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i e n n l C irrta K tN A rrirM a t M r a . h T ta p w ie East A frica , ta

I c f l i ftperatiMS.



t*fa U «•M ak, a eaeaw atel Raalataaea. ■ r it lih r ira tM a T a lta ,« a taRallCTa M a l a k l a c ^ m k R a ia e n HakarR- iBk P ra»#M 4 D catraetlaa a f Jakaa* aa sk a rc Mlaaa—Rakarta laaRa * a v - pllaa kaatk.

LONDON, April It.-Tha arriyat o f Oaa- aral Carriofton at Balra. Fortukuaae Eaat Africa, and a raltaratlDH of the report that tba Boara Intend blowing up the Johannea- burt mlnaa are liami of nawa that mark to-da,'* war cable,.

Waeka muat alapaa bafore Ocneral Car- riniton will ba able to concentrate hie force on the bordera o f the Tranavaal or approach Uafeklnf. According to a ru­mor in clreulalloo at Lourenio Marquee, a Boer force haa been aent to Intercept Qeneral Carrlniton, but It la not tbouiht to be of auBIclent atrancth to cauao annletp,

Feara fa r tba Mlwaa.The Natal Mercury la reaponalbla tor the

renewed tear, conceminc the mlnea, pilnUnc accounta from newly arrived ref- ugaaa, aaylng elaborate preparation, for the dealructlon of all the- Jobannaaburc aliutta have been carried on under the au- parvlelon of the State mlnln( enkinear, who la allefed to have' requIalUoned all the copper wire In the toam for tba pur- poae of maklnt connections

The Bloemfontein dlapatchee remain full of trivial detalla, but are abaolutely allent aa to the future.

Aooordlnjt to a dlapatch from Ladr- amlth, dated to-day, the Boara are much dliconcarted by the praaont condition of alfalrt. Their fortlflcatlona and torcae, numberinc about lS,on men. are apread over ridkea In contemplation o f a Brltlah advance throufh the Waachbank Valley, north o f Ladyamlth, which baa not been occupied. The Boer patmla are very ac­tive and are conatantly laylnk trapa.

SeBdlaw Paod fea lk arard .Haavy ralna Impede the movementa of

the Britlah column,. The blockade of Wepener contlnuea. altboukh relief la near. Laik* quantitiea o f atoraa axe be- Ink movad aoutbward from Bloemfontein, which la a reveraal o f tha couraa of frelcht for the lael elx weeke. Thece ehlp- menu arc made neoeeiary by the opera- tione In the eoutheaet of the Free StaU.

There are k m rick In the field hospitala, moat o f the caaea batnk of dyaantary and enteric fever.

Accordlnt to Boer raporta there ta a ateady flow of forelkn volutneera to the Tranavaal. Hitherto tbeee adventurcra have been attached to the varloua com­mandoes Now, U ta aald, they are to ba formed Into s apeclal leclon, with con­tinental ofllcers and there la a rumor that the oommapd will be klven to a dlatln- kulibed French toldler, lately retired, who la now In the Tranavaal. or la near- Inf the end o f the Journey thither.

A proclamation laaued at Cape Town to-day allowt tradink between Ca]

Orante Free State to be leeumed- A patrol o f Cape poUoa near Boahof yea-

terday captured two.Boera. aojne oaeo. wftkona and two hundred head o f cattle.

Two Oermans who reoantly arrived at Ckpe Town, have been aentenoed to a yearia impriaonmant for bavinr auapicloua poaaeirion o f 100 ritliea and 000 cordlta cartridges


R aw Started at M eatkawevy, Ala,, W h ere Ike Repaklleana Wave

■ebedalad ta Meet—Oae Maa W oaadcd .

MONTGOMBRY. Ala.. April 1».-A row among tba delegataa io the Republican convention etarted before the body had baan callad to order. After a tcene of great excitement, accompanied by aume aboot- Ing, In which one man waa aerloualy hurt, tba Oovernor cleared both facUona out of tba Btata Heuat Building and grounda.

Tha eonvenllon waa acheduled to meat at U o'clock, but a rule for the admlialon o f only unconteated delegatet cauted con- fualon and delay. OaatomScolt, a Vaughn jiian, of Montgomery, waa at the rear door guarding It when Moragne, who had beenapiulntcd aeigeant-at-arma by a -----Jorlty of the Hxecutlve Committee, mended admlUaneo end waa refueed.

A quarrel followed and Moragne ahot Scott In tba band and breaat, Scott made no eflort to ahoot. Thli atarted a great uproar. Moragne waa taken to the Qov- ernoi-a office, where he wee when Taylor Scott, a brother of the wounded man, ran to the outride door of the office and fired two Shota down the hall, but hit no one. tf* wa» ftopp*d quitted by byitafid-

*'Afler the Slate Houae had been cleared the Bingham faction went to Doraett Hall and the Vauthn aide to the Auditorium where at 1 o'clock, the two conventlona were In a e a a l o t i . ________ _



a M U q ; b e E ifu iM l H i i

S d f e C a n it t e e at tke l a a r i at TraAe T »4a j .


g k a a n A R. F sidar, W ho Wka Aaatal- a a l Dl»a«tae*®«“ *™* • ! «ka P k tls - A olpk ls B xport R apaaltloa, T alks la Ike Camatltlaemew—P ark Cana* m lsalaa OCara W aveVly P ark W Itk A kaat Tw eaty-A ve Aerea la AMdl- tlaa .

HAYAL M I L WSCUSSION,CoBBlderatlaa a f tfca AppraprlallciB

M easara RraaaacA la tka Uoaac. la tka geaalc.

WASHINGTON. April U.-When tha Houae resumed the conalderatlon of the Naval Appropriation bill to-day a point of order, railed by Mr. Cannon, chairman of the ApproprUtlona Commit­tee, waa pending egalnal the appropriation of |S0,M0 tor the Naval Academy at An- napolii. Deelrion upon It eras waived temporarily and iba aectlon relating to ocean and lake lurveys which waa paaaed over yeaterday, waa taken up under an arraagemint for an hour's debate on each aide, . „

When the Senate convened to-day Mr. Penroae (Pa.) reported rrom the Commit­tee on Comroeroe a Mil to provldo for the conatructlon of a revenue cutter at Phlla- 'delphla at a coal of tM.Mb and U waa paaaed.

A MU relating to the allowanoa o f og- cepUoni waa paaaed.

Mr. Chandler offered and aecured tbk adoption of a reaolutton directing the Comnrittce on Friptlng to Inveitlgate tta compilation and publication o f the work "Meaaagea and Papera of the PreaWenta, the reault of the permlaalan glvan to pri­vate parions to uie the atereotyped plataa, the dletribution of copies of the work, tte copyrighting of the work aqd all material facta relktlbg to the compilation o f It-

For Porto Blaaa OmTameat.WASHINGTON, April U .-Tbe Forsker

irovldlng for

With tha proepect of the firal aerloui work on the project before them, the mem­ber, o f tba egpanded Plan and Scope Com- mlttao of the tnduatrial Eipotillon of Itog met In the Board of Trade rouma Ihia afternoon. There waa a repre.enlative at­tendance, and a hrarty aontlment to raaki the Mg ahow a auccasa was manlteiiod.

Aa tha mambara aaaamWed they war, greeted by the Newark ropreaentativoa on tha commitlea and by P. T. Quinn, aecra- lary, and James M. Reilly, aariatant sec­retary of the local Board o f Trade Prior to the meeting the attention of many of the vUltora waa directed to a mep of the Weequahic Park reservation, the uie of which the Essex Park Cbrarolaaton h,ia offered for the expoaltloa. Those who ex­amined the map seemed favorably Im­pressed with the advaniagea afforded by ihc renervRllon Tor Uy® ilt# of 1*0 expoil-

*%"he meeting was called to orter by Chester R. Hoag, o f Newark, chairman of the original Plan a ^ ^ P e Commit­tee, and, after the roll had been called, he announced that the permanent organisa­tion of the committee waa in order.

Mr. RIkev Ckoaow Cfcklaasaa. Richard C, Jenklnaon. o f Newark, pro-

poaed for pernsinant chalrgaan Chandler W. R llc e r ---------------------------------------------

hla city, according Io population and wealth, would make an exhibit equal to that of any city In the Stata

"We couldn't want better adverllring." aald Mr. Hoff,

Pater Kgenoff, of KUaabeth, aald ho be­lieved be eould pledge the manufaclur- era of that city to give the axpoaltlon hearty aupport in more waye than one.

Mr. Hoag told of a talk with School Su­perintendent OUbert, who auigaatad an educational exhibit at Mie eapoaltlon. Mr. Hoag thought It would bo a good Idea to hava such an exhibit from each city of tba State, and a day for each uUy, ax well at a horticultural exhibit, which had pre- vtoualy been auggealed by Mr. Felder.

Mr. Jenklnson went to ihe map of Wee- quiblo Park, and explained the tolio- graphical (eaturea of tha reeervatlon, eay- Ing that Mb acres oouU be obtained If de- aired, though ha blmaelf, did not beUeve In atringlng out tha building over too great an area.

Mr Jenklnaon went to aay that with the cheap fare, which could be obulned from (he rellroada ho could ae« no reaaon why an average daily attendance equal lo that at the Philadelphia Kxpoattlon could not ba obtained. In conclualon Mr, Jenkln­aon paid a -fribule to Mr. Mkar. who, be believed, wee one of ibo moat anlorprUlng men In the city.

Jamea C. McCoy voiced Perth Amboy a hearty approval of the projaot, and George W, Jessup echoed tbeee aentlmanti for Camden. A. Hawea. of Hoboken, apoke In a similar atraln. Jamea Eaobarlas aald that while Aibury Park waa not a mami- facurlng place. It would do all It could to help on the exposition.

Uf- Horji th* to oriinlMlocal Plan and Scope Commltteea In Ihelr reapectlve cltloe, so as to work up enlhu- alaam and to advance the project locally aa much as poaalble. This auggcatlon was favorably received.

M. Lujanovlls. o f Boonton. aald that hla town aent eieuralona every summer to seaside reaorta. Which In UOl would visit the Industrial Exposition. Ha added thet Boonton wanted faetorloa an* he. was dls- poaed lo regard the exporitlon as a way In which they could be obtained for the


U n i t i f A p t M w t W hicL it is Ei> p e c te i i M r i i f W irk s i m I Lack*

a w a a a a W ill E iecite .


Only Oeawral Featarra PrwvlAoA fay la tka PrapaaitlOB—W hale Coat, Bx* eopt that iBoarved la PrartdlB R a T h ird Mala T rack , la Ba LaaaFod aad Savaaty-Sve Per Oaat. a f It Mai hy tha CaaipaBy aad tka RsUaaaa by tka City—Cllleeaa aa d RaaaTlUa Im pravaaseat A ssoelallaa W ill Op* paaa F laa at A srecaaeal.

There were axpraariona of ap-

town.Mr Jesaup polntad out that the eirosl-

tlon would hava a peculiar value In Indi­cating to vliltora the exceptional sdvan- inges for manufacturing possessed by the

* The meeting then adjourned subject lo the cal of the chair.

Some of the repreaentstlvea on Ihe com­mittee were as follows:

City of Newark-Rlehard C. Jenklnson, Kllsha B. Qaddla. Chandler W. Hiker. Chester R. Hoag, W. W. Ogden, Edward p. MmtiT.

Trenton-Welllng G. Sickle, Edward B. Dolton, O, Q. Bowman.

A plan o f a supplemental agreement be­tween the city and tha Lackawanna Rail­road Company for the depraaalon of the company's tracks through tha RoeevlUe section was practically decldsd upon by tbs Street Committee of tha Board of Works at its mcctlna held yeaterday.

It will be submitted to tho raUroad offi­cials by the counsel of tha'company,Flavel MoOee, who attended the raeeffing yeater­day, and In the abaencs o f any objection from that source will. It la agpected, be ratified by the commlttea at a apeclal maetlng to be held to-morrow. It will then be reported to the tniard to be added as an amendment to the ordinanoe for track ele­vation east of High iireat now pending.

Possibly Ihe muat dlstlncUve faature of tba draft of narcement, which la hulU upon a draft prepared by City Counsel price and Mr, McOea, la that It leaves the detalla of the work to be settled by tha company nnd the city by a further agree­ment at a time when tha Morris Canal be­ing out of the way U ahall ba possible lo bi«ln Ihe work.

In other words. It ta an agreement to agree In so fat aa this partlcuL phaaa of the subject la concerned. Tho reason for this, aa given by the com- ipis.loners- Is the dUteronCi In opinion be-


Seqael lo m P erth Aaiboy B lapem eai ■aem lagly B ade Hallefaatorlly

ta A ll Coa.-eraed,William Wolgaa. eighteen yean old, of

Perth Amboy,, who, aa told In yeatar- day'a NEWS, la alleged lo hava sloped ftoai that city with tha wlfa of his older brother, Andrew, sraa arraigned on the Utter's eomplalnt In tha Third Precinct Police Court this morning. Mrv Wolgaa waa alao arraignad on complaint of her husband,

Tha alleged alopara aro aald to htvo baan living at II Van Buran atraat.

Touag Wolgag waa arraatad on Tuaiday night at that aUdroaa and Mrs. Wolgaa at the same placa yeatarday.

Judge Bchalk, through a Polish Inter- preter, questioned the prlaonera, who were act backward In odmtltlng that they were guilty of (ha charge, though not aaked whether they were or not

Mrs. Wolgaa aald aha waa vary sorry aha bad left her husband, and Iba lattar. who was In court, said that ha would withdraw the compUInta It hla wife would ratum to their home In Perth Amooy. She said she WHS willing.

Judge Schslk lectured young Wolgaa and the latter said he would alay away from his brother's home In future.

Mr. and Mrs. Wolgaa departed from the courlnKMn irm In irm . theywould so hRck to Forth Awhoy on tho nni twin lo k ire Ntwarli fnT th il cUy*


V oorhees, S ew ell, la r p h y afld G om m ere Elected

D eleR ate$ -8 t-lirt[e to Philadelphia.



The Body a f a « I'Bkaeern Nbb FobbA Im th* Wrnv Ihe S w l«»

m la g leh a sl.The dead body o f an unknown man waa

found In tha Passaic River In front of the swimming school o f W. J> Ores son, Riverside avenue, this morning. It waa In an advanced stage of decomposition and apparently had been In the water for a long tlma

Stephan Bailey, of Wakeraan avenue, and two companions were out In a rowboat whaa they ••• body wedged In be-

They Tried Ineffeclualty to Up­set the Compromise Made

by Which the Senator Withdrew.

B R IE F P L A T F O R M A D O P T E D .

, 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ ! .V ‘ ! ' ■ sL' ' L' r A ' IuNEW J E R S E Y ’ S D E L E G A T E S -A T -L A R G E TO J H E R EP U B LIC A N N ATIO NAL CONVENTION^ ;;

PrealdeBl MrKlaley, OovarBar Yaav- ha*a, Ike Leglalatare aad tka Ha- pabllraa Daleaalloa la CaBgraaa Praised aad Ike Baartaseal of a Law Deasaaded la that Aaaarlaaa- kalll Shlisa May Regala Ike C arry lag af Foralwa Coatasataa—Trlbola Paid ta tka Meaeory af tka Late Vlce-Presldeat llafcart — Ckalrataa joh asaa ’a Ipcaek Warmly A»*laad- rd aad Stata Lcadars Wildly t'karrrd—Waat Oraaga Raa Triad ta Start a Roam tar Jadga Fart far Vlaa-Praaldrat.

resolution providing for the admlnlatra- tlon at civil affairs In Porto Rico panffiM the appointment of permanent olllelaia under the recently passed Potto Rico law

appointment ___w u puM d by the wiiftt® UHShy.

H F n PEE U T E S M SESSIOK.A ecept R eatgaatloa o f BU kep doek*

ssa , o f Alabama—Caaslder Batab* llahm aat o f Hew DIaeeaes.

NEW YORK. Aprii U .-Nearly flfty Olahcpa o f the Proteatanl Bplaaapal Church began a secret

1 tha Tiaijnio "aiiifaiv, hc:aearion to-day In >

that tbs chief object o f the conference waa td detetmlna on the tastaiJton c l Bishop fUnry Jackson, fcM er Ooadlator Bishop of the dlodaaa of Ahtbaraa.

Bishop Jaokaon raaigned early this year. Hli conduct both before his reslgnatton and afterward wag euch » » to cauM good deal o f comment. Ordinarily the resignation o f the Blahop would come up before a meeting at the House of Blahopa, hut, ta new of the clrcumatancee aur- rounding the preeect c a « . the present teuion of Blehopa was called to act on the oaae.

Another ImporUnt dlicuirian to bo bad io the seiiloti la the eatabUahment o f a Bishopric In Honolulu, Hawaii. The question of the future eatabUahment of Blahoprica In Porto Rleo and Cuba irill also be taken up.

Bishop Doane. o f Albany, wag the pre­siding official and at 1 o’clock Blahop Pot­ter was the heat at a lunch at the Flsyeri'

quea. It aaya that a telegram waa re- C l u b , o f which ho la a member.calved from Commandant Wlntemrbach, _________ _ ™ -at Komatt Poort, aaylng that tho BrtUah W tu r a i K nY tllB IT L A L had lumndered. "

Anothar Boer-report aaya that Com- raxodant Froneraann chased aU British troops across the river In tha direction of AUwal North, capturing aereral prison erf.


LONDON, April U,—A report comes from Boer eoUTcaa that Wepener has tallan. It Is not confirmed hy the War Qfflca, and Is not baUavad bare. Nevsr- tbeleaa It has earned- consUerable anx­iety, aa little ta known aa to tho condi­tion o f tha Bkftlson under Colonel Dnt- gatty.

The report cornea from Lou ten so Mar- telegram waa “


OB tk* A vlvnl •( <>** Caattagaai at Fratorta Badatea W axa To»a 0 «

aad Maaaera Tabaa.LONDON, Aprtr U-—According to • dli-

patch to Tha Dally Mall from Louranao Marques, nearly half tha members o f the Chicago ambulance corps, when offered Mausan on thalr arrival at Pratorla, tors off t h ^ Red Croat badges.

Adalbert i . Hay, Uolted Btatea Conaul,' notified the Tranavaal Oovemment that he muat report tha dreumaunoe to Wash, toslon*

WASHINGTON, April U.—Uolted SUtaa Consul Hay, at Pretoria, has notified the State Department by cable o f the reported action o f tha mambari o f the Chicago am­bulance corps. In taking up arms In the Boer army, Instead o f continuing with the hospital carps to which they had pledged themaehrea upon -JeAvtaig tha Unttad ■tatea. ; _

Apparent^' tha Portuguaaa autboritlea at Loranao Marques had doubts aa to tba aqiual neatrallty o f thaM.man, for the party Wat datalnad many ddya at tha port twftws tbw wara aUowod to preoead over the railroad to Pragqria. The dig- patchaa stated that a letter fMm JHIas Barton turned the tide In thato^^nm Mlaa Barton whs ggld to b c n ^ M c I ia ii that certain membera o f tha party wata known ta her and bellevad to ba golni un­der true eolora.>Tha,oawaW haia m (hat nothtag oan

M doaaa fay a a OorartKiiant to pfovaot ggfh *»BDr .aa-ATs r ^ r t a dOmm man did not gaoo i wMk WaWffirt Ml did not futffil tha

, ■%, Which ia« .^ h ffifA r in s y e * the U n l^ BtatW4Hmw^,l?k'|W»TWd O atadapa^

gu^diAtiag ■■ " " _ iW ’ tdt


W ill Ba Aaked ta Attend tha A anaal Baenaapmaat a t Okl-

* aaga.CHIC^AGO, April U-—Spain's Minister ta

tba United States, tho Duka D'Arcoa, la to ba Invited lo attend tbe thirty-fourth annual national encampment of the G. A. R., to b« held In Chicago in AuguaL

William H. H. Harper. eieouUve dl- reetor o f tha local commlUee, aald that the invitation would ba forwarded In a tew days An acceptance la expect^ not- wlthatandlng the fact that a « Duka waa irritated hy the receipt of a request that he attend tha Dawey celebration.


Coaaeni 1a Fravlda llnterlBlBa.eBta^ af All darts.

Papera of incorporation o f the Metropoli tan English Grand Opera Company were recorded a i tha County Clerk’s office yee- Urday. The principal office is at MS Main atrael. Bast Orange. The objects of tha corporation are to catty on the builnoaa of thaatra proprtelota and managers, and in particular to pW vlde^r the production, repreaenutfam and performance of o p a ^ it4 fi plsyifvlllot, ‘batlau, pantomlmaa. ipadtaoular piecea. promenade and^otber conchrta and other mualoal and drainntlc performanejw and entsrtalsmentt. Th« ‘carry an the bualnees of thextrioxl agents, with ail, thatlmpUM. »-

IXsue;eaiAlAl.dll«dk of IffMM). (UridM Intoim Bdf wala* d YBd asalL

la la ti.iiO*i Ofa i ^ f c t " ^ * i l . Oaprtn, of W

W kt Oraaga, auhaertl^•hares t td C. Frederick Smith ai^ . ward fl. MawWa* o f the earn* addiaeSr ana each- . . , ^- The Seoaotlnp Cokipany Incofpmmtioh w Ir wmlam ^Henry T. MAO*'aad wnuam H. Hoyi, allof Mlllbum arii 'tt* Incorporators. W *Object of tha company Ja to liquid gtaa. The M«al stock U WUttt, dMdad Into L W xhaiaa, a f the par trtAA rtW aach - ____

T . W . C. A . COdVBlrtrWll.

thalr ( , „wM m w lB an opaw i ,, e|M **|hgW ® w *M H ^

rto r i

lU .

Bavr Ta*H f ’ Haw Jaraay tferi*___________Ta daielatB, __

Tbs t*n th .s l«w l- pamwn of ^bnd Mew *«a ey «u te Baw d at

Young Womeifii Christian AiaomAgldBa wag i M i f i *1 « a feed rooma.d ftaU g ion a l Hi Court atraat thla


proval end, there being no nppotltion, Mr. Biker wta elected uruinlmouily.

Aa Mr. Hiker wts absent, being de­tained by Important bualnoif. Mr. Hoag was ch o«n to preside temporartly.

Ms Hoag then Introduced Edmund A. FeMer, assistant director-general o f tho Philadelphia Export Eipoaltloo. held last falL who made an address upon expoal- tlons In general and the one projected In

**Vr.*Prider leferrod to the benefits which Atlanta had derived from the expoiltlona held there. He declared that the later prosperity of Atlanta dated from the eg- poaltlan held In UM. when the place vraa apparently on the verge o f a eotlapae. As a reault o f the eipoeltlon the markets of the merchante and manutaoturara o f the city had widened and the population has groam graatly.

Omaba'a aiperlanca, Mr. Falder de­clared, had been similar, and other cities In that region were preparing to follow Its exampla.

A W ide geopa FavmreA.An exhibition In thla city, Mr. Felder

tald, he beUeved would be a much creatm ■ucceta it not reitrtctad In its icopa rt mere Bute lines, Ha aald that ho be­llevad that It would be nacaasary for the projectors to ralaa not lass than |l.(l»,oa). but he was of the opinion that It tho affair wars properly managed there would be not Itaa than i.«0,(IOa paid sdnaBBlons-

The prime requialtca for gueoees," con­tinued Mr. Felder, "are to get a united town, a united press, aad to keep the ex- poctUOD outside of poUUoo.’ ’

In reply lo a quealion by Mr. Hoag. Mr. Falder aald that from what ha could Judge of tba proposed alto—WaequahIo Park--ha deemed It to he an aioellant location, Mr. JtitiklnMiL Inquired wtiMt )ia(I bwn tn« largHit attendance at tbs Fklladslpbla Ex- JloalUon In any one day.

"About B.OOO," replied Mr. Felder."Well, with our preaent street car fa-

cilltiea," remarked Mr. Janklnoon, ’ ’wa can transport ».«*# peo^e to and from tha grounda aailly In a day,"

Old W averly Paaig Offered.In reapense to a su«estloii by Mr. Hoag,

W. W. Ogden aUUd that the Park Com- alsaloA bad offered the use o f the old Waverly Farit, with about twonty-flva aorea a the north In addition.

"ThaiPark Commlaalon," added Mr. Og­den, •'•aama lo ba heartily In sympathy with the project and willing to do all in Its power to adranoe I t "

Jeeaph McManus, o f BUtabetb, Inquired about a a hotri faclUUea to accommodatf a a flood.of vlaltora. ,

"I undoriund,’’ aaia Mr. Hoag, "that that matter will ba tafeon oara of. Ana even If we caiy gat those paraona who ort dlnarily whla twnmih Newark to New Titiv t t tUv oS thft Xt willIILR Liwt hvlp.'*

Hr. Hoag annoSBoad that a tsle^OTS I t '— f~ JiMt raoalvad frtmi Mayor Hooa, o f Jersey City, adviaed a o acoeptaoca o f tba appemtaHat to repreaent that ««• gdciliBMQr OB tM committee of tbe loi'

Hobart H, Jamlnffs. Andrew X Ootcoraa ■hd Briiert J. SOtpaon. . ^

iH fH tdB xw x wM that It w m ed to h l n ? W the a itia l step In tha mattw ■hoffid ha a a ratring o f a g u a ia n ^ and. b IhaMifat O at the sum pledged should not ba lass Oan IWflSw. Mr added that ha aun>aaad thj o f a stack oMHimiy would ^way In which tc'atA rt In addlrion Mr.HoManua aald that ha ballavad tha deara papmatlon In am aacUon of

tha baltaf that a a axpcalthm, m M jTwaaM be a auccaag- ,HiMg ralntad a oonvaraatloB irtth

HOkr vrtitch took pl*ca a few days I W m i i e r » * ruMarkrt HeA.a BMHffixttW that » « » , « • waa

' tha;ffrfl!Htfil6n, 'M r . - S ^ a « t ^

Ellaabath-Pater Eganolf. WUUam Rankin, Joseph McManua

Camdan-Oeorge W. Jcaaup. Dovai-^Froderick B. Rlchardatm.North Plalnfleld—Pater A. Emmona Bridgeton—Thomas 8. Hoff.Perth Aro-boy—Jamaa C. McCoy. Montotali-C. W. Bsndford. Morrlatown-Charlea W, Ennis, Charles

B. Ennta.Summit—Chaglaa 8. Day. rrsehold-W . H. Ingllng.Boonton—U. Lujanavtta.Asbury Park—Dr. Bruce B. Kcator. Newton—George A. Williams. Burlington—Thomas H. Birch.


A rrlraa In Jeraer C ity aa Bta W'ay ta Patersan ta TIatt Mrs,

H obart.Special Dlspatcb'to the NEWS.

JERSEY CITY, April U.—A large crowd waa In the Pennaylvanla Railroad Depot here a is afternoon to' ace Precfdmt Uo- Klntay come In from Waahlngton on hla way to Paterson. The train which brought tbe President from Washington waa flfteen minutes late and could not. aaretore, reach Jersey City until 1:08

M.Station Master Kiefer am nged affairs

to that when the President arrtveil in the depot a apeclal engina vraa attached to hla Washington car to take him at once to Fatataon over the Susquehanna, tracks, thus doing away w ta tha niceaalty for any change o f cars.

Crow d W a llin * at P nlorM a, FATERRON, April a .—A huge crowd Is

awaiting the arrival o f President and Mrs. McKinley this afternoon. While In tbit d ty Hr. and Mrs. HcKIntey will be the guests of Mrs. Hobart. No one has bean invited to meet them here. It la ex­pected that the President will vUiU ’ ’Hos­pital Waak," tha big baser at the armory which he opened by wire on Monday even- Ing. He will probably go aara to-morrow night Praaldent and Mra. McKinley will go to New York on Saturday aaomlng.

WABHINOTON, April 1».-The Preal- denllai party, ootiaitUng of Praaldent and Mrs.' McKinley, Mra. Hobart and her son, Oarrat A. Hobart; Dr. Blxry, ■aeretariaa Cortalyou and Barnes and a oouple of aarvwnto, left thla morning over the Penn­aylvanla roiw) tor N«w Jersey.

They aaaupled a private ear atuched to a e xaculaif U o’clodc Irtln.

FM M aot McKinley w|U leave New Yorii shortly after midnight BiiaMaE far Canton, O, He will atop over tor several houra In Washington on Monday ^ atf" Wilt and tronaact whatevar other Import­ant butinesa may await him.

tween the Enrfneer o f the city and the engineer of the railroad company aa to the depth of the cut to be made, and, further, a desire on the part af the preaent board not to hamper a future board by aettllng details of t work that cAnnot be begun for aoma yeara yet.

Asked by Commissioner Herr what me city could do If. after present obstacles should he removed, the company should fell to agree on details. Colonel Price re­plied that the matter could be taken Inm the Chancenr Court, which could decide o f Itself what plan should be pursued in tha work. In order that Juatlc* might be done to both parties.

M eCarter Plan a f A pportlanm enl. A noaer feature Is the adepUnii of the

McCarter bill plan o f apportlonroetit, whewby the whole coet ts luiiipe<l *nd aeveftty-flve per cent, met by the com­pany and the balsnce by tho city. The company, however, la obliged to pay Itsrif whatever expense may ba liiourrod In the vacation of a portion of the thoroughfare through which U runs. In order that It may lay a third track, and In the purchass o f additional land so that the width of the street for public use shell not ba laasened,

Wharavar, In order to carry out this faatuie, a e company flnda that It cannot purchase land at a reasonable price, tne city wlU Inatltute condemnation proceed- Itiga,- But tho coat ol the procaodlnga and ot course the damaged awarded .mere- under will bo paid by the company.

Permission Is alao given to the Com­pany to lay a side track from a point near Eighth avenue to the east side of NeghUt street,crossing Clifton avenue and Hssbitt ftreei about on tho exlsttkg grade o f tboea itreeta. ^

Finally It la provided that the work shall bo completed within three years after tho removal of the Morris Canal and the eon- ctuslOT of the agreement ns to detalla, to which reference has been made.

There waa practically no dlscuaalon at tha masting as to a e general features of tho proposed agreement. Apparently all a o members ot the committee were sttls- f l^ to ttls regard. Tho only queetloni wMdl arose were as lo phroseology, and tha only.obangrs that were made were In tWa negard. The proposed agreement In full followa:

The A greem ent."Thla agreement made ibis —...... day

o f n i n e t e e n hundred, betwreen a e

tween several pllea, where It probably had been caniod by tho Side. They se­cured It with a ropa and then notified tho Second Precinct police. Officer McMInn wea aent tc guard the remains until It was rsmoved to Mullln’s morgue by the orders of County Physician Washington.

Tbs body Is apparently that of a man about forty yeara old. He wore a black coat and a pair o f dark iroussra. The ololbfs wore of a heavy mate rial and ■eemed to have been quite new. The shoes were also In good condition. They were not laced up. The man had a small dark mus­tache, half o f which was missing.

•BEK d a m a g e s f o r HORSK'S KICK

dsMu miJl W i MklFi ***'U kAYk Ad

hL k ’l llW Mho taMrtllY■ .--a - -wSx^aA rd sangh-w

l h w t b b fo u n d g u il t y .

VartUst Im Cmae a f Mam AeonaaS a l F lr ta s m B am .

A varHot o f guilty was returned In a a .QuAHsr Baaalotts Court this aftsmoan by a a Jury sitting In a e case ot Jordan B. Layrtar, who was placed <m trial yaaUr. day for Arson. Chester Alexander was alao thdlotad v n a Lawter. but, as told In a a NEWS, tuntad SUta’a avldenoe. Lawter will be aentenced next week-

Aecordlng to Alexander’s story Lawter set tka to a t bam »• • Delaney atreet, wMeh h i ranted, on tha nlffbt o f March A In ordac to gat an Inauranoa o f IIB uffiwh ha had on tha contents,

Lawtar dantad tho charge, and hla coun- aal. H.,Dosbarty. callad a e v ^T l t n n " who Uattflad mat Alogsadsa waS tt i* t « them that Lawtar was not

^ ^ t ^ he had aet fl»a j» 0 « h s »

Q [ flTneUNCIh d llU lU il'k ie LiwawwiBr wasmMapaa and common Council of the ^ y of NawijA by Its Board o f Street and Water Conunlaaloncre herainatter called the city, a e party of the flrat part, and tho Morris A ^ Htaak Railroad Company, a corpora- tton « t New Jertey, and tho Delaware. lACkawaiUia and Weatem Rullroatl Com- pA iar^ AorporatlOA o f PemaylvanUi, Its

, harelnafter called the companies, Of a a second port, wltnes«th: ifsas The main Une of the railroad .and eperated by the parti of ibe

w.n rriaTjl Mirt, croiia®! th® StAt* of N®w Jer- aay from the Hudson River to the Dela- wxra River and enters and poaaoa arough thg.ottp o f Newark; eroaalng moat of Its gtyaam a i grade, and haa bean ao located andTSwatructed for upward o f forty

^^Snkarata. The city, for a e purpose of laovO g greater safety to peraona and

arty aereln and to faclllato tba con- ■ttOB and maintenance o f other aa n

Ja araaalngs of struta and highways, la dwdroua that lha companies shall ehatqpr aa lr tracks through aald cltjf by

tiiem from A polnl ofto the pxaaalc River, ao that

cro*a th® Atroot* In that t*iTl- torv frrOVerhfid bridfM «r»d br tfopnii*'

weot o f Hlfh tb® w®Al otLy Hnilt* o f tbo dty

oL'lSipnflc ■<> ttfo tti liv thottrack! kyoTodieftd krid««: aiw . . . .

^Wheieee, By an act tntitlad An act to a a tE sS t any cJty of ikia Btata to anUr

idih raUToad oompanlaashxalm m m a v iA M lA j| m

Mrs. Ilealy «Frw<m Her Knee to HerArmpll W aa B laok and B lie ."

Contributory nagUgeiicc was the de­fence to a suit foaMl»>«M damages brought In the Circuit Court to-day by Mrs. Msry Mealy and her husband, John Healy, against F. Bsllantlna A Sons, hreweri.Of the amount sued for Mra. Hesly sought fT.lOO and her huahand M,6C0 for ibo loss of her service!!.

Mrs Heely testified that on October 14. IM, she wae kicked by a horaa owned by the dtfendenis while trying to peas'It on (he sidewalk In Christie street. She swore ■he was badly injured therein. 1

Dr Georg. Ooorman teatifisd that tbs shock had produced a ’ ’gensral nervous condition.’’ «nrt that he found that from her knae to hot armpit she waa "hlackand blue." j -i.Benjamin W. Weinberg appeared for the plaintiffs, and Grunt 4:. Fog, Of New York, for the derendsnis.

M M ....................... .............................■a


Trio o f W om en T hrow ThaiaM ivea CpOB the MercyHtf ihe Coart.

In the Court of Quarter Seulona to-day, before Judge Fori, pleas o f fUlHy were tnade by Lena Schnelle, Mary Ma- hmeky and her niece, Mary Majewaky. to Indictments for Urceny and recrivlng. The accused are the shoplifters who on A ^ l 7 stole MU worth ot goods from tho Bee Hive, 'Ml-SO worth from Hanne A C o. and IB .» worth from David Straus Company. They were detected tmnafer- rtng the goods to a bag ni.a back room of a Conamercc street saloon. Hermia Bchnella, who was also arraigned on the same Indletments, pleaded not guilty.

Pleas ot guilty were also entered by William KUleen. Jr., ol Franklin Town­ship, tndloted for the theft ot •" from hta father, and by Wesler Anderson, of this city, Indhrted tor asMult and bat­tery upon Ada Reed.__________ _B IIE E TBOOP ELBCTfi ogoS-COMS,"

Oae ••»*••■» awd Three C o^ fora li ChDsesi a« Last Night’s M eellag.

The Essex Tpoop held a meeting alter the r e ^ d r t u E m t night for the pur­pose of holding elsetlona to fill vacancies among tha non-oo««laslonetf officers. Cor­poral Bertram Rosme was sleeted ^ r - geanl; Lance Corporals, W ilbur Kyle and Palmer Campbell, and Private Will­iam HolUnaon, Corpoifxl.

AB soon aa a a men dball have passed the necessary examinations they will rKelvo aelr warrants. The oommlttee In charge of tho "smokee" to be held after Qie drill next Wedneoday night reported that oil arrangementa had been completed. The affair will taka plaes In the Armory.

gpecipl Dtspatch to ths BEWA TRBN’TON, April U.-AI1 went atOng

smoothly at the Stats Republican conven­tion In the Taylor Opera Houia to-day. ■enator Kean withdrew last night from the race fur the nomination as ont of the four delegates-at-large lo the Philadel­phia convention, and that left a a field clear to Senator Sewell, Oovernor Voor- heeo, Franklin Murphy and Barker Gum- mere. They were elected by aeciamatlnn, under a suspenilon of tha rulaa, attar the Informal ballot. These alternates wars chosen: Henry J. Ilick, Burlington; John I. Blair Rellay. Warren; Hobart Wllllama, Pasamle, and Edward W, Woolley, Hu’d- Bon.

Hudson and Union counties split on the Informal ballot and recorded some votes fur Kean, but Ihe Senator would not have things that way. Ho moved to elect the other nominees by acclamation, and In that ha waa supported hy Senator Newell and Flavel McGee, ot the Hudson delega­tion. When a vote was taken, three or four men from Hudson voted In the neg­ative. They wore hissed.

An Inuqenee crowd Joffimed the Tay­lor Opera House when the Btata Re-

■ publican Convention met ahortly after noon to-day. In the orchestra sests and Ihe first gallery the delegates were seated, and near the roof were

, many spectatori aad the band. The Ks- sex delegation had front seats in ths cen­tre o f the orchestra circle, and to their tight were the Hudson, Bergen and Ocean contingents. Taken altogether U wag an enthustastlc gathering.

B ates the KsBex MeX.One ot the first tnrtlea to enter tha

hall was the Essex delegation, with Sana- lor McCarter and Major Carl Iienta In the van. Behind them marched the Ocean delegation, and then cams tho men from Hudson. Tha olhers followed In quick or­der, and at H;15 o'clock Franklin Murphy called the convention to order.

It took about five minutes for the dele­gates to got In their placaa, end (hen Rev, Dr. Haddock, chaplain o f the State Prison, opened the proceedings with pray­er. Me asked s blessing for the Resident ot tha United Btatea end other national olllelaia, ox 'amll as the Governor ot tho State, tha Commonwealth and tho con­vention. Ha pnyad for the continued proa- perUy of the Slats and country.

The call w ai next read by SectaUer

c iT ir S K i r a s o m * .

abouL" HATE „ -An unknown worn; domaattGi;

a ouiffagtaA Mr.tlja. P g y g f f ■

trfag o . ’


alihaa rnads enter their ooTporaie limits. Z S S p v aald compantea may relocate. 3 B # « elevate their rallroodt and,

---------— for thFt purpose, to va-

I jS ^ lS k r e h It, UH; andas fiowit AO Pewotlealila,

I, By * contrast beariag. even Ith, the oempahleo have agreed

j t y to forthwith - itavale their iBO-aalU tonnoey seat o f aald Of Hlsh-atroet, upon tbe terms

~ M an - willing to Oo- I Oi dM manner abovetraeki

4kg ealAlorfRory waat of aald ■ the terms

It IhallIqt raa*


A iOchro party wai held In the Domln- Kin School Hall last night for tha benefit of St. Antonlmia'a Cburcb. Seventy-five tables weaa fillad. » * -

Rav. Joseph DeueBMo subject to-nlgbi a t ) o’clock at tha Teffinawlll be “ larael'a Maul Day." To-morrow morning at 19 o’clock: "The Four Partlaa"'

An eajopabld'cenoirt and entertainment was gtven.in the redole-Memorial Church, last night under the auaplees of the Pad­dle Memorial Corps. Tho profframma In- eludS deiarttoWi ttr tho NgtlCnsl Baptist K>vs; Briffade HOHaty R a n d .o t forty gkamboix o t New York Clcyt

Mrs. Ma Bonfoy ludd w « fiv e a road lug In thb High School Anffitorluil lo- morrtfw gfitm pon g?, ” ** *ihe aaspkm o f tba Kiiffi SekSot giwninao 1 Mfiiitrtl'"’ reading SAa laen placed

S aarty hour to (wabje the High ' B ^ l atudeagg to he preeBR immadtato-

rtaatm ;


Sanator W illiam M. Johnson .Praaldlng officer of the State convention.

Augustus F, Barber, and then Mr. Murphy again stopped I* Ibe front. In accord­ance with the lime-honored cualom. he Slid, he would name the gentleman whom ho hod boon directed to name for tempo­rary chalnnon, He went on to aay that it waa the custom ta make a speech when naming an officer of the convention, but he declared that ha would not detain the delegates long. Ha made a ous remarks and then named William M. Johnson, of Bergen, as t m - porory chairman Congresaman Parks'" and Gardner ware named to escort the g«iiAtor to the otwir.

C b o lr i i i f t Job«*oA*i AAAroHt •M r , J o S w ro ib Y an ovatlom

tho Opplaoae had aubelded, ho bogan hla address. •ayti'S.b'par*; . . .••The BopubUcAn® ot S$ff unlicd, hopeful and enthuaUiaUo, No d ^ cord throatana party •ueoeaa, ^ r rtvan years ot supremacy In State POl|D» have provoked “ o Jealousle* or rivalriea In our ranks sufficient t o ^ p a lr the fkanoea rt future vlctorirt. The counaeU ot wlae and eontervatwa leaderahlp have pr^ vallJd, and the Hepublteaa fl|r*F 2 * * Jersey preeonu ea solid afront to theths memorable campaign of MM. wmm un- ■He J-^ ’MaderahlP of. McKinley, A.nd Hj>-

art ILarpa the moAtJioWbmvwK*....— :

*!5S?of‘S iSS! J .« ^ o * 1^ r p .^ s s 'n « « ■

’ m the St. tools convention. foregone conclusion then sa m w that Iw haam rf the ticket would be WUUam Mg- Kinlgy. o f Ohio. At tho sante wnveptjmi a taaolutloh was sdoptea, InttlatM ibo movement by which an bt.fKnkjjwDiM!? Now Jersey became tha VtoowlwNflwt the United Btatea. Wa whq JL Hnimrt betterad^ * ■" ‘ th aaqult htmaalf wfflj


'5 c l 5 i S S r i s T i 5 w K S. - #b*ji«lSm W T iiirrtw i

; I, l.n m tl>ln»-f«r )«H ii<*<w[Mr* <ta itiMUli* »«•: •'**•*1'•“ J "«i ■ <B|r inMu MauiM from «« lr» et ouy,

. IK* won ooW tUnt y««n,* ;L r s ^ * i i r i o r s r » K n • «* i •-'j

M w iH U f* m pn»* ot.. room *._____iH U n

KO«KViLt,C-n>r nU or HuMti f » IH OM *w» fr»U|n i itlElIJil kftili and *1 inapiwa-

S l t o ^ N A " " HSjiilaSL10 KB. A(Mr t« Ointtr. l^AUL H. BHANO#, gfl lio#artn« aira. r _ ■ - -


__________ .

*^ „;??v ,'S i: “»S*i«S.-APPirII. M. rt. WHAItE. M Hoyoo ot

o u t . wcAb w T A ta tM-

rujrt. inm ro»h- iBAUlro»T»., B.

■Tuuchicinrr • c o „iLdlWIUU' DOTtJJISO).

IM kjLBKST IT. - ■ ' TRLKHIONB !»• ^ ‘tr.UL BOR* r BaI i KiTATIt THAN ARl.


ADMI'CrSU UT ALL.0*r MWco)*- hi frlilh* IW

tinwirir to rtiit to III* IwNn thot « rwr^tUo f<.r. R'o ^ wm Aool lio tnfloiort vot- iliorofon ** “"-.“ '.L.''"UOi. - opr(T{Wrtl»« tiMl iBirootiiro »ro Ulor-

UDt'dKfl AHil M«Ml Hill,Hranoh Stiiok Pfflt! w# *»* '•.

"■* >‘ *’^ l S e S & T ■«n Ml- ProoBOOt olr^

rOR lALB oA y oTfrWB

|.BToiM>liT o r

VIIK BALK W 10 lot. ot (Hob RlilfO. ,R. )■• hiTooo ol loo roooop, 52?y^*“ v

n n jrto7i SuA b,il< ot • miBiiloo fr‘AB tfollfooB o««il;m. • «>>fiww trollay•■“ diriWsJLTt mviNQW.'i

f f i l ’o .T ,* * * 'Sliautat

Ad raM Uwn«rt

To# i»if “*■ *•*< H*K 1Jj fnotMl *?

.............. i MU«.Jubif AU'at.----------

itie fi-udllTOB,

. . VUntQdlUndi Willi

M i Droad

f o r t * L « o * * H l i 5 5 1 5 L ^Ton IAI.K « atcWi'H'. hotto*. UTS lipoad, «,? Aibir M.; U linl»fO##tn«Ui t«o

RrJIM9, 0W,

rn S K ^ M d^ * *-; ahidy pilMMif Uff#MAdkM

loin moi'KAt>fKW.•v».i fforra, fumlt.^ . — . ____ s w * .

Kfoundfi laiTliip h*»u«v;LlBjit# * * l« ; JbWk*-n k«y B loUclobw «1.from t ualll d *j M- ^ CALLll»T*«i Mb» Iff. Madtoow. H. J

lA fw ^ ftVo. t #«■&#, imm, dw6N loeaUM. lit- *W iwf n aVoo pMoiwt, lwi|i<.i cboto* i«cJMl«*o lll«iul|14o iBROwSoHoT^

tindw of • 6# T rootni; MUtli ^ lUrkei . i . : all 'ntifhlNirh^ land; r«>t mod»#at#. Addr^ n>t

M •&. H»W« ttMe*. _________


tlOUHB wMtHo ab®ut |IB p«r mofllh.ofR< > ■ ____

FAC.u r r .b t o b b a . o r r iv K B . l ®” !?::.

y w i BB, o t a b l e b , fgy j : .J ? *A.-Wf!t.ll*»lto4 Boor to lott

hoot obB Oil Imprwooinonloi '1 ? '•!)##■: *!•* tattamalit, with powr-t. ohaif. Ap«ply H. g. l.>STOR^^ArUi;»gttyt.Bab’n-T o lot. o r « l R'orwloli cHy. ^

barn: l*w food iwalbi aad wafou #oow

Marbri.wM* f» J«Ct #M 0#

, ____ _ ..IMIIWJ tJWhwH. wiih Imtn ot,4 olty woirr, MI«l lt.,J>t0uBO_ ...umiBB. 0 r»mo'oii4 lowtA^.l*''* **.«■htaitr and all ||8i>Trrt*#waali'. aiwraH • ■' - -laaa n.lMl aHTp»r cpm.\Apply (0 EUWAHti if. IaVHo mb hnlldlnjr.

ifwil#y, Frudratlal

HOUifi; Urt 605«H» ft. frnia Hanford "io, Talldbwnrti. t Irnprotaiaamai • roninai pri#a_,«,l».

owrifi.A w

al TataU. Bo* IMi. N*wa cfll^

pi.. 1» N. I .: all AAOnoo

iuumic«. kilo tnd (OTBW (<rf oofr onA oMhoafo.......KR " ■UKtfKB, Tti* iir.iol. foy. Morim . 1,

r A i i i i i r o * lA L B .PBOMcnTIM wilh M fait at a»’

etuiBCa pa«al^ tmfn*4tala aitaaUoa.• tlw ibllowiM ifapanHa lo MivaMart.W*Oo

oar_______ _____ aaH apM wa at• wTlI ^va rmi tha rrlea, aad wa 1 aMM will Wnaa m tokrioa that lU rrtaaa aaowi ^

m . al food

i n s .K t-A a ajcfallant » Od Wliham ato

^ M , * s r K . x . r

aatt.ludiilt* al A. Air*

bakery iq l*t> wliti tra^; f'lod chakoa.BAkSKt-.roome;IrMulra

BKOAD n , atora to l«l- No. Mg Ugadat. ta Itt A ffir to JV>1BFU Uo mJNAOHb

a« tha fifasiMa. _______ _

BOUtICBs yarta of

_ koooA In «ho trfenMr <* ftouih Oranoo ovow liotwoow Mh •»* wm •*■■

- Rno II. nowr -*•“

, ________ - room to let;1«» North Mh at., RaatrUia.

lm>UI)biK front unfurnlahodp#ov*MMi “ ■

UAaKKT ST., Ul. t ta 4 rooaia, Janitor,Hamilton at.. tA « and 4 rooroi, f* to 0. Wand at., il. 4 nira fooma, •••* In. litwranca at-, « . 3 ftloa n«>mi, g W, fto Tranrl* M.i 10. 4 ftlo# rooaia, IT. iobth al.o U i t ^loOUlH A. TELDRIt, Broad at

iDARbVANTi>lvltoUt«r ^ *ftwwa^u«hi4r ^ a n t b.»ad; prttito family Unliy locattd, Addra4h Frivala, Boa 40, Mawa

al BOAflQ .wantod for raasnnabk^Addre

FIaAKE bt., family.

W~Tbi*o room* te Wi [iilvolo

UilrBn.)OM»-~llo n»mo 10 lot; ImvrooomOBto, Boor, f i l l WT Onnio n.

RIKlMIt-To 111, IW DOB* •*.. t "« BO !*«• •*•• ruMoio; W boll.

» W .ROW LA HD Bt.. H-FuOf rowBit Ut Boor »l!ir Bouih Onoro----- ' " helBOimt RLHVBHTH « . .

.• o r s r J B ix Jr? .‘Oranara av^ ,

dentlal itoiNUnf-



DISAKIUXIH, wllB BOO Bf ulopBonhO. ■ Ilrooil,

____________ UKYaR,m tirooil. fur. 'XBfkot. ^

FAfTfiRT-t» w . ffr*> B»y 1. Iirl'.*liai plono M.. B*M Mortol ol|.hofrrfioflt; ontfnt. b<'(^oiul oltTotor^l u Brit-clon «0 »f. intmln la olltc. of . boo ioo- lut-y » « frtilrol aT«.rAi.-nillV to I t l i 't » OUw 01,. noor '■l>MI"“]

Bi. [nfrXI I nooro oaJ bootmim. Inlinlun *i. ----

iT.--Btora and i*h#at r rwwIIaLBCT f tBlon>h.it 10 I'll BB

MItmn Mot*.'.! Bji............ ,TWTUI llrooB ot

yi_ _ Hobo ot,, tlly lOlA,H Dfrkoraon oL

—I WolBUt 01.

OBUM proporty; biuoi M

i Uutharry vi.: oatatai muat hf aold. ItT Lakaalda ara., Oram MO imb ava.

.atri N' J’m Nanh id atm cttatM art.VM ^ t a r t at'. Irrliiflon. N.

K«amy, N*J'

HoMoB ot.. Knrtiy, H. JJJoJ'* •"* •*">' T Ion, Poohlo* OTO., om oBoil dutrtcl- J* IViw ot,. Bollavlllo, H. J,I loU, tB^inficm a##., anntaad dwrlot

Kalaay ab M Acadtmy at<1 Koiotr 1

MoMt.laoHinto o« Ht«li , „ __oBptoo buolnoofl pfoporiloo o«

^ItalHT. WliWllBlOB. flOB*. *>*"*' Moa bbB Mulboirr ota.


rACTORiBi r e » . i y j L 2 ! l Z S J i j S I ;

'H O C itti TO LKTr

ja^ % ! S :at= sffB


WOOtMaUB-^ottataa,LEUON. ITS WwhTnfb

114 to liO. lO*fm ara. _

• ■ ’ S . s r f f v a ' j s i A r . ^T

‘h.'’9 U ' adaya only. Addraaa

Roal M att. >leni»fo.

SUBIHEBB UAH'B MAIUBMCR.TO LBT-THiwowtorr btlcl. boy wliiBow

dwolling. II Bldsoy .pi., fr'nn M»y *: <® rooaw; oil ImpfUtoiDoiiio-, BlfB ond hooHliy InailOB, oopluUt panmoat: aonv'Bloai to eontyo t t city: modoroto no^ Inouln of


Hondonqlo BOW atnarn haat: aani-BROAD *T,, n «r UBoolaP»rii

ton^iombfrlT'fcoadiSnry —pllolr oBd ^ " '^ S r ’imOAD »T.

h...Broad •!.. W . uii'Til to i4i With powart about S.000 to f**’^ iK iifrT t^A "R jssB '?r!srN .- i . ' " « B^;

WarKUT aT.~4Mara to Itt. from Uay 1. N^louulra d.

“ i K V u f t t V i B ’ s s .r t e rtoo Urond al. ..

at ora,h, A.

for whoto* >T.LL)Kn.

al|COKT> and third Satoi orntrally located;• ro«j«t; bath tiwl privat# 1'“ ** '' 'manta; rani <0® par mimlh. Apply MT Broad at

inlHUNa irr.. tn W. k woiMo ptwrmenia; food yard ahd dry rtllar; cafitral •kUaai m a dmmUI'_______

•i;!!B no'^u ''& v 'iT % M * p e s ff: .Uf .uTllla aaoi __ ___________BTDKSY FTa, T-bCratrally Inoaladp S-roaen.

(hlrtf*floor flat; bath; HI impfovamama; rrni *idi ____________

jfiV .t.’s irH rs ir is .lft ’sStJava,, naar Jlifh at _____TO LJ6T. adulta only,

roomai FI tnimlh a«a.

(if W«ii KlanM at . Nrttourara, » i^taabath

TWo latfa room#. . foof ronm*. V “ Raat Kltittry at

m Vaat root Tvim. U floor, 91 Paclito

KlnAay at.; alao “ ‘ Inadira

c.'.da: t*ya» iai»t ha

jktt 4. wttto otur*

im m iR C T ioii*

taka aimNSii

HAND and t il ^

* favorably hncrwn. h*at

iito. Wa *I«M woilij Individual ln«ru«u»a :ti3f ■

QHS r '?rol?«tV B ibs"i!rxA ^ ct RaPBM CABKnjI^^^


lU. AT $ PER ^EIlirrJM TO

bokhs dr„ NBCKSiART AREP. „MUCK."*1 aAW.

AO #f.



PtJBS THIC FIR*.morry to idiAH at



™ “S s w »


PllllJF r , « CREDIT 1“ MARKCT and

WARTBD.jruuVwBBtodoIttnO. raBBOpropoftr Ad-

d n n »M HUB ot-. Or«B»'.

?loh lloBtBro. ward atudant*.ritiwiioB

or oolt for, Cd'Bi* York ond Now Jot'HOW OPSN-


*^Ttm^E^Aiiic'n^^SS"ERR colleok. % . ’ ’tlyTNV^g, *VA^Na?AU

.. , j rt IB doubt aa to th# p i^ ri£ 3 M ! fiJIy

w » v ' « i ^ r . «amanuMMa t’

___JSi^BRSAp ST.I.3aNB Bofotuiod «LHMnifiac Mllffiai and all .kin«jnaarantor MBeMt’ aM all aI Jwlthout_rfmota|.

awanruMM«Taf 'fnrak*ad "£**■-,Public, room i. ISI WarWH Mm

ti. boada,■iI a Km ,

NataryJf. J.

Wwofk. N. J.attorneyBulldinftboaoob TO LOA

Mma to idit „ w a r d Bo BIA'

INET TO LOAN Oft hM^Bd mnrtfkr^ to,T!syiSt'2irritr«.'” t 2 ^ K ^ d 4 ^

MONEYnil'MQNEV to loon oa l«*d ood rMrtmto, »t •

Off caat.. In iuraa to fall., JOnN trRANClS CAHILL, ijiwror. SM BroBd « . _____

‘ i f a A t i . " * . f s s T i S ! r s ^ ^* 1 i t t r a io B n thot dooi tM wont.

Wo hoTo tBi W.M P»yf«t mwWfd M MdU. At roBiilii Olid roloyla* wo Bov* atwo tlioo twoBty yooiW toporloB .w.

For cboopBtoo 0B4 s»M work « trlol wlU eoovlnoa you,

Ctrpit IJBlog. oad Forrtlui* UphololwiM- IlANtON fr DICKERSON.

0pp. C. R. » . Uopoi. M BROAD f t . tUBCOOSB, to

The Oioho Corpot CIoobLis CoupoBy,H M. J. a n. *T0.

.tkOBOl dlt. _______________ __Both

WOOD’S COUJEOE.SM »y«* f,«.; Nowotk, N. J.powrtilBs Bad

pooltiuoa BINd 'hand,

to fW *n **«*■durltK th* Ti

Out iMoMitloo tro autiDOMfypowrtilBs BBd ITiHl.ol E“*U'"' ^_ « kllod hr iBo i'ollo*« dvri« nTh. " " ; r o l ? ™ «

^ * ' " 1 . w ‘ S '*Tv.ld.Pt,

BEVERAL cllonto doliro InlMtnw liBioo. MOO w M.nooi moomBlo

IIIBII, lUoTBor. iUO Brood ot ___BtorlSBiocharfiia.

UPPBR port of f-r»tnlly tiBBoo.--------- ^FhlNHdlmt kvo..............f rwBBo, itrirron it., Mu.

UKIOM * r . tot-THroo room#. ■ ; t* moB u dWHO.

ON NEW TOBK. AVE.u 111. YToUSi lorso rani-, aad bnoh bhlldlB*, '

brtrh fai'inry S-atwy fraina rtwer. Inuulra UlurKIL Orance at

OFrtcKB or dooh room la IM la bulldln* Bnod OBB Morhot oil. liiqBlro ol F.

HCDtAE. Tl« Rmad at. . . ■________ ____Its Fwiry tl. BEYER. !•*

m W st.ROOM! U tot. with powar: an imiavv

Bnoor OB pfOBiHoi. Tol'pl«mo No. IM..

all laiffravarntnti: ' laauir* of

or ra-

9 w «IHb«»*tinoAI>iT fTd—Tbttrtaan mnma: alt Impro^.Booth Bid.! mlllobl. loo tword-menta;inf>h<»UN.broad Et..

larr -------

A.-Plimt-otoaa buck h ^ ; «lh **1 *5!!; brick

i»:BM/'^7A?kA!irrooaa 41-

II ihla month forClinton atoi

ifiUM No. 1S4 Mtb. au.o yaav

J^ulra E. P. HEATH,

yaa daily aad •tmdiayt _____

BRICK hnua* prov«mentB •ON.

T baiA jum- a ittawlllr 6«tw *1 lit

■ ry at 141 Ctmn»n K.troad it.n key at i

0 ' aMo, «iar .Ctlntiia av*. Oall u y tima a»dOCNT^LLT * ’ wtN**’ rfSdOBtui'AalldlBf.'

:. RWioior odM: li.rooBo; imprwnBWBlii win BO ooM shnp. R. OTillo hv*.

. d M n i t f X «T„ fd-Prloo M.*w, hrw .^SSBHMHiII iMMOMBt; DM aBBldM M iS lM n V m w r r pMmhlJii ______Iwlok foiir. T hort.

TOM I RoatvlUo, hdw Bwddrv mtwfw■EDM-ts f _______- - .S i m i Iobi.M roomoi oiobbi BobI; o*-BhblBci HkrflWBoA «BHh; iorfo lot i Iho

IJSrSioT B rair« . , Dior I’oilihuttt......

V. Elm ot, ArllBitmi. N,_#._

Build ly .

AM«1., no*r CUIIIOB • «.. aiodom Ip.nwBW; Hit Idwi *WBor toivlBhARD fWlTM * BON, ProdMIU

imorovoTBoBto. . . . 1 --------- ^huKN i. BERRYXu f»yoUo-Two-loml1y ri.fvrmento: anU awep.

onMEW.’ ap-to^iU'lHtH dwolllnfo for tjM Clifton *T*.l nil tr

bmwti ------- ----• haat, I•pllimbl-.-n. _ . . , o .k. o., ip i«t HriMBi BIM oBitfjjrma. ApPly^Fa u l h. SRANaf. w i&oviliB m


•MOBMTtLUe-OorBOr - hnlMPfoTOtBOnlo; t „htlT: Boor thr*o irol'.oy low, Ifl Dtoktroon n.. nw.

r koiMl. i rooina and bath. tMntato; raeaptlan a and dapoi; prlca Mb 9L

RtpbtWOOD ATE., a w Pltoto*! *»*•. i Itoromi) 4w«Hlna; oaah or J- RARD.EMCtH * iQNd FtadaatLal D«lldin«.•TIUITORD

____ **j !, w a r dRttikumr-

■TRATrOBD PLo, ttaar A#«m m

•Intilm tONo Fytfdmnlai PalkHH

KHMSO lar^^rdaiP Apply *

. par month; I pa ftamlaM, a# at.r s s i


. . . , tM. C. L.XJODR'lV f , IH Mnrkot ot.. Lnwyofo' Bulld-.*1*.*! J!?*'.” 1*;

VLUNIIHBD FLA T! TO LKT.TO MtHT, fuifllohrd port of * Bat. ooBtt^ly

toontod, all lm|oov«BOB(o. to iwopeetMlo Addiwai widow, Hon TO, Nowi ofllco.pnfty.



WUiBOtf, EAMAHtA AlooclAlo Mollor.

BlltlL ^*loiuo-OB nrtllH-Btlon,

«M gtodtrti.. N< crroolvo mrthod . tlun: priiBaiT hadflay, aapt*mpaf

rWNSK ‘Ml H 1 Bt**«l. Boiwr

BI'MINaRY-MHo WhitiBoto'* for tllrl,. »T obJD*r*'s;'t'^i for tllrl,. tU!

Ntwork. N. J. 1 thoiBBih bMJH?-Bd Klnd-ntor — ■■-'iitfy,to W'llool'. Ctrculor,.

IteopoBo Thun-

MAST OBAMOB-FItt ts l,t. Wtk Hollywo^ Bvt., Hoot Otbbb' . iBOUlro from 7 A. R. to

d V. i t : At SO SiirtlBc Bi., Ebm unB«ti ronitil. ___________El-ATS of Bvi poomi writ to W. orltk JbhwoJ*-

d tl* Apply to H. B. DBAKE Brtioa Bvo.. rlntltati. ______ „Irvlnitoti.

NORTH MAPLE AVE.. foynu, hhth, oil Impl*.,

IM. Eool..Dr»‘^J^*root <». Koy IVAIIdlBlIROH-lS Sunott on.

iHUlro S* tttb »v'-< roimiO to lot.


Ulfll TOWNdKND'8 Hoardlni and Day Schwl lor Olrtt/Id Fork pi, r«,iwBi ■*1' ™ ^ ' "J

ihurnwh (A m io Bacadaml" daiarimenta; ytrtaar otivalara on ■willratlon.^

llOHNt TO LDaK <to «f2SJ !?'*nCTlnE“ 'tai |pf Mkd laan plaAr PRANK OARRIRON, !•• Ilarlttt ai* ___MONET t o loan OB b«B4,»"iUTKlES^•omo lo ooH. B. W. SElBT, TSS Bnmd ot.__

*1_L"nBATTY.MONET o loBB OB hand Bid BtortShfO. 7B6 Broad it.

W. I.



tamen up, cle ane d a n d r e l a id-B T -





Doth Tolophooto Hd.RYDER A CO.'S




PooltMU itBBwmiJsThnaS, Typowrltlhi. rtr.i bo fol.utwo. M contro.

MboIb.SIC.-Pluw N »'B '. b'f'no'm IboroM

tBHIlyi By olporlrrtrd lady loheBlr. MwOlo, B « « , N»w< oiler. . ______Mho *. PotrlBo—vivsin. Vi»no: iBofouilily fOM

tallloB at rohwanakto trrnio. ■ludlo._^uiOf’ o.MANDOUN. auliar, •lO'fr laatr

HBNIiT A- .HIBTH. *d SoiOi ^5"*?

Elanoa. ont«la, horioa aad w a m ot i w t u y lad of portoiial. proporty Uio oamo day you Bih for It. *

YOU CAN GET ANT AMOUNT you want from Hi UP, fod I*y l‘ mnattaly payamhla. A yodi'd tHho If youwtali.

-REMember- n e w JERSEY LOAM 00.

? . ‘ ’S‘u r ' 1 M n.?^lTy*”*ei!sl{!3.fi!i‘f- ? « «frloBda BtM Bot hoow about It.

WE HAVE A HEW PLAN.Bfld Will ho ploaood lo oip^h our bwUiH . to ■ou, ao ww hiw analotta lo got our rhtaa ^ f ^ ■-----rlhg thoy ara tho ehaa,yWBl to tka

a WninosM rtgM P«l«» *<»* oMI«M*hofort oidtrlag.


ha puhllc, knowTu tkay ara' 'B ’ you two a balBon m yoor fupwttmw oo hhvt hloha wHh ton* oljior roBipuy.

chnpoitilL— ^ WU Witt

invtrbctlbna. *y#.

UIKCBUCTJONd on piano at TS 8wth tth at* war Comral ovo. i trrmo itaaoniblo,

,?^.tef*i;nB“ fffily!Warren and W11<

MTiim M Tn let. from May 1* aia itilto and futifna tor »*■»«»■. Dlvtoti a Mtoro i^ r

Park at, now ctrcui>led by Oogbe Cu- WWD d HARRIi. eaaontnr, Tli Frw^tni.STRDUl fnr 1W0 horaei; rwSt riaastiabi#. S4

Itolmbnt av«. . . ___ _____ -

A WIDOW wt»g|(l till# twn unfuml^ei for Iktftat houaekeepinf. between FarlJ® aM

Mulberry att., weei of Ore#n, Addrea* H., uo» W, Newp «ilc«. ________ *

. iio iirosi; 4Tb Ht r r

DETACHKD kohl* to Mf. IM Mouth Klovoath .................. all ImproTitnahla■I - .□ T— I—I atraiB ko*llwin" bo uaparwl IktBuikoul for uaw ttnant. IlMulro SHBIalh »v*., RoaoTllI*,FAmMlWNT AVM., IBS, hoar Thlrtaonlk *vr.

—Iloom, < room*: aWlmproyom'titai from-Iloom, « room*: »'•UBO 1, mio. n u oo tlOERKK. Murp lulldlag. Markot aod WaABtiltiB atat2-rcK*m

8TADLK to let. 8 iiaUe» food ahed room, i SapM a t ._ _______________________

STDMM; lOJ Market it.; 5b rt. ^

A r e spectable Wiflnw will cart fd i^ y - nlohod room houor for rral of a or 4 roorao.

Addm* Houio. m Aoodomy iL_________ __FIAT waatod; h tBoiBi; all ImprovomoB la;

S^uUa: root lit lo UO. Addroio AdulU, Bo* « , Niwi oMco. ■ ____ __

bulldTu* to be M- I;

12.LFerry at.; foodBTOIUi and three wme. H^d*for any buelneea; I3U. D*T»R» 714 » tob®, m M a i^ _______ ---J________

FTCRE-Dopd eWBor I'Ltoe. Blolfhoy ot.; Itniulrr In rnr.


rtoRE and llvlB* BpirtmoBt t* routi SSI Plan* « . laqulH StO Aoadaniy it.

Buivot It. I font 111. A. High ot _____________ _DTORE to lot. *I lUtNTOEN. ISl H

gIU’ONDJ>X/l0R lo I'l; OB Brood ot-! »oBI low. * HANB^ A DICKiSiBIlN. MS Btyd-S aLL*-To 1*1, S ttalu. iBhulro IB PtIbco

n,» after 1 o'ewk.

mnlt.. m ; IT South ISlfi ol.. S Romo, iBiui*. th

TO L in.

S®'m*lf>utV iaut 'ot . « roBOM. »uur: gaBi fill ft South llth-ot., • r*RH. fum»oo,

WBtor. oto.. II*. 'HDUSE, No. M f'BBlfO lt.i good BOlghborllolBL alt iBodorn iBH'rm.omontii Tb l ln i> d » eoo^ Uofi end repair; aleo ti*lf of houee NOi Jw

Bt.; rwto h>* t® T'S.P*!;mlto apply U ATINRR S. RrtfVR'A SOBS. H Probt it, .HOUB* lo lot. No. It* Bloomaot* • « . 10 rooioi and both. *11 Impmomoott. *tI,6U. laqaln of eW**». d n ia e VILLEJiVK.

■r'HQUSBl » Burtiot ot., .b*t»«ntrolhy and'Mnrrto and &aea K. Jl. nation Call 10* Oretto* * '*^*^‘

TCrLKT—A larye lAnrr, SWiff tl.. at W and 7J * fprUkfflelfl ave,; atoo i«rt of Infi, a ^ l n. mwtme buUdlufo Inauire ai P. H* MDKI Maryat a n ^ to e y at __________

MOCiK—To tot, 8-etory brick beuee, 86 Bkuih Wih ot.-, all ItBproviBioBtoi mvMiTOt le «»■

roBd and ttrool carol root low. Apply 0 „M*N- NEN. 4# OraBgo »l. _________ _

TO LET-tllS BroadBOBCOI * - .hoatad

ROUSE to lot; 154 SonuTool it., oiay-Momi tu.MA»v e ii and water; 4 room® akd attir;

rJS t i r AUJr to j” f4* Druifl.et, ________________ .-.. —

near Baeend: He roomi; Wl liaprtivcpienia] rent reMpnatl#.

Apply 2M PuiWbfr aye.____HOCfCa ^ aito-

HOUiR. W POtoier •1-. T mew- mnnth. J. 1i_W.UOU8R to tot-o M Ttohenor et} tO noma* all

IwpreeetoyPtoHoUiEMl rookto* W rairmount ave*. k«ar Wat'

ran et.i Hi- 'HAtdflaT ST.. TO-Three-etfJTT Ul TOMie; toibrovemente; rent fe*.UlDank at

bnuee: inquire 47

B.SM: ISDO Af#n. n i mMumy. kuyo om brl* T^oadwio, hath, hoottr. ail Impta. 11*' Subth itth ai.i «uB ho fwB *uy hmt.


hotuw. largopMi.ilco.

BaH Qramgit.ORANOSh-A horgiln, If told attrretive new S-roam Iwiuee

cktonH mabtole; Areplarie: atwnn toltar. with laundry; everylhlgi «om- A ddi^ Salt Draafe. Doa 4T, Ntwi of-

before May ; rwewtton itwnn n#at;

1 HAW eome houeet lo tot} l iIroaui lU* S^u« Mjo „

MlTflHHniVilla; II lie

,dl Ids Sp „-ol ave.i Iniln* Hr, Wtiodi

NFuark et.

GMatnut ft, IIMT Hifb; !!■ ilsUi It.. U<^

la Hi<w PlfiLtO,

IN FORlCST HI1ar/-T*B HifKttIrt aV#., hou«, a tootnr. tN); ail imiirovementa; tn on# «t ibtmh kjoo.a a ipvvv m l.n th* ’ 'HIU,” ftoi.

Klalu, (toImk tooattona un the 'UBNHT m*RilK

ihe new iMtovllle eve

UTPLrrON AVB.o aD4-tt«bt roomt. and laundry: all >tnpre#ntoaiitoobath

hodb7 TO LET, AT

'MAST ORAl a ■aorlffiM.

MoiMO. for INGto^Bartaln; owner muat eell at •w modom S-rown houae, worih>H. new m«tom S-room houae. woriL a,TIKI; IS.OW can remain_on bom!

end naortfeire at & per cent. IHA M. TATDUh ‘ I Brfek

3 ^oritor.fd'tN?>


oppoaUe Br4« ChUfeb Btatlna«*: tof4MW^-A|i^ ’SMlfwaad botM |irllh|irovatftenU|

jH y g o ^ t A o F -u r o o .-^

W **» OMUWW.For SALfc-Four cholca hdlolnln. hullillB

■ on high gtouBd. a i f t t ft.; i tolnuir*.Tii_TSr.. 1,^.. 1*—I OniflgrNo, itii s t e a S

Worth Ttb Ktap

tl SI. , s Biiiraar*caab aacb. dtp.


WRIT ORANOR-A H '«s ‘" •

S ^ ^ T S R fe ^li

i/rr*-roT atia *near Cllalob i DEMT, nrilth at

Tract: WOO (or raetdeied 41 rreewen cto. f^ n it


INODIBM 1002 IIROADNOBTH BROAD MT, proveincnie: large

|m-.{to-H9«t^ n room*. ... ii^^dai; t(ret-cl«N« loci

____ at a law s ................HHKUo. Ml Ddlevlito avclo a |oo0 tenant

lil’r------ ■ --------r price. DBHftt

TO LRT-Two deelrabto OdMl bouwi m and 1 1 Third ave.; 4 raoma, bath end ail lm>

and Krlf K. R- ■latloo; W DOKIi A CU. Rll BFH* UL,>0. A?T-Kouh Na

ail improvemtnto; ilet or phyitekaa. •teutrnburgh A P9*

iwbI moi*L • •

muderaia to.

11MUMe for 4enr JL KEMPf.' It

TO laKT-From Map t b«wa Wo. 2 Douver «ve.; U roc«iiall imiiroveTniOlt; _prnt -tow to food toium Mi'NAl'UU'ron, S88 Brand ,d.TO UCT-ffi alary ann ill model

lOL H ■4; Miemeniall i^erfl improventoAl Broad ecr, upewira _

lybimK d>» ttorib tide,1 flju two-etory txteuwi refit I W Apply ~

ItwIwEloii*Ml* Cheep. 4 lMi on Maplf ' ■ o. Elay*., Irvington. DWIN*

TO Li '*4MI0 Fifth av*.. bnuM 7 rootni and Ulhi jai Sliiii av.KoeevUto'

BOOMB-Wantod, onr or two uafurnlol^ ronm* fnr a lady: central tocttlofi, Addrigi

A.. Bex 44, Newi ofn##.TWO imfumlabed rooma, «#■/

Paiic, nrivai* hbuee w^ferred; L. U.. Bm 74. New* tymre.____


WANTBD-fly mtn aM nMied room, near Brnmet ilratt Slallon. w. A. BIBD. 10> Etnmel at.


mendella, gultM abd tloUa ifiainw-*J. WiSU»T, 146 Bumnilt et.

PIANO ' inatrucUe* end aceofnpanytoi:i Profemr. Box T. Newt office.

D«BclliE*OLIDE wilt, ond lofo-mp guiraatttS la il*

prlroto lK,*,nr, “ lottl'y •‘•JfialfS *»lotng. II a Itoimi, PjMHL R- BERRY, Black FrlBoo Hill, *4.’ ond 44fl Brood i t.w a l t z and two-ottp gHarontoo* ^ * grlv***

loooono. 13.50, lady auulant. lu Crawford ot,. BBor lApcolu Park._____

SCHOOL OF LANQUAaES-ClajMB In EaiUik, Pronch, Orrinan, XibIIbb and

FURRtSHKD ROOMS TO LRT.A SUNNY, fumlohM ot snlurrloliod I™ii rorte

In Ie4 to nartei; location central; lelephow- Addiwo Comfort, B*a «l. Now. oBloo.A PLEASANT front hall loom, oonlrBlIy lo-

cotcdl k*Ih, tvfrrcnoia 1* Warron pi.RANK M ., MV

boutaknylng:SO-Fumloliod room*; gonta, IIEhi

bath. '


NO. S ACADEMY. TOP FLOOR.J. a. baohelleb,

'* ' ■ "■ 4 ACADEHT «T*

BROAD to tot*

•To, 278-Becottd door hall badrooRi

BliBlWlCMM FT., ITT- One fumlthed royw.

LuffmiiE**®--- ‘ I In KAfclimw.enltb; IS-Tf___________ _ jrivate I— am.

.............. ntad*k Ref, I Blinop Hurit. Df.Butit'^pTMt. Drew Theol. Collefe, etc,_^_ _ PR O r^- FiniJNW.RMKNfMAU W D. Iformoriy Mimlouary of £hureh ot Englud), room 4S Olobi BulUUig, 100 Brood it.

nor month TroaolotioBB

IkorthaiiS ■■< TrB*wrHti*E.

pay tr up for you aod giv* you moro monwy, allowlBg Wflu to pay u, any way that aulla your yLTiSKnS For toMoty'aad omtrtmHta trHbiBom Ball Bh



CALL ON THEm u tu a l loan AND investm ent CO.

lU AND in MARKET ST.,RsotM M-IS. now Wood Bldg. (Datr Halaoy it.>,


So afioVpwardTjWd JfS ,JuDOUftl frem II Itt OKMIth

gay an---------------lihaeli la amalj

Im^^anf 1?*y~w‘ Mttlo your~g<i«®uBi~ko'Irtf* tba tin)* eaplr** yvu wUl reaclya a dlaoieuat ■‘ ■ « yo“ ®4t* a^baiaaa* oa yeur lur-

110 aad 4-pp T ' f i!or*th* .IISurt.OT’iiaH I 'i iH ’iiihShtl^aBdBnd IhoS S S i't il hlh, *0 win HT

s r - a r S K i S f - ” - - ^, , « r . . . who. h a v o ^ t ^ P f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

WINDOW shades

WE make w indowOBDEH.

WE MANE SUPCaV'BitS TO,WE make AWNiNai to.





“ APHIU" , „"Now plant lobbattri an* lottl* for Hlld.-Joak BUIlBgi'i Aloumao.

lutoly m beet Id tttowhich 14 utofiounoad abaolutoly i--------- -- .be obtala^ at A t w ^ *merkrt and caa w ^a.,,. ......Carter' C. M. Itocbcr * P ^ i . clau frocenu BsArH KFOo CO-.

N*w Torb MhM* Mb. » . artadway.CKDAB KlUi KBMNKf#-THng. DRAKE* PROP. poos TOARDED AND UOUbRuBItniCENi PRICES »*»®»*®L*.pj^g,gTOWMJLJ.


ountfactur**, ammala, laapo. planau d SaeumoBU falthfulfr bbM»* ?®‘. TIM. LUDWriO SCKILI* >hyi**r»- pkor, Marhoi and WaHmgtou ma

fw all

ing. inilSP^attng, I owl flitfo Adfr*** W aAoia

Ardenlnf. aA b M C^t Rewa

ND la d d e r CO'

corrAOE,»T., f+r'i***"* W * ! ’‘ *f* fimily; improvemtata; hoard If o4®prlvi el red.COTTAGE PT., S—Kewly fumWh^ front iwm;

all tmptpvementt; private family^

iiHr WWoof p»rk lb : - momi itoagt 745 Broad tl.

TO LET-Larg* Mof* »»'* Hd IS i™mi i ^ «llta p .4 w S «.t* ;_ » cIlBWn.ob Jhtiulr. fit's n f ’T a J F M n W j t

^ e 5 S - wbrick factw. 18 at.,brick tefl«meiito tir ttorehaum

CRaWfoRD ST., Iftr near H*li*y^Ftt2Jl*b*d raatna, hnueekeeglni. U-uto: hall r<»oiw. tl-Mi.

ELM ST.. 17-«lnglt and doublo-rtwiA*; ill impfovtTneiitA______

FBONT mnni. *1111 tmall TO’m adjoining! alto hack rcM,m; olihrr aultabit for two; bath and

c m : 5 tninotti* from Emmet St. Stailoa, dnaa Omvonltnl. Boa IS. Sow. oSloo.


FBANKUN ST.. im-N«Hy friniiobod troai room to Itli improvomtott. .

FUBNISHBD roomo, near Lackawinoa Btallon and trolloya 7* Plano ot.

AcBdanale u E Calttctntw StaElcs,PBIVATB tnittiwtlon In ooadrinlc otudltO; algo

for nny clam In collogo In mo cla ioi. m«ht- mailoo. mo.; S tilt PH^BI ^ . , ^ o Ub J o bomoi lanhi modochto. S. B. HILUSAN. pILD.

zne^oda are fair afid^ua#*, and anycan undvrvt^d them. Altlldentialo Tm can have th* nmey at oooa. Loan* «*#• la *11 aubttlbaei Ffim,


BlitoMUoto.IIT 8TQNB, dramati* atudla. 921 BrMd ft. loalructton to ^tla«. Pupil* prmred for aute, pulpit, piatforai o# parlor, ciutw ooacn«l nd tMfht. Cntenatomenti fumlehed. __

WANTBD.b e t t e r PBlCbMfor fentlemert'a eaet-oft cJotbluf of allBildWQrtiwtoM-1

Drop m* a:5S*C

A.-A.--A.-04nu‘ cattoR ilnthing: by totlla* dlroot to tho dealer, you tan poddlorar JwoAt.

SMid jHBtal to t. MADAHSKT. 1 aad St* (> n l lb, ono door fiBBi Broad ib

that ou> gMtkod t4 E S 3 U m % -5 L

phvai*' ajM «6oy«i*w1y I you t» *aa and *M uy to

'r*afrpaV«l euVeti rent annum,• r ir r o n # W CoTTld# Broad et.

GRRSK *T., 4l-N l«ly furtleh*d rooflf} tlf Imotviveiatiito.


TWO ofltoea; *l#am heat; .Janitor} Mi® epac*.7*1 , , o , p

T*WW Broa* Ob




new STORES; ALL iMPROYEMKNTSl POS- K)N MAY 1. a p p l y to


LAROE fofnlihcd rooni, M r trollry and turn*. vlllo Slatloa. IS Soulh ISIh it._________

MARSHALL ST.. *. Boat Broad-Fronl.alrow room; aleo auf*eavuioio •a-'uconveolcnoc.

room; bath, ga# and ovary

MirLaBRRRT iTv. iKQ-FumlibaO. front rooul [muoebe^plfif; alt ligprovetotoi^

NBW 8l?-i fS—romlihed front room, privat* f a t o l l y . _________ •


NJSW §T.o M -Fnmiehed halt room, tl-drch aad bt.. 104-2rooctoi eultable for doato# of d«Pltol; 1m® preveayitikt^ll aftor 4. _. ! . _____PLANS BT-. lal-Fiimiahed.rqonuj. to tot.


Wanted, tb* f t ^ d Hwr of Hwetiink.F1/H)Hfor bUMlncne pooWMa.

l.oD O m iO O lli VO LBTd

IB wgjtownti I tbnHflonei.iUplta^'

A raome flrtt fioor-andgag. mngo. hnl ond cold

to' oiSBlI' iMti-'' r Llnooln

alw’olie'tirait r o i» teWinow Bwdom houMi plontyroll

BOirm ISTII ST.. **-Two Btooly fumlihod rwSi to rent;____________ __________ -

*^ (*2 »* ''i ' ®*~***** fumighod roomo;WASMtNQTpN ST.. tl5~ L a«, alotiy furnlih- idfrodl bodroOtn lor rnio or two.


CASH BUTEB-C pay hign prlcoo lor old RiF nlturo. urpeu and clothing. PIcbji lond

M U lto aRlNSTBIN, SSB W «t KlnBOy or., uid 1 will enll at your rtaMolico. -

, Ktenay e‘ _JWT»' eaij ^ r c

Kindly aand'a paetal card t t - “ afia 1 win oall to#

eati-fift dothJM............ ly aai^aConmeroa


wiuitoi tn Brat-.-claae eaadl-iti,>n4*t(tor’a News pfltce.

WiXdL buy old furnnufe» atovaa, aarp^i, faeib* an kinds 0^ amt pay th*

beet prtoto. Irt>lT01T ly

I toPotioie et<

talwii than VkRRlflR,prtc* for your rairy. amkiMaBroad at

TWINED"otc Cbt oopatatcil iBiiot bo a bBfgmn. H^xTl ARD. MHW. Ellillimk. N. J.SAFES:::'bS *'

amM. two MOood'band M fa; UfMni^lum *lM( Addreea BM CaM«m-WamM. iw

■ t r f o j r x .,T oiTfoforo bi I up houHkOopIng

0 .™ f«cMd). a iurhet ib


term s BASIEST in TH* crtY. tim e to SUft TUB BOBROWRIL

from tto t« U.ODO on hovM-

OVEBAUE W ^ _ S d o .l_ k l« ; M*-5^hWi.RBok and boBt lino ot bIw IB th* dtty.

HjS by W, smith , SM SUrhot M.straw BBd

alljho B4W . l i t Y^hington

w . mak* loatit from It* lu w .oto « B ^ ;

s s i s ^ a v ^ ' j S f ^ k i iI Uad.tbqw iu s « fr «^ .r nait y«aFi expertoacc baa aonvlaced M ouFmatbod aC M kli« loaiM Jha

ar*pay yptt

lotatod/ It betotv ifitM a l^Whan, ft wmitlwl • low. ‘ i’ S J .’S S jjand tollltof to Mfonaail^_i«^rdl^m6i to all aub*boameaa maOodt*urtoA dtlea.

FBOPUre liOAM AND MAOKMItAOM CO., (to ftoor.l Taka elevatof. iU at.

; g . a . ' E 5 i lgtord. KM Broad, «pp. THa.lanacttnatotoatpw

tor Haatb A Draa*- fumabear Go MlNTOlf. maaim aad Mllttor* «r»a<wi

repahred and iwwalk* flagg^ MW. Kinney it.

I M a i g g S g g " * - 'a w n ^ . A

W 3 £ ; t a S d T S S S o r s M Rt^IOLESi B aialoa o t______________ _


Kery dollar paid; our, euataeaera are nir beat IdyMtUera; lawyer* iwfl"t)Wkitoi* Jtoto thjir Mlroto to ui; everythtof etflaGy fionlMaai-l i fe . 'io S :s !t i . ’'“.V f i s i s . V ^ i i '^ f i . t s !

8TORAQB for fUrnliuoo.otA: dno BpholotoftBg ®lSd tmlrmBUrMHW. A. BEhNHARtrT * CO., use Brood ot.JOHN TRAVERS. miHU promptly nttondod to. F.O, B «

r r f o i r s a M £ ! -

StsvsMW-LOW rntoo. I*W *«hllU » SWekortoHt

■roct siongo C®. dobs MBilIgtub rr t»*lW ArtlPftOB BL. IWBHb PkHlIv


moBogoBiotit U2 FTAHL R iko mart ttbanit bOtsubbb » ouok B*: DIAMONDS,

4RS. Ulidof tho ZELLNXB. m ik«^vA raaM ^ T j^ l'iJ i'tV cicfH U . oto., Bt th* aijo of 34 per coBb ptr bbbbiii.

reqi^M on*will call at your reeldenoc for loane abpva tea

OOR. PRINCB t r , .,afid auburban

t*' 1 « ArlUiftoa — 0 - -r - ii.m jiiid.odly flrmilio. iMiBgi wgrotwuio 1* tho nRy,

iA S T m Btmm ta W Bjjrow SBUJ. i. c.


CUAS.Sl7*f*M”FhU BlFOy* did

rHO, BkdBlww'Fi'and >-rTBotlA w# auatomera and the inWI® to a*u-k SfaL that be tto# &6 edanaoiloB mip a^^odheri S iw b g ble fiame* but la now iMfiiad «ntk


aveniajpi. ailt*T: bona^ld fui

^ wliTkltbr*. plafiai, ritbout jraaHval}

menu by lAataimenUi bualivHa ««lifl4aBtial. So naar Broad.

o ' i S t X .twetr* at .

iecond‘band .u L\ burn :

eato; etato iriia W r m Oom-

I ^ two gea-NiCaist tvrnlebed ruOM for , . itomeii; all improvement*; noavenlwt laOrov#


old ECEOOL books ond BBy.btbtr old kooka Sr C. H. URESSELLSUMuBd (I.

intwii by IBBLj-------■.m artin s . 1 R»*0U otDO TOC KBMD M0NEY7—Wo tOBB m*My

kiHMBbald (urBlUro, wlUuut romoTBli iIBBlO f*P»l eoofldotttl nvt,; tdlF S

____ Without rvmovL-, . .,tg by Inetalmmu; ati buelnMb

Bmplr# Loafi Co.* • BtlSHml Hpine Fhoito.

Amerlfan-'fatntiy nf wllliiitrd liaT Llnooln Park. Addreea

e® «.\ ivpMvamenie: rent tiOl

A —8*0 tlKMO *BB BOB 55 BBd *10 (lolo- ond bT m p Smith NlncMoBtli it.

AT WOODSID*—ApnrtnM'nlB, M to WU. raLb I^M , its vKihlBiton nrt.

WAMTED-Lorg* BBd JBUlll MMhBeltd ro™mo.;Koi or without Imgfd, OOBtriUr l®«frdi f « two ndulto; improvOiBont*: w^lg furwloh. Ad-

dro*B Bootno. Bob 71, N t j jr

BLEBCKKB W .,J* jT o lot,..* from.provotnonto; lo i

............ all lm>InqufftftO JaitiF* «tBidiancicm i t *.

odultBi r*Bl HErDomti * aecnnd Hoot

* tRViN(FfON*-ror lal*, bode#; 4 rooton; rliy hoalTO; n.9WD. IndUliw at WEB-ist

“ i ' i i J M y . r «*o ;^ fS fe f‘ iii''.R ik IS:'"'meLMOWT AVK., W-Foitt jawap, with water.

SHMIl OiWNKW.Ba MAINB-Tw'o gonulBt borgllno IB Bouih

OHUOI throB ploBBUt cBtmgoA In Prrfml order; large UAe; two block* from iralM, trolley M i eebM; immedlata ■Mtn Orant#.


Impfovemenii UHK it UIttA

AVto* w 9*4 4 ' iT h st H

Houte, It rooma ill «ul)le. 184 per iMatb.

ftrihad It.

train*, Iroliey pftgaeealon. 44 Third at.

W t M ” SRylvan itoA * / » » • , ItnpU........oo..,,*.. || »T rootruAytvan ito<i Uaotdn ave.,

FNBE eacuraltm to HUion Height#. wh«r* Ml aelllag building KHa at 4& di>«vn and |1 par week. For mat« atid paws Call or addr«ia

HILL, uo Market et.* room 30.

‘ ■‘ " • ‘ ■'/oOT.iMrroomo. Impto................ § UU

wiltr......................... IS HO(ON. STH WBohIngtim hvt.

COURT BT., Nb. 04-Thlrd Itm Bjl; 5 rod™ had kklbi UprsvcnioniB; hallt *nd tltlri n r-

pmfliTSiHBfei imm'dihWiyr w illiam P, FlKtjo,'FmBdimii«i iiuUding,

'., 45-Vbul .n»« p»pw*ss>

ch estnu t ST., 45-Vbur .plHmnt ronm«: WBIor. ghi AM ■

COLUMBIA 8T-. 4<t-aooO«d llBt, «vo nloo oatgl bU tmiwnvomcnU,

WILMlT Ft., MO—Two-Mnry hrtek houooi pruvomcBto. Inpulre 170_A<.>dciay it.

liB- CAMDEN BT„ 154—Two big katomoni rooBH to lot, With WBtor. «

Lak* HopBt«o>K,eummer ti4m* lot at Laka HoPitogAff


tbia baauGfUl laa* for f6'>- -CbsOpaMUva Land Oo., 931 Pi

114 bKldd1iV|Ll>: AVE., brownetona huuaeg ■ h j l r*6*hi " *,1 . ........ave., 9 roams, impt*..

with jVrtotoi. all Inipie..'~'i iMievUl* av*.. 11 roiime, Impt*..


DM1RABLB Mrond fiat; 4 rooPMi: bath; ttTuvemenias onn\#fileiit togitiilont;

abto. Wi Maridiell *4. ,.■...

ave., 9 nxmaa, impie.......ilinubdr av#., a tnoma, Impte.........Ito Piaasant av* V roomi, lnr“‘

tnSKmAHLR flit; ex^lhgrjdwtl^; opp Mit*fipervolr; ateam treat. » •oBlh Orang* kv*.

%'ftlUb«vcb*OHII.SH a. IL ^ H T , B**i EBW53


Ib TOMUftlNr^^^MULBERRY ST., tr*Hg, IS negH W »wAwAk *

tt rooipa*Lombi

EART PA&K^ flat at 4room flat ..

and^raato*.T.. 74rt-nat fl roar J, flCHiont. ircai

fl roami.lartmenie ofCanal at

8W iummer av.k brick. 10 rooma* M P« tociltb. to Avon *v., fmmtr 12 tooipa, wfU I

alrato* tenant.It. <u d**

H8iAl/7tor<Btitnm*r as well i^wlntw^ higbeet giwuiMl, bclwe

f titfUi •tormi 114 (0 to ‘ paytJepUrt, p .4 .Boat ai.

S . ® ! ‘,_ _ S S ; " ■'raira alftp»v

all jg-niTt

FLATK 5 mom#: bath: all liMtovemenis pae* ih* door: two mlBiitoa nom renn.

D*jyl^r*nia rsaasmatrie* laqdWeH. JIIHHcan

R. H JIlHflClI. iUo Paidfl* *t.

ridAT to let; flva larg* light ro«nii and bathi

FUmHSBlSD BOWES WANTED,MVI ftmlohod roort/wMtHd; light houtchoop.

by mon ond t■ AddnoB-W.

OU> bought__ ,»*i»rHyi


li light--------- .non And wifoi no chltdron: MBtiwIljr

— ■ - — «t-

pOOL^j^L^Booond-kh"' j;4BiyMblt, ihl.LOCO M 0H.ll

'iBtulHanls, «n*t«g S ___

lAaiBb*r--S8^!brttt ot. E its n ^ ffif i^ li jS S S f A go.






u o





N t





;4r Flre- _ tei.p 190

PMUIvaly Ib*

. . .W h o s lw n y o d ld y -O -J K ^ P .I puMw W I

45, Now* ,'ftM A l feSTATK 'FOB SALB.

NO BTBlKE-ElBHkmf.Notrark'B (giuriltwoll,lApor dfOorStBr, fom iglf ht SX opringllcid

- T W now loatod nt I yow oL, opr. Bwoo,I tho pIMBUrt Ul iBtcmn hi* pstmii tiul hii

■ pUbUto bM pspoHuuwm ^ not a i go « t «Dplor«l ihnnby th* y

Brio**, to hSS* 0*1 *11 oO »W* Botmt-yBii* UI*t*itlo*.»( Ibt HWi.

, T. ,tatboflnto*lgl-

BOAMDIES.A TOX^L^ w two j^nllttBOB, S*iBfta*jK»rd In

***** ^ *^ '

B, SMtms p--------Ms, m oi Aon* lo- IrwfBg E., Bob 4S,

BOABD-wni roBl to t goaNosiH 1 JBII* « wttk bo*rtl or without. In Prttnfr funjlly: oon-

Irhlly loOBtod. AddroH L, S,, Bob IS, Kowi oitio*, ‘ . ■ _BOARDINO Bt 111 Nowotk BLl'jlWIO BOmto«»;J

.# • 1 -,.T O P S .

2 j

a i g ’S ^ s a slowato pridn*; wa aarry ib* bifgaal at-u S T d ^ llS U ib* Olfo IBiU — “ *- >di don't mlfei our nuttbar^toj

............... ‘ “ t ' a ls s s s s ,OTO., nt*r High ot.

1*1*01 MMoaOklOJ *IM,to board to prtvai* — e # ^

b o a r d . fOTMar Market andJ9II M atnall plog

CLINTONlorto room, to««d Smt I

CENTRE »T„ N>-»Beo!tf’ *"IL*E2Vo’" two fonUomoii or odbfIo. with board.room for

COtglT BT„ PA-Beordorgi two contItiBon, ond wift: oMo toblo booed.

