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RNase III-dependent Regulation of Yeast Telomerase

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RNase III-dependent Regulation of Yeast Telomerase * S Received for publication, July 27, 2006, and in revised form, December 6, 2006 Published, JBC Papers in Press, December 11, 2006, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M607145200 Ste ´ phanie Larose, Nancy Laterreur, Ghada Ghazal, Jules Gagnon, Raymund J. Wellinger 1 , and Sherif Abou Elela 2 From the RNA Group, De ´partement de Microbiologie et d’Infectiologie, Faculte ´ de Me ´decine, Universite ´ de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Que ´bec J1H 5N4, Canada In bakers’ yeast, in vivo telomerase activity requires a ribonu- cleoprotein (RNP) complex with at least four associated pro- teins (Est2p, Est1p, Est3p, and Cdc13p) and one RNA species (Tlc1). The function of telomerase in maintaining chromosome ends, called telomeres, is tightly regulated and linked to the cell cycle. However, the mechanisms that regulate the expression of individual components of telomerase are poorly understood. Here we report that yeast RNase III (Rnt1p), a double-stranded RNA-specific endoribonuclease, regulates the expression of telomerase subunits and is required for maintaining normal telomere length. Deletion or inactivation of RNT1 induced the expression of Est1, Est2, Est3, and Tlc1 RNAs and increased telomerase activity, leading to elongation of telomeric repeat tracts. In silico analysis of the different RNAs coding for the telomerase subunits revealed a canonical Rnt1p cleavage site near the 3 end of Est1 mRNA. This predicted structure was cleaved by Rnt1p and its disruption abolished cleavage in vitro. Mutation of the Rnt1p cleavage signal in vivo impaired the cell cycle-dependent degradation of Est1 mRNA without affecting its steady-state level. These results reveal a new mechanism that influences telomeres length by controlling the expression of the telomerase subunits. The ends of eukaryotic chromosomes are capped with spe- cial structures made of tandem DNA repeats and associated proteins, called telomeres. These structures protect chromo- somes from end-to-end fusion, recombination, and nucleolytic degradation (1, 2). However, because the conventional DNA replication machinery cannot fully duplicate the ends of linear chromosomes, telomeric DNA will shorten with each round of replication, leading to a replicative senescence (3). To solve this end replication problem, most eukaryotes use the activity of an enzyme called telomerase to ensure the maintenance of telo- meric DNA (4). Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein reverse tran- scriptase that can extend the 3 end of chromosomes using its RNA subunit as a template for the addition of telomeric repeats. In vitro, telomerase activity requires a reverse transcriptase (Tert, Est2p in yeast) and an RNA template (Terc, Tlc1 in yeast) (5, 6). In vivo, yeast telomerase requires additional factors for function, including Est1p, Est3p, and Cdc13p (3, 7). Deleting any one of the EST1, EST2, EST3, or TLC1 genes or a particular allele of the CDC13 gene (cdc13-2) causes progressive telomere shortening leading to cellular senescence. Increased expression of individual telomerase genes may also lead to telomeric phe- notypes. For example, overexpression of Tlc1 causes telomere shortening by sequestering the Tlc1-binding factor Ku (8, 9). Similarly, overexpression of Est1p may cause a slight telomere lengthening in some strains (10). On the other hand, induction of Est1, Est2, and Est3 mRNA expression in cells with defective nonsense-mediated mRNA decay decreases telomere length (11). These observations suggest that a variation in the expres- sion levels of the different components of telomerase holoen- zyme influences telomerase function. However, the cellular mechanisms that regulate and balance the expression of the different components of the telomerase ribonucleoprotein remain unknown. Telomere elongation occurs in late S or early G 2 /M phases of the cell cycle (12, 13). There is evidence that the catalytic core of telomerase (Est2p and Tlc1) is present at yeast telomeres throughout the cell cycle but requires an association of Est1p, which accumulates in the S phase of the cell cycle (14, 15). Telomerase activity on the telomeres is negatively regu- lated by Pif1p, a helicase that is thought to remove telomerase from the chromosome ends (16). In addition, the Rif proteins also exert a negative role on telomere length maintenance (17), and several other proteins involved in the DNA damage check- point and repair pathways were shown to influence steady-state telomere length in vivo (18). At least some of the factors regu- lating telomere length influence the activity of the telomerase subunits, yet very little is known about the mechanisms regu- lating the expression of the telomerase subunits. Here we show that the expression level of several telomerase subunits is regulated post-transcriptionally by yeast RNase III (Rnt1p). Rnt1p is a double-stranded RNA-specific endoribo- nuclease involved in the maturation of many RNAs, including small nuclear RNAs, snoRNAs, 3 and pre-rRNAs (19 –21). Recently it was shown that Rnt1p regulates the expression of glucose-dependent genes, degrades unspliced mRNAs, and cleaves mRNAs with abnormal 3 ends (22–25). The majority of Rnt1p substrates include a short RNA stem capped with an AGNN tetraloop structure (26). These particular structures are cleaved at a fixed distance from the tetraloop (27–29). Deletion of RNT1 induced the expression of many components of telom- * This work was supported by Grants MOP-67162 and MOP-74438 from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. S The on-line version of this article (available at http://www.jbc.org) contains supplemental Table S1 and Figs. S1–S2. 1 Chercheur National of the Fonds de la Recherche en Sante ´ du Que ´bec. 2 Chercheur-Boursier Senior scientist. To whom correspondence should be addressed: 3001 12 e Ave. Nord, Sherbrooke, Que ´ bec J1H 5N4, Canada. Tel.: 819-564-5275; Fax: 819-564-5392; E-mail: [email protected]. 3 The abbreviations used are: snoRNA, small nucleolar RNA; FACS, fluores- cence-activated cell sorter. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 282, NO. 7, pp. 4373–4381, February 16, 2007 © 2007 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. FEBRUARY 16, 2007 • VOLUME 282 • NUMBER 7 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 4373 at UNIV DE SHERBROOKE on November 13, 2008 www.jbc.org Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/cgi/content/full/M607145200/DC1 Supplemental Material can be found at:

RNase III-dependent Regulation of Yeast Telomerase*□S

Received for publication, July 27, 2006, and in revised form, December 6, 2006 Published, JBC Papers in Press, December 11, 2006, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M607145200

