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Table of Contents Title Page Certificate of Originality Approval Sheet Dedication Acknowledgement CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Background of the Study 1.3 Theoretical Framework 1.4 Conceptual Framework 1.5 Statement of the Problem 1.6 Significance of the Study 1.7 Objectives of the Study 1.7.1 Project Objectives A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 1

Table of Contents

Title Page

Certificate of Originality

Approval Sheet





1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background of the Study

1.3 Theoretical Framework

1.4 Conceptual Framework

1.5 Statement of the Problem

1.6 Significance of the Study

1.7 Objectives of the Study

1.7.1 Project Objectives

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 1

1.7.2 Design Objective

1.8 Scope and Limitations of the Study

1.9 Definition of Terms

1.9.1 Contextual

1.9.2 Operational

1.9.3 Abbreviations





2.2.1 Foreign

2.2.2 Local

2.3 Synthesis of Reviewed literature



3.1 Research Design

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 2

3.2 Data Analysis and Presentation

3.2.1 Site Selection Site Criteria System of Evaluation Site Justification

3.2.2 Site Data Micro Site Macro Site

3.2.3 Site Analysis Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and

Threats (SWOT)

Analysis Summary of Site Analysis

3.2.4 User’s Analysis User’s Demography Organizational Structure

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 3 Behavioral Pattern / Analysis



4.1 Spatial Organization

4.1.1 Spatial Identification Staffing Requirements Space Identification

4.1.2 Definition of Spatial Elements Qualitative Elements Quantitative Elements

4.2 Graphical and Spatial Programming

4.2.1 General Spatial Elements General matrix Diagram General Bubble Diagram

4.2.2 Specific Spatial Elements Specific Matrix Diagram

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 4 Specific Bubble Diagram



5.1 Structural System

5.2 Electrical System

5.3 Plumbing System

5.4 Sanitary System

5.5 Mechanical System

5.6 Fire Protection System

5.7 Security System

5.8 Communication and Electronic System

5.9 Environmental System

5.10 Waste Management System

5.11 Landscaping System



A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 5

6.1 Design Philosophy

6.2 Design Concept

6.2.1 Major Design Concept

6.2.2 Minor Design concept





6.3 Design Considerations

6.4 Architectural Style Guide



7.1 Source of Funding

7.2 Probable Construction Cost

7.3 Return of Investment

7.4 Maintenance and Sustainability

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 6



8.1 Findings and Conclusion

8.2 Recommendations



About the Researcher




A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 7

Health is one thing that every person desires to keep. Human

health is necessary for living as well as the pleasure and vigour of

life. Existence is important for every individual and is a serious

matter for the awareness of many. The main objective of this proposal

is to promote a healthy environment where people can experience

Filipino hospitality and appreciate the beauty of nature. Some issues

that the community focuses on were the financial matters, educational

need, personal career and national economy. This is the reason why

Architecture entered and contributed solutions for the different

issues in life. Space and time is significant architecturally with

the help of balance and continuity. Designing is not just for simple

satisfaction of art but also to build the world with its purpose.

The planning of the hospi-tel is necessary to meet the

requirements needed for the project and also the need of the staff

especially the patients. It should be focused on the function of the

building that will provide an efficient, safe and effective work

spaces. Working spaces will be appropriate for the highly

sophisticated equipments. There should be clear, segregated paths for

the movement of the people and materials within the building,

considering that the design is not only for the hospital but also for

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 8

the seashore nearby. It is also important to create a human

environment for the patients and staff in the hospital and a clear

spot for the guests of the patients. Developing systems for the

building is also important so the building will be capable for rapid

changes. A combination of technical and functional requirements will

be applied to enlighten the users of the building.

Architects and builders may create a structure that will respond

to the design matters of the field, however, it may be possible for

them to overlook their focus on the basic functions of the building.

Functionality is the primary focal point of operational efficiency

and the major factor in planning. Considering the care and treatment

for the patients, there is also a concern for the applied design in

the structure to be in shape with its main purpose. As for the hospi-

tel, the orientation must be balanced and organized. Both settings

must not disturb each other so the movement of the people will not be

compromised. It may be impossible to combine both qualities but

making good planning and orientation of spaces is a solution to be


The researcher has chosen to propose this project because the

main purpose is for the health and enjoyment of life of every

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 9

Filipino. Despite of the patient’s condition, healthy living matters

for every individual. It is relevant to create a healthy environment

in order to quicken the recovery of the patient and those persons who

has disability. The contribution of nature is a simple yet a helpful

idea to sustain the particular plan of the hospi-tel. Hospi-tel is an

alternative design that will establish the newly way of planning in a

tertiary level of hospital. The essence of curing people is not only

in gaining money but also being an instrument to adjoin life and

delight for patients that will stay either in a short period or long

period of time. It has been chosen because the idea is not commonly

apprehended by some hospital designs.

Particularly, the plan of the hospi-tel is a modern way to

ensure the health of an individual with the aid of nature. The

building is to be planned as an eco-friendly design that will be used

for the coming years as a natural spot for Filipinos. The project

will be a helpful beginning to build a strategic world that considers

the different areas of life. Calatagan is a second class municipality

in the Province of Batangas in the Philippines. The lot to be used

was chosen because of its relaxing nature which can be the project’s

quality. The near white sand beaches of Calatagan made the

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 10

municipality to be a spot for movies of famous celebrities in the

show business.

There is just one hospital in Calatagan which is located in

Barangay II, the Medicare Community Hospital. All of the citizens in

Calatagan, even in those remote areas mind to confer with the

hospital. The main necessity of the community is their health.


A hospital is a health care institution providing patient

treatment by specialized staff and equipment.

Hospitals are usually funded by the public sector, by health

organizations (for profit or nonprofit), health insurance companies,

or charities, including direct charitable donations. Historically,

hospitals were often founded and funded by religious orders or

charitable individuals and leaders. Today, hospitals are largely

staffed by professional physicians, surgeons, and nurses, whereas in

the past, this work was usually performed by the founding religious

orders or by volunteers. However, there are various Catholic

religious orders, such as the Alexians and the Bon Secours Sisters,

which still focus on hospital ministry today.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 11

In accord with the original meaning of the word, hospitals were

originally "places of hospitality", and this meaning is still

preserved in the names of some institutions such as the Royal

Hospital Chelsea, established in 1681 as a retirement and nursing

home for veteran soldiers.


During the middle ages hospitals served different functions to

modern institutions, being almshouses for the poor, hostels for

pilgrims, or hospital schools. The word hospital comes from the Latin

hospes, signifying a stranger or foreigner, hence a guest. Another

noun derived from this, hospitium came to signify hospitality, which

is the relation between guest and shelterer, hospitality,

friendliness, hospitable reception. By metonymy the Latin word then

came to mean a guest-chamber, guest's lodging, and an inn. Hospes is

thus the root for the English words host (where the p was dropped for

convenience of pronunciation) hospitality, hospice, hostel and hotel.

The latter modern word derives from Latin via the ancient French

romance word hostel, which developed a silent s, which letter was

eventually removed from the word, the loss of which is signified by a

circumflex in the modern French word hôtel. The German word 'Spital'

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 12

shares similar roots.

Grammar of the word differs slightly depending on the dialect.

In the U.S., hospital usually requires an article; in Britain and

elsewhere, the word normally is used without an article when it is

the object of a preposition and when referring to a patient ("in/to

the hospital" vs. "in/to hospital"); in Canada, both uses are found.


Some patients go to a hospital just for diagnosis, treatment, or

therapy and then leave 'outpatients' without staying overnight; while

others are 'admitted' and stay overnight or for several days or weeks

or months ('inpatients'). Hospitals usually are distinguished from

other types of medical facilities by their ability to admit and care

for inpatients whilst the others often are described as clinics.


The best-known type of hospital is the general hospital, which

is set up to deal with many kinds of disease and injury, and normally

has an emergency department to deal with immediate and urgent threats

to health. Larger cities may have several hospitals of varying sizes

and facilities. Some hospitals, especially in the United States, have

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 13

their own ambulance service.


A district hospital typically is the major health care facility

in its region, with large numbers of beds for intensive care and

long-term care.


Types of specialized hospitals include trauma centers,

rehabilitation hospitals, children's hospitals, seniors' (geriatric)

hospitals, and hospitals for dealing with specific medical needs such

as psychiatric problems, certain disease categories such as cardiac,

oncology, or orthopedic problems, and so forth.

A hospital may be a single building or a number of buildings on

a campus. Many hospitals with pre-twentieth-century origins began as

one building and evolved into campuses. Some hospitals are affiliated

with universities for medical research and the training of medical

personnel such as physicians and nurses, often called teaching

hospitals. Worldwide, most hospitals are run on a nonprofit basis by

governments or charities. There are however a few exceptions, like

China, where government funding only constitutes 10% of income of

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 14



A teaching hospital combines assistance to patients with

teaching to medical students and nurses and often is linked to a

medical school, nursing school or university.


The medical facility smaller than a hospital is generally called

a clinic, and often is run by a government agency for health services

or a private partnership of physicians (in nations where private

practice is allowed). Clinics generally provide only outpatient



Hospitals vary widely in the services they offer and therefore,

in the departments (or "wards") they have. Each is usually headed by

a Chief Physician. They may have acute services such as an emergency

department or specialist trauma centre, burn unit, surgery, or urgent

care. These may then be backed up by more specialist units such as:

Emergency department


A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 15

Intensive care unit

o Pediatric intensive care unit

o Neonatal intensive care unit

o Cardiovascular intensive care unit



Obstetrics and gynecology

Some hospitals will have outpatient departments and some will

have chronic treatment units such as behavioral health services,

dentistry, dermatology, psychiatric ward, rehabilitation services,

and physical therapy.

Common support units include a dispensary or pharmacy,

pathology, and radiology, and on the non-medical side, there often

are medical records departments, release of information departments,

Information Management (IM)(aka IT or IS), Clinical Engineering (aka

Biomed), Facilities Management, Plant Ops (aka Maintenance), Dining

Services, and Security departments.


In ancient cultures, religion and medicine were linked. The

earliest documented institutions aiming to provide cures were ancient

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 16

Egyptian temples. In ancient Greece, temples dedicated to the healer-

god Asclepius, known as Asclepieia functioned as centres of medical

advice, prognosis, and healing. Asclepeia provided carefully

controlled spaces conducive to healing and fulfilled several of the

requirements of institutions created for healing. Under his Roman

name Æsculapius, he was provided with a temple (291 BC) on an island

in the Tiber in Rome, where similar rites were performed.

Institutions created specifically to care for the ill also

appeared early in India. Fa Xian, a Chinese Buddhist monk who

travelled across India ca. 400 CE, recorded in his travelogue that,

"The heads of the Vaisya (merchant) families in them establish in the

cities houses for dispensing charity and medicine. All the poor and

destitute in the country, orphans, widowers, and childless men,

maimed people and cripples, and all who are diseased, go to those

houses, and are provided with every kind of help, and doctors examine

their diseases. They get the food and medicines which their cases

require, and are made to feel at ease; and when they are better, they

go away of themselves."

