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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации ФГАОУ ВО «УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н.Ельцина» Составители: А.П. Бекетова, Е.Е. Дымова SENTENCE STRUCTURE Учебный электронный текстовый ресурс Подготовлено кафедрой «Иностранных языков и перевода» Научный редактор: доцент, канд. фил. наук О.В. Томберг Материалы к практикуму разработаны для студентов и магистрантов всех направлений подготовки УрФУ, имеющих в учебных планах дисциплины «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык специальности» и «Иностранный язык для научных (академических) целей». Содержат упражнения для отработки моделей построения повествовательных, отрицательных, вопросительных, восклицательных, повелительных, безличных и неопределенно- личных предложений, а также совершенствования навыков использования разнообразных средств связи в сложносочиненных и сложноподчиненных предложениях. Тематические разделы имеют три уровня сложности заданий: низкий, средний, высокий. Даны ответы к практическим заданиям, что позволяет использовать материалы для самостоятельной работы. УрФУ, 2017 Екатеринбург

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

ФГАОУ ВО «УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н.Ельцина»


А.П. Бекетова, Е.Е. Дымова


Учебный электронный текстовый ресурс

Подготовлено кафедрой «Иностранных языков и перевода»

Научный редактор: доцент, канд. фил. наук О.В. Томберг

Материалы к практикуму разработаны для студентов и

магистрантов всех направлений подготовки УрФУ, имеющих в

учебных планах дисциплины «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный

язык специальности» и «Иностранный язык для научных

(академических) целей».

Содержат упражнения для отработки моделей построения

повествовательных, отрицательных, вопросительных,

восклицательных, повелительных, безличных и неопределенно-

личных предложений, а также совершенствования навыков

использования разнообразных средств связи в сложносочиненных

и сложноподчиненных предложениях. Тематические разделы

имеют три уровня сложности заданий: низкий, средний, высокий.

Даны ответы к практическим заданиям, что позволяет

использовать материалы для самостоятельной работы.

УрФУ, 2017




ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ .......................................................................................................... 3

WORD ORDER AND SENTENCE PATTERNS ........................................................ 5

QUESTIONS ............................................................................................................... 38

LINKING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ................................................................ 70

KEYS ......................................................................................................................... 104

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 125



Современные выпускники высших учебных заведений должны обладать

определенными общекультурными и общепрофессиональными компетенциями.

Исходя из современных тенденций и требований общества, в частности

требования практического обучения иностранному языку, входящему в цикл

обязательных к освоению дисциплин, согласно федеральному

государственному образовательному стандарту высшего образования,

выпускники высших учебных заведений должны владеть иностранным языком

на достаточном для его применения в повседневном общении, деловой,

академической и профессиональной сферах уровне.

Владение иностранным языком отражает способность выпускников,

освоивших программы бакалавриата и магистратуры, к коммуникации в устной

и письменной формах. Следовательно, для решения задач межличностного и

межкультурного взаимодействия необходимо знание синтаксических

особенностей профессионального и академического языка.

Следует отметить, что наличие способности правильного построения

предложений в иностранном (английском) языке является отправной точкой в

изучении английской грамматики. Если в русском языке для описания какой-

либо ситуации достаточно взять задействованные в ней слова (названия

понятий, предметов) и соединить их между собой при помощи окончаний,

образованных путем склонения по падежам и числам, то английский язык

лишен подобных окончаний, в связи с чем правильного описания ситуации

можно добиться лишь в случае расстановки в предложениях слов

определенным образом.

Как правило, аутентичные учебные издания по грамматике содержат 3–4

практических задания по каждой теме. Этого бывает недостаточно для

практического закрепления грамматических особенностей. Составители

объединили задания из различных аутентичных источников, что позволяет

отрабатывать и закреплять грамматический материал, выполняя большое

количество заданий.


Учебный практикум «SENTENCE STRUCTURE» предназначен для

формирования и совершенствования навыков построения предложений в

английском языке за счет выполнения практических заданий, ориентированных

на отработку моделей построения повествовательных, отрицательных,

вопросительных, восклицательных, повелительных, безличных и

неопределенно-личных предложений, а также для развития навыков

использования разнообразных средств связи в сложносочиненных и

сложноподчиненных предложениях.

Практикум объединяет 3 раздела («Word order and sentence patterns»,

«Questions», «Linking words and expressions»), каждый из которых включает

практические задания различного уровня сложности: низкого (А1–А2),

среднего (В1–В2) и высокого (С1–С2), согласно Общеевропейской шкале

языковых компетенций (The Common European Framework of Reference for

Languages). Каждый уровень сложности имеет свое обозначение: А, В и С

соответственно. Это поможет преподавателю и студентам правильно подобрать

практические задания соответствующей сложности. Задания внутри каждого

раздела и уровня сложности также представлены от простых к сложным, что

позволяет постепенно наращивать практические навыки.

Учебный практикум составлен на основе публикаций британских и

американских изданий по грамматике последних лет.

Практикум «SENTENCE STRUCTURE» снабжен также ответами к

практическим заданиям, что обеспечивает возможность использования

учебного издания для самостоятельной работы и самообучения.



1A. Read the sentences. Choose the correct words in brackets.

1) We waited (the bus / for the bus) from 8.00 to 8.50!

2) (Heavy rain caused difficulties / Difficulties caused heavy rain) on the roads.

3) Rome is wonderful! (Have you / You have) ever been there?

4) The storm will get worse tonight. (Do not / You do not) go out after

midnight if you don’t have to.

5) My aunt sent (to me / me) a lovely box of chocolates.

6) (A Victorian hospital is / There is a Victorian hospital) in this town.

7) The weather was terrible yesterday. (It / There) snowed all day.

8) It’s great (meet / to meet) you after all these years!

2A. Read the text. Write the underlined words in the correct order.

In July 2005 there was a very bad storm in Birmingham. It injured nineteen

people and (1) a lot of damage caused to buildings. This is what Cathy Mead, a

teacher from Birmingham, said: I work in Dudley Park School. I was (2) on Thursday

afternoon in the classroom. It was (3) heavily raining and then it went very dark. The

wind became stronger and the building started to shake. The children all (4) scared

looked, so I moved them into the middle of the classroom. Then I left them (5) for a

while alone, and I went (6) for a few minutes outside, to see what was happening. It

was amazing – (7) a car lifted the wind in the street and then it fell to the ground

again, then (8) started a tree to fall. I went back into the school, we closed the doors

and sat with the children. We waited until the storm passed, then we left (9) at about

four o’clock the school. I went home and, luckily, my house was OK.

3A. Write the words and phrases in the normal order. Then write a second

sentence that is true for you.

1) ate / for lunch / Vicki / a huge pizza

2) at the supermarket / works / Patrick / on Saturday mornings

3) in my town / rained / yesterday / it / heavily

1 Materials refer to [2; 3; 4] in References.


4) was / when he got home / very tired / Joe

5) Andrea / on holiday / to Tunisia / is going / later this year

4A. Write the words in the correct order to make questions or imperatives.

Write ? or ! at the end of each one.

1) that / don’t / do

2) sit / there / don’t

3) me / that / give / knife

4) want / you / do / an apple

5) see / later / me / and / come

6) silly / be / don’t / so

7) coming / you / the party / to / are

5A. There is a mistake in each sentence. Correct the mistakes.

1) You have a piece of cake.

2) The cat’s very gentle. Not to be afraid.

3) Passing me the dictionary, please.

4) Sign in exam room: no talk!

5) Not to use your father’s computer!

6) Sign at swimming pool: don’t dive!

7) You sit here next to me!

6A. Complete the conversation with the words in brackets. Decide whether

the sentences should be questions or imperatives.

Hi, Eva. Kerry and I are going to visit your home country and I ...

You’re going to visit Iceland – that’s great! (1) (sit) down! When (2) (you /


We wanted to ask you. When are the best times to go, do you think?

Well, (3) (you / want) to go to festivals, or to travel around?

Travel around, really.

Well, (4) (not / go) there in the winter! It’s cold, it’s rainy and it’s dark nearly

all the time.

Mmm, (5) (the summer / be) quite warm?


Oh, yes, it can be very warm in July and August. (6) (we / can see) any

festivals then?

Yes, (7) (go) in June and spend two or three weeks there, and (8) (make) sure

you stay in Reykjavik on 17 June.

Why (9) (June / be) so good?

Because it’s light 24 hours a day in June; it’s wonderful. Also, Iceland’s

Independence Day is on 17 June. It’s a very good time to be in Reykjavik, but (10)

(book) a hotel!

Thanks, Eva. That’s really useful.

You’re welcome. Oh, another thing – (11) (not / forget) your camera when

you go – there’s some wonderful scenery.

7A. Choose the correct words in brackets.

1) We sent (her / to her) the tickets.

2) Can you bring the dictionary (me / to me)?

3) Come in. I’ll show (you / to you) our wedding photos.

4) Can you explain the answer (me / to me)?

5) The teacher translated the text (us / for us).

6) I’ll send (the hotel / to the hotel) an email to check the prices.

7) The cafe is giving a free cake (all its customers / to all its customers)


8A. Change the sentences to use a different word order. Add the preposition

TO if necessary.

1) Can you pay her the money?

2) I haven’t shown the photos to Dad yet.

3) We’re giving flowers to Mum for her birthday.

4) Allan teaches engineers English literature.

5) I’ll buy a coffee for you after dinner.

6) They’ve offered Alexis the job!

7) Throw the baby a ball – she’ll catch it.

8) Alison told the children a story.


9A. Find six missing words in this conversation.

I’m not sure about camping now. There’s going to be heavy rain this


I can lend some warm coats you, if you want.

Thanks. I’ll have to buy some boots the children, too.

Don’t worry, we can lend the children some boots.

Great. Oh, I don’t have directions to the campsite.

That’s OK. I can send them you now by email.

Can you give them Nina? My computer isn’t working.

Yes, sure. Or I could tell the route now. It isn’t very difficult.

No, email the directions to Nina. That’s fine. Shall we bring a football?

Yes, good idea, and you can show your skills with the ball all the children!

10A. Use the words below to complete the questions. Then write full answers

that are true for you.

1) when / you / last lend / money / someone

When did you last lend…?

2) anyone / ever / send / you / flowers

Has anyone ever…?

3) what / parents / give / you / for your last birthday

What did your parents…?

4) who / teach / you / something useful / recently

Who has taught…?

5) you / ever / tell a lie / a friend

Have you ever…?

11A. Complete the conversation with a form of THERE + BE.

Hello, I’m calling about the advert in the newspaper, for offices.

Ah, yes, you’d like to rent one of our offices?

Yes, probably. How many (1) for rent?

(2) two offices free at the moment. They’re both the same size.


Oh, good. (3) a kitchen in the building?

Yes, (4) a kitchen on the ground floor.

OK. (5) a photocopier and a fax machine?

Well, (6) three photocopiers, one on each floor, but no fax machine, I’m


Mmm. What about transport? (7) a station somewhere near the offices?

No, (8). But there’s a bus stop outside, and the bus goes to the town centre.

OK, so (9) a car park?

No, not at the moment, but (10) one soon – we’re building one this year.

Has there been a lot of interest in your advert?

Yes, (11) over twenty calls.

OK. Thank you. I’ll think about it.

12A. Choose the correct words in brackets in the text.

Some people still say that our weather isn’t changing, or that the problem isn’t

very serious, but there (1) (have / has) been a lot of signs of change in the last few

years. It seems that every month there (2) (is / are) another terrible storm somewhere

in the world. In fact, in the last twenty-five years, (3) (it has / there have been) twice

as many storms as in the twenty-five years before that. (4) (Are / There are) also other

problems which should worry us, for example, (5) (there were / it was) terrible floods

in the United Kingdom in the summer of 2007, which is very unusual. In some

places, (6) (it / there) isn’t enough rain, for example, Australia is usually extremely

dry. If we allow these weather changes to continue, (7) (there will be / will be) more

and more problems of this kind in the future.

13A. Find six mistakes in the sentences and correct them. Tick the correct


1) Is a really nice beach in the north of the island.

2) Are there lots of books for this course?

3) Weren’t any new students in my class yesterday.

4) There are a bank, a post office and a supermarket here.


5) There will be a lot of building work in the town next year.

6) Are going to be a lot of people at the party?

7) Won’t be any rice left for tomorrow if we eat it all now.

8) There was a Toyota and a Honda in the garage.

9) A really bad storm was last year.

14A. Choose the correct word it brackets.

1) ‘When’s your birthday?’ ‘(Is / It’s) on 30 May.’

2) Look out of the window – (it’s / there’s) snowing really heavily.

3) I’ll do the dishes before we leave. (It won’t / Won’t) take long.

4) Mum gave me a scarf for my birthday. I (wear / wear it) all the time.

5) Have you seen the new building in the town centre? (It’s / There’s) really


6) We can go walking on the hill – (there isn’t / it isn’t) much wind today.

7) Gerry doesn’t like being a shop assistant. (There’s / It’s) boring.

8) Paul is really happy these days – (it’s / is) nice to see that.

9) How far is (there / it) to the station?

15A. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1) Hello. It’s really nice…

2) The show isn’t full so it isn’t necessary…

3) When you move to a different town, it isn’t easy…

4) We’re away next weekend. It will be a shame…

5) I’m sorry but it isn’t possible…

6) When you’re driving in the UK, it’s a crime…

7) In an exam, it’s important…

A) … to make new friends.

В) … to see the director now.

C) … to speak on a mobile phone.

D) … to see you again.

E) … to book seats before we go.

F) … to have an extra pen.


G) … to miss your party.

16A. Write the answers to the questions. Use information in brackets.

1) What’s the weather like? (sunny)

2) What time is it? (10.45)

3) What’s the date? (23 April)

4) How far is Madrid? (300 km)

5) How long does the car wash take? (10 minutes)

17A. Read the story. Then complete it with IT or THERE.

A few years ago, I had to go to Stuttgart Airport to meet some friends. (1)

usually only takes about half an hour as (2)’s only about 25 kilometres from my

house to the airport, but this day was totally different. (3) was some heavy snow in

the night, but that isn’t usually a problem in Germany – (4)’s usually easy to drive in

snow because they clear the roads very quickly. Anyway, I left home a bit early

because of the snow, as (5) was quite deep. Soon after I left, (6) suddenly started

snowing again and the car in front of me stopped. Luckily, I didn’t hit (7), but I saw

that (8) was a really long queue of cars ahead. I sat in that queue for about two

hours – (9) was really boring, but I finally found out what the problem was – (10)

was an accident at the front of the queue. (11) was really late when I finally got to the

airport, and then I found out that my friends’ plane had gone to Frankfurt because of

the snow!

18A. Change the negative sentences to make them positive. Put the words in

brackets in the correct place in the sentence.

1) Don’t tell your friends about the sale. (in January)

2) We won’t meet outside the cinema on Saturday afternoon. (you)

3) Don’t get me a newspaper this afternoon. (at the shop)

4) The students haven’t finished. (their homework)

5) The sun didn’t shine all day yesterday, (brightly)

6) The 2008 Olympics didn’t take place from 8–24 August. (in Beijing)

7) Annie didn’t look very happy. (last night)

19A. Complete the email with the correct words and phrases, A or В below.


Subject: True Story

I had a really horrible experience earlier this year. Some friends and I spent (1);

we were doing an English course at a language school. The organisers had given (2) a

really nice apartment near the river. It was lovely at first, but then we had a lot of

heavy rain, and (3). One evening, we saw that people were going down to the river –

the river was getting higher and (4). Suddenly, the water started to come into the

streets, and (5) to look frightened. My friends and I went back to our apartment, but

the water was already at the door. The police came along and took (6), where there

were already lots of people. The police gave some food and drink (7), and we all had

to stay there for the night. I tried to send (8). They got it the next morning, and they

were very worried about me so they came (9) and took me home! Here’s a picture of

what it looked like that day!

1) A) in England the summer B) the summer in England

2) A) us B) to us

3) A) a lot of problems caused it B) it caused a lot of problems

4) A) it was watching everyone B) everyone was watching it

5) A) started everyone B) everyone started

6) A) to a village hall us B) us to a village hall

7) A) to everyone B) everyone

8) A) my parents a text message B) to my parents a text message

9) A) a week later to England B) to England a week later

20A. Complete the sentences 1–7 for each piece of news below. Use THERE

or IT and a suitable verb. (The word in brackets shows you the tense.)

Heavy snow tomorrow!

New cinema in town by June

Three centimetres of rain next week

No British Winners at Oscars!

New road for South Coast

Local bank robbed!

No more money for Olympics


1) … a lot of snow tomorrow. (will)

2) … a new cinema in the town centre by next June. (will)

3) … rain heavily next week. (going to)

4) … no British winners at the Oscars last night. (past simple)

5) … a new road along the south coast. (going to)

6) … a bank robbery in the town centre last night. (past simple)

7) … impossible to raise more money for the new Olympic buildings. (present


21A. Write the words in the correct order. Make questions 1–4 and answers

A–D. Then match the questions and answers.

1) meeting / yesterday / a / was there

2) necklace / that / new / is / a

3) on TV / a good film / is there / tonight

4) a problem / the trains / was there / with

A) yes / for me / it / bought / Martin

В) yes / hit / a cow / a train / early this morning

C) yes / at 3.30 / it was / in meeting room В

D) no / a good quiz show / but / there’s

22A. Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first.

Use one, two or three words.

1) A) Regular exercise is very important.

B) It is very… regularly.

2) A) There was eight hours of sunshine yesterday.

B) … sunny for eight hours yesterday.

3) A) You need to allow at least ten minutes to read the exam paper.

B) It… at least ten minutes to read the exam paper.

4) A) The children brought some really nice cakes for us.

B) The children brought… some really nice cakes.

5) A) You’re always tired. You really mustn’t go to bed so late.

B) You’re always tired. … to bed so late!


6) A) Can you buy some chocolate for me and Joe at the shop?

B) Can you buy… some chocolate at the shop?

7) A) Diving into the pool can be dangerous.

B) It can be… into the pool.

23A. Choose the correct answer, A, В or C.

1) … cigarettes is very bad for your health.

A) Smoke В) Smoking C) You smoke

2) They are arriving… .

A) 6.00 airport В) at 6.00 the airport C) at the airport at 6.00

3) The keys should be in the kitchen. I left… .

A) them in the cupboard earlier В) in the cupboard them earlier C) earlier them

in the cupboard

4) The drummer in the band was great. … really well.

A) He played the drums В) The drums played he C) The drums played him

5) They’ve arrived! The plane has already… !

A) landed it В) landed the airport C) landed

6) What’s wrong with Tracey? She looks… .

A) is angry В) angry C) like angry

7) Rob’s really upset because he played… .

A) in the match yesterday badly В) yesterday badly in the match C) badly in

the match yesterday

8) … forget to call the bank manager this afternoon.

A) You don’t В) Don’t C) Not

9) ‘… busy at the moment?’ ‘Yes, very.’

A) You are В) Are C) Are you

10) After our holiday we showed… all the videos we’d taken.

A) our friends В) to our friends C) us our friends

11) Can you buy some food… at the supermarket?

A) the cats В) for the cats C) to the cats

12) The police officer explained… .


A) us the problem В) the problem us C) the problem to us

13) … anyone you know at the swimming pool yesterday?

A) Was there В) Is there C) Was it

14) … going to be an election in France next year.

A) It’s B) There’s C) Is

15) … any interesting new clothes in the shops this spring.

A) It isn’t В) Aren’t C) There aren’t

16) There’s going to be a new arts festival in the town. … start in the summer.

A) It will В) There will C) Will

17) … very heavy snow in the Alps. Two skiers are missing.

A) It has been В) Has been C) There has been

18) How long… to get to the town centre by bus?

A) does it take В) it takes C) does it need

19) It will be a pleasure… your parents at the party.

A) meet В) to meet C) met

20. … a phone call for you. It’s your daughter.

A) Is В) It’s C) There’s

24B. Read the sentences and choose the correct words in brackets.

1) Marianne and Jim showed (to us / us) their holiday photos.

2) Don’t talk to your father like that! It makes him (angry / to feel angry).

3) ‘Is the class full?’ ‘Well, there (is / are) already twenty students on the


4) It was difficult (find / to find) anything in the sales. The shops were


5) It’s really sunny. (Have you put / You have put) the washing out?

6) ‘Has Jeremy started playing in the band yet?’ ‘Yes, (he’s / he has).’

7) I’ve got a spare cup of coffee. Who (is it for / for is it)?

8) Who (phoned / did phone) you at six this morning?

9) The mountain we climbed was (1,000 metres high / high 1,000 metres).


10) I hear you’ve just been on a Caribbean cruise. What (did it like / was it


25B. Complete the sentences with the phrases below. Two sentences only

need a full stop – they are complete.

all the books / a fantastic film / a litre of water /

a nurse / really tired / too much money / very happy

1) We went to the cinema last night and saw…

2) We were so thirsty that we drank…

3) Is everything OK? You don’t seem…

4) After Julie finished her course, she became…

5) Quick! The train is leaving …

6) It was a great holiday, but we spent…

7) Tell me when the new guests arrive…

8) The course was interesting, but I didn’t read…

9) What have you been doing? You look…

26B. Put the words in brackets in the best place in each sentence.

1) Temperatures reached 38 degrees last year. (on the south coast)

2) The coach will meet us outside the school gates. (at 8)30 in the morning)

3) Everyone in the train compartment was reading. (a book or magazine)

4) Our friends didn’t wait after the concert. (for us)

5) Fabio called his friend. (stupid)

6) The new doctor arrived yesterday. (at the hospital)

7) The local council promised lower business taxes. (the shopkeepers)

8) Ugh, your trainers smell. (awful)

9) The children were playing in the back garden earlier. (quite happily)

27B. Read the conversation and choose the correct words in brackets.

How’s the band going?

It isn’t. I’ve left.

Oh, I thought (1) (that you were / you were that) really enjoying it!


I had (2) (at first a great time / a great time at first). Everyone in the band (3)

(appeared really friendly / really friendly appeared) and ambitious too, which I really


I know you were hoping it would work out. What happened?

Well, we played (4) (last Friday at Conway’s / at Conway’s last Friday), and ...

Conway’s – that’s great, it’s really well-known.

I know, and it was good – we played (5) (really well for over an hour / for

over an hour really well), and the audience (6) (really happy seemed / seemed really


Go on.

Then, at the end of the evening, Mr Conway himself offered (7) (to us / us) a

regular Friday night job there.


But the others turned it down – they didn’t want to commit themselves to

every Friday evening. They made (8) (me really angry / really angry me)! So next

time we practised, I gave (9) (them a choice / a choice them) – either take the job at

Conway’s or I’d leave.

And they told you that you could leave.

Exactly. So I left. Stupid, isn’t it?

28B. Write the words in the usual order to make statements.