Stephanie Larose, Nancy Laterreur, Ghada Ghazal, Jules Gagnon, Raymund J. Wellinger1, and Sherif Abou Elela2

From the RNA Group, Departement de Microbiologie et d’Infectiologie, Faculte de Medecine, Universite de Sherbrooke,Sherbrooke, Quebec J1H 5N4, Canada

In bakers’ yeast, in vivo telomerase activity requires a ribonu-cleoprotein (RNP) complex with at least four associated pro-teins (Est2p, Est1p, Est3p, and Cdc13p) and one RNA species(Tlc1). The function of telomerase in maintaining chromosomeends, called telomeres, is tightly regulated and linked to the cellcycle. However, the mechanisms that regulate the expression ofindividual components of telomerase are poorly understood.Here we report that yeast RNase III (Rnt1p), a double-strandedRNA-specific endoribonuclease, regulates the expression oftelomerase subunits and is required for maintaining normaltelomere length. Deletion or inactivation of RNT1 induced theexpression of Est1, Est2, Est3, and Tlc1 RNAs and increasedtelomerase activity, leading to elongation of telomeric repeattracts. In silico analysis of the different RNAs coding for thetelomerase subunits revealed a canonical Rnt1p cleavage sitenear the 3� end of Est1 mRNA. This predicted structure wascleaved by Rnt1p and its disruption abolished cleavage in vitro.Mutation of the Rnt1p cleavage signal in vivo impaired the cellcycle-dependent degradation of Est1 mRNA without affectingits steady-state level. These results reveal a newmechanism thatinfluences telomeres length by controlling the expression of thetelomerase subunits.

The ends of eukaryotic chromosomes are capped with spe-cial structures made of tandem DNA repeats and associatedproteins, called telomeres. These structures protect chromo-somes from end-to-end fusion, recombination, and nucleolyticdegradation (1, 2). However, because the conventional DNAreplication machinery cannot fully duplicate the ends of linearchromosomes, telomeric DNA will shorten with each round ofreplication, leading to a replicative senescence (3). To solve thisend replication problem, most eukaryotes use the activity of anenzyme called telomerase to ensure the maintenance of telo-mericDNA (4). Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein reverse tran-scriptase that can extend the 3� end of chromosomes using itsRNAsubunit as a template for the addition of telomeric repeats.In vitro, telomerase activity requires a reverse transcriptase

(Tert, Est2p in yeast) and an RNA template (Terc, Tlc1 in yeast)

(5, 6). In vivo, yeast telomerase requires additional factors forfunction, including Est1p, Est3p, and Cdc13p (3, 7). Deletingany one of the EST1, EST2, EST3, or TLC1 genes or a particularallele of theCDC13 gene (cdc13-2) causes progressive telomereshortening leading to cellular senescence. Increased expressionof individual telomerase genes may also lead to telomeric phe-notypes. For example, overexpression of Tlc1 causes telomereshortening by sequestering the Tlc1-binding factor Ku (8, 9).Similarly, overexpression of Est1p may cause a slight telomerelengthening in some strains (10). On the other hand, inductionof Est1, Est2, and Est3 mRNA expression in cells with defectivenonsense-mediated mRNA decay decreases telomere length(11). These observations suggest that a variation in the expres-sion levels of the different components of telomerase holoen-zyme influences telomerase function. However, the cellularmechanisms that regulate and balance the expression of thedifferent components of the telomerase ribonucleoproteinremain unknown.Telomere elongation occurs in late S or early G2/M phases

of the cell cycle (12, 13). There is evidence that the catalyticcore of telomerase (Est2p and Tlc1) is present at yeasttelomeres throughout the cell cycle but requires an associationof Est1p, which accumulates in the S phase of the cell cycle (14,15). Telomerase activity on the telomeres is negatively regu-lated by Pif1p, a helicase that is thought to remove telomerasefrom the chromosome ends (16). In addition, the Rif proteinsalso exert a negative role on telomere length maintenance (17),and several other proteins involved in the DNA damage check-point and repair pathwayswere shown to influence steady-statetelomere length in vivo (18). At least some of the factors regu-lating telomere length influence the activity of the telomerasesubunits, yet very little is known about the mechanisms regu-lating the expression of the telomerase subunits.Here we show that the expression level of several telomerase

subunits is regulated post-transcriptionally by yeast RNase III(Rnt1p). Rnt1p is a double-stranded RNA-specific endoribo-nuclease involved in the maturation of many RNAs, includingsmall nuclear RNAs, snoRNAs,3 and pre-rRNAs (19–21).Recently it was shown that Rnt1p regulates the expression ofglucose-dependent genes, degrades unspliced mRNAs, andcleavesmRNAswith abnormal 3� ends (22–25). Themajority ofRnt1p substrates include a short RNA stem capped with anAGNN tetraloop structure (26). These particular structures arecleaved at a fixed distance from the tetraloop (27–29). DeletionofRNT1 induced the expression ofmany components of telom-

* This work was supported by Grants MOP-67162 and MOP-74438 from theCanadian Institutes for Health Research. The costs of publication of thisarticle were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This articlemust therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

□S The on-line version of this article (available at http://www.jbc.org) containssupplemental Table S1 and Figs. S1–S2.

1 Chercheur National of the Fonds de la Recherche en Sante du Quebec.2 Chercheur-Boursier Senior scientist. To whom correspondence should be

addressed: 3001 12e Ave. Nord, Sherbrooke, Quebec J1H 5N4, Canada. Tel.:819-564-5275; Fax: 819-564-5392; E-mail: [email protected].

3 The abbreviations used are: snoRNA, small nucleolar RNA; FACS, fluores-cence-activated cell sorter.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 282, NO. 7, pp. 4373–4381, February 16, 2007© 2007 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A.


