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SIMATIC Ident Optical identification SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual 08/2020 C79000-G8976-C495-04 Introduction 1 Welcome screen 2 Description of the WBM 3 Start page 4 Application 5 Settings 6 Device 7


Optical identification SIMATIC MV500

Operating Manual

08/2020 C79000-G8976-C495-04

Introduction 1

Welcome screen 2

Description of the WBM 3

Start page 4

Application 5

Settings 6

Device 7

Siemens AG Digital Industries Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG GERMANY

Ⓟ 07/2020 Subject to change

Copyright © Siemens AG 2018 - 2020. All rights reserved

Legal information Warning notice system

This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.

DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.


indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

CAUTION indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.


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Qualified Personnel The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.

Proper use of Siemens products Note the following:

WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

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Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 3

Table of contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................5 2 Welcome screen ..........................................................................................................................................7 3 Description of the WBM .............................................................................................................................9

3.1 Layout of the WBM ............................................................................................................................ 9 4 Start page ................................................................................................................................................. 15 5 Application ................................................................................................................................................ 17

5.1 EasyStart/Program .......................................................................................................................... 17 5.1.1 EasyStart ............................................................................................................................................ 17 5.1.2 Program .............................................................................................................................................. 18 5.1.3 "Sequence" program step ............................................................................................................... 24 Description ........................................................................................................................................ 24 Program sequence ........................................................................................................................... 24 5.1.4 "Overview" program step ................................................................................................................ 25 Auto-setup ......................................................................................................................................... 25 Description ........................................................................................................................................ 30 5.1.5 "Image acquisition" program step ................................................................................................ 30 Auto-setup ......................................................................................................................................... 30 Image .................................................................................................................................................. 31 E-focus ............................................................................................................................................... 34 Trigger ................................................................................................................................................ 35 Lighting .............................................................................................................................................. 40 Verification ........................................................................................................................................ 41 5.1.6 "Decoder" program step ................................................................................................................. 43 Auto-setup ......................................................................................................................................... 44 General ............................................................................................................................................... 45 Format ................................................................................................................................................ 48 Decoding order ................................................................................................................................. 65 Decoder .............................................................................................................................................. 68 Multicode ........................................................................................................................................... 69 Evaluation .......................................................................................................................................... 71 MATCH ............................................................................................................................................... 72 N_OK ................................................................................................................................................... 75 Decoder options (standard) ........................................................................................................... 76 Decoder options (ID Genius) ......................................................................................................... 79 Decoder options (1D) ...................................................................................................................... 80 5.1.7 "Locator" program step ................................................................................................................... 84 Auto-setup ......................................................................................................................................... 86 General ............................................................................................................................................... 86 Edit models ........................................................................................................................................ 88 Classification ..................................................................................................................................... 92 Detection ........................................................................................................................................... 93 Search conditions............................................................................................................................. 95 Recognition ........................................................................................................................................ 97

Table of contents

SIMATIC MV500 4 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 Positioning.......................................................................................................................................... 99 Filter .................................................................................................................................................... 99 MATCH............................................................................................................................................. 102 N_OK ................................................................................................................................................ 102 Format .............................................................................................................................................. 103 5.1.8 "Result" program step ................................................................................................................... 108 Program format text ...................................................................................................................... 108 Error messages .............................................................................................................................. 121 5.1.9 Image and result display .............................................................................................................. 127 5.1.10 Image and result view ................................................................................................................... 129

6 Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 135 6.1 Communication .............................................................................................................................. 135 6.1.1 Interfaces......................................................................................................................................... 135 6.1.2 Use .................................................................................................................................................... 143 6.1.3 Digital I/O ........................................................................................................................................ 149 6.2 Options ............................................................................................................................................. 151 6.2.1 Lighting ............................................................................................................................................ 151 6.2.2 Diagnostics & monitoring ............................................................................................................. 155 6.2.3 Extras ............................................................................................................................................... 160 6.3 Security ............................................................................................................................................ 169 6.4 User management ......................................................................................................................... 172

7 Device ...................................................................................................................................................... 175 7.1 Diagnostics ..................................................................................................................................... 175 7.2 System ............................................................................................................................................. 178 7.3 Adapt ................................................................................................................................................ 183 7.4 Help .................................................................................................................................................. 183

SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 5

Introduction 1

The MV500 optical readers are equipped with a Web server that provides Web Based Management (WBM). Using the WBM, you can configure your readers. Among other things, you can create reader-specific programs and program sequences and run diagnostics.


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SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 7

Welcome screen 2

After you have called the IP address of your optical reader, a welcome screen opens. This provides important information from the optical reader that can be integrated into numerous environments, since HTML5 is not required for this page.

Advantages • Independent of the operating system or the Web browser you are using. • Does not require Java Runtime on the visualization device. • Requires little memory and performance on the visualization device. • Can be integrated easily into existing applications.

Available HTML pages Once the connection to the reader has been successfully established, the WBM welcome screen appears:

Figure 2-1 Optical reader welcome screen

Welcome screen

SIMATIC MV500 8 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04

Welcome screen Shows current device information on: • Device reader revision level • Firmware version • Device/host name • Network information of the interfaces

Start page This menu item takes you to the Web Based Management (WBM) start page.

Live image Displays the images acquired by the optical reader in adjustment mode or processing mode. If the visualization device provides Java script support, the displayed image is automatically updated. With the displayed links, you can reach the other pages.

Monitoring Non-embedded display of the last image processed in processing mode with colored overlay showing the results of processing (ROIs and details view). Requires JavaScript support and Internet Explorer as of Version 8.

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Description of the WBM 3 3.1 Layout of the WBM

Using the WBM, you can configure the SIMATIC MV500 optical readers.

NOTICE Security recommendation: Enable user management After starting the WBM the first time, no user management is enabled. To make sure that no unauthorized persons can access the reader settings, we recommend that you enable the user management, create new user profiles and delete any existing default user profiles after starting the WBM for the first time. For additional information on logging in to WBM and creating/deleting user profiles, refer to the section "User management (Page 172)".

When you have created new user profiles you need to log in with one of these user profiles when you restart the WBM.

Description of the WBM 3.1 Layout of the WBM

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Layout of the WBM After successfully establishing a connection to the reader and switching to the start page, the WBM start window appears:

① Status bar and toolbar ② Menu tree ③ Main window

Figure 3-1 Start page of the WBM

Status bar and toolbar ① Above the main window, there is a status bar with the following information: • Display of the reader status and access status • Drop-down list for selecting the user interface language • Display of the user profile • Login drop-down list for login/logout on the WBM (only with active user

management) • Help A menu-specific toolbar may be located below the status bar and above the main window. The toolbar is only displayed in the "Application" and "Libraries" menus and has different functions depending on the menu. The toolbar and its individual functions are described at the start of each section related to the menu.

Description of the WBM 3.1 Layout of the WBM

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Reader status and access status The reader status shows the current status of the reader.

Table 3- 1 Reader status

Icon Description Start

The reader has the "Start" status. This means that the device is cur-rently in processing mode (RUN).


The reader has the "Stop" status. This means the device is currently neither in processing mode nor in productive mode. There is no opera-tion (STOP).


The reader has the "Edit" status. This means the device is currently in edit mode and changes can be made to the configuration.


The reader has the "Adapt" status. This means the device is currently in adaption mode. This mode is started either by the "READ" button or by the "Full program" function in the program step "Overview > Auto-adaption".

The access status shows the current status of the WBM.

Table 3- 2 Access status

Icon Description Red padlock

Operation is not possible in the "Read only" status because the WBM of another PC is currently in control of the optical reader.

Blue padlock

User management of the WBM is active.

Red/gray padlock

DISA is active. Only users that have the "Take control" right are capa-ble of taking over control of the optical reader from the controller.

Green padlock

The currently logged on user has taken control of the optical reader. During this time, the connected controller cannot access the optical reader.

Login area If user management ("Settings > User management") is switched on, you must log on in this area to be able to make changes in the WBM with your login.

Description of the WBM 3.1 Layout of the WBM

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Help You use the question mark symbol "?" to open the WBM online help. The help is context-sensitive. The corresponding help page for the menu in which you are currently working is called.

Menu tree ② The menu tree with the different menu items is located in the left margin of the WBM. The currently selected menu item is highlighted in color. The following table provides an overview of the menu items and the functions they provide.

Table 3- 3 The menu structure of the WBM

Menu items Functions Start page • Retrieving device and network information

• Starting/stopping processing mode of existing programs Application EasyStart/Program • Specifying and testing image acquisition settings, reader orientation and

processing tasks • Monitoring/controlling processing Note: "EasyStart" represents a simplified view of the "Program" menu. In this menu, important controls are highlighted and rarely required functions are hidden. For a full scope of functions, you need to select the menu item "Pro-gram".

Settings Communication Specifying communication settings

Options Specifying general device settings Security Assigning role-specific rights User management • Enabling/disabling user management

• Creating and deleting user profiles • Changing passwords

Device Diagnostics • Displaying and backing up diagnostic data from reader

• Creating system image including diagnostics • Treatment for persistent diagnostics

System • Resetting reader to factory settings • Saving/restoring device configuration • Updating the firmware • Saving/restoring custom GUI

Adapt Specifying settings for the WBM view

Description of the WBM 3.1 Layout of the WBM

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Menu items Functions Help • Further help on the WBM and the devices

• Readme • "Service & Support" contact information

If you are logged in to the WBM as a "User", some menu items can only be used with certain restrictions. You will find a list of the restrictions in the section "User management (Page 172)".

Main window ③ The main window shows the contents of the selected menu items. Here, you can configure the various menu-dependent parameters. The main window is divided up into three columns in the menu items "Application" and "Libraries".

Message area The message area displays all WBM-related error messages and warnings (e.g. transfer errors). If messages or warnings are present, they are displayed at the top of the main window. Note that the message area is only displayed on the start page of the WBM.

Description of the WBM 3.1 Layout of the WBM

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SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 15

Start page 4

The "Start page" menu contains device and network information as well as information on the installed internal ring light.

Table 4- 1 "Start page" menu groups

Group Description Reader This group shows the following device information:

• Product version • Article number • Serial number • Sensor resolution • MAC address • FPGA version • Firmware version • Licenses

Internal lamp Information about the built-in internal ring light is displayed in this group.

E-focus lens This group displays information about the built-in lens. Network This group displays network information about the Ethernet interfaces. Control You can start and stop the processing mode in this group.

If messages or warnings are present, they are displayed below the groups in the main window of the start page.

Table 4- 2 Reader status

Icon Description Start

The reader has the "Start" status. This means that the device is cur-rently in processing mode (RUN).


The reader has the "Stop" status. This means the device is currently neither in processing mode nor in productive mode. There is no opera-tion (STOP).

Button: Start automatic setup Using the "Start automatic setup" button, you can automatically adapt all relevant program settings. This function is identical to the function performed by the "READ" button on the optical reader.

Start page

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Automatic disconnection on inactivity Note that a timer runs in the background of the start page. After 5 minutes of inactivity, the connection to the reader is automatically terminated. This ensures that the connection to the reader is not blocked by an inactive user and is shared with other users. A few seconds before automatic disconnection, a dialog window appears informing the user of the upcoming disconnection. This function is only active on the start page and is automatically reset by operator input.

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Application 5 5.1 EasyStart/Program

5.1.1 EasyStart The "EasyStart" menu item represents a simplified view of the "Program" menu. In this menu, important controls are highlighted and rarely required parameters are hidden. This provides a better overview and greater ease of operation in standard applications. If the simplified view with reduced parameter selection is not sufficient for your purposes, you should select the "Program" menu item. During editing, you can switch easily between the menu items "EasyStart" and "Program" without changes being lost. The differences between the two menu items are described below.

Differences as compared to the "Program" menu item The "EasyStart" menu item differs from the "Program" menu item in the following ways: • Important controls are highlighted (e.g. "Save as" or "Edit program"). • Parameters/parameter groups that are rarely needed are hidden so that the scope of

functions is reduced to the following: – "Image acquisition" program step

Auto-setup, Image, E-focus, Trigger, Lighting – "Decoder" program step

Auto-setup, Format, Decoding order – "Locator" program step

Auto-setup, Locator light / Edit models, Classification, Search conditions, Filter, N_OK, Format

– "Result" program step Auto-setup, Program format text, Error messages

• The "Auto-setup" parameter group is also contained in the "Result" program step. • The "Auto-setup" parameter group cannot be collapsed. Only one other parameter

group can be expanded parallel to this. • When creating new programs, you can select a template on which the new program is

to be based. Due to the fact that the parameters of the "EasyStart" menu are identical to the parameters of the "Program" menu, but the "Program" menu contains more parameters,

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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only the "Program" menu is described below. You can find all relevant information for the "EasyStart" menu in this help document.

5.1.2 Program The "Program" menu gives you the option of setting the type of processing that the optical reader executes in one cycle. This task is the main task of the WBM and offers a wide range of options. These options enable you to adjust the optical reader to suit a wide range of reading tasks in line with your requirements. The "Program" menu includes the following functions: • Creating, editing, saving and deleting programs

Functions during program creation: – Image acquisition control functions – Selection of lighting – Configuration of reading tasks - divided into a sequence of max. 12 reading steps – Output formatting of results – Selecting a verification

• Program selection • Starting processing • Checking settings and results in processing mode

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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Structure of the "Program"/"EasyStart" menu

① "Program" toolbar ② Program steps & program-specific toolbar ③ Left-hand column: Parameter area ④ Center column: Image and result display ⑤ Right-hand column: Image and result view

Figure 5-1 Structure of the "Program" menu

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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Description of the toolbars

Table 5- 1 "Program" toolbar ①

Button Description Program sequence part of the toolbar 1) Sequence Select the program sequence you want to start. Save sequence

Click this button to save the selected program sequence ("Sequence" drop-down list).

Edit sequence

Click this button to edit the selected program sequence ("Sequence" drop-down list) or the selected program ("Program" drop-down list).

Start sequence

Click this button to start the selected program sequence ("Sequence" drop-down list).

Stop sequence

Click this button to stop the selected program sequence ("Sequence" drop-down list).

General part of the toolbar Program Select the program you want to start. New element

Click this button to create a new program. You can also create new programs based on existing programs (copy of "xx").

Save program

Click this button to save the selected program ("Program" drop-down list).

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 21

Button Description Save program as

Click this button to save the newly created program ("Program" drop-down list). • Number

In this text box, enter the program number under which you want to save the cur-rent program.

Value range: 1 ... 15 • Name

In this text box, enter the name under which you want to save the current settings and the program. This entry is optional.

