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Sahaja Online: Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining Chakra and ...

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Sahaja Online: Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining Chakra and Channel Health 1 Sahaja Online: Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining Chakra and Channel Health Document H7 | Handout Sahaja is a unique and simple meditation technique harnessing the power of your own vinner energy, improving practically every aspect of your life- mind, body and soul. The One-Stop Meditation Resource SahajaOnline.com

Sahaja Online: Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining

Chakra and Channel Health


Sahaja Online:

Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining Chakra and Channel Health

Document H7 | Handout

Sahaja is a unique and simple

meditation technique harnessing the

power of your own vinner energy,

improving practically every aspect of

your life- mind, body and soul.

The One-Stop Meditation Resource


Sahaja Online: Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining

Chakra and Channel Health


Sahaja Online:

Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining Chakra and Channel Health

Document H7 | Handout

Ability to perceive the subtle energy system and its components

Enhancing the experience of meditation, vibratory awareness and improving sensitivity

Good and bad vibrations

Hot and cool vibrations

Strong and weak vibrations, intensity of the flow of the Kundalini energy

Aspects of sensitivity related to location

Obstacles in the subtle energy systemHot and cool vibrations


Chart for Diagnostic and Interpreting Problems By Chakra

Making meditation part of your lifestyle

Understanding the key subtler traits

Attentional control and focus

The importance of collective meditation














Sahaja Online: Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining

Chakra and Channel Health


1. Ability to perceive the subtle energy

system and its components

Practicing meditation with some regularity eventually

takes nearly everyone to this basic stage of feeling the

cool energy in the form of vibrations.

On the top of your head, you may feel a sensation

similar to a low voltage current, but it’s a soothing

sensation. This particular sensation can be really pow-

erful, depending on the number of strands of Kundalini

energy rising, which in turn depends on the strength

of your connection to the all-pervading power. Thus,

this sensation is also often a direct indication of the

strength of your connection, as well as an indicator of

how deep your meditation will be.

Some people report a hot sensation in the hands and

on the top of the head instead of a cool sensation.

Typically, this only happens in the very early stages of

a Sahaja practice and is due to the Kundalini energy

clearing the chakras as it passes through them. The

unwanted obstacles and negativity exit the body in the

form of a hot breeze. All you have to do is wait patiently

for the cool sensation to set in. Incidentally, people

who experience the hot breeze are usually closer to

actually experiencing the subtle energy components

than those who feel nothing at all.

2. Enhancing the experience of meditation, vibratory

awareness and improving sensitivity

In subsequent stages, the focus shifts to accurately

differentiating between various experiences and

sensations and fine-tuning your sensitivity to the

subtle energy system, that is: You become a subtler

human being. This includes being able to differentiate

between good and bad vibrations, between hot and

cool vibrations, between strong vibrations and feeble or

mediocre vibrations.

Good and bad vibrations

In Sahaja meditation, there is a real, tangible way of

detecting positive and negative vibrations once one’s

subtle energy system becomes sensitive or receptive to


Positive, strong vibrations can be sensed by a strong

flow of vibrations and a cool sensation, while bad,

negative vibrations can be perceived as hot sensations,

accompanied by stoppage of the flow of vibrations.

Negative vibrations may also be experienced as a feeble

flow of hot energy. These sensations can actually be felt

on our hands and fingers.

Vibratory awareness can become a helpful, practical

decision-making guide for Sahaja practitioners. As

you move to advanced stages of the practice of Sahaja

meditation, you begin to receive confirmation of good

vibrations emanating from positive things and bad

vibrations from negative things — again and again,

often, several times each day. Over time, the distinction

between good and bad becomes crystal clear and your

vibrations provide you with confirmation.

Hot and cool vibrations

Hot or cool vibrations are mostly synonymous with

good or bad vibrations, but not always. Many times,

feeling no vibrations at all can be an indication of

bad or not-so-positive things. Cool vibrations, while

generally positive, may sometimes indicate “Just Okay”

Sahaja Online: Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining

Chakra and Channel Health


versus a strong pulsing flow of cool vibrations, which

indicates Extremely Positive.