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http://www.jbc.org/cgi/content/full/M607145200/DC1Supplemental Material can be found at:

erase, leading to an increase in telomerase activity and elonga-tion of the telomeres. A point mutation that impairs catalyticactivity of Rnt1p without affecting its expression or interactionwith RNA fails to restore normal expression of telomerase sub-units or reduce telomere lengths. In silico analysis revealed acanonical Rnt1p cleavage site within the coding sequence of theEst1 mRNA. In vitro analyses showed that this predicted struc-ture was directly cleaved by Rnt1p in the absence of other fac-tors. Disruption of this Rnt1p cleavage site by silent mutationsimpaired the cell cycle-dependent regulation of Est1 mRNA,suggesting that Rnt1p triggers RNA cleavage in a cell cycle-de-pendent manner. These results demonstrate that the expres-sion level of the telomerase subunits influences their functionand reveal a new regulatory mechanism that controls the accu-mulation of telomerase-related RNAs.


Strains and Plasmids—All yeast strains were grown andmanipulated using standard procedures (30, 31). StrainsW303-1A, rnt1�, rnt1-ts, and rnt1-D247/R were described earlier (22,32–34). RNT1 (NLYH15) and rnt1� (NLYH12) cells harboringprotein A-tagged EST2 were created by crossing strains YKF103(MATa; ura3–52; ade 2–101; lys2–801; leu2�1; trp1�1; his3-�200/CF� (TRP1 SUP11)) (35) and DUY746 (MAT�; leu2–3,112; his3; trp1; pep4; prc1; HIS3:pet56:rnt1).4 Strain SLY150(EST1–4) was constructed by inserting 4 silent mutations(T2061/C; G2064/A; C2067/T; C2070/T) within the EST1 codingsequence in JPY112 (MATa/�; lys2�0/lys2�0; ura3�0/ura3�0;his3�200/his3�200; leu2�0/leu2�0; RNT1/rnt1�::KMX4), aderivative of BY4705. The DNA fragment used for the replace-ment of 4 nucleotides was created by cloning two PCR frag-ments in the pVZ1 vector (36). The first PCR fragment wasamplified using primers 5�-CCAGACGAAGCAATTGA-TGC-TGACGAAGATATTACCGTCCAAGTGCC-3� and 5�-GCT-GGGTACCGGGCCCCCCCTCGAGGTCG-3�. The amplifiedsequence corresponds to the 3� end of EST1 and contains 4mutations disrupting the Rnt1p cleavage site. The second PCRfragment was amplified using primers 5�-CAGATTGTACT-GAGAGTGCACC-3� and 5�-GTATTGACAGCATATATA-TTTGCTGTCTTGAATTTATTATGCTAATAAATAAT-TATGTTTTTCAAGCGCACTGTGCGGTATTTCACACC.The amplified fragment contains the URA3 gene and a shortsequence of EST1. The integration of the DNA fragment inthe yeast genome was selected by growth in the absence ofuracil and the marker was removed by counterselection on5-fluoroorotic acid. SLY178 (EST1–4; bar1�::URA3) wasgenerated by deleting the BAR1 gene from SLY150 as previ-ously described (37). MLY30 strain (bar1�::HIS3) was con-structed by deleting the BAR1 gene in BY4705a strain(MATa; ade2�::hisG; met15�0; trp1�63; lys2�0; ura3�0;his3�200; leu2�0; bar1�::HIS3) (38).In Vitro RNACleavage—In vitro cleavage reactions were per-

formed as described previously (29). Cleavage of model RNAsubstrates was performed using T7-synthesized transcripts andrecombinant Rnt1p (0.2 pmol) (39) in a 20-�l reaction buffercontaining 150 mM KCl and incubated 20 min at 30 °C. Cleav-

age of total RNA extracted from yeast was performed asdescribed previously (22). Briefly, 50 �g of total RNAwas incu-bated with 4 pmol of recombinant Rnt1p for 10 min at 30 °C asdescribed for the cleavage of model substrates.Analysis of mRNA Stability—The stability of the different

mRNAs was determined after inhibiting transcription using 10�g/ml of thiolutin as previously described (22). Cells weregrown at 26 °C to mid-log phase and RNA was extracted atdifferent time points after the addition of the drug. The levels ofmRNA were quantified by real-time PCR using RPR1 (pol IIItranscript) as an internal control. Half-lives were estimatedusing the single exponential decay formula y � 100 e�bx. Thio-lutin was kindly provided by Pfizer (Groton, CT).Primer Extension andNorthern Blot Analysis—Primer exten-

sion was performed using a primer specific for EST1 (5�-GGG-TTGACGACGACAGGCGTGG-3�) as described previously(19). Extended products were separated on a 6% denaturingpolyacrylamide gel and visualized by autoradiography. North-ern blots were performed as described previously (19) using 15�g of total RNA and a 1% denaturing agarose gel or a 4% poly-acrylamide gel. The RNA was visualized by autoradiographyusing randomly labeled probes corresponding to specific genes.The RNA was quantified using Instant Imager (PerkinElmerLife Sciences).Real-time PCR Analysis—Synthesis of cDNA was performed

using 2 �g of total RNA and SuperScript II Reverse Tran-scriptase (Invitrogen). Gene-specific primer protocol using a“Flap sequence” common to all primers was used to avoid DNAamplification during subsequent PCR amplification. ThecDNA was purified with Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean-UpSystem (Promega). Q-PCR was performed on an ABI PRISM7700 (Applied Biosystems) as previously described (40). PCRwere done in triplicate using a 25-�l reaction volume. TaqManprobes (5�,6-FAM, 3�-TAMRA) and specific primers (Inte-grated DNATechnologies, Coralville, IA) were used at concen-trations of 250 and 900 nM, respectively, in a reaction buffercontaining 50mMKCl, 5.5mMMgCl2, 10mMTris, pH 8.0, with0.625 units of homemade Taq (41), 0.25 unit of UDG (NewEngland Biolabs, Pickering, ON), 50 nM ROX Reference Dye(Invitrogen), 200 �M dATP/dGTP/dCTP, 400 �M dUTP(Amersham Biosciences). Data were analyzed by the compara-tive threshold method. All primers and probes used for real-time PCR are listed in Table 1.Telomere Length Analysis—Telomere length was analyzed as

described earlier (42). Genomic DNA was extracted from cellsgrown to mid-log phase. 5 �g of genomic DNA was digestedwith XhoI, separated on a 1% agarose gel, and transferred to anylon membrane (Hybond N�, Amersham Biosciences). DNAwas visualized by autoradiography with a randomly labeledtelomeric probe.Cell Cycle Synchronization and FACS Analysis—Cells were

synchronized in G1 by the addition of �-factor (Bioshop, Burl-ington, ON) at a final concentration of 0.5 �g/ml for 3 h. Cellswere harvested and resuspended in fresh media containing 200�g/ml Pronase (Roche Diagnostics) to release the cells fromtheir arrest. Samples were taken at different time points toeither extract RNA or monitor the release into the cell cycle byFACS analysis as described previously (34). The RNAs corre-4 D. Ursic, personal communication.