THE FAIR Pltmwrg WoU ? V * L * * 5 5 1, r S S . S . W J f f i i ' j M k E I E t t W J T S F j t o T S S W i aOOBVIMO yotUMlf I



A L a k e w o o d f o r P a o p t e i t e M e a n s .

FRANKLIN W.hoilroam I oMo hoi

bpotd; larto oMocUil l -A Isrgo frunlobod front

I «*bmbU*«, «• ront with yol«0*CM WtOtUBgOd.

FURNISHED ond unfumtohod roomo. with ^ i u ^rdlng-hoia« AWWiiBtloa.Sl HiH ot,FAIRMOUKT^VE., StI-FurJMbod roOniB te

ML with

botwOon How Toik iPcM. R. R .; 35 minutoo 1,----- „ .

ooooL tdOdo/B ctdttgko,!. B*U .*1TO LBT—OUT OF TOWN,

BinmprovenrHiioi rtnl rouoMkioi.cor. Fotr- muuBt oT*. ond W orm OL loqBlro M Mulkotry

"|lV ro jM T 'm S oi;'"W N to - - (fowl

BAST O:[BOBlo; - -dlolo pooicooion.S M i s t ^ KFLAT—ft rooma; hath; al} toa}Vpv«mcnui.: tint

tlooro tr bouth lOtb at.. SM# Rpeevllle Ita*07fB>HALF acre fertile labd for ialei ana TlWr * " ‘ . . . -irf Newark on troUey.

k.fyeto ttouaywftok TI, Kaww oBaf.

i»» j,f*a r w rm Ad-, . withinand elwrt


I C :s e]■■ i .


Fl.AT^y-k^wiB flat to a atfiall family, rSat Itt*. <T4 toMisa at. ihlrd k ^ ftoin ClltitoS

dvev ■let. 24 Ufinay 4l.7.4'roonM' wl^

■ vfatar: pehdno Adof: *nian CUawaava. ■•■


u oy i^ R tot toea iiob^ pm if^ i all WMnvetnent*; rent *to.8to Hijiyar at., Qninge.______


HIOH ST.,„a B .« bm™ ^ « ddovU* roobto.


HALSEY BT„ W -IoFf* f*«m W IFO.MlUi ST.. H-OrolWSi » * ! « . " ' ‘h boordi oklaiptT>ToihintX>

A N A T U R A L -ftflA LT H R E S O R T .

, ; A C C E S S IB IJ . W IT H

i l ^ C O M M U T A t l O N .IV 'it....... ' ........

NEW houoi to ML »•*«• ttomk b*«h. N« JlJsold wtior: ooH aMMe lBWr,* .ffWJL*? IntlBlrt B, B OIM M ;, j| r o ^ ^ *00,, irvtBg-

MWtdfS os: hstHMoh B«M- « nwr* thsB ouortor.f' * IB. pk I StVO lOWOOt IK

south oranob. n , ,ihoBih, B othtegn fruit BBO -Dsdo tro* dtsniti oohlobitss 'OBI hk> iM i^ w

frow froIMkf^wriohy, ii» i

EsIM «5lh

- - mnL M6.00 ww d. lafj* pure, filth ,jioW i*d jAmfftrtabla Oil*,' tw« bathtoama

I8TH WT., RMf nial. iHiinwe, Jilto

B srhW o.M 'M iW B

: "ZSSS:Sit iiiEA' iHiuEHEj jfSMs, w**EB5p5#l4d, Plfic I'oenvi aoif!R'fe Sm fe TO ISSfli BI3.'

FLAT-* root®*; OOBUkli Ml* fl* FHMD HOMINE, d A«*do«r IL

Mio* flSori ront HA

FLAT to ML nil ImptmiBoati. IstpEBt lLtttMtUOl BOB.________________ ' '

FLAT-S Igts* roomi, imjroruRWlL dt Wob* lor 3IB. ■

FLAT I* MLmiinmrr nveir Mbd

.frith impwmsieis, Appir 7*

FjaEMQWWT; AYE..; jW-Ekjfrnt^ SBtt. ,*umtpMVNi5>nt*i odun* pisftnrsd. .'FOlfR* tsaNF *nd ,b»tKp ,ia- WUfB'dSS Btgb ol. .

A pleuudy *cCMBiUe place of iefldetitt all the year round. rrountThetween M 'Y . md PD lU ; » y « n n . R. R.

Thto opening U k c f Cottares and Improved L ob at Demoreft-Dn-the-Hill-topa m b a speciai a ta i^ance. It means » saving of,T W fiN T v (siw cent, torapafed with pices k^icb win rule this Summer. It means a chance to pkk bargains for a home, a home site W Wvestment.IF you WANT TO GET WEttL#IO ATaV WBU.

BE SURE TO ATTBIWltl^ SALE.See tlia -im p ro v e m e n tJ^ lw v : fine surround-

^ D O W N F O R Abalance $T LI

“SpUndid L eb ,C litl«P < m Set or w rie u< « r and free■ ' ■ T M f M le a v e '■ 'w - ' ' ■:

i 4 i * 4 : ' A : i t ; i i « a p . » r . . ' ' "


•4,' We


f toUyou.latgfrt

SaVB tour MONETt ^y « U ^

or OBlI.BBd CJJyhlM rj»»ol

S H S S ''"a

CR7R Um of walipkgdt J oomplcte, Wa aanvi

Ckper tor Mo* le oiMi eaii_to

tofo ptlailng imiinpt afttautoe .;

MEW EEm «S-FiWi( And knelt patHr, with koarSt au* othor roofr*i itnprovoihOBkt,

irtfO.-uTloiMBt' rtMki, wItAfrntto Bt xniltik*ii kBd

ORCHARD ST. pamaoBtfr

I vlIb bowAj iH Im-


FA1|K ]PU meratoto M|UUM.

•iiikto r


h o m e ,T.

a Month,lu n 4 h e o n * lb r V i^ l« ? ,

T**« IA

M W S f THUBSDAY. APRIL 10. 1900.

•t « S M M*M> H M t a f «llM « VIM M •»•

* * * J s * » ^ R i .* « Brw»ch g® «*.•ZtmiW flMr, Bt. Panl ScrtMkw BrM<war " w Ann «*r***- A J[*Haauaun: ipM l.l r»p ».»n t«U T i

■ raC IA l. WMTTBBN A O K N T- „ _ ’ C !■ Btll»n. Block S »ch *n f. Build-

tog, Chkoufk O R A N aE -

TilapliM* n iBvculok New. S r . 1 Ofllc*. I OiiiWd

H XW AH K-U olih .u .r ’a D r u o t o " . < » « «

M d M.rkrt .trM lA . _____jocdH ii A C9., Ol Bread

" lu « t r . S I Ferry a. iJuncao» IM Bliu .irret.Bnllbut. SI Ball.rlH;

lyren W. idoret,Aul * . fcb iw iil« , III BloomBcId » « • ■u.k coTTiar O.rM d. .trert*

O. J. LachA Walrtlniton *nd Chretar

?OCdHlla . aiu

. B. Dui


C.RlrmltV.RUW. ^JaMph BttanlMrteT, Jr.,IiachcScV* Wret End n . r n i c y , •«»-

.n irt itrret »nd Bcuth OruDf. •¥#■Chari* F. Millar, pharaaclal, HI*

BroM atraat. cornar Parkhunt.John « . roaUir. RoaavlHa airf f«»anlk

arenna, opoalta depot. Talaphona IBtl.X. M. Laird, dni»*!at, CTInton a.aooa and Monmouth ahuat. ^

Oao. W. Mine, W Bmmat at (c o « oIBca).

BABT ORANQB-i t ^ U a T HI Main » • «

Brick Church Btallim. w : H. p ‘ -------------







Wat tM , lo*i c


oriwnog^IMP*u t*

«r1ik , Mt. ni 9t

t «Jftd ilMd. ▼too* Long

igflvid Sroia, nt bia i CB afewait

V K l!nr and la«a.


Plumlay, Baat O r a w „H. M. 'Wlldtnan, Baifadcalar, Wl Main

atraatBOCTH OnAHOS^ ___

Roharl Laalla. BouUi Orania aranOA OHANOE V A L L E T - ^

J, J. Bpcllman, Hlihland Avantta Btn-tlon.

IRVINOTON- __ ^r . A. Ware, Room 1 W hllwktr BuHd-

tne, PnatoflltM Block.MILLBCRN—

J. H. Bunn. otPCA Foatonca BulldloB. MILTON-

P. A. Wara, Boydra avanuA UOKTCLAIR- , , . ,Jacob Rudenaar. nawadaaltr, Iprlni

Btryal, oppoalta dapot HARRISON- . _ „

P. J. Ooodman. lU Harrlaon avanuA KBARNT*"John Hood, JohnatOB avanuA oppoalta

Hlihland avanua. ____F r a ^ H. Ptlardy. d ru n ia t cornar

Grant and Cantraf aramtaA BLOOMFIELD—

Oarlock A Co., I « Olanwood avanuA S tn iM IT -

Edward B. Ka«y. ..Benjamin P. HolmaA ataUonar. Main atraat.

ARLINOTON- .........C. H. Blanc, nawa aland, oppoalta

Oreanweod Laka Dapot WATBEBBINO- ,

Charlaa Bradlay. nawadaalar.MADIBON- ,Laarta A. Watare, nawadaalar, D » I*

and W. R. I t Btatlon. MO^I RWTOWN— lioAlpIn


Charloo flhafar.ELIZABETH

F. C N orrS A H W A 7 - _ ^ _

H. L. Hoota B Ckarry itroat CALDWELL—

A Bottarin, Bloomdeld aranuA

Herry"T. Lafarla. dreiglat Paiaate aranuA near Cbeatnut etreet_______

William W hniu Davir, rtatm et Ckriat Churrti. lUm nruae. J.. aamael eoaa Tardlay and Marie Dwet^ Beoalifiaema.

O B A T H M .AtUHXT-On Tuaaday, April IT. ItOP. ^ r y • J.,Taaalurr of Peirleh lad the late caar

kdte Aurhey, . .Kelatlvn and trlred* e « lorlied la ailaod tim funeral fran bar laie reeldenoe. No 1* Iftiliili areeiue, oa Friday. April a), at I'.la A. u.. 10 di. Pairtek'e Cathedral, where a aelemn Hlah Haae of Reuulen will be eele- Prated for the repoae of her eooL laterr “ in the Cometery at tbe Holy lepolcbre.

BVRNP-Oa April Ih, laCA at her late reel- dence, Ka ■ Waeblnaioa'avenue. Irvluat*. N. 1., Keriarei. beloved wife of Jantte M. UHriu,

Noikf of fuMMl iHrMfUr.CHARNOOK-AI Etit Oranae. on Aerll lA

IMA Helen, yotnyeet eblia of Kehrrt H. end llerrtett Chemoek, eyed a mootha tl

R^m-ee end trleade an Invited to attend ibt fuBtipl eervloee from tartnU' roekUaoe, No. t Waal Mreei. oa FHOa* . at !Ai> P. M Inieraeat tn Falrawtim tlemelery,

CLARK-Oa April li. IMO. Cberke F., balevad bueband of Annie 1,’lerh. ered At yefr*. Tbe rrlallvea end frtende are kindly Invited In attend the fanerel from hie lata realdenoe, ranter Maple end Hodwell evanuea. irMnt- un, er. Ualwday. April tl, at titO P. M. Iniarraani la Palraioiuit Crmetery.

CROWEtt-Oa April IT, IMO. Edward L . of the late Ellaa t . Orowall, end PT yean.

Funeral lecvlcea an Friday, the 30tb InaUnt, at 1:30 P. M.. from hie late rreldeaoe. Na UT Emmet atrari. Relailvai and Crianda are Invited ta attend. Jnt.rinent at Clin, loo Ceme’.ery.

DOLAND—On April II. ItM. Eiaau J., Wife of Ludlow P. Ooluid-Relatlm and frtende are reapertfully Invited to ttiond tunoral tarvleeo oi bor laU foed- dtiHa. a t lUitb evanui. on Friday tvmlna

EBTICBHoAd t « l UaoM »»«a t « fe« sIBaB ahoulB bo rMoltroB botorw IBiBB Wolook.

T n aa low t •Bw artM p* Ul tb o BEWB ■aunt bo wropaM. Ba aM aa ato w ill bo aRoanA lo r ataolb

Ba adwarllaoBMat WUt b o rooolooA awor Iho to lopboao oaaoRt Ikaaa aoat b y aatbarlaoA asoata-

ABBwora to atIwowtiBOBuato aro kORt lar tw o w otk a aoA o r o tk oa Bo- atroyad. II any a lk or dlaRaaltloa la AoalroA tko oM oo abaaW bo aotlBoA.

at I :M. Intarmont from Prrahyterlan Churob “ “ — — Haturday.at Rovkaway, 1 P. M

DOKAIUIE-On April IP,of Mary B. Donahti*laM realMca. No. pb pardm itraai.

IMO. John, huahand iiee Kellay), at hla

FULLtOliR-On Ilia Iftb mat of the tala Ooorto FUIU«er

The Im n ad ^rlaoo. oiT Patai^y, Apr'li II. IPOO.at I I*. If. Ftiiioral aervlcra wilt be liald at

Notler at lunoral heroatter.Carrla A., wlfi

and IT yoara.relatlvta will mael at hot

laio rntdOBho, IM Hooth Uliib otraot, Har------------ April J —

_ _ _ oTlt bethe ilaiTlooB Tobernaile, rrmrol avonne. at 1 F. 11. Ralallvet and friendi ate kindly InvjtaA Intmneni at FalrtniHim Crmetrry.

FiaHKR-On April tA IkW.Relattvmi and friendi ara Invitrd to alien, the funeral front kli Jite I "Ttobener etreet, onat I P. U. JfitMTuMl te Woodland C#«a*'t«nr-aLOKCKfiVA-On Uia lltb InaUai, ChariM Uloaelilaf, balovfd huaba *d of Thtraaa

iS di?N 0. iS S T E oI H.; O ^ n l a Lod« No. ! « . I. O. O. F,, Badlechrn K. U. V. No. 1; aambrinue K. t’ . V. No. I, Hadle^rn Frauen K. V. V. No. t. Mirlba WiihlnmoD deyniHltlaen K. U. V., Eltitraobt K, II. v „ for Maener und l^uen. Plonirr Mwnet Aiclety. Amariean Drum and fe t orpo and all the ilnatno aoclettaa to which ht brieni- ed aro rrapectfully Invited to attend the

w A «< n u > -M A tmTOOUfAKBR wanted; yowaa mi

raitare for ellvtc wetk. JKO. W. 0 CO.. lOT Bemmen et.


TAILOR waatedi rood bueheIMn: ^ iMIan. H. Pa U oINT, 4TP Unnae M.

TRUMKMAKBRB and llnete waateA PSDI^S CO.. TT Bi mnetaw^

T. R.

TIN HOOb'ER-<lood tta roofar waatiA • M*- rhanle »t. _

TBAMPtKR at P»M. M C ^ r M ____

ABLB'BODIKn. urvRMrrM m ti tt/r tha Uv *• MarlM Oerpa; applloaata for anlMHiaat iBvwt >a «ltlacM af tb* frnliad itaiM. ar ♦b®lar* tagaair Awlartd ttkalr lacaotldM tA m - KMnlM «urh, tl aad aot ovtr It yMM t fiat 4 ♦Befcea and ftoi a%*«‘ • faaj. I hatght. dWa to raaA mil wrtta th# iragtlob U*-_ —.a --------- r. Applf dt Fd.| a ^ to vail i f apaah lte

lat at., Navgrk, N. J.AOENTt-Laeal and trtramnt agaaU ii> tato ardara and dalivtr Backar* Vdpaa Ralb Odimata; thaaa ri|«b1a of Mramf from too to tliO par mnnlli prafarrad: thia oaMn hai baan Urgalr advartivd; U« marlla ara «a{l undarMfiod br lb* public, and ladonaad bf all laadlM phyafclaM: furnlih priattd inaitatffaa, atari yen ri^i and pay Mharal roreelf^ »|twa. MOUJIHKOPP JT UcCHKERT. *t» Dorr tl.e Toltda. O. _____ _

rPHOLJTiCnER wamad; g ^ aiaady work. ORFHTKIB. Wvrt atetCadar ai.rgRprL wait for countr> . _________

WANTED for V. t, A m . uo’BMn-iad man, batwaan agaa ct ^1':

■Ml of Imi*4 italaa. of fto { tamprralt habita. wbdoaa apaak.“ ■ For inn^attoB, aplrfy lo^Racrvlttag9Tb Mirkri ft.. Newtrl

WAintR-Oood reelaumhl undentende (he boetntie, 94 Bellevtlle eteTfH-’NO MAN In o»re oetn; muet beve koowledye W fcuble-reirr beek-kewlny and atemoriphy. a. P-. »»* o*.NaWa offlra.

AOKNTE^Waatad. naat, rnargrtta agantas dr* fkla tallci far Itaalf; big proftta; f<aa^ aai* p to ^ M ' hlgh-grada apacfali r. m Uarktt it.e

rocwi it. ■_

TOtTNO man waatad who undantanda l«np#r- ttkt iiaal wir*: alao « f«w atrong boya Ap-

Idy^awark Hivrl WactA ltfTOl’KOand fTocarr buatnrta; puai

•e^lOa. / . OTTBN. IdT NawartiTCH aatra Nrwt

a n litrUlfant man I" tha Orangaa, Biee*- Oald. Montelalr. Caldwtll. Nniburtia ta ha^

our btaalnaaa with vitw of promaUMt ngnt — w QAn iMka gMd fuiurr potitlon fbr hlmaifeApply Mbnagai, room Id. Main al.e Oramga,ATTENTION, MkN^.BD and lew homy lljrtl work lakee veu to Rerone; no eteemel^ wotli. BIUniMag atficaa. g Cllnlon al., or M Waal at.« Naw Tarkv "_____ _____A man vantade aouualiitad with raUroM MM,

1*1 wurkfor * fwacl Addraaa A ir

among tham: gtwd Mf- ,|rtnia)i. Doa tk, Hawi offoa.

A FBW OatboHc wgnt^ to toUour MW artkcla; ea* a*ally aarn H * dty.

Call 144 BiMilh 4t ____ ■* brlgbt, likdiiatrloua boy, about

.. old,» Nnrtk*^iw eir, Beet Ortnte.

ROT-Weated. .Ig yaara oMe

Addraaa"brblbl.to- 1« n l Iha rai


, NorrlB, itatlinwr, M Bread itrert.

funaiwl from hla Mta raaldoM*. J9t Aprlim- told ararnia. ow rrtday. April » , at a P. M. iDtamnaikt at Woodland camatary- an,s

DOT wanlad. tboiH H to oaalat tn pMklM room of faclanr aiM to naake hlmaalf

arally uaafttl. Addraaa D, !!• t-.. Box pk, Nawa oWra. .BOTI wanted lor foot prenee. not undw tli

food nay. etredy work. Apply T lo a A. M. H. OOULD'i bon b OO., <I-M Htn'llmn it.BOYB wantKl to

(■eera. Apply iPANJER and 4th ava.. city. ______

MELT W A H T S m -rE B U L ge.HOfiEWORk-Otrt M do fonerel heuawwork;

IWU In lamlly. IM Ba«» Tth at. _______ __Hoi n*«ORK-Oirt to

baby nut. Ill QulimaiauM a at.

for attteral M Palten tl.

heueawofkiHOLUtBtVURX-Olrt gooil vagata

HoruRWORK-airl wanted for hoaeiwettii eleep home. W Baak et,

HOl’aeWORII-QIrl wanted for tentrel boBOe. work. M Jtdmeoojrte.

HANDS wonted Oil Ulloe-ime* a » » » OMre- - — tore end lloleben^ B^NDURa, aM Brredjn^ 1 fM?'he!Jef1o Mtl'jSl \

youna Btrle. muettn unoerwearIJOARNKlUt-Wanted, briahtleern npereiina oa ledlee n.----- ------will be iwld wRlIe learnlna. Anmcen V nder

aermeat tSa. it and M tfreen elLAl'NDRICsa winied, and

work. Sd Park pi.to uelJt at otbar

niNRSBB. CARRIAOEB.h o m e * a t auction


ew and 4dT Bread M.. Newark. N. J. THE LAROEdT BALE BTABLEB IN NEW

JERBET.LarBW Auetlon law of


at MiM A. H.Thlo ooto taaludeo trotien, u <

B'aiebod palaa, olatW drum, family.ra. coht.____ _____ butlntm,

rtnn, Jerau thunki. Infaot"'ho3et to ouit all purpoeot, " U

lid to in bead rf Ont-clajs aort* hand el Private eale or. fa.benae. eold ea tin doyw irlil, end If e

td puTcaewlrmr. MPM»a ______ _

ittotlo* ur prlv«i« Ml*. A i rwrikii,' aiAi m »

*|w»y« ow....All ho*Mo

irltl, fttiil Ir Mt a chtorfully r«fui<Mt ropro*

ry ebtorfuBy rofuitod. id htmFM Mkl ON oommit-

HUaLIKKKS wmi«d. told NT*.


Nl'R81g>TMag girl Id hrlp with bnm* BlghUL r*r#rfnr» M

*v*.baby; gn


aaNtalVir^MW*Hm m w^ ‘nkW CLAR’ AiyCTroN' HALJC* I eVSHT

YUMDAY and KRIDAT, _ _ T«l*iUCkM fQ gbd tIK HOT A roX, PTopa, HOT, AurllonpTf

i B. MDRKilot'd. AalMiname Homi I* hlTw by th* day or w««k.

MAN wanted.builnne; muet have food refer. OTTEN, MT Newertt et________

IKO MKN. employed lb footwee. » " ">*ko tra juaaey Nilly, Addreei A. I ■■ flat M. ra ofBoo. __

OPERATDRB-_„„„ _ _ .-TCCKERS--TRIMMERBwanted on ledlee' muetln underwear; Bliiaec. Wheeler A Wllena aad Wllleoi A OIbbf eevrlu machlnee; eteedy work ell year round, and food

lo dull ooooont Apply ell week, AMERICAN l■^TJKRI|AHMBNT 00,.

operator*.wiliu- feed per; ete. COHN, Onufo and Hiib

TOt'NO MAN to aoiltt In eorrioao paint abop. M. A, MULUN. Ml Waiblndion at.

OPERATORIt—Eipertenred Apavaiore wanted oa ooroot oovara. it i Briwd et.. id tloec.



HENHT a . CONJtOLLT, MANAGER.^ tli, (90l "Ur»a. »1A Hii

POLIBHERB-Eiperlenced ilrli to polloh ollvep wort. JNO. W. BKDDAI.L a CO., lUT llaa-

llioa H. _____ROPE ebain ebarfere wanted: etaady woth.

W. C. BDOE to., rear 4d Orton o4.

10WN Alwgy* Duiy Htor*, Sfi a*d ITT DgrtNgflwd

SOIJIERERB wanted nn ,inall ellvac aovM ^ aipontaced. W . f . F.DOE CO., rear 4d Oreoi

bouaeworkert,' i l l . ’ lit. 8 oi wblit knd rul-A.-^tMki. laundr***, •MALL |in lmm*dl*l4ly. *va.■ WTVIIk«*m* mama — ... - - -alao ^*C4 In eouniry f®r woman wiin child', dtarllhg ilur**u 3td M*ln.Qrank*A,-I0ft girla wanl*d] cook*, no waaWni. W t

rook-laundrtwN, ijd.r*wi*a, IWl howa*work*ra. life tlb. I3i>, tolortd glrta. Th C*inr* *1-- Drmg*. __A.-Aa-rnamb#r«tW, w alir*^ , nuw cook for founfry hotals girl* for houMwork. •lorii, *■ Id Cbdar *1.

•Aj— . ... ..founfry

factort**, oDIcm, «tr.

ITOffton *t.

ROT-Wanted. tlron*. b o ^ toy -a Hert, b, aroe-ry atore; mult buotw. Huiller, I»1 M,

Nf»* oflilt'*. ________________ _______HOT wanted for oBIce work, with retrr-ncre.

A. KAUFMANN, It MArrtiOn et , Kaet Or- aner. _______________________

BUEIHEEE OPPBRTCMITHBB.____A.-Waaiod. Hav# naih buytre for mcery aM

meat itara, boardlna nr rernlebed boi» . ijltk rouir, ntara oiopr. srocery More ahoai H.OOU, nadheuit. hotel at laloon. city or ontuim;; e l* ■Tocory. with i roomi ntwchod; reaeonablo Shireoo. HUBERT BOOTH, id Cllntim ot.A.—Flrai.claoi oonfKilonorr and Ho rrtim

rtre II.WObuelnait: peodti 0,000 yoaviT; prlra IJ .i^ II necoeoary marhloory for muwacturlna Ice r*m. hA eRT booth , it CllatMt at.all


Interment at Woodland cowetery.OBARL—At Onnae, oti April It. »i the reei-

denci ol bia perenia W Henry T. Oeatl. beloved buebend of Martto Oeirl and oldttt ion of Mary and Henry Geart, In bU *Slb year.Relatival anil friendi aro reopecifullv inriM 10 attend ihe tnneral lerelcea i i lO* FvTy 14. E. Cbureb, Baat Orente. on Friiliy. April 90. at 1 P, M. Interment In Roeedale Cematary.

OHENEWALDEH-Buddenlr, at B A. M April IP. Q-nett Orenewalder, of T4 Ooithari

Funcrul node* h«rwrur. UACDENBCHILD-OaIMO. Edward Haudenichlld, tolnved eon of

Oeorte and Loutia Hiudtnochlld tnao Matilllt. lied l i yaara 4 Retativen and frlenoa, alao Nawarh L^dn No, IM. Jr. o. U, A. M., are raojiootlully mylirt lo attend the funeral on Sunday, April D. at 2 P. M,. from bta lau raaldeitea. Ko. i f Kontaomary etreet. Interment In Woodland Catnetary.

BILUDON—At Orania. N. J.. on A^1 It, lioo, Joiepb W.. eon of John C. and Martha 1, HItlidon. In hla liik year.Funeral aervteaa will 4t# held at hie tale raal- donce. ISi Wuhinrtnn atrael. Oranae. on Sunday. April 29, at 4 P. M. luierment at RoMdale Cemetery.

UT^ES—On tbe ttth Inaianl. at ibe reildenco

HOT-Wanted, etronf, honaot b o y ^ a amcery mutt underetand borata. 100 Belterillr are.

Bors-Wanted, two jmod pin toya SCHF.IN- ER’k. tub ave. and worth sib at.___________

BDr-Stfona toy wanted In snoery; roual take rare of boreo. ST Watnut.__________________

BOT—Wanted, a toy to week In the bake abop. inoulre at IM Ftny at.

APPRENTICE* and Improver! wanted, MADAME PIERSON, » Carltun el . tAPt

Oranae. ___________________ _





APPBF-STtCEgwimed In mlllltiery. Bl OOEl, Mi Main iL. Eaet Oranae. _____

U'TTONIIOLB maker and coat,; Heady poalilon. N.

Orange at.(In)alier nn FALaLANT.


CHAMBERMAID-Briahi youna roiored alrl aa chamtorraald uc «»ltr*w 'n P^'vale family. Apply l » Turrell ave.. luuth or-

angtj________ .CHAllDERfciAlI>“ W*nl«l. * rhamb**-

malH and waUiw*a;_ color^; giwd referenc*.ITlRlii HIPV ■MMiaew—m, v- wm*^. *AddrwM F,. ttoa «le N*wa offle*.CKAUH£RMAID-An

maid gnd wattrM*.np*rl*noril chambtr-

Agplir twu day*. 3fi Hill

BOTH wnated. I’hurch.

BOT wanted, about IT yonre md. •t- •

IT Lafarette

-Blpona toy wanted for oaloon. 06 Union

BOT wanted ol B. DALT'E IM Ceirtw. ave.

A.-Cbanee aoldom offend | food-paytas. « l l - ■tockad eigwr. oouf*cUon*ry and notion aior*» r*nt Qulg MO: four rooan*; prlM «Tk; good loca* tlon. MtiBMT BOOTH, m Cllwoii atA.—Painting. patoHna and

nwa: widow muat Mil; kiw rrtii; Hvtng raoma BOOTH. M Clinton gt.

docoratlng bual- prle* 4\M i ^ a<^k; aUached. HUBERT

A.-Meat martrt:i>*w katnrit; bargain. HUBERT BOOTH, M CTInton at. ___________A.-Boardlng‘howM: flr*J.«laa*

MiiY with low# capital. KUBBRClinton ai. ________

oDPOfiunity for BRT B o o m ••

A.—ISO bur* eandy atom, ooreer, Kafkat ■!<

irs buy* c«nf«tlon*iT *tor*. ^^rry ^IfW buy* Mlann, eoftw. Kiiriaon. N. J. ITS bun butchM* abop. old Miabltibad.

IITB bun gtoeary. corner, baffaln. _ Mrin bunn*w*pa| rTOut*.(;>v«rB0Qcuateib*n two buy* aaloon, comer, a-v mortgag*- ISOO bun tirtwcco rout*.3 boraea.wagon*.tin tlyOOo ban toioohp HrSOO jwe*l^ ^ tW y - rnoNHElH A DUNWe Ptan* an WlUlam ata.

S room*, MS: pric* llWe aiL*L®N Market at.Includli

A COe. l!A.-Cigar ■ton. with fumi^*d-room taebtd. In murth Ward.; pile* HOO. OILLENA CO-. t » MarkH it.____________________A.—Corner *1000; Irlah nHgh^lw^; aplaodij

buBlneea; price IW . OlL«LBN A w>e IM Market M. ___

spot cabfor drygooda. cMhing. lamMhItig gee war* aad creekaa-y. /umltur*. M^ocfy Btocka of ro*rchandlae: buaintoa oMfldmial. R08BNTKAL A CO,. 240 1C. 43d at.. N. T* O tr

gSSi. btod-!«Tr and any

A BAROAIN'-IBOO buy* okt^abHahed bottaa- fumlahlaff bualna**: nearby to*^; yearly

MoBta tl.M ; atora rent with flat, 1SB momhiye jjanaAte Boa <1, N»wa oWca.____________


localgwaarFIRtf'CLABS aatooo aad boM: )oat«d oa n

alefcipiaad wailain at*.- J on main on BjMeh; PCM MU. C*ONMI

oM: Jow iprinfflcld WM A D

.. reat; icld ave.


A OOOD mtOiA ^ y * i . ;

______route tor eale of 9W uusru,at SEILER BROS',, cor. Ptauo aad

AUCTTONEBR partner vruiled; mile money rp.quired. Call cvenisfe. OUTCKSKAN'S. »

Bniee et.BAROAIN-Casdy an* cinr etore In Horriion,

■ ' ■ --------- - - — id;with 4 raoue: rent till Inquire LOUH A. FE' room IS.

________ _ price ITS.iBR. SM Broad it.

BUTTER aad a n touta for eale; weekly pnOta rts. price UTS. MURDOCK. IS BmcnSold.

BAKERT and lunch room, vrilb lea oronm Sm tune, tor ula; food aland. HOCKBE SI Btv.

anth art.CARD TO sa io o n -k b e p e r e

Hnrin* hod minr appUcatioui far laioni tram pnrtlan EMlrlnff u purebMi, I ban de- oMed t» nSd t»i aoie o f ohloona, h a *o« iriiiab. to mr proaent baplarei. Baloon-koopj are deeditn* lo oell wUl do w*U to confer vrith me, a* my OEtanaltTe aoquatnUoce nnd ei- pertem aeqnlnd durtiis M ^the real eotnt* and Uteurnnea boeUM arlH of vatoe to them in a ^ iln i; n reta. and my CHAROE .BBINg _A^ODBRATE‘ ,E ONLSION IN THE EVENT OF A SALM WiLT, For tmS>" InfornmOoii apply to LOOTS ^ FELMR, rail intau and la w u M afiot, SOS Erond at, mom IE

Muair Hall. Orang*- _______BARBER wanted; ttrat-cUia, Mealy won. to

atari Miwidaya *2 Bhermap aT*.

CHAMBER«AJD-Eap*|tonr»d^Call Weetem Ubfoo offlee. Brick and waltreaa wanted. Apply 10

CABPiCT 8KWER8; f«»dJunto at ^uly HAN8UN A DICKJSMON, M.i Htoed at. between 6 end i P- M. _____ ___CROTHETBR8. 100. on Mdl**' hi»oda. mli

hunda and aacduea, SM4 Lilltleitm eve., ring 2d bell. _________________fooK^Flrat^jIaaa cook at once: reference iw-

fjulred. no Other need apply: ctilored. 4h Park pl. _________________________n>OK-Oood female cook wanted In reatauranC.

422 Broad at.

BARRKR wanted for iaturdny. Iierber ahop. Ilk Market at.

WALTER HCOOK-Wanted, good cook. Call m Brogd

her eoD-ln-law, Mr. Frnncla Thouij^i No. 908 South Third etreet. HarriMii, Cath

BOTTLBD BEER-Wenled. a wafhera. Apply lo-nlght, 88 Hector at., o* f>n. tween 7 and 8 oolf-^__________ _

DRE8HMAKER'8 Improver; can operate W.U. machine preferred; alao apprenticee tlut

can atw; paM while leaning, m 2d at-. South Oreng*.

bartenderence and br ♦■prrieneed. Addreea Bar. Boi 0A, Newa office.BARTENDER'

llqMor etore-. . . . . . . . min'llevnle ava

-ExperiencedSO fer ‘

warned In

erltk*. widow of Martin Myaea.Notlee df funeral hereafter.

McCLOL’ D—SuddrnJy. on Tneeday, April IT.1908, Sdward McCloud, aged 81 year*.BelaMvea and frieod* are Invited to attend the runernl eerrkea from the realdenc* of hie aoii'ln>law. Chsrtea H. BiaTnan*. Ko. dtt South Temh etreet. nn f^dar. the 98th Inai., el I F, Mv IfttrnneBt at Cedar OiT»ee, N. J.

KcKARNAN—On April lA 1808, at her pareaU* reeldewce. No. lei Naw York avtsuc, l|ar>-, beloved daughter of Jam** end Bridget McKrman. aged IT ycara 10 montha 98 day*.

Notice of funeral hereafter,SCHLSaBL-On Wedneaday, April IS, IMD.

Mar.' Anna, beloved wth of Nicbolaa Bctaltfel (net Foater), aged 83 yeara V montha.Relative* and friendi ar* mott reapectfXiUy Invited to atiaad the tunaral oa Saturday,April 31, lOOU. at 8:li A- M., frosn the realdenc* of h»r daughter. Mr*. Adolph Bm ,No. iM Spruce etreet, to Bt. Mary'e Church, where a High Mnei of Raqulefn will be of* fared for the rrpoee of her soul. Intennent la tha Cemetery of th* Holy Brnulchr*.

BlNNOTT'^On April lA 1800. MatbJw Slnno^ __________________Rcrnttvee ans

DRBMHAKFR want* good walai hand; atea4 work for the right party; alao improver.

Mulberry at.____BUflHELMAN wanted at McKBB*8, 889 Broad

t.; none but Orai-claM man ne*d *^2^^Bl'TCHER'—Oood man wanted hi lb* butcher

bueintoi. Call 861 Omng* al.

DRESRMAKIND eetabllatinkeiit want* amart girl for errand* and All lo time aewlng.

Camp et. ___ _______

BUTCHER wanted lo drive a wagon, vine avis_________ ______

CANVASSER wanted; on* with ekperienc* In lS .t .1^ *% u jrt;« ete^y ,w ^ right men. Appiy by latler, M. LBICHTEN-

TOITT. PlelBlleld. N. J.__________________ _CARVER-Wanted, a «r*l-claae carver on ^

gold Jewalrr: gewd end steady p«1tlon _»o the right periy. Can or addree* E. LBV i. berry at.



el Since, button eewlnc meohlne: to Co t( Perth Amtoy, N. J .; etredy eoelllon. I. B. Knre

“ dwev. NewM Bette- pinie Cfc. Rroadwa> ■'New York.EXTHRIENCED examlnar wanted on bo>-a'

hn*e paata, to go lo Perth Amboy, N. J.: atendv position, f. 8. Knee Pants Co., 883 Broadway. New York._______________

, 311 Mul-

itriml ih|iifwrranii_____ ___ — n - -- -WkWiftW. Jir. John Barrett, No, 88 Summit street, ou FtMay, April 10, al 3 M. Ik* | taiment In St. John's Cemetery. A Mom nf Heeulem will be offered for the twpoee of hta aoul In SL Pairtfk’a Cathedral on Uooday. i April 98, ai 8:80 A. M. Relaitvee and frtonda are kindly Invited to attend.

■KBPB'^On the IStb luUnl, after a lingering lllneaa, at ble realdenc*. 98 Jobnalon ave- Biie, Wearay, John, beloved bueband of Margaret 8«Ma.

Notice of funeral bareafter. *THOMPSON-Oa tb* I8th last.. Harriet A.,

wife ot William 8. Thowipeou, agod 89 year*. PilMral aarvloaa will be held at her late reM-

dene*. No. 88 Emmet Mteet, oo thuredar evening. April 18. 1880, at 8 o'clock. Rela- llvca and Menda an kindly lnvft«d. 1atcr> m*at Friday, at Bvergreea Cemetery, at OdTtvenleiiee in family,

TODKEA—On April 18, 1800, Harriet A, Firs* •on, widow w Irvlag Tooker. •

Fuiieral eervloea on Friday at 10:86 A. M., from her late realdeoo*. Relative* and frlenda are tavlted to attend, lutermeat at pmvenleaae ol family.

WIEDMANN—On the IStb inet., Caroline, wife of lb* lata Cuitavi WMmatuk, la her 4Mb year.Funeral areTlcea will be held nt her late reel- dnwe. MS Hlfhlnnd avmM, on Friday, April M, INn. nt i P. IL Ralatlvre a ^ Dlenda an kindly btrited. Intrnneni nt TVoadtnnd Cametarr.

WBBBL-At Orente, N, I.. on April IT. IMXl, AbHn R., widow of Lawl! H. webel. In her 4iUt year. , .

Beintivan and trinnda nn nnpeetrully Invited to attend Ihe rtincnl ecrvlee nt All Sainta' Chapel on ireidny. SMh Inet., et 2 P. M. InteraHiit at SprmfMld, M. J,

b M il i aa tloM rnaalwaS la t« fa r etlonalRcatlaa M ill fen (nnaM aaM K « *• ________ _

Apply TO Railroad pl..

Apply TJO A. ante.carpenters wanted.

Brick Chntch.COACMMAN-WPIte man wanted aa coaohmaO;

married. Coaoli. Boi ds. Newa office,COOK—Wanted, c«od cook and carver. Call at

66 qentra Markau _____DRUa CLERK wented: llceimed: clve rri«-

eneeand aalary wantii; alM ^nlor, to ih « e or two yeaft egpertence.89, Neara offloe. __ .


; no dull eeasnnt- erican n ___ ...

i i and 96 Oreen at., na«r BrwU itexperienced

ateedy •ia.

cm ledleFwork. Je i


tk* iMgeet Retail Stablta in the Ekat, and the only ploea to gat atrieily rentorlvaaia ao> oU««t*8 Hone*.

188 Cooob Horeea, 18 Metekad Ftlrt. exm 8m Road Iforoe*, fine Saddle Horeea. om bend ceiM Fooy and ouiflt.

Reorived thia moralag, 40 good bueinese Hereea, from l.tuO to 1,1100 Ibe.. and will eoM tt the loweet moffett prieto

Work horse* lo hlNkTelephnnea 49*. ________ _

IM FeuMrlTOblo

WHITE women, having wanted, to work by the

OUlrwt. 6A Fa»( Ikrk at,, Kainail ehlldreh,

dor: reference* rtw uit Oiwni*.

WOMAN aatiint lor kitchen work. Apply 0«v man Hocpital, Rank and Newton it. ___

WAITnEfl8K.8-8 neat and eaperienrrd wall taet for cafr. 8 West at.


WAITRESS wanted. Apply 98 Sprlngttrid ave.

Flnt-rlaee woJtreee wanted ply at once. M Park pt. ___ ___

EMPLOY MRNT W A A T B I^ N ALB19.BOOKaKKKPFH, of ObOUt 88 yeox* of perlenred In flrat-rlise cowoerM. Hkepoelllon; lest pcelilmi loat lhrough illn^: c#n ■:iv* a number nf good reterwnc**. Addrei* C. 4., B-'e 2H, New* n f f l c e , __________

SoT'-Yi)uof colored iddrdoctor. Andrea* *8 Arfinglon at

wlahea lo drive for

COACHMAN-Young man want* poaliion; Aral clan unachman; honeer. aober; be*i refer

•ntca. Hoe 222, South ______eOArilMAN nr gardauet; o**ful young man

flrat-p|**e referetkMa; city or cnumry. T, hot M7. :*iKMh Orange.COAi'HMAN wlihes placa; 10 yean' reference

leal employer 611 Centiwl avr.EXPF.R1E ^ ;D bookvtoeper. ceahlet.mipomtefti, wlaha* pnattlon; salary moderate. Book*. Boe 18, News office, _______STUnsn young Gtraeait went* employment al

anything. T6 River at._______________TEAMkTKR—Colored man wanu employnimt

a« tcemtier; good referwiK-e. Addrrii Q, W F„ 1.1 Ualden lane.TOUNG MAN (90) Want* pnelilon die aetHtig

or prea* working; ejmrienced hand. Addreea Die*. B oe 10. Newe ofAe*.



GRAIN -Choice wed nota..,.................. 9(loeii, clean, enund. clipped............. IDflood, clean, ................... ........ 7*Meal dry yellow com lilt Iha.)..........L8Q

HAT‘ No I ilmothy. large................... *0Uood timothy. J ifg i......f iNo 1 end excellent No. 9. *me1l..>-N, 88 tkiod upland fralrle. tweet, cltow ... Tl A A*r of etcellem clover repniied to he

p lacwd for tt* to-wmcTow................. mEverything tn stock at out pr1e«e.Mall Mrdetw. Roth telephone*

A COMPtnETR line ef trees. plaiitA.

§ vlneea etc.; buy directly and save j agenia' proAia: etoek can heiseen any ; daii no order leo large w ematf. .

i'HA8. HOMM. Well at. and 8fri»^ j told ave.. Box 180i. IrvtngtOA N. *■

AtXi sarti and *lie* fruit, ehada, oikamaa^ [ iTveayiBti. ahrubbery and we* bd*k#e, at ikd j N iw A N«?;wy. ninloa end .■ermour av*k t J wroumd murt be cleared lor ^lldlnge; wwm early for bir8a ln ^ O j^ '^ 8tf_??r**** 'ALL latest deelfuei g ii i"^ eleoirloai I

any"ye!lal^ In Vraoaj oW work f g n ^ eouel to new, Call nr send pnetal. RreoklTW 1 Oaa nature Co,. 48 M**ban1e at-_________ __ 1BDAT>* 18 ft. oomWhatiow r ^ *

ft. beem; whit* cedar; IpMe; cheap to cash bu>**r. Boat, Bex 18, Newg i

ciiA i. QRUBKi„_HT 9B8 M A I«W 8T.a ' NKWABK. N. L ^



BLa I'K weloul Ice toa. tlana tfIRIleandltlon. cheap: alia twawty-Svi cana hettona chalra. 96 Hill .1. —BOATLOAD of freah 6ah.

Bax. Clay al. hriaye.direct Irene KariUn

BUTCHER Silurea for ante; 619 Ferry at.

toed aanSlHm

Aid: CANAsome

CANOPY-TOP surrey, imie uaed; lodfa Pbto* ton. pliea be«atet> 2J ? /J S f

buggy and runabout by Quimkre alick aeet m - abnui. k-whe*l cart, buck^rd. rlatform epnng (op drilvery, one i^aprlng top dellvary _wagon> one mason or roefW'i wagon, oarry 8,808.

All art In good roadltloa aid offered verif fer ceah: went roomEATON. Hth and Orange et*.

April Jh. rtre, hwe

CHirKENS-Piir* bred white , horn*; aleo rowier* cheap. LORTON

Mein at, Ortni*>UOMPI.ETB trerery 1 * 2 2■efe, horse, wagon, etc, 88 8outh Orange

WILL reealre iunday. . reriand of Sral-rtaaa driver;.Ineen and heavy Staunht he™*;

itTiL'iTfU^ iST'Si. -J « . sale "«fgc'*riET'W5;’V .T% m ‘'

’i f c s » r e b " , ; ;a T . " { « s r e - l e .^ ^Keht drtvVM lu heavy truck harneee. tMh ali’ ir in d T a ^ a L to '^^^^ at^l » renta“.n Ihe lAlar. l it Frejl^ndhuyaw ava_________

In good roAd^^nalso

DrsK—Roll-top office d*rt. aolld walnut. 111* NIHUCTTE ad itouth Tth et. ’

KOOSe-Whlle. brown ibd buff leghOTMl M 8W Sto HK'KteRY. Valley at-, »tor aeejMd j switcha South (orange and Maplewood trolley ,car*. ___________

TWO heavw Mild wegona. rf heavy Miwwork horeea tw sale cheeii.


ue workiharness. HARNESS. ‘A*Mond-band hanwea: aid harneie ■‘ "Jf *•'; arriptloa taken l i eirhange. VIM. 3i AiCHBN HACH R 80N1, TP Martot *1.________ ___KORSE-For tele cheap, heavy work

hora* Bultable for bui<-bcr or : •'*“ ■"’ ‘ ‘Jdaresay eultabl* foT Children. I&rhang* Ini. Wl^ ^ In rib b _______ -QREAT RAROAIN-I9B huye m^ium r#l iHiffte (cob); gentle am) kind, for any lady to drive: flne eedSlcr: alao harnea* and buggy cheap. 114 Ariingion *1.______________ _

home*, W UP' Wood

HOR8E»-Tirflv* •rrvlretble young ^weighing row to ]*>•-,J'**'” *ward: I #y* ' «rial. Mk RIvenlo* ave., aide. Wiek nouee.iOVND borae. ipindlv husny.nenly wd

band'inade harneet^ynj^*** w|llipl............... ..sell aepe'tute. «Eu. TITMI’SS, Maplewood H®*tel. Maplewood.__FOR SALE—Pncumailc lire runabout; high end

low wheel eolM rubber Hr* A'?**iurr^: eliO hore* and hameea 83 Uth ave., cor. wrgea atCUTUNDER eurrey. * » : J****^. gO. new

ru b ^ tire runaboui*. Wl I1W. rwooden wheel bike wagon. IHO. >1 Oliver atHORSEB—Two horse* for farmtf or peddler; *I*o (wo l|g»t wsion* i®d heavy Bwprlng wagon. IW Hoyd^tOUTFIT very cheap; brown mare; (’olyer end

spring buggy; hame**; wild for want of uee. FLTNN*8 aaloon 82T I'entral avo.CHEAP-ttf buya honeet horse; g ^ worker

and driver; can be aven all day Sunday. 1S2 ArilngtaA f L _______________________CARR1AOB, hatneei

reasoMble Agure. Wavfrtynve.hameet. blenheti. etc., fpf Jj■ iinvlB. Ta% aye_

JOHN K E l^ R .

ConK-Young Oermait R* rook end laundra.. — end upilelT* work. Call f«»r ("O day* at

Norfolk Rt.

omen dcelm poaltkift und'nrtenda walth^

118"Top buelnee* wagon; suitable for iwery. * etc A. I). GREEN, 68 Noflb Park it., Kaat Oringa.______A!.. .very cheap, ive,

COOK—Colored women would like place ae cook In bretdlng-Thoua* or private family. liT Me*

Whorler il„ rity.

expe r ie n c e d nrat rlia* waist and eklrl hands and wain irlmnwre wanted. Apply

BEST B CO-, 864 Broad a l . ________experien ced hands wailed on akirta and

wateta; French drewmaklhg. unMl#ER. *'* Fulton a t . _________________ ____e x p erien ced flraKla** walat and aklrt

hand Wanted. Apply to MHI, B'WGBT, 8lfi High at.OTRLB—Wanted, two girla. one general house­

work girl, tbe other a wallpw and chamber- maid. In a famfly of two. C ll at hi Kaw- tbome pl.a Nontclak, N. J.OIHUl—Wanted, two girla, Ifl lo 16 year* of

iv. Apply ®uCTicrp Opt. Mfg. Co., cor, Coi* 6 at. and B. R. ave. ____________ _

COOX-Wotnan want* place ea (Irat lae* cook;city or country. 16 Cabinet it

pa*e atreet-Orange car*

C%)K-Flr*t-cla*i cook deelrea altuetloTi In boardlng-bouae or small family. 94H Acad-

etny *L ____________ ____

ENOINBBR wanted: meat to manage eaglne*. bollera and macbliv^e eud underatand how to mtlie npaira^ly m«D need apply;Tbe QrasaeUt tYtemical U-d-e Tremley, N. J.experien ced yaubf /m^a’

tumlablng aiorf, at MAX HETMAN 8t 164 BpriugieM m v*._____

Addreto Clerk, Box Q|RL«-Toung girt lo aaslat amunrl the bovse;Bleep home; wages H P*'' month. 101 Hal­

sey ft.OIRW-Two German glrte warned »■ 4 ^ «>8

chambermaid In a finall family. 22 Warren'St. _ _ __________ . . .

EXFXIUBNCED bartcoder to live oD premlBee.Cal) PreUogtiuyeen ave.. near Waverly ave.,

Waverty.' ___________

niRiJu-Wanted, iwo gUla for upetolra work and walling. QiU 888 Broad *t.

QUIL warted for ooOklng. Wtohlng and Ifoa- Ing. 46 Idih avit

mtST'CLAiS rarver wanted on fin* gob diamond Jewriry;natewi uaed apply- JOHN R, XEIH.prieui uaed apply 'BKUrfway, New York.

gold and ' com-


nBBT-CLAM moulder wanted «ai chandelier rk, 608 Ooeen ave., Jersey City.

rAKM bond (good) wonted.ft.

CoU 88 Mulberry

GOOD pl^er and pollsber wanted; young man sot toroid to FQfkl '"^watandiPff all colon

and eolutloni. offioe.

Addreea Plater* Box T4. Nrwf

GIRL wanted to help around houte. 81 ffou^ lOtb at. _______ __________ __

HOUSKWORK-Wooted, white girl for geo fful housework In a ffcinHy of two: muet to

la experienced oook; good torn*- < 1I at » O n t^ e ave.* E. Orange, on Thuraday, April 19, between & grid 8 P. MnHODBERORK-A white firl. houerwork: WT

oeok: mewt wooing dune oui: refereotoil •IdTw Camegl* ave,. East Orange; l*av* oat Arltoffton ev*-; carfare pa»<I- _________ .HOUBBWORK—Wanted, neat, deep girl: om

who ran cook prefarred i for toberal houa#- wofk In family of two. MONTAGUE. 968 South

CASMIER-Tount cashier,


Addreaa Caihlar. Boaposit

U, N>

DAY'S WORK wanted by young woman: wash, ing for Mondays. ITT Rleecker at.________ _

EXPERIBNCRD rolored girl as chambermaid or nura*: refcrepcea, Call 4 days. 9 Wilson

pl.. Orange. ______________ ______OIRL wanla to do general houaework;

family, rati aSn Multortg at•mail

OIRL would like upetalri work or wamni and sewing. 6 Eagles ft.

HOUSEKREPER—Young Itorman wmana, with child S year*, wlahea poaltlon oa houeskaeper

In amoii famUy: good home preferred, Addreoi K. B,, Box m. Newa offito,____HOUIIHKBEPRR—Young woman of rvflnemebt

wlAea a piMltlon ae weakling Imusekceper; fond of children; wage* ffiO. Addr«i Refined, Box 18, New* fifto*. ____HOUSEWORK-Woman wonta place for genefat

houaework: nu objvctloa to oaloon or board* iM-how*. Addreea llouaeworif. Box 68. Newe office. ______________________HOtBEWORK-Bituitlon wanted

abla e^ored woman; general MRS. Ge W. W , 66 flurmnlt pl.

hy reapent- housework.

HOUBEWORK-Oifl wlfbeo^tp to ganaral iMWtwork; heel reference. Call 10 East Day

ate. Orange. ___________ __UOt'lEWOKK—Onivt GermaB wonts altuatloii

ganerol housework; refereocOi R. I.. Irving- m, N. Je

HOmnSWOKK -Cuiured flrl w ^ n mOknuewarh i.ell 46 Arllnilea et.

OARDENEH «ant4S; Me wb« andentandi I baelneee. Cell at SIT Wnihlnfflen el., ett^

m n fta a v A K m s . ^■woiiuiTBT, AND RAILROAD AVE,ANTO):EJES*C(



Both T«1*plMB« 18L _________

HOUBEWORK-A PretfaUtil fir) wanlrt for general houaework; family of Tour; wagea |!4,

HKtTER, 1 PVilrmouat ave., Wf*t Orange.

HOOTBWOnK-S»lavlih girl 1 .gfMral houaewnrk. tOH Adamn at.

place for

,%JSJ*‘ 5E.bS I I T

0(X>D httatneaf hnree. aldebar buggy, surrey, plumber's wagon for salt. 88 Marchanl st.

iheetM and baraMa'iw tale rhaai.. rrace. rerwr at Martie^ri.FONT, phaatM and barmaa inr aaie ri LAWRBNCB'ff Ltverr, Aualln el.. fllT.

(joon pvitdllnr wanun and aiTneia lor aheap. 9ii_Jairera«i at.__________

PKABTON and top wafoB tor lale. •rutland at.. Ormnfe. _ _ _ _ _ _

QROCERT nepoll for lale cheep. ,0 Central 'avf„ East Newark.

flUNABOlT—Fin* rubber (Ire runabout eale, 98 Ailing *t.________________ _

CIOMFORTAKLE phatton for eale cheap, at 101 Union at.

HORBB and grocery wagon for sale cheap. Wlton at. __ _ _

BURRGT for Ml* cheap; In good condlllon. Ferry at. __________________ __

cow*.! OOWtt COW*!-Junt racelvaS » * * « «r citnica freah «>*• an* apriitfare. «w m

muet be add et « « toehlpment In the near ralure. Call end ate there ■I In'll LKWItTH Stehlee. 446 lath nv4,______ _

Ta R l^ n a a a t H»na 'na xo5w double >»ltoa-heade6 « ' { « • ! ,

£ s ; ^ . ' s

DOOS for eale; •!’'**•* R fC i*munihf eld. U, KlRbt HLER, 111 camufb

EOah for hatching f<w Ml* ihftrougbbred fto^,

It.. East Orange.II

. black per 1A 848


engravedtidnu. M-Lw ...... -- „

T68 HROAD hT., OVER WI8BTUiNS.' » . l » ' PKS


BABK BAU. AND iPORTINO OOODi, ATPOri'I.AR TRICKS. BUOB B B O 'n iR M .^B p m sorisu i a v k .. o p p . b m jio n t , <*A.Sn WORMS ON BAND._____________ ,

FOB *ALE-Sewlii6,mb«W«. “ SI;ISliU: all btnda funtlinret elnn-Ioot tawai 6na larfa ruia. Si wllllare at.FOR SALB-4S ThH. *>! bMp BrajMll Mtiel,

tli: 16 yarda velvet. Hi. Si WIIIIm i et. IFOR iALK-Ten B.I.P.A.N.6 Nn 6 eeBM '

drunnlete. One 6lv»« relleT. ,aRtX-KR'S Iceboa. ecelee. etowteeee, 1 eonj-

ter, coffee cone aod ell elorif not yet enli. • Frellnfhtii'ien ave,

_ dOAT-MlIhltii ffunt I ' " ' A m r i r new btttti-i „e Ini. Hedffer avr., Parkview, K. J, ,ICR. ICR, ICR. . ^

If you went Ice, vev M. 8< L'rikA tt Md 881 Heyee M. S- DRAKE. iINVALID chair, almost lot Mlejtorf»*«

for raib, r*ll 397 North Fir*t ft., rity.LsADTER' kid button lace or huilDb. tl; buiion. tl.IA; ladle*' ladle*' ktd calf, iac^t •hoti, t l : n»en|.*, huff

T5r.; ltdifg* hid sHOM, ladle*' Bn* hM, MoeMinple kided, |te4B: men's An* MfM

vniFvji, fi. 8L16.bulldog tan and b ack.,hnwi. II: men's phteiH-Uwlhm, H.tt WM. J. McKlNNEY. aITt PiaP* *1.. n*hr william *t.LOOK' lAWKI T A R M K M l-^ bam laM M

ira Kerly Roee and I £ L p )eapt».«lt for eeed foe aalj chrep at fRKK. ' MAN'H potato werthoyee, 2?7JEn?P‘tneld ive,; all g ^ s delltiwrto ftw*. send pgetal^iLAYINH hen* for egl*. M lltk at*.N. P. 6. Bc|

iwuiiry. r Food, beet - rhamplon brooder*

W 'S .r?S S ; d W v J S i d ^ 'W ^ ^ ,t fend for young ehlvM; Jofion o m '

......b.,Are. brooder*; small brooder etovea. gel-,'ania*4 iron and oheet *«•*!. 81.M *toh: pooliry wire, wodog pgp»r- tth Matwet ttNEW deilgaa of g*e iTnanufacturers pncee. L^WT RRGB-i^m^h’ j facturert of gaa and elertrlc HxtuTee, 86 Law

OTHTERS, cltma and Bah at wholaeala a d rt;Ull. KlkoffTON'i. « Ta'lt et. end C.ntro Mavteet. Both teleplwMa J

Ml cireritM 4V;Cell 1*0 Ol-P bulldlBi elonae for iiNOWBAU-AI BIWFW B A I^ I Now lo tbr lime for atofMeewre to p r » « J

lo mak. money tti Ihe enowbaU b a rii^ . miffl e I eiKwball n-rup le the only pejTectlr PW im - adultereted inowhatl eynip made. ^ Inlbreaa- ilon reftnilna enowtwtt oulBti imt •M re* drop ut a poatil for our aalrwiaa to « ll- , Ai^rlctn Work!,.Newart office ISOFT. HERNARD dog,

lady K**pr»‘- Callbred from Ren Butler and, 168 Ashland avf., Btoom-


RORHE and wogou for Ml* ohaap. 49 Koesuthft.

Fwr Bwlw wr ffixeRawse.FOR BAE.E OH SXCHANOB-1B head of

horses: business, drivers and workers; alM « large stock of new and second-hand bualitesa wagons, trucks, eorrlagee htrneea, etc. T^MAff ATCHABOH, Central ave., cor 4lh M.FOR 8ATaE or nohaagt. 10 head of horeea for

all purpoeea; atoo 1 mule, wagon and bameea ot all hind*. logwlr* Wawriy av*., oppoelt* ■ttmeyard.________________________________COLT for aele; 8 yaara okl; already broken.

will make a foot rwdater; will eacHang* for gimaelblng larger. 80CI Olenwoud ave., Hiootn- Beld. _____ _______

H!0N8 of all kinds; attractive and ehoapi KEN*A-TAR. TBd Broad at._____ -- ■ -

PHOWCAMBe. oountriw, ehetvlni, cAhlneia, etc., tor eale. M4 gpniee M, — I

UNIFORMli for baev tjall team for aala «het» Boa M). Summit. N, J. -

VIOOROCB youna Plyn»ulh Bnek ™^*T other poultry for eale clwap; eleo MM, wM naiiini, pueu. 647 lilh aye,, near ffouth Or.antteave. ___________________ __________ _ ,

FOR BALE Af exchaoge, 10 head of horses, for all Mirpoae*. BprlnglMi Ave. Horae Exchange.

CHABo MOFFe 806 towtogfleld av*.________WAGON—Top platform wagon for sale or ex-

cbi»ge for sound totUiMe horse, 12 eNonh Bd 6te. Harrlaon. _ _ _ _ _

M »to»a. CwrrfMirag, Kte., W ant ode WANTED 10 buy honw, bartoaa and runaboiu,

asoowd'vhand, in good shape, safe for lady lo drive; also onv wnrl^horse, cheap for cash.Address Horae. Pox t>. News offier.

CO.. Mil

HANDS warned to toilw-mad* to«a< . tors aod flniaheia. BANDBIW. wB Rro ^sLLEPK IH6URANCK BWi at aipeiTence wanM

Newark and vtelnlty; ealaJT and rei"™,!*- (LINN A ADAMS, raoena *6-97, 91 ain- Uo ak„ N ew ark ._______________________

BOtlKKWORK-Wanle*, ttrl for aaneral h oa » work In family of two; refarenca required.

Apply 16 Bvrrireew pl.. Beet OraBff*-BOUiRWORK—Wanted, alraiiff. ranabte white

iirt for lanaret houaewiirti; rafarenc* ri. qnhred. IB North »eaa ava., oranir.________

HCWjmwORK-Btnmff llrl W iU a ffood place, piU at ItT Bprlnattrlil ave.. M door.

HOUilTWOBK-tJ'rnian airt wlahea/ lana for ■enaral kootework, 49 Monroe et. f________

CONFKCTIONKllT. Joe eream, iobaow aW j*- , reyreFaMre.*NK4.

C N D T O ?A fa y A & D *ti< B !^ ^-PbairelM. o ia t. 11 Mrtaffa at, (nair Broad).INNsk ArtHlaar and amtmliBey, “ ■ to, ayt.-aMaMi«ia llWa..

Ll\ne and aollv* lot oolesinMii o u make big giMcy In aelllBg our diBsrsiit propertira; lib-

M(U eonnilselofii. U8 Market ol. regm* 96-11.mS m So 014® w*ht^ V S i s f nr pictuito*

CIgAn; tt fSMs, od Market sIm 9 M«S!from B ri^ ; reosMtiane niit w imao. TB

Market st. _______________________

- anuat have 1Y lOBMORlALB.


rei..a»* tre KPffu ■nIreireM lrtR*llBn. fM


Oopaadu aouann I

KetabllahdriSU,jfaaiunn of _UMB AND.aiNKB.

a ih L L K > V S ,_c osnisfsrFa

___ wihted ,w - — w—V* kiwwWiwa oC allUary tactios^to ■“ ‘'^ 4 6 ^ Appiyti-morrow (W -

dtyi. Aprrr 8o,^aiI A. if.i do not c ^ u n » SreVbarMa 6n^ BdlMq'a Sfff. Co-, Weal Or. ao fft.__________ ■ -6

HOWKWryK-CotmataiB ffljl for fonaral hoaaawork: Oertnan pnfMTtd; alao nurat, to

^atam^af m ,. « y ^liitoff aw ..................


. machinist on laiM , radial drill*. Apidy IR Da* Ampsfv. R- J'

T ■MACHIKISTR-Wan,^ lareera er 6tiw* «>_> ffCMrel ataoWto work._Awly at Uia Wataaa-<

£ r i i . rOBNTLXUAN or MKr. with KKM ta ta^ aa

actin latenat la atlllu atirpItFln nacIlTo, Bax dd. N«ff» o » * .

" ^ l i U ^ T S 'S r e J S L r ' S h r T S Mi^TTihSak

MOtJIBWORK-Twn xlrla wlah pMoa for (an- arel houaework. 1014 Adame et.____________

HOlMBWOBK-flood Itotne fM aaas aa|abl* houeewoikw:^ell family,

two daya. C-, Uoa 146. yen Rldga.aleady.


LAUNDHT work wanted to tahe bwita at prlrea. Call _or addraia MRR. R.nqaoaable prlcea. Call or .

D„ MHaw al.. aecond *w r

HOtJKEWOBK^TSIUIff wMt houearworkt wax

farred. Call « North .itod to oaiM tjdmail .i^a-

LAONDRBPB-Eaperlenced laundnre waata by the day” Call 66 Weet iL. rear.

POfmON wanted ai carelaker or naiwtar ^^■yreWuF— — hopa* liJ!. i f tyoertagaid* ' 'i "heel of refbrenok. IvMreM fcffv

WAGON-Wanted, to buy a Me home ingrei. Addreea W., Boa 6T. Neera oaire-


B tC V C L n.

Dayton , dyracoae . Ramlaffton


w iihl--- -- - - [ gg, .M«wa office.

for gsmeral h«tt*cw<MW4 dl Boa^ Hth ri.. Roesvtlle.ttOUBEWORK-Tototg girt waatgl

heniairark: German piefariad. dalt 111 North at., Baat oreiife.

f-piaFliit pfaaoa.

k f jreTetojd'dV^ a ^ R (ScE ptmiirfcffleta, IfMaa-

HAM wanted u «a uwnen wore, iw urDoaiw

MB0T1 vaalad for eairylnf papere » l ntea are.______

waalatith 0>- to-iwmw

Mk at,. Ialeep nona, uaii

door.at oouin

rrWtK-Twa Haf.-Maia reintan wa BDU.fVAM'« Anfa** Oop, South

I jg a Corea priinred- to 4ren tu-moi

HOUIKWORK-Olrl w a ^ for xanml h ou » woifei aiual to XMd cook and janndreoa. HI

I Ith are., Boaetllle.

■ I'n

typ^ritfr, ■ wHk f yeorF saperl^nc*, wlahea airuatkm with re- IWMadnn: will ^va .one week a trtal free.

CMpaWe, Box Td, Newa olltce.______________ _

"T6?T^^u?.’ ?e':%‘!l?fhr‘* T i ' d ' A i n wBee.

BBilH-Baperleiiced teametrere dealrea_______ aenu. Ul Clinton il._______ __fWBOim ilrl •*

urtniAN went* eliuutloii upotalia wotk!_ no oMapllone to mind an Invalid; can furelih baat at yaiewtire. 916 Harrteoii ave., Herrieire.

want! waeliliPi^d Imtnt to laka ■ day a worti, 98 Arlliti-

WHBBLS-larxe.t and rbrepaat elOT Incl^.Tiibuo* feslesi whtsl built.............|40, 180. |80

IBe« th* Trlbuat chalnleis).............. 140 and............................ 140 and .

Antoo# .................................... 840 and iwflprlagflelde yrST’a guarani*#................,»...ttl-68DaWiwr. 9 yrsrt' guarani**......... ........... WttDilalmsr sold «»n easy peymenta.‘SOshop-worn wheel*.....................................| »*n used' wheel*...................... $1 / fib, 118

XX Ursa, guaranll-cl, 11-86; 1nf« tugrik Hartfurdtlrta, I2ri»: Morrow coeotlW #A2® Wyoma coaster. M.60; set of wh^fp tteWL ^ ^ b t * tors, 8to.; repairing b-all hraitoto*. trames cut down, rvmoarilsd 16W ityle^^.SO; riwuttrued 96e.; Hr** vulcenlasd. A Btnrns touhle-dlaiMd tsiriem. In goto cundltl^^ ATiMM^i oomblhstlon, |66- HERHERT AltB> Orange st trerja falrWkkK epyrni iSniOA 3 IS

M at., ------

WATCH Friday nixht'a papan for apaolal talff katurday. Newark Caitaafa Co.HawarhoM GoaK* a a * ra ra lta ra .

BBAUTIFttb Mack vralnut aulti larxeoak relrlxeralor: 1 Hrn Mojiatta rarpat rux and num.rmie other houathold foodai miut to told. 409 Market al. ________ _

~'~Good B tnu M r dWTlhff*■, tl. i i s ---------BABT CARRIAOB for 11.80: gaeokn* stove. Boor.

176 Bank st.. aid

CARPir-FUf eale, elaty-iwo yaida jlniHha Body Bruaetla rarpat; nearly naw. Call IT

South lOth at. _____________ _KN'HRF, contenia of eloffaal 19-n»« houaaip«.

lor. dlntnf and todiwrei turntrtlaii; oMpali. rugs, laoe furtnins, feethec plUow#, piiiturea. book*, rilverware. brlo-a*|ieaee upright plane, organ; a<juers. pMno, |W; a lot ef flto rewIn. marhi... at low

-Pma lot earptla. any ttre toorea.attm , t4 up; ,llne|esm.piit 6AIB-hall and etat(a. *»• ■ - ■. _oilcloth, matilfw at half prirei oo^ S!®” t IT.iU up: oak fotdliiff tod. iTi aldeboard. It: ^

Etdroom auli. n , » : aawinff idaohlni. « ; laiffe ru*e. it up; tA* vvutGoi at., near Bread.GOLD parlor mlt and rnlrror for aale- WT tth

LARUE lot mlant carpet; and parlor wltt, takm ftotn itoraxe houae. half prtoa. 9t WllUatn at.HP-!-* new drop-bead, new style Singer

jramenlre froiW W to,il6. with ■ P m in ie e for live yaare: New Mom'

uld onee takea Injiart paymwLiniee for live yaare: New Home, tlis '— In part payment.


two hlookf from Bread!'w n i Llranxe, ______

HOUKKWOBK-WeMed. ------tanaret koitawwwki referewoe.

Roaavtila ava _______ _- ffirt Apply

home, or to out ton at.

o S i r d - r"wwnte *” •____________ _______J>AJNTaiG-Oaridce palBter wanlidi will pay

Si a day. B. w I khE f t , 110 RoaerllU are..

WAIfRKSS-GIr! wanU place ee erjllrere, n t iuata|ta work, Addreea Box 9i, Hllten

aaioad toor.

HOUSKWOBK-airl for _ mod aoi* and Uundreea.


ffeaarel . Kotwaworki . « SoothUtli at,

FAIg^n»-Jr«re*e4inUm patntare waWdd.

•wHHtaa for JUuChli

'r e f SSil2Kinmktro. ^A. Pr ilCrrH Mfg. Oeay rosoti* kvtia. loot IMIl st

HOUMWORK--Whlie bottMwork and care cnilftrit.

iM la iit

irtntad^^^U ia

MOOMOMT le wealth, or at least lento to It.To MV Ikofe than 1 8 when ''RAMBLKRE*'

or* seUliig price la einipiy wtotlngmotkty. ^mre la on better bloycl* buUl at any price. Maaey cannot buy a Aner whM), Koey rannloff^'llAMBLRHir* are known and oppto- cmSSTiJI to " Ihe world. ' JDBALfl'* and -rE A W lW T O N K «.'m . hand wStola on 4aay term*. NEWARK CYCLE OO., » and 11 Central a v e . _______APSOTAti->Aii enttf* new rear wh*«l 9ll*d wtt h tha gmnlBe Morrow coeatar and brok* to fit any iwik* Morel*. |6.6v. Frames out down to any SmT 88: Urea vulvenlMd, 6Uc.; leaky and DUiuiiail Urw npalred in*w proceeti and guar- a n lS rd iir if iS lr in g ou.' ipeolaUy. Prompt, reliable nnd nSSS L. J. Wl RTM. 98 William •t., nnnr Halewy-

•M Iks tost wh*el for the money la ~ wn Make our own and know what mor* boys' and girJF wheeta taken Id trade)

........... . with lurk*r, rii®aT oidtr4 hemmera: m splendid condition; |8 LAYNEW Home machine,

tt fouih Orange ave.

breo and other iDterior

__________ »gcost 466; lady Isavlng city. Box 49, New* offlesv

• ^ ? r J , K S r . n ' i 4 T , r , s : 5 a"!::

a SSf r s s iford are. ________________

houaa- , Kaat

liSKT iiiiilln afirrtMOW, totwaan 4 and 6, halt wolrl and iretiar. brown ahd whlia,

Jnlon and Irrlwfftoa. Sullahla reward K retuniad to 961 Catpdtn at., Newark.

I man wnoi.aale prleaa. • CTCIJl CO..16 Aron era.

Ftnata fox (artier: black e ^ » barkt- ------ — h whlli llaeiReward by re-

iwTtlT'llli'Broad It,

HIOM-GaADH bfciyeiaA • with manutaclurere* narea .Idalaa a4a>W M (reiretall al whoto Ml# prlcg#: lUadhurvffuusdird. 140 and ibO:Fowltf bloyeleSf ttXttd Mmmon bicycles. ^4.tt:

HOD|ttWORK--^rl w *a^ wSfci fttmlly tt MltcbeU p).


UMT-At Hory A Fox'aeate etabire - naafa aeckeiuook, with paaera, Sxltabla . _ : T l t fRareedto J. K. ADAMS. 104 Mtdiwa

y lU OrohiMLBnUH^Wialad. aa eiparlaoee^ o^pabH

_____ ..t||p^^TgynRiC-*Toiiiy gir) w on ^ for houto-irotR In small fiiniiy- BCHERIN, I8l Court

peeKri' .. ratnmtavw., Elfimbeth

' LOiT—Brindle bull terrier pnp: whlu writ* tacs OB ksod. tip nf talle and forefssi* li^wal

reirtid: If titumed lo 181 Hldgaweod av*.. ai*nR ^ i N. J.

ftri tor fOMrol----------gl.

Losr-dMtln tobiltog. Ceotral av*. oar orHArkm. i o'oJock laai 4vao1d«. Sa- tpSi B w Ml. Flaaaant are.| reward.L0tT.,Jrw« rlB»a; oae einffla alooe aM oaa tw^ GSaS^ . ' j f f ' B S i d ^ r ‘ rewart. O. P.

BKFOM ponhaxlat, exaaalaa ray liw st.arni and Batnaa b lq y ^ i tto duet Ibw In the oltyi

IIM Sleayaa, IKM6> Ibe larteet and laoet . om- ^ e repaTUopta tka Stale. J. « . poiNieR, {4 md H Cenual are., fonaarly Kdrldfe Bicy- ole Co.PIMRCK. Irer JHlMM. Oandran and Hellance

wScIre. A. rT W B O iW, MS Barrleon ave.,Harrieoo.MDLIANCK re*«, *Bh extemlon bw ,JM . A.

R, DK BOW, W» HaeideoB are., Harrtaon.DP-TO-DATE bicycle for eale) jsod make:

prtoe IS- wBICTCLE for eate; food OMdUtoni fl.

Ckadwlak av;^

riA R O I

SEWING MACHINES for lOl*: nfm style fhnttl*. bobbin or aatomoriei Slagere for cash or *aay payjtofits; raantl1h*s taken In rrads; iMtnMitio* and free trial xlven from Brmi toad I ncaial) all make.; recotid-hand _raa-i

chtnae from 06 up. M. SHEA. MS Haleey M.SOUD matocaaT ndltop todiioad. OMrtr M

y.ara oW,1 HIrereide ave..ibocaay ndliop todiitad. ourtr »• 1: toream for colleclor of aatiquee,

- — Cbeelar.THE furntlure, carpeta. ruae, plrturee,. .. ------ - -- jiiT), picture, brtore-

tnfi of tto prlvat^reeidenof. dikli Hlxh .u, .iii, . .- I of Ika fanily for Ean

at., will. In cooeeaiM irefe.of 111* drpariuro of Ike family tor aarepe, ba': offered al prlvaie aale erery evenln*. from Tto. 10 o'clock; en eaoetlenl bardilni in marly new and hlfh fradt homa’ tlirnlibinf!.

Addnaa BarfadE.

TppBWritoif# wraE Swppllaa.TTPEWRITBRS houxhi-aold. exchmijd, «

paired. HACKET. »u Orm a at.; lel.TMKTTPBWSilTEHB Mnled OC told OO weekly pap*

inwia al BOWDEN'S, H fI OHiln tt.N<s’a C lwiklap e e E ramlffhlwEa,

JONDUCTQR'S euii», 1»: Hawr'a hale. H 'm - lo-due tueprlog overooale or tullA SW l

epania, il-wTal KICK'S, S»I Mar... n., urer uiharry at.

a h d OHdlAHt.

WE HAVE a Sna ataidt ol plaaoa of difff makaa ftir itototoW- S'*®*!/."“ •J!!. pU for E» and tin, to *«><l ««dttl«U to neri, wllb alool and covet. FliANKLi

Plano Warettoma. 91 Falton il._________

^ l auEtltolSfflrefc- adiaiaHiif totiedealob K ««r ------

BUgaAKT Bteliiway. CHHI^iif. Knato rlcbui ellihtly Hart I fvaatly tadaoedjMk

a uM nprlfht. roaoirort oaae, only Ini |u!i^n&. D ttoBthly. E. A. W l

aid GMUob KawS?"nJSSa Alt W iS toT io lh . -M

R’ ^rreareblp are to to rebelre* by'tSe toldOMG I SXaiMiaBn. end alt denaada ualatt tbe

- , " » t o p r t i e n t r t Id hire for to5»eol.ewalk, N. J..

PIANOS) real raatotxny or erajaui todt a taM

rTit"»KT Tfcai44iim iw ^ l^ ito e e e n t if* ,,^ ^ , „i A M T UESl.'S'.fd.a:

elwi work <

dorlaff Mie.Plana, US Bread el.)

npraard., at pm •nalkta

Boa. .. ------

P j^ lg ^ a w utrtpbi aad nktlo.l



t f l y t i F a i n t to h j A w r i c M iM t t y l i f f f f f d Hi

Kfalp i t h f


T IE smim IS I I A Y L

Tkre* TiBimi <ii» • • U «« ••ta ltU lh » Ctolni* — •*lb * W *pM Hp t*« r H it Ir * fk** *••• in llp m W*t r » p P T » * t « T«k*.T arkU b iP r* ThpfpMppt HP M lPtpk..

NKW TORK, April M.-Onrir » . BlrPui, likil*Mr from »h« l.nllwl iU l* ! lo Tur- kar. !■ Pt hU Pom« IR tMi city. It >• un- tkrilood ibpt hi li lo rcmalR h«ri until thi Amcrtctn ciPlm dUputi ll icttlid.

When Mr. i (r »u i found that Iht Sulun, diiplti hli pcrw hil p lid li to pay lh» chtlni, which had. at hla aollcliatloii been raducid from wora than IWi.tW to ir»*tkiB tld0,bn, WM hint on cnnilmlinc hla policy of dalay. ha acnl a dlapalch to Waabinftoti, relallng tha facta of tha 00‘ ■otlaUopB. and olfarin* hla Iramcdlata taa- IgnatioD. Tha raaKnatlon, If iccaptod, would hava baan tantainount to a diract chaHanca to tha Sublltna Porte.

Tha Admlnlatratton waa not praparad, howarar, to taka ao poaltiva a airp, and atkad Mlnlatar Btraua to parollt hla raalf' nation to ramain unaclatf upon and to ra>

. tira from Conatantlnopla until tha affair atlkht ba adjuaiad amicably or by liriii praaaura upon tha Sultan. It la undcralood, tharatora, that tha abaanca of Ulnlalar Straui from Conatantlnopla la notlca to tha Sultan o f tha diaplauaura of thia coun­try.

A QrpTO m ipatlop , tir. Btraua yeaterday aald;‘T raiard tha altuallon aa irava, unlau

tha Sultan promptly roakca cood hla prom-

HoDsecIeaning Daysmast hsvb come, for we're receiv­ing lols of portieres. dfiperies,lice curtsiiu and the like for a cleans­ing. Mwe and more iolks use us along these lines. Our care and scientific wey of going at it

does the w ork.”

c” f f A % , » H I L L I E R & C O .OfUt B r o w l. lA O M ark et.

'Phoua It Katilaoii.

due deep enonth. and R could hardly hold the parcel o f butcharad flaah.



N aptiab i f f t l ic e WHiitt a i l IU »

I t U M l d W l b N T lN to flM C t ic b n t d Last N ifh l


Old One lllaaalTed Owlnw to Utaaca- a la n i Aaaoaa Waapbera.

MAURIP, April l».-O n account of dla- aciulona among lla membara the Mlnla- lerlal Council haa baan dliplacad by a uaw one, tha cvmpoiUlon of which follows

I'realdent of the Council and Mlnlatar of Martna—Senor Slivcia.

Mlnlatar of Vurtlfn Affalra>*Marqula Aguilar Campo

Mlnlatar of Juatlca-Marqula Vadlllo.Mlnlater o f Klnance—Marqula Da Vllla-

eerda.Mlnlatar o f the Interlor-Ianor Dalo.Mlnlatar o f War-Uaneral Aacarraga.Mlnlatar of I’ ubilc Inatnicllou-Senor

aarrla Alla. , „Mlnlatar of Agrtcuttura and o f Public

Worka-Senor (Jaaaet.No dialurbalicea (ollowad Iba change of


■ laa Mary C o p il l Uedd Beepaaaa tha w ifa at Dr. A rthar W. BlagbPaa. Tha Vaa W aB aaaa*B leara«k Raw- lla la—Mlaa CIraea Aratalraab gar* oral and A lfred Pveeaaaa I r r la s H arried.

Four o f the newly appointed Ulnlttry were ipambara of tha retiring Cabttiat, namtly, Benor Bllrala, General Aacarraga. Harqula Da Vlllavcrda and Sanor Date.



"Tha Sultan haa made tha promlaa lo pay tha Indemnity clalma itarea tlmaa- Sral, thorny after my arrival there In Da- canbar, UN; aacond, about alx montha tharaaftar, and third, a abort time bafora 1 left. I bare alwaya baan wall dlapoatd toward Turfcty, and t rtgard tba Sultan at an Intalllgant monarch, and 1 true! that ha wlU allow that InlalUganca by aattify- Ing our dalma and not wait until It la too lata.

‘Thaaa clalma hava baan carefully ron- stdarad by tba Mlnlaur of Foreign Affaira of Turkty. and by tba Council of Hlnla- Uta. and a report waa roada to tba Bultaa racommaudlng payment. I conducted tba nagotlitlona through all the atagaa of di­plomacy. and 1 apared m aRort to avoid

; friction; but 1 Inpraaaatf upon tha Bulun J that our Oovemment railed upon tha ' prompt fulfllmtnt of hla promlaaa, which

‘ good fallh, BO lata than good ralatlona, damandad."

Tavkiah M lalatar’a Slataaaaat.WASHINGTON. April U.~A1I Fammih

Bay, the Turklih Mlnlatar to tha United Btatca, Pill call at tha State Deparinwnt to Mcaruln what foundation there It lor the report! that the Admlnletratlon la preparing to hand him hli paaaporta In tha *¥0111 that tha Bubtlme Porte decllnet to pky the mieelonary clalma pending

, agalnat It.All Farrough Bey, In dtacuiilng the

arntter, declared that Turkey la not ra- aponalbla for tha clalma. aa It bad given adequau protactlon to forelgnert maid­ing within lit boundirlea during tbt ravo- latlOB of aoma yearn ago.

"I can hardly bellave." ha aald, "that any fonadailoa exiata for tha mparta that them le grave danger of a ruptum in tha dlphatatlo mtattona between tha United Stated and tha Sublime Porte on accouat o f the latter'a fallum to pay clalma aria.Ing ont of alleged oulragea auffartd by Ameiican mlaatonariaa In Turkey. Tha ralatkma batwaan tha two Oovamineoti have alwaya been of a friendly character and are too aacrad to ba ao lightly broken oR. Tha elatnw amount In all to |W,W0, a paltry turn, I think, upon which to baa# aneb a ragmtlabla and Injunoua act.

twilaw W ill D o aa Praailaed."While I hava not conducted negolU'

tlona on tba aubleet, and am, therefore,, hot familiar with all the facte, l am aiue

that bad tha Sultan given hie promlie to pay aa Imraadlatt aalilement would have been made. 1 am of the opinion that In the uanalatlon of hla remarka the drago. man oilamterprctad hla language, convey. tag to the Mlnlater the prontlge of which be apaaka. loatead o f a declaration that an lodulry would be made of tbe proper executive department.

“ My Oovemment It dcalroua of tuinUlng lla juet obllgatlone, and It Ihe clalma of tba nuttionariea can ba aetabllahad they Will undoubtedly be settled. But ll eeenia fMIcukiue tor tbe preee Co apeak of a rup* ture of diplomatic relatlona In view of the unimpurtance of Ihe matter and of the amalt amount Involvad- . ‘T may add that my Government It re. aponatble In tho eyew of International law tor damagea done Ihe properly at forelgn- ert during a revolution. At Ihe time of the revolt, however, the Sublime Porte pro- vldt-d ample protection for Americana and their Intereata- Thie ta all that could have boen expectad of It. Not a tingle foreigner waa killed or Injured.

"My ralgtlona with the State Depart­ment are ao cordial that 1 can hardly be- Ueva tbera la any foundation tor tha re­port that a rupture It impending, and be- tides the offlclale are too tar-icelng and poateta loo much judgment to aeaume tbe rceponeiblllty of euch a grave policy."

iJONDON, April It.—Keen Intereet le maniteated here In the threatened action of the United Btatca agalnat Turkey, par­ticularly In view o f Ihe Sultan's raeal- cltrancy tn connectloo with the Increaaa o f the cuetoma dutlea. The fourth col lectlve note of the Umbaeelee objecting tn en increase of three per cent, tn the di|jles. on. fccount o| ^ e bad condition o f the ■Turkleh' raihcce,

underttAnutiif m ,rtm rswefe, waa handed to the Turkleh Gov­ernment yeeterdey, but Turkey malntalne tuch a firm attitude that the euiplclon le growing that some covert Intrigue la fruatratlng the effect of the notes.

Tha St, Jamea't Gatette aaya"‘lt will be IntereaUng to waich the game of procrae- tlBatton, to which Burope te accuatomed, being played with the United Slates. America haa entered the European erena, and, apparently, haa no Intention of atand. Ing any humbug from the TUrka, Why ahould abaf Tba Baatern question has no terrora for a Power with a whole ocean between herself and the Balfcena The prealdent thiBka the Sulun haa had grace enough. But, If America aeta foot In Asia Minor, Mrbape ehe will And that neither Buaala nor Germany wilt be uninteteeted ■pactatora. Froin ouraeivta she wilt get nothing but sympathy and good will."

Tha Pall Mall Geulte eaya: "Abdul and tho eteam roller are quite uicd to dodging around each nther without dam­age to anybody, but the bruaqur hurry of the American Government must be rather dltconcertlng. These Americana, ao far from playing a game, are poililvely talk Ingof seining Smyrna."

The papers, generally, think Abdul Mamld will pay up.

The SItnntlan tn Ashanti Benwnalnf O ra v a -B e lle f Neeeaaavy.

ACCRA. Gold Coatl Colony,Africa, April »,-N eW i haa been received here that Kumaisl la cloaely Inveeled. and that tha situation will bfcoroa excpedlng- ly grava If relief la delayed. The Gover nor, Sir FrederUk Mitchell Ilodgaon, It asking for all available forces.

A British oBIcer, who la In command of an imptirtanl atation north of KiiBiBiaU aaya that unless relief le forthcoming soon, It Will be Impoeelble to hold out.

The Brat relieving force le expectad to arrive at Kumaaal to-day, and It will at. timpt to force Ihe cordon. Netlvea here are convinced that French InHuencca are operating agalnat the British.

------- a-------gTABTS FOB HOME.WALKS

O T J e H l ’ sT o - m o r r o w , F r i d a y ,

S A LE O FDecorated Lamps

n o FLOOB.A ipeclxl lot of handiomtly dKontid Umm wtth 8 ind 10 inch Clob«, Ctntrgl DrtufhtburiMn,

0 - Worth }. SO to 500.

2 . 9 8Lbisbt a(u . w orth 6.B0. • - , . 3.96

Vlall tn the T om b e l tkn Late ftacaa at Denasark.

COPENHAGEN. April ll.-T ha Prince o f Wales started homeward this momtng

Prevloua to tha departure of hla Royal Hlghnate all the merabera of the royal family went to Ronktide and vlelled the tomb o f tha late Queen of Denmark.

r e le b r a t la a Priaarose Day.LONDON, April It,—Prlmroae Day (tha

annlvemary ef the deeth of Lord Beacune- neld), waa observed throughout the coun­try to-day with customary aeal. Prlm- roaea wrra ovary where and the Hcacone- Held itatuc wet even more elaborately be­decked than uiual. Beautiful wreaths, shlalde, crowns and Other tokena from clubs and Unionist organlaetlona were eentter^ In profusion around Its base, at- trading thousands of specutora. Queen Victoria sent a maealve wreath of nrlm- roeee to be leld on 1-ard Beacooaneld a grays at Hughenden.

■w edea’a W ar Faad.STOCKHOLM, April It.-Tbe- RIkadag

has voted kroner tor ammunitionand rinee. lloOd.WO for new Acid artillery, tW,0t0 for volunteer rlAe eaaoclallone and baa agreed to Increase the new naval con- structlona tor Hot lo t,Tlt.OOa kroner.

King Oacar In Kagland.LONDON, April U.-KIng Oscar and tba

Queen o f Bweden end Norwey have ar- rived lo London.

BMo k k a sa lo o n w i n d o w .

in a le a e e a a F ores gaepeaded oa Proaalse to Pay lo r Daiainse.

George A. Force, thirty yean old, of iW Third street, dashed hla Aet through the window o f the saloon nf James J. Brittim at M9 Marktt street, last night, becauae. It la aald, he wea not served with free drinks. Force's light hand waa badly cut and the Injury was attended lo at the German Hoapltal. Force waa locked up later In the First Precinct Police Station.

When arraigned before Judge I.Ambtrt this morning Force pleaded guilty to Ihe charge, but said he wee loo Intoxicated lo remember anything. On hla promise to pay (or tba broken window aentcnce waa autpeniM.

■I ' "■ -e — tHdrriMMt Happealw«a<

Mrt. Catherine liynea died thIa morning at the home o f her ton-ln-law, Franrl* Thompson, at lU Bouth Third atreet. The deceased was a realdeni of Harrtaon for more than Afty ytara.

Water Purveyor George Cooper laaued a notice to-day that Ihe watec In all pans o f the town would be shut off at 9 o'cloclc to-night tu allow repairs In tha water main at tha corner of First and Reecx streets.

The Board of Dlrrrtora of the People's Bulldlnc and Loan AeeDclatlOh will meet lo-morrutv night at Klordan's Hall to paaeon the loane made at the meeting of tln

night. C'___ Inipect tertlea that the loans were madeetookholdera on Tueadey night, tecs will be appointed to '

Chief of Police Hodgera hai aevaral romplalnia during the peat few

ommlt- the prop-


daya agalnat a aalnon-keeper on Second street who. It la aald, allowa boys to con­gregate In hla place and play iwol- Tha complalnte have been made to the Chief by the porenla nf the boys. The matter Iw being liiveatlgated.'

John Gllllaple has been elected Captain o f the High School Base Ball Club of Kearny. A game la Iwing arranged be­tween this team and the team of School No. A

Victory I.a)dge No, U7, Knights and La- dlea o f Ihe GpldcnB^'ar oCArlingion, will

eraiffy th 'Ariu

A "roae wedding," the Idea of which was welt carried out, was celebrated la the Munn Avenue Presbyterian Church, Eaat Orange, at I o'clock laaC night, whan Mias Husamund Wllaon Thompann beciBM the wife of Wallace Wlllell. The church waa beautifully decoraUd with roaat. and tha dreasae of Ihe bridaamalde repre- ■ented dllferenC rose ahadea Tha cere­mony waa performed by Rev. Dr. Jaroea M. Ludlow.

The bride waa escorted by her brother, Herbert Thompson, who gure her away.It bed been Intended that the bride's un­cle, Dr. William Qlllman Thumpaon, should give her away, and that Herbert Thompson should be an ueher. but Dr. Thompson's lllneaa changed this arrange­ment. The brlde'i drees was of white eetln, made en Iralne, with the corsage trimmed with ducheaaa and old point lace, which had bsen worn by tha mother of the bride on her own wcdMng day. She Wore a veil of tulle, with orguge bloaeuma.

The maid of honor. Mil# Lucy OHvla Thompstin. the only slater o f tho bride, wore white crepe de chine, trimmed with white chllfon, and carried white roeea.

The Aral bridesmaid, Mlaa Emits Ryan, wore a dress of rose-pink crape de chine and carried American Beauty roses. Fol­lowing her came Mlae Oraoe Stocking and Mlae Rachel Wlllelt, a slater of the groom, attired In a lighter shade o f pink. The other bridesmalda, who wore gowns of del­icate rose tints, were Mlaa Anna Louise Cary, Mlaa Margrelta Fort, Mils Edith Robarta, of Cambridge, Hiaa., and Mlea Busan B. Taylor, of Urooklyn.

The beat man was Hillary C, Measemer. o f New York, and the uahera, John B. Krelacher, Robert 8. Whitman and Will­iam T. Raamut. of New York, and Will­iam O. Ludlow. Merrick Wlllatt, Ihe groom's brother, and Frank E Couraen. o f East Orange.

After the ceremony there was a recep­tion at the rrildenre of the bride'e mother, Mrs, Thompeon. » Prospect Icrrace. The house waa decorated with roiM.

mngham-Dodd,The wedding of Mlaa Mary Condlt Dodd

and Dr, Arthur W. Bingham took place yesterday afternoon at J;90 o'clock at tha residenca of tbe bride's parents, Colonel and Mrs. Marvin Dodd, M North CUnlon street, Kaat Orange. The ceromoNy was performed by Rev. Dr. James P. Riggs pastor of tbe Brick Presbyterian Church Miss Mary H. Bingham, of Loa Angeles, C al, a slater of the groom, wag the maid of honor, and Dr. A. A. Huiey, o f Brook­lyn. N. Y„ waa beet man. The usberi were Ur. William L. Bradley, of New York, and George H. Van Name, of this city.

The receptlnn-room, where the ceremony took place, wee beeutifully decorated, the previling Aowere being pink rosee. Pink roses were also ueed In the decoration of the dining-room. At one end of the dining­room there wee a bower of rosee, Herger- utes, Easter llllee. ferns end pink aaaHee, surmounted by palms. Tho plaisae were Inclosed with ewninga end oultlde the windows directly behind the bower, the muslclene were etatloned.

The bride wore Wbits latln made en train and trimmed with pearl garnlturae. She carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley with bride rosex The gown of the mMd of honor was of lavender chiffon over enk of the same color. She carried white car­nations.

