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Sequence Learning in 4-Month-Old Infants: Do Infants Represent Ordinal Information?

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Sequence Learning in 4-Month-Old Infants: Do Infants Represent Ordinal Information? David J. Lewkowicz Florida Atlantic University Iris Berent Northeastern University This study investigated how 4-month-old infants represent sequences: Do they track the statistical relations among specific sequence elements (e.g., AB, BC) or do they encode abstract ordinal positions (i.e., B is second)? Infants were habituated to sequences of 4 moving and sounding elements—3 of the elements varied in their ordinal position while the position of 1 target element remained invariant (e.g., ABCD, CBDA)—and then were tested for the detection of changes in the target’s position. Infants detected an ordinal change only when it disrupted the statistical co-occurrence of elements but not when statistical information was controlled. It is concluded that 4-month-olds learn the order of sequence elements by tracking their statistical associations but not their invariant ordinal position. Sequences are all around us, and our ability to per- ceive and learn them is critical for the performance of many cognitive and motor skills (Keele, Ivry, Mayr, Hazeltine, & Heuer, 2003; Lashley, 1951; Zacks & Tversky, 2001). From a developmental per- spective, sequences are particularly important because they provide infants with ready-made information regarding the structured nature of their world. For example, speech, language, music, and many other types of everyday events consist of temporally structured sequences of distinct ele- ments whose overall meanings derive from their specific sequential position in the series of ele- ments. A variety of empirical findings have demon- strated that infants are sensitive to sequences. For example, studies have shown that, starting at birth, infants exhibit a sensitivity to the temporal pattern- ing of unimodal and multimodal information (Lew- kowicz, 2003; Lewkowicz & Marcovitch, 2006; Nazzi, Bertoncini, & Mehler, 1998; Trehub & Thorpe, 1989), by 3 months of age they can detect serial order changes inherent in dynamic, multi- modal sequences (Lewkowicz, 2004, 2008), and by the end of the 1st year of life they exhibit a sensitiv- ity to the particular sequencing of naturally ordered everyday events (Baldwin, Baird, Saylor, & Clark, 2001). Although findings such as these demonstrate that infants can perceive and learn sequences, they do not specify how they represent them. That is, they do not indicate whether infants encode abstract ordinal information or whether they only encode the statistical relations among specific sequence elements. To illustrate these possibilities, consider the case of an infant who begins to cry and then sees and hears her mother, father, and finally brother come running into her room, one after the other. There are two possible ways in which the infant might represent this type of sequential information. One is by representing ordi- nal information, namely, the fact that her mother entered the room first, father second, and brother third. Encoding such ordinal information requires a rather elaborate representational scheme. First, the infant needs to encode each event type by means of abstract placeholders (e.g., three events, X, Y, Z). Second, the infant must order those various place- holders (X = first, Y = second, Z = third). Finally, she must link each placeholder to the event-token that instantiates it. Specifically, in the mother-father- brother sequence, the infant must possess (mini- mally) three placeholders for the three events, order them from first to third, and link each token to its appropriate placeholder (e.g., mother first We thank Jennifer Hughes and Erinn Beck for their assistance and Richard Aslin for his comments on aspects of this research. This work was supported by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Grant R01 HD35849 awarded to the first author. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to David J. Lewkowicz, Department of Psychology, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431. Electronic mail may be sent to [email protected]. Child Development, November/December 2009, Volume 80, Number 6, Pages 1811–1823 Ó 2009, Copyright the Author(s) Journal Compilation Ó 2009, Society for Research in Child Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2009/8006-0016

Sequence Learning in 4-Month-Old Infants: Do Infants RepresentOrdinal Information?

David J. LewkowiczFlorida Atlantic University

Iris BerentNortheastern University

This study investigated how 4-month-old infants represent sequences: Do they track the statistical relationsamong specific sequence elements (e.g., AB, BC) or do they encode abstract ordinal positions (i.e., B issecond)? Infants were habituated to sequences of 4 moving and sounding elements—3 of the elements variedin their ordinal position while the position of 1 target element remained invariant (e.g., ABCD, CBDA)—andthen were tested for the detection of changes in the target’s position. Infants detected an ordinal change onlywhen it disrupted the statistical co-occurrence of elements but not when statistical information was controlled.It is concluded that 4-month-olds learn the order of sequence elements by tracking their statistical associationsbut not their invariant ordinal position.

Sequences are all around us, and our ability to per-ceive and learn them is critical for the performanceof many cognitive and motor skills (Keele, Ivry,Mayr, Hazeltine, & Heuer, 2003; Lashley, 1951;Zacks & Tversky, 2001). From a developmental per-spective, sequences are particularly importantbecause they provide infants with ready-madeinformation regarding the structured nature of theirworld. For example, speech, language, music, andmany other types of everyday events consist oftemporally structured sequences of distinct ele-ments whose overall meanings derive from theirspecific sequential position in the series of ele-ments. A variety of empirical findings have demon-strated that infants are sensitive to sequences. Forexample, studies have shown that, starting at birth,infants exhibit a sensitivity to the temporal pattern-ing of unimodal and multimodal information (Lew-kowicz, 2003; Lewkowicz & Marcovitch, 2006;Nazzi, Bertoncini, & Mehler, 1998; Trehub &Thorpe, 1989), by 3 months of age they can detectserial order changes inherent in dynamic, multi-modal sequences (Lewkowicz, 2004, 2008), and bythe end of the 1st year of life they exhibit a sensitiv-ity to the particular sequencing of naturally ordered

everyday events (Baldwin, Baird, Saylor, & Clark,2001).