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sponding to the different geneswas quantified by real-timePCRusing Rpr1 as an internal control.Western Blot and Telomerase Activity—Telomerase assays

were performed as previously described (35). The EST2 genewas modified to incorporate an N-terminal Protein A tag asdescribed (35). Immunoprecipitation was performed usingIgG-Sepharose beads (Amersham Biosciences) and 2 mg oftotal protein extracted from either RNT1 (NLYH15) or rnt1�(NLYH12) cells. Extension of a telomeric primer (5�-TAGGG-TAGTAGTAGGG-3�) wasmonitored to determine telomeraseactivity. Quantifications were performed using a Storm Phos-phorImager (Storm860,AmershamBiosciences). Total protein(30 �g) or immunoprecipitated proteins were run on an 8%SDS-PAGE and transferred ontoHybond-Cmembrane (Amer-shamBiosciences).Western blots were performed using 1:7500diluted (total protein) or 1:5000 diluted (immunoprecipitatedprotein) polyclonal rabbit anti-protein A antibodies (Sigma).Donkey anti-rabbit IgG conjugated with horseradish peroxi-dase was used as a secondary antibody to allow detection withECL Plus reagents (Amersham Biosciences). After membranestripping, blots were incubatedwithmouse anti-PGK Ig diluted1:500 (Molecular Probes) as primary and sheep anti-mouse IgGconjugated with horseradish peroxidase diluted 1:5000 (Amer-sham Biosciences) as secondary antibody. Detection and quan-tificationwere done using a Storm Fluorescence Imager (Storm860, Amersham Biosciences).Non-linear Regression Analysis and Graph Generation—The

graphs shown in Fig. 5Cwere generated using GraphPad Prismversion 4.03 forWindows (GraphPad Software, Inc., San Diego,CA). The data from three independent experiments for EST1–4;bar1� cells and two independent experiments for EST1; bar1�were used for the analysis. To choose the best equation to modelthe data, we compared the different classical equations and allpolynomial order equations available in GraphPad. To selectthe best equation type, we used an F test with p � 0.05. Two-by-two comparisons were performed to identify the simplestmodel that best fit the data. The equation used is a polynomialof the fourth order (Y � A � B�X � C�X2 � D�X3 � E�X4). The

obtained values are shown in supplemental Table 1. The use ofnon-linear regression was required because the mRNA level isaffected by many variables: mRNA decay, Rnt1p cleavage, con-stitutive expression, and cell cycle-dependent expression. Theuse of a non-linear regression also allows for the two mainsources of variation in the measurement (normal experimentalvariation and variation in the cell synchronization) to bedetermined.


We previously performed a microarray analysis of RNAextracted from cells lacking RNT1 and compared it with RNAfrom wild type cells (22). After detailed inspection of the data,we noticed thatmany telomerase-relatedmRNAswere inducedupon the deletion ofRNT1 (Fig. 1A). This induced expression ofRNAs coding for telomerase subunits was similar to that ofknown Rnt1p substrates like Rps22B (23) and Mig2 (22)mRNAs. The impact of RNT1 deletion on the expression oftelomerase-related RNAs was verified by Northern blot analy-sis. Consistent with themicroarray data, themRNAs coding forthe main components of the telomerase RNP complex (Est1,Est2, and Est3) and the telomerase RNA Tlc1 accumulated inthe absence of Rnt1p (Fig. 1B). No major increase in the RNAamounts coding for other telomere-related proteins likeCdc13,Ten1, and Tel1 were detected by Northern blot (data notshown).We conclude that Rnt1p is required for normal expres-sion of most core telomerase subunits.If Rnt1p influences the stability of Est1, Est2, Est3, and Tlc1

RNAs, we expected the deletion of RNT1 to slow the turnoverand increase the half-life of these RNAs. To examine this pos-sibility, the half-life of each affected RNA was determined inwild type and rnt1� cells after inhibiting new transcriptionusing thiolutin. Quantitative PCR analysis was used to estimatethe mRNA amounts at different time points after transcriptioninhibition and the half-life was calculated for each RNA species(Table 2). We used two unrelated RNAs (Spt15 and Act1) withdifferent half-lives and that are thought not to be directlyaffected by Rnt1p as controls (supplemental Fig. 1). Indeed, the

TABLE 1Primers and probes used for real-time PCR


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half-lives of these control RNAswere only slightly longer in rnt1�cells when compared with that inwild type cells due to a general slowmetabolism of rnt1� cells (Table 2and data not shown). In contrast,these experiments showed a signifi-cant increase in the half-lives ofEst1, Est2, and Est3 mRNAs (Table2). As previously described, the Tlc1RNA was already very stable in wildtype cells (43), and no decay wasobserved in both wild type andrnt1� cells even after 1 h of tran-scription inhibition (Table 2).When normalized to Spt15, the rel-ative half-lives of Est1 and Est2 wereabout 2 times longer in rnt1� thanin wild type cells, whereas that ofEst3 was only slightly longer inrnt1� cells (Fig. 1C). If the increasein the half-life of the Est2 mRNA ofabout 2-fold was significant, itshould lead to a correspondingincrease in the amount of Est2p.Indeed, deleting RNT1 in cellsexpressing a protein A-tagged ver-sion of the telomerase catalytic sub-unit Est2p increased the expressionof both mRNA and protein expres-sion by 2 to 3 times as comparedwith that detected in wild type cells(supplemental Fig. 2 and Fig. 1D).We conclude that deletion of RNT1slows the decay rate of several telom-erase-related mRNAs leading to anincrease in the expression of thesetelomerase subunits.To evaluate the impact of Rnt1p

on telomerase function, we exam-ined telomere length in wild typeand rnt1� cells by Southern blot-ting. DNA was extracted from rele-vant strains and digested with therestriction enzyme XhoI. Due to a

conserved XhoI site in the telomere-proximal Y�-elements, manyterminal restriction fragments appear as somewhat smeary bandsof about 1.2 kb size on such blots (44). In the absence of Rnt1p,the size of the terminal restriction fragments increased as com-pared with that of wild type cells, indicating that the deletion ofRNT1 increases telomere length (Fig. 2A). This increase intelomere length is directly linked to the expression of Rnt1p,because transformation of rnt1� cells with a plasmid harboringRNT1 restores normal telomere length (Fig. 2A).We next examined whether this increase in telomere length

is associated with an increase in telomerase activity. Relativetelomerase activity was assessed in extracts derived from wildtype and rnt1� cells expressing a protein A-tagged version of

