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Secreted factors from adipose tissue increase adipogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells

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Secreted factors from adipose tissue increase adipogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells L. Wu *,, T. Wang , Y. Ge * , X. Cai * , J. Wang * and Y. Lin * *State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, Department of Tissue Regeneration, MIRA-Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hainan Provincial Peoples Hospital, Hainan Province, China Received 12 November 2011; revision accepted 8 March 2012 Abstract Objectives: Adipose tissue engineering is one of the hottest topics in the eld of regenerative medi- cine. Fat tissue has been considered as an abundant and accessible source of adult stem cells by tissue engineers, since it gives rise to adipose stem cells. However, recent reports have pointed out that adi- pose tissue, as a secretory and endocrine organ, might secrete cytokines that regulate body func- tions such as metabolism, infammation and more. In this study, we aim to investigate the adipogenic- inducing factors secreted by fat tissue. Materials and methods: Conditioned medium were collected by culturing fat tissue fragments in plastic asks. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) cultured in conditioned medium (CM) to test the adipogenic- inducing factors. Oil red O staining, reverse tran- scription/polymerase chain reaction and immunocy- touorescent staining were performed to examine the differentiation of MSCs in CM. Results: MSCs cultured in CM of adipose tissue spontaneously differentiated into adipocytes. Further- more, supplementation of insulin or dexamethasone to CM accelerated the process of lipid accumulation of differentiated MSCs. Discussion: Results from this study demonstrated that fat tissues secrete small molecules, which induce adipogenic differentiation of MSCs. Conclusions: Our study provides clues for improv- ing adipose tissue engineering by using fragmented adipose tissue as sources of fat-inducing factors. Introduction Adipose tissue engineering has been developed to restore large-sized soft tissue defects resulting from trauma, tumour resection and congenital defects, amongst others. Strategies of fat tissue engineering include implantation of pre-adipocytes or adipocytes together with appropriate scaffolds, to restore the vol- ume of tissue lost at the defect site. Involvement of scaf- folds suggests that autologous transplantation of fat tissue obtained from liposuction or aspiration is gener- ally unsuccessful, due to signicant absorption of the transplanted tissue over time (1). A hypothesis has been proposed to explain tissue absorption insufcient angiogenesis of transplanted tissue (2). Aspiration proce- dures usually damage existing vascular structure of adi- pose tissue, and mature adipocytes have only limited proliferative capacity to restore vasculature, due to their terminally differentiated status (3). Thus, neither lique- ed fat tissue from liposuction nor fully mature adipo- cytes are a desired cell source for adipose tissue engineering (4). Stem cells isolated from adipose tissue have the potential to differentiate into multilineages of cells, including osteoblasts, chondrocytes, adipocytes and myoblasts (57). Increasing knowledge concerning adi- pose stem cells (ASCs) spurs further research to make use of the potential therapeutic applications of ASCs in regenerative medicine (8,9). Recent reports from several research groups have shed light on the possibility of using ASCs in adipose tissue engineering (10,11). On the other hand, some researchers have reported that tis- sues in which stem cells reside, might secrete factors that enhanced differentiation of the stem cells. Some of these factors are produced by paracrine mechanisms, for example, cartilage tissue-derived factors can suppress collagen X expression (12). Moreover, embryonic stem cells can be induced to differentiate into cardiomyocytes Correspondence: Y. Lin, State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China. Tel.: +86-28-85503487; Fax: +86-28-85582167; E-mail: [email protected] Ling Wu and Tao Wang contribute equally to this work. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 311 Cell Prolif., 2012, 45, 311319 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2184.2012.00823.x

Secreted factors from adipose tissue increase adipogenic differentiationof mesenchymal stem cellsL. Wu*,†, T. Wang‡, Y. Ge*, X. Cai*, J. Wang* and Y. Lin*

*State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, †Department of TissueRegeneration, MIRA-Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands and ‡Oral andMaxillofacial Surgery, Hainan Provincial People’s Hospital, Hainan Province, China