Although findings such as these demonstratethat infants can perceive and learn sequences, theydo not specify how they represent them. That is,they do not indicate whether infants encodeabstract ordinal information or whether they onlyencode the statistical relations among specificsequence elements. To illustrate these possibilities,consider the case of an infant who begins to cryand then sees and hears her mother, father, andfinally brother come running into her room, oneafter the other. There are two possible ways inwhich the infant might represent this type ofsequential information. One is by representing ordi-nal information, namely, the fact that her motherentered the room first, father second, and brotherthird. Encoding such ordinal information requires arather elaborate representational scheme. First, theinfant needs to encode each event type by means ofabstract placeholders (e.g., three events, X, Y, Z).Second, the infant must order those various place-holders (X = first, Y = second, Z = third). Finally,she must link each placeholder to the event-tokenthat instantiates it. Specifically, in the mother-father-brother sequence, the infant must possess (mini-mally) three placeholders for the three events, orderthem from first to third, and link each token toits appropriate placeholder (e.g., mother fi first

We thank Jennifer Hughes and Erinn Beck for their assistanceand Richard Aslin for his comments on aspects of this research.This work was supported by National Institute of Child Healthand Human Development Grant R01 HD35849 awarded to thefirst author.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed toDavid J. Lewkowicz, Department of Psychology, Florida AtlanticUniversity, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431. Electronicmail may be sent to [email protected].

Child Development, November/December 2009, Volume 80, Number 6, Pages 1811–1823

! 2009, Copyright the Author(s)Journal Compilation ! 2009, Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2009/8006-0016

placeholder). The other way in which the infantmight represent this kind of sequential informationis by only encoding the associations among specifictokens (i.e., their statistical relations). For example,the infant might represent the mother-father-brotherexample by encoding pairwise associative linksbetween specific tokens (e.g., mother-father, father-brother). Such a scheme lacks a representation ofordinal information in that abstract placeholdersare not specified for each event type, the placehold-ers are not ordered (e.g., first vs. second), and theplaceholders are not linked to specific tokens (e.g.,father corresponds to the second placeholder).

Although these two representational schemes arequite different, in some cases they might supportcomparable generalizations. In particular, bothrepresentational schemes would allow infants todistinguish familiar from unfamiliar sequences. Forexample, an infant familiar with the mother-father-brother sequence should be able to distinguish itfrom a father-brother-mother permutation. Such a dis-crimination could be based either on the detectionof an unfamiliar token association (e.g., brother-mother) or on the detection of a change in ordinalrelations (e.g., father now occurs in first position).To distinguish between these two representationalschemes, one could investigate generalization tosequences that include novel elements (Berent,Everett, & Shimron, 2001; Berent, Marcus, Shimron,& Gafos, 2002; Berent & Shimron, 1997; Marcus,2001). If infants represent ordinal information, thenthey should recognize the invariant ordinal positionof a familiar sequence element in a novel context.For example, infants should be able to extract theordinal consistency between the familiar mother-father-brother sequence and a novel dog-father-birdsequence. In both sequences, father occupies the sec-ond position. It should be noted, however, that thisinvariance can be recognized only if an infant canextract the invariant ordinal position of fatherdespite changes in the associative relations betweenfather and adjacent sequence elements. The invari-ance cannot be recognized if infants only tracktoken associations. In this latter case, an infantwould only be able to distinguish the familiarmother-father-brother sequence from an unfamiliarone (e.g., father-bird-dog), but fail to recognize theordinal invariance in the mother-father-brothersequence and a novel dog-father-bird sequence.

Lewkowicz (2004, 2008) has shown that infantsas young as 3 months of age can distinguishbetween different audiovisual, dynamic sequencesbased on the sequencing of their elements. Forexample, infants who were habituated to an ABC

sequence of moving and sounding objects exhibitedresponse recovery when presented with a CABsequence of the same set of elements. Althoughthese findings demonstrate that infants are sensitiveto the sequencing of elements, it is difficult to deter-mine whether infants detected sequence differencesbased on token association information or on ordi-nal position information because both types ofinformation were available in those studies. More-over, other evidence indicates that infants are sensi-tive to both types of information. Thus, studieshave shown that starting as early as 2 months oflife, infants are very good at extracting and learningadjacent sequence–element associations in sequencescomposed of visual as well as auditory elements(Fiser & Aslin, 2002; Jusczyk, Luce, & Charles-Luce,1994; Kirkham, Slemmer, & Johnson, 2002; Richard-son & Kirkham, 2004; Saffran, Aslin, & Newport,1996; Saffran, Johnson, Aslin, & Newport, 1999)and that by the 2nd year of life they can learn non-adjacent sequence–element associations (Gomez,2002; Gomez & Maye, 2005). In addition, in thelatter part of the 1st year of life, infants can learngrammatical rules (e.g., ABB vs. ABA) specifyingthe ordering of distinct syllables (Marcus, Vijayan,Rao, & Vishton, 1999) and can track the ordinalposition of a particular syllable (Gerken, 2006),suggesting that older infants are sensitive to ordinalinformation as well.

The findings of rule learning in older infants areparticularly interesting. Although they suggest thatsensitivity to ordinal information is present ininfancy, they do not necessarily demonstrate thatinfants can broadly represent ordinal relations. Thatis, the existing evidence of rule learning only comesfrom older infants and from studies utilizing lin-guistic stimuli. Moreover, a recent study has shownthat the ability to learn rules from linguistic stimulidoes not necessarily extend to other auditory stim-uli (Marcus, Fernandes, & Johnson, 2007). Specifi-cally, this study demonstrated that 7.5-month-oldinfants can extract rules from sequences of speechsounds but that they do not from nonspeech soundsequences. These results cast doubt on the ability ofyoung infants to acquire rules representing theordering of nonlinguistic events and bolster theconcerns that young infants’ sensitivity to sequen-tial information (Lewkowicz, 2004) reflects therepresentation of specific token associations ratherthan ordinal information per se.