FIGURE 1. Deletion of RNT1 causes an increase in the steady-state level of RNAs of telomerase sub-units. A, illustration of the expression profiles of telomerase-related mRNAs upon the deletion of RNT1.The data were extracted from a previously performed microarray analysis using RNA extracted from wildtype or rnt1� cells (22). Mig2 and Rps22B mRNAs are shown as positive controls, whereas Act1 mRNA isshown as a negative control. B, Northern blot analysis of RNAs coding for the telomerase RNP complex.Total RNA was extracted from wild type or rnt1� cells and visualized using gene specific randomly labeledprobes. The RNA expression level was quantified using Instant Imager and the relative mRNA amount(RMA) was calculated using Act1 mRNA as reference. The RMA indicated below each gel is an average ofthree experiments with a S.D. � 0.2 or less. C, graphical representation of the relative increases in thehalf-lives of the telomerase mRNAs upon the deletion of RNT1. The relative increase in the half-lives of thetelomerase mRNAs was normalized to the half-life of Spt15 mRNA, which serves as a control for possibleindirect effects caused by the slow metabolism of rnt1� cells. The different half-life values used to calcu-late the relative increase are indicated in Table 2. The data were obtained from three independent tran-scription inhibition experiments. D, Western blot analysis of Est2p expression. Total proteins wereextracted from wild type or rnt1� cells expressing proA-EST2. Immunoprecipitation was performed usingIgG-Sepharose beads. Proteins from total extract (upper panel) or from immunoprecipitation (lower panel)were separated using SDS-PAGE and Est2p was visualized using antibodies against the protein A. Theexpression level of Est2p was normalized to the IgG heavy chains or to Pgk1p. The relative protein amount(RPA) is an average of three experiments with a S.D. � 0.6.

TABLE 2Half-lives of different telomerase mRNA componentsmRNA half-lives were determined by real-time PCR quantification of RNAextracted from thiolutin-treated cells as described under “Experimental Proce-dures.” The values represent an average of three independent experiments. Spt15mRNA is used as a negative control.

Gene nameStrain

RNT1 rnt1�

average half-life (min)EST1 10.8 � 0.6 31.2 � 5.5EST2 7.2 � 1.2 22.1 � 6.2EST3 17.9 � 3.6 34.5 � 5.7TLC1 �60.0 �60.0SPT15 12.4 � 2.3 18.7 � 3.8

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Est2p. In this procedure, telomerasewas partially purified usingIgG-Sepharose beads and used for a direct extension of a telo-meric primer (44). As shown in Fig. 2B, deletion of RNT1resulted in an increase in relative telomerase activity as com-pared with the internal control (Fig. 2B). The observed activityis telomerase specific, because it is RNAdependent andwas notobserved in precipitates from untagged cells. The observedincrease in the telomerase activity is Rnt1p-dependent butstrain background-independent andwas also observed after theinactivation of a temperature-sensitive allele of RNT1 (data notshown). Thus, the accumulation of the RNAs of telomerasecore subunits upon the deletion of Rnt1p leads to an increase inboth its in vitro activity and telomere length.Deletion of Rnt1p affects many cellular pathways and slows

cell metabolism (34). To ensure that the increased levels ofRNA of telomerase subunits is not a secondary effect generatedby long term changes in cell metabolism, we monitored thekinetics of telomerase induction upon inactivating a tempera-ture-sensitive allele of Rnt1p (rnt1-ts) (22). If the RNAs codingfor the telomerase subunits are targets of Rnt1p-mediated RNAmetabolism, their steady-state levels should change with thesame kinetics at that of knownRnt1p substrates (e.g. snoRNAs).Total RNAwas extracted from rnt1-ts cells at different intervalsafter shift to the restrictive temperature (37 °C). The extracted

RNA was analyzed using Northern blots or real-time PCR. Asexpected, Northern blots probed with a snR43-specific probe, aknown substrate of Rnt1p, documented a processing defect asearly as 2 h after shift to 37 °C (Fig. 3A). Real-time PCR analysisof the same RNA samples indicated that similar to snR43, thelevels for RNAs coding for the telomerase subunits increased2 h after shift to the restrictive temperature (Fig. 3B). Est2mRNA level increased very rapidly after the inactivation ofRnt1p, whereas the Tlc1 RNA accumulated somewhat moreslowly. The steady-state amount of Act1 mRNA increasesabout 2-fold upon the deletion of Rnt1p, but this increase isthought to be due to indirect effects on overall cell metabolismand a reduction in the amount of mature rRNA in such cells.Strikingly, the kinetics of mRNA accumulation for Act1 uponRnt1p inactivationwas very different from that observed for thetelomerase-associated RNAs. Even 8 h after the shift to therestrictive temperature, there was no detectable increase inAct1 mRNA (22). Given the similarities in the kinetics of theincreases of telomerase subunit RNAs with those of the accu-mulation of non-processed bona fideRnt1p substrates, the data

FIGURE 2. Rnt1p is required for normal telomerase activity. A, Southernblot analysis of telomere length. Genomic DNA was extracted from wild typeor rnt1� cells and digested with XhoI restriction enzyme to release the termi-nal restriction fragment (TRF). The DNA was separated on a 1% agarose gel,transferred to a nylon membrane, and visualized with a randomly labeledtelomeric probe. Note that this experiment was repeated several times usingdifferent clones and strain backgrounds and the increase in the telomerelength was reproducible for each clone and not due to clonal variation. B, invitro assay of the telomerase activity. Telomerase was partially purified byimmunoprecipitating proA-EST2 using IgG affinity chromatography. RNA-de-pendent extension of a telomeric primer was monitored using denaturingPAGE. The increase in the relative telomerase activity (RTA) was calculatedusing the activity of the wild type telomerase as a reference. The data wereobtained from three independent experiments using three independent cellextracts with a S.D. � 0.8.