1) last term / head teacher of the local secondary school / became / Jeremy

2) has had / the exhibition / a lot of interest

3) that / promised / he would call me / Errol

4) these days / Irina / quite sad / seems

5) their birthday presents / gave / the twins / Jan

6) at / was laughing / the clown / everyone

7) your father / has made / really angry / your terrible behaviour

8) to the insurance company / my lawyer / all the documents / sent

9) at the debate / Marco / his arguments / on Thursday / quite well / presented


29B. Read the text about Frank Gehry and find seven places where you can

improve the word order.

Frank Gehry is one of the most famous architects in the world. He was born in

1929 in Toronto but moved in 1947 to Los Angeles. He an architect became after

studying architecture in California and design at Harvard, and his career has lasted

over forty years. His designs have always been really large and very expensive to

build. Some were so costly, such as the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles,

that many people considered ‘unbuildable’ them. His career really took off when the

Guggenheim Museum was built in Bilbao in 1997, changing an old unused waterfront

into an area that both modem and romantic looked. Gehry completed the Walt Disney

Concert Hall in 2003 and it is now the home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic


These two buildings, and others, have earned some important architectural

awards him. One of Gehry’s most recent projects is the Serpentine Gallery in London

– this was in England his first project.

30B. Complete the sentences with THERE IS, THERE ARE, IT’S, or IT


1) We’ll have to open a new class. … too many students in this one.

2) … an oven, a microwave and a fridge-freezer in the new apartment.

3) I hated being a teenager. … the most embarrassing time of my life!

4) … a mistake to think your boss won’t notice if you don’t go.

5) … someone at the door for you. … a young woman.

6) … snowing again today. … always snow here in January.

7) … so many people here. … wonderful to be so popular!

31B. Choose the correct words in brackets.

Hi. Have you just come back from Croatia?

Yes, a place called Korcula. (1) (Is / It’s) quite near Dubrovnik. (2) (It /

There) was lovely there.

How long (3) (did take / did it take) to fly there?

Not long – less than three hours.


(4) (Was it / Was) useful for your architecture course?

Oh, yes. (5) (It’s / There’s) a fantastic old part of Korcula town that we

visited. And (6) (there’s / it’s) on an island, with no cars.


Yes. (7) (There / It’s) very hilly and (8) (are / there are) steps in most of the

streets. The walls around the Old Town have got several towers – they’re fascinating.

A walled city – lovely. Did you visit any of the towers?

Yes, some of them. (9) (It was / There were) twelve originally, but there

aren’t so many now. There (10) (is / are) also some fantastic old buildings, like the

Armeri Palace.

(11) (Were there / Were) any beaches on the island?

Oh yes, it would be a pity (12) (going / to go) to the Mediterranean and not

visit any beaches! We stayed at a beach resort. It had everything – there (13) (was /

were) a beach, a hotel and some very good restaurants.

Did you have good weather?

Mostly. (14) (There / It) was rain the day we arrived, but then (15) (was / it

was) warm and sunny for the rest of the week.

32B. Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using

the word in brackets. Use two to five words in your answer.

1) Can I possibly start the course two weeks late? (possible)

Will… for me to start the course two weeks late?

2) We found a box of matches, some petrol and old clothes in the garage.


… a box of matches, some petrol and old clothes in the garage.

3) Was there a lot of rain while you were in Sri Lanka? (it)

… much while you were in Sri Lanka?

4) We didn’t have any difficulty in completing the deal in the end. (difficult)

In the end, it… the deal.

5) Did you see anyone interesting at Veronica’s party? (was)

… anyone interesting at Veronica’s party?


6) Finding the right person for this job won’t be easy. (to)

It… find the right person for this job.

33B. Match the questions 1–5 with the short answers A–J. There are two

short answers for each question.

1) Does the park stay open in the winter?

2) Did the flight arrive on time?

3) Hasn’t the DVD recorded that show?

4) Will her book be published this year?

5) Should the form be sent back to this address?

A) Yes, it has.

В) No, it doesn’t.

C) No, it hasn’t.

D) No, it won’t.

E) Yes, it should.

F) Yes, it did.

G) Yes, it does.

H) Yes, it will.

I) No, it shouldn’t.

J) No, it didn’t.

34B. Read the information about Edinburgh Castle and write yes/nо

questions about it, using the words in brackets. Then write short answers.

Subject: Edinburgh castle – quick facts

on an extinct volcano above the city of Edinburgh

built by King David I in 1130

James I of England was born in the castle

more than 1.25 million visitors a year

fantastic view over Edinburgh

the ticket price includes a guided tour

1) (be / in / city)

2) (built / long time ago)


3) (James I / born)

4) (get / lot of visitors)

5) (can / see the city)

6) (the ticket price / include)

35B. Find seven mistakes in the conversation and correct them.

Are going you to join any clubs or societies at university this year, Vijay?

Yes, I’m. I’m interested in joining the photography society. Why, you aren’t

going to join any?

I’m not sure. Isn’t the final year more difficult than the others?

No, it is. At least, people say it is. They are having a ‘club fair’ to introduce

all the clubs and societies this year?

No, they not. All the information is online, and we can ask questions by


That’s a shame.

Why? You not think it’s a good idea? We can find out about the societies

when we want.

I suppose so, but I prefer to discuss things face to face.

36B. Complete each question with one word only.

1) … is the name of the building in the photo?

2) … was the castle built? Was it a long time ago?

3) … idea was it to visit the castle?

4) … built the castle – was it someone famous?

5) … did they get all the bricks from?

6) … long did it take to build it?

7) Who did the king build it…? Was it one of his wives?

8) What… do the castle gardens close?

9) Which… do the guides speak?

37B. Complete the questions about the article. You need to use both subject

and object questions.


A disk containing details of government policies was stolen today in a dramatic

car chase. The government car left the Home Office at 6.00 p.m., and a van

immediately started to follow it. A high-speed chase ended when the government car

crashed into a lamp-post. Two masked men jumped out of the van and grabbed the

briefcase containing the disk before speeding off.

1) What… today? A disk containing details of government policies.

2) What time… the Home Office? It left at 6.00 p.m.

3) What… to follow it? A van.

4) When…? It finished when the car crashed into a lamp-post.

5) Who… out of the van? Two masked men.

6) What…? They grabbed the briefcase containing the disk.

38B. Read the answers and write a suitable WH-question for each one.

1) …? The described building is the Statue of Liberty.

2) …? It is on Liberty Island, in New York Harbour.

3) …? Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, a French architect. He was commissioned

by the French government to design it.

4) …? Because the French wanted to present a gift to the Americans, on the

100th anniversary of American independence.

5) …? It was finally opened ten years late – on 28 October 1886.

6) …? There are various things you can visit, apart from the Statue, such as a


7) …? It is famous because it’s one of the best-known images of the United


39B. Complete the questions with HOW and an adjective or adverb if

necessary. The answers will help you.

1) ‘… is your grandfather now?’ ‘He’s nearly ninety.’

2) ‘… is the hotel from the beach?’ ‘It’s about 500 metres.’

3) ‘… was your weekend at the health spa resort?’ ‘It was great, thanks.’

4) ‘… are the Belgian chocolates?’ ‘They’re €25 a kilo.’

5) ‘… is your son now?’ ‘He’s much better now, thank you.’


6) ‘… do you go to the theatre?’ ‘Only about twice a year.’

7) ‘… is your journey to work?’ ‘It takes about half an hour.’

8) ‘… is the swimming pool?’ ‘It’s 1.8 metres at the deep end.’

9) ‘… bedrooms does the apartment have?’ ‘Three, but one is very small.’

40B. Choose the correct words in brackets.

1) It’s an interesting house. (Who / Whose) does it belong to?

2) (Who’s / Whose) the architect?

3) (What / Which) part of the house overlooks the pool?

4) What (does / is) it like inside?

5) (What / Which) does the owner do? Is he famous?

6) Oh, he manages a famous football team – (which / what) team does he


41B. Complete the conversation with the words and phrases below. There are

two extra words or phrases.

how long / how old / twenty-four / twenty-four old / what does /

what / what’s / which university / who / who’s / whose

(1) have you chosen as the new trainee?

It’s a young woman – Sunita Patel.

Oh, (2) she like?

Very intelligent with great ideas. I think she’ll be good for us.

(3) is she?

She’s pretty young really – only (4).

(5) did she study at?


So (6) was she there?

I think it was six years – including her postgraduate studies.

(7) did she do at postgraduate level?

Mainly industrial design.


Good. (8) team will she be in?

Well, (9) got space for a new person at the moment? Tom, how about you?

42B. Write questions, using the words below. Then write true answers.

1) how old / you?

2) what / phone number?

3) how long / study English?

4) how far / nearest cinema?

5) what / like doing on holiday?

6) whose songs (or music) / prefer?

43B. Complete the conversation with words and phrases below. There are

five extra words or phrases.

at the school on Saturday evening / didn’t take / gave me / gave to me /

It was / It was / me so angry / on Saturday evening at the school / see /

There was / there were / took / to see / to you / were there / you

Hi, Jan. How was your weekend?

(1) great! I went to the school reunion.

What school reunion?

Our school reunion! Didn’t you know about it? (2) an advert in the school


Oh, I don’t read that! How was it, anyway?

Really good. It was lovely (3) everyone again.

Did many people from our class go?

Yes, (4) about twelve of our old classmates there.

Where was it – and when?

It was (5).

Did you go by train?

No. (6) raining really heavily, so Stuart (7) a lift. It (8) very long to get there

– only about twenty minutes.

And (9) any surprises?


Well, yes. Just after we started eating, two people in really expensive clothes

and jewellery came in. I didn’t recognise them at first.


But then I realised it was Leroy Watson and Shelley Miles – they’re married

now and they run their own business, obviously a very successful business!

Leroy used to make (10) – he always thought he was better than the rest of

us. Did you take any photos?

Yes, I’ll show them (11) at lunchtime.

44B. Find seven mistakes and correct them. Tick the correct sentence.

1) When the speaker made a joke, the audience didn’t laugh it.

2) The protesters behaved at the demonstration really badly.

3) My grandfather showed to me his photos of the war.

4) Ella was with the architect’s plans delighted.

5) Let’s meet at the ticket office at nine in the morning.

6) There’s someone on the phone for you. There’s your mother, I think.

7) The children called Tibs their new cat.

8) There are a few useful things at the beach resort. It’s a mini-market, a cash

machine and several restaurants.

45B. Read the text and complete the questions for the answers below.

For the next part of Dave Egerton’s series on unusual communities, he visited

China. We arrived in Yan’an at 7.00 in the evening and night was already falling, but

we were surprised that the area was quite light – the caves had electricity and bright

lights! Mrs Yuang came to meet us and gave us tea and cakes in her living room. Mrs

Yuang and her family live in one of the more modern caves, which has a living room,

a kitchen and three bedrooms. The Yuang family lives in Shaanxi Province, China,

where there are several million people living in caves, and most of them really like

their cave homes. Most of the people there are farmers, and need to be near their

work, so the caves are perfect. They are ecologically friendly because they’re built

directly in the ground, but they are also very comfortable because they protect the


residents from both heat and cold. And we found out the next day that there are cave

schools and shops there, too...

1) … time did they arrive, in Yan’an? They arrived at 7.00 in the evening.

2) ... surprised? Because the area was quite light.

3) ... quite light? Because they had electricity in the caves.

4) What…? She gave them tea and cakes.

5) ... her cave have? It has three bedrooms.

6) ... the caves? They are in Shaanxi Province.

7) ... in the caves? Several million.

8) ... do there? Most of them are farmers.

9) ... like? They’re very comfortable.

10) ... from? From both heat and cold.

11) ... the next day? That there are schools and shops there, too.

46B. Choose the correct answer, A or B.

1) Are the conference organisers going to discuss the arrangements with us?

A) Yes, they are. B) Yes, they’re.

2) Who told you about our financial problems?

A) I told Christopher. B) Christopher told me.

3) What did you get for your birthday?

A) Well, Louis gave a new coat me. B) Well, Louis gave me a new coat.

4) Should we change some money here before we go to the States?

A) Yes, we should. B) Yes, we should change.

5) There was a phone call for you this morning.

A) Who was there? B) Who was it?

6) What’s Michael’s wife like?

A) She’s very friendly. B) She enjoys opera a lot.

7) Have you set up a meeting with the people from Gallagher Brothers?

A) Yes, it’s at their office on Monday morning. B) Yes, it’s on Monday

morning at their office.


47B. Choose the correct answer, A, В or C.

1) … our friends at the pizzeria last night.

A) Met B) We met C) Met we

2) Have you had a hard week? You… this evening.

A) seem tired B) tired seem C) seem to tired

3) The recent conflict has… of the problems in the country.

A) made aware people B) made people aware C) people aware made

4) The manager promised… a pay raise if we worked extra hours for a while.

A) at us all B) to us all C) us all

5) Can you throw…? I’ll get the things from the boot.

A) me the car keys B) the car keys me C) to me the car keys

6) Luciano was studying… .

A) really hard at the library yesterday B) at the library really hard yesterday C)

yesterday at the library really hard

7) The circus was pretty good. … a clown, an acrobat and some jugglers.

A) There were B) There was C) It was

8) The ground here is very dry. … hasn’t rained much at all recently.

A) There B) It’s C) It

9) I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s a real pleasure… you at last.

A) meet B) to meeting C) to meet

10) ‘Has the film started yet?’ ‘Yes, …’

A) it did B) it’s C) it has

11) ‘Do you think we should take umbrellas with us tomorrow?’ ‘Yes, …’

A) we should B) we take C) we should take

12) ‘I wasn’t able to give your note to the lecturer.’ ‘Why? … to the lecture?’

A) Didn’t you go B) Did you C) Did you go not

13) We haven’t seen your son for ages. … is he living now?

A) What B) Where C) Where place

14) I know Henry’s got two brothers. … married the soap opera star?

A) Which did B) What brother C) Which brother


15) ‘I’m afraid I told someone about your wedding.’ ‘Oh dear. Who…?’

A) you told B) did you tell C) told you

16) When you visited Stockholm, where did you…?

A) stay B) stay at C) stay to

17) ‘We’re flying to London next weekend.’ ‘OK. Which airport will you…?’

A) arrive B) arriving C) arrive at

18) ‘How far is your new apartment from the sports centre?’ ‘Oh, only


A) 500 metres far B) 500 metres C) 500 metres sports centre

19) ‘What was Dave’s cousin from South Africa like?’ ‘…’

A) She liked peanuts. B) She was like OK. C) She was OK.

20. I’ve never seen that car in the car park before. … is it?

A) Who B) Whose C) Who’s

48C. Choose the correct words in brackets. If both options are correct,

choose both.

1) Passengers stumbled and luggage flew from the racks as the driver suddenly

(stopped the train / stopped).

2) The children came into the kitchen and were delighted when their mother

(put on the table a freshly-baked cake / put a freshly-baked cake on the table).

3) Surely you don’t always want to remain to be (an outsider / an outsider


4) Dilip called his boss (dishonest / a liar).

5) Can you show (to us the way to the motorway / us the way to the


6) The never-ending care and devotion of the nurses in the hospital helped (to

overcome cancer my father / my father to overcome cancer).

7) Can you explain how (operate / to operate) the new software?

8) It’s a great hotel. There’s (a / the) huge flatscreen TV in every room!

9) The army doesn’t anticipate there (being / be) much resistance in the area.

10) We thought (was a pity / it a pity) that they left the party so early.


11) Look at her performance. (There’s / It’s) no doubt that she should get the


12) (It / There) looks as though our team’s going to win, after all.

13) We were furious when the judge ordered (to pay / us to pay) compensation.

49C. In each pair either one or both sentences are correct. Tick the correct

sentences and cross the incorrect ones.

1) A) James read his text messages while he waited the bus.

B) James read his text messages while he waited at the bus stop.

2) A) The government denied access to the world’s press.

B) The government denied to the world’s press access.

3) A) When exactly did it happen?

B) When exactly did it happen the event?

4) A) Please don’t disturb me, whatever happens.

B) Please don’t disturb me, whatever happens during the night.

5) A) She carefully placed the 24-carat gold, diamond-encrusted engagement

ring that her fiancé had just bought her onto her finger.

B) She carefully placed onto her finger the 24–carat gold, diamond-encrusted

engagement ring that her fiancé had just bought her.

6) A) Investment is necessary in order for the company to grow.

B) You need to invest in order to grow the company.

7) A) The security cameras monitor everybody entering.

B) The security cameras monitor people entering the building.

8) A) I he rough seas made it impossible to stand the floor of the deck.

B) The rough seas made it impossible to stand.

50C. Find eleven mistakes in the article and correct them.

For the last week a cloud of volcanic ash has been causing havoc with

Europe’s aviation industry. Flights as a safety precaution have been grounded,

leaving thousands of passengers stranded. This couldn’t have happened it at a worse

time as this is the final week of the Easter holidays and holidaymakers across the

continent have been trying to fly them home.


The source of the cloud of ash is the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland. A few

days after the eruption started it, the ash cloud arrived Europe. At first the cloud was

confined to the skies over the British Isles and Scandinavia, but it over the European

mainland has now spread. The fine particles of ash can enter jet engines and damage

the internal parts, leading to catastrophic results.

Fortunately, flights to airports in southern Europe are continuing them. Some

intercontinental flights originally destined for London, Amsterdam or Frankfurt have

been re-routed to Madrid, which is still open the airport. Passengers arriving them

there will be able to travel on to their final destination by road or rail.

The aviation industry is hoping that the wind direction will change it, taking

the ash away from Europe. In the meantime, scientists are running test flights to

assess the density of ash in the clouds. Depending on their findings, certain flight

routes in the next few days may be reopened.

51C. Rewrite the words and phrases in the correct order.

1) named / Samantha / their first daughter / the couple

2) to stand / when he arrives / visitors / expects / His Excellency

3) brought / to the team / Amanda / all her expertise

4) brought / the team / Amanda / all her expertise

5) has become / a very inexperienced salesman / the Sales Manager

6) his grandmother / to / for / Tim / the hospital / therapy / took

7) so her daughter / the bracelet / bought / for her / Susan liked / it

8) an easy programme / trying / first / recommended / the trainer

9) of destruction / all sick / the scenes / us / made / in the film

10) require / to take / the regulations / before the competition / all athletes / a

drugs test

52C. Choose the correct or most appropriate words in brackets.

I hear your trip to Prague was a bit of a disaster. What exactly went wrong?

Well, everything (1) (OK seemed / seemed OK) at first. We got on the plane

and sat in our seats. Then suddenly there was an announcement. Apparently, there

was some kind of mechanical fault with the engines and the captain considered (2)


(unsafe / it unsafe) for the plane to take off. So we all had to get off the plane and go

back to the terminal. Then we just sat there and waited. Nobody gave (3) (us any

information / any information us). There didn’t seem (4) (anyone / to be anyone) in

charge. They certainly didn’t tell (5) (when we would be leaving us / us when we

would be leaving).

Didn’t they offer (6) (to you any food or drink / any food or drink to you)?

Well, after a couple of hours someone came from the airline and handed (7)

(us / to us) some vouchers for tea and coffee.

I can imagine (8) (sitting you / you sitting) there for four hours – how boring!

Yes, but eventually one of the ground crew appeared and asked (9) (us to go /

to go us) to a different departure gate. They’d arranged a replacement plane.

And that took you to Prague?

No, I’m afraid not. It seems there was fog at Prague and air traffic control

ordered (10) (the plane to divert to Bucharest / to divert to Bucharest the plane).

So how did you get to Prague?

By bus. The airline managed to arrange some buses to take us. But of course

they kept (11) (waiting us / us waiting) for hours before they arrived.

What a nightmare! That would have driven (12) (me mad / mad me)!

53C. Each sentence below contains one mistake with word order. Rewrite the

sentences correctly.

1) Most of the passengers considered crowded and uncomfortable the airport.

2) When he made out his will, Mr Smithson refused to leave anything his

estranged son.

3) We require to supply photo identification before check-in all passengers.

4) The Management recommends that you keep safe your valuables by handing

them in at Reception.

5) The invitation doesn’t tell what we should wear at the reception us.

6) The new head teacher has been elected Mrs Henderson.

7) Prizes can be claimed by sending the form and proof of purchase us, at the

address below.


54C. Choose the best phrase from A–О to complete each gap. There are six

extra phrases.

A recent study has shown that levels of mental illness in children are rising.

The study claims (1) … are affecting one in five youngsters. One of the

reasons given for this is the current obsessive preoccupation of parents with their

children’s safety. Parents today consider (2) …, so children are driven to school and

back, and their parents rarely let them go out on their own, keeping (3) … under

parental supervision. This preoccupation has two causes: fear of traffic accidents and

anxiety about child molesters and murderers on the streets. Parents’ fears make (4) …

about the outside world and children in turn miss the normal adventures of everyday

life. In addition, nobody teaches (5) … with other children.

Over-anxious children often become (6) … and their fears are therefore

realised and even increased. It is a vicious circle. It (7) …, however, that children are

experiencing these fears unnecessarily. While parents may think a child molester

lurks round every corner, this is not supported by statistics: very few children are

attacked by people they don’t know.

There are, however, critics of this study. Many child psychologists believe (8)

… is not enough to cause mental problems. They consider (9) … a result of family

breakdown in modern society.

A) anxious their children

В) of this lack of independence

C) them at home

D) the streets too dangerous for their children

E) the problems to be

F) that mental problems such as depression and anxiety

G) their children anxious

H) victims of bullies

I) that this lack of independence

J) at home them

K) them how to form relationships


L) likely seems

M) the problems be

N) too dangerous for their children the streets

O) seems likely

55C. Insert THERE or IT in the correct position.

1) She found strange that he’d never heard of such a famous historical


2) Was really such a long wait between trains?

3) We always have lots of visitors but tend to be more in the summer months.

4) The director leaves to the viewer to decide who is guilty and who is


5) They assured us that would be no trouble getting a refund if the goods were


6) You know, really gets on my nerves when she talks like that.

7) What’s incredible is that might have been so many more fatalities.

8) I find impossible to believe that someone with his track record would be so


9) In 1666 was a fire which destroyed a large part of London.

10) We would appreciate if you submitted your estimate to our head office.

11) Grandpa loves when the children ask for his advice.

56C. Rewrite the sentences, using IT or THERE.

1) When people don’t give tips – I hate that!

2) Such a strong reaction was not anticipated by the protesters.

3) More than a million species of insects exist in the world.

4) A grandfather clock was ticking in the background.

5) They didn’t give you a refund – I find that outrageous.

6) Meeting that movie star in person was thrilling.

7) A statement by the Prime Minister now follows.

8) They regard the eventual collapse of the currency as inevitable

9) Present in the compound were two forms of amino acid.


10) Does Osaka have an underground railway?

11) People think at least two leading politicians are involved in the scandal,

12) Why the landing wheels failed to descend isn’t clear.