The earliest surviving encyclopedia of medicine in Sanskrit is

the Carakasamhita (Compendium of Caraka). This text, which describes

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 17

the building of a hospital, is dated by Dominik Wujastyk of the

University College London from the period between 100 BCE and CE150.

[6] According to Dr.Wujastyk, the description by Fa Xian is one of

the earliest accounts of a civic hospital system anywhere in the

world and, coupled with Caraka’s description of how a clinic should

be equipped, suggests that India may have been the first part of the

world to have evolved an organized cosmopolitan system of

institutionally-based medical provision.

According to the Mahavamsa, the ancient chronicle of Sinhalese

royalty, written in the sixth century A.D., King Pandukabhaya of Sri

Lanka, who became king from 437 BC to 367 BC, had lying-in-homes and

hospitals (Sivikasotthi-Sala) built in various parts of the country.

This is the earliest documentary evidence we have of institutions

specifically dedicated to the care of the sick anywhere in the world.

Mihintale Hospital is the oldest in the world. Ruins of ancient

hospitals in Sri Lanka are still in existence in Mihintale,

Anuradhapura, and Medirigiriya.

Roman Empire

The Romans constructed buildings called valetudinaria for the

care of sick slaves, gladiators, and soldiers around 100 B.C., and

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 18

many were identified by later archeology. While their existence is

considered proven, there is some doubt as to whether they were as

widespread as was once thought, as many were identified only

according to the layout of building remains, and not by means of

surviving records or finds of medical tools.

The declaration of Christianity as accepted religion in the

Roman Empire drove an expansion of the provision of care. Following

First Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. construction of a hospital in

every cathedral town was begun. Among the earliest were those built

by the physician Saint Sampson in Constantinople and by Basil, bishop

of Caesarea in modern-day Turkey. Called the "Basilias", the latter

resembled a city and included housing for doctors and nurses and

separate buildings for various classes of patients. There was a

separate section for lepers. Some hospitals maintained libraries and

training programs, and doctors compiled their medical and

pharmacological studies in manuscripts. Thus in-patient medical care

in the sense of what we today consider a hospital was an invention

driven by Christian mercy and Byzantine innovation. Byzantine

hospital staff included the Chief Physician (archiatroi),

professional nurses (hypourgoi) and the orderlies (hyperetai). By the

twelfth century, Constantinople had two well-organized hospitals,

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 19

staffed by doctors who were both male and female. Facilities included

systematic treatment procedures and specialized wards for various


A hospital and medical training centre also existed at

Jundishapur. The city of Jundishapur was founded in 271 CE by the

Sassanid king Shapur I. It was one of the major cities in Khuzestan

province of the Persian empire in what is today Iran. A large

percentage of the population was Syriacs, most of whom were

Christians. Under the rule of Khusraw I, refuge was granted to Greek

Nestorian Christian philosophers including the scholars of the

Persian School of Edessa (Urfa)(also called the Academy of Athens), a

Christian theological and medical university. These scholars made

their way to Jundishapur in 529 following the closing of the academy

by Emperor Justinian. They were engaged in medical sciences and

initiated the first translation projects of medical texts. The

arrival of these medical practitioners from Edessa marks the

beginning of the hospital and medical centre at Jundishapur. It

included a medical school and hospital (bimaristan), a pharmacology

laboratory, a translation house, a library and an observatory. Indian

doctors also contributed to the school at Jundishapur, most notably

the medical researcher Mankah. Later after Islamic invasion, the

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 20

writings of Mankah and of the Indian doctor Sustura were translated

into Arabic at Baghdad.

Medieval Islamic world

The first prominent Islamic hospital was founded in Damascus,

Syria in around 707 with assistance from Christians. However most

agree that the establishment at Baghdad was the most influential; it

opened during the Abbasid Caliphate of Harun al-Rashid in the 8th

century. The bimaristan (medical school) and bayt al-hikmah (house of

wisdom) were established by professors and graduates from Jundishapur

and was first headed by the Christian physician Jibrael ibn Bukhtishu

from Jundishapur and later by Islamic physicians.

In the ninth and tenth centuries the hospital in Baghdad

employed twenty-five staff physicians and had separate wards for

different conditions. The Al-Qairawan hospital and mosque, in

Tunisia, were built under the Aghlabid rule in 830 and was simple,

but adequately equipped with halls organized into waiting rooms, a

mosque, and a special bath. The first hospital in Egypt was opened in

872 and thereafter public hospitals sprang up all over the empire

from Islamic Spain and the Maghrib to Persia. The first Islamic

psychiatric hospital opened in Baghdad in 705. Many other Islamic

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 21

hospitals also often had their own wards dedicated to mental health.

In contrast to medieval Europe, medical school under Islam did

not have faculties and did not develop a system of academic

evaluation and certification.

Medieval Europe

Medieval hospitals in Europe followed a similar pattern to the

Byzantine. They were religious communities, with care provided by

monks and nuns. (An old French term for hospital is hôtel-Dieu,

"hostel of God.") Some were attached to monasteries; others were

independent and had their own endowments, usually of property, which

provided income for their support. Some hospitals were multi-

functional while others were founded for specific purposes such as

leper hospitals, or as refuges for the poor, or for pilgrims: not all

cared for the sick. The first Spanish hospital, founded by the

Catholic Visigoth bishop Masona in 580AD at Mérida, was a xenodochium

designed as an inn for travellers (mostly pilgrims to the shrine of

Eulalia of Mérida) as well as a hospital for citizens and local

farmers. The hospital's endowment consisted of farms to feed its

patients and guests.

The Ospedale Maggiore, traditionally named Ca' Granda, in Milan,

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 22

northern Italy, was constructed to house one of the first community

hospitals, the largest such undertaking of the fifteenth century.

Commissioned by Francesco Sforza in 1456 and designed by Antonio

Filarete it is among the first examples of Renaissance architecture

in Lombardy.

The Normans brought their hospital system along when they

conquered England in 1066. By merging with traditional land-tenure

and customs, the new charitable houses became popular and were

distinct from both English monasteries and French hospitals. They

dispensed alms and some medicine, and were generously endowed by the

nobility and gentry who counted on them for spiritual rewards after


Colonial America

The first hospital founded in the Americas was the Hospital San

Nicolás de Bari [Calle Hostos] in Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional

Dominican Republic. Fray Nicolás de Ovando, Spanish governor and

colonial administrator from 1502–1509, authorized its construction on

December 29, 1503. This hospital apparently incorporated a church.

The first phase of its construction was completed in 1519, and it was

rebuilt in 1552. Abandoned in the mid-eighteenth century, the

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hospital now lies in ruins near the Cathedral in Santo Domingo.

Conquistador Hernán Cortés founded the two earliest hospitals in

North America: the Immaculate Conception Hospital and the Saint

Lazarus Hospital. The oldest was the Immaculate Conception, now the

Hospital de Jesús Nazareno in Mexico City, founded in 1524 to care

for the poor.

The first hospital north of Mexico was the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec.

It was established in New France in 1639 by three Augustinians from

l'Hôtel-Dieu de Dieppe in France. The project, begun by the niece of

Cardinal de Richelieu was granted a royal charter by King Louis XIII

and staffed by a colonial physician, Robert Giffard de Moncel.

Early modern Europe

In Europe the medieval concept of Christian care evolved during

the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries into a secular one, but it

was in the eighteenth century that the modern hospital began to

appear, serving only medical needs and staffed with physicians and

surgeons. The Charité which is founded in Berlin in 1710 is an early


The London Dispensary opened in 1696, the first clinic in the British

Empire to dispense medicines to poor sick people. Innovation was slow

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 24

to catch on, but new dispensaries were open in the 1770s. In the

colonies, dispensaries were opened in New York 1771, Philadelphia

1786, and Boston 1796.

Guy's Hospital was founded in London in 1724 from a bequest by

the wealthy merchant, Thomas Guy. Other hospitals sprang up in London

and other British cities over the century, many paid for by private

subscriptions. St. Bartholomew's opened in London in 1730 and the

London Hospital in 1752. Important hospitals opened in Philadelphia

in 1752, New York in 1771, and Boston (Massachusetts General

Hospital) in 1811. When the Vienna General Hospital opened in 1784

(instantly becoming the world's largest hospital), physicians

acquired a new facility that gradually developed into the most

important research centre.

19th century.

English physician Thomas Percival (1740-1804) wrote a

comprehensive system of medical conduct, 'Medical Ethics, or a Code

of Institutes and Precepts, Adapted to the Professional Conduct of

Physicians and Surgeons (1803) that set the standard for many


During the nineteenth century, the Second Viennese Medical

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 25

School emerged with the contributions of physicians such as Carl

Freiherr von Rokitansky, Josef Škoda, Ferdinand Ritter von Hebra, and

Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis. Basic medical science expanded and

specialization advanced. Furthermore, the first dermatology, eye, as

well as ear, nose, and throat clinics in the world were founded in

Vienna, being considered as the birth of specialized medicine.

By the mid-nineteenth century most of Europe and the United

States had established a variety of public and private hospital

systems. In continental Europe the new hospitals generally were built

and run from public funds. The National Health Service, the principle

provider of health care in the United Kingdom, was founded in 1948.

United States

In the United States the traditional hospital is a non-profit

hospital, usually sponsored by a religious denomination. One of the

earliest of these "almshouses" in what would become the United States

was started by William Penn in Philadelphia in 1713. These hospitals

are tax-exempt due to their charitable purpose, but provide only a

minimum of charitable medical care. They are supplemented by large

public hospitals in major cities and research hospitals often

affiliated with a medical school. The largest public hospital system

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 26

in America is the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation,

which includes Bellevue Hospital, the oldest U.S. hospital,

affiliated with New York University Medical School. In the late

twentieth century, chains of for-profit hospitals arose in the United

States. The decline in the membership of religious orders has changed

the status of Catholic hospitals.

In the 2000s, modern private hospitals began to appear in developing

countries such as India.


While hospitals, by concentrating equipment, skilled staff and

other resources in one place, clearly provide important help to

patients with serious or rare health problems, hospitals also are

criticized for a number of faults, some of which are endemic to the

system, others which develop from what some consider wrong approaches

to health care.

One criticism often voiced is the 'industrialized' nature of

care, with constantly shifting treatment staff, which dehumanizes the

patient and prevents more effective care as doctors and nurses rarely

are intimately familiar with the patient. The high working pressures

often put on the staff can sometimes exacerbate such rushed and

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 27

impersonal treatment. The architecture and setup of modern hospitals

often is voiced as a contributing factor to the feelings of faceless

treatment many people complain about.