Possible values: Letters, numbers and underscores. Maximum of 255 characters. • Comment

In this text box, you can enter your own program-specific information, for example. Among other things, this is intended to make it easier for you to identify the indi-vidual programs.

• Wait for next image acquisition

Select this check box when you do not want to save the current image but the next image.

• Save program as

Click this button to save the current settings and the program with the specified name.

• Discard

Click this button to discard the changes you have made since the program was saved last. If the program was newly created and has not been saved since, it will not be saved and will be lost.

• Cancel

Click this button to close the menu without applying the changes. Discard

Click this button to discard the change made to the selected program ("Program" drop-down list).

Delete program

Click this button to delete the selected program ("Program" drop-down list).

Edit program

Click this button to edit the selected program ("Program" drop-down list).

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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Button Description Start program

Click this button to start the selected program ("Program" drop-down list).

Stop program

Click this button to stop the selected program ("Program" drop-down list).

1) Note that the program sequence part of the toolbar is only shown when the "Program sequence" option was acti-vated under "Settings > Options > Extras > Program sequence". Showing the program sequence part has the ef-fect that individual buttons of the general part are hidden.

Automatic memory function in case of connection interruptions If a connection is lost, the last program changes made are temporarily buffered. This program is automatically displayed when the connection is re-established. The number after the program name "Modified" indicates which program was open and modified during the interrupted connection. You may wish to save these changes immediately, since the changes will be lost if the connection is terminated again or the program is changed.

Table 5- 2 Program steps & program-specific toolbar ②

Button Description Program sequence

Click this button to go to the "Program sequence" program step.


Click this button to go to the "Program" program step.

Image acquisition

Click this button to go to the "Image acquisition" program step.


Click this button to go to the "Decoder" program step.


Click this button to go to the "Locator" program step.


Click this button to go to the "Result" program step.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 23

Button Description Add decoder step

Use a drag-and-drop operation to move this button to the desired position to add an additional decoder step.

Add locator step

Use a drag-and-drop operation to move this button to the desired position to add an additional locator step.

Delete step

Use a drag-and-drop operation to drag the step you want to delete to the "Delete step" icon to delete the step.

Description of the page layout with three columns

Table 5- 3 Page layouts

Column Description Left-hand column Parameter area ③

The various program step-specific parameters are shown in this column.

Center column Image and result display ④

This column shows the image that was acquired last or the current image as well as the associated results Note: Identical for all program steps.

Right-hand column Image and result view ⑤

The settings for the image and result display are shown in this column. If the reader is in processing mode ("Start") or in Auto-setup, additional information is displayed. Note: Identical for all program steps.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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5.1.3 "Sequence" program step Note that this program step is only shown when the "Program sequence" option under "Settings > Options > Extras" has been enabled. You can combine multiple programs into one program sequence in this program step. Description

Table 5- 4 Description

Menu command or parameter


Sequence name In this input box, you can assign a name to the sequence. Possible values: Letters, numbers and ASCII special characters. Maximum of 255 characters.

Comment In this input box, you can enter your own sequence-specific information, for example. Among other things, this is intended to make it easier for you to identify the individual sequences. Possible values: Letters, numbers and ASCII special characters. Maximum of 4000 characters. Program sequence

Table 5- 5 Program sequence

Menu command or parameter

Possible values Default Description

Programs con-tained

1 ... x 1 Select the programs that the program sequence should use. You can select the programs with the left mouse button + Ctrl.

Use 1st image On / Off Off Turn on this parameter to use an image acquisi-tion with the acquisition settings of the first program sequence contained in the program. Using the acquired image, processing is at-tempted with all the programs selected in the "Programs contained" parameter. If the parameter is disabled, separate image acquisition is carried out for each program se-lected in the "Programs contained" parameter with the image acquisition settings stored in this program.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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5.1.4 "Overview" program step The program overview provides you with information about the currently selected program and you are given the option of having the parameters assigned automatically or making the settings manually. Auto-setup The Auto-setup functions assist you in the parameter assignment of a new or existing program. You have the option of having the parameters assigned automatically or making the settings manually.

Table 5- 6 Auto-setup

Menu command or parameter


Fast code type detection

You use this parameter to specify whether fast code type detection or com-plete code type detection should be performed when the "Full program" but-ton is pressed. You define the default setting for this parameter in the menu "Settings > Options > Extras > Operation on the device". • On: Code type detection is automatically performed for the following code

types if there are decoder steps in the source program: – DMC (with set decoder type) – Available 1D codes (except pharma code)

• Off: Complete code type detection for the following code types is per-formed for each decoder step: – DMC (with currently set decoder type) – PDF417 – Available 1D codes (except pharma code) – QR – DMC (with decoder type "ID-Genius", if not already done in step 1 and

compatible with other settings) Full program Automatically executes all adaption/program steps of the program. This may

take some time. Note This function is the same function that is triggered with the "READ" button on the reader. In contrast to the "READ" button, however, the setting is not saved automatically and the reader is not set to "RUN" status. After adaption is complete, the interface switches to the "Result" program step. The adaption progress is shown in the right-hand column of the WBM.

Step-by-step adaption

Guides you through the program settings step-by-step. You can follow this adaption through all adaption/program steps and either set the parameters manually or have them adapted automatically.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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Automatic adaption with the help of the "Full program" function The "Full program" function is similar to the function of the "READ" button. Both functions automatically adapt the reader, but differ in some points.

Requirements • To use the function, you need a code in the target area of the reader. Use the image

display to ensure that the code is located in the target area of the reader.

Default settings Before starting the "Full program" function, you can define some settings which are adopted by the automatic adaptation. These settings can shorten the duration of the function or disable unwanted options. You can specify the following settings in advance: • Fast code type detection • Set the lighting (flash or continuous light / "Image acquisition > Lighting") • Set number of codes to read ("Decoder > Multicode") • Define decoder steps for the codes to be expected • Define search ROIs for the codes to be expected

Function description When the function is started, the reader changes to "Adapt" status, automatically optimizes the various settings and adjusts the parameters accordingly. Automatic adaption goes through the following phases: 1. Structure analysis

In this phase, the image area defined by the exposure ROI is divided into subROIs if needed. The exposure and focus are set individually for each subROI. Finally, the 3 best results - subROIs with the best sharpness values - are selected and transferred to the next phase.

2. Decoding In this phase, a search for code is conducted in several cycles with different filters, sharpness values and exposures based on the result from the 1st phase. Cycles with different setting combinations are run until a code is recognized. As soon as a code is found in one of the cycles, the result is transferred to the next phase. Note: If coding is too slow, the 1st and 2nd phases are repeated, if necessary, in order to optimize the settings and achieve faster decoding.

3. Optimization In this phase, the focus and exposure are optimized again for the code type adopted from the 2nd phase and the specified settings. Finally, the various lamp settings and image enhancement procedures (filters) are performed again with these optimized settings to ensure that the best read quality is achieved with the filter used. The result of the best read quality is selected as the final result for this adaptation.

If automatic adaptation is started via the "READ" button of the reader, an alignment phase is performed before the structural analysis. In the alignment phase, you can also align the reader without the image display.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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When adaption is complete, the reader automatically switches to edit mode ("Edit"). Depending on the result of the adaptation, the following steps are performed: • NOK

The status display shows a message with detailed information and further instructions on the adaptation result and the possible causes for "NOK".

• OK The reader switches to the "Result" program step and enables formation of result. The status display shows a message with detailed information and further instructions on the adaptation result. The changes are applied to the currently selected program. To save these changes, you must manually save them in the desired target program.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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Description of the status display The following is an example of the auto-setup status display.

Overall progress This column displays the progress or current status of the automatic adapta-

tion. Alignment The alignment phase only occurs if you have started the adaptation using the

"READ" button. Structure analy-sis

This graph shows the distance values of the focus ( ), as well as the sharp-ness values ( ) for the individual subROIs. The meanings of the sharpness symbols are described in the following table. The information on the far left of the graph refers to the subROI at the top left, the information on the far right of the graph refers to the subROI at the bottom right. During the structural analysis, the corresponding subROIs are highlight-ed in the graph and in the image. When the structural analysis is finished, the subROI with the best read quality is highlighted in the graph.

Decoding In this column, you can see the step currently being run during the decoding phase of the adaptation. Once automatic adaptation is completed, you can check which settings were used in which cycle.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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Optimization In this column, you can see the step currently being run during the optimiza-tion phase of the adaptation. Once automatic adaption is completed, you can check the optimizations that have been made to the focus and exposure for the code type found. The quality graph displays the read qualities ("Overall quality") from the opti-mization phase. Move the mouse over the individual points of the graph to check which quality results were achieved in the optimization phase with which filter.

Note field Once automatic adaptation is completed, detailed information and further instructions on the achieved adaptation result are displayed in the note field.

Figure 5-2 Sample status display of an auto-setup

The symbols that appear in the auto-setup status display are described below.

Table 5- 7 Symbols of the status display and graphs

Icon Description

Indicates that this phase is in progress.

Indicates that this phase is still waiting to run.

Indicates that this phase has been disabled and will not be run.

Indicates that this phase has been successfully completed ("OK").

Indicates that this phase has not been successfully completed ("NOK").

Indicates that this phase was aborted with an error.

Structure analysis graph

Detailed information about the sharpness symbols : • 3-segment circle: One or more segments of the internal ring light were

used. – Blue: The main beam segment was switched on. – Yellow: The unpolarized light segment was on. – Red: The polarized light segment was on.

• White circle: An external lamp was used. • Black circle: No lamp was used.

Quality graph Detailed information on the read quality ("Overall quality"): • Green: Good • Yellow: Sufficient • Red: Bad

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

SIMATIC MV500 30 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 Description

Table 5- 8 Description

Menu command or parameter


Program name In this input box, you can assign a name to the program. Possible values: Letters, numbers and ASCII special characters. Maximum of 255 characters.

Comment In this input box, you can enter your own program-specific information, for example. Among other things, this is intended to make it easier for you to identify the individual programs. Possible values: Letters, numbers and ASCII special characters. Maximum of 4000 characters.

5.1.5 "Image acquisition" program step You start setting up the reader in this program step and make all settings that have an effect on the image acquisition. This includes the following settings, among others: • Auto-setup • Image • E-focus • Trigger • Lighting • Verification Auto-setup The Auto-setup functions assist you in the parameter assignment of a new or existing program. You have the option of having the parameters assigned automatically or making the settings manually. In this area, you can use the 2 buttons to have the WBM automatically make the basic settings and set the basic orientation of the reader.

Table 5- 9 Auto-setup

Button Description Light You use this button to automatically adapt the settings of the "Image" and "Light-

ing" areas. Focus You use this button to adjust the focus ("Focus" area)

You use the "Back" and "Next" buttons to either return to the previous program step or switch to the next program step.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 31 Image In this group, you enter the parameters for image acquisition.

Table 5- 10 Image

Parameter Possible values Default Description

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Exposure • Auto V1

• Auto V2 • Manual

Auto V2 Setting the exposure control: • Auto

With this setting, each processing operation is preced-ed by a series of image acquisitions so that the reader can set the optimum brightness.

Position the Region of Interest (ROI exposure) of the image so that the image area to be processed is in-cluded. Exposure control is then based on this ROI.

To enable optimal operation of the brightness control, the object to be processed must remain inside the ROI after the trigger until exposure control is finished. The processing time increases accordingly; the cycle time and the upper limit of the cycle time include this in-crease in the processing time. To avoid reflections, use a restricted ROI in this case.

Set a high limit for the exposure time and brightness in this setting. Depending on your application it maybe necessary to specify a high limit for the exposure time, for example, to prevent excessive blurring due to movement.

The "A" button is hidden.

The recommendation is to use "Auto V2" because this is an improved version of "Auto V1". "Auto V1" is only contained for compatibility reasons and must be used in connection with programs that were created with "Auto V1".

• Manual

With this setting, you specify the exposure time and brightness manually. This allows you to set the expo-sure according to your own experience in conditions when the automatic function might fail.

This setting is necessary for short image acquisition times, for example at high reading speeds.

When you click the "A" button, you trigger a single adaption. The reader calculates suitable values for the exposure time and brightness. With this as a basis, you can then fine tune the settings.

Note If the trigger comes during the image acquisition when automatic exposure control is active, it is ignored and an "N_OK" is output. Read the note on the use of the exposure ROI with verifi-cation according to ISO/IEC 29158.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description High sensitivity • Off

• On

Off The "On" setting increases the light sensitivity by a factor of 4 compared to the "Off" setting. This setting therefore is especially useful for applications with high movement speeds or poor lighting conditions. The increased light sensitivity causes a greater pixel noise compared to normal sensitivity.

(Max.) Exposure time

• 1 ... 10 000 µs • 4 ... 10 000 µs

-- (High limit for the) Shutter time of the sensor Depending on the value set under "Exposure", you specify the exposure time or the maximum exposure time. The adjustable value range of the exposure time depends on the ring light used and the selected mode ("Image acquisi-tion > Lighting"). If no ring light is used, the maximum value is 14000 µs. If objects are moving quickly or if there is oscillation, select short times to avoid a "shaky image".

(Max.) Bright-ness

10 ... 750 -- (High limit for the) Brightness Depending on the value set under "Exposure", you specify the brightness or the maximum brightness. The value specified here has an effect on the values of the "Image acquisition > Trigger" group. Higher values result in a brighter image and better con-trast. If the cells are very small, however, the noise in the image must be taken into account as a disturbance factor.

Trigger delay 0 ... 10 000 ms 0 The trigger signal is delayed by the specified time. Note If the feed speeds are variable, the use of a trigger delay changes the position of the object in the image in a man-ner that can lead to read errors when the image section is exited. The trigger delay is disabled in image acquisition mode "Auto-trigger". The value set here is ignored.

Table 5- 11 Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Parameter Dependency


Auto (V1, V2) Program > Image acquisition Automatic exposure control can be selected only: Can only be set if no verification reference is selected.

"A" button Program > Image acquisition The "A" button only works: • When exposure is "Manual". • When no verification reference is selected or the

"From reference" check box is cleared. Max. exposure time Max. brightness

Program > Image acquisition Can only be set if no verification reference is selected.

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Parameter Dependency


Max. exposure time • Program > Image (Exposure)

• Program > Trigger (Modus, Cycle time limit, Acquisi-tion interval)

• Program > Lighting

Changes to this parameter may have an effect on the parameters of other parameter groups. After changes to this parameter, check the parameter values of the dependent parameter groups.

