST IAKISTAN [ 7ru luNe . 1968

Details of Land Disposerl of from 1-1-1966

Long Term Lease

Hurs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No. Area

1 14 15 16 17 18 19

RajwahPhatudhoroGharoBochnaLuhariroJhunGhotiarunSiranwariBakhoroLihoreBamzi JikhandBarThar ChotiarunShair PirLalarTooriBobiTando Mitha KhanDhoro JonibWaghyonSethar PirSarojiYaru HingoroSanghar

SantoreMohd. Ali Wah




Total 2 48-O


to sLF196il Trlukr Senghrr crclurling Makhi Aret-(concl d,'1



Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. AreaNo Area

20 2l 22 23 24 25




































4l 812-36

1584 pRovINcrAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ 7ru luNr, 1969

Details of Lanil Disposed of from 1-1-1966

Full Rate

Huts Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No Area No. Area

I 2 3 4 5 67













Sim Jiando





Har anthari






Total 4 78-18


to 30',F1967 Taluka Sanghar (Makhi Area).



Locals Non-LocalscI


No. ' Atea No Area No. Area

8 .; 9 j10 1 I ,:.1 12i13


. : .i..).J!l&

7586 pRovrNCrAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [7ru runr, 1968

Detalls ol tanil Disposetl ol from 1-1-1966

Long Term Lease

Hrirs Locals Non-Locals

No. Area No. Area No. Area

t4 ts 16 l7 18 19













Sim Jiando






I 12.30

Total 4 t2-30


to 30-9-1967 Taluka Sanghar (Makhi Lret\-(conclil.\





No Area No. Area No



20 2l 22 23 24 25

3 66-2$

6 100-37


























118 846-11 118 l3 1 t-8 3 66-28

7588 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [7rn ruNr, 1968

APPENDIX IV(Rel: Starred Question No. 12721)

Statement showing names of villages where Consoliilation hasbeen ilone upto 30-&1968.

S. No.























Name of Estate withTehsil

S. No.






















Name of Estate withTehsil

i.. Attock Tehsil



Noor Pur Karmalia.


Rangoo Cantt.





Bahadur Khan.

Qazi Abad.

Malik Mala.





Dheri Kot.





Dheri Lagal.

.. Khura Khel.

Nawa. '







Dheri Chohan.

Chapper Hardo.

Bhallar Jogi.





Surag Salar.

Shamas Abad.


Salim Khan.

Shadi Khan.


Tehsil Fatehjang



S. No., Name of Estate withTehsil

S. No.




























Name of Estate withTehsil.


























Kharala Kalan.



Dhok Syadan.










Daulat Pur.


Amir Khan.

Mian Bashida.





Tehsil Piniligheb

Mirjal.Tajal. I



Dhok Mela.

Thatti chah.

Cohil Kamariala.

Dhok Ganja.

Natha Malkan-







Dhok Inyat.




Dhok Ganganwali.

Thati Kalra.

Dhek Dera.



Kamalpur Sher Jang.


Choa Nurpur.







-, .- .',ar{' ln, . :l::': "

7tH ,u!48,

Name of Estate withTehsil.

''; Name of Estate withTehsil.







Tehsil Talrgang

Nakka Kahut.


Dhok Hommu.







Dhot Marian.





S. No.





















Danda Shah Bilawal.









Shah Mohammad Wali.

Kot Qazi.












Tuesday, the llth June, 1968

a r rn,r JrYl Cl r,' - a;.1 4-

The Assembly met at the Assembly Chamber, Lah-ore at 5'30 p^'.m' of theclock, Mr. Speoker, Chaudhri l'luhammad Anwar, H.K', in the Chair'

Recitation from the Holy Qur'an by Qari Ali Hussain Siddiqi (Qariof the Assemblyl and its translarion.


'$4'; 1 s,v, r 1 NY $3'* *'s/!nj'u'li','o 1 -

& y gAni.W'^it,L y ) &t u, t 3!3t Li v, 6,;x.

,1yir|{ 6's'oibt

1 i i Xy- b w -*il'oi' v!i$.rl'i* I &"$'.tI)iri\ tr t,$ +ls*,# ii -Ei:; & a|'*ro;'s,

, YtdgG#a; b{ ui; tit, t,Ofij ff L .(aqto^Cli' Ab .(tJ .67)


''. i




.'{ " : qf;/ztV d r,, t )'+b / / i;, -(+

;,{r b, bd' j /tfr ,t w lt fr 4,, - {,{r, riu *,/ , ). 1 -,/ -; ,/:, 2 /.

- q t t (y':t,, 4 r,f.tA 4, +Q1,1,,.(t, iq.th*ut itr r, .r/crt i f ,l,Y, /,t t, er )) t t ) uzt s t ir t' (/ ; rl-rt** u/i/,r r,. C{u i qr,il,, */) rr/,1,r, t *tt d, eu$, j,t { t U qt t, o}ilr,,.ftttt . ? O l ,.r,P tf, 4: r- - r/t 1., i/ d ,1 k,,.L


1594 pRovtNcIAL ASSEMBLv oF wEsr rAKISTAN I l lrn ruNr, 1969


Minister for Food (Malik Khuda Bakhsh) : Sir, I rise to requestthrough you this I{onourable House, to agree to suspend Question Hourfor today. I make this request in view of importance of the presentationof Budget. This request is not unprecedented. Moreover, if we have

Question Hour, then the Finance Minister will not be able to completehis speech till the evening prayers. In view of these circumstances, I willrecommend to the House to agree to suspend the Question Hour to enablethe Finance Minister to deliver his speech and present budget before thisaugust House.

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : Agreed Sir

Mr. Speaker : I think this is the sense of the House

(Voices : Yes)

In view of the sense of the House, the Question Hour for todav issuspended.


Mr. speaker : Now the Finance Minister to present the west pakistan

Budget (General) for the year 1968-69.

p:'2Jl 6L-r-Jl airl p*1 - QiLrf -ur- r.rl J.-) dll> 151

L ,41 - d-jl 3- s,;il ea e '-,j[l 5 VI I lr.^. J-r.e rll.-

- drr toJ J5- .|rt- jl;r,l { 2f ur4t e.rl}.. tr dt- Jt.

61t.r 2 d3"ti.;K 1l.ril,"3 E etjri JJI )i .;r::rri I cil-)\.e|

r.il;*" ^l - A t{: f bg. tf citai,e E g2rU ,J.JL oi ^=r,f

;t"*r c,1er so.*t let ch .o,

-lrlt;,;:;-":": -""

,t dl- 5(rl ,i JA k€,(li (e J^(. f Gi ,fi lr{J A J f-- rS- b tJ 6p s"(I € Jr- 4rp { ,sl;f$

PREsENrArroN*Hit"iJfi^trff#-?'dDcET(GENERAL) Tses

,i+ 5. nily { ys eJt- grr gd 9it1 Ke.,li.. L cJU olil

;f r*,)\,iil voi Jf fa .:Jy.[ .5 ert.! l)s\ 2 .-r? tr 9r Urf ,lii- 4! tl) [76; r--32i f l9,a'i. dli

Jt ,5 o*il iju )tl Ulu!3 qje.,'tr ".il)".

L rslss Ltt* u^.

-€ rs:f ,o4, f St .h *: -{ rii3!- .,-t -ii9tit

f.0t u:!.r.:id lle.il;.cil;,r9t:-: t? o{laeJitf .flrrl 2ql,.

- dri { lrti

o)l)rrf ( rjl;1 *iYt* - r

*_# t u;tuT ir:. - y

c,t JtL- L gJtsl )tl fa.ii L crt-lril (.r;tt+) - r(t';tJ; '

'(;triri; ,lt^JrL. I sitcl Dl i"d;l .:t1l.4l (j-rt-)

, flrfs.rl jt.Iri ei)t- - o

gt zr; L oils*:. - \a^il;;. .:ill:11 - L

J"li* ( rrl-lril .rgJ- - A

(u,a.rt ertLy) N* eils - j

J e&g .5ti c-,1;5i:-r fi-: )Jr ozaj ,l* L;;-9k-.: tJl

r..tllil L A)n itt irri r-f-*:ii: rJc o-1! 4 r;.. bl - ,i* L{

u^. d;ri )b tS a tf hh u^, dl -g1! ,iLr* e, r.l-!fi , L

- * i.* r.i, 6!u; t^r I s:t] lK JJ*" ,-f .Jt- o,'s tu)f

1596 p.RovrNcrAl ASSEMBLY oF wEsr pAKrsrAN [ llru ruNr, 1968

lL.!r.:l.rcl ;f 6rt;f $ ,.rl / L )ls^ 6;e6 gn, itltir ster.p3

_ q^ i{ ;{ 6tt

1i, .:l;131'i-r ^, l! L crl31l i,*flsl 1r*. *f g .s,r.l 4r.- 5 .Jft .:l li

.ft1r^.I lf.! -r::. r.1-. ri ,5 ,s,$rl L.Z.s* e'l .rl;rtr-r {r

c,^irze )-9). a.jl:.:;31 e5-t.61 ,yf *.(ll .r" J 11.;3ll.trl u.! gr,, K

f{ K ,.:t- 419,a.:r J..(; l1l ,.rjt- ts3*ia 4,il* [ d? A ,r:,- 1l

j? 4, ol.t cJUi { cJll, Lt"l J' r-(21 -,t -lJt -*,.:l 6ik;,l,rjl,.*

- a- l)-t. a- lli L J)r" 5 *.;ri lrl 1K.:-l

,,nt t,tt( af ,.o 1:{ 2^tL Jt-, 3 llJsl er i ))L rre).4.

;lJA .(2l o::. Jr ..5 (Revenue Accounts) .\3j{|92321) a.. dt-

,-(rl s.. r!,ti, ;f g"l )91 t^f t"f eri a*JJ 3srf drr ,- J)

Li i(l 9ti.9,t J ,J:*l ll^ 19n9" .Ur? tl s.rf ,r"! tu ,-r.i Jl-iA

- u3tr.i? 15 2sl 3ttf rf:t J*l(31 u., (Revenuc Accouttts)

L sists .(i "lrtdl €:il f:J 4 €r)t::- r- r.Jl 6(rJ

3srf u"tdl 3 .,t+ cil-lr;l ltrrttil"rlr*r) ,rr;r::;

g*a cirS(r JJ) c)r>r. a5' K.!t- Ja elt ? 'tL)3r*a Ol

111..6- t5.lE, e:. -rll S.ltif .rSi rrlll'g,l ,;, - )tr vt:

rRESENTATIoN oF THE wEsr PAKIsTAN BUDGET (cuurnu,)FoR rHE vem 1968-69

$rf uil .,t.;3 rl.tsl o) L Jt- gr: e.Jt- .191 Llt- utr 63!rl /\f

' 2- a.j(' .-(t1t nol .;Li K ,r1 d,o

llAA'111l\ llfi4-llAn

,i3-{l(rr.i ,q.2i)

,L.{ L$f gt" J- .$l+r!

u-l:- jlt{ G*t€.f l J- J)

er!t ( u-.-)) lr !rf.J r^-r

jtlf ,i*.s? J- J)

sf! *-q+; 3tf ;-sfY ,".:g?. 3sr{ ,si;,.

sf1 .r*t.1 3tf ,sll

gf! ,-q€,;3:f y

7 591

d*-,r 3s-{ yt:1 .'"l.lj


s,.lk:y js.,f ,:6fl r'J'jer!

*1, llf, trt.rit iri ,rr.lr3t)t 0;1331 z-sL;t

3srf o.:3ieil s)\,alr.

o":ll9- tstrf ,31- crllLc 6l{s-grv

sf!,r-$ 3tf s, csjt- riti

gfY g"n:.a- Gti r,rr-:)


trrf ,:.4 q;7i Jt. Y cllgs r'Jt'- g.l* { 4tl91l u:r ..-'l

irl91l (r. otf ,.i.1 r{i"i a'r sv af L d rrri J(J --dra

l2a 1sfi cis.rl,JU;1t. ai $ rJeo t32f e.;t*- ,5 2Y'' rL -rf,

- [i ,r"ia;-: O1;4 Jt, s"li!l,i:;'rlJ': ,f t.;^r a'(*

J3q3r_d!l^1 J-1,r-t1- .131 jrllu g6e [p) nl 'r-e 2r .ll3 t':.'t'1 i

e,VDs*6.:U.;il t$ .l\t,.t32s\ L 9*,r!.rr tll O$ - ,r,rl

7598 pRovrNcrAl ASSEMBLv oF wEsr pAKrsrAN I I lrn ruNr. 196E

eil- L L;-!) .(Jl .(I. uL;, L trr 4_ 6l.j { O3;tl; yt

Jt )tl Grt.a:il E ..fl. .,!*p Lh Sl ,.r*{ - e:a 44f.1 ei)\;

3- s,2il - e, lij+ .,€l ,{ .:,hrte;i'l 6 ,-(Jir ,(1, ril K r.J,r5r.t

nlfl' L $jlsl ';el uj.iii ur. .i.'; d, .*Jj-l j,rl ,, *-j-l& ,;!r:j .* .i.i .5 .lrL +h t ,3t{ l..j,s ssU L djlrt

rila .5ii 2 ottul i* Lir,r crYt- )? a..illii crl si,ril.- t.f 1l':. I yL s"jy Jf J.o g.(- 6rtra:Il )rl "!t ,J .fitrtiKJ .jl,ril u& u! t{ r-)2- 9L:. L g h; g_ oYi- o) r? ).ciYtr cr91t. { L elt dl*t ,.,1 e p& E - g 3o *i .--t:..:.(- 6.:t*:il .131 ,ri;QJ u4l 2{.(tL. a e,;t i tL L etj ;fr$* urrf 1t.:il rrll.ri u.-d )sl - ri r" git'.l$ )W )t J.t

- lV @j * rllral djlri f ,Sitrt cijr4 .5 a:

,f t*.c 19c yl -V r}!t- f .:!t- dt i cltifq .:r3(r

ui-{ u::, r.i.si ,5 dt) ;k*fQ lf ,rtrr.t st lpe:i ual .A'g f$ Z r:9:i 4)ri Jrli V V q,l orl al,o.i {J - ,!t, 6 ei ,;#*i

gfl , lt " 4'rl sJi C;rtna:Il 6 gh-ft; ut. LJt- gr) fi^iif

- A,r*,f ^t,U, K 3!: {. d.rirrt gl eJrt.lj,rJtc 15- L Gf

t,li" J.- J-td.d { },,.r;,rl L.:.3(- i e;E,:r LdU.fq.iA - iU.- .f ai 4iil' unr g*^i ,5 4es Jh*.ft{ rf i.5"

.f-q.u4U 3f' ).cri. ,,rl 2 atr:? I ;.\t z*l c,lri- rt ,.s3r r.rtr+

- t+(l I *. -hi ,5

jt*fl rr[f o2*t ei:.r ey rJgam d; u? r.ra r.]l.yir ca r.;

et .{ ti o,,.{ ua.. -f dbt rf rrr}r E * si - e- .,4)


pRESBMATIoN oF THB wpsr PAKISTAN BUDGET (cerrlrnel)FoR THE vr,cn 1968-69

7 599

rrAJ J) rn.r K c.rtr r,!l jtxt ,t j9t urti - g hgfl jlr +:rr {


L Lta a. )s,b "}K.t

.r*f rf o"rta" $ clkJq e* 6^i g'.1

#fr;i cil.r.I;r nf a+ ,)! - if ;f ).a."; nol-e: sit .(r 2crYt- !-;. 2^r.lT.rr+ i. Ll: [=f ,-,ir. cjltL. L o2]l^.rYt- ,f

- ,ib d g", .rt-i.,i ,ft; 2 { *l*Ts :W ,:*, L

crLlril L .rl.r.T1: ,5.fl.ff 3o 6K., .tl7 1.r!r.: ef q ,.3:

L2s ly r..[.s ;t )e^i )rl I ri,j,(r ,S),f ). - Lta [f J:, )f.rdt.ri Jt, fr, Stl ,s{ dtJl.ti ri.-ti, e.,,,,i);;f c,l.l.Tr1 it Lr.Jelr rt ,i;tL. f .r)t- s*t s:. ,i9r3 ft*{ ,5 cil.r"I;r o3)\c L

srl l{ l{ eI.aJ l? s*. c-Jt} LLf *, lT.1.r J .fl;9i - tf

C L*so yl { - t6,i - ti.9(- ,5 +s. rrl i trt,srtr dl't f

L l-t i all *f - e- );Ei .tt .rll grt Lr.a - t+i Cto? 13, e6

sj Lf eLh. K.rYt- dL t 6:r.tr atl,eL{to *. Stf tJ&3

- t.f Jri jf 6Ja; ,rl -S' J,! rr:.

6jl ea. y'.t*. L.{ls-ri,--Lr ,tsf L gk*f! qr",

,f j lr tf tt.i $.3€ie g.t^.(il iJ LL* Jrif )ti .-(i sb.r--{t1; ,S ,ssf JhLl tr 2.1 srl Zl. L tsleat )i*. url ,r. *f at *:*- ,yl :i a.tgd.t Kz-h J.if .:f tf {lo s* a!-l,n {

.::il )Ji sl{ i .-'tr ttf vit: ftr g .rpl.r; ,5 r.T;.r J-c

- tilf ,..;lf;

7600 provINcIAL ASSEMBLY OF wESr PAKISTAN I llrU rUWr, 1968

- rJra tirf ,ir; .rK, 0"1 { lr{e1-L sr'l s:e

u*:l i) ,,rl 2- S.t:( efl1ei 6;)t. t ,J r.lt:*ft, 6rie a(i3; - ,

rr:ir a2 3e at *'r_'jn";'.:.:,;::".t, :: r];; ::


,s!9rl ,.::.f ,'jl.g .2:l jt; - .S2:.i.' ,s"si':t4,f Lcal.'^f - r-!-t- jto! 1lel.r; .,.ts3 L tJt.*:-t 4). L

Jt-*:-l 6:l t)l dT-,) J2)t 131 !-t- tltoj'' sf 4is ,c'i - r

- 9o ritll s2* ;lll.ra; a tst ,:jl: ;{

s:n ,,Strf s{ a.f ti e.3t- 5.lt.to}i " ''b' g5' a;"Ui'Jl - c

- rJgo lJ^r .lUt-I

K;l9l.r.r tsti +tfl rf t€J 11 2.1 an, ptl (rt' ll.rfs.rl dnl

e., ),1*. L ,fly; O(lJ [4i:9-3. *tst o.;J:l u'iif flrfsl- "tfS

127. di.. gls 5 )bt* u.;il ;) Ll9l" J.if :-9;

,J.r-. ,rqf u.. f'tr. { -{,.13: L +y af e- r^i2' J4 al

1)s ssl cs:r:'(: ;L,{ 2rs o}'< Jrt,5 J;' g'l Dl - L 6 )'t7'

s"i"t3f t5 if ssl trt.ri 1.r{2-}-t';'ll - 4- !ta3l ,"r!; eil- f.rLti, r*i 131 - slo ;.(il er^- Uiki { cs9:;a3f rll - o:39o JrIJit

- A "i;,^

o:t1j ,r+l a g:-ai 1l3l'rr1 .2;

t$)f s,*.i i 1{,+rl 9*l rf.l-lo $ifd)\'tl * t!'ts*'t oltri g^'

e!.t sei - 4- $a -oo er .fi 'rl (4' dlJJ il'- etl 5 +f! ;ral

gl3; dt* L^,21(.-.(ir; - 2- u:{ Jl3 -:taf .93t^'^f olt2j * orLj ,4

4t1l;5;lrr .1t- .:l.r*i ,5 cll .$ ;f a{,-ei Jlt v-..i J? q"

!9[!l 9- !r,Jl a g,:Jt:* t- ,!r3l gn, af1li. f .:l't*i grl ;-91 - .r+i

- .rej *lt^t 9- 9) .;liA ,:ry :l.t*! ,rca.7. Lt.-fi'

rRESENTATIoN oF THE wEsr pAKrsrAN BUDcET (ceNrul)FoR rHE vsln 1968-69


u^. ,:rl.ii ,rrLti- it Lll?t ao4i9 n$lrl t{;lel.r1;,rs1j

Lt4tl ,..ri j3,. y'l L g.Lu- .5 cyj e)j )tl e- t^fqr ,f $t,bl

-q^ I

L t)|.$l jl.rql 4-1t-o ,S e- { a.-^:j { ,:e:.;,35- ft.j dl

(r{ }.V. L a-jleil ,rl .$. -,.r{, ,i ef! .J-r: llel'r"; 6 9;{ &tL.

tci ,j ef! .rt- ojl.rlt ( 1l3l.r,; 6 5, - i-r. b! 6 ! 3l-t, 1lel.t 1

cr93. cjlril K;lil.t., $ clrta - i:" ,j .ll-:.^ ,-l sf) ciL ;l-.|t.; ,(,

,rl - jf .:Lj ,j 1l1o 4,i1,- e tt .1l3l'r^, Jrl ,il - t*., ;ri afY

f3* llrf+t 11 A L^sli( sti" ot- {,f! ,rriteit 1lel.r4 ,5 ir., dL

.41 r.:t1j L1c5tr 6f) tt; a )ltl+).5,rrl

)tl o;aa l5 .fr.lK:.1(.lrl rlrjli 4-;[.o a'iiel .21'r;r'i +1 s4' -1l3l'q1

t - r;ta qi-l*r L :! .f;t^. oe pl 4 e.ti;K 1E:il J3ti F '.iit"

Y *s16. yl u" f s- ,-rl )tl A o.ri { oy:;l.tf r-($;l $,Jl =-,f ;it4 Dl 0;)26* o)cs9a Lcs2n;l g!t- L !r: { 43.:!

4 k(- t- tlKJ a ,.,1 6l ojl.ril gr-r f ,5rtrK grl - t.f rJt.*:-l

ritil ot. ..:rl;j .-(i 4r-et4,il t- ,t::il ,f 2 a- €r)l:4- 2* 9,231 *f

gl3;it- ..iroqst. *[ti, f ,Jrl ,(, -i9 to1 rnfgslo a'!!L sc ds>

- j- lle *it'al K -r," ci .(ll *1.;t^lsl +iI .ry

e- K: +t[ ;;r; o.e j2t ,5.r, J .-cl;j lf -- '-,1 - !13 ..7t:a

d3.r1. irL 5 ;yl fl a:-ri 5 cllell q. -( Ll: >\a L.-ir u" Li -t:

. f ,4, jlr;l il ,3 ;lel'1.'g ,ro;j t911''o o'r^'ii 9' d.9r Urf

7602 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy or wEsr pAKrsrAN I I lrn ,uNE, 196g

s{ tn A;(...;l-91.r., ,r.:- sri L s.bl)J .}*t3..r1 .))?y

lrf f fa r*l L,.rl - $'ib eo Jrt- u^.. dt- ,r+ oriT 6t,t"tjl

9J;-.o ) f cil"l.ril

no af A 6) fi c,9cr i ,[*. crl r;rr.-o L q1l;5- t; jJ.,

tJ: *f strf nl;:- Dl t"(l eL ,rl sf cilrli, L Oei't\s uoy

oriti o:t;j #. o)tij a O-*t.,L uti J1J-;31 ,iYi ..:rtj -\r: t g!r:.i-a

u-f J- ( fl A t,Q,il d:*. t" L gk*f\ -1.r,, - 5- t. !t.il

{o-lri s Cti sl 4!,t*, !r.l fa rf g t:(- 3o.ii!.1.: sv e1g+

))*. tf e- .r^"l 4,? -r:tf .r*i t s-* u^/ jl$l .-(i.tit- git-

lehl { e!!.- yti olf, a4l i }*" r.rl ct. ol.lr) I o-, gnflrt

.L .*itl

)tl Lrf tr( -rf .rbti. L u.i n. ,ft *5' 4- a,t^i ..;l) lr..

gf: )tt*i r--trr if -5 LIL^:-| .ri6 :.ll tf ;a. L 6.7:"1-"

S-r53, c.;tir.rG,,[,L! s{LSt of uy s*il !(il no ei 5- rf14, GrtrT r4r f CrL o'"1 131 jeo i;,;,i .rl! str! r.Jt- ti J?

qr" {il- &.nLrj du Af A Al.rj - f- ,.tt: .(i96f Ct) v5 ,5.1*j9(l f U*f *. af ! ,..Jt-3 3tr{.r*[; 3- .-(rl Revenue Receipts

4- + ^"J F.l ,5 Li.&i .rl -,5 Lb o) +-f! ,7; 3t.,f ,g+t ,-gn j:a3 ;it-fl sf ,r* iV L,t.il .;o+ t a.it 6)f,.. )S

4 .+tr if .:.3,(- 6)f ,,. * )) L bj Lrl - C_ t1r ,f ..pU

Ji*, - tS y'. { lt,J 6fY o2:- 3s.rf oJ! un. r. .rl ,f ra

6Jt:iJ,.- .(;l Revenue Expenditure bf {ra dt- ql 122: I r-l,jUf



2 rr ef y ,rl* 3tf r.:&? r* ..(rl f, 128 *- sf! .,n.:,i' -!.rJ-

- c,,t! LI

a-3it.fl 3yf u"r; jt ci?t tri tt ) o-\.i pr".ri L;rr e^r.i citrt,

4- sr!

J..&t.e^se=i..cJ39.,O."t' l1Lo,4{ E i "it.tj - ltf c.,U:

d>\"1 4 s.2*t r4t,,-i Z-U L 4l-.11 .,-l ut. -A4f! ei*il j9r{;,*-

r:...+i l! e, u"l tr cit-l.ril i .i.3K- ,5 rlU*fq d )u ef clg Ef

{ { d:.rii .flt .-(J I { a* g

$fY u-!ea 3tf *f*:.1 Ja .lrt jtl':

3f! .(1l jsrf o^:"; utigf! ,r"51 3trf tlT 6.rK rtrl ljl 6jL r;t;

gf! -"r+: j-s2f ,jrf crgJr..;jl ,io,r+ I t ,2,*

rfY *i J:f ,; cid.f r r.J*i

+fY ;ail jj.,f *L . e4: +5":, eLjt 3t)f o{t*t oXrlr.

et) ,r*lr; o9i 6:l.,.il 191 sg:tt cf,t-c5.! ,.rtarl '3t)f -*.tl c,t- ei)U g,J-1-

ojttl d 2: t,u,- K i.fr.I 4rr J.Ji- u.:,K ,;l 4+.,,s\rt I

o,|lr y'rq,* ttf rr'u: d t€j Lf fseL uM dt- ^:.zK - tt,

7604 PBovINcIAL AssEMBLY oF wEsT PAKIsTAN [ llrn rtlur, 1968

g:l;.o J 4{ 1 dt; { )3.1 cS .:ir Lf r.rl.l il:ta.r' Le*. L

;rf c!:t. irL ,5 ,>2;{lS Or,,, :;t;, ;"--"::,'t''

- A :LI grr,r lit61) 6:Ui rg - 2jat3.

,5.fil.l- ef pt3c rf ;ot; q,f1 dt; dti tr sU u*l - frr- cr6- 3n ri[;rf J rJfiti rr.-k ,[.il

4i jt.$l ,ai f t- uS L zlso t-t:. flf,srl L ,3; - ft*

nf Lr; jX" r: ef '21- ta,fl cJti €l; { ,,.1 ,rl lil i.u trf

- J. -6i .ll:rl 5.i.;i c^. cll g1r ui! jri

tf )t.l d9:1i !l 2- f. af cl3^ lir{ ,sers 4 €).7*eci1t6! 61.

dtr? - 4- 6 GJ ol9;.rtti g^e d9i*.: rJ9-j r.ll ssl 2- lgf s tbi .t.

$l,rl { ^, ,i t- q. flr(srl "Ctj.r, qsri) A .3I'i KrJy)\c Lirl.lr L(i

, 6 ,trf 3n urt de$ G f ,rro }t;q. rf L.3 - 4- 6 t.f

- c^fi u:t|l^:{.f .r.f u*{ a;'. ,rl yl A Kt 9r -l,T1.r J-c ,r e*ir

5t [- ,5 €)e ri)\..e.ii (r^d t]t L s\D.yi 1[.f119;

L)t L O, ,.ri Z.t) o;7- af gio $rf u')li( sn' s'i rll - uo

,5 .J:ta .., t'6 - e- ;{ t"f *1...i if 2"rr; ,s'{ u;.;l'ti',riK r1

,5 s* o. vi dt) o"";31 ,5'lalt a- l)) *;{l ,:or .il.ri s".:i

L *3lol *>.iK- u^. f{ f I - A 6Sl: :l 2l-rtr 6-s +F { - e-

q^ ).l,. L 6Ur ,t{ Zy r(iJ- - Str{ 6.ri ro!.1 ;* rll2f i yb

lec pl ?- 6;ss;,b .rit;.ll a.te3t .5 ortKuK t L 2u; J=if :3;

9f ,:il'-l.ril f c;itcl ..i.9(- il ,-rl t :t- r'^l ot, $ K :9n L:_L o:r.Tf Lirf .i,rtjJ,|

?REsENrArroN *11?ylrJ"rrli,ttr;;-?!DcEr(GENERAL) 760s

dy)\c ci[ ,rir.i r'f crr tJ.. L a1l.n ,5..,--tr Itf - lli .-,,t";

- is^ 'r.ir; gits clei ,!t; d s? uK ,5 t.tb P!) o>l2i l) {

rf f ,-rl gt.L.f :.r*:. rJA. olr.1 Jt- ef 2- ,(T dlgll jy' rg

- otsf g: lf:* ,;3til 4 LrJei)\c 6)>)' *f ,4f5 )i'a

- 4- tfLs. J.(u A.(*. (J,ti.-(t / L)s:r: Ldei)\c 6.t-r- izi

jrr rtrsj 1UT L ;ti ,siK.,1. dei)\e .s'r-,- e""U t 7*lri dl

- ctf

- rJlA Ef oa* r...ii { 4t:* L i.l -d-t)l t*u,ilq.?lAr g*.n, c)t1j .s ,--- 3fool.i Ii elll3i 2 A' .9+t st,. a7:;; tl

O;p)b ai! srf e{ ssl flf s* uitiri sft) cy g-i tl yl - L

- e- teft rjt+ .rt;- K .r;ri .5

-: l- 4 bl+)A tsoy?. ,;[ o[-lril tsl Jcl*. L silttft .r-ke ; 3:f G? ,- J) Jcl*,

{,fl o,Jtrj t 3:f c? J'. r) .i[lril

..5 -1. .:?, 15 tfy ,.r"i3l {i^. r,Ji* .-iii rf f. -,&r LtiJl l'1

rJil> .rt-lril .tsl J.rt-, 2 f'A af K s^ tlt.i a'L,->\. 2 V\

,ge\ K 6:lral u^, Jrtz. - g^o '5 1rl,., g,.i1or[j [:^*! r.r. d.l:'i

.ri i.i ef gr" ,5 Jsoe $ cit^-13 fir :rl cl.rXi 2 e, ef e- +

-a,hrfa{l at- j- i:.{ e\ cr. ot-l;l 2- rrL a# uiti-i-r."

r3a, f c.,[ tisi oJU Ol -i orLj aiDl rl - e- tf tetafr dDl K

.j1t*. L,frJu.lel crt;l;l { o2.lf err dtJ, Fa J? K et } L

7606 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN I llrH rum, 196g

L c)t* ef .* if J..l po Llt-.r,ic - uto 4-s ,f ";rt- il Lrt L 4:a l* Jt * *tJ;ti- ..5.r:r.f gt't ,5 *tl.cf un. dt:J)

_ f_ qd- f u.{ gn .:t:l;l ,,o

{ 4st s,f) c;.r1 tJU orl / L.iQ.r:jr.e^f ,:rt;t-- iur.r.rl lrl - a lrf t.J )f )* i ,it.!;- ,5 2.t.. ,yl - 4 tf ortol

- Lui,igil trt J.e gy *!rl ..lrr.r -. rf e-,rrb ,Ia5-) sri i) L L-, t5 pll ,r. 6:l L 4,ar ,rst.:-l ,,rrt )ertl; )f o:kl { pi.l r,t"l s*l e.. cJt- drl - uei .rrf .f .t.to. il 6 *lt

A ,r.. .Jju. tgFI f a.,U ,r"(- e - cl,o

otl L tf vi-r flfsr; g.b .-$l L n. *. 4^r ar;,ijl,s* - L rss^ isc efy .lrh* 3trf ,,..J3l ,* J) ,t flf ,rl- tsi Lf qi ui"r ,se'f lf:-rl g-3 kil s*rt o- ,rl L rie.1(-

- sao l-t- ai.l ci[l]rl f. d93r.i .-,i:i. L lrfry, o"l (r. Jt{j(re, flU. aft,- - (J.^ etr s& o.3il ,5 olrl itt- €jt- E Of

- Je dt-IL3. cj94.

s.l! ,".:fl jir{ u-t

s-t.c? 3-trf ,sr*ust


6,f! ,Jn.-.i J9r{ ,rrt

rJ.3 f.t)t

efl o,{t 3tr{ *!i

e5-! ,*ta++ Ls;f d*:,

sf)l .(; r jerf n:i

- Jn, .rrl ill- *eli

lel 6jl,- *jti

- cs;KibI

;Ul ,a.r:, lr.:.+nr

: crti"try

sf!;"r+ )yf o;- *f);*r*r jr-{.,:6

sf) a-ji 3tf ,tsra

sf! a-eit71. 3sf isf! ,r*:"j hf urJujt

6fY uJ tr jrrf .& t

+f! +e 3srf y

,&fY ;il 3trf ot*

6,f! 4*jt 3tf ,,rJut

4,f) ,r*lr;


- .:gri9 ,tJri

- €-iC

rRESENTATToN oF THE wEsr pAstsrAN BUDGET (cnNrur)FoR rHE vren 1968-69

- cr)\,a\9"

)tl )-ta;1 u?t.-

crri 6;lril

"it.ir, sftr3tf ost:1

of:l ,rto

3f) ,".1i 3srf tt

fu2{ ,y|3lg-e.:

4,f! gek-

3srf snt

- fl''f s'l

t* ts)ts3 'r>\,1rli-1fl

- gi) ss)-*. 2,"fUrtail jrrf ,-(,1 - cit- *I)\.c 6J-r-

ertuss s{ }:*Sn -dtl ,Jlrr, F

gfY €,1-;l

,.t^4 crE"1l f ur/ .-fJl .il| 6Ir:" f 4* f s:. rf Ltl t*rlE. r.Jt- orji 2-t- L rSl11.l ef g9r kot- c.,jt-l J *! s.l sat Osrf

- O:rf 61,4 *xii uegata 5 crYL 6:t,ail

sl-tist 2f JkiJ o)j-9. !5 ,jr; pa af e- -r..1 6,i11 f r."

a?.,r j: { ,5f s::.01J.. ,.sr:j sri Dl E- ,:f wtc.K t)i4 .+f s

*r*ti e c:t ,{l - f o"{s ftl ,f jt;cl f ,-rl - e- t^5- Jt,tr

+F L rrn - L oref : e:r oK! 3i s-r-,S Jo; .5 dys"f .j ef!

uit, q+:rf sfY s+f't 111 J3t- ,i +f! r".ft A Let-3te- o^.it

p Slti:il j$. olrial cJrb 1el rs:f - 4- 6 127a r: { * { 6

7608 pRovINcIAL AssEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN I l ltH ruNr, 1968

2- Or. 1.9I*. o:!j J- ,.5 uigS ef J*?.26 lrl - J9o 1)cl- yr)2{

L o*c - ,5 it, ,5 oi,dJf jK,l ,o 5 e*C.fi r- ,rl OQ

-( ZS koj, a gllr:*e r-itr t5 ,.J;. lJ, llt.o crgt qJ^. cllt.

J:Jt, )tl r.Jt. lti s:':p sjrtL. L 4".*; L ,5:r.f .(*1, {(.trr

- Lb 3,o ail'al JcJ cr;?4 ere L,:lt1l*) L osi:l

*-r r,6lei 1:,, ol*i f sl:rt ocL;f =ciri.rrj 5 gLp.j

il,: ,21fv .f, oJ:^J L c;Krtll 3 esjr- *iti s:l lr{sr1 urtr

)):rt ,s* ll.t(.s:t L €s) ;it eittL" f .:1l.,ro ,5 ,:stf - e-13)

- 5 j,. tS u*,atf rrli J 4s{ | s-tt s{ ,sy^f i cl31'J L

- srA 4i urju fal 5 i)f t)) L Osc,;.flt ,-flt L rrrt ,{t


s.i. nt.; ,5 +fl q:-ta&? 3t.,f triis; ;S L 4^rr vrio:[j 6,fY o.,:- jsrf g\ e crlr.l r.Jl- -,(:.r l;tiJlt, - e- Cf S

-e- l{ t.f ril,,l { .te ui -1t- +.;t.i.cl o2l- ,ri+ - e- utf u+f S f.i.l

oct o.l - e- 6? L;i131 o2:! +it.il 4r o." rra* a.(,Jt- cli.;:

.e J af! s:szp2 je2f olt ;lrf' 2f' rrlj,rl tf :t{,f g!etp^f-

- $.jb .f lrl .:itcl ssht *. irL {f .:,e(- J" & J"t-, ptj

a{\ 2: )1rf lta }"{ Z\+t /r, tl-itu uil:-, tf drl.oi

,i3" c>\) 3f Plant Protection Services - A 6{ ,5 :;" fis 6

o.l e_ t".l t, t.f plU Plant Protection Institute /l"f jt..l

J2)" yl - K f l,- Lf a.;it*, K ,-l-ilrr u.i.f f.ilr- e;. &93;. ,l*jl.iEti- ,.I J*, .6 j,. 6r) e.t.f 6sssi sf ,sst{ s.rtr Jr,



ti i.lltf- ,5 J.trl ,!t. o:irj tf ar'l -)tl zj) i,4t )f $ L

llrftr; f .>clfi.i-1 d 4f! r,.li:;l3srf ,:i - A lr.1 [- l^f tra

{ .rl.t,l gll pl - e- u:f .5 )si" ;: L 1)) -'lr.l .r;..--"1-" )f

irf llr-r tf ,sr') -iflt +fY .lta rr.,1t^'1cl ;f c'!l'- o'rtil 2'rl!

2+f s r)* o3.ts,f Lya^. ,f nut - 2- ul r^f gs lzftl{3125-.(11 s), o9"ls^( d J- 5l - e- i:{,f j &^-al &rr: ftr g

o)9r9e ei.l {.r ef Xs "ilt

- K^jt- t.f 6st ^;t9) 4f Y 6.::;

-;1 o:!j ae. a J:>-;) L fi,

or! j + orllj 2l L :lr.l J dJJIJ Zrf l{ ui. delsS-

1l3l.rr., uir^ ..::..t1 J? rj"a ,..s^J t: 5 t.r." grr:1Ji, ,r*;l ,., .:llri

ole; ,tti ,s*" 1{ L Zf *(:"; t{ nt;l 1el u3l3s" ,L;3 ,.ri.i L- u.(- 4) )Jr

: U'l-'J {

- A- u:f 6 sr'i.rnr..t J 3stf ,rnr)l:'r- i;;2iii ;s L.Jit*J ..7I

ie| [^.,;i K ro;J o;2i. - 4- Scarp 1.,{srl, Iit z.:-' K .ril-; '-'J

Jt-.1 - t:,-.,1rgl - vi-l: e" -(,jt- t^f Jse i flrfsrt r/l ano.-

1e1 J!.7tttl - K ft- tsf s 61[ ;K { o22ea:^ f. Jd ,] i - o3^st

L Jr,-J .,j -5' /-l: t,.f c;tt: ,tft;i Scarp ["i '-d.21 ;) a

C.,*tt( ,it ,i-; ,{2t o2{ f *a2a" ' ,.13 ,5tl-rf t19}\;' ,s"" Tlrferl

,e1 Ji! 1el - A urf 5 )si" gi),.,-t:" / L ir(srl L rr- L

Lf ieft Jt"i .r4r { cit-lril I "-li.li; - u*{:t 6.;J:" a'it;l- ,.,11'

7610 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF wEsr pAKrsrAN I llrH ruNn, 1968

uritl ,3:,.i i) s;. .;ltlg lf e- o{i 4t5it e ,21 grl 1i,9(r - A

,.ri j9. dt- lil l) L '='l,-r-.f g,l - a ss^J ea r:L Ct- ,5

- E- u"it7 lts!'l

:J+rrrii q., .\[ii, L 3sf rft:t L dl-r., cJt- I L &r

of f f .(11 11 - L Gf ,5 trl. r,t1,5 +f! ,r-l 3trf d.::.i Jt-

& - a urf ,5 gli^i 61e.2i it L pa*iii r5J+l pr.r!tj ;[ sf !

si .lli" 6'ti ..ra. r.llrl .Jt- ;l.rJ ,5 d:!r ws"! 2-ls Zl; 4- A- u:f 6srf jy a,}I r(- ;f tlj^ 6ib :lr,i r.i Ji- or:jT

: {F s}, clLirt (.,,'d)

,-Jtr-,., L .(1, af lgi er J.ei. K,l.r:l L lfs.*,rit.iri ,rrlr

19)t{ - tJj,o .(l.rJ sl ssL J." i.tt L -(L Lr?. flf srl

g1k*ft; l. flf :* L viri ufi) 4 )re ,5 ltlii L e))rt,i

6) ;f l.r.g Jlrl 1l.rjt.J 1! leK;ri ,i1t6i ,.. 1f.,rij rJ *t61: f.K; etij 6.:t.,a.:il - A lrs jl$l rtl a- o3in' ,j.i llrf srl { - 4-

rrLjrrJ 6;rt.:l Ol L lii.r- t ,:"r..*, j fl.rf Srl uil.iri ,.3f)) e.

