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Date post: 23-Feb-2023
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Weather to-morroov ; Probably fair; uortherly winds.


N U M B E R 7.411 N E W A R K . N. J.. S A T U R D A Y . A U C JU ST Rl, 1!)Q7.— T W E N T Y ]»AGES. C E N T S .


Operators Claim tiiat 1900 An- thrache Trotible Ceased for

PoKtial Reasons.


Aaftwcr In ^iilt AiEnlnat AlIrgfHI Coal Hoaoiioly Nlntc* RrpuhllcAR ('haft* WBU reared for llrKJolry'a Elrc- llon ^ Ith nirlkfr'a H|irraa-9Ri4 llaana C'lalmrd H«* Wna Anthorlsrd to flrtilo ^irllcr Throofth MltrhHl If Trp Trr C’cnl, W agr larroiinr Wna lafvrn.


In Only One Ward Do Demo­crats Face Likelihood of a

Lively Contest,


flat If Aa»IKInff the ri»ris>fleB anil Heiralara Are Eoitaaril ta a Hiirr JltreNuoan R atllr Than T « '0 le a r a A go—R Ival l)riiincratl<‘ TIrtert* In F oaH h Ward* M liere C avanaagh 1g Flg^htlnjr tfotiiiJnneNH and Keni»>

NOW.\ .



PHrLADKLUmA. Vn.. Aiip.Hepfllng Coinpnny, the Uhilaclflphin nud RewHiig Company and ihn Phtitulplpliin. 0i»ti Rradlng Cotil nm! Iron (..‘oinpany to- df»y filed their answera m tha eiilt o f tlis Fodei'Hl (joverjiincnl lo brenk tip Ihe .''I- legH monopoly esIaUnir In the aniliru- ollc cr'al regirinn of ihla Slate, The nnawer* of the ihreo <'ont'er*iia, of wlilrh UfHjrge F. Baer In piepiflrnt. mak*- h gen­eral denial of Ihn governniml'H ailpRi!- t»nn« and go .into llm ftrpt grpal Mrlka 111 ttip liaid »*oal fielda and its relntfoTi to the PreatOenflat rainpalffn of l9on. whrn AloKItilcy wiiH plerted.

It ia declared Ihiil the agrerniMita to ad- vunee the price of were brought aboiii In 1900 by the vioLence am) inilmidatlon of the etrlklng mine wotkera, by the fnlluro lif the Uiittad Ht.'ilefl04'»varnirianl end o f RennsyBaiilH. to onfortH- (he law and jn'otert' tlm oout compaiilea and the itn* I^ortunitloN of the late AlKrciie A. Hanna, w)to« U in alleged, was anxloiia to end thu Hirike of the miners on accmmi of the impending Preeidentlol election.

General denials ere made of the con- Bplracy chaises In the answer of the Heading (Company anil that of the rail­road oompanVi The answer of the Coal* and Iron Company lakes up the Hirik« of 1900, and says that snbatantlally all Ihe workmen in the antliiwGite regions "abandoned th 'lr work, im^er the force and effect of violence, turbulence and In­timidation. and the employes and work­men of this defendant and otherB In the name neighborhood were Induced or com­pelled by like violence, turbulence and inUmidation to abandon their eniploy-

Sara U aaaa Ctnlraed A alhorlsatlon .The answer goes on to Ray that ehortty

afterward It was represented, in sub- alfmea to Iho offlcinln of this defendant, and th« vopresentativcH of other mining companies, by one Marcus A. Hanna, acting as chatmian of the Republican National Commltteo in the (hon pending political campaign for the election of ean- flldiites for President and Vlce-Prcfildenl of* tho United States, if the said strike sbouid not be speedily settled by an ad- A'gnce In the wage* of. the workmen In and about the mines In the entire anthra*' d te region, the strike would extend to Oldo, Indiana and IlUnola and that the election of Mr, McKinley and Mr. Roose­velt would be tlieroby end^gered.

The answer declares that’ Mr. Hanna represented to the offlclals of the com­pany that h« was aiithoiiaed to settle thg strike through President Mitchell, of the miners' union, if the operators would ngic# to glvft their workmen a ten-par- oent. Increase In wages.

It Is set'torth that the company did agree to a^ an ce the wages of its mins

, an f colllory workmen ten per cent, and ritat the other principal mine owners wlio luid been In conference with My. Hanna hAd ftfrffiPd to t!ie w,me conoenslou.

rt IB Btatcd that ‘Hheraafter corrf»renocB were held between the offlccri of the prin- clpnl mfne operator* who had been here­tofore ottered tho sold advaoee in wages and tho representatives of the pHnclpal mine, owners who had to do so; tliat as tl>e reaolt of the agreetneot of the opera-. tors this. defendant was obliged to and did agree wltli certain df the operiuors aeveraliy, wIttS-Whom It had pre-exlaling contracts for the purchase of the coal to be produeed by them respectively and w'ho w*re‘ severally the tenants or lessee.! o f this defendant, to enter Into new cttii- traets with such as should desire to do so* Inereaslng the prices to be paid for the coal to be. produced by them respectively and to be sold and delivered to this fe- fsndant.”

Had to “ B oy Peaee." Continuing, the answer avers that all

the conferences between the opera lore and the contracts- which resulted there­from “ were wholly brought about, com­pelled and forced upon this defendant by the turbnlence, violence and intimidation aforesaid, by the fnllnro o f the govern­ment o f the United States and that of the commonwealth o f Pennsylvania to enforce the laws to protect this defendant and Us workmen in. the peaceful and lawful

, proaeeutinn o f their work and by Ihe Im­portunities o f the said Hanna in the sup-

' posed exigencies o f the pending poiitlcsl campaign, whereby this defendant whs obliged, most unwillingly, to buy Its peace and the peace and protection of Us work­men by the said.advance In wages; and

'that the eald conferences wero In no way . whatsoever, In the least degree. Induced .by the motives, nor b.v the alleged unlsw- ifOl result, so Indefinitely alleged and set

forth In the plalntilT’s petition,"The ans-trers o f the Rending Company

and the Philadelphia & Reading Railway apsciflcally deny the various allegations

-contained In the government'a suit. In reference to the charge that the Read­ing Company controls the other two cor­porations, the answer of the Reading Cempsuy says:

"Thia defendant denies that it holds the antlre capital stock o f the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Cotnpany and of the Ehlladelphla and Reading Coal and Iron Company, and a majority In Interest of the capital stock o f the Central Railroad Company o f New Jersey, gs charged. '


FfoaoentoP o f R o u e to O n o lo lly Im- t o r p o n f o P apal fiecpetapy o f fitate

1 ':t A boat A otl-C lep feo l Attack, ROME. Aug. *l.~The public pposecutor

has ooiiiailisloned a magistrate to pto- eefd to Castel .Oapdalf ,to interrogate Cardinal tUrry I>fl*-Vill, the Papal seo- latary of stats, ooncftnlttg the demba- BtiatlMt agalhSt mhrkIh'IfaHiio August 1*. Whan a mob o f antl-daricals hooted,

and aiaHuTied tho ciirdJnai whila h i VTU dt4vlnv in the vUlaj|t<,

Thu Will be the firal iinco 1170 that an Italian eoiue Inabntaot with a Papal McreUf^ o f etaie,

An elr of Biippirlrtn rhanirleTliti Hie cloulna day*. <if i]ie lortil Jiiiie-rrlmarj* camprti«n. v.hit lT, no far n? tlie D<»mrK’rrtlai are conr#rnwl, will cjhI nf mitlnlshl with­out tlie Bfinblnufe of a content except for a few ward oRlc-w and a feneral fliht in Ihp Frtiirlh WarO. Herf rival lirkei* have he ii UrTmrij in distrii'l the re-B ili (if Alt ♦•ffrtTt on th^ par! of .R»-?eph i'avp'ninuah, former "bo«i” of !he wsid. to ilr-iJOB*' Co>inly rollecior r>r. P. J. MrUuInno^jj nnrl rr '’’<*holrler . Joseph J. Kennj. th#» pr*’eent ward Ipodera, by vir­tue of tliclr mem1»er5liip In the county eteciitlvo rommittp#,

UnBt year, owlna lo ih^ T-fnuMllnf- TS'e'.dron r-ontPttt for tlip Mayerftlt.v nomi­nation, there wf*rr rival Democratic (Irk- cts In every distrirl hi thlB city and all known Democrat!* and many citliena who were not rpcoaniKi'd as Domocrata thcio tnfore. voted In (he DtMTif»t;ratlc hall^tv box. Ihue leuvlnt ih« rival fnrtlona m both pDrtleN to eetlle (heir own contetilp. In IMS there waa no otinie»i on tlte Uerau- cretlr »ldo and llie reenlt wae Icaa than a doieli' nemocrAtti; votes polled in man/ dlatricta at the prlnmrv, while the Hv- publicftn primary vole in Uie same fll?i- irlcti was far In exresa of that polled h! the following' general election. ninKing j.t appear lhal Democmea had attempted to. and did. lake part in the Republican con** test,

With the exception nolcd the primary condIfioTf thin year U the same as tn l90Ti, no CDtiteate on the Deinocrnllr side and the “ regular ' and “new Idea” factions in the Hepubllcen party engaged in nn even more atrenuoua oonteat (lian on the for­mer occntilon. That, coupled with the fact that certain Democratic leaders appear very much Interented In who the Repiibll can Oubarnatorial candidate may be has given riec to th.) suspicion that many Democratic voters may take ns active a part in (lie Republican primaries thia year as they did In 19(K.

Even !f the law which require* the pri •mary poUbOok, which shows the party affUlatlon o f each voter, were compiled wMh and last year's pollbooks were avail­able they would be o f little uae on count of the redisiiicllng o f the city, which changed the district linen to such an extent ai to render Ihe use of tha old pollbooks out o f the question. Where doubt exists n voter might be cliallenged and compelled to swear lo hla party affUi- atlons, but that lifli been done befoi-e withovtt materially changing the result.

On the whole, the Democratic leaders wbiis ftxpresBing confidence o f v1cn»ry i.ra showing little enthuRiasm and seem to have made Httlc or no effort to urge the nomination o f strong ward candidates, who are chosen direct at the prlmaHea and who materially add io or detract from the strength of the genera) ticket. The same feature o f .the situation applies with reference to the office o f county clerk with a five-year term at I7.S0O a year. Not a single esndf^ate baaif been pro«Ji).Criitly named, although the leaders piwMia' to be absolutely conftdenjl of < carrying the county and electing the , eleven Assemblymen to be named by a. | aubstahtial majority.

When QU€fllon**d as +o this evident lack of interest the Democratic leader^ farx- ttouely remark that It Is up (o the people to name the candldutea. At ihe same time orders have been Issued daily to the difltvict leaders who visit the tempornry Dem oaatlc headquarters, located in the law library at the cUy hull, to see to It that only one jic.tltiou for delegates was filed and the order has been obeyed. That the lenders will select the candidates to bo named by the delegates whom they have chosen in convention goes without saying ^<1 that means that more (imn one of the present Democratic A.ssembly- men will not be retiotninaied.

James B. Nugeni. chalrmnn o f the county executive comniiliec and tlie active head of the Democratic county organixa- tion, as well ns one of the dominating figures in the State organixatlon, says with a show o f carneetnesa that any of the Essex eleven who deplra to reliirn to the Assembly should be renomliioied. They are entitled to ft. Mr. Nugent de­clares, on account o f making the fight Inst year when victory waa not aiUicl- psted and incidentally becpuae of tlieir creditable record during the longest legls- lutlve session in the history o f the Slats and which Is not yet near n conclusion.

The only change Mr. Nugent has heard of la that of a successor to Asasmblyman Thomas J. Mead. who. wdll not accept a renomlna'tlon. and possibly one other, if Assemblyman Daniel J. Brady whotild re­main In the West next year. Of course, tlie executive committee chairman philo­sophically remarks that It is for the «m - vcnllor? to decide. Many of the district leadei'B who -selected these delegates In accordaifce with orders are very emphatic in declarliiii; lliat oihers than Brady ^and Mead will be left off the Assembly tlchet. and, inasmuch aa the convention -dccldea. the diatrict leaders ought to know w’hcre- of tliey speak.

While rtiere is no more contest over the delegates to the city eonvenllon than Jhose to the county sntl Slate conventions.


Sommer and “ New I d a " As­sembly Candidates Declare for

Broad-gage Local Option.


W oa ld Take fialnoti Qneatton Ont o f PolH tc* by A llow in g Vntvrs In R nrli ManlelpRlIty (n KxpresN Opinion a( (he l*o1U Xonalnr Colby A groes (o Plan and W ill W ork fi>r I 'nssage o f Xueli a Carr as i'roposeil


BOOKHGHTUpheld by Eduation Board Against Recommendations of

Latter's Own Committee.


\/ ' ir<i f



Board of Trade to Hold Special Meeting to Force Abate­

ment of Evil.



Caught by Head of New York Family in Act of Trying to

Asphyxiate Household.


APOLOGIZES TO VEREZUEU.M t la b O aiaaa la a eccta r , W h * la -

-vndrd V earaocU i. la maaalaatd, SkitlaMatiaBi t « a t ta Caatrp;

O.VRACAS, VeDsaueld, Aaf. W. Tia WtHtrnitad, Island o f Curacoa, Aug, tl.~ Til* VsiMiuelan Oorsrnm^nt consldtn,

ibe incident Invotvinc the Invasion o f Veneauelan turltory by District lu- apeclor of Rollce W, j . Gaidar, of British Outana, and tlie seliure qf a quantity of t|olatueiun, said to liars been cuilecLul

British apfi, has Irwh sallsracforny dbesd..'Resident. Castro has received an apelo-

artic note from the Governor o f Sritlsli p la n s ' aith the aimouncemeRt that In- a ^ U ir Calder Mae 'b ^ n dismissed from his (Kiel,

.. . - .X .3 . C orhelt A p eears at Praetor’ s-. Tfcs principal attrartioos at Procter's,

-• W Ifrptemlier 1 will he James. J. Gor* tft.r, Hrliest ffom n 's spectacular produc- fflHl, Ilenri o f DIxcr ' ' Herr.v Tale's Mouirina, 11, S. Sneldon it Uo„ Fetching ■Sto.,, Katie Rwne.v, Murray Blslcts, Torn l&MrOe-AdVl

there la more Interest niniiifested in the probable nominee for Board of Works commissioner than in any of the other offices to he filled- Five condidates have been prominently named for tlie pince and all have friends actively working In their behalf, Predldvnt of Council John F. 3in- nott has many warm supporters in liis hoind ward—the Seventli—and other sec­tions o f the city. Thomas F. Bower* has qulla a. roltowlng, but Is nut making an active canvaaa any mose than Alderman BinnoU, and the same applies to John V. Diefenthaler o f the new Thirteenth Ward.

Dr. Clioi'les F. Kraemer, who came within a few hundred votes o f defeating Congressman R. Wayne Parker at the last election, %as the first to enter the contest, and he was well In the lead until the friends o f Thomas F, Holringer, for­mer alderman and freeliolder from tlif Higth Ward, prevailed upon the latter' to ■ become • a candidate, -He haa many personal friends who take An active In­terest In party affairs, and they claim to have secured the nomthation o f more than a majority of delegates who favor the seicotloh dt Holiinger.

In the Fourth Ward county commlltta coliteat both sl^s* ure claiming victory, with , the Indications favoring the ^ c - QulBpesa-tCemny faction In every dlstiictl but one, where it Is conceded that Aiey- ander Stone, who is Cavanuugh'a chief lieutenant, will win out. Frank porbltt and Max Wlngnt hre about the only onvs among the followers o f Dr. UcGulniwss who are unwilling to admit a victory for Stone. They persist, In the belief that MdGuiBiieaa then will win out In ovcfy district of the wuyd. and that Gavanoiigii will not eMcl a single memblr o f ll,« county committee. . • .

m S C O GRAFT COHVlCnONsT a U p k ooe OMiptjil

o t Hrt>l»irV CH r »«W ffv l»0 r im

SAN FRANCISCO* A w . *1.—The, JuiV in the caat o f IsOUii Glaoa. vSca-prefcldirnt o i th« Pacific Stalea Ta)ei*o6« anil Te1«- graipH, Ifint nilfht reiurnad a verdict'*f gtflUr. But one ballot woe t^kra.

Glasa vaa indicted -Cbr hrlMhg vixor IvoneiganiD conbction with a frao

r«»Hr*f u t A. O. Us w .Sfcunton to Asburr Parii on XdAbor Da> .


The pollution commiUee o f the Board o f Trade haa called a special meeting for W.edneidav afteriK>on. to take action re­garding the Ificreasing'odore o f the Pae- inlc River, ■which have become Intoler­able to the reaidenta along Mr banka in this A'lclniiy. It ta the Intention to fol­low up the cominillee meeting with a apectal meeting o f ihe board.

The Board of Trade, according to Chair-, man George ’tV. Tomlilns, of the commit­tee. has always been ready (o lend mate­ria) end moral support lo the work of the Passaic Valley District Sewerage Commisfllon. ami as au earnest of Uu good win the directors appropriated from the board's (reasuiy toward defrayl.ig the cost of ftdvertlHliifi involved In thi paiFoge of the drainage area bill.

"The hoard has spent a coniiderable Bum in the aggregate In the lending of delegations lo Trenton, Paterson anil other pJacee,” «a!d Mr. Tomkina to-day, “ hilt (lie Commission has tie\’er avslled It­self of the proffered aid. It Just Reenia lo me that (he members have nevef renl- Ixed the inipoiiunce to the health o f this communlly of the project the State has charged (hent with, and from thn uUor absence of anything in the shape o f re- auUe I have been forced to ihe con- cliiaSon fhai they are not up to their Job, and that ihty should be made (o give way lo men who can produce renultPa j They are reputable men, all of them, but j Judging by their actions (hey are not | working In the interesla o f Newark or of ; any other community.''

Air. Tomklnt ^etU on to say that the eommiselon, according to Its aecreiars', John S. OlbRon, Ir “ reatlng on Hr oara." BO to epeak, except lhat ‘realing ’ Im- plieR previous activity, waiting nniil it shall have come Into possession o f tSO.OOn, li) be contributed by the different com­munities along the river.

“ So far the commlsaion has been prom­ised IIB.OOO, Newark, Hellevllte and Pas- Bale having each appropriated whileIt Is reftBoiiably certaJn that 15.000 more will be contributed by mnniolvialltles ftcroRB the river," Air. Tomkins contin­ued. "So they are ftandlag atlU walling for the remaining IIOiOOO. M^nwhile businese Itneretts along (he river nre B uffering, and, according lo the .NEWS laet night, phyBlclanH are advlHlng pa-

'ilents suffering from malaria to leave the city.”

Mr. Tomkins recalled how two or three years ago asBeMments on Mt. Pleasant avenue and between that avenue und tho rfver had been reduced owing to deprcol- ation in the value o f property, und said that that could be taken as an admission by the cUy of the actual and material loss due lo the condition o f the river. Since the nuisance has extended to Sum­mer avenue and even at times to Parker street, and that for the commission to continue Inactive In the face of such conditions was to Invite an epidemic.

“ If tho commission is lacking In power,'* Mr. Tomkins said in conclusion, “ It should make that fact knom> and then the Legis­lature would doubtless supply! the Jack. But If nothing is gplng to be done T am for having Newark go ahead and on its own hook take out Its own sewage from the river. BeilevlUc and the communities across the river would doubtless Join in ■urh an undertaking, and then the nui- BicJpaUtle* tip river could be made to make other provision for the disposal o f their «ewagt,“

KUtY YORK. Aug. 3l.-CftUghl in tht act of utlempting to asphyxiate the seven members of Verrair.s family, abtirglar. who plansird to roh^ihc Verral) fiet on East Klghly-thlrd street, was shot down and killed early to-day while en- (loavorlng to make Ills escape. j\ cry of «i resltesB Infant auved the VeiTalt fanilb. The burglar 'made two attempts lo ah- phyxlata ihe family, was shot three limes by iiiid Instiintly killed.

Early to-day (he cry of Mrs- Verrsll's Infant awoke ilio inoilier, who <3olect<d the odor of gaf<. She turned off the open Jets and arouBcrl her hoBhand and (old him of It. Mr. Verrall ihen fell asleep again. »u Mrs. Verrnit rfitlred once mote. TUemoihei', however, grew resllebKand, did not clone her e.ves. Two hours liter Mrfi. Verral! again smelled gap. so she hur­ried to the klU'lien, finding it full of gas, which was pouring from open Jeti on ilie wall. Once more Mrs. Vcrrall awakened her hn chand after finding lhat her five chlldreji were safe,

Bv thin time Verrall was thornnghly alarmed. Grasping his revolver he began a searr h of the flat. After quickly going thraugh the rooms he euw the shadow of a mnn trying in escape from an xdjoln< Ing fiat «» the Are escape, ond Verrall opened fire Immediately, firing four Bhdls, three t»f which struck the burglar. Who fell (lead iis he was trying to climb througli a window'.

All nf the Verrall family are 111 from the effeclB of tha gas.

Tlie police have not identified the bur­glar.


Expected that 20,000 Men Win March in Line for

Union's Cause.



In hli recent public utterancee Sheriff Prank H. Sommer haa de- fined hla pcsltlon on the eMclaa question and hsi ehown that until It has been taken out of polltlca by leaving to the people, on the prinelpio of home rule, the settle­ment of eM mattera pertaining to this queatlon, It wIM eontlnu* to confuea the public mind and detraat att«ntiO(t from the tonsideratlon of other problems,

Wfl htirtlly concur with the ■heriff In hit attitude, and If nom­inated and elected, will labor for tho enactment of « law whloh will leava to the votere of each munici­pality the right to vote at to the regulation of the liquor traffle In til Ite phasea, Including that of Sunday etlilng.

\ni Only W aa FropoBltlan in A4A Modern Maele Series (o Ltit Ue- frntrd. lint tinder Haegeailon «il Holes Renolntlnn ta Adapt Dodga Grogrniihg W sa Benteit—Ineeetlpa- tion af rSniVfiS Naatalnlng o< RximUara DaiiltBdad hy Poland.


Artton on B ehalf o f R nllroada ’W ill Henolt 111 n a v lew o f Suprem e

r«»nrl*N U rclsloii,TRENTON'. Aug. 31,-Jam es B. Vre-

denburgh's aciU»n yeBirrday In taking out a writ of error hi (he Errors f!ourt dlreci- rd lo the Supr*’iu(i Court and command­ing that court wend the fecoid o f the case of the UnltM New Jersey Railroad^ and Canal Comp;i!iy Hgainac Ibr Slate, In Lho contest to decide (ho constltu- ilohHlUy of,the Ht rklns maln^stem tax law, to (he Conn <if Errors for review, was purely formal.

It 'Was done to he record of the case In the physirMi poBsesaion oC (he Court o f Errors. .Next week (li** bb- nlgnnient of errors will be filed, when the case will be formally before the public lor reading.

As told, sixteen oth^T similar writs are ready for moving, but were not ftlfil yes­terday, owing to some technical matirrs.

NINETEiH DEAD IN W R E XTwelT« fltker Vlcltaaii of III I not,

UIb Ii Speed T ra ile r Craeh A r*' la C'rltleal C|iBdl<lea.

IIATTOON, III., Auff. *1,—Four perauflH died during ln*t nlgiit from iBjurlee buf­fered Tiitnrdny In tlOe qolllelon of two Interurten car* near Chnrteaton, III,,

maklnff the total dead nineteen peraoin. Nearlsr llfty oUiera were Injured, a doleli of these brtng In a critical condition.

The four nho died during th* nltl|t were Hrt, Wllllaw Col*. Ronald Foitr*. John Riley, Pater ^rers.

SEARCH FOR MISSING BOY.No trace has yet been found ot-Wlil!i.!i>

Toldt. seven years old, who has b en missing from hla boiue, 4S7 South Tetilh street, lines Wednesiiny afternoon. IIF; mother, Mrs. William Toldt, has ,tn lou frulllea's Inquiries of all the boy'a reln- tlves here, and a, general police alarm for thia city and neiirby plaeee has been sent out. Tbs boy ta raiher large for hla age, and when last seen.wore blue knlch- erbockera, with white atrlpea; a white waist, black lace shoes and black atock- I;igs. Re had no hat.

Wllllaia was playing in. the atihet in front of. hla homo Wednesday afternoon. At i o 'c lo ^ he came in and his grand­mother, Mr*. Annie Steler, who keepa house for her daugliter who is employed In a hotel, g tv e him something to eat. Wlien b* went out again Ih* boy did not rejoin hla comrades, but started over South Tenth street. At t:'IS o'clock Will- lam was aeon by hla uncle, John Heller, a t Springfield avenue and South Tenth alreet. The boy said he was going to ae* a playmate, £thel- Smith, who lives « o South Tenth itreet. hut he did not reach there, y


Spealol DIapeleh I* (Ae gFNV/.Vfil XKVH- ASBirllY FABK, Attg. The Ocean

Ghrove Catnpmeoting Aaaociatftm liua nb- soltitely i-efuaed to pennll the National' Pcohlbltton fhirljr to hold ‘ Hs hatlonat cnnvanlton in the Ocean Oroy* Audlto- rlumi Mo reeatma *iw .a ja ln ed for t)ie ref uadi. It fa now planned tn hold the ewvcnlloit ta the Arihtu-y park Su d lu n

next July. Th^ acUoit of Ih# ssHocIatlon lioi iMsamutC^ plana of tho ProUfbkton logdars for mammolb rfl]jioi(S mooting* (n’ comiwtiob wltli the <»inv«ption. SLafteL! Chairman Havana haa wrUlcn to th« tiibllclty Bufoau of Aabyry l>ark and Iff hia lativi* 0*1* fofili lhat. iha Caniii^pirating Aaaoclatioji has refuBOd tho U9etff. Il7« AndlLorlum for the eonvantlop.

Union worknifn are hoping the weather man ivill provide a clear, bright fiay Mon­day, when the annual parade of the silled

o f labor will bb held. Henry P. lllirera, secretHry o f The Essex Trades rimncll. eitimates there will be 20,OM men

1 in Itnr. and lhat (he affair wlU be the I in which the unions have everJ taken part here, provided It does not rain,I Arrangementn wer* completed lapt night,' final InstructlonB were given nm! (h» j placBR of formation and the line of inarch j were definitely fixed.

The parade will consist of (wu dirlBlonB with George laeary ab grand marehat ami DHegnteB Hilfers, Bmlth, Zueii ttTid .Agaili- cn aa aides. The first dlvlHiun, rmiBiBiing of the varloim organiziUlon« o f tluj Ensex Trades Council, 'Will form on High etreel, right resting on Springfield avenue, and In the adjacent ntreets somlv of the ave­nue. The second dlvlainn, compoaed of organisations affiliated wllh the Building Trades Council, will also form In High street, right reatlng on Springfield avenuo and In the adjacent streeiB norih of the avenue. The parade le scheduled to start at ID o'clock.

The line of march will ha as ffillowa: Springfield avenui! icF Market street, (o Broad Btreal. lo (,’Mnton avenue, to Eliza­beth avenue nnd then countermarch through CUntoh avemts and Broad Bireet lo the First PreHhylerian ( ‘ hurch. In front of which th« marnhfrs will ho reviewed. American flngw and the regular union ban­ners will he the only colors displayed In the lino.

AoBC-mblyman Thonian J. Mead will bo marshal of the first divltlon, with Hohry Bcbeler and John id. Wallace ha Thb locals In tins division will form in the following order:

1'he Jjue Porm atiA n.Voss’s band, Hat Finlshere No 14.

NickolB & Kiieiuierhaft's band, Hat Mak­ers No. U, Krlmlte's band, Bakers’ Tir n No. 84, FT(jn«l Kegimciit Fife ami Drum Corps, Typographical No, hi3 nnd Typo- graph'ia No. s, Prlntliiig Pressmen No. bl, Cylinder FecOerfl No, 19. Book-hindciB No. (12. Webb Prfi>Hmeu No. 8, Blerftoiyiwi-a No. Ih. Photo-Engmvfi'B No. Hal Tip PriniiTB No. 3. Mailers No. IJ, Hlll-poNters

• and Billers No. ]U. Theairlcnl Stage Em- pluyes No. 21. ^

Drum ami F’lfo CorpR, Stationary Ftr»- meii No. fi. Stfatu Engineers No. f-S 8l<itni Fitters, sprinklers and llelpeia No. 47f). 1‘oundry Employes No. 3.

Hnirn and Fife 4'arpa» l*eatber VVork-TS. Sphiiers and Helpers No. 1(«, Ikiivy L( .ither Workers N o.‘106, Travelers' GjikIs nnd Leather Novelty Worketa No. 2. Pu- laskl Drum and Fife Corps, Clgarmakoiv’ Union No, 138, Sausage Makers and Pin;!: ing-Uouse Employen No. *22, Coopers' Union No. 134. Coopers’ Union No. 1S7, Lenther Workerfl on Horao Goods.

Rand. Garment Workers Nos. 24, 20n and 28, l>ast Makers No. 1JS29, .Musical Union No. IG. Marshall Musicians’ Union No. 1, Pavetfl, Curber* and Ramraera' Umoo, Brush Maker# No. 13.

Drum and Fife (’ orps. Buffers and Fol ftshera No. H. Brass Moulders No. 98, BrAxs Workers No. IW, Silver Finishers No. 2S(I.

Curtis’s band, Inteniatioiial .'Vasoclalbin o f Machinist lardges Nos. 340, 3J), IB6.' 167. 18S, 3U 32S, 350, 867, 571, 585. feTi, SjK, GQtt,766. ’

Vincent's hand, Iron Moldere No. 40 Iron Molde^B No. tl4. Core Makers’ Union, Ctniage and WagoTi Workers No. 151, Boiler Makers and Iron Ship Builders No. 216. Jewelry Workers No. 2, Drum Corp«. Electrical Workers No. R7.

Band, Bakers No. 167. Bakery Wagon Drivers No. 18T, band. Teamsters' Union No, 17B Mineral W'ater Drivers' Union, Dniin and Fife Corps. Pearl Workers No. 12472, Well ^V'orkers No. 12462. Brewery Workers No. 3. Beer Drivers No, 148, Beer Bottlers Nu. 3®. Bartenders**-Union No. Uk Waiters' Union 1»-

AWeriTiflU WUIlam J. Reilly will be mai‘#hal of the second division and the ^4s# will he Harry Sands and E. P.

ami nearly every organltsadon will be jieaded by a band or drum and fife co t^ , The order o f formation trill be os follows: , ,

Oemposhion Roofers. Tlta Layers and H el^ra and Marble Workers, Steam Fit­ter# T. A. No. « , Steam Fitters’ Helpers 1. A.. No. 37. Plumber# U. A. No, 24 and No, 281, Stone ('utter# G. U „ Engineers-^ Hi^stinki Brlcklaydfs and Maaons Nos. 3, 16 and 3D: Laborers" Protectlv* Union Nv r. 1 and Ut Labircra' Protective No, 4. Woo<\ Wire and Mcifll Ijathers. Blsotr1c«| Work- ^ gtssm K iu e« U. A. No. flS, Bftdga and Sinirtiirftl IrM woraera. R iffers' Frot^tlve l*nlon. Shaft Metat ‘Workers, eiule end Tile R<K»fer#« District Oouncif o f Palatsr!>. District Coutidl o f Carpen-

4 After parnder a plcnie and demon* 'ItSidttn he held lo Olympic Park.

In a flat-footed derlaration, Issued to­day. the leiden and candidates of the "new Idea" movement In the Republican party put themselves squarely on record as favoring homo rule In ihe regulniton of excise affulrs. The statement made by them asserts ihe principle of local option on all phases of (Imj saloon niwl excise qufsiloij, liiriurting Sunday Belting, and pledges the candlilstes o f the movement, if elected, to support und labor for tho rn- nctmont o f a 8iu(e law which will permit each localltj’ lo decide for Itself what kind o f excise laws It wants. The decision o f the form o f Didsn regulation is lo bo made by the vutars In each nituilclpallty by a referendum vote.

Tho declaration on the subject, made to­day, was adopted at a conference held yesterday afternoon at Colby lieadquar- tors In the Sclietier building. In Brimd street. It Is agreed to by all nf the eleven candidates for the Republican Assembly nominations, and by Senator Everett Colby and BherSff Frank H- Bnmmrr. The stBtenienl made this aCternoon. in Rccord- ance wbh the Qpreement reached at liie conference, Is ss follows;

"In his recent public utterances. Bherlff Frank H. Sommer has defined his poab (Inn on the excise queatlon and has shown that'unti) It has been token out of politic# by leaving to the people, on the principle of home rule,- the settlement o f all mat- leis pertaJnlng (o this question, it will continue to confuse the public mind and detract nttendon from the coniiderstlon of other problems.

“ We heartily concur with the sheriff in his attitude, and if- nominated and elected, will labor for the enactment of a law which will Inave lo the v*otcrs of each munIcIpaHty the right to vote as lo the regulatUm o f cite liquor traffic tn all Hi phases. Including that o f ffundny selling.

"I am In entire accord with the agree- mem of the Astembiy randldalen on this proposlMou,'' snid Senator Colby ikU af- toniooii. " f voted for the 'bUho,^' bfU* and am personally opposed to Riintlay sell­ing, but If our movement means any­thing it means that majority rult slionld govern on all questions o f Importance, and I am cnMrely willing to have the people (IcrMr for themselves wlint kind of excli# laws they want, ns I do not believe there enn bf successful general enforcetnem of any law that is contrary lo the prevail- Inx public stnlimcnt.'*

It Wits fiMuricd by Sheriff floinmer and the Assemhly cnndldatps lhat while the t'olhy movement dkl not siarl ihe uglln- lioii for clmngoB in the excise Iftwa. and did not consUler the excise question a puriLmnunt Issue, th<-y believed It onl\' honest If meei the Issue, now thai It had been raised. Tho Idea of letting the ]w»c)- p|e .<ieitlo the (jnesilon fur thenisdveH, by II roim fif home i uic which would let cacli niunlclp.iltiy hru'e ihe kind of ex­cise n-gulathms a nui.lmUy of Ihs people in ilie locahry wanted, It w'lta said, was ooTJsideied. to be only In line and enn- alitent with tha demaml for dliect nonil- nalkm#, popular election of I'nUed Suites Senator end advisory InliJatlve uul rf fer- ftndum, which are imrls of the Tijiby pro- grami. and the general purpose nnd Intent o f 'Which Is to Hecur© majority ml©.


Gm ea Bntliiter «IbIi» by Oivii Hand. Huaband Tells ToTlre Itevolvrr

P*onR<l Senr flee lludy.NEW TOFIK, A'lg. 31. «raoe J. Rulli-

n*i. an uj-trew. wl.o lefi u HauUurhim yesterday, w.'ia found dead in day In the apartment ^'liere she ami her husband lived at -4 \\'©B( J‘’ (irl y-siNTli street A hole In liPi head looked .ih if two Inilh'i-j tnlglU have Mitered. Wluin llie pnllft' ai- rjs'ed a r*:vniver with live chambern,’ cuii- lalnlug only one unevplorjed cartridge,, was f/)und 'm IJie floor near Ilie body,

Boilmer, who ta an nM-tlmp thj'aitical manager, said he was m thw batlsTiuim whcit his wiiv- shot hcreelr.

The police think there !h some mystery about (he case. The upunis of the house heard iwo shot# (Ir' d In quick suc- cppslcui. ■

Frank IToUlngHWorth and John ReniieU. who ll've In tiir bouae, were held by Ih© police B# W'Utu'Sse# to appear before tho coroner,


1 0 * * 'l F*rir*t III A . O. II,ExiHTlloJi « b u r j PM-k *b M bor D»p.

‘ ■

W ent to K Iteben D nrlfig M ght and W^dllrd T here fo r llenth

to Come.Anion Muller, seventy-four years old, of

US PflclHc street, committed mildde lost night or early Ihl# morning in the kitchen of hla home hy Inhaling gas. He wea found dead Mrs. Muller about 6 o'clock thla.mornliig. Muller, who for ihlrty-flv© years kept a saloon at the Pacific Btr««(; address, had been suffering from cancer for about a year anU three weeks ago he had to give up work.

Without the knowiedga o f hla wife or son John he got out of betl during tho night-and went Into (be kitchen where be attached a rubber tube to the gas range. He put one end of the tub© In hie mouth, seated himself in a chair, and waited (or the end.



Two Roof Woilccra Topplo Twrntr -■ Feet oad Rttatala Birak*ii

Ronea.Taro m«n tarrlnff the roof o f tli* E. S.

Ward tannery, at Frelinghuyaen avenue and Victoria atraet, fell twenty feet thlii

.morning when a tcaffold on which they were worMn* hrnke, and both auatalned Mvera Injuries. They were taken to the City Hcaiiltal. The jnen are Edgar Tatea, twenty-aeven ywira'old. o f Olean. N. T., and A n r '* t“* iJielffer. twenty-three years old, o f KM Eighteenth avenue, thu city.

Yatca auatatned a fraeturct rib am) aomo o f tlw amaller bojiea were anappait to hta rUht ihouider. Loefllar'a right arm waa broken....... ^ ________

•iBDl(e .American Opera Clgara.Bmt gyaaUli made UaTana: Hk dealwa—Adr,

la A Aclalve manner the Board of Edu- I'ntion 1a«l night repudlHted the effort of a majority of ina Cemmltlae on Teirt- lirtoke to uverrMa the boin l of exam­ine™ hy having certain aehool miMlea- tlung plucad on ihe lexibooka Hat in op- poeltlon to tha receminandationa of the tiedagoguua. Tharo war# Ihrea antagon- iatlo menatirei fathered hy the commlttaa and tha hbard gave expriaalon o f Ha con- tidence In the board of exdtninera by de­feating etoh propoaiilon by ah ovtr- wlialnilng vote.

Suppoiteri o f the admlnlatrallon oen- oeded the claim o f the examlnera that they wrro brtter qualilled by t.-oUnlng to Judge the worth o f a book than th* lay­men on 111* ooinmlftee. It wai aouglit by Hie coniniltteo, lad by Chairman Seat- tergood, lo have tlie Atodem Serire Aliieic hooka. piiblUhed by Sliver, Bur- I dett & Co.. Iliteil and a companion reao- liUlon nrovldeil for the elimination o f the Natural'Serlea Muatc hooka, a produet of the American Book Company.

On eanh queallon the vole atood aevan for nnd twenty-one agalnit. A third raao- luMoii mithorlxlng the Hating o f Ihe Dodge .letneinarV nnd advnneed geograplil** waa Buhniltted by Mr. Scattargood, and would, under the riilea o f the board, have laid over for a' month, but Hid admtnla-1 trntlon forcee, flualietl with victory, Jam­med .througli a motion to auepand Ih* rule nnd then defeated the propoiltlon.

It waa after midnight when the op#o- sIHon wna Anally put to rout. For mold than two houra the bkttle waged hdolt and forth, and at ttmei aaaumed a dra­matic aepeet. Allegatloni wore followed hy recrimination, and, to cap the climax.Dr. Addlwin B. Poland, aiiperlntendant o f aehoole and ehalrntan o f the board of examlnere, took the A.mr to demand that the board either probe the chargee made hy Robert Foreeman of Silver. Bur­den ft Co,, in a communication to th e ; NEWS yeatprday. concerning tha eon-1 duct o f the exanilnera toward that 'een- | rern, or repudiate them by a favoraWiVOlP.

aea ltergoad D efeada Cananltto*.Mr. Bcatiergood made a dtapaaalonata,

plPa lo havo the . Sllver-Burdatt work ; adopted. He said It had been anatringly alrited that ha w «i a young man and dW , not know hla premlaea In undartaktnt to i veveree aklUed profeaalonal teacharg. Tie, retorted hy aaylng that It It waa a crlm a' to uae one'* Judgment when atiil young In year* he would have to plead guilty i and wait for Ihe paaaage o f lima to re-( move the crime, During the . flay, the commlaaloner added, he had racalved by ,: mall a marked copy o f a n«wapa»ev etm -1 tnlning )ha apeech of Oovernor Uughaa, o f New Totk, at Olen* rail*,, on Tuee- day. and the aender had undeiWOWdd' * r ' aenteiK'fl In which the Governor declared , lhal the otAclal who undertook to break down conetltntcd authority wai on the I, Wfiy to a polltlnnl grave,

"My action." > mllmipd Mr. Scatter- good. "la not a challenge to the board of examlnere. nor to demonatrated authority, but an expreeelon o f honest difference o f opinion. II la atrongc that there ahould be such a liisa ot'er the simple matter of plating a hook on the Hat, to be ordered by tlioae who like and dealre It; the Hat- liig does urn make tlie ptirchaae or uae or the book compulsory. The question whether I enn play tho piano or violin, or my mualfat experience, 'doee not prop­erly eiuer Into this question.

"The differini-i' In Hie two book* U thia -th e Nntiiral Series alarla out by giving the pupil sciilo ■•serelec. iiotea and sym- tinlB, while tilt! Modern Berle* starts by teinihlng Ilia pupil simple songs. Our en­deavor Is not to make mimlenl experts of the chlltliuTi, but to give them nn SP- prei’ liitlon of nunlc. In the Modern Series the rliiM Is led step hy step from the snowii to the unknown,"

Me. fivattergood snl.l that, of hla own ai-ennl, he had written to th* eduea- llorinl aiitbonllei o f the twenty-two lead­ing cities of the country where the Mod­ern fierlf'H arc In uae, ntii] out of thirteen nrswers twelve Indoraetl the work. The oiiliilon o f a scattered number counled more than the opinion of a local fnw, de- elared Mr. Hcattergood, because an aver-ag. : frrtm varying cotidhloni gave a bet- tr-r I.nil inter result.

"In June, when the hoard nf examiners was cmisKIcring a dicnoiiary." .added Mr. Sv.mergood, "the remark wns made that the work was In use In (fhicBgo, and .v very prominent niemiter of the board aalfl Ihnt anything that was adopted hy Chl-r. ign should receive careful conelderatlnn. Well, If ihBl's the CBSP, I got a letter rroni Clilcagii praising the Mode™ Series

"1 was told over the telephone when I alarled this fight." oontlnueil Mr. Scat- tergnnd, "by n member of the Imard of axniiilnera that the Modern Series la practlrally In use now and le satisfac­tory. I gnve him two chanrea in meet­ings of the committee lo atnnd up an1 verify what he told nie, but he fulled to do s.i- I have had nn Interview wHh .Miss M'.-sts'ocrl, Ihe aiipervisor nf muain, and she waa 'alwayu glad to have an abund- ■snee of good musir lo choose from,' and the evidence ! have collected ahona Ihl.a sysleui to be good mtialc."

R eps llonril o f Exam iners.The commissioner recited several Inci­

dents that he iiad ohaerved In moetinga tif the hoard of examlnera, and. among Ollier things, said ho waa Ignored when noiSces were aent out of meetings of the board, notwithstanding hla desire to be preaent at eneh aeasion.

Afler rapping the practlae of the board In always rendering unanimous reports, iff . Scattergood said that either the text- hook committee should no longer play the part of H "rubber stamp" or elin. hav* the. examiners assume the entire reopon- slhlllf'. He also proponed reorganising the lioard so an It would Include men and women of uniform rank io the olucatlon- al system. , >

Begardlng the dropping Of the Nat- ui-al Series books, which he alleged were not In use, .Mr. Scntlergoiid said the Sli­ver Burdatt Company stood willing to make an altowaiiee from the list pile* on old books and to allow full value for books of the Natural Serlea that had not been used.

"I am asking you not to uphold me aa a colleague," concluded Mr. Scattergood, ; "but In our efforts to do What Is best for

'’ronnnlMinoer Crlasey, a member of the Textbooks Committee, look up the cudgels for the examiner*. Ho eald that, following custom, a letter wee sent to principals this year asking WHH twaka they required and not a alogle requloIUon ■ came In for the Modern Series.

"The requeil for a hearing for the . Modem Berlee." oonUnued Hr, C iliesy ,., "came from the book house and. was referred by the committee to the board of examiner*. Th* exoinlnen re­potted back that tho system wa* not de­sirable. The committee than dheWed unanimously to upholfl the examiners. At a subsequent meeting the, eommitte* roveraed Itself. I den'.t know why,"

Tlie eominUskmer want on to deserihe how the examiners xrere made advisers on lexibuoka to put an end to th* Dgbllitg and scrapping thst marked the eclectton of booki by the rommlftee and oiHd'tliat wltk th* present meinbershlp, the city

(^ i^ n u td on V -p a B *ru colunad






H#(prW4l tn OurMPni Wurine-rm*im iM WlOi T li#lr « H » T * n r f € » hi-

mlHrp to W dlph » l» o ip lp ru rk .A deinilatlon of ri«>m On*

X.fv« n Oluh w< rf nOown GiP <RK>r n\ thP n»*Ptln*‘ Hr the Kinpx 4‘numlllAil nil In. Permlwil'tn fur i1h- floor w*« «Ake<1. Uit It * «* dentfO by an almiASi unanlmoui vole.

The inrideni came uji Timler Uie head nf utw hUBlneM. U li Mild’the InlejUkui

io Mir maUPia reliuh»», lo th*‘ in r- iTienl worker!, who tnA'pidli' !n!(!iriiietl'«n ftglfttf.loil AgiiMiat 111*' e^'bi'llon of Alder- ihait MJfhijfl Av r^ve^o f*h' the AM#mh!y. Tht nlderman haa Ikvii tneiilinn*'d n» fWi tt.siplrwit nn the PrniocnHir tIi ket aweek ago laM nlgHl **^tviury of the coLincJi wan iiiati'U'.Tfcd ru a**rKi m IpiUt 1o Gtc IVmooraMc' ii;iitera, tirotoatfngRiraln»t 1 feveei»> aphn-iJon. \» paM W‘hr unffiJr to'orgHtHted U)>or,i na ii*' wouldnot vole agalrtW ihe ajiiKiltuniHtii of .h»- >e)di HeUler aa poHco crAmmisaii'Fiifr hint 'lo!L

I'lf'legnie Hehrler, of the aleuiti eogi-TTPPtWr hutdt the inolUin tliat the roiotrilt' tee fiom Ihf l#evefeTiA be referiX'd lo Gar- jni'tH Workers XO; Wutc iha

’ dr k-f.vte of the gi^-maut workers, oppospi! ithia ootirne srui reqdesierl that ili»’ Ilnur fh« irrniiril. lie said Gir l.eveehs irteiTilierH of hti orgaiilXHlb»n "T ‘'frafler!” Siid hr dcfsli''‘ 'T to IVrOr wtmt

i the r^prenenUltiVM hod to soy. f>eli>KHi«; GofTibrartti/of Ihe Mftilprn' rofon.'thiit he didn't I*P0. why.j^ove'Mi couldn't comr. to ihp.ihe;etfhf itlToaeJf. A v»n*-w ib- then taken' And TTeeldent rnsswiltno re* fened the *(ohmiiliee to the Garment

, W'orkprs* t'nton.; Vndep ihe report of Ids umoii, DelegBle I fhelgliu nnnoitni’fit tliat hJa otfimUs- jllon wnulrl hold u niHrsniN-Hutf at Wnnli- I InflOn HuM, Gomi street, nenr Helmonl avenue. oTier llie pMrnde oir Lolihr |>!Vto SgUnte ftgAtiisf i^vevn.

Ths speniol conUMirtee uppfdnteil to ser jtliMl no non-nnJou produciM gu into j OlymuJo pAik. where the_ lalntr; tnen’s •1 ptonie will bt held Monday] whi Instruct'

thsi Its wprk win b«^ln ni midnight : tr»>morrow idght. AisenihVyman Thoinua |J. Mead Ik chslrmun of. this commute^, j Delegates rJHimed at R meeting recently 1 that non-union produeu wele amuKgled

clock union

WHITE HARD SOCIETY.Yonna^r 1talian-i^atcrlc'aaa o f Fei^n*

Bfl^aitla Tivtta Organla^-^^ A fil'. the l.avf and Kdneafe. „ ^

RKADTNCl. Pn . Aug. ^1.-A wolely ta being forineii ainaiip Gi»' .vnimgcr cites o f llie ItallHVi colony for iha assls^nnco o f each Ollier and G»e **din‘iiGon of ilie new arrivitia In Uhls wmury- Ah iiwir Mitud* aid they will use a while hepil. sJgnlf>lnK that tln'.v Mil- all at peac*' and have a puTc purpose.

The Horlel.v n’ltl co-operalc witli Hie po- llrr. to piTUtU Giose rrltni*« which have hren previlrn' uinring Gn- Tlalliin pdluila- Goo lately ^nd which are »Hcrlt»n| in the Bliuk IlHud.


VIOHi John .1. W llllniiia WnaFK'aii nf ^iiieHt-nn I'athnitc Frc'l-

ntoR—Fro liable *riiieoeMaor.HUfHTnN’ , Aug ‘Phe funarul oi Arch-

blHlmp JnliM J. It'llllanis. whose ih-.iiti bivt evenluK hiouKht forih innuy erpi'-SHiont Of gih'f loday. wUJ b e . held at the Ch- thedi'Jil of the* Holy Gross next TN Une*- duy. Ji Is eape<*tfd that l^ardfnal fllh- boms will ruhie on from Holtjrn'>r<' andnflli [iMh »t Ihr Hcdeiiin pouilfic^aJ imias of


W . FeHowrpK ^ o rg a a , (itistaiox F* aoMtiner and othnea H iiila lii “ Vew

Idea** Priiiolglea to Voter*.Ne.irly LVjD persuris gathered at :.;h

wrlahi isHt night to ;lse■•o|'i-nln#t gun of ihe ’new Idea' I'MTi'pid jn In Hie HJalneiuli Ward." an U'ltllain I" I’ biw.'ii Morgan, the. flrat apeak'i, -s- liii'-sed ii. After being Introduced h' :•'» ri-T .\HNemblytii.ih Gustaviis F\Mr .Morgan hcg.in his address h.c - tloning the Incfase In tag m [<1I...... Hboiit h\ ihe '•new idea" i"r...III HpllP of iippovhiiui.

Th.- mcnthni 'd Frank H. Koimmci s iMtii- ill this iK>in( was greeted wuu • n-Gui.Hi.i ih! apphuifis, and wfter s;... ]<n.gtii ills ipiallrli'MtioiiH for the On., n ehlp. Mr. MorgiiiT c’lTJSad with u \M--dabout ihe eadsc' ciueMilori.

"W e will leave the regulation > ' '' •* Jiuunr M.ifhc In all lie pbasea. Inch. li-x Hijiitiil> Melillig, to the voters. Put il i|i t-i Go- people,” he said.

M). finmnicr Uieii began lo inlrmj.. \ Henuior rolhy. hut i he .<4cnatoi‘ arose fii-m ( his bent in the aodli.'iire, stepped on Hi‘' I plarform, and sUrteii iJs address witlimh * walling In Ih‘ introiiiic*-ih |

The Kfiirttor hoKHii hy slating that the I "riew ideu ' prhh !pl*-H HTe ruivlameiuaU»! i>aKur..ihle and puri ly Repubtlrgn. H« niade an especial poljii of the vast po'wer

gets roiT Hlp voters at the

tODIK D E V E imIf > negaDve fa spalltj ycur picture Is gone end conseouenlly thia b F in ch o f finishing should have the most cpreful attention. Try us.

lOOIK PRIITINGVELOX makes perma­nent pictures and our facilities will get the best print posilble from your negative,


rt‘Tiuh*ni, which will hr offered Th* offh-v of Hu ti'itui will be clmnirji j J"'*'

h,v of prlpme .)« Tu.eda> iirier. i v M e . s ,lo not attend.nn..„ m I 0 ,■ oek w hile llie body lies In n „ ,aiale Ml Uip i.'jihcdfBl, ] *

,\n-,ingemer.ls fu, noiklng ll„. funernl ,„l|the Hinlinpe' liiwl tu ll<' low. lo nm-k It,

do." He

A good negetlve witl neke t good enlarge­ment, and a pretty en­largement will make an ornament to your home. We make them In Black and Id Sepia.

j into the pai-k last yeur around 3 o'oh I In the tnomlug and were aold. to untnomlug

men rturine the’ der.


HHwgalwa P U 4ged tn fluppwpt Him Art t'hnsun Ik T h rrr W ards

o f W est Oroog#,A hocMii for ReprsiSiUflGvs R. Wsyiis

Psrk«r lor Governor was sprung at g fnostlng held in ths ‘Ksspx County Conn* tr.v Club WPtinesdiy night; at which wi rs j. 'piesantgU live wards of Wait Orange. Jamaa H. flhocklalou pPaaldad,

Mr. Hbacklston said to>day that' the maeGRg. w tf harmanlouB. and limi Air; Favkfir %as the only twi^fdala mnald* grad, IHlagaies to the Rtola oonvarjiinn naifisdId bli miareal were: SacAnd Ward, Thandbra L. Y/oodlandi Third Ward, T hom s O. afoiies; Fifth Ward, Jaonoa Raid.' \n th« FIrat and Fnurth wards daie-

IgatM war« not namafl.

funeralTioVof Gu‘ ninni iiuposihK that Iiuh held lfi GiU < iiy fur Niuny ypnre will ba liagiin tOMhiy. ami It N exparlfi] Uiat in H<l«Jltlun lit 111** bigii fUgnjlHih'H «»f the rhiMvlt, tJu‘i'‘ win he prearut loiitlaiH io Hie pnllGoH] itml -.-ivir Ufa of Iha ri(y.

Arcbhlshui Williams waa 4'iHht^-fl^s vfwrs old, i-le Wrts born In this 'h y April ,’T. sMd ♦'.iiii-aied hers and in Mim- trcal.

Tlif MiK'fi.’aHor of Aivliblahop VViUlams will prohiloU lue (]luadjblnr Arolihtshop William M- O'Cminc'U. .KrcbDlsImp O'Con-

was iKirn In ImWill, Dic**mh# r #, l.Vi9. and eduralT'd hare and al the Atnci- i<'iib Collpga 111 Romr. He wut ordalnad In ArcJjbishop O'Gunnell was inuUvrecRj]'. Id inU. ur Gu American Collf'jte nt Rome. In April. IWi. he wuh appoInlHl blulinp of I'ortlHtid. Me. He berama I'o- adjiitor to Archhlsliop WUltama laat yrur. Archbishop O'CorinHl was r^rfriily aeiil by the Vatican lo Japan, wbrre hr tip- gotlatPil with the Emperor and rrrtiseU the privilege to aaiabUah a Catholk uiil- vpislty In Japan.'


■ I

m«el«TlBMl r a e e lt e e * R e -re p le v - lee4 hy W ife , trtih More T rvnbte

la a l«ht.Qoodi and chat tele replevlned by Chsrlee

A. Ruoff from the preeeiit nbiule o f hie wife at IT Hawkine etireet, were re-replev-

. ined by Mr*. Ruolt last night. The woman. It was eiplalned. said ahe wanted the goode ai evidenre In legal proceeding! whieh ehe contemplalee starting,

Conetable Kdgar Uertdegeii. o f the First Tllatrict Ouurt, bad charge o f Ur. KiiuITh wHt, Whan the oIBcer went to the Haw-

' kina Itraet house, he succeeded in felting 1 some furniture which the husband clalined

hsTonged to him. but couldn't locate the . rlothlng and a pti nQ. listed In the writ. ‘-The piano, the conatable said. Mra. RuoR

told him had been aold for Mfi.


FliNBRAI.,,j Brother W ho Alio .it« of Ploiit Still

^ . Im grrloim Condition,Tho funrrgf of Frank JanoskrwJlK,

lhr«! y«ors old, of 2S Mott streol. who diod from the vffsetM of i^atlng n rjtpsuln

! « f the *'JlmiKm-ipFrt*d,'’ in 81. Jamrs'a iHodpitml y«Rt«rday morning, will be heM iVt-raorrow aflrmooii. Thfl nervloei* wlU 1>» Mnduottd In 8t. 8Unistaui‘« Gbiiroh on Bfimunt gv«nu< . The condition of

.] elohg Jftnnskewltr. y<*urK old, brother I o f th« d<gd child, who also ut« soima of ' (h« c«p«bla!, la arlH


hnt ihui IH not wIlhi I ititfiitl i !lj**n rcpi'.-iu-d hjH form'n- r<»timrks Hb )ui ^nfurc^iiH'nl cif the law.


ApfrhG IH/tpoirh Pi fAfl gl'/?.V7 V#; \'hWR, JKliSFT CITY, Aitg ,11.—Ibittiotl vulns

DOW remain nf whdt wan nl "Jie time tlia nid and wt^allhy restdentlal ponlon of J«‘ rMey City. Kws** street, fioiii Itiulanij to Greene streetj*. on the rodHi shh', was Completely wip*'d out lus( night b>' Hre, whii-h did d.imnge. eaMmalt-d at Hboiit llirw hundred ihimaand dollni*.

The Ore AiiJrtPcI In Hie plant of Hie Kvalde AMploili CoDipany at IIiid EOi and Ksbax s(rcci>i, jHid, N'B<‘epl by a borili wiiiil. sobn (.TPpi along the eliret. After the MAphall plsnt had Iw ii ip- duceil to A heap of snioldering nihis Hu* Hnare A* Tries! Imn plant wan the nrxi lo hum. At Hils lime every fire itjjriii* raluj had hern railed Into commiasion, and the small artny of firemen Wfie working like heavyr* lu cope wUh Ha blaze.

Vfcllnir Lleat#RBnt Slepheii T, Kreanii o f H aokensgekf Held

PU tol at H it gld«.Spcckil tn the EVMSiSU YflH'/?.

HACKENSACK, Auf. 3h—lAetuenant l teplien T. Frea'ni, o f Company G, Nm- Uonal Uimrd of New Jeiae}% a member of Hachteneack TuOdgs o f Elks and otheF so­cieties ami one of ilackenaunk's moat popular young men, v a i fonml dead in a chair on tha front porch ot his home, in M«Wfe street early Ihia morning, by Fat- rlrk Brady, who delivers newspapers.

There wjs a bnJIet wound Id Freoni's head, and he held a revolver at his side. His auk caae was near the chair. Frenm was thirty-five yesra old and tummiTled. He lived with hla mother and mnrrled siaUr. The latter's huabaml, J. G. Dan­iels. siiid he heard a platol shot about A o'clock this morning, but paid no atlen* lion to It. He aali] Uleutenant Frenm hnd been on h varntion In Jefferson Couniy. N. V.. nnd was not expected back for a week.

Frenm held a position with Wynkot'p A Hallenheck, priniers, for several yeara. What brought him hack from his vaca­tion so utiexpecjedly is A mVatery. It wea said he was paying attenilons to a young woman In Brooklyn, and sli<* will be nolWled nt onfp. He was not known lo have s care In the world.


4t Mtepi froB Braad »t.

Picture Frames


.,4 ------ -----------GravBtl* Owagbler iwye* Brooded Over WIfe’e Deelalen te Hove

til PhlliMletpblw-AKRI’RT RARK, Aug. 31.*M t§ Robert

T. Qraveti, o f Ocaan Grove, who with her riln<.".vcar*oldi daughter Mollle wbs

( aiiui And sedoualy wounded Thuradny ef- ternuon by her huabaml, who uaed the r«- volvi r as a moans o f ending Itls own itfa. drr.h'ii. Giroiigh her daughter Rva, the nllexiitionK that the act had been IncUed lhr > igh Jjealonay uf n luong Branch lew- )>r v.no Imil been ber attorney.

.Mi.ih Gnivoif ndmitted thar'yeura ng.i lU'* fiiGier liHU felt that th« man was ir.viijtf lu gLiin Mrs. Gravatt's nfrecGona. etnl thill he went to TvOiig Branch ami hsd :i uilk wlGi the mnu. Oji hla reUiriT Miss tSmsHtt SHys he told her uf hia vlatt and gitvf the family tbr Impresalon that he hail entirely banished the aimpicion from his raimJ. Mias GraA'att said (hut (he reusoD that hor motlier'a name was connected wUh the lawyer's was that ahe Iiai1‘ emt>luv4*d him lo frunsaci legal busi­ness for her Hhe had never,* It was em­phatically slated, met him other than In A business way, and hnd never gone out wHh him, '

Miss tJrHVRU saaigned r new reason for Jier fniher's net. Her mother, she auld, had derided lo close her Dcoau Grove house ihe day after Labui Day and go (o I'hitadidphia. They had asked OravAit to go with them. Mlsa Gravstt said, but ha iisd ileelileii that he could uot leave bis hiisInesM in this cir>-. Newrlhelesfl. she Hsid. he brooded over their going and said to his daughler a few days before the tragedy that he t>elieved he was going crazy.

MIhk Gravfitt said thiil her father and moGuT were bulb uf high temper niicl frequemly had iniBunderatamllngH Hnr quarrels. Aiiss Gravau aald that-of hue y tin IS the feeling between them .lihd gro*An much kindlier and that her father seeim d to 1>e mors at home and tu bb belter cun*M’Dtid.

U U IfCH DESTROYED AT WHARFOerngania Toaaeg Tkrw ggh tb « A ir

Ki»Htb Bniiikd -|tr««»b.JJHpglcA fa the HVH\tSO \SWS,

BOCTH BOGND BROOK. Aug, 31 — The Alary Ann of New York, a naphtha ikimch whose nwner'a name could not Im learned, was de«tro>'*l by an explosion of one uf lu naphtha tanka while tied up at the wharf near the lock In Ihe Dela­ware and lUrllan Canal at this place Inat night. The (.'apuin and a deckhand were taking the l»oat from New York to Phil­adelphia. They tied up at the wharf. On an invitation from the captain, Charles Apgar, of IVebtnn, and Robert Wllkin- ■on, of this place, went on board tu look the crafi ovei.

A feiv minutes Isler the lank from which the engine ts fed exploded. Apgar waa thrown through the lop of the boat and landed on lh«* wharf. The captain was thrown Into lh«* runal and Wilkin­son was thrown into the t>aek part of the launch. Mr. Apgar'e handa and arms were terribly burned, ami he was also burned about the n»*ck and ‘ face, WiJ- klnaon wo# slightly burned and hla cloThea were partly lorn off. The i’«p- laln and deckhand escapeJ with slight burns, A rowboat ihat was carried on the top of the launch waA thrown about two hundred feet.

It Is auppoaed in filling ilie tsnk some nspiiiha had been spilled aud one of the party struck a match wh^n llie fiimea Ignited. After the eacploshm the Iwat quickly sank lo the bottom of the canal.




A flr r Mstlte High li» i l r A lneooa l lA rrlrn Haiilnc nn H li Hack

to .street.JERSEY' ClTV, Aug, 1|.-Pal rolmaii

Thomns Harry had a ilirllJlDg struggle y^ierday wlih an iuRano man on (lie titevflted trestle »il a poltft where II towers a hn;dred fen ahove the mnaJows, Barry WHS InfurinPil tiuii .tlie nuin whs un tl;e liHrruw Iron coplug at Ihe edg«' of the tremle nnd aviileutly inlcruV'd sutcidf.

H in j' went oul on the ceiUrc of the


Oernn Gpo%c H nlber Orres His Rs- OHpe from llcfitb tn His 1*n«v-

e r fn i Physique.OriCAN l.rROVE, Aug. 31.-A ymuig

man named A. Begerow, of New Yurk, wa» marly drawji to hln death through a big pipe while In bathing ye.sicrd«y. He owes his life to his powerful idiysique. and after his escRpr was Rent lu ihc Bench Emergenrj HoitpUal foi' treatiuetit.

Ri gerow wrent Irt bathing al ilie Aalr.iry avenue grounds and uft»r a wliMe w'andei- cd over lo Hoas'?* and took a swim tln.r*-, He was bathing in the surf and in Jump­ing ovAr Ihe breakers whs tossed ugainst


F lr« Mast to Gflloe.Fire braka out fimong soma cases uf

battary Jirf packed In excelsior, belonging lo the Bliectrlc Motor and Rqulpmajit

' Company, o f U Beaver street, which were otorod lit a narrow* space dividing the KVEKING Nli^WS btilldlDf; and (he oM Muilu Hall building, on Market street, shortly after noon lo-day, Two stnams from (h# atandptpe in the NEW8 building quickly pul out the (lames. The depart­ment w ti called, but Iheir servIceH were not needed- Damage irffitiig,

ftnlo Homee Yef Large RN4»agk«TRENTON, Aug. 31.-With the opordng

of the n*w |IS00.(Y.mi whig at the 8iate house tt wnn supposed llial ample room

{‘ would be aForded feu all of the Slate de- partmsnU. buL It has bsen found that an additional wing will 1i»ve to be built as soon aff the X<eglsLatm'e approprirues the money. The latest plan Js u> tear down ibe low wing containing The eKC'Cu- tive ofReei and In Us place erect a ihrtKt or four iiory !tructure.

Injured Rubber Worker Is fiend,TRENTON, Aua. Sl.-Having quit the

employ of the Pennsylvania Hallroad ComMny after twenty-six years of serv­ice. because o f the dangerous t;:baraeter nf his work, Harry Howell, of l,aml>ert- vJJIe. formsMy o f rhlladelphla. died in this city veslerday as the resuU of iu- furles suslalneti by being rsught In a Imlt In a rubber mill. He leavee a. widow and eight small f-hlldren.

Oilil Fello4vs ron s ld er BaylHK Home.BRIDGETON. Aug. 31,-W ord was rc-

eeived yesterday from the grand maeiei* that a epecial session of the New Jer­sey Grand I,odgn of udil Fellows will he held In the hall of Coliansey Lodge, this eUy. on Wednesday. October P. Tlie nur- pose to consider the project oC pur<:nas* mg Bouth Jevsey InstIItrie hs « home for sged Odd Pellowa and lUeir wives.


h f

Ofteo The Kidneys AreWeakened by Over-Work.

Unhultb; Kidneys Hake Impure blood.It used to be considered that only

•rinary and biadder troubles a ere to be traced to the hidaeys, but now modern

1 ftrience proves that ' nearly all diseases have their be.<imiiiiK ill the disorder of these most impf.rtanl organs.

The kidney, filler and purify U ieblood— that ia their nork.

Therefore, vrhen your kidneys are weak or out o f order, yon can niidersland how quickly your entire body ia afiected and how every organ seems lo fail to d o its dnlv.

i f you are sick or “ feel Imdlj,:," begin Ukiug the great kidney remedy, Ur, Kilmet'a Swamp-Root, because as aooii as your kidne; a are well they will help all the other organa to health, A trial will convince anyone.

If you are sick you can make no mis­ta k e 'b y Srat docloring your kidneys. The m ild mud the eitraordinarv elTeci o f I>r. Kilnier'a S w «m ^ "R oot, the great kidney remedy, ia aoon realir-ed. It fU adt the highest for its wonderful cures •f the most matreaeing caaet. and js sold on its merits by all draggistsin fifty-cent u d onewlollar siretiotUea. Yon may _____have* a«lbp<c bottle xw .(*«a*ipSH i. by n a il free, »lao * paniphlettellinK yftii how to find out i f yoti have kidney or hladdai trotlWe., Mention Uiia paper when vm ting to 1>r. Kiltuet & Co., Bing­hamton, Jf. T . f)on un ake any mistake, but rejiicniber the sam e, Swamp-Hoot, Dr. Rtlm era Swamp-Hoot, and the ad- draif, fti*gh*mtes,J>. Y .,ottevery bottle.

rassale Itr.lileM Won’t At.l Him tiir Mayor B^canar wf 'Pqbll« firr-

▼loe .\miatkaa. ^PA^HAJG, Aug. W. Englami. nf

1*J7 ‘AytTlgg avrnufl. llils rity, iuui H^iillnrd to jild Oenrral Bird W. 8pi*no^r, who ile- slres In be Mayor o f Paasalr. On Wed- D<‘srtay Mr. Khglaud rrrrlved « lellf^r from Gie g»*nrrHl r*MiursGng Ills suppurt. Thr Irttri set forth that he (SprnuerF had con- srntwl In run for (ho Republirnn nornlrm- lion “ in tlir (utrreHl o f ihe taxpayers. In view of llie large uimnint o f (heir mtiiley which must he neceBnarUy expended tn the building nf the mink sewer, scluonln, etc, Efonomy utid honesty In nur municipal afriih's should be rmi* every aim "

Mr. England's reply'io General Spenosr Is ill part as fnllows:

‘Tn view o f the fact that you are the acknowledged represeniiitive of ihs f'ub- llt' Service Gorporation and that during Ihc llglning light' ynu endeaviired to marahil ihe couhrllunm of die clly In the Interest of your company an Hjfuinat the Imereslt of rhe rlilzena a( lar »e. I imixt reMlectfiilly ilecllns your request and sav further, that jlie niau who is fOected id the office of Mayor o f tills d iy should In my Jmlgmeni. represem ihs interesrs of the people, atii.1 j do tail see hnw you ir eleoied, could servo la o iiiasters.''

Mr. England fs n Hiipporter of Freiierfck n, I.nw. who Is seeking tUo MH\iintlTynomiuuiion.

GHH.n BRIIIK AnHKkTFIL> en ark G irl (Jorraled In PliGadal*phla at Mothar'A Heqnest.Kpfcuir iHjif,ntch ffi the fc'l'JfY/V(; Vf lix,

r*M I l.-\UEL!’ lIT A, Aug. 31.—neriisliig'tn leiuin to her home In Newark, which she Idl Iasi Monday, and in.-cl.iihiw Mmt slir wiMihl nol give up her Imsban-i Mr t. .Max W,i Ifjchln, a bride nf n feu i-hiys. wliri w.m, formerly Miss Tlllie S,il?:l)ei'g. was J,r.-siminy taken lo Ihe rVinml I’nlloe bialinn

The fliHige ngainsl the ynung w fe was runnhig away from hmiii', she being n niliinr. The mother ile<'J:ire.H thot the girl Is onl|y fmiriecD years old. while (he hrlde sa>'s she Is sc enipci!. The li ishwnd la nineteen years o ld '

FROM OTHER COUNTRIES.FLT'firrTNG, HfillMnd-* The Br'lilsh

sieiiiner .M.mUou. frnni Antwcsi'- .Vugu."d nfi. fur Bohiom and TMilhidelphi.j. put in hi-re io-ihiy. nnrl rtpiDiod Uiai one of )ier slexunplpc.s huU buist.

HT I'ETEnBHrrKJ r7MV NiHmla.s !o- jiM'rrow win pny hU first visli m .St. I'etcr.sbnrg in (w>> yiins, tin* 'l•■c.■Hs nn l.fDi.R the cletllcatloii nf i hr chiii’cii > re<-led

.aNsaHisd Vtilon's G. O. P. ChalrniHTi ■ nd A ttacked Kenn-Aiuitla

Gronp*a A rgnm enfa.Aprcfql mitfiQfrh to the tnE M Sd SEWtt.

P LA IN F IE IA Aiig. ai.-Before an en- thnslHstfc audfencs of '‘new idea" Ke- publlcans, ntid under the nuspicen uf ihe Fourth Ward bvaiirh of ihe r’ lalnfieUI Kepiibllcan League for Equal Taxatlrut, AsNetnblyman Randolph Parkins, of Weat- Iteld. ass&llfd County Chslmian Frank 11. SmilU IssT night at Reform hall for AttsmpUhg to dofeat his ambltlom lo ugaiii represent hie county in the Leglnlu- tiire, and attaoked the arg\nnen(s of the Kean*Smlth combination. Gtty Judge William S'. Runyon, t!ie 1,’ nlon Couniy leader o f tha C^olbyltes, also spoke, prai'- iloally pieilglng himself to the Westfield- er'p eaiifee.

In ths course of his talk, Judge Rmiven deolaped: ” I don't think that Unionf'ouivij suffered from Ihe etectlun of Mr. Perkins. He has shown great liulepeu* deuce. Ho has acted according (o his hniv- esf convIMIoiis. He did not try to dndgt,* or evade an tssUe to gain votes.

” We are not, trying to tight the Repub­lican party. Ws are simply trying to keep the party straight and tn give every clUsen a right to vote as blit conacieMce dictates. If ihe party cannot bear that u has gone far from Ita original poriitjon. We seek tn do away with the planning of things hehind closed doors."

irolle.T' tracks »iid veiled ihe strauKei. i one of ih? poles. The blow caused him tn ielJiiig him a woman desired to see him | sink. As he did so he w'hs caught Iti the

pipe which is used to conduct water ioat the end uf the tre.itIc. lU Ogden ave- jiue. The ruae worked well enough to gel the fellow to the tracks, but when the officer ultcinpied to force him to walk Hluug Ihe ties ahead of him he Uirr.ed an<l attacked Barry.

The offlcLT Is powf-rfnllv hulli, hut In the struggle he was several times fn m d lu the edge of the trestle. He obtanv.d

sirangle hold on the Insane mini, mid throwing him ai'i'Os.s his back, carried him across the tics to Ihe street. The prisoner Is a Swede, and Is ahoiu thirty yeors old. All that could be elicited from him was that he Is a painter and enme from Newark.

of his grhiidfath<'», Em­il . who -wns fiHen.sil*

cBie of plagun Is rs-

tr' the Dicnnoi ypci i*r AlcxHiuli’Vjiitiod hi iKAl

HONOT.Ul.r -A pm u-i! oil the mull sienmyA Siei iM, Juat Hrvhed lu't*-. a member of |ho rirw' be­ing ill. 'I'ln* i;ahln jias^ejigera how all bicn liiiidctl. The Kallliig o f tjie ateanier will piNihahly be dvliivvd

MANILA—The HrhNii st«*amer b'llx- claiciwe. wlilt'h Iihk nlrlved ht*ic fn»nt Norf’ ilk. Vh.. report;' that her hunio-i'tf weir on fire during ihr vuyagv find that .W iDui of coal w'ci> moic o^ less Imrupd. Suinr of ihr tnU*rkn' Ti’tmies w?re bent,

MAR8EILI,K8, Friiiuv Six humlu'd Usliiiu workuien, win) harr nrrlvctl hrre,

to go to Jbiiiaimi. will uot pn>- ( tied to Gic Gumil Zuor. The oatial uu- lliorliles imve disconlbmed hiring i.-dior nbroud, Hie 4i',0uu men now hi work l>ving sufllrlvnl.

8TOi:KHOLM-T!>e High Gourt of .lus- tlre ui Abu has seiilenced forty o f (he fiveaborg muiineers (o four years' penal HF>rvilude. Gie two ringtcaderi to six and five yours, respectively, ami aeverni i»th- era l«» three yenra' Iniprlsonmcnl.

COUNTY CHAIRMAN'S DENIAL.gmIMi romineuta on Report «(/ Plot

tn Capture ('filfi>n l.etftalatora for K eau.

FI.AlNFlEr.D. Au«, 31,—County Chair- imin Frunlc 11. Smith to-day made an miotjUlviH'iil denial of the generally n« copied ropemi that the attempt tn get nd of Perkins Is the first move In Oic plot to i-aimu'r the I'ulou County Seglslatore for John Kean In IfUl, which Imiudes the bniilshnient of Stale Senator Ackerman ul Gie .explratliju of hie pressDi term.

"J wouUl like you to «■>’ for the rounly chalrnruiu Giai the rctirempiit ot Acksr- man has nut even licen thmighl o f mid, ns far an I kuow\ there li no iiitentluti to put u]), mi>’ semblance uf u fight. Hgaliiai his rcnomlnatlrm,

I'As 1 have anld many times, the organi* zntinii is opposed, to Mr. Perklua having u fourth icrm. rtiid thus making n pr- oedf-ru In vIul.iLnn o f the lung adhered to I'usion}-

"Mr, AcKerman has filled hul one ierm and. according icj the oustoin, Js entilicil to 1 cnumlnatirtn '*

,Vlr. Smith said hs would like to know where the report originated.



F ive C hildren Twrneil O^er to C hil- d ren ‘a Aid Noclely F ather to

Pay ki Mnolh.DOVER, Aug. .n .-U 'V Piuil T. (.'ar w,

piistor of the (inirch of ilie Ham-d Heart, and P. A SliftTpley, of Ihe Catholic Children's Aid Society, nf Newark, ap­peared before Poli<!»i Justice Y'oting yealer- day and made ciiniplshn against Mr. and Mrs. 'rhomas McMahon, uf Gold street, for neglecting their rhlldreu. As a remit of tlie proceediiigB Justice Voung turned the five other children over lo the society

■nml required McMahon tu give a bond giiftranteeing to pay |2<» a month for their HUpport. The youngeai <'hild was left with U.s mother. Air. and Mrs. ilcMahon re- cenlly made counter i-HargeB aalnst each other lu Juslice Young's court. 'I'he woman Hocused her husband nf assanlt and bat­tery und non-support, and ho aooMStd her of a crime of a. more ftcrlmis nature. Jus­tice Y’aiing turned them all out uf court w hen McMahon’s son told that he hnf! been promised a new suit if he tuld thb sl(i'r>' his father wished tuld.


the nwiminiiig pool and ao powerful was ihf Hiictinri that h? was held there with his leg in’esscd against (he mouth of the pipe.

Ho succeeded in freeing hhnBclfand get­ting to ahnre. He was tliou taken to the hospital on the Alburn' Park aide when*' it was found that Ihe npp»r part of ths leg and (he hvwer pari of ths abdomen were badly hiceraled and torn. So power­ful was the pressure that the suction hnd caused that the imprint of the pipe open­ing could be plainly seen on the flesh.

U Y S ARREST TO POLITICS.fslnnit HeljBhla Hotel Proprietor

Hfiya Kla fndletiiienti Fonnd Are E>ne to Enemies.

I9T..AND HICTGHTS. Aug, 31.—On enm- plHlnt made by detrctiven In the eiunl'''y of ICev, R H. .Mann, secretary of the Law and Order I.eague nf New .lersey, the grand jniY In session at Toma River futnii six Indiclmeuts against Robert D. Mcgee. prnprtettir of the Island Hoiiae, tJie IsHiling hotel at this resort, charging him with selling lb|Unr without a license. I'lip arrest nf Megee has caused a quaking in^the shoes not only here, but at other retorts In Ocean ( ‘ounly. as tlie general belief Is Ihat the Law and Order League has had lls dettH^tlvea In other resorts be­sides Island Heights, and that this is only the first gun In the canipalgn,

Megee and his friends ajlege that Jda- arrest is a polllcal trick, beeause he Is slated to be a deb'gate to the Republican cmmly convention and because ha la known to hn a supporter of Senator George L. SlGnn. who is sceklug renoml- nation. Hii bail, which was fixed at J1.20G, was arranged with V. H. Grant, the head of the county maohine; YV. Burtls Havens, a candidate for surrogate, and Freeholder John A. Hyers. another aa- loun-keeper, all of Toms River, as bonds­men.

SAYS LITTLE SHOULD RESIGN.Clialrmiin of Ellaiibeth Rdueatinu

Board 'I'b inks Prtuolpal Has llu loe il Ilia Chaacea.

hprcml Ih«p«iJcA /<» the fcH /EV/Yr? .YFfl'J?.ElJJi5ABETK. Aug. 31.—Alexander Kauf­

man. chairman of the Teachers' Conitnit* tee of the Board o f Education, speaking of the charges against William F. Little, ptiuelpal nf the BaUlD High School, which will have the effect o f making imposfllbk lus choice for county superintendent, said Gun fli (lie next meeting of ilin Huurrt or Eduention. on September IJ, arrangement.^ will be made for q lienrlng.

Air. Kauftnan cuntituied to eniplianiEC the fact that In the uplnloti of the com­mittee niemhers the idea of humoral (h:\iges being made agulnst Mr- T.lttle Is mere rumor. Jn connection with this Air, Kaufman expresHod great regret, nnd said ihai Iic believed llu- icticher lo ho morally upright.

"1 would resign, however." an Id Mr. rvatifmiiD, “ ir I Wi’re in Mr. Lltllo's place, ami had miule chargef* nhleh were nut supported and had so opened the way lu cnujiler uttuck."

Mr. Kaufman H.‘»serle<I, hnwever, ih.it through Hie cimrges Afr. Little had lost ml idiance of being made rounty puperln- tenUent.

“The matter lifiH been brnught before Hip RtKIe Boaid," be said, “ ill such a tight that they euiiiiot appoint him lo ih e office, even lUoilgb the charges might be t’ leiired."

, shot bowsbrakemanIlivnii* lllriluK 1l««r Home at Crea-1

foril JanoHua aaii Lseked I'p.A'lelta. May Rreoyer. ■

A/wr-lnl ID tilt EVgMtSH HEWH.KLIZ.ABE^'H, Aitk. Al.—The dneton at |

the Alexlan Hospital say lo-Oay they have] KoDcl hopes o f savips the llfo of Henry | John Hanrook, of West Brigliloii. Staten I Islam), Ihe llaltlmore ami Ohio Railroad I hrttkenian who was shot early yesterday! nioinin* at (.'ranford Junrtloii by on l Italian, I

■'n esaminatlon made o f the wounded | man yeaterday afternoon shbwe.1 that| none or the buckshot had penetrated (he| limes or touehed anf vital spot. The only ] thing the dorlois iinw fear Is blond ]Xils-1 anIiiR. The viollni miftered IniJaiso pain | yeaterday, but lids morning was resting | easily. He la ijhely lo rtvuver.

Hminty Detective John'nsliuiiin arrest­ed Joseph Ferraro, an Italian, last night, OB wisplclon of 'being i.'oncenied In the j shooting of llanootik He declared that hla brother-in-law. Kt-llx Ferraro, did the I shooting, becaniB stones wer« thrown, ' breaking the windows. He vtalmed Tlan- eook threw stones at the house before. Detective Halailan returned to the house and (luestloned Michael Ferraro, the eleven-year-old son of Joseph Ferraro.

He told the detective that all were In bed when the report of a guii was heard. Both barrels, he said, were llred.

The f.nmily ran into F elii’ s room and foimd him standing at Ihe window with the gun In his hunds. The boy told the detective Felix was hiding In the woods nearby. Gnlarisn tnado a search, with the railroad detective, and found Fell* i roiiph. li;g among some bushes. When arrested he admitted the shdoting, ami waa taken to the Cranford loch-m,.

.luseph. after a hearing, waa discharged. The detecllve says that the train, hearing Hancock, atoppi'd a ahort distance east of Kerraro's house, and when Hancock started hack he w.is shot from the win­dow hy Fell* Ferrnro. The donble-har- roled shotgun was found In the house by Galatian and taken to the lock-up. Both Itallana work In a section gang.



Noth rBfi<1ldnt»« fo r Drnth Bnlkeil In Effurtii ti» Leap froim

F«^rr^ bnitl. *'AMT>KN, Aug. 31.- Mrs. Mary Ouhiakl

aud Alaxftndf^r TliotnpHon. IMUlRrtelphlana. tried to jump uff the ferryboat City nf R<'*ading. nf the Kalglm'd Point Hne, yex* inrday aftemonn. Both w^re stofipert by deckhancla and sent to the Camden CUy Hall and tlipir friends notified. The woman tried to ,makD the k*ap mi the S o'clock irlp from Philadelphia ami Ui« man three houre laiei-.

The woman stiya she Uvea near Cramp's shipyard. PhllHdeiphla. Is (he molTier nf TWO children, iiml that it waa nul the rtrat time s«hc tried in «nd her life. Thompson gave hia address as 3i0 fed ­eral street, Philadelphia. He atatCAl that his wife was aeriofisly III In a hospital and Hiat he became ti+.'spt>ndenL

t'hld^ntiA«*fl Man inpiinhrcl to Have Died fr»m Yn(nral C'aaara

A>ar Aexrlon.# /rcWff/ IHuptiti'h to lln’ ATt’ V/Vfi

NEAY'TON. Aug. 31,—The body of a niah, as yet unldcnllfieU, w«« found bc.'<1(lf! Hie highway leading In l^ufayette, just oul- side the Newton limits, at a Tale hour yesterday. William V. Price discovered the body. Fr«)m Its position the man had apparently pitched forward on liis face or rolled from a bunk, where hla. hat lay. Tliere wtue scratche.s und cuts on ths face.

•Sheriff .Tiul5«in K. Ouim. of this place, waa notUlHl and. accompanied by Juailce of llie F eace I. L. Hallock. an inveatiga- tlon aaa made. The body was luken to Roe's morgue Jiere and l>r. Hnino Hnod made hu examlimtloh. There w«re no marks of violence found, excepting the superficial wounds on tlie fare, iiiid the I phyaieian believed death to have reaultifd from natural causes. The man was apparcTitl.v about thirty years old, poorly dressed and waa either a farmluind or tramp. Two fingers were missing from the right hand. Nothing waa found In the I pockets except some onions. ^



l’'orelu;ii H epresentntlvea 'H'arii Ettrupraua-^lOrrespondenl TIlIriks

.Mours Are In CharR« o f Expert*PARIB, Aug, ai, - A dispatch lo

Alalln, from Tangier, spys the ailualinr .li Morocco is growing Tuore alarming. Tha foreign legatJuns have made an Knrun« h- inen( of place.'* uf refuge for European'' i-t

of daugA’i' Nunibera of eul-throit* are appearing in and around the rity.

A courier from Fejt, the correapond<‘u( udda, mutes tlmi Irihesnicn have atta<l.ed und uireriy joiiti-d tbe iroopa under KaH AYhJcI Kader, near Fes.

The Muthi'a I'usublunca corresp^deui [ saya iha'i WvdiiPFday’a attack obvious’ v i ■ wa i dUrciecl by a person thoroughly cun i IHes In H osplia

Jersey flrnnrh t"ho4»ses Otileers Ends ('onvenlltiti wHb nn

Ontlng:.THENTOX, .Aug. ,11 —'fhe sev<?Tileen*h

iiitnual convention of ihe Fvoas o[ St. Genrgp of New Jarsey, which 4>penad hers yesterday, closed this afternoon with an uuilng at the Inieratuip Fair groimda.

These officers were elected; Vlce-pivsl- dcht, Joaeph ^Vilgoose, New Hriinawlclc; grand inesHenger. \V. A Hill, Newark; uhaplaln. H. Klllfuihucii, Nawnrk;grand represeniative. Alfred E. Wlldblood, Trenton.

The iJelegatflR were eiitertalued with a smoker and enteriu Iriiueni hint evon- Ing lo the rooms of Hlr Cha lea Napier IvOilge, Adrir'*sses were delL'ered by Prr.'.sldent AYllllam J, SanUford, of this City: \ hie-presideni. JosephOf New Brunswick: .Supreme Rerretuiy| J. Henry WllllamB and Supreme Mes- s**ivger Fred Dodd, nf f'lillRrlplphia.

'I'hlH afternoon Hie delegtilefl were en- tevtuln'Mt Hi the fftir grounds. Tlie prn- gTHin 1'Mislsted of h lOO-Aard dush. 'luar- ter-milf rare, hftlf-inilo race, oin»-mlle rure. lunarj Jump and sliolput. Teams of six men from each lodge competed.

TO WELCOME DEAN M'NULTY.Coruuilttee W ill Meet Him At Pier

To*-m orr«fv—Memo?JmI Fuad GroTrIng-

PATERSON-. Aug. 3L-Dean McNulty Is expected to arrive in New York from Ire­land to-morrow‘ morning at 8 o'clock, and to come at otu' p to this cUy. He will be met Ht the pier of the Anchor Lins by a roiunilttee composed nf Rev. Thomus Hampton, acihig pastor of Hie churfih; Wdlium Stiifford. president of the Jublieft cmnmlitee: Genige H. Burke, aud Major Kilward IL Bmltli.

The arrival nr the dean In this city will hf made known by the ringlug of the chimes in lh « great tower ol St. 'Johti’ i.

It is hoped by the comniMtee in rharg* of (he fund that at least ISfi.OOO will be Hie flnahresult of the collectiona by this eveiilng,

Botind Brook .Mother Holding; fu fajit Yl'beii It BoQUO^d from Her .lAriua

'Tlironali W indow .fiperiftl Dlefnitih to IfiC. KVR}ii'\ii yz-lWS.

HOrXD b r o o k . May lU.-Ethel May Swaxey. the nlne-inunih-uid daughter of Mrs. I.-erut 8wui<i>\ at her home In Mnlu street, this place, yesterday took a lumhia from her motner'a arm. Ihat cauecd'her death a few' lumrs lalel*.

Mrs. Swayxc was l>oldlijg the child near a window when the Infant boimded front her arms and fell agglnst the window' screen, which gave way, throwing the child to the ground, abot»t iw’ctily feet below', h was picked up unconsclmis and carried Into the house. Medical aid whs Huni’monpd, but the child died without regaining consdmisneas.


CRUSHED IN AN ELEVATOR.ritT ^I^R. T err ib ly In ju m L

Moon After He-versanl with tlir methoda o f modern wur- fafe. Tlie rorreapoudent adds tljat (lis native.' made a aptendld charge and ‘ hai only the sheila from the Qlolre broke IL The newspa(»er correajjonflenis had a-nar­row' cHcape from capture. One of them lost hlH mule,

T!ia r-firrcsprmrtenl also aays that en Arab fugitive ha." come in to Cftsablarf.i bringiup Mtdai Hnilg’s letter, in W’hlcb lie requc*ta the irlbPsmcTi to make jm further utiack on the Frenchmen, say.iiq lltat he hopes to arrive Frldaj’. whei “ 1 will confer with Hie French, and If guo'l com'ew from U It will be Cor nil: If not I will Join niy forren with yours and P*p>l you."

lu g Tnkeu There.JKR9EV CITY, Auf. 31 ---Cflughl In

j n elesator In the ^ 'l lia .s Licorice ' ('mpsTiy's works, at Claremont and West Side avenues. Thomas Ryan, nf -143 Yorksireet. waa mortally'Injure,i yesterday.

He lu'd loaded freight -m tlie elevator iii>d ftUeinpted to climb m after the cle* '“ iU>r biiil started upwar l and was caught !ii>iween ihp reiling and elevator flikM'. Ills bieaatbone and eeveroi riba were broken. Father Dunn, of «t. Aloytlui’a • hiirch. administered ab;«oliitiun to Ryan in the nnihulance going lo the rlry Floa-

I pital. Hynn died after Ida arrival there.

Hrekem mi K ille d end MhIo Line nf the l.nrktm 'nniiii HIneked .All

'M g lit-H en d -on Crash.HTROlfDSBrRG. Ph.. Aug, 3L^A wreck

that resulted in the death of one inuti and hlnckcd all Irnffic on the main line nf the DclfiWHiT, T-ackaw-atuiu pnd WeaL cm RuHroud from 7:30 o'clock last uiglu. until t o'clock this isomtiigi occurred nutr here.

A milk train and g fast freight met head nti nn lha mountainside JuaC nurth fif J^troudaburg. A tutmber of cars wont over ibn mountainside, both locomotives were smurhed and Joacpli Smith, of Sernn- ton, a hrukcmnn, was caught in the wreck and killed.

Through passenger trams were run over iha Lehigh Valley tracks from Easton to 9i.ratitoii, '

BULLET STRIKES CORSET STEELWwmnn W h ile P rlv ltiji in B elvidere

linved from In jury Thrungh l*ru- le c iln g Vnilrrgarukrnt,

gfrfriut i>i*jjafcA to thf.E}f!S{y(} .YLIPg.OXFORLL Aug. 3!. — Mrs. Frederick

Buckenmyer, thv lanrlla'ly of the Moun­tain Lake Hotel ot Mountain Lake, and a boarder. Mrs. William Morrison^ of Philadelphia, Pa., were driving lo Belvi- dere yesterday. a'n<l whan near Bridge- viMf* a shot was flredl.

Mrs. Jilorrisoii felt a sharp, pain In her breast. I'pon InveRtigatlng they found ft fiflUened hi'.llet lu the wagon.

Two boy« were In A field nearby* shoot­ing at a mark and a bullet struck a rock, glanced o(T and hit a steel lit Mrs. Mor- riBuii's corset. Beyond a bruise on ht r body, Mrs, Morrison was unhprt.


Mnrnray Again <'!)«•■ Lender,PARLSDAD, Aug. W.-^Maroegy,


THROUGHOUT THE NATION.t'HIFAGO-Thirty auiuinobUes were de­

stroyed Ui-day by fire In Crufi Bruihers' gurage. on Kvanston avenue, The fire followed an explosion o f gnaollne.

riAUS'BVrRV. N C .-K d Ashby, who Jellied hlM brother-lii-JHW, wna convicted io-dny of murder In the second degroei and was sentenced lo ten years. Judge Justlc**. In passing sentence^ stated that he had never before listened to *o much [terjury In any one case.

BiukipeaL agBlii assumed the lead In H' ' luli rnaHonal t’Ucsa Masters’ Tourtiiimr.ii ychlcnlay by tWvallng Splelman In iiic clgiiiti round, Mlt-ses. uh the other hjimi. drew with Rublnsiclu and dropped to DMd place, while Rubinstein was pusv..,j b\ Tolclunann. the latter having V'l.i fiom Fohri. Ri-liU'chtcr guined some hi-i !- w’u> by mlmliiiftering the first rb-j. !fiiKUiincd by l cijuliHrut. Vldraar. wl'fi < vt'i'.'ry over Thrijikuwer. also bchi ■ ,.-i own. Jn the othtr games Ohotlmlrekl u .-i fr.'m Janowfiki. Tsehlgorin l>«ot JcVr. i, fM'.itul wursif'd Hcrger. \\'olf drew with Rnlw'e and NiemsuW'itnch draw with Fhi- rsK-Marshall hud a bye.

W anid Calleet fr«si| AaMesloTTn.WASHINGTON, Auf. *t.-Awiislan( Bee-

rotary Edwards, o f (Ks 'ITshsu^ Depart­ment. left for Hie Jamestown 'Exposition-again this arterrippio further effort ^ ^Uect. the iiavinent&

m,. KIs trip la to make“ ’ ynr

niSDl l9sn. uf UJlWpItt to th* espoafui



Ftr L iu * Uhi|b U , I KuLAll Other eiiM «t k«w.«t


*>lUfarU>a an an t.to .4 -

i TRIMMIR A CO.,137 UFIIETie ST,Corner N. *Ii IL It# A*a-

Bath 'Fhanes Sfi4.¥, txnee-lRSth fis, acid

Itlvtr. New YMk*

TRKNTON. Aug. 31.—OaorgS Magyar, forty yvar« old. of 395 SecDiul street, wjio is all'-Rcd to have attempted to poD'ui Ills wife rtud four cbildien on the nlglit of August 17 by placing puivE*rtxed rat IjIkciiIi In suuu- cabbsgo whicli w.i.< beitig prepared for supper, will he held to uwuli ihc Ocinber term of the gtiitwi jury.

i^iiiiijilcs iha supppiedly poi!!>mied cab< baga wcri' gl^en to Chtmist Herbert H. Baldwin, of Newark, to imikc nn:ilyal»f, AccoiAhig in bis report, there wim v;i>b- ubly a m n lr Id the cabbage.

HflunoBJBi-Mtirpby Devfsion,SEWARD, Neb.. Aug. JL—District Judge

Hii^er yeaierday decided the Bitihop Bou- uepm end Father Murphy case In favor of BiftJiop Bonacum. Attorneys for Father iMurphy gave notice of an appeal. The HuH, which la one for possession o f ih* L.albollc church properly here, has beoB In ibe ooiirt for years ami decisions for one or the, Other o f the UUganta bavi beeii rendered a number of times, but eacli tImpB the jptfke was taken to the HupiTlor O ou rtj^ appeal. The cane waa alsAi before tni coofestastical aulhurUJvs a( Htmiei Hwhup HoimiiuiO exooimmunl- caU'il Father/ .^lurpby, but A number of ij«rlrtlib)m*vb— havc rctnaliied faithful to Fmhvr Murphy.

AerOKiifinff Approv'etl Yest^flfiiyShow s Seitiilor L eft Big Fortune.CAMDEN. Aug. 31.-Judge Jollne in

the Camden Orphans’ Court yeaterday approved the' accounting of the Camdpn Safe Deposit and Trust Company as trus­tee of the estate of the late United States Senator William J. Sewell, of Camden. The total value o f the cetat'e waa placed »t 3LI48,309'1S, wlilch, after' deducting 3S33.9S4.33 Jn settling claims, leaVea a balance of 11,424.384.93.

The money Is left In trust ajtth the In* come will be diatrlbuied among the sur­viving children. Both the widow of Sen­ator Sewell and hla daughter, Sara Bew- ell, taave died since the will w‘aa made.

9B«*t*eaiioe to F. C. Young, JERSEY CITY. Aug. 31.—Judgr Charles

Parker, o f the Hudeoti County Circuit Court., yesterday morning, at Lh«> angdex- tlon uf Mayor Afni k II. Fagan, iippolittil David H. Daly, b rott^ o f the late n ^ e s ^ a n YVfiJIam D, DalY, meinbrr o f the JevH«'.v (Tty Adjustment rumfBlesintv tn eUccred K. f*. C, Yntnif. who resigned a year ago.


Genimw Hust Bear ' Fac Sunile SknaUira

R E tS ilJ i l l tT lIU T II .

t'klMrea'* Hanie Invaded by Fe^er.TRENTON, ApK. .Ur-There are fh-«

OHsee of st arlet fever at- the • deceiving home o f the N»'W Jersey ChllUren'.s llome Bnriety, and ihf place has been quaran­tined by (he-I'lty healtb authorities. t.‘nr:» dren awatHng admission to iJie hf>7 - 91hr'lng housed elsewhere until the dlsegs# ha^be»^ _wlped out. . y

f i n e ’ s P o r t M a lt .W h l ik t yauwoou|hi.«alib,

«Hp, uthm *. bron<I chitii tnd cotiiump-

tioq. It itiraulttfi tfaefalcod. Th«great> « t known hout toaiq.

C A 0SttoitlTelreuei tytlttM liitlle ruii.

Ttuf also nti«w Die- t n a tromCyspepdl Is-- 4ig«stion u a tdo Haiftr Sating. Aperteetm to' td;tor Diznaan, Samea, tirawsiiMti. Bai Tirta In Uia Mooua, Oaatal ToBtiMt Fata In tlw ftda. tobpis livak Tii«

i t ia ls d W V e iK li, PnwJTVafstaMa.

SlUliriLL m D O S E . SMULinieE.



GttwiM Must B«u- FB>-Sintl« Sigiotuit

RIFHSE t U t t T I T S T C t .

. ■ : /

Want* Dauiann for HnabiUid'a Death.TRKNTON. All*. 31.—Mrs. Anna Ro-

nati. o f tills rtty, begmi suit ysstUrdny arainst the Trenton Ollclotti and I.In- nteimi Ooinpsny for tl&.W Osmuges for the death of her hnsbaiid, James ROnan. who wiiH shoi'ked Uy eloetrielty and ihrown down un elevator shaft while at work In llie «>rponilleu B phini.-------— --------

P e irr Wresnit.Trier Gregsn. sfm o f (omier Polireioan

I.uwrence Grogan, o f Riggs plsoe, South Orange, died • yesterday afternoon at Long Branch of typhoid fever. He 'had lieen ill for abtiut ten weeks. Mr. Gregan was bni-n In South Orange thirty years ago. He- ttved lu South Orange until about seven years ago, when ho moved to this city, residing at S Ardley place.. The body was broaglit lo his {otM r’e horhe In Bontli Orange. The funeral sdh

Ske olate Monday morntni from the mren of Out Isniy of Sortowa ItilW'- went will he In the vemetery o( Wh R<W

.SevulL'hrg. .Htea Mwry M »lr.

Mt!Mi Maty Molr died lart night at th*- home of her mother, Mrs, Jhhn -Uolr, '33 Harrison street Seat Orange, following a short motos. Miss Molr was promihejit In charttahte work In New. Yorh- Rev. Pr. John F. Pattmaon. lastoy of the Ceii- trat Freshyterlah Churm, Orange, wilt eoiidnet the funeral servM s at the home of Mrs, Molr 'on Monday aftstpoon.

Miw. m r r Owentw. ^Mrs. Mary Cowmni died Irtoterday at

the home o f her huahaddi ‘d i^h s Cowan, ffl HenlT atreat. Orange, aged thirty-nine years. She Is lu r v i ;^ hy her hiisbuitd and five rhlldreo. The. luner.il srrvtces will be held la St. John** Chttrrli, Ot-

: ange, Monday niotplug.M n . I.eati <1. R aphael.

Mrs! Isfati G. Rsphsei, ihfrly-Two yems old. wife o t Ralph H. ttophnel, died yea- lerday at her homi'. « Erwin piirh'toitd. Mnnwlalr. afler a short lllsrsa. Funeral servloea wlH .Ire held from her Ittle rtol- danea to-murrow ammlng at 10 tr'elodk.

BURGLAR HIDES UNDER BED.rrn fru d in g Feet Bcv^nln Htni t «

P olicem en gum nionril K rlght- ciied Interlaken C ottager.

TNTKRLAKBN, Aug. HI,—Kpnnrth But­ler, tw^-niy ycarfi old. an alleged burglar, W8* arr#>at?ii In thn hump o f Charica M. Bell h»?rp early ihia morning by pnllc-e- men Thonia* Broderii’ k aud \\*ll)lam Truax. RutlfT waa foimrt Jiidlng under a bed.

The fK)lirpm*n were ,'ironscd hy i.'rfps for help romlnK from the noftage. ami fouinl n p«Jr«*jr man's plim-s on Ihi- norvh nnd a rear window raifii'fL The poUremrn searched Ihe lowei' nmme. but fouml no one. As they were nlHuil lo go upxiulrs a colored nurfie came down nnd dald the burglar wae hiding (here. The policemen ffmnd Butler. wht>ee ferd protviuleil from under the bed. At Ihv police Ftnilon sev- i.ral pocketbook?* and n revniver #^ra found on him. The police eay he in al«o known an Tlimnofl (lalhighoj- ami Harry West.

To Remove Wrinklesand Look Younger

Dr* Pratt** Immadlate metJH'od j «on- c«d«d lo be tnpaiior to all othaM. ft la an abaotato certalitlf.

RAV E v o n ?e*RflQ|> Ckeakior Faca. "Lop’ lfXtt, Thick LIpi, JJ-roopIngHottlih Cemer*, 1m perfect NoM.anr ktnk, Bany Chin, yiebifSeck, Faueu, Hnlginif ttytinrowa, Eollpw Chma or hyai. ]mp*rfenr Facial Contour, flici1r,$ikltofr HkJn, I'nrenned (.Moiplcxton.

HAVE YOU?Cglf Fro«'n K«rro«ri. MoiitlKio-Kaie UiucaWiiokiv Kyeliiti (.tow't Vpo(. HYriuklWi I’och rittiT^. <aT■, rimplen, IlirtiuBorki. Wat'*i, Veiui. SlolMt NqpfTAuo&t Uair. HedNoaMdotehai. setnyr ac*|v iMioMor.

AH tha abova dlafiforlng eonditlon* pojitlveiy removed. Immediately end per* mane&tly. Uouri 6 to 8 DailF.

If iroj li*v* an In1perfectl n or Im- provemeAt you would like in conaider. write or call fop Book S3. Tree.

DR. PRATT-FACIAL-mSTlTOTESExclusively, Face & Feature ExpertaNew Viirk. B'wRy. Chicago, L'i* fiiftl*. BOiloo. IdO rremonl. Plttaburgi 433 Wood.

Ffitilisiiiite216 *y«rMn ttrMt,

Breehtyn, N. V.

Day Classes Open Sept. 23 Eyenlng Glasses Open Sept. 25For catalo|ar,glTlng full pirticuiatii iddm *


U m M a n d oRemove a

SuperflooHS HairShort sleeve gowns demand

smooth white anns, free freon hair growth. MAJtDO, the most de­pendable depilatory known, will remove all Jwir without bum -oc, •car. Acce^ no substitute.

-* Price, tl.OOt sam ples, lOe.JOSETHNE W K V IE

I*or SSI* hy 1.. a. Flsm a Cs„ Hshni a c*. snd f . BamMrgtr A' Cw -


7 - 2 0 - 4*3 Yssts Ifsw eagtsBd’s Fsvirltr

lOe. C!QARJfawsrk DUtrlhntsr, Crawford R Shtlnr,M Orsng* St.R. R, loUtma. Kfr., Kaoalwster. K. H

J. DAITCHJw.acill.eag* T a llo x * ,

M AKES FALL SI71TSAnd W ill 6ai*r«ot«w a Porfoct Wit,

28 s o . ORANGE AVE.

F.N . SOMMER.tJswRIdg,

ADVRItrnEMENnforthglfsw.OBa >U fj. T, atiw*ao|M« rsaatrsd d

n t W *.T .aa»s. !* •* ‘ »PP«y hi th* i« « mIB', mill laws, AdTE rowslvrd for sB

■uwsragon wad aiagaate** ahUshadh





( ------------------

iP e r Street Principal Made an Assistant Superintend­

ent of Schools.


iSimultaneously with lhr» adoption of the new BAhiry ichedulc for ihv tearhlns itaff, the Board o f Editrai kxti lust niglit designated Ke i;(dy, pidnclpulof the Miner Birrrt dnj /amiTinr srhyol and of the Central even g high school. Ufl an OHsUtant snpfrlniet.dem of acixiola.

While the Tenfli^^rn' Comtnittee ami Superintendent Pol/md have been eonsld-

NEW SALARY SCHEDULE FOR THE SCHOOLSBj* thi ad«>pUQn 6t. i now niilary gchedule laut nt|ht the Board of Edtioatlofl

has provided » more unfform eyateni of grudlnf. The revision has been uudar cortilderaiiftu for several months by the Teachers' roimnlltee, the prot^aa of eouallalng the reiminerattoti for the different grades being given particular ttud]^ The commitiee adopted a nile that nv teacher In .i,ha sen^^a to be advanced unless favorably recommended by hie or her jmmedlste superior. The revlsl<m means that the members' of the teaching staff will receive approximately llJl.OOO extra for the remaining half of the vear. while In IMS the budget for tesfhera salaries will carry abmit tSO.lKhi more than In IMhl.


Tern- 1st M 3d 4ili Mh 6th Trhporury. Yr Yr Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr.Grade.

Principal I t3.4Ul) $3,MI0 S3.ANIGenernl a s s i s t s h l . l . T O f j I,sou l.?i00Teachers tif theory........ l.UOO ].m l.hii)- l.MO \.m l.TOTf ...............Mmlel trttJc teachers..,, J.lfK) I.l-’jJ 1.4IX1 1.60U ............................

HIGH 8rH(.X)L,— Permanent.—^

Tern- 1st 2d ih| 4tli 6lh 6th 7lhPiirary Vr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr.S3 r.iK- tl-iyi) ULTiJO S3.4W) fS.HiM 14,000 KlUO W.IW


OBNtaof depts.

and headsMen............. 'J rtXi 2.100 Xl'OO t m 2,400 2.B00 2,600Women........ 1.400 1,6ft) I.ROO 1.7W l.ttW l.mo

Ansts. end man, itnInlnKteachers-Men ............ 1.4ixi l,.Sfti 1,600 l.i^ 2,000

Women i.OOft 1.100 1.200 1.300Llhritrlfin ....................... ..................................Ueiieral assletnni.......... i.iuo 1.20i> 1,300 1,4U0 1.5ft)




Grade.Principal—MenM n re th a n H <Uij+.«!eh__

Less than 15 __P r in c i p a l—Wiuticii .........Prinrlpal—P'dr-iHt .........Vice-pr inc!pj|f l

Giummnr ....................Primary

Head aestii. mid flrbtit se is tmiis . , .............

Ass Ih. mill k ii id crK arum<llr<*ciri-HsrR .................

Manual 'raining andcooking Men ...............

W'omon1 |eii(] ((•iKdier—u n g rad ed

erliool ................. ........C'lerk}« ...................................


----- Permanent.'Ten:- 1st 2d Sd 4(h Slh 6th

poniry. Y'r. Yr. Yr. Yr Yr. Yr.

] m I.IMX) 2.(00 3.100 2.300 2.4001.6tK) 1,800 1.700 LHOO l.MO ..............l.tiW ......................................................1,200l.OUO




ktM) 9ft) 1,0ft)SK) 830 6W 780 830 930






1.400 l-WK)


(iiuile.Tern- 1st 2ci 3d

porary Y'r Yr. Yr.Bl’ PERVlSOnS AND

ts.ooo 83.250 $3,500 $2,750 2.100 2,800 1.000 l.flOO

7S0 asr* ..............---- Peniianent.—

4th 51 h Gth 71 h Tr. Vr. Yr, Yr.


81 h 9\hYr. \v Nfnx.

$.1,700. • . e ■j.nuo


nth Ot hYr. Yr Mrtx

u .m

s.floo 2.300 3.0002,1u0

2.400 2.r.iift1.700 l.KOO

Lift)1 1)110

Rth fttiiYr. Yr Mbx.

12,800 12.-too $.1,0002,m




8th :nlYr. Yr. Max.


About $50,000 W as Expended in Getting Institutions Ready

for Fall Term.

2.7002 ftio1.700


2,UftJ 2.101)

Asst, city BuptGen Vi a 1 supervisor. 2.000Manual training..... ........ 2.500Physlon! training .......... 1.800pennintislilp .................... L500Drawing ....................... 1.500 1.500 1,700 l.SOO 1,900SpwIiikAbhI.iuiiI supcrvl.tirs—

Ltni«7ri(! ........................ 1 000 1.100 1.1*00 1,300 l, no^T^sifianl In Unuradpd School ami Hend Toucher of Cnoklru^inO In ndtimon

scheduled Killary eib nsslstant.





Hi‘])iilrs in all of the schuols have been lu.idc during the Inst two weeks, shd mo«* of the pMiuO upproprinted has been gx pended, while a number of prupoasd changes have had to omuud for Iscx o f fmids, 1'he painting of mofs cost about $2.4ou, tncrc being forty srhooli to bs at- tc-mJt U to omi tlio painting and varnlih- ing' iiisldt: and nut. jinionnlcd to abo'it llO.ftw.

AddJtionfi to be oimried this fait will bo at ihc Uurnei and Siiuth Eighth 8 tw t. .Uifngron and Thirteenth Avenue and Iliinibiii'K place achun1», As soon gs Ihfc i l.ip.'*ca nro Inatnlletl In the new P**rt o< ilie lluriict si)-i;et lustitinJon Hie old kcIioo) s lll he lorn down and a new one stHrird nil Mu' i#lte of the old edlllcG. The new building will have fourteen rooms, and .m ulghlccn classes are to be accommoUniei', -n‘\ernl lialf-day sessions will be InsMtui- ed.

At Thirteenth avenue there will be sevi'ii nddltlniial rooms to accoTnitiwIste Die «Sx hnir-d?iy clup ics and the 'Uie l.■'.nI[rl rlus.*# o f last term, while ft nmu- h- r of children who Were in the Newinn SiNuH ihsirici will also he carrd fur This :in'ahgrim*nt will reduce Newoin Sir. e fs six linif-day clause* to four

In the ten new ■ roams at Hambtug Hiicc will he the ''Ight half*dfty clnftsj»R of laai term and the twn cKibscb fixun the frumo nnncjt, which will be taken down The pupilhi of the two half-day clnssts and the two that were In the ptfirinlvie h'lllding at LnfHyetie Street will also be nccnmmodaied nt Tlmnlntrg Plore ftrhool. .SoiiMi P lghtli Street School will provide fur four liiilf-diiy classes, five ctrtHBca in courtH and two new clnases, crcaled by the extension of district lines, hy n ten- room nddltltm. Abington Averiiie, which



] r « «


i C<L

J, IVIImer ..............ering the anvjRaijility of h.-ivinp another asslstnnt siiperlnremlent, in iiddlMon id David B. Corson, for ihe hiBt three months and consldenMl n in revising Uie j eclifidule. the move wns news to minis' of I the commissioners mid tlse ap[)olnll[iK res- j oluiton did not get iliioijBh wltluuii op- ! position. I

Commissioner L h Francis demanded In j know !f conditions were such tiuil two assistant sup^^rlntemlents were neceaHury, to which Chiilrman CTlssey. uf the «'om- mlttee, repHwl that th* re were now sixty schools In the city atuI the liutles uf Mr. Corson were hecnmlng entirely too urier- OUS. It wfis Inipossihic for one innn, declared Mr. Prissey, to rnver rhe grmnul and it had coipe to pnss wlien nmulujr man was absolutely needed.

Mr, Crlsaey further explained lliat al­though Mr. Kennedy's pnimmlon had been under advisement, it was not Imend- sd to have the appointment deciiieil upon

■ until Ihe eleventh hour. The rlmngo In plans, he said, wa* due to fh-. Pninnd's desire to have Mr. Kennedy begin Ills duties SGpteml>er 1,

Commtsaloner filmonds wanted to know what Mr. K^nnedy'n diitlra wmjld be, and Mr, Crlsaey'a response was that he would do the same sort of work ns Mr f'orBon. The board cogld rest a.^sured, sold Mr, Crlssey, that there would be nu con- fllct between the two aashiRnta.

O pposition D evelops. Commissioner Bchaelcr did not think It

right to call on the members of tne board to make the appointment on the short notice It hud rvcelsed. Mr, Schae­fer thought it was the duly of the com­mittee to let the ottier nombers of the board know—something nf Its Intentions In advance. The Twelfth Ward roin- mlssloner moved the reaoluilon he tabled for a month, but there wns no secomi.

Mr. Kennedy's salary will be $3,600 a year. By the salary revision adopted last night. Mr. Corson goes from that figure to 14,000. The new aselstanl has bnen Identlllcd with the Newark public school aystera for the last iwcnty-elKht years. Besides being oonnecled with the MlUfer Street fechnol ond Evening High School, he is a member of the Hoard of Examiners. It la the intention of Dr.

• Poland to divide the clly into twn dls- trlets, one to be covered by M r Corson and the other by Mr. Kejincdy.

It I* understood that one of the reaeons which kept the Impending pnimntlnn of

* Mr. Kennedy quiet was a desire to ward off a race for the vacancy nl Miller Street and at the Evening High School. 'T h a salary of Dr. Poland was Increased from $5,000 to $5,500; that of Mr. Corson from $8,500 to $4,000 and the stipend of

. Charles MacCall, head of the otiemlance ■\ department, from $2,000 lo $2,300. Prlnclpil

Wayland E. Stearns, o f the High School, had his salary rained according to the prearranged program, to $4,300, the maxi­mum for his post.

ITlncIpal Lewis H, Carrls. nf the Six­teenth Avenue School, was promoted lo the prlncipalBhlp of Burnet Street Bchoo . fBuds vacant by the resignation nf ThonuKi Frets, who goes to New York. Samuel H. Mcllroy tnkes Mr. Cnrrla's place at Six-

' teenth Avenue.ChttRgea In T eaeltln g Staff,

The committee on teachers presentedthe following report, which waa adupled:

Rcslirnatlons—Frieda Kmeiner. prlnuiry ' vice-prlnclpnl Alexander Street, from Aii-

gust 7; Mary A. Dolehanty. Avon Ave­nue. from July 3ft: Carolyne Van Dorn. Avon Avenue, from July 25; Vera M. Ealer, Bergen Street, from July 29: Lulu F. Mergott, first assistant in Her- geft Street, from September 1;Thomas R, FTels. principal of llurnot

I . Street, from September 1; Augusia M.I I Ayers, Charlton Street, from July 22;i ! s Norma Londe, Hawkins Street, from

J y August 28; Plorepce N. Bockcl, primary ! f head assistant In Monmouth Street, from ? August 14; Anna E, Walsh, Washington

filreeti from August 19; Mary R, W, Bhker, as assistant to the sewing super- vtSor, from September 1.

Furloughs (all from Beptcniber 1)—Mir­iam A. Smith. High School, five months; Elisabeth A. Consldlne, Bergen Street Annex, one year; Annie McL. Eagles, Central Avenue,^ - for Indefinite time; Anna M, Browaskl, Newtbn' SW'i^l,' fur­lough extended for an Indefinite lime; TilHa M. Hemmer, Seventh Avenue, fur­lough extended for one year; Jeanette B. Black, Seventh Avenue, for one year; Mary O. Wnite, kindergarten directress o f South Street, for une year.

promotions—Louise E. Blel«r, from as- ijatant at ijafayettc Street to Ann Street, as primary head aasistant; Mary A. An-

V, * drew from asalstant to primary head as- Sittant at BurneL Street;, Francaa 0. I^unnlng, from asslatanl to first assistant

/ at Burnet Street: Henrietta V. Morton, from kindergarten ftaslstent at Elgli- teenth Avenue lo Chestnut Street, na

• * ' di rector; Sara W. Morris,, V ' . from primary head assistant at Ann

Street to Oliver Street, as primary vlce- principal; Clara H. Hagar, from asalst- ant at Washington Street to Seventh Ave-

' nue, as clerk; Nellie C- Green, from as-, i? iletani at WaverJy Avenue to Seventh

Avenue, as kindergarten .assistant: Blanche C. Morrow, from kindergarten as- iletant .at Bergen Street lo South Streel. M kindergarten director; Alrla C. Adams,

!«' fKim flret aialstant at Soutn Street to , South Eighth Btreat, os grammar vlce-

priAclpal; May F. Wright, from assistant , r' '' Ift grammar head asalaCant at South Tenth

street; Elisabeth JWh^Uarvey from as- ^ tlstant to first ogpstant at l^uth Tenth

r Street; Rita B. li)rd, from.aBalstant to u tfamnutr head aoM taqi at ftuasex Ave-

Bue; A'ngeroria H. skerman, from clerk to ^ iJiistant at T h irtem h Avenue; Ida K.

Benneu, from a se ls ta ^ to clerk at Thlr- te^nth-Avedue; Clara SJ^endeJ, from as •litant to tirta aealetanNA^, Thirteenth

xyti: Avenue, /B ig Butcli « f TeimaCesw*

Tranafera (all from Septenrtrtr l)~Mary O.r llganfst, from Monmouth Street to

^ ^ Ablngtoa-.Avenue;. Lillian Keyler, from Oliver Street tg Alexatider Street; Blolie

■ ^-.jL Dawson, from Flfteesth Avepue to Alex- imdcr S u ^ t ; Annie S. Sutton* from Xamee lUreet lo Ana Street; Emily T. .Maveh,

. from Alexander Street to Ana Street; Florence D. Sherwood, from Seventh Ave- ntlt to Avon Avenue: Helen S', Crarie. from Wiehfngtofi Street to Avon Avenue;

I " Fanny 1. Shettnaa," from Oheataut Street ^ to Bergen Street; EUoaheth Cnmmlna.

^ ' from Hawkins Street to Bergen Street; ) . Bose Kussy, from Cantdep Street to Ber*

gxg.SIreet; O- Turtonv from.. Hawkins street to Bergeh Street; Maude

I^rmly, from Hawthorne Avenue to B n»e StKet; Lewie .H . CarrlA principal, from Itouth Sixteenth street to B u^ct Streett plorence Lyon, from OUver S im t

to Burnet Street; Hattd B. Romer, from Bruce Street to • CktaAtn Street; Eiele r EUhhom, fiwm Seventh Avenue (p.ChpH-

Street; Kaflto-rtne ^,-Ball, 'from Wav- fl$ir AViaue to aigUtMBth Aviniwi 1M|»*

iT™,rA;.»lBtinl8 i '-‘I* '-'Kht rooms, is Um onir «choo!K-inerAsilstYms-Sum^^^ BMlitarH, pxrcpt that Itm maiclmtim »!irrp ovrn llm new (nidltloii will not be

III * *1 rtcn nFrtW'jId 'Tht.f« will Ka Iw’/i net'III all nf priimoUon of icacherR to higher poaltlons tliey ahall be aOv in.'i'd

to Ihe tifxt higher salary grade.

brill Grundy, from tartwrence Street to Klliot Sfrapt; Emma Havacool, from Ridge Strei'l U) Eillol Sireet, LiuiUe C. Murray, from iMoninouth Stroet to Fourteenth Avenue. Lois F. Elaton. from Newton Street to FmirlecrUh Avenue; Ellrn M. \ 'utHon. kindergarten iiBalxtant, from NewtiiTi Btreet to Franklin: Agnes L.CMlfford, from South Market Street to Franklin, Anna Milne, from Soulti Six- leciith Street th pranklln; Florence A. Llndeburg, from Wnlmil Street to Frank­lin, S. Winifred CresBo, kindergarten aa- filBlant, from Comkivrce Street to Ham­burg Pluo ': E:il*abelh D. Klotz. from Souili Temth Street to Hamburg Place; l»u1ae V. Overgne. from Monmouth Hlr«ei to llawiliornc Avenue; Roue V. Crihlll, from Wickllffe Street to Haw­thorne Avenue; Jessie Norbury, from Monnioiilh Street to Hawthorne Avenue; Ellena V. Wall, from Fourteenth Awnue to Mtmmoiiib Street: Ida Elehhorn. from Cominerce Street rngraded lo Monmouth Rlri'et; Julia B Hlulkle. kindergarten as- BlPtanl, from Seventh Avenue to Newton Street: MftlUdR E. Clarke, trom Seventh Avenue to Oliver Street; Ethel B. Mul- fnrd, kindergarten asslatant. from »South Tenth Plreet lo Oliver Streiii; Nellie L. Mann, first assistant, from Barnet Street tn Oliver Street; Helen A. O'Connor, from Seventh Avenue lo South Eighth Slreel; Susie W. \ ’Usnn. from Livingston Street to South Sixteenth Street; Mary C. Wlll-

Bcattergood »how lhat the Modern Series dinplitced the Normal Svrk-a of tne sutuh house. For your purpti.'tea. this InijUiW Ik nbaolutely worthlecK.

"Another thing; We have talented mual. clana among our prtnctjiaU There are Mr. Balcom, Mr, Blsaell. Mr. Bchafer and Mr. Hansom, and thei' have never found fault with the Natural Serlefi We got no re- queatB that the Modern Series be added from prlnclpalB. jirn I not right, Mr. Seat- tergood?"

“ Doea the principal ever touch the ques­tion of mualc?'' reeiioncled Mr. Scatter- good.

•’Well, If he doesn't, It I* because he la entirely sallsfled with the Natural Series." returned Dr. Poland, quickly, amid laughter.

“ It Is very odd,” went on the superlnten- denl, "that W'e hnve got to go to Norfolk or Chicago tor advice to guide the com­mittee. Doean’ l It Reem ridiculous for one with so Hllle knowledge nf music to try to overrule the men who have special training?

■‘ThlR is the first lime In my thirty years' experience as a teacher tliui I ha cri had to lake tlie floor to defetul ni)' r o f oinmendinhniB and the remmmendulli u» ox my felloTA'-ieachers,” added Dr. Po­land. becoming ImpaHsloned. “ I regret exceedingly to .nee xi man of young yeais trying to tell you that h commlUve wiMi no iGolinlcal knowledge should be suslalu- ed In reversing a body with professional

lams, kindergarten assistant, from Ligh- j (niflUficruions, He doesn'l waul to be a teenOi Av -nu** In Sussex Avenue: Kath* rubber stamp, he says. My! The pntroit- enne A. Evcrdlng. Ann Street to Thir- i entire school system paB.-i.Ktcenlh Avenue; Sophia Spann, from New- iiiroiigh the pupei'lnlendenfs luiiids. lYnton Street m Thirt‘'en(h .Avenue; Flor- have a Teachers Committee. WhM doesence A. Cole, from Ann Street lo Tliir- | j| xhe Teachers Comniittce, like eii-teenUi Avemie; Florence A. Case, from j pine children, simply puts on the rubbc»Monmouth Street to Thirteenth Avenue; t smmp,Clara Ford, from Wickllffe Street to "The board of exnrnlners does not arro- Waehlngicin Street; Lela M Morris, from ! gate to Itself the duties nf the Textbook


t. V'3 '

Ttilrtecnlii Avenue to Waverly Avenue; Frances O. Richey, from Sussex Avenue to Wnverly Avenue; Mrs. Madeleine B. Cullen, from Warren Slreel; Ella A. Benkert, from Belmont Avenue to Commercs Street Ungraded; John J. Hatch, from Bergen Street to manual training department, seventh and eighth gnidcfi.

Temporarj’ Appointments fbtvth from September B-Harvoy I*. Fassett, as tencher uf mnthcmnttCR in the High School, at sjilary of $1,800 par ye^-; 8. H. MeUroy, ns prin-vi‘ J %»urh Sixteenth Street, ut salary of Sl.SOO p^T year.

The Committee on Evening and Draw­ing Schunl® presented the following:

Resignations—Florence N, Bockcl. from Humhiirg Place elementary; Frances J. Stauffer, from L^^fnyrite Slraet. and Emily Nicholas, from Seventh Avenue, all to dale from Beplember 30.


BOOK HGHT(Continued from First Page,)


had an able court of critics. The Text­books Committee, said Mr. Crlssey, waa Incompetent to pass on the merits of a school book.

C r l s H r y R e t o r t s .'T maintain Uint the decision of tha

board of examiners la proper," declared Mr. Crlssey. "I f it la ROt. we muat make one of three statements. The first la that the hoard U Incompetent. Tiie committee acknowledges the ability o f the board when It refers twoks to U for considera­tion. The second staitement might b« that the board gave the Modern Sertea Inadequate crmslderatlon. T know o f my own knowledge that It wne given ade­quate, thorough consideration. I know that tfie represcnlallve o f the publisher was given all the time he w ant^ to ex­plain the work. The third statement, ‘which I don't think any o f you men would entertain for ft moment, la crookedness on the part of the hoard. That I don't think any member here btdleves. I believe the board to be thoroughly honest and able, The letters from other cities prove only otie thing—that any other city can decide for Newark and New'ark cannot decide for Itself.”

Dr. Qlatsmayer, the Democratic leader, said he was present at the hearing on the Modern Series before the examiners re­ferred to by Mr. Crlasey and the book company's representative was constantly Interrupted by Mr. Crlssey, so much so that Mr. CrlBsey was asked by the book agfnt to desist.

Commleslooer Stewart, another member o f the comraUtee, also took Issue with Mr, CrlBsey about the heartng and denied that the Silver Burdett representative secured aYair henring.

"This man W'as 'there to get eburteous trestmctit and not a cake o f loe/*'averred Mr, BtewarL' 'T was there and I saw the members o f the board lolling back In their chairs, paying no attentton and dropping side remarks. That was not fair treatment, and I went to say right here that the board of examiners Is not para­mount to the Textbook Committee/'

Mr, BteWart proposed that a member of the Textbesbk Cammltteo be added to the* boav;d of examiners so as to watch Itg proceedings,ktid report back to the com­mittee wbnt actually hapjiienfl. CommpiA eloner Le Francis said the exchange offer o f the Silver Burdett Company gave the board a chance to get rid o f the thousands o f Natural Series books which were la disuse. Mr. Le Francis read from an odl- tortai! In the NSWB o f Tueaday to convey, as he put It, an Idea o f what Ihe publlo thought of the enmmittea acting In-ita <^padty as a robber stamp for the ex­aminers..

."Toil cap see w hat. the. leading news-, paper of the idty Udnks o f the committee in acting on the luggeatkms Of the board of examiners/' exclaimed the Eleventh Ward mainber, wrathfuBy,

Svgerinteaffem Tttlces Floor.Dr. Poland took the anbetlons sent out

by Ur. Bcattergood to other cities, an­alysed them and proceeded to rfp them apart for Ibconslslenclea

'^Cltyeland answerM/' sold the cdiicatort "that, it wed the Modern Series In tbs first thrsG grades. We use no books in tbu first tbreo^rodaa and W^ don't begin the teaching of sbalos, noteo; half-4iotes and ejTnbols until the midfile of the second year of the next grade. W tfb ono or two exceptipofvkb* hr Mr.

r’ihTurnluee. bui f*»rls Hint ita profc:s!>slonal Opinion slioulcl be rK‘ngnlaf»d and W’elght. Charges have been innUe huie

Street to Wlrkllffe lo-night ihal are abHOlutely wrung. It i.’* claimed that the represeiiladvG of ino Modern Series Bystem did not uMiiln a. fair liearlng'. I presided at that nieetlne, and I challenge any one to question tivo fnirness o f my riillnga. Never did I seu a member of this board addressed su roughly ap the member from the Sixth Wttrd (Mr. Crlgpey), when he qucblJoiieit the represemnllvos of the Sliver, Durd'.'ll Compnny, and T felt It Incumbent upu:i me to put a atop to It.

“ T h row IIUBi In Y oor E ye»." "Oenlic-men, they aelse upon this tt

throw duHt tn your eyes, tn becloud ihj Issue. The charge la mode that we aie dominated by the American Book Com­pany. It le not so. Her*-; Is n Hat nf thirty-eight firms which supply tis with books. The Silver. Pimlelt Comp.iny gfl eighteen books llstwl out of u total if thirty-eight—twice us many as theAmm- Ican Book Company. That la the oonc'‘ f:i that \a being dlscrimtnatcd against, gen­tlemen. Think of it!“ There is a letter published In the NEWS

to-night which charges that the board crooked In Ita methods. The house lhat is complaining drew more money for books from the city last year than any other concern. Is that discrimination, gentle­men? Sift these charges made this day by n person who can jump on a train and get out of town In lesa than twenty-four hours and request this person to make good.*'

The question wna then put by Acting President Tulle with the reaultanl tally: Ayes—Ablenlate, Backu.' . Rlrdsall, Cour- ter, Crlesey. Delaney. Dobbins. John­stone, Klrsch. Koerber, McCabe, Hops- bach, Schaefer, Slmonds. J, E. Smith, R. A. Smith, Snupe, Swann. Tulie, Vorley, and Warren: iota!, 1. Nays—Glayamay^'r, Greason, LeFrnncls, Boh. Scattergooil, Stewurt, Toye: total, 7.

The vote on the ubandonment of the Natural Series was Ihe same as, on the first question. Secretary Argue had no sooner finished rending the Dodge resolu­tion than Mr. Crlssey mo 'ed for n suspen­sion of the rules. The opposition was taken aback and Mr, Scatiergood, wllh n show of Heeling, characteriaed the motion as most unfoir and unjust under tlie cir­cumstances.

The rule to have such a resolution lay over for a month waa to afford the com­missioners a chance to Investigate the merits o f a book, declared Mr. Scutter- goodt and he did not see how the board could act Intelligently on the nucstlon without examining the booh. The other members were apparently satisfled with the adverse decision on the examiners on the Dodge geography, and by « vote of 22 to 6 suspended the rule. Ctimmlssloner Boh. who had cast his lot with the opposition on the two previous questions, switched over to the administration. The count Ob the Dodge resolution was $ for and 22 against"

crowded, There will be two new classi's litTc and room for more.

.Abodl 2,4)00 New Rnplls,It is expected that 2.0ft) more pupils will

enter the schools this full than attended last, that being the average increase, nnd clashes will be added to almost every school. Avon At'cnup will have two new nnes, Bergen Street two half-day classes, Charlton Street, Hawthorne Avenue ami Waverly Avenue each one lialf-day class, und Elght<»enih Av(*nue two half-day rlnsses more. Fourt«'enth A\'enue will have one and Fraaklln School two more n'guliir clfisscg. There will be fifty-two new teachers, nnd the lwi-nty-seven Juno graduates of the Nurmnl and Training Selioul will all receive posHlons nt once. At the Reluinnt Avenue School the hfiuses on the Charlton street property recently purchased are being torn dnwri. and as soon us this Ip done the new norlheaal wing will he ptn.ted, Plnus are now being drawn fnr a new school on Richelieu ter­race, lo bf- called ilic IJncnln School, nnd for addltlrms to Hawthorne Avenue, Ber­gen nnd Warren Street schools.

The cqulpnien* of kitchens In severnl of I lie sr'hools has been nu Imporlnnt Itnu of expense on ihe Brhedule of Ihe Commit* tec oh Repairs. In lutty Relmaut Avenue, Suuih Eighth Street and Fratiklln schcKi|K have model rfuini.*® for cooking lessons been hued up. though a nuinher of the schooli fr'qucgipd Uiem. Hamburg Place Behool, wlik’h has a good kitchen. hUB also t<-- celved some new fixture.s. Thin school wld have turning lathes in the manual train­ing dcpartnieni, to bo used In the even­ing high school there,

The model kitchens have permanenily Miached gas stoves ami tables, so that the Irnuhle of ntlachlng and detaching the Kloves. with the liabllMy of escapln,j gas. Is done nwny xvlth. The tablep are largo enoiigli for two girls to work at, and are placed In a hollow square, with Ihe gas st<fVPt< on Ihem. The teacher will stand in the centre lu direct the cooking.

To Miike n Plnyuponnrl.At the Franklin School severnl old

houflcs on Culler ptreel are now being demoMshpd on land acquired for a play­ground nnd a brick wall and iron fence win be erected there At Morton Street 2.50i> feel of artlficlHl stone walks have bf-en laid In the playground and at Cen­tral Avenue about 2.00ft feel have been put down. At many schools fences will be ropelred. New floors have been laid In five rooms In the old part of Central Ave­nue School. In twelve rooms In Newloti Street, In seven at North Seventh Street, In ihree al South Eighth Street and In floveral at Lafayette Street. South Eighth Street hna alec four new wood ceilings. Repairs 10 hlackboardH and various cig.«.?. room fixtures In all of the buildings have alao been finished.

* • «There will be a new prlnclral al South

Sixteenth Street School, to take the plACa of Lfwla H. Carria, who has been trans­ferred. lie will be Samuel H. Mefiroy, of Highland Fnllp, N. T. Mr. Mcllroy has been principal of the Highland Falla Fubllc School for the last seven years. He Is a gradtiate of the State Normal Scliool at Oeneseo, N. Y., and lias taken several enursea nt Horvr.rd HnlversUy. For three years Mr. Mcllroy taughl In a country pchool In New York Slate and for five years he was principal of the Wyom­ing, N. Y.. Public School. He then went to Highland Falls.

« * •Harvey L. Faej^ett, of Troy, N. Y., has

been engaged as Instructor of mothemat- Ics III the High School, to take the place .if M.19B Alice W. English, who has re­signed. Mr. Fnpsett Is a grudiinte of K-^ywione Academy and Bucknell Col­lege, Pa., and has taken courses In Coi umhla ['iilverslly. Ho taught one year in a district school In Wyoming County, Pa,; five years in peddle Itietltuto, two year* in the Ml. Pleasant Academy. Ossining, N. Y., nml for the last five years in the High School al Troy. N. T,

• « •Principalis have bean raquasted hy CUy

Suppriiiianilciit Pulimd to raglatcr new pupils TluifSrtay an<J Frlilay of noat week.

(■ * «Examinu\lona for entrance lo the High

School for pupils without a grammar si-honl dipinma will bo held at that build­ing next Thuryday nnd Friday. Piinclp.U Wriylnnd E. Htcarna will be In charge aiui the school will be open nil day.


Board of E dtotion Adopts New Plan for Purchasing

Sites for Schools.


ApproviU wai (tii'en by the Board of Edtteatlon. laat ntchl. to th* icfteine of the Beboothouae , Commlttae. whereby ■It'ei for Bcboola will In the future be pur­chased tbroiifh. a cobunlaalon. The plan proVIdea that «**n ‘the committee wanta to buy land three :iUliiitiereBn<[ c it t te « eball be appointed to jappraleo the value o f the property in quertloa attd the price tbey fix abiill be atibmttted to the board for approvaL If ratified the board la lo make a lender to tbe owner, sbd If the offer la y e tte d , oocdetnnailoo ,'proceed- l««a- wlU be atHrted. n » ' compenaatlon o f each member o f ihe .opmmtaalob la not to ekoeod tS,

Tba recommendation o f the commUtce that tbs cuntracta for -.lI)e conatructlon o f the Belmoatv Avenue! 'lichool addltiofi be awnrded to tbe Ibwert .bidders waa adoptad. Tba aame commUlM waa ah" tbsHaad lo reloct tbt bide for tbe Berfen (tn e t addHion. aa t te y e w w a the appro-

prlntlon. revlss the plans and advertlae for new bids.

On the rrconiiiieiidatlon of the commit- tee, condemnation proceedings aynlnst property at 9 Wickllffe street, needed for the Warren Street School, were ordered aiaconllnued. The owner, Ferdlnondo Ivone, waa pefi*niided by Aaalatant City Attorney Myers to sell ihe land for 16,000 Inatead of pt,00ii, the original asking prioe. The committee wa* empowered to rent tbe. bitlldhtg at 60 Academy street oe an annOZ lo the Free Drawing School, oi Il,td0 a year, the owner to etipply the heat.

Dre. George Davies, Hugh .1 Devlin, Patrick O'ReMI* and lajul* A. Koch Were formally appointed district pliyfllolan*. The James Street Industrial School Wka placed under the sttpervi.slon of the prin­cipal of the Slate .Street School.

The retignntlon of Commleeloner John E. Elaele, of the Ninth Ward, did not go In. aa planned. Late yeeterdiy afternoon trienda of Mr. Elaele In the board went lo him and related that under an opinion rendered In 19<H by Malcolm MacLcaT, then city attorney, a men elected to flU a ‘ Vacancy cannot take odlo* until J u p . ary 1 following. One o f the reasona that Impelled Mr. KIsele to aubmlt Ida reefgn^ tlon at thia Juncture waa a desire to al­low the vacancy to bo fliiod at the com­in g elections. It was pointed out to him that the ward would be deprived o f tig full representation for more than fapt months, and Mr, Eisele accordingly an- thorlr-ed the withdrawal o f hli reilgnA- tlon. 2 l

KIDNEI MD HURT TRIIUSIES..A prominent phyiiolan.has dlacovared a

msTvaioua cure far kidney and iMatg trouble*, and hat been ao deluged with leltere from afBleted persona, that be ton* not answer them all. He ha* requegtod Hr. R. O'Brien, W WHb avenue. New Turk City, a gelitlem n coimeOtod with the manufarture of one df the Ihgredleote, lo tend out; at tbe doctor’* eypeo**, a printed allp wmtalnlng the full pregwlp- ttbn- *0 ttiAt any , one can have It H^gfl at the, neareet drug etore, Mr. O'Brien, will mall It free of charge to thoM vha writ* tor tt.

1 ^

riLTONlA Lots Arc Increasing in Vaiue in a Manner That Is Positively Sensational

Read This Affidavit of One Buyer at

H I L T O N I AW ho Refused a Profll of $500 On Two of His Lofs Boughf Earty fn fhe Spring:

m -

N E W A R K , if. J . , A uguit 3 0 th . 1907.State o f New Jersey, 1

County o f Essex, jWilUain J. Becker, being duly sworn according to law on

his oath, saith that he purchased from Feibleman & Co., Agents, the premises known as tots numbered 1265 and 1266 on map of Hiltonia tract, and that he recently refused a bona fide offer for said lots at a price Five Hundred Dollars {$500 ) higher than the purchase price to him, believing that he has secured an ex- ceptionally good investment.Sworn and subscribed before |me this thirtieth day o f Aug- )■ WM. J. BECKER. ust, 1907, at Newark, N. J. )

H E N R Y J. F O L E Y ,N o ta ry P u b lic o f l^ ew J ersey .

The above affidavit is a plain unvarnished statement of truth. It will give you an idea of the remarkable jump that values have taken during the past six months in this fast growing section.

But this is only the beginning—chink what H IL T O N IA lots should be worth two years from now! Tliink what a tremendous upward bound values will take when the tunnel under the Hudson is completed and people can come to Newark from New York in 15 mimitesl Think of the m any thousands of New York people who will come to Jersey to livel Isn’ t it amazing?

If you haven’t seen this vast and beautiful tract of l.-lOO lots since we began developing it in the Spring, you will be amazed at the change that has been wrought—at the building that has-been done, etc.

W e Are Erecting Many BeautUut Homeslaying miles of cement sidewalks, curbing, providing water, gas, electricity and/ shade trees. W e are paying for all of these improvements— not you. W e have sold a large number of lots on this big tract, but there are many choice ones left.

What we want to impress upon >‘ou is the necessity of your coming out to H ILTO N IA n o w — to -m orrow —or Monday (Labor D.iy)—if you would secure some of the best lots on the tract at the present low prices.

Others Are Reaping Ihe Prollts—So Will You If You Invest NOW

How to Reach HiltoniaTake a Springfield Avenue car marked HILTONIA. You miss the property—it faces A FULL MILE on Springfield

Ave. Get off at our OFFICE. Look through the beautiful home.-; we are erecting. Buy a lot NOW.

F eib lem an C om pany\ ll 738 Broad Street.•PH ON ES 'P t'.O N E i

1 3 9 2 2 I 3 7 9 2

P la in F a c ts A b o u t th e H a i rIt It the duty of every one ■who Is Inlpr-sTsd In hair

Pi-pservatlon to learn enough about Ihe subject lo tell whether an advenlBentept for n hair retneily Is renaonnhle or unreasonable In this connection the I'nitcd Slntce I'nalofflce Department has hcgmi a inorh-needed cnni- polgn against false and misleading statements In adver­tisements In general. While this work la highly emn- mendabie and should be greatly extended, still at the aame time It tends to paternalism ra'her thnn lo personal at-lf- rcllance. If VOr know that ihe dalma fur a hair remedy am tinrcasonnhle and untrue, that knowledge will aave viiu money and prevent dliappointmcnt.

Tbe trouble Ilea In the fact that certain over-amblilous pri''prletora emploj' advertising writers who do not know the compoaltlou of Ihe remedies they write about, and. even If they did, they are not ospected to know the ilicrapeiitlc action of the varlone Ingredients. Two very familiar and oft-repeated statements arc. that the iioir must b* watered and fed Just like a plani, nnd that the color of th* hair, once deatroyed, can be restored, by nat­ural proceaa. lyhiic both of these etateraents are falsa In evert particular, It requires some little knowledge of the hair folilclo to understand why the statements are falsa. '

Th* h»lr follicle le a psar-shaped seek In the scalp that holds'the half root. At the bottom of the hair follicle and extending up Into tt for a short distance, !a u nipple shaped projection that remains hi the sealn when a hair root I* forcibly pulled out. This projection 1* the hair papUta ftbra which Iho hair "root" grows. The continuous addition to the botlom of tha hair root forces the hair proper out through the scalp.

Tha hair papilla is surrounded by tbe hair root, which thu* take* a bulbouB form. Above tbe hair rtsd or bulb— which ocouplM about three-Tourth* of the entire follicle— M tha hpek oil the Itair follicle, below which the must penetrating fluids knowu to nedlcsl ecienee cannot pene­trate. Thirpforo. tlM ttoljr o f feeding the starved and

iinpcvcrlslipd h slr ronia w iih »n eM /rhi'l upi l!-a ;m n I* all II riiylU,

The ihort porticn of thr hair lollifU- ahn’ e m'ck open.H ftoitiffwhni IH«‘ fi funnel wivl la IUUhI \sUl. iLo BfHlp pkl!i. C>P’ul'UK Hilf* niiUM' [imlliHi ar' tlu- lilghly ImportUTit oil or «abMi.'#»ouR Klfinilis, whli-ii, iholr loo«-ilon, arp moHt fxposi-d to rilsfaecv WlK-n thi^o oil tflunde

with a rerUilu ml'TOhlr growth (the ciniHo of il&iiiJniffJ ihera 1r liftlr dlBi-n!?p and fumlly hulr dihatli. Kortunati'ly, tiila outer portion of thr UsMr tolHde can I>L' trcfltpd by rubbing inm tlip a Milt*able remedy. Wb»t remedy Hhi.nild Iv ii^od? Martlfestly. one lhat will doBti'fy thft growth ihtil dandruff,Itching doalp and falling hftlr.

Newbro'* Merplcto® I** ri'mcdy rtml was pra-ptred for the pfitrllrulnr piirpn i* of destioying this ble vegt?lnble growth In fact. il le •'.’tiled iht* “ OR70IMAL

ihst kills the d-indniff K P im N « w b r o ‘t< Ht>rpJ- oSde was not made untli afier Prof \ iiur. of Hen>brtr(r» GormftJiy lAsk your doctor, wb<un himi, dlscover<»d that dftndruff is a highly cohtafilous dli’fftse causefl hy a init'rnho. The aliimsi marvelous siicrosa of Nowhrox Ilrrptclde has p«u»e<t adverllBlng writers to claim germi­cidal pruperlk's for cHier hair remodles. many of which were on the msrkei y<?ar« before Prof. Unna's discovery* Do you think that this new claim for old remofllco Is g rtaeonable tme Remember, that tha hair gats Us llfth color amt strength direct from the hlootl, and that gmul blood deep breathing end sunlight favor Italr tlovelop-p ment.' Outdoor cxerolse. to Insure free clicutatlon In th* scalp also scalp ihassaglng for the eanio purpose, ate ven-'helpful. Worry. Indigestion and sedentaTy habit* opixme hair growth, while the dandruff germ will actuaUy destrov the hair, unless It Is eradtoated and kept out of the scalp wllh Newbro's Herplclde.

