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RGS Geographical Club Award Report

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1 The Networked Volcanic Hazard: A Spatiality of Actors and Information Technology RGS Geographical Club Award 2014: Final Report By Daniel Beech Department of Geography and Earth Science, Aberystwyth University [email protected], www.aber.ac.uk/en/iges/staff/phd/dib8/


The Networked Volcanic Hazard: A Spatiality of

Actors and Information Technology

RGS Geographical Club Award 2014: Final Report

By Daniel Beech

Department of Geography and Earth Science, Aberystwyth University

[email protected], www.aber.ac.uk/en/iges/staff/phd/dib8/



Thank you to the Royal Geographical Society and Aberystwyth University, whose financial support

has been invaluable to the successful completion of the PhD research. The advice and guidance

from my academic supervisors has also been essential to the continuation of the PhD, which the

research conducted in Iceland has complimented. Finally, thank you to each of the interviewees,

as well as the Icelandic Met Office, London Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre, ISAVIA, Civil Aviation

Authority, University of Iceland, and Department of Civil Protection, who have each played a

significant role.



The social, economic and political impacts of the explosive Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010

illustrated the need for greater interdisciplinary research within the field of hazard and risk, and

particularly volcanology. The event gave credence to input into the design of hazard management

networks from perspectives that accommodate social science, networked geographies, and aspects

of Science and Technology Studies. Effective and sustainable management of natural hazards

require extensive interaction between human, technical and nonhuman actors, largely clustered in

or between hazard management agencies, community groups, media corporations and

governmental administrations. Funding from the RGS allowed observation and critique of such

interactions, furthering an analysis and interpretation of the Icelandic network that is deeply

engrained in social science.

In March and April 2014, the RGS contributed to the funding of a 5 week period of research at

multiple locations in Iceland, where the translation and flow of hazard data and information,

between actors, could be choreographed, aiding the identification of the actuarial links through

which volcanic hazards in Iceland are monitored and responded to. Bruno Latour’s Actor-

Network Theory, and Sheila Jasanoff’s interpretation of Social Constructivism, are frameworks

that the research uses to provide a grounded analysis of the Icelandic network, and specifically its

mobility and interconnections. In this report, an overview is provided of the research findings, but

also the process through which volcanic hazard monitoring exercises were observed, archival

research was conducted, and semi-structured interviews were carried out with scientific and non-

scientific actors; the research used the RGS funding to effectively highlight the open engagement

and evolving configuration upon which Iceland’s sophisticated multi-hazard network has

developed and become established.


Project Description

Hazard networks, largely formed of human, technical and nonhuman actors, have often been

researched and analysed from academic perspectives that focus upon social and political inequality,

imbalance and cultural attitudes (Donovan, Paton, etc.). The rationale for conducting this research

is to recognise the role of technical innovation in framing academic interpretations of complex

networks, such as the one designed to mitigate volcanic risk in Iceland. Academic research has

previously tended to neglect the role that technical innovation has played in renegotiating the

subjective social and political layers of dynamic hazard networks. The research also intended to

establish the configuration of the network, and the integration of a disparate spread of actors

emerging from scientific, social, political and industrial backgrounds. Assessing interrelationships

between elements of science, society and technology allows for an evaluation of the extent to

which philosophic frameworks such as Latour’s “Actor-Network Theory” (ANT) can be used to

describe and explain the networked set-up in multi-hazard environment’s such as Iceland. Post-

Eyjafjallajökull the need within hazard management for channels of communication, contact with

the nonhuman, and the process of translating and mediating information, has become increasingly

important to maintaining and reinforcing a network that is sustainable and efficient.

ANT provides a theoretical mechanism that can alter the way complex hazard networks are

perceived, and, despite being contextually specific in the case of Iceland, allows the network to be

performed as a hybrid entity of inseparable human, nonhuman and technical actors. Mediations

give the network the capacity to provide technical solutions to the deficiencies previously identified

by academics, largely through the binding of scientific and non-scientific communities, and the

exercising of effective channels of communication. The field of “Science and Technology Studies”

(STS) has advocated theoretical frameworks such as “Social Constructivism” (Bijker, Jasanoff) and

“Technoscience”; the research argues that these frameworks can be influential in explaining the

position of actors (human, nonhuman and technical) in the Icelandic network. Iceland is a

complex, interoperable and transitional environment in which the relevance and compatibility of

technology can be identified and critiqued; its role as a mediator between human and nonhuman

actors, and its influence upon the transfer of hazard information, is viewed within the research in

the context of the Icelandic public’s acceptance of technology as a method through which to

minimise risk and enhance mitigation.