,yl yl tud e,D*,>;"- 3{ $t;1 u:1^lr ,J u: 4- l1f r:rri )f

n.f t* la; 1K )st A ei h r: A t.f [:r.. ,( st: ;s f- lrL

- tK )ot

- A h ) .d )ri -{ 3t , f ,ri,uT.ra! uy st{^,) zi ft.,f:i etl

,s*f ot L t^J 2a jsc g;a r:tn1: l.rtr2- J? c^ai L i2fgr1 Onl

oa" O)tfi f (.Fi a r.et6: J? - A vlr: { i1".,- srl .(i J-

- t6,i ti[ I

rRESENTATIoN oF THE wEsr PAKIsTAN BUDcET (crNrnu)FoR rHE vsen 1968-69


- A ll. f{ t: ere rJl[61) .iJrt ,5 llftrl d.l ,; -r9t 6rL

u.. dt- eQ a:Ji5' ,a. Z.te grl e- ,*.ir:- J:ti e. Lt-J ,r o3'

+3t j.x; sr. d3q(. dl - e- t{ tr{ lK .t o16" 1l1o ,'Jt:.{

Oy{,.t.i dl - s$ J.l,i oni-9 2t;l3r 1rl ru rJSC 'ur{}' rLlt

erl / 0A ut. r;llJ Ji- - A ll. ,-iri t2\.;- g i:f u..lL{} J't"

q, yl - u{", rs, f 3:f ,.r, fln3, * 31f 6t; rJl ..5 ltfudi\L {. r:1l.ro f, rlk*5-q )rc a.f ilgo $r.f |)\el a r;-s*e e'1la

^t Z dt 4,*. - L dK ,5 sja. je2{ oy;1fr"t nl /) L o'r'jl Jt'

r+. dy)\e lnar 1-|* C.slr L railr tj'e i lrfrn e't ,-r"l

..r!j 1rl -5- rJio ,tolri 6,1lsr orilj L ar ptTjl s- 3f 1'Kritl;

-{ g o.;i) 1.;) ( Jt.*e;

: g:tj

2 L zt .-f t" { .eYt- L n.l; ailrJ' ) *'3d- o)3*2a

altLg rl.td,f t,U ;1]. (Arts) ,it\ dto 1-1\-o - ;f f U'l r'u:'

,qkf61r 61t-p -;!- or! j ayt L t^lt f ,':!t' 1-et ..(;;'.3i1 t'>clfi

- g[^ J-:i., ;1 rl9, c-{ 9r:" U i3l U^o J ltr*" t;4f ti t2

,r.ot, ( lJt c^, d9^*^:l .-.orlzr L p.L*i o9)\t f JiL' ,('r

dl - A t..l ))i, :t) {- .i.9(- 4I1-, { Orl:f ,r-1r ,Jl Jjti

- L\f ,^ Lrr, r,T;r J-s .tt lf s,,t gill .-$l !y'':' 4 Jit*'

- L l{ Q,f; Lt-l K Jjt*, ft-i 0l (A" ,il)". L ,+l - a|-jl 2- \)"ril

ssl C L,-ssn| L,/tlri I. g.I^i ri.1 ,5 +fi tst 3tf e:e7 .1lt

- e-,u:( ,,5 s.;. r,tt 6gf! rtr ierf n::i ;) Los'{ vit.i)i ).e

7612 pRovrNCrAL AssEMBLy oF wESr pAKrsrAN I llru ruNr, 196g

9-.(11 ,r.J3fu c9.,.ilrg 34 et; Jlia .-(11 ;.ai L p.(-.r:;

.*(.i Jil t) )el t C{ )i t Jst .rito o:3-,.Jrt Ji,.t.ial

_ L .*jt: IrrS'

Z t{ \f qrsr ,.tE:il a3 oj)\c L 'ir:l I Os.{ uilj)i iiOgiti .r:j" (

-OlrK +tta4 . .r*.i.ri rdt.l- J jt- {. rJ.l;l:l o)3-9" {f

dseJ u.i - ;: t.f gb.:. o.:Lj lll t-J of 4f- I r:ei;t.c .,31

Jk, Z q. t/s) t-r) n:,sf L031*; cs\ - I *:{ gi) a>3i ef''i. si

9* olr:4 rl..r,j ;[ t^it 5- .(l(.i Jrl c*. oJ-t) gll *:;s{ _ j_ df urrj

9i +;.;l;;l ,r.it6il q.. Ol+){ .(j.r'rajl - A- u:{ Ja .rtia r.i[* *o.:l3j * d_r(L f

l.i ;f t^.l.;l ait,,l 4l - A l3o +ilil tr Jt- ui J^e ui


Jlio o_,:* :l.r*i ,5 OrJJ(* 6;.ilr. gr. gl*ll - d3t6il 3- e,r3l

1l1o .r"^Jt:jl :l.r*i a.J u^. ,:il - a2*31 3- goll r ,r+i o)3; j* €;ll

9l ,rgi crl2i )- 0,231 -:l.t'; 1l dJJ3(- dj, - S..jb 9r o.,1lgll J- Jt?

.l a6i or3- ;l1o e(11 J:il ,rito - $.jtt 3t a)9- )- 3) Jlra ir;.:.1 .r€i cit* ,.-.(rl :l-r.*i ,5 O:*J{ - f otjt: ,^ n"; jt.9- o.,1t6,it

gnit^ ro g/rjl ?l 1&! J) J;* .(,("i jy - $*ii: -.6 -.;:(-) t3* 3r

cl+i ltt 6Ll-29"!y - j..ljtf -oa Jia vl 4.+. ,..-t C,u'r:i,rrl:^aril - L

- d .eji,r -9o ol* .,.1

)lt )3^ J;lr u^. rJ3ll:l ,r.-L! u^, d*il J3tgil -i- s,,.il

0l cl" s:tl - 42-jl 9- ur..;l t/l .rei +f! Lr,.tj? sh*i,rs3e., d LIL

- 6 l'r -es *il) e- s5- ! .rir{ .:l.r'", ,5

rRESENTATToN oF THE wEsr rAKTSTAN pUDGET (crurner)FoR THE veen 1968-69


)t) o.rt1j i prl*l: ,);.,-{ 11lr .,:i ( ts:*.t ,J^. 1r.9t-i ,:i

- t"f qr

: 'l:{3*

r'it,.1 g,fY r..JB;- j:2{ csx4 r-n cllr.l dt- 4: a oy{j-

r*l 6 ef! er.i jszf o|$l u^. i. url cJt* o.r:il ..gi cK ,5 uu

dgolrrt,$ ,5 .:!Trr.- - u;l2f s! qlkl. r rJoy - 2- u?f ,5 )ts+;

i{,fJ L!i.l llillssl { f{ 61b L o3)2*:n .ll1 :l.r,l sisxt L

Jrt Ji! - c))) 9i;.x 13llas1fr- ( o)_fi_** r -tl^! rJT.z; J11, - A-tS

la{1;.l..' Jr .5el 2f ,s92**:. it 2lt ll.r..l g/s:r! Lcsg{3- ";

,5 ef! ,,rJhr 3sr{.(;l ;t L,S3* J (R.C.D.) 6i us* .1I - s t.f

lV L /Lr ,,rt abld ,t 2{ o3f I t)3>9t - A_ uz{ 15.1y. ,ri.1

oef j- S i! ertr| <jst ottr{ p - e- u:{ 6: ti1.sl €t* ){- L G(,5 -irrz., it L

: Jt'',J .rlr:.i fri.r ,5 ef! ur.i js2f u,"; 4Lr{ e-s\s 9t" c.r:ii Llt-

t{ .ftt-l .(J31 - 4 o:t1j .r,a.i Jt? e. Ols: clt- -!1 11 - A_ uzf

Jf- 191 4!s, _tf ost3zl 0(.J L u,.f g!) &^rll srti qil[-,-*-

tf os"{ jl23..i ,(r.: 131 $ L Line Capacity e-h ::rt -f f{ LK z-U.,,t tf 6;dr- JlJ.iti. ;_r.j - L Gf (.9) s.-al o:[j *, )rt:-l-f{ L1. til2..ri ,r:i - Y Ll: Ja J.(" u^r r-llfl cjt- gK

ri.r rI 3stf s: i) L ,rl - 4- (.9.,t1 |.K K .fu J;; .lti 6jt, orrj

- 2- c:f '5 sto'

'16L4 pRovINcIAL ASsEMBLY oF wEsr PAI(IsrAN I l lru JUNE, 1968

: 6Y15rtT;el ,9;L eit>

.:srnl ,2el; t{ 'it-r r"rr ,5.1t+ g^r dgil- 6ti LJt a-3:

E ,.lst L2-t) I .5- iXo* ,31: .5 Greater Karachi - 2- u:{ 6t

ni1 sll;.}rf Lf J.d. ,.s4.2-6fl-2\- 3* o,:31 s{ d9,a- d3i9r

- ct.o ....1i - o):l)*# - rllgilr-9f - u;l-{ - Jrb! -.e- urf u{t

,.ltr;:il ,--*ti, l) L Ol-S f4,5 dt{ gn, *ijf 131 rtlI 1Jp - 0t:1.

2- t,{ \{

Lahorc Township A 6i*i K d3,1(* J t9jt- a;[- .fi cltrl

Lb tg,f1 61t; fK tr f.(. Greater Karachi Resettlemenr l-sl f.(-.rlril L j*I f{ ,l.i-9i dt:I" t7f Lr^e .r9aY r".1 ,5 4,f! ,:461 'K

L uK u*f s 2,;lr{ "71'^i tf o 3i6'" L

f. cl3"j)\,. 61{2* Dl l) L rJ3i;t.e .r(r lel ,itir 6.s{2-

- 2- u:f uf s.rb ni, .-*h. lLrf d-rjK.

Z Li,,O

- z u:f u+fs r'r.1,5 4f !;o9- ultrf o2i* srv 4xi Gu*

sk*f! 5\r - $.jb ,5 ir* )l oei*,.c e3: 5 i-t4 Jr)"cl roiJ. o,

Forge and Foundry , Heavy Electrical Complex - 6jq, "Jr! u*i.

- Heavy Mechanical Complex 131 Project

c;^^r, rf e-:j) a!t.r1: no af ,S.jb 3o gilf ..:ii.L, at e- ,yl

- ufo Jt tdl p.r; 6i!. L G)-i .:1t6! jrt ,5 ,i*:p c;lt& .r

- L 6lls) srl It L 1l9lr.; uz*i"e 2ri; iri 6;t.o tl*\e 61t4,; rr

rREsENTATToN oF THE wEsr PAKIsTAN BUDGET (crNenu)FoR rHE Yren 1968-69


,frst L e-, ,5r.Jt" ;ti ,ro.1j L 8; JttKJ di .;lel't.r u;l':o

;ts .lc! L n, A 6r:f l.q; o13.r i3K.t9: ot ){ J? ,.irrl

d3:{ ,5 tkf L3. yl ,5+f u:"-l:,J - tlT .,f 6l: 't.*l ;[ Jt.*:-l

- L GK go ,r.f gn.

i r+*€

,tlKet 6:* uc)ssgf) z rit+r 3t)f )i )t flfs.,t, L rro

tt' t)tu; L 6J:r. etl*:, ,rll.titi lrl rl,t*il L L.,.l, *. lfsX,,r$15 ef .5,i. -n*': ct. lrk; tf.;l 4i" - A J,rt- €.3-al dti

r-s{l 9f lri:- 4,:I^r spi 1i cit-lr,il ;i clSJko*a tit c-} t s2o'j

it L !.1:q .,t,.2 2f O2!l:r*^ t3t L Arc - e- tS Vf t ,L; r.

- L Gf ,5 s:o. r.i.l r.5 tstrf .(gl l*;i

itri ;i { g.x.I rf uno siL. t5 o! url ,sE;.rr! ,.t-i ar

-(.nb 5tAvi,s e. ,-o.3 grl 9f o)\.t. Jt, 2;l L f. )-rr! L d

L gtri JL o:j-9. 4-1Lr er- e" Jl,. ft-i K,.t.i ,S Z l.f

fti it L Jset if ci!--13 l.i2l- ;;.il L pa - A [o.l .;.til f .r3't-

J:"n.f .$11 o )* ^f A [f fl$l u$ K .rtr ,.rl :i o^o If t hil

- 5- 3o J.*.*! uf Jrt-.

o.r^iT dt- ef d3o tirf cl)\cl e. er.r.iltei,.1',.,,1!tr OIJ$[

ry *f g **13*1, ^t .i.t* - lf qf qd -*r+i gn[i t; j:f e) LL e!*-i- t* o"if &(ll ,.:^:il,i j,- git- .+{S 6.ltr ,n*! U;1t

- .{ ;f lf ;Sts **i

7616 pRovINcrAL AsSF.MBLv OF wEST rAKTSTAN I llrU lUNr, 1968

o.l:ii ;-91 a"l,iii 6:1..".:il 3.(. K Jt- gr.r or:.x( q4" - )19 .-,h-

.:lr-e; ,.t.i - rJ-ra K; f.:l jri { L:f..rl.l /.1* L i-,j 13t7i.5.J1-

- 2- ;^l* I .-j 61;f $

ail.r.ro;ill )tl f ), l', J clk*{1, g* oli vlll Je J.r-,t" jt^i

{ ,-t"l 2- d;) ptTil ,* L *.9d- 5 lt* g.l *,.ti gr gne o.:t.!

4*" t^U - A )tn,4 4 crtoti, 3 )',; rJr lr.. L* Lri r:.p o,!t-

o)9>9t t" c4b .,6l -{r) *ll gn..(L af e-g*t*-l uel tr el ,:l

- u^A Lf fl: l(- ct. "l: lf e,t61.t 9.f-2(* r4" e-Jlt I ,.tU;

r,1 {.f [:1: u^fi jq,fr { 9f dl u^" r-f,r.rl'i d*i 5 .it6i.l j.5-9Ll

- e- ;ifa .ill4 .5,.r. ,.tlil o.:3--1n ,|ri dtjrJlf.hr ft.i

t; )sL jlr,)l; sn. oKi ,5.lr)ls L:f ;n"'i 4,IJ jls^ L (:-t^*

jrf rr.l*i ci! r1 ;r(l ," ri 1-ty;f u.i12'i u^ ++f d *)))r.l

fth t;T a.f e- jyf sr) J2c tS 2*f .,t ef ,.>2s37-: af ,5 +3t

-:9i61 J rai o.lL j e: o;tli 3f ;lril ort;i .g or[ j az.i { rt))f*

Jl )tt^.a gla g)9lr: e*n V^ d-:'l - c*l-i tl ul.a g?;rJ pd 4! lt-- tS

dl cirS Ll.-f aE-)\, lf l-*t o)t?. 2) s,.l - e- [i3o .1lr a:.il K

-: A5 '4-1- laf 1Jt.;. y.,r.1

- q{-; t, g t^f llf 1 .rbi s. ,f sli. q5c-o.3" [ 6:t,I rt.i t,T

,>\sl4;al: jsf /) L /,L fli u*f 6,. 4rr 6l af Al ,.rr

O2)9cl Lr-r&! dl rt^:1 5 -*sl+i .f &+l ,fl - *:f u&f t ttri si

L 4,)-rt-? af e- [:(- t- t.f {,jt- L clil 9i e- rr:f .$f s ,t



t{ ,\p. rt !r? A 1t.*. .-(11 ,4^i - Gf ;[ J..fi 6 rpti, Jy'rl

- f- ,:* u-y 1)l dt:.f e.iz. 1t3',. lt., dt1 - A k(. t- k5-rl

Ujre oy-i e:-1., f ,r.X- -dI ,x di! 6 o3f3l0l ef no

* c;11j .Jr* &tt .(, ,>ie oA ,;.tp j-rf .(r:; L e lll;lrrl .flL, Jc\ df - ra ei gJ.d sltr. rs g.JrJ LSdt af .(i.(l

"*^ - l(- f ,* gV .:J3 t^,1 .t' )Wl L fi .iUu

ssl ,Cr:.( 3f ,'a 4 L ,.*: e- l,:lr ft"jl r- ltr Ot^i^Jl p.Ee

- 2- c:t)st; ,, .-ftd"l

.ir-ri a4 L l3s yl L -j rlre; J-(. ,S,S:tf:{ - !l-e .r't^"

L aj.xf rirri r'. nf e- .,{.a sl-ra Jl-i^ tr Y[ 3 j 1 Llsi e-

- Ls, Ji s- q. 6SSI te tS ,f t

fk:,ll L r>EjK s^+l cl. rieri ,5.ltrr 6.i crlell grl - Yle r7t^;

.r-tnr 61*r J.7i 9t:- 6rir(* f c.,tJL .\.(r. 4 a2*t .atfi c*. d

K ,g)\(.:- 6j. ol31g!t- - q.1ro tif jlrrl Jr K Stf 1{ 6*- {tJ h 9lU cirlL. L J.c lr.iY nli:..-(11 ,"r ci$(i",,.t.i 6(rJ tsi dt-

eiL L J5t-j JL.--[.r, yl oi3 '6.rlh i n-gj.(sl .24 JJI - f

rr.arA.Sajr(.;i- citJt. 4.(-. gtt.K 4 - lrf t.f lTlr c.tr.e

- A rii O-t^,., sf c.:-. jrl ajt* lrl s'Jltlr Jllrl

76tB pRovINcIAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsr PAKISTAN I llru ruNr, 1968



Mr. Speaker : Next motion from the Finance Minister.

Minister for Finance : Sir, I beg to introduce the Finance Bill, 1968.

Mr. Speaker : The West Pakistan Finance Bill 1968 stands introduced.

The House is adjourned for tomorrow to meet at 8 a. m.

The Assembly then adjourned till 8.00 a.m. on Wednesday, the 12thlune, 1968.


1620 FnovlNclrr. ArsElrBLr oB wgsr pAKtsTAN [l2ru ruxs, 196g


Mr. Speaker: Now the euestion Hour. Mr. Hamza.

Artoruenr or LrNo uNDBR Lrwo Reronnsl',r



I.1d349. Mr. Hamzased to Btatc :-

Parliamentary Secretary7,593 tenants.

Wilt the lvtinister for Land Reforms be plea-


to pay

(Malik Muhammad Muzaffar Khan) : (ay

(a) thc number of renants arotted rand acquired from thelandrordr in west pakirtan under the rand Reforms who fairedtheir instalments teading ro the cancerarion of the a,otment ;

(b) the acrea[e of land involved in (a) above ;

(c) wbcther it is a fact rhat the said tenants failed to pey the insrar_ments because the rand acquired and ailotted to th3m was rnostly or theinferior quality ?

(c) It was arready under their currivating possession when it was alro-tted to these tenants undcr the schemes. They courd refuse its arotrnenrto thcm at the very out-ser rather than defaurt in the palnrent of itsprice after reaping a number of harvests and cornmitting breach of rheconditioos of sale to them.

(b7 94,313 acres.

c*l.t d E_

..t.!I L c-5K-

ujh ..-t.r G;.5* a,'::."J.r! tf-f ql + u{.f ,1-u e..j -}(1f

- trr.;L.r

tr'l,tr J? e.1 u{ JY q. i2a. uS ,s U ts- dispose cf n q} s.f


ttAln"BD QUnfloNt AND aNtwBt! 762t

Minister for Law (Mr- Ailoh D^^L--.is to be,u.,o .,;;;',ffi";:::"ffff':r:i:f flr::;::r[ :li:posal of tbese lands, I wouki submit that it was done under MartialLaw Regulation No. 64.


\l$ 5 r,stei LI ,f ..trr t:(- f .:itJ.rr q, r.f _ r.3s ,t*eef sllt 1:-J) L ,*i ;f .f .Iyt ,;trl \ sf ,j*)V ei2o *.i f- .Je, ,r:f ,-.s .r{d

Mloister for Law i orioiaorr-. .rte alloted ,o ,0" ,.r1,

, Origicaily, tbe land which was resumed was tom, ed bre a ch . r,,: l: J,1:,:Ti,J:l:T;,i

":,:.1J:: H;n,:""T;Land Refornns commission then it has to be given to thc pefson, who areeligible under rbe rules. In some "rr.. u may be given to tcnants but

;..;:,::.er it ,oay be given ro orher ruoor"r, peopte. rt alt depends on

6 -J +f csx U.rf .iU., .r (4. e. ,i9*jr 1j9 _ 1*;1..rtf Lq rr! d*t o(J sr iD r, dtr { )ts -J - + tr u*Jh

- tS uorr tlJ

e.ii E rr Ol*lr(;.1 y Jr.rU _ (.tt- JL .Il ,..fL) r.ra,yjjGl' L ,;.tt-n

,s{ 6, r ",:;;:::;1,: }',fl ,I ,;i':;L',-\' e)tc sr ' & f "; r-rr lLir oJcuQ ,'.jt t* t).jy* ,f*"4li E f)\J 15- sr.iLl u*r, :tl u{_.* Lli::. -f .=1|_;lr;t' ,rl yt tf q3.- 6$i t ra1 t)ity,.r.,t - tf t, f e;ltj


7622 provtNCIAL ASSEUBLy Ol wBsT PAKISTAN [l2rn luNr, 1968

t)U Jf iil -J .rtlj &A tt Uf '5)l -f t 'rlt" '1\rr ef r':lt**lrl i[-ts t{

,rf .5 l>\.i b{i u-f pl d ,.f gbt:l ,f .^f .r} e(- h 'r t"f

- urf 5 .til o-{ pl

Mr. Speaker: The Menrber shortld give a fresh notice for that

L ,S2ftl r,il rf rJ91 t^ot- Ustrl '^1 u, - r.rl, lLc lllr- 6l-t .-r+I e-1 !f - a.f ."d lrl cr.e.f tljt

q. O<.t ,fi 5- L) st .-rtrl!-r' I trlr: K,rl ' ":jrt'' $13

.f Or & f ; trr tLil , lit c.rsti! Sr! ,. ,S g csst{ u? s l:"1

i*.- ort" ;C.U t"L f 1-)t' ';l c-r te ,rei oti **tl ''L Jt'


L ..;I ,^f tai srtl i "t =:- { ,-rl \f - r.t". tLe ltrr". ,*''of / L fl .J .lef - te,i t.f -rt1l f -t 6::'j 14" gk*(1.l tf bl

- ,l: tt-it

- u+, ,"rr, o! '.r*11

- ',>;,*' :;ig

DevrLopuexr Scnnues RELATING ro Tnts',L nxo Mnrcno Aners

112105. Khln Ajoon Kban Jadoon : Will the Parliamentary Secrctary

Planning and Dcvelopment be pleased to state the names of the develop-


ment EchGm€E rel3ting to tribal arcas and merged sreas approv;d ' or

rcjcctcd by the Planning and Dcvclopment Department during thc yeers

1962 to 1967 alongwith the following details in respect of each schcme:-

(i) date of submission of the schemc to the Plaoning and

Development DePartment ;

(ii) date of its considcration;

(iii) estimated cost of the scbcme ;

(iv) preseot stage of the approved scheme: and

(v) the executiog authority of the scheme ?

Parlirmentary secretary (sardar Muhammad Ashraf Khan) : Thc

rcquircd ioformation has been received from thc quartcrs cOncerned' only

yesrcrday. It is, ar preseot, undcr examination in thc Planning &

Dcvelopmeot Department. The department will furntsh the nccessary

inlormation on thc next ddte allotted for the Assembly Quostionr rcgardiag

Planning & Devclopmcnt Departmcnt.

Sir, this qucstioo was also deferred last timc 83 a lot of details wcre

to bc collectcd from differeot outside quartert. The iofrrmation has now

been received and, as I have said, is undcr scrutiny in tho Planniug &

Dcvelopmcnt DepsrtmeDt. lf thc Mcmbcr so desircr I ao prcparcd to

treat it as a Short Noticc Question.

Mr. Speeker : I think the Partiamentary secrctrry would bc ablc

to reply this question on the next turn and, I think, the scrutioy will

definitcly be complete by that time.

,., Parllementary Secretary: Yes, Sir.

Mr. Speeker : Next question.


7624 pnuvrNctAl AssEuBLy oF w8ltr pAKrsraN il2rH ruue, 1968


,l2l5l. Chrurlhri Muhammad Nawaz : Will the Minister for Auqaf

be pleared to refcr to answer to my starred question No. 11269, placed

on the Tablc of tbe House on 6th May 1968 and state :-

(a) lhc authority under whose direction the pamphlet "Zabeeh-kay

Abkaam" was distributed amongst the Khatibs and Imams ;

(b) whether it is a fact that there was resentment among the Muslims

against the distribution of the said pamphlet ;

(c) wbcther it is a fact thal the distribution of the said pamphlet was

stoppcd later on ?

Parliafuentrry Secretary (Sardar Muhammad Ashraf Khan; : (a1

Tbc pampblet was distributed by thc.Education & Publication Advisor

of thc Auqaf Department alongwith other literature which is supptied

to thG Imams. No scparate circulati.;n of this pamphlct was arranged.

(b) Yes

(c) Yoe

K tjtr- "-1. - ltr .rk: . .,3ri ;I .L:ller - jl, .trrr, 6ra)r?.,,

- 1l.,, ,,rrJ 14?. ?lr?

t" f LU!r* Jr.-t L -.,1 gf --p ,lr- - fiv, ,>-

- ri tf t.rt-,

Parlianentary Secretary : I will check it up.



Mr. speaher : sre have not ri6eived any copy of the anrwer and,thcrefore, it could not be laid on tbe seat of the Member. The parlia-mentary secretary may please furnish a copy of the answsr to the Mcmbcrand wo will rake up this question tast of al!.

Next question

Cor rrcroN or Raxr or Wrer peopBnrtEs syIulrrls .nnp Kgerrns

'12152. chaudbrl Muhammad Nr.waz : lvill the Ministcr for Auqafbe pleased to refer to answer to part (c) of starrcd questioo No. 11296,,taid on the Table of thiHouse on 6th May 1967 rnd statc the particularsof tbe waqf property in Lahore selectcd fo the purpose of collectingrent thcrecf by the tmams/Kharibs duty empowered in this tiuatralongwith (i) amount of rent recovercd so far (ii) Dames of thcImams/Khatibs (iii) thc amount of commission paid to thc said

Imams/Khatibs and (iv) arrears of rent of thc said properticc as oo 30thApril 1968 ?


Porliamentary Secretary (Sardar Muhammad Ashraf Kban) : Thefollowing propertics bave beon aclcctcd for this purposc in'tho furt pharc:-

(i) Masjid Hanfia. Mohini Road.

(ii) Takia Shadey Shah.

(,ii) Maejid Shah Chiragh

(iv) Masjid Serai Muhammad Shafi

(v) Mesjid 'Sh. Qalandar Bakhsb.

, i.-.:,lr!

(vi) Masjid H. llassru Shah Wali.

7626 tBovINcIAL As8BuBLv'oF wEsT PAKI3TAN [l2ru IU}rn' 1968

. (vii) Masjirt H' Shab Abul Moali Sahib'

(viii) Masjid Akbari Mandi'

(ix) Maslid H' Chur Shah Bandgi'

(x) Masjid H' Shah Shams Qari'

(xi) Masjid Safdar Street'

(xii) Masjid Maulvi Taj Din'

2. The answer to the remaining prrts of the question arc as

follots -

(l) The Khatibs/Imams have started the collection of rent only in

May, 1968. The amounts collected bv them have not so far been intima-

ted by them because'tbey are to report tleir recoveries at thc cod of

every month.

(ii) Thc Dames of thc Imams who have votunteered to undertake this

work lrc-



(3) M. Muhammad Din Chishti, Ktratib, Masjid Shah Chiragh'

(4) M. Amanullah, Khatib, Masjid Serai Muhammad Shafi'

(5) M. Muhammad Tufail, Khatib. Masjid Sh' Qalander Bakhsh

Moulvi Muhammad Abdul Latif, Imam, Masjid Hazrat Hassan

Shah Wali. :

S. Akbar Shah, Khatib Shah Abul Moali Sahib'



(8) S. Saadullah Shah, K'hatib, Masjid Akbari Mandi'


Abdur Rasbid,, Khatib Chur Shah Bandgi'

M. Abdul Baqi, Khatib, Shah Shams,Qari'

M. Abdul HaqZafarrKhatib, Masjid Safdar Strcet'

M. Muhammad Irfan, Khatib, Masjid Maulvi Taj Din'


(iii) No commission has so far been paid for - this additional duty

because the recovery made. by tbese gentlcmen has not yct been reported

by them.

(iv; The fotlowing arrcars are outstanding againlt the properties

mentioned below :-

Name of proPertY Arrears as

on 30tb APrit 1968



(t l)

( l2)



I Takia ShadeY Shah.

2 Lal Masjid Hanfia.

3 Masjid Sbah Cbiragh.

4 Masjid Serai Muhammad Shaff.

5 Masjid Sh. Qatandar Bakhsh.

6 Masjid Hassan Shah Wali.

7 Hazrat Shah Abul Moali.

8 Masjid Akbari Mandi.

9 Masjid Chur Shah Bandgi.

l0 Masjid Shab Shams Qari.

It Masjid Safdar Street.

l2' Mesjid Maulvi Taj Din.














7628 pnovrNcrAL A3rBrBLy oF rEsr pAxrsraN [l2ru ruxn, l96t

L d-rel 'f & .r,rti .is+-t -*j: V - jl, r.i. 15lr)r?

tr +t- 0l L rJ4rl .t4r rrl + tlr u,\. J*J Vtr: -r K "!lr- ,,.1

ui Lf collect oq-b 6-)s. erl?ct E Or qt.J- '.

o: a tS f3gtlL- { ,>.2L d L ,rt ,..1*- ,^l ^f drr k^ta Uf ,3L. *, q.4 *-f,*, ,9 [:f , ,$ Lf 6r *{ .r-t.p 6}y )? e *sjbl n €- Ub V ei gu i.{ *: J c:s{ ,a lJ drjt"l zk+

L Lf l*|dt +lf f 0l .f f- tefl L vI.*. .rt - ? ,_rijl ,r..r

2 L orl tf 5 2r: 6: ;:..f .r: .:l - 5 .j,. 6: 6:,"-{ ft$ t1 * dtt uit{tf g.r(- L5. U ? .r, J .rjbl o c..j,(-


otl rLEi + ^f + 11 efrlif - lle.,.k- - 6.ri;(r- ,g.*..rtQ

,rrta J u.t*. .:l.ri, 2 t- r--, J! c,ii1l ,:ft ^f sS2"f rta li.rf ,!Itl oirr:. .:il L osti - q ,iyt €\ L;g. el,9i.; .t )tl clLf €.ri )er )tt - e- ,;h t:f J'L as-*' / L e,; f .--t,o

yl ad 2h j{ *,rtl L 1?:c.3f .'.-t1t.t 7-b.rl - €- uF

k:tl 4tf s2; lLl ".f tJ qf rr,arr ,-1 t+J _ ,ri Jr, .+iS o"l

2 L ltc-e uS t, A u(. f e.t- rtrt ,-r"l o) n * ,rl af,drf s-J. *.i3t r...- lLl 4l ,fi ,l tsL f ,Jr:. - * J ,f ssb

;W. si + rrjt.1'l ;f Hrl r .. f - -- irL 5 ".(r. 1i e_ Urf U.fl

dy, e,:*t al 2 L'Lf eri.4$r..f-uSLntrylJ r.oo- .t 'f A- tJUf "roi 2LCst-uf 1.tl -4sf- 4-s lf g.: y\ L -*a. is j!\ Lf €t ei: ori yE;- 4 tx




.{l.rf ,f. ,.ut Dt Jrr ,.rriill ritt -€ 5' rr 6& $ gP 'll- ,FtN ,sal sfl:tf .ri.(-1. j;:f ,x Lf tqft

of .{ Lyp tf* t.ri rK ++ ol ur,rl t5- rtB' 6tlr. r(L

- ,tr if 1'K k;l r'rt;j;el q 2x e16;l'r c^i!: crlj ;Ll ':'*r $

- ,r.*" s" J-i ..':, rl - oJ.r(' ,g;..tlltl

GS 6) ,.ri; .5 sb LEI; ,* vl-r - ,rr;rt J.rr. d;r'J"

us 8 ;Vr) sq Uq t .(, *{l st* ,1€ s:l .11;r 1t2' r.p 0l rrr

t uJ ur4 ls*s cs9"f 1ei1 t2! r4a' "f GrX Zf*lu"' vT L(-

t-1 1 )t e & ob Util + - (0tr ,,[c 'r'a' i-') rJtigl $9

rtr r+r tr df - t{i ,V:l YLf r4{t "2tf f -* q At.i - q,

)1 6rb d: vl - tg, ,.r"tJ *:jP gfv L o)il 2,rl te' ti3'{ rrtij

- I' #b { ds's ':.,t1 Qtir e 5t

sl? rt pit 6JcihtJt4t.r-L.rr0l -gl.'te,OL"

,f L #t. .,J Lf - a Jli r.-r-1A -n - + & 4t LqtttI .ry L ,-,.v o-{ ! r.llL { c'l- tlh q

Lil. r-L, e ?? 1'1, 4 gir ,rl "l - r1lf:l. ,95tll{

',* J ,*. l:.5 E it'rl

- -.,,.J

76n pnovNctAl AssExELv ot wmr p rrsTAN fl2ra runa, 1968

a-x. L r*t, c;S-* cslll+J.lk ./t+ - jl,.ti. r,r.rJ?

11l. - U) f ly dtf -6-l Jrl tlr *t' g3:*e wlr- Kcjl.r 15;r::+-

lB r, s.+l ;rl .2y lh r:*-J 4l o.Eti! !/T "f b, tf .Jtr- q Lef l.,o- )tl - $'rr[-lr;.llr*9s )tl + tifi 6iti { t*1,-(ll .ry lrrs$ E u:.iJhS &{ L 2+fs rrt...- "f t4i t5 e* &l L u,..

J? t,r"JU L L)f clsoe f u r; L s+*. er -t' rrl itt dyl! ud J .rjt-l 4 L:;)tf L vT I &t 5 * .ie. r(il L vIg Lf t35t ntS s! oir- ,;3lri q 3t c- =-1, }*;.ht i*

- tJ f rl*3i .r1 )9i

C: 2- u4-! et1ifi 5 i! oj[l ,*-l - Yl-e -,1; - riti3l y;3

;rl r-D iN ggIIJ., ..f ;Urt ^5*. *- *t cr ly "ii L .r1t*

..Ud- ,-.(ll I .r-[., .,!];..ilt ,.r.r UU -A t b 6 :F fjX. r(jr

,.i.t -tt ssL ;l;5ta1 ,fvl arl 2 tJyrl .,S! fi, !: f 6rb

L v-V )\rl.,;-.!t q :e i L o,f lt ., oJ,:? oe ,f { sr V- L ,st-: a.)51*." { ,.rl sf OI a, d {r, trS

qgr.rj} L v^V -iji g.g.l ,el .5' t-:- - jl, r.i" (JiJ^rj"

0\-t, Jl$.€d )d + 6 o- vlr: L dlr- 6.F-Jr L,.4.1:l e.*.

+ -1*l .r." , *S* f dr*r .rbLt4 ,r ri- ,rr ii 1[. r.:l.;l;il "2 tf+ Uf trlr- ,ssd Lft \ rf ,3t^-t,, lLl .rel -r ,,ry I * c,llqil

- q €.tPi t.f rf .rl


.?l"tlt4 qF drL..*i .,t.rl..e* * - ,srd 4g**, g1 - JU3l g9

jg4 t .iurt vl - y'x,,rri ttX.**I f iUel ct ,$ 2f d2tt

.t ca oLtlQ il; i. "f rD t it a-r ofg*l L $tl- tf,(jrf df is':

Administrators of Auqaf have been given the powers ofColtectors.

RncoxsrnucrtoN oF Ptper MosQUB, PBsHlweR

.12354. Syed Yusaf Ali Shah : Will the Ministcr for Auqaf be pleascd

to state :-

(a) uhcther it is a fact that a sum of Rs. one lac was allocatcd for

re-conttruclion of Pipal Mosque, Qissa Khani Baztt, Peshawar during thc

curreot fiscal year ;

(b) if answer to (a) abovo be in thc affirnative, whcther it is a fact

that the said amount bac not yet bcen released to thc Adminirtrator

Auqaf, Peshewar ; if so, rcasons therefor ?

Parliamcntery Secretary (Sardar Muhammad Ashraf Khao) : (a) No'

(b) Dose not arise.

,.si tf n ,..'i rt .17.* gr.t nri ,--t.e i)s \f - rfrth,lrrc e*

f t ,rrti 1.eE rJf-y.r

. ..J -.1, .! .ra-. url - lfr ?l+ - (0t-.tt r.a. ,:"') ufUll $9


1632 pRovrNctAL AsssmL! or wtrr pAKtrrAN [l2rn ruNr, 196g

tth r..U Y sl * *t -* ilr Lr. G:t f. llj\ .^l - uI g,1t(t. .4;

E- ohr n ,s*t ,jf .,lkf, .g*r 4el lrl ,+K, 4.i ,,rl kt Lf

$tU r.lhr rrrr A.r b 5 ++- oV: "5- !r dgrl { i et.ls

2- $.1i, )tr{ &t t? , q_ uh ef ,**. ,.rl ft - "rt & u.{-

b5- .l L iF:.-iil ui* a..=",tr ot; "(! - 5-r, uf n-; r.*l,a.!f1t crtlr .f ,""t t dsr, "l e pltc uS -J ft ,,5 t€i .,s:

+ u"LiJ Ul, :+ i * u* t" .t r.'i rvu s4el *l :st €- .rf-2 El & ,r*ll .-olp oti *(ie- - L Lrlr f yr.rt *; (.' ,rl f,.,

?? )tl + gD tl gz.] sp o.iai uPl ii 5- f Jtt- ,r# &3:i

6,rf fr{ 5- 11 e r',r k: all.t.i.il r, K.Jtpr ,rb:. ^:.U ctr g i

Lf Y .r* S:t L..r1\l,rt .,;r, )rt L ,J.rf i2c :t :*;

- uJ -^J J'+-

g-{ L \iI t5- ,^f cU iL U.' 4+. itirl *s t_S - o.1"r .l-e

i + $ ft pt ,5 o*r ,,-#f ,5 Lf ,kv .lsrr jtr & dlo

I f- >\(j "+i Uf K-t

dh" .f + ,J" se & i kil - il3 r-,1'- - JU3l ;;9.5,rf' tl,'s ;tr N -, yt u.-{ otlt oe1 a1 b 5 e-4-

- .r5- b"Once a mosque is always a mosquo"

.ql* dtJ.d E Gl...i is--t ,e)t t{ - Oti 2!y ;r.;ttt 4i}rr?

o* 'At€ $ * r;6: }t,l griL sf :.t l 3l L*;1:l N,"!'i d,

l?ArnED Qt EsTtoN! AND ANsWEtr ?633

.rf r.f dr!-. Jrl r;ry o:t1j 6jt.i L ,* nf cSjtJ rrl q$ .)Uj dr*-.I cp' ,tK otr+a. 2 L drlju tl

y qnta urt t*. ft t"f ql *7J a-tr Kn; unt .Jlifl $f-au(.htfc

N ls.i a d'r'\,6ti

Oy hla Uf c"iLli 6! 4 ritrt..f.jt ts;. - Ci, r.r.. ClLr

f rt*it e)re .furLi ssl + .Jt- .fUrLi .>d l"t "l Ja?-qvn

irt ^l + o# €u.hi ".1 A fb &.$ rltr: - gUfl yi,

- A r?-. gil,

Devnlgpytnt Pnolects NAMED ABrER GovERNMENT Orrtcans

oR rHeln Wrvgs

rl23n. Mr. Zrln Noorani : Will the Parliamentary Sccrctary Plaooing

and Devclopment bc pleascd to state :-

(a) the number of dcvelopment projects completcd in thc Province;

out of Goveinment funds, during thc lart tcn years which havc bcoa

oamcd aftcr GoveromcDt Officers or their wives ;

(b) whet is tbe name of thc stadium at Liah and aftcr wbon it hrs

bc:n uamed ;



. Alalrd

7614 provtNclAl A!!8MELY oP wls? pARtrrAN [ 121'E ,uNl, l96t '

(c) after whom thc Rashidabad Colony at Multan has bceo oamed ?

Parliamentrry Secretary (Sardar Muhemmad Ashraf Khan) : The

information is being collected from all the Covernment Dspartments

and Agencies concerned and will be furnisbed to the House as soon as

reccived from tbem.

Mr. Speater: This question will be repeated on the next turn.

Nox.Glzrrrep Orrrcret-s oF LABoun Depenrunxr SusprNpnp

rnoM Senvrcp FRoM 1963 ro 1967

*12484. Dr. Sultan Ahmad Cheena : Will the Minister for Labour

be pleascd to state :-

(a) thc names of thc non-gazetted officials of the Labour Department

wbo verc suspended from scrvicc from 1963 to 196? hlongwith the period

of cuspension of each ofthem and whether any of them was punished;

(b) in case any of the said suspended officials wcre subsequently

re-instrted duc to their being innocent, what action was takcn against

tbc Officer responsible for their suspension ;

(c) whether tbe promotion madc in the Directorate of Labour Wclfare

and its subordinate ofrces since 1963 were according to the gradation

lirtc of those offices ;

(di whcther the said gradation lists were brought to tbe notice ofthc staff concerned; if so, when these were last circulgted amongst

thcm ;

(c) in casc tbe gradation lists havc not been finally prepared and

circulated amongst thc raid Btaff what critcria was adopted for making

their promotion during the period from 1963 to 1967 ?{


Prrliamentary Secretary (Mian Miraj Din) : The position in respect

of the various wings of the Labour Directorate is as follows : -

(l) Labour Welfare, Coal Mines Labour Welfare, and Mines Wings.

(a) Name of suspcnded official Period of suspension Whether


(i) (ii) (iii)

Mr. Faiz Hameed Niazi, Asstt.

Labour OfEcer.

2. Mr. Muhammad Safdar, Labour


3. Mr. A. H. Rabbani, Labour


4. Mr. Asbfaq Ahmad,

Junior Clerk.

One day


One day


6.5.67 to



No. He resi-







23.2.65 to 4.6.65 No

No5. Mr. Abdul Aziz, Junior


29.t1.63 to 31.1.66.

6. Mr. Mohammad Muslim, 25.5.65 to 21.6 65

Junior Clerk.

7. Mr. KhaliC Kashmiri,

Scnior Clerk.

2!.6.65 to 6.1,66

8. Mr. Zamir Ahmed, Peon. 23.2.65 to 21.9.65

Was suspeoded on


No. He resigned.







9. M. Shautat Beg, Peon.

7636 pRoyrNcrAl Asrrrllr or wlsr DAErlraN [l2rn lunr, 196g

10. Mr. Mir Sultan, Scnior

Clerk.10.6.66 to 29.4.6?.

Pcriod ofsurpenrion


I l. Mr. Masood Ahmad

Scnior Clcrk

5.l.lts to 9.5.65. Yes.

(b) No rction was taten.

(c) (i) Exeeutitc Staf z


(ii) Mtnisterlal staff:


(d) (i) Executive staff:

Yes. Thc icniority lists were circulrted from time to time and tastoDe wa! circulatcd on 20.5.68.

(ii) Ministerial staf :

Ycs. The seniority list war circulated from time to time and last oncwac circulated on 20.2.19d8.

(e) Does not arise.


(a) Namc of suspended oftcial lYhether punishcd

( iil

Mr. St.A. Abbari,





1.8.67 to 19.12.67



IttrltE tlltilotrr ltD aNttlft

2. Mr. S, David, Head t1.8.67 to 31.12.67.


3. Mr. Abdul Sattar

Anjum, Junior Clerk.

4. M. Qurban Ali, ex-


13.1.65 to 13.11.66.

26,8.6t1to 1.10.64.



Enquiry pcnding

with thc Anti-

corruption Esta'



(b) No action was taken.

(c) Ycs.

(d) Yes. Thc seoiority litts wcrc circutated from time to timc and last

one was'circulatcd in June 1968.

(e) Does not arise.



(i) (ii) (iii)

(a) Namc of suspended o6cial Period of Whctber punicbcd.


Mr. Muhammad Zubair,

Wcldcr Instructor.

31.3.57 to 11.2.68. Ycs

(b) Does not arise.

(c) Ycr.

(d) Ycs. The seniority listr wcre circulatcd from tiae to time and

lart onc was circutatcd on 24.4.65.