Herpicid* Is dellghtfvHr cooling and refreshing to th« scsip and almost miraculous results aometlmes follow its continued use. U ,stopg Itching of the scalp almost iottintly.

Tw o SIzes—SOc. and $1.00. At Drug Stores.Seim l « c . lo m m p # 10 Tlie NerpicM e C om pany. Depertm ent N, D etroit. M toh lfw , »or ■ n g «p 1 e .

Guxrnntecd iiiidar th* Fowl Drcga Act Juda 30* 1000. fiurtol W*. OiO*

Som e 6m « o f U u ir Mjmily U> * * f/ n ita t /fo r t* to m iU m unporoa corfon irrs. Oef H erp M t* ..



COLLINS AND ^ D L iu k ARE OUTHodson G. 0 . P. FactioD Democrats Fik Petitions With­out Gubernatorial Preference.


Sfcriel D iiftch »*• BVN.V/.Vtf A'ffH'S.JISRSEY CITY, Aug. Sl.-CIty C)*»k

Michael I. Fagiin cloacd at noon to-day the ftllng of nominating pctltlona for the September prlmarloi by ihe Dlcklnaon F t- puMIcane. the Fagan Kepubllcant and the Deroocrata.

Each Hied patlUonu for every election dutrtct In thla city, nominating com­plete ward ticket!. The Dtcklneon pen- Ilona do not declare for any candidate for Governor, aa both former Supreme Court ^uDtlce Gilbert Colllne and County Judge John A. Blair declined to allow their Dimea to be uaed.

The Dicklnaon pel It Ion pledged the dele­gatee to the cliy convention to Police Commluloner John Mitchell for Mayor. The delegatee to the county convenllon are not pledged to any one for State Sen­ator or Aaacniblytnan.

The Fagan petition makea fio pledgee fer Governor, hut for Mark M. Fagan for Mayor, for the oily convention dele­gatee and aoveral cgndldatot for mem- bera of Aaaembly.

The Detnocrati In their petliion do not Idedgo the delogatea to any one lor Gov- arnor or county or city ollloee. Thla li OQUaldarad etrange aa ragarde the city convention, aa Robert Davla declared iome lime ago hla choice for Mayiir lo be rounty Superviabr H. Otto WIttpen. Some polUlclana think the Oeniocratle machln* did not pledge delegatee lo WIttpen, for faar the Senate Inveatlgatlng committee may dlacloae aome mlamanagement in the eounly and thna prevent hla nnmlni- U«ii.

Suai, o f South Banrord avenue, atarted on an aulomohlle trip to Aabury Park and Lakewood; and will return by way o f lli* Didaware Water Gap and OreenwwdJjlte ...

Mr. anfl Itra.'TOTwatd Ilayliiirit, o f ft babella avenue, hgvo announced the en­gagement o f their daughter. Mlaa Edna IV Unyhurat, to John A. Hochme, of South Eleventh aired. The wedding will take place In Brpternber.




Regulars, Colbyites and Demo­crats Send in Large Batches

to Q ty Clerk.


Rav. O liver C. HaraiaaB Add* An a fk er ch ap ter la B axtoa-B urke

C oalrovceay.fgMiul fNlpelcA to tki eV M jyO NAS’S.

MORRISTOWN. Aug. fl. - Another ghapter waa yeaterday added to the con- Aroveray between Aiaemblyman Henry W Buxton, of thla city, aud J. Frank Burke, of Newark, auperlntendent o f the Anti- Saloon Ijeaguo, by Rev. Oliver C. Hora nan. poator o f the FIrat Bapllat Church, who. In an open letter, renouncta a here­tofore aipreaaed oonlldence In Mr. Buxton aa a public repreaentallve.

After reciting the feet that at a meet- tnc called by Hr. Buxton to vindicxie hit action on the local option quaitlon, the

, writer icceplod all o f Mr. Buxton’i atate- nenta for tfaelr “ face value," Including “ chargei of Irregular and dlihonaat pro- eediire" on the part o f Mr. Burke. Mr. Horaman concludea hi* letter aa follow*;

"Mr. Buxton ha* alnoe then been eour- teoualy requeated by Mr. Burke to tub •tantlate hla clmrget at a public hearing, and to defend hit own record In the prea- once o f men who know the facta aa well •I he, Thla he emphatlcetly refuaea to do under any circumetance*. Now T eoniider that If any man In. private conclave ac- euaea an opponent o f wrong-doing, and ai> make! out hla own cate before Ihoae who gro l^orant o f the facta a a to elicit from them ,a vote of confidence, lie la then hound In all gentlemanly honor to appear and prove Ida position openly It auch proof (a requaated o f him by hla opponent or by any one o f thoae who have voted him their eonfKIanca.

"Mr. Buxton'* refuaal ao to do t can Interpret In but one light. He la nnablc to aubalantiate hie churgea or to vindicate hlmaalt before thoie who are cognliant of Ihe facta. I wlah, therefore. In thla pub­lic and frank way to ritract my formar vote of confidence, and lo aay that 1 no longer deem Mr. Buxton aa a aafa man to rapraeent the local option Intereata.

‘<'MMiiuMl«QiUnt It a mltfortnne H he were re- elected. Having llatened alao with th* utraoat attention to Ur. Burke’a reply, to

., U* upaubaiantiatad ohargea o f Mr. Bux ' ton, I am' glad to iHnraai my conviction that Ifr. Burke la guilty bf no Intentional wrongdoing, and la worthy of lb* com plate confidence o f the temperance force* 0( thla State."

Maw W ha A ttacked BlnoniflelilW a n e a Waa Struck Dotva, Hnte-

ever, and Cat on Head.After a chuae In which fifty men and

boya look port, Antone Kolonoakle waa captured In Dloamfleid laat night. Ha waa lai'Jed In the pullca iliiilon, where Dr. Fraderlck G. Rhaul put many atltchra In hla head. That he did not meet with a worae fete waa probiihly due to the ar­rival Ilf ecveral policemen, who drove the mob off.

Kolonoakle hud apenl 'a greater pari of th* afternoon In the police elation, having been arn-ated for driinkenneaa, and aonn after dark waa releaard on hla promlae to gn home. Inaicad, however, he wandered about the town and ahortly after 9 o'clock atopped Mre, Jamea B, Drew, of Waah- Inglon atreet. and her daiighier-ln-lBw. Mra, Pauline Drew, wife of Wllllani Drew, who were near the Ijckawanna Railroad on Ihelr way home.

Th* fellow grabbed Mra Pauline Drew by the arm and tried lo drag her away. The icraama of the women eatiaed the fellow to releaae hla hold and dlaappear Into a vacant lot. Several who had heard the women’a crlea for help haateuecl to the aeene. Among them waa Poltoeman Albert Drew, a ami of Mr*. Jamea Drew. He found hla alatcr-ln-lnw In hyaterlce and after taking the two women home, atortad In aearch of the atrnnger. He waa joined by other* and they had not gone far when It became knnwn that the fellow had Ineulted the wife and daughter at Councilman Unangat.

Then the aearch waa begun In aarneii. A man onawerlng the deacriptlon given by the Drew* wu* aeen along the track*, and whan he realized that h* waa being puraued began lo run. Croaaing Qlenwood avenu* near th* depot one of the piir- *ilell, "Blip" Johnaon, tripped him and half a doeen men pounced upon the fel- low. Ha got up and ahowed fight with the reault that h* waa dealt a blow over the head. Policemen Drew and Shorter came up about thla tlma. The crowd wna eager to gat at Kolonoakit, but the olficer* kepi the mob back.

Charge* o f dlaorderly conduct will he graferred agalnat him.


H}' !imm to-day b if partUa had practkHllv romDl«t<^d ftllnff with City Clerk Connelly primary poiltloni lodorn- Ing cundlrlulen for deiogatca to th^ 8Ute, rouniy Atid city convenMonB, county com- rnlttcp und fnf ward ofttres. This time limit for piewenting petition! expire* at mldnlglu to-niffhl And (he city clerk's nlflrn will remain open until that hour to m-Hve <>levenlh-hour IndorAepient**

The county Ropubitcen committee ha* {llcil for nil hut a baker'* doien Of the 140 rtlairlct*. while the DemoerflHo organisa­tion he* yet to get In the pedrionv from itpproximetely twenty polling precinct*. No petliion* have be^a hli'il l>y the Colby- liea thu* far for the l''i>urlh. Fifth, Hevenih- Trnth* Twelfth. Thirteenth, Fourteenth or Fifteenth Ward.

Priming *>f primary balloie will be ■larted Monday and the delivery muBt be niiulcr aoconllng to the primary net. five clsiyfl before the battle of the ballole be- glni). In Addit ion to an order from the Folbyltee for KS.ikri (he Kepublli-an or- gunitiitlon bafl filed n reu'ilBltlnn fi»r 119,- fiOO. Odd i)rd*’r* a g g r e g a t i n g ballots liitve also be«‘n received. Although Mon- d»y li A IfgBl holiday the city clerk's oflice will remain open. The ll«t of ward nominee* thu* far filed follows:

REOUbAltfl.Plrpt Wn rd--Aldcrm«n, WillUm A.

Muiker; school comiiilsHlonor, Jauii-fl A. Rackuii jUHtIco of the peace, Oe icKe A. Hlmmoi.*-; eonsttible, C'harle* Hurd

Second Ward—Alderman, Wlllliirri E. I>p : BCi'.oni rommlniioner, Ctmiile K.Hcatiergnod; Juiilcf of the peftcc, Harry 0, Burtoni coupthble. Dominick RemolM-

COMPANY I TO ' ‘ HIKE" IT.w i l t M arch to Murray H ill, Camp

Oul and Have .ahamSattla .

Company 1. N. G. N. J , will ssurl on III third annual outing to UiiriKy Hill Ibl* afternoon, Tlia aoldler* will go In light marching order flora tho armory up Buaaex avanue, Morrla avenue, through Springfield to Summit and thence lo Murray Hill, which place they e.tpect to raahh about W o'clock lo-ntghl. Ih e company epok h*i been aenl up und will have dinner ready when the hoya arrive. The tenia have been eent from the State areonal.

Reveille will Bound at 6:3li lo-nioi-row morning. A baseball game with the New Providence A. C. will be pUi)ed In the afternoon.

Monday Colonel Henry W. Freeman and Miijor Chartea Chiiraplaln will go lo camp to referee a Hhiini batlle. Ath­letic comeata and a rltla shoot have also been amiiiged.

The aoldler* will, break camp at li o'clock Monday and march back -o .he armory, arriving at »:1W. Captain Aitluir P. Marah will be In command, ftueialed In the arrangements by the fullowlng committee: t.leulenanl Wete, •SergeFiniLuri, Corporal WIebold and Privates Flamtner and Helm.

Company G'a proposed outing lo t.ynd- hurat ha* been postponed, heeauac, It is said the men could not spara the time an soon after tha rifle ahoot at Sea Girt.


DAY IS INDORSED FOR SECOND WARD ALDERMANtHreaaoaa Sea.aloa o f D raiorratio

K i«««t lv * Coaaoiltlfe Flaally Flxaa on RIaa—Other* D eterred. '

Blrntr Ai Day waa Indoraed tor alder •Ian at a meeting called by the Second Ward Democratic eiecullve committee at

: Day’s Hall. !S Court atreet, laat night. Ittook fourteen balloti to land Hr. Day, wblle the Indpraement of a candidate for justice of the peace and school cominis- atoner hod to be left In the henda of a committee conaiatlng ot Alderman Mich­ael Leveen, Enoa Runyon, chairman of the county board of elections, and John Hc- BarroR,

Alderman Leveen said this mornliig that there were,eo many good Democrala who would make Ideal oIBce-holilera for the ■econd Ward that the eoininliiee waa ex perleucing gome difficulty In deciding o.v candidates. He had hopes, he aaid, that the committee would iwrre upon aome one (or justice of the peace end for achuol commlaslotier before the day wtia over.

It waa almost midnight when the ward meeting adjourned. At 11 o'clock, when the balloting was atrenuoua for alder­man, City Counsel Jamea R. Nugent, who acted aa chairman, hud to cull lime for a spell In order to sirulghteii out the names mentioned for the ofltce. The Hat was long and It seemed to the chair­man as though everybody In the room had a favorite candldale.

The fight, however, waa hetween Diiy and Frederick F. Hobson. It looked for a lime us Ihuugh Ihe voting would last' Until morning, hm the stippi'rters of Mr, Day did a little quiet electioneering and When the Third district of the ward went solidly fur Day, there waa a hurrah and bis Indorsement wu* made unanimous.

hew R e llg loa a EnterpH ** t » BeLanmnhed T o-nlK ht at AS Clinton

g lr r a t -H rs . I.tailaay B elter.Th* new church mlaalon to be known

a* "The People's Temple," on the first floor of the Berry building, at 13 Clinton street, will be formally opened lo-mght with Frederick A, Llndaay In charge. Preparations have been under way for the past week getting the place In order.

It la the desire of those having thla new work In hand that the members and converts unite with aome church, Thu* the aim ot thla movement will be ac­complished, namely-thc bringing of tho church and til* peoplr together.

Mra. Pottle Wiithln* l.lndsay nnd her husband, who are lo have charge of the work, are well known In thla city. Mra. IJndaay waa reported to-day na having paaaed the crlals of her lllhcs.a aud rcatlng comfortably.

Services are to be condncicd In the temple morning, afternoon and evening to-morrow.

WOMAN SUICIDE'S FUNERAL,Mra* R vel^n M eeker W ill Rr

B nrled from Hlirb Mtreet Cbureli* ox Elbe Axkrii.

The RxpresBeU wi*h o f Vr>. Evelyn Meeker, who •.►ndod her life In her iunn - in Ihe rear or*d?0 HlifU Btreei by swftlli^w- h)|f cfliholic acid ThiirfKlay afternoon, that ithe bo burled from the High Preabyterlan Churi'h on Hunday aft' - noon, will not be compiled with. T i young woTiinn'fi body will be biirir'il frt'iu tho chapel of Brlerley'* uuUt'rittking rooms In Bro«d street, Monday afHTnooii, Rev. Dr. Henry K. Denllnger, rnsior of the church from which ehe w'lHhcd to lu? burled, officlntiiift.

fhe funernl will be at die l-•l► venloJ!l‘e of Ihe fuinlly, end Intrrmciii 'will he made In Clinton Cemetery, Irvjngian. where the body of Mrs. .Mc-eker'a turn-

HGHT ON m BLOOMFIELD.Cslbyft^* to Oppose fox

CoPPty rom m ltteenirii ood Metii* bere o f Cootirlt.

Adherenlp of the "new idea" pnrtySi‘lll Dame cHndlflules In cvpr.v clfsirlct of RIoomfield for county com mil icemen nnd glso die lists of delegdtOB to the 8tate and county convention. The "new Idea" will *1*0 put up a man for member of the Town C«iundl in the Hecond Werd aialntl George Hiunmet, the choice of the regu- 1b re.' The Democrat* will file peilllonB to-day for delegate* to the 8tate and county con- tloti*. They will name George Bradley or Thomas Alvlneon for counoilmaTi, as the opponent o f CouitcllmBh Charle* w , Cha- bot Republican.

D river A rrested by s. P. C* A. M*-ii fo r A lleged Cruelty,

ChBrIes West, colored, iw«my-«lx years old. a driver, who said he UvtO on ({rove street. lrvlng(uii, but could not remem­ber iVie number, was bionghl Into (he Fourth Precinct Police SlHllon thla morn­ing by Agents Btlckles amt Teed, of the S. P, C. A.» charged with cruelty to ani­mal*.

West wQs driving Ihree horses attach­ed to a heavy (ruck along Boulh Beven- leentli street about 9 o'c-lDck, when (he officer* halted ihe ouilli.' An examina­tion showed lhat all three animal* were eufCering from sore* under their (dollar and were In no condition to he In servloa. West waa paroled by Capiein Vogel foi further hearing.

VAILSBURGH AFFAIRS.9be last of the union aervlvet will h*

, ^ Id In the Methodist church to-morrow. Au«Un E, Armstrong will conduct

A number o f friends gave Charlei A, Becker a birthday *urprl«« party at hi* home, $2 Columbia avenue, last night. He WM made the recipient of many pres- ents in honor o f the oocaslon and after (jongratulations were exchanged supper was served. ThU toomlng Ut% and Mrs. Beclter* with Mr* and Mrs. Edward A.

A U R -M IN > 0 C U R E S

D R im ilE IIK E SSvttb et wltbcrot Ui* knewledfi' of pslitot, Dwrtxcy* all doalre for drink. Hone ri*i. Sty. AbealatciT hsnalea*. cure «r MDsy reftuaded. BOOK BiUBP.

Oaorantsed under Pure Food Law. A m ^m im n A* powder*. ae«r*t TtSMdy. AwmHius ■» tablets. Uken vsluaurdr.

Either (or«n< ll per box. 4 for p.

hand, who died about buried.

n jonr agu, la


E ekerlln** Foay o f Lraions*When John Eckerlln, court officer lo

the Flrtt Proclhct, returned from his va­cation this morning, he found a signextending greeting* from some *1x of hi* women friend* hanging over the de*k in the court office. Beneath the sign* on


over the de*k inwhich the ladles' name* aiipcared, wt|s a beautiful bau^uet of varimia co lored sp ec im en * from the garden. EckorUn felt e m b a r r a s s e d for a moment and «aid Bomothlhg about "The girl* being *o thoughtful, ' but d i s t a n c e hid rendered eD c l ian lm en t to the view, (or When he came a little close r to the nosemy he thought he wa* In the Centre Market, f r a g r a n t were the r ad i sh e s , tomatoes, poppers, ete., that composed th* girls* remembrance. Disbelieving that the girls left the gift, Eickerlin 1* trying to place the blame on a fellow officer.

Third Wnni-Aldermiin, Em]] Wohl- fnrtli; nrhonl commli*Hloner. CWrl''» P. Roll; JuirUce . of the peace. Joe+'iih B. Kremery: and Adolph OreenflHd: c*nn.stu- ble. (Jeorge Cohen nnd ValPtuloe F’ Isch.

Fourth Ward—Alilcrinflu. Thoma* (Jold- Inguy; hcIiooI comntlHaloner' Thouui* M. nobhins; Justice of tb»* pfUt-e, Michael H- Maxxe utuI James M. Miller; con- Htuble, Joseph F. bhort.

Firth Ward—AlUernuiii, John H. Broe- me|; school 1‘oiuinisnliuH‘r, Jacob Kopf. JUHtlptt of ilie peace. (Jeorge J. ZIpf; con- Bt kbic. Kaffacin Muriino.

HIkiU Wtitd—Aldcrinnn, Thomiis Gltlen; Bi’hool commlaaluner. FrMiik F. I'rlssey; Justice of the ptMu-e, Jacob Kancngie*«-r and Emil Germanuy; conaluble, Cornellui McKinley.

Seventh Ward—Aldeniuiu, Ft-mik Fet- rldge; school commlHslonvr. George Var- Icy; justh'e of the peace, Telemak flou- etian: constable. John H. Carlo.

IClghUi Ward—Alderman, slwirt term, laewl* J. Sayre; aldermHn, long term, Wllhnm B. AdE tjiH; school commissioner. R ohm Berry. Jualice of the pence. John'L. Frank; constable, Jtihn B, SmlUi.

Ninth W ard-Aldei man, C. WurtenbErg Smith: school commissioner. David H. McIntyre: Justice of the peace. PeUr Dimes nnd Frank \Vllhelm; conutablv, Ferdinand ficherr.

Tenth Ward—Alderman. Frank P. hdughlln; iclmol commlsslom*]-. George Ij, Warren: constable, Vincenz<j lovlno.

Twelfth Ward—AMcrman, John Weber Jr ; school romtnlsslonfT, Frederick fii’ limlU; JUBlk'e nr the peace, John Mc- Corndek: constuble, George VVeideh’-

Thirteeri^h Wiird—Aldenokfi. Joseph K. Ft)x; Rchrad conimlsHlOTicr. John SV. (Jood; justice of Ihe peace. Roherl A. Glover, cunMlnble. George Schnlbbe.

Fourteenth Wnrd-AldtrmFiTi, William Pnehmunn: school commlKslonei-, lirtrry Tuylor: Jusilce nf the peace, Alexander Scredskl; constnhle, Kdgur A. Hartdoin.

Fifteenth Ward—Alderman, Joseph Pi’ hmllt Jr., Thenilstncle* Manoubl T'n- guro, Francis A. Flore and Salvatore NIttoti; achnnl coramlsaloner, Andriw- Stewart; justice of ihe peace, WilUam LibllSo and Isaac M. .Jacohti*: constable. Frederick Stefanllle. Frank Bane.

Hlxleenth Ward—Aldermnu. long (erm. William K. Sickcc; short term. August J. Ehrlich: school commissioner, William J. BlrdsBll; couBlable, Christian Figueroa, freeholder. Harry B. O'Connell and Reu­ben Odell: Justice of the pence, Elmer Freeland.

COLBTITE0.First \Vard—Alderman, Ororge H.

Fritz; school commissioner, Horace C.GrU'c.

Third Ward — School cnmmlaeloner, Hpiiry Hahn.

Sixth Wnrd—Alderman, Samuel P. Shin: school commlarfiiincr, William F. Cone.

Klghih Ward—Alderman, for full term, Daniel Hopper; ouc-year term, ('harks D. WhUendd: school commissioner,George H. Simonds; Justice of ll.e prac*. WUlldin 0 . Miller; cnnstablej John B. Smith.

Ndiih W hrd-Aldoniaii, Charles Kunse; iclionl conimtasloner, lo fill vacuncj’, Wmiatn Ripley (.'obb; school commlsslon- er, full Chnncft L>. Halstead: Jus­tice o f thi pence, John P. B. Loa’cr.

Eleventh Ward—Aldcrpian. Jerome T. Conglrlon; school oumnilsslonsr, Herbert W. Tiiowlcss: conalable. John B. Dey,

Sixteenth Ward—AUlormftn. long term, | l-’ iimk A, While; ahoit term. J<»hn S. ; Hobbs and Wnrford 8. Davenport; school commjsaionev. long term. Theodore K. RlHck; short term. Walter C. Read; member of TInarfl o f rreehr-ldere. Charles W. Beardaley.

DEMOCRATA.First Wjird — Alderman. Joseph A.

WriRhl; scliool conimD^ilimer. Thomns Boyle: justk'p nf thn peace. Jacob Slatin; cnnsiabli*. Pnirlch lllgglrif'..Beconrt Ward—Alderman. Elmer A. T>a>:

Juf tlce of Ihe peace. Chnrien B. Frank*. ‘ Third Ward—Alderman, t- rwla Seme], school rommlssloner. Joseph P. Papsooe; JiiHilce of th e ’peace. Bernard I,evy: con sUible, John Hnrtman.

Fourth Ward — Aiderrhan. Cornohu* O'Connor: pchool rommlB?loner, Charl«‘*F, ('nufleld Jr : Jnsilca of the peace, Hamviel Foldtnnn: constalde, Donato Mar-Siiiin.

Fifth Ward — Alderman, Patrick H. Ryan: school commissioner.. Eugene A. CUiiicy: jueltce of (ha peace, Michael Murano; constable, WTUIaai 1. Lowe.

Sixth W^ard-Alderman. Seth B. Smith; school commissioner, Charles O. Bert- rnm: conslable. Alfred J. Rynn.

Seventh ^Vsrd—Alderman, John F. Sln- nott; school commlsBlonar, Harman A, Glatsmayer, Thomas F. McCabe and John MeCsTm; Justice of the peace, Charles L. Meiidanbsch; constable, Henry Brode.

Tenth Ward—Alderman, Charles Oaffa- ney; school commissioner, Charles F. Engel; Justice o f the peace. Giacomo Fert.

Eleventh Ward—Alderman, Alfred W'. Fenwick: school commissionar, John McGraIn; .liiailce of the peace, Charles H. Vanderhoff; constable, Daniel J. Lynch,

Twoifth Ward—Alderman, Patrick S. Dolan and Michael A. Doyle: school com­missioner. Urban Schaefer: Justice of the peace. John Schmidt; constable, John Golden.

Thirteenth Ward-Alderman. William SliRer: school commissioner, John F Reilly: .luetlce of the peace, Louie F Loihle; constable, Thome* McSulla.

Fourtconlh Ward—Alderman, AnthonyG. Kroehle Jr. nnd John A* Bpielmtn; school oommlsRloner, Joseph A, G- R*u- derman: Jnaiics of the peace, John Q, Bchweekhardt; constable, WilUam tna- beck.

Fifteenth Ward—Edward J. Quigley; school cnmmlsBloner, Calvin ft. Owen: jtis- tl(se o f the peace, William B. Wsldrlp: con- Btebte*. Andrla Pesquale and Angelo Ar< gidfoylio.

Sixteenth Ward—Alderman, long term, John B. Brsaser and John T, Donovan, short term) J, Edward Smith and Walter Tierney: school commissioner, long term. Oscar B. Llalewski; short term, Joiaph A. Hanrahtn; justice o f the peace, Mark An brille; constable, John Nemtck; freehold- er. Daniel Klee._________________ ________

D cnosribtre -w . .* . .Kred«r|f>k G, Tenm ie fo r the

r<»Barllmanip KoinlMMlIoil.,The Orange Democrats completed Ihelr

niaie to-day by naming Hebool Commis' tinner Frederick Q. Temms for the coun* -•ilmanlc nomination, and George Arnold fur the Hoard o f Eduratlmi, fro'm the 8ei - Mxl Ward. The RepiiMicnn* brought in ji large number of pelltlouB, which kept rity Clerk Wlllelt H‘ Guno busy until he f Inseti the office at noon. Following is a list of the Republican petitions tiled since ytBterduy:

First W aid-Flrst district. Common Council, Daniel O. Bury: Board of Edu­cation. George W. Wakeley, Daniel C. Hutoheou; constable. Edwin 8. Blackman; cotiiuy ccimittittee, Max M, Mohoi: city rommltioo, ■Robert C. McNally; Stale convenllon (pledged to ForD. Hugh J. Hredy and,T. Earle Budd: county conven- rlim, Henry T. Smith, William Hretiner Hiid George J. Bayle*. Recnnd dlsirlrt, cnuniy cfJinmIHee, Lewis H. Smith, Ster­ling II. Gox. John IjouI* Hmlth and James E- Perkins; State convention (unpledged), Antonio Pollseno; county convention, Lee Tiny, Ixnila Allen and Frank DeVecrhlo; chy convention. Joseph uematn; city commitiee. Clmrles Hlackwell and Doug­las Pickett; atftts convention ffnr Fort). Ellis R. Wise; county conventinri. Wash­ington FMtti, Winiam KInch anil Peter R. L.ee. Third dlsirlct. couuiy committee. Thomas Mnhoney; flisle convenllon <un- pledgfHl). Ernest I. Johnson, county con­vention, John Nelson. Charles Mngrena and Thomas C. Gilchrist; city convention. James Flangh. William il. Dudley. Will­iam Christian.

Second Ward, Second District—Boird o f Education. Ira B. Downer.

Third Ward, Ttilrd District-County cofnmKtee, Richard E. Osborn: Stale convention <for Sommeri. Richard E. Osborn; county coavenlion, Frank A. Evsritt. Henry Kraiiss: city convention, Laanado Perno and Albert Bury.

Fourth Ward, Second Dlstrlci—County commJilee, Frederick Berg Jr.; Slate con­vention ifor Sommer). Wilbur L. Farnam: county convention, Wllllatn E. Austin. Wilber P. Kynor, Henry .Berg. Thiid District—Common Council, Heiuiell Car- hart; Board of Education. William J. Smith; constable, John J. Stoll; county comnilttee. Alexander Clark: State con­vention (unpledged), William t). Barra- daie: county convention. Joeeph Berg and William B. Youmana: city convention, D. C. Matthews and *V, \V. Henilershotl; Stale convention (for Fort). Alfred II. Matihews; county convention. John tiaug and Cfeorge Allen.

Fifth W'ard. Mrdt Dl*trtci—Common Council, Andrew J. Heberllng; justice of the peace, Samuel Jenkin; conniable. Al­bert E. Robinson; county committee, Llewellyn R. Wheeler; city committee. James L. Mills: Stute convetitltin (for Forti, George M. WUllaina; county cen- ’i'cnllon, Cliarlra A. Bowen and Joseph A. Eslsll: city convention. Edward M. Chrls- (lansen nnd Kmil Decker. Sei'ond Dis­trict—County committee, John W. Gegen- holmer: 0»ate convention (for FnrO, W. E, Peine; county convention. Thomas' L. Johnson and Adolph Klueble; city con­vention, John F. Davbi and Nathaniel Dailey, county convenikm, Frederick H. Mohr and George Reinhardt.

Fifth, First DlBlrict—State convention (for Sommerl, John W. McCormick Sec­ond District—State conveiulon lf<M- Sum­mer,!, William Frelda)’.


“ New Id eas/' “ Regtdars” and Democrats File Lists of Can­

didates for Primaries.


hMrtliy at Ihe consternation thejr cauanO to pedeatrian! and other vehicles.

Notice* bav*. been poaied on telegraph poles all aiung Pompton (urnpilte *Ut~ Ing that the autotnoblle law* will be en- rorced ln.j:tIWi*^TiJwn*|iji!._ , .




IVUen T w o W lr#ii Tonie Together<Arr eiflctric light wire fnule^ a fire alarrr wire oppufllte the residence of Mr*. F. H. tlpton. in High atreet. Orange, last nlghl. The whistle blew and an alarm bfll In (he>*on street, was set ortre. People In the neighborhood started to send In an alarm from box at ihe corner of Jefferaon and Main streets, hut tlve box was ao heavily charged they did nol «lare lo open l(. The blaee was put out hv pRonIe In the hoiiae. A tree in from of tnr Uptonhouse caught hi.u the blaie w'as soon subdued. It was nearly 2 o ’clock beforethe wires were In working order again.

To-mdrroTT** Open-air Mervice Id OrnDgrThe speaker (o-morrow afternoon at the

open-air meeting at Central and Oak- woud avenues. Orange, will be Rev. George P. Eantman. pastor of the OrangeValley Congregational (!hurch. Holes will he aung by Robert _Qrludlay. Tr Is exnected that Rev. Dr. James H. Tufls. pro-r« ................................. ..... .... *' ■'essor of philosophy at Chicago Univer­sity, will conduct the devotional exer' clses. Dr. Tufts will preach In Mr. Eaal mnn's ehurcljt at both services lo-mor row, The m «t!ng will be hi charge of Secretary A. W. Abbot.

Paint Mtoro R obbad o f g<H0<A young man entered Lite paint store

nf ^oses C. Cosier, at 31A Main street. East Orange, yesterday afternoon, and started to unfold to the young woman In charge sn elaborate plan for connectin, the water pipes in Mr. Coaler's ptace wit., an apartment home In Arlington avenue in th* rear. While the conversation wa* in progros* some one entered the donr and rifted (he cash riruwer of gW and lome papers. The police are Invesiigat Ing.

Ivv iiig lon AoelalUta* Ticket,The HorlHlist party of Irvington has

filed petition* #Uh Town Clerk Stockman BB follows: First Ward, George H. Rank, deltgnie to town convemlon; Albert B. fjaeombe. councilman: Robert Momtii,Board o f Education. Second Ward, Frederick W. Hoffman, delegate lo town convent Ion: Frederick William*, council man: Otto Hftusmann, Board of Educa tion. Third Ward, Ernest Hoffman, dele gale to town convention; Herman Schmitt, councilman; Relnhold Knlef. Board of Education.

A lleged Sfone Ttarovver Under Ball,Recorder Cadmus, th the Bloomfield Po

lice Court last night, held Archie MoH' giro, m Hunlss street. Stiver Taake, Id 11,000 hall to await the grend Jury’s action on u charge of assault preferred by Will­iam Ashley, a conductor on a Bloomfield avenue trolley car. Mongtro, U is ol- leged! threw a stone at the conductor. The mlsfllle struck a passenger, Vlncenco Dominleo, of Bay street, Montclair. T’ was reported at the Mountainside Ho*' pKal to-day that the man whs slightly Lm' proved, but not out of danger.

The following petitions bearing the names of candidate* to run at the prl- murJes hnve been filed since yesterday In East OrHnge;

NEW IDEA.FIrat Ward First dlalrlct. City Council,

Hurry L. Winner: county committee, Walter Madison; Htate convention, Au­guste Roche Jr , county coriventioTi, James H. Kenaii, Frederick H. Price, Samuel N. Penrose; cUy convenllon, Warren Muck. George W. Shepard. Frederick O. Wang. Second cllslrlm. county coniinlttce. Benjii- min Haywood; State convention, Betward C. Chrlstophersun and Gearge L. Marlon; county rnavention, R. S. Slater, 8. H. Wilder and A. G. Andersejn.

Second Ward—FIrat district, City Coun­c il John Lsnord Merrill; coumy conjmli- tce. Goorge H. Austin: State convention Frank B. Colton; county convention. W.S. Knowles. R. K. xMosley nnd Wtlllfim }J. Aborn; city convention, Wilson 11. Tulip Edward E. (Tapp and H. H. Dunck- lee. Second dlairlrl. Board of Educatton. Frank H. Wilson; county comnlHee, Ghnrh'B B. Yardley Jr.; Stale convention. Arthur r. Knolhoff; county convention,H. H. Greenfield. R. S. Jeffrey* *nd David Bingham; c1|y convention, Lewi* T. Thlmctl, Stephen 11. Brewster nnd George li. Master*. Third district, county com­mittee. H. V. Cooke: convention,Joha Knox: county convention. ■Thomas J. Flack and Francis J. Parsonsc city convention. Maynard Bailey and R. E. Boiler.

Third Ward—First district. City Coun­cil, Frank Bancroft. Dnard of Education. Jacob M. Eppatelii (full term). (Joorge W. Sill tone-year icrnri): county commit­tee. Henry P. EJuldwhn State convention, Henry A. Putter, Henry B. (Hoinbers; county conveutlon, Gardner Colby, Dr. Thomas N. Gray and Hilaries L. Will­iams; city convention, Mllu W. Wilder Jr , JamPH Ktur and Slenlien H. Gordon Second dlstrlci. City ('unncll, Frank Buti' crofl-, Board of Kflucatlon, J. M. Epp-

’ Bieln (full lerml, George w . Sill (one ear), county conimlUee, Albert R. Con-

dit: 0Lnlf convendon. Edward D. Mc- Knwn; county convention. Harry W. Hur- i*, Frank R. Wulla 'p and Eugene J.

Schwartz: city convetUlon. A. H. Hol­brook. Edward A. HarrlKiin and F. M Bailey. Third dlflirlcl. Biutie men t<rr hy offices: county ri>mnililee, C’ . B. D

Norwood: ai-Jlp convention. Jamea S. Barrudnle and Harry J. Burr; county menjber nf county committee, Lawrence Mct'ahe Jr. ■■

Fifth Ward—Flrpi'dleirict. county Oom inlllee. James Shanks; .Stale convenilnn, James Shanks, riiarles R Powelaon oimiy con\eritlo)i. (illn F.iremba, J(!hu

,1. Slmylur. K. L. H. Ikiggelt. Second dl.j trlcl. Henry \t' ('ulhereon. John \V Schroeder; county con''eniloii, Joseph P Atkin*. A. H. Brownell. Archie W. Pal mer. William E. Rundle: Third district Board of Kdiicalion. Joseph C’nUer; con­stable, Willium H. Dreschef: county cojv mlttee. Arthur Fletcher: State convention De W ill C, Beynnld*. George W. Bup* geln; county convention. Edward A. Wnliman. Klcimritfioti (3. Keeler. James 8. Shunghani. Edwin R. Olppen. city exectitlve committee. Wilbur R. Crane.

KEGl’ LAR REPrBi,iCAN.Fourth WBrd —First dUtrIct, City f!oun*

Hi. George A. Grover, Board of Eduen- lion. \\ llliam G. Thonmp: Juatlce of the peace. Elijah Domnus: constable. Will­iam K. rhrlfitlan: city executive commll- lee. WallarT Oiigheltree; county commit­tee, Howard B. Kinney.

Second Ward—Third dlsirlci, CUy Coun­cil. Samuel J. Blair.

DEMOCRATIC,Third Ward—First district, eounly

oommilLeo. John J. Maloney; Stale con­vention, John J. Maloney; county con­vention. James McCuster; city convention, Frank McConnell.

Fourth' Ward—First district. Alden Freeman; State convenllon. T*e Gago Prnit; cUy convention, Henry H. Green; county committee, William F. Weiner; county convention. William F Weiner. Second dlstHcl, City Comicll, Alden Free­man; county convention. Andr^tv L, Da- \'idson; Slate convention, Martin Con- l>oy: county convention, Martin Conboy; city convention. ^Andrew L. Davidson.

Fifth Ward—Third district, constabls, Thomas V. Flynn: county committee,George Knipper: State convention. George Knipper; county convention. Clarence W, Flynn.

FREEMAN RBPITBLICANRFourth W'ard—First district, councilman,

Aldeii Freeman; county committee, Frank E. Bell: Stale convention, Louis O. Hedden, Lloyd G. Morgan, William H. Kllmcke: county convenllon. Henry C. Albert, Henry A. Hottenroth, Juseph C, W'arner: city convention, Harry Blssell, Harry Adams. F. C. Flynn. Second dis­trict. city executive committee, Howard Peck, TValtsr H. Hlldich; State conven­tion. Harry E. Chapman; county conven tlon, Edward 8. Crain. James F. Cross: cUy convention, Leon W, Berg, Theodore RilMngton,

INDEPENDENT CITIZENS.Fourth Ward-Second district* council­

man. Alden Freeman, county convention, Alden Freeman.

Band W ill Play 9*a il-cla*a lea l A lr« T here To-morrowr aa d Solo**

Ut* W ill lln tf.The last courert In Branch Brook Park

for the will be given to-murrow «f*ternoon by Vincvntx's Band, lit addition to the iiistrinneriiul numbers there will ba VQcttI aolos by Wlllium Corcoran, George Apperman, Jan>« ?4 Flynn nnd W'llllum MerrJgan, The band number* follow: 'Star Spangled Banner." W'lth varla-

tl«n* ................ ThlleIndian Interincizo, 'The Mokl Maid'*

............................................................PoseyOverture, "Morning. Noon and Night

In Vienna" .................................. BnppeInlcrmezso, from "Cavalleria Ruatl-

cana'^ ...................................... MaicognlSelection from "Robin Hood*'..De KovunLullaby. "Sleep, Baby. Sleep"........WrightSelection from Offenbach's Operas. In­

cluding Bluebeard, Perichole, De- Babrant Jalie Parfumeuse, Grand Dutchess, Orpheus.

An Echo of the Ciucos Held^i hy Fifth W ard, East Or­

ange, Republicans.


Overture frum ''M arlha'...... Flotow’Faaphraae, "The Palms"................ Fauae"America."

WEDDING AT ESSEX FELLS.A wedding will take place at St.

Peter's Episcopal Church, Essex Felb, this afternoon, when Mi*s Katherine L. Bowers, daughter of James Bower*, ofWootton road, will be married lo OeiTge W. Alexander, of Flushing, I..ong Is/and.

Maved frutti Train IN'Iieele.Willis Dupuy. o f MontclRlr, who hB»

charge of (he electrical department of thi» Public Hervice Corporation in that town, iiaved a young woman from falling umle the wheel* of a train at the Lackawanne. Depot In HInumflcId yeaterday aft^n f^on, The woman was running up Olenwood nvpiiue to catch the (rain, which had mopped' At the station, but befor< alie got there it atarted. In attempting to hoard it <0iP fell. Dupuy grabbed her nnd *aved her from going und^r the wheel*.

The church decorations will be palms nnd cut flowers, and (he color scheme green and white. The bridal party will enter the edifice at 4 o'clock, led by the ushers, Harry H. Bowers, of Newark; Reginald 8. Tobey, of New York, and James d'Oraay Murray, of New York, followed by the flower girl, Dorothy Hope Bower*. The bride will be led to the altar by her father, tvliere they will be met by the groom and his best man, Dan­iel H. Burdett, o f New York. The cere­mony will be performed by Rev. R- W, E. Meriington, rector of the church. Henry Bwanfest will preside at the organ.

The bride's gown will be point applique, over chiffon and white silk, cut en trainv, with full bridal v'ell caught up with or­ange blossoms, and she will carry a shower bouquet of white roses. The flower girl, a elster of the bride, will wear A white lingerie hat and a while lace frock over pink silk, trimmed wllh pink ribbon, and she will carry a basket of pink rosen.

After the ceremony a reception will be held at the home of the bride's parent*, where the newly married couple will re­ceive under a bower of rose*.

FoahU l-H auok.Misii Lillie Hauck and George \V. Fox-

hlll, both of 134 Boyden street, were mar­ried Thursday nlghl at 418 Sussex street, Harrison, by Justice of the Peace Will­iam J, Hairiaon. The wltnease* were Wllllatn E. and Ijoulsa Harrison.

Ilorton -H iller.Mies Cecilia Hiller, of 13IKh ntreet. New

York, and James L. Horton, o f Arlington, were married lusi night by Justice of the Peace William J, I-Iarrlson. at his office on Second street, Harrison. The wit­nesses wM'i'e Wllllani E. and Laouisa Harri­son. The couple will live In Arlington.

F iillette-T hllo ,Mlea Caroline Thilo. daughter of Mr

ujsti Mrs. Frederick Thilo, of 203 Mulberryslicet. aud OHcar Follette, also o f llilu city, were married this afternoon In (he parsonagf* of the riinton Avenue Re­formed Church. Till! L'eremony waa per­formed by Rev. Andrew M. Arcularlua, assistant pastor of the church, The bride wore a traveling dress o f brown taffeta, with hat lo mutch, trimmed with white plumes She was attended by her sister. Mre. Rhorte* Whiting, o f this city, as matron of honor, and Rhode* Whiling Acted a.o bAst man. A unique feature of the affair war tho fact that the latter were wedded Juri a year ago to-day, and Mr, FoUettV octed aa bent nrnn at that ceremony. Mr. Folletle and hi* bride will reside In this city after a honeymoon spent In Providence. R. 1. They were tendered a reception last night ny Mr. and Mr*. Peter Kuhnen, at Ihelr residence at 2fi3 Mulberry street.

H A R I t l B O N - E A S T N E W A R KDuring the temporary RbRenca yester­

day o f the family of James Rose, o f 9 North Fourth street, Harrison, a sneak thief entered their apartments and stole 19.

Ml** Catherine C. Cohan, o f Palmer^ V., Is visiting friends In Harrison.

CONTEST m BELLEVILLE.OppoalHon Tlckpla at Dem oerntto

P rim ary fo r C oun t! C om m lttoo- luan and ConalaU*.

C o lb ! MoallnR Olran I p.Th? Bpconfi DVard "new tfien" meetInK

that was to have been held In [.ycenm Hall Inst night, hod to be aboTidoned be­cause the room li undergoing tcpiilra and la occuplad with scaltoldlng. There waa some mlaunderatandlng betwoen tho or- rangementa committee and the, owners ot the hrill.

R r frrm d lo the A ttorner-tianernl.Aldan Praeman, of East Orange, has

received a letter from flupri'ino Court Clerk Hiker, replying to a request for Ihe record of the disbarment proceedings against J. Frsnkllr Port and Joseph A. Beerher In ISSIl. Mr. Hiker writes thnt he has referred the matter lo the otlor- iiey-gcneral.

Vaoanolen 'WeretFllled.At last night's meeilngsof the board of

Balilen A ided bg Hnraen. During th* laat week Ui* 'Vial

NurkehAaaoctation has been doing a wofnew o f Bending alch biMe* olfor a dag’B exearalon. Uttle onee recov

• M d fee BOOK naU ad PBBC. AVIIKIXO COm 1M W . Sdlh U ., g . r ,

FOB Mt,B ST «H A ». « « « , 1 H atoitet B liw l,

L. B A H M B B rn • » e .P im p B M M , ddf. BradMd Bl Mdrtdd Btk

erlng from an Illness have been given a sail to Coney Island with their mothera. Some tickets 'were received through the fresh air committee or the Female Char­itable IhKlety and twenty-eight were do­nated bF the company running the exour- aiona. The company also provided an Ice chest in which to keep fresh idllk for the bablea, thus surmounting tin only ob­stacle In the way ol the tota going.

M. B onu etl's W ill Probated.The wUl o f Joel U. Bonnelt. o f this city.

who died August 19, Waa admitted to probate In the eurrogatt'a once to-day.testator b^ueatha all ot hl^astala to his son. Charles J. Bonnell, who It named aa tM aaie egeeutor.

“ Good DigestionW AITS ON APPETITE”

when a man regularly break ltita

Grape-Nuts'* V h «r « 'g » R s a i o n / *

directors o f the German-Atiorrlcan Centra) Association to fill vacancies enuaed by the resignation of Chari** Hoffmann and WlUifttn fit. George, Otto Jahn, of the Plattdustschen Versln. and Paul Llndoer* fer. of the ftunblan Saengcrbund, were elected.

Thar* will be a contest for the nomijui' tlon for member of th* county commUfae from ih'e Becond dl*trlct In Bfltlevtlle, at the Democratic primary I'nthe township, John 'Travers having filed a petition aa a rundldate for the office. Thomas H- Hreen, chairman of the Township Com­mittee, who the eholc* of th* Demo­cratic caucus u ’orochlal Hall, Thuiw day night, s'lll oppo*e Mr. Travsr* for the position. Michael J. Quinn has also fii id a petition for the Democratic nomination for ootiatable-

The Republicans of the township filed their pelltlora laat night with Township Clerk John J. Hannan, naming MlUon J- Webster for township committseinnn. George W. Daniel* and Edward J. Sa*»d- ford for constables. Henry R. Kente Tor justice o f the peace, John C. Weber, Ed­ward W. Ryan, Thoma* M. Watson, Will­iam T. McCullough, Edward Math**, Har­old A, Miller, James G. Brown and Er.ra Baldwin for delegates to the county cuii- vention; Emil C, MerW, Henry Oarrlao:i, Samuel E. Martin and James McCuilouga for delegates to the State convention, unit Herbert F. Smith, William Lister, Jamoa K. Provost and William F, Peroy for members of the county committee.

John Foster Jr., of 606 North Fourth street, Ifarrlion, ha* returned from « three weeks' stay at Far Rockaway.

Mrs. Abram Fielding, of 409 Nortii D'ourth street, Harrison, ha* returned from a two weeks’ outing at Bradley Beach.

Freeman Hackett, of North Fourth street, Harrison, and William H, Hack- eti, o f Newark, have gone to Toronto for a stay.

The Misess Ijorretta McClqr* and Mary V. Goodman, of Harrison, returned last night fr >m % month's stay in the Ad­irondack*.

The Harrison Town Republican Oom- inlttee ha* indorsed Councilman Clarence T. Van Deren for member of the county executive comfiiittee.

Tbomaa Mckett, of William Street, Harrjsou, Is spending his varatfon trav­eling through the New England States.

Miss Margaret Cassidy, of Cleveland avenue. Harrlerm. is visiting relative* In Wilkes-Barre. Pa.

Mrs. Patrick McCanvllle, of Second street, Harrison, left to-dar for Oxford. N. Y.. where she will spend three weeki* with friend*.

A party, composed of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Coyle and famlb', Mr. and Mrs. John Donnelly, Mr. and Mrs. Charle. Bicgiier and Mr, and Mr*. A, Levey, all of Harrison, are enjoyltig an outtng along the Iy>ng Island Sound on board of Mr. Coyle’s yacht I*orelta C.

Mrs. George Caparn and daughters, of Cleveland avenue, Harrison, returnca yesterday from a three month*’ visit to friends at Lincoln. N.cb.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arnhelur, of 409 North Fourth street, Harrison, are. at Hortons, Morrla County, for a two weeks' stay.

Robert Magher 8r., of 901 South Fourth street, Harrison, left town last night for Buffalo, where. It is said, considerable property has been left Mm.

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Thee*, o f North Fifth Biroet, Harrison, returned yeslerday from Tobyhanna. Pa., where they have been spending the aumraer.

Mis* Helen Maher, daughter o f Str**x

Merrill Watson, a former member o| the East Orange Board of Education, has given out a letter which he wrot* ts School CoramJsslqnsr .foweph Colter, after the latter had made a epeeci> at a oaucui o f the Republican voters vf th* Fifth Ward of East Orange. A'lgusl 14. It 1* said that Colter's statemeuis implied that corruption existed in the government o f the city. Colter had JiTsi been nominated over Joseph String for schoul commiesion- er when, lirXl* *P®<iCb pf acceptance, h* ' declared that the city weti mlsmiLnaged, •• although he failed to mention any names. . Watson asked Coker to reply ti» his letter within five day*, hut CoUer failed lo do *o.

Tn hie letter Walsoii urged Colter to ex­plain just whom he had-reference to. W«»ir- ion declared t^ut publicity should b* given the m.±tter In order to exonerate the twenty-nine citlseris who voted against- i the school commissioner'* nomination.The letter. In part, was as follows:

"I wa* present at ihe cauqus o f the ... dtlxens of the Fifth Ward recently and wna with others a witness (o a moat vu- usuaI scene, namely, a vlctorloua candl- " date. In response to a call for a speech. Indulging In Inslnuatlona and slur* agalnit those who had voted for another man. and at the same time prating of Chrlatlon charity and boasting of courage.

“ I want (Q Know the name of th* man* whether he be officeholder, city employ* or private citljen, who prncrlsc* auch methods, and I want to he4p keep him out of office. Will you name him, please?

"I also want to know w'hat are th# things that need correcting in Lhls oily which you referred to. If you are # courageous officeholder nnd publlc-aplrlted , cltiten you will tell me what they ar*.

Stipe. Tlnvey's ffaine DrngHed Iw."It had been learned (hat a person who ■

conaldera himself one of the polhlrut " guardians o f the ward had made a state­ment tliat they 'ft’nnted to re-elect you, because k had been discovered that tho grammar schools of our city were poorly mannged, and that they needed overhaul- Ing, and that Siipeiiutendent Davey wa# to be dropped iJiIh winter and a now man procured far Ills plarp, It was quUe easy to believe this statement, because o f your known re\;urd in (ho l>oard aa an opponent to Mr. Davey. Ii wna known that you ' had suggested to Mr. Davey thnt the Hlg‘s fk'hoo! he taken from under his conlioi,U was known ihui you are In alllanco with the chairman of the Commlltee oft Teachera. whose determination I* to dmp Mr. Davey ai the end of the enming year. (

‘ The friends of Mr. Rtrlng who voted for him reRard aMt, Davey as a m«n o f high cliaraciei', aud to whom more than in any other Is due the credit tor bring­ing our seluKjls to the high standard o t ' wnlch you aiuI kU ckleens boast.

"Will you vote for the renewal o f Bfr* Davey’s contract this winter or 'notT He will be a ramUdale for re-election. You have been In the board for six yean . You know whether he Ip fit for the plao#'"^ or nol, aud want in know exactly where you elalid on It. All o f the twenty* - nine olilzeus who voted for Mr. Strinjff want lo kfu)w just whj re you Bland,"

Mr. 4 o ile r 's R eply,Mr. Colter was surpiieed this mnrningj

when Informed that Mr, Watson had given out a copy of the letter. He declar#!cl that '. on the advice of friends he had decided not lo send any reply,

When qiieatloned as to what lie meant when he referred to the corrupt condU tinns tn East Orango. iii> declared that th# ' time had not come when he should giv# ’ • oul anything definite. He maintained that too much wa* at stake to enter a contro­versy. which would ffceompllslt nothing, Mr. (i?olter declared tiiat the impressloti regarding hla attitude toward Mr. Wat­son WAH entirely wrong

"I am Absolutely unprejudiced against that man.” Mr. Coker remsrked thf# morning. "When 1 showed hla letter ta five Influential men in the Fifth Ward of East Orange each of them pressed upoa ^ me the advice not to answer. The #iib- * stance o f the comments, ha* been that ifi wa* too Inlemperals. too dltcoiirteoue! 4 too harsh and threatening to be w orth y of attention or de*ervlng of an answer.. ' A few other prominent men In othe# wards of th* city, having heard of th* 1st- v* ter, asked permission to read H and *ac]| voluntarily ad\i*ed me not to answer.”


N os* T e n p e H ta r * . ST 9r| ;rr.* ,The temperstur* *t noon to-flay nse

HV flegree*. At 7 o'clocit It wan tl anfl at J) o'clock this morning 80 degrees. The humldltF St noon waalG twr cent, and at T n'clock thI* morning tS per cent. Tho wind at noon was from the west, blowingtwo miles an hour. The highest tompe:’-

“ “ ■ " fow-ature yeilerdsy was 77.8 degrees, the eat 53 and the avarage 86 degrees. Thaaverage humidity was 86 per cent. The

i l l l i ..................................................prevailing wind was from the weet. witha mtutlmum velocity of twelve mllee an hour. One year to-day the highesttemperature area gl degrees, tke lowest and the average 71.(6 degrees. The aver*age temperature for the month waa 74.8 degrees. The highest reached wea Au- guit IJ. whan It regiatered 84 and the Inweat August E7, St degrees. There were (Ifht clear dayi during the month, lev- enteeh partly eloudy and six cloudy.

Jow raegA eB Tlwner* to Meet.A meeting ot the journeymen tin and

sheet metal workers will be held thisafternoon to conalder a proposition de elded on At a joint conference yeaterday of the committees from the Master Plumbers’ Aaeoelatlon and the MasterTinners. It Is eald the nroposltten will he a compromlee on the demanda of thejourneymen, and there li s likelihood of It being accepted and no strike being or­dered.


T w o T o v n g A g ton ob llle te Tegv Kg gad D ow n Pom pton T nrnp lko

In ITerong.

ComralflBloner Daniel F. Maher, o f Hat- . - - ■ ' ■ ■ fri

Two young men In an automobile, on which there were no numbers, set the epeed laws at deflance on Pompton tum* pike, Verona, yesterday afternoon. K art­ing from the Montclair Hotel, the raaobinc waa run at a speed of at leaet fifty miles art hour down the western elope o f First Mountain, through Cedar Orove and. up the eastern elope' of Seeond Mountain to the BIngao line. At tha latter point the car was turned end tha return trip made at the eame terrifie speed. This was re­pented several times.

Few other vahlole* were on the thor- oughfare at th* tlma, and thay war* com. pelled to pull into the gutters, laavlng the centre o f the road to the automobllists. They were bareheaded and were laughlm

rtson, arrived home last night from a month’ s stay In the Cafsktll Mountains,

Mary Wtlllania, sixteen years old. o f 230 .Teraey slreet, Harrison, was removed from her home lit the Harrison ambulance to St. Michael's Hospital yesterday after­noon. lo be treated for typhoid fever.

John Reilly, twenty-five years old, of John atreet, Harrison, w a! Injured about the chest yeaterday afternoon by being kicked by a horse he wa* driving for the New Jersey Adamant Company, o f Pas­saic avenue, Harrison. He wae removed to hie home. , _

The Harrison Board o f Education baa decided to adopt the BlUworth system of writing In the achoola when they open Monday, September 9.

William J. Lord, a former resident o f Horriaon, hut Who I* now a member ot the r,eglslature o f Connecticut, has suc­ceeded In getting a law passed by that body prohibiting the emplnymetit ot women for more than ten hours a day. and forbidding the employment o f mem­bers of either sex under sixteen years o f age In any manufacturing, mechanical or mercantile work.

Bev. Dr. William A. Knox, jyaator o f the Davla Memorial Methodist Church. Har­rison, has returned from Fonda, N. T.. where he spent his vacation. He wilt conduct services In the church to-mor­row. In the morning there will be com- iponlon services, and at night the pastor will preach.

Mlae Ethel Gamble and Miss Norms Gamble, of SH Harrison avenue, Har­rison, are at Asbury Park.

Thomas H. Callahan and his alaler. Oretta Callahan, ot North Fourth atreet,

T he Orange Theatee,Manager C. W. Currier, of the Grang*

Theatre, has hooked a varied and Inters ‘ eetlng list of auractlons for the enter* tainment o f patrons of lhat house nexg week. Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cablli’V company will occupy the stage next Mon.^^^ day afternoon and evening. tJndel- th*"^. diretulon of Henry Miller, an excellent" company, Including Miss Mabel Mont* gnniery. will preeent "ZIra," In which. J- Mias Margaret Anglin Hatred a couplg-r o f aeasons ago, next Tuesday nlghl, Thd...| mualcal comedy, "Peggy from Paris," for ,- which George Ade wrote the hook, w ill; be staged Wodnesday nlghl. On Thure-,,,, day evening Manager Henry B. Harrts'g ,;j famous production, "The Lion and th* Moils*," will bo tha offering by an ad-' T mlrable company. Miss Fernandu ElliOU.'- '• supported by Edwin Arden, Jeffrey* Ijewla, Alice Butler, George Backus an4 other talented players, will present .* Friday night an adaptation by Pro­fessor Hervey, of Columbia Uni- »varsity, of Z. LIMin’ s fine drama, "R u th .” As a yiddlah play, th* » piece was staged In the Yiddish Theatiw ,j in Ihe Bowery. New York, laat season for a week's run, but 11 proved to be JSO ,j. Interesting not only to tho regular pa­trons of the house but to many cultured 't and Bngllih speaking i V ygoers, that Ig 'l* waa kept there for sixteen week*.

C oorl D larh*rgea T ro lley Men.Peter Fader. Thomas Ward, MIctiaat

Now Y. W , C. A. geeretary.Miti Cara May Adams, of Llabon. N.

D„ the Bsw general ■eoretary (or the locfii I- W, C. A., Is oxpectad to atriv* to-day.

iVYoAes HairLook RichN o need to u k it you want fo u r h tir to lo o t rieli, heiltby, and la n r iu it .V o know you do t Ayer't Hilr Vigors new Im^Ted fonnuli, will it Jiuttbit apMtrance. AnMenlbalrdfwi-ln ( . A ik yourdoetorgbontit.

Y^rrlaon, ar* nt Camp Harrioon, Atlan-Hlghtande, for A *t#Y<

Putice TolQn said that he had been in' Btructed by Mayor Goldberg to hav* Ut* car* itopped and th* rrewB arr«*ted. H# believed that tho trolley men whp wep# arreited were In un way to blfttn* for ■ i the noi*e. and asJd that It would b* iwi , Injuptlee to fine the men. The acting recorder took the same view of th* ter. The o^er* isBued by Mayor Gold­berg for the police to stop the no1*y car# • from running through the town and for, the police 10 arrcit the crew* waa coun- , termanded by Goldberg to-day. The polio#

pany. ey doing thfe there will b* no do- la; ‘ *lay lo traffic.


Ourrliy nnd John Bone, the trolley crew* y who were arrested Wednesday night fOP running trolley cars, which the Kearnj; c.rimning -------- . , ,oIBclals declared made considerable noise,. were discharged from custody by Actlln#., Recorder Hatetrom laat night. Chief o f , /

' ............................. ■ ■ 1- ■',<

are now to take the number of the car and report the matter to the trolley com . *.

■JKM nyer K enuy Indorsed .At a meeting o f the Good (^veramen t

Club of East Newark, loot tdght, ^ e fo l- ■ lowing ticketwa* Indorsed: W^or.IMwurtj * Kenny; collector, Terence O Donnell; eg- eeieori John H. Martin: _councIljneP. *1three years, John Brown and CharlM A «- dereon; councilman, on* year, O aoff* White, _______________________

J K V I K O T O N A N D H l l e T O X .Mrs. Jamea £ . Ten Eyck, Of 18(1 Clinton

avenue, Irvington, will spend the neat twoweeks at Somerville.

Mr*. Frederick W. Falrthnrnt. of Clin­ton avenue, leave* Monday tor a ylalt to her old home ad Bridgeton, where she wiltremain three week*.

Mre. Charlsa B. Terrill, ot Ult Smlng- field avenue, left lo-dSy for Far ttooK-away. to be gone two weeki.

MiM Louise HawUni, ot Boyden gve- nue, Milton, ha* retarMB from

Dr. Henry Pfeiffer is In timrtA tor two weeha.

John Becker, of Boyden avenue, Milton, b u Teturaad from hla voontlon, gpent in the CataklUg.

The HlUon Piiblle School will OBsai Sep-

Baymou'r Coeytnan. of Hlltoti, It©,,?**** mwntnt to )olij;^^^tolhe«j^»«». WllUam

^^^A^UAokitDlth eho^ ^ avenue. Irvington.gvenue. Irvington, belangl' Harper, esugst firs iM' entirely doi&oyed. Th* UM. A spark from theiot fire to a barn^ beloi_.Broa, next door but tho bJ« tlngulebed with a alight losa.

Mr*. N. W. 8w ei*r..9 f Union kvoaue.Inrlngtoft, started to-day on k ,*flp to Ciuaoa

The interior of the Hilton CkrtitianChutbh ll being reWfldeled. T K c h ^

' much larger, a raUIng ig to beloft win ho------------ ---- — i--------- - .erected to form a oommunjon epcloaure u d the pulpit will ba matejnnaUer

MUa Eet^e Herrtaon. ot Grove itrMt. Irylnfton.1^ tor Nlg^ra FaUa

Dr. Lyon’sP I R F E O T

Tooth PowdorCleaniet. preseivet and beaut ifiet the teeth, and

Purihei the bteath A superior dentifrice for people of refinement

Eitabiiiheii in (666 h f


Advertiaeiaeata recMved after llski ' P. ll. ’Thla IW appean in SbcwmI

aad ntird B4ltiaaa wdr.

Loax.BOOK—Lhh, laniniK! eaUemePe boek, «a . t

Markit at. Pluae ntun to C. tAHiOl- ,t fX LO , 71 'WtlllaM ef.. Cut Orange.



Republians H ive All Their Petitions Filed— Democrats

Have Only One In.


One o f the inoM inlere^tlnEt nn>l harj fought political bntUea In ihe hl^lo^y of Kearny 1g proinlBcd far the next ten duye, whet) the struggle will tie brought la a climax at the primaries. The uontedt wUl be within the Repiiblli-nn party. Op- poeltlon tteketa have been ,placed In uil wnrda, ns the petition.^ AUmI up lo nui- night last night with Town Clerk WIM- ition ahow. The oonteHt for the Mnyur* alty Jiumliiatlon Ja atlrncting much iiLl Untlon. There nre nix known canJidatca for the office. Iji the FItal Ward. Coun­cilman John Duvj(is^>n. Harry Crookuil and Jnmea Brlrrley nre talked of for the nomltiHlIon. In the Third. Louia M. Brock and John 0'C<mnor arc iifter the place, and tn the Fourth. Wlllhim Hii:,’- berg \e the lutcat cniulJdntf The Set ond Ward la lying tow In ihln OrIiI, wllh the hope that » muii from ihui ward might be selected to miiie liic warring factions when the fon\'criU'»n la rnni'U.

Four petltlopH have been tiled bj- can didatea for councJltnnn nn ihe Hcpiihllca: ticket In the Serend W.ird. In FirJ' Third nnd Fourth wnide two eeia of i>c titlnna have bpcn sem irv by the Ropu’ i- llcana. Kot only will there be conteeta for the tiomltmilon of raunfllmr.n, but the election of delennies tn the Stni<', county and town cniiventlnns wUl u1.-u be hard fought. In nil warde. with tin- exception nf the First, there will be i ■truggle for the nominntlon for nnunbor o f the Board o f Education.

The petltloufl fthnl by the Repuhllr.ia., bear the following names of rnrujkl.ilej for peleellim al the prlmarltts; stale enu- vention. First Ward, Flrel district, el . i one, David Ferguson: Second dlsirlci, eh 't two, Bamuel Worthington. Wlllbun M Rekl. WllUnm McPeck, J"hti ;Second Word, elect two. Hi'oritfr F. Mu’ ■on, George F. Wilson, Cluirle. i W. H,,f- ■irom, Robert Tanner; Third Ward, elect two, Httrry B. Caithneas, J‘''i'iink Knr)-; Fourth Ward, elect I wo. ItUlHnm K. WuJ- bnek, Adolph Amann, JuTueM Fiaem.iij, Stephen Rogers.

County convention, First Wanl. First district, elect two. Charles BHilllor, Walter Humphries; Second dljstrlct, ele^t thrfC, Forest MePerk, John Thnmsnn, Andrew N. Beveridge. Thomas Mills. Henry Cvuokall. Edward Sargent; Second \ ’ srtl, elect four, Thomas E, Gilmore. PVederJek L<idge, John F. Kay. Charles Smack, Joseph

. Adamaon, Robert Agle. Wllhun Robb. Al- ]ar Hilton; Third Ward, elect four. Archu bald MacArthiir, Frank r. Platt, Charles C. Reick. Aenry V\’ . Schmale: Fourth Ward, elect four, Erllng H. King. Robert A. Smith, Arthur C. Lrudbeater, Walter R. Shepherd. George Wood. William ling- berg, James Freeman, Stephen Rogers.

Town convention. First W'nrd, First dis­trict, elect two. James C. Unuhart, Snm- «et Magee; Second district, elect three, Jamea Butterfl‘ ld, Wniter Brookes. Ed­ward Sargent, George Murray,Uomes W'y- lle, Daniel Lord; Second Ward, elect four, Cecil Amot. Robert Agle. John D. ran- tie*, Robert England. Joaeph Adamaon. W'dllam Robb, Atlas HlUon; Third Wanl: Third district, elect four, Daniel D. Hryfin. Joseph Child. George A. King. George Mc- Cllhtock, pledged to Louis M. Brock for Mayor; Dr. James A. Exlnn, John I*am- bertson, Prank Koch, Allen E, Crosble: Fourth Ward, elwt four. Alfred B. An* deraon. Benjamin W. Brown. Herbert T.. Craig, Charles R. Michel, John Llebfeld. John Clurkson Jr., George Seeley, Charles Hoilond.

For Councilman, F'lrsl Wnnl. Willlnm B. Rosfi, P’ 'er Banta: Second Word, Robert Torrtinee, William Qreenlleld, John Ter-

” hune, Peter Lloytl: Third Ward, Edward L. Knapp. Samuel B. Terry; Fourth Wurd. John J. Howe, Charles Holhyid.

For member *>f Board of Education, First Ward, James A. Kelly: Second Ward, James Cox, Adolph E. Srhlllai: Third Ward, Duncan Campbell, Francis Toft Fourth Ward, George Warlck, Eieury Flledner.

Only one Democratic petition wsie flied, that being from the Second Ward. t'Mur.- cilman William Greenfield is a candidate for. councilman, and Daniel Desmond e k. the nomination for member of the Hoa»d o f Education. John F. Riley 1b candidate for delegate to tlie State convention, Tioi- Othy McCarthy and John Durkin are nut for the election of delegate* to the coiin- ly convention and John Durkin ami AIL‘«J Kenworthy are mentioned for deiegutcj the town conveniioN.

ma Bang-up

Timektake five cents

to the grocery and ask for

a package of


You*ll hit the mark every time.


WALDRON & CO., x u T c r t i o r a ^ n R


East Orange Board of E dua- tion Gives $82,262 Contract

to Newark Firm.


pe-ru -n a Greatly Relieved H er^ ^ H er A ilm ent -Gained T h ir ty Pounds in W eig h t.


Th* rnntrnct for the new Lincoln SrhfK)l. tti Cenir.Tl and Maple av^nuta, East Orange, was iiwarded by the Bi>ard of Kdiicatlon of that city last night to K. M* Waldron & Co., of Newark, Whoac flirure was 18 262. The lender wu« cepicd with the proviso that the agree­ment Jietween the board and the firm shuuld Include nil the mason, carpentry. Iron, phimbJng nmJ elcetricnl work. The board reiWTVCd'the right lu avnlJ lleelf « the prtvllegii within.a reuaonnble time of substituting any o f the nUerfiAtlvv If nnr* of work at the prices named fti i^e bid- The hoard nlwo atkpulnted (hat the hid fat grading shall aim be opltonal with the board ut a lime when It shall be ready to coneidef the same.

All the bids for heating and vcntliallng were rejected. U was a!»o decided to amend the rpeclllcrttloiia atm aubitHuLc A onr-phsHe motor for '.he motor l.> the ventUntlng plant. Throe btda hud iM'cii presenud, one each from Storras ik t ’o.. l-pwla IV. HulierflcM ami ihe Oui Kiigln'-i-rlug Company.

James rihanks wai mud'- clutlrmuti of thp rupplj' committee, succ«'i-dhig Harvey R. Halsey, irha receut*y reHigiiinl froth inc Hoard of Fdocalion.

MISSIONARY TO PHILLffINES,f>r. R obert M. Carter, o f Mantelalt^

WIU Stnrt fo r the Far lilBBt Next W crlt.

Dr. Robert W. Carter, of Motitdalr, hos Licrn appointed a medTcul missionary by Hie General Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mlawlunn. and has been 08»igncd to work at Diimnguele, Island of Lu*0n, Phll'nplnc IsUnda The ilactor. nccom- punJed by Mia. ( ’nrtpr. will leave for hts new field of wi.irk next Monday,

I>r Carter was graduated from the New York College Of Fhyalclane and Sur­geons last Jiijitx He la Uie son of Rev,

ATTACK COUNCIL'S ACTION.flnrrtaon S ch ool Hoard Qarattona

A lilrrm en 'a R ight tt> Cut l>otTii .^pproprlfitloti Voted by Peoplr.

A lively cllBCUBsloii look place last night al the meeting « f the llarrlpon Uourd uf Edurallon over tbe notion of the Town Council In cutting down the schoui appro- prlEitlon from the umount’ vote.l ntthe annual school elecUon In March The matter was brought up by Trustee Bruphy, who nUiled that while he had re­ceived no official notice of the reduciIon, be and other menibem of the board had noticed that In the tax budget puased by the council the amount for school pui- poses had been cut-

Trustees O'Malley and Deenmnfl said they did not think the council had the power lo ullsr the sum voted hy the peo­ple. On molion of Mr. O'Malley Clerk IJrophv waa directed ta notify tbe County Board of Taxation of (he eoundl'a aoHon.

The Finance Committee was also In­structed to confer with a like committee from the cijuncll In order to learn why the change was made.



LATnitAUI.NolU‘« Is hersby given that the TnwfiJt.ip

Cominlueo ef the Irntfuship «.f UaulU Orani^liAk, by r<ioiuil( o July iigupiHl. ileGared Iti inuaiis'a to conitruvt or i-nmie to t>« c n- •uurtea *a-j laid, elieel rewer lotertUs for »au- ae.'Uun «Ult the Jaliu trunk tu-wer la eaii luwMi.ii', in II.* *i»evi* of thsl ■ertlon of ih«

lov. h*V.t|) iKJlinJeil apprcxLmutcly «• fobluus:Friiin the pinrtiri>i ’ ( Indlein* ttrrel Mndl.itur*1 8 *nu< arrltn riv to Itpr1nffl4tii sv-au* on ihe Unit; iMiic* slCioB tlie northerly sirL of SiTiuuflfM a\enue t>i Hoyden avenue, th ao# nioni Hoyden .i\i.nue lo Elmwitod avemic, then-’f eli.tift Ibinwitud tvenu* la the Irvlit 'tiHi (own lino on the north; (bene* slonit «ald Ir> vlDgten town hiu> tiv the Union Township lln-j on the rn i. ih<'iU‘* nlnnir m M Union Township lln« to plsco e| beginnliiif on (bo south; to i|i» joint trunk eewer.

All awmr» u( |*ml \Uhin the spproil.inaieij draldSge > r*a of such pnip<«ei rewtrs as Hisy wtsli to obieci thereto *ro Ueroby notP fled anil requesteil (a ineoent their cl'JerrbNis 111 wrtilnc at n meeilr g cf the raid fcan- Ship Committee, m Ini held nt tlhj ToVnSt.lp ■"enimlUefl room tn MsplewLod, In raid tuwU- sblp, on Tueidoy, Iho tmth <1*y nf ^ptsrv.bnr, nineteen humhed anil ■i'%i:ti. hi H o'clock P, M.. Ht which time «*tt>l entinnUtee msy coaselof ar.tiasnces providing for th* ct-nilruc'ilra of ■iiid sewer lateraU.

Tbe Towhebln Cennitlee nf the Vownititp of South OrsTipr*, In the enunry of Csiey

By CDWATtP It ARrUl ARirS Township rierk.

: B L O O M F I E L D .Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Green and Mr.

gtid Mra. William Lambert have gone to Montreal and the Thousand Inlanda.

Mr. and MrS. J. F. Bersleyer and daughter, of Broad street, are vlelting at li«banon, N. H.

itavid John, infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. John F. John, of Essex avenue, died Tlmrsday night.

Former Mayor Gei rge Peteraon is a candidate for freeholder on the Republl- cart ticket.

The regular communications of Bloom- Ueid Lodge, F. and A. M.. will be re- gumed next Wednesday night.

Mlea Sara Bayliss, of Orchard street, la gt 'fUanley, Wls.

John Hetfel Jr., o f Montgomery streei. ■tarted to-day for Glcncove. l,.ong Island.

Eiaytiiopd I... ‘Wolden has rciiirtintl from A three monUia' stay In Europe.

Mr. and Mm. Leopold Block, of Glen- 'ipood avenue, who have been traveling In ^ r o p e for iwo months, will sail for home to-day.

Miss Gertrude Wilde, of Myrtle atreet, la «t Bradley Bench.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D, Anderson nnd Isaac P. WDllaena, o f Belleville avenue, are. home from Lake George. N. Y.

(paries Woods, o f Bloom field avenue, Ihas gone to Providence, E. 1., on his va- I cation.

Mr. and Mrs. William Uowartb, of Myr- . tie street, xire al Saratoga, N. T.

The Misses Ijouise Weden and Tlllle Chambers are at Pine Brook,

Mrs. Samuel Fisk and son. Melville G. Ftsk, o f Benson street, are honip from Buffalo.

Holy communion will be observed at the teom ing sendee in the Park Methodist vhurch to-morrow. At night Rev. Dr. JfMe L. Hurlbut will preach on "A Young lla n ‘8 Que^lon."• The Williamson avenue bridge over the Blrfe was set on flre.^arly this morning by a spark from a locomotive and slight­ly damaged. The bridge Is an old one. end the Towb Council- lias repeatedly

the railroad company that » new gtructure must be erected.

Mrs. Joseph Matthews and Mfsa Mai- thews, of Spruce alreet. are In Dover.

KF.AKNV A5il> ABLI>GTONKobert Lone, of Highland avenuo. Kear­

ny. returned homo yesterday from a vaca­tion (pent In Providence, R. I., nnd Fall River, Mass, , ^

HIm EllKibeth Khmann, nf Johnson gTdnue; Misses L)'dia and Minnie snimann, o f Kearny avenue, nnd MU» Joa Stone, o f Dukes street, all of Hear- i y , left yesterday for a week's stay at Ocean Orove, „ „ .

Henry Willoughby Sr., of Wlndeor •treel. Kearny, lias returned from a two nuntths' stay tn France and Great Brlt- ^ and Will spend the remainder of the summer at Highland Bench.

Dr. Raliert M. Carter.Dr. Thomas Carter, now deceased, for many years piistor of the First Prestiy- terlan Chiirrli in Boonioii. He was edu­cated In the Itoontrjn scliools and at !*rtneelon I'nlverslty.

The dociiiv lias liren a resident nf Mimtclair for the past six jeurs. Ida Inline being on Bradford place. He mar­ried Misa Edna Frrrls. dBiighler of hai- wlti Ferris, of Claremont and Midland avennes. Montclair. Mr. and Mra. t'nr- ter are membeis of Trinity Presbyterian Church, lhat town

Rev. Dr. Orville Reed, pastor of Trin­ity Church, a former missionary and pro­fessor in the American College at Beirut. Byrla, aided Dr. Carter Tn securing his appointment.

Mr. anil Mrs. Carter will go to the Philippines by way of Seattle. from wtilcli city they will take pa.ssnge on the ste,anishlp Minnesota, the same vessel which will carry Secretary Taft to Hong Kong. China. From there they will go to Manila and then to Dumaguete. A hospital has been built In the Philippine city in which Dr. Carter will practise.

'M r. an d ’HrsrPhilip Lynch of Phlladek shla, who havB been .visiting Mr. and

Mrs. Thamai Henley, of 60} Devon street, Arlington, returned diorno'yesteMsy.

David Idungholm, Edward Knvanaugh

C A L I J W E L L .MLas Jessie Baldwin, of Mountain ave­

nue, la visiting friends In East Orange.Philip E- Hogert. of Brooklyn, is the

guest of J. Augustus Bogerl, of Haoford place.

Mias Anna Henderson has returned from a two weeka’ on tin ga t Asbury Park.

Mias Edltli Welloii, nf Gould place. li.iS returned from Belmar, where she played a aeason's engagement as pianist.

Miss Anna BltericU. of TIillaide avenue, la at Stamford, N. Y.. for two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tliorward. nf Wash, burn tdace, tuive returned from an outing at Allaiitic City

Rev. and Mrs. Oscar L. Joseph have been entertaining Ihc Misses Sarah and Elizabeth Oullck. of Gladslone.

The Husk family will hold a reunion at bfonlvllle Monday,

Tlie Epwortli League of the Methodist church will give a supper In the church basement Thursday. Scptoniber 5.

Mias Louise Sprer has returned from her vacr.tlon spent lu the Cat.sktlls.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Davenport left this morning for a weeks ouMng at Greenwond Lake.

Miss Helen Harrison, of West Cnidwell Is entertaining Miss Emma Kelmel. of West Orange, snd Miss Mildred Fran­cisco of Essex Fells.

Mrs Frederick H. Cook, of Ploomneld aveiiiie, has been cnierLiInlng Misa Al­berts Schuler, of Ml. Vernon, N. Y.

Cornelius Huage and family, of Brook- side avenue left Wednesday for Asbury Perk, where they will remain until Oc­tober.

A "hop" will he held at the Monoiu- onock Inn 1o-t|lglit A dance will aUu take place next Monday night.

Rev. Oscar L. Joseph will preach on the topic, “ Religion In Homespun," In the Methodist church to-morrow morning. Tbe evening subject will be "In God's Onen Air."

Mrs, JaniGs Tuttle Robf, of Btoomftuid avenue. In Bpeiiding a month In tha Adlrondacka,

Martin Rlker. of Forest avenue, re­lumed this mornlns from a month’ s visit to relatives in OsWago, N. Y.

S P K l M U F l E L l l aRev. Mr. Walth, of Arffstnore, I. T„

will oeupy tbe pulpit o f the Pi'esbyienun church at both eervlcea to-morrow.

The topic o f th($ morning sermon, to be preached by Rav, Henry 0, Thompson lu the Methodist church, to-morrow, will Ul "Deep Water Fiehing/' lu ihe evening nn ISpworth l.A^ugue ralLy wilt be held.

The Democrats o f the township have prepared the foHowinf ttckei to be voit:d at (he primaries: Delegates to tha Statu and county oonvoutluiis, respocUveiy, James T. Slckiey nnd George W. Parscii; Juetlco o f the pence, HowtU'd Johnston, township committeeman, George w . in r

' Joliti.Adame: ■uf'August Dangler ai

The Misses l e R<»cuf. of Main alreel. Fast (Tange, are at Ashury Park,

Mr and Mm. E. S. Campbell, of ^ Steuben street. Easi Orange, are ■peiitllng six wes'ks nt Novo Sruila.

Dr. and Mrs. Genrgf D. Cook, of Ho|- lywoOiJ avenue, East Orange, are at XI- agnrn FflllN.

Mr. and Mrs, D C. Whitman Jr., of 311 Steuben streH. Kohi Orange, have gone lo Malden, N. V

Mr. and Mrs. J. H Gay. of South Munii avonue, Fast Orang*'. started this morning in ibtlr automobile for WllMuma- r>>rt. Pfi. .

Rjilpli Lop, of y> Spring stropt. East Orange. Is In Trenton nnpiidlng the Sons of Ht. Gnorge'a coiivejiilon.

xMr. iimi Mrs. T. F. Ofihorn, <*f Holly­wood avjniie. Eaet Orainge. have re­turned from Lake Hdpatcohg. and have gone to Orenn tJrove.

MIPS Loretni E Dempsey, who has been spending her vncutlnn ut Coney Island and New Brunswick, has returned tn her home Oil Bedford etreei, Kast Orange.

Mr. «nd Mrs. William Rriughart, of North Sevenleenth etreet. East, Orange, are home from Mt. Poeono.

Mrs. A. H, Horkover, who hns been at Mendhfltn nnd Morristown for a month, has returned to her home on North Sev­enteenth street, Fnat Ornpge-

Mr. and Mrs. George Coughtr>’. of New York, ure visiting their son. Frank G. Coughtry, of Alden street. Orange.

The MImpoh Chorlonc S. and Virginia T. Berg, o f Oru.ige. will spend part of .Sep­tember at (he Berwick Inn, Kaat Strouds­burg, Pa.

MOJ^TCLAIK.Miss Gertrude IJttrll, of Upper Mont­

clair, Ip home from a visit to friends In Scotland.

Arthur T. Btilson, of ''We*inver,'' Cresl- mount road, has returned from Lunj[ie lifter an ubsence of two m«nih«.

Elmer H. Neff and fnmliy. of Oak- wood avenue, are al Higganum, on llie Cnunectlcut River.

Edward J. ('hesterman lf» visiting lu.'' parent*. xMr, and Mrs J G. rheeierman. of Montague place, afteP an ubsc/ice of several

Dr. C. O- S. Howe and hip mother, la. Tj. Howe, rjf T'pper Montclair, aie home Ironi (he Vl1lTe llJUl1tulnp.

MIsb Ida Duffits Hardy, duiighler of Thomas Hardy, (he English novelist. iiihI herself a writer of hevera! works of flc- (iun, Is visltling Irlends In Monlcjulr,

Dion V. Kennedy, for nevrrnl years organist ‘at Ihe First Metbodlei Church, will give an organ recital in that edlficr to-rriocrnw nlglu. Tnls will be tbe latu

' «H?caslon on which Mr. Kennedy will pre­side at the organ In Montclair, as he will In future conmicl (he'muRicfil snrvjces In one of the churchfp. m New' York.

Mrs Elizabeth Siarkp. o f H7 Elm street, ia home from Stamford. N. Y.

aMrs. Herman Fisher and family, nf HuiTlson avenue, will spend the month of September at Moore's Mills. N. Y. .

Willlnm Schroedor, of Long Island City, In visiting his uncle, William Hnrrlson, of Mlaj=iion place.

Mra, George S. Brown, w'lfe of Counril- itli urangf mis murimiB Uiai fifown, of Upper Mountain avanue,approuchliiB. The BiiHuliie . , home from Fiaher'a Landing. N. T...-..-i, ,.n im.

Mountain avenue, have returned from As- bury Park.

Mias O. E- Jamison, of fiT Myrtle avenue, l.s home front ii surrimer trip tUrougli Eu­rope.

James Van Dyke Card, of 44 Highland jivcnue, baa relurnod from a month's vIkII at Rome, N. Y.

Robert M. North and family, of tielvl- dehe drive, are home from Mt. Vernon, X. Y. -

Mrs. r . W. J|;hoonmaker, of fiU I’nlon >'treet. will sp^d the next few weeks at Crown Point. N. Y.

Charles D. 1‘homaon, nf R4 South Fftller- mn avenue, has returned from the Adl- rnndfleks.


The Sensational Cure of Mrs. John C, PusRcll and Her Uain of IHIrty

PoiBids In W eight I* the Talk o f tfer Acquaintances.

EVENTS IN THE ORANGES,The Orange Board of Educallun (fled to

huM a meeting la#t night. After s-oven school commlaslonera, Supcrlnlcndeni Riggs, Dr. O. Herbert Richariln. of (he Board of Health, and a brace of reportera bnd waited about an hour. Prealdent Bayles announced that he would rail an­other meeting of the board for next rues, clay night.

Hope Lodge. F. and A. M , 'if East 0 ;- ange. will pay a fmtermtl vlult to the new Ophlr L<idge on Srplemher 12.

The fall work o f the Boyn’ Club of Or­ange will atari Tuesday nlghi, under trio direction of I>r. William M. Swingle.

The Edlami Works. In Weal Orange, were shut down to-'Jwy. on (lie (j.-ciuluii o f the annual outing of the ptSviite fij* brigade of the works. The uiiting was ti* Forest View Park, on (he Hudson, and (he trip wap made In trolley cars to iiil.v city and a sloaniboiit to Gie picidj grounds.

S O U T H O K A N G K .In keeping witli the phtii of Rev. Charles

Sloizle, superintendent of the Hepartment of Church and Labor of tlie Preahyterlau Church, to liaH'u "Labor I>uy Sunday ub- served lu nil duiches, special seivlcc-'i will be held In tlv- ETrpi Presbylerlun Ciuircli lo-morrow niai nlng. wlieti Ku\. Di . E. C. Kay will preach on "Christ and Labor."

Tha aecoiia sQuaU of poUvtjnicn w'ill hold target practise tlila tuienioon on tlic Fen­ner grounds.

F. F Meyer, of Summit uvemie, has re­turned from Europe.

The firemen extinguished a chimney lire at the home of Jacob Fldward.i on First street, laai night. , .Tliere are two cases of acarlet fever In the village. . ,liesJdeH the cool breeze blowing from the mountains, there was iinother re­minder In South Orange this morning that winter wbh approaching. The Bniidlii& ('ommlttee had tinsmiths at work on the Village Hall, placing snow guards on the roof.Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harris, of Fairvlew avenue, are home from Portland, Me.

M r and Mrn. Wilson Farrand. of Rals­ton avenue, are expected home from the White Mountains next week-

John Thompson, of Prospect street, Is home from Avnn-Dy-tUe-8ea.

Tlie Exempt Firemen’s Association will hold a meeting at beadqnarterp op Sep. tember 6.

Mrs. Paul Woodruff, of Third street, Is at Belm&r.

Mlfls Francea aTohnson. <of P ro je c t street returned this morning from Fair- haven, Mass.

Dr George H. Gobb, of Irvington ave­nue. will return from Europe early next month. _

Mra. Benjamin Decker, of South Orange at^enue, is home from Ocean Grove.

Drs. George i(. Davies .ind Rolnnd Kil- born are back from the Water Gao.

Albert L. Faux will prealdp at the or­gan In St. George's church, Maplewood, lo-morrow. when the musical program will he as follows: Morning—Introlt. '‘Blessed Are They that Dwell." Tours. Kyrle, Halnos, In E flat: ofCertorlurn.. "In Ilumblu PaSth," Garrett, solo by Master Ilannock; Sanctus, AgniiR Del. Gloria In ExrIsI,:, Haines. In E flat: postlude. Grand Chorus In D. Giijtmanl. Evening—Prelude, "Leg- endci" Magnificat and Nunc DlmlUL Field, In D; {mthem, "Bless'^d Are They that Dwell." Tnurfi. and poatlude, "Queen of Sheba.” grand march.

Frank and Leo Canuody, of Arnold ter­race. are on a. trip to Nlngara Fells.

Thbodore F. Crowley, of Kingman nKio, ts at lAsbury Park.

wmifttn R. McKeon and family, of King- man road, are at Asbury Park.

Mr. John C Russell. «10 Couniy aJn'ol. Portamrnjth. V a . wrlies. regarding hisViife'j" PHse, .IS hdh'ws

"I ibonghi 1 would bo doing hut Jus­tice lo your prrnl m»’dlcin'' lo tell you what It has dons for m> wife

“ T w o y ea r» aj^o the doctor called at our house on «n average o f three timea a w eek In attendance upon m y w ife , who was suffering from acute indi- gcstlon*

"Her suffering was «n grf>nt (hat noth­ing hut niorphlno would give hrr rnlU-f,

"Whllf^ on ti vlfllt ui xome frlPinls In Norfolk rIjo hod no art.-u'k atuI I pro- part'll lo jfn for ths ductor. when our frh'nd proposed Penwm,

"1 gave hiT n doh*. rspe,iilng It In n half hour, and lisr pains passed nwny.

"S in ce tliat tim e m y w ife has t* ln ed th irty pounds.

’■\\'o art! su-\i r out of Penina,’■^VbeIl (h. I hlldrojk iir I have a cold

WQ lake somi tif marnmn's Pfinma."1 find (h.Tt u has rut my doctor bills

dnwTi ;o nlriioiit nothing. 'FiKpiently 'utarrh victims loae flesh

rnpldli. ThiN l« duo (a a derangement of dlgo^U^o (iigans by catarrh.

Lllllo bi IJtth’ their fleah dftcreasee until they become, In some Instances, nu’-rv skeletons.

A modlriiie that will remove the ca- taiTli nnd thus restore the digestive or- r.mH til their natural activity !s the cor­rect remedy for these cases.

A great m any people who have lost flesh for m onths, on beginning to take Peruna, find their fleah returning.

They soon have solid, heuHhy fleah, mid their wf-lght ronins back to normal. KhowiuK thill Perimn 1ms, Indeed, a wli'dchnmo effort upon the syatoin,

I Wv have numerouH testtmorials cover- [ ing ihiH point.


Sealed iirctMUHls IndO'ned propfinila for fur- malilti* ut uvelve-lncb. iweniy-ffirk snri twnn* O'four Inch coKlrtiD water pip*, with apeda.1 csiUniK; also prcpoiaU fur the Itiying cf iwplvD-lnrh, twrtUy*lncli and twi'iiiy-trnir-lnch i'aalln’>Ti,.ij|pe with apodal i*ajtlnf*. also pro* pflisli fur (he coratrgeUon cf « rci\.‘rD<l rraer- voir: ail of said proposal* to l>* anbnilttad In acfurdani-» with Ihe plsns and s Hvrlfientloni preparail hy the city engineer and nied Id hll (•tni-c and nOilrestart to th* Comn:i a Couaell of the rity nf Orange, will b* received hy the cUy vIoTk M the hour of • p’ fllock In tha even­ing on Mimdsy. (b* ninth day of September, A. Ii. olneleeu hundred and ••ven. In ine Com- nKiu Counril chamber. Canfield Bitmi Enilne- houte. und opened pqblloly at raid meeting In (he s>raienc-o i>f the bidder# who may chooae to attend.

Bach pmiH>ral must be arrompmnled hy an iindui'iahlng uf a surety tfompeny, autnorisad try do huiineKs In tli« tkala Of .New Jersey, to the amount stated In <*ucb eontreot. -

Speclficattona may be seen at the office of thg cUy cDgineer, Orange National Hank building.

No hid will he ronstdereii unleea lha party making shall furnish cvkU-tig* laatlafictory lo (ho Llomnion (‘fiuncll of hlw” eaparlence aod ahllKy In this riaae of'work, and hla financial ability iuccesafully (o proaecute th* aald cog* (met In raaft the aame shall be awarded him.

Bldclera are roriulred to stat«,gjn th«ir bidi (hoir Individual namra and placei of reildeOM In full.

The right tn accept or reject a part of t*y or all proposals i* hereby rc*#rvert aa may ba deemed b**t for th# interest of the city.

WILLETT U. QANO, .City Clerk-

l>aied Orange, N. J.. Aug 90. IDOT.


( l U N D V O I K S F E S T I N D C t l l N I V I I l-BENEFIT OF THE'

Newark German Hospital» ELECTRIC PARK *®* *vbnue"®*


Don't Forget tlio Date, the Place, tlie Cause 1

LIVINGSTON., pastor of thr Cliurt'h,

■nil Horry Oatnbos, «1l o f Arlington, are camping at Atlantic Highlands.

Mr. and Mrs. James Veri lrr,. o f KCtii - M avenue and Heriln jtraet. Arlington. *re visiting relatives In New Hampshire.■ Blljah (Srewcocli, M Johnson avenue, Kearny, left to-day for a otny In Bt. Johns, N. 0.

Joseph Hushes, o f Walls street Kearny, ■waa aept lo lall for thirty days by Ael- k w Reoonjer Mafitrom, last night for SSutng- to provide for hts wife, and being ep haMtu'al drunkattl.

Joseph' HorrocUa, of Highland avenue. Who was arrested upon complaint of Joseph WUde. acting on behalf o f bis ■Ix-yenr-oM daughter, was held In tfOD ball fpf his nppearanee before the grand Jury 6y Acting-Secoriaer Mafslrom last want.

Rev. B. Tmvona Jachson will Preach ta-morrow morning »t the Arlington Methodist Churrh on "The Inner Call." His evening snhlect will bo "Every Man's Ores test Work."

— — — o ---------r-Mir,tiBURN.

The prise which was won by the Mll- bom firemen at Hnckrtlstown Is on exhi­bition In CoPipbeli’a drug stor*. Tbs fire fnich which.took pnrt lit the parade ar-r-r, • -------'aet night In charge of Frankk t .klarthnll.

at..;. ,...,.1 0 Barrott-of Mattenwa.i.N.T,, who has onen visiting Mrs. William Flab-, •f. irt) Mlllbiim avenue, relumed horns yeslcrd'iv., , .

•Tbe Mllnium PIno-hle Club will have ab Puling to Drtsun Grove Monday, Labor‘ T - Lyon, head moater o f Bhat-

seti; constable, John.Adams; surveyors uf the htgliwaya August Dangler and David M. AnderOon; poundke*pere,Anthony' Gun-skie, AlnvaatO ^ y e r and Irn WaodnilT.

public achools will open next Tu— T he' corps o f teachers will be the

Theday.snnic ad last year, with the exception olMPM'Sa ■ ■ --------------- - -

UfB taken ^ Ich , N. T.

Atlierine Carling, whose place "wai by Mlea Jesde TrelbeC o f Hor-

Mr. and Mrs. George Slplsy and ohti- di-sn, of Andover, have relumed to thcli home, after a visit to Mrs. Borah C, Wal- ton, o f Mtiple avenue.

After a vts|t to Mr. and Mrn Frank Mor. riBon, o f Brook street, David Morriaoh. of High Bridge, N. Y.. has returned to his home, nccompanlcd hy hla courln, Hugli Morrison, who will spend a ahou time at High Bridge.

Mrs. Charles Newman, Miss Ida Bmllii and Miss Ntta MeNnth, of Newarii, a i f guests o f Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlea Weljs, o f Hillside ovenu*.----------- — a — ■.. IIX THE CLlkTGN DISTRICT

The Boclal 'CSrol* met yasierday' after­noon al the home o f Mrs, C, 0. Cnainbar- tAln.Miss Ethel Walker, of Boeton, is visiting her uncle, Hubept walker, o f Watson*M f^LU !lnn Stratton, ol EllaabetU ave­nue. and Miss Louise Molitor, o f Hunter­don Mreet, are spendlog U e remalndbr of their vacatioh at Akbuty

Rev. Thomas B. Shannon.Vallshurgh Presbyterian cliurch, will preach In the Baptist church to-morrow morning. At night he will lecture on "The Poor Whites In the South."

Rev. WUliam R. Burrell will conduct the services In the Hanover Presbyterian Church to-morrow.

Mrs. Elisa Hedden. of Newark, Is vla- lllng her sister, Mrs. Parker Teed.

Miss Edith Haag, of Orange, la .1 guest of her aunt, Mrs. Munson Kent.

Miss Beatrice Flett^er and George Fletcher, o f Brooklyn, are visitors at tlie home of their aister, Mrs. Edward Vlii- cent.

Mra. William H. Ely is at Bouthampton. Long Island.

Hiss Alice Force la visiting her cousin, Mra. George fltowe. In Newark.

Edith and Harriet Cook, of Newark, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Benjuwln Dc Camp. , .Mra. Oscar Carter entertained al din­ner Wednesday ntglit. Covers were lahl for twelve. The decorations were tiellow and white. The gueeli were Mrs. William W Watson, Mrs. M, E. Ingersoll. Mrs. C W. Blodget. Mrs. J. P. Watson, Miss Grace Davis, Miss Ada Davis, Miss Adcie Ingersoll. Mrs. Andrew Nealy. Miss Dorothy Collins and Mrs. Frederick Park-** M & Llxxle Little has returned from a trip to Rockaway Beach.

Miss Alice Johnston, of Orange. It vls- lUng her sister, Mrs. G. B. Force.-Mrs Henry H. Haven SM daughter,

MiM Itena 0. Haven, who have been ipendlng several weeks tn Northern New 'York, returned home yesterday.

M A William W'. Watson entertained nt dlniMir last night in honor of her gueaia, the Hlesea Grace and Ada DavIs; o f New­ark. Qtbers present were Mrs. Oscar Car.- ter, lies. Ptederlck Farkhurat and kites AiitialKrkbnrst.

A number o f young people enjoyed a clambake on the shore of the Pa«Mi,c' river Thtttaday afletnonn. In tlm Party

F O K K S T H I L L - W O O D S I D E ,Miss Adeline Stager, of H3. Wakemaii

avenbe, and Miss Mnrgaret Brown, of '.'83 Summer avenue, will leave next Wednes­day to spend a two week.s' vacation al Aiisonla, Conn.

Mr. and Mrs. James N. Morehouse and son, of 42 Carteret at reel, have gone to CranUury.

Mr. and Mra. Irving W. Teeple, of M Wakeoiao avenue, arc spending a vaca­tion at East BiwUibay Harbor, Me.

Mr. and Mrs, John Scliuinntin, Of SO VVaahlngiun avenue, are vleltlng -Mr. Smfth's pa rents at Smlthlown. 1., 1.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Cl.-irence Tobin, of Pea­body plaivc and Miss Clare Cressey, of 610 Hummer nveu.ie, hnvogonu to Sucensunna,

J. J. Qjbbf iind family, of 487 Slimmer HI enue, are spending two weeka nt Asbury

Miss Margaret L, Rowland, of *2 Wash­ington avenue, Is visiting her brother In Ashbourne,^ Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. Josepli Brown and son. of fie Cheater avenue, are at Lake HOplncong.

Miaa Adele Bine, of 243 l.lncuhi avenue. Is spending two weeks ut New BninswlcU. ■Miss Surnh #lne is at Ocean Grose.

G. W. Lee and family, of Summer place, left to-diiy for Kenvll.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Pi-arl Conk, of 112 Wash­ington avenue, are spending a few days at Gettysburg. ________ ______________

RF.UCIIOIIB SOTir-aS.[Religious Notices are charged for at

the rate of 25 cents lor fifty worde o f lees. Additional words will be charged for at the rate of one cent esch j_______________

BnpHst.KclRTM ISAF-TIHT I'M I KI'H-Illgh OOd Or-

.nrn «rer1« W. F. Rnwle.r, the ps.mr,l.rrseh at |0:4S and 7:ir., in,irnlSK lti.-m-.

"hMlng JfBUa n« He Is; ' i'omnniTil..[i; rvinlng suldeet 'Drafts frunl Ihs fiM-H.ime Hell.

iir>3KVIU.E PAMTIBT CHtTK'K ~ ewner ilrav and Warren streets. Prsaclilng I'l the pastor net Alhrrt Foster. 1>, lU Hwtiti P M Runfifty iu4*i A M.rraper meetina. rnesday evenlnj. 7:13. Every- boily wpirom*- w.w.a, ... . rilAl ILEE llAt-TIKT HIM' MBMn .l.>l- rut'rti'H -Re'’ , It. Redd, imsiur, 'IM auWecl ■■lli.undless l-3ve." .lohn HI..

SuneaV-schta.l, T oTIork, t'mrnatv me.'.- 7 *5 ■Tare Religion," « f"r

whU'b w* e Uommunlrm.L-AiifMOi'NT HAPTIHT rHURC-'H—Fair-

Hj anu avenue.

Thur*r:uy. P »KfbT’TH DAP'rlPT rHUR''H“ Klflu*y •('■eat,

n e ^ r lo U Rr' 'V. a. Fennell, the paMor,jreaeheT imlto end f *’>■ “ "rnlng"Watkins In the Bivirlt." fnllmeetl by the rom- ntunlon serHce l-ti'enlng ' *the World." „ nihle Bi:h™i ai 4-3h. MIdaseic service, Thumdnr evening at 7:4.3.

MT PI-EASAN’T BAPTIST ClimCH - Hrllevllle a'eniip. oppcslte firtenlal .street, W. T B Lumbar, minister, Mt.rnlhg service,111:4,8 o'rtnek. theme. "T*;* u-rndVtentng ae-vl<« 7 :4.’i tt'cltick; "Is the tttiftd

I am w tnl Bellerf" land's Btipfer after the morning servlnt. BlKle-schfiol. 2:r» I'. M.

t-blSTON AVB-M'F liAUnBT '•HI’H' H "Corner of Mnnmnuth street. Rev. Hemuel J. Pkevlngton rastor, Bible schtatl, Il.Ai A. -VI. M^n tng Worst...... .. the ralvary Preshytef tn“1™ . ! ! ! "■'lock. J,I'-itHfrtn Ar-tTun tjhurfh. litB Hopwoml will i>r<‘U‘‘h RprvlrPrayer-meeting Tueeday evehlitg,

THl- FIFTH BAITIBT anti the Union Stieei Melhnrtlat El'lseopsl -a.—"S —to-tTiorruw.ChurcU

III (he

RL:MGI0L'!( KOTICBia M etbodlat EpiaoopRie

RT. Ll'KK'R' MICTHODIR'I KPlBCO>*AI - llH\. J. linjl will preach r1 both »#rvio«>i. Him.lay-Bohool, 2:90. Kpworth Ijeafoe, fl:4B. Yi'Une M n'a Union. 0:1 1 A. M.

KHANKLIN 8TRKET METHODIHT EFIti* r n I 'A L rHURf.-H^H. J. Jrjhn(M0*i. paetoT. ]'ruy«ir-n3ei‘ilnx, A. M. PrcaohhiK earvlc*, 10;S0 A. M Hahbath-arhool. 'S.-.W P, M. TulUehi aojij aervlc*, to flrJIO P. M.

UI':NTENAUY METHOmST EPISCOPAL CHriU’H--r. L. Meail. 0. l>.. paator. 10:M A. M., uo’*imunli»n n;rvlce and reopptlnn of

I memhern. 2:30 I*. M.. Buri4la#'-*<'hool eeailcin.I W:4ri p. M., Kpworlh TaMirue aervice. 7:46 P.

M., Bcnnon hy (he pailor.RT. PAUL'S METHODIST KPIHCOPAL

j < HUUrH-nrnH'i ami Marwliall K«-v

Ir vacatioh at . ^ k .M in K. 'iuillxken, o f CUntoa place, has

returned from Tonkera, H. Y.Ur. lUifi Mrs. Thomas Holiday, o f River-

heaa.i Long Islnnd, are visiting Mrs. fiVan- ce l Chamberlain, o f EUaabeth avenue.

Rev. nod Mrs. Samuel T. Graham, o f ProHpect a'venue. bare returned from At- Mnllc-Clt

ORAN0E BRANCH O^DCE.ntwarlt Evenliig flnpi,

ORANQE NATIONAL BANK BGII-OIMQ Telephones 41* and 7U, Orange.

Advertisements received until 11:1* A. M. for Insertion on the lame day.

d e l i v e r y ROOM, 10 CONE 8T.

The evereae . ___ .the NEWARK EKENINO NEWS In tha

net dally ' circulation of= \ iE N ir‘ ---------

Orengee le 8,000 copWe.AdvttUeenients also recelrs* In the Orangte

hy ths folloelnx uaentii JCAST lIRANaE- ,Manm Bros.. IS Washtngtoa place (Brtck

Church). Tel. S760R.tv. H Plumley. M4 Main street. Tsl. 311*. J F. Cbrltitsh, 107 Main street.L. E. Yeaeer, 64* Matn street (BrickA5^?"Alchsres. Fourth evenue end Slx-

tfcnih street. Tsl. 8*9*.ORANGE VaLLET-J, 1 gpellman. Highland Avenue gtetten,

Moniross Wisrmscy, J, K. KwlJL 001 •'M- laitd street, Orange. Tel. IMS.

SOUTH ORANGE- ^B. A. Wallace, newsdealer, e South Or­ange avenue.

ware thd M lw a Luella Haven. Beatrice Fletcher. Bdltb Haag, Edna roroe, EMna Kent, Cadyto D e Camp, Frank Kent,Georg* FletcbCF. Harry I' tnt, Harry Haoiuton and Hugh Kent.

Mrs. Rohert Camp gave a lawaparty -nrunday attamoon.

----------- ---------------------- -BELL£)VtLLR

The Board o f Education will hold Its regular meeting next Tuesday night, In- atsad of Mimaay. owlag to (he obaerv- anco of Labor Uty at the latter time.

Rev. Comeltua S. Abbott ia hone from hi* vaoaUtm IB Orange.,

Rav. C. E. 'Bcuddar will preach at Wesley Methodist CHurdh fo-mofrow moehug on "Tb* Deeper. Cbiiitlen Life." In the evening hla t ^ lc irill be “ What lx a ChriitlanT”

"Thou Hast Bean Faithful'.' Wflj be the aubject-of th« sem en by Rev. Will- tam W. Coniiw *t the ftefertned church

SOITTH ORANGE t o w n s h i p p r o . POSALS.


g^lsd proposals rill ^Township Ctimmlne* at the townshtji of.touth Orange at tuvir rooms in ^ p le w o ^ N, J,, m u ™ o’clock P. M. Tucedsy. Ssf.l*(Bbsr H, Iimi tor Ills consliucUon of sanitary sswers in two section# of tb* townahip, and rsgulrlng g « .U „ .s M

“ ,MD feet of 10-lnch vitrified pipe Hwsr.toeo feet of S-Inch vitrified pipe sewfr.

_i msnliolee. '11 flush tanks. - .... —MUTH ora NOE HBipHW DltTRICfT.2*0 feel of 10-lneh vltrlifsd pIP* eewer. id,U* Ic*< of *-lnch vitrified Ph* sswer.47 maiilwleaIVommls^fM eich district ,n™‘ b* scHrairiy. and each aecompenied by a c« il-

!Sd ^ s S t for K.0W, tna* P*;f»bN »« tbj " u w ^ lp of Boulh Orange, Plane sod •PKlficsIlona can be seen at tbe public butldr ^ Maplewood. N. L, and »* ‘ bR o fl^ 3 Aftaander Potter, coiwnlGiig engineer, 143 I4b- S^strest. New York a iy . , ,-nse right Is reserved to rsjeet any or ell Mds.

By order of

chnrrhsH will untie fur In the morning tn the L-nton Btlect

L'hsrlea h'. Blenley wltl pr'HCO or. Iho IhPme. "The Elemeni of chastlsomcnt In ths I-'..lvirstInn "f the (.’hrl.stlan evening I'estor SInnIsy will speak tn tlic 1'It'b Baptist t.'liiirch on the theme, "nr- (.oMpol and Boclaltsm."

FIRBT BAPTIST PEDDIE MI':.VtflRI,M. rll -HrH-i'.irner Hrr.aO anil Fulton .slreels. Rev ^um s* .1. Vlllers, 1>. D.. pastor. Morn- Inc worahli. In the ainlltorlurn; pustni s •■A Strath from Love's Hymn. i nmmunlnn tit.l reception of new memhers. Sunrtny.si h.,i'l et 2:30: lesson taught hy the imnlor. At i 40 l.,r. Vlllers wlli opcsk on Keeping tn le.ve, fiirangers welcome.


mURCH—Lincoln Fork. TTie psitor, In. uanlal H. Mnrlln, will preeeh Bundsy al 10:30 A M and 7;4f; P M. Blrongers welcome.

NEW YORK AVENUE BEFliHMRL I'lirHUM—New T.-rli avenue Bnd Faeinc slreel. H-v \ P TulP. mlnletet Prea. hin* st |il:3lt. Su ■evening servire. Tuei'tay evening prayer sfcvtce at 3 o'clufk.

.’HRI9T BEFORMEn CHURCIi-Corner WBSlllngtun and neUvati avcituse, Wood-l'lc. The Rev Henry Merle Metlen. rntnlster Heg't. lar pretichlng service, 10:46 A, M., by iho Ittiv. inhn H. K<->T, of Newark. Rvanlng *orvlG+se (unitlert BtJTulay-wChool, 2:30 P. M ChrlaUin Endeavor meeting, 7 to 3 P M. Pre.aratoty aprvicea T'-Tlday nlffht. 8 o’clfck. Pra»i?r-mi;ei' Jug, TuifwJa} rvetiJnf, fi o clocke A I'ordlal welcome to all aervlcea.

BEIaLEVILLF: AVFJHUK UONCmEOATION.AL cmmuH-lfiS'liT B*lleYine avanu*. Theo­dore Merrnil ShiphonJ. minleier. All lervici'a will be foauiDetl on September i.

Feptacot^ALTWTNITV CUT'nUH"-Mlilltary Petit. it#T

W T Llyioti- W- o«*t»iao*. ninfeier. tn flW ee. ilu’y comTiiuiitlcrn cv-ry iNUuday at 4 A Sr! anti tiundaj' In ihe at JJ* ' U MoTtUng prayer anl serruon at Ii^clock 11 cordially invited.

BT PAUL S EPISCOPAL OHURCn-Corner Market luni Hlali itmia* Holy wmrnunlon.Morning prayer and « r ’.noiL JOtHO5‘cuick Ptinday-BCbool,- B P, M. ttre^ut SA^ranrt serroon, 7:4* o-clock, Bsetor. Rev. Hstry Harrison Hadley. B. D.

Cbelstailelplalan.CHPlli'1-AlHCt.PKIAN ' Ef.-CLESIA-lrwiUOla

bMldlrtg. 202 Waahlnfton trtreet, Ju.t aojith o( Varkei atteet. Sunday montliif. st 10 o'clock, rahii itudr achottl. At 11 o'olock, dlacoune by 2e Venel A. Brlitl*. on the subject. 'The MLwrlal Name of Deity.” All ere meet cor­dially Invited.Cbrlslfaw and M lealonwrr A lllaare ..f-MRISTlAN AND MISSIONARY AL-

IJANt'E hsve started a teat csmpeSgti at ■fEMn avenue and Duryea atr«ia. ^ e ot- S E n r e snd Inlereet la growing. Rev, 8.

William fharlee tV Donnell Jr,, pallor. Preach InK 1U;80 A, M.. by Rev. Cliarle* R. Uarneii.M U.. nf Hoboketi. N. J. A eorcllal tnvila- Mnji ti.i hII whii hB\'<k no rhurfli. home to wur ship with uo. N'» evening aervine.

MONTfJOMEHV HTHUKT UHURCH-<’ . .J. Ilnsl. pallor. U):iKi. B. J. SpaPka. 7:43, J.. E. raii*TP'’n. U:;'kJ, men'B nie*tln(. 10. Junior®, 2:oft, SumUy-e<-tiOol. T, both Ifaauea for y^ung peoplp, TiiewlBj', preyer-infjeUnx. Wrdnea- ilay, tUhjG aoclHl >raihprlna. Thurafiay. gU'la. FrldaVt rlaea. Weilneeday. Hapiembrr 24I, Dr. A. H. Mi-Klnney.

ST. A ■IWt 7A” H MKTHODlftT EPISCOPAL • HURi'U Ml SUMFi avvnue. PreHChlnf. at in,41V by Hfv. JoIiti LyOhi. peaiof. KunJay*Ft b<int flt 2:;)0. TFmprj'ani'e merlitig at 4 fi'iiioik. Ipi by iJrothfr 8hernrd. Kpworrh IgTiiAiii- at 7. (Teaching el H P M.. by Rev. Jobti le.vnnst Priiyer-meelltig, Tuuwlay, H I’ . M. 4.3hbs Kihld>. W P. M.

OR.4CI: MKTHOUrRT BPISCOJ'AL CH\'IICH —Corupr New Vnrk avenue aiul Ann aireet. Re\. H(-rl>* ri ClyiJr l,yll* paftar. Preefblng lu:43 A M . by Rev Norman P. (''hanipiln, pentor I'f Oruee E., Keaniy 2:SU kl. eSunday-achMil. 7:4S preachlni! by Eben K. MorrI*. Tiicuthiy H P. M. prayer-meeting. E\‘eryoii“ liiviind. Seeui free.

HE ItRUilT .METHODIST EPISCOPAL <"HURUH-<‘i*rnfT l*lt11ann und South Oranga avenue* It v. Warren H Neff, paaior, Preach­ing at 10 A. M KTi'l 7.4b 1* M , by Rrv. <(rorge T-' [)l<’klTi*nn. HamJay-ai'hool, 2:110 I*. M. Cpwurth Isengue. 0:43 P. U., 1*6 by 'WIU- iara A- Oa.Ie PTayer-nieetlng. Tuesday, b F. M- Clara meeting Tliurnday, P U.

• ’CNTRAL M. K. ftrit- Market and Mulberry *t. Hev William H Morgan, D, V-. piiator. K);no a . M Cnntmiinlon etrvlii-e. 2:iJ0 tv M. Sabbath i»rh!Hjl. h:30 IV M. v«* fe ner- vU-e, 7:4'\ P- .Vt, aermun by ihe Hev, Juhn W. Morgan, of ‘ healer. N. J. Turaday, S P. M. |tiay*r aervitie, r>r Morgan In charge, ■I'hureflH.v. 8 P, M-, clA*H miteihig. All are Th- vlieii t'l theie Mfvlcea,

HAL' KY STRICRT MKTHOIM8T KPJm IO- PAL rnrRC*H- HalHoy amec. noni sNiw. Rev, Thi'inaa I. Coulta*. Iv U, riaator. Sun- diy-achCK.l, 1i:4ft A. M CommunJnn aervlCF al 111.45 A M PreachlhR rervlit ui T;4fi P M : f.rrmon b> Rev, Henry Rtc*. Pmyer-meeUng on Tup^dny evening nnd ciaea meeting oo Thureday evening a( n'chkck. Xeit Hunday iJie paM&r will be prenRiii and preadh at hoih (.crvicra. TVie Sundi>-«i htiol will be held in the af(ern<- 'ii beglnntuR n xi Sunday

1m lepFnd«n( Methodlai-INDEPKNTiE.VT MJ THOl.dflT Cfiit'nCtt—

Viuiild aveijiiF and Sr>uib fourteenth atreet. JTeaching lu 45 A. M, unrf 7:4,■ P, M.. b> (he Hev. Z. Wesifin. Holy Communion aflermiiralng Hernmn. Lord'* Hay ac-hoo] 2:l!0 IV M. PrxilHe apr"it« T P. M. Goar**! aomMce H JV M. Tuesday. Cifths meeilng S P. M-. Thurs­day MlUburr, Go«j|te] meeting will, for he preaer;, wurahip In (he uulcn imtl.

M^thodUt I'roteaiBiit.KiBflT METHODIRT P R O T E B T A V T

CHURCH UllMlon uiid Treacy .avenuej. Luiher F, Wanier. jjaatrir: reeliience, (13 Seymour u •#- nu*. 10:3<\ comrmtnion and abort addreae. 7:45. “ Walklnr; tn the Llghi.'' Prayer aervlco, Tuoa- day, A F M. You will alivaya receive a oof- dlal greeUiig el thl» j iiurth

8 o'clock: comes Cbrlsltan Aaaaolattnaa.

ratNO ROMAN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA- A1...14 East Psrk strsst. Vespsr Mrvlcs, * y afternoon. SOFtctfibsI- L * o‘atock;V afternoon. - , —JSSJ* MI.S Kltsaheih Wl^n, gSBml #«•

S S ; - of the Association Training Instltuw, ChEago. All waicoma.

TORNO MEN'S uiiais'nAN . association10l*^HaltM « « « ■ *: CoxKOS. gw .Median t Bible eUaw* on neual. Rev.

Stamay. pMtOf of the Ftfth Ba»rrt« S^SK* will be the iptakfr at the men'* SSflnr lo-moiTOW aftemoqa. 8:48 o'ctocK. S E i win be eaerefi iftwMc b? the liieaea AH eo(41ally lttVttod<

SlptrltullBt.T M riRiST CHl-RCK o r SPIRITUAL Will IroW Itefr mwtlOf In the - ^ o » e r We*t Park ohd Broad etrwti, at

llr. Adanw

MfiK!«llaiieoneaBBLlEVflRa IN THE RANSOM FOR ALl^-

Broad aireei. over Centfel Depot, On Sun* day Setftember 1, nt A P. M., ihere will be a diocuiM-ie given by Mr. Edgar fJrsy: aubject, "I i la God that vVorkoth (n You-“ All truth ■eekeri are fnvlted. Come end we will do you food.

CHlLDIUEN'fl TKlfPLU—Formerty Chcainut Street Depot. New Jemy Rnllroad avenues rofsicr Cheetnui eirhat. Sunday- evening meet* ing, 7;1fi o'clock- Mr. Henry Delhi wlif bo the epraker. THuredoy evening meeting. 7:46. Charlet w. Edward# nnd Joeoph tv ltd* in ebarge. "Sutter (he cbitdren to oeme unto Me;’ "Feed My lambe."

INDUS TRIAL HOM -61 Plane etreot Ser- vlooa every Wedneeday, Fnday and fimiday evening* ai T-4A; aleo Sunday afternooD at !t.4A. To'irmroWi attvlce will be In oharse of AMiktani Bup«rt(itan<letii WilUon AUeti and werkere. Dome and *|»end an hour wUl» UI. Ldvoiy eonfrefatlonoi alngthg. DverF' body w«ioon>e. A. 8. Clemena, auperlntendeni.

R^CUB HOMBf-81 Clay etmat. Berrioca at 8:45 and T:46. under the ouBpIca# of Lin- oolA Ledit. I. 0- 0. T. Rev. Edmund Da Gearhart will oe In ohorc* of the 8:40 eer** vice and dtre. Bmma Baldwin. pMdont knd W. C. T Ua, 7:4S. Bptoial oinf- ingf muiilur teeilmeniee, Ure. Rcbett LaRoe, orfantit; klloe Ulllan Krnippi and kro. sfeneoa iHoiilafa. Ja Gw ainunADf, moMoal dlmvtnr.. Alt welcome.

tUE OPEN COOR MlMUONwwM WDUo a etreet. MeoKtnp Thafaday. Saturday and Sunday eevnlng* at 7:48 o^omlt, ta wd olty

-Uaii bultdlnf- Tw-otahi: aairetatah »i»i«eervlce. conduoHd hy nt. C. <1. KtatMa Ad* drew by Ufa A. Bauer, tpeeiai miMe day eveniDf. Bervlw c raducted fair ||r. BHoa R. Corby, of the MdirUrtewB Boad Chrtii- tlan Workera. Good *in#lnf. All wdootyw. HIM Beaal* Smaek. organlel: hllw Mabel Mor- rtia pUnioti W. U. Morrld, euperintendam.

th e PEOPLB'B TSUPLB-No. as cttotoi* •treet. cMTlotf each nUht at $ o'dotdc and Oh Sunday tt lfi;46 o oloek In tb* tnomlng and8:J» o*c1o< le to t!>e aftemoiw. ----- *“ -oervlcaa ................ . ’* *

RnLIGIOVB BOTJCBBw Prophylertatia

fifth avenue pRKSnYTHIUAN ClIUROft •~Corti*r Roravlll* ohd Pork av*nM**. B^. Jcjeeph Hortler rnSnleter. Momlnf Mrrlce. 11.

HIGH StTRELT PRESBYfERIAN CHURCH -Henry K, Denltofer. 1>. D.. Jieirior. Rev. *.M, Fergueeon will ureauh at momlng oairtlc*, commenrlng at iwHo. Runday-oohool, 8 P. M. Vtiper aervire In chai>*( from 7 to 8.

rORIMT HILL PRESSBTTBRIAN CHUIWH -HlghUtid avenue and Heller parkway. The Rev. Henry C. Vatiderboek, mthiller. ServlC* and iermon. Uc.45 A. If. Th* R«v Charlea U Jockeon, o( Oennantowita Pi i preach.

CLINTON aven u e PRESBYTERIAN CHUnCH-Cornsr South BIxtaentI, strast, f i » vlcsa, 10:44 and 7:44. Paaior, R*v. JOSt»ll F, Folaom- SuBdaF-aohool at SiSO- Young pan- plc‘1 niMlini at 4:48. MIdwtak lanHca, Tttsg- dar tvrnlng at 8 o'clock.

TWIBI) I’BESBTTEBIAN CBrnCH-<7lM^ sits oily hall. The pastor. Bsv, R. 8. I"glls,D. D.. will prsach momlng and avsning. Bar- vlcsa, 10:Sl) A. M. and 7:48 l>, M. Morning tunic. "Labor:'' evening topic. "Btrlft.” Bun* da“ whonl. P U. Tiieaday evening, play* er*nieetlng. at k o'clock.

HBCOND pilttFRIfTBRlAN CHURCH - Weahlngton and Jame* aireeta. Rev. Pleowat Hunter, I>. !>., pealor. PreachlTig, 10:45 A.Ms, by Rev. William II. Morgan. D. D., ot IhU city, Praypr-meeilng, Tu*#day evening. 8 o'clock, win be led by Rev. A- N. Hiubbleblne. of thl* city A oordUi invitation ta extended to both aervlcep. ■ *

FEW8MITH MEMORIAL PBEBBYTERtAH THUR^—Hmtaon atreel, near Orange eU>»et, Rev. iMger U. Mapcm. peeior. l*reachlng and dlvlo* worehlp, U):Wl A. M. and 7:4S The paatfir will preach al both eervlcets bun. flayweehool at 2:80 P, M. Chrlutlen Endeavor at fi:40 P. M. Ptayer-meellng. Tueadiy. o I*. M, Welcome lo all irn'loei. Seale free.

ROSEVILLE PREfcmrrERIAN OUUR^ b Corner Roenvllle and Sueoex Avwuta. Ba^W. T. Chapman, D. p., Pfawr- morrow al 10:|0 A, M. and Titt diy-achool. 12 M. ChrletlanM. Tueiday evening me#«4ng ■( i o c ta r t .^ epoetor will prearh ai boib aen-lew JC',!!!- row Evening *iibjert, "The Ooapel of Worh-

BETHANY PIlKHRYTERrAN CHURCH-* 8pru-’e BtP**(. twiow RelmnntN. Htubbl*b|ne, peainr. 02 /tratfoH place. Prenrhlng M>:W A. M. nnd 7-46 P- M- e'to day-:«cboJl, 2:80 M.meeting, T P- M. Priyer-m*ellni. JH. U. PMior'* aid m*«ilng. Wedneadiil, » p ! M. All welcome.

WEST PRKHHYTERTAN BUrtt. between Warren mreet bnd Cabinet •treet, Hnv. Harold Harmon. day aervlce# at J0:4b A. M. and Sqnday-BchooJ at 0:4fi A. M. f * * ' ^ V « * meeting Tuerdoy evening at 8 o clock.Sunday.* Hepiember A the new church, corner Llltleton and Kl*venth Kvenuee. will be open. Beats frsS- Wslroms to sll.

WICKUFFB PREBBYTEBIAN CHURCH- Ctornsr Thln-ontli avsnus snd Ooston strwL Rsv (ItoriTO 8. Hsll. psstor, SstvIoss, l*:M A M and 7.48 P. M. BabSath-sotlool. a« uiual. T. P. B. C. B-. 7 p. M. Having lurnsd from hi. vnratlon. iha paster will Drcach st both asrvlcss. PraFar-msstlng and proMratnry aorvlr., PVldav, 8 P. M. Alt fsali f rcc I'.iriKal Invitation gnd Wflconto to all.

CENTRAL PREBBYTERIAN ITIIE PE^ PlJt'm cHURi'll-Ctltnton. Belmont snd Minil- son nv.miss. ChsrlsB F.vsrsit Granger, paatw. Preaching 10:1.8 A. M.. by the Rev. Raltar B Greent'a,. Habhath-achonl. 2:40 p. M. Twl. rtihl aervlceV 6:48 P. M. under the ausplcw o f the Y. F. H. r . E. leader Mr E. A. Moyer. Church prayor-mcetlng, Tueeday ev «- mg," n'clnck, leader, Mr. Muoson Pier, Wel- coooe lo all acrvlcaa.

MEMOntAL PRESBTTERIA.N CllVRCH . Corner Boulh Orange avenue an J Fuo.h Seventh street Rev. Wmlam .\llrert Oej, D. D., UlU preach SI 10:40 A. SI soj 7;:Ul P «-• ‘nO'H- Ing topic, "Zephyrs from ( ape tod: eveningsuTilect, "The RelaiSrai nf ihe Church «> ' ' “Jk- ingmen." Bnnday-ichuol at 5.3«. Chrti.-lan Endeavor meeting St 8:40. Prayer-meeting, Tuesday al H P, M. .4 cntillnl lovllatlon Is ex­tended to all.

CALVARY PHKSIIVTERIAN CHURCH— Pennsylvania ateliue unit Gillette place. Hiv.I (1 linpwood. n, D . pastor. Union eerUoea with’ Clinton Avenue Uripllat Church conllmied Hepleoitoir 1, morning In calvary al 11 <Cclock; evening In Clinton Atemte Church at T;45. Dr, Hopwiiod preaching ut holh aervlcei. Caivary Hahhuih-eeliiJol si eloue nf morning service, chrlntlan Eiideovoe at it:4,'i. Tuesday evening prayer eervlee st k o cica'k. You are welcoms tn all these ecrvlcne

FTRST PREBllYTKRtAN Cllt’ RCH-Rav. 'Jai-l.l R. Fraaeic II, D.. naator. Mcmlllg wrvlcf' Ui:}irf Hunnner (SMitdiyntchool and adult iJIbl* rl*BH *H o'clock P. U. ChrlMlan En- dettvof m*oiln« «.4ri P, M. E -ening rarvlce 7'46 Pr McKlnricy will prraeh at both aer- vicci cor>Ueil invitation ta given tn nttend th<t ■t«i-**opilL'jn Ife’tore on Tueeday evening‘‘ VHtKT''''PRV»UYTERI,tN TABERNACLE-iJ'favFUf alirl ‘Tyl*!' utreftt*. Mnmltig worihljiDi i-rcac1ilAg hy Rev, H. Triffivt*. fromNew York Kunclay-*ch»ol at 2 r. M. Phrin- tlan r.nd*uvt>i- he 7 r-Vl.fck. PTceehtnE at 7:45.

rbllilrcn'.i choir, All welcome.tW'jTTTH DARk I’RlCtJBYTERlAN Clll’RrU

—Corner bruad 9lr»el anil Clinton avroue. Rflv. Lyman Whlinoy Alien. D. D., paxior. Rfv Arthur A. Kclleirom. aaelitant. Morning nervitf!’,' IO:oO o'clock. Sermon by lhi“ a»5!in- hni pauior. Utv. Arthur A. Foltatyoin No afternoon service. Prayer aenlce, Tue.- ilayr 8 P, M.ROUTH P,4RK MEMORIAL CIIAPEL-Cor- ner South ami Dawaon aliceta. Sabbath- nchoot, 2:30 P. M, CbJldren'a hcrvicc, 7 M. Gorpcl asrvlce, 8 ?. M. Rermon by Rev. Ar­thur A. FelJatrom. A cbrdlal weFomti to .ill services nf Bouth Park Prcnbyterlan church and Ubaiw} la extondefi tb the r.ubUe.

PARK PBlCSliTTERIAN rHURrn-lJ''ll-- vUlc «iid Keortsy atroeta. Rev. .rcho Mt- Dbwell. t-aator. Xi:0(> A. M-, Bi'rmon. 'Vlmsi, th* Foundation:" 7:45 P, M., ’The nomocracy of the ao*i»c!.’ ‘ A Labor Lay Hormon. Tbe uaetw ureachee at hiNh aorvlcra.

p a r k church CHAPKL-Hlghland ave­nue. n*er Bloomfield avenue. Mortilng eer- vlee o*c!ocK. Sermon by Ro%‘ ItaotiardV C. Mytton. Subieoi: "BiTgalnlng.” Bhcn- Ing eervice 7:45 o’clock, gcmion by the Rev. Ijwr.ard V. C. Mvtton. Subject: "Eaw and Love." flunday^chool 2:30. PTnyer-meetlnf Tburadoy evenlni at S o'clock. STraai^e welcome to all ineee services.

VatteA P resbF t«rl«a .

ode to tlie aftentoon. The ojmithg tnie erveiilng wUl faa to ofajunia «

Pt^~ A. Llndray. m > *Ub M4 Wife. H um WatUlM LlhdetY. bav* ^ fH|MM ta •JflMf- totend the wprfc. Mra. Wndaay, w ^ «« Tirae* day of tita week nndorweni « doable opera non for Afapendtalrta aod «»U mmmr it repon«« lo ^ F to bt reetlpg oeeafonaMy and h4r speedy ifmovOfy to be at tha heltii of title termpta work Ig •tapclod^vTha pyWta era ^ dUUy toTitai tg preitBr y Oone i i i^ l i*raferas

flltBT UKITED PRESBYTCRIAhr CHlJItCH .roMlevlIlB avenue, opiwslte Gouviwneur UVMt. PreachYng servlvros 111:45 A. M., T.4B 1 U. Med*a League, 1(I:2S A. Jd. SabbaibwoefancL ?46 P. M. Junior Cbrlectan Endeavor «.Botikir ChTlBtlan Endeavor. T. Re^lar Tb*v‘S y evcalng praysr-msellni, »t » a clock. Tiid pastes will preach. A cordial wtlcoma to alL


Churoh of the r.cdcemaiv-Bn»d sisefd sad oliv hall. Church clo^ui until B a r ia l^ ». wdstgV-Bt swairc. Unlveraslt^ U n itu M ISo pThor liberal i«p ts in religion w ilT W ^ a cooRhlkl ohuroh bW !. dama gnl Jat» S rm thaTan.

C kriiO aa »>■■■«*. t o u t church o f CKRI^SCIBOTIW -.

narinimr Hull, ®* Os»fi street., .Bt'MWr nornrng sarvlcaa at 16:4*; audijeeL 'MfidL ChlhhM't BtnuJay-echool areu al 13 U. g lasHthonlal meeting WodBsa4»T evanl)ig eg ■ o'clock.

Waxaais'a C lirlatlaa Tcm pam iaaa.th e woman s (tUBlOTUN te k p r ij-

ANCe BNlQN-12* and ISO WriReniy riiaaL On Sunday attern™ at 4 ^leek tte 0 ^ 1 ^ will he tn charge ot Urn. Minna Mamll. Ig tha avsning Utf. Von. HoniwUT prnslds. AH an wslcoiB*,' wednesdair, Bagiiainwr ^ mgu- lar bttslncaa nvecUog. ' .

SECOND W, C. T. IT.—I# BeUerUla ajaaSa;- Rafonaag nM ’a moMlm Eoijlay at * l*. W. Id charge ut wosken tn a t!la Hanlaaa OM. ' pal Mlasdan. MoeJett a e l* (jj| » ;^ » ha 3 ^ by HIsa Nettle ; ~ -Tts, RaCennad man oepeelallyjf^


- Si eir k 37tros.»>u* t» 4tltT. •*»>< im tor. hr '»•


Eatmd M tk. mwtrli. P™n>*<» *<eeoed-elaM lu t t t r .

TtMphsn* f» t-P r iv * l» Bninch E «h »m « MUDcetlnt til dtptrtmtnta.

OtIIvtrtd by n*w«l»«l»r» tn i emrrltri In tny p«rt of Nnwtrlt nnd K i i « County, In til totrni In Nortbtfn Now Jtrtoy and til alot< tbt Jertty Cottt tC ten conta t *etk.MAIL arBSCRIPTIONS-

Tht Ntwtrk Evonln* Newt, on* tnontb. flfty c*ntt: t il monllit. two dolltrt tnd fifty ctnti: on* yetr. live doUtrt.

Poiltdt to fortlfn eountrlei added.New York Offlee, lU Brunterlek Build-

ln», » Fifth 1 venue. Tel. uSt Maditon.Cbictfo Ondb. tM. Tribune Buildini.Wathlnkton Bureau, IH Colarado Build-

ktf-urtitfe Branch Olllne. FIret Nallonel

Bank Bulldlnt- Yel. tn Orange.

I/DCAL ERANCR DFFICKt SelitTlMt avenue. UM.I llemburt tliM. U Bruoi ilreet, Mt. I .potevllle «venue. » . Cllnion avenue. SI*. I totlh ainb etree* Carden eireei. 08Vi. i Wallace place. S#


t m k « a r b a g e c o .t t r .a c t t e r m *.Thtre are tome good featuree about the

plan that Chief Engineer Sherrerd hat Bufgaated In tiiaklng cbangei In the new contract ttaat la to become operative on January l neat for the collection and dlepoaal o f ■ gartaj[e^ There will he gen­eral approval at the aufgeatiun that the coHecttona be made at night, bclwruti the houra o f midnight and S A. M-. Inalead of in the daytime, aa at prraent. T,he adop­tion o f auch a clauae In the contract would. If It waa enforced, bring to an

^ end a moat noticeable nulaance that hna -n oilaltd by reaaon of garbage caha being

allowed to remain on the curb all tiny awaiting the pleaaure or convenience of tba oart drlvera.

It might be poBilble, too, for the cUyti* to lave a good deal of money on the

eonlract if arrangementi could be made, at. aa auggoated by Mr. Sherrerd, whereby

if the traction company could elntlon ■T freight earn at certain polnte, to which wl the garbage co be hauled In carta, **'■ and Ilian tranaiK -ied by trolley to the

forthcoming there la nut the ahndow of a doubt, for while yet the Prince of tVnIei he gave his adherence to the meaaure which Jta; iuit. lt%t'oniJL.S,jmi.^

A P O lJ t lC A ii^ K X F K iiiiK % € f AtO^ ABniniort H^Jlfry uml Robl»ln«, havinr

fn>mlnc^ to a Rcpubilftiti publicuUlItlM Wll drnrt^d and r 'ady for acUon l>y ihr Td^fflsl»ture next wwhr It ta lo bt pxpecled that ihfra will hr Imme­diate dfivatopmrnO In Tn-nton. The parly taadara may decide. If they have not already done so, JU Ihny have been bo frequently advlaed, to brim the Sectata lOfelher rteit werk, paia the meftBuro. and ■■pill II up 10*’ the f>emocratlc Ab- aembly. That has been the eourae advo­cated by Governor aiokeii. as announced by ihoae In hla ctmUidence, and there la Q iMisalbllUy that the Bcheme will be accepted aa the moat feasible that can be devised.

The Republicans want to unmake ihe record theyeaiabllshcd in the pre-reccis BesRion of the leeglalature of opposliton 10 the refulallqn of public utllltleB, They desire to accomplish this before the pri- niarles and be able to bring ihe nifliier In the offlrinl attention of the voters In the platform to be adopted hy the ap- pioHchln* HlRle convention. The whole moving power In the mailer of drafilng the mesaure and placing li before the Senators la pfflllica! expediency, ft will be tisHoss to deny this fact, for Ihe peo­ple of the Stale know It. The hill being drafted by Mesar*, Hillery and Robbing la on the lines of the Hughei measure. So was the WII presrnied to the Benaie lomc time ago by Senator Colby, which was "turned down" by the "regular" leaders without tAe least aoruple. The Colby bill, U la admttled. waa slightly Imperfect, tnit (ho errori In U could have boon easily ellmlnnlod had thera nol Nen a studied determination on ihe part of Ihs Republican boases to defeat avary effort that the Essex Benaior put forth in the direction of reform. BtJt these same bossea knew beyond all ouesllon that the people desired the reform (hat was pro­vided for in ilie Colby hill, and that ax plains why (he scheme waa concncied of making much ado about a few minor faults in his measure and using them as un exchta for taking the matter out of Ills hands and placing It In charge of two Beimtora, whose work would have the ■tamp of regularity. Thai Is the whole explanotloh of the situation, and no plat­form declaration on September l» can change the facta one lota.

touncHmen had Ignored the vole cn *he municipal light plant referendum. There had iH'on a sentiment that the wlsh<‘s of the .pi^l^e, wbgn g x p r f—d In such a

’From Earth's a a

'-fTTh^rr had bwn IntlmAliUrtg k I pappra that the prooraatliMlIun <'ii tn

PHi't lit Ihv enunriimvn in dealing tlie lighting quvatlun wua due to tli>- n: fluenco of the coiporutltma. The lll‘ ' tor>‘ iHClIca In thta matter were conlr.'Vi- ed with the apeed wlib which the d.- manda o f the rallrnada end the public utility ennipanlea had been heeded, Three expreeelene may have eonvineed enme of the Kepuhllcan l.eadera that It wnuld rot be a good thing lo oompllcate the political altuatton Jolt now with ible laaue. and probably that accoiinla for 'he eourae puriued hy the Camden city fathere In agreeing to the report o f their committee. They know It doee not com­mit them to any further procedure that would he diataateful to the corporatlone and the party boeaee after the election hae been held.

dltpocal plant or the dumping grounds.In oonaldcrtng the plan, however, regtrd

I f muat be had to the law concerning the a, tPangportatlon of freight by trolley eom- .«i'.p*tt[e«.rle That law. which wae enacted by the ■•f t-egialature laat year, provided that trol­

ley compantea might carry express and freight matter In and through any mu

*■’ Blolpatlty "by end wllh the eojaent of the governing body of such mun'fcipalHy.

^ and under auch lawful reatrictions and regulatlona as auch govemlitg body may hy ordinance Irapoae." Not a k(ngle trol­ley company In the State has ^ d e ap­plication for this privilege ainci the acl became a Igw, and aoTt has h ^ n a dead latter, ai, tor one reaaon. It l in deserved t() be. That reason la that the passage of, afl ordinance giving a trolley road the figftt to carry freight would be «iuiva. Itnli under'■veated-rlglu and trrepealable' ooBtract court decisions, to granting a jyirpetual franchise to arry on that bust haH, regardless of whether or no Ihe regulatlona provided In the nnUnaoce should prove deatrable after having been practically tested.

If It la believed lo be for the hencBt of the city to put Into effect the plan aug- gcated by Mr. Sherrerd tor garbage trana- .jporlatkin by trolley, and It Is found thnt 'that ban be gone only hy menne of an ordinance under the Irollcy-frelght law. It wifi at oao^be yaM llbw Important It

S',la that no blunder li committed for which no atonement can ever be made. Every eataguard should be thrown about such

X an agreement, and notiung In- the con- V tract should he permitted In any way to

permit the general carrying o f express and fralght by trolley. If Ihe traction company la to be given any such ftelghi-

^ carrying privilege, the terms should he considered entirely outeldc o f a garbage

^ eontraet provision.Thtre WOaia time previous to the date

on which the city entered upon Its pree- ant garbage dlaposal contract when aoine at the political leaders prominent in di­recting city government affaire were most anxious to bring about municipal ownei- alilp o f the garbage-collecting and dls- poaal bnelneea. Have Ihe reasons they advanced then tor a change in the sya- tern been found to be InauIBctent ftm the

THE (laST OF O F F iriA I. WEtJI.KCT The rapid deterioration of the Ironwork

of the Jackson Street Bridge, over the Fasialc River, can be accounted (or only on Ihe ground of official neglect. That bridge was completed only nine years ago, at a cost of over tSOft.OOO, and It waa calculated that It would nol need exien sive repairs for many years to come. The Investlgalloiis thle week by the Joint bridge committee of the Board ot Free, holders and the county engineers of Es sea and Hudson revealed dangeroue cor­rosion ot the structural work of the bridge and that some of the cornices had been completely -eaten away. The blame for these eon4i llons waa placed by the Investigators bn the elements and ihc effects uf sulphuric scld fumes from a emaller.

But the real trouble waa neglect. The neceaslty for prompt repaire on the struc­ture has been frequently pointed out. At­tention haa eometimps been called to this by the.Eaaex offlclale and sometlmea by the Hudson nuthnrltlea, hut there haa always heretofore been some disagreement tlist prevented Iskiiig action that wmilii have checked Ihe deterioration of the bridge materlala. The reeult haa been that the taxpayera of the twn counties will now ha forced lo hear a ronslflerahle expense for extensive repaire that could have been avoided hart the bridge behi. properly cared for by the men whose duty It was to see lo It that the work was done. There has always been friction because of the Joint control by' two counties of this and other hrlrtgea. hut had the authorities of either county beeh In earnest In demand­ing that the repaire be made when need* ell, the friction couirt have been overcome and the Inlefoeta ot the texpayora pro- tseted.

f— C .,- - ' - " O . - . —- —- ^ a P H 'r : - ; - - . ; > . - w - —

Wife-Desertion..ind to GOs j

"Thfl rf>d dpvJl has c«mis to stay." | n rtB a sMpi^nl nerJbe In a scrssd agninsl | thoBA who ppsoi. plus A piftd th«y will mend (hair manners. t)ut has It?


The report (hat Conureisman R. W ajiie Parker has allowed himself to ha hoomad by hU friends In We^i Orange for Ih# Republican Gubrrna(orlH) nomination is not likely (o complicate the altuAtlon In which hlB party now llnds liself In tho matter o f selrctlnx « candidate. Tt la somewhat late In the day for Mr. Parker to enter the race, and then, besides, he would find himself heavily handicapped. In considering his Availability at this poiitU'il crisis In the Btaie. hla vole- gsttlng powers under prevailing rondl- tlons would be carefully studiod ihe^ men bolding the nominating power, an><f they would nol overlook the fac/ that he so narrowly escaped defeat 'laat full In hit contest for re>elec(Lon at|the hands of Dr. Kraemer. /

Mr. Parker has made a ftn^d recijtd id Congress in the six terms he H»s

L ike ih v BIka.Rsmetnber the bicycle fever? Of course!

Only ten years looking back; but what s very deuce of a (Itne that is, when w'e only have threc-acore-and-ten and hava

up more than two-scoret Ten years ago—one hundred and twenty moons to the good-by! .ny, more th.-in half (he •'clvlllxed world was a moonllng then; had wheels; was wheeUmad. Una dame J heard of stralght^this la a fact, no nature-fake. If you please, my TocMy— wrtite to her husband, who had mildly protested against her cycling so much, to go gel A divorce If he didn't like It, for she wfi8 "wedded" to her wheel!

The W M ss PliU.Ph'erywhere wei used to encounter these

eyrie cranks, masculine and feminine, wMh a peculiarly set expressionless ex- pita^lon which the comic papers picked up Hnd caricatured aa Ihe bicycle face. Doubtless now' the auIq puts Us especial sign <in some fn«?ss, parilcularly (hose of wnmf*n as being more sensitive, so that, Insm^il of our saying, as of y^re, that Miss Lucinda Belinda Jones ha« a pleas­ing mobile countenance, radiant with ex­pression. we half-conscloualy or suhllml-


Qreat'Hum an frobfem That Confronts 6haritab le ^Associations and Some Tacts and

Figures Concerning Ih '


The Hhiry of Patrick and Maggie O’Con­nell goes (o show that the queatlon of family desertion Is not all dry'bonea of Htudy for tliti lawyers and law-makeri. A light ha.' been going on for years In half the States of Ihe I’nion lo catch by the nap of I hr- neck I he man who deaerita hli wife Htid children and shakt: him Itilo good behavior again.

Patrick and Maggie O’Connell show that It lb pretty, noariy pure drifting that leads A man to desert hla family and awnman tn go down the scale of life until shl-JIs m) kirger fU to care for her own children. Their story forms a long rec­ord In the rues of one of the largest charitable organlsatlona oi New Yorkt’tly.

Patrick was a truck driver, earning good wages whsit ho was monied at iweiity-fmir. He waa a big fellow who tlld gnod work. Maggie was as pretty a girl HS ever lived in old Greenwich VII- I igc un the lower West Bide. She had been a sewing machine operator, and a thrifty. weM-dreSHcd, popular girl. The wedding witH « big one. ami they started wit.b n blight fu(ure, every one said. Maggie proved a splendid housekeeper, and Patrli k could not foil back on any of the Pisllernly reminns—bad food, messy rooms, persistent dirt—which ars^ I rn a I 'ssi . rv^ i j sx i i x . ' n i —s. s v s i o p j , ■ .........

nally whisper to rnjrselvea. "That L». B. popularly supposed to make a husbandJ. ’girl has acquired a regular automo­bile phix with about as much Intelli­gence In sight AS A drownatl muskrat."

served, and no one will dispute t^nt fact.l\»tHe \ a s worked hard for the iV terei ta

of hla conslUtienls In the Seventh DlstrU'r, and has also been guided by principles that be believed to be for the l>eat In­terests of the people of New Jersey and nf the nation. He has hcen a man uf Influence In the House of RepreseTJtAtlvee, and the longer he atnye there the better will he be sble to perform the duties required In that position of Irust and honor. II will be the part of wlfdom on the part of hla friends, therefore, m en­deavor to keep Mr. Parker In Uongress and nol push him forward into a Held In which he has been untried, and In which there Is reason lo believe he woaid not he as successful as be haa been In the past.