The application of ANT and elements of STS provided the academic and philosophical reasoning

for carrying out the research in Iceland, funded by the RGS. Contextually, the constructed manner

in which technology interacts with both science and society sheds light upon the in-built

expectation and trust that synergises, multiplies and strengthens connectivity between actors.

Hazard networks are messy and uncoordinated, and as a result, collaborative engagements are vital

for appropriate and effective mitigation, decision-making and policymaking. It is therefore

important to track the development of networks, identifying who mediating actors are, where in

the network they are located, and what connections they exhibit. In sum, the research aimed to

explore how Iceland’s volcanic hazard network has evolved in accordance with, and been furthered

by, technical innovation. A main objective was to indicate, through an ANT-centric approach, how

technical inputs can re-present, remediate and renegotiate different communities of practice

(human and nonhuman); if technology is an effective means of furthering or advancing the

mobility of the network, then this aspect is of particular relevance in the context of the research.

Research Questions

1) How can communities of practice within hazardous volcanic regions be described

through networked approaches?

2) How does a monitoring network become sensitised to non-human agencies?

3) To what extent does collaboration renegotiate power dynamics and information flows,

and what is the subsequent impact upon response efficiency within hazard management



Study Sites

Despite field sites being spread between Iceland and the UK, and somewhat reflecting the extent

of the network, RGS funding specifically facilitated the Icelandic-based segment. In light of the

events of 2010 and 2011, when two large-scale volcanic eruptions occurred in relatively quick

succession, the research was of significant relevance in the Icelandic context; the region is a

somewhat notorious and high publicised multi-hazard environment. The research therefore had a

much greater likelihood of being impactful, outlining how the uptake and integration of technical

actors has or could influence the actions taken during and since the eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull

and Grímsvötn. By funding the fieldwork in Iceland, the RGS has furthered the construction of a

narrative to Iceland’s responsive efficiency, plethora of laws, policies and initiatives, and already

established sophisticated use of technology, that could then engage with the rhetoric of scholars

from the social sciences, networked geographies and STS. The complexity of the Icelandic network

is one of few globally that lends itself so succinctly to this application of both geographic theory

and practise, ideally fulfilling and contributing to deficiencies in previous academic interpretations.

An illustration of study sites across Iceland. Map from Google Maps, 2015.

Reykjavík, Capital Region. Vík, Southern Region. Höfn, Southern Region.



Outline of research sites in Reykjavik. Maps from Google Maps, 2015.

Within Iceland, fieldwork (both interviews and observations) tended to be based in or around the

capital, Reykjavik, in close proximity to the city centre, at the headquarters of the Icelandic Met

Office (IMO), Civil Protection, Icelandic Aviation Authority (ISAVIA), and the Institute of Earth

Science at the University of Iceland (IES). However, community-based research with local leaders,

farmers, policymakers and members of the public also took place in the southern village of Vík

(Lat 6°.25'N, Long 19°1'W), located in the Katla volcanic zone, and the Eastern settlement of

Höfn (Lat 64°15'N, Long 15°13'W), positioned within the Grimsvötn volcanic zone. Both Vík

and Höfn are directly threatened by volcanic activity, and are located along, or near to, Iceland’s

national ring road, with connections to the Reykjavik Capital Region.

Left: Civil Protection (Almannavarnir). Right: ISAVIA, Reykjavik. Images from Google Earth (2015).





Icelandic Civil





Office (Veðurstofa


Institute of Earth

Science, University

of Iceland (Háskóli



Methodology for Iceland-Based Research

The research has been conducted in two key parts, beginning with a five week period in Iceland,

funded by the RGS, in which time interviews and observations were conducted with leading

institutions such as the Icelandic Met Office (IMO) and Institute of Earth Science (IES). The

second part of the research took place over two weeks in the UK, when interviews were carried

with the London Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC), the Department for Transport (DfT),

and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Between these two distinct periods of research, Skype

interviews and internet-based archival research were conducted. The interdisciplinary nature of

integrating ANT and Social Constructivism into the field of Hazard and Risk, meant that a mixed

methods approach was the most sensible and reflective option for pursuing and exploring this

research. RGS’ funding enabled access to key actors in Iceland, and the subsequent completion of

semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and archival research. The direct contact with

stakeholders, experiential engagement with technical actors, and first-hand observations of the

process through which interaction takes place, allowed for the viewing and accounting of network

elements that could then be interpreted through the guise of ANT and social constructivism.

IES, www.universitypositions.eu, 2015.