Exposure time, Brightness

Program > Image acquisition Can only be set if no verification reference is selected. E-focus You can make the manual E-focus settings in this group.

Table 5- 12 E-focus

Parameter Possible values Default Description Focus • Float

• Manual

-- Selection of focus setting. The default setting depends on the connected lens type. • Float

This value can only be selected when an electro-focus lens (EF lens) is used.

This parameter checks the image focus for every image acquisition and, if the image focus is worsening (as compared to the last acquisition), automatically adapts the focus value.

• Manual

When a mini or FF lens is used, only this value can be selected.

When this parameter is selected, the focus is set man-ually.

Relative operat-ing distance

10.00 ... 100.00% 85,00 % When you use an electro-focus lens (EF lens), you can use this parameter to manually set the operating distance between the reader and the object it has to read. The greater the object distance, the higher the value specified here must be. The automatic determination can be started via the "Auto-setup" group. The value set depends, among other things, on the screw-in depth of the lens and the LED color.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 35 Trigger There are three different ways of controlling image acquisitions and processing procedures: • Individual trigger • Auto-trigger • Scan

Individual trigger With the setting "Individual trigger", one image is acquired per trigger followed by one read. If several objects need to be acquired in a very short time (bulk), acquired images can be buffered before they are processed.

Table 5- 13 Options if "Individual trigger" is selected

Parameter Possible values Default Description Cycle time limit Minimum image ac-

quisition interval (+ minimum decoding time + minimum veri-fication time) 19 ... 100 000 ms

2 000 / 5 000 ms 1)

Here, you enter the high limit for the processing time. The time is measured from the triggering of a read to the point at which the corresponding read result is available. In "Program sequence" mode, the cycle time limit is ap-plied separately for each program.

Image buffer 1 … 50 1 Determines the number of acquired images to be buff-ered. The processing of the images can then take place at a later time than image acquisition. The image buffer can also be used in "Program se-quence" mode. The image buffer is distributed evenly over the various programs of the program sequence. Note The maximum value depends on the firmware used.

1) Depending on the connected device variant

Table 5- 14 Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Parameter Dependency


Cycle time limit • Program > Image (Exposure, Max. exposure time)

• Program > Trigger (Mode)

• Program > Lighting • Program > Verification

(Time limit)

Changes to this parameter may have an effect on the parameters of other parameter groups. After changes to this parameter, check the parameter values of the dependent parameter groups.

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Table 5- 15 Options if "Auto-trigger" is selected

Parameter Possible values Default Description Acquisition interval Larger of the two

values "minimum image acquisition interval" and "mini-mum decoding time" 15 ... 100 000 ms

1 000 ms Here, you enter the interval at which independent acqui-sition of the images is repeated. This is also the time you allow the reader for reading (decoding time). If the selected interval is too short, e.g. with poor marking quality, no reading takes place. In this case, increase the time and test the reading again.

Initial trigger On / Off Off When this option is enabled, the reader waits for an ex-ternal trigger that starts the Auto-trigger. This can be useful to help reduce energy costs. The auto-trigger is stopped as soon as a code is recog-nized.

Edge-triggered start/stop

On / Off Off The attempt to read is ended either by a successful read or by a negative edge after the timeout. If reading is aborted by a negative edge, the "N_OK" result is output. Requirement: "Initial trigger" = "On" and "Trigger source" = "DI/DQ" or "PROFINET".

Timeout 0.0 … 600.0 s 5.0 s The read attempt is ended either by a successful read or at the latest after a timeout. If reading is aborted due to a timeout, the "N_OK" result is output. Setting 0.0 s only makes sense when "Edge triggered start/stop" is enabled and reading needs to be stopped immediately with a negative edge. Requirement: "Initial trigger" = "On"

Recognize double reads

0 … 50 1 The result buffer is used to avoid multiple output of re-sults. • 0: Each read code is output (again) with each read. • 1: If the content of the code that is currently in the

image matches the last code read, the code is not output again. if the content of the code has changed, the next output is made.

• n: As 1, but the last n different code contents are stored and compared before output.

Buffer deleted if absent

On / Off Off Valid only when initial trigger is disabled. The buffer is deleted as soon as there is no readable code in the im-age. If the code moved out of the image in the meantime, it is possible to read the same code multiple times using the "Auto trigger" function. Note When an image acquisition interval that is too short is selected, unintended double readings may occur.

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Table 5- 16 Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Parameter Dependency


Acquisition interval • Program > Image (Exposure, Max. exposure time)

• Program > Trigger (Mode)

• Program > Lighting • Program > Verification

(Time limit)

Changes to this parameter may have an effect on the parameters of other parameter groups. After changes to this parameter, check the parameter values of the dependent parameter groups.

Scan With this setting, you can use the reader to scan a code on an object, for example, on a rotating shaft. In contrast to the "Auto-trigger" option, a number of images can be buffered and processed later. This may result in long processing times. Example: very poor marking. One code is read per trigger signal. The code must be fully visible in one of the acquired images. If a code cannot be decoded in any of the acquired images, an "N_OK" read is output.

Table 5- 17 Options if "Scan" is selected

Parameter Possible values Default Description Acquisition inter-val

Minimum image ac-quisition interval 15 ... 100 000 ms

1 000 ms Here, you enter the interval at which independent acqui-sition of the images is repeated.

Decoding time limit

Minimum decoding time 7 … 100 000 ms

500 ms Corresponds to the maximum time available to the reader for a read per image acquisition.

Number of ac-quired images

1 … 50 10 Here, you enter the number of acquired images neces-sary to identify the object fully.

Edge-triggered start/stop

On / Off Off If enabled, the image acquisition series is ended on a negative (falling) edge before the configured number of images has been acquired.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Result output • First read result

• Best read result • All read results

First read result

Selection of which read result is output. • First read result:

The programs contained in the program sequence are processed one after the other. Following the first suc-cessful processing procedure, processing is stopped and the result is output.

• Best read result: The programs contained in the program sequence are processed one after the other. All successful pro-cessing procedures are compared with each other. Once all processing procedures are completed, the best read result is output.

• All read results: The programs contained in the program sequence are processed one after the other. The result is output for each program.

Restriction: This setting is not supported in PROFINET mode with Ident profile or during operation using a CM.

Quality criterion • Overall quality • Symbol contrast • Axial non-

uniformity • Unused error cor-

rection • L/F border viola-

tion • Minimum reflec-


Overall quali-ty

When selecting result output: "Best read result", set the comparison criterion. The "Quality" of a result is evaluat-ed based on the comparison criterion. Note Only the "Overall quality" selection is valid for all code types and verification standards. If you want to use a different quality criterion, make sure that this criterion is calculated with the selected settings. If a result is compared in processing mode that does not provide the selected quality, the setting changes to the overall quality, which can lead to unexpected results.

Table 5- 18 Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Parameter Dependency


Acquisition interval • Program > Image (Exposure, Max. exposure time)

• Program > Trigger (Mode)

• Program > Lighting • Program > Verification

(Time limit)

Changes to this parameter may have an effect on the parameters of other parameter groups. After changes to this parameter, check the parameter values of the dependent parameter groups.

Decoding time limit

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Minimum values for image acquisition, decoding and verification

Note Specifying the acquisition interval According to the sampling theorem, the acquisition interval should be selected so that the code to be read can be decoded mathematically with two acquired images.

Note Factors influencing the cycle time limit and the acquisition interval The actually achievable values depend on the following factors: • Duty cycle of the ring light / lamp used • Operating mode of the ring light / lamp used ("Flash" or "Permanent light") • Number of activated lamp segments ("Polarized", "Main beam", "Unpolarized") • Exposure mode ("Auto" or "Manual") • (Max.) Exposure time The WBM shows the actual high and low limits for each of the parameters affected by this. For fast applications in "Flash" operating mode, use the setting "Image acquisition > Image > Exposure > Manual".

Table 5- 19 Values for the minimum image acquisition interval

MV500 S models MV500 H models MV500 U models MV500 X models "Manual" exposure 12 ms 15 ms 16 ms 30 ms "Auto V1" exposure 44 ms 54 ms 60 ms 116 ms "Auto V2" exposure 50 ms 61 ms 68 ms 132 ms

Table 5- 20 Values for the minimum decoding time

Decoder Decoding time ID-Genius decoder, QR, PDF417 30 ms Standard decoder, DotCode, all bar codes 7 ms

Table 5- 21 Values for the minimum verification time

Verification standard Verification time Uncalibrated 0 ms ISO/IEC 16022, ISO/IEC 15415, ISO/IEC 15416, AS9132 A, Siemens DPM verification

5 ms

ISO/IEC 29158 10 ms

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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Table 5- 22 Lighting

Parameter Possible values Default Description Lamp • Internal

• External


Choose the lamp with which you want to work. If you subsequently change the parameters of a selected lamp or connect a different lamp, pro-grams that use these lamps (internally or exter-nally) are marked as non-executable. You must save the relevant program again. Notes You define which internal and/or external lamp is connected in the "Lighting" group of the "Op-tions" menu.

Product name Depends on the option selected under "Lamp"

Depends on the option selected under "Lamp"

The product name of the selected lamp is dis-played.

Operation • Flash • Permanent light • Off

Depends on the option selected under "Lamp"

Depending on the lamp used, you can select the desired operating mode in which to operate the lamp. For lamps that support only one of the two modes, the setting is fixed.

Polarized On / Off On This parameter can be enabled when using an attachment with polarization filter. By activating this parameter, the polarized LEDs on the top are switched on. Use the parameter to reduce reflections on very shiny surfaces.

Main beam lamp On / Off On This parameter must be switched on when us-ing a main beam lamp. Enabling this parameter switches on the external LEDs. Use these parameters to increase the bright-ness of the lighting.

Unpolarized On / Off On Turn on this parameter to use an unpolarized light. By activating this parameter, the unpolar-ized LEDs on the bottom are switched on. Use these parameters to increase the bright-ness of the lighting.

Note Trigger pulses are ignored while image is being acquired Trigger pulses arriving while the image is being acquired are ignored because the pulses cannot be processed. In this case, no (further) image acquisition is started. Instead, image acquisition and processing are continued and an "N_OK" result (Trigger during image acquisition) is generated immediately upon completion.

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Table 5- 23 Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Parameter Dependency


Auto-trigger, Scan Options > Extras "Auto trigger" and "Scan" are not possible when "Use" is enabled for the program sequence. Verification Select a calibration from the verification library in the reference drop-down list. This way, you preset the exposure options for image acquisition and define the code verification standard for the decoder steps in the program.

Note Verification requirements For verification, you need the Veri-Genius license.

NOTICE Verification of damaged or very difficult-to-read codes Note that codes that are only readable using the options in the menu "Decoder > Decoder options (Standard/1D)" are not suitable for quality evaluation (Verification). The recommendation is to disable these options when verification is performed at the same time. If you choose the setting "Saved" instead of "Dynamic" in the advanced settings for verification and reading of data matrix codes (DMC), the quality evaluation can be stabilized. Make sure the saved criterion actually applies to all codes to be read.

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Table 5- 24 Verification

Parameter Possible values Default Description Reference • Uncalibrated

• Created calibra-tions

Uncalibrated When selecting a calibration, the exposure settings deter-mined by the reader during calibration setup are used. In this way, standard-compliant exposure is achieved. In this case, all parameters of the "Settings" group are grayed out.

From reference 1)

☐ / ☑ • If reference is "Uncalibrat-ed": Disabled

• If reference is selected: Enabled

• If the exposure settings for the reading task stored in the calibration are not suitable, you can configure the exposure manually.

• If you clear the check box, the parameters in the "Set-tings" group can be edited again.

Note • If you change the exposure settings, the verification

performed no longer conforms to the standards. • For the result output, use the output of the verification

settings (%v) to document the exposure settings used. The verification type (%Qt) is provided for lighting that does not comply with the standard with a letter (B to G) instead of a number (1 to 6).

Note The verification standard ISO/IEC 29158 uses automatic exposure control, in contrast to all other verifications. Automatic exposure control is used with an algorithm optimized for the code to be verified. Switching the exposure control to "manual" is only possi-ble when you disable the "From reference" option. Howev-er, the verification no longer conforms to the standards in this case. Note If you clear this check box when using a verification refer-ence with the ISO/IEC 29158 standard, the valid range for the average gray scale value ("Mean Light") defined in the standard is not checked. Clearing this check box prevents the occurrence of verification errors 4707 to 4709 "Mean light out of range". However, the verification no longer conforms to the standards in this case.

Time limit 100 ... 50 000 ms 5 000 ms Time available for the automatic exposure control accord-ing to ISO/IEC 29158. Note The occurrence of verification errors 4709 and 4708 indi-cates that the value is too low. Only active when using an ISO/IEC 29158 verification reference.

1) The "From reference" parameter is only visible if a verification reference has been selected.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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5.1.6 "Decoder" program step You define the following settings in this program step: • The decoding method you work with. • The code types to be read. • The format in which the read result is output. • The decoder type you are using. • The criteria by which the comparison with a specification was successful. • The conditions under which the code did not meet the quality expectations, and the

overall result of the program may be "N_OK". • You limit the Region of Interest (ROI) in the image display: Pull the rectangle with the

mouse. – Whether the ROI follows the result of a preceding step. – Whether one or more codes are read in the ROI.

Note Multicode • Cell size of the codes must not vary greatly

For successful processing, the cell size of the codes that occur must not vary greatly when using the "Multicode" option.

• Polarity must be uniform Several barcodes, including barcodes of different types, can be decoded in a single step. However, this only works when all barcodes have the same polarity (black on white or white on black). Barcodes of mixed polarity can be read in a program using two "Read code" steps.

Note ROI position • "Follow x" is not executed with enabled formation of result

When formation of result is enabled, the "Follow x" function is not executed. The ROI positions remain fixed in this mode.

• "Follow step x" functions only for a unique result position of the reference The step serving as reference for the ROI position must generate a unique result position for error-free functioning. If the reference step processes multiple codes or multiple object instances, a unique result position is not generated. In this case, the instance or the code with the poorest quality serves as the reference position. Error-free functioning is not ensured.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

SIMATIC MV500 44 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 Auto-setup The Auto-setup functions assist you in the parameter assignment of a new or existing program. You have the option of having the parameters assigned automatically or making the settings manually. Using the button in this area, you can start an automatic search for machine-readable codes.

Table 5- 25 Auto-setup

Button Description Code type Using this button, you can start an automatic search for machine-readable codes.