W e Khali Ply RaceSsB\jt the cycle furor went to glory. The

dawn nf the twentieth century beheld the beginning of the end. Indeed, unless memory, errs, the year 18£6 spelt fallurn for 9 nuriilMir of cycle-rnnkeis and cycle­vending concerns, and thus It may happen wRh the RVJto, when the aeroplane be­comes faahlonnble, and then common. For wr shn,ll rty before long, nh! yes, be­yond A doubt, we ahull Ay—fly races, as 1 used, when ti IIUIh boy. lo think the angels did. when Blerntty hung heavy on I heir hands or wings. Make no mistake, we shall wipg It to beat the birds before long. I would bet before 1S20, If I didn't consider It immoral l«> bt*i upon anylhlng except Presidential »*lecll0!is. which I have always won on. xMake no mlftlnkfi!

The telephone operators, the telegraphers and the lelter-rarrlert In Butte are all on a strike, so that (he prospect of hear­ing from Mary MacLane Is pleasingly re­mote.

Georgia gentlemen are now taking an ocraslonal sip of water, hoping to be able lo acqulra the ta.-ite by the time the pro- hlhilton law closes In on them.

K s o t e r i c ^ ' a l a e n f M a c h i n e r y *And when every American sovereign

clllscn who has the price can go kiting through the air at Ills uwn sweet will In his own. or a lilred, aeroplane, where will the nutfi be then’ Where ihc cycle is now. I fnnry; still In use. but llmlled; relegated, perhaps, to cumnierclal ser­vice chiefly. But, like the cycle, the auto, while Its vlcllms have been many, with an ugly promlie of Increase for a while, although n mere machine wllS have served Us turn in (he way of mental widening snd perhaps one might venture to say, spiritual development. The cycle unques­tionably enlarged men'p horlxons; took mnny myriads away from the din and grind and grime of cities Into the lovely country: introduced them to Mother Na­ture: turned lassitude Into healthy llghl- nrss: rejuvenated the mind: returned, the heart. The erase of H has evaporated; the good of It In moderation still remains

The suspicion deepens that no wind that has hitherto been devised will be per­mitted hy Walter Wellman to waft him In (he direction of (he Pole.

The Charleston News and Courier pi->r- celves that the mllroAds made n grave mistake when they did not tunnel under North Carnllna.

We could now laugh at the iceman If the A p p ro ach in g shadow of t h e coalnuTu didn't Iqom .so ominously on the horixon

W e o f B q a e s tr ln n O rd er,Besides, loo,both of these machines have

stirred up the country In many place* lo the point of making good roads; and when the auto craee has subalded. w*e of the good old fashion, who hiive a horse, and who ride him wl(li reason through the summer and nutumn landscape, will have our Innings once more. 1 fancy, loo, by (hat time most women will he riding man- fashion, and Indeed, after one becomes used to the sight, it seems Jusi as comely a* It Is common-senpible. S3uf'h 1* the tyranny of custom, even over h mind that should have become well widened by much early tre\’el, 1 confess, the first time T SAW a woman riding straddle It gave ms A shock Now It looks quiie proper to me.

Maxim Gorky has not as y«t favnied the world wllh hla Impressions of the average American hotel-keeper.

The American farmer is mighty proa- perou*. but there Isn't a mother’s son o f him who will admit It.

The Pittsburg school offlclal who tried to turn off the ftow of La Folletie ora­tory kiiows more now.

carrying out o f the plan at this time?


When fine old Henry ‘VIIl. of Englunii 'V dotln d to get rid of a wife In a man'.er ' I ontlrely agreeable to law as well as tlio »<■ Bcrlptures, he had no trouble In doing ./ so by the simple procea* of fixing up the ^ law and interpretinij^the Old Teslumant

to lult the emergenc)\^ijp Inalance. 'Ir- w lug o f Catherine of Aragon, and longing >(-, for Anne Boieyn, be discovered that ac-■y.t

eording to Leviticus his marriage with t. th« former w’lis nvdl und void. Cnih-

trine had been the wife of hla * brother, and was, therefore, debarred

from legal marriage with him. Tlie ICng- ^ Uah bishops agreed with their King,T'f was entirely prudent in thoae (Imcs. and V henceforth. In England, marriage wns 5 prohibited tc relative* by murrlage,

well as to relatives by blood. The law-0i'fr: wa* not strictly enforced, however, for

In 1S53 Lord Lyndhurst brought in a hill leglUmlslng all previous marriages of llus

It Is almost Itnpoaslble, Indeed, to re­gard Mr. John F. Gnynor as "languishing In a dungeon."

Agr o f m -o p e ra n t T h ink in g .Will there ever he a universal language.

VolnpuK made considerable lieadwHy, buL haa declined, or. nl least, become aUt- (lonary. Bsncranln appears io have more vitality and to have made a notable num­ber of converts among men of sclenco, who, nauirally. would Ilka (n have a cor-'- mon, definite medium for communication, this being nol the age of "the lonely thinker' like Dr. Gilbert, of Cnlshestur, pensionSd by wlae Queen Bess, that red­head termagant, to pursue s pensive, sohludlnou* war^lTirough life, but this being the fraternal co-operani era In sci­ence and philosophy, when men of bralna are trying to think together and give each other their Ideas for use and further tlt- vefopment as quickly as posiilble.

run away, Deserllnn for such causes has be«.*n called ‘ 'the poor man's divorce," ThH( was not Patrick’ s kind.

Ho 4lld mighty well for a (Ime. fur­nishing a flat and caring *r*u for his wife. After (he first baby came he seemed to lose Ititerest jn his home, and by the time tnere war* two little ones he was mixing work and beer ho evenly that Miiggle had to apply to a charity society for help. It came hard for bur, but Pat­rick was losing hl« grip, and there soon were to be five In dm family. The so-* clely bore a hand until Maggie was Well, and then phe (nok over ihe supporl of her three hnbjee. going back to ihs work Khe had left become a bride. It waa hard sledding, but a friendly visitor from a rettlemem who saw her oflsn fouud her bomp and her children spick and span. Thnt meant toll In unroutued night houTM, but It bit. Into her strength with ihe worry of it all.

HIx year* later the charity society heard nf them again. (Ids time through the Hoard of Healtli, which reported Maggie III with tuherciiloBlM. Patrick had been at home off and on. Two morn children had been horn and one had died. Prompt meaBureH built her up ho (hat she could work agHln. Palrlck still hung aroum l- atways tliere on pay dej.

n hen U was the Sfwlety urged Alaggle to have him put under bond to support her. Patrick had given her juat t20 in a year, but she was loyal and refused. He was working Jn a poolroom now and made her believe he earned practically nothing. A charity visitor reported: "He segms lo have plenty of money-wears good cloths* and Hpendfl liberally In oaloon^."

Finally Maggie had him arrested, but hi* case fell to an officer who belonged to the same political club wnd nothing came o f it until the Legal Aid Society was In­terested In the matter hy the charily so­ciety and Patrick, proteatlng, sent all bts friends with vain appeal to hi* wife, of­fering her 129 In one sum. Thoroughly Indignant at what he deemed "persecu­tion." he W£iP Fcni to BtackwelT* Island for six months.

The growing effect of the sordid life, all hard w^rlc and 111 health, began to tell on Maggie. A parole nfflrer, who called, found her Intoxicated. Her resolution weakened and she took Patrick back for a time after his release. He did odd job* of snow shoveling through Ihe winter. Twice more she had him Imprisoned, only to taka him In again. Another baby was born. Maggie drank more. Her moral grip weakenad- Finally It oosed aw^y al­together. The Inst entry on her card In the charity Foclely's office Is a report from ft fenement-huusc Janitor that the family was evicted because Maggie and the woman next door drank so much and m*dc such an ("verlasllng disturbance (hat they cmiM not he tolerated. Maggie had h>*( her husbnnd. her health, three cMldreh and har selt-respect. In ten years. R]>e ha* nothing ahead hut the iflle old- agc-in-ynulh nf Ihc broken women silting day after day In the hare room* of the almshouse. ^

The tqnn and women fighting for stronger lawp against the family deserter tell I'ou (hat thl* ts (he type of deserting husband; young, able-bodied, capable of earning good wages, but disinclined to j work, Intemperate, and without any sense of responsihiUty: coming back home when

it suits hi* convenience, but Jeavtng again without concern for b li family; careleesty bringing children Into the world to die from neglect, or at beat to grow up without half a chance. Moggie w&e at the beginning auperlur to the average de- sortod wife—apparently all that a wife ehouid be. ]t wa* only after eeven years o f neglect and abuse that ahe could bring hereclf to have Patrick arreeled. She had atrergth o f character to stand by this | for e time, but not for long. The change which took place In her attitude toward her huoband aeetns to have beoti due to no softening of her feeling. There le no trace of affection for him, Apparently* her enourance waa exhausted, her Ideals of what «h« and her home could be ware lost, and U wa« easier to come down and live on hla level than to struggle on,

M m n j Casaa Ktudlrd.Mis* Lillinn Brandt, who has made a

Btatlallcul study of 674 coses of de*erthm for the New York Charity Organlxatloii Bociety, sums up the situation a* follows:

' Family desertion 1* one o f the import- *nt problems both In charity and In pei.ology,

"From year to year eharllabiB socle- ties find that deserted famllte* form nine, ten or twelve per cent, of all the fami- I'es thfll come to them. Twenty-iTve per cent, of the commUmenta of chfldren lu New York City have been attributed to desertion. The alimony clerk In New York annually coMecte 170,000 or 176.000 from deserting husbands who have been put under bonds to pay a certain weekly amount for their famillea' tupport, and he haa constantly about 800 cases on hU books.

"Deiertlon I* an equally Important prob­lem in penology. As a statutory offenae It ia in process of transition from dlgor- lierly conduct, through mlsclemeonor. to felony. In New York ii has reached the laal stage, end" abandonment of a child In destitute cErcumstances has been de­clared a felony, punlihable by a mux- Inum term of two years' Imprisonment or a maximum fine of |£,000, or both.

’ ■Desertion seems to be Increasing. Part of the Incroass Is doubtless only appar­ent und Is due to more thorough Invesd- gfttlon, of families that need help. We scrutinise more cloafly than we used to the convenient claim of widowhood, wUli the r<»BuU that we freciueuily learn of an able-bodied husband lurking around the comer or living wkh another woman in another city, or simply "disappeared." The proportion of deserted wives there­fore tends to Increase in ouc figures whetherthelr numbers areaciuallyIncreas­ing or not. There are reasons, however, mhy It Is probable that desertion Is be­coming mors oommnn. It Is easier and easier lo get from place to place ami to lose one's self olTectually In a new com­munity If one wants to: and the coming of head* of families In advance of their wive* and children from Europe to Ameri­ca and from (he older pans of America to the newer, and from the country town* to the big cities, Is an Influsnce that works to weaken family tie*.

"There have been two "pBIhilar theories In explanation of desertion. One la that it (s the poor man's divorce; that the de-

'serter Is a respectable, estimable char­acter. seeking relief from a nagging wife, Indigestible cooking and an untidy home, and choosing this way becauaa It. (■ the cheapest and most convenient. The other la that cruel industrial conditions drive men. when sick and out of work, to leave

Sailors of U . S. S. Glacier Give a Benefit and

Realize $40.


In aid At the fresh air fund the offeers and crew o f the U. 8. 8. Qlaclevp one of the vessels that aided In towing the dry dock Dewey to the Pacific, arranged a benefit in Hillside Fnrk yesterday after­noon. The affair waa a success, and a* a result uf the effort* of the tailors $40 was added to (he treasury. Ii will be of great benefit, for the fund* were geULng low and thera are a number of cesee Inneed relief. _____ ____

About twenty-five of the crew of the Glacier, which at present is In the Brook­lyn Navy Yard, are Newarkera, end hear­ing of the fund, which is a local charity, they interealed their messmate* In * plan (o add money lo (he dnpleled treasury. Frank E. Barry wa* preftldem of the coni- mltlee In charge o f the benefit, and J. R. Neilaii the treasurer. The sailor* and many of their friends went to the park yesterday, and there was a large attend­ance, AS many persons had purchased llckeis In order to aid the fund.

The fresh air fund commltiee thanked thl) sailor*, whose efforts will enable a rumber of *tck women and children to be Bent away to the country next weak. Many of the case* are In urgent need of a vacation.

A' number of other beneficiaries will be sent away soon, and if some mere money I* received It wdll be possiblr to attend Ir every case on the list, Several conlrlbu- tlors are recorded to-day.

Contribuiiona to the fre*h air fund may be sent (o the EVENING NEWB. to the room* of the Female Charitable Society,

Halsey Rireel, or to the treasurer, Mr*. M. H. Douglas*. 1G» Monmouth atreet. All sums will he acknowledged In this paper. The fund to date stands as follow*:Previously ucUnowIeiiged.............. J6.212 IttC. B. H. Glacier. benvIlU at Hill­

side Park........................................Mr*. E, Parker......................... ........Three Foresf Hill boys..,*«.4t>«><>>A Frlvml....................... ....................E. R ....................................................Mr*. Laura A. Smith......................Infant Dept, Christ Church Sun­

day-school, Harrison....................Mr*. F. Dickson..........................Hnhne A Co., balance from 1806

OtbiefU fund A Friend

40 00)l) 007 15r> qiS 00

Tc»lnl , $0,286

IN PHIL KEARNY'S HEHORY.Flairs lo Be R aised T o-m orrow 4n

Hudson T ow n B earing the G en era l'* IVaiue.

To ihe EflUor of ik« XEWfi:Sir—In accordance with a re*olullon

ftdopted by the Kearny Town Council sev­eral year* ago. our national flag will be displayed at full iua*t on the public park* and buildings In Kearny on September I In honor o f General Phil Kearny. The remembrance and esteem for Kearny In the town which bear* bia name ha* been most fittingly shown during the past ycftf, by Inscribing to hi* memors' a Idrge tablet of bronxe and marble, bear­ing the full text of Lincoln's famous address on the battlefield a( Gfetlysburg..

their f.m tlle.. out 1 Thlx tablet has been placed In one of the

of the way."A study of the facts In actual case*

shows Isolated Instances which might Illustrate these two theories, but It also ’shows that the typical case of- deaertlon. find therefore the real problem, Is some­thing very different. The r*nmmon story I* more as It may be found In the rec­ords of a charitable *oclety-a pathetic Story o f repeated deaertlon and gradual disintegration of the wife's character an account of the hardships and Instability of her life."


1907 by Charltle* and tha Common*-)

Arlington.The surviving members of Kcarny’a

command In the Civil War. recall tliclr service, and hi* leadership, when they read Btedman'a tines upon his death al Chantilly, a* follow*:"Where' the red volleys poured, where the

clamor rose highest.Where the dead lay In dumps througli

the drawf oak end pine:Where the aim from the thicket wan

Bureat end-rlghest-^No charge tike Phil Kearny'* along tlv»j

whole line. ”VETERAN XS62-5.

Arlington. August tO. 11W7.

nature, bui rendering them mil] tliereiif- • i ter. Hi* object w*a to aecure the Duke

uf Beaufort, whose fftihcr had marri»-tl *t the half-«laier o f hi* deceased wife. In tils

title. The bill |>usiicd, but thcrenp>;i ^ arose the agitation ov(<r the dcc'j-ased

slater that has occupied F'arlU- t ment ever Rlncc—wlien Parilament had

nothing else In particular lo agitate about.

■“ At every scsflon of Parliament since ^ 1S49 tha deceased wife’ s sister bill hau

"V faaen debated. In every Instance rhvs one It ha* passed the Comnions, to be de-

feated by the Lords. In the exception tioted the l.<ord* gave their assent, but

the first and only lima (lie Common* P "*-''Ware In opposition. Every English colony

•* throughout the world haa made such w marriages legal, so that parties In Eng- ^ land dcalrini to contract fbem had only ' tb make & brief excursion to the nearesl

ooloiiy and return to the fatherland le- K gaily wedded, rnr many years. In fact,

tbe gtubbors stand o f the Home o f Ijords OR tha queatlonr a stand Justtfled by no

' * ooAslderatlOb save a blind adherence to aa evil praeedant, has been a world-wide $ofca. Parbaps the joke would have con- Usuad had tmi tlie Lord* .begun to real- Igi tlMt they can no longer afford 1L Tha datanainfd onslaught upon their pic- cogotlvas tbsit ha* oharacirrlEed espec- (a$Jir .Iha kud-session o f ParUament has orottsed them io the fact that iholr very avlstanoa aa part of the legislative nm-. cblberv o f the empire ts threatened. Tliey bava thsrefore yielded to what Is not

a impular Astnandj but the demand oMUmry morality and eoBnnon sente.

T bt approval o f ihs King wUi conclude tba gpiaodsii thAt agproral will b«

F f ^ A a c n A!VD COMMERCE.The ifiure cheerful tone prevailing at the

country's financial centre the past week hud been due largrty to the imprePhlnn thni the New York bond nAle would be handled (lui'cessfully, the reHultIng feeliniT of conflrleni'e being baaeil on the heltef that resourceful director* of aftalra .ire nut lacking Jn the present pmsrgency. Jf enough Individual bid* are not made to absorb all of the HO.IWO.OflO four-nnd-fpTip- half per cent. Is*ue, It I* expectad that a ayndlcate will armounoe Itself a* re.idy to tnke (he bainnee, their offer, however, being blit llUle over par, U I* thouprlU that the individual bids may be ut a Ronie- whal higher pramUim. though It le ii< t quIfltH clear Whi’’ such bidders, Jf rl,ev pl?n to Rhnre Jn the later syndlrale ufi'':r, sliOulU be willing practically to give avk.iy monvy.

Call money rales arc Boinpwhal eiirr 'r, though no more perhaps than w.h* anuci- pntad at the close of a monih. and (lif-r* appeors to he an easier feeling rrgardlng gold supporl. The slock market hni shown a fair degree of strength the paet few dayR, closing yealerd:iy with Home subelaptlftl advances. The list, a* u wh<*ie ha* broken the August record by showir.g net gains for the week. Metropoliraii Street Railway stock luaUr a new low lecoi'd yesterday, the r:-mor* as to a re celvevRhlp for th« New York City woy. Ihe guaranlor of the Metropohtnr's sewn per rent. dlvUlend, not belrff downed, The belief ha* obiained In cer­tain quHrter* that there may be ti gnnizntlon of New York tmctlonB, One of the moRt Interesting eventn of the v.f.t.k Im* been the borrowing hy the Erie, b / the ixaue of scrip dividends, due in ren year*, of the dlairlbulion on the first and second preferred issues, the rats pold for the of the money being four per cim: per annum.

Trade report* are, ou the whole, o f an encouraging nature, though some Irresru- hirity l8 noted, and there Is a nol unnst- tira! conservatism in some line*. Ihie crop outlook, particularly In lbs North­west, is regarded as more favorable.

Th* Bryan Interpretation of ihe Okln- home Conatilutlon li a good deal different, Mr. Taft.

Ttie Maine farmer has about harvested hi* crop of summer l>oarder*.

The straw hat la n trifle over-ripe,

a t a t k e t c h i k g h .Perhaps the people o f the whole Stale

will feel more sympathy with the people of Hudson County becaust the treasury there 1* ‘dead broke." now that the rall- roftds have decided to appeal the malii- Rl«m tax decision.

The dlvuralon of funds at the Rahway Reformatory wa* certainly no worse than the failure o f tho State amhorltipR to furnish the neceaiary ca*h to run the InptUU Ion. tine was manipulation and the other was prncileally robbery,

The Hoonlon Bulletin may now he con- sldcrpd more Irregvdar than ever hy the Republican polfiiclans. since it keeps nd- vlilng the people of the place to ' keep posted on town affnlr*."

Tlie retirement of Peter Tillman an Assemblyman, token in connection with the resignation* o f otlwr legisLotora to lake fat political Jobs, leads the Trenton Times to aay that "It may be necrssjiry to so amend the Constitution a* to require a pledge from leglelattve candidate* that they will serve out the term* for which they are elected." That would be one w*iy to fix H. Another would be to elect men for the puRillon who were not eter­nally looking for a soft snap In return for rhelr supporting the bosses and de­serting the lntere*ts o f ihdir eonstltu- enls.

W. M. Daniels, professor o f polJtlcal economy at Princeton. I* mentioned as a possible candidate for State Ssiiator from Mercer County on the DemocraUc ticket. It has been generally supposed thl* year that the laat thing the Democrats are looking for Is political pconomy^ but that they arc after the spoils.

In declining to be consldefed as i Democratic OubematorJal candldRtQr 8»h ntor HincliUffe haa conRiderable more common sense then some o f his friend* In Passaic County. Thl* Is a yeAf when

Tbe Conqneror Tonffwe.A* for llils plan or liopo for a universal

language, ours Is practically sTich lo-day In fl romoierolal way. more than half Hie world over; In fact, almost everywhere, save in South America, where tlie flex­ible. melodlotia, majestic tongue of Cer- vHntefl yet hold* Kb own, and bids f a i r to malpUln ita ancendem.-y. But, touch­ing Ihe need of sHeiuIats Just In refererct. let me quote you a picturesque pa sa^^e from a caplml book on electricity I linvc Just been reading In proof for the F. A. BloUea PuhliBhing Uompaiiy. I don t know Ihe siiihor's name yet, else, of course, would give him credit.

From fi B oak In Preas,"Enough—perhftpR more than enough—

has been said to show how the science of electricity has created a new *et of word* for the language* of the world, though, fortunately, by International comity, theee words are alike In all lan­guages." tAmpere, Volt, Ohm. Coulomb, Farad. Watt, from the names of the great men r>f divers nations. whoiO din* coverlRS have added to the sum of our knowledge and muHIpMeU the siisn of nur romforte.) "One might fancy electricians to converse In them to a certain extent, though Ignorant of each other'* native tongue*. Thus, one tiiight point to a high hill and write on a void 'JWl.OGO Ohms/ to Indicate It would be dlffrnlt to cllmh, while the nths>f might reply by polnllng to his sturdy logs aa capable of a 'Kilowatt.'

TO HOLD ARCHITECTS.Thpy MnAt AMninf, llraprtnHihlllf >'

tor A lfereiinn W nrk AnthurUrdb r r o n n r l l

A tiiilrtlftB arelifteplii rpsponslble

M o r t r r d AfODib l lt t f f R I n c k .At one tlm», (i* you know, ninr of si:i-

nnr. snd bhllnBaphtm wroto In Lotiii, ainl thlH for cnnlurlen after thni exact and loRlinl tongue had oeasert to be apoken oacepl by prleeis and afhtilnrs, moat Ot the worlrt'a great aqholars Uieii being nniong tile prieethnort. In modern times, ratling modernity about n century and a !in!f or two rentnrtes rmiglily. thinkers In .urience and phlloaophy have preferred In express themaelvea In Ihelr mother tor gucB, even when aa fnrnlllar witn Lulln aa John Millon.the poel, or Wniloni E. Oladslnne, the auteamaii, who could have made old Cicero tllmaelf alt up and lake notice and rub hla eyes at mich a vckcfly of verhoalty, auch a Niagara of luminous, voluminouB words. Thua, for one adentiai to get into full touch with nnother'a discoveries, has been somewhat along the lines of the Rosetta Stone.

for all alteration work authorised by the Committee on Constcuetlun and Alteration of Buildings nf the Common Council, waa added to the rulea at a meeting of the body iasl night. Alderman McCiownn suggested that the new rule lx adopted and his col­leagues decided it would be a good one.

Nathan Myers, an arohitecl, said he agreed with the committee that ail work should be properly supervised by the one who drew the pl.TOs, but, he added, an architect was merely an umpire between contractftr and owner, and could not make either one follow the original drawings as died, if both agreed on a change In them. He said he thought an additional clause should be Inserted providing that If any rtiange waa made in the plans by the owner or contrurtor, the responalhlllty should shift In them. Chairman Reilly sold if the architect notified the depart- nient when hla plans were not being fol­lowed the committee would relieve him of all responalhlllty therefor.

Mr. Myers appeared on behalf of the Newark Amusement Company which wants to operate a moving picture show at !9o Springfield avenue. Plans for al­tering the building wer* submitted to the committee, but have not been eanctloned, and Mr. Myers asked that favorable ac­tion he taken. The place will be Inspected this afternoon.

NEW PARSONAGE BOUGHT.First MelbodUt PfOteslRiit Chareli

Pays flD,000 for tt.A new parsonage has been purclmaed by

the Pleat Methodist Protestant Church .of Clinton and Treacy avenues next to the edifice nt SM Clinton BVemie. The house is a two-and-a-half-atory brick, contain­ing nine room*, and cost lio.ooo.

The paator, Rev. Luther R, Warner, who at present lives at 63 Seymniir ave­nue, will not take possesalnn until next May, aa the pre8ent~tenHnt‘B lease does not expire until than. .The purchase was made poasiblc by the sale of the old par- Bonage on Hill atreet, which was disposed of for ip.W.

Wc dose oor warerooms at noon to-day until Tuesday morning* Thereafter wc close at 6 P* M*; on Saturdays at 10 P. M.

LAUTER CO.Warerooms t 657 and 659 Broad Street, NewarkFactotyi 5«, 60, bZ, M , bb and bS L «k iw * o iu Avtou*, Nswtfk

the Fafcirson brewer Ig Of th* opinion

The Stone thnt T alked .This, which perhaps ought to have been

called the Boussard stone, since that was


After waiting ten months after the elec­tion In which the voters of the city do- dared In favor at a municipally owned electric.light plant, the Finance Commit­tee of the Camden Common Council has finally adopted a report, which has been accepted by the counolltnen, going on rec­ord aa agreeing with the opinion of the cltlaens as expressed at the jyolls. This does not mean that Camden is to build an electric lighting plant, by any means. The report approved Is to the effect that when the Ughtiiig Committee of the council shall have presented a detailed statement o f the cost of such a plant, and that statement has been approved by the eouticll, then the Fltwinco Com- mllteo will direct the city counsel to draw an ordinance which, if passed, will provide for the Issuance of the necessary bonds.

Perhaps this may be a good way o f deellng with the subject tram a political point ot view. TSe voters of Camden bad sbown much feellhf beoaust th*

that it will be *af*r to mn a candidate who Is not "a platform in htaiself."

Chairman Hudapeth'e appeal to young voters to support the Democratic ticket ts not ft thriller, hut tt shows-._h* means business and Intends to hill any sus­picions that may have been aroused that he is going to let "the same old gang ’ run the campiilgn.

The TniOu Hill Dispatch quote* Charles C. Black as declaring that he It a entt- didate for the Democratic Qubematorinl nowilnatlon, but la not actively aecklug the honor. And aa long as Robert Da­vis keeps that peace compact with James Bmith Jr.. Mr. Black n c ^ not fear that the nomination will be foPced upon him.

Rntphers' Worfcnea fw Meet.A special meeting o f the locals here-

nbouts o f the Amalgamated Heat Cut­ters and Biitchers' Workman' o f North America will he hold at 3 o'clock to­morrow ftfternoon, at the Now Auditorium, in Orange street, The object la to dis­cuss the new agreement to be presented to the Western mcHthouset calling for oltgrier hours and more pay. At the close o f the open meeting them will b« sepclal sesalons of Local 3M, o f Karrigon: No. 4W.

the name of the French officer who dla-overed It near Ihe village o f Roeelta In

1T99, during NapaleM'a Jaunt into Egypt, had upob t t aa edict of Ptolemy 'V. Eplphanet written ia tfene seta ot char, acteri, lha hieroglyphic, or priestly and artstocratic, the demotic, or that ot the rammon people, and Greek for the benefit of those forelgneri, then comparatively abundont In Egypt as they ar« now in Cairo and Alexandria. This was a happy find, since It gave to Champollion a key for Ihe deciphering ot the hieroglyphs which had pusited mankind for cen­turies like a riddle of the Sphinx.

H. A.

Jokn B. jBOksan Gees to P crala .John B. Jackson, former United Rtatas

Minster to Greece, and now aecredltud to Perila, who has bean visiting rela­tives here, sailed thl* mornliyr on the /.merlcan Line ateamehlp St. Paul. He

R ob e ’* L abor Day-, I-

The rity man is ever on the go;The man he calls a "Kube" is very Mow, The city's full of noise and n*r»ou*3Vhich'''Jlube,'' who'* alwayi busy, never

The cUy count* It* holiday* so fWt.The next one's alway* on the heels ot■'Rube'*'only hears of them when they

are pnst.That towns have time for them, a* m*r-

vela bow;■'It's wonderful!" he say*; and go** to Plow,

"And now tbey're working (Jp a labor Gosh?^^' wish a few would step out our


la on his way to Teheran, capital of Persia, and on his way will stop at Athens, Mr. Jackeon expects to reach Persia early In November.

o f Hoboken and Jersey CUy; No*- *# and *M, o f Patereon: No. 3C0, of Ell*ab*|h; No. *M, of Orange; Nos. Ell and S2, o f New­ark; No. 47*. o f West Hobokett, and No, tic, ot Bayonn*.

^Poor Children »n Owllog.Fittv children Of the Home for the

Frlendlee* went lo Aebur,v I^rk this af­ternoon aa the guests of the Franklin Street M. E- Church Epworth League. Mis* Emma T, Ormandy, the suwrlnten- dent; Hiss Haute Lane, a teacher, and several attendauta acoompanied them. It Is expected that they will take supper at Rnsa's Pavilion, Ocean Grove, and return about 1 o'clock to-ntgbL

We've always labor days Upon the farm,A taste ot tt would do them little harm.We men who feed them bave but sorry

For dollaia earned they only send u*It's a^om»*o,n*'i fault and Is the worst ofWhoae^Tauit It really 1* "Rube" hardlyHe slnipTy ’ bends his back to toll and

’ “ ** ' HI."W e stand on top, wc 'Rubes,' and look­

ing down, .Feel kindly for our bonidera tn th* town;For tike our own small kids at home at

play.We heed but III tie who I they do or say.We're told we'va apollcd them, that they

e'en forgetTo honor those who all their tables set;Ah, well! they'll learn; they'll underttaad

It yet."And then poor "Rab*" goes forth alone

and reaps


Low Cost Policyof

T he P r u d e n t ia lUnparalleled in Its Attractive Features.

Low Premimn Rates, finaranteed Results.


- i*

For sucb the only- ''Labor Iu o i m Q s

he keeiM. a r r i e T

wk* P n d r a t tg t liiswrkttoe Cskagagy tkl Ameorta^ WwiB*_ORly. W. S.Tka u * ftedt cenpsar by iS*-«*t* of Ns* iwtsy. . -f t * *





Next natinee at Weequahic Park Promises to Be Best

Ever Held There,


Wlmt promiEes, from a racing «und- polni, 10 be the greuicHi matinee ever given by the Boad Horae Asaocfallon of New Jersey, li thai arrangwl by the race committee for RaUirday afternoon, September H. Two liundaome cup* will be conle»t(»d for. Iwaid a rnces for a lap robe and a suit of liorse clothing. The cup presenicd by H, St^cy SinUh wa/i awarded lo t1u.‘ 2M cla»8 trotters ami

• pacers, tu mile hfHts. three In ttve, tocarls. This should furnish a great con- ICBt, with Cereal. Lake Elect. 2.17^;Robert Jr., 2.19^; Espurlia, 2.19\4: Al- jinmah W., 2.nU:'J«"an Ingelow. 2lUk; U tile Jack, 2.20: Elliubetli F’ ., 2.19^; Skip, Z.iJO; June Dean, lMEV*: Blr Arthur, 2,13^: Dick, 2 Highland Luddlr, JimDick, 2.23, and Hampton. 2.20, starting. The cup presented by l^elgh Harrison was awarded to the 2.30 rtaae trotters, at mile heats, three In tlve, lo carts. An­other good race ts sure to ensue In this comest.

There is a Iprge held of green trotters owned In the a8SCH.dallon and all are eligi­ble to this race, besldps those with rec­ords Blower than 1.30. Among Ihe probable atarierr will be (’ lyde U.. Hoseline, Lady Eslelle. Vepta Chimes, Don, Regret, N«i- thnn Hale, l..av]niH Krook. Silent Paich, Clayton, Mayme, Medio, Lulu Pidls, Vance and DeJaura. The lap robe pre­sented by the race committee award­ed lo the 2.30 pacers In a race m mile h«‘ats, two In three, to carts. Another large Held, it is expected, will he named In this conteat. The slow pacers have In­variably furnished a gor»d noniest. The probable starters wilt Include El H., Jack- sen’ s Gentry, Bellewood, Jimmy S. Queen Gentry, Mamie Ilutchcinw, Chief, Bill, Loftus and Prince Wilkes.

Tho suit o f horse clothing presented by the race committee win he conteated for by the 2.23 class trotters In n race at mile heats, two In three, lo carts. Thla should prove to be another close contest with Hamlet. Brown Jug, Prince Alar, Harry Lake, Handy Andy. Retriever. Nomninn. Anteeoyne, Fancy Spot. Comet.and others Planing. In addition to the above racing It Is expected that Prince of Orange, 2.01P4, will endeavor lo lower the matinee trot­ting record of 3.13% held by Ida Gray, and Gyp Walmit. 2,os%. will attempt to lower the matinee pacing record of netdby Bonanza. EntrlfH for all of the above events close September 7.

gonointt Girl and MoHenirir,Since the great California trotter

Sonoma Girl, 2.CW*<i, has been in the stable o f Myron E. McHenry and performed #o poorly, the famous driver Is In receipt o f a lar^« mall daily containing suggrB- tloni as to how to control the great speed o f the mare. These communications comp from all parts of the country. Among them the following are of In­terest:

“ Have her teeth examined. Maybe ll'a a Bftw-edged mnlur.”

"Boot her from' the hoofs to the hocka and the elbows. Ferhapa she's hitting herself somewhere."

''Stuff her ears wlih coiton. hearstoo much, and It makes her nervous.”

"Throw away the o^■crd^aw check. The Ttiare doesn't like It and Is constantly fighting It."

"Give her a little of that A. A. dope that we heard about at the hoard of review meeting last fall. It might ton# her down."

"Don't try to get away with tho bunch, Btart behind them all, take her clear to the outside of the track until she Is pround Iho first turn, and then eat em up."

"Put a malnsheet hit on her. That was what cured the little black,stud o f the eame thing that alls the mare."

Lake El^ct at tioahen.The performance of Lake Elect at

' Goshen last week In wtnnlns the 2.!S c lou I' trot for HOfl, In straight hcais. has been •i the subject of congratulations to his pop- !\ vlnr owner, Charlea E. Barker, of this j[ c ity , the past week. Prince Kohl was *’ named as the favorite before the first

heat, but Oatohula, the South Jersey mare, driven by Garretaon, forced the

Newark horse out In the second heat In• 2.17%. After the first heat Lake Elect i; was a favorite over the field. The horse Sj displayed a great turn of speed and never ** raised hla noso from wire to wire. The l« time o f the first heat wa* 2.21%, with ,J Prlhc® Kohl second. The third heat was 5] trotted In 2.19 , with Prince Kohl again j< second. The other starter was Doctor B. |i tke Hully wanted to start the horse at j} Carmel thla week, but hla owner ordered I j him sent home for the matinee perform- f f ances.


Big Bitch of Motorists Placed on Roil of L o a l Organiza­

tion This Summer.


Scvfiiiy-tw'o new member* have been ad»l<’d (0 the New Jeracy Automobile anu M-Jiur rliih since the annual meeting In ^fa^. while a nnmbt'r of others have l»een propti^ed. Of the new members fifty-four are active, while eighteen are aworinte. Tu lie an arilve meniher of the rhih it la uivi'^Harj’ that one should own an auto-inoliiif’

The list of active momberiii recently eU'cuil are as follows: Adrian R. Allan. 49 ntrect, Manhattan; Bamuel Oaorge Ibtlky, ^ High street, Newark, Wllhain Bnrrlsley, 81 Kearny aveim®, Newark: Curl George l.nvul. ISti Highland ave­nue, Uttmge; Nnilmnlel Drake, 971 Ullu-

M O TO R C Y C LES NOW- ^ ‘ ’ ^ i . P O P U L A R f a v o r i t e s

Huw tbe Speedy Little Fellowd Are MakliiK Good.

Wh«n you tee ■ motorcyrtf »»(lng up q>«ce at « lively gull, ik. yuu elaiatfy u as a crote between a runabtiut and u bicycle, or do ynu give U credit for being the Ihoroughbml that paved the way fur the motor car? As a matter of fac t ih«- motorcycle was really the pioneer ma-

several years because It was classed by some as a freak blcydc and by others at a freak automobile, It has proved ttself ft * vtliLcle with an IdantUy o f Its own. hav­ing great Kpted, with extreme durabUlty and (Irpcndabillty. Always under good <■01111X51. U Is now used extensively for

chine. Hardly had the bicycle taken Ur | plttusure. for sport, for coantlewi forms of

BodenweJsor. Harry Stengel drove the winner lu his big tirown gelding Kegrel. by On> Wilkes, dam hy Baron Wllkea. It wuR ejay for the big coU to win In slrtiight heats, the only other horee to make a conteab being Don, a roan gelding, owned by CjTUs F. Lawrence and driven by George Cathera, which finished t*econd In each hcui. Silent Patch was driven by his owner, ami tt wan the.first time that A, W. Cabe had driven In a matinee race. So well did he drive, however, th.it the horse finished third in each heat for the yellow ribbon; Vesi.x Chimes waa fourth and Clyde D. fifth In each heat, the Utne being 3.3514 and 2.35.

The greatest speod of tho afternoon wse shown by Gyp Walnut in the frco-for-all for a epilt second timer The old black gelding paced the second heat over the heavy track In 2.19%, driven by Joseph K. Meyer, after winning tho first In 2,26. Juno Deen, driven by M. K. Har­ris, showed grent sp^ed In places, but was unsteady. Skip, after two years' ab- Bcnco from the track, also started, driven by Albert Docker, and llnished a good third In each heat. The condition of the track prevented the attempt to lower the matinee trolling record by Prince of Or­ange, nlthnugh the horse wus upon the ground. John Jacknon, Captain E. V. Gager and David Tuers acted as judges, and Daniel T. Campbell Jr.. Fred Oat- man and F. W. Wright held the watches.


Stranger W ho Refused to Pay Bill to Local Dealer Lands


\\ C ereal At W ilkes-B arre .it The campaign of no horse owned In (his j j city or vicinity Is more clORely watched ** jjy local horsemen than that of Cereal,11 the handsome daughter of Boreal, own.’d 11 by J. H. Culhell. After her winning race 1] at Scranton last Week, the mare was

shipped to Wllkea-Barre and started on Monday in the 2.27 trot for 1500. Cereal

^'"agaln won In straight heats In a goD<l ? . field o f seVM, equalling her record of i4 £,i9Vi, ti'** first heat. The summary la

ft* follows:;. 2.27 Class. Trottlng-Piirae. f600.

Cereal, b. m. <Theodore Pope Free-hold, N. J .)...................................... 1 1 I

<* Nettee May. b. m. (MontexumsFarm, Richmond)............................. 3 2 S

f'reida Lewis, ch. m. fB. T. Bir-ney, Wtlkes-Barre)...........................4 3 3*

6ecKV Medium, b. m. (W, L.Rhodew, Quttenburg)......................2 6 C

. J,. H. J r , hr. g. OV. H. Aali, Blng-- .iftffiton , N. r . ) ................................ 6 41 I. M.. br. m. (Elwood Smith.Wllkea- *» Barre) .............................................. B 3I Maguay, b. h. (W. H. Bass, Rich-( jnond, Vn.)......................................... T 7

Time, 2.19 . 2.20. 2.2H4.

T h « Male o f Bo o a a ia .' Much inters^ Is being taken by loc^l ! horsemen over’ the misunderstanding he* r tween George Stengdl and Adotph Schluer ) over th e ja le of Bonanfs three years ago.

It Is clnlhiod by the former that wh'en f Bonxnxa was purchased there was an [ xsTecnient signed by. the latter to the

tffect that when the horso look a record >f 2,10 or hotter an additional 8600 to the

♦ purchase price was to be paid. The pur- ‘ chase price was tLOOOtjand'a certified

'1 chock was given for this amount. Mr.I Bchiuer denies that be signed s;ichII in agreement .md affirms that the I kale Was outright and without con-

Bltlons. He- further agreoa to pay ■ ihe additional 1600 If such an agree-

? tnent, signed hy him, can be produced,I it will be remembered that Bonansa took ' tho first heat in the Chamber o f Coia- ) Beree stake at Detroit last mouth, and 'i ' nmirti o f 2:071 henc^ th« quaatlon aiisus.

The F ifth Mflfinoe.' A heavy track prevented spirited rac­

ing at the matinee of the Rond Horae As- loclatlon at Waequahtc Park on -Saturday ifternooiiA The. hard rain had left the track so wet that It was 3 o'clock before fuperlntcndent iSroti could get U In con- lltifln to race over. Many u^pera thought It w oold be Inipoulble td^iaye the tree It ready and consequent1y| did not have Iheir horaea at the paik. Nevertheleta l,fiCi(} peppls were prAsenv and witnessed tome good radng.

In the 2:26 trot, to carta: for the hand- Bome harness presented fay the Qulnby

; tiompguy^ Hamlet, Handy Andy. Retrlev- t *r and Bifewb Jug started. The former,: tecitently purchased by Joseph E, Meyer Irom John J. Radel, made his matinee ! Hebut by'winning In straight heats^ well ' ariven bV hi# owner. In. 2.21 and ; irlth Handy Andy second In e«eh heat ' for the red. ribbon. Retriever and ^rown. > fug Ued for the yellow ribbon and need V It off, the former wdnnlng easily In 2.11^

was much admired and with g t rood track should trot much, far^r. He * Iks a mark of

In the race o f the 2,34 class pacers, for the cup presented by S. J. Schwa n , there

were but three atartors, and Tellow Kid i won, -In three straight beats, without ' Sinking a skip, driven by his owner, Henry i Jaeger. Jimmy 8. wiis second in etch' ] beat. El B„ tbs handsome um e black J pacer recently purchased by ^ B. At- hater, waa show'it for ih* first time at

, ihe matinees sod displayed sp^d enougfa } plucea to hfive won, but did not Tike e :fae hra^-y gotog, and after finishing third

SI the first two beats rvoa distanced in


- 2


Local and breneml Notes*I.nke Elect,Cereal continues to win.Gyp Walnut la to try for record.Queen Gentry in the coming pacer.Prince o f Orenge is back at Freehold. Remaining matinees September 14, Octo­

ber 6 Rtid 19.Bonansa 1. getting Into form again.The victory o f Yellow Kid was a popular

one.Henry A. Jaeger has a new trotter

called Punch M.• James Smith third will again be repre- senied at the matlncca.

Angus Pointer, 2.03 , Is king of the free-for-all pacers.

Tempus Fuglt has been nicknamed the Cream Puff."Dr. Dolphin has sold his faet rmulnee

trotter, Jessate D., and purchased an au­tomobile

There will be fifty stalts, 10x10, erected for the Essex C om /y Fair, at Olympic Park.

Margaret 0., 2.08 . at Poughkeepsie, Is tho eighth 2.10 performer for the dead sire, Onward.

When Bush, 2.09^, by Alcyone, weana her colt she will make a try at the niai- Inee trotting record,

It hnfthccn suggested to make the mat­inee of October 19 a comedy affair, with peg races and a mule contest.

Retriever, In the 2.25 trot, on Saturday, struck Into a pace at the eighth pole and paced the balance uf Ihe mile.

The matinees will be resumed at Em­pire track on and after September 14, when the running races close.

Miss Brock, 2.13 , by Stranger, one o f Vance Nuckole'e old pupila, la out racing again this season. When Vance Bold her she was to be used for breeding purposes.

James Smith third has purchased Hamp­ton, 2.x, and tho horse has been placed ip t’ne stable of Clyde McBride, and will be prepared for matinee engagements.

Bessie C., the fust trotting mare, owned by Benny Kaiser, of thla cUy, has a fine filly foal, at foot, at Elkwood Farm, l*y Axum, son of Axtelt.

The great burst of speed shown at thn matinee oh Saturday by Gyp Walnut.2 0ay4, convinced his owner, C. J. Farr, cf Bayonne, that the horse bns a chance fee the matinee pacing record.

Ida Gray, 2,1334, Is to have a let up, and her owner, Theodore S. Miller, will Jog the mare for a month on the roads at the shore. Later In the seasun she nuiy siart to reduce her record.

Cereal w-as to have started at Bcrantcii, Pa., on Friday last, but her owner do^ sired the services of her driver at Wee­quahic Park, on Saturday, after paying her entrance, to drive Prlncs of Oran^re for the record.

Bonanza, 2-07%, siarted on Monday^ at Providence, and won fourth money. Do- liind him in the race were Rcproachles^A, winner o f tho C. of C.. and Shaughran, wmmT of the consolation.

Nick Duff, a trotter which ■William H. Lockwood trained for two scttfions, at Weequahic Park, won second money In a good race at Goshen. Nick will bo heard from later.

Rmrlea will close on September 12, In­stead of September H. a.s announced, for the raci'fl connected with the Essex Coun­ty Fair, at Olympic Park. Several local horses wilt be named to start In the dif­ferent clAflses.

The little pacer, Kate Nelson, by Red Lake, dam by Nelson, owned by Dr, Waterbory, of Brooklyn, -won at Goshen, taking a record of 2.10 . Several local horsemen are sorry they did not purchase this mare at Hohokua.

At W llkes-Banc, on Tuesday, in the 2,11 trot, E>os«ls Vllllers, the property o f J. H, Ackerman, o f S tetson , won. defeating Morn. Fedora’s..,Athol, Nahmst end Pppe'a American Boy. Beat time, 2.Hi4-

At fifteen years old Axworthy is the sire of Tom Ajcworthy, 2.07: Gua Axworthy, 2.08%, and General Watts, the oldest of which was four when he entered the 2,10 list. Probably no other sire of like age was' ever credited with three colt trotters having records below 2,10.

Lotta (formerly l*ady ’Jhlatle) con- tlfiues on her winning way, appropriating the 2.08 trot, at Providence, after Beatrice Bellini bud won the first heat. This makes the fourth winning race for the daughter of Guy Thistle In the grand cir­cuit, and It looks If she would replace Nmboy aa the bread winner for the Crab­tree stable.

The Intercity matinee racing dates at ^Cleveland are September 3 and S. New YbHt “Chy will be represented by Kln- stress. 2>0S%: Invader. 2,70: George M., %14%; Crown Prlnee, 2.17%, and the puc- era Virginia Belle, Ready Boy. Coast Marie and BoJstone, There will be four­teen races. The PlUsbtrrgt Qotd Cup will be contested for by the 2.15 trotters.

Wtckltffe, by George Wilkes, dam Pal- Chen Maid, by Mambrine Patchen, died recently, the property of H. N. Bain, of Poughkeepsie^ WIekllfte was the ^slre o f slxtaen In the list. Including UnderiiUL 2.1S%, and Stoimeilffe, tWA, and Le« Wlckllffe, 116%. StormeUffe sired The Broncho. 2.ptl% while another o f Wick* llffe's sons, Bimdlffe, sired the dam of Lotts, 2.06%.

' Berico, by Palatka, and WilkesHeart, 2.08^» by Great Heart, two winners ■at Poughkeepsie, were both sold at public auction In New York for the same price, to wit, ISto. Bericp was sold twice for the same sum. Toung Axworthy, a horse capable o f * trotting record, was bought last spring at another pi^bUc sale In New fo r k for 3380.

Nat Ray. who 1* racing the pacer John McEwen. is proving n much better and so well that he reduced the horse>. nutrk from 2.11% to 2.98% In a race at Pough- kcepris, ts a young man who has gained the reputation o f being one o f the best

An flutomobllp (iraficr anri a woman companion came to grief In ibis city on Tuesday, when ai the end of an enjoyable (rip to Bermirduvllle and return rtie for­mer wap locked up In the Flrsl Precinct I'oJlce etatlon until a bill of |30 for a four hours’ “Joy" ride was settled.

The campl.'Jannt in the rase was Rich­ard Hepl. of the Newark Auto Renting (.’ompiiny. of I» Wrtghl street, whose ac­tion no doubt huH pvevenled a number of dvftlern from suffering a( the h«ndp of a’l linpoBlop,

Early Tupprlay morning n wHl-drt‘f«aed strimger entered Die e??tabllBhmeni of the Motor Far Company of New Jersey, at 380- 293 Halsey Btrcel, and represented hlmeelf as a tra\‘elliig salofiinan for Ihe Empire Rubber Company. The stranger, who said hla name was Edward Smith, of Trenton, and (li. t lie nun sUiippltig at the ('onlineii- *ul JRilcI, iipp-iiml lo Ijc familiar with the company's prices und affaln#. and he wa# cordially received, tie talked with mem­bers of (he firm for awhile and then yx- prcBsed a desire for an auto trip to Bcrnartlsvlllo, and nsked to rent a car, The company had no mnchlnes at Its OIh- posal, hut he wna referred lo iiesl. The stranger told Best that he was frUroducing a new lire on the murkot. ond urraaged with him to have a pair of inem tried out on h|s cor. The local man w*aR asked If he could sp.are the time to take the stranger and hla wife lo Bcrnardavllle, ard ho conaeiileil. After reaching that place Best becamo susplcltnis. and while the BtrRnger wfij» apparetilly attending to some huslness Heat oommunlctitcd by lel- eplioae with the Motor. Car Company. The latter lalled up the Continental Hotel, where It wna fotmd that no man by the name of Smith was stopping there.

Fpnn ihp return to this city Bust brought llie pair to the Motor Car Com­pany’s garage, where he demanded a settlement. When told what was learned from the Continental the stranger said that he was registered there under a ficti­tious UHine. The man, however, failed to pay for the ride, and Best communicated; w'lth Hie police, and Bmlth was locked up. A few hours later another stranger en­tered the precinct and paid the |30, where­upon the mnn was released.

IS hl3*' popular owner, cup hi hand, Isfi hcTsR lo iha wife,

. s t n w !■ ifts tnri; forpair i t MBfi bianketw tMtonted Dy S.

■IW. third. The*«BH! ■*?#» «nd : oieoplerhuo rtdero, and tt look* aa If hoand Tcllgw recfSvod an oratl*# mlfbt p ro f- to-Oe. about tbe rtrat Joektp

to bttum- « EurcaMtuI driver o f . light haTiieaa bor—a, as la lta« iiaverel races he M S <bd->» K d w e n that horss has been « VisvMt or «a ll to tht

I Loral A uto Notea.j Ths members of the New Jursey Auto- ‘ mobile and Motor Club are discussing

an eighteen-hour endurance contest for election dny,

C. A. Westerveit and family, of East Orange, visited Aabury Park Inst Sunday, returning to Newark via Lakewood.

John Mount. Mlaa Mount, Mlse Bur­roughs. Miss Cook and Frederick Trua*. ot Red Bank, will leave next week for Delaware Wa ’ Gap and Milford, Pa,,In Mr. Mount's large touring car.

« * *The Newark Automobile Exchange* ta

now located at 237 Hfllspy street, with Harry N. Whiting In charge.

• • •Mrs, Stewart HortsUorn, of Short Hills,

Is touring with a party ot friends In the White Mountains.

S « *The Colvert-ZuBl Automobne Company

expects the I90S Wlntons this week.» * «

Percy H. Johnston and Clarence E. Van Durpn, of Harrison, will leave to-morrow for a fodr dsiye' tour of ixuig Island and Cimncctirut In ilie formtT'a Grout car. They win go by way o f L<jng Island and, return by the Connecticut shore and through New Y o rk Staie. j

Horace A, Bonnoll, accretary of the New Jersey Automobile and Motor Club, will leave early lo-morrow morning for a lour of Long Island and Connecticut In his Jackson cor. Mr. Bonnel! will be acconipcnled by J, B. WOoIslon and E. R. Crlppph, of East Orange, and Latlirop Anderson, of this city. They will cross over to New Tjondoii. Conn,, and return vin the Connecticut shore rmue. They expect to reach home late Monday night.* « »

There will be a meet'ng of the board of truelet'6 of (lie New Jersey Aulomobtle and Motor Club on Monday, September 9.

« • *It le expected that the Amboy bridge

over the Raritan River will be opened In September. The bridge connects Penh Amboy and South Arabuy, and la the phorteat route to the coast resorts.

« • •Mr. and Mrs. Horace P. Cook and Mr.

and Airs. FettlL of New Brunswick, re­turned Sunday from & few days' trip to Delaware Water Gap and vicinity In Mr, Cook's single-cylinder Cndlllac car. The party was dtlighied with the trip and re­port tho roads in good condition, with the exceptto'n o f tho mountain roads near the Water Gap, which were found to be muddy. They experienced no trouble, however. The party wenl via Paterson, Ridgewood, Turners, Suffera, Goshen, Middletown, Port Jervis, where they crossed the Delaware and went to Mil­ford, Pa. In speaking o f the trip yester­day. Mr. Cook look occasion to warn all mitomobllttts going that route to lake out a Pennsylvania license bsfore enter* Ing that State, os oflJeera arc stationed, at the ferry for tbe express purpose of arresting autolsta without the necessary license.

* * «E. C. Adams, o f Detroit. Mich., pasaiii

through Newark tost week in a Facka.d car. which he drove all the w'ay from De­troit He wne held up hy the MMiburn autborUles for not haring a lloen&e, anJ witen arraigned before Justice of the Peace Sommers was ordered to secure a license, which he did.• * *

Philip Harrhi, 11 Elm Btre«t, Montotalr. purchssed a Preacoli runabout.

« « *Robert S. Watson, o f 65 Centro aired.

Orange, baa purohaaetl a Haxrrell run­about. * * «

Mra. Uae Alice Ooaa, o f Bnxiklyn, K Y„ paaaed through Kewark In a Maktenll totiring ear laat (taturday. After taklni out ft Kate lloente Mra. Ooaa prooeedu on 8 four o f the Slate. She waa acooTO- panled by fteveral triende.

• • « .Charflea It'Hadden, o f Madlaon, haa ao

cured fih OieHmobiio louring cat.• * •■Ur. and Mrs. Seek, o f South Seventh

afreet, laat w a ^ returned from Europe on. the ateamer Detttacbland. They have been apendlng aaveral montha Imiiing In Ihdr Maxwell runabout through Qer- many/Denmarh and Sweden.. . *

Oq Sunday laat U r. auil Mra. Speer, of Sooth Sefetitb atraet, made a trip In ihetr Maxwell runabout to tJufcr'a Farit, la Somefaet County, returning by way' o f SomervlUe to WeaUteld and Ellxab-lh.

■ S # « .Dr. U B. Eatirr, o f Arlington, haa been

making ti agtiant tripa lo hla anntmer at Oxford Id MM Slmora ear. Dr.

Eetler goei by way of Schoolcy'a Moun- tiiln.

• • SF. H. Ogden and family hsv® grme in

A.«bury Park In iheir Blmor© touring car.t * *

M. D. Dorrer haa purchased a four- cyllndcr liulek car.

dk I • » •Theodore Kaplan drove an Elmere tour­

ing car through Chatham, Morristown, Dov^r, Denvlllo and other Morris County points laat Sunday, He wa* aec'im- panted by a parly from thla city.

s s •W. H. Elltii WB* on a trip through Mor-

ri. County in hln Knox Inuring enr lint Bunduy,

• k •H. J. Koehler and Frederick G. Benson

hate returned from a trip lo the Btilck motor works at Flint. Mich. Both were Impressed with the workings of ihe big automobile plant and aay that the full capacity l» at work on the 1908 cars, Those will be ready for the market at the opening Of the Madison Hquaro Garden Automohile Bhow, which will be held earlier than usual this year.

s s sM. G. Demarest and family, who are at

IftUke George w-lth iheir Grout touring car. writ© in friends In this city lhat the louring there is delightful. They will re­main away for scvernl days.

« s •A. H. Humphrovtlle and Colonel W. W,

Baird took a trip through the norihorn part of the State In the former's Elmore car last wwk. They will leave to-day for a few days' lour of (he coast fis far ftB Atlantic City. • « *

Mra. Ida A. Person, of Upper Montriatr, who plHord an order with H. J. Koehler for a Butek Inuring car, received tho machine on Tuesday.* » •

Charles Kohs and family, of Clinton avenue^ went to Bentardavtlle and Somer­ville In (heir Grout ear last SumJay.

• s sLocal nutomnbillsts are complaining

about being annoyed by dogs while touring the coimtt7 dIatilctB. One motorist while driving through Bpringfleld'flunday even­ing secured a couple of big stones anil made an attack upon a hig bulL terrier, which has been In the habit o f runn'ng out nt automohlles. One of the rocks ftlnick the canine in the back of the head ami put him out of business for the tints being. • « •

The promoters of the County Fair ars arranging for on nuiomohDe exhibit tnul several automobile races to be held on tho new half-mile track at Olympic Park. A ten-hour enduraneo contest Is also sched­uled to take place there.

• • •George A. Ohl and family end N. A.

Merritt went to Goshen, N. T., Saturday. They were also out in Mr. Ohl'S Jackson car on Monday,

« • •Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Greene returned

thla week from a tour of New England in their Otdsmoblle runsbout.

8 • «Mr. and Mrs. George Lehberger and

Mr. and Mra. J. M. Dlmmlck went to Aabury Park in Mr. Lehberger'a Model D Jackson car on Bund"-

• •Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker, of Bast

Orange, spent Bumlfty at Anbury Park In their I,ogan runabout.

• • «Clifford Wyckoff and Prank Brown, of

thla city, will leave lo-day for Asbury park in ft Jackson runabout. They will remain away until after Labor Day.■ * •

Mr. and Mra. L. J. tVyckoft and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olllen, Of thla city, look a run to Pompton in a Model D Jackson last Sunday.

I • •The New Jersey State agency for the

Brush runabout, a new car manufactured In Detroit, has been taken by the Brush' McLaran Motor Company, of 47 \Vllllaui street, this city. The manager, Thuyer McLaren, has been connetted for some lime past with the Briscoe Manufacturing Company of ihia city, makers of automo bile radiators and sheet motal parts. The Brush runabout Is a Small car, designed by ft f&mou* runabout fieBlgtier, A. p. BruBh, and was made prlrimrily for biiol- noHS and professional servit© In the city and suburbs, for tamlly use for those who like to drive at a moderate speed find in comfort. The power is low, with ii con­sequent low expense for luei, etc., and with a short wheel base and «asy eprlnga Is admirable for city use.

present form before efforls were m.ule In (his country and abrond, to adapt to It some form uf pow*er-mnklng machinery, the beginnings along this line being vari­ous clockwork attachments that look very ridiculous to-day, but ui»oti which Ihoir designers built exiravugnnt hi»pos.

With the advent of the Internal com­bustion engine, the probUm was solved. European manufacturers quickly saw tno possibllltleB offered, and inulorcycles were

commercial work, and haa be«n adopted the coy^itry over as the best Instrument for curling the arrogant motor car. and requiring Us driver to observe the munic­ipal epeed ri'gulatlons.

The marked renewal of Intereat to cycling during the past two or three yeurs. has b^rn accomiutnied by a greatly Increitand demand for motoroyclea. Per­haps the onimuetton la more sppareftt than real, but it is certainly true that fti^

IttgenloDa Jeraeym en.Pfttcr.lB that were Issued to Jersnymen

fepuiipd for the NEWS by Drake & Co., Bollclturs of American and foreign pnt- ents. 800 Broad street: Butlonhole-^stftch- Ing machine, E. B. Allen, Ellxabcth; rub­ber bnoi. J, T. Crow-tey. Lamberivllk; drawing in&trurrtent, J. Dcgen. Trenton: driving-gear for motor vehicles, flexible shaft, brake mschanl^ni, controller for drtvlng-gpftrs, wheel. W. H. Douglas, Belleville; trolley-wire hanger or ear. If. G. Dyer, Gloucester City; watch-protector, J. Flerz, Jersey City: vibrator nr massage Instrument. F. B. Fuchs, Newark; aheol- melQl can. \V. Haaker, Verona; Intulai- ing cntidult for electric wires, A. P, Hln- sky, Hoboken; whecI-rlm. E. Hopktnson, East Orange: album, G. A. Jaeger, May- wood; horse for dyeing establishments, thread-drying frame, J. Knott. Paters^m: driU-grlnaer, O. Lange. Camden; lump receptacle, H. W, I^awrence, Trenton; rutting mechanism. W. 8. Luckett, East Orange: ptienmutlc system for control nf windows. J. B McKrown. I’ nlon Hill: means for rests ling lateral hydraulic pres- auro on power-liouaes and similar struc­tures. D. E. M'Tan. Mendhnm; (2) cate­nary flUspensloTi bracket, E. P. Morris. Bast Orange: automatic pencil sharpen­er, L, Myers. Newark; screw-propeller, F, "W. Ordlng. Jersey City; fire-escape, C. H. Redman. Newark; folding rack, J. J. Ronan and J. F. Barry, Jersey CUy; foumuln-brush, P. Rtibso-Lisa, Newarly gramophone, IL Schroder, Newark; (3) hosiery and making same, R. W, Scott, Leeds Point; web folding and RBHoctiitInf device, W. Scott, Plainfield; btcycls- stftnriord, J. Himofts, Long Branch; dry­ing and ci»unilng mechanism, O. W. Swift Ji\, Bordentown; spring-lever for shades, J. Tannsr, Faterson, and J. Uuth, New­ark; wrench, C. S. VAttghn, Union Hill; turbine-fan. L. J. Wing, Eaat Orange; tlO) (trade-marks) spool-ccrtton. sewing* cotton, and thread, (6) spool-cotton, saw- Ing-sUk. and thread, American Thread Company, Jersey City; fcrtilliart. Fsr- tntier Products Company. Jersey City; cotton-seed salad and cooking oil. Lft- tatier Oil ComjKiny, Union Township; Uhl- ment, W. H. Maple, Newark; castor-oU, National I eod Company, Jersey City,

n S H l N G N O F E S .The Social Elehln* Club o ( thla city

haa chartered the George M. tor to-mor."^H.' 1. Koehler, of thle city, left ,« r ly tbti weeX for Canada, where he wilt <Jo cohelJerable flehlng. .

Alex. Devine baa been flehlng on Staten lalend for the peat month and report* good weakflehliig thei^

B, A. Greene returned laat week from a Rahin’g trip to Connecticut. He report* »ood 1m** flehlng there. ..... .

Howard Tappan. who keep* the boat, hduae at Boynton Bench, repnrta weak- flah taking the hook there. . _ ^

Mambcre ot the Shiner frtahlng Clab, of thie city, have chartered tbe motor yacht George H. for next Sunday.

The Tueaday Club wa* oE Morgan a Sta­tion on Tueadny- and *11 Jmnd* returned wtttv good caiehee of weakfleh.

Doeal jnglera flahlifg from the Tauru* at the Eiafiln* flank* lately report * q - - Huge «nd eeaoBM flihlng there.

Memhert of the United Aigriera’ Ijeagne were out Bonddy and, caught tea. Iwe* fluke and porgire. There were twenty-elx tn tke panV' ! . >

•everal tocel tnglere ha»e t ^ m e « • « - b«r* of the CTtted Anglere Leag» of

, Mew fork and Brooklyn, aadtherel*^^ of formtng a lotal brent*. The o M e ^ of

'• tha league are ,Io protect aalt-vatM ^ b , , 1

SI Rae' Park atri'el, Newark. A. B, Le Manse) Summer cvenue, Newark,J, ST Vnn Onion. 3U-S22 Market slreei. Newark: Qeorgo C. Smith, S9 Seventh aveime. New York; George Shepherd. Flenilnglon; Guy It. Bell, Flemlngton: Geoige A. 8<iuSre. ltd South ntreel. Moi- rletown; Strtney A. Twiiu.h. 598 Brolul atreet, Newark; Hnrry L. Parker, S06 Mid­land avenue, Glen Ridge; Albert JC. Dor- emue, ILT Blond ntrefl, Newark; George F. King. M7 Broad elreel, Newark; De- Witt I’ook Jr., 70 llnwthortie avenue, Eaat Orange; Atllnun Dodd. Slli Bollevlilo Hveuur, Bloomfield; Frederick J. Wlae, 6S3 Brond atreet, Newnrk; A. Q. Haveue,8 l-enoi avoniie. East Orange; Horace l.„ Brooke, 7J4 l,ake airevt. Newnrk; John 8. Hell, 177 lloeevllle avenue, Newark; Her­bert Decker, 43 Sherman avenue, Kaat Newark. ,loel Dlrklnerrn, 9 South atreet, Newark. L. W. Dennla 38 South Ninth alreet, Newark: Leigh HarrUion, 14« North Grove etreet, Eiiit Orange; Edgar Q. .Vewall, 73 Highland avenue. Glen Ridge; Mrs. M II. Rickey, 92 Katon rlnce. Kuet Orange, Thomas A. Stoddart, Sewaren. James If, Vreclnnd. 3117 I'rurpect elreel, Eaet Oruiigp; I'Yiink R. Warren. 76 Clin­ton Itreet. Nkwark; W. H. I.Inkroum, 215 ITilon Hirecl, Ilacken-iaok; B. V', 11. Scliullx. Wyoming; I", A, Singer, Hotel AHlur. New York; Mre. E. M. Vnn Buren, SIO t.'cntial avenue. Pliilulleld; George O. lanvllt, 19 Huwlhorne iiveuue, Eaet Or­ange; B. k'. Relmund, 186 Market atreet, Newark; Jonailinn Barite,, Jeraey CiJ.,; John H. Uciwden Jr„ 17 Monument etreet. Freehold: tVllllani II. Brown, 61 Hethlen terrace, Newark, Wllltum *A. Cullen, 362 North Fifth atreet. Newark. L. tV. Dor- tanU, South M;iln atreet. High Brlilgi ; Dr. t>. M. Gardner, t'aldwell. A. T. Lueh- mau, Brotikelde avenue, Ouldwell; J. F, Noll. 115 .VuUierry atreet, Newark; Will­iam \V. Peiir.aon, 826 West Fifth street, FlalnBeld; James T. 8m Ih, 763 High street. Newark; Thomas B. San Giacomo,69 South street. Orange; Gerald B. Town­send. 7 Irving etreol, Montclair; Dr, W. Quivey 14 Hill atreet, Newark; William J. A, McKlm, Short tlllle,

The eighteen assoclato raemlier* are: Colonel Fred G. Agetis, 731 High etreet;J. S. H. Clark, Ease* Ctuh; E. A. Camp­bell, 44 Park place; Joseph F. Emanuel, lilt Broad siT-eel; "Charles E. I lf tael, 57 Main atreet. H. Percy Jonee, 361 Mt. Prospect avenue: J. P, McFudden, 11 Pen­nington street; Cliarlee Nohs Jr.. 24 Bou dlnut street, Edward A. Prudan. 46 Spruce street; William A. Smith, 703 Broad atreet;Q. Rnnduli Bwuln. 994 Broad atreet; A. R, Metzger, hi Camp atreet; Curllandt Park­er Jr.. 568 Broad street, and Frank Vir­tue, Df 48 Parkhurst etreet, Newark Clarence E. Perry, Madison, and Irving Smith, of 119 Glen wood avenue, Enel Orange.

L lcen ers fo r th e W e e k ,The following automobile licensee were

issued at the local oftlc of the State de­partment ot motor vehlclee during the past week;

Regmaid W. Stephen. 48 Elm etreet, Or­ange, Autocar, Albert E. Harrlsnn, ST Chestnut street, Kearny. Orient; Frank C. PrelBs. 30 KIdge street. Orange, Butek touring car; George Van Riper, 149 Whit­tlesey avenue, West Orange, Jackson tonr­ing car: tVtlllam H. Granger, M, U., 626 Warren street, Newark, Rambler run abotj; Ernest H. Kllpstein, 116 Prosped atreet, East Orange, Waverly runabout; John B. Morrlaun, M. D., 97 Halsey streil Holemnn runabout; Roseville Reiilty Com­pany, 736 Broad street, Newark, Elmore touring cur; Nicholas F. Perrotty, 66 Mad­ison street, Newark, Ford runabout, Ed­gar H, Sarven, Ki Montclair avenue, Mont­clair. Rambler runabout; John W. Slay- back, Elmore road, Verona. Jackson tour­ing car; Montclair Hotel Company, Creat- mont road, Montclair, Rapid bus; Charles F. Miller, 7ti Austin atreet, Newnrk, Over­land runabout; Emmett H. Lee, 24 Prince­ton street. East Orange; Cadillac run­about; Edward C. Kern,' 46 Park street. Montclair, Cadillac touring car; William E. Snndforrt, 86 Ralph street, Belleville. Springer inuring car; Edward Pldgeon, M Napoleon street, Newark, Oldsmoblle run­about; Mae Alice Goss, The Mohawk, Waaiilngtun avenue Brooklyn, Maxwell touring car; James D. Mockrldge, Green­wood atenue, Montclair, Rambler tour­ing car; Haruid A. Welcher and EmmoU D Dennis (Joint owners), Maxwell tout­ing car; Robert 8. Wateon, M Centra Btrtet, Orange, Maxwell runabout; Philip Harris, 19 Elm street, Montclair, Prescult runabout; William D. Jonee, 99, Fourth avenue, Newark, motorcycle; Percy W- Gentg7® Highland avenue, Newnrk, Hocka- way runabout; John H. Hedden, 16 Baldwin elreft, Newark.Cadlllactourtngcar;Stanloy A. Veomans, M Wetmore avenue. South Or­ange, Elmore runabout; I-eupold Leber, 675 Elliabeth avenue, Newark, Oldsmoblle runabout; Wllllara F. Kelm, 7 Roseville avenue, Newnrk, Holsman buggy; Joseph E, liaster, 166 South Tenth street, NewBiK, raotorrycle; Harry W. Dunham, 176 Lor ralne avenue. Upper Montclair, Buick runabout; Charles A, Laurelgh, 27 Bell etreet, Orange, While touring car; Alex­ander A. Bergner, 108 Steuben etreet. East Orange, Waltham buckboard.

George C Heller. 396 Summer avenue, Newark. Cadillac touring ear; John 3, Reynold*. 340 Broadway, Peterson, motor­cycle; Herbert A. Pterson, 93 West Jersey street, Ellznbeth, Ford runabout, John B. Allen, 180 Scotland road. South Orange, Roo touring car; Frank Hughes, Main and Howe avenues, Passaic, Ford run­about ; William B. Ros. 174 Prospect street, East Orange, Buirk touring car, Amzl T. Dodd, 198 Dodd street. East Orange. Stevpiis-Duryea touring oar; Samuel C, Hoaglund, 166 Harrt.son street. East Or­ange, White touring car; John Gibson, Central nvenne, Hawthorne, Knox run­about’. Peter F. Mutzenkecker, 690 High street, Newark. Ford runabout. Lewis P, Taylor, 168 Scotland street. South Or­ange, Holsman runabout; Joseph P. Cook. 222 South Tenth street, Newark, miitor- cycle; George Hamilton, Rlchfleid, motor- cyrte; Thoma* J. Scully, II Augusta etren. South Amboy. Packftfi touring car; Charles L- 9chwerln, 69 Liberty atreet. New York, Wlnton touring car; Herman Schaeffer, 366 Walnut street. Newark. Wayne tonring car; Martin H. HAussIlng, 234 Mullierry atreet. Newark. Jackson touring car; Bernard Katir IIR Carroll strrel Paterson, Walter touring car; Joseph H. Boucher, 98 Cro«i street, Wal­den, Mass,, Pierce-Arrow touring car; William 3- Terhune, Tfi Jeflersou street, Passaic Haynea-Apperson runabout: Wal­ter F. ilarrls, 199 Fftlrvlew avenue, South Orange, Holeman runabont; Lowell Green, 19 Clinton street, BM»t Orange, Franklin touring car; Henry Bauder, 712 Bergen etreet Newark, Pope-Tribun* runabout; Frank Crane, 21 North Fullerton avenue, Montclair, Maxwell touring car: Marcus F BquiCT, 234 Harrison avenue, Harrison. Ford runabout; Frank H urace, 28 Clin­ton avenue, Montclair, Locomobile touring oar' Spencer Nichols, Wilmington, N, C„ Olds runabout; WIlHsm T. Symlroffon, 291 John atreet, Hsrrlion, motorcycle; Alns- worth J- Hague Jr„ 106 North Ninth street NewXrtL Bnlck louring CM: Noah Hamoton, 1 » Thomas rtraet, Bloomfield, Oldsmoblle runsboutj Leiter B. TopUtt, Vt Kait Elxhty-eixth street. New Tork, Aero- re r t w r i M *“Orange streeL Newark, Knox -torut'lnf cor.

John H. Lidgewood Jr., Morristown, Wlnton runabouti eohn H, Hedden, 16 S ld '^ n etreet, Newark, motorcyclei 5ug#ne Utiderhin. Aoeslond. Old* ftW8- bou f Rol*iid J. Hopper, » Watson ave­nue, East Orangg, Pope Wnrlng ear: Hel- klns Palmer, slobart »en u e . Summit, Reo t o u r ^ c » f ! George b . Dmren, 67 Un-


In sucoRssful operation white the builders nf motor care wars still working out the elemental queetlons underlying nutomu- blls mamitncturlng.

Tbs foregoing must not be construed to mean that vast improvements have not hern made to the motorcycle during the yaure lhat It hae been on Ihe market, but It Is true that correct basic principle* were more quickly reached In moloreyrle ile- slgnlng than was the ease with car building. The linprovemenls have been along practical lines, sneh as Ihe devvlop- mrnl ot multi-cyllnfler mnchlnrs, the rapid perfection of the essential parts of Ihe motors, and the Introduction of cushion forks amt framrs.

If America were not the original home of the motorcycle. It Is iiono the less iriio that American designers have greatly im ­proved upon the first foreign mndcls, and American motorcycles arc demanded from every corner of tho clvUlxtul world.

At first regiirded os n costly toy, the motorcycle has creptol for Itself a sphere In which It ts supreme. Hempored for

more bicyclee are to be teen *iverywhW% BO also Is the number of motorcyol** In* creasing *t nn nxtremely rapid rate.

Doubticis one rrsson for the Intemt In motorcycles Is tn be found In ths mattMT In which these machines are utitlied toe spurting purposea. Racing avanta ID which motorcyclea play a part always attract great Inlereat, and tang dlsttact rldmg, endurance conteata and like trial* nltract largo crowds and bring oompett- tors together from all over tht cauntry- Thirteen Statea were repreaenttd tn tlM endurance run, preceding the annual meeting o f the Federation of Amerteak Motorcyclisti, which waa held at Frowle denco in August.

An Interesting feature of thla meet woa tho gasoline economy 1«*t. With Oita pint of fuel, the winner In the singta- cylinder class, made 25 mUea. 1.060 teat, and In the multi-cylinder claea, U mlleo, 925 fret.

That the molorcycle has com* to stay, and ably filla a field all lie own. rea M longer be aeriouely queetloned.

T h e B ru sh $500R u n ab ou t

Has Come to TownDemonstrjiHons a i Y oa r C o n v tn itn tt

47 W illiam St., New ark

Brush-McLarenMotor CoMOW jB M S E v u i s T K i a v j o a a

t h e ; 1 0 0 8


8 A d O D l C X . ^ .The Acme ot Auto Elegance

gnil Reliability.

50H.P.,7Passi»ie:ers,'3,S007SH.P.,7Passeneer$,’ 5,000Order Early and Insure Delivery. Demonstration by Appointment.

F.E. Boland Motor Co.239 HALSEY ST.

Automobile StorageK e i a e i a x i . c k t y l e e t *

P. He JOHNSTON A CO.,a07 HaUey 8t., Newark, N ,J.


ru K

6BEEIEM o r o a o A i CO.

gS-90 WA8HI3I<.T0N ST.nbw ark , n . J.

Automobile eml Tiro WorkNEW JERSEY AGENTStO C O M O B ItE 0 LD8 M0 BILE

P r o m p t D e llrer l* * * -t e l . tsts-i^biNEWARK.

LEGAL ffOTlCBS.tn f'ilANCERT o r NKW jEftSBT-To tltt

creditors of th - Pope Mamifacturlnv Cefth pany.

Plaaea tak« not^ro that pursuant to an ord«r mnde on the Uuy yf (he date hereof In a oatiM pendina in iho cjtiTfrl *f Chancery of New J*r- At.‘y, wheroln thn tilacManuA Comrany la cdift* plalnant and th^ MAnufaolurInR CompthTiB doifeiutont, you jre rt'rtutred to tireaent tb Alherl L. Pnfje *iTid KRberl J. Tamblyn, th* rifnivera of the hh1<1 ofirporatlon, herelofor© uf.iDied In aHJd t'atue. und prove hafore then under oath <)r Athrmailnn or otharvlee, ■■ th* aiild recelv4*r» ahull direct, lo tlin autlafaotton of the eald recelveri. ymir oeverat liilm a and demamie ufolnet ih» huU! eorponitinn within ihrM mornha from ihe date of the tald order ur la expluded from ihe lirneflt nf aueh dlvidondi iifl lonj hereufter b© mai3e and declared hy (b© n.i1f1 fourt upon the itrot-eodi of the rffecta ©< iho Kfild i^on^nradtin.

rialBd AiijgiLAl s'3, 1007.ALHI’.UT L rOV’E A EGBERT J, TAMBLYM* nofelvera of the Pope Mum:factuTlnit Co.,

Pnidtfntlfti hirtg. (room 801), Tna Rroa'l at.. Newark, Pf.J,

Llhdahur>', Hepua Jt Eaulka,BijJi.'Uore Tir Receivers,

783 Urcatli ai-. N'ewarli. N. *J-

P IER C E A R R O W S1S)08 Motlels, now on gale.

Prompt Deliveries. Tonrlnir Cnrs,

DeniiYLIinoiisiues, Llmoustnes.

ELLTS MOTOR GAB GO, 22S Halsey Street.

AUTTfOPSHsde to Order, Covered end Repaired.

6 .7 . lUTO TOP SOPPITi n Mstgoy M ., Wowst*. Tat. « 4 i - L .

P o p e -H a rtfo rd1M 7 DUMONSTRATOR

Better than lew. Very fret car osd Wpiiderfgr Mil climber. Borgaia to quick purt^oeer.

P o p e A a t o C o . C e d ^ aed H alsey

IN CIIANt'EBY OF NEW JKBSEV~To the crnlU'irn of the J ope Motor Car Ccmgiany: Plc-aae take aorlee that punuant to an order

mniie ofi thfl day of the date herruf In a cau** itendlii* In ilio Court of Chnneery of New 3er6oy whori li] the MacManua Company la tfomplalnani end the Pope Motor Car Com* pany i* d^fcrulant. you are required to prMent in Ah>*rt L. ahil Eghnrl J. Tamblyn,Ihe r«i rJvorii of ihf* aald coriHiratlnn herelofor© appoiiued In said cauae, and prove tefOf# ihritii. unriv.-r oath or alfirmailfui or oiherwlf©, Hft the said ret'olvrrR ahall direct, lo the atL UfjuMloTi fif tlir BftJd r*relvHr», yrnir Mver^ ctalnia and dt'manda ukaiuet the vald eorporft’ tlon within three month* frnni the date of th© enld order, or he excluded from the benefit of auch dlvidenda aa may hereafter b« mid© and decloreil the *hIi1 court U[ion the pi'©- ceedH <if the efrncta of ihe eald eurporation,


Hecelvpra of the Poim* Motor Car " t u t - ...........pfurterillal

7811 nroudUndabiiry, Pepue A Eaulka,

Sollcltore fiir Rec^lvpra,768 Broad at., Newark, N- J.

ir Car Compahi-. Dld|. (Toom 601), d a t. Nawarks H-J,


C ITY A O V K H TlB K alB lIT i.

^ h on « KwwibrlCv Kewftrkf If* J*


relu p ark , NewarjL ^ t o n touring rer: Joseph A. Booth, H fStenr otreat, Biioa- beth natofeyela; John B. AII«n, ftonth Orsoge- Beo touring ear; ChOrM H. BelL in LeiiiHtoa avniM, Ptsotk. Locoau}- hiu touring ear; Htw Jeiosy Auto Transit Campsnyrhl a n M lti«sl> Mowwk, Sight SeslngeMf


FOUCARS!BTomiirO and BHPAIBINO.nttiK a«rN eu M„11-13 HILL STREET*


NEWARK.CUy lUN. A u m t to, IBDT.

The fciUowinf Is the Hat of ftamea, ' leil- denors end placea «f hufinefla ©f twraomt mak- lni( appMcailone to thtx board for th© crant- Inx of Mc ttAee to aell aplrltunua, vliioua, aalt or brewed liauora and not heriiofora. pufaljatMfi aoftordlnf to law, (o wll:Name. Place of bualneaa, Reeidseaft

RETAlIs-NEW APPLICATION. 'John Kotva^ekf, 144 Howard bUm

WHOIeBSALK-RENEWALi.Mo*ea Levy, zua Ihink.at.a......v6..,fi©m© sl©eaJuUuR Clnamon. tl6 Waahlnfton H wbtL

R.BTAJL-RBNEWALfl.Conrad Leick. lil-llS Kferket at.lifi ifarkiH ©L 'Frank H, BterllnK. 44 Bank el....... Gkun© plto©John F. Johnston. 2S6 Uanxine at-.flaia© alM©Isoula H«ek. 712 Bprlngfletd ©y........SaBia pftaa©Fred C. lik-hmidt. 241 So. Ormni© ©v,aafMito«© Frank 4M)<481 161H av.,'.,.sga.8aB*©pltoaJuHua Paaa^k, 301 NorMk itv.... SamtataM Peter A. FU Kaytit, 144 Adaisa »t.. .Sam*lAkM rhue. Fink, 6&4HtOU SpHnrflaM ©v.,.B1©im cBm J. Schrelb«r, 227 ftprlkaflaift avsJt.WallftM aL George Hu^ki^ 4T6 MuTbeny ffasssVtSaAMilftMM Andrew Ho1rk©y, 844HP f t t ^ M e lu w I M S John r Wimlt,Joseph Horwitx. t n waaltoiitaft «t.|M©d»VkMperiliTtand fteinhani^ 1f t lS 3 le « s t..S w * S 5 -Richard Knleer, 6 Coermf*© pi...... IfciftpH BThot. P. Wall. asS'W W u m irt....aatt©!iliiSv William Hunk, H4 CbaAOmi Pl9v...,SaaR© p lM ^ ’

RaHaslo Rtiwla, 92 OareW* sti.......fiaiiM plaUlebari Media. 1911 O h i^ st.,..—.Isa isf" ’ Pstiick J. Famlliu Bl Bowenr nt.-gkiMX Bella tftnirti. IfiT W th Onaotav*.floats { Berastd BUyter, M Muibeny st'„.,.Ssni*i EUward P- Foley. 7« Bm M W * ave.flsiw | (Horee M.- BtriniH, 41 Bh Q mM e ttM e i Butene HeueeHns. t flpaSgtNifl.are.ltiirei


Henry M. R uulolp^H WDMM IJimae T. Gregory, 2» W *t#« St, J , -------H arry JootiitttL xffl flprtnxueta tv*.Beiae|___

JOHN NEIDVa, P ip lflire. James F. Connolly. CUy Clerk. ^


NEW ENGLAND’S AUGUST CHARMScores of New Jersey Pleasorc-Seekers Remain at Prominent

Vacation Rcsorts-Hany Local Auto Parties. B y C 3 . S o y e r * l ^ c x i S . 'X i r t . 'a . T i i


THK HIMMIT. MT. WABIIIN'-TON, J4. H-, Aur. ni.--ld»re nrrlvnln lierr the rolJliwln* fnnn New Jerwe.v Mr' EveMPil B. Hnpgood, Ml»" l l “ P * y - Kewerk; Themii* WIIjhih, Klliatwtli, lUr. ty ilOHf Newnrk; John Taylor Jt.. Shoii MUI,; Mr. ami Mr*. F T. i'mu.mun. N,midair; MIer A, J. Dairl'. M>" U. U Pel., Newark. l>r. Arlliur A. Il<.>er, A - thur I.Mlle Boyer, “ ‘Bil* S Hojer, M i j B«.l Mr*. C, W. rkokl. Beat OrunKr. Ml»e. J<aii-phn Foitcr, KeyiKOt; Mr*. J"*'" WooSiuff, Mis* Helen M .italrurt. Mis* JulUt T. WtwMliuff. Mr. ond Mn*. Ctiwuni-ey <1 Packer Nowtrlr; Ml(*» Mury A. ( ulRon. Wfs9 Alirr M. (’ nitjun. Sooth Omsig -; Nlr. and Mr*. G. H. l ‘t'iiTTiou Mr. and Mrp II.4> Roeve. Nt-wurk. AuhSo M. iirooks.

-------II ti- Qn-a, NewarK:Summit; WN* Jftcobd. Ulin rtotff', John TayhoJr„ Short MUlx. Mr arul Mm. Fiflok Samtiflwm Jr.. .Wlliuftnu; Mn«. Thi-od.irr- BimuniMm. *'ook .Wwtnn: Mi.Mr«. P'. SliDltrtioi. 1} !’’ • HlJn}a»''n .1' .Mr? Jlf-wiir. M1h#< .InmU* H"wtn. Nf'-nr-«|air; CharlMr K. StraiiP. JoNr]>h S-iIk

Hunn: lirov.u UmmBhlRe: Milton GnldMMn. UemK P.rrtnr'i ,

HRETl’ON WnoiW, N, II .. A ok M ikiperlaD- N *J i* iw *y fulk Mt.PkHSHJit ftrr: A. T. Compton Jr, I-ikp- XiUHl: Mil*" Elsj.‘ W'all^r. M<-ntrlfl»r. Mr. ^f| Mr« IsOiijB iVnnlnRton. of N^wnrK. ^Uh auln. K. l> Mulfurd. Ellaiihrfh, Mr. iinrt Mr . John K. Hroillt-r. Ml*i' S lar. MotiU'liiir: Mr. nnd Mn«. U Mc- Carler. MIm Mi*Cftrt?r. G oirp W. Mc­Carter. Newark; Mr. nnd Mrf . .lamea U^owfll Jamet E. CpowpII. Ka?n Orange, ta auto; Mr. and Mrn. Thurkn r. MrHrtdo. ^liaaboth: Mr, and Mr«. A, W'. Goddard,

‘ jemey I'tty, I jAKE Sl^NOHEE. N. " . Ang. J1 (Sp'.'- CIhI).—Among Ihe enlleg._ nien who have been aummerlng hire a'r.. Mease*. W.

f', Or«y, E, O. t'lisliliig. I.. .M.'Brlile nnd . Buhr. of East Drntige. They h»ve been oeoupying the PoliHrd collage.BETHI.EHE.Vt. N. H.. Ang. 31 (S|ieclal).

•.Mp*. K. P. W hTiI. E. O. Ward and Ml*» i:. Bell* Baldwin, of Newark. N. J.. are •t the Sinclair. Mrs. J. A. Farnaworth, o f Montclair; F. Koulwaita and niece, of ^VoDdrldge. N. J.. and John Mactnrland i^e new arrivals here, StrawbeiTy^ Hill itoiHie arrival* include Henry E. Kiihn, Sir. and Mr*. W, M. Sllhereyaen. Newark; atr. a n d ^ r* . Q. W, Ant. Eaat Orange;

, H. M. Dlege, Orange, and Mr. and Mr*, c . M. Same*, Jetney City.’ MAPLEWOOD. N. H.. Aug, 11 (Speelall, •Hilts* E. Colton, ot Plaintlold. N. J., I* si.gne*t at Maplewood Cottage....TWIN MOUNTAIN, N. H„ Aug. 31 0perlal):-M r. and Mra, J. F. McClain and children, ot Montclair, have come to tht Twin Mountain Houae for a stay.

JACKSON, N. H.. Aug, 11 (Special),— With the mil UK ot new visitors came Jdaiy H. Stockton, Sarah B. Stockton ■nd Katherine Slocklon. of Princeton, ot tke Jackson Fall* Home. At the Engle Mountain Home arc Mlts L. Smith. Mra. * , M. Smith, M. Smith and Wimain Thomtuoii, of Ellwtbeth; J. Murray, Dr. tmd Mr*. W, H. V. Murray, of PlalJi-fleld.: DIXVILI-B NOTCH, f i . H , Aug. 11 tSpeclal).-Mr, and Mra./William Qulden, •f Union, N - J„ are /m ong the gueat* « t the Balaam*. i,.,CRAWFORD. N. H.. Aug. 31 (Speclnl).- Okawford Hoiiae urrlvala Include Mia* Colgan. Hla* Alice Colgun. South Orange, N. J.: Q. A. Neren*. Mia* Whiling, F.llga- l»*lh. N. J, Old patron* returned nre Mr. gnd Mra. Wnlluce P. W'lllett and the Mlaaea ’Wlltetl, of Eaat Orange, N. J.. for tAelr aecond iwaaon. Others are Mr. and Mr*. France* Newrl. Mlea Grace Newri. WUtlam W, Moore. Francea A. Moore, Jilaltilleld, N, J,. jKEARSABGB, N. H.. Aug, 31 (Special). g-Hnt. H. J. Hoerner nnd child, o f New- «rk, N. J.. are at the Rueael! coUages.• RANDOLPH. N. H.. Aug. II IBpeclall.- Hla* A. B. Nlcliol*. o f Newark. N, J., ha* arrived at the Ravine Huune.

SUGAR RILL, N, H.. Aug. 31 (Special). tiMr*. W. T. White, Mlaa T. L, White, William C. White »«1 W . H. Hulnea, all o f Ehglewood, N. J., are lomited at the Ml. LookolT. Mr. and Mm. Balthnatir and

iMlB* Vera BaUhaW came,up from Short Bllll. N. J-, In an auto and have rented

prucker cottage, J. Hany Spohr, of wain Orange, tiaa Joined hla pavenla at <dbe Inn.

- sM;MANCHESTER. Vt„ Aug, 31 (Bpeclhl),- AMdWtoa o f amtomoMlIota and othera at

'the l^uinpx Houae include Mr. and Mr*.

iV F. PIhK, Mr, iinil .Mr*. T. B. Cujn- inlng, EnglewtHid. N J , In a Flat c.ii'; ■Mra. fi. 8. Webber. Trenton, N J .; Mr. nnd Ml*. Henry S Terhone, Long Brntieh.,N. J., In a Wutheson r.ir; Mr. and Mrs.F. 11. Alvord, Eu»t Orange, N, J., In a Stevene-JVuryi'ii ear; Mr and Mrs. Cliarle* Selmtnttkcr. Short Hills. N, ,1., In n Marllnl enr, A. W HuliUr, N. wark. N. J-, In- a Franklin car.

WE,“5T DENNIS, Mas*,, Aug. 11- (Sl>ee- lali,—Captain Levi Crowell lias a* Ida giieai* Mr. nml Mr*. Jullue Cruwel! and daughter. Marlon Crowell, of ClalrtnoiU.S'. J,; Hie .Mieses Diiyion, of Orange, S’ .,1 : Siiinley M. Crowell, George Hnltnes sod .Miss Beatrice CTowell, of Itlooinflcld,N. J.

MKHT ¥AK.MOl’T ll Maas., Aog. 31 (Hperlall.—Artlvala at Alu-rdeen Hall lo- tlude Mr. and Mr*. .R. Baker, of Kaat ('range. N. J.. In a Hoyat totirlai car.

o a k HI.l.'FF, MaasI, Aug. 31. iSpeclal). Among.the arrivals at the various Mar­

tha’s Vineyard hotels arc 4tie fullnwlog I’, c . Arkerniaa. Montelair, -S’ . .1 ; Joseph C. Johnson. Ht. Regin Falla. N, J., ui the Sea View. Mr. nnd Mr*. Frank E. Klrln, Mha* Alice H, Klrhy, Gleh Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. J. MeKelvey, PlBlrdlelil, at ihu I'l-- nnoi: Miss M*r)‘ L. IValton. Mrs. William .M. Wnltun. William W«ltoa, of Ellinheili: Mr, and Jim. J, Ball, East nrange, at ilie tVeslev lienee; Mrs A. T, Burges*. Genrgij H. Burgess, Mr«.-J H Verkes. Miss Aumi T. Verkes, o f Plnlulleld, S’ . J-. at the Ben View; MtBB Adel* H Kirby, PlalaHi^il. N,J,, at the Peiiuol, Mr and Mr*. .1. S*. 'in)'- lor. Newark. N. J., H Ih* Naunikeag: Mr. and Mrs. William Boyiie Jr. and family, of South Orange, N. J., .Mr. and .Mra. Ever- elt L. Hrowu, Perth Amlio)', N. J.. at Edgartown; Ml** M. E. Htihljerton. Mr.s. Joseph Trippell, Muiitehilr, N. J., at Vlne- viird Haven.

SWAMI’SeOTT, Muss.. Aug. 31 (.upcc- l.nl).-TliB eng.igemeiu Is aurouuced her* of .Mlaa Marjorie Fleming, o f Plulnra-ld,N. J., to F, Lindsay Curtis. BoHi .U’-,- sLiylng at the New Oi'ean Houae, .Jli-i.8. A. Qulna, o f Plaliifleld, la ivt«o n guo. t

RANOELEY, Me.. Aug. 31 (Spe l i l ) . - Mr. and ,\lr». E. Napier, uf Eaat •Orange. N. J-., a.e flebing here, and Mrs. Napar haa rn clglu-nnd-nne-qnarter-pnund sol- ini.n to her credit aa her largest cateh, while Mr. Napier ha* nn elght-nnd-oiiO; quarter-pound Iruut, the hirgeBt ricurde.', here for some yeare. G. R. Andrews, of En*i Orange, has Joined Ihclr party.M. Miirsli, o f Eiiat Orange, Is eujoyh.g golf 011 the hotel link*. Mre, S. O. Chim-h, o f East Orange: Mra. J, B. MeCoy. Helen McCoy and W. Milton McCoy um hero for no exlendad »lny.

m o u n t a in v i e w . Me.. Aug. 31 tflpic- Inll.-Jnmea M. Shaw and Rodney Dwn, ot Orange, N. J,. hnve come liere tor a W'cek. Edward Ueni-ee. of Hiickennriek, la having good hick here wllh the Irout.

KENNEBAGO LAKE. Me.. Aug. 31 (SpeclaD.-Arrlvals at Grant'a Camp In­clude the following New JerBeyllen: Mrs- Florence Campbell, Orniige; Stewart F. CBinphclI. Orunge: A. M. Biirne*. Mnr.t- clnlr; Howard Himllngton. Plnlntield; Orvl* Church, Stewart Hnddock, VVarmi Oi-und, Orange. At the Kemiebagn Tjtku Houae are Mr. nnd Mr*, lenike, Jeraejr City; Mr. and .Mr*.! Qo* Miiger, Newark: Mri nnd Mrs. Frank Tuft. Montclair; C. n. Bab*on, Boiilh Orange.

THE HlHClIBS, Me., Aug. J1 (Spcclnl).— Mr*. Wayne Parker i«id daughter. Mtaa Elennor, hnve Joined Mra. Walcott’s pnr'y and occupy Camp Clover.

IjONO p o n d . Me., Aug. 31 (Hirfclal).— Mr. and Mrs. Almon Edgar Aduins and lltll^ son, o f Newark, ft. J,. nre at Camp IVInoiin.

BAILEY ISLAND, Me., Aug. 3t (Spec­ial).—Mre. E. H. Newman, o f Newark. N. J.. hns registered at the. Ocean View Hotel. At the Seaside are Mlaa .Maririi.i Clark and Mi*a Jeanette Clark, of East Orenge. N. J. Arrivals nt the Ocean Vletv Include J. M. Creveling, A. C, Mc­Grath nnd A. Boynton, East Orange, W. S, Crittenden, ot Ellenbcth, I* n new gueat at the Woodbine.

SOUTH MARP8WELL, iMe., Aug. 31 (Special).—Oaceolu t.’nirUr, of .Ncw.irk, N. J., has llhen elected vlcc-prcahlcnt or ilie Auburn Colony Corpbratlor.. Lr.slle Lord, ot Newark, met with nn Injury to hi* eye during n ball game at Biifltlii’ * Island re­cently. J- H, Igird, of Newark, ha* hern spending a week wilh Mrs. Nnull liari.r- horn, nf Eael Orange, at the latter’ s sum­mer home.

KENNEBUNKPORT, Me., Aug. ailSiwc- clal).—Arrival* here Include Kenneth Holme*, Orange, N. J,; Mre. A. 8. aiisr-

Hngmil of Liimb, Iti'-tunne—Put half .i pint ot hi .III* it> «tecti ow r night In plenty o f walei' In Hie muriilng put tkeni uu the hark of tlie range and cover tln-ni with hulling water. I.tt them elnimer tin HI they ui.ij he easily pierced with a pin nnd then Fair llii-m Into the colanch-i, | When Huy have Ihnrouglily drained Irunefer them lu an euilhcnware baking dish. Ilavmg had Hu- hutcher cut Ini- piece* cnnceiileiil fur slewing, nlKiut four pounds Ilf tii'cast of hiinh. waah-and put the piece* toll) n ro.iat rmn; prlnkle Uieni W'lHi n few Kraln* of sail iirul pepper and pul them Into Hie oven lo hreome nicely hrowned, 'rraiisfiT llu lamh to a etew- paii; sjiflnkle II with two tahh-spoonfule o f (lour, and Ion* It lu ml*, (.‘over It with tfulling Wilier *iid Fiaiid It where It will shmiier giuHy. Meanwhile |iiuir over the heiins lhi fat Hint was melted out o f tliu lanih during the hrnwnliig process and add aulllrlrnl whUt to just tiarcly cover the bean*. ’Dan put them In Hie oven. Add to the liiinh a bunch of carrm*. Acraped. washed Slid rui Itiio siniill I'leecs, three unions, r-iil In f|imitfre, .uM Iwo wiiltc turulpfl, [ic'liil. w.isliod ii’ id also cut Into BiTiail plei c*. I'i rrillt Hu- ragout lu^cunk Blowly, nnJ gently, until il.i hoiieH bIIj) easily uni o f ihn mctii whli-li will lake I alniiit one and n half hemrs. When nhoiu-l to serve the rngoul, iirrnuge (he lamli In n pile on a hut serving dish, diapuae the [ Leans in groiijia nronnd It nnd pul lIlHe i groups of vegfiahlcB ludwcen them. Ihi ir | cm the sniicc nnd send to table with n dish of hulled potatoes.

from 11* iiiiiuy ear* of "'left-over" corn a* Ihctc may he nnd allow to each cupful Ilf corn a i.ihlopiwonftil of flour. Mix It with Hie corn thoroughly and add a beaten eg* and two cupful* of milk. Put it In an earthenware baklng-dlnh and place It In the oven In a roa"Hng-p*n halt niled wllh hulling water. When It la firm In the c-entre stand It on a suitable diah and lemt to table.

Green Co'ii Frllter*-Cut the grain* from Hie - h fl-over" corn anil put It III the mixing howl Allow to ench cupful of corn » ciiiifiil of ftnur. n few grain* of ■alt, n teaapiionful of hiihing powder nnd eufllrlcnt cold sweet milk to form ■ atiff batter. Have on the lire a wide frying pan. In which Is smoking hot frying medium to ihe depth of half an Inch. Droll iho prcpari'il hiiuer Into H with n lablespuciif, icnvlug room to turn the frltc trra easily. When alt hnve been fried ar- riingo them on a hot platter and *end to tnhle.

m e n iS s ^ Laij^’ ifepakong Yacfet O ut Prcscntl<um t>erS Amusing Skits-Aquatic Events Take Lead.

r n INAHY HINTS Don't mako tf'n or enffpo with waUr that

in ni-.t IioillriR. iitnJ dun'l lift ii'T this pHf- piiso woter ihiil has bollt'd more IhaJiomt*.

Stfrtinfd HockliU.ieiry P u d d ln x—Hlfl lo- gt'Ujrr tw o rn|ifi‘j|s o f floiir. a h<‘aiJnR truHiujonfill <if btiklUR pfiwd«T and a l>w t'lulliH of Halt. AiJd lo It fl cupfijl of m ilk, h a lf ii c o p fo l o f miRur anti a boK of pickp(l‘OVor fiml hucklf!bfTrtr*s, Mix K>K«ihor qiUf'kly nncl pour M Into a iljrflu-pounfl UttM cun that liiiK bpph w H l Rroasfrt an«l floiirud. I*ai iUp cov*»r in and s IhthI It in ft $:uicopjui rriiiialnlnK b oiling wutor tn rcar-lj half up lh<> sidop o f thp pall, U*»ll It riintlniJOUHly fur iin hoar, aiUIinif more boillnfF waipr from iltao to tlm p an q ilivtl to replace lhai. loBt hy evoporrt- tlon, \^’licii iiluiut In Kf^rvr, f o m o v iho po\pr anfl invprt tin- pal! on a lmi p la t­ter. T.H It roHt ft fc-w infnnfnl.« ftiot thru ciiullouftly lift U "ff P our n Uttlo siinon over li nml tlo- rcnuLlnilor In a bowl to ihr* table.


OF n CENTS.Ragout of Lamb Bretonne.

Boiled Potatoes.Steamed Huokleberry Pudding.

it e m iz e d c o s t .Beans ■ OS4 lbs. of breast of lamb at Sc.

per ib........................................ .32Vegetables ................................. .102 quoyta of potatoes.. ............. .082 cupfuls of flour....................... .031 teaepoonful baking powder.. .011 cupful eugar............................ .03Box Of huckleberries................ .121 tablespoonful of butter.......... .02

Total cost................................

Don't throw the anft^trlm-minjif-" cUUkotiB orturUey, or iht* left­over boiiPP and irinitnlitftff from roartt nifiiiH of npy kind. Put thorn tdl tojtothpr oil ihfi fire, add wati»r enhiigh lo ciiv^r ' lli'-ni. Hoino h -rb" and a fi*w |It will bt* fomnl lo inakR the ffiiuidalJon fur a i*:ivury nounehlng nou|>. |

HpfHat ('nrrn‘}tnHitrn(*f of lAr SKVfS, iliAKti IKtPATt'ONG, A iit 31.—Niimpr-

nuft dlverBlrifts ha'p been held by the vlat- tom at this resort during the paat week, i Aquatic Bpurla hft'e pros’en very po[niIar and many

One In which a numher of younir New­ark people partldpfttM waa held off Dr. Cox's hoathoupe on Hnlspy laland. Prlaea In the events wore nwanlrd ad'follows:

Boys' rowinf Herbert Hartdegcn.ftrst; Guy I a ToiiroUo, Hfcond. Glrle' rowing race, Helen MeQm>id, flrsl; M«r- garet Wllaon, second. Bi yp‘ swimming race, Carl Hartdegen. first: Herbert Hart- degen, aecond, • Olrla' pwlnimlng race, Marlon Cox, first; Anna Hurtd*-gen, sec­ond. Mixed doubiea rowing iHce, Marga­ret Wttson and Cornetltis Sr.henrk. first. Tub race, Herbert Hartdegen. first; Hlch- ftid Hftrtdc'gon, second.

The cmioc tournament wns won by Cnrl Hftrtdegon and Joseph Murphy.

One of the moat enjoyable cmertabi- menip to 1>e held during the peofion tfmk place Uipi night at the Hotel Bref.lln. C o the berif'fU t>f the building fund of ihf* l.ttke Hopiilcoug Yacht Club. Tlie liiijr dining-ronm of the hotel. In which a .sisiuc hurt tieen preried for the occasion, vv.in orowiled wllh more thnn God people, Tb#' performerp were all mcnitiers nf the yacht club nncl hnd been carefully drilled during the pppt thr^e weeks by WllUam Plit

Paul Nftge], Miss Gerirudo Harms and Mr. Zlmmej'inftiin. of-Newark* are visitors ttt Edgemore Cottage.

Mr. «nd Mrs. C. Hnrldegeit, of Newark, hnve returufHl from their trip ubroud iiud wilt he at their cotiage for three weeks,

MIPS Mae Taylor Is ontertnlntng MIps Krtthcr Soden, of Newark.

Mias Ginn Tletje. of Highwood ■ Pnrk, Is being entertalhed by MIbs Eva Cordis lit fllony Wold.

h[r. ftnd Mre. Charles McQuold, of tha Moorings, will leave Sunday for thel* hoinn In Rtmelle,

Miss Sophie Steffens, of Newark, Is vu»- Itjng her cousin. Mlaa M .dcIine Hullcrlth, al "The Anchor."

Mrs. Tmila enlerlntncd Mrs. Alfred Skinner, of Newark, for a few day» dur­ing Uu* wevk.

Mr. and Mra. J. B. MItchel and Miss Mlgnon Mltchel. who have hern visiting Mrs. Abbott at the Abbey, have returned to Newark.

Mrs. H. Sigler and son Curl will return to their home in Newark this week.

T.rtbor Day guests nt laoulna Cottiige will he Haver RrellciibcrR, Edward lirclteii- '>-rg HUil Mrs. SuB'innfl ProUenberg, of 1‘ nlmi Hill. Mrs. R. Wagner Imp rcUirm'd

I In Hoboken after speiidlug a week nt thoI roU/ige.I Wanley Johnson, of Pairrpon, Ih spend*

Ing the week nt WlMmetp Collage.Tjiiiip KnnnwbA has l>een pitched by

Rh ers. of Itrooklyn. The imtire program [ Me-hi p . Perry Hopper, Wftllar Zahrlski

Don't eat between rttf'ftls.The most common mistake that Is made

In using "left-over" meats Ifl In ecufklng them again luateaii of "Imply rewaimiiig them.

To accomplish the pame result evsry time, weigh nnd nva.Hure Siigrodlontp.

Pudiling fiance—Put on the fire lu a aiillnlilfl saiJCcpnu two cut>iHlM of water nml half a grated iiutmog. Aft hoo!i as It bollp iidd hiiir n cuprui of sugar vrry thormighly minted with two liiblcpp<ionfii]» o f flour; sill’ It vigorously Into the hott­ing water; let It up boll up nnen nnd then renn»vr from the fir*', Add n lalile- spoonful of blitter nnd use ns directed.


Cnblinge ft la [.yonnalse—Cut a largeonion In hnlvp« and then ricmps into thin shreds. Put them on the fire wHh a tablesponnfti] of roast fat and stir them until U»ey commence to brown. Add the "leri-over" ctibbftgc, chopped flue, a few grains each nf- pk1( and pepper and n IftbleapiK'iiful nf minced parsicy. To«h tliKSp over the f.ro until they are very hoi. Turn tficrn nut on U hoi pjndef and pend to tnhle.

Potatoes nnd String beanH—Chop an on- iim Hrnnil and put It on Uie fire In n Ptewpaii; add a tablCHiMH-mfiil of bum or bacon fat niid Uu* “ Itifl-over" potatoes rut Into nmEill dive. Toss them over the tlri‘ iinlll they are hot, nml then ndd ft inhlesp'ionfol of flour. Toaft them again fur n few moments, and add n cupful of bui!ing wflter, the "left-over" beans and n few tjrnln.s of salt nud pepper. Simmer them gently for fifteen mlnnleK. Then pour them Into a deep, hot vegetable (.llwh ntid -sen<l to taliJc.

There jp, pcshiiiiH. nn illsh whlf'h tidds m(frn U> the luncheon or to the ten than a sahul.

"l>ffi-avers" run be uspil to great ftd- vanUige in making uppellxlng snhidH.

( ‘auliftowfr. cHery, peas, beans, aplnneh. ciiiilmge, iKHatocft, heels, asimraguft, niid the vflrbnis greena. such ns cress, leHm-t. I'hli'oree, 4iumlelUiiis. may be u»c.| separ- ftlcly or In <'omblnul.lon with others.

WHH nrlgliml, anil the sketches were writ­ten eapeciHlly for this ocruslon. The pn»gram wns ns follows:

Overhiro, Brealln orchcBlra: "DTcam of a Hummer Night." orlglnalod by William Pitt Rivers, chflrnctere, queen. Miss Ellfl- aheth R. Cory; subjects. MIrs Marjory H Kenner, MJhs Dorothy Bennett. Mias .lean h. R. Coiy, Miss Ethel Green. MJfls PRlen Frances f:*hlptern: song. John Gers- tenberg: violin sola, W. C. aunlher;"Jleaiix and Bedes." a sketch, parttcl- panlH. Harold Raker. Miss Marjory B. RcniicTi Gforgr fi. Cliftpe, Mlaa Jean I*. R- f'ory. Nelson Hitieltlne. Miss M. Ethel Green. Henry M, Dunotin Jr.. Mls. Ellen Francea Shippen: "Bummer Nonsense." ft akftcir Mrs. Mfttid Margolins and William Pitt Rivers: "A Picked I ’p ninner." one- art plav, clmraclcrs. ft rich merchant, n Carlton Hakcr: ids wife. Miss Elixn- biHh R. Cory; BUldy. ft servant, Miss Jean

Mr>=. Robert Johnson and Mrs. Georg-' Ruhmldt. of Newark, are spending a few days ftl Rlslniore Cottage.

Harry Rogeri. Harry Wortmfttin. Of Pftt- <‘ rA(ia.

Mrs. fiohrad Fryling. of New'nrk, was ft rcoenl viFllur at Camp Clifton. MiM Maude Lcylaiid, of Hneken.^ok, tft at tb« camp.

Mr. and Mrn. J. J- Dloren, after spend­ing a plensani Hunimev nt Alptno Point* will break camp and return to Newark.

Mr, find C. H. Williftins and son Frank and daughters Ethel and Florence, Franlt William. , Miss ArielTu Craig, Albert Crnlg, of Newark, were recently enter­tained hy Mr. and Mrs. Jtbn W. llftbd, of CWQUJ Alpine. Other fniesia at thft camp are Miss Florence Wilbftms, o f Kearny, Miss Ellxahoth Morrissey, of Harrison; Lester and William Hahn, of Newark. Frederick LlHig, of Newark, will be a guest o^'er l.abpr Dn>,

Recent vlsiinra at Phlloniaih Ijodga were Herman Koster, George Klehl* R. J. BcuF'd. Jules W. Bciiret. Thomas Mor^dii ftnd Henrj' Oestcrrelcb, of Hoboken. Ge<irpp Klidil and E. J. Heuret will stay ni the cottage for two w'ceKs.

A "talil(*H|fOonful of b u ite i” to he inell^t should be moasured beliire it Is melted. S U M M E R R E S O R T S S U M M E R R E S O R T S

P<jtalf)cs and Cabbage—f'lmp the "left­over" cftbbnge line nml n\ix It wilh what­ever amount of "lefi-over" pulalties there bappi'iiH to bo and put It on the lire In ft wide frying-pan.. In which has been melted a tahlcspunnful of rnusl fat. Cover the pan w'llh n baucopan lid that tits, and let the cnlilKigt' arid potatoes becoinc . .ry hot and brown. Then tip them out on a hot servhig-dlsb nnd send Lo table.

Hk'Cf and Slowed ToniHloeft—Boil two- tblrds of a cupful nf wcll-wrtBhpcl rlcn In n cupful am! ft half of water in which has been added a lt^el tfftspoonful of suit. As soon HS the rice Is tender adil lo l( Iho left-over slowed tomatoes; mix them thoroughly with a lllile chopped onion and a few gmlns o f pepper, and pour them Into an cnrthcnwftre baking* (Jiaii. DibLrihmc a tublespoonful of butter In small pie</*a over She surface and put It in the oviMi to brown. Then staTitl U nn n suitable dish and semi to table.

When part of an onion has liecn used It Is economy lo throw the rctiiulnlrg part away, imleas It H wrapped In paper, for n cut onion Is a natural dislnfcciuru, uhKi rbing hU iliat can he drawn from lU mirrounillngp «ml iniiKiiig Itself quite un­lit for use as fonii.


a n s w e r t o Ql'ESTlnN.Mnlllc B., Orange-^"li «ihould have read

beets, not bcrtna, In my rciiucKl fur recipe for ainntnp-”

Slewed Tomatoes and Corn—Cut the "left-over" corn from ihc cob and put It on the fire In nn enameled saucepan, and ndd lo U whatever ‘'left-over" st'-wed lomoloes there may happen to hi*. Gently piinnicj* them foj' thirty tiilmnes. adding n litllo boiling water If needed. Then iioiir them Into a deep hot dish und .‘ end to table.

Green Corn Pudding—Cut the grains

C.inned Beets—Peel as many beets as requiied. taking pains to reject the woaoy (mcs. Hllce them thin and pnek the cane to ih^brlm: add half a levs) leaspoonful of 5alt, a tenspivmful of peppercorns and Ihree whole,cloves to each can, fill them with cold water, seal the carts and stand them In ft iarge saucepan, previoualy lined wilh hay or straw, and wltli n sinall wlap of the same maierlal heiween each can. Bring them alowly In the boiling degree and bail them iwo hours contliiuoualy, adding more boiling water from time to time to replace the Iobj* by evaporation. Transfer the cans t» a cloth spreati on th'i table, and when they are cold try to seal ihfin closer. Then store them In a cooi. dark place.

N w hiatii.’ .

GKA?m ATI.A?«TIC HOTBI*,Vlrg'nl* ave. and the beach, AtlaiiUo CUy.

N. J.: uiiitsr entire new manag*-menUtifulty furttlihea rooms. '*ri suite i.vr 'Phon'and cold se« wnltr ntlached m all battw. also public hot cea water l.alha; 'phonea In roomi. music and pocIp.' diversions: teems. American plan J*.&0 per day up. H2A0 w-eukty mi: En- vnpesn blah. 11 W per day .in. risrnRe.«’HABLE:J fcl. COPE, vrop., fnam-rly of UlUft- tlnny, DeUwi’^ Wau r Gap. Eft-



wood. Miss Haltli. Sherwood. MS*s Bea- trlre Sherwimd, Miss .Ii-sale Slterwiiod. BhrI GranKr, N, J.. at the Nonantiini Itousp; Ml?s Borden, Mina A- B. Boriien, IMuliineld. N. J.; Ml** 1.. Freeninn, Mi-s if. VV, FteeitVHii, Mi.sa K. V. Frerman. Glen Ridfie, N. .1.. at the Hiahhind Hniise- \V. M. Hiitnuhrey Jr,. EnKlewuod, N, J.; Marguerite \\'iilhrhlge, Philnlleld, N. J.. at the Old Fort Inii; Genevieve (Jwen, Paterson, N. J,, at the Granlto StiUo Houae,. PEAK'S ISL.^SD, Me., Aug. J1 (Ri'e- cliil).—New iini'al-s at the I’ e.ik’* Isliuirt Huuse liirliute Dr. Liiareiiee F. Smltl', Howard L. Holmes. R. \V. itUey, Mra. C. S, Cohen and niece. Ethel F. Cohen, all of Newark, K. J., iJiutsu .Mark, Hoboken. Mr, and Mra, P. \Y. .Stagg, iliiekensiii k: Mr. und Mrs. T. A. MaeC'learj, .Ur. ami Mra, (', D. fiwlft, uf t,’ iUoiv; Ellurv .VI. Himnihrey, .N'ulley; Sue E. Post, Piuer- son. H, U. Hiirtmier. Mianea Ella and Itosiilliid llartmler. Dr. and Mr*, U. h. Atwell and Miss Claudia Atwell are among the liUcst, arrlviil*. the forin.r fnmlly uf Piueraon mid the latter ul Ho­boken.

LONG MEADOW, H. I.. Aug, 31 tSpeo- liil),—Miss Minnie .McKay, of .Arllus'tun, N, J., ha* inTived al the Bayslde liiiin].

NARHAGANSETT PIER, Ft. 1., Aug, 8i tftped.ill.-Mlis Marie G. ITIce. or .Mor­ristown, N. J... Is registered at the Im­perial,

NAltRAO.VNSETT PIER. R, I-, Aug, 31 idiiecial).—J. Wiini, o f Orange, N, J , Is Ii'glatered lU the Casino. Other* here tire Mrs William Scot! and Miss l.ouisi; I'jgluirl, of Morrialown, N. J.. at Green's Inn: Mlaa Hyiali Jiirgenaen, Russell Coll, Newark, at the Iinperliil.

KCTTONWOODS. R, f.. Aug. .31 dsper- tal). .Mr. mill Mr*. William C Hiimiia.ii.l, of East OriiiiKe. N. J.. lire at Ye Old* lluiluiiwoods 'rioiiMe. Mia* Helen .Me- Neal), of Bradley Hencli. N. J.. has been vIslibiK line

KIVEHVIEW, R. I . Aug. 31 iHliei-lall.- .Mr. ami Mr*, t.lharle* Hhaw. of .Newark, N. .1 , are guests of Mrs, J, H. Bhaw.

- s i c i c r v -Stale PrcHidsnt^Mrfl. Hrlce Collard. 56

Cimtou avtuiue. Jersey City.First Vlcc-PresidetU^Mrs. Augustus

Creveling, 31 (Jlenwood avenue, Jersey City.

Secund Vlee-prcaidcnt—Mrs. A. T, Beck­ett, Posloffice Hox (!6, Biiletn,

Hecording Secretary—Mrs. John Hyatt, £3ii Mt. Proapt-Ci avenue, Newark.

Treasurer—Mrt. Anna Conover, 2J5- Bifiad street, Newark.

Ourrespondlng Secretary and ChairmanPriA«ft I )<3of the Presft Derortment for the State of

New Jer.«ey-Mrs. PRlen M. Stapleg* &38 Hudson Rlreel. Hoboken, to whom nil communications intended for puhilcation ihouhl be addressed.

HcadnunrterB—56 Fifth avenue, NewY.Tk city.

T hik dcpartmenl will appear In the NRW.S every Saturday,

N ow tiifit the tide o f travel from aea- elmn», inoinitaln and farm Ih b eginn ing to Hi-l huniewnrd'. m any Sunsihlnera are busy In lining little kltulnc'JwcFi for th e stay-ni* hotne^i. ft'ho-all Hummer lo n g h ave llter- nlly borne the heat and burden of the day. An exam ple of w lm t can he done a lon g th is Hne Is set forth In ih r follow- Inff le tter:

"W’fl had flrat Uirtught o f 'A tii\u l nioth- er'ft picnic.' but It did not ficem fair lo leave the clilklren at hoiue, even had the m oth eih b fcn able or w illin g to do fjo, hij,r th e rlfmauda o f HJival! clillflrpii on an ou tin g arc Htiiiicwlial w c a iiu g and wo iTcrnblnd at t)u' pus-sIbJlUy o f bringing thft lii'i'd m olbeiw home nim e ll ic i i than ever, lluwov'pr. four yniing glrJHi. *)n<? a King's D aughter amj the othera S in ia lilners, v o l­

unteered lo look after ihe children. The real wua easy.

"Dr. Philip Edwin Brundage. of Palt- sade, arrang^'J w’lth. th“ park superintend dint for the free use of Ihe awinga, tahlea. cooking stnve, etc., for be K known that boftutlfiTl Grantwooil Park honata of a well equipped kiU'h«;‘n. The doctor'a wife offered to superintend the cooking of the rnaat, ftnd on ihe morning of August LU our parly atarled. by trolley, from the Lackawanna terminal, }Iobok^*n. In the party were fifteen, 'big an' IRllf.' and the trolley trip along Uih woodod Pali­sades was greatly enjoy^ d by all.

"Hot rOAHt beef and tonnito ecallops, dellcioufl coffee, home-rriulp hrend nnd butter, rolls, cheese, cake anti fruit, w'llh pb'iny Iff m'llk fur lhi children, made ft mnwt sftllsfylng n eal. I'nder the trees overlooking the mighty Hud­son the tired motherf aal on the grass and exchanged confidiMices In (he dreniny hush of the early afiernoon. while the young girls tca»k the llttie ones for a rsTmhle. and later, after the dinners had seUlcd. gave them a grand lime in the swings SiorieH were told, gamea were played nnd songs were sung. A wonmn wilh n (.nnsumplive huabamJ was pro­vided wllh work, which she anld would 'help hvr ?o feel eaay about the rent,' and after a bontiilful watormHnn feast the happy pftily boarded the iroMcy car far home. "y' "Frufii Klnrt lo fiJiJsb I( Had been n real Sunshine day. The wcoMirr wn* p(»r- fcct, .iJid the mothers, one and all, de- elareo they ‘didn't know w’hen they hi|d p-ijnynl I liiurifjelves so much.' As for iho children, they were tir-rt, but happy."

h o t e l IR O Q U O IS, CanilSna ave.[•anire of atlractlonH; cHpaciiy. *00 rn 'ms,

fl ig e t.r en suMe. wUb prisatc t>«ih.IxJnsIve )*orch-»- .M-rtieiUTa. etc. bpeclal r?rine. 1l2.io, HB. H--50. %20 weekly, all year. Booklet. W. F.

Open SHAW.


ATLANTIC CITY,One of *h« newait stone, brick and

bulldlngfl, wMli every comfort Alwsys ready. Alwsya buiv.

ateel Alwayi Ci>eii.

{Rarlborougb-SlenMAtlantic City, N. J. Joalah While & Soiii,

OCEAY «H O V E , N. J-

ThJrrt ave.. nnd Heck *t.

While SHrvlR*. new furnlthlnafi Ihroughoul;


H O T E L P A R K V I E WOi’ EN Tll.r. OL’T, 1,

Write now for reaervatton of rooms at mal^ rlfllly reduced raica. M. E. PRQMALI*-

HOTEL AROSLEY$tt to 120; Jtitialc. dancing; aingle rooroa.

Telephone 207L.

T H E R U S T I C I N N '% % V ,’iBlock

table.special Sept, rfties; tine

T. F. MEBTHTT.ItiilAl Third ave., Aabury Park,vtlTivH rtverliioklng ocean; u[»eu Sepi. and Ovt.: good latile; terms mod. G. Harrlfon,


V A N C O U R T I N N ,nO!4EI*iiE« A'. -I.

nn (lie n. R. of N. J., U mltw from Npv York; moilern equtjJTnenl: rtjoma otisulte. wUh private batba;br-«ait plar.zaB:«Urai;llvegruutidB: i.*j>en ttlL year. Write for btioklet.


S T R A T F O R D m jm , (run Ui* n-.-ven.Good Uble; Sopt- rale. 17.1111. A. IV. Lyman.

UEt..V«’ARB U ’ .tTKB G.U’ . PA.

W a t e r G a p H o u s e n-nmroaS'ra.'- iit'W ownec.-tlup, uuii-i i)|HH until In DecemUt*--. ^n.ot uunuiclcd v*lth any other hotel;

T rk f iF W T T il^ * cntlrelv ‘ rchulil. nujdcjnlzed uml newly furJULlHiVY !aXf . nr*t-ola!s taUlt. | foX il IhrouBti.ml al vo«l of 3KS1.0IW; capacli)elrv rooms. M to I*. MFtb. M. IPTIALL, | 1' rUIukI*; hydraultc eievelor*: stbainIim 'i . Srlvale tlltll tia'Uis; ruunlnii ivatpr Inf *1! rooms- cuisine of lilxliest standaul: antis wr- V re1 privals liolf IlSVs, minis. Iwislln*-, eviiryW IN D S O R H O U S E 2 blockji from beach; |

Cholca q( rooBiB. Bepl.. tO. C. F. MacKenii*.

lU M M lT , N. J .

ir»: xaruK,. BooXlci oi “ '''J.'L'Sf,-- fenucats Bpeclal Bunte-mber nnd * •■'‘ " ‘ •TUR; map*

The New Park House,SUM MIT, N. J.

I autumn rntoB." jO H N T r'R D T f COPE.

1 T A R R Y T O W S . !*. Y.

H o t e l M a j e s t i c “ T l i c C i i s t l e ’ *TarrylDwn-on-lhf-Hudtoii. N. T-

private liaiha; elevator; healih ■ n-fe'^nark* Rmrionf orchestrauntMTualed. 52 mlnutM out. Addrew UR3. J. jer* nark, ^DADE (formerly of Old Greenwich Inn, Sound I and ml Beach. Conn.* '

nmUKement*- _ _ _A. flTANLEY STANFORD.

The inieriiational scholai'sbip at. Alfi'od VrflvciFlIv. Alfred. Allcguny County, N.

viicani, James frow, who enjoyed iu» pm ilpgi ?. having Kiculiaitcd last Juiif-. Mis. Al(]Dn offei'B It to W w Jersey for llie Pinr vr ars* courpc. The living expeiiflcs, Iniliultng n room In the dnrmhory, amount fn bill I3.2S per week.



niy Hull.Newark. ,N. J-. AUitaal 25. IU '3.'

g^alrd pr'MH.miJiIB ' Ul be reuelsed al liils Iim.-C (rolll 3:U’| 1" 3:3" o’llocll P. M. of TIuoB- j"y ll« 3(lli i)*j' of UflilembiT, tW)T, |UiJoiifi'i«1 St llu- I""' I'sravd l‘U"''i K pul.lid nii-clUid of lliti lioiirU tij tiw hstd ut said urns bii.l pluuu, r..rilli<‘ sru.lUiK. vurbhie sad lUg- SII1S ot ths rollowUig sirnels;

r.iLU.-nET HTltEET. trsra I'ni-mr sir.01 lo J.-tfi-rsun slrsel;

Ill'NTKKlii'N STliKBT.Inim llsMilii'iiie uranss to lull ftsl aorih ct HeJihCT avenue,

u -:nt5( avt'Jn c e .from Huratlo san-ei to Plum Point lane;SHAW AVENCK.from YVlHouglUiy street to lh»* Hly lln*;

St FlIsKY STREET.from Hawthfvme uvenue to l.-yritH avenue, and

WiLbOUaHfJT STREET, fioni Jiinu»a Ulnce to Hiajfuw avenue. uIbo lor ilie pu\lng of . . «W(.lUl!SIDE AVEM E, fnUii Moiilululr Kienue to tirafioii uveiiue.

The r-.'llowlnjj If about the amouni u( ih* wvrk to I't- done. unU the luiilf'ilftla to bn fur- iilahed In Ihe i inniructhin nnd compleilon ftl ■oUti work, fliifl upiJrt which I'kl* wlU be com- I'uied; -For rahiiih’i Ptrppl gCHtllng. turblhg and nagging Threv humJr ' l Chi 1 ruble exiavathm laio itJDUBKn'l i\v*» hundred lliioal felt of new 2ft by A nch four cut or iiiarwe oxeU ntrb. One huiiilred llUtb lineal fi-Fi ol old ■ vn-L. four cut >u- 'uafafl axed and leaet. Twi> i2) nets of hcn VQ by 4'lnrh fmiT ' ul of c-jni i*e nxed ts*rner5. Uno hundred and i'.r«lve MILL *(|uare fuel -if n*«'v helfitan brldg' lug Six ile uHand lU.tXKH Ngiiare feet of new liHtfBing & f t wide. One (U new bnaln cum- t'lete.For Hum* r<lfin ulrect grading.

rH oro^A ieS. P t Ol'OSALfie

P e n n s y l v a n ia R a il r o a d


Sunday, September 1, ISO?S l ' I S C l A r ^ . T K A I * *

Le*Tei NEW Y O R K . W e s t *3d S tr se t .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................'."'-Ti'f*lle sb r o sse s en il C o ftlen tit S treet* ....... T-nn **

m iO O R L Y N .........................- ................... ............................... ........................K o , .1" .ie k a e v c i t y ......................................................................... - ........ ..•• NEAVAHK ................................................................................................... .. ..“ ............................................................................... . •'•• NEW ...................................................................................................

R ETD R N IN O „ i iO O P .« t ,L e e r e , A t la n t le C i t y .............................................................................

TICKKTB g o o d o n ly OK OKBCIAC TKAIKR im llar E ic o r s lo n H eptem ber f*

J. Jt. WOOD, PM.*Dger T « m « M «o**er.' «EO- W. BOYD. Gen’ l F«*s*a«e* *>*■

(ItiKging-Tiiii-e iliounard two hundred and | th fifty (S.yfioi cifijlc. jenlH of ex<’avatlun, 2 WW !>!' cubic yardh of whh'h it lo be embankment on tlie atieet. hid fur esvavMilon oiily. Three thnittand f*-ur hundrt-d an‘5 fifty (3.450) lineal ft>et uf new 2U by I inch four i-ul or eoarwe fticfl cui'h- Twelve M2) ,sei» nf new 20 by 4 iacli fbur fui or coarev uxed cnritori- One tlinueancl tlirrc hundred and fifiy M.35U) miuare fm of new belgian bridging. Three hunlred '300> «iuare yawl# of tiaiirock futier jiavlng, 4 feet wide. Sevoruppn ihouaand (ll.ooo) square feci uf new llagglng, 5 feel wide Two hundred Jiquare feet uf oMififiggliit K'lald. One (1> new basin oOmpteta.Two (2) bttslna altered.

For Lonlx avenur' grading, curbing and fine- ins—Ooa tliouBand two hundred tl,200) <aibiv

l*2ikt cubic yard* of

fii’ ir (‘Ul nf coRr?t> aitea und resei. Twenty- IhiMfl Miouflahd iUaiOOh) Hfjvjaie fvpt uf new Ahk- glnp. fi fret ia|.|f, Three ihcm an-.l tw.o bun- tirvil ta.L'fta'i &(iuiirp feel iif old tlngglng

<12f aeia of hew 2a by 4 iru’h four t in or I'DHrxe uornprs. Ont' ibYiuaunJ 'w..M.-(K'' nquon- uf hew Hriplan brlflKlnj;. On*' 'll new ViQsin complote.

Foi WlilnuKlihv Birei-t grading, curbing ami flnggltig—Three hundred (fiUOJ cubic ynrds uf embdrikineni (,'iiie ihoUBiJUri und twenty lirtPiil r»'pt nf ui-w 2ft l»y 4 Inch four i m or riiaPAf rtxnrl hiju. Four <D st»t« of npw '.'ll by 4 liii-n f'lur (Ul or coarae axofl corner*i. Two hunfiff'ti i\nd i\vHn!y-foui’ (224) eciuare fif new hrlRiiin bridging Five thouaand one liun- drew I'l.l'JO) atjuiire feet, of new flagging. Qfpn \\ iiiH

For W ndnldn avenue pav’lng—Two thnufland pe •er lnimlred i2.70tfi square yaMj -if (eiford pgvflmiTii ten 00) Inchea In depth Five hut.- dred (ri'nn nquore yards nf brick’ i-avenieni nn a bIx Hi) inch cnnvrete foundation One ihou- eand iineul frei of now 2(i by k Incheight I’lit or tine axed i;u*h. set m coavrefe. Five Imndrvtl iThK)) Mhf*a] feet uf old curb, right ■ ii' rir fine axed, nnd feset in enneretr. Thrc)’ >:') flfets of Ofw eight cut ur fine Hxed romerN tr) In puncrete. On» hiinrtred nnd forty iwG (H2i Kqunre foot nf new Belgian bridging, Inid Ir I'lmi-rete, One (1 > new ba«m unhiv t-ld head ncid xlu. One hundred and foro USD (142) pquHTe feel Of obi bridging, re-Inlil 0:1 concrete. Five (5) nblH«lcs!» manholevf'vpr.j 10 rephi -e did cover*,

MM li’ rji are u'd to stale any price for ma- If-rluls and work for which there Is a fixed aiD-'iJtii provideti for hi ths apscificntlonB.

Vbi. ti proposal muAt h« enciusod In a scaled ‘■ii\‘•Idpe. profterly tmlorfied with the name of til'- libbier ftml of tim ljnprov«nient. and dl* f'-fipd to the Fioard of Btre«t niid Water Coin- ii;lNN.iiinuri of ili*' cliy c»f Katvark,

ni idera will mate tlwlr price* la writing ai v.i-:i MS in figmci!.liiilderB m’'ust specify En Ihe.ir propuinls that,

rurblhg »ntl f db. ji.j tlm nl.fovo work be awarfiod to them.

menl that may be irmde by *uch propOTeiJ liondsmon. bui ahall havu full power and Mbxo-* UiLP 'llsoreilon In ih« wholf» mauer, and ilils prnvlRwn BhuU b« i eferivd to in any adver* risi-iacm inMilag bids for any uuuh public-.v-irk.iiy direction of the Board of flireet and Wmer CominlBeloners of the city of Newark.

MORRlb R. fiHKRIlFRp.Chief EnglnBur.

VS15S UlBses' Cogt.

D esl^ by May Mimtoti, E7S1 Nine Uoted JFlailed HKlrt.

FOR EARLY AUTUMN.Eftrir Autumn.is to lee a great number of suUb ingie with plaited gklrtii. and

if'Attcd. double brountwl coats, and, as .tho tnodt'l suits the gins peculiarly wuR, I fact is certain .to be weiudmed by the younger contingent. This one Is among the It and smarteftt, and is adapted to all aeaaortsble suTtfngg. In the Illustration U made of one of the new striped dolbs and Is trimmed with croRS bands on the

gtiig—Om tlicfusand yar^ of eiitbankinmi,

wilt bind thcmBflvRR’ to finish ghd com th» mine wllhln rhe foitewing number

rr i-oniwcutlve working flaya:'■ulumftt Rtreet. twenty-live t25> dxyfl. !lun(erdnn «trei*t. «lxty (itOl day*. r.<-!iiz avenue, thirty-fire Gfli> day*.Eha w avenue, Bixty (SO) doA'i.H. hicy atrirtt. severity (7ft) day*- Willoughby Btrept, twenty-Ave (25) day*. V'-..)KlBlde avenue, forty (40) day*The plans end Bpedflcatione of the wnrk can

1>‘ '-xamlned at Ibe office of Ihe chief engl-....I- of the Board of Street and Wnter Foin-imHRioncr* at the city hall, said prupuBals to It -Hf't empanted by the cotiaenfr In wrillhg. of iw . Burottee, or a Bursty coinpsny quaiifl^ to I' iiUBlnesfl in New Jerfley, who ehill, at the

Uiuc of putttnir In such propovslB. qualify an “ . — .......... amount of such


l-ITY OF NEft^AUK. .rUy Boll. Newark. N. J.. August 2H. 1007.

HealcJ iiropaealti will be rtueliveil at thiB omce (ro(U :l:lJ 10 »:30 ci'ciock P- M. of ThunkLxy. \ti;r tiflh flay of Beptember. J007, atul Opened at the lawi named bottr. at a public mwtlng uf the board lo he held at cald time ami plave. for Ihe touslrucllnn of a J ew* tuLENT?1 AVENUE.between Horatio streH and Plum Point lane.

T'he following la about the amount of ths work lo \tf done, and the materia la to be fui - nlBbed lb the I'onBtrufrlton sad vomulelloti of ----- -.1.1-1. 1.JJ- cftto-gulU work, and upon which bids

hundred and sixty (8fl0) lineal feel of tiKlil (8) Inch deep and wide eocket pipe aswer.Seven h'lndrcrt Biui eighty (TkIH lineal feet of bIx Inch pipe houee coanectlona.

Three (.1) mubhotes wllh Iron heads and co\erf» and bucket* complete.

Blilder* are not to Biele any price for m*- terlftl* and work for which there l« a fixed nmouni provided for In the speclftcalions-

Each proposal muat l»e oROlowd In a B«*led oriveiope, properly Infioraed with the name of the bidder and of ths ImpTOViunenl. and di­rected to the Board of fairest and Water Com- mhslonerfl of the city of Nawark.

Bidders will stats iheir prica* In writing a* well aa In figuret. ^Bidders muai specify In their proposali that, should the above work he awarded lo them* they will bind themsetYea to finlah and oom- pleie the eomo wllhln twenty 120) conasoullv* working days:The plan* and spocincatlonH of the work c*n be examined at the office of ths chief etigtnesr of thB Board of Street am.! Water CommI*- Bioners at the etty halt. Said prop<rsa)a to bs avcoKipanIcd by e consent, in writing, ox. two Burettes iiy a Bu 'y oompsny quallAsd to do busIneHs In New Jersey, who shallt at the time of putting In such nropostls, qualify aa to tliflr responalbilUy tn The oiRDunt of cueb pro- poaal, &nd bind themselves that. If tbs con­tract be awarded to ths psTHh or per eon* mak-

511 NISH STREET, RfNARK, REW JERSEY.Foundvd l i i t e

A D a y S c h o o l c o n d u c te d b y th e B e n ^ i c t l n e F a t h e r s .

C O U R S B S Q IV S N i *C o lle g e , H Igrt S choo l, Q r « m m « r « t id C o m m e rc ia l.

R e g u la r and S pec ia l C ou rae* la F r e n c h and G e rm a n ,

BecoaeiseO Oy the ?>dw JeneY at*t* Bwerd o f Bdoeetioo * “ 0 th* ■ .Vew York Beaent*.

R E O P E N S S E P T E M S E R 11, 1 8 0 7 .I-Of paptlenlar )ia formation oddraM

Very Rev. P . Ernest, O . S . B ., oireetor.

' '

il Essextng the proposal thsy will, upon It* bsing so i

vome<'__.^Jed become hi* or their surstlea for Ihe !faithful iwrformancs of said work; and that if ths person i r person* omlt.ar-refuae to sxecuts Buch contract, they will pay to th* city of Newark any dlffersnoo beiwesn ths *iims lowhich he or they would hivs 1»eii sirtUled upon ompleilon nf the contract and that which thevHrw Ul li.iivns.r..-...*, ______ _ ___ - u. thelp responalblllty fn the amount of

which le tn bit oxcasatlufi cm th*- strest: bhi to [ i r<>|)(.sal, and bind themeelvea that. If the oon- _____ ________. ..... One Lhouiand.thri'i* [ tuii.i be awarded to ths parfon or peraons mak- { son or psraotu by wbom tuon costroci ehalt bebe fur embankment only. ........................., ....................... ............... ....................... - ..........hund^ and fifty (T.s^) finrofr, ft-et of ifen i lug the propowl they will, upon Its being

3ft by 4 Inch four oUc or coarse agsdimirb, > nwarded. hecouie hii or their lurellea far the

city of Newark may be oblliwl to pay the per-uen CO

mr k Ul iM buflrvQ -wue..-.Sri in concrete. Thi'fi? "f W hy 4incli four out or war**! axed cornpr*, set •/' coTuwte, Two htmOrod and twi-nty-fo«r (SS4i souaic fpst of iwe* B**lgl*n brl'lglfir « ‘x ihouiaiHl sevoa hundred ftod fifty feet of nrw fiogglug. five fe**t wide. One U> new basin complele.

klrt and wJtfj velvet cvlUi'- T le Incoming Htyffts. however. Include slisdow

iTl^hfulf perfornianos of Rild work: nsd that ir the person or perdons omit c r refoss to sxs- ■ ul** Euch contract, they will pay to the city

Nf'wark any dUference between th* feum* tc whloh ha or (hsy wanid have haim anttilsd upon completion of the c<mtr**'t, and that Mhich the city of Newark may be obllgod ta

‘ ch co:i-

executed. The “...e Board of BtfdSt had Water ComiulMlpD'*

i era of the city <rf Nswark ftsarvs to ihem> selves ths right fco accept or rejeot any or atl propo*als for th« above wdrk, as ihey may, deem best for ths Intereat of the city.

Bidder* and suratta* are hereby notified that under the provIstAi* of the seventh sectlofi nf

gwd ch«cka. and a great variety of very beautiful plain color* and mixtures, a» well r aa stripes, ao tJiat tfiere la every opportunity for the exercise of ijidlvldiiaUapte. L.ignt ' weight ulotbp. chevloia, fiomriepima and Panama cloihs. all are to have extended vogue and all atUt the design admirably well. The coat Is made with the half-flited back ............... ................................................................peculiar Bmarlneas,

For Shaw avsnu«* irsfiinr. curbing attd JWg- i pay ths jwrson cr persons by whom such co: ousand two Kundr-'d r«/40d) ruble (saci shall ^ executed. . ^

y-srfin of excavJlon. S,t:00 cubic yard* of which I The Board of Btrsot and Water f ommls-

tliat Is filways becoming and hoe darts at M)e shoulders that give peculiar smar . vhtte it inrhul(*4i the plain tailored gleeves. The skirt la nlTie gored and Inid in baek-ward'tornlng plait*. No better model could he found for the of school fflrl^silM. For %-glrl of sixtilCTi years o f ago the coat wlU require 4x4 yards of material t*.

yards U or yards &2 inches vide; the skirt yards tT. 6^ yards i4 or . yarda 63 [nchea wide U broadcloth or other materlsl with up and down is used, but ^bera tbore to ni^ther figure nor nap yards 37, 41L 0** £•- Inches vide

aids 44arlll snffloR, vUh 2 yards 37. yards 44 or 1 3wrd S3 Inc^ MAT Ma NTON PATTERN S-Tho May ManUm pab

ri Je for' the folds.ay ManUm paitfMF ulustrated on this

ean be hid In ail slaes for 10c. aach- Malf ardor* pTomP^MtUed. MAT MANTONPATTBBN CO. iN. N*>. 138-142 West Twenty-seventh filreei. New York. A coih; >le.te line ni May Menton pnttcniB if catrlad by THE QOSt lCM 9 ^ Bioad and Urkat

ging—Thrw th'iJ^n^bR ombsfikmfnran' thiTsttwet'rWd » »» ] *lrmfr« nf .the rliy c f . NewsrH raservra lo for excavation only- Tlin** tliousamJ sis hiiiv | thHutelves right to]\r tatta.u iin<>ai fern of new SO by 4 Inch sh propowl* for the sbovs work, as they/ftiir ni'r or i oarwi ftxort rurh Two ihoawuvd 1 may <ie<*xn best for the Intsrejrt of th* cUy.t i w r s X t <.f Hiiiler* and sureties ire herwby noiWiHl thattwu ViviiiMn thoussfi'J unfier the provUloni Of tte s«vehth se-'Ron of

n .w fls^Slng 5 ^ ‘'Seating the Hoert of Street tn.T Wateri? .. .7n?i*S* * Inch i t'oimnlsRloners. approved March IWl. (hatM'lde. B ig h ts new L*h« lirM or hondR to be ghe« for the fsjthful

fo»m cut or ^ rexecuilon arw) performance of esld rtibll* work,fioR- tini bpspproA'ed a* IO;suffldency by th*For^hfcy i^ e t graUIng* *■ r hoard, ami a* M form, hy (he counsel of theglng—Thiw thouwiiwl ***'*! .,_ hundred j agd contract nlmll ne hlndlBB on the

cuhlc yarila of excavatlun. l.J5i> vuWe j become effective or operative nstUwhich If to bo emhankmeni I •'<* h boml 4* »o approreil. and'the presldanr nf

the Igw oreatlnir the Board nx Btreet and Water Co«ml*awB«ra approved March “ 18111, that tin hqfld'ftr bond*, to b« givvii . . . the faithful exeoallan and performance 6l a*ld

lo b** for eicaixllon only. Four vb*fa^[^ five hufidrM t4,5Wn lineal feei of new W by 4 I Itch four cut or coaia** KXfii curb. £Ufhi hubdrod (bOft) hpagl feat ot olU Sd'ioda

the board ahfl! have power to agamlp* ibt protAiM bondfmen under oath. If he thalt ■* deelyri, or Rha)l b« an Inatructiwl hy the iRULrd, but th» board arlil oo( ba. bound by aoy N*.ta«

puhlto work ahill first bt Hpuroved aa to sufficiency by tba board, and aa to fonn by the ceimael of the board, and no boBtract shall be binding on the city, or become eflrltt:tiya or operative until ouch bmvd Is so approvftd-: and the president of the hoard ahan have power to examine ihe tiropnsed botidaman under oath, if he ahall so desire, or ahall be so Instructed by the bcanl,' but the board will not '^ hound, by an> watiecnent that may be made by *ach fidtlfiyEhen, but 1 ^ ”

I have full power and abHCluie dlwcretlon 1 the whole matter, and thi* prat'falon ahaii 1 i he referred lo In any adverttawnenl mvlUng I bi<lB for any anch pahile work. Ry Alreeilon of the Bqard Blreet u d 1 Water Cpmmiaaloners of the elty .of Newarv,I MORav It, aMEtmvRn.\ Cblet bifioMr. |

Septem ber 21-30" (10 Days and Nights)


. , ^ . M I L E R A C E T R A C K .

