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Responsibility Thesis

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For Educational Review Purposes Only the Shorter version of Short Stories for a Long Life 'Philosophie du Cajun' written by joshewa aaron terziu and family contact [email protected]

For Educational Review Purposes Only

the Shorter version ofShort Stories for a Long Life

'Philosophie du Cajun'

written by joshewa aaron terziu

and family

contact [email protected]

The Law of Equal Responsibility and CapacityEvery Individual is equal in their responsibility and capacity to create optimal functioning within themselves and those within their sphere of interpersonal influence.

Creative Conscious Mathematics is the applied mathematical processes of mindfulness to all conscious endeavors including day-to-day optimal functioning.

Cognitive or Conceptual Engineering is the ability to design, implement and correlate insight and chaos in the context of day-to-day life, with little or no other resources other than one's self, all for the purpose of altruistic self-mastery.

The corner stone of positive human motivation includes autonomy. Figuring out and choosing for one's self is a necessity. In this family is the natural drive to get better and better at something that is interesting to you. And for me, the trunk of this tree is the doing of something for a greater good for all those involved. Altruistic Self-Mastery is the drive to be a better and better person for the good of all people because you simply want to.

After being born to a single mother living off of food stamps and disability, her believing I can do anything, leaving her permanently at and round 7, my aunt nurturing my potential, a cousin brother showing me what tough is and how it is connected to respect and what is right, becoming a first team all-district defensive-end, graduating high school as a kuma laouda or what ever a 3.6 is, going to LSU, almost dying and watching my best friend die, breaking up an engagement, singing to my mother for hours before she passed, meeting my wife and losing all my friends, finishing up at McNeese with a Gen. Studies Degree with a concentration in Mathematics, attending Z Media Institute and conceiving Mahti, going to jail, making friends with nurses and mid-wives, teaching math, psychology, sociology and critical thinking at Delta Tech, getting fired for standing up for the students and the education process in general, having an all natural birth with Novah, getting degraded by all kinds of check up doctors, meeting a satanic dentist at cool smiles, overcoming the intense blessing and trauma of Santo Daime, and continuously getting help unexpectedly from family and friends, I can say that I have overcome major adversity by appreciating all my life experiences and paying attention to any possible tangible betterment resulting from it. This is an experience report on my process and hopefully may serve as an insight into experience itself and human processing in general and scientifically.

The Mathematical T.O.E.An Infinite Theory of Everything, Rooted in Everyone

The intention of this paper is to invite the individual who reads these words to experience the process of being in-the-moment with Creation Itself. This is a genuine attempt to articulate something that is ineffable beyond words, yet personally tangible and universal. Words will be used to point us in the direction of an experience that is going on inside of us and at the same time much bigger. In reaching into the far beyond, we hope to get a glimpse at an internal consistency that is clearly demonstrable—mathematically, scientifically and personally—irrespective of background. A mathematically scientifically demonstrable theory of everything that helps everyone based simply on the experience of the internal consistency of the theory itself.

This is the first part of an if and only if statement...

Within everything, including a human being, exists infinity. This reality put into practice brings about the perfection of an individual and creation.

Before we get to the math and science of infinity, let us speak on what the experience is like. My wife calls letting me know she and the kids are ready to be picked up from the park; not only that, but their tired and cranky and ready to go! I'm finishing up a conversation that I know will only last about five more minutes, with a dear student who's kids were unjustly taken but who's return was imminent. Now I could've listened politely and simply wished her well when she was done, or interrupted her and took off. But in genuinely feeling her pain and being of service to her in-the-moment something flowed through me that I had never said before, something that I needed to hear just as much as she did. As she was finishing up and becoming exceedingly upset, I said with sincere joy, “Look how beautiful this is, how beautiful you are.” For a split second she stopped her despair and looked at me slightly confused. I immediately go on to describe how her genuine agony over her kids not being with her was a beautiful demonstration of her love for her children, and how this experience would strengthen their love for each other and enhance the time that they will be sharing together. This all brought great warmth to her heart, for she knew this already. Took all of five minutes and all lived happily ever after, meaning the absolute best thing occurred for all involved.

This could not have occurred if I held the potential for negativity outside of myself. The best possible outcome resided in my choice to be of service in-the-moment knowing all will work out well, without knowing the specific details. And to withdraw from that conscious focus would be giving less than my personal best in the moment life needs or calls for us to serve, which really is every moment. It would have have been a “less than” type of occurrence if I would have focused on it being a stress or a burden to be in a hurry, or that someone was emotionally distraught in my presence and that's taxing. Literally millions of potential focuses on external negativity could have taken me off my personal best. In holding fast to all is well, while doing my best to function as an optimal human being, I am not only of service to others, but I become aware of things that I too grow from and are empowered by. This shared experience between us simultaneously increased the positive biological growth in the two of us than can be measured in the release of specific chemical's in the body called neuropeptides, the increase in brain functioning and growth, and the building of healthy proteins by way of epigenetic mechanisms. On top of this, the experience will in the future be a catalyst for positive changes in our personality and behavior by way of being an experienced condition that shows us that intense emotional stress can give rise to a greater goodness. This lessens the burden and load that stress places on our proper functioning, also known as allostatic burden and load.

What I have given you is a real world experience to show you the potential good and bad in my part of the experience and the scientifically verifiable goodness contained therein. I will now attempt to look at the internal consistency of a purely conceptual mathematics in relation to real world manifestation.

Mathematics is not inherently good or bad, true or false, yet at the same time expands our notions of such. Some have been damaged or demeaned by the thought of mathematics, yet math remains universally relatable. Mathematics can falsify reality as with double-entry bookkeeping or can deepen one's experience of reality as zero, infinity and fractals have done.

So what is the very basis of mathematics? For one, there exists things that are tangible and useful, but are unprovable. So lack of provability does not keep us from efficacy, and existence does not constitute proof. I hope you can appreciate how this perspective is starkly different from a fringe scientific world view holding that existence of something means it's true or provable, and that if something is unprovable it is also not tangible and of no use. Mathematics is universal because it expands upon and redirects the common sense within a person. Two plus two is common sense, but only because we share that with each other and give it meaning.

Math tried, as some physicists do, to build everything up from nothing; zero itself. It seemed to work out very nicely but, when compared to established truth and provability, failed to be consistent. So before mathematics can say zero is zero, one is one, or one plus two is three; more basic and fundamental than all this is, the existence of a Universal Set containing all actual and potential mathematical truths. The only elements that need be articulated from the Universal Set to obtain consistency in Mathematics are Zero, which as already discovered brings tangibility and usefulness if not proof or truth; and an X, being of inherent tangible variance dancing between known and unknown existing as a range of possibility. I still say the same thing I said almost a decade ago when I first was presented this proof, “Sure looks like a mathematical proof of God to me?” The reply from my mathematics professor was that she'd never thought of it like that before...

On top of that it was a personal discovery of mine to see how this was related seemingly exactly to our physical world, whose zero is itself a HUGE deal—literally the densest information energy mass power that measurably exists is this filled space around us. We swim within it as it swims within us... Just like math had to say there is a Universal set of everything first and then it is in a sense “reduced” down to something, even though the fullness of its infinite nature is always present; physics had to say the same thing about the Universe itself. Every bit of the universe contains within it an immense amount of potential and is in direct relationship to all-that-Is. And just as there is quantum entanglement; there are mirror neurons, limbic resonance and our vagal tone.

Mathematics can also say with a straight face that all rules, logics, axioms are inherently incomplete as they are in a constant process of integrating new truths whose internalization creates a new set of basics, which are in turn the canvas for an even greater truth to be integrated and so on and so forth. For me, there is a relationship between this and another mathematical truth that there is no highest order of infinity; for things are continuously becoming more infinite. Room for infinity is the consistency. We can find infinity in the finite. Even zero is a unique ever growing aspect of infinity, Mathematically and Physically speaking.

Let us correlate and extrapolate; integrate and derive. Mathematically, rules are incomplete. Psychologically, rules diminish our cognitive functioning, inhibiting our natural ability to be moral and creative in-the-moment. It is the transcendence of rules and definitions that gives rise to mathematical progress and awareness. In the book Naming Infinity we see two useful perspectives that build on each other to expand our tangible notion of infinity. One camp was the atheistic French, who denounced any

higher power to get a glimpse of the infinite; the other was the orthodox Russian monks, who called on and experienced a higher power to glimpse the infinite. Both had to operate outside of the known rules to bring about truth—annihilating intentionally by way of their cognition—the top down neural structures that limit insight and problem solving. The loosening of these top down neural structures is also key in advanced problem solving and in the healing of PTSD and addictive behaviors.

As I encountered my student with the direction of infinity in mind, while letting go of prepackaged thoughts, rules and definitions that come up about a situation like this, I was able to let a greater version of myself come through, say some things that I had never heard before perfectly in a new context, all while we both became biologically better people. Our capacity for this type of shared experience is not only our nature but our evolutionary advantage; a song sung in current Scientific research and by Darwin himself. For math to evolve it needed both the atheist denouncing rules and definitions of what is real and the monk calling on and experiencing the transcendental, each operating outside the known laws to propel the human race towards the infinite. Whatever your reason, if you approach your existence keeping in mind the inherent infinite nature of all things, you have your only shot at aiding in the experience and creation of goodness on Earth.

In conclusion, within everything exists infinity, including a human being. This reality put into practice brings about the perfection of an individual and creation if and only if you approach your existence ever mindful of the inherent infinite nature of all things. Here you have your responsibility, your part and power in the creation of goodness on Earth.

Dear Divine,

Please forgive me, for my mistakes and part played in all things unhoped for.

I'm sorry, for choosing that which I know is unhelpful and for the purposes of such.

Thank you, so much for the awareness of betterment.

I Love You, with all my being and effort!

Very Humbly,Yours Truly

Unconditional Love and Peace are Super Powers

Neurogenic Epigenetic Epiphenomenonal Influence on the Societal Organism's Optimal Functioning

As we make a conscious effort to integrate unconditional love, unconditional happiness, with right action, we express our physiology in a way that stimulates brain growth creating new neural pathways that contribute to proper and increased brain functioning while at the same time strengthening and redirecting existing neural connections. The brains ability to change, strengthen, and create new connections is known as neuroplasticity. Its ability to grow new neurons is known as neurogenesis. We can also look at how our genes are expressed throughout the body and see that one who experiences the timeless, unconditional love, etc, will turn on favorable genes while turning off ones that promote disease and malfunction. This is also known as epigenetics. We can also take a look at the enzymes that control the biological aging of the ends of our chromosomes and see how we favorably anti-age during this process of metabolizing the infinite. These enzymes are know as Telomerase, and the biological aging part of our chromosomes are

known as Telomurs. It has been established in the Yale University Journal for Conflict Resolution, along with many other Scientific Publications as a Scientific Fact, that people who gather together with the intention to stimulate a deep feeling of peace within, in this specific case using Transcendental Meditation, will turn off malfunction and disharmonious behaviors and stimulate an abundance of health and harmony in the local community, needing only the square root of one percent of a population for statistical effects to take place. This became known as the Maharishi Effect and is reflected in the Meissner Effect in other physical and living systems. This can all be related to the double-slit experiment, the measurement problem, and state-vector reduction in Quantum Physics; namely, multiple realities exist at the same time in a singularity of infinite possibility until we make an observation, it is then “reduced down” into a specific actualized event. This base-state singularity can be liken unto an E8 geometrical model of particle physics—the whole is in the part, the part is in the whole. So when we hold the feelings of love and peace unconditionally solely because of a personal choice to feel and be that way despite any conditions, we pull from the reality that holds all possibilities, a reality primed for healthy proper functioning and filled with the dream of what we would prefer to bare witness to and experience. We can allow this to take place by feeling internally that we have the love and peace that would result from all of the health, wealth, and abundance we can imagine without being attached to the vision or specifics that may accompany the feeling of unconditional love and peace. The feelings of unconditional love and peace are themselves the culmination of all that will ever be, giving the gift of proper physiological expression coupled with having local non-local effects on the living human organism as a whole unified being. So when someone asks you, “why feel good for no reason, why feel happy for no reason, why feel love for no reason, why feel relief for no reason?,” we can say that the feelings of unconditional happiness, unconditional love and internal peace have a Neurogenic Epigenetic Epiphenomenonal Influence on the Societal Organism's Optimal Functioning! Positive Psychology has found that personal mastery, or a life of engagement and flow, and more importantly, a life that is meaningful to the whole of humanity, are the most effective ways to increase life satisfaction. With this paper we can now take the inspiration to master the practice of feeling unconditional love, happiness and peace all the while being of up-most benefit to our community as a whole. Altruistic Self-Mastery!