{q} Docs not arise

763t pnovrNctAl'AssExBLy or wrcr ?ArtrrAN [l2ru rur.rr, l96E

Lf qf 't6. rr,l3- * a** - Yl3 9L- - r.a? r.-l 0thL .1513

/d :u L(Il .i;e ,f &*j1, #'r rf 4- tirt 1e1,. e,. ,rl +1",".ja, dn Jrl iq-il ,) lfi- J.zt. ,)*t y v ri + \f tf .)L-

J orrJ I stL E dr*. q 6 tf J,L. ld trs oJ s+f 3f4 lrt.rf *y _ yr fr: .;y -fSd s:js: il;*ltr^s tL.

=-tp ts;.6-*13;.rl:..r1q o{ ti + tJlfJ.L*...(i cr i11 6.t.9.: -rr

,-f ,t}r. .r!j a o:!j 131 ef * gf "f rJ31 kr!. Uf c^it5r a *t + tf [f1 Jecl t.f K rt'..

r'5 J*i gel;. u-,{ K-t - )tr .ru: - (rlt- 1! .Il .(L) .xr.,. gt

n - y .,.eJ' d + titri L ?-1,, tSl3 af tr.. {- Jt.a.ril I ,2*it.f !5. JL.. N ,:t,.-(11 j2r f .;^i, t,'*t ,|*t ,,^'l cr, ;Ja. -l:ir 11r c;- - r. L otal td u$ 5 d,s-l o*i.f J., 5t - t*i

Jy:. -f ,;l 3t 'J,ts,,:.! ,.rl si t{ tfer *. .,t"riKr "Srt rfjlt W o): c{ ,-n d.lr:rK; .t)\r rl u.. .rh,t gr! *(i* - rlr,1.tj;rf f teS,, * jts Lr), 6Q tJ tl, f ,9*. -frl rL csy

r.r:+ C* ,rl lrl Uf t,, f .Jt-r .1t5: 3fi1 i lr. t1r ,.o.1 JL,.

2x Jh,.,i..j)\. tJftr trl g- .rtlj rt,.r ,-5,rtL^. 4lr- oi. .:)\.t*.r|+1i .e r+ L LN rrti"ad ssl .+ sr, ..:u;,, o". 4)\. 5 t .*,

.lrl ur.r, L ,.ry cr..;, ot et oLlJl j; j)ti Jit t t ef + $b U5.

ot' a).re ,*l i ? ,lst Arilt*it o.rcU! .tr; L 6jle5lil *rilx,l

ttAlrrD @r8T.roru arD Alo?lna

,,hi 6 .rl ,l srL 1c - * VN Jt.ar'rl K*l ;f c*jl 5 e>\.1'. .i$r,.

ti i) t, ..i .!.i. c,t6; .l>\; 2pl ..(i .L e; -{l + .(, ot- €r

- +- lit- Lr.5 LIF-I o.rtt.:,: u,:, \"YL I't!

l.f L .:.f- "{ L,.r.et l aca. $zr ;i3 r7t'.: - c3e: sla

,,r.e;e ojtrj g cL ga 3f .rKtol .,*f *f .ff ,.rrt- )3r;r .rLK-l €;t

q ,s tS i qf ,.:t K-l L e; ull ,ft / b tt "i JiL'. 2"{tt.5;{: JiL*..(, dt.i., ss sf .fJf 4t d ,rr * tl

t e- r+r tf

.f e- t5frrreUts*fb"f qVr-ffLk -c:'r, tJt

dlL.. tl sil t1 c.{4i:d Jf .jXr lL- .(i ot <a ;j>\. G:f

Jt"} )tl +;(- ,rrr "l lt'.. ot d crlb u.'{ 6fJ a- [:(-.-1

- a- d* t" .,e,

r)91 \l.rf str-1s ..r L)\ L ,a,:,Yt- #+ ,.r. - o;rr /."r

*r2c LJ 'til JS-l * Ea fj:[. U Jt-,-.(tl r: -{rff ,1e-.Srl "fAyl ..iL:. a- .r'l *Ji + s# s:ij^ r V - 2V t*it rlh-. oed

.ffl a- t^+'r I dl*ii 49Jt3; s5e ef *:2^<-. U.a4 .rrl q- U"f, dt';; ,f' ft.i 5 fti -{ vl -f + ub t"f rJt-r Fl =: r4 f r,Jt- 0.; l

- d .rjl tif trl 9f **(', .r$ oLriJ

,F n d + \{ Gr L sF "f L.t - llr .rt:,.. - *ti, ri,cJjf uiF.rtll t.r)\i [-t 9*.:!L..r+ * :* i **1 r,.f f'll
















?640 pnouNctlL AssExBLYor er83t PAKISTAN [l2rH rur're, 1968

.L +: uf i rt .1 ,r* & ,:l 2x L ,>*t -r..r.: .fK;rl ol [st

.L:.iJhi elr'.4l cases ua4 5\.:. vist,sd.,;,.[ ot4;:=; .r.fl 6til- h -js. ciis c.rt1j ur+. dl.trr L ,infr lrl ut il: d:rel rr\ E.

upg,j)\, 1t;i;9(rl,^f UL tg,.* g4j ',.-t;, ! u.. ci)t-r-ll i +:t'". 5,]L,'. ,5 ai ,^f .t" uq i.f dLr sc v-V- s*t lrt .i[ trY


Moseug wrrH Ltsnrntss

tf2525. Rais Khan Muhammad Khan Nizamani : Will the Minister for

Auqaf be pleased to state :-

(a) the district-wicc numbcr of mosques administered by the Auqaf

Department which havc been provided with Libraries ;

(b) the 1s1xt srx,runt s: far speol oo those libraries by th.e Auqaf

Deparlment ?

Parliamentary Secretary (Sardar Muharnmad Ashraf Khan) : (a) The

number of such mosques in the various districts is as follows :-

I Lahorc,

2 Sialkot.

3 Rawalpindi.

4 Jhang.

5 Jhclum.

6 Shcithupurr.








StenhrD euisrtol.Is axb rxsiurfts

7 Gujraawala. I

8 Gujrat. I

9 Sargodha. I

l0 Peshawar. 3

I I Mardan. 2

12 Hazara. t

t3 Bannu. I

14'D. I. Kban. I

15 Mirpurkhas. 2

t6 Sukkar. I

17 Sbikarpur. I

18 Hyderabad. 3

19 Dadu. I

20 Nawabshah. 3

2l Shahdadpur. I

22 Sanghar. I

23 Thatta. 3

24 Multan. 7

25 Sahiwal 2

26 Bahawalpur. 2

21 Ahnadpur I


28 Bahawal 4














(liItr, 13,000/-.


1A4Z rd..rvrrciau AriBtlfiLi oi wa$r p^ftsrAN [i2rn tuNt, tg68

qr:d f r 'tl*r .f,lt oS O.l,g* - gdlrl J.a. g;J^{F

,riL, .:-trl ,f ,,.1 ,-rl L5- - )l rSy.,;.iY CiL L ,/a f !fs.t jh

+iL L rn*a v.S - (.1U, .,[E J$*) ;*) JU3l ,$t

211 6nJ- )tl .ft ur, ol uf .r - 4- crr, 4;;,jY fulfledged

- * Vx 4 #.l ,eLi b,ol 151 of iI

- dr q r. fU K.Srl.'rrY 1rl rrL: - r,fl.ftl Jrr!. dtr{B

6L {, ., llrl tr" i"f ar ZK- b. z*+. .,.T tf - c3rr $s,.f .r: ut 21 2\ t'- u.;kf ,F * 1.1.l cl1 {rf iV arr,"ii -J

- (,rry a3) 1.U K S,rl-njt jf ,rl VI, 3Ut

b Un .jlJl tr.rl .rl .rLj .g or[j .pl e{ - e{ - .JUl, .*jJ

-+ t{-

^{ + Ft, \ f cvst ljr vL: qf - Or* 1j.r r.r.. 6rrJE

ili*L 9.. url A uix ,-rt 6l1:iY -r: eit*"f t\.rr E .7.-tp Ul-l

t +- *f *,kf jrf' pl E cl;*Lf ra

,;-tr nf ox K" .{ ,.ise d., 4 orl o* - gUrl.*jJ

.(rl 2 t ..-1,,,F g"f Ut, rb..t) * ,,rr, c;rt,:"tY fulflodged

*. Lr" ;Vd riu ,srr,."iY upr\S- L-j .531 dtrr .f + ,*$- 2V tefr 'r+i KcljPuf &i?t

sfrflnsb quesiiol.rs rNb eNs*ei$ 1643

- + tri e2- tf ,rl f tsrrxi! 4l - r.t. tlre.llrr- ,;tu.rj 1t.. K er- u.- 0-i ,Jpl 'S ,5+l 1rl .r, & J.if .JL 6 i'{

t E,J",tj,:.lrJ d.rl .r-b :lbld - t"f trt,

- 2f a dl-r- a 3i 2 e,lr: 1.,.. t* ,l.V .fi - rJU3l;13

"<tr 6- trrl 6r,,rJ! fulfledged u3-{ "f + u,f ,-r* L qe

- ,ir iT ,:)bq;.l r:l y'L1r:g' dqr

q *l cry sct Fit^j t)s ,r{ * ljUil ,;} t*f - o3er ir

-.1 -b ,.i+, t ,,ri\ + !r ,,.,.. !t4l vtr: L ,:e6t ). ,'d L ,;r.vr,

jrt 6r t1f - Z+ !r tu K dtL.tStr sf ,.rt ;W.L csr21:ry

tf-1 ;

RsseencH oN Lrre lNo Seyrxcs or Leu Sg,runlz Q.urxornor SsuwAlI Snentr

tt2540. Rais Khan Muharmad Khan Nizrmanl : Will the Ministcr

for Auqaf be pleascd to state :-

(a) whether thcre is any scbeme for cstablishing a ccntre for conduc-

tiog researcb on the life and sayirgs of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar of Sehwan

Sharif ;

(b) if answer to (a) above bc in the afrrmative, (i) thc dotails of thc

said schemc (li) when it rras approvcd by the Governmcot and (iii)whcn it is expectcd to be implemcnted ?

Plrliamentary Secretary (Sardar Muhammad Ashraf Khanl : (a) and

(b) : No gchemc has yct bccn prcprred, but tbc Dcpastmcnt ir exemin'

ing its fcasibility.



1A4q pnovlNerlr AsSEMBLV oi: west i,rkrsrru [l2rn rune, lg68

bi aA nf + tf t h es" vlg? wk: - .l.t, lL, ;lrr*, ultr)f:rl, f, ,rlr.[ .,.il a-f djl lirf -it11) u:. u] +) ,f ^ilu,n L):.

,j"o- ,risi' 2 L iK,rt L vi t.f - q +) if ^*sih. r*I ,.rd

t e- Jur

d[d. E orl - llr .rt:1 - (,.lti ,rt" J.r.. j-) r-lE3l yjg

ld t* ,-* 6v o.l &t E u,l .,rl L ",tt;

feasibility report

_ Kjb

b .5;r.r |Jt dild.. L urt - ltr wk" - OJ+ 0t- Or:l0t-

f f- OK.t ,.Si ._f { ln J.(. t st pt + \t

7{ + Sx rb s-r 'd + sil hf ,irf - rJU3l r45


- ot Ls \ o. v{ q - grl* /trt .trar ,7U

- or4r ,r; U 2 t- 41 - dU3l yj5

r,JtL. e p.s5 €f 'd #t+ ", 4,* -j - J.r,. tLc llrr- ,.L-ol+:f

gnl ,^f + Ul -rf ,yf vl.t- ,-F o- d L ,e - .lti-rlfjr




Rrsuueo Ltxo or Fonuen wlFB oF Sln Kntzrn HlverTIweNl


*12583. D/lr. Zzin Noorani : Will the Minister for Land Reforms

be plcasid to stale :-

(a) whether it is a fact that thc Land Ctrrnmission has laid down a

policy of not recognising gifts of land in lieu of IIaq Mahr uoless they

have becn registercd or cntered in the revenue records ;

(b) whcther it is also a fact that all such cases from claimants which

have not been registered in the revenue records, including the claim of

Mrs. Zainab Khizar Hayat, the former wife of Sir Khizar Hayat Tiwana,

were considered and rejected by thc Land Commission ;

(c) whether it is a fact that the case of Mrs. Zalnab Khizar Hayat

Tiwana mentiooed in (b) above was considered a numbcr of times by the

Commission and cvery time rejected and that ber appeals to tbe Governor

and the President were also rejected ;

(d) whether it is atso a fact that since then the said Mrs. Zainab

Khizar Hayat Tiwana has been permitted to get six squares of resumed

land as a special case ;

(e) wbether it is also a fact that a dependent could only get land if

he or she fell within the category of dependents as defined in the Land

Rcforms Regulation and so nonrinatcd by the last owner and thc priCe is

cven then to be deducted from the dcclarant's compensation ;

(f) whether it is a fact that thc said Mrs. Zainab Khizar Hayat

Tiwana does not fall within this category nor was she nominatcd by the

last dcclarant land ownet and thus cannot be considered for thc grant of

rhc said land ;

(g)'whether it is a fact that the land whiclr she originally claimed in

Vilhge Chak Umar war on a noo-perennial croal and witb far less produce

7646 pRovrNcrAL AssEMBLy o! wrsr pAKT'TAN [l2ru ruxu, 196g

index units thao tbe one shc hrs now applied for, which is perennial andof nruch highcr produce index units, the price of which went up a lac anda balf per squarc at the auction hcld recently ;

(h) if answer to (g) above be in the a{Hrmative, why the land wasnot given to the person who made a bid of about one lac and fifty rhous-and rupees at the auction and reasorrs why six squares out of thc saidland is now being given to Mrs. Zainab Khizar Hayat Tiwana ?

Parliamentary secrctary (Malik Muhammad Muzaffar Khan) : (a)Yes

(b) Ycs.

(c) Yes.

(e) Ycs.

(d) Yes, but thc question of dcducrion of compensation does rotariso as in that case the area involved is not resumed by the commiss-ion.

(f) Yes. under Paragraph 19 of thc west pakistan Land RcformsRegulation of 1959, the commission is however competent to sell rerumedIand which is untenanted or which is not purchased by the sitting tenantsto such other persons, and on such terms and conditions, as may be con-sidered suitable by it.

(g) Yes, thc land fetched on average price of Rs. t,70,500 per squarcat thc last auction.

(h) The land could not be givcn to thc auction l,urchasers as it wasconsidered that it could fetch much more price if sold in smaller lots andaccordiogly it is now proposed to auction thearea in lots of 12} acres each.Tho area involved has not yct becn given to thc lady and her requestfor the grant of six sguares out of thc area in chak No. 293/RB, LyallpurDistrict or orher state land is being placcd before the Land commiss-ion.




Mr. Zain Noorani : Sir, may I be permitted to ark my nextion bccause the two arc inter-related ?



Mr. Spcaker : Yes.

Mt, Za,in Noorani : No : 12585.

Aucrton or Lexp rx Cnlx No. 293-RB, DtsTnrcr Lyllupun

112586' Mr. Zain Noorani : will the Minister for Land Reformsbc pleased to state :-

, (a) is it a fact that land measuring 269 acres in Chak No. 293-RB,

sltuated in chak Jhumra, District Lyallpur was aucrioned twicc with thcresetye price of Rs. one lac per square ;

(b) if answcr to (a) abovc be in the affirmative, the date on whichthe eaid auctions were held, thc various offers receivcd at the auction andthe names of the persons who made the offers at thc said auctions ;

(c) s,hother it is a fact that despite getring higher ofrers than therolctve price, thc same was not finalised and the highcst offer rejected ;

(d) if answcr to (c) above bc in rhc affirmativc, reasons for the same;

(c) whethcr it is also a fact tbat the Land Reforms Commission is '

uow considering an offer for six squares out of the said land at Rr. 20,000

pcr rquare (Rs. 8 pcr unit) ; if so, the name of the person who has madc

tbis offer ?

Parlismentary Secretary (Malik Muhammad Muzaffar Khan) : (a)

Ycs, but a rcsumed area measuring 290 acres, I kanal and 2 marlas in the

cbak was auctioocd in tbe first instance with a reserve price of Rs. ?5,000

por tquaro whilc an area of 263 acres, 3 kanah and Tmarlas out of itw8! tUgtionCd agoio witb r regerve pricc of rupees oue lac per squqre,








?648 PRovINcIAL ASSEMBLY oF wEsT PAKISTAN [l2ru rur'rr, 1968

(b) A statement containing the requisite information is laid on tbe


(c) Yes.

(d) Before tne confirmation of the first auction the Land commission-

er decided, on rhe application of s. Masood Ahmad, son of the lendow-

ner who had surrendered this area, to sell the land to tbe applicant

and thc widow of his brorher at thc price offered in the auction by

r he highet bidders. The commission subsequently decided that if s.

Masood Ahmad did not purchase the land tben it should be re-auction-

ed in smaller lots of one square each. S. Masood Ahmad and the widow

of his brotber did not purchase the land and, therefore, it was re-auctioned.

Since the highest offers made in the second auction wcre lesser than those

received in the first auction it was decided to re-auction the land in stilt

smaller lots of l2l acres each tJ attract morc bidders.

(e)Lady Zaioab, former wife of Malik Khizar Hayat Tiwana, bas

applietl for the purchase of t 50 acres out of tbe land io question at the

rate of Rs. 8 per Producc Index Unit. The matter wlll be considered in

the next meeting of the Land Commission.

!/'lr, Zaio Noorani : Will the Minister of Lsbour kindly explain

by what method ol calculation does Rs. 8/-per produce unit or twenty

thOusand per square become more than one lakh, sevcnteen thouSand fivO

hundred per square. (a sltort pause)

Mr. Zain Noorani : Shall I explain ny question ?

Minister of Labour : Yes.

Mr Zain Noorani : What I mean is that in part (h) of Question

No: 12583 it is stated that the lanri could not be given to the auction-

purchasrrs whose auctio r offcr acclrding to p rrt (g) rve; [ts. l,l7 .<00

per square as ib was considered that it c6uld fctch much morc price if

;Pleasc we Appendit al tfu end



sold in smaller lots and'accordingly it is now proposed to auction the

area in lots of 12| acres eacb.

Tben in part (e) of the answer {o question No: l2'i86 it is stated

that Lady Zaioab,former wife of Malik Sir Ktrizar Hayat Tiwana' has

applicd for the purchase of 150 acres out of the land in question at the

rate gf cight rupees per produce Index Unit' That comes to Rs' 20'000/'

pcf squarc. And tbat thc matter will be considererj in its next mecting

by tbc Land Commission.

So, Sir, obviously the auswer is that the laod would b: given for a

price higbcr than one lakh seventeen thousand and five hundred per

sguarc. How does twenty thousand which the lady is offering becomc

morc thau Rs. I,17,500/-?

reL. ** ?4j pfu - !13 eur - (.ltr .rL airl .-(L) '*r-. yj!

{ ON kg7- (.,;^. A C;r a-13;1r 6 LJlf $'bl)l t sQ ,-r; L-

,5 lt" G) s;lJl ,f 0l J .:+, rrt 6 l4t f ,rt t;s jl J'^t tr d!

ei..-f lil *Lt*. ,^t {5. qV lta cry '-'.'19- *f o:d a*l r3-1) *1

ri-l.;tr eai 3- d L.r:f ^t'pi K':r\ gl gt Dl + :* t'i L

er .5 6r., L o9ail5,r: t, + ,sfl 1;y c"l* J) ,!l I rJulr

- ufi 11 q- .--li c"qi o3 bj

Mr. Zain Noorsni : Is the Minister in a position to give an assu-

rancc thrt the land would not bc given to Lady Khizar Hayat at a pricc

lesser than thet offercd in the auction by the highest bidder ?

Uq ,t )* .;l: to, vt* &! e-g,l ' Yl9 '-'tu ' 'xu 9)9

jtru ,,Ft, pi.r oJ ,i .jx sj. FisJ- (4, b; L;)\.i *f + $

.,.o! ):*; )r+ 3,f o\;l1l at f|nr tf UrtJu *2 221 u:f ser'-

S q- r.U 4 vl, 5 s't Jtos orlj ci'i :i il: t'f cfr;t cr

?0so pRoviNclAl essEttbr,f or wtsT pAKtsrAN ll2rn ruNs, lg6g

-s, Jys.:..i r:!j e..:!j .f ;trt ,.rl "f + ej al rf ij-.t,fur&.Ul { ullt; &j 2!.-. nf Ox k6,:r.- u:r r'Li

"?A L-*: rrl -rj

rf ob -rai rrlj p(r ;t*, .* €..ri rf Oi*f iJ ef e- )W A- +- .'ot" $.rf t>:9ri 6r,j

Mir. l{ali Mubammad Kban Talpur : Sir, ir is laid down in the LandReform Rulcs that the laud which has been surrendered will bc sold ateight rupees per produce indcx unit. That is thc price 6xed by the LandCommissiou itself. How can they dcviate from that ?

s)l)l { ^f =: + tx e)s+ rl "r - Ylr vL: - s}. ,l)t03J lJ OQ - 3,.1 Lt,Jyl ,f rr.a) r?-leq.r ,rJ tt f ely ,f- ;i f ;}J el ot t1la; sir 6*t ,-fttt * ,f + tt -l "l ,5-

- d-) f *-i"j +rt" E, rAu: r:-l.i.JJ .r-f ; r-:.j ,s.fu a-l ll

Uf f-&. .eIt- erti 0J q. - )b vl.: - r#trl .t.re 6f{agr.l U) d'/ 4" tt ,si3e E, .f g;y sLri ,€ O-rf .r - rlrr btt

- + 'sil b cSr -f osf

t* , c.-13;1r r5 ,,1r.l u:rri L,::rYt- Aft"i*" b- - ,t;a Slj!

f, - ( oF ,f g* e J#i; a;1.2g rry ,.r\ 5. dt q, +- b.r b !f- uJr a-r db- o.la+t" ,.Stl -, GrI 4"b Ub rlr Cl.ei; tfS 1p

Mr. zain Neorani : sir, I am glad the Ministcr Inchargc has a rot ofconfidence in the Land commission as hc bas stated, but sir I havc been

3iven a rtEtemcnt ovcr here, statcmeot 'A' and statcment .B'. statGmeot

'A'gives the highest price offcrcd ia auction No. I, and Statencnt .B'

is in rcgard to auction No. II. Thc auswer to my question says that

rtA(REb eUEsfroNS ANb aNswtnr 7651

since the highest offcrs madc in the.second auction were tower than thoso

received in tbc first auction, thcrefore, such and sucb thing was done.

In thc slatcment given to me, thc highest offer in the first auction is Rs.

1,05,26? and Rs. I 17,000, as said in the aoswer, and thc highest offer

of tlre sec'rnd auction is Rs. 140,000. How does he rcconcilc thc various

rigmarole aoswers given by tbc Lend Commission througb the Minister ?

L dlsi Uj sL: - K- ,r{.i e?.{ - Yl3 .;E- .-A - tur. :littjfr-

'J'"1 q. oJ! f.0l clu d!ti- * - +,5&t sdhf g>\tl "t

+ CJr rJt{d,:.:t -r. - + tf U, ,f lfi f )* eilr qr wl-* E

-,re, ,rf 6 )* Lx e)t.- uf 61J ,.rilr

Mt. Zaln Noorani : I bavo not brought it from my home ; it hal

bcen supplied to mc on my table, and it has becn laid on thc Tablc ofthe Housc.

..r:r (a-f) ,t:-|+- 6 ,-'JUS ": r=,l (.-l.a ull.y Otj - f1g, rl.*

f W tof o;l*il j.1 vI ril:. E, 6t1*t *. otf

Mt. Zaln Noorenl : The bighcst price, which I can figd in Statement

'A'is Rs. IO5,O0O, which ir at No. ll, and the highcst price, which I can

fiad in Statcment 'B', is Rs. 1401000. How can it bc said that in the first

auction, wbcn the Statcmcot 'B' relates to the second auction ? Sir, thc

wholc thing is beiog manipulated, wrong, figures are beiug quoted and

wong ef,cuscs are bcing given to allot this six squares of tand at e price

of Rs. 20,000/- per square to this lady, Mrs, Zaioab Khizar Hayat Khsn.

.r.r. ra.-1) q rf A tf ,f* L qr - llr vh - $rt. t:tt

.:-j Of o-l ld + t^.ta q ,iio.f *+l .11. o.1! f, e;lj ;t.-. ,^f +ft - + K" t" hr .rllr I s* Att{,.r1 - -n.,,;t} rrrr:l q.11



1652 pa.ovrNcrAl AssEMBLy oF {rBsr pAkErAN [l2rn lunn, l!168

e))o g,,l n ,5..:-r, i Os.l, ff o, oq! rJ"l p>\j L 6&.f i!

- e- u:(- jr, tn; .:lK, 5..-b .,llri ,.:lj rnr

l{r. Zeia Noorani : Since the casc of Mrs. Z3jr,ab Khizar.Hayat KhanTiwana bas been rejected by the Comrnissioner, the Governor and lhePresident. as it has been stated in aoswer to part (c) of Qucsti,rn No.12583, what special qualifications has she now devcloped all of a sudden

that she has been given a land at almost a lakh of rupees less than what

was offered in the public auction ?

,1ca,a;'u ,ft "f + € ,f* a- tx - Ytr .rt-: - g.i. ,jJL t*V r1f rrt*: - + \f \d ss" 14 o-l.rj.;: {i *.;.t .::'i t ,:!t-

rJ f *i iL.- "f + k+* L--U.*Lc.i 11 'r^3 L ';)yL Lra4

Uh qr rjr,"tii r:!j o-e .{t - lV,S 1.X., U r5Yl q\. rl&i gf u;t1

tJ14 G *+.- ut, .S, rihr - rrlr a-s Jlr- U 4 L rrl I .D 4ta- qU .r.p Jls e^s 1[ ok-ft; cx Jlr C: 6..(r. ,rj-9ra o3 e(Ij,r

fl.i &t + .-$ rr .lJl .3 ad c"s o*t 421 c,tal*i L ,.rl - Jisl;

L oA *$.r13. .d t, Q3* r---L. 1- r->lp tSf O,b. L ,)Yt-

4l ft f, * .-..U. jt1;il sl,..r!t- 4l ,tl und Jrr z4 tt {:-J)

K ,rl o .,>-V) o.:tr-j r.-^lr vils! ,J.s .{t - lV 6) 4.-) br4 6

- ul) dlr or*Je -t, cr! 2rt3 r;13-

Mr. Zain Noorani : Sir, I want a ruling from you, I would appre-

ciate it, as to bow a fresh aotice is called for, and how my supplcmen-

tary is trot in ordcr, I also question the statement of thc Minister that

sheis aforeigner and not a Pakistani. In'fact all her husbands'are



O * n, :t* .! G;'.-.te- L cri L.'L, .rilrgi 6lj - .r(,* ;*'

- Jh tgr'c-s &.'j '^l -{*) iL*' *f + ld U ,f "l"e'J'q

lil,|;t. ZgJ,a Nooranl : No Sir

!f ,t# +ta; a ^f + Ut i L g".-, rtj3 gSI - f-* ;.*'-Lr

Mr. Zaln Noorrni : I have only asked that when her'application

for tand was rejected by the Land Commission, she filed an appeal to

the Governor, who rejected it ; then she filed an appeal to thc President'

who also rejected it ; this is clear in ths answer given to my question ;

what quatification has she now suddenly develope'J that her application

is being considcred for giving the land to her ? She has offercd Rs. 20,000/

which is a ridiculous price. The Land Commission has not even had the

decency to tell her that Rs. 20,000 is a low price, & whether she is pre'

pared to give a higher price ? Instead, her application is being considered.

will rbey give this land at a price of Rs. 150,000 to the widow ot the

original surrenderer ? Now Begum Zaioab's application is bcing consi'

dered ; for what is it being considered for ? At Rs' 20p00/'?

Minister of Food eird Agriculture (Malik Kbuda Bakhsh): sir, may I id-

tervene at this stage. Sir, anyone can give an application to the appropri'

ate authority and that tras to be considered by the :rppropriate authority'

Does Mr. Zain Noorani nrean or advocate that an application given by

an individual should not be conridered ? Consideration does not invol-

vc or mcan or envisage acceptance. She has applied that as she has

failcd to find the typo of land that Land Commission was inclined to give

her, she sbould bc accommodated in this valuable plot of lnnd' Now'

this is tbe situation. It is quite premature to assume or anticipate that

is going to get this land or she will not get this land. So, lhe question

of consideration does, Sir, entail a proccEs and rilerence to the appro'

priatc authority. since the Land commission bas not met, so the appli'

, , .- ,lls

7654 ?iovrNcIAL AsiBuBLr ol wBnT pAKrsrAN il2rn ruNe, 1968

cation har not yet been decidcd. Tbis question, I believe, purports to

iadicate the feelings on the subject. I have taken a note ol it and Iwill cndeavour to place thoso feelings before the Land Commission

whencver tbis case comcs for consideration. I think that should satisfy

the Member.

Mr. Zain Nooranl : Sir, I am grateful to the Mioistcr for tbe assu.

rance given on the floor of the House and I hope be will be able to ful6l

thc scntiments wbich hc has expressed. Sir, beforc I sit down I would

likc to draw his attentioD to (a), (b), (c) and (d) of qucstion No. 12583,

whirc it har been admittcd that cvcrytbing I have said is correct, includ-

ing tbose six lquares of land, which it har been decided to give to Begum

Zainab Khizar Hayet. I havc no objcction to give land to this lady,givc her twclve squares of land, but whatcvcr land is given, it must bo

givco at the highest pricc. That is all I ack for.

Mr. Spcaker : No oupplemontrry informatioa is solicitcd. Nextqucstion plcace.

AuouNr DoNerep sy Rumn oF ABU DHasr

t12590. Mt. Zain Noorani : Will the Minister for Auqaf be pleased

to state :-

(a) whcther it is a fact that out of Rs. two lac donated by Sheikh

Zaid bin Sultan Al-Zaryan, Ruler of Abu Dhabi. the Central Governmeut

has vcry graciously granted a sum of Rs. one lac to the West Pakistan

Auqaf Department ;

(b) if answer to (a) above be in the affirmative, details as to how the

department has spent the said .mount or intends to spend the same ?


Parlianentary Secretary (Sardar Mubaqmad AshrEf Khan) : (a)



r 1b; tfrir donation is not earmarked for a particular purpose. It bae,

therefore, been credited to the Central Auqaf Fund and will be ured in

due course for the beneficent activitiEs of the department, particularly

ln the propogatioo, of the teachings of the Holy Qur'an among the

younger generation, for which arrangements bave alrcady been started.

Mt. Zain Noorani : Since this donation has been received from

Shcikb Zaid bin Sultan Al-Zaryao, Ruler of Abu Dhabi. would the Gove'

rnment consider settitrg up an institution for Islamic teachings out ofthis fund, and naming it after the said Sheikh, so that it rnay be remem-

bcrcd by the futurc generttions lhat there was a prince who camc to

Pakistan, there was a prince who thought of Islam, and left behind somc

Doncy to propagatc rhe tcachings of Islam ?

Mlnister of Auqaf (Mr. !{ubapmad Ali Kban) : To start an instit-ution and then to run that institution would involve s colossal amount

of money, and Rs. 100,000 would not be sufficicnt for it.

L i:*f )* V )V ,yt, "f t6, )t& b y dh - c;o, 2b.fir 6 orj! 9I ,s ;t; E. Ol S e N ol ;;r "l lof - ur ;T 2

: ' -,r)f l6arlMr. Speeker : Disallowed.

Mr. Zsin Noorrnl : Would the Department rcciprocate the getreros-

ity of thc.Sb.ur!! "n9

o"T". at least onc of its own institptions after

thc Staikh to appreciatc bis gencrosity ?

i,Mr. Spertrer , inut is e ruggcstion. Next question.

Asltxl ox LeNos tN Vlr.Lecs Nlou,rr,n KneN t.r TeHstr


.112612. Mr. Hamza : Will the Parliamentary Secrctary Land an{'-r,1

*Eter Dcvclopmcnt be plcascd to rtale :-


7756 pBol*.NctAL Assltlar.r oD *'nJr lAf,lsrlN {l2rr ,uNB, 1968

(a) whethcr it is a fact that Village Nadhala Khan of Tchsil

,," i.Hafizabad is included in SCARP I and the lands of this village totalling

ffiilr, acres are bcing charged abiana if,4

".: 1& (b) wherher it is a fact that Do water has ever been supplied to

this village since SCARP I scheme was introduced ;

. (c) whctbcr it is also a fact that thc said village was previously

irrigatcd by canal water which was stopPed io view of the SCARP I

schemc ;

(d) if answer to (a) and (b) abovc bc in tbe affirmative, whether

Government intend to refund the abiana so far recovered ?

Parliamentury Secretary (Mian Gbulam Muhammad Ahmad Khan-

Mancka) : (a) Ycs.

(b) No. It is continuing to receive its allocatcd sbare of canal

supply. The additional tubewcll supply ir also availabe to thc estate

cxccpt a small portion of about 300 acres which at preseot is not ,

ccmmanded by the oxisting tubewells.

(c) No. Thc regular canal supply allocated to the area was never


(d) tn view of (b), thc question does not arise.

vTrrl q--i(l ,'rr *ri, ,f frljf url - Yl5 vq - rlr.irg

-: *5. a LLri ,t l

"A small portioo of thrcc huodred ar res

which at prescot is oot commaodcd by thc exittiog


,rl "d * 1t,ri rrJ VT qr *)\ L-i&| r c . 4 n4.,.ri.,1 ft.i ,r:l

3tARllD Qt 83rtoNs AND ANSWERS 765?

i)t.l,b t5 i,rr, ,J,o- _f d L + tlb Lr uo,rJ ,Jl{ * ,,kr vli rfY if dhl '*. rht v$ * 0Klu E &.'j -iftl r" ty'I fJ' +

t q 2f ,*-S ; or i)f .f,, - .lr 2r{ $et *Vi

Mlnletc' for Lan (Mr. Allah Bachayo Ghulam Ali Akhund) : Thc

totrl arca iu this project was about twctvc lakh acres and, comprted.to

tbrt, tbis 300 acreg ic considercd to bc a small portioo.


11, (Jtt) r*- ;f jlj- 4gl 2 ,ar - Ylr vL+ -.j.r i.'*,

j r;I t q- -i&1.,'y r grlll .f cff,tl."dr rrl tJ "{ + tJ g'bl:

,.. .rl .f q 2Ut.l vT.r*l nol^t'+ tit, c# .719; f trt

- ,4f .h vT - * \s t" tof,rr, t +- r./t a chr '-'. ri rf Orj -!&t

tf ,l ,iU, 1'6 ,J ,/h e. .Er vr"i *f ,r, .ple- KrJl.sr s# ,rlr or.f r r.u if $ - q if rlrr "!t rI vI

Mlnirter for Law : Wc have repeatcdly raid on the Floor of the

Housc that thc object

+ lrt" tf ,* j:11 il.p ,r..i - llr vh* - Oli .t rt LJget Ub

a?rl .Jt9r,;.; sr3t F, afU rlsr*. tr:l vlrl K.rl s+r +V.rtis' - rr^(-

?Jtr- d ,^f + V ,t* Jtt .jf Z (a - llr Yt+ - Ortl rj,. ,',Jq ..,,i+ /b t5 nr t{ ,;\ ;ri :;i "f + *1 a*i, f r*c"d€t ,iri "r o - iq tif tr iL- .t..Jtl h eb qr Ff tf 4*

toJf rtovrrrcrrl rlcslfltv or (irr reftrrrrxl

t,Jh K&r ,..,.3si -r5- .&l ygd o* tbyr *1.- fidtF{,#.j $ I2\ N r'51C*. ,5 jt{ r.ry Lryl 9;[ "f qo-.o-'r*h tl .i+ili ^ft ]

:'- fi o)Uj lftl+l sl x,ia c,;JlV.Zl*r.ra^l u-"j *f ti

L ,-,JVt,J .r^-Lp 6;.furSFJ-rll r;t : lf, -Oti J.i.',J3lgl Ul.rI rl I

+ uburu,,rruiri f oift2Lif w,{*6riq*rf + K, t" l5 clrr'r ,,it rT K.hr v-* a.6l gr ,


112rn iuxr, ti6l

- Yl3 ,;L- - (KJf

#t, ;a.j Jrl +'*.


q;t: ,u-l ,r.*.. p)U al..) 6j1$- 6;$.{t1, (.

la zai rdq - e- tg"i -rf ,*C 6;L n diU



e. Uj url .itr.-t d + e.Jlr - Yb vh - Oli r.lr clle| Ull

4z- -j tf &A /b t5 tr, ,J\ -{ o4 o+ + t5- i- V dnt;t*I a Vj ,-rl 2\ Uf ,.i tr. s,\ f Aitf? nf (Ju ;(- q *t q 2f t+l vI **1 L r't1,r ,.f ! Oyu ,f iV t{ ls+s su

,. r^tfi-tl*qg ,:-4 -,st &* *Jtr- .r - Ilr 9L:," t!J;St, 6rfqtl[ :.

. Utl ^t 2 v-V OIV $s - q- U e* .Jlr- ,rJ oli". ,lt;. iLf W tf * .f .rit, . ,a 5t iLr c,..txi qr t;,4l v)V- ,d +set tf '0Ku E,'-i(l r'oJ e-s,l - c- tih

"ltt, E 4V 3,f *.i

'r.r"e jr\- dd! *,-tl{, vr.! c}:r&l ,f el -{l: q-.ta41 .a!u

- E ,s.{ tr. ijh f Rt ibyri dt ^iiltf sar

sfAhDtR OUgsrr0uc erb rfir*sr,i ?d5g

*y.prf '.11-jl ?\.p ,s;.fu :6i+J\ Vh tfp r3s irr("t-ri). ..r#f tjg:g 6J

''#tr('L::..'.. ;.i r "- l: .;,,'., .;

' !'+'H }U .s, 1p .,l;t w ";iI r5. vI - citXf." {5rtoi1 ,i,

1ffi: ".".' . * { rr'gdtir rl""r -2" ,fr -:p fu(ot"$f $)t ' ! ;' 'r.; ": '.'-, :' L i'. 1", ' ,.'',:..{.

3*i. u.. "t;

Mr. Speakcr : Order plcase, ordcr.

l.:lL '. 'r '. .l -

;U-r .-. # i n tK*ig q d,rr 2f p1; +,,,r,I - r3r. j-t-''5

J,t ]t 4t - 7 r+^ra .riu lrrr -f 6t f- ut" !f t=n. ,Jt; oE, .rhT ,5- 0l eJL.,.r^ erL E sl artt yl t-./ .tr d *V 2 dK,L E O*j -i(l r .. i-+ hl b tftl.. uer,I\ 2

.t .

,,f unttrs+ +Gl+i(yl'f + *i'arq f,-+€:#



: b1e{,.rrita .5j .51 .iL:. L ,.rl - ltr vh - t5Jf," cj..clrlt ,

qr Ok t ,rl 2 nl + sub-judicc elt - ,t stl - * J- L- Utta t+r .rd iit*'gif t7l


.lr:' I ', i ' '

,S;.fu 6rljl[ AJ d[U - tlr (. Ut - Otr r.r. d* Ulr

i ' ,rar * o$r.re rrllt el - A ,jx t's'E J"t+ tiLi, L'.r.-tp

, -! ab !+'r,,#-vh K,s1sl

)ooo ?lovlfic,^t alilr.tLy ot oril ?Arrsr.N [l2rn lur.re, 196l

ri r + rix rg.rt'!r; ,;f -rf vI tf - fv t*

- or E Jb g.- ;] wit rr". r3;jlFt - r(c. Jf...

.f &r $ f Al 2 ,yt - d-*;ttf }{t s srJ{..? (l;rt*{ rjj- + ix s'ft tlc

2 ,rl ,A I J, i: l) - r.l l) .ti d .(t - Oti r.r. dlg Ub

- rJ;6 .ir.l- .,r..

Mecnrxns LyrNo UNSERvTcEAELB lN GovsrxunNr DsprntMaxts

112649, Mr. Muhammad Brlhsh Khrn Narejo : Will thc Parliamentary

Sccrdtary 'Plaoniog and Dcvclopment be pleased to statc :-

(a) whether it ir a fact that some timc ago, the Provincial Govcrn-

EcDt appointed a 6ve membcr Committee to collect the data about

all rortc of maohiocs which, had bccome unserviccablc in difrcrcnt

Govsrnment Departments ;

(b) if aoswcr to (a) abovo be in thc affirmative, (i) thc datc on which

tho raid Committcc was appointcd thc name! of the membcrs of tbc

raid Committec and its terms of rcfcrcncc ;:t,

. (c) whethcr thc said comnitteenhcs ,submittcd its report to the

Goverameat ; if so, the details thereof and if Bot, the datc by wbich thc

rqrort ir crpcctcd to bc mado public ?

. ,sfARBBD,rQU!$IIQNS.AND AItfsYERt r. ,r 766.1

Parliruentary Secretory (Sardar .*tthl.qma{ Asbraf (hap) ; (a)


(b) (i) Thc Committee was appointed in May, 1964.

(ti) .The members of thc Committce wcre :-

l. Mien Mubammad Shafi, Additional Secretary, p&D


2. Mr. Majid lfasan Khan, Supcrintending Engincer,Agricultural Macbincry, Lyellpur.

3. Mr. Ghulam Ahmad, General Manager, MpO,WAPDA.

4. Mr. Nawazish Ali Shah, Assirtant Chicf Eogioecr,

WPIDC Fertilizer Fadtory, Multan.'

(iii) Thc terms of, refcrence of the Committee wcre l-

l. To collect data about the machinery lying unuscd

for want of repairs.

2. To sort such machinery out of it as can be economl-

cally rcpaired.

3. To list unserviceable machinery which is not economi-

cally rcpairablc and its modc of disposal.

(c) The committcc submitted its rcport in February, 1965.

Tbc rccommcodations contained in rhe repcrt wcre as follows :-

I. Thc equipment considered non.rccovcrablc should bc dirposcd

of cithcr through public auction or the Dcpartment concorncd should

rtcgotistc with tbc Wah Ordnance Factory for salc of scrsp. Bcforo

tbis planr ic dieposed of iq either of lbe rnaloer mentiooed abgJF


zeiZ "'

rtovlNctAL ersenrir ol w3st ptrtrrAr [l2tn ruNe, 1968

all' thosc'partr which can be used:in oiher :Simitar machines shorild'be

stripped of for purposcl of cannibalization.

II. Ir is felt that some machinery wbich is lylng idl: for want

ol repairs can bc tcclaimed by purchasing neccssary parts rfrom the

u. s. Exces3 Propcrty Pool. The Govcrnment of lndia have purchased

a 'largS stock of such machincry from tbb Pool and havc rlsp received

a sizcable amount of cpare part3 to rcpair machinery. It is recommened

that a dclcgrtion should be scrt lo USA,by thg Provincial Government

and they may cxamioe such plant ar can be cconomically used for

rcpair of machinery in West Pakistan. Tbey must, howevsr, have

a comprchcnciue lirt of parts repaircd by thc teveral Dcpartments of the


!U. Thc prorcot Committcc should bc givco a permaocnt status

to thst it cao inspcct plant, aud workshops, pcriodically, cvaluate the

mechinery reported tO be non-recovcrablc by the Departments and assesl

tho worksbip needs of various Dcpartmonts. It is suggested that this

Committeo may ba calicd "Machincry Evrluatiou Comrnittec."!.