13) Perhaps you left your cash card in the machine.

14) Is nobody here able to help us?

57C. Improve this text by rewriting the underlined clauses or sentences with


Book of the week: The beach (by Alex Garland)

(1) People say that somewhere in the tropical waters of Asia lies an

uninhabited island with a perfect beach. Rich in animal and plant life, surrounded by

virgin jungle and watered by sweet underground springs, the beach could be the

setting for an idyllic and easy life.

The Beech is the story of a young man who yearns for, seeks out and

eventually finds just such a place. (2) But to discover that, far from being the source

of contentment and inner fulfilment that he expects, the beach turns out to be a place

of savage violence, terror and death, comes as a shock.

Alex Garland takes the reader on an exotic journey from the steaming tourist-

packed hostels of the Khao San Road in Bangkok to the laid-back islands of the

remote seas around Thailand. (3) Not to be impressed by the author’s skill in

describing the unfamiliar oriental locations and his ability to empathise with the

obsessions of today’s young backpacking ‘new-age’ travellers is difficult.

Taking in personal memories of the Vietnam war, jealousy, shark-infested

waters, the psychological dynamics of communal living and the clash of cultures,

Garland spins a tale which both enchants and shocks the reader. (4) What gives the

novel its haunting sense of unease and horror is the author’s unique blend of these

disparate elements.

(5) It contains all the traditional ingredients that make up a successful thriller:

an exotic location, a central mystery, good versus evil, and dangers around every

corner. (6) In the book is a strong sense of good and evil. (7) But to decide who is


right and who is wrong Garland leaves to the reader. (8) Few moral certainties exist

in this exotic corner of the world.

Events unfold at great speed, and be warned, (9) to put this book down once

you have started it is impossible. With an international cast of well-observed

characters Garland creates a nail-biting narrative that keeps the reader hooked until

the final bloody climax.

58C. Rewrite the sentences, using IT or THERE. Sometimes more than one

answer is possible.

1) I think I’m probably going to get a promotion.

2) People are bound to react badly to the news.

3) Getting a visa won’t be difficult.

4) A massive sell-off of high-tech shares is likely in the next few days.

5) Carol leaving her job is not surprising.

6) In this bad weather a poor turnout for the election is certain.

7) Brian’s dislike of his mother-in-law isn’t a secret.

8) They didn’t have any reason to question her motives.

9) I’ve got the impression we’ve got a lot in common.

59C. Use the words below to complete the conversation. There are three extra

words / phrases.

bound / denying / it / looks as though / no good / no longer / no need /

no point in / no surprise / seems as if / supposed to be / sure to be / there

Welcome on board the Golden Seas. You must be Sarah and Danny

Frobisher. I’m your purser. Is everything OK with your cabin?

It’s fine. But (1) was (2) a safe in the cabin...

Oh, it’s inside the wardrobe.

And my mobile phone isn’t working. It (3) there’s no signal.

You’re right. There’s no signal out at sea, so there’s (4) trying to use your

phone until we get closer to the shore.

I see. Er, the sea’s very calm, are we expecting good weather? I hate rough



Yes. It (5) it’s going to be fine for the next five days. So there’s (6) to worry

about bad weather. Is there anything else?

Yes. Can you reserve seats for the evening show for us?

I’m afraid not. It’s (7) possible to reserve seats in advance.

Perhaps we should get there early.

No, it’s (8) doing that, they won’t let you in. But don’t worry, there are (9)

plenty of spare seats.

Good. Will there be some nice places to buy souvenirs when we arrive at


Oh yes. There are (10) to be plenty of good shops there.

60C. Nine of these sentences contain mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct

them. Tick the correct sentences.

1) The wind knocked the vase off the table and it broke thousands of pieces.

2) The attitude of some shopkeepers today makes me absolutely furious!

3) The children seemed content to remain to be tenants in their parents’ house.

4) I can’t understand what’s happened. There appears some mistake.

5) The whole teaching staff found the new head teacher very inefficient and

positively offensive.

6) I really find unacceptable your manager’s comments.

7) The winning team proudly showed to their gathered fans their trophy.

8) The voice over the loudspeaker explained us the problem.

9) I don’t know the way to the library. Can you tell me to go?

10) The young boy looked around and gingerly placed back in its correct

position the gold watch. He wouldn’t steal it after all.

11) Can you imagine your parents living to be over a hundred years old?

12) The smell of fish cooking drives absolutely wild my cats!

61C. Write the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use

IT or THERE and the word in brackets. Make any other changes necessary.

1) I think Steve might win the race. (though)


2) Such an overwhelming demand for tickets wasn’t anticipated by the

organisers. (being)

3) She may well marry him. (seems)

4) People think many other top executives are involved in the fraud. (thought)

5) I would like you to send me your up-to-date retail price list. (appreciate)

6) Fifty students applied for the scholarship. (applicants)

7) They say he hates publicity. (said)

8) We’re not surprised that their children are so badly behaved. (surprising)

9) In this paper we will demonstrate that DNA strands can be replicated.


10) We are selling twelve detached houses with double garages on this estate.


11) To be nominated for this award makes me feel greatly honoured. (honour)



1A. Write questions.

1) I can swim. (and you?)

2) I work hard. (and Jack?)

3) I was late this morning. (and you?)

4) I’ve got a key. (and Kate?)

5) I’ll be there tomorrow. (and you?)

6) I’m going out this evening. (and Paul?)

7) I like my job. (and you?)

8) I live near here. (and Nicole?)

9) I enjoyed the film. (and you?)

10) I had a good holiday. (and you?)

2A. There are six mistakes in the questions below. Find and correct them.

1) You went to the play at the school last week?

2) Does Jane lives in the centre of town?

3) ‘Are you OK?’ ‘Yes, I’m. I’m fine.’

4) ‘Did you enjoy the film?’ ‘Yes, I enjoyed.’

5) Came everyone to the party last weekend?

6) Did the students stayed with families?

3A. Match the questions with 1–9 and short answers A–I.

1) Is the office open on Sundays?

2) Have you got my email address?

3) Does this DVD player also record programmes?

4) Are you going to join the film club?

5) Were the police at the football match?

6) Have the tickets arrived yet?

7) Can I pay by credit card here?

8) Did you go to France by plane?

2 Materials refer to [1; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9] in References.


9) Will the weather be better tomorrow?

A) No, they haven’t.

B) Yes, it does.

C) Yes, it will.

D) No, you can’t.

E) No, it isn’t.

F) No, we didn’t.

G) Yes, I have.

H) Yes, they were.

I) Yes, I am.

4A. You want to buy a new phone. Make yes / no questions from the words


1) use / I / Internet / can / it / the / on / ?

2) number / I / my / keep / can / phone / ?

3) it / voice / does / messages / store / ?

4) has / reviews / it / had / good / ?

5) it / use / abroad / I / can / ?

6) got / it / video / camera / has / a / ?

7) work / immediately / it / will / ?

5A. Make questions with these words. Put the words in the right order.

1) has / gone /where / David?

2) working / Rachel / is / today?

3) the children / what / are / doing?

4) made / is / how / cheese?

5) to the party / coming / is / your sister?

6) you / the truth / tell / don’t / why?

7) your quests / have / yet / arrived?

8) leave / what time/ your train / does?

9) to work / Emily / why / go / didn’t?

10) your car / in the accident / was / damaged?


6A. Complete the questions.

1) I want to go out. Where…?

2) Kate and Paul aren’t going to the party. Why…?

3) I am reading. What…?

4) Sue went to bed early. What time…?

5) My parents are going on holiday. Where…?

6) I saw Tom a few days ago. When…?

7) I can’t come to the party. Why…?

8) Tina has gone away. Where…?

9) I need some money. How much…?

10) Angela doesn’t like me. Who…?

11) It rains sometimes. How often…?

12) I did the shopping. When…?

7A. Make questions with WHO or WHAT. In these questions who / what is

the subject.

1) Somebody broke the window. Who…?

2) Something fell off the shelf. What…?

3) Somebody wants to see you. …?

4) Somebody took my umbrella. …?

5) Something made me ill. … ?

6) Somebody is coming. …?

8A. Make questions with WHO or WHAT (subject or object).

1) I bought something.

2) Somebody lives in this house.

3) I phoned somebody.

4) Something happened last night.

5) Somebody knows the answer.

6) Somebody did the washing-up.

7) Jane did something.

8) Something woke me up.


9) Somebody saw the accident.

10) I saw somebody.

11) Somebody has got my pen.

12) This word means something.

9A. You want the missing information (XXXXX). Write questions with WHO

or WHAT.

1) I lost XXXXX yesterday, but fortunately, XXXXX found it and gave it back

to me.

2) XXXXX phoned me last night. She wanted XXXXX.

3) I needed some advice, so I asked XXXXX. He said XXXXX.

4) I heart that XXXXX got married last week. XXXXX told me.

5) I met XXXXX on my way home this evening. He told me XXXXX.

6) Steve and I played tennis yesterday. XXXXX won. After the game we


7) It was my birthday last week and I got some presents. XXXXX gave me a

book and Catherine gave me XXXXX.

10A. You want the missing information (XXXXX). Write questions with


1) The letter is from XXXXX.

2) I’m looking for XXXXX.

3) I went to the cinema with XXXXX.

4) The film was about XXXXX.

5) I gave the money to XXXXX.

6) The book was written by XXXXX.

11A. Write questions with WHAT using the words in brackets.

1) I’ve got a new TV set. (make)

2) I want a job. (kind)

3) I’ve got a new sweater. (color)

4) I got up early this morning. (time)

5) I like music. (type)


6) I want to buy a car. (kind)

12A. Write what / which / who.

1) … is that man’s name?

2) … way shall we go? Left or right?

3) You can have tea or coffee. … do you prefer?

4) ‘… day is it today?’ ‘Friday.’

5) This is a nice office. … desk is yours?

6) … is your favorite sport?

7) … is more expensive, meat or fish?

8) … is older, Liz or Steve?

9) … kind of camera have you got?

10) – I’ve got three cameras.

– … camera do you use most?

11) … nationality are you?

13A. Complete these questions with How + adjective or adverb (high, long


1) … is Mount Everest? Nearly 9000 metres.

2) … is it to the station? It’s about two kilometres from here.

3) … is Helen? She is 26.

4) … do the buses run? Every ten minutes.

5) … is the water in the pool? Two metres.

6) … have you lived here? Nearly three years.

14A. Write questions with HOW.

1) Are you 1 metre 70? 1.75? 1.80?

2) Is this box one kilogram? Two? Three?

3) Are you 20 years old? 22? 25?

4) Did you spend £20? £30? £50?

5) Do you watch TV every day? Once a week? Never?

6) Is it 1000 miles from Paris to Moscow? 1500? 2000?


15A. Write questions with HOW LONG DID IT TAKE.

1) Jane found a job.

2) I walked to the station.

3) Tom painted the bathroom.

4) I learnt to ski.

5) They repaired the computer.

16A. Read the information about a new DVD recorder and complete the

sentences with question words.

(1) … I buy the Generation X DVD recorder?

– That’s simple – because it’s the most modern and the best new DVD


(2) … the Generation X recorder more expensive than most of the others?

– Well, it’s only a little more expensive… and it is better than most others, for

example, it can store more films.

(3) … films can the Generation X recorder store?

– About 100. It depends on how long the films are.

(4) … I use my old videos with this machine?

– If you have a video recorder, you can connect it to the DVD recorder and

record your videos.

(5) … I do if something goes wrong?

– You can send it to us or take it back to the shop where you bought it.

(6) … I buy the Generation X recorder?

– In all good apartment stores and electrical shops.

17A. Complete the police interview with the questions below. There are three

extra questions.

which factory do you mean / who saw you / which factory makes cars /

what happened / whose face / who heard you / what did you see /

what did you frighten / what did you hear / who did you see /

what are you frightened of

OFFICER: So, MR Lewis. (1) … yesterday evening outside the club?


LEWIS: Well, the was a fight, a big fight.

OFFICER: (2) …?

LEWIS: I’m not sure. I came out of the club to go home, and then I heard


OFFICER: (3) …?

LEWIS: Someone was shouting, then I heard other voices, so I turned round

and saw them…

OFFICER: Them? (4) …?

LEWIS: The men who started the fight – the men from the factory. And I think

they saw me.

OFFICER: I’m sorry – (5) …?

LEWIS: Those men. The men who work at the factory.

OFFICER: (6) …?

LEWIS: The car factory in Bolton. You see, I work there, too – and I saw his


OFFICER: (7) …?

LEWIS: My boss’s face – he was there, he was in the fight, and now I’m really


OFFICER: I’m not sure I understand, (8) …?

LEWIS: Well, he knows I’ve told you everything. I’m frightened I’ll lose my


18A. Answer these questions with I don’t know where / when / why… etc.

1) Have your friends gone home? (where)

2) Is Kate in her office? (where)

3) Is the castle very old? (how old)

4) Will Paul be here soon? (when)

5) Was he angry because I was late? (why)

6) Has Sally lived here a long time? (how long)

19A. Complete these sentences.

1) How do aeroplanes fly? – Do you know…?


2) Where does Susan work? – I don’t know…

3) What did Peter say? – Do you remember…?

4) Why did he go home early? – I don’t know…

5) What time does the meeting begin? – Do you know…?

6) How did the accident happen? – Do you remember…?

20A. Which is right?

1) Do you know what time is it / it is?

2) Why are you / you are going away?

3) I don’t know where are they / they are going.

4) Can you tell me where is the museum / the museum is?

5) Where do you want / you want to go for your holidays?

6) Do you know what do elephants eat / elephants eat?

7) I don’t know how far is it / it is from the hotel to the station.

21A. Write questions with Do you know…? Do you know if…?

1) Have they got a car?

2) Are they married?

3) Does Sue know Bill?

4) Will Gary be here tomorrow?

5) Did he pass his exam?

6) What does Laura want?

7) Where is Paula?

8) Is she working today?

9) What time does she start work?

10) Are the shops open tomorrow?

11) Where do Sarah and Tim live?

12) Did they go to Jane’s party?

22A. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

1) Do you know why…?

2) Do you know what time…?

3) Excuse me, can you tell me where…?


4) I don’t know what…

5) Do you know if…?

6) Do you know how much…?

23A. Make questions from the statements.

1) I’m not sure where the nearest bank is.

2) I’m not sure where we are staying.

3) I’m not sure how we get to the station.

4) I’m not sure what time the plane arrived.

5) I’m not sure what kind of computer she wants.

6) You didn’t phone me. I don’t know why.

7) I’m not sure which class I’m in.

24A. Choose the correct words in italics.

1) Can you tell me what the time is / is the time?

2) Could you tell me how do I get / I get to the bus station?

3) Could you tell me where is the ticket office / the ticket office is?

4) I’d like to know how often runs the airport bus / the airport bus runs?

5) Can you tell me how much the journey costs / does the journey cost?

6) Do you know if the airport bus leaves / does leave from here?

7) Do you know where I get on / do I get on the bus?

8) Can you tell me if the bus has gone / has the bus gone?

9) Could you tell me what time the last bus is / is the last bus?

25A. Rosemary often forgets things. Complete the questions she is asking her

friend. Use the verbs in brackets.

1) ‘Do you know where… my glasses?’ (put)

2) ‘Can you remember if… my handbag?’ (pick up)

3) ‘Can you remember where… the car?’ (park)

4) ‘Oh, dear. Do you know if… the front door?’(lock)

5) ‘Can you tell me who… to dinner this evening?’ (come)


26A. Read the questions in the questionnaire and make them more polite.

1) How often do you use the town centre shops? – Could you tell me how…?

2) Which shops do you like most? – I’d like to know which…

3) How much do you usually spend in the town centre? – Can you say how…?

4) Do you use cash or credit cards? – I’d like to know if…

5) Do you ever go out of town to shop? – Could you tell me…?

6) Have you ever used the Internet for shopping? – I’d like to know…

7) Did you come by car or bus today? – Can you tell me…?

8) Where did you park? – Could you tell me…?

9) Will you continue to use the town centre for shopping? – Finally, I’d like to


27B. Underline the most suitable words in each sentence.

1) Let’s go to London next weekend, (1) shall we / won’t we?

2) You shouldn’t have told me, (2) did you / should you?

3) Jim hasn’t been waiting long, (3) was he / has he?

4) You won’t tell anyone about this, (4) do you / will you?

5) You’re not doing what I told you, (5) do you / are you?

6) Answer the phone for me, (6) will you / do you?

7) George can’t have noticed, (7) can he / has he?

8) You’ve got to leave now, (8) don’t you / haven’t you?

9) Pam and Tim got married last year, (9) didn’t they / haven’t they?

10) I don’t think John’s very friendly, (10) does he / is he?

28B. Add suitable question tags. (Do not use positive tags for positive


1) Don’t leave anything behind, …?

2) David is bringing some wine, …?

3) You’ll be home before midnight, …?

4) Harry was working in Bristol then, …?

5) Nobody knows who invented the wheel, …?

6) You don’t need me any more, …?


7) The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot, …?

8) Let’s invite the Smiths from next door, …?

9) You aren’t too busy to talk, …?

10) Jean owns a restaurant, …?

29B. Choose the correct sentence, A or B, for each situation.

1) … You always know the answer, in fact!

A) You know the answer, don’t you?

B) You don’t know the answer, do you?

2) … I’m sure I left it here, but now I can’t find it.

A) You have seen my bag, haven’t you?

B) You haven’t seen my bag, have you?

3) … I knew that he would pass.

A) Jack passed the exam, didn’t he?

B) Jack didn’t pass the exam, did he?

4) … Oh, no! That means I’m going to get wet!

A) It’s raining, isn’t it?

B) It’s not raining, is it?

5) … You ought to get one. It’s a much better way to travel in the city.

A) You’ve got a bike, haven’t you?

B) You haven’t got a bike, have you?

6) … So we can talk about the final plans then.

A) You’ll be here next week, won’t you?

B) You won’t be here next week, will you?

7) … You are really good at it, so I’m sure it isn’t the first time.

A) You have played this game before, haven’t you?

B) You haven’t played this game before, have you?

8) … Why didn’t you tell me, I thought he’d already left.

A) Mr. Jones is still waiting for me, isn’t he?

B) Mr Jones isn’t still waiting for me, is he?


30B. You never agree with Sue. Answer the following remarks.

Sue You

1) I’m hungry.

2) I’m not tired.

3) I like football.

4) I didn’t enjoy the film.

5) I’ve never been to Australia.

6) I thought the exam was easy.

31B. Put a question tag on the end of these sentences.

1) Kate won’t be late, …? No, she’s never late.

2) You are tired, …? Yes, a little.

3) You travel a lot, …? Yes, I love travelling.

4) You weren’t listening, …? Yes, I was.

5) Sarah doesn’t know Ann, …? No, they’ve never met.

6) Jack’s on holiday, …? Yes, he’s in Australia.

7) Kate’s been to China before, …? Yes, two or three times.

8) You can speak German, …? Yes, but not fluently.

9) They won’t mind if I take a photo, …? No, of course they won’t.

10) There are a lot of people here, …? Yes, more than I expected.

11) Let’s go out tonight, …? Yes, that would be great.

12) This isn’t very interesting, …? No, not really.

13) I’m too impatient, …? Yes, you are sometimes.

14) You wouldn’t tell anyone, …? No, of course not.

15) Ann has lived here a long time, …? Yes, 20 years.

16) I shouldn’t have lost my temper, …? No, but that’s all right.

17) He’d never met her before, …? No, that was the first time.

18) Don’t drop that vase, …? Don’t worry I won’t.

32B. Rewrite the sentence as a yes / no question.

1) The Nile is the longest river.

2) Earthquakes have occurred in this country.


3) The volcano had erupted before.

4) 200 million years ago there was only one continent.

5) People were expecting a tsunami in 2004.

6) Our climate will be different in 50 years’ time.

7) The capital city has continued to grow.

8) The Arabian Desert and the Gobi Desert are similar in size.

9) The ice at the Poles has started to melt.

10) Many people were injured in the earthquake.

33B. Put in the question. Use what and put the preposition in brackets at the


Melanie: Tom is smiling. He’s pleased. (about)

David: Yes, he is. (1) …

Laura: I’m busy today. I’m getting ready. (for)

Trevor: (2) …

Jessica: I’ve done something awful. I’m ashamed. (of)

Andrew: (3) …

Trevor: Haven’t you heard of Kitty Beamish? She’s famous. (for)

Ilona: No, I haven’t. (4) …

Sarah: Mark is annoyed. He’s going to complain. (about)

Claire: (5) …

Matthew: Emma’s in a hurry. She’s going to be late. (for)

Daniel: (6) …

Vicky: I don’t feel very relaxed. I feel nervous. (about)

Rachel: (7) …

34B. Trevor has just come home from work. Complete the conversation. Put


Trevor: Hello, my love. (1) … are you?

Laura: Hello, I’m all right, but I’m in a bit of a rush getting ready for the


Trevor: Er, I forgot to tell you that I invited two more people.


Laura: (2) … are you telling me now (3) …? I’ve bought all the food. I just

hope there’s enough. Anyway, who are these people? (4) … are they (5) …?

Trevor: They’re friends of Harriet’s. They’re very nice people. And after all,

(6) … are parties (7) …? To meet new people.

Laura: It isn’t a party, it’s a barbecue. (8) …’s the weather going to be (9) …?

Trevor: The forecast said it’s going to be perfect. Warm and dry.

Laura: Good. And (10) … was your day?

Trevor: Oh, not too bad. Busy as usual.

35B. Put the words in the right order and ask the question.

1) everyone / is / ready

2) been / have / where / you

3) do / postcards / sell / you

4) belong / calculator / does / this / to / who

5) are / here / how/ long / staying / you

6) is / like / new / office / what / your

7) are / flights / full / of / the / which

8) carnival / does / start / the / time / what

9) decided / has / holiday / Nancy / on / what

36B. Put in the correct question word or phrase.

1) … did you buy? – A box of chocolates.

2) … is this building? – It’s about two hundred years old.

3) … does your team play in? – Red.

4) … bag are you carrying? – Judy’s.

5) … money do you earn? – About £500 a week.

6) … hand do you write with? – My right hand.

7) … of shop do you work in? – A toy shop.

8) … first stepped on the moon? – Neil Armstrong, wasn’t it?

9) … is your mother? – She’s much better, thank you.

10) … is it to the post office? – About two hundred metres.

11) … do you take a holiday? – Once a year.


12) … name will you give the baby? – We haven’t thought of one yet.

37B. Read about each situation and write down the question.

1) You want to know if it is raining.

2) You need to ask Polly where she lives.

3) You would like to ask Nancy where she bought her coat.

4) You want to ask Susan if Amy can swim.

5) You want to ask Simon which brand he likes best.

6) On the phone you want to know who you are speaking to.

7) You need to know how much video records cost.

8) You are asking permission to come in.