To date, no studies have attempted to disso-ciate responsiveness to ordinal information fromresponsiveness to token association. The presentresearch was designed to do so in three separate

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experiments. Experiment 1 investigated whetherinfants can learn the invariant ordinal position of atarget sequence element in the context of threeother elements and whether they can then detect achange in its ordinal position during test trials. Todo so, we first habituated infants to a series of four-element sequences consisting of the same elementswhere three of them changed their ordinal positionacross the different sequences while the fourthone—the target—remained in an invariant ordinalposition (e.g., B in ABCD, CBDA, DBAC). Follow-ing habituation, we administered two sets of testtrials. One set tested whether infants encoded thetarget’s invariant position and, if so, whether thisknowledge was tied to the specific sequence ele-ments making up the habituation sequences. Wedid this by contrasting responsiveness to the targetelement in its familiar versus novel ordinal positionin the context of the already familiar sequence ele-ments (e.g., ABCD vs. ACBD). The other test setexamined whether infants also encoded the moreabstract concept of ‘‘second’’ or ‘‘third’’ by contrast-ing responsiveness to the target in its familiar ver-sus novel ordinal position but this time when thetarget was presented in the context of novelsequence elements (e.g., EBFG vs. EFBG). Experi-ment 2 investigated whether infants can extractordinal position information when processing loadis reduced. To this end, we repeated Experiment 1except that this time we reduced the overall pro-cessing load during the test phase by administeringonly the novel-context test trials (e.g., EBFG vs.EFBG). Finally, Experiment 3 investigated infants’ability to learn and generalize invariant ordinalposition knowledge by probing for generalizationof ordinal position information when the target ele-ment was presented in the context of familiar ele-ments while controlling for statistical similarity tothe habituation items. In addition, Experiment 3investigated whether the statistical relationsbetween the target element and the other sequenceelements might have contributed to responsiveness.Thus, we once again habituated infants to a seriesof sequences where the target element was pre-sented in an invariant ordinal position and thenadministered two sets of test trials. One setassessed whether infants were sensitive to a changein the target’s ordinal position by contrastingresponse to its familiar and novel position in theabsence of familiar statistical information. The otherset assessed whether infants were sensitive tostatistical relations by contrasting responsiveness tofamiliar versus novel statistical relations betweenthe target and the other sequence elements.

Experiment 1

Experiment 1 examined the learning of ordinalrules using the same types of sequential events pre-sented by Lewkowicz (2004). To give infants theopportunity to encode the invariant ordinal posi-tion of a target sequence element, we first habitu-ated them to three different sequences consisting offour distinct moving objects and their impactsounds. Across these sequences, the target objectand its sound maintained an invariant ordinal posi-tion (i.e., was always either second or third in thesequence), whereas the other three objects and theirsounds varied in their ordinal positions (Table 1).Following habituation, we assessed infants’ abilityto encode ordinal information by administeringtwo sets of test trials. In one set, the target elementwas presented in the context of the other familiarobjects and their sounds, either in its original ordi-nal position or in a novel and inconsistent ordinalposition (e.g., ABCD vs. ACBD where B is thetarget element). In the other set, the target was pre-sented in the context of unfamiliar objects andsounds, either in its original position or in a novelordinal position (e.g., EBFG vs. EFBG). If infantssuccessfully encoded the target’s ordinal invari-ance, then we expected them to exhibit responserecovery in the inconsistent test trials regardless ofwhether the context was familiar or not. In contrast,if infants only encoded specific sequential informa-tion (i.e., associative relations among adjacentsequence elements), then we expected that theywould only exhibit response recovery in the incon-sistent test trial in the familiar context.

Table 1

Design of Experiment 1 and the Specific Sequences Presented to One

Group of Infants in Each of the Habituation Groups During the Habit-

uation and Test Trials


Group 1


Group 2





Test trials

Familiar consistent ABCD ACBD

Familiar inconsistent ACBD ABCD

Novel consistent EBFG EFBG

Novel inconsistent EFBG EBFG

Note. The various letters in the table designate the differentobjects and their corresponding impact sounds (see the Methodsection for more details). B represents the target object.

Sequence Learning and Representation of Ordinal Information in 4-Month-Old Infants 1813


Participants. We tested 36 healthy, full-terminfants, of whom 33 contributed data. The meanage of the 33 infants was 19.3 weeks (SD =1.2 weeks; 17 boys and 16 girls). We tested an addi-tional 9 infants but they did not contribute usabledata because of equipment failure (1 infant), fuss-ing (6 infants), distraction (1 infant), andinattentiveness (1 infant). One infant was AfricanAmerican, 1 was Asian, 1 was White Hispanic, andthe rest were White non-Hispanic.

Apparatus and stimuli. All stimulus events con-sisted of multimedia movies. One of these was anattention-getter movie showing a continuouslyexpanding and contracting green disk. A secondmovie, which served as a pre- and posttest trial,was a segment of a Winnie the Pooh cartoon (pre-sented at 70–74 dB SPL; ambient sound pressurelevel of 50 dB). The remaining seven moviesshowed different sequential orderings of four dis-tinct moving objects and their distinct impactsounds.