Archival Research Related to the Fieldwork in Iceland

Archival research was carried out both prior to, and following, the research conducted in Iceland,

largely focussing upon how technology had been used in past volcanic crises, and drawing upon

the evolutionary use of technical actors to develop channels of communication during and since

the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull. Following extensive reviews of social constructivist and

ANT-centric literature, it became apparent prior to visiting Iceland that there was a need to

carefully account for the methods through which hazard data is discovered, transported and

consumed within the Icelandic community. The knowledge gained from this archival research


therefore went onto influence the RGS-funded fieldwork, and clarified the elements of the

network that needed to be identified when the fieldwork was being undertaken, and which could

then be analysed using ANT and social constructivist frameworks. Archival research conducted

following the Icelandic fieldwork, focussed to a greater extent upon the specific communication

between actors and institutes during the Bardarbunga eruption in 2014. Using archival methods,

and particularly the storing of social media messages, the findings and conclusions gathered from

the RGS-funded fieldwork in Iceland were unexpectedly applied to an ongoing crisis situation; this

enabled a real-time analysis of the Icelandic network positioned from the theoretical standpoints

of ANT and social constructivism.

Left: Information board at the site of Eyjafjallajökull. Right: Vík church in the Katla volcanic zone. Both images

are field photographs (2014), taken near to where interviews were conducted with non-scientific actors.

Semi-Structured Interviewing Conducted in Iceland

Semi-structured interviews formed a significant part of the Iceland-based fieldwork, and were

originally targeted at academics and specialists in the field, primarily associated with the institutions

(IMO, IES) featuring prominently in the preparatory archival research. The face-to-face contact

with leading actors was largely the outcome of RGS funding, but the identity and positionality of

the interviewee altered as the research continued, with those located in close proximity to volcanic

hazards, and away from institutional headquarters in Reykjavik, emerging as relevant interviewees

in the latter stages of the fieldwork. The broadening of interviewee backgrounds largely reflected

the theoretical undertones of ANT, through the deconstruction of the networks borders and


expanse beyond institutions. The RGS funded transportation, from the UK to Iceland, and whilst

there, to the following institutions, so that semi-structured interviews could be carried out:

Completing sixty four interviews in the research period was accomplished largely as a result of

Iceland’s close-knit communities, making travelling between actuarial circles feasible, and aided

further by the fieldwork funding provided. The importance of networking in the field became clear

and drastically improved the spread and impact of the research; the semi-structured format allowed

greater flexibility and enabled the Icelandic-based research to target the thoughts, attitudes and

interactions of human and technical actors, better identifying the reasoning for their role,

positionality and purpose in the network.

The output of many interviews, particularly those conducted with coordinators of leading

institutions, identify the Icelandic networks key collaborative relationships, traces of information,

and presence of communication channels (see appendix one); this relates to Latour’s rhetoric of

what composes an Actor-Network. In addition, the role of science, movement of data, and the use

of technology were also major discussion points with scientific and non-scientific actors, and tied

neatly into the narratives of social constructivism, or more broadly to the STS discipline. The

topics and elements referred to were a direct result of the research being undertaken in Iceland,

and led to robust links between theory and practise being established. The transcription of

Icelandic Met Office, (Veðurstofa Íslands) Reykjavík.

Institute of Earth Science, University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands), Reykjavík.

Institute for Sustainability and Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Iceland,

(Háskóli Íslands), Reykjavík.

Civil Protection, (Almannavarnir), Reykjavík.

Icelandic Aviation Authority, (ISAVIA), Reykjavík Airport, Reykjavík.

Environment Agency of Iceland, (Umhverfisstofnun), Reykjavík.

Reykjavík Metropolitan Police, (Lögreglan), Reykjavík.

Icelandair, Keflavík Airport, Keflavík.

Icelandic Red Cross, (Rauði krossinn), Vík.

Farmers/Community Leaders/General Public, Vík and Höfn.

ICE-SAR (Search and Rescue), Reykjavík, Vík and Höfn.


interviews, which took place during summer 2014, led to the identification of many of these

outcomes, sourced directly from data gathered during the Iceland-based fieldwork (see appendix

one). Unfortunately, there were instances when a key interview could not be conducted as part of

the RGS-funded fieldwork, in which case the interview was conducted via Skype from the UK.


Left: Snæfellsjökull stratovolcano. Right: Looking towards Grímsvötn from National Ring Road, a key transport

link. Field photographs, 2014.