9) You need to find out how long the journey takes.

10) You want to ask Adrian what he locked the door for.

11) You want to ask what happens next.

12) You want to suggest that you all go out together.

38B. Write the questions to which the underlined words are the answers.

1) Christopher is going to London by train.

2) The Smiths have got three cars.

3) Janet works at the supermarket.

4) Andrea is learning English because she will need it in her job.

5) The film was really romantic.

6) The meeting will take place next Tuesday.

7) Tessa switched off the computer.

8) Mr. Johnson’s burglar alarm was ringing.

9) Anna went to the dance with Martin.

39B. Make questions with WHO or WHAT.

1) Somebody hit me.

2) I hit somebody.

3) Somebody paid the bill.

4) Something happened.

5) Diane said something.


6) This book belongs to somebody.

7) Somebody lives in that house.

8) I fell over something.

9) Something fell off the shelf.

10) This word means something.

11) I borrowed the money from somebody.

12) I’m worried about something.

40B. Write negative questions from the words in brackets. In each situation

you are surprised.

1) A: We won’t see Lisa this evening.

B: Why not? … (she / not/ come / out with us?)

2) A: I hope we don’t meet Luke tonight.

B: Why? … (you / not / like / him?)

3) A: Don’t go and see that film.

B: Why not? … (it / not / good?)

4) A: I’ll have to borrow some money.

B: Why? … (you / not / have / any?)

41B. Claude Jennings, the World Quiz Champion, is going to be on Guy’s

chat show. Guy is wondering what to ask Claude. Read what Guy is thinking and

write down his questions.

1) I expect Claude has won lots of prizes. …

2) I wonder if he’s a rich man. …

3) Perhaps quizzes are his only hobby. …

4) I expect he worked hard at school. …

5) I wonder if he’s got any other interests. …

6) I wonder if it’s an interesting life. …

7) Perhaps his wife asks him quiz questions. …

8) And maybe he answers questions in his dreams. …

42B. What would you say in these situations?

1) You want to know if Mark has been to Los Angeles. Ask Sarah.


2) You aren’t sure if Rachel and Vicky are going to America. Ask them.

3) You want to know if Laura plays tennis Ask Trevor.

4) You are wondering if Claire enjoyed her holiday. Ask her.

5) You want to suggest to Rachel that you both go for a walk.

6) You need to know if David will be at the club tonight. Ask him.

7) You want to know if the train is on time. Ask Mark.

8) You are wondering if Mike and Harriet go camping. Ask David.

9) You want to ask Matthew if you can borrow his squash racket.

10) You want to know if Nick has got a motor bike. Ask him.

43B. It’s eleven o’clock, and everyone has arrived at a party. Put in the short


1) Have you got a drink? – …, thank you. I’ve just put it down somewhere.

2) Can you speak Arabic? – …, but not very well.

3) Is it raining outside? – … It’s just started.

4) Has David come with you? – … He is in hospital, actually.

5) Did you come by car, Tom? – … It took ages because of all the traffic.

6) Are those people over there your friends? – … I don’t know them at all.

7) Do you like England? – … I’m enjoying my stay here.

8) Is your brother here? – … He’s away on business at the moment.

9) Have you seen Nick recently? – … I think he’s moved away.

44B. It’s one o’clock in the morning, and the party is in full swing. People

are still talking. Put in the short answers.

1) Are you French? – … I’m Italian. I’m from Milan.

2) Will you and Laura be here in August? – … We’re going to France.

3) Did you remember to bring the photos? – … I’ll give them to you in a


4) Has Rita broken up with her boyfriend? – … It’s all over, she told me.

5) Did you see that documentary about the ozone layer on television last

night? – … I was working late, unfortunately.

6) Does Laura like these old songs? – … She loves Elvis Presley.


7) Are you and Mike staying night here? – … We have to get home tonight.

8) Can we afford a taxi? – … It’s quite a long way.

9) Are you OK, Vicky? – … I feel really awful.

45B. What would you say in these situations?

1) You are talking to a man at a party. Ask him where he works.

2) You want to know what the date is today. Ask your friend.

3) You’ve forgotten when the course finishes. Ask your friend.

4) Your friend is having a party. You’d like to know who he has invited. Ask


5) Your favorite band are going to give a concert. Ask how you can get tickets.

6) You are in town with a friend, and you are wondering where the two of you

are going to have lunch. What do you ask?

46B. Quiz champion Claude Jennings is answering questions. Put in these

words and phrases: how far, how long, how often, how many, what, what color,

what kind, when, where, who.

1) Quiz master: … is the Greek flag? Claude: Blue and white.

2) Quiz master: … is Melbourne? Claude: It’s in Australia.

3) Quiz master: … centimetres are there in a kilometer? Claude: A hundred


4) Quiz master: … did the Second World War end? Claude: In 1945.

5) Quiz master: … did Romeo love? Claude: Juliet.

6) Quiz master: … is Sirius? Claude: It’s a star.

7) Quiz master: … is it from Los Angeles to San Francisco? Claude: About

400 miles.

8) Quiz master: … are the Olympic Games held? Claude: Every four years.

9) Quiz master: … of food is Cheddar? Claude: It’s cheese.

10) Quiz master: … is a game of rugby? Claude: Eighty minutes.


47B. Guy is interviewing a guest on his chat show. It’s actress Melissa

Livingstone, who is in the TV soap opera ‘Round the Corner’. Put in Guy’s


1) Guy: …

Melissa: Oh, we record it every day. It’s a full-time job, you know.

2) Guy: And… it?

Melissa: In Birmingham, at the BBC studios.

3) Guy: …

Melissa: How many? Well, let me see, I think we’ve done a thousand


4) Guy: …

Melissa: I’m not going to tell you. How much money I earn is my business.

5) Guy: Ok, I’m sorry. …

Melissa: Oh, a long time ago. I started acting when I was twelve.

6) Guy: …

Melissa: My plans for the future? I just want to go on with ‘Round the Corner’.

48B. Read about the situations and answer each question in a single phrase.

1) The morning after his party. Tom was cleaning up. David came along and

took away some empty bottles for him. Nick had just woken up after spending the

night on Tom’s sofa. He watched them for a while.

A) Who helped Tom?

B) Who did Nick help?

2) Nick wants to marry Rita. She’s been out with him a few times, but really

she’s in love with Tom. Unfortunately, he isn’t in love with her.

A) Who is Nick in love with?

B) Who is in love with Tom?

3) Mark met Sarah at the airport. The plane was two hours late. On the way out

they passed Mike standing at a bus stop, but they didn’t notice him.

A) Who met Sarah?

B) What was Mike waiting for?


4) There was an accident at the crossroads. A lorry crashed into a van that was

waiting at the lights. The van slid forward and crashed into a car. The van driver had

to go to hospital.

A) What hit the van?

B) What did the van hit?

49B. Harriet is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Evans. It’s Mrs. Evans’s

birthday. She can’t hear very well, and she sometimes gets confused. Complete her


1) Harriet: So ten people have sent cards.

Mrs. Evans: Pardon? How many…

2) Harriet: I met David’s friend yesterday.

Mrs. Evans: What? Whose…

3) Harriet: You can keep those photos.

Mrs. Evans: Photos? Which…

4) Harriet: Those flowers look lovely.

Mrs. Evans: Do they? Which…

5) Harriet: Fifty pounds went missing.

Mrs. Evans: Missing? How much…

6) Harriet: I passed Mark’s house earlier.

Mrs. Evans: Pardon? Whose…

7) Harriet: The doctor has four children.

Mrs. Evans: Really? How many…

8) Harriet: Doctors earn lots of money.

Mrs. Evans: I don’t know. How much…

9) Harriet: Mike’s uncle has died.

Mrs. Evans: What’s that? Whose…

10) Harriet: Trevor’s wife is coming later.

Mrs. Evans: Oh? Whose…


50B. The questions you are asking have a number of possible answers. If the

list of answers is incomplete, ask a question with WHAT. If the list is complete, use


1) (Do you play the piano, or the violin, or the guitar, or …?) …

2) (Did you go to the Little Theatre or the Theatre Royal?) …

3) (Did you take the morning flight or the afternoon flight?) …

4) (Did you stay at the Grand Hotel or the Bristol?) …

5) (Do you like classical music, or jazz, or rock music, or…?) …

6) (Did you buy ‘Time’ magazine, or ‘Newsweek’, or a computer magazine,

or…?) …

7) (Do you work for EuroChemicals, or ICM, or SenCo, or…?) …

8) (Are you learning English, or Spanish, or Arabic, or Japanese, or…?) …

51B. Rita is moving into a new flat. Trevor has come to see the flat and help

her move in. Compete his questions. Put in WHAT or WHICH.

1) Trevor: … number is this building?

Rita: Forty-two.

2) Trevor: I didn’t realize there were only three floors. … floor is your flat on?

Rita: The first floor.

3) Trevor: It’s a very nice flat. … room will be your living-room?

Rita: This one here, I thought.

4) Trevor: … color are you going to paint it?

Rita: Oh, I don’t know yet.

5) Trevor: … time is your furniture arriving?

Rita: Three o’clock, they said.

6) Trevor: I’ll need some petrol. … way is the nearest petrol station?

Rita: Turn left at the end of the street.

52B. Detectives Wilson and Taylor are looking into the murder of Lord

Weybridge at his county house. Put in WHO, WHAT, or WHICH.

Wilson: (1) … of the guests in this house is the murderer, do you think,



Taylor: I don’t know yet. (2) … had the opportunity? (3) … of the quests had

the chance to do it?

Wilson: (4) … happened after dinner last night? That’s what we had to find


Taylor: There must be a motive for the murder. (5) … motive could the murder


Wilson: Love or money – they’re the usual motives. (6) … of them is it, I


Taylor: (7) … did Lord Weybridge leave his money to? That’s the question,


53B. Ask Joe questions. (Look at his answers before you write the questions.)

1) (where / live?) In Manchester.

2) (born there?) No, I was born in London

3) (married?) Yes.

4) (how long/ married?) 17 years.

5) (children?) Yes, two boys.

6) (how old / they?) 12 and 15)

7) (what / do?) I’m a journalist.

8) (what / wife / do?) She’s a doctor.

54B. Put the words in brackets in the correct order. All the sentences are


1) (when / was / built / this house)

2) (how / cheese / is / made)

3) (when / invented / the computer / was)

4) (why / Sue / working / isn’t / today)

5) (what time / coming / your friends / are)

6) (why / was / cancelled / the trip)

7) (where / your mother / was / born)

8) (why / you / to the party / didn’t / come)

9) (how / the accident / did / happen)


10) (why / this machine / doesn’t / work)

55B. Which is right? Tick the correct alternative.

1) A) Do you know what time the film starts?

B) Do you know what time does the film start?

C) Do you know what time starts the film?

2) A) Why Amy does get up so early every day?

B) Why Amy gets up so early every day?

C) Why does Amy get up so early every day?

3) A) I want to know what this word means.

B) I want to know what does this word mean.

C) I want to know what means this word.

4) A) I can’t remember where did I park the car.

B) I can’t remember where I parked the car.

C) I can’t remember where I did park the car.

5) A) Why you didn’t phone me yesterday?

B) Why didn’t you phone me yesterday?

C) Why you not phoned me yesterday?

6) A) Do you know where does Helen work?

B) Do you know where Helen does work?

C) Do you know where Helen works?

7) A) How much it costs to park here?

B) How much does it cost to park here?

C) How much does it cost to park here?

8) A) Tell me what you want.

B) Tell me what you do want.

C) Tell me what do you want.

56C. Complete B’s questions with suitable verbs and / or question words, and

any other words necessary. The questions should ask about the underlined parts of

A’s statements.

1) A: Come on! I have been waiting out in the cold for ages!


B: Oh, really? (1) … exactly have you been…?

2) A: Someone told me that you’ve decided to give up the course.

B: Oh, (2)… that?

3) A: I’ve been just offered two jobs!

B: That’s great! (3)… to take?

4) A: We could just paint the walls or we could put wallpaper up – what do

you think?

B: (4) … that thick soundproofing paper up? Then we won’t hear the next

door’s music!

5) A: The roads round here are in a terrible state. I’m going to complain to


B: Good idea, but (5) …?

6) A: We went to a comedy night yesterday, and saw some really good


B: Oh, (6) … see?

7) A: Jenna’s decided to stop eating breakfast because she’s putting on weight.

B: Really! What’s (7) … giving up breakfast when she spends all her evenings

in front of the TV with crisps and chocolates?

57C. Find eight mistakes in the conversation and correct them.

1) Sean: I have just joined the local wildlife trust.

2) Gill: Is that some kind of club and is it a society?

3) Sean: Well, neither, really. It’s a charity. The idea is that it protects local


4) Gill: What’s the point to join that?

5) Sean: What’s the point? Honestly! What’s a crazy question!

6) Gill: Why you think it’s crazy?

7) Sean: Well, we are in danger of losing a lot of our wildlife as the area

becomes more built-up. So we need to create safe spaces for local species.

8) Gill: Oh, I see. And who create the spaces?

9) Sean: The people who run the charity.


10) Gill: How much does it cost to join?

11) Sean: Oh, it only costs a few pounds much.

12) Gill: To who do you pay that, then?

13) Sean: To the charity, of course.

14) Gill: Can you visit the safe spaces they create?

15) Sean: Yes, we went to their main one last weekend.

16) Gill: How was it like?

17) Sean: Interesting, very peaceful, just a nice, large wooded area. In fact,

they held an introductory barbecue for new members.

18) Gill: Who did organize that?

19) Sean: The people who run the charity. It was great. A lot of people came.

58C. Complete the questions with one word only in each gap.

1) … car did you decide to buy, the Toyota or the Volkswagen?

2) Who… after your cats when you go on holiday?

3) We appreciate your extensive experience, Ms Wise, but what… can you

bring to our company?

4) ‘… action can the police take about this?’ ‘Well, we can give the offender a

formal warning, and apprehend him or her if the warning is ignored.’

5) I haven’t seen Isobel for ages. … was she when you saw her yesterday?

6) One final question before commencing discussion of the contract – with…

in your company will the negotiations be taking place?

7) Everyone in the office seems really quiet today. …’s happened?

8) … phone is ringing? Could you please turn phones off during the lesson?

9) You look thoughtful. What are you thinking…?

10) You didn’t finish telling me about your missing jewelry. Who… take it?

Did the police ever find out?

59С. Make negative questions with suitable forms of the verbs below. Some

of the questions start with Why and may need to add other words. Then match each

question to one or two of the functions A–D below.

belong / buy / do / give / hear / join / take / tell / think


1) ‘What’s Paolo Nutini’s new single like?’

‘… yet? I’m amazed – it’s on the radio every five minutes!’

2) ‘Alice has just applied to join the college choir.’

‘… to it? I thought she joined last year.’

3) ‘Mr Soames from Brent Trading is coming in on the 6th for a lunchtime


‘Really? … your holiday in that week?’

4) ‘Oh, you are back. I was just about to do the washing-up.’

‘… yet? I’ve been out for three hours!’

5) ‘Joe and I are going to the food festival on Sunday. … us?’

‘I’m busy on Sunday, I’m afraid, but thanks for asking.’

6) ‘Sorry, but I can’t come to your dinner party tomorrow. I’m double-


‘… earlier? I’ve already bought all the food!’

7) ‘We need to get some flowers or something to take with us to the hospital.’

‘Oh, … then? You were going to do it in your lunch break.’

8) ‘… those hair extensions look awful on older women?’

‘No, actually, I don’t. In fact, I’m thinking of having some put in.’

9)’Harriet Ellis may arrive late for the conference on Thursday.’

‘… the opening talk?’ That’s a problem.’

A) asking for confirmation of an opinion

B) expressing surprise

C) expressing criticism

D) inviting/ trying to persuade someone

60C. Write the question for each reply. Use the prompts in brackets and add

a question word where necessary.

1) (own / white Cadillac / drive / around here?) ‘…’

‘Oh, I think the Americans from Harding Road own it.’

2) (applicant / think / be / suitable?) ‘…’


‘Well, I think they are both reasonable, but Stephen Wrigley seems to be the

best for this post.’

3) (give / cattle / that type of feed?) ‘…’

‘We’d only been giving them that particular type of feed for about two


4) (tell / you / the divorce?) ‘…’

‘I think it was Susan who told me about it, but most people at college seem to

know it.’

5) (else / do / holiday?) ‘…’

‘We didn’t really do much else on the holiday – it was a really small resort.’

6) (persuade / David / stay / team?) ‘…’

‘No, I don’t think we could have persuaded him to stay. The counter-offer was

far too attractive.’

7) (the point / complain / faulty goods?) ‘…’

‘There’s every point in complaining! How else will shops know that their good

are faulty?’

8) (watch / be / better / scuba-diving?) ‘…’

‘Both of the watches are suitable for scuba-diving, but I think you’ll find that

the Timepiece is more reliable at greater depths.’

9) (the accused / steal / getaway cars?) ‘…’

‘Your honor, we believe that he stole the getaway car on behalf of Seamus

Presley, the leader of the Presley gang.’

61C. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.

1) What’s… in arguing with people who hold very strong opinions?

2) ‘Mmm, … makes your pastry so tasty?’ ‘I use different herbs in it, that’s


3) … you finished your quarterly accounts yet? I need them for the board

meeting later.

4) I’ve got a couple of paint samples here. … color do you prefer?


5) What’s… of buying all this expensive equipment when you don’t know if

you’ll enjoy the sport?

6) These sitcoms are so formulaic. This one is… any different from that one

we watched yesterday, is it?

7) By… of the available methods did your client pay for her purchases?

8) … you join us on the school committee? You’d be a real asset with your


9) Oh, come on, tell us. Who… send you those amazing flowers?

10) ‘We’ve got an apartment for four people for the week. It seems silly to go

by ourselves.’

‘You’re right! … inviting Dave and Matt? They’re good fun.’

62C. Write negative questions for B in these dialogues, using -n’t with the

words in brackets.

1) A: Can you lend me €10?

B: Again? … (money left?)

2) A: I’m annoyed that you didn’t come to the meeting.

B: Why? … (my email / on holiday?)

3) A: I’ve had to bring the children with me.

B: Why? … (babysitter?)

4) A: I’ll just finish my homework before I go to school.

B: But… (be supposed to / last night?)

5) A: I’ve put my bike in the sitting room.

B: The sitting room! … (outside?)

6) A: I’m taking the coach to Vienna.

B: But that will take ages. … (rather / plane?)

63C. Use the notes to complete these dialogues with two negative questions.

In the first use -n’t; in the second use NEVER, NO, NOBODY, NOTHING,


1) A: … (ever / considered you might / wrong)?

B: No, I’m sure I’m right.


2) A: … (you / any interest / maths at all)?

B: No, I’ve always hated it.

3) A: I spent the night in the railway station.

B: … (could / find anywhere else / sleep)?

4) A: … (can / remember anything about / accident)?

B: Not after getting into the car, no.

5) A: … (why / ever do well / exams)?

B: Perhaps you don’t revise enough.

6) A: … (there anybody / you can ask / help)?

B: I can’t think of anyone.

64C. If necessary, correct any mistakes in these sentences. Put a tick if they

are already correct.

1) A: Mariam isn’t answering her phone. B: Why do you not email her?

2) Who do you expect that will read your blog?

3) Why did they suggest that we should avoid using the motorway?

4) Was not it a brilliant film!

5) If she really wants to go rock climbing, why not let her?

6) What did you say that is in these biscuits?

7) How do you think that Twitter will have changed our lives in ten years’


8) Why did not you tell me you’d changed your number?

65C. Underline the correct option (or both if possible).

1) To whom / who should the documents be sent?

2) Which / Who of you is Dr. Hansen? I have a message for you.

3) A: Here’s a photo of our children at the fancy dress party. B: Who / Which is


4) A: Is your sister at home? B: What / Which one do you want to speak to?

5) Whom / Who do you hold responsible for the damage?

6) Who / Which will captain the team if Zeinab isn’t available?

7) Which / Who would you rather be – a doctor or a vet?


8) Who / Whom translated the book?

66C. First, complete the sentences (1–10) with HOW, WHAT, or HOW /

WHAT if both are possible. Then choose an appropriate answer for each question


‘(1) … do you like about your new job?

‘(2) … if Omar calls while you’re out?’

‘(3) … about a coffee?

‘(4) … are your parents these days?’

‘(5) … ‘s your boss like?’

‘(6) … do you like your new job?’

‘(7) … was the camping trip?’

‘(8) … ‘s your boss called?’

‘(9) … do you mean, “Smart clothes”?’

‘(10) … was the camping trip like?’

A) ‘It’s really boring.’

B) ‘I’d love one.’

C) ‘I mean you’ve got to wear a suit.’

D) ‘Tell him I’ll call back.’

E) ‘It was great.’

F) ‘Lucia Garcia.’

G) ‘It’s never boring.’

H) ‘Quite well, thanks.’

I) ‘We had an excellent time.’

J) ‘She works us really hard.’

67C. Correct any mistakes in the italicized words or, if necessary, suggest

ways of making the sentence more natural. If the sentence is already correct, write

a tick.

1) Who’s caravan were you staying in?

2) Whose are all these books?

3) He asked us who’s car was parked in front of his house.


4) A: Who live in the flat upstairs? B: The Thompson family.

5) Whose going with you to Canada?

6) About whose travels in Nepal did Liam Wilson write a book?

7) What one of the following statements is true?

8) Who of us had not told a lie at some time in our lives?

9) A: Can you post the books to us? B: Whose address to?

10) A: Ants have got into the fridge! B: What has got into the fridge?

68C. Ask a question about the information underlined in each of the

following sentences using WHO, WHAT or another question word.

1) We live in the old town.

2) I gave the book to Valerie.

3) Michael lent me his car.

4) I got married 20 years ago.

5) He plays basketball best.

6) I’d like the green pullover, please.

7) I like big woolly pullovers.

8) A madman murdered the President.

9) A madman murdered the President.

10) The madman murdered the President.

11) I go to the cinema at least once a week.

12) The journey takes about six hours from here.

13) To get my house, you take the bus and get off at wooden Green.

14) He keeps the key in that box.

15) There’s a litre of milk left.

69C. Complete the sentences with an appropriate present simple form of the

verbs in brackets.

1) What… those cakes made from? (be)

2) Who… you for Maths and English? (teach)

3) What… there to see on the island? (be)

4) Who… the major decisions in the company? (make)


5) A: The Turners are in France. B: Who… in France? (be)

6) Who… their textbook with them? Put your hand up. (have)

70C. Put the words in the questions in the right order.

1) Where / you / born / were?

2) Where / you / did / grow up?

3) What / like / did / you / doing / at school?

4) What / like / were / you / as / a young child?

5) When / decide / you / did / an actor / to become?

6) How / parents / your / did / react?

7) What / say / when / told / did / you / they / them?

8) How / you / when / old / left / were / you / home?