FIGURE 3. Rnt1p catalytic activity is required for the normal expression ofthe telomerase subunits. A, Northern blot analysis of H/ACA snoRNA in cellsexpressing Rnt1p temperature-sensitive allele (rnt1-I338T). RNA wasextracted from rnt1-I338T cells at different intervals after shift to 37 °C. Aradiolabeled probe against snR43 was used to detect both mature andextended species as indicated on the right. B, graphical representation of therelative increase in mRNA levels of different telomerase components in cellsexpressing Rnt1p TS allele (rnt1-I338T). RNA was extracted as described in Aand quantified using real-time PCR. The levels of the different mRNAs arepresented relative to that of Act1. The indicated values represent an averageof three independent experiments. The graph curves were obtained usingMicrosoft Excel. C, comparison between the expression levels of the telomer-ase-related RNAs in wild type cells, rnt1� cells, and cells expressing a catalyt-ically impaired version of Rnt1p (rnt1-D247R). The RNA was analyzed byNorthern blot gene-specific probes. Expression levels were quantified usingInstant Imager and normalized to Act1 mRNA as a loading control. The indi-cated values represent an average of three independent experiments with aS.D. � 0.4 or less.

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suggest that Est1, Est2, Est3, and Tlc1 RNAs are targets ofRnt1p-controlled RNA metabolism.Rnt1p is an endoribonuclease that could influence the RNA

levels of telomerase subunits by directly cleaving the respectiveRNAs thereby accelerating their degradation. To test this pos-sibility, we monitored the impact on the expression of thetelomerase subunits of a point mutation in RNT1 (D247R),which leads to an impaired Rnt1p RNA-cleavage activity with-out affecting other functions (45, 46). Total RNAwas extractedfrom wild type, rnt1�, or rnt1-D247R cells and analyzed usingNorthern blots. As shown in Fig. 3C, RNAs extracted fromrnt1� and rnt1-D247R cells exhibit similar increases in themRNAs of telomerase subunits when compared with wild typecells. We conclude that the RNA-cleavage activity of Rnt1p isrequired for the regulation of normal expression levels oftelomerase subunits.Most Rnt1p substrates include a short RNA stem capped

with a terminal AGNN tetraloop (27–29). We exploited thisfeature to search for potential Rnt1p substrates within theRNAs coding for telomerase subunits. This in silico search wasperformed using a previously established strategy that scorespotential substrates based on similarity to known cleavage sig-nals and other overall structural features (47). One stem-loopstructure with high similarity to known substrates was pre-dictedwithin the coding sequence of Est1mRNAnear its 3� end(Fig. 4A). A model RNA representing the predicted cleavagesignal was synthesized in vitro and tested for cleavage usingpurified recombinant Rnt1p. As shown in Fig. 4B, the Est1 RNAstructure is cleaved by Rnt1p in vitro at the predicted distancefrom the tetraloop and mutations that disrupt the formation ofthe stem-loop structure (Est1–4) abolished the cleavage. Wealso tested the capacity of Rnt1p to cleave the predicted struc-ture in the context ofmRNA isolated from cells. Total RNAwasextracted from wild type cells or cells expressing a version ofEst1 mRNA (EST1–4) carrying silent mutations that disruptthe Rnt1p cleavage signal (Fig. 4A). The RNA was incubatedwith purified recombinant enzyme and the cleavage wasdetected by eitherNorthern blot or primer extension.As shownin Fig. 4C, Est1 mRNA is cleaved by Rnt1p, releasing a productof 2000 nucleotides, consistent with the cleavage of the pre-dicted structure, whereas the mRNA for Est1–4 was notcleaved. Primer extension analysis mapped the cleavage sites ofRnt1p at 14 and 16 bp from the stem-loop as predicted (data notshown). Examination of the EST1 sequence from other speciesrevealed the presence of a potential Rnt1p cleavage site in allSaccharomyces species where the enzyme specificity is con-served (data not shown). To ensure that our in silico search didnot miss any potential cleavage sites, we performed a similar invitro cleavage assay on the RNAs coding for the other compo-nents of telomerase. This analysis did not reveal any Rnt1p-specific cleavage in vitro (data not shown). These results sug-gest that Est2, Est3, and Tlc1 RNAs do not contain canonicalRnt1p cleavage sites, but they do not exclude the possibility thatthese RNAs are cleaved by Rnt1p using an alternative mecha-nism in vivo. We conclude that the mRNA coding for Est1p is adirect substrate of Rnt1p.Most known mRNA substrates of Rnt1p are cleaved by this

enzyme in response to variation in growth conditions or cellu-

lar signals (22, 24). Therefore, we presumed that the cleavage ofthe Est1 RNA in vivomight also be triggered by a specific signal.The function of Est1p is cell cycle regulated and there is evi-dence that the protein is associated with active telomerase atthe telomeres in late S phase (14). A small reduction of Est1mRNA expression has also been observed in G1-arrested cells(48). We therefore hypothesized that Est1 mRNA stabilitycould be regulated in a cell cycle- and Rnt1p-dependent man-ner. To test this hypothesis, we monitored the expression levelof the Est1 mRNA during the cell cycle using synchronized cellcultures of wild type cells (EST1; bar1�) and cells expressingthe version of Est1 mRNA that is not cleaved by Rnt1p(EST1–4; bar1�). EST1; bar1� and EST1–4; bar1� cells weresynchronized in G1 phase of the cell cycle with �-factor andafter release, cell cycle progression was monitored by FACSanalysis (Fig. 5A). As documented by the FACS profiles, a pro-portion of the cells were delayed in re-entering the cell cycle