Olympic Park,f N E W A R K , N . d .

s » e e e * e e e * o < 8 e o o « * * * o * o * * *

Iitttiti ii t11 i t.. ' ’ i ■ i ' i I 11 tt it i I i !- t I t t

1 ,-

:,7.0-0 J .



Muttitude, in Costumes, Takes Possession of Asbtiry Park's

Rain Thoroughfare.


JBpfdaJ rorf'fnpodrfMrt of the Sfjnn.ABBUay PARK, AU*. Sl.^Asbury PiirU

just throusfi the greintMt vtt'i.In lU hlfltory. 0ui'h crowds h« camt down for carnival week ware never kng»wn Uvro bofare. Not only did the crowd (it th baby porade and the masque fete exceu! that of other years by many thousands, but a far greater proportion of their num­ber were ull*week visitors than were in other years.

The resort was thronged last night with men and women, In masquerade costume.Certainly no other show |n the rounti/. the New Orleans festival exceptud, presented such n sight, a grenl pros>o/- Uon of the masqueradere had tickets ad- tnltiiiig them to the hallraome of the various lioieli, where dances were m progress most nil nisht, and tn the ani phitheatre upon tho lurgcat dancing door In the State

It was at the amphllhentre that the masqueraders were aern to better advant­age and the big studlum smin became the oontre of the Crollca. \ crowd o f spoota- tors, numbering R.OW. scatiercd throughthe stands and shfys^ered the dancers with | oCEAN ORCtVE Aug SI.—One of the oonleia. Thfre wr. gjme hitch about | ^ .utem ent often heard thisthe music owing to a misunderstanding

- C T i

; JIM uAb '

of orders, and when Queen Titanlo and her court arrived. Pryor's niuslclnns were somewhere In the neighborhood of flec- ond avenue. They were soon brought back, however, and dancing Itnmcdlmely began.

After TUanla and her follower# had forsaken the throne, a crowd of masquer­aders look poBsessloD. A big white Teddy bear was crowned with regal pomp nnd ceremony and an entertainment followed In honor of the event.

To the tune of ' ‘Borneo.” a roUlcklng sailor song, several able aeumen executed g dance timt brought a big crowd quickly over In fj‘oot of the platform. Following this a troupe of clowns started In the fun-making. "Theodore Roosevelt," with the big stick, was present and grinned his delight wherever he went.

Following a lively two-step, a figure In g fantastic gown stepped to the platform In the centre of the big building occupied by the musicians and borrowed a cornet. Boon the notes of "Love Me and the World Is Mine” rang out and tlie crowd flocked

summer that Ocean Grove is enjoying the bPHt Season In Its history was the an­nouncement this weeji that the big Audi­torium, where the religious and Intellec­tual life of the resort centres, would be kept open by the campmeellng associa­tion, St least until October 1.

Mme. Schumonn-Helnk sang with a number of other well-known artists at the Auditorium Thursday evening, and though the concert came In the middle of lha buby panide week over at Asbury Park,

I wllh several other big papular attracUona on, the Auditorium was crowded almoat to the limit gf its capacity. The festival chorus at the concert sang Wagner-s "Hail Bright Abode." from ‘ Tann- liiieuser,” and a finale from the "Mes­siah." Daniel ^eddoe, the tenor, sang “ Clelo e Mar," PonchJelll, and toward the end of the second part Matthews's "The Perfect Year." Hans Kronold appeared as cello soloist

Wlial most frequenters of Ocean Grove consider the finest musical attraction of llie summer will occur fn the auditorium

to the stend, An encore was demanded | .^hen the chorus ot a thousandbut the "lady’’ was bashful .and retuaod. The cornellsi wtis Enille Iveneke, who played at tiie queen's coronation and who Is a former soloist ot Pryor, '

By common consent the Boardwalk be­came the ultimate renrtcivous of all tak­ing part In the revel. Here there took place the strangest promenade that this place has seen for many a day.

As a result ot the edict ngaliiBi ticklers the proprietors ot a concern that .‘las the novelty privilege on the beach front say they are going to sue the city. They say that they Imported 10,000 tlcklera last fall to sell during the masque fete last night and that the prohibitory ord'Ts against their sale has been a lose of 1500 to them.

To-night the carnival week eventa will end with “ A Night In Fairyland" at the Ocean Qrovs Auditorium. Queen TItanIa VII. and her court will attend and the reign of tho young ruler will come to an end In a brilliant musical entertain­ment.

The children's festival chorus will sing, the rough riders will drill, the gipsy chorue fn costume will perform evolu­tions, and there will be special musical features.

At last it Is assured that North Aabuty Park la to hhve a beach front pavilion. The contract for Ita erection, at a coat of 120,1103, was awarded by the beach coni- mlsaloners, Wednesday night. The design Is that accepted In the spring, and drawn by Clarence W. Brailer, of New York.

Vlaltora Iron, N ew ark and Nearby. Among the late arrivals are:Monmouth—M. Bommers, Leo E, Oold-

ateln, Arthur Meiner, Barry Vegbauer, Mrs. U Kelawetler, F. Louis Ketiwetter,’ MUs Dora Ksls wetter, Newark.

Coleman—M. B, apencer Jr, J. U. En­right, A. M. Moore, M. Q. Nlblo, New­ark; Mrs. M. H. Dowd, MIts F. M. Dowd, Orange; Frank McBwan, Madison; T. L. Vross, East Orange.

Ocean Hotel—Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Van Winkle, Newark; Jamee R. Pateraon. Cranford; P, K Crooks. M. P. Crooks, Paterson.

Lafayette—Mrs. William J. O'Eourka, Miss Florence V, O'Rourke, Miss Vir­ginia O'Rourka. Mias Dorothy O'Rourke, W)lllam O'Rourke, K. Alcon and Mrs, E,A, Currier, East Orange.

Lyndhurst—Louis Davidson, John Dal­ton, Philip Spies, William Patton, New­ark; Mr. and Mrs. W. McDermott, Har­rison.

Hollywood—Mrs. R. B. Pyall, Mlai B.C. Pyatt, Mr, and Mrs. G. H. Andrews, Miss M. Sharpe, Newark; Mias Agnes T. Hallday, Miss Caroline M. Hallday and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bostwjck, Rahway.

Nassau Hall—Miss Josephine PHiger- ald, C. Cooper, Frank Kenney. Newark.

Grand Central—B. A. Whitehouse, G. J. Werti, J. Frandt, J. H. Miller, Newark.

81. George—B. B. Richey, Bast Orange; Mrs. Emma Parkhurat end Miss Pearl Farkhurst, Roseville; F. 0 . Horsman, VV'.J. Tomlinson,' Newark.

Beachwood Inn—L. Miller, A. Miller, Newark: Miss Kitty Andelfinger, Miss Minnie Ray, K. O'Connell, Mr, and Mrs. M. B, Van Sleet, Rahway: Miss Daisy Vanderhaven, Pateraon.

Holland Hall—Mrs. O. H. Davis, Mils M. R. Quintan, Miss P. A. Condtt, Miss C. 8. Condlt, West Orange; C. B. Rapp, A.B, Rapp, Pasealc.

Ardaley—Clifford P. Kingston, Miss N. Krammell, Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Long, Miss Long and Miss MabH A. Rogers, Newark; Mies Alice M. Coon, South Or­ange.

Fenimore—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hargati, Newark; C. C. Groel, Orange: Miss Nellie Bentley, Miss Sadie A. Bogart, Engle­wood; Mrs. A. Calderwood, E- A. .Tones, Hr. and Mrs. 0. S. Hedden, Miss Daisy Hedden. Bast Orange.

Vloterla-R. Oarrlbrant, F. W, French, W. B. BotO, Newark.

Willard—W. n . Annin, Miss Ida Ben­nett. Jacob Sanwatd. William Weiss, HLsa H. L. Shaver, Hiss Mira Devoe, Mr, and Mrt. B. W. Van Vorts, Newark.

Rnsswln—B. L. McDowell. N. O. Pier- ton, Newark; Mrs. B. Qroel. Hiss Grace E. Hillsr, Edwin Smith snd .Jeroms T. Smith, Orange.

Buckingham—George Magee, HalseyBunonson, H, R, 'tunla, Charlee N. Jack- ton, J. J. Young, MIh C. Barber, Miss

■ Burton, Mrs'. J. Burton, Lewis Corgett, Newark.

Clifton—Mrs. J. M. Keeny, Miss Clalra- bel Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. E, H, Taylor, Mrs. N. B. Nevlne, Newark; Mrs. C. Brothers, Orange.

Brlstol-Louls Well, W. P. O'Rourke, M u i Campbell, Joeeph Well. H. D. Honl- tOD, Newark; Mr, apd Mra P. C. Quak- •Bbush, Paterson; J, Ofner, B. Ofner, R.

■ Ofner and 8. Ofner. Orange.Newburgh—Archie Ludlow, Chester

Ludlow, ,Mr. and Mra, H. Knapp, Fred Rausch, H. yetman and Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow, Newark: C, T. Atkinson. Percy H. Ballard. Mra. T. LIttlebraudt, Or­ange; George Brooka, Ballavllla,

M gemert .Ion-H enry « u « * , W. B. Vail, MlH Vivian Vail, Mias Sadie F. Oar. Newarli; Jalnea I. Courtney. Mist Rdla HcGan, Bloomflsld: Charlei E. Oobk, Madison. . .

Tounfiha-*'Drs afid U fi. Lu DavIdBon and family, fllmon L, Fiseh. Harry Davt- maa. Harry Rich, MIta Robb laralowKa Newark. “

Prtneeton-WUHam Ross, Paterson. . Marlborough-Dr. and Mrs, c . C. Be-

llqg, William MacTarry, Newark, llonhagen Inn—J, B. Hurp(|y, Mr. and

Mrs. Robert GDklore. Mra. R. L, S i - wards, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ward, New-! »rk„ .

PaiMlo—O. K, Band, F. W. Oand. Naw- arfc; H n . C. 8. Salyer, Mra. F. Bnlsrs, East Orange.

Atwrdeen—August Bslnka G, Halsey MIeekkr, August Betnke Jr. and Haw

r Suin, Newark.- Laadley—Bsn)amtn BUnson, Mias Sadia

Mayhood, HMs Suean ContlaBe, Hiss Sara Tayter, H ta Ellen Atkinson, patenofl; HUi Emma. p . Heindia and Mlia Leah E.Helndle^ EUaabetb.

hlliJren gives Its “ Night In Fairyland By a deal with the Aabury Park Csrnlval Assoclatlun this will appear as the closing event of carnival week, and TItanIa, Queen of the Fairies, wllh her maids ot honor and courtiers, will occupy the cen­tre of the Auditorium platform. A won­derful electrical display has been plan­ned On the night of Labor Day Ellen Beach Yuw, a well-known sopnino con­cert singer, will give a concert.

Tne several hundred little "Rough Rider" hoys and Japunese girls, us they are railed, who moke up the children's chorus at Ocean Grove, bad a delightful ihiy (if it Wednesday out at WananiuBsa. on Deal I-akc. It waa the au..uul picnic, nn all-day affair, given by the Ocean Grove Association each year as rewaril for faithful services. About thirty hay wagons touk llie youngsters out bo the picnic grounds, a pine grove, ruunmg out on a point into the water, and hate they passed a delightful day.

In the Auditorium to-morrow the morn­ing sermon will be preached by Rev. Dr. R, J. Cooke. Rev. Mr. Van Hook will conduct the temple services as usual, and the evening service will be devoted to short HildresBea by leading evangelists. Ulsliop Wtlaon will open the service with a fifteen-minute address.

Late arrivals at the Arlington nro Miss Jennie L. Hood, Miss Bessie Hood and John D. Hood, ot Bummlt; Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman, of Arlington; George D. Hendrickson, ot Jersey City, and Thomas R, Schofter, of Woodbury.

Registered at the Alaska ars Mrs. Addle Qunckenbush, of Freehold: Mr. and Mrs. £. A, Chambers, of Morriatown, and F. L.


jMlantic City Hotel Patrons Sarcastially Advised to Cook



re'imiln in the confest. Last evening at (he club a progresfllvc eurhre pjirty uf alKJUl twenty table# enterininc-a patroTis ani lo-niglit there will bf a club dance, A sacred concert will Interest peoijle to­morrow evening.

Late nrrlvalH at tlie Columbia Include V. D. Ynger. of Rnhwov- Jamet MeiSfl, of Orange: and.Miss E. Marguerette. \V. B. Snyder and William F. HolTman. of Newnrk,

Patron# at the Buena Vista Include George S. Teller, o f Cranford, and J. S. DiinCBii, of Freehold-

The Wlndaor la entertaining E. A. S. Monn. o f Bayonne; G. 8. Hoilltzer. H. T. Adam#, A. B. Kirby ftnd JamcB A. Cnn- field. of Newark.

At the Carleton are Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ji:dd. of Newark.



flprciui rorrfxpflmfftire of fht XffWff- ATLANTIC CTTY. Auf. yott

want ynur breakfaat. go Into the kJtchbh and cook it youmelf," was the notice which patron# at u Maryland avenue hostelry saw pinned on the door leadinf from The dining-room to the kitchen of the houhe the other mornln|:. The flrtti which hbfj been running the houae atnea about The middle of July, decamped Ih (he night, while the houee wa# well filleid with vlbSiur#, and they have beeaseen since.

It Is premunv’iJi they saw there was no way In which they cniild meet their nexi payment o f rem. Tlie patrons who hsd been wandering about aimlo«:ily for nsarljr an hour wondering when they would hear the glad cummon# to breakfast had tp go to nearby hotels end re^tauranta to gel theJr breakfasts, and then they gan looking fur a nrw place In which to ntow themselves during the halatidb of Lheir stty at the shore.

T)ie visitors at (he New Berkeley Hotel, on Kentucky avenue, spent WednesdaT evening In pluylug euchre. There wera ton tn'hU‘8 and two hours were consumed ill cards. The prlae» were won by Mrip Samuel Brennen, of PiUsburgi Mrt. George ('otiklin, o f Baltimore; Mu. flaraii Kvher. of New York; Mrs. Pfeil, of Louisville, Ky.. and Mrs. J. fi. bineUlr, of Washtngtun. At the end of tha gatn# ihe proprietor o f the hotel served'luncS In the rllnlng^ronm.

aFndsres for the Dog Show. Atlantlr Clty^s anntml dog show, one

on the big society events of the earlt I fall, will be held on the flteeplechaM

PifT this year, and September 21 has beejf I set fur the opening day. There will ' D19 cUasos and nearly 200 special priseg.’ Knirirs will close September 9. Tbe fol

lowing Judge# have been nained: St.' Bernards. H, L. Van Wyck, o f Ltnifr I Uowne. Pa.; great Danes. Dr, Fletobtf I Luts, of Glen Rock, Pa.; Russian wolf

hounds, df er hounds, greyhounds, Whip* I pete, Italian grryhuunds, J. W, Fgttom ] Devon, Pa.; fux hound# and beagtei, John

Sprdnl Corrfifponffffjrf of ihe Xf-.'H'S.1IH5IILANDS AND WATER WITCiT.

Ang. 31--A rupiry party of about a liuii- dre.l guoRtfl from the Hotel Martin went j Hawthorne, of Philadelphia; collies, LoutI on n crabbing trip to lyomst Poll.*., cm the i FernsniJes, Philadelphia; Dalmatlgns, Di

rewebury River, one day Ihl# week. ' C aainl#, Kensico, N, Y.; bulldogli They had nn enjoyable time and broiiKlit i Thoma# Uriadaie, New York: Bostoa ter>

September 12 will serve to prolong the soaaoii.

The horp]# are doing well. August has been a profttabJe month especially.

A feature of (he week, the bSg (estlmo- nJal benefit in charge of Otis Hnrlnn, lii aid of the Garfield rnomiinent, will take place lo-nlghi. The directors reported yesiertlay the Bale of worih of tick-els. Urn‘ of !hp fentureH of ilie eiitcrtnlU'

ton, Mrs. M. M. Brsekett. Mrs. H- T. ilcCnbe, Mi5f. J. E. Pyc. MI#b A t.\ Wal- hau#, Mrs. K. T. f?nrry. Miss A. V. Dow­ney. Miss Downey. Miss M. Zeuin, Ml^s K, McWllIlanip. Mrs. C. T, Devery. Mrs, K. WnltPrs and Miss G. P. Harvey.

Young folks and their ciders ere evinc­ing much Inttrcat In the (csiltiionlal ball and eiiteriaitimenl to be given «t the Warwi' k Arms thl# evening for the bcnc

fipfrial PorrMpOFideticfl of the N/Hfl'S.BERNARDaVILLE, Aug. Sl.-\VJih the

approach of the fall season, which Je rt* garded as the most delightful of all ui

mont will be n sketch In which Oliver i fit fif S(. Peier’ii Roman t’athollr Churclj.

Brown of Newark; Mra. \V. H. Fray, t thia avetion, many persons are relunilnaUisf Ettaabslh Frey and M lu Beairl Frey, of Hamburf.

The Majestic la entertaining J". F. Simp­son, of Matawan; John J. GUI, of Muma- Lown; Mr. and Mrs. Waiter M. Preston, of Paterson; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman, Miss Clara M. Coleman and Mlsa Helen E. Terhutie, of Newark.

At the Park View are located Mr. and Mr*. E. K. Senior, of Newark; Mrs. Gut Relnbold, of Iteyport, and Edward Krim- ble, of Somarvill*.

Patron* of the Spray View Include Charlea A. Hassleniann and Miss Hilda Hasselmann, o f East Orange; Mr. ard Mr*. H. Q. Schaub, of Passaic; Mies Flor­ence 0. Marlin, of Paterson, and Mrs. F. H. Van Winkle, of Newark,

Heglslered at the New Philadelphia ar, Mr*. John* airothort, ot New Brunswick, and K. J. Voorhls. of Oradel, N. J.

Among the late »eason'* patron* at the Sheldon are fernest Coleaman, C, W. Mai- lay and H. Schrepfer, o f Paterson; Mr. and Mrs. John T. Dill and Hiss Henrietta McKenna, of South Amboy; T. N. Fos­ter, ot Hackeneaek; Mrs. W. H. WhlUe- more, Miss Ida Whlttemore, Ml** Viola Meade, Horace Whlttemore and W. H. Whlttemore, of Eaat Orange.

Registered at the United States are Ru­dolph Wlaeman, George Schofleld and F W. Taylor, o f Paterson; J. R. Bennett, of Roselle; Frank Ryabaon, PI. A. Swan and A. G. Eenftcld, o f Newark.'Among other late arrivals are; Summerfletd—Frederick U. Hodge, of

Newark, and J. W. Cort. o f South Orange.I-a Plerre-Mri. L. M. Flemming and

Eugene Flemming, of Montclair; Howard Jamouneau and H. 0 . Opdyke, of New­ark. and Clarenoe Keeler, of East Or- snge.

Atlantic Plo'ise—Rev. and Mrs. 0. B. D. prlckltl, ot M'-tuchen.

ChalfonW—Mra. W, H. Young and Charlee F. Moines, o f Paterson; Mrs. W.A. Devoe and Lester A. ficvoe, of Ridge­wood, and Mrs, Hubert K. Jone*. ot New­ark. "

Arborton—Mrs. Demaresl, Mr, and Mse, J. A. Ferden. of Hackensack, and Miss Afina Vanderbilt, of Keyport,

Rooeevelt-Wllliam T. Seeley Jr., of PnasatOi

Nomun Hou«e—Mlgg Su«l# J. Sohleve and MIm Sarah Whittaker, of Rahway; Mm. Jelm H. 8(X}U, Jack bcoU «nd Mi-a. H. F. Spencer, of Montclair.

Queen—Mr. and Mrs. John Habecker, of Pitman Grove, N. J., and J. M. Dunning, Of Passaic.

Ormond—Mr. and Mrs. William Van XAew, of New Brunswloka

The Elarl—Mias A. M. Graves. Mr#. JohnB. Kshoe, Miss.Anna Haycn, Ml## Gray and Miss Alice Gray, o f Newark; MUs Edith Baldwlnj of Bloomfield; Miss L. J- Cook and'Mis# C. M. Kltchell, o f Summit.

Summerfleid-^Mlss Antile Palmer, of Hopewellr N. J.

Marlborough^- W. Smith and the Miaset Smtth. of Hackenaaok.

Seaside—Mrs- D. D. Bryan and IfiM E. D. Bryan, of Arlington, and J- W, Conk­lin, of Paterson.

WavoHy^V. W . Brown, o f Orange.La Cbavaller—Mrs. Margaret Mutehln-

son, Miss Kate Thatcher* Mrs. K. L, Vn- derwood, Miss N. M- Norris and Andrew BMTle, of Paterson.

Lanfdan—Mr. and Mra/ OrviUe Harri' ■on and the Mlssea C* D. and Doris Conk* Un, o f Jeriwy City,- .

Le Vasior—Mrs. B* Cherry and R. Cher­ry, of Newark; Mrs. 8. A. Ten Eyck and M l« Annie B. Ten Kyek, of Roselle.

_ t w -------------------- ------

here from sojourtia In other sectlgns, and September promlseB to be one of the must lively months In social clrrles that have been wllnessed In years, Somerset Inn, a rem f^ou s for a large number of eucsety folk, and accommodating 400 persons, rapidly filling, and from present indica­tion# there vriJl not be sufileient room for the continuous fiow of applicants. Arno.nb those of the summer colony who are ex­pected to return soon from extended trlLs abroad and elsewhere are the C. Ledyard Blair#, Edward A. LeRoys and Clarenra Blair Mitchells.

The Saturday evening hop, which has been so popular at the Inn during tbt summer month#, t# gaining favor euen week.

Mrs. Henry X. Budd, the MIsbos Sarah and Mary H. Budd and Miss Rebecca B. Wills, of Ml. Holly, have arrived at the Inn for the remainder of tbe season.

A, S, Hughe# and party, of Passaic, were recent visitors here for a brief stay.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Rees, who ha. * been spending several weeks at Spring: L»ake, have returned to the inn for toe autumn.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Durand, MJes Du­rand and Halsey Durand, of Newark, ar­rived a few days ago for a short outing.

J. H. Dunning and party, of Ridgewood, registered at the lun this week.

Among the recent motor arrivals at the Inn Wftse D. E. Nolan and party, of Jer­sey Ctiy; L- 0. Compton and C. D. Pat­terson, of RoBelle; W, E. Emery and party,'of Flemington, and J. H. Dunnltig and party, of Montclair.

The annual handicap golf tournament l.i to take place on the Inti links, Monday morning, followed In the afternoon by a game of baseball between the Inn nlti" and tJie Madison A. C.

11\T(in will appear as tin* leading vhar- firtcr. He will be supported by WIMii* Thnyur Rtid Paulino Whitson. The prr*p- enl plan Is to prepare for the laying of the corner-stone of The (Jarfleld nteniorlivl In Ooenii Park on fiepltnnber 19 next, the twenty-sixth anniversary of the martyred President's death here.

So successful was the amateur circus lost Saturday that It will hereafter be an annual fixture. Upward of wasclea red.

An effort in being made to bring Hie next convention of the State Firetnen'e Relief Aasuclatlon to Long Branch. T ie convention thi# year will be held at Wildwood on September 12 nsxt.

1' pr'iiTilscft Id bp une c f the most impor- (niU fii'tdiU events of Ihe pefinon. iirul will be altcmh'd' by a large gralherlng uf hotel patToiiR mid rottagera. The program will be contributed to by a number of artist#, both prnfpSHlonal and arnateur. who have volunteered their fervlces. Dancing will Iflkf place following the concert program In the spacinufi hallrouni of (he hotel

The register of (he Pine Bluff Inn in­clude# Ihe of G W. White andr . H. White, of Ridgewood, and Benja­min Jones, of South Orange.

Recent arrivals At (he Warwick Arm# are Mrs. John Juice, P. J. Mara. Mlsa


back about ten I'lishel# of crabs with tlieui. The hups at this hotel have Ifeeu very well nttendfd the past week.

Mis# Oruce WheeUin. of 3fi Columbia Bireel, Newark. I# among the coltagurs at the lllghlundH. Her ilog "lisdilio" In a pet nf the colony. The dog's father wu# a M.UOO prise winner.

Among the patron# registered at the Hotel Martin are the fujluwlnv: J. L. Eliott, MIhs Mnry Eliott, M. T. Eliott and Mrs. Aille IHcrce, of Newark: S. Welngart, o f fiiTauloii, Pa.; Mr. ntid Mi*h. H. 1>mjg, of Hoboken; C. II, Angleman, uf Hahwiiy: L. C. Hu(#chcck and family, of Palisade#; Mr. and Mra. li. Fisher, C. A. Field. Ia. j . Rlack. ChnrleH F. HalUm and family. I*. Hiillnm, William Quudman, E. Tift, Mr. and Mrs. Koberl Banin, Thomas F. Carr and fumlly, M>s# T Blum and Mr. and Mm. 11. Dudenhaueen, of New York Ulty

Booie of the pKiroti# at Ihe Hotel Vie- torUl till# week lue llu' fnlluwiiig: ^Vlll- lam J. Daly, of New Brunswick; Charles McGuire, Ml## G. Deinmcti and Ml#.'* M. r.temtyjeit, of Newark, benjumin Locker. Harold Harris mid Hrtrry ilenuriar. uf New York City.

A vaudeville and rnke walk wa# given nt the Hotel Munmouth one night tha pant week. About 300 guents attended th# affair and they were cnieriJitiind by Tliom- BS Walsh. Frank Uerbracii, the amateur comedian, arid Mr. Sorad, besides several other#, who aaststed In making the even­ing an eujoyable one.

Among the patruna reglHlcred at the East V*lew House thta week are the fultowhig: J. C. Coming, of Hartford. Conn., Miss

Bara Htce. K- Rice and Mrs. H- RIc.j. uf j Uaroltne Hook, Ml## Anna Heriarlch, Miss and Min# Josephine Hams, ; Rose Flertertcli, Ml## Minnie Trovatt, C.

H. Dennlifon Jr, James A. Peflt. Mrs. C.

8g SHl»l Aihurtta Cttr^dhrate lA to r Dgy T ha r % * le tv s F C en U a l w ill h av« )a meUU uwln, parlor c«f», Iftvtiif

- Atlanllc a t y iQf K m Xork. with cot-- Jor ^jbA ilewark. on M l TMteteilB N*t«.

- -N

Spedal CocrvfpoiMfeiiCtf of ffis NEWS.SEA GIRT, Aug. 31.—Next week the big

State camp here will again become the scene of military aotivlty. The Sea Olri Shotting Tournament, an annual event, la to begin Monday, and will last lo Sep­tember 7. This is the seventeenth an­nual tournament, under tho auapEoes of tho New Jersey Stats RIAo Association. Among the chief matches are the Drydeii Trophy Match* the Briggs Trophy Match, the Columbia Trophy Match, ihe Sea Girt Championship, 1907. which Is the New Jer­sey Governor'0 Hatch, and the match for the Wimbledon Cup,

The search along the North Jersey shore* carried on by the rapidly Inoreai' Ing cIbb# o f wealthy summer reem tion seekers, has lately brought Sea Girt to tb'e alteatioa of not a few InveAors. and before another summer the outlay o f a good deal of capital la looked for In the development of this fine, bit o f shore real estate.

ThI# has been a very pleasant week for sojourners at the Girt hotels, the Tremont and the Parker House. These bostelrles are now well filled with pa*

,trotis who are seeking rest and recrea* tion where there is no soda! resort life to A sjvl^nrtld fteptember ##*ii#ouit ant^pated.

The Tremunt Is entertaining for a pro­tracted sojourn L, K. Comstock* of Monl- cwlr; Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Duffy, o f Pas- safo, S. D. Bauer* of Bllxabeth.

Froittlueht among tbe recent regtetra* Uons at the Parker House arc Mlsa Lsura Long and B: Long, o f Plainfield* and Mr. and Mrt. Joatph Dslebafity* o f Newark.

gpedsi UflM'c«pu#rfctice of the. SEWS,ALLENHLiRST, Aug, 31.—The young

people of AUenliurst who last Friday ga'-u an amateur play, "Jerat'yland," at th*; Deal Casino, for the benefit of local chur- itle#, ropealed the performnnee Thursday night In the beautiful ballroom of the Attenhurst Inn, and after the perform- | ance wa# over, enjoyed a dinner In the | cafe of the hostelry. On the evening uf Ijibur Day, the same company will pru- j sent this light opera the muaic tor which | wa# composed by George Clews, o f the I Burnmer colony, and the lyrics by Noriuu VVallera and Harry Doughty, at Ihe Ca­sino Club in Spring I^ke.

A beuch luncheon enb *ulned a tot ot the young people o f the resort a few afternoons ago on the strand between tha Allenhurst and lioch Arbor pavIHotie Th* re were nbout thirty In the party, aud among these were Jame# McCormick, Jo­seph McCormick, Norman Carroll. Harry Doughty, William Dwyer, Howard IIup' ping, Joseph Egan, George Clew#, Jud- son Dunlap, Eustace Strange, Ml## L. Lewis. Miss Sophie Macf ffsie, MiH# Edltu Morris, Mias Pauling Thorbsirn, Mias Edna Ropenfeld. Mia# Dorothy Fnllis Miss Mildred Whetzel, MIps Edna Selby, Miss Mnhel Selby, Miss Dorothy Rogero, Miss Gertrude HarnlUun, Miss Alice Mor­rell, Ml## E*rl8cllla Thorburn. Misv Gladyi Hcppciiheimer and others.

Lewis Doyle gave a coaching party In the coach. ' Hosaile," the other evening, going down to Scabrlght and winding up late ai ihe Ross-Fenton farm. Mr. Duyle was whip and drove, with Nor ton Waiters un ths box.

Kewarkers registered at tbe Allenhursi !nn include Mr and Mrs. G. H. Hshdry and Ml## Alice Martin. Other guests here are Mr#. Richard Hoppins, Mr|. Oeorge H, Watson and Mrs. J. R. Foster, of Short Hills; W.,^P. Foss, Mr. and Mrs* J. B. Fowler, M!si Ruth Foes, Miss Anha Foss and Wilson P. Foss, of Haver- ■traw-

Mias Anna E. Egtier, Miss Katharine Schultz and Miss Marlon Mortan. of New­ark, are stopping at the Dunes*

Curlew guests Include B. L. WithlAgOi. of Plemmgton; John McDermott, o f Jer­sey City, and R. H. Kersey, of Hoboken*

Jersey UM)'. of Newark

J. T Crane, M1«s Walow and Robert Proddnw arc rec<*nt Cranford regl#tra- Uon# at (he Lelghlon.

The Carrollton numbers among Its pa- trutiB William Q. Gnldeti. W, G. Ifarrlaun. Mr. and Airs, J. A, Hamnnlll. J. W. I.^ahy find Frank E. Leahy, of Jersey City, and A. J. David and Mis# Helen O’Reilly, of Elizabeth.

At the Warwick Arms Is William T. Delaney, of Newark.

Late registrations at the Pine Bluff Inn are R. F. Hnlherinfitun, of East Orangr; CJ. Morgan, of Jerst'y (’ Ity, and F. C. Wise, of Newark.

lea l,^ea ch .

Htenm and #on. Mr. and Mrs. H. Porter and Air. and Mrs Jamsa G. Mey­ers. of Newark; Mis# Helen Bnrrait, Wlll- iFim Cooper, Henry Meyer, Charles Smith, George W. Cooper, A. C. Baer, Miss Julhi K. Tape. Miss Agnei Cunningham nnd the Mlunos M#e. Jennie and Catherine Cun- nlnghsm, of New York City; Mr. and Mr#. W» Wills, of Stamford, Conn.

The Mlsaes Anna Keller, Gertrude Sprecht and Ulllan Gordon, Charles Sprecht, John Wilkins and J. Ij«nahan, of Brooklyn; w^rs guests at the home of Mrs. a. C. Corse Jr., at Water Wltcb for a few days the past week.

At the special election here this week the bond ls#ue, ammmtlng to 130.000, for the consirucllon of a plant for ths supply of water for public and domfsllc u#e In the borough was carried, only three votes bein polled aralnet the proposition. Eighty-seven votes were cast.

C^rreepontlenee of the SEWS.DEAL, AUg. 31.—A tennis tournament (•,

winch many people are entered, not only from thi# resort, but from Elberon, Alluu- hiirsi and Spring Lake, began Tuesday mornmg at ths Deal Caslnu court#. The tournament Is an open unf»_ nnd will ln«t for several day# yet. There were sbiiut fifty entries. Prizes v.'itued at about 3JUu have heso given through contributions, tnoinly made iliruugh Ihaac Fromnie, Jeesa Lewissohn, Mr. Schwartz and othera.

One of the chief events of the summej' al the Hathaway Inn will boa big hurvebt dunce, to be held there on the evening of Labor Day. The beautiful casino of the hotel is being eiaborately decornicd- Much of the danemg will lake place on the lawn,

At Deal Club bouse there have be' n many soclul gatherings this week, Labor Day there wdl be a thirty-six hole chani- piouihip match, with a medal to ths win­ner. On ihi.i day also comes the wJnd-up ol the season'# class A and class B haridi- caps over the eighteen-hole course.

The Hathaway Inn Is entertaining F. W. Mullens, o f Trenton, and from Newark have come Mr. and Mrs. James Dougiaaft. Tliey are accompanied by their eohi Fred I>ougta#z.

Mr. and Mrs, La^wrenoe F. Walters and MIbi W^alters, of Irvington, are late ar­rival# at the Hathaway Inn.

rltTs. a. H. Foster, Philadelphia; Alreftalb t*-rrlnr#. Alfred Delmonl, Devon* Ffi.'i terrier#. J. WUImighby MItcheU. New Riichdlu, N. Y.i KngllMh, toy and JipA» nese spaniets. P, S. Steinberg, Yonketfd,N. V.; Pekinese spaniels, Alfred J. K Edwards, Glenolden, Pa.; PumerAiklanzi J. W. Coombs, New York* All othik dogs, John Bradehiiw, .Of CaltfornU. -fi

About fifty of the visitors at the Hotvt Albemarle recently gave a laUlQf party oil Hie ocean. It wn# a bright .moontlght nigiit. and the yacht never curried a hap* pier party. ThYrre wan but Utile eweih and nobody was troubled with seasick^ ness. The yacht sailed along the ocean front (if the re#i»rt. and many of the parly had lheir first view uf the brilliantly II- luiiimaied boardwalk from a dlvtanco. The pnrty was chaperoned by Mrs. F* M. Alexander, of Pittsburg; Mre. E. L* Malb- SQ11, r>f ^V'llHhl^gtun, and Mrs. Charle'i Franklin, of Cleveland. "

AH#b Aiarjnrie Relyea, of New Tork^ who Ik npendlng the season at the iStev* on# cottage, gave a #ea food dinner to a party of friends, on Tuesday evening, and the menu conalsted of everything In the sea food line from tnbster to muMiele*

gom e flew A ri’lvala,V iflttnrs from northern New Jersey are

registered at the following hotels:Buthwall—MUh M. Struck, Mlsa A* |tun-

yon, J. H. Crooks, Newark.He# umont—Grace Bmltli, Newark. * Hlngham—H. Lamb, Mrs. H. Lamb,

Myra B. Lamb, Elisabeth; J. Roblneott and family, Mr. and Mrt, C* A, Everett, Newark*

ContlnentaL-H. F. Dempsey, Newark, * Castro^M. Lang* Mffta 0* Lang, Etfiar *

bvtti.Dennis—Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jellln#, Pso-

sale; J. E, Ashland, Newark.IroQtiole—E* A. Day. Elizabeth. Kuehnle'*“ T. J, Oarplson, J. Webber,

Mra. Webber. O. Holly, A. Darrlhg, New­ark: C. B. Moore* Elisabeth.

Ostend—J. Montgomery. Newark. Pennhurst-Mrs. R. Rogers, Bouth Or­

ange.Princess—I. and A. Holing, Newark, n&lelgh—Mr. ami Mta. F. F. Hsely, Baal

Orange; Mrs. J* A. Brodle and famhy, Newark.

Stlckney—Thomas Hoy, Newark.Beaslde—Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Burtis*

MIbs a . M. Burtis, MIfls May E. Burtis, Orwnge.

Beabrlght—Miss I. Carmll, Mlaa L, Car- roll, Newark.

Vermont—Mlss Jones, Mloe Shaw, New­ark.

'E A B R i G H T

fpetiO C«*T llp»Kteiffl of (M XBVt.KELMAR,' Aub. *1.—Towday evening

thwB wn* • ctiliaren'* hop *n4 Jlolher God** party at tho Behan r d u b . About forty Uttl* people attended and the^ were drcMMS In coatume* luch *■ are *orn hr ail the Uttle itory-hook heities o f fairy- tale lore.'';

At the elub the houltiig taurnament for tlw “ WHIlaina” cup wa* completed on ‘ragraday night, and I* no'w nearing lh« flOalA The nnni* wtn takb ^apa Beptem- MIt T.'’ AnM«g the bowler* making tt|e beat ihowlng ar« IKear*. KIncaM.H. Cain, J. KUbarp, jrn n aM ,

TTiillwgg TTiiil aia Wbw


spatial CoiratpogAat* af Iba BAVA I>JNQ BRANCH, A v . n.-AlH)ther

bu*y dhimaar aeuaon t* neartog tha cloa*. Although the oottage M u o s wilt be lively fdf. t l« weali*' or more, tha active hotel

I"*IU W ever atter jHutlMr week, w aa g r -a * Ibgiea B M w ilt

gp«dal CorvwpOBrfene* of tbe NEWS..POINT PLEASANT. Aug. H .-There la

every promlae ot a gay aoptember he|w. The hotel booking* proml*a to keep the hontelrlMi well fllled throughout the month, and (he majority of the cottage colony will not leave until weU Into Oc­tober. Ocean bathing I* b t It* beat dur­ing September, and the bathing.^ beach here during thi* month I* uiualty cov­ered each mmninf b y a large eotarle o f devotee* ot thi* recreation. The e r t^ early fall daya are conducive to the en­joyment ot outdoor rportt. and tenniA honebaCk riding, golfing arid •allMg, and canoeing on the Hanaaquan RWeV Sit SS* day* to overflowing. The cool even­ing* BUggeat beach Sre* to the younger eet and blaaing pile* o f driftwood *ur- poiinded b y merry partle* engaged to toaating green com or marthmaltowa may be leen upon tha aand* each eveo^ iRg.

Patron* at the Warwick Anna w en particularly intereetad Monday night In a large progrteslve enehre given at the hotel, Priaa* war* won by Mr*. HeCabA Ur*. Mage* and Mr*. Kelly. Amopg ihoaa who played were Mra A. O. Tar- la*. Mr*. H. 8. labaia, Mr*. A. G. Manf- man. Mto* A, V. Undea, M in T. Bergnar, Mra. H. BaMldy, Mra L feMgi

3 i ! « ^

CurivepOflffeflre of ttr ySfPfl.SEAllRIOHT, Aug. ai.-Bcabrlglit. RuOl-

aon and Monmouth Beach nre uilll lively. When other reeortH are stow these thro* are awake. Uno reason for this Is that the cottagers, who usually remain Inle, pre­dominate and head every sDclU atlractiiiii.

A feature for l.abor Day Is tha polo game between ibe Orange Country Club and (he Bumaon team, The game will take place at the Rumton oampua and under the direction ot the Rumson Polo Club. Tbe recelpia will be given to iho Monmouth Mamorlnl Hospital. Aismially the Rumaon Polo Club give* a benefit In aid Of.the hoepital. Two yeara ago a so­ciety circus wa* given, and upward of 12.0(10 was cleared.

rhe hlg polo tournament at tho Rum son campus, which holds a week, open* to­day. The opening gams was played IhlJ afternoon. Tbe feature* will be the War- hiRg and Borden cup*

The new Strong Memorial Church ho* been euirted In Bumson. It Is propoBtd to lay (he corner-eione before tho cot­tagers leave. Rt. Rev.' Bishop John Bcor- borough, the head of the New Jersey Episcopal Liocese, will be In charge.

A public euchre. In aid uf the Babies' HospKol at ^ s t Oceanic, was hsid last night ai tbe Shrewsbury Inn. Thlriy-Ovc prises were distributed. The hospital hae many supporter* among the summer visit­ors.

gpsclal Corre*pynde»ce of <ks KEW8.ATLANTIC H10HLAND8, Aug. 3 1 -

Tb« Oovernor's hop at the Casino the past week was a very enjoyable occarioii. A large crowd attended Ibe alfalr and much Interest waa ihowl!i In It. The hall was very artistically lecorntcU with plant* and fen>*.

Among the patron* at the Bay View House this week are the following; Thom­as Gemmcl! and two eons, of Bristol, Tenn.; Mr. and Mr*. Courtney, o f Denver, Col.: C. M. Kuoh, of Oxford, Pa.: H. C. Anderaon. of. Louisville, Ky.; Mary E. Douglas, of Paris: John Howland, ul Plainfield; Mr. Wardall, of Jersey City. W. L. Johnston, U ra IL-rFIliigciibaum and family. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Wlsel, Oeorse C, KahlA Mra Albert B. Little, i . J. Hart and family and Gilbert Adams, e f N*w York City.

Among the patrons registered at th* Lockwood House thg. past week are the following; Clarence H. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Lee and son, of Brooklyn, and Woodbury Abbey, of iicrlbporc. Long Island. There was a verj- Enjoyable euchra party at the Lockwood Thursday evening, a largs number o f the guests taking part In tb« afiatr.

Some of the patrona tht* fveek At th* •ea View House are: Charles Q. Arm- (trong and family, o f Orange; Mr. and M ra Wakeman, ot East Orange; Mra E. Howell end mother and W. Bentler, of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mr*. H. J. Poganlo and daughter, Mr*. Daniels, J, 8. WHaon, Mr. and Mra. 3, C. L n and family, B. L, Helton and femlly, Mr and Mrs. P, E. .Weber, William J. Dc Riverd, Perdvai P : Jone* an^ family, B', Tatea William Rtcha atol family and Mr. and Mra Will­i e . Sialih. o f New York City.

gpedol CorrvajKwdeiKV of th* SBF/B.AVON-BY-THE-8EA, Aug. 31,-Patroni

from the Avon Inn gave a beach party recently, chaperoned by Mr*. J. T. Mc­Nair. In the party wire Ulaa LolUa Fowle, Frank Fltsslmmona, Mlea Mar­jory Hlnnerman, Mlsa Hay Conroy, Miss Anna Hegee, Mist Bessie Conroy. Mia* Mary Conroy, James Hopkinaon, Fred Gordon and Stewart Gordon.

Not a few Avonitea went back to the old diveraion of flahing this week. F. A- Schwarti got a six-pound bass, and F. A. Ware caught one that lipped the scales at two pounds more. Other good catches, though a little tea* In weight, were made by Jack G. Bogga. It. C, Love. Robert Baaaean and C. A. Dean.

Owing to _Bev*ra rslna l«at week, tho season tennia tournament at Avon Ion wa* not concluded and the playing la atlll going on.

The Avon Inn Is entertalolng.from N ey- ark W. D. Harris, Mr*. H. R. Couraen, Mias a IId* Couraen, Preaton Courson and Helvilla Couraen. They will remain until after Labor Day. Other Newarkers who have lately arrived at this hostelry are W, R. Cqursen and Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Squires. __

Begtstersd among the newcomers at the Oxford are F. M, Camea, F. A. Tupper Jr. and John 8. Itenagh, of Jersey City, and Hr. and Mra. Earle Broadhead. o f Newark.

' The Buckingham la entertaining from Newark Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Franol* and His* Francla

Epedol Corterpendence of tht ffBtftl.SPRING LAKE, Aug, 31.-Since Monday

the attention of the young people has been taken up by a tennia tournament which haa been on at the Hotel Mon­mouth court*. There are about a hundred entrle*. Mtae Helen Borda won the wonn- en’s single*. In the men's doubles those who made th# beet showing were K. Rowe snd F. Fanning, 0. Kone and Mr. Maguire, Mr. White and Mr. Dunn.

A bridge luncheon was given In the ball­room of the Casino Club on Tuesday af­ternoon by Mra. Welting G. Slckel. This wan followed by a play given by eome of Spring Lake's amateurs, called "Ths Elopement of Ellen." Among those who attended the performance were Mrs. O. Crawford, E. B. Cramp, E. 8. Cragin, Mr*. V, P. Crabbe, Mr*. E. W. Corlles, Mra. L. A. Duncan, John Eaton, Thomas Fan­ning, Fred J. Finch. Miss M. C, Fisher, Mra. D. A. Gay. Mlsa Qraaf, Mrs. W. W. Bacon Mrs. M. A. Bacon, Mr*. M. A. Bquire, Miss B. C. Bmith, Mra. T. N, 01n- clsir Mrs. M. Blmonson, Colonel J. M. flohc’onmaker, Miai Stalnsby, Mra. W . J, ewoln, Mra, Charles L. Taylor, Mra. A. 0. Townsend, Ml*8 C. O. VanBuri.1, Frank B, Watson, Mrs. A. N. Wharten- by. Miss Mary H. Wright. Frederick Roebllng. C. G. Roebllng Jr., Dr, J, M. Beovea, W. F. Reed and Mr*. M. E. Pep- low. The production was staged by MIm Bertha Gibbs, of Philadelphia, who la A prominent cottager her*.

On Bepterober t a big hani dance will bo given at the Cailno Club and on the night o f Labor Day, following tho pro- duoUon o f the light opera, "Jergeyland." a ball will be held.

On Sunday night a Shake^Artan read­ing will be given at the Hbfl Proprietor E- M. Richardson ha* i a number of Invitations and a large gath­ering la anticipated.

Among the late arrivals at tha Gray Swan Inn are Mr. and Mra. M. A. Mel*- ner, Maxwell Metiner Jr., Wllllani Hunt. Mrs. H. Jones, Mlaa Rita Jone* and H a irr Jones Jr., of Perth Amboy,

The Allaire la entertaining C. H.Jr., of Hackensack.

Jrmei Murphy and M. M. Murphy, at Orange. N. J., are'spending the batanoi at the season at the Breakers.

Paterson arrival* at tho Wllburton-by- the-Ses are Robert H. Cunningham, M n . John H Cooke. Ml»» Gertrude U . Dore- mus and Donald H. MclTay. M ra F. H. Bergen. Hha Bergen and H n . Denlatm, of Summit, are also patrons o f this booao.

Mrs. E. H. Kelly and Hiss Jnlto U Kelly have Joined the Perth Amhqi colony at the Gray Swan Inn, “

Montclair patrons o f tho Gray Bwan InA InciuiN Mrs. I. F. Hllla and ion. M m n a i f Rapkin and Mlaa Rapkln.

Miss ‘Etisatieth Caahlon, ot Newaik; M at the Gray Swan Ion, "

«»TJtiD re:iu-obrta Allattp^ has g«g!* out

B olM a

NEW HOME8 IH THB fTMaV.Bend for free copy ot pampMet contali&

Ing Bjmopela of the United Btatse bome- alead law* and Intormatlcm bow to eecutp a cheap IrMaated farm or a quarter aecUqk of splendid free farming nr grailng 1 ^ alohg the new raUway line* of th* (Ala*I go and Nertbwnttern Ballway In BoUtk M koia, W yonm g and other Stateo. As;

ta sell ep etw low-rat* excutalaaW^oq

tISteta t^ bqm t^ kera via the Morthw*i& .;era iloa R. M. John way.

Full toformatlon on requam ': isoB. general agent, dit BtoadI

New T o * City.—Adr.

t i H f l m a w P lw to flra p iK rU^ 9W $**»****99*******9***9*****9n


■4W«w* 4»*lilW

O NE of thi* flr t miRtflkpH Ih.il tht*novicf in pitotogr^phy uflimlly makfii if to puri’ likHt* a lut of unneoDtfHury c‘h<im!cnlp. Hf g«'n- emlly lh#> mlvlpf o f wev-

ernl friends, m ''h nni* of whom huH soms pet developer or *nnie fin'oriie loning formula, nnd the hrxl thing he hnowe he ti8s A display uf i^hemlniU. wJileh. In variety at least, would rival the sloi-k In trade o f many a fuppiy houne.

The flrst chert) leu N needed by the be- finner coneiil of thuie t l t a t go to inaki ' a develofNT. a fixing Iwtth and a toning ^utn- tion. Th)tli he Irtitt nuiKtered tlieae iitij eah turn out gcKjd piciiirea fi wUI Im* iine- less for him to hothrr wHU any oiheiw, Hera Is a liet of the chemIcaiM neeficwtryto coTnmence operuiiimK with ami the amount of each required:

PyrogslHc ^auid, i ounce; aulplilip of soda. 1 pound: cnKi>ou)»te uf poUiHh. i pound; citric acid. 1 ounce; poiM!*Nluin bromide, 1 oum^c; hyposulptiUe o f sihIu, 1 pound,

Thii list Inoludea nil that Is necessiiry for the deveiopor and fixing batii, Kor iht» toning o f the paper tits folJuwing chmni- • call are required—that Is, for h printings out paper: Chloride of gciid, Ui gmlns; acatats o f soda, t ounce.

Should the beglmier wish tn save bint- self thtu iroiibie o f preparhig a ionlng hath can pun'hmic a sirmU quantity, ■A}' eight ounyes. at any supply slorc. This will be the best way for ihe litno- teur to commence. Now to revert to our developing cheink'ulH,

Pyrogaliic acid U a while, feathery sod very light chemical, it la easily sdluhie in water and as It ahsorba oxygen when ex­posed to the Air it acterloraies rapidly, becoining useless for photographic, pui- poses.

Sulphite of soda romes In the form of Irregular while crystals, idhe pyrognlllc acliL it also deterloratcis tm exposure to

A . O . " U . \ ^ .

TO ASBURY PARK I OCEAN GROVETrains Leave Broad Street Station, C. R, R., 8:30, S;'4S and 9;0S

A. M. Retuminjc Leave Asbury Park 7,7;a0and 8 P, M. Rain or Shine.A D U LT’S TICK ET ONE DO LLAR.


N IA G A R A F A L L S , $ 9 .0 0AND-

T O R O N T O , ONT., $10.50A tlG . «1 M»ail SK F * 'r. 1

Return Limit tept. 3 on Hiagon Polio Tlekot, ond Ropt. 10 on TorontoTiekot,Inlormition at LACKAWAANA STATIONS orJICKET OFFICE, 749 BROAD STREET

Toronto, UfkllilUtiintf

(lie ulr. n Hhutild be kept In u tIglUly atop' pcrctl buttle and should prcecni tlip ap> Iwui’oiH'C uf clean uiid Irajisparcnt ctys- ittlH. On bt*t:uniing oxidised by expuHure lu tliH Hlr, itie cry«tais arc covered wUh a white powder, it Is soluble In water.

(*iirbunute of pulukh is nuld In pnwder fnVm. or else in the erysliU. It Is very Holulile in water and delhiucpcetil. If left exposed U absnrbs the mnisture from the u!r.

Citric acid cemes elliier Iji Ihc whape of cgtuHcss crystals ar as a powilcr. It is Nuluble Th. water,

i ’ ulHSHliiilTi bromide Is a cryBlalUzcd siibv stance, klilsa suUible in water.

llyposiilphlte uf sudAi, cuniiTHmly calkd hypo, Is a cryslalllne bt»dy, wtlubie In wnier.

Now. ns in preparing the tlcvehxpci. PyroKullic acid la a developer which une can alter to suH any ex|iONiiie, ami is VL'Uiiout doubt the hfsl al!-aroimd dcvcl-

welKltlng. A hydt'uineier Is u glass In- iiwc ill iiiixliig chcralcal!.. for with U im« wjli gel rnui'it coiisuint result. liisii liy weighing. A liydomciei is a glass in Himnicni, iSie body nf which consists uf n bulb. The neck Is lung'and encloses a ^cftle, and under Ilia butly, or bulb, there Is a RiiirtllPi' ball liolditig shot or mercury to biiiuxtcc It. The weight is so ammgtHl* ilmt wJicn the instrument in floiMPd lu pure water tin* “iC' on the scale Is letcl 'tvllh-.llie HurfaeV. If any cliemlcttl is udd- •*d, tlie dcnsiiy of liie wuier IncrenstB. The hytlj'Atmeier ihen. rises and liie siti* fac<* of lljc Wttler ragistcra im Uic scale the nniuuiit' tif chemical added or Uie density of ihc water. Take u hoUle, with a guod cork, or. Itelter stilt, one 'with a ground .stopper titai will hold about twen­ty uLincvs, and in It put eighteen inAm:es etf ft sulullun uf sulphlle of stida which tests lio by hydnmieier. To tills add amp*


o u n ce o f pyrugaltle ncld and one ilnitn nf t'Uric Hchl. Then label tlip b o u le ‘T*yro titdm luij No. 1."

In n secom l liou le, o f aiiuul the sam e slsp , m ok e up a Bolutlun of carbonate of sod a to test 4b. T his shuuUliHxe lubeloii. ■‘iSoda S oIuIUmi N u. 2." A tidi'd buKle o u g h t coptiilrt Hbniif n ine nuncps «>f w a ter end on e oiitice txf bromide uf poins- Kluirt. T h is la hiheled. "Hromide Woliiihm N o. 1 ”

Kor th e benefit of thttae w ho prefer in w eigh ilie lr eUeinhal.s ih»* ftilbiwing foirnUlH for m aking the iilm ve snliiUun b y w eigh t:

Nil. 1.S u lp h ate of«sorju, 4 ouin-eh.Pyrugallh - a d d , 1 ounce.C U n c a r id . 1 d ram ,W ater. Ill uunces.

No. 1.CaT'bouaie o f sixia, 4 om u i M.W a t e r , 16 ou nces.

No. S.Kronhde o f p otassiu m . 1 ounce.Waiei'. H ounces.Pyrogallli?, ‘or pyro developer. Is the

o ld o t developer on th e rmirkci, anil wIillc o th ers h ave com e and had th eir artherenia am ) faded aw a y . It h as outlived ail Its coTiipetltora at;d Is sLkil tiie reiogn lzed alandflrd developer. It Is advisHble to com m en ce w ith p y to and m aster It th or­o u g h ly . for you w ill ftml it « wllllTig and obedient servan t If it is used with good sen se , W hen you h ave nm slereii its pe- CullHrllles .’A)U can Iry the fitlier develoj)' era. each one of w hich la good for Its ow n

particular casi'. for then you will know ih.il If the lime should ever corr.e whtn

are In ihmijt as to wimt dwl-luper will give jiJ'i llie liesl result, you can always fait back on the origlmil pyro. The great otvji^olldii lu pyro Is ils atnlnlng Mualilie*:. nngeiH. clothes, lluors. etc., all show’ signs of its presenev. This to a ildy ama­teur,Is of itiurse 111) objeiiilon. hut tiiere \s ni> ri'iisou why luie should slop chein-

nil over hlmseir. As fur the hands, they Ciin be ensll>' pi'utected by rubber.

li la not Kilvlsiihle for the ntualeur to tnirih'n himself with more cheiiilcais than those L'uTilulned’ in the hat here given; It nmTHiim siiifldent (■> 'produce good plc-

[ iiij es, costa little and occupies Hinail apace 111 preparing for develupmout It should lie

I remembered (hut a tray ttie same size na I the piiite is best for ileveluping, and that

11 deep tray with plenty of develnpor Is better than a shfillow one,

t'nr hxlng, the best appltance la a box gi'unved on the sides In hold two sizea of negatives. Thin slinuUI he supplied with n cover and when not in use if it Is kept cuvenri U may be left full of hypo. A V ft.Hhing box is an Injprovement on traya, fur with it Wetahing la more complete and several negatives enn be washed at the Maine time. These two latter appliances are superior in every w'ay to trays, for they Criiiuoi be used for any other par- puse. One of the mistakes that umaieurs make is the Indiscriminate nae of trays for toning, developing and fixing, and this is overcome b> the employment of fixing and washing iioxes.

Labor Day ExcursionsLehigh

Valley Railroad

Niagara Fall> | *'■GItn Onoko and'

M:pi.Y $H).S0 ) 9.00

1Mauch Chunk, J 1.50

Btllewood Park, I.OOLabor Doy onti Kvory ^ iinrlay.

StiiT.|iil traiiiB U'Mvo Mnrkel St. Rtn- Uob forM A f'fH CHr.N'K, Sept 2. fiM5 A.M. KKl.LKWOOU, «rpt. 1 & i. S :li A.M.


For nrlfllMnnal UtfnrmnUon Inquire :.'|6 Brimd si. arid Miirktt 3t. Slatlon, Newark.

3 Trips Daih to Steeplechase Park,

By tbe l*«lace glrinucr

P o in ts on f a m i ln g an d G a rd on in gSash Greenhouses. few Inrhe, tu_ admit air, but close tlii’ in

iiKaiti tn time for the 1‘rnmp lu warm up bvforts tin* night cnvcrlmg in phn^ed uii.

MATk'et Rardenera ami tniekers wlU niid I'urliiyt severe euld aimi.K leave the cuvei- . - Ings ur. diiy anti n ig h t . rc rnovlRg a g a in


Seasonable Reminders. Clean the Fields.

hot-bed M*b in cortntructlTig /msh green hou#ee, rather than using nil of them foi coW frainea. The coimtrm’ thm of eueh a bouae le very elmple, and when It li uaed for Ihe MkiPe purpose bh Ibe framce, tli>- heat I* nnt Beceeiftry. The firat crop «uwn in the early fall and hHrvwatcd ai-oimd the holiUuya will require no iii*itl uthir than that received from the «art, wldlc the Becomt crop ie healed by epadlng fermenting manure Into the boM in ilie fame maimer uk*crope In cold framci a u treated..

The ftixe of the hmise depends upon the number o f Hash one carea to u^e in inis way. An evan span house, »lxty feat Ion,;, uelng one row' of susti mi eacli side, will require forty SxO f«>ut sfihh. Such if !iuu&*. will provide h ground bed luu feet wiul* If the aai h are pitched bo as to give the roof a rise of iseven Inchea to ihe foot. -» house nearly twice aa wide can be hnd by plftciog two ruWg of sash on each wide li­the cenire rtdgcpnie. The akcleton fruuiy to hold the bubIi Is very eaRlly and quiekly made.

The object In any gieenhouei* is tu have as fsw shadows and uh much tigjit us poa- libla, BO only a minimum uf woodwork lhciuld.be need in ttic fi?rueturp. Wood,

_)|owever. muiit nuL Im* dl*cpvnrt«d with ut tiifi expenite o f airength iind ihinihiHty. ,\ groenhouae iiHS iTinjiy :idvaiitagc« over a cold frame, aince planting und cultivating can be dune whenever thi-y arc nevcssai y. The cn>pa also mature (niicker and ihcir

■ m leBa Iobb lo the gi’owmg area of tlic ground.

Place trvilisejii in Ihe garden to artpi>ort 1 tile lute'tumatu phiniH.

Violets Under Glass.

8ui>n af iT tht* uhinis wre aei in the frame ruiitiers will develop, but Ihr ie ought to Ih* p|nc))>Ml r.ff The plants will rarely need wa ring before spring, Tn applying wal)*r to vlolete be cni'«*ful nuit to wet the foliage or keep the noli over- W'et. Bllglil iir.cl other dlseaseK may result If lliese preiautlons Eire not taken. Wlivn- ever a yellow leaf Ik »em pick It off and burn It.

YMuleiB can be grown in the house aiic- (resarully In either or i)ox»‘a if theplunls are kept In u cool eiitnpariinetil ’J'be window' winter gsn'ileu will not dn, us the temporaiore there Ih ton wnnn for tiiem. After Uie plnntK have been potted pul them hi ft (lark room for a f**w ihiyn milil thev have revived, and then place them oui-of-doorB nnlU the weuiher Ixe- coineB cool say the hist of October, 'nien grow tliem In a 'ool window wlo-re the Kiln- Is nol loo strong aiid take cure ut keep them away from file heat as long ns possible. All through the winter a (cm- |rt*rfiture around f'fi dvgiees should l‘v maintained, but ,r cooler UMiiperature will I Pol Imrin thmi ei bli, Phmts for fiumes ! tir pots Ciin be puri'hEiMf*«l from tlin'isiH i The Maile l,fui."k;e Is the variety ino>si ex* teniivcly grown rru|er glnas, alHiough there arc several other floi'ts The hauly douhli. Kngllsh violet Ik very popular.

If IJie tools are kept Khnrp the work wlU be llgiitened wopdeiful]y.

I'ae yuur spare time In making the build- Uiga warm for the coming winter.

l»ea. Tn digging tlio Ijole Imve It cemsid- eiHbly larger than the bull nf eartli [ilmiit the I'oolH, Hemove liU the slune.s from theearth It la thrown onl of llie hole and j when the InsectB destroy a portion of keep Ihe piori mill _Hi‘MurH led fl '" ." '- ‘ .'.‘." l »ny <T.i,i tile turmer .ir gardener nsiiaUy

tma no one to blame but hlinM lf. Grow­ers ni'e eiitirHy too careless about clean­ing up the rubbish that remnln» after a

Cabiiuge maturing M this time Ik very ipt to bural if the mins are frequent.

Farm and ganien rropH can be Improved like live stock by selection and breading.

hard clay aubaolh Witli n pick loosen up the soil in ihu hoUuiii of the hide Eiml place In thla the ptopes lo serve as a means of drainage. Nnraerymeo wrap the n>i7tK In wet inirlap liefqie shipping

I Hnd this cuverlng ulunild fiot be removed unlll everything Ib In reiidincss for the iirtiial plarttlng.

After taking off the burlap fuid cutting bai’k all the Injured rootH io sounil woytl

If Euilk Is cnolcd quii-kty and thoroughly the liutlef made from It will keep much loiiRir.

It is much enniei' to assort potnlodit when pk'kInR them up in the Held than aftetr (l)i-.v have been placed In storage.

If th e bluoinB of h y d r a n g e a s a r e c u t w hen fully w h i t e a n d dr ie d In th e s h a d a lliey will m a k e e x c e l le n t fv e r l a s t ln g s .

Klai-kberrleB cun be grown on lighter laud Hum raspberries. Remember this when Hcltii-tlng a place for the berry iiilLch.

Hardy Phlox.


ViobUB sire among the most popidur wln- l|g flowers. They may he Kr>»w'n imdcr ftaas (ii Lite gi ceuliouKe. in frames euuI in p)jlB und iioxes iti the ilvveillhg. Of ChurHP El gret-nlKUiSO. or <i ci'tiiparnaeut o f one, wh’Tv Ihe growing i-ondlliona lmii be inadn I'l nrde)- for the vImIcis. 1h 1hi bvRt place, but surh h Hiruonirr l.i wlllilnr ' ' i i fh of HUrh tJ__sumill n u m b e r u f li 'micgEii‘(|er:''i'K llniL IL Ik Kt-urci'l.\' w ur ll i <’orj- Bldernllriu hcEc

A n y <i|u’ imsKeasiMK n cold fi' .inie. how- evpv. m a y htn'v \l ih i iw lh i ’iingluml the wlm« f, b u t 111* MUpply of t h i ’Ki' flowers WlU not Im- coniiiiuouw. fur ilu* ae i 'c re nild- w in i e r cold will ch e ck th e i r .h v e lo p h ie n l fo r a m o n t h o r tw o. A good q u n n i l i y nf flowerB jiijiy bo luol for th e hul l ih iys Tiotn p l a n t s g r o w n in. f l a m e s , b u t t*‘W will ha p ro d in ’id ugnSii iiiUll t h e l a n o f Fclrt-inii'y, a t whic!) Ume the f' laiith isMI o nce muitj a t a i i in ti i Etidive g o w i l i a n d g ive a p m - fusioti oC fraKruni llowu-rs th r u u u l m u t Hie • p r in g niomufl. I f one c:ni,*a to t a k e llie f x i r k t ro u b le u t inaUing m e r i a u n ' s fioT^i- p r o o f d u r in g th e e n t i r e w in te r id,oY>ms ma.v b« h a d in a b u n d a n c e ai l w hi i ' - r long, 'ritl.s 1 h ow ever , ii biborlouH tu sk , nlnee h eav y eo v e rln g e of m a t s , s t r a w . - a r p e u , or luiy- li . it ig Unit a f fo rd s W'armtl), m n s i be phieed o v e r a n d u b o u i t h e franii js ai ii lghi :iud rp tnoved (Yx'vn lo 8 o 'e tm.k d u r in g th e l l g h i ttT.d o<nmy dayis.

VIolc,.;v'bre dlRUT^ctlvely “ cool planlB.''UM sutni as a hot, dry ainioR-

phVrii Im ffiven Iheiiir uo niaiter where they may be growth they Jrnmedlaieiy rebel. Tliey will not thrive in hot sun- Rhine or In u dry itoil.

These plants dp not want petting or pampering, hut t,liey do detmuul Ihe right condUmnrt litvd pusillvely refuse to grow without them. T he.soil In the ftamea fhould be a rich, sanriy Inam or a w'oody eoii. A stiff Aoil will-mil do. If the earth Id the frames is atlff add to it liberal quantities of sand or leaf-loani. In the Bitiiter of ferllllMeni. tiuiiiurc so thur- Oughiy ro tt^ that it baa bpcome fine, is best. A moderate eouHng of thiB, If spaded iTilo a fertile soil, will supply the plHfltg’ demaTidK. ftbrmld the sul! be of poor quality or of a very Ugiil texture a more generOrts application of the manure Win be oecoaiMiry.

In spading root up the bed a foot deep.

Tlie cuf t tim ied eIi'V w e a t h e r n f ilu puki f t w w*-eks lias g r e a t l y slinri.-tu-d tin* )i1ui>Miimf sea so n (jf th e hfircl^ ph l"x , I t . IK :i however . Ihfti lliPl'c Is nnl onepTCTrtilut In Ihe wlmlo lung lisl of ilil-B e\t»-iiHlvH I'lftss of p l s n i s h i a t ' q i in l s h u rd y ph lox f o r th e lific- 'ratlon thf :lie h o m o g ro n n d a . Tho inot ii dlfT-rvnt sliade.K Jind colors of il ic Ihiwerp, which lu n g c f ro m deep ptirplp' lo p u r e wlilte, g lv f oilp a u I 'xi'clh'nl Mp|jt>rfimnv to w o rk o u t mnn> plch.sinii r o lo r cffpctK. T h e one KVe:) I advaniiiK* of p h lo x is tbi il It l imy bp t r a n sp h i i i ' c d r t a n yUm*' of ih c yea r , but If ii gOfXi d isp lay of f low ers 1r w n n ied fnr n^’Xl Kumnscr the jdiujtH sliouKI b e sH hi .'(••i i cm h ci I’hlox will th r iv e ev* n In ptua suns b u t thfly ap- piPcl ii le U H e r deftp, rlrli irtiPK.

Thr-re are lall ami iKt.irf v«rlPti«-?i ffoin f.mr ill downWEtrd, all of svhlch ar.- sidi- ahlo for cutting, eX'cpiing the dwarf fid ms. Thp plants pbnw Ui Ehe ]» ni iid- vsminge wheji grouptil in mnsscs liv Niu'iib. iKr>" or iairdy bnrderK but they maj he li.sed aft Indlvldiifil Tihints.

Neglect In deatj-oylng caterplli«r nesla in frail trees now Will bring no end of tj-ouhU‘ next seusoii.

If apple and pear pickers wear rubber- soled sIioeB the limbs of the trees will he less injured, asid the picker* won't be an liable to ailp.

'J'he art of arranging out flowers In viiHea iK on** ih:it will bear eonBldenihls cuhlvutlon. Many otherwlKP beoiiliful flowers lose thf-lr hiirnctlveneBS through :i carelepB a r n in g v r t ien l .

Cutting Cornstalks.

So arrange the farm work that nil the DfipTailons cun he stopped at a reasonable hour Irt Ihe afternaon--aay six o'clock. It Is better to start work early In the day aail quit curly than to mart late and atop Inle.

crop b;is been harvcsled from tht land. LHi ncrirly every cultivuteil field will be round during the winter Klubhles of va- riouH crops, vlties leave# und other rest- diie rtUiUer, which is left imdiHturhed until plowing time In the following tpring,

pcf the trep inti? the hole. Place lliP best I This mnitftial makes excellent winterRide toward itie most cunspIcuoiiR point of view and fill in about the ball of earth with a little fpi'Mie soil. Thcri with the hands work the tree up and down o little to g«i ihe-aoll In about the nioU. Throw !n ft pal! o f water to further complete the packing ami then Itll the eurtli In carefully about tbe remaining root.s and n*ak6 it firm by rep**alcd tramping. After the tree h«a been phiniaji make el gutter o f iK)il abiiut Its base to hold wiitrr and Apply enough Water t)» iliotDiighly sat­urate the entire soil about the roots of the plant. IMuce a mulch at leaRi five inches deep about the tree to k'»ep [lift moisture in the aoll. hlhould lui rnln fall for two weeks after planting remove the mulch EAnd give the plants unoiher soak* in*.

Syringing Yite lop 'with w a t ^ from a hoie several limes a week wiy be bene- ttcltil to newly set ev^HBiraciLS/Trees thai have beun tratusplanted in the nursery once or twice before they are removed to the home grounds succeed b(^ter than thoae that have never been tranaplaiited. Eveigreens taken from nQliire's aeftlngs Ahould be planted in places as ii| ear like their natural growing spots as posslljlc. In removing them a large ball Of enrth must accompany the roots or tiiey will l)c slow in starting Into growth.

homes for the multitude of Insects Itiat d a rpuge tiic crops .

I'niltT the dried enbhuge leaves will be fiiiind the chrysalis of majiy of the ca‘ - crplllnrs, and In the snipe way the squMsh bug and oiicumlicr heelk hlbeP' [)nte under the old plante of tbe vine crops. Oirii Klubble harboi.s niimerouH in- HOiTs In the whiter and these prey upon the corn stalks during their growth.

The l iiiet* ainl rubbish left In the potato fields In the fEill make wlnttr quartera ior the t>oUilo bug. The small fruit which falls from the trees is usually Infested with luKeris, and [f U Is not immediately gathered and destroyed the InBtcta arq given a chance to niiiturc and perpetuate ihelr bre'ed. There Is hut one way lu reduce the ravagen of IriBects and plant ijjKcasca that are now taking mlHIon* of doHarfl annually out of the farmer'* prof­its, and thiit 1* to Immediately clean up


TO QONEY ISLAND.fipflving Commercial Wharf, 9:15 A M.,

1:30 and 7:30 P. M. Connecting on the morning trip al Sleepiechafie Pier wMj (he Steamer

G ra n d R e p u b licFO R R O C K A W A Y ,

Rockftway paasengera leaving Rock- awny at 5 o'clock will huv« four nourj tlTue at Coney Island,

Tf€KGT9—Coney Ulfind, Inc^lnd- Ing admUalon to Rtoeplerlinae l*n«L, &(Jc> Hookawnr, TKc. Clilldron bnlf fare. Evanlna salt*

H A L F - H O L I D A YE X C U R S I O N

IshrjiParbOctaaGrofsL A B O R D A Y

Franklin St. Epwortti League,Thin Ib t1i« Innt ext'iiralon tlila

Come ^vhh DA An<| o iijoy the RncHt trip o f Hie jieoAoii. Coml cum . Plenty o f rofim. Fuat tim e.

Lenve Broml S(., R. H., l utu p. M. Ketnrtiliig, leave f>renn Graven to P. IH., Atopiiliig nt Ferry iKt. both ^THya.

Tit KFTH, $1.00.

U n ity E x o i r n l o n s t o

CONEY ISLANDl.<ani]|}iE at Dreamland Pier.



T O - M O R R O WS1.S0 (MUCH CHUNK It.so


I,T. Drum] Sc. -V. Kerry Ht. S;3» A. if.

$1.00 UKE H0PATCIHI6 $t.00

OHLt AL.I* WATOT ROUTE, reaves city dock U:30 A. U., i P. M.. 7:80 P, M. Betumtng leave* Co&*y lalaitd 11:50 A. U., 0 P. M.. 9:80 P. M.P'are, liuanol Trlu, In eln dln g Ailuila-

Blon to DreanilnAd, 5 0 v .. Children Half Fare. Evening Trip, 25c,

GEU. W . BEBBB, Mgr.


Childrsn Wceuta,Lt. Broftd St. »;Ui A. .\l.: Kerry St. )i:0I A. M


m an . . . . in. h. ou ewnnBy the Tnin-»<Tew Expre** Steamer* of the

AMERICAN LINENew York. Pli'm«uj(h, Cherbourg and

Southampton everl' dȣarday at tt:a0 A. M.

Ohililren 75 cPtitH.Lt. Broait St. «;Si A. .M.; FwrJ St. S:al A. M.

Jill the rubblah l( ft Eiffter a crpp h<ia been •^larvcflivd. It fihmiia" then be dried andluirned If no use cati be made of It.

Drying Sw at Com.

llart)H-savK‘d Rjilviu Keed MurpM»K*’H thatwhlvh in lioughl. Ak the flower »pike« be­girt tn Hlry. pick them off nnd place them ill II paper bng. The Pt-edK are mtUarally illB(ribuied from the open Bee<l vepBela imlesH they are gathered at the praper time.

Tiieru are many farm SihplenientB that wUl pay fur fhemselvp* In ojie ieaecm. If one haa nmny Hf-re* of cum lo cal It will |je I'heniiur to buy a coni hurvogler than tu hire men to out It by hiuiil. Some money may hIsu bo earned by cutting the neJgh* boiH’ cropH.

In ruuing rornKiulkK nut more tbftti piqhl of the buUP should tM- |iTi.hut ii IK l■•‘Ul■r Kilh to nil tlie phini.K cloHie lo tin* proutul as prisHlifle. li ih cuaitT. perhaps, to li.ivc high kIu' i- bles. but ihen* ]* ati limuunBe amount of fodder lost In llilB way. When the atsilks are cut at tht prnpet time tht butt# will ha eatfn 1>y the Block With nearly iia imioh reUih rp the top* and leave*. vKiMJclujly If (hey are nin through a feed

before feeding.Sr.me farmiMH cm Hie Btnlkn twenty

IncheH above tbe grouml b<*cauHa that which Is left 111 the firUl is “ not eaien by the Klftck." Thai Ib true when ihv Rtulks me ullowed to atniiri unin the fiber has become woody or they are fed wlihDut cvtUing, but It It Ib cut In time arid properly prepared, none o f It will go to waste. Inslfll upon (he men liendlitg their barkn nud severing (he plcintu 4B close to tbe ground as poBBibie.

Nttrale of soda uppUed a* a top dreao- Ing to Kplmu'U an<l other fall leaf crop* will hf‘ li> (bem wonderfully. Judgment must be used In applying the sodn. Two hmidrfd pound* to the acre it given lu two doK'-s of Ibh pEUind* eai’h at an Inter­val of two week* will be BumeJent. If It 1* nsvd Jiiet bffw v u, nilu the nitrate will not reijiulrt on the foliage to burn It.

Cap(HU2ing,C'Hponlzing is a profitable operailon for

formers ii» practise nn their yo ing cock­erel*. BlrrtB ihUB ircHtfri often wtigh Uoi pounds each by the hplidrtys and are worth nearly double the rtTurnml of tin- ireuted cockereja nt ihHt lini*'. Then- la always a ready sain for capons In th): market, far many pcrBoiis ] rricr them to turkeys. The bei)i time’ lu Eiipunlxe is when (he comb begins to ki' ' ‘W. lh'rsor,.H having lltite or no practise In doing the work should first try thou- hand on a dpiui fowl.

("upona are easily handled wh''n young HKiil can be readily cdiiflued They do right nor crow, thelf 6nlv desire is to eat, ami for (his reaaun they lay on flerh very r:iplilly. A ronjpletfi set nf cayonfslng tuot*, with full direction* for performing the operation, may be purchased fur a crniple of dollurit.

Fftrmers will have an extra supply of winter food K they dry sweet corn during the summer. The canning of corn cannot

i ho Ruccessfully done on the farm, but the dried product may be had by all. The excellence of this dependa quite aa much im ilic time of picking a* upon the metliud nf curing. If the corn is loo old nn proves* of drying will make It tender. The ears should be plucked in the milk. Then with ri sharp knife split the row* of kernelPT and cut from the cob. If the kernHs are cut half off and'that ppr- tlon uf them retrminlng an (he coh 1* flrnipcd off the corn will di y quicker and be of a better quality, ft ahould be sprcsid out tiilnly in pan* and placed in the ov-en In dry off a part .of the mois­ture-. Hllr It frequently to keep ft from burning, and when ft tk thoroughly.boated spread U upon sheet* In the sun lo dr^,

The corn may be bollpd first and then cut from the cob and dried. If a hotbed KHsti la to be hud place [t over the eheeU of drying corn. The corn muit be very dry when It i* put away and It ahould be kept In a dry storage only.

A Bag-liolder.A devil'* for holding bag* open while

A Truit ire*, well planted, will ’ ihry are beli^ filled ia ti hntidy ihlngilly grow whether 11 Is aet In Ihe fall j to have upon the farm. When one la work-

or ibv spring. As farm v* are le»» crowd ed with work in the fall, orchards should Iw! Mt at that eeaiioii. Peach trees, how­ever. should not lie set until spring. Now j* the time to prepare iho laod, to select •varieties, to visit nureerles and lu get la yoadlness for the fall pinntfng.

Orapes.Tbe early grapeii ar* l)*g!ntiiiig to calur,

and oflJy a few w'eeks remain before active — r - picking will begin. (Srowera Rhould take

Planting Evergreens.In llilri latitude evejgrcena do aa well

or even better, when planted earl.v 1.Hrniemlwr tiian if set at any other sen- | ihe barrel and Ihur relieve the weiEht.

__ : ,nrk^_ Wae. Ib #,.tT W..

Ing aion* fltUng bags with various kind* of t$rm produce much time Ib lost wlih- out some sort of n bag-holder. ThRrc are many kinds of bag-holdera which con be readily made. The simplest and most ron- voplent one Ib made by taking a baiT*| with both heads nut and drivinK four null* or hooks la one end between the staven nnd the hoops. A bag is longer than <i barrel anEl when hung over the nallfi nhd allowed to hung down Inside the barrel ir Witt reach the ground and still b«> nlack. The basket or meiiaure used In ftUing th« bag may be rested uptiu the chine nf

Wintor Roots,

irtAnti la the 4? ^ - ' left to make all prepamtlone for theten to twelve j herveet, for eoarMly «ity other fruit Ce-gUss Hashes off until tl^ w efllh er i,a much fur Us price npoi% th*come* cold. It the plania are ntadt- tender , gm,,,,,,. ahich it le packed. Thej- are •arty tti th e . Bp^on they wtU not aiand | p „ i (y kntaked from Ihe etem and the tH» winter weetr.er * fu*t wlu not Injure , berrie* are »o readily brokwi that It la the plnnti nor tht developnient o f the j pracllvahle to pack them,In large bod*, but it to uauaMy beet to covet Ihe , The amall grajJh or cilniai has.bed a tm «h t, beKtnninB In W e October. | i,„ j, bolding only 'a KW pound* dre the The aaab ahould be removed during the b ^ ,day and tha taraperature ought to he kept ah Dear to flenaie* ahdvo (ero during the eiitW* winter ap possible. 'Should the leniperaut* Ro aiSfkrPi d e « w « below the ftlirdthlT iiotat 5J9 ttnvn, wBl conte tn the pdaiita" but there will be fewer flower#. <U mild wlutw 'day* *al»e the awahea a

Aa only a itmitPd quantity o f gtapea la grown In (hlA aecticm, growere will And It will pay thein better to sell thenj.dlrect to private taDililc*. Thby can hardly ex- pect to cumpale with the ahipmeata from the weaterh New York grape belt or other Urge grape.frowing aectlona.

son. Spring set evergreen* are apt i.i giffer aeverely from the eumtiter heut before ihey can gain a foothold on the Bull, while those pInnteU in the fall ofien fall completely because of the evaporathm frem the foliage during the winter. Karly Septemhe.r net plants have aufficlent liine to become well esluhllshed iiefore the rold weather acts In.

A'Vlist la also a good month for phini- lr,< -*vergre*iiis, hut th* cxceadlogly dry

When th* bag Is full th* barrel may b# UfteO off, leaving the Ailed l3ag In a

fbr handling.

Nameless Fruits.There exist in nearly every orchard and

fruit garden 'trees producing fruit uf which the vmrlety name Is not known to tbe cultivator. A fruit without a i^me is

weather usually prevalent at that time i much lew valuable, than If It had 6ne, is unfavorable to the plants -and (hey \ jqq frequently In these cases a name u gain nothing over those set early in Sep- j invented, but this is likely to lead many lember. For winter as well,as summer j prospecllve planters astray. When you effect* In the landscape evergreens are in- j iq liu* take two or threedl»p*nsftbte. In fact, no other e k a s .o f | gpednisos with you and match th'JfAplants will afford a greatM* Wriety to j the COlLecUon on exhibition, or whiLiwork upon. • is perhaps better send a Hpecimen to sums

The different spc<-ies and varMles serve for varloiis. pgrpoaeit, such os IMwn specl- nens. wAndbreaks. hedges aiiff/ffrouplng.'t.

TS\''ergre*ns Liiat arq allowed to biecoo]* dry at th* root during tits ofR^tfon of

comptiesL pomologist and get the correct name So tbst way.

Do not neglect the root crops st this Hcason, fur they will now be making most of (heir growth. Sfllalfy. winter ' beets, CEirrots, parsnips and the like are Uttl* more than half grown now, so they will si ill nssutre considerable; attention, ^eeds phould t>* pulled when they show them­selves, and (he ground ought to be kept clean. The soil may often be Stirred, es- peclslly amortg ibosu plants that &r snnu’whui backward in their growth.

If the earth Is nUbWed to becbme com- PHot about the roots they cannot expamt, Hnd for that reason will remain undei- sised. Of course, turnips and tlie laic sown l>cets and carrots will need the gresteat attention, but the spring sewn roots must not be overlooked.,

$l.2SU K E H filT G 0N 6$1.2SV rhlidren Bl> rents.

Lt. Broad St, A. M.; Kerry St. W A. M. via

New J e r s e y C en tra l




Toronto $10.50iQoing A ug. 31 , S e p t. 1

Returning from Niagara Fall* until Sept. 3; from Toronto unil! Sppt. 10, inclu­sive.

Tickets on sal* at Market street and I Erie Slatlon, Newjirk.

New York. S*pt. T. Si. Louis, Sept. 14.

Philadelphia, Hept. 21.~ ■ rt. 2S.Si. Paul. Sept.

The Olgapflc and HagnUleent Twin-screw Steamers of the

WHITE STAR LINENew York-Queen»towti-Llverpoo1, Weekly,

•BatLle. Sept. 5, * P M. | *CelLlc Sept. 10, *t>iiric, Sept. IS. «:30A M. J *Ai«bic, Sept. HO,


^Majestic, Sept. 4, 10 A. M. {^Teutonic. Sep*. 10 •rAiJrlatlc.SepUl, T:flO A.M l*Oceatilc. Sept. 25. (New, 25,000 Tonu|, hai Elevator. Gymnaitubi.

Turkiahi na(ha and •Band. UDiurpaaaed AccommodatlonB In alt clajmes.FABBefASer DeiMirtineittp 9 Br t fmdf fmy f

N«w Vorkj or Agents In Newiirlc and Vlelultr#

BOSTONVIA ^ 4 ~ re z a n d

BOAT 9 Ifl f O r a il PROV fOENCE'»»c>$1 .00Kirsant Htsaacra. Mrat-ela** flcrvlc*


Peat CiinaifBe »t« N. T.JOY STBAMSHI* OOMPANY.

Taiephea* IlOo onhard.Ja*B k. Kipp, aft.. IPSI Rahil* *t.


SOUTH BEACHSuitday, Sept. I . and Labor Day,steamer “Ella” from Merdiaats’ 1 harf.

Fo4(t o f M udiN on S t r i c t ■Leave* at lUlfi A. M.. 2 end T:30 P. M.

Round T rip , In c ln d lh g oid-HHOpyland, -lOca CblU

Far*.■niBBJon tn drrn , 2*tc.

KVKNllVG flAILpHi'nslv'r'* P opn lar B*er wn Bwavd.



Pot Kaaton, K«Uil.liiait Allcnlowa aok Utueb L.'litjik 17'27 CD Ra*tOD). piIA A. M-

- cg:M t# BaafinJ P.__R, '

. T o M opateeaR oa I^ b o r Day.Oo to Lake Hopatcoiui od I.al>or Day on

the New Jercey Ceniraril excursion, leav-liiK Broad Btpe*it atsri® A. M. Tic ket# are *1.23. children 66 Oenta, It'* cool at the lake and thare’a line flahlng, haatlac and bai}iint there.—Ad». __________________

S T E A M B O A T S .

UlCHT guVlCEPEOPUEjR AldSAIHY UIVBp 8up«n> ■tmqiH er* C. W. Vurx anJ Adlmwlacfc. Lvo- Plsr.tt* N' K., wtfk d*r» and Aundsys, 8 P. U.; W.l20th«^ W “ " “ ---------- — - -------i

p 9 P. M. AibWMW. Tirog. $•*«-,uaa* .bfikea Georse aa4 ClKanvk___AatifpRweh*. Tli«iiauiii6l' lalaw u. HI:

Par Loae at AppeflleI ajvana rail*. M oMfinl,

w aat. FIck, service. 1la.le.Haatfc ____

OmwnpiaMnh.flltcminfe. or If nol prnpertjr crmit^anted, eltlwr dlD outright or m w e little or nogi64*th. The hole# ahould be all raady for the tNeit when they arrive M t|w prem-

Sarafard'a Aelfl PkoapheteIt nourlahe*. atrangthena aod Imparts

new Ufa and vigor. An excellent tonic.-. AdT.

llabi .xbthii. Til. Hudson id^ttm* and mslmtlo. CIT iiB H g TH Or x n t l . gteammJDejtt

ItlchimiDd ana Orsenpaet. Lva Plar 4*. M. R.week <Uy. and Piddi^ ■( (I P, M. Low rttaa, k.,snii* wga. Tiokeie *nd ■udapoemsai wiiarf OQIoh,. at*D*t' ' ' n n w e n City Tkiat Oflina, leOBRwtway. ear. .Head* it.

I;W, aim tt:H ta Butin) P. M. Bunday*ttili A. M. to B**taitiutBie(. *iH. 6:30 P. H>a A. *■. m ammvmtt .* « » .Hub BtMia >t:6d P- Biluidayt entr

A r wiUt.».B*rtt aad flersa^ fll» A. **•)1U6. t:*2 P. « .

Per Perth AnatM.! 1:66, #riW P.taa p. 16,^- - - O dT !U .'7 jS7. ti«b BU6 A,M. SUBUn t'M

lilt. Sirt. llriwtied

VIA BOATh KAFlFall Blvae.....Bl.t)* 1 Praeldanea ...,J „ .Newpmt...... -.BI.IS I Maw Badford.,Al.MCORfiSBPONDlNQ KSacHJCflOMS toaB ^hla

Bteameni Connsctlciit and ■ lUuUo ItlaM. R»lely-(inveBl»oM-<:omWrt-«Wfe „

Use* N. y, dally * fhmrtBj, plarJM, A- It., ft, TV, 4tth St., fl;BO P. « . Teh «M Bryant---- . _ . . ud «F--AW^^Oa.TicketOlllcea

160 Broadway, Tel. M!6 Worth,

U WeattOthStYaLMSl tUd.Siti

A N C H O R L I N Elu m w II I iM iM iEin

BbUIbb rmat Hew York every flatardapNSW TWIN dCRBW erSAMBHlPt

"CALBOOHIA" a n d •‘CDLUmHA*Avuia* paano* 7)* days

SHD FAVORITE HTSAMflHfPa ..Aaaer- ---- -------------- 'lABtarl*'’ and "Pnpneaaln.’'

Book of Tnura nnd liifonBailon apply It R. PICNNIS St W .. 774 Broad K i . li. BT&NTE CO., too Broad •(.. Hawa 2, B. HAVER. 24 CUatw *1., Nawafk

SUMMER VACATIONSAssort Ocoon "Vang/B f k #o»lgtt L ssi

Uu to Bermuda by d.«w twtn-'scrair sitaWrtto BonnDdlan in (nrty-Sra hoan frUm (Yaw YoA T«mp«raturH vooltr thaa at lb* liildAo AUabtlr Mail r*iort9. Oood fl^JAg, set faathlligp soU* ittf and blcycilDg. Fw IHnatrmtsS ----- -and rtlOB, ■(MrsMi A* E. QDTBR0 CO.t or*nfOL<wh«a Stsiuastap Osl. Broadway Kinr ' Tork.

ARTHUkt ARBAK-:*«»elary. i]iicb«s,‘ C * *' Jh H, BYRHBI. SOO Rroad St.

Lon* Branch, Aakury Park,' - ■ *« (Red■ only),ODiy). 4 ^ , S r » l:U.

Rany dnhp, Jl SC

eto.. tiitRLeca Brafi^ cnlyl. 1 So A. U.; ( l iU t iSS: t-M (Red eat* oeii). 4 6:U (Bed lUnk dnh), J L * > _ _ _rill* *•« B»r*'Snty>. *.‘64 D * <R»d Bank p l ^ A H.TlU6 (Red Bank «niy). »:®6. «:*f

ataaptiniat,, a r ^

W. L. mitOW. Traflh

p S AttoBtloJIny. M.: t2:l)u <»*(«■SDiidaye. 6;M A.' I t ,For T ™ t«i to* FWta«e)pW*. «:I2, 7:6*.

i:*A •i**- It’d* A. H._L*l*J!W.,S:2n. 6:r■ iSS. niyn. IIMrF A. 1E.I- 44 I"'. a .nil. Oi

idS" IldW A..H.: td». »d». fl;«» P, H., •pHnadylrhlajwhr.^ 'tlokbta Matagy ebHk*. atetping eu . •wtrvatlmiA •*» at Broad Stmt gutlon, 'M .

RRStiint.‘ Rea. Mao.


Pier I# *. R„ foot Wall at,, 6 P. H,;_“



OLD OtMtimoH Line.' 0AII.T fERTICB.

Pnr Junaatewn Expoallion. Old Feint Cnmfart.Nortoik, PoctaioDBlli, Plaatr* Petal u d NaW* pun KawA va.: caUBHUagterpetertbUra, lUebr nued. Vliwlnta SuoJi, Wanhlngta. D. IL. and antlm inuui and W«kt. y^udii Andnth d«d W*.t. FreMI Aad pAMfll*

axfl (tom P»er KWNk day at IP . it. ' . v t ■— ,. wdor-'------- -- ■■

."PeF IV ... n.. AVVl, Wll W. “ . . ^ ,. Fall tutrr Una ttope B, 34Ui at., 6:1*1 FaU Riv*,. If: ProvIdeBoe, D. 'Phond 23PO Broad. H«ldn aad retam, inehidiBa Wondaxtaad. Ravwa l-ewoh. n ,» . JOHN A. KIPP. Agent, Ul Hat. kat nt.

CLARK'S IKN'TN AN-......... - .

rhart«reivn.S."Ar T'01!B8 ROUND '

NUAL URIIIHK, fleb. 6,








C u n n z n o . f n e

7b Ji f-^ l A n e y J

W A T .D M A N N 'S o p k r a h o u b r under Die inanHgement of Lee OUoleng’ul wHI be opened for the regular season to­night when WUlWin S.

#C'lark‘s ^Vernry I.Utes'' Extravaganza Oonipany wH! prejient a program combin­ing nmsical farce and vaudeville apeclal- tles. The organisation Is not unknown to frequenters of Waldntann'a, as It has often appeared there and given much sat- fbfaclion by Its varied and amusing per­formance*.

In “The Grafters,“ a two-act imillcal •farce, the company le said to have an effective medium for fun-making and to so Improve Its oppnrHin!ilc« that much merriment resulla from Ita efforia along ctomld lines. The olio o f ape<'taltlee will introduce the four Zaraa, Fannie Vedder and her dancing bfjys. the 'Frisco Four, Mann and Franks, Ward and Raynor,

. Franklin and WlUiama and Siella Chate­laine. » • •

. Newark Tlieiitre.The regulur nfason at the Newark The­

atre will open next Monday with a I^bur Day matinee. The Innugiirfll attraction will be George M. Cohan's musical play, “ Fony-ftve Minutes from Broadwoiy," which enterlttlned la- fe audiences when presented at the sann‘ house last year. In writing these pieces In which he has Kl^peared as a star, Mr. Cohan obviously relied upon the knowledge and training he obtained while td^ntlfled with \’audo- vllle. in which, as one of tlie Four Cohann, he was rm^pIcuouH as a headliner, for several years. During his connection with the variety stage he appeared In various Fklts. which were written and staged by iilinself ami In which he was aBSudaled with hla father, mother and sister. There w'as more or less music In all o f them, and, when be essayed a three-act pro­duction In “ The Governor's Son,” the first fruit of hi* ambltlou* effort* ns a playwright, he depended as much upon the music, o f hi* own composUtoo. as upon the humorous development of his comic pcheme to win favor. In such latter productions as “ Little Johnny Jones" and “George Washington Jr.” tnualc was an Important fActor; but In “ Forty-flve Miu- IIUm from Broadway,'" which he wrote for the use of Fay Templeton, he paid more attention to the recital of a story in a dfamatlc manner than to The mus*»h:ul embellishment o f his theme. 7he reBult was ft. piny o f the melodraniaiic order that, commended llaelf to the public by Its "heart Interest,” amualng •Ituetlone and cleverly drawn cliaractem, while bus- tatnlng the author'* reputation as a com- pnier of popular songs. T he‘ four musU cal mimbera Introduced are In Mr. O - han'fl liappleet vein and the dunces pane-

''td*tlng the action are such as have heip- M-'tA to spell success for all his productions.

•‘Forty-flve Minutes from Broadway" will be presented at the Newark b.v McBsrs. Klaw & Erlanger, who produced It, and who have engage-d Mlsa Emma Csru* to succeed Miss Templeton in the role of the heroine. Scott Welch will appear In the part played by Viuur Moore In the original production, and other members o f the cast w|!) be as ac- capuble as were their predecesaors.

» • •ihnlpert T lientte,

In reopening the Shubert Theatre irext Monday and In dedicating it to a form

. of entertainment, which they are pleased to term “ advanced” vaudeville, Mepsrs. Klaw & Krlangcr, the weli-known theatri- cat managers o f New York, declare that it is not tfeelr purpose to start i*ut wUh E "hurrah” program for the Introductory week and later allow the blils to deteri­orate. in qtiamy. It is ImpOBsible for them to present all the notable hentl- iluers they have engaged in, one place at one time. Thev afe confident, however, o f making each succeeding Week's blH stronger and more IntrreHlIng thwi Us Predecessor and ihtsy hope tn ,accomplish Jthis purpose through increasing familiar-


:n e >x :x w b >e >k ssrr;” ':' m atin ee Monday (Ubor Day)

Kegiilar Matinees Wednesdaii and Saturday K L A W & E R L A N G E R P R E S E N T


BY G E O . M . C O H A N



E M M A C A R U SAn<y . i'.K t o f N otnblo F lu ,o r . H uR liifit U lrootloD o f C o h .n A H .r r l .

I'rtiduml wUti ntl ttti .I'.nU'jipiHiInMu.ut niLil omjrftt'T of tl.t .H o iiU'h (tlRtlnfulaliHl Ihn ]iri'vlruiR pT rliirm onc, tu tllta city.

THK I'l.AY TH.»T RVKKVmUtT TALKS ABOIT 1 > K X C 1 £ M i Mrehoatr.. Sl.SO, Orrboitr. Vlrol*. SI .SO and •t.OOV — i> ll.lcony. S l.so . a l.ou and T5e. U .tlorj. SSo.



W«d. A tat.

J i J c c T t e '/ ^ Q t^ fy f iv e H i n a f e j f T > o m & v o s d w a y ' ' ^ f - /-&e

jiy wllh the many performers and arts they conirnL

Conjiplcuoiie among the entertainers who will help to Inaugui'Ale the season, which will bKgIn with Hie Ivabor Day matinee, will be Ah I.lng Soo, a Chinese slclght- of-haml performer and lllualnnlBt. wh<» studied the magic art wltli Cliing 1-lng Foo, Hie Oriental wiziiid who toured ihlfi country some ycura ago and who wag ns- elHtptl In his performance by Ah Ling. Clinton and Jermon will piesnnt a comic skfiicli. entitled “ Back to I^ulflvilte,*' in which I hey introduce some cptchy songs. Joe Welch, whose Impersonations of ec­centric Hebrew characters have made him widely popular, will be heard In a new and rnlrth-provokiiig monologue. Joe Karl's “ Military Glris” will be seen in nn claborute act, combining comedy, elng- lug and dancing and embelllRhed by tune­ful muak, brilliant coslumlng and pJe- luresqu^ stage sellings. Kdward R!on- dell, formerly the siar In “ The Lost Hoy” production, will appear In a condensed vorslon of that orEerlng, and will he »up- porTerl by capable asslsUints. Froftlnl. an lUtlluii youth, who is said to bA< a grad­uate of the Royal Conaervaiory In Milan, and wjiose playing of tlie accordion rank* idm among musical virtuosi, is bound to give much pleasure hy hJs performance*. The four Bards, who have earned high repnlatlon* aa gymnasif*. will show their ability in a novel acrobatic act. Mile, Emmy's Pets, a down well-trained fox terriers, will be isol the least Inieresilug feature of the bill. The progJ'am ftlao will include motion pictures.

• * *Prnciitr^* Thenire.

Ab fliiccessora to the vaudeville perform- era who are appearing at Proctor e The­atre Oils week, the manag<ment Ims cu- gafed a number of entertainers, whoi.o specialties are likely to ftirnish amui*t'- ment. as agreeable »s It is varied, for tiie patrons of the house next week.

Among the notable features of the pro­gram will be Hurry Tale's laughter pro­voking skit, entitled "Moturlng.” a cleverly devised burlesque o f Ihe aulo- Rioblllng 9raa«. It lIlustrutPB ihe tiinla Etnd mishaps that vex an amateur molur- 1st. while taking his two sons from the family lioms lu » distant university. The irrepressible and InqulsliU'e small bay; the Inioxlcated youth, who Is a boro 4^ autolsts. tbe palTbnlslng man, who la so ready with fuiile auggeailons to remedy broken-down machines, and other clnir- ncters figure In the entertaining scheme and help to speed laughter. Harry S. Rheldon and company will present a merry absurdity, efltltled "Aunt Bedella's

Furniture." In which ii hrb'fip«s hiirrisler employs vurloUK eubterfug.^M ui iivuki Ills Icri’dlloi'B nml lo furlher Ills svjU W'lth llie objt^ci of Ills jiffpitlons j

One of Ihe most novel and elrih'UiitP \ musi'Mil acts staged iit will 1ti- ltrmlucp the Fetching Brothers, who play | \atiuiJ.s histibmentft, rnn.‘?liui-teU In isdd ways and appear against a bacUKioimd. comprising interesilng electric and scenic * ffec1s. Park Byers and George Herman, ule\‘A*r acrobats, will Imperso­nate n clown and a skeleton In a spei tuc- nlar pantomime. Mlsa Katie Rooney, a daughter of the niice famous conicdlan. Pal Rfloupy. and like him. n very nlmblo dancer, will contribute antigs and dances to the program. Tom Aloare, w-ho calls hiniR<fif the clinmplon singer of coon annps. will be heard In up-to-date .ditties of that order, and Al Hyno's performing dogs will complete the list of emertahiera. A new series of motion pictures will he shown.

« * *Cnlnoiblii Theatre.

“ The Her mini EmlgriitHp'' aviII tllsap- peai from the stage of the A’olumhhi ThPHire nl the close nf to-nlglU's l>er- formance of Hiil Reid':* comccly-dran.a and will be fAillowed there next Monday by Mesars, Vance ami Sulllvnn's new melodramittlc proAluctlnn entitled “ Her Fatal 'Hie story lokl by the riu-ihor Is fluid ro be an inicnstlng uue and the plot to be 50 constructed us to rv suit Jti novel sltuallouH that ilnsely huid the attention of audiences.

By meana of an original njechnnlcal de­vice, employed In one of the sccnea. the heroine of the play fli.' iippeats and re­appears In a mnnnel* that greatly mysti­fies tha spectatoi-5. Jn other ways the producers have contrlvt^d to pique curl- ouaJty and in sustain Interest In the stage proceedings.

A, H. Wmiflsa melndnimatlc produciloii entitled ' ‘Convh't il99'' will be the offtriiiK at the Columbia during the following Vi'eelt.

* * •Hlitary'* TliejifrMs

Harry Olny Blaney, in “ Tbe Ihiy Dei:*:.’ - tlve." will bring his cngnecniem at HI-;- ney’fl Theatre to an eivd lo-nlghi. HI;- name wdl! appear on Hie hoinfe progE-MU m. »t week, however, as he la-the author of the new melcdranni. “ Frian Sing Sing In J.niorty,” which will he presented there next Mojiday for the first time tii this city, Tlic pruduclhin will liavi. morn than ordlnniy tmcrcat for many, owing lo thft fact thru the role of liie hero Is en­acted by a strong innn, known aa run ­ning. who fl+'fles bolts and bars, hiiiid- cuffs and olber r^stinlnlng ilcvicj-s. He will permit himself lo he locki'd In a.

tinnk fiirnlsIiCHl hy any Inrnl maiiufpc- tiirer oi dCiho. inul .‘l;ilinn to l»o able t.i Chu'pf- from II wilhoni InJurlMiJ h His w*ork l.s Kiiid to h.i\'' iDv.-Jtltlcd po'lice nlll- ci:ih‘ in \.irioHs clTi."-, mid to Imve hfpn n 1'nu.sM fr.r wotidf-r '"i tin* ptu i all wh-i have wiliiCMpcd hi.H pt i rnrniancos.

The iiitrai ilon hoedt-'d for [Haney's (hir­ing ihi* w(n-k bK^glnnhig September !' Is Clmrlos K. Hlnncy's new production. 'L d - tif. ihf' Poor Sakshuly." hi which Fi-wrll is slaiiiui-'.

• » *

O lym pic Ffirlt,While the ,\horii <h'viu roinpHJiy IniH

hren rnicrialriing Itsrgc audlencefi i»y U.i ]M*rforman(;t fl of Auber s meloflUiiis opera fomlipie. ' Fra Dliivolo.” nt ('•hmpic Pink this wtn*k. It lins l)cen husHy r<‘lienrfhig llie rlonl'lc bill ivhlch It wtU prese;il next MomUiy night, when It begins the twelfth and final wCek of Us iAUCcessful engtis^rn#ni at this popular suburban re­sort. WlDi the inlenllon of giving Its iialroris ,aa much plenstire as pupslble by its c.lusiiig efforts, the innnagpment de­cided Ui stage (rilbert & Sulllvan'^ nauti­cal operetta, “ K, M. fi. PJiiafore'’ and Mascugr.rs firniid opern, “ l. nvallei-la Rus- tlenns. ‘ wn-1 to prescti! those faninua w'orkp with the old of some of the moat talcntwt pltigcrs In Us large organlza- lloa. The rloalng of Us lengthy sensoti in VVashlnviou. D. r.. has made It. ptisai- hle I’or it to Incngaso the vocal and lUl imrrlcal sii'engtli of Ihe I'ompapy at Ihc park and i'( arrange casta w’hosc ability assures fiKtcrHld'- performances.

In reoogiiltlon nf ihi? long, fallhfu! and helpfid services of Hans W'evers. who, as ilireclor t»f amufM-menls nl the park, has [>een milvely cssnclateil with Hermarin A. Schmidt. iU= proprietor and general manager, during the i)ast three summers, a. benelU will he tendered him next Thurs­day night.

Owing to Ihe 1/obor Day holiday next week, the miinagemcnt of Olympic Pfirk has arranged a strong bill nf opan-air ritiraetlona. On the open-nlr Riagc will be seen Young Ij'win. couilc juRgler; II,e Meh Interniillnniil Trio. nOW playing on the Kelth-Pronor circuit, in aortal acts, and several other hfgh-dasa entertainers. Ar<‘hie Griffin, the acr-uiiiyt, will make a dnuhlc [larnchiJte droj* from his lialloon on SmidtEy nntl Mondiiy afternoons. On both oi'i‘u.“lnna he will try to make height records fur hot-air bnlloons,A « ■

Electric I'ark,The vaudeville program to he presented

in il)o Kuijll'' Theatre In Bleclrln Park next week will lulroduce the cycling Cwyk' Wflls. Avho plnim to be tlie cham­pions li; iKJformlng rents on the unicycle:

M c In t y r e & h e a t hIn KLAtY A EKLANOEK'S Ercnt niuilnsl plBj,


r - W I C M l H l OrchnitrA.BI.EO. C'IrcIn. Bl.EO And Sl.OO.— . BaIcddj, Bl.SO, al.lMlAnd IBe, OAltnrr, SBe.


Gardner. West and Sunshine. ,n»(e act comprisps comedy, singing Him dancing and inln>dufPB the only I'lib&u pickaninny In vaiidc-vlUe; (julgg nnd Mack, the origi­nal "Miin uni a Half." hi knockabout eomady; FIhIow and Dunn. atTobiitlo comeiflaiie nrul dancers; Heywood, a singer (ind fotmih* Impersunator. nnd M[*s Agnes BaylesH, a alrigcr of BenUmenial HungF

Now tableaux vlvame will b« shown In poiiTiHi-Uon wttli Ihe elftcfric fountulu. On Friday night next, when ttmnt»‘urN will bo given it chance to show w'hat they can do In entertaining aA unprejudiced public. Mr, Riley, whoae ambition to ahine « b a tragedian prompted him to essay the role of ifamlet last evening, will Blrlve to em­body hie conception of King Lear,

« • *1111l«lde*l*teiunre Park.

A program of extra quality haiv been prepared by the rrmpagemeut of Hillside Pleaflure Park for (he wet»k beginning tn-morrow afternoon. It will Include per­formance* by A> coU, Eihile and Tresk, comic acrobata: Eaalt and Jerorue^ln n novel act; Clinton, a well-known Juggler; the Mormo brnthers, hand balancer*; the Hartsoni, grotesque entertainer*, ami Profeflaor Hamptorr’s troupe of trained dog*, cat* and gceap. The hiet-named act was on last week'* bill and mode a "hit." The management is re-engaging it nt the request of many palnnis. In, addition to the act* named there will be'knife and bntllc-axc thrr>wlng by the Hu.snidfl, fiat and chariot races, and trick and acrnbatlc rifle Jshooling.

Aeronatii Mack wlU Introduce a novelty Sunday ariernoqn in a / ’purarhiito ex­plosion,” Tills act is said to be very iipec- taculur, and h likely lo pi'ove oiie Of th* mnet Interesting of hi* performances.

Tha Rurrmnev aeoBOii at the park will end with the clow of next week, but there will be a vaiidesllle show and bal- Icion ARcciialon there every Buntlay n/ler- mjdn and a fireworks display every Wedhe.sdiiy night UPtIt the flrMi week lu November. The paviJion will be open for roller skating every afternoon and night excepting Saturday night, when dancing will be enjoyed there.

• o •T he Arcade Tliealre.

The .Arcade Theatre, corner o f Broad and New stroolB, will be opened.under (he mariHgemeiii of Archhi T . Blicruird, thl* aflernnon. The enterluinmeiu to be pio- vldcd therein will consist of motion plc- (iires nf the most Improved character. The plcturea to lie shown this afterTmon aiul evening and next Mondny will Includ* several reprodurtlons of scenes in New­ark

NEWARK*!* l.E A D nU





AVir )"ork I/fttrid itat/si **Ifthit ig Vatidfei/ln* tiive '/ kit tfrwi hrfttcif it.*'

KLAW & ERLANGER’SU n iv e rsa l S u c c e s s I


Bill of A ll-Star Novelties

Brilliant InauguralMonday LABOR DAT Matinee




Mile. Eomiy’s Pets ITrite Caiihiei. I

F R O m I I K IWiiArd of the Accofdian

Qiatoa aid Jermoa"Back to LouU-)lIt."



CItliiPMM Magi'400 I Amerlca'i Forcinunt TLp Pam. R iD iK f R«w A*lNu*t*d irlAii I AcrolJfltN IIAIlW I Fl«tur«fi

And Flnt Tlm« Here o f tb« Olarlou* Eneembl*

Joseph Hart's H IU TARY O IR tS M Kf - R l O I S O t ' - I R o . , S S o . , n o o . a n d O T B o .

T H E L A T E R IC H A R D M A N S F I E L D ’S V A R I E D A N D A C T I V E C A R E E RBy the death of Rlehard Mansfield, the

American stage t» hereft of He greateet hletrlon, finest dramatic artist, most Tarsatll® player, most antbltloua soul, most Sanhtlesa devotee to the art he cherlehed and exemplified and most Indefa ti^ b« worker In aldvlng lo realise thosd Ideals that make for the betterment o f the drama “ d the stage he so richly “ ^“ tne^

Freed only a 'tew months theatrical hamesa, whoie weigltL he had borne so couragemmly through yearn o j S id in g adeeralty, as well as of h r t l« « t JT-eesT he had taxed his vital foroe be-

. yond ihe posslhle recuperation that K w « hoped misht from reel fromW| and arduoim labors. 'The nervoua«h au s* mt thatop tion o f hla to/.r last a ^ ng a « « ^

mind and bbdy eh''

i r t h l he 'lostotea to something like

t o lU s..tey inatm acenesj/he Went aw uepreasedtogland d i he yearnedby the the familiarfor Atnari^n ' “ ""J "® ‘ , ,he aummerand htd so often foundhome and peace needfulti^ relajDitlpn, q g^aaon of protesalon- 10 him. alter a ring ^ Country a

r k* spefit »l«ek* ^ Adirondack*, opiAW he Tta* ukOTi byr^n ^ g^ to Conn., where

sUgea to at and dearest

'• .*?• ifr a ,ears o f hi* U'“ *"L o f the fifty ytats w j r the in-

irib* Mansfield, la dead, « *• “ 'her. whose maiden name a«*.lCn“ M erKlorff. The faiaHy (wmptlM* ,*ow mv taro hrothars. my sister aial SDyj My broUier Felix, the eldest, reside bta family hi OMtaii. near. BrtStoL

And. My ahuer, , Margaret, la mar' lives la .S ir yaswgrf

brother Is also married and lives In Milan,Italy."

Mr. Manifield's youth was spent In various Bchoola in Germany, England and Swltaerlaad and In desultory iravellng over Europe. His mother wns fumoua as a dramatic soprano on the operatic stage, and from her he inlieilted the artistic temperament that early in life quickened hla Interest tn artlatlc pursuits. In IS69 Mme. Rnderadorft came tn this country to fulfil a profeasjonal engagement and found her experiences lo agreeable that she decided to remain here. In ISK she appeared aa one o f the principal snlotsts al the great peace Jubilee, held In Boston, and was ao well received In that city that ahe made it her hpme until her death In 18B. After aettltng there she aenl' for her son Rlehard, whom she hoped to In- tereat In a commercial career. Entering the employ o f Jordan. Marsh A CC'. tl'cn the leading dry goods firm In Boston, young Mansfield devoted hlmaelf to hla new occupation—that o f wrtung adver­tisements for lit* employeni~wlth the en­ergy that h« brought to everything he undertook. He. quickly dlacovared, how­ever, that he would never be content In commercial life and abandoned it to be­came tha tnualcal critic for the Boston Globe. Always fond o f plctdrial art, he gave much o f fils time to fhe study of painting and developed his talent lif tlmt direction to an extent that caused him to believe ha might win success aa a tand- aeape artlat.

Deciding that Europe would olTer him batter opportunities for obtaining the knowledge he wanted and tor advance­ment, lie left Boston In IfllB and went to Iiondon. carrying some o f hla pictures wllft him and hojjlng to sell them there. Unable to feailsa any money from tbenf, he quickly found- himself penniless. Hla tudependent and proud spirit would not allow him to apply for pecooiary assist­ance. to tlion who could and would give It. When pinched by poverty, H* sought' and found employment as a parlor en: tcrtalner In fashlooabte houseg, and eked out what he earned Ip that way by writ, lag and scUlog art'hles on various topics to English perkrUcaU. Several peats were pasted In this nncertaln aU nnl* for a livelihood and the young man was be­ginning to . despair o f any bettarment Wf bts prospects, when he was engaged by William S. Gilbert, who vraa coming Into peokrtaanos ns:.'A. ooUabontor with Ar- Uiur (hiltlvafi M Writing coink opera, for the role o f Bir Joseph Porter Ih "H. M. .8. Ptnafore- :st a ssinry o f Hi; a week. Hla debut on tli* cotnlo opera stage Fks mad* in M EngllsH ptovIncW tpM>

Mr. Ollhfi't was so well .wiinfleil with his ppiTurmancc that lu* kepi him lu his cm- play for three yeerE. At the end o f that period. Mr. Muitsfleld asked that his modest salary he Increased and his re­quest being reftised he severed Ills re- lattnns writh Mr. Gilbert and sought work from others.

He secured an engagement for a season In comic opera under the direction of Al­exander .Henderson, a London manager, and In "La Boulaiigere" and other pro­ductions, Was so well liked by (he public that D'Oyly Carte, manager uf the Savoy ‘Theatre, offered him a place In a ctim- patiy he was about to setid to this coun­try. Mr. Mansfield accepted the praposl- tlon and as Dromex In “ l.d*s Mantcaux Nolrs" effected his American debut as, a singing actor at the old Standard Theatre in New York. After appearing In other operettaa' such as "Rip Van Winkle" and ■Tolanth*." he became a member o f Man- ager A. M. Palmer's famous stock eom- panv at th* Union Square Theatre. En­trusted only wllh minor roles, lie again began to despair o f his proapecte, when J. H. Stoddnrt'a decision not to play the rok o f Baron Clievrtal in "A Parisian Ro­mance," which was about to he produc^. gave the ambltloua young actor the de­sired opportunity. HtS extraordinary suc­cess In the part, in which the older player could see nothing, attracted wide atten­tion and wps the stepping stone lo his later good fortunes.

The recognition thus earned resulted in Manager Palmer giving him further op­portunities to test hla talent. After tour­ing th* country with the Union Square Company, ha. left It lo Join the Mallory Brothers'. organisation at the Madison Square Theatre, where he appeared in HJalmar HJorth Boyesen’ s play, "Alpine Bosea," and other produetlons. Subae- quently he was 'seen in "La Vie Paris- Itnne" al the Bijou Theatre am) in "Oaa- parone" at the Standard, When Mtnnla Madtarn, now Mrs, Ftske, starred In Tn Spite o f All,” Steele Mackaye’S adapta­tion o f Sardou'a “ Andrew" he was a member o f hqr lupportlng company- The nekt aeanon he appeared aa Ko-Ko In Kanoger JtflUl»-:NMtaMKa> production of OHbert iniff 'miBStWh 'aamle'opera "The Mikado,” In Boaton. At the Boston MaoiUm In April,. he produced A. C. Gunter'* comedy "Prince Karl" with such success that he found gn opening for the production In New York tlie next fsH. KIs continued aucceas In It deter­mined him to seek recognition as a star anS with that pU yand "A Parisian Ro* manee' he went on a tour of the eaun- try.

Bbroa theniMx. Stoutald hMI SMB cow

" f the iii'ipt prominent and intercstli'g players on tin* Amerktan stngc. Animated lit lofty lili .ils, he strove h;*.rd to realize thetn and Ei.ffnrcd no disappolattnenis 'o dls.-niiragc liuu: The producliuna stagrd by him, (iuu lu which his failures as well as his triumphs redounded lo hla credit, form a large p-irt of theatrical history In thlx~f!fiuntry during . Ihe past twenty yeafe. - Since 'be beginning of bis stellar career the pl.'t.vi In wbteh ho has appeared Include "Dr. .Ii kvll and Mr. Hyde.” "Mon- skur." written by hlnatelf; "Leshla." "King RIchnrd III.,” "Beau Hnimniel, ' i'Diiti Juan," of which he wtia the author; "Nero," "Ten Thousand a ye,‘»r," "The Scarki Letter.' his own drum.ttlznlIon of Hawtlrorne's novel; "The Merchant uf Venice." acuiKc Bernard Shuw'a "Arms and the Man" and "The Devil's Dtscipk, Lorliner Stnddiird's ".Napoleon," "Ro­dion, the etiideui," "The King of Peru," "The Flr.st I'iolln," a dramatization c l Jessie- Folhcrglll's novel o f that til.Jt; "King Henry V,,'" Edmond Rostand'#"Oyrtmo tie Bergerac,......Monsieur Bcau-enlre."' "Julias Caesar."-Count l-eoii Tol­stoi's "Iviiii, the Terrible," Mnllere't "La Mlsantbrnpc” and an abridged version of Ibaen'K "Peer Gynt."

One votdd dilate at length on thOH qualitlfs—personal, histrionic, arLlstk and intellectual—that dSetingnlshcd Mr. Muni- field as ah acior and oji illUBtraldr of the drama and gnvd him merited eminence OB the English-speaking stage. He was not

without fault* 08 a player, but they were far outbalanced by his shlnmg merits. Hu was a Blucere and p.tlnstnklug toller along the thorny way lliat teado to,the heights o f artistic achievement. He la at rest, but for a dme at lea.si he will be something mure than a beautiful memory. The helpful Infiuence of his energetic nature, hla high Idenls o f what can be accompluhed by well-directed effort on the stage, and his varied arhJevemsntt in compelling respect for the dmiiia and its exemplars, must have on effect that will last long after Ids paasirig from tha mtmir scene.

To (he Sloaatalua on L abor Day.On Ijihor Day go where it’s cool. The

New Jersey Central will have a H.Sfl ex­cursion lo Mauch rhuak. leaving New­ark, Broad street, *'® A, M.—Adv.



WM. 8. CLAR K ’S

JERSEY LILIESExtravaganza Company


L E O N E R R O Lla HI* Mteat Twa-aet Maalcal l#lB«dr>

T H E G R A F T E R S i;fwll of Fire. Ltf#.and #enwtlenpHN#e*

AiwMr# by • Beaoir UbenM ^ ,S O — E % r e t t 3 T O l i n a i — a l O 8*91. Mh-Btae UHI ■MlMh BallFrCfb;


Patlir Maia.s 15o.; rard. 36c.: phimea JMO A MS COOLBD BY EIjBGTAIC FAXS.




O L Y M PIC PARKGrand Testimonial Tendered to Mantger

H . V J V J S W E V K R SThursday Evening, Sept. 5th,



“ PINAFORE” and “ C A V A LLER iA RU8TICANA”Seata At Krl« R* R. Tleket thfice, BruAd »a4 M*rket 8ta.

BLANEYSH atlBM i-M on.. Tnee , Thur... Sat.

WEEK OF SEPT. 2dM A T ia a a l a b o b d a y .



In th* a8n88tion#l Malodrama

B ( H IR R T C U T 1U K E T .----------------i - r i -----------------------------THIB COUPON and 10«. w ill ad- ntt any Lady to a Reearvad taat at Taeeday'a Hatinea.

Byers & Hermannt o m m o o r b


H. 8. SHELDON & CO.ill tort teide'e ywnllwni.**

iilB b ta ^ S ir^ B e * * ? r !7 M jn 7 B E ^ ^

IWUEGER AUDITORIUMOFBK8 8 1 0 T H B B B gtb. AftorRM BSaored Coneerf and awMi'g

OLYMPIC PARK.Silaieiiiday Meiean t|rf iwilni,

Fra DiSHEPARD'Si^YSS^a o m i m i o n j M 0 W Q P E H

5c site j TMigfct it 7A w*Vl l»WBiw.aeeiAi»S*sw.~w‘-. n.*w.s«.Aw#ra.»y,.eSievw.e«UWs<ew*»<'Aa»tCE lEWftH n MWIIC PlCflKII


COLUMBIAKelt Week, C*mir««fieinf






LOVE and .lEALOESYGreilt CaBt. Nplandtil Baa- dnetloa. T in t Ttaia Hare,


Mats. MoR„Tyes„WBiL,$at.Thii AdveyO aw eat a#d 10c. wUI

ELE6TRIG FABKT o p A y , i e Wke-fnlOns S i r M

H ig h > ‘C lflC 8 V a u d e v l i l e , i ; M ta y A ttractions on tlie

Kertliant*' ... Biaek aad Happy


M 0 N E Y -~ I N V E 8T M E N T 8 . - B U 8 IN E 8 S■ B to ia n iB S , t n v B a r i iB r r f . w c . •acWKITlH, tlT¥mrrMB»Tt, kic ,


As a Rul«, Securities Are Lower Than for a Num­

ber of Years.


Tlie Joc«l security nsnrktt during Uie past An in Ihi- wwk de­clined, *nd, B* n general IhtnB. duot*- liona are naw Inwer thga they have lioen tor s noniber 0( ye«r«. Money ha» Iwrii • illtle lighter Itian prcvtou.iy, and Ui » flietcr. o f wioirw!, lia» operated lo deprees ■rlceg, Trailing ha* been.limited.

Newnt* Pneiienger'bond* h*ve *<ild at IM. and ilmiollilottd Traetlim Ixuide at ttlii to IDS. Sale* of Morih Jer»ey bund* have b**n *1 P tt"<at (3. I nlteil Electric bonli have hrouglu M, aod IhiWte IMrirtc* aertlflcate* ■« to, tnii. Newark On* H have Hold nt IM. N»w- ark Oca i* at IM, and Newark ConsnII. dated a »a alock at »I,

Thar* ha* beep pracileaUy no trading la bank itocka. Some of them ore loweron bid price, . ^

Cloilns quot«t|pni w«r« furnlRnwl byJe 8. Rlpp^l fohow*:

COLlNTlf ANU CITt.Bld.Atked,

Caerx County *-»a 1*16............. Jieex County >-6ta IkJ............

; County 3dh 11*5............. »; County ta » I I ................ WJ

IX County ta ...................... 101« CbontT ta UK................ Wm ^ m y l» IMO........... WJ

_ - j * Couaty ta U « ................. '»>aiTwark Ilia IW1-3-S................... »•Newark »t4a .. ............................. ,»}•Newark la 193........................... « }•Mawark 1* IM• i ^ Orange 1* MM............ }W•jeutaabatb adj. 1» !SS•flludwn County tvie IM•Hudaon County ta 1964......... IW•leraey City 1* IMi:..,.................. »•Union County la 1*12................. 1*1






ntk *2, * C. $. m. la UW MB

•O. N. J. R. a . * C. g.ro.*W» l » l ■Paan. Con. Gold W « U ............. « ’

* 1, T p. a. a t ^ ......... IW(a B Raaax con. T* IMS...- U*l i A . ft - ^ R . R. la AWT., m

warran % ft 7 P. o...................l «• t A m V ft. raf. IVi* HW. ,.. «n ; T „ Lack, ft W. 6 p. .......... 120j l V “ ft W. lot Oa*!*!!.......... til*!: U f w . W«»t. Ba lOOilN. T „ L. ft W. Ter. Imp. la IWa »*C. R. R. of N. J. gaii. 6a llfti.. 121 i : ft w7Coal Co. r ‘ m. W i m . *«

, Dock ft Imp. lit 6a 1121 lOT .. t r * l ‘ ng Brineh la IMl... K»>htih Valley Ter. fa U «: JJ2. V. R. R. of N. T. lit «*a IMO lOf.

jJaaton ft Amboy let to iSo.... } »M e lat con. gold la 1)20.......... 1^2* 13ti

To ^ lo r lien 1* 1***.......... *6• g in . lien la m e .,. . . . . . j . ; . . ^ Jo

P a . C o lltrl. T r u i t to 1961^ SO MDock Co. con, gold 9* U® 1S4 13*

_ _n d R . R. lit 6a iMO....... ■ 1027t.;B.ftW.R.R.lit m. rf,6a 19»7. 110 . T., E ft w . R. R. g. to U «. IM. t . ft Oreen. Lake to 1H<...... 112 HI

TRACTION.•Newark Paa. Rwy. to 1990....... 101 106

170la "



THINK HARAHAN WO FIXTURE.•om * ««H«rrliitaB rollow ars* ’ FJtfiir*

ft* flllnolM O n tr p l Pr«iil<1en>t*i RiMlr«Dkent.

NRW YORK. Aug Sl.-Some of the r-bm- meni on ih{> Etsli-Fluraban mlx<up U w Ihti effoci tint l^e InciiiK'nt muy m:iHi a lui'h Jn AlYulr» reNuItiiig In a n<=w prt-iiltlenl for ih? Illinois t’prurnl. Thl* tulk. ft H rnniw from H4r>rinihn aonrcfr*. Mlihougli only ■‘mlnur meM- bera ot ttn» Unrrfmnn I'otlowlng" nrf? re- fputipJbl fur it Thi*re \h.ik fl|M*ruWitiorv among Iht-m ta wh<nh«*r, nude-r Hit* cir- cumstanrcp, Mr. Tlntrltniin wotilrl car« to retain Mr. Uarah^in ki olTIcC'. Allcmliint Wn« lo FOfiortH <*iirrL'nt nftpr theIIMnolg Crntral me»*Ung ltdat N«v#iml)er IbaJ Mr. Hnrflh.in. would be: prewMnnt of Uitr IlUnoltt O n Ira 1 fdit a yciir only.

None i}f the main metuhurp of ihti Har- Hman i>arty would dlecuee ibu mutter for publioitlon. aApjmrfntiy they were wait- i Ing for an ft^pipaelon of Mr. Horrlnintra ' view*.



Prices of Americans Harden and the Gosing Is



W ill T e ll Interatale ron im crre Cunt- luUviou AhotH Obtnlnltiit t un-

(r«| o f i Im> Alton.Di»^ufvk tn thr EVIC\I\(!

NEW YORK, Aug. 31.-LC. M Hnrrlm.1"! will appear, H J« jinld. before the IntfriMHis Commerce Gonnnlflrkjn on Tuesday at tlie Federal building bero tu answer tione regarding tlie manner of hU obbiJn* ing rontro! o f the Chicago and Allon Rnllrosd, which he refused to ariHwer when ha' was formerly t-xamlned, Tula annouTiremcnl wna rnnde to-day by Francis B. Kellogg, counsel for the Iiiier- stHte Commerce Commission.

Mr. Harrlniarj'a answers to the riues- lions he before decl-ired to b« Improper will now be obtained under the order of Judge liscombe. of the I'nlted Stules Olr- oult Court, who hns held that the railway magnate must give the infomaatlion de­sired.

One or two other wltnfp.aea also will b.’ eKAtnlned,


. 1X)ND0N. Aug. 81.—Anierteans bene­fited by the steps taken to ussur* the success of tho Issue of the 110.000,069 of 4‘i per c*'iU. New York City ixmds and the exper'tntion of a fevorable New York bank sinti-ment.

They opened steady at u fraetlon over parity apd kn spiie of the lioUday in Kew Y'ork prices hgrleaed and dosed Arm.


of cloarllig-houaa l>ank* for ihe week ■howH that (he batika hold *8,766.160 more than the legal reaerve requlretnenti. Thl* la a deorpaac of *1,39,960, aa compared wIlli tael week. The atatement follows; I.iaina (l,iet.»86.«0ii. decrease 11*6,400: da- poaliB *J.(M4,(r6,M0, decroaae, *1.7.7,- m : circulation im.m.HOO, IncreMt *119,100: legal lendeaa, $00,690,900. Increase g.yn.O'O: apecle, *300,880,660, decrease **,UU(I0: re­serve *270,130,1(10, decreuta |l,461,9(iv. le serve required t»l,*M,0» , dacieasa *(31,a>0; surplus *6.766.160. dflcreaaa *l,n*,96r>: ex­it. B. deposits *16,7*7,976, decraape *1.189,176.



•Con. Tmc. Co. to 19*3.. ... lOlti 102•Rapid Tranift « . By. 6» 19ft 1 «•N. J*r»ey flt. Rwy. Is 1918....... 66Moitb Jerstey Btreet Ry............. 10Coil Traction Co......................... *4ftapM Transit Bt. Ry- Co....... mSo.T i f . V. Rwy. to 11**......... »•J. C., H. h P. 8t. Ry. 1* m *,. K;is Cu H. ft p ..................■<..... 9;•N. H. Co. Ry. Co. to 1911.......... 106•North Hud. Co. Ry, lijW to 19« 100

■ H. Co. Ry. Co. to 199.......... 105a*.. P U to . f t Cant. Jer. to I960 M

tgrsPA Sye coj). tfs 1981.........U2“ ' R K. R. 1st ^ - 100


103 #

CHIUAGO, Aug. 31.—Thp whvat market to-dny nprnfid firm, because of higher cnblsM, an udvatior of H lo \ fn the price of cash aorn, and a gocMl demand from commlssinri houses. The volume of trade was not hirge. December wlicnt opened Ip higher at 90% to end snld atThe eqrn market opened sternly lo ^

higher mi good buying by commJsalon houses. The bullish fncUirs were light local rccaJpts, large cash stiles and r< - ports that the crop generally will be late. December opened 14 'A higher at NDfifrOtBi and llieh I'eucled uu realising salen lo D& .

The oots .market was Arm mi good buy­ing by cominiesloii houses ami light of­ferings. December oats were higlUT at and sold up to 49’A.

The provision market was sluw aud prices steady.


klhj Kr ft 'm rcen il l KUf 1H3 16 t Tuntplh* Co. 1st to 1961 96

jton 'P ii7H y . 1st to 1931.... 112 . bton P«a, Ry. Con, to 1938.. WOirutttrwlok Trtetlon to 19H...... 99'MdlMCk ft s. Tr«e. 6* i960.... 16 . ft R. Bt. Ry. 0 . M. 6*1991... 95 kin. ft Suburban By. to 1916., 100



rust Co,.«utual Tnut Co ...«*t Bid* Ti

—m.ttonnl Newark Bonking Co

Bid*1 ^ Tni*t CO. .. SMtoX County Trust Ci

I County Tnut Cc


....... 170

. . . . . . 166

....... 300........240

310'WioiiBl State . . . ............. 190

County National............... Boo' 360



M County rcMnt*' NBtlonalBuf*eturer»' N(2tlonal........

^ r th Wftrd National...............tldollty Trust Co.......... ...........

Tederal Trust Co.......................^ l o n National


Y**t Bide Trust Co.............City Trust Co........................W est Hudson Co. Trust Co.Union County Trust Co............ 210 230Irvington Nntlon.Tl,,Irvington National

U F B AND FIRE INSURANCE.Prudential ......................... 6:V> *00Amcrlran . . .v . . . . : . , . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135^rsm eii's ..................................... 3.50Jtowark Fire ....................... 250

UAB AND HLBCTRIC L.IOHT.•Newark Qae Co. ta Ift

*C. L „ H. ft P, Co. 6s 1958...•N, H. L.. H. ft P. Co, to 1038.,Newark Con. Gas Co................R ew ork Con. Gaa Cg. to WW.. Bswx

124 129


IMi. t. »•-BUsabeth Qa* Light c io ..,......27b•Ellgabathtown OX.Co, t«a 19D MX) •Central Eleclrlt' Co. to 19W ... M 95 •8aw Rruns.L .H.ft P.Co. Ist9:iy w

Brunswick U, H. ft P. Co. 66■ - - - - - - .— [fiflKXIa'l 88

1(82 WjIX ft Hudson Ona Co.......... 1!,5 llfi

•United Elec. Co. ot N. I. 4a W49 62 B8United Electric Cri. of N, J..... (.0 __P: ft 1*. 0 . A E. Co.................... 80 70•Pst. ft Pas. G. ft E. Co. 6a 1919 KH) lOli•Pat, Elec. IJglit Co. latfelSf*. lOO •Passaic Gas L. Co. 1st 6s 1922., 106 •Passaic Ughtlnjt Co, lat In loa 104• P a n ., Co, 2d a wol to 8....... )IH'•Hud. Co. Gas Co. r.a 1049.......... !0O wiHudson County Gas Co............. 100 ini•S. J. O.. E. ft T. Co. Iis lOrd.... 07B. J. G,. E. ft T. Co............. ...113 1)6•Edison E. III. 4Pnt,) lat Ss 1913. We •Edison Elec. (Pat.)Gcn. to 192i-,. ioo •O. ft E.Oo.of Bergen Co. to 1949 99 101O. ft E. Co, ot Bergen County.. 53 56•a. ft E. of B. Co. gen. 6s 1964.. SS 93•Ruth, ft Bull. Seringa 1st 6s wn wo•N. Y.. Ruth. A Bub, 6a 1911...... too•Con. Gni Co. of N. J. to 1938... 90 9}Rom., Union A Middlesex T.. Co. 40 16•8.. tl. ft M. I.. Co. 4a 1943 ........ 67 70•P, G. ft E. Co. 1st to 1911......... 98 101•CBIxena'Elec. Co, lat 6s 1916. .. 95 •P, G. ft E. L. Co. g. m. Ba WIO. 99 •Trenton Gea ft Electric 6s 1940 104 Wfl •Jersey CItv Elec. Ughl 4s 1909. MO •Bomerset T.|ght Co, lat to 1936. 96 TBLEPHONE, FBRHT AND WATEfL

E. T. ft N, J. Telephone 6i 1830 102 lo*. Y. ft N, J. Telephone......... )oo noobolten Ferry Co. 1st 5s 1946 , 103 ino

N. Y. ft Hob Ferry gen. 6s line, loii pa K. Y. ft N. J. Ferry 2d to 1946.. 98 •HackeuBiiL-k Water Co. 4s )953., yj y,)'

HackonsDck Water Co., cum,,., no laHaekensack W'ater Co„ pr....... 140

"'aasnic Water Co. g. m. 6a 1937 Ito updeeW, P, ft L. Co, 1st 7s 1922 KB

“ Y. A N, J. Water 5s 1920...... 95iNUCBTRIAL AND WISCELLANEOUS

Celluloid Co................................unsumera' Coat Co................atlonsl Lock Washer Co..............'atlonal itow, pr........................ 35lewark Lime ft Cament Co......KKilew Jersey Zinc Co. ____'ew Jersey Zinc Co. lat 4a 1924. aj

it. 8r. ft M. Co. lat m. Bs 1929 90_ . ^ U ard ft Co., pr................ 130Jo*, ijtxon Crucible ...............330........H ob S so L. ft Imp. Co..................bob . IJind ft Imp. Co. 6s DIO... IM

• in i latorest.J------------- ------------------


Th# N^w York up-Stai€ Public fcltivice CommlMlou hau gran ts ord«r» In ihe <j(>- pUcatlorif o f Ihf Brlu Unllroud Conii»4ny uUthorlfing the luue of tT,176,Kil5 lru->i col'tlftcatea. They are to be used for the I^urchasa of stael hopper cere, new p;ie- eenger eoachee, locomotives, eteci b /t freight care and coal cars,

• • •Tha Norwegian company Norge-Mcj;ho

Galf-Uoien (Norway Mexico Gulf Lmi'I from September, 190?, will eeiabliih a ri!g utar eteanosblp aervtce bPtw«en Norway. Cubay Mexico oed the Gulf StaUa. Tlu steamphipB of the company, which her u eubaidy from the Norwegian GovernIl1cl> will touch at ilavana, Vera Crux nni Oalvoeion.

• « •Reports from several counties In

banta are U> the effect that the bull wi^t il di working havoc. Genova and counties report that the worm le destroy* ing acre aft«r acre of cotton.

• • eThe government appreihendn another c.ir

shortage in the season of 1&07-OR mute jfrioua than the one which gave so much troubde In the middle West and Northwest last winter. Efforts will be made by *hQ InleraUte Commieslon to induce ihlpprrs to move as early o j possible fuel ani other etippH«fl necensary for physical con> fort.

A special from* tvashlngton to The Joarnnl of Commerce says that al ihe cluae o f business last night the Treitimvy Deparlmnnt showed n surplus for ihe month of 12.726.2116. of which more than $1,500,000 has nerrited during the post two or threfi' days, yesterday's surplus lUone being $8M,417. The large accumutailoriH for the past few days hud been euilrely unexpected nnd have correspondingly re­duced the deticlt for the flncul year, thus |«r It being cut lo $&,IS0.643 A 'free haJarice" of Hpproxln-iately $Ta,00o,0W) th«is exists In the voulls

* • ■The aninml repori of the American

Locomolls*e Company for the llscal year ended June 30 hi

TRENTON, Aug. 31,—Articles of incor- poralloo wore ftJvd In the office o f the s«C‘ ixiary o f Slate by the following concemi yesterday:

Fruhling Suction Dredge Company; reg isterttfd office, Jersey City: agent, Cor- puruilon Truit Company; capllul stock, f -OCKi.fiOO, Ineorpuruiors, John Rcid, Adciph J. Mlcluiel end Sidney E. Wrigbt. Tlis rompeny Iv to conduct a contracting huslni'M,■Nfttlorirtl Jouivm! Lubricator Company;

registered oflicp. East Orange: agent. New Jersey Registration and Trust Com- pf<hy; ciipUnl stock. 110.000. Innirporu- tors, r . R. noemlster, Frank C. Fergu- »*>n and 11. Hmlth, The emopan> lb 10 muiuifncture machine oils.

Moumeulli Cnuniy Agriculture Fair Ab- s'lciutloii; registered office, Red Bank; agent. Edward W. Wise; capital mock. Ilu.Ono. Incorporntora, Thomas J. O’Doiio- hue, Edwin Field and T7dward W, Wit<. TJie rompany Is to conduct fairs and cx- hlbilionr.

Transfer Reniiy Cftimpaiiy; reglatered office. West* llobokeu; agent. Theodore sMendels; capltat stork. $S0,<.K«. Incorpora- ’ '►rg. Valentine tlcrner, Charles Ilenier find ThftOdore Mendele. The company le to deni In real estaie.

Vnlon Cloihlog (Toinpnny; regietered office. Newark; agent. Blmon Doorkli*; (Mpit.il Bto(k, $E9,fHV>. InnorpoTMiora. Sb nion Doorkln, Meyer Krnuner nnd Morris Greenberg. The company is to manufac­ture dothtng.

The American BoUk Seal Company; registered'offloo. Jersey CUy; agent. Rfg- ietrar and Transfer Company: capitalstock. tSoO.OiXi. Incorporaiort, Fraitklln Vre-land. Richard F. Tully and CornelluB A. Cok. The company is io muTJufaclurc bottles.

The Continental Amusenionl Compuny; regiiUered office. Jersey City; agent. Will­iam D. Kelly; capital slock. $36,W . In­corporators, W'rUpf L. Hutehineon, Will­iam D. Kelly and Charlee C. Kelly. The company Is to operate merry-go-rounds.

Ueaaona fo r Meoratary C »rl«lr<iP 's R olley o f koeraoy in il«g n rd

to T licni.NEW YORK. Aug. 31,—The Treesury

L>«. p.n’irneiu nude subitanllal d9*p<jtilis yvh- tei'lay In some of the New York banks end further deia.>alts were made to-dsy. Thc0i- and a few others p4aced previously cimstJUKe the bulk uf the depotits on till- flint week of the operation of Secre- l«r>- t'orifllyou's new pulley. In accord­ance with om> nf the terms of this pol» icy. no informatlois of the amount of the de|ioHiis and (he manner of their distrl- buti'iri was nbtalnabJe, either fn^m Ihe HU’ liorlilefl B( Washington or the sub- tie.i-.ury officials in this city. The amount Wii.s LMtlmaied by a banker lo be In ex- ce»}< --f IH.OUO.OOO.

Momi of these drii( deposits under 8ec- relary Cortetyou's plan go to the mercan­tile banks of New Vnrk.

aeitf-mry Corudymi’s jirime teasons for seeiecy in regard lo the distribution and amount of uie deposits were desires that tliey should not upset the foreign exchange by bringing about a sudden ex* port movement of gold and that no ops should assume a feeling of speculative oplltjUsni or desire for businees expansion tweauie of the deposits. Ht has given fair noilce that the depnsiis would be placed in the localities where, according to the bi‘it information he could obtain, they would be moat needed. Directly or iDdifecrty, it Is believed, a great part of (he deposits In the next few weeks will get to Ihe Interior.


And French Line W ill Make No Further R u ctio n in First

Cabin Rates,


IMMUNITY FOR ALTON.Said that Ihe A tlorn eg-G eaerw l Haa

lletiched m D ecision In Ihe Hntter,

Spectai Ditpatrh tn the EVBNIKG NEWS.WASniNGTON, Aug. 31.- I l Is under­

stood here that Atlorney-Gcneral Bona­parte hfta reached a derision to the effect that the Chicago and Alton Railroad earned Itlgpromised immunUy by furnish^ ing evidence for the government In the Standard Oil case at Ohiengn, and that the road wUl not now be prosecuted.

It Is expected (hat the formal decision will be announced next week.

Bisealt Cam pany A ssigns.NEW YORK. Aug. 31.—The Manhaltuii

Biscuit Company, manufacturers of crack­ers. ut 'M Greenwich gtreet. which had been looked upon by the trade as u rlVsil of the National BiscuU Company, m&Ue an nselgmnonl yesterday lo Albert 2s. Crow. George H. Mallnry. attorney lor Gie as' lRDee, atirlbmca the failure (>i contraction of cretlh, d\w lo unentlud ftnariclal conditions. The c^unpany was in­corporated In New Jpraey on Septemher ]i, IK-D. with a capllnl glock of Iian.no'i wUilch was paid in. Tlie rent coiiHieted uf lUe good wtl! of two Pliilu delphia baiting companies. The factoiy tuul elte in Greenwich street are siihi i hove I'osi 1100.000. Agencien were estab- liahed fn New Jersey. Maryland. Georgia, FloihJ.Ti. North (^arollnfi and Porto Rico. The offli’ern of ihe compHny ure Frederi-.k W. Hroiiker,jpre^thlem. and W*. H. Bcdcei. accrclary. Tltc company's atatemmi ou January 1 showed aaseta of flfiG.Ono and jluhllllipR of $V),noo. Mr. Mallory was lUi- ablc lo give the present figures. Prr-&1- deiit Brooker .' Hld Inst night that he hi- lleved Ihe assets would he about $1j:0,OlO and the li,abilities about I6(L000. The co.a o f raw niaUulal hud jumped of late, and In the present money famine the company had found It difficult to renew its notc.i. Thewe; Mr, Brooker eaid, were the rcaaotij for the asalgnment.

NEW' YORk. Aug, 31.—The Interna­tional Mercantile Murine Company, con­trolling the White Star, Ameriean, Red

j Star, Atlantic Transport, Dominion and Leyland lines, has deeldod not to cut the tmuBallantlc puHsenger rates. This decis­ion was reached after a eonferenca yes- tsfday. Vice-President John Les, of the company, said; “ We have decided not to cut rates. Of what use would It b»T Ws would not f i t any more trade thereby.*

The French Line also has decided not to make any further redaction to Ita previ­ous cut on the minimum first enbin rates. An official of the cumpany said; “ Ws have decided not to make nny further reduction In the rates. Our position will remain unchanged until the other lines take more decided action. The cut by the German LEne on the Afediterranean trade ch>es not affect ua, Inasmuch aa we are not In that oervlce."

The Cunard Line, independent of the others, has not yet made a reduction hi first cabin rates, and locni agents give no inkling ae to the policy which will bt adrjpted, except that it will be decisive In any case.

The action of the International puts a different complexion un the present dis­agreement, and makes the line o f demar­cation around the German Unas all the more marked, especially as the North German Dloyh has met the cut by Inv Hamburg people by a jilmllar reductiui; In their UedUerranean serviee.

At the nfflee of the Hsmburg-Amerlcau Line yesterday It was said that the nt .v schedule of rates to the Mediterranean ports was not yet ready in detail, but that It would Involve reductions In first cabin passage o f from |5 to |l&, according to iht vesjsel. The new rates will go Into vRevl with the salting of the Mollkc on Sep­tember 3.

According to announcement, the redut lion has been oniered to equalize ilta northern ami nouthern relies since ihe cu' In the formt-r. which le only another way

yJng limt the 8cope of the rate wur has hcea broadened.