IV. The proccss of connibalization by the Departmcnt thcmsclvo

should bc stoppcd. Thc parts ehould bc removcd by thc Departments

only after the machines have becn inspoctcd and dcclarcd beyond

ccouomical repairs by the Committee. The Departmcuts should aiso

kecp complcto rccord of such rcplacements etc.

Y. Thc standardization of machinery is very essential. Now

thrt thc verious Dcpartmcnts havc gaincd adcquatc experiencc of machin-,ii

cry r1ost suitcd to our conditions thcy ehould bc asked to lecommcnd

such machinar which should.bp rtaodardisod, In tho past due to iwildcat purchasing', equipmcnt was procured from such manufacturerg

who had no experieoce in the linc.,Io almost all such carcs the plant

lave a' yery poorrperformance and on acdount ef frequent brenk;downsr,

end'high cost of.operatiors it bed ,to be rcrapped;'i It,.is rroonmcnded

tbrtfia futuro no nacbinory rbould bc purchlrcd on expcrimental .basir


aud only well-tried and reputcd machiries sbould be purchased. This

will not only result in considerable saving of foreign exchange on the

quality of Spare parts but also help operrtions and maintenance staff to

get conversant with the standrrd m.lchines and work on thenr in a

better manner.

Vt. At the time of purchase of machines, spare parts sufficient

for two years (fast moviog items plus overhauling set for each major

assembly) should bc purchased alongwith the machines. Most o[ the

machines bavc becn rendered unservicerble for lack clf spare parts whic6

the manufacturers havc now stopped producing. The manufacturer sbould

bc asked to recommcnd the vital spares in each machines and tbese

should be produced right at the time of purchase. Although this will

entail some additional capitat investment in thc beginning, it will pay

itsclf off by increasing the life of thc machines.

VIt. The Departments have faced considerable difficulty in procur-

icg spare parts due to lack of foreign exchange anC import restrictions

etc. with thc result that if a piece of equipment failed for want of a

smatl part, it should not be procured in time. Such equipment continued

to be used on projects resulting in brcakdown of otber vital parts and

ukimately it completely went out of commission. This state of affairs

could have been avoided if spare parts had been readil,v available. It is

recommended strongly that adequate amount of f,'reign exchange sbould

bc made available for purchase of spare parts.

VIII. It is felt that adequate worksfiop facilities ars not available.

Tho cquipmeot was being repaired in fields under dustrl conditions

which had heavily damaged the equipment. There is also dcarth of trained

pcrtonncl which it is hoped wilt be soon removed as Training Schools are

beiUg eStablished everywhere and tho manufacturers' representatives are

also giving training to the operators.

IX. Local Iodustries should be encouraged to manufacture thosc

sparcg shicb aro not of a very specialised or of prccision nature. Such

iOdUstries rhould bc given sdeguatc foreign exchauge to imBort thc requis'


7654 pRoviNcIAL AssBltBLv op wEsT PAKISTAN fl2rn luxr, l96t

ite plant and raw materials so that many of thc sparc pzrrts can bc

manufactured locally.

X. The following suggestions are made in regard to efficientoperation of machinery :-


Cot d and experienced ' operators should be employed and givcn

reasonahle salary as they havc to operate machines whicr sometimes

cost as muclr as ;r flactory. If the operator is not expsrienc:d and doeg not

know rhe mrchine thoroughly he will mis-use the nrachine resulting in

low output arid ulti;nate breakdowns. A bad operator can keep the whole

workshop [.usy on the repair of one single machine and thur matre the

process of repairs highly uneconomical. To encourage operators it is

suggested that they should be given an incentive by way of bonus which

may be fixed on the optimum output of the plent. For cxample if a

Tractor-scraper ie capablc of giving optimum output of 5 lac cubic feet

in a month and if, due to good operation. it gives a higher output, boous

should be allowed to the operator for the extra output. Anothe r mode

of compensation could be on the basis of working hours. The optimum

number of hours a macbine should work can be fixed for a month and if,

the operator can work the macbinc for more hours then the fixed optimum

bonus should be paid for the extra hours hc has taken from the machine.


It is a facr that pcor maintenance reduces th: useflul I ifc of a plant

ultimately resulting in loss of output and subsequtnt failure cf tl:e plant.

A maintenartce schedule should, therefore be,...folloued so that t,he maint-

enance is carried out at proper intervals. For this purpose MPO tas

introduced standard Forms of Maintenancc, Periodic maintenance

tests should be carried cut acc,trding to the inslrlctions llid down in

these Forms. Each Departrnent should have preventive nrnintenanc:

teams who should be equipped with mobile service units, nrobilc work-

shops and other necessary tools. The personnel for thcse teams should be

. specially sclected on the basis of thcir previous expsrience.





PrOpef rcpairs and overhaul must be carried out to the equiprueot

acCording to the instructions of the manrfacturers. The total cost of

repairr and overhauls ihould not cxceed l25f of the replacement value

of thc plant during its entire useful life. The maximum cost of repairs

at a timi may be fixed at 6O/, of the replacement value of the plant and

wbencver the cost of repairr and overhaul,exceeds this pcrcentage, the

plant should be rcferred to the Machinery Evaluation Committee which

sbould inspect it and make suitable recommendations'

& lf ol) jl .r-tp ,9.t.5* 6}al.1t{ '/q Uf - c11*> )24

fl 9 + f tf ue ,t-" ;tf J .;JtrJLL.5"t-frrl Af E.ritls.,y tf er, J.t i 2- uf ur

6t "{ + tS €r, cn ..7lr: - !13 ,*,k- - ,S-i.$"- 6}r.J1tt

on )tq.r5 cit.*;tl'g;-t L o.l Dl'rf .t frU,- er l't r, ,5i,,t'

rr;n Jt" -q;r .(; CI -'(,, e, ,zis ,.rl - '{ &4 i- ..1k4 J.r nf

*rit'. 6.l .rrr ,r: - .-"i .sJ.5 i* 2 L ssl L ;S;JT 6;':.

'r +rr Jtr rl ;r;rfl; ; ff::r:


.r;.1 .+;i \tfi a. .lll: t 0l ..1"' Uf ' itr Yt:t - a;.a i"

g,." c!t.^:-t *-l - ,S,r=ae r.lk-ri SA-i- ,5 3lf n tJuJ ^f os-d

tIJUY otto;

lrrlrril dI,:, t .-.-l,ir, - llr YU: - 6).fY 6$'Jltt

.r.lp GL t,.1.q, ;61l- e.* *,., '(tl ef ,r..:T .-(Jt ,1 ne *f ai



1666 pRc)vtNcr^L Asitxar.y of wrsr pArnrAx [t2tu luNr, 1968

,Jty :t dl 14 ifi &c o) i 4i +) )f eYlr- G.i sl

I +;f,S-i.S* 6F..t)\ j).. - ltr vL: - rrti )!st Joc,t 6r+?

- f- ue&s =. +fii .r, .Stl 3f .r.:I n L t\,7i1 3,t L ,-fo,

,d * qf U, ,.rot, ylr: Kdlr- l-F - f.o- Y'*: - o;rr .l*r

cll L u:" - ti ral*:, 1ll cSS)f r.rr eltr, prl ut €.C t . rJlrr e-r.

ef 6I':, L rSr+* ,f ^f "*t+ "l &v. ot '{ + Uf gitl.r, Q a,

tF rju.:-t .* .rel )tl + ,5 ags: 3:f dl os nf, 6- !t .,i L vT

yT Uf - q € 6lai t5- L .r.e(- r.iJc" 5rl , ,:f ;V ,rx,

t r.*, ert+ Ujrs; t6r uFL o'l tl .# 2i[ tiY .!t.*:-l ri tful

Ui k1^f e ,,r-,*jl r$ gn. Yl.e r7L* - g;j.fi1, 6r::".J1!

vlg &.sd r.sr d frl tc+.. o.d 9l3; e- --L ,.. 9t:: ,{ +,Jg 6t4:- ,9 n2 *{ ox 6: f ,f .* ,^l .F. - of }:- f .rti':-l *

.5.r: ;rl ,ra,r ,tiN ,Sh uv .:Jt- vlr rrl ,tg .;6* .rt$t "d J-

6.;& ,5 4:s \tf ,r> ,rl - v+i ,st: b 5 r.rrr r?2t -r1 l* +'V

o". pV t5' 6& ,5 4ss hf :t ,, t)f ql *i + ltt rriU q a

)tl qf Ur.zf ;)\,.1 sf ,sm:- rS 4ts t::f dl te.1rl *6t b tiY

G-;*fu t- ,^f + l^,tS li91 cr,.,.,, & dld..

"5- .ra + 1.( routine +

-l .l & t" L! *i r,r=. tJL.:.| ,;!l) a.l D\ r,t u{ -rtnJlJlj- + ut" qr f ;>\:;

SfAn,RtD Qursrtotls ANb ANs\rirBRs 7667

.9rirq- 6r,llJrl, .,.L? .r-Lp JL;,|JU. rfu -F#./t+ - 5* 3:*e

f{ )t Ff a5- A o?lrzsl,a1 J rt 4* stl g .-s 4s ryL. 2{

- t€J a\tt tJf ,r.r. iJL':-t "EiJ tr ":L^.Jl l l)" f .---1", .(L

&, eI s{ tst,r:il ,J y tiln uet ur:? Gii- &r.f

tta.l url L o,r. - Yl3.,.L- - (.j*t l.r;..-.(r.) *li t5b3r. fJt191 rL.1 gif \t 6r:g,,-,5 f.; Ot U ,-,r;(,j *f t€J t1^f artl e,

- + ,F h f )h.'"t r.5 r.tl rrl + ,f f

-':- f,


Alrroertorgs MADB gy Moutvrs AcArNsr AUeAF DgplntueNr

.12751. Chauilbri Muhammad Nawez : Will the Ministcr for Auqaf

be plcssed to state :-

(a) whcther it is a fact that some Moulvis hcld a Prcss Conferenc: at

Lahore in Fcbruary, 1968 and madesomc allegations against the Auqaf

Department i

(b) if answer to (a) abovc be in the affirmative, the nature of allc'

gations and the action Government has taken in qhe matter ?

Parlismentary Secretary (Sardar Muhammad Ashraf Khan) : (a) Itis a fact that a Press Conference had been hqld by some insignificant

Molvis representing somc paper organizations of the Moulvis. They were

uscd for this purposc by some interested parlies, who werc dctermined to

malign the Auqaf Department. One opposition paper went to thc lcngth

of publishing also false news in this connection, wbich thc psper contradi-

ctcd latcr on.

ieed f;noviNCrrr rsstuitt op Wesr irrtstln il2rn ruNs, 1968

(b) Since thc allegations made in this Press Conference were mostly

false, Government took no action on tbese Briefly the allegations

werc:- ,

(l) that the Auqaf Department gave grants to APWA and a Histori-

cal Research Socictr, which were not a valid charge on the Auqaf funds.

This allegation proved to be false since the graots siven rvere not out ofthe Muslim Auqaf funds.

(2) tbat the Department by its negligence lost a few lakhs of rupees

oD accouut of interest on its fixed deposits in the Banks due to delay in

renewls. This allegation was found to be absolutely false.

(3) that tbc Department had on its staff oificials who did not bclieve

in Sunnah. This allegation was found to be absolutcly false.

(4) that the department publishes literature which does not conlain

mucb refcrence to the Sunaat-e-Nabvi. This allegation was found to bo

absolutely false, since the literature published by the depattment was

.approved by learncd Ulema and contaios . copious referenccs to tbe

traditions of the Holy Prophct.

(5) thar the dcpartmeot circulated the pamphlet'Ahkam-e-Zabihd.

No particular circulation of this pamphlet was arranged by the department.

It was alrcady on the market aod was b:ing supplied to the readers aloug-

with some other literaturc that the department sends to the lmams. This

pamphlet also went tbrough the Education aod Publication Advisor of the

dcpartment but its cirulatiou was stopped wbcn it was knowu to contain

some controversial material.

(6) that the dcpartment circulatcd a monthly magazine of the Islamic

Research Institutc known as Fikr-o-Nazar. It is true that this magazine

was sent by the said Institutc to the Education & Publication Advisor who

considcrcd it to be a rasearch publication and circulated it to some of the

Imams of thc department ; but subsequently as it was found to cootain

some @ntrovcrcial matcrial, ias circulation was also withbeld.



(7) that the department was going to screen out the Moulvis in the

mosques who were not liked by the Auqaf l)epartment. Thir allegation

was absolutely false. The screening was not with that motivs, but was

intended to replacc illiterate Moulvis by qualified ones.

(8) that the department is forcing the Molvis to learn derogatory

trades, such as, agriculture, farming and poultry. This allegation was

equally false, as the programme of rraining foi ttre Molvis was approved

by nearly 400 Ulema, who met in three seminars at Pcshawar, Lahore and

Bahawalpur. The training was given purely on voluntary basis, aod no

compulsion was used in any way.

(7) that the department is forcing the Moulvis to collecr rents of thc

properties attached to the mosqucs. This allegation was equally false.

as rhe programme of that type was worked out to enable the Moulvis toexercise some powers by being ,"rpooribl" for the collection of rents from

the tenants. In this way they were going to be helped not only fioanci-

ally, but also in status Besides, lhey were going to be made independent

of the control of the Managcrs to some extent, and ln addition tl:isscheme ainred at the improvement of the internal administration of the

mosques by providing imprest money to the Moulvis on the spot ior repairs

and other equipment in the mosques.

(8) Maulana Ja[ar Qasmi was appointed in lhe grade of Rs. 450.50-

1030 and was given three advance increme nts unduly. Tiris allegation

was false. N,tr. Qasmi was persuacled to join the Departrnent with great

difficulty. The salary otTered to hior_was much be low his expecratioos

and be has already threatened to resigo if his salary .was Dot enhanced

further on merits.

t9) Mr. Inamullah Jan employed as Researcb Scholar at Rs 300/.

p.m. is N{unkar-i-Hadirh. This was false as he was uot a Munker-e-

Hadith and was a Researcb Scholar of sound standing.

rtjrl 4 ,..-tp Oi.fi- d;,}:{tlt ./u" tf - jltt &,r.,.6r)r?


't670 \

pnovlNclal AssBMELY oP wEBT PAtrlsTAN [121'B ,uNE, l96E

rit *,.j6.91 ,..(r,* ,rn ,ri*V rrl+ tlil c,Llll r ^t S f- uit,

4 rfr + 6) f ln L vT setl c^-sryr ;f '.r\;lr:sl 0l ;91 .* E;fLf +ri,5 O? I L n-i sslious *,Llll r., df +VN rttb "t

.kt, ,;af ell.=,It.f - rrt, ,,riIl 'r'.pV s+;t, r:i3{ I # 4 L

F ,:iL a. tl uet tf ftf ;fti jta q5.rlry t5 ,rl n{ t47'- s,:ri

- ut?

Parllamentary Secretary : As it has becn clcarified in thc answer, itwas not fclt necessary to give coutrter-statemeot as it was not considered

propcr to enter into controversy by giving counter-replies.

"5- jp Jf 0hL, Gls. dl ur. )*l- orl t*f - $li CIF.(L.f e-i(*lrf Lt rrl ,s'd + ",f

5.Alr? qry r"L" {.!l E .jti-rl

- ,J-f sl-n f c-te fls OL st yl ,:tf ,*r:f ,5 Lf .=4.r$

,Jo. t:,lJ\il ..t - llf .rU: - (.lt- ,rlr J.r" ,i-.) .ltifl yjf

.r;rJ 5,rl 6 )F jl L "t& ,H L ujUJl '^-Ci.. -t' le6,3. "LL, "l


dlr- "f E #Lr; .sLfl n1 isrt .,ljr tf - jl, r.n 4;rlj?

dK tf dtt-tlSly ui',i "f + \f Lr ylr: 4 tt z.1t; -.i 6.

; €J Lr tqr

,,Scroening wss uotwitb that motive but lbey

iotoedcd to rcplrcc itlitereto Maulvics b'y quali0ed



u.. .aF uf "..til:;[' L 5,I *f .fr.r U{b Uf, frl^. .: ,* i- + t6 s -f ,st-l-r bf {

*l a. LI ,g ,}9'., di ,-iUrl r'Lr 4 - tll vLt ' JUel y;9

r.il a-rl ua1 gp. l-L.- Jl ;il gl-u ,;f lx ,>ri L osi"-{ d:t.1 ;,(J ,ti ,jf 131 u:+-,.1*t, ,tE ,;t{,.r$ ry 2f tN s*t

f-i.e ,# L us rf Ot 2 sl I +t T .113 "Lu "53:: ,4 rJ!!

J-t*. .,lt Lfr ,z*, E.jlill ef q { tf ^t+i .l .rt ,f.t - t+i

|trt ,? rrl lb hfi f bt' * E! learned sa z\,,r rrl crl

loarned *$ Srll fir Oq tf ,.tl rrt a-Lttt lrl ceJleiU ;(.1 ru J',

- 'r.,h ds d*

,? .t d[. s", 1y r,Pl - Il3 q/l+ - Olr t J.. r.r. {5r{?

6 ,rl rl.r. a- grl UT -,, )l:, tf pi a-,yl + clb ,5 ,A*

- a tf * 2 j-t ,U'. d rrl ,;f L a3*- tl q- ,l*ti u+*i

r*tj dt' ol ttf {:f;t-L. f e g1-t yt,.rV Lg"l J"1 !..sl jrt du 4r .* -d q- L4l -ft - e- /ts ug:r.: d}, "f sr2f

+ ts,f fibl {ltt 6r.tt ,*fnttc lr-e: ,1 F ,,rt ssl + hr jlJ

I ,9:f *U ,>1s 2f 2l: ,S ,f n st cr), ,-rl -y

, Ja, ,jilr E, .!.t ir J Ot -{ "-.d

- llr vu: - rJU3l ;;3

,:.!..iJ::-.. r,=. &" j.15l l,rLlljls un *grl - L(- [ Qr ,;./ lt.i e);o

a-1l.rl ,fi, ftJ f?.r tJ + Sil:V *y)\-l .r'.L fa-t r.tU lF pJ'i

,f fl r^r JL" ,& 2f J.rL r:. f x J€"..t:Jl tlV,t- dtr: c6r

7672 pRovrNctAl AssEMBr.v oF wEsT IAKISTAN [2rH ruNn, t968

,^(i*f - + ,tsi, o7:. ui:r*! ..t ,Jb ,; d-t - 4. uh tf n.t*; y'ts

- a L(- it *f *.i alis *,1 € Jt ts:ti &"U r:

j:r'j Ji 5 ,J t" L j9r3* l): :r - Oti gr t.l,*t 6Ja8| r

r: I.f 9i 91 *itl- x* KtJ3(- t, u2-19ci3! * tsL crctiL .) "f 13,5

e"f 6t .i.9G ,"f ti 3n ,nr a:i[*- tr JJ(. [ *:-1lja f tc

o.lr dto ,st rf o-f-J 0l ue ,.lrs afti + )'.i l) L 2f ip- 'nf

r-j rJ*; db f Al 4f ri 1.14 )f Li -J Jl r: )tl df

C* 'rf fl - q- r* n lf ri q - Ylr vLr ' dtill ,j,- * t,,ttu y'tc r.l>U )tl + nJtc r.r>\i J,Ju 6- tf dub ,f .rJ

r^l l.f .^f L ,sjtri e1 ci3ca. iis l.f - jtsl .tor". 6rolj'a

.fK o. Lf l.:l L )t l .,?,ti. *$3- ,-lii3l ,^.(,*. ^f q- ,,j!

f .iU3l ,..(-" L -j nf + a*l ,SSli*r t^f 3i - f deL. 3 r-

-rr J.L )):s sJ rll tl rt L$*ds ss*t lul .,:1L s5&l 9f dlr-il

d! d-s\., J,Q + o'C i ,,.r"j! + - !l: .rLt - .gt'fl $f

.rn-d: .)tJj r;:. ,s'l lsl (* ...tll ui{ -- rolJ u?1i' ,: qt -frJ 1l-or d

A Lt,,l it, Zrf;t;*i ;! ftl" /- jUel yje ,.+l:- - o'.o.r -/".e

Sl nt.(lri, L s..:(- Lf Ji 4.rtl: ti31 ,5&i J-r \ ,f nJts "S-:

d"f jr€ri , '';ltfi J.:.r(* l: r.d irf lrr .j*fi

st^RkED Qursrtors Axo rNs*Ens 1di3

- olLN e-jj Le.s sYll- ft->le or'> - tftlfl .tlif

hfr ,-.1,; o1- J.a!: - Gis 6Li 6.*tr 'r"*' rJt,) r:'U& yjl


- o3a tq: .4t(i .r!j/ I gl - ci* i*

vtr: K dl.r- L:{ L ,igo3.ljr vt^r - jlll 'tele 6Ja)J?

r5. O: *f g1y ,..sl *l -f & L trl 'd + liti 2x 1)

L -,J S ON krt= lr+:, .^: u'... i - + ,),V st* .fl srl Lr-L

guolifications t5 or. e)\.l*, ,rrl 6 ;llr^,*ht ,4 L iUSt *'(-'tra

Mr. Speaker : Next question.

ExpsNprTt Rs oN Uns or Bes.a Fentp Suffian Geul er P'rKpetr"'t't

_ ,t'

.1n52, chruilhrt Muhammed Nawaz : Will the Minister for Auqaf

bc plcased to state thc amount spent by the Auqaf Department at the time

of ursofBaba Farid Sbakar Ganj at Pakpattan in 1966, I967 and 1968,

separately, to maintein law and order during the said Urs ?

parliamentary sccretary (sardar Muhammad Ashraf Khan) : This

.qucqtiop rlates to tbc llome .Department and has been transferred to

that department for ncccssary action.

,.. .''-, ..'&l

i1lq rroilNcilr- essexi,.v oi wug irrrtsrex liZrn lur.rt, tiOt

Scneue ro Srenr Drr,s.r-Nrzlur SlLsett

.12753. Cheudhri Muhammed Nrwez : Will the Minister for Auqaf

be pleascd lo state :-

(a) whethcr it is a fact that a rchemo ic under thc consideration of

thc Auqrf Department to itart Dars-i.Nizami Silsala ; if so, when thc said

scbemc witl bc finalized ;

(b) whether it is a fact tbat an amount of Rs, 5 lac hu bccn rcterved

for the abovc-mentioned schemc ?

Parliamentery Secretry (Sardar Mubammed Ashraf Khan) : (a) No.

The question of finalizing tbe schem: doer Bot arise.

(b) No.

-f nsr-t ljr vL: q, -tt - -s.* ./t+ - jl, J.i. 15irJr?

hf "l -f ,f tj;,. .$l as\ i .Aj-r.il| .*: L 0l "f rrjh q

,su ulf 2 L gnl pl q +) 4-) ,Jl: .9;i 15- r& .r lf ts

t t #ti tf .rLr E ,rt vI xr i + ,F ,r$,

,r-l ei .,a e)\Ll did. E Jt:- u.l - llr 9U? - .rtt l Xi,

- 2- 6 r'rl/ ,sr 2 ?-r*41 si!"

Hrsrontcer ButLorNcs, Moseuar, Ssnlxsr rno Rnr.totous

Insttrutrort rN TsB Trtmu Arees

r12760, Ataliq Jafrr All Shth : Will tbc Minister for Auqrf bc

plcrscd to ttatc :-

STARRED quEsrioxs ANb eNswfts 7615

(a) tlre circumstrnccs undcr which bistorical buildings, mosqucs'

shrioes and religious educational institutions are taken over by tbe Auqaf

Departmeut ;

/(b) tbc namcs of historical buildings, mosques' shrines and religious

iustitutionr in the Tribal Arers and Fronticr States which havc bcco

taken over by the Auqaf Department ?

Parlirncntary Secretary (Sardar Muhammad Ashraf Khan) : (a)

Historical buildiogs and religious cducational institutions are not taken

ovcr by thc Auqaf Dcpartment merely because they arc of a historical chara'

ctcr. Under scction 6 of the West Pakistan Waqf Properties Ordinance,

1961, their admioistration, control and management cao bc taken ovcr

by tho Auqef Department if they ,come under the category of waqf pro'

pcrties. Howevcr, where a mosquc or a shrine is of great importaucc and

considorablc propcfty is attacbed to tbern, or where due to mismanagemeut

anti.social clcments are creating troublc on the precincts of the shrines,

the Auqaf Department considers the question of taking tbcm over under

its control.

(b) The Wcst Pakistan Historical Mosques and Shriner Fund Cers

Ordinance, 1960, and thc West Pakistan Waqf Properties Ordinaoce, 196l'

do not apply to the tribal and special arcas respectivety. Tbc question

of taking over any such institutions in those areas under the control of

the Auqaf Department does not arisc.

Tertxc ovsn MoseuBs AND Snntxss

rln6/.. tltlrn Muhammsd Shrff : Will thc Mioister for Auqaf bc

plcascd to statc the principle kept in vicw by Govcrnmcnt for the purpotc

of takiog oycr mosquer and shrincs in thc Provincc ?



1O1A pRovrNCtAL essuMBLY or Wasr PAKIsTAN [l2rn rur'rr, 1968

Parliamentary Secretary (Sardar N'luhammad Ashraf Khan) : Under

the West Pakislan Waqf Propertics Ordinance 196 l, if a person is unauth-

orisedly in occupation of any waql property, or has ceastil to be entitled

to that properly, chief Administrator can, after giving Itirn a reasonable

opportunity of showing cause, evict him from that property. Thc Ordin-

ance does not specifically mentioni llloSQtlgs or shrines. The underlying

principle is that where a property attached to a mosque or a holy shrine

is being misused, e.g., the income is being diverted to other purpose3' or

is being employed for anti social activities or has fallen into the hands of

unauthorised persons, the Auqaf Department takes over such mosques

and shrines.

The,Auqaf Department also takes ()ver mosques and shrines on rece'

ipt of applications frorn the public containiog allegations ol mismanage-


LL;, L -j qr lr^l 6.ril Lvl* - lle r;k- - ea r.a. dti,

r-Lr OJ $- *31 *-tr-rr L u*I'etift a.gsL '5 'fl* t?'+

c^ib;: *t e vT ,;11 y' 2 * *A;i l! j$el "-(-. ef o'ir. sel

1-tr 4 €? q- futil ulr ;f c\ L d tf - dx t"b uf

-;K:.r. ) 2lt 2 '5 )" 9f L)9j;- Zli JJI J-L. ,rlll 0l L lf

3 d2f .:.r. L5 cll h 4f f\LJl tr Sl tf 2 c4. e*^i a1l o1 th

{ 6311r. pl r:L" .ll 'f,; otr: - (tr'i Jo 't* .'l*) rJtiglyjg

g,p4 orcliti ,5 0l - cry q. Jlsa; d, "t:.iJh3 .iUrl ,..f J? - {- uU'

t*t J:f ,)r! e-;t.r - LIf r-fr (X i;i L11., J? &Q - €- r,r'b,5

L3a *.a,5'r+* d)0 ;el ;ly rJ)\i "f )t'^4'a tr: -2- ad Ltr

- 6- Jlr


)l? tJ J*.L". t? ,rS + tlh e- .f-)l l;-c-. - ed "1"2. rfk

r:i[;.r *] 4 yT q. - Lry Zf *bW ff 5 0l oy w &^i a-sLt

,5 &: u$ a3t siss. si)- Z j." ylr-L. s:^f - d:t ksr- urf

&l -rf Os.n pl ot)l'" ft.; )le ut.;.T;,I - ..p6i .;'rj ,ri3f

Grf ,5 ,i: oA - u$ l-s 2 uitit j cll 1el t:t 4*f I Lx ,,+4'

- + *)tr€ ,5 ^:.1li 6 .Jj:a ,5 yT ,ret -irL,S ,il - {- r.r*^i .rt'r'i

"fU - *ibf r.r' .ret15 Al f 2* J,:-i dil d e.ajef 6l

- u.it" 3a *'r a:; *{ ciLE ,ri;,U *1

tr 0l + .iLj b.oLti, uiUU dfr dtr" - Ylr vU: - r.!tl3l y;3

jUsl ft - q rtl*.rf .ry 2a;.SL cf[ +- citd s L:-irrf !1*-

14, dtoi Lr i - 2 2rX.!rr, dl tf r-L..r- 01 a:.i.rqS

* ),t u,d l::i a La,t 1-1L t )1.1 s&t 6-:: { *1.. ..(11 L ,Jl

Ol )tl ,.tlf tof dkr +(l: ,5 r.ll or - + d.i g*{ ,t&t K cl3jt-I- f,

- ,slr{ t"f a.n, ,$

LlNo tu UNlutu,.intsro PossrssloN oF Tsrt<un Tgellt B. D. MeMsrt,

Talure Nace,RPeRr< rn

*12820. Haji Sardar .{tta S{uharnmarl : Will the Minister for Land

Reforms please refer to the answer to my starred question No. 10320 given

on the floor of the House on 3rd Mav 1968 and state:-

(a) tbc total acreage of land in the unauthorised possession of

Thatur Thanji, B. D. Member, T6luka Nagarparkar alongwith the year

?67t FnoutrctlL rrtlrut., ot wanr tAtrltlAN [l2TH ,uNB, l96E

since wbich it has becn under his possession, tbe area of land, out of

that, whicb is under cultivation and the person who pays the land revenue

for the said land ;

(b) whether it is a fact that tbe matler regarding unauthorised occu'pation of the said land by the said person was not refferred to the Land

Conrmission in time ; if so, the names of the OIEcers rcsponsible for such

negligenco and the action intend(d to be taken against them ?

Parliamentary Sccretary (Malik Muhammad Muzaffar Khan) : (a) (i)

I60-15 acres.

(ii) from 1964 to 1958.

(iii) 160-15 acres.

(iv) Thakur Thanji.

(b) (i) Ycr.

(ii) M/s. Abdul Waris Sheikh, Ilaji Kauro Khan and Bagh Ali'Mukhtiarkars and Sateh Muhammad. Chila Ram, Tikamdas, Haji

Muhammad Khan and Sowa Singb, Supervising Tapedars and Muhammad

Hussain, Muhammad Umar, Photo Khan, Pirinmal and Lutaf Ali,


(iii) The Deputy Land Commissioner is being asked to {ake necessary

disciplinary action against them.

*p f dly *r L cl-..it - llr vLg - r.r.. tLr i.ly ,;L,5 utl11l{ - "*-f &, s+S "5- * l-tz trs *l qr,r lir E (.r)

L Z{ t- .,rI .(lu { ;ttt -i8t r 1. J: 4 L s'tt I Lt ',i'lei.,:

,S ,x lPt )tl + l.J t+il orjU ,--(i ett.11 e- oti.ra r.rtL

o.t rr)i .r *l fl - 14l .(1l r-,.cl Jl) "j;K;u; 1.t ,go ;l) *.a.-

. lIAtn8D QUEliloN! AND ANtWEr. . 7679

.5li .r rftlir hte La3j4 ,^1 a ril q. 3,, - + ,$l s131 &tll K 6*)

- k+.- u.r; +L- K rll ,+ - L ,-rrf tr*-l tJ 4 # A

6 --lr .r:L yk; ,"r:. - (r*,x, t.u .(U) "ftlf t *bi )ljtUf rr t'iU, lrl;i[U t? tf;*.t d Oe1 t6rf ,ff 2 E g>\tl

Dt - A tib t.f d:ot t yL L "Jt lKJ ltJU kf r;t a,rt +0l -q- L:,,*W-..f*-)Lf &)V*,;".tLdrrtrrpt &-

tt t1r jf ,f ,*.f ,r13 i! L ef jtulK *it (a ,-jXr f,- 2- ul1) rr .5 .,lll;rKi>\i E o;rr ,Jl - €-

"f -; e.L.rl el r5- et-ii,;rt ,sti .tt)1./U- t,f - oio 2ru

.:tril 1gl z 4 e. "1r $r;ti;rl - a V rr Ul, ,iKrlt, o1

ti- .ht; \ f 0l l,.(-,. KVT,* 1l: +.! L rs;tr;n4 fl S ,,t f- b.r pKU .* r u,f .x ;;-t

drr:: (.ia; ,l L 0l ld a tjto- l.ro. - SlSf t *\j J$t

{ 5; -d ut't3y{ e.(*, q V $ "t L f ,$L L

e. ?l-r? L sL)\.,l .-f i .tjs q. - r.i.. l&1.11)J,I ,r.L

/t 5 Jtrrrtr J. 6i ,d q- "t,htf srr e(J - oxUl tr 6:.L,

t L otf &. .,ro ,{ 5rrt ,rl e, *) L.rl tf .i

Lt e>\tl ,r+r -{ -J i L u.'b vI Jt - sflrll , .a}lri $,- E urr a-.r E>tLl 6t f st y ab rllrl fi 5 j,r,s,

'...- -,,.,-,".]


?680 : provtNctAL AlsBtlBLI os w83r P^rlsTAN [l2rn ruur' l96t

. Mr: Speoker.: TbC Question Hour is over. we will now take up the

Short Notice Qucstions

vl-r: K rJrl - tC dtJ- .Stl lr'- lrr t.'h - il, J'r.' 15rar9"

- A ryrot -iK,t" -lS Lr..rri

parliamentary seeretary (Sardar Muhammad Ashraf Khrn) : I

repcat the answer.

(a) Thc pampblet was distributed by thc Educetion and Publication

Adviser of thc Auqaf Departmcnt along with other literaturc uhich is

tupplicd to the Imams. No separate distribution of this pampblet was


(b) Ycs.

(c) Yes.

jrair o"f nf [j e1 Jl9- l-*. .- lrj 19i'- - jl, J.rl' 6.r'rii

ot td q- trt .,l r* .rlr: L -i ' u*i 6f ,5 r"*'J .t erl r; L

p# L,ul - + K.*-!rq3 .jU3l 1- rilrirl &i.(r3; iat 6:5eat

L-J * r)l5J2l.rl ,iI { ,sr, uot" Urf pb e -J q. - ? r"f

+ut{ gr*,i -{rl ^f - € x$L.pjl 1;l uS UL Head ,,JI ta,i gef .,

(1. -f os + dt; K,.il':, .ofu ..(; grr- - .ri1(* 4iJX.J.rtt

$rf Oi)ttr- lLi t, tA ** ,rl eit:- ,-il '{ + Q, f ,ff L

o) - + lf lrl1t &4.(I* irlt Olf,:+rt f ,r,S;":'(.tu..- 01 +


srARntD QuisTloNt AND ANtwBRt 76tl

e. i* ..5 jU3l ,^.(-. ti)-f-r' fti "S * -'* ./J .iLL


- d5 k(- f pu. 6! evT ,*. !f i - jl, &t' 6,),?

- qf drg[rr r+r. rrll: E. (al) ^,,a- L dlv ls* L-J "f t*t:

lr^ f+t ,-,1*;l b. o.,rl ,ry flst 'd - ,A 2f pJ-i ^: *'1 ;'I1rl

L ,.rt ,Lt J,.(*. L vI S o-y, q$ ueal e uJ u:. r", - kJ

,,5 {s: )rt.e-t1rl - t }l d.J-,"f f d ub tr *fr "tdf tiL gf o 4, 4-f r *i ^f ' tS "Prtf "'


uu routino ..? (D jy tr'.rc? u*ll uo+ - 'Sj-S'* 6;:'Jrtt

,rl f c.-5) J)V z,* d+ ctt:- 5fi'OQ - € ,rib 3a 4f r

,ri *., d, c.,JS- ufr,- "f tet 2}b uJ't i,LL' yl 'ir e' wl*

,5 ,l.f .1rl - tf tf ,J-" st ql * ssL svt ,F ;tf drr:' ..it 'J olt

- Uf rr, f ^4 f c*f-

.5 0l -f-t ,rlLy .r-tc a):* rsrlr'..J.1\ t5- - Jli Clr" t(l'

.5 Jf e fir- yct -E, ;h 4ff tl;'r-e- ''r'!l ,w ,i,t t- y*'-SzfLbJlrr

2e(.t &lig ..fi 6tr.- -Jr, vu: - (0ti "p 'r.a. ;-) rJUrl ./j!

L ,tl - jo Ue$ JJL1 ul3t ,.,ret ," ,S q $*., .41 o2 ' + dL' f

Islamic ,ri ;;f ,re6t U.t + "; - af ,)L 2l: d- ft* *l 2

.' --i'r"e{

7682 pnovtNcrAt, AssBxBLy oF WEBT pAKrsrAN il2rH luxs, 1968

6..rll.pllfti.rrl -+ w G\ L t? e..jrL ,SCouncil of Idoology

Jrt dI ,+ g*!k 3 rl * o\r re+ - sei ;f ,re(J clbr g.+it. fobjection- *{ q- €l "f }3. ,.:; $t si viy bLJ-{r 1[,rl .-:l+, UU .j;[i t $Uo L deitJ".- , .rb S :: - u1l d,.? able

- 2V rgr .rf *l $"J-efr- os ,'f !r a-r slti Z ,-^,,1,p ,!yf

.("ei .a tJ "f - ost Uf ,f*../rl t, q, - jl, J.i.. r5r)r,

2 Ct*)lJ;r :.fl3 grl tf ,Jl.Al v*t L *(-, f. -J '{ - +4 -. -J qr n $ Lf *l &Ii{ u f,t $ _ .rej 6s ,S-, ,l 034tt

_ f,rre)

g.l Jf ft - e'r, nie u3e{ 'p- )i K ,.lef..r - rJU3l yj1

p6 - q, o*4 llt A q,r-(-o: 6 v.,SS)l pn , 4-r ,r(r.r .5 ni6 u*t ;f - rr ciiltL, L oirct L 1.:[-r s: - L st.,{ 1{ une

(.rUu) -Ldf u".t sf decf

Mr. Speaher: Now, we will take up the short notice question ofKhawaje Jamal Muhammad Koraija.

** -{ j53l ,1je .r3U ef q- .1 ;31I .ii }irJ, l2r. - o.i,rr ;!.rO:il .tfira €- W o9 - €- tlr vlr: ). 2 drfi, 65. -eo LlUit a

,re, "g,(J

J:"Ii-l er 2 Council of Islarnic ldeology "f W \t ri 2- +.* ..rtS.i>t-t "$ + a*i nt iti Kurt a rjt"-1.r".

ulJ {t + ,J"r' l! 9l ;U lSs+ V tl ,**. - llr rrl-: - rJU3l $y


- * b.r :[a ,1, g& O..rtt,j*l;ft.i n - + .iu


Mr. Speaker : Now the Short Notice Question from Khawaja Jamal

Muhainmad Koraija. The Member may please read out his question'

RrrnrsusR Counsrs rNp SeMtNrRs For MtuLvrs or AUQ'rr


*13291. Khawajr Jamal Muhammarl Koraija : Will thc Ministcr for

Auqaf be pleased to state:-

(a) wbether it is a fact that thc Auqaf Department has been holdiog

Refresher Crurscs and Ssminars only for the Maulvir of Auqaf Mosques;

if so, reasons for not extending such facilitier to othcr Maulvis also;

(b) rhe approximare perceDrage of Maulvis cmploycd in the mGqucs

admioistered by the Auqaf Department who have been given training aod

are running adult literacy classes and libraries ?

Partiamentary secretary, (Auqaf) (sardar Muhammad Ashraf Khan) :

The refresher courses are primarily. .. ...

- ,rl) vlr: ur 3)11 9T - ra;1jf r"*' dt" qlr-

- ZVT ,.4. 61-.- * b{.' uJ ,y -J y'tt - ,l-t-f-," 6;"cllll

IregrctSirlhavcreceivcdonlyonecopyofthoanswerofthisShortNoticc Question just now'

. , .--:-i.rlf

7684 pRovINcIAL AssEMhLv oF wEsT rAKISTAN fl2ru luNa, 1968

uf ,rf or-.{t t.(- T o^.4?.t rf, - qt-llf r.t, dt? qlrr

- uJ) vl:: ur..' 3r.,1 '^f

gy 3r.;l 6it-git- 14. "f € 3,1 ;i:-. ;S L.2:. - 4;j.1,(*.5;:.Jtt

- ojb lirf a'-ri

- rJel tl, f ,# d! - iil r"2, b$,

Parliamentary Secretary (Sardar Muhammad Ashraf Kbao) : (a)

Refreshers Courses arc primarily intended for the training and improve-

mcnt of thc Moulvis incbarge of the mosques under the Auqaf Depart-

ment,. but scminars are not confined to lhese moulvis onty, but are open

to other Moulvis also. Refresher Courses are not open to other

Moulvis, because such Moulvis are not under the discipline of the Auqaf

Department, nor are they selectcd according to any standards. Besides,

the expansion of the refreshers courses would commit the Departmeot to

heavy costs wbich it would not be able to bear. However, in the case

of seminars which are of a shorter duration and are less expensive

and crrver a morc restricted field, thc other Moulvis are allowed to parti-

cipate. Uptil now nearly 300 such Moulvis have taken part in these

seminars at the cost of the Auqaf Department.

(b) About 4ol of the Moulvis of the Department have been trained,

but the training givcn so far did not include the subjects of adult educa-

tion aod library science, which are nos, being introduced gradually. At

lny rate, some Moulvis on their initiative have started adult education

ceotres and reports fr.rm four centres havc been received so far. As

regards libraries 62 Moulvis are handling small libraries of the depart-



sItoRT rsoTtcB QUtSTtOdS AND ANSWll! 7685

Otrh- 0o ef f- titi 2 -j .^f L.- - ""lJrf .Li. dt ? r"l3-

ott,J- .r Jrl - cr5 5- tr, fU f .lr 1;I !5. ot 6$ Ja .lt+,.jY ur

I qy ua) ,h .lhf

{ rrl te l-rt dlr- ..(Jl uetl - (clt^ Jc .r-+. ,1..-) rni3l ,pj3

- E. ujtr -n ,*b -J, uJ 6r t/lJ:

6-ly j:: ,si! ^f u*i uf,Jlif q Gs* - *Af .r.r.. sl.; A?tF

)tl - u.{. ,'i.r.ril .nf ,,1y i{ *l;(; "t.6:

e(4r! '3l:{

dl uf

ctbr t+i'\{ 4t:t u.st 2-rt7 Je2i ;)A.i,r-l*i j rJtrt - rri d

.rr-i(* dr.;l;o )tl 4 it5 €f rrlrb 6sl.r )tl dt, ."te ,rJb

,it{ us.,r;y crt^r t' L urt jl+r vl I 2f Jru,o"t'i rtJL

rg.rlr=i! ui tf ,^; dta1 - q- tt, ,f p* u*l oJ & at onst t: b

L 2Uri ^:i i* rS -rl r.rl,.--t.a *t\f -+ h, ,-ru, ;f d +.rA:V 2

- L ,.r) f" examine tf ,rl f. - Ylr vt? - tJU3l y;9

,rtr .Sll .,r,- ltr vt+ -.,3.,I;T Lilsl -,Jr.rU pl tyu j*

I - rllcillr- rr (4i ,>-oi ,Jo!19- L eT S rSN brt- Urf sirr

hta Uf 1.rL, ,t u:n - qp gryI .:r!19- L t r .lf J" T e[le- ;1i

6r: cr)llr ;a $ u"rl ts,;tr ,n.! moral ,5 clt.t- "l;jr q t"f td o91



e .1l - ur(. f oYtr ,*; cq .^f u r^ €':iil, u'*a .,9t ,;V 5- )1 dlr- J."l Y n, + t.(- f dl:'6* 4: i

- d9r Yi f els tf ,]J.t):t. ,rl tr' 2a n gn" - ,(os' i."'