Strong and weak vibrations, intensity of the flow of the

Kundalini energy

The strength of your inner energy connection to the

universal energy is directly proportional to the number

of strands of energy rising and the number of obstacles

in its path. The stronger the energy connection, the

deeper the experience of thoughtless awareness and

the stronger the vibrations. Conversely, when fewer

strands of energy rise, vibrations are typically feeble.

Aspects of sensitivity related to location

Vibrations can be felt on the hands or on the top of

the head. The movement of the Kundalini energy in

general may be felt through any energy center. At

times, vibrations may only flow through the left or right

hand, which indicates that the subtle energy system is

out of balance. An energy channel (e.g., left channel

or right channel) that is blocked results in absence of

vibrations in its respective hand (left or right).

Furthermore, the flow of vibrations can also be felt

on specific fingers. At times, the vibrations can be

sensed in some fingers but not in others. The mapping

of fingers and regions of the hand to the individual

chakras can be understood from the diagram of the

subtle energy system. When vibrations are not flowing

through a particular finger, it means there’s some

problem with a specific chakra that needs attention.

The toes experience vibrations similar to the fingers,

but there’s a slightly different mapping to individual

chakras for the toes.

Vibrations may also be felt at the location of the

individual chakra. Likewise, obstacles can be felt in the

chakra, or on the fingers or toes that are mapped to that


3. Obstacles in the subtle energy system

An obstacle is a temporary obstruction or impediment

to the flow of the Kundalini energy. Obstacles can occur

in any channel or chakra. They’re felt in various ways,

such as a twitching sensation in the finger or toe that

corresponds to a particular chakra, or a twitching or

“catch” sensation at the precise location of the chakra.

At times, the twitching can be quite intense (though

not painful or disturbing) while at times, it can be

mild. At other times, it can be detected by the absence

of vibrations or the flow of energy through the specific

finger that corresponds to the chakra. Obstacles in the

energy channels can primarily be felt by the lack of

Sahaja Online: Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining

Chakra and Channel Health


energy flow either in the right hand or left hand.

4. Negativities

A negativity is a foreign entity in the subtle energy

system, very similar to how a virus or other unwanted

microorganism is a foreign entity in our physiological

system. A negativity has adverse effects on the subtle

energy system, most commonly an impact to the

vibrations and quality of thoughtless awareness.

Sometimes it has deeper impacts, such as influencing

our behavior negatively due to emotional imbalances or

inducing a lot of unnecessary (and possibly distracting

or intrusive) thoughts.

Typically, we tend to classify disorders based on

symptom clusters. Many Sahaja practitioners report

being able to detect physiological disturbances and

disorders well before the physical symptoms start

manifesting. In many cases, they can take preventive

action to eliminate the problem or significantly reduce

its intensity. Two common examples include being able

to detect a problem with the digestive system through

the detection of an obstacle or negativity in the Nabhi

or Swadishtana chakra, or being able to detect a flu or

common cold by detecting a catch or negativity in the

Vishuddhi chakra.

However, negativities in the subtle energy system

typically can be a lot more subtle. A common example

is infiltration of negativity in the left energy channel,

which is involved in addictive behaviors, such as

addiction to substances like alcohol, and other severe

mental health problems. While science has its own

explanations and diagnostics for such disorders, the

subtle energy system can also help us detect and

analyze these problems quite effectively.

Other types of the subtler negativities can include

significant behavioral changes, as in the case of a

person who suddenly becomes a shopaholic or an

overly aggressive personality when he or she was not

previously known to exhibit such behaviors.

Negativities in the subtle energy system are typically

experienced by a sensation of pain that sometimes

feels like a pin pricking the finger. They can also be

experienced as heat passing through the fingers, rather

than a cool flow of vibrations.

If you need help, expert SOL instructors and meditation

coaches are always available to provide guidance

and support for your individual Sahaja journey. Most

meditators find that having the support of a seasoned

practitioner helps them make progress more quickly.

The SOL Practitioner Video LIbrary offers a wealth of

practical tips, shared perspectives and experiential

learning from long-time Sahaja practitioners that

will help you understand what to expect from Sahaja

meditation and learn how to improve the quality of your


Chart for Diagnostic and Interpreting Problems By Chakra

Symptoms of different kinds can help us understand

problems relating to specific chakras. If we are alert and

aware of these symptoms, we can take corrective action

by trying to clear the obstacle or negativity and trying to

balance the specific chakra.