Van W aNeaew-Blawroek.Two hundred relatlvee and friends gath­

ered at the residence of Chief of Police epd Mre, Henry Blaurock, I Olenwood avenue. Bast Orange, last night to wit­ness the marriage of their daughter, Mlse Sara Lavinia Blaurock and Seymour Van Wagensn, of Orange. The houee waa pret­tily decorated with Aowera and palms. Aa the bride entered the parlor on the arm of her father the wedding merch wae played by Mlaa Jane Martin. The bride's gown waa of white brocaded satin trimmed with chtffon and pearls, and she carried a houqust of vtoleu. Ths maid of honor was her sister, Miss Marie Francee Blau- rock, who wore white mouaegllne de eolc over pink ellk, and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Edna Brennemann, of Orange, a cousin of tha bride, was the Aower girl, end Carl Bothner, a nephew of tbe bride, was the pagt. The ushers were William geely, o f Bast Orange Philip Brennemann. Jr„ and Robert Me- Gowaa, 'Jr., ot Orange. The ceremony wae eolemtilied by Rev. Dr. George B. Bishop, pastor of the First Beformed Church ot East Orange. After the cere­mony a reception waa held, the bridal party being aaelated In receiving by (he bride'a mother, who wore the dress of purple illk and black lace In which she waa married Ihirty-Ave yeari ago. Upon their return from a bridal tour Mr. and Mrx Van Wagenen will ratide In Newark,

^ Irvlag-lW TareL The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Mlllon

H. Boyrrcl, USA Springdala avenue. East Orange, w a r m w wedding last night when their daughter, Miss Grace A’rmstrong Boverel, w ai marrted lo Al- frsd Freeman Irving, alto o f East Orange, the Ceremony being aolemnlted by an uiicle of the bridegroom, Rev. David O, Irving, paalpr of Bethel Preshyicrlan Church. The bride, who was attended by

Fifty others with 10 ind 11 inch Gkibg], modt i>( them worth 10.00, markgd for this

Each4 . 9 8Decorated Globes I

A Special Lot of them at Half Price.S lm 9i to tnd 11 faicb,Worth 1.50 to 4M,

75c., 98c. and 1.98girALLCAgn

a w A N P m w i liB ITO AN Y I



8lxUjiTe.,i0tlito im St, 1(1 Tortwera married yeaterday afternoon la the Church ot 81. Mary the Virgin tn New York by the Rev, George M. Chriatlan. rector o f the church. Mlaa Hayward tnlerad the church on (ha arm o f bar brother, who gave her away. Her gown waa aaverely plain and of while tatm, her veil wae o f tulle, end she carried a alogla spray of white blueeome. Her slater. Mlaa Hayward, waa the maid of honor. Bhe wora while organdie, trimmed wUh ecru lace, and a black straw picture hat, and carried American Beauty roeea. Profeeaor Robbins's brother wae beet man, and the ushare were Profcitor Katienbach, j f Trenton: Professor Vresland. of PrincM ton, and Ur. Robbins and Ur. Sullivan, of New York.

Dleboreagh-gmlth, gpeclal to tt» NVKNINa NEWS.

% U E R V 1LLE, April The Flrat Baptist Church was the scene of a brill­iant w ading last night when the nuptials of Frederick Auguatua Dliborough and Laura Adair Bmllh were celebrated by Rev. Frank Austin Smith, asalatcd by Rev, W. glockton Crenmer. The maid of honor waa Mlaa Mabel L Ennla, o f Mor- rittown. Tbe brideimalda were Mlaa Grace Oarretaon. of BomervlUe, and Mlaa Maatle 8. Eaatlack, o f Hhlrlsy. The beet man waa Bogart T. Conklin, ot BomervlUe, end the uehert were; Harry Hervet Bmllh. Eugene R, Clerk, Dr. Charlea Poo! and Charles W, Moore. After e wedding trip Ihe couple will take up their reeldetica at lU West High eircft, BomervlUe.

Day-Hnrcbell.NEW TORK, April 1».-Mlsa Florence

Burchell waa married last night to Irving G. Day, o f Newark. N, J.. at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W BuroheU, MB Greene avenue, Brooklyn, by the Rev. George Clarke Peck, pastor o f ths First Methodist Church ot Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Hre. Harry T. Round, a slater of the bride, wae matron of honor, and Mlae Hattie L. Day, a ititer ot the groom, waa bridesmaid. Henry B, Smith, o f South Orange, N. J„ acted as beat man. The uehers were James C. Day, Frederick K. HuR and Ralph M. Smith, all o f New­ark, N. J. - - - - - - 1------------------


htfld \t» ■(H'oI l jt.iflhfo;


u>u jjiji Tuesday evening, XprU K. *■“ • * liswark.

IngtonTracey liVIlmi., ------------- --------- -

Uiala ^ n e . o f Kearny,,were married last-of and Mlaa

night In the presence Of a number of their relatives and Mends. The ceremony wee performed by Rev. S. T. Jackion, of the Perth Amboy MethotUft Church, at the residence ot Alderman Robert Veale, at 111 Johnston avenue, K e ^ y . The b.rldre. meld waa Mlaa A b lw Kelton, and (he best man EMward Wilson. A reception followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left on a wedding lour to Washington. They wtU reside at itBey --Waehinglon avenue, Newark.

r ie u r i u ^ WAIv YWNBM weaxwiiM ru \IJ

Mleg.FJaitaeaJlQyqrsl. as .maid of hltt-ir. wore a gown of crepe de chine ovei n ,'iffe stilt and carried a bouquet of white rosee. The maid o f honor was at­tired In white allk and carried pink roses Spencer 8. Mareh, o f Boat Orange, waa best man. After the ceremony a recep­tion waa held; Mr- and M n. Dving will reside In East Orattg*-

BoblBSaa-FarwIl at Marrlwn.Mlaa Annie F am ll, ot Harriton, sister

of the lats Aioemblyman Edward P. Far­rell. and H. B. Robinson, ot New York, were married at 9 o'clock yesterday after

The Seam y Building and Loan Asso­ciation will hold its sixteenth annual meeting to-night at tha headquarinra, 4tl Elm slraet, Arltngwa. Olheera for the enauing year irill be else ted.

H lllbnrw NWd ig r ta g ie K ,Thieves entered the engine-room at the

LIghthope stone quarry at Hlllbura last night, and stole a number nf wrenches and a quanilty ofbrasa valued at »I4. Tho

noon In th* Church £ f th® Holy

“ 30 Minutei in Havana*’*

La Preferencia bring backmemories times when to get fine

of thoseit was possible Havana cigars

at medium prices.

Biilf I



U oslai■ildB

m e r e a ^

Ibo Ila C at t Drm

NEW last n Club. I towing Orovst

I oc. and upward. At high-class idealers.

Tratlg ) ARNNRTT Ki GAN Jk Cfl Jf™* Flndawi SL, Now YuA* guppliod by / "BNNETT, SLOAN « CO., ^Disoibulgti for Worth’n N. j.

TH« HAVANA-AMBBICAN CO., HxnNl. «lt costs no morel to smoke the


"Louk 'tDss

aecspt to bs Club 4 memoi

"Wh cralto the n tlncl schist which place and tl sxpeil auccei

'« h power •calm tte < fbouli pacta rsatoi upon We el tty to (ul cc eonfU wbicl »ladi

A a r o n W a n I & t e .

Specials for Fijday and Satiirday. 951 aad 953 Broad St. S '

theft was reported to the pvllcq, who are working on the case.

A parish recepllon will be held next Wednesday night tn St. Stephen's Church Pariah House, on Taylor etreet. Ulllburn. The affair will be conducted under Ihe di­rection of th* King's Daughleri' Society.

The annual election of wardens and ves­trymen ot Bt. atephen'a Kplecopa! Church at Ulllburn has resulted at followa: Bentor warden, Joshua P, Benedict; junior war- den, W, Fellowea Morgan; vestrymen, L, W » HarrlnNton...R. B. illlyer^ (J, M. Tay_____ ngi . .Inr, John HcQutlkcn. w. K. McCollum and

T<BHIIah Colaublao Police Otice*

‘Was BNtcbend by Chlaree, -Whoaa He BowRht to Arrest.

VANCOUVER. B, C., April 1».-Cban Tea Chung, the Chinaman arrested (or the murder o f Chief ot Police Main, of Btevai- ton. haa made a confession, In which he M yi Main was first struck on the hoad from behind with a mattock wielded by a Chinaman who has fled and who has not yet been captured.

Tbe mattock, with its Iron hook, was found to-day near tbe cabin .covered with Wood. «nd a long knife was also tobi^

with th* blood upon Its blade.vBYnn. C^iung** oonfeselon, aided by evl-

deooe developed by deteotives, It Is be- Uevsd that wbsn Chief Main attemptad to Arrest tbe Chinese for theft of the stoles goods found In thstr shseks ha was billed with tba mattock and knife, being re- paatedly atabbed and chopped wUh the hMked (oW.

Ths ramalne were temporarily hidden, gtarted wbera there were and aven Main's dog waa

. kl^A valB attempt to avoid auspl- todto-JW MBht tbe body was brought etokl BBtemgetary hiding place to be per- M lNSNtlr bdftod la a little round hole dug

ThAhog^wia elioppMl Into ■M tlia bole baS not liven

Arthur Tapper.At a roeetlng Inst night o f the Spring-

field Booe Ball Club aeveral new members Joined the organlaaikm. Plans for an ac­tive aonson on tha illainniid were mapped out. Manager Guun reported that theteam was In excellent condition.

—*•-----------* -------Rmimiel Church Kleellona.

The following ofllcera, deputies and dele­gatee have been elected ul Emmanuel Re­formed Eplacopal Church: Wanlone nnd Parish Council,'George W. DougUa and WtlUam E, Townley; vestrymen tor threi;year*. F. W, Miller, George W. Pollltt and Hiram E ........................ ............Llttell; deputies to general council, aeorseAW. Douglas, Gaorga C. Miller Biid*William E. Townley; alter*-

Edwln W. Hammer, Frederlinates. rick D.Foxcroft,. F. W, Miller; dejggabw to. thej-no-'^ ' synodical council,' ' ' 'Gwrge W, Pollltt.

Harrison, In the presence ot a large num­ber, of relatives and friends from New YOIW, this city, Nutley, Englewood and Arlington. Tha ceremony waa perfeemed by tha RsT, Manry J. Coyna. The bridet- mald.was Mlaa Margaret Tobin, ot Har- rieon, and the beet men was Herbert B. Robinson, o f Bristol, Conn., a brother of the groom. -The bride wae attired In white orgendle over while silk, and wore a large white hat with oeleleh phimee. The brtdeematd's gown was ot white organdie and Valenciennes lace. After the cere­mony B reception waa held at the home o f the bride’s elateri, 2M Jersey street, Harrison, and Ister Ur, and Hre. Robin- eon left on a wedging tour through the Bouth. On thrlr return t|i«y will reside in Orange.

SweeBey-Haneh.The wedding of Mlaa Elisabeth Hauck,

daughter of Wllllem Hauck. uf M Bowery street, to Patrick J. Bweenoy, was cele­brated at 8t. Aloyslua Catholic Church yesterday afternoon. Rev. M. A. Mc­Manus. pastor ot the church, performed the ceremony. The bride wae attended by her slater, Mias Clara Hauck and D' F. Toye waa beat man. On their return from a short wedding tour, Ur. and Mrs. Bwee- ney will reside on Frederick street.

.laeobne-fjleveBa-The marriage ot Frank C. Jaeobua and

Mina Mnbsl L. Bteveni, both of tbia elty, waa quietly celebrated last evening at the bride's lioihe, 41 Fairmount avenue. The Rev. Dr. Haley, of the ftsaevUle Prea- bytvrlan Chimplii oIBcljted, There wAre

V lee-rhaM O llor ■«*veae gays (h at He W ill Hecommead a D eorca

la Har Favor.After hearing teatlmony In the suit for

divorce brought by Mrs, Augusta May Thompson, of Crsnford, agsinst Herbert L Thompson, brought on Ihe ground of desertion, Vlce-Chsncellor BlO¥ens.„j|fl;. nounced to-dey that he would recommend a decree In fevor of the plaintiff. He made an order gramlog Mrs. Thompson 129 counsel fre and 14 a week alimony and the custody of Ihe two children.

When the case was callsd, WIlllBm Fen- nlnglon, counssi (or Ihe defendant, stated that, while he hed filed an answer, hla client had refuted to eppear tn court, having notlfled him that be considered that the answer spoke tor Itself. Thomp­son had said ba had no witnesses exespi himself,

Mr. Pennington said he would have to depend upon the anawer alone tor a de­fence and begged the Indulgence ot the Court and the counsel (or tha petitioner, Edward Q. Keaabey. Mrs. Thompson was Ibeo called, end on the etand told of her marriage In Brooklyn tn October, U90, and lubaequent removal to Cranford, where a haute bed been erected with money, which, she said,, had been saved by her In economical household manage meat.

Prior to her marrlege the witneai aald she had been Ignorant of Thompson's e l leged tendency to drink. Five weeks af­ter she wae wedded she waa made aware of It.

In October, 18>2, Mrs. Thompson went on to aay, she and her husband bed moved to Cranfoid where ahe hsd sinoe made her home, going Into Brooklyn daring the week to do dressmaking. Thus, the de dared, ahe supported herself and the chil­dren, who were left at home In the care of their grandmother. For awhile, ahe said, Thompeon held a good poaltlon in New Tork, going back and forth every day.

Ths last time ehe had seen her husband, Mn. Thompson aald, waa jn November, ItPI, when the went to Brooklyn to see him at hit request, aha said ba had vis­ited Cranford lo get an overcoat, and at that time spoke almut takltu|«,a .flat In BrooklyU kful atked her to 'ahafe It with him. ■ 1 '

it seta 7 support meAnd the children," aald Mrx Tbotnpaon, "ijut when he eeked me, h i expected me to support him."

,MT*. Emma nirvln, a neighbor o f the Thompeons In Cranford, testified that the defendant while hla child was dying had been Intoxicated and had M l on her stoop to sober up. Corroborattve teatlmony waa given by the petttloner'a two broth- era and other wltnesaee. Mrs. Thompsnn waa reoalled and related an Incident, which, aha Hid, oceum d when her hus­band returned for hi* clothe*. Bhe raid he waa very much Intoxicated when he

ropoted that ahe go to Brooklyn with ilm, and said that later he had pulled a

knife wlglrt Inches long and had aald: "ThI* Is a goad thing to cut yopr throat with!"

Bhe had laid his thrsat to his Irrespon­sibility, she ssid.

Hr. Pennington declarei) when ths case waa closed that dstertlen had not been proven. The petitioner had admlued that Thompeon had asked her to live with him, snd when ahe Imposed conditions he could not comply with she rtfussd.

CENTS per Ik is ill we ask for our matchless CiwAmery B u tter. We would call attention of our customers to the fact that we follow the market and were the first grocery house to make the price of butter 22c., Which we did Tuesday.

C h e e s e D e p i r t m e o t a i ' i ' K d ? ^Finest Old English (Jbeeso, *U . lb. rlnut Full Cream Cheese, IBe. lb.New Boelete dee Roqoefott, Ad*, lb.

.^BoyelClieeee to-jaiSvAaMbcBwaaAU!' tie.

Van Roaeem's Edama in foil. BBe. Notton’l Pineapple Cheese. 41e. each.

R O B R O Y t t 5iy“thhave all vatiatlea, only Maimalade, IBs. jar.

CEMTB for a caa of Orebard Quaea UalUarwIa Frail*, allvarietle*, IBe, osn.

Orobart QoM D^gl^n Gpio or Egg2 5Plnmx**e.can; t.i

RapAbllo Cannad DWawberriei, lie . oen.

Coffee and Tea Department.

CENT5 per lb. for our finest Mixed Cotfee. We buy in large quantities, iuve goods freshly roasted and all put up in a bag that is lined with pardiment, which keeps the coffee in that fresh condition so essential whether in the bean or ground.

lad _yscn

SAC. lb., or Alb- boxes, t - l l .All oar SOe. Tesa, Ho. lb . Lib, boxaa,

tAA. I" (U p irta iie iV fS T M W W p i e i : ages, age.. (Be. and so*.

Gannine Arabian Mocha, BBo- tb. . Faooy Cncuta Maracaibo, Me- tb.Fancy Vienna Coffee, ao*. lb.

For a large bottle of, 2 o

■1.00Cusenl ’i

Cram# de

quart bottia c< 'amc«B CaUfcrnlA

0 Q OEim^tcraJarge bottia of Mara-' sebino Cbciries.

0CBMTS fe tr ^ ^ p M of Ooldemlth'sCalebiatH I

lb. for Gulden0 G oto Orange Cooklex,,Orange airas. Fhitipbinet, Pierson’s pllou and


’i | i | -nryi^tifli Tiff#IBB Valsie and Clnnainon Wafer*.

par llx,for Wafere.nowlatter

.lues,' Feather '.O K ap^tlkxtj

r Wefirhti. Fai XtiralwmWafi in Craoksia.

A A CENTNpcrIb. fee Harris A Holme* l O or Hedler'a Famous Water Thini.


CENTS tar a NMrx. — -------shank's hoar or Sweet Oberkeni.

^ U i Saaoe. Calory Seueabottle Crulk.


All of the above in w ot, bottle* at l*e.

R ep tttra P b i d o i u ChocolatM, Bonbons and Chocolate Caram da: H -lb . boxes, 2Sc.; Mb. boxes. 50c

"B4 t* th only Mwe teuiu ■tatn princ to m Ife.

lendi ■pr« ular baa moci stror only shall atam

"O acco: diap< for I undr* ^ time and talU and proi Tbei M ll cam CBlB


■eventb Anawal CanveAllwA Opraa la B »ek ly ii-«4H i DeleEAtcB Pveaent,

T o Ceatlna* Tbrwa Daya.-NKW TORK, April U.-Bnght hundred

delegates, about nlnety-alx per cent, of whom were ot the gentler sex, gathered yesterday morning In Plymouth Church to begin thy seventh annual convention of th* tnternallonal Kindergarten Union. The convanllon will continue three daya. Th* delegations are from all parts ot the coog'T*- ""tbteen delegates represent the Kindergarten Union In i t . Lout*.

Tb* convention was callad to order a lit­tle after 1® o'clock by Mis* Fannie Belle Curtli. chairman of the local Executive Committee, The chairman then Introduced Superintendent Edward O. Ward, who made an addre**. In jfh ich h* aald that to m*k*lUiia*rthrten<.irt»‘TH<Mt NfMcttv*It was nsesasiry -t o reform—tb* honu- tralnlng of young chlldran. He daclared that th* pnbUo echool eyatem o f Naw Tork was thoroughly committed to tha klnder- gartesL , ^

Prealdent Charles K, Robertson, Of the Borough Bohool Bosrd, next spoke brieOy. He welwmtd th* delegatee on behalf of th* board. Lawranc* c . Mull, prealdent of th* Brooklyn Free Kindergarten Society, addrsased the delegate* ooncarnlng the objMti end work o f that organliAtlon.

Mr*. Caroline T. Haven, preeldont of the Inlernatlontl Wndergerten Union. In r*- spones to th* eddrei* o f amlcoine, g*v» an InteraaUng ttUt. Th* real of tha morn­ing tesslon waa devdird to th# hearing of two-mlnut* iwports from detegatH repta- Hntlng th* rorioua union*. From tb* tenor of the remerk* o f on* o f th* del*- gate* from Chicago U waa evident that Chicago will malt* • strong bid for the holding ot tb* next convention In tbe^ clOr,

plAtnBcM May Bay the ■avonIb'llAr ' BAptlet Barring Gronnd.

Bpeeltl to tlw KVENINO NEW*.PLAINBiA l d . Apijl U .-A movement

la on foot to abandon tha uia o f geventb- Dey BapUat Cemetery, at th* corner of West Ninth atreet end Arlington avenue, in order tN*t the properly may be placed upon tb* market for sale. Tb* Ssvanth- Day Baptist Cemetery is ons of ths oldest burying grounds In Plainfield. Tbsra bat been a good deal of talk about the poHl- bllUy o f the city puicbaalng It for tha new High Bohool site, and It la underatood that It Is thli posaiblUty that has induced the trustee* to take up the question o f aban-

PERSONAL.g. R M. L O.-Ctll « me

'^ T li 'ik O W N ... Bnalnoa* F en aA ola ,UAUBNRONR'N PtLB DBITRN

rOR pfUtO.Ar* you treuble* with themt De yea want la

thesi m jn w witbett PAIN er ON-NUNINRIBT No epmtiea tbtto ti toted.

HAHBNRaER'g PILE DRIVEN hat eon* tbeussada In this city idoDt, ind will w e ^__9SW(Jr _*ad. at small eosb_I ysn OMiekty and at •mair nest. ALL

UGOUn -be l l IT, PRICE » CBirn; ■I by u U . Aay aadrssa



donlng It at tb* preient.Frank J. Hubbard it new at work *n-

deavorinf to sacurt the consent ot tboa* whp hav*.rtlat)iei Interred th «S lftb*Y* tbs remain* rsmoved and placed In a plot * r til* HUIsHli CMhalefy, whiefi will' be purchaeoil by Naveath-Day B ^ x l BoiHtty for that purpo«. Aa trtea o f th* Intaraated one* haa been loet In many sxMS, and th* stber* are scattered all over the country, the work ot saciiring the neo> eisary conient will prova a dlfllcult on*.

CALOiUMK^IR your tMth «fto MMlthm y®a ivtil kttoStr »« pKln In btovlnp ttetn AIM itr {pterin® i® toll ptMi toad ittfrirhii Ilk*II

toHi tow9(l|

. mn*havelriedll,

Le XtfWtorRi If. Me

synodloai council,' 7*_ ■■’. Pnimt, . -V—U ,'or.,James T. Clark. JosSpu McAvay; alter­nates, David Bturgea, Frederick F- Me Cully, Htram K Ultell, Nall Davies. Jo­seph Walker The church and Its various eacletlee are reported to bs in a flouriehlng condition.

I w White After the ceremonya email -Nl^eptlqn wae held, Mr, tnd Mri.

Party (or •■nday-sahoal Cblldrea.A party was given In the perlors o f the

Clinton Avenue Reformed Church onTueadey afternocn for ths scholsrt In tb* p rim es department of the Bunday-school. Tb* altslr wee arranged by the primaryteachers, _and nearly " " ■ ------

“ iro*I. Os

wereprM nt. The rnomi were decoratM ^gwhite and purple. Game* were provi fnr the little nnes. and afterward they were gtvon a supper, Each child was pr«- eeniea with t ebaocut* Baater sgg tu fake

Jacobui will live In Newark.Day-Harebell,

Mies Florence C. Burchell, ot Brooklyn, end Irving G. Day, ot (T Johnson avenue, this elty, were married last night at th* bride's home. Rev, Dt. Peck oflloUted. Th* maid of honor waa Miss H*tlle Day and tho matron ot honor, Mr*. Harry Rounds, of Brooklyn, stater ot tho bride, The beat man waa Harry Smith, ot this city, and th* usher* JstnH C. D*y, Frank Holt and Ralph Bndth.

ItohMos-Haywasd.NKW YORK, April Ih-Profsaaor *d -

mund Yard RobMna ot Princaton Unl- vtnrity. ^ Hla* Kmallns Place Hay.

K earay aad Asllagrioa.President Thomss MeOlennon, at ths

meeting of the Board o f Bducatlon ot Boat Newark last night, announced Ihe following as the standing enmmUtoes (or the year; Flnanes, W ik h , Carey tnd Olbba; ^hool OovernaMmC White, Davis snd Nevllls; BulMInx atmOrounds, Dsvls, Neville and Pltagorald; gupplta*. FItager. aid. White and Carsy; Bpecisl Inatruotlon. Hill, Qtbb# and Walih, .

At a meeting of iherman M^fc-and-lnd- der Company No. L o f Bast Newark, last night, William ItoVInp wa* uunlmouely h jd o r ^ tor re-tleotldh to tbe position ot

A two weeks' mlaaton will be begun In the Church of the Holy Croeo noxjE Bun- day. Th* m t ^ n will be given by (our of the RedaKrtorlet Father*. ,

William w p , * Wind newsdealer of Harriapa avenue and John siroati F«« pdnfuUy Injured about *;») o c jjcx lu t njgbt by a trolley oar o f the Turnpike road lEe. Delp waa entoalng the street oBnnstt* his Wtand end. dm not hear th*

.„-jNOAchlag. H* waa itruek by the fendeA knock^dowuNiod drqpwwt e^jbona n i r t * T a f t ' a m ' l l * ’ was uken ta bit horn*. . _ ' V

Th* Kseex aod Httdson Ge* Company began yeaterday td lay ga* matna In Cisveland avenut, batwean Fourth and Firth Btroau.- ......... S ; .....

Tha Aftsrnoon aeaalon was reaulttod at 2 o'clock, and the programme waa at fol- Iowa: canferonc*. conducted by Miss Mln- nls H. Ollddsn, chslrman o f th* Commit­tee on Gift* and Occupations, on "What Do You Consider the Froebellan Method of Using Gifts and Oocopotlonsr

The evening aaasion wa* held in the Academy o f Mualo. and the programme was a* follow*: Mualo, Twenty-third Rsg- Iment Sand. Thomas F. ghannon. teadar; addresab* o f walcoma, Frank L. Babbott, chairmaft of th* Klndargarten ConmU- i » Dr. W llllSn H. Maxwell, City Buperlntandent o f SohoAis; addreea, "Th# Kindergarten Ida* tn N a t l i^ Hamilton W, K*Wo;and New." Ml** LueyW baelock! addram, "Th* Future of the Klndatgarten," Dr. William I . Harrle, Commiaaloner of Hdu- catioa.


t a i^OR-KADN ssIU, latHt style, frsai 9B to t i i T ^ . » £ flitlngi wo* guarantoed. J.Ml] flrtt-olasa fltilng; wo* fuarantoed. l,

AMERICAN PENFtJMEA TOa aoaal at laa.’baat NbMOh auduawd haU-,.

iHMatrTlind iflor H oaata (I* ati»aml.,«». * M m ^batlle rf-vlolel, roe* er-Hty, wltb !*-■• jJ ffiT fit ltJ lf fit fV lT R O tr P COgT.


*1*.) i d i m '

naraw ai uk, riowa*. N. J. Bold at Psttrx I Nalitaan’a Matbot oad MulbstTy ria. wllsaa'Ai

T '"IT DC9TT H tm r' to hATo tMth extiaelod wtlb my BoM- l^ D M ia l Wonder: Sots. |TlirSia



I7K1 POItTKJtfgMy r*pataltot_Hr aspftog

turso I* aoi

’ tk ! It






UTVtitoilf.id* to older from ta**'*

It. _____________________DRBtBMABLlMa-.*dto, tL90 up, MIBB VOOR-

HBRg. MWsw at-


KAllNHB, NTC.W. RRID. AUCnONNNN, ■ s g g ijg .

M d as Bbevir* BWto.

Ward. rf .T, Kijb-inrnc Hnvward.

NesTOidi A en iah ir Dabtita.Reiolved. ‘tlutt Benator* Should Bs

~ 'iv the Diract Vote o f tha Pao- H th* aubtoct o f dtacuwlon at il priio detml* at tbe aenio__________ prii* dl_______

pli* o f the Newark Acadtiannual lor pu-

on Friday afternoon. Th* afliiw , to be held

_________ _________ , _ aOraHtlv* aid*will be taken by IL (I. Frout. R R. Hitler and J. N. cisntr, while It, JL M. O. Col* and W. « . Dowd wluin d '... Ihe negative. The Lewis Lam i^trwmi.--n ft

Bimraem, argue on

will be Rev. Dr, Tlliam R DoiM and

* 'S ^ V J ! M . “ A‘p 'S ’ S“ - iW o vkluaW..T .'n u r .s ;? “w | K J V ir.‘.4 .t

w h lcM rm osmed by AndrawTaaDMona, Jr., of Nywwk, were aold yeetorfily^ -rioaure e f b mortgag* held agalnat tim

tb* BqSiuTWj U ivA tjuranw

wm'eall TO-MORNOW tnUDAYl April

Tb* eettr* oontenta of rwlC mevod to oar riora Ihia eale taohs^ meridhtn

u m r NROB... trie flxtarM, t

Th* eattn ooBtenIs of rwldsm at qrtnat, BOATLOAD 1 l e ^ to oar atom hr^ convestwios of T s y . Clay s.htoM l* IrohedM everriMii In tbs he............

kweing ims, t o g o ^ wRh Flo*

cit; elatin'agalnat, the Property p In

;y, held -------------- ---------, „ -end took thdi step In order to *Har* tbemselyes and sraid tlm gxpana* j i f anoihor Hie, 'The prto* P»h iO T r -C o a g a r tor tb* properly waa fU,d<t-

th u Agswv Man KUtod-HUNTINGDON, P*.. April, lH-It. H. C,

g ill, of Baltlnsora. rcpr**anllmi,tH R. U.un Mercantile Agenoy. waa U IM to-dsy

twelve mile* eaat ot her*, by railing froi^ a sIseNtit car ot a PannsvUrama Rattr' train. Hr. HIU was on hto way tu Mi vlUe,' Ps;, to taatify In an Imji^rtBNtroad case, Afttr faliing troof

t o W B F ---------Ms body f - i - n , trstn.

heuse-„ „ Car

pits, la Rrastole,ComenU of carriage-^ . wrrey, 1 asny. > «*pe, » mts, - .----- laimt' an) (MiF-aaddlM. jap n

, three losrn mowm, wIiMaiir eta,, atO)

____ of 1aod double


ORKAT auction BALE of M lmil ot frsah ,<r *p rli«* i ,anio*» ihem, at* some

aw BttMes,



TO ANTI W A N MENI W i at Falio L e a ie n U i M i C A f i r

HWttj te iMwntis Frii*cipiiik

" I}ItNan4\Uf


S li


IJMtarM lk«« tfe* P artr 1> O a lr !'■>- ■ il4abl« !■ It ! Own H f — • lU ila a lM a i r r a r i r a i r N ada, t a r i lb * Farawr VfaaU aat, fh a a M Lead la Cavroallaa at Braara^wapaakaf* at tk« (NaB«T at Iha S r a a U r a DaBarratIa Clab,

NSW TORK, Aprtl 1».-At the dinner l u t nlfht at Uu Brooklyn Oemoaratic Club, an antl'Bryaa ortaolaattan, the fal lawln( letter tram forpirr Prealdent Ororer ClayeUnd wai read;

"Prluaaton, Ai>ru II, IW. ‘ ‘JUMilk T. Burehard, Baq., Chairtsan, atc.i

■‘Dear H r-1 n « ttt that I ant unable to aeoairt your Invitation to attend the'dinner to be tlvaa by the Brooklyn Uainacratic Club on the elfhteentb Inilant, to onm' memorata the Urth ot Thomaa JaSeraon

“ W ^n thooa who prvtaea the Demo* cratio faith meet to eelebrata the birth ot the nan who tint data the faith a dJO' tinct formulation their pride In the achlevemaota and trtumpha a ( the party which ha founded ahouM not antlrcly dli- ptace all tbourhl o f Ita preaaot altuattot) and the condltlona which In the llsht of aapoflenea appear to be aaaentlal to Ita #UCC<MiL

■Whauih Iha faulta of Iba party In power art many, and thouih lla otfenooa •Calnat tha political health and aafety of ^ e country are flacrant. thaaa thln(a fhould not cQcouraie ue to bate an « - pactatlon ot aucceea and a hope for the raetaratlon of wbolciome adminletratlon upon the ehartcomlnga ot our advereartre. We eboold too well underatand their abll- tty to attach to ttwlr fortunaa the po#er- ful contlnteht ot ealtlan lotereata, to place eonlldtnt reliance upon the weakneae which oufht to be tbe paaalty o f their tnladaadf.

QpBaoaraar*a CanalatoBoy."Bealdei, none of ua can cloae our eyea

tp tha tact that the Dantocratlo party la only tormldabla III Ita own atrenith, tti powar to win tdctorlaa has a lw a n been found to depend upon a aturdy and con< ■latent adherence to Ita time-honored. pdDcIplee. which have proved aufflclenl to meet evefy emerwency e f our natlonai' life. Whatever aucceeaee may have at- Unded a party o f opportunity, with aalle ■proad for every tranalent breaie ot pop­ular aentlmenl or eacitement, experience tiae abundantly demonat rated that De- mocraey la eo conatltulod that M.U only atronf when eourapaoue in the right, and only vlclortobi «h eo Ita fotcaa are raar- ahalled under Ita old and well-recognlied atandarda.

"Our prihclplee are ao elmple, and they accord ao well with the honeat American dlaposltlon, which lovea freedom and caret for the pubUe welfare, that they are tatUy underitood by tbe Democratic maaen. Aa a riiult of thie there hat never been a time when falae leadereblp ot our party and a defiartura from almple Democratic faith have not been quickly dlacovertd and rulhleeely rebuked by lletleaa eupport pronounced defection and bitter defeat. Theee conaequencea have thua far been ao Inevluble that tha leaaopa they teach cannot be dlaregarded erttbout Inviting calamity.

’ T n e lb re tb o lp le ."The healthtutncaa of our party may

well ba queatloned when It ahrinks from auch an examination o f Ita poeltlon aa wlU onabla It to avoid diaaator by keep­ing In a couree ot aafety, under the guid­ance of true Democracy.

‘Therefora thoee who claim to be top lowera ot Thoinat JeSerepn will tall to dlacharga a aolemn duty If, In thta lime o f loubt and temptation, they neglect euch

Itot. « f Ahthgaa. wha daUvared ftp tea r at the Taamtany Baelaly fw ieBt W f t i r toUbeittlon laat year. On that odad*. atoh Judgb Wlllelt'a i peech. which waa aiM-Bryan In tie aplrlt, waa countataotad

a ahorter one made by ax-GovemW . _ tea E Hogt. of Taxaa edto awakased a great deal ef enihuataero by declaring (or tha reafannailoB of tha Chloago plat­form and the rmomlhatlon of Itr. Vi^an.

Judge Wlllatt begog by declaring that ba bad Tbted for Hr. Bryan In IM and would vole for him afftln It ha wera again

l"gnr"Unqueitlonably." ha aald, “ tha allver

quaatloB eplll our party open, and, aa It ta settled for four years now. It should ba relagatrd to the rear. The great danger la the apathy ot the North dnd the eplen- dld material development which le golag on In the South, which hat withdrawn the minds of the people from polltlcA

"Ur. Bryan la no longer regarded by toy considerable body of men In Ihe South ai either n gtateatoan or aa a profound man. atreivgtb cornea fnmi hie having bgen the leader o f a great party In im , from hli fatal (aclUly o f aperch, and from the great purity ot hla public and private life. He has the commercial and manu­facturing claaaee arrayed against him, and avea the pollllelana who are shouting for him admit It It Impoailbls to elect him with thle handicap.

P e n n fo r the goalh. Bx-Oovernor Jamea E. Campbell, of

Ohio, rtf ponded to the toast "The Hceto- ration of Jetferaonlan Democracy." Jeff ereon, ha said, had atated wllh great prt- cljdaii the dUtlnctlon betwitn ratio and coinage,' and eo long as the Democracy ad- bared to the dletlnctton he bad drawn It waa vtctortoua.

"In ei-ObVemor Campbell eald,"the Democratic cbnventlon grasped at the shadow axid threw away (he aub- ■tande, and dalermlnad to go to the coun­try on Iha duaallon of ratio. Thia n »y be our lait stand. Let tha party of plutocracy ones ipora buoceed, and the cenaua and the election statlitick ertll beeiilne the powerful weaponi whereby the Demo­cratic South shall be deprived of her right! under the uttered remnanta of the ConitUutlon.”

Fraderic W. Hlnricha raeponded to the toast of 'Thomas Jelferion.” In part ho

'"Wa And many luctwaeful candidatee for

Prealdent have been military heroes. A great hero ta always a popniar man. Ad- mlralDawey U alngulariy popular through out the country. While 1 do not edvocate or oppooe the nomination o f Atiguslua Von Wych. I do advlae particularly lhal thoee who art aeshlng to defeat Mr. Hryan consider the queetlon In all its details. I.et them remember that with DoWey In the leaderihtp wa are bound to win."

Mr. Hlnrtche'e epaeoh waa greeted with abeolute alienee.

ill Hi gggmg'wHk-lH *biMhie tiggnirtniri In ihear art*

. . bli direst way o f M bm thBUff _ maaagere are theugpt to ba alalng

lluilr maiied batteries sostBsnrE It a baltaf tbat tbay art las Arawd U ■*- pect that they oas datasi & r d « by • Jf* ' bW sp an oppoalilon purely In the lladt, whtoh eraa triad apd fa lM la MM. H h n M going to ba aohu ahrawd piaylsf at pottito In Otway's iMhalt, and ttoMrvers trill ba mueh lurprtaed It It ta sot plarMi oblady in tha South.

T aylag ta MaUal Mill.NEW TORE, April M .-U wae aald bait

to-day that a close Maod ot Admiral Dawty had juat returned from a vlelt tu former Senator Hill. It waa roadtty be­lieved that the mleelon wae a political •na. And New York Denwcrati who ato ■oat familiar with tha views ot tbe farm- er Senater were confident laat night that tha aftort to win Mr. Htl] to the euppeft of Admiral pewey'a candidacy for Freal- dant had sot barn a aucceaa.

John H. UcLrai). o f Ohio, who arrived from Washington yeaterday, reglalerad at tha Waldorf and went out early. AtUr hla return to the hotel laat evening. In raaponaa to a card that waa taken to hla room, be sent down word that be waa about to ratire and bqggcd to be excused.

Almoat coincident with Mr. Mctwan’a arrival a prominent gold Democrat, who teoantly dined with Admiral Dewey and a family party In Washington, returned from Albnuy, Vrhllhcr he wae reported tg have gone to try to pariuadc Kill to eoiaa out In favor of tha hero of Manila ai agalnat Bryan.

It oould aot ba learned laat night wbetb' er or not Mr. McLegn met lbs Albany Ambaaaador oo bit raiprn. Dum hli vbdtto HIIL

A, dlapalcb from LexUigUin. Ky„ quotoa former Sacraury WfUlahi C. Wbltiiey aa saying U> a friand yuterday that ha haa nothing whatever to do with the camS- dacy o f Admiral. J9gsmy. Mr. Whitney dtcUiwd to dlaouia poUUca at any length.

------- fiaya Daerar ttog lg Carry Marylaad.

BOSTON. April N.—Charles J. Hone- parte, o f Baltimore, who Is to be the prin­cipal epeakar at the Patriots' Day cclehra- Uon In Concord to-day, aald laat cvenlag that If Dewey could euoceed In capturing the Democratic nomination he would carry Maryland. Ha axpreteed hlmeelf ■■ of the opinion that tha Admiral waa In the hands ot tomo clever polUtral mans- gere who were working to defeat Bryan'e time, and that to long aa the latter was ■I the head of the ticket the Demucrata oould never win In Maryland.


l r . l G l i i k j S M H i t i ( k t S ( n l i A t f -

tiwil i w wrti I w r t i w tfa

I T H U j lN I l Y H E S V O ID .

W hal W aa D aao a i ta a d a aad W hat It W aa la lra d a d ie Do a i Maatla. T reach ery ia W ia the Day W h er- evar Poeathie B aaeral Mlae'a B l- fart ta g a er H olla ta gpala—A Prao- laaM tlaa s tg a cd by A galaa ldo,


l ie g g W ill Hat Oppae# Bailey.HOUSTON, Tea., April U,—Former tiuv-

ernor Jamei 8. Hogg waa to-day aekrU by Walter 8. Baker, ot Waco, representing a cuntcrenca ot Senator Chilton a tollnaera, to become a candidate for united Btun-e Senator against Congreaaman Bailey. He declined. ___________


gccratary L aag Map Maa W ith Me- K la le y -T a lk la g at a W rat-

s r a Haa.NEW TORK. April l».—Tbat the Repub­

lican Vlce-Prealdentlal nomination will go to Secretary o f the Navy John D, Imng, or, H not, that aoroo roan In the Far Weit will get It, wae the opinion expreaeed at the fifth Avenue Hotel laat night by Jo­seph l). Manley, of Maine,' a member ot the nopubllcan National Executive Com mittae. Hr, Hanley la the chairman ot the dalegatlon from Maine to the Republican Natlopal convention at Philadelphia.. "Who wilt be the Republican' Vlce-Preil- dantlal nomlneeT" Mr. Manley waa asked by a roporler last night. "Do you think New Fork can name tbe manT*

"Tea, If New York can agree upon any­body; but It seems to me that this State doaa not want It. 1 hare no information to convince me on that point, and I do not cart, to diacuaa it,"

"How about John W. Oiigga, of New Jersey! Ha la from aarret A. Hobart' State." *»>— »

G rlgga W aald Hot Aoeept.It does not tolluw because New Jersey

named tho.'Vtce-PrealUenl In ijto that the can coBtrdi the pptlHnotloai in WOO. I am advUed that Attorney-aeneral Griggs would not accept the Vlce-Prealdentlal nomination under any clrcumatancet.'

"Well, what la your opinion!"" i can't aay that 1 have any positive

opinton. There has been a good deal of

te i^ n cy In parW control to gut>on(hiat*. th^rloclploa of pure D em oiney, and to dittniat thalr oosquerlng ^ w ar, tfaea coadUlona ahould not oontinue without a brava and early Democratic protest.

" t have addraaaed theea worde to fel­low Deraocrata In the full oonaclouaneea that I am far removed from any tnSuence In ^ r t y tbanagement; but I

'U|k ot lata about John D. l^ng.

love the old Democratic party, and 1 have'written under the aanetlim o f that 'freedom o< epeech' which Thowtae Jetferaon placed aiBong tha cardinal factors o f our Oemo- cratis creed. Tours v « r truly,

"OROVEIt CDBVEI.dU4D," The reading ot Hr. Clavaland’a latter

provekad a atorm ot applause that died aw w m iy attar tha dinar* had lat their final aatl of approval on It by giving threg oheare for the ex-Proaldfnt,

Lattars i t ragrap vrevt tdovivad from eg- Oovenor Horaca Balts, o f Iowa; Oeneral Joseph Wheeler, Edward H. Shepard and Norris Oabom. Perry Belqtont sent a

' telegram toying that he waa detained on a New York Central train between New Tork knd Albany.

Ba-daverm iF B ofea’a l,e ttcr . Sx-Oovemor Botea'a letter waa received

with loud oheera.After referring artih praise to the mo-

, tlyes that led up to tbe decieratlon ot war atstasi Spain, he deplored the ac- qulslUoD ot tc^ tory wbloit that combat reaulted In. Continuing. Ur. Boles said:

"Wa are gt ike thrtohold o f anothar na­tional cam^lgn. The laeuea upon which

' it Is to be fought will be ma|lo by the ' DemocrsBc party.

"B lw t shall vimf be? Anti-lmptriaUsm,' an'tl-mllKsrbdn, a iC diath

to tniaia la tha unmtnglsa adoialin o f all who opposi the present Administration.

I It thaat art Hit pUnka that wHI maha tha Dainocratlc plaitann, thate will ba no breach In tha ranka o f thorn who would MlaeadUr guard'tha meat vital ptinolplae oa which (hi* OdTamniaitl Ja grounded and on wMch It innst remain i m Is to

"Shalt wa abanwH'E dtil^ s d '^ t n snd Jsopardlse all hy Hddlng annthtr (unim­portant at erewot haeguaa oh u ga la in- postibla-during th* wext Adnmiamtian)

■ on which our gwn rai^ia a|h hojiyleasly broken! Dove of country, love of luetlce, devotion to parly, alike forbid."

W tllc ii Ovpaaea Eryna.Tha nrst totet. " * Century o f Demop'

racy," was rrspondsd to by. Joasph J. WU-

^ o f Mas-sarhusatts, Secretary o f the Navy. He has Intimated that ha would accept, and he r a o ^ maise •a-esoapUenaUv ftron'tyun-gldatc. It ho le not aalncted, thVl.t-.Ihlak •oue man in the Weal will he nam^.

"What do you mean by the W est!""I mean some point weet ot the Misala-

slppl. and the nearer Ihe Paelflc coast the

"How about Senator Bhoun, ot IdahoT’ "Ifk la a good fellow, but I do not «*■

pect to see him named."W catera Meg W aat BecagBltlaa.

WASHmOTON, April » .-W e * ie r «» »e » now talk with redoubled eagomata about a Western man for Vlce-Preaklent. tom* Rrpublicana, without naming any partlC' ular person, would even go aa far Weal as tha PacIHc coast to gat a man.

But the fact to borne In mlpd that Sec' retary Long haa algnlflod h^ unwilling, neaa to refuse a nomination, and It to as- ,tamed that he would, not have goo* to far ■a that without Brat coniuttlhg the Presi­dent as to the propriety and sanae of the enggeatlon. That a Maaaachuaatle man to not improperly meotloncd to seen to be tht tact when U to remembered that General Itoonard Wood, a Maaaadhdeett* man, #■■ apoken of until It Wat teamed that the Prealdent Is unwilling that he ahould be taken from Cuba upUl ha hae had a chance to show how thoroughly ho can m that Island for Independence.' A Western argument to secure the Vice- Prealdenc* la that the action of Congress la Porto Blcan legtototion has made It neoeaaary to cultivate that aacUoii In or-

A. P. Ball, of Paeoale. ta Awarded One at Celaiabla.

NEW YORK, April Ik—A t a mratlng of the I’nlveralty Council o f Columbia Unl- verelty, held Monday, the tellowshlpa, twenty-one In ruml»ey,"dor' iha eoflegc year IWO-ltoi, were awarded aa follows:

Three Honorary Felloirahlpa—W. Halt- land Abell, New Tork, Tale, H . fellewshtp In pomtcal eclenec. >

Jeaee Ellphalet Pope, Mlnnejapolto, Cnl- verrliy of Minnesota, 'H, eCMomtca.

Frankllu Selgler, Colpksbia, *M, phlloeo- phy- , .

Elgbtean Regular Fellowshlpai H artley Burr Alexander, Philadelphia. Vnlvaraity of Nebraika, ’»!, fellowthlp In philosophy.

Allen Perry Ball, Faiaalc, N. J.,, Am- herat. 'M. Latin.

Robert Henry Bradford, Balt Lake City, University ot Uuh. meullurgy.

William Auallii Cannon, Palo Alto, Cal., Leland Stanford Unlverelly, botany.

Israel Davidson, New Tork, Coltofe ot the City of New Tork, 'M, eclentlflc lao- guagra.

Robert Heywood Frrnkld, ClSfelaild, mechanical engineering.

George Irving Finlay. New Tork,Yard, geology. .

Jamea Wllford Garner. PegrU, HI., po- Itlleal science.

William Harry Heck. RalMgh, N, C., English.

Alvin Saunders Japnaop, Dakou City, Neb., Unlverelly of Nebraeka, 'tl, econo- mlea

Thomas Jeaae Jones. Qreenlleld, 0,, Uarielta College. '«!, sociology.

Austin Flint Rogers, Lawrence, Kan., Kansas State University, 'W. mineralogy.

M. Schuy, Jr„ New Tork, Cohimblk, 'M, tndo-lradlan languages.■ bharies W. Spencer, Bamlltan. N. T., Colby Unlteralty> 'M. American history.

Earl Evelyn Sperry. Syracuse, N. T., Syracuse University. ’(*. Eumpeap bis-

°F&rry Beal Torrey, Berkeley. Cal, Cnl- verstly o f California. '(6, soology.

Albert C. Whittaker. New Tork, Ltland Stanford, Jr., U nlvsnrtty,oconom lca.

Clark Wtsiler, Columbua, 0 „ in’disha University, 'kti peyebotogy.


B*ealatlaaa F averad h r the T raaa- MlaalMtPpt Coagreaa.

HOUSTON, Tex.. April U .-The Resolu­tions Committee ot the Trans-Hlsslsslppl ComwMTBlal Congress last night agreed to report ta-morrow favorably on the fol­lowing ptgtters;

1. On development bC trained Consular aervlce.

t. Relation to the admtsitou o f the ex­isting Territories as Btatet.

*, Retallng to pure food.t. Favoring tbe establlahment ot tbe Na­

tional Department of Mines and Mining.k Favoring tha eetablUbment o f a De­

partment of Comroeroa and Industry.—— -------- -e ..........'t .— I...


' f f m t h '- B * gEod iMAlEiae

. W m s » . l a


m uaa iftu A Is so taaeb S p rin g , And

w ta i^

der to rmtora RepuMlean Ufftlty and co* uperalton In the next campaign.

D EW EYS B IE N I S AT WOBILA B e lie f tBat He B «a Shrewd F a-

I ltiea l M *a a g *ra -T ry ia g to ^ W lB HilP* Sagpori.

V ^ B IN G T O N . April M.-AdmliwJ DaW^a'candldaoy to said to have enier^ upoiT a naw^^H«f;' He hex oHtod hlmtelf

-wltto sartaln pm m tneaH R t*^-"* ’ bays taken charge o f hto boom and will diract It iMBcaforth. The drat state was thst If which the A to lre l *impiY «*" qouwad hto egndldfcy and s to^ alone waiting to see what Iha public thought of IL Ha It no longer alone, and ble 0*“ ’ dldaey has pasagd pu( of his own hsnds and Into thoSa o f axgart political msn- kgerg,

The Identity o f the Admiral's managet* Is g aasrat which Ig being guarded yeit carefully. , . ,

In other wordk, tha Adatlrai to no longer

W E A t t ^ ^ ^ T IO N Sgriu(|Uj(G*OII.'April Uie^Wcather eon-

dlUgM and genanU forecast:■ fU M iier wMirA Whitdi esoupled upper

Utohlgad Wdd»a»4*y morning, ha* d t o ^ pgtPM -g sW g f tKa 'Ukd'regloil and it. Lawtohos ■VaUay. aad tha barometer to. low'aloeg Iha honhSordar of the counlry f r o m ^ FaMfto Id iha Atianlto Coast. Thera ware tnOosUtmt tost night of g;

Body Faaad la the E a laa a t a Fae- tary .

NBW TORK, April It was dtacov- ered'to-day tbat tha fire which yeaterday deatroyed the beditaad and mattreae fac­tory ot Charles P. Ragera * Co., la West Hl^toenth strmt, redultsd In the loes of one Ufa

White exploring tbe building early to­day Uio body of Heitry Hqgh**, a cultOB picker, wae found under a bait ot cotton waigbing TO pouada,

DaaghlSifirinc lutiewrtT'ADSB^-LGKO b r a n c h , April ii.-,jrhe Hfth an

nuaJ eedMoa of ikw D auf'lugtatsta t i Liberty of New Jersey flulshoiT ltd labors jast night. The vote for new oi ...In the ^ i c e of the following: gists Coun- etllor, Elisabeth P sclu r B eabim t: State ■ssoeiaw counetltor;' Carrto Clpplpcott, A w Brunswick! _ «ta te vtoeJcoudtlllor. lara T. Kellsub, TrentoniStste associate ttotoeounoilior, SUa P, Tard. N * * " * :

iwclate oeerstory, Jenoto B. Hay- . e w i^ i M t a jtiaoctote ireasurw.

L. WeiterL Jeto*yClty; State p ide, toca Porter, Jerady tSty; ■ State In-

**Naftonl^te, N. O.; Ulfiaa iLlrwln. Keypprt; - ^ Haw Brunewtok:

kwark; WlllUm N..Iba Jonea, 1 Trentoa: Maty

Cranford; raide; a lte iu ; Berman

negimeetl .Inefallcd by L. Hayward,



WABIilNGTON. April U .-la further re- eponM to the Benats reaelulion ot Janu­ary IT last, the Preetdent yesterday eent to Iba Senate additional doeusMois bear- Ing upon tha Ineurreellon In tha PUlllp- plnea. Tha papera art all Important. One of them to a report ot Colonel Armas Blanco ot the Philippine army, to the "General commanding iba eacond tone" of Iba events of February 1, MM, In Tondo,Ha aaya that oa btarlng the alarm of are he Immediately ordered twenty men who gathered to hold IhemeeWiO prepared He cunllnues:

■‘When Ihe designated hour arrived they would be raady to go to Hetolc. where the American barracka are, and lat on lire tha houaao about there In order to Inter­fere wllh their coming out from the bar­racks, as waa agreed upon In Ihe meeting with D. Roeend Llmon, The ream I wae that on marching to the scene of opera- tiona ha found the Calsada of Aecarraga waa ailed with Americana and with them ware a number o f counUry paoplowhq cried out; "Brotjiero, to tbe ilrlfol For now to tha hour!" Thle to what mrn were aay Ing to that crowd, and at the proper time they sounded the call of our army. "Ad­vance and Ore." Tha tight ot tbat airange ecena threw ut Into confusion, for we bC' lleved that all that wa had prepared from tbe beginning as vrall as what we saw waa prepared by Iha enemy and hie iplee."

He then ordered a retreat, and when they met the Amerteana tha Colonel u ya the latter gave hla forcea two valleys. Ha ndde that hla men with their dagpere In a hand-to-hand conflict forced the Amer­icana to retire.

To t'aa D raam lle Baasbi.Another letter dated at Tarlac. October

a last, signed by J. H. Leyba, cummendg an unnamed Filipino ofllcer, of whom the writer sayi that "he will go to Manila cummlsiloned by our Qovaramenl to throw some dynamite bomba and set Are to ghs houses and tbe principal butldlnga, especi­ally thoae occupied by foreigners."

Among other documents la an unsigned letter to General Rloa, of tbe 8pami:b army, who was In comnund at Ilollu,<lated at Malolos, October S , UN, apparently In­spired by Agulnaldo. In this letter the writer eaye that bit desire to to "yet save from shipwreck tha tovartignty of Spain In theme Islands." He than proceeds:

"I am Ipformed that you are considering eurrendering the place to us or tu iha Americana; after alx montha ot vigorous siege and o f total abandonment, I under­stand how you ran prefer us to the others. The way to make this eurrender to to Join ue and proclaim the federation of the Ftll- plno Republic with the Spantoh Republic, recognising the chlefttinebig of our honor­able President, Benor Emilio Agulnsldo; a fraternal embrace will taka pUcr betwaan Filipinos, Vtouyana and gpa^nlK. There will be taurrahe for Spato and the Flltplnoi united aa a federal republic; your troops Will pass Into the common army; you will be promoted to a Llrutenant-Oenernl, Tboee who want to can go back at cur expanse and the flags of Spain and Ftll- plnoa will float side by aide. Tou will give an account ot thta to Madrid, and In the moantlme we stuIl Aght the Americana to­gether. We shall oanquer, and then We .ahsU waR and adjust our future rola- Mona

P ratest Awalaat gartwaBar,■ "Tha surrender ef the heroic eidumn you oommand to tbe greatest outrage which tan be Inflicted upon thoee valiant men, since they have auSsaed tbe btimlllutlon which their unfortunate compantone luSer bare; and you, tbe able and upright and valiant General, are you going to sign a treaty with the Americans! God preserve you from It, sir. Tour trautfer to our aide does not really Involve traaaon to gpatn, ilnc* the moment sovereignty pattwa to the Ameticane you are free to tranafer your aUwtance. Thle to In accordance with the principlei of national honor, and It would serve aa tbe ftrit base of the new ■Ulanoe between Spain and the Flllpwc* and than from both come honor and ap­plause for you, ao having hern the one fortunate enough to effect It."

Both tbe preceding document and the one Immediately follDWlni were on p a ^ uaed In the private ofllce of Agulnaldo, but neither of them bore any ilgnatura. The second document In this connectloi^ which to not dated, to apparently a letttr o f Initructlon to FUlptno Oommlsslonart who were to accompany tbe American troops'to Hollo. They ware told not to reoognlae the noverelgnty o f the Am m - can Government, and upon dlaembarking tha oonuntMtonara were ,fa prepare the Filipino forces to attack the Spaniards, "soma hours bafora tbs Americans can enter tbe place." They are told that In cate elthor the Bpantorda or the Ameri- eana want to trael and make promises, to "baiievi nothing and pay attention to nothing, but praaa the attack until you die or oonquer both o f them." If the attack ahmild not -take place until ^tar the entry o f tbs Americana, tha Bill^nw ir «s Instructed that they "must continue to enter the city, preparing to ooonpy, lt ^

po#»eMlon ol thf ground, out without firing a ahot unle** the Amerl-- oamaeommence," In ca«e the Americana i h ^ d begin the Fillplnoa wars to at­tack immediately and not to gtra up uatll WHaa;*"!’" '* " - •

F lat to Amhaali Am*rlagBs.In this connection the I la llu - , Are

■amired that iho Amarickna w*re valor- dMi* oniv In ai>ooAraiic*i ftnd would poon ylald if mat with valor. If the nuplnos should get possession of Hollo before the SasmbarkaUon of Ihs Amsricarts then the Fillplnoa wars Instructed aa

"Cenosal yoursslvaa well In order to^ds- catve tha Americana and make them think that wa are mors than ws ara In fact. In this case let them approach, and when thay are In due reiige of our rifles thero should bs a general ? !many men ea possible will ^ , *l**>* ** ones. Wa can calculal* one of our w l- dlari being worth four of tbelra, ao ttat la the hour o f victory after the we ehould have le«i losias than thelm.

Anoumr document

^ o e e o o e o o o o to o o o o D O D o o e o o o e o o o o o o o e o e o e o o o G o o o G o o o e e o o o o o e o o o o e o o o e e e e e

G r e e n R o o m M u s l l n w u r

S a le .

G r e a t W a i s t a n d W r a p p e r N e w sMerely to say that W aist and Wrapper displays

outstrip anything of the sort in Newark or New Jersey would do these great departments incom ­plete justice. Variety, character and extent o f style- shows would do credit to a metropolis. The money-saving values, too, are always genuine sur­prises. Here’s reliable testim ony;A SILK WAIST, INDEED I—W hen we gky the best Silk W aist value in the city we mean just th st. Jivernsud tsfiets, solid black snd white, entire front tucked up and down with fancy xigrag centres, becks etso tucked,6sre cuffs, dress sleeves, good linings, pretty colliis, $5.00 vsluei, f6r ................. .... .................... 3.98

O N E O F O U g WRAPPER EVENTS! —Another ot thtue greet dolter Wrap­per valuee. These 79c. Wrappeia are

made ol lawn and cambric, aklrts over yards wide, faced linings, daintily shaped bre- tellee trimmed with washable braids and choice needlework, atrap backs, pointed or ^ Ar* •quare yokes. Anything In this group yours lor ...............................................« . . / ^

A WHITE UW N W AIST-N ote the de.crlptlon snd yoa’ U not mis* tile chance. FronU aie Isitoned with two row* ot g o ^ in-■•rtlng and U outilda tueka, llaavoi tucked and Inaei^ | ( » ttOD trloiiued, btclu vertltally tucked, new ibape laun- | , J V F dtred cuflk, never a better |1 vslue, for............................

THE PETTICOAT SURPRWE-.,\ m oit decid­ed iMitlicoat bargain, In Put black u tine flnlih, cot full In every way and with throe e / \ full ruffles, llonncoa Klflened and I faced. It w ill lurprlee you a t ., . . •,

M C l s f C D D I M T ' U F H I W n A moet complete Itot ot noveltlee, Inoludlng all the moat faahlonabi* o f I \ L tV j r l v I l a V I V L - l L l l l U . Uieieaeon. AddlUnnt alumit every week. Trcmendoiu variety o t coU ore, meshes, chenille dots. Urge and iiiiall, velvet dote. In fact every desirable style. •

No. 1 ,2 5 c . a yd. No. 2, 38c. a yd. No. J, SOc. a yd. No. 4 .7Sc. a yd. No. 5, 98c. a yd. (Ae well as lower prices and higher grades, tnch a* I.2S, I.OP, I.BS up to 3 .59 .)

w a sh a b l e VEILS—a *pry complete a.ion inent tn 2Sc. up to 4 .69 each.

Perfumed Toilet Talcum Powders.ta . box ■ Monnen'a. lao. boa: Fehr*a, I Sr. Iwit: Volret Hkin. I Sr. la ii; I .

Ovdtley'a. too. and 16*. box: Ik H. I’ lnut it *r., liF .am flSr. boa ; Kiiral, *». box; Coiidw'S. bus' Witow-rkor'a Aox: I’omlnrt. 3»r. box; itolgato'a lar. iKii^age: Mimu Fun, 10c. package; Rogor A OaUet’s. iSe. pack' SSS: F inw nf», lie . package; I.ubln■ eoo. packaga; FuTlrr Eartlj. lie . box.

A » y » f t in foUowlag n cora /a a tfg o ^ lo r ti.'

VoItM HkIn. 1*0. Imy i Woodwojth'a,^ l#e..betx! Jia4nnl>. <

How to Best the Moths, lownt prieitPurr Gum Camphor, best oiialilr. Ohjnom Tana Camphor, i-akos,

Camplmr. Caiiipbomtedjfaks or I'ovdor- Orion^ClYuult lllfltll IHPeVftOtlT#* »«r Hllt'l't*. hIW Put* ama a«.n.rmBugs.'j4s37, ISiLineMstilt tiie. Tar ifolh H*es. aoxflO, owert'^wi al/i'

AU tilt siir» pnywfttivtM Mt tbtir

___ . .. . . _____ lu llin g t*sri«DlioTj»rHi ofgpmHneniimtal (imtiilizi'il t'liiiipiKif. C*»mplMy t'ryirtiujlTi*. Msrbl<4A, Tln-fiM-N**Pnrfi Tar HinraAg?, |iA4*kagea. Tar Muff Hoxm. la r Noth

r% At_ n ^ Spom® lUokSg iowei kiicki, » o ip nwoaa* iw u »Dfltn Koom INeeUS. IMandi, oeet nickel plating and the least u> pay for them,

'i'ar Moth ttaga, Jliadi, ulatar elt*-I'owel Hiickk Beep UWnda. Tooth Rrush Stands, Tumbler

SPRING STOCKING VALUES-Fancy striped / \lace work, bright colorings, the regular 96o. gride, tor.......... .......................................... *...........

SPRING STOCKING VALUES — Fancy cotton, fart black grounds, rertlcnl silk strl|H'e, ue- lortcd ooloringt, 86e. kind, at............................ 6 9 c

I f t O i M r t f * L 'a r 1 . p - J - A n — " * ®" * y “ ' ' *" ** tl** Trlimnlng D e ^ r t -l y j O U I I l Y i a r K e O T r i c e s ,n ,n t , lO p ercg n t. o ff Jet. Silk Applique, Steel, Black and

Colorad Appllqiie. Black Silk, P otrl and m any other of thaliaadgoinest o f the geoion ’g now tdeoa.


am to CO$C 3Of a piano, but we would rather have you walk out of the store without leaving your order than to tell you anything atiout an instrument that was not wholly true in every item and particular.

The plain truth is good enough for us.It’s plain truth that sells our new Upri„

merit in it that increases your desire to possess it when yon .see and hear the

- S a ­

lt ’s main truth that sells our new Upright at $ 150, for it has the sound rit in It that increases your desire to possess it when yon .see and hear the

true stories of its outward heauty and inner goodness. Guaranteed five year?

Steinway, Oleber, Sobmer, emerson, Kmkauer.A Great Quintette 1

antecd new Piano.Only $10 first payment and $6 monthly for a guar-

It pays to deal with this house.

IlK tl IM tiC . B u t $M W >$ . f l . H i m « ’

Does yonr Piano need Repairing? Send to us.

6 -$ a i($t Park $ t

Bamtord.' — a*- tin

________ cer* wereNatWnal Ccmnctllor W.

irk. ___U b n r y B a «e*a e*B tte r prlacelaa* ^ N c S f < ^ , “ j i 5 r t f ^ ^ n eedowme^^

- - dacCaltad withtraaaurar by

for a <5a»a'WniiT of; mala-

anoe aougtit by Genaral OH* leader* relative to the ekpedl tndHITf that G ene«l D(ii tried W a deputation o f natlvi expedition In order - - . .aurreotlonUti there There to a noto ^ th tbla document earing that General Otto bad todlcaled that U wa# the ottha nnltod SUte* to annex the Phlllp- plneo, tart that the Oenarat | ^ t n l^ that thwv w*r* two ptrtlw *n 1h* T mw^ w Uoq tifM d by Afubmido on Diamonds, Watches,

Fine Jewelry.I (Maid to Attend DewajHBaeeptltM.

CHICAGO. April 1*.—Mlaa Helen Gould hia heea Invited to ettend the pewer Mle- bratlen, and haa aigniftad her mtentlM o fNow Ml*. Btyen JUthrop

Ihw membere o* the Ladtee* Re- [.Coaualttet waat to know whether ia iu v e the lame recMtlon a* >«».

Chariee A. Plamondon, o f the Re-

Doesn't cost you s a y more to purchtse here. You get fu ll vslne lo r your money snd you h iv e i choke stock to select from. The best is i l w i y t the cheipest.

B I I K AMD G800H I S E i U D D E E .CItiabOd Oat of a Wladow an d * ° Ba*

cap od tbe H eoepllaa P laaaad by W eddlaa Oneat*.

gpaotol Dtopaich m Hit NEWS.ASBURT I'ARK. April Tha mar-

rlaga last night ot Mlia Katharine Whit* end cherlea Frlrtlorlcka. a New Tork lawpcr, fumlahed oonsldarable o f a een- ■n'lOn on account o( the manner tn whlcii the prinripato outwitted a numbar of frtonda, who were l»nt on perpetrating eeveral huge Joke.

The Joker* hail prepared a liberal quan­tity of old ihoe«. which they had planaed to ttCi)n..the carriage that waa to convey the cmMa to Had 6ank after ih* cere- meny. Theynhad aIatf*'gone Bbla*«S*toe ‘ I'vx r « l and green Greek flrei and gleni creohara- At 10 o'clock the bride ilipped upetelra. oatenribly to ehang* hat bridal robva for a iraval- llng dieee. Bride and groom met by ar. rangeaMnt tn tha bathroom and climbed down a ladder, which had been act up near tha bathroom window. They ran to a earfUgO, > which waa hiding a few etepa away, aiid entered it unobeerved except by the driver. Ordere were then given to drive to Red Bank.

All llw While the guaata downetalra were pretarint for the "ealid-off." When they dtoeovtred how they ^ d been outwitted, they -Wefa much chagrined and lhay arenow dtaerralned to "get iquere..................MWly turried roupto-



with tha


Itawey’a *t. Lawla Vlatl.■at, L otus. April l».~A letter from Ad-

m lrw Dewey we* teoelvod yeaterday bir Jane* Cox, aecretary o f the committee having in charge Ihe arrangementa for the •htertalament of tbo Admiral during hto totliwqining vialt to Mt. Laiuto on H a/1 . ' an *A After ecknow leW "* w etp t o f lettit from iecreUrv Cox, the Admiral wrttet; "My perty will conelet o f Mre.

g S M J ? !S lr 't i . SSil S 5 » by epectal train, arrlvijig thero pfraably about 7 of the evenlito o f May t,

BBiaH appreciate your klndnewi la ar- aJSS. no Yunctloti* tor that evening, i “StoR BO doubt be tired from trevri."



■ a b to a Martlato W ill F iled .n e w BRUNSW iett April 1*,-Thb will

t and^ffl-ktag.I K illed W ith a Oleic.

NATCHKa, Mlae.. April II—Early thi*, morning Herman J. Mliletto killed Leaury - e.-,.,,. , - » s - eaenengaged In a q « l t r t

leavea a widow and jd w w ja young men are toOtolnantly i


M t I m h H i M C i M i3 l l> t l7 M A M C W '^ T tB O T ,

n « A B K .| L A .

P - 5 5 T • " * ” •*■**•

D ilfa tl br <*r 1 « •»r P*>f Namfc,M fhiMM H unm * Mitn]lh« 0tnt*> H in im , Km a Ti SiuiuWL

l^jwJaw|MMidtlt. IBoonUd w d ill oAgb-

**M«0 iDtacriptloBi; jw * ’**** J|tttj, cn k 1

fa to jiM ta tlin )■ a w * d * « f * i «WM WtHK koa ■ »« •W*I ■ » ooaMWd tn lama TCtaM thU thM* I* aay dA fO t IB tboM laa«ilrW eaodUkmi «hkh tanotMttd a nw dllT growlBf atmasd far , bMi prtaiMta It mt* witb AnlbHaM B»iui(«ctur«n wtatlMr or not.thrir will X1U tk« faUan faoaa, whioh, In tJita a m , II bulH of a Car wara Important maul.

iiflBMIHa«fk, t a e a « * » » ^ _ .idiadaseeiL Ma tad

' ’’ w n ttaaS T irodar haada of Wtctad, Ta F » Sola Pewonal. ale., ana cant a wort,

t e ia r ta n i laA *aa taa oBkaacb taartiaa.

[P f

■ titM D A X , APKIl. If. M -

e o r K m o B t o o b h b m w m * .Tbrouib tha tanaroally and aoK-aacri-

IlM of Sanatof Kaan all dati«ar o f a blttar canlaat orar tha ohalM of rtala«aU'i-alT laf^o In tha Ropuhlloan convention at 7ranton to.<lay haa boon averted. Oov- atnar Voortiaaa emenea a winner from tbe conteat, a raault for which ha owea tbanka chiefly to hla daareat foe, lamuel D. MeUnaon. of Hudaon. Alter the lat- tar*f Inaumn* laniuaie. In which ha gloairt avar the dovamor'a defeat aa aonethlnl already aecompllahed, thara waa but one aaltHwapectlni couraa lor Ootarnar Voorhaaa and hla frienda to pur- aua. Prior to Colonel Dlcklnaon'a lll-ad- vlaad InUrvlaw, tha Oovemor waa ready to wluidraw In lha intarcata o f harmony- AftarWhrd It waa ImparaUva that tha ovatturaa for harmony ahould come from tha other aide.

The apparantlf eoDcartad plan to caat a.mudtad allcht upon Gkivamor Voorhaea arouaad a alronf faaHnc o f raaantnicnt Id tha party, which would uhdouhledlT havw manllecled Itaalf at the convention tad.nat mabanraf bean takao to rolleva lha nuiliiaS rittutlon. How far tha knowl adpa that Ika Qovamor had hla opponanta baatan may have operated to brlnp about ao aadoabla aoluilaa can only ba aurmlied, but It la aata to aaauma that Ita Influanca waa not allfbt. Tha anpartancad polltl- clana on tha othar alda Irtra not alow to raootnlM tha danpar o f aroualnp a taallnp o f antaportam In tha party which mlpht not ba aaally allayed, and Senator Kaan'a artlhdrawal opened tba way to a praoaful auiraadar,

Doubtlaaa. tba qaaatlon o f locality, both •aifator Kaan and Oovem or voorhaaa ba- Ihp from Union County, had much walpht In flxlnp upon tba foraar aa tha ana to withdraw In favqr o f tbq.flovarnor. Tha hetion wna'nona the M f a panaroua one an tha part of tha senator, tinea thara la no doubt that tad ha rauMlned a candi­date ha would have bean ataetad. Tha de­feated man would aot ta v « baan a real- dent of Unt<».

But what kind o f a flpure doaa that em­inent Hudion County auteamaa. Colonel Samuel D. Dlcklnaon, out In tbia tar- monlsua apaetaclat

A PCHBma THAT rAlLBD-A hall haa haen ealled upon tha action

of the Riparian Commlialonera In apraa- Inp to lall to New York partlca for a prac­tically nominal sum all tha moat vdluabta portion of lha Stata'a land* lylnp under tha watera of Haw Tork Bay. Per Ihli no tkanki are dua a majartty of tha rom- mlaalonare. They had pone aa far aa wai In their power to oonaummate a barpaln which would hand over property worth mllllona-and which If wlaely manaped, with tha Utle retalpad by tha Biatr. can ba made to return a tarpa Income to the Ptala aehool fund—to a lyndlcata of epac- ulalora tor tha abaurdly low lum of tlS*.- WO. The check cornea from lha Attorney- General, who Informa tba beard that, in makinp tha prant, It haa aieaeded Ita power* and violated the aot o f Ull.

It ia unnacaeaary to diaouaa the polnla upon which tha Attornay-daoaral baaea hli opinion. They were detailed In the NKWB yoaterday and aaam to ta Irref- ngable. Kvidently the fruoara of the Uw of tWl built belter than they knew when they provided that tba Riparian CommiMlonere muet lint aacura tha con Mnt of the Harbor Eloard before maUnp pranta of ialanda. raefa or ahoula alluata In the tidal walcn of tha Slate, it ia poa- •Ibla that the etronp oppoellton which bad developed mlpht have Influenced tha com- mlaalonera to reconilder their action, but tha preaervailon of the Biaia'a Intaraata fortunately la no loiiper dependant upon that continpency.

For a number of yaara ahrawd apaou Intora have looked with cuvetooi eyei upon Iheae reeta and ahoala. Thalr anor- moua value In the not diatant future when tha praeenl wharf and dock facllluaa of Ntw Tork and vicinity prove madequata Id tha commercial needa baa not pona un- raoepnlaed. Varloua achemae have been attempted by letlalative authority and otharwlae to aacura the Btata'a title, but none haa coma ao near belnp aucceaaful ■a thla which haa Juat bean leotched by tba Attorney-Oanarat. It la pretty cer­tain ibut tha full atory o f tba clrtum atancea attending the grant baa not been told and It probably never will be, now that the project haa bean defeated. Had It bean lucceatful, tha matter would have wall been worth a laplalativa Invaatlpa. tion.

paalaa and direet all eoopatttloaa, or,BSfrtnt apaclal luilae wtafw a »

|jv( A r tp tn a particular Una la called foaiTta DMmbarB wHl^tava their aapHWa paid. ^ amrva without aalary. Thair jn- riadlctton will aatand over avary d iy . wherwdta United BUlaa la tnlaraatad In a

to ta dacldad, but, o f couraa. tha Irtporunt Held will ba the oapttal.

TWa hill. If paaaad. will uka a burden •trom Oonpraae which It U poorty flttad to carry, and will place tha whole adjiut- nant o f art quaatlona In their Fadaral re­lation In Ita banda of a body of aaparta. It will ba lha baplnnlnp of a moat daalra- bla reform, and should bo perfected In law aa aooa aa pracUcabla. ___

r o iN T s r a x E D n rA U D N V T U S U T L

f iv ifA S S t m m aaM K H T f o b l i b s l .The Cuban nawapspera have, aa might

have baan axpaoiad, been the aouroe of a praat deal o t trouble to lha Atneelcan au- thoritlea tn tha lalnnd. Raleaeed from tba rigid Bpanlah oanaorahip by the taault of tha war, lhay atvaar to have iwunp Im­mediately to ultra vlewi ot preia liberty, uium lns a Ueanaa which la not iwrrolttad In any country under tha tun. They have nbounded In Indtscrtmlnale faleehood and luiurintad In "fahaa" o f every deecripHou. while their orillctam o f men and meaiurea hae been of • nature almoat Incendiary at limci.

Under different oondltloni Ihia might have been andurad with a lenient amlla. but the talk aiaumad by our Government Id Cuba la ao delleata and dlBIcult that the mlMtalementa o f t j » native newa- paper! art not 10 ta tolatatad, cipeclally when their purpoqt la to dlacradlt the mo- uvea or the acta o f tta United Btataa and lie ofllclala. Gentral Wood haa, tharefore, liaued an order which pivea the provlelonal police courti Jurisdiction In eaaei of libel, thua providing a apaady and aummary method ot correcting tta abuiea com­plained of. To guard apalnat Injuetlca two Cuban Judpai from tha civil eourU will alt with the army offloar at the head of the court, thua adding to tbe dignity and capacity o f tha tribunal. There le no appeal apalnat the CourUa daclalon except to the Military Governor.

Ot courae there Is a atorin ot proleat apalnat the new departure, and under ordinary circumitancts protnt would be justlflfd. Hut ordinary clrcunittancea do not prevail In Cuba. Tallow Journallam la dangerous anywhere, but to permit It to Jaopardiu the rehabtlltatlon ot Cuba, which taa already coat ao much of blood and treasure, la not" to ba thought ot for a moment. ___

M D M M M M DW addlwga B is Bgoalolly.

There U a Juilloe of tha Paaoa down tn Brldgaten who appraeUtsa tta value of sdvsrtlslng aa shown by the following card printed in tha BrMgatou PloiMari

ATTBNTlON. EVERTBODT.It a man's tn love.That's hla bualneaa;If a girl's In love.That's her bualneaa; *If they contemplate marring^That's my buatneaw. , „U HETERB, Justice o f the Paaoa. P. S.^1 always reserve lha right to klaa

tha bride. Terms liberal. Time given If dtalrod.

The last sentence ought to start a mat- rfmoolat boom In Bnuth Jersey.A P a g lllit le K dllor.

Except In a strictly profaaalonal way It Isn't safe to call a iS-eehold editor a liar. George F. R. Werden, a member of Good Will Hoofc-and-Ladder Company, laamad thla the other day by aad appartaivca. Tha editor of tbe Freehold Inquirer la also a member ot the company and the two were rival candidates for foreman. Tha editor won out and Weeden got real mad. He accused the editor of bad faith and Anally called him a liar. The aubeuquent events were chaotic, but when Weeden emerged It waa wUh a black eye, white tta editor waa unacBChed. Weeden sought ravanpa by having the newspaper man held In tall on a charge of assault and battery. The hook-and-ladder company Is alUl known aa the Good Will.

A PRACTICAL CHARITT,TbA Ckrietlan Endeavor Union of Essex

county la angagad Ut a otaytly geaatvilig ail support. In "Caktwrll Hoiae," an In- srttuUrtijfbiaalM tor tM expraaa purpose o f giving tba poorer olnaa ot tba city, aa- paclally a Ultia breath ot ooug-

POLIUCAL BTBICP tlV LOUItlABA.11)0 Daw tranchlaa raqulremenla In

Lonlalana, Ilka thoaa In aavtral othar Boutbarn llatam tava allmlnatad tha negro from being a fgetor at tha polls Tha chairman o f tha Damocratlo Btata Comraltlae, In a olrcular he rscantly emitted, warned white man that thara la no further occasion for ballot box frauds. This champion ot aurattty says; "Those who In a content between white men would ftaort to fraud must ba driven from our ranks” Tbs Kew Orleans Tlmcs-Democrat. tn further comment, thua lubricates Itaalf and white lAulolana with an approving smile; "Lat It ba shown to tha world that with tba elimina­tion of the negro from politics all tha frauds aeandab and political avila that formerly aiuted In Laulslana tava alia bean banlahad."

This frank confaaaloii of wholaaala po-____ __ Whan lha question ot building a Gov-tty *lf «"A tkao aad n few gUmpaaaL^,;;'., "ht.-.^s' t>",i..ii^y\ i|lk 11.......... . » — «« |ilall .fa n ta».waa taiaasad-|-rt» -riglW» vraa-a-rtady:“

the'colorad man at Jta polls may ba good"TIW-''Artilnrtl pul'plias o f tha undartaUng,” says a report ot last yaaPS krorti ‘ lu x baan ttajotebu-h^tr* o f a ganulna horaa, where the true lAagla o f a home could ba taught and whort tta groatant amount ot phyaleal baaaflt aaaid ba derived by those wW sorely need tha fresh air, good food and cqptaot with nature which should ba

3-‘ ki*«B»'>*, r t# * I * " * "

tor tbs aouL But It ImpHea a certain prMa In having ao aSecUvaly used tta weapons ot dlahonasty and vlotanca In tha past, and thus remedying tba aEseta of tha Ul- Judgofl rscognlilon ot tho rights of man, which tbe Conatltutlan beetowa on black and white alike. Now that tba need of cheating has paaaad, and that there la no

NtRaty‘aaTin peramts twtlvu ot Whom Wrts mnthera.and the rest ohUdran, wi aotariaihed at the home last summer, but it la tba dealte o f those IntaraaCed to en­large tha work for the present taa eon. An addition to lha bulldlag or a new dormi­tory la Imperatively noaded, haaldas mart funda for tbe prosaentlos ot the regular vrork. It Is dlfflcult to Imagine a better Invastmaot for money than this and tha bright young folks who are In charge ot the sDWrprisa will doubtless And little trouble In ralaliig tta required amount, Tba pale-lt.ead baby o f tha tenement- house and Its hard-worked mothtr have a tight elotch upon tbe baartatrlBga ot generoua humanity.


There hae been a diepositlon among some bualneaa prophets to foretell a con- alderable break In the Iron and steel buil- neie about the middle o f the year, Read­ing between the lines this forecast ap- peari to have been baaed on two raasone, which perhaps are really one. Tbe pro- ductlon, for the most part In the hendt o f big consolidations haa been enormous beyond preoedent, probably outrunningcBuswnoivn -.lat iiy iM jeata been held

" .nw r ST veiT nigh illhita. Ttmir Vvrkaaw •_ _

Tta most novel of all railroad projKts If that daaertbed In a late Consular report. Thla Is a auepenalon road through and around tbe cities o f Barman and Eber- teM, Oarmany. The care are auapendrd In an Iron framework, aupported by buttrem pitra and vartinl Iron columns H it rail- carrier la ao arranged In tha framework that the wbaals overhead cannot rite from lha rdlls or altp off In lha case ot tha bfMklfkC 0 part. Th# aunbar of can In a train la unlimited, aa each ear Is lit own motor and will run by olaatrtclty carrying fifty pasaengera In Orat and sec and class, and amoklng compartmanti, at an avan gs tpatd of about twenty miles an hour. Tha atatloua will be Uka thoae of tha Amaiicsn elevated roads Tta boat of conatructlon, which la now about halt completed, la tba low figure ot nMiMa par mile. The London underground roads coat Bbout tlAMAM s mile. If ihle Oerrtka en­terprise fulflia anticipations, It may eaally ravolutloniae the whole ayslem of munici­pal tralBc tod travel.

Into CoDgreaalonal debate over tha com- mlttea reporta. Hr. Cummings, o f Hsw Turk, p l a ^ tha whole mattar os. a solid basis In a ifaw words He aald that to wait to build an armor plats plant would da lay the thipa now under way from flva to eight years Ha proceeded; "U was daihon- itrated to Uia committee In a way that cannot be revealed hare that in paying

U v a Revri from L ow er Creak.Growing wheat has wlthitood lha winter

wan and Is now looking promising.Onr of our forenoon truckeri, to have

potatoes fsr In advance of hie neighbors Ibla Mason, planted a patch late tn No- V am bar last and mulched them heavily aa a protection against winter. The result la being watched with Interest.

Round Island salt marsh, containing about twelve hundred acres, was given Ite annual burning over last Thursday, Amos Harris, tr., past eighty, and the owner thereof, put In the time ae one ot the fir- era.

A mother cat belonging to John Hogate gave birth to a Utter of klttene aome time ago In a hen's nett In the neatlnghouH. An old hen of a charitable turn at once auumed charge of the kittens and haa sinoa hovered them and kept Inirudera away during the moiher'a abaenca.

Tha muskrat trapping aeaion here la over and the catch Is the largest ever known. The entire catch of tha townablp foots up In round numbers &O.OQO. one and ona-talf times more then the catch of Cumberland County, that has gone the rounds o f the papers of late as being big.

Dr. Harris'e affliction and removal leavei this townablp without a physician. A roat- dent doctor la badly needed here and It aultabla would not ruet out for want of pracCloa nor starve from bad bllla

t)ulnton Baker, barber, haa gone to Bay Bids and haa opened a tonsortal ahop for tba aeoOmmodatlon of the fishermen locat­ed here.—Balem Bunbeim.

SOMfkIWR Uwlowo tia <k« Way Itram a Prwdasad l » Parte.

From an Exchange. -*“ Bn Palx." a grawaoma nightmare In

all aou. by a young and amblttoua au­thor, H. Sruyerre, contatnlag flashes of superb theatrical Inspiration aids by aids with crying faults f f dramatic workman­ship, p ^ u c a d Monday at tha Thealra Antotna, bta bacoma tta talk o f all Paris. It Is a sombre panorama o f the martyr­dom ot a proaparotu bualneH man aound In Blind and tnullact, who, by the atro- dona machinations of a father-in-law and aon-ln-Uw, to conceal thalr dlahonasty and to pray upon a fortune which dosf not rightfully belong to them, Is placed In a private Insane naylum. where be under- goes anch moral torture that he at last goes really mad.

The play Is actad vrtth a perfeetlon tin- su rp a a ^ at tha praaent moroant on lha French ataga Tha characters In the asy­lum are taken from life. There la an Inr ventor pondering over hla rat 'rap con­trivance to obtain perpetual motion. There la a mad planlat, whoM narvoui flngera constantly larlteh and tremble over sn Imaginary kayboard. There la an explorer, driven mad by tbe African sun. A mad General atrula about with gold lace and plumea, glvlog orders for a cavalry chane. Various deportments o f the asylum am shown with startling affect. There Is lbs padded call and ahower bath for danger- out patients. 'There le the recreation-room, opening upon a small garden. Tha bureau ot tha director, with registers end keep­ers, Is pot upon the stage with reallitio •Impllclty,

En Palp," a title derived from the Latin term "In Pace." which Parisian doctors apply to private lunatic asylums, haa already drawn attention to the of amending the law of June H, WM. by which any person living In Franca, mOva or foreign, can be eeonesterod end Incar­cerated In an Insane ssylum without c l w formallttea than the written request m hla next o f kin. supported by the cerllflcata of Inaanlty signed by a single member or the Faculty o f Medcine. and another pa­per, eatabilihlng the Identity of the per- ■oit to bo aequeslered. The faclll-y with which an embarrassing person can ta effectually and permanently put out of the friy In Ffiince by ot dwlttroiiomof Inaanlty, whether false or true, hns be­come a public scandal. M. Louta de ^ a - raoot has taken hold of the matter vrtth Ohartcteristlc energy, and a bill regulatlirt the present methods of wholesale recruit­ment o f the private lunatic ssylums bai been aubmltted to the Chamber o f Depu-

Rnaamaga ta le Dielateeted.Tta rummage tale craie haa extended to

Somerville and there haa been a great ransacking of ancient g a m u In that hla- tortc town for articles that may ta sold for the bmcllt of the hospital. A new de­parture waa made In connection with this sale that hat praiseworthy featurea The goods ware all placed In a amall room Brat overnight and were thoroughly fumigated by tta Board of Health In order to destroy any microbes that might have been linger­ing among them for a century or two. Buyera can now make thalr HlecUont with perfect confldenca.


Ik e W as a Lady.Tta lAmbertvIlle Beacon thus telle of

an Imddont which enlivened the monotony of mattere In that town the other day: "A lady started to wipe two young girls off the map last Tuesday aftamoon at the Pennsylvania Railroad Station. Bhs ac­cused tbe girls of flirting with her hus­band and. knocked one of the wauM-be fllrtera dosm before the could gat out ot teach ot the angry woman's terrible rtgbt" Doubtleia It la consoling to the glrla to.know that the owner of the "terri-

temptatlon to' ta dlilwnaat, reoAuraa to. » • M Kgkpp armor wa are paying leaasuch a policy In getUni one la dotwunced SB unworthy o f the ehivalroua Louis­ianian. It la perfectly right to swindle a ntgro out of hla.tallot, but It la roguery to uta fraud against a white aian.

Thera Is scarcely a raaca! In the world, ■■Ida from tha habitual criminal of the more dapravad caste, who would not be honest It It ware Just as easy aa to be diahoneat. When It It convepIMlt to do right by ona'a fellow-man, moat peraona prefer that courae. It's when tbe pinch cornea that current dlshonoaty la apt to coma to the aurfaca This rule flta the po- ttttoal ethica of our Loulaiana'frienda. it ta right to cheat when It la convenient or naadfut tor apparent aalf-tntereet, but wrong when there la no tanptation. Of course, the cheating In quaatlon Is of a little different order,* but that doesn't at, feet the principle. People, however, who have caught the rogue In the art of swindling once are on tta whole diiln, cltned to trust him again, no matter what the plea of neceaatly had taen. It It to be feared that the white voter of Loulaiana has became so atoeped In the habit o f po- llrtca] fraud that be will find It natural even when dealing with opponents ot the sa®e colot^Xta Aabit pi .rascality ainka

than any nation In Europe or Asia. Eng­land U paying E8T for the same armor, Huerta'.tw. France MO and Japan tno. Until the ahlps already iflthoriaed a n supplied I am In favor ot buying Krupp armor at tUS. whan wa. era tven up 1 will ta willing to talk about an armor plate factory."

Independent of the first oall and tha flnt masting of the diplomatic TSpreaentaUvea of the three Americax to anange tor the rakiMmbtlng of a Pan-Amarican conirets at the City of Mexloo, United Btatei offl alaMom has kept eenipuloualy aloof from tha dellberatlooa Thla taa been eminent­ly tactful on the part o f Bacretary Hay To Interpoeo advico and Aaaumo direction, aa might have been claimed the right of the nation, which emhortea the real hege­mony of American poarer, might oaally have been mlsconelruad by nations, which have already shown ttamtetvrs so Jcaloua and susceptlbla. TMw -oortty will assure Its lead In the Mexican Congress more surely by Indirection and-the force of the Inevitable than by any aieumpllon of right. Belf-efftcement la In this case more potent than self-astartlon.

W aad artn g MarrtA W ard,In U a Harvin Ward, a lad twenty yean

o f age. living at Qlenwood, Buaaex Coun­ty, want to Iowa to visit an uncle. Ha remained with hla relative for some lime, and ttan, Instead ot retarnlng home, went farther Wm L For a time he kept hla family Informed aa to bit whereabouts, but finally Ittten ceased to come, and after a time ba waa mourned ■■ dead. A few days ago, however, a letter came to the Qlenwood Poatofflee addressed to Richard Ward, father o f the missing Mar­vin, but who bad died In IIM. The latter waa forwarted to Richard Ward's widow, who, upon opening It, found that It was from tta son whom the had long looked upon as dead. At the time the letter waa written Harirtn waa at Fort Benton, Hon. During hla long altenca ta had wandarad over.tta West, engaging In various occu- paUtata, and had apant eight years In Auatnita. He eald that he Oipected to start for tlys Alaska gold fielda this spring, but Ua mother’s heart by thepromlBS that before many more months had elapsed he waa coming home.

L aek o f Oatdoor Kserolaa a Pave Y ears Bark—Tleeeom * Oocapatloaa.From the Philadelphia Inquirer.

It might be sold that the Uvea of gtrla In the alXtles and sevenllas were Indoor lives aa compared with tho outdoor lives led by the girls of to-day. Their chief accom­plishments were plnanoforte playing, drawing and Berlin wool work, Plano practice occupied two hours on an aver­age ot each morning, and thla not aa ra- garda girts still In tha schoolroom, but girls who were out of It and introduced Into aoelety. Ambitious pieces, classical and otherwise, were worked up with n n -; flagging Industry, to be rattled off after dinner by way of contributing to the en­tertainment of the aaaembled guerta

Again, It was quite necessary to ta able to atng. whether endowed by nature with a voice or with an acquired one, the re­sult ot patient study and clever tuition. All this practice left very little time for outdoor eierclee, and one hour's walking In the morning was considered all-aulB- clent active exertion for young glrla on the threshold o f womanhood. To follow up tha dally life ■■ It thin waa, an hour or ooe hour and a half In the afternoon was given up to driving, frequently In dote carriages, while aome few enjoyed the plcasura o f riding with their fathera or brothera On the return home aston­ishing rosea and Ullea In wool were care­fully worked In fraroea from patterns for at Isast two hours, until the shoulders and backs ot tta workers ached with fatigue.

Tbe outdoor life In summer waa limited to playing a little croquet and to rtttlng out when It was too hot to drive or ride; but the Idea uppermost waa that glrla should not overheat themaelvea, that tha auA'a xaya-abould ha-guartad against for fear o f spoiling their complexlana srlth trebles and sunbum -a dellcats pallor M n g conrtdared to anhanca a gtrl'a beauty—and a "lily-white band” waa an Indlapenaable adjunct, and to took dell- oate waa considered a mark o f reSnesnent; thua everything In the rsaring of glrla waa done to achieve this end.



■tatement of Mr. John W . Gates, of the American Bteel and W ire Company, and the action o f hla oompany In shutting down twetvt -of- ttalr- mills,- employing (,W( men, and with tha capacity ot 4.0M tons a weak. Thla great combination con­trols eighty par cent, ot tbe output of the'cauhlry, and until within a very re- cent period has been working double ■htttx, F^pla who have watched the steel trade with any Intettlgent Interest can­not, eacape one o f taro opinions llL)|Aetr judgment of Hr, Oatea and hli compahy, ^ther all the atateraenti ot the staiue ot the trade for tbe last elx months are wrong and their ufflclal flgures lie; or, on the other hand, Mr. Gates haa discovered that a manufacturing truit. howevrr i>nw- erful, can't foruo prices sky high and keep them there a great while without ovcrleapliig their own Intercste.

The simple truth eeema to be that buyers a I home and abroad have come to the con­clusion that the trust tax Is too ex­orbitant and that they will wait for a fall of price. In the meantinie the Amor ■cah^teel ahfl IVire trust's product has piled ut'gn Ith hands without outlet, till the company has been forced to cut down Its output. A meat determined effort tc tontrol prices with an Iron hand haa beet) defeated. Thla realatance to groH rob­bery haa bean attmulated by tilt attorla now In successful progroH to organise effeeUva competition to a tyrant orgart- xatlon on the pajrt o f new companlea. It la-a awggestlve taJset laaaon tn the work­ing «E Urn trust regulation o f prices-

Most of tta propbecles which have been nude (hat tta Iron and steel tpade had paaaad lie oltmM and commenced the downward alUle! have 'coma from thoae mtnufauiu|era ntnat tnthnately connected with WalWttreoL Buch torecaau reek with the rtor of atock Jobbing atraiagy.

fh a jir t li of the country are well atocited wtth contraett for about six months from' Hat DaaHBkmk- when- tha boom la prlosa< tagrtlrte frighten purchaaen, Tima orders t a ^ HW Urtit rtnee that time, it la

I dsaktsttnsarratlva obaarvera, 11^ that ^ e a a could not

ural a i ^ 'FrMuetioo rttaflratoftha

In, and caiyl ha tbr<!.t*P pll saelfy Ilka a woni-ou t-YarAient.

LahmMHtvlBk Chtekeaa.R iu m I H. McCord, of Daokartown, ac-

cordlta to The Independent o f that place, commonly known as ‘ ‘Ruaa” HeCord, haa started In the poultry bualneaa on quite an extmiatve acale. Ruse haa struck a new breed, Ceatherlna, antl-lnoutator chlck- ena They haven't a etoglo feather on them, and ahould make a great labor- saving breed from the fact that they do not tava to be picked. B um ' s wife Is op- poaad to hie experlmenta and auggesti that be get tailor-made lulta tor them. 'They create more suspIclDn than "fiapho." jOne ot the roostera haa a tingle tall feath­er, but he daren't expect to have that by the fln t ot Hay.

THE a r t OOHIIIBBIO)I BILL.It doea not take the vlaltor ot trained

perception, who vUlta Waahlngton, In many reepecta one ot the moat beaudful and agreeable cUat In the world, long to note many repellent art IncongruUlea. Whether he vlalta tta crowded Btatuary Hall, or atrolla through the parka with their bronaa and marble efllglea of aol- dlera, atatearaan, aatlora and men of Bclence, which oonfront and confute hla vision on every aide, there is a lack of relation, aa wall aa much bad art In tha apccial Inalanoa. Everything haa been done In a hap-hatard. hlggledy-pllggledy way. Even those men In Congreia, who have aome drterved repute foi dilllty and aanae and a fairly lively conscience In public affairs, are rarely gifted with any­thing approaching art knowledge and taste. The commltteoa and such tempo­rary commissions aa have dealt with the work shuffled cn iliem by hard-praaaed leglalatora, have probably done as wall aa they could, hut they have not known how. The rHult li that uur national capital ia far behind what It could have been qaally made In Ita power to pleaae the aeathello tense. If any city In the country ahould ta made a noble exhibit In lie artlatlc and harmonious Impreatlona, It la Washing ton.