Participant Observations carried out in Iceland

Overt observations of activities and exercises were carried out at leading institutes in Iceland,

largely as a result of RGS funding. The observations were key to establishing how technology is

used within the network, and by whom; the shadowing of human actors allowed for an

identification of when interaction with technology takes place, and what the resulting impact is

upon the transfer and mobility of hazard information. The interaction between human and

technical actors is one key element of the observations, and forms a direct comparison with

Latour’s ANT narrative, which implies that networks are more coherent when multiple

interactions are present between human and nonhuman (or technical) actors. Furthermore, the

observations carried out in Iceland indirectly led to further observations being conducted in the

UK, at the London VAAC for example, as active inclusion led to the formation of new contacts,

and a subsequent enhancement to the research. Therefore, despite the observations of the

VOLCICE exercise being pre-planned, other observations were more opportunistic and a

response to the connections formed with key actors in the early stages of the fieldwork. Three


observations took place in Iceland, with the aid of RGS funding, and location and participants are


Observations tended to lead to a less formal engagement with actors, with “on-the-spot” questions

leading to key discussions regarding different aspects of the network; each of the observations was

invaluable in gaining a reflective overview of the wider expert and non-expert community, as well

as the interconnections that exist between them. A qualitative field diary was used to record

information and any discrepancies that occurred, with facts and processes documented in the form

of notes and diagrams (see appendix two). Interactions, groupings and communication with

affiliated actors were accounted for, illustrating the interagency dynamics that constitute the

network and represent the relevance of ANT; the field diary became a storage of information that

has since been preserved so that it can advance the analytical and interpretative arguments

conveyed in the PhD.

Both images are of farm buildings near to Eyjafjallajökull, currently (left) and whilst the eruption was ongoing

(right). Field photographs (2014), taken near to where interviews with farmers were conducted.

Observation Participants and Locations

Volcanic Ash Exercise (VOLCICE) IMO, Reykjavík.

ISAVIA, Reykjavík.

London VAAC, Exeter.

Seismic Monitoring Equipment and Forecasting IMO (Forecasting), Reykjavík.

Media Suite and Facilities Civil Protection, Reykjavík


Research Timeframe

The research took place over a five week period from Tuesday 4th March 2014 until Tuesday 8th

April 2014, in which time the Iceland-based interviews and observations, funded by the RGS, were

conducted in Reykjavík, Vík and Höfn.

Week One (4th-9th March)

- Initial meetings with the four key institutions identified before beginning the fieldwork (IMO, Civil Protection, IES and ISAVIA).

- Arrangements for further interviews within the institutes, discussed.

Week Two (10th-16th March)

- Full tour of the IMO, meeting the Natural Hazards representatives, and conducting first semi-structured interviews.

- VOLCICE exercise observed at the IMO and ISAVIA.

- Follow-up interviews conducted with leading actors at ISAVIA.

Week Three (17th-23rd March)

- Observation of IMO forecasting, a tutorial of protocol outlining the process of what happens once a volcanic eruption has begun.

- Interviews conducted with academic experts and members of the FUTUREVOLC project, at the IES, University of Iceland.

Week Four (24th-30th March)

- Interviews conducted with farmers, community leaders and the general public in and around Höfn, Southern Region.

- Interviews conducted on visit to Skaftafell National Park.

Week Five (31st March – 8th April)

- Interviews conducted with farmers and community leaders, as well as members of the Icelandic Red Cross in Vík and Þórsmörk Nature Reserve.

- Tour of media facilities at the Civil Protection, semi-structured interviews conducted in the institute.

- Preliminary arrangements made for UK-based fieldwork, following contact with the London VAAC at the IMO.


Following the RGS-funded research conducted in Iceland, interviewing opportunities in the UK

emerged from it, most notably a one week period of research at the London VAAC. Interviews

and observations were carried out in due course, and subsequently followed up on. By the time

the UK-based research was conducted, the Icelandic networks configuration and structure, or lack

thereof, was already being imagined and theorised following the transcription process. Whilst the

Icelandic research provided the foundations for additional research in the UK, it also influenced

the development of a philosophical interpretation of the hazard management network affiliated to

the eruption of Bardarbunga. The event actively generated new scope for carrying out further

archival research, and using office-based methods of data collection via social media, allowed for

the findings gathered in Iceland to be witnessed in practise.

Left: Bardarbunga precautionary measures during the time of the eruption, from www.globalnews.ca, 2015. Right:

London VAAC, where interviews and observations were conducted: From www.thetimes.co.uk, 2015.

August-October 2014:

Eruption of Bardarbunga,

archival research conducted.

Social media posts archived for

further analysis.

