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Sex Trafficking in the United States: Foreign and Domestic Victims

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Donna M. Hughes, PhD Professor & Carlson Endowed Chair Women’s Studies Program University of Rhode Island Sex Trafficking in the United States: Foreign and Domestic Victims Flint & Ann Arbor, Michigan April 24 & 25, 2008

Donna M. Hughes, PhD

Professor & Carlson Endowed Chair

Women’s Studies Program

University of Rhode Island

Sex Trafficking in the United States:

Foreign and Domestic Victims

Flint & Ann Arbor, Michigan

April 24 & 25, 2008

Numbers of Trafficked Persons

• Worldwide – 600,000 to 800,000 trafficked across international borders each year (U.S. State Department)

• 70% are female; 50% are children

• Majority are for commercial sexual exploitation

• Worldwide - 4 million each year if include domestic trafficking, meaning inside countries (United Nations)

• Foreign victims into the U.S. – 14,500 to 17,500 foreign nationals each year

• Number of U.S. citizen victims – unknown, no study ever done.

The Trade in Women and Children

• Based on supply and

demand from

sending and

receiving countries,

regions, or cities

Supply of Victims

• Easy recruitment of women and girls

– Poverty

– Unemployment

– Lack of opportunity or a

promising future

– Eager for Western lifestyle

– Obligation to family

– “Love” and security

Profile of Domestic Victims –Age of Entry

• Chicago study of 222 women in prostitution

– 35% entered prostitution before age of 15

– 62% entered prostitution before age of 18

– 87% entered prostitution before age of 21

• San Francisco study of 200 women & girls

– 68% entered prostitution before age 16

– 78% entered prostitution before age 18

• ~ 70% of women in prostitution were by definition

victims of trafficking (under age 18)

Profile of Domestic Victims: Home


• 62% someone in the home was frequently hit, slapped, pushed

• 40% someone in the home was kicked, beaten, raped, threatened and/or attacked with a weapon

Profile of Domestic Victims: Abuse

• 83% drug or alcohol abuse in home

• 86% used drugs or alcohol themselves

• 56% ran away from home at least once,

mean age 13

• 28% were told to leave home

by parent or guardian,

mean age 15

– “Throw-a-ways”

Profile of Domestic Victims: Violence

• 65 - 80% victims of child

sexual abuse, rape, or incest

• “Incest is boot camp” for

prostitution – Andrea


• 50 - 75% victims of physical

abuse as a child

Memories of a Child Prostitute, Judith Schaechter,


The Demand Side of Sex Trafficking

• Sex trafficking process begins with the demand for victims

Receiving/destination countries, regions, cities

– Legal or tolerated sex industries and prostitution

• Few women will enter prostitution if they have other choices

• Pimps recruit women and girls

Global Sex Trade –Victims Are Needed

• A demand for:

– Young women or girls

– Exotic women – race, ethnicity,

skin-color, nationality

– Women who speak the same


• Male migrant workers

• Turnover of victims is high

• Steady supply of victims is


Why There Is A Demand for Victims

• Victims have a limited useful life

– Poor physical health; disease, infection, or injury;

emotional collapse; addiction

St. Petersburg Florida Police Department

Destruction of a

Human Being

Why There Is A Demand for Victims

• Victims are murdered

Tiffany Mason, San Francisco, murdered by “john” at age 15 (August 2001)

Why There Is A Demand for Victims

• Victims are


Nigerian deportees from Italy

Why There Is A Demand for Victims

• Victims die from injuries, disease, such as AIDS

• Victims commit suicide

• Mortality rate in the U.S. is 6 times that of persons of similar age and race


BalkAdor , 23, Akha Hill tribe in Thailand

Why There Is A Demand for Victims

• Victims are rescued, they escape, or arrested in raids

Demand Factors

• 1) Men who purchase sex acts

• 2) Exploiters who make up sex industry and supporting services – Profiteers

• 3) States (countries) that profit, particularly the destination countries/cities

• 4) Culture that glamorizes, eroticizes & romanticizes the sex trade

Men Who Purchase Sex Acts

• Usually faceless and nameless

• The ultimate consumers of

trafficked women and children

• Men make a choice to buy sex

• Sexually assault, batter, humiliate, &

degrade women

– What percentage -- ????

Men Who Purchase Sex Acts

• Seeking power and control

Some people do not want real relationships, or [they] feel

entitled to something beyond the real relationships they have.

… Some people do not want an equal, sharing relationship.