,rl 2) NWfd 'otllr: E c'Ylj* 1.u .^f * clss el oto e-'rL'

L 0l tJ #I a .tr) 113 .r!te1 J" uu ib wea .+ t>'oi 't stl

vt-! "fif ^t.{l - ;k usi cr6?'J rt #r* f *' ,ooli 'r\lr:

6r::.Jr[ q 2 f. .*iI - ,ib 27c$ t:t:.1:r '>it sl ^f * ,is,

ti) G!,gt

,::rLlr: i .:ir oe.{ dr1 Uf gi e. ctL^L sl1)9 yl 6.i.$n

- "S-

f *v clL-nl'..,j.1e1 ,5- we '-at;lg- lLi "f u L "lf

- *,.5i - .Jgtl y'trl r1.r. rl-.


DguoLltrox, wtrHour NorIcE, oF A HousB tN Cctrrol Cor.oNv

Ltuone BY THB Llsone lupnovnMeNr Tnusr

Mr. Speaker : Therc is only one adjournmcnt motibn, which is

standiDg and that is No: 260 by Khawaja Muhammad Safdar. I had

celled for the ffle and I am now ready with my ruling.

rtjt;l if ,r/ - Yle 17t+ - (-dr ..ll- O*L .r-r.. glt ) .:rtlr! $f

;tf: P ^. rf .rYt- lrl 1'l;-l JJI u:^l9i ,J 0le1l i:- ,rl yl e,


N Jtoy &txs !.? - drr ttj / L z!, (S (crt4;;,.I u4 q iN- K..rr: f' C"l q. ot:rl jt. cl ot ti - 5 j,:.

Mr. Speakcr : Anyhow I am quite ready with the ruling. lt is forthe satisfaction of lhe mover.

*1 * 2l ,-4-i; otr4 tf --ta $t -frip .rn* qlr-

;[ eut'. rrl ,#l yl *t q- tlea f],. - U j=1,r lrl) p(- KAr3tellll

f tt ,5- ..,-\a -rir ,f tei "l i 4V + \f t, g,.l--l K.g-r;

- iY -lr.i' r'lh

Mr. Speaker : If the Minister had said this on that day, we would

have saved much of our labour.

U ,Yi 2 \rI , -{ J ,r,t fi rll-. *1 t1I "f ,ri 5g.-1..i;r q.

,jx gd p.- s'l Sr" { lL,n ni *l rLL. f Lty.plsrb

f €r, q. , S ;t *V L rrlll -i* .^J =: "f k+- 2 q v0

- f, cl-rr

Mr. Sperker : This is rrpto the Minister.

.d defeud ef $* srl ,*-lo 7je jl sl - sb r.i. ."lrr

- r.r;a )tJ f 2t;f alt2<'l nf ,.a 2v; f I.rtr.r vT CT )tt 4 +)r5*. *f +l3t i urL.l t jt { f?I df + trx l}* a.,rl

-.7\{ e-rt dLaii {n*l dr.1l;r e{ oyo ,.fl a. ^tr rf .;irLj,5


st;* orll.fil -{ --.1.,1.r *.3 d ;.ry lU 2 L slr .rl rll ,ft

vT rfi - 4t f ,i ! -rf 01311 url e te--:i L c.,ilt*il ;! ,sts 2{

,f &:{ - Q: 61i sti * sls:Jt .f,;rai ql ,* -ri qy )l'S ot'se

- + bb 122. sr: - *\ 6:L' li- .f ,.rl *- 6 $ LV 2

.jfJil 2-J,..!',u OI'-. L ulT ,*l *l - Ylr,.rt+ - cr!.t! r1j9

Lf.f w $ ga ,ro{-; gt, }--r, * ,,rl nf t*i r.r.ri 1'lh' '^: fJ 1rd

Grrlr$l ..? .f +- ,.U { ,:3tf o;lrfil ,5,r1 ,S t*' !1, lf

J: &r t ,slt$t - tr o'tlf e. rrl Jl) tu! 6 n €J3lf

- E- *iV { ,s L de1 crLl.ril ,--h.

-rt- jl .rl: o3 tf 4. ilca ,:"1 L v-lt .lJt - lb f.a utj*

Itril 6- tt 2 u";.^t ,,r+ - lif e^r-i press .=l ,# L u;lr{ 6r3t3d,l

p"b. .ti o,f url .,rl q 5 csr- eieiti j)\i )l +,5 djt- q I

+,jNjk. ortgj r"t $-,5 -.F,5 yI e rl +- !h*1^; tlt*'ii

ut:. i! ,rl L olr ti- tf sls lnoi set f-,r'tf ,s.itJ(jl "fiJ" ?I

- uf u^.,-i press 4l

t b 91 Jp;i Al rrl L 2rf press 5{ -{.2y,i c*{ - J(1e- i...stage Jfi o-l S tC

"r r, /"ta - /h lof ,Jei ut'2f { el "S alabour involve (r* q. rt, J*t *fi9"( jq Lf *i press .5r;t

- * *-lst


+ v*r.r r?J .$l 6 2f ,; press .:iir ,J.l - yb.t*.r r;lj*

l- -f A a- .f ,br 2 orf:t r. .f q V cl.oe ).+Lp $s S

say' plu *l ,, * lN pl'. uE a ','l .11^o E ,rl - ,.1 jb A,

,f defond jf ,.Ko e,",t.e 2!5 ,i 2a S jt ,j[ 6jlefil "f U


Mr" Speaker : Because I had to prepare a seventeen page ruling over

tbis adjournment motion.

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : Seventecn pagcs !

Mr Speaker : Yes.

Minister of Basic Democracies : I am thankful to you for tbe speci-

al interest that you have takcn in the matter.

- q- 6szza oyl g,.rl: y' !,J - JJi, .t;r,. rrlj4

4f discuss :l -,J "f k, !f ,-r.* 2 q, 0r .rl - .r!& r-!

rfif .r { 2V !f discuss -t gn. Jl_*l ,rl 6 - .Jlo ,yl i E

- f orr f ,;-t ,istf

You did not say. I had parricularly requested for this information.


Drscusstort oN THEBxPENDITURB CHARGBD upoN THB Pnovtxcteu

CoNsorroerrp Fuxo.

Mr. Speaker : The House will now bavc discussion on the crpendi-

turc charged upoo the Provincial Consolidated Fund as shown io tho


7690 proyrNclaL ^rr,rllr oF wBtr rArtrr^N [l2ra ruNn, lg6g

Supplcmcntary Budgct Statement for t967-6g. ycs, Malik MuhammadAkhtar.

,.--.1.i E i *JtL url _.r.(.r- .-,L- _ (, _ ryry) jj,l J.e. (L

r.ar"6 ..rl. t\p- O"j r(- A q1j,fL r,r.l ,5 dts 3*f .(ll ,irf , frf

charged dts t-.rlr .1l;r - r, +f! - rr u-- head .!4 _ e- tt t5-

,^f z tf !: ,r; q tyss a Lf tf .Jt /r{ expenditure

prJ Sc5-y - 1r + lfss ei1 6 dtt +fy - .rr /t^f floating loans

2- 1.f !f ,.}r* * * ,rl.u.S, -r(,:: 14ir r1r*.r oLei-; *Z{ a. ,:o,

n )rL g- charged expenditure ltsr-Jl? tl), _ rr *f! - rr Jrt

- ur lf d, N head e,t

+ ite6 ftl ,€,t sltd t? ,>r; L r .,1ri item - !t; :rrrrt€, tt r{ *. C}-l bhetg Y ,* J", tt:t - or +fY - el e. s:.-t

&l S z-f bl .:.eG ,;u.rn -{ o-tl 6)f:.r: )r* os dL .-eG Af -r",-,1 6(J .si per annum <i, grt+ lr- )rl g&oe)\.c 5*l - 4 l:r f ";Yu r.oie: .,f tr3, f Ot gf,sr-gr"l

fi : pf -, OL ,rl )tt +,r:(.5- raise ,'i,ri yla.t ,J., d |rf - n

2f t"t Lst-ssb. Ass.. s- si.ttr^ -,,0 +f! - rr 3tf J.':

L crLl;l #:ll{t 2r-r :a. .;t;o - , +fy - .,.. 4 un -t .,9t e_-iN

)tl JUt"f JrL 4 c,t.r, ,K,r J: e\.!f pt E ,.!b C I ssL

Ats s-:t jf - ar efY - rr or + lts t- Lf ,i* :) 4lL. 2 5*=- A- ;1 item ,r-t attack Jt3 t)r, - +




.:.f- of-, .t crl.::,t JiJ ,-i,r- , st" &i 0l ^l - Ytr v'+

J" i ov-it Ol Jrl uu ,rf .t Jrl- ":-i E (an) 5 (e-l) )' 4'

";l vl - llr vt-: q- til o,.l f(on) o tl os * lrlt vrlt ts'

r.f tr, ut' .r*i J.Jts Ler lre - 1A 4 .l."a ,5 loan &{ts3 tf

^f e J, .5,l 5 J-.1 crtillif t5 G1* sa' 6'i grl - !t1 Yb - ?

r^r,.r .pa K,t q, l) ,.,.'t 2- s^'j$- c)fr J? sb "QS ubg c

pl e- tJ gf ..|rL ra. ssr ,5 aid .131 c'}h .^'i I "(tu' Gs*

loan c;.o119! J,(;I ',5 f,y, e"oq K,5tS 6;t"r sd "' q Lvl)

or3ti ,rijf .,il,rl.,i o*1 e loan &;-]qri .rl tf - e- f U: title

*ft , )tf *e2e *f e- uf ;1'tf 4 e-*? - 1'k vte - e- t#

L o37il r..rcf ,.r"*l i & qs l'i;.P ull '=-: ';li 'l)s vh Jf

,s)16:il 15;tLr 2- tr-it-1; tP L .l)Ud'l vt S '5 'a$ t5'r\-t

,.Pttiti 4 1*, - Ytr vu: - ? U: .rti +L .* *{ *: sf ,r*J!

-..rt - ro JjL p;.,Jc,laairid'.t,Ok*fh 6'ie-l S qtnt{

r z Ct)l- ,.*. .Jt- - t e:f Zt -)li ek- )tl + tS 6'r+ ..f;

.rf .r! al **i L loan .L:.oLei - lri vt': - 4- U' *;-l Y 3tf

f, # "-6^itil utr;'r'I K 4u hr{ ' ,a L fl 4f 2- \;{

,-rf ,l*6 -- 2t s:r )-r ts ,rtf ,tl Kot;1 L 3:f - r o rJ'l Fr

&? -!tr vt:; - t- ,.rc loan r" c'rlti eJ { ox b8}* * ti

;9i 0r + rl: ., cs st" */i us\ * *i-rl td * uf e d.l|t'

. ,'-,'|Z

7692 pnovtNctAL.AssBMBLr oF wnsl. pAKtsTAN [l2rH rune, 196g

|tf - r6rt st? eii 44\.(f ct 111 2.ro) - rt Jrl'cry af t:

Or: pd e s,-"l - a ;,l: Ot 4t L )13 3:rf ,r 6cr r? &i zj.ss

- & lrYl ,..-13 *rl :-h lt 3tf - nn, n p.t ,f , r s ..a

L fi t" .Xd-t*, 4-)ot5 ,rf Ost t:l[ tif srrl.if ,J gr.. - Ytj ,-,t:-

&U, e. ,::,1- ..}y' L 4e*r. L:4 ft gtt of if Jrt- ,rL ",;yc:b ",1./ 4\ W ;,t..- Lrj ,^f + 6N nV e- €l s, 2t: 6

L f4 q, it*2. 4-2-3s - llr trt: - ,A ii ^i .ft rrali e- 6j

At* Lri )tl I 3tf - r i 1r oJ /'"f u"X,*t, clt- rj./ l-c92-9) JJI 14, 9)tc 5 .lUU - 4i tStf- nn, sJI- ,^;ri oJ (4,

- rr I ot + J rJ. t? c.1. Zl* 1-s*9) L t1 W c))rc

Att 3:f 60. .t q. y't& L)*j si + dst 3frn, qLr ;[t :i ,s?i .r'r J-l - Ytr vt.: - ;tf I sf s,r

$l ,5 JrL ur .5 3tf - rA * q. ds,a;- 4), r)

- tfr vLi d^, ,F * A, bf z. .t q, z!ra,. e-)*jJrl 6 J.at- )r.. e- fl6 4ss3:.{ -Atrr4treconciliation

t}f - 1.rt rn *l -,S,,,f!,e ?l,i L- 016 q Zs*-t 1-r*;

1* 4.2-)s - lll:rb .t ,.f JrL rr. r? L fi.:^j .f.,ra.- u{ ,, 3lf - r.. .J (4, A+*- 4-rJ JJI u3,

tlsrf - t ia (4r

J#.r-r. J,f.(l. as\ eij,-- S u$.Jta .{l ,l Llrl.,: - ytr vt+K,.lrjtr: L gllrr;h L ,tt-rt ,z\-t n jN o.e.;,=.,rj dfd


JrL $f 2{ rJyl: 5t* 1rl Jlj f.t "{ t{-,re". Li:r! Lt{ rJtrl

L q, .^f t*r: r.r9 sb ,Sl r , )Vt e Ch-l - llr vt.; ' ,rlf

& dttbf . t10. .J,41.1=il L a:p Lt-i "d e-€ ,ff

K-l dYL ,al)t 3:f -r- .(1t U -,. Jl .(ll -f -J ur^J - L ,i\ ,t

hf -"i Ft1t ,+.. dt- JL ol-l s9l n;af a.t - Ylr .-/t : - f.,1 L': r1'

- lfr wL: - + L: Jli , .fL 4l s:st K.:dt ,t &t L Att

$ + vil ^h e caii r.rl :l.r*i J st- ^)f LsVt "f ,"e(l gl

h:d .S; 4y jrrf - r.ro. .ft er1z. Jf cb ";.f dl et

,C *-;(- ultl;tx-t-,.tJ-r; e-- ,P *tr qor-Ylr vL: - L At

4-sVt u8. tr son - ol girl - 4i ";.i F rfte a-1Q cl-rl i

rrrrr t, s* et-?. ol ,-rd lrll --19 ;9I1 .5 c,t- aij t? +..3

',* 3:f

sUL tjr - Ytj .r\.t - ,3.,T .;1 J-jrrt - Jrru y'irl l9.rr r:.-

- aita Urt )J?J'.i r)trl 9f '.-nV

/ ootus .-r.. - Ylr .rh - (;r.,Jr.qr .i-.) .Sjfi" gj*.fll

- ,l;4 trl

,.I 0flf ,d rJlr t:s-.- I a 2f A; ;]. vt - S*. )r...

e!t" lix t*:. cN 0l.eal f 7J*i-t ,;iU - ,S:, u"f. ,,[j

* stt x c.rt I J-at rSj:..]t '(* ,l S-* 'fV


?694 pnovrNct^t ArstrDLr o, r,Err p^xr3r^Ir ll2ruruxr, r96t

rtrtr LIt- u,.l r..ItL. Lrrlol-A1-yltvk: - jil &r,s(Le I i 1D-11 - Ylr .:t:a Dl tsi piJ ,5r9.p .l ob *.,, tS\N 3Sf

E, or t 1.r.rz. - + Uf ir l-,J,l3tfrt {-}r rlrl ,x 3 t i 1.r-.r. JJI

C* ,rl - V ,i:c':4ts L f, 3srf orc. 1dtE. L 4r.*i o.ti ,ri,irhi

b "fi 0+ 0r tut 5 st? "r.,t Dt rr- {.f L .:.e(:r .,J 4

- cD Ltrl

Mr. Speaker : Malik Muhammad Akhtar may please take his seat.

The attendance in the House is very thin. I suspend the proceedings tillthe Members arrive in the House. (a short pause.\

There are only two Ministers and nobody from amongst theParliamentary Secretaries. (a short pause.'1

This is not desirable. After all tbe Mcmbers should feel thcirresponsibility (a short pause.)

I have been seeing thesc things for quite somc time and I bave been

warning the Members time and again, that they should feel tbis responsi-

bility to the House and if tbe tbings go on like this I shall bave to take

some action. (a short pause )

Aftcr all we arc not gathered to pass time hcrc

(At this slage some Members -aruived

in the House).

Yes, Malik Sahib.

Minister for Basic Democracies (Mian Muhammad Yasin Khan

Wattoo) : Sir, the Finance Minister is just coming. Hc is not fceling well

and he has gone to take some medicine aod will be just arriving.



cr i.ra ,rd + Uf, UiJlif *!4,7. -'r(6- r.7L- - J:il &i. l(L

Y qll 3:f .o t+r" nt * lJr .iEl ue, €,b Grt dl r: , r ia . u'

.:ta arl L $) it "l at +) tol Llt- .n f1 f ,r; ";-f ^t - i-

-A./b xLt* 'r+ rJ['t. ! ocl'UT;[.lt':t .5'tlt "(qusu*d

g. ,>C ,*, 2 L 4r*'":t- 6'1 1r; o("- g"i-, t-l - )lr YL:

"f ol* t +*- (.j^:. !t OX ,sif l.:l .a3 ut" )9-;91 a- q, 6al ;fi.f

.rei'.r' . {jl ,of ,.,t,,5.i1-:l i! c,t- oij al rl-rL1j lt., trfti lrt'r

et" *r, itl ef +Urf ,ilf 4 3fit- llr v\::. -{;b -r, gt,

E nrior L €..9(-.rt$l $ft €rt-t 4E 2f o\ gL*r f

ds [:e?.- * ill ,A f J*b q1 slrri ;f oh ^r! ,t.r+ f.'

"(q f,a-! tir" tla rs o,:,i*.. ,rifctt E 5.rlrl rI Jl .r.t f

dr oJ cr1l +) t5 6*-S1t JJU t+l po .e f? J3t{';tj ce 6lL"

-gr.6t f .:iJ dl-:. f. .:L .;,i rry - Yl-l Ytr: - ,$ib .t -J -r\

r.f ;0t cA 2x t.r.1 c,!r* Jr r4 f. Jyt q! ot' airi .rl fr!

(8, 2.* E fi ," c:b {,ri Ylr .rLr r-ba tiT (J[. J;

,rt.,Il - ,ct JJI credit aid, commodity aid, technical aid,

s,eiae *I r*l or [f,,r.*.t- aid .5d# rIF f\at g r: &>j f.

.f Ulir4 A) r*t-*.$t..,let .ri; 3f .rl+.t .r[ *f qr jei drri

N' rf .,5,r.rh ,l$ r.l.rri-l;l si)f-3-b-hf*,,6r- r.iltL- L g,


7696 pRoytxctAl. AlStrBLt Ol w8tr PATTSTAN lt2TE JUNB, l96t

;.<-t*ls cJU. ,+. ettn !,rl - Yl9 .rE;. - ,Jrr lU i) L dt "ii ,s

dt: hrf - te6. &a: { r("- q' .Jrt- ..r.iT L filf'+

L rY3i (lu lu*ftt G* - + Ui€il ,-f.f e "(-.r.1 .(j r, 1..

sert L "*r-l x ,rl + lst t.f ltl Qye:a * { lf v*; L 2t;.,Y

i,t-t* *.t? ,-ri.t ..(i ,rel e.l JJI ti'l 2h *d 'r'i;r ,.p'c .-S;

t)9>5t,.tr* ,J fr 4,.-f ,5L16 "i t. & J& url - t=f tl, o*l

t 4 ,.aJ L5 c.\il.t. .f "(rr.t "& E ,;J.l.rr*i ,'l;Jl s;y f *-*

;KU - Ylr vU:,.s*f o) uy.52-dy9<- J&; e.et qoa e#f

c;y 2V lt L 6;;*, ,r*rl g;.r st- ,^;/i - ,(o- rf h: ,.ed . <JS.r

E L$t- ":il: d; 2 L s&t )-c ,'r 2 L.lrjl rJU L O,

- at +) if .$t €.-) f .ll f'^ .,el c1. s.rL JJI cry Zl F .r-,

tS-lq 04 ..f31 5 fJ2oL .rilr.l * )e L &t rK.:l.r .r+ f.rrl

;'€*r ;91 cJ91l9i=:',- ,5cll r.e- :4 { JJ- .;31 * uitl i dtr -" iLo rj

u? *f * U3'r.l ^7;l K t? * Utt rr 6:; * *L- t- eblril

g1lls sf .$t*. u-f I ,^.a- 2:.i.l K :.r, gr'l * uii: ul s,r. *. .SJt-.

J[; dlr 4r"r J.a.i r A f l.r. ,rl *fdi1 t^67* .X - ?.,-Ub a+

sr2d- t)t>5t pl cib *.ri L df"j'(-,.t,J'1i*. tt la^ - q- trt:

c-,lsLc5l -*lt, .(tl LJ'^, a (,rl - krr-};i.l.titr.n5'r.:Loiri f

OQ +l;t- T ,,llr * ..(t ,fl* ).ai | . pfjt r.f *f,r{, lt; rs



&--r.l d.t EJ,.ii; o e€l + 6 ritlf L * ^f l-.t pi-l*lYl

'* "/h Ja,r;lr t*

Mr. Speaker : Will Malik Sabib ptease cxplain which item he is

discussing, as therc arc onty threc itcms of interest ?

Maltk Muhrmmed Akhtrr : It is item No. 2 Sir,-and this is a very

important one.

Mr. Speaker : That is Intercst on Loans taken from tbe central

Governmcnt ?

Minister for Finance : How sir, thc Member can discuss in this

Houso thc conduct of the-Centrat Government in tbe matter of foreign

loanr ?

Mr. Sperler: Yct, hc can't.

Melik Muhamuad Athtar : Sir, I mry refer to prge 28 of tho Whit:

Paper 196?-68 wherein it is clearly given that all these loans have been

raised by the Central Government and forwarded lo the Provincial

Government. Sir, tbey are all US loans and other loans'

Ministcr of Revenue (Khan Chulam Sarwar Khan) : So whrt ?

Malik Muharmaril Alrhtar : So I can discuss them because they arc

controlling your economy. No : (2) rclates to Interest on Loans taken

from tbe Central Govcrnment.

Mr.'Speoker : These arc Devclopmcnt Loans for 1967-68. These

loans are taken from thc Central Government.

Mrlik Muhammrit Akhter: Thcy have been raised from 29 countries.

Mr. Speaker : May be. But the Membcr is not concqrned with that.

. I Debatc on that poiot can tako placc only in the National Assembly.


Z6gg phovrx6leu AssEMBLy on wtsr pArrsreNftirH luue, l96t

. Malik Mubammrd Akbtar :, I consider th'rt to a certain extent we Ctnmake a refcrence to thbm wfitthcr ihosl lOand

Mr. Speaker : Of course the Membcr can make a refercnce but he

crnDot discuss. He may plcase distinguish between making q refcrenccand discussing thc loans.

Mellk Muhamoad Ahbtrr : ' I pan diccuor. the conscquencc whcrc

thc application of tbcsc loans has bceu done by thc proviocial

Govcrnment ...,.

Mr. Speaker : Of course that rhe Membcr can.

Malik Muhsmmad Akhtrr :

siog tbc wholc affair.

That will be an iodircct way of discus.

' Milister of Finencc (Sycd. Ahmcd Saeed Kirmani) : The provincial

Government should not havc taken the loan from the Ccntral Govcrnment

and tbe Central Govcrnment should have transfcrrcd tbe wholc loan to tho

East Pakistan Governmcnt - if that is your point that whatevcr loan the

Central Government secufcs from outside that should bo rranfcrrcd only

to East Pakistan so tbat development should take plecc thcrc and not hcrc

it is alright. We will hear with intercst aod attcntion.

Malik Mrrhammrd Albtrr :


It ie very trecesssry to answcr tho worthy

,!af ,rr" lt L *V;jr.rUr - Ylr q/u: -;il rrrr t(L

Jr:-fq ur.boL 6.,i ltJ ;f lU "r S ,A *V ,s - A Lkjl "Li,

.lo g1. - Ylr ./Ui - uf d ,-rl*l dtr.. Jt^c q i 2) * ,X

'':i,, . Lf ,::..:lrr1 rSt ob *.ii 3l *f - sr1o blr vl.rt ,.f 0l r* drLr rr

[tl' ,li;


. 6uiir-sMENrARy drro<iEr sierrutnr,i06i-6i tflgg

r.:f l;.ri'01 ..(t Ar ir5 ..(i CI.,4I ,rl ,jx ci. rrqo, ,,Ff( d

- .f- rr "i independent .1 A ur"Jt{ .l.lU -r .92Lo ,rr.i, t

Mr. Speaker : Thi Member ib. not rclovaot.

Malik Muhammarl Athtrr: But, Sir, he has raised that point aad.so I havo o right to answer tbe Minicter.

.t ..1 t r- rlltl

Kci 116r i

Khewaja Mubrmmad Safdar :

Papcr, page 16 para 3 (c).

I ,',- { 2o. p * i:* si r^l, Fa e.{ ll grl*

F.' &U E. s-l ;'lJ,ir.t9. ;stf;'L p. o,Cfll..

" - t!'tf rt'-

Mr. Speoker : Thc Mcmbcr is again not rctevant. He may pleaso

discusr Item No : 2. ":r-'

Sir, I may poiot ou*to you the Whitc,. t t. -t

-{ o*h diY .(rl .ir,

' i "foroigo loanr-arc routod lbrough tbc Cootrd


. + r* q ,S.ln .rtr, A sb "#, ,j:* -fbecause thcy are routcd thtdugh thi,Ccattat 6brlcrumcnt.'

."1" .^.rj- q ,-.*r q#r,' ,u,tl.. a,.q!'a!,41l{,!2.,t frt';

'' '. :-,'qt] I'x ,!rL |f ' o;-fj Jtrrr, c.' .,{1! O.:,* W,;' ,; .i.r.-,...\ - -.iri-i:i*., . ,.,,r;,"r4ll

7-,00 pRovlNctAL AgsEMBLY oB wBsr P^'Kl6rAN [l2rn ruxf, 1968

,: ,r{ +, ,,:f :Lf .t Vt .^t t,t, r ,.j F:iI - r(*, .i**

Cl 5, ,y {dl c4, 2 - g.'3S- ef.rlg'rG ,r!tr:, 'ct- "'ii1/*t E. s,l 13t - ,Jf Lhlf ,>:-t:ycrLlril r:!j ;) ,ll + Gf^b.

tt* r-(j JF grl iy l) ,-rl - + ti Lf gF.* 4+t 6'|.6I;- *1

- '$o relevaut

Khaweia Muhammad Safdar : There you are right

Minister of Finance : I only submittcd respectfully, and Khawaja

Mohammad . Safdar . wjll' bCar me out, ttrat while discussing,this item we

caDoot discuss thc conduct of the Central Government in tbe matter of

proctrring the loans. Ho was discussing the conduct of the Central

Govcrnmcnt and ho was so much encouragcd........

Kharaia Muhammad Safdar :


He cannot discuss the Ccntral

Mioister of Finance : Outsid: tbis House and in the National

Asscmbly we can do so. But be did not carc to listen to my (equest and

hc wcnt on discussiog the foreign affairs of the country and your Honour

rightly interrupted him by asking as to whet these things bavc to do with

this item. I was submitting that we should oot bring into discussion

thcse mattcrs which were primarily thc coocern of the Ccntral Goveru-


f,hawaja Mubammait Safder: That is rigbt

Malik Muhammtd Akhtar : Ycs Sir, I quite agree.

c,Urtl ," g6:. rflr.l dL ,f + Uf .r 4i," &)b{ vl -;r'p','t:'

,- - QfrF., o)Uj f,url .u "t

S -i;1.; ulrt rl )tL Lo-tcl Jrii lrf


\ 2 L tt + rif tst I E commodity ,,rt 2 f, .r{ ,bt*-

.rf Ar *+;., L&l ,,rr. .Ll ,,{,J*.a 7tis4-c;u u{ 6: rpo pJ

Z fb ,;rrJ L crr. Jll - ud (Jt. gl3J Llt- ," db"l ,.1 - Ylr Vt+ uU

,r,:? prJ e7f ,.t L)t*t ^f Otl Qla U,f ef lr otl at 1.11.. 1.1g 6 dtot

..G. ts\ - + 6) ef .:.3.(- j\t 2 ** G){y i )ti L

Jrl ,5 Jyt u{,,, lU t t;.:)tf drr'* -* &+ s-b 'lJ 2A$

)t i," .jf t9r uE{.I :l or-t 0r - Ylr .7t: .r ,rf 6' *, ,r" ",rUj J.+l r. gi:t 3 Ff -. grl ,J..o "ft .g Slet L6i. *1*.:r;rllt

s. crb ,;t ol j2c ,i r't t upl - !l-, r/h: - Ah ;tf l:l gt ;,

8 l zt e1 o$ Y * i* Jeiu ,r. l.r^f a.rtr * .:i1 e rT,Kt, a

cs-h uirt- -. :l)\ -f fl.to zt\ ,..r,f .fi ;. A, .r . Jrl D.

gfy rr ..it€ 2+,5 "j+f! rr u*o Z&-r.l*is,rt -Ylj,.;L1

ti.: Cul ii

Mr. Speaker : The Member is not relcvant

Melik Muhammad Akhtar : Sir, the loan was not paid in the form

of cash to us. It was paid in tbe form of commodities.

Mr. Bpeeker : Which loan ?

Malik Muhsmmad Akhtar : Loan under PL 480 which stood in thc

name of tbc Central Governmcnt aad vhich wal received by thc Provinc.

ial Gosernment in the Form of commodlty.

77Oi' , pRovtNCrAL AssB[dBUI Otr'wEsT PA63TAN [2rs rUNe, 1968

f{r. Speaker : There hasbcen an increase oJ more than four crotes

of rupces. The Member means these four crorcs.

Malik Muhammad A&htar : I don't want to pin-point any item.

If you will permit me to explain myself I would say that our Food Sec-

retary, or the Food Directorate or the Food Department (whatever you

may call it) have directly received the commodity which was booked in

the"pame of Pakistan and, Sir, proculed at the Port by''r,t,he Provincial

Governmsnt. No money rvas passed in the form of cheque or currency

notes by the Central Government but we were given part of the loan iu

the form of cominodity and I am attacking that commodity loan.

Mr. Speaker : Does the Member mean to say that it is included in

this loan qf four crores ? If it is'not included then lre would n9t' be rele-


Mallk-Muhammad Akhtar: trf you kindly look into thc Supplemen-

tary Budlet Statement it is stated thirein that in the Budget Estimatcs

1961-68 a provision of Rs. 79,43,300 was made on the basis of the previous.1

rate-of,interest, i.c. 5'25 percent pet aonum. The tate of interest now

inclga;ed; to 6 percent per annum the. amount of intcrcst charges worls

out to Rs. 1,39145,970/-. Now Sir ii rhc Minister prepared to make a

st{tremdDt that this amouEt of over one crore of rupees, which has been

paid in tbe form of intorest to the Central Government, does not include

commo<Jity loan ? If he is prepared to make that statement. then I will

pass on to my next point. And, Sir, if that is includcd, then I would

Iike to discuss it.

Mr. Speaker : I{hat is tbc position about this matter ?

Minister of Finance : This bas nothing to do with thc commodity

loan. I really don't uaderstand.

Malik Muharirmad Akhtar : WhY not ?


Mlniatcr of Fioance : If yoq:rgranf to entprtain this idea, nobody


it bas nothing

Mr. Speaker : What about four crores of loan ; does this cover thecommodity loan, which is being discussed by Malik Akhtar ?

Minister of Financc : Sir, these four crores of rupees were needed

for developmental purposes. whilc carrying on the developmental acti-vitie* in the province, we discovered that wc need four crores more, andthe central Government has not got this loan from any outside agency.

Thc crntral Government has given us loan from its fund in order tocnable us to carry on our developmental activities in the province. Idon't know how he has brought in this commodiry toan and pL-{80, and

cverytbiog on earth he has brought under this discussion.

Malik Mohrmmad Akhtar: May I raise anotber poinr Sir. lf youkindly look into item No. 2, I will agaio repeat rhat in the budget

cstimates for 1967-68 a provision of Rs. ?9,00,43,000 was made on thebasis of the previous ratc of interest of 5.25 percent pcr annum. Tbecentral Government has now raised the rate of intercst to 6 percent.

Under that increasc in' the ratc of interest, which is .75 percent per

aDoum' I can discuss that commodity loan sir. bccause the item does

not concern four crores only.

Mr. Speaker : The Member wants to attack the cnhancement ofthc rste of intercst by the Ccntral Government ?

can stop you but when you ask me, I have to reply, andtodo....

Malik Muhrmmad Akhtar : I want to attack thar, and

sphcae I can attack the entirc loan on which that enhanceJbecame due.

in that


Mr. Speaker: I don't agree wirh the learned N{ernber

Malik Muhrmmril Akhtar : Anyhow, Sir, as you please. ThatEesus f can't discuss at all thc utilizatioo of tbis l,an by the provinciat



7704 provrNcr^L As$rr.BLY o! wESl lArlsrAx fl2rn ruue. tl68

Mr. Speaker : The Member can.

Ly L3*+ ,f *l:-,,- grl vl - .&r vt^: - Fl J.;e r(L

J.t- u^{ ,^LI- 9rl g" 6iti 13 4z=. ,-,1,..f u.-o1 Vf ,-fS ", fI

t,) .SiL KDevelopmental Loans jf r:h a;ri 0l G4 olLx

- c- +.fiL Krrl L^, u,.io oi - 7 €

lnterest on loans taken from the Central GoYernrrrent; Inlerest on

developmental loans.

- 1;s r) .i2c.. f. .,h +rt dl S ,sst h.r[ uf ,if ^) qi../l

,ii l{ st" lert dl 2 Otdl "f q a.(,lulr*. Kob r.iri s1l

5 J*,-,.:t- r;; ,!*"1K- J" ol:[s 5ll - + U) f osltt ^jti.;tr

- ot ?) rf J)\;. L,rl 4 -71e1 &'stlri r: a cib '+j 0l crx

Am I relevant Sir ?

Minister of Finance : It is not nly function to dectare whether you

are rigirt or not ; it is for the Speaker.

j ts94l "{ o9o hfi; ,^1 141 - !t3 ./Uf - J:it Jrlrr r.fl'

$ "t t*s .5i,i L 7$ - q-.5L.0!j! )ri ; q..r'{- J,."$.&l

drTf;frt Z. rr^'{ + t^f {g;9s.1 t2 s4. 2:$ 'sxl i --tp *il;: st)t

-oi/f f &.,S,oaf.iklIldr'^-c-d rs:;tttu,. .,:d.-

Krd "f Y 6t{ e:, Zf discuss tf r,3T ,rl 5 trf - Yl-r vt,:

s(rpplrMeirrlRY BUDGtsT Srereurxr l961-i8 il0S

,43|. c.l:r rr 11. 7.JL - tep "r ui 4s, r lta. t4r st roo 6lL-itel

6rL - t+ ,.r "i A:s r* 2J. t4,. sr r'rr 6.lL - ti ir'..:| ""lr;0.1\

tt d dl roDaa (4. rt q.ta e)L - tei "f

j 2:t rr (rrDt ltrr

"i 4lt trt (4rellla EJL - b,- .i, ui AsS ';-.ttt'r 1'rr 6tL tei

jtel vl . lci ,j. ,-ri d$ vdta ":3L t.l. t t t.rrr G.r* lJl t{i r.r.

-us 5t za at:i

c r I oo e.,L - ,4is .i. !,l Jter K.Jrb u>t" E ,-rl - llr .ru:

tri,r.i A:s f at6..r4.trr.r. 6lL - ti..r ,l alorz- 2jl.*.

t. ,] d:l o. r#tti.rl e)1. -tel tr ui Au r. (4iertrr 6rL

G 4l rr t^.et lTr 6lL - ti ir. ,) a:: rv6 (.,:r't lto 6tl'- tei

AALt, Dr tr t, Gl.t:rfl W .i. r,/ 4t) bA q. Et l1a €.r; - tC &.

- td itc u tl ats

r4r tr,too 6tL "{ I ^t ,s I jter -r: E * - !13 .7b^

| . u4 .r'O' O" tS Atl Oo q:r e i't r . 6JL ' ts*t U !,l qlr., r'O sia

,-i,{ f.} 3tA U ui qtrJ to q. tr irr €.)L - t"} jt3; 6. u1 t"llt

e)u - s{r .r. 4 4l ta r4r srl.rrv eJL - ,-{ t, &.,J o4)) z.

,€a U "i r?-tt 1r'rtrrtrl erL-rsi ,y d €lJ 1t (4.'t116

qllj .rl (.l, Et t.rl dlt\ )tl Ltf U L; ttIJ ol cll er 112 [.tL

+ 3W U d{1, r 1. c'ij 'Yl vl ,r{ U C

116S pRovrwcl,e,L assefutlY oF Wssr Plktsrex [t2rn luun, 1968

4ts s) 413U *er i6o e)L.raf 6l:orlt {. u,.l - ll3{-Jk:

. ki ,.- ui ASI DcAa r# , t t.r. 6)L - [i ;- ,ri

2l ) 3lol a .s*, .s.fl a - Yl3 ,-,k- - Oti 't r" i96,1 Ul1


rlit!.9j1 qZ L C; ^JL r. -Yllvt:-;;.lr*erfle

- a +s f ,,rt euf

When they are goiog to claim that they have been doing devclop-

meut during tcn years, and it is a Supplementary Budget, are we

debarred to altack their development programmc? Sir, we have every

right. Of course, if you think ..

Mr. Speaker : The Momber has cvery right at the time of geneml

discussion on the General Budget.

Malik Mohammad ALhtar : Sir, these investmcnts birve bcen made

in development form, and chese loaos bave been iovested for the develop-

mcnt of agricultural scctor. I am finishing it Sir' if you rill allow


Mr. Speaker : Is it for the dcvelopment o{ thc agricultural


Malil Muharmed Akhter : It is for private persons. Sir, allthesc loaos have beeu givcn to Malik Akhtar'

Mr. Speaker : Then the Membcr is absolutcly not relevant.

Minister of Finance : Unfortunately my learned fricnd, and my

dcar friend 6eems to be in a holiday mood.

Mrlik Muhanrrd Akbtar : No Sir.

tuplr.eMnNtrn" IiuocEr rrArBMENr 196?-68 1101 ',

Minister of Finance : That appears to be. Sir, so far as these

loans are concerneC, thcy were not confined to aoy particular develop-

mental activity. These loans were spread all over the activities, which

were carried out in the province last ycar, and naturally some amount

out of tlris losn rvas also transferred to the agricuttural sector. To that

extent Malik Akhtar is right, but to discuss, while discussing this item,

matters, which strictly do not fall within the purview o[ this item, to

tbat coDduct of Malik Akhtar I have serious objcction. And Sir, you

havc very rightly in the past pointed out to him that he should remein


Now, Sir, as a matter of fact, just recently, he has referred to the

budget speech and the documents which I placed on the Table of the

House yesterday. Even re[erenco to them is not permlssible while

discussing supptementary budget because those documents relate to the

year which is yet to commence. Whereas this supplementary budget

rclates to 1967-68 thoso docunrents related to 1968-69. I crn understand

the difficulty of the Membcr b:cause if one has to.be relevant on lhis

rupplementarv budget then one has to say a fcw thingr but if one wants

to remain irrelevant then he can continue talking for hours and there is

no end to it. Therc are only threc topics. One is Interest on other

floating loans, the second is Interest on Ways and Mcans Advanccs and

the tbird is Interest on loans taken from the Central Government. The

rcopo of discussion undcr this item is very limited and nothing much

can be said. Your honour is wcll aware that so far as the item "Loensfrom the Ceotral Government" is concertred, the scope of discussion is

not vcry wide.

Mr. Sperket : lf rupees four crores have becn spent on all the

dcvelopmental activities of the Government thcn in that case, so far

ar thc devctopmental activities of the Provincial Government are concerneC'

those could be discussed

Minister for Flnance : I think, if the Mcmbcr is so keen, he can

do that but I will submit that he should confine himself to 1967-iE and



i108 PnovlNcrrl AssEMbLy 6F wBsr pAi<rsrAN [l2rH ruHe, 1968

not discuss 1968-89. The trouhle is that he is referring tc those

documents which rctate to l96S-69.

Malik Muhammad Akhtar : I am comparing 1968'89. I will

leayc it and go back to 1967-68.

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar : I think he can refer to the documents

which \ryere presented to this House by the lerrned Finance Minister

yestcrday. We can only refer them aod cannot discuss tlrem.

Mr. Spealer : Yes, of course. They stand presented to tbc

House and they can be referred to.

Mlnister for Finance : Sir, Khawaja Muhammad Safdar can keep

thc difference between the words "reference" and 66 "discussion" but not

Malik Muhammad Akhtar.

* r* .4Y 4.e+. 0li .r*, rJfel U l) - )<*. t/t+ - o;or rl-.

* dtd. L u8 ..r.-1, Fl '(1. $ 4; a.r h 1!+. os )tl g

- orc d Ubf ,t-{ ,{ i orttl rf,;e''f at L) f .*U ,r;r:-

6 rd *f re, bs f e.f *) 1,,t, - J& vk: - iil .r.i., t(L

+il q, tI tr.r-.ra& a,.'u,lltrl .r# f Ass-lp r"l.rt l1a-1a g.j

- ,rg .rr 4$ crL uM , t q 1O-1 1 yl 2gsS

developmental activities e- bsf 6i ,.7.*t.4 dL - 3(oa. ,1.".

I r.ry

dovelopmental activitios 6 ?- t, - )* c/t+ - Jril .1..i. r(L

- (r,


developmental ua:.i 5 ,rr, U ./ =-Lp .(U - fv i*,

- r.lu u'rJ activities

4 &.* u,l - r.,;t9n t:2r 3-tea *l * xt i - ,:;.1 r..r. s(L

, ef , $f i\:. - uU urtj:" J. ;f "!t.-rt ,r jts ,rd + lJf uilf

ls rt(,- ,osj /po *f + l$ a! gai) dt':. f 0" sfr lrl drb

6 ot".:l c:l f,r "d + Af A*t 4 i ,x i - +..5 "f, .lri ,tti

)4 { d 1dell J' oyf allege ^J

q, ,ft ,f { osf ,rr" "tssl L,rrtj dti;l a. eu ot i + 6 ir- q l(* d+:i lS *e-

- ,-P*. s { *- ca' o[lril !l

Minister for tr'ioance : Hc is not only irrelevant birt he is

absolutely irrelevant; if this phrase is permissible. Every year we fraare

an annual development prograrnme. That is a public sector activity.

Obviously, the money which wc get from the Central Government by

wgy of loan, or otherwise the moncy which is contributed by the

Proviocial Govcrnment, that money is spent in carrying out the develop'

mental activities as enunciated in the annual dcvelopmcnt programme.