Love Peace and Harmony

Please, if you would like to take a deeper look into the science that is behind these words, consider the following four min video titled “Can group meditation bring World Peace Quantum Physicist, John Hagelin explains” referring to the Scientific Fact alluded to earlier. “Dr. Dean Ornish Your genes are not your fate” is a three and a half minute video demonstrating how a lifestyle that increases peace, love and harmony within and with one's social surroundings positively affects our physiology and life satisfaction. For the full rundown of his findings "The Power of Lifestyle Changes & Love -- Dr. Dean Ornish". Lastly, for a put-it-all-together video “Bet you didn't learn this in school – cure cancer in 3 minutes”

What's Going On When We Make Love 2.0?Interpersonal Interactions are Launch Pads for Altruistic Self-Mastery and a Canvas for Divinity

As you may know it takes two to tango. But what is really taking place when two people come together to share a genuine moment of love? As human beings we are biologically designed to connect with any other person in the spirit of mutual enjoyment, respect, care. A genuine interpersonal interaction creates profound changes in our body rendering us betterment that cannot be brought on by one individual alone. Granted, being hyper conscious of energy states like timelessness brings tangible changes to our genetic expression, our biological aging, our neurogenesis and neuroplastisity. This process is amped up, magnified, when in the presence of another person sharing the same emotional or energetic state, creating limbic resonance among many other sychronistic brain firings along with the harmonizing release of positive functioning neuropeptides setting off an orchestra of mutual benefit. This benefit is far beyond

what any biological and psychological measure can ever describe even if this is all we focus on for all eternity. There are an infinite amount of positive correlations that stem from this art of genuine human communion. Playing with our own positive emotions strengthens our ability to experience positivity resonance with potentially any other person. This in-the-moment love is a genuine feeling of mutual care and shared attention. Feeling this is our biological indicator that we have become an even better person. Allowing this to take place plants very real seeds that always bear fruit, no matter how long down the road we choose to consciously activate the benefit of re-membering that shared love. We are propelled forward with more creativity, purpose, and are all-around smarter in every way. Far beyond when the moment the love is shared, in surprising, helpful, and usually critical ways down the road, wisdom that is us and at the same time far beyond anything we had ever seen and felt from ourselves before is given a canvas to express the autonomy and brilliance of right action. Our bodies are literally built to expand and express this innate supreme intelligence. We have the ability to choose to participate in this process of mutual benefit, and as we do, we come to know our own brilliance, creativity and love in such a special, unique, and ineffable way. What we experience in these moments is “beyond us” yet grows us in that very direction. When a friend who trusts and respects us very much confides in us and asks our opinion, very often the wisdom offered by us, we realize, is also a benefit to ourselves. We're really hearing this new found brilliance for the first time as we share it. When we allow ourselves to truly care and open our reality up to genuinely experiencing another person or better yet, any other person, something greater than who we are flows through us shedding light on more of who we really know ourselves to be. Long ago, a great wizard of light named Charles Darwin said that what set humans apart, what our part is in connection to all other life and to each other, what our evolutionary advantage and purpose is, is our ability to empathize and connect, especially with other human beings. Present day you can find Cajuns all over the world, and even a few in Lake Charles, that have been practicing this as a Designed way of life with a family and cultural lineage that goes back at least a few thousand years! You can for ever and all ways find this truth in any heart of hearts. Merci

If you'd like to see a clear scientific explanation to the age old question, “What's love got ta do, got ta do with it?” please integrate the understandings of these golden gems of science: A General Theory of Love written by Thomas Lewis, M.D., Fari Amini, M.D., and Richard Lannon, M.D.; LOVE 2.0 How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do, and Become written by Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D.

A note to the reader

This is a Guided reading Experience. In this Practice we emphasize words we would like the reader to pay Attention to and really feel with Capitalization, sometimes improper commas, and bold type ideas we feel are the meat and potatoes of the practice, and encourage meditation on Any or All of these Concepts on a Constant Basis. We also encourage a short 10 to 20 second meditation on whatever was just described in the story with “...” So please read with your Heart, really Feeling and Inducing the Experience of the Ideas.

The Illumination of my SelfA Categorization of Healing and Procedures to Induce High Functioning

The Self-Healing Axiom: Creation is Infinite. Eternity is a very real process within Creation, and More than anything else, there is room for Growth... Growth is the tangible benefit that is derived from any particular experience within Creation, as it is integrated back into All-That-Is, creating a wake in the Unified Field that manifests as the expansion of Higher Functioning. Proper Optimal Higher Functioning is a Self-evident Universal Unconditional personal experience of being and becoming more of an unconditional benefit to the world, experienced especially within our interpersonal relationships, while

simultaneously being of up-most benefit to one's complete Self. Growth can be measured in the individual and surrounding community by way of our Psychoneuroimmunology, Epigenetics, Neurogenesis, Progress towards Peace in our Collective Behavior, Coherence in Initially Chaotic or “Random” Systems, and by way of Self-Reflection in relation to Altruistic Self-Mastery. More Importantly, genuine Growth is known by the individual and Self-evident in all interpersonal relationships. The way of Healing is to allow the expansion of the tangible benefit of Creation to become more and more Alive in our Present Moment Day-to-Day Living. Self-Healing is the Eternal practice of expanding tangible benefit within All-That-Is.

An Axiom of Illusion: Any experience of lack, limitation or suffering is a very real opportunity to examine personally held beliefs that, when reflected upon, bring enhanced, intensified feedback as to whether or not that belief allows for Growth. So lack, limitation and suffering are catalysts for a specific type of Self-Healing that includes Self-Reflection and Redefinition. These seemingly adverse challenging life experiences are very real Catalysts for Growth. The belief of lack, limitation and suffering as being ANYTHING other than Positive Catalysts for Personal Growth is ILLUSION. This includes all stories created and told that do not include a focus on the inherent tangible benefit of All-That-Is in the Current Moment.

The High Functioning Procedure: The very REAL short of it and the culmination of all it could be, comes to fruition in a very real personalized effort to Define everything as an Abundant Blessing! Tell stories of Abundant Blessings, all the time, forever, about EVERYTHING! With this in place, all the details of our Collective and Personal Healing occur naturally with the full Support and Force of All-That-Is. The result is Rapid Life Revision. In order to reintegrate any particular within Creation, especially what is initially seen as trauma and suffering and in general terms described as lack and limitation, we must first understand the process of healing and then define our concepts or beliefs to match what is taking place, and finally practice what we know to be true. In order to further our understanding it is necessary to revisit a challenging situation that we overcame with ease and grace.

At age 3, my Mother needed to be in rehabilitation in order to receive some special care and help with her problems with addictions and co-occurring psychological disorders, both of which had nothing to do with me or were because of me. My Mother demanded that it be explained to me this way so I would know straight up what was going on with her as she was admitted; for she understood and raised me to be understanding as well. See, before this point my Mother had taught me to express the spectrum of my feelings from I love you mom on down the line, but if something was off, we needed to talk about what we both could do to make it better. Not why are you mad, not who's wrong or right, not as something I deserve or am entitled to feel. It simply gives all involved an opportunity to make things better. This was coupled with a strong emphasis on creative story telling from an uninhibited imagination. So geared with this, I prepared to be with what I’d considered extended family, altruistic strangers. I remember getting a bowl of cereal. Immediately recognizing that it was not my favorite, I asked for something else. The care giver's reply was, “If you don't like what we have to eat, you don't have to eat.” Her directness gave me a jolt of realization that I should be thankful for ANYTHING I have to eat. I went from defining whatever was gifted to me in the moment in relation to an arbitrary past preference to defining whatever is gifted and available as something to first Appreciate. After a couple of nights of crying myself to sleep really missing my mother, I finally asked for an extra pillow to cuddle with. As I laid there inducing the feelings of being with my mother, I felt the FULL PRESENCE of my Mother within my own heart, within my own being, and I instantaneously realized she always Was with me and always Will be. This redefining of my Mother from an outside entity that could be here or not, to a very real experiential Internal Presence, is Healing in the Highest Sense.

A couple of years later, as I was better able to see myself in relation to others, I grieved greatly for not having and knowing my Father. It was not often I swam the seas of tears and emotions that come with the feelings of lacking the presence of the Father, if not too much more than a handful of times in my entire early lifetime. The very first experience with this suffering brought not only intense crying, but an immediate recognition of all of the beautiful men and women in my life who had Fathered me in various ways in a manner that expressed the best of what a Father could be. I then felt as if the whole universe was my Father, and that the specific player of the role may continuously change, but my Father remained. This, too, I knew to be inside of my own being. Before the age of 6 I understood that these intense moments of suffering were very real catalysts for realizations and redefinitions that I can cherish and benefit from eternally. Naturally, my relationship and definition of suffering has been one of up-most Appreciation and Respect. Rest assured, I would still have an interesting challenge learning to pay attention to All-That-Is as an Abundant Blessing and Unconditionally telling stories that reflect what I really believe to be Truth.

At age 19, I began to heal from an accident where my best friend and I where hit by a drunk driver, resulting in the death of Aaron and the new birth inside Myself. This new Birth started as what seemed like an undertow but instead of waves and sand, it was a car at 65 miles per hour, and rocks, glass and cement that rearranged and interpenetrated my being. I come to a restful stop sitting up in a fetal position where the road meets the ditch on River Road somewhere between Downtown Baton Rouge and the LSU campus. I glance to see Aaron has flown further and is laying on his side, clearly not breathing in a pool of blood. I immediately knew I needed to stand up, but it felt like my back was broken. I stood up with an accompaniment of screams that resided somewhere between war cries that help push one forward and the gnashing of teeth and wailing from the valley below. This culminated in experiencing a blackness seeping in and overcoming my consciousness until all that was left was what seemed like a molecule, an atom of red which then brightens my awareness to visually make out my reality in shades of red. This would be my experience of putting on the Rose colored glasses of my college daze. As I stand there waving my arms, two cars pass from each direction without hesitation, leaving me to wonder if I was even there... At that moment, two vehicles stop to help. The first was a wrecker service that I immediately direct to help Aaron as I sit back down in my fetal position and rock gently back and forth. The other vehicle was a nursing student, who I immediately direct to my camel pak that I must have gracefully taken off in mid-flight. I let her know that the phone ringing in it is my fiancé and to please explain to her what has just happened. The ambulances arrived faster than normal because there had been a rodeo downtown. This contributed to my not bleeding to death. As I am loaded up, I hear the paramedics saying that they have one of us dead on site and expecting me to be dead on arrival. Keep in mind, instead of the word dead he used number codes, but I clearly got the gist. My immediate reaction to riding with this pain was to be with it. Really feel it, all the while giving thanks to those to have suffered and sacrificed for the betterment of others, having as a strong focus the story of Christ and those in my life who had put aside immediate gratification so that my life could be better... When I arrive at the hospital as my clothes are being cut off, I ask the nurse if I’d make it, thinking that if I was conscious and well enough to have calm discourse I’d clearly be fine. He tells me in a most sincere and concerned manner that he had seen worse make it. They could not administer anything to alleviate pain until they were sure of all of the internal damage. This resulted in 2 to 3 hours of just being with it all, panting like a dying dog on the side of a slow country road. During this time I had to move around in order to take x-rays and scans all cut up from head to toe with a fractured pelvis. This was made easier with the support of the nurses. At one point, they told me that a doctor was coming in to put his hand inside of my gaping wound to feel around and see if my internal organs are ruptured. Remember I’m feeling EVERYTHING. He comes in and tells me to turn on my side so he can gain access to my insides. I say ok just give me a second. And I mean, not one-Mississippi had gone by, this doctor lets out a tiff like I’m just ruining his day and didn't just get hit by a car... I immediately respond with one of those war wailing cries as I turn over, and thankfully, no internal ruptures or bleeding. My fiancé arrived two hours after receiving the call from three hours away. Before

she comes in the room, some of her friends who were already there made it a point to ask the nurses if they could wipe up some of the blood before she came into room. They started wiping the floor, walls, and machines that had been blessed with my life blood. During the process, I remained light. I remember a nurse trying to find, unsuccessfully, a place to inject a local anesthetic in order to put a stitch in my eyelid. I began to laugh and said considering what I’d been through, I could handle it. “We'll call it my Superman stitch.” About a month later, I started to become angry at the person who hit us. I channeled this into a work out regime which at the time was optimal and even healthy, but would not remain so. After being mad and bulking up, I began to channel my anger in visions of revenge. I went so far as to finding the address of the man involved in the hit-and-run. It then got to a point to where I was seeing myself kicking open his door with a sawed-off shotgun wanting to impose my will and cast my judgment in ways that I can leave to your own poetic imaginings. This immediately stimulated me to stop and consider how I really felt, and feel, about this person... A wave of Unconditional Love came to the surface from the depths of my own being, revealing my love not only for this person, but for any and all people... After this, I understood that being honest and experiencing Hate is a Catalyst for a deeper, more profound Love. An intense redefinition occurred. Hate is not bad, nor does it oppose love; it can be used to stimulate a spectrum of action, but more than anything else, it is always a catalyst for the realization and experience of a deeper Personal Expanded Love. I then began to redefine any challenging experience as a Catalyst for more Love.

Around three years later, my mother was killed in a hit-and-run accident. At this point, I was learning to define everything as an Abundant Blessing and then process the particulars. I chose the perspective that my mom had been released from what on one hand was a life long struggle with multiple personality disorder and co-occurring addictions, and on the other hand was a woman who changed peoples' lives for the better. Two-hundred and seventy people showed up to her funeral, almost all of which made it a point to tell me, “Madeline is the reason I’m clean today.” “Mimi is the reason I passed this class, or even went to school.” All this from what society may consider nobodies on up to doctors. I felt that if I’d helped one person in the way she helped plenty, I’d be more than happy to die. Now, I could have been devastated over the fact that I was just now starting to open up and empathize with my mother after having been away from her on a permanent basis since age seven, or beat myself up cause I'd wasted time being cold and callous toward her in my late teens. I would dive deeply into these feelings and ones far more intense, and really enjoyed the experience of loss and grief. Because I chose to focus on the blessings of the situation and honestly dived into the full spectrum of emotions while continually expressing my appreciation for it all as well, I was able to see the tangible benefit of the situation, even in the midst of the storm. Just as wonderful, the minute thoughts and realizations of potential negativity, although sometimes accompanied with intense emotion, began to continuously become more and more resolved. As my main focus was on the Growth and Healing, the tiny waves of negativity began to bring with it more and more tangible resolve with each recurrence. The negativity had no fertile ground to expand, so as it kept popping up, the only thing that could expand from it was tangible resolve and integration into All-That-Is being an Abundant Blessing. All I did, do, or can do to create Growth and to allow the Healing is to Define EVERYTHING as an ABUNDANT BLESSING, Pay close attention to everything being as such, and express sincere tangible appreciation for All-That-Is in any Given Moment.