Five of the movies showed the four objects seenin Figure 1a (Object A—button, Object B—triangle,Object C—square, and Object D—star) arranged invarious orders. Figure 1b shows the motion path ofthe objects during a single cycle of the sequence. Ascan be seen, at the start of the cycle, the objectsemerged one after the other from the spout at thetop, moved down and passed in front of the grayrectangle, and continued down until they reachedthe bottom of their downward trajectory. As soonas they contacted the black ramp, they made animpact sound, turned to the right, and moved off tothe side. The impact sounds were digital recordingsof the following sounds: Object A—a metal objecthitting against a glass bottle, Object B—a woodenspoon hitting against a small empty plastic con-tainer, Object C—a wooden spoon hitting against ametal pot, and Object D—a light bulb breaking.Two other movies, used to test for generalizationlearning (see the following), showed the objectsseen in Figure 2 (Object E—hexagon, Object B—tri-angle, Object F—star, and Object G—cross). Theimpact sounds for these objects were: Object E—thesound of a bouncing basketball, Object B—awooden spoon hitting against an empty plastic con-tainer, Object F—a wooden spoon hitting against awooden surface, and Object G—a deep hollowsound produced by hitting a wooden spoon againsta large plastic container. All movies were presentedon a 17-in. computer monitor at an approximatedistance of 50 cm from the infant. The audio part of

the movie was presented through speakers placedon each side of the monitor. The average soundpressure level of the impact sounds was 80 dB (Ascale). A camera that transmitted a view of theinfant’s face to a video monitor was located on topof the stimulus-presentation monitor.

Each movie began with the appearance of thespout, the ramp, and the gray rectangle. As soon asthey appeared, the four objects emerged sequen-tially from the spout at 0.5-s intervals and moveddown at the same and constant speed. Each objectreached the ramp 1.83 s after it emerged from thespout and made an impact sound as it turned tothe right. Each object continued to move down theramp until it came to rest on the right side of thescreen. The objects came to rest 4.5, 4.87, 5.2, and5.5 s, respectively, following their emergence fromthe spout. Once the last object came to rest, all fourobjects remained visible for 0.67 s, disappeared for0.83 s, and then the sequence started again andcontinued to be presented repeatedly until theinfant either looked away or until the maximumtrial duration was reached (see the following).

Procedure. We used the infant-controlled habitu-ation and test procedure. This allowed the infant’slooking behavior to control the onset and offset ofeach movie presentation and, thus, of each trial.Specifically, whenever the infant looked at the stim-ulus-presentation monitor, the movie began to playand whenever the infant looked away from themonitor for more than 1 s, or whenever he or sheaccumulated a total of 55 s of looking time, themovie ended and the attention-getter appearedon the monitor. Duration of looking was recordedduring movie presentation by an experimenterwho could neither see nor hear the stimuli beingpresented.

The experiment began with a single pre-test trial(the Winnie the Pooh cartoon) and then continuedwith the habituation phase. When the total durationof looking during the last four habituation trialsdeclined to 50% of the total duration of lookingduring the first four habituation trials, the habitua-tion phase ended and the test phase began. Table 1shows the sequences presented during the habitua-tion and test phases for each habituation group. Ascan be seen, the three sequences presented duringthe habituation phase differed in terms of the ordi-nal position of all objects and their sounds exceptfor object and sound B (the target). As shown inTable 1, object and sound B remained in an invari-ant second position for one group of infants and inan invariant third position for the other group.The first test trial for all infants was the familiar

1814 Lewkowicz and Berent

consistent test trial during which one of the threesequences that was presented during the habitua-tion phase was presented again. To counterbalancethe presentation of the three familiar sequencesduring this test trial, we presented each of them anequal number of times across the infants tested ineach habituation group, respectively. The remain-ing three test trials were presented in counterbal-anced order across infants in each habituationgroup. The familiar inconsistent test trial involvedan ordinal position change of the target in a famil-iar sequence context and, thus, assessed whetherinfants learned its specific ordinal position in thatcontext. The familiar consistent and familiar incon-sistent sequences were matched for the probabilityof occurrence of adjacent element pairs in the famil-iarization trials; however, the familiar consistentsequence had a higher probability of triplet- andquadruplet-element associations. The novel consis-tent test trial involved presentation of the familiartarget in its familiar position but in the context of

all new objects and their sounds and, thus, wasdesigned to determine whether infants could gener-alize their learning about the target to a novelsequence context. Finally, the novel inconsistent testtrial involved a change in the ordinal position ofthe familiar target in the context of all new objectsand their sounds. The test session ended with apost test trial where infants saw and heard thesegment of the Winnie the Pooh cartoon.

Results and Discussion

We performed a preliminary analysis to deter-mine whether any infants exhibited spontaneousregression to the mean in the familiar consistenttest trial. We excluded from further analyses thedata of three infants whose duration of looking inthis test trial exceeded the mean duration of look-ing in this trial by more than 2 SD.

As can be seen in the left panel of Figure 3,infants exhibited a significant decline in looking



Figure 1. (a) The four objects presented during the habituation phase in Experiment 1. (b) A schematic representation of the movementof the objects over time during a single sequence cycle.