I don't really understand what he is aiming at. Frankly speakiug

nothing much- could be said but if my friend is bound to speak then,

to that desire, we have no remedy. He wants to give us the maximum

punisbment by making us sit down and hearing him for hours dclivering

irrelevant spceches.


7710 pRovrNcrAl ASSBMBLI oF wEsl PAKISTAN [l2ru runa, 1968

Malik Muhammail Akhtar : That is because you don't study your


Minister for Finance : Go ahead then.

dr :rt - i?h src .;.b .rtl .,j "f A 'rl { - 3;rl Jrru tlL

q lrfsa itiie;Kc.,1S- *l\-t 61Lo *f tcp t^r f ,.rr ni crr

f ds;lr.t trJt-r9r trr? n! Dl + f o1 ;fe. collapse dn1 J { ",

t .x C) {: Olf tf fl* os f ut Jr., K Jt-rri .t? )ttl or X)

.Jtf4 "{l - F J.6 r# ,}-V f 1.lec Jt=*e; os *f d.;a [:6'3.- ,,.r

ote * .3!rr clrt- 3,f d-rrUtj. !- )) Jt-;r;q "f + c,,-J: r-$

l.a o* izi dUtr, €l L o9g7 )tl * !f ostiil *ii .r3\.iri trl L

S.r.Irs 6i;-. a-, Os)j dlt rp dl

Mr. Speaker : This also is not the concern of the Frovincial


Malik Muhammad Ahhtar : Why not? I will nrake it clear.

There is a Committee which is Licensing Committee of the West

Pakistan Government... -Mr. Speaker : But tbat has got nothing to do with rupees four


Malik Muhsmmrd Akbtar : These licenses are being financed

from this foreign exchange.

Mr. Speaker : Has thir amount got anything to do with




Parlleuentary Secret$y, lFloance) : lssuing of licenses is the

rcsponsibility of thc Ccntral Government and not the Provincial Govern-


Mdit Mohrmnsil Akbter :

wer making atl thesc allocations

I bcg to differ. The previous Governo,

Ife was juse sending chits,.....

Mr. Spcaker : Has the Mcmber got any other point?

- dr. t l I ;rt ,S *fl L2-g al q - J:il &1. r(le

u^, jq- sfrj dh" f ,lr^ t rt+ Uf ,t* ol qi -.r.r.r vtb

.,.r;* 'rr3,8- ,trl;1./lii riYLrrbl a jrr 6KU -f ol *

JliA &J.i"l t Ff W iUrz-JLs.S; e r lrt ..i- etlr,zcrl,i(r

drl$ti. rrh r 3: oitil ;lJ K 1.LI * .pt 4- l.n *itil K 4s2 uo\

- llt .lt'

c,llar ,;-f .t, Ji" tJ-i t*.r(1r- .-rttl .F* ;* :t f-y orl)

- (2* o(o ,r

f t -- stt a. t* dgJl-rjB, ,- jt"jl 0l g,l .p .4. { orl

rf r.lrr U.t" Uf €.f *t c4 - )b./t+ - a tJ I ra, rrll$B ,rol

A b.1,tf .$l .^f r:.r-b dFJl t/J*-, {t3 rts a-3,ro .:lL.4l

.:{td r.ftl i.fr td Lr 0k r.(1l (4.rt t.ra Jrrtl [rtx t - I ,ift

,fd*r Fctrl.rrl- *{' + tll*Y,* q,, t{S| e.llrl f Jl'-I {'.1 d


7712 ?r.ovtNctaL lJttrDlt o? wulr P^rltrAN ll2TH JUNE, l96E

Uh., ,r7i ,,.f1 f, drlJtj. ad ,.-.r[., ,rtvf fl - lrr wu:

,rirf pf .rl.rj 5 Jl u:ra *f 4rf qitffl g;L c--s*. o3 J;[.!, *t"

u.!L, rjleil a vT vl - Ylr yt+ : 2]"t" t+: ..*r" .bh ,-"t l )tl *V

crlrtl $ 2 clgjl.u-l* tU.U ll, 4,-;l.r Jrl 1.: r-:l- oi;i ,.t.i * ,rf

. r5.- Ltsil-n.1 ei .(11 - I I U.n if raise 2 E

ut) e-: e51,-r3o.)I ll dtiiti L.;,U dl vl - At:r .tl.ff

f ,r.* Gl ct, - Ylr vt^: - E ,,, t*' vT a#. -;ll rrr.. sfl.

ctL.:-l otr- .dl .^l q, d.;r) rll alOylx*k ,it, cll f-drt tol .-j'(.

;pl' - 4 4) f .! ,;^*11 ol2:. tf O-C.t #j.uisr*.4 o2 nf - ki [f

-{ ,rU rr: r'l E ,t tDA - )lr vh r./t .,+, utrr f c911- u,:*iY

,rf ,s, KJ r.rtr.rl! q..lL )i -.{ olt Klcurb 3f 6)ljT tt!r !r


[4r. Senior Deputy Speaker : The Member is not relevant

Malik Mulrammad Akhtar : Alright Sir, I come to the rrext point-

git ise e crb ,^rj ,rirrl of tgi t".1 415 6i g1. - !13 wk-

- e- t^r T w L!t.d*l .,6 t. 0l u{ .1rl crS at \ ,it:S 0lIti,

-,f-FU ,6it; ,r7- Lt siJ- ;rl cD .#tr vP n) - irr..rt*

"f * q ot JJI - + Uteil ,^h;; lr*^i ..(:l ae+, - cry utsf

,t if}rv # bq L[#]il I r,^ etr{p.p t" ;! [ develoPment


i.,r| Lr: rD { Jrt- f 1-r r-rtt:j .f ojL.r: U 2 r,b ,io

4-s jt;ri .5 o3Lls 0l .71 - ot +) ,J o*s'al! a.ll pr! )K- lLo

r;-r if * r' L it* ,.rt rf Ot ,x - y'i raise ;ii r e f' fitl 1el - ljl t+ xu{-f.;.pl n* 2 E.clb ocsi $l u:''l - vf od

4--* ljt[r.f s6; ,^!tL {*- 5 o,tro ui.a s'E' llo$'+ri

./t+ - uU &3U { a-2h: 2 L c^".JL ,5.ft eta +ri 4 q A.h

,.ret lU E, .:b "}i 0l u1. l5- - uf ilJti e, 'rL ,rl {t.t !a';. Jit

f: f! e v ; clil.r:-t.1. ,^ilL t*. Jfo ,r+l 2 Ot7ll 6 - .trJ ;

- q *) ;l-u{, ,.tf rf oh +r, 0l Olr:'t- a;L ^f ki tf "L-

- ;l3p L5 st)U a * c.,h "r, ;,- - Ylr vb:

Parliamentary secretary (sardar Muhammad Ashraf Kban) : sir,

I again draw your atteotion to the fact that the Membcr is not

only irrelevant but highly irrelevant. I beg to say that he has failed to

undcrstand the actual demand that was presented in tbe supplementary

budgct so much so that he has so confused himself lhat he cannot

differcntiate between tbe ptrbtic sector and plivate sector' The intereit

is being paid by thc Provincial Governmcnt to the Ccntral Govcrn'


Malik Muhammad Akbtar : Is that being paid for the B:rsic

Dcmocrats? Why are you paying this interest?

Parliamentary Secretary : Sir, the amount which is being spent

is ii the Aunual Dcvelopment Programma in the public Eector and not

in thc private iector. If you allow me I can make my friend understand

as to wbat is public sector and what'is private scctor and why this


- .- i,,.i,.,---*n#








litc piovrNclAl rssEutl.v or $rssr prktstrN [l2rH iuNr, l96E

interest is paid to the Central Government and what is thc scopc of thc

Provinciat Government in this demand. In the wholc of the speech of

thc Mcmber, which you have heard in the last 15 mioutcs-and he may

take hours more-he bas made out notbing but wasted tbe tistc of thc

House. It is bettcr that substantial arguments and useful matcrial

from that side come before the House.

Mn. Senior Deputy Speaker : Yes plcaso.

Aesil S te, \l f .-f-f 6l rlr-r"r.a c/U" - jil J.a. r(L

f x 1ls; .:-r s r$h;r d I

Mr. Senlor Dcputy Spealcr : The Mcoober ls oot relcvant.

MaliL Muhammsd Akhtar : Alright Sir, I wlll leeve that polot ifthey are more allergic to that.

developmental anl u,o^a Sox u: fi* .^t q, ?f - Ilr r-'l:,-

+4st 3tf r . ' r i o-tcl ,l c"fy 5 r*d .f #i 'Jslt a. t*' $.i

6F iJ- .trl 6fl y t .^^ ur&T iF e. ts rrl rrl - + tof eir..qi"frf Jr*Jy.5 4:stst-d y.rt :{ rsl+ cfy I j.tA

,tt& f fi bi *? .J f jq [flrlr: )r- ir:.lrt -.lr^ cl.r.I eiYU

L'er* "1

(,,)l, F - .,, zl{Jrt A A rlrlr.r Jt ,r"tq-lj c-F

,irlli 4 (rt. rq t. ui- a!x.r.l.i.:rti * 2 8-l$te*f dfi

-e { {d.L.lb st r 4 L developmentd rJ -rrrr uf

, lb 15 comparc f' s3e fii - dt" Lr&r ib Cl 6 Ot 5I




suppLEMENfARv tuDcBr sTATBidBNT t9o?-oC'' i1'.5

$;t:t ,-f rr- a tfr b; -lt ,or. ib tSl s:*r ^f - .rr" [:€+*'^l t.l,

L .i;t+l ,;ir - + ut+!t ,tl*l.[,.$ .fil Lw -,1 - ,!* t- r.t

.; a- te$ *1 Lt, ,.e, 4rrt5

"[o thc Budgct Stltcmcot for l%7'6t' s pro-

virion of Rr. 79,43,3fl) war medc on tbc beris of

tbo prcviouc ratc of tntcrcst of 5.25 Der ccnt per

attnum. Ceotml Govcrnmcol har aow iocrearcd

tbo ratc of iatcrcrt to 5 p.r ccot."

* + Uf lrl )-t- L tt .* V 4t efy Ao - )lr vur

VIvl a Ul Lr rt siyL r.oJ r.rl- r.l d. ,,iIL.Jt^."i dt l-

$lj q*r.; ef Y r . uE.6 a r.;61. .Jrl ,fa s 1o.5. "f - oJlrr, .jlril

rl- rr.JJ.l eft r . g..j,(- Gfe g:,I (3a Q.l -{r-.$ Of C

rrh E .:.1fi- 6:{,.t tf - Ylr vL: - 5 l, .rfrj 4 rt ,r )* Lr.lrl * Lf ..itil q1 )3,r Cf 6 *; fl ,s "d +tK4;t t+l

jf ,t fl - Ylr vh -.r? Ur &L A E rJu ,Jrcr tr orJ+ L

Jn,U qF a.l i :A i *i.lf p&ss on ,r".r ;rl *ff UrU *)f V

'd+t , ur) ,*f ,oj 6l .j -a2f gal V t-t- Cf 2 L ri.f ;f W

tr: itrvestmont 6 -,x 6t rrt - rsi t' r J{it- ;h dt

Urr ;j1.. L dJ,.r,. e;Bl q. C,"s 6 )r- i rU+ - kJ tf frs ,c* al

Jf$. .5 ,A + rrbt J+ sr &tl + rrat t.o 4F -r+ +r4tal tta - i^ rI- iq r? ? !tt? 0{ O 6}.(lt ,5 4t fl .t"

1716 prorrflctAr Atsrrllt o, wttt PAEtsr^lt tl2rH firxg. tgoS

,.r{) (,,,1 eir ortJj sei c1i .JrL o.r^il e(Q - ,5 -rr u+r -r!lj

- ,.5 r.,

?i L Itom No. t { ,stf ,P$ q .r+ 5. ,rl - Ylr .7r-:

-: + 1f q5- ,.U nl 4. Intorest on Other Floating Loans

"Tbe cxpcnditurc undcr tbis head depcndr on

thc daily wayr aod meaos position of thc Govcrn-

mont. The expeoditurc fluctuatcs from ycar to

ycar; The provision of Rs, 30 lakbg in tbc

currcDi year'e budgct is iosufficicnt to mect tho

anticipatcd crpcuditurc of Rs. 92 lakhl."

,5 ".lrr efy r. "f *fu-s efficiency ,5 cr:(* u,.l l/l

provision .5 efY r r L dgrrl ,-,1 ^.ftJ !q rrl u*, ,.5 if provision

t t b tof Jrt- f ot1 ".i.li e, 6F o+ - Ylr vL.: - + 6t f

.:.ttC o:, dt$ L;et o9 2- s5il L J investment )J- Zq!,rl )51 -+

E ql - + 6lJ 'P-sfi

.(; .l- ui{,"*l oe * lfi 4iEl b'eS-y *-tr

genoral 9,- interost on refunded debts q, item 6r*i J'r

iutessgl on general provident s', L o,.l Providont fund

bxpenditures gr 141 grl ^{ + tf tr, llj .^l i4,. fl i- J fund

bi *,f .7t 111 4t L:l,,t t. f:' ,;- ierf -(:l .r .O ;f ;V,t

.5 budgeting6Ot edl -+UfUrf ^aq rD.,r.,...1-f

, 8UPPLBMENTAnY BuDosr S'lh\EllENT 1967-68 1?17

tr interest L provident fund ot Lf - uJ K, .jlAil tr ssV.

unforeseen 4 bt{ q, 11,l - e & ,f ,*-'originally provide

,Jsupplomentary BudgetL otdl :f O: au S x exponses

- q- tf ;i+ ql eD-.€

leise sb rr, 6.y-1(. gy "f ( otf ,hlf ,*" - llr vt.1

- uI ,g,bf-, ).rr:.. .5 o+ O7a Uf .]i,t- 4rf 6 s*Jh 6 Lf

.filt -{ original loan giving countrios ndrJ td ai s-l tr 6l

ii e J? r.l. agricultural section ol)\e L url - + titr )\,;"

.r.I; 6iki J2; ,LL f9 a- ,-rl S d-21 Ls.7* tt, q, 2f ' claim

consumer nf + f U, f aVt Jri rl r*: de:..i Su /N *t

- of Gf- .:tr-j c4; ur^"; ,J rt".:l .5 dU':-t L 'ei, * goods

,.ry ,i Ytl o reach r-f 6.lI lb lrl

5, public section 2- .Jrel S + n Gl-Fl lri r,{ L,vl

t3r r: - q- tir et rt;lrl.i,l ;! private sector lt*t L;,*-Jkl

Jq J"(*l r f 2 o\ ";t t? a dr(:t Jl&ill )S + 4 ,rtPl

On Sf et$-l +r, I L c'tt trl rr )tl qt1.(r6i .-e .JS lb

{ ,)"n ,et?.^r, f N 11.:.11 ,i-r a rfjt.t) ,iC L .:.;6- "f

6- u'rl3U ;;l r7*t'rU rJ ' qU

;-- . -.r .',,lIrJ




?718 ?RovtNcrAL AsrBxrly o! wEiT rAKTSTAN fl2rn ruNn, 196E

u!.f $ I + tir,, A L cJ.r" ,r+t ei d.+l ts,,tl.&

uif U-3' .rri t (r) ,,r, lJ (,) o, J,$rTunforeseenitem

L,_rl i ,s-n unforeseen expetrses ti uJb rr excess expeDses

;f Atl S di4 [:6;.- q, ,;,(*l A ttb t5;'r t+. O*k 2$ 4f * $ :tA lrl .t ,.:Jl - d; ot unforeseeD oxpenses

f *; n C* 6 )y f bi * .r*ci o ly L c*.r(- 6feefe C t Lf L.gl r$yr- g unfor€sos1 *rpt ,.{ - + 6)

jf *,5- ef,e ft - -*.&, jlr" )s Gf f! 1]. g.."eK-

,.1r -f df psss oa .re- rllj -{ +y.r4 ;] Lrf &L .;,i U

q - s€i u*, )f addition o, LiltL, E. Lilrr Ot $a oh e;- 11

5 *lt r;y.t t# rtl'ta - tr L .:.3$ afe 3,- ret^ ri;i

, st" *;t E,t i.r4 - 1A U .3b li, C * S + ^,il;. d*.&

CT e- ,sL n;; tL, L ft.i "flr tJ Lt"i .*, :f oe:,.f rr-

JrL * foreign aids ll cry d) s- {lF dt L fd -f "rs,

,*i. ,-(rl n; - q- tJ qUjl rJ- t rrl; ..il tLi dl .-1I 4r Erf

"rUl tr"rtL r43; s5-Y r. t,t. rrl fit - o:o r.I.r t,iJe; df + i:

- + \{ t1.: ,Jl! 1el

;tr .1rl , provident fund 5\:. - c6r ' cil.r. 3) g!2r1) .r+ L ,rl

\r. floating loans pl * 6 x ;Et r$ vt * dl r, 6 rrh ,^r,



0f .^f dl tdr- q + Jf raise c;-b .lr, .i..9,(- i\ f "f ,f

originallyl r'. 4l *{t rr uri! - -*itpl Y*;,t1ef! r, c.iK:..1,'

z :{tt 2 L )3e 1,..! ^.+l rf! iy )tl - I 5 provide

:V:t I 5 .j[.itrr ,.5' r.ll c* { *u qr ol, dL r: of "'ij 3t'c

e.f) ., r Ji 0? .rl .lS ,.f ot- ,^;t o) "d+ k(' 91 'jl'tJl 4 ,'rl ' +

osl:f:{ \t*,fF rljl vu. ,.. - Ylr vE:- f,3n urft,l s2' vh. t4s)

;el .r.:- u{ sJtf; .r - l-rta V2f s,1l observatio o J-f Ot*' t

.JL rr ;:ttfol'r.,ii l:.^r ^f { rS:f s?te U/l6(J - trf r:':I ,1U

4f I economic stricturo , )\* JJI ejlr,- r::,11j9 6;t.r "1 cf, 6

L n, -r(- os d ,J*!KJ rjlll vI - .rf commeots orij f ,r*i

G.2- j) stl + lrl ,iUl *(. 4t qr:r +ft r r uzu t { 41 otp rrj

.r)to E ,si ssl ,tr ii 6CrJ efy caL additional expenSOS .64 ,.(-

s: L ":ly 3tf ahl ,^l *f ..,'iKJ 'jl'r;t 4 - + +ft rr "G o-;

2 L additional interest zd + ,fl f, domand e.,3(-

c"rtri financial position .i,rl nS z-f claim *t e.-S- ,l fl

- f- JLtt,!sr', + *f .rrr kj:'-- crg1, -f + geallrl Ls*'a

al t ;k;ir L .ttf Gtl dr..:. L gL eiri 0l ,* + Oja-;rl

o,,, jss L5 df:-fq ,,j12;- J.o d -t{ o\ ,4, ,31 t{ ost tl.{ ,*i:{

public inlssest ef e,V *b) 0l .r ,.(q orr t:6a.- l! .(lt rl Sruj


.- - *-{rl



jV t€..Jl- .5 rrU*ft, rf ott r'lri 4l tx ' os't U4?'- GV L

Lf surronder L.lr &d L vI ra 3f ':rta a;ri gl utv Os't [:&?"'

- L a:, black spDt \rl qle 2 z JLo ry eJt' 'r'![ gr*' 5 ,]*'-

fr.i lf +: L s.:L ox Vf c,^iJH' J,:r'' J ril ,*' yl ' L o:e

o.rG ^f ,-- ,sl ,r{s fi I Ar," )tl ;F '6rljT t'ltlJ.t! r,5 P*t

)u. t. flso e-l w i -+ q ,Y L dJ.;ls *3Lr- r:? tLo urJq ,5

* ,s si + slogan 4l .i.r lJr\ t c-,5- - d rr b6":'-' ,r'b E

3- ..rr;T -Ir - .9, .r"r. .:jt1l 4,". L -J.:ir ,rl development

q "f (.ljtefi Ef putt mortem b' development ,rl .r- rr >\.

4tt-r "f E u.e&.r q/T -!t3 vt+ -+ u,rJ y'J L l3o development

€^(l^.;-rr 9L:. L ui*15 ,.r: or *l cll.r;ti 'r.a'"i - q. o* '-(u

e 2ts-r.. "dK,:sf €f wfx al:'ll3-{}f ,-(tt '5

2f command ef u.*jt* .)lU tJ;tLr t-i2c ni 'rt- ,nij q - * {

A.r Jt 4rl$t- .16 n cost 6 &:l a cl: ^)-l cll "(l; - .rf

J" .lLr, .r -rr L 4t rf ob $), ,il *f Os,t 847'- q. "f,ll (;y

, CA ! ^fial pl - L-)l qr- 1-Dl ,g rrLiei ol pr ,;tei ,rf .t

.::"irE {Li 6 Jj qJtL,, grl (# 2 nl - t'-) lf 61.- e 0k'l"t:o

url .,rl on|f &j:f "; si Os,t li){ tr>\cl qrrl;el ot',\if

F. .^f f- J,rt- d! 6l r4a 0lll r,rl 1r's ^f Ost klr JJj .,ll ':'tl

L-y{arl i Af ,l ue" a5, ,i ,r*JU 01U 5.i"jK- Ofc rfl

- ".(- f ssi frl"

t".,,- -

gITPPLf,uENT^RY BUDGBT slArEulNr' 1967;58 7721

crlll url c,i.rt - Yl.r 9h - (n - ,e;l:{),Jilr0 y'trt ;jnr.;.-

e e)-f r.,/r.r .f C" J lsc L 5I. ,*l i- r..tE:il 1-f /rc r +

prJ ,l pi e- Jt:.tf er: .(j i.rr: - r. tl q- 65 f g- I \

il: -f glell Lrl s*: a-1.:r K r.is sh .:.d .(tl 6 '+Jv ,5 dto

K Ou-fr* utsi. oA )t Lr? 6..F L-:l .&l - + ,t*r &t' .s- K 4t

lel t5- -d od rtnLr K jt, ur/ q- k(* .d i a*if cll4l o.r^jLi

- !rr.:ua - * .;,,rirt;il ,f !t3al g*l V 2f { ,i\ .$t 4 u:*l

6Li.racrJt i tle[ Uf 8f *2 ctr cr.tj..!VI q i ir vl ft'

a- .rih Jil ,Sttr &oq1 r# 31ti .rit-.r4 ,r;b .f t;: *f f,-r, d

,S + UL lg7.- d,"al ,^-l-, *: K.:l.t:,t : ,..(i 6,T .6J e ei-rl

"d €- .PU - Jr J.at- .;Frl K 2f, e-c,13: ,r:gl -{ l5o f. .fu

unr. sln ,J*" .(1t y- ot ti csx ,t1c fuf - r . 5 .-Sr' uS fl

q -{ d3xlLi L Sl2,- t .fu q ,>.3f,- ftlil ,r.: 2 nl ZL *

.d3r,ri91 ,S.r+:ft a))3 L.J-r*f! a- Sl1c t9 'f tt "i JrL 6n

! c,tJt. - zuh lgz.-.- gg127.1 .:..9(- lE .r rl u$ ,f ir.J ji

+ -r.r- 6l JU*- tr i&+-- .J1sr* f .*r- JStr= f '>'iS- itbs

E; itf +;rJ ^f A ,^r.lt+. K-l "(tl + ub l5 eo drrf qrlJ "5--

,(1 - Lasky .,11 Lasky fJ * Lt;* - Ylr ./u" - L ttf

??22 pRovrNcIAL ArsBltllr ot wltr pAKtsrAN[lZrn tur.re, 196g

JJf 1;trt L O-)yl 3lro s-tr grrll A: .(i .r.-l u*"ul .r-is*

"r +r, .r:i1tl .x itts a(1r,5 kil udtf ,r*t d (.D ,ii.SL

K .l.a "f

cl! '^r ,+, ,rr(L v* L U: ,.f rJ91 [:(- ,^r.f ,:rtl

git *{ + q Jtri. { sty.r.: nf + ,^^lc gii *(! + *fi 7*s.lt q s{ hof 6rl rJtrf ni1 ^f q 66i ,,.r q- Uf e.f ,ss{

4. (Jih.r

Minister of Finence (Syed Ahmed Saeed Kirmani) : Point of

order Sir. Are we discussing whether we have democracy.in the country

ot we have oo democracy in the country? Are we discussing the

provisions of tbe Constitution, which says that a particular item is a

a charged expenditure, or are we discussing tbc item before us? I would,

Sir, respectfully submit that tbe Member, in his anxiety to deliver a very

fluent speech, is oot keeping himself within the limits of relevaocy.

Chaudbri Muhammad Sarwar Kban : Decency.

Minister of Finance : Decency I would not say; decent he is.

What I mean to say is tbat this is not the occasion to voice his feeling

with regard to the helplessness of the Members in rcspect of a particular

item. This is true that wc catr only discuss thc charged expenclrrurc

and we cannot vote otr it, but to utilize this occasion for voicing his

gricvancc agaiost that provision of thc Constitution is not, I think,

proper, bccause tbis is not relevant. Hc should be a sked to be relevant

so tbat be saves the precious time of this august House.

u.Li 4 iF. ljl ?t": 4.0?. - ltf .fh - JJd, .1.i. d,.lJi

rrfll url dl*:, L charged expenditure fl ?? * rr:r; r.ltiil

supttrMENTARY BuDGBT sIA\EMENT 196?'68 7723

bl Ldl3al Url ,.o *f A &b r!- .^l ,.-^ f LrS +) f g*, 'x

charged expendituto uy {.lrtr * .;b ,,W ar. nf s: rf c'l;t;;l

dt:. ;] othor than new expenditure 6LJl - ,if c""; 6L:,. f

S aN frf 6tiil .(; .r- sl a. 1;n. i)t c1. - ;*Ja L,:{'r &'l

charged a & N d"tr .ri u,"l dJ,* 5l charged expenditure

.gi chergod oxpenditure ;(.1 .,^C r" s,pi oe]-c I expenditure

- + t:(- f q i al se 1el r;p J,"t- c.,llkil -f t'ltrrt url dl':'

dx c..l ,l ,'lal .ss bt - llr .rlr: - .riJtu'fiel ljrt' i."'

- * J:cl *.b .gii ,.J Kt.i: ef tei b: f \Yro 62 q, Jrl + \s1)

Minister of Finanee : I had raised a point of order sir, but without

any decision on that, my learned friend has presumed rhat tbat point of

order baS been thrOwn out, whereas on that point of ordcr, the Leader

of the Opposition has also, to a large measure' supported my point

of view.

- L "*S

15si f;;l2 .-f,.ei rtt - J'ti.l a"at a-l3l

Mlnister of Finance : Quite rigbt. so, sir, is this tbc occasion to talk

about democracy, the type of democracy, the power of tlris House' or

wc have to talk with regard to the item beforc us. Since he is talkiog

about democracy, he is talking about the power of this House' hc is

attacking, by imnlicatioo, certain provisions of the Constirution' which

relatc to ihe financial matters. I rhink, Sir, he cannot discuss that'


irlr. Farooqi wcot bcyood his limitc while making cettain rcmrrks


7724 ?f,ovrNct^L ArstxDL? o? wtt, pArtr?AN ll2rHruNB. t96t

,Jd.t5. ,si- rist 6* ,.';I - Yle vt: -.,rl3rti nLcl tj.:r.:&r

ilt -{ gl3"rl grl 7r ,.rl d +lx ..l>\=t .;! :-r*:"* .r. rrl u. r.ll3i1l

oll os,if *.1tjil *t-f O,e:l yl W)*,r1 - + u.t-i d- { d,si z uil uf x -.f-if 22 rrl .t,ci tt J:*l ,,5tsi 1i Lrf ,r.,f n

,5.1r-r:f VT - rllt Ke 15- -fP ;l.rl .47, * r-nS uirt uq).-r.. dl1,llort

\ - "J

+(l' ,f tsit Jlsts{

- g x t'f .r*j {i ,f vT -;t;i $r

.f -.1 Jrl ut ;t-i vi ,fr - jt3 .=.L, - .,i$'; nbcl t9,.2e", 1*.- - - qr AL L.(J3; .5vI i +.(.ll "*rfi

charged exponditure .l;Jg ,5 vT vq t5- _ fd.r.r.*. *1lj*

- "i(- -yt t:"+l d"-l -.i o.l t{ a *1 Lrld. ;f

oC -t, g^) -* ollt.:;.| 5 .1l9rl r/l iria - "S"- g^;3-*i-.*-

- Ei 5 ), ;e) *v1.r.Lp dr.rti O(J - e-

&11 r ,il.;g;t L dlrl url lrL: r4,.,-,.fltl y'frl ljna, j...

g*/ JrL 6- ,l s{ rtl92l L/l "f tg,i lrs rf €;r t! c+. - cJlt \:f

5- -{ ,ff .tl *iDl K,riq .(.,l o-e aq 't, .f r.rt-l;l rrl ,,{ +.

o.11.:l oxitj Y Stre jtrf - 5 *2 *(jYl- a r:(* -rf ,*.;f ,+ ,rl O("J

fls' 3td - o L 2:o ,tl os q- .rtl rni.r J: * lli; o,.l fl ar

Ert OQ.ry [tf.trr. f 2t:* ,/t *,riL.f d.-* ,ii Al


strFrrrMnNuhv subcet srlreMgxr 1967-68 1115

tff VU: - A C-t lll 6tl ol af sa^ li- .^J rf .ltr,tgr'l rillll

,ff .r.rtl OJ ,a Y r/l ,4. rie-e.+ .$ i:5 t:f 4l r: 1l

E .r-H ggJl:-lc- "f e tssf ,s\r, 6t Lt ':r! ,rI4 - d;4 t^tla Uf

3tf ,-<.11 E.rL ,yl - + Uf t r'q1kf .^l J.:i. ,l c',io.ic '16 a ;U

- llr .rU: - + lS t.f Ufl , ob.i*, 3: ise w )J' L e: 6

4 , Lr.r:, h)i ..,l)- ft ,t ,rU ,rf ,.5 .lt* *lt-r:J J? r.ll )"1' oll

jrf 4r I oi: - llr vL: ot )tr*,ts J*; * 2 f r.rl3,:l lrl

E .rxfl, ,-,-T -'i ,.rt t &rtL. K;*rb-.r "l-r+ -i fl & L 6 u{

,tj{ saving,Sf! - 01 Jrl *lN"iEl tr€fl - oo 3:f .Sll ^fyt+-alJqr r.Ju,trefl-lt&r L if etf €.+E at "Ljtir;f cll.rll Lirl c,tt .^: d ql lrs f ,ff *- ,* - ilr

6 c.s; ;Jl alh uflr Jrt 6 ,ri'Lj f c'Llrit &t .r' - 7 'isl.,='

- i r J.,t w *; ,'d ur^f q *u f. 0trt ;;17 La(;.r u& n-lrL

' tt *,13a o.r!j 9; eF Jpl )t + o;# gvr ot * lJ,r "iEl Ksfi

.re sU el ur r.:.Jii tjvl ur re - +lx| e'f! - oo j-r.5 "fll

ortrj + o.x Jl+f r.F"-i - rc ,4 s* ,.*t* ",Ul "f osrf n*

"r - llr ..,u" - ,.ii;r 3f el,,. .A; 6,rl ,-'J ft oA - + lst

. . interest on other floating loans r, "h

- 4. ,J-*, ,g crtJ. &l

,"€t dJ .Sqll efY, - r. g!' s:i+' .5!'.lat L L*t .4, r,. u'l

,jf*,f e5-y - .,, g,)L orl a- ojlJt K6r- E efy - qr .*l - r# u'f

. ,'*:.d

llzO pftovlxcrlr- essnMBur oF wEsl plKtsTln It2ru luxr, 1968

-+ orl;j.*, -t.La*4#i "r5l.r:11

,*l f,:t tiorlj alti.l

r. url interest on loans taken from the Central Govt. tu 6,r-Jr

..(rt ';t.r.it K 6F lrl A Lf !f oe:il **i=i rSl.ril +fy - ai ur

zb J? + o)1,-) 4fy - 1. 4,.:,.^;;.ril.r4l frsf +Cl - f C jff

interest on refunded dobt. .r, 6rj - a- ..jrl..i L ostlj r.aj

..(Jl *r.r-i ,ril.r:1l r,.1 u'"1 interest on general provident fund.

j l-r:11 \sf +..;l.ril KaF +ty - o , 3sf .$ltrl 6- efY - t . 3sf

- q- .)tlj e,';?&3 ril.x;l r.-.i - rA 9? 6ort2j ef! - ff e r.iJi

.*fU.x s{1 ayu E ?T +iL L &-ir.r-i[.:- l:]*.r'ii a .i,r.

all e;s lh dlr" {+;I 2gl ,,..(r.. -9- f ,5. r-- o;t*l "l ?T

Jr ttn Uil n+.r', Yo,l )tl 5i f ; "jlril tr*rj.r.I,r:,1 .prl rrLlril

eil)l g41 crt-l;l J.a:i a. J.7'1. pl -t^o.i f . z 4 rti3..ii ,r3l.r:rl ef

s. tl ,5 J^l U oy 2),- E .l*73 ^f O3n Eg4.- {4r -f 2l: s,

r.r,. eF .!sal yl F dr'r=rr ' S 5' J' ueri *{ du. d;, rrtlj

L ,* I ,1.. ** i variation .5 r** t 6 tt 'r+c.i o - Jasi 1.

l+"i 11 lrl r.rJ ao rri r.a r*'eF ,kl fl Zd Jlr:1l O$

+ t*li * ,.il?n .:tr .^t 4ir.JiU6- vari&tion f'r.eJ.. rl.4:.

,/\ L dl - r.;g euLljr $ + )tl +."rut ,^.G. f-f a;T


:t..l ..f .r: + €.(::"r .lrl tf $t + data of information U5-

Sufrt-hutrrfenv Supcer slArE[tENr 1961'68 1721

t;taf: er- q ,:.1 L cJL'.* - t.lD 2r{ 4r F e}l 't a

i,H J.at .r!ta;r- ,,r*.pl ,ritri r: .t 6 *Vst 1!* i e- Ub

h frf q -*,:.ti rit-*! e*)"-Ji*t -YlrvU:'+il)o

Fllj Jf 0l et ' ^t i b ii* Kl u"r' r:p;j gr'c ;* "f * uil

,.ftt f Of *:#!' e c 'd + r*.9t *l c:,! 6spf 'fr t5 a 'if \

r qr K,rie.i 1[ 4t* {drfl .r: sir 2U1 4 J*l i' Le,' "I .lS

,r!tst) sa ,5 efy ,. {drCl q. s'l Yl t€i qKJ "+JE' { 3tf

u.. s-t- is.5 sfy r s tr ,'*.1 ,5 *fy oa b.l' z *2 ttis od fl 'se'

Ve-l.irfi.r. trF E,vx 5 qlr.r *5-I rzalWi lt{t

,7: 6*a; ;rl ld V ,ie o OlJ{l u"t od lL O- tl* J? t', J""t

,)t; f,*, i vT "r c"ir ,,rt ft - 4 *"r\ E. 6'!frk e o..Jls

Vt 2 L 2A. &=r Jiti f r'fl d A E Z{: Eeiz'' *'L+t

t L i{: ,}. /Ju'f alyl u'l 2sl ,$x*drnr r.r r.rrctGi 5

i cJe6il - .r{, .lU ,JiJf sp; tet -f Bl Lt'r E f { f6.F rrl

{ e-t;; K ef! r . ;Wt 6 ZN &v t41 o5 rf u tJ .-*5 .riir

r$ tq uur tf bl .e i * ,:# r.!t- .r.p,' * ft pl iV x t*

b'.\+i t , L (f;. - 2- t? interest on ways and moans n' rf

.f ,.r.f - E Cf gF ef! rr yT lW.rS 6,f! r - '|^t + 13* rllil

eliel ,.iki.. &:{- cd, .,.{r;f vary 7i1'd a t9r + I vi dJr

1128 inovrxcrll esseMbt,t cir wrsr peklsr.rx flzrn ruNa, t968

-+ ut" gf trt r3* lit) e C) ,€l + Ut- tJ €tt a. C*,r: q

q. sYL f. rn/r. b- bt: lst -# tf ,+r,rYt- "f o* L<e-ri ,*.

| , t a 6"J .5 t;,: ,j3+ sl .= 6:J fjs.sil rf 9I 'f lfl r.i' t5.

tf e!t^ i* * ssl d !f .:iYt- L-fr,c;r-,r - tl34 "i[! K.r.".;

K*fl' qr )et$lI uftrl ))- +fY r, f .,)J rldt,So: 4.'

$ t+t otf e, 6i .r1 tst ,:-t -f vi - cry +) f l.:l ;,1 i tt-

Jt *, * Jf ,{ + 4 :.J}. K,.rl - .+ ..fb r vL-l Ut E tt

,pp r.4. dL .S:l ft nf ON st? ,r #* 6l (# pl 4i,^i ,;rYL

)\a Ux "ttrl r.rr sr : nt ,5 ,:: "f ) N u$ lJg o!t- &.*.

)tl 4 oE 1L,?O-;:of t+ un 1D u-Or: d .sttolL "fl, tJ

2f a* * i1* w sf c'Lile [* ", .rrl si Jol ti 5 i;T jrr +

- llr vl;; - ri iLls ,5 ^rlst +fi q q crl Gs, d, ,. t€i o)tJl tr

,ral 2 U;:-{ ,J.}t* "S L u{.f .lb .^?r ',.t w ."1 ;11fl, vI.res

,.rit, "t 1>9 LS)p)) .1rl !.) f t-j . *. r.€:i erq ts- -{ )S* ?**dq L)tf n - Ytr vt;1 - lrt *ilil a*, €-] ,5t$ 3tf , ^f 6f

t .,1 3sf , I + ,s*J ossu^dt s-4Ujfi .r[j uer ur. tl st ,-r.,,

- ert{ ls- * el.lrla b:l :r- 4j L *fi t n e,Vl* L t*t

UJ4 riUl sa 59- ryl C'Y , o 'rf

vI e ,yle-l:.a,^iEl K&e.i .r

rt { 1!01 ,e it { Eq L ,.rl or;'t ,. )tl "iEl uK u:,'J tsi lar"


1,i .Kiyt- tel z|.b U3,r KgfY ;5 ..itil ,f ,-r., I ,?.i o; ;l

"i$f tr+f! ra 4,.f t5i;.tr,r;t4 g! f vi,^r j - +{ +f! o

,d q lh ^l ui2, *7J 5 er- 4i +fy . yl .r: - e-lst a. O\€

- -.ac.U r.r: r; { .1 *itil .t4.ri 1 e r,r.J dti ly,.t* f .-f ,r-

L-J oi2 oA ei ,s{ ,5St dr$ ".*, efY z7 oc,trzq etl j, vi

d! lr- ,r 3:f n/ r o ei - t{,i t:^l t'r l r a €; h-51{ *till ..ok*'

gl i r! n -r.ai.r ts- ft sl -+ krl )r-K4.fY z1ar7L-;fr.Le,:r

P jf*rt 29T * a!l;Ue, "iDl 1:l tdt ef! o1-r,g et:t-,i-f ,l

,.fl *:j ttJr 4iBl .or. rr:i3stf ,'*fr,ll e:€vT r{d- t€r t{s rf

Y ir d sfy 16 i eh ..r c-pr l) 0l -r, - (rr K+fY r . )t- st

+fi rD 4 Jrl oitel e- f&f! .r. - t+i.jot-ti3,1 ,*. Fi.t jl yi;Ut

K efY r 6 4 a:r 5 O? uI :rL-l tfa- a:r !f l5 ,rl + of s: K

,5 ""ri

dtr .^?J ,5,rt - +- lh LJli rd iso L4sc vti ,rl *t! ;"-r

{- r-s{) urrt /1, f dl3.,l u''l ,^f e- .^i *-l r.5 2r{ ,Jl"t *l .1rl ,r:f

,itl4l ,r *f +,."r, ttsl Gri + uxr' Jrtt ci- sf dltl url

.r1..-l K .,ilr5-,sdd ir* si -{,yl - .f. f *ilj \ * f { "4J-I ,5 Csn ,f ,rf Jr,- cillFil .f. clr:llu Ji. J(-l - + &b

sa-t ,4*. o;J2) j:f rf .rl - 6f ir* ,t +t; C* ,.r+ f

" Vli .r.kr - + l* rtr"f ,iiUt o., ep .t "Jt{ -f leo re "d ,}st


7730 pRovtNctAL ASgBMBLY or wBsr PAK|STAN [l2rn ruun, 1968

uit" r9r Ol"f ptJ 6 )-,- ^l crrr hb Vf ,fro uitr r, -rf vT ,,

5.rl e Lrr;$ .(u * Ut U .rr.f ,f.,i JJI n ,fr, +

4,iV +,:* irfJ C L sxc L leo L ay 2 L &r-ol4er3

li-r, L A*,yl e-t. {€.,, r: d-lur **t |-i^f oy ss* sl

,f .i L 6 *;H.r gr: t.f - tS C* tf e,t 2 vI s{ ,.rl yls J

)xrt t 6)t r.I ;t3," E 4t* * sbit dl tf + \t tifi AiUl t,a,

ft +,J* .s.rs.r rrl ii ::l d;tt14!tf -a- rr., altil ,.r+r u".

{: uo. ol-pl ,rl -f r^J[L. i ol =itzq cf -J .*o; i +lrr L+l

2-j S lx"l ,.-U. {erl 9; lr, ,srt" e..lH.l vl ft & / E

d3il.riE cPeAE + 2 L €lil.f lj ,, cJJ,Kc;*i:, ,"e f L er;

L Ay e:t { ):- L,r"l .,.r1 t5 6F rf ri.t ,rl / E ,sJXel ,5

s;r .:eJi.f vI ,.r., - !lr.rt* - tst Ls f At:f 6 /tS, flr"

io:,,t,{ L u-f* KJ ojr.rjl vI a €. € o:f ui1 .,t;e:l-rcl .u-

trf f fi* L lte yt e- u er a* ,; 2f pit ,-b; y{ ;.2o

,tf l*. s" E .i,l(- ,r! a-,r. et - llr V|,:1 - +- ta*rf oaJU

.lt+: + o# li tst vls{ K*tgtj o.l Lr" - c4l )J?-r.;ti 1.:l&l

$UJg Gf _f 1. &- dt: r. - uF f d,*l-;t-33 sl-tcl od d-

s.Jf o -{ r" ,r dlt r. -r* li u?}K$ .n 3*f ro q,ll r.r{

K .r.a; r 1. u.,. ,-f.i ,rl ta. 0- U 1. 6- - Uf ,, {,fY r, 3lf .q


€ l{ rllJL.*jr vU,: <- (s; :f ra rj- rlt: r. ..+i JJI lJur "iDl

t 'g 2V -rr f! qo 3:f q. .tJl ', ,{ ^3, o.3tf oqr ,.,r.ri'^t

Cr- 4 ,9.b L ,rl L eu L euL rjr wb: *:* ,. K &

u3/ ,.t1tL f 1. & .lrl f, 24 g rf:* K vll A 6tte e 6 +

rll .-.. d + e ei citl ,trl -( /V "h :\K j;j drl r.-., 16.