In the modern era, hospitals are, broadly, either funded by the

government of the country in which they are situated, or survive

financially by competing in the private sector (a number of hospitals

also are still supported by the historical type of charitable or

religious associations).

In the United Kingdom for example, a relatively comprehensive,

"free at the point of delivery" health care system exists, funded by

the state. Hospital care is thus relatively easily available to all

legal residents, although free emergency care is available to anyone,

regardless of nationality or status. As hospitals prioritize their

limited resources, there is a tendency for 'waiting lists' for non-

crucial treatment in countries with such systems, as opposed to

letting higher-payers get treated first, so sometimes those who can

afford it take out private health care to get treatment more quickly.

On the other hand, some countries, including the USA, have in the

twentieth century introduced a private-based, for-profit-approach to

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 28

providing hospital care, with few state-money supported 'charity'

hospitals remaining today. Where for-profit hospitals in such

countries admit uninsured patients in emergency situations (such as

during and after Hurricane Katrina in the USA), they incur direct

financial losses, ensuring that there is a clear disincentive to

admit such patients.

As the quality of health care has increasingly become an issue

around the world, hospitals have increasingly had to pay serious

attention to this matter. Independent external assessment of quality

is one of the most powerful ways to assess this aspect of health

care, and hospital accreditation is one means by which this is

achieved. In many parts of the world such accreditation is sourced

from other countries, a phenomenon known as international healthcare

accreditation, by groups such as Accreditation Canada from Canada,

the Joint Commission from the USA, the Trent Accreditation Scheme

from Great Britain, and Haute Authorité de santé (HAS) from France.



Modern hospital buildings are designed to minimize the effort of

medical personnel and the possibility of contamination while

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 29

maximizing the efficiency of the whole system. Travel time for

personnel within the hospital and the transportation of patients

between units is facilitated and minimized. The building also should

be built to accommodate heavy departments such as radiology and

operating rooms while space for special wiring, plumbing, and waste

disposal must be allowed for in the design.

However, the reality is that many hospitals, even those

considered 'modern', are the product of continual and often badly

managed growth over decades or even centuries, with utilitarian new

sections added on as needs and finances dictate. As a result, Dutch

architectural historian Cor Wagenaar has called many hospitals: "...

built catastrophes, anonymous institutional complexes run by vast

bureaucracies, and totally unfit for the purpose they have been

designed for ... They are hardly ever functional, and instead of

making patients feel at home, they produce stress and anxiety."

Some newer hospitals now try to re-establish design that takes

the patient's psychological needs into account, such as providing

more fresh air, better views and more pleasant color schemes. These

ideas harked back to the late eighteenth century, when the concept of

providing fresh air and access to the 'healing powers of nature' were

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 30

first employed by hospital architects in improving their buildings.

The research of British Medical Association is showing that good

hospital design can reduce patient's recovery time. Exposure to

daylight is effective in reducing depression. Single sex

accommodation help ensure that patients are treated in privacy and

with dignity. Exposure to nature and hospital gardens is also

important - looking out windows improves patients' moods and reduces

blood pressure and stress level. Eliminating long corridors can

reduce nurses' fatigue and stress.

Another ongoing major development is the change from a ward-

based system, where patients are accommodated in communal rooms,

separated by movable partitions, to one in which they are

accommodated in individual rooms. The ward-based system has been

described as very efficient, especially for the medical staff, but is

considered to be more stressful for patients and detrimental to their

privacy. A major constraint on providing all patients with their own

rooms is however found in the higher cost of building and operating

such a hospital; this causes some hospitals to charge for private


The proposed project is entitled “Coastline Medical Center

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 31

“which is located in Barangay II Tanagan, Calatagan City,

Municipality of Batangas. The proposed project is a tertiary care

hospi-tel that has 300 bed (private, semi private and ward)

capacities that will meet the needs of the community in the entire

city of Calatagan.

The proposed hospi-tel will offer modern facilities that will

give the patients a comfortable hotel-feeling in their stay. It will

also provide the sufficient medical services for the health of the

patients. This proposed hospi-tel will offer greater levels of

specialization that would be a great means for higher levels of

medical expertise and specialized facilities.


The researcher would like to stress out that Filipino

hospitality is a value Filipinos should be proud of. The national

culture and local contexts of this race become more significant

through focusing on human health and living. As the proponent begins

to apply the design on the proposed hospi-tel, she must consider the

problems commonly encountered by the people concerning the proposed

structure. In order to give the sufficient need of the people, the

proponent must evaluate the activities done by the users of the

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 32

building. Proper orientation of spaces, the combination of colours

that will express balance and continuity, efficient arrangement of

furniture and assurance of the user’s safety and protection should be

achieved in the human factor satisfaction.


This will generally focus on special treatment in every hospital

quarters such as outpatient departments, wards, emergency areas and

clinics. The proposed Coastline Medical Center will serve to handle

primary issues in designing a hospital setting with the hotel

arrangement. Privacy, territory, and interaction are the issues to be

considered in designing the so called “hospi-tel”.

Privacy is primarily needed in a hospital setting. The users

(doctors, nurses, staffs and patients) need to have privacy in all of

their activities. It is important to maintain a sense of identity and

emotional well being. Privacy is needed for the reflection, planning

and personal activities done inside the building. Privacy for thought

and privacy for work activities are needed by the staffs of the

building. The patients are always considered to be provided with a

sense of privacy.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 33

The two other issues that will also be considered in planning a

hospital are the territory and interaction. Territories are

personally owned and it adds a force of identity and relevance. The

surrounding can affect an individual’s behaviour.

Interaction with other people is the most important. It is part

of a person’s daily life. The patients need to socialize and be

active to have some vigour in their personal habit and activities.

How you design a structure may gradually affect the mood and the

activities done in a certain period of time. The textures, materials,

lighting, acoustics, size, shape, and arrangement can affect the

whole outcome of the design in the building. When a person learns to

interact with the surrounding, he also learns to cope with other

people as well. Patients need to feel the significance of well being

and living.

An environment should be an instrument to help the patients

improve themselves, their behaviour.


The city of Calatagan is currently facing issues and problems

pertaining to urbanization. Urban poverty, income and employment

opportunities, environmental management, shelter and social services

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 34

were some of the issues. To have an access to effective, quality, and

affordable health care would help ensure improvements in the living

of the poor that can result to an impact in the liveability of a

city. Family health which includes maternal and child health is not

only the focus but also the control of infectious diseases and

healthy lifestyle.

Minor problems:

1. What would be the best design solution in a hospi-tel?

2. How many beds are required to accommodate the population of

the city?

3. How could the building or the structure fit and meet the

physical attributes of the site concerning the feature and

condition of the environment?

4. What are the requirements of the proposed hospi-tel?

5. What design arrangement of spaces will be employed with the

consideration of the user’s activities to be systematic and



The study aims to provide the necessary materials s guide and

reference for expected readers, students taking up Architecture and

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 35

other researchers. It will be a good basis to improve ideas and

information gathered by other researchers on how to make a proper

design and plan.

This is used to impart knowledge to professionals like

engineers, economist, surveyors, etc. on different advancements and

modern materials that are used in building construction today.

It is a great challenge to the profession to implement and begin

new innovation of modern designs and help enhance the abilities of

individuals in the field to create comprehensive and efficient ideas

regarding the proposed project.


Project Objectives

As it is stated, this proposal focuses on human life and race of

every Filipino to give special and specific treatment for every

disability and sickness. This proposal aims to help the promotion of

quality health services to the low income families. It will be a

means to facilitate the creation of healthy environment for the

community of Calatagan through development of the administration

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 36

control that are purposed to reduce selected behaviours, which are

known to result in serious disease within the population.

The objectives of this study are as follows:

To provide low income families with a low cost

medical consultation and medication

To provide health care at a reasonable cost

To provide medical, dental, health care,

medication and other health related activities

that will setup a better maintenance of good

health to the community

To promote an improved way of living for the

community of the city and increase the importance

of the people’s well being

To give a feeling of privacy and satisfaction for

the patients that will stay either in a long

period or short period of time, enabling them to

maintain good health

Design Objectives

To design a hospi-tel established with the modern way of

planning that will give a 5 star hotel feeling and provide efficient

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 37

heath care for the people living in Calatagan. The design also aims

to meet the need of the population to be accommodated consecutively

in a particular time. A structure that will support the social

activities of the users in the building especially the quality health

care services and control the interaction between patients and staffs

is one of the aims of this proposal. It will also provide good layout

of requirement to ensure safety of the patients and equipments.

The objectives of this proposal are as follows:

To provide a comprehensive eco-friendly environment

for patients, family and staffs through the

implementation of the human activities

To provide open spaces, spatial qualities, visual

advancements to make the interaction easier for the

users and support every activities of the nurses and

doctors done within the building

To provide a self-reliant community based hospital



A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 38

This project Coastline Medical Center will focus on the

architectural planning and design in which the proponent delivers not

only the aesthetic requirements but also the technical acoustics, on

site planning and design of efficient allocation and arrangement of

spaces, same as the surroundings and landscaping around the

structure. This proponent will evaluate if the project is possible

with regards to the total building cost and budget requirements.


This study will not include the following:

Structural Analysis – Computation of structural

design analysis, live load, and dead load of the


Seismic Analysis – Analysis on the reaction of the

structure to earthquakes.


1. Ward- a division within a hospital for the care of numerous

patients having the same condition, e.g., a maternity ward.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 39

2. Ancillary departments- backbone for delivery of inpatient and

ambulatory care

3. Coastline- also called as seashore, is the area where land meets

the sea or ocean

4. Hospi-tel- is that the patients should be treated in the best

environment as that of the 6 star hotels for healthy people.

5. Operational Efficiency- can be defined as the ratio between the

input to run a business operation and the output gained from the

business. When improving operational efficiency, the output to

input ratio improves.

6. Eco-friendly- It generally means being kind to the environment

and pretty much means the same thing as being environmentally

friendly by using the 3 R's (reduce, reuse, and recycle), 

7. Public sector- sometimes referred to as the state sector or

the government sector, is a part of the state that deals with

either the production, ownership, sale, provision, delivery and

allocation of goods and services by and for the government or

its citizens, whether national, regional or local/municipal.

8. Charitable- Generous in giving money or other help to the needy.

9. Diagnosis- to distinguish or identify (a disease, for example)

by diagnosis. To identify (a person) as having a particular

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 40

disease or condition by means of a diagnosis.

10. Treatment-

care by procedures or applications that are intended to relieve 

illness or injury 

11. Therapy-

a form of treatment for someone with mental  illness or emotional 

problems that involves talking to  them or asking them to do thing


12. Outpatient service- Hospital-based services Managed care

Medical and other services provided, to a non-admitted Pt, by a

hospital or other qualified facility–e.g., mental health clinic,

rural health clinic, mobile X-ray unit, free-standing dialysis

unit Examples Physical therapy, diagnostic X-ray, lab tests. 