Sequence Learning and Representation of Ordinal Information in 4-Month-Old Infants 1815

during the habituation trials, F(5, 155) = 74.9,p < .001. It took the infants an average of 10.4 trialsto reach the habituation criterion (range = 8–21 tri-als). As can be seen in the right panel of Figure 3,infants exhibited differential responsiveness acrossthe consistency conditions in the familiar contextcondition but not in the novel context condition.We tested this Context (familiar vs. novel) ·Consistency (consistent vs. inconsistent) interactionby way of a mixed 2 · 2 · 2 (Habituation Group ·Context · Consistency) analysis of variance(ANOVA), with habituation group as the between-

subjects factor and context and consistency as thewithin-subjects factors. Results indicated that theContext · Consistency interaction was statisticallysignificant, F(1, 31) = 7.68, p < .01, as was an overallcontext effect, F(1, 31) = 24.3, p < .001, but that thethree-way interaction was not significant.

The findings from this experiment show thatinfants detected a change in the ordinal position ofthe target in the context of familiar elements but thatthey did not respond to the change when the targetwas surrounded by novel elements. To furtherprobe the source of response differences, we com-pared the data from the different conditions bymeans of three planned comparisons (using themean square error of the omnibus interaction; seeKirk, 1968). These tests showed that infants detectedthe ordinal position change in the familiar con-text—familiar consistent versus familiar inconsistentcontrast, F(1, 31) = 11.07, p < .01—but that they didnot respond to the ordinal position change in thenovel context—novel consistent versus novelinconsistent, F(1, 31) = 0.24, ns. In addition, theseanalyses indicated that infants detected the changein context—familiar consistent versus novel consis-tent, F(1, 31) = 44.5, p < .001, and familiar consistentversus novel inconsistent, F(1, 31) = 36.9, p < .001.Finally, the findings showed that the failure toexhibit differential responsiveness in the novelcontext was not due to fatigue effects. This wasevident in the fact that response in the posttesttrial was significantly higher than in the novel

Figure 2. The four objects presented during the generalizationtest trials in Experiment 1.

Figure 3. Results from Experiment 1. The left panel shows the duration of looking during the habituation phase. Because the number oftrials to reach the habituation criterion varied across infants, the left panel only depicts the average duration of looking in the first (A,B, and C) and the last three (X, Y, and Z) habituation trials. The right panel shows the duration of looking in the test trials. Error barsindicate the standard error of the mean.

1816 Lewkowicz and Berent

inconsistent test trial, F(1, 31) = 43.31, p < .001. Infact, infants looked twice as long (M = 49.8 s) in theposttest trial than they did in the novel inconsistenttest trial.

In sum, the most reasonable interpretation of thefindings from this experiment is that infantsencoded the sequential relation of the target in thecontext of familiar elements but that they did notgeneralize that knowledge to a novel sequentialcontext.

Experiment 2

Infants’ failure to generalize invariant ordinal infor-mation to novel sequences suggests that they maynot encode invariant ordinal information. It is pos-sible, however, that infants may be able to encodeinvariant ordinal information but fail to generalizeit to novel sequences because of information-pro-cessing limitations. That is, the demands associatedwith the processing of four different test trials inExperiment 1 might have taxed infants’ informa-tion-processing system beyond its normal capacityand, thus, have prevented them from learning theordinal information.

The purpose of Experiment 2 was to test thispossibility. To do so, we repeated Experiment 1except that this time we reduced the information-processing load by administering only the two testtrials during which the novel test sequences werepresented. If excessive information-processingdemands accounted for the infants’ failure to gener-alize ordinal position learning in Experiment 1,then they would be expected to generalize inExperiment 2. Specifically, infants should exhibitgreater response recovery in the novel inconsistenttest trial than in the novel consistent test trial. If,however, infants of this age do not generalize ordi-nal information knowledge, then the insensitivityto ordinal invariance should persist despite thereduction in processing load.


Participants. The sample consisted of 24 healthy,full-term infants (M age = 19 weeks, SD =1.3 weeks; half were girls). We tested an additional6 infants in this experiment but did not use theirdata because 5 of them were fussy and 1 wassleepy. Two infants were White Hispanic and therest were White non-Hispanic.

Apparatus and stimuli. The apparatus and stimuliwere identical to those used in Experiment 1.

Procedure. The procedure was identical to thatused in Experiment 1 except that here we adminis-tered only the novel consistent and the novel incon-sistent test trials. As in Experiment 1, we began thetest session with the pretest trial and ended it withthe posttest trial.

Results and Discussion

The left panel of Figure 4 shows the results fromthe habituation trials. As can be seen, infants exhib-ited a significant decline in looking during thehabituation trials, F(5, 110) = 44.2, p < .001, andexamination of the number of trials needed to reachhabituation indicated that it took the infants anaverage of 10.8 trials to reach the habituation crite-rion (range = 8–23 trials). Furthermore, as indicatedby a nonsignificant Trials · Experiment interaction,F(5, 275) = 0.83, ns, the habituation trials responseprofile obtained in the current experiment did notdiffer from that in Experiment 1. The right panel ofFigure 4 shows the results from the test trials andas can be seen, similar to the outcome in these twotest trials in Experiment 1, infants did not responddifferentially. A mixed 2 · 2 (Habituation Group ·Test Trial Type) ANOVA, with habituation groupas the between-subjects factor and test trial type asa within-subjects factor, confirmed this fact by indi-cating that neither the trials effect, F(1, 22) = 1.7,nor any other effects were statistically significant.As in Experiment 1, the failure to generalize wasnot due to fatigue effects because response in theposttest trial (M = 51.4) was greater than in thenovel inconsistent trial, F(1, 22) = 40.39, p < .001.