Borne public sense o f tbeoa defective featurea at tbe very centre o f out na­tional life bat been awakenad through the peralatent effort of the Pul|lle Art League. A bill has been Introdutad to ea- tahiteb an “ Art CO||fmlaalaD'Ot the United Statee.'' It la propoaed that this rtwU oon- atst ot the president o f thO. American In- ■tllute ot Archltacta, tba praaldant of tha National Sculpture Bootaty, the president of the National AcadaW oI W m o , and two other citliana appointed by the Prart- dent ot the United Btataa, Properly thla ■uppltmenlary two ahould be Mieoted jrotn a Hat aubmllted bj' tha other three, and thus praoluda tha poirtbte appoint­ment ot any member from political oauaM, According to-tha tarma ot tha hill tha conaraUalon will hav* abtoluta power In paaaliur on tha arttirtc martt of daaigna or modela ot every work ot art to ba pur- chaaad, Bonatruotad or og tn a aa a gtfl,

itamllnf to. even oolaiL aaala, mrtala

Ttait; -cuKa-«C the takenby . ral Banger tl e»w In the haodo^ati the Secretary o f War. and lit conienta will apeedlly ta made public tlmultaneously la the United Btataa and Havana. It la be­lieved that tha oenaua raturna will show facta making It very dlfflcult for General- Wood to Impoaa any eduoatlonal quallfloa- tlon. They Will prove that not more thfln fifteen per cent, ot tho adult malca can read and write, and to dlatraachlae righty- flve per cent, would bo imptaotlcabts. Fol-- lowing the publication at the mnrna. General W ood will arrange tor elections sariy In Hay. Ths reiult ot these testa will go far to dstermlns what the future courae ot the United States will do ■■ to the vexed Cuban question tn the early fu­ture.

----------------re - .1-!---------

P aaehold ’e Haeltrat.A big muskrat was caught In front of

the Courthouse at Freehold last Wednes­day. It la Kuppoaed tta animal thought that the'brafiu ut Monmoutll poTltlca which

-.br"c—d . ** .raaeta ■ E. tlia Courthouae needed something to change Its odor.

0 . R. NEU. Manager. THIS WEEK.

Thnrad» Eranlag—n Taavatora.BvenlDg—CanFriday BvenlDg—CanuSB.

MaMrtay Mailisaa—fffilaaa mt Normaady.ICavallarla Rutleana


Ftialaa at Faaianea. last Week of the Open Beatoo.

Igatlaea Prtoca, *Be- Evoolng, tSe. and Bde-h it Week—BolienB.lbiitiil

ITOCK■ fu isenae


l0 '20*80*W lh lf«., >wrtHeES.tuo.-nuiiflBf

N«iiWtiwe1i»W»K •RMMr



A palaglaa to tha Regtatav,Tha Buaaex Regteter, good-naturedly but

not unroatonably, objeote becauae the NEWS In an edltorUt article last week retarred to It aa a Dsmoetatlc tournal. The Baglater la entirely Juatlfled In Ita protaaL The article criUdaed and com­mented upon by the NEWB was from the Buaaex Herald, tha Demoeracy of which la aa unqueationad aa ta tho Reglster'a Rapttbllcanlaro.

EMPIRETa-algbt. Friday aa i Bag:, ' T,

Tief U.ii1lKlliiifetfttrNATJNKE ETBRY DATs

XBtlrf change of VikadtTlIlg B^laltici,Jli* airl «f»lh tho AubttTn N«st MM w i i u ImwlMit*

KItM BrtCMe ten. twemjf lad tbirtr oontc. jUUnoM. ton and twtafcy oonli.

W A L D M f t N N

Goartp at Washington liM haen figuring on the coat ot the Clark caee. The flg- uroa ara auppoeed tn hart been at leaat tlWJW on the part ot the Government, about tSOjno aa to Manus Duly, who prl- merily headed and afterward abetted the attack on Clark, and anywhere from tl,000,000 up tn the case of the latter. It le elleged that ex-Senator Faulkner, hla oouDMl.Tecalved one o f theprlncellest feet ever given In the United Btatee, and that he can comfortably, retire from practice now. There Is a vast deal ot latisfactlon ■omatlroaa In datanding a multl-mllllonalra 'rogue.

A M adera Taatalaa.The BergeantavlUe correipordent of the

Flemlngton Democrat-Advertiser has been mads unhappy by the eight of vast but unattainable riches. "Beliig present,” he says, “ at a recent aattlement between two mrattemen ot our acquaintance, the one ^pshdered the other a ftOO bill in payment. Now, as your humble scribe his nsver been the owner o f that amount, either be­fore or since the Ritallton. he humbly ■iked the privUege of holding It in hla hand! for a minute to aacertatn how one would feel with that much In hla posses- rton, but the request was politely refused for fear the bill might get "broke” In changing hands. Aa a panacea for our wounded feelings we borrowed a dime at the corner grocery,' payable on the |n- ttalmenl plan, and—took a walkl

Cnnit. April lg,HBM.,Mea..TaM,.lhara,AaL

T H £ H l O H B O L L E B S .Weak April gg-BAH. A. BOKfBNRB'Baaqr

Moralag Glorls* and Terry HeOavaia-

MATIHSSSfftd. aad HI.N E W A R K T H E A T R E

3 L K E L L A RNext week, E,H.ikithern and Vliglnla Hamed

L A U T C R C a

A Little Moneysecures a good piano n o w

The Alterations and Rebuilding that are now going on here, and the>forthcoibing tearing out of our Broad Street front, have been the means of our selling Pianos at greatly reduced prices. Very soon our floor space will be re­duced one-half, and as a consequence our stock must be greatly reduced also. Unusually low prices are causing quick buying, and if you h»ve thoughts of buying a Piano some time in the future, it will pay you well to take time by the forelock and buy now.

Each of our splendid lines— CH ICK ER- INGS, GABLERS, H ARD M AN S, LE ST E R S, STERLINGS, etc.— participates in the mark­down, and this is true of every instrument in our w’arerooms without exception, Grands, Up­rights, Squares and Organs.

We want you to visit us now and learn how a little money will secure you a good Piano at

In almost every instance a first payment-




once.of TEN DOLLARS, and future monthly pay­ments of six, eight or ten dollars, according to value, will secure you a good Upright. Even smaller payments (three, four or five dollars a month, according to price) will suffice on a Square Piano or an Organ.

It does not matter what Piano you may buy from us, we give you a guarantee that admits of no doubt— that insures your being satisfied with any Piimo you may retain. In all cases we agree to-EXCHANGE IF N O T SA TISFA C TO R Y . This means that if after a few months you decide that you don’t quite like an instrument, you can come to our warerooms and make a new selection. If a second or third still does not satisfy, come again. You can keep on changing until }rou are exactly suited. Could you wish for more ?

Open till ten Saturday evenings.


S k ilfu l H a n d sand B cultivated |niiHl are tbe only capital et many a tam> lly. The loaa at the father locludea the Iobb «f all im ua of BUpport. Ufa Inauranca avarta atich a calamity.



JGIIN F ' DRITDEK, pMrtdant EDGARB. WARD, )d Vlco-Pna. and CoobmI.T ^ t ne D. WARD, Vk»-Prartd.BL FORREST F. DBYDEN, Saoratonr.


Is the imperatiTB ordar.fnm oui main office. Aa Block of thla magnificeiit design of

The annual flood acare la haxInnlnB to worry tha fannan o f tta MlHlartppI cot­ton dalta. Tha haavlaat rainfall for yaora haa fallen thara, end tha riven a n over thalr banka. But tha trrat terror la In tha rlaa. of tba Mlaaourl and tha Upper Hla- •lartppl. Thara tM^lndlcatlon ao far that thaaa roonatard^Pr IbUr Vribularln are diapoaad to ba Ufluaualty mlaiihlavaua. ‘

'In&a tJnItad Btataa haa built a part of ita warahlpa on tha Pacific coast, on tha theory that It would coat more to sand a ■hip aLroimd to tha Weatam coast than thfl dlflaranoa In coat Tat It la announced that tha new shipyard at New London n i l flu Its flnt order In two m a t atum an'tor J. J. Htll’ a 11ns batwssn Pufst Bound and tha Artatlc porta

GRAND B E N E F IT CONCERTNewark (ie rn a B H ospitai,

Aits UB now to make an utniiatl i^er. Until'MAY BT, Btyle 7 'i|lH kite to ld i t ON B-^H AIsV f f g h ti t

__i. Remember, we «re nuuiufflcturen end nwaiiitluft reguler pdeea are far bUow tboae of n tail deatensb a s v t e r m s i f D E S IH ® ,„

Itndar the Aosptoat ad tta Ladtaa* BaalatF aad lha Boonl o f DtroaMo.


OM Tlnsea.Thara are no days Ilka the good old deya—

“ he days when wa were youthful!'l l ,___ ________ ___ _______ _Whan humankind were pure Vf'mindAi * -----* — ■ ■.nd apaach and deeds ware truthful; Before a love for sordid gold

Bacama man's ruling pasalon.And taforo each dame snd maid bacaina

Klavas to lha tyrant fashion.

K R U e O E R A U N T O R I U M e Tlnniiy Eralii NIO.

V ort'A .Fn ll^l^

There are no glrla like the food oM gtrlt- Agalnat the world I'd etMLe *eml

Aa bukom epA amart and clean of heart

_^JU otherw x m tB t

fk . I m i Seth tU i

Tha campaiano liar ahould hot prsauma to6 far on tha foot that there ia a Bus- ■ton ratigloux aaot which honors

Aa tha Lord know how to maka 'ami Thay -wara rich In aplrlt and common

aanaa,_ A-piety ail-auppnrtln',Thay could bake and bra.w.and had taught

school, too.And thay Hade tha Ukaltait oourttiPr

Thara art no boys Ilka tha good hid boy*- when wa wara boys togatharl

Whan tha graia was awaat to tba brown bare feat

_That dimpled tba laughing Iwtthar i When tha pawae anng to tha artm ao uaWP

Ot tha baa In tha wlUewy elovtat ^koh*" **** ***** BBOf’WIll

J'ba love that mdthav


■■■ ■. K j



Attcaft l« brime fevemr YmlHei liw{k( Oit Tie Vfte M letiii

te leter ActiM.

addaC fe« tad >i*M kli «or«, nrt •• k* M i BMW k n k n a poiSlieki piMUM ta ^BHi M eauM Mt an) vauU nat bfaak hla v o r i MW. Re wai oot atraM M iMiaNhow M iiaad. the Uajor m M fwilwr, Wt aa hla paadton waa ao waU knawn ha iaanai It unneeaaaary to aa; anrlhlnc aaora on that point.

Mr. Blatnaby challenied the rlfht at any net ot man to meat In prt»ata and aay who ahould be tha ftata'a repraaaiitaltvaa to tha national MOTantlon. If tha daela- ratlon of ouch a eoofaranra waa to ba ae-


Malar Carl IjObIb and Paaatar MaCar- tar Wora far Dalay. W hile tha Itata Haaaallra'a Camaa Waa Chnaiplaa- ad by Praaraatar HIkat, Caantf Caaaaal Mana and WllUaat PlalBa* by—Oaa Haadrad and Taw t>«la- BBtra W'rra E«Bally Divided la Uplalon—rtwalra Hold Good.

itBd aa blndlny and Anal, the apeakar -by It Bl«ht nol be juit aa wall lo

abollah dtata oaavantlona and wv* I'W*and axpmH by aimply holdlnc 'Conarea* alonal dlatrkt convanllena. Or thcw nlao mlcht M dlasanoad with on the Mna prin­ciple. he added, Mr. Bulnaby went on to aay that It had been tha Intention of the Oovamor to ratira from the race, nut the attack mada by Bamuei DIckInaon. of HudaoB. plaead tha KxrcuUve In auch a pooUlon that hi could not contlatantly withdraw and wat now In to win.

Tha vote waa then taken, and waa a tie. aa atated abova.

Henry U. Doremui, of Newark, and Manry A. Poller, of Eait Oranye, were nominated aa nemben of |h« Republican Bute ConunUlee without oppoaltlon, and for the eounty'a repreemtatlvea In the or- yenlaatlon of the State conventton the conference aelected the followlnt: Por

_ ____ vice-prealdant, John 0111, of Oranae; mem-1 ber qf Commlttaa on Rblei, Joaeph U.

A prtlltnlnary aklrtnlth waa Indulgad In Munn; Re«l^tona, Sydney N. Ogden; Uet night by the raapecllve aupportera In [ Credentiala. Wllllani^O. Kuebler, aaelatant

iBlhraeaaaal at tha aavv. Cdf <M aaUr«». ■ant of our foreign marhata, for the ea - ploytmol of Amortean waihlagaaa In tha mlnra, for aalaloa. farnto, mlUa, fao- tortea and ahlpyarda

"We demand tha ImmadlMa aaaetiaaBt •f Irglalatlon almllar to thit favorably re­ported te each braaah of CoBgreaa, aa that Atnrrtron-built, American-owned and American-manned ehlpe may regain tha carrying of our foreign commerce., "We Indoree and approve the adminix- tratlon of Governor Poater M. Voothaaa, and tha courM of (ha RrpubUcan 1-egtala- ture, and we oongratulale New Jaraay cllt- Brne Upon the riven and honaat Btata gov- ammeiit, which waa pvomlaed to them when they placed Ihetr publlcmltalra un­der Republican control.

■‘We proclaim our apprccietlon of the brave and brillUnt aarvice ot our lobllcra and aallora, who havo brought lucceia to our arma on land and tea.

"Wa pledge the Republtcana of New Jer- My to the raroeat lupport of tha candl- daiea for Prealdrnt and %'tce-Prealdviil who ahall be nominated at the coming na- tlonal convention In Phlledrlphla/*

The reference! to Prealdent McKinley and Governor Voorhece were vigotoualy apple udrd-

New ftate Cammlltee.The new Slate Committee aa annouiKed

I# MM followi:AtUntlc^cinirMiimin John J. Oard*

Biiata CounDr of Oovemor FooUr M. Voorbeva end Barker Oummeie, ove/ tha queatlon of atandlng by one or the other for dclegatr-at-1arge to the national Ka- publlcan convention. What waa vlrlually a teat vote reaultad In a acore of M to U, and Immediately after a motion to adjourn carried by a vote ot M to IL Aa a diract vole on tha queatlon of Indoraement had been ataved off the Uummere non carried ibatr point. At that the Voorheea men ex- preaaed themaelvea aa aatltflad that the Govaroer waa tha atrongar candidala In liatx.

It waa agreed to have another confer­ence lo Trenton tbie morning. The conlUct haa bean aharply waged, and each aide made elforla lo gat out Ita full itrength. Tha night waa not proplt- Isua, however, and Afty-ona of tha 111 dale- gatea failed to put In an appearance. Moet of the abaenieea were townahlp men, hail­ing from plieea where trinaportatlon fO' cllltlea ere not aa convenient aa In the city.

Three BeatlBela ob anard.Throe men were poated at the door of

the cheater Row hall, where (ba confer- ence waa bald, and no one wee allowed to paoB without abowlng credentiala. It waa anticipated that all would not be ai harmentoua aa might ba dealred, or that thinga might be aald which It would be Juit aa well if unheard by outaldera.

Senator Thomaa N. McCarter waa choaen to preltSa, and when the rojl wat called only ninety-one delegatet anawered- lo their namca. Bualneu waa about to be proceeded with when William Italnaby ralaad tha queatlon aa to the atatu* of the men who held proxica dfom othera. It

- waa on thla point that a contcil waa ex­pected. Mr. Stalnaby held the credentiala ot another man and Proaecutor Chandler W, RIker and William Hiker, of Orange, Were among othera who were almllarly altuated. The unexpected happened, and

. It waa unanlmoualy agreed that everybodyholding credentiala, no matter to whom they bad been laaued, ahould ba entitled to vote.

CBBBty Comaalttee’a Pevrer.Then Mr. Stalneby ralaed the queatlon

ot the eligibility ot the five membera-at- large, Thaaa are Major Carl Lenta. Hanry M. Ooremua, Senator McCarter, Oeorgt E. Decamp and Congrenman IL Wayne Parker. T^e quintette had beep elected by the County Coramtttw, and Hr. Stalna- by quaatloned the commlttea'a power to Confer auch authority. Major Lenta atood up at tbli point and declared that he be­lieved the County Committee had that right, but that If the delegatee fait that he waa not properly elected ha would at once retire.

Mr. Stalnaby explained that he bad no thought of taking anybody to retire, but he believed that It might eatabllah a precedent If the Stale convention ahould recognlae the County Commlttee'a power to tippolnt delegataa. Joeepb Hunneought to aroooth the matter over by mov­ing that the conference elect th* Ave menaa dalegatea. Thla melton • wna turned

9"*- Edgar’ -wmiSSS oT * that ther'actionof the County ComialttM ba eoneurred In. waa adopted.

A reaoluttqB-jdadghig the aupport ot the Ksaex delegadon to Benatora Bawell hod Kean, Governor Voorheea and Franklin Murphy, woe pretented by Hr. Munn, and the teat jvaa on. Major Lenta moved to table the ivaolutlon, but withdrew that motion and aubelltutcd another that tha ■enaa of he conferreee be that no vote be taken on tha queatlon of tndoratng any- t^ y . - -

' Tha Time Nat OppavtaBa,Mr. McCarter relinquiehed the chair long

cnoogh to aay that he believed that It waa not the proper lime to tanv auch a matter up. It waa, he declared, no place to wash dirty Republican Unm aa the queatlon of tndoraing a candidate or aet of updl- datta could batter bo dtapoaad ot In Trot) toh tM *V even before the convfBtlon aboold meet.

"It w f ahould adopt Urn redolutloq of- fared," the Senator 'went on lb aay, "and the tour namae Indoraed ahould not bt pretented to the convention to-morrow would placa ui In the poaltloo of having igade monkeys bt ouraelveb. - It Is not right to press thU allair p «w . wbeq might be aettled more aailly at another meeting.'’

"We are here ea delegates," spoke up Chandler W, RIker In reply, "and have every^gbt aa cltlaana and Republlcant to express our opiniona and In axifreaaing them we can not, under any clrcum- auncea, make monkeys of ouraelVea, Every Republican State In the Union la tending Ita Governor aa one ot Ita repra- aentatlvea to the national convention. Of tha Ave men whose names have been men- llon<Nl to go as dalagatee-at-ltrga to rapre- aent bur State, only one has aver carried the State on a popular vote, and that oita Is GoVerilor Foster M. Voorhees.

Chaaea o f a Lifetime."For the Bret time In a lifetime,” Mr.

RIker went on. "we Bepubllcane of this Btate ate In a poilllon lo send k Republl-

- - - can Governor as one of our rsprsscnta-'1 ' tlm-jiatioBal convention, and ws

, jijuHiid ivR Jose tM-oppoct'iiitty expiMr hare our rasard for him and our dsaire to

aecretary, Jeasa R. Balmon.


(Continued from Flrit Page.)

attain the high ofltce tor which we named him; but hU suceesa was greater than hla moat aangutna friends ever hoped for. By the clesrneM of hts Judgment, hie force of chiracter and tha charm of hla person • allly, he exercised a most potent and ben­eficent Influence In the administration of public aftalra at Waihlngton. And ao when a too untimely death cut him olf in iho midst of his career of activity and useful- aeta, a whole nation, which bad learned to know and reipect him. mourned with ua the people of hla native State upon whom he had brought lueh dletlnguiahed honor.

"Another eminent citlsen hea also be­come a coniplcubba member of tha Na­tional Admlnlitratlon—one who had al­ready received high honors from the peo­ple of his native State, and who wag callad from the executive chair to become a Cab­inet Mlaiater and (he legal advieer of the President. The people ot New Jersey re­gard with aatUfarllon tha honor done the State by the appointment of John>W. Griggs to (ha oIBce of Attorney-General "

Pvrdlett B Hat CaaspatSB- Senator Johnson then reviewed the ad­

ministration of Freeldent McKinley, tell­ing of the era o t prosperity and the euc- eeaatul taaua of the war with Spain, and continued;

"But a fierce and exciting political cam-

IfSVe him fopreaent ug In nathmal aon> vantioa. A gtntlsman In Hud ion bka teenfit to declare tgat all Republican Blatea will be represented at the national con- vanllgn by their Gov*rnora,but Now Jer- eay. Shall we allow thla dlagraet to ba htaped upon the Governor of thfa State and ahall Kttex asalet this man lb bit plans. I any no; emphatically no, and 1 aay further that ovair good Rapuklloan ahould itniid by tho Oovacnor." '

Major LOnta aroaa to the ddfence ot his suhatittite motion. Ho made no argument against the Governor but took the gveund

pilgn Is before u s ,______,in easy vic­

tory, The campaign of 18W must be fougbt. over again. It la already aettled who are to be leaden of the two great parties, Un- forlurately the gallant Admiral who has Just nominated hlmacK la too late. He baa discovered how easy It la to discharge the duties of the Presidency, but he did nol discover that he wae a Democrat soon enough to capture tha Democratic nomi­nation.

No political party waa ever more thor­oughly discredited than the party ot Bryan four yeare ago. Not only did It go down to an overwhelming defeat, but It went down most Ingloriously, Never was such a vicious assortment of political principles promulgated by a national con­vention. In the coming campaign we than face a foe grown more wily. The platform will be more politic. Ita most oBeniivp faaturea will be disguleed; plausible ap­peals to prejudice and Ignorance will be made.

But though the battle will be fierce 1 have no double aa to the reeuUa, The_ patrtoUam of the American people will never permit our lleg to be withdrawn where it once hka been planted. No party ever tueceeded by opposing Territorial expansion when that expanelon waa al­ready an accompllahed facL AgulnaMo In hla hiding la waiting and hoping (or Brytn'a sueceaa.

"The logle ot evante has demonstrated the value of a sound currency and the fallacy of free allver. hnd we will not give Hr. Bryan the chence to bilghl the splen­did proaperlty which now prevalla. Ne, the verdict of the people srlll he an em­phatic Indorsement «f the Wibe, palriotio and iuccetaful Adnilnlathitmn of Fraal- dent McKinley,"

Lnaghad at DeweT’a Caadldacy.Senator Joboaon waa fraquemly Inter­

rupted In his speech by bursts of applanaa. Hts references to President MeSinlay, the late Vlce-Prealdent Hobart and Attorney- GenarBl Qrlna brought forth etorma of cheers. The crowd laughed when be aald Admiral Dewey was a little Igte, ami there were cries of “Thefa right;" and "Now you have Itri.

After Hr. Johnson had concluded hie speech. Hr. Mur^y nominated the tom porary eecretarlea as follows; Augustus F. Barber, J. Herbert Potle, Charles H. Bateman and James Parker.

Senator Sewell jumped up from his seat In the Camden County delegation and waa given a raullng reception. The appluiiae lasted a couple of minutes. The Sunator moved that tho counties be called, and Mr. Murphy added, aa an amendment, that the membani of the new lUla Committee also he naiBOd at tUa aama time. The motion, at amendtd, waa promptly adopted and tha naming dl tbs ^ c ia li waa begun.

• r OJBeera tram Beaea.The Eaiex delegation named -these of-

fleera; VIoe-preeldenL Jbhn GUI, of Or­ange; aaatatant aecretary. Jesae R. Sal­mon; momher of Committee on Reaotu- Mona, Bydney Ogden; member of Commlt- tea on BUlti, Jotapta L, Munni mamber-ot Committee on Credantlals, William O. Kuebler: member ot State ComaaUtee, Henry Jt Do«mua and Henry A ^ otter ; MScreury ol the delegation, Axlhi^ ^ Bull. h

Union wnuftd UP itr nomlnaUone by tid in g Btaittor John Kean for tha Btate Ownmlttea, and when Mb nama waa ane Bounced tjm convention nearly want wild. The cheers went up long and loud: men stood up BBd waved their arms airi hata, and several headplecet .were toesad In the, air. The applause lasted a couple of mlo-

Bergen-C. E. Brecken ridge,Burlington—Robert C. Hutchinson. Camden-David Haird.Cape Ray—Robert E. Hand.Cumberland-B. I). Stokes.Kaaex—Henry U. Doremua and Henry

A. Pattae.Oloucealef-Congteiiman H. C. Louden-

alager. _Hudaen-Edward Fry and Colonel B. D. DIckInaon.

HuBterdoo—Richard D. Heading.Mercer—WIIHsm H. Skirm. Mlddleaex-Hanty H. banker.Monmauth—c. Aaa Francis.Morrts-Mahlon Pitney. .Ocean-A. M. Bradshaw.

- Paatalo-RoUan Wllllanin.Salem—John C. Ward.Bomeraet—Edward J. Anderson.Suaaei—Dr. Harvsy D. Van Gaebeck. Union—John Kean.Warren—John 1. Blair Rclley.The Stale Committee cnnslsis ot one

member (rum each county, with Eatrx and Hudaon having two, and Ave meinhera-at- large. The m«mbera-al-latge are named during each Gubernatorial campaign. The hold-over memberg-at-large are Franklin Murphy, William J. Sewell, William Bel- tle, William Klkar and Charlea N Fowler.

Baomed Fort far Vlce-Presldeut. Senator Sewell moved that the counties

be called for nominations, and that each name four delegates and (our alternates.

Wtlltam M. Brian,of West Orange. Jump­ed up and got the floor. He called atten­tion to the fact that In IKB the Repub­lican party achieved a great victory with a Jerseyman on the National ticket, and he declared that It wfas essential to have another man from thla Btate on the ticket this year. In conclualon he Introduced resolutions recommending Judge J, Frank­lin Fort for Vice-President. The reaolu- Mona were referred to the Committee on Resolutions.

Nomlnalloaa Hade.On the call for nominations Atlantic

County named Sewell, Murphy, \ oorheca and Gummere (or delegates and Henry J. irlck, of Burlington; John 1. Blatr Relley. of Warren; Robert Willlame, of Passaic, and Edward J. Woolley, ot Hudaon. as al- ternutas.

Bergen, Burlington. Camden, Cape May. Cumberland and Kaeei counties keiuiidi-il the nominations made by Atlantic. In speaking for Essex, Senator MrCarier paid a tribute to Mr. Munthy.anil Glmicca- ler followed It up with Its Indorsemem of the candidales named.

Hudson was next and to the list of can­didates it added the name of Senator Kean. The latter was given another ova­tion. and then the list wae finished. All seconded the four nomine tlons made by Atlantic.

Hndeoa Made a Break.On the Informal ballot (he different

counltea cael thdr satlil votes for the first-named candidales. and all went along swimmingly until Hudson wss reached. Then camo the first break.

The chairman cast 111 volea for Murphy, to* for Gummere, two blank, twenty for VoorhMi and ninety-one for Kean. The announcegient of that "ote brought out a lot of cheers and a tew hissea.

The other counties, with the exception of Union, cast their votes In order for tha Atlantic County nominees and all. Includ­ing Hudson, voted (or the only four alter­nates named.

Union voted (or Kcsb In place of Gummere. When tha Union County vott waa simounoed Mr.’ Kean sot Mia floor and moved that the nomlna- ttona made by Atlantic Im made unan- Imoua. He said he thought hla with­drawal was understood, and that he hoped. In the Interesu of harmony, that bit nkme would not bo used again in con­nection with the nomination.

Senator Sewell wae next heard. He'de­clared that Senator Kean's retirement wai a manly action and one In which he acquiesced. Had Mr. Kean not retired, he aald. he himself would have taken the Union man’s place in dropping ouL

■Icetloa Made Vm aaliaou.Flavel McGee, of Hudson, got the floor.

He eald he could add nothing to what Benatora Sewell and Kaan had said, and he seconded the latierie motion to make the election of the four first nominees unanimous under sui^nalon of the rules,

Tho motion was canled with only a few votes In the negative. They came from the Hudson men and ware htiaed loudly.

The chairman then formally declared tho Atlantic Coqnty nominees elected, and OB a vote did the tame thing In connec­tion with the tlternates.

‘Any further buginessr’ queried the chairman.

"Mr, Chalrmant" ahouted Uenalot Mc­Carter, of Kaaei. 'T move that a vote ot thanks be tendered Senafnf Kean (or hla graoeftiTada manly-acticn In retiring from the race In the Intereeta o f harmony."

Cheer after cheef went up and the vole of thanks was one of unMaUkable gin- cerlty. Tho convention then adjourned, gogec Didn’t Lika the Campromtae,

Predtctlona of complete harmony were aa plentiful before tha convention got down to boelncas at the blossoms of spring. It wss said by the leaders that everything waa lovely, hut In quiet cor-

________ If he would staythey smuld sled him any way, hut ha wouldn't haar ol aueh a thing. Hr ffiennl whai ha sold, and after a time th* crowd bagaa to mall away, it waa agrasd on all aldsa that tha Banatet had dona a very graceful thing, and that He would be bound ta profit by IL avail though na thought of gain had entered his mind when ha daokUd to quit tba fight.

Hit aupporteTs aald »ina thinga that must have made Colonel Bern Dichlnsoo's ears tlnglo, but the latter waa nol around, and 10 far aa he waa concemsd It waa a long-dlalanct game. Me waa blamed tor all the trouble. It waa argued that hU "defl" had put tha Governor In an awk­ward poaltloa, aad that It also left Mr Oummara in a cornet from which he could not crawl It ha area aver to willing la do lOiMr, Ounittier«‘i friondi dW not appear tft like ihs turn iMnga took. They regretted that Senator Kean waa forced out. and gome of them went eo far at to gay that every effort ought to be made to keep him In because ot hU high oBIce, If (or ■» other reason. But he was firm, end sold Ihsl any eacrlftce that he could make wee not too much. Hla friends did not hesllaie lo tell him that they knew he was dlsnp- pointed, and that It wee all kinds of a ahume. but ho laughed good-naturedly end eagured them that It waa all right.

Thaaked b r Fraaklta Marpby..t wai some Mme after the announce­

ment of the wlthdrawil hid been made when Franklin Murphy got a chance ly unboaom blmaelt to the Sage «><He told Mr. Kean that he wm • ^ ck , or words to that ellecl. and the latter modeetly denied lha soft Impeachment.

"Bay nothing about It, Frank, he said, li'i all rlghL It really don't make much

difference." ,,"But I want to thank you. said Mr,

Murphy. "It wss an aloeeJIngly graceful thing, gracefully done."

Hr. Keen smiled, and once more per- mlled hla right arm to be warkeU like a pump-handle by Ihoee Who crowded around him. Ha finally got away from lilt storm of compllnaantary phrases and took refuge in one corner of the room behind a gathering ot Paaeeic County men. who were trying to settle a dlffersnca regarding the chairmanship ol tha dele­gation. There he wae eafe for a lime, end from hts ventege point hs heard a lot of flattering I hinge. -

In th* meantime Senator Bcwell tat nearby exchanging War atorlea and remlU' laeencea with half a doaen men who were gathered In s circle around him.

Others were mors actively enguged. In one ri>om Senator Stokea wat putting the flnlahlng touches on the art of resDlullons, and all about the rooms ami corridor*wer# groups of men telling esch other what they would do and what they wouldn’t do to-day. It was all side-tsik. however. The one great topic was IIk- wlthdreWUl of Benelor Keen from the recr. and when tho different pertlee broke up for the night they were atlll talking about It.

All that happened et the Trenton Houea waa known to the delegatei lung before the convention met to-day. and Colonel Dlchlnaon’a friends had rather an unplaaa- ant lime of It at they slacked up against the arriving dslegatlona.

The District Delegatet.Diatrici delegataa to the natloaal con­

vention havo been choeen from all but tho Third COBgreselonml District, aa fol­lows;

First ulatrlct—William J. Bradley, John M, Moor*.

Second District—William B. Hancock, George O. Smith.

Fourth District—Nathan H. Hsrt, George w. Stickles,

Fifth Dlitrlct—William Barbour, Shef­field Bhclpa. .

Sixth District—X-eaUe D. Ward, Robert W. Httwkesworth.

Seventh District—Flavel McGee, Edward M. WaiBon.

Etxhth District—Charles J. Fisk. Otorgo E. Decamp.

N O N IS T RAIS'T R tA T M E N T t U A I ^ M T U D TO T O lW f C U tT O M K W ,

c a a * « a 7 R R O A D S T - I I W M R K t T . H t W A I t K , N . a 1


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Yard Wide, moire «ff»;'l. skirling wllji meroerUed Hn- Isdi in a prelly an»r of eprliig shades, a .new (liilng | £ _

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Freak Bergaa Sol Invited.gpecltt 10 tlw EVENING NEWfl.

ELIZABETH, April W.-lt turtH outthat Frank Bergen has not been men­tioned In the InvUaltons sent out by the Elisabeth Club for lU political dmner, which will take place lo-nlght. TWe.ls taken to mean that hla candidacy la not regarded with favor by the men who aroat’ th* head of th* Rllaabeib Club, an f in

Its prealdent la aald to be atronglv In favor of Congrtsaraan Fowler's rooomloa-fact. I

that It would be Injudlcloua If riot unfair tO 'Bliempv to Indoraa tour meh a( opce, ag^tally aa nearly one-third of the entire dgitggtion waa abaani and conaaquaatir could not record their preferenoegl

Pit le fetr to presume." the Major went on 10 eay, "that some agreement vUI be reached lo-night or to-morrow mornWg. Wkeraby ena ot Ika oandldatM irlU with­draw, and In auch an event an lodorna- itMnt (t’oRt Eaaex would hardly ba ealled for, exccpirin the convention."

.Major Leala’e Posltlaa.Tha Major told briefly how, «bma wacka

afOi a number of State Isedera met and agreed upon the two UnRed Blotea Beni- taat. FranMIn Murphy and Barker Gum- mere. aa candldateo. Ur. Murphy had atked him. ha aald, to aupport that ilata, and ba flgemlaed that ha would. It waa amhaeqtwai to that time- that tha Govor- nor taeaxoa a eandidata. bitL th* Major

tvpry Wom«Btetfivtad u w» g ^ tie o f >.

^ f t e v all tha oouatlea had been nenator Bawell eecured the floor and oaM it wag for tha convention to decldo wheth- *r or not there would bt a receaa (or din­ner. Pernnnally, be aaU, he favoi^ the economy ot time, and he auggeat^ a re- «e«i of twantr mlnutca lo glv* th* mltteeo a chance to look over their work Hla motion to that oReei waa adopted and the raoiaa waa taken at INI o'clock.

It waa IM o'clock when the convention renoovengd, The Oommltla*™ Credan. itola WBorted no contaata. ™ CommR- ttg on Pennanent Oagantaatlon refmrM In favor ot retaining the lemporory cere aa pannanejit oficlala. County Coun bel Munn, of BMex, raportad (or th# Com nitlae on Rulaa. Ha aald th* committee Waa in favor of th* rulea In foro* at th* loot oottvantlon.

' Tha P h ilfnn i Adopt*#,‘ Th* CotnaUttaa on Raaolntlont raportad *a follow!;

"We. the ropmontattvae of th* Repub-. Ueana of H«w Jereey, agaembled In con-

^vantion to aelwl delegate! to lb* national nominating convantlan, t* b* held June U, JMt, do hereby reaffirm oar unawayvtrg lojralty and d*votlon to the prtfiptplM of the Repuhlloan party.

"W* tak# tkla Jltit euitabi* apportuntty to pAltoty Mtiiwi our heap h u m o f th*

Mwtk# Rddar hi Slat# a « ^ and lal#r

■ “ v-k'l

ta \


ner#; where delegat#* gathered, there waa more or lea* talk o f bolting, for some ot th* Union County m in and other* from dlSerent part# o f th*-Btot# wan: " " -'•It tn#*Ui*c^»tl*fl*fl..Wtlh Ui* lUBD arranged at th* Tranton Houa* l*at night, when Banator Bewail announced that that "dla- tlngutihed gentlfman," Behator Kean, had retired from th*’ race for the nomination aa one o f the four delegatea-at-larg*. Th* "kickers" were toM that It waa all right, that Mr. Kean wo* partsctly willing to re­tire In the Intereeta o f party harmony and that Ihar* wa* no ‘raaaon In tha world why Benatof fl#w«ll. Governor Voorhaai. rvafikltn Uuephy and Barker Gummer* ahould nol b# named aa the delegatei without a dleibntlng voice. In aomo quer- ter* (he murmuring of the dlaiatlalled one* w#a continued, and threat* of a bloM- curdllng natun were made, but for the moat part th* delegate* decided to let thing* take their eourae.

It wa# a graat rollef to the majority o t them lo know that the kink# fn th* pJrty had bean lueothod out. Many o f th w knew nothing p f ,Gif way In which tha principal dlfficnBy hMd b«Mi overcom* p - tll they raachod hero’ Ihl* fnonilng. TYhen may tearned th# fkflt* they w*r# fre*_ta their praise o f what 1* gonatally cooeld- ered a aacrifice on thn part ot Senator Koia. and ho ipaedlly bccom* the Uon *f the day.

Th* whole thing was patched up eaon lifter Benator Bawell and the other lead- era asxembled In room l » at th* Tranton Houa* lait night. The altueUon was pUln. Thdk* woe nothing complicated about tq and the big mod put their head* togather Without waatlng .any time, it a c*«* o f fly# man In a roe* for four placeai and all that Waa to bo determined wa# which on# ot them ought to gat olit. In the In- tem ta o f harraohy, any on# o f th* quin­tette tea# willing to pull down hi# flag and roUr* from th* field, but to Beraator Kean « l l th* honor-for auch it w*»i regarded. It wa* all decldad baton any on* on the

tlon.TmneiMft R«pabltfMUit* CotsTVDtlon.

NA8HV1I,I-K. Trnn., April IB.-The Re­publican Slate convention met In th* t api- lol to-day and waa railed to order by Con- ireaeman Brownlow, chairman of the

atate Executive Committee. Delegatee whoee acuta were not canteated were ad- tnlued to the ball by ticket, wkll* those whose acuta are conUeted congregated In the rorrlrtors. The mtnorliy (tvana) men of the (State Commlyee, preronted a protest against the actlen of th* me- Jorlty ot the committee In the mauer of a<lmla.ilon by ticket*,' opposing the making of a temporary roll and recommending that all delegates be admitted to the floor. The Jiroteit wa* ruled out ot order. After electing Congreseman Olbemi temporary chairman, the convention adjourned until ! o'clock to-night.

---------------- * - ------— —BARB BALL tEAliaN OPBNfl.

Gawea at New York. Detvell, Clnela. wall and BoatoB.

NEW YORK, April 19.-A heavy rain ell night and In the curly morning houre threatened to cauee a postponement of the openlnx game ot the base ball season to­day. Jo the forenoon, however, the sun came cbeerfully out, making an Ideal s^ n g day, and th* prosproia are that the New York* and th* Brooklyn* will only hav* damp eod to bather them when they meat on the Polo Grounds this afternoon,

Amos Ruele la expected to arrive from Indianapolis In time for the game, but probably will not be put In the box. The programme la that Cgrrick will pitch for the New York* and Brooklyn will try Kennedy. Emitle will umpire.

DETROIT, Mich., April H.-Flne spring weather greeted the opening of the American League base ball seaton In De­troit this afternoon. The bright sun and brlak wind had dried out the diamond at Bennett Park enough to put it In fair condition. Prior to th* game there was a parade of th* Detroit and Buffalo players, headed by a band and accompanied by city official* of Detroit and Wlndaor and Invited gueet*.

CINCINNATI. O.. April IJ.-The b«e* ball aeaaon of ItM was opeped here thla afternoon by a game between the Clncln- iwtt and Chicago qlub* of thy National lieegur. Fair weather and grounds In good condition aided lo attract a largo at­tendance. A trolley car parade over th* city by the club* with a braat band pre­ceded the geme.. BOBTON,_April 1*.—A great crowd Vt base ball enihuaiaata crowoeu' tfirdilgh the turnstiles ot th* South End Orounda this attenroon to *** th* opening gam# of the National League #t*B0n In thla city, between Boston and PhlUdelphl*. For Boston Nichols or WUlle wae tialad to ttUth, wHh Clarke at backstop. . It Wis expected that th* Philadelphia bat­tery would be Orth end MeFerUnd. Th* aky was overcast and th* tsmparaluro waa nearly TQ.KANBAB c it y , Mo„ April IL^The ba#* ball season her# wa# op«ned thla aftor- Doon. whin the flrat game of the Ameri­can League betwe«.i Mlnneapolla and Kansas City was called at ExpoalUoD Park. Bright, warm w**th«r and a dia­mond In aplendld condition favored th# (layers and a biB crowd gav* them a roua- ng **nd-«ff.BT. LOUIS. Mo., April II.—Th* National

Laagu* baa* ball season her* opened to­day with a game at Sporleman’s Park, between the Pltuburg and Bt- Louis club#. Ptaa#ant weather favqrett the teeroa.

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I kid. with ImpWt- oaktoleSjC and 1>

______ ____ - clqry tarondt), mad* Qn<sHjjo. for Friday while lot laata o V C

.................... ................... ..... mad*toritail at..

UTTLE MAS'rt kid.ipatant leather tUe* N to Ul. gwHl

WOUEN'B BltlTOSE’ VffiamAt............................................................................

TN' MHOElt Of Bne vid kid.huttonor

;'d KHOEH-Ot plump Dnngola Q f| _ ir and Dongol*lfp*, *|jrUighrol*, O V v I Vnlurt at fl.JL for Friday only •.

Don.HHGEH - Of durable Itched osksole*, com orw u tre lo^ | | A

iar ll.fL (or Friday only |, | VrimTrriurarii.lL-frt VYHii * ly

INFANTE' MHOEN Of Hue vicl kid,htiftonor # A _lace, liimk w Un thaden, all w Wth* 4 " Ce, ISBOS or w,. -1 " " - —[ til# T«. kind*, lor Kriday only at.--

Fancy Pereamad* froin go ixdor pate* let Hj lng atylcregulon

ring itylf* *nd o*MtL i

s & t 3 5 5 c ^

tli viatic* waVL all the I s ^ ^1'n‘ e M ' l t o r a ^#nlth#d. throughout Tn th*

FerTenfiw My WeM’iH4liiw ’S«llt,

In v**»ll*a,.ud ChavloL


Hr, yard.

UableicheB Maslii.The well-known Av P i -

limtlc A l»Hce »*r„ upef'

White (ioeis.Nauook qbackt, all pralty

ScFatat Sieves.

Women'* n-buimn Knglhh Hale 1 hired gloves, In ten,

iSconly her* el...............

Meatsdiie 4e Seie.

aifferent ihadee, » v e ­nire «!«. grad*, lor Friday only. at. yard.

k lihhei BargahkFancy plaid and rtrlpad Rlh-

bims, alf par* »Hk. 1 to ij-

at, yard

A Sreat 8c. Silk Sale.A* an extraordinary Induce-

811k depurtnicnt.row abmmeat

an extra

WILKS, at a gtvHt reduction from rsgnltrpclret, ronalstliig ot nlau Taffetas, and plain Hstgu, III alt the leading |had**. Satin PI las*. Printed&rS*dim!;«5:ab'Siik»tnthhiy other ixidv And end«,All inU fteiifton’A foodi* noneworth lAnB thAn dOintMrt up to Yqurfiir QUA duy yard...........

Talk Liieo.Hilver hleidtftil nice

quiiUtr, M Inch A A wide. rag. prlco '3Bk'. Kpeoii), yd.

II OM'.f ni.ii«r« up





hate at

_ manner,' poeb 0

8.98 ^Mea’i IIiAerwiar.

Mea’i ai4 Beyi’ MtaffShirts.

Iqual; •ffa'Iuy

HpAciAl. mA clwvlot'. wi: s

32c >»o.', (oc'ftWay

Ladles’ IBM Vests.Whaped bod lee. high neck,

long tleates, ntcely Hiilsm, pants tojnateh.

ntcelnatch, regu-

For lOcBeyi’ llhbed Balhriggae


Tewellias.HftAvy esdtoM tow ft 11 i iiffv

twIUftd, full - - -ri^. prlcft 6C:

width.tkpftriftl, 3c

Ovfrlnckftd mmibii Frftuch M

ftpflclAt FrlaAl

DbmA Teweiiiaf. ^amaek wqurir- ^

Sic J81 Ivor bleatrlied damaskInwellliig. good heevv ntmll-

ly, to Imdic* wid*, red border, reg. price A., epeclal. yarn..............

raESBYT iES WANT lEVtSHM.Blalrevllle an# Mltwawhee Mlnlit#v#

Gvertare Gea#ral Aeaembly la# Chatige at Creed,

IBWIN. I’a., April Blalrivlll* Pvea- hytery. one ol th* Urgeat hodle* of Prae- bytarlanH In Pennaylvanl*. yetleiday unanlmoualy adopted an overture to tb# (Jenerel Aesrmbty, eaklfig for a revlilon of the confession of faith,

■Ph# document clalml that th* preaent creed U too long, nol up to date, and li not being lived up to by members of th* denomlnotlon.

No gpeclflc change la nominated, but the action taken It looked upois by the Pee*- byter* aa being In lln* with the agitation of the eubjcct, which appeara lo be geff. eral throughout lb* country at present.

MILWAUKEE. April'R.—At a meeting last night of the Mllwauko* Presbytery, which embrace* a large portion of the Btate. atepe were taken looking to a re­form In the fi«if"v«ari.n ot#«L

An overture wa* offered by the Rev, J. G. Bhie. of Waukeehe, and pasaed, pe­titioning the General A*e«mhly to take the metier up, Th* overlur# reads a*(oliowt; . , .

"We, the Preabytecy of Hllwaukee, -t-*— cjKej-tur# the General Ajaeipbly


I Jrrery rent rat OMrtala Arrange for Ronalag Ov## Brondwoy. Elloabath.

gpeelel to th* EVBNINU NKWg.ELIZABETH. April l».-An Important

conference was held last night at the City Council Chamber between official* of the Central Railroad of New Jersey and th* Railroad Committee of the City Council. In order lo provide better protection for the community *t the unprotected grad* croaelnge on Broadway, which thorough­fare the railroad oomiiany now propoea* lo use In erder to ahorien the time ot trains running botwoen Ellaabeih and Newark by sending them along ihlaToul* Inetead of over th* main line, where they are subject lo delay thro'igh being side­tracked lu let (aet trains past.

The Central'i repreaentatlvea agreed lo put flagmen and gate* aa quickly a* poisl- bl* at Dtvlelon street, th* New Point road and Eaat Grand etreet, and to place warn- i w bells St Sixth and Seventh atreet*. Buperlmendent Olhausen auted that the


JEISEYMAN BWJBAI ClAMLW, Armatroag. ot Aebary Park, W aats fNtl.-tOd.BT-.d'aataiaster*

APFAlated.special to the KVBNina NEW!.

WASHINGTON. April HowellIntroduced a bill In the Houa* yraterday for the relief of Frederick W. Armatron!, of Aehury Park. The bill authorlae# the payment of an old war claim of being the * mount of certlflceiee of Indehi- ednsiB owned by him end leaned by au­thority of the Btate of Missouri to offleera and private* of mllUl* force* of the State (onmilitary eervlcea eclually performed In the euppreeelon of th* rebellion and to clllaens of that Btate for neceatary aup- pllea actually (urnlihcd lo eald rollltia force# The bill W#a referred to the Com­mittee on War Claims.

Benator Bewail hat Introduced * bill (or the relief ot Oeort* K. Bowen, which hee lieen referred to th* Military Aftalra Com­mittee. and a bill jlranHng a pension lo

w 'lppolTt *"pBmmlite* ofdBk jir.r»w *(n*t» '*■". .*‘5’*.and one elder (rom- eaeh *F*«" q ^ -* * ^ late a dade ration of th* eaaenttal truth*

low auktalnad » thU B^tgjm # „ „ „ --------------jutald* rttllaed what waa i^ n t on. and

Benttor t«w*ll mad* the aonouitc*-UML

Tin Vtetortw of the Repuhlloan party Is tb* •(!(*,' be aald, war# due to the bar-

la tha tmkR tp# he deetarod that _ _ i wo* no idddoilTor any d l* M amp. |8 riw-latrrfatg of'RartBony, haaiplalntd.

pdny, MPhtor•Bd'tOf th*M fid # (

IPtiWW' »■*. ftwwMlBMht* IM IM # .: Tb4 ohjBMBWfiBWL H WM.



f*m # o l the Trailer Cara *■ Loegl LIM* Newly Eqalpp*#.

Borne o f th# trolley care on th* New­ark alreat railway Una! a n now balnl aqutpped with electrlo hoadllkht# Naarly all tha carit on th* Newarit khd PatarSon line have been fitted With them and lharo *ra alio * number on th# Jhiuth Orange avenue cars f

The eieotric haadllghta are much mar* txpenolv* than th* old-faihlonad oU lamp*, but the motoimen aay thay *ra a d ee lM improvament. Th* akhL they sitin' ig (*r brighter, When once place# on th* oar* tha new Ipmp 1* pmmanwL in# therefore on* la placed on each afid.

Each lamp la fitted with * thirty-two candla-power Incandeacant g * ® ^ . '■ Alt th* new car* balng racelve# by th* MorUi Jeraey Traction Company a n ftUt# with eieotric brake*, T hw • » •'»* • V ' pitad with .the hand brake! forrmergcncy

TSllroad company this aummer would trod j ugry Bsndere, which waa referred to theCommittee on penelon*.

George NcL. Wyckoff haa realgned at PoBimaatec at Plalnvllla, floraeraet Coun­ty, and Cnngreasman Howall ha* rarom- mended the appointment ot John t . D, Pumyea as hie aucceeeor.

Phlllo Tetter wea *polol*d,Po*tmt*itr ■ " ErAaami » i Bsiadfi*

a new and handaome atacion at Bpring •treat, to coat D,0I». Another etallon will h* erected at Broadwey and Fourth atresia for the role accommodation of pas- aengera to and from Newark,

Broadway, on which the Cantral now

of-th* Gospel of Chriat, appropriate to the neede of th* present time., sod moM It a teat ot admisalon to and good itandlngln the ministry and elderahtp of th* Pram hytarian Ccurch." ^


Ocarge M. TMga, of Newark, Ovar- ••■* While Maklag an ArgnmaaL

•peelel lUapslcb to tba NEW#,ELIZABETH, April U.—During the trial

#f a aull for nOD on a nol* brought in th* Bltxabrtb District Court by Blmon Wright, #f Nawark. agalnat Edward Towntend, of tbii city, Lawyar George M. Tltua, of Nawark. dounael (or th* plalnOB, after all tb* witneaera had baen axamlned, audden- ly collapsed In th# middle of hla summing dp and dropped toGh* floor.

Much aaeltamwt an# alarm prayallfd In the courtroom *rd aevaral rushed to the aealslanc# of the atricken tawyer, who wa* carrlod into another room, where rm *tor*tlv« were givan him. Aftm * abort tltn* he revived eufflclently to b* placed In a chair, and later wa* able to walk to a trollay car and go hopw,

Th* inoldent abruptly broh* up th* goading* and th* o*** w U b* flnlahed ,g#xt M on aay^__^ _________

A m e lia Monay far porta Rha*.WABHINOTON. April Ifc-Th* Traaa-

ury Daparttnent ha* completed th* *r- nogamatita (or th* rotlrement of Porto BiMn money an# the eubeUtulton of AgMrican curreflcy. Jamaa A. Bampie.

mgte .racx. -wrn o* uonnu -usi-am Herdwlck, and f -. -■atia ani *r. z: Newark wMl hei. u Bfi vacifnciB* c * u ^ "by ;*•*»=*'run over thla tou** "vui completely avoid­ing the main lln* between Kltiaheeh and


BU»*6*thpori. Buperlntendent Olbaueen and hli colleague* alto promlaed to pre- vant * i much a* possible any dalay ta travel on the many etreet* at Elltabeth- Port by coal and fralght tratna on tho Lsing Branch Rail road, and the Broadway coal traclui. from Fourth to First streeLo

Th* attention of the railroad rcpreaonia- Uve* waa called by Aldermtn Patteraon to tb* fact that flagmen on the Long Brooch divlalon'a street crossing! at Elixabetliport quit their posts shortly after S o’clock at night, Ihu* leaving the crossings unguard- •d. Btapa Will be taken to remedy thla by having the oroaamgs protaottd until mid­night at loaat. , ,

Th* Cemrol's iron girder bridge at Broad itraet, hero, which la uncovered, will be planked over, eo as to prevent dirt and ctndara from passing trains falling on (h* head* ot padaalriana.

Th# Central Railroad Company will alto build a n*w italtoTi at Ellaabeih av«u*. where It IntereecU the Lon* Branch Rail­road. A larg* and ataadlly Increaaln# busine*! la being don* at this point, whlcn la In th* heart of EHoabathporl. and lharo are hundred* of commuter* from ther* to New York..1. . . .—. .- r---------—-—

d e m a n d # b e t t e r r a t b b ,


Bnirhpa IPgr!* # TJmharg Tlirggirt;<E>’. . Heikhol* *t n Sgvnr.: '

An engbH drawing can a» a t (be PaoiartvaiU* Railroad. nesffrW did atnat oower, thi* m o n la bnk* > the hufwr plaead there td^|R»v#ntfrom gMiM *E<h« triiefcs. TM-angta# .Gm ntttl M d fORwd IN h«Yy tiEkIfli

Lg f% # kEWftt-^qwgh tto m * ^ at Mm

wall of fb# f#w^BA MWIW, at (h# « fife# V ■ '

ihs ahJef of tN Issue dIvaJon Ot Treaa- S L ^ ^ N r is ! office, and W. P. Watson, S fM W York, an axpart aocoununt. Nve :L n oelMrod iog o to Porto Rkw to malw

ltdiiang*. Hr. Wat*«i wa# a p ^ t - udltor of Cuatoma for CtRi* whan

JtHted Btata# took ch a w thm , imI n s i:U in that work u ^Had, He has now reooverN f "djia* *c-

eaptiS tne appolnlmant oBerad him.

9 » Cherf* Ot AUaospta# Harder.

ht from tht i»i«Hqtitt#ry to tee- >e prfecutNw-

foiUay -Asrlvfa.gf Para, rIHOTON. April Ur-Atlmlial

cSciBo. ( SFr arrival

Jeraey City ta Pile C onplotot With loteveeata Oasaoieiroe Comoitsatoa, JERSEY CITY, April U.-The Jertwy

City Boar# of Trad* ha* decided to start tan agitation In favor ot etcurlng. through the tfttentsit* Commerce Commlaalnn, a readjustment of rate* for pawenger* and fralght. Th* adm* tariff Is charged Jersey iCIty manufacturer* end ehlppero a* New York and Brooklyn ahlppera pay. aUhw on cutgolli* or incoming tralna :

A committee of the Board of Trade com- munloatcd with tb* Interota^ commero* Cammlation. and received a reply that tbe subject should N properly submitted In tN fortr ot a oomplalnt. TN hoard bos

ted Ita cooMuaga on RailToads,

Clearing SkiesBright skies herald the

coming Spring— and sug­gest the need of Spring Clothing for the lads.

“ A thou­s a n d s n d one” kinds of p r o p e r

I suits for tb* boys — new and attrsc- tiv e— »wait inspection,

h $Zto$tl

> APeJnr tOAOt

Top Coats (modelled after the p ieva ilit^ fashion for men ) are specially tailored by ua for lads sged 9 to 16 years. $4, f 4.90. $9 . M . $8-

SatlD Calf Khtws of staunch mk Unnod M h e r , ipecWad at 11.30 and 9b 7*> icvordleg to the tixe o( the lad, - - - .

S T O U T E N B U R a n ^ S g

5W to 803 BROAD OT.

•nipper# to maN a format complatfit. UI 1* maintat**# that Jarwy City ahovi# hava a reduction of from forty to glxty oenu A ton on troUAt, and also that pa*-| aaBdaro on outsolng opd Incoming train* should have tN tes#*t of the coat « f fw- f»>•*•• _________

twNn KleetloBS Joae Id.WABHrmPYON. April Ilb—A caMegrain

w » r«td^tS at tbs w «r DepartOBnt (o. day fram’^BiYcrnor-Oaneral W(iod. stat - Jm t b ^ t N Cuhmi algcuona will 1M held


W a l lWBfajKALE AND

PohiBiw, P*SiAdO|tag ani losmt pomWi

CHARLI® JSTDPP^,howsick T#l..liil#-

r ,

'ift, t: ,'F a£t

SfipMletk Strii C«HtM Im ¥«!• 'tn M ila fe M W »-A i«e < AgaiMt

Y. X M iea t Sms.


W a lb la v •*W a r k a n aaa L akaw r* ' tataan ('•11*4 Caaa th* Maa (ta la t lj. W ith Ika Raaalt (fcai Tkaa P K Nat « a Raak la » a rk at 1 o 'e la a k -D a la » la (ha W a rh W ill Kat B* •aria**.

ba aCarM ta theaa who w w M ta iM av 10 woik aould undoubtadljr pre»a aaaa*

I'a 10 11 J» tiatoan tiTw n In all had baan aaada. iaaludini Anfalo, liareallo and Aniasla aaMtla. Tliora waa no ratlat- aow. , , ,

Baforo tha aaarah waa baiun Ganaral Roa had avarjr avamia laadliic rrom tha rallty, "U tllo Italy" and iha

’ luardad wlih ravalry and In­fantry.

Anirlii Bolalla waa apiKUrd of 'nr rom- Ina *'rouod-up" a abort Umr attar tha roaiU had '>a*n fUardOrt. hut hr tnanaaan to aat throuah by alttlna with tha dnvar on tha oral " f a wood rarl. Hr wra otard whan naar fhia vlllaffa by » dhanir a (laputy and fareuiht back. II* war evident­ly on hi* way to th* railway drp*it, and aa«med very much chatHnad when placed luider arroat. Nothing o f an Incrlnilnatlnf rharartar waa [uiind on him. however.

At till o'clock twonty-flv* prl*on*ra were In cuatody.

KltiHT.iHIl'H Bll.l..G.41IDNKH


Priwi i f Pleali IM lafltj t« Hre li* ActM ts Cfarghg Hin Witk

fltogiHj Ushv tk NiRs.


;n aympalhy with th* attlka of tb* car- panura tha in«n at work on th* rrudenllal bnlldlag* <iult at noon to-day and did not rat urn to thalr plaeco at 1 o'clock Ihla af-laraaon.

It It laid tbal ihero art mora than M OMD amployad on tb* two building* on Rant ttroei. Stono-eultora, Iron-workar* and laborar* compoa* Ib* greitar part of that*. Tb* maaon work wt* nacaatirlly ftoppod wban ibt other branchet coatad.

Craaad* Owtbar «• tko iwaw*.Humor* that tb* man wer* to be called

off betwaan U aad I o’clock war* current, and *0 quit* a crowd gathand about tha comer* o f Halaoy and Bank tiraeta. Many o f Ikapt WOT* tb* tltrlklog earpanteri. i» t - -wUkaltadlng tb* fact that ordara bad baa* gtvan ttaam not to b* ihef* or form a crowd, for It I* aapaclally datirad by the atrik* laAdar* that nothing ahall ba don*

.'.by tit* man which couM cam# any advarto crItleUm.

WhtB Iba poon wbitlloi bltw tb* work- * man and laborar* aimply gult a* uaual ''Thao th* walking datagal* o f tha fron

Warkarf rnloil want among hi* man and •dulatly tald than not to go back to work at i o'clock.

Rad lawwaaonlanaod by Dolny.TWd aympathatto tirlk* la diraettd at-

.ifM lally a«dlMI V. J. Hadron * T ' Which f im employ* many carpentara, all f (tW imlin RMP of whom art now atrlking.

Y . HoMoh * Bona la a membor of tb* -• JirdMar oayRBBtari' Aaioctatlen, and la

fnlly In oooord arttb tb* other mambar* pot to groat tb* damaad* of th* itriklng carpontora. Uabco tb* klndrad trad** war*

- oolMd out,' PrwMoat John F. Drydoa. o f t*«

..dobWal UMorMet Company, aaU lo-day that ibo dolay on tho work on Ibo biilld- Ipma wonkl not laoonvawlanot ik* com-

^'pnny In tho loott. Ho eloo autod that It -would not oauoo any brooch o f contract « n tba port o f V. J. Haddan * Bona, for

^ Ibo oompony ballayoo that tb* Arm I* jitn g tb* boat It enn. Bomo o f th* atrlkeri

'IW T* aoid tbnt It would oauaa conaM- fl'dn iM Anaaclal lot* to tb* contracting

uilfca amir Bon who workod thia attar- '^feoMt Wwra • faw non-uAlOB laborar* and

BlmaldiMOBdtora who or* How Tork man ' m b 'wor* wot ordarod oS tho, Jab, Th* " ’ wwli could not go abdbd Doom**.

jh (ita maaon* *r* not olUlotad tha Building Trod** iM gu*. their

_ _ j * i n or*, and ib*y couM not got tb* mglMi bodearrton to oaolot thorn.

It la tbo Intontloo o f tb* oirlkor* to b a n tb* wnok on tb* building* Uad up ! ! S l tb* mrik* h u boon aottM . In th*

—wjiitmiio Trad**’ Laagu* *r* all branchto W~~bnlMtntf tradaa. encopt tbo maaoti*. •og ••■* o f tbom will b* allowod to go to

HOWB* anb-t'aMMlHow an Imbnr Hat A greed It* Form,

WABHINOTON. April 1*.—Thi Huua* aub-CommIttee on Labor. In charga of Ih* Gardner Eight-hour bill, ratchad a d*'1' lion jeiierday on th* Anal form of th* hill and on teveral amendmeola. all *1 which will bo reported to the tull,Comml'- tee 1.11 Labor neit Friday, when U 1* e i- peeled that Anal action wilt Im taken.

The Mil hat atirtcted much attention In labor circle!, being acllvely urged hy ihe American Fedarallon of Lalor, and haa been anergailcally oppoiad by many large ileal armor, abiphullding and ammunition concern* doing Imalnet* with tho Govam- ment. a* the mataure will bay* th* iKaot of Axing on eight-hour day on armor and Ilka commoditlea and In th* building o( warthlpe. . . . . . . .The amendraenl* made *r# Intended to overcome objectloni railed during recent extended heartnga One of them provldaa that th* act ahall not apply to i™na' poriation. Thia la to overcom* tha objoo- Hon Ibtl good* rti rout* to a factory whir* Oovarnment work waa balng don* might b* held up baetuie th* tram man did not conform to th* eight-hour rule.

Anolhar amendmeni provide! that th* act ahall not apply to good* bought by lb* Govamnent In open market. Thia la to ovarcoma tha obJacHon that th* eight* hour rtatrtctlon could be carried back to th* mlnao, lumber ctmpt and all point* producing raw material which later goat Into Oovarnment arilclea.

Tbaaa and other imandraanla art de- algncd to fraa tha meaaura from the chief objtctlona brought agalnat it. and torn* of thtm ware droftad by tba Pedertllon of Labor outhorttlea. Th* aclUn of th* lub- commltta* wo* not unanlmoua to-day In ordaHng a raport.

TR* aoatlngi of tb* atrlking carpog. tap* and pglntora thia morning war* wall atundad, and ontboatettlc apoochia were mMa. Th* atombart o f th* Amgigamaiod 3 3 E i**g', vam bbor*', Doeoratora' and

* ^ m t ig a g > n ' UnlOD art vrarrWd «bout FgKragm rta that tbrir organ la* tbn hua ' h M colloetlng auhaerlplUmB tor Ihe rirttti Ko coHoctlona bav* baao mad* lor

*41. but anetbar organlaation o f Hobrow Wblgtor* e « tho "Hill," whoa* mombora ' a is 00 atrltw. U undaroMod to bav* mad*

I oollocllon*.


Lawyer fram llllaela Telia a( Ml* Doailwg* With (be Newark Cob*, rarw* of Wblob Rapvr Waa Ik* Head — L'owaael far Ih* Oefrwdaai OblealB (a tba (kaveramral’a Haib* oda of ObialBlag Bivldaner.

Baaei Coanly Iwtarcaled la the Or* ganlaallaa Bofag Farmad.

■ptcial to the gVENlNO HRWt.NEW TOHK. ApHl 1».-Tb* tBorl Inaog-

urated by the New Tork Building Trade* Council to form a cloaar alittno* with the building trad** of adjacant communtlle* took deAnlt* thapo Monday night, vrhen a meeting o f rapreeentaUvet of central bodle* mat at Central Hall, I « Weal Thlrty-tacond atreeL Delegate* wer* prea* ent from the following organlutlonii New Tork Building Trade* Oounell, Brooklyn Building Trad** delegate*. Bttex (jaunty, BiAIdlng Trade* League, Hudaon County Building Tradei Council, and lonker* Building Trad** Council. A coramitte* waa apointed to draft a eonalltutlon and bylaw* for tk* new body. It waa recom­mended that the commltt** adopt th* name United Building Trade* Council.

The objecu alPMd at In perfecting tbl* combination ere detlnad la the following dacbratlon of prlnclpbe, which wae unen* Iraoutly tdopled aa a guide to tha Com- nltta* on Conatitullon and Bylaw*;

"Our main purpoa* It to bring about harmony among all our aflillated unione.

"W * do net belltv* that a man or man In any Induatry, gelling lb* earn* rale of wag** aa dura, ahould be atruck agalnat, limply becBua* be will not leave one or* ganbatlon to join another.

"W * ale* bellav* that one eet of nten, connected with a national organlttlloo. ahould not control other trade* In an ef­fort to faro* local orgtniiatlona Into their rank*.

"The new cpn federated body ahall hdv* Jurtadtclton within a radlua of twenty-Av*

'TiyiOa lialb- wbadi iiidb* iiaiai()Atl*d!!iail. j j ) g j4 jn B-aawbaManwwwreesWB'i-

PIANOLA RECITALTo*Moffaw,Ffidiy,Arfil2l , 3 P.M.


"I »m islonished at the possibilities <rf the Piinola, and the inventor commands my most profound admiration in Lirinrinj: out an instru* ment whose pliving has the chiractcristics of the work of the human fingers.”

V. d e P A C H M A N N .“It is astonishing to see this little device at

work executing the masterpieces of piano-torte literature with.a dexterity,dearness and velocity,

, tber* war* about MD men (hit morn- tng. 'Vary taw report* of any carpenter

rWayk going on won rootivtd, but when- , ' gvyy 1% waa naotaatry oomnUtteet wora

to ttop th« iobity If poMlblta


The conatltuHon, when drafted, will be refarrad to aach of the Individual or- gtnliatlona for a referendum vote.

Th* maetlng adjourned to meet egaln on the Artt Monday In Mty. Meellnti of th* body wilt be held alternately In th* different countle* repreeented, ih* next one to be In Jereoy City.


LwealBtpglwgdof* Takoia la Caalody i

Cfeaew** wf Carryliag CMoaated WoaRWB* and Praatadltal-


Brarranta tor th* arrett of the rlnglead- •r* o f th* atrik* here wer* laoued to-diy by Judge Lent, of Bug Sing, who hold* eourl at White Plain* Th* aom p liu im le Pater S . Siaveni, ih* timakaepor for ih* contractora

Th* aavtral cbtrgea art having In pot* aaaalOB deadly wtapona, drUlIng under anaa vrith Intention to InAlct griavaut bodily Injury, thrtotening to injure pub- Uo ptoperty, ond tbreatenlng the live* of RorMH* onxiout to reeumt work.

Ten orneel* bav* been made. Th* prie- onara wlU b« taken to Wblte Ptelni Jell to await oxamlnatlon.

•telkers Loavlag.On*, o f the moat itartllng eftecu o f the

praaonec o f th* military I* the anxiety ex- Mhttad by many of the more peaceful of the atrlking Itallann to pack up their little betenglngt and neck work tlatwhara, Fully Afty o f them left the Crotnn Land­ing Railroad Depot to-d*y bound for New ■Tork. '

None o f them would aay very much, but ' atfC i ‘ilwTO acknowledged thpt they were

. .a ’lwlobk fu ,;arkS" .— -w*olh*r Quar­ter. M they wlahed to avoid trouble. That they wore acared by th* Impoalng mllUtry dliplay la certain, and eveu among the helUgerant Utllana th* coming o f the troop* ha* had a ealutary InAuence.

At 1 o'clock tbit morning work waa re- rumed tha aame at yeatarday, but Ihtra wale no more laborer* on hand. Only the aam* gang o f about thirty whu have been Qutrterad at the worka turned out, and v ery little progretn waa made.

Qenoral Roe aald lo-day that ilir nuilnok waa much more pramtntrg. and that while Iberv were only a few laborer! on hand, the tact that ahaolotc prntectlnn would

p ira i Grawta aa Bight-how r Digy I* Ita Bgiwlara*.

l.ocal membera o f the Amalgamated Blueatone Cutler* o f America arc con­gratulating themtelve* oJer tha amlcabt* eelllemant reached In a queatlnn of obr ulning a ihorter working day for mem­ber* of the organlaation. Tha rule* of tha union call for a day of eight houia at a minimum wage rat* of tl per dlaia. Wltir the excaptlor. Of the Arm of Van Bteenbergh ft Clark all the local concorii* employing biueatone cutter* grantad tbc union men't ttrma, but the employe* oi tba Arm mentioned worked nine boure pet- da).

Until tecently there wer* tivo wiona of l•moatona cuttera In Newark, ch* Amal- Mainaied and tbe Blueatone Cutter* o f the Slate of New Jereey. The latter whi I'ouipoaad excluilvely of employoa o f the Novvnrk Blueatone Company. At a meet­ing held on April 9 the Amtigtnwted cui- tc i! took the othcre Into their fold and then Cornelius tVands, preetdent Of the Uiuun, waa delegated to watt upon Van StHubergh ft Clark and aik for lb* algtai- boUT day In that Arm'i yard. Tbe Arni giuuted I he requeet without haaltatluu and the ahorter day went Into effect im Monday.

Mr. Wendi, In reporting the tucceaa of hie Interview to hla colleague*, *poke In term! of pralae of the Ireeimeilt he had been accorded h.v the employer*,

hirlken Nmuj *• UltHgalgm-

Special Dtapatcb to th* NSW*.TBK.VTON. April lt.-0*m *r W. Hoper,

of Newark, thJ* morning. In the United Biatea Court, entared th* plea of not g u llt^ ic flv* Indictment* charging nlm with deviling achama* and uaing ihe malli to defraud. He waa at one* put on trill on th* Aral iBdIctmenI, which charged him with corraapondlng with Samuel Lair, of Ml. Vernon, lll.j (or tho purpoM of defmudlnf.

The Indictment cherging him with con- dueling 1 orreapondenc* with J im n EeulU. of Chalianoog*. Tenn., for fraud­ulent purpoaei, waa Aral movad, but Frank W. Bradner, couniel for Mr. Roper, aialod that he had contented to go to trial at one* to accommodate the Waatern wit- neatei. To do Ihla h* had prepared on tpaculeilon ** to whit cat* would be called and the name of Fxulla waa a new on* to him. He aaked that the Oovern- ment elect a cae# with which ha waa fa­miliar. The favor waa grantad.

Flret tA'ItwaBB from Itllwala.Samuel Lair waa ih* Aral wltnaa* for Ih*

Government. He I* a ihrewd looking, *1 dorly lawyer. Conalderabl* lima waa taken up In the reading of a circular d«- acrlblng Roper's building and loan achemc which waa sent to Mr. Lair. H* rocelved a latter containing It November t. HM- Whan the letter wt* being proved Lawyer Bradnor said-

" I arm admit that th* lettar wag malted at Nowark."

"By th* defendinlT" aaked Judgw Kirk Patrick. *

"Oh, no," was the hurried raply.Th* letter was from Ih* "Really Cor­

poration. agent for th* Building Loan Truat fund, 0, W. Roper, preatdent." Th* Niter Informed Lair If he at any llm* should hav* clients winting lotna on Ihe building and loan plan, at per th* circular, the corporation would be glad to con- alder applicaitons. The circular contained practically the regular building and loan scheme.

An application for a HOC loan waa made by Mr. Lalri* ton. and the correepond- cQce over It wts taken up. It wae all oh. Jeciad to. but tb* objection* war* ovar- ruled.

Tho wttnooa ataled that the letter* war* received from O. W, Roper. Mr. Bradner objected to the etatement on th* gnound that It waa convicting a man bator* he wa* triad.

"W e don't hav* that difficulty hare," rvapondod th* Judge, cauvlng w general laugh. A latter written by th* wltn*** wa* produetd.

Myatary at Latter Eaplalaad,Wher* did you get that tetter. If he

wrote ur* aakod Hr, Bradner, apparantly pu ailed.

"U N on* w* took from your office," re­plied Asalatant Attorney Parker.

"Tou cleanad out our offica* and I wantad th* Jbry to know It. That I* tba reaaoB we have no paper*," lald Hr. Bradner.

Hr, Bridtiar then objected to tbe pro­duction of th* letter until proved that It waa received by Ihe peroon to whom It waa addraaaod. Th* objection wa* allow­ed. and Hr. Lair atepp^ down.

Bugtne A. Hlfton, aacretary and book-( keeper (or the Building Loan Truat Fund and the Realty Corporation, took hi* pile*. Ho wa* employed by Mr. Roper In i m Th* Tniit Fund wa* Incorporated by Mr Roper. Me did hi* work evening* and Sunday*. On week day* he bad buaf- noaa In New York,

"W hat wa* your saUryT' wa* aaked.. tbrao. mmtP* ■-*-_____ ' ’month; fur four, H it a monlb; then SU a month, and for IN* at th* rate of tW a year."

"And your far* to New TorkT" asked Judge Kirkpatrick.

"I paid that myaett.""Did Mr. Roper get any money from

the** Nlterat" wa* aaked."I object," said Mr. Bradner.•■Do you admit HT""I admit nothing, and you can't prove

that be got any money from any of them."Mr. Bradner Initited at every point on

the moet atrtet legal proof on the part of the Governmant, and progrei* w l* road* but ilDwIy. Mr. Roper received a ealary of t>,(IOO a year from the Trust Fund and nothing from tb* Realty. The wltnei# waa director o f th* Trust Fund. Regular monthly meetings of th* director* were held.

"Did you ever reject any loanaT'"Quit* a few."Counsel tor the defendant objected to t

statement from the wltneaa aa to the amount o f money which was rocelved. as It would be shown by th* records. The Roper boot* and papers were brought Into court In a canvas mall bag, which they Ailed. In lt)7, H.7M.16 wae received from share*; In IMS, M.in.ie; In IM. H W .K .

A Credit Mablllar gahera*.Tba greeter part of the money, accord­

ing to the book! to the Realty Corpora- lUm a* commlssjnns, under a contract by which it was to have M a ahare for buel- nraa aacured

"A credit moblller acheme," remarked Judge Kirkpatrick, when It wa* explain-

8err«tor>^ Ififton fitJd that the company rould nffnrd to pay the cororoiMlonv He htd counted It up. Thli )3 CAm« out o( th* ftret 14 paid end twenty-one centi more for expenaei went to the Roalty Corporal lOTi alno. The baUnt* went to the True* fund.

“ What did the Realty f* t out o f what oarne after the flrat I47‘* aaked M f, Brad

which no player, however treat, can approwh."Every one who wishes to hear abjoluteiy

faultless, free from any kind of nervousness,piano plaj I if should buy a Pianola.

"It i? perfection."i. J, PADEREWSKI.

" It is really wonderful. 1 can freely say the Pianola rives me more pleasure than 1 have had from thousands of so-called treats of pianisticeffort. , , .

“ I have heard a great many musical inven- tions, but Ihe Pianola is the first which has a reason for existing."

EfllL SAUER.■I feel quite sure that nothing has more closely

approached hand playing. I was greatly de­lighted to hear it play the Chopin study at myown tempo . . . . . u

“ I want you to send one to my sister, who will be greatly surprivd to hear mv Chopin study while I am so many thousand miles away."


......................BartlettI’olka de C oncert............... •Pianola.

Peer OynL | fiJiJ'iJf the MoaoUtn Kin*..®. Orle* Aaollan Oirheatrelle.

The lA it Hope ............. ■ ■ ■ ........................ GottaehalkPianola.

Serenade, Valte E tpagnole...Plaaola.

.................. Metra

Cavilletla Rmtlcana. Inlermef M ■ • ■ ■ Aeoliin Ort'hesireU*.

.M u o ig n t

Ballade In A F lat...Pianola.


Tbe P itn o lt re­ceives tbe un- qualified indorse- meat of the great pianists.

There certainty sre none more capable of judg­ing of the artistic effects and tech- nicat difficufties in the rendition of pianoforte mu­sic.

Come and bear it and learn for yourself w h a t there is in the in­strument to calf forth such en­thusiastic com­mendation from these, the great­est fivtng pian­ists.

And yet by m e a n s of the Pianola any one can play the pi­ano, and render any s e l e c t i o n without study and without prac­tice.

tITUW. W v a B T lw ir r t . • B cm rfr iM i, ijn rsrP M M T B . e t c .


Capital............................................ ... • • SI •000,000.00Surplus and Undivided Profits........... $1,104,445.20

.VUJHVS INTKItKSl’ ON dally balanooi ot 11,010 or over, subject to cheulc at light, auti traniacw a general btokiog; Imjiaees. . . , ,

* L"rHOKI/.KU BY 1-.\W to aot aa E xcculor. Jriiiloo, Admlolitrator, (JuxnllAU. Asalffuee, Ifceelver, and lu all judleiaty iwiixcltles, both under court luil

c h a r h E o f Real and Peraoual Ertaics.HKN'l’rt 8-\FLrt -VNt> atore* valuablee In «oll-;{tiarde<( Burglar and Flro-

nroof Vaults, „ . _ . . . . .Hl'AUAN'i'EEJ.sTlTLKS o f Heal Estate thrmtghoul New .leroey.\(-l* a* Trustee under Mortgage. Ueglitrar ami 'I'raaifer .Igeuti o t Stock! and

BondeoM orporatlog.. o K K I O B i e i . .

L Z A I , H . M i -C A B T B R .................................................................. i o H \ F’ U ltY U E N ............. .................................................... V J ce -P reg in e iit.IK K O M E T A Y I X m .............. .. . ‘i d V i c e - P r e a l i l c n t Hud T r iia t O IB ce rF H B 1 )P :K IC K W . E O N K K ............................... H e c r e U r y i in d T r e a s u r e r

i > i R i $ e x o i « a i s

STGCI lAllET CONWriOKSSk*ff*tl■teal aad WIe* 8e**v9<*va

F raelloul A lvo-ee* at tka 0 » * a - laa-Dag'a TraAlag.

NE'W TORK. April It .-A few o f the ■peclaltle* opened at fractional advance* on Thangt lo-d*y. Including flteel and Wire and feugar, buiyhe majority of the list showed deoUnet lit sympathy with th* heavy tone ot lb# London njarkaL Federal Bieel ralllad aharpiy from tb* opening loaa, but the railroad atock* were not af­fected by th* irmneei of Steal and Wlra,

Eftorts wer* made to Induce tlQuldatlon In the raetel alocks by raiding Steel and Wire issues. Tbe preferred promptly run off 1% and lb* common near a point. Other stocks ot this class wer* supported, end the entire market took a turn upward, Sugar, which had reacted to 1«. rabound- cd above J«. Metropolitan and Brooklyn Transit rose W and 11*. respectively. Nor- folk and WetUrn and Kaneaa and Teia* preferred rallied sharply from the open­ing dw-llne*. Gain* were not well held, and the market yielded all around.

ceipt* Ihla month, tM.mi.GV; total ra- celpu tbl* year. t«6,MO,2a; tou l expendl- turo* thia day, tl,39«,tx«; tolM axpondt- turas tbl* month. tJtOM.W: total u - penditurea thin year. IW*,9)4,H4; depoalta hi national banka. II11,H(,U1.

Wltk Frsaek GeldNEW YORK, April t»,-Tbe

Slat** tranapori Beogwlck,Unltad

which arrivedyeatarday from Cubs, had on board HU- MA In French gold, conslgnad to th* NorthAmerican Trust Company.

T0-IA1TS PUCES ON ’ClANf ETh* n o g s ot tD-day'a price* tor th* mora

aoitva stock, of th* New York markota,furnNbed by Post ft Flagg, brokera. 174 Broad atraeu 1* givad below:Open-HIgb-Low-ClD*-

'— it. eat. f—

polnti fn tb* market and th* ‘ took* which had displayed marked etrength led the decline, notably Sugar and the Im I iractionM. Practically nit ot th* Mriwr gains wera cancelled and aome o f Ihe standard atoclu ruled at th* lowest. Of­fering! became amall at the low point and shorts wer* compelled to rale* bid* to get alocks. Sugar, the Steel and wire* and Baltimore and Ohio* rallied etrongly. Railroad atock* lagged In tho movement and were barely etetdy. Bond* were Qulel and Irregular.

Th* rlee In the Baltimore end Ohio* wa# met hy a raid on Southern Paclflc, which carried It down to » . The whole Hat re­acted In sympathy and the market aank Into apathy.

The stablllly 10 price* Of Ibo metal etocks when epaculatlon became dull In­duced the trader* to mark them up when I he ehorl* attempted to procure etocks. Steel and Wlra preferred was lifted above I points from Ihe lowest and the common over t. Strength was also manifested by Colorado Fuel, Tenneeaee Coal and Fod- era! Steel. Among other lasue* the ten­dency wa* upward, but etrlking gains were coniUiai to comparatively few ■tocka ^


gpeciai.P'.Ihe EVLNINn <>lKWf, BLIZABKTH. A v . ' striking

ship carpenier* employed at the New Jer­sey Drydock. Elliahethport, hold a meet-' Ing last night and reoolved to slick It out until they gained their demaiwl of ILT9 for nine hours work. The ultlmotum to this effect was sent this morning to Manager Drumbat. He haa made no reply to th* strikers. They will hold another meeting to-morrow morning.

a.lMW ladlaaa NIoersRetweis ta W orkBRAZfl., Ind , April It.-'rh* miners her*

voted to accept the operator*’ proposition with semi-monthly payment of wage, ,V contrai l for » year wa* signed. Over J.iOi miners mil return (0 work in-day.

Am. Cotton Oil C o,. 39 Am. 8. ft W, C o.... 9Hi Am. 8. ft W. Co., pr 71Amer. Sugar........... IDT}*Amer. Tooacco...... 1 ^Amer. Tin Plat*.,., fflviAt?h ........................Atch., pr.................. 'TOiiBaltimore ft O........ HjBall, ft Ohim p r..,. 8S%

' ' ■ ^ ’ihrr.-Trr .Bur. ft Quincy....... IMQChe*. -•Cch.C,Cbl.




A I O X ^ K Y a i a . i t e >B T D E P O e i T I N O Y O U B S A V I N G S IN T H K

SECIRITY SAVINGS BANK.■The Bank has paid -Vjb interest on A L L amounts depos­

ited since its organization in 1884.Its management is wise, conservative and econom iaL

______ ft ” ___ Aa. * 4 MiG r o s s A ^ t t . ♦ l , « 7 a . » 5 0 - 1 5 ; S iirp U is . * l « 3 , « a 1 .7 7 .iBteroat isglns from tke drat Ikreedays o f oaah maoth,

J W I A Q K R M S * _ _ _ _ _STLVFS1 Bit g. BATYIN, Pres. LOllfg LFI.ONG. V, Free- KDtYABD gPABfR, T nta

wpit TV PI I’MR .ia MES N, AKBl'CKI.E. .1. FRANKJJN FORT.R MoF kS iiWiF f r a n k a . WII.KINHOS. ,IOHN A- GIFFOKh,

t m l tV BEK.IAM1N A'l'HA HERMAN C, a HEkikOLD. M. a

IT MAKES A HEAPo f AfMtfmca wh*tb$r you o n o StockboMor or o PoUcybotdtr hi o U H Compouy, sarf t t you Ooa't know IL It sw tM At woll lor you to know tbot tb o n o n boStockbolOtn la tbo M utual Btaollt L th lo tu n a n C pbi<

^gjIF, aad that I k i n f o n all Iba good tklagt la tbia Company go to Ibo PoHcyboUaro. Slopbom & Day, DIoL Agoal, No. TT6

Broad S t


AMERICANlosaraace Co*, of N e w u t .

gtron g awS LlkaraU


liH*Ttas. ft Ohio...........

sn * -; § ^ 4 ' ^lol. F. ft I. Co....... W4

I OWN fta4 OFFER FOR SALE$60,000 HUDSOi cooin 6is co;s

F ir s t M ortyA R S 5 P e r C e n t . F l l t y e Y e s r B o n d s ,

dub )*<«.COCrONS h a y AMD MOTKMBElt.

pbicb on applicatio n .Th, fact that th* uralngs ot this compasT

sr* largely In eseees of Us And ehargei. In- vludlBg Interest, makes these bond* on **- peciBlIr Hts snd deilrsWa Investment.

E D W IN R . C A S E ,l)e*ler In Bonds Bod BtookB,


Nswark OtflcQ, 81 0 B r«s4 5 t fM L•Mil -Flwil** 10S.

DIB.BCTOHSIChsrIsB A. Ughtblp*, Kdwsrd A. CsmpfeeU, Jenmian Baker, J. Herbert UslisaUat,EUss 0. Dorsmua William casrh.Oeerg* W. Ketebsta. .......... .......... ..........James A. Baalster, tV. CsnoMU Clark.

Ueorg* 6. gnala,John o. U. Pitney, PtilLemon t- Hoalley,

mJAS o, bOBfiUUt. PrtiMwtJus. H, WofdRO. R#Oe Ce A, Uf4)tKlr«,V,-PrtSi C. J. BioudiR|«r. Trtst. P. U Ud*4A«r. ■m .A.JX


Fo r Conservative Investment.Yj«ldinf 4t to 5 per eeote on pnrehM* prlo •

4.hit-of-town Gm u d Trolley oompGAntee ana their bought and sold, with an so-oarateknperleagv Of their eam iw capacltT*

Local Monrlties dealt in and Omecuy qnotM nponai licAtiOT).

EDWIN R.CASE,BmIh It Htik Snit iRfntwnt SimtIHi i ,

Rooms TOTOi Fuller Building, tio. k Meatgomarj g h .J B B U T ^ITY.X .J,

Botk TsIepkoaaB TSl.N eW A N K O P P IO K t

g l , BBOAD St. Botk Tetapkoia** Ta*

Con. Gar ................ USi 19X4* IS*Con. Tobacco ........ Ml* » Wt*D«l. A Hudaon....... lUt*D . L. ft W .............179Den. ft Rio Grande SHt Den. ft lUo Gr., pr.. TlSJCri* tat, or.............. «WFederal Bteel.......... 4ft*

3!?* 3!?*179 IT*

Federal Steel, p r.... General Electric Co IM


Laet Teswgewwtisiealal n«a ft la t (* p P a ((* * y « r Bwelaeaa Coasm Uelsa.

CHICAGO, April I » -A * a reault o f a meeting In thI* city 'tween Preeldeiit Bhaughneasy VIce-PrasMent McNIcoll, nadlan Fadlflc;

M any im provem ents have been made in hotei*keeping since the d a y s of Charles II., w h en coffee f irs t cam e to England, and th e dea ire for b e tte r coffee h a s kept pace w ithth e ,wishifo*"-^th«r iw»d .i»x»4*sga- ^in o re com foiTable su rroundings.

Wil-Q«l-Co is the Ittest md niest scleitiltc coffee- ^Ue«l Mwba, Java aid a coetly beiry, knewa; otly to the bkflders, combined into a pure, strong,

7 wlnlnnaie aad deikioas coffee. It is ijerfecUy aiVid. ideaiAMcally routed and iklHuliy blended.

Wt |in you back your money if ihc coffw iin’t right.WILKINSON, Q A 0bl5 * C<K

ner, ■ -r" ___ _ ___ _ ."Did anybody pay more than t i f asftad

the Judge."Only those who secured loana continued

to pay In; the othera stopped on payiiiant o f M." said the secretary. No loan wae made after April, 189S, 10 any one. but some loens were accepted.

Mr. Hlfton staled that the mlnute-book of the company, kept by him, wa* loat on the rsllrond In October, 1**9. Nothing w»a left out of the book, and ft waa loit aert- dciitBllv. before he had any Intimation of any cilmlnsl proceedings.

With this explanation the wltnei, was allowed to testify from his memory. The eiais of the treasury prevented any Tur- ther loans. Th* board ot director* had alx applications for loana bofo.'e It on* night. Mr, Hoper said they were only wanted to pass on the question of the *ecurlty-—nol Oil the, advisability of making th* loans. The board than approved four. Alteeward It rejected four out ef ten *r a goa«a- In the early part of J*99. eppllcatlouf atoppod coining In and no wore wet* preiwnied to the uosrtl.

J a d s e K lrkgB trlek 'e MallWB,At th* opening ot the afternoon ses­

sion of the court Judge Kirkpatrick, in repi)' to objections to a line of Question­ing. staled that he would allow the Oov- ernnient lo bring In anything tending to show o f whal Roper's scheme conetsled, Th* DIstrIci-Attorney Is now ertdnnvorlng lu show that the prospect o f loans was held out as an Iniiucsment to people to lure them Into making payment* on share* and to paying for appraisements, although there was no Intention to give them any m um , either In loans or other- wise, for the money paid.

On croas-rxnmluatlon of Mr. Hnfton. It wne brought out ihnt Mr. Roper never

led to get him to doctor the hooks In y way; also that thnr* waa never any

miggeatlon that peraona should b* got to pay for sharM erllhout any axpactatiun ot their getting any return for their money, and that he never heard anything that would Indlcat* that thera waagsmy kfich Intention.


of the Ca- Presldent Felton, of the

Alton: Viea-Prealdent Morton, o f the San­ta Fa; Vlea-Frealdent Harrahan, o f the Illlnol* Central, and Viee-Frenldent Han- natord, of the Northern PaclUc, th* Cana- dlan Pactfle road will on May 1 stop pay­ing commlislons on passenger bustneae.

DIfftreneea over the Queetlon o f paying Gommlaalon* have at times threatened to Involve all the transcontinental roade In

at* war, The Cenadlan Paclflc Is the road to agree to (top the practice, and

Glucose Reflnlng.Illinois Central...... 11Kan. ft Tex., pr ... iLoul*. ft Nash....... 1Han. Con................ IMet. 81. Ky............ HMissouri Paclllc.. . . I National Biscuit.. . <N. J. Cantral.......... i:N. Y. Caniral .........i;Norfolk ft W est.... Norfolk ft 'Welt., prNor. Pacific .......... INor. Paclflc, pr./., .Northaraat ......1. .. iOnt. ft 'Weal............Pennsylvania ......... 1Paclflc Hall................Peopla'a Gas............lReading ...................Reading 1st, pr......Hock Island............iStan. Rope ft Twine 81. LoulaS. W „ pr..St. Paul..................... 1Southern Paclflc.,..South. Railway.......South Railway, pr.Tenn. C. ft I . . , ......Texas ft IhtelBVu ■ I'nion Pacifc R- R-. fn lon Pacific, pr...r 8. Leather..........r . B. li«athcT. pr....IJ. 8. R ubber..........Wabash, p r - .— ......W. II. T ...... ............Wh. ft L. B .. -- ......Wh, ft L. E - id pr..

POST & FLAGG,Mambers a( th* New York Stock Enhaags.

Hill* Balldlag, Baw Tark. JiAAM OH O P P IO K :

774 B R O A D S T - N E W A R K , N . J . ULFtfeD L DEIIIS, RutdeDt Pirtitf.

Tclapkoaa XM.


a. yallam Ith* agreament, It Is understood, waa mad* on th* condition that certain differ­ences It ha* with rallroada ot tha United States would be Mllsfactorily adjusted.

Dickioson, Groounoa



794 B R O A .^ S T ,, N E W A R K . N. J.‘ ■U BROADWAT. NSW TOKK.


I f f . T. SUE las nU E LITT BUILD­ING, Newark, N. J.I Talephaaa Na, gsaft

All New Jereey Securities,Oat, KlM*rkCp Trtctfaa timrlUMB

LOCAL INVESTMENT BONDS*QuotailMi* furolthad oa applleadon.

Elliabatk. Pateruoa* J*tmf Cttv. Truntda and BnMwtek S*cuflttai dealt ta.__ _______ _

M a n lm 4»f tha Kaw Tarh ritoak ftMhaafa*

10 Well S t, New York.BRABCH OFFICKi

781 Broad S t, Newark, N, J.Tfitphoiw 1262.

Frlvkla W lra ta New T ask .

EsUbliBlieg tlSk. Tsl.phoB# » « .

O. F. OONLON,geeoad Flaae, Fraat, Imwyart’HBlIdlag.

S T O C 3 I C S , B 0 1 J T I 3 SaRAM AND COTTON.

Bougkt or SeM tm Cosh w oe Harain- . Prtvai. Wlrs* oooBepUM with corrsipondtat* In Hiw Terk, niuatlphla and Chtoafe.


Lml M iH U iii ,760 Broad Street,

JOSJI.Bri»IEdl!ll..Bankers and Brokers,

M oibgn of Nnt York Stock EuskssisI n v e s t m e n t s , leocR l B e c n r lt t e s .

kcielifeiuua #dt^ BBAitM %.e»iH^itiaa.eOO B R O A D 3 T . , N E W A R K . V . J .




VHvaa o f Bondla«ODaD-Httb-LoW-Cloa-

<'■ ft loa* a ta ' T- A S. F. Adj.s MVb $0h5 IM ? ^ S

pcansrlvaBla Hallrasrf Flaas Balld Sfealgkt Llaa,

ALTOONA, P*., April I».-PT**ld*nt A, J. Cassatt, of the Pennsylvania Rallrootl. baa plannod to build a straight line of rail­way between GaUltiln, at the top of th* Allegheny Mountains, and Altoona, the base, cutting the dlatanue from twelve mile* to seven.

Theie plans, which are very extenalve, do away with the famoua horu-ebew ourva. Tremendoua enginee. ot g r e a i^ could be used on the line without curves, and great speed would be the rule'

The ttbproveinent wlll'be one o f th* roost prodigious works ever undertaken In the railroad world, and will .copt mllllona of dollars.

In tk* Provlatow M arket.■NBW YORK, April l«.~Flour-H*C*lpla,

K.H7 bbla; sale*. >.lis> PkgS- State end Weeiern quiet and weaker at V) o decline tu aell.

Wheat-Rccelple, B,«K) bu.j ealee, l .m - OW bu. Weak and lower thi* morning, tie- cause o f bearish rablaa. line home crop news and more liquidation o f Hay wheat, ftlay, itkftrj; July, illiOM l-Ul Septem­ber, 7-11.

Rye-Dnll. State. ST C. t (. New York car iole; No. > IVestern, M t. o. b. afloal.

Corn—Recelpta, J*,IU bU.; salea, SLOW -------------- thdugb

oht. ft Wait. la.. Oregon 8. L. la ... Southern By, 6*-.. Htan. R. ft T- *•••Wabaeh late.........Watatih dab.........



114 nsM7s21154H4




ChleaEW Oralw wad Prevlaloa Harkat.table Jive* in* rauje ot

irtcu ^rovialahadd'Bxenanar* w-day^a*. raimtied by O. F.