Sahaja Online: Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining

Chakra and Channel Health


Subtle energy

componentSymptoms Methods for balancing or clearing

1st Chakra -


Poor sense of direction, memory or


Excretory problems, sexual disorders,

reproductive difficulties, sexual


Sitting directly on the ground / earth as

much as possible. Place both hands on

the ground with palms facing downward

touching the ground.

Foot soaking

2nd Chakra -


Difficulty in meditating, general lack of

creativity, irritability, sleeplessness

Diabetes, blood-related cancers, allergies

and heart disease

Foot soaking, using the flame of a candle

for clearing the left side chakra, direct

clearing of the chakra

3rd Chakra - Nabhi

Digestive disorders, problems with


Family and household-related problems,

financial troubles, lack of generosity

Ice pack treatment in the region of the

liver, foot soaking, direct clearing of the



Excessive alcoholism, materialistic


Tendency to be swayed by weaknesses

(lying, cheating, adultery etc.)

Following the teachings of spiritual

gurus who do not provide true spiritual


Foot soaking

4th Chakra - Heart /


Problems of the heart and lungs,

respiratory troubles, immune system

disorders, excessive thinking and

planning, insecurity and anxiety

Clearing the chakra. Recognizing the

inner self or Spirit within oneself

Sahaja Online: Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining

Chakra and Channel Health


5th Chakra -


Feelings of guilt, lack of self-respect,

overactivity, aggressive communication;

dental, ENT problems, colds, sinus,

bronchial problems

Illicit relationships and affairs

Clearing the chakra. Using the flame of a

candle to clear the left side chakra

6th Chakra - Agnya

Lack of forgiveness, egoism,

aggressiveness, obsession with

pornography, sexual fantasies, excessive

thinking and planning

Meditating outdoors while looking at

the sky. Avoiding excessive thinking and

planning, living in the present moment

Making meditation part of your lifestyle

To ensure successful long-term outcomes, meditation

needs to become part of our lifestyle and in fact a basic

“hygiene” factor that we cannot do without.

Understanding the key subtler traits

Once we commit to a longer-term approach, it’s

important to understand the basic qualities associated

with the various components of the subtle energy

system and work on those to achieve long-term


Sahaja Online: Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining

Chakra and Channel Health


Subtle energy component Longer term quality paradigm / trait / aspect

Left Energy channelEmotional maturity and intelligence; positive, life-improving desires

within us, moving on from the past

Right energy channelPhysical and mental balance and positive energy, decisiveness and

ability to take action

1st Chakra - Mooladhara Innocence, wisdom, honesty

2nd Chakra - Swadishthana Creativity, pure desire

3rd Chakra - Nabhi & VoidAbility to evolve to higher states, including pursuit of spirituality,

generosity, contentment

4th Chakra - Heart /Anahata Love, compassion, security; adherence to laws and protocols

5th Chakra - VishuddhiCollectivity, effective communication, becoming an objective, detached

witness to our own thoughts and emotions

6th Chakra - Agnya Forgiveness, control of ego and superego

7th chakra - SahasraraIntegration of all qualities; complete understanding, acceptance and

knowledge of the divine and spirituality

Attentional control and focus

Our attention is sharpened through regular meditation

and cleansing techniques, which helps us identify the

root causes of behavioral deviations from the subtler

traits we desire to possess. Meditation not only helps

elevate our attention to a higher state where we feel

less need to react or make impulsive decisions, but it

Sahaja Online: Diagnosing Problems & Maintaining

Chakra and Channel Health


also provides us with a sense of objective detachment

towards people, things, and situations, which

ultimately helps us overcome our deficiencies.

In addition to the meditative practice itself, willpower

and a deliberate, conscious mental effort is required

to ensure that we stay on track and are continuously

pursuing the improvement of desired traits.

Being able to identify precisely which traits and,

concomitantly, which chakras are weak within us at a

given moment is an ongoing long-term effort that helps

ensure your progress.

The importance of collective meditation

Collectivity can be an important tool for longer-

term improvement. While meditating individually is

definitely beneficial, we may find ourselves wanting

to push harder and reach even greater heights in our

spiritual journey and improvement. Group meditations

can help us accomplish this, drawing upon the

collective energy of other meditators to help us reach

higher still.