Received 12 November 2011; revision accepted 8 March 2012

AbstractObjectives: Adipose tissue engineering is one ofthe hottest topics in the field of regenerative medi-cine. Fat tissue has been considered as an abundantand accessible source of adult stem cells by tissueengineers, since it gives rise to adipose stem cells.However, recent reports have pointed out that adi-pose tissue, as a secretory and endocrine organ,might secrete cytokines that regulate body func-tions such as metabolism, infammation and more.In this study, we aim to investigate the adipogenic-inducing factors secreted by fat tissue.Materials and methods: Conditioned medium werecollected by culturing fat tissue fragments in plasticflasks. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) cultured inconditioned medium (CM) to test the adipogenic-inducing factors. Oil red O staining, reverse tran-scription/polymerase chain reaction and immunocy-tofluorescent staining were performed to examinethe differentiation of MSCs in CM.Results: MSCs cultured in CM of adipose tissuespontaneously differentiated into adipocytes. Further-more, supplementation of insulin or dexamethasone toCM accelerated the process of lipid accumulation ofdifferentiated MSCs.Discussion: Results from this study demonstratedthat fat tissues secrete small molecules, which induceadipogenic differentiation of MSCs.Conclusions: Our study provides clues for improv-ing adipose tissue engineering by using fragmentedadipose tissue as sources of fat-inducing factors.


Adipose tissue engineering has been developed torestore large-sized soft tissue defects resulting fromtrauma, tumour resection and congenital defects,amongst others. Strategies of fat tissue engineeringinclude implantation of pre-adipocytes or adipocytestogether with appropriate scaffolds, to restore the vol-ume of tissue lost at the defect site. Involvement of scaf-folds suggests that autologous transplantation of fattissue obtained from liposuction or aspiration is gener-ally unsuccessful, due to significant absorption of thetransplanted tissue over time (1). A hypothesis has beenproposed to explain tissue absorption – insufficientangiogenesis of transplanted tissue (2). Aspiration proce-dures usually damage existing vascular structure of adi-pose tissue, and mature adipocytes have only limitedproliferative capacity to restore vasculature, due to theirterminally differentiated status (3). Thus, neither lique-fied fat tissue from liposuction nor fully mature adipo-cytes are a desired cell source for adipose tissueengineering (4).

Stem cells isolated from adipose tissue have thepotential to differentiate into multilineages of cells,including osteoblasts, chondrocytes, adipocytes andmyoblasts (5–7). Increasing knowledge concerning adi-pose stem cells (ASCs) spurs further research to makeuse of the potential therapeutic applications of ASCs inregenerative medicine (8,9). Recent reports from severalresearch groups have shed light on the possibility ofusing ASCs in adipose tissue engineering (10,11). Onthe other hand, some researchers have reported that tis-sues in which stem cells reside, might secrete factorsthat enhanced differentiation of the stem cells. Some ofthese factors are produced by paracrine mechanisms, forexample, cartilage tissue-derived factors can suppresscollagen X expression (12). Moreover, embryonic stemcells can be induced to differentiate into cardiomyocytes

Correspondence: Y. Lin, State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases,West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu610041, China. Tel.: +86-28-85503487; Fax: +86-28-85582167;E-mail: [email protected] Wu and Tao Wang contribute equally to this work.

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 311

Cell Prolif., 2012, 45, 311–319 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2184.2012.00823.x

by signalling mediated through cardiac paracrine path-ways (13).

Adipose tissue, mesenchymal in origin, is composedof adipocytes, pre-adipocytes, blood cells, fibroblasts,immune cells and matrix of collagen fibres. The majorform of fat in humans is white adipose tissue, which fora long time has been viewed as a passive energy reser-voir. This has been changed by the discovery that anumber of adipocyte-derived secretory factors, called(since the 1990s) adipokines (14,15). Scientists havenow started to accept the concept of white adipose tissueas an endocrine organ, which plays a central role in reg-ulating energy homeostasis through adipokine-mediatedregulation of a number of signalling pathways in targettissues. Imbalance of adipokine profiles is a typicalsymptom of patients suffering from metabolic syn-dromes (16). A large group of cytokines and bioactivesubstances are secreted by adipocytes via autocrine,paracrine and endocrine mechanisms, and they work inthe surrounding micro-environment to maintain normalbody functions. According to their roles, adipokines canbe generally catalogued into four groups (17): metabo-lism regulating factors; pro-inflammatory cytokines andacute phase reactants; components of extracellularmatrix; and promitogenic and pro-angiogenic factors.Recently, attention has been paid to the bioactive pro-teins secreted by adipose tissue, which are able toinduce adult stem cells to differentiate into adipocytes(18). This implies that adipose tissue itself might beused to enhance differentiation of the adult stem cellsby producing intrinsic supporting factors. Thus, fat tis-sue might effectively serve as a feeder layer for its ownor independent pluripotent stem cells, to eliminatepotential variability and contamination caused by feedercells, significant at the moment for development of tis-sue regeneration and engineering (19,20).