IV(> A dvertlaeiiients on FtelK ht (HrasNEW VOHiC, Aug. ."l.'-In uccordance

wlUi liie recetit ai'lLun u[ the Amerhati Railway Aasoclation nnd the Master i ’ ar BuitdfTH’ AaN04-laMon. the PennBylvatila HalJroad Company has notified Ks agents Hint beginning September I the placing of advertisements nn freight cars of luiliond ownership will be proliibllcd. Adverllsc- inents also will he reinoved t'roin ah cars received from connecting lines, ami the latter wlU be btlh d a stated charge for their removal. This hjin on adverllaemenia tached or paatetl on cars, li expected lo result in mare piglilly equipment.

Only ronalwlKp f.lnes In volved ,NEW YORK. Aug. 31.-It la aald that ihe

dcninmls of the marine engliteera only in- vnlve conetwl.se steamship companies. Representatives of these companies Hay the demands have not yet been presentcff.

----------------- -J■ T H E =

National Newark Banking Co.756 BROAD STREET.


K E S O C M C E S kO ciu iift i.oasB .................. ............................ ..Laax* Baft D ls r o n n ls . . . ........................... .. 81.710.32:1 36

4.14TJI8T 1.TV. ■. B oxds (o s c H r e c lre a la llo B .........Itoeks, le ea r lllF * , F «r V alae.........*•••••# A s e a ta ............................

•tfter ................................................... 670,101 ITCas^h aa d C ai^ I t a n s ...........A............................. B4>N,Tnt (u|

reslO. ■ . . . . ......... 3JMH) W670.101 IT

*6,807,010 :4i) tlO,<H)4) (H)am,300 oo

K cil«a i»tlaB r « a O Treasar«;iB a o k l . . H o . . . .........................................................~ ..........S i

Capital a to c if ............L IA B I1 .IT IE S .

09,106,1111 9U

•1,000,006 OO63*.973 03

C lrca la tlaa O atataB O Ias.. . . D iT lO .a ii. C n p a lo . . ..............O r p o il l . , lo d lv IO a a l. . . . . . .D cpaslts, B aak a ................. .. 00,4169,901 OO

1,049,948 03

81.039.973 o:i 49jmO 4)0


6J608.T40 O.S•9,190,118 SO

W e In v ite p a a r attaatlaa ta thte fta taataat, anO after son aar serv lcee , p r o a le ia o la Ihaie w ha favae aa ir ltk tha lr aceanata ev err a tten tla a aaft la rllltp eaBsIsteat w ith poaO h a a k la o .

D, H. MERRITT, President.H. BALDWIN, VlM-PreiUrat. H. W. TUNIS, Cashier.

b d w a i i d l . D O H iisa ,SAmiBIs i* DBIVNIl. MATTHElW T. GAY.Y F S S f i 2 l® 'i l " 0 ® lV i l ! l l , DAVID M, MBRRITT,JA M B i C. McOONAlsD, JAIUDi I HIG5IB.HORACE T. BRtrHLvVs C. S S w i^ l YOriJSJAMES P. DVVElfBEIIRYs ALRERT H. BALDWIN.JOMII Os H. P lfa W iZ W YK a" T D. VAM M RPOOl..


I Essex County National Bank,753 BROAD ST., NEWARK.

Plan KJne P ark fur Dayonur.BAVONNK, Aug- 31.—A commiailoi), of

which E. F. Belchhelm Ir prealdent. has acquired, on behalf of the city, about thirty aercR In the upper part of the dty, with a frontage on Newark liay of about LJGO feet, for use aa a public park. Bu' Sldei affording an oulluuk on the water, it will provlda facIlUieB for bathing, boat­ing and flihing, features not often In- cJudF d In the reauurce^ of a public park. Colonel John Y. Culyer, landaoitpc archl- tscl, of New York, has been selected to » prepare a design for the park. The plans \ Wih include a quarter-mile running track, two baseball fields and tennis courtH.

CITY AUVERTtBEMENTfl.NttTlCi: Ol*' INTKKTION—Roird of Street and

Water rummlRslonerB.FursuHm to R remolnttoT) Rdopted by ihe

Itoard r-f Street and Water CnmcnlMloitere of the olt)' of Newaik, el a meetitig held tJie iwemy nlnth day of Auguei, ItXiT, and ap­proved liy ilie Mayor of the city of Newark op ihp thirtieth day Of August, IHOT. ptihlla noiirp ill hereby given that U le the Intenuon of the Bk ani of Street and Water CoiPtnlHiioTi. era of the city of Newark, under and by virlus of provlaiona of the act entitled "An acl, lo re- vibv HPd ameoU the charter of the city of Newark." approved March 11, IkbT. and the Fup|dementi thereto, and the aot creating the hnard of Btreet sad Water UommlMloneiH of ttiH Hiy of Newark, approved March 2S, IHyl, Btid < Iher public laws of the State of New Jer- hey, to order and cause the conitructlon of the following pipe Mewerst A main pipe sewer ia

NORTH TBNTH SSTHEET, fil'orn I’heiter avenue tt> Third avenue, the part

lat xhowrt an inbrvuKe from (’healer nvenile 10 Abifigtoii avemfe to D*in gross earnings of Ifi.iki7.ffl0, wWnhcaino not alone from the demand for locomo­tives from Ihs railroad pnrnpnnles l ernvvt ths curiailmont' o f expenditures anHin-il, but also from the demaml for Btvitia flhavelB. dredges, trucks for eleoidc nfr- vice, ctf. Nearly all this gsiin In gros's, howewr. whx wiped out by the rttpan- pU»n hi operating expenaefi of So.fi.iLi.Mlu. due to tho tdgher cost of labor, ni:iti“flal. etc., which reduced the Incrcafle In int earnliigN tn tSiLS.titlO. NotwlHisiandlng thl.H the ooinpiiny paid out JflTT.riiKj nior*: to common Plockholdcrs than In ihn pr-- vlniis year, ur nViout three tinvw a-t nnicii UR the gain In net earnings

was a decreaep hi bain..... uf 5’StKi;. There wns a final surphiH of 2UT. making the total $7,{W3,.Vw.* ft •

■I'hendore H. Price mad** public yester­day his esUmnie of the cuttnn crop of

I the present shuhop. which he puts at Iff,- OUlOfHi bales, ns compared wlih the r<n- sufl faureau'g hgureH of 13. ar»,iK<J bales.


endeavor to acquaint our­selves with the needs of our patrons, and to meet these needs in a liberal way.

C ^ c x p l t c s l ..................... a i l , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0M A A rp lu a i..............r s e p o a l t i B ........... 0 , S 0 7 , S a 7 . - a o



F. B. ADAMS, Vlce.Pm. A. F. R. MARTIN, Costlier.



TH URSD AY, AU G U ST 22, 1907.R E S O V R C E B .

LOANS, DISCOUNTS AND INVESTMENTS.................................... *10 300*32 43REAL ESTATE.................................................... 'sooiasvooU, S. B O N D S..,-........................................................................................ 23SOWOODUE FROM BANKS................................................................................ 67* *53 »CASH AND RESERVE.......................................................................... 1,579[429 46

To<«l ........................................................................................................ *13,091,516 71L I A B I L I T I E S .

CAPITAL STOCK................. ................................................................... * 1,500,000 00SURPLUS FUND.................................................................................... . 1,600 000 00UNDIVIDED P R O F IT S ,....................................................................... 639 979 59NATIONAL SANK NOTES OUTSTANDINQ..................................... 236 000 00D t e DEPOSITORS........................................................... *8,693,251 65DUE TO BANKS................................................................. *499,284 57 *9,191,636 12U. S. BOND ACCOUNT................................................................................ 26;ooo 00

........................................ *13,091,619 71


LESLIE D. WARD, Vlse-Pr*ildent. UZAL H. McCARTER, Vice-President. ARCHIBALD W. CONKLIN, Cashier. ALBERT HAEFELI, Asa't Cashier,

ERWIN D. FARNSWORTH. Assistant Caahler.

M er c h an ts 'N a t io n a l Ba n k7 7 0 BROAD 5TRFRT

FXPERIENCEbeats T H E O R Y e v e r y time., Y ou r v a lu a b le s w h e n d e ­p o s ite d in ou r v a u lts are there w h e n y o u w a n t th em .

I T S y I O U R C om m ercia l D ep a rtm en t w e pay S 1 I p © j r o e n t * in terest on $ 50 0 and ov er .

" O F F I C E R S . =JOKM H. RIKEX PmiitiiL

M l S. TREAT, V-Pm. inN CiiMtr. ARTHIR L PHIILIPS, Atsiil Cuhiir. WM. C. MORTOH, i«N«rint«iKl«irt tl ViuHi.

BOARD OP DIRBOTORBD «W ltt Cofftk* H »rrr P v i ’andi T h «o . il. Gwrth, Wnt. B. Gwlnnell* Bdtvard K anouxe,

:»c r r lt l C. PerkltM . A irlatt R lbcr*JoB«ph H. Elbar* JnlluM S. RlBpelr EdmQud Ee B«rgCBAt«

Joxepli Ot Sporr*Jmj I . TreatyW m t W . T rlm pl, E dw ard T- Ward* J. B. W ooU »F i





Notice li liPTi'tiy given Hint an BBBMBmehl upi>n ail the ownern of oil the landp and lent rntxte periiltarly hnneflted hy each of the fol Icwing linprovitictUB. namely; The pxvln <»f

IlllsUSiDE AVENUEfppm Alpine Btreet lo Rigelow atreet, acc<n-d

hfte«n (15) Inch pipe, from Ahingion avenue lo Second avenue iwelvo (12) Ihch pipe and from Seronil avenue to Third avenua le»i 1 10> Juch ph>#. together with the following branch sewert: Twelve iV2) inch pipe iiewora In

DET.,AVAN AVENTR,from North Tenth atreei lo North Eleventh atreel^ In

NORTH ELEVENTH BTREET. from pelavan avenue in Lawrence atreei, and In

RU.K>MFIEU> AVENMIE. from North Tenlh otreet tn North Eteven-h fiUeet. ten 110) Inch pipe Bewers on both aUlei of [

RIsOOMriET.n AVENUE, beiM-een North Bevemli etreei ami North Tenth • Rtreei and botM-ecn North FXeventh atreet nnu \ North TIsIrteeimb eieecl; In J

UI1M .1 , FiRHT a v k n t :e .i« >1 I North Temh Btreet to N< rth TWrIfth.AS n iLMiitt I

I BKCH'tNn a v e n v e ., frem North T*-ntli elreet tn North Thirteenth

street, and vli^ht i.Sj liuh pliie M>werB in SEPOND AYKNI’E,

front KnBet'illc avenue tu North Tenth atreet. THIRD AVENITE.

from BftflevIM** avenue to North TwAlfth iireei;‘ FE(-K AVENI'K,

Tram Beoond n\enun lo Ttilrd avenua;NORTH NINTH STREET,

from Third atenuc to Newhold atreei;NORTH KIsRIN’ENTH STREET,

between Newbrdd atreet and a point about 200 feel north of Finn H\enue; aloo be|w«en Chea­ter avenue and I.*wranic* street;

sNORTH TWELFTH BTREET, between Firet Rvenue and Third aveiiua, and

NORTH THIRTEENTH BTREKT. from Decond av**nae for a dlaiancw o f about xhHi feet Boutherly, together with all tha appur- tettancea neocMary to complete ibe BOm*.

These aewera to be cortjtrucled with houia connecMona to the curb llnea In accordance

German Savings Bank,772 BROAD S TR EET .

A ssetS i O ver $ 4 ,7 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 03 1 Depooita over fA up to 11,000 draw intereat at the rate ot OH per |

I.., cent, per niuiuiD, rinj all tlepoaltA abore $1,000 at the rat^ol^i 7 percent, per annum. PepoeltR mwle the flrat three daya of any ^ O * mcmih draw intereat from the flrat of that mouth. •

M'lth (he prnvielona of chapter llYJ of th« |;tu(e lawB of INDfi, and to be Use l for houoB eewageIng to the provlaloiiR nf an ordinance of th* only. earturuW all roof and aurfnee watir

clly of bewurk. #ntilk*d An ordiTiaDce t4» The ntiove dpacHbeii aewera tn be known iprovide fnr Ihc i>«vlng ofmU.BIDE AVENUE.

from Alpine street loRlgelow Btreet/' appi^wii July L'l. inoT. ihe pa\lnK of

NAIRN PLACE.fnun clitiUm avenue to WUUngtun avonue, »c

I The Blmve deacribed aewers to be known and ' fieiMgrirueil' ae


jnSRE'II ISEVDl'im . Vlec-Prrsldcul. J4I1IK FISCHER, SFcretsrr-W IM .IAM O. T R A rT W B tS. TrM sarer.



4«04^bJDO %

m 140aso

440 450w 400l«l 103

WIJ_W YORK, Au*. 31,—Arrived. steairiLr Ksw 'Toslt from'Sauthampton and Ch*r- bouni.

ftstV oM isilcal B T fU ls-T fr.iitoht ■■0 T ».m «rro w H oralao.

Moon r is« , M. a B»e a dayx A. D.,m s, new atar (Uswverea Jn gitat nebula «r ftaftromcOa b*- Ilartwto, u( G«nosn5 ailfiSSit. 343 days a( tbe y ^ r p a « ? m t.- f(lI*S9*. ______


Buch iiemona an may object thertlo are re- j <4Ueai(>il to jjieneni thalr oliJeotUma In writing ;

J,.,... , ihe clerk of this ljuard. at the office of the •wording hj the pruvjBinns of «>i nrdlaanve of i tlnurd of Bireet and %'ater rommlealnnera, rlly \, tbe clly of Newark. eiHhled An ntv||nnnc« *o \ h^n Mowark, m or before the explratlan of i

tiTfivlde for Ihe iwvU'g uf , day* from the date of. ihii nolloi. 1NAIRN I L.A< E. , yy dti^cUon of the Board «f Btr#el Btid

rrom nintoT4 avenue to Mnilnaiiiti avenue. > Water CummleBloncra of the city of Newark. 1 approved ih« of , ^ gHERnERD. !

• Bh-A*. Il BTREF^- : Chief i^nglnccrfrom Mulberry stn-.t (n Or. durd itrert, sc- I Newsrk, N. J., AttguH aC 1(81t! ' 1c*Uiilng to ihc pruvlulonB of an ortllnarpjv o f ; ---------------------------- ----- ----— ———.— . |the city of Newark, entllled “ An ordhiiinc to ' CrI''F‘I(?g uf the chief engineer of tha Beard ;provide for the repaving of I of Stfeei and Water Comnilaflonara of theIlIit.VCH BTREET, | city of Newark~N'>i1ca.from Mulberry street to Orchard Klreft,” up- i The Imal ♦•atimalea for th« following con- proved .July 1.1. ItlflT: the repat lnR of \ tracta will be prefonind to the LkMtrd of Stroci ;

f!AMPnElaTs STREET I and Water L'ofnmlaalotiiera of the city of Kew- Ifv<Tn WaahlnKlon atrret to Plane sireei, ac- I ark. for arceptAnce oh Thur^ay. Soptamber l c'Tdlng to lh*2 prcivInWitia' of an nr/dnanca of I iW '. ai K PxVIng ofthe eUy nf Newark, entitled “ An (jfdlriance to L . TENTRAL AVUStfUE, |prr>vl4e fOT the repaving of ' i <>otn High of i

CAMPllKU; aTRKKT, 1 „ ® « . ‘from Waahtnglfin atreei tn Plane etreet.** ap> J Ha.nburg place to Ihasaala Rlvar; ra- .proved July IX iWtiT. has been prepared by Ihe I idTnirBMrunderaiomed commUielonera, appointed by the > , „ s* *__ * 'Mayor nf the city nf Newark, nnd that a report i f; atmts con- jby a certificate m M-rltlng. with an accompany- : ‘ trucUan of .j, \Ibi mari and schedule, abowing the aaverol - _o nVc^rit ftmirhi. i tb- uat«ea«n»ntj against the aevetal owners pe- ? ilfuulLarly benefited a« aforwald, has been de- ^S'N wSk ^^ parties m- airuutlon Of a publio aewai- in lereeted iharein, ROSE HTRPKT

Bald aJtaeeatnent oontprloeB al) lota, tracts \ i,Dttvjieii ttelEnoint avenue Btict rfiaiiK'iisV and percBla of land and ml-eatatc lltMe j nua. and construcHon of Stuyvriaat avauuebe Bteefiiifd •« afr.retaid, lying tjn both — -* *------ - '



The Mutual BenefitLife Insurance Company has established a reputa­tion. People believe the company to be honestly and economicalli/ managed and they believe that it furnishes its members with the most liberal pro­tection at the lowest pos­sible cost. Day &Cornish, General Agents, Union Building.

EISELE & KING■aasftftn •* *ha Mew T w k u i v C lT o io lp U * M ask ■xatiBSVo*.

T I7 -7 6 I n u t I7 U E 7O O H im BAIIK.

Ikv Jenty SeorltiiBS i SpecUIlf Mwet W m 9 to ita Priad,ol


Federal Trust Co.747 BROAD 8T.

O U R BUSIN ESS G R O W THis probably ejae to the fact that It Is pretty well known that we. do banking business the right way.

ON ALL BALANCES OF $100 OR^ t O o v e r , s u b j e c t t o c h e c k .


JOSEPH M . BYRNE and WINTON C GARRISON, Yice-Presideuts.JOHN ¥ . CROOKS, S ecretary and Treasurer.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EDWARD F. MAGUIRE, Trust O fficer.DIRECTORS.

Jint** Smith Jr., Louis PIsut, wlnton C, Osrrfson,Josmih Byrns, Hsmilton F. Kssn, Wllllsm H. Ksllner,Pstsr Hsuck Jr„ QattfrM Krumtr, Chsstsr R, Hosa,J lm si Smith, Robsrtson 9. Wsrtf, Aufustu* ft, Knlaht,

Wllliim S. Oumoidra. ^

fCaUbllghed ISaits

Mir4;nPttOKS OfSHATIKa COUPANY,• N«w Agfxtt SS. UJ07.Tfit faogrd direciora lixva thl| day dat.larA*l

: fr<uB an aaptlwga tiia iwnftii rogujar mca-nrd'JvMlIii « f CD* ^ ecdl. oq Um paru >ftlv« f 0 par con, par inoiim ox par, pamliln

^ atbckkoldaill cf ISAAC THA|tlfAKs Ttwanror,

141 SroadiraTs |bi|r York CHg.

frem Alplpa atroat tn Blfrelpw strwt: an both a) del of

NAIRN PIACE.from Cllnlnti avenw to Mllllnginn av»Bue; cn both aide* of

BE5ACH FTR15ET.from MuIbeiTy nroet to Orchard atraar; cn both aldea of

CAMPBEIiL STREET.* frtim Waahingtoi atrert to Plana atrcft.

A “ lot'' raprtarntff an «ntira pUt of land. whHher Uima or anialL

All pefoona Intemted Id »%id antaam^nt may b« hoard befora ntd c^miialDnant, on VVhtay, ihF aigth daj* of Saplemhrr. IfWT, it i P. Si,, and nn aatiirday. »«plamheT T. at 10

. M.. at the cnmmliNiIcnerR' ronm, No. 4 ti*'lrd floor), city hall,

liaud Auiruat «l. 1B0T.WrtsUAM H- v a n mKRtTINB. W fJXiyff VON KATZLlSIt.Ut O. MatKs

. ; OpBamioioaoM.

<5nride*, of oower and branchpa:

AM obJeTctiina to ihe payment of aald aatf raataa muat be fU«d with me. in wrIKng. or beliura Thuriday. Boptember S, ifliAL at o'clock P. M.

Dkt«d Auguat 2P. ITthT.MORRIS R.

___________ _______ ChMf BprinefeT.

Post & Flagg Ugnibori of tb« Niw YorlfUtooX


IPI'BfsIC NOTirfB la foitowing pn>po^ ordtnancea . ^

tmd -roidlng. and tct*rr ordorad, to g' raird I rending, at a meeting of th* Board of Btf'ct xml Water Ccinmiulcner* held AUguxt ]fi071An crdlnance If' open and alter

RU.VTON BTRNBT>from rhadwlek ivomue to Bivniour 4 vtnue- aa ordlBonce to gride, curb and Dog

RYTNTON BTRRET.from Jobaten aranue to Oabrraa torFoce.

A. R, DBKHAN,Prtaiderrt of the Board of Strict t&d W*Ur

Comatoitantn. t>.\ WM. B. ORSATUBAOs

C M 0( t)M BomC.

38 W»H Street, New York.

j Branch OKice; 7 7 4 B ro id S Li KkW ARK. M. f.

ALFRED L DENNIS, Resident P a rtner. ^

VM SCHAICK ft CO.,7 W nll Street, B en Toxk.

OfMoS!* 785 Srosd Street,W IlM au r . H ath. Hev. T ela. 39DU.


F .a STONE ft 00.TI4 U W U n „ K W M Il, S . J.

COMMISSION STOCK BROKERSUrdus Kxssaud. tor (,'asb or

CatHSd OB Blxr^lnFitiKITriOHAL. i.OTS A s p b c i a i .t Y.

'rhoBC I3US. 9TOCKS. OHAI!l.

S prinofield Av e . H igh S t

MANY LARGEDepositor* tre usliif our liiysstmwt tap^m snt oti w?eduat of the Interest . JS Lper cent Interest In oor Investment Dspsrtment,

In OUT Buslnete Dspsrtmsnt we pM S per cent. Interest «> balances ol ilOtt or ovtr «n(f credit seme

Investment Department open Monday Kvenln** from 7 to J.

o F r i c B n * !rB K D B n iC K w . DAVli. Peestden*.

P “ d IBPFE iS a ™ . * - V loe-Pees."• AeeiM CoHRT*. MCHARLEM T. CBAMPIOY, TreBBarer.

TBLKPIlUsNE IB7i»4Local investment Securities.

Soiirln, SteUinaii &

INSURKNCE CQNTRtCTORS,' .781 Btoti Shnt. Ntwark, N. J

C.O. MILLERd c .u .e r .


rsBcdoBBi Lo(. ■ speviais.-.


TH.BFH01IE 46ft.

AN_„ _ HUSTHI1 A CRArtK IlAViS'UBMOVp.fi XO inWANK *7.. ’ J,;

em ivs iv >1X1011.


DsiK its i l ttehYgitRHitDepartiiMirtMide o u rB if ir Sfi^t. 8tk, Brew fnUrett fren lep t. 1 st

We Pay 3^^oF»JB?c M p j « t > A V » V R n r t s « G i n .


N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . S A T C T R D A T , A i f e u S T 3 1 . 1 9 0 7 . 13 3]

BUILDERS BUSYO N ALTm ilO N S^Permits Issued This Week Call

for Estimated Outlay of $97,042.


Forty-fSvo permits ware granlad by tji«» Department of Buildings dartnts the week ending yesterday, AlthuuKh ttilA wne nineteen mofe thdtl the procpitlng week, most o f the work consL^ted of attprulions, the total cost being $97.fJ4J. or 12.701 kas than that of the previou.i week. The p^r- lutts are:

First Ward-72 Biiniel street, George tl, Frits, owner, bri^k store and wagon Shed, two stories; estimuted cost, 12,000. 72 Bur> net street, George H. P'llts, owner, framo shed, one story; ealimated cost, tl27. B7 Washington sim-i. Peter Hituck Jr., own­er, alterations; estlmaled coHt, tGoil.

Second Witnl—113 Morkol Rlreet, E. Tlghe & Co., owner; niterntlons; e.ill- mated cost, |iri(L 4'J Market street, Plnllp L«owy, owner, brick Rlorn. on»* story. tsLi* mated cost, J46f». 464 Wusliington HtrtetJtfax Weinberg, owner, alterations; <stl- xiSftted cost.'Third Ward—35 Prince street. J. Flnkla-

at«lni owner, Htieratlons; esUmaied cost, SlOO. 137 SpiiiiKfleld avenue. M. Kesky, owner, alterutlnns: estlnnued com, |l^- £i8 Belmont tivemie, John Cruppse, owner, frame, stable and stied, one story; esti­mated cost. two. 122 Badger avenuu. Charles Zl22o, owner, framu slaH«, two eturies; esitmated cost, iKOf.

Fourth Ward-l8S Market street. Sall.i- bury A Jacobsen, owners, alteralions: es­timated cast, 1200.

Fifth Ward-30 Monroe street. Carmine Vendetle, owner, n Herat Ions; esilmaicd coat, llOO. 238 Ferry street. M, Hmw.i, owner, frame office, one story; eaumated boat, 1340.

Sixth Ward-lS»8-a02 8omh Tenth stree*. Lowla & Hnrhlln, owners, two frame dweUlnga, three alorlea; pstiinaied cost, 111.000.

Seventh Ward—Wnrren mid Norfolk streets, Mortimer HarrlM<iu. owner, alter­ations; estimated cost, j2,<ioiJ. 24-38 Hart­ford street, Dnnlel hobU-. ownei’, brick Btahte, two Blofles; eHilmuird cost, $3,000.

^ Hartford street, Daniel 1/Oble. awn^r, * ra m e shed, one siory; e.stimuled oust.

1500, 18-22 Dey sireel, nainbiirg (7nrdnvan Ii«ather Company, owiot, brlrk sKirage htnise and factors’, (wo Htorlos; estimated cost, $9,000.

KIghtli Ward —F'as>»air street, Toniklns Bros., ownpiM. alipraljons. eHllnialeti cost, $200, 320 Wondshie a\eiiia', Harriett Mo-Kewen, owner, fraiiip ilwclllng. two and «ne-hftlf fllnrli’f*: eHlImaied I’osl, |4.ai0. iT75 Summer avenue. C. K VnungH. ciwaor. fram e dw»*illnK: estimated eosi. <5HM (. Prospect in’eruie, Ttoherl FI Hnnei’, owner, brick itweilliiK. iwo sloripR, esH- mated cost, $4,2t!0. f^arker street, Au­gust Nordllng, owner, rrame dwelliriK, iwo and on c 'h o lf slorlcB; e.^ihnated eost, 14,'OO.

Ninth Ward—331 Hlllsklo avenue, yaw- thome Construction Co., owner, fruiue dwelling, Iwo-Hiid-nne-hair slnilis; moled cofH, $3,ij<t0. 32H32!i Hillside nverme. John H. Mc’Keon. owner, frame dwelling, two-and-one-half stories; ustlniaind cast, $3,000.

Tenth Ward—23S Oliver street, Gustano Forturiato. owner, allcr-'idons; estlmaied cost, $1,200. 1324 South street, Ur. Mit­chell, owner, alterations, estimated coat, $1^. 222 Murray etreet. Andrew McDer­mott, owner, aUeratlone; estimated cost, $206.

Eleventh Ward—289 North Seventh street, E, B. Ganton, owner, alterations, estimated coat, $150. Morris avenue, Mrs. M. Conelly, owner, Rlteratlons; esti­mated cost, $1 0.

Twelfth Ward—LfOckwood street (near cantti), Central Foundry trompany, own­ers, alterations; estimated coat, $400. 44 Bowery street. Alliance liPvestroent Com­pany, owner, qIterations; estimated cost, 150$.

Thirteenth Ward—671-573 South Sixteenth street Kreautee & Co., owners, frame shop, one story; eatlmated cost $3,400.

Fourteenth Ward—353-354 South Seventh street, Charles Lobel, owner, two frame dwellings, three stories; estimated cost, $12,000; 219 Bergen street. Andrea Bel- fluma, owner, aUeratlons; estimated coat, IlSO; 287 Bergen street, D. Becker, owner,

I alterations; catlmatod coat. $1,800. 40S Flf- 'teenth avenue. Henry Berk man, owner, alterations; estimated cost, $800. 410 Flf-

; teeth avenue, Henry Berktnun, owner, al- jteraUons: estimated cost, $150. j. Fifteenth Ward—148 Mt. Prospect av«- ; hue, N. Kiseolo, owner, alterations; esti­m ated cost. $300.

Sixteenth Ward—266 Waverly avenue, Frank A, Weber, owner, frame dwelling.

I three stories; estimated cost, $6,000. 48 I Ingraham pi., Christian F. Sinn, owner, frame garage, one story; estimated cost. $1M. 926 South Nineteenth street, Valen­tine Helsel, owner, alterations: patlmated cnat, $300. 278 Waverly avenue. TlllleNewatadt. owner, frame dwelling, three stories; estimated cost, $6,000. 784 South Seventeenth street, Mllone Construction Company, owner, frame dwelling, two a.nd one-half stories; estimated cost, $4,000. SI W'lnans avenue, Christian Blschoff, owner. Crime dwelling, three

asttenated cost, $4,000.

F M T Y T B u i i T n n u n ^ u yi i i o t f t v V m i ; ^ i

PA VCi n To ^ 2/0 DEPOSITS in Hs* Savings D eiurtiiient, nnJ withotit limitation as to

------------- , . amount. Doiioslts made on orbefore the 5th day of September will draw Interest from the first.

The depositor is secured against loss by a Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits of over

l j j » 0 , O O O , O O O

Prudential Building, Newark, N. J.


Little Doing in Construction Work, but Contractors Look

for Revival Soon.


$4.0CkF; Christian BlsvtmlT, 81 Wlnanis ave­nue, one three-atury frama, $4,000; Joseph J. Messer, northpii.*! mrner Central ave­nue and Fifth strpei. one ihree-ttory brick $15,000.

Blltabeth—Ktistoln & Popeklh. 421 Court street, one throp-Piory frame, $7,000,

Jersey CHy-Jolwi Conway, east aide Eevsn street betwi-en 8i. Paul and Hvi— kins avenupfl. onr- Hiree-etory frame, $!0,- 000.

Bayonne JiiHpph and Msirie Kerner, norlhwppi corritT Broadway and West Thlrty-sevinth sireet. two three-siory frames, $1.i.oii0.

RE.4 I. RST.4TE THANiSFKH^.Tlie following dmJs were recorded In

Itie cnunly reglfller'a office yesterday;NFl V. siiiK .

Km esf Belltngrafh et iix to qiiate Conti et ux. w s Bergen st42Tt ft n fr Court ai, 2iixin2............... H

Charles RIps et ux to Henry J. Ruesch. cor e s North 6th at andn B Delavan av, 25x 140. . . , ................ 1

Frederick D, Fell n ux to Simon Duvia. w s Ml. Proepect av 476 ftn fr Elwond av, 2,5x130..................... 1

Frederick Brunner et ux lo George Beeakow el nx. c » Chadwick »v4fi0 ft p fr Bigelow st, 38x106........... 1

Peter Germanu et ux to Dura Pe- derakl, n h Tininglm«l at 446 ftw fr Osborne terrace, ISixlOO........... 1

Max A. Krii et ux to Peter ShcIiis w a Smith st 31 ft n fr lot No- 109on “ Demart-Pt Farm,” TfixliKi........... 1

GuMave achwerln et ux to Do- meiilco Lepf»re. ii w «* Monroe st 245 ft p w fr Downing at. iixiffi.... l

Minnie Knigei- ami hiipband to Ben­jamin Kgeih et al, e p liUSb Bt 125fi P fr Bank si 25xW........................ 1

Ilallable Biilld[i\g and to David*PrJnz. V s Mulberry pI 5U ft n frEmmet at 2iixl.tf>.................................. T

Elizabeth Meyerp tn Hurry M. Hyamp. w « BHmoni a\ '-inr Roessi. l3xlW> ......... 1

Caroline Mayer tu Harry M. ITyams. w !* Belmont av 13 I'l ii fr Hohp st.I'lxim . ........ 1

fkjphla M. Meyb'i tij Eugene P. I.e- cor V s IVakiUiiidn av and s s

May St. 2.'ivlilU................. 1John F. Cotindv el i,ix t«> l^Hilne Oa-

iiill e K N<'Wtoh si 375 ft n frBank Ht. ;i>sxl.M..................... 1

IZIlzalurth P'-vsT and tiiisbond (o Ad^\aiice IJullrilng Cunipany. » s BigeC

‘ low St UXi fl i‘ fr Jolmson nv. .TL'xlfH) 1 Qn*aier Newark Associates to Rob­

ert Krueiizlln et as. e s Stuy\’esaat av 1W ft n fr Dlndsley nv. 25xltS. . 3

IVIIliani H. (Jiirrln i l als to George Frirk Jr. et ux. w h S 4tli b( 3.50 ftH fr BiisspJt nv. rH)x!Hi........................ 3

West Hide Heal Kslate Company (n Abraham S< !nu liior i i als, e p TJ'’- Ingston St in„" ft n Ir 18th av. 38x100 1

Daniel H. Dariliaiii el ux to Arrilnda Gflsftor and hu^lamd. p a Vunder- pool st 160 ft r fr Krclingsuyiien av,2.1x 100 ..................................................... 3

O rT S iD E OF N EW ARK .James Daly fexr, etc) to Gerardo

BfiUnardo, Oi’unge. n Central as’185 ft w fr Jefferpun st, 30x144........

Alvin Harris et nx to CliiirJea W il­son, West Orarige, e .s' I'allev way

ft n fr Wilfred st. 40xi,*.i>...........Joseph Corso pt ux to Frank Cor.^o,

W est Orange, lot No. 647 W alchungHeights ................................... ..............

Edward C. Balch et ux to Clara K. Wellart, South Orange, n e s Baker M 120 ft fr e corner Everettpi, 60x 120. ................................................

W ilb er 'F . Baker et ux to Mary M. Marshall. East Orange, n « Essex st 186 ft n w fr Washlnglnn st.30x96 ........................................................

Investment Realty rom pany to Mary M. MarHlmlL East Orange, n R Essex hi 186 fl n w fr W ash­ington Bt. 30x96................. ....................

Lawrence P. Murphy ' lo lk>rare Vreeland. East Orange, e. s Green­wood av 451 fl H fr Park av. 90xh)0».

Augusta A. finer to Frank M. 'Van Idlstine, Livingston, e s Beaufort rd at large stone marked with across, 100x270................... .......... ...........

Oreylock Land Co. lo Minnie M. .dearie. Reljevllle. e s Maun atft s fr Greylock av. 25x 100...............

David B. Courier et uv to Mary Edwards, Irvington, w r Orange av n e cor land Miles Butler. 43x126 ...........................................................

Ro!>ert D. Rawson to Emma H.Pope. BIcrtjmfleld. e s Broad at cor n a land John W. Rawson, 29x270.. 1

Newark and East Orange Realty Co, to Elsie' C. Marlin, East Orange, e B North 18th st ffi ft n fr Parkav. 30x134................................................. I

Joseph MeNaily et ux to Essex County Park Commission, Bloom- fteld, fi 8 Glen wood av w cor landPatrick Cox, 70x 162................................. S.OOO

W atson W'hittlesey et ux to Agnaa D. Matthews, Weat Orangfw w n W'atson av 275 ft n e fr Chestnut St. 25x100.................................................. 1

B u ild ing and Loan A ssocia tion , n s 18th □V 200 f l w fr Bergen at, $8,000.

B en jam in Egeth et al ro M innie Kruger, e s Lush at 126 ft a fr R ank s t . $4<k<

C atharina W en trl uud htisbam l in Mel- rop4il|ljm Ilutldliig an d fiOan As5'i>i’latl«n, UdB 62 liiul 63 fa c in g un s w b JCdwhi pi. $6,fAi>.

D avid Prlnx et ux i«> FairmouiH Build­in g aiul i^onn Assoc-bitinn w b Mulberry Pt 50 ft a fr Emm**I m . $.1.n00.

n o b e r i D, Dawaon lo Emma H. pope, e B L ittleton av 129 fl n fr Hth av . $300.

M argaret M anning e i hIs (o Flriellty T ru st Cu., e « O rleans at 125 ft b fr N ew st, |:.500.

T h e (Jharles ButTmiglis Co. lo Jotm EttBlwnud, u » C oinm eri’o st, s e corner U nd Hubert P ivem u n , $i:4.:t5n,

Ihim cnlco Ix»pore c l ux to <7usiave S chw erin , n w « M onroe bI 245 ft s w fr D ow n in g pi. $1,600.

W olf Abram et ux lo lOih W ard Build­ing and I.onan A ssorh itlo ii. w s KhIrmuvmt nv 1X7 ft II fr 16th uv. iT-OOiJ.

.Mayer G oldstein et ux to lOlh Word Eiulldlng and l.naii ANsacialiim , w n Fair- m ount nv 1.5U ft II fr I6lh u v. $7,0iHt.

u h t h ih e o f N e w a r k .A ddle F ox And liuslKind to M ontclair

T ru st C'»mpuny, M ontclair, s s Cooper pi 275 ft p fr ( ‘ooper n v, $3,1100.

G erardo Hullnardu et ux to lleh -n s D. A ppleton, Orange, n s C entral nv | h5 ft w fr JefferPOM al. $l.J2fi.

Cliira E, W edert and huslnunl (o Ed' w ard C. B alsli. South Orungc. n e r Rak er s t 120 ft fr e cor R serett pi. $4,;fti6.

TiVdlii M. N ixon an d husband tu W lll- Drn T. lirow n. Hi>ulb O range, a h Spring- ficM iiv iW fl w'»fr V'ermant av. and sec- t'lid tr a d , $<300.

Fraiik M. Van Tdlplirie et ux ii» Otiurlos 11. Hrifriuiin, L iv ingston , i- n H eanfun id a t large sfnne n ia ik ic l w ith a c io - i , 100x270, $1,665,

N ew ark und E ast O piagi' H ealty c.'um- pany In AtJguPla Unffm an, F ast iin iiig e . e .Q N orth l''lh s i ffv ft n fr Park nv, S4.orm,

Favuline E x c ilz to l-’ied erlck F. GuMil (tru stee, e tch East O range, c » yum lfon l st H9 ft H fr HIkmIp Island nv. ll.oiX).

Nlnry E d w a n is and huflhatidi tu David It. C’u iiiier . Irsln g ln n , w h O iange av t» H Iniul M>'lea Hiitler, $.3.0X1.

Rcrihn U eyer and hiLS to E lla M Cn'»wpll. TrviUKTor. rnr w n G rove pt and « p A venue lerrace. $4.20(».

E ls ie M arlin nnd hu.c to Newuirk and East O range KeAltv Oo. Ea.“ i urnnge, e s .Vnriii E igb tee id h Pi 9*' ft ti fr I’a ik nv.

Susiiu S. VN’Id tlrn v re in Ada Hi raddling. Ensi O range, i-or w s lla ls tc d st afnl n s I'llfford st, $3,500,

John N. Iliii'‘'j rt iix tn F'lOtr-rnal II and L. M onteliilr. w s MIdlainl av 5l:Lft n fr (.'lu'Plnni st. $9,000

r.iiuls iJrf'ltenbaeh r\ nx lo Harbara P fu elb Trvingmt\. enr r a C llnlun av and W s W all »1. $4,0-X>.


LARGE FALLING OFF IN TENEMENT HOUSE WORK9lx permltfl were l*Bued by the State

Boarifl of Tenement-housa SupervlBlon diir<- tng ttia week ending yeaterday. These Ir.-

' vblVd an outlay of $35,000. This is a decrc;>A5 Of nearly $250,000 from laat week and la the ■mallest amount authorized, for building purposes In one week by the board this ygar» The cause o f the alump la givers

' Bfl Tack of money and people fielng away , OD Tacatlona. Last week there were ! twenty-thriee permits approved, which In- ivolved estimate aggregated at $295,- 000. The permltfl follow:

Newark—Edward Schneider Jr., 07 South Twelfth Street, one throe-story frame^


liinfiUicli to tffc .\/■.'IVfl,JEHSEV n T V . Aug, 31.- 'r i ie folluwing

<1ceds and nmrtg.tgex aPTHrlirig pi i ]verlv in We.st Ilud.sun wer e j‘i‘c»irded yc'^terdii.s ;

K HA R N Y CON \‘ K YA NCES.Town of Kearny by W\llianiJ»;r^gfin, cu;*

leeioi. to Kenniy liuiidlng nnd l>u;in As- soegiiitu'., u c cor I'f Stewnrt uv und Mur- n:\n p].,l*>0x !00. $1,600.

Riparian Cmnmis.Pionerp trr rnilerJ New Jersey Railroad and Cnnol Company, n s nf I'assule River 50 ft g fr New York Hay Railroad, $600-

Kjpnrlaii Conimipploners tn Knited New JfTKcy TLillrruid and Canal Company w stiore o f HaekeuBfiok River at suuth hue of New .foisey Hnllroad and Trant^portu- tluri Carnpany, 80x930, $7,320.

KEARN Y MORTGAGES.Erie G. Idungholni to Kfirirny Bulldinr

nnd Loan Assur-iutlon. u w cor of yiiluey av iiinj Hickory st, 72x73, $2.5!sl.2:),

E ne G, Ljurigholm to Kearny Building iiuti lyoaa A8pi>clnllon, u >4 o f Quincy av 72 ft w fr Hickory st, S^x" , $1,7 ,2,5.

There Is Utile revival in the lull In the building trade, which began a few week^ ago, lull U 1h expected that the usual fall rush will be cxi>erlenced soon. Iiicludid tu ibe work announctHl .for the weak ars liiipruYemeiUB tn two manufacturltfjf pliiiits, wblrh will inv’olve an expenditure o f about 122,000. The Hamburg Cordovan Ixiilher Works* proprleiors are about to begin oporatloiis on an extension to the plum on Sussex avenue. .Fluns have bcvu....... by Nalliuii MyeiK for a two-siu iy brick building 40x50, lo havs ‘0 fron*- <i«i' al U in 22 I»ey a ired . The mructuri will, he used for ruanufaeliirbig and sD ' Mg<- pur|-H»Hes. li will coal oIhiui $12,04*0.

Work has been slurled on the erection i.d .1 bill iiuiiiuraciurlug pimii for Max Mela, ul llertmvii and Vewey aireeia, to rt»si 4«bout llO.iW. The pliins, which Were di.iivn by RuruulfJ Bottclil, enll for Miiee-story brick building, to cover an iiM-rt j7xU'<i feel. WhjierlMiltom & Van llMiten arc the general contractors.

1.1‘wis & RacUhn have had {dans drawn !•> Peter ( ‘ harles fur iwo ihree-slory framu. slx-futnlly flsis which they oru tu Imlld ftl 19S lo 202 fioulh Tcnlh slipn;. The hulldlngs, which will eacii mcMsurc 37x»J6 feet. w-l!l conlutn two Hpntimentfl o f live rnouis and bathrooiu on floor. The apnrtuiontB will beemilpprnl with dumbwajlers. ranges, baths amt wiiHhtr.'iye. The owners are iln* biihilerw. The bulldJiiRs will cost about 5jr.,u«j.

Mth. Mary Povi'crs linn Signed contracts fur the erection o f a ihree-slory rninu. du)ibU' flat fit 431) South Beventeenih strei i, iruin plane drawn by Romolo Htdiclll. Tlic Miructure will h.ovp ground dlmi'iislons of 3nx7U feel. T hr coniructs were awanlcd to 'I’ hcobold Herrmann, mason work, A. .1 lioiuihiic, ciirpctuer w»)rk; fiavltj luim, plumbing, and Gustav \'olker, pulnt- ii;*r. About $mri(!(i will be expended.

Rol)crt E. Ln\j»T will be the owner o f ji I\vo-nrid:ii-li:ilf story brick, iwn fnm- lly ilwelling to hi- tnjllt on Ml. Prnspci-i fnrnui'. ncai GrarttJh iivciiiic. at a i;o8t u| about Tl:e bMllrilr»h: will be1 w cniy-foiir feet wide by rnrly-elght fe d m depth. Jl will provnb* njtartrueiUB of five and flix rmnuH with b i ’ h riiom.*i. to he eiinippc'd with Hteam heal. The owner ie (hr builder.

Ruln.-rl HcMitk, nx jin liilcct, has awnitl- i-d <-<innncis for ttic enu ilijii of n« frame ihv Ihng, to eoiiUnii apartments for tun ffiinillf-H. at S2,'. Pinker f*ncc;. Augn«t NurillbiK will be uwrn-i. The ]i!ani call for H building iwn mid oui-luilf f lorie-* high, with ground diru'-nsluin^ ui 22.K4:' fce(. 'riu3 npm lnnnls will coni|«iiHe five rnoui.s and oatliroums. The building will co;,l iiboiM five thousand (ioll.it'fl-

C. J. H uflcr hofl staried foundiUloua for ri Ihrc'e-Ptory frame ibree-fam ily npar - mem. at 8 Chadwick avenue, tn coil fliAiiit fix tboiisnnd dollars Each floor will comprise a elx-room apartment, to be f'fjiiipped with all Iriipruvcmenla. ('x- ci'pl beat. The owner i.s tlie builder.

3‘ lu« Mllone Coiislrueihm Compony has .-'larl 'd w<‘ i"k on a i wn-and-a-hiilf-slorv fr.ime iwu-famHy dwcIlniK. at 764 South Scvnileyiith street, S ,f. Kutz is the :iiTlnu-ct for Mu* ijnlhllng. which meas- 1 1 1 22xiV) feet.

Plane Imve been died at the office of the Kuperininulenl o f buildings by Tlllle Noiir stadt for a thrce-slory frame double Hat to t;o up at 218 W averly avonue. Toe ptnns which were drawii hy A. H. Thoiu- soil, cull for a bulhimg 22x76 feel, to cor. tain two apartrpenla of four rooms on each floor. Charles Noustrtdt builder.

I he

K E A R N Y n r iL l.H N G (X )N T R A i'T S .Frank r c ir u tla w ith .1, E. Zidiff. ail

work rcqu)rc<t In the erecHon o f a tv u Rlorv fram e house, on Tappun »t. $1,427.

W lllium H. H anson .with E lo f Swensoti. nil w ork rPTiTlT< lb th e erecflou o f a tw’o f«tory fram e bou.se on the w est sid e o f S ch uyler .nv, $3.4<)0.

MORTOAGE3.These moriga^res were recorded In the

county register’ s office yesterday;NEWARIC.

PaB<‘)unle Con41 lo Improved Bulld|rtg and lAjan Association, w s Bergen st 425 n n fr court st, $2,600.

PAsquale Conti et ux to Samuel Berger et ai, w fl Bergen st 42J fi n fr Court nt, IlCd.

Simon Davis to Freilerlck D, Felt, w a Mt. Prospect av 475 ft n fr Elwood av,

Peter Germann et ux to Alfred A. K k - fer, e b Chadwick av 507 ft a fr Bigelow st, $5,000.

Dora Bedemk! and husband to William W. Trlmpl, n s Tllllnghast at 446 ft w fr Oflbortte terrace, $2,300.

John Kaiser el al to Giistavus A. Rich­ards. s e s Komom at 219 ft e fr Hamburg rL jL'oft,

Charles 8. Orben et ux to Jay Ten £yck et al (cxrs, etc), w a S 18th at 150 ft n fr 13th av, $1,600.

George F. W eks et ux to Germania


Made 30% in JhreeMoiiths at

W H Y ?


Is an Ideal Spot for a Home and

investment.At-TITTOi; 600 FEET.

Cornu « t our LABOR DAY or « ot Saturdoy. w t o r T

lots S I25 and Up-10 to 40% Down, 2% Month.to r T o u rirlt. ^ T ra ln le a re .

■ roTeSt, J:W; Ea,t Or.

|i R oI4o Taxes#B trr MOWo before tuoPOU are completed, and M A S g M014ST ,. Hale^ ;uan at im io n or oo traia wllh badge on hat suppiks free tickets.

609 end 610 UNION BIG LDIKO,

Newark, N» J.


Saturday, September 7,1907,RAIN OR SHINE, At TWO O’CLOCK P. M., ON THE PREMISES

66 VERY DESIRABLE LOTSAveraging About ZSxtOO Feet Each, Located on


HILTON AND MONTCLAIR AVES., on Springfield Ave., a Short Distance Beyond Olympic Park,

HIITON HEIGHTS, N. J.Property directly 'reached from all parts of Newark lor a Five cent fare via the Springfield Ave. (Maplewood) trolley lineGet o2 at Springfield Ave. and Balcera Road right on the property

All Lots May Be Paid for in

SMALLnONTHLY INSTALflENTSOr a Discount of Five Per Cent, tor All Cash.

All Titles Insured Without Any Expense to Purchasera by the

FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY OF NEWARKAdditional Maps and Information from

JERE. JOHNSON JR. COMPANY187 Broadway, New York, and 193 Montague Street, Brooklyn.



5 3 Tbe finest winter and 'summer climate, the . best bathing beach, the highest, dryest and most " fertile land, the best surroundings, the right re­strictions, everything you desire In a , location for X summer home is found^at /

on the jM « y C oait six n i«i* below Aabury Tark. Beet (rain ser- vloa to New York .nd PtilMelplila; all toiprovemaui; »-a cra wooded perk within wfundaf t)i» breakiue. OUR NEW ILUJB- TRATED BOOK teUa all about It. The late ere very reemiable la price and will soon be bl«her. How ta ■ th* time to " eM In oa the ground lUior." Send-ftw the buOk, *'

SEA GIRT COMPANY,JIhilte 1684, .115 Bro«lway| New Vork.'"


BUNGALOWSG n the S h rew sb u ry R iver, on e hour from N ew Y ork C ity . BUNGALOWS, 51,000 UP. L ots 5 0 x1 0 0 , $250 u p , on e a sy term s; 10 per cen t, d ow n and per cen t per m on th . Am id th e p leasures o f w ood s and cou n try life. S w im m ing, B oat­ing, Fishing an d D riving— everyth in g at y o u r doorstep . 15 m inutes from L on g B ranch , M onm outh B each an d Seabrlgh't.

P top erty is 'rea ch ed b y P en n sylvan ia R . R ., C entral R . R ., S an dy H ook an d Patten L in c 'B oa ts . W rite fo r fe o k ie t ,, .

THOS. /i. R Y E R f Agent

15 Exchange Place, Jersey City.. Tatophtne Mat^anwy.

; ;3 C t1 ? O S E RTANORS e e I t I v t t l 3o r D a j r l

It is the place and the time to start your home. Take an hour or two the first thinfe in the morning and choose your home site apd your enjoyment of the rest of the day will be much greater because of the satisfaction you will feet in knowing that you have made a start to get ahead in the world.

We are now laying cement curb, sidewalks and gutters. Entire neighborhood is restricted and adjoining property is all built up with these fine residences. The most desirable place in the city for the man of small means to obtain a home.

Don’t Fail to See It Labor Day.Take South Orange Avenue Cars to Isabella Avenue and Walk One Block South to Office,wliere you will find our salesmen all day. Salesmen are also on the property every afternoon fn the week, except Siiiulav.

PRICES AND TERM S WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL.$250, $260, $275, $300, $350. $10 to $25 Cash, Balance Noathij.

B R IG H T O N T E M A C EGrove Street, just north of Springfield Avenue. Streets being graded, cement curb, gutters and sidewalks being laid. No finer land around the city than this, overlooks the Oranps, four miles of ■solid citv in front of it. No better place for investment or improvement. Ruy while prices are low. Later they will double.

$195, $250, $300, $350 and $400See Them Labor Day. Salesmen There All Day. Office Drove St. and I9th Ave.

Many Other Lots on a Dozen Different Tracts from SI60 up.Titte Perfect. Warranty Deeds.

$ f0 Cash and $5 P e r M o n th W ilt S t a r t Y o u r Home.Buy a lot on Labor Day and you will gain more than in any other day in the entire year, not

only in cash but in the success that comes from the habit of saving.


1$50,000 IN PROFITS

W ill Be Divided Am ong the Purchasers o f Lots at



Th i s property is adjacent to the built-up sections of Irvington and Newark, and is in line for immediate development. Irvington is a rapidly growing section of Newark, and property values are all the time increasing. IR V IN G T O N T E R R A C E lies on high ground, overlooking the sur­

rounding country. The improvements are being completed, so that you can see how it will look when finished.

NOW Is the Time to Bay, Before the Prices Advance.

L arge Lots $175 to $500For $4.00 to $10.00 a Month.

Come Out To-day. Take a Broad Street or Springfield Avenue Car to Irvington.Get off at Stuyvesant Avenue, right in front of our office and sign.

. Y A L E LAND CO. "JsSJ? - ,

Mountain View TerraceS o u th O range tteigbts

NISH CUSS lESTRICTED RESIDENTML SIBgiBNr'W l-touhprf ami unimproved Plo'n for ejO". 240 lo 270 feet above tld .

woler Flneat unohscured view of Orange and Summit moimlains In E asel C u n O tTmrrhea and achoole wllhin walking diatanca. Free mall delivery. Dally free delivery by nil New Vork and Newark Department Stores, Sewer*, city water, gaa, electricity and telephone. Flagged aldewalh*. tree* and mac-fldflinizecl roEidfl. ^ , j* * n

TO R E A C H P R O P E R T Y , ta ke S o u th OrAngfi a n d Mfipipwood tro l leyto corner Valley -street and Oaklan-1 road, or Springlleld avenue and Maple- w oo l trolley to corner o f South Pro.apeot sti'eet.

For particulars Inquire at'ofllce,

NEWARK REALTY COMPANYCorner Sooth Prospect SL end Miditon Avo.,


r * R O J M ; F » X

a l l w r o u g h t s t e e l s p l i t

A M ER IC A N , P U L L E Y SMl Stm s S to 48 ln«h <llam*top; S to IS Itioh ta«*.

J . B . C o i i o v e r C o . ,- E s i k i a c l M,1r M I S O H A .2 W I O S I T K B J R T .

top**.. H~-torr». PiMMlwit. 4. ». Ctotowr, «..tot.nr.

Gas ani! Eleciric Flituiessold direct to you from our Factory at Factory Prices.

Square dining-room fix- Sjn m, tures with art globes ... vIwUp

W e invite you to eganjine •our atock and p r i c e * .

Newark Gas and Eleotrie Fixture Co.,

Pwfitorj anil Hhowrooiu188 South Orango Avonti*.

Entrance IST-ISt Brueo-M;

W e W n i M a k e Y o * P r o s p e r o u s ^

rr IM ATS kOMft MA ADbttMU «vBtOsd&. Wo ViMT* IM SrvDDf gceopsH , ws iHU "B«ol EMsta budoMO i* ' " flSSOtSlfYD

a r la roar towai oiAri pew la * | le b«4BMw el owo, m4 Mp, t4g Mksaejr *4 opss. ....

iK- nt-niwm' Plielp* wag..' Scranton, Fn.; Mudra WashUiston. D. C.; D.I»m W«*.. 0.1 Cl.: Atlxnamm bisf., Cbmsa. III.

Itehl Itehll Itehllt^ fniai SniMII MWIII

Till* litkc eeadKIns of MwiitopiH iv',nt akllitoituied own, mnann, 1eUldtnn wlio Jui- be t

lipeeduyi------IClJ»*80A»WM«i»tIe.ppHcMinw<dCirticuiu.OM. ’i

ly » .fycwtdhy'lAm----- ' ■ ■lindipM^ci iwlthcoiicinun .^Hatloa.QlCii ,

11 , fk . gnat Ski. Corw w

IV l i ' imVARK BVEIOKG ITEWB, RATtmnAT, AT70TJST 31, 11H)7.

K N O A O B D .r m c B - CIJFTON -Mr*. II. W sri ,m w nnw ,

tJic ««lt«rn ilB r. of i f f d«uilj)t*r, Utw

C M M C T B R IM .

M A H I t l A C B ! l .IE «fiO P -U R A W rj!T -(ln AOfUrt .W, IWf. It

ttip rtMuPiift* of th« ottlfliiihif plfrc3r»uih. IS UUniiHt virN-t. I'll)', by the Rrv. W, 11. lirrr- fp|«. Aitiy Kninpi'ii to Jiitiii W.Vjth of ilifion , N. .T.

D E A T H H .BAT'ER-f>n FrMay. AilffU»t 3ft IWT. riirlut-

ten. bpUivotl h*r»b«tHl of Hiibltm iidiitr hkh* Kneirl. lufiKl 7l> )"nir». hebitlVHi »i>il fripiMln BIT kliiill)' tiivUnl tu iilpthl liiP futifml on Sundiiv. BeptvnibPr 1 . at li! 1' H.. fr. m hit lal* rpMdkur*. iH avemir Wnit lrvlr>g*Urn, X. J.: Id iVnwtdry tor loi«ru»pitt.

UHl'C'KElR -On rndHV. AURU*t SO. o«r dpar btJovaj mot1n>r, llpftrk'Ua Urupkpr Oip*' Ha«|pl>, and wlijna- of Jiitni Jirucir*'r. npiiHl i>S yeara «tu1 “ iibmihi. ftolatlvrti itiil frii’ ndr*. aiau iTiP Uliart)' Rraiiitn urtU YunfftitUHi, K. » V , No. 1 , and the l<'rctu«h and Y'UtiKfritupn and Krirncrr Kamr'Tailachart In Krankntit and HterbPfalL«n. and ih« W>9i N'pwafh f>atn^n Varaln art tnuin rPninyirully Invltail lo atlPnJ the funeral fri»m lt»r Jal# r"AUl«iwP, No. 11» Ulktaanth av<*nap. numlay, 1 , ntS !k) P. U. immopm at W^HMllaixl (VniHtri..

rAU^KHWttoi' On Fj-Way, AwrJ"l »►. Unrtha, widow of Ttuiniaa f'ahJptwooil anU dauctitpr or the. lat« 'llHam and Aim Uroa n Fiinaml a»(vipM at h«r iat«> r> aVdoiicp. Jbno alr<>«, B«Jl*vinp, on Ttipaday, Hpjdenit'pr S. at 9:30 K M. Hplnllvpa anil frlpmla ar« 1ft' litp^ u> Mt'Td. Tntprnioftt In ,Artlnift"JiCant Ki '.

CAHR-On Auffiiil W. IStOT. korah Jaao. wit" of Iho lata .hitn -n Iforliprt I'aiT, l■'llnp B rlOM will l*a hah! ai h*r lain h«nn«. H> N"* llarrumn, N. J,; on HnihUv aftartio m. aojKarulK'r I, u* 3 n'l’lorh. It»la«lvp9 atulfriimda are hlnJly IeivUmI. liiipmiant at Patri mount l>Ti»pt«Ty.

COWAX-M itranfa. N. J.. A««iMt » . lOOT, Jitafy, halovwl Wlft of Jainrt t ’owau. Itela- itvM and fplamli ar« rdai^acifully InvUed uj atr<md Ih^fuiwral from liar laip rpahlpnrw, fSl lipnfy on Monilas'. P«i»trjn!)pr 'i, al so’ciiick. ihpnp# 10 8 t. John'a 1‘hiirrh, wbara a Titnh HkBt of Raqutam wHl h" olT«r«Hl for thk rapoia of hat toil!. InienO''ni lu'Hl. Johii’a Camatrry.

DVnNlNO—At Montclair. ThtirwUy. Aisauat 9(1, 1M7. William, balovMd li.iatAml of Maty Uurntna. Ralatlvaa and fricml*. alao lloJy Xama floclaty of (rimroh uf immaculat# O.n- capiloa ara kindly Indta^i (o attdud fnnaMl from bla lat« nMldanrc. IT MiMlon plao*. on Monday, I9«|<tcmbar 2. «t H A. M.. ihpnca lo I’hurch of imraarulata ronpapTlnn wherr a 0oiamn Hlfh Matt of RnpilPm will ii(Tora>l for lha_jr«i»M «f hl» nm) lui«Tm#iii m Mi.' Oltvat. niixnnflrtd.

OABSy:ilT-<Jii AuiriRi IftOT. John. Im- kirad aon of the Iru- (JUo anrl KllMhutk (ran- wrt. Relative amt frlimla ami Hraurh M, St. Pntridc'i AJIlnm-p of AmrH.-a. ar* Hlndly invited to attprid ilm runrral from xhv- rpeh deftoo ot hla ilatpr. Mra. ' mM-0‘N«ll, W2 llrur* tlrari. on Momtay. BrplPirtlrtP 2. at o A. V.. to St. JuarpK'B rhtirrh. wht'i'a a 111|h Mbm of l^ulam will Iw olTrrrd fur the i'«- poaa of hla aoul. Inlarojcnt In thk (VmwtPTy af tiM Holy S«piikhr».• OETTER-On ThuraJay. Auaiia! 20. JIK»T. fThriirtoohrr <J. flallnr. atcwl W) »ii'ara. HclA' (lv«i and frleml* ar« rraorftfully Invited lo at- land the f na^al from bli laiP r«4itil®nc#, Hll-

' Ion. N. J.. Am Uundav, Hai)tpml>or S. at H A. II.. to St. laro'a I'hurrii, In'InKton, whore h Hlch Maaa of RaaulPin will Im off^rnl for th* yepnae of hla amU. Interment at Hburt Hllli.

ORlCtiAX>'>At South OratiRC. N. J.. cm Fri­day, AugUM W. I'lHlT, Ve.tr'V Leo (tiW|an. \ f- lovfid aon of Lawrrnco afid EiUabrth ttrrfim <nce la r l^ ) . Relatlvra and frirnda, a3aij< th« Holy Name Sdclriy of Ht. Cohimba'a l*arlah, Itawark, ara retiHKiifuily UivlieiJ to attend iho fuiMdUl from the family Tealihncr, 7a UIkk" klaea, South Oronae, on Himday, HepiPintier 2. at H O'clock A, M., thanoe to out- l^dy <i1 ■oiTOWi' f’hOrrh, where h HUh Miiaa nf

'Maiialom win be celebrated for Iha ri'imac of Ma foul. Imarment In the fninMy I'l'me- tary of the Holy ttepuichre-

HAWKlKS-^m Auruat SI, 1W7. Oraoe May, Infant dauahter of John and Klale ItuwhlnH, as^ 8 monthfc. Kriativea and frleiiJH ore roapectfully lnvltp<,l to attend the runcrnl acrvkea fnmi her late rwldonoe. iHTi Hiinyim ktraat, Newark, cm Monday, Aeidember 2, at t F. M, Interment In t'lliiton Ometery, Ir- Yinctop.

McAULirrK“ On Awuit SO, IftUT, Catherine, widow of the iaia Timothy MoAnllffa iiieu Murray, al her late reeldnnoe. Hi \S ckll(T*» #tre>et. Notlre of funoml Uetwifler.

MIEBHAN-On Aufiint SO. 1WI7. John, l>eloVi*d kuabwnd of MarfareUJkJeehan. Relillvea and frlenda are fclmily Invited to attend ihu /Ulieral from hie late realdenpe, Kn. 72 Ftop-

rci ttreet, on Monday. ReiitemtieT a. at H M,, to rit. Jamcs'a Church, whero a Hl(h

'M iN of RcKtulem will be oITptwU for the re- poee of hla aoul. Interment In the OemelHry

of the Holy SepulchrH.MEEKEH-Huddenty, on Anpiat. 2U. IftOT. at

her b'oma, tiTti Htili atruot, ’’y velyn O.. wlfn of lha lata Albert N. Mncker. afed 2-1 yean, Funantl aarvlcea will bo held at Joahua Rrter< ley'a Uertuary ttiapol, 400 Broad alrvoi. uu- Motiday afUNt}ooh, S^piemlier E at the famlly'a donvanitncf. 'Intemiom at Clinton Cemetery.

inLL£R->On flamrday, Aiiruet !U, lOftT. after a brief lUiiRaR, Anton Milter, beloved haeband of Chrlatlna Miller, a^ed 74 yeara 2 m iitlia U days: Funeral Wilt taka plaoe on TuWtay, September it, from the tote renv- denca, US Fadflff stre«lr at 2 F. H. Reiatlvea and frlenda are kindly Invited to attend. In> lartnam in Faimount Ometery.

PASMKOWEtZKT-On Saturday. AugUft HI. 7S07, Saniual Faahkftureteky. aged Ikl yuare. balovad father of Harry, Jeweyh, Morrla Anmu and Mri. Ida liWIdman. Funeral will Im held

hla late retidenca, t(M) Avon avenue, on ■Unday, Sisvleniber 1, al S F. M. Relatlvea

' and t r l ^ a iaha alao .Tera*y Warachower Iiudie No. IBM), I. o. B. A.: IVnal Jaenb Old Cematan* tiae U. V. anci Harmony Tent No. 24. Vnfg’bta flf Hie MaAoahaaa. aiw luvltad to a(- tatid. Iqtirineut in B'nal Jacob Cemetery, South Oranve avenue.

PEFLOW-Ow AtifJat 30, 1M7. Joerph. be­loved huat»nd of KlTBal)eth Peidow. Ketiitivee kJId flienda alao St. George*a Benevolent So- •clety, are retweotfully tnviiesl to aUond ihe funeral from hla late reaUlem<e, No. ISU Huwery Btreat, on Monday. September 2, 1U0T, al 2 F. If. Itittrmmt in Falrnmunt Cenieten'.

REHElS-'Entered Into reat, on Tbureday, lAbjrnit SA RiOTi Kaihartna P. Reliela fne-.i Greiner), Widow of John Reliela, aged 73 yeara and 10 daya Relatlvaa and Monde jxre rc* •pactfutly Invited to attend the funeral on 'Sunday, Septeraher 1, at 2 F. M., from brr Ute realdenca, iM Cuort ureeL Intermeut «n Fklripouat Cemetery.

' R O H -G n Saturday, Auguat 31, HHlT, after a lliigerlnff Jllneaa, Frotlaricka Roh, widow of CharlcB Roh. aged TU yeara ft inontha 2i> daya. Funeral will take-place on Uomlay, Sepiembnr 2, from the m lduhce of har daiiKhter. Ura.

, .Theodore T. Deurel, ftV Straiforil place, at 2 F. it. Helativea ami triendi, alao onembera of ' Newark City Ijodge No. ft. K. Jj. of F., aru hlrnUy Invited to attond. Interment in WimkI- land Cenfetcry.

l I R L f W A K T R D -.M R If.

THE EVERGREEN CEMETEAT foffkolart------ — u —. ' ’,", tr». liroad at... between N ewaA hbd

j i w n w , . » . •— - 1— ■

or partial paymanla; tfollrya marked Main line," <«very Ifi m lnulu, paae eotranee, fare 8 cemi. HENRY M. LGOKER. Sup!., KJIaabeth.

H H I.P W A N T n O -M E H r.

ARLINGTON L‘ ®“ ?TIDRr Oflloe at cefnMery. Ahlnfibb. N, J. Phe«e ITR.

FlclureaQiie l»eauty *if mmlrni park pJaiyiTig. with r^Tperoa* caie wfUiout churge; Kaaiwy rare to Arllngrori rM>o!- then bv r«) trolley to

AGENTS make KO weekly f*a>' aelMng "The

everybody wante U; luH (ter cent. pr<ifti. ""nd will regulr* integ Hlr. fwr »*amp|e and agency. The Kldiol:*T)F reM jH M Tacoma buiMltig, Chicago,

C B M O T E R IT JM B W O IIIA J I^ ^u E oIiiiE HHOWN • CO. t ;n ili,i it « « idO.

D n ifu rn M d M inufislurw i at MONI.'HKNTA MAtlSOI.W’i i f A im UBNEHAI. ?E M lC rtfiT n*ORANITB, MARBLE AND 8TONB.

imt.JW fW liTlIlI II*.Qpp<>»!te_grirar><e_tft^^hnj_PirHMnt_^^*nato^

B K A O L m O N S K N U B O iiR B ^

■ ~ ^ v r H * ’iijN<L m Sl'MMBH AVK,,1-KN AHTIHT. ILU 'M IN ATO !!, EXAMINER




HNTII. SALE tS COMI'LBTEp. B u yin ! InvutUiir* s.y in in i lv , onici ItCL PHONE tSMJ. _____ liM MARKET ST.

MANT nOMNESH OKPOBTONITIM wblcb are hoi ailvertlMd dally. Call and a«a ofllcB Hat of dealrable bualUMa and laraatinHOt prupoaitlona. 1 probably have Jual what ypj warn. It not, I will get U for you. ARMGLR, m Market.

GOOD DITSINESS PLACED WANTBO.No “ graft" In my ayatetn o f leUlDg a btial-

naaa; tu> faking; ttu faiae prumlaea; na money in advance. AHMOL'K, Ikk Markat.ADVERTISE TOGR "WANTB’ ’ and yow

buaineai in the claaalfled oolnmna of The Freia T tlnng, the (Jertnan Newt.One itiaemon ............................... I<- P*f ’wdTwo or throe daya...............................to. per wordPirtit or five daya-.................. to. per wordSeven or eight daya.............................to. P*r wordBy the rrontb ..................... ...............MVc. g»M lne

If. J, f k £ : r z E m iN t i, 7s m a r k e t o t .A l PRICES foroU ) fnmMure. carpeu. owirante

o f flita, dry goeda, grocorloa, ahoo atoroa and tnerehandlM of all M crfpG ona; macblnory and unliro plant! tmuglit for eaih; riulck aiM leM- ddenttaU VAN POZNAK, 42 So. Orange *va 'Fbone a m Newark. totM poatil,AN exrepttomil upi>ot-t)iiiUy to make a large

and pi'cmancnt Im-ome on an tHrMimerit of a few thouaand dollara, with nr without eer- vlcea. III legitimate huelnea*. Atldrear Hefvr- cncea, Hna 14, Newa orflt’e. ________ANY man or wninan with our wonderful

inoney-maklng bwjlia can make Ihemaelvoe Riianoinllv' comfnrtntile: deacrlptlve circularrrtw, KARI.K tIpeHalty Cu., South Orange, N. J.ANY kind o f houaahold gor de from housae and itilala. atorea. atrv.'ka and merchmndlaa bought

fo l cafch at F. RIBIOK’ S. 73 Acftdemy at. wend portgl or calL Tel. WMl*ALL kind! pf merchanillie, hcuachold

contenle of atorea, houaca and Ante, liought for caah; conauU ua before Bailing, rommerolal Trading Company, IS Acatlemy it. Tel.llK ynur own bon*; fS<) In aavinga bank

bring* H U) mtereai par annum; f»r 4(iU we can fnrnlah you with Ofunplele outfll, value I1U5, for miill orttcr buelncH** on monay-moklng article: ahnuUl clear iwi mnnlhly; buelnoaa fan lie fomlueir.i iti y.iur nviii home tirnl with your own lime. Cumfnrt Ufg. Co., J, *11 Mttcllann el., Vljlcagi). ^ ____HT’ KINKFIM. eetfthllrhi^tl ten year*. dPuUng with

gnicerHi goods 'ui hand will Inventory nl $2AU; fonnujaa aiitl (rmle-maTk are worth pr1r-a naked for buBlfi«'»'3, AddreSH ( ’hinu'C,H*»a I.H, New* olHv**. ______________HAlCliKU HHl>F-For wle. ftccotmt other

hu«»lnee". lwo-<hBlr barber Hhnp; buslnpae of a week. moiHlily exi'crtaep, 3l3 Including

Hll. J . IL. Box dZT. _______HAICHKK SHOP Flr«l-clae» harbor *hop for

Mir or to let, nn lu-i'iiunl nf other builnrax. AddfCa* t’hajica, Box __Newg ofllre._____ ^HUTVHKR HllOr, doing a good bUilnrOT, «m

one of the main eirena. fa r iiile. wUii dwell, ingn iiiieUIra; wdlt aril at a aaertflee. Ad drcaii BujiJneea. Ihix &4, Newa oAlce,

AGRNTS*^make mnnej-^ M’lllng KaHeit'n •‘BK ahamtofi; ll'a a Mg reller hcrauae U 'l bHie.

than min\>: put up In r prrlty egg-abRiioii ■••'K niakcM It « great novelty, taay tu atli in <A licea, faiKiHee ond falie: hhiU Iuc. for aom pie U.\SKh3TT f<uppiy <.'o, Kuclieatar, N V.AGHNTfi for aperlal arllcie uae4 by every

tallor and dreianiaker: aaniptee 10 cenie; .H cenu In Rtampa for M-paae oataiqjj|ue, Mto lb luRtralcd fart aallen. Supplyllouae, llarrlRoa, N. J. __ _____ArtKSTH -Tyi»ewrtt»ng ^elf-taught: (HarvelMua

Invention: dollar wonder; braattful dtiplb:i"' any keylioard; furtuner fruni ftngtr llp t: tH>ei tive pneif frvw. UT RI.KW A KHAKFHR. H> uth i » n ver. Cvl. ____ ___ __AGENTS and abO|> ngente lo hand!* I#udvU e

hand Kiap; go<»d propoaltlon fur good n.»'u Cali nr writ*, <Jp«n fruTii h A. M. to T p. .V , 14 Mulberry at,AGENTS- We manufacture eighty fa il aeltere

nut uhiainable elaewhtre; aarnplei fr«e t<> hUXlcrf. PRASE Mfg. Co.. l>pt. 14?, Buffalo. N. Y. ^

MAN-^Waatrd. man to rrprwwnt g large^or iHrratVm In hNiidiing I'uatomert in icwnl

lerrltory tmm nfhre In y<jvr city ; a large in-

■ "T9 AMlii et. ..jA . .» M Kt-fijulr* Integrity, iwmeaty ami wlUingntwa

to punh a i^aylng builneaH; nefiil referencea. A. AJ.k:XANl>KK. Sul Urtropnllttn building, MiijpeaiedJa. Minh.MAN Warned, man. 28 to A& yeara nf a g ', iu

reprcRent the tnternaiicnal (larreapotMtenm Hfc-h<yi>le. t4i'ranton. Fa., ipeal tenilury; iiernm- iH nt (Hwillon with chance for advancement Appiy H. li, OWEN, fupertntemlem, 73! RrnNii iH.. < lly.MAN Wanted for retail runt*: ifiuel fumlib

ri-rrreure* and aecurlty; S'kkI wagea ami Hi Hdy jKinithiU In >)ghl isirty; atate age. Ad

liutlliT. Hog 12. New* ultice. ____M. .N fi,if ilgUt, arllatlc work which may t>e

H‘>n* at bi<me. Apply by letter »nly. Room Ml], 41 WeNt 24ih at , Manhaltun.Ma n wanted for real eMate liuelnrM; llb»>mj

drilling account; goiel nm^mURlon to right pariy. Jk2 Market at., room 3ft.MAN’ —Oi.kl man tur iieddilng waguti; «■ ady

w..rk; fxiwrlBnce. W t„ VANDFHH'MJF. 1h2 WalBiin ate , Wet! urange.

AGKXTH, apeaklng Ilaltaii and roUah. to aell lota lo Newark and auliurtia. I'llAHLRS T.

WENZm^i 122 llarkel at.

ATTO RN RY-W anted to employ a m u g hi- (orh«y Id a buay law oNlce, to taka rbarga

of olTIc* routine. Addreaa F. fl. Bux IT, Jeraay City, N. J ._____________________________________ARMATlIRK WINDKRH wanted. Apply Ele­

vated Vtaiiroad Khop*, ftkth at. and ThInI avo,, New Vitrk iHty. _______BOY--Ortlce boy to team Inwirapce and real

eatale huelnraa; excellent i>p|H>rtuniry for right boy. AddreM in ciwn handwrulng. iru i- Ing age and aalary expected, Real Batate, Box S8. N*wa offlea. _________H O Y -^anted . boy. about IT reart old. In rahl

eatht* omc«*; one reaiding In the Orangat preferred Call or writa IRA M. TAYLOR, upp. Brick (Thurch SliHon, Bant Orange.HOT—ItiltlHgent buy wanted to work In lab-

ofalory of chemical work*; about alxte«n. Apply to f'entral Dy*atuff and (Tiemtcal i o.. Flua Folni lane, oppoalte Hay Foundrs.____ _HOY wanted In offtca of larg* manufarturlhg

bualntpa; one Juat 'from pchool preferred; good ebanew for advancement; aalary |4 to arart. AddreM 1-hiy, Box 7ii, Now* nlDo*.DOT—Hrlghl. IntelUgent boy, about Ift. want­

ed in ufllce; muat be neat In appearance and coma well recomntended. Addecaa L., Box Crd. Nawi ufflec.BOTS-Wantert. iK ya to learn the prlDlIng

trade; gfKxl chance for hd^a^cetn('nl.n eiG H R HBOfl., 7T Sprlngflftld ave- ________HOT wanted for olhee work; giva age, refer-

encea aalnry flcalreil, Addreas I nlnn.Box 0*>. Xett'B ijfftce. '__________________H oV wanted to learn tlnemllh; aa*w«r own

handwriting. Addree* Tlnemlth, Box ft. ,Newa (jftli'e.D'^T—lB ypfar-t*ld Iwy wanlcil fo f milk wng

on, Inqutra SCHflCH, H7 Cheatar avi,. tr- vliifton. _______ _______________BUY wnnted; well recoinmendnl: a gOf;d

rhanc* to lenm the Iniilv. Avpl)' 1* Warri-n

B()Y, 18 to IQ year*, to work in fliirlira. W. L. JONKi!. Fiieaati? and Centre ale.. Nuiltr.

HOT lo «*are for hnree and deliver and make hlmeclf uaeful In gruren. IftR HHIcvIlle ave.

IS »T—Wanted, driver on exprena wagon, O oLTH Fxpree* f*n., Orange, N. .1,

learn plumbingHOT wanted, Mrutig, to trade. WW Cctitrul avc. __

ll(eY-Htmnff boy for drug Htore. ' W'aflhtngtnn and Cheater a^■c*, __ _

HLl’ K STONE OT'TTKH-Htcftdy Job In city she year r-i>und; gixd puy. inuai be InH-lll-

geni anil flnh ’r, refcreh«^cs re tlt •■ll. AiblTcaa Intelllg'TJt, Uo* B2. New* ntHee. ______IirTTO NllO LH OPFIIATOHS WANTED AT

rtllTrilEN'H-127 HA1..'?EY 8T

lU H iK-KEEi’ ER—U’ nowleilsc of tipcw rlllng ami *ti nogrH[ih)‘ requlrfHl JOP. W <ILA1H-

TKH rsTfi HluomftcM are., Mnini'lalr.HOARl^lNG'HOI'SK.. nicely furnSnhed, will as-

ijommmlale about IH peojde; centrally iocalcd; will veil cheap. Inquire L. S., 144 Church at., New Brunawjck, N. J. _________CONFEt7TIONRIlY—ProgreMtre eonfeoMonery,

Icfl cream, cigar «ml notion atnre for aale cheap If aold at once. 29 Hlwtmflcld ave.rONFEt:TIONEHV, cigar. noHon elore for

Mir. vi'ry cheap; ptlco tlftft. 178 BDHane it., cor. Mfjnlgomery at.CIGAR and confectluncrj' bu*lnea(i: good apot;

owner want* to retire. Apply J, M., 48 Chnitm a!.

DO you uc-ed capital, extend or etart buel' iienHfT If »o. wTlut me hefura arranging else­

where; exceptional facIlHIr* planing atocka, b«md* quickly. KVKHETT IjUFOCR. cor- poratlun attorney. Waahlnglon.^D.^C._________DBLirATI'WSEN: no oompetlHon; worth 1n-

venllgatlng; growing aectlon and trade. Cult promptly, Jl505 South Orange ave._______ _Fo r BALE, a corner grocery and dcllcnleaef'n,

doing tSUft a week; » huitter can do mcirc; fmaU exp*nan; wUi Belt cheap to a qulr* buyer; leaving town. (.'u rDer Fourth and H' uth Fark at*., Kllaabethport.

ROLPH—On Wednaaday. Augna! 2S. HKJ7. to««ie D.. t>elnvKt huaband uf Kallu H'^lpu <Dae Brant). Rclatlvca. frteuda, th«Hatter* and Yt'orhiuen'* Hick and Death Kcnc- St ApHoclatlnn, Branch 22, nr^ rcNiJcrtfiilly In­vited to attend ih* funeral fro in 'h D lau reaidence, No. t>H t'amden vireet. at 2:*tft |*. M,

'Bunday, September 1. liiierrn'eiu Ih WixMllahd Cfimtcry.

SIKFK---flii Thuraday, Auguf*. 2V, 1(4»7, Ger-t ude Blej>e, beloved Wife of the lute f'lcmeni*

p|>e, aged Tft y^iuw. BtduUvee. friend* ami toemliiera ut the Uuaary ikh'lety nud Hacr*'*! K *«rt of Mary of Bi. Mary'* i‘hurch are Kindly liivlled to lUtend Ihc funcrHl aervlc-i'* wn Monday, rleptembcr 2, ai K A. M,. at her 'late reaidence. HG Ridge RirCfl; thence to Hi. Mary'* t'hurch, where a- IHgh Uokh of Itu- qulem will be offered for Ihc repewe of lu-r a<mt. Interment In Hi. Mary'* tVm('tt-r>.

SM lT il-O n . AUKuat 2tL BH)t. Junu'* .1., be­loved huabaud of Anna ^ i t h Biee Plmnel nml •on o f Mary and the lute Fvtcr Sniltl). Kvlu- tivea and frlendH are kindly lnvlle«l in utlend t t* funeral fr^mi hti Jate resilience, No. 7H Camden aireet. on Monday. HcpH'mber 2, nl 0:3ft A. M.. to Hi. Joaeph’e i'hurch. where s High Maiw uf Reijiilcm will be offenn] fur Ihe f*po«e o f hla fuul. InU'rmmt Id the feiwaPry o r the Holy fiepulchre.

W IH K -O n Auguul :W, UK>7. ( ’ loe* Wlhk. bo- Im-ert hneband of .iennle Wlhk, aguJ 41 yenm Relative* fi.mt frlf-rnle uro kindly luvllcil i.i£ltend the fupi^rul on Mumlay,

. at ;i P. M . frutn Orange Mivrt, 1»-toruient In Woudiaud fcm otcry.

H E H M K H M4SI9,T^jAIIERTY a Maos nf Ilcinjif-m will 'r.' >f'

fereil i»n Mumlay. Hc|it.M«tier 2, ltH)7. al tfclock. in the r'hui.-h ,kf rim H.dy rrnM. Hiii-

1 r'ann, fur the ro;K/?cr- k-.ui r.f toe taleThonia* Floherty, at tin* rrHiiiMwi ,.r inv1''l :i No. 13, Ant’ l'Md ni'<ipr of Ihh^-rnum!). of whichh* WSH n nicmbcr. Tbv mvmh*-rH i>r •Ion xvlil moi-i ill I'MIjf ii/o HiH. ut h frctm where the'i will niarrU lu a, l-i-dv lo ehurch. Menbom r.f ihe family rhf (he i'i^ccns.'d w)U bo prch* fu.

CARUJ* OK T ilW K H .I hereby exlenrt mj' elnccrt Uiatika u> ;he

mafiy frleudM riiul <pi.iiin.'i[ii'r*;i fi,r thfu- Iclnd- peas and uUenJam-f ui (hi- funerul nf iiiv br- lin-ed huebaiid, J^lm rtullhun; alfio tn i|jm' Inm Mulder*' Fnluu, No. 4il. rur Ihclr kind utien-tlatU XIU'J u i - r r . . . ,^ .

FtiR KAIjKi, A l lunchroOftl builnesB; fUNI. Ilalaey, near Market.


FUIKT-rLAHH hoardtng-hOtSM, 14 room*;nicely furnished; In IClizabcth; very central;

Well uiiying: resaorutble. Adilivaa OpportUDliy, Bog to. News office.FUIUT HTOKK for aale.

at. JAMEH ('AIRO,Inquire 2gft Orange

GTlOf'EKY and randy alore. good location;p^aetin not room outtlcleru for fam ily; very

raaiKinnble; three room*- Xditreaa Grucory, Box Ilk, Nuwu office.GROCEHT—For aule, well ■locked grocery

Mtotp and butcher ))u*ineeH; houae and k>t at gncrifice; other bualneta caiiae for wiling. tU Slcme at., city.ORDf'EKY, mii-oi market; dnlng a good huiil-

neaa; the only ono In town; Mil at InvetUory. H. J. HOIjMEH. tVcMfleld, N- J.OR(K’ ERY and oonfwtlonerj' atore for aale;

receipt* to |10() pur week, F. OOldlEN, 245 Hunterdon at.□ROCGRT Rtorc for aale cheap; good loonl-

Ity; miiet be at-en to be appreolaied. 329 TVvet Kinney at, __I DID.SIRE an active correapnndent In every

town, to eelL appi'oveil investment aocurltlea; hlgh-cUfta proposition, uaylng big comEnta- alitn*. G. W. rLAWHGN, KHnaa* City, Mo.L rN C lI WAOnN—Wanted. *eenni-hn«ded

lunch wHgi.in, in bchhI rondltlon and clu-np. AddrcM WILLTAMH’ H Lunch. Fox Oft, NvwiiilU<e.

U AN -W anted. a man with nlvmt 3000 lo $>ki0 lo Invent In a g>x»d paying real eftat* buel-

ncM*; I have the Rdvamage and wpcihd fatrllHIea In handling (h« <ame; ,\‘uu ran d<m!)le your money in a iihnrt time. Addr^w 11 ,. 27, Nfwe office-MILK RO l'TK wanteil, Srat-claa*; atate full

lianlcjilnra* Adilrc** Route, fk>x 2H. Nt-wa office.


PATENTS SF.n'BEI> OR FRE RrTTlJRNKD.l>nd nimki or Bhetcli fur free i/plnl.m ** to

jittteniabtlHyf Heud for llluatratad Gold* Hu.irt. coniaina HX) mechanloal movemeniH and 1,1ST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Fartlrvithire NEW TRAnr.M ARK LAW. ( ’i)l ’ VRHMrrs ell'. FnirntP Hclvartlaed free |tt Wurld’a Pr,g rv*n. Sample cu]iy frifc,

KVAN3. WIIfKlNR A TO.,Hea. Fat. AMurnevH,

fi12 K ST.. W-^HHINGTuN. D C.NEW VoTUC OKUT('K. I.t2 NASflAl' ST.

MKS- MARY .St:u,iv,\.\.W e dealr* to expri-B* our stm-^re xrHtldjde tn

.reiativcg and Iviend*. uIho i'lirpije <’|irlKi| Vareln and Ibe Her* Mart* B) u.k*rfHilieft ai d fur the Bowers, aleu umU-riakcr, Mr. (tcundec


C S D E R T A K E R l ,

CNDERTAKUtH AND. EktH.VLMERa,2fiu Mulberry at..

Batw cu Walnut and I'lwfUtito Ma.^ ^ _ Telephone BOTii.C. C Tifiach. f^merlj^wllh the late J. a . fjOgan

. 'a. ' _ SMlTfi t SMITH.’ »tu'(.c*jiura t« .1. A. Logan,

. .W lE E ilT A K E M AND EMlULirlERS!,•; . V ' Kin* LtvBry.

. ^ T^ . la .___________ 244 Broad et.*i^*&^^ONAKF.R, t|n<1ertalt*r, office with J

■HwelJ. Sto-Wtaltliiglon ive ., B elliiinc

Ifth at.. R^esilla. "Phone i.‘onnefttoD.

r.^RTNER n-auted. wjilv f.'Wk). for rent eetat« bufelneea. .\ ldree* upp-iriuuHy. F.o* L’, Ni-w*

office __________ ^F.4BTV with building and Inun experience can

dij well by ud irreslng Newark, Rux Ti. Newn■Offll-fl.

S.M.lHiN. in Newark. rv"friclei1 Il ’at1^n, flne, alt glavA trade; low rem . long tegav. etMvk

Imliiiled: price ll.MW vaah; nu ngeniji. Ad' i ‘aeh. Bux 2d. New?, t.lllcp,

SAT KiN -tjiMji! pHvinr flaluoft. with h»fl and IB’tiig rouma: price yyil!. ?eii np-r

ri'lii Ilf peer iVirner l4tli iivi 221) H'-rgcn *1.S.AUHJN fwr w»lc,

ch4'iip rent: ln**t teiiiU>-r ;t. iNkea H • JmtitfV « .

. half li«r uml BergA-p at.;

lid catnhllih^t lOTlR lenae. i>trpr heftire Tueerl*)’ , Shi>-

«'nn lie iwiti Sun*)ft>, 7d

SAIii;ON—Beer ond lhiut»r aaloon for aale;n;tLsi he e>dil hi Alinri lime; near rBlhuaii

atailiiti. Iniinlre H. L '^S IiA r TUI South a»lh

A- STTANLKV ' ‘fiLW ftWT V iiT ffl at. iK l. 11IW Tlfancl, R700V.

'P h ; ; ;7 » M r n m ^ r Braofc. miAwaikw ft frebalmr. son Orwics >l

'mbnlraolTay*. 1 27HJ.


H O im silN G GCHIDS.

COTTOW. fo o l or rtlk. with or withoat ir'tn.••*!**— JJfilforra or inlx«d. n.adfi fftt> w boimtlfiU faat Ulxffc; no ripping of *«■&■- aii

0 ^ . Arcade Dyeing. Clvunlng nd Fa- rw an ^tindry, Broad. Halacy nid^v#»r ws. JT SP*J?** 'L^W al5 Md Jecl T r y ^ i l itoSZl- Ba«t O r t i ^ m L L R R A LIBONATI.

^’S S S J S ?fTARANWM a n d

SAUKLNH for sale: we have ihree very g-Kid corner Ruloons fur sale rliefln. For partlculur*

Irujlitre at i»i)-4ft_HRyei * !j_;^l!)j____ ____)N-tliK^d paying himinep* f.ir »*lp on svv

ciiunt i.f (tlrkncss; bargain Addre.?? Hafxin, Hux 2U. N'-w» offle*.______________i^ l.K OK K X«'H .4K '’ K. whrdeeale cake risk­

ing riiielneHa; rash tmde: |,tg rhtmee; rqcn'-y maker: oausc. n-drlng. AHl.hc.VH Bakers'. 7tH HruPd Hi.. Ncn>.rk.T y ijA t ‘TtJV'HINT. It revoluMonliea nfejwngc

bi-iiiltng by lelcgraph, UKlng typewriter key- biaird; uotntinny now <>rg*iftsi>d; gr.-atesit u|> |l.•l•lllnJ(y ever uifvrcil liiveatora; aenil for fi*o U(Hik!i<ifl. Fiim hig Telegrapb Porupaity, dOi rbrunkle biltkHng. Run r>anclwvj.YVANTED. euloon or Hmall hutch in ur near

Newark; state lonxft price and full tIcularM. AddresH Sj^u Th?!!. ihn office,

3ft,[ unr- !S.*wv

WANTED, jiftpcr ruute: large uns preferred \VlDi parllculars, aildrcw Route, box 42,

N ow / Offiri'.t4iH! ^VKKKLY, butcher buxine?* on main avs.

rcftson, other business, t.. H-. IM Kewlon m

P A T K X T S .

BENt’ H HANI>—Wanie<l. In woodwfirklng mill, guild bench hofld <’al1 or addn'sn ’Wr’n o p -

BTOi’ K L'O.. Jersey Hty. •DARBER. firsl-clnsA. for gnturdsA’s and Hun-

d*ya and WcdncHitay evenings. 2lH) Kith aVe . b<‘ttr1M h_si._________________ ____________ ___Jil’TLHEK WutUed for Haliirdays: steady po-

altion. FROEHLICH A NRWMABK. 414 Broad *i- _____________________HBSIIELMAN wanted; good pay and aie'ady

work. KING’ S, corner Market and Halsey ■ta.

MAN tVantSd. a rellatile young man lu dla- irlliutc circulars. Addresa VS'.. Ihix 29. News

Bice.MEN-Waulstl, two gwjd useful men sruund

Ihiiel. Cryscal lyxke ilutel, Kagle Rixk. Weal___ __________MEN to cut diNrn tree* and maka cOrd wood.

A-Mress I'KTKU HTIIMITT. Flcasantdale.N J,tiFKK’F'rOYM wanted, under tlxteen ye*ra of

rtg- Apply 1.1 I'R ik 'K K U -W H RK l.fill t-*0.. A iuih'|>, N. j ,OFFl' K BOV wanted. J- R. (Bl^L. flIW W ar­

ren si __ _____ _FLI'MHKBH-Two good plumtisra and tielpara

warieii; also ftsxl sieamfUtert. 24:t Verciia nve., iiear Ml. Fruopenit ave.FLT’ WHKBS wanted, 3tl France at.FORTKJi for «a|non. l-xll thia evening, THOM­

AS J. JONES, Now and Washmetun ati.,cU* ____________ _______________________ —PULi.4BRRft—H*rd lloor polishers and uihirr

articlea. lk& Bumeraet sL : call Monday.

I I K L r W A 81T IS I> -W flM M N . R M P L O T H B IV T W A R T M D -M K 1 I .O IR I^ with dreaemskera' experience and kupdy j MAt'HiNJgT, Aral cIo m In avery reapact,

pn^ le wtiTkera; steady employment. L A lltU N t o .. 1ft Ixjngwonu at.

warn* iteadv j»oaltt«n. city or counirj'i good ] f«T aniall and haavr work or tapwlr on pt)SH


• c k M l s .o o L K U iN m a t io .n a i . ut'BiN’ r s B c o l l s o *

U lR D t f‘ >r foot and FJWcf preasea. HtJ'- IKlLFlI JilEHMANN

iHRI^e wanted; experienced Ivory l«l*tun aort- ppB. N. K Btithm t ’u . tiTZt t.’entrdi wv*.

HOFSESYOHK Wanted, a rellahl* girl or Woman fur general hmia«‘Work. plain epoK-

lagj washing and ironing, must Imv* gn<i4 rwr*reD<;'-s ‘ 'all « ! Hiaie_*t.. Ka*t t>rang*,^^JloVhKSViJlK (leneiu! hfUiaeWorher wanted.

w fiKiiti. *ge«i 38: | mh1 laundreaa and cnidi:(iliiigipg; stay nights; Jinx n r Nvwa office.small fariftlv, willing.

jefcrcm'i'r;. tdiJresB X., ________________IIDI'HKW'iKK -WnntPil. * girl for genetwl

wi-Tk hi »-mal! family. <'•*11 to-day. qlift refiociK-e. Ill KverKr«*»-n pl..,neur Hrtvk I’hufch HtBlhift. J'-ust Oruns"______ ____________________lITIviiEVvTHk Wunicd hy Heptember IS. girl

for gcn -rHl hifusep'-rb. lududliw tvashlng. In famUy ' f l * " :i*hilts. Aditraia lloutawurk.itox 9.1, New? ntlke. _ ________ _HorrtKW uHK- Kx le 1e n:c(l while girl for gen­

eral houeewirk. arimll family, a t ^ g ^ rnusi be g«>iNt plain cook.Ka«ii orsns*-.

71 Roftth rilntcm at.,

Hi irgKKKEFKB—Kellable hnutekeeper; oi»o iliut will tnkr- to ehllilrt-n and urefera a good

Tioiiie lo high wages. Addres* Home. Box 28. Vir ws iiffice.HOI'RI-WORK—Wanted, white girl for general

iiuiv*se>urk In small family, no waahttig; must Come recommemloi!. <'?ail ISO Washing'ti'll si-IhirHEWORK—A middle-aged woman for

light housrwmk; good hciiue. Call any ni'rnlng t«et«fen 9 «nd 12, lft3 Falrmount

H o l ’REWORFC—Girl fur ganerul houaework; no w.iehlng; esn go home uighta. Apply 011

Riiurh iSth at., near Clinton ave. __^

FALNTEHH wattled. Call Tti**day forenoon, 17 ThiM St.. IIFSR T WEUrcR. _ _

FAINTER hpO paperhauger wanted. B. F FtAITH. 42 Atlanllc st- ________ ____

BALEbMKN-Waiited. high data apeclalty aaleatnen by old*eajAl)l1alied wholesale boMHr

to sell maple line lo general aiorpH. will i)«y 125ft and expense* a month to the aaleenicn that cun make good. Addresa Wholesaler. 7UU to 70h tjijuacT butlillng, St. Louis, Mu.RALEHI^^N-BefD>nslbia cor|K»rt>!un desire*

active aaleamen; salwry ITS lu Il27» monthly am] truvellrig exp^-rwa; staple g«K>da: no previ­ous experience neceasary; Insiructtosi furnished comi^Bte I'ontirifntal Hupply <Ju.. 34> Mint Arcade, Phlludflphla.HALKHM.AN wanted, experienced lb any Una.

tu Bcll genera) trad* In F ael. liberal cunlniis- hIdiis wlili $35 par week advance; one saica- man earned LMlO.ul laat month, hla flrat exp^Tl- ence with ua. The Continental Jewelry Co., I'leveland, D.SALKRMEN-Wanted, slde-lln* salesmen;

nnthliig tu carry; turn your bile time ftito l&d a we«k. meh'bants buy easy: salesmen get check fur ctmmilselon Wickiy nr nii>nthiy. K a WIN a t'U., desk D, 2)kl-2il2 fiili ave.. Chi- ( aRALRRMa N fur New Jersey, ex|»ei]enred trav­

eling man preferred; line atapl* f'>r gen-'r-B trade; f»o*uion pennancni; IJlti weekly advance with cimimlealtina. RAWTEK. l-.Fltl.IK ft CU., Dfirolt, MU-h.M-V1jI*'SMEN waniM; k-vmI paying iKjsttlon

actl •1•. uutth'or men, horae and wagon fu:- niched end ailvances imld. AppI) heft>ri- 1« A M-. Ikuuontic 8r-*lng Machine t'urnpany. 21 Cim' gt St. *__________ ____________bALPlRMKN wantad. two m*n of good oddrvas

lo Sell bottaehold spe< la1(y onC. P. ADAM9 CX).,

y a - MW Broad at.

HUl sfiVYORK—Girl wanted at once to aaalat with general houaeworki no colored need ap*

ply. .S|Kj BrojiiJ at., nrst flat. ___________$ __lior.SK W O BK -W am ed, young girl foe general

huiisework; amali family. Apply bft fiotitn Arlingtnh av*., E*xt Orange.HOITSKWORK—Neat girl wantid In family of

two. uml*r M; fer general houaework. 18 Gate* ave , MontclairlIOUflUWORK—Girl wMit«d. generaj tionaa*

work; amali family; good wagea; at ono*. lilt Delavan av».IJGrPEWfiRK—Compftent girl for g*n*ral

hoUHework; Gennan prafetred. 0ftC Ml- Froapeci ave. ____HOT'SEVVORK-Tonn* glrT for light house­

work ; German preferrad. Call after 7, 19 Warren pi. _________liOrHFwVjRK-W anied. a whHa girl lo a*-

Hist In houH*urU. Apply 8D Und*n ave., It\ liigtnn. _______IIOl'SEW ORK-GIrl for genera) housework

fa ll, after ft P. M.. 77 Van Net* pi.Hul'RKKKpf'EB wanted for

Ayply 4^ Camp et- ________a amali famtiy

•SALESMAN—Young trmn, uii* whu has sume knowledge nf 'he business, lo work In j i

paint store. Apvdy Newark Glass fo .. 27ft Market st., city. _________________flALERAlAN—<’ |gar flaleeman wanted In yiPtir

territory i eiperlence unnecexeary; >44 per Week. I’evrleH* <*tgar Co,, Toledo, O.

BANK olerk wonted. Junior; typewiltlat pre­ferred. Addreaa P. g D oi 897, Newark, N. J.

DA-KEfl—Wanted, third band on bread a.nd rolls. Call W WIlHam at.________

BARKEEPKK wanted. 2ii.'!-2t>8 Market at.CLERK 8-B R IG H T TOVNG MEN. 18-19






CuLLR<Tt>H—WanMHl, firtt-claas tnatalnent chlteetrjr; on* thoroughly acquainted *-1111

Newark and Hurrouiidlng (owns; muat be ah<u tn procure bond and furnish Qrat'ClAgs rr f*r- enre; g«xid italary with chance fur u^lvancc- ment. Apply Ift A. -M.. 'fucHday, 224 Murrfot St., fourth lloor.OOiLI^CTOn wanted; one having expcrli^'ifc

ort furniture nctviutitSj must furnish gm>t referrtice and bond. Addrcaa Familiar. Box 24, New* utrica,<‘’OLLEiiTOR wanted to colled few small

grocery bilin amounting to klA; cotnnilK''lon 2ij per cent. Addreaa CoMertor, Box 78, Newa office.GOArHMAN, who undersUndi perfectly car*

of lire hnraea an»l carrlageH. ganlenfng, e ic .; muel be xtcariy, sober and have guod refer- envHH. i?all Hunday and Monday. ITS South Drove at., East Orange.OUACHiMAN wanted; one who la nut afraid to

work and willing' tu Icsrh how to rvin automo­bile, good place for the right man. must have best reference. AJdrHaa M., B<ix 72, Newe utt'ice.<.’ ANVA8F!ERS cuh fnahe »2 to por day;

huatlera more; article* aell Co nearly every liousek»-.?|wrr; experience not nweaisary: liberal cthnimlasijiuna. Ball 2:i Oaralde si.D RIVER—Moving van driver: one who ha*

Luiii experlenoeii and undersiandA handling idenoa: beai of references required; good wagaa to toe right men. Apply September ft,

...... 'H iTU W AIT ft VAN HORN CO., 7»lo txovBp; Market s( Newark.DRIVER — Wanted, experienced furnliur*

wagiin driver; steady |Kj)tiiicin. Apply to shipping clerk, <'. Hf'lfMir>T Furniture Co., 18T Kprlngheld ave.I»RTKCTn'KS wantc*d: abrewd. rrllalde man

fur profltalilft aedret icrvb-i>, to an tvncer uRlt-ra; no experleunj uec 'Shary. IVMit 11 «'. WEB8TKR. IndUinuprilis, IndDLTE<*TIVEH: gtH>d puy for g.iud men; sonie-

ihlUK new; write for free particulars. Ad- dreea (Iriicral lA>lecBve Agamy. IndlansiHdla. Ind.DELtN'KRY- Vouiig inanled man for retail

route: good wog 'a and atuady waltloii; ref- oi'oncos ami aecurMy required. <jall Alderney U'llry Co , 20 Brldg n Sf,______________________DfU'G CLERK Young mm, two or Uire*

years' exiwrlenre; 9H> per week irlLL- BuND'S IWMg, Main nnd Washlnglun ata.. ICasl c>rnngo.l>UrG I'LERK . jm il'r i r FegDtereil wsslsrant,

yuburbnr luwn. Address, shiiing expcrifara Btni referunuus. X . Hux 42. Nrwa ufTlcc.DRCfJ Cl.KRK, .Uiniur. nlth several years' ex-

iierlunce; shun hours. ME.N'U, Hkl Market at.DBt'GGIST. J u n h « i nnre; throe years' ex­

perience; Kfud ixulBun. m cilA R D GAHHKN. Peril! Ambuy. N. J. _______JjROP unil press IjhihIs, eiivi'rlenj-ed meh

wanled; referem w leijuirevl. L.ARTER ft 3<^N. 41> rheatmu «l.

fiOLK’ ITOR—Wanted, on active real prIhIa agent nr Inauratice sollrllor or Tellable busi­

ness man in each town In New Jersey: fSTiO lu tAUft per munth In U for right man; high claw prup^utltlon. Address. ■«i11i referencep, Tulsa Heights i'o.. Tulsa. 1. T-RTABLF3M AN—Wanted, experienced, active,

willing stflhle an<i farm hand, first-clasa help only; good wage*. Addres* Eiox 2-'!. Amiiere. N. J,STABLEMAN wanted: stole color, experlenc*

and salary ex i^ led . Addres* Experience, Hox ,19, Nnwi office.STONE 8ETTER on rlcwe *ei work. FIRITEL-

NESSLEH r o , Bft Crosby st.. New York.__TOOIjMAKRR—A flrsi-claaa toolmaker wanted.

Apply F. II. Lu V E l.f. ft CD.. Arllngiun, N. J,T a il o r wanted for cleaning, preaslng and re­

pairing. 6Q'.4 Day at.. Orange. N. J.AV.AKTEl)—loo young men. tisiween 21 and

HO. for railroad hrakemen and firemen; |SQ lo 11,18 per month; Itimuxliaie poiltlnna when qualified. I’nlted Railroad AiauciatloD, ruuni tl. 494 Broad at.

DAT TRIMMFUH wanted; ye*f-aroutid work Apply Eit hat factory. A East Lay at.. East

0--ttnge. N. j . ______________________________/!<H TRr«'T0R-W anl«d. Englbb woman teach

er fi r iirlmnry departmrni In a Oerman-Kng- JiKh Bv'hiHil; aiato eiperlenox and reference. AdUrewj Teacher, Box Hi, Nows office.I RON [‘ US on family piece* for Tiirsdays,

\\ cdiiesdAVi. Thursdays and Fridays; |l hO Lwr day. lIlIftilER laundry, 41ft Market ■'KlTCllE.N W DRK-Qood wiuriAh fur kitchen

work, must umloraiand conking. Apply 828 MtiMierryiv_______ ____________________M ltiU NERV lenrnera wanted; paid while

learning, guod itpp<.iriunity to Jearn mlHlnery. Call at uijcc. LEVY'S. W Market at.MIT-LINEHY preparers, makers and learner*

wanted at once; paid while lenrnlng. Fi'MAIlV’ S, l.ft2 SprlngfleM avt. __ ^MU.LINER AIT’ REN TirE. psld while learn­

ing; alavi a gn()d irn)>r<jVHr. l>y private mil- itiiet. 201 f'llfmn ave.MU.LINEBS wiiniod.

KulPin St . Newiirk-MRS. L. E. COOK. 41

N lTlftE-Gem ian. Hungarian or Boheroiah .Ipwlsh wnmnn wanted as ntirae for confine'

meni case. 24 Elliot at.. M’oodslde,NI'ILSE-Wanted, an experlo l<^ed nuvaa girl

.Appl)'. with referencei, JOHN ENfBjlSH. ftftli Main Ft.. Efist i>rang*.N l’RSE—tTpjniK'ienl nurie for two children;

giMHl wages. Afiply U12 Cleveland st.. OC' a n g p ___________________________OPERATdRR - w a n t e d . ON CORSETS,


THE FERRIS HROfl." COMPANY., ___________ lOU SHIPMAN BT . ______

OFERATCRS on hunting clothing, experienced Ptieratora palil |ft week while lea,rni»g; cau

earn IIO weekiv; steady work; light, airy work room. RICHARD HILL Mfg. Co., lU Hoyden pi., top flvK>r, Tonka .building,

Ma n —Married man ifth), or good appearanc*.rtifable and Irvielllgent, wtahM position U

alofe, office or factory. Addreaa Reiigbi*, i4va 72. Newa uffiee.MAN—Married man, «<]aeal*d, wlahea ateudr

pdaittan In drug atom; haa Kmia expMicne*. Adi)r»aa Drug, B(»x 7H. K ew i offie*.NFRRE—Altendnnt nurae. maaaeur, xrant* ek-

gagemeut. Nurae, 1G7 Summit at,FAlNTKR-Flrxt-cliM painter a S paper-

hanger wishes work by contraet; w'ork jca- aonalile. JAFFK. 73 Mtmmouth ft.TOOLIIAKER-Yoiing man. tootmakar, me­

chanic, poaaeBslng Inventive Idena Ubor-aav* Ing dcvlon, excellent executive ab ’ Uty and capable In conduct a shop, tiesiraa poalUon aa •uiNiintaikdem, foreman or a reaptwiflbln poal­Uon baasd un above cepretentatlona. Addretg Name, Box 51. News uftlcc.TOUNO MAN, 35, wlalua iH^sttlon tn garag*.

I W L , 212 Broad at.. Ellioheth. N. 3.

ENPl.O VM tQNT W A N T K D -W O M E lf,COOK-LA L'NDAMgft—Two women want work

one at ccoak and laundreax, other chamber* maid and waUreta. 195 Weat Kinney at.DREBHMAKFR wlahea engagement* to go

out by day or home. Apply MRS. VAN- STIEN. M Hollywood, Kaet Orange.DRESSMAKRR'-'Experlenoed dreasinaker wit)

accept engagwnenta by the day. AddrenFitter, Bux 37v N*wn office.DRESHMAKER wl*h*i a f*w mnro «ngage-

menia by the day. Addrea* Dretamaker. .box15. Newa ofllo*.D R ^.'IU A K E R would Itk* few morV eue-

tomere, Addrew Engagemtnte, Box 89, N«waoffice.DAY'S WTOlK^Woman ivlalMi day’* work;

fCKKl laun>lreaa; referehOM. Oall or addresa $97 Mulberry at.DAY'S WORK—Young German woman wtahei

ilay'i work. Addreu Young, Box T5. Newaoffice.HOUBEKEEPBR—0«rm aii ^oroan, with girt

o f 18. wlahea poaitlon aa houtekeeper in widoweF* family. Addreea Rouaekeepef, Box UH, KrWa office.HODBHJWDRK—Otrla want poaltloni; n o cra l

housework. KOPFBL, avnployme&t offlcA ftd Jones at,; telephone 4772J.H O rSE W O R K -O Irl would like a place aa

cook or genorai houaeworker. 80 Morton at., second Aoor.IF on your return from your vacation you

can't gel a waabwoman quickly, recollect n; we call for your clothe*: wo waab 50

plecBB that don’t weigh over 20 pounda for TO cents, nnd. mind you. we Iron all tb* bed and table linen, flannel underwear at this price and return the other piece* roughly dried for you to flnleh: no aiarcblng at Ihls price; erver- welyht 4 cent* per pound. Rough Dry Laun-

'dry I’n., 4lft Market at.; 'phone 5263.LArNDHlSSS—Good laundreea

work two drat daya hv week. Rox o , Newa office, Orange.

would like Addreie I)i

NliRSE—Prartical ronAhemant nurae. with ref­erence*. wishes pngagenients: would care for

Invalid or sick. HODGIMIN, 7 Fairmount avo.NDRSB—Kliperlenced confinement nurao- j

dress N u r», Ikix RS, Nawa office.PHOTOGRAPHY—Woman wlshea home work:

ex]>rr1enced In retoueiUng, coloring and spot­ting. Inquire McKEAN, H2 New Ht.flTrA'OGRAPliEH. ijpewrlter, assistant book-

keeuer. some cX|w‘rletu'e. 4-i w 'Pkh’ ; good ref- en-nre. Addreea KORLT-HOEFPER, 3H Ten rre st,STENtHiHAF’ ilFJR and general offire work;

17 years old; ihrce months' experience; salary |R. A'Idress Btsrmgrupher. Shfi fourl h».

plain sewing Or alteration*. Address Jiusinesa, Ho* HI, News office.

tVaMAN, t)f refinement and experience, wlahea iMiNltlon of trust In home, hoMpltal or insM-

tuilon; be»l reference*, Call Monday or Jid- droas A. R., 4b Myrtle ave., city.WOMAN wants any kind of work, fl Auguala

w a s h e r w o m a n —Want washing to take home, rough-dry, and Ironing; flntt-clusa

Inimdreajj, I0fl»v Sh<*ffield at,WASHERWOMAN—German woman want* po-

altlim for washing. 89 Somerset at., rearWASHERWOMAN, German, wishes to gr- out

washing. MRS. KEIJLHJR, 374 Plan* at,WASHING—German w-otnaa wants amali wash'

Ing to take home. 15 Deacon st. M. KTHNE.




It pay* to attend the beat echnol. You re* c*lv* the iMtneItti of a more thorough and capo* fut training, and when you graduate you ca n r with you th* intluenc* of a achnoi that haa the votindODce ami respect of buslneaa men rn'eiy- where.

The Coleman Record L* the Coleman Refer" ence.



If lnt*f*ac*d, .ca ll or wrrite for catalog and little bacftlei. NIGHT St'noOL. College office la open wvery buelne-aa day imd will be open Friday evening, all day Saturday and Wondar morning.



Th* Khooi that roakei a spcclaUr of eaok student.

TnatructlOD roomg, fumlahlnga and echool equipment, all new and oomplete to (h* im all- cet detail.Thorough bualneaa tnelnlug by cotnpetent ta-

■trtictora.PoeltloT)* to be proud of.

Twenty-four year* of continued ouectaa Ig

other oltU*.

ENTER NOW.Call, write or ’phone for parUoBlara*

EDWARD O. BRANDT, PBIN.,Broad a t , oomer 'Weot Park ou

MERCHANTSft BANKERS’ Private Bnatnea* School

It Ib not an ordinary huatnaea college. U does not enndne Itl Inotructlou to book-learning and theory. It la oiiernted by an asaoclatlon of bust'* neaa men. We Itieirucl every student personally and practically In such a manner that they are capable of doing the work aaBlgnr;d when they graduate. Our course la more like sitting alongside a buslnee* man's drek to gel a bualneaa and shorthand education. U Is a fact proved by our recoil that iKialtlona. await our graduates. Not one graduate out o f a potlilon. Every student and eraplayer well satlsned. W e do not em­ploy egem * who are '"profeasionaL talk- era." BeCgi* making any decision send for "Th* Judge's DedsloO." A. J. HARDING. Principal, 653 Broad at Phone *501.

NEWARK. Ac a d e m y . rounded ITBK


REOPENS SEPT. 18. 1907.Tbiirough preparation for any college ox

eclentlllc school or tor business life. Catalogue cn optilicatlon

One nf the head mestera w1|) b* at ih* academy from D to 2 dally during the week beginning September 9.


OF THE STATE UF NEW JERSEY.Tlic^ r*i>rH!»pniAilvn mujilral Innilrutiort of the

Siale. Rest In^tiuctlan by a Ini'll? faculty of jiupf'clor rnUKlclaiif.

Evyilng News- "There wa* a plane for joat ouch u musical conservatory In ihle c ity ." * • • ' ‘11091 admlrnble results of the thorough methods o f teaching,"

Applications for admission now received. W rite for further In forma lion.

WASHING—Womnn want* washing and Iron­ing to take home. 51 Union st.

W a s h in g end ironing to take home. William at


WATCHMAN—A 9obar, ateady man who haa had experience keeping ui> ateem; must have

referenceH. JuHN RKILLY, INC, 40 Ave. C.WOODWORKER — WocKlworklng machine

hand, and wood turner wanted. Apply CUH- TIH RROK, Rt) Main at.. East Orange.VS'AtTEHft—Thlrty-nve waiters wanted. Aid>ly

.lohnaon Mall, ftOl-.ftOft Plane at., until 1u o'clock Monday morning. ^W AITER—Young man as waiter; none hut

exj)erlenc d need apply. 1*. G. PCHWART75,9 -II Weat Park m. __________________________WAITER wanted, ftft Mulherry at.YOUNG MEN lo run.pasaenger or freight ele­

vators; muat hare experience and beet of referencM. Apply September S. between 10 and 12 A. M.. COW PpRTHW AIT ft VAN HORNCO._________ ____________________________________YOl^NG man wanted with *om* knowledge of

butcher business and to make himself rvn- ernlly useful, t^ ll at Bloomfield ave., Rat- urdsy evening, on Sunday morning.YOUNG MAN wanted In wareroom. who can

sort and ship patent, chrome, cow and horse leathers; none but experienced help need apply. Address Clerk, Hot 40, News office. ^YOUNG MAN—The Newark Huslnees College

will give a bright young man a thorough edu­cation In return for hli services In assisting about at'hool. Apply by letter.

H B L r W A R T B D —W OH B19.

APPUKN’ TICEa for dressraakln^ Oall 17 North Harrison st., nesr Main, East Orange.

APPRENTlOK to Icurn mllMnarv; paid while learning. L. E. COOK, 41 Fulloh at ________


127 HALBETT 8T.LOOK-KEEPER, knowledge of |yi»w.TltIng and

slenturruiihy. required, JOH. W. GLAISTER CU.. ft7r< Hloomfleld ave.. Montclair,CCXIKH. I'26; laundresses, |26; three cbom*

bornialil*. f 2i); waltressea, houaeworkera, 325. Hume Eimdoyment Ageney. 76 Centre at., Orange Call Monday; ftUO alluatlana; notb-e name and number.

?5:\'GlNEElt—FIrst-ciQBs eviglneer wautetl to lake rharg»' o f large power pliB i; conllnu-

OUK current gravraiort. Addre ts iHani, Hex 4!», N ew t «O m -IBKnTNKEB otio who can make himself gen­

erally useful In iHix aliiiu, .\nply at 2Hl N. J. H R. ftve. _______RNUFAVEH and die cutter; a good man can

secure an excellefil and pernianem poAKIon. Apply HlHMAN-Mll^LTCR Mfg. Co., 3Ul Mul­berry at.FITIEMAN—Experleiired fireman for ice

lilant: *oi>rr. and rellHble man only. BusIncM Men'«» ilygcla Ic* Co.. 6UM Pansatc ave., K ear­ny;_______ _____________________________PIltKMfIN—Tw<i experienced hollar Bretnen

wanteii. Apply The New Jersey Zinc Fnaaub' nvo.

'LAStJ liojrtender wanted: ft good po- aUlnn; quick m ixer HARRY NI.'tHlAUM.

care of lVck._2^7 Sprkigfleld ave,___________GRtX'EHY clerk and driver warned. ApiUy V

Nl'SHAUM. 2bS Springfield ave.

HUI'TLTuHS! wanted, everywhere, $25 tn Jftd made weflliL' dialrtbuRng circulate over:-**-

Ing mndttOf u'lvanlfllrig, ncw plan; no I'sn- vaaalng. Merchants' OiTtihior Advertising co.. t 'blf&K«\ _dlUBTLERS wantotl everywhere; hustlers tn

tack signs, dbiU'ihuie clrculurs, sampLei. eu-.; no canvassing; guxl pay. H\in Advertising Hu- reuu. t'lilcsgo.IIELP'-Able-bodltict marrlwH man to heU> in

milk ffwivi; re/ereares reciulred. Call Nwwhia Milk nnd Cream Co., Bridge st.IJORHKiinOEK

Rwu-lk* Peek.wnnted. N. J.

21 Mfeatfield nv*.,

r ic B B lS T toC STRODEt L ft B fiq .,

n c h ! » T « ,FV>t») d u l i u ,K» BcWoriM n»

at <b7n c a lm .fM tf t io iu , lU L ir, t e j u u u n n


Not, long since a ellenf consulted ua about a a*mi>le but valuable improvement Iti electric lampt». He flrst hod th* Idea years ago oiid t-onsiilteU a "j'ollege profeasor.” Some oite el^* With the aacne Ideti cfiusulted a pateni wtlnriiey and got a mrtfrey-ittakbtg patent. Our clientlost a valuable I’lght.

riend for RiuatrataU hand bonk, coQsulutlob Hye and good care* taken on conttogent fee

’ f priferre^L MIIAI h. WEVICNB ft CO. at.. WasFilngtrm. H, c . ; cXtabllBbed

RUaRKLI. ia. E V W R l^ .’ PlianttPltaft Btfttfft ana abroad. TW B r o e ^ K cflinet ktarkef; tetephon* 4:ttoR,

DRAKE ft CD., too Sraq» at. 'fh oo* S»40.

Pa t e n t s . t r a o e i ia r m bMACDORAUI ft M A C ^ i S f

loo Broadway, Yorlt


man u lih exp<‘rl«ffce in a Jewelry fac­tory ' office, whu underetands weighing of gobj and ail details of the poaitlcti, BIHMa n - MILLER MF41. tXJMpANY. \m Mulberry st.

JEWKLERH. capable of making a falgh-ciafa Hue ut cigarette eases, laatch boxea. cic.;

ihoroufhiy fxpenaneed m«n only. LAWRENCE Mfg. Co., Ifil Iftfayctte at.JRWELERSI—Kxtt^r!fm-ed lewalera wanted

Apvfy to DESROY ft HCiFs <X}.. Blni und Columbia el* . N*wft.vk, N. J.KITt'HEN MAN wanted. Apply Oryatal L<t|t*

liotel. Kngi* Rock. W en Oixitge.LABOREIt—Good laborer (eo|or«d) to park

scrap iron.. 3L15 per day. CS*U Mondsv morainft before 9 o'cinek, 2il!i Matai sL, Bell*.vUte.U O tC S IlB oft Sterling aUvsr fewftbT: muat

ho through ly axperfenced and aeouaionieti iftBd. F U m i^ M E B S -

LBR CO.. 41 Creehy *u» New York*

CGOKR. naliroaae*. chanilwrmstda, general housework girls. laumlreaHvii, rtn charge to

rrgirtler; new orders for fall every day. i.'o- u|>era(he Bureau, T'nlon building, CItntun st.,nwm lH«f.

'Wanted, good plain cook and lauiKlrese. while; wagf-i $2t> a month.

COOK-Calk wiiii ref

emnee. afier -i o’ clock, any afternoon ur even­ing, carfare paid, IKki North Grove st., East n r a n g c .__________ _ ___t'*''iOK, also a cbamhermaUl and waitress,

wuuted: refercnccj required. Plenar call at 25 Nurth Arlington ave,, East Orange, between 1» and II A. U.Ox^VK—Woman tn cook and do laundry work;

mltltile aged reliable woman preferred; 15,50 wet-k: must room elawyhere. ?59 Onduird at.C l‘"’ iK—(.’ iinipeteni girl, cook, wawh, iron and

care drat Hour. Call Saturday evening. Cen-i tr:i| and ^ ‘uUHtn uvea., iSaat Urai' e.COifK and laundrere; also uputuirB girl; alsters

liifjftrrHil. Call after 12 o'chmU noun, on and efu-r .September i!, HU South lUth at.CuuK Woman In help out cfKjking and light

In.iiHcwork; 70 centa a day. Aiidrfsa Wood- aide, llox 74. New* office.<'iKiKbi, laundrearer, waltrestiea, hniiaewrirl'erB

wanted: best placea: highest wages. H2 Hprltigfield ave., Newark.CtH^K—Woman to do plain cooking and laun­

dry work ill small family. Apply lU Jaiuoa st.ENGRAVER—A flrst-clasi Jewelry and mono­

gram engraver to gif* private knitructlon niitsbie of regular employment. For partlnilara nddreaa Jeweler, Box g, New* office.

GLRL3 w a n t e d .


OIRIJ.—Want.d, g irl., b-tween the agw of 17~ 21 to learn the kriepbun* buslntMt; aalary

Piicl while learning; permanent ppoHlomi to iJuiae wlw qualify, Apply at tohool for Opera- (i:^. 109 Market at., aher 9 A. M.GIHU wUh some knorrledfe o f atenography

ami typewriciag: aalary M. with good chance of ailvaucement; nn* Ifvlng In •outh end o f rity preferred. Addreu HtSho, Box New* olHcp,GiRLa—Strong girl* wanted in nanufacturing

department of chewing gum factofy. Ctli Tuesday after ti A. M.. at American Chicle — ■ BlgflPW at., Newaric,GIRTj wanted, experienced Jewelry i»H*5tr7^to

polish v o i l l precious articles: good pay: steady pnaltlm; »nu* experience^ etc. Aftlreea Freclmia, Fkix TS. New* office.

"AMwl-mt b h a b u r tA JOIfNRON H 1. 1)or.tar,.8. Ol^nwood .v . , ,

K»»1 Oraniw, on* biwk n iith or CtO'Btown M. R -

wan<«l; m un tM o t w U : m m At pooi- tloM .n a good p»y !o bright. 4Ulr,)t rirt.. A p ­

ply .1 one*, n r Mkritel rt., shird lioiff.OIRLE vtn tod ; Uoadky m omlnai .n d B lu r -

I'llLIilElt laundry, 4U M .r)t(( tL

OFFIOE CLIiRKS—Two young women flfl-201 f(«T clerical wprk. filling out reporta an<l to

assist ubuilt ollire; nn experience; prefer to ICHch our method. Give age wml add re** ftp* plications In own Imndwrlting to D.. Box 04, News office.________ ____________________________I'APER BOXER—Experienced blockera wanted

for round hat hoxea; steady work. A. M. RILKY & GO., 3ft William at,. OrangB;______JULISHERS and burnishers on small silver

and gold work. FfSlIBU-NKSSLER CO.. H3 f ’ rosby st., Sow York. ___PRESS HANDS—Girls experienced on power

preaaes; ateady work; go«>d pay. HGEXaEY Tube and Uox Co., 4tb ave. and Ogden si.


f'ARETAKEREl—Man and wife wlah poflltlona In jirivate house nr aa corotaherfl o f reeldence:

b -si reference#. Addreiw Care. Box 7fl. Newa offloe.HEIjP—Ladles can secure flrsl-olas* help:

'phone 31J. Elite, 11 Bcmtb Orange av*., South Orgngp. _______

RfiTRESENTATlVES-W oman representallves make large prnfita arillng choice hosiery in

home {owns. Write Sachem Hosiery Co., B. Hartford, I’onn.aTl^^'(X>RAPHfc3R—Wanted, girl atenographer;

must ti#Hls4 at hook-k4^eplng; good wage* to compcieni girl; must bo aver twenty-four year* old. Apply it) Motor Car Company of Nww jerrey, 2ti] Hdlaey it.SALESWOMAN—Wanted, experlencart cIoxK

and suit iuleswimjiwj for Perth iVinboy: on* whu umisratand* alteratlona preferred, Apply^ WOT.FF & CO._______________________ ______SALESWOMEN for lace* and embroideries;

muat be experienced. 56U Main *1.. East Or­ange. ________________ ________ _____________SEWERS—Wanted, experienced carpet sewera.

The EwiPX Carpet Cleaning Works, 512 Main at.. East Orang*.STATING machine operator wanted. Con-

■olidated Safety Pin Co., Bloomfield, N. J.TYPEWRITER— Wanted, young woman for

offir* work and typewriting. Addrea* G. A.. Box W, New* office. _______WOMEN to make nanltary betti; material all

cut ready to sew: |I6 per hundred. Par- tlculara. nildresa envelope, Sanitary Co.. Dept. yiU. Chicago.WOMAN for llglic, artlatic work which may

be done al home Apply by letter only, Room H(K, 41 We«t 24th at., Manhattan.WTNDRRS-WSnted. good winders; steady

svork. Apply Surety Silk Co., Naeuau and Sh‘ ‘ffl«ld sta.. Newark, N. J.WAf'rRESfl—Experienced

Keataurant, 27 Orem at.waltrcita wentc'l.

YOUNG Woman wanted to work In confec­tionery *t<ire In East Orange. Addreaa E.

O.. Box 43, News office.

H E L I* Y V A ffT IS D -U B K A R D W OnrK M .

AGENTS, dry barierles oure rheumaliam, liver and kidney fllJ ett eB, headache. nervou*nee»,

nunibnes#. cdrlnesH, iilixl&ees. weak and lame bHck and other dlHcaaea; prevenlR ctild fret anil Taking coW; giv*# a eomforiahle glow of warmth all over the body; sample battery free iioHtpald; agent* winted^ bolh sexat; credit given. SMEAl), A-10. Danfay. Vt. _ _HOUBEWORK - GARDEN KH — Wanted, wan

and wife, wife for general hourework. muai be a good cook; man to take care of lawn, ganlm and steam heater, on* bora* and aid the wife with houaawork; must be sober and nieady; permanent home for right partle#: only two In family: one hour from Newark. Ail- dres* lidciii Box 3T3, Flemington, N, J., ™" ■ ■" ■ - V •

EM t>LO Y]llBN T W A K T iQ D -M B I f.ArUOUNTANTS (Qualilied. Experts)—Books

oi>ened, cloned, dlseiitangDd. ayatematlxed; trial balance*; audits; Inveitlgatlons: partner, ship adjuslmonti. MHHCANT’ ILB AUDIT CO., Union building; 'phone 997J.AUroUNTANT—Books opened, closed, audited

and modern syatenio inttaUed. F R £D HOB- ERTB Audit Co- 71 Wall irt.. New York.BOOK-KEEPER—Praethfcl double entry bock-

kreper and collector (middle-aged) wania situation September 10; imat! salary and cum- mlesion; can furnish bond and flrsi-ctau ref­erences. Addretn Collector, Box 03. News office.BOOK-KKKFESl, general office man (Christian,

Newark or Uranges only; first-olaM ref­erences; salary moderate. Address Accurate, Box 00, Newa office.BOOK-KEEPER—Books kept and trial * bal­

ances taken; rate* moderat*. BHEHlfAN ft JF.NNING, 2I>5 Hunierdon si .CHAUFFEUR desires pooltioa 6 PleiNa*'Arrow

Peorles*. Thomas. Packard, or any egr; years' experlenca; do'^repalrliyf; very .aarsfttl driver;'good referenoe. HARBT»' SS5 Hals«F at.CHAUFFEUR detlrea tM tlo a ; familiar with

all makes ot laaollnc ear*; oareful driver; good mechanic; oe«t references from Hat em­ployer. D. M., «1B Jone* st., Boat Orange-c h a u f f e u r , colored, two yaars* experience

with gasoil n* car«; referciic* from present employer. Apply E. BROWN, iS6 UaAiUton at.. E ssi Orange, N. J.c o a c h m a n , married, ofte child, Ifi yenn ' e*-

porlrnce, thDfoughly bodtrstanda hta bual- n«sa; generally useful on gentiomnn'* cuun- try place; reierences, R , $CHWK1TZ, l2fi Parker at., Newark.COACHMAN, married, wndaretand* car* of

horse* and gardenlnf, generally iinHfu; un country plaos; reference. M. J. TItACY. tl Urrbftrd at.COACHMAN and useful tn*n, married, thor­

oughly experiencad, wHhe* potitlon; good reL ■■ * i, «0 Wntblhgloti at., Hobo-erence.

KeltC'OACFtMAK—Uoeful: Blhgte; 1 competent; 5

years in toot ^ o c e : personal reference. Ad- drees Bkiwai^ Box fi, New* nffio*.c a r p e n t e r i n g and Jobbing; old and Jiew

wurl(. Add?*** ,Carpenisr. Box iffi, ffawa office.'DRAFTSMAN, foreman, practical, general me-

ohank> «porls&efnJ In tlcalgniiig automaffo ■peclai ftnd general mRehinoTT. bookblndenY nift<minery, imehine tools, jig* and flxiuros. *x- perimentai work, with m^cbanlcdl InvenUye ability and a hostler; machln#* Pfrfected. Iti- rentlua* Oevelniieil. F. c. M ARQU ARDt. 64 iTih ave,, Newark. N. J. .INBTRLCTOR—L* D. Brown, former prlisctpai

o f the commerelat tiepartmeiit o f th* Poly- teehbic Institute, Brooklyn, N. T ., 4os4re« en- gairefMWta to teach oamraarcflal brancM*, p a n time. In privat* reheat or bualnast coUegot, Addrea* L. D. IIROWK, W Mfiehell pi., fa * t OroM *. N. 3j

MACHIN1£T -(g f) O cm an, wlaHSf poslttoo t* m ^ l n l r of lalha; one year la omifttirr.

ALVIS D O E R F L ^ 44, H f t ^ « t





PRINCIPAL.Send for catalogue, or, better, cell. Annua)

enrolment, 600 atudenta. Not the ordinary type of bufllures K hool; demands sufflcltrit time to Insure high-grade, finished atudenta; distinguished for enforced dlaclpllno, exacting tnethods. thorough instruction and excellent re­sults; eronloys only teachers of highest merit; superior location; oldest business college In the city, under one head. Mr. W lnutr begins Ms twenty-fifth year in association with the college this year. A safe school to send your son, daughter or come yourself.


Commarclal building,

693-«M ^ O A D ST., N EW ARK. N. J.

Newark's Foremost Business College.

Ideal location; new bnlMlhg; fine equipment; cxp/»rlencei3 inaiructor*; thorough courses; thirty-fifth year.

Day and evening seealoni begin Tuesday, September 8.

Write or call for catalogue and general In­formation.

STEVENS SCHOOL.STEVENS INSTITUTBJ OF TECHNOLOGY. River at., between fith «nd 6tb its., Hoboken,


Reglairstloh day for applicants for adm liiloo Wednuday, September 11 .

Exomlnationa for admlaslou on Thursday and Frhlay, September 12 and 13.

Courses o4 study preparatory to untvaroitirii. college*, schools of ocience. Uw and mcdlolna.

Th* rote of tuition for all efaues t* t t w par year, or IflU per term.

For catalogue apply to the principal.CARTERET ACADEMY.

Ermx and Central ave*., Orong*.Thorough preparation for all college* and

sclentUkr schools. Graduate* have taken honors at Jeadlng universities. Attractive building, Ritilellc field, niiMttng track, tennis courts, gymnasium. Hot lunch served each day,

tieventb year will begin September IH, Ji>07.



Ifi7 Second st., near Orange at.. Newark.L. ULAEBER. Principal.

A high grade private school of ilmlted mem­bership, fur the study of aienofriiphy, type­writing, l>ook-kreping, li^ngllah hranche*; no classes. Catalogue on application.


TUB NEWARK SEMINARY. Boarding and Day Bfihool,

172 Clinton ave., Newark, N. J.ANNA FRANCBB W H ITM ORE Princtpol,

Rappeti* Thursday, September 29. AcXdMBln. Intermediate. Prlmaiw depatt-

inents. KxceptlomU advantages In U iulo, Art. Languages and Physical Culture.

Pupils erteo|Jftadlng college* every year on eertlflcftte. (lyintiaalum. Laboratory, Library, Cgtaioja ____

___ UACKETTSTOW^I. N. J. ______c u n t e n a h y c o l l e g i a t e in b t it t it * .

67 MILES FROM NEW YORK CITY.A sup4 rk>r. Inexpensive boarding school. Col­

lege preparatory and genera! course*. B ^ i aed girls over J4 years o f age received, w e urge a ]>ersanal visit fnr IjutpecGon o f &ew buildings. For catalogue addrew

uniCSIDENT K. A, NOBLE.^Next term begins Wednesday, toptem bet 9 .BbV'DEN'S’ r a i V A T i 'm r s i N ® ^ OOtZiiG B!

S8 c e n t r e $T.,JB THE CHEAPEAT IN TH E CITT,

b h o r t h a k d , t y p e w r i t i n g , _ nOOK-KEEPINO, )£NGUBM BHANCHCa.




R4 PARK PL,. N EW ARK, N. J. Academic, lntenna<»ate and primary depart­

ments. Well equipped gymnaBJum and labora­tory. Certificate admlU to leading eotlego*. Rnoiiens Wedtkeoday, Srpt. Sfi. Ulsa Townaend will be at home from W to 3 after Bept, 10.NEW YORK UNIVERBITY tJ4W SCHOOl*'/Sd year, opeos Heptember 29. 1907. : C o rn ing aiOase*, wcmIoh* 9;BB to Ito AitsKnoos dofM *,

to 6. Ev*Bli)g ctaoiML h tP DeirwM, LL. B., LL. M.. J4 d7 A to o M

L. J. TOMPKINS. Beeretary. Wasliinftto* Square, New York.


REOPENS THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER »L. Primary, Intermediate, academlo and cntlefe prm ratcry departswRta, A H m tM number nf boys received F « i i priraare jjtmiirtmeni. For particulars addre*a MIBB CItAVEW.

SEYMOUR ftrsiN E B R COLLEGE ANDe a s t e r n s c h o o l o F STENOgRAUHT.

SIXTY A C A D E M T S n tB E T , PRfA'ATB. s e l e c t . CENTRAL. B X PR R L


BQfTON TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, ra* B elli' YUI. n v i. i «1 tc(r in l M udI,.. rn n h a n td ,

.n h ltH ttm l itn w ia i. M th m u tiln . b » k « . r d itu dm u i« * . BMdiul, bUrh k AimI c o u m .; c ^ A c t a .d o itt . tn caH ne; t»I. dISJ. B. B.i i * w t o b k l A w B cn o o ru p » » Bciw b .

K v.n la . Bvlioal, W N im B *t., ,K .v Tifrk CUy; ''fpwLcht nKIhftd" a i IndBrocridt,; L L .R Inl T « n : . U . I L a S Y « H « )tor w toliw iu. a s < » o i CHASE, I>Mn.

THE L'OI.LEOE OF MUSIC.New Jeraej'n olOe.t unit largeat cunBtTvalory, ■will op*''n Its iweniy-tlilrii season, Monday,

NEW YORK DIVISION, CARNEGIE HALL. !^<>nlng dato, Tuusday, Sd?pi ember II?.

Bend to the stcrctary, Music Holt. I" Cebtra st.. for llleratunv


W lU J A M H. W lLLlAM F. the well-known vocal tcachor, will open hla studio for ’ the

reason of llKiT-’ bW on Beplember 9, at 005 Uroail at.; n limited number of beginners will lie accented; song coaching, preparatory lea> sons for church work. CummunlcsUonB re­ceived at or> CoJumhta ft.

WF.ILT SCHOOL OF MUSIC b a n j o , m a n d o l i n , OUTTAR, VIOUN, Private lessons, fiUc. Inatniments tor sals.297 High st. [near Central av«.). L. D, 'Phono.M'lSa COLLINH lirU HANAN , vocal teacher,

o f New York, will give Jeasons la Newark this oeoson. For circular and particulars apply to REED, DAWSON ft CO., 581 BrtAd st.H ARRY FISCHli'IR. teacher banjo, mandoita,

violin, guitar; lessons private; QltMkin man- dollns, giHitars: Bacon banjos. HT Oliver st.

HI88 MAE K. FERRINE.Violin, piano; method practical, thorough and

y tt simple; term* ntoderate. 22 Court *t.MRS. MINETTA PRICE TICHICNOR,^

VioJlD, mandolin, banjo iesOon*, SOo.WALNITT,

WM. WALLACE CANON, vocal culture, from September 16, at 6 West Park i t . ; reildsoce,

290 Clifton a v«.; tel. 4RR B. 6 .

d o o n t i o n .ELOCUTION-E. MARIE BONN; studio openm

September 10. 19 West Park st.

D anclD |g,JAMBS R. FRANCISCO'S dancing elasseo,

OratoD Hall, Broad nnd Fridge ata.; clasaea reopen Tuesday evening, September 10; be­ginners can join after Eieptember 1. Send tor circular o f clauen or 'phona 2917R, or 27SBJ.



TOWNS AND SUBURBS.All language at school or reeldeno*.

A c n d e tn te ftu d € o 11«k Ia1 « fltBdleft*PRIVATE inslrnction in the above, 21 MU

Pleasant ave,. etiidenta' home, or 79 m teboll pi.. East Orange, B. D. HILLMAN. Pb. D.

^ faet^ ltiin eftC ii« ^liOCAL representative wanted: a large In­

come aiuiureil to any one who will act o f our representative after learning our buslnoM thoroughly by mall; experience unnecessary; ull We r^ulrn Is' honeHty, amhlthui and w ill­ingness to learn a hirr&tive buslnes*: no so­liciting or traveling; on exceptional Opportu- tillv for those who desire to better their don- iiuions and make more money. For full psr- liculAts addree* Dept. 7*W ll. any office, Na- tiunat Co-operative Realty Co., 62 Dtarborn st., Chicago; OUT E st.. Washington, D. C.; Phelps building. l?eranton. P a .: or DelgorPldg.. Oakland, Cal.CIVIL SERVICE employes ers paid well for

tnny work; examinations o f alt kinds soon; booklet F, 142. describing positions and telling easlejtl and quickest way to secure them, J* free. Write now, Wanhlnglon C M i Service School, Washington. I). C.POBTOPFICE clerks and carriers wanted; wc-

amlnatlon* will bo held in Newark and many other cilia* In November; particular* free. Washington Civil Bervlce School, * DftPU 142, Wctshlfigton. D. C._______________RA ILW AY MAIL CLERKS wanted, $16 wrek-

tyi examination soon; extensive educntlon un> necessary; iircpnraiion fres until appMatftd. Franklin Inirtliule. Rocheater, N. Y.IN six weeka we educate you in aaleam tKW ^

secure ymi posit Inn aa traveling akleiKUMi with respnnafbte firm. Addresa The *Bra4atreftt Bystem, Rochester. N. Y.___________________'

H A C H iK E H Y F O lt S A L E .


A large assortm ent conatantly on hand ; lathes. IhBpcn, rolittirs, grindera, drills. e te .i jointer*, planer*. m orti«eix m w tab iis , tte , I bolters, engines, motors, etc, We have punt- sands of new and eerond-hand wood pallsyA a ll sizes: alao thouanndB of iron pulley*. oouj> llnga. hangers, shafting, e tc .; new and! second­hand belting, any width; w* buy a ll kinds of tpachlnfiTT for cash ,NEW A RK HECOND-JIAND MACTTlNEnTCO.,

93 Chestnut s t . ; ^pbonw goal.JEWBLEHB' MAOHIN13RY--0!!t! 2ftO-Il drop

hatnjuer; one 12S-lb. drop hammen wlitft;* drawing roachlne; plallfig dm am o and tank, 12 In by 4 n , ; lootm sker'i lathe; milling m s- chliTb: hack t k v ; polishing lathes and btaw- ar«; machine* built and rcpairetk M A A X W IN K LER CO., 47fi-476 Washington *t,ENGINBB, bolter*, pumps and nuwhltaery ftt

low prices; gwarftnti'fHl; Jit b . p. opposed cylinder gaaoiina engine, 2u0-tight dynamo. atictUm bloweW. ui^P well pump*; lejt ua latow your w aatar rouohlntry bought. THOfi. A. W ^BB CO«. W ard st.; tai. 2364L. ■LOUIB HARTUNO, manufacturer o f itisafti

boIlrfOv tank*. amokcRtacks and heavy Iran w-ork a Rpeeialty; bollei* repafrs protliptly! attended to; new vertical boilers on hand fov . imtDo^ftto sbipment. 414 Paanalc ave„ Eaog NeWftjft. L. D. • .hemo 2189, Harrlwwb ._____ _ .

Steam* gas and goaolloB^ fi to horaepower; t:;toto», dynamos, , eleorilo tJgh

Uig outfits, pujnps and condenW i^ all klh™ a ^ ilsoa. C, T, SCHMITT ft CO^ » -i5 Ulla* ion at.aN<5WEs.~^SiSJ uiTHia, itn.i.Btti''

t u r r e t s , DRtLIJ?, PR M tiE S JkJtOOTMEH GOOD • SECOND-HAND K A - CH IN ERI, ■W.. B - K lW a as CAMFIKOOs r ___________I______________________________ ___

AtoILER—Oirt f*.t-Sit»n Beatlon.1 houHeh*.ttn|[.M le r : m n e ity , S.iOS ft, n r u a m slitlon .

22(> UvSnsstm I. 8UBS8BBMAK.FOB SA-Eb , SH-lioraepow*. motor:

r i v . mrler. C&s be seen at the CARti PAAB CO.. M -B Brott st., Nerwrfc,RIX # H. F ., W o i i H. P. Slid one M R P,

high-speed enslnes, prieU cilly m w , v e i f : ch«»p, 82# .Uvtnjston st. ,FOR BAl-E.' » -b o t« jn w C T In,

ronnlns orSw. AwSp CARI. PAAB CO>.,.<24-33. Scott It . N «rttrfcUATHB Tor s .!e , with k IS-Inch m visc; h,

(nod rondSttoDt « n be bought cheap. tWU tah I t . , c ltr-CANDY ilJX K H B-B 'our copper c a n ^ j rrthBoWt

cheap, 22ft U ringsion it.

MBckIwerr Wan tad.W ANTED, concrete Wncli aiachlB. to m ales'

uler btouks; m ust be cheap for cash. Ad- < ln a C: R- W XNXEU 3#1 H aw thorn , ava,, - c ltr- ' ______

4 :

PRINTTNO PRBSB-Waatoft. smalt foot i ptintini pres*: .fate site, maite and

Addresa rnaA M k T, X *v» offlsa.


N E W A R K E V E S i S N G N E W S . S A T U B B A Y , J U S T 3 1 . 1 9 0 7 .

r O K S A L B .

JIM* K im sB vt plumIMBBtwtktnb.. » l l i l « t e iu c t 10 i l i l w ^ : « * n ie l

■OTiurwi. « t (w l 1» « 1 tarm; U lc li* i rmmw, boll<rfc ■I la * orlsn to ndaH UiKtk. B. B I A ^ A R O . n t*anW J y n- Tel. S7SL; ap*ii »v «m n «i.

for ' • f i t f M rt. doori, htitiloek o o f p!»* Bouda: BOO (rMOhouae luO ; Oullnlni. DDUfht » 7 m i» T c A A. BOWK, 110 IColn roni.r Hollywood ovt.. B u t O n o i* . B- J 'i PBiiM



ktt. All trotlBya ptH ih i door. 'I^ on i BUOO.