They do not want to be nice. They do not want to ask. They

like the power involved in buying a human

being who can be made to do almost

anything.” -- Joe Parker

The Exploiters

• Traffickers, pimps, brothel owners, mafia

members, corrupt officials, support services:

hotels, taxi drivers,

property owners who rent to


Internet service providers

The Exploiters

• They make money from the sale of sex acts,

providing rooms, transportation,

& services

– Can be a significant part of the

tourist industry of a country

or city

The Business of Trafficking

• Goal is to make money

• Low risk, high profit


• Criminal penalties are

relatively low compared

to the amount of profit


• Harm to victims is


Profit from Domestic Sex Trafficking: Street


Greater Washington, D.C. Area

Pimp Controlled Street Prostitution

$3500/woman or girl/week

3 women or girls/pimp

80 pimps


Calculations based on research by Polaris Project

Profit from Sex Trafficking:

Asian Massage Parlors

Greater Washington D.C. Area

Asian Massage Parlors

$3220/woman or girl/week

5 women per massage parlor

40 massage parlors


Profit from Sex Trafficking:

Latino Brothels

Greater Washington D.C. Area

Latino Residential Brothels

$5250/woman or girl/week

2 women/girls/brothel

60 residential brothels


Pimps/Sex Traffickers Control of Victims

• Pimps & Violence & Coercion– 86% of the women were physically abused by pimps, 50% of

them assaulted frequently or daily

– 61% of the women had weapons used against them

– 80% of the women were sexually assaulted by pimps

– 34% of the women had death threats to them or family by pimps

– 85% of the women were psychologically abused by pimps

– 90% of the women were verbally threatened by pimps

– 71% of the women had pimps use drugs to control them

– 52% of the women were forcibly returned, stalked, physically abused, and threatened when they tried to leave

Sex Trafficking of Women in the United States, study of 25 women – US and foreign citizens

Pimps/Sex Traffickers Control of Victims

Tattoos & Brands

Pimps/Sex Traffickers Control of Victims

Tattoos & Brands

Pimps/Sex Traffickers Control of Victims

Tattoos & Brands

Pimps/Sex Traffickers Control of Victims

Tattoos & Brands

The State or Government

• By tolerating or legalizing prostitution, the state

helps create a demand for victims

– Counties in Nevada, Indoors in Rhode Island

– Tolerant cities: Las Vegas, Atlanta

• Strategies are created to protect sex industry

– Las Vegas

The Culture

• Culture, mass

media play a role

in normalizing


Strategies to Stop Trafficking

• What does not work:

– Prohibitionist approach – criminalize everyone involved

in prostitution

– Regulationist approach – legalize prostitution, turn it

into a “service”

• Prostitution = Sex work

• Women = Service providers

• Men = Clients

• Pimps/Traffickers = Managers

Strategies to Stop Trafficking

• Adopt an Abolitionist Approach

– Distinguish between who is a perpetrator and who is a victim

– Treat them accordingly

• Services for victims

• Prosecution for perpetrators

Strategies to End Demand – The Culture

• Protest the pimp culture

– Pimp & Ho parties

– Players’ Balls

Strategies to End Demand – The Culture

• Zero tolerance for glamorizing, romanticizing,

normalizing or trivializing pimping and prostitution

• Cultural change

– Racist/ethnic based jokes – No longer socially acceptable

– Rape jokes –

No longer socially acceptable

Strategies to End Demand – The Men

• “The first step in understanding the sex industry is to

understand the customers, the johns. … These men have

already violated moral standards – and they know it.

Talking about right and wrong aren’t compelling arguments

for them. They are criminals who have chosen to break the

law and hurt people, many of them young people.” -Joseph Parker

• Make men accountable for their behavior

– Stigmatize the buying of sex acts

• Like drunk driving

Strategies to End Demand – The Men

• Enforce laws against men soliciting and buying

sex acts

– Chicago, 2002

• over 89% of arrests were of persons

(primarily women) prostituting

• 10% were of 'johns' or men soliciting

• less than 1% were of pimps

– Boston, 2003

• 11 women arrested for soliciting

or every 1 man

Strategies to End Demand – The Men

• Charge men who buy sex from minors with

felony crimes – child sexual abuse, sexual assault

of a minor, statutory rape

• Stigmatize the buying of sex

– Domestic violence

– Drunk driving

Strategies to End Demand-The Profiteers

• “Trafficking is a business. … We try to destroy the

market.” Thomas Ekman, Sweden

Strategies to End Demand-The Profiteers

• Investigate, arrest, prosecute traffickers & pimps

– and their associates –

Federal, State & Local Law


• End the tolerance of the illegal

sex trade in our communities

Strategies to End Demand-The Profiteers

• Permanently shut down brothels

Strategies to End Trafficking -The State

• Enforce existing anti-pimping laws – brothel keeping,

recruitment of women into prostitution, earning money

from prostitutes

Strategies to End Trafficking -The State

• Revise anti-pimping laws, increase penalties

• Pass easily enforceable anti-trafficking law

• Create seamless laws between anti-pimping and anti-

trafficking laws

Strategies to End Trafficking -The State

• Fund and develop services to victims –

foreign and U.S. citizens

– Shelters

– Specialized counseling programs

Human Rights Movement of Our Time

• Growing global human rights movement

against sex trafficking, pimping, and all

forms of sexual exploitation

– Human rights movement of our time

– Women’s rights movement of our time

Surviving Sexual Slavery

“It is no small achievement to

survive sexual slavery. Survivors

are split into pieces, fragmented,

broken, filled with despair, pain,

rage, and sorrow. We have been

hurt beyond belief … But we

endure. We survive …We stay

alive because we are women in

search of our lives; we are

women in search of freedom”

- Christine Grussendorf, 1997

Contact Details

Donna M. Hughes

Professor & Carlson Endowed Chair

316 Eleanor Roosevelt Hall

University of Rhode Island


[email protected]