■ -^ ro k a r , U i Harket atraet. Law-Conloo, yera' Biulldlagt

Wheat, H ay...Ju ly.,1,

Open-H Igh-Low-CIoa Ina. *•'- eat. lag,

. SM « v


bu. Also weaker, unloading In­spired by line weather "for ulanllnt and lower cables, May, 441494*; July. 4t%4fl6Ueptemher, 4M*9H- __ » .Oate-Recelpta, U4,*» bu. Keeler withcorn. Track w'ulte, K W i

Beef—Steedy- Pnrk—Steady 1 nwas. Lard—Steady; prime

7 9 ^Bu

ttM llT S , Wimicatern ileara.

tteparmd 0*v*-la o f Ballraad Tnaael. KANSAS CITT, Ho.. April 1 * ,-^ m wor

' " “ on her* II to th* eftaol tnattba Atchison, Topeka and Santa F* tun­nel thronab ih* Raton MounUlna, M. M.lineJured.

ra insr i\niop ,nvuji6«ssH9a «-■*In, a toi^ n i traffio on tM _m lnhas o^va

offleea o f thq K n ig Fa to ratify rUinorthat r ^ . No one I* re;N o t te ‘ ‘ -------- “known

parted in- th* local

axoept . calved to-day tl Haaengar aralnCalifornia has been rarlly.

ha'tfiartrauih'aaattiaundI Ju* her* at 7 ft, M. .from

uttfP-Recelpti. i.6H iStga-: ateady; State dairy, U917; Btst* creamery, itMflgj Wegtern creamery, UIMfiai fac­tory, lIBtt,

Cnee**—Recelpta t F * j * ! * . ; Heady: fancy Ifera* wbfia HW: toS m large color­ed. IRi; nnoy small while, fH *9u; tanoy larae colored, 104*911.^ R gg s-J H ^ ta . n ,m pkoa.; ateady i Bute and Pennawatfla- at mark. UHflH*; itoraS* waatam at mark, l9%Sl9; regular pedtiM st* asark, UiiOlii SMlhetn at amrll, UfKHk ^

Sugar—Raw, Urm: 5®5*d, firm.C^ra-BtcadyiNb. 1 Mo, *4*. 'Molasaee-Steady.


Oats,May..July...M ay...


M ay ....— x *July....... » lMay..............May...... »


8 f t 4 B r o f t d S t . , d o B ro ftd w ftZNEWARK. NEW YORK.

Buys and sells Stacks enO Bonds on Hav Yerkaad nilsOetObla Ixchan***, tltker f------- ■- “!nin*r*1a-*nd Omln andProvlaton* h a £ d ^ Trad*. I^ a t* vlim l*^-.

Jakn J. erase.NEW YOHX, April ll.-D r. Johi) Joseph

crane, o f tht* cHy, died at Bloomlngdali, in the Adirondack*, yeatarday. from con- iumptlon. H* waa ln hla forty-nliilh year, and bad been oWIged to Uve In the Adlr- nndacks for two and one-half year* Iwfor* hla death. Dr,' Cran# wa* born In Klixa- belh, N. J. r, ..He wa* a graduat* Of Princeton College, of th* etna* of 'Tk being s c1*Mmata oi W. B. Morhblower and tbe Bar. Dr. Henry van Dyke- After batiyi graduated, from 7>rlneeton he enlarad alclana and Surgaons. degree he baeam* tb* of RoosWalt Hoapitab

ital h*

a me h o t . tir. iienry ling graduated from the Colloge o f Phy.

. Upon receiving hla >a raaldant physTciannhyai... From Kooaavelt

want to Ellgln. III., and bt-___________; asalatant physician In tha In-

iane asylum th*r*.,.Ha romain^ In I ^ n---------------------- 4 ------ -- F fM W i ■mdiaaraallkW FA


for ura'ral yaara, Upon rttumln* to York h# opmiad an ofllce on tha Weal Bideand was very eucoMsilul.

The davetopment o f tit* dlara** from which be died ootnpaUed him to gtv* up hi*

' 'agv* tE* dty. Tb* death ofpractice and lanv* -----------Dr, Cran* will b* fait byjrnanjr. o f th*poerar people living on th* t j o f he wa* alway* isddy to attend k ^ ta h o were in nead o f madical asalaiance ragard-lesa of tbelr abtttty tn pay him.

a -

a b s o l u t e l y THE FINEST CIGAR.

A a r o n ’W a r d Sa S o n a * A o l e I * r o p i ? l , e t o r * v

FOR SUE IT THE FOllOWIXt DEUERS:J. P. g H O H T ,* ^ " SI* !*•PRANK g. W «1R .

ta gf. •am may

__ ITS H aekel g(.W. H. JOBJBt, Frwdaallal Balld.

‘ *a !’ m . P E L ia * ld O raega i tJ. L B W Ii CAOHUg. TIM Si

W O tV « » * * * < Swatk Oraaft*AV«4 Bairil tottlk lixtii its W,‘ T. H l*k it. aad la * .**HAlir J . e f fi ie m . « t B ralataall^joluk W. MOFF9H, II gpriQii.*M.'*T .” k«HHtS. H e a d aa d Clark*W M . FTAHHI-K. F llla a a tk Ava." n ! M A ffi!sf!r3 ua^i*'kT Bh'iTHAN, Market aad Mnl.

FRMVKO. ■asift aad M arka vL M, AVBSlir* |Nk* Ceatral A re,

* CO.. ISJ 'F T ’A.^dAsGpS, FRw J*T..Wak*asBB

'^ bl D .'m iw a n iiL '

JOfEPN aiBlAlfg M »o«th OV At#*

g. CAHPBHLL, IW Ptaka •«.,JOHII H. LACK, a lprla*a*M

Ava.C, MITCHcOCK. Saatk Oyaagm

Avr. aad Saatk S i^ n tk it. ■wilrira PHARMACY, Broad aadSi B a il..

r ll la A ja .U. CMAMBOtlB, SOS •prladflaM

*H H BRY Mt kmCMNM B, d id M ar.“ j o A i r a

C . ( ’■ H 4 n w M - n i v o iv rK O ! oi.P. J.GARRtOAN. TOO Broad ft .P. J . UARRIOAN, H igh 8t. r laaS a ld Ara,

ileia Bad Lafap.S a r la a l_______

THOMAS R. ALLBir. 001 B r



i vIc.ii1I






ffBWTOn .................. ..Hit j . DALY. S U Han

■„ io i ' "-m c n . j r v i ,GARKB'F BTRSHS

aad Orora Ita,.JOUX A. WOLl

Oraagr, X, J,t TX" o f R. g T A a a ,ft l lM eatelair,

BHXHAM a*lt|.A'rgw

C aaiaw dora Hlakard Faak.NSW>6AVBK, Corni,. April B- lawW*

dor* Richard Paek, aeoreiary o f a a M*w Karan Btramhaat Cempany, a id dflft of the oldaat anti b*it-*nawn staamlmt man In tha eovalry, d l a O ^ at t k a h o ^ of hla son, B M ard A^Fec^ >*■! t j l ^ elghty-flftiiyaer. xSftth Wa* due to lioai- orrhag* o f tha 00*4*-

1 ..


\m g rbfie'i SKittki d Km Jene; C w fcT M te i f I d M i s t C k ird i



l» c m lu •> liUTr* * f ta b o r a a « ta^a, O aaaaaeoa aaaw * » ( cb a a ea a t C barch Fair*, Atmr Caatooa a a d «a la o t L labor la rhU tM iaaa—H a lo- «iaa* 6aT *ravr ltaaM Trlt>^ara Ha W oB ia Ha a a A tailrahla PraaM aa- t la l C aaAKatc Puar Yaara Haaaa, R av, Dr, Oaarbar Talka o a F a r a l ^ Mlaalaaa>«aB»iBll<aaa A rpotataA.

IJSW a B K lC V ® fIN O N H W S. T H P B S D A Y . A P R I t M>. 1900.

B E i w n j e « «IS a i Y A n O M E Y .

Mi H U I t* W i I >t ! *♦***< A »***t**t**»> M* m * * * '** ♦*lfci»**i»IH»***H»»**'*^ ,0BI6INU MEMBERS or SpUfH BAPTIST CHIIRCH.

apHlal 16 lh» IIVE.’MKO »1W I.OCKAN OROVK, April 1».-Tha aUth

aoiiuAl nrallnc oI the Kpworth ^,aacua ot tba Maw Joraay Hathodtat Contaranco, am- broclny tba Naw BrunaWick, Trenton,

' Brldfcton anti (3ain4an dlatrtvla, opcnad tn •t. Paul'i Ohurcb laal ntKbt.

Thara waa a torta attaiulanoa ot dala- Vaiea and mlnUiara, and much Intaraat «a a avlncad In tha Opanlng aarvlca. Tba churob waa baandtully daooratad in na­tional oOlora. and auapandad (rum Iba flail­ing waa an Immauaa bannar baaring tha worda, “ Waleama, Itpworth Laague." In the bantra waa a repreaantatlon ot thfl Maltaaa croaa, the emblain ot tha laague.

Tha dalagataa tram each dlatrlct wara grouped togattaar; each dliplarad a ban­ner daalgnatlng thiir location. Tha Ra- oaptlon Commlttaa and Ihoaa In charga of tha buraau tnlormatlon occupitd a room in tha front of the churcb.

Tha aarvlca waa preaidad ovar by Hav. Hanhall OWani. of H t Holly, prealdent o f tha laagua. llav. 1. L- Bo*. Braaldlng Kldar of the New flruniwlok dlitrlct, Offered prayer, afltr which a iong aarvlca wag flohduoted by PrOfaaaor *J, Howard ■ntwiala, ot Philadelphia.

Im ber the Rate » f L ife .The addreaa of the evening waa made by

Bav. t . C. Iglahart. D, O., of New York, who apoka on *Tha Lawa of U b or and ot Imva,"

He u id that theaa lawa ware founded on the ootnmandnjint, "BU dajra ahalt thou labor and do all thy worik Jaaua ChrUt waa referred to aa a >*‘> 2 ^ * who apant the major yaara of Hla 11 tha earpantar’a bench.

"Q od" the apeaker continued, could have cauaed bread to grow on atalka tn atead ot corn; He couM have made houraa to grow, but Inataad o f lo commanding Ha made thinga aa thay are In order that wa


H uyer leraawwr NuHat rorm we Heaa-b «r a t L aw D egartwawt am ttwaaa-

•or tw RWwAartek T. gohuaeu.Mayor Baywour thta attarnonn appHnU

ad HaAart Base* aa City Attortiay to Ml oat tba un azpT ^ harm at Predaitck T. JohnaoB. who w»a yaatarday aworti tn aa a t y Cotaptrollar.

Mr, Bogga will hava about ona month el aa uaaapdrad tarn to aatva, and will nrabahly ba named with the remainder of the legat department for tha full tana of two yaara whan Mayor Baymoof Ig awam ta lar bia new tana.

Hr, BuBga wp* appointed Aaalatant City A tto m y by Mayor Baymour whan tba lattar ba«ma hla drat larm In tIM, and baM tba alBca up ta about a year Ago, wbca ba laatgned to taka ehaiga of elaar- Ing ap ttUea o f landa aeflutirad by tha Batt Jeraay Water Company. Tha oMoa para HNO par annum.

rrs m w c o i m o u n i m m

In UN they war* among tha torty-Bva who founded tha church, and they have been attendanta av*r Hnoe.

pun ilf« Pi

mlitat work pnA not bocomo Indolont.“ Bvery yow»'* itWe *'ihere i» n gropt

waata going oiL The t ld « could b a ™ ^ every bit of machinery In the world. Why It Ihla waaU allowadt In o r d e r J ^ t wa may ha mea and not machlnw The ^ t b o f indolence ta one * * » * « : ‘ '•'** ?* try la one of virtue Tha man who i u m out In Ufa with tan canta wtll^utatrlp the ffeilow who lo e i out with

Dr. Iglahart aald that tba were looUali whan they c r o a ^ with ua. It wa* no aurprua that Deamy aent the Bpanlah fleet to the hott™ of

Bayj that Bampapn and Bchrty deatroyed tha Bpanlah navy at Bantlai^. *'W* PTPr*' h* coniln Aodfl n jtpco ttipi obeya the lawa of l ^ r hava the power that give# vlatory and wul continue ao to do." . _

Tba apaakar denounced gamea o f ebanca at church falra, and received a hearty amen from the mloHlen praaent Ha re­ferred ta Oevorner Rooaavalt IB Blowing terma, and aald tha party leaders will muka no mlatake If they nominate him tor Trealdent four years hence.

The l«x Immigration lawa were touched upon M weakening to the nation.

in cloning Dr. IgWiart apoke strongly again*! the Canteen law and the eaporta- llon of beer to the Phlllpplnee, when the ■Oldlera and reeldenU there iMtded Blblaa and other goed literature.

Dr. eoaoh er'a Vlalt fa In d ia , There waa an Increased attendance at

the momlag'fl aaaatoo o f the taagae. Wahop klttgerakl wa* Ui* for »n *ddr*** of weleofae, But h® “ hlld not attend, and hla place warn llllad W Rev. A. a Ballnrd. Th* greater pdrt M tha momlag waa *>/ Bav. Jotar Oouchar, D. D-, prealdent o f the Wom­an’s Oolloia, Baltlmora, Who apoka on foreign mlaalona. . ,

Ha referred particularly to the youth of the Epworth League In ,lndia, and ex­hibited a number, o f baimera which M collected while atunding * convantlon In that-eeuntry. Tha addraai wa* rapleta With hUtoHcal fPCU Pnd p C0JHpIlm«nl WPP paid to Bfighrad for h«r efforu m promottnf th» GoiipPl In p country oTtr which ihe h it domplit..

pppolntnent of coniinlltooB rwuit* ed aa follow** Nomtaatlos, ■ J. Moreau Reed, W. W, RMgeley, W. D. Hendrick- iKviie M lu fluo fiuekloy and Mra. M* B. flnyder; CfbdAitlal*, Dr. B. kina.’joaapb Kutp, E. H. Demarla, Charlee Reed and H. Bayteal KeaolvOona, Bar. M. * . Snyder. Dr. A. T. Wood, Mr*. Aucket, Joaeph B. Bailey and I-eoil Cbamberlatn.

--------------- ■*-■.-.......... —FABBRD ^ORTH LCBfl CHROKB.


•peelal Barrlcae Begaa La*t flaaiay w u l B* Caatlaaed To-algllt.

Ftegnuama a< Bxenlsea,The *pecl*l ■arvtca* which began In the

South Baptlit Church on Sunday In cale- bratlon of It* flftieth annjvaraary will ba continued to-ntght, whan an Inter-danom- Inatlonal teDowshlp mealing will ba held.

Brief addresaea Will be made by different clergyman .representing the varloua Pro- teiitant denominations. They will ba a* toUowai Rev. Dr. Daniel M. MarUn. ot the CHhton Avenue Reformed Church! Rev. Dr. D. R. Fraaar, ot tha First Pre»- byterlan Church; Rav. William H. Mor­gan, of tha Central Methodtat Bplicopal Churcb, and Rav. Alexander Maegeorga, of tha North Baptlal Church.

Tha exerclaea will ooncluda to-morrow night. Addrwaaa will ha made by Rev. Charles H. Dodd, o f tha Peddle Memorial Church, and Rev. Dr. Q. It. Stone, of Hartford, Conn.

Tile event hpe been of eepecw Intereetto Mr, and Mr*. J. P. NIehol* *nd Caleb H, Earl, aa they ar* the only three ot the original forty-flve member* who »DI1 at­tend the church. Ot the total there ar* only Sve stUl living, ao far a* Is known. The other two are Mr*. Dr. Jane H. Mur-

Shy, who attends the Fifth Church, and Ira. Abraham Runyon, now o f the Mt.

Pleasant Church.


(Continued from Flrit Page.J

THt BIG STORE >i^crtTlTifsir'

THURSDAY, APRIL i i . f t W :

of I fto U »

scBWEia rucEP w tiiauJaraer Hau ChwrRad W ith Fargary

■■B Hygolkeenttoie o f V irglw la Bond* A r n ig u e d ,

NBW YORK, April Ik—What la known a* tha Virginia bond forgery caie eama up for trial to-day, when Julius Soteo^

OH Altaged garladlH Cawaht.ais Confedtraf* Bemgea-

gpeelal to th* KVkMINO N8W*.BLIZABBTH, April U.—A well-dfga»ed

■trangar la*t-night walked brio M. Mar- man d Oo.’a Walt paper **tabll*hin*nt On Broad street and Informed Mr. Berman that be had just rented a vacant store in the Heidrltter Building near by and want ed to have It papered. He Inquired how much It would coat, and on being Inform, ed tha job would he Rt, tha man handed Mr. Herman a check for IS) on th* First Ngtlonal Bank o f PhUadelphU in, psy- riient. Herman accepted the check and gave hi* cuatomer I* In change, and also a reflbipt fo r tu . - ’ -An,Jbour .latgf“ anothw;-man, who p i^ landed in h# k iRdnddrf A * foriM r caller, ahtered the stare and pfeaentad .a almllar. otleck tor a iiad Hatmaa to obiig*him byoaahinf It. This time the pro- ^ e to f 'a auapli^na wer* arouMd, and ateing Delbctlys Miparell paMIng. h* c*llet'hlm fn and the stranger, after soma queatlona wa* taken Into cuatody,

Ithi two Checks War* worthies*. Th* priiontr m t » hi* name as Robert 3, Walsh, o f New York, and this morning vto* « ^ t l * d to-ja il. Dfltmttes* kuit night hunted for hla confaderate, but the Uttar mantaRkto e*sap* from the city.

PVH.dPelUa'Oetls killed With Boy*.

ter. a manufacturer o f Forest Mill, N, J„ was placed on trial for torrgery, tn the flrst degrae. before Judge Nawburger, m Oanorsl Baarton*. , ■ ..

Bchroetar la nhargad with tdfglng JJh* name* of D, H, Bevolay, Traasurar of th* Commonwealth of Virginia, and U. H. Dyson, Second Auditor of the Bute, to a bond o f the laaue o f lU*. which he I* also scouaed of having bypothaoated. Bchrae- ter 1* allagad ta have got hold Of bonds of th* Commonwealth o f Virginia and raised H»,Md en them.

In February, JIM. the oomgilaalnners ot the sinking fund ot the Btat* of Virginia voted to Issue bonds, and etden war* » n t to tba Kimball Bank Note Company for them. Tha bond* were never laened. and the package wa* aanl : to the Kimball Company's werUsouae. Tw* or thra* years later the package waa aold with other P®P«c. „Laat November Bflhroater vtelted tba olfics of Ikidenberg. ThaUnan a Co., where h* taw Paul UahUntUln, an em­ploye. Uchteoaleln aay* Bchroeler offered dlty-alx ot tba Virginia bonds repreaant- Ing M O f fac* yalua, aa aaourlty tor a loan o f !« ,« » . „ „ , ,

On* of thoaa bonds, No, tM. payable July L IWl, and redeemable July, IkOO. 1* on which tha apaclftc charge against Schroe- ter I* made. Ltchtanitetu aay* Bchroetar wa* paid tw on In one ohack and jlS.lXn In two eback* later.

Fufther allegatlona are that Bchroetar vlsllad the Importer** and Trader*’ Bank and got rid o f bond* for llO.OWi and that h* got 1111,0111) from th* Baaboard National Bank.

Th* work of gsttlng a Jury waa begun to-day.

----------------- a—--------- -V -

of High atreat a t Ihl* time, and the engl- neera, both Ot th* city and lb* compsnlea, have so reported; and

•'Whereoa, It l i daalfed by the city that the laid depreaaian should bo rendered cenalB and tha M rUi" tBkfeot be now flted. It la. In conelderatlan of the prem- l*ea, and o f th* sum of H by th* pnrty of the flrat part to tha party of the eecond part, in band paid. tjM receipt whereof li hereby acknowledifed, agread 4* followa:

■That attar tba Mortia Canal ahail hsvt been abandoned or otherwise removed In such manner that d right-of way tor ihe campaniss’ hne* can b* proflurod across th* line of the canal property, at the pres­ent point o f crossing thereof by thf com­panies’ railroad^ hut I t a grade homo- teneoua with a grad* of th* companlei' lines oiat o f Boyden street, aa established by the contract of avail data herewith, herein above referrad to, and with the do- pressed grade herein contemplated for said line* weat of said point west of High Blreet, the companies shall depress their tracks from aald laat dtmed polnl to (he west city llmlU ot the d U o f Nowarli. so thit th# street* In that territory shall cross said track* by ovwrhesd bridges; such improvement shaU b* completed within tore* yaara after such removal of the Morris Canal, and after the conclu­sion o f to* agreement aa to detail* here­inafter mentioned.

gwbjeet to r a n k e r Agaeem eal, "That tn auch depression the companlca

shall be permitted to lay three main tracks, and from a point near Eighth avenue to the cast side of Nasbllt street one additional track crossing Clifton ave­nue and Nesbitt street, about on the ex- IsUng grad* ot aald street*, th* deUll* of th* improvement lo be determined by fur­ther agreemant at the time * f making the


L eak Treaakly. A fter ■ r ia g Arvadtejp •kg P loerd IBS m •Iraltjaeket, Af-r

tem pi* ta .H kkg Heraelf.Lena Trembly, forly-one year* old,

Bevantb avanua, after being taken to aecond Precinct Police Station on a charge of being drunk and dlaordariy, ■bortly bator* neon to-day. attemptad I* commit aulclda by hanging herself. The woman woi arrested on the complaint of Frederick Young, o f to* tame addreaa. H* claimed that eh* wo* dlalurhlof tk* household.

Policemen Mutlaney and Beckley want to tha house and found tha woman acting vary axcltadly, and they had some dIB- culty In getting her to the alalton. Whan ehe was dnally taken there It wae found neceaiary to put her in a alraltjaekat.

By aome means th# woman anocaaM In getting one of too aUape of toe jacket looae. ihe ptaicad thle about her keek and strung ona end ever a bar at to# lop of the call.

■be wa* nearly strangled when ah* waa discovered by the keeper, who cut her down. She waa removed to the City Hoa- pUal In th* patrol wagon, where It wo* afterward eold the wo* not In a earlous condition.


R ro. dercm lok iB ek H letM k Ik* Palaek for M edlelae—W ill RHWVer.Mr*. Jeremiah Shea, aged forty-flve

yean, o f 1*1 Verona avenue, was removed to the City Hoeplial late yesterday aftar- noon luffering from to* effect* of a doac of "Bough-on-rat*." The woman was much Improved this morning and will re­cover. She declared that «h* took th* poison In mistake tor madicina.

She* was asleep upstairs whan hla wtf* collsd to him from th* kltchan that ah* woe 111. Ha found her sHtlng In a chair, apparently In great agony. Or. William

........ [inMe

HkYkk ■wyikea* Admlalalara Iko RRtk • f Oglea to Jeka k, Rlkawg's

Ikeaaaaei’.Fradaiiek T. Johnson, tormar City At-

tamay, was sworn In aa City Comgtreller by Mayor Seymour In lha lattar'* oBo* !■' tM CUy Hall yesterday tftarnooil. Tba Baw Comptroller began hla dull** fbt* nuNnktuf.

Hr. Johnson had hla bond pragarad y*a- tarday, the suretlaa being Thoaaa* S ^ th . Abram C. Denman, J. Bradkead Wool- a«y, WUil* B. RWhardBon sad Dr, Jamoa T. Wrightfon. A* soon aa Um Mayor ra- larnad from Tranton yaatarday, artm** b* am* sarvlng i* foreman Of the Fodoral Graiid Jury, h* aent for Mr. Jobnaon.

Bborlly after * o'eMok Fraatdent W*I dron, of th* Common OounfllL arrived and .with an tiidteno* rompeaed ot several alarks from th* vsrioui dapariment* at to* City Hell, the Mayor admlnlalered tha aath of offlee to Mr. Johnson,

Mayor Seymour was on* o f tbs irst to eongratutst* th* naw Complrollet, and Otbers tolluwad.. Comptroller Johason raaebad hla efllce

theut t o’clock this morning, on hts desk area a big basket of nsaa and plnka, the gifte of Clerh* C, C. Olllen and De Foreal P. Lctalar. Former Comptroller Qlbson mat kla aueeeaaor and congratulated him. Then Mr. OHbaon Inlroduoed Ik* naw Complrol- Itr to th* clerk*.

"When I became Comptroller,’ ’ eald Mr. Otbeoii, "I mad* tba ankuuneement that any man In tbo dapartmant whoa* sarvic** and aapariano* would k* o f valu* to tbo olty and who gav* tala Work th* proper at­tention would not b# removed. At toe ba- glnnlBK of my incumbanoy awvertl dark*, It la true, ware dropped from ih* list, but It was only becaua* tbara was nothing for them lo do, I bav* kapt the pledge 1 mad* to the clerks and hava not ngretted It, for they have rendsMd m* valuable sarvto* and what euceea* ha* come to me tn dla- charglng th* duDs* Of tola omc* has 1 ^ due In a large maaaur* to tha dark*. The ralation* betwaan them and myself have always been plaaisnt. and I hope that Mr. Johnson will b* able to aay th* Mtn* thlnf •**

In rtply Mr. Johtmon Mid;"I appreeuu all that Mr. Olbiell >a*

said, but first 1 want to extend my tUUIk* for thl* beauUtnl houquet- Ae f « the derbs here, 1 hava known moat o f them aome time In my position as City Attorney and my deatinga with them hava alway* been most cordlaL 1 oannot say too much for the excellant standard eel by Mr. CHb- aon. Hla abWlMe* were of o high order and he devotad most of hie time and ottan- tlon to the duUat of hla ofllce. Aa be did, ■o will I hava W rely much on th* aBataat service of to* clerks. I hope to main­tain th* standard aat by my pradaoeaaor, and will do my best to render good aerrice for th* trust Imposed In ms."

Mr. Johnson said to a NEWS raporter that h* as yat contanpiated no change Id Ihe clerical force of hi* oBo*. H* aald that poaalWy no cfaang* would be made, aave toe hiring ot a tow new clerks.


Zm J^ave and to JZo/citfw public’s favor—there can be Tout one . way "to ac« oomplbh it In a etoro of thb iort—n fiaai atbr^and that Is: jWerff. Goods riirht—atsortments right— jwrvice right—prices right. There tnaj^ be other ways—credit, for Instanoo—but they are foreign to bur buslneslt policy.

T H E B A R G A IN F R I D A Y S A L EIs a standing challengo tor yon or competitori to' pl^k the weak spots. W t do not think there are any in this list—but you're the Judge. . , '

Don’t Judgo* however, without a hearing to -tM other side—a view of the niirchandlse.

Maw Me at tba.Pqjinlatn.

A Special Bargain Friday Salt of 12,000 Dtz. Phirii of

TJfen’s, il^omen's and Childrait^s 3 >oraign and domestic

If you haven’,t a sufficient quantity of fopd hosiery for the Spring and Summer season, don’ t fail to attend this sale and get It Your need* ^11 coet ydn less here and to-morrow than at any otttek* tlma or place as these quotations will prove:

H. Wairen wai hastily summon and

OsUtga ■* ttakway,The AsaasMta appointed by. toe Rahway

City Council Tuesday night atoi Davida . 0^

Rahway, has extended an Invitation to Barry W it to jittnid divine aervtc* with them at TTInlty Church next flundM mten- ing. The Invitation hoa been accepted, w has ales another to attend an apron lal*S J«IW & A if “•»

Mrs. Dorothy, widow o f Robert Keyw, died Tu*#d*y_nlght at her rojWanow ^Main *1

'he deoauad w«wher*

fa* married al aurvtflDg her husbamd,

twgnty.___If b*l

I Ax chlldflaii.sat-artandchlldren are IWIng, ,T“ * wuTb* & of'her-lory CounSu fanior p, of

BaEway, will Vlalt Lm CoumII No. fft, Philadelphia, on the evening of May f, to admhiiatar to* third deri-ee

lalr «ibtt* In Cole ® block, Hahway,

Dnvenuon ot tba Bxampt Flrei

pollc* lieadquoriars to-day 1*_ gang of youihi, who wera i '

*11 U*■»* V. jruui,,.. up 1night at thatr horn** by Daaggltvaa Cava-

Em tan to fltmen yaara, ^

^ RMWvtt Rad BtSaaRlAwM.'fYASHtMCnON. SS,"*'...................1 lO-day-tetlRMemptlqB, B «,t

to* Btat*____ ____ ipt Fireman’* Aa-

ioolaUon coEvantIpn to “ bold in W vw are Chari** t. Holton, Robert tHnagy, J,

Iflflad by. tb® ^riitj^^of upv 1'2'fM

•The expense of such depreMlon ahnll ba mat aw fbOowS:' ■ *" :

"Whanever It shall be oeeeeeary to pro­cure lands to glte room for said three main tracks or to give room for aald on* addtUonel traok from a point nw r Eighth avenue - lo lbs east aide of Nesbitt street at afoi'esatd, the companies ahail purebase aald land* at tbsir- own sxpente, and It It shall be necessary te this end to vacate a part o f the street, the company ahail pro­cure a l toelr own eipenae additional lands te lay a new street ot the asms width alongside o f the part of th* one ae vacated, and in case such lands cannot be pur­chased at a satisfactory price they shall be condemned by th* city, and the com­pany shall pay toe evrard made In said condemnation and toe coet thereof.

"A u other expense* o f said Improve­ment. both of the city and the compsnlea including dnmagas If any arising from va­cations and change* of itrests, ehtll ba added together, and of tola total th* cotn- ■paiilaa shall b eu aavanty-flv* perc*nt,and th* city twenty-live per cent, and what­ever sum In oxoca* of It* proportion, ascer­tained a* aforeaaid,'ahail be Incurred by either party, may ba raoovered by the other party by suit or action in any oouft o f competent juriedlctlort. -

"A ll vacatltfna and asadjuatmenta o f atraeU and ports .«< street* necessary to an*bls tha companlas to aufcv sold Im- pfovements, shall b* authorised and, or­dained by th* dty.

T o C los* Btaaod* T e m p a n rllr ."Tbs companla* during tos progrua of

th* work shall be altoWad to teinporafUy flloae *11 street* neflaaiaiy to the conatruc- tton o f the.iRUikaad to* operation of todr railroad. ,

"Any and oil tlmo lost by litigation ot this contraot, or In procuring land or nghta ot way on aald work, or either, ahail be deducted from and not counlod oa a part ot the time limit above named*

'If the Mdflrfa Chhtl ahould be aban­doned a* afonhald prior to the comple­tion o f the .treflk’ «|jEatteB,a>s»e. mgtej itonad; then toe ttm® Itanlt for*v.impMt* tiM tha work,b«c*ln provided tor shall not begin to run unto aslto tmek elevation M completed and In uflA,"

'I n wUnMa ffhathof,- th# party of too flrat part hatl( by authority of it* Board o f Btreat and Water Commiaslonara, cauaed theaa pretehta to he eiecutad on behalf o f to* city o f Newark by the stf- nature Ot toe praMdent of tu aald board and the aorpoftte aaal Of the city o f New­ark to ho hereto afflxad apd alteafad h r to* eiark- o f aald horndi and th* party o f th* aeoond‘ port have cauafld thoi# preaent* to he alciled by their presldenu and thHr raopeiiitiV* corporate **ai* to be hereto afflxedand olteeted by th«ir **0' rotorlea toe « r aiid year eforeeati

Howavar wait tho'hommlaaioner* may m aatlafled with'Yb*'plan of agroameut, r la likely toot they will meet with ^ aWerabl# opPpalHoh In formally tatlfiing

from H ia ^ iin B 'e lM ocla tlon and «w nt Aesoclajlon. Frank

Old what h* could to rallav* th* wosa- pandlni the arrival of the Beeond Pre­

cinct poUct anbulaDee, la which *be wai taken to the hoepItaL

The woman’s husband ooM that hi* wife had evMantty taken the poiaon wbll* un­der the belief that it waa medicine. He aald the poison was In a bottls that had no label. II i -g ■'


M ichael L. M illar Maid fa r M ogailaa- tlon e a M oax'i Charge.

Michael L. Hiller was errssted yester­day and held for examination In the Fourth Precinct Police Court on a charge of ewindllna. The complainant In tha

Is Louis Marx, of M Belmont are-' ttus, who clalme that MlUer entered into

bustneu agreement With him, whioh he did not keep.

It la alleged that Milter agread to go Into buslnea* with-Marx and tost s tew weeks ago ha obtained lUO from tba com ptsinant for the ostensible purpOfe ot purchsslng stock to fit up a phonograph agency. Mars declares that he did not gat returns from Millar and waa unable to afterward secure hit money. Millar baa been ballad In the sum of IMO and will ap­pear to-morrow attarnoon tor axsiiltia,- tom before Judge Bctolk.

Feond Only Fattr tndlelmenla.

O aaun 'l^ b ytS H an ' C h u relf^ ^ h w ay^



First “ -

**SoM*RVIiSS5 ApCounty Orand lafy, ------ ---- -Tutadsy, complctad Its work yaatanhW. and reported to Cblat Juatlee MagU toU raernlnf■ It wa* ona of to* ahortwit aton* oT the Qrsnd Jure on recoririr county. The Jurytomattorad twirntyrthna

ipfalnts and reported only four indlot- manu. None of thani are Important.

..................Maw Baa* BaD Laago* to Ba Fermed.

DCTROIT, Hteh., April M.-A meeting.......... .... mtlea whfch are ex .

' InteraaHonal______ In th* Orta*

aftarnoon. The follow

ot rapreaentatlva* o f dtl*a whb laeted to join to* propoacd Int tose Ball Lesgua. wo* held In

■ House thla ■"


KOOO fiOZXN KEN’ S HALF HOfIB, la black, ua, btsok u d Mac« foot, big*, «lat* sod tsnoT eofors, sU •lat*, worth ibe.snd 19e. stwir; your choice to-morrow for TOO DOZEN MEN’S IMPORTED HALF ilOSE, foil roffhlkr mode, la fonhy ttilpea. oUck with cabroldtrod In sl^ polka dots, plain blook, tan, blhe, ate,, worth frooi DOc, to Wo. a pair; your choice to- / T * n o ffo w St # # wWOMEN'S IMI’ORTED LACE LISLE HOSTERV, In many at* and pr*«y t^ la i, ilio a big vaiioty o f hlgli-|raci* fhhoy and plain hoaliryi worth from HOC. to 7#c. a pain yoor

ow, ilu iw e , forehoica to-morrow,

WOMEN'S IMPORTED HOSUIRY’. foil ngqlar aaoide. In blaek, too, bhui purple, foa^ ttrlpafl, polks dout chw tm l^ttd » d many other ttyUl, with doubla Mtea end toe* sad h l^ 'ipIlMd Iwala, Hhrmadorf dyedi worth SSo. to Wo. * pair; jour oholoo / T w M-tborrow, sll slsaa, for 1,000 DOZEN CHILDRIN'S -MET BLACK and too all ilaoi,htra to-movrow. . , . , - , . -WCASEi-OF WOMAN'S BOaiEBV, In polks dot, fancy djlMfMh KrtVW, black wHb Ma«a f ^ ptalh blort and tsa, •ce„'#hm tPo, pair; ypnroholoo.to-qiorw'fd

1K)ZEN CHILDREN'S -MET C HOHF,. with dooblolqiMflfdg I and high anlloed haoi, 'H, woitli toc. a, palik / ^ / * )-movrowat , .1 . .

Heat Me at tha Fountsli..

Tbla May Ba Caaae at tha F igh t Ovar m oL ,.

MILWAUKEE, April l»,-Coarad FWck- *r, the child over whom Mrs.- Charles Fecker, formerly Mr*. John Bslthorn, of Milwaukee, and her husband are waging a legal war In New York, ba* been turnad over by toe Milwaukee Infants' Horn* to the Oerry Boclaiy ot Naw York. It la aald he wa* never regularly adopted by the Bsllhorn*. and It aeaaas Uhely that nalthar Mr*. Fecker nor her hushand will aver regain control of toe child.

Dr. C. A. Faber, of thla otty. who aiam- tned th* ohUd wlwn the asUbonm took him, gave Intonnatlon yaaterday that may account for the blltarnaa* of lha ■gbt over him. . Ha aald;

A few weeks after the child hod bean adopted Mr. Ballfaorn came to my ofleo and told me that the boy had been made a beneficiary to th* eatent of •U,d<0 of an uncle of Mr*. Btllhora's th* late Joaapb Btringham, of OshkoMi. The money WtU not to available until the toy la ot aga,"


Matwras from lagUtogat LlhclF to Attead Keamaalsgl Cwafarenoa,

KINOBTON, Ont., Atoll U.-Slahop J. M. Thoburn, of th* Mttkodlat Bpiaeopal Church In India, arrlvad In Ibis country, tan days ago to attend lha Scumanloal Confarance, In Naw York. H* landed at Ban Francisco and startsd an hli journsy eastward, but upon arriving at Kingston, Ont, the home ot bis relsttVas, bacame so III that a physldsn was called In. It was t l ^ found that Btsbop Thohnrn was suf-' ta tt^ ffom mental exhausUon. It la not llkaly that' he will be abU to Attend tto Saumanlcal Conferatic*.

Bishop Thoburn, who I* now over-sixty yaara of age, went to India os a missionary In IM, and has been there aver oIbc*. In OU ha was made Bishop, tn UR bs was til* head ot the interdenominational Com- mlltae, which took charge of tbs Agwriesn fund for the relief of th* tamlna attSarera In 'India. __________ ________

■tara sad Fnat* Mala Frelt Otoya.<f|kMTON CITY, Col., April Ub—Half a

dqllara’ damsie Is aaflmatad to tan auatalnod by fruit m a m In iinity from the late heavy irtorm

Bargain Friday

Sn the Clothing 7)epartment .Some extra strong values in Clothing Tor men*

youths and boys. Don't be prejtiullced to youi'Vowh best Interests and Judge of qualities by the prices. Come and Inspect the goods for yourself and.yoif wont be disappointed. You certainly wont find thdir eqtiM elsewhere at these prices.

aoo YOUTHS' SPRIKO 'iOB OOA'I workh BT; on sal* bar* Bare A /g gain Friday, at ' ' r t m vThese ooau ate made ota|M covert*. In the Isteii tan ilitlii SB*Rough Oxford ChoTioW, Siely irlio-

— ■ -- — collarsI velvet.

' t R ^ E B & wflflh W A pBtr, Oh lAto beta' a r j fW i '' / V r Friday, At >Modeof atrdng wooHti macerttU, in ploulnc aprlag-oolerlngs. Well made And will tit well. -

350 iBoif9* Stne SOtouse 3uet9 at / 05'These ault* are o f a ohoiM 'tot o f ' i ^ tArUU,ln pretty pA(tetot-\hfl loteat Cambridge and O x fo ^ UonMtptint, w-. M thef with aineotb inr(|tifnCAs«l^*>fo* Add blue uBlon sergMj bBve lom fllj designed coTlvl and sblebu, wRfr atni wntAche dr '

SHIRT WAISTS AND 1 1 ^ ^ ^ ^

MO MEN’S SPECIAL BPBINQ BUSI­NESS SUITS, worth Q 3 !>10,00, At O*Tbeie anlts ora mid* ot itrlotly wooV Ian mAterlati, In «ew peltenn * n ^ U oriDjfi Al well A* the late Oxford Chev­iot*, in frodk, cutawty and EagUsh wBlktoff cost slyles, with alngle or doaUa4ina*Md VAtti, welt Unod andUiloredthrMghonUMEN’ S SPRING OVERCOATS, worth M.OO. oa iaIo r / t / tBirgsiD Frkfoy, At v t t / t /These ooaM aw mod* of apleodld cov* ertA In light fhAdea, h well as dark Oct(»d vjoUhA ooatinga, Wllh 00H»» of asm* mAtoflAl or valveLwall tailored and fltied with good llnlaf (.#00 MEN’S FINE FANCY VESTS, worth 13 Ahd Bi.50 apiece, ou aile BargKll Friday stThite vest* A « of the lAteet doubly b w ted Mrt, mode of woritede with ellh dots; aIm pneity Matteiee auk pslternl.BOYS’ rWOdJARMKNT S U IT S , worth *2.60, BAtgAln Frl- j c f l day at / e a f * /Thete lulte are madgot itrong woollenfabrlca, lo pleAilm fWlo* P«t*rni;they arc conetruotad on the Irofi- Atrenglh nlM, with teate and knew

' mode double and ottaerwlM slro;Atsyed; luttableforboyeBged



JVOregnlarly worth #6c. sad TSc., re * on tale bare Bsrgalh Friday,St v U GThese,waUti sod blooMe y e imuk ..of the beat grade ,ot Franob Percalei. aim tawne. IVaisti are modi in tha lau neckband iljle . Btouset/Ire Jtfi* deap lallor collar make.

Meet He st the Fennlsln.

. H«m ar« u few erf the many Intorost-O r o c e r t e s , in g n f fc r in g i irf the^^W nrW ’ # , f l r t u tPure Food flurt for Birgnln Friday: - ; ; -

Roseville Improvament Aasociijion. rrana H, Bomeni and W w grt F , Banjsmin, who are mamtots o f and have besn sctlv* Jn

liouA - - -nfl wi_____ .

aWiely. tha#. axpraeeed themafllve*


ly was alto w|i glvshi - A , , Tur- f^ iock , I W guests.

+'Cr sth cewwty; iM^ll^eexrah.ln

___ SHoetotloimt sttandad toe. msrilngyesterdSiy and vratched the proc*e41uff# aloAply. '»ha# axpraeeed themafllve# as dti*atla#UI With III* plflfl, psMlcolarty ft toM‘ It Iflfi to* detslla I* b* * * i ^ by sgreeBMBt at a future time and obtalaod. iiiiWirifih tn imiir their ehjflctlons-at l it ftaeringtei-atotyw;-;;" :

C A T V ^ o .'Bbv.CATioif,, 1, B I I,;, toy, ., : _ _

CmftxDMflw»'<*f' the fleestao •* ftsO". IflMS ari Chtoaugw-

GHICAOO, ABril li.v'At to-dsy’a leorion olGatoolle OoUsga# of Amadca ang.Con- afft' Vere B*v. Fatttok B MoHal*. ot tha

^Niagara TTnlvaraliy, opflAfld we dobata. 'w ith a payer on "tteflgloui Inalfuctloa In

(Mire®-" Ke wa* ronowed hy tt*

Broadway and 11th Street. L A D I B B ’ S U I T S j /*

. Oa F r i^ Ogg BWardByAym e#Ni a*B iieL

500 model Suite,—mannltoturer’e stock. Tailor-made, latest eui and deeigniw Silk Uned(»Bteni. tight - fitting Double-

hreaated, Hy-front, imn^arlesi “ Hcm ’* Coats.fiklrts with Boa or Iqyerted pleat back,—

flare gore front.Made of Broadeloii^ Cheviot, Bomeeptui,

ZibeUne-^Chevlot end Seoteh mtxtnm,tlSefS:

Dined throughout wttii ifflB,SlSaflOt

MMU to e«re<w*

arecisWKY a go.,.Broadw<qfr«jMi 11th St.

"FflHi CtblceTTorii.- .-r.ieefld, ^S llioy Shad Roe, per palr^ lOcChickan Halibut SUakA p« lb>, Ht FRESH VEGETABLES: ^ol(» Long Iilind Aaparagui, par Iftoch « o .Bbtfa grown garden Spioaco.FRUIT: Fancy Mesalna LemoB*,per dox., MEAT: Bout Beef,' ahonldar




lb.. :B U TTIB ; 1 }Cmmary Bntl#f,.P»pMowhonamary.iHb'.pfllli-' v-;TEA: Your ckolpaD*' andSOo. oraaB,tBSMk ;o» 'Taaa, axoa^lonal ««p rimiUfi 6 ^ - , W r i . M , par lb„ . . dOaOOFFEBi CiaaklaaBon •irnooth. daUaaftfi»stedlad Orifco,Hba.rilAa pkrIWi D E M O A T I iW f ' atalnar.’ OteVBlw or

rrlb'Nff kEjfflSi iib.^irV

TOMATOES: Bad'ripe DalBirwB:’“ TomawM, toIhUMksd, fttg* #-. ib.o*ti, .CORN: l^kaStaU SugarCen,- :-* por doa.f t0e,t par oan, '»-.<■.• ■*C SU CCO TASTTf tftdlM Creamy Sttbiiotaah, par dot,ILIfint ^ CAB, , . . .■VICTOR OA'PS: i-lb. pkge., ' do CHEESE: Admtral.Club.CbeBH,.. “ BnJfiitSlaa,” pOrJar. WJUVEBi Eahoy

e s f o r c b e a IiIdo," allotd, par (

CftSto! ’ l a i^ ^ 1

lEil: ^ W ia OxhemfC p HMf'liWoa«,’"<, ■

f l o a ^ l l )

■Meat M. al tha

S o ^ C t t r U a h d

LOT a CIO-CAHW AND B A B Y ^ m iA ^ ^ .

B« , . . . . . ------^oli.<lft


J V O .A n oth er D a y o f W o n d e rfo l Y a lo e s .

,11 ' >. \m IS 9 4 fi& M A B K E T S t

S p ecia l S e llin g D a y F r id a y in S h o e D e p a rtm e n t.

1 he magic circle shown ad/oining this Mnnotmeement Is a signal tor all wise shoppers to wend their way Qoerke ward—with the assurance that the greatest of all bargains will be their reward. Ihls list will prove that we are re­doubling our efforts to maintain our lead In low prices.

ad ixr\ScMK, LEO P. O U li HOUSE, who oaljr» abort time ago

uanmed eontrol ot our Shoe Doportmest, hw onple otute to j fMlpnvd of the raeord bo boi nude. TIm ool ting boa neorlr | doubled and la duo In m*!n to Mr. (iunbouM'a dotorm lootloD tbot | no Arm lo the country ihall nddeiteU him. Hli Intlmiw ' knowledge of the ehoe bnelneei entblee him to obtain tbe greot- ret poealble amount of eicellonoe for the eum Inreeted. Hli offer for Friday lurpaeeoi In yeloo-glTlng any ehoe odterilie- ment erer printed In Newark.

C bIM m ’t Prien i In liwni end cilw , iiloaly ubnnied in U . and embroldeiT, ptstti colorlngi, worth » ! . Bvkalu n id ar ...........

Obtrt WaM* of Mroaje and modraa in ill color*, launderea oollara and mlTi. worth B e^ln rrl-d,T.

ill tho newchirhiffon, wtnii,

2Sclihin WalM* In pink and thttat and dork

bln* lawoe and penalea, liiuid- J A aomely made, two tow* of liurr. AW tloua, wirrtb Tic. Balcaln Friday -'

1o4Im > Trliwwd Hota,•hi^a*, irlamed In allk > . _ .

1 %■nnebM of Fetlage, with Cam*. I P _

tlon*. Km and Vlolal*. r w hand- I g r ■DOM. wothMe. Baisald Friday.. ..

CkeckHatnaook*, extra dueqaal- 1 cheea*,

t k ^ C O E R K E C O

A Monster Sale of Spring Clothing Begins Friday

■peen't nwer OUeiatha. tha genuine g, in ell the new ooloring* and deeigna

eold ell orer the emuitry at Mo.

Ity. to pltln and broken worth ec. Bantalu Friday.

M ' S '.Oatord Tlee-n Htnpleillne of

Ml pair*, not a pair w?ijh b*h'w A fi /. JUMond up to I'jja Willie ibey ^ y Q

LMilea’ OifOrd Tl*i In blaeh or Ian.

fu pain In thia lot. would he a owniigbt bargain at Me. Frldey f y Q

Ladle*’ Kitre Flee VM KM Ikeet. loot

only...Ladtee’ Oxhrd Tlet Is bitek « | A M

k * t pair* of JO qoalttr W **• |,|| I


KU'i.u lS S S lT rS iW a 1.49pair* of the 90 JO quality to go at..

iMdlaa’ Oxiwed Ttae of (In* Tld kid erg ir fM U r ; ';" * * : 1.79

Ladloe’ Oxtord Tie* of French ykl kid,

i-Mladtaa’ Oafard Tta* of On*grade Freneh

Tiel kid, aJeo In patent mannl^grooIntaearMl alte* ondwidthi. <% AQ K a r r o o JO qoallty,

LodOae’ FW KU fhfefrA, lW » f ifl /*

Ladte*' ¥W aad DnoMn *M Ohae*- iHeet qaatlty In btoelt or ton, bntton orW r X lo th top*. 1 1 ;}

— de.ofoloeol tha I I * | , |4y------- nday....................................

Ladtaa* VM KM Ohaea-Laoe ^ batleo,

iadtaa’ Koti* QaalNy TW Kid Maa^

taMIIM Wfw* hmkkk, iwyg

2.23Ladlae’ Preach VM aad pwiaat Leather

ghect, betlon or Itoo, nm* with eloth top*, hand Hwed la* turned tolea, mtiinlth, coin?M.»oiM“?ifli.VJS d z MItJO Un*. Friday...........................

lIla**s‘ lh***oMlD*Dnngol**od E fv ..VlclK U |U e*^^tton,alie« II t o { ) y ( ;

Mil***' ehortnf Ine D o^a,laoa M A _or button, t lie ijll to a. Choloa of / y C

Ml****' thoa* of S u Dimgola or Vtslafcte.'5A".i!!i‘J s e ,«9 8 cth* lljo lln* at................................HtHae* okM* of extra One TIcl Kid,

ton or bleek or,InpeMnileather. | v A

MIk Waltte—on odd lot, about W In alt, llnep, with pleiii and fancy taftette. utin* aiidrelreM, lucked and corded, all colon: tome wnrtli up to f (JO. Llial« of f y C the lot. ber^n Friday.................. *

J.naeh Clethe of genuine German i iw. with handaome red burden,

04 iTu. worth TIC. Uargaln Friday.

yard, only 1 rooai to a onotomer,Datnroay........................................—


IctkW B lad lu . nai

ngnlor *e. kln<T yardl»T.Vopa Maaawrea. as, kind, ifor:....................

Wiapieolrm, . made, worth day

d qnallty percale In all of el***, wall- i J -

Bmgato Ftl- 4 4 C

I , a hn* lb


Cream llwiaaakg

Kneo, handaomeIleary, worth lie. Bargal

uqrantaedt'nton <VA_Ba^nWay^

Baea Cellar Battawe, extra long, Oc. 2 c Talaa,doten..........................................


Venetlana and back Jaikelaani tallir atltched tnronghonl,

Brwwn.Tarklah Tewelf^ijtra laige 8cPpeal OattoB, 900 yordafor bond or 2 c

maoblne etwlng, to. t iIm ..................."

Tentha’ ghaea, In black or ton, f n m regnlot heel or amjw hirt.ilrea 1 ,1 1 1 lt to * .tb , 91 ,»quality. Friday ..

■ay,' 9baM. a larn lot mad, Ane quality ))on«>la top, and calf rampt. 9 2 2

..........Mea** ahoehOf excalimt grada ■ V T

Mea'a Mm **, of axtra fine quality call, with dongola lope, J l» f or — - ~ - greae, all ityli •OJOnne.

fi; t c ^ Cmo__ « 1 .9 6Kra*t MiM«t ot Mtni Ad* atUklitT vki

kid or m lf jor potent iMfclun, Inoe <ir ocoi-

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’KS2.47;'(id^year welt, alt the n date ilylm. Choice


Upholsteiy Ettrsains.y ^ Cuetalaa, aO new patent, great

Qo-Cart Bargains.

Nottingham Cturtain*, nair........... ***. . . . Nottingham Cnrtolu p a b . M e

ry eM Ohealtle Fertleeee, 91.M I, lJ 9 i 9t.T*F«rtiene. lAPt ||ja

OodTertl ead OhlUrew'e OarriBgee,no belter ebowlng In town. Brery well- known maker la repreaentod.The 9U 0C»dleri* Friday...... .Tha 9U oa *«a rit Friday.........Th* too , Oarriogat Friday......The gejOCarrlate* Friday.......TheklLOOCIerrlagf* Friday...,.

,.l,l......9.99...... t.W.......9.T9-...9 .9 9

Lodlaa' aal>*,_a hqa In Homeoputik--H I Dial.. _ tbr _

ITJO. Kargalii Friday.

.1 with new ahort“’'Sa3.9SIxiMti ^ r y qnallty, worth lie.

CnUeaahM Mnallw l^ a a a ,l* ,(aatbar m tehed B nM , fancy whit* t c

and oolorad, Tc. kind, t-yd.inem..........

An* clear not over

Lodlee' n«llB,inp•puna, etc Iwaiitllully with medicl, oollu.


ill the____ inperb ahnwJtu of %11Uteat makB^CkvMUlotbeyMftlftjt, Home-

ed end lU fiU ik

box plait w to v e r ^ JP™*-*

ita, eome ea,«ome

lit ho

qutt iriuuntug. m th i n •pectally fur Leriftlo Fridi

ftrffl'--,-,e with two

tiBdlaa* 0»«Mp Idllniytni

■ftd I ■ ilder

lay to .. 9.98illlu and talL. .

id aatlu ribbon*.Ity. krocoded eat let. too*

til fe'3" ''*’'’*'’******■ 1*48Medium Weight J o e h ^ Ml In ant lot.

every kind of fabric, ell Anety tailored. Mine til* lined. Jacket* that or* A Q ^

up to 94 JO Included. Borgeto V o C

Mleeea' khlria, of Agiu^. ^llUntln^ etorm aerge andche.vlotoalltbed*- g ;A _•GiiWe00(001, well lln^aiia bound, n w i :worth 9I.T0, Bergaln Friday.......... *

Ladle*' Miitta, excellent quality ttorm •ene, Agured brill tontine, hom ee^, mo- hafi, eto, well lined and boand, _

Little OIrla' Beeten, goed ored* Aencli Aonnql and ladlee'cloth, rich m I. | QQ

r quality, t to u-yd. lengtbo,uyijdi to a cnatomer.......

Bleathed or LeUeached Maalla, m l ^

CVueai Dvaiat nanatU, Champion and Newloa brandpi, pink or blue edge*, * 8 - long nap endeoftHnlah, cold all over A a Ctown at PC. Mrgaln Friday..............

Maurakag Colleo, Indtgo blue or blMk. in tonoy Agiine,gtrlpea,e1ieoka and j 1 ^Ika dote, worth to, Boigaln Frl- f j ig j

Vtoertatn 9nlUBg,« Inohe* wlde.populai •hade* of brown mlktarea. nenally m c.^ ^ a rd . Beduoed for Bugato | 3 C

Imperial lerg*,. Indigo dye, M In. 1 Q _ wide, good qnallty. so pleoeo go on i g c•olo Dorgalu Friday at......................

reahmeif Haurapna> Vevart aad Sarga ioUiaga, do '

Malr Flat, b*M Itnportod quality, A r Uo. kind. It papara................................ 'w

SiUilnD’a Mda Sarlaie, black or >/•I hMnlT Mft ......... . .. v VFla. regular Mo. kind.., WaadhuTT'a fwaial laa*.. la*


Including Stick Tie Claape. Flna,

lot. linttoiif,

Ho,nff Bnttona, Con llnko. Beauty Fin*, i „

I* line of nicely cloth boimd

_ >mB*4anr CWmbe, inibell, full lenMli, the kiM . Baitgamlmday. ■

_ amber .or regular ITto- (jlC


ChlMiea’a Dt«ae*-01whlM lawn, pret- ■ ■ .ce*. The cel*. J A _

roakej, worth Tlo. 4 V Ctily trimmed In broteq 'Btglealia* I to 4. Bargain Friday.........

OhUdiaB’aOaeinaatlsBDr***** .quality lawn,handeomely trimmed is feceehodepibrnldery and edgtogi. )10 to It, You will have to pay | A Q

... 1*^0notlw Ptaca OaUare-In all th* new pMtal



ihadee, blaofc and white, l p m ef^tnoktog atliottoni.ptoln U|mr edge. Bold | A . elaewhera at Mr. Bargain IIICFriday..............................................

erneweT*—An odd lot thatbeen need for dUplay tot Init M

S«Ladle*' Vatrlmmed Mote, * tot,of oddt

and e n d i ^ t have tccumnleted from the recejit r||^**Ulng, moat ^iK-k, a

laniaeif Haurapna, tmvart oail Bargeliaga/ denble width, all coloe*, A m . regtuar ate. and aoc. qualltle* go A A Tal*. BetfOis Friday at............. macm

PtgaiedI ‘•Boetlela*'' Mtirt Llo> Q l ^

Id line in dno,Mft ble colopi.O olaap,

KM OI ,Anlab kid, a1 t Mttm or Foetot itiioh^ othMmto]Ivcotora, worth 91.

Uel* Oleree, Is black and ixqmlar A . ■hodai, allk Muchea Dacht, perfect y C ilttlsg, worts MO. Bugatn Friday....

.aonieaelf F Q ^____ ncontnat- A A rBargain Friday

gala ay

AneflsUh, M | Q ^regular •«. quality, ' S & ^ '

a, perfect Frltoy...

1 grinder! t 15cIwond box, black

Ladtaa’ tlmlnwUaa, Ureaden china ksobe, hand p ^ U d . flat black Britannia riotb. steel rod, parimin frame, ot andInch.

Tea Kettle* atoel jenamellad i


paragon Itam*. ot, and m 2 A „____ A woMtorlnl value for Bor- o y Cgain Friday at-

il momelled.wlth 2 C nlJ.i5r.r-ic.trnS' B ‘?i?d.V

IfDAd ■kth

ilMUa of ImiUttoD alUfffttornkwly , lin^t. iilek«l trimmad*

one to a osetooier. at

Buber Dlahea, of pretty patterned Q .

China Bag Oupe.good quality, every | OM pertfotTiuii over, l doten to e cut-

Tnaho, a good throng convea covered . M-tncb file, heavily slatted with

l ^ ' ‘ ciM|iad odrseia hiasg% I Q A hat box and tray. Bargain Friday l . o V

Jarqegrd nwd gnroh illlka, of extra An* ■ ■ .................................. .. " value.Anhh. Thla to a truly aa^lahlug

On account pt the limited line.of colors we will eipee out tli* .regular Me. and Mo. quallilea. Bargain FrI'y lOc

hnnhI blockI incl . gain

of extra Ane qnallty, inck and changeable colois, M he* wM*. the Me. grade. Ber- Z f| ( ! ioM d a ya t.................................. ■

ridoy at Ihert

mriuil‘'M 2 5 c|to ws, all onion. Bargain

Chtidraa_______In mnlto, Aowert am qolnn, worth day.......... .

■ollars. In all tbe new

very prettily trimmed

Btedk TdM d WIkt every threiMi gVMiW* , VDtkert) flnUh. nveo bluki

I Laeea—Tbrehou or Valenclennee and In- Isertlon, nltafale for edginga Pfetty i tuktterut, bondredi qpd ^miidnds of IC pteceitoeelectiroin. Bargain Friday,yd *

Loeee-A apeolal lot of white, ct*M . tot- I ter end ecrniaces, un to I Inchea wide. Choice for Bargain Friday, per

1 yard...,................................................

tomer. Bargain Friday. ..OhUdroa'a Veeta—Swiss ribbed, sbR and

pUablt, cranbet neck and anna, 2 a wblto cnlyjtll aiiea, 1* to jp , worth AlT too. each, npooial bergaln Friday.. ■ -

Ladtoe* Veala-Peeler, white .arid Bgyp- tton cidai*, JeiMy at Swlaaribbed.sleeTelem

' evee. Uped neck and anna, full Ihoiuugnly made, soft and plv

yarn, about one hundreddoten. Z _ worth IBc. to »c. eocli. Bargain Q T

Hen’a UiHierww - All the a^dord makee->Roat's, HclAmgatl’s, Norfolk. Cot thM's and othera-all pure Auetrollan F A a wool, Moken asaortment of etow A U C wortn 91 to t l each. Bargain Friday

ee' Mnalla Dnweio, with olnftet deep hems, yoke bandi,aU

worth Me. pan.

Igdlirs’ Oowni, made ot good Arm mna- lin,. tno^e yf^e t

BargainI OIHW

1 2 k

Positively the very greatest values

ever submitted to you. You will do yourself a great injustice unless you

inspect these goods before you make

purchases elsewhere. ,Men’s g*tt*~y

Cthg bt^as ah n used fa

'e have i ea,.aUth

that lor any naHM pea i Not a.nut hi the lot v r 9a. and

Bpriw tBltDi Id blQ« And blMk

3h«vk>^ olCDijr xn*a« uiniTjede d i i* A •oMMoimiBkkfTJKk Rmdcm 4 t d U


ilDSdTtlktlB piItto

ch mlxtorei*

H***! tergm Qklendidlyin •0 leun.]!att^ uMUi'ibif Idisa.r?ii7,50

Mea’a Beige ialH , splendidly tailored the moet popular fabric lor-spring and sum merTw* have them In all aiiea. with single or donblc4reii*ted yeeM. t-totton a* F A sack eoat, e q ^ to the 9M eults at n,A |g other etoiee, tor

M*u*e aani^ooiwjniiir n « t rtripea, checks oni

-bo ■ '■

Meuto apHog BwHe. In casalmerse.'wcr. nd. chevtoti, *11 ^he toUot.taG®^

eom.timollor d ou l.,______ ,lined, full Ftoncl 9lMor..

Man’* 0*4 o eala ead Veets, In clay wtr- :eds. caaalmetea and cheviots. Irregular

rut If we con At you, yon get a wonderful her "worth 9tJP to 9L

M they, an lie they iMt-


1.98Men's Odd Veete, In ctoy worsteds sC A

and GUilmerae, slies ri to 44, worth Q y

Baya’ WOsh Paata, llneim eial& A .. etc., e tot of tods,and ends, im*l! AC;alses only, until Mid............................ to


Bo a ' Koe* Poets, In mixed obey- I J - 11 ■ ^ada, patent walet

Ban* Woeh Balt*, ot exaelleni f A ^ quality, all alxee, only M sulta, whUe I y f : tliey last, choice f o r - *

Bwys’ Odd Caau, In reefer or 2 C _ I I vcetMitylei, email slieeonly, that's A fW ; , . whvtheyoia......................... ..........why they ore

Beya'Btoua* Walata,of Anequal- a A , . * 'Xllar pollM, 4 7 C ' •Ity white

handiomiawn. laiwe sailor 00]

tely erobroid:

Tame at,.-

erod, only......

ss49c■toys* KUt ■dJI*. WMh or otiili


CemblBStloB BiUt O A i^ a iU of


lot. ilcea only.......

lUAu 01 ^

bme chev-

goto quality brown, gray or mixed ohevtots. nicely made, a *r Pnate, saaa* wteMrlal

Beys' ReefOr Balta, of bine chev- I IA to IS. iiloely tailored, | ,| y

9tJe. for...Mea’a Wf rtgg Tea Ceol*. In goto 2 A f i

luqllty grey cnevrota. well made A . y Q Injllnea. worth 9S.M. lor............

Man’ * ageing Tep Coat*, to covttt and,. Oxford gray ntuttniea, very nobr

yokes, cambric rnfHs ive, all sixes, worth 80c.in Friday.....................

Mea’a BUrta. Laundered Collan end Cufla. mode of Gaml*i;s Ptrcalm. 2 ftc* ^ ^ e a , worth 90c. each. Bargain ^ y Q

toedge.fall btoiMi .shouldeis and ^ A Otoedge.fnn brood shonldeis oitd A aqperfectnankjoatlUtethellsecatf l^ y Q elMwhere. Her* at.......................

u and

79cl lM 't F tm u -A line In bln* u d

* ' tkftir.liDbftir Bne 8triptD» •tCt* D fTMt Dig VUMsr'

at...............................................Hea'e »**•* Ponte-A Ane -------------

of wnrsteds, cheviots and caaai- I J A inert*, all “union" mode, well . I . A yworth Bin. for..............................

Tooths’ Leog PobU Salto-Slies 19 to >9 nd fancy cheviots, csestmigea and smceptloually weU m ‘ ‘ • 4 . 3 9

to pliworsted*, exceptional ly wen and Anely Itnea, worth 9TJ0,for.......... .............................

Vawthe* Long Paate-Inhlook, gray wrinancy woretoda, aTl 6 Q C slxea. worto9i Jc, for .. ■•

• to 19, reetoo styles si I to I, worth 9t, for ? -2 .3 9 j

Beys' B-pleee Bulls, In blue and black ' * chevtota and fanoy worsted*, slia* 2 2 A * ' I to le, Anely tailored tbronghout, si 7 1 Iworth 9IJ9, for----------------- s r tt /.c

Bm s ’ CealrnatloB gait*. In bine end * ’ black Mrge, tingle or double'ckMrge.tlngleor double breast- j 2 A 11

veeU, sixes 1 to it, elegauUy 4 . i 1 7 1 , ahto. worth r Jft for................ 7 s w 7 11ed veeU, afxea I to It,Aniahto, worth 9TJlh for

Beys' Golf Caps, plain blue, plaids O r ' and uverplaids....................................... '**

Mea'e Pearl -Alplaeo, light or dark gc n trimming, only a itnoir lot left, f lV C ' wHltotheylat..................................11

Mea'tAlpliweaBdDsrMet.toall A O „ totha new shape* and popular colors. W AC Hatstcre price ll.TS. oar price......... to

Merchant Tailoring.M«b*» i^rlaa

of IftbricABteed, ftkifii that r* par lUJO to lUsOO uuflon.......... .

Moii*8 DroM Troi

B«tu «• Hemrap gnat i }iCB, perfoot aatUfactloD guar- ,

that yon will havo to i^o


Torlety ol laliteeu, suits that yon will have to A A O

91LM to 9is.(n for at merchant y ^ y Q

a n to Meas-nie, dotene of pattern*, perfect At Z . m A i i guaranteed.................................... avs-fvr ^

Men’* ■priag Top Coot* le A A O . . Maaaar*,au tha popular fabric*. y . y A * nobby Anleb and correct At.......... ^

THE 60ERKE COMPANY, I5H i7 Market S t



I & St M l McCitdMii Dwilti i ^ dM r YtrillriWDS'Cfdt—



I 4 h « Cwassanalaalaii ttnvlag U CharB* tlM T aak wl HeeaninieadllBB ■ Vwl-

I ta n a Lave V lalleB Thl* City, Hr, He> Ca^ehaoB D ealarea, fa r Adwiae, i a g - geatlawB awg H*Ia awd A id e that

vqha MetiacBt fa r Ca^ogeratlaw W aa Ig a a red —, Aaaared by B oard at .TVada Measbere that tha Aal la Caa- aldared a Ctoad Oa*.

Th* new acboot law was the subject of I llscusalon before a meeting o f tbe 1 yoarit o f Trad* lost night, when I Apro fram an of th* measure addraesed the li^mbeta. S. St. John McCutcheon, who : srlth Benator stokat, ot Cumberland , County, and J. Brognard Betts, Assistant , State Buperintendent «t Public Instruc-

tton. formed a special cetamlMlon for tha xevlalon ot tbe echool Iowa, was the Arst

' speaker.Mr, McCutcheon eatd that the Aret

thought that came to him wae that this cUy w»* pretty Ule In the field In now

i UUng up the tubJecL He went on to say : that the commission, of which hb-woa a . member, came to this city, ae It went to all ‘ Mbera from Cape May to Sussex County, I to o A for advlA and suggeettona and i,Jielp. But the request tor such co-Opera- t lon '

body shall be named to ootielet of two Board ol Education members, tbe Mayor and two appointed by the financial body. Tou 00 have a board of five membera, only tsto o f which are committed to tha Inter* aela ot the Board of Education. Now Isn't that a fair body to pass upon a school budgat. Whon It eomeo to tha loaiw ot bonds I eay no one but tha taxing body should have that power. Th* new law ed prevtdea.''

A ost Aeeept lb * Law,


1 tton was Ignored and the consequence was tha bill had been ultimately drafted with*

. out aaslatance from any muntclpallty ax-

. cept Camden....., . A Pretty P air Behool Law.

- - medlhere o f that coffimlsalon," oon* -^->yFtauea.Mr, McCtttohaont "welL w*'** hay.^

aeede, and It may seem funny for us to be , tackling a subject of that character. Ben


ntor Stakes fa from South Jersey and i am fyom a little borough up In Somereet, and Mr. Betts U from no one knowe where. He

I m 't saying anything about It. But I feel I He* to lay to you that wo have given you

t pretty fair school law, certainly mi Im- grovement over former one*, f regret that

1 you Were not back of ua, thst you have not helped ue.

' *'Ae to the operation of the law In coun- iCp districts. 1 know perfectly well It la an Ijaprovemem, but when we attempted to

St up an improved uniform law for city d county echoola the trouble began, f roerely wish that the revision as we

propoaod It, had prevailed, that Senator MeCerteria ameodmem had prevailed. We Aoughi It would he actepted, but In the Burry o f the cloee of the Leglalaluiw-that

I Sternal last half hour-the ameudment I was lout. We had hoped to have a pro* I ^ e n In the law that the Boards ot I Bducatlon should be elected at large or ‘ Itopolnted.

."Tour board, na it la now created, la j Itjtely to remain so HU you, by your ‘ fflrm atlre vote, change It. A* to the ud- ' Hlnlecrullou of echool aKalrs, provision la j # e d e tor a auperintendent, the man held

■gyaponalble and to whom the community

with deep concern the expreaglon o f legal advlceot tbe CorporatlosCounsel o f Jersey City, to tbe effect that the provlalona ot the law were unconatltutlonoL I don't know that It to in the mouth ot any one men to eoy the provision for * Board of Battmate to uaconatltutlonaL The bill btfor* Us Introduction had the scrutiny of towyere quit* as able aa Allen McDermott, They agreed that In no respect could the constitutionality be quaalloned. As Gov- amor Voorheca has said. It le your duty and my duty to accept the law aa conetl- tuttonal until the Supreme Court declares It otherwise. I have no bealtatlon In say* Ing that It ought to be brought to a teat at th* very eerlleat raomenL"

Ur. BsUs followed. He laid he hadn't much to odd to whet Ur. McCutcheon Bold and merely emphasised bto agree­ment with hto confrere* In the character of tha law. City Superintendent Charles B. Gilbert, who woe oeked for ble opinion, sold he wai fully convinced that th* new tow In Its meto feeturei would be o f great eervloe to local school government. He regretted tbe referendum clause, but de­clared that the Board of KetlraatO provl- •lon waa admirable. In that it placed re- aponelbimy practlrally upon th* Mayor. The moat Important fealure, and on* that would halp Newark, ha thought, sraa that schoolhouaea can be built without going to the lieglelature lor authority.

L«sr F allh fa lly fttadleilr "The lew Blau makes It imaalble to get

children to school," he concluded. "The present truant law to farcical. W * have an efficient force that by Judicial bull- dosing to able to get children to echool. But It the legal authority were teated It would not stand."

James A. Coe said that It wee A Wrong Impreaslon that Newark hod been alto­gether Indifferent In Its Interest In the new law. Mtny, he said, had studied It faithfully and had Judged It ckosllent.

It was dlicovercd when routine busl- neis wae taken up that there sraa not a quorum present, and the meeting ad- lournej. . ■ '

President R. C. Jenkinaon, g h o recently r o ^ ^ . waaxbsent. and Viee-President Abram RdiHamlld presided. No action waa taken on the fomrer'a resignation. It Was explained that Mr. Jenkitwon was out of tewn. The following were elMtted mem­bers o f the heard: Franklin Murphy, Jr., Jnmes Abercrombie, F. J. ^ y t r , William M, Sommer. W. Campbell Clark, Charles W. Sultobury, Eugene E. Crane, William W. Lyona, Charles B. Gilbert, Otto H. Oppenhclmer, J. Lewis Hey, George M Keasbey, George A, Webber, Joseph 0, Kraecow, A. V. Humbong, William It Baldwin.

Sn m X e a l e n « t S u l k O r u g e

I c A i l i t w i to I d p . '


P etltlaa AaklwB f « Hls R etaatloa Frcaeated a l m MeetlBg o f tbe B oard sa d th* Matter Thaa B roaoh- *d-,CrlllelBm o t Those Opposed to th* kop erla teod eat — Th* io h je e l Laid Over tor A ctloo o t o r o la r * M eetlog.

good dlsctpUnarlan, end B. H. Doyle, a teachar In the ichool, spoke on the same Unet.

Wowld Like It Sotlled.Hr. HcAndrews himeelt said he had

heard ol tha report that be waa to be re­moved, and he would like to have the matter settled at once on* way or the other. Edward F. Church, president of the board, said that be had advised Mr. MoAndre^jtojresIgn. an d^^ .4^M ,^h^ .

waa a probabllUy that he would be re­placed by another man.

After considerable dtocuaaloo the board voted not to . give Mr. McAndrewe any deffnite reply in connection with hto po­sition until a further end more thorough Investigation could be made. It was de­cided to hold another meeting next Wednesday night, when the question will be again brought up.

Mr. McAndrews haa been school auper­intendent In South Orange lor seven year*. He lucceeded County Superintend­ent E. C, Sherman.



'.JJnrfjntofliiif '’rimi %“i* *ii'T*tntnf - to tke V k k i t j i f M l S in e t,

T eiten U jr A fto n a o i .



It wae brought out at a meeting o f the South Orange Township Board o l Bduca­tlon last night that some of the raembere of the board desired to have the present Township Superintendent o f Schoola, George J. HcAndrews, resign,

Th* matter came up when a petition asking for Ur. HcAndrewi'i retention was preoentsd. The petition cootolnsd over MO Signatures, and It was.stated that had Hr, HcAndrewe'e friends knesm before lost Monday that there was a movement on foot to force him to resign tbay would have 'had little trouble In securing I,WO signatures.

Former Township Commlttosman John Walker preqpnted the petition. He aeld ha considered that It waa unfair and unjust to both Mr. McAndresra and the communi­ty to refuse to fetain Mr. HcAndrews un­til It had been clearly proven that it was bsat to make a change. Mr. Walker added thet he thought It very queer that the question of making such a change was kept quiet until after the annuel echool election last month, end that It appeared to him that "there was some funny buil neea on."

Mr. M cA i.,, “ bgd.The townehip schooliL *«n Waikdr asld,

were reported at the annual echool meet­ing ea being In an "A l" condition, but now, for some reason or other, there were some membera of tha Board of BdacatICn who had changed thalr opinion* in this regard. James H. Longalroth spoke In the ae|ne alraln. end Thomas Bundle made an

Sud the Board of Education look for re- ults, Tlten thera la whut we call's bual-

Beas msnager—you can call him whxt you ^ a * « , but be has charge of the proper-

A llwnvgl of Ealimate..^''The first material departuru from the

t P'bTtolon for a Booed Estimate to determine upon how much I laoney tha schuoto shall huva. it la not I ^peitoent upon the Common Council orI I'll ----Inonclal Board of n city. In Pennsyb

Wanla thu Echool Boards, have power to■Af tha amounts. Thai, 1 think, to too urge a power. A man gets Uuerostejl InKlucotlonal work and soon heglna to rea- ■Bu that Ciere's nothlilg too good for JbA'

bools. I d tale dealt* to lecpeife 'gnd-S -' V* fadUttes he to ^ to show a t*n- — to extravagance. Be 1 don't think

. t* matters eh'ouhl beNmid M. DUMird llkeljf to bo thus pfsju* Nor- should tbe I^ rd be left to

la mercy of Common Council to com* in ~ approprtotioBB after police and fire-

‘'l^itolone. It must be expeotod thathoola will thus get the teg end ot

M ayor PeyKOar “ Towetoee the Rnl- lo n " al Kaeb*r>*’a Hail.

A display of electrical apparatus and ap- pllaiicea of many kinds waa opened In llaeberla’a Hall, Springfield avenue, last night under the auspices of the Inter­national Brotherhood o f Bllctrtcal Work­er*. The dlaptoy was so arranged that tbe mechanical piece* could be set In opera­tion by th* pressing of e biitlon, and to Mayor Seymour wes delegated th* honor of formnlly opening the show.

After the Mayor had "touched the but­ton" ho made a ftvv remarks, during which be expreiaed pleasure at being Invited to officiate at the opening. The Mayor re­ferred to the wonderful strides which have been made In utlliilng electricity tor commercial end industrial purpoaea,

He said he could remember the time when th* expert electricians In New Jer­sey could be counted almost upon th* fingers of n mnn's bond; now, he added, there was an army of them. Though not an electrician hlmselr, the Mayor went on to lay that he was somewhat familiar with electrical apparatus, and be went on to #*y that one of tl)e first dynamo* evuto. Used for commercial purpoaea waa turned out In hto shopjcvifir dest*n* fnentohad. bv

.-i ’Though the weather wae unpleasant, there v ia a fair attendenee at the show, and many novelUee In the way o f elec­trical appllanecs ware exhibited. One of the features of the display to a demonetra- tlon o f srtretoea telegraphy. >(11* exhlbl- tton srlll be continued to-nlgbt and to­morrow night.

adarcss In which, h* eulogised Mr, McAn­drews. He also gave a list of a number of young people who bad bsen gradutted from th* South Orange High School under Mr, McAndrdw* end who bed entered col- toxsk I ' 1 f i

I-Udwlg Batt, F ^ e r lc k A. Helmlnger and John Hannon, alio made epeechea. criticising those who showed a dtoposl- tlon to oust the echool superintendent.

N R Burgbardt. tbe clerk of the board, stated that he certainly would not b* a party tn anything that waa unfMr. He would not vote to oust Hr. TMAhdrewi If It was shown that th* man was thor­oughly eotnpetant. It It was found, how­ever. that Ur. MeAndrews wea not com­petent, Ur. Buighardt said, ht could not feel that he was doing ht* honeet duty it be refused to vot* against retaining the superintendent, Mr. iturghtrdt declared he woe only anxious to do bto duty hon estly gnd feariesely.

Edward A. Wallace said he wa* ot the opinion that Mr. McAndrewe waa not a


T w e Bwlleta A im ed b y Chief wf F o- llc e Collins B’ln a lly Ended Its Life, fo v e ra l D oca B itten and • ham bei o f People H od Novrosr Beeapee, The Osvner o l the Anim al Not K oosm .

Orndantea a t the Cem m erelat De- partmosit B n loy a Peaat aa d

Heap lo ia e Rpeaklap.Over 100 members and friends attended

the tenth annual banquet o f the alumni of the Newark Public High School, which was held ih Jacoby’s Hall last night. The asaoctotlon to oompoaed of the gtodnatea ot the commercial department ot tbe •chool.

After the dtocussloo o f an elaborate menu. President Victor Jacoby. 'M, called the assemblage to order and Introduced Superintendent Charles B. OllherL Th* latter. In a felicitous address, presented to Dr. Edmund O. Hovey, principal emeritus o f the^ tek Behool. a series ot taandaom*- ly engrtliiia resolutions adopted by the asaoctotlon. Dr. Hovey, who wo# ytolbly affected, returned thanks In a few words.

Rev. Oils A. Qtosebrook, ot BUoabeib. chaplain of th* Second Regiment, Nation­al Guard of New Jersey, responded to tbe toast, "Th* Public School, a Controlling Faotor In Jr** Oovemmept," Mr. Qlase- brook was frOquently apptoudad during hto oddreas, in the coura* ot which he paid a glowing tribute to the value ot the public echool system.. John 8. Gibson told about tbs Bhancea o f th* city and was heard with close at­tention. James L. Mays, presideDt o f ttae State Board ot Education, w oi to have mad* an address, but a telegram from Ocean Grove conveyed to th* noeocletlon hto regrets at hls InablUty to bo present. During .the evening A. OaWItt Pextoh told a number of humorous etorie*.

The eucoaes of the dinner woe due to the effortn ot the Executive Commute*, com­posed ot the foUowIng ruembem Eugene Eagles, Jr„ ’W; WUIlem P. Smith. ’(S; Herbert L. Tbowless, 'H; Victor Jacoby, '«fL Warren' B, Stout. '90; Hugo C. Slppel. ■Mi Harry P- HavelL 'H; Miobael J. Qulg- tot, 'H: Alfred L. Stahl, 'M; Clarence A R^we, ■91, end WiUtom Dlebold. 'M.

a l a r m w e n t O p r.

P atagon ia ■ B ird Sooght ■tooedeiot hot C oold Not |e|ad IW Prlomdly ,JKwMawJaiieJ to,H a« dP o l Po Hwo,


find Flo'or,

Ma<le of every variety of fashionable 'Vash fabric, Inclntlinsr Mercerized 8ea-

“ 4 Jttntsanil me' S $ o i h g etUiOkiii

budgets.’ 'tow provtdee ikjit on Intennedtoto

Blaborftto Bodices of 811k, Chiffon, Lace and 'Ifovelty Materials for Theatre or general Evening wear.

It Rowoad Ik* K ltek ol H a a o o M d f kntNo T k le y o a v re re Pownd.

What- to believed to have been an at­tempt to rob tbs hoos* o f Jomoa T. Klt- chel, at no Hlverstd* avenue, tarty ihlt morning, woe frustrated by the ringing of a burglar alarm. Although a tlmrough search waa made In tha vicinity no trace of the supposed houeebrexkeri could be found.

SoiM years ago the Kltohal houe* we* anttrsd and robbed, and elnce then tbe family hoe been on th* alert. A little be­fore I o'clock this morning Mr*. Kltchel was kwakened by th* barking ot * dog be­longing to the family next door. Fearing that thieves were about to make another visit abe listened Intently for awhile and, hearing no other aound, decided not to awaken the household. The dog quieted down, but a few mlnuto* toter the burg­lar alarm In the Kltchel houe* went off. Without waiting to arm himself Mr. Klt- ohel hurried downatelr*.

The Indicator on the alarm showed that the atUfehmente on on* o f the parlor win­dow* bad either slipped or bad been tam­pered with'. Mr. jaw hel mhd» an'exam- Inatlon ot the'iwom, hut found nothing bat ot htooe.. . T '

tn tbemeantlnM Georg* B. Douglas, who redd** with .the family, Brad a Tsvalver out o f hto hodroom sriDdow, The ahoto brought Policemen Schaffer and Parraher to th* ploca but they oonld find no avl- deuce that any oh* bad tried lo*entar lb* bouts.

A Newfoundland dog went mad In the vlolnlty of John atreet, Bloomfield, yebter- day afternoon, end tor an hour there wti great excitement In thet locality. Th* animal bit several dog*, and a number ot persons narrowly escaped being bitten. The dog finally ran Into a oettor. Where It was bombarded with atone* end fired at until It was killed by a shot fired by Chief ot Police L. M. ColUns.

Th* dog flrit attacked a horee driven by a peddler named Martin. Martin drove the animal off before it could do any harm. Tbe dog then ran up Montgomery itreet, biting two doge on the w */. Several pery sons bad to make good time to get out of the way of-the infuriated animal. The dope coutpe' wae then to John atreet, where it ran Into th e yard of Frank Namakl'e house. J t bit N a n «k f» flog and killed two o f bto game rooetera A gen­eral alerm of "Had dog!" had by this time been imat dut, end a number of men armed themselves and gave chai*. The dog ran Into the yard ot Henry Hett's houie and into tbs cellar ot th* butldlhg By tble time It bad bitten halt a doienilo**-

Thtt P w elllade Begin*.To prevent Its escape the cellar door

was cloaeiC and then an attack on the animal w*a ntade through th* windows. It was dark In the cellar, and It could not be told whether tbe fusllade wia ef- fectuaL When Chief ColUna arrived he hsd a lenterh. and by Iti ray* was able to locate th* dog tn a comer ot the cellar. He put two buUsts Into Its body and killed IL . .

It wei found that the dog hod been shot several Umea before the fatal bullets were fired.

Some of th* dogs bitten were killed and other* were ,U*d up to await develop- inenta.

Tha dope owner la not known, but It Is believed that I t ‘belonged In Belleville.

When the jadtem ent was at Us height word waa sont to th* teachers at the Fslrvlew SfihbOl not to release the pupils until all danger Vrrui over.


Vletlm nt CnlUalon In B elleville A re- nne G els f l JWO Onmagea.

George Buchanan, twenty years old, e lithographer, o f 149 Verona avenue, to the first of thoe* Injured tn a collision between two trolley «5ra In Bellevllte avenue, near Crone atreet, on March II last, to obtain a verdict for damagee against the North Jersey .Strwbt Railway Company. Th* verdict was tor tl.fiOO and was awsrded to- dny In the Circuit Court srlthout a trial by a' Jury Under Judge Swaym’s direction. Chertm L. Borgmeyer. counsel for th* defendant campeny, admitted It* Itoblllly,

Buchanen, who le a minor, brought eult through hto father, Henry S. Buchtiun, Both declared tbemselvee ae ssttofled sritb the award.

There waa a flurry In Jones street last night, th* cauee o f which waa tbe sudden vtoltatlon ot a Palagonlsn owl that had become frightened' whlto at He adopted home In Boyden street and had Sown to seek more peaceful quartera The bird was senslGve, having been transferred from the rural freedom ot a quiet and i wooded country to the stuffy atmosphere ot a Newark tenement-houee, where It wa* glared at by tha children ot the neighborhood, who did not hesitate to poke stichs at It. '

Tantallied beyond measure the owl broke through Its frail confines and leaped to winged liberty, which, however, woe very short lived, Now It hoole and broods In the same cage again, tbe picture ot heavy melancholy and dark despBr, The bam ot tbe cage have' been fortified, with wire and there to little hop* that th* owl will ever.regain Its freedom.

O w l gkot Near L roa* Parm s,The Utd wes first pieced In captlvlly

after It bed been shot In a woods near Lyons Farm*. There a n few sportamen. It was eald .on the "HIU" to-day. who would ponilder an owl fair game, yet th* gallant hunter who looked for vlctlma ot hls gun In the wood* picked off the owl becaoe* i t wae an easy and steady mark. It waa parchad high on a withered tree unable to ee* tn the daylight and probably In a deep eleap, when the hunter’s gun belched forth a blast of shot. Tbe owl felt'to the ground and moaned In Its mournful fashion.

Th* epoiilraan who ehot It ran gleefully to lbs spot and picket It up. A ball ot totd.had pienelrated one ot the wings. Tha wound waa not ot a destructive nature and It had only itunned the bird, which was quickly revived. Th* gam* hunter, delighted srith bto prowess, brought th* owl to Nesmtk and presented. It to hto friend, 'William Troescher, ot IM Boyden street. Troeoeber at lint expected th* capUv* to ling. He declared to friandt that he hod been mad* the recipient ot a magnllloent robin jw d.he Invjted them to call at hto ptoe* and look at it.

A Patadtewlaa Bird.Among thoe* who called wee a stIJFr

who had., during year* of ocean travel,' touched at all the Mediterranean porta and had, InoldenUtly. itopped over for a few weeka at Patagonia, which to famoua for ite crooning owto and plcturaaque par­rots.

"If that bird elnga," oaJd the eollor, 'TH stand on rily bead for a week and chew Manila hemp. On* o f them beasts flew aboard eblp In a storm and we could never get a word out ot him. I've seen them alt for days on a reefed hulk without utter­ing n n ote ' It’* an owl and comes from Patagonia at that”

Troescher was not inclined to believe the sailor, so he offered the owl canary seeA. but this It refuted.

"It to a little nervoue," he declared, to hls wife, "and will not elng until It bs- come* composed." ^

Th* chlldmn o f the vldnlty paid d a w vlette to the Troescher bom* and probw the bird and urged It to breek forffc In •ong. It hridt* forth from the oage patlenm oaased to bs endurable, w .9 0 ^ ly sought for th* old tree In !■■ N®™* adjacent to Lyone Pomm, ThM I® “ dT ” landed In Jones street.

T h e Nel«kherh*H»41 AtWIweA It wae eeen f l a p ^ W»

In tha air over UtoW p jr iy hiffd nelghborboqd wM «»W*®!L 5 * .| S r ^ chteed fmm on . ^

s TERNBERG’33 0 -23 4 M driM td t. s

Trimmed Hats!W e are justly proud of

our collection— because of its beauty and novelty. In it are copies of the best of the importesd designs and many novel effects from the leading New York milliners. You can get a thoroughly stylish hat as low as

3.50.And j ’ou needn’t la y cash for it, either, for W E ’ L L T R U S T Y O U 1

For $2.45A Parlor d o c k — imitation o f marble. Dial highly pduhed and looks like gold. 8-dav. Strikes every baM hour— well, it's hand­some enough for any Home, no matter how beautiful Its furnish- ings.


CMflnatien Preseits. tSolid QoM Rtnc*, 9><m) up * J E a r-R In if, • * Id lA a p '^ QoM BrooebM , • 2.90 up

H. Aurnham ffler,2Z4SDrhfnrid An,,Cor.BBaGMSt

AUCTION SALE I919 999 F i r m AVBkink, sea*

99Ui BL, NSW Tech.J. CORDON NOAKES. AuctlaBttr.

Will sell Ato werii udnoG W9*fe.

finaUy tell eihifiMtoS.'B99MK:■ “ ■ ■“ . r ? . ’

the owl to

II. Them w «m B*i street a t HI* UBM> t h e o w lt o * '"Hon. tU T * M to t* eturwkra;

. . pgmona to the ■9 the boyi took

lAct PoUa* BU- owl wee deitv-

the desk and was

BaA la y .» A. i t and 9.-M P. M.' ftr Older

D Q N C H IA N B R O S.,, Importen, >TI Broadway, K. T.






Tmlley Company Win* M LEttot* Floj

obtain a vei the

iiiey uimpaay win* gu i.

Dessert)Charged With steaUag * Oaat.

On a Charge of atcaUlw a ooat and over- cM t from William Litne, o f TT Bummeravmue, GeCiwe apenOer, twenty-eight

■■ of *0 Empr " ‘ ■years old,

t e 9 « l W « S W * i tbs famUy every ' ' “ “ " ‘ “TtttKNIay. TryJMMy,

‘ ^"Tlbliri daeseiL Ihr*. ^«*haIltjli|laobM|.

___u e lt street, waa ar-rrignad before Judge E atrij^ . In th* First Precinct Police Cohit t i^ ntomlnf. He was held In deteult ot I m ball for the Grand Jun. apmmr oatM at th* tut abop ot wkarlmi A Cq,, l a Ooromerce

yeetordty and aatotlb* wag an elac- I la fXMUM Ibq motor. He was


n,4ayte, tn the Otficult Florentlnl claimed that

WosIBal* sad Bsarby,Pay day on tbs Westfield and BIlMbeth

Wreetjtotivmy 9mrk hai been changedJantBS McGrBBrv & GOhtoUIIIHW m w e f iw w i i nm mwep ft holding an Inetltate thle after.noon to th* WeaUteld Presbyterian C h m b Bundty-schoCI room. Servio** will be Mid•riveiifcy>tlilrd 8tr«eL

ffew Turk.

w m 19. 3Xctimrfi (Ewcning ^ t m . P M II TO I


T«vi C«mcB SfMb tf tk tapvtnoe•t Stevie; a kl^ S ifp Ir «I

Mkiag Water.


■tatu tm lro«i 111# PIr# D e *«r l«»» t » « lh« Haaltk B ««r * -T k « “H«B« U Ik* kokool r » i i* k»a Ik# T#WB r # » * -T k # C#«##rli. •■■I- met IflKkli, Ikaalk B# C#Btt>##«.

f o r m oK A iiaB n t i c A U

Th« knnu»l riport o f th# BloomlloKl Town Council, coverini th# ti»n#»ctlon» o f Ihi town»hlp o f Bloomflcld and th* town of. BtoomOcld tor tb« y*ar andlnt Slarcb 1, baa ts#en mad# publlo. It flvaa apodal atWuOon to th# matter of a#w- ora and wat#r aupply. Conoornln* a#w#ra It la atated that tha comtnlaalonara ap- pointed to aa###* th* twneflta cbar(«abl# upon nroparty-Otttiar* apaclally b#n«Bted have mad* a report. Th# amount aaaaaaed upon Individual property-owner* wa* |1«.- M4.U, and upon the town*blp-at-lart* ttO,- OM). litany taxpayera hav# paid In full tor their aaeecamenta, and th# amount r«- malnlni unpaid charfoable aialnet the property o f Individual cltlaena baa been funded In a loan at tour per cent., pay- kUlo la ten year*.

The townahlp haa th* option o f payinf any part of thlo loan at any Intereet period after UW. Tha amouht *o funded wae |M,0». The aaaeaatnent upon the town ahlp-at-larie wee funded In bond* hear Ins four per cent. Intereet and payable January II, 19W. The premium eecured on the** bcmdi amounted to

T he W ater Sapply,Concerning th* water aupply the report

atated that "more than uaual complaint" haa come to the Council during the year of the quality of water furntahed by the Orange Water Compeny. Frequent analy- ■la ta aald to have ahown material deteri­oration in quality. The CDntrdct expire* In IMI, and the Importance of the Incom­ing Council aecurlng i full eupply of potablo water tor the town la referred to.

The report o f tho Chief Engineer of th* Hr* department la Included In tha Coun- cire etatement. Thla report ahowa the loea#a during tha year to have been HMH); Iniurance paid thereon, tlf.W . The Chief •uggeata that the atiinglng of wire* In th* centra o f the town be reetricted.

V ita l ■tallatlea.The report of V^lUlam L. Johnaon, Reg-

latrar of Vital StAtlatlc*. ahowa that dur­ing the year ending Uarch 1, there were in caia# o f contagloua dlaeaaea, with only alx death* Tha dtaeaaeB, number of caaea and daatbi wera aa follow* i

Dlteaaet. Caie*. Death*.Meaalet ............................. MChicken-pox................... ......... 1Typhoid fev er .....................- - - I 1Diphtheria ..................................M 4Scarlet fe v e r ....................... » 1Bmellpox ......... I

Total*'............. ...................... isi "iThere were 111 death* from all other

cauae*. Thera were reported during tha year IM blrtba aad alxty-alght iharrlagee. The ratio o f deaiha tu population waa twelve to a thouaand.

The Council call* attention to the dealr- ahtllty of the continuance of the atunmer night concert* In the park, and itatee that a general contribution ahould be mode to cover the expenae.

Tk# T # w # ’a Flkkneea.The outatandlng llaUlltlea of th* town of

Bloomfleld, incluilve of the achool dlatticl. are aa followa;

Sewer Obligation#—Outlet eewer, townrgt-larf*, W ,0H; aeaetaed on property brneflted, tM-WO; total, atreet Im­provement, tre.0M: Boating debt, avbool debt, tlSAOMI. making a grand total o f »(fu,(na,

In the aehanl fund, tfaer# la oaah on hand amounting to tU.TW.U to cover th* current atpenuM to the cloee o f the year; alao caah on hand amounting to |M,«1.11, ralaad by Isauo of bond*. The tatter aum la for con- atmctlon purpoeea, and 1* drawing Inter­est. In the town fund there Is caih on hand amounting to K1.M1.U. Thla aura la the.unexpended balance derived from the sale of bond* for road conetructlon and la also drawing Interest. A balance of tl,8IO.H tor general town purpoae* I* alao on Imnd.

During the year over A W feet of aide- walk* hav* been laid, exhausting the ap­propriation made.

All disputed queetlone with Qlen Ridge Borough have been lettled.