September-October 2014:

UK-based fieldwork

(interviews and

observations) carried out at

the CAA, DfT and London


October-January 2014:

Follow-up interviews

conducted via Skype in

relation to Bardarbunga



Research Budget

Equipment and insurance are excluded from the research budget as they were provided by

Aberystwyth University free of charge. The following budget is only applicable for the Iceland-

based research, which the RGS significantly contributed to. Funding emerged from multiple

sources and allocations were fully spent over the course of the research:

Source of Funding Nominal Amount

Royal Geographical Society: Geographical Club Award 2014 £1000.00

Doctoral Careers Development Scholarship, Aberystwyth University £500.00

Postgraduate Discretionary Research Fund £500.00

Total £2000.00

Nominal Amount and Details Total Funding Source


Keflavík Airport: (2 nights) £174

Reykjavík: (27 nights) £957

Vík: (3 nights) £294

Höfn: (5 nights) £362

£1787 RGS (£1000) DCDS (£500) PDRF (£287)


Flights (Gatwick-Keflavík return):


Rail Fare (Aberystwyth-Gatwick

return): £71

Airport Transfer: (Keflavík-

Reykjavík return) £20

Car Hire: (8 days) £190

Fuel: (Reykjavík-Höfn, Höfn-Vík,

Vík-Reykjavík) £145

£644 PDRF (£213) Self-Funded (£431)


Food and Drink: £320

Clothing: £70

£390 Self-funded (£390)

Total Cost: £2821.00


Research Findings (Iceland-based fieldwork)

The research essentially identified key elements of Iceland’s hazard network that were compatible

with, to varying extents, ANT and social constructivism; the network, and its distribution of

interconnected human and technical actors bore resemblance with key elements of Latour and

Jasanoff’s respective frameworks. Firstly, within the Icelandic network, communities of practice

exist in the form of different groupings of actors; whilst some are domestic and confined within

Iceland’s national borders, others protrude disparately overseas to institutions and individuals in

both the UK and mainland Europe. No actuarial community is, however, closed off, particularly

in an age of social media, and each are interacting through channels of communication that merge

society, science and technology, therefore adapting Latour’s narrative. Secondly, the monitoring

network has integrated technology, or more generally, less-than-human elements, as a result of

social attitudes in Iceland and increasingly the role played by social media. Through theories

associated with the STS, notably social constructivism and technoscience, it becomes clear how

contact has been enhanced and the perceived distance, both physically and psychology, between

the human and the nonhuman has been reduced. Finally, the formation and exercising of

newfound collaborative relationships has renegotiated existing power dynamics and flows of

information, leading to the investment of trust in new areas of the network, prominently

technology. Through social constructivism, it becomes clear how, and for what reasoning, this

process has occurred in Iceland; in addition, using ANT to explain these evolving network

characteristics has, through evidence of greater interconnectivity, reflected upon the wider

influences and responsive efficiencies (individual and collective) to volcanic crises.

1) Renegotiating and Positioning Power and Authority in Iceland

The Icelandic community has strived to reduce distances between circles of expertise, particularly

actors from scientific and non-scientific backgrounds. The implementation and use of technology

has perhaps given greater precedence and authority to the roles, responsibilities and positions of

leading monitoring institutes, such as the IMO, within which many mediating human and technical

actors are clustered. The VOLCICE exercise demonstrates a binding of institutes, and a

collaborative relationship between actors within ISAVIA, the London VAAC and the IMO; the

design of the exercise holds together and energises these complex and multi-faceted institutions,

with actors based in both Iceland and the UK.


Through the rituals and data transfers that are enveloped in the design of VOLCICE, collaborative

relationships have formed not only between institutional coordinators, but also between

contributing actors, such as forecasters. Actors have become more exposed to those outside of

institutional boundaries, with digital and virtual modes of communication purporting a more

engaging and democratic network between institutes and the stakeholders they are obliged to serve.

This analysis has particular contemporary relevance in the field of hazard and risk as it clarifies

roles and responsibilities, and reinforces the need for actors to work in close proximity in order to

improve efficiency and responses to volcanic activity. The wider implications of identifying and

locating where power is in a complex network, are ideally a reduction or minimisation of potential

conflicts and discrepancies between institutes, both monitoring and response-focussed, in times

of crises. Whilst many of these interpretations of VOLCICE, and the wider institutionalised

landscape of the Icelandic network, are framed from the perspective of Latour’s ANT, it is

representative of how power relations and actuarial agencies have been renegotiated through

technology and the performance of collaboration. Such findings are relevant in the context of the

scrutiny attributed to monitoring exercises since the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, so any

identification of how power dynamics can be renegotiated for the benefit of all are welcomed.