13. Cardiology- The medical study of the structure, function,

and disorders of the heart.

14. Neurology- the branch of medicine that deals with the

nervous system, both normal and in disease.

15. Oncology- The branch of medicine dealing with the physical,

chemical, and biological properties of tumors, including study

of their development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 41

16. Obstetrics- the branch of medicine concerned with pregnancy

and childbirth, including the study of the physiologic and

pathologic function of the female reproductive tract and the

care of the mother and fetus throughout pregnancy, childbirth,

and the immediate postpartum period

17. Gynecology- the study of diseases of the female

reproductive organs, including the breasts. Unlike most

specialties in medicine, gynecology encompasses surgical and

nonsurgical expertise. It is frequently studied and practiced in

conjunction with obstetrics

18. Dentistry-  that branch of the healing arts concerned with

the teeth, oral cavity, and associated structures, including

prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease and restoration

of defective or missing tissue.

19. Dermatology- the study of the skin, including the anatomy,

physiology, and pathology of the skin and the diagnosis and

treatment of skin disorders.

20. Psychiatric ward- a health care facility providing

inpatient and outpatient therapeutic services to clients with

behavioral or emotional illnesses.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 42

21. Rehabilitation- a treatment or treatments designed to

facilitate the process of recovery from injury, illness, or

disease to as normal a condition as possible.

22. Pathology- the branch of medicine dealing with the

essential nature of disease, especially changes in body tissues

and organs that cause or are caused by disease.

23. Radiology- the branch of medicine concerned with

radioactive substances and with the diagnosis and treatment of

disease by visualizing any of the various sources of radiant


24. Emergency area- an area of a hospital especially equipped

and staffed for emergency CARE. Popularly called emergency room.

25. Clinic- an establishment where patients are admitted for

study and treatment by a group of physicians practicing medicine


26. Specialized Inpatient Nursing Units- a hospital unit

organized for the provision of medical and nursing services to a

group of inpatients. Units are usually grouped according to

diagnosis or other common characteristics, such as maternity or

surgical patients.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 43

27. Ambulatory Care Facilities- health services provided on an

outpatient basis to those who visit a hospital or another health

care facility and depart after treatment on the same day.






There are three kinds of hospital service capability: (1)

Primary, (2) Secondary, and (3) Tertiary.

Coastline Medical Centre is a tertiary hospital which has

the capability of 300 beds up, pertaining to the requirements of

the tertiary type hospital, based on studies of the Brown

Bauhaus. It contains specific and specialized units of treatment

to different cases or diseases and injuries of a person.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 44

Hospital architecture and designs have transformed over time,

from the once sterile white walls and stark décor to vibrant colours

and eye-catching materials on the interior and exterior. The elements

in today’s best designs have been proven to improve patient care.

Depending on the type of building, tying in elements of style

and flair may be harder than expected. Hospitals are one type of

building where functionality and design must go hand-in-hand. In

developing the most beautiful hospitals in the world, the designers

considered interior and exterior features and their health-promoting

qualities. Designs including warm wood and nature-inspired elements

soft-colour schemes, and exterior facades designed with regards to

their natural settings placed these facilities on the list.

The most beautiful hospitals span the globe, including

facilities in the United States, Austria, Thailand, Panama,

Switzerland, China, and others – evidence that health-focused design

has no boundaries.

Here are the 25 most beautiful hospitals in the world:

Forest Park Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA

Recently expanded, the Forest Park Medical Center in Dallas

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 45

offers many upgraded state-of-the-art amenities and a beautiful

design. In addition to the added 14 operating rooms, 48 private

patient beds and 12 ICU beds, the expansion also includes a Class A,

6-story, 130,000-square-foot medical office building. The interior

includes spaces with auditorium-style seating, modern lounge areas,

floor to ceiling glass walls, and cool tones to give the building a

modern feel. Patient rooms are warm and comfortable, utilizing

elements like hardwood floors, large windows, and sleek finishes to

make a patient’s stay more like a luxury retreat than a recovery

period. The modern design flows out to the exterior, where there are

areas for drive-thru banking, restaurants, pharmacy and other retail

opportunities to make this more than just a hospital.

Sumner Regional Medical Center, Gallatin, TN, USA

This 155-bed hospital is attractive to the eye on the

inside and on the outside. The interior is finished with comfortable

leather lounging chairs, marble accents, and entertainment-style

televisions to allow patients and their visitors to feel at home.

With careful consideration to the use of glass walls, the hospital

also keeps a warm and inviting environment by their balance between

natural and artificial light. On the exterior, a high glass tower

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 46

takes center stage and is surrounded by a mix of glass and other warm

materials. Lush landscaping completes the design, and is tended to by

a in-house landscaping and maintenance staff.

Rudolfinerhaus – Vienna, Austria

This hospital is set in a quiet residential neighborhood,

and its architectural design fits in perfectly with the surrounding

buildings and homes. The exterior landscape complements the design,

with lush and tended-to greens and shrubbery that invite patients and

guests to spend free time outdoors. With the feel of a luxury hotel

on the interior, patients can experience a peaceful and relaxing

recovery time, and often remark that they feel more like a “guest”

than a patient. Rudolfinerhaus has over 100 stylishly furnished

private and semi-private rooms, with a total of 156 beds in 7 care


Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital – Roanoke, VA, USA

A mix of new and old architecture comes together at this

hospital so that visitors will not notice a stark change in design,

only a uniform and flowing expansion that unifies functionality and

operations. The interior features many of the amenities of similar

hospitals, like semi-private and private rooms, housekeeping, and

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 47

more, but the real attraction to CRMH comes with its exterior design.

One side of the hospital uses brick and concrete to frame the windows

of patient rooms while a new, modern expansion utilizes walls of

glass as the main design element on its curved facade.

Hospital Punta Pacifica – Panama City, Panama

Affiliated with Johns Hopkins Medicine International, this

hospital has been recognized as one of Central and South America’s

most advanced medical centers and is a top destination for Medical

Tourism. Facilities include 51 modern and private rooms, 11 suites

and 1 presidential suite, all specially designed to promote and

enhance rapid recovery. The setting of the hospital adds to its

appeal, as it sits along the Pacific Ocean in one of Panama City’s

most prestigious neighborhoods. Light and dark contrasting materials

allow the eye to be pulled in to its horizontal exterior design,

where glass and concrete come together to create beauty near the sea.

Medical University of South Carolina Ashley River Tower –

Charleston, SC, USA

This hospital’s beautiful setting along the Charleston

Peninsula alone gives it a place on this list, but it also has great

amenities and a hotel-like interior design. The entrance, lined with

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 48

lush landscaping and bluestone tiles, allows patients and their

families to drive right up to the doors, and then leave their car for

the valet service to park. Inside, a 6,000 ft. conservatory with

glass walls, skylights, and indoor plants welcomes patients and

visitors while serving as the connector between the two main wings of

the building. For patients, privacy is assured with their 156 single

person rooms, complete with a full bath and pull-out couch for family

and visitors.

Prince of Wales Private Hospital – Sydney, Australia

Located in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, this hospital has

both private and shared facilities, including 168 overnight beds with

modern amenities. Attractive designs utilizing structural steel

framing and glass along with unique architectural details on the

exterior compliment the modern facilities on the interior. Newly

renovated operating rooms also lend to the modern and sleek design of

the interior, as well as improve its functionality and equipment


Providence Alaska Medical Center – Anchorage, AK, USA

Described by visitors and patients as “functional and

stunning”, this high-tech medical center has a lot to offer medically

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 49

and aesthetically in addition its beautiful setting. The campus is

undergoing a $150 million renovation and expansion to its NICU,

Prenatal, and Mother Baby Units, slated for completion in 2014. Aside

from semi-private and private patient rooms, this hospital also

features a family resource library and a nearby guest house for

families and those undergoing outpatient procedures.

Klinik Hirslanden – Zurich, Switzerland

The Klinik Hirslanden has a sleek, modern design on the

interior and exterior, and houses 259 single and double rooms.

Besides amenities like cable television, internet, adjustable beds,

full baths, and a housekeeping service that tends to the fresh

flowers in each room 3 times a week. With a program called Hirsland

Privé, the hospital provides a Guest-Relations service which offers

patients the services of an attendant to care to their personal

concerns. Hirslanden also invests heavily in the latest medical

technologies and established Switzerland’s first CyberKnife

radiosurgery unit.

Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula – Monterey, CA, USA

Situated on the California coast overlooking the Pacific

Ocean on environmentally protected land, this hospital’s description

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 50

alone is enough to invite any potential patient into the facility.

The redesign of the building in the early part of the millennium was

intended to adhere to the design intentions from the original

architect, Edward Durell Stone, with low, striking roof lines and

natural lighting throughout each public space.

Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital – Vancouver, WA, USA

From the outside, this six-story hospital lights up the sky

with its elevated glass walkways and pulls in the eye with curved

facades and a mix of materials, like stone, glass, brick, and metal

that carry through to the inside. Outdoor courtyard spaces and

terraces help visitors and staff fined peace outside of the walls of

the hospital, while natural light and warm hues are used inside to

help extend that outdoor feeling to the inside. Two large, L-shaped

patient towers are situated to optimize the views of neighboring Mt.

Hood and the surrounding natural habitat.

Clemenceau Medical Center – Beirut, Labanon

CMC, affiliated with Johns Hopkins Medicine International,

boasts a “5-star hotel ambiance” with conveniences like televisions

and Internet access for its patients. A modern glass and concrete

exterior is complimented with spacious interior rooms that allow for

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 51

a “cozy” feeling. The interior design also allows them to use

innovative medical equipment like completely film-less digital

imaging centers and real-time video conferencing equipment to connect

with other physicians and specialists inside or outside of CMC.

Dixie Regional Medical Center – St. George, UT, USA

Located in a desert setting near Zion National Park in

Utah, the architects and designers of this hospital had to take a lot

into consideration to avoid heat gain, like building orientation and

sun-shading. The designers took their inspiration from the land in

the surrounding Zion canyons, and utilized skylights to bring the

natural light deep into the building. The interior features all

single rooms and has a central concourse that connects all of the

different buildings in the complex, offering separate entrances for

major services such as surgery, cardiology, and imaging. From the

inside, patients and visitors can view to the surrounding desert,

Xeriscape gardens full of indigenous plants, and water features all

around the facility.

Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies – Orlando, FL, USA

This hospital was designed with beauty and function in mind

for the interior and the exterior. From the extensive use of glass to

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 52

illuminate the interiors with natural light, the vertical structures

to improve patient-staff proximity and observation, and a glass globe

entry way, this hospital uses its unique design as a main component

of the healing and recovery process. The interior is filled with

calming colors and tones and patient rooms were designed for ultimate


Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh – Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Innovative and welcoming, this hospital successfully merges

technological advancements with soothing and comforting design for

its visitors. Full integration of technologies like EHR and CPOE, the

pediatric hospital is one of the leading in the country and has

designed its campus with a family-friendly feel, complete with

playful interiors, private rooms, a family resource center with a

four-story atrium and dining area, a Healing Garden  library, musical

therapy room, and a business center for families and parents.

The London Clinic – London, England, United Kingdom

This facility was designed with patients’ comfort in mind

and includes soothing interior colors and the use of natural light

(even in lower-level patient rooms through the use of a light atrium)

with modern amenities like flat screen televisions in each patient

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 53

room. In addition to the design and furnishings, The London Clinic

also commissioned an integrated arts program to be a part of their

design for comfort and well-being.

St. Rose Dominican Hospitals, Siena Campus – Las Vegas, NV, USA

This Spanish missions-style building is not only appealing

to the eye from the exterior, but from the interior as well. From the

inside, patients and their families have great views of downtown Las

Vegas and nearby desert landscape. The interior has incredible

features that help visitors feel more welcomed, like the 100-foot

bell tower and entry rotunda, including encouraging and biblical

quotations that are reflected throughout the entire facility, and a 

¾-acre indoor garden where visitors can take gardening classes and

enjoy the beauty of desert plant life.

Bumrungrad International Hospital - Bangkok, Thailand

This hospital is one of the most popular medical tourism

destinations in the world, and treats over 400,000 foreign patients

each year from various countries like Sweden, the United States,

China, and Afghanistan. The designs of the patient rooms use soothing

colors and warm furnishings, like natural woods and plush fabrics.

With air-conditioned walkways connecting several towers that make up

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 54

the main structure, the hospital also includes two levels of

restaurants and shopping areas.

UPMC Hamot Women’s Hospital – Erie, PA, USA

This newly constructed facility offers patients and

visitors a grand 2-story entryway, 40-foot water wall, and

picturesque views of nearby Presque Isle Bay and the neighboring

downtown area. The interior evokes a feeling of calm and relaxation

for patients and mothers-to-be with warm earth tones and comfortable

furnishings. From spa-like delivery rooms to indoor “outdoor” rooms

that cater to newborns and families housed in the NICU, designers use

calming affects and finishes bringing comfort to all who are


The City Hospital – Dubai, UAE

This hospital can sometimes make patients feel like they’re

in a 5-star luxury hotel instead of a care facility. It offers

patients and their families access to a heated indoor swimming pool,

spa, sauna, Jacuzzi and gym, along with the VIP floor that has a

separate entrance, elevators and valet service, with 12 suites that

are designed and furnished to provide the highest levels of comfort.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 55

Florida Hospital Waterman – Tavares, FL, USA

This hospital was designed with patients, staff, and the

environment in mind. In addition to multiple staff rooms to eliminate

noise and “stuffy” areas, the hospital was also designed around the

natural habitat of endangered birds that call the area home. This

included non-reflective exterior glass, investigations in flight

patterns, and altering helicopter routes around the birds’ natural

flight paths. On the exterior, an eye-catching hovering roof connects

the modern addition to the hospital with one of its original

buildings, while the interior boasts a hotel-like ambiance with a

concierge at the entrance and soft, comforting furniture throughout.

Matilda International Hospital – Hong Kong, China

This modern hospital in Hong Kong is beautifully situated

on the historic Victoria Peak, known informally as “The Peak”,

overlooking the South China Sea on Hong Kong Island. On the inside,

its “operating theater” uses innovative designs with glass paneled

walls and LED lighting along with ceiling pendants to maximize the

flexibility of the room.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 56

Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital – Bloomfield, MI, USA

Not only does this 160-acre hospital campus have

aesthetically pleasing buildings on the exterior as well as a

shopping mall-like interior, but it is also LEED (Leadership in

Energy and Environmental Design)  Certified for its use of natural

light for heating and cooling, rainwater collection and filtration

system,  recycling programs, and more. With wide use of interior

landscaping and design, visitors and patients almost never feel like

they’re in a hospital.

2.1.2 LOCAL

St. Luke’s Medical Center - Global City, Philippines

SLMC has received international accreditation and is

recognized as one of the best hospitals in Asia and the entire

world.  As such, it regularly receives patients from around Asia,

Micronesia, the Middle East, Europe and the United States. This

hospital holds 650 patient beds, with almost half of those available

as fully-furnished, private suites with televisions and other modern

conveniences to make every visit as comfortable as possible.

Any global city needs a world-class tertiary health

facility to boast about and to boost its attractiveness to investors,

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 57

locators, ex-pat and elite executive-immigration. Top-class hospitals

are also a key to urban medical tourism, a new trend that already-

global cities like Singapore are at the forefront of. Bonifacio

Global City now has those boasting privileges with the opening

recently of the new St. Luke’s Medical Center. St. Luke’s hospital on

old Espana Extension in Quezon City has been a landmark since 1960s.

several renovations since have extended it to the limit of its site.

The metropolis also has expanded southward, and with it in urban

population in need of health care.

Like the older facility, the new medical complex’s site was

chosen for its accessibility via a major city artery. Bonifacio

Global City, or BGC, is actually between two key metropolitan

circumferential roads--- EDSA and C-5 (now known as CP Garcia

Avenue). The new complex is located on 5th Avenue and 32nd Street,

which is directly linked eastward to the flyover connecting BGC to

EDSA and westward via the Market! Link with C-5.

The site is 1.6 hectares in area, a whole block on its own.

The design brief given the center’s design consultants led by

Architect Ruben Payumo and Partners was to provide a complex with a

floor area to accommodate state-of-the-art medical facilities that

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 58

was three times larger than the original Quezon City hospital. The

final design covers 154,000 square meters, with a capacity of over

600 rooms. The complex’s architectural massing is a podium and twin-

tower configuration typical of current city-center developments, a

necessity t maximize the given floor area ration (FAR) for the

district. The podium sitsof a four-level basement that the houses

parking for 1200 cars.

The main pedestrian and vehicular access, as well as the

main façade of the complex is close to major street intersection at

BGC. The district’s urban design controls stipulate wide sidewalks

and arcades. Vehicular entrances are not allowed off main avenues so

the medical center’s expansive Hong Kong-style porte cochere is inset

and tucked under the main podium. This expansiveness carries on into

the main lobby, and in fact, defines most of the public areas in the

complex. This attribute sets it apart from many similar facilities

and was a stipulation by the owners to the designers. The ambiance

was to be “like a hotel’s”. the interior design by SP Castro and

Associates, Inc., supports this directive with comfortable lounges at

the main lobby and in all the departments. There is a café at the

main lobby with a grand piano, just like in five-star hotels. The

lobby flows easily into the main elevator bank with six-large

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 59

capacity elevators.

The podium houses majority of the facility’s nine

institutes and eleven departments. Way-finding signages a slightly

pastel color scheme for floors help mitigate the perennial problem of

the navigating large hospitals. Visitors and patients will have an

easier time of it along with the over 2,000 staff and over 500

doctors housed by the complex. Above the podium are two medium rise

towers serviced by an integrated energy center. The hospital tower is

14 stories with 8 levels of nursing units. The adjoining medical arts

building is a 12-storey structure whose first level provides

reception areas and lounges, concession areas for bookstores, flower

shops and small retail outlets. The upper ten floors contain the

doctors; offices and clinics. The two towers are connected by a

bridge way overlooking a landscape roof deck designed by landscape

Architect Horacio Dimanlig. The patients rooms are rationally

designed with the accommodations to the Filipino cultural practice of

a having a bantay. The complex, despite its location in an up-market

district, has eight ward rooms, making the hospital complex

accessible price-wise to a wider range of patients.

The economic upper-bracket demographic is not forgotten

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 60

though; on the contrary, St. Luke’s penthouse suites redefine health

care and edge it close to luxurious pampering. The P50,000-a-day

presidential suite has three rooms, a dining area and a panty and

even its own Jacuzzi. The Ambassador suite is just a little less

elaborate. Both are also blessed with sweeping views of Bonifacio

Global City and the nearby Makati skyline, which is accessible by a

two-minute flight by helicopter---the complex has its own helipad

just steps away from the presidential suite. The suites and regular

rooms all can additionally take advantage too of a 24-hour concierge


The owner’s stated vision is for the complex to be one the

top five medical institutions in Asia by year 2010. The BGC facility

has the latest medical equipment that includes a PET-CT scanner, 3

Tesla MRI and the 256-slice CT scanner. This makes it, along with

other high-tech amenities, better equipped than most of hospitals in

the mainland United States. This will augur well for medical tourism

as well as from a metropolitan market with not enough medical centers

(Metro Manila’s eleven million inhabitants really need a dozen such

hospitals. St. Luke’s Medical Center at Bonifacio Global City is a

welcome addition to the metropolis’ menu of world class institutions.

Its external architectural treatment is fairly neutral and stays well

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 61

within conservative modernist bounds ensuring that it looks

institutional. A reference to Filipino culture its architecture would

have been good but this is made up for in the outstanding collection

of Filipino contemporary art on its walls, a contribution of St.

Luke’s head honcho, Dr. Joven Cuanang.

This art, the generous spaces, warm ambiance from the

interior design, user-friendly organization and central location make

this good-looking complex competent but conservative. This is what

makes it a great place to get well. For other non-institutional

needs, other complexes nearby will fit the bill, but this one gets a

clean bill of health.


The consideration in managing a hospital that has a hotel

feature is a special challenge. Managing the proper layout of spaces

required in the structure and considering the users of the building

are the special tasks to be accomplished in planning and designing.

The staffs, specifically the nurses and doctors need the efficient

working spaces to provide the sufficient service for the patients.

The patients need the comfortable environment to make an ease feeling

while in the period of medication.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 62

This hos-pitel is an asset for the community, not just to make a

different way of living but also to enjoy the gift of the nature’s




In order to gather the needed information for the analysis of

the thesis entitled “Coastline Medical Center”, the proponent has

needed the following places and phrases for the research work.


Choosing the best and appropriate allocation site for the

proposed project must always be considered. Testing the soil’s

capability to hold the entire building should be applied.


Actual observation of the site for the proposed project was

conducted by the proponent to gather the needed information and the

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 63

problems that may be encountered when the structure is developed. The

existing structures and utilities in the site are to be considered;

it may affect the planning and design of the building. The road

network and accessibility is also studied for it is one factor in

conducting a good plan for a particular site and an important matter

of how the structure may operate when it exist.


Interview with the people around the site and those who are

concerned can give ideas that may help the proponent know what he

needs to do when planning the design project. The data from the

hospital and clinics in Calatagan gives a big consideration that will

help the proponent to come up with a good design solution.

Government and Private Agencies

The purpose of the project is to establish a hospi-tel.