Because a familiar test trial was not adminis-tered in this experiment, it is important to ensurethat response in the two generalization test trialsreflected response recovery. To determine whetherthis was the case, we compared the duration oflooking obtained in the test trials in this experi-ment (Figure 4) with the duration of lookingobtained in those same two test trials in Experi-ment 1 (Figure 3). This comparison indicated thatresponse in these two trials across the two experi-ments was comparable. This, in turn, means that,as was the case in Experiment 1, the magnitude ofresponse in these two test trials was more thandouble that obtained in the familiar test trial inExperiment 1. To further ensure that the responseobtained in this experiment reflected responserecovery, we compared the response in each of thetwo test trials in this experiment with the responsein the last habituation trial in this experiment. Thiscomparison indicated that the response in the

Sequence Learning and Representation of Ordinal Information in 4-Month-Old Infants 1817

novel consistent test trial was significantly higherthan in the last habituation trial, F(1, 22) = 13.6,p < .01, as was the response in the novel inconsis-tent trial, F(1, 22) = 11.2, p < .01. In sum, theseresults suggest that the infants’ failure to detectordinal invariance was not due to excessive pro-cessing load.

Experiment 3

Experiment 1 indicated that infants were sensitiveto invariant sequential information in a familiarcontext but that they failed to generalize such infor-mation to novel sequences. Experiment 2 replicatedthis result and showed that it was unlikely thatinfants’ failure to generalize was related to informa-tion-processing demands. This repeated failure togeneralize might suggest that 4-month-old infantsmay not encode invariant ordinal information whenthe task involves the learning of dynamic, audio-visual sequences. It is possible, however, thatour infants’ failure to generalize ordinal positioninformation was due to the fact that we tested forgeneralization of such knowledge in the context ofnovel test elements (i.e., ones that were not pre-sented during the habituation phase). That is, itmay be that the sheer novelty of the test elements

may have drawn the infants’ attention away fromthe sequential nature of the event and, in the pro-cess, may have prevented them from detecting thetarget’s invariant ordinal position. This inter-pretation is consistent with the findings fromExperiments 1 and 2 showing that sequences com-posed of novel elements elicited significantly longerlooking than did sequences comprised of familiarelements.

To address the possibility that the failure to gen-eralize was due to the novelty of the nontargetsequence elements, Experiment 3 probed for gener-alization of ordinal position knowledge in the con-text of familiar test elements. Thus, as in theprevious experiments, we first habituated infants tothree different sequences where the target elementwas presented in an invariant ordinal position. Thistime, however, the sequences presented during thetest phase consisted of the same four sequence ele-ments that were presented during the habituationphase except that, in contrast to Experiment 1, herethe target’s novel position could not be determinedon the basis of its statistical relations to the othersequence elements.

The test trials administered in this experimentconsisted of two sets. One set tested for detection ofordinal position differences by contrasting respon-siveness to the target element in a familiar versus

Figure 4. Results from Experiment 2. The left panel shows the duration of looking during the first three (A, B, and C) and last three (X,Y, and Z) habituation trials, and the right panel shows the duration of looking in the test trials. Error bars indicate the standard errorof the mean.

1818 Lewkowicz and Berent

novel ordinal position. If infants’ failure to detectthe target’s new ordinal position in Experiments 1and 2 was due to the novelty of the nontarget testelements, then the infants in this experiment shoulddetect the target’s new ordinal position. If, how-ever, 4-month-old infants truly find it difficult toencode invariant ordinal position information, thendespite the familiarity of all test elements, they mayonce again fail to detect the target’s new ordinalposition. If infants fail to detect the target’s newordinal position even when all the test sequenceelements are familiar, then this would suggest thatthis persistent failure to generalize ordinal positionknowledge may be due to the fact that infants ofthis age encode sequential information primarily bytracking the statistical relations of specific sequenceelements. To examine this possibility, the secondset of test trials in the current experiment tested forstatistical learning per se.

Overall, the two sets of test trials in this experi-ment manipulated the sequential consistency ofhabituation and test sequences along two dimen-sions (Table 2). One was their ordinal consistency,defined by the ordinal relation of the target ele-ment to the other elements during the habituationphase, and the other was their statistical consis-tency, defined by the associations of specific ele-ments during the habituation phase. Specifically,the first set of test trials investigated infants’response to ordinal consistency by examiningordinal position knowledge in the absence of rele-vant statistical information. It did so by contrast-ing responsiveness to the target in its familiarversus novel ordinal position across sequenceswhose elements no longer bore the same statisti-cal relations vis-a-vis one another as they did dur-ing the habituation phase. If infants encoded thetarget’s invariant ordinal position, then theyshould respond differentially in these test trialsdespite the (equal) disruption of statistical infor-mation in both. The second set of test trialsexplicitly investigated infants’ response to the sta-tistical information inherent in the habituationsequences. It did so by contrasting responsivenessto the target in its familiar position while main-taining its statistical relations versus responsive-ness to it in its familiar position when some ofthe statistical relations between it and the othersequence elements were disrupted. Here, weexpected that if infants encoded sequential infor-mation primarily by learning the statistical rela-tions among sequence elements, then they shouldonly respond differentially in this second set oftest trials.


Participants. The sample consisted of 36 healthy,full-term infants (M age = 17.5 weeks, SD = 2.9weeks; 19 girls and 17 boys). We tested an addi-tional 16 infants but did not use their data becauseof equipment problems (1 infant), fussing(13 infants), falling asleep (1 infant), and distraction(1 infant). All infants were White non-Hispanicexcept 2 who were White Hispanic.