,,rl a, fl1r- L lse i gry /Jll i Sles L qsogrl g,T +t! { €:i

f** u., rt.? a+l vI"fg d- tf ,{ -j - *t+ srJ aJ3E:. Jf

hf o + E. -J r" Lr, 4r q ,y:* { "Css o2aj ef lec f lee

.ff "t$j cf r.ll .pl S o* rrif l.:t ,&i ;.: ,"l,*i J Jl ts:ri lt-ro

u i E of 1.r., ,::*f d sae{ ,s S z!t: *, i.2+ *. $;rst

l:l oa, &.i ,s f E,;l l-!J ui, *iliJtr - { l+ *. .riit:l ,5 ,iri

.r(;trt 6 t; e tt i L,rf r+r drrl L t.f .r* ,>"{ - L ,;,.{

d, J Qtt L ot*t .-(; 6e1.r,, ,<, CI .;;r. gi;t- d fl-ro - S s,

L tltt trl "d A Zl ,( *Ine"i *l f *.., L,.-.,:..a -j.lrt - 6 +t

rrJi.. .-31. 01.9'll .*l VI - { t, Urf .:;1.:rr ttr Ut K airi 2f 7l3s

A.y ") - 2- C,rf 0t*t q FI - 2tf orr; lrl2f ,.s,"f:-.-j 5 ilff - *gfJ a.L L rrl *.|g,T J- * ,fri K-j - - gl..1t .,r:iii K

*l lfro tf.lrt ( lt lt.i *i { z:rt -rri ,rf ,; fts' L l.2rc

77J2 pRovtNcr^L ASsEMBLY oF wssr pAKtsrAN [l2rn ruxe, 1968

*€.P L jL eL n:.tf nf os,t U.lta trf Eso *, u.- - Yl3,-,li

5; tr j.r. s&4 - le, air"il K .t*; 1-,. /rl s* tisi L nlSo,s,-

K.r*^i rdzrt:tVl ..r"..ril Lotqlq ?l D\ls.r.it;l trr€.i r1.

I 6 rjt..g K du tf ,rir, 5 i:" L u3,e ,iT - { Zl, 3a ,,it}l

*it-:t V C,u f ;;5 )-.'ri J Cro dfl#S L olur rrroJt- rtjr

.^f - ( jt- t&r q {- Ol.'j f Jre u.tu 6s* ..(! gt.- - q V

tf ..r". .,!r.l ,5 if s:l t.9n "iUl t=f ..r". r.Jj:."i .5 j.r;j o\sssc

:til di - ,r- .(lt- -2r\ Gri ,^{ o7,t 1:4,-.- cilt 4J r. - l-{ 6i$l

dl)-fr 6 au 6r*f - * tfutrCr b',J*;; crr.rr;.l ,1. ejYt

,r.,. ,-tr,j ,;il.lrj.l C ol + uir, oslj ,r!\- 5,1j - c- ,rie1 r)[j

elt- t ,.iEl L ui*i ,5, of! ;Vl ,^J f, OQ , g tie, nitil

- + rretu 0jlji o.,.1Li.1 J ,riy 'd K il: lf ^t y s,r.^i djle:.

:.t ,it)l a 1t^1 ,r-l g"-,.irJ J ,srf"l ,fi ,Q - qo)l;- )* ot

+:ri K osls ! - .* qs r3t lfxl ot^tril ! ,;.=i J ci^.il 4 )V, u,,-

g jt. ,e+* o, ti + ,:i.poj; ;l.ri, d,rK;l:l ,-! rr- L - + lct ^3t

a ,t?.:r, t- J.r.ri i: a"ll p) 6 osiri ^f g ;l- ltf st +s

)Lr 9:l.r'l o-rf it., dil f .:.3(- - Yl3 .,.k- - jt J+t-:lL ,f Slto

er.or lDa-DA ,,Jr.(Jj\,rl b' or':; ('t'E .t ,S.r;j c\llse Lr1 ' t



t . !r- ual rl gr*J - € s, r rt.f1 u.' tt q.rr'..t/- ;jt t+r loera

iU f *;ill E.,.lb t (e 3' sl..ll oe - il3','kr - l-o1 oil'|l rpj

.rrj irt.;l .,.it L ,i: $* cf 2rt llsf - ol 6f:i it L &ft,

tte.z9 oJo:.tri11-13JJl l*i zTerrr 2d utSi;t B:01 t(' 1o*)

{fLG,t +iL Lrrl - ly ,^iEl trJr.i fi, \lr- g.,,J'l u:'t - 6 t,,

- (r, "l$rl;tL.t 3.:hcl Loti.re-t^ *f rJ-ib uta s*l ol srr

,,. ,lrl+l ,5;r;6 .ru?l o* e r llz.-tn u,' "\U' L o t l Da'aA

rr:. -,J., ulul nf uf ,.r. rl,E L,/ - lJt GiUl K'r.,'ci tt tnr'

ri(I*f t* ,ri * Net National Product of constant cost factor

Jyl- dtlrir'r.1".orron,r;.r-Tr.f, ul -+ uf l+l u'trl,J'i,-9

{ J...i r r orr yl tlf - jn "iil- 39 roo Lr"'f et ir.r -,Jc'

.:.1,G .:3; f .l-r, Ur6 Qr f ,.f f "! sl tv s'l oR" - l31 iDl

6ptL. L bi L *l rl: r''r ..(rl t ,ii*f '(rjj+ a:f, ,3ri {

i-{-r, gn rJgil.rit- r . .:Jr) Jpi ,r. ! ftt J#ri 1. rJ ;Jr: Lr: 'fl-

Ao 0t-UU r. "(ll + rsrri Jna*i5 r9lt-'t' llte sJrr ,.5 5u,r;'*l *-

- cA Lnt J .il3r &oi :. tl 'r.oi

- tff A.r b rrr c{.oii o.:!j .:4 VI - rSar. u43 ,*...;..*'

o9 ort - oJy relevant ,Ftr cf, - lltl ntat :gou :l*

orl a- hl t" L5- .^:,tL. cr po Y ;.r L $i ,f *f rJt \r f €r'

- .-,.-, ;,r:_tr J

17Zq pkovlNctAl ASSEMBLY oF wBst pA(trrAN Il2rH.,UNE, l96s

b7"5.*J7t4 ,rr. rfl - il9 vk,' - ort, h .i tp:a, oai,iSf itt e.

4rEl b-r€:, r. ur-- 1ir.I urf j s*| .ri,Jtr ,eeltlsre 9f ,ilq;f

.,!rL K*UL ".(*. jtf out :tjt jf slr ,.el*- visS' + lst

;sl e-\fi ,il;l K rei r. L,r:r d9:-j f *: S ;r, '.! t{ *v4

ilJi f. ,-'.T Ssl .- lst "iEl tr Mj err q, dr.*i .5 Url-r- ltil

,i,r"T r.f ul q, *[,];. ;f o.l s9l * lst {iEl tr.r.pi rr (.,;t..llrl+

ttl.rr* O9i21 sy, (r-\r tl yl - * ls* "iEl trr"ei r t.ir* W

,-ori tis* sl )t:C s C)\, Lt llf Zi nl - €- lr, ,riDl (.r..o"i t . .

I lf Lr, ,-IlLr JJI ilJi f. G-:t ,P.f .leil.riti r:' a& ii'r

d rr.rt .pl s:t 3:f si s{ o,* rf 4jil.r;t- r.a ,^l - * 2s,t .i:o

*' ist o*d t;), .t rrn r C>U tI 1'ler' - ol itt riy :t Z\unr^r .Jti rf ;t3s f lfJ. a- ql + \S 91 ,^itet ty o:*.) e lUss

dilJ\rtj" .r+ ui:r "dl - + ttl 6.rl o.rlti 3J- rJ-.il.riti *" {(l1 ht 6.rl

2 c.1'.& -Oia t(. f .-rti =.1 qr yl - + tr.t g1.1 oJiU f

fl:o3sf a Lqte,J,asVi3sl.trl dlL yi+!:f.:;li

rlrr t-tta t+;-* .= VI L*, - l* f o+t o:ti:-l ,-;-f *, ,;t UFI

-.tr +) dl3 drJr! K n;r ,5 ,l- J6lj E, vrl .S+l .*. dlF oi vT ,,f

a:nb -{ -i r;f bl *t o-{ 1'n .r-f lrl creJ at lec Lqt* ,rl

,f &Jt.i r-,j 6 i: i.Jl7 rrlg E r.l4t5 oJlilKlq os.K:i:* !l c,j rf

?. . tt Orhrti r . 0l VT - cA +f ta.r* oeiU ,,J -f 0l frl qpe J


st e, ot yl al) f ) qJtL q 4.rh -'f I uil{ ,^-K rl; li 'rlril

t'f { 2:f J.ar- pi.1 og a cll5gl d tf -,J - d+"{ Je*s grt..f :r-

ef .-r: J'$ti r. .J i "rltl ^f z Utittr JSol o6-f e -4-c!-

+ Urf a*. r" .:rU ,rft ,;y .^Lt- u.l - "f-f lrl 4 :-n-K s,'l yl

c,rt q ..(ioqlL ljr r;13. 6-rJ ( os^t uf :sl on \s u$ w t? )tl

- llr Vt+ - + ll,.- rr. 1)\-l ".r { q- { oJ - d:r Lr[ Ut7^4

4 €r'L L 6 \. A o, 6h e otJL J-is ,{ q- .:,U J a[1 .t' 'r:;

*.i, 63i -f .:,q,rt ;-oepil ot lt** flr fvll rr.^f 6 tf

-f vl.i ol ,^f + €,U JJI ,nJ - o1a Ee+* l.n s{ rrll ,*r af qt.ra'r

e2- qr$ r.t. djriecr ii o9it.6, ;[L * \t0l .S. sr aw dr,5 Ot 6. uu i** p!.- rf vl.i os d + ':r! 131 e q vitt

Slr^ ,t crlra ed I nl sU.^l - L ,Jf .Irt ,rSi 7 srl c-.i$-

- ? r.rct ib .ry 6t 4-1r2,-,li ,# d e*"

f ad ,:rt1 ,ut*:. 1pt, VT =.tp .,ilU - .;fic. ,Ai ,+ tl*,


"f ter tu f ,-r* ^t lr - Ylr .;t+ - ,rrlrU pl&l rirrrr ;Lr

"f ,15 tt ta uif ,,f*,^l cti OQ q- flf vlr.t,rd +V{ 2"J

i tN.JjU n(- K;12- -f vt.rt $ 2 Lrl +;l;r e.r!j e.st )-y

{ .r:l E rrl i + ,.a$ 11 OsiLl-' 4l "f Wl Z Js'U: At

- -iri

't'll0 pRovtNct^L AssEMBFY oL wesr PlklsrrN Il2ru lune, t968

a u\.*l Dl otf Al p*i r, .4r i&+* *r -i ,{t - lii4;, .;,jS

- ,:1,r5- t.l $; U"ijYl

t;.- S rJ.;r1 tol ,f ,frr r".- )lr vL: -,.fgU y'al ljnrr,;.".

i lJ,? c,ju {K- Y 2x llr L rr- =? - + ltr osts) -, .-.1 '

V ss- OQ + ,*t 2 a-:ld v!..t clyLl* at .,J" qLr; 2,lrJt,; illpL-r r^Ic ,i,l J- dy: L,!l lrl Al / L'1 "flLji ,r*r L .!,a -., ,r(-

rLr ".ls "Ul J.r l:-t L aUl ;31 airl L o.l ,5 rsiLriu 5t? - + k3l :-e,- t? - + LJ rJ- r: - Ur f ,-<+ ul).sl .j)\- Et? - + Uf .:;rt-, tf .llly;K G))- Ja + tir, ,-(rr* ,s* sL.91{ 6s3-

s/f ,.q s.*.J d ,rl .:,3.(- t: - L ,.i f ei-sl's- 5 ,;rl r3,-.(-

Kr',f dI, "1-Ls f .*-O>tst ..!)\r5. n(- E tr 1oxrt *.lrr t-rta k*11 .t u,r. - )19 vL3 - u! ,-r.r-i bl;lt 4n Al - A p(-

e. sV:tY csy I -J tf - + qt Ufr*l i + -r2el LLi r(- .-.? *f

-rf,.rt; crl tx" t a 6 6.rI ,i* it L ;tf Sta of otiL ,5 n:t,

'tn rrU3l C4 2 L i.r{ &t rf d*:i,SL ,:c ,d oy kib ,scl

f etJe ! dt "d r.tS- r,r tJt- u:d o* - * ub -r.r nf$ hr

vI fjl dfi eI'*, t*11 sc< *syc 6 ,s19rv. \ 61lth,2,t ;rf ,-(tr;,

6)f-,. "t - +.rt;r1K u(L 1,11.ri1 4 f vI O(J cr, S- u) ts-

.pf clh*ft, ,rrr; d- - + Jot{ 0t*lr f g.rG ,st-fu .:l,:,lK-O3.G.. dl*. L a-ef,- d, 0k-5-[ \:l* "l - e. :trlKrJt:) L llyE 6.aj>t. E o?l ;y,l.:.rG cf r.lt*ft u!:i. - L ;!lK 0t,.r: L


lrr u d t* l, til -J ,r ,)J) ,, L oy;t otrl - e-t\:t{ 0LnJr

.5etf ,ro..J, f.-J 6(|.ry ts i!: i) f ,-t'l sss ro;!l ot /.')

vI- + Jx rs*, lrd ,fe* a;. *i L-) - * six 6:ri l'!;ili

u." sl,il{ r.s)r- ,4 - cr *6i ..r--(l6f .; i-f u{ un +B L

. . . g-trt.j PG J. {rjt i jlt -l)\i t

- ut C) ,'-t )-r Jp *.-. tslrra .reJL L tJ - .rtir fif

gdL l* - * g6-i ,.r*5L i:f l-.,. - ,$rU dlcl rr.i' ri'd

_q- u?

gf,:*fQ *t)t^* ..(r.rd "!s

J.*r 6rrrt .r</L f. Vi - ^il:i yif


tg2o:9- €? ot gejL*^ il an yi - ..r!3.1ti fict rj.* ,:-';

df^ ql dk-flr ar-rlr.: .(rr., q. - (,r5 .-^(." .rlc .'*'r

+* L €-r r5 r-r- .r: f rd b, f 8-f "t ,* - llr wLr

- * f ,Np r$l a iu ,f p(- ,rl vI L*l -ri * & "l Lr'.

yT tr u.D ur JJ) t- ,;.i dL ,.r f*al L vl tf g,ji:t li+. vT

{ A E {tt f :\:$ lr L*itj u,l + tit"' :'fi th 2

g al { ,:rLl;il





113t ptoVtNCtAL AlsBr.BLy oF wBsr pArrlrlN [2rn rUxe, 1968

.^(l.rt r,ro.. - Yl5 ,.'/k- - r3rT UT &lt.;a - lti .Lr!. ,.lr*l Ull

gl os 6 - q hh (4.o Lt" L)b. L >5- u*tl L cSsyll td tSy

bf .:.jX, cl" ;2r ,*f *;dd jf $ nf L uit ri.:-t .r 5

,if *U )-r a sl d .t )tl la ct. .Srt "*f

adU { if gt A-

f ua6 tl q- irb uJ .t:*s a- dl [f ri ;.r

- q 2s b cry r:,til! ^t - 1:il .ts. s'3,

- + af ,3rT c;T &lll gf$' e - fi* ..i3 -* *.-

51.19c ,- ,r\*l u^r - yll !/t+ - utllE dbl sgot*t 1!u

Lea$..u-,, - $I ,r.*i 2 L Llo3+ _{ r:fS q dx urf $.r:il.i

- f,..tjUl ctrul cl. c+il ytf Lset oe i +

- ,.rr 5 T q1 ad eT - ail;* fjr

e c*. - rJ34 !I .*, sta ad ,,Fltr .*. - ,.Jlti firl tfa.:l-.

d S_n .fi - 0-rr uT ,+ri / L a-tr-ir q. d ox tol f 6re

f t" g1.l-(" ,-t i * o*t ,+" rf r3l pl qy .1slU. uU 6JYU

.ry ,iI ,r\ ar* .t - qt.!{ f b q. drr(- $ - o2f .!*t- ,'l.c

- K orr b dr*, rf Ot

ed 6 .:"!U ,5- ,.-..te ti)j,. - Yl9 .tk- - Oti rc.arr d3& UtJ

0l c* Jrl 14l J..l .rt j e bl ?- - at" vtn qi oJ *,rrio .r;





q, &r fJf,, .&l - 1L dt" or OQ ,.b, k€+.- Jrl ..:!j e- a1l e{

+- 1,1" G-rt n ^f u^3q 19+" yl or l*1 .ili e cist'* ,;l 's ill(crL,"tK Cd) - - - - l+ A ,f ,' .= .lL ;..1r .rJ "f

Qr Q ntl- -rf Ot qn .- lle 9L- - ,Jfrtl ltsl l9.ru;t*.

tb i t.y Jt# ,5 ;- ,, ,lrl o9 "d + a1 eipj *i:. K cLIc - LrJ,?

erssJJt - .f:t ,V, - 6- <.nr; jb UJ ol3;; Lf c^.$. q,. ,Jl

)b L 6 .r.g(- ,.tEi .ra .;itl - * i )s- tst rt"+ 5 u: rJtraJ

*2f* it.Ei url * la t.fdlr,# dkJL 62i. yl rsisi. L...tn

- U(.d,.rrr -,5*f ,rl or a-b h?H .,^ t:f 6:I -b-; uief *

.S] .5 .,!X- ,. q, fl + lf tf ;u c-.jK- lG,i sr ua. L(1. ,Jrl

trelr rit: ,5;l { r$ t= - + h) )3r s$ ot + lj-qri u+r qli

e. 5\U rf ,^.,.s u*f E $sj L VI - * &t, )-e- s"&t r.ty tl +

,rt ,SSj t'.: , - + &-rL a tl j'rrj "r-.: r" - k^fJ op? b1i-'

'* st * 5'"f

L ,rl y jb Xa u[r ;.1"r- E Ji*f 0t-it ?? - Ytj vt:"

uJ .,J t,f - ,.t .(J .t-f uy os$ L ,-rl * t, uri Jh tF

- .tr 5- l,et *. S-"f f .,Jr3 ,*'Y!u E, S"S t{

6l of ;.r+ ,,.:rE, !.15 * ,it.rtr

dtf rr*" .F ; 6.1.: .,.f,rlef s. jtl


11CO prtovrNCier esstlibr-v oF wrsr pAKrsrAN [2rn lunr, 1968

bf -j .r6t a U: ,Jl-i L1l ./yt t S*J .Stl f f;l a;;L L -J

or i.d ,-itzsf e, - e- u(. d,.rri u,.l: - r"ta -rf C,.1, ^f ol

i* d * &f t* u.r) -f ,::3{ 1tt s}p- f ;"1, ,71 $

e, ,^j rell ;.1.: K gnl -. S*f oA S 2l; ui-f ,fi "'(l u#l d1r

- 4. u-6i 6(* 6i 9i

$.>tK- ul trLl-r .f! tojl "i .y'|" - dlji yjj

"f a 6 ;l"l - llr vL: - (, - grflt-) lrtr .t r*. r?rri.Sll 1r Otf ,i* Cl- L rll.elt yl ciL f. _;t*:,il ol,a1l;f u+l ,1,

g*l ef q \ hlf .t )tl d-;r1 k1l;. ,rirf **l r.f;1€.eri 5 + ,j\)li(

{,pf dL! L lL,t: L Of,tt -{t L 6l_.1t j;.. u"! dt.,3r E rr)\tl

el ^a"J Y 6 - o.tq &u ,.rg qt q, ;,5trt crl .lrl ,.r+i r5 6t J

L;eP ro rJttor,;f f"& Fl Otr: * 6lr\; * ?- pl t{13 f 6-

e Of f s, akt q tllll .;r.l cry - rsitt r*; ,rt+l il e-r*=,

trtb u*t g{J) vi\ **. +- .JUi l2=, ;sl - Ox t:(it. sit'. r:*l s-J

(cuf Q.:Jt -- uj ur. Ji ., s *i,ritr" sr-a ljlrg.rfl - E ,.1 .l;U

u;-f y' e-sV, yi uf ,b a-i E o-Ls dss u.. ,rjtn ,J:* VI "f

ffi FA ,'{ + l1U} L it}l $ti Sp d- t.:" - d) L, rthit jrti,

,rl + A! . iJ+ .]+r rtr .ic -tt so.rl: - ;p f ,r.c e{ 5y

,;f .Ui ; cIiu "fL.

.* f{lr "5- + Ltr rJr.r v-b t!- E Af u.r" ,.rrkJ


tti". . .


Ministor for Finanee : Lt is not deliberate.

fheweJa Muhammad Safdar : I know it is not deliherate but it ishappcning cvcry now and then.

,# f e-., dt" + .^f drr hb,r - + $t t3, 2., )va

0t':.f V*l -st(fCI & t? -L*^31'r:rJrtt *-e Zrf

-q- .rt:11 tfOUr. f. rrl - +)F Uf g2:a rll Kr.rl cry tt Lt

1-rJ 4-st)s;. *f + olL tf ,u - ltV u;s* -f L:.a1ef 6...a

Al .Jf otl - + Gtt r+ .rl+l N tV Jt" ,j", .i, )t

uri ,-JI ord .* A! ,\ 4l3t- yl v*, u{.rt. ,rq*

*iL E. .r-tp "rlli eF - llJ ./u? - Oli uu df{{ Utl

r{ ul"{ g,r. *lJ- L Lf 6.rtJ -}f r,il )lt l[lt S + u:ri dtfil

$.r,f €- u-U' r.ri rrl i* K.Jl "& q- ,r# { crlt - or C) f

L tty *t - q g;\) r{ u1,., }:S }- .)ta i } ;i ly € ,si

.5Jf jl" u.r, |: w-# L *tl.r+j , ht - q J!*ea (rlf'r:jL;

- 2i,tt UU. ,.f ljil9 lJ ..rl +,r!,.1 eJt- [f

.1..3,G L C,-.t, e1lri - llr Vti. - JgU larl r9"a." ;-.Ul ..lt!r, .c. ,rrrl "dt td C 69rf ,ff ,s - + l"f o:t1j *JiL, a

- A .d ls11' *JtL, s x-;ot" tf


- .r-Lp ,.:l;i - f- r43 r';*;.*,

?742 pRovtNClAL ASSBMBLY Or wEsT PAKISTAN [l2ru rUr.ie, 1968

.r.zo. .(L SK ,V;S l;r. 1--t - lll Wti - 9io tcz.r?lJ'

rr,raj J.at- :* st 't, rrl L v-l*,ri9;ti nlicl )-cr:=r lrl =-ta .r-l

rt" iy {,.s} ,;aei sil o-rr1j 6 dl3,,l j;- ..r'l ,..r*. - + tf

,i"l (# t:,r.i d dl91l ir*' ,rl a- ,*l-s ,5 + uri! l&t

- { os:f

+ ltt ef) r I ;JL 5 r..rj "J&. rs* "t - )rr wt r

L ,Ju dl- ^f l: il, Lf *^JtL- ,ser K pis,-rl +iL L ,rt ft

ot ,r"rtj "E-)\, ;rT - .J€r ,r,15 ,-i"l ZLf dlll o't q, t*l

u^. 4,tt 6fl r q -rf nil rrl f, ; 'rd lt,

+f! r,' 3s,.5' r. fit

r. ,5 sl- if 1'1 r^. oll dt- S e :, 13L,n i lh t , f J"t':

rJ .dly. $t .3k: ct. - cry A.l ,f l:l dt *f\ rr 3t2f ye 4.

K rr rt ,rte L or i1r.-1,r Jt- ili ,r*l otlLri 2 L +Jsr-

L $.i|.:l .5 )ju ;) L 4lj1 dL cr=i ;i- r" ,.1.l - d..rN L;r Jl3-

{ tf ,.ir.e sf r.it,.rl - 43 5 *ft d:s *{\ rn 3tr{ r.t }

u^. o))€ 1f lj ".Jtt G.) *. dljgl url "tJlL { 4s1 sfl tl J't

4fY rr ttsr{ a. r,is ol f 1, -rf 1si1 cssist OL ,rl i e- rf tf

"5- J? qP e) u& l:i) "s,4'pJK.(rl .r+ a*iul u*l - e- Gtr.4t)

LL 3s.,f ,, 6 s: ecti.r!7f l:l q,,^, *;:* 5 -r,j,rj J-l r ftrJ- d, *f! rr 3*{ r.L rrt -t, t.ll;.t u}i*.r:'1 A 29 efY

.r4 uc, .r, {i$jbl 5 i &, Att {l ..3tf , v lrl u^. r. f


url ,l t:f 6. f - .r* 2i l:l ur.. r. ,.rl L fi Zil 3sf ,., ,f

,pr:ri oi;\.pli .,1 .:lH d ;t; .,ajr 9h rel Jrl $t CU f i:,f ,5 drrr Jt- L oxil o:, fr ^t 2{t *v f e- .rl L

*f sr 4r.T oi 'd t€i ULri u L tsevil - + id f:' K J-r.I

,5 N t:lf t t b. cy ,rt*I 6 e" rJlll dt- vl )tl + vlt ,.t'{

stl a- dst 3tf * i* J".t ,I g.lt-, 6 dL grl sl*l

|tf !. u-r c.llr,r Ltt- o., )*L L $;r.:t 6 t; ttl ss-L gt

L p{ "5- ,. e- l=rr*i rn.o K.,l-T 6 S t, q- t"f lrl ,,.:tJ.r

vt+ 6 € e- dt+ lr* i - +\f lrl c.r=i Lt..rl .ror 413.1 dL

f i,r^3 .i;rs3 s,,=I! lti .r u_-.;ioJ.r s:-F .r4l L *ilF l)s

uif rjti 5 *ir. L bt os S tai J[,:. (11l 6tr:r f. ,-r: cD ,r!k1

f ;i or .tt r.r? [ uxi 6- trr*i e"c! I L 0l "f r: h.a

r3lr. ,5 crt-lril L OtOl r.Jtr: t' * g"sil 4,+. OQ ol 2**( i r./t{ .r J+r L f.t *{ tai !re:f ,f '>l-t u!-r ,is. ftj a od

6ri 213-V os ottr - + \{ ei til Sl ,l t>ac ;)l p.tj ' sdi

K .* ,, if dr*, li)f )f i K-r. csir a y- 6s-es L t"Sil ,5

L.n-yt 0l ){3{Lr"l 4t, "'{ of - tf ,-,.1.i i-t* i dJr;l f)

oy;t ft:i ulr gr.,r.5- {..;,i3, f, dl "t.{l dtrf k; u,.rt u:, (i-

6'ri Ail 3sf, ,r L cy{t.d & r.f J+r.lrl Jtl "f q-bLri o;-

t*r" K ,rir,T s nf ;.v-i rrrlr u.. J, .t,Srl.rl 1[ )r ot -f * ;ft-rl L dyl 0A - ra *) ,f izc.rl .-#l-:l ,J s2- *a- l2*i



7744 pRovtNclAt, AssEMBr.Y op wBsT rAKIsTAN [l2rn lunr, 1968

iU.i JLAit dL Lt ,J {t, td tSyt Le+.- w it,J.l - Lf u"?J

* u-lL ".1 4;ltr n f" ,d 4- clrt" .-! u*'-l uls{ "l of .f*

cleJ[ .,1l ,ry.;l I J- ,f tt*s )Vz-l f.b i) C,t t:t, E fu(. r,? - & q ,tsh:f ,-f .riu \ [, ,f ;",t- -r.iti er. t* Lji (4a J, ual -5, - t, sil )1 ,il ,S).t r*4l rJl^(*. L2-J) ^{ +.r{., 6;s o:l:-j *f :l lsir ,rl cis,rl ,1. O(J e- j -n u;}


- e- t^(- t" t*&, ,..r& e, id JJI .(ll rf ,iq !,.t 0(.J - ust} Uf

f,5. "Utt Korq.l4 J.rl ,l i.r. L.--t.e,ri-9;li...k- t:-3J T;.za 1-r.j,L.j.e?.t dt- J) {} f 0f w + 6r*i K Zlr,S; cltr^: -f -&tr trr Ssl er t6,r L dlr .*fu l*. ,f "$9f drr L.tr tjt- fj;l r.f A Lr31 4:. 4- dL, { irtl3 dtr- y' nt t€i t.f altl 6

f . ,'{ eS ..tV -rl t*:.rt dl3: y)e ykt - rJel t^r[. Ut- / .*irt

t-"" .1:l ti +-i{ 4:s 3tf r.r ,.rJl ; i Ate rrl rrr rr lon &::

;l AJ€ u,.l ei *5- {- !Lr, l- t;*lot ,rr4ti .l9J 1.2:a.. L)cl6f

rtr f I s s- ,^tU S s: L 4t { l.r, s{\ .r 3:f r v.rt n

dlS 3rf .1r v.rl y - + g& u;i pl .Sgl qr.rl ;r(.J q-,.:!j

,.r.l e(! q\S [f ..rr-i a.:lsr"r c4. rJeJL ,16 2rt, n etloa {o,.riK

{ r>rr2t"p^ *is ;f .(L f# S J" e- &U u$ o)2i o3 "t rol.l

- A 4:t 3sf I y r'r.r ot )tl t6l [l q g f. vt+,a o{[- sil-

"!i-1, yI e,^,JU. L*+er e.,t15ur-i.a;fuqrl ,-:"lbi



dt ..|\t, L<'-rc?- url rl. !t i.r1 L c.,9(- 6f'Z "d LgtiL.r'

Otth. L ./L- { cit ,rl S r" t4r L) rf ,-ii'. J5. /,ri J,.i L

uJb J X- S1os st .^t a. grt-- ,.fl fl i + ,# 4il ttsf .,

.jlJ$l VI e Lrl - + o;f V d,t, trrJl t Z, L Ctc -.i),,r| si

n )* L-rt - Ail rr.rl ri'dhf .,31 lss vl .rlujr db5- "f .lpt,

utf A1t " att; nfr: + lN rrEl tr L{ ,- ,-iS ,s*t..l:. f.i.l tI rr-

.S' Oh krb Uf €ts \ .4. q. 0$ ..rl - i-.:.)\c-1rt 61 6

-q!Lj "li->\. lJj d 4l e- of J? q. L!t- rr"ilJrl qr 6le1 jL

u*3 alss t:tf S,-t -. Jl ,e,L r"t rI At ,F tJl.t * ltrlil f crl4 tJL

.l eta * At-t 3tf :t .-. Jl ii r.i.l *l i { s,t r-i rJt- o.r-iT.= rr1

,{ *l:7.t+y V 2ts 3:f $t.-.Jl ,.S,l 4r f q5,..r-il dL d4

-)Els ul.s*t * .trJ glJi t ,,1rl lrl #t-r E 4s, g,.l .,-i - tsl LS

,-f ,rf .pl ; c.d'.. ,5 4f ,r,? S;Q a- 4A ciph. .1nt drf ,*

e:sa {;L;trt ,,S rsgri 1)l )9- ,.-. .Sg1 .ff 5 @.d:l .rir.I

.,.eh. 4t.,.t .d + Uf*q ir^f a.ii*:. L lsod{i x

rrf ,.(rt .i2c yl .El d[*:. L 4sr,rl L + l^t f 't] * t';rll

4-ry - + df ,i.-t) )t lsb .-rl-- "^tt€ ot*f a U(, ta !: &9i

*r- * 6fQ k, t"f fj K,.:rtl ,rl L l,--t", ,:rt ,.(U etg fj:ru

all*q*{ i-yg ,f + 4.rl"ir -d ltf ertP crl CLE

11qe pncvtNctAl- AssEMBLY oF wlst PAKISTAN Il2rH fuNn. (96[t

K.r(jt:t 5 dl z_6i ;f s^,Jl:r1ot-,^iri t: d- Zte tl w a!2,.:.

f.t i) L 22-* -Jt*":{ t ,*ri tit-,.i.ri J? JJi !T (J^ri ,r^ iJ-

9i LI ,>is {,r*f l: Lt d,rl Jet 5:- L d,"l ?" uy L) )f c".!1.:r,1

u-l iy J.c.i d. K ;r.T 6 d pt* url n{ + ,.h; t*.

.rr.I ,F ft - q,g d *t*r., 6;2o1, ,.(q - ( /,. Jf, q, J.

.r,,..i r . a .s$trt 5l r:t- ".,".;,r JJI $^3lll ,5 )J- ,-"-ti V

Jril L a-rL;. 3f ,>:a. ,5 ."(t ,rl \ Asc ,rl i e,b r! .rLj +

It .r r rl.rsl .rel d- rry $ Z* "lte "2 .>is ,rl A(it- a; - i**w.^ { ;i.r.l ,rrtl J*,j 281- q, Jt- oi A.f - + tt' .r"U I

eu..- ott "fli - +- t"f lst q. ,.r(itrt ,5 *;t stl s* ,.fu

t;k: g4, l:Yt' 1l - 2- if trt q, f-St:t ,5 rr f;.r .:!j .f

dr a-iei r; rJ.l*. srl ,5 ,S - { ,Slf gare (# ,.:.ri Ji 6ilji jj,

*,g) N e,-irL nf e,l2 4 ^{ - u.il.; e; L!r; t ,r-it"/ t)i a-

f.r :, A1_.6 4- [r a-: 4(#.r- ,r] 6 i de4l ei ,pa nfi-e'"f

- hr ,r*t ,rit6'9- &trf uo$ ri -,,1S >\+ r+ 4-j,.!Arl L poJ 1r

)tL Al -rf o! ,rl - + ,$-f L l.rir c,L a tf *6, "i a1 91 .;K.

4:s3sf a. sJ.14c"i.*r,5,tt,U-*f.r,ti )*)f -,61 ,l

'l^i.g. €rL. ,^1 \d e- c-ilr.r1 &U,*r w tr-De o*{ a1g. K"J)L

di€..1",, rg;ib ": tl e- 8f ,as 8H.l 6 A;+ 6 JL es-t, tS






(ti.t.Ul r,.r. - Yll .rEr -ri - <- U,5',rar dt^ij i) 5 15il tJ 6r,

"d -{ ,Uf.ci-leirr 4 *+ i{ jt* crs rt)n b- ,.lt-*l n

t'"i f fi +t{- fi - r.Jrl 2$i ).a2fna ,f+ K- r, J- + .S.&}

UYr 6* .^l q, OA -.oja.s*l ,F i fi nf + b(- -r,f - o1a

l): pi;r-. "f ,n q i{:-(i.rE uA dl o- l.y rrt fr f .Jrr

O, f^ - W $: e .-(t U.l .rL-l ;31 c-1.t L Ot L ..--tr eil.;

"f a rlgecr .d oQ - irf ,rrt, r!9-1e : V Lx *t vo.rlj .s

d+{ * fr 2n d* gLsv* u.-a - ut )r€ *:*o

*: ? o Gf o&j*I 'd z:e+.- ej q - duj )f -t cl - c;y

ra1 6,laj3al ,r..:I t? d - f- Xa r,r bU .!l Otr+ - + )e:.s

gex ,rl ei1 .rl q. - €- dt" a JjK"*, "itrl

q-- 6url -,1

trb Uf ,:re 4 *Mioicter for tr'inance : Not yours. wc have never doubted your


\K .elllljf grt. "5- - rJ4 +5. i"f rer j - Sb.l.rBr btF

Thank you vory much - i*{ i j:S ol j.2c ^tfiMr. Senlor Deputy Speaker : yes, Mr. Hamza please.

a;y. )rt €- *. - .f* vt: - (., - J-* cliY) o9 2|*

;tl .#rf ,iY ,l al:*, grl L b{j )-r- 4y)).;el j}...:t r-.,. ;^r .r5ti

t:- L d3f.rl "Ji - Err Uf r-r)\:rl ,U,tt q, &..e ,-rl a Ol {.t. - t

1748 pRovrNCrAL ASSBMBLY ()8 WBST PAKISTAN [l2rH runr, 1968

.,a-Lp ;li.e ,:lri wLr - q ,5 e1L- "'L'lrU ,S Lrf lrl ;tf dJ 6

,s ft.Si ,-T ;f. .Ju url ,S - + !q 4J u^ra Lr il uxl i

tJ rf &tt -rt 4i lt: f right offa..e(- 6f ,.. { tr.}b lG,

,if * ,.rt -{ 3a s\ -${ 4u -..r1 - I'Vi' *r' l;Lr 3i -;+

L:{ oi-t *:tt{ +.,i -e iV Aa Erf .:ir cl:' o3,- nf .-t ' &

,-FLy,SU l* u-y a-1t* yl -e ;r, >\r u"! a 6d ,rui cL f.

q:r E Lf t:t tf ti;i ,tl "

{t - uH as 4h ssi a:.gii .'l

U *tJ, tlLo - ,;"r.r .51 g3f .-y .rl -r(*- .rE - E t, J,.t:- f

.7t-1 Llri L uil ,.rt ;(J - + toJ urf u,l e7f ; 6-5 ..SL

ft 1W..5 =-t, ou,f

- .-rjtt )\i .r^! .e. ,rit rrl qr.r t)rf -i fl - Oyti yir

tl 0t.-1, KJr b dL-l, :jlr ! '.ll-t- r5r- $ - 6r' .|"e

,tl "t. 1r(.o- tpl: - €- re c:!jsi rJKoKtu f. r.sr:*'tt l.;tr-uf

stt L LV at: sAr oil;' G'i ,vt a a-. -f rtl 5 )3'

,il) ,iJ { t9- *f - + 6- y .,+l at *7J ..fJl J t'l - dx i)[i

{S)Br 6} a-.rr- ,i .rl OQ - q csist .l},i Cr, J c'LK'l iIr;

oJ - uy rf; uita ,.t L!.'rr .r? ct' els- *S oiri t-tV1i1 r5' a 4 n:r

t tttrt J C}rl f, fy ,rl e. * - ,.,5 ,5 ir' l L t'"ttu 1l jil


6rf 4F - + .r=ri.rl^j ,j"f 4 L)e 6::*l J Catgftll

,f &, *. aetj4t tb .I rrylspt f I u*d3ile, CT r. *i$ 'e

el ,.rl -{ ,rt - <- ,tf d9;,c.r V rt; ^.ts3 LslJFl tti siAl ti

{ g iys cr) '"i.f *! e L.rrU" 0: ,{ - i3,t't Uj, d,"t--l K

lrl 95" ;-r L reL riri .rr.l fr W si - E t*r. u.bs oi - '$

L fil" ,ill" .rrt u e 4r oF "q - d.1).' r.r:r-r ti>\r t Lf

,$pt.tt 5: 6t ,.,., - ,.r.rb { ,}.v U .#t" a{ le*: lj)Aj. E ru.

crYU pt E ,.Cf,t .,j - -S* .+U: - rJSa -ilh. $t a. L - Y

,,rl .fqf r.rl -{ 2r1. + ttrf, ;is o*.lr: J L *itq rf -j

rO c\ .(lr 6 i; r,, 'd - 5 jb .}( !u-l .;iJt' s;rt '51 6 .fu

41u lrisr{ g.rG ,5 vT 'd csx t-iL 4 * - L u"(- 15" gn6, l.:l

t=f e- U5. .++ K c,lji ,]A + t,.r: f er t ,:2.1!rr,rttU

,*. .je"I 6 r)Ut ,.t" d q Z* f :fi| a, e;.L urt sQL ,rje

lrf dt, , )l- iFl € v: - .+ lvr "iEl f 'uei *- dtt !r"-'

,5;r ,{ *drL rrr y'*a tl!r, t,:r rJ5..i 6 "'r'j c,trpr"; ptc

opl - lJ'r ucd ur "i[l K .rp.i o . $hrc. - + ltt*il;l trH.l .

4L fr.tlJ,tl d.l .l'.f -1il,.,.r, qft'i ii rse.Uil -fc..3f,-

. . . r*r rf,jtr A.{t { '* ls+,.r\ S - ;q + yl 2T

. ,,.J

7150 rsoVrNCi;rr- Asser'riruY ot wrsT pekrsT.r,N [l2rH luxr" 196$

-{ ,:fl lt, + ,.tr 6r$jsl /. nf a 4 , '>,i{. ,f;- vh:

Lrf ei,9 +Vst re,:ltl -f ,-12{rt&: - ,.r.t-i r{.;e.i gf.rr

*r .5 0l - L ,s,u fi { {2- ,i3i "f

.r:frt ,.tc j2L Grss rrl r,,

- qf Jt- ,iri S3l ;:t * ,sts f J-; e, 6* ey { €- tt; JJ)

€ ..i J Jrb '{ Z af ,:rd uillcl Y aib s'l ,auL .*it \.f

.,& .i.ai 6 c-F - +r* "!.r.^ql r.. cry"lG- L olu &Arl,. .!tL L,,:9:t* le+l .:.li .5

"+ . * sil ah a.r-"j1i rrl

,Kl .rUL .*jr e O: ,,lg .rJf r.rij ei *l ,.(\ + .S .! ,*j 1 . .

i ltee eal K *l-3i10l "f ox u?f Oe2f ,sy O(.J - & f **

vI .$*f 2,il q - a+, K :),)*l & ,."r, t"rr K t-t- - ,/lJ ri

- q V er tf '>wit Al L o2-.7 {- t-.;1.g t5' Olr*il ah th

.f, v)f i q *f LU * f tK,l o.L:.i^i- d,"l (}UL ;ljr r:t:. U-

d: OlrJl ne fi;, KoLei.l dl LL lrYl .r:lr *i E. -J r: rrtr3i.1

r.rtL.rrf rtf ntU - uitL, ,5 ,hT ;)\-t-- 2fe t*:ri A E g ,g

2 t ,il qf d ^s 2 OL*ll e; u:.''.,t.c r:! ,5 g;,l,'f U u"rrL! d'

pt ntb .f ta:jl ,l p,"l I rrcr .5 clrL *, oW L tJrtl fis .t

' ds*s sy --l "(.Jt" r: #b ftlrrr flit c a- sl $ +.; rtrj




.;;lJE,.d vTg lis os ^f E otf ,:*t,'JJ e{t. :tj: \S - ,f"f

'5 .lr.rl-,r&ei ^€l r€, o, { )l { trcl g if A* n fu L,Lti llr*Jl I vT?? - q if ,Jyt trl-it t, * Ul+ ,.1, ?*

rJ-r:.:.;fil.;:r-r r.ld ,5 r:rL r,ari JJI crs 2f ,pv,r;r.T ,.U .c. gtr;,

-uirdtirl if erK0l "f +O-$f!/T,tautb.+rrf , .it}i.jl )f .:rLrr"l rrl -r: { ,stf $U.5 sut, .tt)s tl i w

,,rt ,;* - *f Jt-d-t e L Gl sr.d .f d u- 2 L 2l lrr .rlu

e-!t ssllrl!,Jl ss) ** C* a- e7 { ,Xfg# r}1L-' ,5 .:,Ut .rljr

S L.f .a,6 .5 0l -r x )* r if .:1t- ,.f .lllr 4Vs- a)t

-' t, Vrf lYs eltii.;S

lf .,iT ,rilJ AL 4-|.7i" .^t L,,'. dl.rpl r.rl tf - -So- vtt

aj s r+r; &ft .^f ,-ry !U.i .1 6L:. L n= ,E dL tt> 7.Tl

t &y{ l! r ,riL- c9i; t r:,JG I J$ .1.,. t*p 6.1 € 7lt1 f{{

I 191 ,JEtu ,.iUl ,i- d. g s!i*{., JJ! ar?t

E e,rE r .J:t fr; ^l tof - (Jtf, Jor- J.-l e.-) rrlj* ,j,

q +) f *'i rg item .rf, vT 'a ,ix tJt.':-t ;

- +- 6ilr;. ;p r.l(ttl "r - r*c- i$ * l*

.g.lE r d:i "d + ,4',.t 6,* K.:lr ,rl -f d q5' - o3.r S;r


11 s2 pRoVrNclAL AssEMBr.f op wBsr pAKtsrAN Il2rn luNr, 1958

- * ls,t 6iEl u-

- q uS.5 O- / L.t*i- grl ol,ei, ! t.f r, - rilir ;ljf

esE s #I ut. irl ,A rftJlrlKr- f c-.9G , fu1 - 5s 3l-r

'+ 'bv *

- ,i!u - rll:r $t

f + Er &t- q, ,u* rbu -f uf! * - c3* *-.