2) Accepting Technical Actors and the need to Invest Trust in the Nonhuman

As the IMO, ISAVIA and the London VAAC have inevitably encompassed advanced technology,

both software and hardware, a significant reliance upon technical actors has developed. There has

needed to be an investment of trust passed down from human stakeholders to the information

artefacts that technical devices, mediums and systems constitute. Whilst some human stakeholders

have been unconscious to this transfer of power to a largely nonhuman device, social

constructivists would argue that this has resulted from the will of Icelandic society to accept

technology. As technology becomes increasingly significant within hazard and risk, the agency it


develops and the investment of trust within it is likely to become more influential in determining

its effectiveness and positionality, but the use of technology must also be appropriate. An ANT

argument is relevant as it does not privilege either the technical or social credentials of network,

but instead assessing the interactive mediations between them, as a means of explaining and

comprehending the construction and evolution of complex networks. Theorising these

associations can advance the field of hazard and risk by aiding the process through which the use

of technology is deemed appropriate, and integrating both social and technical narratives. The use

of technical instruments is determined by more than innovation, wireless signals and portable

monitoring stations; from a social constructivist perspective, social and political stakeholders,

through their usage and policymaking, provide the parameters within which technology can be


Those entrained in constructivist elements of STS would argue that the physical construction of

devices, deployed in Iceland’s network, are an outcome of environmental conditions; as early

adapters of new technology, Icelandic’s are somewhat pre-prepared and expectant for hazard

networks to become increasingly autonomous, particularly with the expansion of social media and

Smartphone applications. The observations and tendencies of a network such as Iceland can

therefore be used to influence and guide policy on the use of technology in more challenging

hazard regions. Through the guise of ANT, technology can be viewed as a mediating force, not

only providing the solvent to hold together human stakeholders, but also determining how

information is represented, and to what extent it can be translated by the stakeholders affected.

Technology actively creates channels of communication, through which actors can interact,

translate and re-present hazard information to wider publics; for this purpose, the use of


technology and the need to accept and invest trust within it, is of particular relevance to more

contemporary assessments of hazard management networks.

3) Complexity and the Flattening of Scale

New technologies have furthered the ability to openly engage along information pathways, but this

has also brought into question the scale at which the network operates; the application of scale to

hazard and risk research is relevant as it aids the design of networks and helps to clarify the

positionality of local, national and international actors. However, in a network as complex and

institutionalised as Iceland, the research has established that it is very different to group or

aggregate actors at a particular scale, blurring the space and time over which actions and mediations

take place. Whilst this is not to the detriment of the network, in terms of efficiency or success, it

does draw attention to how interconnected the network has become. Connectivity is therefore

essential, and the implications of this are that is makes it easier to identify where communication

links are most critical, and where contingencies and additional resilience is required; for example,

the IMO have an obligation to pass on information to the Civil Protection so that on-the-ground

risks can be addressed, whilst also continuing dialogue and monitoring exercises in the aviation

industry. Identifying this link is of significant relevance as it helps to stress the need for flexibility,

and further a doctrine that does not place a burden of responsibility upon one particular actor;

connectivity maintains a sustainable balance, and the same time enables actors, such as those within

the IMO, can act across a range of scales, forming a rhetoric comparative to that of ANT.

The emergence of innovative technology has inevitably lead to a reducing of disparities between

science and non-science, effectively manipulating the concept of scale so that work packages, such

as those outlined in the EU-based FUTUREVOLC project, can modulate and aid communication.

The crossing of the scale concept is of vital importance as relations have been eased between actors


of varying expertise, manifesting a progressive community that adequately reflects the wider

network. At the same time, the distance between hazard information and the end-user has been

reduced significantly, through the furthering of open-source data; the implication of this has been

a democratic system of data dissemination, weakening the boundaries that exist between experts

and non-experts. The feedback of information is of relevance as it empowers non-experts, and

largely prevents any feeling of resentment or disenfranchisement to the scientific community. By

flattening the scale of the network, and maintaining a non-hierarchical structure, any actor can

actively participate in the monitoring and response process, regardless of their background.

Institutes do not operate as purified entities but collaborate extensively at an inter-organisational

level, through partnerships or monitoring exercises; this blurs boundaries and envisions the

network as a hybrid.

4) Developing and Influencing the Evolving use of Social Media

As an almost endless channel of communication, sporadically distributed across space and time,

social media further questions the presence of scale in the Icelandic network, perhaps representing

the technical transformations through which network appears to have seamlessly passed. Hazard

information is fluid, and in being disseminated via social media, it is positioned in a manner that

allows it to react to society’s acceptance or adaptability; this gives rise to the narratives preached

through social constructivism. The current and future significance of social media, to hazard and

risk, cannot be underestimated, and Iceland is perhaps exhibiting a model situation that enables

the future merits of social media to be performed. The medium has been relevant in the context

of the research as it has strengthened and improved the resilience and connectivity of the network;

observations of how the IMO and Civil Protection used social media during the 2014 eruption of

Bardarbunga illustrated not only their proximity to each other, but also their efforts, through

retweets and notifications, to expand the outreach of their work.