Work #1 Ckarkl Class i#l#t#t# M#ok Appr##iat#d.

Tha South Orange choral cUaa held a mutical laet night at tha realdenc* of Ur*. George W. Hodge# In SootUnd road. South Orange, under the direction of Mr#. FrankG. Haughwout The aololite wSr* Signor Auturo Hutmi, 8. Flaeher Miller, U li* Nellie Davl*. Ula* lean Sinclair and Hta* Ethel L. Anderaon w#r# the acoompanlet*.

The number* were all well recelvad by a large audience, and the ^ork o f the Bololita and accompanlat* wa* especially good. Tho#* In th# choral claaa w«re:

Flrat aopTano*, Mra Oecar Schoener, Mri. John Walto, Mr*. Wlnlhrop Mead, Mr*. Spencar Miller and Ulaa EUle Swaaey; second aoprenoa, Ufa. George Enger, Mrs. George W. Hodges, Mia# Au- gutta Johnaon and Mlat 1.011* SmHh; altoA Mr*. W'lniam Metcalf. Mr* JohnH. Bradahaw, Mias Susan Chandler, MIS* Mary Swaaey, Mra. Uugene V. Gannett, Mr*. Robert Sinclair and Mra. N. W. Halsey.

The officer* o f tha organlaatlon* ara: Pteeldant, Mra. Eugene V. Connett; pec* retary, Mlaa Suaan Chandler; dlreolor, Mr*. Frank G. Haughwout.


Ab S B atn C#ltllBB Obboc at the E*> s«x COBBty COBBlry Clmk.

Tees ■t#«#ptl#B*.

R o t A i a IW a k i n griDWDilt



An Baiter coUllon cloalng the aeHea ar-, ^ home frpm work laat woek.loatja a mwa —— V i I w a Wa AW T\w walm *


Ckarl#B O reaew B ldcr Take* ra r la Qr##B to B#d 111# Tr##kl##*

Charle# Orenewalder, forty-ali y#ara old, o f T1 Ootihart atreet, died at Bt. Bamabaa'a Hospital thla morning from th# effects o f a dose of paiia green, taken arlth suicidal Infant at hla home early laat night H* teavei a widow and Ova children. ,

Of#n#wald#r, tor severel y**ra past, had much atokneaa - In hli household and be- slda* hla family alao supported an Invalid father. Ik * trouble caused him to grow daspondant and la beUeved by hla biand* «o hav* affactod hli mind. Qrentwaldar,


. 1 k «( lBT#*<lgBtl#B #1 All#galt#Ba P kefarreg b y • W o m b b .

lertona ohargta against Patrolman Will- lain Rtlcklc*, of the Second Precinct, were heard by the Board o f Poltc* Commlialon- #r* ye#tarday. The officer was auipended

Sindtng hit tiial, which w ti let tor next ondly nightTechnically, SUcklaa wee charged with

conduct unbecoming an officer and a gen- tlemaiu SpoclOeally, he wia accueed of Improve relatione with two women, neither o f whom 1* hla wife.

A woman, deacrlbed by th* polio* board jafficlal# ag Mra. Mery Clark, o f IN Bank xtMet wa* th* patrplman'e accuser. She eold hat gtofy to Chlaf Honmr on Tueeday, knd yeitcrday th* repeated It to the Com- ■jnliatoneya. The proceeding# took place In ektoutlv# sernlon, but what the woman had aald wag afterward Itamod from her.

Tbs woman aald eh* teattfled that 4 C M M iMMl aupported her for about six want i . .fh d qdmittsd that she knew Sb* ffilia waa married whan ah# M«t Waa Recantty, the went on, Btlcklaa kad retuied to provid# for her and her child any tobgailr. On Monday night, loam, (ng where tU ^aa to be on duty, aha went

'to C en trp l'l^ n u o and Flrat atreet to make ad * A M 1 to him.

"I fotiid him ta lk inaM th a woman and I thought i f he cou l^ kp port bet In addition' to h lr own family be could sup­port m# alao. I want up to apeak (o him tad the other woman attacked me. Stickle* ran away , and Md and anothar policeman c « M running up to *** what trouble was, U# rappad for aaMitanc#, hut

. BtMila# «U a#t r*Hi)and.‘' i The enoountar between th* Women, *o-

oordlng to eye wltn*«*e* o f th* taatr,'W tc very Here# while It Ikated. They had cllnchad. but were afterward_*eparalad by aom* o f th# men In the iTrowd which Qulekly SaAerM . Both boa# wunka od flw fray; n was Patrotatn AUlaton who SIB up be q|u#|l th* dlaturbanoA He advtgA th# Clark woman to makg a chaTga agalBiat the othtr woman btfore Judg*

rangod by Ml#* florance Elisabeth Davie, Mlaa Edith Toung and Mlat Mary Gardi­ner Bach, wa* glvan laet night In Berk#- ley Hall, Harrleon atreet. Eaat Orange, Th* patroneai#* were Mrt. James B. Bach, Mra. Charle* W, Betta, Mr*. John P. Davla, Mra. Thom** 8. P, Filch, Hr*. Louie D. GaUliom Mra Cyrue Hitchcock. Mre. Arthur O. Hoffman, Mr*. William Maraton and Mra K. W. Young. A large number of the younger eoclety ect were present.

Th* Eeaei County Country Club waa the scene o f a dance laet night, It being the closing an* o f the aertea arranged by Erneat A. Smith and Clarence Crocker. Th* patroneaae* were Ur*. Frank Q. Btr- itow, Mra. William A. Crocker, Mr*. Henry M. Smith, Ur*. Frank H. Scott, Mra. John E. Davay and U ra Herbert B- Atha.

Mrs. John H. Glffln, of 111 Lincoln ave­nue. Orange, and U ra William Barr, of Clarendon place. Orange, geve a recep­tion reaterday afternoon at the reeldenc* of Mre. Glffln. In honor of their daughter*. Ulaa Florence G flln and Ulaa Grace Barr. Six hundred InvIUtlona were Uaued for the reception, and a larg* number of friends called during th* houra which were from 1 until T o'clock. Thoa* who atslsted In receiving were Ura. James Barr and Mlat Baritow, of New York; Mr*. Franklin W. Glffln, Ulaa Truman, Mlaa Condlcl. Mlaa Carrie Ferrli, Mlaa Eliiabeth Day, Mlat Elltabeth Mecabe and Ulis EUiabrth Dana, o f tho Orange* Mrt. John McKean and Ulaa Charlotte Barr poured. Tho houe* waa elaborately decorated with cut flower* and palma and In the evening a tapper and card party waa given to the members of the recelv log party aod their escort*.

The reception given th* Rev. Frank MacDaniel and hla wilt, Mra HacDanlel by members of the Flrat Methodist Church, Orange, last night, waa well attended des­pite tho weather. The flrat number on the programme was an organ prelude by C.J. Wambaugh. the organlat of the church. Thla was followed by a aolo. "The Ulaslon of the Rose," by Mra Green, the aoprano of the choir. Mrs. S. C. Merwtn. o f Glen Ridge, then recited two poems. A vocal duet was given by Mlsa Mabel and Ulsa Ella Green, and Mr*. Merwin gave read­ing* Ur*. West then gave a aolo. Mr. Merwin tddreeaed the pastor, and Hr. MacDaniel responded. The church people were presented to the pastor, and refreah- ments were served In the chapel. The chapel waa dadoraltd with flowara and bannera.

An Illustrated lecture on "South Atrte#. Oom Paul and Hla Peopk, Their Struggle for Independence," wx* given at the Or­ange Y. U. C. A. leet night by Captain H. E. W. Campbell. Me traced the history of the Bo#n, end dee^bed their cbarac- teriatlc* In an Interettlng manner.

John Drew will present "A Tyranny Of Tears" In Orango Music Hall to-night tor the benefit o f th* Record Ambulance.

The Blondella will preaoot the mualcal comedy, "The ICatxenJammer Klda" in Orange Muelo Hall Saturday afternoon and night.

The Orange Wanderer* will hold a ball In Library Hall, Main atreet. Orange, Monday night

Two baao ball teama madt up o f mem­bers of the Orange Wandereti will play a game on Sunday afternoon.

Reunion servicoa In connection with the twenty.flfth annlverta^ o f the Flrat Re­formed Church, of Eaat Orange, will be held to-night Uembera o f . the Newark Class Is will speak. Other speakers will be Rov. Dr. Anthony Schuyler, rector of Grace Church. Oraitfe: Rev. Dr. William Haye* Ward, Rev. Dr. R. M. Luther, Rev. Dr. Henry Bpellmeyer, Rev. Dr. A. Nel- eon HoHlfleld and Rev. Dr. Haley, of New-

, nrk.Rev, J. H. Murray, o f New York, will

speak at the men'* meeting, at the Orange Y. U. C. A., on Sunday* afternoon, and Mlaa Uabel Brown will itng contralto soloa. '

la WDBaBB'* Realia,Th* aubjeft *» yeaterday'a meeting o f th#

Woman'# Club o f Orange was "John Rutkln,” the meeting being In charge of the department o f literature, o f which Ulaa Carrie Loula* Boyle n la chairman. Before the {programme wa* taken up a memorial to th* late Mlsa Emma L, Llndsley m i read by Mra. Charle# X Pr#*cott, th# tribut# having been prepared by Mlaa Lucy E. Day. Musical selection* war# given by Miss Minna Lang and Mia# Rita V. Z. Cobb. Mra. Edward X Law- lete'a paper on "John Ruakin and Hla In­fluence" waa read by Mias Boyltn, Mr*. Henry P. Kirby read a paper on "John Ruakln-CrlUc o f th* Fine Arts," and Miss Woodruff gave an address on "Praetar- Ita." It waa announced that th# annl- veriary reception of the club .thla year would be held at th* Eaae* County Coun­try Club on May IL

.............. ' .....................


'th* aovalop* containing hla week's wag#a and thla loaa aggravated bis condition so that ha almost constantly complalntd of hit Ul-luck.

Early last night bo went to hla room, and, aftar ttaylag there for a few min­utes, returned and told hla wife that be had iwailowed polaon, Mra Ortnewal- der at one* sent for a physician. Prompt trealm#m was administered, but the poison had uk *o a strong hold. Th* vie- tim wa* efterm rd removed to St. Bama- bai's Moepltal In the Third Police Pre­cinct ambulance, where be became un­conscious,

— — a— ■BEAL E iT A T B TBANgFEIlI.

The following deed! were ncorded with the County Regleter yeetorday;Stamp*.

NEWARK.II « 1-Grennlt* M. Woeka et ux to

Forest Hilt Asaoclatlon, n s Verona av 60 w Ir Lake et,60*110 ...................................... II

1 00-Sayer 8 . Martin to Vito Gala- brese et ux. w ■ Morris av 31■ fr Mth av, llxU ................ I

6 00-John Felix et ux to Mary U.Ebert, n e cor Wright at andSherman av, E xW ............. l.kio

lOO-John Vetiel et ux to Bami^ Harrle, w a Belmont av OOO n fr Klnnay at, ExlOO' e a Wallace at Ol a fr Darklane, (Oxtl....................... 1

60-Henry A, Lyon to Henry Jerolamon, a w a WilliamR^mond, IRxM ................... 1

1 60-Atwond L. D* Coster to Henry Milter, a w * Elm at476 n w fr Lang at, SxN ....... 1.33:

.... —Oecar Naundorff to Richard F. Graul, a w e Elm at 60*n w fr Lang at, 16xH.......... 1

.... —Oecar Naundorff to Henry Miller. I w ■ Elm at 470 n wfr Lang at, XzM.......... ........ 1

6 60-Henry f . Osborne el al to United Real Estate Com­pany, Old Wheeler Point rd , and Henry E. Richard*...... 1

6 50—M, Adelaide Pierson and Will­iam P. Field, exra, etc, to United Real Estate Com­peny, Old Wheeler Point rdand Henry E. Richards.......

60-William P. Coo et ux to United Real Estate Com­pany, Old Wheeler Point rdand Henry E. Richard*.......

8 OO-Joeeph Kohl et u* to Guatav A. Epplnger, n e a Barclay at m n fr Spruce el, » * » . . ..

a OO—Peter Jennings et ux to Will­iam F. Yeoman*, w a South Eighteenth at 660 w fr Four­teenth av, SxlW; w a ^ uth Eighteenth at »7 n fr Thir­teenth av, 83*60.............. ; . . .

* OO-Wllllam F. Yeomans to Pe­ter Jennings et u*. w i aputh Sixteenth at 660 w fr Fourteenth av, 36*10^ w a South Klahleenth at B n fr

J IBlTteeolh a v .flxW ..... .. . . . .

600 n fr I-ang at, S iN ...,. TOWNSHIPS.

100-Susan A. Martin to Danlal B. Halstead, Montclair, n a cor Lexington av and Elm■t, 103x300........... ...................

160—EHiaheth W. Conduit to Thomas E. BUtterthwalte. Franklin, a a Hlfhflold Ian*100 w fr Walnut. IRxIW....

a OO—Trivott A Walter* Co to Fan­nie N. Flah, East Orange, e a North Seventeenth et (7n fr William at. kUxlG......a ,000

14 OO-Pater R. Letson et al*_ to Trivett A Water* Co, Bait Orange, n w cor Park av and Nortb Seventeenth at, 136x133; a a cor Fourth av and North Eighteenth at,IDgxMI ........................ ..........

7 OO—Henry Jerolamon et _uz to i . Howell Jonse, * South Orange, lot 31 Tlllou road tract, S4IX1.1W......................

i s r s



Cilia### W aal Tick#!# 0««<l All 'Throagh th# ••raagli,

A public muettng w#a held In the Vatla- b u r^ Borough H#ll l*#l night to diacuu the question o f securing trolley tranifert good #11 through ith* borough. At present tranaCera ir# only good *« tar a# Munn avenua, Th* Common Council arranged for th# masting and than was a larg# at- tendanc#.

William Walshtr was ohalrman and William BllUngton *#cr«lary. Th# chair­man told of th# graat n*#d of having tranafars for a alngl# fart, and h« ttatad that b# thought tha trollay company would grant th# favor if th# matter waa explained thoroughly. Th# giving of tranatar# would greatly Incieaie traffic, and th* company would h# beneflted aa well aa realdenta of Vallabhrgb,

Addreaae# war* also mad* by Mr. Btl- llngton. John Weliher, J. J. Rows. L. W. Douglaaa, Wlleoa Kent and Albert Scott.

John Wtlsher finally made a motion, which was carried, to the effect that th* chairman appoint a coromllle# of twelv* cltlaena, to act with th# Mayor and Coun­cil of th# borough, to wait upon th# o f­ficial# o f th# North Jeraey Traction Com­pany and requeat that transfers be given. The following were *pi»lnt*d on th# com- mltt##: J. J. Rowe, L. W. Dnuglaas, John Weleber, O. B. Boarder, William Homteh, Jr., William Spangler, Wilson Kent, Wlll^ lam Ebert, John Oerrabrant, Albert Scott* Charle# Smith and John Ericaon. The committee will meet with the Mayor and Council In a few day* and arrange tor a conferonc# with the trolley offioiala

■I" -------------■l#«Biff#ld and Meatrlelr.

The Bpragu# Club at Watseaslog, com­posed ot employee of the Sprague eilectnc Elevator WorkA will give an entertain­ment and ball at Central Hall, Bloom­field, to-morrow night. There will be a cakewalk tor priiea

General Grant Council, Daughters of Liberty, o f Bloomtleld, met In their new headquarter* in Cantral Hall last night and gave a "bouse warming and soolapu" to their friend*.

The Firemen's Relief Association of Bloomfleld, at a meeting last night, de­cided to defray all the expensce ot the funeral ot Walling Van Riper, foreman of Phoenix Ho## Company of Woomneld. who died on Monday from Injuiiea re­ceived by a fall In the Central Presby­terian Church, Newark. The funeral was held this afternoon from the home 6f Mr. Van RIper’a mother on Bloomfleld ave­nue. Rev. J. a. Johnston, pastor o f the Park Methodist Church, conducted the services. There were many handaome floral offering# from th* firemen. TBe

rllbearers were Michael N. Hlgglnt, H.Spear. Victor F. Cortaa, Walter O'Neil,

John Schwab *nd Frank Wisinar, all members of Phoenix Hose Company. Dur­ing tbs funeral procession tho Or# bell was tolled. , .

Thomas Crogan was arreated last night by Policeman Smith, of the Bloomfleld force, on a charge of aaaaulr and battery, preferred by his brother John, who he Is

I aald to have otruck over the head with a chair. Recorder Cadmus held Crogan for the Grand Jury. . _ , ,

Mr*. Flora Cory, ot Walsrsalng avenue, Bloomfleld. charged A. Bumph last night with disorderly conduct. The man waa arrestad and was fln#d 316 by Recorder Cadmus this morning.

The marriage la announced of Mlaa C. Zalllnger, of Upper Montclair, and Ber nard Corcoran, '



TwoDays’SaleFriday and Saturday,

FineNewSilks.The weather has been against us this week, and we want

to make up what the rain has kept us out of. W e know no bet*ter way than to make such tempting offers as these:

ALL-WOOL CHECKS.1.00 Value for 75c. Yard,

50-incli, wide, three and

TwoDays’SaleFriday aod Saturday,

New Dress Goods.

$ilk and Wool Poplins. 1.35 Value for 1.00 Yard.

A complete line of street and evening shades, 30 inches wide.

Combination Silk Offer. 1.25 Value for 75c. Yard,

This collection embraces stripes, checks and plaids, two and three tone effects.

four tone effects, neat checks and plaids.Henrietta Cloth, All-Wool 59c. Value for 50c. Yard.

W e have a full line of .street and evening colors, including the pastel shades now so pop­ular, width 38 inches.

DRESS QINQHAniS. 18c. Value for 12^c. Yard.

Two cases of new Dresa Ginghams* plaids, checks and stripes, 34 inches wide.

ENGLISH PERCALES. 15c. Value for 10c. Yard.

One case 36-inch English Percales, stripes, plaids and neat shirting designs.

iiA H N B a CO.

Main Floor, South Altl*.

Ladies’ Fine Undermuslins.You get them here, style perfect,

best material, most expert finish and without the “ lime dip." W e sell abso­lutely reliable muslin underwear, and no other.

ORAItaB A D V aR T IgE M R im .PREKMAN'g COALIs hat stnttj tn It atidMs Ko. > oat a sm ^ ty .

W. A. niffBHAM. toraerly A f . FNXsoa.PletiSB'e e|ley. Orem#WE aell the oaly eMum* Ho. 1 out « * l I* the

THE oelebraM EniltM pearance In Muelo Hell


Qutri.ua; first April Is; tKkriaX



yaue Esatar flowan ge to MabtSWAR'RFOR yaur Eu Ih- Hoi t Patk at,, fie#na#i

OtaQk r#(uaefl to flo this, hut fle- oUrtfl that ah# wouM iMk* atlckl#* and tha woman #aff#r, 8b# assarted that th. Mltocmaa would have to take hla uni- P W i Mt-da a p im it « f hla aottoax ' 'Wk*E aoEwumad hafol* th* board ftl^ l^ S Rloafldd B it •EBIy. After th*

' nmatatra. aad-atand- I haadflaartota, aald:

-J M iiayii'ha‘ hoMvia

II,ta par



For To-mori«w


W a t f it................... f.*h***<.......M#naiihRt. n u i m i n x ^ i

m .8IU810

n&rQ d—orttimii, of MontclElr. th® ccr®’ mony having b « n performed In Paterion Oft Sunday lait. , w,, —si uiMrt. Charlet UnKemah, o f Bioomn^a,

:ss„S "u rw fethlM and Mr*. M. N. Klggtrn the eonaO- latlon priae.________ ___________ _

BellevtII# and Fonut Hill.The entertainment and reeeptlon given

at Belleville Hall last night by the em- aloyea ot Ftnlidt 8 *Mth A Sm • brush fan- lory for the banant of the family of a de­ceased fellow-iworkman, was wall a t t ^ - ed. despite the Inclement weaihtr. TIi* programme Included a duet. "Bet the Pale Moon," by Mlsict Katherine Devine and Mary Burke; Bioprano tolo. He TnmKii He Lovea Me," by Mlat Aldrich; aelectlona by the Newark trio, and Instrumental mualc by the North Newark Mualcal Club; 'cello and guitar i#l«cUons, by M « r s . Platt and Moore, and vocal and trWtru- mental mualc by the BelltVllle Glee plu**- mIh Byrne# and Arthur Wilson M the march that open#d the dancing. (Morge Thaurich waa floor manager and wax as- slated by John Platt and Arthur WllMn. Th# Commute# of Arrangemrnts conilat- #d ot J. T. Hairit, Georgs Theurlcb and J. T. O'Reilly.The Wedneiday Afternoon Club met

m o r t g a g e s .Hie mortgages recorded with the Coun­

ty R a s te r yeiterda^^wero aa tollowa:Uanry Miller et ux to Oaoat Naundorff,

a w e Biro at, 11,030. ..' William Pllklngton e f ux to Hannah D. Hayes, admtiltatratrix, n ,* Runyon at.

Helm* et ala to Gottfried Krippen- dorf i t al*. w a Rutgeri at, U.600. •

DoWnlco Lambeitl at ux to John R. la r ^ . trustea, a • a Union at, 31,300.X Herbert Bailantlna et M to American

Iniunnce Company, W a Broad at, 1100.-IBQ.Patrick J. Nulty et ux to Ouatavu* A.

Richards, w a North Third it,'36i».Mary V. Ebert s m Albert, her huahanX

to Mary A. S chsn bac^ . n e cor Wright at and Sherman eve, 33,lw . „ ,Frederick RefUn to Chkrie# A. Felek, • a South Seventh at, 11,600.

Kate A. Turner and WUIlam B.. her hui- uML to Thoona* C, Provost, truatee. w a

B: Howell Jonaa «t ux to Henry JeroU; naan. South Orang#, lot 5! Tiflou road*’ 5{*;'^is?^ton*h*m to Monica I. Froaaa, South Orange, w a Proapect at. 13,760

WUIlam T, Kleluhn et ux Jto N ^ l B. IfarUn.’ Eaat O rangvo • cor Shepard av# and Central av#, ttlOO. „ , _

WlllUm T, Hickson et ux to NoM B, Martin, Eaat. Ontngs, n a Central *v«,

T. Hickson #t ux to Nm I B. jarrin, Eaat Orange, n a Central av*.

m w b eth Herder and Ferdinand, her luieband. Beat Oianx*. to Bait End Build- lig and Loan Ainriatlon, * a Hollywood

*^ tS a rin * M. Blihr and Henry, tier hua- band, to lOdwUi A. Bradley. Mon-olalr, ^entr# MountMn avA w a St. Luk# a avi,^*rbaodore Bandtdrd

and Loan Aaaoolatlon of Belleville, Bell#- vlue. a a R utnm *1, MiOOOl,, .w b Joa*ph D i m ot «x to Ellxabelh^B, Aft- tnw ajE gkt Orange, w ■

Davit #t nx

^ l o a ^ Davli #t ux to J f *11: **” ” **’ * * Elghlaenth

yttgt«rday nt th^ v«iild®ne® of Mrt. Q^orgo P **bo^ , o< Mt. r *HIIL The meiatwn ■- ■ -iipjj,

P l^pM tdlfCUBBfd ' ‘JSver;

ForMt...... _ _ ry-day

S^ nom y" and "tli® Modern Novel."ChrlKtofther (khlecter* of William atrootg

Bollevllle, wtio hat oot been well for two monthfl, ■ left town yoatorday io take trip for the benefit of bte health.

The North End Card Club met laet night at the restdence of HIm Amy RathJ^rn, If Summer avenue, Woodslde. Friaea n euchre were won by Mrs. Arthur Van

Kleeck, Miss Hattie narce. George Stew­art ana Fredtrick Salters.•A branch o f th* National Plant, Flowar and Fruit Guild haa been organised In Iforeat Hill with forty-five member*, on*

tatron and twelv# patronesses. Tho of, ccr* are as follow*: Prealdent, Mrs. Ar- naud G. Helltr; vls#-pf«*ldent, Mrs. B.

i^leman Vick; traaiqrar, Mrs. Woodruff “ ‘ ry, Miss Carrt#

----------------- ..„tch was organtxodby Mr*. J. 'W, Stewart, ot Glen Ridge, will hold a second meeting eoon to enroll members.

The Fleet New Jeraey 'Volunteer Vet­eran# of Bcttevlll# win hold a special meeting lo-morrow nlibt at the resi­dence of George W. Reilly, o f M Belleville.

I North Eighteenthith E An- ltghts#nni

; to EUaabet g i North El

N.lB9tk and wmlam I.. her hui- larah AUro Whtotay O U w ^

B»»t • ■ North fi«V6nte«Atii tUK.- risk and William t , her hut-* * ffWVkdAlmw riljMiflUWI.

ilOriMiget • •

V m M JU A M . ‘ - r a K S n a T ¥ IU I*w AV* viV* saw *IdfAh AJIc* Whit^loy QhDWHWi.

2H 5? rk#emw.m.« .m m JllOltb BflVCntbMltb gt.

Al r iih amJ W tUlio t*u » b « r t ft ala

(JONTRACTS.Ing watract* hav* h«#a r*

W om en's Fine Cambric gnd M uilin Gowns,with round lace and embroidery yoke and entire trimm ings oi dainty lace, fully worth J i-a s , for

W omen’s Muslin Gowns, of ex tra good quality, embroidery, lace and cluster tu d is , 65c. value, for 40c.

New, 39c, Muslin Gowns, all sixes.Women’s M uslin Drawer*, extra fine quality m uslin, with Chan­

tilly lace, 49c.H A H N E a CO.

Second Floor West.

T w o I n d u c e m e n t O f fe r s .The inducement consists of an offering of two such good bargains

that you will feel compelled to consider them, and if you need either article, to buy it.

Self-opening Wardrobe, or box couch, fully upholstered, with spring edge, cov­ered in fancy assorted col­ors, 116.00 value for 12.90.

H ighly polished Morris Chair, quartered oak, high

arm, patent spring ecat, nine springs, fine velour cushions, $12,00 value for $9.00.


Main Floor, W tit,

A R T W O R K .I t used to be

that ladies were forced tp make all the pretty decorations f o r the v a r i o u s rooms. Now they save money, time and patience by buying these ar­ticles here.

Rureah Covert, ribbon and Is m tneoti, 49c, to 3.39.

Irlah Point Squarta, SOxM, wera 39e., now 39c.

Meilvao Drawn W ork DolHaa, wora 49c., now 2Sc.

liloailo Tray Covert, all llnan and drawn worit, w erelSe., now lOe.

Ilemitliched Tray Coveri, wera 89c., now 35c.

I.lneti Klt»A were 80. akeln, now Ic. Heinotltcbod .Square*, 18x1*, with

drawn work, reffular 80c., for 1947.Newest Sofa C'uahlon Toin and Raffici,

35c. np.ijofa (Ttithlon Tops and Backi, with til

material* to flniah them, 49c.NOTE—We teach Embroidery Work.

Inquire at connier about the eaay term*.H A llN E A CO.

Main Floor, North Alale.

Boys’’All-Woo> Troasen.Boys' 3 to 16 years, fitted

with all-wool trousers at 48c., 69c. and 98c.



Jain atraet.

IrvlH gt## ##d B lit# # .The Ivy IIIU Fire Department gave It*

|lrot annual reception aM ball In Meeker'a- --------- . IrvlrigtoiL

last night. Tne affair waa well aUendeo and'proved a lOclXl and financial sucen*.

on Btuyveaant avanue, nlght._ “

Th* floor manager wa* Mannan SchmIdL and the aselatanta, Charlet Wilson and Jacob Krenfc*. Jr. The Reception Com­mittee wae made up ot Amo* F. Drawn,■ .................. J c " - ----- ■■ *■*William Eleman, John Wlieon. M. W, Hogan, Jacob Krenka, Sr., and U F, lehmldl. The Committe* of ArrangeiAnt* waa composed ot George Schmidt, M. W. Hogan, Stephen Kerrigan, J. H. Schmidt, Joseph Elaman, Charle# Wilton and Har­man Schmidt. Firemen were present from Hawark, South Orange, Irvington and Hll- ton.- B#v. Charle* F. Stanley, paator o f the Fifth Baptlet Church ot Newark, gave a ■•oture on "Ben Hur," Jlliimateu hith tterawtlcon view*. In the Irvltigion Chiia- tla i Church laat night b#for« a large audl- #nc*.

A book aoclable wa* glvm last nighMpA book sociable wa* given last night U th* lecture-room of tn# Irvington R#, formed Church under th# auspic*# ot th* ChrlallanEndjaver Society.

A meeting of the Ladles' Aid Society ot th* Irvington Methodlat EplKOpal Churph was held yesterday atterngon at the home o f Mr*. Arthur Dawes on Park avenue.

The Parkvla*' Union Hloalon Society, mat W night at the home ot Postinaitdt lU ory Schmitt. , ,A tDeelal meeting of aiatoai ]M g e o f Odd F#11owg will, be hold next aaluntay. BtglU in the Town Hall to prepare forthiSr degree work. • ___^

Amrogreaalve euqhr* party, followed iT iSil, will be given next wedhee.

X acre W ill Re Xw Saloon Xear Xevr- 4oa Street School,

Dr. Henry J. Andereon, ot 4 Orange place, waa at th# meeting o f th# Bx- clae commlBslonera ladt night to protest ualnat the granting ot a llcenie to Wlll- nm Kerr to open a saloon at 64 Orang^ atreet. Dr. Andeieon stated that K#rr represented that he lived at M Oraftg# atreet. while he wa* really a realdent ot Montclair According to the rule# of the Exetae Board a Itcenae can only be grant­ed to a resident of thla dty.

Dr. Anderson aald that ha wanted the matter Investigated before a lleenae wa* granted, and tho case was laid over for one week. Dr. Andereon alao objected to th* Ucenslng of the aaloon Ot VUo Selly, at M Orango street, and the matter of t ^ t lleenae will alao copia up next week.

A number of peraon* were prepared to oppose the granting of a lleenae to Charle* Blood, to open a saloon at ITI South Orange avenue, on th# ground that It waa too near the Newton Strast (chool. Blood withdrew hla applloatlOh.

Ernest F- Kcer, aa couiuml for Charles Mohrman. aaked that hla client be grant- ■d A aaloon licenae at 411 WaShingtoB ave­nue. The case had been pending for Ame time, Mr. Keer atated. aSd an In-1 luattee wonlil be done Mr. Mohrman if there wa* longer delay, l>re*ld#nt Carroll aald that several people wlsbal td pro'teat B^atnat the proposed aaloon. A* they were not present he suggested that th* matter be postponed one week.

Commissioner BChwari opposed this, but poalponemont was granttd uy -a vote ■#f I to 1.__________ _ _ _ _ _ _

A noalJ bualnesi ean be well advarilsed tn tha elaaakuo ada. on the Want Page.

Oppose! a kurfkee Treek on Bread Sta#«t.Te the BdUor of th* NEWB.

fllr-Referrlng to an article pub- Uahed In your paper last evening entiled "Flans to Abolish Grade Croasings.” the reporter says that Mr. Hathgafe w « aaked to Introduce a plan hy which a Hngle surface track be laid acroei Broad •trevt, from the aoutbwesierly portion of th* new freight yards to connect with the aaaterly pan ot the switch, as an aceom- madatiuii to the pan(ea using tha «aiu^ but providing also that no cars should be runovaff.the track except hetwe*n |l* hour* « f i and 4 o’clock In the marnlng.■ T* eay that 1 waa disgusted and grievrt beyond measure when f read the above, 1* Indaed putting th* matter very mildly.

In the name ot our Imperiled city ot Newark, what nextT

la It puasible that our clly fathers hav* bean tuaced under such a speii that they ara tor the tim* being bereft of ordinary hiulntas common sense so as to make themtelvrs believe that auch an ahaurdlty

S id be tolerated for a single moment tout a protest from thouaand* ot th# Ing cltliena o f thla noble cItyT

^Better leave th* whole queatlon a* It «b w la. without any declelve action, than toTetve the abomination of alandlng car* m the track, and almost a complete ob-

" tlon of the atre«t loutb of the present

|S. REYMAN’S,:: 208 to 216 Springfield Avenue.


Twllli»d Cotton Towel- llftfc. iikachoi] ond un* bkachpfi.

21c: Yd.Blf'Arhed Tabl« Linen,

nlno turkey red, M Inehei wide, real valuo

21c. Yd.Light Outing flannel,

I pretty stripes and plaids, ( In all colors, 8c, value,

43c. Yd.

will b« given gntltletT to a la lleM ead.

X|amol Aa#oclatl#« Hum#*, b Th# Mxth qinner df th# aaancItUoA o f

the Alumni at the Newark High 8dtM l ' at Davis'* r l o r ^ M B ra ^

ot Culture."XMte:- "d a r Alma Hate^" p tfnc^- - -

1 "Th#J ic#Gob.‘'

it of


Children's Hualtn Draw- nrs.tuckel and lac# trim-mv6,

7c. Pr.LadleF Mualln Coraet

Cover*, extra good qual­ity, trlmmert with em­broidery, all ilxee, value 26c.,

15c. Ea.Ladles' Black Fancy

Mercerised Petticoat*, ombrolle ruffle. 98c. value,



Wire, equare

I jC . ; IEbitenalon W i n d o w '

•creena, Nic. value, i ;

15c.Screen ^Doon, valu# i^WCep ^

69c,Two-burner Oa* Stov#,


SPECIAL! with all purchase* of 35c. and up* war A you will get l^'I^FOrC ong 4l*l» lar’i worth of Red Star Coupon 5 U m fi on prOiOnting thla ad. at our itoro.

fit . H K Y M A N .

A BUcR ^' lifor«en

Lifttnfe m value*

anil Colored Pt'rralln® D re«


9lc. Yd.;id Finish Drrta Car c bUck 8ri«! all color

32c. Yd.

Ladle*’ White Lawn Men's Merino Bhirt* Walata, with two row*! and Drawers, white on embroidery and tucks; gray, value 39c,. down th* front, ho* plait­ed back, 9Bc, value,

49c.Rubber Qe* Tubing,

3c. Foot.

25c. Ea.Boys' Blouses.white,navy , k and light colors, fanev trimmed.

22c. Ea.


,ory, and were, fondly, antlcl] plete change o f the Rally

ating Id BVa-

Ity Intend (It grade.nrtwslata are- b # «n "to hetmtlfy th# front of the

____ Ing facing on the avenue, and m»*«A Okblic entrance for thouaand* o f ladlt* luargentlemen who alull In the »M r tu- etl# oongregat* In our Ar* all thoa* InlsUIgtnt cItUena to b# dlaiippalntedT

x a h o i m r o b S " ‘ — w- - — • • ditured gentlamen

* from he* a ttm d^ittt'o f^ trio llo plt-jo M earnaetty call th* atlenttA of

r#lUaeaa, eapwetaliy thoae In th* Mrth- kft. to this osnMi»ptat«il outiwm

- . . p great f**p#et for your todipeM mt and on thl# and other vlt*l queatlsM, I

It#. wC^^biiMrhrbiia-________ _ n who oan look hwondparty politic# and g i f v tb# sltn*-jifTL. afcm, .Amwi s Jilf


Agrtnoitty p#ra##a wtellre *■ ftiw* aad ksv* te d# diatr •** wasMag, atad wlorcd ubk Hat* la sat# wasbiag. T# betp tktn bsUag nav tad haia hdlii xa* a Unit

GoH Dott W illing PowderIn Ik* watfe wtler. eid dry lx the ikadi. h It voaderlXI hew lo#t i prttir red teki* ehik will keep he Ireikaett veeiwd thl* ##r- Vteh red or eelertSl oapklea ik* tagM way.

Tt4!b!Wb|-ootan al

IbWieneMWn t a. myaMHuaM eoMMov.

’T ” '** “ jt'jtlpRpiNAJtY c m z E H :

ipM iaA i! w tvSm \L

' O O A l e -lor No. 2 m t, Baal W igt glove or Nat with No. 3 Nm •4.419. E leven Barrels Maid Dry UudUng Wood,

• 1.00.Belt Lahigh. Sn6





Iqpvtai Bediie ii teiljlM litcrat MnsMi bj tie GMSTeptieul-


m mwTvm sessm e n u b .

« * i t Asaaal M*«tlac •( tli* AwMiB. W ill •* H*U at ■alllatara.

•raAlM <a» »Baaar-MaaaU ra*aa.a « ..v ii* rapar* bb4 DltaBUiaai ml tliB r ia a l iaM loB i — V olta a* Tkaalu.

Tffca Iblrty-Hoofld annual iMilon of il>t Maw Jarity Cuncrtcatlonal Aaaorlitiun oana to a clnit at Iha Grova Btrtat Con* Bl^BPltloBal Cburcb, Kaat Orania, laat ni(tal aftar a apeclally tntartallnB aa< Ufa of maatinsa. The popart preatnt- ^ at tka anal naatlng wara on ‘ 'Bropiama In lha Proaraaa of Iha Xktdom " Bar. W. G. Puddafoot road a papor 00 "Problaraa at Homa," a papar on "Problema Abruad" waa pre- aaatad br Prafaator Oaorta WHUam Knoi.

Tha ConaragaUonal Aaaodailon, at Ita aipalsn yaturdar attamoon, conaldaraA tha cauiaa of tha nportad dacllna In Tt-* %laa. Ilia auaatlon twlac raliod In tha ra- Phrt of tha taaoraUnr/Bav. i- Owan Jonaa, vfelel) waa publlahad In tha NEWS yaa- taaWir. Ur. donaa potatad out that tha adoaaatona by oonfraaion haaa baan anal* lar durbic tha paat two yaara than thay

baan .ainca UN, and that tha acoaa- aUjU wara no (raatar laat yaar than tlih* raportad tan yaara a«a. Forty o f tha ainmbaa, ha atatad. raportad laat than M| haw nanbwa, flvd but ana, and thir>

Oould not raport a alnf la oonvaralon. % a M facta. It waa bald, rtflactrd tha

M ou ltla i under which many paatora la- h|d> aoe thciatora aoina tlma at tha eloa- la^ bualntaa laaaloD yaatarday afternoon w n davotad to a conotdentlon o f thla p iM a n .

Chaaahaa Cloaoa t* Paspla. Whan tha modarator. Bar. Howard I.

BNn , o f Vppar Moatclalr, tafarrtd to tha onal Importaneo of thla quaitloo and In- tMM a dlactiaatoii on It, Rar. Anbroaa In ita Varaon, of tha Grova llraai Omreh, auiad that in hla opinion tho tiUirchaa to-day art eloaor to tha paopio than baratofoat, and tha paopio ara eloaar

ha churchaa, ,l(a n do aot . M lha m - llty of anltiac.wtth a church aa ihay

In formar yeaiw frlioa tha wnrM and lha Church war# not aa, uloaaly allied.

Tha fact (hat tlftyhaandi of man ara un- aWa to attand a church waa broucht awt hpRav. C. C. Colllna, o f Nawaik. He u ld tJldt la thla nolshborhood thaya ara tha aNployaa of lha troUay companlaa and tha •Nam rallroada, who ara provantad from a t^ d ln c church baeauaa o f tbdir work. M l who hava naduaJly trown away from

Church. Than jtyKaociM of praoant day dvlUiatlMi ard JDbblnf tha churebaa a t tha hold ttay had on pcirpla twanty- m/rn yaara aRh

wRa nodaihtor, RdWddr. Bills, daclarad (Sat than must ba aoraatblnd tha wiattar with tha churchaa tbamaalvaa, aa wall aa^ t b the paopla.' Ur. HandaraoB. ot Balumora, asaartad ttat tha ohurchaa ara not dolni anobth, w world haa laamad to rcapact tha prtn- dMaa that fovarn church ll6 . hut fba O l^ liM havt faUad to po forward.

- Am Agw 01 ^owipotM lM .'ir i iw ^ I f . WadheiAkat Ndd,ha llw M h ti'

ClwrM Ih M lb u a M lh lM th ti tM^ la i, apa or w oadN gF OTttpw B M ,' Rtffii

was fom arly a holy day, but It la a jNUday. U^ny taywi It p day of

: thara aavar w an aa wMotir ahort

whathar or not. In Ita opinion, tha commit- taa ahould ba continued.

Uaporta front Commlttooa.For tha Conmittaa on Applied Chrla

llanlty Rat. fi. A, Dumm, of Woiblnpton, atatad that lha oommliua had nothlnp to report. It waa ballaved,, bowavar, that tbore waa acopa for ouch a committee and ha favurad bavlnp the convaiitlon adopt a raaolutlon cooUoulnp It.

Tim Committal on Hlntitarlal Baltaf re­ported tbrouph W. H. Winamaher that there waa work for auqh a commlli** and that tail aid could ba plven. Mr. Wana- tnakar advocatad tha adoption ot a reaolu- tion providinp that all commltteea preaant written raporla and declared that no emn- mtttea should thlrk Ita duty and fall to consider the lublwt aaatpned It

Concarnlnp Cbriattan unity. Her. Dr. A. II. Bradford sold that hts committee nad nothlnp to do now, but In former yeura It bad dona pood work and It was ready to oontlnua luch work whenevar there waa any to ba done,

Il»v. Dr. Mica, of tha Committee on Homa Evan|eliaatlon, reported that It would ba well to dlaiwnia with lha com- mittaa, because ba const lered that the local conterancaa eoutd batter attend to home avanpellaatlon than a commlttra of tha conference. It Waa decided lo dlacon- tinua thla commiftea.

Tha Commlttao on Reioluttona, by Hav. Dr. Amory H. Bradford, recommended that an overture from the Vermont Aaao- flatton be concurred In. Thja pvertbre a it vlaed that lha varieueboanlaof tha Churob unite la one peiiaral atmlversary or annual eeaalon. Instead ot holdlnp aaparata anal' varaarlas, aa at preaanL

Dr. Boab’s Papar.A very eamaai and tluuph(fUI paper

was praaanled by'Rev. Dr. Jamas H. Ecob on ‘Tha Meaaapo ot Nature to the Clill- dren of the K lnp^m /' It was a plaa far a praatar reallaatton of the' (rutha Indul- ratad by nature an.d a declaration that th* world muet pat cliaer to aaturu belora k can hope to hava a proper conception ot CltM'a Uwa. Bom, men, ha daclarad, aea nothlnp In nature; they never look at tha aky, at the Rowera and btrda and ippaa- clata tba Creator. Tbsir conception la oon- flned antlrely to tha Bible.

" I auppofe,” aald Dr. Ecob, "that aotna man will look In tha New Taataraanl for automobile, and when they can't tlnd It Ihay will cloaa tbelr ayaa whan they hdar the vablcla eomlnp down tha avenue.”

In lovlnp and atudylnp nature, ha de­clared, mao M simply loving and studying what God lovaa Back of nature there M no loat Eden. Whan people alnf the hymn. "And Only Man la Vile,” they ilnp better than they know. Ulnlatara and thetr peo­ple ahould pat out under th-< heavana and ■ao tha plorlaa ot nature. Ood la a aiately, courtly, caremonloui balnp, who la cMelly a monitor, fceaplnp a careful watch over man and nature. Too many think Ha la a Maw Enpland deacon, whooa chief catat- anco la In churchea. prayar-maatlnks. mta- alonary boanta and aawlnp aoctatlej. The day It dawning when tha churches will gat out of tha coatly plants that hava been aractad tor tham and appreciate tha waa- data ot nature.

Rallpitoaa Fast a a 4 ProaeBt.Rev. Jamas A. Patrlsy, ot Nuiley, In

his papar on “Tha Uaiaapt of Hlaioo- to tha Children o f tha Xlnpdom," cMw pared tba rtllplona of tha past to tha prpC- tleas ot to-day. Religion now la the saNa ai It always haa baan—tha Ufa ot God In tba soul of man. Typaa ot all rallflofta ara found In every country. Brahmlnlan ha mentioned at a typa that Is found now In nearly every community, with lha docttlna that alckneaa and diaaaaa art unreal. Tba true Christian Bciancs, de­clared Mr. Fairley, would ba a science that would teach tha removal of the cauau of disease by adhering to Intelllient (p f prapar laws of health. Tbs Spyptian uuSN Boning IS found to-dsy In tha apnostlclsln o f tba period. He felt that people ara alowly prowlnp to realise tha neceasity for a mort rational aytiaro o f education and are beading the measaga of hlstoiy by lavorlag lha Moealc lyitem of land tenure and tsaatlon. The power of God la shown by the kicroatlng favor With which demtrf- racy l^rscaltte* thougm •wapulstvM ms: m snpurn____ _ _______akMbab dt and^hbr cUKi which hi held. If pbvufty-W sqitafty so.

The discussion on these two pa pert Was lad by Rev. Janua U. Wbllon. Rev. W,

Judaism Uro«Eh all tha centurtas af par- BoeuUon and whkh haa made tl^ Jawlah home and tha Jawtah womta aa aaMaia of aanctlty and purity which haa baan bald op to the admliwtNn of paopla of ovary religion."


farakan Into the plaoa. and osdarad tht Jary to acquit them.

Jeraay C ity F rasbylaeF OaswIkaaBalar ^ C M a cw -F a a ta y R a m a v A .,.

• aHlhgRIDGEWOOD, April U .-A t th* mealing of tha PraabytefT o f Jariay City, held hare, a petition waa unanimously adopted saklng tha General AaaemUy for a new eraad.

Thara waa a report from Rev. Dr. Charles Herr, o f tha First Church. Jarssy City, which caused an imexpectad fcana. A commlttaa waa appointed at a previous meeting, with Dr. Herr as chairman, lo Inquire Into tha aUta ot altalra In tha German church at CarlatadI, where there waa iueh a fatting olt Jn attendance, mem- berihlp and llnunalal support as lo causa grave unaaslnaaa. ‘The report said that there waa lack o f harmony between tha pastor. Rev. Frederick Kranshar, and bls people, tba conditions being such as to make a raronclllatkin Impossible. Tha Prcsbyiery adopted lha raport and by Ml almoat unanimous vote decided lo dlasolva the pastoral relationship Iwtwaen Mr. Kranshar and the church. The pastor de­nounced this action and gave notice of an appeal.


lam a ABiaaeaaeBla A llaw ed Last Year H ave Bobb Fswbibliad.

■psslal ID the KVSNINO NgWI.OCEAN GROVE. April » .-T h a semi

annual meeting o f tha Ocean Grove Camp- meeting Aikoclatton came lo a close lest nlghl, Tba.macilng waa harmonious, and waa characterised by a larga attendants, thara being comparatively taw absent OMBibsTs. It was thought that the asao elation might poaslMy maka tha fool biidgai over Wesley Lake free during the summer months, at they ara tha rest of the yaar, but the toll Will ba eolla'cted aa uaual tha coming aummer.

Thara waa an undivided optnlon aa lo tba managamont o f aSalrt tba coming aummer, and loitead of tba liberality and "open door” pulley that eglatad leal year a curb will b« put on cartaln anlertaln manta, which, while they would not ba obfacUoaabla in any other city, seam outr cl.^ of plaoa In Ocean Grove, m ere strong

xpeotereligious Influtncei ara axpaotad to pre dominate. Last year Profeaaor Laltle Uorgail organlied a Rough Rider Regi­ment among the boys. This, or anything similar, will not be repeated this year. Hesaaa. Daniels, Ballard and Evans wara appointed delegatee lo tha coming Ecu- menlcat Confaranee.

iB Saalaaa JaraaraaaB.PaUnts laauad to Jemayman,

for tha N E W ! by Drak* ft Co.,^aoacllora of patoDlo. comor Brood and HarMt •trooio: Row! oUftchmvnt for tobAcoo plpea, J. P, Beatty, Newark; ahoa;lKa fiitanar and longue aupport. A. U. Glrt- annsr, Jersey O ty ; aunllaar for surgical drataing, T. V. Klnna. Pataraon; win con------ -* - ratua, F. A. Langwllh, Naw-


M«r»hall & ^11- M a r s h a l I & B a l l . Marshall & Ball.

r ’r.SiYni

HAWthome; cAttlnv for rollor t>o«rtnfs C. B. Lockwoode N o«orki curtain ao4,antd<i ■u^port for window!, Robert F. ManMl, Newark; rcainoui eorapound atmI tnaklnf •ama. R. 0. Pannlman and J. C. flenw^ra Dovar; hlfh ezplOBlve compound^ B. 8* Pennlman and J. C, Bchradars Dover mat or cttahlon for ilidina poiea, B. L. l^rry, Pataraon; badaa tiuttona A. Phalpa Naw- ark; tub«*baiidlnff machine., P, H. •fkry« Newark: compreawr for air, ale., H. C. •ergaants W*‘atfleld; meciianiam for oper­ating bilge pumpa. K- Btuth, Somcra Point; tire aMl feeder, G, T. Travla, Orange; In­duction coils R, Varley, Jeraey ilfna) bracket for ehtde roller^ Hartebom, Newerk; coin mat, derwood, Idetuchen.

SuitsA t flo n e y -S a v in g Prices.

. F. H. C. Un-

IlwrriBloww Mewl iVoteaaThe fight for the RepuliUcan nomination - ‘ Want in Mor-of Cufutablc in t h e ------- .rUtowA U waalng hot. Thue far^five ara-

bltloiit realdenti of the ward have m - AounMd Uiemaelvee aa oandldate# fur ine nominatloa, which will be tnide to*mur' raw night- The wuuld-be nonUneei are Hairli Domb. the court Inepeoior; « ‘ Po* llceman lil&muel Meeker, Frank OlHlars William Mulford and Henry Birubla While the five above named candidal^ are huetling for the nomination Coroner 8ara uet Leonard li making a etlll hunt and may prove the winning dark khne In toe

... a. .A*1 6 Moirletown Democrete will hold their ward primary eleetlone and dty oori' orenUon to-night The outlook te that Al- deriaaa Bugene Burke will tw renominat^ In ttm FlraTWard without a conuet la the B e ^ d Ward Alderman .lobn Linoa !■ iecklng a ronomlnetlott and will he op- poeed by Patrick Howard and eeveral otbeya Alderman John Conklin hai no op- puiltlon for renomlnatlon in (he Third Ward and the oame U oald of Alderman Harry Fraoman In the Fourth Ward, who, If he dooa not want the nomiuatlon for Mayor, oaa get renominated for Alderman, The «uy convention may renominate Mayor Quayle.

A bmtglng tramp terrorlaed resident! of Speedwell avanue, Morrlatown. yeeter- day until ha went Into Sire Brothara’ Bale and Ekotaanga Itablea. Hrra ha met Ban* jimln Blre, who, armed with a ihovoi, reduced tka Impudent hobo lo ■ubjaotlon and turned him over to Police ORlee Campbell. The prlooner, who gave hla name at John Brennan, waa commuted to Jail for thirty daye.

A large klowbound with a piece of chain tied to hla collar ran through Pine and Morrla atreata In Morii^iown yesterday, frothing fit the mouth and anapplng at everything in hla path, Before the anlmttl. which waa evidently auffertng from rabieo, eould be captured or killed, it ea- caped In the wooda on the banka o f the W‘blppany Mteef,

ftA s manufacturers, our prices are a l w a y s a

large saving over mere “dealers’ ” prices, but the two lines of boys’ suits offered to-day furnish the b e s t money-saving opportunity we’ve yet put before you. ^

There are 185 Suits in this lot. 2-Piece Suits (D. B. Jacket and Knee Pants), all sizes in each style. Many have double seat and knees. Of new goods, every thread wool, allsesuns stayed

( W o r t h $ 4.50 i n d S5.00i )and silk sewn, fency cheviots and cassimeres and » Mue cheviots. For 8 to 16-year-olds. ’

( W o r t h $6.00 a n d $ 7.00i )

In new and pretty patterns of fancy cheviots and cassimere, blue serges and cheviots — double- breasted jacket, knee pants, many have double seat and knees, all seams stayed and sewn with silk. Fof 8 to 16-year-olds. This lot contains 165 Suits, full line of sizes in each styl^.

A L L f A itT N O F J J £ IU i3 K .

to Inveatlsata tha l)H4

Tha Coronar’a Jury fatal shouting on lha county bHAga at Pasaolo on Sunday, AprU whan Goorgt Karon waa killed, aftar haoring testimony for over three houra, raturoad a verdict kixualng Joaepb Zimmer o( flr- Ing tha fatal shot. Zimmer la now in |alL

Ulaa Adalalda Bcudder, daughtar of Rav. Dr. John Lawla Bcudder, pastor ot tha First Cangtegatlonal Church of Jersay City, and Charles Johnson Negus, o f Jor- aey City, ware married yesterday In tha First Congregational Church. Tha ohre- mony was performed by the father ot the bride.

Prolesaor George W. Nutt man, of New Brunsvrtck,. artlo tor Sve years has been In control ot tha Rutgert College Prepara­tory Behoot, resigned yesterday to'accept a professorship at ytverlnrd Collega. He also resigned aa organist of the First Presbyterian Church. Both restgnatlona go Into effect on Kay 1-

FasebBld .kotra.Invnatlons hkva been Issued for the

marriage on April M ot Miss Maggla 8. Jones, daughter o l Mr. and Mrs. Dental a. Jones, and Howard Uncoln Braddock. of Haddonllald. The ceremony takes place at 1:N p. K -a t the home of the bride'i pa-

B o y s ' S h o e s .The Boys’ “Rugby” Shoe t t

$1.90.Other lines - $2.00, $2.90,


B o y » ’ N e c k w e a r .Windsors, Tecks, Four-in*

Haiijs, Strings and Bows.2 5 c . and 5 0 c .

Boys’ Hats.Derbies and Alpines, $1.00 to

$2.90.“Tams," 90c., 79c,, $14)0,

$1.90. .

-At U renta, near Freehold.— xr L_______

CoRika ft Bawden have Increatad the o f thetr moulders ten and twelve halt per cent., to take effect this

Monmogth Castle No. M, K. of O. E., will give an entertainment In the lodge- room on April 10.

Rev. Prank B. Dobbins, of Philldelphta, rill deliver a atereopUcon lectura In tha

Hsptlat ehnirch Sunday evening upon “ Tha Land o f tha Rising Bun.”

The funarel of Mrs. Julia H. Oakay look

Marshall&Bail,807, 809, 811, 813 Broad Street, Newark.



DAM BREAK AT POTBOAH.placs this afternoon from her late real* dence oa Waal Main street. The aervicee

Geoiga Bwalm,wera cohducud by Rev. _ ____of tho Allentown Presbyterian Church. The Interment was at Maplewood.

The funeral of Mrs. John W. Eatell, who died at the home of IValter S. White, on Marry street, took place thla afternoon at the house, conducted by Rev. A. H. Elwr- hsrdt. of the Methodist church.

. . There are now 3Sn cnnnecUona with theIn the ireabmao prise ronteit b«M ta4 town waterworks. Thie haa been the moat

rfvaoNk.BcUl}^r*Vt m

etaot Indorsed both papers and'* wish and is saaup-eoavriiw ftot*-

I dajhi A* At praaant Tha Sunday n*wapa. por IX a great compaUtor ot tha Church.

neWapApers of to-«ay, h* declare^,1 be BiRLnatift'fii&ucai wars it not foi

I tM ihnditha^vwdiy laatia, and tM ftnday paper la much more acceptable than It ahould 1« la tba bonaa o f ehurcb people, '

TH* tttmeUve power o f the Church will diminish. Rev. Dr. Jemta U. Whiton de- tlared, unleaa tha Church preaaea forward and davotaa herself to character building o f a blghar grad*, g mor* atndloua Imtta. Uon o f tba Master, a more eulniesa and InooitupUbla rlghteouineaa. From an eth-

‘ leal point of view the churchea tack power 'ta -d » ,.

R- F, Davit, ot Washington, trould em- pbattos tha aoelat faaturt ot church Hte, nad raterrad to tha auceeaa that had at- tendod efforta tn Wathlngton to form a

,Htn’i Club.Thara la too much preaching ot the love

ot God and too Utile o f the wrath o f God. , was the opinion of J. La Baateaui, ol rialafield. Men's conaclenMa should be Warned o f the eoniequencea ot aln.

In oloainf the discuaahni tho moderator, Hr. Bllat, remarked that tha thoughis

a taw yaara ago ha waa tearful of being arraated aa a harallc when he came east at the Hudson RIvar. When aui h od' ftaasea catdd be heard In a conOentton, h e aald, Haw Jaraey wad becoming pro- greailve.

Rav. Dt. William B. Brown aald that tht world it In a period of great tranaltlon and the old methods of religion ara helng abaadoned to raael changed modem con­ditions.

la cNalng the buatneaa aeiaton o f the ’convtwtlon resolQIlona were 'adopted thanking Rev. Mr, Vtrnon and hla cburct for their welcome,’ flit wmmon of the con-

Cllo Hall, Princeton Uiilvrrilty, the Brat place was awarded to Harry Byeraon Decker, of New Jeroey, for an eisay en­titled ' ‘Addison aa an Eeeaylat.” Beoond place waa given to Daniel M. Rogers, of Connecticut, who wrote on VA Parsohkl Intimacy with Nature.'

It la announced In Princeton University that s memorial tablet to the memory of the late Dean James O. Murray, will be

proHlable year since the town established the plant.

— — i -------------

R ed Bank B riefs.William P. Zelgter, a Red Bank leiter-

esrrier, died yeaierilay o f Bright’s dtaeaae, at hte hosna pn Wallace eireet. He wokthirty-two years old and leavea a widow

oai ‘

D -OTm. -..Cl.ft-

pragatlon tot tha antcrtolAmcnt provided, t h ^ -__ -Congregational Cadet Corps for Its at-lenUoha and tka rapresentatlvea o f the newapapera for thalr ' ‘correct and fsltb- fu)” reports of the proceedings.

Tka Bast Cawveatlow.It- wad diet dad ta bold the itekt conven-

tloit wM). ttit Associate Congragmtlonal Church of Balftmof* and Onser Uudkel, Rev. Dr. o f Waahlagton and William U. Wana-

orn iriaat■uggeatod ahould be conatdend by the dfl •gates, and that the question ot the da-

appointedaa’ the commlttaa to arrange for tht niert-ml(iker. lalphla, were

Ing.«Une ot raHfHm ahould ba made a personal ona with all the delegates. Ha thought that If this wars tha oaaa (he secretary would not hava such a report at next raaria convention.

Bettor *wwtar>Bchaol W ork,The conventton took a stroag position

•la* in relaredcg^ i h . orqeasRy for t*t- tar and mere thoreugh Suddaf-ichedl work along the hnea euggestrd by Rev. X/Outa F. Berry, o f Montclair, oe stated In ihe n e w s o f yesterday.

When the report from the Committee on Reaelutlone was celled for, the chairman. Rev. Dr. Amory H. Bradford, of Hont-

■ olalr, whose aaateunt le Mr. Berry, rec­ommended the adoption of tho following reioluUon, which was carried unanl- Houaly:

‘That tha Congregational Bundty- acbool and Publication Society wilt, ai ■Mh as pooolble, auggeit some approved Khome o f grading for our scboola, oorre- •pondlng in general to the dlvlMoni o f the btri approved public ochoola

“That as early ae poasible a course mSy outlined correeponding with theee

Rev. Dr; Amory H. Bradford, o f Mont­clair, waa appointed a member o f the Edl torial Committee, which will arrange and publlab the raporta end papers praaented at this eouvcntlon. The other members of the committee are the moderator, Rev. Howard B. Btt». end the seerttary. Rev. L Owen Jones.

^ha following cemmltteea Momni*''’ '’ ' ad 1^ tha Nominating CommUtea. weri ehooen:

Uambera of the Corporate Board of Mla- atoaa. Rev, James W. Uenforth, Wllllum H. Wnnamaker; Committee on Ulnlstrrlal Relief, Rev. Dr. B. M. Newman, Rev. Am- hroee White Vernon, Wllllem H. W’ana- laaker; Committee on Applied Christian­ity, Rev. Jaiqea A. Fairley, Rev. b. A. Dumm, Rev. T. M. Beedenkoff; Com­mittee on Christian Unity, Rev. Dr. Will­iam Keyes Ward, Rev. Or. Frlti Walter Baldwin, Rev. Dr. Amory M. Bradford.

gradee, the course lo embrace Oospel •torles, etorles IllustimUng the great doc- trinee of our faith, the life of Jesus, con­secutive biography. Old and New Testa­ment history, Biblical geography, Bible Btudy by books, the teachings of Jeeui, etc., including possibly some catechetical Instruction, together with tha raemorlilng o f Bcripiure, tha morq Imporum subjects bring repealed from time to tlma with Increasing breadth and emphuals.

"That after the completion of

?faded course there should ba opportun^^ or special study in normal rourui •special study in normal couraea and

•ubjecu connected with the developmrnt of religloua thought, history and orgenlaa- tiOBe

Ihe Congregational Sunday- school Bocleiy may find Itself able to pre­pare and publish from time to time the neeseoary manuals for luch a courae."

Reports from the various committees W<n^ at the convention of lUt, held In Waatungloa, D. C., were alio received. Etch committee wee requested to report


F vklle M eeting at 'Wklttk H ebrew s Urge K eep ing o f tk * Day,

NEW YORK, AprU U.—The Brit public meeting of the Sabbath Oboarvaiice As- ■oclatlon of New York waa held lait even­ing, when a number o f prominent He- brewe spoke agalnet the pievalling dlsn- gard of the seventh day o f the week held leered by' their religion.

}>r. Mark Blumenthel, the president. In welcoming the large lathering, said that, although n e aasocletton wae only organ. lied February 11, it had already about ieo members Rabbi B. B, Wise, who deliv­ered the llrel addreoi, aald that It was a particularly appropriata time (or such a meeting because o f the Peseover He •cored. In tarcaatio tanguegr, Rabbi Hlrech, o f Templa Blnal. In Chicago, (or lllow lhl (At U*y df Faaaover to go by without a aarvles In hla synagogue, an­nouncing that a apaclal Passover servlet would ba held there the following Sunday.

Daniel P. Hays, o f the Executive Com­mittee, speaking (or the Islly, said: “ As a Jew I say that It has been the obaer- vanca o f tha Babbath which haa prraarved

will probably contain a raedalllon portrait In baa relief. The fund for the memoria) has been contributed by a few alumni and friends through Dr, Henry Van Dyka.

Mr. and Mra. Ueaet Taylor Pyne, of Princeton, liaued invltaUoni yealarday tor the marrlege ot thetr niece, Ulaa Mar- garetta Stockton Beasley, to Edward Cole­man Delafleld, o f Naw York, who was graduated from Princeton last June, The wedding will take place at 1 o'clock «n Monday, April at Bt. Thomas'a Church, Neft York City.

Mlaa Eetella Pitney and Lewis W. Ue- Pcek, of Hamburg, were married at lha bride’a homa at Waterloo on Wednesday, by Rev. M. T. Olbba. pastor ot the Grace Methodist Eplaocpal Church ot Dover. Only near relatives of the bride and groom were present. After their wedding trip they will begin houaekeeping at once at Hamburg.

Mlaiea Mkfgeret Turger and Ida Erie- weln, who (or the laat few yeart have been leading merabera of the aocletlei connect­ed with Bt. Boneventure’a Rotnan Catho­lic Church, at Stony Rood, left Paterson yeaterd*]> for the Convent o f ft . Francis, at Peefcaklll, N. V.. where they will re- nounae the world and devote tfaemeelvea to a Ufa o f prayer and leaching. Hon'

; dreda bt pereons watched th* fUparture.The new borough o f the Highlands of

Naveslnk haa been orgonlaad ttbdai an act Introduced by Aeeemblyman Snyder. The new officer* agreed upon are: David M. Miller, Mayor; John L, Rider, Richard Mount. Lewis F. Parker, Thomas Hen- neuy, John T. Johnson and Mahlcn Burdge. Conncllmen; Abram J. Parker, Aiacsior: Charles. T. Maloon, Callector; Reuben I’ srker ahd B. J. Creighton, Com- mlselnncr* of Appeal, and Steven Foster, Juattce Of the Peaoa.

The Jersey City Bbard o f Flnaace yes­terday afirrnoon raconaldared a resolution ordering the Issuance o f bonds to the amount ol ISO,ODD, on account the new public library building, whleb was pnosrd several montha ago, but Was Invalid, be- cause the aihOUAt kitowad by th(e original act 'had been raaohed. A new act was passed by the last Leglalatura, and under this act the board yesterday ordered an Issue of bonds In th* sum of tIS,OO0. The new building Will bs .llnishad In a few mnnths. It would have been completed on May 1 If thera Bad nut been trouble be­tween rival labor organlsatlona and a sirlko.

Judge Blair yesterday directed * verdict of acquittal. In tha Hudnon County Court of Sesslqna,. tU the esags o f WIlHsm H, Bailey, Joo^h Thompaan and Hugh Don­nelly. The th n * man. who live In New York, wars orieated at a Junkthop In Thin) atraat, tlD t city, at E o'clock on the morning o f Uarch 14. while unloading a wagon sued with plumbing materials. Tha article* war* stolen from a Jersey City plumharia shop that had bean broken Into and robbed that morning. Bailey, who owned the truck and horaaa, maintained that be had baan employed by a man named Wilson to cart the stuff from Jer­sey City, and tha other two men were hts helpers, Ha produced several Mew York merchanta who teatlded to hla good char­acter. Judge Blair slated that the State had failed to prove that tha men had

and daughtar.A atrike occurred In BIgmund Eisner's

clothing factory this Week. Forty Italians . .liant. jHit hasMiise Ms^ W Y aiorft, ii«rtwiday,pemill a dlscbargM workman lo return to work. When they saw that Hr. Elmer was Arm they returned to work.

BIX peraona wera. baptised In the pool of the Red Bank Baptist Church on Hun-simer ni^Baa kw> b a a w Q 'U .u atu .b -.—

.................- . ng otBoard of HoaUh_was nald Tueadidar nlghl by Rav.. Vr. B. Matteaon.

T l ■rd of Health

„ -If*Idem. OharICB D.

he annual meeting ot the Red Bank.........------------ Jld Tuesday night.

The (allowing ufllceri were elected: Prea-Henry J. Child;

Warner;treeaurer, secretary.

H igh W ater Casaaa Aaetdcat—V a la s - bla Property Daatroyad.

FOTBDAM, N. Y „-ftpril M.—Tha canal a n d ^ w e r houu o t the Hannawa FallaWater Fo*(er Company and a larga quan­tity o f valuable machinery were almoit mined yceterdiy by the high water In the Raquatie River.

The company boa Jaat completed a dam and water power c a ^ at Hannawa Falls, four rallee from here, where it la develop­ing an extensive water power plant of 12,000 horse power. The dam created an enormous reservoir, and backed the river up for mllee. To-day the river rose to the top o f the canal, and tan over. This great body of water for aareral d iya had been presalng against tha earth at tha eniranea to the canal, and thla barrier gave way


FrankStrjrkcr; Uiapector, WIIIMm H. Wilson

Ttib result of tha Easter alcclton In Trinity Episcopal Church, Red Bank, was- ------ - --------- , .............. . Curtli,W. Strother Jonam vestrymen, B. J. Cul- Tlngton, Horace B. Van Dorn, Thomoi Voorhia, Dr. 'Thomas A, Curtis. H. Q. Corney, Charlea A. Ulnton, Norman Farre.

B riefs frwBi B eraardarllle. '*R V. Undebury and family, o f Ber-

nardsvllle, ara at Atlantic City for aeveral waaka

Robert Hanna, o f Baltimore, la stopping for several weeks at R. A. HItchclVs home In Bemardavllle.

HIsa Mahal Hughea.who has bean spend­ing the winter with her sister. U ra W. B, Judd, o f Bemardsvllle, la III with scar­let (ever at har home In Cranfard.

One o f the club-cars belompng to the I.*ckawanna Railroad will be In aarvlce dally after Hay 1 between B am alurllle sad Hoboken.

The naw Catholic chureh at Remards- vtlla, Our Lady o f Ferpelual Help, la nearly completed and will ha opaned tor service May I.

Mra. BTonAeld, Sr., ta quite 111 (ram a Blight paralytic stroke at Bernardanll*.

Tba river rushed with tramendoua en­ergy through the canal. The high torrent broke through and carried away every obatocle, awaaplni valsaUa machinery, aactlona of ataal panatocks, *tc.. Into the river. Binaty-flva f « t below. Beraral dy­namos o f tsoo horaa powar are reported to hare bean swept away.

About Ave hundred Italian laborers are employed on the worha, 'sP<l they art at- teropGng to close the entrance to tlw penal. Tha river, which la nearly a mile wide hare, hai risen about two feet since 1 o'clock.yesterday, and la constantly ris­ing. The damage cannot ba aceurataly es­timated as yeti but It Is varioualy com­puted at from m,(W to glLDDO, and U may be much Higher. ____



her home In

Pragwaal (• Reward hmm, JA'Ilaowi Whealer, Chaffea sad Otkara,

WASHINGTON, April l».-Oaneral Groa- venor (Rep., O.) yesterday Introduced a bill Mithorlalng the Praildent to appoint from amongllhe general ofllcara of voliln- teara, now In aervlce. not to exceed three Brigadier-Generals In tha ragutar service, with a view to placing them on the retired lilt o t tba Regular Army. Th* oAcert for whdaa hanaAt the hill was Introduced ware stated by General Qroavanot to be aaner- ala Fttahugb Lee, Jxmea H. Wilson end Joaaph iraeeler.

Anothar bill, pravldlng (or tha appoint' ment of six additional Brlgadler-Oanerate

•astft OrSBca aad Vailabargh.The Vatlaburgh Common Council beld

an adJoQtnad meeting last ntglit- Codtracts wera signed with William H. Tut

Or *rell, o f Betatb Orange, for laying arUAclal Burnet andstone sidewalks on

slreata Mr. Turrell Is tomedlataly. would mee

Hatatcd IB work.lm-

It .was stated thi^the Council ■ - right.meat next Wednesday night, when

hearifig would be given onthaordloancaa nroTtdtng (or telfordlilng ‘Orange avenue, Halated, ^ n fo r d and Wa “

ai’ --irovidtng for telfordlilni lalatad, Ranford and Wall atraeia.The Vallaburgh Board of Education haa

arrangedpresent acb necldad .to ei building.


to buy. same land adlbthlng tbool building, and >t AM ' th

______ _ . . ________________ ipiment vntl coat about tlR.OOA, ot whtco eum

erect a large addition to the old It la.estimated that the Improve

rill be paid b pariah o f 8 Orange, haa

;or the pfoparty. t. Andrew’s _'Ch‘irch,

_____ ___ alwtad lha followingWardens, Henry H.. Truman. H. Bradehaw; vestryman. Hugh

. ton, J. Van Nostrand. J. T. Colt, F, Winter, B. C. Mlimfopd, H. Y.

M. V. B. BrinokarhoS. '^ e dele- the dlocesan.cqnventlon ‘sdll he J. ttrand, Henry H. Truiaan. Henry

Ster, and the alternate*, J, T. Coll, eM ao and U. V. S. firinnWhoff.

■adla*B MatlaasiHra. Albright, widow of Dr. John AI-

* Mayor James P.bright, and mother of Mayor Jatma P. Atbright, o f Madison, died thla nornlng at

attar's residence on Main afftot.. . . r. Dr. Robert Alkrnan, who suffered a

paralytic stroke laat week, la atlU conAned. . . . . ---------- ------------------------


pari 40 I .

a residence on Main afftot Robert Alkrnan, who .goffered a

Id hla bad, though oamtaTtal"L Cariaon, Harry B. i-----

_____ Jnd and Charlea M. DeokM' are therepreaCntatlvea from the borough at Mad-

__riaonT Harry B,^Oritn, W. F.id and Charlaa M,

Ison to the Republican Blata convention at Trenton to-day.

At tha meeting o f Hadlaan Lodge No. . F. and A. M„ held last avantng, Bamue. Brant, P. M„ and Charlaa E. Oenung, P,

prsaentad with past maatera'M .,' were Jewelf.

In tha regular' service, will ha Introduced on tlia raoommendatlou of-BacrclAty RootThese Mils will be offered as araendmenta to tha Army Agpropiiatton bin. They have tba aupport of the PrealdenL who la da alroiuMir rawarding Generals WUaoru Lae and'W hm er by their transfer to the'ra- tlred Hat af tha Regular Army, and alx regular afDcara whose service have been conaplcdoua. None ot the d i plaaea la to be Ailed on tha retirement or death of the Incumbant, the office dying with the Aral appolntaa. Five of the oIBcara whom tha Fraaldaht haiin mind thus to piumota a n Chaffee, J^lea, Wheatqn,. B^w an '*aud Kobba, all ol yrhOm are ijotonala In the regular aarvlce and general offloara of vol- untaara.

Malalar'a Fhlldrea DlalabarUad,HACK^BACK. April U.-Tha Will of

John C, Malaier. n( New Milford,, whichqueu..--------- -- ------ --------- -

to hla second wits, was luatalned hi ^ijrlakla ^ jjaterday. The contaai

occupied____ maiabout two

..ltd marriage. Ur. Melster wlota In hla will that ba dtalnhcrited hla ahlldraH.be-cauga thw had not shown him priipar love and napaet

C horal •oatatr Fraaaala (ba Cantata o l wijignrna” and a. V aried P ro-

graaame at East OraaEO.Tha Mendalaaohn Choral Club of Roaa-

vllte presented an ambitious and well ren­dered programme at Its concert In Com­monwealth Hall, Bast Orange, laet night. The Arat part pf tha avanlng waa devoted to a. varied selection of ceutriatlng num­bers, and the entire second part waa taken up by tha cantata ot "Laiarua,” by Bcbnecker, a particularly appropriate aa-

JjtapriMvfqa Um.Eaafaa-saiaosk -tallteg.*^J*4 doss of Lagarua, Marthaand Mary.

For laat avenlng'a concarl tho Choral Gtub' o f aightr voioaa waa augmaasod by aoMsts and a full orcheMra, eompoaad o f matnbars o f tba club. The soloists wot* warmly rtceivad. Ufa, Fioreneo Wlloox- JobnA who bad been engaged aa soprano aolqlit, was unabla to apepar, and har place waa taken by Ulaa Martha Hlnar,

young singer who bat baan heard at the concerts of tha Haydn Orahaatra In Orange, and who haa a eweet and wall- trained voice. Mlaa Margaret Q, Kaye was tha contralto aoMat, and Charlaa A. Rica and John H. Fulton ware the tenors. William W. Thomas waa tim boas aololat and Dr. Carl E. Dultt took tba plaea ot Gaorga A. Fleming aa baritone.

Tha Chorua’a Oooft W *r1i.'Tha ehoruB was under tha baton o f

Gaotge S. Ewan, and retpondad raadlly to his laadtrahip. Mr. Ewan had hla alof- era undar perfect control and tho pro- gramn* throughout waa givan with tore* and expraaaloB, tha attqcka bring prompi and tho work thoroughly artlatic. Tha or­chestra, eoDpoaed o f dub memhara, did Its part well. It la compdaad o f tht fo l­lowing members:

VldUga, Mlaa Louise L Hood, Lao Gold­stein, F. L. Buttarworth, August Loahn barg, Frank Hodaan, Clifford B. Addis, Fred F. Qulmby; violas, Chdrlea Haalar,- Ralph W.'iiYyatt: 'oelloa. Morris B. Smith, H. r . Twltchall; baas, C. O. OUvar; fluta, Frank B. Makridtta; ciarimat, .Imuls Bchuta; aaiophone. Miss Ratala Hacklam; comet, A. Bwheti trombone, Fred ,B, Voaa

Jordan'* (amllUr "BalUd of tho OTatar- man” was aung (or tha opening nuaabar, and than the mala quartette, eompoaad of Hr. Rtoa, Mr, Fulton, Dr. DuSt and Mr. Thomas, tang "The Night la Still," by Clark, Ml** Hargarat G. Keyaa aaag, aa a tonttalto aohk: Backer'a "Bpringtidt.'' A pretty nqg» lullaby by Noll-Bmuh, "Doan Ya Cry, l*a Hontyi” waa aUng, aooom- panlad by th* club,. The mala quartatt* gava two aarigs, tba flrit “ My OM K*n> tucky Horn*" and tba other "Off to Fblla- daiphia." The Brat part of the programma Was concluded with a aalaotlon from DonlaaUTli “ Luela.'; givan by the club orchestra and a aaktalta eompoaad ot Ulaa Martha Mlntr, aoprano; Mlaa Hargarafta. Keyaa, oontralto; Charlaa A. Bice, tanor; John M. Fifton, tehor; Dr. Carl B. thifft, barttena) inlUam W, Thomaa, haaa

T h o I^M toto P * * s l* r .Tha eantoto f t "laiaarua" la doaarvedly

popular. It aSerda good opportuirity tor

Talk oa (ho Orgaalsnttoa at CUatoa Avaaao Baptlat Gharoht

Tha Baptist Young Peopla'a Union, ot tha Clinton Avenue Baptist'Church, held •pedal exerctsee last evening la ennnea- tlon with the Installation o f tho olheees o f tha unton. Rav. D. D. Hunro, of Eaat orange, was expactad to dalliear an ad- draas, but was unabla to bo pnaont. Tho Rev. Dr. E. H. Curry, tha new. pastor o f the Clinton Avanna Baptlat Chnrah. p*va' a ahort talk on "OrganliaGon In'tha Bap­tist Young Paopla’a Union.”

Dr. Curry said that much fault, -waa found with thq organlntlon. . 'l ‘‘Pgopla say," he continued, "that thare It too much organisation In tba Church; too much machluery and not enough power-to unite. But organliatlon la a great necas-

. l i f e c illi for orgenliatlon. and tt damanda expression tn organlxatloniy

The pastor then told of th r heglWring o f tba Baptlat Young Poopla's Union, tay- Inglthal U origlnatad In Nebraska, Ut *h-, Jaot being to strengthen lha soolol alda o f tha Church. Once atartetW Dr, Curry ax-* plained, the union grow rapidly.

"Tha backbone pf tha union," be aald, •'ll found In Ita motto, ‘Culture for,S*r-| vice.' Tha crowning feature o f the'work. U the giving of ounelvaa drat to tt)a,MM- tar, then to Hla Ctaurch.

‘The oiAcara of the union, who were In- ■talled. were; J. Henry RoBXel, pregldentj; Frank B. WBiAeli vlda-praaldent; Paul C. Dawolt, treasurer; Eltiabetb Bpaethi to- cordlng aacreury; tAura G. Plerkoh, om- reipondlng aeefeury. and Annie J. Bui- pben. Junior auperlntendent.

Tha orchestra o f the North Oradge Bap­tist Bunday-tchool saalated In th* m uric.' Refreahmentt and a aoptal hour elqaad tba txercltea.

* -■H^IHUP a w x M v iL L a .

A Hera* Badly Hart and W raakad.

A h am attached to a deltvary wagon belon^ng to the Paatale Btaaia Laundry i Company ot BrilevUle, was Httriied In | front at Ballavilla Hall, that plaoa, yuatar-' day afternoon, whan lha animat took . fright at an approaching trolley ear. Tha horaa hroka away and mada a dash In tha direction at tha qar.

Martin Flanagan, the driver, ran up and■ ■ ■ wmanaged to catch tha animal by tha 1

but he cauld not prevent It raaehlng tfacke, where It balked. The dar ta tha wagen with great force, amsehn.. to Mte and knoAlng Flhnagan and'that horaa to tha ground. . |

The horaa wda so badly cut Abqgt that •houtder and aide that It will probably ha nacaasary lo ahoot It Flanagati atoaped wlthjJaw^nriaeajOojIJM eft^m ^


Nanay Baska'l MamarlaL

iolo work tfbl tha ehoruiiaa are affeatlv*. and tha wqrk was given in a mannar that

ROCKPORT. Ind.. April l» .-^ v a m oT Jamal A. Mount wid the Im UiM l^lq members of the Ndncy Mon^a Hentprltl Association mat the fl;_ _ _ inencer Jauntymlaalonera .and the cltlaana ' ~T Law d*1awitn*v

imoi______r Com

__________________ ______ of Rockportand Lincoln County yesterday and og m d upon the purchase o f itxtsan acria of orig­inal taraal surrounding lha grave of the mother ot Abraham Lincoln. Tha Bounty

laoriaf--........... ................................ .... ro to ap­propriate a tufllclant amount to park thewill burchaa* the land and the aai _ will than ask the next LegrlaUtuni to

called forth hearty applause.Tha pianist was Valtako 0. Rlchkrdt Tha club U already making piana tor

nakt aaaton, and-It ta propoaad to th* aaaoclata oumberahlp Hat.

Tha'ofBoart qt thk club arai Praaldant, tomaa A. BanlatM-; vtca-preridant. John

Jackson; traaaurer,. G. Rowland Hun- •seratAry.^WlUhim F, BugaaU, Jr,;

Large Roe Shad. Large Buck Shad Codfish Steak . W hole, C od . , Weak F ish . . ,

iVMAflTa VI4HUEm Wt aiiHIlbrartanTThtodara F. Raliayi Bxacutlva

- ------- II Talbot.


Committee. Dr. 'WlUtam Talbot. Mra. M. D. Compton, Wllltlim T. Decker, Mrs. ft. D. Pali*.

11 H I 111 H I » » » « ■»» * * * * ‘*‘‘H"t«">»t ‘»F‘»'t “» ‘>,‘>l>*******.* * * * » **


Marihor.ftHDBRgON, InA„ ftprll Pod-

more, Afty-tour yMta did, waa Shot and klllad to-day by hla twanty-year-otd son, Thoidos.

Tha SOB jdaimi that ha and hla mothar had baa« atta^ad by tba oldtr FWniora with a haiohet Mrs, Fodinora had glad •uit for divoroa. rodmore wqi a akHlad-mot iMllt ■rdhrilrm*'











ID A lr, A P ftIL 19, IBQO.


1 .


LffUitiTe CmUm CMfitki AiT M h iI iMtlMi; ad f 11 le.

ptft ti tk OnenarN M ay.


iC A R N E G IE LA B O R A T O R Y O F E N G IN E E R IN G .::

D cnl*a t lu t «,* '•‘• l i Bt I*» ‘ liA* a DatM Hva W a» ta M »e «4 •• la a tlta lla a ta W atah Bar.-KBawa a f Ma mmrntia ta P ta ia lrta B a M a C athalle laMBtaa—M n, W aatharbr CMIla tha p a B lih a a a t Ctlla “ llaiplr T aralbla.*

•tacUl to th* IVCNIHO KIWI.TRKNTOK, April IIL-Altar • awalon

iM tliif llvt boura aait a halt. Ihf Lacta- latlva Commlttaa that baa baan lawatlfat- Ini ttia affatfa at tha Slata tnduatrial •ehoel far Qlria flniahad tha takinf at taatlmony at l;tt o'clock laat nlfhL Baa' oral wllnaaaat wara akairlntd and H la aald no mora trill ba oallad. No tlna waa Iliad lor iba nait maatlnt of the comnlt- taa. but tha raambara trill probably meat In Aaaamblyioao Maakar'a oIBca In Now York to-morrotr, arhan lhar trill prapara thalr report lor tha Oovamor. It la thalr tntantlon to let hint b*'** ** bafore nait Monday.

EIndar tha latr paaaad by tha laat L a f lilatura tha Cknamor had thirty daya In which to appoint a naw Board of Haiia pan for tha home. That time aiplraa on Uonday, and It la for that raaaon that tha tnvaaUsatora ara anxloua to aubralt thalr report, to hint on or bafora that day, Alt thay can do la to maka racommcndalloni.Tha report will ba handed ta tha Ooyarnor, and ha In turn will aubntit It to tha nait Laclatature, aa told In yealerday'a NEWB,

Tha taatlmony takan yaatarday waa eon fllctlnl. For lha moat part It waa apalnat Mra. Hyatta Kylar, the principal of tha ■chool. but tha laat witneu ol the day wai a food one, and aha waa unquallBadly In favor o f the head of thb achool and htr roaihoda. She declared that while the ma­tron waa not Infallible, aha waa capable.So far ai aha knew, aha aald, the chirpaa of Croat cruelty were unfounded.

Whan the laklna of leatlmoiiy wae com­menced Aaaemblymen Muntla and Meekar ware tha only mambero of the commlttaa praaeni, but later Aiaamblyman Marihall appared and made up a quorun). Xeaart. AbbalA and Waketae were the abaantaaa.

Kaaar o f No P roa elytla « .Mra, Mary H. Miller, a form er‘taachfsr

at the echool, waa tha first witneu. Bha aoen made It clear that aha did not ap- prove of Mra. Kyler'i mathoda. and atlpr tha had flvan a lot of leneral taatlmony aha wat quratlonad about tha alleged ifroa- elytlng o f glrla

"Cnder Hr*. HcFadden,"' the witneu aald, “ the rellitoue rlghta o f the glrla were never interfered with. The Catholic glrla had avery Tueaday evrntng to atudy their cafechlim. That wat done away with by Mrs. Blyler. but for whit reaaon t do not hnow.”

“ Do you know o f any attampt on tha part of any one to deprive any of the glrle o f their rellgloua liberty f '

“ No," anewered the witneu, and In re­ply to other queatlone ihe u ld ahe knew o f BO praarrangad plan to antagonlie Mra Byfer. The teachera . aometlmaa talked about affaire at tha achool. and once one o f them u ld aha woodarad how long Mra Kylar would laat Tha arltrma u ld aha didn't racotlact who made that re­mark. ' .

"Waa anything a lu aald?" atkad Mr. Maeker.

‘9U, lota o f thlnga wara u ld In privata coDvenatlonf!'’

“ And you had a number of 'private con v am tlon a f “

“ T n : why not? We were ehut In from the world, and we had to have aomethlng to talk- about. But we did not crltlelM the mainl^emeBt.''*

In reply to further queatlone the witneu u ld that word was aaot to her and ana or

'tw o othart to the effect that they #«re never to enter the matron’a room. Mrs. Syler u n t the massage.

PvM tSoat M oC alloagb Kaplatas., Fruldent HcCullongta, of the pruent Hoard o f Truiteea, ulaa next called. When

. he went there wll)| tha other tiu itcu thay revisad the ruin. Soma, of tha rules ware etrlckao out. One of them waa No. n,

! which provided that any one wlehlng to make a complaint must do ao through the principal o f the echool. Now, It any one hM a eoroplaint It may be made direct to the board. Other nilas which gave tha principal great power were cut out or pqodllled.

"Tha principal," ha u ld . "has now too much Co do. Bhe la overburdened, and the

' ' Eiacutlva Commlttu hai railevM her .of much o f It."

“ Do you think It would bo a good plan to have a mala luperlntendentT"

“Taa, 1 do."‘T he naw law," u ld Mr. Muker, "pro-

vtdw for a board to -conalat ot men and woman. Do yon approve ot that?"

"Taa, t certainly do. I recommendad that.'*

•Tall ns. In a ganaral way. what you think o f Mrs. Bylaria qualiflcatlona for tha place."

I " I have aoan her only four timaa.""Hava you hu rd any complainta?"•Ho, air.""Tou have hurd o f allaged emaltlaar'"T u , air, and I have queatlonad tha

. princhtal about tha matter, t asked her It qarporal punlabmant had bu n InBletcd ID any oa u ilnca this board was appoint ad. aad aha u ld only onoa." t

" W ^ t do you think ot Mra Bylar'i ozeeutlva abUltyr*

" i t 'i good. Whether or not she U Ju- d ld ow la aootber tMtter." -' '*00 you know whether or not the In-

aro treated 'Inhumanly T " hey partapnly are not Unlen Mrs. ta lying. S ^ u y s they are net, aatd

tha KxaouUve contmltceo, which has A c matter In charge, hat made no report of anything cruet."

‘T m in u O’Hara aald tha other day that Catholic glrla ara balng proulytod. What

’ do you hnow about that?”"Nothing. -I hara Inquired about It and

htiva b « » d of no complaint whatever."' "llaa there bun any attempt on the part at the t r u te u to deprive the girls o f thalr lailglaua ilhartyr’

• '"S e i air." aald tha wltueia, etaphatloal- queatlonOtr^^l^

New building given by Andrew Carnegie to BteVani Inslltuta ot Technology , , HobokeiAe which 1« to co*t ovor


C M s tn c t iM s f t k N e w U k n l i r j s fE q k e e n i K to k k p i at Do-

M e t Next V m A .

I I'd t f 1 1 t T 1 1 M "T'<

beenCullough aald thlnga had racanliy going along smoothly at tha achool.

Mrs. B y le r Lacks Tael.Oo you think Mrs. Kylar It compatant

to run that tnailtution?"T hat la a question, air. that I do not

care to anawar. I think ahf la lacking In tact. Mra. Byltr la not big enough to

*“Do*you think aha la In full sympathy with the giriar’

"I can’ t answer that I don t know, t have aeon bar gobig aboua tha InaiUutlon aad tha glrla seem to be reapectful,"

“ im tbara anything you wlah to urT '_ quarfad Hr. Hungle.

"Wall." u ld tha wllnett. "tome eUta- ment waa made here lha other day and I w u lambaatad and lampooned In tha papara for It. I would like to explain that. Halt an hour after thlnga happened at the school Ihay were known all o u r Tranlon and we decided to Bnd out who waa ao dUloyal to the management aa to give publicity lo these matters. With that Idea, we determined to ..ngaga a woman detectiva td watch the people at the achool. Now, It has been Intimated, If not bluntly u ld . that I Informed Mra. Eyier that this detectiva would ba put In there lo watch her. 1 did nothing of the kind. In order to get Ihe woman In the inatltutlon I wae obliged lo apeak to Mrs, Kyler about her, and I augiealed that ehe be given M lu Vanderveer'a place aa aa- alatant matron. M lu Vandervrrr waa then sick. That w u all that waa u ld . How were wa to put this woman delacllvc In there unlua Mrs. Eylrr knew of It? flha w u to watch Mra. Byler as wall aa the otheri. but no one told the matron that, ao far u 1 know. That'i all thare la to that, except that the detectiva waa not employed."

H orriSeg by P a a la h u ea l Celia.Mra. Alpthea Weatherhy. a former mem­

ber o f the Lady Board ot Mantgara. aald that during Mrs, McFaddan'a admlnlaira- llon "Ihc golden rnie waa always In force.” Attar Mrs. Eyier waa put In charge, the wltnua waa Invltad to exam­ine "the punishment rooms." They are what have recently bu n called eelli. Mrs. W utherhy objected lo them. She wat horriBed to aea them," and refused lo go

Into one, even for a minute. Aaked about the rulgnailon of one of the teachera, the witncaa declared that the young woman w u "froien out" at the Instigation of Mra. Byler. ...

T he treatment o f tha girl Sadie, aald the arttneu, "waa not JualMled. Bhe need­ed fveih air. n was mi*Vand ehould not have been permitted In ahf Institution.'

Tha Board of iM&r Managefi waa not consulted before Mrs3 Bjr>« * »■ *i*i»gKl- Bo far aa the witneu; knew, "aakleu" wore not used at tha Inatltutlon during Mrs. McFaddan'a admlnlifrttlon. Tha w luius u ld that aha bad no official knowladga of the "awful atoriu o f cruel­ty." Questioned about the girl who waa obllgod to walk UP and down atilri, the wUneaa u ld aha aaked Mra, Byler about the case. The principal •aW tl>* m " ’ *■* ordered to go up and down the xlal^* twelve tlmea for "ahuffling her feat.' -The record ahowa that tha girl waa directed to make the trip tweoty-Bve timu.

•'Thoae 'eella,' " u ld Mra, W utharby, "ara simply terrible. They are hardening. One asaoclatea them with hardened crim­inals. I want to go on record aa being unalterably opposed to them.- Bontary conftnanwnt Is a bad-thing. It la nuea- u r y to have poalahmant toowa, hut I would have ithem comfortabla/'

Mra. WulHarby u ld that aha w u not nUafled with Mra. ByleCa method from the but xhe healtatad to say ao fora ■ “ '

latter wMt lo tha school tha wltnasa didn't know there was tuch a perion In tha world." . .

"Do you think the Intereata ot tha |lrla ara properly guarded?"

"Tea. If 1 didn’ t I would have aaked tor Mrs. Bylar’a discharge long ago."

Speaking of the plan to engage a wom­an detective tor duty at tha Inatltutlon, tha witneu aald It waa to have been profound aacrat. ’When they learned lhat Mra. Byler knew o f the ecncme, the wit nan u ld It would ba foolish to engage the detective, preaidant McCullough waa|hars at tha time, "but," u ld lha wUneu. "ha didn't maka any such explanation aa ha did to-day." „ .

Mrs. Emicy daelarad that Mra. Byler waa a very capable woman and that aha had never known tha principal to tall an untruth, "avan In a trifling matter." Bha again slated that, ao far aa ahe knew there w u no truth in the atorlea of proa- alyilng. * ,

“ When I aakpd Kate about the matter, aha aald, "the glii told me frankly that Mrs. Eyier had never urged her to turn from her religion. Bhe u ld It was a mat­ter that iha dscMad for heraeif and-did you u y you ware going to hold an all night asulon, gentlemen?"

■That depend! upon you. aald Mr. Meeker.

"Does It?" exclaimed the wUneaa. 'Well Tm through." and up aha Jumped.

AHrgad BribetT Doated.It waa then I'JO o'clock. Mr. Mungle

pulled from hia pocket a letter which ha u ld ha thought should ba made public In Juallca lo Mrs. Eyiar. It w u In reference to a girl named Annie. "Mlu Frances Day one of tha former tuchara at tha achool teatlBed recently that ahe understood lhat Ki had been paid for Annie's discharge. The letter auhmitled by Mr. Mungle waa In the form o f an affidavit, aigned by the girl's brotbar. In It he declared that no monev W u paid for tha Arl'a discharge, and 'that none had bean aaked for by any one.

Mr. Mungle aupplatnantad the letter with


riaaa for lha Ptraotare, W hleh Hava Been A ppravad hy tha Daaur, ta l l far a K aa da ou a , F lrep raol, T hree, alary ■ a lU la g , W ith E very A p. p llaaee fo r the Vaa s f tha gladeata. Dr. H ortoa Is OIvs tha Mnllrr-h««ft«a

MUNYON’S GUARANTEE.W a«agi Aiaartlsda as. td J a s t W hat

ffiauadlaa W ill Da,

i t

•pedal to the BVBNINO NgWi.HOBDKBN, April It.—Wllhln tha next

week ground will ba broken tor. Ihe new building which la to ba adds to Ihe present group o f butidloga owned by lha trusteaa of Blevcni Inxtltute o f Technology, and actual work on lha "Camagle Laboralory ot Engineering" will ba commenced.

The new building, which will face on Hudson atreat, will stand on the plot ot ground Juat north o f tha main building, at present used by the sludenta aa a cam­pus. It la ’s gift to tha Inatltutlon from Andrew Carnegie, who, uveral months ago, donated IKI.Mb to Btavena Inatltuta tor the erection of an auglncarlux labora­tory. p ecauu o f tho Incruaatl coal of building materials. It la thought that lha edltlce will coat mora than tM.WO. hut aa Mr. Camegla has authorised Trealdent Morion and lha members ot thg Ilulldlng Commlllea to go shsad and construct thp new laboratory In conformity with tbe plana aa originally drawn and nccepted, Ihe Incrwsed coal ot tha material does not worry the trustees ot tha Inatltuta, knowing that lha bills, whatever they amount to. will bo settled by Mr, Carnegie.