If a code is detected, the decoding order is adjusted so that you can read the code type found. For this, the detected code type is entered in the decoding order, and existing entries are removed from the decoding order. The search process can take a few seconds. You use the "Back" and "Next" buttons to either return to the previous program step or switch to the next program step.

Notes on the different code types

Note Code 32 The "Code 32" code type is a subtype of the "Code 39" code type and cannot be discriminated from "Code 39" based on the printed image. "Code 32" is therefore recognized as "Code 39" when the "Recognize code type" function is used. Pharmacode Ensure that pharmacodes are oriented correctly. Readers cannot identify the orientation/rotational position of a pharmacode. If pharmacodes are rotated by 180°, this will result in incorrect read results. Code 39+CS / Int. 2/5+CS The code types "Code 39" and "Interleaved 2/5" support an optional checksum in the last character of the code. • It is not possible to identify from the printed image whether or not a checksum is

used. • If you use a checksum, manually switch to the code type "Code 39 + CS" or "Int.


Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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Table 5- 26 General

Parameter Possible values Default Description Step name -- Decoder In this text box, enter the name of the currently

selected decoder step. Possible values: Letters, numbers, underscores, spaces, parentheses, punctuation marks and other special characters (ASCII range 32...127). Maxi-mum of 255 characters.

ROI position • Fix • Follow step x

Fix • Fix

The ROI position remains unchanged as set here:

The "Follow step x" entries are available from the second step and refer to the processing steps before the step that is currently being edited.

• Follow step x

The ROI position follows the shift of the read result of step x during processing. Only a translational shift takes place, no rotary track-ing.

Verification • Uncalibrated • Calibrated

-- Display of the verification which was specified in the "Verification" group of the "Image acquisition" program step. Click on the "Change" link to change the verifica-tion. This automatically calls the "Image acquisi-tion" program step in which you can change the verification.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Improve image On / Off Off By enabling this function, you activate additional

image enhancement methods for the image to be processed. • MED:3:3

Median filtering, suppresses image noise. • NRM

Histogram normalization, improves reading of text with poor contrast. Performs normalization of the gray values. This function requires no parameters.


Histogram equalization, improves reading of text with very poor contrast. Performs an equal distribution of the gray values. If the images have a good contrast, this can lead to unwant-ed intensification of image noise. This function requires no parameters.


Refers to the dark image components. Reduces the dot width (signal erosion of X pixels in the x-direction and Y pixels in the y-direction).


Refers to the dark image components. Increases the dot width and connects printing dots, e.g., for inkjet (signal dilation of X pixels in the x-direction and Y pixels in the y-direction).

X, Y, 1 to 7 in each case, whereby at least one of the two must be > 1.


Sobel operator, finds and intensifies edges (large changes in brightness). The following combinations are possible for the X:Y values: 1:3 (only vertical edges), 3:1 (only horizontal edges), and 3:3 (all edges).


MAV ≙ Moving Average; moving average. Sup-presses image noise. The intensity of the ef-fect can be varied using parameters X and Y. The value range for X and Y is 1 to 7 pixels in each case. The filter calculates a moving aver-age of the pixel values in a rectangular win-dow. The width and height of the window are specified by parameters X and Y.


Overexposure filter. Increases image bright-ness to hide disturbances in the image back-ground. "W" can have a value between 1 and 99 and determines the strength of an effect.

You can specify the image filters in any order and

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Uncalibrated quality (DMC) according to:

• ISO/IEC 16022 • ISO/IEC 29158

ISO/IEC 16022 • ISO/IEC 16022

Uncalibrated verification of data matrix codes is carried out according to ISO/IEC 16022.

• ISO/IEC 29158

Uncalibrated verification of data matrix codes is carried out according to ISO/IEC 29158.

Evaluate symbol contrast

☐ / ☑ ☐ If this check box is selected, the symbol contrast is used for the overall quality. Requirements: "Uncalibrated quality (DMC) ac-cording to= ISO/IEC 29158" and the mean gray value (CML) is between 179 and 219.

Output calibrated size in:

• mil • mm • Pixel (px)

mil Selection of the unit for the cell size output. The unit selected here is used exclusively for output in the user interface. In order to output the cell size in the read result in [mm] and/or pixels, the corre-sponding formatting information (q34, q35) must be used.

Output symbology identification

☐ / ☑ ☐ If this check box is selected, the GS1 symbology identifier is output as prefix of the code content during decoding for all code types that support the GS1 standard, even if the code was not coded according to GS1. If this check box is cleared, the GS1 symbology identifier is output as prefix of the code content during decoding only for codes that were coded according to the GS1 standard.

Note Best possible processing results under difficult reading conditions Under difficult reading conditions (for example, with oil-smeared or needle-punched codes), use the correct dimension when saving the codes. This achieves the best possible processing results.

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Table 5- 27 Format

Parameter Possible values Default Description Filter • Off

• Position • ID • GS1

Off In this field, you specify whether and how the result string or filtered partial texts, quality values, positions, etc. of this processing step are to be formatted. • Off

No character in the read codes is suppressed. Nor are any characters added.

• Position Only part of the string of the read codes is tak-en into account. You specify its properties in the "Start position" and "Length" input boxes.

• ID Only parts of the string of the read codes are taken into account. You specify which sub-strings are taken into account and in which or-der they are output in the "Separators" and "Filter ID" input boxes.

• GS1 Only parts of the string of the read codes are taken into account. You specify which sub-strings are taken into account and in which or-der they are output in the "Filter ID" input box. Note This setting only makes sense for codes with data in GS1 format. For other codes, the filter result is always empty with this setting.

Different input boxes are displayed, depending on the set value. These are described below.

Format text see "Format text" input box

%s With this parameter, you can specify the content and the format of the string to be output.

Multicode format text

like "Format text" input box

%s With this parameter, you specify how the overall result of a read of multiple codes is formatted. The formatting instruction "%s" (filtered result string) refers to the already formatted individual results in this case. Note The multicode format text is used only when the "Number of codes" check box is selected in the "Multicode" group.

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"Filter" parameter Different input boxes are displayed, depending on the set value. These are described below.

"Filter = Position": "Start position" and "Length" input boxes These two input boxes are enabled when you select the value "Position" in the "Filter" drop-down list. You decide the properties of the substring to be included: The substring consists of as many characters as you specify in the "Length" input box and starts at the character with the number you set in the "Start position" input box.

Table 5- 28 "Start position" and "Length" input boxes

Menu command or parameter

Value range Default Description

Start position 1 ... 3 000 1 Index of the first character of the substring Length 1 ... 2 048 1 Length of the substring

Example: Read code = 1PABCDEF, Start position = 3, Length = 2 The output is: QB

"Filter = ID": "Separators" and "Filter ID" input boxes These two input boxes are enabled when you select the value "ID" in the "Filter" drop-down list. For the selection "GS1", see input box "Filter ID". In the "Filter ID" input box, you enter one or more IDs separated by one (and one only) of the separators of the "Separators" input box. For each ID contained in "Filter ID", an attempt is made to form a substring from the read code according to the following rules: • The substring start is identified by the ID. If several substrings are identified by the

ID, only the first one is used. • The ID can be at the beginning of the read code or immediately following one of the

separators in the "Separators" box. • The substring extends as far as the next separator from the "Separators" input box or

to the end of the code if there are no separators from the "Separators" box. The substrings found are then put together in the order in which the IDs occur in "Filter ID". They are separated by the same separator as the corresponding IDs in "Filter ID". Max. 4 separators are supported. Example: Read code = A+1P01234+1R01235-1Q01236; Separators = +-/_; FILTER-ID = 1P_1Q/1R The output is: 01234_01236/01235

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"Filter = GS1": "Filter ID" input box This input box is active when you select the value "GS1" in the "Filter" drop-down list. For the selection "ID", see the "Separators" and "Filter ID" input boxes. Here, you enter any string with placeholders. Placeholders consists of two backslashes "\\" and a 2-digit to 4-digit number that indicates the corresponding "GS1 Application Identifier". You can find the list of "Application Identifiers" defined by GS1 in the table below.

Table 5- 29 Full list of GS1 application identifiers in numerical order

AI Data Content Format* 00 SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) n2+n18 01 Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) n2+n14 02 GTIN of Contained Trade Items n2+n14 10 Batch or Lot Number n2+X..20 11 (**) Production Date (YYMMDD) n2+n6 12 (**) Due Date (YYMMDD) n2+n6 13 (**) Packaging Date (YYMMDD) n2+n6 15 (**) Best Before Date (YYMMDD) n2+n6 16 (**) Sell by date (YYMMDD) n2+n6 17 (**) Expiration Date (YYMMDD) n2+n6 20 Variant Number n2+n2 21 Serial Number n2+X..20 22 Secondary Data Fields n2+X..29 235 Third Party Controlled, Serialised Extension of GTIN (TPX) n3+X..28 240 Additional Item Identification n3+X..30 241 Customer Part Number n3+X..30 242 Made-to-Order Variation Number n2+n…6 243 Packaging component number n3+X..20 250 Secondary Serial Number n3+X..30 251 Reference to Source Entity n3+X..30 253 Global Document Type Identifier (GDTI) n3+n13+n..17 254 GLN Extension Component n3+X..20 30 Count of Items (Variable Measure Trade Item) n2+n..8 310 (***) Net weight, kilograms (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6 311 (***) Length of first dimension, metres

(Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6

312 (***) Width, diametre, or second dimension, metres (Variable Measure Trade Item)


313 (***) Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension, metres (Variable Meas-ure Trade Item)


314 (***) Area, square metres (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6 315 (***) Net volume, litres (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6 316 (***) Net volume, cubic metres (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6 320 (***) Net weight, pounds (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6

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AI Data Content Format* 321 (***) Length or first dimension, inches

(Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6

322 (***) Length or first dimension, feet (Variable Measure Trade Item)


323 (***) Length or first dimension, yards (Variable Measure Trade Item)


324 (***) Width, diametre, or second dimension, inches (Variable Measure Trade Item)


325 (***) Width, diametre, or second dimension, feet (Variable Measure Trade Item)


326 (***) Width, diametre, or second dimension, yards (Variable Measure Trade Item)


327 (***) Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension, inches (Variable Meas-ure Trade Item)


328 (***) Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension, feet (Variable Measure Trade Item)


329 (***) Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension, yards (Variable Meas-ure Trade Item)


330 (***) Logistic weight, kilograms n4+n6 331 (***) Length or first dimension, metres n4+n6 332 (***) Width, diameter, or second dimension, metres n4+n6 333 (***) Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension, metres n4+n6 334 (***) Area, square metres n4+n6 335 (***) Logistic volume, litres n4+n6 336 (***) Logistic volume, cubic litres n4+n6 337 (***) Kilograms per square metre n4+n6 340 (***) Logistic weight, pounds n4+n6 341 (***) Length or first dimension, inches n4+n6 342 (***) Length or first dimension, feet n4+n6 343 (***) Length or first dimension, yards n4+n6 344 (***) Width, diametre, or second dimension n4+n6 345 (***) Width, diametre, or second dimension n4+n6 346 (***) Width, diameter, or second dimension n4+n6 347 (***) Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension n4+n6 348 (***) Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension n4+n6 349 (***) Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension n4+n6 350 (***) Area, square inches (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6 351 (***) Area, square feet (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6 352 (***) Area, square yards (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6 353 (***) Area, square inches n4+n6 354 (***) Area, square feet n4+n6 355 (***) Area, square yards n4+n6 356 (***) Net weight, troy ounces (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6 357 (***) Net weight (or volume), ounces

(Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6

360 (***) Net volume, quarts (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6

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AI Data Content Format* 361 (***) Net volume, gallons U.S. (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6 362 (***) Logistic volume, quarts n4+n6 363 (***) Logistic volume, gallons U.S. n4+n6 364 (***) Net volume, cubic inches (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6 365 (***) Net volume, cubic feet (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6 366 (***) Net volume, cubic yards (Variable Measure Trade Item) n4+n6 367 (***) Logistic volume, cubic inches n4+n6 368 (***) Logistic volume, cubic feet n4+n6 369 (***) Logistic volume, cubic yards n4+n6 37 Count of Trade Items n2+n..8 390 (***) Applicable Amount Payable, local currency n4+n..15 391 (***) Applicable Amount Payable with ISO Currency Code n4+n3+n..15 392 (***) Applicable Amount Payable, single monetary area (Variable Measure

Trade Item) n4+n..15

393 (***) Applicable Amount Payable with ISO Currency Code (Variable Meas-ure Trade Item)


394 Percentage discount of a coupon n4+n4 400 Customer's Purchase Order Number n3+x..30 401 Consignment Number n3+x..30 402 Shipment Identification Number n3+n17 403 Routing Code n3+x..30 410 Ship to - Deliver to Global Location Number n3+n13 411 Bill to - Invoice to Global Location Number n3+n13 412 Purchased from Global Location Number n3+n13 413 Ship for - Deliver for - Forward to Global Location Number n3+n13 414 Identification of a Physical Location - Global Location Number n3+n13 415 Global Location Number of the Invoicing Party n3+n13 416 Global Location Number of the production or service location n3+n13 417 Party Global Location Number n3+n13 420 Ship to - Deliver to Postal Code Within a Single Postal Authority n3+X..20 421 Ship to - Deliver to Postal Code with ISO Country Code n3+n3+X..9 422 Country of Origin of a Trade Item n3+n3 423 Country of Initial Processing n3+n3+n..12 424 Country of Processing n3+n3 425 Country of Disassembly n3+n3 426 Country Covering full Process Chain n3+n3 427 Country subdivision of origin n3+X..3 710 National Healthcare Reiumbursement Number (NRHN) - Germany

PZN n3+X..20

711 National Healthcare Reiumbursement Number (NRHN) - France CIP n3+X..20 712 National Healthcare Reiumbursement Number (NRHN) - Spain ZN n3+X..20 713 National Healthcare Reiumbursement Number (NRHN) - Brasil DRN n3+X..20 714 National Healthcare Reiumbursement Number (NRHN) - Portugal

AIM n3+X..20

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AI Data Content Format* 7001 NATO Stock Number (NSN) n4+n13 7002 UN/ECE Meat Carcasses and Cuts Classification n4+X..30 7003 Expiration Date and Time n4+n12 7004 Active potency n4+n..4 7005 Catch area n4+X..12 7006 First freeze date n4+n6 7007 Harvest date n4+n6..12 7008 Species for fishery purposes n4+X..3 7009 Fishing gear type n4+X..10 7010 Production method n4+X..2 7020 Refurbishment lot ID n4+X..20 7021 Functional status n4+X..20 7022 Revision status n4+X..20 7023 Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI) of an assembly n4+X..30 7030...7039 Approval Number of Processor with ISO Country Code n4+n3+X..27 7040 GS1 UIC with Extension 1 and Importer index n4+n1+X3 7230...7239 Certification reference n4+X2+X..28 7240 Protocol ID n4+X..20 8001 Roll Products

(Width, Length, Core Diameter, Direction, Splices) n4+n14

8002 Cellular Mobile Telephone Identifier n4+X..20 8003 Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI) n4+n14+X..16 8004 Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI) n4+X..30 8005 Price Per Unit of Measure n4+n6 8006 Identification of the Components of a Trade Item n4+n14+n2+n2 8007 International Bank Account Number (IBAN) n4+X..30 8008 Date and Time of Production n4+n8+n..4 8009 Optically Readable Sensor Indicator n4+X..50 8010 Component/Part Identifier (CPID) n4+X..30 8011 Component/Part Identifier serial number (CPID SERIAL) n4+N..12 8012 Software version n4+X..20 8013 Global Model Number (GMN) n4+X..30 8017 Global Service Relation Number to identify the relationship between

an organisation offering services and the provider of services n4+n18

8018 Global Service Relation Number to identify the relationship between an organisation offering services and the recipient of services


8019 Service Relation Instance Number (SRIN) n4+n..10 8020 Payment Slip Reference Number n4+X..25 8026 Identification of pieces of a trade item (ITIP) contained in a logistic

unit n4+n14+n2+n2

8110 Coupon code identification for use in North America n4+X..70 8111 Loyalty points of a coupon n4+n4 8112 Positive offer file coupon code identification for use in North Ameri-

ca n4+X..70

8200 Extended Packaging URL n4+X..70

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AI Data Content Format* 90 Information Mutually Agreed Between Trading Partners n2+X..30 91 ..99 Company Internal Information n2+X..30

Note Explanation of the GS1 application identifier list • (*) The 1st number defines the length (number of digits) of the application identifier.