__ ....orlcr; can be s « a any iluw; -rflaoo^e

DOHA, HO North 4>h at

l o r



B IU J A B D a n d p o o d t a b l e s BOUGHT.' •rdd. rmtad, rapalrad, ra^oorarad. auppllaa, aio, LUDLOW, raanufactutac. IBI N*r'‘al «L, 1*0 Boon from Broad. L D- 'Ob°n« BiM._______BILUA R D and pool tablaa aoM, bouglit and

laatad; U ria alook of n e* and aeiond-hand; taoalrtnt . CANFIELD. LWNarkrt at. Tar.8500L.BXEH-BoUtad bare dallvrred at t l par u aa

to all p an i of city. Band poaial or plwna aSMU JOllN B R A S ^ H ^ sob ^prtnrteld ava^BUTCHER’S FIXTURES and loola tor aala;

pAyoaentf; lo*t>oxM mikde to oraer. M. MELNICK. 88 Prince at., Newark; toL 20g<iA.B ojT T ilum ln * cabin; fe*« «U jt-

horMpower flrai-itlajui condition: » w .Addr^H Hunilng. IVjx 71>, Ni='WH office.BOAT, 25x0, for sale rhca’ti; alx-hors«power;

Ulanus engine. Pali l«3 Paclflo ^ _B01Li2R~t'>n« caal-lmn sectional househeatlng

boiler: capacity t.L'UO ft. sleam radiation. 229 UvlfifSlon st. I. BUKtiSKRIlAN. ______

FOH SALE OR RXCH.%SOE«Jl'PT recskved chok-e car load of freab Pann-

•ylvanla cows. MAX MEIER, comer IbtS at. and Springfield ave.



CENT., IN eUMB A N D _rO g P ^ IO D B XO S inT ^H E B O R R O W S ACOinilSSlON E X A C T ® . *H 'W *C U S * IA R r PAPERS C AR E rU LLTPRE PARED .



BURLAP BAiLS-Recond^hand burlap bags of m'ery description. The PGCKIIAU Mfc- Co.,

t ie South M.COUNTRY PBODUca.

Money la the most nutritious houUh food: Ava ^ u n d s very nn<‘, absolutely pure, Jersey boney* for 90c.. delivered free; send postal. Orange Mountain Bee Farm. West Orange.CAiiTORAS-Kcw No. 2A Brownies. S2.7A; No.

2, Sl.su; all kodaKS ai cut prices. Newark Photo Supply Co., ItH Washington st.CRABS—Maryland ernbs, all alive, &0c. pet*

doacn; live crabs bulled fresh every hour at MAOORT‘8, 384 RpHngfleld «ve. _____DON'T r o B a n r “t h b ”” 3Ld iib t . s t o r e


achool for children lately taught by Ml“" Annie M. Fraaee. B46 ijpllevllle a ^ . ; a lowfrtce will be named. Apply at 14 Fourth ave.

I name rff»nv is desired aptdy on premlBeii. ^FOR SALE, grocery counter, c(>ffee mill, Ice

box, butcher's front and back )>erjcJi and awing scales; also wagon and surrey; chna]-.Cali 86 Hermon si. _________________ _FOR SALE choap; 3 new cheese cutlet s, nevrr

been uapd. BIRD. 744 Bummer ave . rhy.FISHINQ TACK LB-Th* kind Ibai wjl; briuf

retuma;, complete outfits from 12 up. BUOB BROTHERS, 2 3 0 -^ SprlngJluld avc.. opp.)iita Balmont; both 'phonea; Fishing Hank tickets and bait: tide tables free._____________ __FIXTURES, f T ^ lT U n U ; WE BUY. SFLL

and m a n u f a c t u r e . KHRENHRANTZ. ’149 m a r k e t 8T., opp. P'*nn. Depot; tel. 8yii''iV.FIXTURES, F^’RNlTrRE; \VK Hl.'Y. FKLIa

AND MANUFAfTl'TtM L. liARtlAN. 74'76 FERRY ST.._^FHONE H'ipaj.________________HOMERS and crosfpn fnr eaunh rblslng; tOHifvt

Mrcls; now bm'.llrig, nlH.. I'jruH t -ii hirdn. CUNNINGHAM. 21 WaHhlngti n t>l.. Kll;i abeth,-N. ,T.

HONEY TO LOAaNON b o n d a n d m o r t g a g e .


ROOM 728 PRUDENTIAL HUlLDlSG.MtJU.uUk) TO LOAN on t>oijd und muragage, Is

aumi to auit, at 6 per ci.nt., wlthuut b<>nua, EDWARD 8 . BLACK, counsebr, 814 Prudential.MONEY TO LOAN no Umd and mortgiijn; no

bonus required. FREDERICK R. HODOB. counsalor at law. 788 Broad st.. Newark, N. J,Ml,(8)0 FIRST MOFlTG.XtiE for tale on new

all-fam ily flat cm lluntpr<lon st.; tWl P^r cent, of value. C. ROnOTMAM, V m Broad at.

H e a t i n g BtllLEItR amt radiai-itB.fittings comph'te. IriHtfljHtlnn fur a

a ll work gtiaraiu<'prl .\«]<lrpsj S\.. News ofHee.

pl|,bF and .HifBox up.

HONEY—Uholre honey from Jnre<»y tlowera 25c. comb, ytc. )nr 11 nrdore dcllvarpd, 9'*hd

«ard, WESLPIV UJA.S. 43 Pro^ipeci si.. .Vm-ley _________________________________________HOUSE-TRIM: not "how chpnp." hut "ihe

best at the right price," WOODSTOCK CO., Jersey City.____________________ _ _ _Ic e b o x , iultat^le for liMtchw »li'»p. r*'Ktaiirant

or salcKMV. h2 Nt'W si,MOVINGI PICTI.'RE inarbln*-; l.tHSt font mm.

In gi>< contlltlun. niwl sllflee, UU». Address W .4 68 Central a .e ,, \S‘e«tflp|d, .v J-MU8IC—Thirty rryjls of pianola mush- for saJo

ec 50 ceids per roll; utile used. g"od ae new.?m,‘t Broad st. ____ _FOTATOEB. at car. 12,10. KAISER M IUalN'l

CO.. Jelllff ave. and rennaylvanla^Rallroad.PHONtX^KATH for shIp, w ith ' records, stan-l,

horn. cutnplPte; lit fi'mdlUnn. ' in/julreJOHN H. rHAPM.^V, L1*7 Springfield H\e.



noo THE WAGE EARNER. HOOA Statement wbloti Will luiiix Juy to the

housewlte and smiles to the carewora latner.TELL U8 HOW MUCH

MONEY YOU NEttDti> pay ynur bills and be able to IItb w'.tbln your Inciime thereafter. We wlU arrange the matter, fur you in a few houra.

HOW ONE WOMAN DID IT.She owed the grocer, butcher and rulUunaQ a

tola] of SS.98. gxa tl.70. making I5JU. The linnwdlate needs at home, such as clothea and shi>ei for the children, amounted to 18.60. mak­ing with the other bills a total of 114.18. There v.as also |10 rent to i t y In a few daya. AUc* gether tbera was 1 2 4 . required tor absoiuta noceasltiet.

She had saved 16 toward the rent, hay hus­band had |1 2 salary conking to him, which

HOWli B i . CAW W IAOB*.AT AUCTlpN- AT AiJcrroN.


4I»-< »7 UHOAO BT,. NEWARK, N. J, , Tha oldeei, moat rellabla cominlasltai atabloa In

----------------- >•eommearinir ae iu A. U , with iP .aand harn4*is.

Two hundred and fifty head to ba wtid on Tuesday. Kept. ,7. iiWT. Any genUoman who la in need rf a horse of any deH'rlptk>n they will certainly Itrid It to their advaniaga to mma and Inuk our stock over l;>efoTa purvboalng elseaiiere, a t I'll guaranlea lu aiva any inir* chaser 20 per rani, on any horit tbay buy of lUHEPli 8 HOY, Not rtnly that you are pwj-

«'H;ted by guarantee which allows al) pureiieeere the ^wlvllego to take Ihe horaa homa and try hltii for two d iy i ’ If he la not <bi guaran« lea t wa do net ask you to keep him. ae my motive U to please Ihe public. _

JOS. s . HOT, Prop.J. r . 8 EBRINQ. Salesman.

J. B. UORBHOUil. Saleeman.J. 8. WIIaLIAMS, Auctioneer

E. BODENWIESER,^ 9-U 'lB Lombardy st.. Newark, N. J.

ZTorsee. eafrlagaa, harness, summer blankets, whips, etc.; f*w pair of family hureae. *ev- cra[ alogle diivere. aultable for fainlly or dootoFs use; one pair of aecond-Tiand ccioa in fine condition: fifteen beautiful pontea of d if­ferent Mies and colors: pony vehicles of aveiy •tyle; a full line o f H. A. Moyer's and YVater- town carriages, cMnajsifng of depot carrlagr*, doctoFs pbaetoni, ouggTea. Tiinabnuta, eur- reya, road and speed wagona and cart*, busl* ness wagons for carpenter*, plumber*, gro* cere, butchera, milk wigune, laundry and dry go<ida: also' patent dumpers snd dump carts: hsmeas of every deacrl|itlon. fitabits an>l Reposltorlaa. 9-tM S Lombardy *t . "fiJ" Broad, both 'phOnes. E. BODENWIE8ER, Prop, ________________

HOI18B8. C A R ttlA tiB i. ETC.AT AUCTION.

276— HEAD OF HOR8 ® »-r-tT 6


520 BROAD AND 19-21 ATLANTIU 8Y , —“ -SvH -.R k , » ; ■**•—— — - ■ • THI IWDAY. BBl-TEMDER S, AT ID A. U.

W« will „ I 1 at auctltin oii TburidJy, t.mbrr n, IttuT, !TJ head a ( all Ihk ty iM o( honwa that am in lh » moat duoaiiO St this time of the year . ,

Among Ihe above will be aome extra mg draft horses, weight from 1,600 te chunks, business hoiaeii snd some excellent e * ' press chunk* and *«veral very fast troiiers an® parere, -

Regvilar auction aalea every Monday • » “ Thursday, commencing at ih A. M.

ALI-Y.IN80 FOX. Proprietor FItKD n. 54('HREVB. Auctioneer. T*U


J. n. ilA N n\ t TA. one of the lead m /b u sl-Bwn of - ■ . . ---------...Glen i^v*. Long Uianfi. furmerly Ifontolalr. N. J., has aecured stparallon

pspers fmm hi* wife, whoea maiden tvan« wa*Arte* 8. Wi............ - ‘i81gne<1i

I k. of Ftander*. N. J.J. U. VAN NATTA.



n - l l BRIDGS FT..


200-H O R S E 8 AND MUI*KB-2 0 0eofiilantly on hand to asleet from. On* to two carload*, horeea and ntultt, auUabI* for all purposes, acclimated and ready for Immedlat* city u**i received w*skly. Eatltfactloi) gaaran' t*aid and prices to suit all buyttw.

78-H O R 8E& FOR HlRB—76tultabl* for all kind* of work.

Both 'phone*, 424 Newark. ________8AM TEAGUE Wagon Works, 7 Webster at.—

Two stake trucks, |UXI, I l 26; 8 open exprcM wagons irarry 40 cwt.), |lOn. 1125, |140: akels-

V— — a..* va.,a,.-, a* ____a ...... tl>p rxur*Ba wagoH, 190. low-wheal, one-avrtjld make the a-hol* pobbObbIou |1't, agaiiiat hurae *toPe *agnn. tow down milk wagon; 2 124.18 overdue. team tup wagi-ma, 5 new phimber a and 3 new


carpenler, plumber, painter or niaaona' wagon*, groi-rr, buichrr. laundry or milk wagons, «*i- prcaa. coal or general delivery wagona. either for a'ngk horee or team. GIVE Uw A CALL. RTi we build any atyle. any else, any eapacity to order, and fully guarantee all work for on* ypsr: serond-han I wngon^. trucks and car­riage* of every deiorlptloh a1*ay * on hand; kilAEGANT URFOT WAUGN. pole and ihafta. Il.'kj ('APH. ______ .

BHK BORROWED FROM US 126.Paid uj> In full, get the ihings fur the cbJl-

dren, had an easy mind and tlT .82 in uash In her pocketboek to begin alt over again. Think It over, then call on ua and let ua explain our method to.you.PEOPLE'S IaIAN a n d BROKFRAOE CC..

Room* 401, 402, 403'and 40«.Klacara building, 186 Mrvrkat fT.

Pbnne 4985. P. O Rfri 44-


People nfien ward accommodation, often want flnancLo] BcoomTnodntlc.n*. Borne are Quite ready to help you by ihelr InQueoc*. Some by advice, bu! very few with the loan of money.


helps out with reitdy c.i*l) those who have no bank asrurliy. and yet find It ronvanleni to iMvrmw at tfme.». any .lum from 111) to tlOO on furniture, plancis hors»*s. wagon*, etc., at a reasonable coat nnd irive you very easy terma for j'aymciiita In either o-eefcly or inonthly.


C«ime In and «*lk U over, we'll bo glad to eiplaln ihl* bualne..* nt rvir* to you, Informa­tion free. If unabl# to rell, write or 'phone, and we’ ll send our rerresentailvc to you.


POOL TABLE Grange *t.

L. n. 'PHONE 476u- 142 MARKET ST.


for sale. corulltb.n. 123

RABBITS and pigeons for sale cheap* 52 Speedway ave . Irvlnxion.

•HAVlNGB. Haled, for Rale. Apply HEADLEY ft FARMER CO.. Harrison, N- .1


TOOLS and fixtures for *nie of a fish oyater market email restHurani.

dreaa TINTLE, 12 Governor at., Newark.Um b r e l l a aamplea for sale; retiHlrlng a ap*a

olalty, Pilk covert, f'ljm |i up. WOLFSON’S, *flSce; aalearoora*. iMi l lalaey ai., cor. Market.


d e a l e r b in n e w a n d SKCOND-HANDBUILDING M ATERIAIri

PAB8A1C AVE.,SOUTH o r c l a y a t . p r i d o k



Y n L L sell mv cnnipl#lp romnierclal law nourse In the Intprnalbmal rorrescKinHenee Hehonl

uae-halr what 1 n*Jcl. .Address Kducatlnn.J>. Q. Bcix, 27 HiteclaTiil. N. .T. ___ ^ _J__12 000 FEET bf m*lni:h atapilard ateant pipe:

the lot at 4c. per font. 220 lAvIngetnn at,

H o a a e h o ld Gnn«U a n d F n r n l ln r e aA T COST, the entire stork of C. KGGEIlT;

parlor, dining and hed mom furniture; nisr) alleloth*. linoleums, mBltlng. alnve* and rangcH.

{fu r a ■hen time, to close iht* ealate of C. ^ g a r t . 114-llfl Ferry *1. ___________________BARGAINS for everybody at the largeit aec-

ogd-band fumitura atore In the Rtat*: lounge*. BOe.: ehaira, 26c .; beds, t l : spring*, 76c.; mattreeae*. The.; pllfnws, 36c.; bureau*. |1, and all other good* aold at a laolflce. 274- 278 Weahlngton at., opp. Rianey** Theatre-BARGAINB at Max Flusaer'a. IM Springfield

■ve.—Iron bed*; |L79; sliding couohe*. p .40 : feraM beds, tlA^S: Allwiii folding go-cart*, 74.tN; k*boae«, tO.49; oAtnulnator run , 11x12, |lfi.D8, drwaera^lft.ftS; parlor aulta, 817.98 ; oilcloth. 16c. yd.BBUflBELB and Ingrain carpet*. Aumlnster

rugf chlfTonler. rocker and UDholatered ♦htlre, heavy hra*«'trlmmed bed: ven- rea.- •unable. 48 State *t.B IG WARDROBE, big edf-feeder *to>-e, No.

I : alfto other furnltiire; cheap. 214 Mul-^ t r r at.CARPET your floor for 76.50; reverelbln ruga;

hatideome deelrn*. colon. Come or write, Ken- ■Ington Rugs, 169 Irvington ave.. South Orange.

F IN E oak chlFonler with bevel plate xla-’V i elngl* metal bedstead, mattresn and spring

fill for $14.60. 42 Orleans at., first floor, right.FORTLAND RANGE for aale, N i, s7 IfTfiraT-

c la ii cofidltkin. 745 South 18th *t.


Without removal.To be returned In atnall auma

WEEKLY ov MONTHLY.Borrow Ilfi.fW, you pay hack 66c. weekly. Bo^r»»tr tIfi.WI. vou pay hack 76c. w’cekly. Borrow t20 W. vop pay bark J1.W weekly. Borrow 126.00, you pay hack |1.10 weekly. Borrow S30.00. yo>i pay back SI fiO ^ pekly. Borrow S40.00, you pay bn-'k 11..66 weekly. Borrow ton 00. you pay back Sl.PO weekly.

I f It* MONK" you need, com* to uA

You get fl'bat *ou **k for. nnd pay for what you get. Your friend in need.

MUTUAL IjOAS COMPANY,24-25 Wood buUaing.

U 8-122 Market at.

BARO AINS-IM bun Cbolci- o* t « o cBunto hiilli work h ™ , . alM ihrM b««ln ,M b<«W ''

suit giwvr, butcher, baker, I'erp^^mer ur « ' ‘ y buBine**; from *rtO to $tt): •jne h a n ^ '«Jhay litirae, aull doctor nr family, I 1W. ’8^ ^ ” I21W. all muat be a+fid to settle eatal#- be seen Bunday end all week at boaxdiw sublet, rear of 14 Orattl strMt. near Broad at-

KAnaAtVB IN a irO N n -H A N D Hitenilon tO(H, trap,, cnachM, broUiMm,.

vlftorlM. roui* iw V aw iy ,, wi«cinM !,» • " » c ,n , . Ill, alwM- vflilclM hav, » l l l»*n baul,(I I lid put In food ordrr and *111 b« a™“ far below their velue to nuke room. g lT N H V ft 27 to 20 Dlvll^on at. ■ _

1T.1 W lE lTbu y '> b1 Krnlllr-bv brad «• '> tiorw; warranied bind and i«.'d wlnd.^fai

fiir lady lu drivr and « (M t iravelff. H*«r Knsi Park at.. Newark. ____170 BUYS large young work hor**:.

extra gr. ..) i*orker; also good •mall mule. i»rice *20. Corner Mil) and Guarrg *i*-. K e l l p v l l l e . __________ ___________W Il Ta tell ten hnrae*; right out of hard.’ »^''h:

siiluble for any kind of huilne**: price* trom *2i> up to 175, Comer Mill and Quarry *ts.. KHIevlIle. ____________TKN lop wagona; auU any bviataga*:

cushion lire runabout*: thra* aelJ 0' 'uHi harneBs; two horsv*. Call any tim*. I* Bren­ner st. _________

for aa£ at l«H than half It* cn*t. Apply H , HWO Rahway road, Plainfield, N. J .; telcphon*m\\\_____________________________________^ _Siift BUYa p*rtdl*r"a outfit: honi*. peddler's top

Wagon and harnraa; owner giving up bualnesi Inuulre tonfectlonery store, 192 Jonn at., Belle­ville.DAIIOAIN—Two light lop wagona. ault moat

nnv kind of bualneaa; a* good ae new; no une for them; will *ell 740 apiece, 625 South Kuhst.FOR BALK-A big gray hors*. 8 year* old. foo

hea\'y for our work. N- H. CO., 300 I5ih ave . or until 2 P. M. Sunday at 10$ Uergeii* 1.

I’TXE black road hurae, ft year* old and scund, bargain: c.all and rid*

WTNTFR’8 Boarding Stable*,behind him. Ulvlalon pi.


You can alw.iy* find t good wlertlon at my etHhle*. »e ( tarry a full line of first-class WeKrjTP luirees: heavy draft horaa* a ■pt'claify; a new load every week.


25S Hank et.: 'phone 006.

H, H. BCaULL, Prop.

i c 'v .4 Hrw.VItUl'T FUR CAPH AT CUST. <'.i*li ir l f f . rutiuhnul. i'ajitj l<rhe, |si} runutiom. JO.'i I well |>rn'‘v surr 'y,I'Hsh bvtof’ . SHki. nitmhnut, Sl'Jft.Ca.sh prl;i-, IU 5 ; runalKiub I'Kl Think It cash nr time, f.ong time, Mr

Ra.«y tprme. long {‘He#-: ehorl jtlttiP, Mrgiilc-k » *i*b, >r>ur n-i> h5n, y-iij ar'e to d*" |,je w lib h It will lo-

A.SUHKNH.^rUfS.Tb .viarkci at luar I’lan- ^

S.VM Hl^nRV.2.S im iD D i: ST

TE L :hl2tiFt IaUCAI. IblA n^relviirl thte in >rnlriK 2.S head ficcHmat^d

work borne*. inrludlriR enme big tennis ami H'lme extra g> *'d biis1nean clitinkp. Aleo nn hand, two tpflir nf gravn hihI a ralr ivf biaik.H. enlTHble for civaf h wi-rk. S'lnie u md driv ing And eaddl-* noree* T ’in-e horeea with »'onsld • erahlH epeed Wvirk and hiiMneas horeea to hire.

GOOD btialnena hurfe and top wagon, | 6u, also i rubi)er-llred rimaboul, 725. 8 South Walnut

*L. Earn Orange, one dour from Main a i.____b n Ja S. D. HDPKrNS, veterinarian, hoaplul.

kb MaJlatm at,, sick and luma htirwa attend­ed Ml owner'll stable. TeJeplinne 8lk*L.



Vt'e make it a* cuay ua puinlbla for honaai people to do buslutsa with ua. We appreclat* the fact that every pereon of prido desire* lo keep thalr perauoal affair* private, and we can protnlm and guarani** to *uch Absolut* confi­dence In all tranauctlouB cniiducte-ri with u*.

OUK CONFIDENTIAL CREDIT SYSTEM la aatonlBhlngly Uheral. elmple, safe and prl- tat*. W * take all rlaks w * create no pub- llcicjr. W « mak* no charge for application. WE TRUST YOU.w « win open « confidential credit account with YOU. I f you aro in need of money call at our offlee. Your account will he welcomed, and onca opened can alway* he ubM. Y ou hav* uo* o f both money ana guoda. Money In few hoar* after appfyiog. Do not fait to call and get our term* before dning huBlnesr* elaewhtra.



no, 720, 730. Mil. 150. tuo. »T0 . tlOOt Cheapest and heal place to




ci CONFIDENTIALLY.Open from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.

Wed. and fiat. «ves. to 8 .CALL, TELEPHONE OR WRITE,

NR6^ JERSEY FiN.\NCE CO..Butte S12-14 Bcheuer building.

BROAD AND COMMERCE 8TE Opposite sxMlofflc*. Tel. 868.

tIANOG -No. 8 Thalcher $0th *t. JOHN SOPP. .,.

range; 384 South

ETOVBB and fixture*; two refrlgeraior*: ee'w* l l l f tnoohlna, National cash register. BID*

DELUAH , 261 Bprlngfield ave.j teL 22S2L

ET0V S ~ A find- oak wardroom kitchen stove UlA chiffonier for sale. lOH Clay at.

y o im -ir * d it ii rxM) i t a k a n t o r -s turci- mr* and carpet houee; prlcea alwaya tower

tttOB «}n*wh*re: call and be convinced. B, KANTOR, 68 Market at.


11 TVEllKLY. D. RSINHORN, B1 SPRINU- F IS L D AVB.ftAFB i, gofes, io lie : large, medium and email:

■cm* ore blund’ Aew, but a ll at •eooiid-hana . arieag; birge variety to aeioot Jromi old safe*

lo iigtil for cash. Nevrork Becond-hnfid Ha- 1 f iw & r Co., 63 CtaeatDut ad.

•A FBS-O FFIC E a n d HOUSE; BEHT^ £ aK B; NBW a n d SECOND-HAND,MACICNBT a DORBMUS 0 0 ., 700 PROAD QT.s a f e s , all alRtt, for faouie or otflcc; giiaran*

teed flraproof; lowest prlcee; very best made, ft. fL BRANT, Markoc and Hulberry etg.

C h leltem e,CHlCK8~-aOO young chlcka, two weeka old,

I6e, and 12c. each. DENBIGH, 121 Wall at., IrvIngtofL________________________________

MONET to loan on boueehold gomJa and per- •onal pnperty. without removal; our rales

are the lowest In the city; Quick, confidential and reliable. Come and get our term* and b* convinced.

. MITCHELL'S, 103 M ARKET ST,.Room 22, over Grand Union Tea atom.

SUMMER GfX^DS AT ROURAUD'3 . Rhf*tx, «'4»olerB, fly rets, ipongei. chomol*. etc..aiiihle sheet*..................................Ot c. m 12.60Summer -rontera.................................Jt f»0 lo g6fji'ftther flank net*.......................... l t -60 to 14Coach, surrey, buggy. WBgnn and truck har-

nes* qiwFiys on hnncl at GEORGE nOURAUD’8.

202 Market ft-PHINEAS JONES ft CO.




i.ilvF-AT RARG.yXS-Fh ie veblvle. lilt; oiif. SiHiihnpe

le« to he rlnsM e at 1185. one.

V.m. -■■urrey at 8225; .me, *250. surrey nl H 85 . one. *1^5: ruiiftlmut at 8135. tennjnabntits bikI t.‘P ImggVs ai coil price. J.L n o t l l i 111' , 2b-22 THnifield^t. _____KK\'l%ll.M. gnnd uorh Iriree*. cue 1.450 pvund*;

rubher t ln i wurrev'. t-uhbei-Ored Tunabn;i;.122.T)0: Ktef!.t!rn<l eurreye. *2 0 *25; ten net*llh'l I iHift hert^\. J-Ingle Riid double harTM-sh, *4- M2 .’*I. all klTi'irt ■»! riiTiHltHiii*, eurn^y"fi'r hire, unuld exebHugf l.trkbinnind h“ i>u for rirltirtv. t ’emral ave. ___________IlonSBf=^' IIDIISES: w in receive caiiwed of

llUnnls horrea AiigusT 2d t.-*TisiRnlly no hand, extra grwi.1 lug nlrafi linrscB. hu*ine#* chunk!! Hhil gij.'il driving amiherpes Hi the l'V\venl in^irkel luloen. Rf»ar JU-V. Hrl.lKe ft- ALEX SUHM.A LRAi H. proprietor. ’Uhone 2nki\V. _________ ______________CONTENTS of i-rhnip Mabk. Hr. Lincoln ave ,

NoH-ai k: ‘ *ne rHri't|iy lee niirre), one topbutfgv, ofio ruimboiil, all rubber-Ured ami built by Golycr; one iilHtfnrni sprlnK buslnes* wagontwo .HOIS hnrticHPsoon Hundqv-WAGliNH. rAR IlIAG K P; THE

W A N T -A ll klTtdn. now and low oat prlfo* HTid oaslost term*.


MI'I.FB Two hvoly vitung mule*. IIW . big mule or lilliul horer. MO. team hsriiea». wlih

RuHltm backer*. *2<», 17 Holland _____T lIRBE top wagmi*. eult any bualnoix. two

*elH Ilf harnosi*; also rilhbor-ih'ml top oar- riflg**. I ’ull any tlmi‘. 18 lirenner *t,WORK HURSK. harnOM ami top wagiui or

ttihb*‘ r-i ired nmaboul f ir aule vbeup. 712 S'lUih lOih Bt,. near Springfield av*. _________

TWO hurHes. be^ti twod nn *pT4nkl1rvK truck;ihree rool wugiots, srl ilnubk light hnn\'*Ha.

J If. FLIKEK, I.’tT First at, __ __SOUND sntltJlo hiTHo (or shI*, alsu surroy.

g.iMd ct.mlltP'U. Ikmrilltig ittahlo, 43 SiUPh 0th Ht . near I ’ l'nirHl aveTWi> g.ioj drjilng or work h'>r*ee. f 2.5 and

*45; fH«i: Itahi i'»it wagi«n Hud bnrn*!.m f'jr anil- oli*'Hii 21 Hhitn *t- ____I'l iR SALE, two carriiige l>or»es. young aound,

hind ami fearlPa* AddreoH IjR. T. Y 81'T- f'HEN, l*h7 Br-iad *' _F'»R SALE, FIvp-year-nhl liay more, lft.2 ; dty

broken, F'lOd. all-round anl"n. Apply slable,.535 Ml Rroepei-t *'^^___________ ______________K ii\v, russet hitrnees and governess can for

sale, aullahle for I'hlldrcn. Addrei* Uon> B'lic Hfi, Nou-s ofllce.V\AG0 N and 00%. 82h huy* heavy single top

wagnn in good running order: alsn fine young rii'v Id StanMn »t.

a Quinby rarrlnge; onnor Can be soon at Mullin *,

K(>R S.M..E, < heap, lias nn lie* for ii.

21h ''llrii'-ii ave. _______ _ ________BIO wrvTk Imrse for sale, *;UI. ('.msumeri b

i ’i.mpfi.19. ‘'■|‘b Main n . East rifanRo, in ren­tal! Hfternonnp. _____BAY horse, nibb'T-ilred rnnahnuf. small buxi­

ne** pdatfnrm wagnn. IL 'iM complete. Mfi Wakeman a^e

ELEGANT rem^o ber-Mreil ilefH'.l

i^llhinti ave,

HTialiiaa* T fira ox ia l.PKROELI/fl.

iiT7 Itr'uii «t-. car. West Park. KVEItYTHlNG H »R BEAUTY.

Large*! iHiman Hair Gunil* Keiahllahinent In N*w«rk, N. J.

Full ansoiiment of FINKST Q U ALITY nat­ural inbir hair, auy Bhade perrecUy matrlifd and nrilem (Ulmj without dviay for hair c>><:>di, BwUrhes. alga, ivavaa. la-mpaiJourL ale. LAIHKS’ WIGS FOR 8THKKT WB.4 R—

Slieclallv deilgned for coTftfart to th* wearcT.

Prhate larlors for excluNlv* mtaaurtng o;ifi flltliE -.iiMfa cl Ion guaranteed.TUItliA.V UfKFS—

for MOUNTAIN and SEAfiHORn; m<’*i laipular xtyl* tff ^he teasori: NEVER out Of CURL: alwaj i be­coming.

i:MILDREN '8 K A ilt eVTT INO .Make airpnintmem* by 'phon* If Uj&a I* lltn-

Red'Phone 2<W5J.


MbnU-urlng, Hate Coloring,ShtntpoalRf, Hair Oletohlng.

FmdAl ahd Srtlp Maaaage. RKRi'KLL'S. 677 BHOAD 8T.

J p ^^HtSayTeiahang* and"*el^ ------------------V i

W A N T R D ,

GENTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHING.J pay blshMl coak prleaa for g «iiu ooM-oF

rlolaiiig and ahoa*; tpeciii price* paid lor la- di*a‘ dr**aoa: **nd ^ l a i and i «IU coUi lujilQfM atrlcllY conffftanuaL CUAi. CAHN«186 Liuiaton avg.

alao exchange Vour tubaecu tiga. enap «rap^ [.era, et<j., for trading atamp*: bring your trad­ing staniiw to ua and w* will iiay >uu ih* Hi|b- est cash prh e for them. Newark Coupim IvX- chang* Co.. ?i24 Ploaa tt. J. LCWON. Prop.

t r a d fN T 'iT A M ’ pa. all kind*, bought for higheti oath prlvM. looae ur hook; milk

label*, soap wranvvre and all kind* uf tag*, coupon*, etc., rxenanged for *tampa. K. j . t^oupoet Go., 36fl Plan* n.. near Market it.__UOTCiH BtUT-Reaponalbl* party wants to

hire Ik or 20 ft. motor boat for Labor D ay. posalhlH buyer If boat «utt*. Lvon*a otger *t >re. Market amt Ward, to-day befora 8 P- M. ur 6 to T, or Sunday 9 to Ul A. M.

n S A L ftS T A T ft F O R S A L B -^ ir T e

Sd UTH n i n e t e e n t h pint Mlot*. 276x100, b*lon|lBt to oa aotata o m

placed In our htndt ftn* a fialck aaH; okaooa for buRdert to get a huDcb of fl»* lo ti obnop. O'lTO ft 0 0 .. 6T4 Bert*a at.

SOUTH RlOHTEENTlt ST.-HantUotta tfiraft-

z - J t r : i S 5 g ' -HUNTERDON 8T.-Cb«y, oM -tan llf, alt im*-

----------------- ' • ■iilS.WO. OTTO

ZIUMFRM ANN'ft Mil mor*

HUMAN h a i r OCODt than any New York stora

d4l Broad ftt.. 8 duura from Naw oL wiG.s fnr Btc^t wear for ladla* and gaatleinea,

perfect fituht. aa natural a* ypur owb hall; wviknianahip the beat; pric«« th* IoF*al.

SWITCTIBS. itralght. wavy, la all tti* f*r* •hide*, at «xtrcmelY low prlc«a.



Thre* door* from Now *L


■ave* you trouM* and worry; a »ur* pievMttoa aa well a* cur* fur bedbug* and *11 other kind* of vermin. kt*P It in yobr houM; U li* h on your veraiion; you may n**d i l l th* bug* may Ilk* you but they don't Ilk* mercuric oil. l 6o. abutUa a I

GBTCHinS'B PA IN T iT G R l, 188 Market at.,

•ton*** throw from Drotil at

DR. M ANDEVILLE. .apeclaltat. 672 Broad *1.. oyer Child* *. 20 yeur*' experience a* a *peclaU*t on all cbronio dieeaM* of men and wotaien. catarrh, a*rvuu» d1*ea*«a, dliaaae* of heart, kidney*, atomaoh, bvar or bladder, rheuraatlam, urlnair tt*'d * I lung diseases, offlc* otH'n only Monday. Wed­nesday ami Thursday, from 2 to 4 P. M., 6 to S F. W,: advice free. al*o Tuesday aflermxin. 3 to 4 ; do lui forget num*. place and number.

RARlUTfi-lOtl while young rabbita wanted.from 10 weeka old tip: *i*o breeding atock

taken In large or pnmil lots; SEnta prlc* au I age. Addreea D. A. IvOGAN Meadow Brook Farm, Slvr*wabur>-, N, J.



I . . . a M.. . u t ,— v*n~%mprovementa; h«at; pay^ atraati

ft CO., &T4 Margen at.

C11ADW1&K AVE.—'liB^lBeent nne-famllgi finely decorntad. hardwood trim; ga*. • l«c tn >

Uy; everything of the beat; 85.300. OTTO A CO., 674 Bergen lU

BERGECN eleven rDoniv;

fen *t,

ST.—Two-family,' ‘ cmdttK . ............ .......

OTTO ft CO., 674 E-*r-everytjaltyjr In good condttl*n: kou*** worlli

aloM-fbe pnee; |1,800.

EltiHTEKNTH A V R - B l f tbree-famUy, atv.emeen rooma and hath: lot 25x l82H; paved

*ueei; *u,Tt)0 ; bargain for a wli* buyer. OTT'O ft iA>., 574 Hergen at. 'phone llffTW.

FOR 13ALE- TEL. 70.Hroiid It.. 26-48; 900x900: two Mrtat frouu.



OLD GOLD, allver and acrapa of Jewelry, (Ua- mo&di and platinum bought for caah. TM

Broid It., over piano store, tl. U. OONl>SALEZ.

LADlER' and gents' feather beds; highest

and 1 will r*|l, “

rnsi'off clothina; also ; prlcea i>ald: abnd postal

__________________ M. FE lNItERQ. 87 Prlnc* at.WR buy laUle*' atuj B*'nis' cast-ofT etolhlnc;

give me a trial, because I am a tailor, i LAZARl.’S, 52 lle1lev|)ls ave.; send ponlal.CASH paid for old gold,

SILVER AND d ia m o n d s .T. J. BRADLEY, 872 BROAD 8T.

CHICKBNft^Wanted. to buy 20 While born pullets, about half grown

852 ReiUhaw ave.. East Orange.

I.ea- givid sti:>'h.

broad It , 3(il-a<Vt: lot 50x118.Broad sL. 67b-6H1; a w cor, 8th av*. Broad et., 3Hd-3ttO: ttUlOO.Broad *>.. 642 28xl3U; brick bulldlai


nn>adat.. 124^; lot 60x 180; two froJlaiaa. BeLleville ave.. 86-87; 48x1(16: twilva alorW- HclJevlll* Bve., 72-WU ISBxlOO: four atorea. Central ave.. lO; 26x90; feur-ttory building. Central av*.. fk; kU' zUO; four-atonr buUdFn#. rialsey *1.. 26-36. lot 83x118.High *1., 744-74k; hrick realdtnue; 100x206. High el . Ttll •763; brick realdenCt; 80x100. Market st.. 2D2 ; brick building; 91x100. MiirKst Bt., IUU-H21; brick building; 68x110. Mulberry «l.. 1u2-|(H; eitxlUO.ML PlfHsart ave.; 9uUi100.Spruce it., i?r, tirU-k rraldenc*: TIxlTI.Spring st.. 85; cor, Eighth xv f.j 25x100. Wiehlhgtun s t , '223, cor. Bank *t.; MxlOf.

OLIVER W. JACKSON, 200 Market it.

WANTED. Iron lawn roller In gwsl condition P R VAIL. Irvington av* Houth Orange.

N. J.

GOI..D AND BILVKR, platinum, diamnnrts and pawn ticket* bought. N. liLlfME. 897 Broad.


you hav* to sell, tend for AcadtTiy *t. 'Phone 8736J.



Winlouring. fav . «nd svalj- ;nn**ag*. ibHin- tiuulog Bi.il halrdreaalug witli a full line of hair goods.


Ci. y.UUKNU’K.Removed to IV L'edar it.,



Chlldren'i hHlrcuttlng a ai^erlafty.I'TviMOHlLl.'^TH Two exjieri HUK'jmUjlIe ins- chanli’s wtth et-veral yearA' exfirrlj-m- eHh

biuli Amerl.nn and fi>rpljn rarii, bavlnn HHiur- ■ !a> afteiU'iunii ami HunUaja upen, ran han.lie H fi'W JhiI* wliei-e ♦■xji+'it wiTk urul l!l«’rnl t»-riiie will ha m i i H l i l ' . heal " f i , ' irreHpoU'JHnr** aniu-lieil Addre«* Auto.77. ,\pM*

flUPERFLUOUH H A lil,Waru. Moles.ami Blrthriiark* removed fo fe w by elecirlrlty; 21 ye^r*' experlenc*.


lia Washington e t . _____ ___ _rU K D lT- Mill's suhs snd .,ovt‘rv<uu* *16 uml

$IH by nf«M, dlrei't frrfm fai lory ; H a we^k, no r'-fercnfPH: tni *4-i*urlt> .down ulnrs free. llfJNTUU ft nOiJI-^N-

CO. Factory A. ntn-hestej,_>^ i . ^FUHS—M J UARRfJLI. has removed to 1 7

Washington *l., furs remorteled, repelred. at summer prli-es; formerly with W, H. ft R Bl'HNKTT, 'iihoTiP HflSW, _ _____ _PR. GII.K. 25 years' experience. *enef»l snd

pi Ri tlap In thi* . nfll.'e 47Mrond at. UkMimfield eenffp: h<nirs 8-10. flH dally _ ____

able pia!p-g!*M envlnsed rub- (•arriBRn, almoBi new. Oil

binnketft. robes, etc.; can 1'

K IND T o r Bpc-ond hand,

MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and other*, without aecurUy; easy payment*; offices In ftfl principal cities: agv* yonr*elf mottey by getting ray terms first. D. H. TQLMAN. room 612. 293 Wnshltigton *t.___




IXJAN8 o f 13.000 ojui IS.OOO wanted: eerurliv.two large mcMlcrn ^‘ llBes: all Ituprovemenls;

choice lo .*uun; also loan >7t « : cuTllcnt se- CurUv. Address fiscurfty. -Uox 1. News nfflee.

I<rj.60(.i ON brlvk building which Is on princi­pal thoroughfare; Interest guaranteed: fair

bonus paid aevording to rate o f Interest. An ' xwer at once, tecure. Box 8. News office.

LOAN wanted: |2.rin» on first mortgage: good cecurlty: 5 per cent, Address l.,oan. Box 16.

NttW'a office,*8,(KKl AT 6 per cent, on real estate. JOHN

TROVKR8. 245 WlIllBm ftt.. B e l i e f * .


■MROOUH—Lost, on Prospect or Main xts., amothyst and pearl brnv«ch; reward- Kindly

return to YEAQER'B, 5i » Main st, Eaat Orange,

H BN 8~-100 Rooft-eowito Brown l^cghorn hens;•oma prise wlnnera; 05 pullet*, two turkeys,

Cyidiera broodera and Incubators. W ARNER. 62 ym ik m at.. Senevllla._________________________f t C. "WHITII Leghorn .hen* for sale. 19 p*r

ftosna: Ane laying atraio. Hoseiand poul- t iy ftLrm. Roaeland. N. J.; Postoffle* Box 27.f t C. W H ITE lerbont yearlings. } l ea^h;

odokertix, 75c. •ocn; fine stock. SOS Dodd st..E it t orange. ___________________________WMITK Orpington. White Leghorn cocknrela

for gale; fancy birds; no fancy price. WAL­TER P. SCHERRER. 219 Sanford at., Ir-

Tiftfton. _ _ _

- r r p * w * l t m f a p p I lM . ft^ D F N , 88 Cenlra st.. upp. Habne'a, rents

typawrltara tor |k ov R monthly. Tetapbun*

MONARCH, th* perfect vM bI* typewrltari all niiife** r*nt*d> rapoirad and «xenaiig*4 ; aup>

p m t o r 111 tw ich i% a je o f t o B ^ . ju p fe ogeM. TM & oo4 at., NairOrlLN* J. T«l. 3742J.

TYPEW RITE R EXCHANGE. *'OLDK8T INtA w a r k ; ’ h o s t R B U A B LB ; a l l


W « t o h u • i» a J e w B ln f .IKAMONDB. K»fO!ei. on ortdJt; I I WMkJr:

itelcuy cOBJia.minlLjio no ojeu^«y. w A o aOaii. u Wwt tiith m., m«w yofk.

I , t . BKADunr, g a tfROAD o t .

OM woolily ptynitnto: too a^nwt^nlowolTy: lowest prloto: businsss oonlMsntlnl;

nn goo<IO gusnntssd. Watch Bupplr On, th n a Maldm U na, Mow Tnrlt.

Doisn.a o n O N TERRtCR brood bltchss and pupa

(or auo: leading town: must jail a t one*; aU ragular padlgrwd stock. &g Baldwin at.

Vnnr Boston bull tstrlsr pups; maiss; t i v n BKAtbs (dd. » Morris at., ea st Or-

* 3 0 .

DOO- ljMt, Thureday, large St. Bernard dog.fullgivhit* collar, orange body: reward. K.

GRIZELY. Kaxt PaMSlc ave., Nutley. N. ,T.DOQ-"TaOSI, ligltl blown brlndlc. bat-eared Bos*

ton terrier; large elx*. Uberxl reward. Re* turn 4R Hawthonaa gva.. Orange.HOR8E 8TOLEN—Bay horse, blark point#,

weight 9lk>, 15 hands high, altghtly knee eprung. small.kead; hitched lo blark. low- wheeled rubberotlrad runabout, faded blue <*uahion, miSTIhiards on aaat. PJeaoe #end In- fnruiaUon to Military Hiding Academy. tJ2 Rwievllle ave.-. fNiiwartr. s . j. 'Phone ibS Branch Drodb-

IIUKHK- Hnre otijiuriunlty to scvurc must siy- |if«h llghi carrlagp hnrs* In the OrftnK's;

gfntip and fearlesa; lady haj« driven him wlih children f'»r Tiur yrara; nn draler. (Vt gjeen fd liHSt 4)rajige: 'phone 3157Il._ _ ^M r ST bP hoM: need ihc nmney; A l trap sot%-

Inj: mechlne, wiigor, open and top peddling Wrignn ami rdnabnui, gooii m nrk hnrse riu] RpmlJ driving n>nre; ■ hnap, W Ir. VANDKH- HCMJ'F, 11*2 Watson ave.* West Grange.TWO good peclrtlrrrt' rlgS, In gOuJ order; nne

rithber-tirod runPhout, iu gond order, and i»n ■•heap rlriving horses, nno giunt blind mare cheoji, Hiid hetiv:j' team harness. Apply hHweek, 21 5 H.-mltton si.. Harrlsom___________FOR B.U.K—A fitiK llglu double rood hnr

ness. 82t)1) new. In fln<* nr»ler and a bov- gain, at t:kL a fine alhglc road harnesa. nearly now. at t2ih H. D. OGDEN. 39 Division at., rare of yU lNBY.

BARGA I.N—Tfl.V W.6. tU*l. ILW buys oholce nf four young business horses: live days' trial

given; suit irdi’kmftn, conlravlor or any busl- ne.HS. JOHN COSCOVE, roar 12 Kant Park st., Newark.

THFU*:!: horspe $2.1 up: otip light wagoTTrand liarm’se, must eell 14 Duryea si., near

Or.Migp ftt. _________It.VY HOKiilE, ft years old, weight l,3<tn lbs.;

prii'P tlikl; cost last Spring. fiS» fen-ir«l live. _ _ _ _T n iW 'A R n iA O R for ssle. used very lltUej

auUnble for i i lUrtor. 870 Bloomfield av«., diy.


Newark ................. - - — ........ - ..... .________ __________ — I always on bant!. Write or 'pli.ioo 2<14UJ

WOULD like to meet parllps abnut to build. | NFWLVRK N ir K F L PLATING CO.,

MASHAOU and magmerie ir.-almeni cure fur all dlsenses. arUK'

MME T^L^VlP. 49 IsAfayetie *t

M ftaaeh o ld f lo o d * W a n t^ il.A LL hinds of hou#*hold g<yodt and mere hand I a*.

smln- cuoinatt of sioraa, houio# and fiai* or anythiiiK you have to sell, bought for >a«h: ronaull us before selling: eiMtnatei chverfully gh'en; svtid pusial or ‘ pnan* I1T86J.

REID. Auction Rooms, 88 Academy *t.

a F'TICK \ ^ iT ”h a v i i fn iK b oTirEHS," v a n POZNAK UUTH ALL KINDS OF GOODS;


AddreiM Rex. Box 38. Nows office.

ANY kind of housshold goods from houses and fiats, and iintlqucs. etc., b^mxht for cash by

F. SIMON. TS Academy at.; send posUI or calf. Tel. 694LHKitlKHT I'KP'KS paid for second-hand fur*

nlture auil L-nr >etB. rend poiital. Tel. 996 R. R R RANOW lTf’ ll ft r o . 43-4fl Belleville eve.BEST prices fijr-houeebold gix>ds; special prluea

for festber be«le, ncihoguny furniture, oar- rcls. c lo th in g BERGER. 71 1‘aclflc st,BE.4T prices pnbi for furniture snd carpel*.

fiend imatsl. HUSSKR, 291 Orange st.

N O r i lK f i .

” NKW BROCKS.^" carpet cleaning ts the best for carj^ts and riigi, becHime tlioruiigh and

careful. All dnsi huJ foreign msiter removed; no fraying of edgei ninl ripping of seams.

(bupets QUi) rugs inken up, cleunsml and re- laid In livcnty-fuur hmirs If wanted.

1' II. CADMI'S urer (lili'iy yc-urs In the binslness, in iharii*,

U(iHBBR1 M\\'.-\[T ft VAN HORN CO-.Utfice, 73 \Lirkr-i at . N'enark. N. J.

_____________Th.-ne 6H1. _ ___V V H iihifs and gutlers wre vepv iTiipnriat)!

iHirin iijf yoiii boiiMc ami shmilil be kept well pMinli'il: we makn a sp4-4‘lally of itAtnilng ull I'.iotS and gutli-rs of cvers deSiTlpilutr uinl yuaranit'c Ui slop leakM. we pnjnt MnftnorM; paper or felt n>nis of evei-y dfscrltitlon with- nut thi' nntioviiiicn' i>f Hmokt* ur aitiHI: sumr- ihliiK illfTervnl imd better at a lo^ cjisi hu-I sirnrametHl. The rHrljoii Ji'Hif Co., I l l Ronji \ III* av*.CARPETS AND RUUfi CLEANED IJY IM-

PRUVKIJ PKOUEBS. IlE F ITrK D AND RK- LAID . Fl'RNlTUHh: upholst'Ted and repaired: HAIR MATTRKHfiKB lu urder and HENO- V 4TRD.


Both 'Phones 414. __________ 845 BROAD ST,fiAVE money hj- having us refintsh your silver­

ware. nhandellers and bric-a-hrac, making them like new, anything In the metal line re- flnlslied and rej>alred; a superior silver pollsb



4i t BHOAD n . , OPP. OBAHOB n .


rA O io R T B F B c u i.m .



IM A U . r n BRANCBflt.

MAIN FU Xllt. UNIOK B U lU lH ia




l , i t i ,nywb,Tc In tli* city cr in Anr tk* iiHiurlii, MOO; innie fln, rr>l<),nc«. 0 .(0 0 <W1 Some guuil Incunte proitertl** for ftJ t ^Here farm In ('batham. N, J., with slght>r4MNft liuuse, barn and wugori huuse, hundreds o f fruit trees.


] HAVE many cinuc* mvestmiata la reti late; Hruad st. properties ranglPf trom s#^'

(kal lu over flOU.UOO; also busIneN propnttM ihmughnut the city; several chblo* bul^OS plots, Huliabi* for upartment bout** ot* OMIM re*lilen(''es; ninny bargalna; also Choice lors* (•nices ii(i Ilriiai] it. and the rids itrMtx t* lens'-, some from Mny I, 1908; some lo raia at once. Apply to Si. W, GKBRY. 800 MrumP St . N(‘uark. ^




Kll. 1(44. 'PliaB* « BB a. BOND A CO.

HEAL e s t a t e a n d FIRB INSUBAMOW NOW AT NEW O FP lC a


HnrAra, C a rr lA B M i K ir .. W n n le a .n ir.W N p..|n1 KArm. Trov HIM,. N. J,

nurses huHrded, telephone "5F1-4.

paslure;bo* slall*. pflddi>cks; .TL'DD CfJNDtT. Proprietor.

WANTKD. pony arni nutfll; must be In good crtiillt)on Htid reasnnsble, Address Pony. Box

Ik. New* uffli e. _________ __________

I 'lA N O fi AND OHGAM 9 .







OPEN EVENINGS.PIANOS—Tbs F. Connor, noted for ft# d*ep,

rich tone and wearing quality; the eckhrated Bailey, 1200, sold elsewhere elegant mwupright, 7 1-3 octave, real mahogany, Itoff key*. t l85, 16 monthly: all piaiue waiianted for ten years; itooL acarf or co\er; one year'* tuning free; sllghily used upright* on baud: squtfra pianos sacrificed; open evening*.

HENRY HORN'S ESTATE.61 SoutbtOrange ave., corner Howard it.

THE last ffiw days of our annual August fac- Tnry ciraring eale; slightly uacd uprights,

from $SU to 1190; somo o f lb« best makes In America are anumg these. Squares. 112 to |50. r<'ntod at $2 ; uprights, {3 moiuhly. W I6HNER. fl03 Broad at.

r.\8T irotter: goblen fiiVTrel; she can fter tcr than Ihrc* niluuicB; harness, cushion tlrn

runabout, ftrewstcr make; rpQsonablc. .See coachman. H Besoher »l., near Weal Klnn+'v fL.

BAY MARFr. l<v Mcfilo. 7 years old. sold ou ancount of shoe bull; ulso brasa-un'unidd har­

ness and runabout: a sacrifice, Apply f'oach- maiv. 201 North Arlinglim ave.. U«*i Orange.

PRETTY team borae-s; hay: sound and kind;light drive: three years old; m» noise friqht-

ens thenj; also one flvc-year-old; prices rea­sonable. 6T 1XKA. fii I'one si -. Orange.

BAY horse; good actor; warranted fearlras;also Iwo light d^dlvery horses; one rubber-

tired depot wagon: two rubber-dred suiTeys. IH North Grove st., EftAt Orange. _ _ L .J65 yUYB a seal brown Canadian mare, suit

bmoher or grocer, laundry or any bualneK*.*; warranted every way, single or dotibl*. Cali rear 15 Piast Park st., Newark.W K L i. bred hay mare; iMtcer: 16.2 hands; eafa

for any child lo drive; has a whole lot of 9|»e(-<l; broken single, dnuble; Is kind, pleasant and reitable; IW Went s(.PARGAIN—Bet light tram harness. |lfi: light

wagtfn. fiult lumber cr any light business. $2il; lady's riding naddle. .cost |45 new, sell for 500 Boulh Orajiga a y e . ________

LOCKET-Loat. diamond^ hioket. August 10; Uheral reward. HOW ARyn, 16 Warwick at.

NbcKI.»ACE"OoM chain necklace lost, set with ilx- amethysts and three pearls, tetween

Tichenor and Chcitnnt *ts. Finder will receive llheral reward hy returning oam« to main of* flee United States Expreis Co., ^2 Sniad at.OVERCOAT—Lost, on Mondavr oveKoat oitd

carriage rubber, between Morristown and Bouth Orange; reward, A. A. KRAK& TER Parker end Summit avee.. South Oratm»;

POCKETBOOK-r-Loot. will party who toc<k pocketbook from tn front of L. 8. Flaw; ,4 Co.'a atore, please return to Information D^k L. B, Plgut, to 'Oblige poor womantF IN —Lost, etlckptn. WlU) Lwo amall diamemda,

on C. R. K.| from ^merYlUe to Nawikyk. Liberal reward for retunir 128 Highland avo« Que. Kearny*PL A H i—Lost. set plans and xpeclflcotlons, Au*

gnat tfl. Return to BTORMB ft CO., IM Booth n th et.; xuttable rowg ^ .PUP—Reward for return of Hound pupv six

months old, to 61 Eaton pi., Bjact Orange^TOOL B A fl~ lf6st, iMt n igh t on Washington

st.« a earpel-layar^s toot bag,, with tools. Kindly return to W. A4 DUROTS. 9U Wane et. R ew ard ._____________W A T C H -Loot Udy'e gold watch, wieh fob,

ThuraJay aftoenoon, on Wes* Orange or Main Lin* cor. Reword I f ratnrned to M. Me* CANK. la Beeottd at. ,

W ATCH -Loet, n ev W lltory Pork; hoe In Rials A. C. Rewora If returned to MIffJB

A N N A OREB. 6 Boudtnet « t „ cRy.

F IN K buy horee. suStahle for- doctor or gen­tleman to drive: rubber-tired lop buggy and

liarnesB. cheap lo quick buyer, 6 to a P. M. to-day. 304 floutb lUh *t.QOODa business horse. Id hands, wind and

work: price reasonable: can be seen after i p. M. and all day Hunday. Grocery atore, 4i& Kearny ave.. ArllngtoBu •laOMT harnco* horao, eight yearf old; guar­

anteed Bound; price flOQ. Call 48 Bloomfield ftVe-__________________________________________j l 'S T received lot of Pennaytvanla horMS.

MAX MEIER, corner J8th st. and Springfieldavr ______HORSE, wagon and harness for rale; ault-

able Cor any huslnras. Jnfiulre 315 Warrenst. ______—f o r HALE--Sound hay biK-se. $46; good work

mule. Wo. J. PO M Q AN, 183 BgreVay, city.OHOCEHY and butcher wagon for sale; alec

two-aeated carriage. Inquire 600 Bergen at.FOR BALK—Watson wagon and horse: |4Q and

160. BAMMI8 , 272 fitephene st.. BelleviUe.

SLIGHTLY used and shop worn; thes* taslru- menls have been put In A l condition by fac­

tory experts and it la hardly poBsthle to teJI (hem from new; 1126 up; terma to suit you; open evening*. BAKER'S, 27 So. Orange uve.

PIANOS RENTED.New pFanos rented; tt per month ».nd up-

nard: we also allow the rental If purchasedwithin one year.

W OLFF ft CO., fil-skft M ARKET BT.Tn~B.MIOAIN& In Pcaae pianos. In our ware-

r:n>ms we have a few barfaina in plenos r« turned from rental: secure uu instrument n. w at a savins of 1100 and over. PEASE PIANOCO.,' 10 New st.

BEAUTII''UL mahogany upright piano; heat made; miisi be seen to be appreciated; will

accept any reasonable offer. IQ Howard el. lino block west of eourlhouae,

YOUNG L.U iy. breaking up houaekeeplng, will sen beautiful mahogany upright piano; coat

1375, will HCil cheap. Aiidresj Plano, Box fiJ -New* oflici-

U f’R lGHT PIANOS, slightly used, guaranteed for five ypurs, from IIW up; term* ae tow bm

t5 per month. JACOB DOLL ft SONS, IPT Market at.

PI-AYER-PIANO; slightly used; In A t~eon ^ tlon; fulty guaranteed; only 1423. on very

easy terms. JACOB DOLL ft BON14, IFT Mar­ket st.

A IT f lM O R I I .E * A N D M O TO R CYU LPlS ,

SUfiF -

DM vfiM could save

(IKISSLITH O A R A n B - m iH f>1 53 PHKHMAN AVK. ever flop I" think how much you hy hijyltig one tif rviir slightly used

rarsT We have sf>me genuine bargains, Tall and he convinced Hem ure a few: PiiryeanmnbouT, I 2(h». Ouryem phaeion. Kno*runabnut. Hen (nur)ng car, fftNi.

AUTi^MfiplLU repairing a spcf'laPy honest work lit hniiest prices; caf'’'l1np and sleam

cars. st«'raKe lb a Uirge. iip to-rfatp huilrtlng, wlili g'Hid aervlf-e. Iiispertliai Invifed: we make

spccluli,\ cf repHtrlng nil makes of oare. OEififiLklt liHragf, M Sherman ave.AUTO t u b e r and shoes at cut prices: get

nur price; bargains In used cars; liatlerles. plugs n c .; wo have our own vulcanizing plant AURTIN a u t o UO.. 4H* Br-tad st . and HERBERT a UHTIN. HI ______

tOOfl ELMOltR touring car. 24-hur#epnwer; ile- lacliahle umneau; In fine condition: i^lll

sell cheap and take in pari psymem an elf-' trie runabout In good rnmlltliui. Klnmre agen­cy, 237 Httlrey at.. Newa r k . _________j5 h> f o b 24-horsc louring car. with top. glnas

front, five Inmite, Jnnpa speedometer, odom- eier gns ganemtor and clock; two esira tubes anil shws. 34U Franklin si., Hlntjirifleld.C'O.MIC QUICK; take yotir p irk; selling out at

a encrlfice. one, two and futjr ryllnder inis, newly painted and overhauled 2fl'i North Park st . East Orange.FOR HirtE, touring care; reaennable rare*;

also Reo touring car for aale DAHL^UFRT CQ., 2t Washington ava., Newark; 'phon* E)fiS.r. R. li.FOR HIRE. flVB and seven passenger can at

rtiodernte rales, day and night servic*. Aster Oarage, 40 Hherman ay*. JFhohe 2207y .THE Newark AuUittioUIIc Hxclisnge: telojihnne

4013 Newark. 237 llalaay *1.. second-hand cars (it every descrlpllfm hnught and sold.IMPORTED F. N. 4-ryllndt'r motorcycle; h*st

mall* nn the market. A F- PPANOLER, agent, 31 WaehInRton pi . Bast Orange

Rear 3H *m| 411 Walnut at.HPrttMAN GUMZ Hotlnr Works, manufacturere

of boilers, stark*, smnke fiu*», tanks, still*, vats, hoppeiB and all kinds of heavy and light shnel Iruti work; repolra proniptly attended to. 7 t.SreenwoiKl I-ake Railroed ave.A LL KiNDift tuc FURNITT^RE; CONTENTB

OF h o u s e s , f l a t s a n d BTOREfpm rr.iiT ; c a h h qt:k ' k , c o n p i d e n t i a i *42 finUTH O R .tJ^K AVE : ’ PHONE STpl.OV^KRALT.H for nil lisdes; blue, brown, hick’

ury snd whhe, the largest slock and best line of flv.es In the I'hs ; also ('hlmgit Ironworkers' ni MARRY VV. RMITH’H, 214 Market at.MASON W ORK—Chimneys repaired, rebuilt;

plastering, alterations and Jobbing a special­ly. T- R ’ PBRjtfOriT. Ti>6 Halsey et, Tel. .3091LR '^KtKlNO Nnd ccmeiiilng; new patent slag

gravel rnof is o. K It tnkAa Bllvcr Roofing Co. lo do il 74M Bouih I 4lh st.; both 'phone*r Ft, MINTON, mason and builder; furiutcea.

chlnmevs. walks, walls repHlrrd. and kalao- mtnlng; * n<l juietHl 23 W'est Kinney st.n ilM NE YH repaired; a upeclnlly made repair­

ing smoky r’lilmtieyM and defective drafts. J.E, KT/ini'M ft- ro ., 237 .Telllff nve., city.

IF YOU want any relaying especially

Union st

w a BUILD, BUT, BBLL, RKHV, ■ - a . CHANQl.


776 UROAD i t .filX-KliCiM ilOUHE, NEAR CARS; LOT M K




105 UDlun bldg.. 0-15 CUoton at tel.

paving nr flagging done, apply to JOHN J, LAW .

KNOX runabttui for sale; with folding seaT.lop, lamps and hiirn; excellent condition;

clicap. 22'2 Halsey hL. Nee/«rk. N. J,PACKARD CARS, five and seven paesengers,

for hire, day and night ser\'lcs. Auto Re'nt- Ing Co., Wrlghi si.; 'phone fii)7W.

R.4MIILEK, seating four, wlih top, up to date.In fine condition: wilt sell cheap. 12 North

KiuJ tarrscp, Woodslde.r a m b l e r runabout. Bljnoat new. In perfect

mndltlon: also set of light double harncbsItfi Alden ai.. Orange, ________ .

B, Ih fine cqti- M. N., Box H.

B IC V C L E 8 .

WHEBr-S—W HEELS—I’rlcps reduced; largest Block In Kosicrn Plates, have ton much

stock; good new guaranteed wheels, ( I 6,6ti up; shonwiirn mei'hlne. |l7 .s''i0 up, worth |25 • to 440 SEE U’ HF^BLS. |5 DOWN. |t PER \^'KEK Old wheels taken In eschang*. Puh- drles refluved i i " « cUp. be.; lft| e. :lc.; sad' die, 4Qc.: Hars'anl lire*. II ,W ; apenlal tires, |2 V) p'*r pair Finn repairing and vulcanising TEL. WfSI. UROAU. HERBERT AUHTIN. Bl Orange si , near Rroad.

Ftm KAI.K A naw J4.1 Yale lii«ycla, with i-unater brake and gns lamp; S25 In.juiro ttfi

Wiishitigion ave.

FOR P\LK, lady's bicycle and child's Irlcycle, Call H»i>1h Maple u\e.. East Orange, N J.



iH E fiOD C. BALL, 221 M AHKRT AT.

ORANGE ST.—<.''orner saloon, 12 rooi»*.|8»ti00South Broad at.-'-}2 rooms; impts__ _

Mulberry it .—Rakcry; 11 room*..*....... .Howland st , 6-- M rooms, 3 flats............. 6 .UVU

_________ A. W OODS, 22 ninioB S4.

OFFkiR wanted on business proptrtv; Lkffty- cue at;, hear Rroad; bavli;ig swUeb to Can-''

trsl Rauroed: s»m« on« naHi kbit for thoii* itualuees: ere you ihr on*? Further detula 6f \V. M, BAlI.HY, 781 Broad st. -FOR fiALR cheap and on easy trrm i to otoo*

an estate, ehtiul 2.20U feet fronting on South Ifirh and iJth *1*,. Madison and Rhenley gvss.l lineal residential section In NSwsrk. HEAD* L EY, WO _________________HPKi'ULATORH, look out, kit « 7x100; opROtlt*

entrance OreenwiX'd Lake R tllroid (httsttwei section) on ‘Washington ave., Woodalde, Jk4- dre*« J. J. KLEIN, Fairtnouot at*.. CUrt- haui.

We do a ftnersl REAL E8TATS BUnmitfti wa pollolt your (rads and a U A R A M T * !

flATlflFACTIOM.FR AN K LIN F. MATO ft CO., 7t t BitOftiK.

DREi^AM AKIBifl A ^ U M lM .IN tS R Y .

McDo w e l l d r e s s c u t t in g fic i ia o L ;Ol'KNING OF FAM . AND W lNTK lI TKRM,


FOR SALE—UfiiUllac mode! fUtlnn, baigaln. Address J,

Fapiw jod. N. .!. ...... ........................... ......TOURING CAR. seats four besMes chauffeur,

to let. til per hemr; special r^'les by day 3U4 STJringfield «vp-OLDRMORILE. 1i> first-class

Addr«’«a W.. 66 t’ entml ave..condlHon. 1125 Westfield. N. .1

UHH) MAXW ELL runalmul; red; csoeMeni r<m- (lltlon. Address MAX, Mnx 02, Newn oibce.

POPlC Trtbdnn runabout. Dndd st , RhiOmfield.

1126. Inquire 80

PANHAUD louring car fur aslii cheap; seats five. 1) Wright at.

d<*rfr»fiTable tonneau,TWtVCYLINDKR Ford, 1325. IWl Polk at.

MILTON ORUET-P leno tuning. 17 Weal Park ft., second floor. Resldehce. 72 Sey.

mour ave. Telephone 3663R. Violin j^polrlng.SOHMEH upright; has been used, must ho iold

at unue; nplsndld toned Instnimvnt; tMSutl- fut case; hig bargain. AMON, 26 FranfcUn at.PIANO TUNER: practical piano maker; r* '

pairing, all tranches; new strings, felts, eto. F. W. CANN, IHfi Market at.: ^phone 2488J.PLAYERPIANO; new: latest model: none bet'

ter made; mustc rolls also; eiceptionai bar­gain. AdrdeM ( ash. Box 3, News offlee.PARLOR organ for rale: reasonable; first*

class condition. Uslt Monday or Tuesday. DUPIQNAC, 17 Houlh I3th at., city.

I 2S6 BUTS big seven-year-old work horse; suit­able for any purpooe. !88 Baldwin st.

POR flALE. three horsos; have wme. Call stabler 80 Murray st.


cheap: sulUbte- lady. 433 south 7th «t.


TW O very fine rollls pupptM. four ihormigh- bred bull terriere. one screw loJI Boston

ftuppy. Full line of pet stook now ready at '' 843 Broad sL 1* E. S T IL V E L L ,K f ] ____________________________________________ _

F'a " irORKBinRB TERRIERS; two mMiths old. 144 ''■* ^ r i i l in l i i i i tC. itepnd floor.

O tw g .r o w —Fresh family cow. 6 years oldj rleli

nJIk: I40. 'WTLiUAJC WAIfTEBB, Union ATS., Belleville.

rO C K D .

DOCHFound, coUle fiog sable snd white, Banday night. «A d d rm 190 Poljjc st.

WATCH-Found spd fob.

N. J.

a featleman** silver wjrtJh Addrese 13 Cheolnut «t.. Kesm v

P ltR B ilO L O f lY ,

PRQFESBOR PIUTCBLIBD, ^ reho lo fts t «sd other eclssnisi We- feave t|e best. MOk on

phrennlogy. price 86e. 8T8 ^ o a d sfi>

FOR iALE^ gray horse or sorrel mare.null's ,148 Green st.. d iy. __________ _

t S m T oT wo^ horseft harneu and truck for rale. 61,4 Mulberry et. ______________

GOOD work horse for sale; eeen In efternois. 966 Main st«. Orange. ________

UQRBS; horaora and Beotland st.» praage.

wsfoii for rale. e8l

NEW upright piano given absolutely free f i exchange for a few hours of your irare time.

Rush, Box N. News olflce, Orange.uFRiGHT"" plane In A l condlilon: hlg bsr-

galn for cash or on time to rellabla party. Cali or write, 167 Market st.

s q u a r e pianos and organs, from llB up; 12.13 and |4 per mnnth; free dellverfea. JACOB

DOLL ft SONS. 197 Market at.STEINWAY upright,

condition; great bargiln. 81-fid Market at

slightly used. In perfeet »ln . D. 'WOLFF ft CO..

I I—PlaOM, organs tuned, repaired: expert: M yrats' experlenc*. H C iraT B W A ^ . 40 wew.

•Hjrhtly used: In ftnt tlW . 83 Market at

CHIOKERINO upright: condition: gusLyaateed;

ROSEWOOD upright piano. In good eotuUUoB* t80. D. W O LPT ft «> .. 88 Market at_____

BOHMER upright plajo; almost new: In tx* cellent condltlot.; 1st). 88 Market s t

UPRIGHT PIANO, Itt good condltldh. 175- MT Brood si.

F o r B o le o r E x e h a B s o .FINE ll-stop ps-rior organ fer sate very cheap

or will agehange for nlra sideboard. 164 Montgomery at., Bloofflleld.

UILSB W. M a t ft BRO.. st Bridge sL; 7i work horora In ARa.

FOR BALE. 428 BOUtli 3

^ g bay mare; PtO. Inguire

FOR BALE. Colyer eurrey and pbaetou. Bthilflg at., rear.


BOUND borra for Eighth st.. erty.

Cal] at TO Bouth

BTQ work horse gprIPgfietd ftve.

Tor raie: price |26. H 7

CHEAP horra, suitable for paddlgr, ISO. 84Newark at.

LAROE ttorpe for w l « ehcap. ip Hartfard at» Nra>arir._

GOOD difvlng p ity for #aii» U6. V Newark

a u c t i o m b a l m i .

VAN POZNAK, auctloneeTi will aril aU unre­deemed pledges left over one year, eraslatlttg

o f diamond rings, plni. earrlags, braealetsi locketa. gold and silver initehea, ehalaa, gunt. •Ilverware. musleal instrumenta. chKhlag. all Unds of peraonal property. Friday, Bept. 6 , at 10 A, M.. 43 South criwtige ave. Sy order r i U. NBGBAUR, 17 Arademy *1.-*

TH E Newark Loan Oo.. 82 Academy st. aiui 201 fiprihgfleld av«.rw U I rail at public aue^

tlon on WedAeaday, Beptember 4, 10 An M., all anrtdeemed p l«d fra Jewelry. eloChlng, tie., etc., at W. W. R E t ir s Auction Roonab Bfi Academy at. _ _ _________________

AafoiaaTkllea and Matarwyotee Wanted.tVANTKD far cskIi. ijtUoni'ibUe; lat* niO'lt'l

must he In g'XKt condition and prlrc low '''u:! partb'Ulars, fit Fssex av^.. Orange

WANTED, four-cyllniler Ford runabout. Ad- ihKSs Turd, rW)x fil. News office.

'W A L L P A P E n A K D P A P U H lIA S f i lN f l .


pA lNTERg AND DECORATORS Why not rave i^ney by getting your hituia

jiolnred or the Interior dfl<*oratlng done by us. where guarantee to save for you at lean 20 per cent, on your work? Otir workmansldp Is guaranlped and recommended, Write or rail to our elegant showrciuma. In hesfl of shop­ping district, and we will cheerfully furnish vou wlih estimates. HERM AN ft CO-. leading ‘ .Inters and decorators; Tsl. 42tl2J; 2Ifl Wash­ingtonpalin|


The brat equipped ihuwioom. with the finest seleotion wallpapers, located In the shopping dlslrct We do flrat-daae r-aper-hnnglng and naimlTJg Ht price* below other*. If you deilre vour house hahd*^me1y docoraled. work guar­anteed. at a rrasouable price, era ua beforaglv- i»c out your contract. EaliiPetra cheerfully K f n w L can M w riu 10 COHEN & CO.. M l Market st. Telephone 24I6R.

BROOKLYN WALLPAPER CO. ha« oDened a firat'Class decorating MtabUtfa- m«nt Bl 2T7 Bank st.: rooma poperM from

M uV. wallpaper sold et per roll; palnt- (nir done at very reasonable prices; rand m I isK Th« Brooklyn W .llp iper Co,, W7 ^ n k st. ______ ______________________________ _GOING to have yo«r houra deeoratedT Get my

eBtiRiftfe; largut and most coreplste ralee* tlon of wallpaper In Newark; work guaranteed (o be A ll prices are 20 per cent, below othersi wartpeper from flo. to |t.60 . MAX ROT- HOUSB, 9 Booth Ortpgs gv*.; eatab. 1802.■T BROMBSRQ, 801 Bprlngfield ave., whole-

rale and retail dealer In paints and jralntara' auDotIte; a full Jins of the Chos. H. Hrpwh ft Oo. celebrated oW color* olwaye on hand; esCl- M te s for all closras of chrarfolly fur­nished. Long distance teL >Tg8R. __________




SURVFYanfi.d e a l e r s in FIKAL nSTATE

fipeclei attemlon given to the eppratsal or raiiltlon of real eilatC'

800 unOAD ST.■■ ^ \ u g U8TL'8~ e Vc iIHORN.


UQM tIUi E V E N T S .g|iXF?T~T^N<'IN^ of ihp Gcorufi Onrel*

FleiiBiirH Asswiatlin al Jrihnson's New Hall.m l «ti<l 7Men*‘ Hi.. ru-ii>- Market. *.viiyTuee'lfiy. Thursday’ and S«t»iniay night, gran,; fipenlng Saturday, S i tcmbcr ^DANCING every Frldsy and SnturdHjr evening

ftl F TiOKtiGER'S Hall. Rrus Marrla ave., be- glrvTilns Friday and Saturday. S«|if. fi and 7

JAMES J. TFFXING <surcesnr lo Arthfir D*-> vine), rial estate and laeuranee braksrt ooig-

mlsslener of de«-ria ft.r New York, M, J,, roWB.,uonii., Muss sDd Cal. 787 Brnail, oor. -farkatLIST your wants, also any real estate for eftle.

with me: prnperiy bought, sold, rentod, «|- rhanged; iierscmal attention given: ratlafutloQ guerantfPtl ROH'T RLACKLQOK. 188 MorkSt.CALL, write. If you want to buy or sail real

SHtnte; have niwuya rJleiils w antlni to buy and nrll Newark propert.v; Iniurance and rant coHevtlons, W. HOFFMANN. 22 Clinton st.



BCUrN'GFIF.i.D AVK.—Store, two rooms; tfsra fnnilly; strum hpat; stable; lot 2.1x176; run-

nli>K fnim strcri 10 *ipf»et; IT.UOfi: only 11.668n ^ » __^HniiRUKR ft 170,. VW Rroad Bt.CLINTON iiE itm TH-nuiidhig plots on tmXM

14th. Ificti uriil loth Btfl.. nrar Clinton %!'A) ifj $.’!.s frunt lortna easy. VOIOTi i t ltjr>iiih_l lt1i Bt , *141 HrijOd Ht- _ ______BfslNF'J^W corner with stable; plot 28x166:

fouruti'n lergr rooms, boih, htrater; graol f liHfin' f>it buti lirr nr grn*.-r; Investlgete BOW. FKIHT ft UEIHT. 7:i < nrufid.

Ifi-JTfi: l o t h : IJITH! on Ifittfoton ava.. l £iit«ntb eve . Fkmili. Hixth si.. .lacob Bt.. IfOpI*

H'.o and Scetiteenth si. Inuulra 146Ki'Miiniir and flw r

I'AYINri over I-' per cent ; l*oUth Ninth at., ^16; Binre. H Tonnis; stable for three horetsj

prlc* only g'J.bOO C. J. BROWN. 101 Mor- kc I «i . roum lo

HI'VK a brick prupcrly clearing |IB0 • <.ear. oil one nf tbn main stroeti on the i l ’.li;

only S.1.1MH) CHXd nfrded. Address K.. Hex H, News ■Jlllrc.

REAL KrITATE Brokers' Exchange. #16 Bresd 8l , Ouyt. se'kis. pkehangas, Iruses. loofia and

liipiirrs: brokrrn' directory In main entranosimfl,

f i n a n c i a l .

TE M U TO PR IN T . Ii revoimlonizes mesBaKrt sending by telegraph, using typewriter k<'>-

board; company now orgaiilReil. greatest op- rxirtunliy ever offered lnve*tf>rs, send for ffe? booklets, printing Tel'^graph Company, 6 »4 Chronicle building. Ban Kranclsm.

r e a l e s t a t e f o r

<VHft)RKD man that rents, sells and buys for colored people can sell nr rent your prop­

erty; let him have It, OAINE3 . 6t> AcademyBt. __________


Insuraace, Real Estate. Lnans^_Tel. w flR -M Y R (^ w 7~MORfiBy 1^8 *nilRD AVE.


" " "f r k d j . WOB'^ ___R E A L K8TATR AND IN fU R ANCa,


8AMUI6LR. CAlRNi.494


Real Estate. Inaurohua,

Rente colIeotU.8 0 UTH 16TH AT . near Qould avs.-^Stor*

property; price only 12.500; easy term*. C. J BROWN. 191 Market st., ri>om ID.

b r o a d s t r e e t l o t ,Broad street. 858--Lo t27xt0rt: reaaonable. O LI­

VER W . JACKSON. gfiO MOritSt st._______ _lDTS-9ou1h 18th st., corner of Jlth

four lots, 26x100 each, at a bargain. BROWN. 191 Market *t„ room 10-

ave,:C. J.

n x )T 170x188, on east side J a h i^ ntx Bigelow at.; reatrlcted to fins resldahoee

only. BRAH LRY. 4S8 Clinton ava.

L. KATE. «8 fipi^INUFlBLD AVB..U w*U known for doth# the rast and chraptat work In the city; sail* paper at cdat price: dec- arotlng and paper-Aon^ng: open until 7 r . M,

iS o M fl pep «^^labor; karsoiamML

>A uj». Including paper and paolnthif. SS:. outside,

ftnVlde work;_|aara«tesd.’ Call a r ftr ite .HURW lTg. Sflj Bank M .; ♦phana * 78TL.p a i n t i n g , p a p ^ w o a

done at lowrat pries*: w< teed EDELBOM ft B lfD .108 W AHREN BT.

DBCORATING iianMilp toargfH FEI4 f IT . AND

t h e people's l ^ n Co. will tell at pubha tlon all iraredeemed plrilfM Turaday, Hap-

tember 9 . 1B07. at 10 A . M.. at VAN POE- NAJT0 auction room*. 42 South Orange ava. 1 ^ at4 «a Cta*. Rwraanrrtckt proprietue.

TH E Manhoiun Dararotlhg O0-; paioliogrcoM tl 76:pop«riaglB.l9: 9*at wwIttobaopaaLratea

gbgi»ntra3 r 8 . W AX . prap., n 9a, Orange ava,

I PAINTiNa papra'lng v 4 deporttlng done at I J^est prioas: wonmaosblp raraataeft MAEPTBR ft WRUn. 446 CaatPo) bvt.

LARGE Hat of property all aacllonr of Nawaik. from 12,200 up.

'WADE’S Agency. 800 Broad at. _____________TWO LOTS. TfiT South «th at., thrtwrt to

Bouth 9tth tt., 106 feel north fiprin^rtd av*. OOEREN’S 286 16th ava._______ ______1400 BliTB oily IbL 35x100, reetricfad; one ^ ock from South Orange tv*.: tanas to suit. WOODS. 81 Walatm pi.____________'fWiO CASH, balauea raontbly. buys atore with ' 2 rdbins; large lot: » Walnwrighi Ownsr, JWO Johneon ava. ___________ __________ ••HUNN AVE.—Three lota for high lem ra ;

easy terwLB; near cars. Inquire 18 Mutm'■■ ; ______________________ _

COBNERTwIlh HM feet on Central ave.; «utt- aht* for any purpora- • GAIKES, W Acadeniy

SI. 3 _________ •__________JOHNSON a v e ; lo ti fw rala: « « J O W M l

one 196X182. R. S. GRUMHON. 828 Broad ■«.

LE-SLlK J'Sj , nrar t'Unton sv#' —Plot for rale rlU'ap. V^xliYi; P'^Trlvtod Jipollnn: bargain to

qiil. l, iHiy.T MROKUlC F I'Or.MNS. 27 Avon

D v re ll in g s .IIOI^KVILT.K, s. ijtii ;r*iij HI Trto-family, U

t'lHiinH. p|>iiriil«.‘ Hipum I b-o baths;r# nl IlkSi; ;.rlr;r HI.V'iHJ. HI KKOflU. T84 Pfuden- LlJllTililJ-!TC li" IK'’ " NfWflik

I pnirel *sp,; tivci l-biuj.:?'JUOU. LaiHP-f an iPiii. i ;AI.‘‘;k P, tk» Academy

f -w feet from one fi-fatnlly;

'niRFF-->'AM I I.Y lioiJHc Hill Section. Emprova- menie; f'l.WHi. iipar rors. rlieer pevodl fiftaatt

rfMjnta. .^ddres'' Thr*». Hoi S4. New* ofHoe.

BA rR IFirF-’ Flgnt-fHmiiy: yearly rents 91,M4t price I ]7.000. caHli needed, tO.OOO. balaaoa ft*

year mortgage 8SUVER. 276 Mulberry st.NTl^E twn-famllv R*uith I7lh at., naaj ^ iN t n

ave.; steam heat: gond < on<Jitlon; ooly MiMlO: this Is ft bargain. RYUKR. 23 Acodsmy at.TW O-FAMILY lioura; fine location; 11 roNMOM;

ell Improvenienti*- stoam, hftrdwood ItMaft end tlevoraled. > «« Parker et. Fore*t HlR.I HAVE raveraJ rheop homei In Kawark. Or­

ange and Rofievllle; |1U<) lo WOO dowh, baJ* ancf as reni. GAINES. «0 Acot jSiiiiy n .

SOUTH ITTH ST., 8H6--Handi6ma In perfect urdtr, 8 ruoms ftnd ttb-

provements; hardwood floors; tet TOipQft

W Am TIn g t ON AVE.—Two dwalllnga; Ipi lOOs.250; UN a whole nr will dlviddt tft cloM aw*

tftCe. JORA LEMON. 27$ Washfitgtotl $,'n,BELLF.VILLE AVE.. best part, i

brick. 10 rooma: oil Improvamonta; 1 price $5.300. GIFFORD, 794 Pnidew

THREE-FAM ILY houts. all imprawamaBta: rental $4M]i: priira $4-900; North 4th at. a V

drera Rcisevllte. Box J7. Naw i oAoa.n’-wn fwn-ramily houses, ell

one one-famEly houte; easy tan U t (Jal| :33e . amh at and l$th ave., PAUL LUTlLHOWARD ST.-One-ftmlly. wat«r, ta tleL '

steam best, gas; a great snap;SCHEUBR ft CO.., 7S9 Broad i t

TW O-FAMILY houra. Summar ava.; Improve*mints; $4,200: must rail quick. ......

Summer. Box 86. Wewa ofPoa._________

OFF CLINTON AVBV--7 a ^ 4W0' t a a ^ steam heat; slate roof; lot 27x106- t i i f l S B I i j

T. BETKWI'TH. 23 Ulintaa at.

BARGAIN—Owner must gell 2-4____2 lots, S2.T0Q: noOganta. ftddrgaal

Box U . New# ofDoe. .OREAT BAROATN—l 2-T«<Kn

good lovatloa: prim t4.M6. ITT, 128 Union at, , ^HOUSB:, ftln* roonuB. store sad

IQO. Appn* on premlsM or I 575 Bloomfield ave.

MUKTBRDON b t .—Housa. with _____eiia^ n e In Bergen « i. Addraia Owotr, .

19.nl«a m ila _ PHia SR ft


, “ t v f " ■

k W a R k I * ' N E W S / - ■ S A T t r S D A T ^ T J ^ t O T " i

nS A ti aaTATB BOX lA L B -O lT V . REAL RMTkTR r o H lA L E -C IT l'. ID ir«U ln «»


THtWtC HANUBO*lfi ^W*^**!^^*’■* “ “ <MENTB BITt'Atiil>. ON

U vr»llln«».POflJTlVB LEAnKnU-Parkir « .. |ft roorni, i

two fumUK, PTilvr, only <Ht- {Pro«p <*( nvp.. la foomA l»i* b«thn, Iothft, Valliliurtch. Hftf iwo-fAmlly. 11

iwn bathi. >il«m *1***]

W e d n e s d a y s = S p e c i a l R c a l E s t a t C D a y s = ^ t n r d a y s

■ fc.. *A'*r t»,W4.- IftTH HT-. OM* liarijalmJ. *11 •KmnC UAa Lhi* !• 9M o(>p(»rtunUjr of a UMlrntt f«r ipu, va .\‘ MOHS’ , fjHini hMlltiiAg LN FOB INinm-nOK LAIB)H UAl. HlLS- .Ok'EiC FOB INHHSUTIOK L MAv 4vn o a il t . k:

TO u !’• MUAY AS’D IMILT. KBOK li I’ i ROBKVTLT<!v Bl'EolAlJt KT|* nt mo lfrn nnr-

“ “ '* r»mU>£* wirriftr** L’ .iMKi, Tllmllnr anc. eitht


TB*y • « tM wi<1 nnwt isompluw rnum*.'^•‘•ry iniiirnNomfoi’ two-fatnriy. , ImiH-ovfnienlAj icrwnji and wrlraIKFABa TK-ENTRANCE. i imjirovxmi-tit "menti a w offrtwl for Mlt on Jind i on#, 1.1' rpiomii. ttf.Lifm«t pri( »• that drill Inurcal Ih* moai conacrva- -------- --------------U*a burcbutar, _

w h at THEY CONTAIN.Ktrh houM |i 74iW fart; aiorlfli hljh.Wy wliijdoTva front and iWt; *rt>ariil* in; trance; iarcc porch firei and eeconcl (l<x<r froivl for each occupant; flr*t floor hae five fOOTtvA bath anO builcr’a pantry; eei'oiKl noor haa eu Toom*. bath ami b«ler‘e i>antry; third floor kin Qva moma. which la divided i*t each (Vnir, waiar and toUri on third Unor al«o. All ructni axcaptloMlIy Urxa and 111"'dacorttad throughout; ilia hat.... ....... — ----- .«l>cact*: open b|umblna. nlrkil plat.na ami pui%;ala1n hath: vaatihuia U tlird: altrtrta lUhU Aftd <aa: aaparata attam haattrt and dumhwA t ary for «ioh floor,Kach Ikiiu* aria on P3^xl00-foot lot (larracri.

rT A S : I Imin-nvammJlChl. •’ " '" '“ " f 'i IIWl); Wlliii !• lt.l!.'it t»ix»{na and ‘ “ ouinj,

ta itahu

lM*ln« « r y larn •llri', tllhff niHiK «t>uMtnr< of liilil und alri Mttnt oldowatif. from of pruiierty, down th« «do of

Rtt ealra tinnih»T. A ' i w i i -

fanilly.-UI rtionia. iwo baOw, #4. HUl; alv-wKirti, baili, afaam. Uttindry, I2.4W. carh needed WKUl Alaaya bargain* ul VAN IIOHN. Vnlon Uulld- If.gVAtl4fiHrB»;H HNAMS Two-family, nlO*

rtHim*. lrri>rt.v*'m#iU«. ■•nly ai»H> r*»h;great value. ajilentiM m'rdrrn (wo-famlly. .16 r>iotna. lw’> Lath*, (wo heui*r*, miiet DaiTlflce. tr«,F>0. wfinh e«e) term*, ajufiher, nil

hem. canh rieeiledvlng VAN H'tJtS. I'rilon

O ff «IIIbii*i|fl.noi>-Flne new thma-famtly; flha looAtlon.

; irraena and ahatdaa: nONMB A AISI89,for i<-u)ara.

Idoiilh lull at.i:io

|fl.BOO> Film good thrv«-famlly; built about 6 years; n*‘ur Ontrel are.; rente fTSO per ..... ......... ‘ “ j*ro*iy»'ar: rlbe ioi>8tim-iiit.

Boutn itih *iFIONNIE A RUIML Lin

luouaa glut rear, laaving hut lawn Croat, rear •nd •Id* of pftmlaae.

We hAv« made a study of oihera vlatahaa £fid Improved Ui theae houses In eVary pankig*

Oifer^ at price* and on tmna tbat cannot •e dupllented by any tftnt, deglar or broker In iba city, we will endeavor to maku thelarnis 10 auU your pochetboolL

Jf yon havi inepeeted othtni. then ai M4 yoo will buy at onoa.

PHIUH J. BOW BBS * CO.. Iflft-lPl Market it.. Newark, N.

"Bowara* building."

R08FVILLB AND lA iT ORANG® BARGAINS.|ikSli-rTwo*faA]lly honsa: all improvement*:

mane trolley and dapot* stmet paved: MRSilCk).fi.flO(K*Naw thre*>famUy houae: up to ditej

wall built; atraet paved: mt K> feel front, giv­ing lota of light and nlr apace on both sidea: •nnual rent 17*0,rlSK'8 RKAL **TAT* KJCCUANOB.


r 111 folni 10 tftvol AbMOil ,nd will »I1 my M l^ cti out nt mo.1 tuauilful In

___Oonoly; a-ttorr bfift'. tml from,;IS roome, hatha; etmaervaiory. bllliard-Tooni. Ion ball; large aUble. parnuet flrior*; — t_t_ «».f.w|ypb''” ' ‘rooe^lon

liarvirood_________ Anlsh a A trim ibrui,icantala; agptnilvo ehandtliera;MQvanlancei large veranda; plot lOoalflO: on •Inated. land adjacent , to the Ofingeat .tolU

out; unya

only a few yean: bwUding would to «n «i it preneiw; ground le worth j i o ,^ ; tnud value HD.OOO; will sell at once for |2UN)0: larai to auH. Aldrasa Sacriflee, Box Jh. News

IV alfton" UBCIVfT iT.-"Thr***faml)y bouae; rant^ r IMS ......................................... MfOdP

ftlPOmroOD AVR. near Clinton ava.—"■ Raaldtnoa; all Inipta......... -................ S.tJOO

VOiEVlU.®. Myrtle av*.-Tw®*famlty _honaa: all ImKt,; Ssftaani beaten..... 7.000

•OUTtJ iSTN in'.. RoeavlUe^BesIdenoe, **' ITklOQ; 9 koome and bath.................... 4,000yjTTTB’ SCHljgBINQeB. UNION B m i^ INq

' - KORTH KND BESIDENCE.tb beat part of Clifton avt.; handeome Iratiw bonaa, nine rcKiins, bath, heat, laundry, all modem Improvememi; In AI condiitoni ihi* igvaatibertt offers you the rhance to get au ux- naptlonally flic* home at a bargain; price B.MXk; aaey terms. PHILIP J BOWERS &

rf w .f tin Market st.; open lAShor Day.OOOD loveattnent property In Newark, 110 !20

Qrston *L and SOJQ Delavan nve.. being bfick -and frame dwelllnga; all rentetl, and boarding atahle property; adapted by slight bUeratlona for storage, taundry. or any light Maufbrturtng; Inspcrtlon Invited; terms very

' May, Trlephono TO&l. Branch Brook, or write Umar, part Henry llohit, 118 Oratoo at.

CLINTON I t lU . - h i ’Jil bnrgalmi. rieganl mofl. pfec|gt'*f| ''FlO.N'.NliC ern r!aht r«H,oi lumr**. harh. slejim. fliv» Im's- ;

tion. two-fsmllv st»ei'l*l. 15 room*, twobaihe, two at -em hrslere, 'mly gTit)0I'aih end all yciitr rent money gne* for your homo ia*f"ad of receipt*. VAN iinHN. Tnlon l)undin£.

fn.OOO—Brick, two-family; every Improvamem, l>am and Irl^eway; choice iniallon; real bar­

gain. PIONNIE A REIBK. 13U South lUh at.tld.kOO to <]UlL-k buyer; be*t bargain offered in

au-famlly, very convenient to trolley and railroad siadi'n; ><ver)‘. lmpr>venient but h*at; all line larg>* rooms, must b<- seen to ba ap-

........ A HEJSa, IM South

IS.yi>0-;^tT>.FAMrLT house: ten ^ nms; lot 51x100; n<-ar trnllrys.

|i,0(«>—Twv-famiJy' house; eleven rooms: l Improvanirnie.

Naw iwo-famlly house; to*lf>-dtlf fif­teen Ttfcm*. eieitm heulere; elecirU'

. line fist already rented for |. u*r month ann building But quite ii>mpl*te. If you are it,ir< licuLar aboui getting something that Is call snd lnspe.‘i thU offering.

II (kiO cash- 111 ne-r«.Mnn house In select ];eighbor- hned; ali Impruvementi; open plumbing- lot 23x130.

JT.Wkj for *ly*ut*urc»'»m, one famlly h»»in»e. wh’eh cost th« (}wner o> cr 10.0UO; hcre'a u chancs to

fat a weil-buUt hour* nt a sacrifice.•on't ymi think you'd like a nice, new at-

tractive, up*ir>-daia home? Vr>u ean get r through our means; ye have them lifYocailor.v where the •iivlronnisnl* are vei> chotce'; boih Ir East Grange and Roseville tecUons; wv do fiHMt Of the Selling In theae parts and ownet* give ut their lowest flgurea, a* they expect ro. suits Ihroufh UP, ami w-e always iiuote the low* est flguree and if poealhle try to do even haittr; ruslomera brtng liuyerH bmA we work for our customera' inTa^i*, t'all and see us-

IXiTTEN A LI’HIfll,4 North Ninth stV^L °PP- BoMvlIle BtatloP.

NeWarh. N. J.BOrTH NINTH RT.-Twn attached houssi; lot

ST xlAO; eight rmmis, bath: atticat«ani hoat; t»epft<l comimon. only IT.Wkt FRED n. CONKLIN. 4iri Prudential.CHOICE iwo-famlly houses. Routh Sixth si .

90.000; North heverith at., 90,600; HoulhTen'h at, 9T.G00; Hunisrdoti at.. fn.GihO: Ekiuth fev- •nth st . 90,250: Palrmount uv«.. two eighteen rooms, |0.S00; pshhine ave.,FHED H CONKLIN. 416 Prudential,RIO Invaatmemt bargains; four (hraa-sinry*

and-«xtenslon two-family housea, 911.200, renla 91.AOO. asphalt street; near Clinton avv. FRBD II. CONKLIN. 4)9 Prudential.COME UP 1-AHOB DAT OR ANY SUNDAY.

WOO down. flO monthly.

|4,29» price of house.NfW IwO'famlly houses, five and six rooms,

all Improvements; lake South Orange nve 4-.ir to IkiUth 17lh sL, then one block sooili. I'r Plank road oar to South 17th st . then one biuck north.

JOHN DUNN A SONS. 797 Broad at.

TliRES-rAllILT huusp, rant $492 ■ year.prlc* $4,000; ihree-famliy house, rent HhS a

l^ r , price $4.fkM): beautiful brink and stone flats, 4rtg fimllles, must esll beceuM uf sick-

. flesa, price |16,600: |A00 cash buys new two* family bouse, all improvements, including clec-

git; trie light*; . open tahor Day. REtLL\ B unm . u s MSI'iSrkst St., room 95.

AI INCOME PROPERTT.Ill bsst aactlon of Clinton ave.; handsome

t piodsl tbrsa-family brick hanaes, IT rooms, thrss baths, sit improvements, separata •l‘>sm

^ haatsra, rents $804; splendid location; owner ffolng gbrMd. forced to sell: prlu* and terms

j:i.vary giirtctive. PHILIP J. BoW’BHfl A co., W IS . Marktt at.; open Labor Day,

PATS WELL., Ftrat clksa three famlly, witty store. In bHt

of MoWhortar at.: tot 90x100; renta for MI8: property In flrat-clans coodUlon; extraor* dlogry good chance for Investor of moderate megfli to make money; price $4,000; terms to suit PHILIP J. BOWERR ft CO.. 189 Market ■L: open Labor Day.

•,YIO you want a nloa home In itrietiy realflantlil weUonT Only ona-famlly houses oo entire

gtfHt: look at Ihstni West End ava.; flftren gstoiiUa to Broad and Market its.; every lm> prorement; tSOO down; balance monthly: th -y Mrs worth Inapectlon. CUAB. PLORMECKF. 4k| Watt £fld ava„ or IH Market at,, second

. Boor.Ki^-SaONIPICEKT RIWtDBNCnc-Pormor U. B ^ , JQuropoan raprwentatlve’i home; 70x300; 2i

, rootna; oaptrally located i worth fttO.ooO: any ^ ygjp i^^ii ojfar accepted. f^EY. |S8 Markat.'■ i hVO- FAMlLT houic: Pashine ava., near Clin-

%'e.: 14 rootna, I baths; built flva years: nditlon: pries 94.4ffO; mortme 19.800. *' CO., Clinton avs. and ^rgen at.

I THRJIS|D-EAldlLT houaa for sale; near t-wo >.,-4fQU«x Jines; IB rooms. Including 3 baths;

iwaawwble; mortgage Bkuc 1*. Kewi offc*.„ _ baroains .

Mllgabetti a m ., 9 rtxtTns: steam heat.' ItUford ava. briek two-fhmlly............... Id.ilOO•f^RUGB ft CO.. 788 Broad at.g.lOO


.IBOODBIDB—Nloe two-itory and ektenslon Moh bouie: aeven roams and bath; ail itn-

provemenka; lot 49x100; two-atory barn: only KBOO. JORALSMON, 378 Washington ave.DTVSBTMBNT PROPBRTT-Orangc si . 8S4,

corner of Hacker, three-stnry frame, annual! rent H«404! price only $14,600; easy terms.

’ r* BROWN, 191 Market at., room 10.TW’O-PAMlLY; Jtourtaen rooms; two baths; alt

aodaiw improvements; separata steam heat* |Mi Mar CIfntcm av«.; annual rant |«VW: price m m GILLBN ft COm m Market st.I OWN Mvtra) 9 anft 9 family houses, which

I will Mil at bargain prices, on easy terms, M acoottnt of alow saaobn; all kinds of hooMs on hand. Inquire of OUBBN, 184 Broad.}KOfl^VILLBi—TwO'famlly modsrn frame. 19

ToomA baths; separate steam haatera; alls a s .................................................

im leaprovementi; annual rent fOOU; price QlLLl— ■ ■ -LLEN ft CQ., 188 Market st.

/rti'O-FAMILY house, near depot and trolley;IS rooms; all improvements; ssMrata steam

fcaattfii; price. If sold at once, $9,000. H. T. KOBRRTBON. RoesvIHe and Tth avea.______

.BAROAlN~*RldgfWood ave., near Clinton av*.; ' ihreO'famlly house; IT rooms, 3 baths and

jMJitry: all Improvements; paved street. Apply OSOROB KELLER, 200 Belmani ave.■tx families; Clinton tve. section: all rented:

8h par cent. Invaalnflent; startUng Invest- , Bionta in Clinton ave. property. Bee BUT*

LEH ft CO.. Clinton ave,, Bergen st.j : :iftQ6BVILLB—Several flrst-clasa 2 and B family r houaee; all modern Improvements; flne loca> f dlohs; near troUe^’s; from $9,000 up. rood in- r .' vaitmente. B n OR8EN. 784 Brood.

BUMUEM AVE,~Two*family h<ms«, « rootiip, must bo told to settle estate. $:ioon; nearly

new, li-rotim, l-fumlly rcalderof. all latesi Inj- provemanta. steam hant. $fl.r.bO, KIKIIAN. I8H Market si.WEISgUAHlC PARK-Two finest hits, .10x100;

owner leaving rl(y. (itle guarantc«*«l. sacrl- flea price $1,|U0. KIEI1AN. iHft Market si.

academy RT. Hrlrk prf«|)«rty. large lot;owner gut Of eiiy. must he »0il, $r».nD0:

make offer, many bargains, ell scciloni. KI KHAN, 1HH Market si.

|3,7i>(L-On<'-famliy brick; seven rooms; evtry hnproyeniem, three n>lnutes to Rosavllls

btaifon; doit'l miss this fine opportunity, PIONNTE A RKIftH, Lki South llllt si.TWO-EAMil.y. Houth Seventh it . near Can-

iral avo.; every Impron-ement; fine home and Inveslment; |0.20(h PIO.NNIK ft KEIflB, 13d BdUth Illh gl. *HrNTEIti>ON air,, near A ^a’av*,^Two-fa».

Uy. InproviHnenta; baigaln; $4.00U. U T ^ T . Hoydeu gv*, IHItOtl.CLINTON HILr„—Number g<-HKl barfnlna in on*

Snd two families; two-fumlly brick, now, up- to-dal*. lmproV(-m«nts. han)wr.< ■! tirrlsh; near two tfoHeys; only Ifidli cash neoded; •4,86ii- Wyatt , .ftoi-den avB., Hlllon.inVINai’ON. wHhfn block two tmlleys-Flve-

KHim Uouas. Improvements, |2,;i5U; fine iwo* fatuity, ■ hlock troUoy. new. rsnls month,

Hrki; nlns-nxiin house. Improvements, Intits>x2MJ, 6h peach trees, other friNi; Just the plai‘s for ]»oultry and fruit; $5.(KMi. WYATT, Hoyden av«.. Kliton.Nl'MHER fine farms within alght miles New­

ark, oo macadam road, near trolley and rall- rr.iad, ona for II.IMM); tan acres, 9.H.<NXI; four- tei-ii acres, 94,001); sixteen acres, 94.Gi)0; twen­ty-sight acres, |&.()00. fine Mvan acres, new liultdlngs, 96,000; these farms can't be brut fnr the prices and cn eos}' tsnns. WYATT. Buydeu avsnue. Hilton 'Fhona 440R, South Orange.$0,lNH). CLINTON J11LL sertiun; rsstrU'trd

nelshborhiKd; Just off Clinton ave.; oa^ad itreat; houss contains ,8 rooms and batn. all Imurovementi; wide lot. DEAN ft LINNEl'T, 3ld CIHUun ave,8PHINOFIELD AVE.—Tbret* fa ml ly houae.

containing store and 1 room* on first floor. 6 rooms snd bath on second floor and 8 roumi and bath on third lliroor: ali Improvements ami strum heat: also the sloik and flxturrs in the grucrry store; owner retiring from buti- ness, DEAN ft LiNNETT. 218 Clinton avo.IIILIjPJDK AVIL—Twg-fnmlly houaa. conialn-

Ing 14 riioms; all imprcvrinents; aaparala sicuni hraleri, bargain to quick buyer. LiLAN ft UNNE'l'T. 218 aim<m ave,

have n large number of lots In the riinton Hill section, in grod lorationi. If you

are ihinxing of buiJilIng i-nll and see PICAN ft Lf.NNETT, 21H c'llnion ave.

BARGAIN. $-4..100, two-fnmily, 11 rooms, two bsths; all Iniprnvemenis except heui. RDB*

BRT MENZEL. 47 Market si., near Plane st.BAKERY and 10 room#; all ImprovemenU;cenlrM kx;at1on; good business; only ll.lKHi cash needed; price $4,000; rent $42. UENZEL, 4T Market it.OWNER must #ell. cerjtraL one-famlly, on ac­

count of leaving cuuuiry; suitable for fur*nlshefl rooms, ket si.


a Arai'Clsss built iKiuse, Itest part of Itise- vllle. rtirner, four families and two slu’ cs, rents Il,nt2 per year, price 912.500; qne rlx- fainily, renii I1.2IM') a year, price low, III,00k. all decorated two-famlly'hnuse, Hunterdon, near Aouth Orange gv*., electric light, steam hi-'at. all latest Improv rnents, beautiful decorutmns; must sell. Inquire HERMAN ft CO.. 210 Washington at.; lei 4203J.OARHIDE HT.-Two-famlly.... e...............M. W

Bomeraet st.; estb. bakery; cheap.New it.; three-family; centra].................. G.UfkiW'lnthrop at.; brick: small hnuse............ d,4(X>Prince at.; store and two-family........ . 4.900ipring at., thirteen rooms, 28x160........... 6ilihiRpoid it.. 277: large house......... ........... rt.flfMiBrc«d st.j 9l>9; three-family.................... 5,000

BAM H. BC^HE('En ft CD .788 Urrisd st.


Cbntaint baths, ranges, tubs, sinks, all mnd- ern improvements, all light rotims; haridsomeo' painted and deenrared: venient cellar anil side­walk; renta 11.104; lomtlon In best part of Third *1.! can be bought at genuine sacrifice - price very auracilve; tanna to suit. PIHLII’ j. UOWERB ft CO.. 189 Marlict si«; open Labor Day.



Slate rrjofs: deep, dry cement cellars, ten iRTge, light, ulry r«)ums; twi> tiled bulb

rggms; extra large jutk-; large lot; all Im- ptxivemcnts; sepMrHie ateum benters; tft'O trolleys. 15 minutes' from , Uroad and Mar­ket its un either Main line or Mt. ITnspeci cars going iKiUlli: get off s | Hawthorne ave,. walk iwii t>l. <'ks to llillHide; new houses. wa|| and atungly built; handHomely dec^rateil. easy renters; restricted nelghburhood; W* build and sell direct, saving you all enn- trootore' ard agontj' profits, ll will puy yoti to Investigate to-day. Hunilay or Mnbday; rep­resentative there all day. or call st (;fflcu or ;i4k Hillftlde ave. 'JOtlN McKEON. hulldir, 185 Market r t . ____________________80UT1I iTI! HT-, near South Orange a v e —II

rooms and bath, all improvements; hoi .iir; bargain: 2tlxllW. CIIAB. LDOAN. 4 Acad-lPy

PEBinNra AVE., near Hawlhorn^-Two two- family hunitee. all Impruvements. Beparai*

steam heaters. CHAR. 1A)C4AN, 4 Academy st.

BEVERLl' BT . near Fsbyan pi.—Two-famlly house. 13 ri>nms, two baths,all improvement*,

separate heaters; bargain. C'HAB. LOOAN, 4 Academy st.

0W E1/)W 8T.. between Milford and Juhn- son aves,—Three two-famlly housps, all im­

provement*. separate entrances, separate slearn heaters. <’HAH. LOGAN, 4 Academy st.


Arllustftft,F<jK BALE—Eleven-room house. d««P comer

u>«r three lots, both avenuts macadam' {E ■l: also building sites on thu Ellshemlui Hit ■I, from West Arlington east to Kearny s(c.. brst luostlon: a few deep lots, 60x149; inlH t**rfect. isrmi favorable; InapecUon In-

Arlington oihre, Ksarny and Blishemlui BVfii , 2 9 P. M.. or ll. G. RILSHPJMIUH, 2(U Ur'iMiJwsy. New York, _h:,X'Ll'TIt)NAL OPPORTUNJTT-$!iOO down

will KPrurs elegant seven-room villa, atr.iOSl fii-w. tisih. ai<'um heat, slecIrH' light, lurge ;..i. one minute from West Arllngion l<rlt;e H.tNiO; (ompelied to liv* In ITolcir nlo. Atjdreps HOLLAND, 25 Ellshemlus sve., Ar- hnglrin. .N, J.T'llREK now modem houses; ssven room* and

badi; best lofailnns; besutlfuUy decorated; bipoin honied, all Improvements; six minutes’ TSHlk frijm dn>ot. Apply HAlJHOND BROH, i >1. :/M Elm st,, or id Prospect pi-, Arlington.

Bloom lleld,HEAi'TIFTL home on the “Qreen.” 19 rooms;

ci>ii:*truciion ami condition flrst'Class: most dssurtbh- pri)i>erly. Particulars of L*ONKLlN, 4t5 i'rudetitlal.ATTHai'TIVE old hnmcsLsad, 13 rooms; kboul

Me comprising lawn, garden and ihnde; •ontmgdli’gs stablo, v*ry central looatMi. CONKLIN. 413 Prudential.

HOOMH; all Improvemontsi H aers, hti-ketchciuse. fine garden; convenientRIGHT

barn,. . . If yoi Sell or rrut. list your properly with me; want

at once, houses, t2JkM) to Ifl.UUt). FRED If CONKLIN, 115 Prudemla)BI/>0MFIEL1). N. J.-Owner must sell; new

thres-fainllv 19-room bouse; rents for |9<» per year; steam beat, all Improvements; bur­lap deeoruMons: large lot. worth $1,200: house cost lost yrsr KI.&00; location five mlquies D , L. ami W. or Erie ft- R.; three minutes trolley or centre of town; $T,IXI0; fh.ooo cosh, 14,900 five per cent- morlgags- Also tan-room and two baths, new reslJencs, ftt Montclair, at lets than cost of lard and building; $3;ikM) cosh. Address Ue&l Estato, Box 37. News offlc*.FOR BALE—Blomofleld, N. J.; one four-famllr

house, new. $3,599; five minutes trolley, rents $480 |i*r year; II.IMM) cash; also one two-famlty, nsw, rents $249 per year, $2,ltM), $9u9 cash; iIvh BtlDUtes trolley. Address Kcnl Estsie, iJox 31, Nows ofllco.COLONIAL buuia; *11 lmpro>emeT]ts; MO

rooms snd biilh; on quiet, shady street; con­venient to trolleys and rsllruad stations; lot U:ix2ll9: price $7,009. 39 Park ava., Rloomfleld-HOUBE, seven rooms; gas and water;

will sell at 21Rrooksid* ul ; will sell ai a bargain M PADULA. $T& Bloomfield ave.. Newark, or C. A. FLEIQ, 9+ Fulton at,, 'S eflhawken.BLOOMFIELD—1.73 acres; nine rooms; two

barns; four-fifths of milr< to car line; M.51K>; cash or Instalmenis. Aildrese NATHAN lU’B- BELI.., Rloomfleid and ou>n RidgeIlLOOUFliilLl). Walnut si -F ram e. ten

r/Htnis; arranged fur two families; lot lytxlKl. nrlcH $11,699; easy terms. ( , J. HHDWN, )0l Market st,, room 19,

VAILBBVROII 8KCT10N. near flinford st.;elegant well bulU house, front am) back par­

lor. dining-room, kUrben. . large pantry, first ftwr; four bedrooms, bath, second ftoor; large sUlc; steam heat, lot 76x100; outbulidlnfa; bargsln to quick buyer. GRIBblN, 22 CMntun at.

ELEGANT ' two-family hbuss. Columbia Heights, well built, near avenue. tLMsi;

don't fall to see It; cannot be built fur that. UHIBBIN. 22 Clinton at.

EIGHT-ROOM house, large barn, lot 126x120;guod location; owner must sell; big change;

t4,tkR» GBIHQIN, 22 Clinton st.

BRVfCRAL fine tuvestments; Sprlngfiebl ave.; < first come first served.

Finest iwo-family on Clinton Hill, alt im­provements, 10 rooms; less than $7,909.

Rgsovllle—One.family, nine rooms, buth: Dear station; Sfi.fiOO.

J. B. riNGEFt.Rea) $Islale and Insurance.

_____ Park building.CORNER PRoT»KllTYi

contairtlng large smre, two families and stable. In l»Bl part of RusevUle; has 14 rooms, two batha. steam h esi. all Improvements; annual rent *1.160; splendid httslnees location;" clra- t-i trolley; must be sold nr great sacrifice, will take one-half mortgage. PHILIP J. BOWERS ft CO., Ifiit Market at.; open Ijibor Dn)’,TWO'FAMILT bmise. Tenth si., near Bprlng*

field ave.; large lot. Improvements, bt>st rnn- dlllon; 13.369. MAT^. 73S Broad st,. room 400.

THRRK-FAMILY house. Roston it.; |2.firnt;small amount cash required: must he sold.

MATZ. T38 Hrofid *t.. rcom 400.

FUfB-oxte-familr house, two lots. 60x100; also •tgble for four hon«a and large loft and car-

rlftfa bouse; location Booth S«vemh at,, near 18tn itifg. Owner. 446 Central ave.

't COLOR ED man'i bargain; 93U0 buys revsy home; central; range; hot end cold water;

< Mice only $8,000; rent $28: ocL quick. AN-'' p HBW j . FIBH. 68 William > t . _________' iPUMMSR AV'E., naar Third ave. (best part)— , Two-famlly frame, 14 rooms, baths; all 1m- 1 wrovemenit; annual rent $638; price $6.TOO. j OILI..KN ft CO., 183 Market st,____________! t WO-FAKILT houM. Roseville: 14th al.;

90.000'. two *team heaterei: all tinpli.; best I ^adttlon; easy terins; 13 rooms. Address [.gjoaevillf. Box 8, Nows offlee.\ CARQAIN—Tliree-famtiy bouse; all modern

Improvements; In Brst-clftss condition; fine • ICKuitlon; good reasons for selling. Address;^rffaln, Box 47. Newg offleo.

f ■ ;-45k K‘V a MILY, six roorns, steam heat: bath: " , nice condition; near Springfield nvc*.; will

•acriflee for $2,769: easy terms; must sell ■RYDER. 23 Aradeiny st< BRICK residence 4-Isenp: all modem improv e-

m*nis. *t*am heat. i»i*Ytrlc lights. 2 ranged.Sties onlj* SA Outi; must sell quick. ANT>REW . FIFH. 6H William st.

BARjIAJN.Three-family house; Imrrovemonls up tn

. 4atc; will sell chsap. Inqulr* 006 Booth lOth ; at.. J, A. ANDERSON.

J BOBEVILLE—Two*f»m!ly house, 11 moms, all i Ii^provements exc*pi heat. $4.1«i. also two-

famlly hfjuoe, alght rooms, on First st.. 12,000 I Inquire 133 Norfolk st,;l VOODBIDE—Corner store and flats, lot 62x100:

! ’i good location for any buslne.M; need tfi.tkPO J ] Sash: btianc# mortgag*. Address BRfXIKR 1 ;] Box News office.

14TH ST.-Two two-f«mlJv house*, being erected near Clinton avo.: bus .■jo feel- ■ I terms rf*sf>nftbic. VOIQT. S76 South 14th st . •; car 741 Broad st.

XtfTTLBTuN AVE,. OCh—Two-family brick, ■eporate heats™, otc.: stable, three stalls

, ganUg« house; great ehatiosj below cost, m- qi|lra premises.

„ BTORB property, cwitrab $4,300; rent $44; B> otore gnd two flaw; only I7W> cash: big needs no praise, ANDREW J FISH r fo William *t.

t ' XLM ST.—An exceptionally weR built house 12 rooms; can bring $432 yearly; price only

fc .w.46fi: maybe less. Addres* I>. i. BLEWITl' F 126 Union at. ^

■REW ST.—Two-famlly house, si) improve- nwnta. in good eondiiloo; near four lines of

ear*; aacrlflce; $4,fiOO. Address TVo, Box 79 B*w» office,T iu k s -FAMILT houM, 14 rooma imprm-c-

44.699; boot oondlllon; $1.0uri cash r«- ffiHrad;: moat Mil. Address Flftaenth, Box S5. Wswa office.•HAF, HiffflO; brick; cantral; 6 rooms; wgtar.

aaa. Matl«i}iary tubs; ^ d oonditlcm; only • ■ASJl REW J. FISH. Uwlliisin at.

91.660-aRBAT SACRIFICK-ll.il.'yi Two-fam)Iy hnuse; good nfJglihorho'.vl; im­

provements; close to Btstlon and trolley's und" olooe to centre of r|ty; rjnly $1,6.T0; $200 msh required down, balance mortgage; worth doiiblo ihs irrlre. PUILD’ J. ROWERS ft CO., 18ft Market si.BPLRNDID opportunity: $:tOfl down, balnuce

monthly; modern rnaldenca. 171 Rennet ave., near Bergen si.. Weaquohic Park: eight, rooms and httli: rtecornted: steam hoated; large lot; opsn for lijs]nH'tlon Sunday, 2-fi P. M CllAHLES BIAJKMECKE, owner. 185 Market at.NEAR CLINTON AVE. besl sertlon; msgjil-

fleent two family: fourteen beautiful rooms: two poirelnln Itatha; aeturate emrnnoM: Ket>- arate heaters; electrli'liy; modern plumbing, plot 117x120; great chance tn buv hlgh-clssa property: Ilfi.fHMl. PRIST ft FETST. 7flH Rroad,

f o r SALE CHEAP.Six-family fPmhle: centrally located; Icnminutes' walk from Broad and Mark<t sis ;

gemd ground; Improvementa: price IO.T’jO;pays over 2.6 pf-r rent, net on ln\'csl»nvnt. PHILIP J. nOWERfl ft CO . uift Mark-t st.

BARHAIN $2,360.Double house; centrally located: near D , L. and \V. Blation; improvements; grwnil rev-

entie; small amount eggh reaulr«], otiIv $2tiQ; baiwtce can remain on mortgage. PHILIP j. BOvVRRB ft CO.. 189 Market n,$'OllBeiT HILL, Ridge st.—2^-siory frams;

four rnomi artd large receptlnn hull on Aral floor: five rfxmis and tltod balbruom on secQr.d, four on third; steam heat; electric tight; fine largi’ jK>rch; lot 4<«IOO. A. H PEAL, at J. WTBB ft flk;l Broad St.DEI.AVAN AVE.. 73—New' ' » r>-fainily; Id

roritiiH; Hi-|>urah> steam luatHis; modern lumec'. aei.-uiid finor; now r*-nl--il fur $2S p.r inonib; one bbx-k from trolley fln<| rwllroa'I. prb‘i- J.S.UM>i It.OUM rflsh. Owner. D. B. Ml L- 1.,'AIIY. H7 U'nshlngt'’m are.PINE propnsllloti In Roseville's rcaiduntlal sc. -

lion; IfksJ down, balanco monihiy romfon- able h'line. 22*> Sixth n\o., seven ioothh. hat;,- eieam heated; ilecorateil: opeti h>r lrj.'tpect1"n SUiKlay. 2-:i P M. CHARLF.H HUIEMECKE. uwner, lb5 Market it.

NORTH SEVENTH HT., 17T. neer Seventh ave.39>l9ti; ten-room house; perfect condition;

$7,0tXL terms to suit. SINNOTT ft DEAN, 5S2 Broad.$090 CASH; North Fourteenth st.. near Fhv-

enth a^e.—Twu-famlly; hnrgnln at 54 •» V. SINNOTT ft DEAN. 682 Broad.NORTH SEVENTH ST.-Ten-room hrli'k; re­

ception hall; rare bargain at $6,100; n'y>i: $2,000 rash. BlNNUTT ft DEAN. r>82 BroHd.LlNCt.)IjN AVE., corner, near Washlnxion

avp.: MxlH3; eleveii-room house; lU.fHHt; .x bargiiln, «|NNtiTT ft DEAN. 682 Bmsd StONLY $600; two-famlly; central, price $3,100;

situated Baldwin st-: will go quick. AN­DREW J. RSH, as William at.$3,200-NlNE rooms; sU Improvemenla; hot

air heat; good condlilun; central; must be sold. ANDREW J. FISH. OH Wtlllam at.HOUSER, lots, plots sjid acres; city and

suburbs; splendid tracts to cut up; Montclair. Nptley. Orange. Millburn, Irvington add New­ark; elegant factory rites, available to railroad sbUnga. C. C. MORROW, WX) Broad s t.o f f CLINTON A V R —Magulficenl residence,

select aectlnn. 10 beautiful rooms: 2 batha; mbtlern plumbing: parque' floors throughout; plot 30x134); rare opportunity to buy .bargain; IIO.MO. FEiHT & FEIST. T98 Broad.OKHAT Investment; corner: aelect vicinity;

fi«ur handsome stone and hrlck residences; all jT.ntiern Improveiuents; ne\er Idle; renlal; $2 MiU; great invesimem snap; less than cost. $2M,iHkJ. F El 8T_A_^I^T. 7flH Bmad.

~FORF^t" HILl.^ WOODBIDE. Aitractlxe home* for sale; $3.26li to IlH.OCft;

also H few desirable lota at special prices.J. F. JACK, 012 Highland, ave.. Forest Hill,

or 20 Vesey st.. New York.NORTH END—Ver>' choice two-famlly brick.

13 rooms, two baths, twu slenm henters; fine loratlnn; Ih perftH-l order; owing to death will sacrifice for $iV000, mortgage $4,600. Adiirvaa FIlANtTS, Box 14, News office.LItOAD AT.—Beautiful, modern 10-room brick;

hardwotal finish; In iierfect order: brickstable; lot Sftx!0<»: owner leaving clly. will Mrr1fl('« for 9]ii,260; half c.a9b. Addruea JBNKP. Box 8. News office.________________M.^ONiriUKNT resldendal ptcrlflce; beautiful-

Iv locfi ed: refined sertlon; near trolley and cl qVil. ten rooms; complete truiirovemente; iMftni ceilings: offered less than cost; $S.690, FE1HT ft FEIST. 738 Hmad.

FOR 8ALI-;. un *aay terms, n nUit 100x1 <H) fast on Llewellyn av*., might exrliange fur sniH.ll

house. Write E. M. G.il'ICI'. 2T7 Hornblower nve, nellevtlio.BLCX MFIICLD—.Six-room dwelling; lot 26x130;

}2,90(); early iKiisestHlon; cash or InMaiiiiHuis. Address NATHAN RUSSELL, BloojiiflpJrt ami Dlen Rhlg#-.

'taia 4 . . .^ r tr TOWM.

o r


ONE. twi» and three family house In Bast Of* ange, |4.mh), one family, 9 large rooms snd

MEAL R fT A T S r O « ffALffi-OirT OKTOWM.

U A L icfTA^ra r o n tA LV -ouT o r■TOWJI.

MBf-Nsw. up-tb-da-.s thin sen- BEAUTin’L idot cheap;' luis ootv■■ ‘ 1 $)$/( ‘ .......... ................................

Eiiat Omavft.UROVCI 8T.

room, 'two-fsmlly houtwt iwo vtf iag* rooms; $12 and $)£ fool; convenlsnl irulji smJ irolivp. setmrsie rntrani'tS; separwtt callsis; «|evr/k ANDREW J. FIslM. OH Wlinaiii *Llights; two steam heaters; slats roof; pun-hsa i -----for both rtours; also rtsx p i^b ; private autrsJ nauinmobilc; near sution; cftruiQi I>« ffupllcstsofur same money. JOHN RETTlNaER, I « NwUi Nlnetsenlh st.; *phone 9T9B.DEHIRABLK twcefamlly m>u*s In Qrst-cHiS*

locailuTi, conventsni. to railroad, trousy and

^ ru en rnnms; «U Imiiruvamenia: mtisi _ sold at oflue, ISrOOO cash required: baUflcft very Msy term*. J. M. LEE. I Perry ft., Morristown, N J.

schools. 12 lot 60x176: an unusualpries $3,209; c VOORHEE9. 9p-

M Ml*; Mtly. portundy in i»!<ur* » bargsln; hath, flne neighborhood, very lo- ( c „f , rwiulrcd V. W.

caled. htusl be Mid, make uffur. fO.ujw; 8 joait* Brick Church Stalloa. i'< oms and bath, large veranda, four minutes frrm D., L. and W Htatloa. If you want a ciimfortable linME see this, only |3.99u ro-iiulred. owner lea> Ing town. _ _ ___________ . „$3,399; nine n nms and bath: beaullfuDy dsc- i oloss to Csatral eve; honvsOy constructed

orated; Al cundluon Inside and out: targe I batadsom^y decomted. Cclonlal flnUh; ex-]<j|; space fur iiiitu; vory convenJsiuly localod; . quisite fixtures,, srvenieen rnoms; tiled baths,;$;’ .490 morigagt': solid ^wlue lur svsi? dollar; steam heatm; plot 3i>xl(lU; i2,9uu cash necea*- ggry. FSlffi| 4, FEWT. 7;w Urnsd.

_ .... ........ ............... Nota**lIouS*could not !)c built 'rirhin tl.ooo of price aak4^

r e n t a l 9L«mt !7rPRlCB~ift.0OO ! I ■ flrsat Invsitmeni aunp; reflned neighborhood.

see this and we will not have to say any- thing further, u will sell on Its merits.96.TM; nine n^his and bath. Including ll-

hiary on first floor; splendid lorallly; five mlnuiss from station; excellent condition; owner has left town, desires quick salSu Ifl.Csai: new huuw; restricted nsigh*

borhood, large lot: library, with opbn lira- ]>)ace; op«n fur an offer; see this at ones.

TWO-FAMILY IIOUftES $6,800: thirteen rt>om*: two baths: sepi-

rale steam heaters, fine m-lghborhuod; large lot; os^ner out of cUy. wishes to close uut properly.$0.t»00. fourteen finished moms; 3 balha:

separate steam heaters; separate entranrts; atlmctlvely dscoratad; rkIiTS In white; live minutes fnim two srntlona; rented for WiS yaarly: built lass than one year, bound to cell quirk.t(1,2frii. new. only $699 rash required: fin­

ished rooms; two bathg; separate steam heaters; suporats entrancas; excfptlonailv largo lots: baaullfuUy doerrated. slate rcofs.Why i>ay rent, whan you son secure your own horns on these terms? 1-S4 u* show you how to becomo Independent of landlords with a amnlt amount of capital; these heusss will (denss you In svsry respect.$7,;ilHi. Iilgh-clas* two-famlly house; un­

surpassed location; convenient to sLatlon: 15 finished rtMms; Iwo baths; aaparale steam beaters separate entrances and lenarats var* andns. flJie renting eentinn; only sl.wm caih required, change or business requires this S&ls; will pleae* th« most particular.

for 18-room, ihn’e-fsmlly house; ft large rooms ami bath to each fiat; beauti­

fully decorated; parlors In while; halls ann stairs carpoted; two minutes from station; rimtod for |7IC yearly; only $1,809 cash re* quired: a monoy-makeT,

Immediate [.osseaslon cap be had of all properttes,

Lot ns know your want*. We are on tho ground and know whnr Is to Im> had at I ho lowest iirlces, Carriages and automobile at your disposal.

f'ONNOLLT ft NOHTRAND.ItUh *1 and 4th ave . East Orange. N. J..

opposite Ampere Station ___ __TWO-FAMILY: Soiuh uimton st . near Centra]

ave.. scparelt i-mrimc***: seven nwnirt and tmih to each al>srttn»'in , ilecoratcil; ahnde* and screens; electric light, lot 33x109; renl bar­gains; $0,730. rU 'N N iE ft REISS, i.efitral ave., cor, 1‘Unlon ei.]'.rK)K’ only 1,’i.WXi; new onc-fanillv houses;

H roinns ami Im.tlj. on choice alrx'vt: wide and .lc<-p lots, poeiiivclv the bfst thing ofrer**d At the Prtcp. FIQNNIE ft RF.lSH. Ucniral ave , enr South '.‘Union *1.8ANFURD BT —Only $f..0O0: one-famUy house;

8 large rooms and liath: lot :nixl<x>, a tair- RAlfl to quick buyiT PlONNlE ft UEISS. Ucn- tral a \e ., c«;r South Clinton si,

;HAN'DSi^ME, new one-fam!lv houae, 8 rooms; corner: every lni[irnvement; live inlnui*-»

frou. station, eh-gonl decorationsTE ft REIHS, Central ave . cor. Souih

RENTAL $l.9Kti! FRICE Ili.OOO;Graal lavestmeiu snsp; refined neighborhood,

cloa* to Cs/iiral ave.; honestly consirucu-d. liandsnnMly decorated, colonial finish; exqulalle fixtures; 17 rooms, tiled hatha, steam heaters: dot 89x199; $2,909 cosh iieceMsry. FUlST A “ 1ST. 798 Broad.


TWO-FAMILY, NRAll RAILROAD t I ! 11,690 cosh buya magniflceni (wu-famlty In­

vestment; aelfcl section, near depot and trolley; tO beautiful, Hghl rooms; twu baths; 3 steam hcatarr; Urge idui; investigate quick. FEIST ft FEIST. 798 Broad.FINE new 2-famtly hoiiaei, i4 rmints. all (m-

proveuienls; sepsmte steam heaters and en­trances: *three mlnulei lo Central ave trolley; price fruin $5.H)U to $8,909; etiy terms, tlieso houses must be seen to be appreciated JOHN- Bt>N. 338 Halsted el., li sst Orange.EAST ORANGE-Juat Consider two-farnlI)‘

hmiae. less than block to Mstn at.. 14 ro'ois. two baths; all improvrmenU; lot DOxIfiO; ext-’o lot to build; all fer $fi,1Xl0; houss emtld ni-t be built for $4,700: lots worth $2,600. w M- DAILEY. 7Hl Broad St.DESIRABLE new houses, near station. fFnin

ia.750 to I13.U00. Apply to MONTGOMERY UNSDAY. 847 Main it., East Orange,

B um Katter<SIX-ROOM house, barn, fruit, large lot, tieir

train and trolley; very convenient; rcas'jp- able. U. H., Box 8S. East Nutley.

ATTRACTIVE home; U> rooms: all Improwg* ments; *gc«llent location; near Park avs,r

reasonablf. cmI\, i>r writ*. ALEXANDER. tl4 Cleveland st.. Orange, N. J. _____________FOUR two-famlly fiouseo. .8 rooms eoo^

10-room house. $3,000, W. J.McDEVITT. 286 Main at.. Labor Day. Orange; open on

OceftP Grovft*BARGAIN, $S Cnokntsn ave.. double hour*

and lot; 22 rooms; bath, Improvemenis. ocsoa and take view; price, quick sal*. $6,tW0. Is- quira ou pretnlMs. NOREEN.

FitilniSrIft.SACRIFICE—Plainfield property; bee locaClCffi)

iftivcted neighberheod; 890x429 deep: shade, fruit trees, 14-room h(.use. alt Improvsmentg; worth $l2.0(Xi; urico t4.nuo cash. *4,000 mort- gego, to quick iWyer; suitable for sanltarluiit, private residence cr boarding-house. Inquire v Orange pi., Newark. N. J.PLAINFIELD, near station—Two acres, eight-

riKim Imuiv and barn; price 12,800. SCHEl'KR ft CO.. 768 BruaP st.

HOl'SE for sale, cheap; nine rooms, heat and w'si -c; thre** mlmites from train umJ tn'I-

le)-; owner must move. R F. DAW’KINy, 23 Cilntotj Bt.

Bellevnia.tVHY IS IT that there are no houses for tf*nl

In neHtvBle' Must he guut] pluw 10 liveor you could rent moat any one » home. There arc prnoMcally no houses fur rent In this liiwn and there must be a reason why. Inves- tlgHtc these l>ef(irb It Is t<.io lace. A alx-room cotLtigf, {>n lot 39x199. $2.N(KK a slx-rmim and hath votlttgfc on lot WxItXt. Imrnn'enients. gmid order. LTAbO: a 2 4 -story frame cottage, seven rooms and bath, all lm|>ro\ ements, lot 69x126, 16.760; a 2t^-story frame hrmse, seven rwros and bath, hd 6oxJ09. $4,90ti, and a new two- famlly house on lot AOxilHI, 1,<l rooms, All latest Improvements. $5,000. Call or write E. M. UAYET, 277 Homblower «ve,, near Joralemon st-. Beilevllle.


910 Do w n , ir. m o n t h l y .W AJER-aTBEKTS (IRADED- RESTRICTED.


OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS.a t your service: It Is my business to rnjtply

yotiT really wants; If j-ou want to sell, send me full particulars;. If you are looking to hny. send me your wants and let me do the arclunua work of singling nut the good from the poor. l.’Bll or wrile. E. M GAVEY. 277 Horn- bioTver Bve., Itellevllle.HELLKVILLE-$590 cash, balance |.'l,4(k) as

rent, eight rikims ami bath, Bteam he;it. Owner, p. D. CuNNELL, t17H Tenth ave.. New York, on premises corner Tappsn and Linden aves.. aundsy and Monday, 2 tu 9,anEYU >rK AVR.. Oreylork M «nnr~N or^

Belleville. N. .1.—New houpe. eight rooms, everything In good order; price $3,lkki Call nr Inquire Uostal Telegraph. 1H9 Market at-. Newark.WELL-BUILT T-rorm house; Improvenisnts;

steam heat; lot atWHX); W.tKH.'i. J. j, I'ON- NELL. 113 Washington ave.. BellavtileREAL EBTaTE, vBlues, Ineuranca. loan*. J.

J. CONNELL, 11.1 Washington ave.. Helle- Vlhe; established 169.7.

B ernardiivtlle.AT BERNARDP'-ILLE. 6 0 - acres. mile*

from statlun. high, sightly land; Improved location. Inquire owner. 25 West Klhney n .

Chnfhnni H elshta.FOR 8ALE—Beautiful country house, on Chat­

ham Heights, N J., overkioklng surrounillng motmialns; 19 acres of ground, all under uu!ij- Vatkm; house has 14 rnome, 3 bathroom*, hut- ler's pantry, launilry and good cellars; hard­wood floors; Interior nicely finished; all Im­provements; open plumbing throughout; city water, artesian well with Rider hot air engine, gas, stationary tubs, hot and cold wat-r; house heated hy hot water; very large horn, with large carriage-house; three straight and mip box stall, cement floors; three stalls for cows: WHgon shed and innlhouse: large loft, greenhouse, pig pen. chicken coop, enrncrib, ilniry snd vegetable house; harn has five r Hims and bath, hot and col«l water throughout, st-'am heal and pna, Apply on premises. BonnieBrae, Falrtnoiini ave., Chatham, N. J.

F<.^RE8T IIILI.practlcnllj' new and with all Improvements,

on large lots, good Investments at 19,0tH>. $7,990 and $S.«)i>0. J. F. .lACK, 912 lllghlani] livv., Furect Hill, Evening Post building, 2u \ ’cHey st.. New York.

TWO-PAMILT. .NEAR R A IL R O A D .^ ' ILfiOU cash buys maanlflcent two-famlly In­

vestment, select section, near depot and (rul* ley; 16 beautiful light momt, 2 bnths. 2 sicum heaters, large plot; invextigaie quirk. FEIBT ft FBIBT, 736 Broad.WOODBIDE, Triton terrace, handstJfnc. new

two-famlly houses; mnr|**cn lmprn\cn\enls: 11' ruomt. 2 baths; get off Broiul (•t car At Chea­ter nv«.. walk east 2 hl>K'ks to Praht»l)' nl.. i block to Trlum n l.; open f<ff Inspcttlon from 2 to 6 Bundoy.RCiflRVlLLK, 3.74 and 334 North Sovanth st.—

Two tw'o-famlly hours*: 13 rooms and baths; All setv«rAta imprm-cmeiits; stsarn heat: $1,600 down, halanc* inortgaga; c&n b« seen all wook- days and Bunday aftsmooni. Particular* at 73 Second at.

FniinST HILL corner. 00x100: beautiful nine- room realdenre; every Improvement, baih.

hot water heater. <»k trim, hardwoofi floor*: offered leas than cost; snap, $9,699. FEIST ft FKI8T._7S9 _______________ __________12,900 FASH huj-B apjemlid brick four-family;

iwenly-flve .rtittma; ripen plumbing; dumb­waiter: speaking tubes; electric belliH; hand- MJiuely decorated; cenirully located. FEIST ft ™ S T . Tan Itrnnd.____ _________________.^U TH RRLMONT AVR.--A fin* 2-fftmlly

house. 13 roMHis, all separata Improveme.'tta; laundry In cellar; rented for $564 per year; price $6,200, CHRISTIAN F. SINN, owner. 48 Ingraham p).

93.999—Ousineaa propertj-; centrally located;two-famlly house and store adjoining, on-

iiunl rent $500; price to quick buyer III.IKO; easy tenna. PHILIP J. BOWERS ft Co.. 1N9 $farket ct.

CQltlvrell.HKvlLTHFULNEHS and nalural beauty mak«

Caldwell fanti*us; new houses for aale in carefully restricted residential section; ooh block from irnllcy, three bloi'ka from iai'.lcm; eight rooms utid hath and pttlc; electriilty; Hteam heat; open flrcplaces; handsome decora- lions, shudes. screens ami all Improvemenis; plots 75x126: prices $fi..Vl9 tu $7,990; terms $959 down anil SrKJ monthly. Including Interest. American Homes Oomjjany, 16 Exchange pi. Jersey t'ity.

O ransB *TWO-FAMII.Y hou^: all improvamenta; tiepa-

rste ateam heaters and entrances; IS roomi; larg< lot, 34x140; be sure and a«e this and get the price before you buy; near Central ava. irolPy: prl.-e low H. C. BEACH, th)0 Brotd at.

I'lO.NN't'llnton st$;.,Son-Twu-fnnilly h .uses; new; separat# en­

trances. modern Improvcmctit; dmililetH>rih; wldi" lots; coU>n!sl cohinm?: buy nnn; the*,e hmisea selling before they gre finlshCij, etisy terms; surprising hnrgalna. T'KiNMlZ ft FtElftS*, Central a \e ., cpr. Cllntnn si.

TUO one fntnily houses, rtliachnl, eight rooms and bath each, all Inipfo^'enicnls, liunlwrod

flnors; lot .'itmi39: choice location; only t7,tl99. PtoNNrE ft R Fiys, (’efiiTfil ate , cor. CUnton

FINE Iwo-fanillv; on wide lo l; very chnloe street, seven extra large rnoma nnd bath tb

each Rnnrtrnent; tiled flonrs to hnihs; electric light; aecnrttted thtnughout: only $7,H99. Plt.lN* M E ft RE16B. rentral ave., cor. Clinton at.

EABT ORANi'lE—-Hahiliome modern apart* monta, on Boqtb Clinton. Amhcrsl, Pumotl

and West s i i , ; very' chclee lo-'atlons; ennven' lent to lrolle> and stsllon. rent |2S to ' ‘ PIONXIE ft REISS. Central av*.. corner Inn *1-

7 8^ .cTln-

Cf^7V. new. one-famll> ; eight rwme: bath; re* ceptlnn hall; extra chnlre location; cv4Ty

mofiern Improvement: open plumbing, aieatu heat; term* to suit; $11,309. PIONNIL ft REIiiS. Central B\e., cor. CMninn st.

EAST ORANGE AND RQSEVU.LE.90.TOO—Two-family housts, aeparate entrance*

and steam heaters, 17 rooms, lot 3Tw,xlG9.$5,009 New two-famlly houses, In East Or­

ange. 13 roums. separate improvements. lots :h'lx 140.

$4.74H>—11 rooms, two-famlly housa, all Im- piovemcnts. 9

94,799-Nine-room one-family house, all Im­provements.

|5,fi9(K Far new iwo-fomlly housa, with six rooms and be.ih on first floor, near railroad s(a- him and trolley*.

f4,39tv—13-rni>m old-faahluned hous*. In fair repair, lot 69x200.

9:i.0tk)—10-ronm twg-famlly houae.Wf're In the beat secllpfi of Newark, on the

ground, and we have what you want. Call and se ua.

TOTTEN ft LITRIPH,4 North 0th *t.. op. RoeevHIe Biattna,

Newark, N. J.

f l i e n ttliiMft*NEW, modern, nine-room house, four rouma on

Aral floor, hall In centre; double floora; four ruoma on aecond floor; large finished room on ililrd floor and atnrage ruom; excaptionally choice neighborhood; Ihroe mlnutea from Lack­awanna Station; 5c. trolley tare to Newark, all Improvements, »ieam heat; slate rjof; lumdsomely decorated; aaay t*rm«, JOHN HETTINHRR. m North HUh at.. East Oi- aiigc; 'phone 6T2R.DEHIRABLE loraliofl. near d*p0t and trulley;

lot 90x169; new himsc. six rooms, hsHldcs large reception hall, bath, laundry In cellar; good range, furnace; cabinet matitel*. sh<ide* to ah windows; 14.599; e**y term*: cosh offers considered. Call Labor Day, 46 Baldwin at., Bluonifivld.

Hari'lgon.ONE-FAMILY, seven-room house; all tmprove-

menta; CentraJ ave., cipposHe Erie Stuliun; price $3,009, easy paymems. Inquire MRS- McDo n a l d , IMO Davis *ve., Harrlayn.

1rrlu|gf<in*OrEN for Inspection Labor Day, those coxy

li-room cnUurtcs, with Intprovemenu, tme bliK'k from i'llnt'>n and Spriugll**ld aves. ir'd- ky*. K't off car at Hmith *t and SprlngfleiU u\>. tt;u1 walk one block north; onlj $5w>

balance same as rent. Full parilculaVB MJly Of H'l'ATRS, In.ln*tun.

?:!90 l" i^ \N , hnUnce $ld monthly, buys a{•iji.y tl-room house, wllh bath; cenire

•f town, one minuU' from two irolleys: price $.t,b99. riTATES, Irvlngloii.

I'iJN'T m iij buyifis one of those new fl-rocm coitageh on Grovt ft.. Just puuih of Union ave., all imprnvemenis. liost location.

]Tica and turnia right; Itnik them over Labur I>tiy. I‘erm1l8 of KT.VTES, Irvington

$309 DOWN, balance $|i| monthly, buys anew coiy fi-room house; twii tdocka from

trolley; price ll-.StKi; don’t pay rent, buy this nmi ba your uwn lamJlurd: come out Labor Day. STATES. Irvlglon.

mvSN'^TON REAL ESTATE—If you are liitiking for real estate In Irvington go tu

the uiJ ('Ptabhslied headquarters, Sl'ATEH, 9liS Hprlngfleld a^e., Irvington t'entre.

BAt'RlKIi’E RALE-Owner having left town has authurixed lie to Harrlfice her 9-room

bt.uBe. with bath; cenlre of town: immediate possession; only |2tK.i caAh required: don’t de­lay on this STATEri. Irvington.

HTAl EP. Irvington real c-hlate headquarter*, img Springfield a \e .. Irvington; own your

home; $2tJ9 down; atrp paying rent; open Labor Day.

n e i i B u n k .FOR SALE, at E u l Side Park. Red Bank,

eight-room house; large porch; corner lot, ItMMtIfiO feet; good barn; chlcKen-hou*« and other bulldlnga; all In flrsl-claaa order; el*- gam lawn; ehadc and fruit ir e^ ' grape*, shrubbery, etc.; one block from trolley, thre* ntinutes to river, ten mimitea to famous Rum* son riiRd. handy lu atallcm and boat: heaithF picatlon: good neighborhood. GEORGE A. VAN DRLNT. fi Hast Front *1., R«d Bank, N. J. ____________ *

fo N t h U rftiar* .S'Jl’TH ORANGE-Elght-room hou**j all Im*

prtvvtmeniB: fine location; lot +9x116; hard* wmi'J ih>ora. prtce $4,UU); term* easy; hoUMM from *;i.9(Nt up. W'ADE’S Agency, 96 Rl|rg* pi., nr H99 Broad at., room 516. Newark.HOIJ8K. 19 room*; all ImprovemeoM: co n tr^

beautiful view, excellent neighborhood} kXeaty Urnu.69X169; lartte stable: 17.509:WOODRIIKF. South Oronge.m o u n t a in s t a t io n —House, eight foonta,

steam heal, all improveffients; view for Lillie*: reetricted section, cash $690: bargalft. Dux loa, ftouth O r a n g e . ____________I 'MOUNTAliT STATIDN-nholC* plot 100x238:

win saerjfirs; easy payments: sxceptlctnjsl opportunity for aperulatlon, A. P. CAIN, Suuth Orsnge, _______ _ »

ioU T H ORANOE. N. J. IMPROVED AND DNIMPROVE.T5 PROPSRTT __________ T, Q. CONWAY ft eg______HOTBK. cighl rooms and bath; all Improv.

meniB, Inquire J. H. WIT^HUBN, Pr(i*i>ecl. *t.. South Orange.


EAST’OR.tNGE—Fdr sale, «t a sacrifice;line coVner residence, |6 rooTO, hath

and recepllon hall, steam heat, electric lights, open fireplSL-es and every im ­provement fur solid comfort; 'large plaxxas. with awnings; fine shade trees; neighborhood the best; posseaslon at mice If desired; no reasonable offer re- fu»e<l; easy paymema. Other houses for sale or rant. Office open, l. abor Day.


Dodd and Pruapecl sts., East Qrang*.

TtYLl-F-tMlLY*. Roseville: mfdern iwo-and- on«-ha]f-atory frame; fifteen rooms; t'vvo

Thrc* two-fnmily hciusea. all baths; all linprovemanla; separate hoatera; an­nual r*'ni $090: price $3,209. GILLEN ft CO., ivl .Market st.oNE-FAMlLY. Roaevllle. eight rooms, all Im-

pr^venicntv. butt lot; two minutes to atstiob ur trolley: fine nfIghbrarhood: price $4,690; only jl.ooO cash needed. ROBERTSON. Rotaville und Tth eves.

LINCOLN AVE.. two minutes from troller.ten minutes from station—Deeirahle one*

family dwelling; seven moms; square hall am] hath! all impruvemenis: lot ^ x l0 6 ; price low if sgid at once, Addreas North End, Box 81, News office.

M e a t n<: algal

Bnd IWiM&tlal Bscrlflee; near W | j : heat; mortgage' o«tn: ne*i; mortgj

ft^ B ro Id T riH ST ft FEI8T.