Technical data with the matter and the site was given by the

government agencies in the province of Batangas. Some of the

guidelines for the project were given by the following agencies.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 64

City Planning and Development Office of the Province of


City Assesor’s Office



Site Selection

The selection of an accurate site is an important decision that

will determine the effectiveness of the project’s operation,Calatagan

was chosen to be the location of the proposed project, private

hospital. Its availability, proximity, and accessibility became its

strength and opportunity.

There are primary considerations in selecting a site for

designing a hospi-tel:

Vehicular distance should be short as possible, yet there

should not be an interference with the passenger


The site should be accessible by surface vehicles for

efficient service for the emergency patients.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 65

The complex should be readily reached from all of the road

access to the hospi-tel in order to assure that there is no

interference of vehicular traffic with ambulatory


Efficient space should be allowed for the expansion of

hospital cooperative operations without encroaching on

other hospital functions.

These for primary considerations indicate the general

relationships with the other functions and activities of the

hospi-tel. All require extensive study to determine the degree

to which these considerations can be met on any individual

allocation. These can be made through the advantages of the site

location and effects on the operational activities and

facilities to make the objective balanced.

Site Criteria


General aspects of my site criteria are: The Physical

Environment, The Natural Environment, The Social Environment,

and The User Requirements.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 66


Specific aspects of my site criteria under:


Geography and geomorphology



Local climate





Air quality

Ecological value


Land area

Built environment

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 67

Rural environment


Historical development

Land ownership

Views and scenery

Landscape types

Unique areas and features


Functioning of the site

The activities of the building

Activities outside

Diversity of environmental settings

Safety and privacy

Site Justification

I choose the site from Barangay II in Calatagan City that follows the

general requirements of my project. Land area is wide enough for the

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 68

structure to be built. The site’s environment is applicable for the

developments within the area. The user’s requirements and the site

functions of the hospi-tel adapt finely for the users. It is readily

accessible by surface vehicles for efficient servicing of ambulatory


I consider the site to be an excellent location for my proposed

project, Coastline Medical Center.

Site Data

Micro Site

Calatagan City, Batangas

Calatagan is located in the southwestern most portion of the Province

of Batangas in a peninsula approximately one hundred and ten (110)

kilometres south Manila. It is bounded on the north by municipalities

of Lian and Balayan, on the south by the Verde Island Passage, on

the east by Pagapas and Balayan Bay and on the west by South China

Sea. It is located at coordinates of 13 deg. 50 min. Latitude and 120

deg. 38 min. Longitude.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 69

Soil Classification

As per soil report prepared by the Bureau of Soils for the Province

of Batangas, the soil types of Calatagan are the three series namely:

Calumpang, Taal, and Sibul. The soil types are Calumpang Clay Loam,

Taal Sandy Loam, and Sibul Clay Loam.

Calumpang Clay Loam is brownish gray, hard and compact clay loam. The

subsoil is dark gray, stiff and waxy loam to clay. This is found

along the northwestern and western shoreline of the municipality

facing China Sea. Sugarcane is grown regularly every year on this

type of soil but the yield is lower. Proper cultivation and drainage

will materialy increase the yield per hectare on this type of soil.

Taal Sandy Loam consists of brownish gray loose and structure-less

sandy loam soil ranging in depth from forty (40) to fifty (50)

centimetres. In level areas, the surface soil is deeper than in

rolling areas. The subsoil consists of two or more layers of volcanic

sand and between these layers is the light gray sandy loam soil. The

substratum is either light gray volcanic sand or gray volcanic tuff

with sands. Corn, upland rice, citrus and other fruit trees are grown

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 70

on this type of soil. The upland is used for grazing and pastures


Sibul clay loam is fine and granular, somewhat porous when dry, but

sticky when wet. The vegetation of the area is luxuriant, as is

always the case of a limestone region. Sugarcane is planted in large

quantity along the hillsides. They are prevalently found on the

northern and eastern portion of the municipality.

Topography and Geology

The name of the municipality, which is Calatagan, is actually a

general description of the topography of the municipality. It means a

plain or flat portion of land lying between hills or mountains.

Except for some portions of the municipality that are coastal,,

varying from plains to hilly terrain, the rest are generally plain.

The poblacion area has an elevation of seven (7) meters above sea

level. The two areas with the highest elevation are Mount San Pedrino

on the eastern tip along San Pedrino point and Mount Santiago at the

southern tip along Cape Santiago. Being a peninsula lying along the

shores of China Sea and other bodies of water, the shorelines of the

municipalities are laced with swamps and marshland that have been

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 71

converted into fishponds. Nevertheless, coral reefs still abound the


The notable inland body of water is Santiago River. Zobel Highway is

a provincial road with concrete pavement that transverses through the

peninsula and ends in the municipality. The roads that are very much

in good conditions are situated mostly on the western side of the

municipality. The developments introduced and made i the Hacienda

Bigaa, owned by the Zobel family, is a major landmark in the area.

The municipality is generally agricultural in nature with sugarcane

as the major crop planted.

The majority of rock formations are sedimentary rocks which

constitutes of 94.99% of the total land area which is 10,000.4418

hectares while the rest, igneous rocks is 5.01% of the total land

area which is 527.4472 hectares. There is existing inactive strike-

slip fault at the eastern side of Barangay Tanagan extending to

northwest up to Barangay Balibago and an existing syncline at mid-

portion of Barangay Bagong Silang extending north up to Barangay



A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 72

The climate in Calatagan is mostly dry and wet during the year.

During the rainy season,, there is a fairly high degree of

precipitation that starts form the latter part of June to early part

of September. Due to the fact that it is not lying among the typhoon

belt, Calatagan, is usually spared from destructive effects of storms

and typhoons. The climate is generally warm during the months of

February, March, and April. From May to January, the climate is

generally cool. The coolest period occurs in the months of December

to January. On the average, rainy days occur during the period from

May to November. Heavy rain falls occur during the months of July and

August with a recorded maximum rainfall of four hundred and eight

(408) millimetres and four hundred and two (402) millimetres

respectively. The months of May, June, July and August have the most

number of lightning and thunderstorms.

Land Capability

In Calatagan, lands are classified by the bureau of Soils into the

land capability classes denoted as “Be”, “M”, and “De”. These land

capability classes are described as follows:

1. Land Capability Class “Be”

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 73

These lands are nearly level to sloping and slightly to

moderately eroded. Observance of erosion control measure and

using easily applied conservation practices are recommended.

These are found on the central portion of the municipality at

barangay Bucal, Lucsuhin, Real, and Sambungan.

2. Land Capability Class “M”

These lands are steep, very severely to excessively eroded or

shallow for cultivation, suited for pasture or forest with

effective management and controls. This class comprises the bulk

of the municipalities land area.

3. Land Capability “De”

These lands are sloping at higher gradients that are

characterized as severely to severely erode. Erosion and

fertility are problems. Observe erosion control measures with

very careful soil management, especially good crop rotation and

complex conservation practices if the lands are cultivated.

These lands, suited for pasture or forest, are situated along

the shores.


A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 74

Slopes range from 0%-3% to 50%-ABOVE. Majority of the land area has a

slope of 0%-3%. This constitutes about 49.70% of the total land area.

Highest elevated areas have a slope of 30%-50% to 50%-ABOVE. These

area located at Barangays Talibayog, Hukay, Baha, Luya, Carlosa,

Real, Sambungan, and Encarnacion.


The aquifer system is part of the Taal Lake Aquifer Formation. The

soil being loose and well drained is sufficiently recharged. Due to

the characteristics, underground water is generally easy to extract

and abundant.

Health Manpower and Facilities

Health services are taken good care by three (3) medical facilities

such as Medicare Community Hospital, Sto. Domingo Clinic and Rural

Health Unit or Municipal Health Office and a barangay health station

at Barangay Lucsuhin.

Services offered by the Communty Hospital are general, medical,

paediatrics, minor surgical, and EENT, and obstetrics, gynecology.

Programs such as free clinics and information dissemination on health

and sanitation are also being implemented by the said hospital. There

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 75

is also a medical laboratory where blood analysis and chemistry are

undertaken.The Sto. Domingo clinis extends medical care and services

to emergency and minor medical cases.

The Regional Health Unit or Municipal Health Office personnel make

regular visits to barangays and hold office alternatively in the

Poblacion and the station in Lucsuhin. Activities of the Municipal

Health Office include environmental sanitation, nutrition, family

planning, maternal and childcare through lectures, seminars and

dissemination of reading materials. They also implement different

programs sponsored by the Department of Health, such as OPLAN ALIS

DISEASE, the nationwide immunization program, SAGIP MATA, and other

programs. The Municipal Health Office also gives first aid treatments

for emergency cases and attends to pregnant mothers for their pre-

natal consultations, as well as consultations on minor sickness.

Furthermore, the office gives free medicines to consulting


There are a total of four (4) doctors, five (5) nurses, eight (8)

midwives, one (1) pharmacist / medical technologist and one (1) rural

sanitary inspector. There are no dentists.

Medical Health Facilities

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 76

















Crude Birth and Death Rate

Crude birth rate is 24.76% and crude death rate is 3.81% as of 1995.

Various indications of the leading causes of morbidity, adult and

infant mortality are cited. Health manpower facilities and its

development needs are discussed.

Population Growth

The National Census and Statistics Office conducted the first

official census of population in 1903 recording a total of 2,654

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 77

persons. The figure continuously increased to 45,068 more than 16

times the increase of the first census report in a span of 97 years

or a average annual addition of 437 persons per year.

The average growth rates between 1903 to 1928 and 1960 to 1970 marked

the highest growth with the rates of 4.98% and 4.45% respectively.

The lowest average growth rates record is 2.14 from 1995-2000.


Calatagan, Batangans





























A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 78












































Socio Economic

For agriculture, the total agricultural area is 6,698.0776 or 48.19%

of the total area. Crop production of: Palay 642.9190 hectares;

Sugarcane 3,913.6076 hectares; Fruit trees 1,528.5100 hectares;

Vegetables 100.3600 hectares; Corn fields 264.3600 hectares; and Root

crops 194.3200. The inventory of livestock and poultry is estimated

at 21,172 heads, composed of cattle, hogs, chicken, goats, ducks,

horses, and carabaos. There has been a noticeable decrease in animal

population due to closing of some ranches. Swamp areas have been

developed into fish and prawn farms. The estimated shore length of

forty eight (48) kilometers is measured up to 25% of 195 kilometers

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 79

of the total shoreline of Batangas. Marine resources include coral

resources and its distribution. The participation of the residents in

fishery activities through associations and cooperatives has

significance in the development of fishery and livelihood program.

For commerce and industry, the different commercial establishments

are classified according to the type of service they render. The only

industrial establishment is the Bigaa Ice Plant in Barangay Gulod.