A Love Field LifeThe Unified Field of Divine Vibration

1It is our responsibility as individuals to create our experience of inner and outer world peace. Peace is our desired state. In peace, all things harmonize with a frequency of Infinite Intelligence that, in turn, brings with it a perspective and experiential possibility of expanded peace.

2This expansion of peace integrates, transmutes, transforms, creates and derives abundant blessings from all things experienced. This state of harmony creates order out of chaos, brings proper

function to malfunction, alignment to maladjustment. With this, we experience an anchoring-in of Infinite Intelligence, an actualization that is tangibly fully present in all parts and at work in the moment.

3Within Creation we have this eternal, internal, infinite, all powerful process taking place within the individual and within the fabric of reality in general. This is a calling to each person to ultimately own fully him or her Self as an eternal, internal, infinite, all powerful process within an even greater eternal, internal, infinite, all powerful process -- Creation itself! As individuals, we experience and we can bear witness. Bearing witness includes anything we can process, recall and communicate with vision, words, symbols and sounds. We can have the same experience, yet bear witness to something totally different and unique. The fact that we experience cannot really be debated nor defined. In lieu, I'd say that our experience is our unique gift to Creation, our personal addition to All That Is, and is shaped by what we choose to bear witness to, mainly what we express in the singing and dancing within our day-to-day living. 4Our belief in what we are experiencing shapes what we bear witness to, and what we bear witness to shapes our reaction to what we experience. “I really need to leave, and I know I've lost my keys.” This is an experience based on what we believe we have witnessed. Someone comes along who is not invested in the belief that something is missing and, being outside that particular experience, looks in plain sight locating the keys. Their experience coming into the situation of being of help and carrying a fresh perspective opened the awareness of the experience of the keys being present.

5There is magic in understanding how this stance actually allows the experience of having the keys to be more probable. When I'm in the midst of needing to find something lost, I simply revel in the fact that it will find me, and laugh. Something that is initially looked for and not found brings up a particularly interesting challenge. We now know we can’t find it, this inhibits our finding it, which adds an extra challenge. In short, we have to find ways to believe in an experience that everything we've witnessed and are currently experiencing tells us is not here; or worse, not possible.

6So what is here, what is possible? We can imagine the Highest Order of Infinity to be an eternal, infinite, all powerful network or Universal Set whose components are themselves eternal, infinite, all powerful, with each containing the whole within itself, including every unique part, parcel, and process. Now we have this eternal Self-interacting experience between all that is and all that is, giving rise to all that is now, which can only be made up of parts and parcels that are themselves of this Highest Order.

7As individuals, we are part of this current moment of experience, making us a part and parcel of this eternal, infinite, all powerful network or Universal Set. We must then ourselves contain eternal, infinite, all powerful parts, parcels and processes within us that reflect our unique infinite nature, the infinite nature of all that is, and the expansion of the relationship of the two equally infinite parts -- the individual and all that is. The tending to the relationship between ourselves and all that we are is our true work. Within this particular part of the process, we become 100% responsible. Our work is our responsibility.

8Our gift, our placement in eternity, is to experience and bear witness. This is great news. Our part as an all powerful eternal being is to do the very thing that we can't help but do effortlessly. It does, however, take effort to harmonize all of the parts, parcels and processes within one's reality to a state of unconditional love, a state of actualized Divinity. This all powerful state of peace can be tangibly felt and put into action as one makes an effort to see every and all things as an unconditional abundant blessing having purpose and meaning. Divinity becomes comprehensible in ways that expand the experience of peace within the individual and the propensity for peace in the world.

9Now that this parcel's internal peace has risen, so too rises the part of that parcel in all other parcels. In the Highest Order, an increase in one increases all instantaneously, effortlessly. The new state of being simply is, as soon as it is, for all. This eternal, infinite, all powerful, intelligent, all inclusive life source is the conductor, catalyst, container and creator of the eternal expansion of experiential love for all that is by all that is.

10It is our responsibility to take our place as an eternal, internal, infinite, and all-powerful being. We are everything, within everything, responsible for processing anything we experience and know as an equal blessing, a bit of eternal, infinite isness made to expand the experience of peace and the knowledge of all that is.

11No One, not even the fullness of all that is, can experience or bear witness for a particular person. One must wield Oneself. It is entirely up to the individual to know and experience peace. The fact that we experience and bear witness is the effortless part of our divinity, the stillness amongst movement, the unchangeable.

12Our work to bear witness and experience all things as an abundant blessing, as spirit in matter, or God in motion, is the active part of our divinity, the something from nothing, the expansion of the unchangeable. In Union we are in constant awe and love for that which is the source, that which is, and that which is beyond, seeing each part of this trinity as the trinity itself. This is the formula for an eternal process of expanding experiential infinite unconditional love.

13We start with an eternal internal infinite all powerful Universal Set that consists of a network of parts that are themselves equally eternal infinite and all-powerful. We could take this to represent the Highest Order of Infinity. So any part, including us as an individual, is in the likeness of the Universal Set, being equally infinite, still remaining as a part within the Universal Set, while containing the whole Universal Set as a part within our Self.

14The relationship between the Universal Set and anything that comes from it is one of pure endowment. The fullness of all-that-is is given to all that is manifest. In turn, whatever manifests is given back to all-that-is as a type of internal eternal unique experience of expansion.

15We are seeing our individual experience is a total and complete gift from all that is experienced, containing all that is, was, and will be within it. As we experience and bear witness, we add to the actuality of what is inside all that is. This gives rise to an even greater possibility of what can be experienced, and expands our awareness of the tangibleness that is always within source. This concurrently gives rise to our awareness of an even greater beyondness.

16Now add to this what you, as an individual part of the Universal Set, do with this all-that-is-ness. Namely, what is your personal relationship to the Universal Set? How does this reality read in to the stories you tell about Self identity, the nature of reality, the way things are, the way people are, the way you live your daily life?

17We now become firm in the knowledge that any, every, and all peaces of the Universal Set, all parts of reality itself, are experiencing and witnessing a moment that brings awareness of and focus upon relationship to Divinity. Remember, this is a call to Unconditional Love, therefore we must hold this awareness in the face of experiential evidence of lack, limitation, and absence of Divinity.

18Our degree to rest in this Firmness through all times and energies determines the degree of personal experience with Divinity. It is our work to recognize the Abundant Blessings. An awareness of

unconditional love is a pure gift of creation, that when allowed and practiced, manifests as proper functioning in the physical world for our Self and others.

19This gift must be chosen. It cannot be asserted or even proven by anyone to anyone other than the individual to him or her Self. All-that-is instantaneously responds to the focus of an individual and mirrors us with the experience of physical reality. Our physiology literally metabolizes our state of consciousness. Gene expression, neurogenesis (brain growth), and the biological degeneration (aging) of our telomerase reflects our belief and experience of time itself, our belief and experience of love, and the things we say and do. 20It is a scientific fact that stimulating internal peace turns off negative occurrences within one's surrounding community like a light-switch, needing only the square root of one percent of a population to have a statistical effect. Combining the latest and greatest of what we know of what it means to be a human being, we find that it is our responsibility as individuals to create our experience of inner and outer world peace.

21Equally, it is our place as human being to breath the awareness of Divinity into matter. As we experience reality, we hold the witness of the moment as it is, then we hold the belief or conception of Divinity in action, all of the time with all that we experience. This raises the physical vibration of all that is to be experienced in a way that is in sync with this Unified Field of Divine Vibration. An expansion of the experience of Divinity within all things is occurring now. It is now a matter of choice to see the other person, aspects of yourself, experiences in the world, as Divinity in action imbued with Divine Intelligence and synchronistically connected to non-local Blessings.

22There is need for deep healing and a great need for everyone to ask for personal forgiveness from Divinity for one's own part in this next peace. We and many others have been deeply hurt and have hurt others deeply. Our pain gives rise to the awareness of having a choice. Within our choice includes an increasing of our experience of Divinity.

23Our ability to practice choosing to have a Divine perspective or even to practice the belief that “this too is Divinity,” is Wisdom. Wisdom is the Knowledge and Experience of Divinity in all: all that we know or can know is Divine; all that we are aware of or can be aware of is Divine; all that we experience and can experience is this Divinity.

24Any time and every time the experience of lack and limitation arises, we can ask Divinity to forgive us for this perceived lack and limitation. I am sorry for any and all practiced patterns that have given rise to an experience of and or an awareness of something less than Divine. This pattern stops now, with this asking for Forgiveness. “I am joyously grateful for the awareness of Divinity in all things and thank the Divine for integrating my experience of lack and limitation into one of Abundant Blessings.”

25I love this process of having my place within Divinity as one who can allow the Divine to shine in any and all of my experiences. Knowing that we are loved by the Most High and practicing that Infinite Love allows us to be aware of any self imposed lack and limitation as a potential to play our part in the expansion of our experience of Divinity in our day-to-day. Divinity allows us to know that we are equal to and worthy of, not just on a Sunday or in Ceremony, but on any day in all ways. Amen

Cajun MythosA Modern Legend of Cajun Heritage

The wealth of a Cajun way of life practiced passes on, adds to and stays with all of the current moment family of peoples on Earth and Beyond. This optimal way of life comes from within and is in relation to All Things For Ever and Eternal. In the Beginning and For All Time, there have been those known and unknown as Cajun living as best they can in harmony with Earth, other People, the Beyond and Within. All Essence is seen as part of the Divine Family of which we are all-a-part and all-in-one at the same time. This Realization could be summed up as Tout Le Monde Chez Dieu; an Experience of Being cradled in a pitre dish of life giving infinite eternal isness, while at the same time being this life giving infinite eternal isness! Every One is in the house of God, and there is nothing but God within it. We come together at all levels of Creation in order to simultaneously incorporate and expand all levels organically in the current moment of experience, leaving behind what was our basic or common understoodness, to be nothing more than a Divine canvas for proper context and Growth. See everyone and everything is far more awesomer than any could ever Imagine. We live this way by actively choosing a perspective that is then set in Stone, or made manifest rather, by the Singing and Dancing of our day-to-day Living and Self-Evident in our Joie De Vivre. Il ya beaucoup des bon temps dans la Sud de Louisiane, Eaaaaaeeeeeeee!!!

A t'tiny taste of Philosophie Du CajunTout Le Monde Chez Dieu

focus on family: We are one human family and we treat people as such first and foremost. This creates healthy relationships between people. We see everyone as brother, mother, sister, father, son and daughter all in One. This instills respect and acceptance as a practice in the present moment. Basically, this belief helps us behave better in a natural, effortless manner.

makin’ sumin’ outta nothin’: Whatever we have access to is more than enough to create what is needed. This belief helps us stay in appreciation of what life has offered us and instill a capability to do anything with it and ourselves, always holding love for our natural environment that gives us everything we could need.

enjoyment and appreciation: Two sides of the same coin, each enhancing the other. We make it a point to enjoy our surroundings and the people in them, allowing an even greater sense of appreciation for all people. This also keeps us in awe of life and gives us a drive to increase our collective state of being.

a necessity to express one’s self: You not only have the right to speak what is on your mind and in your heart, this is a fundamental part of human growth and self actualization, helping one gain a greater insight as to what one really thinks and feels coupled with a responsibility to share with and learn from others. Keep in mind, you will undoubtedly have to flip ya own script, but we don’t realize it till we speak on it and gets feedback.

a constant love and care for all children!

Keep in heart this is an oral tradition that can only be felt interpersonally, no amount of words could do justice to the experience of Cajun

The Mystical Body of ChristA Crystalyne Personality Matrix of Form in Motion

There exists within Creation, within Time and Space, personality traits in each and every Human Being that are in Harmony with and add something new to All-That-Is. This is held Firm within what it means to be Human. Anytime Anyone chooses it, it grows more likely in each person, creating an expansion of this matrix of probable optimal in-the-moment-manifestation. Accompanying this is an internal choice in how we relate to one-another, to a higher power, and to the earth, all as a whole. The more we choose to express, at the very least relief... or peace... or choose to feel empowered, interested, intrigued, or healed and healing, loved and loving, compassionate and understanding, or take on a perspective of appreciation and enjoyment, to at most living live in a state of it's already-done-ness, we’re engineering the best possible expression of our personhood. This in turn opens us up for an even Greater Good to flow through us. Faith in the tangible manifestation of betterment, a more infinitely guided and inspired possibility, if focused on and held in-sight, will all ways become better. The One changes the All-That-Is instantaneously, holographically, and fractally. This is a very real choice inside of The, connected to Eternity. This is a life of Prayer to the Gift of Eternal Life. The Godhead Itself is a Living Body of Relationship between all the people who are choosing what they know to be True Love in their Own Heart in this Current Moment, along with the inertia of all those who have ever and will ever choose that Divine, only from within, choice to Love All-That-Is at Any Time. All while keeping in harmony with an overwhelming flow of interpenetrating Stillness and a sea of Timelessness... To pay attention to the Love that is made by the infinite sides of this Coin, is to know the Orgasmic Wealth of Personified and Personalized Abundant Blessings for All Human Beings. This is Beyond Destination; This is something we can add to, an Eternal Movement Forward...