In this study, a secretory mechanism is describedconcerning adipose tissue’s influence on adipogenic dif-ferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Fundamentalproperties of secreted factors from adipose tissue werealso characterized. Data presented here indicate thepotential for using fragmented fat tissue as source forboth seeding cells and inducing factors in adipose tissueengineering.

Materials and methods

Isolation and expansion of mesenchymal stem cells

Bone marrow-derived MSCs were isolated as previouslyreported (21). Briefly, MSCs were harvested from bonemarrow of femurs and tibias of 8-week-old BALB/cmice, by inserting a 5-gauge needle into the shaft of the

bone and flushing out marrow with a-modified Eagle’smedium (a-MEM) containing 10% foetal bovine serum(FBS), 100 U/ml penicillin and 100 lg/ml streptomycin(expansion medium). Cells from one mouse were platedinto one T25 flask. After 48 h, floating cells were dis-carded and adherent cells were washed in phosphate-buf-fered saline (PBS). MSCs were cultured for7–10 days in expansion medium to reach confluence andpassaged twice before seeding on glass coverslips foradipogenic differentiation. All cell culture reagents werepurchased from Gibco (Grand Island, NY, USA) unlessotherwise stated. All our protocols relating to animal pro-cedures were approved by Animal Care Committee ofWest China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University.

Isolation of adipose stem cells and collection of fattissue-conditioned medium

Inguinal fat pads were isolated from 8-week-old BALB/c mice, then fat tissues were excised and washed exten-sively in sterile PBS to remove any contaminatingblood. Tissues were then cut into small pieces of around2 mm diameter, as we described previously (22). Fat tis-sue fragments were placed in tissue-culture treated T75flasks and incubated at 37 °C for 30 min to allow themto attach to the bottoms of flasks; then, expansion med-ium was added carefully to the flasks. After 5 days, fattissues were removed by washing out with medium.ASCs were cultured for 7 days in expansion medium toreach confluence and passaged twice before seeding onglass coverslips for adipogenic differentiation. To collectconditioned medium of fat tissues, the same procedurewas used to isolate and process them. In addition, fattissue fragments were placed in tissue culture-treatedT75 flasks and incubated at 37 °C for 30 min to allowthem attach to the bottoms of flasks. Then, either serum-free a-MEM or expansion medium was added to care-fully the flasks to make CM without FBS or CM withFBS. After 1 week, both kinds of conditioned mediawere harvested and stored at 4 °C. CM without FBSwas supplemented with 10% FBS, 100 U/ml penicillinand 100 lg/ml streptomycin before being used to cul-ture MSCs. Then, ultracentrifugation was used to sepa-rate different components in conditioned medium bytheir molecular weights. Briefly, CM without FBS wasfirst introduced into Amicon® Ultra-15 Centrifugal FilterUnits with Ultracel-5 membrane (5000 Nominal Molec-ular Weight Limit, NMWL) and centrifuged at 1968 gfor 30 min. This concentrate was called CM > 5k. Otherfiltrates were introduced into Amicon® Ultra-15 Centrif-ugal Filter Units with Ultracel-3 membrane (3000NMWL) and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 30 min. Theconcentrates and filtrates were called 3k < CM < 5D

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and CM > 5k respectively. For some experiments, dexa-methasone (1 lM) or insulin (10 lM) was supplementedto conditioned medium as indicated in figure legends.