9) What / job / first / your / in the theatre /was?

10) What / of / directors / working / kind / with / you / do / like?



1A.Choose the correct words in brackets.

1) We can stay at this hotel (and / or) we can look for a better one.

2) Both Sony (and / or) Philips produce electrical goods.

3) I left my job (so that / because) I was getting bored with the work.

4) The camera didn’t work properly (so / because) we got a refund.

5) (While / When) we turned on the light, we noticed the broken window.

6) Please wait here until the dentist (will be / is) ready for you.

7) (During / While) we were having dinner at the restaurant, it started snowing.

8) You have to buy a ticket at the machine before (getting / get) on the bus.

9) We got up really late. Then we missed the bus and had to wait for the next

one. (In the end / At first), we arrived at the wedding ten minutes late.

2A. Complete the sentences with AND, BUT or OR.

1) I’ve booked the flights… I’ve found a great hotel!

2) I’ve booked the flights… I couldn’t find a hotel.

3) I’m afraid I haven’t booked the flights… found a hotel. I’ve been too busy.

4) I haven’t booked the flights yet… I’ve found a really good hotel.

5) We visited Mum in hospital… took her a huge bunch of flowers.

6) Did you visit Mum in hospital… did you just phone her today?

7) We visited Mum in hospital… we couldn’t bring her home today.

3A. Complete the text with the linking words below.

and / both / but / and / either / or / and

Do you want to do something to help people (1) you don’t know what? Are

you (2) young with free time (3) retired from full-time work? Being a special police

officer can (4) give you a new interest (5) provide some extra money for you. We

train you (6) provide your uniform and equipment – we do this because we need

people like you. Become a special police officer (7) find a new life today.

3 Materials refer to [2; 3; 4] from References.


4A. Write sentences 1–4 with BOTH... AND. Write sentences 5–8 with


1) Julie / swim / dive very well

2) John / ride a motorbike / drive a car

3) Samantha / work part-time / look after the baby

4) our cleaner / clean the house / wash the clothes

5) we can / watch TV / go to the cinema

6) we can / have a sandwich / go out for lunch

7) after lunch / the children / play in the garden / watch some cartoons

8) Carl / drive / take the train / when he visits customers

5A. Match the two parts of the sentences to tell Antonio’s story.

1) Antonio went to Mexico to…

2) He stopped work for a year so that…

3) He arrived in the city and went to a hotel because…

4) After three days he left the hotel because…

5) He moved into a student hostel to…

6) But he didn’t like it there because of…

7) A friend had a free room in his house so…

8) His friend’s sister was nice so…

9) In the end, Antonio stayed in Mexico so that…

A) … save money.

В) … he could get married to Maria.

C) … Antonio moved in with him.

D) … he could spend a long time there.

E) … it was too expensive.

F) … study Mexican history.

G) … Antonio talked to her a lot.

H) … the loud noise every evening.

I) … it was late and he needed a room.

6A. Complete the conversation. Use one word only for each gap.


Sorry I’m late, Sonia. The police stopped me (1) … I was driving too fast.

Not again! So you were driving fast (2) … get here on time, were you?

No, (3) … I was trying to catch the car in front. The driver dropped his wallet

at the petrol station and I wanted to give it back to him, (4) … I followed him. I was

driving fast so (5) … I could catch him.

Did you catch him?

No, I didn’t, (6) … the police stopped me before I could catch him.

But why didn’t they stop the other man?

I don’t know!

It’s probably because (7) … your silly fast car.

Anyway, they took me to the police station (8) … that they could interview


What – for driving too fast?

No ... it was also (9) … of the wallet. They thought that I’d stolen it!

7A. Write each sentence again so the second sentence means the same as the

first. Use the linking words in brackets.

1) Janet left London because she wanted to live in the country. (to)

2) Dmitri didn’t come with us because he didn’t have enough money. (so)

3) We didn’t go to the zoo because it was raining. (because of)

4) Terry went to prison because he stole a car. (so)

5) Josh wanted a bigger garden so that he could grow vegetables. (to)

6) Marion was really tired so she went to bed early. (because)

7) I can’t hear anything because of your loud music. (because your)

8A. Which action comes first in these sentences? Which comes second?

Write 1 or 2 in the brackets.

1) Mariam went travelling (…) after she finished her university course (…).

2) I always have a shower (…) before I brush my teeth (…).

3) We’ll have dinner (…) this evening as soon as you get home (…) from



4) We had a big party (…) after I passed my driving test (…).

5) Don’t worry about washing the dishes – we can do that (…) after you leave


6) Wait for me (…) in the cafe until I finish the shopping (…).

9A. Match the two halves of the sentences using the words and phrases


before / while / after / as soon as / until / when

1) We had to go out…

2) The phone rang…

3) It began to rain…

4) He slept…

5) We were still packing our bags…

6) Her shopping bags broke…

A) … I was having a shower.

B) … she left the supermarket.

C) … his mother called him.

D) … the postman came.

E) … the taxi arrived.

F) … we left home.

10A. Join the two sentences. Use the linking words in brackets.

1) We had lunch. Then we watched a DVD. (after)

2) I was driving. I fell asleep. (while)

3) My friends waited at the airport. My plane arrived. (until)

4) I won’t try to find a job. I’ll finish my course. (before)

5) The interview finished. I called my wife. (as soon as)

6) You finish using the CD. Remove it from the computer. (after)

11A. Choose the correct words in brackets.

Last night I was driving home along an empty motorway. Suddenly, I saw a car

behind me – it came quite close. (1) (Then / After) it started flashing its lights. (2)

(First / In the end), I decided not to stop but (3) (first / then) I saw signs for a petrol


station, so I decided to stop there. (4) (After that, / After) driving into the petrol

station, I parked in front of the restaurant.

(5) (In the end / Then), I noticed the other car again, so I waited (6) (after /

before) opening my car door. A man and a woman got out of the car and I could see

they were police officers, so, (7) (in the end / first), I got out and spoke to them. They

explained that one of my backlights wasn’t working and that’s why they were

following me.

12A. Put the words in brackets in the right order and add a linking word or

phrase given below.

after that / first / then / before / then / but

This really happened to my aunt and uncle. (1) (in the post / a letter / came)

one day. It said that a taxi would collect them at 6.00 the next Saturday evening. (2)

(to a show / arrived / with tickets / another letter). They thought it was a bit strange,

but my uncle is a lawyer, with lots of important clients, and they thought the tickets

came from one of them. So, the next Saturday evening they took the taxi into the

town. But, (3) (going / into the theatre / phoned / my uncle / a friend) who works for

the police. (4) (Went / the show / to see / they) and had a great time. (5) (went home /

they / in the taxi). They were worried when they arrived home, because the front door

was open, (6) (was / ОК / everything), because my uncle’s friend was in the house,

with two other police officers and the man who had tried to rob their house while

they were at the show.

13A. Read the email and choose the correct answers in brackets.

Hi Fabio,

It was good to hear your news. I’m glad that everything is going well with your

new job. Let me tell you my news – I’ve become a special police officer. That means

that I work a few hours a week for the police. I decided to do this (1) (so / to) try

something different in the evenings and at weekends. I don’t do everything that a real

officer does, (2) (or / but) it’s very interesting (3) (and / so) there are advantages. For

example, we have to help the normal police officers at football matches, which is

great (4) (because of / because) I love football. We also talk to children in schools (5)


(to / so that) they can learn about being safe in the streets. We have to do four hours a

week (6) (so that / but) I often do more (7) (because / so) I really enjoy it. We aren’t

paid, (8) (but / so) we get our uniforms (9) (or / and) I spend time with interesting


14A. Complete the conversation with linking words below.

after / after that / before / first / in the end / then / until / when / while

I’m bored with studying. Let’s go out now.

I want to do a bit more. Let’s go out (1) Dan arrives.

Dan isn’t coming this evening. I told you that (2) you were preparing lunch.

Really? I didn’t hear you. Why isn’t he coming?

He got home from Poland really late last night.

Oh? I thought he was landing at about 6)00.

Yes, he landed at 6.00 but everything went wrong (3) the plane landed. (4),

everyone had to sit on the plane for over an hour (5) they could get off. (6) one of

Dan’s bags didn’t arrive from the plane, and he had to complete a lot of different

forms. (7), he had to wait a long time for a train. (8), he got home at about 1)00 a.m.

Oh no! But Dan never goes to bed early anyway, so why can’t he come out

with us?

The problem is that the airline has found his bag, and he has to wait at home

this evening (9) they deliver it.

15A. Do the sentences in A and В have the same or different meanings?

1) A) I left the party early because I was feeling sick.

В) I was feeling sick so I left the party early.

2) A) She can both go to the cinema and go skating.

В) She can either go to the cinema or go skating.

3) A) The weather is cold, but my grandparents don’t put the heating on.

В) The weather is cold, so my grandparents don’t put the heating on.

4) A) I decided not to take the job because it didn’t pay very well.

В) The job didn’t pay very well so I decided not to take it.

5) A) I went to the bank to get some money out.


В) I went to the bank so that I could get some money out.

6) A) Look after the children until I get back from the cinema.

В) Look after the children while I’m at the cinema.

7) A) We were so tired we fell asleep while we were watching the match.

В) We were so tired we fell asleep during the match.

8) A) I’ll call you as soon as the train arrives at the station.

В) I’ll call you before the train arrives at the station.

16A. Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use

one, two or three words.

1) Lawrence went to drama school to become an actor.

Lawrence went to drama school… wanted to become an actor.

2) I finished reading my book before I went to sleep last night.

I went to sleep last night… finished reading my book.

3) Lock the door immediately after you get home.

Lock the door… you get home.

4) We didn’t go on holiday last summer because we didn’t have enough


We didn’t have enough money last summer… didn’t go on holiday.

5) My passport was stolen while I was travelling to Moscow.

My passport was stolen… the journey to Moscow.

6) Remember to wash your hands after using the toilet.

Remember to wash your hands… use the toilet.

7) Kylie learnt English so that she could travel around the world.

Kylie learnt English… around the world.

17A. Complete the text with the correct words or phrases, A, В or C below.

On the evening of 20 March, Marina Portman was cycling down a hill to a

friend’s house (1) a car came very close to her and hit her bike. Marina was a very

good cyclist, (2) she couldn’t control her bike (3) she was on a hill. She fell off and

hit a wall. She was able to stand up (4) she couldn’t walk. A police car passed and

saw her, (5) they took her to hospital (6) she could see a doctor. (7) her stay in


hospital, one of the police officers came to see her – he told her that she was in

trouble (8) there were no lights on her bike that evening. Then he got to know

Marina’s family, and (9) Marina and the young police officer got married.

1) A) when В) so C) as soon as

2) A) but B) so C) and

3) A) because B) because of C) so that

4) A) and В) but C) or

5) A) so that В) so C) to

6) A) so that В) because C) to

7) A) While В) When C) During

8) A) because В) so that C) because of

9) A) then B) first C) in the end

18A. Choose the correct answer, A, В or C.

1) I remembered his face (…) I couldn’t remember his name.

A) and В) but C) or

2) Do you want to stay at home this evening (…) go out for a walk?

A) and В) but C) or

3) I was invited to Jane’s party (…) I decided not to go.

A) so В) but C) or

4) You can choose two languages for this course so you can study (…) French

and Spanish.

A) and В) both C) either

5) You can study (…) maths or history, but you can’t do both of them.

A) or В) both C) either

6) I really enjoy working here (…) the lovely people.

A) because В) because of C) to

7) There was a lot of traffic on the motorway (…) we missed our plane.

A) so that В) because C) so

8) I’m going to join a gym (…) get fitter.

A) because В) to C) so that


9) (…) we travel a lot, we decided not to get a pet.

A) So that В) Because of C) Because

10) (…) Martin passed his exams, he could go to Oxford University.

A) And В) But C) Because

11) We enjoyed the film club, (…) we decided to go every week.

A) so В) but C) because

12) We bought the car (…) it was a very good price.

A) but В) because C) so that

13) I’m expecting a parcel, so don’t leave (…) the post comes.

A) after В) when C) before

14) The children are waiting in the car (…) we get back.

A) until В) when C) while

15) Please don’t interrupt me (…) I’m talking!

A) until В) while C) during

16) They’ll phone us as soon as they (…) any news.

A) have В) will have C) had

17) As soon as you (…) at the airport, change this money into euros.

A) will arrive В) arrived C) arrive

18) First, the plane was late, then we had to wait a long time for our bags. After

that we waited half an hour for a bus. (…), we arrived at the hotel three hours late and

they didn’t have a room for us.

A) First В) After C) In the end

19) Check that you have your passport (…) leaving for the airport.

A) before В) before you C) then

20. To make this soup, (…) chop all the vegetables into small pieces ...

A) first В) next C) finally

19B. Choose the correct words in brackets. In one place, both answers are


Hello, Elizabeth. What are you doing here?

I’ve come (1) (to / for) buy one of those patio heaters.



Yes, we thought we’d buy one (2) (because of / as) it’s getting cooler now.

We need one (3) (in order / so that) we’ll be able to carry on sitting outside in the

evenings ... and – well, it’s (4) (because / because of) the grandchildren, too. They

love playing in the garden when they come to us after school. I want to be able to sit

outside (5) (in order / so that) to watch them. What about you?

Oh, I’m looking for a hosepipe. (6) (As / Since) the garden’s so large, it’s

really rather hard work with just a watering can – and I’m not getting any younger!

But the ones here are all too short. I need an extra long one (7) (so as to / in order

that) reach the plants at the back of the garden.

What about an automatic watering system? (8) (Because of / Because) this

summer has been so dry, we’ve put one in our garden. It’s very good. It comes with

an automatic timer (9) (so that / since) you don’t have to worry about turning it on or


What a good idea! I’ll see if they’ve got one here.

20B. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1) We water the plants because…

2) We water the plants because of…

3) Because it doesn’t rain very often, …

4) We water the plants so as…

5) In order to make the plants grow, …

6) We water the plants so…

7) We water the plants to…

A) … we water the plants.

B) … make them grow.

C) … it doesn’t rain very often.

D) … that they will grow.

E) … the lack of rain.

F) … we water them.

G) … to make them grow.


21B. Find the mistakes and correct them. Tick the correct sentences.

1) Carrie wore a big hat so for not to get her hair wet in the rain.

2) We arrived at the theatre early that we could get good tickets.

3) I’m going swimming every day for to lose weight.

4) Since you don’t have any money, I’ll have to pay for your meal.

5) I got up early so not to be late for the job interview.

6) The fish are packed in ice so as to stay fresh for the journey.

7) I couldn’t play football for six months because my broken leg.

8) Louis studied English in order understand American films.

9) We didn’t have a holiday last summer because of we didn’t have enough


22B. Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

1) I’m studying English so that…

2) I enjoy… because…

3) I’d like to… in order to…

4) I can’t stand… because of…

23B. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below.

a lot of / as a result / for / many / much / so / such

1) There was so… flooding that we couldn’t get back to our homes.

2) There was such… snow we couldn’t see out of the windows.

3) The waiter behaved… rudely that I walked out of the restaurant.

4) It didn’t rain for four months. … , the lakes dried up completely.

5) It was… a lovely picture I really had to buy it.

6) The shop had so… brands of shampoo I just didn’t know which one to get.

7) That car’s much too expensive… us to buy.

24B. Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using

the word in brackets. Use four or five words in your answer.

1) We can’t go outside today because it’s really cold. (for)

It’s… to go outside today.

2) The chair is too uncomfortable to sit in. (comfortable)


The chair… sit in.

3) It’s possible to read the book in fifty minutes because it’s short. (that)

The book… you can read it in fifty minutes.

4) Because I’m only sixteen, I can’t vote. (young)

I’m… because I’m only sixteen.

5) We can’t swim across the river because the water is moving very fast. (too)

The water… for us to swim across the river.

6) There was such a strong wind that I could hardly stand up. (windy)

It… could hardly stand up.

25B. Complete the text with one word only in each gap.

One of the greatest natural disasters of recent years was the tsunami that

occurred on 26 December 2004) It was (1) … destructive (2) … more than 225,000

people were killed.

The tsunami (or tidal wave) was caused by (3) … a powerful earthquake that it

was felt as far away as Alaska. The result was a 30 metre-high wave which hit all the

countries bordering the Indian Ocean. There was almost no warning of the tsunami.

(4) … very few people were prepared for it.

Many houses were destroyed because they weren’t strong (5) … to resist the

huge wave. People who were (6) … young or weak to hold on to solid objects were

swept out to sea. Many of the beaches hit by the tsunami were popular with tourists.

(7) … a result, more than 9,000 of the casualties were European visitors. Most of the

countries around the Indian Ocean didn’t have (8) … resources to cope with the

disaster (9) … it was necessary for international agencies to help in the rescue


Fortunately, there was (10) … much publicity that more than $7 billion were

raised worldwide – enough (11) … many people to rebuild their homes.

26B. Complete the information with one or two words in each gap.

1) Apollo Theatre. Neither cameras… recording devices are allowed inside the



2) Special tour packages available for 10 days only! You can book… on our

website or by phone.

3) … T-shirts and posters are available for sale in the theatre foyer.

4) New account holders: you will need to provide proof of identity as… proof

of your current address.

5) Not only… SuperLUX clean your clothes, it also leaves them smelling as

fresh as summer flowers.

6) City Car Parks. Please pay at the machine before returning to your car. … to

the machine in the car park, there is a machine inside the station.

27B. Complete the sentences below, using the information from the


What do you do in the evenings?

STEVE: play computer games / use the Internet

DEBRA: watch TV / listen to music / use the Internet

CLAUDIO: listen to music / play computer games / read magazines

ANNA: watch TV / read magazines

1) Steve doesn’t watch TV and neither…

2) Neither… nor… plays computer games.

3) Both… use the Internet.

4) In the evenings Anna either…

5) … Claudio and… read magazines.

6) … Steve doesn’t listen to music and… Anna.

7) … Steve play computer games, he also… the Internet.

8) … Debra… Claudio listen to music.

9) Steve… read magazines and… Debra.

28B. Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

1) At the weekends I… as well as…

2) I don’t… and neither does…

3) I can both… and…

4) I don’t have… or…


5) Not only…, I also…!

29B. Choose the correct words in brackets.

1) Marion enjoys her life (however / even though) she doesn’t earn a lot of


2) We had a nice swim (although / despite) the water in the pool was rather


3) Dave got the job in spite of (he wore / wearing) jeans to the interview.

4) Your phone bill has not been paid for two months. (Nevertheless / Even

though) we are prepared to give you one more month in which to pay before

disconnecting your line.

5) My best friend’s a brilliant footballer (despite / but) he’s useless at


6) (But / While) the Vestra may not be the cheapest model, it’s the most


7) We enjoyed the show despite (we missed / missing) the first twenty minutes.

8) In spite of (it / the fact that it) was brand new, the car broke down after only

one week.

9) Our classes are designed for intermediate skiers. (However / Although), we

can provide one-to-one lessons for complete beginners.

30B. Complete the facts with the words and phrases below.

although / but it / despite / even though / however / in spite of the fact /

nevertheless / whereas / while it

(1) the USA only has 5 % of the world’s population, it uses 26 % of the

world’s energy.

The valleys near Ross Island in the Antarctic are covered in snow and ice, (2) it

hasn’t rained there for two million years.

Severe storms in the Antarctic are called hurricanes, (3) severe storms in the

Pacific are called typhoons.

The Amazon occupies only 1)5 % of the world’s surface. (4), it produces 20 %

of the world’s oxygen.


The famous leaning tower of Pisa has never fallen over, (5) that it leans at an

angle of almost four degrees.

(6) being 27 times smaller than the USA, Norway has a longer coastline.

(7) is inside just one country, Istanbul is in fact situated on two continents.

New York is an American city. (8), it contains more Irish inhabitants than

Dublin – Ireland’s capital city.

The Atlantic Ocean is much smaller than the Pacific (9) has saltier water.

31B. Find seven mistakes in the conversation and correct them.

How was the folk music festival?

Not bad. It rained most of the time although!

That’s no fun when you’re in a tent.

I know! In spite of my tent’s quite a good one, it still let the rain in.

Were the bands good?

Well, but some of the first few acts weren’t great, most of them were.

Actually, even however we were quite near the front, it wasn’t always easy to hear

the music.

Was there a problem with the sound system?

I think so, yes. Oh, one thing that was great was the food. It was delicious,

despite to be mainly vegetarian!

So you’ve developed a taste for vegetarian food, have you?

Not really. Although enjoying it at the festival, I don’t think I could eat it all

the time.

32B. Read the information and choose the correct words in brackets.

On a hot summer morning in the year AD 79 the citizens of the Roman town of

Pompeii were woken by a sudden earthquake. (1) (As soon as / Before) people felt

the earth shake, they ran out of their houses to see what was happening. Vesuvius, the

mountain which lay behind the town, seemed to be on fire.

(2) (During / While) the people watched, a huge column of black smoke rose

from the top of the mountain.


(3) (After / Then) the smoke had covered the sky, huge chunks of grey ash and

rock started to rain down on the city. The terrified citizens began to run into their

houses or along the streets of the city. (4) (After that / While) they were running, a

huge cloud of grey poisonous smoke filled the air around the town, killing everybody

within a few seconds.

(5) (When / Later,) long streams of red-hot rock began to run down the sides of

Vesuvius, burning the trees and vegetation. (6) (Eventually / Next), after eighteen

hours, the smoke cleared. Nothing was left. All the citizens of Pompeii were dead and

the town had disappeared, buried under three metres of grey ash. It was not seen

again (7) (while / until) it was rediscovered in the eighteenth century.

33B. Complete the conversations with a linking word from A and a phrase

from B.

A: after / after that / as soon as / before / then / until / while

B: they asked / I finish / I’m waiting / they called / I began / they had / you


Right, Lorna. I’m going to work. Don’t be late for your interview.

I won’t. I’ll leave (1) my breakfast.

Have you read all the information they sent you?

Yes, Mum, I have. But I’ll read it again (2) for the train.

OK. And don’t forget to call me (3) the interview.

I won’t, Mum. I promise.

Later that day…

Mum, it’s me. I was the last one. I had to wait (4) interviewed all the others.

But it wasn’t a problem. I managed to read everything carefully again (5) me.

How did it go? Were you nervous?

Yes, I was a bit nervous at first. But they were very friendly and started with

some easy questions. (6) to relax. (7) me about my previous experience, so that

wasn’t too bad. Oh, the train’s coming. I’d better go now.

34B. Match each sentence beginning 1–9 with one of the endings A–E. Some

of the endings can be used more than once.


1) In Britain it is so cold in the winter that…

2) Farmers can’t grow oranges in Britain because of…

3) Farmers can’t grow oranges in Britain because…

4) In Britain it is too cold…

5) In Britain it isn’t warm enough…

6) It’s cold in Britain in the winter. As a result, …

7) In Britain people build special glasshouses in order…

8) In Britain people build special glasshouses so that…

9) Britain has such a cold winter that…

A) … oranges and lemons can be grown there.