FIGURE 4. Rnt1p directly cleaves Est1 mRNA using a conserved cleavagesignal. A, schematic representation of the cleavage signal of Rnt1p at the 3�end of EST1 mRNA. The RNA structure was predicted in silico using Mfold (59).The predicted cleavage sites of Rnt1p are indicated by arrows. P1 and P2indicate the cleavage products observed in vitro. The boxed letters indicatethe mutations that disrupt Rnt1p cleavage signals. The underlined letters indi-cate the position of the third nucleotide in the codon of Est1 open readingframe near the tetraloop recognized by Rnt1p. Bold italic nucleotides repre-sent the 5� and 3� ends of the synthetic substrate used for in vitro cleavageassay in B. The nucleotide highlighted in gray was introduced to stabilize thesynthetic substrate. B, in vitro cleavage of a model Est1 substrate. Model RNAsubstrate representing the predicted Rnt1p cleavage site within the codingsequence of the Est1 mRNA (EST1) or a version carrying mutations disruptingRnt1p recognition site (EST1– 4) were T7 transcribed and incubated in vitrowith (�) or without (�) recombinant Rnt1p enzyme in the presence of 150mM KCl and Mg2� at 30 °C. The position of the substrate (S) and the products(P1 and P2) are indicated on the right. The position of the 10-bp ladder (M) isindicated on the left. C, cleavage of total RNA extracted from wild type cells(RNT1; EST1) or cells expressing a version of Est1 mRNA carrying the 4 silentmutations (indicated in A) that disrupt the tetraloop structure (RNT1; EST1– 4).RNA was incubated with (�) or without (�) recombinant Rnt1p enzyme asdescribed in B. The position of the full-length mRNA and the 5� end cleavageproduct (P) are indicated on the right. The position of the predicted cleavagesite was confirmed by primer extension (data not shown) and indicated in A.

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after release. To ensure that this incomplete release does notinterfere with the detection of possible cell cycle effects onmRNA expression, we monitored the expression levels of thewell established cell cycle-regulated gene CLN2 (49). TotalRNA was extracted at each time point from the synchronizedcultures and analyzed by Northern blot (Fig. 5B). The relativemRNA levels were determined using real-time PCR (Fig. 5C).As expected, the mRNA of the cell cycle-regulated gene CLN2displayed similar expression patterns in both EST1; bar1� andEST1–4; bar1� cells and its expression in both caseswas tightlylinked to cell cycle progression (Fig. 5, A–C). Also consistentwith previous results, we found that the expression of Est1mRNA in EST1; bar1� cells follows the cell cycle-dependentexpression pattern of Cln2 mRNA (49). Est1 mRNA was least

expressed in the G1 phase as expected (48) and most expressedin S phase. This result is consistent with the model suggestingthat Est1p function is required for telomerase activity at the endof S phase (14). The cell cycle-dependent induction of Est1–4mRNA,which carriesmutations disrupting Rnt1p cleavage site,was similar to that of the Est1 mRNA. However, at the end ofthe S phase, more Est1–4 mRNA than Est1 mRNA wasdetected. As observed in Fig. 5D, the highest detected Est1 RNAvalue was similar in EST1; bar1� and EST1–4; bar1� strains,whereas the lowest Est1 RNA value was significantly higher inEST1–4; bar1� strain compared with the EST1; bar1� strain.As expected, no difference was observed for Cln2 mRNAbetween the two strains.We conclude that the identified Rnt1pcleavage of the Est1 mRNA contributes to efficient cell cycle-dependent repression of Est1 mRNA.


In this study, we show that yeast RNase III negatively regu-lates the expression of yeast telomerase subunits and contrib-utes to the cell cycle regulation of Est1 mRNA level. Decreaseddecay rates and increased steady-state levels of the RNAs leadto an increase in telomerase activity and to telomere elongation(Figs. 1 and 2). The catalytic endoribonucleolytic activity ofRnt1p was required for controlling the expression of the telom-erase RNP complex, suggesting that Rnt1p targets one or moretelomerase-related RNAs for direct cleavage (Fig. 3). Indeed,recombinant Rnt1p cleaved Est1 mRNA in vitro andmutationsthat disrupt Rnt1p cleavage impaired the cell cycle repression ofEst1 mRNA without affecting the decay of other cell cycle-reg-ulated RNAs (Figs. 4 and 5). These results reveal a new layer ofregulation that controls telomere length by adjusting theexpression of telomerase subunits and identify new targets foreukaryotic RNase III.Efforts to understand how telomere length is regulated

revealed a cell cycle controlled machinery that encompassescompeting telomere elongation and shortening factors (50, 51).However, very little is known about how the expression oftelomerase itself is regulated and what impact variations in itsexpression levelsmay have on the telomere length. Earlier stud-ies indicated that the expression levels of individual compo-nents of the telomerase RNA complex are not interdependentbecause an overexpression of any single factor appeared not toalter the expression of the others (9, 52, 53). It was proposedthat an increase in the telomerase activity requires increasedexpression of at least the majority of the components of thetelomerase RNP complex (52). However, conditions thatchange these expression levels accordingly and factors that reg-ulate themwere not identified thus far. The present study iden-tifies Rnt1p as such a factor. The increase in telomerase activityupon the deletion of RNT1 is not a generic response to generalperturbation in RNAmetabolism (Fig. 3). In addition, previousstudies have shown that mutations inhibiting nonsense-medi-atedmRNAdecay induces the expression of Est1, Est2, andEst3mRNAs but, unlike deletion of RNT1, lead to short telomeres(11). The simultaneous induction of the different telomerasesubunit RNAs in the absence of RNT1 indicates that eitherRnt1p controls the expression of each RNA independently or itinduces the expression of a single RNA that in turn induces the

FIGURE 5. Deletion of Rnt1p impairs the cell cycle-dependent degrada-tion of Est1 mRNA. A, flow cytometry analysis of cell cycle-synchronizedEST1; bar1� and EST1– 4; bar1� cells. Cells were synchronized in G1 by theaddition of �-factor and released into a synchronous S phase and monitoredby FACS analysis. Unreplicated (1N) and replicated (2N) DNA are indicated onthe top. B, Northern blot analysis of Cln2, Est1, and Act1 mRNAs in cell cycle-synchronized EST1; bar1� and EST1– 4; bar1� cells. Total RNA was extracted atthe indicated time points after release and visualized using gene-specific ran-domly labeled probes. C, analysis of Cln2 and Est1 mRNA expression profileafter release of EST1; bar1� (*) and EST1– 4; bar1� (f) cells. RNA was extractedfrom cells synchronized and released shown in A. Quantifications of mRNAlevels were performed using real-time PCR as described under “ExperimentalProcedures.” The data are an average of two experiments for EST1; bar1� andthree experiments for EST1– 4; bar1� cells. The graph curves were obtained bya non-linear regression analysis, using the simplest statistically valid model todetermine the best curve fit as determined under “Experimental Procedures.”D, comparison between the highest and lowest RNA values of Est1 and Cln2mRNAs in EST1; bar1� and EST1– 4; bar1� cells. The highest and lowest RNAvalues of Est1 and Cln2 mRNAs were determined directly from the curvesshown in C.