Tha new building Will be a handaoma itructtin. It la lo ba oonairucted of brick, with atone Irimmlnga, and win be ID teat long, U feat deep and three stories In height. The gopportia and beams will made ot ateel, and the hulldlng will ba ab- aolutely fireproof. AI tha raar of lha build' Ing Will be eractad a boiler house, which will supply light, heat and power lo the enilra group ot taulldinga. The holler haute will ba flfty by thirty-two and la the gift of Dr. Henry Morton, president of the In- itltute.

P eatsrea a t Ike fllinetare.A feature ot the holler house will he

till chimney containing various up-to-date arrangementa for recording and meaanr- Ing temperature, Thermometera will ba placed In tha Interior of lha chimney which wilt ba useful for aclantinc pur- poifi.

The main, or ground floor, of the Carne­gie building will ba used aa a leatlng lab oratory, and will contain ell of tha larga machinery. The tearing laboratory will be ninety-ali feel long and Bfty feet wide.

Hama ganalSH that kW kXMBMilsni Ossa will care asarty all caHS af ikeuau- tms ta a few kaun; tkat kM Urtpmsla IMts will rat. larilaniHa uS all ■lawirh itoukl.1. ikai kii kMaey Cara aid cj-.« SO jvt eiar, af alt taava af khlaay inohi.; ikat Hs Ci- Uttk care will «m ealatik ka ataltrr k>w Wn)i .laaillnf: ikst kla U..4.IW. iktr. wIU CUM toy kiiiS 'll bciiWclic la t few ifilsjiica: tkatku r.ia liira will auirkiy Nvtk op aay

• n St mM sod in M riirraek tke ettln Hat af rawsiwa. AI all Siuiiois. lb rtalt a rial

It fas aaad wcflcal ai.ira writ* Piwf. Uuaraa. IMg Aiak at., Pklta. Ii It sktaluitlr (laa.


M ary’s O raM allc .Asaorlatlaa Bn. (artalaaseat W ell Heaelvad.

Tha fft, Mary's Dramallc Aaaoclaiion of Boulh Orange scored a hit In Vallaburgh last night when U presented the farce That Baacsl r a f and the Irlah plAy ‘Shaun Aroon" In the Bhooling Kallt Hall

for lha banefli at the Bacred Heart Church o f IHat Orange, A large audience ra- eolvad tha plays moat cordially, John N. Feartaljy directed the perfurmanca.

Thai Raacil I’ at" waa Inlarpretad by tha following rnai: I’at McNoggarty, Will­iam King; Major I’ uRJackal, John F, Mills: Charles Uvlngalone, John P.Btlrna: I.aiira, Mix* M argant Nolan; Nancy. Mia* Margaret l^etnan. During tha fares Mr. King aang a aolo.

Tha following waa the caat for Bhaun Aroon:" Bhaun Aroon. John Holaman; Lord Fermoy, Harry J, Backar; Fergus lUordan. John P. Belrne; Dan O'Orady. John P. Kernan: Tom O'Orady. Charles Ball; Old Itcnnlnga, John F. Mills; Nip- par, James F. Farrell; Patrick, James Raynolda: Mra. O'tlrarty. Mlaa Winifred

Molly, Mlaa May Barrett; Maggie. Hlsa Kathryn Rhstlcan.

During this performance muitoal aelec Mona were rendered by John Holaman. Mlaa Margaret Khattcan. Mlaa Anaataala Klrwln and Charles Ball. The memtiera o f the chorua In "Bhaun Aroon" were Mlaa Rota Murray, Mlaa Helena Reynolds, Mlaa Margaret Nolan, Mlaa Idtcy Reynolds, Mlai Margaret Rhstlcan. Mlaa Kllen RaadI, Mlaa Joaephlna Horn. Mlaa Marga rat Keenan. Mlaa Mabel Bottom, Mlaa Bllashelh Oregan and Mlaa Mary y.logler.

Martin Maher directed the orcheaira, which was composed o f the followiiig young men: Harry Boe, Theodore y ehidl, Andrew MacDonald, jerank McOee, i rank Klrwln and John Preston. Mils Anaataala Klrwln preaided at the pUno.

The aasoclatlon will present "The Ma­jor ' In Pt. Mary's Hall, Boulh Orange lonn. and later will giva the same play In Morristown.

■ • ■ • m m r a M i M ]I vitae tbe realf t 1 reason for dealiof at the• 8I Z l C O H I 78 i 7I N a S T O B I 8. “ 1L W A 7S T E X C B I A F U T , '

jv lA R K E -T A N D W A S H lN G T Q t i s t r e e t s

I'm il you have examined every detail of

Ready-to-Wear Clothing, -For men and woiiieti, and then compare it with same quality sold elsewhere.

Y OU’LL, need a N e w T o p C o a t this week, and we’ve a won­derful collection for you to

choose from.Grace in men’s clothes, espec-


KILLBD nr A f a l l i n d w a l l ,

a statement to the effect that he and As- At the aouth end ot lha building will be aamblymaiB Ahbettj had made Inqulrlca locatsd the coatrooma and offices

THE WEALTH HiilITd M ao Koty lo Vtna oa Aay fMhor.

W o Go flit dfffiboroMy .foTM our pot. tUHo, But thor kro uMOMffioMlr oo- nffroB oad fTow 00 wo grow, OM hr iko im DO MAfA tt)W *>o hurtitit'ta mt flag Jm b tpo otiM g to bo ooaily brolM , , Thoo why sot form ggW d hobit, f halM

j Mill eouBtaioct .tho aaoay bod'oqog; iWonio,. M ptnet' tho unfoMdsit-

Jbfiag olWAjm woll. , .I taeolth (DUt to got Mte It-U

hhvo ofxl kaop o vlgaroux gtonooh; U you hcM h iMBltw d^potlon you con drink ySMt 'W O tM pGX;**, amoko rbur tovorlta

- ' ■ ‘ liiattl* or no boMiiW gMRP.ttlUlga ora I Moaosk, without

IKM L bM iH kli

.t k « l

. long rime beca'uae other dlalniereated persona teemed to think the principal was all right. Mra. Byler, ihe cold, seemed lo ba unable to appreciate the fact that the glrla have aoula and were human. The wltneaa read a reiolurion odopied on August n . HM, by the Board pt Managera.

orohlblted all forma of corporal pun- lahA nt. Aaked If she knew anything about the alleged proselyting ot glrla. she answered In tha negative.

RwlIgdoB PloyoA No F ort.Mra Frank BergeiLot EIIiabeth,waa the.

next wltneei. She and Mrx. Butene Kmley, o f Patefion. each wanted a girl named Katie from the Inatltutlon. It waa said at a recent aeaxlon that Mrs. Byler afraid tho girl would again epibrac* the Catholic religion If ah# went to Mra. Eter- aen'a house, and for that reaaon,would Sot coiwant to let the latter lake her. Tha girl aubaequently went to Mra. am - tay'a bouse. Mra, Bergen aald t»»L lo far aa aha knaw, thara waa nothing In that Blory. Mra. Byler. aha aald, did not Mfeak o f the girl'* religion. Tbe wltneaa did noti take the girl becauH she "didn t wantklfrP

The Beit wltneaa waa Mri. Kmley, who haa been a wambar of the Lady Board o f Managira for tlv* yaara. Bhe told whkt

Aha know about tho gW who was Indwt- urod to her. Tho girl, ahe said, had boan, a Catholic, but after ahe had bean at the Institution for a time ahe embraced tbe Frotmtant faith. '

‘When ahe came to me,‘ aald the wu neas. " I told her she mnat use hpr oam, Judgment aa to which church ahe would attend. I tolB M ^. Byler lhat tw t would be 'my courw with the girl, and she It had her hearty approval. I waa the Brat to applT for th* glri, and I preaulM « wgi,; Ibr that raaaon that ahe waa Indontu^ to m*. t don't think the quealf®" *>'»*• Hilon had anything to do with it. u it had I know nothing of It. Katie h o noth­ing bnt p n lt* for Mra, Kyier. She u y i that she owe* her evarythlng. «h* t a a good girl. Under Mra McFadden aka waa considered b*d."

■hM kwd ky Dr. MadAock.Mri. Baatav aald ehe was "ah«;kod'’ by

tha teallmoirif o f Rav. Dr. Maddock,-who loMIlM Lhat he hAllevrd In moral au^ alon Inatead o f corporal punishment. The wltneaa declared that aa a it w ai Df. Haddock who recommend^ the puntskmaat «elto and Mf***^^**^ * ! ? ? ? if eke approvtd o f the punlehment-rpoma, •bo- laid ahe did under the preeent con-

**Mra*' IM gf. gccordlng to th*. w ltn e^ tTMuently gave the Iftmete*. tatauuUi eandy. etc. khe dxstared that ehe » e v « MW the princlpeU-treat any o f the gtata kanghjy. Tha vrilneei went on l o ^ . thatw l^ iH r a . McFaddan *aa in girl trtad to aiKape from k t h lt d -^ r window. • Bha fell and wap badlylnjur^ , bnt nm nsg^ to get to Trenton, where ahawa* taler lodktad. , , __" i k e w u returned to tto

aald tha iWltiwHi "•<»* had k «f put tn the ao-called dmgaon » the « t lA ,T h a girl waa malmed.for Ilf*, hut elwwenti into th* »trio Juat th* Mm*.

"Acoepding to *ome of ka«q,",nnld Hr. Meekei'.' "Mru M e F H I^ w**;g v i ^ lutHhle woman. Ferhapa this

: *ald tto v M tn ^ Uk*I on* who bAd htr own opinion Of t u n D i' ter and waiu’ t inollncd to etiange & H r HatlM’ lareasrio In whaljie fbg taitnatiJApoaronriy didiFt not* tha*

a e o lm ^ h a tg k * .A gs5U ** anT ovtdence ef^ongltr a?

about th* matter, and that they had been Informed that there waa nothing In the story regarding th* alleged payment for the girl’s dlachatgc.

CALEB Sk C R O C H T T ACtClTTED.Federal Jury Flada tko (Iwwark Maa

Xot Oallty ot 'Waaklngi Oaaccl- led Reveawo Itaiap*-

TRBNTON. April ll.-C aleb i . CrockcU. book-keeper for William Brow* A Bon. of l» Clinton atreat, Newark, waa acquitted late yeaterday aftefnoon by a Jury In the United States Court ol th* charge ot waihlng and removing canoellatlona Dom Internal Revenue stamp*.

Crockett, In his defenoa, put th* blame lor being found at the Palace Hotel, where he was arreated with atampa In his poaieaalon. on an agent o f the Govern­ment who took him to the hotel. He de­nied all knowledge of ownership In any manner of an envelop* containing waahed -stamps which wai found on him, saying that tha envelop* waa handed to him at the hotel.

Crocket dented poaUlvaly that he ever washed atampa orltad stamps In bla pox- sesslon Which had been waahed except aa stated.

Judge Kirkpatrick stated that no *vl dence ot washing stamps had been pro duced, but It waa alao an offence to have Che atampa knowingly In ona't poasesalon.

The Jury waa out only a short time when U retilmed with aq acquittal.

,e---------- —f o v n b a d e n o f t h i b v k b .

On tho second floor will be another teat- Ing labtratory, MxD feet. Bpectal tearing machines srill he placed on I hit floor. A record room. In which the atudente srill keep Ihe record* of all testa mada by lham, will alto be located on ihle floor, u will be the apparatus room and tool room. A bridge srill also connect the laboratory srith the main buUdlag of tha Inttltul* on this floor.

At tbe south end ot tbe third floor will be conetructed a lecture room, 60x41 feet, srith eeatx for ID etudenta. and a large platform, on which the Inatructora srill demonstrate the various tesla When lec­turing. A model room, store romn and computation room will alao be found on this floor. The latter room will be 60iH. and will contain a number of tables, at which the etudenta can alt while at work on ordinary computatlena. An elevator In the centre of the building will permit of heavy machinery, etc., being hoisted to the iwture-roorn.

It I* expected that the building Will be completed when the fall term 9p«r,e In September next. The plane for the build­ing were drawn by Ackerman A Rosa, of New York, who will aupervlae the work of construction.


R asila g Cobb C raabe* *" D ealb aaA Hla B rotbev tajwred.

* 'oX F O R K *'A prll* lA ^ ^ * l » e """• ■William Cobb, of this place, were gaged yesterday In laartng down an old house that Ihelr father had recently pur­chased. when th* oclllng and part of one of (he walla tall.

Ruallng Cobb, aged eighteen yeara, wat Instantly killed, and hla brother Goorge, aged stilsen yeari. srma aerlouily Injured.

younf mton who won woo popular In Oxford. Ha was a merabar Of the Jr. 0. U. A. U.

c m ADtaaTMDMBNTm.


_ _ BTRJC.NfWiuiL N- 4.. A^ll 1%

iiiorwli wlirW r*c*iTHl at^li from tothe iw*nty-t1sth of ktftt Ihe keec hour. * foihUc ^Ihe boorx! to b« h#ld &c leld ilmo and pitoco. for' wJ'JrSwISli four lo xen Inch ^211 froM lofto, twelve to iwenljr-four Incha.’cD^aroe* tons thlrty-elx-lfich vner Pjpw Hb.uOb pound! "»pecui!. from four lo talrty-

''wloSSTmundi Ihinr-oix-laeh "breeches" esat-'"S i f.o.b. esm Nrwsrk, H. J., Including Special frelxht dcllvrrte« for the 'hlrta-rix-IncS t>) , ecCordInf lo the ■pwjtflcellor which be tumlehed uponed. Propoeelt to be fndoroed Cm i Iron neicr *lKM!rs will ilst! lh!lr pricca la wiitlni sa "told* pTopowJ!* to be accompanied by tatc “ Mot. In^tW x. otr . S S " ’ 'wb''o“ T ^ a? ,5 .”U ’ '•Propmm,.^ coAllfr -

ially in over-garnieiits, is subtl very hard to exprc.ss. The cloth­ier that secures it, succeeds. The grace in our top coats explains their trade success. You may not need to wear it, but the finish and the linings are such that you can cairy it on your arm, but it’s necessity to have a top coat ready. E A A W e start them a t . . . v » V r \ r

We are equal to the task o f sat­isfying every one who eotnes here fo r clothing. We know that our stock is unequalled in the State. It is cloth­ing that is made to satisfy critics — men and boys who know how io dreSs well and do not want to carry

about evidence of cheapness on their backs. We cannot hope to sell anybody else, and no matter how little the price, ihe style and Jit o f the suit or top coat have the best thought we can give them.

The Boys’ Sonday Clothes.A dainty feast takes time to cook.

Sometimes it’s spoiled by being hur- ritfi. W e advise that yon do yonr shopping before Saturday. You know what Saturday is at The National— we do the best we cap. But WJu'll be crowded less if you come early. Your boy’s suit can't fit too ^cll— can’t look too nice, but they can cost too much, and their selection and pur­chase can take too much time. It’s to save you trouble that we suggest prompt action,

l u x icoKXT sAvm a w orn "alw ays t b i o h ia p iw .'

C bleaga F olic* RalA a P lae* la th* Heart o f th* GIty.

CHICAGO, April 1» .-A d unflorground thugs' den has been dtacovered by the po­lice ftf th* hrxrt of the bullnraa dlltrlct. The retreat, which aiiokra aigna o f an oc- cupaucy of arveral montha, 1a a hharment' .vault In the ruins ot the A. C. McClurg bookstore, Wxbaxh avenue and Madison atre*t. The place was raided and seven men and beya were'anwtad.

The vault la reaciiad by a iwcret paa- aage which Ihe refugeea scooped out In the maaa of rulni yet remaining in the basement. An Iron door with rusty bolts alibi bare gives accea* to the Inner chamber 9f the retreat, which la tbe old vault.

Here the memberx o f the band had ran g^ bunk* and set up their stock of CotSorts of life, A *mall kerosene alov* was used for cooking, and an ancient care for {hipping book* aerved the double pur- Boie,ot atudy and dining table.’ Early !h th* morningFoHceman Robert Llnrf notloed a man lift a plank near the conibr ot th* ruin and disappear from view. The pollcMMh Hfted Ihe aama plank only to Ibid a taol* leading apparent­ly to nowhere. Lind called a patrol wagon.

Down th* p**x*g* the pdllcemeti groped Urttr way to th* Icon door. Inside they found Ihe seven men, whom they Immedi­ately mhreheddo th* xtatlon. Oiwth* floor wgre piece* of gas'pipe and a "hilly, which the police believe hnv* seen aervlce In hold-up work.

There MX BO evidence igalnat th* men," x*ld Potto* Captain Colleran. "end they were dlaintaaed with light Bnei, 1 hav* no doubt, lu|«nv*r, that the plao* has been th* refuge o f many criminal ebaractere.


Taata lo • * Mod* W llh a New Klo*.Irleol P ropeller.

TBBNTOhf, April ».-W lth1n a few day* th* officlata o f lha Delaware and Raritan Canal will make a teat o f a new electrical canal boat propelling device. The machine works somewhat atmllar to a trolley, and ta expected to pull much heavier load* and at a much higher speed than can b* done by lha praaant matbod, ,- Buperintandent H. W, Dunn will Amduct the teat.. Vartoua'altorapt* hav* been made In New York Btate to apply trolley dcrlcin'an the Erie Canal,'and lb* M p ^ mepta- bav# been fairly xucceaetui, but for touHi bualMM reaionx, chief o f which ta th* eppbaltlon qf the boat owner*, mailer hag never been carried to piacUeal uae. .

Bull In P o ll Iw lag-M deent Aetlona.New* frona the Field,

BAN FRANCISCO, April It—Henry Hoahstey, o f dafcland, who haa returned from the seat' o f the Yaqul war In Mex­ico, brings advice af follows

"The Mexicans aent out word that the war waa over, but at the same time 4.0M troopa were hastening to the front. The Yaqule have about tOOO men with arm*. They have Remington and Mauser rifle* and bow* and nrrowa. They have two cannon that thirty-four Yaqula captured from DO Mexicani.

"The Indian commlaaaritl li supplied from Mexican convoys and the Yaqul valley, where IhcY have commandeered IWlOO head nt cattle. The Mcilcana beep 10 the rood* and towns, while the Tiquta hold the alerrna,

"Mexicans estimate the Ysquls at 15,000. but the population ot Bonure 1s at least ID.OOo and half are Yaqula. The Indiana have a peculler ayetem for keeping their treaawry in fund*. The warriors alternate between the flrtng Hu* and working In tha mines and on the ranches. Their wages go to the common fuhd-

"Wltliln the past two week* aeveral *n- gagementa hav* been fought In which the Government troop* were generally vle- tortoua.

A t Bacajatl, n taraoua battle ground between Potam and TorIn, the Yaqula hanged two Mexican laboren and ahot a third. The Mexican commanding officer banged at H** •*<»* Place eleven Yaqul priaonere.

"In a recent. engagem >nt betweep a party of Inaurgetita the Government re­ports xeventeen Yaqulg dead on the Held. Only one Mexican, an officer, waa klllail, but many were wounded,"

----------------------------. g ------------ -----------------

M em orial to Nawef Baaka.INDIANAPOLIS. Ind„ April 19.-Gover­

nor Mount and other membara of the Nan­cy Hanks Lincoln Mgmorial Ar '..k'jLM returned laat night freln Lincoln City. Th* county agreed to purchea* sixteen acre* Of ground, ^ l a will h« tuffioleni lo mqk* a tmall park and give an opening from tb* hill, on which Mr*. Lincoln ta burled, down: to the public highway, Th* monument wttl. be constructed by a .Bpringnela. 111., f lr ^ and the commlxatan wlu *oe tnat tho ground is property fgneed ond kept in re- pata. It Is likely ajtem antnt coromUtaa, c o m p e l of th* oSrernor of tho Btat*. Commander o f the O, A. R., ai^ th* Coufi- ty Commlasloner* o f SpencdT County, will be appointed lo see that the place 1a kept, up propi^riy baA npulrii

Iboehon With CaasampUaB Barred,ALAMEDA. Cal.. April ll.-T ha Board,

o f Education o f Ihta city has aflnptafl i

m a r k e t and WASHfNGTon St p u ’ s

■ m w i m w m m i

U l i i - H 'l i u m G r " I' I f t f t I f t I f t I M M N M l

PRICES C U T IN HALF__________ awir4-

?rt lo ' p«r«n nr p roon* nmkiTi< pro-noMl lh*T wlIL upon ll» boinn iO to#-ootm hit w tMIr ttortliM for Iht ftlthful per- S m tS S of i ld wftfK. *nd ibiil It iht ptrtim or ornll or rtfiwe U Mteutr tucR con-?recTtae’ ™!l nay «o the city of N'vsta *"rth?y«!)told have b«*n enilll*d uponof tho <?nnir«ct, th«i whJeh tho cUy ofNowfttk nuiy he obUt^ptr»on« hy whom inch cunuMt thail lio w -" r t o Boart of «tr»t and Water Cmmlsilre- the dty of Newark rreerv! to ihen*lVM tbi rlxm i i accept or relect iny or all pro- u ^ ':i lot the abort work, a! ther may 4tim

for iF.r irUoreft of th« aM..Fililders and *ur#tNito JWW h r hy noUflad lhai und^ til* orovliiloin o< the •evt'iUhCommWiloneTi. upprov^the bond or bohd* to be kiven for the felthfttl ■SmuiKjo tod iieTformtiio* «< «ld puhUq work, ffiktoll flr»t he eppfiivod •« lo eufflclericy by the and as »o fom by the coun<*t pt bSSS: Md w%antroet.il»H be blndini oto tNi city or 'beromein .S23r5T«r'*ha:r i>e *o ineiruciert by the board, b«l the board will not be bound by any at«e; mi!nt thac may be miide euch ]>ropo«iM hontemeit. hui ahell hfcv» tau * AxttlHOiate dlwreGon iB the wh^e mu-ttar. aivd thii pn^'ilon than he refFiTod 10 *n any edver^* nkrat tom In* bide for oh? ea^pliblk work.

Wh#»OK«t to HUTlPft — Vw or^ fa n y k \ ^ W wo'md pay J*« ta » * • adeanlagx oftht*

ricea srodM ao nrerely aawn w ^ ^ j aanLheo W* mod* oat anBoaseaneot o f low P ^ a w dW *»,mw y i a i tosiMi>ilM AUF oboolfitolF noliilo** mutliodi o f doltox All fcf»i*ch-_ .. fitTy •*/ H broMh* « * boMo.#-

re. will b* able 1* contiud* at half price* a om rim* loager. It lo

bfWtocIlOA Of «nt o f bwamooffi ■

Of dootei

M O N E Y -S A V IN C O F F E R :*

_____ eHectlr* or opwiUva until™ bond It !o approved: and the iireridenl Uie boird eholl hav* power to rttinlns the osseed himd»pien nnOer cirth. hr ‘ hell m

d^ci'hm Srthe'Boera ^*trert < CtoOntallhn,,, s f fS a S 'E n i..

Etiglneer end gtljU. Pe ^ tt. wmer.WAVJCEIsY AYIn’iJb M W k5 AKD ftnUTH

T«NTH STHfciBl' HK W«K.-taJU«e**mFnl fofta hereby ilven thiit up neoetaraeBl

upon All the ikwhera of *1* lb* 7'VMttoMi pucullirly beneflied by Ukoh of th* fol* .(owlnx jmpruvFniente, nenialy>^ ' " ' ‘^VivEttLY AVENUE,from Bomeraet aireei to the, Wert NfwarRbranch of ihr Pfnneylvenle ki.'CordlTifto the provliJiKie wf en ordlfiknoe w l6e city of MovATk, enililcd. ' ‘An ordlnMce ta forthe pavlo, ,,VbNUB,from Bomrrwl hitch to 'k* W *« IJewirt breuck of the Fenniylvenle ReltrOad. *p- peoved May -I, IhSk; ,The oooitrtictlpfi of a oewsr mPOl'TH TENTH^BTR|nW. from ■Bievraili evtnm to Twelfth avenue, ee-

^ Javl*itL.~XBi en oHlinaao* W the cire of NcwlfkTmmird. ' *n ordlnenog to pto- vue for the conilructlon of a e ^ w ta HOl.'TM TENTH BTRKKT,

Xliventh eveiiur lo Twelfth avenue,’tSfn“*KrelSd‘ hy'the '

ifw":re’, f f l e f .'■ra o'ft a AwiltltiiA, wllh eh hiap- Aim»liowlnc the Mvoral ateeaenafatf ’SfcHbl peitiUerty benefltedaa AforrMMldr haa baeo ilepoetjed hi tlUiBDa# of the City Ulerk af thr* city of Newi^ fwr a*- tmUietioTi by IW ptrilea •h**^*}*^Bald aMfwnient oomprl»ee ell wt«, ireete and itRftln of lerWl ehd iwel estatet ftffi aftjremid* lying vr» boih nldea of

WAVKK1.Y AVCNIJ2, ^’Yroak SomcrKl street to Ih* wert Nrt«rii IkrtMch of the Pawiaylvanla Railroad and on;*Olh TENTH »TRBET,bum Klevrnih evenu* to Twe ftK aveoui.

'^LM" rfpteaairta an entlra plot of land, vbalher larce ur email.i> narionii lataraaltd Ih Niid airauBnepl jnay beheerd brfora aald rommleploheik tm FIIIDAT, THK 5»TH DAY OK Al RIU IJOO, 2 F M . at the eonkfnltilnbera room, nor 4 ,Dd floor), vita

“ • ‘T muim.JOHN U JOHN J.

end Weter

Our (6.00 Set erf Teeth now ... .‘ Our ( 8,00 S*t of Teeth n ow ....

Our (laoo Set of Teeth ncrar...Our (iOO GoU F1illn|9 n ow .. .Our (S.00 Gold Crowns now...

' Our Teeth Without Plate now,.,’ Our fsloo Bridge Work now ..,

SP E C IA L -A il sell of teeth mide by ,ui •re now fitted with our newly inventel

, "corruexted cross sjictlOB” {used by us on^>, which Insures s perfect and t^ht

Come In the Homing and have

la.oo4 .00s.oo1.00

. 2 .S 0 , B.OO

2 .8 0

fiUing piste, upper or lower.TEETH FINISHED SAME DAY.

When Other Work Is Urderid.1(rth Extrtcled

Absolutely Pglntess

•re In th* puhllp achool* of any i w r ^ wko nr* affilcud with tubfrculosts. Tb notion-ta in lln* with efferta balng nai .

'elsewhere to prevent Ihe •presd of con- atuaptlon.

.M ore Jaganes* Imnelgraiela.VICTOBJA, B- C.. April IS.-Th* *wa«mr

Mil** arrived 1**1 night frim ' Kob«, xrtih serelv* hundred Japan*** tinmlf ranla. a.

■ Ity of whom are doatlnod for the

Free of ChargeNo wstting. r skilled operators In constont ittendince. We give s written guarint**

lor 20 years with xU work, ladies' allendinL

HOURSd a i l yS A. M.

to8 P. M-

Thfl White Dental Parlors,6 7 3 B road S tre e t.


Houaa •UNDAT!

10 A M .to

4 P .M . ,

as- Bring thl* ad. with yon an«I rempare It with what wa tall yg*.



iii. i:kw „ „ „□r th« sp *’is

Ihp rtjiipfiuh 'IV','*V ito* ,hp V<iprnoone’ «>ri lha

„nh*"‘vraf,rWMlhloS S fta i'raUH "■Uk l-Uil""'"I « n ^ ‘ii 'T u ;:b "d 'rv« ,’o'.be wrale'rly l^e ef

'*>15 remfiLd.™Given under my ketjJ 'k‘» <“ > v‘

Aurt). nineleen MU!fN.gperisl Mssi'i In I'lienctta.

Ho, ?«a Broml virre'' N J.Thome* J.

nTcHANCBRV'or Nl’ ta JKUkF.V'-IJJ'lJeta AugUJt* H. Hn-lnaer ur.d

anu, and Mery Meeiwr ei'l i, *On bi:i tor partition. Heeter e mie of ? "“ ■By virtue of a S ’!

■if itiecOttrte Srill iDr yaw,

vendue. u tS e Uoorlh<.u»i. m >kr cl j "f ,fewirti, Eeee* County. New Jrrwy . on ^oay , the elevemh day of May. two o'clock tn >h* aftemnon. ell th*( ta'tri Und and premia 'f*"?city ol Newark, in the Mitniy ol Uul* of New Jertey. and — - dncrlbed ee follow*:

, I.RUAL NOTICDB.died end nlnHy-Hahli »" land! and premie** In Ihl ntj of Newerk, riseet county. N w Jereey: ami you, Mnry k McDonald, ere e parlyilef.ndanl, hraiute you. toeeiher with yoar hue-bend made ih! mofI ***o for which fotyjloeur* hi ireyed. and itlll own tald mortgaged prem. ieni- end you. Jhhn Mclloneia, b*ce"“ wllh your wlte. Miry N. Mclmneld. i morignsc and c-lahn lo hev* an Inchoate CUrt*«y In «*ld I'crmlae*.

auet you,E Ih'n

NTTITS.Hollrirnp Tor rfimplAlnrtf^TT4 BrtiAil Airpft. Sfwtrttife J*


BtAtn to work the mltwnyi. aVKHUE PAVIWO AMD hardy BTRSiaT RBPAViMa.



raw. notice Is hereby given that the Comml^on- '— Xtaheteiotore appointed by the Mayor cl the___ ktrclofoff - w a - - — - ,riiv Neararli. lo make an ciilaiau and *•- eMaaasnt upon all tha owner* bf all the land!

rag 'net Wtat* In the dry of Nswerk. pr- uallarta benrnied by any local HoprevsXitm In Ihe erid cliy. In proportion *• HMriy -a* may be to th* advimoi* each wa* dremed to hive aeoaired. hev* med* on eatlniete and saoeea- ■Hiil ef btnema conferred upon all the cwnere

Sail the lend! and real eatmt* In tiu city of ewstk pwullarly bertrilted by, each of (he fol­lowing lirpcovrmenta In enid olty, naiuelyi

AVBHUB.Mini 'OrAH(to utrert to Fifth

alM«t 10 Frotot fftrMC*

felTn*. 'dVof-XihU. Amciren


£ Mfe- -n i-

tr«m Broad Mitat jjpd ;

Baurtmf tha-muply of ItaM. ons^iai



mr a i l .

R '^A-yW lliS^iS^f^O D SLPSIo »oo,o'clock in «.?

and nil** W bferla* any I iMM In me eaJd naaei*.

at tb* Coortb , *1 the lha* *» i thstaiay b* r



. . kUAgjf

flO'1'biotp i»8rUoularlY

‘ ’'hegliimlnVIn '*I?,S*m!j'r"'J'iurh5ei X ,Mim two hundred gnd eny from the eooihMiy line o f,'i,a f" ‘’„ th/tic* runnlnt klonv tfva IIM «>£ KewirkWMi thenup ■ootkfMtrtly AHJm I,. lo^NeJwril Siireet MIC k 'a 'l''«5eceii^ :Jh*nc.^.t,w U dl^rtn^

I*: itunpi’ »«•{-•tlv in A lln* »l irtfhl •njfl®" w Mtwafk af<5r»Hld one hw»Ar«! fe*t *o «ptlMiifiK. B*in« known ai Mi* iortwly

So?? & t a r . » ■’f c f i '. 'S i


BMlftii tk'tl'POiali wrill Irp received tiy Ihe m n e cm Hotode »m! Awetemi-nli of tk« srf triiown Km-miiiier* nr foePAVim to1«h Telforti imvemeni ih* foltowlnf lOdidR In tfwex Count); re-aswAiKl-DiADETif AVltWirK. IS' THB TOWN* bHlP OF CUNTOK. from the Newirk clW linj Co ih« Union Coumf line, « dletanc* of I •*Mp

“ 'l-AilAO.NAaE HILI, RGAD, In th* townthlP* of MUlhurn and Irrliliton, from the Old Buorr Htlltt ruad to «ha ChAthaiTi road, a dlrtatto* efi ^G LE''’utM’K ROAD, In the lownlhlp oB'W*

Wall I vanes and Ltvlngatem, from r ia **^ - dkli Fw.l.4l.» to hwlnertald Brld*e., * ^tsiv-‘e of 4 lil-lufi mile*. *. aHOUBLANO AVUNUB, in th* ^toufh end townehip "f reldwcll and lawniMp of Idv-' Ingiton, fram BloomHeld evsnue, Celdw^ bj Korthitehl Church, a dlatetice of S M-Usl"'yAiRYlHIJi nOAU, hi the townahip of Cald­well. from rcahlrnro of damuel r »r to tho 1'aRMlo CCiUmy tine, a dl«unc« of. 1 27‘JOu” ‘i4AHT PAH3AH? AVENUE, CBNTHDSTREET AN1> KINOHIjAND 'k*townahip of Kranklin and town of Bloonuleldtj from Frenhlln avenue lo the Poaaalo County ,line, a dlalance of 3 e-lu nillea. - _, |The prolHwela to be auhmlttcd to ihe cmj-, mine* on 'niuraday. April SI, at th* nlflce of ih* Road commit^, OW B rt^ itreiK, Kiwark, and at no other ‘ ta‘' "A teiMirNtf* projjoaal to tie NubmUtod for eiMW of th* above ruada .ind each prore*al' I* ka ee-J I i,«M«l*cl with a cer.llllad oh«k of 5 '•'JHot tbs amount hid aa aurely of Ihe neceaaary comract and in be Jodorml UW tho tb* MW® of tho blddrtr tond UJm'work ho propW» toI'Ltn* ftfMl fpe«tllc(ittonj m*y k« « ikw * The rw«n‘ei th« rttht to rejMl «nT



"’ it'ia^lw intenilea of tha coinmltta* lo IhMt conirai'ta .inly in axporiented ritad bull7 .firn ownltif i»ro^r »nd •ttfllvliiint pitntt oo##'

" ' ‘l!an’a ;ir ? f ’!ioR'AN. Pimtm.

--BWrevpf' ■Bf (>»■ AP!'^



Hoppr4ohl. j^ffetkyd t|l4.0v>

^ ........ 1 eonWU to

W d t


in e o o n r d a S ^ R ? 'stolonfiotrW«4r

A «Uyfd n tt^ Ui' Aprjt Jojil

an. wfttaiji to

mo^ ooclvilurtiWjjoiV _ ^

Moya lUrtkl-kVoryiwTi. i^1» noon, xrtw

1 ? ^ . - ’

’Wognaiflaya • n ia r am m -

Sj , r- i■Jttmhi-

I T E W A f t k E V E N I N G N B W l k ^ l W B S B A t ' f A M I I # ^HOW A ririfiiciAii j*w r • b a t h . o u »

HaaMikafel* K m w I*A«« « f Ml* « • • t o (• Ik* Liut ■•■walp

r r M M* CUteltuiaU IntHtnr."Tb* public ha* navar heard tha (rue,

dramatic atarjr «f I>r. John A. Hurphr'a racfpt death. To my mind It ahow* tb* dootar -ln bln wtib aurtllni claamaa*, the practalon o( hta modlcal hnowladi* a* appliad ao hi* own caaa, and (ha cool, aoldlarly aan«rrotd In which ha mat bla


XVO.->Tli» eilxabathan Ak«*iTtilU

Ht Viua 0. (k-uuDy».Oerdon. not woodland. Ttiaau Kitaabalh-

an lyric*. Itioritabl* and carrlra* n» thay aacti. have not ib* wlldlii* charm of hat- lad or h>lk-»ina. Tbaira la no 'unpraincdl- tatad art,"’ Thay are the prmluct ol cub turai though cultdka. to 1j# aura, would avail lltlla war* tuay not rooted In th* warm earth of human aaperirnco and aoHriabed by th* fra» lunahln* of the laiaginatlon. Their art 1* pf that boat Iliad whi-h la adoiiteil by natiir* and ba- ooBM* part of Uer ow* Ufa, Ith* u row.

Till* lyrical ontpouring, oapaclally In tia aarilar portion. I* full of joy. Tb* Lyrht* aing of love, of aprlngtlma. of bloaaom; thay voice tba rapturoua prala* of baauly. agA again raturn over to thalr rafraln, ypntb and leya, lov* and youth. All doll* eat* mood* of rourlahlp ara In th»m-»*y, tandir. plaintive, trollcamw-only th* dapth* of tuiaelan thay nevar lound. Tb* aaataey of youth it ihelra.

Thl* lyrical ravil got* on nneh*ck>al Into |]ld yalgn of Klpg Jameai only, tb* mood oWMHaa, and a mor* aartoui not* mulcei IWHC baard.. Naanwhll*. though lyrica Wdif* tha moat charactariatlo product of m i drat BUiabathan period, many oihar IMtnry fona* were davoltplng. They trad* all aearked with th* aatno atra-ig* nUatur* of ewperiinent and liiapiratliin. CfHfcItm In proa* ^1r*nt up In Iniok* lllia •Mnay’a "Apelogt* for Poetrla," ttaatf a

proaa-poem, and Wahba'i “LHa- fWfaa Of KogUab Foctrta." It waa child- lab anough. but la* aalstme* waa algntn- oant. A n pK>*e waa fttlliig It* way. gat- Wig Igat aomattwaa In a maia of nlfacta- I k ^ aa In Lyly'a “Eupbeua." and aoma- Blifa. a* In dldaay't "Arcadia,'' raacbliig. gpdiar dpantih and Italtan guMinw. a la nd

all elvlllnatlnn* known to him are laid under contribution. Th* afterglow of chivalry la in the poem: but haaraay of "frullfulleat Virginia" haa wtdaned diwn- aeri* knowledge of fairy land, and a» have hit tracei* In the world* of th* ciaaalo twirla and of Taaao and Arioalo. With the frank ccleciklam of th* Ranaluanca, Iheie different Influance* blind In hla work. Yat one forte no Incongruity In tha poem, raiher a perfect harmony. On* yield*, *n- chanted, to th* opulenc* of baauly, to th* weailta of oaqulail* picture* preaanled to the Inner eye.

Beat of all, thl* aremlngly unreatralnad iDvallnrii can b* anjoyad without qualm

hut an aftort- after thought hectmt evi­dent. Man began to pMloaophlxr. to mrdl- lata more, to brood more over life'* mean­ing. Huddenly tragedy la with ua: a great Iragedy, before which w* bow our head*; th* tragedy ol.^HamlaVV^nd j«OUM'llp,y of "Macbeth" and "Lear,'* '

It la (i far cry. indeed, from the llght- aome grace of th* aarly work of Hpenicr to ihit drama whIAprobe* with unrivalled and terrible Inalght lha aarrowful mya- icriei of heart and aoul. Yet th* jotirney from ont to the other It direct, and ran be followed by any aenaltiv* perton who fcruilnlie* year by r"*r th* output of proa* and luietry. It la not drama alone that augKeatO th* aplfU of waaelneaa and gravity which avan befor* the tjueen'* death waa aeldlng upon tha nation. The llrat Eaaayi of Hacnn, publlahed In Ittf. may be aald lo uaher In thia phaa* of feel­ing; the lyric, too, waa laaing Ita drat fine, caralaa* rapture, and In th* work of men llkd Donna waa turning to aalt-conactoua Intrimprctlon and a more ip*cu|*f|vt and thought-freighted feeling! while Shake-

T u a

ipaaiw't aonneta, whelher w* regard tham a* parional or dramatic In Mathod, ara

Publlilier'a marlMin •**0'''' h*rictTkalor acTuple. Often the beauty of thIa vlalblt W01 Id kna Inalpred good man with terror. It terrilled th* monk bwfor* ■panaci'a day. and th* Puritan after him. In a way monk and Puritan ara right. That th* world dl aana* la fraught with danger to tha apirlt no on* can watch th* Iltarary davatopmant that foHowad Ipanaer and deny, gpenier .know* thl* well; hi* kntgbt* are aver on their guard, and fairyland I* on* great - Vet Ml (ihaglratlon, pur* andbaaitbful ** U 1* aaniitlv*, y*v*id m aho

tb* full**! aubleetlv* aapreaaton that w* have of th* aute of mind, which whan Joined to high, ImaglngUv* tkrvor mad* airtight for tragedy.

Ihakaapaar* biraaalf paaaed from con- Aid Into peace, lie gave ua during the laat tan yeara of lila Ufa a wonderful group of dratnaa of rcconcllatlen: "The Tampaat," "fymbellna." "The. Winter'* Tala." fading them w* tael that h* waa •too great ana true a apirlt u ramaln foravar In the atr of alorra. Hut lha drama aa a whole move* nnward tn hi* •ueeaaaora to a melancholy cad. Thay Were men of gvniue of all but lha blgkatt ordad,' ripia* 'tucettanni thay ttiharttad th* moat'tplandid dramalto tracU'Jon that the WtfHd had aver naan; tboy .prOOucad wofidoefwl work. Tat In all thia work than la a avbtl" mint. For tb* dram*

than ytalda tteelf to the earth and th* paaalowa tknrauf, and,- .ikarafarp, K trie* la yaln to eacapo th* daap Inner mlaary that ctmaumra It. It aeaka to escape Into romantic beauty with Beau­mont'and,rwicban aaDf* wKh ion-ton. tn .vain. Thera t* a hUght op It* beauty, and the word* that riaa to our Up* aa wa-F*ad it ar* ihoa* put again and again tato tb* month of hla charactan by Wabatag, pM of the airongeit of tkote men; 'iQlh d am In a mitt."

A cdiaplaa and wonderfully intnreatlng davaiopiggnt awaiud the later lltnatup* it th* .Aanalaagpna after th*. daath of Bhakapaar*. Wc cannot tree* U bar*. Kvan bafor* hla daalb th* parting of the waya had coma. For long gaitaratlon* England wt* to kte no more a Joyou* tynthaalt hetwean the good of th* flaoh and lha gMd ot th* apirii. a high Ideallam totttided on kiiowladge of raatlty, such ka wg find. itvSeawar. Raiher. lha nation waa to aa* and It* lUeraiure to raflact ac­tion and raactlon batwean aacf-lctam and Indulgeno*. Purttanlam waa to davalnp on the onaehand; on the other, taafore th* aavanleanth oanlpry jra* over, th* dagrad- ed drama of fie Raalaratlon waa to pre- aenl a laat pitiful traveaiy of that paaelon for thU world hhd th# Iby* thereof w»lch had marked th* Renalaaance.

■— ----|~'W

Theaa word* were apokan yetterday by a aiedloai vpll*ua*i* o f th* >*t* doctor. Thay luM Am Inilmat* friand* and aa- aooUte* on many board* for year*. H* than procaeded to giv* the followln* moat marvallout account o f how l>r. Murphy croaaed tb* "fireat Divide:"

The only peraon In the room with him during hie' lent hour* end nt the doelng acen* waa Mr*. Oliver Perln. A* a triand and neighbor of a quarlar of a century abe had fraquantly called lo keep an ey* on the d(Ktor during hi* nine**, at th* requeat o f Mr*. Murphy, who had been temporarily called Eaat without dfefhi- Ing that her huiband'a condition wai at all critical.

About 1 p. M. on* day ahorily after *he left Dr. Blehberg dropped In to *»* about Iho doetor** wrtfar*. He found him about a* Ufiial, to all appearancaa, quiot and In but llttla pain. Doing what h* could to raHav# him. Dr. Ktchbarg aald In hi* Jocu­lar naty; "Wall. I'll Jog along now and drop In again In about two hour*."

"Imro hour*, heyT" aald Dr. Murphy, from hla pillow. "Well, you'll not find me her* when yo* com* back."

"N ot gring to run nw eyr' facetlounty queried Dr. Eichberg.

"Oh, no. I'll be gone: Ihat'a a ll-' "Nonaanae, noneena*. ray friand," aald

, Dr. Blehberg. with a laugh aa ha hurried off.

Then followed a abort Interval o l *1- leoc*. In JUit twenty minute# after th* vlaltlijg ahyalcUn left Oie room Dr. Mur­phy iwaiarked In. th* moat m*tt*r-of-tact ton* to Hr*. Perln:

"I'm going now." .Without any further ceremony In th*

way o f farowell he quietly turned over o « hit rite, gav* on* long, daep algh, and waa gon*.

'T h * doctor waa a profound anatomlat himaalt and wall vareM In dlagnoala" r*- aumad th* narrator of thl# atngular atory; "but nothing ever done In Ilf* ao clearly provbd tb* aceuracy of hi* medical knowl- adg* aa the way he left H. M* had th* balanc* bawaen hi* dteeaae and hla pow m of aodtirailco no parfactly tdjualed that III* timotabi* tof detwriur* wan caloulalod IP a nicety on elrtct arlaDtlfio data right on th# brink of the grave. It waa *l»o dlacovarad later that he had plnnrd a bit of paper to hi* pillow on which war writ­ten:''C all ibv imdertekar at ono*.' H* had lha notion, poaelbly. that h* might paea away during tim,ic ahort Intarvat whan he waa unattended, and knowlhg there wmitd be no further ua* for a "oo- thr If h* tall Into n alupor, he wanlod It made clear to th* fimt on* who happened to enter th* room Juit what atep to taka n a a t , " ____________


BDVAL a h c h it k c t AUD OAHDHIIIUI

<mB AOTua OP onb o r inAK^^^itg'jii^ pipit# in tb« t ik b op auRPN

•f rqiMItq*- The great BJIgabethan. wiH baginninf. and turning a

of foratgn and claaahwt Influann*tMBi tha Latin raoaa upon Bngland. Proa* efadvanr ...........................atura, Uk* Hakluyt'* famoua "Voy- *• !* ," was gatilng undar way. But, m- doM, In ana aaiwa, U la *U proa* of advaa- tura, wbttik th* young nation, puta tqfth at tbW tlma, whetlMr peoitt* *r* shaping thia Haw langubPa to deUghlful'iihwairied vat* orfaeardlUf th«lr agploratlon* at dl*-' tant ataa. '

Tha ptriad of ramanoa, of poatlo axpari'' nant. of katn anthualaim tor advaotur* aad taarnJng, jaovad lo a eltmaa In a graal lamanllc oAo-Alp*na*T'a "Faerta (jmean," Chauoaria ’ ■Canterbury Tala*" anpreaaad artth ahaamlng aaa* and Usoaformtng

tba «hol* tmaginatlya Itfq af tk*

beauty qf nature, art and humanity, . . . ^ackad fry fear. Thia be can do, btoauaa.flilad, Ilk* all men of hta day, with davo- tlon to "all tbst can make tb* too much loved eerlh more lovely," he la a yat mor* Impaailonad lovar of that uttaaen and gverlaatlog beauty to be eaen by tb* ay##

,of the mind only oiaaiiid by faith." Th* ‘Taerl* tjneen." wWiHTla clkaalc idom.

ttUiB I.enpo|d I* Hnek Intereatad In Hnth Thaao Oeenpatloaa.

Prom Youth'# Companion.Kings ara ganeralty aupposad to owe

It It aald of King Lmpold of Balgtum, howavar. that It ha wer* not King of <h* BaUlana b* araqld b* a king amoog trcbl- laeta. or among landacap* gardanfra.

Hla Uatt tn ihtaa dtraclhma la probably mor* marked than hi# taat* for ruHng, for it I* well known that ha dateata th* car*- monlal* of royalty, and la paver *0 happyaa when Inspactlng Btid carractlng doatgaa

a laying

• ’■Ms'3«'iikS!asiKKa!ir:,

ddt* Agta, Just *0 th* , them Ittto; th* canttat ItanalitMtuo*,gathem mto Itaalf th* l i ^ u t l v a B f * of

1C*. q»a

'Paarlaifiuean'. tllf* 0, liafhtf It

.aer Ig' - - - . ,<o( th* Ranalaaaiia*, Farhap* iblt happy aynthtala could not long endure. On the on* band, lha Jaaobaan dram* wu to fol­low, with It* aad revel of tho aentear on th* othar. tb* harsh lltaratur* of Purltfin-lam- But w* may at taaat rtjolce that be­fore thl* patting of the, way* wionaMiWt poaihJB whtcb n* find and. l*ari*t*.iimloil of aantuoi with parfaci BUHiy;- and the lovq of .a vltnds and an InVleiblh bawuty aya blended, tor once without atrlfa.

Tha moad of th* nation wa* to altar. It war to draam no more of fairyland: It wu to play with tUe no longor. Tb* Joyoua, aagtr, sristocratlc bteraiuro of th* first EHaabatban period, with Ita unforgetable natural W Pfk waa to be followad by iltBratprs that rxprtasod un ovmrwmlijitng reaHly Of aaperteic* and of pSkelon. 'ln faur erJIve year* at laiaat aftav th* -pub-................t'.ih* firat’-thm* beoha st'kli*

ueah" will tM acted 'SRsmeo and Jullat," and that means that on* poet aj leut knopr* the aorrowful depth* of the

KDMUND SPKNaiiR.forth to us In myriad forma an d 'h u u ofbaauty. Tha poam t* an all.-gory, a ilraam yat It la flilad, ad no roraioot of the Jdld' die Aga*. with the aonaeof m llty apd of manhood. "To fathiun a gentleman or nebit paraon In vlrtuuua and gentle dlt- clptlna" la, Bpenaer tel la ua, hi* object: and tU f end. so cbnractarlstio o f the new nation, he aohlevu through a bawlldtring

, waalth ef Inventions and Imagaa, Iti which

n S O U I T E

S E C U R I T Y .

O a n u t n e

Carter’sUttte’Liver Pills.

WuBt S M f • I fn iiu r * « f

.■mhn baart. Already. In IHT, Karlowe'a 'Dr. 1 fautttus’* h is struck ft solimn not#

for ft TifW buiidiftf ik plinntnt tb*

' V J S S : % iifli Cauia to ba grataful to him In thl* rbtpect. alnc* It I* to lha kaenpaaa o f hta ay* for th* beautiful In landacape that ahe owe* many o f her open apace* from which delightful vlewa o f the country can be obtslned.

The surnmar palace of tb* King and Queen o f th* Belglana Is at L,aMl*n, a aubuib o f Mriisaei*. It la an .estate of about M pora*. end th* park asd grouad* >U|nIy anew the Infiuanc* ef the King'* pv* Sbqrtjt'uitur* and fiorlouUura, They

hay* swat Im beautifully laid out that they ars th* pride and delight o f hi* sub Jecli, tlHa King hlnmlf auperiutandad th* opahlng of every glad* and the ar- rangemanl of avery group o f trees.

nine* the Queen sharea with bar huthand great fondue** for flowera. and sine*

Laakan la h*r favortt* realdene*. it la not aurprlaln* thnt th* conaaTVpttirles there are aald t» bt the finaat prtvata eonserva toria* .In tha world. Thay way* begun in ink and have haan added t* from time to tuna alnce.

Juat now the Kina'* ooeiipatlcn la one after hts own heart. H* ta laying out hi* nawprapam ai VlUafrancH* >n th* French Rivlara.

Colored Moasengar’a neqaeal t* loa- ratstry Lwag tor an Appolatasoat,

Prom tba Washington Post.For apvaral vagri than was employad a*

mesaangar end doorkeeper for the iecre- Ury of th* Nary a aialwart colored man who waa acquainted with th* peracnal ap­pearance Ol nearly every ollleer In the navy who vial tad 'Waiblngton during hta itay "in olBea." H* even cam# to conaldar himssif quits A parsonage, and whan olB oer* returning from a long cruls* would apptar In peraon he area often too famil­iar to ault the taatea of some of th* mor* essthetlc of our tara. Usually, howavar, h* rwtelvad a good-natiired raaponac to' hla affuatv* graallng, and wa* ganeyally retarded aa barmlcai, if not useful.

.Not long ago a gruff old tea dag, a Coni' modore, who had Juat retumad from for­eign shoraa thought h* would her* some fun with the colored man and brother. In antwar to the greeting h* recelvad tb* Comraodor* aatd:

What, John, ar* you ftlll heraf IPhy,I Uiaugbt you would hav* been promerttd ar* this, ft If a burning aham* that you. who have aarrad th* Oovernisiant and the party ic faithfully, ahould be left her*. If I were you 1 would ask for a Conavl ahip aomewhera. You could gat It aaalty and you dasafve It. You Juat attek It out

"Well, Mr. Commodore, whar do y*u t'lnk I had oughtar to g e f

"Why. Juat tall the Bacratary that you want to he Consul lo Had**,''

Whar'i tbutf'Oh, that Is a nice warm plac*. wher*

the climate will Juat suit you."f:ur* enough the colored brother went in

ta th* Secretary at th* first opportunity. Re stood thara till Mr. Long nollcad hla expectant look aad Inquired what h* could do for hta. -

"Mr. Bacratary, I'ae tired of my Johj don't Ilka It."

"What Is the matter now?" sskad the august ofllclal, not a little aurpriaed.

"1 want to b* consul. The Ttapublb cans haln’t traatsd me right, nohow: I'st worked mighty bard tub lb* pahty down In Alaham’. and t-wants to be consul."

Scenting aomathint. Long aabed Mm where be wanted to be consul to,

"I think* that I’d Hit# pow'ful wall to go to Hade*, sab."

"Hadear ejaculated Long, laughing. "Who laid you about thatr'

“Commodo'—"Well, you go and find out Juat where

that la tn i come back, and If you want to go thara than t guaa* we can fix you up." aald thf .BMiwtary, almoat apMIbMWd with a detira to laugh.

Tha Story got out aomehoW, ai such itoria* dov . Bom* tey (ha Bacratary thought It too good to kaap, but at any rat* It wa* aeon currant throughout the departiMOI.' and the doorkae per, much chagrtBwd ai th* laughter It oauaad, re Blgned, and la to-day ahavtng ouatomar* In a barber abOp In a hctal not tar from the Capitol.

AaeMirai Pla*t •( lb* J o m r PumUy lu Plawedy,

Th* Bergen County Damoerat print* lha following latter from Caro Lloyd Wlthlnglon. written from H Llttl* BuasalJ atraet, W. C., London, laat mohlh:

"A* you probably oount among your ratdari many hundrada of Daaaaraata In Harkenaach and Bchraalaaburgh, you will, I hop#, aocord a wqlaom* In your col­umn* to an account of pir visit to the an- caatral vlllsg* of BetutbampU In Picardy from which Jaan Daotsraat, tba fatbar of them alL aet forth about M yaar* age. Last wsek. finding mysall about to trsval from Paris to London. I detarmlnad to sa* with my own aye* th* vtllag* which 1 bad ap often palnlad In tutor, Tb* Journey Is quite atmpl* and mey b* acoompUabad by on* day'* detour on brafieb Una*. My tlck- *t allowing Btop-ovar privllegaa at Abbe- vllla, I laft th* feat apprees hare and tranaterred to th* looBl train, apending an hour's Intarvat In wangaring through th* plcturaaqu* straata and churches of this analant city- Hart I caaae upon th* name over a abop, 'Oemaraat.' A rid* of tbra* hour* In the local train with the loqua- clou* commercial iravslltr and the allant priest burled In hli tiny Testament brought me after dark to th* town of Bu In Normandy. Her* I apant th* nlgbt at tb* ahcsllaot provtnclaf Uotal du Commtrca, which atanda on th* market place lo th* ■hadow of Ku'a famoua church. Her* *J- ready f began,l* leal oa my oatlv* heath, tor aa the Intelligent bookaetler, of whom

bought my guide. Informed m* th* town a warming with Damaraata, and lla tow-

*e* ovariaok the plana whar* about four miles away Ua* Beauchamp*. An early morning train brought m* In about twenty mlnutaa t* Inabavill*. and upon dabarklpg

could *e* tb* rad-lllad roof* of Baau- champa itat tan mlnutea’ walk away.

Th* vlllag* la sratl namad. for It Ua* anugly 1* beautiful maadows, aumnindad by bigh hllla Th* tiny river Breal* curva*

and eut aleng Its border* In th* absd* of willow* and poplar*, and an eroaalog It* bridge I ateniad from Nurmaady Into Picardy,- and thuiid mysalf at laat In tb* village of my anceatora. A* I walkafi through tha narrow atraal* peat th* oM atone cottages, people cam* out lo ataps

wonder, Tlltl* guoaalng th* ilrang* ■*- tur* of my vlalt. Many houav lasmad oM enough to hav* been stending wbea stir emigrant Jean Damtreat laft the place te found a family ta the New WorliL ft la

dull and slaapy village to-day. but ha I walkad my Imagination waa buatly pictur­ing th* asolltmeni of th* oM daya with

elr fierce quarrala, their narrow aacapa*. laalfig tb* cufa, whar* on* or taro mar-

bat wagon* had halted, 1 followad th* toad up tb* hill to the church. Thta, except for

vary new alat* roof, I* evldaiitlr lha Idanttcal old atructure whar* undoubtadly Jaan and hi* fallows tefusad to srorabtp, a aimpi* uaornat* building of anctani data. A* sra approached a dock of school ohU- dran aama out. followed by tb* cur*, who diabppaarad into th* llttl* milliner'* ahSP applet*. Thinking h* would ta* aa InteiU- gest aa any one, 1 modeatly knocked at th* door and wa* shown Into tho mlUtq- *1"# parlor whore wore the euro and aav- oral womtn. They sroro much Intarastad la our atory and to learn that their vUUg* bad thousand* ef descendant* In tb* Raw World, and avsn a vllag* named attar asm

Its tamUlea. Tb* cura, howavar, avi- dently loved old win* better than old fact* catlad htatory, and could glv* no taforma- tten on *lth«r ahurch or vlllaga araUavea. If any records still •xial tb*y would b* tbonfi at Amlabs,

The mtniaer polntad out to n * lb* b*ua« ataimt tour daon M ow h*n. Which ah* called ‘1* Halaoa Daaiarsat.* Ja It Uvea Madam* Alphona* Peigny. whoa* maldsn name w u Augustin* Demajoat Upen bnecUng, tb* do«T w u opened by a woman of sixty, Madama Poigny haraalf.

tpdaavarad to explala to bar tha atraap* natur* ef my vlalt. Aa 1 put It, ah* and



CIMesCla*st,o( [viry naat and at- tractive dnlgn, in ' K golden uax.pol-

I Isbed finish, work- manthlp deUll per- Met|4larKegroov*d shHvrt. wood back, plate glass ildrsanti door, aa axctpllon- aBydesirahlrartlclb at our price.

1 4 . 2 5 .OilftoaaiBPt. In

quarter Mwed oak, with foiden finish, highly pol ts hrd. iwfU front, carvtd IsNeryi four Mrg* and two amaH draw- «fh of *u per lo r workmanship In • v a r y partitalar. You’Uappr«ial*llilt

5 . 7 5 a

Frochlkh FlavlissF d din g Irak Bed# - *

antf all othaf kla^o »t 1 1 3 ( 1 b ta u Alt# / « ■ *#(*- ‘

BtdrdMB S a lt aollil oak. 3 pircts— htd, drnirr aiid wiabiUBd, taifc m >Ir|.

Ing bevri-edft mtrror in dresser, lop of bad and draaaar verv ntolly a A A A 'carved.................................... 1 4 . V 5

H a l l Stdwd of. pretty and novel dr- sign In golden oak, highly polished, vary wRI made and finish- id. Bog seat, umbrel­la rack, doubla coat hooks and French bevfllad plat* mirror at top. A striking ( spKlman ol our good vaiun and only

Eifhth AvMue, from jStli to 36tli Strfictg, N<w Vfiric,

'U T

Prepare for Sum m er Lighting:

atid let us helpj-ott do it.

tW yaara agotAnd you ar* itlff young!*' axplained bar

I ware undoubtedly cou

Uk* a warning bell. The day is ,to a new nrt; and during all th* east of Sllaabeth's ratgn, and through th* relfn of her suC' csssor, the cfilet Imaglnallv* snorglei of th* Enillsh me* aiW abaostadff In that su- pratnety great eroatlon, tb*. lomantic dram*. Not that other Uacgarwfdrms wer* aupaitettafi, Lyriaa, trandta^layfeiwtriatie and. romantic proee wepf.'oh vafi^ecked, whfl* a noble refieatlvh pro** ,arose In Hookrr and Bacon, But tn* drhm* oyar- ahadowed all, bacause it. waa.Sbe fulWleapressloii of life, Thera war* two cur' rent* In tntx great dmmatlc Ud* that ros*so high In Eltsabethan lltaratur*. Th* first wa* represented by Bhakaspoar* and hla contemporsriaa attd tolloweni—Marlowe, Qraena, Dekker, MIddlatotL Hdywood, Beaumont find Flatchpr, 'W.aoSUr, Tour- naur, Masstngaf and Foed Tt waa frankly romantic. It dltragarded the unltlt* of tlma end place. It waa a law, and a nohia law, unto Itself; It yieldad Ita Imaglnatton to the fullnaia of Ilf*. The counter cur rent, tad' by -ear* Boa Jonson. Bhake- spoars'a coptemporarr, elung to the clas­sic trsdlllon. Jt smphaalsad tom snd rule, It looked at Ilf* ralhor la the ubatrtcs than In ih* concroto. W* know watt enough now which waa tb* greater artlat, Shakeapear* or Jonoon; but their con- temperariw did not know, and indeed It waa no twar kaaihatio quaatttm to <i*cid* between thalr ttworto*. Tim* has decided, and w* do not bar* n*«d to follow the drama of tha Jonsonltn tradition, which, with all Its power and energy, proved on th* whole abortlva. t

After INK whU* the dram* wa* pr*. dominant, th* nation was passing through varloti* aaperienca*. and the drama ra- flect* them all. It was the most d*mo?ratio form of til................t waa not written of necesatty for gentito'

man nor by gentlemen: U came straight from tha great, common heart, and to tha heart tt appealed. It waa not written nae- aaaarlly by good men, nor by men who httl clear vlalon In matter* spiritual. Indaad, ttaar* 1* not much that la apiritual th* lltaratur* nf the laat decade of th* Blktaanth criitiiry and the following yaar* It la human, and’ Ua direct naturallens i* Ita atrangth.

At lint th* dnma took up th* gayaty and charming sentiment and romantictempar of th* time; took up alao It* b f" trtoilo anthuslasm; and we have Bhake-hpeafa'a wonderful aaria* of romunUc eomadlea. from "Love'* LahouF* Loaf "TwalHh Night," work ao full qf bright- noaa and beauty, ao Tull'of poetry. ye|nevar tor a monwnt>aw*rvlitg arid* from

■.Ilf*.tha great raadtila* of axparfatioe and Wt hav* aisa the nubia aarta* at hlitarioal play*. Dakker. Middleton and' Haywood,the othar dramattata of thta tlmeM^Pf***'

a hariiIn thalr play* the tame hasUhy an Joymant of Hto, and at tlana*. at In "Old Wrtunatua’’ and jTh* Bhotmakar'a Holt.day/i the.aama taeling for romantic haau- ty. LMe waa aaan unvalM and aaan vary good.

Blit thl* unhfitnptrad fan** of power and Plaaaur* did not laat. A deapor qiJtllty and a atddar crept In: glad apontanelty faded sbd iba darkar fidpaew. of that werlA which had bean ad antnualaatleaUydlacovared and ao hraVfly fucad by

TTly lUnilqmw*e:bHlg*h.i '?nt, .......ilnda Thrafort aftar fonn was not

h.t[q(|a,"men’aIwf a*YM*nt by this tlma sa In tho nrat'pertod,

husband to me. bla vtUfige aslnd.nat ba(ag abla at one* to stratek tbra* capturia* and to eomprehend at a flash so axltaordlqary a reaton *• mlna for calUog. Wtaan thay really understood who I waa, th* oM lady wa* much Intereated. I aSbad her to write her name, which I only haard pronounced and In lha Frtnob, Hka 'Oawiara,' and to my surpria* aha wrot* 'Damareal,' Juat aa w* spell It to-day In pur paw bomaa. Tbl*

undoubtedly the coiract apalllng. The moat oatonlahlng fool about tb* aid Udy waa that ah* bad navar heard of th* Uu- guanot*. Howavar, ah* was apparently vary IntelUgant and wall educated. Bbe hid l|gbt..lit9Wn .S.*>.r ».ii4 >»t** HM ♦Ff- wllh a rartly sweet smll#, tiid wae evi­dently of a very Ingenuous and unworldly natua I toit to'ward bar tb* graataat In- lereal, Bhe oSarad m* tb* frigid b«*pltal- Ity of bar 'aalon,' bat I pratarrad to remain In the living-room. Here was a firtplao* *0 big that we could alt tn It and look up to lb* aky, Over tb* Iqgs hung a kettle contalnlnf. I auppo**, tb* family dinner. There was * tali clack and oM copper and braaa utansll* ahlnlng Uk* mirror*.

“Thta Augustine Demareet Poigny la the last to bear th* name, her two deugbtera bearing first th* nam* of Poigny, than of thetr huabands. A* tbl* bouse had been bitUt by bar father, Pierre Demurest, Madame directed us lo a much older one, where her grandfather, Plerr*, had lived. On dcaetndlng the hill from the church 1 turned to th* left on the high road to Oamseba*. Tha hous* 1* soma diatanc* aioBf on tb* right band rid* opposltt ik* Cat* Bt. Paul. U I* a vary aneivnt stun* buttdlsg. with hedga-borderod garden* runnlnf down to the river Bretle, snd nu- merouB old atone barn*. It ta at pratent ranted to a men nemyd Flnmtud. Wheth­er our Jean, MO year* ago, llva* In this haul* or on ihli atta wo wUl probably nevar know, but tb* praaatlt atr<iciure bears svldenc* of baing aavaral canturiai old. Bidding good-by* to 'Madam*, my cauatp.' 1 recroaaed the bridge and Walked over th* 'beautiful meadow#' to the eta- Uoa whar* I caught roy last gUmpae of Beauebampi, nestled In th* tree*. The vlalt bad haan lull of Interest, knowing as 1 did tbgt 1 Was treading tb* vary roads of iqy gnoeator*, men of whom W* hev* every 'roaion to be proud, tor tiiay lost hoig* *hd country and aut;;':* 'Faecu- Uoii,'rslbfir than prove falsa to their con- sclenoee,

"Cbqiparsttvely few of our old American famllla* have preserved th* memory of the name ^ tbair nattv* vinag*, and tew old settlement* have. I fancy, changed lea* In Mil year*, than the sleepy . IltUa bamlet ct BeawMBU*. In-Plcerdy."-- - - - e- - -

KHNW a l l a b o u t aUKB.

W e W i r e O n i n s t a l m e n t s

find do it well for little money.

F re e S e r v i c e C o n n e c t i o n s F r e e L * am p R e n e w a l s

find low rates for current

Peoples Light aad Power Co. |rtTYTrtTVYTfiVTVVVYVYTfTTYTTTT»TYTVT»




Stesin P ip « im d as as

GENERAL HARDWAREc o m p l e t e sto c k .

BANISTER & POLURD, 2DA-218 Harket St.

•at tb* Bwiavt Spovtaaioa Fsaad Tb*«* Wae BasiotliiBH IttU tmtomn. From tta* Washington Btar.

The wiA who think* he oen eboot en- lerad a WeaWagton sporting good* etore recently aafi looked witb tbs crillcal, *t- amlnlng glance, whtcb at one* siamps one aa bring a aportaman of axperience, at a naw laodri ahotgun.

He deftly ralaad tba weapon to hi* shoul- dar snd sAuIntad down the poUah bsrrel with a regular trap-gun-hlnaty-ntna-oui- Dt-a-hundrad squint.

Ha toaa^ U fit dtirerent an0as,


It In tb* boilcri hie l«N enn. fingai tb* aafaty Mvar with * akillad basd andlovingly inapped tb* triggor*.

H* opssad tb* breach and bald the bar- rtl batwoen bla *Y* •nd the light from tb* wlsdow and 0*14 aosaetblng about th* sd- Yantog* of uring "taarrri raloctera" forttiMilni '

Th* Clark was muek .iMprasaod, H* •mllad.

Tb* taanad gunner tslkafi of "cbok* bora*,!' "naw rixiasn-gauge." of tk* naw

takedown, altigl*-b*rr*l ropaatlng" okot. gun*, bring btfarior te tb* old and triad doubla-barral guo; of th* ralativ* quail, tie* of "Damfiacua/' "double lamlnatod, decarbonised," "fin# three blsjl*" snd oih* er berrala; of "half pistol grip*." "au. lomaUo sjaetora" S*d “* o ^ atrikato."

Ha bkpgtlfited dn “pllw^pewdat guar, ant***," "low rircular hamneera." and *x- plalned to th* dark how easy It w*a to uk* out tb* "aafaty plunger" 'wUh aaftty, H* waa aloqupm s l ^ t "ffat'' and other "traJaetoHea," B* knew all about "gioh*,'' "Wind.’’ "knita-blad*.'’ "basd" oRfi "p*#F' alght*.

The clerk waa much tmpraaaad. H* ISUghed.

(Copyrighted.)Whil* vasl dliagree* wlih aom* paraone,

tt haa rinas day* of th* ProdUtal ipn, baen conaefiarad a delicacy. Th* (Jallcloua dlihaa to b* prapared from th* fleab of th* fattid oalf ar* many, atTth* aiaat l« aa good In Ua rechauffa form as whan flrat adryafi. But It muat always b# wallcoukad. Tb •»* P“fh *• **'at defiance ell gaatronomic health lew# and to atn *d*!nat a much-enduring dlgee-

Veal—Wipe a leg of vpal with a damp cloth and place « |ji * covared rotal- „ g oup of botung' water over th* mial, cover ft^cloetly end w k at Jh* rate of twenty <piwit*» *“ th# pound. Half an hour taefar* lha meat •* tokch from tha oven ramov* th* never from tb* roaster, uatq the meat with gravy In tb* pan and

'’ ahoulder of Veal-ThU msy b* roaeted, Ilk* tb* l « but I* batter for having th* bon* ramovad and the cavity thus left niled with s forcemmt n»*d« of bread crumbs and chopimd ham, aeaaontd tq

' ’ 'Knil Ctttleta-Wlp* the outlets with a damp sloth, dip tham, first. In taeatan *(g, than roll ta ertekor dual and oat tn a eold plica for an hour. Fry In dripping to * rich brown. Cook Slowly that they may b* thoraugiilr don*. Lay for • mowani on brown paper to drain tree at greaat, and put on a hot platter, fiarvf with to-

' l H A u o . Mushroom fiauce-Broq tb* ataaka alowly ovar a clear fire,turning often that they may not scorch. When don* keep ih* nltaf hot on e platter In the

(Beams Lraaen.)In

thi> dlatlDfoislied suthOTrietpr, Jb M« BteswIMted sssreli for besHb, ean* within the resell « f Dr. Antmsff** M rs, Mr. OUlefte enerienesd neh iWleC and curs f n n Dp. AUHatii’t pimmIh- tlo» thit for yasrs hs bss oshM fiAffbUie" m hi# trapslB for the hMstt stfalsoempfiDyfiDAfrleiitlB. H etiee i^ finslly fio ImprssMd tti ibimVbI

, rssnits that In Octohsr, M attaB. ^ his PsperlsnetNt to u s ( | stOiMl friend, Mr. ObartM I* Blirtlett, tfO h f eifb- Mr. Barttstt anhnltted the m ^s to ^ tmstfd fatnlly pbnMbAs Dr, C. r. my.wbo pitBoimesdl ’’«•••

oven while you make tka following sauce;Drain the Itquw from a esn ot nuih'

rooms, and eut lha muahroomi ta halvet, Cook toaatbaf a ttbicapoonful of butter and on* of browned flour until thay ar* dark brows In color. Pour upon tham th* muabroom liquor and a cup ot keaf stock. Btir to a smooth aako*. aeaipn .with a dash ot Woricatteribire aaucShaelt and poppar, end *dd--------------- _ . .

' ' H* gave a praoticti tiluatratlon to th* ' ' edmtring Plata ot "bow to otsnd whanf ' Am a . , eoalalaAaak oeoeiMjei.t a ■ aOmaStetrap shooting, without muaeutar atiotn or

He dfmeootroiated the Import I front ' • ■ ■ ■

Here’It an

• lUileO. -k the tulleE,.puffiij«s.i

tremor.'ane*. ifriero' "apenuto front 'rights' wars used, of having the “apertura in the baad 'ring' tbs hull'a-«y*.”

Tien he boOpht the gufl.A areett later k* roturned to tho itor* a*

med a* on* of th* hare* h« had huntad, "Hare, yen"’ k* cried tj«r ‘ isrir,

samdiy. '« * * * u k r thie gun kackf You .Mvf chestsd mal It wont shoot r’

■!l harp trasroed over the flald* of Vir­ginia for six day* snd bantad away st all rang** St aVerythlnf from a ohippla Mrd to s cow, but navar oiic# have brought down, th* gam*, i hav* shot until my arm srehes and niy Misttldpr 1* nuAb. I bgv* sworn until f oan swear ho mor*. Tb|* It bach, or I will hav* you arreslad fqr ob. tfiininff monoy u i ^ false pratencesw

"What Mhtd ofahella have you fisSA uring?" aaked th* dark, mildly.

thekalfad muahrooma Cook tor two min­utes, stirring canstantly, than pour over and arouRd tk* vaal ataaka

Vaal Pie wllh Potato Crust—cut enough Vast from yesterday’s roast to maks a Pint ot the maat when cut Into dla*nHx with this a cup of cold brilad haw (out in>p tiny bits) and two Iwrd-bollod m s , sficoa. Host a pint of vaal, mutton or oktoksn stock, and thiekan It with a tablaspsonfiil of flout rubbed Into o m of butte*. Besson to taite. Into a pudding dish put th* veal end ham mixture, pour ’ th* tMcksned

ML fi i Q i a i f q i ,«(/ff0BOW Okirmf,:-

atock upon It, lit Ik* potato crust upon th* pie end bake tor halt sn hour.

derfnlly nsefaL thnath Hb {•Mweto'tag vmrnej atifi ftMof* ItnimBirHkhfwt.-y--'. . . . .fjmiiHiM «nfi. «utHfiess.’i Ottisr fipsath ftYs tha saint vsnlkt, r» J«m»yy, IRN, ‘‘OrsutUi '' fioMlfIy.laii«cli«4 v a f ia r^ h|R of Iff mfiklfold daiBia, 'iriiloh fifiMMfi- ffi from tti* oft-ng Mtefi etpHlMli fit Dr. 'Aikaan. (Ass Imtm wa. M

msfom v


Cents I*'YAl

B*o taafc* tbs' erugt k*«t into, a cup of "dt- ■ 1paredKdII into a ebMt to fit the top of tM trie, lift It carefully into ptac*. maka on* or two Inciaion* la this aruat, aprlnklait Hght- ly with salt snd kak*.


tkat't ail'fffilM. la a- jtocM on*. ( thaV* all."

It was aaMigb.

n / f ' - ■■

N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S , T H U R S D A Y , A P R I L I D . 1 8 0 0 . | 8


M O R N I N G N E W S .

i i A p f a r a t S h r i iU p G f H U H Nnli t k

b t it e « C /U n M fi i iW

M fU L


DceliurM 1’M K * fr U t* * A w »rtlfpm r Y » n i irt C iiw lind«e-^ m 1t«»> iM d a r G am M * F orel»a*F a Mia*

try l i It w dWkutt (or a auaniier to M ata ltt*^ ---------' '

Tht Frrnch an to M aw thrmaelaoa ta part, Hr. CuaHw atatttad. far M at mlajodtad. It brlnt a aattoaal dtaraetaf- liUc that ttwy Orat at vica tMt a n feat aitiaya tbctra—tbry a n ''taaiaiaafe da ^oa." aa Loula XIV. atM of tha ■afeaBl Duka of Orlcana. K. Cattikon afUafe that perkapa aoatr of tkatr aaltllfeon nitht Iw Galhsd "fanfaroai da raffea Hoaia Ufa aatata IB Jffaara, Bad If tfeara la no word for "kpaM" la the French laa- tuac«. on tba otkar feaat tlaara la no won for ‘foyar*’ la *ntlM -

'‘Thera la no hither amMtkni ainaat Frenehmaa.” ha oontlnuad. .“than la pre- •arva tha honda of aSeetlon aad fifiaaa- ablp whleh unite rranea and dwerica, Tha taro natlone at# teoutht totather. hr hlalory and tradition. Blood la thinker than water,” H. Cambon nld. "eepaciallr when It hat baea ehad tatathor In thaSABM AUMk**

In eondnaktn. be aald that he oonald' trad that Ainarlaan women an evidence

J tha F»Bah~daaalt Bo< )hat tha Amaricana reaerabla the FVanch(I oadaratud «»a rHBan-.aaaaii lea adraotata of belnt a mUed rare.jl aaBta.Wafenfe Fwttoa'a Glteraiawo — — "I 'F tllh ta * FHiMW-lirB.

U G* IB C oorloA rtta t leraaad HMna | fa r F tarly-a lth t Yaara.

T in appralidd valuation o f tha aatata of Unraallua Vanderbilt hmounta to about tiAoM.dW- Kictualto of the realduary aiatatd which, la hHd ‘h truat for Alflad djittynna VandWbllt,'tba taluatlun o f prop- .•artlaa calculalad ijrtm the amount o f In- IliarlttQca tax (a only p>,000,W).' Thit luharllanco ta* amounta to only dW.tIl.th which baa been paU and ra- Kelplad for by Comptroller Coler. Thla dun rapreoente what wee the property of CorneUua Vandarbut 'ta New York, but deaa Boa lacluda the tranafer U a on tha tM A H , left to Coniellua Vanderbilt by bla tatfeepk ■WlUlam H, Vanderbilt, with pow- er n f Appointment. The fee o f ComptrollerO elA Will arnwhnt to thnhH.. _ . .

It you aak any of the treat dreieaiakara, mllllnen or fawellera o f tha Rue da la Pal* what women here the moet taale every one wUl aaewer that tt la enly Amartoan woman and Farlalannaa who can oadiritaiid their eSorti. Amartoan man ahouid Imitate American w anen and try h) undaratand the (cnlua of tha French.

J B fV r r i AHtW BB TO ro T T S B .

Baaepllona T aken to ib # Btahop'a B am orko aa F lltp la o Fvtara.

In the May number o f The HciMncer of the ■acred Heart. puhHehed by the fuiun Fatheri of Weei felateenih atreel. New York, them h an editorial attackln* ibat part o f Blahop Potter'a recent etaiamaal about the Phlllpplnao which haa to do with tha frlara. The Jeault writer *lv*a

vUel, N, Y., wia daatroyed by lire at • i'clock yeatonlay raomln*. Tba bulldtal ■ tnaured tor UkW . which amount wIL

eavOr the loat.DIBD ON BTATkI i IfeLAND BOAT.-

Oeorpe Ooemer, flfty-al* yean old,, of H at. Marya avenue, ftoaabaak, Btatao laland, died aaddenly laat nllht on tht Btatan inland Rapid Tranalt farryboat ■oulhtteld, at Bt. Qeorcv. He waa ana- ployad In a banbInp-hoiMa In New York Heart diaeaaa la auppoaed to hava cauaed death.

MRfe BTANFORD-B OIFT.-Tha La- land Stanford manalon In San Franclaco waa ycaterday preaented by Ura. Stanford to niaht Rev. HUhop Unee, o f tba Catho­lic Dtoeaaa o f Eacraneoto, and hla auc- eeiaoca. tofrethar with an Hiduwmrnt t"c<l o f |S.m lavnaUd ta tateraat-baaitas baada, The maaeinn w to be Knuwa ua tba Latbrop-Stanford chlldren'a Homo, and la to ba itaed In any educational aray which will raallia tba Ideal of Met. Stah- ford.

NEW TOBKEK'BBIQTROUT.-Slapban fataaer, o f New York, cauwfat a treat ta tne -Nenratak River, near Old Fabahurs, N. Tm ywaterday, which we* twenty-dva inchaa tans aiul welshed ftpp pouada and Sftaaa aunpaa. Thla la tha lattaat trout evwr aaea In Uontlcellu. It waa oaucht

' with a Ihrap-ounc* pole and an ordinary ' llna .

b o o k -k e e p e r HAN08 H ER8BLF.- Hlai Llaala Cllal. b<a>b.keeper In a bank St Brtlaabethtown, lad., btensed heraelt yeaterday wbUa temporarily Inaana.

JBBtfP EXPEDITION 8A IL 8.-T h «a aalantlatl, comprlalns the Jetup expa^t- tloB aant out by the Atnerhan Muaauin of Natural Hlatory of New Turk to ex­plore the nnknowii portion* of Ndrih weelerpL Slbei'i*. have lalled ftum FraaclacD.


C I R C U I T D E C I D E D .

ScfeeUeif 01 I a n fw E«* CMA k f M It

t k l i p k H .

n ro E R m s s s u n m m t d k l


■eeaad Aettwa feaM B kl feRfektat the New la r k Tw talea fer Bta W lfa -C o - laaakla’a A tblatte F txta iaa Bta B a- try Llat »a* P riM etM ta Btoadtaap O satea-Taap Sk aaafiiB M « Beweral Xawa *« Bpa r aa.

the date! o f Blahop Potter'a arriviil and..... _________ _______ departure at dlBetaat pointa la tkeFhUlp-

A wtara o f ConteTTua Vanderbilt waa | pinea, and taUmataa that he did not bav^


oaed to hava been worth at leaat IWiODkW. At tba time of Cornellua Van- d e ^ t ' i death laat Beptamber Chauncey p t. Depew aatlmated that the entire ea- l-tata waa worth 170,II09,«», but It waa ex :.pldlnad that thla waa a moat oonaervaUva eatlmale, and made only' to aaalat thoee alianaptlns to s*t name Idea o f the amount Of the realduary aetaie comint to Alfred.

The eetlmate of Senator Ddpew put the riduary oatate at In the ap-

aament Ju*t completed the amount la_^jh leaa, hut no record o f the Inhertt-

I M CI tax from thla part of the eatate will i;hd made until Alfred raachci tha a t* of Uwenty-flve.

.gecauae o f tha Oovernmeal War tax,

time enouph to Set at fact*.*Tha BIthop and hli aaaoclate, tha Ravi

Percy E afanl, ahouid have aeon aoma o f the frlara and pariah priesta them- aalvaa," aaya the deault writer, "and they misbt hava laaraad aomatbtas that would poeatbly hava aavad lha reverend sentle- mcn from makins charsca which thfy cannot aualata. and perhaps have coo- vlnead them that their joint comralaaloa could eonaelantloualy rcllnqulth Ha iwj aponalbllltle* ta tha Phlllpplnea In ordat to attend more earnasUy to lie r«ponal- bllltlea St homa, a » , to mandlni. If poa- tlbla, the evil of ooneubtoase which, ew-Ins to Its attitude fo raarrlase and dlvorck

, and piftlcularly tb lha dilatory taetka ,oJtba flilni o f the report of the appralaera u,,i,op potter lb Ua paneVal oonvcntkm, ta.the Surrosate’B office has been deterred. -m aotudUy threalcnms tbaTbia ta* la tarn and a halt per cent, on all [ body in thla country with dlaao-tat,tes above n,oai,MO. Action In the Bu-1 lynon. The Blahop, It may ba recalled, preme Court o f the United Statee la pend- trsued that any chanse now In Churf)ia ! *. ..*1. • k.. II as* k# diala I > * ... _ a*. las taatins the conititutlonallty o f thla Federal trknafer tax. It ta contended that the power of Inharllance la veated in the atate, and that Consreaa haa no authority ta taiEKme the tax.


FaitIUer B roaaakaa laya B oa F rtU or A w ay F oa r Y ears.

law would cast a alur on those dtvoroed pereoAa who have bean remarried ID with the aanctlon o f the Chureb.”

In conclualuD the writer In The Meaien n r of the Baoied Htart aaya;

"Let Blahop Poltar. tba Bov. Per«T ». Qram and all those who hava uttarad falaa •tatementa About lha frlata ta tha PhUlp- plDM do Justly by' tllwnii •<* Chat Ood may have some use for them there. them

TO F om n > A COLLEGE AT TOPEKA. —Tha arbi et btra. BUaa t'hiiroian, who died In T o p ^ recently. bequMtha the Sraater part o f a fortune caUuiatad at tBO.Mb for the foundtaR of the UnIveralt) of 'ihpaka._______ ____________

A BBAYB MWaiON.IBT.B sstaa R trl W k o Keeps lavORe

la lsa d C U ole team* Ftahtlas.Tha Aaoertcaa board af foreign mlaalont

baa been hsartas naUerliw report* of tha berate work done by M l» BeuUh Unaa ta the latahd o f Ruk. ono of the Caroline troup. -Beveral tlmao ■ Mtaa Losan haa mala peace betweeai bootll# chlellataa who ware ready to phuge the taland Into X Blate of warfare. More recently aha haa dona noblt work In relieving famine•uKarara------- g tba Imptovldeut Ittand-aia.

Mlaa Logan la a daughter af tha lata Rev. Robert W. Logan, who wa* aent to Polyneela by the Beaton Coagregailonal Board. Ulaa Logan's father and mother went out to Jdlcroneala In HTt, They were not the Brat atMoiiariaa to be atul there, though they were aawnf the BraL Ulae

isada to accemnudata aavaraj membara and goeata

The InatUuts Boat CItb la anasgIfeS tor a "amokec" to be held May L Tha coao- mUtaa In charte, o f which Commodore John Henta la chairmdn, ha* u iu n fe saaflt talent.

Tha C. A. Bchober and Vanina aaaaclw- tloaa arlll play a twality-inan iBuflabostd match at m Bbrtafeflald avenaa to-night.

The basket M S aaaaoo.of the Inattwta "Big Five” wtO be brought to a c l ^ at Inamuta Mall. B New street, iw w ersw night. The "BIB Five" wlBptay a return game with the Meiropolkana of New York. Tha "Mata” heat the Inatitulai In theta laat game. It keing tie only defeat the loeaJa hava aaftered at honw ta three years.

A match gama of ctihbage between eight-man teams Dora the C. Bherer Aa- aoclatlon and the Newark Crtbbaga Clubwill ba played ta-slght at tha headquar-

of tka latter, IB Baak Btnet.The NStaark Aaadatny gynmastle taam

ten IIs a strong one thU year. On Saturday night Charlaa W. Holahauer. F, Bhlener. jr „ «** T. Qray wun the Brat, aecoad asd th M priaaa, raapectlvety. at the hor|*o»t*4 bar aaaiaaat ta tha gymnaslutt o f Cotuife- bla Ualvarally.

I up and ■ to play: Maltaul h « t■ o.and I to play; Douglas. ■ “ .and I to p la y ;____

__________ , up and I ta play; 9 f*W,„ « .t Mehl by t V «nd t to play; Hid- TIlM beat Wylla by I up and I to play; uKliiahart Btabmanil by l wp; Hull ^bsat A c o a t a ^ S UP and t to piny, and

satJPnial ay l up sad 1 to play.Ewiaaten baatjT, Harry Vaijion. tkn English goltsr. aaada ^ new reatfd, M, for the Wollaatan golf courae at gBasteri yasterdar. Tha bast pravloua mSMPd was O. Ha won tha tauHh holt la three attar driving Inis s busbar, nsda m .ysrds ta hit drive and bifeaaay at tbs uyftli. sad ran dawn s pul o f thirty fast at t'*a twslftb hole. Tbass were asm- plaa o f 'ah play during tha foranoon.

In the/afternoon he played the beat ball o f two praBsailinitIa Arthur Fewi. of Po­land 'dpringa, and Robert Bironner, of NaasrAi, ^ y a acorc of 1 up and t to play.

„V*MA RAIUla AAOU a uilit. inin* m:i Tear* btatiaa. kewirk. *• fullowai t taW A. H. KSii Hall, dally. Umlied ta

S>o IMBk tarter Car* New York la Pltiiburg. leaeF car i■lll■burs ta CiiWaao. tke eeaMH

A ^ . riM IPaei. dally, for FUUhurg sad CkvaiaaaJ llXI a, H. Penaerlvanla UmUed. Oeawart ■_ f IbEI a. H. penaerlvanla UipUed. dally. rUllBiaa OnSwanaimi. blaapingjtalag, Siurs-

:aa aadokutvailun Coaa tae Ohiaaso. Clevt- tana, TalMk, Cbn-'lanatl, indlaaatwira Leak-

or 1 lip on the rlghleon holea A gallery et I'A or more waa In attapdanoa a<the ‘mtp. Tho score

'AwrdosH-O l v ...............I > . .


I I I< I I

Bast baH->ut................

T A prealdent and curriculum of H er -1 begin by hearing the o t M vai^ Ualveralty were aarcaattaally scored 1 they have not b-a the Rev. Fatber Timothy Broanahan ywaterday at Cfelcagn before the CathoUo iducatora o f the Unitfjl States and Can- laila, who ara holding a convention here.’ Talbar Broanahan had tor hla subjeot

T h e Relative Herlta at Coaraea ta Cath- j-pUc and Non-CalboUc CoUegea for the I Baccalaureate," and did not mince word*IP referring to the action of Harvard Unt- vdrslty In ruling agalnat the Jeault Col­lege. o f Boston, and Holy CtdiS College, of WoTcetcer, as aaeoctated accrodtted achoola for entrance to Harvprd Law School. He laid:

"CiMDartaf' tha rigid couista o f ourC a t h ^ MtifeUMlUA tit* ,#>fO*>v* o f Hsi7 gV4 * e » ( M th ll dtadei

eg ra d tm rm ih YhStatteF Ufllvetslty With HP ^prkledB* of the prlnolpte*MtiMjin and »thlc*,'*nd o f the, - - ' - - - t, — , , ___

l.MB g r m f i lb S f t h a InaUttttlon loot y * a »h * *onD nine’had tahon any coutae* o f study I army chaolafa and who wtm Mai In Cbriettaolty. It thla educatlonT

‘ ■Wo And that young men have frlUereq sway four years In Dr. B llofa college arlth the French drama o f lha eighteenth cen­tury, And leoturro ppon thpjprivatp-.Mfe of

l AthenltlM with iteredtHteon vleam, Theri :wr« no rcdteattani huf . may be aald that A rootw aaes ta mm .atudent. It ha foela like It. goea-to M feasor and has * talk updn hla itudlM.

"Th* itadlea o f tha aai(lor ctaf* atiHaT- vard

let them at leaat IniiUta the ailtnca et the Right Rev. Bishop Uenk in Porto Rico, af Honalgnor Bbarattl Ai Havana, o f bia Ex­cellency. the Mott Hev. Monalgnei ChapaJlc, Apoalolle Delegata for Porta Rtao. Cuba and the PhUlppIpl*. They might Bnd time ta their ebaervanee of alienee to read the arbMBle *meratuM about our new poiaeemoBar* tho beat -eg which I* highly favorable to Catholk ,W- teresta ta ail of them. Thay might pondfl- wall tha concluriona o f the repact of tha PhlUpplU* Commlaslot> tp .tab PraBdenl. Tha Friars In Hie phiUpPl""*’ ^1 “ * Rev. Ambrose Coleman, O. P., our own Haastnger articles and fditorlain tinea Baptember, MB, the apnwar of th* Rev. J. P, lleQuaid, a volunhatr army chap­lain, glvan to Blnhop PottW ta Ike nawp paiMM of March *L" .

The'Her. Charies C. Ple«|ta, who waa In - ■ ■■ ^-'i aa an

army chnplntn and who waa Mare with Bishop Potfar, aald t**t htallt'that tha Jeautta ha* mode a grivIL Ijltatake ta IhlRklM that Btahop Potter's dMSnciatton of coS ip l friar* w as'an alfslB on tne

Itauad.'.tha.IlglL'Mr. Pleire, "to o f no Im- ife wrlf »r. qutablei a good deal

■hoad-dates awd Ueee taany •quataiton*, hut that to all. If th* friar* M the Philip pines were what they ahouid hava bean

‘•“ ntoM of getting rid , f tb.those m vfwww-4 -------no prlndpl*. 00 unity o f purpoee. In what

loose, vagus and President BUot'iare C g ll^ tab. large.

« 9i* .faflndiei of a eyatans"

HRS, GBPLD'S “ W'AlBT.'t f

JULBS CAMBON MAKB* AS ADDBBBgBodlate'a Salt fo r the B ill Heard la

-Cfwrt.Mrs Howard Oould wa* In court yeiter-

day to put In her defence In the ault brought by Mme. Hlrabello. a Fifth ave- nu* modiste, ta New Dork, for a dreaa- maker'i btll, amoanttag to tM- Juatlca Bteiner ta the Eighth D litifct Mnnlrip^

MIreadh Anakaeaador Thlwka F orelgw - •rs Mlejwdgw HU Coam fryman.

Jules Cambon. th* AmbaaMdor o f the fFrew h R m u MIc to 'W**hlngton, gave a'llvd talk yestardag a ften w n to the at _________-------------- „ ............ideBti qt Cdlumbla University, "New York, I court reserved hla dadtafein, AtfeWhamJI ; who crowded tha largo lecture-room In j uumniel, who defended Mra Bcharmerhorn Malt.

M. ftomhon waa Introduced by Preal- I daob Beth Low In a short spesnli. In which ho alluded to -tha French Ambaaaador'a lervlcei .ta the United Btates, In helping to btipg about' the end o f the Bpanlsh War, Before beginning hie addreH, M CatlilBn road ta Engitob -a little apology

Igbr speaking French that aaeincd need- Ijest, a* Ma Entflah had a hardly per- Icepttble foreign decant. He want oa ta

a^levemenla o f th* Latin race* an4 the development ot iheir civilisation.H. Cambon aald, "are therefore Impwrt- an l tb 'AnMriodn*. a* well at for otherreagoni. The United Btsie* 1* built o f a m ittun of nwM, and ta hlatory It to th*nixed races that hava always had the

.greatest influence on humanity.: " T h e n la a danger," M. Cambon aald,! ‘ 'tbpt oaring to the common languan and ' btotorlc tradition, Ataarlca may limit her-' getf to EPgUih aourcea for her learnliw ............. ..........................

Mrtvt iM9 tnU 6n>< A nfttton* tlikt would do I ahouldoTi did not fits nnd iho nock tnAdo Ihst- wmM silaraya ha a ooloAy tatellec^-1 qh, ^ iig* this*

Oould, aaldthat th* "blue pann* velvet watot," which wa* ta dtopute. did not lit hto clknl. ,

When th* blue pgane Velvet wMat.wfeRB Hra. Oould had rafuaed to raoelve or pay for, was pul ta erideneo, Mra*. MlrebeOa becam* eloquent, and nmoy of her re­mark* ware atrlekan qut on the ground that they war* more ta th* nature of ora- tory than of tvldenca

Hr*. Oould teatiftad that she had aeen a watot In Hme. MirobtaU'a window, and had gona ta to boy It. ,

"Mme. MIrabatIa showed me the modri of another," a**d Mra. Oould. "I told her I never bought from models, though I thought that one pretty. She then ogmM to make one limllar, and I eald that If 1 did buy It she must send to me for tings, a* I never had that done out of the houae." . , .