The following digits relate to the format of the data content. • (**) If only year and month are available, "DD" must contain two zeros. • (***) The 4th digit of this "GS1 application identifier" defines the position of an

implicit decimal point. The decimal point is inserted at this position during output (refer to the following example).

Example: Read code = ]d201123456789012343232012555 Filter ID = GTIN: \\01 Length: \\323 The output is: GTIN: 12345678901234; Length: 0125.55

"Format text" and "Multicode format text" parameters

Table 5- 30 "Format text" and "Multicode format text" parameters

Parameter Possible values Default Description Format text see "Format text"

input box %s With this parameter, you can specify the content and the

format of the string to be output. Multicode format text

like "Format text" input box

%s With this parameter, you specify how the overall result of a read of multiple codes is to be formatted. The formatting instruction "%s" (filtered result string) refers to the already formatted individual results in this case. Note The multicode format text is used only when the "Number of codes" check box in the "Multicode" group is selected.

"Format text" input box A string can be a maximum of 100 bytes long and consists of any combination of the following elements: • Characters whose ASCII equivalent is between "01H" and "FFH" • Formatting instructions for the output of variables, similar to the print function of the

C programming language.

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You can enter characters in the following ways: • By entering the ASCII equivalent: \mn where "m = 0, ... 9, a, ... f" and "n = 0, ... 9, a, ...

f" with the following exception: "\00" is not possible. • By typing them in on the keyboard: Here, you can enter all the characters with an

ASCII equivalent between "20H" and "7EH". Exception: If you want to output a percentage character, you need to enter "%%" here.

• Entering selected control characters:

Table 5- 31 Control characters and their meaning

Control character Meaning \r carriage return \n line feed \t tabulator

Note Representation of printable characters After entering a printable character in the "Format text" input box, this is displayed explicitly on the screen. Example: After entering "\41", "A" is displayed on the screen.

A formatting instruction has the following structure: % [number of places] variable {selection of variables} <variable interval> Square brackets = This is an optional input. Curly brackets = Exactly one value must be selected from within the curly brackets. Angle brackets = Exactly one value must be selected from within the specified inter-


Remember that you do not enter the brackets. They are simply used for representation.

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Table 5- 32 Possible formatting instructions

Formatting instruction Meaning %s[M-N] Filtered result string

Mth to Nth character of the filtered result string. If the result string is shorter than N characters, it is filled with spaces, so that N minus M characters are always output. If M > N, the characters are output backwards.

%q<0 ... 35> %Q<0 ... 33> (depending on verification standard)

Formatting instructions with lowercase "q" represent the quality values, uppercase "Q" the quality grades. For some verification standards, there are quality values without an assigned grade, and there are also grades without a numerical value. Grade and value formatting instructions not used in the active verification standard cause format errors. Quality grades are output with one digit, quality values with four digits. If a verification error occurs and if the decoder option "Evaluate 'Poor' evaluation as 'N_OK'" is disabled, the letter 'E' is output instead of the quality grades and the four-digit error code (47xx) is output instead of the quality values. You will find a description of the verification error messages in the operating instructions in the section "Read and verifi-cation error messages". Only for verification according to ISO/IEC 15416 With the exception of the overall quality, width, height, aspect ratio 1 to 3 and angle, all values and grades are output ten times, once per scan line. All quality formatting in-structions specified in an uninterrupted sequence are sorted according to the scan line and semicolons are inserted between the grades (or values). A \r (carriage return) is added before and after each scan line. Example: • Formatting instruction: "%Q0#%Q1%Q25#%Q24" • Output: "Overall quality#\rSymbol contrast1;Edge determination1;\rSymbol con-

trast2;Edge determination2;\r[...]Symbol contrast10;Edge determination10;\r#\rScan line1;\rScan line2;\r[…]Scan line10;\r"

%Qt Verification type Verification type (exposure settings not conforming to standards or uncalibrated

verification) ISO/IEC 29158 1 B ISO/IEC 15415 2 C AS9132 A 3 D ISO/IEC 16022 4 E Siemens DPM 5 F ISO/IEC 15416 6 G

%Qs Quality evaluation: • 1: Poor • 2: Fair • 3: Good

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Formatting instruction Meaning % [{03|04|B}] p{0|1|2} Position (integer) of the center point of the code relative to the center point of the im-

age: • 0: x coordinate • 1: y coordinate • 2: Roll angle in [°], whereby a turn in the counterclockwise direction counts as posi-

tive. • 03: Three-digit display

Position value or roll angle are usually represented in three digits (e.g. 017, 230, -90). If the result requires 4 digits, for example negative values such as at -312, this is in-creased to four.

• 04: Four-digit display

Position value or roll angle are always represented in four digits (e.g. 0087, -543). Without this formatting instruction, the output variable (7, 98, -15, 135, -240) is shown.

• B: Floating-point number in binary representation (big endian S7 format). Note The coordinates are standardized to the image sizes 800 x 600, 1280 x 1024, 1920 x 1200 or 2592 x 2048.

%[{04|05}]c The time used for the step in [ms]. • 04: Four-digit display • 05: Five-digit display If you have selected the four-digit display or have not specified a number of digits, and the time used is greater than 9999 ms, 9999 is displayed. If you have selected the five-digit display and the time used is greater than 99999 ms, 99999 is displayed. Note: The time required for the processing of the entire program is longer than the total of the processing time of the individual steps. This is due, for example, to the image acquisition time.

%u Least significant byte of the sum of all characters of the result string. Note This binary value can have a value that does not correspond to any printable character, for example, 0H.

%U Sum of all characters of the result string divided by the number of characters of the result string.

%l Number of characters in the result string. This binary value has a length of 2 bytes (little endian).

%V Standard verification report with all valid grades and evaluations that is automatically adapted to the calibration referenced in the program. All field values (grades and evalua-tions) are separated by a semicolon. You will find an overview of the fields included in each verification standard in the table below and in the operating instructions in the section "Verification result".

%R Verification report defined in the relevant standard for ISO/IEC 29158, ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 15416. For all other verification standards, the formatting instruction is skipped.

%v Output of the verification settings. You will find an overview of the contained fields in the operating instructions in the section "Verification settings".

%E Textual description of the verification error. If no verification error has occurred, the formatting instruction is skipped.

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Formatting instruction Meaning %t Code type:

Data matrix 10 QR code 11 PDF417 13 DotCode 14 Code 128 20 Code 93 21 Code 39 22 Code 39 with check-sum


Interleaved 2 of 5 24 Interleaved 2 of 5 with checksum


Codabar 26 EAN 13 27 EAN 8 28 UPC-A 29 UPC-E 30 Postnet 32 PHARMACODE 33 PHARMACODE 180° 39 GS1 DataBar Omnidi-rectional


GS1 DataBar Limited 35 GS1 DataBar Expand-ed


GS1 DataBar Stacked 37 Code 32 38

%i Current trigger ID. This binary value has a length of 2 bytes (little endian). %x[<1 ... 150>] Match string of the specified code or the match strings of all codes one after the other. %[B]z Number of codes found. Output as text or when using "%Bz" as a binary value with a

length of 1 byte. Note This formatting instruction always has the value 1 in the format text.

The following tables contain the code type-specific quality classes. If the formatting instructions include uppercase letters, the result is output as grade or quality level. If the formatting instructions include lowercase letters, the result is output as numerical value.

Table 5- 33 Quality classes: Uncalibrated, ID Genius decoder (0)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 Overall quality (O__) %Q1 %q1

Symbol contrast (SC_) Integer: 0 ... 100

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Formatting in-struction


%Q2 %q2

Axial non-uniformity (AN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q4 %q4

Unused error correction (UEC) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q9 %q9

Print growth (PG_) Integer: -999 ... 999

Table 5- 34 Quality classes: ISO/IEC 29158 (1/B)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 Overall quality (O__) (grade only)

%Q1 %q1

Cell contrast (SC_) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q2 %q2

Axial non-uniformity (AN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q3 %q3

Grid deviation (GN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q4 %q4

Unused error correction (UEC) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q5 L/F border violation (FPD) (grade only)

%Q6 Cell modulation (MOD) (grade only)

%Q7 Reference decoding (RD_) (grade only)

%Q8 %q8

Minimum reflectance (RMI) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q9 %q9

Print growth X/Y (PGX/PGY) (unevaluated) 2x integer 2x -100 ... 100

%Q10 %q10

Cell size (CS_) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.0 ... 99.9

%q11 Current average gray scale value (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 255

%q12 Aperture (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 999

%q13 Percentage aperture value (unevaluated) Integer: 0, 50, 80

%q14 ECC level (unevaluated) Integer: 200

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Formatting in-struction


%q15 Height (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q16 Width (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q17 Angle (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 360

%q34 Cell size in [mm] Fixed point: 0.01 ... 9.99

%q35 Cell size in pixels Fixed point: 1.0 ... 99.9

Table 5- 35 Quality classes: ISO 15415 (2/C)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 Overall quality (O__) %Q1 %q1

Symbol contrast (SC_) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q2 %q2

Axial non-uniformity (AN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q3 %q3

Grid deviation (GN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q4 %q4

Unused error correction (UEC) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q5 L/F border violation (FPD) %Q6 Cell modulation (MOD) %Q7 Reference decoding (RD_) %Q9 %q9

Print growth X/Y; (PGX/PGY) (unevaluated) 2x integer 2x -100 ... 100

%Q10 %q10

Cell size (CS_) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.0 ... 99.9

%q12 Aperture (unevaluated) Integer: 3, 4 ... 20

%q14 ECC level (unevaluated) Integer: 200

%q15 Height (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q16 Width (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q17 Angle (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 360

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Formatting in-struction


%q34 Cell size in [mm] Fixed point: 0.01 ... 9.99

%q35 Cell size in pixels Fixed point: 1.0 ... 99.9

Table 5- 36 Quality classes: AS9132 (A3/D)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 Overall quality (O__) %Q1 %q1

Contrast (SC_) (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q9 %q9

Module fill X/Y (MFX/MFY) (unevaluated) 2x integer 2x 0 ... 200

%Q10 %q10

Nominal module size (NMS) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.0 ... 99.9

%q14 ECC level (unevaluated) Integer: 0, 50, 80, 100, 140, 200

%q15 Height (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q16 Width (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q17 Angle (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 360

%Q19 %q19

Module center offset 1/2 (CO1/CO2) 2x integer 2x 0 ... 99.9

%Q20 %q20

Module size offset 1/2 (SO1/SO2) 2x fixed point 2x 0 ... 99.9

%Q22 %q22

Angle of distortion (AOD) Fixed point: -45 ... 45

%Q23 %q23

Ovality (OV_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 99.9

%q34 Cell size in [mm] Fixed point: 0.01 ... 9.99

%q35 Cell size in pixels Fixed point: 1.0 ... 99.9

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Table 5- 37 Quality classes: AIM (ISO 16022) (4/E)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 Overall quality (O__) %Q1 %q1

Contrast (SC_) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q2 %q2

Axial non-uniformity (AN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q4 %q4

Unused error correction (UEC) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q9 %q9

Print growth X/Y (PGX/PGY) 2x integer 2x -100 ... 100

%Q10 %q10

Cell size (CS_) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.0 ... 99.9

%q14 ECC level (unevaluated) Integer: 0, 50, 80, 100, 140, 200

%q15 Height (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q16 Width (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q17 Angle (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 360

%q34 Cell size in [mm] Fixed point: 0.01 ... 9.99

%q35 Cell size in pixels Fixed point: 1.0 ... 99.9

Table 5- 38 Quality classes: Siemens DPM (5/F)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 Overall quality (O__) %Q1 %q1

Contrast (SC_) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q2 %q2

Axial non-uniformity (AN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q4 %q4

Unused error correction (UEC) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q6 %q6

Cell modulation 1/2 (CM1/CM2) 2x integer 2x 0 ... 100

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Formatting in-struction


%Q9 %q9

Print growth X/Y (PGX/PGY) 2x integer 2x 0 ... 200

%Q10 %q10

Cell size (CS_) Fixed point: 0.0 ... 99.9

%q14 ECC level (unevaluated) Integer: 0, 50, 80, 100, 140, 200

%q15 Height (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q16 Width (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q17 Angle (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 360

%Q19 %q19

Center offset (CO_) Integer 0 ... 99.9

%Q20 %q20

Size offset (SO_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 99.9

%Q21 %q21

Border match (BM_) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q22 %q22

Angle of distortion (AOD) Fixed point: -45 ... 45

%q34 Cell size in [mm] Fixed point: 0.01 ... 9.99

%q35 Cell size in pixels Fixed point: 1.0 ... 99.9

Table 5- 39 Quality classes: 1D barcodes (ISO 15416) (6/G)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 %q0

Overall quality (O__) Fixed point 0.00 ... 4.00

%Q1 %q1

Symbol contrast (SC_) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q6 %q6

Modulation (MOD) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q7 Reference decoding (RD_) (grade only)

%Q8 %q8

Minimum reflectance (RMI) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q10 %q10

Module size (NMS) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.0 ... 99.9

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Formatting in-struction


%q15 Height (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q16 Width (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q17 Angle (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 360

%q18 Maximum reflectance (RMA) (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q24 Overall scan line (SL_) %Q25 Edge determination (ED_) %Q26 %q26

Minimum edge contrast (MEC) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q27 %q27

Defects (DEF) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q28 %q28

Decodability (DEC) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%q29 Start quiet zone (QZ1) (unevaluated) Integer 0 ... 10

%q30 Stop quiet zone (QZ2) (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 10

%q31 Aspect ratio 1 (WR1) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 1.0 ... 5.0

%q32 Aspect ratio 2 (only multi-width barcodes) (WR2) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 1.0 ... 5.0

%q33 Aspect ratio 3 (only multi-width barcodes) (WR3) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 1.0 ... 5.0

%q34 Cell size in [mm] Fixed point: 0.01 ... 9.99

%q35 Cell size in pixels Fixed point: 1.0 ... 99.9

Table 5- 40 Format text examples

Format text Description String output: %s\r\n Filtered result string with prefixed "String output: " text and

followed by CR and LF. %q4 Numerical value of the quality characteristic "Unused error

correction". %Q4 Quality grade of the quality characteristic "Unused error cor-


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Format text Description %Q9 %Q2 %s Quality grade of the quality characteristic "Print growth", qual-

ity grade of the quality characteristic "Axial non-uniformity", filtered result string

%p1 y-coordinate of the code center point relative to the image center point as integer. Decoding order You set the code types to be decoded. All code types that occur must be entered in the decoding order.