B) … oranges and lemons can’t be grown there.

C) … to grow oranges and lemons.

D) … the cold weather.

E) … it is cold in the winter.

35B. Complete the sentences with a suitable word or phrase. Then match

them with the words they describe below.

snorkeling mask / credit card / stork / umbrella / computer / ring / cake

1) This shows that you’re married… it’s usually made of gold.

2) … it has wings, it can’t fly.

3) It can send emails… it can’t make a cup of coffee.

4) People often use this to pay for things in shops. …, it can be used to get

money from cash machines.

5) You could… buy this from a shop or make it yourself.

6) Not only… this allow you to breathe underwater, but it also helps you to see

the fish.

7) This will keep you dry in the rain. …, it doesn’t work very well if it’s


36B. Join the sentences, using the linking words in brackets. Make any other

necessary changes.

1) Would you like a view of the sea? Would you like a garden room? (or)


2) We can go to the museum. We can have a walk by the river. (either... or)

3) I finished my essay. Then I sent those emails. (before)

4) Andrea lives in this part of the city. She works in this part of the city.

(both... and)

5) The company’s head office is in New York. Its biggest factory is in Texas.


6) I was wearing a smart suit. I wasn’t allowed into the hotel. (even though)

7) I heard the news on the radio. I immediately phoned my best friend. (as soon


8) The President didn’t resign. The Vice President didn’t resign. (neither... nor)

9) The children all caught colds. They all went swimming in the lake the day

before. (after)

10) Karl is very experienced. He can’t find a good job. (despite)

11) I felt rather sick. It happened while I was flying to Moscow. (during)

37B. Read the email and choose the correct words in brackets.

Hi Nick,

This is just a quick email (1) (and / because) I want to ask you a favour. I think

you told me that your friend William is now in the army, (2) (or / either) is it the

navy? Anyway, I’ve decided that I want to join the army (3) (after / after that) I leave

university next year (4) (and / or) I’d like to talk to someone about it. (5) (Despite /

Even though) I’ve only met William once, I’m sure he’d be able to give me some

really useful advice. He was (6) (such / so) friendly that I think he’d be really easy to

talk to. The problem is, (7) (when / whereas) I met him I didn’t get his phone number.

Can you give me his mobile number (8) (because / or) give him my number (9) (in

order / and) ask him to call me if that’s easier?



38B. Complete the text with one word only in each gap.

(1) … Britain is a place that rarely has extreme weather, there have been a few

exceptions over the years. They include the great storm of October 1987. Dozens of


people were (2) … killed or injured and billions of pounds of damage was caused to

buildings (3) … property.

The bad weather began over the Bay of Biscay. (4) … increasing in strength

for a few days, this became a huge storm which started to move north. (5) …, on the

evening of 15 October – it hit the English Channel. Neither the BBC (6) … the

Meteorological Office had predicted the storm earlier. (7) …, when it arrived, nobody

was prepared. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, hurricane winds (8) … torrential

rain swept over southern England.

London was badly affected (9) … of the large number of tree-lined streets. The

winds were (10) … strong that thousands of trees were knocked over, falling on top

of cars or buildings that were close to them.

(11) … the storm there were power cuts as the high winds and falling trees

destroyed electricity cables. As a (12) …, many places were in complete darkness,

which made things difficult for (13) … the fire and ambulance services.

Surprisingly, even (14) … there were hurricane force winds throughout the

night, several people were completely unaware of what was happening. Not (15) …

did they sleep through the storm, they didn’t even hear the falling trees crashing onto

their cars on the street. Of course, as (16) … as they woke up, they received a nasty


39B. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1) … we know the owner of the shop, we always get a good price.

A) Because of B) Because that C) Because

2) … the house is old, it can get very cold in winter.

A) As B) Because that C) So that

3) We got up early… be on time for the flight.

A) so that B) so as C) in order to

4) We took an umbrella… we wouldn’t get wet if it rained.

A) in order to B) so that C) since

5) There was a bus strike yesterday. … most of my colleagues walked to work.

A) So that B) As result, C) As a result,


6) It was… I recorded it onto a DVD.

A) such a good programme that B) so good programme that C) so good

programme to

7) It’s too cold… to the park today.

A) for go B) to go C) that we go

8) The weather wasn’t… her to sunbathe.

A) enough warm for B) warm enough C) warm enough for

9) … and her sister sing in the local choir.

A) Melanie also B) Both Melanie C) Melanie both

10) Not only… a new sports car, but he also bought a speedboat.

A) did he buy B) he bought C) he did buy

11) Alan goes jogging every morning as well as… to the gym regularly.

A) he goes B) going C) goes he

12) I don’t wear glasses and neither…

A) do my brothers B) my brothers do C) wear my brothers

13) … the hotel was comfortable, it was rather a long way from the beach.

A) But B) In spite of C) While

14) We got home in time even though…

A) a traffic jam B) there was a traffic jam C) being a traffic jam

15) The singer performed well despite… a sore throat.

A) that she had B) having C) to have

16) The garden is rather small. …, they manage to grow quite a lot of


A) Nevertheless B) Despite C) Whereas

17) I saw my old school teacher… I was in Rome.

A) during B) until C) when

18) … I got into bed, I turned off the light and fell asleep.

A) As soon as B) While C) During

19) After… the back door, I went upstairs to my bedroom.

A) that I locked B) to lock C) locking


20. In the morning we went down to the beach. … at the beach cafe.

A) We had later an ice cream B) Later, we had an ice cream C) Later that we

had an ice cream

40C. Choose the correct words in brackets. If both options are correct,

choose both.

1) The college neither acknowledged my application nor (did / didn’t) they

invite me for interview.

2) Will you let me know (immediately / as soon as) the hospital contacts you?

3) A: I don’t understand why the interview was cancelled.

B: It was (since / because) the director was unable to attend.

4) The flag is raised (so that / so as to) indicate that the monarch is present.

5) Is this package (enough light / light enough) to send by normal post?

6) We will exchange sale goods (if / as long as) they are returned within seven


7) Nick hardly knows Al but he talks about him as if they (are / were) friends.

8) Visitors to tropical resorts still stay out in the sun too long, (even though /

even) they have had plenty of warning about the dangers of the sun’s rays.

9) (Ideal / Ideal though) it may appear, always obtain a structural survey on a


10) (Despite / Though) she was a woman, Marie Curie made a successful

career for herself in a male-dominated world.

11) (In spite of / Although) the fact that the machine was under guarantee, the

company refused to replace it.

12) The flight took over eight hours. (Then / After), we had a three-hour coach


13) All the actors seem totally relaxed when they come onto the stage, but

(beforehand / before that), they are almost sick with anxiety.

14) The number of skiers on the slopes contributed to last season’s avalanche.

(Consequently / For this reason), numbers will be restricted this year.


15) The plumber charged $100 for an hour’s work. He did a good job, (mind

you / still).

16) The experiment was concluded after thirty days. (In / To) summarise, the

results we achieved were not really comprehensive enough to merit publication.

41C. Match the clauses to make sentences, and choose the most suitable

linking word below to join them. Then decide if each sentence contains two main

clauses or a main clause and a subordinate clause, and write M + M or M + S.

after / although / and / if / or / that / unless / when

1) Did the doctor say exactly…

2) It was the finest portrait…

3) Our car broke down last week…

4) Your order will be cancelled…

5) The policeman was rushed to hospital…

6) We can either go camping…

7) Usain Bolt won the gold medal…

8) I’m not going to play this game…

A) … we’d just had it serviced.

B) … you’ll be able to go back to work?

C) … we can stay in a cheap hotel.

D) … he smashed the World Record.

E) … you follow the rules properly.

F) … the artist had ever painted.

G) … we don’t receive payment by the due date.

H) … he had been stabbed in the park.

42C. Read the story and find the relevant underlined conjunction. Cross it

out, and write it in the appropriate place.

The only natural disaster I’ve witnessed was several years ago, (1) before I was

staying with relatives in Istanbul. It was a hot summer and we’d felt a few tremors,

(2) when they had been minor ones. One evening, we’d been out for a meal and had

spent another couple of hours chatting before we went to bed. I must have fallen


asleep, (3) so I was suddenly awakened by a violent rattling. I realised at once that it

was an earthquake. My thoughts immediately turned to my son, sleeping in the room

next door with his cousin. (4) As I’d got to the door of my room, it opened. It was my

son, checking that I was OK. The shaking was so strong by now that we could (5)

both stand still nor move very easily. We knew we had to get out of the house, in case

the building started to collapse.

By now it was chaos in the house. My brother took control (6) or shouted to us

all to get outside and go down to the sea. (Luckily, the house was on the outskirts of

the city, by the sea.)

(7) As soon as we were running down to the beach, something fell from a

nearby building, and we realised how lucky we were. There were hundreds of people

on the beach – in an earthquake zone everyone knows that you get away from

buildings (8) although you can. It was a bizarre night after that – (9) neither

frightening and strangely calm at the same time. It was frightening because no one

knew whether there would be another tremor, but we were all far from the buildings

now (10) because we didn’t feel in immediate danger.

The next night we didn’t know whether to carry on as normal (11) and sleep

outside again in case of aftershocks. My family has a small boathouse on the beach,

so we all slept in that (12) unless it seemed more sensible.

Eventually, we realised that there would be no aftershocks and that we were

safe to go home.

It was awful to find out later that thousands of people had been killed further

east, closer to the epicentre, where hundreds of buildings had collapsed. This kind of

tragedy will keep happening (13) while more stringent building regulations are


43C. Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first.

Use the conjunction in brackets.

1) The voting station will remain open in order to allow all votes to be cast. (so


The voting station will remain open…


2) Angela’s worried about being asked difficult questions so she won’t appear

on expert panels. (for fear that)

Angela won’t appear on expert panels…

3) The restaurant only accepts group bookings if a deposit is paid. (except if)

The restaurant does not accept group bookings…

4) The photo was awarded first prize because it embodies the concept of

solitude. (so)

The photo embodies the concept of solitude,…

5) We can settle your claim out of court if you undertake not to reveal the sum

agreed. (provided that)

Your claim may be settled out of court…

6) It is impossible to approve the building plans before we have seen the

details. (after)

We can only approve the building plans…

7) The conditions of the contract were too restrictive for me to accept the job.

(such ... that)

The contract imposed…

8) You talk about law in such a way that it seems you’ve had legal training. (as


You talk about law…

9) The meeting was so noisy that 1 missed the most important announcement.

(so much ... that)

There was…

44C. Complete the sentences with a suitable subordinating conjunction

below. There are four extra conjunctions.

as long as / as though / by the time / except if / except that / for fear that /

given that / in order that / so as to / so much that / that / the moment

1) It shouldn’t matter what our employees look like, … they can do the job.

2) … the dispute has already been resolved in principle, a formal agreement

should be forthcoming in the next day or two.


3) Darren is so involved in his psychology studies that he analyses people…

they start talking to him!

4) Many wealthy business people employ accountants… they can find all the

legal ways of not paying tax.

5) The new model is hardly any different from the last… it can reach 60 kph in

under eight seconds.

6) The instructions for this task are so confusing… it’s a wonder that any

students understand it at all!

7) Is Mrs Hardwick the owner of the hotel? She certainly behaves… she is.

8) That comedian at the club last night was hilarious. I laughed… my sides

were hurt.

45C. Complete the article with subordinate clauses from A–I below.

The United States space shuttle programme has now been brought to a close.

For thirty years, the space shuttles, part rocket, part plane, have travelled back and

forth into space and supplied the International Space Station tirelessly and safely,

apart from two major disasters. The most recent of these happened in 2003 (1) the

external shell of Columbia (2) and hit the outside of the spaceship. Had this floated

away from the shuttle, it wouldn’t have been a problem, but (3), the orbiter burnt up

as it re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere. No human could sustain the temperatures

encountered on re-entry without sufficient protection, (4). NASA engineers guessed

this would happen but limited their investigations during the shuttle’s flight (5) there

was little they could do to save the crew. As a result of this and the ensuing

investigation, construction of the International Space Station was put on hold (6),

some two years later.

The Columbia disaster was the second to befall the shuttle programme – it took

place some 17 years (7). This disaster received more publicity than the second (8):

Christa McCauliffe was the first non-astronaut to take part in a shuttle flight, on the

‘Teacher on Board’ programme, (9) as it lifted off, and millions watched the disaster



Despite these two disasters, the space shuttle programme has been a success,

and these space-age workhorses can only pave the way to better – and safer –

transportation into space.

A) so all seven astronauts on board were killed

B) while it was lifting off

C) so the nation’s eyes were on the spacecraft

D) as they knew

E) after Challenger had broken up on lift-off

F) when a small piece of foam insulation broke off

G) because a lay person was on board

H) because it damaged part of the shuttle’s heat shield

I) until shuttle flights resumed

46C. Find and correct six mistakes in these sentences. Tick the correct


1) The rules at that school were so strict as to it was inevitable to break them


2) The match went to penalties, and Inter-Milan lost so their top striker missed

the first one.

3) The medical insurance is valid for one year on condition that we are

immediately informed of any change in the insured person’s circumstances.

4) Tarantino’s latest film has a so violent scene as the censors refused to pass


5) Honestly, Jim, you talk as though you’ve been to law school, but we all

know you haven’t!

6) Please initial each page of the document as indicated, except where a full

signature is required.

7) You’ll have to meet Wendy at the station tonight. I won’t be home enough

early to get to the station in time.

8) Laurence’s explanation for his behaviour at the ceremony was so ridiculous

as to we laughed out loud.


9) This government will increase payments to the disabled and the elderly in

order that they may have a comfortable and dignified life.

47C. Choose the clause, A or B, that provides the best ending for each


1) Many people believe that capital punishment is a deterrent to serious crime,

even though…

A) it actually makes little difference to the crime rate.

B) the crime rate has decreased in some places where it is used.

2) We usually consider it healthy to eat lots of fruit, but…

A) it’s one of the best food groups in terms of vitamins.

B) too much can produce an excess of acid in the stomach.

3) I enjoy having people to stay, though…

A) I always appreciate the peace when they’ve gone.

B) I always feel unhappy when they’ve gone.

4) Iain Banks’ early novels were considered quite strange, while…

A) his later ones also seem to be quite weird.

B) his later works are more mainstream and accessible.

5) The patient had the nurses running round and they quickly lost patience,

much as…

A) they tried to sympathise with her.

B) they got annoyed with her.

6) Global warming is often considered the main factor in current climate

fluctuations, yet…

A) it appears to be having a real effect on phenomena such as hurricanes.

B) periods of warming have long been a feature of the Earth’s development.

48C. Write the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use

the words in brackets.

1) Although the earthquake appeared horrific at the time, there were few

fatalities. (though)


2) Warnings of the flood were given well in advance, yet people didn’t leave

their homes. (spite)

3) Very little of the remaining stock sold, despite the low prices in the sale.

(even though)

4) The magazine had tried introducing several new features. Nevertheless,

circulation continued to drop. (although)

5) The Scots won the battle, even though they had a far smaller force. (despite)

6) Although this may seem difficult now, you’ll soon wonder why it caused so

many problems. (though)

7) I adore children but 1 can’t accept that kind of behaviour from any child.

(much as)

49C. Write the linking adverb or expression in brackets in an appropriate

position. Make any other changes necessary. Sometimes more than one position is


1) The new satellite navigation system contains all the major road maps of

Europe. It receives updates automatically on a regular basis. (in addition)

2) Most people who haven’t had training in typing start out by using two

fingers only. They learn how to touch type purely by practice. (eventually)

3) Rob wants us to visit his sister in Canada later this year. I’m still not sure

that I want to fly after all the problems with the volcanic ash. (though)

4) He does what novelists have always tried to do, to depict the world in which

they live. (namely)

5) The King’s Speech was a low-budget British film. It won four Oscars at the

2011 ceremony. (nevertheless)

6) We recognise that all of our clients have different and individual needs. We

offer a tailor-made programme at no extra cost. (therefore)

7) We were really hoping that we’d have good weather for the day we visited

the golf tournament, but it poured down. We made the most of it and enjoyed

ourselves as much as we could. (still)


50C. Each pair of sentences contains one formal and one informal sentence.

Complete each sentence with an appropriate linking expression.

1) A) We decided on the course of action we should take, … we put it into


B) An appropriate plan was discussed and organised. …, it was put into action.

2) A) We’ve almost finished the plans for the evening. We’ve booked the main

act and we’re… talking to a possible support act now.

B) The arrangements are almost complete. The main act has been booked. …

discussions with a supporting act are in train.

3) A) You know, we never trusted Jason’s business partner; he seemed a bit

shifty. … we didn’t expect him to get mixed up with those robberies.

B) The defendant was never entirely trusted by his colleagues. …, his

involvement in the series of bank robberies came as a complete surprise to them.

4) A) They got it wrong last year and too many of us failed, … this year’s

exam is supposed to be much easier.

B) The failure rate in last year’s examination was considered to be too high.

…, this year’s paper is considerably easier.

5) A) If you’re new to gardening, you should stick to plants that are hardy and

grow easily to begin with, … pansies and violas.

B) Newcomers to gardening would be wise to focus on some of the simpler

hardy annuals, … pansies and violas.

6) A) I don’t think that I’d change my life much if I came into money. I know

people say that suddenly having a lot of money always changes your life, …

B) Many of those who are accustomed to living on a small income believe that

their lives would not be significantly altered by a major change in income. …, that is

rarely the case.

51C. Read the text and complete it with suitable linking words below. Use

appropriate punctuation where necessary.

As a result / consequently / first / following that / Furthermore / However /

in addition / Nevertheless / therefore


It is common knowledge that much of the Netherlands is land that is reclaimed

from the sea. Flooding is (1) a constant fear near the coast of Holland, particularly in

these days of global warming. Technology today allows for strong sea defences and

early warnings. (2), it was not always the case.

On 14 December 1287 a violent storm gathered strength in the North Sea and

the English Channel, causing problems in the south-east of England and the north-

west of Holland.

(3), a massive storm tide followed and hit the coast of Holland. There were of

course sea walls in place to protect the land from such tides. (4) the sea breached

these defences and a huge flood ensued, now known as St Lucia’s Flood. (5), over

50,000 people were killed.

The human cost was not the only consequence of the flood; (6), the shape and

development of the country were altered forever in a number of ways: (7), the sea

broke through the man-made defences, then it flooded a huge area and created a large

inlet which became known as the Zuider Zee (South Sea), and later Ijsselmeer, and

(8), allowed sea access to Amsterdam, which (9) developed as an important port city.

52C. Ten of these sentences contain a mistake in word order or formality

caused by an inappropriate linking word. Correct the mistakes, and tick the correct


1) I know Darren is a pain in class and he really gets on your nerves.

Nevertheless, we’ve got to do our best by him.

2) I think that I did quite well in the computing exam. It was more difficult

than though I expected.

3) We’d love to come to your birthday party. Is it OK if we in addition bring

the children?

4) The jury spent a long time deliberating, but came to a unanimous decision

after four hours finally.

5) We were expecting a basic but pleasant apartment. However, what we got

was little more than a hovel.


6) Strictly no pets are allowed in the hotel rooms. Mind you, guide dogs for the

blind may be permitted with prior permission from the management.

7) I was frozen to the bone when 1 got in after our walk in the snow yesterday,

as a consequence I had a really long, hot bath.

8) I know you’d like us to look after your horse next week. We’d rather all the

same not.

9) Our party believes that equal rights are essential in a modern democracy.

We therefore promise to create strict legislation should we be returned to


10) Over forty percent of marriages end in divorce today, nearly one in every

two, that is to say.

11) First, you put the disc in the disc drive and wait for the menu to appear on

the screen then.

53C. Choose the correct option in brackets. If both options are correct,

choose both.

1) We can (either / or) use long-life bulbs here or save money by using the

ordinary ones.

2) We looked after the children (until / while) John visited his mother in the


3) Martin dropped out of university after a year but he behaves as though he

(has / had) a degree.

4) (As / Since) your insurance covers flight cancellation, you will receive a full


5) The bank neither informed its customers of the account changes, nor

(apologised / didn’t apologise) for the inconvenience it caused.

6) Please photocopy on both sides of the sheet (so that / in order) not to waste


7) Members may not bring guests except (that / if) the management is notified

in advance.


8) It was (so sad / such a sad sight) that no one was able to hold back their


54C. Complete the article with the linking words below.

although / consequently / despite / firstly / for these reasons / however /

moreover / nevertheless / secondly / though / while

The elgin marbles are statues which date back to the fifth century BCE. (1),

they were created in Greece and were located in the Parthenon in Athens until the late

eighteenth century, they are now exhibited in the British Museum, London.

The statues were bought in 1799 by the Englishman Lord Elgin, who wanted to

bring them back to Britain as part of his personal art collection. (2), on the sea voyage

back to England, the ship carrying them was sunk and the ‘Marbles’ were temporarily

lost. It would be an incredibly expensive operation to recover them. (3), Elgin did so,

and (4) placed himself in enormous debt. (5) his own desires, he had to sell them to

the British Government and they were housed in the British Museum, where they

have been ever since.

More recently, the statues have become the j subject of debate between Britain

and Greece and, indeed, among British historians and archaeologists.

(6) the Greek authorities have requested their return on many occasions, the

request has always been refused. One of the main arguments for not returning them,

valid (7) the Greek request may have been, was because of the pollution that is

affecting the Parthenon and the possibility of earthquakes in Greece. This argument is

less valid now, since the completion of the new Acropolis Museum.

There are of course compelling arguments for their return: (8), it cannot be

denied that the statues are part of the Greek heritage and belong in their original

environment; (9), with the opening of the new Acropolis Museum, these works of art

would now be as accessible to the public in Athens as they are now in London. (10)

the Greek authorities have already received parts of the Parthenon statues back from

other sources. (11), spaces have been left in the new museum for the return of the rest

of the statues, and it would seem churlish not to let them go home now.

55C. Do sentences A and B have the same or different meanings?


1) A) In spite of the fact that this computer costs less, it’s as good as the other


B) Despite its lower price, this computer is as good as the other one.

2) A) Despite the awful weather, the parade was a success.

B) Although the weather was awful, the parade was a success.

3) A) Patsy was late getting ready to leave, so we gave her a lift.

B) Patsy took her time getting ready so that we’d have to give her a lift.

4) A) Even though I went to the party, I didn’t see her.

B) Even if I went to the party, I wouldn’t see her.

5) A) The new museum is extremely popular. It hasn’t made any money yet.

B) The new museum is extremely popular, yet it hasn’t made any money.

6) A) The old phone had over 100 downloadable applications, but this one


B) The old phone had over 100 downloadable applications, whereas this one


7) A) Always number the pages first so that you don’t lose their order if


B) Always number the pages first in order not to lose their order if dropped.