The research has established that social media has become one of the clearest indicators of ANT

being applied to the Icelandic network; its integration into response-based institutions, such as the

Civil Protection, has altered the manner in which hazard information is translated, reflecting the

evolutions in attitudes and close relationship Icelandic’s share with technology. Social media is of

significance due to the extraordinarily high usage and uptake of it amongst Icelandic society,

allowing it to become an extremely powerful tool through which to communicate. Despite the

need to caution against information overload, contradictions and factually ambiguous data; social

media has begun to present itself in hazard and risk as a useful tool from which to not only share

information, but also to determine, imply or influence the actions that are taken in response to a

crisis. A constructivist narrative would argue that environmental factors such as broadband

provision, wealth and social attitudes are the key factors, but until the high profile eruption of

Bardarbunga in 2014, social media had continued to be a largely unknown quantity in designing

and managing hazard networks. The efforts made by the Civil Protection and the IMO to enhance

their social media presence, for the first time, became apparent, and the observation of this is

significant as it shed light upon the flat ontology of the network through the utilisation of

seemingly endless information pathways. Emerging technologies, and particularly social media,

possess trace elements that can be referred to in order to identify the construction and transfer of

knowledge and information; whilst there is no default method of representing hazardous

environments, Iceland’s use of social media has extended communication pathways to actuarial

circles that were previously considered distanced.

Research Conclusions

Iceland’s hazard network is representative of both ANT and social constructivism; the socially

constructed knowledge’s within it have led to the development of the current actor-network. The

application of theory to practise is neat if imperfect, and through qualitative analysis, attributes the

mitigation of risk to collaborative relationships, connectivity and increasingly technical devices.

Iceland displays Latour’s ANT concepts of “mediation” between actors, and the

“translation” of hazard data, aided by a co-operative society and participatory approach

to new technology that improves connectivity between human and technical actors.

The human is not privileged, and relies upon technical actors; as a test bed for emerging

technology, Iceland possesses the socially constructivist narratives that enable technical

devices to infiltrate the network, and post-structurally empower or rescale stakeholders.


Research Outreach


Since the fieldwork was conducted in Iceland in March and April 2014, a number of conferences

have been attended, during which the findings from the research have been outlined and feedback

has been gathered. Conferences attended include:

Dialogues in Human Geography. Paper: Communicating Volcanic Hazards: Actor

Networks and Information Technology. Location: Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth.

Date: 29th May 2014.

Royal Geographical Society with IBG Annual Conference. Paper: Redesigning Hazard

Communication through Technology: Collaboration, Co-Production and Coherence.

Location: RGS, London. Date: 26th-29th August 2014

GEORISK International Conference. Paper: Collaborative Monitoring in Southern

Iceland: A Technical Volcanic Environment. Location: Instituto Geografico Nacional,

Madrid. Date: 18th-22nd November 2014

Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group Annual Conference 2015 and STREVA Workshop.

Paper: A Networked Approach to Seismic Activity: The Need for Communication and

Cohesion. Location: OPEN Norwich and University of East Anglia, Norwich. Date: 5th-

8th January 2015.

Gregynog Human Geography Conference. Paper. Envisioning a Hazard Management

Network without Boundaries: Volcanic Activity in Iceland. Location: Gregynog Hall,

Newtown. Date: 11th-12th March 2015.

The findings gathered have also featured in two three hour lectures, given at Aberystwyth

University to third year undergraduate students, as part of the “Volcanic Activity” module. In

addition, research conclusions have been included in feedback reports, given to Icelandic

institutions. There are future plans to publish aspects of the research in the form of journal articles

and book chapters.


Research Contribution

The interdisciplinary nature of the research was intended to advance geographical knowledge by

applying aspects of social science to volcanology, with wider implications to the field of hazard

and risk. Iceland is a complex region, in a geological, economic and political sense, but the ways in

which its complexity is perceived, managed and consequently acted upon can be altered through

the lens and scope of philosophical frameworks. Whilst the research has identified the post-

structural design, actuarial freedoms, renegotiations of power, and hybridity between human and

nonhuman elements, the findings are contextually specific, but will ideally influence approaches

taken in other volcanic environments where political, demographic and economic pressures are

more severe. Whilst theoretically rich, and with an academic focus, the research could also

contribute to the evolving perceptions of science, and its broader interactions with society, and

the aviation industry. Continued interdisciplinary research could influence future approaches and

collaborative efforts in policy-making discussions, decision-making strategies, and assessments of

mitigation techniques. The research framework will ideally motivate other academics to study

complex environments, particularly hazardous regions, from the perspectives of networked

geographies and STS. Further qualitative approaches to hazard and risk could allow for a greater

appreciation of evolutions in hazard networks, and the need for flexibility in monitoring and

response-based institutions. Hazard management is inextricably linked to the development of big

data, crowdsourcing, and satellites, so the role and contestation of technology will become

increasingly relevant as it continues to influence the actions of human stakeholders, and reinforce

the adaptability and resilience of hazard networks, in doing so, developing communication

pathways and enhancing the scope of actors to mediate and translate hazard information.