Note Code type not specified in the selected verification standard If there are code types in the decoding order for which the selected verification standard is not specified, no qualities are calculated for codes of these types.

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Table 5- 41 Decoding order

Parameter Possible values Default Description Decoding order 2D codes

• DMC • DotCode • PDF417 • QR 1D codes • CodaBar • Code 32 • Code 39 (no checksum) • Code 39+CS (with check-

sum) • Code 93 • Code 128 • EAN 8 • EAN 13 • GS1 DataBar Expanded • GS1 DataBar Limited • GS1 DataBar Omnidirec-

tional • GS1 DataBar Stacked • Int. 2/5 (no checksum) • Int. 2/5+CS (with check-

sum) • Pharmacode (0°) • Pharmacode (180°) • Postnet • UPC-A • UPC-E

DMC Select and sort the code types required in your application. You can use the buttons to add new code types or remove them: • "Add code type"

Opens a shortcut menu where you select a code type. The code type is inserted in the list below the currently selected position.

• "Remove selected code type"

Removes the respective code type from the list.

You can change the order of the codes with 'drag-and-drop'.

Code type • Saved • Dynamic

Saved If the code type is known in your application and does not change, select the "Saved" option in the drop-down list. If the code type can change during operation, select "Dynamic". Note The "Dynamic" setting cannot be used together with the code types "Dotcode", "QR" or "PDF417", or the decoder type "ID Genius".

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Table 5- 42 Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Parameter Dependency


Decoding order Multicode, code types • PDF417, QR, DotCode can only be selected when "Multicode" is not active.

• Code 39 and Interleaved 2/5 can be included in the decoding order either only with checksum ("+CR") or without checksum.

Table 5- 43 Overview of available verification standards for code types

Verification standard Code type ISO/IEC 16022 ISO/IEC 15415 AS9132 A ISO/IEC 29158 Siemens DPM

ISO/IEC 15416 ISO/IEC 15416

QR ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ DMC ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☐ PDF417 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ GS1 DataBar Stacked

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑

GS1 DataBar Limited

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑

GS1 DataBar Expanded

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑

GS1 DataBar Omnidirection-al

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑

Pharmacode ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Postnet ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ UPC E ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑ UPC A ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑ EAN 13 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑ EAN 8 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑ Code 32 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑ Code 39 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑ Code 39 with checksum

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑

Code 128 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑ Code 93 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑ Codabar ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Interleaved 2/5 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑ Interleaved 2/5 with checksum

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑

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Note Pharmacodes To read pharmacodes reliably, the "Module width" parameter ("Decoder options 1D" group) must be set to "Saved" due to the code properties. An upside down pharmacode cannot be detected automatically.

Note Code39 and Int2/5 As these code types have variable code length, partial readings may occur with poor print quality. You can increase the reliability of the reading by setting the code length in your application to a fixed value. To do so, set the "Number of bars" parameter in the "Decoder options (1D)" group to "Saved".

Note GS1 DataBar Stacked The "GS1 Databar Stacked" selection includes the "GS1 Databar 14 Stacked" code type but not the "GS1 Databar Expanded Stacked" code type. Decoder

Table 5- 44 Decoder

Parameter Possible values Default Description Decoder type • Standard

• ID Genius

ID Genius You specify which decoding method is used for reading data matrix codes. You will find additional information in the operat-ing instructions "SIMATIC MV500 Optical Reading Systems" in the "Image processing" section. The ID Genius decoder reads data matrix codes even under the most difficult conditions. The standard decoder is suitable for fast reading, code verification and for reading several codes in one image. Note If a verification reference is selected, only the "Standard" decoding process is used, regardless of the selection made here. The "ID Genius" setting can only be used when "Code type = Saved" was selected for the decod-ing order.

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Table 5- 45 Multicode

Parameter Possible values Default Description Number of codes

On / Off • SIMATIC MV500

S/H: 1 ... 50 • SIMATIC MV500 U/X

: 1 … 150

Off • 1

You specify how many codes are read per image. • Off

Only one code is searched for in the ROI. If multiple codes exist in the ROI, only one code is read.

• On

The specified number of codes is searched for. If more than the specified number of codes are visible in the ROI, the excess codes are ig-nored. The multicode function requires the standard decoder; not available with ID Genius.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description N_OK for codes read < "Number of codes"

☐ / ☑ ☑ • Enabled

If the same number of codes per code type is not read in the image in processing mode as when the program is saved: The string defined in "Program" > "Result" for "Read error" is output as result and the output signal "N_OK" is set.

Note Using multiple code types – If the data matrix code type and at least

one barcode type is present in the decoding order, the specified number of data matrix codes and barcodes is searched for after the program has been saved.

– If more than the specified number of codes is found in total, an "N_OK" event is gener-ated.

– If the save operation was successful, the program will search in processing mode for the exact number of codes found for each code type when the program was saved.

To precisely specify the number of codes to be read per code type for multiple code types, configure your own "Read code" step with the corresponding number for each code type.

• Disabled

If the same number of codes per code type is not read in the image in processing mode as when the program was saved, no read error is output.

This is the case: – When fewer codes are actually visible. – When the cycle time or decoding time limit

was reached before all codes could be de-coded.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 71 Evaluation If you wish to assess the code quality (marking quality), you define the quality evaluation and the criteria in this step. You specify which quality criteria you place on the code quality.

Table 5- 46 Evaluation

Parameter Possible values Default Description Overall quality Each overall quality

grade 4 ... 0 or A-F (without E, depending on the setting in "Settings > Options > Extras") can be assigned a Quality evaluation of "Good", "Fair" or "Poor".

-- 1) Color coding: • "Good" = green • "Fair" = yellow • "Poor" = red If you click on the colored box, you can adapt the assignment. Note The code qualities measured during adjustment and processing are then colored according to the evaluation set here.

Individual qualities • Center offset • Size offset • Cell modulation • Border match • Axial non-uniformity • Print growth • Unused error correc-

tion • Angle of distortion • Symbol contrast • Cell size

-- 1) Can only be set with verification license and only for "Siemens DPM". First use the arrow keys to select the qualities you require for the evaluation. When you select a used quality by clicking on the quality grade 4 ... 0, you can then adapt the evaluation (quality evaluation of "good", "fair", "poor"). The lowest individual quality evaluation determines the overall evaluation of a processing procedure.

1) Depending on the determined code quality

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Table 5- 47 MATCH

Parameter Possible values Default Description Match • Off

• All • Position • ID • GS1 • Tobacco

Off You set the match options to compare the content of a read code with a saved code or a received match string. • Off

No match is performed. • All

All the characters of the read code are compared with all the characters of the saved code.

• Position

The string resulting from the set-tings in the "Length" and "Start po-sition" input boxes is compared with the corresponding string of the saved code.

• ID

The string resulting from the set-tings in the "Separators" and "ID" input boxes is compared with the corresponding string of the saved code.

• GS1

The content of the specified "GS1 application identifier" is compared.

• Tobacco

It is checked whether the found code is of "DotCode" type and whether the decoded string consists only of 12 characters and exclusively of digits and uppercase letters. If this is not the case, a match error and – in contrast to all other match options – an "N_OK" result is gener-ated.

Different input boxes are displayed, depending on the set value. These are described below.

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"MATCH" parameter Different input boxes are displayed, depending on the set value. These are described below.

"Match = Position": "Start position" and "Length" input boxes You specify the reference string as follows: • Start position

1st character of the reference string; default: 1 Value range: 1 ... 3000

• Length Length of the reference string; default: 1 Value range: 1 ... 735

Example: Saved code = 1PABCDEF, Start position = 3, Length = 2 The read codes are checked to determine whether "A" is located at the 3rd position and "B" at the 4th position.

"Match = ID": "Separators" and "ID" input boxes If you select the value "ID" in the "Match" drop-down list, these input boxes are enabled. For information about selecting "GS1", refer to the "ID" input box. You specify the reference string according to the following rules: • The substring start is identified by the ID. • The ID can be at the beginning of the read code or immediately following one of the

separators in the "Separators" box. • If no separator from "Separators" follows, the substring extends up to the 1st

separator found in "Separators" or to the end of the code. • The default for separators is "+". A maximum of 4 separator characters are

supported. • If the two strings match, the result string is output. • If the two strings do not match, the configured match error is output. Example: Saved code = A-1P01234+B, separators = +-, ID = 1P, read code = A-1P01235-B Substring of the read code: 01235, substring of the saved code: 01234

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"Match = GS 1": "ID" input box If you select the value "GS1" in the "Match" drop-down list, this input box is enabled. For information about selecting "ID", refer to ""Separators" and "ID" input boxes". You specify the "GS1 application identifier" to be matched. • If you enter "*", the contents of all application identifiers in the saved or transferred

match string are matched to the read code. • By specifying numbers separated by commas, only the contents of the application

identifiers specified by the numbers are compared. For a complete overview of the available application identifiers: see "Full list of GS1 application identifiers in numerical order".

Example: • Saved code = ]d20112345678901234201113101224

ID = 1, 20 • Read code = ]d20112345678901234201113110101

Match: OK • Read code = ]d20112345678911234201113110101

Match: N_OK

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Table 5- 48 N_OK

Parameter Possible values Default Description Evaluate 'Bad' evalu-ation as 'N_OK'

☐ / ☑ ☐ Enabled All codes that are given the overall quality evaluation "Poor" are marked as "N_OK". Likewise, codes for which a verification error oc-curred are marked as "N_OK". You will find an overview of the verification error messages in the operating instructions in the section "Alarm, error and system messages". Notes • This check box cannot be selected without Veri-

Genius license (Demo mode). With uncalibrated verification, this setting can also be used without a verification license.

• When the option is enabled, "N_OK" is also gen-erated in the case of a verification error.

Generates program 'N_OK'

☐ / ☑ ☑ • Enabled

When the result of this processing step is "N_OK", the overall result of the program is al-ways "N_OK", regardless of other results.

• Disabled

An "N_OK" result of this step does not lead to an "N_OK" overall result of the program.

An output according to the format texts is gener-ated also for "N_OK" results.

Note Saving a program without code in the image: only one code type is possible. If you save a program with a decoder step on an image when there is no code in the ROI of the de-coder step and the program "N_OK" is switched off: Only the first code type entered in the decoding order can be read in processing mode.

Time limit On / Off • Input field: 1 ...

100 000 ms

Off Max. duration of the step in [ms]. The step is terminated after the specified duration. In this case, the step generates an "N_OK". When the check box "Generates program N_OK" is cleared, processing continues with the next step immediately after the termination of this step, provided the next step is available. By specifying a time limit, you can prevent a single step from using up the cycle time available for the entire program. The program cycle time and the time limit of the step currently being processed are monitored separately from each other.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

SIMATIC MV500 76 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 Decoder options (standard) The following parameters apply for reading and verification of DMC with the standard decoder.

Table 5- 49 Standard

Parameter Possible values Default Description Polarity • Saved

• Dynamic

Dynamic • Saved: If dark code is saved on light back-ground, the reader can read dark code on light background faster. The same is true for inverse polarity, that is, light codes on dark background.

• Dynamic: Any code polarity is read, irrespec-tive of whether the saved code was dark on a light background or light on a dark back-ground.

Dimension • Saved • Dynamic

Dynamic Number of rows and columns: • Saved: The reader decodes the data matrix

faster only if a data matrix has the same number of rows and columns as the saved code.

• Dynamic: The reader can decode a data matrix if the number of rows and columns differs from the saved code.

Size • Saved • Dynamic

Dynamic Height and width of the code in the image: • Saved: The reader decodes the data matrix

faster if a data matrix has a size similar to that of the saved code.

• Dynamic: The reader can decode the data matrix if a data matrix is considerably larger or smaller than the saved code.

Aspect ratio • Saved • Dynamic

Dynamic Ratio of width to height of the code in the im-age. This is used only if "Dynamic" is set for the size. • Saved: The reader decodes faster a data

matrix with the same "aspect ratio" as the saved code.

• Dynamic: The reader can decode a data matrix with a different "aspect ratio" from the saved code.

Orientation • Saved • Dynamic

Dynamic Turning the code in the image: • Saved: The reader decodes a data matrix

with a roll angle similar to the saved code faster.

• Dynamic: The roll angle is not limited. The reader can decode a data matrix regardless of the turning.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description ECC level • Saved

• Dynamic

Dynamic Error correction level in data matrix: • Saved

– ECC200 code: If an ECC200 code is saved, only codes based on ECC200 codes can be detected in processing mode.

– For ECC ≠ ECC200: If a code is saved with ECC ≠ ECC200, afterwards only codes that are not ECC200-encoded can be read. ECC levels 000, 050, 080, 100, 120, 140 and 200 are supported.