The Holy Sacrament Santo Daime and the Message of MestreThe Greatest Aya in Self Exploration

In looking back on my experience with Santo Daime, I must focus on the results and the developing Philosophie. I now have a clearer understanding of my inner world and a greater degree of direction over my unique way of processing. Our expression and experience of life is a direct result of our awareness of the internal processes that are specific to us and our ability to work with and metabolize what we find inside ourselves. The sacrament of the Daime Work provides an individual with the sacred space, place and intention to open all doors up for integration and betterment. The sacrament of Cajun Communion provides an individual with the sacred space, place and intention to open all interpersonal interactions up for integration and betterment. Combining these two has been to the Up Most benefit. In traveling through passages within one's Self, it becomes clear that a focus on there being a Greater Good is a necessity in keeping the very fabric of your personal consciousness intact. Your very ability to experience relies on your capacity to identify this Greater Good within you. God goes from being a notion to your Gumption. The understanding resulting from my wife and I's experience with Mestre Irineu is ineffable and tangible. In His own words passed down, “Within an individual lies a set of Superior and inferior Attractions. This knowledge put into practice brings about the Perfection of one's Personality.” The validity of this realization, as brought to light especially in the first two of the preceding short stories, is that our every day personal interactions are launch pads for Divinity measured undeniably in optimal physiological and psychological functioning and have a Neurogenic Epigenetic Epiphenomenonal Influence on the Societal Organism's Optimal Functioning. From one's place, one can heal the world. From one's place, one can experience the Mysteries and full Force of Creation's Firmament. This practiced on a day-to-day basis is in Line with Mestre and the king of Science. The result of any good Divine Experiment, spiritual Work, and Present Day should be, at the very least can be, a permanent increase in Internal recognition of one's Place. From this we can choose to generate Superior Attraction with all that one encounters, taking it in the direction of a Greater Good by reaching for better and better thoughts about our current moment

experience, no matter how intense, while attributing all Force to an even Higher Power and a Greater Good. It becomes evident that salvation rests in the individual's ability to relate and express the Superior Set of Attractions within. This is Set in Stone in the Firmament. It is not, however, static or a destination. This is Eternal Life, Infinity moving forward in All Directions. A beautiful man of the Doctrine shared with me his way of understanding this, saying, “The Challenge is always greater, but it's never as bad as it was.” For me, the Challenge is mustering up ways of expressing Unconditional Love and Appreciation through all terrains of Energetic and Emotional Beingness. Having Experienced and Now Knowing the Force within and the Eternal Movement Forward, it can Never be as bad as it was when my day-to-day behavior was less in line with my insides. While under the Guidance and Protection of the strongest Entheogen know to man, Imagine every cell of your body being surrounded by all of the nastiest personalities that ever existed, turning everything you've ever done into gross and gruesome beyond any possible imagining or experience. The awareness is clear that Any attachment to Any thing other than a focus that all is well and God is Good, could send one's very Being into the Mouth of Marachimbe. To not only Psychically survive, and to not be Emotionally affected, but also to be strengthened by such an experience, is to be tangibly released from interpersonal fears at the very least, and at most sends one into a greater level of Altruistic Self-Mastery. Forever Praised Be to one of my Best Friends Santo Daime.

Eu Sou Filho de Deus

Out of Line: Dogma and Mass Mindednessthe mechanics of pathology within the Santo Daime

In preparation for the fullest overstanding of this paper, and really for a educational blast off into some of the best Science has to offer, it is suggested that you study and internalize some of the leading edge science on the subject of not only Ayahuasca and Santo Daime but of Consciousness and Optimal Functioning. Thanks to all the beautifully brave people involved in the 2013 Maps Psychedelic Science Conference held in April we have free access to the lectures from experts in the field of Entheogens and Scientific evidence to add strength to our understandings. This is something we can objectively share together and use as a measure of relating and elaborating our individual understandings. I will first share a list on research done on Ayahuasca in an order that I feel guides one through the positive and potentially dangerous, the psychoanalytic and shamanic, cultural and global labyrinths of data available for one to traverse. I've done the same thing with the second list, this time the focus being on Santo Daime specifically, and can be watched concurrently or even before the first. Most all of these videos can be found on the MAPS Youtube Channel

An Ayahuasca List:Integrating the Modern Practice of Traditional Ayahuasca Shamanism

Ayahuasca's Mechanisms of Action in the Treatment of Addictions

The Potential of Ayahuasca Use for the Treatment of Substance Dependencies

Ayahuasca for PTSD

A Psychoanalytic Perspective on AyahuascaAyahuasca, the Scientific Paradigm, and Shamanic Healing

Classifying Ayahuasca The Role of Subjective Experience in Psychiatric Research with Psychedelics

The Economics of Ayahuasca

A Santo Daime List:Church of Daime (on Vimeo)

Ayahuasca Therapy & Santo Daime Mysticism in Europe

Santo Daime in Europe_ Ritual Transfer and Cultural Translations

Tribal Technologies and Scientific Superstition in the study of Ayahausca (not on Maps)Currents, Fluids, and Forces_ The Esoteric Origins of Santo Daime Theories of Healing

The Expansion of Brazilian Ayahuasca Religions_ Law, Culture, and Locality

I knew before my first Work with Daime, the positive effect entheogens have on our physiological gene expression, neurogenic and neuroplastic aptitude, ability to integrate past trauma into tangible blessings, and provides us with the birth right of transcending our definitions of who we are as a person and how we relate to Creation with an Experience of who we are as a person within Creation and how we are currently related to All-That-Is. A Future Potential Experience is magnified within you, so you may make an even better nest for all that you are. These effects are Scientifically Demonstrable and are all known to be Catalysts for Altruistic Self-Mastery: Optimal Day-to-Day Functioning! For a final nail in the coffin of this cold case see first the Ted Talk titled “Dan Pink The puzzle of motivation”. This is a clear cut proof about how we Must Increase and Work with Autonomy, Mastery, and Meaning in order to prepare our selves to handle and expand our human capacity for high functioning. That is Altruistic Self-Mastery and it is a Necessity to handle even rudimentary cognitive skill. Monetary incentives, big sticks, and following the step by step direction of what is expected from you by Any societal authority, is literally the rot of our biochemical, neurogenic, psychological, and individual existence in the here now and to the extent we play with it, our forever. This is the root of all maladaptive processes; that which one does Against one's Personal Wishes, that which one does but does not care to Master, and doing something without considering the benefit to a Greater Good for all involved and affected. Armed with the fact that Ayahuasca can enhance our capacity for Altruistic Self-Mastery, it serves us to visit a second Tedx Talk “The War on Consciousness, Graham Hancock at TEDxWhitechapel” with main points being

'The sacred use of Ayahausca in the Amazon is part of an ancient, worldwide “technology” of altered states of consciousness to find balance, harmony—Ma'at—with the universe, and to remain mindful that what we undertake here on earth, while immersed in matter, is fundamentally a spiritual journey aimed at the growth and perfection of the soul (individual).'

'We live in a society that will send us to prison if we make use of time-honored sacred plants to explore our own consciousness. Yet surely the exploration and expansion of the miracle of our consciousness is the essence of what it means to be human? By demonizing and persecuting whole areas of consciousness we may be denying ourselves the next vital step in our evolution.'

Mass mindedness can take the focus away from Autonomy and Mastery by use of projected meaning that poses an individual is inherently maladaptive and must have some other person govern and guide the individual's sovereignty and divinity. Proper Function can also be viewed as mutual positive interpersonal interactions with those in one's Day-to-Day life. Mass minded identifications create an in-the-moment experience that leaves little if no room for another person to genuinely connect, unless they have prerequisites in similar or exact mass identifications. The Church-State illusion and effect on a persons positive development is clearly spelled out in “The Undiscovered Self” by C. G. Jung Published by Signet.

Curiously enough, the Churches too want to avail themselves of mass action in order to cast out the devil with Beelzebub—the very Churches whose care is the salvation of the individual soul. They do not appear to have heard anything of the elementary axiom of mass psychology, that the individual becomes morally and spiritually inferior in the mass, and for this reason they do not burden themselves overmuch with their real task of helping the individual to achieve a metanoia, or rebirth of the spirit—deo concedente. It is, unfortunately, only too clear that if the individual is not truly regenerated in spirit, society cannot be either, for society is the sum total of individuals in need of redemption. I can therefore see it only as a delusion when the Churches try—as they apparently do—to rope the individual into a social organization and reduce him to a condition of diminished responsibility, instead of raising him out of the torpid, mindless mass and making clear to him that he is the one important factor and that the salvation of the world consists in the salvation of the individual soul. Pg.56

The mass State had no intention of promoting mutual understanding and the relationship of man to man; it strives, rather, for atomization, for the psychic isolation of the individual. The more unrelated individuals are, the more consolidated the State becomes, and vice versa. Pg.100

Within the individual lies the capacity to choose to express oneself in a way that stimulates proper functioning by way of Altruistic Self-Mastery, which concurrently promotes Autonomy, Mastery, and Meaning; or a person can choose to simulate malfunction by way of mass mindedness, which concurrently promotes reliance on an outside authority, becoming good enough to make a social quota for an abstract status that is merely labeled good—and all for the benefit of a few at the expense of the others and the individual. To further understand how an everyday person falls into the pathology of evil, we must understand the situational effects, how those situations are designed and made possible by mass minded institutions. In the video titled “Authors@Google- Phillip Zimbardo”, the author who did the Stanford prison experiment makes the case that we have an infinite capacity to behave as kind or cruel, as caring or indifferent, as creative or destructive, and as villains while others heroes. Psychology understands these negative transformations of human character as being

Dispositional: Personal pathologies of guilty actors, character defects, sadistic personalities. “The Bad Apples”

Situational: Good Men and Women corrupted by the behavioral context, by powerful situational forces. “The Bad Barrel”

Systemic: Broader extrinsic influences; political, strategic, economic, cultural, and the legal context created and maintained by higher authorities. “The Bad Barrel-Makers”

Potentially Good people can be made perpetrators of evil based on what they bring into a situation, what the situation draws out of them, the actual interaction of the individual in the situation, and those in Dominate Systems that literally create and maintain the situations that are known to draw evil out of a person. The power for this to even happen lies in the creational element of the Dominate System; their ability to separate themselves from the carrying out of their orders and their ability to operate outside any orders. The Dominate Institution furthers the potential for evil through intentional deindividuation, which is an inherent property of embodied mass mindedness that includes pawning off responsibility for oneself, and the potential effects on others, on a false authority. Acting on the behalf of others' well being, or in the defense of what one knows to be right, is the antidote for this designed pathology. We can only find out what is right for us by examining and cultivating our internal passionate truth, not listening to an external

socially constructed false authority. We can only genuinely care for others' well being if we recognize the interconnection and interrelation of our individual well being to that of Every other individual's well being. Just as love and knowledge of our body helps us care for our body, love and knowledge of how individual's function as one body can help us care for our larger human body. This love and knowledge of the proper optimal functioning of any individual is of unconditional benefit to all equally.

In the previous short story “The Holy Sacrament Santo Daime and the Message of Mestre The Greatest Aya in Self Exploration” I elaborated on the benefit the Santo Daime sacrament and ceremony has had on the betterment of my life. This benefit is biochemically, physiologically, psychologically, and interpersonally demonstrable. It should be clear that these things are possible and taking place within the church of Santo Daime, what is not as clear however, is how maladjusted mass minded deindividuation processes are concurrently taking place within the shadows of the organization and individual personalities of higher status. The local protectors, who also have a prominent role in the national U.S. organization of daime, have lied to my wife and I. They divulged their belief that the nature of a human being's individual personality is maladjusted and a carrier of outside negative entities that control them; as opposed to what Saturnino, the son of Mestre Conselheiro Luiz Mendes, shared about seeing every woman as a manifestation of Mary, every man as Christ; and that you do not have to suffer to heal. They completely disregarded anything we had to say and our way of being in love with all people. They have—after over a year of us showing up more than any other official member to Works, choir practices and Orações, despite seeing and knowing our interactions with Divine Forces within the Work—concluded that we were no longer welcome to participate in Daime ceremonies. At one point, in a rare fit of honesty, it was admitted that we bring up things within them that they are unconformable with and not ready to deal with. These people left us with dozens of inappropriate interactions and a “received” insistence that I was born with a negative entity that I personally may not ever be aware of, but has control over my personality causing me to act in a way that is dangerous and unhealthy. This was a great test, for if I did not know before coming into Daime what optimal human functioning was and felt like, or if I had any belief in outside false authority or any identification with an elite collective, I would have been crushed by such a conclusion from the very people who played an important role on my path to betterment. Because of their lack of understanding of optimal human functioning and identifications with false, maladjusted realities, they were unable to withstand the true Force and Presence of the Divine we carry tangibly in our Day-to-Day function. They had to pretend that we, a family of light, were the source of their internal dilemma by the very nature of their chosen disposition, situational and systemic orientations.