Adipogenic differentiation and oil red-O staining

For adipogenic differentiation, cells were cultured for7 days in adipogenic medium containing a-MEM sup-plemented with 10% FBS, 1 lM dexamethasone (Sigma,St. Louis, MO, USA), 10 lM insulin (Sigma), 200 lMindomethacin (Sigma), and 0.5 mM isobutyl-methylxan-thine (IBMX; Sigma); medium was replaced every2 days. After 1 week, MSCs were subjected to oil red-Ostaining. Briefly, the MSCs were fixed in 10% formalde-hyde solution (Sigma) for 15 min, washed in 60% iso-propanol (Sigma), and stained with oil red O solution(in 60% isopropanol) for 5 min followed by repeatedwashing in PBS. Then, images were taken of the cellsusing a Nikon microscope (Tokyo, Japan). To quantifyfat droplets in cells, pixels of red areas (positivelystained) were calculated using software IMAGEJ (avail-able on website: http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/). Values repre-sent means ± SE of six replicates.

RNA isolation and RT-PCR

RNA samples of MSCs cultured in expansion mediumor adipogenic medium were isolated using Total Tissue/cell RNA Extraction Kit (Watson, China), according tothe manufacturer’s protocol. One microgram of totalRNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA in a 20-mlreverse transcription system (Fementas, Vilnius, Lithuan)according to the manufacturer’s instructions. cDNAsamples were amplified using a Pfu PCR kit (Tiangen,Beijing, China); specific primers are listed in Table 1.All PCR products were resolved on 2% agarose gel.

The amplicons obtained for both PPAR-c and GAP-DH were quantified according to their signal intensitieson agarose gel, by using IMAGEJ Software; this is definedas densitometric reading for each gene. Then, relativelevels of PPAR-c for each sample were estimated by

using ratio of densitometric readings of PPAR-c andGAPDH.

Immunofluorescence staining

MSCs cultured either in expansion medium or adipo-genic medium, were plated on to glass coverslips in six-well plates, 24 h before staining. Cells were washedbriefly in PBS, fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for30 min at room temperature, then permeabilized andblocked in 0.5% Triton-X 100 and 0.5% bovine serumalbumin (BSA) for 15 min at room temperature. Sam-ples were subsequently incubated overnight at 4 °C inrabbit polyclonal antibody against PPAR-c (AbCam,Cambridge, MA, USA) conjugated to rhodamine(Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA), and nuclei were stainedwith DAPI (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA).After rinsing in PBS, cells were observed and imageswere produced using a DMi 6000 B fluorescence micro-scope (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany).

Statistical analysis

Three independent sets of all experiments were per-formed. Three replicates were performed for qualitativeexperiments, and six replicates for quantitative experi-ments. Data shown as means ± SD, and were analysedby paired analysis of variance (ANOVA). P-values aredescribed in figures; P < 0.05 was considered statisti-cally significant.


Adipose-derived stromal cells that migratedspontaneously from fat tissue pieces differentiated intoadipocytes

We have previously reported that ASCs can beobtained by culturing fat tissue fragments in cultureflasks (23). These cells were able to differentiate into avariety of cell types such as adipocytes, osteoblasts and

Table 1. Forward (F) and Reverse (R) primer pairs used for RT-PCR to detect gene expression pattern in MSCs

Gene name Primer sequence Product size GenBank no.


266 NM_011146


270 NM_008509


182 NM_024406


492 NM_001001303

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chondrocytes. Here, as early as the 3rd day, there werecells growing out of fat tissue pieces (Fig 1a). Nor-mally, fat would be washed away at day 5 and ASCsexpanded to confluence. However, these ASCs startedto accumulate lipid droplets if fat tissues were notremoved until day 10. At day 14, more lipid dropletscould be seen in the ASCs (Fig 1a). Another interest-ing finding was that the closer the ASCs were to theparent tissue, the more fat droplets could be found inthe cells. As adipocytes are fully differentiated mature

cells, unable to migrate out of tissue, the fat-containingcells had differentiated into fat cells spontaneously aftermigrating from the tissue fragments. Then, we hypothe-sized that there are soluble factors secreted by adiposetissue that induce adipogenic differentiation of ASCs.Therefore, conditioned medium was collected from adi-pose tissue and tested for its adipogenic potential, byculturing ASCs for 1 week. As shown in Fig. 1b, med-ium conditioned with FBS induced adipogenic differen-tiation of ASCs.