6y *ll I c'rJ;t s &* ,3il S! 'd a E.1a { "+s 6jY Krrl

s+l rr-1ti 3 J:i S! * ti + Uj,r Jrt- o.:t;j rr41, ?i - rALf

Kc.lrr Jtru .rt - 1,ry Jb 6r e- lr r*;)3 E c,-*.t )Jl c,U 2f

Crt q, dLl j u,l f .fL .:il o.l .f + d. *l '.+3J .fJl

- ,rt- .:.5(. .5 .rriU dtd J9l a- t=f .5l1 otj

I ts f u*; erl irrelevent .=,I U5- - r(1c- ,/tJ.r-, i-.

L 6- t} tL rrl JJ, ci>\it ,i -tr s\ t- t/T tf - .3* ;l-r

- a Z:f ,).\- -f oui.t 0l ,i, eil Ln? + jlr:.i}.il ;f- ctri O- jf -rf vI

.rHrl ,-tr Ct L o;-t !,I rf .& $f P f ,glr (rl U|.


- ol ix .;t tr.f, r^ ,tS rar2-q Pu tal f fi* '-'J sel a,

- ot ! L, e. 1is'vI - rf,* ,Ai * *

.iiJti. gl 4 42- ,5 i '^'JtL.. o,.l tx - 'j": j"

-,r";a U.nf

- *, f, 6l;3r E ,ta. o*$ Irti*, Jr. ': vl ' ''lj,r $,

,51t * tll 3l, 6- f ,rd c.Bu- ,5 of,:t.r" rtl - ryo> ju

,)yt L 0l 0r d€ ll\ r.,L-a.Jl fJ: ?" - q/rtlj uf rJetr rJh

* r)lr ; {Lf l:l ':3- K Sl L -;,t+ 5l:l ":t' *t zN 5- lirr urr. l+t

jr -.r-1., fu rru1. - (, - l-rtro-) r"r' tLe 11).t.. ,;L

3f of q * i! s-Ue *{,;l .>d )tl .r} ,5 un*fr s'{ L b{:t

dJp Ujl.rel -{ ,stf a"d itc *is o)trj (# - rJ'1 h: 5J!'

^l *(,r'f ,-le1 j>\i E. J-+l oA 6 z Lr i c[, "f - { 's:f

-+br-nJ-+ Urt.r^'E s. a Jtti L ur'l -+ LIn(FJtl

4-.r*, S ,{ ot.{ .iJLif (4. di,.ri .5 n+lr -f-)t * - JFf,' e'k-

- On U.t f !,e,r \f .t + ,.{ c,! r: ,t r"b Lvn yl uo' d)

7754 pRovtNcral AssBuBLy oF wBsr pAKrsrAN [l2ru ruxe, 196g

* Oi.;Jr$s rrlr{ r.c6fl:i - u*&.r n Ao ,J f:il e.. &rr ,rl vt

& * - q- u+f.l rtr 5 "dl +fY , C E."J 6 cl-,a r.iQ .rit;

".i d, tt+.- u=. .(, r;tr: - * , drU L J". it -. O3t{ e-:*

* rrl - urJ A sit{ ti n tyjr- -.! ,t ut:t ol.rcK.j.* *G

,r!t3fs FrJ,5qJ, rr iAr .l- - 2 L;-t, d t_ 6l,"1 r.,,. ,.)\;

*r Lt1 ie- - .,ii ,+ ga, ,!u * dtr t# x 6tne ;,(J - + ,F5 - or. vf ,;C d{:. .l11 5 ut q. - a *f ,J J2c ot{ nis

GV2LLf 4-f ,rt b -rltg-+3,.ritrdrr+-4l)tt ,f .$ JH oQ /lj o*s t€t L drrt.rs# u{ ,{ s{t pt

-Y* 3a "r ;Kof

- ur 4).nf otr :l 7*-t st uJ -fi* .rfJ r** **.

"r13a 1 E contingency * L crrr,l - {.n the 111* ,r-L

- ola 6: f &f d"i. L ,rt +_ Krr ,

f :,{ 3st uS i !4,. rrpl &Q - r$e. sq! r:;!- )r.,,.

' tl"rl

- d.11 t(- t6f; ,.rt "l ,f VT ,*. - r.a. tLe 111. U-t


ul3 rr+J a $t2f1{.f .r-r., -*)s *. - .l.ru tlre lltp 6bli.Ai '50! !r+. -at{ tr lt-dLo#t,{-d-rrkblE'F lrl yI -,sts{ d,rr+ J1'*,t *J: f, l.r- nf { o:f,t* o*

t: f er- , €D.t tril pl .i:lifr:rt ;rl ,;\p ,g-F Jrd rcrt

,Jte Z- &,8 r Jrr; ar - t es f .rr, ,5- l, vT a. qt - ot

rllg- f,c4.r. t.(1t rar _ qu dt , 1'JjU ,JT I L oits s;- uoO

Lf u?;i Jr;; Z-&Jt , -r {g .il *r t rstf Gt yt - K.r.r,

&;u n s\t{ t )5r s4r 2 nl - €. tJ C 4 6s.- et q)te

rr rE.. * .r. + ,bu U r-r - q- €tl+ ^J ssl o3a uf +is

.r.t JJ f: lfl ke?..- ,fi; s(i-. g1)[-l _f ,rl ,., ,.! dN ,.;=Ih

4 g.1a- ,..$l 6ri- - c1t 2J &t rf o[ ,rl ot f x !Lt-.

3 rJrtt r qiK t 6 * t lsl,Jl 6 &, ".te eil Jr .irl dys ,tl(&l L- r" .JQ

ty 2r! L)\es- 2l: Lt(r ))- L pJ,r at .Jr-:) - L:j

,rl'? d c;,, i rJr.f rrl [tt 71e*t .:l;;rL-s r.5

,{i| .:,lT. ,5 -irr* 1-rT; r"rl - [:(. 4-r .66i "r# .fp slj + ,yl


77SG tBovtNcIAL AssElltr,r ol w88T PA$sTAN [l2rn ruxs, 1968

dt-t - + Ws s#r 5 'rtf .$t 2 4.-ry .r ds Qr ;ti

ellg- ( e.l ')ia '.-ril 4 3-.f t !r? ..,FJ t.r9, ur.r' JJ'r q.

- dr^ qr

6i.ll ;r-i-r L.5 Yt ria-.;-ia t l1+2Jl ilr'K t-1 o-liJt

or'.-ll ;'' g.L''s'lJl "Ja.*':'1

,y\)t Lsriu f :* L 0lLJ 15- 0t . r,;p 2\*f "' S! f

- ,,{ +l3T ,r+r At r,lt, *r.l.: 0Tri f J; El - g- kr ul

- 194;-Jl ls-- t f-*Jl rirl J'-11

,itir OI), &r E ,fl - f re- qf,.tr. pl f6!L Al qf tU'

- + tJ.,ot ,ry

irr;-f r-r.2-l ;Je.3-:-lt r.l(r ur-LlJt gl1-il s-i { 6-4i-?-.-Jl 0l

2sl Ot!..: lrl L dii&-.i ..,!t*l lb Lf v;i itil ry='l)\l

- ? iJf .$u l.i KYr


,r-ri Jr$ .re.f ,'K.r ,, L &l *f { otf ,,il:S * y' d

6u-f\ L .,J ;rl cry L:.J L fi $tJ-. ..&l .-'J ' L d-1

.i,L ,5grl lllJti a rrLJ ouJig f L) cl$tr-e u:S pl +- Ut+

ul'f ":j


- rfl;Jl r,rr4 kJrl .r-i ,'t';Yl ..(-ti r

. oupPLEMBNrARt BUDGBT sTarEMENr 1967-68 1151

l.+. irl - E ,.r.t 2T tt rr 0r L c;^. eI { ;11

A C -.,fi* 1*t+ )tl o*l1r L g.,jK- .ral r-1, ll,iJl

{',s:f t,Fttt' .l E ott* L e.-tr t:f yt+ a h-i

Vf * j url -far 3,r3 tf vTot+*L-,3; Vtsntf,

-tlu *;b .i* 6 eJ)M ! qu a.dr;; fi t{i S lV&{ t trl br U- L (J|r 1rl ojr L- f Vl ra. 5,r W ,f} f-.


trrr Ub e! * cf .rlt ,lr

.5. qy t.t+.t !y ,rjtn .uh .iI .k. ^,.1 - fi* .,.l3 ,rr* **qii Jr.r. cY r.rjt vT .rr la * ,s3tu {f tr otf €f e bl

,.J ;qa ,rl L0q.L, r. -S, rl L 6^L$al 6r JT /J n dr:r r.I tfr + 3t" J. Ja q. ,,r.-it^ d* n yL ru "fri t5 .rtU1l

Gx-l o C ,+, - + G N +K- e; ,t- OFL, 21.. 1& r.ltnl e,:"

'e),5rril32Kr-"r;r 'x * 'rl S { ''ttf

- r-.. t 1 te;l c,r^t - (6grtl.tp- 1.rr:) .:r$.rt l,i,

;tjLt K.rIV dlssi qrlL, :a)s 2 E,rl + 6 L q dld. [,

- drg c!.r s!. "fu rjLrl .Jt+ t$l qrrl.lf )tl o*\t

€)D t# 1r1l q1 - dlr .f - (.,jtf lr- &rl +-) rrljr ,j,


l?* rrovrnciel *i;r'ilr bi whr i'rirrtrx ti2rs ltrxa, tlbb

a* Ltll dlr ub I vl*Y rl. d-/tl u? q, - Ile";'":'' '{ otf

.f ? ez# Ju-r;t qlr. + - Il-r yh - d.1l1 Ub x dr.l;' ,*.

12. dll5r L .L+t 6l-lo- tf + ev Xft "l ule aL-l tJrl

rrl;l jp ,rl ,.rr\ .n )tl ,-€ lt { ':6 6t':' L 4 6,}"+tt'

grl tr 0l rt-f L d..:-Jr cliti :rl dFl r'' Lslt 4u L

fl -f dx crr ,ts:. r-*. + ,t# rL'tJ .5+l K p: 4 {-4 6r}'J*

' * a il: rr;o. qrh L A: oD f 6.12.1

Q.: Ylr: Kd3'll 0l or'

e-rs s-l Lsa & yt+iT ,f 2- :" d* si of dld- r.P t1 "f

&{ - or 5 { tV uit 4--,r o'x +ri * L 'J-f sv, q

1,ty ldtl dtd uc. vSLt tl L or'r' a-,*" .dtt Ja {5- Up rirt

Kortr irl *t + hta -f ,J, - iui rt3;l ; ir- '.-tt u*{ oe ,l"1J1

E ss: d { + \f ,fro .r'. jEI L s* "f t"*: of,J'.1r, vl*

tF "f { ;V U, f rib rlrl i +.-, e u/b ,-Ivi "{.,tri ;a

6 Ol J 4- '5 ,.?rf 6h 2 r.r. - dr k.r f e:i! dl':. ; .tet

6 A .,;T pl r,r. cit-. 8- tt Oy' .f udU ,J e. cF rJr.l;, ;Li

* L drq .fil I y'12- q il: l3r, ol "iL:" uE ! '9 "f ,.7$*

n.Lh. -!lr vur -,rtrf 6f 4oL*yE*d,,charged expenditure a *f f-.<# *; - + g,,ll ssl tr4- I .;il.e |l

ilA - ,,rr { ,n items 6; L .zrzf* $-r.i qr ,rl ;rl ctiL-,..'

bumLeuENrARy BuDGrt sf^tEMENt, 1967-68 1759

.iir lt+ .i-?l K 6 e- iotorfgt on ways and means adv'ences.

tl ,r)* sei Jf "f a-rlsrr l-,*:tl g /\ f ,tn.Jl.til fiiL Ol;j: .f tS- "{ onJ'n ,, ,rL r-7JrJ c"ir 2V la2 ,p, e-tV

- 1lr vt:a - Kit" 3,r actual .:.ry L:fr1 ways and means advances

+l Jrl r., 6ifu .t tC f t*fJ * oc$ +5-y - r. r;ar f-7; grt

ef!'- ,^ a sr!. -* €- ,rrt" 3:f - rr sbl.;il Jrr{'Lf s'tf'-

*fJ - rr Uq Jrl ,S af lsst * se cat dt).r - .r;11 - ra

1ct supplementary appropriation 2l E 4$ .t- - (t - rlrr rr

.r erL L &Je P,r 1il ti;lr dr ,tt ua.r - llr .rl;t - 2- $ € ,.frl

q .ftr+ & Af 6*. $s* r-r *tc.,r(- f * f 6a. tr

*,,f a. \f .;.,6 + 2€.Vrlt vl 2.rl ti rS- r. Uf u!d' #lrl .rkj - €rt i, 6lL,r ,."r ).r )t .rl rA 2 L f sdvances

t.Ll uel rrYL a+l - * it, :t * tt s\r-.r ,5.r1 -{ a-h Uf

.E .(q + A L lf t:a f c,\ts.r, s1l ull "r- rry 2\ s

a 3f I q C a;sr r? pt ot 23t t+l €,h "r, qC + qC

.$r r4, .rr. GlrU E, 2f ttt Lr:*ti Ol ,"r'f Ulr u,ari ,U tl

a-tLi ., (S Uf &L O..! *.r..r.1 .ru- rf * Va rrU "l a €l

.autL 2 gyS-. 4fi5 e t,,t Jrl (fl o*t t 1 ':iS tfl or,, llf

.ejtr. ,p dft [r itea L oL Sl - lb 1ei. ^t € 2t f ete,

1760 ?r.ovrNcrAr, AssBMBLy oF wBsr pAKrsrAN [l2ru luxn, 1968

Jprt + i trl lrl ,{ S .r.r t-r+ .rrt{ dlu .* yl ;,il [; K nj- + flr^ l'.r: )2- yl t+J r:- ur.,. ;)\-l ^.f

qf !l Lri J)l.p ser

elf .in:i l ssl q g.d ..l)\ril o= .:i.i- rJ;rUl ,rt r.5 ;>\-l 44.

F. "5. q- ,jalt* .f .="-rg 6.1L. - tS- f * gcl elt -1 u:,. 6

s.)Ll F, $ ,r.f,- f ls*t.t rr t,", f? d) t* tf e-2j,l*" 1)lpl J* ,s S A- ,rU - ot Ls f *.fij ,r+t 61tL L cge*t

n'* "r, irf 2 L sA pt ,5rr &L q- ert.r:1 gL- lrl 6&

,r Lhu E, L)\" .rl trL* "rt tf ,*2*,^ ,r:;l ssl -{ pll, &l rt

,str fE .,.)\,-l J& ,1.. .Sr, rr.l "5- OS- .r.f .. p, * E, .rJl"

6fe 3+ pi1 o5 yl :3- QJ n:il lr-3.r - Yle .r,L- -A Glb.rJl elJ

rjt.i,.r 0lrrrL tJU ,rl "dlyt otl "ei -ilr ))e, - Gf S a,aef-

e)ti..t frJ 8-y -f*-* G\s* ;!-"{ Ltrr. *.1, J-e 3f02'2**

-{ &V i; as a3f,.> cf,,. L ,rl ,* * u.l .,rl ldi d'r

jf bjl e, J,.+i dlJ \- g-i 6 rr- L *.* af,z 14. uit t,.t

f,rrl d * .,rtl; g lgr f.i i o9fil .l"JJ { =: JJI 6r ,f r*i 1

,fi.i.eL 6.rr Lsb ot - Lf jt o:Uj .rg ,>3f,- .,3t:- s# er-

Lt"+ L c;.3.(. Gf:., ,t C* 6 rr ,,r:,J + t^! -t" sr* rr ;Jl

F rr - +tf q E Lf ,rk E o"t $t Lf ,?d L,rt - Lut


al e+ oL.r.; L Lx .r! J+r 4*.ss$ J.#- d di & e*t--t.l?

r, - +- tst"'d l-r- -r" uiU ,5..." - ,5 a-t a)+ -f 7f 6 tr

l, ,,F -5" * f ,r.r. ,ia :td ssl f 3K Jf'-'' r' rrt-lt tL; 2;

tt, r. hf ltJ .1"+t .r: &:rf ? Ilr LN tof a'l L sl I t'b"l

,,1 i;.pl g 2\9 rltil q C*.5rr* "f tC "' dt+'q gir rl tC

C t }Vt 4tr. tx tt * ir. 4t 'r:.o.,Jl 4 8 -d sto o


uh* r: tal oV$1 lH + C nt -{ th Vf Lt tJ:b S €ri'(r

clt- rJ.l - K- t" U .r-t-i llh- f .rl try ..C&T ,5 Jt Js?t t; 6 ,S

S i* )s*' pt $l iN rrhili '^l t.tn flpr E'

-f.i+ t.'J rll; r.. sl;. .r 6,f! rr 2 L sfuarged expenditure


s: *,5 ,r eU ar*; - qf U, Q ,^iLil { un",rer o! .r- oJL *l

,ft r{ Ut , L .r.-tp cilU - llr )ti-Lrel ,Jtr4 - KJ .* fu ,r* ,r,

cri 6'c.Jol 191 at f{ e. std el+ rrt ist -'r*a 'r-Lp f,t "'

.I d(.:, - r.5€J ..e.(- 9, clear d, ts q J"?"t ,.1 .* uel d.r 'l y d)

ot-yd -fi.r"f -:lt LLu{ .L"l ,JKr ,rsr ':{ p Kc'\ ",rl

S +.f

ry Ji:i r.d s? ef uu 2f *s ,5.r1 grn rrlr;5 pl a ug 't rre$

.J - Gry Jtsf C-, l:i.r ,rJ * 4s t{ or rr* 2f ttt Tsis

S} *

2f V f ,se. .I+ ,* ,jx ;f t'rt r? q, l-r'J.r'*l &is o-{

*f tF Vot,a 0l -r .r-t UY3r -, or ii*e #{ Fr,, Gd


?762 provrNclAl AssBxtt.y oF wetr pAKTsTAN[2ru lur.re, 1968

tl ,tra1 .pt cD & 6 F .;rtl e Jy uau I fi6(.J ,*

.{* rt t.;g C ,"u advance os at 4l-t;f e. q, i5 ,,r"l S:it *

-{ 2 it *f e ra. iJ dl c;t nf ,ta* $f 'S or 86$s ,.ttt L+t 'd + ,V 2 srl + fluid situation r,g;jL


;K;r )3- LII .roo sy Je ,;l.l "f UC U tf ,*r, J.a.i q e ,* ,;-

"d + t& rr "t*J I d-il E. grl11l &l E Ltf tJL -r, .l - Kr.

ZV L Ajt CI J: gnrr- ut& .,J vt.a "1 - qt 6-tts* 1.ri.l cl)\i rD\i

efe q \S ,f* e .yrl L q1 rf t-.: qr ul.l - #I c*t fj

bf - f- b.r c.4 )tj sltf Y C *rt E.:.j"(. ,J\s, a *4fn

-r !f l15 rt - t-. ,-itti;. E Lf .rJ Jr .(I. EJ ,^;r, ,,5 t$

{ W g. rl 0llr; E C"*1 url }A )tl + .rf ,slJJ{..? u!, .(L

rf q,:og r,rrf 1I- "1 jf, rf;.r:lti E plsc .1rl + d. i v3V q nd

?+1r o;rr /t tf t1.f s# q .19l u.(- f :Wl { |rrrCl .,1 ,rl ,t

ssl ox Uq- L l.{ qri cry if, .,t* .r ?? ,Ktr{ tC Ut, L

crh ,5 f-, ,rl .e+f ct- q,97i1i-lU - h: crrJ *rL l.r *+f ,.! l.,o.

uaiu uL., 0(J ,JX"f At -f Zf t ?. dl.,5r rr $ ,f 37 sf

L d3ril u+, eit* roa sH ot ^f tr otf sere 9.rl e.4 w its

.e. 0f La 2) V I ir ,? ,2 "d Vf L oeTil tt f3 Y o-*t

fi ctl.tlt- .s - e Ls tt lt" l: $# , *_ lp, J. er- ,l iV




at - + "l.r t" Jn ,ix j Ylr a r-'l; .ilt- 6 fl* yl q 2s

.efrl.tlf r: .f tl3q tr.1 8f t*,1 sU,.rl iL f,.5.r**- qtd cnr

f + dit, V -. r:rh. 0l { ,it iL.t L opu fli-t )$ 4r..

\ .l .". .5- uo. c.,U trl drr t , lfu u., ^f ox Vf .ilr-l .r

uJ .nl .Li.rl -+ .Jt^I tf .s elre 0l Kc,lrtl;l JI.0t ,S o-l5--

,irf 6 4, vlg f 0l di ,rj)W do ,Jl, r! r* :t g.t. yl

OSI + *a * ,t *ftubr r-rb ,,tf j.p ell 41 0,(,J f otf

F.a.35- S o3ar:{*r.- .,r + Jtt i++t6- l,f *! crb .1 dlj

U'.,rJ ,f+)S Z-6l$tt f.e-s*Jl{,j5. - Cb U, f;* .KJ "Lil

v" ,Jr{ 2 L *V,6.,lrl+i U"f JrL ^it - + o# s,L oJ

rrf ? ll Uf I it.x-l 6*e { at E f Jju *).,, ,# o+

r+ ,5 l*rr Ou*fq s.F "f L oN ,,i--n -{ &- ..,;T )13 13,.i-

Cls ,r.l;iYlrcr s* {112 t n, + 4l a ..t:. djl:.jfi- r+ j,

- 6- ff rJt.-:-l a t* W f o*.f dl L.(L grl $' + n

fer rf ,r.S $-{ *; Yl; .;j,i.- (r.. r." a o-t1;1 a;l;;. ,;jr3l)

pl <192u tF Gr3'i,.r arl VI d + ff t ,#i Y lr;' u.tt a - a- + lC. .f ,rl *.i ^f ,A Jb vI - .4 Nt cai"^ 6rbe",K syU

d ,f * *f a 6", sf,i {L! - r J^l K Lf c+tt ti.i t:a *.6 *:rltt 6 L.d .lrL *bi L er" *i ;rl !r ,*d nj L

. ^"d*i

7764 pRovlNcrAl ASsBMBLY or wasr PATMAN [l2ru ruxe, 1968

- + LJf 'nd

,t* 33f ,.it -. L t*V .r:L 4g.

tr U.l lf bI bJ ,f .:,tl u.-. oJU I qi; ur" - Yl3;9i-

a Cr:A 5l,l '55t - + '5U

4t-'ol.,,t'l =. r.!t"iil -f+ .-'(l.. nJac 4l

J - /f J*V a.t ,4 C e. tts ot )F il.t1l dt L il - +

Jti, dl ,-t,.S, .r.- 1.(- 4 udi ,citJ .,iy .(," J{ ,rii Jtf ^JUj

- e-f *i .[r!- aJ e JlJi{ '=-u, =. &L * 2 L rs9rl,..:.

uio ,5 .!,ttJ j; 4 6./-4 ,ij * u{r rJlJ,- tr -fu .{.1 s.f ?I

5 ,t V in ,r,4 .Prd;rl tl:.','{ L,ll ))l tt\f ,, lj+5- ur.

't"t *

tl + lH Jr er* Y o*t "f tn-t e Lllr- r7l - Yl3 )tb

,-f ..j>\.:il e;- tr -rf jtl c;tur - E ".it

rrltf il:,,5,,f aC

,i;-{ :r ,5 Ltf ,\ct- 1i2i I L r(L url .S; ,f * - f ill

L ,'*t, 2 L oe).,i Pl $:.IL ..(ll t dL ,vl - e-s 2ftrl &r.f & Uf u.L tr Lr)*. )\ ,F ,r.jl f.. - ? 3V.*0b*5-t, .(L ,-- CT - ,-rei ei {J-L Lt Ok-.ft* e.. ..(JL. j:* ais

li r?, .5,r1 (oUu),x.lti C L fi5 *iri 7bil.,a "ila" 3;Tif

,5 o-r€t .1 ef.*1 .&t a tet.r1jtr Knlrb rr L duJ-! tf 2-

*r$ )tl + ff l'rl *ts i sit ;! {- t"i efi .f*"utr u"'.r$ltlt


suppLEuBNrARlr EUDdBT BtAtE$BNr 106z:68 11A3'

Lt l g,e'J*-l lrl .:*U 6.rlrl.r.r ,i$ -f o*; 0l L Ju-ft{ "f"s

- A t, jLd-l u:.

h uS uJU .J 6l drl t .l f ** ,r u.rtr r: + - llr )t*try F Ot*- A 0U-fq oJ Z*J r'.f crh J.iiI 5-.(a $1r


0r:-fq f y'+ rr.Jt* "l ,"r0r 2 AniJ .(:l -rf .S,t., ,i*. ft-.,.t "(tr f ;;- f ,rd lrl Zl ,t ir, ,i &t E, Lf ,bv it

rf Cll.fq .fu ,,ir5. tr Ur n { E Y ,*i ts* ,itr..let ,.rr,li,.

E "J t*" # vT f .i+a- ,.rl -{ N urrJ.r$ 2 L 4) "i'ti

..Lr-ra!'- * tm.rtJ ;bi.; 6 GJ ur. .SL "5-

Mr. Hrmza : tn fact it is deteriorating.

' l.r, 1.ti V J? sT ft tr dt ,rl - Ylr r:,*- - .,1j. yj.t

'ef d:^t'- J,(.. ,r--{ ,;ata ,: HI + * O*- ( -j q 1li ,-r-^stt

JJI .rJ ot J, i. dLt 8- ,,rl - Yll 19*- - t(- h ,r.{J !Xt6"

f .Jtll U.;,tr 15 ..lrr! rr .(l i2e j2d rpt - rS x I pi-t ..--[i

' A ,.rr. r.r.r jlJl E ;t-:U b ,,r. jlrrl t u3..l,. C t:i..1 - tJl)

'- - (r, iet+,bi-(.t - +Utr tf f{ e$rou[ i bl b.^(tl - ib'" rf.jlil4, 1O1 *.i rd it, t .J (,L, 6rrl dL:. L,rl !(i ,-- .1rl

-;- rt& ,irf - t jr] ,rtft ri, .1^.3(- .S ,:rf €l + 6Sl* 2 t *V.

, .- , -^;.o&

1756 pRovrNcrAl AssEMBFy oL wlsr pAKlslAN Il2ru ruxr, 1968

-L f{*{*.iS',.'

"Avcr!3o rirc in G N.P. ig ctosc to 6l pet

annuo and crport caroiogr bavc beco rising

rtcadily 8t a rrtc of 9 to l0o/e pcr iooum."

*S-tt ot lN lf it d3rl 6rq1 *a qr olJ- gnl L *-S

it el c,1, dtj fb - ..16 ,& ..ftt -{ ollu nl i ,.rJ *2i o3 tav

vT .7? - uu i.Jrl ,rta .t sl s* 6rt{ - f- t3t" t1.f ""Jtt


.,;I .f + be Yl1 1.e;- tl L.", O" ef o!3*lE sftrk,il

q1 jl.ril E. ,r;tru ,ju-.fg .:,-6- ,,t E r*{: fllt 6t j2* ;lt {l

,t r$- G) st iS uM jl{l E di: A-.xjlxlE 4 ,* l.UL tl ,33i1 el qr: .r'l L Lf tp a tJr e-.i:i * O3rtr^l ;t.i

f pi .t l ,^it q - + 6s:i t;l 2 I ,i; di .SL "i.i *-.f A

-{ ,, f t:t eis i 2f oe;ri rst OuJtr *.t E ,fi ,f *

df ;;f 6 Lf &L.*/ '>5L d: dbJ\ f t: u.i.f *

,.rf, a .rjt 9l dI', tr4Lt^. d ,9,fl - u, nl rJrllb ot - 2-

,lJ "(11- O$ t J &u E, Lt" llCl G,;tr slr*l r9f,e dlr ^, +

s* .r-t, rt:..SL Lt\ K 6 - L stbJ-rr qlsr O&jlI gr,-iI

Uf r, 6sti 2 ,t (r>[f C"l) - €- t!) til db- { q- 1,u. letel

rf .rtr url )tl ,;f .r)\rE0l fl-C\kr.rlrtVdSa

sUrfLEMBNrAny iu0dlr drl?BltlNt 1907.08 ha'l

grl fl ,,{ + t1.f "l L VI Q.l et ":-r, -} rf ur.l rlLt rn .1j Ut+ll

L ?*li, "lllti .f lr:- - ,r$ rf l.:l J5. 0l "f E gr."r rr-d d{tt

UL {4, i, !,# tt * t: rr l.r,,1 Uf t* *f + U, "f J} .l\+

,? )t), )tl * Jlt ,1, i! ,td ,t + vil ,t lq da * ' 2-

pl .ri3kf ,-gr L ,rt, f- ,Jt" q i.i tsut ,t ca /f a-.

r(L q .lrljir:-l -5- tr e-h 4.r ^f +.j,ir. rryt JUrLr

,tf f+r rr E, irl + rf ol UY: d,it ,rrr.l ,x .* -€ 2, d

dtd-l Jii, tr u$Urrt e-a..?,6.ft"Jdf irl -49celli

.t rf qi rr; +f "; w - qrr.,rl Kr.rt a* ^*{ u;f .rrJ

ei3 /f, *t- i.F 0f:-5.g *.p ," .rs rJr,rl crt* o,$f

- + ,i{trtr d.*

" (l) Thc country't dcbt liability rhould aol

rpprccirbly crcccd 29e1, ol itt total forci3o

cxcbrogc caraio; in tbo forroeablc fsturc.

(21 lhc debt rcrvisiol tiabilitv lhould oot

oormelly incrcaro firtcr tbro lhc reto of locrcr$

lo r:port clroio3l."

Iurt conrider wbat a cound principlc it ir.

" (3) Short tcro crcdilr ritb rcgrtEoqt

ecrio& ol lcu lhro throc ymn rbould bo

rottslctcd rld urod ooly rlcctivcly for orpolt

., '',, .-,14

ltoB provinclrl m\sua!.r oF we*r parlstAN [l2rx lUrrr, t968

iodurtricc, ecreotial importr, substitutioo pro-

graome orotber quick pry ofiprojcctt.

(4) Thc portioo of hard loaos to bc accepted

cach yerr should bo dctarmiocd ia the light of the

crpcctcd availability of soft credits to that an

eppropriatc blcnd between hard aod sofi loaos

can bo mainlaincd,"

.J ,--t o57 J5*l'6)L{ Jh + .,h ,ji.t E g,F ,l.r atrl !/t

tf 1[Se", *r r*:t* L .rl tof , 4-f ,.lnf ,5 Lf Jel- A),

15gl .:.i.r,tS ol Ls b Jt.4 .r!t- arl o: ..(L "f + t"(- q-

f * lrl .re d.l 15 sr- f 34; tf Jel 0u.5ri *r r jb I

i sl^le .:l.tcl ,sr u{ L oe4l ,, ,rli fLJ- q .}rl:) - f 5,

E vI q, - qs ,5 f a^ Jr) o. 6u- - clg "{

Ef .u; ,r.{SrT

- + ri a .:U urt f e,jfi- )5: oh u^tr Uf sP.)s a "U3

of At rf l.t4 ,::,Yt- t)l Ef J.s ,l ,rd[ ssS ,rl q1 drL

- + ,JtP i ?- ol * J: utr, d: lSL ""f

€stsi r.t. l+) vll: { rt* + "tb tS.l,,ll ..(.,l u'l - Yl3;ei-

drr.il - {- tlkll *Il-, r; L lr..[e .rr.fU .if:" *.f tS-{ Ox U€+o-

t{ e .*.1 J, A 6;r:*:, fiui - 'f7 u- ft &rr: S V.f Z

- E-rr .l+l { a-st*,;.., t{i f Uf ,*l .t+l ..trU ,? dL }&a n A


d ii yl - te. Uf t*lt .,ltr '5;r.: "fenr rf U, c.ir .rl L ,senit

rf t-n ftli 6T lrl ,*- csb.i a,rl U tp if J'*-l EUJI E r.i

bl g - k, f""l u - tet ,rrr; surplus o.1l,t&i r: .L=r KrJQ leAl

- Ll;f ,.f-* -. Vrl .atrl cL e..r- (,

Otrrs is a surplus rcvised budgct evcn after mating these adjustments. .

ft.; 0r - q As f ,i.4 i.V L 9T rr * rjprtr E,rl

"& tt uor-i qr o1l*;. .!-p rJ.! .riti2!j l.;Lo r.p;! ;f adjustments

i#t 0l S oN [:e?.., s*t 6y4. ,.I -J q, OQ - + J*li

;trK c-;( .tj- qu iL )f $ ,A.p d *,F vI ,f r,=l rl

- + ki[ clef ,"1.; a. VI - o;er;l-.

gel--l {.t, 4a. V ol:. gr.l - Y19.13i. tJt- .r1.l - "rljr rj,

lirl;l Krlf ,f.r!t*it o .r;h gr.l J? ,.rlr.r- 4.L .x - +

," urb .t (d E c.f t-@ rf ge ,i €4 vI - Ls .ry^l vl*

c.q .I &* dr" E du $t t" uJlt .t L qr, $ti. r$e

tf, -J q, lslt s'l 'd ox uYr or.J r.lr oif ettoil C g

7770 plovrNctAD A$8ilBtY ol wEsr PAKISTAN [l2rs ru]rs, 1968

,td ZU of, O-Jlrl { alsal fi*. tJFl 'Kr 'Ll. K'i,.3,(- o '*Vs.r 2V rS

Mr. Sonlor Dcputy Spertc : Al there ir no business before tbo

Houro nor, tho lrourc ir adjoorned to mect tomorrow at t.00 A.M.

Thc tsscnbly thcn odJouracd at 12,23 p,m, ttll 8.00 a.m. on Thursdoy,

the ISth Jutrc, 1968.


.-*.Ir. i ,-r'



(Rcf : Strrrcd Qucstioo No' 12586)


Nencr and othcr particulrn of tbc pcrsons who ofrcrcd tbo

highoS bidr during tbo firrt auction hcld on 23rd April' 1965

rt Chek No. 293 and pricc oEered by cach onc of thcm'

S. No. Lot No. Atcr of thc


Namc of thc

bighot biddcr.

Higbcst bidr








A. K. M.



4 l2-4.0


E l2-lt-10

9 12.4-15

Mst. Sa6c Bcgun,

rifc of Mian

Muhammad llanif.


-do -









-- - --.rI

l0 t2-4.15 -do- 68,006125

1714 pr,ovrxciAl AsrtrBlv oi wmi pAKrsrAN [l2rn lurrr, 196$

543I 2

't ll






l3-u.00 -do-

r3-2. t6 -do-

I 2-5-00 -do-

t2.6-t2 -do-

r2.6.r1 -do-

12.{-00 -do-

l2-4-00 -do-

12.{-00 -do-

12.5-12 Ch. Muhammrd

Narlz, tou of Ch.

Gbulam Rgsul.

12.{.00 -do-

-do- -do-



























7TE -do- -do- 67,J00/.


2 3 I J

t9 l6 -do

2t -do-

IE -do-

t9 -do-

20 -do-

Pchlwan, lon of


Abdul Aziz too ofNrwab Kban.

Nur Ahmad, loa of

Nrbi Brtheh.












71rc pnuvlNclAL AssBMtLY or WBsr PAKISTaN [l2rA tune, 1968


Namcs aod other particulars of thc percons who ofrcred highest

bidr during thc eecond auction hcld at Chak No' 293, on

28th April, t96?, with the price offcred by thcm io cach case'


S. No. Lot No. Arca of the



Name of tbe

highcst biddcr.

Highost bids









A. K. M.

24-2-0 Abdul Aziz, son of

Nawab Khen.

25-0-0 Ndor Ahmad, son

of Nabi Bakbsb.

25-0-0 Muzafrar Shah, son

of Saidan Shah.

24-5-15 Kamal Shah, son ofSatbi Shah.

13-5-15 Rabmet Ali, son of

Kbulbi Muhammad.

24-5-15 -do-

26-A-n Muhammad Ghani,

ron of Nabi Bakhrh.





61,453/ t 3










7 1,30,375/-


2 3 4 5



25.0-00 hazal Karim, lon of l,l?,500/.Ifassan Khan.

210.m Luqman Shab, 80!of Rukrn Alam



25-G00 Nrzir Ahmad, .onof Nabi Bathsh.


25-0-00 Earkat Ali, ron ofOnar Din.








,, " -rA

APPENDIX II(Rcf : Starrcd Qucstion No, 12592)


Sorial Nemc of Company


No ofpormits


Nanc of Route

I M/s. N Sarhad cw Transport Co. Gunjmandi,


2 M/g. Kbrrian Bus Servicc Limited, Kharain'

3 M/s. Rizwan Transport Scrvicc, 1585, Dcrns Stroet,


4 M/s. Pindi-Hazara Transport Co. Limited,


5 Amjad Transportation Co. 65/A, Fcrozepur Road'


3 Rrwalpindi to Laborc.



Rawelpiudi to Lyallpur via Gujranwala























M/s. Sber-e-lslam Bus Service Registercd Pul

Shah Nazar, Rawalpindi.

M/s. New Pclvcz llus Scrvice Registered, The Mall,Wah Cantt.

M/s. Aslam Transport Co. Ganjmandi of New

Hazata Goods Forwarding Agency, Rawalpindi.

M/s. Kohisar Corporation Registered, C/7 Satcllite

Town, Rawalpindi.

l0 M/s. Anwar Traosport Co., Rawalpindi.

ll M/s. Mirza Transport Co. Registcred, C/I587 Sabri

Building, Saddar Bazat, Rawalpindi

M/s. Burhan Transport Service Limited, The Mall,

Wah Crntt

M/s. Ncw Motors Service, Limited Liaqat Road,


M/s. Kamran Transport Scrvice, Edwards Road,




Rawalpindi to Tarbcla vig Battian-Ghurighashti.


I Rawalpindi to Abbotabad via Lora.


I Rawalpindi to Jabbar Derwash vla Rcwat.


2 Wah Cantt.-Sialkot via Wazirabad.

I Rawalpindi-Siallot via Wazirabad.



2l4 Ditto.



2 3 4

M/s. Uppal Transport Rigistered, 3612 Parade

Road, RawalPindi"

M/s Haroon Bus Service, Registered, Circular Road,


M/s. New Gujranwala Bus Service, Gujranwala'

M/s. Cheema Transport Co.. Registered, IMazirabad,

District Gujranwala.

M/s. Afzal and Brothers Transport Registered, Bazar

Kharadian, Gujranwala.

M/s Rahim Bukhsh Pehalwan Transport Co.

Talwandi Rahwali, Gujranwala.

M/s. Mailsiphon Bus Service, Registered, Qaid-

abad Colony.

M/s. Tanweer Bus Service, Registered, Small

lnousuiss, Estate, Gujranwala.


I Gujrat to Lahore.

Gujranwala to Karial Kalan via Naushcra



I Gujranwala to Qaidirabad.
























23 M/s. Ne.w Kisan Bus Service Registered. Mohallah

Baban Bukhari, Hafizabad, District Gujranwala.

24 M/s. Chenab Valley Transport Service, Registered


2i M/s. Iftikbar Transport Co. Gujranwala.

M/s. Ncw Partez Bus Service, Regd., The Mall,

Wah Cantr.

M/s. Kamran Transpor t Service, Bank Road,


M/s. Union Transport Service, Ltd., llS-Ravi Park,


M/s. Wasiq Transport Co. Krishan Nagar No. 7,


I Kalo Tarar-Gujranwala via Hafizabad.

Gujranwala-sialkot via Ghuenk'.


I Ditto.


2 Kst Nikka.-Naushera

Bhattian. Jalalpur-Nau


Virkan via Pindi










M/s. Khalid Transport Co. Regd., Gujranwala. Ditto.

M/s. Highway Transport Co., Rcgd., Rawalpiudi. 2 Sialkot-Lahore via Sambrial.



3t 2 Ditto.

2 3{o19












32 M/s Midway (Pakistan) Limitcd 10, The Mall,


33 M/s. Friends Transport Socicty Limited G'T' Road,

Lala Musa.

34 M/s. Ncw Shaheen Tronsport Co' Registcrcd


35 M/e. Friends Transport Society Limited G'T' Road'

Lala Musa.

36 Ditto'

3't M/s. Faran Transport Co. Registered, lr uslimabad,


38 M/s. Hilal Bus Servicc Limited, Gujrat.

39 M1s. Friends Transport Society Limited G.T. Road,

Lala Musa.

40 M/c. Mughal Mujahid Co. Registered, Rasool.

I Kharian Cantt. to RawalPiodi.


2 Chakwal to Sialkot via Wazirabad.

1 Kharian Cantt. to Gujrat.

Local Omnibus within Kharian Centt,

Gujrat to Tanda via Jalalpur Jattan.

Gujrat to Tanda via Jalalpur Jattan.

Kharian Cantt. to Lahore.

Serai Alamgir to Mandi Baha-ud-Din via

Kharian Dingar.








rg. j:'.i '?+

4l Hamid Bus Service, Mianwali

42 New Indus Transport, Lahore.

43 Bhakhar Transport Co, Bhakkar.

Salt Range Transport Co., Sargodha.

Tariq Ismail Transport Co., 19, Birdwood Road,


Ncw lttefaq Transport Co., Badami Bagb, Lahorc.

Mlanwali to WAPDACamp Kundian.

Mianwali to Talagrng

Bhakkar to Karor via

Scrai Krishana.

Unchhati to Rawalpindi

Lahorc to D.G. Khan.

Lahore to Bahawalnagar

yia Kasur Dcpalpur.


Lahorc to Bahawalnagar

vra Sahiwal. Arifwala,Kabula.

Lahore to Haroonabad










47 Khokhar Transport Service 93, General Bus Stand, Registered

Badami. Bagh, Lahore.

Anwar Transport Co,, 679, Shadbagb, Lahore. Do.

49 Rcbman Transpcrt Scrvice, 14 - A, Peoples Colony,


50 Malik Hayat Khan Transporr Co., Villago Gulliaua, stcrcd Regi

Dirtrict Lahorc.


rtr,4,,tr, -



Lahqro to Halla

.r :tri:1,' . 11..











- r.l








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