GASH, bolobce mofi^iy peymenta. buvi « tw<t-r*jiilly bouse; fine nelghborho' , 1 brfnfJcff good mti, WILHELM. 330 Johu-I ftV#.

UKptOJI^ A m , B «r «prmcn-)d «v«. f.. J roMM n d atarc: rant |$« mcmthlj-;

iJiPUOj teniH to Hilt. QAIMBLi, an Ac*d-

. ^ h^uu : i i^faovMLkftpiuitk at**m heuara; *|| iipprore*

Owfttr Bax M. ilHton.

CM bMHM tor tile, wtth poe- ar an B*m$i *1.

TW0-FA1!ILY brick house: near Rummer avo,: brick leaved street; pa.tent sidewalk and w*lk

pround house; nil lmpro\'6m«nts. only two lenra old; worth at least 97,909; our price, if sold Immediately. $6.H09. OTLLEN ft &1.. 183 Market st________________

$!AND8f)MB OSE-FAMTLt 'HOUSE " Clinton Hill; South 16th st.. 857, ne«r Cllntem

ava.: tea rooms and bath; steam heal; slegant aurroundinga; lot 33x100: price reeaonabla,RODETL 871 Brr>ad sL. or COLE. 873 South 16th st.

t h r e e -fa m ilv house and s t a b l e .Only 19 minutes from Broad and Market sts.;

ihrpc flat*, all impTovementj: large lot: owb^r wunla (n leave town. Address Quick, Box bO, News office.HirLLEVlLLK AVB-—Brick and brownstohe

residence, 11 room*, In choice location, fin­ished In oak. all beat Impnivomenta, |2,50u .■ash required. Addrees FAlP.LlK. Bax 10. New* office.FOB BALK—North Broad st,; two-famlly

house, 14 large roome. all Imprin'emenla ex­cept heat; five mlnutea from D., U and W.; no ngenis; Address North, Box 76,News office.FOBEBT HIl.rL—Desirable rrol.lpncea on~»Tl

Streets and avenuea; $6,600 up; properties also in Woodslde and Belleville. ALFRFU T.

BECKWITH, iUcceaaor to Hsnry Rugsell, H ninfon at.BRICK house, with stable: one block from city

hall; annual rent flOfi; wvU built; two-llory house; in exctllent condition, coniainlng ux rooms; priew 93,000. QII^LEN ft CO., 1S>3 Mar­ket at.nlX-FAMILT apartment; brick: five rooms.

bath; all Improvementa. except heat; large Iht: centrally located, near three car lines; ho ajrents. Address Oantrally, Box 19. New's office.

NEW HOUBE; two-famlly; must he sold at once; six rooms; bath; Improvements; no

heat; good order; street paved; sidewalk; treesfarden: beta

1,009 cash, office.

____.. - . , . . p a v e_ .___ _____ ______garden; between two iroUey lines; price $4,00i>:

Adflreos House, Box Or News

HOBEVILLB BABOAlN-Two-f*mi|y house: floe location; eeparsie entrances and steam

heat: tiear station; owner must sell mi aocount of iickiiwf; only $300 caah required: good ten pw oent. investmaot. MACKBBT. Siw Orange

TWO - FA KILT with stable: ev^y Irnprove- ment: atesm heat; near Boaton at,; centrally

torsted: foujlaen rooms; all conveniences; un* usual ■nap: owner must sell; eaotest tema:

97,500, FKtirr ft 788 Broad.

SZdHTH WARD-FIne Investment: thrsaeirtt-room houses; all lmproi>«ment*:

ItO.OOO; $6,000 cash, balance mortgage: rent $1,044. Addreta JAM1CB. Box 28, New* of- flee.

HGAl. KUTATS INtn 9ALB—ftl?T OK TO W K —M I«C B I.L A N |gO fia.

T'W’O-FAMILY house, all Improvements: sep­arate oiitraru-es and steam healers; near trnl-

le3 and stailnn: good neighhnrhood; price$«.9.'»n; rents $UU8 w r year. MORRIBON ft ORLI'!iNINO. *'i4.'l Main at.. East Orange,BARGAIN to quirk buyers; East Orangn;

Grei iiwood ave., house. Hi rooma: two hr>usi>s, 10 rnnms earh. near station, I'lty nf Rahway, choice loratlon. rash nr Ihslalments. Address Owiipr, 4114 Orange si., Newark.

I1RANOK—8-ronm house; all Improve­ment!*: hardwcHid floors: d<N-omted; In gfirnl

condition; near trolley and station, price 97.000. M0KBI8ON ft OREiENINCi, 343 Main at. Orange.THREI'L l-'.VMl LY : off Central ave.; arventeeti

large riK.mis: threp. baths, cnmplele lnipro>-e- menls: ti ' tieat; sanitary plumbing; pJot 28x 100: renifll 1732. «a*y terras; $0,609. FHlKT ft FRIBT. :3S Broad,DE8IKAHLG corner lot, lOOxIOO ft., high and

dry: all lmpro\ements, two blOiiks from South ttrarwe ave. <ftr; wjll sell nr axchanye for a K‘«d Income pMi>my. STIZZA, 83Cons SI., nrsnge.18 PET? PENT, investment: two-fAmtly house;

all Impiiuements; Pteum heat; IS rooms flhd lifllh; hear .1 slutld^ns' rent $W0; price $ft,OtlO: mortgage ‘l.SOO. Address JZi Ncirih Ifiih st., Hast ( ‘range.BAFT OEiANGF—One hlnrk to Main i t . ; a vrry

cheap home of nine rrums. alt Improi-ementa; lOfiiilnn of the beat; property cannoi he dunU* cnird f< r pries: $:i.000 W. M- BAILEY. 761 rirnsd nt. ‘C( dlNKIl—Two-famlly: off rentra! ave.; ig

rooms; two baths; stwim heal; open plumb-' Ina; complete Improvement*; rental $000: groai snap $6,79fi. FEIST ft FEIST, 73$ l?ri}ad.EAST ORANGE—t ’orner property; ftoilfio:

siiltabie for slorea and apartment*. For further pa$Urulars address NATHAN Ri;8- SELI.. Blootnfifdd and Glen Ridge,FINELY located fireproof garage, With seven

large living rooms above, to rant op ft«- sale nn easy term*. JAMES F. BRINNIJNB, 282 North Park ■(., East Orange,EAF7' ORANafS-94.209 buy* a now hou*e, 8

roHims; *teanv he*t and all Improvemenla; near school and Irollej’. C, H. STIOER, oppo- alu lirlck Church Depot.I; .SST OR ANGE—One-fatnlly hou*e; 7 room*

and balh; all Improvemenie; ataam host; ainte roof; npen plumbing. Addron Dwelling, R*’v 4, Newa office.FnR SALE—Boat Orange, N. J., ten-room

houae fmodernj; lot 60x149 feel; ’1$7 Arling­ton avi . For particulars addretw R. L. DOWN. YVIndror, Conn.elegant twn famlly, 16 rooTDfl. 8 hMhi. cor­

ner lot; perfect condition; oixe block ttollay; bargain for simia one. FRED H. TONKLlN, 4t6 Prudential.UAicffAlN IQ quick buyer; Clinton at.; new

s-ronm houae; all ImprovemoRtai ateoan heat; lot 37'-hxI50. JOHNSON. 3S8 Haloteft at, East Orange.A 1.AROE buslneas building can be purchaoed

for le«B than cost to erect IL Apply to UONTOOUBRT LINDSAY, MT Main' at.. Baxt Orange. ,

Asking I

FORTY mlnutea from Newark: ot» acre, four- room hauae *b4 barn; all In fins oondUlofl;

price $1,309, Ofte-Ihlrd oaah. balance ndftgagn or instabwenta; property on l^ackawanaa R. R.; four mlnate*' walk from station and achoota. WILLIAM JSFFSRT, » PlM’ at., room lS14, New York.

. 8 rootna. barn, from sutio^

New* offica.COUNTRY HOME for aale.cblcken-bouiie, mllea frtftdflreat C0UIIU7 . ST, Ne'

3 family14.900, $6,000, $6,500, Ifi.TOO, $6,800

WADE'S Agency. 8DQ Broad at.» room Newark,


$4.2(X>~New. h room* andJbaih, attractive, near irolley, eaey terms: $tjj900, modern house.

Hyde Park, h rooms and balh, finest repajr; $9,250 fi>r modern lO-room house, well built; four room*, firm und eecund floors, cash $1.4^, balance 3 per cent.; $7,rH.<o for 19-room houa* me one nf the finest avemies, very convenient­ly located, lot 37x176, will sell low to quick buyer; $7,690 for motlern house, 11 rooms and hath, hardwood floora and trim, lot 4ltxi99; $11,090 for new house lor will rent], 10 riHsm*. revejdlon hall, two baths, conveniently located; 912,^M), modern 12-room house, well built, 4 rooms on each floor, lol 60x200, fine, con­venient location, cash required $2,999. balance 6 per i,eiM. Your money's wnrth here. Ask C. H. .NEVIUR, Grove St. 3tat!on, BUiit Orange.

fliirtith, ftrange Helfthta.FOR SALK, at South Orange HelRhl*. on*

nine and a lan-ronm residence; all modern linprovcir.cnts; plate glass, o]«n Btalri, hard* «i>od throughout; large porch, cement aide- walks, € tr ,; ready fur occupation, call and inspeci hulldlngs D. S. LANDSTBA. 4D4 flum* nilt ave.

Short IlllU .BHtlRT HILl^, N. J.—For sale, new. up-to-

tlHtp cottage; seven hedrooms; two tiled h.ilhs, steam heal; hardwooil trim and floor*; *ui: imrlur; tidewater sewer; Summit water;. ekH-trlc light. K. A WRIGHT. 119 East 254 Bl.. jir ROi’HE, I4fl BroadwaySHORT HJLLy—A new, U]'-to-<laie cottage at

Shiu-t ll llh : hum of IndlffriH limestone; for fnnillv or (aete and means; beautiful vista* o\cr 'well-k'^pt plnt-es; ample ground: three baths; lavatory, near etallon. BOCHB, l4l) Hroadway. New York.

Batnmti,FOR BALE, at Summit. N. J.. large old-

faahlone«l place, containing large concrete rcsldsnce. I>arn, (poultry houses, etc., and almut 4>*7 acres land, beautiful shade trees, sArden, lawns, etc.; conservative valuation 125.000. For full particulars address £ . C. HOLMES, Summit. N. J.


Fine building- lots on Linden ave., 1.000 feet north of the Red Schoolhtiuae on Clinton ave ; only 22 minutes from Broad and Merkel sLc. hy tw > trolley lines: every car to this tract; nice neighborhood, carefully restrlotnl; sewer,, water, gas. sidewalks: lol* from $275 upwjrd; only $2r' down, |6 Kr month.

House*, live to seven room*, all Improve- menis. $l5tX> upward; only $t00 down, balance same as rent. Why not own lour homo? Now is the lime to start! Be yoUr own tiind- lord.

Houses built to suit purchaser and sold on easy terms; warranty deedn; free and clear.



Room* flJS-920. Union building,

11 Clinton Bl., Newark.FINE new two-famlly dwelling In Linden av*.,

near Madison ave.; ten large rooms; twe batha and ail tmprovemenis; nothing but thv beet maierlal* and workmanship; one or Jnrt as many more lots with the house as you wish, only IHuO dow'n. balance Just like rant; (hej‘em yf one fiat will pay all your expenaea; your

I pay for the house, BENJAMIN J, rLEUCHAUB, owner, filfl Union building, 11own rent will pay for the house,

B, owiClinton at., Newark.


145 feet on Bprlngfleld sve., Irvington; right In the heart of nuslness section; 12-t*oom house, all Improvements and large bam; a genuine sacrlflce «l Ifi.SOO: only IJ.ROO cash required. Full particular* from PHILII J. BOU'ERS ft CO., Ikfi Market at.; open Labor Day.

COST OVKR $4,200.CAN BE noUGHT FOR $ft.60fl.

Handsome tw’o-itory brick hou*#, In best part of Lincoln pi.. Irvington: lot 2. xln5; hus nine rooms, bath, all Improvements except heat: has been used as two~faml1y; rents $5S6; excellent location; a choice bargain. PHILIP J. DOWERS ft CO,. 189 Market at.; open Labor Day.LOTS os Itxrriaott Pi, Irvtmcto&i 110 fast trotti by from lOO to 300 feet in dentb; wgter. kgs,, •ever, atdewalka and *hada troea; rrotriclM^

' >ld

EAST ORANCiE—For sale; why not settle down In your ow-n home? $8(10 ca*h, bal­

ance easy, buya a new modern home. wUh 8 riv;tmB. bath and reception hall; steam heat and every Improvement; on one of the best avenues Jn East Orange; ready for Inspection; don't mlaa this cuDCc; officu ojM>n l-abor Day; other houses, sale or rent, BrTTERW'DRTH, Dodd and Protpoct at*., East Orange.

THBKE of the most beautiful atresia north of the railroad are Prospect, Walnut and Ar­

lington ave.; w*e have desirable houses and apartments In this section for sals ahd to lei; throe Ilf the most heautiful streets ooutii of *at railroad arc Harrison, llalated and Munn ava.; ws have ilesirabte houso* and apartments 111 this spctinn for sale and to let; stmi for dw- acriptlve booklet; special, elegant xpartmenu In the Fairbanka, new brick Structure; eievat/r and janitor service; al) the up-to-date Improvo-

^cma. \VM. E. TAYLOR ft CO.. 12 Railroad pl., opponite Brick (.''hurrh Depot, East Orange.AT EAST ORANQE—Two dwelllpg*. u*t com-

pleiad. In reatcicted neighborbood and ready for occupancy; tiled bathroum, apan plumbing, Bteam heat. combtnaClnti gas afid electric iix- ture*. parquet floors throtighout; bitlU fliat* riass and will bear Inspection; H and 8 nr mt, laundry in cellar; lota 33 1-3xlOB; price $T,f)0U and $7,500; mcrigage $3,609 and $4,000: flv* minutes' walk to depoi; an otjpcrtunity you should not mlea to Investigate; open Lubor l-my. HERRICK. BOOTH ft CRlflT, Ownert, rtppcslte Grove Bt. Depot.POSITIVELY the greatest bargain offered this

staaon: modern residence J2 .room* and baUi. open fireplaces, electric llgbta, hardwood Boor*, open plumbing, large stable and henner>'; lot h6xl50; abundance of shade; Ideal location; seven minutes' w’alk from station; owner hsa reduced price from $14,990 to 19,009; an ln» atltutlon mortgage of |fi,lN)0 at 6 per cent, cag remain; only $S,0(X» cash required: an opporin- nlty and value can b* caallv demonstrated. V. W. VOORHEES. oppeaSte Brick Church Sta­tion.tfl.hOO and $.'1,900; former prices $0,300 am]

$fl,R90-, owner must have ready cash Imme­diately, and his necessity Is your gain; mod­ern. up-to-date houses; just eompleted; fine lo­cation; Nassau School district; better bar- galiui tMkn you think poaslble, but quick wcUon neceeoary to secure ona. J. Q. TRlrBDttLL MOORE, oi’'noalte Brick Church Statloir, ISast Orifiige. Note—W« keep 0|>en Labor Ehiy; houses for sale, rent or exchange In alt the Oranges; for reaulla list your propertlea with me.AT 97,090-~0ne of those cosy tnodero houses

In choice location fno two-famlly houw^L nine rooma and hath: 0P*n plqmbSog; stti*m heat; hardwt.>od and sv«rythiit up to dat*: has always been uccuplad by owner; now de­sires to raise cash km has authorixad ua to make a consloerable reduction; tha hom* per*' feet In' equipment and price and terms right. VICTOR W. VOORHEBB, oppoait* Bftett Church Rtstlon,

PLOT of ground 140 feet front, good locKtlon for two or three family houaea. ApiHy to

HONTGOHEHT LINDRAT. >47 Main at., l«« t Ornng*.BA^T ORANGE—llodsrn houaas for rent, tale

and exchangs; open Labor Day. C M. Iinuv». «nwt1ta IMcfc Chttrch Dapot

OKNTLKMAH'B RVSlDBNrR: complei* Im- prevementa; every poaalbl* convenlenea; re-

atricted neighborhood; magnlllcent loogHty; plot 76xBfi0: twelve romts; bath; conservalo^; butler'a pantry:-oak trim, tiro curly btreb: beam cfiRtnapi- PKrqnet flooni, hand oarvlng; hot water naatlng; must be seen; tour-at^l stnblea; owner laaytftg town; what ta your prop<MUkBai7 FiCiST ft FEIST, 7S8 Broad, ex- clualve agants. •ba r g a in on Nasaau pl., near Camagle ava.—

N*« one fnra^^^hpuae with eight rMma,

raeldanc<‘: twenty mlnutea from Broiid . Market its. by Clinton av«. aod SDrlngfi ave. trolleri; a buealn In every ao|(* toe present ^rlee. SAMUEL A. CAIRNS. Broad ar. 4



W8 ftPRINGFiBLD AVE. 'PHONE 2S2fl.REVERAL one and twe»faml]y houses; also

lota; near two trolley lines. 109 Clinton ave., west.

Ironlfl,IBONlA"8even-room house, barn. 2 acres

ohotcest fruits and flower*: evergreen shads* healthy location; 3 minutes Leickawanna dta- tlon; commutation, $10.60 monthly New York: price $3,009. half cash. HENDERSON, 24 Momnouth at., Newark.


A FEW BARGAIN*.$4.600—Arlington: beautiful home, excellent

legality, eight rooms, bath, laundry, aioam heat; plot 42> x240.$2,200—Kearny; seven rooms, gas, water, sewer

connection; convenient location.$2,» » —Harriaon: two-famlly; tan rooms, gas.

water; rent $1 2.IF you want property at its loweal figure, con­

sult us; open evenings, alSo Labor Day.McAVINET ft McLAlN,

365 KBARNY a v e ., KEARNY.

Teronft.VERONA—Plot 199x17)0. on new macadamised'

street In Verona: high elevation overlooking l>eHUtlful Verfuia Valley; price $l)0b; mn-ihlrd rnsK balance monthly payment*, Addreti U., Bex 324, Caldwell. N. J.

W olacaalnSi

■IVATfiEAFrNO^For sale, two-famlly houaaf new: 13 room* and 2 batha; aaparatt

sfeam heaters; fln« tocailon: near Lacka­wanna and trolley; $1,009 cash, balanca easv: other houses for aal« or rent. BUT- TEkwORTH. Dodd and Proipsqt St*., £Iaat Oranga.

Went Latler*MODEL HOUBE8,

WEST NUTLET. N. J.Mrtdero. artistic houses, alt to eight roomtl

bath, furnace, gas. every Improvement; high, healthy location; near station; reatrteted. bull! up neighborhood; t3,2fi() to $6,009; small cash payment, balance tame as rent. Nutley Realty Co., 99 Nassau at.. New York.

W «nt OieftBft**COZY West Orange home; new: six roomsi

Bath; all ImTirovemsnta; flret floor hardwodd; open Are; lot 4fli1S9: price K.200. FRANK W. ANOIER, 373 Main *(., East Orange; open Labor Pay. ____________________EXCELLENT HOME for small family; six-

room house, bsth. ateam beat, wash tubs; hardwood floora; beautifully loeatad on Urge corner lot. Address Equity, Box 77, News office. ________ ________________WEST ORANOE—Five-room houi*, near Edi­

son's, $2,100; term* right. ^ADE'R Agency, i^om 616, 800 Broad at., Newarb; oihar prop- e«y for sale. ________________CHESTNUT BT., 136-Only $2,600; T room*;

lot fiOxJOO; chance to oacura a house at low price and o«i Mtsy terms. U. C. BEACH, 300 Brort at- ______________________________



"YOL'R OPPORTUNlTT." which w* wtH aend you free Is a fine booklet, ibowlng delightful

seaaharc views add tolling all a^out Bomvra Foint N i., the moat beautiful reaort on At- laflitc coast, only seven miles from Atlantlo City, where millions have been made la real, estate] history repeating Itself here; Pemiay!-' vanIa Ralirnsd's new high-speed electric rail­road Juar built at coat of over $6,000,000, abows what they think o( Somera point; trains to and from Philadelphia hourly; also trolley aftd seamhoai eervlce; another railroad buildlcgt high elevation, ocean, bay, rl’vera afford excel­lent flsblnf. gunning, boating, bathing; city g6tng ahead rapidly; capital pouring In: d«iq— able location fur lurntner or winter home; , can build bungalow cheap; our loti ona tnlnuto from tralnx trolleys, diy hall; $60 upward. |6 down, $5 monthly; title tosurel; aeashofe,prop­erty beat Investment known; buy now for rapid Increoie In value*. Write to-day, DANIEL R FRAZIER CO., 677 Bailey building, PhHkdaL jihla, Pa ____________________ .

bath, rSNpthin . and bullar'a pantir; latm-dry and tmlat In basement; this property must be seen to be appraelated: only imalit payment needed. For particulars B, McGOV-^ N . 46 Sb^ r d av«„ East Orange,Ra ST OlBANOE‘‘‘Aacrlflee] ba«auN of re-

inoval, will NiT It-foom honaai. first Story granlto; ta^wori flalidii. Miible, 4 si^la; lot 109x110] no rtaeonabis offer refusedL open lAbor Day. FRANK W. AJfOIBR. t h UUa

GOOD Invastnient ta flrst-elaa* property, yields $2,620 yearly, beat location, near troileyi end

alt large factories in town; alao good busi­ness property, flne store and 13 rooms, all Im- provemeaU, with extra lot, on main street and In the b ^ of repair. Inquire J. £. HAL1« £22 Pomeroy ave., Kearny- ________BRICK HOUSE, Davis sve., Kearny, near

Bergen ave,; eight rooms snd improvements; lot 60x100; near station; gCMd school; easy teraui. Inquire lOfl Davis ave.. Kearny, N. J.

Llnffgft*IfkM-LINDBN, N. J-

McADOO TUNNELS OPEN this spring. That's our story- Lota $390 down to lIoO; will double In value; five mlnuteii from station; near Elisabeth; rapidly buhding

growing a^loa; buy on our 50 monthly payment plan. GET THfeRB NOWI Write. *REALTt TRUST. 60 LIBERTY 8T.. N. Y.

Several botiaea complated- for aat« $SOO dovm. _____ _

MONTCIAIR. N. 'XFour besotiful houses oti Nortb Mountain

ave ■|geB4x40 each, lots T6x1Tb, 11 roomi tFo bsihs, large butler’a pantry and IgOBdry; wida Sroh^, steam heat, elactrte light, gaa; ilab- r^ts eombthstlon flxtutM: open aanlufy plumbiiig: first and second floors parquet; kiled batoroema with monle floors; hlghrst cLasf retldentlat eeetlon, wtthla three bfocka of oefitre of town: ■ raprsaanUtlve on the Dretttiiski 7ully eorapletod by Bgptamber 13; cmw la the time to arour* one; prioa^llA"^' mortgage tf.600 each, snd balance <m easy tegma WMPSON-MKRRITT Ca. 1 MadlSeitm , New Tmt a t j.___________ .MOKTCLAIR—New dwelUng; ten rooms; bath,

gaa and aleotrtc llgbi; modem improte- meiAs; open tti^lacse: imiated on Mreet ear Hne; lot 60x166; I7.0UO; rash or (aatslittenls. AddrcM Nathan RUBSSLL, Bloemftetd and Qlep H dge.______________________,llONTCX«AIK-Sp]snd1' rdsktonot bridt, 12

noma and bato ait Improtwmwita; 1 6-s aeraa: carriage-house and stable; might take twi>-diMiny bottss tor equity- JOItALBMON, 378 Washingtosi a\‘s., city.T^RBB uf-to-ftato hobsea; two teren rooeta,

bath, strain heat; one sIx-TOom* alt Intprove- mentft with bam and chicken coop, trolley short block. AddrrM Owner, Box T, News office. Orange- _______MOKTCLAIR—Houss; aU Inprovamsnts; hmt.

batk; Ml fpom* and rso^ton hadi: auto* moUla abed: macadswlsaft road. Apply U l High iL< Montclair.

^ FOR I ALE OR EXCBANRE*-BRICK and brownstODS residence: 16 rooreaj

all modern Improvflmenta; lot jWlxlOp: sk- chsng* for income property: value 113,600. Addrps* Widow, Box l2. News office.ORANOE AT.—2 stores, 4 flats..^...'.,.116,090

Warren si., 585—k roora*; 57x107.......Hunterdon at., 626-0 rooma, 2-fBmIly.. 8,000

A. WOOD, 33 CUnton et_______VAILSBURGH—House and eight lots, weytli'

$4,600; will exchange for two or three family. FHET, real estate. Iflfl Market st.LOTS In Clinton Township for Site or wilt

exchange for improved properly, 106 Bh«f- man ave., store,_______________

FOB iA L B OB BXCHAHUB-OITt OCl ________ TUWit.__________ '

VEBT drtlmble plot for bu,ln,-i or menti Matnut-, K««t 0r»n»«, **110, vOrf

chMp; -l-o 2Vi acr» on corMr. wUh room hrlck houw, »!1 Improvemenu, l«» t (0B- Olrn Hiilt*; viry cheap or will e^shMi* (or Improved N*wnrk propwty. Addiwu B*- chanite. Box 17, New, office- ___

rA CTO B Y SITBS FOB l A ^ .FACTORY BITKS-Cholc. plot n «r P. ^ R,;

1500 lot; will *11 p«rt or «hsl«. BUTIjBR A Ct>., «M CUmon oY«.

FACTORIBS FOB SAI.B.B M aT pA C T oW , nUll^^POdl^. CTIatw

Hill MctloB, n «r L*hl*h .Wner IWIrudj taollur khd onfflne, -Iwo lubte; muot be rold;

«M P im rBIIT A FEIBT. T » BrotA,HHJH onoHilory, 4£*a0O; mill conrtnictlon; « .

tro IWBVP; ei.etrie llllit,; ootn plumbln*; only ynr old; plot BO and doxifw: prloe low; CKV w L . FM W A JT O BT, tw Bro«a,

F A cv o B t* ^roR "'flA l3 ’'« 'i t o ''l -r ''i 'n m o 2 e 5 ''p 5 * '^ ^tot Llt»rty it. «Ad MBrt QlJVBff w , JACKBON. MB M-rIttt A .


b o itabi-e for a n t kin d o f UOHT luS(iJFAri b-BIMU BU81NKS8 OH STOBAO* WAHBHOU8B; FOUH 8TOHIB8; HACK


FACTORY ipncn "»Swn•lociric power UMl IKM. WIL C, BACH m Mnitonr M-

L‘ t

1 HAVE wv«tol hrifik BctorlH o< dlffrtwBf ■lie to leiM on VHejt. Rtnno* and JoU.

Ko it i.: niltnblo (or »ny biulnni. 2. -B, FINGER, Pork bnlldloB, IB Fnrk pl.ENTIRE ibr*e-itory nnd buomont >hM I » -

toTT boltdbu at m R itoy *t,i A _(rot floor apaoo, tntinir, room 51, Ji OflCHWALD. l*ma|tat at___FACTOHT apaci to aolt; mpdorn afliitpmafltj '

power and •UeWe U«bt. Tbe ITOCUUM Mil. Co„ *44 Bontb It.

FA i B I B S WAHTjiro.ON or betoip laBIMTy 1, ASM lo S.tflD ft, H

faolory ipaoo, on oo* or two floor*, wllb llow» and htob Addnaa Spnoa, Ban IB. Mtm aOca.


f l W A R K B V E t t f e B A T m i > A T . 1 S T 3 1 , 1 9 0 7 . I T

r A M it ro E o r t o w h .FOnXT miw of Hunitrdon * b »« ; »* Oill«»

out OB LebKh V»ll«y lUllrotdi li»lf-tiour w tho trolni on two toodo Bnd Now Joto.yO m n i); gUBr(op)»ur to otoroo. churoh. Bcbooloi olt.; M«t four-room dwHHn» good


BEAttONThird tkV*.. btirk. Id roomi. ImpCi....,.. |iM Bourh li.. hrirk. 10 nK>m*. imhU.,.w.4w.. MO South BroAt) « t . brlrk. 13 roomr Impt* • 1**

ctn'iwb'bouM. b*rfi, poultry houio And mliAr . South Broad il., rmmie, 10 roomi. tmpti. l.JfJObuUdlnca: lot* frulti aim! ih* ■la&dtng aUcki. I K|>rurn at., rrama. I* rooma. impta........with bant and ahNla fllled with gllaat lh 13 *£11 ■ !Shay, and th* f^wlni *corn, po»a*o »t. Sllaaljfth avr.. fPiriji . Ta ' 25abow whal tbl* l«t»e fWiM will ataivl for; a •umcn<r‘* living In (atdaH. orchard*, with ntUk and rawa of own producllon [ four acraa in naadow. with llvirta apilnc and wall of waiar at houae; pnr* tl.SUlli half In ntoiiay; poaarialoo April i naxt. Lanva Market it., lilO: can at* farm and country around, r*- turn l:a0. J. L. AQAN8. owner, Plttatowh,N. J,_________________ _____________________ _


Will Include 2 horaea, 'J cowi. moaihi ehinc. 2 Plow*, 1 ruUlvator. I farm we^v'Ij. 1 buiuy, 2 aeta hameae, all tCfOla. 20 ai’r<*a |ru»- Ipf crop*. hTook'Watcred paaiure. pn-bahly 100 cor da oT wood, aome fruit*, icvcn-rorjni huuac, htoad view*, water In hUrhan; harm; mar food nelfhbora and achool. and only nJliw to depot; to lattle e«tate reaaoti ft>r Ihia pneat aacrlftce; for traveling inetrunionH ane Ni-. TOUS. pafe SI, "Strout'a Idet Ifl ’ The Urg-ai llluatrated book of farm bargain* ever lasuedi copy five; A.OOO farm* for *alF from Maine lr> Maryland. 1. A. STBOUT CO.. I>rpt. 28. 150 Naatau it., New York.lllTIUtAr KILL. N. J.-SlKte^n acre*: twalv -

room houae. outbuilding*, ric. Bt'HEUEK ^ Oa.. 78H Broad.PLAINflEl^D—lVo acre*, »| mile from atv

tion; eight-room house *nd barn, (2.000 BCHEUER A CO., 7SS Broad.SMALL place, near trolley and I rain; flfteaii

mlnutea from Newark; autlable for poultry; n.OUO. SCHKUER A CO.. THH Broad.



North liroad *t., brick. 8 room*, imirt*.. Full Liaritciilara and permit* at our oAca.




T. V. LRMABSENA A SON.81ia BROAD 8T. _________

WG PAMIUF.S WANTED tg rent houeei and data, with t to 11 rwiini. aleo 4-ftv»m data cheap nr we *»[ '|nemail down payment* and lln .K’WlilUO. KISKK * PBI’ K, M« South Oren*. av# . Vallaburgh Sectiem. _______ _____801TH BROAD «T."H»n<"o.T!'’ ." ' ‘''f-*'®'?brick houiie; 12 rooma; Jrtaaovhsai . all ern lmnro\'emenl*; furnlahed. Ihroughoui; brick •(able; to iMae for y*ViL, « i ’ *‘**f*'PHILIP J. BOW'RRfl 8 Mnrkct *t.ic pen Labor D a y . __________ _____BIGHT roonw and t«th; all lmpro •#melltl•,

three mlnulea to trolley and twenty mlnuiea to Broad and Market; In flrft-claa* condition; quirt neighborhood; adult* only. Acldre** Home, Box 12, Newa o f f i c e .___________ROHEVILI.E—Extra chobr elght-rrom briclr

houBc; every modern Improvement; finely decorated; a chance ro •eoute a beaullful home; n wt to a food party. S42.B0 rooii*h. MEEKER. P08 Warren ________FAIRMOUNT AVE , l.^2-Kiaht■rootn bou“ J

Dll impiTOvamenti. "Irani heal, from October I rent right to luliaMe party, will ael) to iwah buyer at bantBin price. HUGO QOBRKE. Metropolitan building________________detached houee. all Improvement*, aleam

hcat; walking Jlitance to 4th ave. and D.. l a w . Starlon- convenient to two llnea of trolley; rent I3 , due location. JOHN LEVER, lag waehlngton ave. _______________

W e d n e s d a y s = S p e c i a l R e a l E s t a t e D a y S = S a t n r d a y s


ATOHRS. OFriCBt. BTC« TD LKT.MARKET 8T.. Store and baaemepU NliM

feet; all Improv'ement*:* Janitor a ajrt*''icee; reasonable rent. Apply janitor on pretnltee.Ml LBERftT ST., iiaar Markel-Biore, ault able

for any buslnnae; rent riaaonahlei Immeartte FETST A FEIST. TM Broad.pusseesloo.

s iw U r . It. two duo™ fromdlapl.y window,; cxirw iocd locnUoa .for

ot), bu.lnou: Hoand Sour, |M; third floor, (tfl(.'all.ST HtItOT l l . ____________

flTKAM HEATED BTOHW. lotli; tlH Boll to lot nwr Coin Horkot Inquln J. J. BCHHIDT. U ConOl It

8TOREB, tl8 ond • » por month; S*v»nth « . ..djolnlnfl rom.r Pork ov,.; n«r l»rt« »hool.

osco1],nt lontlon for borbor, uilor. ototlonor, Apiilir to onr BohvIIIo r«lconfectioner,

eatate agent.STORE TO LET—Deftrable aiore oa Broad.

near Orange at.: ileam beat fumlehtd. Ap­ply room 4l]8. Prudential building-BTORE, 47 UolMT Il.,‘ .'>d«»t rallllnery ^nd

In -tho «rMl. oil Impro'-omont*: b.,1 loco- tlon for tho tmdo or uir b'lotnoor___________


ment. T and a room, tnni Itt to ptt.n.Inquire of ianHcir.RROAD ST.. ^t^FItt. T room! and bath: all

ImpruTementa; newly decorated. Inquire M8ouin Orange ava. _^OAD «T.. M1~Faur Ilikl room, with

wotrr ond rm ; hour, ol 0 A. M.-d P- H.BLBBTKER remMTlmprov.m,^

intuir* Jonitor vr lOfl Wo,h(nfion ,t. ■mdBTQ.S a r , SS-Four room,; flM Md wotir. BRVNewiOf »T,. li^ -r iv , room,. I l l_____CLINTON AVE.. aflfl-AportBimit,; •!» nomt

and both, ( u ond mol n n t,; f » wo<*r hnntor; c u and olattrlc llfhu; pooBaMlotl tlll- niri1ltl»l)': flso. A[>ply THEODORE »■PUAHDRLET. 461 Broad ,t.CLINTON AVE-. 414-rial. Oil room, and

bath, fltat floor; all Nnprovamant,; bai own oerupled by phyalclan for over ^x yeara; will he decemted to eult tenant: private entranoe.

TOU CAN EASILY FIND tka farm you want, where you want it. at the price you w|eh lo pay, end on tentu to suit, through ’Strout'i List No. ID;" the biggest llluatrated book of reel farm bergeine ever laaued; B.OOO farmi for eaie, Maine lo Mery- latid; Juet out; copy free. B. A. 8TROUT CO., Dept. 2B, IflO Naxeau at.. Sew York.CQUNTRT placet barfains; houee. etabla, A

acre. Nutle)-. IS.OW; nne alLrnund farm near Elemlngton. 90 acre* 13,000, 5Ei acres IS.000, othera. all eectlona: BemardevlUe section, one aere, houee. etable, IS.oOO; d ecrea houie. stable, 82,500; eztr* 0-rooin modern houee. one acre. |«.5M. beautiful view; other bargain*. 8500 up. VAN horn , Union Bldg._________8PECIAL-1 offer aome 50 acrea. with houN.

having over heic nalle irodtlng on Pennsyl­vania Railroad main line, near a town eultabt# for farm, factory elle, elgn boarda or sub- division; price only 1150 per giCre, and to re- eponalhle party will give lertne tn ault; brokers ^H,be protected. PAUL F. WILLIAUB, New wunawlck, N. J.___________20 ACRES, 1>A mile* from station, good bull'l'

logs, some fruit, prioe 11,000, |50o canh; iR acres, 4 mile* from sletltm. near church and School, dwelling end other building*, some Mm- her. price tl.2W. cash (MKi. nrill divide good; make two farms. J. R- McOONlOAL A SON. Dover. Del.6PARTA—163 acrea. with frame farm bulld-

inge; land excellenlly watered and in fair state of cultIvaCIeti; suitable for dairy piiv- poaes; large barna, k'l.QtNi; fkOO rash, balance mortgage at 5 per cent. WADE'S Agency. Broad at.. Newark; other farma at low price*.CHOICE poultry, grain and truck farm* In

Penniylvanla. New Jersey and Delawaro; h«*t States for prontahle farming; farm* my specialty; bought and sold, write ir mialn^uo. RAYMOND G. FRU'K, l\4 Real Estate Tr i*t building. Phlladvlphln, Pa. ___ABOl^ 100 acre*: rata (W acre; unimpro\nl:

ronelderable wwkI, Hrrw'h nM.N*ea.make euminar residence maort: amuH fariiia. Jacobus. Northlleld, four nillo* from Ur- ange; dveraeer in houie; oilli'e. cliatViam, N J.

ELEGANT ona-femtly brick: ill modern Ittt- provament*. une of the finest In Roseville; a

itotie'a rhrow to»stHtlon and two trolley line*; rent from September 15, 842.50. Inquire 4* Myrtle eve. ____________ __________ »CLINTON HILL—881. seven room* end bath.

In new mudern comer houie; largt 'oJJ J*r •Iricled neighborhood: parquet floor*. FINIOT, 14 Homestead Park tCIlnton pi.): *phone 21S4L.BOliTTf livTH 0T , TT-From October L nine

room* and hath: all Improvement*; beauti­ful home; choice Iwallty; 14* . For permU ap­ply to CRANE. IW Market at._________LINOOLN AVE . W r Ch**ter ave.—For tent,

a fine seven-room house, with every Improvs- meiil; poseeealon Oclobcr 1; rent 8R5. JOHN J. 0 ‘NEILL. 21 Academy it. _

BTORR, 140U Fenr sh; fcqtUck lunch or any otn

BEYER, m e Broad at.

for d«ticgt**asn, business. F. J.

STORB end four room* on BelmptU ave., near ITth ave. Inquire JOHN JURKOWSKl, ItO

Belmont ave.BTORB and two rooms, wlih Impfovemenie.

112. MORWITZ, corner 15th eve. end Bar* gen *t-_______________________ ____ _____ _6TORB to Jet, with four roomij sulteble fw

any kind of busmees- Inquire 45 Mayaslne et.STORE, with three rooms,

near Oaborne terrace.340 Runyon et-

STORE—Mulberry and Otlvxr sii. Apply 8 Oli­ver et.

BTADLE (0 let: etalla for 21 harsee; las-ge wagon ahed and extra csurlage haro; 87-w

South Sixth St. Inquire 109 Springfield ave., shoe Store.STABLE, 16 EllMhetb ave.; four sUn*:

sewer and water connection; large left; wagon room. DRAN * LINNETT. aid Clin­ton avaSTABTaTC, In rear of SI Bummer pi.; room tor

four horaa* or more If wanted; large yard; rent |I2. JOHN JACKSON, 183 Market ft.STAHLS to let. 116 Wekeman ave.

COl50NIAlF-We*l Kinney, near Broad, beau­tiful elm and eeven room ipartmeute; eoio-

plate Improvements; ahowtr baiha Janitor and heat. FEIST A FBIBT. tS8 Broad.COMMERCE ST.—Throe light rooine aOfl

water; second flooi; Immediate poeeeeelonj rent tlO a month. FRANKLIN F. MATO * CO.. 788 Broad et., cqr, Market. .

«OOMfl a n d rLATfl TO LBT..vKW touk a v e . » * - n v , i,rt> iu>>t

roonie. new house, .bath, ail lmp o ■eit ''ile exnept hear. Inquire on promisee or KRAYJs'S nardware »icr«. {*2 Hamburg pi.fiORtH KU4IITH BT.. 87fl. two blocks from

Rlnomfleld ave.--Four light ^ooms In two- fifttlly house; tern |!0 _______ ^NORTI* '0TH ST. 07-Liawer flat, five room*

and baih. stenm heat, convenient to trolley ami eteiion.north " 8T., " i » ^ * w iwo-fiimlly

b<Miar: (iva room*, second door.ORUEANS hT.. 17-To let. three light, plee*-

ant rocTn*. In good order; gee end W'atsr; adulte only. .ORCHARD BT-, 158—Flat; four rooms; Im-

prcvsntenii. aduUe only. ___PRSHINE *nd Madison avre.—Apartmenls. five

rooms (uid bath: all' m\vd«rn Improveroenre; rent m and tlT. Apply HARRY P. TkOR'Y. Metru|)Olii«n building. Market and Washing­ton et*. or J. AURAMfl, corner Avi,n ave. and Huniertloiv st.. butcher shop.

• 2 ^ J6TH AVS., between Little- (on ave, and Blith s t . eontalaing

8 rooms and bath; all modem loi< irovemente; rent l!4, 815. |l(V lit. nqulre on premfsee or RRODKB

M,rk*l (a l lUUidoor.




FtHNIBHED RnONI. T « L W .RI'LTON BT., tT-DMlrtbli, MBtnl

homelike; every Inipruvement; hot we heal,FULTON BT,. Ml»-Ttro nicely farolehed t

rx>ma; Imnrnvemenl*.FULtuN 5*T.. aO-Lirge, eicoiid floor

all lrnpro\«tneni*.GRANT 8T-. 15-Iiargs. handsomely furnl^ii

vemnd dnuT'^oom. suitable teavhrre, laditn or gentleiiT)cn;,'flne mlnme to D.i 1* jk W.GREEN' ST.. Hl-C-oanerUng roona ' fbr

hnuMkeepinf. 82; imaller room, eultable for two, 81.5h; hell rotun, |l.


IJIUM frr.. 48S-rennt'Cllng room* for light houtekeeping. alio one sittile room, euiiabla

for gent or light houaefceeplng; modern la-

16TH AVE., 68. between Littleton Avr. and Blxth el—Choice flats; 5 room*; bath; all

modem improvemenU; rent* reaeonahl*.

HOOM9. FLATS, BTC»» WANTED, ^ sGOUPLK desire three or four unturnlahed

room* for light househeoplttg; modern oon- vrnfenoet; HneevlUe or F,aet (.Grange: refer- e^ee. Addrvse M. M. B., Box 4I> News otAce.

CORNER flat. iec'>nd floor; seven large, Ufbt* airy roomt: etrlotty modern: crnirally w-

rated; with owner. 80 West Kinney et.CAMP BT.. 34—Bli rooms and betb,

hsei end hot water; Janitor ttrvlca. 8AH- CEL R. CAIRNS. 4M Broad M-CHADWICK AVE., 68-F!ve nice light and

airy rooms and bath; all rootlern itnpT ' ' mrni*: rent moderate, ______ __CLIFTON ■ment

ave.ON AVE..828-TO let, seven-room apart- ; all improveoBsnt*. inquire 266 CUflon

FE8IUNE; aVH. 138-5 rooms, bath. 816;imi t*.; Janitor. H. OORRKB. Met. bldg., or

l40KM’:.\hERQ A COHN, 67 CoiM «o« at__P.UIKER 8T,. 259--8ec«nd floor: eeparete en-

(T*$nce: seven rooms; all Improvemenls; sleara heat; newly decorated I Immediate poaeceslon. BAMCFI, BERGER. 403 Union butldlng, ll Clinton stPARKER BT, 383—New leron'room erart-

nvent.PARKHiiRflY i r T ’S ^ r i

provenirtu*.It, six rooone; all Im-

FAMUaY of four adults would take fl\'S or ilx moms, with Imiirovemente, In two-family

houee In the Nlhtli Ward; rent low, Addrese 12S l^ennsylvanla ave.FLAT—■ft'anred. third flat for three adults. Ad-

dreee Third. Box W. N*w* ofBrr. ___ROOMB-Wanted, three light rooms; pert Im-

proviHuenU; not to exceed IHi; three adults; cemrally located. Address W., Bex TI. New* office.

CA.MDKN BT.. 178-Flei, ifx rooms; all Im- |.iovements; rent 81B. ___

PEIiAVAN AVB. tS—Flve large rooms »hd baih: separate steem heaters; new house;

one block from ir^ley and railroad. ___

IF you are looking for a farm and mean busi­ness, it »U1 surprise yo to know wiiai 1 i-an

Offer in pouitrj'. truck, grain and slock fiirni*: don't fall to drop In and see me. t'. C MOR- RQW, 600 Broad st.______________________FARU—35 acres of the beat farming lsn.1 in

New Jsreev; beautiful, high locadun. throe miles from Caldwell: 2.500 fert mail rnuituge. Addreii LAMBERT SPEAR. Culi|wf]l. N J.25 ACRES. lO-room house, ham. fnili. eueam

water, stock, rropi and tools, 15,MX); (L'.fNXl. balance 1200 p r year. H J. HOLMES. V eet- field. K. J.filiPTTlBAN HOMES. al* > poultry, truck, dairy

farms, tract* rlr-e to devrlop at town; bar­gain*. H. J. HOT.MER, Westflrirt. J.FOR New Jersey fanns *ee ue; we have over

200 ell parts of the Stale Send for list. SCHErKR A CO., 788 Broad et.___________FARM—For sale, cheap. W-acre fsrrn; two

miles from station. Address G J. NEIiS, Chatham. N. J.


FARM fe. sale or exchange for city dwelling;located Ih Morris County, N. J. Address 1.

CLARK. 884 William •t,. East Orange, N. J-

TO LET-Elegant 8-room house: Beynour ave..near Clinton ave.; all modern ImpTOvemenis:

ateam heat, etc.; will lease, rent low. ROPER. T61 Broad et.________ .HOl'HE to let; 6 White terrace, Clinton pi ; 10

rooms and bath, all Improvements; steatn hear; hardwood floor*. CHA8. LOO AN. 4 Academy st.TO LET—34 Walnut at., 8-story brick and

lion* hoiee; 9 rooms and bath; all modern Improvement*. Apply to 8. H. PLI M, 62 ParkpU_____________ ' ___________ _____________fiTNGLE house: 53 Graflon ave.; near irolley;

six room* and bath; steam heat und ell im- prcvemcnlB. W. II. DRAKE, Clinton *1.TO RENT, bouse, oppoelte RUney'i Theatre:

17 large outside rooms, ell modem Improve- menip. Apply D. WOLFF, 81 Market et. ^lO-ROOBI house to let, all Improvements Call

at 358 Morrle ave. FRANK DOET/ jFRAltUNOTON AT.. 31—'J-nxnn house; rent |10,

Apply D. W’QLrr. 81 Market

HEBCK‘.T.\BLE cf-l-ired family would like to rent bouhr In central or anutliern erotlon of

rtty, with view of purchuslng. Address Re-Kpt-ctflble, Box H. New* nfflee. ___ _WANTEI^-Fatnlly of three adult* desire to “ rent mudern house In or convenient to Neu- «rk Adilrese, siaimg term*, etc., to House, Hox £(0, Neu* olflce.MOl'SK, about October 1. seven rocimn, im-

proven»enis. good location, north end i«re- ferred: leasanable' rent.0d. News office.

SPRINGFIELD AVE.. e-jr. lUh et.-Lgrge ■tore, eulUble for any line of butinew; rent chegp. DR. B. GLUCK, tfl'CUhton at.

BPRINOFTELD AVE,. BfiS-Tlne. large etof*; rent cheap. DR. B. QLUCK, 32 Clinton st.

“ th e c e n t r a l l y ixicated and con­v e n ie n t l y ACCESSIBLE PROPERTY,







EXTRA large right-rnora flat, all mederti Im- provementa. steam heat. W'ashlngton st.. near

Market, 140; also on* without aleam heat, fame location, 885. Apply D. WOI^FF. Bl Market.EIGHTH AVE., f»--Flve large, bright, cool,

airy rooms; all Improvements; laundry, beat; large j'ard: two-famSly prlvaie brick house, adult*; near I^kawanna Rtatlon.EIGHT ROOMB. with bath; ell Impmvcmentt;

steam heat; hot water; hardwood floor*; ga* ranges; location superb. J. K. BALDWIN, 10 Commercial at.ELIZARETH AVE. and Bllller et.—Elegant

flat. 7 light roc;)me. bath, heater. Improve- msni*. newly decorated B4 Parkhursl at.EAST KINNEY BT., 116—4 Clean room# lo let

Oh first floorFI>'K large, light, airy rooms and tiled both;

tao-famlly hduae; 81fl end I3l>: ready now-; ■roam heat; aJi Improvements; Inspection Bun- day or Monday. 34fl HUlelda av*.; take Elisa- hnh ave. «af. get Off Hawthorne ave.. walk two Mock* to filllside, or JOHN H. McKBON, 185 Market St.

PAHKJIURBT BT., rooitiiMo let.RGBEVILirFL^ortlTflTTat. 334 end si^-Two-

family hou*<si, first and second floors, *11 eeperais improvements, stsem heat; rent $82 ej d 135; houses open alt day end Bundey efier- noon. Further Information at 78 Second atRGSICVa<IJ2~fiouth I2th ■»., do#* to Central

ax'*,—Fire rooms; bath; all improvemenie; • 16. FlllLIP J. RGVVER8 A CO.. IKl Market ai.; open l.abor Day.ROSBVilXE-One seven-room flat, all hn-

provements; aeparate heater; 828. Fivt-rrtiRl, flat! US; other* up to |Sa. MEEKER, 5(t0 Warren et.ftOBSVlLLR-Severe) line apartmenta; 5 tn 7

rooms; all decorated: near trolleys: modern Improvamants: $10 to |Sfl. OHBtCN, 164 Broad.RlDGHWOCtf 'AVBNL'E. flfl-Flat, flv7 llflR,

airy rooms, with bath, all improvements, papered and painted, between Madison and Clinton avaa.; rent tl6. Inquire GEO. KEL­LER, 20B Belmont ave.RIDGEWOOD AVE, RL-Flat to let; 5 room*

and balh: all Improvements; 10 minutes from Broad and Market; rent lift. Inquire J. SIMMONS.RIDGEWOOD AVE.. 88—Six rooms, bath and

pantry; elegaiiUy darorated; half block from nintot) are.; rent |10. adults only.ROoMB-Seven rooms and bath; tube and olUar

Improvemcnis: second floor. Address Owner, 8fil Hawthorne gve., city.ROOMS to let, light; 4 large, airy, bewly deo-

oratsil room* with baih; sduite only. In­quire V6 Clinton pi.

FIVE roumn end bath; steam heat; alt Im­provements; Janitor servlrs furnished; $20

and |2I. Apply Janitor, 57 Wallacs st,FOLLOW'‘ING Hats to let; Immediate pussns-

slon; 217 Sixth et , near Thirteenth uNonuti. 5 rooms, bath, ateam iioalers, also 7 roohit and bBth. |2.1: Chadwjrk ave. n<iar r'Mnton a\e . .5 rooma and bath, el) Iniprovpinenl* ex- lepl hf at. ftlH. GILLEN & I'O . 1.S‘1 Market et.KL.^TS Tu T,FT, 451-4, 80 'TH 12T!f PT.--


AfldresB Wanted. Box

FARMS WANTBD-OUT OP TOW!«.f a r m of 30-50 *<Te*; good house and barn;

within twenty mllee of Newark: must be cheap end will pty cash. Address J. T. B-, Rox 18. News office.

REAL ESTA TgtF you want to sell your houses, that is what

we are In the bo*ine*» for; we have pur- chaser* for on*, tw*o, three, four find six fam- llv houaea In ftli eectlo&s of the city; If they ere good Investments, we will dispoM of them quickly and tn mutual eatiefection'; you can­not do more than give us a chance. HULTIN A CO., main floor, Scheuer building, 736 Broad

WANTJBD, a comer lot. In Roeevllle. on Or­ange st., suitable for drug store. Improved or

unimproved, provided the house could be altei^ Into e eiore. Send full particular* to F. W. OEERT, 800 Prriad st.WE do a geiMral REAL EBTAT&we aolloii your ................ -- -

TIOM.MATO A i‘0., 788 BROAD.

t gei. . loll .

batisfaction , fr a n k l in f .

IbcryAXibtrade and GUARANTEE

HAVE caMi customers for two and three fam­ily houses in the Fifth, Tenth and Twelfth

wards. What have you lo offer? Call or writ#, JOHN J. BERRY. 8lh Broad at.

w a n t e d lo rent or buy. 8 to Ih rnrun hous* all lmprovem''nts, within Ih mlnulea' nalk

frrm Market and Plane. Ap]ily fiB Market *l..jewelry store. _____ ________SEVEN or eight rewms house, all Impiove-

menti; remrallv h\ca1efl, rent m.il to exceetd $3ft. Addroes Widow. Bo* 30, Newe office.HOUSE wanted fur two small families or

house with nine rooms, located In Newark. Address G. F. A Bn* fll, News o f l l c ^ ___ _

Clinton HIM nr Vanrhiirgh, Addreee Three Adults. Box

3O.01H1 SQUARE FEET floor space c*xt tb Market St. Station; also lO.OOO square feet

floor spare to let. In whole or part, with power, ■team heat, good tight. Address or call C. r. rROREL3flRE 40 Mechnnio *1.. or engineer.

STORES, OFFICES,OFFICE -Second floor front rc»m, cenirol loca- -IJnn. for office. Addree* Real Estate, Box

CO, News office.

FLAT—First floor, rtve large rooms, hath, JlT..171 Morris a v e . near Hprlngfroip ave.

CHARLES BLOEMEClvE. 185 Market rt.. eec- nnd floor

ROOMS—Four nira large rooms; newly (leci- oraied; rrm reasonatue; email family. 570

Bprlngflcld a>e.ROOMS—riv* nka light, large roonis;

rondliton. Iit4n‘0\‘emente. Inquire 44 cer BC.


RtKjMfi—Four light rooens; suitable for light liaunekeeplng ^ 8 Verona ave

ROOMR—Three nice rooms. P4 Waverly pi., In ■mall UhrlsLlan family.

Ki.ioMK-Fnur light rnom* lo let. 117 James el.

H4>>Mt?-l-'lve ronitis lo |«t; 111. 2hth Ht

Inquire at



5MAM- HOU8E.waiued to rent.

2. News office.COLORED MAN. who rents, tells and bujs ' for colored people GAIN KB. tlP Academy sf .

TO LET—O tT OF TOWfli.EA8T ORANGE—Twelve-room house; three

nilnuiea from Rrlrk Church ‘Station; nroely furnished: all improvements; large shadelawn and porch: rent In exchange for b^rd ........................ Call or Mdrese B50 Milh

OFFICE—One-half of office. Including atwim heat, RQs, Plv4'lrJc lights, water; two large

windows; rem «r.. CHRISTIE, 20 Ward st.. Orange.

LODGEROOMf TO LET.BEAUTIFITi hell for lodge meetings, eocle-

tlei, imrtle* and jnuslcales; prompt atten­tion 32S Bergen #t, and 13lh ave., HERMAN RATHJE. formerly Yetiaen'j hall.


FLAT—Four-room flat; wash trays; rent Jll: 578 Nurth Third st . near Bioomfleld eve

CHARLES BTaDEMBCKE, 18S Market it.. 2d floor. ______ ___________________FLAT—Beautiful 2d floor, sxlra large rooms,

bath. 28 21st si,, near Bprlngfleld ave. CHAfl, BLOBMECKE. 185 Market si., second floor.FLAT to let. with iteamheater; 38 Fabyan

iH.: second flat of aeven rocuns; all Iraprove- merux. DEAN A LINNETT, 218 tTlimon gve.FLAT—Six rooms; bath; alt improvements;

116; near three trolley lines. Inquire Janitor. 128 Peshlne ave.. or 58 South Orange ave.FLATS—Elegant flais In the Brlficeton. Clin­

ton and Badger aves.: all Improvenu-nts: Jan- Uor services. Inquire on promisee.

for family of four. Eoft Ore nge.

BLOOMFIELD-Clrwie to trolley station; hand­some three-story frame house: 10 rooms; two

htths: all Improvemems; steera heat; price only idO per month. PHILIP J. BOWI GO.. 18H Market "t.: open l^bor Day.

8 A

GLEN RIDGE-To let. nine-room house; all Improvements; large frQUmie; plenty shade;

barn; eei’en minutes from D., L ana v \. Bta- tlon and trolley. Addreas A. B. C., Box 02, News office. _________ __ ______________ _EAST ORANGE. Steuben it.. 68—One-family

houae, seven laige rooms, all Improvemeri*; three minutes from Grove Ft. Station: rent 135.B01”rU ORANGE tinuae. 6 nv5me: ell Improve­

ments: J25. WOODRUFF, fiouth Orange. _

APARTMENTS.n o t h i n g LIKE THEM ,





HOVSGS WAWTED-OUT OF TOWW.W'ANT to rent eniaJl house and few acres hy

npioher 3ft within rommutlng dietsnee of New York, with privilege of buying If sullablft on reasonabro terms: rent moderaie; must have good water. Address R. W.. Box §P. New#nfflrc. . ____ _______ '

REAL ESTATE in all parte i>f tho city; our list has become depleted through frequout

Mlea: list with us and get quick returns. OlTO t do,-, 574 Bergen st.: 'phone I1QT7V._____WANTED at ones, for caeh 'buyer, Roaevlll#

or East Orange, two-family houae. between Seventh and Grave eta. and north of Central ave. W, M. BAILEY, T83 Broad et. _____CAN pofUlvely sell or exchange your prop­

erty vetT quirklv; only bargains considered; reiwonal and special attention always given. ANDREW J. FISH, 68 William at.A74Y kind of ' property bougitt et once if

cheap; price not over S8,<iOD; send price, rent and ebrne penicutara; owners only. Address Money Placer. Box 52. News office.WAN^EDrTmniedlately, to lease a tariie store

or ImlldlAf on Market et., between Plane Brostd Sts., north aide. Call and see or

writ* B. W. GEERY, 600 Rrftad «t.

HOUSE, wlt’h small stable, some ground, near Oniral as-e.. to rent, with privilege of luy-

Ing: East Orange; reasoneble. Address B., 205 Ml. Pleasant av*. • _______SB 'EN or eight room house: In Irvington;

rent riot lo 'excred per month. Addrese House. Box 83. News office______ -HOURE wanted, with about two acre* of

ground, In vicinity of Newark. Addresa C. F. B., Box 58, News office._____________ _______

UOlIflES TO l e t —SEASHORE.THRHE-ROoM cottage; nicely furnished; $S

weekly; from September 3; formerly |12 weekly: cenirally located- A, W OOD, High­land. N. J. ___________________

FLATS lo let; new; all Improvemente; |1H, 130, flve and six rooms. T. A. PHUjLIPS.

3Wa Market et.___________________________ _FIAT. 4 rooms, belh, |10: corner flat, ft room#,

120; store and 2 rooms, ftSO. SMITH, Roeevllle ave.__________ ____________________FLAT to let, flve room* and hath; all Im-

provemettts. 418 South 10th et-FLAT: flve large room*. Inquire 46 Msgesln*

at.______________________________________ _FAIRMOUNT AVB., 268-Cholc* elngla flat;

six rooms; hath: ail improvements: fine neighborhood; near South Drang* av*. ears;_________________________________

FlJmi 8^., 5StT near Bloomfield avt.-Two rooms, with water, gae; separate tollei, tl»j-

mo bell; rent tT; poeseBelon at uttce.FLOOR lo Jet, ^ WHllani at.; low rent to

right party. Apply lo MR. MORRIS, theCo..Ggerke Market and Broad eta.

a pa r tm e n t , high class, ssven light room* and bath, southern exposurs, resident Janitor,

heat hot water; dining-room timbered ceiling; servants' toilet; electric light; poseeselon Im­mediately; $45. 06 Broad st _______ _______APARTMENT—FIv(- rooms and bath; all very

latest Iqnproveinents; bet-rfeen two trollej's nnd ndjac^t to West Side Park; nswly i. n- ■Iructed building; fl6- FIEDLER'S, 143 Mar­ket it. ____a pa r tm e n t , new houee; location beet In

city: near Branch Brook Park: alt in 6d« convenlenoes: janitor eervloe; rent reeeonable. DR. EDWIN BBTTH, Dentist. 4M Broad »t.APARTMENTS, en euite. one, two, three to

nine rooms, gas and eleotrlo Light furntsbed: .lanitor'a sertiesa: reaxonable rates; near South Ht. Station, U80 Broad st- " _____APARTMENT, Clinton ave.. 4W—81x rooms

end bath; steanv heat; JsJiUor services, elec- Irtc lights; hot water supplied; rent 63J. DR. B. GLUCK, 32 Clinton at. _________a pa r tm e n t . Broad st., 839-Blefant apart­

ment; seven rootiie ana bath; steam heat; Janitor iorvice: electric lights; rent |M. Dll. P. GLUCK, 22 Clinton e t . __________

UP-TO-DaTE iwo-family houee vfranted in Clinton Hill section; give loweit price, term*

and ftfll particulars. MARTIN ISBLER, 313 Union building, Newark. ____________WANT one or two lots in Clinton Hill aectinn,

between Hillside and Seymour avee. aad Aron ave. and Bigelow st. Addreu Lots, Box M. News office.


SUMMIT, N. J.“ For rout, furnished or on* furnlihed. exceptional country residence, with

stable; aeven bedrooms, three batb*'- hot walEr heat' noble irse*: glorious views; sewer, water, Ifctrlc light;' good roads; lwq country clube; rsBldenca F. A. Wright, arohitect, UO Rasi 2M st.. New ROCHE, 1 « Broadway. ’‘’ —

WANT a two or three family house, with or without improvements, in any part of the

Hill section. Address Cash. Box 3ft. New# of­fice.WANTED, to buy two-ftmlly houses for a

lady from West; must be good ijiveitmept and fine location. MR5, b a h r . 09 New Yoric ave.TWO’FAUILY house; ell Improvemente; near

Milford ave.; state price and terms; r atenls. Address Milford, Box S8, New* office.WANT to buy a home In the Soutb Broad sL

eeotib#. from six to ten roome, in good loca- tloQ. Address Quick, Box 51, N«we office.HOUSE—Want a two-family houM near Rose­

ville or Ampere station; price not to exceed |5.0i>0, Addreas Cash. Box 8. Newa office..BALABtB PBOPCRTIES IQ alt locaUlleii

aend «• full partloulare and lowaat pricea, IXNNOTT A DEAN, .Ht2 BRCAD KT,

PROPERTY for colored people: any part of Newark, county or Jersey City. GAINEB, 60

Academy et.■IfALL house, or one or two iota. 'Valleburgh

or piiKon Hill. Address Quick. Box 4. Hews o^ e.ANT property you may have to rent or *e

to colorid people. GAINEB, 60 Academy et.have to rent or sell

ONS-FAMtLY house. In Roeavllle, price not to exceed tt.OdO. Family, Box 25. Hews office.

fWO-TAUILY house: Vallsbunth or CHo»«i H»1. Addreea Che p. 8, News office.


VOR cash buyer; throe dwalltnge: two In East Ofange and one In Boutb Oronge; none to

M.OOO; mast be eheap for quick tele; S h i ^ s only. K. M. f r e e m a n , 247 Hide

gvft.. Bast Orange._________________UtST your properties for sale or iwt with

m#; have buyers waiting for all kinds of house*. JOHNSON. ftW-Halited it,. East Or

HOPSE i TO^HOUSE to Ht, four light ,^“ ^ 5

eraah tpbi; rent |S6. Inou^ GOTTLIE JANE. 4T Tjrier st;, city, eecood floor.Mo r th s iv :

ava~T«& ^ aewly dwomi

VT., J77. n ^ Steentn

raw oma*famlly hauf*. eight «wr^ bath, all laspn ameata, eteaia heat: choice toeallty'

open ftmdtyi rent 680. 2fl ffilvef ■>;BOYD«5?

■OTD n . , i » . a w w a»«r# hnM, «v« K »« i: «>>BSTrtMT * MBBT, ns Bf«*.

ranautan; ruit-Brlcl,

.> !£ {« : alfa atM Sit, SM r»lrnuMmta«.. OI

aiRICK liSn* In ls*v iwl of rnll-km4; dx' rooms nirf l^lij rant tU. —

U mnkila « . _____-TO tJW-Bo* «t«ht roomi, l*Ui

•It Haprovtmend; cu o« »*mi Bunaiy. a i w a . _______________ ^ _CHMWnrf OT.. WHi-Hoaim ilK rwnui

bath;. ImsFrffrraente: rent Inquire 06Hyh at.___________________________________O0R. T T L ^ Alto EAST KtHHET S m -

‘ KoMft ef alx roam# to let laquira 63 Elm MaAr.'-

York, or Summit aginte.TO LET4Mkt Budd Lake, furnished cottage by

week Of month. Address Lake. Box 55, News office.

rt'RBfSH BD HOUSES WANTED.I1JRNI8HED houro or apartment to care for

winter: best ref 'rence. Address G, E. B., Box 05, Newe office.


and basement; suitable for any sort of busl- ntn: rent tow; tq be seen any aftaratMn.d a n k st .. 5ft—Beautiful, light lofts. 50x100;

elevator; heat; aultable for offices, efQTago, manufacturinf: Immediate poeeesslon. FBIST ft FEIST. 788 Broad. _ _ _ _ _ _

a pa r tm e n t , six large, light rooms; bath;Pteam heat and hoi water s«nplled; rent

reaxonable. 80 Rose «t., cor. Hllliids pi., near Clinton ave. _______ _APARTMENTB—The Alpine, 48ft Clinton av*.;

handsome, modern aparlmems: steam heat, hot water and Janitor service furnished on premiaes-_____ _APARTMENTS of B and 8 rooms: central locations; possession Immediately and Goto- her 1; renui reaicnable. FHlflT ft FEI8T, *18 Broad. __________________

niCMMOND PT.. I- One of the nicest snj vlesltoft thr**p-rnnm flat* In the fliy. all Ini-

prti\enieiils; couj.le only.niVKItSlDF AVR., 24b—Seven, elghl rooms,

hath, porch; grounds, fruit, |2ft rail daily. Sundaye.RANKIN BT.. 0-Four room* and bstii;, |14

Inquire rm premises or 641 HprlngflelJ aveUOflR 8T., 3Si--i large rooms, with Improve

nients. Inquire BFtODY. 15A Broom et.SOUTH ORAN45E AV®.. 474- 0 and fl rrOm

tlatt. Intprovemehl#; rent ftl7 atid 118: al*n f45-72 \■hllllrt) il. tnew). 4 rooms and Im­provements. rsnl $10. Inquire of JAMK5 E. iiAIUtAGRAN'r. Junction of ftprlngfleld and Kith aves. _____________Bni'Tfl 4JRANOR AVE.—Haudsonte new flala.

four large, light rnome: baths, range; ill IRI-

frovemeniH, desirable neighborhood; price $15. ^HILII* J. BOWERS A CO- 1B9 Market ai.; open L^bor Day.

SOUTH IflTH FT. 627-631. near Springfield ave.-^Nea bulldinge; four large, light, airy

room#, wltlt Improvements; rent $15. Inquire on preitilsf*SOUTH 7TH BT., 811—Five large, light rooms.

bath arid pantry; ait Improvements except ateam hee|: rent reasonable. Apply L. NADEL, on prsmJaee.SOUTH ELEVENTH ST., 278-Seven room*:

eecemd flour; lu two family house: a]l sepe*’ id . ------------ -----ate tmprovemente; rent

Prudential.GIFTORD, T34

BOUTH r r il 8T.. 85S-S1X rooms and bath, all Itnpte. BHOOK3 Realty Co., Metropolltaa

bldg.. Market and Washington st*., fifth floor,io U ^ H ifiTH 8T. estTKlegant flat; six light

rooms; bath, pantry and all other Irnprove- ment*; third floor, near flpringfleld ave

THREE to five r<»im* wsnleil by married couple having no ctft;|ren. very IIUI* coolKltig

done; those who tppieclatr nuteu aftreeabl* tenanit answer soors. stating full mrtlGUlars. AddreM Permanent, Poi ft Newt offioe,THREE adults waat elx-room flat. Clint-n

Hilt or Valliburgh. Address Uodereje. box 4, New* office. ___ __________^''ANTED-An elderly bualnesa w or^

w-|*h#i to ren; fo‘ir or five rimma, with fie. water and toilet; location near the central pan of oKyr In e few minutes’ walk of a irolley. Addrese Home. Box 76 Newe office.WANTED-Smatl flat at moderale renl; South

Orange or vlolnliy. Address Hunter, Box 8b. Newa offica

protemsnt*.HIGH ST., 422—Large room, suUahls ter twg

gentlenien; einelt rqjim. luitnble for etie gex- tleman; well furniibea; clean and light.tlimc BT.. 366-Two very deelrabl* eoueei*

Ing from rnmni. furnished for honaekfeplng beat, fee end hath; ats<i other roouie.High st ., jm-JA’sU ’ furnished conneaUair

rooms for light iKiusekeepIng; also alaglft if»min*: nr*f i»., I., end W.11 Kill BT., 43h—Pieaeaut rooms tor light houee*

kerring. aI*o ilngle room; oMVMlenoe*; can- Irelly hwated.HJGII BT.. ,111, romrr Central ev*,—Kail room,

neailv furniahei), bath. |i; alio larf* rroat room: private.high ht.. 52( -Ltr|e front room, miltable for 'One or two gentlemeu; also bul room; aU coflveisfenr-ro.

HIGH BT.. 4ft(k nret floor, two beautiful i necting rofutns to let.

HIGH BT„ 402 -Larie furnlehed froat t<mm, steam heel.

HALSBY 8T., 2HH-Twn cotmeoUng rooma; (ur< nlflHHl for housekeeping; |2; also two room#

furnJeUed for houiekteplng,$2.00.

riumlDg water)

HA1„SEY BT.. TO. neoj' Kiw at —fiOvaly laiga light, front -room; electrla llfht4; ateam

and use of tiled bath; moderate, nOPKINS.

ROOMB TO l,KT-ODT OF TOWN.. „ ....... .......... . w Ith Icnmediaie poeseeslon,Flaor. fuuT rooma with bs4h; rent (16; Ana

lociKlon; adults only.Huues, 6 r-ioms end bath; rent........ ............. $35House, 8 loitme and bath; rent..................... 85House, 7 n.H)nis and bath; beot...................... *5

R*r#rfnc«-» required.1. V. DOltLAND, Elm ab. near depot.

apartments nf ft T aad ft rt>oms and batli) very Mteit (mprovementij seteci location)

Bept. 1; corner Waliun and Central avex. Orange, Hyde T v k , iHill partloulara. R.

R BRAOT. 287 Market st„ Newark, N. J,ARLINOTON-Flat, 5 rooma; all Improve­

ments; sew house; good loeaDpn: near Srie Railroad and Holley, w. M. PRIES, IBT Lau­rel #ve., ArlingtonBELLEVILLE—fllx-room fiats; Ituproimtneni#;

IS3.50. ftS5. J J CONNELL. 118 Waehlfifton eve,. UaUevllle.EAST ORAKOE-nsautlfnl new apaninent:

asloet locality, West et. near Central ave.j 11 large, light roomt; hsndsainely decorated; colonial finl*h: tiled bath; steam heaWr: rant lao FEIST ft FEIHT, T58 Broad.EAST DRANGB—Beautiful new apartment;

RfllfliH locality; West et.. near Central ave,; ■lx large, llghl room*, handsumely decorateii: colnnlsl flnlsli: tiled bath: etaam beater; rent $$«. F EI HT ft FEIHT. ^ __________ _irAH’i'i'HANGK. Grove et-. 2fKI-New, large,

light fl-rnoni Mpronil AM: nil Improvemshls: Hteani h44Bt. eJectrlr Hglits. near siatloii. .ICmv HETTINUKK. 1«2 North 10lh *1-

i/t Bi ., «*■— a*-, m W-, , —...-----for light hotMekeoplng. witb all Improva-

nrtntn; ai*Q pailor am nail i “HALSEY BT.. 38S--Large, well furnished roorrm.................. - Improve

rooms, ll.ftD up.HaLSE$' STm 5L The RuniWon—Lane.

hanriiomely furfilphsil rootne, with or w’lthogt priveln bath; aieam^heat and eleqtric light.HALSEY BT.. 40ft>foirge room for one or tw*

gentlemen or roupl*: all Improvements; term* reeeonable; locetlofi central; prlvaie.HAIJIEY BT.. 8ft-Pleaaant. wsU fumlslied

rooms for rellahls business men; leitphoa* In the house; be euro of Aha number,JiAiAiET BT.. ai-^DesIfftbls front aloove roam;

suitable for one or two fentlenen; iinprovw men lx.UALBEY ST.,

on* or two; msnts.

68—Larva room, eultable for bath; privllegts; all Imprav#-

KAMILTON* BT,. IT—Houxsketplng room# with water; |S p#r week; alesplng rooms, |1; aU

oonvenlnwee. ___ _LAFAYETTE ST, 60-Large room ifl>r Itglit

boueskMpIbf) nicely furnished: allptovements; uo objection to ehlldren.Ma r k e t st., sr^Var man onixi keftti

electric lights; 'ebovver baths; laiw# reftdiBf- room: all papera and matasm«t; termft X.M to 13 per week; everythlog eieao. Horn# HoUuMARKET BT.. HD-Nloely futwlahtd front itwai

fur two gentlemen; eleo for light houtS'' kteplng; 12.50 up; ell Improvemetue.MONMOUTH BT.. 84-Clean, eomfortablo. *iQulet,' all Imjirovamente; 16 minutes’ walk

to '^oad and Market; rent rtaeonabla; toroae^ ■ two.

LAHT OKAM3E- Two unfurnished riioros, to­gether or BlnglH; private family, terms rta-

sonaMe. reference. Acldre** Rooms. 548 Main il,, Kaat Orange.KAHl OR.lNOki—Deslrnble new flal. fi rooms

end bat)j, ail Impnivemnni*: rent I2n, hear r i*«jitHtlon !i24 North i.’Duton st , Park ave.

EAST ORANGE. Ui-pJri st . 54—Flat. flv# room*, on first flotir; four rooms ujislalre:

new house: nujdern improvememv____ _eTakt CHtANGiC-Tn let *t Ifi Rroipect p i.

flat, $15 prt TTonlh. Improvement*. F. W. MJl-i,.UR, Hrli h Church.ZAHT ORANGE, MAIN ST., 286-FLAT. FIV®

ROOMB. IMUJiOVEMLNTS. Pt^RNlBHEU HALl^. ____________________FL.VT lo Jet; six room*, ell Improvement*: no

)>rai; second floor, tid Mercy ave.. East Or­ange; *10. A. J MrDEVITT, 285 Main et.FI*AT lo let, tiSi room* snd b»1h. all Improv*-

mente. separate beBlH's. Inquire 242 Houth Clinton *t , E,ihI Orange.FLAT, flve moms, all Improvement*, nrar ma-

Hon and trolley*. Inquire 140 High st . West OrangeFLAT—A Very deilrabln 4-room flat.

30 Oakwfjnti ave., Oranxt. N. J.Apply

OLKN R1IH3E—New, seven rooni flat; »U tm- provemeni*; ■team beat; electrlo llghii, cx>

oeptlunallv choice neighborhood; one minute ?o trolley; three mlnutei n> elation. JOHN RET- TINGETl, 162 North Nlneieenlh Eaei Or­ange: 'j^one. ______ _ __________IN ORANGK—New fiTroom apnrtm«nte; heat

nnd hot water furnished; Janitor *<frvke: *4n. FRANK W. ANGIER. S73 Main st . Rist Oronge. ____ ____________IRVINGTON. Myrtle ave, 144—SlX-toom flat

to let; all Iraprovemenls. __

FOUR rooms, with bath, first floor; *12; 63) Bergen it. Inquire F, TRUNK. 687 Bergen

at., first Boor.FIRST FLAT, five

milliner or dreesi 15ih ave.HTT/Fj st ., fl rome,/janitor, steam,

IJIII *t , 6 rountX. Janitor, ateem.......... 510High at., 4 to 7 rooma, Janitor, iteam.

elevator; rents from....................1402 to *600Pennington st.» 6 rooms, Janitor, iteam.. A40 Lincoln Park, S rooms. Janitor, eteam, »

elevator .............................................. • 1.000Hillside ave., 7 rooms. Janitor, eteana.... 420

Full partleulara end permits at our office.E. E. BOND ft CO-. broad AND MB-

CttANIC B T 8 . __________HILLSIDE FL. 48—BIx roume; first flat; all

Improvement# and steam heat.ELIZABETH AVB., 164—First 'fiat of six

rooma and bath; all improvementa; steam heater.PIGEI/JTV 8T., hear Milford av#.—aix flat# of

six rooms and bath: all ImproveKoenrs; aep- nrate entranrea and steam heaters. DEAN ft LINNETT; 216 Cllntoa ave._________________





SOUTH ISTH BT., 124-Second flat, six light rooms and bath; ail Improvementa except

hett. Inquire top floor or 0 Watren *t.SOUTH SK ^BNTH 3T.. 86. eouth of Onirol

gve.—rtve- knd «1z rooms and bath; steam heat; two minutes to two tfelleys-___________BOUTH IITH 6T.. SN-SSfl-New fleU. six sfid

■even room*; tiled bath, electrlo llghi, stKam heat, etc.; convenient to trolleys. __ROlfTH ORANGE AVB.. 85. corner Grove St.-

Five rooms, *13 and *14; second and lhlr\l floor*. BETEK. 1376 Broad *t._______ __80UTH~18TH RT., »0 . near Clinton sve.-fllx

light rooms, ell improvemsnt* except heat.a5u'nn9IXTH"8T7T!l2 flat, eoo-

ond floor; all Improvamenta; tiled baih.

1KV1NOTON. Normandy pi.. JkMl rooms. IT.I OUTII ORANGE-Tbree rooms

houee; all Iraprfrvemsnis but WLM>DRX;FF. Houth Orange.

In private heat; *13.

SOUTH JCKfH BT.. 664—Flat to let. flve room#, ascond floor, with Improvemenis.

SOUTH 7TH ST.. 822 ‘Fpur light roomi. llril floor; rent reasonable.

SOUTH IITH 8T-, 210-^lx'rooffi* and batfi to let: all Improvements.

IPRINOFIELP AVE.. «fl3-FI^ light, airy roome; part improvements: rent I1B.50. In­

quire Janitor, third floor, on same premlsei.ilses. pi-------- -- J«

apa r tm e n ts to let. Federal building, oot;Broad and Parkhuret et.; 6 rooms and bath;

all Irnprovemepfi; no children. Apply Jani^r.APARTMi-iNT—The Cambridge: seven light

rooms and bath; Janitor, beat, hot water; ex- eeljent locality: *S6. 80 Broad st.________APAnTUENT—Seven-room apartment in the

Myrtle apartment-hou*rt cornsr Warren and Myrtle ave. IfiQUlrs Janitor._______________APARTMENT—Six rooms and baih. ateam

heat. Janitor’e service; near South Bi.. P. R. R.. Btatlon. llKi Broad si. ___APARTMENTB. alx and seven rooms and

hath; all improvements. B. LEHMAN ft CO., 9S Clinton a>'s.ALEXANDER APARTMENTS. 88 West Kin­ney i t —Choice apartments to leasff: Imme­diate poeeeesiOD; *30 per month. Includinc heat, hot water and Janitor eervica OILLKN fti CO.. 183 Market et. _________ __________acad em y 8T„ so—seven rooms and

BATH: HEAT AND JANITOR SERVICEf u r n ish e d .LOUIS schlebin oer . union building .

BROAD BT.-Flrtt flijfitt, six rooms, fronting and entrance on Broad et,; luitable for buel-

neae or offices. Apply WAtiJX>RF Shoe Storsj m Broad i t . __________________BROAD BT , a<-I.»r*e itor*, iHo *ni»ll •(•r*. lIkU butiiuM rDomi, Mcond ana tlilrd floon. FRANK WlilJOHN, SIT Broad at.BLDOMFIBDD AVK-' Stt-Blora Ud Bat to lot. Inoalra IW BloomBald av«.CKNTRAli.T DOCATHO LOFTR, ’mTHlN

ONE MINUTE FROM BROAD tX D MAR­KET BTa.; iUITABDB FOR UOHT MANU- KACTURINO: WILI. ALTER TO BUIT.LOUIE fcHLBMNOER. UNION BIRLDIWO.DESK ROOM on arn^nd floor; rent fll; uK- ' nhone, etc.: battor than oAlco bufldmir. Call t« William ,t.J___________________ _KLXOANT at. Id flosiai l> Kaw jit., I doon

from Broad, OM, Habaa ft Co. aldn tatranoa; *tnr Fronjiwat locatloa; aultaol* Rv daditad. iplutoflntphar ot any btuUmaa ratutrlnfl nod diw l^ wladoara; floMoaalon u aeoa as W-

ACaDEMT ET„ 2d-ApartnuBt to lot, * IWOH and bttli. staam and JaatUtr i^loa,

B, 0, D8MAREST. 7M Broad at,, Rawatit.AVON AVE., SOS, abova Brrgen at.—FIva largo

rooms and baih, pantry, largo cloioia; all Bn- proromonts; flrit floor; onoloaod plaaaa______ARLINGTON ET., Mi, botween Wllllom and

Court ata.—Four rooma; rant MO. Inqolra tM *nnR Ninth at ________BELMONT AVB., MS, CORNER AVON AVB.


provamaAla aaoapt boat; tour and nva rooms and bath: furnlahod halls. Inqulra ol Janttor.

FAIR BT.. U, near Broad-Largo start, hats.mant and tight Unng looint to oat partF

only, M.OOO per TOOT, IptidHV 41 Farit atFRHLINOHUYSBN AVE., I-Good bpalnaaa to-

oatlty; rant rasaonabl*. Inqulra LINNETT, dmggtat. _____________________ -

noon, aaltabla Mr mattuflacturlM aad Bovattlaa; alavator aad aO

rovasMSta; ) nlflotas from pcaDGOOD Ugbt

Ft <**««rT , ,S o 2 l 'n f1 S p p T * B a ^ a £ OfSo^iaot sLMAUIHT BT.. No. SB. o m ^ u a daa-Etom In naw twudlng to rant be eomplelke. t PENNINOTON. 1 Waal Part at_____________HOWARD BT,. Maiv a

[naulra W Bcuth oring* avep o w n -

____ ______ HEA'..6 A ti^ a ^ S §* ‘ w i u ^

LOFTB-LaWraMa at., iwar Itaiket; naana haai, atdctrle light and powar, at n d M

arioofla. 4 » I r to JAlfM IL iSTlCOint aiB«g U and y iiawreaM eftVftllKBT BT.y m-Degirabh gffleM or Mt ro

flohr! etMgt heat xhd elevator eervlee. T. r. MBMftMBKft ft SON. 8SM&0 .Broad stbroad STm 878—Several flaelrabls effipfie;

roaul, t . r . LBMAftflKNA fti BONa yi-S86 Broad gt

,t aad loft. Broad f t

•e b isto u *a 1 170 FLAN® 8T- _NBW CKNTRALLY

BIX ROOM APARTmI^TS, WITJ* BTEUM_____ ______________ ..m B;hat. hot Wa t e r and janitor 8RR-----— ^T8 MODERATE. ____



BATH; RANOBB, TUBA AND AU- MOD- E ra IMPTS,; *14. 217-319 BHSRUAN AVS.; NEW BUILDINOB.BAUlWlN AVE.. 8-RlX'ftwiB flat: all lok-

proe>MlHttU; ateam heat, elrotrlc llglit, etc.} tn twe^iAitr beuee; towti* flat; to rent frcio OetMier 1.BBHGBir iT ., 12—Pour large, bright roemft

ftm Boer; lew rent, inquire McMAHON. er at COOPBRMAK. 421 Bpnagfleld ave., riotir-tag stora.BflatGEN >T., TIB—rijM homer flair lU lent

roone atw! bath; MWly .ftmorated. loquire on premtaea.

HUNTERDON BT., 756. 758 and 790. .n.rww ^ ,,rablocks eouth from Clinton tv*,—New five SUMMER AVL. 155, and ilx room light and alrr flats, alli 1m- provernvnta; rrnt from |35, |15.50, Apply MR. aniMlDT, 754 Hunterdon et.

SPHINGFIELD AVE.. I3R-Flal; 7 roome: #U Improvematils: good Inearlon for doctor <w dentist. JURERT. I3 West at.SUMMER AVE.. cor. Park ave.—Five rooms,

necond fickor: rent to emaM family lift: vacant Beptembar I- KIEHAN. 188 Mark«t et

w«aa.aa;.xh n a a.a.. xvtr, feat hOUSe—FlV* gOOdrooms; rent *11; vacant September X, C. J.

KIERAN. 1R5 Market at

iHjNTBRDON BT.. near Clinton eve.—Very desirable single flats; 6 rootne and bath:

decorated: rent |!0, *20; every room light and airy. Inquire wfi Hunterdon sl.. second flour.''HUNTERDON BT., 44—D**'iTable corner flat,

e#cond floor; all Imprc nt*. MeSULLA.HALBTEAD AT, 40—Plx rooms and bath;

nepirate emranc*. heater; open attic and If of gnrueii; rented by October 1; rent *10. uire 120 fftiutb 12th sl., first floor.iWARD PT, 178-176,' near Court st.—Four

..ozy roonu’, bstli end sll modern Impruve- m«nts, 138.50. Inquire L. LS7VIN, 100 Spring- field ftve.HOWARD BT-.

$0; also 134. 'E!S

126—Three large rooms, rent___ four largo rooms, rent *12.

FfclflT ft FBIBT. 738 Broad._________________HIGH 6T.. corner New sl.—Splendid apart­

ment, seven rooms and bath. Apply janitor, on premlae*._______HUNTER irr,—Flv# rooms; latest Imbrova-

menu. Ififiulrs 11 Hunter, near BItiigbeth ave.HlLLflfDE AVE., cor. Bigelow st.—fttx-rooin

flat.IN BERGEN ST., near J5th ave.—Handeom#

flat' five room# and bath; all improvexfitots; only 815 tftl Mi per month. PHILfE J. BU OWBRS ft CO., 180 Market st.; open Labor Day. ________________________ ‘IN 0TH AVEn. corner South 12th at.—Second

floor of two-famlty house; seven rooms; baih; heat, all improvement#; only *86. PHILIP J. BOWERS ft CO.. 189 Iferket st.; open Labor Day. _ _____

SIX ROOMS and bsth; centrslly located; •learn heated; latest Improvementa; tent *80.

Inquire *20 High it.BIX ileht rooms and bath: aJI ImDrovamentx Inquire Janitor, 663 fioutli Orange ave.. cor. 10th et.___________________________________SUMMIT BT.; corner Summit pl.—Elegant new

flats, containing flve rooms end bath. Inquire on premlMe.STIRLING ST,, near High—5 rooms and bath

Inquire L BLIWIBE, 112 Market *t_______SPRING BT. K—Three nine large rooms; bath

eteam heat In hall.

TO IftET, three nice rooms, third floor; suit­able for widow or two wople; private family.

Addresi Irvington, Box TO, News office.To LET—Five end six rooms, all Improve-

menla: beautiful Incation! Bprlngflald ave..near Forty-flrei *1, Irvinglo n . ________TWO large unfurnished connecting rtxmie to

let for iTiiht houeek 'epln*. H6 Elmwood ave.,Beat Orw.Tige. _________wrhT CtUANGE-fhe room* to >i Apply

THOS. G. DBUMMOND. 62 Watchung ave.

5tT pl e a sa n t AVK-, 3u6—Fins largeyoomi: prlvsit family: gentlemen: clean, nestl end

rilcneatit; *2 up; near Fputh AvenifS Statloi.uFLirERRY fciT., 58. near Park st.-Larg#

front room; suitable for iwo men; Improve* tnent*. ___ ________________________MUlJiKJlUT BT.. no-Booms fpr one or l«9

irnitemen or for light housekeeping.NEW 8T . A5- Rnautlfui furntehed roome. eln-

aie nr i‘otiitei‘ting. for light houseeklng; |m> provemenii: lioi and cold water; etaaih heat; reasoiia ble. central.

im- AMt; '

NEW ST . 54. bptwflen Helsey end Washiog- Ion el*. -Klegnntty furnished large front

rt'Om: all Improvements; very central location.NEIJtON PL. 25-Nlcely ftirtilihed end well

heated nvim tu lit In private house; eteft gin and hath.NORFOl^K BT. 2flT-Furnlihed rooms tot

light hcuiekeeping; running water; S3 up.ONE boeullful bedroom, adjoining parlor and

hHih: hamlsomely furnished; homelike ec- oommodallont. stpsffl heal; electric light and les; two minutes from Market and llroad; beautiful view; cannot be appreclatad tilt aeeu; in family of two; to rent to on# of two la­dle*; must give the best of references. Address Refined. l1oi{ 30. New* office. ‘ORCHARD BT. T), thTrd door from Walnut

st-. near Broad *i. and nnw olty hall—Nlc«- )y furnlehrd single or connecting ranme; all Improvement*; furnlahod complete for house- kaapltjg; 13.50 Up- ____ ________OECTTARD fiT, 4s! near new city hall-Nicely

fuiTlshed front room fnr light hnusekeeplni; rook room adjoining; running water; all Im- pravementi. ____________ _ _____ _ORCHARD BT.. 28-Three furnlihed room* lur

light houaekeeptng.


48-FTont. book parlor; vsrr complete for light houae-

ORLEANS 8T., nlraly furnlihed

keeping; Rteam heated; bath; bot watar lonabie. DRIBCOLL,

-Furnished rooms; also oo|* -ijft’ii! ind light housekaapkne; ban,

PIMNR RT. Ifll _______________ --necting roonaa and light hoMSkaapknc; bai

gaih afwf. aH ImprovemenU;PLAN B » f ^ iTg-FurnJehed rodwis » r "iShI

hounekeeplnf; tleo singt* rooms, nicely fur­nished; rent iee*onah1e.

nOOMB W AIfTKD-OUT OF TOWN.TDUNO COUPLE wants rooms near trolley In

Irvington, N. J.; state full partloulara Ad- dr? ee Irviturton. Box 78. New* office,

FURNIBBED FLATS TOHKOTOR BT., Rft. adjoining WlHlary Park-

Handeomeiy furnished fiat, hot and cold water, gee range, elr. __________________TIIB” d T eoN. 451 High opposite eourt-

hoUiv—Five rooms and baili: alL modern Im- provemenis; steam heat and hot water and Janllor aervjre*. Apply to Jenllor.

F U H l^JfillR D F L A T S W ^ T B D .MAN and wife would like neatly furnlihed

floor or aiwiriment of 5 or fl room* for the winter: reniral location; careDtl arid reepon- elblfi tenaoL Addreee Resjwnsible. Box 67. New# office ________________

p l a n e BT., 324—lArge furntkhed room, pri­vate house and family; gas, bath, rcspaotebl#

gentlemsp only.____________ROBEBVILLiR AVK„ 45—TVo large second floor

connecting rooms, beat In house, ranted eUigly < Of together; fine neighborhood; no houaekeep- I n g , ____________ROSEVILLE AVE , 41-Two large, conneettof

rooms on second noar, single or en suite; also one on third f lo o r ^ fn ^ ._____ ____ __RYi7vAN""AVE,. SfiiV-TVo nicely furnished

roojn*: light houickeenlng; all lmprnvem**TiM; nesr Forest Hill Station; handy tu traUef* HARORAVEB.____________________________BIPNET PU. 10-Ijirge front room; suitablft

for on nr two ^ntlefftefi; slen emslltir room; private house; all Improvementi: ne9 c o u r t h o u s e ._____________________SIXTH AVE.. 355-Large front funtlibS

room, private family; mltabl* Cor one two young men;Station.

few tnlflutee from RotevUli

SPRINGFIELD AVB.. 144-Largo, welt fu>- nlshrl room, all tmprovemenls. for one of

two » ■ ttemen, with refined people. C H A L U ^ftpiTlNGFIBLD aW . / IT-Nleo large roofiX

with hath and gae; clean and comfortftbl«i aboVe reelaurant, . _________STATE BT.. 4fi—Jawge ^rmt alcove room: Im-

proveitirnis; alee pi^aeant ilngle room: *1,50} near i rkawanna and WeeUngbpuee.


ATLANTA' HT . ll—Room for on# or two gen- tlemen; large di/*et; alf Irnproei'emenls, *J,

near corner <if lir iittl and Drldga *1*._________AIRY furnlihed room, eteam heat, with pri­

vate family; roferencse. Addre** Prlviite.Box 41 Newe ____________________BANK~fiT.. ITfi. brtwBcn High and Bummlt-

Two connecting hou*fk'*'*T'lng room*, fur­nished romplele: running watei; private fam­ily; rvasniiable; no chtl'iren. ______

1 HANK «T . 67. corner Waihlngton st.—Nicely I furnished single and conneotlng rooms; all

Imijiovftments: furtflahsd complete for house' STRATFORD PL., lOA-Two garret room* to ' ke-ping. $2 up.

let; rent 64.5«>. I -------------- — --------------------;------------1 flEAUTlFLJ» furnlBhrd roome, large and small; iiiiKle or cCintiecUng; g«ntlem*u only,

nil tmurovements; central, conveniences, ift-gutre o West Park st. _______ __


SOUTH ORANGE AVE., 18-FurnUh#6 rv to let. light tmueekeeplng; also oentrallg I

caled. with all Iraprovetnenli. _____ _

THE CHARLOTTB. g«T-«0 High et.. Newark. N J.

Choice up-to-date apartmenta PoaseeslOD October I.

For particular# apply to JOSEPH TIMER. Supt. of Hahn* ft On., or to

Janitor on tb* promises.THB DE tEOK, «D1 R)ph it

nonse—Six rooms and!gh sf., opposite oourt- oath; all modern ire-

IN THIRD ST.. ck)M tn Central ave.; new flats; five itKWie: bath; range; all Imj^ve-

mtnie: only *15. PHILIP J. BOWERB ft 00., 18B Market #t.; open Labor Day.JBLLIFF a v e .. Sil—Second flat; #eveR room#

and bath; ateam heat; *18; alto desirable flats on Summer ave. end Broed «t. T. F. TJCMA8- |gS A ft SON. 828 Broad st.KINNEY BT.—Six rooms. lmprov#n*Dt*....tS8

HlMdals pi.. 0 rooms, ImproveniMiUi.......*88A. WOOD, as Clinton st.

LTKDHUR8T APARTMENT, ieron rooma; an tmprovtmefite; rout *10; poaeewiioft OctrA>er

1. FRANKLIN F. MATO ft CO., 788 Broad at.UVINOBTON BT.. 267, near Avon av#.—Flat,

flv# roome and bath: all Improvement#; |1S. WILLIAM H' GROW. i85 Market it. _____LITTLETON AVE-, 866-Fir*t floor: all Im-

provenents; flve roome; *17. Inquire on prem- leee. /LAKO BT., 67^To Set, two farm rooms, wttk

water and gas.MAD10ON AVE., g»—Flat. elx ilghr^ajS aJry

rooms, with bath; reo«citlT.paperefl and paint­ed: alt improvttnentt: one wlook from Citatgfl ave,; rent *19. Inquire OBO. KELLMR, 908 BelmoDt ave. ____________________MADIBON AVR,, 62, eor. JelUC-Slefant

nodetfi flat; filoe loeatlee; ene block nwei ave.: i m U tamUy; Imtnedtaga pm -. MOSlcni: lift ....................... ..........

r r . ,^ I - « n«i% wttk aU mmU. Inquln »t K i l ^ R , MI >M»»« i t

HUUMIf n . , ■ t - v w Hclit rmnu tn t w ; w tw twMai nnd n tiirin totiw, net H-

s m o i N >r., M —TIM to M , T rwmj nni bain; »H t a m w im t u npt tu.

MT. PROBPBCT AVE,, rosBtt, bnUt;neond float; two-IunllT hoiMo; root rooaoo.

AsS T k . W^AMB. BBh floor, MWRWOlltaBfl3iatn«. MArtot ABd WiMrflMtan-___________MItbbat w .. Sfl-ApArtAUDtA It* tosra:

bath: tbdM ^ent ateaai heat; hsHe «d uiA Hi Bileey. tt.

ited; rent *18. JOHN COLTBR, 898

HAMOBT BT.. 881-T. F. LE------------. LEUABSSNA

MAEltWr lifkt I

floor front; otfloH ; nod Ilfht; BoflorAto ' i a i i £ . IIT VBhn

BANK BT.. flM-BlY* ri^t room. Atrf ltAt)i: nofls, tnbA iwnt .n a pB w r ft m s T , Boaby And iMOTAiitA Mrotetn, fifl BroAfl.

b e ix x v il l m a v e .. AAtTwitbi AO Bufltm tBprcTamoBtA: Atn «no Mon. jmnlrA P. WUBflBAKIt, UP faBinor ATt.BUJM BT..j,4S~^

with oil tutArovoBonU; thrw.AtotT ohiflo Itouot. iBiiulro 4U Ittfl A «.BKEIWTNAU. PD.

room. ADA bAtli:>tsuBlMAt ULLIIW, TI irtokltnr M,

KoWHOBTBR at., m -r o v r nleo nmno: flint floor; AU aM witor; ru t . ? r

MONTOOBfWtT BT,,taofiy bow.

MB—Five room*,

pravemente; steam heat and hot water end' Janitor service; to deelrable tenants. KEL- LEY. 447 High at. or Janitor.______________THE ANBDNIA. Broad and Murrsy #ts.-81x

rooma and bath; all Improvement*; steain beat; hot water; electric and gaa; Janitor ser­vice; near Bouih St. Station. Apply janitorth irteen th a v e ., H^Flat to let; sieani

heat; janitor oervlce; telephone accormnodi- tlon on premln#; newly decorated; poeseselon ^pt, 1; reference required. Inquire of WM. araENFIBLD. 40 Richmond et-. orftOO Breed ■L_______________________________ ________TO LET—Only one left of those large eight-

nxim fieti: on Ellaabttli eve.; all improve­ment#; steam heat, gke and electfic lifku: has Htfquet floor*: rent *85 month. UTTER. 10 Zlleabeth ave.

BIDAUTIFI LLT furnished room# In .family; kss- bsth; ..onvenlent to train* and

trolleys; term* *8 up. Address Furnished, Box 05, News offio*.__________ _ _______BEAUTIFUL, large front room; all Improve­

menta; private entraru:*. oemrally located, suitable for two. Address M. W., Box j0. Newa office. __BROAD ST , 600-Ver> large, nicely furnlihedi

front room, facing Weshlnglon Park; bath and all cimvenlencea; eultable for two.BROAD BT-, S15"L4rge frotu pailor, aulivUle

for any husineas, dentist, etc.; olhsr room*, [ tVAl.NUT 8T, $1,25 t4p; light houHBkccptng If wanted.

eauTH 0TH BT.. Isa - Furnished room tft privet* family; stsem heat and bath; eecooft

flt>or. ___flUirm GRANGE AVB.. 24i8—lAirge furtiljlbli

front room, with gae wnd bath.____________HATBROOK PT*. 6-Newly furnlahed roanuir...

opposite Military Park, privets famUffi ‘phone, _TWO from room*. Huiiable for on#, two ro

Hire* gnmlemen: adjoining bath; all Impfov^ moiuji. .4<iilrM5 flcx,ni*. Box 87 New* ffici.THIRTKEVTH avl:.. 3S—Nicely fiirnlphefl

lariffl. tilry Jidjoinlng bath: suitable fortwo: all ImpTW'rm nta. ______________rxjON HT . 144—Ftimlahed room for light

hr.usekeeidng, ell improvement*; ttallonary tuns, gas: front and back; |3.W.__________WARREN PL, llt-Two light, nleaaani coa>

perting rooms for light hnuaekeeplng; gae, bath: nfl>*r New et.; referenoa# require.WAKltEN PL., 1 la- Two connecting boui#<

kert>lng roome, second Aoor; bath, gae. ro- ' frlgeraior. water: central; quiet.WARREN RT-. 2.56—TWO eemforUble roome,

flultablt for light hnueekeeplng; private hnuiK; bath. Inquire GARBER.

vTahREN st .. 46— front room, heated;private family; very central; I2.60. DEN-

?CiB'S bell. __________________WARRE.N sT.. 7a~Ijtroe furnished halJ

rnum; improvrtneiUi; *1.25 up; clean.

TO LET-5th et., pear Bloomfield are.; 6 roome and bath; In two-family house; aU

Improvements; 30 seconds’ from car; rant low. RODER. 761 Broad. ‘TO LET—18th st. and 16th avf>; 4 rooms and

bath; ail modem Improvements: car posses door. RODER. 781 Broftd, or inquire on prem-

TO LET—*3S: 6-romn second flat and 1 attto room: ell improvementi; *team boat by Oe-'

tober 1. 7 Homtalcad Park. 108 Cllntoa pi.LET—Five isiT# Bvipg rooms Mfl bath;

ftaprovementa; Roseville roetloar Inquire Innitr. 464 5th at., Nawark. N. J.TO LET. flve roopMi and bath; ^ feaprev#-

iMau: rent *18, U f and *18. ft I ^ H - SIKER ft CO., 7 0 Broad tt,_______ _______TO LET. four ale** rowna; an laworomants; . roeo” heat ll detlrad. laqalr* lot Peaniyl-W wasve,

BANK PT , Utb-FTont room, neatly furnished, for gentlemsn or couple: roaaonable; above

Plan* et.___________________BRUCE 8T., flO-Large furnished room for

two: eleam hsat end bath._______________COURT 8T-, 76. oppoilte Plea* it.—Nicety fur­

nished alngie and coimectlng roome; all ira- nrovemenis; furnished complete for boueekeep- ing: 82 w .____________________COURT BT., 78—Nice, elsan hinalsbed rooms

for light houetheeping: also sleeping roome; gas and bath.____■ . _______COLUMBIA 8T.. 6J-Furn1ihed room foe hou#e-

keoplng; use of laundry: also one for gsnUe- maa; all lmpt o •ement*; light; airy.CRA WFORD~BT.. J8—Nloely furtjtabed front

room on second floor; coroplet* for houas- keeptng; *2.75; hell room, *1.CLINTON BT., conftScU»B foemi forlight houtekHpIng; with water, g u and bath; stgo iarg* hall room.caNTRlL AVE.. JOB—Very pleasaotA large

front room, also ematler on#: 63.50: all Im- provamaa**; prlvat#CtiAT BT., 48—Pleaeanl rootio#; goad table

board; oonvenl*Qt to tnUey and Lackswan- aa D ^ t ■COTTAGE 6T., 87—Funil«h«d room for slfigle

gentleman or light bcui#ke#|rtagr good home.

108—8 light housekeeping ri>otn«, with lA'ater; front and rear rooms;

respectable working people: |8 a week.WAThjNUT BT.. 8A-Nlc*ly furnished rooms,

tingle nr conn'oeUtig. tU Improvements, ruu- nlng water: light houtekeepltig.WALNUT 8T., 78—Large from parlor, i

fnr two gen|liemeft; all !mmovetft*fite.from parlor, sufubl*

WASHINGTON BT., B4T-Fl«#eant front rnotn, suitable for two; ala# light ho<iae-

keeping; all ItnproveiBente: reaeofiable.V^SHINOTOrT 8T. 149-Nlcely ftirolsb#4

rooms for light housekeeping or for two gon- tlemen: also hall rooim___________ __WASHINGTON BT.. BOS-Furwlihed Md «fii*

houeekseplng room*, connecting; all tuprov*' went*; reaionable pricesw ashinoton btT. K i-M «O r _ tuq|i»h«j

room; Improviraeni,:■tore

pHTst*. iBfluIn M

40 tjrr, tut. -Il lnifl*mnB»aU, bb elilMrM. hi4ulr. MS B »r»» M., ' floor.

TO DST—FoOr rwffli oM tUM., M IMh m . iMifln IH W. J. It It, n » .

TO LBT-Fin Ut( - room*: fW tfld tafto; Ilf, *Mwlr. 113 Mow Tent »-».

n o n s l»f*o. Hfllit,. olq; lOOM, with w*tw.MUt and no, U ttoooTtllo ooetton; na olOfcon; rout fl l . SO floath Boronta ot ,TICHMSOB W., Iflfldr^^.ft” *'. U m ropin-: roBl flS. lopnlro-jlTfl FfloWo It., D. wMtfla.


8BNT tflfl. INqUIRX PRIMuafl.

WOODBIDB, Triton leftAM-yivo S-flmlli oaortinmti; flrot or oocOOd floor; • «no fl

rooms; modem improvsmente: ftgD and <6x1. QRBEN, IM Brort._________WOODfllDlci 8rh*o *»•., II ^room., both; oil ItopoYOiagto iifliM kHI;rma obiy I»»- riflAMOH. iTf M «S p » *r*Walnut 8T.-«tirt lift** m b m : m

^ —--— _ - - . laanlze 171 Waiaut it.

DSfllMABLB, Urto, oltr onllo ol notu ; n - flnofl oflnlto; tflreo or foar (OBtlomoti pro.

(Omd; inBflorn liBptoroinomo; mt m t«r hMA AflflrM* Control, Bat 3». Wtira oflUo.______E1,M HT., Ifl-rnmMufl MBrlo Mlfl iooMfcoop-

)nc rotmu, *Uo two (r « t oonnocttu boWO- kMplnfl rooBio, t«* «n0 toth; roMononW.

WOODflIDK AV*., »«-I>tt*o roOBi; tflNO wlnflona: nrlvoto hou.,; orerr laproYtifllMi

bMlifHt If roqtHrofl.WTUIBT AT., lOfl-Two Urn tnmuliofl roMMv

-Uh or wiimut boort: n»»r B uk in . proTom.nto.VILUAM AT., m-4riMl» furnUSM nm » f«t <*i

roopMUbU porton; 11.S n i” AT*., O-Ono newlY tumUfeM rOon, T

H o ^ floor. okHp to ri(bt party. Btag .

rUHNIflHBD aoqiffl W AM TOLADY wumi »r«y fumlOtwd r a m ta Htfl

flunily. U thutti OtUfi or Moonuk. 1 twun Ninth ot, nnfl Furqteast «1A.; YM t;

AMmo U. A., Bos r

EAST Ba r k RT. , tp—PUmUh-fl mom.. ttflbt heaioko^lm: ImproYOmonU.______TOR ■btslo fmttomon, oBUtflo room tn p*l'

Y«to fnmUy: no chUaron; teUphono, ilKtrle U^t' nrU Hioflom eonnnuno**. Apply flfl ^inhoth nm. onoood floM._________________poilRTH AITt.. IflflHRono hoano; plownt

rumUhoO raonin; mtt huninOH fontteiann or mnrrUd .conpio; rnneliw wnlor; cood loestianielonnt rononnMo. ____________________TOUBTK AVK., IMMUifl*. hnpflnUiM furnirt'

eonvonUnt to onto.New# ^LADY will uobaota plaim liittnictkft fliS

rooen. without bwrd: city or oomitfy. AB> .i|| dree* Referemnk Box 1ft Newe offioa.NICELY furotsbad ream to two flantltmani -

baiTi; ImpravemenUr vjvtnlty ^ liftlUfy . . Park; state terms. Addnss Fask, Mss Hr $ New# 6fl)6a>




FiUKISUfiD nOOM9 TO OF T ow n .


VAST OflANaB. Amh*r*l « .ur imfqrnlihr#! room*; Ihrrr minuir* troni Buck Church all Improvamrtiii; pri-rot* famtlj'r homrlike, pl«a*tini; adult*; rai* m n o r * . ____________EAST onANOET William *t. l28-rrU;ate

family, having i*fo haxid*4>m«ly fumtah^ ruoma, would Hlrr irnll*m*n roomer*; tel- aphone; all eotivanlanor*; 4ft aiv week.h.ABT ORANOE. ftmfh Ollnifln 27—Wlll rant, fumlthad or unfurnl*h<wt, 3 chearfoJ room* In prlvTiia family: refererwM. i)., above •«ldr**a. _ _ _ _EAST unANGK-l'‘urnl*heil

room; icx tion depirani*: ercnre. Addrrw tPran r.

unfumiRhed privii* family; rrf-

Ll.. MO Main fcU Eaal

East ORANOE. Pt uhen at,. JA-Ijirge from r<K*re; wout<l ari-ommoJal* two; near Grove

St. aiatlOTi_______________ ______________ --EAST o ran g e . State il.. fiS—To let. fiirnlih-

ad rooma. _

Bn.AnDlNQ.APAHTWKNT-l>c*!rtble light newly fiirftlehr.l

room, refined neighborhood; cnnvenieni \o •Wuth SI. Stadim and to (rntleyR; board op­tional. Addrnaa W.. Hog K, Newa ofSoe.____

HI>ARIIlN<d-Oi;T OF TOWX.EAST ORAtrUR. North Clinton at.. tO'-RooTnt

with ^trd , ganilemen preferrad; rooking fwr dyapcptiva and .‘onvaleR eni* a iMclaUy^EAST o r a n g e , rheatnut at.. JS-Nlrely fur*

niahed rnmia. with board; table and riccmh* tnodatlona exrelleivt; near *lAti< in and trn|U),^EAST OKANfllv, South Arlington are.. Ill \>r/

pleafeani. n*atly furnlahcd room, w'Uh lK«rd, near trolley and Eaat Orange Station._____BAHT OHANfIR Italatecl at.. 74- Rnoni* wltii

tx)ard; three mlnine* from t’enlral ave. ind' ley. Mven from llrlrk Church fliatinfi,EAST ORANfJK. Mulford ■!.. II -Two furntah-

od rooma with hoard, for lenllemen; In prl- rato family, near main at.hast oraNOK. North ATllnftnn eve,, ft-Two

hrlfilil. comfortaliJe rooma, with home table and plaaaant aurruunillPi*,iAST^UItANGK, Pr Miect al.. 2.%~7^alrahl»

ro«*ma. v.«th hoaid: three inlr.utea' walk frurn llrli'k Church Klalluh.east ORANtlE. Groenwood ave.. 45—Fur-

nlahed or unfurnUhel r«*onja lo let, with or without benrdEAST OHAN IE. South ClltiPm at., tt»~ Pica*-

ant rnotra: eacHlent table; nlau table board.

BR(X)ME 9T.. 2Q-Nlrely fvrnlahed foom. two minute* fn>m Springfield lee. rar.; for "o** uf

two gentlemen; German; private fainllv; with «r without biiard, * _____BATHGATE PL,, 24, RoaeeSUt-Privet*

boarding; nicely fumlahed room for two; Ring)* boda If preferre l; oppoalie Jio*evln* Button. ___________________ ;BKU.K^'IU* AVB. 3«-Hf»ullful

double room: ali Impla.; running waler; with tie* of tMth; alRo tabla board.____BBCLKvii.i;E AVB* 3S»;^Ur«, «wl ■m»l1

oonnectlog rooma, with running waler. with beetd; alao ubia board.BLiLCKEn ST.. W-Large front room for

twu; alao alngle room*; with board; oil im- IKwvamenta; ateam h e a t . _____BiCiECIcisR rr.7 4T-lAarga and *mall rooma;

all imprtrramanl*; honi* cooking; firti-cmM tabla. ___BROAD ST., 106S. near the city hall-t^rg*

aaennd floor front. 8 window*; alao atugla room; Srat-olaM board

BMAT.1« family, having larger hnuof ihtn n«K*eaaar)'. wish two young men nr ctrupic ui

hoa;,'d; large and particularly Mtriirilve ee.-t>ni1 flocW fmhl room: within one blorh nf the (trick

for nne or (^ureh Htailon. Eaal Orange, n , (. and VV ;reference* earhanged, Ad»)r«'8a Refined. Ml> Ualn at . Eaai Oranga.SblAiJ. fAmtty. having Iwcive-rnom hoiiae.

wleh four adult* to board; two hlncba fron Highland Avenue Station. D. L- and W , Or­ange. Afldreaa ITIgMand, Roa A. New* olDce, Orange

BOARD W ATrtHD^OiV OF TOWK.ROARI) for Infant wanted, tl rma mupt b*

reaaonable, nr>nrd, Itoi M. New* othc*. Orange ___TOI'NO Man detlrea board In Mnmelair: con-

venleni to l>,. E nn«l W. Hlatloit. Addr-ta CunvenUnt, Boi 4\ New* nfflee


BROAD ST.. lt04-front room*, with t^rd ; e: Ul convenltncM; thre* minute* from Sftulh

Bt> B u t t o n .____ _- ^OAD it ., atfr-Boartl; alao table board.__ _

COrrt.E having beautifully Turnlahed eom- . modlnu* hom*. Clinton IfllJ aeellon. da*lra

to grranga with a gaotlemaa. who would ap*4 praclkl* g reflnad home, lo ttk* atilt* of two

rooma, board optional, about October 1; I >■ aacond floor, adjoining bath: touthem ex-

poMir*} running water: electric light*; attam w |B*at; ^on«, Adddreai Camfbn, itox Tl.

Maw* oMea,_______CENTRAL AVa„ ifl^Th* IrfmoaT; rooWR. ain-

gle aBd an aultg: with bath; excellent table; ataratori electrlo lights; ail modtrn lmp ./VC' BMuta.

COrNTItY buordere wanted for the month nf Sepleinber; good table, ale.; good liuihlng

and Rue beaj»h; term*, ffl per week, no He­brew*. MllB. J. S. TIL'I'ON. proprietor, Gtenwood Kouae, Keanaburg, N. J., Box 31.HILL TOP FARM, five miles from llaInfielU;

In the ntuuntalns, good board; homelike; uae of piano; Heptember TnoTith, terma $4 weekly, MRS. MERRITT, Warfettvlll*. N. J-IN CALDtVEl.L, flv# mlnutaa from trolley.

email farm, large lawn und rmima; term* ▼ery reaaonabla. R. CAKFIEIaI), lAne ave,SlTMMEll REST cottage and camp, Nolan'a

Point, Lake Hopatcong. will accommodotc * faw guetia during the month of Reptrmber;reference* exchanged. Address I och L^ko Hopatcong.

)ox I7l

COLtHBIA ST.. Sr-L«rf*. pleamnt room and board, suitable for two gentlemen; homo-

Hka; Improvatnanti._____ _________________COURT 4B-^e*sant alngte and double

aotinectlng rooms; refined people; alao tabla boa .COURT ST., rt—NJes front room for two gen-

tleeen; Improvemaots; table board.Gl a r k S T . ,R o o m s and board; all im-

pirovfmants; alao table board, M a weak.

TWO hoarder* or mere wanted for month of fieplembcr or longer; adulie. |7 a week, nt

Mendhain; good board. Addrea* Raardvrs. Uax 38, Uendham, N. J.

BOARDHVG-SEABHOnB.dcE/LS'''oROVB'i N. J^FrUat.~‘ 'f»mlfr;

board and room, 19 a week, near tieach. A, B.p Box 300, Ocean Qrove. N. J.OCEAN GROVE-Roartllng. J6 in |H; furnlih-

ed rooma, nccommodallnn* for Labor Day. L. H , flO Broad wty. ___

CINTRS BTn SO—Room* and board.BLZEABBTH AVE.. lOT-Large. light room

wl^ board for on* or two gentlemcu; all Im- IggeatiAanta; prlvats family. ___iroE X 9t., 37, near Jam** at,—Double or single ropiii, with or without board; prlvsta family; saaionabVe.likliT PARyTir., »-L ar** room with boarT;

also ball room; exoalltnl table board; csMriii kUatlob.EAST PARK BT.. iT-Nlce furnished room*!

with flrst-clau board. In select boardlng-

a x iF p A R K BT., Sb-Kooms with ftriLclaia beard; also table board.

XA0T PARK BT.. SZ—Large front room to let, iriib board.nIoNT BT., 98—Large rooms, suitable for two; one large hall room: reaaonabla.

Eb, fc ..C4HBEN BT.» 4T—Oood board and rooms, |5.H il^ ST., Sl—Larg*. watt furnished front

room for two; alao single room: running water; excellent table: also'tabte guaata; near mm city hall.HIGH BT.. 687—i.Arge front room on aecond

floor, with board.JAbCEB BT., M^Neatly furnished room, ault-

gbla for two. all imprcvemcnts; algp a#an roum; board optional; convenient m trdiley cart and 1).. L. and W. Btailon.REAR NT BT., Ob-Wanted, a

home comforts; reaaonab)e; boed. Call or wHte, RIITAN.


MOBN PL. and Harvey kt.—Choice rooms, •Ingle and en suite; private Miths: steam

heat; tgceilant table; eggs from own hens.IT., T4—Lame, airy front room,

far two gaattomen or couple; luime to Broad.gi good table; lo mlnutH I

; all. A>*lT., 898-Blx large rooma and

iRiprovementi except heat; rent tl6.lb;OlUAANB BT.. 3B—Handsomely fumtahed

rudn, with all modem Improvements; flrat- olaea table; alac table boarder* taken by week.


0RCRARD BT., I2th-L*urg« room for two gen­tlemen or man and wife, with board; all

tmpfoveraenta; alao lirst-claai table buacd,ORCHARD BT., IBO—Two large room*, lult-

able for two gentlemen or man and wife, wtth board; alao table board. BROWN.ORCHARD ST„ 170—Twt» large front roome;

large cloaeia; convenient to Bouth Btrost Station.Pa r k a v e ., si, cor. stone—Beautiful, large

front room: auliabl* for couple or twogentlemen; board optional; heated bath,ROBBVlLljfi AVB., Ifi7—Handsome, large

rooms; excellent table; attentive service; gulUble for two and three; |u up a couple g Week; telephone 410J, Branch Brooki. also

: toMe hbkffl- _____________ROSEVILLE AVE., 59—Large room to let, „ with board, near aution and three Irolleya: ■at water heat; also table board.

I BO0KV1LJ.#B,. Warren *t., Bflt—Desirable rDOitni Wtth board; alao table board.

BXpOKD AVE., 184-lfiO. near Rranoh Brty<k Park—Private ai«rtmcnt. hotel; Urge ffrmt

Wwm-for couple; steam heat; alectrlo light*: •eparate tables; best aeri'lce. Telephone tiOd.T Rranch Brook.SOUTH 13TH ST.. b*-Furnlthetl room to let,

I with or without board; private family; five Wrinutee from Kc^vlite Station: gentleman preferred.SOUTH ItTH ST.. «H. near South Orange

ave.—MIce furnlihed hall n?om, suitable for

JMUleman; with or without board; flermnn bmlly.^TlCHENUK ST., 48, one blix'k from South i Btreet Station—Plcaeant room*, with or with- nut board.WAbHiNGTON RT.. 2Qii*-Furiilahed mama to

let. with board; rate* renaouable. Commer­cial Hole).WASHINGTON ST , Excetlrnt hoard, wtth

pooma; ell ronv.»nlcnpH*: alio table hoard.^^ARHEN 8T . y-Tftble htaflent

firal-claM lahie; all home tiwhlng; orJvai* liouae.

LGAIlD V/AATLl .GENTLEMAN i.’kU In butlne** in New Y.’rk.

would Ilk# pleaennt bumf In refined fam1l>] where he wt,u|i] have an i><>iiortunli) lo mc-'t aubatantlal iienpi# in a biji-IhI wJiy, tiiate term.

' ami imrtlfMlare. a. H.. .-Rre of Hatee .\.!vpt- tismg rrimpHny, 15 H|iruce er.. New York Oily,OE.NTLKMAN. wlili irirl yrnra. w<ml1 like

board. wUh m'iiher’'« oaro. in private fam­ily. ArttlroM WILIJAMfl, Do* hft New* of. Bee.


PROPOSAIj—Beulfd prciixiasli for the ron- etnictlon of a rtinrrntp briilRO at Well Side Park. Newark, N. J.. will bv recplved at lha olBce of the Eat«a County Pitrh t'ornmiaalon. 900 Broad street. NV-wark, N. J.. up to 0 SO A. M-. Tuesday, Smember S. UklT.

Plans and ■peciflention* can be examined and blank form of prcpona) oblalnrd at Ibo ofllce of Ihe RngJneer. 00 Clifton avenue, Naw- ark, S. J.

Propotalf must b« lubmltted on the blank forms furnlahed by th* engineer.

A certified check for one hundred dollar* (tlOOh payable to the Essex County Park CommlHlnn, without any comllllona Indorsed thhrvoo, must acrompany eiuh bid. and be for­feited by the aurceaarul btfrler unleax he en- tsra Into a contract ehou) *Tbe same be award­ed to him: the aucce jiPQ I bidder will be re­quire to furnish a bond from a g jarontec or trust company of aatlafaeiory standing to tha commlaalon In the sum of one ihoueand dol­lars (41,000) (or the fal.thful performance ut thn contract.

The Eaaex County Park Coinmlaalnn reeerve* the right to reject any or all bids, and refaina the right to aocapl any bid which In lla judg­ment Ta for the Iwft Interest of the county.

A. CHtTBCH.Becretary Ka*ia County Park CnmmiMlun.


ofllce ( f the Road and Asa aaments CommU- t*a, room SIS, courthouse, Newark. N. J.. on Wednesday, Baplember 11, at « P. M., and at no other ume nor iMtee, for the wldenedlng of Bloomfield avenue In the township of Caldwell, boroufha of Caldwell, North Caldwell and Enaex Fells.Plans and imeclflcatlnne for the same can bn teen at the office of the tounly englnnep, ronmn 81ft and 914. enurthouae. A certiflts) check for five per cent, of the bH must accompany carh proposal, and the name of the bidder and the work he proposes to do must be plainly In- dors^ on the* envelope contnining aame,Tha tuccesaful bidder will, within tm days after award, be required to execute an ap­proved surety bond nf fifty per cent, of the amount of the contract.

G P. DRUM.County Engineer of Essex County, K. I.


There are many enlhuslaiitlc cttlxens In Newark prepared to leU their experloncfi for the public good. Teatlmony from ■uch a source 1g*tne bent of evidence, and will prove A "helping hand" to scores of readers. Rend the following sintement:

.John Ryan, of 26 Suaaex avenue, New­ark, N, J.. says: ’ *I hnd much Bufferingnehe and puins uernss the loins, aecom- lanled with wenkness of the kldneya.

and annoyance from a throbbing back-■ mil .R®'when 1 caught c ld It actUeii on the ktd- nays and made the trouble more painful. I waa advised to try Doun’s Kidney Pills, which I did. procuring sume ut Mank’s drug store. In a few days iho buckaohe diminished nml In a short tiuio I was entirely cured of my comjilidiU. (Statement made In 1K97.)

CONFIRMED IN 1905.On November LD, 1805, Mr. Ryan stated:

"I nm pleased to reiterate my hirincr testimony, for 1 think just as much of Doan's kidney Fills to-day as I did then, and have often recomtnciwlsd them/'

For sale by all dealers. Price, IK) rents. Fosler-Mltbupn C!o„ IBuffalu, New York, sole MgptilB for the United States,

Remember the name—Doan's—,ind tuko no other.

S e i f # * *HealthNever Falls to


Siiftiirliaii CbiircbetIn the Orsnatt

The services in the .Hydg Rark hc- formed Church. Kast Orange^ to-iiinr»''W mdrning, will he conducted by. Dr. Jam^s A. A merman,. of Bloomfield. Tin* Reroan Society will hold a prayer and praUe service al 7.30 P. M.

Knv Jacob A. Cole, pastor of the urimx*' Mediodlsi Church, will prench at i»"'n iervices lo-morrow. Holy oommunimi will be udmJnlslered in the morning, and di the evening Mr. t.'nli* will preach on A Fact to Be Renoned WHIl”

Hvrvlces will be resumed In the k Presbyierlan Church. Fast Orvig*-. i"- rnorrr»w. uad will he conducted by K» v. Dr, J Hiiiftrt Dickson, The iiiuslca! gram will be a* follows: Morning—Prehn.'. Intpvrnexxfi, Rlirluherger. anthem, ' U".- Merciful Unto Me.” Bydcnham; offertf^rv aiUhom. "Lord, We Pray Thee," Rl>b‘"ll^. posilude, Fugue, R Minor, Buch. Rvci;- j Ing—Prelude, Mendt'iNBulin: anlhrm, >"ChrlsTlan, Dr>ai Thou See Them^’ Schneoker; ofTcrlory amhom, "My tiod, 1 Thonk Thee, ’ liariiby: postlude, fichu- maim.

The services lix FtCfit Preabyterlan Church. Orange, to-morrow, will bo coii- durfed by Rev. Alfrid T Vail, pastor of the Church the (.‘ovenani, Buffalo,

All the lalor organixaiJona In the Oranges have been inviicd lo attend Iht evening service In the F«.-rry Methodist Church, Eusi nrutige, lo-tnorrow, when a spi'clal sermon on "Tho Probh'mt of La­bor" will b# delivered by the pastor Rev. M. Wayne W'omer. Communion scrvlcei will he held In the morning.

Rev. Charles H. Bullard, pastor of the Elmwood FfpsbyUTlan Church, East Orange, has leturncd from his vacation, and the regular st^rvlrcs In that i-hurch will be resumed lo-nu>rruw. Ills subjects will he as fellows; Morning, "Uourag«;*' evening. "A Model Workman.'*

In Calvary Methodist Church. East Orange, the pastar, Rev. Dr. Fred Clare Baldwin, will preach to-morrow, as fol­lows: Morning, "The Hubstanct of Things Hoped For;" evening, "Koxpect Unto the Recompense of the Reward.'*

The snIiJeclB of Rev. John Ft. Hum­phreys, iMiator of th'r West Orange Bap- tlsl Church, to-morrow will be as fol­lows: MornlnK. "P r sRert for Service;" evening, "A Cry from^Jeiicho.”

Rev. George I>avls will c,ondurt tho ser- vtccB 111 the First Reformed Church, East Ornnge, to-morrow. Holy communion will be udmlnlHter^d In iKu morning. Mias UUhin M. Munn will la the lender of the Young Peopto's m^vMng In the evening, wlirn the sulijeol will Ik* "I t.'iin and I Can't."

The aacrnment o f th#' l.ord's supper will be observed ut th motniug .M‘rv|<’e in the Banfuid Street Methodist Church, Fuat Ordnge, lo-morrow. In the even­ing tlie pastor, Rev. Thumaa G. Hpencer. will preach on "Thfl Churi'h untl the !j:i- bor Problem,"

fier\'icf*s will he resumed Jn tlie Arling­ton Avimiie PrpshylPrlHn Church. East Orange, to-morrow, when the piisinr, Kcv. John M. Thomas, will pri'.-ich. Tlie munl- cnl program at the morning servlf-e will be ns folliiw's: iTclude. Oftcriary In C Mlnoi'. Rcrrlrlgp, orgun offertury, "Hymn nf Nuns." Wi'ly; poslliide, ‘ rantaslu," Mondetftsohn.

The aervlrrs In tho ll.iwthorne Avenue Bnpllftt Church. East Orange, Tb-murrow, will be condiK'ipd by Hev. l>r. Tlioma.s E. Vassar, of Ellxnhethu who will preach as follows; Mi>riilng. "The Cry of Men;" evening, "A Searchlight nn the fluul."

In the North Orange Baprlsl Church to-morrow Rev. Dr. William M. Lawrence, the pastor, will pronch ns follows: Morn­ing, "The Tnded.elon of Ptuil;" evening. '•Claiming the rnrtcalrable,"

iHontclalr"Living for What la Worth Dyini? For"

wM be the topic of Rrv. Harry Enier- son Posdlck's senpon In the First Dapiibt Church, lo-morrow mornirg. Mr. Fos dick will preach a I-^bor Doy sermon nt night, the subject being "The Church and III© Social. Problem."

Rev. Dr.iOrvllb? Reed, pastor Of Trinity Presbyterian Church, has returned from

I ill* vacation, and the regular morning ami evening servlceB wilt bo held fo-mor-

I row.Rev. Frederick H Butler will preach in

St. Mark's Methodist Church to-morrow morning on "The Blessedness of Joans." He will take for his subject at night, "The Dignity of Labor."

Rev. Robei'l Seneca Smith, asslbtnn* pastor of the First Congregational Church, Will prearh In that edifice to-mor­row morning. He will preach at night in Pilgrim Coiigreg.itlonal Church.

"Is Our Civillsallun ChristlfinT' Is a question which Rev. Dr. Josiah Strong, of New York, will try to answer at the services iii Unity Church, to-morrow morning. Mian Clara L. Tetre. aopnimi of Cleveland, will sing.

At the dcrvlccx In the First Prerhyterian Church, to-morrow morning, the pasfor, Hev. Dr. Llewellyn S. Fulmer, will pr.M‘ 0 on "The Arpuu of Power." He will glVw* a Labor Day uddrcps at night, laklng as his topic, "The Right of a Man."

IrvitiiMon and HiltonRev. Robert F, Hayea. of Roselle, will

conduct the pervlres In the Irvington Christian Church (o-morrow In the ah- seuee nf Rev.- William HaSner, In the evening Miss Rockensuaa will sing two solos.

Rev. Charles F. Nettleshlp, of Newark, bishop of the Independent Methodist Church, will preach lo-morrow evening In the Irvington Methodist Church. In the absence of Rev. Dr. John H, Egbert.

Rev. Henry F. Belcher, of the Hilton Christian Church, will preach to-morrow morning on "The Revelation of Over­coming." Tho musical program will in­clude the anthem, "With Full Voice Choir Resounding,"

Aaron C. Clements, superintendent of the J. Clement French Industrial Home of Newark, will conduct the twilight flervlces In the Irvington Reformed Church lo-Tnorn>w. lie W'lll speak on '•Obedlenco,*’

Rev, John Keller will preach In ihe Irvington Eplecupnl Church to-morrow.

IS HONORED ADVISER IN BAPTIST ENTERPRISES. P«ip« « « €N rV.'hcn the Nonhem Baptist Convention I

Was OTgatilsvU In Washington —fan—weeks ago there wris one man. w'h'i.-i« . voli'e wr.A often heard in the dUeuxsh n*| of organlEatlou plans, und whose opln- | Ions I'S loc'iO U4't4\ rind pun,K>iw of tiih . new convenTloii curried more weight ihun | did those nf any oihcr man pr«i>int. In { the Hume way lie Wa u gul.ling Hpirli .i j j llto orguiiisallun iwn yeuia 4Lg<> of lii'. 1 ijcuerul Conv*‘THlon of the Baptists .f* North America, ihnt’ lmdv in wliU-h me I'liUed for cuunscl uU Hit- Uapiists of the I’nlicd fiimeN tind t'anjidit

In pra ilt-ally every Baptist enterpnsa, f'-r A gefu-jnilon ij:i*i Henry Lyiium Xtore- iinuse hn.H Iwcii nu honnre<l ntlviser. He 1 If- b« cn I nieniber of oil Imporiunl B up-' t!si C4>miiiluees fr>r years jMst, and if *!ie i.olrlmiH wf re to be uskcti of miy gr*) »p c f U ipilsts In ihl.< ciMirury uh in i.he tlu-.>e leading mni nf ihe^r d< lumiinntioii, ihtsy n>lght dlt<ngrec us to two of liie ihrov, bi’ l there would be pructtcuiiy uiinnihiuiiS >puilnii loal lb. Mtu'4-liuiise should i>e !n.r rliid'-d.

For aimnsi ihlrty yem-s Dr. MurehouBe bud berm ofTJclall.v CMjinccted with thq Atrcni'iin Baptist llonn- Mission fioclety, which is one itf the Ki''fti organlxcUlons of


Expected tiut Centre of Out­break Next Month W ill Be

About Rome.


IK privAt** fuinilyprlvAt** fuinlly ir wiiudl l>nnril!ns-hou/<i'- WHlklng «Upmni-f> T PRcn Sir el Hctiool:

modf-rau;. AiMiv«!h T(‘riii«, Pox 2S. New* of-

TWO rr'ftne'l *emh*ntr-n \vi«h huard prhainiy;luoinii, liiitniily icrmp tnuxi

t»- aiftied. AUdnan M'-Ociai*-, Hoi ;jl, iS>wsofn •-

HOME, Aug. 31—An antl-clerlcftl d 'Ui-' onatrntifiii of largo propurilnns lins been orgunlxed fur oil the cities of Italy, lu celobrain Kcpiemher 6 rlu- anniversary i»f llio fall of the Lemjxual power of Uie pa­pacy. Tho demonalnUhai ho« been .t - rarigcd by Socialist leaders, and thus luv fh<- Italian Governniont has tiitccn r.o sieprt l« preveiu U. If. ib uoi liclle\eil hero, as a mnller nf fad. that the gov crnrnciil will take iiny mu-h stops, bc- cimsu tho Muilsiry refused lo Saierf:re during iho pjisi dlBordcrs, and the polij"* wor* Instructed to elieck tlie movomc.il only nficr bodily vlolenrc h.ul been offered prloKls and chari'h dignitaries.

ll Is oxp»ictr(i that ihe centre of the dlb* lurhanri* next monrn will he here In Huinr. for hero will lie hold the malii celt- bnUlun Ilf ihr onirance u“ Itahnii inwips. There will Ih' pnrudvft and Hpcoi'hoH nca/ that portion of ilie wall.k of Fi-ane :U Pol’ld Pia, ihrmigh whlrli ihe T1<UI>1{1 i-ol- dters enicrt'd Hie riiy in IfiT'J, The gov­ernment rlnlms In have adupted mc’i nno's HUfTlolpnt 10 prevcpi rllsorders, but ihi- as- HCi’ilnn receives llitle crcdeiue at the Vui- ic;'.n or ilsewlure, ll Is ex]»ecletl (hui a rnilliary cvirdon will he drawn about tho Vutic.iu palace and grounds, to prcvu.i IfreRpnnslhle crowds fn m approaching the rerddenne of the head of the clmrch. Sev­eral of the dlploniallc representatives i l iha V'.tlciin have cam e, ihoir colleague.'', accredited In llie Ilall.tn Ouvcrnmeal, in injike Hlnmg rcpresenintlnrifl to the liutcr. nsJtlng tin energetic policy lo reprt'fin slo- lercc, and 1hc.‘'e muy have sr.nie effect, Rome fear Is Teit at the Vatican, prl'i- dpally hpvntiBC .i part of the garden wall has collapsed, and there ll wiiuitd he easy for n mob in t-nler. On the nay o f .he an- nlversary neU'bratloii the whole \^alllan atntrlsoji will he under unn.s, and all pos­sible preciuiilunfl will be adopted to pre­vent disturbance of the Pope and his en­tourage.

Faihcr Wentf, the new Jesuit general, has Juft left Rome on what Is expected to be a visit to all the houses of his or­der. He Ib th)w in Vcniie. where he went after a conferonce wUh the Pope, He la accompanied liy two seeretarlea. a rule of the Jesuits forbidding members o f the order to travel In less number than three. Father Wenn will visit Austrian and German estahllshments, going after­ward 10 London, where ie slluated the most Important house of the order In England. It Is Bald here that the "Black Pope" will continue hl.'i tour to the United fitntcB, hut no prominent member o f hla order seems willing to vouch for this atatement. ,It!i probability la unquentlonsd, however, and Father Wentx is expected to go to New York first, making his stop there at St. Francis Xavier College. goin« on to at. I„ouls, where his headquarters will bn at at. Louis nnlverslty, the imoht Important Jesuit establishment In tha

United Siutcs It Is as yet a myntery why the genera] of the fKjwerful order should leave' Rome, but knowing ones say that Ills jour has esp<‘ ‘‘lully to do with plans ft»r Ihe extens1(Ui of the work of the order In foreign lands. The rebuilding of ibe Jesuit College in Bun Francisco was mainly done with inonay sent from the g*>nejal house In Rome, and more funds for the purpose will be sent from here before the work is completed.

Another dignitary who will travel ex­tensively la r.'irdiua! Vannutolli. who re­cently represented the Pope ut the Ku- churlstic Congress In Mets. He has al­ready left Home, after a long Interview with (be Pope, and la now In Venice, From there lie will go to Vienna nn church buBltn' , , and afterward to Ber­lin and other Impurtunt Germtin cllU's, It Is reported that he will next visit Eng­land, where he will nwalt insirnctUm* ns to the advisnblliiy of continuing his tour to !ho United States. It Is conihlently bo- lloved lier ' that he will go to America, where, it is sjiUl. ho will nrrlvo early in Ortobor, In time for the Euchaiisllc Con­gress lo be held in Pittsburg about the mlddlt' of that month. If he goes lo the United States he will there be Hurroundeti hy a majority of ihe bishops and iirch- blshops, who will giither to da him honor.

The prefect of the Congregation of Propngaiidii, CardJiiar Gotti, is aollcItmiB reKardlug the present sltuutlon in Mo- ruot‘0, and has dlrecteil several vicars apostolic in the neighborhood to look tiier the Bnfely of the mission.iries en­

gaged In church work there. Thus far no alarming reports have been rereJvfHl here, but the fact ihnt nil Flurupeans .are reported In danger causes the uiu-nslnoss at the i-uugrrg-.itlon, which has In charge all iiii‘ mission. of thu wculi]

Tin* Pope has Just ordered the Congre- gtillon of Kites In faiilltaU’ tiie work fr»r Ihe beHtincatloii of lion Uosco. the foun­der of the Snieslaii order, and It 1r IlkLly that ll will be promiilgaifil before the md of the year. One of the rengons nssigu« -il for the Pope's order Is the fact that In the recent nntl-clerlcal demonstrations throughout Italy (he Snleslan Cnik‘ge was denounced. The superior general of the order, Don Rua, Insisted that tiie government should make iiu Invesilgatbin, and the reports JuBt received by ilio Italian Ministry of the Interior show that th'Tc wna not the least foundation

•for the accu.^ution brought against tho fiaU'slans. li is even admitted thiU ,thlx order In the moat prominent In the church as regards the education of boye, and In many of their Institutions free tuition Is the rule, and the scholars receive the best of care and Instruction.

Ths sensation of the moment in Vatican circles Is the announced resignation of Cordlnal Netto, patriarch of Lisbon, from hlR episcopal position, In order to enter the Domlnicnh Order as a novice. The report Is not credited here, and all in­quiries made about the matter resulted negatively. It may be said, however, lliiit this would not be the Aral time In tho history of the church that a cardinal rd- nouticed his position In order to Join q rcllgInuB order. As to Cardinal Netto, It is sold that for some time he has mr- tagonlxed the Portugufeae royal family and made his position untenable. Several times the Pope has tried to arrange n’.st- ters, but he did not succeed. Therefore the one thing certain la that Cardinal Netto -will leave Lisbon. He may possibly come to reside in, Rome, as have otlier curdlnals under Jlke circumstances.


Kdi'thern BApll^U; but hlii le.'idc7«iblp lxmt»fe-th« n seetlotiah and Dapttgtr o f thr' S^itithem Btatea will be ready as are those of the North lo point to him na one who stands Jn the forefrotit of Ihe de- nommatloh. ^Notwlthstandloff the fact that the records prove him to have been burn in IDM. Henry L, Morehouse Is a young man. If one wsre asked to Ktiepa his age. ten years would certainly be in ­ducted fr Tn (he seventy-three which he acknowicdtp-a. If acUve participation In the Affairs nf his drnomlautlon were to be considered In making the eatlmale, one would he tcniptcil to deduct another dec­ade, unless tlif're should be knowledge of tlie number of years Dr. Morrhouee has been protnlnem in Unptist councils.

Dr. Morehouer- has u manner that is quiet and unaesumlug. He ts not In the least telf-asserlfve. and In Ills addresses he has A quiet, coiuriBatlonnl manner that makes no prctenac at oratory, hut fn which Js. neverthelefs. shown (he depth of the man's InformsUtin. his perfect com ­mand of hts subject, sml Hie wisdom of* his counsel. Apart from Baptist ftffftlis Dr. Morehouse fi a rc-cognlst^d authority on missionary wnrk In llie railed States, and his udvice in eagerly snughi In all In- terdenuinhiatlounl cvanctls.

PrMBvttriasTk(«r,. WWtur o f tlH<

[h erffiT P f«iA > vi^n Church, irill uch to-morrow morninf it Ijtbor IHy


---------------- V

Episcopal General Convention at Richmond to Be Impodant

Gathering in Many W ays.


Questions to come before the Eplacopnl General Convention, which mrcls In IClcli- niond October '1, anrl will probably remnin In BCHslon until about October A, «r« shaping themselves Into deflnKe form.. Above all other manors looms up the visit of the Bishop (if London and the sermon he Is to deJi ■e at the openliig nf (he convention. Demand (or scat tick­ets for this Important function Is ulreatlj’ enormous, for the number lo go to Rl.’ h- mond will not fall fur below 2O.W0 and tb'. church In which the opening service Is to he held Is not large. In some reapocla the visit of the Hishnp ot London will overshadow in Interest that of the Arc’.i- Mshop of Canterbury three years ago. Hlsiorirnlly, the Bishop of !,ondon had much to do with (hr- planting of mnn> American parishes of note. This was dne in part to the organization through whn h he worked, and which establlftlivd nol -i few of the now' famous American cluirchea

Lenders In the ngitallon of three and six years ago for stronger laws on the sub­ject of divorce nnd remarrlngf are again agitating for further acUn.i. That taken by the Inst general convention is held to be tt compromise. New rind etilcler forms are advocated. The question,of a hlshrj[i for the n»*groes looms large, and If It COTOCH up will be cause for prolonged dl.-i- cusBlon. Much will be mace of mJssltind hy the convention, for the general sec­retary of the Hoard of Mlsslous, Rev. Di. Arthur S. Lloyd, and .a pf'eAbyter lonjK' prominent on the floor of lue con\entlon. Hev. Dr. Reese F. Alfop. have Just re­turned from tk missionary lour of the world and have not yet been heard by any bod f.

There l6 wide discuaslon throughout; tho church of work by laymen, and ihero Is some possibility that tho general ocm ventlon may create a commlwlon on such work. The last generol convention en­larged the powers of laymen In some rc- Bpqcts. chiefly In taking part In puhli.- worship, and the liheity has been availed of to the extent that In not a few church­es laymen to the number Bometimcs of three or four aaslst the rector at the pub­lic services at one Ume. It Is not In this direction, hvit in that of the business slUf, that the greatest lay activity Is seen. U Ip known, ho-wever, that many promlneiL laymen desire to work unofflcially, and that they do not favor any actidn at all on the part of the official body of tbelr church.

. JR«vHighpreach _______ _ ___sermon, on the topic "Works that fiuA- IM I Qod," There will be no evening ser­vice. fiunday-sehool rally day win take place fieptember 22. and the Young Peo­ple'! Society will resume meetJnga tember 8,

Rev. John McDowell, pastor o f tho Park Preabytcrlun Church, has returned from his vacat.nn and will preach to-mor­row mqrnlng on "Chrtsi ihe Foyndatlon,'* and In the cictiljig on "The Democracy o f the Gospel."

Rev. Walter U. Groenway. of the W etl- mlnster Church, Jersey I'Uy, will preach 1n the Central E n’shyterlon Church to­morrow morning, In the evening the IwIHghl meeting will be conducted by E. A. Meyer.

At ih*' Clinton .Avenue PresbyituTnn f ’hurch to-m<irvow the pastor, Itov, Jo­seph F, Folsom, will preach irf the morn­ing on 'Myove Covereth a Multitude of ftlns," and In the evening on "The Lowly and Lonely Naturene."

Rev. Edgar C. Mojion. paator o f the Fewsmltii Memorial Church, will preach to-morrow morning on ’ 'The Hemes of Hope Deferred." In the evening he will talk on "The Church and the Working­man." and hie ihcmo will b« "The G*cat Mechanic."


Y, M. C. A. M eeting.Rev. Charles F. filahley, pastor of the

Fifth Baptist Church, will speak at the men's meeting in the Frellnghuvaen room, to-morrow afternoon. There will b< duets by the Misses Stanley,

C e n e a l o g y

TKAi ltEK »if5h«‘B bf'artl )e J»r1vat4< family: iterMeh nf Ni-wark of Vattjiburxli

pK-forrefi. A.lUrtsta M . hnx Newf office .---------------------*----------------------- . FETTY, flBIDLBR.ME.NK^CURgCKNVW ANTt.D fnr atmut thrff wfi*k . runma gnu } DIU’U STORE, fiCtl\VAR7i, FIELDING,

" 1 v o^ ' ciE;>iHi!'.>. .iTKiNi-insv, u r a i>- V ' NEH, J. r . CAI.I.^OIIAN. T, P. VAB

• " __________ _____________________ KI5SS. srinURnAV. J. I.RRSBIt,Yfvt’NG L.A.DY wlshe# beard In prlNxtp fam­

ily or Milan hosrdltjg-hoiirtf; (erms 44 Ad- drea* rentral. box "4. New* uffice.TOUNG MAN wants board, with private fam-

■' !'1U‘- Addrftsjjt J., Bnx Til, News effief.