For tourism, the list of the well known and developed tourists spots

in Calatagan is established. Features of the Punta Baluarte Hotel,

Calatagan Golf Course, Residence Inn, Laho De Oro and other resorts

in the municipality are major attractions not only to the local but

also the foreign tourists.


There is a well established public elementary education in the

municipality of Calatagan. There are six (6) primary and fifteen (15)

complete elementary schools. Calatagan Elementary School is located

in the Poblacion while the other elementary schools are distributed

in the different barangays of the municipality. There are a total of

6, 478 elementary level pupils with 169 teachers and 187 classrooms.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 80

In the term of school buildings, there is a total of seventy five

(75) school buildings that house the one hundred eighty seven (187)

classrooms. Of this number, two (2) school buildings are considered

to have been condemned. Fifty-two (52) school buildings are in good

condition and twenty-one (21) school buildings are found out to be

dilapidated. As to classrooms, there are one hundred and eighty seven

(187) classrooms. However, a total of fifty six (56) classrooms are

dilapidated and two (2) classrooms are condemned, leaving only one

hundred and twenty nine (129) classrooms to be in good condition.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis

The site from Barangay Tanagan has its own beauty. The surroundings,

especially the coastline give the site a unique beauty and balance.

It can be an asset for the proposed project, hospi-tel that will make

a healthy environment for the benefit of the patients. With the

strengths it posses, the site that I have chosen also has its

weakness. It is far from the main municipality of Calatagan. But

despite of its weakness, the design I have made caused the project to

be efficient and comprehensive. There are many opportunities in the

site. When given attention, those qualities will help boost the

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 81

economy of the municipality and will help the community enjoy the

beautiful nature they almost have.

Summary of Site Analysis

The site from Barangay Tanagan, after the evaluation and further

studies, can be good enough for my proposed Coastline Mediacal

Center. The location acquires the qualities from the site criteria.

In analyzing the site, problems that may possibly occur can be fixed

with the proper development and organization of the plan. Thus, these

developments may help the municipality to make good access with the

nearby municipalities.


Calatagan, Batangas

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 82





































TOTAL 15 4 5 8 4 1 1

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 83









Coastline Medical Center contains the following: (1) Primary

hospital category, (2) Secondary hospital category, (3) Tertiary

hospital category. There will be areas for Administrative service,

clinical service and nursing service.


Administrative Department

The department is oriented to the public and grouped in the area

adjoining the main lobby and main entrance. The areas for business,

accounting, cashiering, billing and admitting services will be

located at the first floor of the building. The offices of the

director, assistant and administrative are also at the first floor.

The nursing office should be provided with tables to help them

produce an efficient service. Each office should be provided with

tables and chairs, toilet and bath, and a staff conference area. A

large conference room or multipurpose room that accommodate 300

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 84

persons could be placed at the fourth floor of the administrative


There should be well kept medical records for it is important

for the effective and sufficient service system of the hospi-tel.

Adequate space must be provided for the medical records of the

patients and there must be proper storage of important files of the


Emergency Department

It should be easily reached for the community, well-marked and

adjacent to the different diagnostic services such as radiology,

laboratory, and administrative departments. The goal of this

organization is to provide prompt and proper medical services 24

hours a day and 7 days a week to all of the patients who need an

emergency service.

Different spaces of the department:

1. Public Space

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 85

a) Ambulatory entrance vestibule- located near the main

entrance of the hospi-tel. This is provided with a sliding

door leading directly to the emergency department. In here,

the wheel chairs and stretches are placed.

b) Triage- an area adjacent to the entrance. This is the area

for the staffs who sorts for the coming patients who need

immediate service and will help them route to proper

medical service.

c) Waiting room- an area for non-urgent patients and their

companions. This area is provided with benches, drinking

fountains and telephone booths and two toilets for male and


d) Police or press room- an interview room for use of police,

press and lawyers. This is provided with work counter for

writing reports.

2. Primary Activity Space

a) Immediate Medical Care Unit- treatment room for urgent

medical services. It consists of 3 examination/treatment

tables with wheels. The area is equipped with portable

defibrillator and wall cabinet for equipment and supplies

for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 86

b) Immediate Surgical Care Room- treatment for room patients

who need urgent surgical treatment. This area has a wall

cabinet for the necessary equipment and supplies for

emergency surgical procedures.

3. Administrative Office

a) Emergency Physician’s office- consists of desk, chairs,

storage and shelves.

b) Social Service Office- for the social service personnel

where financial arrangement are made.

c) Nurse’s Locker Room- dressing area for nurses with lockers

and toilet and bath.

Equipment needed in the Emergency Area:

Oxygen Tanks/Pipes

Kidney Basin

Cabinet for instruments


Intubation set

Mouth gag

Needles and holders

Cabinets for supplies like sterile dressing sutures

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 87

Cabinet for antidotes and other medications




Cardiac board


Tables/ trays

Out-patient Department

The functions of an OPD are education, prevention, diagnosis and

treatment of illness as well as follow-up of people who have been

discharged from the hospital. This is the place where the patients

get referred to the hospital.

Patients are first seen in admitting section, maybe referred to

the social service and then seen by interns and residents who take

the history and handle the physical examination. If the need arises,

he will be referred to the consultant, medicines are prescribed or

laboratory examinations are done.

List of rooms:

Reception/ registration – counter, storage for forms

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 88

Waiting area – benches, toilets/sinks, drinking fountain,

telephone booth

Primary Activity Area – medical treatment room, pediatric

treatment room, surgical treatment room, OB/gyne room, EENT

room, minor surgery room, and dental treatment room.

Four cubicles are allotted for paediatrics and medical

treatment room, two cubicles each for the rest and other

equipments needed.

Support spaces:

Out-patient medical record

Soiled utility room

Clean utility room

Janitorial closet

Administrative spaces:

Office of the OPD head

Social service head

OPD cashier

Physician’s locker

Nurse’s locker

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 89


Radiology Department

This is located within the diagnostic area between the Emergency

Room (ER) and the Out-patient Department (OPD). Functions of the

department are to assist in the diagnosis and theraphy trough the use

of special equipments. It has the responsibility in research

essential to medical advancement and to participate in educational

programs for interns, residents and technicians.

Spaces and equipments:

Two cubicles for 2 x-ray equipment, the walls should have lead

shields, patient’s toilet in between the two cubicles.

Cubicle for the storage of the portable x-ray

Dark room for developing x-rays, provided with work counter and


Viewing room for the staff, provided with four negatocopes

mounted on the wall

Laboratory Department

A comprehensive laboratory should have the following section:

Morbid Anatomy

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 90


Clinical Pathology


With sub-sections according to functions of the hospital to the

community, the laboratory must be located and designed so as:

Provide suitable, direct access for patients

Allow reception of deliveries of chemicals

Allow for disposal of laboratory materials and specimen

Pharmacy Department

Essentially provides a dispensing service in-patient wards and

outpatient departments. The pharmacist is responsible for purchases,

storage and dispensing of all drugs. A requisition system is

important in saving the time of all the departments served by the



Operating Room Complex

This is one of the most important and most expensive units to

construct in the hospital. The design of operating theatres has

become more and more complex. The average duration of operations must

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 91

be determined from experience and established statistics includes:

the actual length of the operation plus about one hour of preparation

and cleaning. Provision should also be made for pre-operative space,

containing 0.75 beds per operating theatre, and post-operative space,

with 1.5 beds per operating theatre.

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

The function spaces and equipment of this section is almost the

same of the medical ICU except that the patients here are pediatric

and the needs are also for pediatric patients.

Labor Room

This section is adjacent to the OB-GYNE ward and near the OR

complex. It is provided with 3 beds with curtains, work counter,

sink, toilet and bath, and oxygen as well as fetal monitor.

Delivery Room

Located adjacent to the labor room and near the OR complex. This

has 2 delivery tables with stirrups provided with scrub up area. Is

is communicating with the nursery to which the baby is transferred

for newborn care after delivery.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 92


The examination area where babies are examined requires a table,

a waste receptacle and a lavatory. This is connected with the nursery

by a sliding window. The nursery may be divided into premature

nursery and suspect nursery. Both will have incubators, central

suction with regulator controls.


Surgical Ward

Located adjacent to the OR complex. And include the following

services: general surgery, neurological surgery, urology, thoracic

surgery, orthopedics, plastic, traumatic and oral surgery.

Obstetrical- Gynecological Ward

Patient accommodation for mother is essentially the same for the

other types of patients, although more consideration must be given to

the provision of increased numbers of showers and toilets. A

treatment room is necessary for post-partum examination, treatment,

removal of sutures and similar procedures.

Medical Ward

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 93

The numbers of rooms allotted are: 10 rooms with one patient, 3

rooms with 2 patient bed and 2 rooms with 4 patient beds. The other

spaces and equipments are the same as that in surgical ward.

Pediatric Ward

Age groups included are usually those up from 12 to 14 years of

age, although the trend is toward a higher level since adolescent

care is still a distinct problem. Special policies and procedures for

pediatric services in addition to the usual high standard of patient

care include provision for education of physicians, interns, nurses

and other personnel in the care of the children; age limit for

admission, segregation from adults and by age, sex and type of

illness; observation for designated period; maximum freedom for

activity and recreation when medically feasible; and bringing food

and toys for patients.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 94

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 95



Structural System

The establishment of this basic building block must be

considered very carefully. The establishment of the structural

grid or column layout is important for the planning of spaces.

The increased capital cost associated with the interstitial space

must seem justified to provide an organization with this type of


Space for access and expandability of building systems is

particularly useful above highly technical and heavily serviced

areas such as operating rooms and diagnostic imaging. Planning

for vertical expansion must be considered early to ensure that

future needs can be accommodated.

Structural systems having the capability of economically

spanning as much as 100 ft provided greater flexibility in

building design and space arrangement. Large-space areas, free of

columns and bearing walls, can be divided and adapted to satisfy

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 96

the changing demands of functional operations. Roof construction

and roof design loads vary with the area of the country.

Electrical System

The electrical installations, including alarm and

communication system, shall be tested to demonstrate that

equipment installation and operation is appropriate and

functional. A written record of performance tests on special

electrical system and equipment shall show compliance with

applicable codes and standards. Data processing and automated

laboratory or diagnostic equipment, if provided, such equipment

may require safeguards from power line disturbances.

Plumbing System

The water system which includes storage and distribution

facilities at the least (in undeveloped areas, collecting and

purifying systems may be additional requirements) should be

developed as to provide sufficient (50 to 115 liters per person a

day), safe and acceptable water.

Sanitary System

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 97

Standards for drinking water and bacteriological and

chemical examinations, together with the evaluation of results

shall conform to the criteria set by the National Drinking Water

Standards. The treatment of water to render it safe for the

drinking, and the disinfection of contaminated water sources

together with their distribution systems shall be in accordance

with the procedures prescribed by the department.