Figure 1. Spontaneous differentiation ofadipose-derived stromal cells. (a) Fat tissueisolated from the groin fat pad, cut into smallpieces and cultured in flasks, for up to2 weeks. Adipose stromal cells migrated outof fat tissue fragments and gradually turnedinto fully mature adipocytes. Bar = 50 lm(b) Conditioned medium was formed by cul-turing fat tissue with DMEM containing 10%FBS for 1 week. Bone marrow MSCs cul-tured in conditioned medium for 1 week dif-ferentiation into adipocytes. Upper panel –pictures with no staining, while lower panelshows images of oil-red O staining.Bar = 50 lm

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Conditioned medium induced adipogenic differentiationof bone marrow MSCs

As we have previously reported, freshly isolated ASCscontain a minor fraction of pre-adipocytes (6) and it istrue that some tiny fat droplets could be found in cellscultured in expansion medium only (Fig 1b). Thus tooavoid contamination by pre-existing adipocytes, weneeded an adipogenic differentiation model using cellsderived from another source rather than from fat tissueitself. Thus, a model using bone marrow MSCs wasset up to test the conditioned medium’s potential toinduce adipogenic differentiation. Serum-free mediumwas used to condition fat tissue, as serum could be anobstacle in the subsequent study of analysing activecomponents of conditioned medium. As shown in

Fig. 2, MSCs cultured in CM with FBS differentiatedinto adipocytes, and expressed adipogenic genes suchas for PPAR-c, aP2 and LPL. CM-without FBSinduced MSCs to accumulate fat drops (Fig. 2a) andexpress adipogenic genes (Fig. 2b). Immunofluores-cence staining showed that PPAR-c was expressed byBMSCs cultured either in CM with FBS or CM with-out FBS. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI(Fig. 2c).

Dexamethasone or insulin accelerated lipidaccumulation of MSCs cultured in conditioned medium

To enhance adipogenic differentiation of MSCs culturedin conditioned medium, dexamethasone (1 lM) or insu-


(b) (c)Figure 2. Serum-free conditioned mediumfrom adipose tissue, induces adipogenic dif-ferentiation of bone marrow MSCs. (a) CMwith FBS was obtained by culturing fat tissuewith DMEM containing 10% FBS for1 week. CM without FBS was obtained byculturing fat tissue with serum-free mediumfor 1 week and then supplemented with 10%FBS. Both CM with FBS and CM withoutFBS induced adipogenic differentiation ofMSCs after 1 week’s culture. Bar = 50 lm.(b) RT-PCR analysis of adipogenic genes onMSCs, cultured in different media. (c) Imuno-fluorescence staining showed that PPAR-cwas expressed by MSCs cultured either inCM with FBS or in CM without FBS. Nucleicounterstained with DAPI. Bar = 10 lm.

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lin (10 lM) were added to expansion medium andCM-without FBS. As shown in Fig. 3a, both dexameth-asone and insulin enhanced fat-drop accumulation inMSCs cultured in conditioned medium, while dexameth-asone or insulin alone only induced few MSCs to gener-ate fat droplets. Then, oil-red O staining was performedand pixels of positive areas were calculated using IMA-

GEJ to quantify amounts of lipid droplets formed inMSCs. As shown in Fig. 3b, MSCs cultured in CM sup-plemented with insulin accumulated most droplets.Results of semi-quantitative RT-PCR also indicated thatCM supplemented with insulin induced the strongestexpression of PPAR-c mRNA (Fig. 3c,d). Expression ofPPAR-c at protein level was detected by immunofluo-rescence staining (Fig. 3e).