• Dynamic: The reader can decode a data matrix with any standardized ECC level (000, 050, 080, 100, 140 or 200).

Sample direction • Criss-cross • Hor. (at all

points)/Vert. • Vert./Hor. • Hor. only • Vert. only

Criss-cross Code search methods: • Criss-cross: The search begins at the center

point of the viewing field and continues al-ternating between the horizontal and verti-cal direction until the correct number of codes has been decoded or the viewing field has been searched through completely.

• Hor. (at all points)/Vert: The reader begins at the center point of the viewing field or the image and searches the entire viewing field first in a horizontal and then, where neces-sary, in a vertical direction.

• Vert./Hor.: The reader begins at the center point of the viewing field or the image and searches the entire viewing field first in a vertical and then, where necessary, in a hor-izontal direction.

• Hor. only: The reader begins at the center point of the viewing field and searches through the entire viewing field horizontally.

• Vert. only: The reader begins at the center point of the viewing field and searches through the entire viewing field vertically.

Sample threshold offset

-5 ... 0 0 The search sample threshold value is specified following "Save program". You can lower the sample threshold value by selecting a negative offset to make sure that a code with a slightly weaker contrast than that of the saved code can nevertheless be decoded.

Allow quiet zone clutter

☐ / ☑ ☑ If "Allow quiet zone clutter" is enabled, the reader can decode a code with interfering pat-terns in the quiet zone. However, this may take longer.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Allow varying brightness

☐ / ☑ ☐ If the data matrix has unusual differences in brightness in the code area (for example when one side is much brighter or darker than the other), enabling this option allows the reader to read the code. However, this may take longer.

Allow severe dam-age

☐ / ☑ ☐ If the border is severely damaged, enabling this option allows the reader to read the code. How-ever, this may take longer.

Ignore single lines ☐ / ☑ ☐ If the image has single lines, enabling this op-tion may help to speed up decoding.

Allow large view-ing angle

☐ / ☑ ☐ With image acquisition at an angle < 60 degrees, enabling this option can make reading more reliable.

NOTICE Verification of damaged or very difficult-to-read codes Note that codes that are only readable using the options in the menu "Decoder > Decoder options (Standard/1D)" are not suitable for quality evaluation (Verification). The recommendation is to disable these options when verification is performed at the same time. If you choose the setting "Saved" instead of "Dynamic" in the advanced settings for verification and reading of data matrix codes (DMC), the quality evaluation can be stabilized. Make sure the saved criterion actually applies to all codes to be read.

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SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 79 Decoder options (ID Genius) The following parameters apply for reading, QR, PDF417, DotCode and DMC with the ID-Genius decoder.

Table 5- 50 ID Genius

Parameter Possible values Default Description Polarity • Saved

• Dynamic

Dynamic (only Data Matrix codes): • Saved: If dark code is saved on light back-

ground, the reader can read dark code on light background faster. The same is true for inverse polarity, that is, light codes on dark background.

• Dynamic: Any code polarity is read, irrespec-tive of whether the saved code was dark on a light background or light on a dark back-ground.

Dimension • Saved • Dynamic


Number of rows and columns: • Saved: The reader decodes the data matrix

code faster if a data matrix code contains the same number of rows and columns as the saved code.

• Dynamic: The reader can decode a data matrix if the number of rows and columns differs from the saved code.

View • Saved • Dynamic

Dynamic Mirroring (only for data matrix codes): • Saved: If the code to be read is mirrored

compared with the saved code, the reader does not decode the code to be read.

• Dynamic: The reader also decodes codes that are mirrored compared with the saved code.

Filter • Saved • Dynamic

Saved • Saved: The reader does not use all the im-age enhancement filters and therefore achieves a faster read result (including "NOK").

• Dynamic: This setting improves the read reliability with particularly poor code quali-ties, for example on metal surfaces.

This parameter has no effect on PDF417 codes.

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SIMATIC MV500 80 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 Decoder options (1D) The following parameters apply for reading and verifying barcodes.

Table 5- 51 1D

Parameter Possible values Default Description Height • Saved

• Dynamic


Height of the barcode in pixels: • Saved: The reader decodes barcodes with a

height similar to that of the saved code fast-er.

• Dynamic: The reader decodes a barcode regardless of its height.

Length • Saved • Dynamic


Length of the barcode in pixels: • Saved: The reader decodes barcodes with a

length similar to that of the saved code fast-er.

• Dynamic: The reader decodes a barcode regardless of its length.

Number of bars • Saved • Dynamic


Number of bars in the barcode. • Saved: The reader decodes only barcodes

that have the exact same number of bars as the code used to save the program.

• Dynamic: The reader can decode a barcode regardless of the number of bars.

Min. quiet zone length

• Saved • Dynamic


Length of the quiet zone. • Saved: The reader adapts itself to the length

of the quiet zone of the saved code to pro-vide faster and more reliable decoding.

• Dynamic: The reader uses the default value for the minimum quiet zone length.

Sample spacing • Saved • Dynamic


Distance between the samples being searched for. • Saved: The reader optimizes the spacing of

the saved code to provide faster and more reliable decoding.

• Dynamic: The reader uses the default value for the barcode.

Security • 0 • 20 • 40 • 60 • 80 • 100

0 This value can only be specified for Code 39, I 2 of 5 and Codabar if no checksum is used. Specifying a higher security value lowers the average decoding at the cost of lower decoding flexibility.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Sample threshold offset

-5 ... 0 0 The search sample threshold value is specified following "Save program". You can lower the sample threshold value by selecting a negative offset to make sure that a barcode with a slightly weaker contrast than that of the saved code can nevertheless be decoded.

Sample direction • Hor./Vert. • Vert./Hor. • Hor. only • Vert. only

Hor./Vert. Bar code search method: • Hor./Vert.: The reader begins at the center

point of the viewing field or the image and searches the entire viewing field first in a horizontal and then, where necessary, in a vertical direction.

• Vert./Hor.: The reader begins at the center point of the viewing field or the image and searches the entire viewing field first in a vertical and then, where necessary, in a hor-izontal direction.

• Hor. only: The reader begins at the center point of the viewing field and searches through the entire viewing field horizontally.

• Vert. only: The reader begins at the center point of the viewing field and searches through the entire viewing field vertically.

Read codes with very low height

☐ / ☑ ☐ Enabled Enables the reading of codes with a very low code height compared to the bar width. The following conditions can be seen as a guideline: • Bar height must be > 20 pixels. • Bar height must be > 2 times minimum bar

width (single width). • The orientation must be parallel to the axis:

Tolerance < ± 5°. • The print quality must be extremely good. • The minimum quiet zone must be > 5.5

times minimum bar width (single width). Note Activation may result in decreased reading reliability with codes printed according to standard.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Ignore checksum with EAN codes

☐ / ☑ ☐ • Disabled

Only EAN-8 and EAN-13 codes with correct checksum are read.

• Enabled

The checksum of EAN-8 and EAN-13 codes is ignored. Codes with incorrect checksum are read.

Note The checksum serves as a security feature to avoid incorrect readings. Activation poses a risk that codes with wrong contents are read or that incorrect readings occur, e.g. as a result of poor print quality.

Ignore bar spacing with pharmacodes

☐ / ☑ ☐ • Disabled

Only pharmacodes complying with the re-quirements as to bar width/gap width ratio defined in the standard are read. Valid range: 1x bar/gap width; value be-tween 1/4 and 2/3.

• Enabled

The check is deactivated. Pharmacodes not complying with the standard are also read.

Note Upon activation, there is a risk that invalid codes with wrong contents are read. Im-prove the print process to adhere to the standard.

Search for rectan-gular background

☐ / ☑ ☐ Enabled Enables fast search and reconstruction of bar-codes that are printed on a white, rectangular, homogenous background (e.g. a paper label). Activating this parameter can significantly in-crease both reading speed and reading reliabil-ity. If the requirements are not met, activating this parameter can result in higher processing times.

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NOTICE Verification of damaged or very difficult-to-read codes Note that codes that are only readable using the options in the menu "Decoder > Decoder options (Standard/1D)" are not suitable for quality evaluation (Verification). The recommendation is to disable these options when verification is performed at the same time. If you choose the setting "Saved" instead of "Dynamic" in the advanced settings for verification and reading of data matrix codes (DMC), the quality evaluation can be stabilized. Make sure the saved criterion actually applies to all codes to be read.

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5.1.7 "Locator" program step In this program step, you can create so-called models using object ROIs. Created models can be recognized by the reader within a defined area (search ROI). Depending on the settings made in the "Settings > Options > Extras > PAT Genius" menu, the locator is shown in one of the following versions: • PAT Genius (without compatibility mode) • PAT Genius (with compatibility mode) • Locator light (license-free version) The parameters/parameter groups are described below based on the "PAT Genius (without compatibility mode)" setting. The parameters/parameter groups of all locator versions are identical in terms of functions and can be found in this help document. The differences between the locator versions are described below.

Differences compared to "PAT Genius (without compatibility mode)"

PAT Genius (with compatibility mode) With the "PAT Genius (with compatibility mode)" setting, the same parameters are displayed as with the "PAT Genius (without compatibility mode)" setting. Compatibility mode was designed specifically for the implementation of MV400 programs, and the scope of functions corresponds to that of the MV400 readers. However, the display or function differs for the following parameters: • General > Model library

The function of the parameter is different. You can find detailed information in the description of the parameter.

• General > Improve screen This parameter is not displayed in the "General" parameter group but in the "Detection" parameter group, and only affects this parameter group.

Locator light (license-free version) The license-free version of the locator has a restricted scope of functions, so individual parameters or entire parameter groups are not included. Furthermore, only one model can be created per locator step with Locator light. The following table provides you with an overview of which parameters/parameter groups are contained in Locator light.

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Table 5- 52 Parameter groups and parameters of Locator light

Parameter group/parameter PAT Genius (without compatibility mode)

Parameter group/parameter Locator light (license-free version)

General Locator light ROI position -

Model library - Improve image ✓

Edit models Locator light Model selection -

Model name - Class ✓ Note: Is shown in Locator light

only as a display, not as a configurable value.

Automatic level determination - Outline level - Detail level - Contrast threshold - Fixed value - Tracking inertia - Feature selection - Cut image - Create ✓ Object ROI / Search ROI ✓ -- ✓ Model exists

Note: This display is only shown in Locator light.

Classification - Detection ✓ Search conditions ✓ Recognition ✓ Positioning ✓ Filter - MATCH - N_OK N_OK Quality less than q with at least n ✓

Medium quality less than ✓ Number of objects lower ✓ Number of objects greater ✓ If match fails - Generates program 'N_OK' ✓ Time limit ✓

Format ✓

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

SIMATIC MV500 86 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 Auto-setup You use the "Back" and "Next" buttons to either return to the previous program step or switch to the next program step. General In this group, you specify the position of the ROI.

Note ROI position: "Follow step x" is not run in "Edit" reader status The "Follow step x" function is not run in "Edit" reader status. The ROI positions remain fixed in this mode. ROI position: "Follow step x" functions only for a unique result position of the reference The step serving as reference for the ROI position must generate a unique result position to ensure error-free functioning. If the reference step processes multiple codes or multiple object instances, a unique result position is not generated. In this case, the instance or the code with the poorest quality serves as the reference position. Error-free functioning is not guaranteed in this case.

Table 5- 53 General

Parameter Possible values Default Description ROI position • Fix

• Follow step x

Fix Fix: The ROI position remains unchanged as set in this parameter. The "Follow step x" entries are only available from the 2nd step and refer to the processing steps before the step that is currently being edited. With "Follow step x", the ROI position follows the shift of the read result of step x during processing.

Model library -- -- Shows the name of the library used in this pro-gram step. In compatibility mode: Enables selection of the library to be used. All created libraries are displayed as possible values. Please note that you can only change this parame-ter in the first locator step of a program. In all other locator steps of the same program, the se-lected library is simply displayed.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Improve image On / Off Off

• MED:3:3;DIL:3:3

By enabling this function, you activate additional image enhancement methods for the image to be processed. Please note that you can only change this parame-ter in the first locator step of a program. In all other locator steps of the same program, the pa-rameter is simply displayed. • MED:3:3

Median filtering. Suppresses image noise. • NRM

Histogram normalization. Improves reading of text with poor contrast. Performs normalization of the gray values. This function requires no parameters.


Histogram equalization. Improves reading of text with very poor contrast. Performs an equal distribution of the gray values. If the images have a good contrast, this can lead to unwant-ed intensification of image noise. This function requires no parameters.


Reduces the line/edge width (signal erosion of X pixels in the x-direction and Y pixels in the y-direction).


Increases the line/edge width and connects printing dots, e.g., for inkjet (signal dilation of X pixels in the x-direction and Y pixels in the y-direction).

X, Y, 1 to 7 in each case, whereby at least one of the two must be > 1.


Sobel operator. Finds and intensifies edges (large changes in brightness). This can lead to deterioration of the read result for letters with a line width of several pixels. The following combinations are possible for the X:Y values: 1:3 (only vertical edges), 3:1 (only horizontal edges), and 3:3 (all edges).


MAV ≙ Moving Average; moving average. Sup-presses image noise. The intensity of the effect can be varied using parameters X and Y. The value range for X and Y is 1 to 7 pixels in each case. The filter calculates a moving average of the pixel values in a rectangular window. The width and height of the window are specified by parameters X and Y.


Overexposure filter. Increases image bright- t hid di t b i th i b k

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

SIMATIC MV500 88 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 Edit models Important settings of this group: • Model selection • Model name • Class

Table 5- 54 Edit models

Parameter Possible values Default Description Model selection List of the models in the

selected model library New model Select in this list whether you want to create a

new model or overwrite an existing model. If you select an existing model, all subsequent parameters are automatically set as they were last saved in this model. However, you can also create a new model with these settings by changing the model name. Click the button to the left of the parameter to delete the selected model.

Model name • Generated unique model name consist-ing of date and time (preset)

• User-defined model name, max. 30 char-acters

Generated unique model name

Define the model name under which the model is to be created and displayed in the "Model selec-tion" parameter. If the name of an existing model is entered, the corresponding model is overwritten.

Class • A ... L -- With this parameter, you can assign a class to the detected model. When a model is detected, the associated character is displayed in the result string, for example. The default setting depends on the position of the locator step (A=1st locator step, ...). Note If several models are required due to high object variance, these models can be given the same character class to allow reliable recognition. The assignment to a class is useful in particular for optical character recognition with the help of the PAT Genius function.