From the shared lectures it is clear that Santo Daime in a beneficial manner can help one perfect one's personality by way of internal exploration that yields integration of past negativity and expounds on a personal meaning and place within Creation. The negative potentials of Ayahausca and mass mindedness concurrently create a space where narcissistic personalities who also tend to blame others for the way they feel inside have a place to build up their “coherent, consistent” theories of pathology and project them onto others—for elaboration on this see both “Ayahuasca for PTSD” and “A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Ayahuasca”. The communal tribal indigenous life, which is how the Churches are in Brazil, is at odds with the social illusion and false authority of the anglo-saxton and economic model. Here in Louisiana it is usually your positive presence and willingness to help that constitutes our social acceptance; but the local church demanded after a year of allowing us to pay what we could, to pay 100 a work to a church that is most likely exempt from national serving cost dues, and whose works were held in the home of the protector or nearby at a place that was only 50 total to rent. Keep in mind they are asking for potential 2 to 3 hundred dollars a month from a family that receives 600 dollars a month in food stamp assistance. At the time we lived in my aunt and uncle's extra rent trailer, which they now live in because their house was foreclosed. They were forced to leave, and had to watch as many of their family relics where unnecessarily trashed. For a better understanding on how money is a system of evil and makes things that happen to my family and I inevitable, please watch the suggested video “The Economics of Ayahuasca -

Ken Tupper”. I was also demeaned for not being affluent in the money making madness, by one of the protectors asking a fardado “What good could he do for the current? Chop wood?” in the context of me being of any benefit to a long-standing, permanent communal church setting.

Every person has the Divine power to choose for themselves right and wrong. When people claim to be of service to others and to the Divine, they have an accountability to perpetuate Proper Optimal Human Functioning. As it stands the local and national organization of Daime, instead of promoting an individuals right to drink Daime and better oneself, is fostering systemic harmful affects on individual’s human dignity. They seem to operate without the self-reflection and self-regulation that is necessary to even be aware of, much less correct, such happenings; or the biochemical, physiological, psychological, and transcendent knowledge that Integrates, Expands and Universalizes our Ceremonial Experience.

“Don't believe in the masters who appear to you Nor walk on the path with them

Believe only in your Jesus For it's He who can give to you”

#139 Padrinho Sebastiao

“I am Light, I give Light And I make everything Shine

I see my Father in the Heights And the Power where it is”

#100 Padrinho Sebastiao

“It was Christ Himself, Who gave The Commandment

Give your Love to God, Give your Love to EveryBody

We give it up to God and Give to the Earth From Earth to God, From God to the Earth

Do you Believe Good Thoughts of Pure Diviniy?Seeing God in Everything, Yes! God in Everything

It is a Powerful Spot that Place within meOf Pure Affinity for this Infinite Being

Abundantly Bless! and Love without conditionWith the Permission, with the Conviction

To Love God in All my Ways, Is my NutritionCookin in the Kitchen and coming to Fruition”

#3 Joshewa Aaron

“He no cry no more in the MorningHe no cry no more in the Sea

He no cry no more upon the MountainHe no cry no more within Me

It's an Honor, a Pleasure, and a Blessing, to be a Warrior of Ole Juramidam”

#1 Joshewa Aaron

In Conclusion, All Power and the Salvation of the Human Race rest in the hands of the individual. Our ability to connect to, relate, work with, and love, each other especially, is our humble role as a symbiotic cell of Earth verses a cancer that replicates in energy, thoughts or cells at the expense of the environment. We can be mutually beneficial to All environments by Consciously Defining our Reality in a way that tangibly generates positive Growth defined as an increase in natural inclination for doing what's best for all involved, measurable in positive biological Firings and Self-Evident in our Interpersonal Interactions. By Choosing with one's own Will to Master being of Service in-the-moment with any and all who enter your interpersonal influence you experience and exist in Altruistic Self-Mastery generating Optimal Human Functioning Unconditionally, Fulfilling your Purpose as a Part within a Larger Web of Eternal Life. You could say this is still a Thesis to Please Jesus, A Theory of Everything based on Darwin, Mathematics, and Most importantly the Self-Science of Personal Experimentation,

As we have been Gifted with the ability to Exist and have Control, A Human Being has an infinite amount of ways to Love and Master their Individuality in relation to All-That-Is, other Persons, Themselves!!!

*denotes stories written well before 2013**denotes reference material Conditioning how it works and how to overcome*

Conditioning is a very useful tool for understanding the reactions that greatly influence our choices. It is a natural process that can be steered by us if we are aware of it, if we are not, then it simply happens to us. A classic case to understand classical conditioning is Pavlov’s dog and little Albert. Dogs had a saliva tube connected to their mouths. A bell would ring; the lab assistants would give the dogs food powder in order to produce salivation. After a short while they realized that the dogs salivated to the sound of the bell alone without the presence of the food powder. We see that the dog learned that the bell is a precursor for the food and the body’s response follows. This is actually a sort of mental programming. Here’s how it works. The bell at first is a neutral stimulus, meaning it has no significant effect to the body’s reaction. A dog doesn’t normally care if it hears a random bell. The food powder is an Unconditioned Stimulus for salivation which is a Unconditioned Response meaning naturally built in. After the Neutral Stimulus is paired with the unconditioned stimulus enough times, sometimes once with things like food aversion, the neutral stimulus becomes a Conditioned Stimulus that brings about a Conditioned Response of salivation. Even though salivation is the end result in both cases, the major difference is the cause.

Now if the bell is continuously rang then the intensity of the conditioned response will lessen until salivation stops altogether, a process known as extinction. Now if some time goes by and the bell is not pressed, then all of the sudden it is pressed, even without the presence of food, the conditioned response

reemerges as a spontaneous recovery of the conditioned stimulus. There is also a generalization that occurs, if a sound similar to a bell is rung than it will illicit the same conditioned response. The little Albert experiment is a banned experiment, which are some of the most telling. A nine month old baby was shown a rabbit, no response, other than curiosity. The next time he is shown the rabbit, a loud bang is generated by hitting a hammer on some metal close by yet out of sight of the child. After a few pairings little Albert would freak out at the sight of the bunny. We have successfully conditioned this child to have more fear and stress in his life, all while influencing his life choices based on this programming. Can you see how this may be useful in other avenues? We can now take time to ask ourselves where did we get these automatic emotional reactions that influence our behavior. One time in first grade I got up in front of the class for show and tell and pissed my pants leaving me embarrassed…

Now let’s say that I’m now a grown ass man and would like to share my ideas with the public like a presentation at a city council meeting. I may never do this based on this conditioning. Now I won’t tell myself this. My mind will tell me something like “o well they aren’t going to listen anyway” or “the system is too corrupt to change”. Sounds rational, sounds reasonable, it’s conditioning. And the fact that that is an in vogue thing to believe says a lot about conditional manipulation. Being aware of the process is part of the cure. We can now ask ourselves, where is this coming from, my passed conditioning or is it a viable emotion that I should give credence. Without the question, we unquestionably go with our emotional conditioned responses and run with them mindlessly, under the influence of others who would benefit from your predicted response that has been carefully programmed to be there. Another thing we can do to use this process to our advantage is to condition everything as a blessing and or unconditional love. YES you can create a conditional response of unconditional love!!! Anytime something brings about feelings of unbounded love and or the feeling of being blessed, connect as much of your reality to that occurrence as possible, creating an infinite amount of conditioned stimuli for unconditional love.

The importance of mathemagical imagination*The importance of mathematics is that it describes unseen realities and helps bring them into fruition by way of conceptualizing and visualizing premises that were thought impossible before or simply just not thought of in general. We use math to create and shape reality and the expansion of it. It is an honest extension of our conscious focus and capability. The atom bomb was first a mathematical reality before an actuality. The actual bomb was a reflection of the math and also the full result, but without the workings of the mathematical over and underpinnings it would not have “just happened”. It took the concept and the working out of Boolean algebra and fractal geometry to be a mathematical reality and truth before we could generate our electronic successes. It is time for us to take mathematics to a higher and more direct level of understanding and creation. The above mention mathematics was the combined result of discovery and intention. We need to ask ourselves the question, what is the best use of this magical field of human creation mathematics? What does mathematics say about the possibilities of living and experiencing an abundant life filled with a higher order of infinite possibilities and how can mathematics help bring about said reality? I presume it will happen similarly in this case as it has happened in others, with the intention to use this most useful tool in order to shape basic human understanding and behavior, giving us a concrete concept and visualization in order to aid in abundant human creation. I believe that this will lead to a discovery that can be brought to realization. It is my intention to share with men and women who are far more versed in Mathematics the psychological effects (mental and behavior), the philosophical effects, and spiritual effects mathematics has on my life personally, and hopefully devise a way to share this information in the academic and erry-day realms.

Disclaimer: the immediate following is my best attempt in so far to display my thought forms in an artistic manner first and foremost, it is fun to read first as a peace of art, secondary it is the best articulation of the ideas and understandings that i can speak of and practice at any given point in time. no need to look up any thing or re member any thing. become infinite to know it

A peace of nothing and incompleteness from*

The Physics of Creative Conscious Mathematics“Cajun Common Sense”

Let us assume nothing and symbolize this idea with 0. We will use {} to symbolize a set of ideas. In example {human} would be the set of ideas that have the commonality of having to do with any and all people. Therefore the idea of 0 can be thought of as {0} and can be distinguished from the nothing itself and the 0 that symbolizes it. So the nothing itself 0 and the thought of nothing {0} have a relationship to the essence of nothing. The thought of nothing is most definitely something. Now we have two basic ideas 0 and {0}, nothing and the set of ideas containing an element of nothing. In a sense we haven’t said much at all. What we have done is to give ourselves something to relate to. Because of this most profound relationship we now can say the 0 in and of itself is different than the set that contains the zero {0} and gives rise to the relationship of 0 to {0} as being this 0 is not that {0} simplified to be 0 ≠ {0}. The binary relationship of this and not this, on or off, true false, 0101, is a reflection of the information processing nature of consciousness and seen through digital coding, on to natural biorhythms following some creative pattern of on off pulsation sensation of attraction and repulsion. Again true nothing is different in essence than the set of all ideas and experience that relates to nothing and just as profound, different from anything that is made up of nothing or containing nothing. Let’s follow the progression while adding extra symbolism.

0 ≠ {0}

{0} ≈ 1

{0,{0}} ≈ 2

Using symbolism we can say: {0} ≈ 1 We are using 1 to represent or symbolize an idea of something, discovered to be {0}; There is the essence of 0 and any and all ideas of nothing {0} share an element of 0 which gives us 1 element that can be there or not and establishes relationship. “zero is to numbers as a letter is to words.” All words contain letters, all letters are not words, and all numbers contain 0 yet true 0 is nonexistent and nota number in and of itself. It should be obvious that we now have two elements.

0 and {0}

We can continue the process of expansion and symbolism namely the set that contains both nothing 0 and the idea of nothing {0} represented by {0,{0}} ≈ 2 We can literally count the number of “elements” in the system again the 0 itself and the set that contains it {0}. Continuing with this process we get {0,{0},{0,{0}}} ≈ 3. Our three elements in our set are now 0, {0}, and {0,{0}}. “It holds true that nothing, our idea about nothing, and the relationship between the two are all three separate streams of perspective.” We can take this process all the way to infinity, but I confess that the substance of the “nothing” was actually infinite as well.” From this we can build up our notion of Mathematics from an unbiased notion of nothing, but is this notion truly unbiased? To say the idea of nothing came from nothing is to bring the consciousness of an individual to a level of non existence. For the idea of nothing is contemplated in the imagination of human consciousness. If you believe that you exist, this notion should be revised and in fact mathematics had to reconcile this even without considering the idea of hyporial consciousness, creating an idea of the universal set. So we can build something from “nothing”, but this eventually leads up to the mathematical idea that there is a universal set that contains all parts needed to create any perceivable part while being self contained, a set of all sets if you will. The three most basic elements in math are the universal set, 0, and X. This matches our observation of the Unified Field that expresses the energy and information of our reality and all possible realities in every part of it while existing everywhere. We must also consider the fact that we can go from 0 to infinity using the idea of nothing. This universal set is also a type of infinity as well. “Is there a limit to infinity?” Mathematics helped her realize that there is no highest order of infinity because the search leads to greater and greater notions of infinity. “Cantor’s Theorem is some interesting shit.” Keep in mind that these ideas sprang from consciousness exploring unbiased symbolism and ideas of nothing 0. “Room for Growth” A key point is that the symbolism and ideas that we used to articulate and express ourselves is inherently incomplete. Within any system of rules, facts, and axioms (any logic) there will always be some propositions that cannot be proven either true or false moreover the propositions are undecidable (independent) or undemonstrable within the system of rules and axioms itself. “Yes the notorious unknown is a key element for infinite expansion.” One can prove new propositions by going outside the system to create new rules and axioms, but by doing so we create a new larger system with its own set of unprovable and even unknown statements. The implication is that all logical systems are by definition incomplete. I became infected with a heavy dose of truth serum via Gödel’s Incompleteness theorem. “Once we reach a certain threshold of being able to fully articulate any system, even the structure of our self, we lose the ability to represent our Self totally.” We are by definition the creators of the idea that there is an ultimate set that is the source of all possible sets which are infinite and ultimate. “Well our observation of reality reflects this notion exactly.” Our awareness from a complete reductionist viewpoint, must be beyond the system of mechanics laws logics experienced in the reflection of consciousness expanding abundantly in all directions, from nothing to infinity, beyond articulation, all while being capable of experiencing itself.

“The mathemagician knows it’s engineering elf and is happy to express the magic and majesty of life in a creative ever changing way that can never ever be replicated or copied and only comes from within!”

Cantor's Theorem**

The cardinality of the set of all subsets of any set is strictly greater than the cardinality of the set; i.e., for any set A, cardinality(powerset(A)) > cardinality(A).the cardinality of a set is a measure of the "number of elements of the set".