Cbristlan EiuleatiorThe topic for discussion In the Chris­

tian Endt^avor meetings to-morrow night Is "Cun, the King-Word." Texts: Isa. XXXV,, ft. 4; Heb. ill.. It.

The daily Chrisllan Endeavor Bible readlnsa for next wi'ck are us follows: aionduy. "God Gn-ater than All." I. Kings vIlL, 22-27; TiM-Hdny, "Muker of All," iRrt. IxvL. 1. 2; Wednesday. "A God at Hotui," Ji*r. xxlil.. Thursduy, "InHim We Live." Acus xvll.. 22-ilS; Friday, "In the Midst of Them." xvlU.,

No matter how long- it has been i u, » , smurtiay. "Ever rresA i," Mnu.xxvlli.. Ik 0; Sunday, Srpleniber 8, topic, "God's Omniprescncp, " Ps. fxxxlx., 1-12.

Tho readings on the Junior Endeavor topic for next weak are ub follows: "The Golden Image," Dan. Ui., l-E; "The King's Commr.nd." Dan. Ul., *-T; 'The M*n Who Disobeyed," Dan. 111., 8-12; "God’ s Cnro

gray or faded. Promotes a lux­uriant growth of liealthy hair. Stops its failing out, and positively removes Dandruff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. 1h n o t tt tlye.

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BOARDJNu-^OUT OP TOWN.BLOOMrlEl.ri—Rooms, wllli board; beautiful

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private itrUy. on farm, healthy Itjcaiion; iernu |6 weekly. M. ~ — -terms |6XI. F, b Nn, 2. , €. D., Chatham. N. J.|


East ORANOS-^Baceptlonai honj* for twc, with beard: private family; large ihady

mxmnds; Just off Harrison st.; ehok** oelgli- borheod; five mlnutaa from Brick Church Kta- tlCTi. Parmanent. 50 Main at.. Hast Orange.KASTORANGE. Eaton pL. tS-Hother~^d son ioMted near Roaevtile atatlan and trolley ,WMld like to acooDunodaie couple or gentle- man; bath; heat; gas; use of pUm ; go< table.XA8T ORANGE. Holfraond ave./8b-In Amcr- ■ Icon family, l^nt rocmi; with board;Ofam simher room: exMlIent Utale; table board* flva Jttihmtas Drove si. gtaUmi: reference.fiG F ^ A X Q E -A l the VlneJitTiBrick Chur-'h.

East Orange, Si Boutli CliRtoti at.; large now- 1/ (ttmishad room, sttom hast; table and ap- SHUatn^DtiJlrit-td^; o^lta; raFerence*.EAST ORANCIE4 0r«ve at..^lfi3^Two

iwtoutea from uoatnii trolley. IS from Brua 1 U4 IfOYktt; alaeoi h«st«<f; homelike roc40Ji;

^ t a : tentHa; makrate.PAfW $R|kJf<iEr—Klealy tufalal^ room; bcMird OptwMlr small private family; near Grave Ml, Rtatk*. Addrtea Homer care UT lioaerltie

Claulfli'al advertigamenta mutt !»• ra- celvad before 12:1& o’clock for inaertion in all aditiona ot tha aame day. Advartne- manta received between that hour and l o'clock will appear l|^n overflow column of tha Second and Third Editions*

Transient advertising In the NEWARK EVENINO NEWS mukt ba prepaid. Ko account* will be opened for auch«

No advartisementa will ba received over the telepnone except those sent by eu> inomta agento.

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BAVT dRAKDiL North IWh a*., et-^Biwut1- fdlly furAlshed rcaaa, with or wlth^t board;

eojaveniau U aai W. AtotJo&i p r tm am - ■fa

two weeks and then deatroyed. it any other diepoaitlon ta fleatred the otnea should be notified.

&uaineea office open eacn uredK day evening untti 8;80 o'clock.

No advertieemeni received for ia » than 20 cents, except Emptoymont Wanted. For thie eiaei of advertising. 1 oopg « word, mimmum 10 cents. Agate type used exclusively on ciaeaifled pages. No display or cuts.

Transient. 1 cent a word: one month daily, IL60 a lino; tvory other dsy. tfOc': 1 Itna, minimum three lints. The. averogt Is Sevan snort words to the Jins.

One year dally. kld.OC «j line; every other day. SAJX) d line, minimum three lines.

Cdpitait and blank ipscet. 40 cents per tine tor crsnalent dds.j 4 words to a line. Not teas than three lines taken. .

Oepth Notices, seven lines. 00 cents; additional linee. 10 cents s Mns.

Marriage Notices. So esnts.Auction sales, 10 cents a line flat.Employment Agencies, 10 cents a lineEsLRallgieus Notices. 20 cents tor fifty

ssords or loss. iVldlttensI w ir ti t s«nt

Glvo.' Str4>ngth," P&. xxxl., 1-4; Bunduy, Bcplvnib'cr 8, topic, "lyeasonx from ihe FbTv Furnaer," Dim. ill., 13-18.

Thr local committee arranging tor the Iweiity-first uniiuril State Endeavor cun- vcbtlon to be held In this city In October haa preraradona for the coming gather­ing well under way. This will be the third Slate convention to be held In New­ark, the former gnthrrlng having been In 1W7 find 18S12. Nefirly every society in the coiinly will be represent^ In one of the ten aub-commtttoeH. The, present fitate executive committee will hold iia flnnl sreaion the night before tbe conven­tion 6i>en4.

The KsunI reports of the State depart­ment work for the past year wRJ be prp-

by the following superlnlenclemA: Missionary. Mips Jane R. Morrow, West- Held; evangrllsllc, Rev, Abram Duryee, Cherry Hill; press, A. B. Johnson, New­ark; Bible study. Her. Albert Erd-

correapondence, PercyNiiessle, Newark; Christian eltlxenahlp nncl Sabbath observance, Rev. Dr. F. \\\ Johnson. Washington; f«-sh air, J. K. Hardman, Jersey City; work among col­ored people, Bishop Alexander Walters, Jersey City; junior, Mrs. L. Ida. D«kp>*. Camden; ssdstants, Mrs. A. It. Baxter, Trenton; Mrs. F. \V. Miller. New ion: Mina Mae Hies. Flemington; iRtdtmei'Iiuie, Mrs. U. D. Baker. Jersey City.

Mrs. George H. Donovan, president of the VVoodsIde Refurmed Christian En­deavor Society, has beep appointed chair­man of the registration commluee for tho State convention, succeeding Charles G. Johnson.

These officers will ,«ierve In t ie Orange Valley Congregational Endeavor Society until the election In December: Presi­dent, Edwin H. Volckmanni vice-presl- dent, Peter J. Fliiner; recording secre­tary, Miss Blanche B. Calhoun I corre- gpondltig secretary, Miss Qraca A, CondU; uaasurer, Mrg, Otetr & Tbompm*

Rule l->ln all cases give the full nam* and addrebs, and write on one side of ib i paper only.

Rule Every letter that is to be for­warded must hive Bufflclent sLimps to cover expenses. Contents of ail letters should be for the benefit of the public.

Rule Care should be taken to make alt Inquiries and answers as full as po>«- Hible. With special reference to dates and places of birth, death and marriages, lu answering always give number o f inquiry, also, when possible. Authorities,

Addreas all communlcatlona to M- D. Wheeler Thurston, car»» of the EV’ENINO NEWS.

No. 20n-HOWELl^COOK — Jeremiah HoW'OU. of Halaetown, N. J., died 1845i aged ninoty-onp years; was hrother-ln-law to Stephen Cook, of same place. Did this JeremiRh Howcli marry a Halsey, Havens or Cook? Jeremiah Howell hnd two sons atid one daughter that I knew, Jeremiah, Samuel and Mary, all dead. Bon Samuel had three children, two sons and ono ''laughter. Albert. I.r.onder and Catherine. Albert Howell had Albert. There may be relath'es living who can answer this question J. B. C

No. 2Clfl — Ml!k)RE — Answer for No. iCRft—Samuel Moore wus one of ihe four- tr-po men who c»me from Newbarry, M:\S8-, ir-66, and laid out the town of Wi»ndhridgv. N. J In 1G66 some of ihe some men laid out the towns of Plscat- aw;iy and Amboy, David F. Moore, of Newark, N. J.. born December 26, 1839, maiTlecl flrat Helen l.avanchq Dutton, eec- onrl Sarah Hubble Tenbroeck. He was son of Alexander Moore, of Roxbury, N. Y , as descendant of John Moir, of Scot­land There w'flH ulso a David Moore, Sim- of John, of Sharon. N. H.. and an- oiher, David, son of John, o f Bedford, Mbiis., born I74i; married Jennet — .

J. B. p.No. aOhL^nrFFlTH-HATFIELl>-t;:an

any roadvr of Jeraey Genealogy give tne any data in relation to the Griffith or Grifllths family, of New Jersey? My grrat-gnimlfaiher was Edward Griffiths. .My grandfather was John Griffiths, who established the famous potteries in Ells- nbeihtown. N. J., and married about 18H Rachel Hatfield, of one of the well-known

I families of that town. His family was supposed to have como from Staflford- I shire. England. I do not know If Alsx- ; ander Griffith, AUarncy-Genoral of New■ Jersey in 1713, was of the same family. If any one will send records of the above

' families they wUI be greatly appre-■ dated. B. M. G.I No. aeO-CRANlS-W HEELEB-W ILL-

lAMa-\TOOI.)Hl:PF-ReferrIns lo No. IftSL*. I read your above numbered article hi,(^hesp columns in Is.sue of July 6 with much interest, as I am a direct descend'- nni of this John Crane and hla wife,

' Esther Morris (?). John (Z) Crane, fiea- I Jamln (3j, Benjamin t4). Benjamin tB),I Benjamin i.6>, J^tie Eliza (7), S. C. De Camp (81. I should like very much If you will he so ktnd as (0 advise me what proof you have to Indicate that hU wife's maiden i.umo was Esther Morris^ and not wtlllnttis. I had thought It was the latter, ns It Is so stated In the Crane Genealogy by K. B. Crane, Can you give me the ancestry of Kather Morris, vis., the full names o f her father and moEher, also her grandparenta on both sidf's? Also any other data concerning them and where same can be found. I Judge that you are a Crane. If so, o«n you tell me who were the parents, etc., of Esther Woodruff, the wife of Ben- Jamln Crane, son of the John ti) to whom you refer? She was born 1711 and died 1809. You refer to an article by M.. S. D. Win you kindly tell me tn what ixgue this appeared and the subject? Hop* leg to hear from you further, I am.

S C DE CNo. tWl—MOHRI8—In snswor to No,

lIWO, Jtiho 1, 1907. I hove Juit found nut tbat (taadtktiior Monia w u Pbllip U «i-

ris. EJe had a eon that was married twice, Isaac. His first wife's name wap Frances Goodfcllow' and hla sec. ond Jane .Mundy. Tho name of Frances Jloirls's mother was Fanny QoodfelJow, who lived In Placntawny, near Now Brunswick. And all o f the children ot Isaac Morris live In Metuchen. With but one exception, George Morris, who lives on Main street. Rahway, N. J. E. C. H.

No. 3022-THOMP8ON-PRICE-WADE —Data wanted of Robert Thompson, who sealed In Dloolnfleld, N. J. I have bean unable to find it Robert Thompson In any Now Jersey reference books. Also where must 1 look to find the descendants of ths sons of Benjamin Price, o f EllEabeth, N, J.? I have been trying to connect with this family, but am not sure It Is the right one. only have it on the marriage of William Pries, who married Betsy Wade, of Connecticut Farms. N. J, E. S. P.

No. 2023-LA NDON-GILLIBS—I should tike so much In know the ancestors of Laban laindon, who enlisted at Hard­wick, Warren County, N. J., April 28, 1777. Ho was for three years a private In Captain Knihanlel Tomip's company. Colonel Malcom'i regiment, Continental Infantry; transferred again to Valley Forge. Pa.; Fehruarj’ 1, 1778, to Captain Henry-Luse's (Ninth) company; trans­ferred again at Valley Forge, Pa.. March 19, !778, lo the Commander-In-Chief'sguard, and discharged November 3. 1783. He waa born In Hardwick, N. J., January' 13, 17E9; married Elizabeth Glllls, of New- burg, N. Y„ 1781; died at Troy, Pa.. June W, 1828. J. S. L.

No, 20M - SHANE — BARRETT — My gseat-grandfather. Jesse Barrett, married a Phobe Shane, o f Burlington, N. J„ about 1778-80, and all I know about her Is that she was a Quakeress. A friend of mine learehed the records of the Burling­ton Quaker Jfd!;tfng and failed to find a Shane among them. I wotild be grateful for any asslstanee In tracing these peo­ple. 1 also wish to learn ell |>osslble of their anceetry and descendants. B.

No. 202i-NICHOL8ON-I wish to know where the fpIlDwIng people originated. My husband's father came from C6rk (?) to Lynn, near Boston, Man< He had, a wall­paper factory theta. He afterward moved to New Brunswick, N. J., and had a wall­paper factory there. My husband's father had three sone—Aldworth, ’William and Harry B. (my husband, who died' Janu­ary 21, 1(V7>. The others are dead aiao.

H . B, N.No. 202»-AXTaU<-ContlnBad No.

20Q2. Seventh generation. John, etith child of Colonel Silas and Blixabeth L. Axtell, bom In Morria County. August 4, UD!. .He was a mason by trade and was twice married. Hla first wife was Hannah Day, to whom he waa married In 1828, and who died in lOl. Hie second wife was Sarah Byram, of ^sudhain, lo whom lie was married In 1888. She died Febru­ary 25. 1882. The children o f John and Hannah D Agtell were o f the eighth gen­eration. 1, Silas Day, born in Morris County, N. J..1S24, He died unmarried in the L’ nlon army at siege of Vicksburg. Miss, 1883. 1, Stephen Day. bom In Mortis County, May 25, 7837. 3. Martha Bilcn, l » m in Morris Coyaty, March, 7888.' He died near St. lAiuls. Mo.. January M. 1887. Steph^ Day, second chEld o f John and HannaWD. Axtell, married Nancy C. Sutton, o f Mendham, May 79, 7888, and died- In Mmnsatiolia, Minn, Srptentbar IE IgH; their children were o f the ninth- generation. 7, John Franklin, iKirn.' In Morris County, N. J., August 28, TIM;-t, Carrie Sutton, born In St. Louis, U o„ April 2J, 1887; 8, Mary Persle. bom In 8t. Louis,' March 38. 1S80| A Charles Sutton, bom Id' 6(. Louis, December 19. 1881; 8, JoeephlSutton. born tu Washington, dnd., January K. 1184, died Washingtons tnd„ March'4, 18841 A A1 Day. bom In Minne­apolis, Mlnm May let IMS.

John Franklin, M, D„ first ohild o f Stephen D. and Nancy C. Axtell, received hla diploma from Ihe New York Medical College about 1880 and located at Hart­ford, Conn., where he was married lo Mrs. Ella M. Norvell, June 22, ISSl.

Carrie Sutton, second child of Stephen D, and Nancy C. Axtell, married George Swift, April 27. 1S80. Their children were of the tenth generation, Carrie, born Au­gust 25, lgM-2; Ida Stringer, born January 22, ISaS; end o f Carrie S. Axtell Swift branch o f Stephen D. Axlcll'a family, and end of Stephen D, Aitell s branch of John Axtell's family tree.

Martha Ellen, third child and only a,aughter of John Axtell apd Hannah D. Axtell, married John,Carey In J863. He was a grandson of David Axteflf the son f'f Major Henry Axtell by his first wits, Mary Beach. 'Their childrsn were o f the ninth generation—I, Laura, boro in Mor­ristown. N, J., 1 ^ ; 2, a tin, bhrit In Mor­ristown. 1888, died October, 1877; Ik Sarah Axtell, bom In Vineland, 1878; end of Manila E. Cary AxtilTs branch ot Colo­nel Silas Axtell's family tree.

Seventh Generation — Jacob Tuttle, eighth child of Colonel Silas and Eliza­beth L. Axtell, born In Mendham Town­ship, Morris County, N. J.. April W, 18oi was a mason by trade and followed the business until the close of hie life. He was three times married; first to Joanna P. Gardner, July 19, 1828. She died Octo­ber IS, 1826. HU second wife was Rachel Entice, to whom he was married Decem­ber 22. 1B27, sod who died October 7, 1349. For his third wife he married Mrs. Ann Sheldron. January 29, 1851. He died No­vember 28, M80. The children o f Jacob T. and Rachel Enslee Axtell were o f the eighth generatlon-1, Phebe/ Elisabeth, bora m Morristown, N, M„ October 2s, 1818, died In Morristown, July 8, 1888! 2, Alfred Reeve, bora In Morristown, AprB 9, 1839. died in Petersburg, Va., June 22, 1884: 8. Mary C.. born in Morristown, De- oimber 28, 1831. died In HOrrlstovn, Au­gust, 1833: 4, Caroline L , bom In Morris­town. December 28. 1633, died tn Morris­town, August 21, 1E39I 5, Joan Gardnsr, born In Morristown,*^ March 17, 18>7; 8, William Enslee, bom In Horrlrtown, March 31, 1889; 7, Orlando Ktrtland, bora In Morristown, March 18, 1841, died at Ijtt Vegas Springs. New Mexico, November 25, 1884 ; 8. John Henry, bora In Morris­town, May 18, 1843 drowned while aicattng pn Po«a.hontas Lake, December 27, 1853; 9, Chortea Franklin, burn In Morristown, May 18, 1845; 10, .Emma Caroline, born In Morristown, July 7, 1817, died In low^, December 81, IL Samuel Lone, bom Jn Hoirlstown, Beplember 29, 1849, died in Morristown, September 21, 1851.

Phebe Elisabeth, oldest child of Jnooh T, and Rachel E. Axtell, was marrifid to Silas CondieL her couslu, son o f Henry and Abigail Axtell, July 34, 1841 She died July 8. 1881

Alfred Reeve, second ohild o f Jooob T. add 'Raehel E. Axtell, married BUM J. Goodwin, .o f Morristown, October 11 1652, and mated to Detroit, Mich,, the same saonth. B e was a mason by trade and foUewsd that oocupatlon until UH when be enlisted in the Sixteenth Regiment of Michigan t'olunteer Infantry. wMoh wae connected with the Army o f the Potonme. He was shot and instantly killed June 22, 18i4, while In the trenches before Pe­tersburg, Va. Their children were of the ninth generation—t. Lindey Goodwin, born In Detroit. Mich,, July ^ 1813. died there April, 1854; 1 HutHe Phebe. born jn Ionia. Mich.. January 18, 18U; 8, Jacob Arthur, bom tn Warren, Jll.,'October 12, 1SS8, died 1869 Tlie widow o f Alfred R. Axtell real dee In Newark, N. J„ with her daughter. End ot Alfred L. AgtelTi branch of Jacob T. Axtell’s family tree. 1

iTo he oomlnusd.)

Rev. Dr. Hlorer S. Jolley, pastor of St. Jolin'H Methmllst Episcopal Church, has leturiied from his vacation am] will preach to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock 11 special sermon to the Harveet Home eommlllce and will also deliver one In the evening. There will be a general clasa meeting In ihe morning and 8un- dny-arliool al 3 o'clock In the afternoon.

Rev. Dr. Emory,J. Haynes, of Poogh- Keepsle. will preach at Ixith seridces In the Roaevllle Methodist Episcopal Church , to-morrow. The men's meeting will bs held In the morning at 9:30 o'clock. The pa'lmary and linermedlale sessions of the Bundsy-school will be held In the morn­ing, while the senior depurtment will meet In the afternoon. Rev. Dorr F. Dleffendorf, pasttir of the church, will resume his pulpit next Sunday,

Rev, Dr. Wlufletd H. McGowan will preach in Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church (o-morrow morning on "Watch­ing with Ihe Mjistrr," and in the even­ing on "Saved from Rlilpwreel'." Holy cunimunlon will be administered In the morning.

BaptittThp rppiilrs to thp auditorium of the

Pefldio Memorial Rnpiist Church are completed, nnd services will be held there to-morrow niornlnfr nnd evenliiR. At 10:80 Rev. Dr. Thomop J. VlJlera will preach on "A Strain from Iuovc'k Hymn.” At 2:80 lie will teach the SundMy-school ieseon lo the entire rcHodI. ojuI at 7:45 will speak on ‘ Keeping in Love "

RerornudRev. Dr. Diinh-l TL Muritn will preach

to-morrtjw niozminR nnd evening In the Cllnltm Avf'niK' Rqrormed Churen.

Rev Stuan Xye Hijtchlsim. pftitor of the First Rpfornied Clnirch, will at buth Rer\ii-es la-morraw.

Cuthtrdti"The Cnndaci o f Ihe Ten Lepere" <¥lll

be the theme at the Gernmn mnrning service In S(. Matthew‘« Kvangellcal Lu- tlieran Chnrcli tu-niorrow. The annuftJ mission festival will be celebrated at the chapel In the afternoon.

nti$cellaiteottfCaptain Brookman, in charge of the

fialvfltJon Army work here, will conduct a hollnefls mecuing fit the headquarters, 26 WfiBhliigton street, nt U o’ clock to­

morrow morning, a praise service In »the afternoon, and another meeting In the evening. Each eesslon will he preceded by an open air service, and Mr*. Brook- man wilt sing, with guitar accompanJ- menl, at each meeting.

Rev. F. F. Smith, pastor of St- paur* Coernopolltan Rescue Mission, Hoyt street, will preach to-morrow inornlug "Christian Strength.” His evening sub­ject will be "Knowledge of Sin."


A number of Newark colored clergy'- men have been In attendance during the week at the Educational Congress and ■ Ministerial Chautauqua Of the Philadel­phia and New Jerfley Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church In session at Atlantic City,

The conference was presided over by the RL Rev. Wesley J. Oelnes, bishop Of the New Jersey diocese of the A. M. E. Church, and the most notable featitre of the gathering wea his address, In which he defended President Roosevelt as a friend of the negro and declared that h« was opposed to the American negro leav­ing tht, country for Africa. Aasoctatad with Blahop Gaines aa presiding nfficera were Blahop Levi J. Gopplh and Biahop B. T. Tanner, of Philadelphia.

The object of tha gathering waz to raise money to further the educational work ot the convention nnd as a result several thousand dollars was raised.

In hie defenae of President Rooaevalt against the criticlem of leading ncgrow o f the country on account of . tho ordax dlemisalng the negro troops from tb* army. Bishop Oainex said:

"The negro must not condemn tha ll«a4 of the government In a wholeeale waR for one error. President Rooaevelt told me himself that his faith In the negro was as strong/ns ever and that what ht had done In the Brownsville affair had not been on account of the color ot the soldiers.

"Our Impulsive Chief Executive has been misled and acted with haste In tho Brownsville affair, but I do not think him our enemy. I am sure that we shall find that President Roosevelt has not lost his Intefeat hi the race."

I'SIION SERVICES CLOSE.friftli Baptist nml Vnlon Street M. E.

■ C hnrelies Hnve Love Feast.Union servleea which have been held

during the summer by the IJnlon'Street Methodist Episcopal and the Fifth Baptist churches will end to-morrow. The'morn­ing service will be held In the Union Street Church, when Rev. Charles F. Stanley, paetor of the Bapllet church, will preach on "The Element of Chaatisa-. ment In the Christian's Education." In the evening at the Baptist churifil the sermon theme will he "The OospM and Socialism.” There will be etnglng by the Mlaeee Stanley. Rev. Hedding B. Leaell, pastor of the Union Street Chuimh, Will occupy hla own pulpit next Sunday.

The two congregatlone held a union love fcaet In the Baptist church Thura- day night. The occasion was unique In that no other local Baptist chirrch. It la sold, has united In such a service. Mr, Stanley presided, assisted hy Rev, Mr.'. Sparks. John N. I-eary, Joseph Reed, Chariea E d w a ^ and Samuel Gifford, o f the Union Street Church, and 'Wllllant G. Tlngley, Joseph Paton, Wllllani H8p- per, of the Fifth Baptist Church, asststod In' the passing .of the bread and water .which synhollxed the fellowahip of the Christians preaent. C. Forman Smith

'presided at the piano. It is expetried the two churches will re jw t the service ill .luJ th# near future.---------e------- —R ev. Dr. J. A. Gnttertdge o a T rl* .

Rev. Dr, John A. Quttertdge, o f the local Methodwt conference, left ia-dt]r to make an extended Westera trip In the Interests nf the American Unlvenitty, o f which he la the financial aecreto^.At the request o f Chancellor Hamilton,Dr, Outtcrld^ will address the confer­ences meeting during the next two months In Iowa, Misaouri, Nebraska, Mlnnesotg and Wisconsin.

H lltta rp P ark Meeting;, -vcAth

_ - Bonducl Un opei Ing In MfUtary Park xtt 4 p^olook t o - ,

Tlic Bpwewth I-ewgue of the Central M. E. Chiimb will conduct Un open-air meet-morrow afternoon. Rev. John M. Morgan, a brother o f Rev. Dr. William H. Mor­gan, paetor of the Central Church, w l* , speak. A musical program will be rtfiideF- . ed by Professor J. A. Morris and the Southern Jubilee Singers.................a-------------

W U l i M d T. W . C, A.Ulsa Elltabeth Wilson, general tecre-v

tary of the Training Inmltute of the Jf. W, C. A., at Cffitca;^, will lead the mm- vlce at the local asefuilntlon, 14 Bast Part, street, to-morrow ofltnioor,.

A w deen an d P h ilip TopTe,The.toptc for dlscuselon in the Brother- ;^

hood'Of.Andrew and Philip tneetinge t»- morrow mght ie "Looking Unto Jean-* Text, Nutnoepe gxL, B4. > -

N E # A f t K E V E K t s a imVB, S A T U R D A Y , ^ST 31, 190T. i s


Local Atlantic L agu n s Secure Only Two Hits and Are

Beaten by Elizabeth.


Rrnuklyn dr«w further nway ftom HeaU- liii In Ihe Alhleili: by defeatingPottnville In cany faihUni y^^ terday while Reading w'eiU down Uj defeat at the hand! o f Eanton tu the Utter place. Newark lost a Ullle ground through a defeat at BUliaabeth, nnd the latter team ie now only nlnelrm painta behind the locale. Allentown dlipotied of Tamamia.

R eaa lti o f VealerdnyU naoiea. maahetb 4. Nrwark 0.

Brooklj a 7. l*Qttai'llle 8.ALIentoan S, Tamaoua I.

Eaeton 4. Reidint 3.Btandlag o f ffao Tejima.

w. U PCJ W L. PC.Broflklyn ....Ml 40 .SM;XiJzah#ih 53ReadUf ....«! 45 .5?6| PottivMl* ....4B .40TAljintown .,W 45 .567iTam*qua ... 41 W> 40«Newark ..... 5S 51 .5iul Beaioii ........ ST 04 .im

Gainea To-itay.Ilawarh at Elizabcih <a famfnl.

PQUevUlft at Hrgokly/j.Reading at ^iron.

Allentown Mt Tamaqua.Qamea To>aiori'ow.

Baaton at \>wark.Atkntown at EBlaabedi.

Readina at Tainaqua.Brooklyn at Poltavllle.DlfpaIrA tn tfit JSrf^MXG .Vf

, ELIZABETH. Aug 31.-Th« Newark Atlantlce were ahui out by EUiabeth in a fast game here yeaterday afterHoon by lha score of 4 to 0. As a result thr local Team gained a few point* on the vlslt'>rH !n the atandlng. The Time of Ihr game was one hour and It waa the faelcst con- lest played on the local Held this year, and U eUo broke the record for h nlno- tnning game in this league.

Oharlje Schumati, the BlUabetb iwirler.

EItched a niaaterly game, holding the eavy hitting Newarkera to iwn eliiglcfl, one o f which waa of the scratchy variety.

Hope, for the vleitora, was In rare furm and ftuatalned <lefeat because the IocrI.s hit the ball when It meAiit runs.

Kllksbelh got all lla runs and rhrcf> of Its lijis. lo the second and third limlngn. The NeWarkers got (heir him In iho first and third Innings, boib of which credited to Mnmbnclier. the star li-ft fielder o f the Newark team.

The features of fhe gnnie were the hll’ ting of Miller, of the locais. who landdfl on the ball for a double uml a single, and that of Hambachcr, ami thn flf^lng nf Crane and Luysler. of the home lenni. and of Kelley, of the vlslton*.

The locals scoretl their ftrst belch of nina In the second Inning, when they sent Rots and Hayes over the pan. Hoaa started off with a doiiblr to left. Havea went to first on Westlake's wild throw,

Rosa went to third on the same mis- Play. Crane filed to Kelle.r, after which i>onaher singled to centre, scoring R( s» am! Hayes. Tniysler filed to liamhnehcr.Ohl was hit by a pltrhed ball, but was

LUghl napping at first, Westlake to Cox, in the third sesalon the home learn seuredanother pair o f runs. Qastmever '■enchnd first on an error by Courtney, was »u\i'r!- fleed to aacond by Schuman .nnd scored op Miller’s doiihla. Ross got free trans­portation to Ihw initial sack. Mfllrr stole third and scores on a fly lo Armstrong. Crane went oun, on a pop to Swesney. From this time to the finish of lh>' c(»n- teet not a man reached second on either aide. The score;


Courtney. 3h.......A.B.

.. 1Kn


Sweeney, b. p...... .. 4 1) flHatnbacher, 1. f., .. 4 rtDnvis. r. f ............... 3 (1 rtWf'sllake. c ....... 0 0Kellev, 2 b ....,,.. , n Drnx, Jb................. 0 0.VrmftlroTfg, c. f..... 3 i\ 0Hope, p................ a n fl

Total* .............. .. Ji rt

P.O. A.


Providence Wallops the Orioles, 4 to 2, and Creeps Up

Qoser to Sailors.



wtillf N>w«rk w*« Wlf J"e.trrdHj- Pntvl- itenr# pul In > profltnblf day it PKitImor* hnd by th»lr victory ovrr the Orlulu th* ijraye «re now within flv» iwintt o f the da Hon in lh« hittlr for third nine* In tha Baalarn l:*a fu « Toronto and ButTalo both won. the former thuUlnf out Montreal and the latter' wlnnltif from Roclieitar by a nlnth-Innlng flniah.

Rranlta o l V e .terd ay 't G a n e i. SufTala T, HMhfetrr S,

Toronti> £ Afnritrral 0.PrxvidrnoS 4. Bsltimors S.

N atidlng o f the T«am s.w. 1„ pr.l ■ . W .u PC.

TorenHi .....T1 Ittt »J4fl;j4niey City..M W .4T5Buffalo ..... K4 Baltimore ...53 55 .451Nftfrark .....5>l ' 5 .505 Rooheeter ...51 50 .454Pm'Ultire 56 M .5U0l Afontretl ....86 68 .5*6

(iAPiea To-dwp.Nswark SI .Ursey City.

at Baltinurs fS ganrti). Montreal at Toronto (3 ganoea).

Ruffats at Hochester (3 famsf), Ctamea Tw-iuorroWw

Jrrs^y City at Newark.’ Tortmto at llontroal.

RALTIMORK, Aiig. n .-P rovldm os hit Buri’hell Imrd yestarday and Wdn, 4 to t*Tlif froore:

Providence. n.H.E.[ BatUmoia, R.H.S. MrConnell, 2b 1 1 l'O'Hara, If......0lynrd, 3b., Poiaud. rf..., Chadh'ne. If.. Ahstein, Jb... Phelan, c f.... ]>)novan, o... Crswford, as. Crariln, p......

IM Kelley, cf 1* Demmltt, r f . 00 Byers, c .......... 00 —

0 0 Q

Humer, lb......0 0Dunn. ^ ........ 2 1Rurrell, 8h.,,.. h 2Beach, ss....... 0 "Burcholl, p .,., fi 0 •ifefirre . . . . . . . 0 1

Totals ....... 4 11Tutats .........2 8 I

*Ba(tad for Burcbsll In the ninth.Providence............. 0 0 5 1 0 j 1 5 1—4Rftltlmore..............O O O O I D O O 1—2

First has* on balls—Off Cronin 8. off Burchall 2. Struck out—1^ Rurcholl L I.eft on hases^ProvIdence f, Baltimore 7. TltraO'base h|t»Dunn, Two-base hit—Alo- Connell, flacrlflice hita—Crawford. Betjoh. Rtolen bases—McConnell. Demmltt. Chad- hourne. D«juble plays—MrCvnnell and Ab- sieln: Burrhell and Hunter Tim# uf gnme—Two hours, I'mpire—Kelly.

T oron to . %\ M ontreal; 0.Spedftl DMprttcA fu the ETff.VLVfl .V^ITi,

TORONTO, Aug. Sl.-Mltcheirs pitching was too much for Montreal, aithougli Stanley served up a fine assortment, of curves and Toronto wonu 2 0- The vis­itors got .but one safety, that made by Clarke. Montreal fielded In fine atyic. The work of Corcoran tn this respect was & feature. The score:

Toronto. R.H.E.) Montreal. R.H.B. TV'd’fieaul. 2b,l S llNeedham. Jf...O fl 0

OlSnowden, cf...OO' BroW'ii, lb .......5J{ Corcoran, as..fi0 Sheait. 2h....... 5O'Madigan. rf..,.D OlMcTTgen, 5b......0

Sohlafiy. SS....0Crooks, c f ......5Phyle, 3b....... nFlynn, lb ....... 5Carrlgan. c . ...0Welch r f ....... DWotsll, If......]•Mitchell, p__ 0

TTKSfl’ ClarK#. C. OiStanlsj". p.

.. 5 1.0 n


A.P. n, H. PO. A. E. Cattmeyer, 2b .... . . 4 ! fi 4 4 2Rcliuman. p............ 3 o a u i n.visiter, e. 4 1 * 3 5 1Ross, c ....... ........... 8 I 3 2 0Hayee. lb ................ 4 i o lo n o‘Crane, c, f ............. 2 o o z n fiDonaher, 3b............ 8 o i \ ol.uyator, 1. f ........... 8 O « 2 o OOhi. r. f . . . . . ....... 2 0 0 0 0 5

Totals ................... 29 4 * 27 11 3•Schuman out. hit by batted ball.

Newark .............. n o o i i o n o o o—flHllzftbeth ............ 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 *—4

Left on bases—Newark 5, Ettgabeth fi. Two-base hlta-MIller and Rosa. Bast* on balla—Off Hciiuinan 1, off Hope t. Struck out*-By Schuinan 3, by Hope 3, Sacrifice hJts-'Schuman. -Crane. Stolen bases— Miller, 7Iayes. Hit by pitcher—Ohl. Time o f game—One hour and three minutes. Umpires, Sternberg and Henry.

B rooktyut T; PoK avtllef B.f i J i s p t t f c A to the BVEMSO .VLU’S.

BROOKLYN, Aug. 31.—Pilcher Hank Mathowson'n wildness was responsible for PoUsviile'B 7 to 3 defeat at the hands o f: Brooklyn on the locoU' grounds yeaterday ' aftenioon. In the four innings Mathew'son, who is a brother o'* Christy, the New Y'ork Ulahts pitcher, occupied the bfjx for the visitors he gave seven bases on balls and nmde one wild pitch, which, wlili timely blngles ;by the locals, resulted In ■lx tallies. Johnson substltated Mathew-

won after the fourth and twirled good balL but Brooklyn had the game sewed up. The sfiorq;

R H EJirooklvn .......... . . . . . 0 2 « l ( i ( ) 0 1 •—7 7 4PoltHvllle ...... (I 0 1 0 1 0 I, 0 1—3 12 2

UaUerlps-I*vy anil Moling; Mnlhew- Uofi', Johnson and Allen.

B aitow . 4, Rradlnw, 8.Mptiiol DUiiatrA t« lAe EF/J\/.\(7 .VBITS.

RBADINO, An*. 31.—Although oiitbatted •Uv«n bits to Seven, Easion defwled ■aadlog here yeaierday afternoon by the

?Core o f . 4 to 3, The vlsltora bttnehod heir seven liUo In the aecond, fonrtli and Blkth liinlnge, and tallied the fuiir runs,

while Pitcher Terkes, of Easton, kept the home team's eleven hits well senUered, outside o f the sixth aesalon. when Read­ing reglatered two runs. The score:

R.H.K.Kaston .....................0 3 0 1 0 1 d a «—4 7 1fa d in g ................... 000 (1 0 3 0 0 (h-S 11 1

R&Uei'ies—Terkes and Therre; Britton and Hnriinan. .

A llen tow n , a, Tnm aqan, 1,Ilpec4a4 ZNspofrA to ffte dTRV/.V(.'

AIiLENTOWX, Aug. 81—By bunching hits off Pitcher Brown, of Tamaqua. in th% third, fourth and fifth Innings, Allen- town managed to win from Tamaqi|a here yesterday afiernoem, the score being X to 1. Brown allowed Allentown only four hits, two of them being for three hasas each, but the locals made their t o f l e s count, 8Ia hits were made 4>y Tamaqua off Lewis, the local pitcher. The score:

R H K!eAllentown ...........0 0 111 0 0 0 * - 3 4 1f a ^ U A ............ ... 8 3

Battertea—Lewis and Lapp: Brown and lUtohell.



- Qloae i<iglit o * fo r F irst P la ce B e- ' tw eea B raaklpn, R c a d ln c

an d A lleatow a.d-WUh tmly one more week left o f thu AllMBtle League pennant race, there Is a tbres<orBtiad light ou' for the champion­ship between Brooklyn, Heading and JU» lenMwn. Hrooltlyn, which- is leading, has h' twefity-pplnt Advantage over Reedlux, the second teem, and bids fait* to laud the flag, and 'Reading is likely to finish second, thoogh i t . is only nine points sliead o f Allentown, Newark will hardly be able-to finish higher than fourth, tuid'

it will even have a hard fight to hold tliav ilsce, as the Eltimheth t«m\, which ImJ- ieen grently strengthened, is playing fust

ball, and is now wtthtn nineteen points o f th" locals. The question of supremacy be­tween Newark and Elhahetli will vt<7 likely be (tedded this afternoon, when the teams meet In u double-header at Ellzn-

- bath. Tl)c league season will dose h ■ week from to-morrow.

: Newark. triU meet Easton on the local - grounds to-morrow afternoon. On Mon-

% y morning the Newarks will play an •xhIblUon game with the Bt. John's team of Jersey City, at I lie latter place, int the afterhooiT. o f Labor Day Newark will

Totals ....... 1 S a( Totals .........4 1 •Toronlo ............... 0 I) 0 0 0 0 0 2 •—3Montreal ............. 0 0 ft 0 0 6 0 1) 0—4)

Three-base hit—Bclilafly, Two-base hits —Wetdensaul, Wotell. Bncrlfice hit— Stanley. Htulen baae—Woleli. Struck out -B y Mitchell S. by Stanley 2. First base on balls—Off yilohell B. off Stanley *. Lefi on bases—Toronto 4, Montreal t. Time—One hour and forty-five minutes. Umpire—Mr. u'nnway,

Bnltaln. Ti H ochester, 9.gpwKol ninitnich to toe gPE.V/Vfj .VBW8.

ROCHESTER, Aug 31,-Wlth the score a tie Buffalo tallied five runs In the ninth Inning and wun the game here yes­terday. 7 ti 3. The spore:

Rochcsler. H.II.E.Bannon, c f... 1 1 3 Hayden, If... a 0 1Clancy, lb__ 1 1 flSundhelin, ae. 0 1 4 Flanagan, rf . 0 n a Malay, 2b.,,. 0 0 0 ItonnoT, 3b... 0 0 OlMcAillster, o.. 0Doran, c ........0 n 11 Hill, 31)............. 0Pappalau, p . 0 ti 0]Milligan, p ... 0

Buffalo. R.H.B. NaUress. as... I 3 0 Uettman. c f .. 0 1 0tVhlte, If........1 1 0Murray, r f , ... 1 8 0Ryan, 2b....... 1 3 0McConnell, lb. 1 3 0

I 0

R‘ ’

S '


Defeats Westfall in Spirited Match in East Jersey C ^m -

pionship Tourney.




Noted Array of Athletes Enter­ed for National Champipn-

shi[s at Jamestown.


Totals ........2 I 5| Total! ...........7 Ifl IRochMter ..............0 O 0 0 0 0 2 0 0—2Buffalo .................. 1 0 0 0 0 6 C 1 5-7

Thre#-bn#e hit—Murray. Saciiflc# bit#— Naltro&.<i. McConnell. Stolen baBc#—Ban- iion. White. First base or balla—Off MiUt^an off Pappalau 2. Struck out— By Milligan 12. Pappalau u, Ti#ft on

Rocliester 3. Buffalo 1 . Wild pilch—Pappalau. Umpirefl—Sullivan and CujMick. Tim#—Two hours. Attendance— l.Lii.

Hnaebnll Bit*.Newark ^wlll clash with Jersey City tlili

iflernoon at \V#5t Side Park. Jersey City* and the teams will raepl lo-inovrow after­noon In this city In the final contest of ihi: season between these cluha. Should the {bailors take the two games they will l^buk even with the Skeeter*. To data Jersey' City has the advantage, having won ten games A# agiUnsi *>lght for New­ark. On Monday the' toeuts will go to Providence for a Labor Day^ouble-head- br nnd will then tight It Vul with the Grays for third place In the league stand- liiR. Jeraev City will also be away from home Monday, playing two games at Bal- Umorp. O

Manager Burnham has ns yet failed to Indue# Shortstop Havel, secured from the Newark. O., team to report to the Sail­ors. According to th# Newark manager Havel accepted terms with the local club, and Wfia to have reported at Toronto, but luMlead he has been playing this week with the Youngstown team of the Ohio and Pent sylvania League.oAfter the I.abor Day gam»» between Newark and Providence at the latter city, there will probably be a double-header there Tuesday, and then the teame will retuni to this city to play out the balance of the week here. There la aleo likely to be a double-header on one of tha dayi here. With nine gamee In a row, th* bat­tle for third place In the leMue race be­tween the. Sailora and the (Trays should 000)0 pretty near being decided.O

Pitcher Sparks, of the Philadelphia Na­tionals. won hlfl eeventh straight rim a yesterday, defeating Brooklyn, t to 1

The SI, T.pula Natiunals won from the iVUmhigton Trl-State team at Wilmington jesterday, ilie score being 1 to 0.O

Fop Foster's Lancaster team defeated Williamsport, the Trl-atate League lead­ers, at Lancaster yeaterday, 4 to 3 and 1 to B, Foster, who Is playing left field, te- cured three lilts In the flrat game and one In the second. O

Thomas Baftejy, an ontflelder o f the South Atlantic League, has been pur­chased by tha Providence Kastern League Club, OAta. a shortitop, and Mauel. a pitcher of the Now Orleane team of the Southern 1/cague, have been signed by Manager Comiskey. o f the Ciiloago White So*.

RATKHfAI LEAGUER esolta nt TaetertiBy'a Gamoa,

Pltishurg 2, Chleago 1 (1st game).Chicago 6, Pittsburg 0 (3(1 gsme),

Beaton 3 New Tock 1,PUiadetphto 4, Braoklyn *.

S taadln^ o f th e Teaaia.W .L,'.^1 ' W.L, PC.

CMeapro ,8S »3 ,7I»IBrmjfclya ,.,.St « .458 New Tor(f..«7 40 -Mfl CtaelBoatl ..60 68 .424Pttlsburg ,,88 40 ,6811 Boston .........4* 78 .671Phlla...........84 50-.Bg^8t l«ils.....|6 86 .29S

AHERi a N LEAGUEReaalta o f Y ealrrtlay ’ s O w e * ,

Pblladetphls 8, New Tork 3.Boatou 4. Wsahinglos I.

StaadlaB o f the T cana., W.L..PC.I

Detroit ,,...IV44 .ail|N*w Toric.Phil*. .,>....88 4« .6<8|Boston ........ 62 «8 .483Chlcsgo ...,7U 4« .tan fit. Louis...'..47 <7 .412 Clevslsnd ..88 49 .6611 Washington. M 78 .3IH

W.L, PC,k.„64 41 .470

JeCerean A. A. ws. R oy a l gtara.At Hilbert's Oval, South ajid Pacific

streets, Monday afternoon, the Jefferson A. A. will piny the Hoyel stars, a fa*t

■0. ;ro Brooklyn for two chajnpionshiti yoinredteiim o f Eilxabeth.^ «aii fno IsveBln vik in iTifiAiam #/.i* * ___games, filieti the l<Ka1a gu In Rastim for a series, and will come buck home for -i postponed .game wtlli Rendlnit, and. will wintl up here .nekt fiunday withup here .next fiunday with a giur.t with either Brooklyn or Atleniowh.' min abeth will have to Reading, which wilt ie Uqd fqiirlh pinu

a gamer AilwiKrwh.' E lil­illy Rrnoklyn un i iiably help Newark

n n « Dausea 1* Be Playnl by R»B**illeThe Rogdrlfi* A. C. will have the All-

Star A. C. as Its opponaiit at the RoMtrllle • - Oval, Jfirgt street and Sussex avenue, lo-

morrow aftarnodil. Monday marnhig tha Rosayilles and the Cbathsm, (earn of the

. IsuKawonna League wtH tneet at the orange Oval, while at the Roseville Oval Monday aftecnoOH, the Roseville and the Franklin A. G. wtH (wme tsnther. The

fe contast between the Roaerllles and Chat* -■ h a m should prove an InierostiiiK one. a*

notmteaaa nrc shout aveflly matched and . .™w*. twen putting up n fast article of

- ' - fB t *8^- ec.iBni Jtog|Bwald apd Lewla

'. -i •

BIG 6AHES TO-MORROW.SoiTlh Oraftfie A. C. va. ValjHbtjrffb Stan,

Tajiov rroHtt^a, South Oran Nattonnl Turner#. V*. fit'. B«n6dlct B.

B. t\. Ww» EHd# OvaU Wanblngtofi A. A. t 6; Elm F. r ., ‘Wriftit

itreet irroiindXvOrafjf# Vall«y A* C v». Sponer F. C*»

At Orar.f# Vell'iys ■ A. Cs VI. AILBtftr A.#tn»#r Ami Siiswx «v#nu#•' -iTonaW# A, C\ Bay Vi^w \Vhe#lna«n B. fi. C.s w##i Ovir, mornlnt-

B- B. C. V*, N#work Colnr«Hl GImuUs iThomai #nd .Dawson strMi ffrpunift:

v#. A g A.,Ttom ai fliSr^ Dtwion itr^et frourMit, rnornia^. , ‘ ’

C ' vte witool nil'll\ B. a Cij w a k w o v in v r iio iia

NORFOTiK. Va„ A uf. 8(L—Th# freatoit iraek and held me#t In lh« hlilorr o f the Amat«ur At|il#tlc T'nion will be held at ih# Jameaiown Ter'Cenieimlal Beptember i end 7.

Thii meet will b# known aa the national champlonahipf. and la op#n to all amateur athletee in food atondlng. Cluba from all pnrt# of th# I'liMpd States and Canada ha 'f' team# enl#r#d. wbll# a number of unattached men have sent In their nameae The New York A. C., the TrJih-AmerlcanA. C., Ui# Paatim# A. C - Montreal A. O.g Boaton A. A-, Young Mrn'a Gymnaalum Club o f LFOuIslnsia, CnlcHgo A. A., Hart* ford Y. M. C. A-s C. V. M. ArohdloacBon Union, PlilladelphlH. Fa.; Unlverelty of Oregon, MuUononmh A. C;* Oregon; Olympic Club. California: Lincoln Y. il. O. A.. Nebraska; Ohio Stale Univerully* Lawrence Y. M. C. A.. MaaaachiiaettR; Norfolk Y. M. C. A . Virginia; Oeorge Washington Unlveraity, VVitehlngton, I). C .; Pittsburg Lyceum. r^enaaylvHnla: Gurley A. T.. District of Columbia; L'nl- varsity of Pennaylvnnla, WofUum Unlvor* ■Ity o f Pennsylvania, Maryland Swim­ming Club, Maryland.

Eastern men are rl/Hnilng that tlmr# will be nothing but the tWo New York clube, the I. A, A. C. and N, Y. A. C., In the running, but Iho Wcetern imui are putting their faith In the Pacific coast boys. There are s#vcrul IndlvldiiHl entries that are likely to upset some ralculntlons, while th# Cherry Clrci# boys of Chicago and th# Montreal A. C- may flgur# in the running.

Kach event pfqmlaes to be a great one. Never before fn the hl-stury of aporia has a like number o f speedy men toed the mark together as tiier# will b# In the different events at the exposition on the second and last day of the* meet,

S h o« l4 Br M Cireat Race*From preaont Indicailnns Hi# onp-inll#

national ehamplonahlp this season will produce a more eensationai struggle than ever before enthralled the great sport- Itig oJans o f th® world. Never in the his* tory o f the sport has there been so Meet a held of dlstancR fllrrn to fact a startu' aa that which will break away from th# barrier on fleptemlver 7.

Among iho renowned athletes who will await the crack of the pistol that will send them away are a number o f men who have records belter than 125, one who has turned th# eight furlongs In 4-20 3-5, and two each o f wliom have broken the tape tn a shade slower than 4.23. There have bwsn several who have traveled a mile In shorter time than any o f the al>ove meruloned, but never was there such an army of fast uilmi to to# the mark together.

There will be a number of good men In this race, but the fliers from among whom will emerge a champion are James Biiillvan, Harry Cohn, Dav# Munson, Mel­vin W. Bheppard. of the Irish-Aiaertcan Athletic Club: Fred Rodgers. Frank Neb- rlch and Guy.Haaklny, of the New York Athletic Club; Jsmes L1ghtbod>', of the Chicago A. A.: Andrew Olarner and J. R. KtHley, o f the ymplc Club, San Fron- cloco; W, G. Hay and James Lambic, of th6 Montreal A. C-i H- L. Coe and J. tt'. Mshoney, of the LnlversUy of Michigan, and W. Minot, of Harvard VnU verelty.

It is hard picking to select a winner from such a number of crack men. Has­kins has the best record of the sixteen, winning th# liitercolteRlale championship on June 2, under the V. of P. colors, lii the great ilm# c f 4 minutes 3-5 secOQdtc,

Tn Ui# lOU-yard dash will be such speedy men as Kelley, o f th® University of Ore­gon, who holds the wurld''s record of G 3-4 seconds; C. T,*. Par»ons, of th# Olympic Club of Bftii FfanciHco. with a record of 9 4-5 seconds. Parson# Is known us the consistent perftjrmer, he having run the 100 three times In one day. and each time covered the century In 9 4-5 aeconds. 'l‘o many the race Is between Kelley and Parsoiu^. but the Eastern men will not give up without a stnigglr. Such men a# Charley Belt* and W. J, Keallng. of th# N. Y. A. C(, and Dennis Murray, of Ire­land, known as th® "Trlsh Filer," never Bay die, and the winner will bave to travel In record time.

Good Men In the SSH>.The 225 will furnlah just os slrong a

field as the iw. There will be tweniv starters In r '# event and, like th# iwi, Kelley, with i # record of 21 1-6 seconds. Is looked to to '■ t the pace all through and flniah In from, though in Parsons, Bells and Kenttng h# will have opponent# of more than usual ability. All these men have record# of 221-S or better.

Tha 445 wdll furnish excitement and suf- prlsea, for In this event the duaky fUer from the Unlveralty of Pennsjivenia. J.B. Taylor, with a mark of 49 1-* secondb, la entered, and against him are pitted Paul Pllgrijh. of the N. T. A. C.. winner rtf the 4iW-meter run, Olympic game# of 19W. In the fast time o f 681-n seconds: H, L. nillman, of th# N. T. A. r .. with a record o f 52 flat, and E. B. Parsons, o f tha N. T. A. ‘C.. w'ho has traveled a quartet In leas than 58.

The four-lap track at Jamestown Is ex* ceptlonaliy fast and lovers of the short distances look for new mark#.

Beventeen men will face the barrier iti the half-mile and at the crack of the plato] will bound away over the light cinder track and will Htraln every mnsrlc for new record*. The holder of th# record for this distance, M. W. Sheppard, last year set a new mark In the remarkably fast time of 1 minute 65 seconds, and he will nm against fh« Intercollwlate champion. E. R. Parsons, formerly orYMle. now a member of the N, T. A. C, and G. I^dolla, Olympic A. C. The latter will be accompanied Kaat by a number of sporting men from th« coast, who state that there wd* be noth* Ing to the halt mile but Padolia. While the above m^n have been mentioned as the real leaden, the others must not be lost Bight of. for there are some who hava traveled the distance In leas than two minuted.

B fg F ie ld Ib P lT e-m lle CventsAn unusiMlly lAtge number of starters

will to# the mark for the dve-mUe event. There are asverat sterling athletes who have mad® records for this distance, who will be among the twenty entries. The present flve>mtler who has the best record Ts George Bonhag, o f the Irlsh-Amerlcan Athletic Club, wno covered the ftve miles In the fast time o f ihinutes 12-5 seconds, at the indoor championship meet hetd in Madison Squaro Garden lo^ No­vember. Billy Nelson, of the Pastime A.C. . Is a contender for the title of king. Ncl#on covered the distanoe In lA mtndtvs 22 seconds. Frankie Nehrlcli, o f the N. Y. A. C.; J. Jv fialy, L A. A. C„ and Jimmy LamWe, o f the Montreal A, C*, are good men- It is figured that the stay- era will he Bonhag ftnd Neifon, with the favor. If any. going to the former, but there arc several others to be counted. The gonial Iriahtnan Daly le a danger­ous man and will be in the race from start to finish- The betting fraternity will have plenty o f opportunities of diaptsyJng their nerve, for In this event no btt Is a sure 'on#-The nole vault for height I# booked for furnishing a closa contest- Never in, the history or ibis class of athU te® have there been so many men with about the sarne marks entered In or»e contest, John Bred- emus. Bouth Bend. Ind,; T* Moore. N. T. A. C.7 B. T. Cook. I. A. A. C.; fi. H a « f d and E. CrGl'ive, of the Chtcsgo A. C.. and Lsnmigan. Olympic Club. Cal., have Tnarks better than U. In I-taniis* gan and Haggard, the sporting clans may pises tliair .confidanee ind safety lay their wagers oo them. Both these men hav® don® , better then IS feet, Ioanna- gan has the bar st ll4 , and frontall reports he Is dobig even better in prac- thM Mfio^ haa done 11 feet 7 inches, ami

feet * inohes. whit® th# other

^ 5} 4 "

V- W-. V ■ . ■

C o t i Ti^

C fio -p u ti-e p tc .

haj! a record of U feet lucb. Murahall la counted as luiving a show, but it I# doubt* ful If he can come up to the standurd of two ytara ago. Other dftbgerous men are ( ’on Leary, of Ireland, with a record of G feet % inch, wnd B- Cotter, 1. A, A- C.; Herbert A. GIdney. Boston A. A., and J. T. Mahoney, all who have gone up to a shads lose inan 6 f*;et. There are sfjverKi other# who are doing w ell in praetlar. but whether they can ptund th# strfiJn or not will not b# known until the Jump come# off.

The running broad Jump will bring out fh# pi'esent American chaniploiir Meyer J'rinstwin, and a field o f eighteen long juinpeiK. If Piinateln lisa any of hl.*i old form he ought to win this event, biit he win have (o do better thnn 23 feet 9 InvIiCR, mud# at Montreal lost September, a# Lar* Kelley, thn long boy from Oregon, stretched himself out to 23 feet U’ t Inch## last fall, and Ed Cook. I, A. A. C.. covered the soft earth to the extent of 26 feet 5 Inches. To do twenly-four is more than FrlnRtein'a friend# can hop# for, a# he did that but once and the nearest he came to It einc# was at (Olympic game# taet year when he Jumped 23 feet 9 inches. Herbert Cheek, Olympic club. Is the best ou the Southern Faciflc roast and la a gum# roungwter. Dennis Murray, of Ire- In ud, will give a good account o f himself. Tlfurraji I# a eterilng athlete of the *>Jd Emerald Inle. and 1# noted for alv/aya being In excellent condition. Luckemann, o f til# Montreal A. C., and F. J. Clifford, o f Philudeiohlas are good roen.

The flfty-six-pound weight-throwing con­test will bring out all the weight men In . Ihe country. Never before In th# history of the sport ha# there been such a nuN*- ber of good mon handling weighty in one event. The great John J. Flanugun, champion of the world; the old king of weight throwers. James S. Mitciiell; Mati McGrath, Marveioua Mutt, us he I# gen­erally culled by bis friends; Dick Sheldiui, Lh# bulldog from old Eli; Maryland’s idol, Tom Barrett, and th# fntlt of the Paelflc coaat, California’s pride, Flaw and Knsi;, are th# principal entries All ye betlin^ men ult up and take notice, did vou evt r have such a goodly crowd to pick a win* ner from? .Vo. He will Indeed be>a wiz­ard who selects th# hoiu>r bearer in this event. Flanugnn holds (he record, with a ttirow of 36-9; Miioliell .has thrown the weight 8ii-6; Slieldon lias done better than 30, as have Plnw and Hoae. Th# record may not be broken, bui a great many aro of the npinion thnl Flanagan will have to equal his record to win, while some say he will be deihronefi a® monarcli of w eight men,

l.ofpk: foe a IMeyr Chatoplon,The sixteen-pound hammer event will

bring out nine I'onlestunts, and the sport­ing world Is looking for a new obaniplon o f this spoil In the person of Marvelou'* Matt McGrath, o f the N- Y. A. It n elatjned FlaDagau has reached the limit, and tluit H new man will aupplement him. and the reason the SlicriocK Holmes of the athletic world have picked McGrath U because he ha.< . Ip practise, hurled Iha hammer 174 feet 5 inches. True it Is but nineteen inchce beyond Flanagan’s mark, but McGrath is younger, larger and hai 4 longer reach, enough to mag# him favor­ite. II Is figured that these two mon will fight It out for first and second, and big Ralph Rose and A. D. Flaw, of California, for third, although Tom Barrett of Baltt- niore. and Dennis H or^ n , o f New York, will put Up a stiff fight for a place.

The Bhotput will have a champion and two cx-champlons of this class ayumg the twelve contestants. A. W. of Bos-ton A. A., who holds the prejmnt world's record. 4D feet G inrlies; ex-Champlon Ralph Rose, of the Olympic chib, with n put of 4R feet 7 inches, and the old tntcr- colleguue champion. Dick Sheldon, of Yale, w ith a. mark of 4$ feet 4 ln<-hcH.

In addition to the above-named hv'o there arc M. J. Sheridan, iill-arouml


Best Two-year-olds of Season Will Race This Afternoon

at Sheepshad Bay.


champion, with a put o f 43 feet; and Dennla Iforgan, with 47}4' feet. Reports from the roast say that Roe# Is In aplcU'

NEW YORK. Aug. tt.-F or the twen­tieth running of the rlaaeio Futurity at Bheepahead Day thta afternoon but eigrit horses am ntim#d tu face the eiarter—ih# amall#at Held In tti# history of the race, th© recognised blue ribbon event of the American turf. It cannot be said, how­ever, that thee# two-year-olds ar# nut nf the caliber to make the race an Interest­ing one from fh# harrier to th# wire of Iti# six furlonga course.

Th# CtfnepictiouB fnvorll# 1b Uie entry of Jaitiea li. Keene, Colin, the undefeated ■on of Commando-Pastoreiia. and Reo- tigouvhe. ■Another son of the great Com- niando. but iL ir with the former that Mr Keen# expects (o win the raca* al­though he would not b# usurprlaed to e .e ];Ih "Kvcniid" colors oUjhm behind th# whilu witirTjIue polka dots of Colin when .the end of th# journey is reached.

Frank FftiTeil'B Jlui Gaffney, which will carry 180 poumlH, i»ncedlng five p<f1nla 10 CoHu. la thfi second cholc# of th# publu., and the gameness h# has shown In hie recent races st Baratuga tnakes him nu moan contenUer. bvaui.'oup, from ihe stable o f R. T. Wilson Jr., which once ran (!olin to a h«ad on a hvavy track, huK been esporiully pulitted fur lii# race, atid with 119 pounds on hlii back Ib ex­pected lu give a gtwl ttceomit of hltnuelf. August Belmont will start l-’olr riay. a roU of great apeed and stamina and one that easily can handle hln allotment of weight. I'h# fast but errati# Ohapultepoc, owned by Fred Burlaw, In hie preparatory workoulH litti shown remarkable spaed, according to reports, as has alao Rnr None. Harry Payno Whitney's entiy. Both th#8« colU hav# tho minimum weight of rfie entraplB—IIT pounds. Jatnea K, Madden plarea hi# hopes In the high- ciaes and speedy Meetlrk.

There ar« many other two-year-oldt thm are eligible (o start, und some of them niay be ndded to the field at the Inat moment. EBpecInlly Is thla probable In Die event o f a rainfall o f •ufflcient amount to nmk# the track heavy. The 'ndlr-Ulons are that beautiful weather and a fast track will greet the runners aa they llna up at th# barrier for tha start. Following are tha entries, weights and probable Joakeya:Jim Gaffnay......... iSQ.......... Knapp.•Colin ...... 1£5........... Miller.•ReBtigouoh# ......12^........... Notter.Meelfck ............... llfl..........Radtke.Bcauooup ............ild .......Dugan.Fair PUy.............11>.......... Garner.Bar Nona...**.,...117..........J, Martin.ChapuUepeo .......117 ........F inn .•Coupled a* Keene entry.


dW form and is sett Ing the shot out bet­ter than ever. In an exhibition he re- eently put the twelve-pound mlsalle sev­eral Inehes beyond the record. Coe told Lee Talbott that he heard Rose was in fine fettle and was coming East for the ^national champlonahIpH. ‘"That means I have my work cut out for me," said Coe, "Rose has the advantase o f height,’'reach aud weight on me. He Is a darigermig roan,” ft would not be aurprlslng to see hist score a victory over the present champion. Horgan and Krueger are show­ing a reversal o f form and are rapidly rounding Into shape and will be danger­ous contenders. Martin Bherldan Is fig­ured by many to nose out Horgan and Kruegnr os he Is good for forty-four feet, but the writer ha* seen the Wing Flat nnd Mercury Foot athletes lb action and doubts the mighty Martin’* ability to do 80. '

W eig h t B reata Usird to Plotc.All weight men In the country are en­

tered In The discus, both free and Greek style. While the battle for supremacy im

H all L lltely W la a er . ’The .runainf high -Jump will bring

elghtaeu --ABiiiftten,!* together, nine ot thsut bavdmf ciegred t 4 » t » r at A feet » inchea one at It f s a lU Inches, three at S feet 11 lijch*, two a t A feet ’i inch, sht! one man'Who ha# dane tdaet Jiy Inches.

Channlng- Hall, o f ,th*. plvroplc club, will be me wleated ot»*. he having a record o f 6 teet-a^.lBfilMWnad* this year. Hall has ronde tbe.toalM averal limes In pnictlM and risvar ta in S t Mas than six W J. W. M arihalC w ialM itiM Jun»ar,

the free style la ooneeded tv experts to lie between Bhertdaa stid Rose, th# flow- era o f the Atlantic and Pacific coaatA It la. hard to pick a winner la the O m k dtyte. There are eighteen men entered tn this event, all good lit the free style, but unknown in the Greek, Wesley Coe, the premier shot-putter, and Martin Sher­idan, ihe honor man tn the American

of discus throwing, would, cm form, be picked to fight It o.rt, but when auch powerful men aa Matt McGrath, A. D. Ptew. Ralpli Rose, WHliam Kinieger, James S. Mitchell and Donuts Horgan are campctlfors In an event that Is new to .all. as the Greek style o f throwing the dis­cus is, it is dlfficiUt to select a winner, and on September T the dopesters will awaken and realise that to pick a win­ner out of the eighteen men entered In this event I* like buying lottery tickets, for every one Is a winner untH he 1* beaten.

The hurdles will brhi# out an array af truck timber icppers. In t l« lai ti.e tilu from the Pacific coast arc figured on hit­ting the tape fint. Srhlthson, o f the MuTtonomah A. C., Oregon. Ia#i Jiil.v equalled the record o f 151-5 seronds, while Powell and Oheek, of the oi.rtajHc club, Calltornla, bave finished In 15 1-5 sacoiids, 'rh* only roan from the East figured as having s chance Is W. R. McCijUaC}t, iit the N. T. A. C„ whoso best performat'cc Is IS 4-6-i*conds. 'Clhrck 1* In ihe heat olcondition and it he doesn't go stale he- tween now and the dny nf the wiU he a safe bet.

he meet, heTi.e * » has praclleally the same entries

as the 1»- in »hl# foulest experts have picked Harry Hillman. N. Y- A. C„* end A. Poweli, Olympic club, to fight It o.u for first place, but In Bller. of the I. a .A. C.. flmithers, Multonomah A. liSrv Iwrt Cheek, o f the Olympic elub, and A.B. Shaw, of Chicago A, A., tbar trilltiavs dangeroua man wko trs cijgMda o f rowing out a rlctorr. - - ...

C lark A. A. and the B ollrw n n d lea RIeTea W ill Claah at least

Newark.The form81 opening o f the soccer foot­

ball season will take place Monday after­noon at Enst Newark, when an Interstate match will be played between the Clark A. A.. American cup tie champions, and the Hollywood Inn eleven, o f Yonkers, which claims the championship of New York Slate.

Several new men will be seen In Ihe Clark team's line-up, aa some of the Weak spots have been strengthened by the addition o f crack players.


M ike O ra l Finish in Final Stage and Capture the Na­

tional T am Match.


apfoioi Dimtrh to fA# BfSN iy^ sayvB, CAMP PERRY. PORT CLINTON. O..

Autf. 3)--Th* t ’nJied fltateg Navy rntJ# a gnwf flnlBb In th# 1,000-yird stiifB of tb# nattonal team matrtv, fintsh#i!l h*r# yesterday, under the auspices o f thi NatlObSl Board for th# Promotion of Rifle Practine snd thereby won thu team cluimplonahlp with a total of 8,421 pointp. Th# Blue Jacket# wound up with ■ toul o f 4S4 points In th# final fltaa# and beat out Jda#- aachueetti three points on the ffate. Tho Bay Binte tesui. which got ■econd priae. reslfrlerrd a total of 8.418. Ohio was third wiib 8.M8. New Jer#cy failed to do bcllnr than tenth with 8,.'llT.

F ork s victory th# navy wilt receive the national Uuphv authorised by Confre^ end 8300. Ma#bRchuvi#ttp gets the Hilton trophy and |20i9, while Ohio receives the '"Rroria# Boldler of Marathon" and, SllDiL Fourth money, liOO, went to th# Unltrti States Cavalry, which eenred dfUi, 875. to Washington, wUh 3..I61; slajh. |60. to the Naval Academy. Pennsylvania rtr fshod seventh with 3,146. while the United States Infantry, which won lost year, was eighth In rattk. with 3.318. New York cam# ninth with 8 .124.

The nnieh between the navy and Masea- chutetu was the moat ijit«r#stln« feature of the tournament. Masaoebusetta ma^h- talnad her lead of five pointe from Thuri< day until an hour bofoi'e the end, when she loat one. The four vanished whoa Jeftrlea. last MneBaohuBetts man to shoot, bffan with a mias and repented It. The Maaaachiiastla team enterlBdn«d tha navy last nlffhl. tha Hawallaiis fumlahlnf mus...

The Ohloen* failed to regain any o* the ground they lest Thursday in iFia mid­range*. Nsw Jersey closed up all but five o f tlis 3T point lead New York had over her Thursday, oiitshoathig Colonel Thurston's cracks on the I.OOO-yard targets by ii points. Captain T«wv<s 48 was high tor Nen' Jersey niid six higher than any New Yorker got. The New Jersey teani left last evening for Sea Girt direct.

Records went to smash this year, the scores ranging from 173 to 350 above those of last year. All ten leader* distanced the infsiilry'e winning store In ISos; the navy by 170; New York by twenty-eight; New .lerspy by five: New York scored 160 more theo IsKt year, blit got ninth tnslcuii of fourth place.

The foriy-elght national match con­testants finished In the following order:

Toliil.I - r . S. Nevy....................................... Jin3—Massacbusells................................... 34H3 - ohio............................................... teas4 - Cava Iit ................................................ W85 - Washlngton.................. dSii*—T*. g. Navsl .kcsfieniy..........................;-34T7— Pentisylvanle.... 33W8 - InfantrV...................................IWS-New Tork............................................ *1.'2

10- New Jersey.......................................... 3317II- iMliinesolA........................................... 3316lli—Illinois....... ................... .....................13— Wlsconain.............................. SiH14— ! ’ , S. Marine Corns., .......... ’jls415— Dtiirlct of Cohimbta...ih—Michigan...................... .17—Oivgoii...................................IS—Maryland..............................19—Georgio.................................39—Ntw lialTipshlrf..................31—Iniwi................ »o233— Cohnecticut.................. :9iiW31—Colorado..................... 3ire24-Cellfonila............................................ 3itUa-51ontan*............................................... 3M82IS~Ma!iie ....... r . . . ........................ ; ..........todLT-Plorida.................................................28—Knnsas............................................ ■... '.7'"'i31—Inillnna................................................ t»W.10- Texas.................................................... W-i31-Mlssourl............................................... -' '.4eS-Okl«lioinn............................................ 2T7iiSS-Kvntticky............................................ 2WI34— Hawaii....... ............................ 211188i—Wyoming...................................... 2.d4,18-West Virginia.................................... ;'(!7B37 -N cw Mexleu..................................... 2.17938— Arisons................................... 2.1W39- Mississippl............................. 24H40- Himth Carolina...................... 'ahU41- Nobraaka............................... 2Sn842— Alahams................................ 2;i'i|43— Terinrsse... ............................ 220844- Norlh Dakota.... ; ................ 2“5.i45— toruifttona...................... ..................... 2D348-Vermonl............................................... 2>0847—North Carolina.................................. ‘.voi88—Virginia............................................... Ik#

The a..oreuf the navy teams on tne t.OW- ysrd singe Is as followsiLia'ittenaiit Laudenberger......................... 31Lieutenoni Williams.................................. 45Ensign Do noli.............. HMIdsnIpmim Doherly................................ 12Midshipman W oodward-...--.................... i9iMIdehIpmari Lewla...................................... :3Midshipman Oshurn................................... 14JTi-spItat Steward Rprout.......................... .19Seaman Cline................................................ 57Chaplain B. .M. Fngham........................... 2Coxswain Elgennian ...................................25Chaplain O. M. King................................. 28

Ei-IY-ABETH, Aug. 31.—Fav irilci cam* through with fiylng colora yesterday in the matches o f the meii’a slnglss far th* Boat Jersey thalieiige cup B5 the annual lourna> mailt under way at the Town and Country efitib. Three o f the aeint-fiiiai hracfcma were fiilrd end everylliing will be cleaMd up l hla ofternoon with the exception Of the finals which will take place Monday.

\Mlllam B, Cragln Jr., tha ednner o f tha chunmlonshlp singles In th* East Jerity clostaf lournanient earlier In th* seaoon. earned s brlUtuut victory over Herbert 3* yyestiall. tbu clever young Kings Couatv player, who wa* on* of in* final eight In the netipnal tourney, l.'rsgln employed a aeries of cross-court shots and Msy lob* to check the hard smashing drivss of young Wesilali, and did It so success­fully that he took th* victory in etraigkt sets, though the contset wss close. 'Tb* scores were 8-8. 6 -i. Cl agin will no* tneet th* winner of ths lAon S. Freeman and C. C, Ksiley mstoh In the eeml-noals.

Frank B. Hague, ef the Montclslr A, C , and Edwin p, Uirnrd, of Hummit, a b rou - er of Natlonnl Chan-nlon A-Lamad, won good maichs* and they win. msst this afternoon In the upper half o f the semi-final*, HHgue loch Calhoun Cm- gin, the Tsteran indoor player. Into oanp In three seta, The Montclair expert re­ported to a chopping feme, srlnnlng fi-l. 7-8.8-2. lATned plavad under tb* waMb- ful lye of hi* brother, who was a sp«oU-tor, and hs dtanosed of E. I . QanwfWi In brilliant stylt, 8—4, ‘ ‘ putting up th* best _ he Is figured on asbrilliant alyl*. *-4 , »-0. Young LArned la

up the best game of hla oaresr and strong factor tn

Two Games o* Card (c r Newark A. A.Th* Newark A. A. and the Crescent

A. A. will clash In the first game o f a series on the former's grounds, Thomas and Dawson streets, to-morrow mom Ing, A large side bet hangs on the oiitcome of the series and both teams will have out their regular players with the hopes of capturing the game. Pender will be in the box for the Newarks. while (Cav­anaugh will be at the receiving end. (Jn the same ground* H on d^ afternoon the Ntwiirk* will meet tlie Eaaex B. B, C-, which team ba* been putting np a fast article o f ball this seaaon.

M natcla lr A- A-*s Opponent*.The Montelftlr A. A. will have the Inet-

Senl B. H, C. o f New York as Its oppo­nent on the North Park and Dodd street grounds, East Orange, this afternoon, and on the same grounds bfonday afternoon the itoniclalr* and Monterey A. C. o f PHtsaie will come logetlier. Both the Iiier-Seal and Monterey* have good rec­ords this season, and will likely prove worthy opponents for the Montclslr ag­gregation- Tha baiteiies will be Reuves cud Teed for tim Montclnlrs In both games. Hnll and Lynns for the Iner-Reul* and Lynch and Can' for the Monterey*.----------- -— p _ _ —----------

l.lew e lly h s to P lay T w * Gnioee,On the Franklin kvenue ground^ Btootn-

fleld. to-tiiorrow afterhoon; the Llewellyn A. <1- of Bloomfield will tneet the IVood- alde A. C. o f this city in ths deciding game, o f a series. The Llewellyn* will vltit Taldwell Mend*!' afternoon and qross bat* with the Caldwell A. C. Grobe, Havens and Waddeck will do the pUcJdng tor the Uewollynt, while Davis and Vesterman »'1U operate behind the hot.

\:,r. ---------—-— *■ C aledoiilan C lab to Attend B eceptlon

■tliie member* o f Hie Newark Caledqnbiti Club will attend a, reception to be given .by the New York.CaledoBigit Club A iiill- Ixry at the [attir't diibltauae, kffi-^ventb avenue. Manhattan, to-nlgbi. Chief John l-cng will hepd the local delegation, which win leave the D-, L. A W. Matlcn at 8 * n'clnt'k. On Unifday nioniTng Ihe membera Of the Newark Club will take Hie 73* o'clock'inalu on lh* D .« L. A Vf, and at­tend Ihe caledonlim- B*nws ct Ab« New York Club *t iMItle Park, Long tshiii&

... .d'1 3181 3117 81W -■ilto ,704,

The woman'a ilngle*, w ontg'* dnnM**,men'a doublee aud mixed daubis* w**w gU well advanced. The cemmittae In elutrf* of the tourney 1* nranlng thing* off wttS- otit a hitch and I* receiving Mueb pnla* tor Its work, 'tb* summane*:

Min's Cup Btuls*—Fourtb Round Bg- wln P. Lxrntd. 0 » n g * L. T. dafMtUdE. 8. Cameron, Kalohirtioaber Field CRab, •-4. 8- 8.

P in t Rount. -W m ian < B. CrtglB Jiw Eilubeth T. U. c .. d*t«»t*d HwKirt L. Westfall, King* Oounty L. T. C., 1-4, 4-4; Edwin P. Larnsd, Orange L T. C., de­feated R. A. West, XlMabMb T. 0, C , by default: Frank B. UagtN, Montclair A. C-, defeated l^ h ou n Cragln, W**t Wde, 8—3, T—8, 8—2,

Men's Doubles—First Round—W, B. Cra- gln Jr. snd M. 8 . Charlock defeated 41-F. Tauehard and H. HeK. OlaMbwok by dotaull: W. U. Eakln and F. M. Olaxe- brook defented A. 8 . Weatfall and H. H. Waugh, 9—*. 4-8, 8-3; II, J. Curtli and J. Marcus defeated Ur. W. Ro»«nbauiu nnd partner by default; Robert H. B*«k- ley and H. P. Hanks defeated U. 5 . Rigliter and W'. 8. Crapo by debtuU: J, Ml Morse and J. Reynold* Jr. defeated Dr. Handler and H, C. .Erich, 4-0, 4-8: Roy Kllchie and E. 8. Cameron defeated E. F. Elieman and W. G. FleUbmap,5— T, S~i, 4-3; F. Q. Anderson and fo land Mallory defeated T. W. and A. O, Wr*nn, 8—1, 6-H; Dean Matbey and W. F. John­son defeated George W. Halinger and H.A. W ol^ 8~I. 8 -1; Georg* C, Theuiia* and H. Thomas defeated Robert la Roy and T. R Pell by default; Edwin P. latrned and George M. Mile* defeated Herbert L. and 8. A. WestfaU. 8—i 4-^;G. H. and E. Miller defeated F. 0 . Tom­linson and Q. B. Llttell, 10-4, 4 -« i E. Alexander and L. 0. Presman defeated Luther Davis and Dr. Jackson, 8—3, 4—8: Ends Johnson nnd Dr, O'Contior defsatedH. J. Bhaniberg and C. M. Bacon, 4— 8- 1; Olto H. and Albort J. HInek defeat­ed A. Qerlack and W, C. Bowden,6 - 2 8-4.

fiecond Round-H. J. Curtis and J. Mar­cus defeated Robert M. Beckley and H. P, Banks 8 -2 6- 8; J, M. Morse and J. Rey­nolds Jr, defeated Roy Ritchie and B. fi. Cameron 6—3, 8—4; F. Q. Anderson and Roland Malloiy defeated Dean Matbey and VVallaca F. Johnson, 5—6. 4—3. 4—4; Edwin P, Lsrnod and George H. Mile* d*- feaUd 11, and E. Miller by default: Cal­houn Cragln and Cnrleton C, Kelley de­feated Otto 11, and Albert J. HInck, 8-4, 6 -1

Women's Cup Single* — Preliminary Bound—Miss CItiie .Tohneon, Germantown Cricket Club, defeated Mia* F. M. Wolff, Ocean Club, 8—;, ^ 7 , B-t-L.

First Roimd—Mr*. B. Edgar. Ildoran Ontliig Club, defeated Mis* Clare John- ■ sou, Oermontown C. O,. 8—1. 6—6; Miss JE. Marcus, Diinforth, defeated Miss Eleanor eoiitlier, Grunge, 0- 1, 5—7, 6-4; Mis* E. B, Handy, Hllsuheth T. C. U„ <iefeat«d Mrs, H. B. Manvel. Kliaaheth T. C. C..6—5; Miss Hasel Gardner, PaiuiaBli feeted MIm a . O. Parrott,'wfiMfiKhT. C. C., 6 -2 5-7. 82-4. . . . .,

Second Rouud-MIss Marie Wagner, Hamilton Grange, defeaied Miss Edith ICIseman, Ocean Club, 6—1, 8—4; Mlsa E.B. Habdy. Elisabeth T. C. C.. defeated Miss HascI Gardner, Fanwoud, 6—1, 8—2.

Wfimen's Donhles—First Round—Mrs. R. [•’ , Weaver nnd Miss Burbura Fleming defeated Mrs. B. C. Eiigur and Miss Hoh- lusnii, 6—3, .1—8, 6—1; -VTlse Marlfi Wagntr iiud Mrs. W'. If. Pouch defented Mies Mar­cus and Mis* C Jnhnaon. 6—6, 4—6. 6—4: Ills* E. It. Hmi^y and Jflee M. A. Irving rtermted Mies E, Thomas and Mis* J. D. Kglestoii, 7-5, 8—5; Miss B, Sotilher and Mis* J. fl. I oltoii defented Miss E. P. KInernun and .Mies F. M, W'olff. 8—4, 6—1.

tt.'1'imd Rmuid-5ils* Marie Wagner and Mrs. W, 11. pniioh defeated Mrs, 8. F. tVi'iivei' and Miss B. Plemliig, 6—4. 8—0.

Mixed fiiiiililes—First Rniiud—Mlsa A. A. Kiiiikin nnd G. B. l.lttell defeated kilia Von Rrlesen nnd George VV. Case Jr., 8--4, 3-8. II--7; ills* Clare Johnson and wdllacs |r. Johnsmi dcicnled Mis* E. M. Thoiuae nnd r. G. Tomlinson. 6—2, 6—22'Mr*. S. K. Wenver and (4. A. t\eBtfull deCented J. '.J. Colton and A. H. Colton, 6- 0, 6—1; Mrs. O. c. Edgar and I,. Diinhnni defeelud Miss F. M. W'olff and H, A. W'olff. 8-7. 8—2: Miss .M. A. Irving and lilies 8. Char­lock defeated Mlsa E. F. Eiseman *n4 George W, Snlluger. 8—2.'6—3.


Tntal ........ 484The members of the New Jersey lenm

on Ihe 1.(XI0-ynrd siege la as follows:Llculennnt Sllveatei 2d.............................. 36Privore o'Hare, 1st.................................... 33PriVBi* Rmlfh, (111..................................... 2gCaptain Malcolm. 5tli................................. 45^rgran l Wliliame, 4th.............................. ,13Sergeant Dabb. 2d....................................... itMajor Price, 3d.............................................54Sergeant Pfell, lai............................ ;:tCaptain Rice. 1st....................................... 33LielilennnI Smith, lat.............. 23Privnte Mlnervlnl, 4th..................................-iCaptntn 'Tewei, 4th.................................... 48

Total .............. 438Tlia national individual mateh, wbten

begun yesterday afternoon with 960 con­testants, contiiined to-day over the 200, (W and 500 yard ranges, with little proapeci o f finishing to-night. The nailonal pmtoi match I* thus pushed over until Monday--------------- •----------------J

M asaale B ow lers to Meet,The final meeting o f the delegates rep­

resenting th* lodges of th* New Jerxey Masonic Bowling League before the opening o f the toumsy for 1907, wlit be held at Montgomery's alley, 71 Clinton street, on Wedoesday evening, September 4, at 6 o'clock. Delegates are r^uested to be present, as .all entries must be In by Wednesday night.

Tuxegw B llltarg T oarn ey .Walter Banka, with a handicap o f twen­

ty-five pointiff defeated Charles Hlmmel- bergor. who played from, scratoh. In a play-off niatcli o f the tie for tlilrd plairo tn the Tuxedo Amateur Billiard Tourna­ment at the Tuxedo Academy last night, by the score o f 206 to 156. There ate four meft tied for the posltton. ond each o i'j hoe got to tneet the others. Banks is leading so far, with two victories and no detents.

ON THE LINKS.Exponent* o f the. game In this vicinity

will get busy on Monds.v. I.abor Day al­ways finds Oie iolfete out in force and with anything Ilk* fair weather, they are eertain to turn out In yscord numbers. aJid most of the nearby oliibs have arranged all-day program*.^ ^

Robert Douglas, one of the oor.testants In the Greater New York golf touroitpent In progre** on the Van Cortlandt Park pnblle link*. I* a nepliew of Findlay 8. DolngU*. a former national obxmplon, end the younger Donglu, who Is a mere hoy, recently cam* to this country from old fit. Andrew*. , , ,

Member* o f tha Dunwoodie Coimtiy Club are preparing in celebrate on Labor Day. There, will be *i| elghteeti-balb medal play handicap, toUnwed by <fes(lTltisa at the clubhou** during the evening.,« « A

jsek J#Uy* til# locsa prof«ssloti4i4 hat Ktn# Watt on a trip. H# sxp«ci«to bo lOiio for * t loftst » me»tb&

pROVmRN«'K, A u r 3 1 . 'Irrtry coldrnlh marr#[] th# jnst rnoinf at Nar-rrigHUflrtt Purk yPHtorday, The wan f#atur#)##H. Ihouah aotne good drlv- luK «nr1 exiru, heats Kent th# crowd o f l.GfN) intereiteri. iti lh# last event of tUf*-dAV Rudw'r Keldiriff, Efhnn Roberta, btdka nlmoHtoit the very start aud ran awaY> ail but hrpaNinii: bis nn<*k In hi# tnad ruih one# ani! a liaif nroiind the track,

Henry 0. Jr. inok th# first rsfi# o f tha day with very 11U1# troubl#, thouftii pushed someiA hat by Cnmpoaer. Tha ja o - ond race went to Tour heals. Judee Wl% sun, the favorite, fought gamoly for firsts\ip#rfrtr hiierd and better driving, in thismon#y, hut had to kIvo way to tharnr# the fight b#tw«en Jud'’ x, which hart the speed, and Wilson Addington, drivra by Cox. wus j]f>i derfdpd ifll tb# iMt h#at, when Cox outpointed his rival. In th# rltlnl rncp Herlco had very llttla troubift in g 'illn g first money, though headed Sfv#rnl timea. Th# last ra«e, wfth the favorite, Klha-n Roberts, out o f ^ a way. MoitIb 'Hrothers' bay mar# Moy had things her own '-vny.

HnU Player Radiy Hart*TOLEDO. Aug. 31.-‘Littl# Jap Barbevtp

shoristop of Uio Toledo elub, who wafl with tb# Clevelnnds last season, la r«- ported to b# dying from tha aftecia o f aa Injury renelved In a game with Indian- apolle, having b^ n struok on the head by a wildly pllcned ball.

Ta th# MoavitaJD« am Sanday*It'H doot in the mountaloB now, Jola tha

crowd and ts» tvlth th# New Jersey Oife- tral's dollar excursion to I-iak# Hopatooiw on Sunday, September 1, leaving N ew aA at U:06 A, Ms, nr the |150 txeurtloa to Mauch Chunk on the lam# day, JesrfM Newark* Broad etreet, at 8:36 A, la —




O A M I C A L L I P 3 :3 0 P . IB.

Morris PirkgBlewifieMAi

GRAMPtORSKIP GAM Elfiwndax A fleraaois * t RoaevlUe O val,

A oaevllle A, C. v ». A IM t* * * .. M onk** .Murwiag ist Onawge GvwJ,

Chatham iL aek aw a aaa I t o a n e lV*. R aaesiR e A. 0 .

M oa.lay A tteraooa at RaeevUle Ov*dL R oaerllle A. C. tb . P ra a k lla A. A.

C oiyfra—BaattlUer.

DR. BRADmtlmlts his pvaetlsi vnthely l» ch«

OfSEASBS OPOffle# to |:80 P. .

luadaya I ta lm BMOAJR ffTv C«

MatrSMa «n •.frost \An MptrlPBae of

SBtUls Ugi t# «ba B


N E W A R lt r i x o yn\n, s a t u a t u r b a t . I ' a t ■ l S 0 7 . ; t ^ W ™

%^ f i h iht ^oushsts*

N BXTRKMEI.Y energellf yoiitt* / A p*ntl4>mnn. ew n for the hero rt

l \ & TOiirtern npvol, is Knrl, the eighth bnroh of Ounaiiiare, who (ntrortutee lilmgelf on the Ilret

>g«e o f "The Lo»t PrlnceB." (he new gtory by Wlllfam Frederlek Dl*. of Boat Orange. Something nf the author's Idea o f AmeriLsn husAo inuet have been In- 4ortiorated in Ills prcsentntlnn « ( this ioton o f Soulhem Eiiropejiii nobility. The iianiitive 1e imt St Karl'a .motUh. that ^ u n g man telling with pralieworthy ac* gurary as to detail o f hie varied ex- ylolta The reader la plunged Into the tnidat o f tb nga at the very outset. Karl .}» accused of being a spy while plajing ^dsrds In the palaco where dwells Prinee ,|lafael, head o f the realm o f Malvers. No 4lhe knows better than our baron, whoso devotion to his coirtitry, Itelmanln. hoe le<(

' kim to risk lift and honor In Malvers, Ihal 1 the charge la true, and. nctunled by a <le- . glra to preserve hie health, he proceeds I iaimedlatety to decamp. He divee under i ^ e card table, and then hurts It full in l'.*be face o f one o f hie enomlee, having, at

the eome time, aufBcIent presvjice of mind ' to aelae another Unlvera man by Ihe ankle

and throw him over backward. He leapt j over the prottrate forme and swUchre nlf ! the elec.trlo light, daehee out of the npiirt- ! ment and downstairs, tripping up the

W IU b lA li FRtHOERICK tHX.iiitry cook on the wayj then he knocks

Prince Rafael, who huppene to im- bft progreesi smashes a eialncd window by hurling a convenient

,jll» through II, uiid, using this means [ tgresi, managoa to escape to tho palace

E lfjl ji^ n .he make good his flight? To be

hre, even though hie daring leads him...... : Into the palace to aecure the paoh»

|ff 4E||a o f diplomatic correspondence, which I Is' the cauee o f his pretence In Prince

fte l's stronghold. How Karl lanes the , koge, hit elfons to regain possnilon It, and hie meeting In his search with i aaquisite young woman whose "subtle gnity I'Omhlned with wlndomenees" akee her altogether tesciiintliig. are

liwtters that must be left for Mr. Big to U. Thor* ar* many other things to tn-

*t In this tale of Imaginary hlngdoma ploturesQue battle aceae for one. 'W e

ke the acquaintance o f an unusual p»r> ntge in the X ing o f Pavonla, a mon- rh who has a novel and decidedly In-

I mntous method o f estimating the worth, lack o f II. o f hit felloW'Oreaturea. We

properly Inipresaed with the villainy ‘ Rafael, and quite approve o f hie pun- hment, And. at the last, as at the flrat,

note with respeotful admiration the o f Baron Karl, and are not In the

that BO lively and ao re- a cbevgllpr triumphs gloriously

III obataiitea and wins his heart's de­

b t ’s a good ilory o f tho kind, a story re- ate. with Incident, spiritedly handled,

8d containing a satisfying element of tj,“ j|jilBance. However, Mr. D li Is much " more Individual, and, to our mind, more

Pellghttul, In his previously published He, "The Face In the Girandole," sad > oould dispense with the adventures of

Prave barons and lost prlnceasca for Bother account o f browsing In Jersey on- Buarlan ahopa and visits to old-time Jer-

houaea.-T he book, which has an effective fron-

plsco in color, by Carle Btenner, Is pub- hed by Moffat, Tnrd A Co„ New York,

r jj f t |L».

JfOne Who Is Inclined to envy the pre- •ffmlBentty auoceeaful In whatever art or j>rt>fesalan should read Clara K. Laugii-

,Uns new novel. "Felicity; Tlie Making of a Comedienne," most appropriately dedl-

, eated "to lonely folk, on the heights or ,-plhcrwheres." A# a tiny lass, plavlng In a SBake-belteve theatre In a neighbor's barn,

.Felicity learns her flrat Itason In lonell- ness, when she finds that her playfellows flannot enter Into the game with that VtVldneas of pretense so essy to her. As

,■ an older child In a traveling company of , piftyers. and throughout each atep of her [Upward career, her life Is Increailngly

g: tonely. And when the great success has"gams and she stands alone, having out- ' M stanc^ every rival, the loneiinees o f her lliasllton Is almost, If not quite, tragic. All this Is brought out with unusual skill In the oouree o f a truly captivating story.

: Felicity, her aunt and grandmother, nnd i the dear old aotor who directs her earliest *t«ps. are characters one cannot forget.

' Tha Htory la Miss 1-aughlln'r strongest piece o f work, to date. Not only dons she show remarkable power In the rrentlnn of oharactera. but she has constructed an IngOnluue and engaging plot, and. best of all, she baa ttdd her story with art that ItnnwB how to conceal Itself. Alice Barber (Itsphens has furnished the book with pfvaml rood Ulustra'.lons. Cluirlre Rrrlh- tisr a ^ n s . New York, are the publishers,

' the price being tl.ai."The CouTnerstroke,’ ’ by Ambrose

|l; ;Fratt, might be chnraclerixeil ns n con­centrated thriller, letrd l‘'rnncls Cresslng- ketn, Its hero. Is one or the lieutenants q f a mysterious pirsunagc known simply ,aui Mr. Perigord. who ha* devoted his jlf* to the axternilnallon of the Kililllsts. |Ke ^ s perfectwl a wondertnyotganlsn- tlon to thls end. In which nbiniig hla

' aijboidonate* are tlie (’ sat. the Kulser, and, Indeed, most of tho European kings. The Inner ring o f the Nihilist*, he li.ns disanvered. tohstsls of three men, the father, bueband and lover o f a certain Mme. Vlyello. To Is.rd Franc!* Cresslrtg- bam It is left to find out the Identity o f these men and. visit vengeance upon

-them. He has a personal Interest In hl.s < tailsalon, for an English girl, with whom be Is desperately lu love, Is held * prls-

.. oner by the NlhUlat triumvirate. Jt goes Without Baying that be doea not accom- pilah his purpose without the most etrenu-

; pus exertion. In the course o f Wbkh dou, .tbiP-dlatllled thrills come In at the rate . o f abbut ope a minute. Those who like i tlWHea o f kdventurs without regard to

-Ou possibility o f the arilon will fljid this 1 ftokch to thirir taste. It is published by

^ K F, Fenno A Co., New York, at tl net.

pjSlf*he heart-stlrriug story of the winning Y'Alf Teiiis from Mexico loses nothing of

As It la.told In “ The Lope Stan"' novel by_Eugcne P. Lyle Jr. Fiction

d history are here wirten skilfully lo- ,■16 The hero. Harry Ripley, develop*

arddly from la lad who, lii the opening *PI«T,' ttinis coward In an Indian flght, o Stalwart olBoer chnsen by Sani Hous-

hhn«elfi-and wisely chosen-to lead , Icaviilry charge at flaii Jacinto. Thni

and the earlier one of the Alamo, W be^ Jim Bowie dies, are vividly poi- ■trayed. An element o f romsnoe Is Intro­duced to relieve the lurid war scenes

;3*tt follow each other thick and fast .twimeron* famous character* appear In 'st^- »tbry, none o f them being more pow- klKully drawn than that of Houston. Mr.

Fie * latest work deaervea warm praise] Oita the llluatratlons by Philip R.

taSsrln. Doubledsy. Page A Co.. New kk, or* tb* publishers. The price la tl.60.

Phillip* Oppenhetm'e .new novel, "A -Oder.'' deal* with the fortune*,

iirt *|her»d»e. o f Lawrence Man- the story opena Jfamicdng

I nBii**iii'^™** libbtliSe, aflrrF ;f fZ I S * ? V l lh lh position la the Briiljh

friend* in* seekingtb* jdb I f ^ 1M arena. Two

" dC Akatchaatar and

llUnche Phtlllmore. acting, however, from vatlly different 'jnotlve*. Join the con­spiracy nf Iris frlenil*. He doe* ctrins tack, but with result*. «« It proves, very ■larlling to sM cmnenivtl. The rniijer Is likely to be more interested In Manner- Ingts rlomeslle ufftilr* than hr hi* pollitcal —and especially In Ihe romance of lili life, wlilrli Is *0 str.tngely inlirgled with tragedy. The author Im* poncelvnl nn exi’ellent plot, and manages II* woikliig out In a most admlmble milliner. 'I'he stoi'y may nul be coiiililered Ills struiig- eal work; iievertbcles* It Is n striking and very creilltsMe piece o f flclloii. It Is published by IJtIte, Brown A Co., Bni- loti, at It.Sd.

Th* reign of Richard H I. illiTlnf enough If* recorded In gjtgllsh history, loses nothing lu the qu el^ ' nf eioltemsiit ss II Is portrayed by JohiyReed Hcotl. In "Beatrix of t'tnre. a Rnml^Jce." One need not Inqulrn loo closely liilo 'llie ancurary

n f the historical portion* j f Ihe title-It* Tomanllc Interest I* sulflelent excuse for It n* it atands. Blr Aymer d>' Idcy 's aeun h for hli abdiieted lady love and his briive adventures In the norvlce of hi* King hold one's atlenllon epedlhound. It Is, beside*, a proper satisfaction to see virtue bend- somely rewnrdsd and vice punished to Ih* full extent tit Its deaerla. Clerenes F. Un­derwood fiirnlehes eome ntlractlv* pie- lures In color. The novel comes from Ih* J. B. IJppIneoU Company, Phllndelphl*.

'In Kir Klyot of (he Woods," Emra* Brooke tells the aiory nf an Engllslmian wiiDte lots for a fair adventiiresa I* curi­ously Interwoven with hla love for a noble grove o f trees, the pride o f the counly. How one love brings almoat Irremediable ruin to the other, tiiid how th* eltuatlon It flnolly asved thrnull) the reaolute action of ihe hero's chllrthnnil sweetheart, th* author may be left to lell. DiilTleld A Co,, New York, ore tli* publisher*, the price being 11.50.

It la not at all unuaunJ for proximity to the foceirack to leail to Inpse* of inem- cry or, at leaat, to lapse* nf Judgmenl, and, therefore, th* announcement that the Jockey hero o f W, B. M. Ferguson's •lory. "GuTlaon’* FIntsli." luis some queer mental experience* ni»y be tvcelved without ourprles. Garrison, however* does not mak* Ihe mletah* o f forgetting tli* fact that the favorite bora* i* not always a «ur* winner. The author Im* aonieihlng more startling than that up hi* alcove and arrange* for the jockey to he th* central figure in aome strange happening* wherein a brain trouble piny* a pniml- n»nl part. All comes right, flnnlly, for th* horseman and readeia will agree that he deserves hi* good fortune. Tho Itook 1* published by Ihe G. W. Dllllnghtm Company, Now York, at 11.50, nnd was r«ce1v«d through P. F. Mulligan.

In tbs love affair* o f the two daugh­ter* o f Mr*. Delimalne, an F.ngllxh widow, resident In Italy, the reader of Phyllla Bottoms's 'T h e Imperfect Gift" will And enough to keep hla Interest awake throughout the droway hours of a midaunnner afternoon. One may like Marjory better as a little girl, however, than after she hae become grown; as to Kvalyn, this young woman, deepite her remarkable beauty. Is dlesgreeabl* enough almost to merit th* diilresslnf fate that overtake* her when ib* hni succeeded In her effort* to win the fancy of a Buropean prince. Marjory, too, h.is her misfortune*, but o f a lesa Bcrloun character. For her th* sun already h!i* begun to shine again ere the last page le turned. E. P. Dutton * Co., New York, publish the novel at ll.SO.

j f u t A » r a n t! S ia a d a r ,Language, a* a medium of expression.

Is so Intltnatsly associated with every secret of our axlitence that we cannot fall to give to It R very personal consid­eration. It 1*. Indeed, like a Mend ever with us. And yet langiiuge enmslhnc* seems to be unworthy o f our conftdence and hospitality. Occaalonallj wo charge up against It undesirable trait* o f clmrac- tsr—obstinacy, for example, or worse than obetlnacy. for not Infrequently we think w* find lit the Innermost recessea of It* natore treachery lurking end d*- oeptlon, We fancy w* know a w ord- know its use, (hat Is—and then dlicpver either that It ha* an unbending meaning o f which we were not aware, or tfiat within 111 letter* *lyly He Idee* wholly Unknown to us, At any rate, the exper­ience la common that, at the moment one ttnagines that he has gained control over lantpiage, or rather a section o f It, forces, hitherto uodelecled. spring from unsut- pectod sources to make havoc of hie con­ceit. A word In found to have llmlta- tattona and connotations for which he ha* never given U credit, and It hastens to lake *n almost human—or shall we say diabolical?—revenge for tha slight Imposf d upon Its value.

To the person of ordinary Intelligence the novel I* an easily' comprehended ob­ject, and yet with no discredit, either lo hla mental abilities or Intellectual activi­ties, It may be doubted whether he al- waya csii draw a sharp distinguishing Ilea between a story that Is n novel and one that Is not. Oftenttmee, o f course, th* disttnctlon I* too apparent lo he over­looked or debated, but It Is not always so. When Ralph Paine wrole "Marlin Coe" he determined to call It a story; It ecsrcely seemed to satisfy all o f his Idenls of a novel, and that he was oorrei! In (Ids opinion Is no disparagement to "Mar­tin Coe, " To make the distinction be­tween a novel and a ' -ng story Is not to gay that the novel la of nece*ilty a eii- perlor form of lltoralnre; It Is but to rpcogulse lliat It Is another form. Wlieh the characterising elements o f the story or tha romatice withdraw to permit tho.se o f the novel to emerge Is difficult of ap­prehension—perhaps It is not so dlfflrult to rerogntxe the fact o f their non-with­drawal. “ The Serf," Guy Thome's recent­ly publiahed narrative, repays study In thi* regard. The story Is set forth e* "the hialor.r o f a man who lived In mis­ery and lortnrs and was held ns the very dirt o f tlie world," and tha author claims that "the utile. lals-shapen man Is worthy o f a place in .votir hearts." Ttiere lx drama In It. but It fall* to be a drama. Now, tlie novel may he defined brlefiy as a nar­rative play, for It is easentlally dramatic, and Ihe tarious characters have nn right lo exist for their own snkns: they are brought upon the scene to play their sev­eral iHiris In tho drama to be enacted. The whole Intent of "The Herf" seem* to be to picture the man, Its leadingohoriic- ter, heralding a revolution, making poisl- Me greater destlnte* for future genere- tlons. It contain* all the elements o f a novel BJid yet there I* a vital lack. I’ er- wins, manners, mode* o f speech, scenery and surrounding*; ail the paraphernalia ar# assembled but the ncllon moves away from the npvellatlc trend toward that of H narrailvs. Another book o f recent Issue *frs Henry da la Pasture's "Catherine of Calais," stand* In marked distinction of form from "The Serf." In It the chsrac- tera SBaemble, the plot develops, the In­tention unfolds until the coming o f the Inevitable consummatlnn toward which the narrative play is directed. The most note­worthy work of Bctlon o f the year, or, for that matter, In It* apecia! line for several years, Mr, Ue Morgan's "Allce-for-8horl," cannot be so easily dlapoaed o f with re­gard to Its claaalflcatlon as either o f th* foregoing—In tact. It ta quite In a d asi by Itself, and. therefore, ll la no wonder that the accurate saalgnineht o f It puesiss critic*. Mr. De Morgan haa coined the word "dl-chrontsm" to describe this nar­rative of two widely separated and yet ouriotnHy related periods In tho lives of certain persona—and we moy let It go at tlmt. In *11 far oa the period* are sep­arate. th* book it a long story; In so far as they are allied, the dramatic uiilUea are preserved.

And. apeeking o f dramatic unlUcs. It la to be remembered that novel writing Is a craft, and craftsmanship requires a technical framework. In others words, eer- tain resirainte are Imposed upon Kcenta, while the doors toward opportunity are opened. There ar* eaacntlal structural re­quirement*, Introductiona, movainenta de­velopment* and denouements that cannot be disregarded without abandoning the field of craftamanahip. Even genius must reckon with them, move trlthla the lines estahttshed by them or Wander omride of the regions the craftsmen elafcn by squat­ter sovereignty and to which the publl- yield* thorn title. Btlll. Ji 1* not wholly an arbitrary requirement that I* estab­lished; 11 Is part of the machinery that perlaltr* to all organfxstlon, for it Is In the organliailuri nf a story that the novel 1* horn. There l* s needed balance, a sulMTdlnatinn o f til other Interests to dramatic play, elimination*, introdueflon*. expansion* and eurtsllmant* In order that tb* plot may tw unfolded, developed, con-

auminateil. It la form and form alone tlioi diffrrenUsts* the novel from other kinds of literature. It le Ihe third tinge In lli- ernry Iranslllon, but the *lages are chroii- ologlcsl mill not nei'ensuHty hidlcattve of cotnpdrollvc votucs. The epic iiml the ru in.ince preceded ihc tiuvel In lime; ||||I' order nf worlli nf I'ptc. rnirinncc and novH must be dilerminni In each hidlvIJuul rose. •

Jjh9 I f^ U o n a l y o r 9 » i s ^rnd#r tlu' tlMfi ihf Nutlonul

ro r^ i^ ts '' nn aurlhandbook luia recently iMu^d bytha Uepar<ment of Ajcflrulture, tt tflln why arid how the nniional foroMi «N*ru maOr; whal llwy ar^ for. and wliril tlu*y in -an to tbr bame-iieeker, thp proapertor Riid miner, iha urpt of timber, the user of the rttnge, Ihe user of wuter. and the inM-iMOiT, stid how eikrh of tbexe of penplif can get the innsl ou( of forests. Itt HH np|H»n(tix it Is toid where tUe f4>reflU nr« sml oiher siaUetici re* gurdlng them sre given. It hat oft«n been objected hy p^rfons only i»srtly In* formed on the KiibJ«'Ct that, anational foreai la inaile. all Mie ri>sourcea of the region nro al lovUeiJ 4ip,diiatry chackedg aettiemeni prohibited, and futiira growth mnda imixiaaibte t>r very dlfflcolt.'’ The author allows bow mlatahen Uila view It. Aa ihfi timber iii» UTeels are, perhaps, the mcnit tmpurtant of those afjfecled. It may b« w«U to quolo what Ja Raid unfler the bending “ Whni iTappeiis to ths TtmUer and WotMl?" ns follows:

Tho llmbor oncl etons act dgea nol apply In a ituilutuii forest. The tltlo lu hmdd vuitinblo chlody fur timber I'untnut pass from the goverrtnent. flui are lUe iiin* l)«r Hiid wood i(ivki*d up? Very fnr from it. The timber la tliere'to be u«ad» now oud in ttoii futuff, it is glv* n away, fur (lomeatlu uae, to the men with fi hom« and to proaptff'tor developing hla claim. Tlicy get it for the asking, free of ciutrge. SVhrn wuiited for romm*‘rdal uses timt>cr is sold tu the amail miin iiiid to tho big man-Jjold promptly and at a reuaonahie coat. TUn wnnll mun con huj' K few thuuinnd feet: the Idg mini can buy many tnllMon feet, provided It is a good ihing fur nil tho people to let him ‘piirchune it largo animmt, Diit not other- wlee. The Joeaf rtemond In always consid' ci'cd rtrnt. Thorn In no chance for nvm- opt.ijy, becaune the Secretary uf Agricul­ture must by iKw sell aH much or us llttlo as he thinks best, to whom and nt whar» «ver pries he thlnka wtlt bent nerve the interents o f all rhe people. Tlujsf the tim­ber M thfra, ftrnt or «]l, to lie UBed, The more R In lined, the better. Far from being locked up It is, on the contrary, oiieiuid up, Jmd opened up on fair terms io All alike. Whan It Is on the open public domain It is often very 1)ard uiul some- tlmea Impoaslble for the small man to get It And h<ild It, hecanae he In shoved ajdde by the big timber oorporntloni wlih which ho cannot eompete. On notional forests the government holds tha timber with A ftpeuial view to its use by the small uaef- At the present time nine-tenths of the timber Mien on nations'll foreala ere for amounts legs then loOCi. In 1906, 75,000, 000 board feet were given away and 700,- (100,000 board feet were sold.

The handbook is neatly hound In red cloth and silver lettering and 1b lltufl- (rated from photographs.

"The I ’ m of the Nationa] Forests.” United Slates Deoartment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Gifford Pinchot, forester.

* * i^ e e r l^ i e A a n t ^ r . “For the little book, "Poor Richard

Jr.’ s Almanack." the cream has been ekl mined from the milk pan nf a well- known editorial department of The Satur­day Evening Post. Wliy the aulhoi re­tains hla ationytnfty Is a mystery: cer­tainty be has no reason to be ashamed of hla work. Ills clever eptiorlsma, baseil on hard sense, deal refreshingly with many flelda of activity and the ■vo1um<> may be opened at random with assured expectation o f being amuaed. A few chance selections follow:

Borne men are horn foolish and eome preserve their old love letters.

Hichei may not bring happiness, but they enable one. 10 send a carriage for it.

TsUtenlng to srundjtl about people you TLever heard o f is a waste o f time.

Isove la a monopoly^but It is not always g trust.

ExrK>iiAnoe is n good teacher^ but It charges like a specialise.

Here la the "‘clean lalrtb**' o f which Kipling wrote In his tribute to Wolcott Balestier, It Is & long time since any­thing better in Us line than "Poor Rich­ard Jr," tiai appDftred.

"Poor Richard Jr.'g Almanack." Henry Alt emus Company* Philadelphia, price fifty cents.

♦jC ib rm rj^ *a t lf a r k w ith S e k a a ts ,

The work of Ih* Newark Library with the schools Increases steadily. During the summer 3,000 books were sent lo summer schools throughout the city. As thene books are read chiefly In the schoolroom, their iiee in figures cannot be accurately estimated; the teacherst however, report that the books are read whenex*er the children are free to do so. 'J'he llbran'B school department ta now prepariug the libraries to be sent out to the schools for the fell and winter work. Fully 6.WW books will be ready to send to teachers soon after the beginning of the fall term. These books have been naked for by leach- em, who uae them an part of their cUsn w'orh, and also lend them to the children for home reading.


J i * * y i9 rn iih 9 i9 y ^ * **Robert Willlants Wood, originator of

both the verses and pictures of an amus­ing lUUe hook called "How to T elrihe Birds from the Flowers; a Manuai of Flnrfilthology for Beginners," seems to have been inspired partly by the wonder- ful experiments of Luther Burbank and partly by Mr. Roosevelt's exposure of nature fakers, ITU work, if not so ftirny as some nonsense skits, Is funnier than otUers. The verses lose half thetr point when aeparetad from (he pictuaea; yet here is one which may stand by Itself:

The Cat-bird's call resembles that Kmilied by the Pussy VUt,While Cat-nip, growing by the wall,Is never known to caterwaul: its odor, though, attracts the Kltn, And throws them in Catnlptton Ate.

"How to Tell the Birds from the Flow­ers: a Mantis] o f Flornllhoiogy for Re* sinners." verses and lllustratlona by Rob­ert Williams Wood. Paul Elder & Co,, San Francisco.

v e r b ' s J ^ / s f e ^ / s f o r y o /

Ijhd ^nihchiieet tSiates,

E a c h jujoi’pedlng vo'dlng volunif nf Elroy Mi'Ketnlree Avery’e Avery's ",\ History of 111*' I'nltPfl HrulPe and Its reoplc

fmin Their KxirilPr Karllea; Heem'ds to the Present Tlme'U Time" as it com^s

fr<otj thf press but doepene doepf^ne the artnilrutloii Dii'lieil by i(.s pml^'eessorxlPi'pssorii. ThP history lt»plf fs sdiolarly. >ei noneyei none ihe less enter- taiotivg Air. xWery has su'" has succeeded In com- binhif n populnr slyle wltUyle with the true kl*<- toil-'al spirit, beiier Ihftit nr than most hHlorJaris. Mi'r ti- uIcalEy. the b04)ks ; books are obJ< cra of benuix. In prinilng and big nnd binding, thfs' are gen.iiiip works of nrl, whUsrl, while* the maps and UliiBinillons, many of Iher of th^m In color, are l»eyoiiii prJtk-Ssm. Tlie onl)Tho only fault one ran find Is that the hndkn nre^nka are Ion large um! heavy to be het^ comforlab^mfortablj*. It Is almost A ppcessity (o'rem l iheiuiil lijeiu nt a table or desk, Tills would Up nollilibe nolhing to complain

KEAls OF EAST sTRAAT sTBRAEr.Reprodticei.U by courtes.i courtesy of the pub-

llehers. The Burrows Breows Rroa, Co.. Cleve- land, from V’ ol. ITI. nf "AI. o f ” A Hlatory of the United States and Its Pen Us People," by Klroy McKendree Aven'- f ’opyj'. f ‘npyrlght^ 1907, by KIroy McKendreo Avery, Avery,of In a work Intended mended merely for refer­ence, but deirects materi materially from fhs plcnsure with which a worh a work of this kind la read.

Thp third volume, Just ls\ jv(sl Issued • there are thirteen more to follow-isollnw-fs devo id to the period between kcHvr colunlve ooIonlziiHfm and the final struggle for the rot the rouquesi o f New France, a time that bns bat Ims been cnllcd "tho neglected period of Amenf American iilsiory.” The volume is divided Into iled Into three parts, the tint of which traces somews aoniewlial brli^v the history of eiicli of the colottlie colonies from jihoiit 16IW down to IfiS,*! or '90. 0)r ’90. Of the (wo suc­ceeding parts Mr. Avery siAvery saiys, in a prefa­tory sketch:

In the second section of rtiou of ihe story here­with given, we liave Hie eve Hie elwlioratlon o f a Brlilsh colonial system, lyatcm, the enactment

{o f more comprehensive iisnalve iiiivlgntlon acta, and ibe IntrodUftion of tlon of machinery' lo- tendpd to seenre their efftheir efflclmt adminis­tration. These years wer^ira werj also years In which Englnnd was engsgia engaged In war with Frunco and Hpuln. struggi. struggles (hai endan­gered the peacA and securhd security oC the colo­nies and ihtcnalfl'id the led the desire o f the mother country to make o make the American plantations helpful to herst to herself. The Ameri­can colonials felt and resf a i^ resented ihe laying on o f tho heavy hand andiand and evinced a dls- pojltion to stand Tor rlghtfor rights that they felt were theirs by inherltoncdierltance and contract. They thus laid themselvdiemselves open to the charge of breaking the lag the laws and o f fall­ing In military duties. Tn ties, Tn no other period were the cc/mplaintB o f ro)ts o f royal offleers mul English merchants in Ata in America so fre- Quem, and aelzures for ilUs for illegal trading so nutnetuus ae they were In were In tne years from 1690 to ITli'i. At no period i period were ihc rights of the crown uhd the ri the rights of the in­habitants more dlfflcuU difficult to distinguish than they were then. In Hen. In those years pro­prietary gyvernpicnis werfnts were forced to the wall nnd colonial charters charters were aiibjecled to inquisitorial torture, rtui*e.

Tho third part of this pif this period stands In sharp cfinirasi with the tlh the pccond. Added to the historical neglect (neglect that clings also tb the earlier is wjmt BiWluU Burke called the "wise and anliitary iicglory neglont" of govern­mental policy. On the heel the heels o f the acces­sion o f the Hanoverians verians to tho English throne and the passing of sslng of pressing danger from Frenchmen and red and red men came a dlspOflitloR that ellinlnatedlinlnated much o f the galling rigidity of the nf the navigation acts and tuffert-d "a generous lenerous nature to lake her own way to perfectionerfectlon." Some of the old ponfllcts were contire continued, but the browbeating o f the colonise colonists by such offi­cials as Dudley and Randnd Randolphi'W^*re nittl- gnled, and a political andicat and economic ad­vance etoekl w'here had Ve had been rcprcpslon and distress. As this wadhla was the iwrlod in which were trained tha led tha men who later sat in the stamp-act congact congress and In the continental congresses, resaes. Its Importance should not be meoJured basured by tlu> standard o f coftspIcuoUBneis. s.

This, then, is (he tliemhe theme o f the stoi'y which occupies the 40U pais 4CO pages o f the vol­ume. It 1r a aiory full cry full o f Intert^sl, and not the less eo because Itscauaa It is less seldom told In detail than any on any other portion of our history. Tim Jerseys Jersey colonies come in for iholr share of the> of the narralive, and among the most interesti inuresUng illuatratlona are reproductions of old < of old documenrs con­nected wUh the early hlstarly hlatory of the Jer­seys. *

One may express a regra a regret that the-pub­lishers have not seen dt seen lit to fiiinish each volume with an Index. Aiidex. A genera! Index 1b promised for the end ohe end of the sixteenth, or cxHicludlrg, volume, Biume. But as only three volumes have appeared in eared In more than two years, It will bo some tl some time before the volumes at hand will be will be easily available for reference.

"A History of the Unllede Uniied States and Its People, from Their Earllilr Earliest Records to the Pre*et4 Time," by K l" by Klruy McKcndi'ce Avery. Voi. III. The Bu The Burrows Brothers Company. Cleveland.. O. nd, O. Price, per vol­ume. fCnSt In oioth or.btidi or buckram: inthree*querier levant moront morocco, and ,317.60 in full levant morocco. rocco.

j f n £ n 9 r ^ 9 ff9\ "The Kingdom of Love'hf Love" Is the title of I a l>ook o f Msaya or rhai or rhapsodies, Intelli- j gible in spots, by Henry I Henry Frank. The au­

thor's Btrongesl point appoint appears to be his 1 ftgurea o f speech. There. There Is a variety about them that Is a neves a never-falling source of Joy and wonder to (her to Hie reader. For Instance, love Is deseribei described In one place &B "a burst of sunlight sunlight on a floating cloud,*' and In another (iiother as "a soothing salvo that oft may softeay soften the pain of stiffened limbs." It Is "tilt 1s "t|e moonbeam’s glimmer on Hie golden wa)lden wave," and again, "a lubricant, easing the Ing the movements of our body's jnachlner3\" Jnery." Mr. Prank Is a stanch upholder o f the tof the trusts. "Wlint thou likest not,” he asj: he ssjs, "ignore and forget. What Hiou llkesr,iu llkest, magnify into

.moiiajvyly ' If we should apply this nile^ in his trimk-hin. ah, not eo easily ran the re\P‘ wer shirk respnnsIhllKy. 8o, then, hi- would un;e any whu Imve never f.xr*ei'iei-‘ ed love to n'ad this I ook If they . would know whui ihty ha\e mlHiwI. It nmy n-cunclle them.

"The Kingdom of Love." by Henry Frank. Jl. K, Fcrino A Co.. N»W' Vork. Price, *1.

C u r r e n t ^ p ^ a z in p s *Of ei'CClal iRierest utming the feature

nrUch's in current maguxlnes le "Tlic New Jiietice," by Jean C'owgill. n enn- (rlbuHon (0 the September leaue «if The Headpr. It Is a fascinating sketch of AIo- ' Kejizis Cl^land. Mr. f'lpJand is .indg uf !h»‘ .Maxwell fitreci Branch of lh*> Mu­nicipal Court in Chicago, a man witit ad- vuuced Idoftft in criminology and a spier- tlld spirit. Tha writer describee hliu as doing (hings .that are novel among JQs- ticos, but which, so fsr sa Ihe results of the* experiment enn be measured, Justify Ihem^eh'pa. Judg*' Cleland looks upon linprUoiun^^nl a. a Iasi resort, and a(- tempts by every promising means lo save the iTiminat from ft. A of visitorshas been organluecl. ohcIi of whom vnlim. ien's to keep «i watchful e>c on a> least Oho paroled prls'iner. ft Is his nim to make his court the snrini centre of the neighborhood, nml himself a friend of Ihe people, and in ills undertaking he has seriired the co-opnrallon of,many profes- aliMinl and buflnoxB men In the cum- mimity. The peraoimlUy and wisdom of Judge' r!1elrtnd claim uptclnl Itnerea!. "Whitmnn In Old Ago." a contribution by linrrtro Traub^l, Is ih« lilf’rary foatuje of The O'litury. rrofKfisnr Munsterlwrg. <if Harvard, writing "NoHilpg Ihil the Truth" for Mct’hirp’s, and Professor (TuparMc. of (.Jenevn. rontrlluifing ’ ’What Is the Value of Kshlenre” tB The Strand, have treated the some Idea In ft similar manner to harmonlona ccnrlnsioi^s. U Is qiillr worth while to reed what these two psychtdoglsts have (o say on a matter vitfll (0 everyday life. Other features o f the uiagaziues mentioned are listed In the appended notices of (lie conlcpd of current periodIcHls:

An article that will ntirart the atten­tion of all Ihoye conceruejl wllli tho prob­lem o f dl ’ t Is "Prdsun Eoorls." tiy Dr. Woods Ilulrhlnson, In McHlure's Miigs- 2lno for September. Orchard's " ( ’onfeeslon and Antobiogruphy" is continued, rtnd Professor Munsterberg, of llarvarij, has a ronirlbuHon, " 'Noihing but the Truth'," In which he points out amus­ingly how many dlfCercrji versions of the same event may be given. George Kcn- nan writea of "The Fight for Reform In Ran FrunclSi''o," un<l there nre ftn'thcr instalments o f the autobiography of Cnrl Schnrx and of Georgtne Mllniine'a s(ory of Mra. F’ddy. Thc' fIcHon la by Perceval Gibbon. Kenneth Brown. George Allan England, Myra Kolly and Mary Stewart Cutting.

Tho opening feature of Harper's Mag* .nxlne for Sepiember la an article on "A Country Under Two Kings," In which Robert Shocklelon writes o f ' Neutral Morcanot, a triaiigulnr territory within the* triple encompnaemeTit of Belgium., Holland and Prussia, comprising about 850 acres and with 3,781 inhabitants. The peculiar stntua of this territory came about through a geographical blunder of the Congress of Vienna. Wo are told: "Pruasla and Belgium unite In thc admin­istration a^d divide the taxes; the money and the itamps o f either country fnay be used; the courts of either may be ap­pealed to; the hurgomaBier is alternatoly from one country and from tho other. And there can be no garrison and no fortifica­tions." In conehiding, Mr. Bhackicton writea; “ There 1b a general pervasive- ne«B o f content. There Is a sort o f a! fresco freedom of life, an untraiumeled- ness which comes naturally from long continued absence of centralized reatialnt. The people only fkAr Ihe possible imper- inancncy o f their pleasing status.''

Other articles are: 'Tjincoln'a T#astDay: New Facts Now Told for the First Time by William H. Crook, Hie Personal Bodyguard." compiled and written down hy Margurlta Spalding Gerry; "Decisive Battle* o f the l>ow: A Fight for tha Freedom of the Press: The United Slatee Versus Callender," by Frederick Trevor Hill; "The Language r* Insects," by Henry C. McCook; "Haraclneaco, the Home of Models." by Grace Ellery Chan- ning, and "Photomicroscopy by Ultra-

.violet Light," by Edwin G. ConkJIn. There are short stories by FoiTest Crls- sey, James Branch Cabell, Margaret But­ton Briscoe.Clare Benedict.Margaret Cam­eron, JaiTiRs B. Connolly, Olivia Howard Dunbar, Tliomaa A. Janvier and Freder­ick G. Fassell:^ another Instalment of "The Weavers." Gilbert Parker's serial novel, and poems by Mary Eastwood Knsvels, Rosamund Marriott Watson. Jo­sephine Preston Peabody, Mildred How­ells. John Kendrick Bangs and Edward Hall Putnam.

An interesting ardcle fin Siena, by Ar­thur Symons, with llluetrailons drawn byE. C. Pelxotlo from photographs and re­produced In tint, opens Scribner's Mug- fizln© for Septemhpr. Henry van Dyk poptrlhutes another of hla "Bays Off’ paperp, Brnnder .Mntthewa has an article "Poe and the Detective Story," and Ufa subject, "International Marriages," Is dlseuased by Mary King Waddington. The topic treated by Slflnoy In his series. "The Call o f the Weat; America end Elizabethan England." is "The American Indian In Kiizabethan Eng­land/' A glimpse of Canadian life la glt'en by Charles B, Chapman In "The Culler." Thomas Robins has a readable paper in "Epicures in the West." Mrs. Wharton'B serial, "'fhe Fruit of tjio Tree." Ir continued, and there are short stories by Francis Cotton and Mary R. H. Andrews. The verse Is contributed by W*F. Rchmltg, C, A. Pries, Josephine Pres­ton Peabody, Edith M. Thomas and Frank Dempster Bberman.

The feature articles In the September Century are another o f Horace Traubel's papers on "Whitman In Old Age." de­scribing conversations with the "good gray bard" at his Camden home; "A New Dl*- coA'cry In Egypt: The iteesnt ITnopverlng of the 'Tomb o f Quesn Thiy," by Arthur F. P. Weigall; "Tho Palace of Amenhotep IIL, Husband o f Queen Thly," by Robert De Peyster Tytus; "Racing In It* Rela­

tion (o Horze Breeding.*' by Jolin Gilmer Bpr«ul; "I'ndf-rlyiiig Japaneec lluinuultles “ Dne AN(iTci nf (he Oriental Problem." by Richard B:irry. tind "Lincoln's 1-ast I)ttys," Hie ruTK’ludlug lna(ulment of Hat Id Homer Ihnes’a “ iJticoln iu the Telegraph Office." There are coplhiufl* Hons o f (he serlnl novels, "Come and Find Me," hy Ellsutietli Uohlnfl, nnd "The 8huUte," by Fnmr^x Hodgson Burnett; shnrl storien by H. W' ir M'tcliell, Doru- thea_ Deakin. Chariot'^ WIlHon, Edward ,1. Noctoii. BeHthve Hanwcon'i nnd Mar­garet Horner Clyde, and poems by Annie Pike Greenw'WuL William Stanley BrnbhwaKe, Edward a . riiurch, C- J. Knight. Francis Hill. Frank Hodge. laBiirs Campbell, Franklin F. Adams. Edna Kingsley Wallace, Abble Furwell Brown. Thomas L. Mastoii. Widlace Ir­win. John Kendrick Bangs ami .V. U. MHrilVHpy. G. W. Peiers rnrurlbutfs a series of pictures enritled "Exesv:Hloiin for Railroad Terminals in Krw York City."

Jean CowglM’s artli'le, "The Jus-Uce." referred to above, enslly the fciiturc of Ihe flF.’ptemlH>r Hendrr. William; Hard ventures to fips.’rihe tlm inuinetic Influence of Hoclallsni. In nil iirilcle iipcui that topic, and Amns S. Hershy disruascs tha armament ond fttlltudes of ihe uadou.q in au article entitled "Why Ihc NiHlonsi Cannot dlsarin." Alfred D. Runyon. lh.i- l>el Mackny. Jeanntc Peitdlelon Ewing, Oclctl Burgess and Arthur StanwocHl Pier contribute the fiction.

t Aymts o/ Soyhead,

The opening article In The Strand .Mr.p- asliie for Septiunber. "CoRtume in Art." Is llliisirateri in color, rrnfessor Clnpand -. dirertor of Ihe psychoiuglc.sl laboroiory at (ho fulvereiiy of Geneva, dlscusscrt t ie fjuefilofi, "Whal Ts the Value o f Evi dent-e?" John flwceuey. who rerently f*- (Ired from (he Scotland Yard cHteetlve aervlce, gives eome rernIniRoences. STid under the tltie "Fashion and ihc F«m l- llglita,’ ' exprea.'ilon Is given to iho vlt'ws o f a number of well-known actrehses on the singe os a inedinm for the souing uf faehlonw. "My Most Thrilling Experience" is a syinpoBlum. coutributors to n’htch are

3Z game huulers, Mme. Clora ButtJ wTltes on "The (.'areev of a Singer." ar.J • annth'’r o f Arthur T. DolUng's IntprfUtiT'g

ptFUlstIcal presentations Is ’The Blandlng Hooin of PopulntfoTii*." The Action is bv (\ N. and A. M. WIMtamson, W. W. Jacobs and Qtheri.

Many Inlevesfing notes o f the magaslna worltl are to be found In the rieptember number o f What’ s In the Magazines. The ri>ntenlB of Current periodicals arc listed In the usual wjivenlent way.


Jfistoricpi Sizms.People w'ho chafe under lasatlnn to-day

probably do not realize |mw much more fortunate they are than were their great­grandfathers at the beginning of ihfi nine­teenth centurj’. Here follows a copy of an old certifleate of payment once made out On account of a light wagon called a riding chair:

Thin 1b to certify that Jeremiah Hay­den of Morristown In the County of Mor- rli. hath paid thc Duty « f two Dollars, upon a two wheel Carriage called a Rid­ing Chair owned by him. no lop. on wooden aprings, to be drawn by one Horse for the conveyance of more than one person, for the year to end on the thirtieth day of September. J8fi2.

MOSES FsSTEY,Collector of the Revenue. Sixth Division

<*f New Jersey.October 20. 1S01.Moaes Eatey' the collector, lived on thc

main street, Mnrriatown, between the depot and Washington’s Hoadnuartere, Jeremiah Hayden lived at Logansvllle, near the Passaic River.

T HK nicnitiry o f childhuud ahouR u prctlnus legacy, anil a h|h;C' debt of gralitiulo is owing u

«uch na have tho power to stmt* again Irtsfuro the menial

tlslon lo.ig vaafnhcrl to rc iwuki-nfeeliugb ihflt Imvi* iulu too Inni‘Jotmiint. Clilhi muri. of Us veryiiniurr, i>ri mei’honh al. lutcl Uh appluuuiou, ulHiough Herring many jun ijosch, Ih iuq* i-hiiuif-aL (JM tho mhpi iKiml. ilio relcii- Mon o f Ml.! i-iiiJd spjili, ivni-klug «p rv

* tuueoijHly iind lu froi-doni, is cmiiicriily fia;ur;ri. To a man like Jtllcy. ua the cuK ' uUh Fiohi am) SievenuMn, ^ w tU hua nu*:tni miJy t!>«' duvclupnient of th»il spirJl wUhout break In couiiuliMy. CTui* ton HcoltunI, ii new etlUInn of whos**

Boy H Bouk of RIiyme.H" hoN rutcmiy up- poHivd, ('criainly Jr enlltlcd to .a pinco in this group. In Jds verses thu whuicsmiid Ituigh « f bovho.xl re^nliiH Hh ic.si nuni'i* fnnry ims lost uoip: of lis trunavoeidcttve, liff Is Him rfuirinilc. Tl>e Fulry 1'ienclu‘f «tlll slumia in (Im "pulpit o^ilic p'e«'ichrr toiifl," "Ihe wind is llic blllbe nutBicfnii, tnni pIn.vK for tin- leaves \n d n u - 'i f ii iJ , loO, the wind still alfepiUTdR "ilo: Sheep Iti Ihc Sky:"ll«' p.iKtuiPH them, itrul lluui in {mukc H#> Hhi'piH !iud proMejM wMr itifir floeco.

Tho bonli rrilpi tH Mv nii'oiorv-oi .tboorC every pboflu ul vlilUI llfo fomii.-m to

Recently there was found in Morris County an old compoaition book, neatly written and well preserved, which cim- tains a poem entitled "Old Times and New." The name of the young girl stu­dent who once owned the book is written below the verses, and it was thought at first that they were original with her. Miss 'Roberts, o f the reference department o f the New'ftrk Library, looked up the mutter and found that the author of this poem, W'hlch, on January 31, 1S49, was copied in the composition book, was A. C, Spooner. The author reviews the Inven­tions and Improvements during the half century or"*hiore preceding tlie compo^I* tlon of the verses; some one really ought to write a sequel covering the succeeding fifty years I T f the poem was thought of Interest In the late forlles-^nd Us pres­ence in the composition book shows that it was—it Is even more Interesting to-day. It consists of thirty-two itansas, and space forbids Its being given here; how­ever, we may quote from It later. Any one desiring to read it will And It In the fourth volume o f "One Hundred Choice Selections," at the Newark Library. It is well worthy of perusal.

^ iSuceessor to **Chtmmi9 Madden in'' iProvtded Ay i^oy ^tCardeii

CUIUMIE FADDEN ha« been un­heard from long enuTigli to clear the Btage for the appearaaco of a ii«w character of his Ilk, and Jimmy Jones Is the boy that

will take his place. Jimmy makes hi* tppearatice In a recent book from the pen of Roy T.. McCardell, "Jttnmy Jones: the Autobiography ofa Newsboy." From the day* when, an a lad. he suffi red poverty In Twenty-Alghib wtreet, " 'cause me muddev an’ me uncle Unde John, dey wai dAt proud. ge«, dey would have atarved to def before, dey'd set up any hoUer,*’ until the river calls him to run away from his good intentions, he is Intcrestiag. The trail of Ids adventures carries ua Into haunts suggestive of those Ltule Ncil fnund when she traveled with her graRd- father through the English eountryaiidc. "You’ve had lovely advcnchlri" sfloa th* comment of his cimm, Arthur, "Odin* to wrong towns, gittlii’ wrong imdas, dlggm* oil wells by de sWcul o' yoi^ brow, havin' a little dog wid I’rei" legs, havin' a hoKi chum, o' whom n song wits wrote, diti hip name wa.a ‘Uomicai Jim of Vinegar HLI, an’ he never worked, nor he nevar wiU. I.nvely ndvenvhlrs beenmih’ an Art b boy, Ytissef. de pride o' de deserb knowlfl' a elotm In privit bfe, beta" wid a cirei«^ w

|O oix T V T » w M r « - 'Wsis a ts icd t o m M * "

fall a maij ir In dat clxcidat circus wid a brnken arm an' n hurt buck, tobuck, to wake up In a nice hospital wid yure re rure real uncle Jumc* at yore etde—wliy, ll’a a i, ll’i a regular ArabUn Night,." But these e.xpeese experience* do mit appeal to JImtay as halt aaa halt ao Interesting a* the record o f his chum. "chum. "laiok at de rec­ord you'r-e made,” he re” he replied, "You'v* licked Hoxle Lasaruas, dwrues, de tough Jew; Strap Murphy, Ulke, de Gke, de Glnnty, and Bum 1-amp Brown, an' ynutrc a you're matched to flght de boy champeiw o f d* E o f de Ka*t River Ath­letic Club to-nlte with a with aheenie NTcGee. who never picked a dead a dead one. as ydr* btteker. Why. Awther. Iwther, I link it's n.e whose life hg* been- a been- a hollow mockery, sure:"

It 1* the gettultienes* ofeness of the eharectere and Ihe realistic deplcthuideplcllon of the Ilf* of the N%w York street gamleet gamin that give the cherm of thq book. Iiook, Incidentally the patent metllclue dlnpensarllepensarlcs come In for notice, thc heroism o f then o f the newsboi I* ex­hibited, and the wgy« o f stays o f the ward poll. tlolan, with bis p ««* r spowsr autd m*Uto« -o f

popularity,.are painted as they, are. Mr. Pink, beneath the author's clever hand, 1* transformed, from a pchntteas jH«t into a- prosiwrouH gr'WrtUKinent rhymester, pa'tronlx^ by (M a th e Clothier, and tha Purple Pellet* dor'^H Id People manutao- turer*. So thp atopy goes, carrying th# reader Into th* U*w of those whom ha has never knosm except by hearsay, and everywhere Jimmy la the condiment o f sensu and humor that ihakes tha situa­tions savory. Buch stories o f real Ufa are a wholesome presentation of a fac- ,tor In human mtclaty with which large reckoning must be made and the ac­quaintance formed by way of Mr. Me- Oardell'a story will help to establlih confldenoe In those whose life le rough, whjie Ihelr hMTIa are right,.and whose common sense Is a steadying Influence upon life In the big cities. Tha dthlget Is not reproduced sufliclanily well to bal- snee the lilsrtts o f the boob. Dana Estc* * Os>..-^BOstmi. are the publlshars. Th«

iprte* kigUlk

Tlie July number of the New Jersey Law Journal contains an article by Francis B. I-ee. o f Trenton, under the title "General Sources of Historical Infonnatlon In tho State o f New Jersey." The article con­vey* Information as to the most available source* of New Jersey historical mate­rial. Particular attention Is called to iltc puhllcatlona o f the New Jersey Hlatorlcat Society, the moat important of which arr the "Archives", and the "Proceedings." 'X.'nfortunstely," writes Mr. I.ee. "a great quantity Of most useful matter has been almost lost in the flies of the rural news­papers, although much has been saved tn th* scrapbooks of the New Jersey Hlslor- kal Society In Newark. Of late year* the Newark newspapers, particularly tiiu NEWS and Sunday Call, have given spaco to historical matter. The most available collecUon* o f this sort of material arc In the State IJbrary. Trenton, and tho State Historical Society, Newark,"

The old academy at Basking Ridge, for- merly one of the best known schools of New Jersey, is still atapding, the building being owned and used by a lodge o f the United Workmen. TIjIs old school was founded -hy Rev. Robert Finley, paator o f the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church from nSa to ISIT. Fir. ley was born In ITO He married In 1T9S. Esther Caldwell, a daughter of the patriot minister, who wa* hilled at IJllzabethport during tha Revolu­tion. Finley in ISIS organised at Washing­ton the American Colonisation 8oclot.v, Henry Clay and John Randolph being among those at the meeting. It was soon after Ills Installation at Basking Ridge that he started the academy. Many noted Jerseytnen. o f the past were among Its graduates, Richard Stockton being one of the alumni.

Archibald Baird, a resident o f Logans- vllle. Morris County, a little hamlet near Basking Ridge, remembers a story o f the academy boys which was told him by hla father. Th* boys were aocustomed to flsh In the Paasalc River within the boundaries o f bis father's farm, and one day they eut down several sapling eherry tree* for Ashing poles. The tree* had onty recently been set out. and the elder Baird was very angrj’ when h* saw what had been done. He caught the boya, and, wjtb the poles they had cut, gave them wiiat he considered proper punishment. Th* boys, greatly perturbed, reported to Dr. Finley, and he came over to In- veatlgate. When he heard the side of the owner o f the trees he said tfe boye deserved Ihelr punl*hment. and on hi* re­turn he sent them back to Logansvllle to ask pardon for the damage they had Inflicted. Two o f the companion tree* to those destroyed by the boy* are still •landing near the mill-pond, bearing in old age their yearly fruit. Another atory of the academy boys,, ttbich, relates lo a period shortly after the removal o f Dr. Finley from Basking Itidge, Is told by Mr. ^ Ird . One day several students were bathing on the Somerset County aide of the mill pond when a huge hlacksnake came on thc Scene and began to chase thi:m. They ran out o f the Water, scream­ing .srlth fright. This brought Mrs. Btlrd from thq bouse and, armed with a hoc, •he killed the, eaptlle.

W k m t J^ ra iZ a m d in f.Th* book* most t i demand at the New­

ark Library, during the past week bars b««n. in the order of their popularity^ u follows; '

F}eUon~"Bud,” by Kelt Monro; "The Man," by John Corbin; " A t the

Gate o f Bsmariu." by 'WllUara J. Locke. "The Glaat'a strength." by Basil King; ■The Traitor.” -by TUwna* Dixon Jr„ and ‘ The Lady of the IMcoratlOu,’' b.v Fran­ce* Little. Non-flotlon<-‘ 'Chrlatlrtn Sci­ence,” by Mark Twain: "Camp Kll» aiid Camp Life.” by Charles 8, Hank*; “ In Thamesland," by Henry tV. Wach; "The Family," bY KlMc Clews Persons; ''fTo.ii a flollegc Window," hy Arthur t ‘. Benson, g|Hl "paycbulogy,” by William Jamti.

CLINTON ffl'OLI.AHD.hc-TlIliy Imyhuod. School dfivs, for In­stance. usually BO hatefnl to childhood, are recalled with a youthful spirit *k- - pressing Itself In "Tiic Whisperers."

It'a clear to one who's not a fool That trees have never been to school And If you usk me why I know—It la because they whisper ao.

What n wliolesoiue boy it must have been who fancied, as he watched hi* flying kite:

It would miss the sun With'Its golden burs.

But It would have fun Ploying with the elurs.

Pcrlmps it is sJuipb' thc reproiluctlon of a boy's outlook on life that gives these rhymes their chief chnrm, Mr. Scollaid ha* not forgotten the ecopc of (lint world nor where Its emphnafs lay. The rng man. thc whistler, the popcorn man. the fraldie- cat and thc sailor are familiar to every normal, child. The haymow, the pwlns* tb« bonfire and the snow fort are objwta o f hl» dellghL The ghuat and the hioolCs rainy days and vacation time, sleds, hi- ipy and pom-pom-pullaway are mattera o f absorbing intereat in the days when the boy makes hla flrat acquaintance with life. Then come braver dayB, when he gosa into the dark woods with bU dog and leamit to know the birds, the thniBh, tho bobolink and the pussy-cat bird, tha

^squirrels and the fiowera. The inanimate ’ la animate to him, the little folk of an­

other realm ar* very near, and over It all a great mystery apreada Itnelf that he feels eapeclally at night, when be entem the Gatee of Drowale-lund and iltirnbera on in the Land of Lay-Me-Down. It Ih all X lend of poetry, and the author h.’ta shown the touch in such Instancea as la ’ ‘The Flowers of Slcpp.’ 'Out o f the atarry glooms,

From the vague and the vast and the df'ep.

■A spirit came with the blooms Of the beautiful Garden of Steep.

And when the glass o f the day Had numbered Its golden sands.

At reet a little maid lay With a flower of sleep In her hapfls."A Boy's Book o f Rhymes," bv Cllntdl *

Seollafd. George William Browning, Cits* ton, N. Y. Price seventy-five cents,

_ _9 o d a rn C u ra p a a m J A fit io ry .

Dr, Ferdinand Schwill. associate pro. feasor o f modern .history In the University o f Chicago, Is the author qf "A Political Hlatory of Modern Europe, from the Reformation to the Present Day." His­tory. Dr. Schwill eoiitends, “ is concerned primarily with politics, and secondarily with everything else In the life o f a ' nation affecting politics." He adds; "By politic* 1 understand the development of government In the different countries, tho ' work o f these governments In making laws and administering home affairs, and the rclatlona o f tho governments among themselves in peace and war." The book deals with the political hlatory o f B u r i^ during tho Irit four centuries, ‘.'noL how­ever," as th* author explains, “ without duly takirig note o f those changes In economic^, morals, religion, art and litera­ture, which are the causes, and therefore furnish the explanation o f every new political upheaval." While the treatment Is too brief and hurried to hold the In­terest o f the general reader It would seem to answer admirably the purposes o f an advanced textbook, Excellent features are copious references accompanying each chapter, and numerous maps and ohrpn- ologl^al and genealogical tahice. The. publishers are Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.

The Rew Booki at MULLIBM’S

ir ii* Youngsr 8*t, by author PIphthii! Chanos .................. t.................... . . . " m . *fPh* T riltc r, fey Dlxan.................. t.oi*Tha Mayor's Wife, by Anns Kstha-I rine Orson................................. I.tgbsvots, fey author 8t. I l m * . . . , . ..........1.H'A ttumbllng Oleek, by authorI Buchsnsn’s W i f * . . . . , ...................... 1.08Asrrlscn's Finish, fey F*rouion. . . . , , l .n Homart’s Automsfells Kdueator..,.,, 3.W Ths Man and His Kingdom, by Op.. panhsim ...................... .’ i ................,1.08Th* Second G a n s r s t l o h 1.08Bsparsnte Compist* Taxtbook....... . .wAlle*-ror-thort 1.48AutsmpfeMa Blu* Soek, Farts 1, 2 slid

S, « s c h . . , , . . , . . . .^ ....................a .. ., 2.HFrull RteipM.......................................... 1.50Slim Prinosss. fey Q*arg* A d e ....^ .,' ,90 Hswthem*, compltts, l j voltmus,

hsif ealf............................................... 18.08T h * Lsdy of th* Dscoratien.............. .go8ct«iq* and Hsalth, by Mrs. Eddy... IJH On th* Trail of th* Immigrant, by■ 8t#ln*r .................................................. l.igFosUr’s Skat Manual................. lA iSatan Sandtrien, by H sills B. Rivas, 1.08 All th * Msgailnts for S«pt*mb*r.L ift that Follows LIfs, by S haw .... .18Susan, by gm stt O U m sadow ........ I.oaTsn Lmons In Singing, by MsrthstI 1.00 ' Ths Aster's Boarding-house, by

H*l*n ar**n....... .............................. ,0bTh * SpertiiM Dog, by Graham............ 2.0gTh* OaptsiiTsf ths K tn s ii, by T r iw Sat Emorswi, H v«lum*s, half eaif..33Ag Dam's Haw to Know th* Wild

Flowers .............. ..............SaM:-Jossph Vanes............ ......... .Directory for City of Hewsrk, IK ff.. 7 .M ' Scarlet Cgr, Richard Harding Davis. J l.The Len* Star, by L iy*...................... -Bmptr* Bulldtrs, by Francis Lynda.. 1.08---MBirds Evsry Child SlrtuM Knew___

Bsach t t Ebb TIdt, by Arnold... 2.40-Ciblas' Rtcordo, from 78o. to............ l .HThs Prlnolplss'of Banking, by Conint 4A8ie',: Christian Sclsn«a, by Marie Twain...lo^tev- . Th* Ovtleot^ Tralnsd Nurst, Ng ' *" * Am'srioan- Review, Craftsman. Sou Lifa In Amsriea, System and all the •soka and Msgsstnes,

m m-V -ly-.f- i