Academic References

Bijker, W. E., Hughes, T. P., Pinch, T., & Douglas, D. G. (2012). The social construction of technological systems:

New directions in the sociology and history of technology. MIT press.

Donovan, A., Oppenheimer, C., & Bravo, M. (2012). Science at the policy interface: volcano-monitoring technologies

and volcanic hazard management. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74(5), 1005-1022.

Jasanoff, S., Markle, G. E., Peterson, J. C., & Pinch, T. (Eds.). (2001). Handbook of science and technology studies.

Sage Publications.

Latour, B. (2005). Reassembling the social-an introduction to actor-network-theory. Reassembling the Social-An

Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory, by Bruno Latour, pp. 316. Foreword by Bruno Latour. Oxford University

Press, Sep 2005. ISBN-10: 0199256047. ISBN-13: 9780199256044, 1.

Paton, D., Millar, M., & Johnston, D. (2001). Community resilience to volcanic hazard consequences. Natural Hazards,

24(2), 157-169.


Appendix One – Examples of Interview Transcripts (Icelandic Fieldwork)


Interviewer: Has the way the IMO communicates with its partners, in Iceland and overseas, been

influenced or altered in any way as a result of the 2010 and 2011 volcanic eruptions, and if so,


Interviewee: Well, the impetus is there for expanding the network, and we (IMO) are very much

focussed on improved monitoring and the ability to assume the earliest warning possible, to not

only help the aviation industry in Iceland but also in the UK, we have regular contact with not

only the VAAC but also the BGS, they are very keen to see the strain network expanded; a series

of meetings took place during and after the eruptions, with discussions relating to the UK’s

assistance, but in recent years we have also become more involved with research interests from

scientific groups in UK, US and European universities, as well as the Cabinet Office.

Civil Protection

Interviewer: What relationship does the Civil Protection (CP) have with the FUTUREVOLC

project, particularly in Iceland?

Interviewee: We (CP) are in the business of taking the scientific information and newfound

information and connecting the Civil Protection and the public, we are making a route for the

information to flow freely and to have like a lexicon of our volcanoes, FUTUREVOLC seems to

have this database with historical data and raw data and all types of real time data from the

volcanoes and not just for the course of science but for the civil protection as well.


Interviewer: To what extent do you feel the Icelandic context, as a country, and as a community,

lends itself to the network that has been set up, and which we have discussed today?

Interviewee: Iceland is a miniscule country, but the benefits of a very small country is that it is very

easy to just pick up the phone, the networking is very, very, good. But of course you always have

to nourish it, maintain it, and establish what we (IES) can do better and so on but the absolutely

the strength in Iceland is that we are few so it makes the communication very easy.


Appendix Two – Field Diary Example (VOLCICE Observation)

Volcanic Ash Observation (VOLCICE): 11/03/2014 – IMO, ISAVIA, London VAAC

8AM: IMO send notice to London VAAC. Activity imminent on Reykjanes Peninsula.

8.30AM: IMO send confirmed activity notice to London VAAC and ISAVIA.

SIGMET’s issued to the London VAAC from the IMO. Irregularities are present, so a correction

message is sent to explain the error.

8.45AM: Radar scanning begins, monitoring of activity is expanded by the IMO.

9.05AM: Volcanic ash chart sent from the London VAAC to the IMO, ash cloud projections are

developed by the IMO in due course.

SIGMET 5 issued: IMO amend ash cloud forecast and receive updates from the London VAAC,

the ash distribution model is shared.

10.15: IMO warn the London VAAC and ISAVIA of misrepresentation in polygons on

information reports. The London VAAC and ISAVIA amend reports individually.

The London VAAC reruns the exercise whilst the IMO awaits communication. The Volcanic Ash

report is compiled by the IMO and sent to the London VAAC. London VAAC compile the data

and report back to both ISAVIA and the IMO, necessary actions are then taken.

14.00: Institutional debriefs: Debriefs are held within the IMO, ISAVIA and London VAAC. The

institute’s contribution to the report, is discussed, and feedback is shared.

15.00: Exercise debrief: A debrief takes place between representatives of IMO, ISAVIA and

London VAAC, to discuss the success or failure of the exercise, to arrange a suitable time for the

next exercise, and to give advice on how improvements can be made.

Exercise report: Conclusions and findings are shared through an exercise report, accessible online.