Apparatus and stimuli. The apparatus was iden-tical to that employed in Experiment 1. Thesequences presented in this experiment aredepicted in Table 2. As can be seen, the A, B, C, D,E, F, and G stimuli were the same as in Experiment1 but stimuli H, I, and J were new. Object Hresembled a mushroom with a black top and agreen stem, Object I was a purple pentagon with anorange outline and three smaller pentagons placedinside the three corners of the large pentagon, andObject J was an oval shape consisting of threeincreasingly smaller, differently colored (yellow,blue, and light orange) oval rings. The impactsounds that corresponded to these objects were asfollows: Object H—the JungleSingDrumMono.wavfile included with the Microsoft Windows 98 oper-ating system, Object I—the UtopiaDink.wav fileincluded with Windows 98, and Object J—a digitalrecording of a wooden spoon hitting against a largemetal pan.

Procedure. The procedure was identical to thatused in Experiment 1 except that here we adminis-tered the test trials seen in Table 2. In addition, as in

Table 2

Design of Experiment 3 Showing the Specific Sequences Presented to

One Group of Infants in Each of the Habituation Groups During the

Habituation and Test Trials


Group 1


Group 2





Test trials

Ordinally consistent

Statistically consistent ABCD ACBD

Statistically inconsistent GBCJ HCBE

Statistically inconsistent

Ordinally consistent DBGJ AEBH

Ordinally inconsistent DGBJ ABEH

The various letters in the table designate the different objectsand their corresponding impact sounds (see the Method sectionfor more details). B represents the target object.

Sequence Learning and Representation of Ordinal Information in 4-Month-Old Infants 1819

Experiment 1, the test session began with the pre-test trial and ended with the posttest trial. Table 2shows the sequences presented during the habitua-tion and test phases for each habituation group. Ascan be seen, the three sequences presented duringthe habituation phase differed in terms of the ordi-nal position of all objects and their sounds except forobject and sound B (the target). As Table 2 shows,object and sound B remained in an invariant secondposition for one group of infants and in an invariantthird position for the other group.

Of the four test trials, the first test trial for allinfants was the statistically consistent (ordinallyconsistent) test trial. During this trial, one of thethree familiar sequences that was presented duringthe habituation phase was presented again. Tocounterbalance the specific type of sequence pre-sented during this test trial, we presented each ofthe three habituation sequences an equal number oftimes across infants in each habituation group. Theremaining three test trials were presented in coun-terbalanced order across the infants in each habitu-ation group. The statistically inconsistent (ordinallyconsistent) test trial involved a disruption of thestatistical relations between the target and one ofthe sequence elements with which it was associatedduring habituation (e.g., ABCD vs. GBCJ). This wasperformed by presenting a sequence element adja-cent to the target element that was never associatedwith it during the habituation phase. In this way,we were able to assess whether infants were attend-ing to the statistical relations inherent in thesequences. The ordinally consistent (statisticallyinconsistent) test trial involved presentation of thetarget element in its familiar ordinal position in thecontext of the other familiar objects and theirsounds. As can be seen in Table 2, however, thesequential position of the other familiar objects wasrearranged such that the two sequence elementsthat were adjacent to the target element were neverassociated with it during habituation. In this way,infants had to judge the ordinal position of the tar-get element in the absence of statistical information.Finally, the ordinally inconsistent (statisticallyinconsistent) test trial involved presentation of thetarget element in a novel ordinal position in thecontext of the other familiar sequence elementsagain arranged such that no statistical informationcould be used to ascertain ordinal position.

Results and Discussion

A preliminary analysis, designed to determinewhether any infants exhibited spontaneous regres-

sion to the mean in the familiar test trial, indicatedthat 3 infants did. The data from these infants wereexcluded from any further analyses. Figure 5 showsthe results from the habituation and test trials forthe remaining 33 infants.

As can be seen in the left panel of Figure 5,infants exhibited a significant decline in responsive-ness during the habituation trials, F(5, 155) = 8.65,p < .001. Overall, it took the infants an average of12.5 trials to reach habituation (range = 8–27). Ascan be seen in the right panel of Figure 5, infantsexhibited differential responsiveness across the con-sistency conditions in the statistical information testtrials but not in the ordinal information test trials.To evaluate the differences between the means, wefirst conducted an overall mixed 2 · 2 · 2 (Habitu-ation Group · Type of Information [statistical vs.ordinal] · Consistency [consistent vs. inconsistent])ANOVA, with habituation group as the between-subjects factor and type of information and consis-tency as the within-subjects factors, and thenfollowed up with planned comparisons. ThisANOVA did not yield any significant effects.

We then examined infants’ sensitivity to ordinaland statistical information by means of twoplanned comparisons. To evaluate sensitivity toordinal information, we compared responsivenessin the ordinally consistent (statistically inconsistent)and ordinally inconsistent (statistically inconsistent)test trials. This comparison indicated that lookingtime did not differ in these two test trials, F(1,31) = 0.02, ns, suggesting that infants did notencode ordinal position information. Infants’ failureto exhibit differential responsiveness to the disrup-tion of ordinal information was not simply due toan overall failure to detect a change (i.e., to exhibitresponse recovery). This is evident in the fact thatresponsiveness to the ordinally inconsistent (statis-tically inconsistent) test trial differed significantlyfrom responsiveness to what was in essence afamiliar test trial, namely, the statistically consistent(ordinally consistent) test trial, F(1, 31) = 4.47,p < .05. Likewise, a comparison of responsivenessin the ordinally consistent (statistically inconsistent)test trial yielded a marginally significant difference,F(1, 31) = 3.88, p < .06.