When tho blue panne velvet wntot at laat cam* homa, Mra, Gould aald. she aent It beck with a note.

"W hyl” she wa* oaked.Beeauae tho back Waa loo long. Th*

‘ ally., Amarica muat be oput to all Infiu-- ahoei, Oermin aftd, Frendn, aa well aa- Engltoh, and muat act for hereelf." *M .‘‘C *ta b oa '«r '«3 t tmdemkathat the'clviitoatloo ef France waa wortav lie itu d yi, Ha deflhed the charactertoUca fet,' the Freireh mind aa being' preotolon, gnadaralloa and. a truly hun}sn philotophy.

IH* then' spoke hrlefiy oh tho groat tS- 1 fort* made in France t* Improva the h l^ -

■ I or education and to reorganlie tho untver*I aitio.

- M. Cambon expressed the opinion that -fOreltncT* mlajudg* the Frenob, because

they dp not taka th* troqbl* to know them!: H« uiged hla hedrers, M they want to Paris, tMt to limit thsmsetvas to th* boulevard* and tba parts,of the city fre­quented only by foraignefs, hut ta vielt th* unlvaralty and tha coltegM, tha g n a t Oovariimant achooto-Uk* th* Bool* dsa Chart** and tb* Ecol* das BeautvArta. A tH ^.atl they ahontd go Inm tha pegge

: incss and learn something o f the r*al| ’ Franc*. They should tty to as* aoipatjitag- ' « t F npcb family life, Ihougivta bo ooan-' ■*'■■■111 iMii ifaiia,


M . . .■ tnssrtIt

I arrive* the other deparu. “ ON'S CREAM OF O U V W

Mrs. Oould Illustrated her grieve nee agilnst th* neck o f 'the dress by bending batJw n neck forward.

.Vtialht to prove that m-health might have affected Ura. Oould," aald two*

U i * l , Mme. Mirabella'a lawyer, nervoua- ,ly. Then he walked up to Mr, Hummel and whtopared.

"Ahem: Aheaa! Ahem!" said Mr. Hum­mel. "Latto sea: no, I do not tunk that iwdttld b* an tadaltaat* queeltan. Wa all 'knew that th* lodls* wear— "' There waa a pdusa.

"Coneta," aald Mr Hummel, ' ‘coroeta” Mightily encouraged, Mr, LaakI askadi “ And, Mrs, Oould, did you have on lha

laiM coraeto all the UmeT’Yeat" aald Mrs. Oould bijakly. .. Um-m." aald lha lawyar. "Y o u -a h -

you alWby* waar tbs same onasT"■'No,'” laid Mrs. Oould.'Well—ah—but," oaW Mr. LaakI, gathep-

tag htiaaalf tocather again; *-*ro they al­ways tha aama alaat" ,. *Tb#y ara," Mid Mr*. Oould, and I ailwaYt pM them onjayaetf."

•i --------*"------BO«M LBABBD FOR * * YEABB

,> a W t 'Btakt# H lM oelf aw* Halvfe tw * Oeuwpp Apartm ofek

fe At tb* noa*. , in &a -ndatrUa and your

O A t X W i t M

* ^ u foUow tlMsa <It Works over nigl

In tbroui^ldltectloiw at bad ttaM.

POM*. .ives.

Marion. -—itd^^onrHlt of'tbb

" d y ­ad.

atba ffM i'' rii* top to th* bottom « t

Yau fothiw- It woriis Oat* ta 4, .

.Utaaans and Heals; aDkya >

- Bt th* motntag

& "M ”“Sr^tTVM ^4 t‘a a ehafep tavaatibank-

l i t H BEfllUIEfll.

TJLlliain esra


Mtoa Baulah Logan.Logan thus spent her childhood In thea* tolasda. Her father died In 1H7 on tha Island o f Ruk, which Is one of th* cenlral Carolta* group o f Islands, w.hlch recently passed from th* dominion o f Spain to that o f Germany.

After Mr. Logan'a death Hr*. Logan relunuid t«L.tbe United felate* with her two children. Beulah and Arthur C. Lo­gan. The Inttar la now studying In lb* Bi­ble Normal Colteg* at Sprtagdeld and will enter missionary worfc.-

Mrs. Logan returned to the laland* after having put bar ehUdran in school at Oher- lln, 0 „ and Buffalo. In 18ff7 Mlaa Logan want out to join her mother tt Buk and hag remiUned there line* the death o f her mother. 'There are some half doicn mto- alonartoe there. They have a training school and kindergarten, having met with great auceeis in their work. Occaatonally traders land on the groups Th* native* era brown polmeston*. a atrong stock and of a fairly g ^ order o f Intelltgsnce.

-------------- —S---------- ------H IK E M tlU H O A yg B E¥B,NOE-

nidw 't Forget* Hla Ol* B a co ir Even OB HU Oowtkbed.

From the New Orleana Tlmes-Democrat."Did yoii ever hoar the ilory about Mike

HuUlgan'B r cv « g e ? " aald ono of a Util* group o f gentlemen, talking over school day* spent at a certain famous Bouthern untveistiy. "It to a'stock yarn, but bears r*tamn|. Mike, you know, woe Janitor et the coUeg*. and bad an Inborn abhor- renca 'for what he called 'a black nigger.*

consequence waa that a standing feud existed between hlnuielf and old Petef, the colored man-ot-atl-work, and each of tbeni Hicnt. * conaldenible portion of hto Urns, In thinking iw aew ways of making the other'* Ufa a burden.."M ike bad the nteiM* artt of a nalhra*

born Irishman, and Pster wai a sagacious old darkey who said imta but did a heap o f .a ch em ^ : so tor many yean It was nip and tuck betaweti them, and neither got much the best o f the other until at tha Bnol end o f the chapter, when the Janitor scored a triumph so qncanny and drsmatlothat,' a* I said, befppe, H I’d* P*>eril ‘■Ho tha annato o f tbs taaritutlon. Poor Ulka, aa the tale goM. was An his deathbed, asd when it became evident Jhat be hq* h u ts vsrjf Bttl* while :to-Bvr he astod- Ishad rrarybody by aandlng tor hi* old enemy Peter and roqusstlng that they he left alone. 'Lock th* door. Peter, and give me the hey,‘ he oidercd when the other* had'artthdrswn.

■The darkey obeyed mrohanlcally.buthm tedth were beginning to chatter, for h« had the Bupantitlous ^ear pf death cAm- moh to most o f bla roes.' There wa* a ghastly Interval o f aUeiKie. while th* JAri- ttar waa gatharing atrength to speak again. ‘Peter,’ bo aald at length. ‘YeA **h,‘ replied th* tromhiing negro. ‘Did ye* Iver *aa a man d iet •N-n-o eah.' "Thin watch me,' said Mike grimly. That was too much for Pater. He gave one wild howl ef terror and dov* head Brat through the 'Window, followed by what he sworo ta hla laat day was a burst of irilimphant laughter. IVhau tha doctor broke open tlw bedroom door the old Janitor waa deadi'

A meetlag et th* EMtatn League of F n - laaaloBSl Base Ball CtuM 'waa hold at tb* Fifth Avenue Hotel, New Took, yester­day afternooB. Th* peewsfetatloo of th* re­port of the Circuit CaasaamM, th* sdop- tloo of th* ptoytaf aahsdato tor th# cem- Ing sesaoB, the appotatateht e f a ataff of umpire* aad tM adspHoo o f an antlnly new conatltution for th* government of th* aigantoaUan am * th* arost Important Uemi of a mass of huolna** taken up at the aasshm. It was statad that as chang* would M mad* ta th* etrcult this yaar. This maans that naitha*' WaaWagloa aor Baltlmon will b* rapranantad by an East­ern Laagu* team. The circuit wfll be com­posed et Montr«*L Torofelo. SyriagMId, HartfotsL Worceelar, FruVfetonce, Byro- euaa and Rochaater,

For week* the Baatarn Leagus’s CtreuM Coramlltae ba* baea dlcksrlng *4ih th* Nattooal League la aa andMvor to get lerrUory sMndoned by the Hg laagu* In the Eoxt. The ten i* deSMnded by tb* Na­tional League, however, are auch that th* minor leagu* could not gust them.

There a n sevarsl ebangsa In the n*w constitution. One o f tlies* calls tor Ib* turnlshlnt o f a bofed by the presUeiu-aao- r*tsry-tr**Bur*r of th* drganitatlon,

Tha playing achadul* adoptad coouta*IM (ames, each taam playing slxiy-thre* gam** at h*m* and a Uk* number abroad. The aeaaaa op**s on April M with Hoot- real at Hartterd, Toraato at BprlngfkeM, ^rscua* at Worcester asd Rochester at Pravldeoc*.

Tha Baturday aad hoBday xamM a n evenly dIairlbvdadL among the various oil- tee. There a n tsMBty-twe Baturday tam es Of IbcM Moojreal. TovoMo, Worceeter and Provkdanc* each have *1**- *n game* *1 homs-WM eleven abroad. Hartford and BpringadM qiq:h have twelv* Saturday game* at tom e and Un abroad, Rocheatcr aad Syrncua* each bavs ten Baturday game* at horoh but ta make up for the axtra two gama* abroad, they fa- celv* two holiday twfeto* at home. Th* two Canadian rluh* gat all of th* Caandtaa holidays and Labor Doy at homa. Hart­ford and BpriagfleU and Frovtdenc* *M Wsrceetar aachanga vtotta oa Deconllon Day. On Indmcndaoc* Day thay npsat the exobwig*. On the** two holiday* the Canadian cluM apend th* day In lit* East

Unto** the Bv* Y M n ' agreeawnt I* ro- sclndad thsr* It no paaafltiniy that New­ark wilt be npreaantad ta the Eaatero League for half a decade. Base ball mea hero favored th* acbem* to gat a ioaal team Into that toagu* aad Prealdent Pow­ers Btrongly ndvocnltod H htanaalf. Bat no oae came forward with the required cop- Hal and the ptaa bad to M droppfd-

Ptieher East* gsrod fo r Hlv*asM*, 8u*l* May Rualn. wWe af Auoa Ruole,

the pllchcr of th* Now Yorks, bmight suit at Indianspotta yotlerday afternoon for divorce and for an order rcstratalng her huMitd, Wtlltom A: Ru*l^ hto father, and John Ruile, hto brother, from dtspee- Ing of property ta which she allsgM she bat an talerosi.

8h* ralatea that attaen months ago ah* brought suit far dlvoce*. aiut tbqt on rap- resendatlon from h er. huaband 1 that hs would treat her batter she dlsrntoaed th* aetiotL

On April II. ah* H y g ah* lett her hus­band b*«*u*e h* waa driahlng and bad mlstreatad her. It to further alleged that the btg pitcher tranaterred property. In­cluding th r « tot*, te hto soother, and that on th* death Of hi* mbthar recently th* property waa Iransterrod W Agio*. W ilt tom A. and John Rual*.

8b* aak* tor tt.0i» alimony and W » with which to dafray the axpensM of the suit Her husbsad. she say*, earn* from W.0W to n.Mi> a year aa a bass hall pitcher. Ruale left ladtogapoUk for the East yea- tsiday.

Baas feaU Game* Yesterday.At Fordham: B.H E

Fotdhao . . . . . . I I I a 1 I I *Vermont ........> • • • 1 * • • * **

Batlhrtea-Multon and Blatwryi Taylor aad Wasaon.

At Hoboken;Princeton Prep... ? • • } * ! ! !Btevena ............... I 0 * 1 * * * *

Batterlee-UoHlIlaa and HUIehrand; Gerke, Slaledell and Uhlig

NeSH ef the XoHoaat Daaae,The Villshurgh A. C- has • f»w more

open dales which it would like to fill with Brst-clees team*. Address A- F. Watts, MI Bouth Ninth atrset, city.

Th* Star AthleUca will play their Brat game of the saason with the H ob i^ a club at Hoboken, Sunday afternoon. The teltawtag player* o f this city, who are former members e l th* Biers. wlB join the profenalonal raahx this season; Ho- ehylle goes te Troy; McGuire to Water- bury; Mill* to Derby; Wetoebecher to W*- terbury. . .

Burk CarUn wtll again M an umptro m the New England League this aetaas-

The BernardavlUa FlaW Club would like to arrange games with wriformid amateur clubs. AddrSM R. A. Mitchell, manager. Bcrntrdsvllle.

James R. Ctorh. on* o f the earilaat p n -


C Y C L l N f i W Q E » f e

T tift M17 l d u { e Wn M I h f i j

T n c t - l a c i f IM es.

I < « 4 * * 4 4 >-4t I 6 4 I 1 t L t L -4K-W

Vardan yeaterday sttarMon piayad tfe* bast ball of Alec Campbell, o f the Ooun- try Club, and C. M. Bremer, and waa by the very clua* aocn o f I up and non* to play.

During the thtwe-day opan tournament of tb* Daltusrol tlelf Club, May B. B and Jua* L there will be a beat MU nuleb b*- tw*en pairs made up of a professional and an amateur from each rluh, TbI* will M a novel form of competition, and I* axpected to bring out aobH vary low •eoring.

BMd W. Voigt, manager of tb4l T*l«»- burgh and Manhattan B«*cfe tMcka, stated yaalerday that H waa * poeltftv* (act that Jimmy Mtcbaal would roturn to oyelo racing this season. Htohfeat's tifends have BUcceedad ta periaidtag him that bon* rariag would ever pro** a. "losing gdmf with him. Mlchaal iWHpi**wt»o of bis horses, of which be to trylag to dls- poss. In the meantime he li kwmlng st th* cycle racing arid, and within a week Wiu antrr hard tnlatag. Tk* chances for a rocs brtweaw Mloh**l apdMcUuffeet an Oald to be very bright, but 'McOultee will not b* allowed ta ua* Ms steam pacing machine.

Thera to a poaslbtfety that Manuger Volgl will aecur* lha autalfeament of th* Woodtlde Park track I* PhltodalaWa. Nagotlatlons to that end are on foot, and If the Weodsld* tra*B to also brought un­der the Newarkeri* control he could .hava * very strong ractafe etaonlt of hto own. Woodald* and Maahattaa Bnch nsedts on Baturday* and VaUahutgfe rooes on Bun- daya would make an attractive comT tao- turn, ta tM opIntM *d Mllower* of th* sport. Baltimore, Waahtngton and, At­lantic CHy, thra* niBfedg Mck week,;form quit* anoihar ctrontt

Little Walter Smith, the (lfl**n-year-old - pace follower, will be MUt after the nma- leur cbamUonahlp tkl* aeaaon Moll rtf pace, and hto tnitaor mid mantar. "BJg Jim" Rlchardg haltaroa that ta eplta of the age of th* tad h* WUl win (wt. BmlU has been examined sad found as strong a* other tads of twenty. H* has bwen okrod for during the wtnler and enteiw tratalBg thla week ta lb* heot eondltlon. fealth laat reason lowaiwd the mtl* reerod to l.D 2-5 and lost it (o Ho**- B* mtonds to go for this mark V«ry earlyj thip yaai.

European pace followers In grtat 'tium- ber bsw anierad foemal prtaeat Mktliat tricycles being used to P«ce middle-dis­tance racaa. AjgMiun rldan wUI asoap* Ilk* troabta through the rul* aiiowlM *' dlaplacemant of twanty-two Inehe* rer a paring maebJaA The foreign riders claim that trtcycla* prevent pasalng oa th* banks owing 10 th* widtb of tha machln*.

New York’* two crack flat-Boor rifeoTA Oeotgo fechoflald and W. Hi CatwsrA wtU meet tha crack Buftata cyclUta, Ray Duer ■n^vnuiam Weller, Ir nn AgatrallBst pur­suit race at the Bevtnry-fourth Haglment Armory game*. Buffalo, Th* National Cycling Aaaoclatlon BMrd of Control wilU act aa officials at th* meet,

Jd* HcDuffee, brother of Eddie Hc- Duffec. says that automoMta racing wllll ultimately drive cycle racing out of fiw world of aport. McDoffo* drive# a attam

' "auto" and ta eonaiderod an adept, Laat veer h* managed the steam pacing raa-«

: chine for hto brother In track-racing.

TiU O n iE UNfiSHEBrady Mid B«C«r Tal* FigM m m * tk*

"K id" and JeffcM* Mar M#*l—Be- GoTcrw m m * Whit* Raplal*.

Billy A ady , ropf sastning Champion

BAlUUJkD flM BFBBI.Bi.pKNttarLVAMA nAiui' iAD-Op ind l£hr

fllMTrlut ftUMt

Chic**# tad M. Leuls Baigias. teU7i ,fw iTAAhvl.i* ivte Clftciiutiiil ■nduolW- ChIcura. It. laouii. _f •!*! K H. Wwurn Japr«M. dallr* Fw ChlM|Wi ToM*. «xorpt iaturdiy. _ r f l>, iT ioUtYwFirtMn Ktpnm, MlT. niubyrgL Akroa. CI*««Und CmolitoAtir Li>w»* vQK tMtanapotto, ft. Lm Ii

¥• d*_ny. .law

_____ ilV,AWauklIT. ItUs r

5 5

Pliubura and Chtcima, For knaxviiia, via ttWMukdoab VaJiay JUata.Clavaund, we«M kturday-

^ WAMHiNOnm AND THR •OUTB- am if Waihlnciia th* Ji»o«|h»

(Uni»*d Kxpma. l^ j- ■tati Mrtur t'aia. VaHIbwk Pm ~ ~

MihaiA. M,'i la

; atu. 4 M r «■.

AtlsaM oaaet Liim. Bspreat. *;lT A B. aad It M. diity.

old Ptoal coairert aadNprfolk. Baprsaa MT -_M- 5^-dn»* and •;*! P. M 4alb;,i f '

laM. y»itlbul#,i|iwnitr

s i

ifid 11:80^4.4 *iM ^


Frank K. * . Hehn. a New T o * arriaU has a laaae for ftrtyelght yeferii for a room In th* tenth Boor of an uptown aparimeM hoiuM. Ha ha* already pcog- ptod Og israa qtiartero for alxtron yMiw,

Far feta kfer tutor Hr. Rshn win an­nually p*Y • rttttgl of a i« - H*k*a *1- roady pqUhiUh* botol corporation OMffi, th* rfiagi lor the atatemi P*ferg 'mil* the long iMta* runalm c£_W* heir* mast pap BfcIBli' n g lum of itHKOUliU tag tb* tot^ pental for the what* t ^ of occupancy, wouM ta * tamp »ua purnfegM a kaparouf twrttofe of the hotel atock. Bnt Mr, Helm to* atao fortMM hto mms*-

'aion by rim puroh*** of a !«*■• W a* of sbsrM ta tho proporty. tf, MUlohkollluod that k* or hto heir* win mror he eriobed from their letoey. ;

tt Hi dto* JWorotanfe axpiri* th*. to*** wdll to kifihM o w to hto betam -it to toi.wtoh thto Jfi cbiL

*fe#--kL tb*•pent.tto Itapiitot peat* qt.

OMfeOB* VIgItaBea.From Harpari* Weakly.

At nlgto boats were brooxht cloatf wether, with gunboats on the nawu'to rateet ttom from th* petty river thtovM fatch wa* hapt faithfully, sentrlM 1

tiw arsoed nrtih a loud bamboo rattta vtalch thoF aoundad at IntervaW of every ten mlnuteg Everywhere ta Chta* the night watchman to thu* supplied, wlthjto Idea of fr i^ t^ n g naiay tktov**- The nraollcsl rogult ta^wfver, ta ^v* exact tafonharion- of Uw. whereabout* of the guardTiiM amtbW'tke thief to Ito ta wMt- tag-until the gward ha* passed on hto tminii. On ooo oeoasten we |*Yt * W *- tnt ta the-crow of a gitaboat. TO* CartMta ta Stow'hto appnriat^. hto doubj*giUM* ait that nttfat. vho lOUDdaq their

aafeUy pair ca ittn y-w ith tho ere*


fualonal bteo toll ptayer* In this opun- Ht T who waa famous aa a catcher withjlMtorn club*

loamlngton. III___■gra 1* dead at

• tag* Bfl^-fta* yMigiR thai « '


Flgwo to Orgeuibl* • W*as**'a Ggtt Team *t C*nntry Club—Befewwl—

bay* Plwy Ife Fl*e Form,BSorts are being mad* to anoua* tat«T-

etl among tb* worasn goltera al^th* Es­sex County Country Club thla « i 0on 'wHh a new to organising a wpmam's leaai,t<) oUy match game*. A eommldtee ha* b**n appointed, conatottag • **;tlmar Carnrick. Mra Edward F. Bandford and Mtoa Oeorgtonn* Wlhdardtag, which WlU have charge o f wmMn'B events for th* geaaon.' Airangetaanta have bean made ta open th* womsa’a amuien on May I with a foursome handloap. A number o f cup* and prises hava 'to*h oflersd torWOSmi'ft eventi.

Th* fovsrnore of the Cottatry Club have to hold no more opdn tannwmetit*

•A' th* Hutton Park Ilnk*,''gfid Aereattor golf privllegca will be conltaad to club membara end their guaatg Jack Park baa hpen re-engaged as fT**g*kcep«r and profMalohal at th# Huttell fB lk link*. Haward a . Colby wilt he-oagtaln and Aus-| u n Colgate Vlce-captata tor the year.

Baeoed-bresktaf gulf whSi piayad -by leboolboye an the Garden City links yes-

JrSrlrA and “ Kid", McCoy, mansgsr foe htmasif, talked Bgbt yeaSerday, and while no arUMe* of agraament waro signed the undaralandlilg wse raoebad that Jadtrii* and MciCap a n to mrot ta th* ring, thus adding another to th* Hat of encounten arranged to taka place between big llghl- c n f t lnp*nanc*. McCoy suggeoted that the ortlolM o f j^freemenl be net signed until Jutw n He ety* he h u an Idea that be will whip Tom Bharkey. whom to to aehodulad to flght on June B, and 1a IMI evefet t o reckons on a fat pun* tor th* rain with Jeffries.

Th* nlUBsl of the New York Police Comnstostonert in renew any boalng club llcenM* In Grealfr New York make* the location o f tk* Jeffrlea-McCoy Bght—If they aver get together In th* ring—* mat­ter o f feiuch spsculatloiL Tom O'Rourke and Aleak Brown, uf the Beialdc Bportlng Club o f Coney Island, hava not given up hops o f lacurlng a llcenaa tor thalr or­ganisation, and aay they will make ■soond application shortly to the Polios Cmamiasloners for a llcenaa. They hop* to peasant to th* board aufflclmt reason tor It ta,reconsider Its daiermlnallon not ta grant them a llcensa after May L

Tarry McGovern, who waa unahla to put out Tommy Whitt ta a alx-round bout at ChlMgo Tuesday night, said yeater­day:

“I am dlaappolnted In not getting a knockout, which, to me, almoet swmad cerfaln h^orv tb# conl*«t. I give White all th* oradlt In the world for ataylng tho llmlL M 1 had fully couated on putting him gway. 1 *»vs away tan pognd* to meet him, apd. of courae. the weight coiRBtAd In Hli favor. 1 him jilBir IB the Brat round, WM his cUaohIM kept me from dofeig My moat ef- facUra work. While Waa coaatantly get­ting M and hugging, and kad ray neck In many a tight aques**. H* poniylad In holdlfeg on, and had he stood bp ill the tlm* tar clean hltitog tbara'I* no doubt but ttot 1 would have put him away. 1 am tSfilnt to moet. him again and at any

t4 p ' M lighter

tare* r o n ^ I toUBfit-tordto fenalve, *ild kept McGovern off ** much aa poealbl*. After a reat I am perfectly willing to meet him again."

TO* victory o f Matty MaUhtwl .o»*>- •MyaUrtou*" Billy Smith ft th* BrdffBV

way A. c , Tuesday night ha* raised Mat­thews’ s stock so that many people be- Heve that he would M a formldabl* op­ponent for Jo* Walcott. Tom CVHourk* had a talk with Mstthewa'a manager, Johnny Dunn, yeaterday and * match was discuasad. Dunn promlaed ta let (PRonrh* know in a few day#, and If everything 1* asttofactory artlctoi artll to signed. MaUtowa has reoelved an oSar to go to Denver and Bght "K id" Parker.

- - » jW .X lO 'jt .'-5 a r^ lo ife ?L lm ltl^ &pVlPt iSintflftll VMUTlu)* FftTMT cSr»,


B4I nrlor.end Dlain*

iliraVitoVWiSijsj'ir’*For fiiroiHito %

ttmteij DuOdrt Pvlor Cl } SwTcWlilqeji }0:1

Fm oulmt aa the New TMk and Iona Braaih, Ralliwl. * :s A. H.; j:ll. 4r « J t : i r p Jl. Ba Bunder. 10:10 A H. end BitlP. M. JTup at ^aujMen tor Ootaa Grave ar AMiary Fatk tw'

ediheut eheiiae. IDH P. M.,Per jjffhJiTi, S. Y - 4II isroagY trains mp- aact atYtrstr « iy w lt b ^ t i et^Panaarlvafla


r o ^ y i s ^ k

! | i | j

Iliji I m I 1114 didK filC fl4ii.4 :4*. >>vi, >—,

b r i i f ^ b r t ,w ;n :K t i :BlliaWtk roly. 1

'{V Itaw'^Uw

;»T P. M., and awf A. i l . ; ltd

Sto. ‘Yn tk* BMt ;grdly on the de-

Brwicii. via MnoEOYiiiih Junctlnfi, TiM lijw A. M.: 4 J d P. M, w«h-<Ur». T(tf oPfr.U. wtvkediri. itoM m &otle«

Informitlon m« Tvffc;-- - -a—- --hU a*


«!• for «|t T»lirti m tlw pp»nirtftv*iilirtwFwtion*. Pullmin »rwmrao««<ti»,41 Nn. TM Vfo«4 or llcMt offiM.

j , «• WOOD,deisrql waMaW- fe*n._W-ssn,cekTraL iL,

ells c « l 4^ ocrAfnrt.

lEWiufff **<*♦*B. o r Ngw SulpfeYrAJilh**^

Ini lF4v«Fof PI '

Ip.dfi. 10:4BA. 9 .: 1'

For HfunirvU ~ iQ’At ; ‘,1m , 6.w,s _ _______

p ^ M i i

l i f W I l l#:«0.

•liitlMii < . . . . . . M t f r:er Slid La»# Hepat; H, Bundtvi, f;l.O sndan anl

an Hloh BUMS rirsncn sih laks Hiccaa.TrioTesespl cvieater sn4 Lah* Hopei- ,m er 9;<h *. M-1 4;ta P- Hl Bundtyn J jp

iftis itoTil#. I# *%«•">J t - X . BonMr* rtiWIto . * «

^iRrlflire; I>miton 'end' Bcrsnum. t t o ------ --- M.

Cut imtiataney.d f-


N E R V I T A P I L L SRrslora Vitality, Loot Vigor and Maahood.

■ ■ ol MamniT. " " '______ , all eftacis sisboM n exesM and IndlecnUos. A nerv* t*n|a and bl ood bwBMr, Brlags tb* p lu ^ lO »„ 10 p ^ chetoa tad rastoKS (htaraof rouui. Uy imtl

boiei tor fer.to,

60P f L U i

I 60i c mtor t® or toiNiidlh* -%sr circular &tkd top? 0f oar btufcAl

'jm ta>x- A . otfr tkuikftblr Kommii-

(•f p*l4eubtu ga»r»Q(«t

MaTaMsts am srnENiTB.(vrixow LsMb) iiaidlatl IlHlItl.

■ our* lor Inn ol Powr, etor Ataxia, Nervoai lawalty, Patalyill

drs Um of Tubanx•fed*elber feeutt.mor Liquor. fey mail In plala paeksga

MtoMa'Ixm • for fe ito wUh * w baatobta groiaiilcc boad to laii* JaWdays or renad ■MHrpshl. Addreei

K K B V IT A M E O I C A t C O ..eSUoton mnI Jm Iu m flliwf CHlCAO^« ILIj C m m a lirug Cti i Newark,n.j.

p._ll -

]Tqp i|ip-i>iifew Bffiit KbeI RAlI®aT. a:|o.i? M. BiBrwarm,S ' If aunffil fiott A- W.:

#>. il:6B M. StiMara, •:<*. A. ■-}ii02 IrW. .. 4-M P- HFor Atlintle

F « rre....... •**"

vis Veuwan. *'•**, - « : » P. M. Ben-A. H.; l:H. 4B0.

Bed p»nli, !*0« BrSCch, l etc. <a;)r to ft'd .n«"X .nnlri,.. Bj?*,


PtorMri ^A' AHund.yw .ME '‘ '-’S is

VlnetftTid wd BrHifelon.

h;«S, h;«. ' ■*lOiVL

1 SaV Ult/e

U.: ISiM W-T

p. M.; 12:40 nil ----- 1. ifjOOj'

t-.ai. B:»,

taxdar. despite ill* rata fend high wind, II tti6 tocond Anninil tnt®?HlholA«t(c

fR I S o l d :, OtiD C ^ lK A W U .It ■ TO Fiffijaah.<w .CTwAGto ' -

The game which waa scheduled y*•ta^ toy at Ithaca betateen Cornall and Bad- on Collet* waa deelaroB e(I hecaua* tib loaton team waa detoyad'on account of ixamtnatioiH. It to no*'at *H prot

that another game pd'h to arrangedWHUOtl- tl i'aJI-■ Rain prevented ■'yaatarday'a gsror't*- twsen Princeteh and t*« Uhlverolty nf ’Virginia at Chartoltasnlto,

0*l*m bl*’a AtUwflw Ftatwrato Active wqrfc In Mtdaiif track athHtlcg

togta* thto ir«el. at Gfetambta, wltlv tb* Itbphomore-freahmait daii* game* at w!,lt- taraabrldge on Baturday. Both claaoda tove devriopod an uguautl antaunt 'of track anaterial, and doM Itajfhe* anouM preVall-'tn nearly every *v*Bt,-r

Manager B. W. Bhoenwher, * f ta* qnt-. ▼arally track team.ha* arranged th* datM {or ill tb* varictt* tTMk g|**ts. as toL low*; April U-treahman-MBtomaro at Ooiumbto Oval; tt, ralay gama*, IlMtoc deltoto'. May k open •*

rtambto Fiald: CwtaU^alumhki-flllawto meet. In Altooffy; 1», Wnroato

Celumbto dual meat, at CatafeiMa Field; iff IntorooUegtot* ffamto at CoIub^ tiatd. In addltlen to thto the pick of th* ■quad will be entered In the various opto iMtroMlluin a m m #*

T. Klrhy. l i , o f tta Graduata Advtootr CororaUt**.lto* charito oFCeUn^ bia Field tManhattan FtoW. In Ito to; tonata of the gradtiatoa, who guarantaad the nacesrory fundg iwork at one* diUng up tb* gold. It wHl to ready for training P*»(h» m atgt tM*k. aad th* squad will then to mroed froh* tba wmiamshrtdg* quarter*. Wto»» tji*F now af*.' _ -

M » « e t* B to OpdD ItofeilMifep.TO* antry itol o f opan handioafe

to to bald to PrinKtoD on Saturday aflar- BOPh ha* been d o s to *>id to tto toigMt ta tha btotary * f tto ltal»*«*ty AthtoUo AtofeBtoUon. ItotrW h W ^ W k t o frcife Tato UnlM**lty. *to«n«2j w t o lumblB. Cornell.fori, Lawreneevllle, Prtojetop PrtaMto- tory WionL p *o n tiig to iU h p ^ iT ,^ t- Eir* and tha Oantral Hlghtoihool, begidi* iPtity wasi* Frtfctoton troriff^m- ; ,

mdvarritr trsck_w;ta«ta. gWfe tibdar.' OarwO. «*M a. NhftoMf"

------_, colahait m* " * *"

teurnament. held under the aulpicea of: « « • * Bohoolsight #*fd# were returned for the quail

-Ttag round pt medal play, and th* grist -t m U d for the best aeor* waa wwn by

••• MBrit* Hbhto*; jr-,*of- Lthawood, who M iM B hrilllant golf, doing the new oourae ig 'K 'w h lch eatabltshe* a record for It, *4 thfeatoguras to now mot* than ■■ yarto MfiUr than H wa* when the record o f II wto made last fall- Th* • < »« « «> • tor HMEm was; . . , „ .

. - .' m i * bogey for the course is placed *t W

* £ l the par golf at H- HolUil* did hto ft .rotiiiS within one atfoke of hogto. tort H

tho mogt aurpftog iq il o f th* day. a* a acnaatlon wa* MMted In TOtah play la tto afwrnoon by P»M Mhy^ Garden City boy. who hit a cH^plWI

far the # f« "toe bolsg whita to d ^ n the par golf of » - Ha atoo ptoYto ttw Unth and alaventh hclaa to thd taatoh tariatoating *t Ito twalftlTBel#, whan to had hi* opponent broten by I ttg | U I to play. Ml* ae*r* waa;

* * * * = ? * ”«' -Itto Mimmary of th* day's play follovro:

’ f o n 'B o u & a ^ ^ e r "" ! ! ! .......... ^

!ufrBL*Itoti^<iai^"<^^^^^ aroai. B to k *,,.-....;,........ 2

I r ' & i f c ' c w : : ; : : ; ; ®

Q f l A Y ’S S P E O lP I O M K D t C H N tt r a m BtABd TtogMrt Y B A W B M S

H«f»t jMNlMiVosr-efesdwi fciln MAM*dwi fc.m «■««•*IpMff* ti 4«if*M i l

IHime UU lM e r i lu

__g g


k, Pipiwiffi.'IhlflEe Ana*.

riBB Iff hM 4r w5i5iw *if •■I

Unis fur. Mff.__ ilfrttfiff*

g n m T KPtean oa., iB im A f f ,«,fto yfwidt«#giviin*rftlti,V4l* WVi**S*^F4N***

Ftor-441* bv ChiriM Holthfnitr.druuUt. Bro*4 M Mifiet itretlA

Ifen' rHlT-Xw w aphinot ,For Tr«ntott_wj4 1

HunUsyt. WiA. lJ:SbbMtPirP d'lTPf’k*, eir Id

TlrlMt CWc*. tttl MarkDt mlrMt#

jOHE AND'R lim e .8:18 (Pk-'tCl qlDol. 1*KH.

fvKMN TtDn.inn'i,


or at n tr ■ihtenhoae wlJ._H "oiJiHAi’ejwLn-n. fiineriai'od-ct.

■H. P. RALriWIN, '00*; praeeerrr’ "1


t ’ (

■IMHPWSI iw v *


A aipi*B g|to>^- Bmto cnditahto.ahi.,. ■atardty gftarMiMta)ktofiteig fprit Aiioi

-iiattonr iKrhtrda, atS S i T

indfelHrlN. J -


...................................... ......... UB

tawigu ^ t t o r ...............“ i

r. C u l p ; . . . . - . - . - . - ........

. CUTljto'OWP. iF*’-- und, M * ^ Ftoy-qMurphif brot


0 0 ^ '


EWThmsTPIfeP^ Oqqw tWerod Aahm, OM Soten L’ltwi to i jr W lfe t COOK

"T tow iam dSookl

ten uiaen a IK ■KHKDIt llL. ftopraoti

otito IM moti

L E H I C H v a l l e y

A .*t. *^^r'Ba*n^c*'Nt*I*I* yW i eirt WtaclP*' kJCf-t Print*- TOrier sad

Dlolo^^r^ Oonaccu inr coil Sreochet.

' ‘‘BLAiaC DIAM OND E X P B C 3tl.*

■warn for BuRalo sad' m ' :Far ItMca.

I BunSey.

r*^rfR riiS !l.T ’

rttPe BuHtl*rv>



Mkpag*! tfraa

R U PTU R E CU RED■'SSUL’IriL'Vff.t.a?-sai

haw Ytwfe


S 8? ’

lithebfftBMd* IclK (or t h e

- AtpUMflk Wand UvtrxodaarvtffIt cu m


MtMW.gnpOY TOUtoYH feVlLaad FABiAIO IT ,'

NBWAJIK AND PaTMtopj}-,NT - ■ “ ■

a;16. iSjlirrL M. Mndjy«. » - » . U-w A

gT R A lW U ph.


t agwasd*

w f rupwarda

gUggllgmi, . . — ■ J - -

U c k a w a i o a R a B r o f i l t , :

“ *3SJj!Sto'«US. - B t o M - i ™ ^

l i

ir ? f 'V i

M EW ABK . E V E N IN G M E W S, T H U R S D A Y . A P R IL 19. 1900.

l g * # * * » « » # * « » # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^• • • e e e e w w - . ” " ” - " -----------T h e w e a th e r to -m o rr o w w ill p r o b a b ly b e f a i r a n d c o o le r .

B M i m


Another Bargain Success.« . 1.x__ .I .ai.1.4 »nA HntlKfrlilM will. T

•M’ HtVrV P- fn ’'™*'*".?* »l.. d j< «4»iit»

tee/u. i*> in* 1 • iT /S * £ iS f ouSSiiie* v«i*rf . »tjh* o«TiiMia«y ih* tw*tity-foi*ilh dny ^ April i f iwo V c lo i P. M . *11 U«t trnct of P *^j jf jpaV *M prfinlii** wl*l.L“

lovnth - -

. .. • A# iu f « a !n « th«t should, and d ou btless w ill, make

particular tim e, and will b e on sale fo r O N E D A Y O N L Y .

Q e p i t AII4hcr U co >


uidArsbun •biid.^DMd tut r“ b«.u 3 • IW T " -

u.• ■ a 1 . 9 8

C k A

F i n n l B a it U l n a ,_ A vi-_k kmIWb Aa* Pi

Bays’ P u ts B arsiii.

nm riwluien* in<3oodiiiM 4 to 14 .tlteliod w»l»l (wom^-linoly flnIthM -w orth 4*«. net b 7 \ t■pwUI ........................

Biyi’ Widst BarKiii-Ontlae OeniMl. chetlirt «iid

percelw ln .» n luwriinont 11

K i s r a t ; ■n^ Kuit*—f*itpoTor-§tpomrJ7 I f t rw o r th » c .lo « e c .0B ch- { y CBpociftl a t......................

Bay^ Saflar Saits.

kleo Middy etylee, la Mtei from s to t y««i«, wlip w t n vMt.

-hendwicM OMnhinA 1lon*-worthI'^ia et.......

mil-s r rper 5 a C

New I n n i i o r b a m .

5 k

B i i i ^ New B in it iaAn MKitMtent ®l liendiotii*

deewn* o o n S * ,f> "d ■Tnnn^—Use

ISO. per r e td - | U C ■ l » t .

FriH a f t ia U m ii MaiU*

Colored Silk Taffctallnes.* g u a r a n t e e d ptm ilk A lo t fuU Une <rf deliitleS iprlng shade* Meek iwhHe-^noltooerta « « U n ^Mfolit price 49e. ttHBOtrow fidy,

S pecial at v l S O . BSClSJCi

£ itr a Sbe Nifht Gawas.or (ood muaUn, »J*h,(P" >®'

•ertUna ot Bne emhijildory - rnm* around neck■ nmrlnuttonit-lour eiiurtersoi tu ck n l*** l».< »»«d * i i l j -- l ip a ^ l to-mono* tat...................................

A siartei P k t m U tFloral luhject*

Florentine tramee—I white mate—brtlq

Mea’iN e fiife e Skirts.Made of good Quality itrtp^

rharlot In a yyt*'r, f j '"nl'Jtiwlolinga-twoaetaihed rullare -c u f f . *tlach*d-»g. 3 f t _

(We. e*oh~*p«l»l i i y b

U A e t ’ Faacy Neckwear,Made ol tafleta, chiffon aad

Liberty iUk in Jebot tie effoct*,wttM*nj:yj,W SAIS

worth ironi

. and long atock col-

a t ... .M t e b r 9 8 c

Extraordinary Go-Cart Offer,___ :___ a _ ________I it Am Mr

9 . 9 8

A l i m i t e d nnmbw only, tnd «they BOW occupy ianot cleared b e t o W-r ~ IB*T BWW wea»ea|r/ — --------- a a

o o R w ^ t It wfll be becasae you don’t w t M M W fi^ c o o p n ^ ^ *• !* * • *^ U t bodiw-£BHeoUlUai md X M t - b e * t wMiW ^ etrel w ke* ">d

price $ 13.91—Fndiy only at

PMIIW wrwww-•l»o letaa-eold «gul Sj.na oat h - - on aal*

lip 'UrW M r'braw. Kmtx Ccoetr.

inJirrf t« t ,*"4 o f'iiJot * fool nj ollwr tonil. «ow or w ai.rly o( « iJ iMkslM. H»rm*nn: iliwnew rMlrkrll* f P**?***ii«, M r ir « wun tiroiory , « n « . tjoaat r , ” el^.'J'i.'IJdSe '■.'JiTorf^.'i™ fS . « d

iW i£ ?7 !!S y-n m ; ( « i .n n , fjfMrifKw M iMrt 10 * POiOif. ln*OC* ■tIH •W*wV u ih .« r > iy -n '

t H » i i i i ‘ir*s s ^ W j

ih . » b o « eLMad writ

bt pjhllo . endu*. at tba 1 "“ "5 ™ ?, " i

r A 7 b i -ii; \ r ‘ ,orn a iS fr.?^ in 'v r-^'n«rnnfni*ai*a*Sint 1* tba wtatarlr BrShicn Ifraal dlalsnt ■oalbwaatarir iiro bun- ,l»d and Ihlrt r-nva frat dradlha ot a t.)ol fro» an » n ^ J " t“■Ida ol Brlibion itraai fonnad by tbaibffi irf lha ..luraa of aald waatarly alda of 1* 1t.ei alraat ronnine nonh tm d y " 'uiaa «a i and tba cuucaa ot aald aidi of nn*nton alirrt running north tblrty-aavrn d y ^

SWO irwi. Wye.*" »ebA VUV.T____________ . fotrt to l«*d oJo or fornwr.y

S , ' ^ J S * . « r "b'tiSd'rV” .jS« < ^ r n . ‘Tt

i t l i la i id 1 , 9 8

JU uw Oeefc Special.

w*«Urly ]IB* OT orwionr •ww^r •Mid QM ory *Ymur rwiih o « fw *tw*ntys)*t mlftuir* «**t OMIhraa’laat and ninaty-at* ima-hundr^hi ai ^ h ° i 3 .£i?!ihrM ilagraan thlrty-all mlnulr*

_ l K ! r w J K .“ r l l « o t ' a « ^ iS !£ ’' i r ; d ^ ‘’S d ’ ; ( t r i a V andand lha brtbl or place nt bertntil^.

Alap alfthal

^all’^ 'b^SST ed 'iid (o-rtraV feet and Cf-y■I, oBO-hundrrdtbt j^^a•aean dagreea ala mmum waat •Ifb'y'n"*“ * ‘ *’ ’7 d ' ‘!rit?^y ’« ' . % f f . b % r . l ^AlonE raid w*«u»rly *hm or nnipn'ii ?hw « a> north tftjf dagrm w«t and MvmiT-ttvo r**ti th**r* <J> •out* T'^7 ‘ i o drarrea lifty-Ura ntlnutaa wait l''•enty•« f« t ; tbrivc. I l ' aoutb Mly d**t"* . X ‘ hundred and nlnaty-two feet and one-hundrediha of a foot. " “f ! " . IftBoi HI w«wi*riv Mid* of HrtEtotuo ElTWrit thwisf* .1

!lfhi on*-huJidr*dlh* ot t foot to th*

l*i"K.;;ini:fT.r''parficul*rl, V,*,

—> nlckel- I warrant

SKSScT r iu tH ilM R .

ADOtherjBit down-taaile of

SBtrrIalaineoli ark worth r ‘

T r i n H l la tM arreLfn lqofl f ■ i hewittfttl 4 d-

mE<|» o r lABoy ftoiiw hrairlN * "« fhinn

^ t r “ of » S S Thd Bt.i7of AmyV to rtf n#y fformwrlr litant thrt« me c^tur

eountjr of JW#wx •«>» A# n*VIlRbiB* gn th* WMt*rly *ld* «> oaltrd l¥tlK>l ■trw#t, *t * 1^®-' “ S a d hiS flfty.faat aonlhar,'/'r’.'T ‘oY Y hi^ Sa a n d nM «raTenue aa th. aana awUli'“om « a m ." or tb. lu.ndford^pwtjrir:_ ___Jivrta >jawK'aeda

itr«H ioolhirir four* - ’1*1 with huw*«*

f*_________ le rewr imw mi ts»»» fiE — --_^*rh t lW i ; ilwnc*

- ------" * • aa,wep- - - -th*«Mf runnknr aioBC i K i r w : thwuf* wiMdwrJJEVMUO'OD* hundred *nd wfichiy >"> Of )«v . to th* r«P iliw of lot*/rontln

IM’O feet, nsor* on N*w«rh t im t ; ilwnc* i*i« - - -fortr-tiro o**t« * *Bd thirty « » tty-iu (*#t; th*nc* alonf »*id r**r l w iElrty-*lE d*fr*** *nd nilnut** J}**nin* f**« kiwr* or !•••* i® JrIX_“nins fMi kBure OT I***, t® th* ilTi* of i*r ®ffMoeSia ?>*y; th*no* tiong M*roriV ffii f**t mor* «'* to th* isorthfr#*terlyifly parelW wSh rtey at_r«t hunl^^

ily fei iK Sa e^^'r riifanel -itb B u « i’huTlKa and IwenTy tea. to tba plan.

° ' l S S ! 1 l!i% b viBTUB, ShjrtitCeall A Hawaii..Itollrltote. Hm tui

elCht on**nuawr«iiii« w* • »- •’’*Ue*n#^a*»rt^tha aaM to th. aaldiineilBi A. Adtma

« m m t m s a l m ^

N«« J*r-Ctowtry

2 3 - 5 % H h E v - . r t . 5 i .EHt*. M. fhf “ *• BS0rtfSkf*d

t o virtew Of th* *bow *t*t3 willmsbUc v*nduo, *l tto CottrthOti** Itt ^**5,*^’!!■ TB**d*y. tto iii*iity-**w»d day of M*ynfsi, Et two o'clofli H. kf*. *11 th*t ir*ct or mrrei rtf U*d **** pr*»tp** EilualOt ly l^ *nd K l « m IM clty £l Kawatk. JUaa* Coimiy.

‘ "g m n 'I i* lb tba■irMl »t » point dl*U*t Oil* ^tmdr^ *h4 en^-etEht f**t foar Inch** northwit^y, froin tw loieiw**tloh of Mid tin* ®f FOnrtb yT**< lYih " b e ^ lS r ly lln. o< tba MorrU j n d ^ a«i Ratlroed; ihanra (t( alMii Fourth rtrHt nortnaaatarty Itfiy faat; two dagreaa forty-two drtd- f« t i Iheooa IWwith Fourth airaat llrtr f**t; l iL ," ? !! .ality-Iwo dagraaa furty-two jJJJutM waat oea bua.lrad faat to tba plaoa of bait»IW -

Tba above daerrlbad property la 1» »W laparrala aM In the fonowln* wdar, to wl^

a ten ge knalaade .U 't -■---------- ----that aowM he b u fU - le w iktaa. Markat Street.

arfy'mi. o” r™ n f| ;rr«tj£ .;rTy lln* of th*tABt on* h«ndr*d and

aSre?. S “ ^ ! r ? i l l « d r f b r . ; ^ . ”aTo« iiiiIfne of Fourth atr«t n«1h iw^ty;*^g fm edflifaan lulbUtaa w l Ifffay W ej^ai,m..hea; ihante «utntr« of th* partltio* wnil divldlnf ,tto D o^'* . . . ___ .... aV .. luv. laMatMit*iid!n*"on *^l^5mdraS"™7d"£lSilt*‘ on'Th."~*irth "<*.■ h T u ^ faat; thence iMih»*M nfuafi f**t *levta tach*fi **4 tMnc* S!Sh l y ^ d ^ « tofly-tio BUnutaa weit on* hunSr*d fwi to th* **W Un* pf Fourth *tr**t Mnd th* pl«o*


M*y 4> _____ _ 60T.Tiidu

aBoitaB viRTTR. „aallaghar ft Klcharda, lloilcitnra ™

liaedi foe Eaaea Cbuniy. on paara ani ipnl Id.D*i*d Ap

sew-wk - a . » w— ’ -T K ^ l n a

• w,lrte -aapeclal FHdaTat.

uiy lOT

1 . 9 8

L a f ls ’ C w id C a w aRluirt matlenfcwBljrto-MUaie iiecka—ruBle of lawn fie J w lth Valoncieniw* lUB ndfeathoretiwhbraid > C g , e h l t r e d handt-all 6 u V

■itei—apeolal values st

A sw rtef Corset U t .piQue Mineta frith


Ckillm’sFwirFUts.Made of attaw bntldiw U h

) rows o f Tuaoaii beald on -all light oolMa—

1(Chancery A—M 1

BHBRiinrs bAlb ■ ......jE-ln'ctiaJlfery of N*.* fay, MO. l-Bftween yiH*" il'*!!* eomplalaant. and Annie M. Adama el at-,

fandante—FI. fa., for laia of mortaasad pram laaa.

three row" of Tm K »n------ .rTm-all light ootora- w f worth SIJO each-spe- f QQ eial at............................

irtua ot tni aDo.v " — - - -toclaa to naa directed, I iball **po« f*f by puhlla Tandua. ol the CoutthoUia >" no TuaodaVr the Heat day of May neat, at a 0 clan™ FT V , all tbat^lr.ct or^l*real_<f„‘‘,»JiiH ^n ^leS 'ritua 'te 'ly ing 'and baing In Iba

BflSvllle. S a o x Coumy. New

JcmShi froul and ?*■*'Vac* trifniued fop-;honed Mala-wanbc»>ed-*li »!»•"-ill boned ----------regulkr vaineTlic.-apeC' l*r lo-morrow *t........... 3 5 c

Best M i s k i i f C htL

i ir t e r Le*stk SpediLngtha of ftn* latKT

fifcI3 wl3 *^*& tSf In oolofw PB7 7*

fpooiat per lengih.....

? 3 9 c

U A y Y i d KM Shies.

S *S & V u > "§ |.5 0MBvAlft *-.4* . . a a a 1 a a a • • asrorrifW ^t.

U i i e f IM M Slippers.

U i l e i ’ G i t r in e iB a t iM at^of atraw te*ldF-™|5aliucf bMik

■tylea and

■tst to im« 49cis L .........

•a lora. *.

BenrtHil IH ner Sets.

l^ - t n ie pattern to » - - - -

^ 1 9 . 9 8

6reat Kid 6hwe InducementX H E &im« Fowwi h the fiwi'*»d p*tk»t* * e 1• b « f reconijnendstion ft tt can b* |iwn...__________ fttt esn

thu Inf of glotei which west* |ofac •“ wliIm Ihsnisine mske snd im is w««» * m FHa{or before. All of the moel ddrirtWe shades rf


1 . 2 5

En IWlJ IIlitHIrTtt ■dial amw-f**t from th*

M«t*rir ItB* ^Brlfhtrtft #ti«t WffSsinh

G U lfr e i ’sG eeG Irtw ers.


out — former, •9«.tft>e|>eckl At

grade“3 iS 5

L iflee ’ D aiA erchiefs

c J f s s r - ' K w ' f i M -

^ . 2 d i ? ? s U ' : 5 c

■wsr#Snttoa"koln - i jy‘ foVySS’.r .h : :1 4 c■ges 7 to M yeen ef n

and u toityA aniri'-'

FheM ajelica Yssev

B ir g ik i i t riate Sets.

fa r e Pictare Chaioe.Etohlnn and water color fao-

llmlTe*~ltted in neat gilt ot Flarentlu* frames-fan- | -A rt

rSuea-at.. *

F o c y Shape CaspUeres.Richly dwowftthd with colored

flovtnt *nd to ld —vhnr pwtiy—

• p i U « « 3 9 ci t . ............ .. ..................

to virtu* ot thi abrtVtd •1*t*<l writ of fl*rl#iy Tini^ e .'h.il ftwnairirt fftr Ul*hcl**s

(C h ftX iM iry A — I M F *BltraUFTB BAUt-In «'»T'^'n^n.flW rVn »y . No. t. Bwtwaao UIHI" «■ complaliiaat. tad David N. Fore el ri d ^ d - aiiH. Ft fa., for aela of “ ’ ’’ " "J " 'p re ™ * ^ .Ity virtue of the above atii'd i^n ficiaa, to mo diroetad, f ibill •‘ P',’**J® fji* at public vandue, af tba OourlbuuM to Newer*. ™ 7ue*d*y. lb* tweniy-eecond day of »toy o ^ , at two Voloak P. M.. ill ’ l « ‘ *F“ *of land aad peamlaei alluata. '>£• ^Couat? In the township ot Bellavlllt. Base* County.^'h -a& lna at * point In the ***’ tl'^Urlghioa atraat dIaUnt ■“ “ 'b * " " ' ; '; " " bun dred and saventy-al* feet an.l Iblrty-four one hundredth* of a toot from on twia In the waatarly alda of Brighton itrael fomw "7 tnteraaclton of the courw <f ''.'''*'31.4*1 Ilf Ilrlghlow mriat, running north two degra*four ndeuiaa aast and the '■'uraa of aaW ^ of Hrigbtoil atraat running north thlrtyiKvM oa ireai afehiaan ralnutai **i ; •*'“ d lau w i*nteaMltia O) 00 a o o o r a a a o u lh two drsejaa r wmlnutll woof one hundred and tort) -al* w »™n flY -sM E w n * » h u m lr * * l(h * <>f * T oo l * I ^ M

Muraa aoulb aavan degree. •'* twanlT-nlM fast and " ' ; ' ” ' 7-e{*bt one^mdredthi af a fo « : thenre ill north flljy d a * r«

All wwt.w.K, —nine In th* ••*t«rly lln* « -•■-’alS-.’liw’'Mini thvrrtft dliltm ®n* huodiwd J*j**^. S ir riwi Ihr** inohi* t^heriy^ ^ /y wo*!*** northerly Un* ®T W>* Morrt* u 4 ®*^* ro*d: th*ne* ruiihlOf *l«n» tb* U** o**er*et oorlh wtwtnty-MV** d*tr«** * lfh t^two dofm * fortX'tww mlmitM •••t *m inc tbi^uih-Ah* Mhtr* pf th* dlvlcliit th* liQhi* ■URdlw 0® tto <l**eiib*d frotu o«* iwJJrtlhlBf ®« th* north w* h“ df!d n i T t h ^ ^ ' h ^grass alghtaan ■nlnutas wait •l*t*'e b j"Ihsnce north ilily-lwe !eutas waat. and paaalag fhroeth, tba 0“ *™,®*

Little Money

itntlkiiff hi * w- ttoo *tiw*t. two

point la th* ***t*rly Un* of tw<> hundrvd ■” ‘*,'"T**

S : i;iiSrt.rty Una^ lha « 5d i ™ f t j r s m S i . w *e .n « mrndSrt i "SuM t**Md rto-wilth. teal 111 aouiS aavadr ~ r ^ “ a!r^.-rri_ .».• *hairtv-MVM uid llv*-*l*ty-«th MM) tWO-lMniiiM AW-. d*Er*M ilx altiutM w**t thlrty-**v*n *no i i « teT tafS t: thwiVa " " "(it'aoulb'.even degwa ajj minutaa'waet twtniy^va feat; tbanoa 3) aouth

utas waat. and pa"l»*.f"® !*h the partlttoo wahdlvldliW lhalw)t« ■tEndtath* OMlot otrvoy (s**cnw» Biw* w~, _

jolnlnf on th* *outh oh* h y d i^ f**t to m M of Fourth itm t Mid tl» Pl*®* •*Jin*

nine' i ? the IhlM plaoe Iba ‘bird p w l In the eoatarty line of rt« . Bmatharain dlatsDf two hundred tm ^ ;C b mInohaa'ooHrthar'ly fttini IhJ^orthariyInehaa oorthariy mwn in»Morrli and llaaait Kailre^i ^olong tha llaa of Fourth f l i ^ aavau daaraa* alghtaanfaat one Inch: tbaaea south ' ' » I J - t « d a m * , forty-two mlDUtao aoat mtaSSt

olity-two. dag^,.fortylFo_^iyl,".'*3^ « ^

— In the face of the steady “up, up, up” of prices on tubing and metal, weVe selling more enamelled and brass beds at L O W E R )rices than any store can 3egin to 1 We buy righ t 4ere are 3 proofs that prove:

•pSiW . h S . m , S ite. Of Id. P ^ t u o j - IdwSilnf th* hm»*dawrrlhrtf. frtuu lh. « .

a* *f » *w»i; inTJii B >ar "v g.ziT'WMt on* hundrM »n«l **»ith

on* nunarvn *nn ^•owh forty-two d*frM>* aLJIIIItw*nty4 ve f**t; th*nc* tSj ,*}*JJI***«t aiM hundred and ftfty-Mvrn f**t *»w iJntto” « foot to th* *W*rf .W .™

ibvae* i4i north **v*n d^r*** *t* mi* ut** BE*t tw*Biy'iiln* f**t and h*v*nty**W»i SiThSSdredrhTof a foot I® of btafunlng. Being a part of (ha aaow gram- laaaoonvayad lo the aalirBinaHna A. Adam hy dead dated May 4. retib, and recorded m B” L ai of Dcadt of Eaaax Chiunty oo pogae BOB aad Sm.

DniMl April Jh, l#00- ____,.. _iivaa VIHTO*. ®>arl(f.Oallagftar ft Bkhaida gollrtloaa. jlliJW)

daaciihad from tba tma so^.o.na ™ one hundred last 1® **airawt and tba p l a ^ f baglonlng.

Dated April VTIITBX.Rlktr A Rlk*r, iqUcltorfc______

H1IRIFT*B iA f^ lir ih a w r y of Kaw Jarrey -rurtwM lamuai H. PannlBgtoB. dr., aueu-■h iirift*blor. ate,, complainant, sod Jotm i i a i i » y a t « ^ at at., dafaodinu. FI. f*-. fw • »" ®* nwrtgagod

.I’l'tua of the above itaiad wrtt of 8 ^ fa?ia. to me directed. I ahWII aapw tor a ^ ^

f f i l 3 j n a i n S I1fty-f™r 'minuta. airt.oM thanca (») northwartarly■Lii a* mA* meeI tw*»ty-*l#ht ahd lw*oty^*ton* hun4f**b# (*rt: th*nc* (*> north ■ u- Aftv—foUr IDlnUt** WNt Oil* RtU*S?Sll5!P3tiy-S« rew-tenth, faat toJ S t a S r ^ ^ f Brlghloo a«™<bet UmUlC. B*Ii»f * P*rt ®f Ytoconv^yST to Rinvllnf A, Adam* *M ^Adam by Chari** Cl** and wif* by d*^Mt*9Ifovtihbar iCLMPd. and r*cord*dof dead* forlaaa* CMnty. pataa 1*4 aod i**.

tW ^M M vb VIRTCB. »*rm .QallaahT h lUchtrdi. Holldtor*.

___ <Chanc*ry A - I » ^ .■HBRIFF'S BAIaK—In Chaoc*rT W»w J*r No. I- B*iw*en Lillian R. QiRl*rTM,

Sth“ v«do.T at th. f o u r t h ^ to « ' " f b . “*■— Jw... |ka twenty-fourth day of Aimi nMt.3r?5rt o'etoA P. hit tb*' I ™ * fa ii Md SSm'are *5* *"rtf*v«w*rh Km i County. N*w J*r>*y: '^SStanUiE In th* w**t«rly Ihi* ol Booth W[nth R*(inninE u nomtmin diatniit two hundiwd

St*......... ... I.AII1MM *»a va«awa . .OMUlalDaiit, and David N. Fort* *t

n la,, for *al* olfacidanta

w**C«riJ imm w nnitn «i»i.um tM it a Mint tb*r*ln di*uai two bundiwd frtt»ulh*cly froin Mavtirth av«DU*:

rt'-r'i f UlEl** ^DUt

(Chancery A—!•■> -shiirivF'B iALF^ln Chano*rj ol *o* ® S ? N f t l - -^ w * * n Ltlllan R. Oull*rt*i. csSplalaait* aad Anol* M, Adam*. «l *l;rejl^fZSSSSiSt fa-7 »*J« ®* »»«••«•*

By rtrtw of th* abov* atatad writ *C tori £iu*. w m» dlr*eli>^ I *15x 11 Wftum, l® ra* directed. I *haii «po*« i®r »

by ptttlle v«ndu*. at th* Courthoua* in Now art on Tu*id*y, th* tw*n»***rt»< day of Kay n*Kt, at two o’clodi P. ■•. all that

of land Endand tMinf Ui th* town*hlp ef B*fl*yill*r *■•*« County K*w J*r**y:

uia.*h miFWt on* hunorou >**« VO w s n ciiai-n S S if- thlw* wfiiSly (hortharl^ a ^ t m w ?Mntv,flv« f*vt to th* jrfao* of btcf^tnc- B*1na M a^d d^atod^M lot^Mg.

map of propiTty & ” **?•*• '***

Br^^Dlnc at a point In lb* w*ntOTly xlto of Brtghton atraat dlaUtot .."X . dlhiand fi)rty-*lE and fllty-nlx


By vitta* of th* abov*facia*, to m* <

I Uia •IriJVM ■wmhWQJ wiaa* ,■---facia* to m* directed. I *hall *mmm for *al* by Du te vtndui*. at th* *’®'*T1**2 *" *on . T ^ t v ‘ ka„«"-.8ny Jri«^

or plainIgoodmaa-

'3 9 cab^for'vraiato’ o r '3 c « v « i^

f c i J r w « 6 9 cPaMei ’’Sels.


p : i ^ i 2 T 4 ; . T n H ™ ^ p X , ”I f . ...E ' C ' A CSia rn S mmASevmSilk IMwii

JUH n(r EalnHiaiOS.and okMB pattdmi, iuIIf

aut* “

weighs English pniw I £ _ la ln -nkely dacotathd- regvlar ........................

Agate Wan Coekiif Fits,Sla-dUart site of AMto war*

"fonmd*"-two rtiTw-som* with tv® handler ICre mhere vrith ioDg tid« d g Cbaiidie"*reg. 43lc.ear-*t

T eO etSearSeO iig .Good ail* cakes, p i^ milM

and highly perfiimed-S eakeain a hor—regular lOC. 7 kper box—very epecialaLa.a.................

TeSet SFMge Btfgtii.

iar. in* nm o»y " "•* "'.“1% r '- i; i i«h > . it.. all t o ^remia** •Hunt*. Iyi*| ***“ **«*«,„w.a-rtko Ol tolkviil*. Bn*** County. N*w Jtr**y at a poUu te tto *a*t*rly li* * ^ Brhition *lr**t *outh two dapre** four5 2 ! Wm 55* h*ndr*d aadMVM'KMtlin ll^t TTOmtto


S l L i i« i?h ^ rad e t v tret to jh .^ -Maaaciloa of tha aaftsTty ms t j «JJKwfth iha -»rire'.F ®L‘5;.Uh * in aouth two d*ir*** four n^nutca STtoilSretl alto Bfiy-threa. end aavan-tmtha

‘— pli

One Day Matting Bargalh.S9c. Grades Friday only a t . 49c. Grades Friday only a t . 39c. Grades Friday only a t . 29c. Grades Friday only a t . 24c. Grades Friday only a t . 19c. Grades Friday only at .

A lot n( good QUalItT Ainefh can Bleach oponge* in assorted»nge--------

,.. _____ prices,7c.1 » c . each-epeelal

AMthor Flctin Offer.s with two-lnoh try brasa oor- emats

I '

^PCM BMHftn awrawtlie Mx2>~worth Mekcn—- a t ...... 69c

I il a

B m ’ Neckwear EtmL 'TjA b. Fow-Ib ‘ Hands and

PuvismadeOfbiwtduallty sllkss •afcinh neat cuUiriiifs — ^rne •Tightly ioued—aoj

Crea* Vkih B a u d .I'oion linen and eitrs hravy

-full 84 inohea wldo-a vnrlcty

................. .File Baausk Napkin.


R::k 4«tabed douhle d«u i»kidiome dMiiIn ban »«iuftre—

iao. eaob-*pec at.

liome dM -frinBed - ib-*pecUl

,.li{nN iBthfheft

Brudfsit Plate Extn.Of thin whlW French P®n*-

l«lti-a* Tight» clilu*-*n per-regular price V. e*. j _

whUe thff last 4 C

2'ic.........................Lace Pieces Saifftfini

HaDd^nade Benalssano*laitenherg Centre Fneei,-----II lace (B-linen centre* grt _£ « i f .n w i5 M c

Pretty Uwa Batiste.


tolTt to IhTpctoTo? p U « of *>f"ntog. ^ to * 1 u n ot the aanta prenitece conveyed t®Bi” a-Jtu7*. Adim. and Annie M. A ^ h y C Taiaa and F 'f* »>7 <>?!? 1 f ‘Sf

Ena Iuny-"IM mam uasr-aafa -»-•» . *"T JTRMt from E« Efkgl* In •‘ ^kTTnwLfSM BrtfhtoAi «r**t fontwd hi th*th* pour** of Mid ild* of B* * ,**®.aln« north twoth* ooar** of Mid *ld* <a £J!Tthlrty-mrvM ^

wMt; th*ne* (1) north fifty tlv*-t*othEto tofv*** fifton* hundr*d End tw*nty-twof#*t: ihWK"* (*) EOttth fort/®tWO jw, v;five mlnutre weat ‘ *•” ' 7 -*'™ 't f l i , couth ntty d c * r t « ^ e e « ^ “ A r**t to th* w**ierljf *ld* ♦* Brlihtoo thenc« H) north tw i*®****** *®'*,*’ iwenty-nln* f « t and •*v*»Jty‘*lfhtdrtdthE ofjt.T“ '_ ***^ ,**—***Tt flr*t t r ^ la a

imcllhe' A. Adem ^^^ed May 4, IWADeI*(1 April ^*^^^;gSKaBVIBTfB.OElIacbtr 4k Richard*. BolkcUor*. <Wfi.W)

(Cbanctry A--IOP.> _BHBRirF-B gAU B-ln C hea^,^o< 7

.-Between tSorne J. f tEnd Thoiaa* D*voy *t *1,. d*f*nd*nta yii fa,.End Thoma* umvorfor *al« of inonfai*d prw">“ *- . ^Sv vlrlu* o< th* Eoov* wiElfd wrtt of n*ntskia to^s dlrktcd, 1 ahall «P0“

alee end wire ny ueru .end raoorded to bMb K-30 of deeds for County. M p a i" « ' “ <> >*■

Dated March viRTUB. Bhcrtff.Oallaihcr ft Ittcherde. gollcitora (Hl-4®)

(Chaaertrjr A—Wl.) iM E R ir r i hoSe

li.. dl?.'nS:SurFL l*.d for aal. of mortgeged" ‘SI''virtue of the above stated writ of taS^a. tom . directed. 1 .ban.

gh.’IS'TuIiaSrth; cTghthdL'y'wTluV »»hat i i^ o % c b P. M., Blf that tract or oarecl of fanJTsnd premlaea alluata. ly l i awd^to* to thecity of Mawarb. Uaax <>unry, New,Jaraay,End

'prrmViM' M*WErti. Bhme counvj-e nfcv - - - - - L*d on a map of huiidl*i| lott M-

A wNwwarb. Naw Jwuey. dated MafcK

RUick A of said map *■ lot aumher thlrty-cn*(31).

A s 1 i A —• vhltft BiiamellBilA t a A U Beri, well bnllt, wiy f l l t i e ' l l gig, *4.M,

M e jFh —Gnimel Bed* with bra** mousts, 4 ft.h'Tj posts, tal. $e.W

M rf- i —Enamel Bed—hrau || A t J head and toot ralU

|>raS* oniftinentatlon. Talus $9.00.

— A n d t h e r e a r e 6 o o t h e r k i n d s I F r o m p l a i n e n a m e l t o t h e b e s t o f p o l i s h e d b r a s s b e d s .

- ___*Agl(s(v|a Mitrrty at rfayht EABIM ave arviaw*a4lnih atraet one hundred _to^S®4Rh_7^mh

—C riba ot OTory p o tte ra , every ■ Ise -w lth and w lth o a t aprtnwa In w h ite en n m el—w e a tio have tile enam el foldlDE bed.

Bedding— all the best kinds— all the varieties.

ISoSaSi ™ p p «a « 1 ) . ^ SllW tS -®T ft ' V i**a im ikEAk

litEi_____ ^ h tr iS a 'to Bsoli*^

vTitTira.ft. H. PanalBItoii. Jr., gollcitg^ rt*-*B

irO ftT lia w rnM*** Cafpw Olaau h g make* rott aate; qtiifk. w^k—oarpets taken, tip.

carefnlcleaiad,. re­ft—oarpeu taften, up. oioMoa. tw-

___ or atoied ifor the atunmer—low-aat rates. .Dob’S fen esnghS 1 Nads fin*

‘<AnuM"Bae“ ir* .7a>

End CouncHolth* borough H Dm* N*wEffc.•’•■ "wgPWMDAT. ma t e. I«w.

la th* council chirobtr Hxll. « *

avenue, with •s®h*'*,®“ i,'?!51'rf* 1 ^ h e (End tb* iwljt^ng hfi* a ^ i J *Mm* in Eceordune* with ^ ilnh* End «“ TWt JjWArtfi Borrl^ Borough Biigto**f. 7S7 BroM iir*«i,^fneciflcEtioa* wd form* fof bldfllng andS S a 7 « d 'V r ie ^ -o S S ; iJLS

couhcn of the 18pw«gJ ft BurtNevfarli Tcaerve to theroaeleea retoct anv or all pTopoaala for the above w ^ “ i , " , ; ; i „ > ’^Srior the intereete of Uie

AMOSH.VAN HORN,l i u i i e d .

M A R K E T S T .,Near Plane St., Newaric.

E*^Mjf Ibofougb." TS2*fo'llowlJif t* about th* xn»«hf.S! he% ?Im d Tfi ma^Mt. to fu jj^oonstiucikm aod comtdetto ^ wre« ™

7.toi o® ri*'"l&“ iSSltoJl uew rarh mt oa conerat. three

Bawd tor anrB#w I p i^ g OalalW a. Man firiava AIM. Fraa MBvaH**aar«WPa iB Ma*^

^j^DTkigg oa th* wf*t*riy tid* J*tf**J*Lnek Ei E tsofat ••vwa hunfirtd End ftS^SS t*?|BchM dlelant in *

KM lineal w new .. _ — ---------------*“ l!51»lin«l fret o’.d curb r ^ oa ooecret*.

U ‘ iJ?ca'rt«t ?s:itu^h riJi— htoh k*f-

ffdai to tn* air*ciw«. i wstw'* a**sw»w *wa -^a- pub” ' vendue? It the Courttouee In TuaadEy th* flfEt li*y Of MET nrtlt, Et * 0 ClOCEw 11 eU that trxet or pEfc** of l*nd End pr*fl*» S i- Mulat” lytog..*nrh*'n» to the city of

feet—e-9 —Mtmclai El.

s$ fi Pillow Tops.Llgbt-wafifht tapeetre kilidl

•'Alfl pattertih-all ooinrsIn artiril® P*--................_— « T 5 o h » "Qiiare — I C - worth. « . eaiTi-verr SpMiftl ftt......................

Crocket BeiQ itti.Ertra heavy white apreadi,

already hemmed—our regular il.oekindaitelltngllKU-® ••• lal for Friday only»*■■•.................... 1 .2 5

BestCanpkor Merkles.

N Sra*“^ x ' c o t n t , , New J r ^Stowinnlbti In th* wewt Ho* of UrOE® J'™*' ^

(latoianatMl ES NO. fWI llrOEd *tr**t lIOMTlwriYkSSiS i t Nk « 8 Bro*d *tr*«)i ihfiic*SS?ih?rly iSog Bro®<l twMity®*!*^^^Tn? rJa? £nr* or 1*m , to th* *outh**MeS?n*rcf tb* Wck buildmg formerlY ^ltoM *4S No 2W s S d itrcrt: ihmc* w«rt*rlyrSe^^uth^y a l« ®f to'

r»»t End two iDCtir* a iuini m • •uuiasw* .SlS'vjsv-.frt.rT.Knrm -..u’;??.thifM ® aento flf'7-ntoe dwra« flL'ftvTmlnutea " " t n o r t r t h l r J y(Ida ft.>. more or laea: thenrejm nortntni^ »?rre . and imeen m ln ^ K J ' relit ( » f t j ; thence (4) "otto •JJ.7Tjrf ^ ■ ’ oM n inlnulM eaat «w and two•Ad ^iC* hf hegiopi '

or 1 % to MM«'n*' ' B*tw the MV* pr*m®iM i W t * 1—

•^omSSSra'to hid a pHe* for each ef tb* above liema * d w aIID

■EiTOnWIUJAM HEAU^. .Dared w .5 °Ig;t!:r£!’ N‘ : j . . aphi n , u f lh _

----- NOTICE TO wwinj^v^vp)^BID8 FOH^BWCIC w^yorflMl*d proCMUl* win bi r*^v*fi byth* TOgP

u S ^ K T r o f lb* bowMgh of tout Kowfc.


(Aar* death to MYthi and in- — 1arg« boxai-' '3 1 ^

oriiinarUy sold ffiP Cc< n * jC—ftpeoiai h i........... V'**

thw i.ou<h*rly *ltoKtiiiiiinv iiuii ■*$*!! f**t to tn* aoutnwwiiwTij Srnir ot'Sa^aaine; iheiice atm westerly on a atralaht Una through the kltchaaea s^d lot iirtv-elghl7eet to » Point thlrty-tour feet and IhrS lichaa ^thweeierly from the eouto line rtf ivj—t Wavk street; thence eouthwerterly on e line reing an eatrnelon of aald line pl^k a Iwtwenty-Bve feet; tbeiwa erly a itrelght courae ecveniy-two J? i*"northweaterVy o®'®^ “'.hJ'nrertUi rerlfliSutertr 21k Ebov* iiwnUanedL tn*nc* ttlll *0“ *PP5r, ; i „ V th e ^ b e r ly aid. of the .am. tortv-dv. feet to the p l ^ ®f tjel""'"* ' ,Dated March VIRTO*.

aeoige r Tuttle, Bollcitor.

naovncE /».Evaa fiat*

Dated April *, vilttU B. flh'rtVJohn J. Huhbell. Bollcitor__________ **‘** ° ’

1 __ jd-etiM regnlatlyIM'TSc. each—spncml

fask Clotk BirgaiLat. I2 lc

M s Herioe SkirtsMW0r» to match—eJAPfi

w grar-Airtfr im h pearl uiktirmt—fina iratiCfi •re-rlDMid bottom E*'drawer#

, faiiy fonaeled-refttlar 3 S C ' Me.aacb-rtwiai ai.e-r v*av

Our vepy i»wt quality blench­ed wain Cloth*—cut rn large — ! p*- --•* —fic. ganh-*i>Ci.' F^ayat •“ '" '?S 3 k

Boys' Styiidi Sfitt.Newest ***]J*|j®L ****’ ***

- . Beaty Balk Jats.Hsdo of fthCy ynrhs In

cotniK — double woven —r i -^ honvy and worth SSc. 5 f l /v eachfsqjeclal white they .4 V C laotat............... .......... wx-wf


HieCartain Serin.In pretty

SeJinnhr lace stripe effects- wiilo -nor*, only—In

ec^ p«i at..

Special Fnit Sets.Conalating of 7 pieces—bowl

and et* fruit leiicere-pretty frosted prewted tilsie | pnltems-regular value 13 1 . Ssc.persel-al...........

IMIg w g***' *•**■ *»» w *n' i»iftt-ybras* oornerti-slie 14* | i n ^ r ^ l u SS.W-ape- 1 ,4 V

I h i e r Set ledoctioi.IIS plecesot Trenton porcelain Itn underglaio pattorn—«ome

p leM allghtly Imiwr- i- n o fact but none iwlieii 3 , V O

Mea’s B k y cb Skoes.Black or .tan ahadt* of flrat Qu*litr*tock-elk akin eoles-

rcBular jir.ic* per I 5 0lialr—speotal at......... ;

CkiMRa’ i KM SkoeiSplendid QttalltT.vlolkld with immi aewed turned aoloi-eprln*

lioelu—eiiee 4 to 7-get a gQ c

iHSRirvftaer-Belw,(Chancery A-B8.> ,_ _ _ qG ftVWW wrea-

iween Jane a. WlUlainfc complalnaut, V T ': ftShitofer. et al.. deleudSnU. FI- '»•.

It'hanrery A-Jth) __

' - i » p « “ r 8 A o r 7 ' ' i ^ S £ ; j k ^ ‘FI. fa., for a«l« of -1. . .4.. -s—, ECEUd w

End'"w B D N M D *!. MATJI. U « t

P..1S k T f « " i . g ”. | V g ; , « a

..iriltopiMe. BOfunth sngmeer, vo. . ™ - fttrrehHewai N; J-

AWAYA pftckacft of H. a OfttniMl

wtth tvgry tOc. wadcstaft H. O. Paticftkg Ftoar.

f ^ « ”f f f t ‘w'e:.^'y.2s;!STy%Ti:n«

of CltnLOn,

wrU ol fieri a for *El* by Nawaiic, oa

‘’iZrelTfcrtlito'e and form* for Wd n* “ * *?!.' JSS iIuS i can be 0W.1n jd _ ^ h - ®' *=■liolvlto Bortt*! TST Broifi iirMteifrkt. J.

WW..W..W re-g------J «•■»!Ell tt»t trad or p*r<?*1 of

pair to-morrow ai.' ■

re-kaee Cirtaia Offer.h a m .laces, withN o tt .ln


ler-jplito orligtircdalluiyer t - ' 'cem ree; erew aunifer floral ef- fecte-syd sn on lt-w otth ftr fe

VMar Skaie Sariog.

to are dlreuted, I ehal^apore 1“ ^ ^ * eendue, al the C ou ithw

cn Tueeuay. th* flrel day of >*ay » * c at a ™ l«k P. M-. e'l that t ^ t "P.PSIfli^m'lthe

jagumltkg Et tij* acittbwEOtgty

fin**a lnch«j ^^**^*’^

p*rc*l Of..... dMok In

ihi’ towwihtp of Cllntcn. e »a « Cownty, New^^M^BDluft at a point on t»e west ltoe, ot Bee. m*?aireal aeven inured and *hdKur^we-hundredtha (ret aouthweat^^ 2SSnreIt corner of Hawthorne a ^ w **d M street i Tunning thenre *!i-lRwto ruDBlng M right EAfl** with IM W**l l[fi® afreet ore hunlred feet; thenre eouth. weKifr in a line parallel wltl, the west Ito* of SSSS'^utoit tw.nty-nve tori: «*“ »SL lo th* Wfll line of p * c f«“ n 1^ V : to™.* JSr fo s:

IWWriSw 1 M -------- - ^

S l l l s i I t l T H i D L M c e s L i H r f f .

«/re NSreS reee^e to IhemiriTe* tire rtgM toa E f f f S w '.s f K J S i B”^ w s S s , : ! ? r S i a 5 «tii*'«rtk*iriKilW‘ compl*U«« work

S iT e ? ^ Ilinrel feet of new enrb aet on

1 Mtonew elrisrti-'Boh cooiere. aet on caa- Crete.

We never make very tmteh noise about snytblnci but you see, we doiFt b m to. It don’t take much noUe to talk truth Comptre prices

I you ire paying with prices we i n seiling St. *

____ lence nonneaeivvu, J— ...m U line of_Berren street tweniy-Cve feet to the

-^'in block N on a *P « ®f *!? 'ataon WhlUlreey,. located atWVMrifti# reare-resp

E J.rN tSS.re's-'.irSon™ ,^^tidifd. a*arly p*teU*I with W

t r 'iK.hundred iSummere and wife to dred d*Ud_M_arch 11

none rrsc —regular 17 JM~at

flood quality opaque, m:, withetrong "prlng rollersl “ * * S ^ T n r . r ! ! ’ .‘; 2 9 c

/lIUEm'H.fitra oaiwa " " ‘V* ibMnt ^ountT^t P*#** iwwiA O-B bf d**fi* for Eeatlt CO^Fi «* » and 441: thenre nortimly MSiittlitoenine o n ^ u i ^ .IS ltoWdSl inJ'ivitlSri ?hJi

I «c .ea cb

Most Remarkable Garment Sale.. em. ft a A __—.f 1,m ,E!reref WMliliaAde * nM#l AM

r llN to-m onow— a continuation o£ the State*! greatest distribution ot ladies', misses' and chil­d ' s fashionable outerwear. We gave you the details yesterday— how and under what «o-^

tb«ne* «agt*riyon* buafired anfi •*v*n i A

___ ..Sgiw •)**IM No.

K i g & y r r / ?

•d mBnnvi * . “ viiContrmckon f® o™ ■hov* 1t«ia#<E prio* for *aeh of th*SDWARD KWHHTs. Mayo*.

Tb* very best E Ib Cratnery But­ter jllo.perlb.

Fine Orange County Table Butter, 1 9 c . lb.

Imported Sauerkrabt, 5 c . per qt 2-lb. CM) Sweet SttfsrPefts,*1.10

per don; 1 9 c . per tui

. April 17. 11)08.3-lb. can Hubbard'*' Ctiolc* To-' 1

ihMo«, S5c. per dot: So. per can.

Dateb April W, viRTti*.Qlen * Boeliigcr, ttolldtois. (110.80)

k'a*8v perNew York Stale Sugar Com, S 5 ft tr do*.; * l^c. can.

AHERIFTH BAMV.—Matwsen Merchants' of Newark, cooiplalnant ■

el at., detondanta

(Chanewy A—IM.)SALK-In Chanewy <4 H **.**';

21b. an Silver Lake Strawberries, 15 o .

t itanccrr va — nti' tnaureitoa Oreopanr A, and WH)**a J- ,P'n- ,. Ft, fa., lor •**. of

>11). can Strtni Beam, 7 5 c , per dot4 To. an. '

3 and 10. ano pan block S. on map rt SSST*"* ProPrity.Datod Maren yiBTH»vn.*a ft nows, BOtloltofa. ■ «t0.ai)

, , K S 3 f f e K S V w t ' - i ac S r l r s “. r s - f c » !

drenfs fashionable outerwear. We gave you m e oeaiis ycsieroay— oow .u u uut,,:, w...■ " dMoos enormous purchases were made, and it only remains for us to impress upon you s™* Bnnly that the very best and handsomest of the season’s productions arc being sold for about half all- over prioes'for similar goods. The most satisfactory shopping may be done during the morning hmw, imsmuches you get here ahead of the crowds. Early or iate, however, vre promise you savings of a kind tbatiare new in Newark. To demonstrate

i lE d le s ^ a n d M i s s e s 'T a i lo r -M a d e S u it s .

CTRICTLY sU wool materials—silk V Used ill

IIUnsd isdttti^percslme lined ikirti

—tMlikmisd sod finished equal to gat- manli selling tor double the price and mtne—ieenlariy worth $10.00 - — — to $lZ.«>-thi at........

hi* iile special

piit;c Muu

6.00L a d ie s '* a n d M i s s e s ' .

T a ltp r -M a d e Sult& rA F tUlpooi Cheviot,, cqyerti or-VlHi*- " flan doda—«Ui Uned iacketi—per- ealine Uned sldrti, coneedy cut, beantiieUy finiifaed aod never intended to {etail t e

“ 7 . 5 0

L a d ie s ' a n d M is s e s ’ T a i l o f 'M a d e J a c k e t s .

CEVERAL. bundieds oi them in black ^ and cOtOia, mxde expressly for this isle.$5.9( Jackets It..................... » . 0 ( *« .S 0 Jackets at......................- S e O S$10 Jackets at................. ....... T . O ®

tog, tkan from• S4.JWt $ 12.00 to'

" 'e special

GkiMrei’a Dt«uer-S5l” , s l ifialM gins: roa# “

&r It:_____

____. I *0 8I 780. to StMwaiade

(bt or a i»T'

ride skerta and

• « w ^ ^ 3 5 c

L a d le s ' a n d M is s e s ' F in e s t E to n J a c k e t s .

L a d ie s * a n d M isse s*T a i lo r -M a d e S u its .

Fi n e fabric*, elegantly eppUqued with tsSeta silk and braid on skirt attd

jacket—jackets Uned with tsilet* lUka or satins—percaline Uned ikirta—' R R Q splendid values at$12.S0eaeh —this ule special at..............

Ctirtrilan Dreecn. redrew- — "BT'lnSSS^orufJ^bove rifttod writ of Bert

C T a r ?K' .v isr.o'clock P,. M., a U J ) j t * k w t » « Irt th.and HlBi ID th. New Jetoeyi

■ ^ y !^ * T t h r a b o v . eutril vrelt of lierlBsklnc

factoby PI

tiu to"m* dlivctoa. i eiieli exp«w •*>•

2! {wfTtfoloek F. N-. *11 thEt tractri uiid and P "“ ‘* " »itu«!e, irig r .*^ >»<JJIn th* city Of Newerk. Eisea Cknmiy, «•* Bewlnntiig M the north sidi of Dtote^ aUret

rni>wHElISh atr**t ei the Mm* *» widftMd) at a pdnt •evemy-flt* f**t from til* land rawntly «mv*y#d t® Attg^wD Slaf* l»y gJathony Q- KsesIw j tfi**»**^*'*

at rtiht eSgire to W'lJi!" S^!S*i.r.o

S-VyllSd aVrigbt an/es ‘® W'".'™ hUnfiNfifin* ef First evenu*

I wrilllonwetl ha

ntmh-♦'il ’ S^oeh tlS eeStre’ef eiid partition well en'ja 'f fSaift'enri** to Fleet aveito- on* hundred treVtVr Wm thifir-tojr s?,’;KWh rirre.: .knne..-«?"'7«'‘ .’ ''*5

riH EHEm MJ ftPLVIWIUlt -e.w-ww --releiiErtMA ia « ' thaaa* •*al*rtr *afi aieafi tMfiM Sf DwIlOB■alnridi rtf baKtfllllnC. B*lOg tfi* Mill* pmU*M

W EirtlTy Flortnc*Merehant*' Intaraac* company of Nmirant fiy deed ef even dal*

Dated April VtRTtm » * ( « ; „Edward M. OoWe, Bollcitor. (to-W

yfiiVaVeTW elateen' feH :'th«^ '^ lberlv end

f^Ji!?.%tong ttrerern. «tri«-l7 r i« «n tie.' ’’S a 'a n ij.? ! '-" '

CCORES of ihMn—beaiitifuUy appli-^ with b1*ck ailk; alao^Hickjncketf vrilh whit* silk tppUqiAe. lEme lot urff Etoni Lntacked gtylcfi—'Worth $10 to

6 . 9 8 t o 2 S JrUlUMa’a llrMCM-Utotlr pialdi sud U itW F niiR U lxS tnlsed novsltWs, mndu with ruflien and eMnlettes wer

L a d ie s * * n d M is s e s *T a llo r -M a d e v S u its .

High grad* ‘giianwl* of aUr new and most (toftiiabto issWriali—desen* of

Sesutlful Style#—many of tUem shown by gtoriy-ofaoiU in nsUty b* sold

<-* from $ li0 0 to $JD.OO 1 1 . 9 8excl'

•tMd"aa%ai«riklat. i a *•#■•*♦*• ••


bet Inning^TraNRV’M; WR«MCS, lare •hertir

WiUlem D. (Mhhy.'geUeHor. (».00)(Chanrery A—dOl.)

aiuMlirr'U BAriS-ln Chenom of New Jer- * »E rea « i.»n Chrteltan* oelwle, compleln- en£^»d Hriiry CriWd, « ^ detendente- Fl?1t*., for salt of reortgag^arenil^..Bar viritM of lha *bov* atfittfi wrtt *f Ran f^ he, to W dtreqted, 1 ehall expore (ot eala Sfoulitlc vredSaal the COurtlwuee In Newark, j oi « ¥reld*r. the Sni day wf May neat at i l ai

ckF? A., all Ihal.uaot ®r,P*«?l "f '»nd I a

wHW nim) ■ jS^^^hanrerv ’ of New F«V*7 ""-iStw ren ^ ^ w a r f t _ * 1r ._ V « i» » o * P«n

lacery A -lll.)WEra. »irw ftIMWFWtoWV -wreare-

nsn»'‘oonrpltth*nt, and Frnntl* Hilbert « ah,SrtSitowe. t*^ tor itls of meniatwi pto®

c i l

t c o w ie o . fTMEt M THE

’ lARBE OTIES.L We sell through]

_____lou r own atoresLn g ^ ■ l l fe c t (rotn tketo-1 ^ ^ H r y to wearer M o n e l u i ^ ^ R i r o n t , which, with!3 m ^ ^ B e u r large bualneaa,'Asi ^^RMtablea u* to pfo~\ F*r ^ ^ R l i c e a higher ird^fT .

Jjphoe for $3.t0 ihan egn^ Ffae had elsewhert. Our - jnpdemsiytea areapprecialed j

J b f young men evarjwhorb.FA fit guartnleed. ^

j^-lb. box Sweethort Powdtr, 5 c . an.

3 CMis best Succotibb, 3 5 c .Litd«r Condansed Milk, two on*

H5c. ^d-lb. an Aluki Pink Salmon,

$ 1 ,9 5 per doi 9 c . an.* Cattfornta Fine Brushtd Evaportlid Pacha, 1 tbs. 35o.

I6d». bar purt oU Laundry S c ^ I 6c.

Very (at. catn Jvge No- % Mackatl, 1 9 c . per Id.

Very fat HoUabd Herrinf, 3 5 c . perj^oi.*

A verv fine drinking Coffa, Mbt 2 6 c . ■ '

t-lb. of our Choto Ta, 8 0 c , 12-qt. basket best Jersey Pots-;

,3 5 « .

“ r iilT F r A., all that iri

a S o f t 's '*ini and ,b*ti the

itv 5 'H *w «n , Mare* (Jonnty. New*5era*7:liJianlnft atA point e» th* nertherly ildt ot MtStrt aCrriMt.lh* dlatanc* at two hundred

lo' vendtieiL a

In"d’H ! ! & t S t S : ‘ t y la ‘eSd ‘ w S ”A” tre JSi JT ^ eJ S ^ JKek Coito‘7. «*» J®™*7' .'"^ r in n ln a ^ the eoulheaeterly i ^ e r of HS?i'^sin*ld)ve hundred and Sflv. feet from

toll S R v ^ n o . s e ^ thirty degrrei imdmmi'r imtmr wlwVid frifti* fn 4lhto 9fVU

S5d^w*ni?I>** ■outbWEfd from Uie lov^rty £f H*mfi«ra Pl*o* E* fonttarlr k»cEt*d and inrafkwrtHlIv abin* th* «• H*mb«rE PI*®* «• ivniwnr iwrtiva ana EoathwEFfiky Etong tha waflttv' • «Sab a-AaS llsirtv fa*41 ikMusrt

W B f t M Y M t l e LMiei’ KikM Vnti.Bnlesdld quality itsbt weight

eotlou and lide vtsu —high nnd Tow Btok etyies- ' l e - worth SIC. enoh-tpeeltl

U iie iM ih M Ye*End riUc Vtotid IhIgh fwjia-tegu-

” ^ C

U A #;K ihM Y <sti.silk rihbei and fanoy teta’e * '

lisle vailinn white or oolois-

t s r S r * * 9 8 cprice.................. .

ier & Co-, Market and Halsey Sts.

w T iii ri Grethart storelUi rtj terii I k ^ Sort^rdty h*tw**,n nartolel ilrre ^ tkat S S 3 , at right snflea to Ootthart sttori « » aSdVad treri beS^ thirty fret float and feaiv hwdred fern iq depth, and balnt )ol ■ i^ 1 ^ t£ fe i.e tt ,g o tth a r i street map.

Son v w t u s . »h*r«t - — iff.eto

■t..... (Chanrery; A—«*.,I t t m u r r s PAUe-m Chanwry of Hew J * M

TreTwawi Albert O. HsadtoF, Jr., Indlvldu-re . Bftg iPEEn AIMtE U. n*E«lMri wr-» SUUSVSUMW'■U« aqa he Extevtor. complalnEOt, End SEmu9l tPibatlom *t •!*., fiHl*nd«iitl. FI- ft-* for lEi*<« -re. rtf lurerirtu* guted will of Bert is)1 sBpoes for aala byCBWVt, ft W>f»#l WMKWWW ato* m w seytha Courthouse in Newerk. on

■ deg or Hey nfx^ |t^


s f E % v Sa'elock P. Mmd ptWiBtA.' ’Segfnninft*n) 'fiTrJrieijf'iin^of)ET«nu*e Et • pohit *IE hupfirafi f*f s x t e f S i i s r .dred t r f : then*, uorth.rly parallel toth t>ro,p*ot avenue twenty-four t*rii Ih


kundiwd rere >» re;» - v - - thtwo* noniherfr alaog tito ■■totorly, sC tw*»ijr-f«r isri ja t jw jHewm Si. JU

1 to H id Mt.

rw HW,. .ewjptMf**t Mlibarly ~ «r«M*rty tt

jM|dS t

i , n i lS r iH W I («V«ilg.right tret lo the

‘,sh.£ei^y-irr^^^?tof- -% 'i;s5 i;).?m ffi.'5 ;n ^5

p f bolt foutpErd a]Bfi. WtT*


RrIWkII $5, for $3.50.1

toes, ^Urffe sweet California Prunes 5 « .

pir lb. V$ lbs. fine Ttbte SsX, Oc.6tbA Gold Medal Flour, 1 9 o . 'ThcH Prices QuaraNteut

UntU Aprif a t





I Why de we make and sell more l$3 .S 0 l^ ee than any other tw 1 mMutseturen tn the U. S .?

r*corfi*fi in BtxA of pWoa fijfMS nans EM. Si . . -

I bscsuw tU^ Biw 1^ best, .^nuDMnfWggjeeCj

ITKUSWns S4S a ^ -''((JSa’af'N^^j.. APril ». WOO, ,

OKRag VIRTUB Bherift. ft crerit, SriWtor*. (W.W)Whitehead .

BHEBirrs BALB-Tu Chsnrew of Hew Jerew —Between WtlUam F. Mnllm. conplnleahi,

nnd Maggie E. Kuts et el., defendantt. FI. ta, for Hi* nt mortisged iwenilifa

nr rlrtre of the ebpve n a to ^ r it of fl«l tkclan, to me dtresisd, I ehall e s m jo r h M by puhile vendue, at the CourthouH In Newerk, cn

lEtifi *nfi Drt»l*i* «o***e Jytof mEfi V i

known anddiriingwielieilpea oeQain - - m ia "Mnn of Hieiatfi*tO*fk.“ iBtua

I being

“ S

Mttk ,

noa onfiii SI.) W .T .h ) n U i . l | r .

toeWtoWfaiMj * - - ' " -