8) A) We were at the Norfolk Hotel, while the rest of the group was at the


B) While we were staying at the Norfolk Hotel the rest of the group moved to

the Grange.

9) A) ‘Mary threatened to leave last night. She’s still here now.’

B) ‘Mary threatened to leave last night. Still, she’s here now.’

56C. Read the conversation and choose the correct or most appropriate

linking words, A, B or C. If two options are correct, choose both.

This oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a complete catastrophe, isn’t it? It’s

going to upset the ecology there for years.

I know, it’ll (1) affect the economy (2) many jobs will be lost.


It’s awful. They must be able to find a way to stop it, but (3) the scientist (3)

the politicians seem to know what to do. How did it start?

There was a huge explosion, don’t you remember? (4) only eleven workers

were killed.

Oh yes, that’s right, (5) the whole rig sank. It’s leaking something like 5,000

barrels of oil a day into the sea, isn’t it?

Yes, and when you think that we’re running out of fossil fuels, all that waste.

(6), the coastlines for miles around will be destroyed, and take years and

years to recover. Actually, I can’t understand why they can’t stop it.

I think what they’re trying to do is drill another well, (7) capture the oil in a

controlled way, but that’s going to take another few weeks, so, in the meantime,

they’re trying all kinds of other things, (8) trying to pump mud and other things into

the leak to stop the oil coming.

Mmm, 1 think they’ve just succeeded in almost stopping it. It’s taken them

long enough, (9)!

1) A) furthermore B) also C) in addition

2) A) so B) so that C) for that reason

3) A) either... or B) both ... and C) neither ... nor

4) A) But B) Nevertheless C) Even so

5) A) even if B) even though C) though

6) A) Also B) What’s more C) Furthermore

7) A) in order that B) to C) so as to

8) A) such as B) namely C) that is to say

9) A) all the same B) mind you C) still



Word order and sentence patterns

1A. 1) for the bus 2) Heavy rain caused difficulties 3) Have you 4) Do not 5)

me 6) There is a Victorian hospital 7) It 8) to meet

2A. 1) caused a lot of damage 2) in the classroom on Thursday afternoon 3)

raining heavily 4) looked scared 5) alone for a while 6) outside for a few minutes 7)

the wind lifted a car 8) a tree started to fall 9) the school at about four o’clock

3A. 1) Vikki ate a huge pizza for lunch. 2) Patrick works at the supermarket on

Saturday mornings. 3) It rained heavily in my town yesterday. 4) Joe was very tired

when he got home. 5) Andrea is going on holiday to Tunisia later this year.

4A. 1) Don’t do that! 2) Don’t sit there! 3) Give me that knife! 4) Do you want

an apple? 5) Come and see me later! 6) Don’t be so silly! 7) Are you coming to the


5A. 1) Have a piece of cake. 2) The cat’s very gentle. Don’t be afraid. 3) Pass

me the dictionary, please. 4) Sign in exam room: No talking! 5) Don’t use your

father’s computer! 6) Sign at swimming pool: No diving! 7) Sit here next to me!

6A. 1) Sit 2) are you going 3) do you want 4) don’t go 5) is the summer 6) Can

we see 7) go 8) make 9) is June 10) book 11) don’t forget

7A. 1) her 2) to me 3) you 4) to me 5) for us 6) the hotel 7) to all its customers

8A. 1) Can you pay the money to her? 2) I haven’t shown Dad the photos yet.

3) We’re giving Mum flowers for her birthday. 4) Allan teaches English literature to

engineers. 5) I’ll buy you a coffee after dinner. 6) They’ve offered the job to

Alexis.7) Throw a ball to the baby – she’ll catch it. 8) Alison told a story to the


9A. 1) … warm coats to you… 2) … boots for the children, too. 3) I can send

them to you now by email. 4) Can you give them to Nina? 5) Or I could tell you the

route now. 6) … to all the children.

10A. 1) … money to someone? 2) … sent you flowers? 3) … give you for your

last birthday? 4) … you something useful recently? 5) … told a lie to a friend?


11A. 1) are there 2) There are 3) Is there 4) there’s / there is 5) Is there 6) there

are 7) Is there 8) there isn’t 9) is there 10) there will be 11) there have been

12A. 1) have 2) is 3) there have 4) There are 5) there were 6) there 7) there will


13A. 1) There is 2) correct 3) There weren’t any 4) There is 5) correct 6) Are

there going to be 7) There won’t be any 8) correct 9) There was a really bad storm

14A. 1) It’s 2) it’s 3) It won’t 4) wear it 5) It’s 6) there isn’t 7) It’s 8) it’s 9) it

15A. 1) D 2) E 3) A 4) G 5) B 6) C 7) F

16A. 1) It’s sunny. 2) It’s quarter to eleven. 3) It’s 23rd / 23 April. 4) It’s 300

kilometres (away). 5) It takes ten minutes.

17A. 1) It 2) it 3) There 4) it 5) it 6) it 7) it 8) there 9) it 10) there 11) it

18A. 1) Tell your friends about the sale in January. 2) We’ll / We will meet

you outside the cinema on Saturday afternoon. 3) Get me a newspaper at the shop this

afternoon. 4) The students have finished their homework. 5) The sun shone brightly

all day yesterday. 6) The 2008 Olympics took place in Beijing from 8–24 August. 7)

Annie looked very happy last night.

19A. 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) B 6) B 7) A 8) A 9) B

20A. 1) There will be 2) There will be 3) It is / It’s going to 4) There were 5)

There’s / There is going to be 6) There was 7) It has / It’s been

21A. 1) Was there a meeting yesterday? (C – Yes, it was in meeting room В at

3.30.) 2) Is that a new necklace? (A – Yes, Martin bought it for me.) 3) Is there a

good film on TV tonight? (D – No, but there’s a good quiz show.) 4) Was there a

problem with the trains? (B – Yes, a train hit a cow early this morning.)

22A. 1) important to exercise 2) It was 3) takes 4) us 5) Don’t go 6) me and

Joe / Joe and me 7) dangerous to dive

23A. 1) B 2) C 3) A 4) A 5) C 6) B 7) C 8) B 9) C 10) A 11) B 12) C 13) A 14)

B 15) C 16) A 17) C 18) A 19) B 20) C

24B. 1) us 2) angry 3) are 4) to find 5) Have you put 6) he has 7) is it for 8)

phoned 9) 1,000 metres high 10) was it like


25B. 1) a fantastic film. 2) a litre of water. 3) very happy. 4) a nurse. 5) full

stop 6) too much money. 7) full stop 8) all the books. 9) really tired.

26B. 1) Temperatures reached 38 degrees on the south coast last year. 2) The

coach will meet us outside the school gates at 8.30 in the morning. 3) Everyone in the

train compartment was reading a book or magazine. 4) Our friends didn’t wait for us

after the concert. 5) Fabio called his friend stupid. 6) The new doctor arrived at the

hospital yesterday. 7) The local council promised the shopkeepers lower business

taxes. 8) Ugh, your trainers smell awful. 9) The children were playing quite happily

in the back garden earlier.

27B. 1) that you were 2) a great time at first 3) appeared really friendly 4) at

Conway’s last Friday 5) really well for over an hour 6) seemed really happy 7) us 8)

me really angry 9) them a choice

28B. 1) Jeremy became head teacher of the local secondary school last term. 2)

The exhibition has had a lot of interest. 3) Errol promised that he would call me. 4)

Irina seems quite sad these days. 5) Jan gave the twins their birthday presents.6)

Everyone was laughing at the clown. 7) Your terrible behaviour has made your father

really angry. 8) My lawyer sent all the documents to the insurance company. 9)

Marco presented his arguments quite well at the debate on Thursday.

29B. 1) in Toronto in 1929 2) to Los Angeles in 1947 3) became an architect 4)

considered them ‘unbuildable’ 5) looked both modern and romantic 6) him some

important architectural awards 7) his first project in England

30B. 1) There are 2) There is 3) It was 4) It’s 5) There is, It’s 6) It’s, There is

7) There are, It’s

31B. 1) It’s 2) It 3) did it take 4) Was it 5) There’s 6) it’s 7) It’s 8) there are 9)

There were 10) are 11) Were there 12) to go 13) was 14) There 15) it was

32B. 1) it be possible 2) There was 3) Did it rain 4) wasn’t difficult to

complete 5) Was there 6) won’t be easy to

33B. 1) B, G 2) F, J 3) A, C 4) D, H 5) E, I

34B. 1) Is the castle in the city of Edinburgh? Yes, it is. 2) Was it / the castle

built a long time ago? Yes, it was. 3) Was James I of England born in the castle? Yes,


he was. 4) Does it / the castle get a lot of visitors? Yes, it does. 5) Can you see the

city (of Edinburgh) from it / the castle? Yes, you can. 6) Does the ticket price include

a guided tour? Yes, it does.

35B. 1) Are you going to join 2) Yes, I am. 3) Why, aren’t you going to join

any? 4) Yes, it is. At least, people say it is. 5) Are they having a ‘club fair’ 6) No,

they are not. 7) Don’t you think it’s a good idea?

36B. 1) What 2) When 3) Whose 4) Who 5) Where 6) How 7) for 8) time 9)


37B. 1) was stolen 2) did the car leave 3) started 4) did the chase finish 5)

jumped 6) did they do

38B. 1) What is the described building? 2) Where is it / the building / the

Statue of Liberty? 3) Who designed it? / Who was it designed by? 4) Why was it

built? 5) When was it opened? 6) What can you see / visit / do there? / What else is

there to see / visit / do? 7) Why is it famous?

39B. 1) How old 2) How far 3) How 4) How much 5) How 6) How often 7)

How long 8) How deep 9) How many

40B. 1) Who 2) Who’s 3) Which 4) is 5) What 6) which

41B. 1) Who 2) what’s 3) How old 4) twenty-four 5) Which university 6) how

long 7) What 8) Whose 9) who’s

42B. 1) How old are you? I’m nineteen. 2) What’s your phone number? It’s

225697) 3) How long have you studied / been studying English? For about three

years. 4) How far is the nearest cinema to your house? It’s about two kilometres. 5)

What do you like doing on holiday? Lots of things – sightseeing, walking, swimming.

6) Whose music do you prefer listening to? I like some soul music but I prefer Indie

groups like the Pixies.

43B. 1) It was 2) There was 3) to see 4) there were 5) at the school on Saturday

evening 6) It was 7) gave me 8) didn’t take 9) were there 10) me so angry 11) to you

44B. 1) didn’t laugh at it 2) really badly at the demonstration 3) showed me 4)

delighted with the architect’s plans 5) correct 6) It’s your mother 7) their new cat

Tibs 8) There’s a mini-market


45B. 1) What… 2) Why were they… 3) Why was the area… 4) … did Mrs

Yuang give them? 5) How many bedrooms does… 6) Where are… 7) How many

people live… 8) What do they… 9) What are the caves… 10) What do the caves

protect the residents… 11) What did they find out…

46B. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A 5) B 6) A 7) A

47B. 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) C 5) A 6) A 7) B 8) C 9) C 10) C 11) A 12) A 13) B 14)

C 15) B 16) A 17) C 18) B 19) C 20) B

48C. 1) stopped the train / stopped 2) put a freshly-baked cake on the table 3)

an outsider 4) dishonest / a liar 5) us the way to the motorway 6) my father to

overcome cancer 7) to operate 8) a 9) being 10) it a pity 11) There’s 12) It 13) us to pay

49C. 1) A – incorrect, B – correct 2) A – correct, B – incorrect 3) A – correct,

B – incorrect 4) A – correct, B – correct 5) A – incorrect, B – correct 6) A – correct,

B – correct 7) A – correct, B – correct 8) A – incorrect, B – correct

50C. 1) Flights as a safety precaution As a safety-precaution flights… 2) This

couldn’t have happened it at a worse time… 3) … holidaymakers across the continent

have been trying to fly them home 4) A few days after the eruption started it,… 5) …

the ash cloud arrived over Europe. 6) … but it over the European mainland has now

spread has now spread over the European mainland. 7) Fortunately, flights to airports

in southern Europe are continuing them. 8) … which is still open the airport. 9)

Passengers arriving them there… 10) The aviation industry is hoping that the wind

direction will change it… 11) Depending on their findings, certain flight routes in the

next few days may be reopened may be reopened in the next few days.

51C. 1) The couple named their first daughter Samantha. 2) His Excellency

expects visitors to stand when he arrives. 3) Amanda brought all her expertise to the

team. 4) Amanda brought the team all her expertise. 5) A very inexperienced

salesman has become the Sales Manager. 6) Tim took his grandmother to the hospital

for therapy. 7) Susan liked the bracelet so her daughter bought it for her. 8) The

trainer recommended trying an easy programme first / recommended first trying an

easy programme. 9) The scenes of destruction in the film made us all sick. 10) The

regulations require all athletes to take a drugs test before the competition.


52C. 1) seemed OK 2) it unsafe 3) us any information 4) to be anyone 5) us

when we would be leaving 6) any food or drink to you 7) us 8) you sitting 9) us to go

10) the plane to divert to Bucharest 11) us waiting 12) me mad

53C. 1) Most of the passengers considered the airport crowded and

uncomfortable. 2) When he made out his will, Mr Smithson refused to leave his

estranged son anything. 3) We require all passengers to supply photo identification

before check-in. 4) The Management recommends that you keep your valuables safe

by handing them in at Reception. 5) The invitation doesn’t tell us what we should

wear at the reception. 6) Mrs Henderson has been elected the new head teacher. 7)

Prizes can be claimed by sending us the form and proof of purchase, at the address


54C. 1) F 2) D 3) C 4) G 5) K 6) H 7) O 8) I 9) E

55C. 1) She found it strange… 2) Was there really… 3) … but there tend to

be… 4) The director leaves it to the viewer… 5) They assured us that there would

be… 6) You know, it really gets… 7) What’s incredible is that there might… 8) I find

it impossible… 9) In 1666 there was a fire… 10) We would appreciate it if… 11)

Grandpa loves it when…

56C. 1) I hate it when people don’t give tips. 2) The protesters did not expect

there to be such a strong reaction. 3) There are more than a million species of insects

in the world. 4) There was a grandfather clock ticking in the background. 5) I find it

outrageous that they didn’t give you a refund. 6) It was thrilling meeting / to meet

that movie star in person. 7) There now follows / There will now be a statement by

the Prime Minister. 8) They regard it as inevitable that the currency will eventually

collapse. 9) There were two forms of amino acid present in the compound. / Present

in the compound there were two forms of amino acid. 10) Is there an underground

railway in Osaka? 11) There are thought to be at least two leading politicians

involved in the scandal. 12) It isn’t clear why the landing wheels failed to descend.

13) It is possible that you left your cash card in the machine. 14) Is there nobody here

to help us?


57C. 1) It is said that somewhere in the tropical waters of Asia lies an

uninhabited island with a perfect beach. 2) But it comes us a shock to discover that,

far from being the source of contentment and inner fulfillment that he expects, the

beach turns out to be a place of savage violence, terror and death. 3) It is difficult not

to be impressed by the author’s skill in describing the unfamiliar oriental locations

and his ability to empathise with the obsessions of today’s young backpacking ‘new-

age’ travellers. 4) It is the author’s unique blend of these disparate elements which

gives the novel its haunting sense of unease and horror. 5) There are all the traditional

ingredients that make up a successful thriller... 6) There is a strong sense of good and

evil in the book… 7) … but Garland leaves it to the reader / but it is left to the reader

to decide who is right and who is wrong. 8) There are few moral certainties in this

exotic comer of the world. 9) … it is impossible to put this book down once you have

started it.

58C. 1) It looks as if I’m probably going to get a promotion. 2) There is bound

to be a bad reaction to the news. 3) There will be no difficulty getting a visa. / It

won’t be difficult to get a visa. 4) There is likely to be a massive sell-off of high-tech

shares in the next few days. 5) It’s no surprise (that) Carol left / has left / is leaving

her Job. 6) In this bad weather there is certain to be a poor turnout for the election. /

There is certain to be a poor turnout for the election in this bad weather. 7) It’s no

secret that Brian dislikes his mother-in-law. 8) There was no reason to question her

motives. 9) It seems as if / though we’ve got a lot in common.

59C. 1) there 2) supposed to be 3) seems as if 4) no point in 5) looks as though

6) no need 7) no longer 8) no good 9) sure to be 10) bound

60C. 1) broke thousands broke into thousands 2) correct 3) remain to be

tenants remain tenants 4) appears some mistake appears to be some mistake 5) correct

6) unacceptable your manager’s comments your manager’s comments unacceptable

7) showed to their gathered fans their trophy showed their trophy to their gathered

fans 8) explained us the problem explained the problem to us 9) tell me to go? tell me

where to go? 10) placed back in its correct position the gold watch placed the gold


watch back in its correct position 11) correct 12) drives absolutely wild my cats!

drives my cats absolutely wild!

61C. 1) It looks as though Steve might win the race. 2) The organisers didn’t

anticipate there being such an overwhelming demand for tickets. 3) It seems (as if / as

though) she’s going to marry him. / It seems she may marry him. 4) There are

thought to be many other top executives involved in the fraud. / It is thought that

there are many other top executives involved in the fraud. 5) I would appreciate it if

you would/could send me your up-to-date retail price list / if you sent me your up-to-

date retail price list. 6) There were fifty applicants for the scholarship. 7) It is said he

hates publicity. 8) It isn’t surprising that their children are so badly behaved. 9) In

this paper it will be demonstrated that DNA strands can be replicated. 10) There are

twelve detached houses with double garages for sale on this estate. 11) It is a great

honour to be nominated for this award.


1A. 1) Can you swim? 2) Does Jack work hard? 3) Were you late this

morning? 4) Has Kate got a key? 5) Will you be here tomorrow? 6) Is Paul going out

this evening? 7) Do you like your job? 8) Does Nicole live near here? 9) Did you

enjoy the film? 10) Did you have a good holiday?

2A. 1) Did you go 2) Does Jane live 3) I’m. 4) Yes, I did. 5) Did everyone

come 6) stay

3A. 1) E 2) G 3) B 4) I 5) H 6) A 7) D 8) F 9) C

4A. 1) Can I use the Internet on it? 2) Can I keep my phone number? 3) Does it

store voice messages? 4) Has it had good reviews? 5) Can I use it abroad? 6) Has it

got a video camera? 7) Will it work immediately?

5A. 1) Where has David gone? 2) Is Rachel working today? 3) What are the

children doing? 4) How is cheese made? 5) Is your sister coming to the party? 6)

Why don’t you tell the truth? 7) Have your guests arrived yet? 8) What time does

your train leave? 9) Why didn’t Emily go to work? 10) Was your car damaged in the



6A. 1) Where do you want to go? 2) Why aren’t they going? 3) What are you

reading? 4) What time did she go (to bed)? 5) When are they going (on holiday)? 6)

Where did you see him? 7) Why can’t you come (to the party)? 8) Where has she

gone? 9) How much money do you need? 10) Why doesn’t she like you? 11) How

often does it rain? 12) When did you do it?

7A. 1) Who broke the window? 2) What fell off the shelf? 3) Who wants to see

me? 4) Who took your umbrella? / Who took it? 5) What made you ill? 6) Who is /

Who’s coming?

8A. 1) What did you buy? 2) Who lives in this house? 3) Who did you phone?

4) What happened last night? 5) Who knows the answer? 6) Who did the washing-

up? 7) What did Jane do? / What did she do? 8) What woke you up? 9) Who saw the

accident? 10) Who did you see? 11) Who has got your pen? / Who has got it? or

Who’s got…? 12) What does this word mean? / What does it mean?

10A. 1) Who is the letter from? 2) What are you looking for? 3) Who did you

go to the cinema with? 4) What / Who was the film about? 5) Who did you give the

money to? 6) Who was the book written by?

11A. 1) What make is it? 2) What kind of job do you want? 3) What color is it?

4) What time did you get up? 5) What type of music do you like? 6) What type of car

do you want (to buy)?

12A. 1) What 2) Which 3) Which 4) What 5) Which 6) What 7) Which 8) Who

9) What 10) Which 11) What

13A. 1) How high 2) How far 3) How old 4) How often 5) How deep 6) How


14A. 1) How tall are you? 2) How heavy is this box? 3) How old are you? 4)

How much did you spend? 5) How often do you watch TV? 6) How far is it from

Paris to Moscow?

15A. 1) How long did it take her to find a job? 2) How long did it take you to

walk to the station? 3) How long did it take him to paint the bathroom? 4) How long

did it take you to learn to ski? 5) How long did it take them to repair the computer?


16А. 1) Why should 2) Why is 3) How many 4) How can 5) What can 6)

Where can

17A. 1) What did you see 2) What happened 3) What did you hear 4) Who did

you see 5) who saw you 6) Which factory do you mean 7) Whose face 8) what are

you frightened of

18A. 1) I don’t know where they’ve gone. 2) I don’t know where she is. 3) I

don’t know how old it is. 4) I don’t know when he’ll be here. 5) I don’t know why he

was angry. 6) I don’t know how long she has lived here.

19A. 1) how aeroplanes fly 2) where Susan works 3) what Peter said 4) why he

went home early 5) what time the meeting begins 6) how the accident happened

20A. 1) it is 2) you are 3) they are 4) the museum is 5) do you want 6)

elephants eat 7) it is

21A. 1) Do you know if they have got a car? 2) Do you know if /whether they

are married? 3) Do you know if / whether Sue knows Bill? 4) Do you know if /

whether Gary will be here tomorrow? 5) Do you know if / whether he passed his

exam? 6) Do you know what Laura wants? 7) Do you know where Paula is? 8) Do

you know if / whether she is working today? … she’s working today? 9) Do you

know what time she starts work? 10) Do you know if / whether the shops are open

tomorrow? 11) Do you know where Sarah and Tim live? 12) Do you know if /

whether they went to Jane’s party?

22A. Example answers. 1) Do you know why the bus was late? 2) Do you

know what time the bus leaves? 3) Excuse me, can you tell me where the station is?

4) I don’t know what I’m going to do this evening. 5) Do you know if there’s a

restaurant near here? 6) Do you know how much it costs to rent a car?

23A. 1) Where is the nearest bank? 2) Where are we staying? 3) How do we

get to the station? 4) What time did the plane arrive? 5) What kind of computer does

she want? 6) Did you phone me? 7) What class are you in?

24A. 1) the time is 2) I get 3) the ticket office is 4) the airport bus runs 5) the

journey costs 6) leaves 7) I get on 8) the bus has gone 9) the last bus is

25A. 1) I put 2) I picked up 3) I parked 4) I locked 5) is coming


26A. 1) often you use the town centre shops? 2) shops you like most. 3) much

you usually spend in the town centre? 4) you use cash or credit cards. 5) if you ever

go out of town to shop? 6) if you have ever used the Internet for shopping. 7) if you

came by car or bus today? 8) where you parked? 9) if you will continue to use the

town centre for shopping.