For example, the set A = {2, 4, 6} contains 3 elements, and therefore A has a cardinality of 3

the power set (or powerset) of any set S is the set of all subsets of S, including the empty set and S itself. Example,

If S is the set {x, y, z}, then the subsets of S are:

{} (also denoted Ø, the empty set)




{x, y}

{x, z}

{y, z}

{x, y, z}

and hence the power set of S = {x, y, z} is

P(S) = {{}, {x}, {y}, {z}, {x, y}, {x, z}, {y, z}, {x, y, z}

This means that within any thing or set, there is a greater order of infinity within the thing or set itself. Moreover it is an inherent part of infinity to have many parts within itself creating an even greater order of infinity.

Let’s say that the set GOD contains the elements {everything}. This is a lesser understanding of the infinite nature of said set, for would it not be a greater understanding and Truer context be to actually experience GOD’s power set being

P(GOD) = {{}, {x}, {∞}, {GOD}, {YOU},….}.

We must come to workable terms with the existence

of nothing,...the unknowable,... the infinite,...

and of GOD which in this case at the very least must contain {everything}, and P(everything),...

including ourselves as being a very real important sub-set whose own power set is equal in magnitude

Consider this from your own Common Sense and Experience in order to be within the proximity of the natural order of infinity and Mathematical validity.


isness is infinity. this means infinity is. so it is beyond comprehension and articulation while concurrently being understandable and tangible. any form of law that is not based on this is grievously incomplete insufficient and out of natural order. this also means that, it is all there, all the time, every when, every where, and ta boot we have an infinite amount of source energy to learn, grow into, and embody that which is already.

nothing is infinity. this means with nothing you can create anything and become aware of the infinite. even with the use of zero, one can build up an infinite amount of processes and information, a sort of binary system of infinite recursion. the reason being zero is another way of saying and experiencing infinite potential.

truth is an experiential process and cannot be proven fully by any other means. it takes personal direct experience, an awe of the infinite, within and without. any sort of rules axioms, or logic that tries to convey a since of knowing, other than an experience and or feeling, is inherently incomplete. mathematically there will always be more provables than proved, and a constant need to reinvent and readjust the rules and mechanics of any and all systems of reality. any since of knowing that suggest anything else is insufficient.

Capital Punishment*

Someone once asked me: Do you believe that capital punishment serves as an effective deterrent to violent crime? Give reasons and examples to support your answer.

Capital punishment is the putting to death of a violent criminal who has been convicted of a crime, usually murder or rape. Throughout history mankind has used capital punishment to deter or change an individual's behavior. However, the frequency of its use has declined in modern times. What is the reason for this trend? Has humanity as a whole become better, or has the threat of capitol punishment done its job so to speak? It is my core belief that we have evolved in our understanding of human behavior in such a way that renders capitol punishment barbaric and a non-necessity.

What does it really mean to be a violent criminal and what does the threat of capitol punishment really do? Any person who has grown up in the last century has been exposed to the most violent and horrendous times that man kind has ever known. We live in a time where violent criminals are trained, recruited, and sustained by the same capitol that threatens capitol punishment. If a person feels the urge to commit a violent crime, is he not a victim of the conditioning of his immediate environment that tells him that violence is okay in the "right" situations? Is he still not a human being who is capable of realizing his divine presence given the correct reinforcement? It is hard to say, because specific cases require specific answers, but if we look into the psychological factors we most likely will find a trend of negativity and or dysfunction. Through the practice of applied behavior analysis we could identify these factors and reinforce that person where they exhibit positive behaviors along with helping them release their negativity in a way that will help condition the negative thoughts of the afflicted person into an area of calmness. This will in turn eliminate the actual act itself.

What does the threat of capitol punishment really do? A weak argument would be that it keeps people from committing such acts. It does not create a moral argument for an individual to not commit the act. "I'm not going to kill because I will be killed." I see no humanity in this, furthermore in the heat of the moment this is far from a deterrent. We can see this from the records. It turns out that places that do not have capitol punishment are less violent and more educated. The threat of capitol punishment also does a number on the collective psyche. This threat tells the people that the capitol will kill you before it honestly tries to help you. It also gives the assumption that the capitol has some sort of right to use and enforce such an act. This then leads to the most atrocious form of capitol punishment, war. Are the victims of war not sentenced to death for being at the wrong place and the wrong time based on no specific evidence? In conclusion the record of history and the advancements of humanity have proven and shown us that capitol punishment does nothing to benefit society or deter criminal acts. Capitol punishment leads to further assumptions allowing a ruling body to enact mass murder. Given our advancements in understanding psychological dysfunction, capitol punishment is just an easy way to discard a deeper problem. It is my contention that in the near future we will laugh at the idea and ideology of capitol punishment.

a thesis to please jesus*

recently i've come to a point in my life where i can articulate my ideas on creating world peace and the infinite potential and possibility of any individual. these are ideas i have contemplated since i can remember. before i get into what my thesises are, i'd like to share with you why i think i might know something in the first place.

since birth my mother always told me that it was of utmost importance to express myself no matter what i was feeling, everything from i love you mom to f@*k you madeline, but then I had to recognize where my feelings came from. this allowed me to never have to deal with built up emotional negativity. it also allowed me to understand and reason with my inner self. later in life around 7 or 8 my aunt told me that if i understood mathematics i could do anything, which for me even at the time was to create world peace. i could remember that ever since i realized you could count all the way to infinity, i was consumed by the idea of infinity. for me infinity was eternal, and if numbers were forever so were people, the creator of numbers.

i've also had to deal with emotional trauma throughout my life. from having a mother and close family members addicted to drugs and dealing with major mental disorders, to getting hit by a drunk driver and

having to see my best friend die while almost dying myself, to being with and singing to my mother for hours before she passed away. though all this could be seen as strife, it all brought an infinite amount of understanding and blessings to my life.now for the thesises

a thesis to end war as a social possibility is the assertion that a productive way to change the perceived negativity of a collective(group of individuals), is to use positive reinforcement i.e. add positivity where we see positivity, and/or an extinguishing procedure i.e. help them release there negativity in a positive way, and any other proven behavior change technique found in the study of applied behavior analysis. basically if country x is indulging in a behavior we perceive to be negative i.e. arming themselves, the only way to change that is to agree to help them do things we all see as positive i.e. schooling, feeding, etc, every time they agree to lessen their "negative" behavior, in this case less military funding or whatever. if we tell this country to stop or we will sanction or bomb you, this might get an immediate change in the behavior, but always/mostly causes a negative psychological effect, in time or immediately. if a person is mentally ill and wants to hurt people, we don't go to war with him and his family to create a positive change, the same can be said of a collective group of people who have problems.

This idea should end war as a sociably viable option, or at the very least should provide us with some prerequisites that should be made mandate before even the thought of war. Imagine invading a country with support for education, agriculture/horticulture, culture preservation, and technology. Tell me who would not fold to the pressures of personal and national excellence. but see for me this thesis was not enough. it is a plan for world peace that relies on psychologists, sociologists, and government. i also felt that there was a more efficient way to create world peace that involved the very real participation of every conscious being that wanted to aid in the bringing about of world peace. now for the thesis that satisfies my soul.

everybody matters is the assertion that every person is equal in their infinite potential and possibility and moreover responsibility to create inner/world peace.0,1,2,3 we can count to infinity, this is a certain idea of infinity, but certain ideas of infinity are larger in a sense than others. see the set 0,1,-1,2,-2 has doubled the perceived parts as the first set of just 0,1,2,3, they are both infinitely big, but the second set had a higher order of infinity. another would be like 1 raised to the 1 power, 2 raised to the 2nd power, 3 raised to the 3rd power, this also goes on for infinity, but has a higher order than just 1,2,3..., well the highest order of infinity is the set of reality where every conceivable bit is inconceivably infinite, and it turns out that's the set we're living in. physics tells us that the void/ vacuum that we think is no space or nothingness, actually contains more than three times all the detectible energy in the universes!!! and all the atoms that make up our reality contain far more of the void than matter itself. physics has also found that matter exists in waves of infinite potential and possibility, until we try to measure or perceive it, and then it shows up wherever we're looking (double slit experiment or measurement problem). This also resonates all the way up from particle science to behavior science, with the Rosenthal effect. This is a study done by behavior science doctors doing studies on other behavior science doctors. They would give two sets of doctors two different opposing hypothesis to study, ones which should contradict each other, meaning only one or the other should be correct. They found that no matter what hypothesis they gave the doctors to do research on, they found evidence for it. see we as humans are more than a conceivable bit of information, that brings experience into reality by our perceptions, thoughts, beliefs, and actions. the beautiful thing is that mathematics helps us articulate that there is no highest order of infinity, it is infinitely higher, meaning that it's as high as you can think it to be and infinitely higher, and that before zero is zero or one is one there is an ultimate set from which all things are drawn from and a part of.

there also have been studies done, one involving this PhD who was also a practitioner of ho’oponopono. this man took on a job at a violent psych. ward where he would never see a patient. what he would do is take the person's case file and first take responsibility for creating all the persons negativity, and then read the file repeating “forgive me for creating this, i’m sorry, i love you, and thank you”. these people would then pop out of there violent behavior, enough to allow for rapid betterment. studies have also shown that people who were trained to feel the feeling of peace in there bodies went to d.c, the middle east and places across the globe, notably decreased the crime rates and violent actions in a short time, just by feeling feelings of love and gratitude towards everyone unconditionally (the Maharishi Effect and“International Peace Project in the Middle East,” The Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 32, no. 4, (December 1988)). now this was a controlled study, imagine if those practitioners of peace were teaching and incorporating the surrounding community. The effect would be intensely increased. By recreating these studies it has been found that all that is needed to affect any given population is the square root of 1% of that population, which turns out to be 100 per million people.

so what i'm saying is that if a person wants to help bring about world peace, they must first inner peace, taking responsibility for co-creating everything they perceive to be, because we know that the only way something can come into existence (positive or negative) is through our perceptions. send out a thought of betterment and love unconditionally towards all that is, because the only real thing to know is that things get better, they progress. just as importance we can train ourselves to feel calm and peaceful no matter what our given environment is, which in turn increase the calmness and peacefulness in our world around us, tangibly changing our local environment while increasing the propensity for positive change throughout the cosmos.

on a dna level what's going on is that every time you are mad or negative about anything our dna coils up and shuts off genes, you literally can't think straight when you’re mad. when you are thinking positive thoughts, feeling good, excited, vast, peaceful, our dna uncoils and instead of seeing one or two options, you've set off new neurological sequences through the epigenetic change of your genes, you see more and more potential and possibility until you see an infinite amount. a world filled with blessings!

physics articulates how energy is neither created or destroyed, but merely converted from one form to another, in the law of conservation of energy and in the law of repeatlessness. so the energy that is our conscious choice is ours and ours alone, more over it's our responsibility to convert our own negative thought forms(energy) into positive ones.

the universe is like a computer that is defragging, we may not like war and murder, so what we do is convert those energies into writings, poetry, a really good video game, a movie, a song, and so on. if its there we can't deny(aka judge it, and deem it bad) it, we have to use it in the most efficient manner. it may turn out to work something like this, world peace if and only if inner peace.

this can also be explained using the bible, the good book doesn’t deny war rape and murder it uses said ideas as a learning tool without denying any forms of energy. it also tells us that when we enter the kingdom of heaven we will do the things christ has done and even MORE. and that the kingdom of heaven is within. Luke 17:21 21nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you." John 14:12 12I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

according to my perception of the omnipresence and omnipotence of god, "god" is everything in everything and aware of everything at all times and forever, and there is "nothing" outside of that, except maybe perceptions of separation, but again i am only aware of my own perceptions, so all i can say is that

it is what it is and its far beyond articulation what ever it is, these are not my beliefs but merely a feeling i'm having, i'm not naive enough to think that i know anything especially anything outside my own feelings.

what this all could mean is that even if all we had was the shittiest shit that was ever shat, it would still be more than enough to create a reality beyond all comprehension.

the idea of co-creation can also be demonstrated by PLACEBOS AND NOCEBOS, EPIGENETIC CONTROL in biology, SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY and again the PLACEBO EFFECT in psychology, and by the field of study called BIOCENTRISM. it also helps to have a working knowledge of quantum mechanics, torsion fields, and really any area of study that takes into account and works with consciousness. any of these ideas can be easily be understood by a child much less an adult. it just takes an open heart.

a little on why things seem not to work out or why some seem not to get it… our reticular activating system (a part of our brain) blocks out and only lets in information that we personally hold as significant, anything from information to the sight smell touch and taste of something again can be blocked out or let in based on our beliefs of what is significant. again more evidence that suggests that we co-create our reality.

if you would like to help me understand better or debate any issues, please feel free to contact me, or if you are in a position where you can help out in any way shape or form(even if it’s just a positive thought or prayer) please do so, we survive off the gifts and kindness of others. peace and love.

joshua terziu

ps a quick word on the title of this essay, it rhymes and sounds good, it's not that i don't believe in jesus, i don't believe in disbelief, but i'd like to add that i believe that all schools of thought (from christianity, to philosophy, to psychology, all ologies, to anarchism) while containing beautiful insights to truth if not combined and seen as similar they are mathematically flawed and in turn could use some schooling themselves especially pertaining to the infinite nature of reality, including me as i am always further developing my understanding and principles that i live by. this can also be articulated as a mathematical principle know as Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem which suggest, “we cannot understand our own mind/brains ... Just as we cannot see our faces with our own eyes, is it not inconceivable to expect that we cannot mirror our complete mental structures in the symbols which carry them out? All the limitative theorems of mathematics and the theory of computation suggest that once the ability to represent your own structure has reached a certain critical point, that is the kiss of death: it guarantees that you can never represent yourself totally.” i will never assume that i know anything outside of my own feeling of vastness which is beyond articulation, which is more “real” than one plus one.

pss i would love feedback on these thoughts, whether it's agreeable or not. if my argument can be called bullshit, please call it, and explain why, if it's thought provoking then think, if it's above your head then lift your mind. if it seems elementary then please help me add to it. if we all participate in a thought experiment on world peace, the only result is that it becomes closer to a reality.

i would also like to say thank you, it’s out of respect, acknowledgment, and admiration of your ups, downs, twist and turns, emotional outbursts, and intense passions, and out of my own ups, downs, twist and turns, emotional outbursts, and intense passions, that i’ve come to understand the true self that is represented within all of is-ness.

Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem**Submitted by wtd on 22 March 2009 – 10:49pmThis theorem is one of the most important proven in the twentieth century. Here are some selections that will help you start to understand it. Gödel's original paper "On Formally Undecidable Propositions" is available in a modernized translation. It's also in print from Dover in a nice, inexpensive edition.

Jones and Wilson, An Incomplete EducationIn 1931, the Czech-born mathematician Kurt Gödel demonstrated that within any given branch of mathematics, there would always be some propositions that couldn't be proven either true or false using the rules and axioms ... of that mathematical branch itself. You might be able to prove every conceivable statement about numbers within a system by going outside the system in order to come up with new rules and axioms, but by doing so you'll only create a larger system with its own unprovable statements. The implication is that all logical systems of any complexity are, by definition, incomplete; each of them contains, at any given time, more true statements than it can possibly prove according to its own defining set of rules.

Gödel s Theorem has been used to argue that a computer can never be as smart as a human being because the extent of its knowledge is limited by a fixed set of axioms, whereas people can discover unexpected truths ... It plays a part in modern linguistic theories, which emphasize the power of language to come up with new ways to express ideas. And it has been taken to imply that you'll never entirely understand yourself, since your mind, like any other closed system, can only be sure of what it knows about itself by relying on what it knows about itself.

Boyer, History of MathematicsGödel showed that within a rigidly logical system such as Russell and Whitehead had developed for arithmetic, propositions can be formulated that are undecidable or undemonstrable within the axioms of the system. That is, within the system, there exist certain clear-cut statements that can neither be proved or disproved. Hence one cannot, using the usual methods, be certain that the axioms of arithmetic will not lead to contradictions ... It appears to foredoom hope of mathematical certitude through use of the obvious methods. Perhaps doomed also, as a result, is the ideal of science - to devise a set of axioms from which all phenomena of the external world can be deduced.

Nagel and Newman, Gödel's ProofHe proved it impossible to establish the internal logical consistency of a very large class of deductive systems - elementary arithmetic, for example - unless one adopts principles of reasoning so complex that their internal consistency is as open to doubt as that of the systems themselves ... Second main conclusion is ... Gödel showed that Principia, or any other system within which arithmetic can be developed, is essentially incomplete. In other words, given any consistent set of arithmetical axioms, there are true mathematical statements that cannot be derived from the set... Even if the axioms of arithmetic are augmented by an indefinite number of other true ones, there will always be further mathematical truths that are not formally derivable from the augmented set.

Rucker, Infinity and the MindThe proof of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem is so simple, and so sneaky, that it is almost embarrassing to relate. His basic procedure is as follows:

I. Someone introduces Gödel to a UTM, a machine that is supposed to be a Universal Truth Machine, capable of correctly answering any question at all.

II. Gödel asks for the program and the circuit design of the UTM. The program may be complicated, but it can only be finitely long. Call the program P(UTM) for Program of the Universal Truth Machine.

III. Smiling a little, Gödel writes out the following sentence: "The machine constructed on the basis of the program P(UTM) will never say that this sentence is true." Call this sentence G for Gödel. Note that G is equivalent to: "UTM will never say G is true."

IV. Now Gödel laughs his high laugh and asks UTM whether G is true or not.V. If UTM says G is true, then "UTM will never say G is true" is false. If "UTM will never say G is true"

is false, then G is false (since G = "UTM will never say G is true"). So if UTM says G is true, then G is in fact false, and UTM has made a false statement. So UTM will never say that G is true, since UTM makes only true statements.

VI. We have established that UTM will never say G is true. So "UTM will never say G is true" is in fact a true statement. So G is true (since G = "UTM will never say G is true").

VII. “I know a truth that UTM can never utter," Gödel says. "I know that G is true. UTM is not truly universal."

Think about it - it grows on you…

With his great mathematical and logical genius, Gödel was able to find a way (for any given P(UTM)) actually to write down a complicated polynomial equation that has a solution if and only if G is true. So G is not at all some vague or non-mathematical sentence. G is a specific mathematical problem that we know the answer to, even though UTM does not! So UTM does not, and cannot, embody a best and final theory of mathematics...

Although this theorem can be stated and proved in a rigorously mathematical way, what it seems to say is that rational thought can never penetrate to the final ultimate truth ... But, paradoxically, to understand Gödel's proof is to find a sort of liberation. For many logic students, the final breakthrough to full understanding of the Incompleteness Theorem is practically a conversion experience. This is partly a by-product of the potent mystique Gödel's name carries. But, more profoundly, to understand the essentially labyrinthine nature of the castle is, somehow, to be free of it.

Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, BachAll consistent axiomatic formulations of number theory include undecidable propositions … Gödel showed that provability is a weaker notion than truth, no matter what axiom system is involved … How can you figure out if you are sane? ... Once you begin to question your own sanity, you get trapped in an ever-tighter vortex of self-fulfilling prophecies, though the process is by no means inevitable. Everyone knows that the insane interpret the world via their own peculiarly consistent logic; how can you tell if your own logic is "peculiar' or not, given that you have only your own logic to judge itself? I don't see any answer. I am reminded of Gödel's second theorem, which implies that the only versions of formal number theory which assert their own consistency are inconsistent.

The other metaphorical analogue to Gödel's Theorem which I find provocative suggests that ultimately, we cannot understand our own mind/brains ... Just as we cannot see our faces with our own eyes, is it not inconceivable to expect that we cannot mirror our complete mental structures in the symbols which carry them out? All the limitative theorems of mathematics and the theory of computation suggest that once the ability to represent your own structure has reached a certain critical point, that is the kiss of death: it guarantees that you can never represent yourself totally.

In Closing A Homework ChallengeSome of the Latest and Greatest in Health and Wellness

Before we part ways I would like to call your attention to some very important bodies of work that substantiate and expand upon the ideas we have been dancing with insofar. A spotlight on the work of Dr.

Lissa Rankin, as in the video “Mind Over Medicine Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself, Talks at Google”, provides us with significant doctor advice backed with Scientific research that says being educated on the body's naturally induced healing mechanisms and what stimulates them, and perhaps more importantly, healthy interpersonal relationships with all of life's endeavors, are major factors in physiological, psychological and overall well-being. So the physical maintenance of the body is secondary to the physiological and psychological feedback that is in direct relation to how you really feel in your heart you should express yourself and how you actually behave in your relationships, profession, creative expression, spiritual connection, sex life, financial life, environment... These factors can only be under your influence if you are educated in the processes, believe that its possible to change and overcome, and actually implement what you know to be good for yourself. Dr. Rankin lets us in on some health secrets.

What you believe about your health comes true. You can heal yourself, but you cannot do it alone. You know your body better than any doctor does. You are not a victim of your genes. Intimate connections with friends, family, romantic partners, and other loved ones may improve your health more than exercising, eating a nutritious diet, or quitting smoking. Finding your calling and engaging in work you love could lengthen your life. Happiness is more than just a good mood. It's preventative medicine. An optimistic world view protects the body. To heal yourself, you must first diagnose the root cause of where your life may be out of alignment with your truth. Once you diagnose what's out of whack, it's time to write The Prescription for yourself.

Now turning to the work of Dr. Kelly McGonigal, first looking at her TED talk “How to make stress your friend”, we now have some Scientific evidence that believing that the stress response in your body is preparing you in a positive way for action changes your bodies response to the activated Sympathetic nervous system, not only neutralizing the physiological effects of stress, but also helping to strengthen the body's systems. All of the above mentioned can be greatly affected by our Self-Efficacy, our ability to cause what we want to happen in our life; in this case, Optimal Human Functioning. Thankfully Dr. Kelly McGongial has shared with us some of the Science of Willpower, namely how we can positively affect the process, all spelled out in the video “Authors@Google Kelly McGonigal”, and summed up in her willpower rules with the challenge to 'train your willpower physiology, forgive yourself, make friends with your future self, predict your failure, and surf the urge.'

Now to really drive home our collectivity, examine the work of Dr. Matthew Lieberman as seen in the video “The social brain and its superpowers Matthew Lieberman, Ph.D. at TEDxStLouis”, and Dr. Stephen Ilardi in a video titled “Depression is a disease of civilization Stephen Ilardi at TEDxEmory”. We can now note that the mastery of being social in a positive way may be the single most important skill for us to utilize and develop as human beings; and not doing so could very well be our Kryptonite. I would also like to site the work of Dr. Thomas Lewis as seen in the video “Dr. Thomas Lewis On The Power Of Love”, where he expands on our connectivity and effect on each others' health and well-being and how this all happens just by sharing space with another person. In “Brain chemistry lifehacks Steve Ilardi at TEDxKC” it becomes clear that the best way to effect our Neurochemical Balance is by living a Balanced Life. Face time with loved ones is a major player in maintaining this Balance. Now imagine everyone knows and really feels that every person they experience is a Loved One...I know through my experience and collected research that a life of Love, Perfection and Eternal Infinite Growth is a clear cut Reality.

All of the infinite potential and optimal functioning we have been speaking on can be seen to exist as already embedded in our space-time geometry at the plank scale level and is a very real 'cosmic gravity' of positive influence on physical manifestation, while also being a non-local container of experienceable qualities or Qualia. Quantum computing and biological life can been seen as a key component, a bridge, allowing protoconscious quantum information to have influence at the classical physical level of

manifestation, to have causal efficacy. The further details on the science behind this can been seen in “CONSCIOUSNESS - A conversation with Deepak Chopra and Stuart Hameroff”. This is all also related to the work of Sir Roger Penrose whose work is spelled out in the book Shadows of the Mind. I would like to note that just as I have applied mathematical truth, especially Godel's Incompleteness Theorem in creative and thought out ways to my personal experience and understanding of physical reality, psychology, biology, philosophy and the like, Penrose applies Godel's Threorem to the State-Vector Reduction process in Quantum Physics resulting in a leading edge theory of consciousness: Orchestrated Objective Reduction or Orch-OR Theory. Although the raunchiest of skeptics do not like this theory at all, I challenge them, and All, to learn the universal truths of Mathematics and apply said knowledge to one's own endeavors. And regardless of your potentially continued disposition towards my meanderings or the science of Sir Roger Penrose, It is a Promise that your work will become more universally relatable and truer—in the sense of increased tangibility and utility for all.

This challenge extends to the intellectual camp of Lawrence Krauss and the like; the “I don't believe in god, I believe in Science” people. In the video “2013 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate The Existence of Nothing” some of the most intriguing information about nothing is what the mathematician has to say. Ironically everyone there has almost nothing to say or any real working idea of mathematics needed in order to be able to elaborate or even really internalize what the mathematician has said. The limits of an undereducated physicist's thought structure can all be summed up with the slide roughly forty-one minutes into “A Universe From Nothing - Lawrence Krauss, Richard Dawkins”, stating: “Much ado about Nothing! The dominant energy in the universe resides in empty space. We have no idea why its there. Its existence is probably tied to the very nature of space and time and to the origins to our Universe. It will determine our future!”

To clarify, top notch physics know our future will be determined by our understanding this most dominant energy in the universe because it's tied to the very nature of time, space, and Creation itself; and admittedly, in what seems to me a rare fit of inescapable humility, they have no clue when it comes to this UP most important issue.

Now if you really take the pre pre-preceding paragraph seriously, Mathematically the dominant energy in Universe is the most prevalent and incomprehensible. Its presence resonates in and out like octaves 'reducing down' to give rise to any Universe including the very nature of our space and time. Our ability to metabolize our infinite nature will determine our future.For me this correlates to the work physicist Garrett Lisi, as in “Garrett Lisi A theory of everything” a ted talk where the relationship between mathematics and physics is seen as an E8 geometrical structure that contains all particle possibilities within its own symmetry. As this shape moves, warps and dances through space-time it gives rise to all the happenings in Quantum Field Theory. A proton would be a certain twist of the shape remaining interconnected to the whole. This symmetry breaking can be better explained in his more recent talk “The Geometry of Particle Physics_ Garrett Lisi at TEDxMaui 2013” where it is postulated that at every point of space time, there is another internal space connected or attached to it, containing many dimensions perpendicular to 3D space. So for this space, that is internal to and at the same time not inside of space-time, resembles the most beautiful holographic fractal mathematical symmetry known to mankind.

In reviewing more of the physical research on unity from Nassim Haramein as seen in “Nassim Haramein - Science behind the Unified Field & Its applications” or in the recently published research article “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass”, a proof comes out of the equations that are attempting to unify physics, in turn unifying everything. The space between things, or even inside things, is not empty, it's full, and are at the source of all creation; A medium that connects all things. Looking at vacuum

fluctuations, we find an energy that is infinitely dense. Beautifully clear relationships emerge between the Planck mass (a t'tiny mass), the rest mass of the proton, and the Schwarzschild mass of the proton or using their term the Holographic Gravitational Mass. When analyzing the amount of vacuum energy inside the volume of a proton, the exact mass of the Universe is found! All the other protons, all of the other atoms in the Universe are holographically expressed inside the proton, showing that's it's all physically interconnected.