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others. We prefer the first possibility because expressing thesubunit RNAs individually from a heterologous and repressiblepromoter did not affect the expression of the other subunits.5Consistently, a mutation that only disrupts Rnt1p cleavage ofEst1 mRNA does not increase the expression of the other com-ponents of the telomerase holoenzyme (data not shown).The results thus raise the question of how Rnt1p exerts this

negative regulation on the expression levels of themRNAs cod-ing for telomerase subunits.One possibility is that Rnt1p simul-taneously cleaves Est1, Est2, Est3, and Tlc1 RNAs in thenucleus, before they are exported to the cytoplasm (54). This issupported by the fact that the catalytic activity of Rnt1p isrequired for the normal expression of all four RNAs and thatthe response of these RNAs to the inactivation of Rnt1p followsthe same kinetics as that of known substrates. Moreover, ourdata do show that Est1 mRNA can directly be cleaved by Rnt1pin vitro (Fig. 4). Our failure to detect such direct cleavage ofEst2, Est3, and Tlc1 RNAs could be explained if those RNAsrequire additional cellular factors for cleavage. Previous studieshave shown that chaperones may mediate the cleavage of non-canonical Rnt1p substrates (55). For example, processing of thesnoRNA U18 is Rnt1p-dependent in vivo, but recombinantRnt1p alone does not cleave pre-U18 snoRNA in vitro (55).Such an in vitro cleavage of pre-U18 requires the presence ofNop1p, a nucleolar protein that associates with U18. It is there-fore possible that yet to be identified proteins mediate thecleavage of Est2, Est3, and Tlc1 by Rnt1p in a U18-like fashion.Another possibility is that Rnt1p cleaves another RNA that willaffect telomerase mRNA levels. Because the catalytic activity ofRnt1p is required for normal telomerase mRNA levels, thatpossibility could be envisaged but no such example has beenobserved yet.The discovery that Rnt1p directly cleaves Est1mRNAadds to

a growing list of Rnt1p substrates that include mRNAs codingfor glucose and iron-related proteins (22, 24). To date, yeast isthe only eukaryote in which direct cleavage of mRNAs byRNase III enzymes has been documented. In vertebrates, con-ditional mRNA degradation is normally carried out in the cyto-plasm by the machinery of RNA interference (56, 57). The factthat Rnt1p is localized in the nucleus suggests that it cleaves itstarget mRNAs in the nucleoplasm, which raises questionsabout the function of this cleavage and its contribution to theoverall regulation of gene expression (34). Nascent mRNAs areexported rapidly to the cytoplasm and at any given time, thebulk of cellular mRNAs are found in the cytoplasm (54). Thisexplains why deletion of RNT1 or disruption of Rnt1p cleavageactivity does not dramatically increase the half-life of its targetRNAs. Similarly, a disruption of its cleavage site in the targetedRNA, like in the case of the Est1–4, does not lead to a majorincrease of the RNA steady-state level. This observation is con-sistent with those made in previous studies using other Rnt1pmRNA targets (22, 24). It is therefore unlikely that the functionof Rnt1p cleavage is to fully silence the expression of EST1 orsimilarly regulated genes. Instead, Rnt1p-dependent cleavagemay provide a fail-safe mechanism for programmed transcrip-

tion inhibition or act as a fine tuner for gene expression. Indeed,expressing the mRNAs coding for telomerase subunits fromheterologous promoters dramatically increases their expres-sion in an Rnt1p-dependent manner.5It is known that the abundance of Est1p is cell cycle regulated

(14). Consistent with recent results (48) and with previousgenome-wide transcriptional profiling (49), we show here thatthis is accompanied by a cell cycle-dependent regulation of themRNA coding for Est1p. A significant increase of Est1 mRNAwas observed during the transition fromG1 to S phase of the cellcycle. This increase correlates with an increase of the proteinlevel observed in S phase (14). After S phase and when cellsenter G2, the level of Est1mRNA rapidly decreased (Fig. 5). It isnoteworthy that the normally strictly nucleolar localization ofRnt1p is relaxed exactly at this point in the cell cycle such thatthe enzyme is found throughout the nucleus in G2/M (34). Thiscell cycle regulated control of Rnt1p localization could thus beresponsible for the cell cycle-dependent degradation of the Est1mRNA. A comparable situationwas previously reported for theendoribonucleaseMRP: the exit of this enzyme from the nucle-olus allows the cleavage of the cell cycle-regulated Clb2 mRNA(58). The G1/S phase-dependent increase in Est1 mRNA there-fore occurs when Rnt1p is sequestered in the nucleolus andconsequently is unchanged, even if Rnt1p cleavage site is dis-rupted in the Est1–4 mRNA. This implies that transcription ofEST1 itself is induced in a cell cycle-dependent manner andcorroborates the inclusion of this gene in the list of G1/S-in-duced genes that encompasses several DNA-replication genes(49). The G2-dependent decrease of the Est1 mRNA level wasnot blocked by the deletion of RNT1, suggesting that normaldecay of the mRNA combined with reduced transcription con-tribute to Est1 repression. Therefore, our results indicate thattelomerase activity in yeast is regulated by a combination oftranscriptional and post-transcriptional events.

Acknowledgments—We thank K. Friedmann for strain YKF103,D. Ursic for strain DUY746, J. Parenteau for strain JPY112, and V.Lundblad for plasmid pVL145. We also thank J. Gervais-Bird forbioinformatics support.

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