Mechanical Systems

Maintaining a pleasant temperature, about 22C, is the design

target for heating and air-conditioning systems in cold and warm

countries. Higher or lower temperatures may be attained in

specific areas through independent units to suit individual

requirements. Wherever possible, therefore, hospital design

should minimize or eliminate the need for air-conditioning and

mechanical ventilation by providing occupied spaces with adequate

windows, cross ventilated were possible, and by using internal

areas for specific purposes. Fire exit drills must be conducted

quarterly on each shift to familiarize facility personnel with

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 98

the signals and the emergency actions required under varied


Security System

The number of entrances and exits are often the concern of

the security unit of the administrative office of the hospital.

The circulation routes in the hospital consist of external and

internal routes. External routes consist of traffic lines within

the site, from the access point to the entrance of the building.

Internal traffic streams link departments.

Communication and Electronic System

Computer systems that allow internet access and electronic

communication systems are provided to facilitate the effective

and efficient conduct of hospital business. Emergency call

systems: Devices that are activated to indicate the need for

staff assistance. Such devices produce an audible or visual

indication (or both) or may be connected or transmitted to an

area alert monitor.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 99

EHR can reduce medical errors. In one ambulatory healthcare

study, however, there was no difference in 14 measures,

improvement in 2 outcome measures, and worse outcome in one


These are believed to increase physician efficiency and

reduce costs, as well as promote standardization of care. Even

though EMR systems with computerized provider order entry (CPOE)

have existed for more than 30 years, less than 10 percent of

hospitals as of 2006 have fully integrated systems.

Waste Management System

Health care wastes are in form of solid and liquid wastes

generated in the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human

beings and animals; in medical research; or in production of

vaccines or other substances produced from living organisms. They

are commonly generated by hospitals, medical or research

laboratories, clinics, offices of physicians and dentists,

veterinarians, long-term care facilities (for example, nursing

homes) and funeral homes. These wastes represent a relatively

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 100

small portion of the total solid waste stream, and are simple to

identify, to separate and to treat properly. Hospital wastes

includes sharp (for example, hypodermic syringes, glass slide,

and scalpels), human or animal tissue or excretion, medical

products (including swabs and dressing).



A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 101

Design Philosophy

“Architecture is not merely designing or decorating; it is a

unique way of building dreams and the future.”

Design Concept

To create a modern center in green architecture design that

will help increase the health infrastructure of the city.

Major Design Concept

The major atmosphere can be a large secondary source of

stress for patients, their families and healthcare staff. The

overall design of any hospital may have a direct effect on

patient health and quality of cafe. For example, poor lighting

can easily linked to patient depression and staff errors, while

crowded patient rooms with poor air quality can lead to

likelihood of increased infections. In addition to treatment,

hospitals should be more focused on the general promotion of


Hospital’s innovative construction and design safeguards

patients, families and staff while creating a comfortable, A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 102

healthy environment. With feedback from various groups, including

heath care experts and members of the local community, this

prioritized a number of design features to foster these kinds of


Private patient rooms with large windows

De-centralized nursing stations, closer to patient rooms

Natural light and expanded lighting options

Decreased noise levels with sound absorbing ceiling panel ad


Centralized ventilation system and air filters

Easy to navigate hallways with benches to rest along the way

More public seating areas to accommodate families and


Minor Design Concept


Form execution prior to man’s nature adopting poetic

form and innovative. Context, both in exterior and interior of

the building by means of designing and providing room finishes

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 103

and materials, as well as having space orientation that will

further engaged in man’s need of satisfaction.


Designing and facilitating an area to its foremost

function that will complement to both man and environment that

will lead to a better flow of circulation and orientation of



Designing a building that will withstand the force of

nature as time passes by will make the function unobstructed and

functional not only for the present time but most likely to its

future use.


Within the modern industry, financial and economic

factors are of primary concern to all business. The success or

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 104

failure of a project can hinge upon the proper management of

these issues.


Efficiency and Cost-effectiveness

An efficient hospital layout should promote staff

efficiency by minimizing distance of necessary travel

between frequently used spaces. It should provide an

efficient logistics system, which might include elevators,

pneumatic tubes, box conveyors, manual or automated carts,

and gravity or pneumatic chutes, for the efficient handling

of food and clean supplies and the removal of wastes,

recyclables and solid materials. Make an efficient use of

space by locating support spaces so that they may be shared

by adjacent functional areas, and by making prudent use of

multi-purpose spaces.

Flexibility and Expandability

Since medical need and modes of treatment will continue

to change, hospitals should use generic room sizes and plans

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 105

as much as possible, rather than highly specific ones, be

served by modular, easily accessed, and easily modified

mechanical and electrical system.

Cleanliness and Sanitation

Hospitals must be easy to clean and maintain. This is

facilitated by appropriate, durable finishes for each

functional space, careful detailing of such features as

doorframes, casework, and finish transitions to avoid dirt

catching and hard-to-clean crevices and joints and adequate

and appropriately located housekeeping spaces.


Ensuring grades are flat enough to allow easy movement

and sidewalks and corridors are wide enough for two

wheelchairs to pass easily and entrance areas are designed

to accommodate patients with slower adaption rates to dark

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 106

and light; marking glass walls and doors to make their

presence obvious.

Controlled Circulation

A hospital is a complex system of interrelated

functions requiring constant movement of people and goods.

Much of this circulation should be controlled like

outpatients visiting diagnostic and treatment areas should

not travel through inpatient functional areas or encounter

severely ill inpatients, typical outpatient routes should be

simple and clearly defined and visitors should have a simple

and direct route to each patient nursing unit without

penetrating other functional areas.


Aesthetics is closely related in creating a therapeutic

environment (homelike, attractive). It is important in

enhancing the hospital’s public image and is thus an

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 107

important marketing tool. A better environment also

contributes to better staff morale and patient care.

Safety and Security

In addition to the general safety concerns of all

buildings, hospitals have several particular security

concerns. It is the protection of hospital property and

assets, including drugs and the protection of patients,

including incapacitated patients, and staff.


Hospitals are large public buildings that have

significant impact on the environment and economy of the

surrounding community. They are heavy users of energy and

water and produce large amounts of waste. Because hospitals

place such demands on community resources they are natural

candidates for sustainable design.

Architectural Style Guide

Today’s ever changing and growing healthcare market

requires those charged with selecting planning and design A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 108

solutions to balance patient comfort and convenience with

budget and schedule constraint – all while working toward

fulfilling your corporate vision.



Source of Funding

The project is a major reorganization and maintenance of one

of the basic infrastructure of the country. As one of the diverse

schemes for raising funds, the CDA may apply for financing

programs offered by any private organization to have a stable

funding. The assumed loan conditions must be equivalent to those

offered by private financial institutions.

A problem develops when trying to operate with limited

membership equity capital. The task of financing a new

cooperative with member equity alone is usually possible.

Therefore, the best source of additional funds needed is from

members in the form of: a) membership fee or purchase of stock;

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 109

b) agreement to withhold portion of net earnings profit; c) by

assessment based on units of products sold or purchased.

Probable Construction Cost


Gross Area x Unit Cost = Building Cost

17,536.974 x 20,000 = 350,739,480.00 php


Classification: High

30% of A = B = 105,221,844.00 php


For Hospital (50%)

15% of A = C = 52,610,922.00 php


A + B + C = D = 508,572,246.00 php


10,000 php per sq.m

Area: 69,573 sq. M

69,573 x 5,000 = 696,730,000.00 php

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 110


Classification: High

30% of A = F = 105,221,844.00 php


Sum of D + E + F = 2,073,993,467.00 php


Source of Income



Room & Board

Suite room 3,000.00 php

145,417,022.50 php

Private room 6,000.00 php

Intensive Care Unit 15,000.00 php

Isolation 5,000.00


A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 111

Ward 5,000.00


Maintenance and Sustainability


Total Sales Revenue:


Land Acquisition = 695,730,000.00 php

Construction Cost = 508,572,246.00 php

10% Commission (Annually) = 94,876,367.09 php

Maintenance and Sustainability = 237,368,417.00 php


Net Income = 639,272,578.30 php

Return of Investment:

Total Budget Required/ Net Income = ROI

2,073,993,467.00/ 639,272,578.30.00 = 3.24

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 112

3 years = Return of Investment


Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations


Through this proposed Coastline Medical Center, it will meet

the demand in caring, aiding and treatment services of

Calatagan wherein it is highly needed. The provision of care

and shelter for the sick and injured person is fundamental

requirement of community life particularly the beneficiaries

of the proposed project.

The planning is based form space programming and from

analyzed theories that guided the proponent in her

continuous research to come up for the best design approach

for the proponent’s project.

Every effort will be made to establish a hospital for both

inpatient and outpatient needs of Calatagan City population.

The proposed new facilities will provide assets to further

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 113

increase the hospital’s ability to provide efficient quality

on patient care.


Functional planning is the creative aspect of the proposed

Coastline Medical Center who offers medical care for young

and adult patients in the city, neighbourhood barangays, and

adjacent municipalities. Wherein modern facilities will be

introduced, it will balance the potential for present and

future needs of the facility, improved function, modernized

technology, with the reality of limited resources.

Based from the needs, technicalities and Zoning ordinances,

there is a need to construct a hospital in order to promote

the health conditions of the citizens in Calatagan.


Construction of Coastline Medical Center is suggested in to

uphold adequate basic health services for young and adult

which are primitive, preventive and curative and to certain

extent rehabilitation in nature.

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 114

For the stability and security of the proposed Coastline

Medical Center, consultation to the experts must be

appraised. Engineering works for different Engineer

Consultants like the structural, mechanical, and electrical

works, and equipment. Analysis of the architectural volume

and space must be studied to promote proper function and

circulation within the proposed Coastline Medical Center.


National Building Codes of the Philippines and Its Implementing

Rules and Regulations

Code on Sanitation of the Philippines and Its Implementing Rules

and Regulations

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 115

Accessibility Law and Its Implementing Rules and Regulations

Manual on Technical Guidelines for Hospitals and Health

Facilities Planning and Design, Department of Health, Manila.


Signage Systems Manual for Hospitals and Offices. Department of

Health, Manila. 1994

Health Facilities Maintenance Manual. Department of Health,

Manila. 1995

Manual on Hospital Waste Management. Department of Health,

Manila. 1997

District Hospitals: Guidelines for Development. World Health

Organization Regional Publications, Western Pacific Series. 1992

Guidelines for Construction and Equipment of Hospital and Medical

Facilities. American Institute of Architects, Committee on

Architecture for Health. 1996

De Chiara, Joseph. Time-Saver Standards for Building Types.

McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1980

A Proposed COASTLINE MEDICAL CENTER in the City of Calatagan – Innovative Change Page 116

Guidelines in the Planning and Design of a hospital and other

facilities, Department of Health, 2004



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