For those who may think the atheistic materialist mindset is a purely positive force on our cultural and behavioral world I submit the video “Rupert Sheldrake – The Science Delusion TED talk” and the book “The Science Delusion: Asking the Big Questions in a Culture of Easy Answers” written by Curtis White. Surely they speak for themselves. The mechanics of the pathology of mass mindedness as elaborated in the short story 'Out of Line: Dogma and Mass Mindedness', can be summed up as concurrently promoting reliance on an outside authority while becoming good enough to make a social quota for an abstract status that is merely labeled good—and all for the benefit of a few at the expense of the others and the Individual. In other words monetary incentives, big sticks and following the step-by-step direction of what is expected from you by Any societal authority are literally the rot of our biochemical, neurogenic, psychological, and individual existence in the here now and to the extent we play with it, our forever.

And for those whispering the equally gifted 'DNA controls behavior and mutates randomly' mass minded meme'd humanbeings, I present the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton as seen in “Bruce Lipton at IONS 40th Anniversary 7_21_2013”, that begins with calling out the central Dogma of the medical model reducing us to a 'biochemical machine controlled by genes', and does not fail to point out that conventional medicine is one of the leading causes of Death in the United States. He goes on to explain the primal element of life is proteins, which ultimately reflect a perception of the environment. Key to this Process is the Membrane that acts as the brain of the cell and is the interface of perception. The study on these signals is noted as Signal Transduction. It eventually lead to studying how signals are responded to, and control cellular and behavioral functioning now called Epigenetics {Control Above Genes}. A full scientific serving of his work can be found online in a summary done on his book Biology of Belief or in the book itself who's fine one of many conclusions is that what makes us, us, is a unique frequency inherent in the environment that is receive by your cell and recognized as you.

the frequency itself is eternally

{ { { you } } }

If you really take the time to internalize and expand upon the Scientific body of knowledge alluded to, not only in this short story but those in this entire body of work, then hopefully a feeling of Altruistic Self-Mastery will rise up within you, and the challenge of exhibiting and expanding upon Optimal Human Functioning will be a tasty one. It is our hope that the nature of infinity become a tangibility for all humanity, with all the love of our personal lessons, moving forward in the land of Abundant Blessings. Together we are without exception, confessing and expressing our eternal direction...

...of Growth.

“The Universe is the Consciousness that makes Matter and Energy possible. This now means we are going from God, as pure potential awareness, all possibilities, our Eternal Infinite Potential, to Eternal Actuality; so now we're Actualized.”~Dr. Ruldolph Tanzi Professor of Neurology at Harvard

The following short story may be the last written of 2013 and came after we had written all of the previous work. It was of no coincidence that we came across the work of the research storyteller Brené Brown. If

you would like to go on an honest journey of authentic humanbeingness coupled with top-notch scientific research please visit the interwebs and in concert see “Brene Brown The power of vulnerability” followed by “Brené Brown Listening to shame”. If anyone ask you any questions just tell'em josh sent cha.

Vulnerable and Shameless, Ehyeh Ashar Ehyehthe high tide time of reckoning in the name of

Take full care my Brothers and Sisters as we go forth in this understanding of our reason for being here as Human Beings. The deep call of connection felt in our psyche is also embedded in the design of our neurological, physiological and psychological well-being. The feelings of respect, love and care shared with another person are our indicators of growth in the healthy direction. The propensity for this experience may very well be embedded in space-time geometry.

We now have tons of research that has been going on for decades clearly demonstrating an understanding of what unravels connection between people. It's over identifying with feelings of shame and the fear of not being worthy of connection as a result of being vulnerable or authentic. Let's say a mistake is made that temporarily causes pain to another person. Shame would say “I'm sorry, I am a mistake”, and at its extreme end feels no guilt for something that is sort of mechanically inevitable. On the other hand no shame means no empathy and is correlated to being a sociopath. Guilt would say “I'm sorry, I made a mistake”, and is a healthy part of self-regulating behavior. The feeling of guilt is like a friend who knows you know better and for yourself what is right.

A little bit of shame is essential for empathy, but the same amount of shame held in silence, secrecy and judgment ignites into our identity severing our connection to others and health itself. We can no longer be ourselves. For that will certainly reveal the fact that we are not good enough and will then be reflected back by the other person which reinforces our defining ourselves in a lackful shameful manner. With these top down limitive beliefs in place it is assured that neurochemical imbalance will accompany. So to will blame, which is understood as a way to discharge the pain and discomfort of one's own insides.

Our natural state is a process of growing together in a state of empathy for our shared individual self-actualizations. In order to strengthen our belief that we are worthy of love and belonging we must tell the story of who we are with our whole heart and have the courage to be imperfect or uncertain as it were. Certainty is a function of maladjustment and has virtually no place in the spontaneity of daily life. Compassion for one's self is essential in being kind to others and in preventing and loosening the grip of shame. Being hard on oneself is not helpful in proper human functioning.Connections established with others as of a result of being authentic are also key in living a whole-hearted life. In describing her research on whole-hearted people Brené Brown states “They were willing to let go of who they thought they should be, in order to be who they were. You have to absolutely do that for connection.” Please note that this give significance to the perspectives of Conceptual Engineering and Creative Conscious Mathematics pertaining to Universal Mathematical Truth ie Godel's Incompleteness Theorem.

Embracing naturally occurring vulnerability is actively sharing our honest place of growth, betterment and overcoming. The fear of vulnerability leaves us presenting an attitude of false certainty, expecting absurd perfections and pretending our actions don't matter, all while stimulating the numbing of emotional sensitivity across the spectrum. The antidote to this shame and fear is to let ourselves be authentically seen by others, loving with our whole hearts without any guarantees. Take time to practice being grateful in the face of overwhelment. Be thankful for simply being alive to feel such a thing. Seek out the joy and know you are enough!

I have not been made to be perfect in circumstance, creed, or High Court yet I can go in the direction of perfection by having an honest current moment which will most assuredly lead to some level of awareness of room for growth and some level of joy in presenting honestly myself to the best of my ability having not yet had said awareness. So human perfection may very well be honestly going fourth knowing that personal room for growth will be revealed as you do your best to be your best. “Perfectly Imperfect is My Dimension's Definition.”

So for me there is great skill gained in the internalization of the self statement, I am the I Am that I Am or Ehyeh Ashar Ehyeh. Defining oneself as ineffable yet tangibly present and pertinent to the situation is essential in working with our human consciousness. All the concepts in our head should be engineered in a way that stimulates neurochemical and behavioral balance and should at all cost harbor not the limitive self-statements that are correlated to shamefulness. I am the presence which I choose to be in the moment of choice and experience. I am not enough happens when a choice to feel that way about myself and to say that to myself has been made. I am enough can be felt despite lack of evidence or even evidence to the contrary simply by choosing to feel that way and say that about oneself.

So for Us as human beings it may serve us very well to take on the challenge of Optimal Human Functioning. We have at our disposal a wealth that will continue to be unmatched by any past day of Creation. What separates us from being a world that experiences abundance and worthiness is the Degree in which we Belief that the entire World is worthy of acceptance and abundance. That's It! But this Belief, let's call it Abundant Blessings!, is not at all some sort of statement or declaration, it is a revelation that is experienced as the unconditional acceptance and support in the actions of each other. We are all built for this! Just as a tiger stalks, a bird flies, a starfish regenerates and a jellyfish lives forever......

Our Work has been brought to you in a way that is digestible and through the eyes of a no better than anybody else family. This past year has not been easy, but it has been worth all the effort. In order for us to live out, preserve, protect and expand upon a way of life that is beneficial to all people on Earth, we desperately need your help. As we are humble and meek, we are also in this together. My mother always told me to never be afraid to ask for help especially if I really need it. We need your help in living out and in turn clearly defining what it means to deserve to live free because you actively serve and support EVERY person within your interpersonal influence.

( ( ( ∞ ) ) )

This is a picture of my family in the act of being in joy. It is our firm belief that we are worthy of such a life filled with day-to-day permanent in-the-moment face time with loved ones. This is our Pursuit of Happiness. This is our Freedom of Expression. This is our Religion. This is the result of living our Higher Education. Above All, we have been endowed by Creation itself with all this and something that is forever beyond-it-all. Should our way of life not be supported and preserved? We represent an extreme minority in the world population as Cajun people who openly still live authentically from the Heart and accept absolutely no brain washing false authoritative thought patterns into our day-to-day way of living that my try to shame us in to a less than self statement. When the feelings do arise, and they do arise, we provide an environment of unconditional support and clean with empathy. Because we are individuals who are undeniably in the Pursuit it is our trust that our community, the people of planet Earth on down to the folks on Park Ave, will help us out. We believe this not because our community is certain to help us out but because we are certain that it is best to do what's best regardless of what's reciprocated.

A Mathematical Familythe jocho inside us all

A young child wakes up from the bosom of the Mother finding itself called to Learn. A call fueled by an insatiable quest for personal bestment in order to raise up family and be the best parent, partner and person possible. Thanking God for the remembrance of the Echos of Her voice, he can feel her saying 'You can do anything you put your mind to; you can become President of the United States if you want to!' Said with the confidence of an experienced overcomer, a Mother can really imprint the capacity of self discovery and turning big ideas into real life experience unto a child's physiology. The other voice that rings in this child's ear, this time from his Nanny dear Aunt Debbie, 'If you learn and master Mathematics, you can do and understand anything.'

Patiently directing the Mind towards a Dream or Idea or Calling with full effort and attention is Accomplishment. Learning Math can help us do anything, including honing in on the process of Cognitive Mastery. We can answer the question, “What is Math About Masao Morita at TEDxKyoto 2012”. Ta Mathēmata is the taking of what you already have and the knowing of what you already know. This applied to the experience of a Child supercharges the imagination and optimizes Humanity. There is this huge dimension in our minds that is at the heart of Math. Underlying all numbers, logic and calculations is an inner universe described by Oka Kiyoshi as jocho. This is the very act of looking inward within your own mind and encountering your own rich inner universe; jocho! So to do Mathematics, pick a problem and try to solve it not by looking at the answer or asking someone else. Rely only on your own mind. Patently focus on the problem and you will find yourself in a sea of jocho...

This is Mindfulness. This is Mathematics. And Everyone should do it. A brilliant book Love & Math 'The Heart of Hidden Reality' by Mathematician Edward Frenkel has confirmed this child's personal fairy tales on the very same subject.

Mathematical knowledge is unlike any other knowledge. While our perceptions of the physical world can always be distorted, our perception of mathematical truths can't be. They are objective persistent, necessary truths. A mathematical formula or theorem means the same thing to anyone anywhere—no matter what gender, religion or skin color; it will mean the same thing to anyone a thousand years from now. And what's also amazing is that we own all of them. No one can patent a mathematical formula, it's ours to share. There is nothing in this world that is so deep and exquisite and yet so readily available to all. That such a reservoir of knowledge really exists is nearly unbelievable. It's too precious to be given away to the “initiated few.” It belongs to all of us. Pg. 3

There is a common fallacy that one has to study mathematics for years to appreciate it. Some even think that most people have an innate learning disability when it comes to math. I disagree: most of us have heard of and have at least a rudimentary understanding of such concepts as the solar system, atoms and elementary particles, the double helix of DNA, and much more, without taking courses in physics and biology. And nobody is surprised that these sophisticated ideas are part of our culture, our collective consciousness. Likewise, everybody can grasp key mathematical concepts and ideas, if that are explained in the right way. To do this, it is not necessary to study math for years; in many cases, we can cut right to the point and jump over tedious steps. Pg. 5

When I talk about a connection between love and math, I don't mean to say that love can be reduced to math. Rather, my point is that there is a lot more to math than most of us realize. Among other things, mathematics gives us rationale and additional capacity to love each other and the world around us. A mathematical formula does not explain love, but it can carry a charge of love. Pg. 241

A family that is thriving will continuously adapt, empower the children and tell their own stories of success and of overcoming hardships. This family will always look for tangible reasons to support and encourage the application of jocho in the everyday actions of each other, especially in children. Self-regulation, self-discovery and self-mastery remain first nature for all involved in the process of natural normal human communion. This is not only mathematical, this is the reflection of the latest research on family has to offer as seen in “Agile programming--for your family - Bruce Feiler” and “Parenting as Social Activism Sherry Lynn at TEDxMaui 2013”. And has we have said earlier, this is our Lineage as Cajun and our way of life as Human.

Though this is not the full body of work contained within the pages of “Short Stories for a Long Life: Philosophie du Cajun”, it is by far the main contents. It is my hope to stimulate your interest in Mathematics and the potential it has to help unlock our optimal human capacity. Another intimate hope is that this body of work will help substantiate my expertise in the field of study known as Cognitive or Conceptual Engineering. Aside from being a work of Art, these writings may serve as a Thesis detailing out the realization that is our responsibility to aid in the engineering of optimal human functioning. We must take responsibility for our interpersonal influences on humanity—the physical links of affectation we have on each others' ability to perform as human beings. The ability to engineer insight and correlate chaos in the context of day-to-day life, with little or no other resources other than one's self, is Conceptual Engineering. I have been studying, practicing and living this Cognitive Engineering approach since I can remember. In reviewing my mother's letter to me and the paper from her childhood psychology class, you could say I was bread for it.