27B. 1) shall we 2) should you 3) has he 4) will you 5) are you 6) will you 7)

can he 8) haven’t you 9) didn’t they 10) is he

28B. 1) will you 2) isn’t he 3) won’t you 4) wasn’t he 5) do they 6) do you 7)

does it 8) shall we 9) are you 10) doesn’t he

29B. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) A 7) A 8) B

30B. 1) Are you? I’m not. 2) Aren’t they? I am. 3) Do you? I don’t. 4) Didn’t

you? I did. 5) Haven’t you? I have. 6) Did you? I didn’t.

31B. 1) will she 2) aren’t you 3) don’t you 4) were you 5) does she 6) isn’t he

7) hasn’t she 8) can’t you 9) will they 10) aren’t there 11) shall we 12) is it 13) aren’t

I 14) would you 15) hasn’t she 16) should I 17) had he 18) will you

32B. 1) Is the Nile the longest river? 2) Have earthquakes occurred in this

country? 3) Had the volcano erupted before? 4) Was there only one continent 200

million years ago? 5) Were people expecting a tsunami in 2004? 6) Will our climate

be different in 50 years’ time? 7) Has the capital city continued to grow? 8) Are the

Arabian Desert and the Gobi Desert similar in size? 9) Has the ice at the Poles started

to melt? 10) Were many people injured in the earthquakes?

33B. 1) What is he pleased about? 2) What are you getting ready for? 3) What

are you ashamed of? 4) What is she famous for? 5) What is she going to complain

about? 6) What is she going to be late for? 7) What do you feel nervous about?

34B. 1) How 2) What 3) for 4) What 5) like 6) what 7) for 8) What 9) like 10)


35B. 1) Is everyone ready? 2) Where have you been? 3) Do you sell postcards?

4) Who does this calculator belong to? 5) How long are you staying here? 6) What is

your new office like? 7) Which of the flights are full? 8) What time does the carnival

start? 9) What holiday has Nancy decided on


36B. 1) What 2) How old 3) What color 4) Whose 5) How much 6) Which 7)

What kind 8) Who 9) How 10) How far 11) How often 12) What

37B. 1) Is it raining? 2) Where do you live? 3) Where did you buy your coat?

4) Can Amy swim? 5) Which band do you like best? 6) Who am I speaking to? 7)

How much do video recorders cost? 8) May / Can I come in (please)? 9) How long

does the journey take? 10) What did you lock the door for? 11) What happens next?

12) Shall we (all) go out together?

38B. 1) How is Christopher going to London? 2) How many cars have the

Smiths got / do the Smiths have? 3) Where does Janet work? 4) Why is Andrea

learning English? 5) What was the film like? 6) When will the meeting take place? 7)

Who switched off the computer? 8) Whose burglar alarm was ringing? 9) Who did

Anna go to the dance with?

39B. 1) Who hit you? 2) Who did you hit? 3) Who paid it? / Who paid the bill?

4) What happened? 5) What did she / Diane say? 6) Who does it / this book belong

to? 7) Who lives in that house? / Who lives there? 8) What did you fall over? 9) What

fell off the shelf? 10) What does it / this word mean? 11) Who did you borrow it

from? / … borrow the money from? 12) What are you worried about?

40B. 1) Isn’t she coming out with us? 2) Don’t you like him? 3) Isn’t it good?

4) Haven’t you got any? or Don’t you have any?

41B. 1) Have you won lots of prizes? 2) Are you a rich man? 3) Are quizzes

your only hobby? 4) Did you work hard at school? 5) Have you got / Do you have

any other interests? 6) Is it an interesting life? 7) Does your wife ask you quiz

questions? 8) Do you answer questions in your dreams?

42B. 1) Has Mark been to Los Angeles? 2) Are you going to America? 3) Does

Laura play tennis? 4) Did you enjoy your holiday? 5) Shall we (both) go for a walk?

6) Will you be at the club tonight? 7) Is the train on time? 8) Do Mike and Harriet go

camping? 9) Could I / Can I / May I borrow your squash racket? 10) Have you got /

Do you have a motor bike?

43B. 1) Yes, I have 2) Yes, I can 3) Yes, it is 4) No, he hasn’t 5) Yes, I did 6)

No, they aren’t 7) Yes, I do. 8) No, he isn’t 9) No, I haven’t


44B. 1) No, I’m not 2) No, we won’t 3) Yes, I did 4) Yes, she has 5) No, I

didn’t 6) Yes, she does 7) No, we aren’t 8) No, we can’t 9) No, I’m / I am not

45B. 1) Where do you work? 2) What’s / What is the date (today)? 3) When

does the course finish? 4) Who have you invited (to your party)? 5) How can I / we

get tickets (to the concert)? 6) Where are we going to have lunch? or Where shall we

have lunch?

46B. 1) What colour 2) Where 3) How many 4) When 5) Who 6) What 7) How

far 8) How often 9) What kind 10) How long

47B. 1) How often do you record ‘Round the Corner’? 2) where do you record

3) How many programmes have you done? 4) How much money do you earn? 5)

When did you start acting? 6) What are your plans for the future?

48B. 1a) David 1b) No one 2a) Rita 2b) Rita 3a) Mark 3b) a bus 4a) a / the

lorry 4b) a / the car

49B. 1) people have sent cards? 2) friend did you meet? 3) photos can I keep?

4) flowers look lovely? 5) (money) went missing? 6) house did you pass (earlier)? 7)

children has the doctor got? / does the doctor have? 8) money do doctors earn? 9)

uncle has died? 10) wife is coming (later)?

50B. 1) What musical instrument do you play? 2) Which theatre did you go to?

3) Which flight did you take? 4) Which hotel did you stay at? 5) What music do you

like? 6) What magazine did you buy? 7) What company do you work for? 8) What

language are you learning?

51B. 1) What 2) Which 3) Which 4) What 5) What 6) Which

52B. 1) Which 2) Who 3) Which 4) What 5) What 6) Which 7) Who

53B. 1) Where do you live? 2) Were you born there? 3) Are you married? 4)

How long have you been married? 5) Have you got (any) children? or Do you have

(any) children? 6) How old are they? 7) What do you do? 8) What does your wife do?

54B. 1) When was this house built? 2) How is cheese made? 3) When was the

computer invented? 4) Why isn’t Sue working today? 5) What time are your friends

coming? 6) Why was the trip cancelled? 7) Where was your mother born? 8) Why


didn’t you come to the party? 9) How did the accident happen? 10) Why doesn’t this

machine work?

55B. 1) A 2) C 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) C 7) B 8) A

56C. 1) How long … waiting 2) who told you 3) Which one are you going 4)

Why don’t we put 5) who are you going to complain to 6) which ones / comedians

did you see? / who did you see? 7) the point in / the use of

57C. 1) – 2) and →or 3) – 4) to join→ in joining 5) – 6) Why do 7) – 8)

create→ creates 9) – 10) – 11) much→0 12) To who do you play that → Who do you

play that to 13) – 14) – 15) – 16) How → What / How was it? 17) – 18) did organize

→ organized that 19) –

58C. 1) Which 2) looks 3) else 4) What 5) How 6) whom 7) What 8) Whose 9)

about 10) did

59C. 1) Haven’t you heard it (B) 2) Doesn’t / Didn’t she (already) belong to it?

(A, B) 3) Aren’t you taking your holiday in that week? (A. B) 4) Haven’t you done it

yet? (B, C) 5) Why don’t join us? (D) 6) Why didn’t you tell me earlier? / Couldn’t

you have told me earlier? 7) Oh, haven’t you bought then / any then? (B) 8) Don’t

you think those hair extensions look awful on older women? (A) 9) Isn’t she (the one)

giving the opening talk? (A)

60C. 1) ‘Who owns the white Cadillac that drives around here?’ 2) Which

applicant / Which of the applicants do you think is (most) suitable? 3) How long have

you been giving the cattle that type of feed (for)? 4) Who told you about the divorce?

5) What else did you do on (the / your) holiday? 6) Could / Couldn’t you have

persuaded David to stay in the team (any longer)? 7) What’s the point in complaining

about faulty goods? 8) Which watch / Which of the watches is better for scuba-

diving? 9) From whom did the accused steal the getaway car? / Who did the accused

steal the getaway car for?

61C. 1) the point 2) what 3) Have / Haven’t 4) Which 5) the use 6) hardly /

barely / scarcely 7) which 8) Why don’t 9) did 10) What about / How about

62C.Possible answers are given 1) Haven’t you got any money left? 2) Didn’t

you get my email saying I’d be on holiday? 3) Couldn’t you get a babysitter? 4) But


weren’t you supposed to do that last night? 5) Can’t you leave it outside? 6) Wouldn’t

you rather go by plane?

63C. 1) Haven’t you ever considered you might be wrong? / Have you ever

considered you might be wrong? 2) Haven’t you any interest in maths at all? (or

Don’t you have any interest in maths at all?) Have you no interest in maths at all? (or

Do you have no interest in maths at all?) 3) Couldn’t you find anywhere else to

sleep? Could you find nowhere else to sleep? 4) Can’t you remember anything about

the accident? Can you remember nothing about the accident? 5) Why don’t I ever do

well in exams? Why do I never do well in exams? 6) Isn’t there anybody you can ask

for help? Is there nobody you can ask for help?

64C. 1) do you not→ Why don’t you 2) that → 0 3) V 4) Was not → Wasn’t

5) V 6) that → 0 7) V 8) did not → didn’t

65C. 1) whom 2) Which 3) Which 4) Which 5) Who / Whom (‘Whom’ is very

formal) 6) Who 7) Which / Who 8) Who

66C. 1) What (G) 2) What (D) 3) What / How (B) 4) How (H) 5) What (J) 6)

How (A or G) 7) How (E or I) 8) What (F) 9) What / How (C) 10) What (E or I)

67C. 1)Whose 2) V 3) whose 4) Who lives is more likely 5) Who’s 6) V (or

less formally Whose travels in Nepal did Liam Wilson write a book about?) 7) Which

is more likely 8) Which is more likely 9) To whose address? 10) V (What have is also


68C. 1) Where do you live? 2) Who did you give the book to? 3) Who lent you

his car? 4) When did you get married? 5) Which game does he play best? 6) Which

pullover would you like? 7) What kind of pullovers do you like? 8) Who murdered

the President? 9) Who did the madman murder? 10) What did the madman do to the

President? 11) How often do you go to the cinema? 12) How long does the journey

take from here? 13) How do I get to your house? 14) Which box does he keep the key

in? (or: In which box does he keep the key?) 15) How much milk is (there) left?

69C. 1) are 2) teaches (whether or not the expected answer is one person or

two) 3) is 4) makes 5) are / is 6) has


70C. 1) Where were you born? 2) Where did you grow up? 3) What did you

like doing at school? 4) What were you like as a young child? 5) When did you

decide to become an actor? 6) How did your parents react? 7) What did they say

when you told them? 8) How old were you when you left home? 9) What was your

first job in the theatre? 10) What kind of directors do you like working with?

Linking words and expressions

1A. 1) or 2) and 3) because 4) so 5) When 6) is 7) While 8) getting 9) In the


2A. 1) and 2) but 3) or 4) but 5) and 6) or 7) but

3A. 1) but 2) either 3) or 4) both 5) and 6) and 7) and

4A. 1) Julie both swims and dives very well. 2) John both rides a motorbike

and drives a car. 3) Samantha both works part-time and looks after the baby. 4) Our

cleaner both cleans the house and washes the clothes. 5) We can either watch TV or

go to the cinema. 6) We can either have a sandwich or go out for lunch. 7) After

lunch the children either play in the garden or watch some cartoons. 8) Carl either

drives or takes the train when he visits customers.

5A. 1) F 2) D 3) I 4) E 5) A 6) H 7) C 8) G 9) B

6A. 1) because 2) to 3) because 4) so 5) that 6) because 7) of 8) so 9) because

7A. 1) Janet left London to live in the country. 2) Dmitri didn’t have enough

money so he didn’t come with us. 3) We didn’t go to the zoo because of the rain. 4)

Terry stole a car so he went to prison. 5) Josh wanted a bigger garden to grow

vegetables. 6) Marion went to bed early because she was really tired. 7) I can’t hear

anything because your music is too/very loud.

8A. 1) 2,1 2) 1,2 3) 2,1 4) 2,1 5) 2,1 6) 1,2

9A. 1) We had to go out before the postman came. 2) The phone rang while I

was having a shower. 3) It began to rain as soon as we left home. 4) He slept until his

mother called him. 5) We were still packing our bags when the taxi arrived. 6) Her

shopping bags broke after she left the supermarket.

10A. 1) We watched a DVD after we had lunch. 2) I fell asleep while I was

driving. / While I was driving, I fell asleep. 3) My friends waited at the airport until


my plane arrived. 4) I won’t try to find a job before I finish my course. 5) I called my

wife as soon as the interview finished. / As soon as the interview finished, I called my

wife. 6) After you finish using the CD, remove it from the computer. / Remove the

CD from the computer after you finish using it.

11A. 1) Then 2) First 3) then 4) After 5) Then 6) before 7) in the end

12A. 1) 2) Then another letter arrived with tickets to a show. 3) before going

into the theatre, my uncle phoned a friend 4) After that, they went to see the show 5)

Then they went home in the taxi. 6) everything was OK

13A. 1) to 2) but 3) and 4) because 5) so that 6) but 7) because 8) but 9) and

14A. 1) when 2) while 3) after 4) First 5) before 6) Then 7) After that 8) In the

end 9) until

15A. 1) same 2) different 3) different 4) same 5) same 6) same 7) same 8)


16A. 1) because he 2) after I 3) as soon as 4) so we 5) during 6) after you 7) to


17A. 1) A 2) A 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) A 7) C 8) A 9) C

18A. 1) B 2) C 3) B 4) B 5) C 6) B 7) C 8) B 9) C 10) C 11) A 12) B 13) C 14)

A 15) B 16) A 17) C 18) C 19) A 20) A

19B. 1) to 2) as 3) so that 4) because of 5) in order 6) As / Since 7) so as to 8)

Because 9) so that

20B. 1) C 2) E 3) A 4) G 5) F 6) D 7) B

21B. 1) for as 2) so that 3) for to 4) correct 5) so as not 6) correct 7) because of

8) in order to 9) because of

22B. Answers may vary.

23B. 1) much 2) a lot of 3) so 4) As a result 5) such 6) many 7) for

24B. 1) too cold for us 2) is not comfortable enough 3) is so short that 4) too

young to vote 5) is moving too fast 6) was so windy (that) I

25B. 1) so 2) that 3) such 4) Therefore 5) enough 6) too 7) As 8) enough 9) so

10) so 11) for

26B. 1) nor 2) either 3) Both 4) well as 5) does 6) Alternatively


27B. 1) does Claudio 2) Debra… Anna 3) Steve and Debra 4) watches TV or

reads magazines 5) Both… Anna 6) neither / nor does 7) Not only does… uses 8)

Both 9) doesn’t… neither / nor does

28B. Answers may vary.

29B. 1) even though 2) although 3) wearing 4) Nevertheless 5) but 6) While 7)

missing 8) the fact that it 9) However

30B. 1) Although 2) even though 3) whereas 4) However / Nevertheless 5) in

spite of the fact 6) Despite 7) While it 8) However / Nevertheless 9) but it

31B. although though / In spite of the fact that my tent’s / Well, but some /

great, but most / even however though / despite to be being / Although enjoying I


32B. 1) As soon as 2) While 3) After 4) While 5) Later, 6) Eventually 7) until

33B. 1) after I finish 2) while I’m waiting 3) as soon as you leave 4) until they

had 5) before they called 6) After that I began 7) Then they asked

34B. 1) B 2) D 3) E 4) C 5) C 6) B 7) C 8) A 9) B

35B. 1) and (ring) 2) Although (stork) 3) but (computer) 4) In addition (credit

card) 5) either (cake) 6) does (snorkeling mask) 7) However / Nevertheless


36B. 1) Would you like a view of the sea or a garden room? 2) We can either

go to the museum or (we can) have a walk by the river. 3) I finished my essay before

sending those emails. / Before sending those emails, I finished my essay. / Before I

sent those emails, I finished my essay. 4) Andrea both lives and works in this part of

the city. 5) While the company’s head office is in New York, its biggest factory is in

Texas. / The company’s head office is in New York while its biggest factory is in

Texas. 6) Even though I was wearing a smart suit, I wasn’t allowed into the hotel. / I

wasn’t allowed into the hotel even though I was wearing a smart suit. 7) As soon as I

heard the news on the radio, I phoned my best friend. 8) Neither the President nor the

Vice President resigned. 9) The children all caught colds after (going) swimming in

the lake. / After swimming / they swam / they went swimming in the lake, the

children all caught colds. 10) Despite being very experienced, Karl can’t find a good


job. / Karl can’t find a good job despite being very experienced. / Despite the fact that

he is very experienced, Karl can’t find a good job. 11) I felt rather sick during the

flight to Moscow.

37B. 1) because 2) or 3) after 4) and 5) Even though 6) so 7) when 8) or 9) and

38B. 1) although 2) either 3) and 4) After 5) Eventually / Finally / Then 6) nor

7) Therefore / So 8) and 9) because 10) so 11) During 12) result 13) both 14) though

15) only 16) soon

39B. 1) C 2) A 3) C 4) B 5) C 6) A 7) B 8) C 9) B 10) A 11) B 12) A 13) C 14)

B 15) B 16) A 17) C 18) A 19) C 20) B

40C. 1) did 2) immediately / as soon as 3) because 4) so as to 5) light enough

6) if / as long as 7) were 8) even though 9) Ideal though 10) Though 11) In spite of

12) Then 13) before that 14) Consequently / For this reason 15) mind you 16) To

41C. 1) when (B), M + S 2) that (F), M + S 3) although (A), M + S 4) if (G), M

+ S 5) after (H), M + S 6) or (C), M + M 7) and (D), M + M 8) unless (E), M + S

42C. 1) when 2) although 3) because 4) Before 5) neither 6) and 7) While 8) as

soon as 9) both 10) so 11) or 12) as 13) unless

43C. 1) … so that all the votes can be cast. 2) … for fear that she will be asked

difficult questions. 3) except if a deposit is paid. 4) … so it was awarded first prize.

5) … provided that you undertake not to reveal the sum agreed. 6) … after we see /

have seen the details. 7) … such restrictive conditions that I couldn’t accept the job.

8) … as if you’ve had legal training. 9) … so much noise in the meeting that I missed

the most important announcement.

44C. 1) as long as 2) Given that 3) the moment 4) in order that 5) except that

6) that 7) as though 8) so much that

45C. 1) F 2) B 3) H 4) A 5) D 6) I 7) E 8) G 9) C

46C. 1) as to it was that it was 2) so because 3) correct 4) a so violent scene as

such a violent scene that 5) as though you’ve been as though you’d been 6) correct 7)

enough early early enough 8) so ridiculous as to so ridiculous that 9) correct

47C. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) A 6) B


48C. 1) Horrific though the earthquake appeared at the time, there were few

fatalities. 2) People didn’t leave their homes, in spite of the advance warnings of the

flood. 3) Very little of the remaining stock sold, even though the prices were low in

the sale / the sale prices were low. 4) Although the magazine had tried introducing

several new features, (the / its) circulation continued to drop. 5) The Scots won the

battle, despite having a far smaller force / despite their far smaller force. 6) Though

this may seem difficult now, you’ll soon wonder why it caused so many problems. 7)

Much as I adore children, I can’t accept that kind of behaviour from any child.

49C. 1) … In addition, it receives updates automatically on a regular basis. 2)

… Eventually, they / They eventually… 3) Rob wants us to visit his sister in Canada

later this year, though I’m still not sure … / Rob wants us to visit his sister in Canada

later this year, I’m still not sure that I want to fly after all the problems with the

volcanic ash, though. 4) … namely to depict the world in which they live. 5) …

Nevertheless it won four Oscars at the 2011 ceremony. / It won four Oscars at the

2011 ceremony, nevertheless. 6) … therefore, we offer… / we therefore offer… 7) …

Still, we made the most of it…

50C. NOTE: Other adverbs may be possible. 1) A – then, B – After that /

following that / Afterwards 2) A – also, B – In addition / Furthermore / What is more

3) A – All the same / Still / Mind you, B – Nevertheless / Nonetheless / However /

Even so 4) A – so, B – Consequently / As a result / Accordingly 5) A – such as / like /

for instance, B – namely 6) A – though, B – However

51C. 1) therefore 2) However 3) Furthermore 4) Nevertheless 5) As a result 6)

in addition 7) first 8) following that 9) consequently

52C. 1) nevertheless still 2) than though I expected than I expected, though 3)

in addition also 4) but came to a unanimous decision after four hours finally but

finally came to a unanimous decision after four hours 5) correct 6) Mind you

However 7) as a consequence so 8) We’d rather all the same not. All the same, we’d

rather not. / We’d rather not, all the same. 9) correct 10) nearly one in every two, that

is to say that is to say, nearly one in every two. 11) and wait for the menu to appear

on the screen then and then wait for the menu to appear on the screen.


53C. 1) either 2) while 3) had 4) As / Since 5) apologised 6) in order not to 7)

if 8) so sad / such a sad sight

54C. 1) Although 2) However 3) Nevertheless 4) consequently 5) Despite 6)

While 7) though 8) firstly 9) secondly 10) For these reasons 11) Moreover

55C. 1) S 2) S 3) D 4) D 5) D 6) S 7) S 8) D 9) D

56C. 1) B 2) A 3) C 4) A / C 5) B / C 6) A / B 7) B / C 8) A 9) A / B



1. Eastwood, J. Oxford Practice Grammar with answers. Intermediate /

J. Eastwood. Oxford University Press, 2010. 440 p.

2. Foley M. MyGrammarLab Advanced C1 / C2: With Key / M. Foley,

D. Hall. Pearson Longman, 2012. 412 p.

3. Foley M. MyGrammarLab Elementary A1 / A2: With Key / M. Foley,

D. Hall. Pearson Longman, 2012. 355 p.

4. Foley M. MyGrammarLab Intermediate B1 / B2: With Key / M. Foley,

D. Hall. Pearson Longman, 2012. 397 p.

5. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use. Fourth Edition / R. Murphy.

Cambridge University Press, 2012. 398 p.

6. Murphy, R. Essential Grammar in Use. / R. Murphy. Cambridge University

Press. 2006. 319 p.

7. Vince, M. Advanced Language Practice with Keys / M. Vince. Macmillan

Education. 2007. 344 p.

8. Vince, M. First Certificate Language Practice with Keys / M. Vince.

Macmillan Education. 2007. 343 p.

9. Vince, M. Intermediate Language Practice with Key / M. Vince. Macmillan

Education. 2006. 304 p.

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