To evaluate sensitivity to statistical information,next we compared responsiveness in the statisti-cally consistent (ordinally consistent) and statisti-cally inconsistent (ordinally consistent) test trials.This contrast was significant, F(1, 31) = 6.72,p < .025, indicating that infants exhibited responserecovery to the disruption of statistical information.When this finding is considered together with the

1820 Lewkowicz and Berent

fact that infants did not detect ordinal positionchanges in the other set of test trials, it suggeststhat infants failed to learn ordinal invariance andthat they only encoded the statistical relationsamong specific sequence elements.

General Discussion

This study investigated how 4-month-old infantsrepresent sequential information inherent indynamic, multimodal sequences and asked whetherthey can encode abstract ordinal position informa-tion (e.g., that element B occurred ‘‘second’’ inABCD) or whether they can only track the statisticalrelations of specific tokens (e.g., paired association,AB, BC, etc.). Using a habituation test procedure, inExperiment 1 we habituated infants to several differ-ent sequences consisting of the same four movingand sounding objects. Across these sequences, a tar-get object and its sound remained in an invariantordinal position whereas the other three objects andsounds varied in their ordinal positions. Followinghabituation, we administered two sets of test trialsin which the target’s ordinal position was eitherfamiliar or novel. In one set of test trials, the targetelement was presented in the context of familiar ele-ments (e.g., ABCD vs. ACBD) whereas in the otherset of test trials, the target element was presented inthe context of novel elements (e.g., EBFG vs. EFBG).If infants encoded invariant order, then we expected

that they would discriminate consistent from incon-sistent sequences irrespective of whether neighboringelements were familiar or not. In contrast, if infantsencoded the statistical relations of specific elements,we expected that they would discriminate consistentfrom inconsistent sequences only if the statisticalrelations between the target element and its originalneighbors were disrupted during the test trials.

The results from Experiment 1 showed thatinfants detected changes in the position of a targetelement in the context of familiar sequences but notin the context of novel sequences. Thus, infantsfailed to generalize the ordinal invariance informa-tion provided in the habituation phase in theirresponse to novel sequences. To determine whetherthis failure may have been due to excessive infor-mation-processing demands imposed by requiringthe infants to respond to four separate test trials,we tested their ability to generalize learning inExperiment 2 by administering only the test trialsinvolving the novel sequence elements (i.e., thegeneralization test trials). Despite the reducedinformation-processing load, infants still failed toexhibit evidence of generalization and, thus, of theacquisition of invariant ordinal position knowledge.

This consistent failure to generalize might indi-cate that infants did not detect the change in thetarget’s ordinal position during the test trialsbecause they were distracted by the sheer noveltyof the nontarget sequence elements. Alternatively,this failure to generalize might indicate that infants

Figure 5. Results from Experiment 3. The left panel shows the duration of looking during the first three (A, B, and C) and last three (X,Y, and Z) habituation trials, and the right panel shows the duration of looking in the test trials. Error bars indicate the standard errorof the mean.

Sequence Learning and Representation of Ordinal Information in 4-Month-Old Infants 1821

encoded the statistical relations of specific sequenceelements rather than their ordinal position. Experi-ment 3 evaluated both of these possibilities. Togauge learning of ordinal information, we retestedinfants’ sensitivity to the disruption of ordinalinvariance in the context of familiar elements whilecontrolling for their statistical properties. To gaugelearning of statistical relations per se, we alsoassessed infants’ sensitivity to the disruption ofstatistical relations while the ordinal invariancewas kept constant. Results showed that, despite thefact that the test sequences consisted of familiarelements, infants still did not exhibit evidence ofordinal position learning although they exhibitedclear evidence of statistical learning.

Although prior studies have provided impres-sive evidence of sequence learning in early humandevelopment (Fiser & Aslin, 2002; Gerken, 2006;Gomez, 2002; Gomez & Maye, 2005; Jusczyk et al.,1994; Kirkham et al., 2002; Marcus et al., 1999; Rich-ardson & Kirkham, 2004; Saffran et al., 1996;Saffran et al., 1999), none of these studies haveexplicitly tested whether the ability to detectsequential invariance in multimodal events mightinvolve the representation of ordinal rules. The cur-rent study is the first to do so by investigating theseparate contribution of ordinal and statisticalinformation to sequence learning in young infants.Consistent with the results of prior studies, thefindings from three experiments in the currentstudy indicate clearly that young infants encodesequential relations based on token associations. Itis up to future research to determine the precisenature of such associations—whether they areformed at the level of bigrams, trigrams, long-distance dependencies among nonadjacent seg-ments, or entire sequences. Regardless of theeventual answer to this question, the current find-ings show for the first time that 4-month-old infantsencode sequential order by tracking the statisticalrelations of specific events rather than by represent-ing ordinal information. The fact that infants failedto exhibit evidence of ordinal position learningacross three separate experiments, that they did soregardless of whether the test sequences were com-posed of familiar or novel elements, and that theyexhibited evidence of statistical learning speaksagainst the possibility that this failure is due tomethodological limitations.

In conclusion, the current findings shed light onthe development of rule learning in infancy. Priorresearch has demonstrated that infants can detectand learn the statistical relations inherent in tempo-rally distributed patterns of auditory and visual

information and that they can do so as early as2 months of age. In addition, prior research hasshown that older infants—7 months and older—canlearn simple sequential rules. The most impressiveaspect of this ability is that it enables infants tolearn simple sequential rules within a matter ofminutes and to then generalize them to sequencesconsisting of novel elements. The findings from thepresent study are particularly interesting in thiscontext because they show that younger, 4-month-old, infants not only do not learn rules or general-ize them to novel sequences but that they do noteven do so when the sequences are familiar. It is upto future research to determine when this criticalcognitive skill first emerges in development and tocharacterize the mechanisms underlying its devel-opmental emergence.


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