Molecular weight of active components was between 3and 5 kDa

Subsequently, ultracentrifugation was used to studymolecular weights of active components of conditionedmedium (CM without FBS). With combination of twocut-offs (3 and 5 kDa), conditioned medium was sepa-rated into three fractions: CM < 3k (molecules smallerthan 3 kDa), 3k < CM < 5k (molecules between 3 and5 kDa) and CM > 5k (molecules bigger than 5 kDa).Only MSCs cultured in 3k < CM < 5k accumulated fatdroplets (Fig. 4a); pixels of positive areas were calcu-lated by IMAGEJ to show amounts of lipid formed inMSCs. Quantification of oil-red O staining confirmedthat positively stained areas of MSCs cultured in






Figure 3. Conditioned medium supplemented with dexamethasone or insulin induced stronger adipogenic differentiation of MSCs. (a) Con-trol medium (DMEM+10%FBS) and CM without FBS (collected as described before) were supplemented either with dexamethasone (Dex) or insu-lin, and these media were used to culture MSCs for 1 week. CM without FBS supplemented with insulin induced strongest lipid accumulation.Bar = 100 lm. (b) MSCs were then fixed and stained with oil-red O. Pixels of positive area were calculated using IMAGEJ, to show amounts oflipid formed in MSCs. **P < 0.01. (c) Expression of PPAR-c was detected by RT-PCR. GAPDH was used as internal control. (d) Signal intensi-ties of PPAR-c and GAPDH on agarose gel were quantified to estimate relative levels of PPAR-c. **P < 0.01. (e) Expression of PPAR-c was visu-alized by secondary antibodies conjugated to rhodamine. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Bar = 10 lm.

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3k < CM < 5k were significantly larger than those inCM < 3k or CM > 5k (Fig. 4b). Results of semi-quanti-tative RT-PCR indicated that MSCs culture in3k < CM < 5k expressed more PPAR-c mRNA thanMSCs in CM < 3k and CM > 5k (Fig. 4c,d), andimmunocytofluorescence showed 3k < CM < 5k-induced PPAR-c expression in MSCs (Fig. 4e).


The concept of regarding white adipose tissue as anendocrine organ began in 1995 when Halaas and col-leagues discovered leptin and its wide ranging biologicalfunctions (24). Aiding maintenance of normal bodyfunctions, adipocytes secrete diverse cytokines and other

bioactive substances into their surrounding environment.Some of these secreted factors have been demonstratedto induce differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells intoadipocytes (18). Study of secretory profiles of adiposetissue can be useful for fat tissue regeneration (25).

In this study, we first confirmed that cells are able tomigrate out of fat tissue pieces, as we have previouslyreported. Then we found that these cells accumulatedlipid droplets if their parent fat tissue fragments werenot removed from the culture flasks. It is very unlikelythat fully differentiated mature adipocytes (which con-tain large fat droplets) migrate out of fat tissue. There-fore, these cells containing lipid droplets must havebeen ASCs or pre-adipocytes, induced into matureadipocytes by bioactive factors secreted from the






Figure 4. Active components of conditioned medium, between 3 and 5 kDa. (a) Different components of CM without FBS were separated byultra centrifugation. All three components, as well as controls, were supplemented with 10% FBS and insulin. MSCs cultured in these media for1 week showed different levels of adipogenic differentiation. Bar = 50 lm (b) MSCs were then fixed and stained in oil-red O. Pixels of positiveareas were calculated using IMAGEJ, to show amounts of lipid formed in MSCs. **P < 0.01. (c) Expression of PPAR-c was detected by RT-PCR.GAPDH was used as internal control. (d) Signal intensities of PPAR-c and GAPDH on agarose gel were quantified to estimate relative levels ofPPAR-c. **P < 0.01. (e) Expression of PPAR-c was visualized using secondary antibodies conjugated to rhodamine. Nuclei were counterstainedwith DAPI. Bar = 10 lm.

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Adipogenesis inducing factors from fat tissue 317

adipose tissue. Then, conditioned medium of adiposetissue was collected and shown to be adipogenic/induc-tive, by culturing ASCs in it. To avoid interference ofpre-existing adipocytes, bone marrow MSCs were usedto test adipogenic inductivity of conditioned medium.MSCs cultured in CM differentiated into adipocytes andexpressed adipogenic genes for PPAR-c, aP2 and LPL,as endorsed by RT-PCR. Furthermore, influence ofserum was eliminated by using serum-free medium toformulate conditioned medium of fat tissue. CM withoutFBS induced MSCs to accumulate fat droplets andinduced expression of adipogenic genes. Results furtherindicate that adipogenic inductivity of CM could begreatly enhanced by supplementation of dexamethasoneor insulin. Finally, the molecular weights of active com-pounds was refined to be between 3 and 5 kDa.

Dexamethasone or insulin was added to enhance adi-pogenic inductivity of conditioned medium. Both areimportant components of well-established adipogenicdifferentiation media (26). It is generally known thatinsulin plays important roles in glycaemic control (27),glucose transport (28) and glycogen synthesis (29).Moreover, insulin also functions as metabolic regulatorby participating in cell proliferation and differentiation(30), lipid accumulation in adipocyte (31) and lipolysisregulation (32). Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocor-ticoid, mainly used to treat severe inflammatory diseases(33). However, it is also frequently used in the labora-tory, to accelerate adipogenic differentiation of mesen-chymal stem cells, by promoting PPAR-c2 expression(34) and depressing that of Runx 2 (35). Data from thepresent study confirms that the process of lipid accumu-lation in MSCs could be greatly accelerated by supple-mentation of dexamethasone or insulin to theconditioned medium. These results indicate that activemolecules in conditioned medium could be synergizedby dexamethasone and insulin.

So far, most relevant studies have put emphasis onproteins secreted by whole adipose tissues. Some ofthese proteins are inflammatory cytokines such as inter-leukins, TNF-a and more (36); some proteins such asadiponectin, adipsin, apelin, apolipoprotein E, insulin-like growth factor 1, leptin, lipoprotein lipase, and more,play crucial roles in lipid metabolism, while others areinvolved in vascular haemostasis or the complement sys-tem (17). Very few studies have paid attention to smallmolecules secreted by adipose tissue, however, it iswidely known that animal tissues (especially those ofthe central nerve system) produce many small moleculesthat regulate body functions (37,38). On the basis ofthat, the fraction of the conditioned medium between 3and 5 kDa induced most adipogenic differentiation; webelieve that a group of small molecules that tune differ-

entiation of adult stem cells, could be found in this adi-pose tissue secretome. Therefore, the results of presentstudy open a window for us to commit to research ofsmall molecules secreted by adipose tissues.

In our previous studies, a group of cells derivedfrom adipose tissue was shown to have characteristics ofboth osteogenic and adipogenic progenitors (23). Thesecells could be enriched in the Sca-1 negative populationby fluorescence-activated cell sorting, and expressedRUNX2 and PPAR-c proteins. When cultured in adipo-genic medium, PPAR-c moves to nuclei and the cellsdifferentiate into adipocytes. Conversely, when RUNX2moves to nuclei and cells differentiate into osteoblasts,when cultured in osteogenic medium. Now, in thisstudy, small molecules have also been discovered to besecreted by adipose tissue, to induce fat accumulation inMSCs. Thus, fat tissue fragments may not only be usedas sources of seed cells but also could be used to pro-vide inducing factors in adipose tissue engineering.

In summary, we found that adipose tissue fragmentscan secrete factors that trigger adipogenic differentiationof mesenchymal stem cells. We have determined molecu-lar weight of the active components in conditioned med-ium to be between 3 and 5 kDa. We believe that theresults of the present study has enriched our understand-ing of adipogenic differentiation of MSCs, demonstratingthat adipose tissue, as an endocrine organ, plays an impor-tant role in increasing adipogenic differentiation of stemcells. Further studies may pave the way for applying frag-mented fat tissue as the source for both seed cells andinducing factors, in adipose tissue engineering.


This work was funded by National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (81071273, 31170929), NationalNatural Science Foundation of Hainan Province(30635), Foundation for the Author of National Excel-lent Doctoral Dissertation of China (FANEDD 200977)and Program for New Century Excellent Talents in Uni-versity (NCET-08-0373), Funding for DistinguishedYoung Scientists in Sichuan (2010JQ0066).


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