Autom. level de-termination

On / Off On When this function is activated, model generation sets practical values itself for the undersampling degree of the outline level and the detail level. Activating this parameter is recommended.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Outline level 1 ... 16

However, always ≥ the value for the "Detail level"

8 This parameter allows you to work with more ap-proximate features than is possible with the detail level. The locator uses outline features for fast identification and approximate localization of po-tential instances of the object. The higher the value is set, the greater the feature resolution. The value for the outline level only adopts values ≥ the value for the detail level.

Detail level 1 … 16 However, always ≤ the value for the "Outline level"

1 To confirm the identification of an object instance and to make its position precise within the image, the locator uses features from the detail level. The lower the set value (at least 1), the finer the feature resolution. The value for the detail level is always ≤ the value for the outline level.

Contrast thresh-old

• Normal adaptive sensitivity

• Low adaptive sensi-tivity

• High adaptive sensi-tivity

• Fixed value

Low adaptive sensitivity

The contrast threshold is the decisive factor for the sensitivity when generating the features in the input image. Based on adaptive settings, the loca-tor sets the numeric value automatically according to the input image. The "Contrast threshold modes" table shows the modes available for the contrast threshold.

Fixed value 1 ... 255 128 This parameter can only be edited if the parameter "Contrast threshold" = "Fixed value". With the parameter, you can manually set the contrast threshold in the form of grayscale values in the range from 0 to 255. You can find additional information on this in the "Contrast threshold modes" table below this table.

Tracking inertia On / Off Off When this function is activated, small gaps in the features are closed.

Feature selection • None • Few • Normal • Many • All

Normal With this parameter, you define how many fea-tures are generated for the model. After you have generated the model: 1. Check that all important object details are

covered by features. 2. If necessary, change this parameter and gen-

erate the model again.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Cut image On / Off On When this function is activated, not the entire

image but only the image section of the model ROI is saved in the model library for each model. This saves memory space. Note The image information outside the selected ROI is no longer in the model image after you click the "Create" button. This means that it is no longer possible to expand the ROI later with the infor-mation stored in the model! This requires a new image acquisition. If it becomes necessary to enlarge the ROI later, disable "Cut image".

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Create -- -- Clicking the "Create" button generates a model

based on the parameters defined in this group. With Locator light, the model is created based on the default parameters. Please note that the number of all models that can be generated is limited to a total size of no more than 50 MB.

Object ROI / Search ROI

Object ROI / Search ROI Search ROI • Object ROI

Using the object ROI, you can select the de-sired object to be recognized again later on. A model is hereby created from the selected area which remembers the form of an object based on the existing visible edges.

The individual objects must be clearly separat-ed from each other during model generation. The ROI of a specific object must not overlap with the ROI of a neighboring object. If the ob-ject ROIs overlap, the reliability of later object recognition is no longer ensured. An overlap-ping of neighboring object ROIs in the generat-ed model can lead to only one of these objects being found again.

• Search ROI (PAT Genius)

Within the search ROI that you have defined, the reader searches for all models stored in the "Classification" group. This makes it possible, for example, for the reader to recognize ob-jects, numbers, text excerpts or codes based on their form.

• Search ROI (Locator light)

After you have created a model (object ROI), the reader searches within the search ROI you have defined. This makes it possible, for ex-ample, for the reader to recognize objects, numbers, text excerpts or codes based on their form.

Note In Locator light, note that you need to create multiple locator steps if you want to search for and detect multiple different objects.

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Table 5- 55 Contrast threshold modes

Parameter Description Normal adaptive sensitivity

Accepts typical contrasts

Low adaptive sensitivity

Accepts weak contrasts and therefore leads to a higher num-ber of features.

High adaptive sensitivity

Retains high-contrast features. Discards low-contrast features such as those resulting from distortion and shadows.

Fixed value Fixed value in the form of gray shades. • Higher values reduce the contrast sensitivity. The lower

sensitivity results in less high-contrast features. • Lower values increase the sensitivity and result in a higher

number of features. Classification In this group, you can select which of the created models should be used in this program step. Newly created models are automatically added to this list.

Table 5- 56 Classification

Parameter Possible values Default Description List of selected models

-- -- List of all models selected for the recognition. When you click on the icon to the right of a model, it is removed from the list and no longer used for recognition. Note that the list needs to contain at least one model and can contain a maximum of 128 models.

Add model -- -- Button to add additional models to the list. Click the button to view a list of all available mod-els which have not yet been selected for recogni-tion. In this list, click on the desired model to add it to the list.

Model disambigu-ation

On / Off Off When model disambiguation is activated, the loca-tor automatically uses model disambiguation to avoid mix-ups, for example mixing up similar mod-els or symmetries in the same model. Enabling this is practical for applications with small model libraries, in particular. When model disambiguation is disabled, the time for learning or relearning the models is significant-ly reduced. When model disambiguation is disabled, the loca-tor loses its ability to distinguish between very similar models and similar hypotheses of the same object.

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SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 93 Detection

Table 5- 57 Detection

Parameter Possible values Default Description Parameters based on

• All models • User-defined

All models • All models

For the detection, uses a setting for the detec-tion parameters that is suitable for all models of the model library.

• User-defined

Allows the detection parameters to be directly influenced.

An unsuitable setting can lead to incorrect de-tection of individual or all models!

Outline level 1 ... 16 but always ≥ the value for the detail level

8 The "Outline level" parameter allows you to work with more approximate features than is possible with the detail level. The locator uses outline fea-tures for fast identification and approximate locali-zation of potential instances of the object. The higher the value is set, the more approximate the feature resolution. The value for the outline level only adopts values ≥ the value for the detail level.

Detail level 1 … 16 but always ≤ the value for the outline level

1 To confirm the identification of an object instance and to make its position precise within the image, the locator uses features from the detail level. The lower the set value (at least 1), the finer the feature resolution. The value for the detail level is always ≤ the value for the outline level.

Tracking inertia On / Off Off When this function is activated, small gaps in the features are closed.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Contrast thresh-old

• Normal adaptive sensitivity

• Low adaptive sensi-tivity

• High adaptive sensi-tivity

• Fixed value • Model(s): Mode • Model(s): Value • Model(s): Mode and


Model(s): Mode and value

The contrast threshold is the decisive factor for the sensitivity when generating the features in the input image. Based on adaptive settings, the loca-tor sets the numeric value automatically according to the input image. The "Contrast threshold modes" table shows the modes available for the contrast threshold.

Fixed value 1 ... 255 128 Can only be edited when "Contrast threshold = Fixed value". "Fixed value" is only possible if the contrast threshold is set manually in the form of grayscale values in the range from 0 to 255. See the "Con-trast threshold modes" table below this table.

Table 5- 58 Contrast threshold modes

Parameter Description Normal adaptive sensitivity

Accepts typical contrasts

Low adaptive sensitivity

Accepts weak contrasts and therefore leads to a higher num-ber of features.

High adaptive sensitivity

Retains high-contrast features. Discards low-contrast features such as those resulting from distortion and shadows.

Fixed value Fixed value in the form of gray shades. • Higher values reduce the contrast sensitivity. The lower

sensitivity results in less high-contrast features. • Lower values increase the sensitivity and result in a higher

number of features. Model(s): Mode When working with the model mode, the most sensitive mode

of the contrast threshold value is used. This mode is selected from the models available as a result of the parameters.

Model(s): Value The model value used is the most sensitive value selected from the models available as a result of the parameters.

Model(s): Mode and value

Recommended default setting Uses either the most sensitive mode of the contrast threshold value or the most sensitive value of all the currently active models. The active models are available depending on the parameters.

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 95 Search conditions

Note Meaning of "Nominal", "Minimum", "Maximum" with "Scaling" and "Rotation": • Nominal: Setting of a fixed value. • Minimum/Maximum: Setting of a changeable range of values. The minimum and

maximum values are set so that they can be changed.

Table 5- 59 Search conditions

Parameter Possible values Default Description Scaling Nom. ⇔ Min./Max.

• Nom.: 0.25 ... 2.0 • Min.: 0.25 ... 2.0 • Max.: 0.25 ... 2.0 Minimum scaling must be ≤ maximum scaling.

Nom. • Nom.: 1.0 • Min.: 0.9 • Max.: 1.1 The input boxes for minimum and maximum cannot be edited.

You can set the scaling of objects to be localized to a fixed nominal value or as a range of scaling values (minimum, maximum). By default, the scaling factor is set to the nominal value "1", which is suitable for most situations. If you use a nominal value for objects whose scal-ing deviates slightly, this can result in a loss of quality in the recognition and positioning of the objects. The real scaling factor of the objects is not measured. For this reason, instead of a nomi-nal value, configure a narrow scaling range, e.g. ± 2%. A large scaling range can slow down the search process considerably. Configure the range in such a way that it only includes the scaling factors that are actually expected for a given application. The scaling factor range belongs to the parameters that have the greatest effect on the search speed. Note The scaling factor refers to the size of the respec-tive model in the model library. A factor of 1.0 means that the objects to be localized are exactly the same size as the associated saved model in each case.

Rotation Nom. ⇔ Min./Max. • Nom.: -180 ... +180° • Min.: -180 ... +180° • Max.: -180 ... +180° Minimum rotation must be ≤ maximum rotation.

Min./Max. • Nom.: 0° • Min.: -5° • Max.: +5°

By default, the locator objects are within the rota-tion value range of -5° to +5°. A large rotation value range can slow down the search process considerably. The larger the rota-tion value range is, the slower the search speed will be. The rotational range extends anticlockwise from the specified minimum angle to the specified max-imum angle t. Note The rotation refers to the orientation of the re-spective model in the model library. A rotation value of 0 ° means that the objects to be local-ized have exactly the same orientation as the as-sociated saved model in each case.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Only on outline level

Off/on On This condition restricts the search to the outline level, recognition and positioning of object in-stances. Features of the detail level are ignored completely during the improvement of the recogni-tion and position. • Enabling this parameter leads to a loss of posi-

tioning accuracy and a higher probability of recognizing incorrect instances.

• An outline-based search is useful in time-critical applications that do not require high positioning accuracy or that only check the ex-istence or non-existence of objects.

• To achieve good results with this setting, good image quality is necessary!

Number of ob-jects

Off/on • 1 ... 200

On • 1

Specifies the maximum number of instances to find. To reduce the search time: Always set the "Number of objects" to the maxi-mum number of instances you expect to be found in the image. An unlimited number of instances can lead to a long execution time: The locator must check all possible instances carefully, particularly in overloaded images.

Contrast polarity • Normal • Reversed • Normal and reversed • Any

Normal If the polarity option is known: • Normal: The objects to be found have the

same contrast polarity as in the stored model. • Reversed: The objects to be found have a con-

trast polarity inverse to the stored model. Ex-ample: The object in the model was black, the objects to be searched for are now white.

• Normal and reversed: The contrast polarity of the objects to be searched for can be the same as or inverse to the stored model. This mode leads to a longer execution time than the po-larity options "Normal" or "Reversed".

• The "Any" mode is used to recognize objects whose contrast polarity can change from loca-tion to location within the object (e.g. due to lighting effects). Use the "Any" mode only in these situations, because the time required for localization is significantly increased.

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Note Lower value for conformity tolerance can lead to cancellation of object search If the value for conformity tolerance is too low, the object search can deliver incorrect results: The set value of the minimum match is temporarily undershot, causing the object search to be canceled. Use the manual input of conformity tolerance only in suitable cases.

Table 5- 60 Recognition

Parameter Possible values Default Description Speed 1 (fast+),

1 (fast) ... 5 (medium) ... 10 (slow)

1 (fast) The speed is in a range between "fast+" and "slow". A medium setting is optimum for most applications. This parameter does not influence the positioning accuracy. If you change the parameter, test your application for the optimum speed at which the locator still finds all required objects within the image. If the parameter is set too low (fast), the locator may ignore some instances. If the parameter is set too high (slow), your appli-cation will run for a time that is not ideal.

Minimum model percentage

1 to 100% 50% Increasing the minimum model percentage can speed up the recognition process, but it can also greatly reduce the resilience to distortions in the ROI. If serious disturbances are to be expected in pro-cessing mode, you need to reduce the minimum model percentage. If you set the recognition speed to "slow", low values for the minimum model percentage can significantly increase the execution time. If the parts to be recognized are very similar in applications with several models: Increasing the minimum model match percentage can help to avoid mix-ups between models.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Required features 0 to 100% 100% "Required features" are features that need to be

recognized by the locator so that a valid instance of an object is accepted. Normally, the existence of all features (100%) is required; you can, howev-er, set a lower percentage of required features with this parameter. This percentage only stands for the number of required features in a model without taking into account how many contours the individual re-quired features represent in the model. If, for example, the model contains 3 required features and you set the parameter to 50%: An instance of the object is considered valid as soon as 2 of the 3 required features have been recog-nized.

Minimum clear percentage

On / Off • 0 to 100%

Off • 50%

With the minimum clear percentage, you specify the percentage of the ROI surface of the model that needs to be free of obstacles/disturbances for an object instance to be considered valid. • Enabling the minimum clear percentage can

considerably extend the search time. It is in-tended, in particular, for use in pick-and-place applications.

• By enabling the minimum clear percentage, the calculation of the results for clear percentage of all instances is enabled.

"Outline level" must be disabled To use the "Minimum clear percentage" function, you must clear the "Outline level" check box.

Conformity toler-ance

On / Off • 0 ... 10 px

Off • 2 px

If the features of the models to be recognized are locally distorted in the acquired images, increasing the conformity tolerance can improve the reliability of the recognition process. Notes • Under certain circumstances, the entered value

is reduced internally if it is too high for the models in the model library: for example, with very small model dimensions or when there are very few model features.

• Note that a high conformity tolerance can trig-ger incorrect recognition and can slow down the recognition process.

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Relationships and dependencies of the parameters Menu command or parameter



Minimum clear per-centage

Only on outline level To use the "Minimum clear percentage" function, you must clear the "Only on outline level" check box. Positioning

Table 5- 61 Positioning

Parameter Possible values Default Description Speed • 1 (fast)

• 5 (medium) • 10 (slow)

5 (medium)

Specify how much time the reader may use for precise positioning of the object. In applications in which accuracy is not a very important factor, you can increase the speed by setting the parameter to "fast". If you set the pa-rameter to "slow", you increase the positioning accuracy of found instances. The speed only has a minor effect on the overall speed of the locator. Filter In this group, you make the settings for sorting and filtering the found objects.

Note Sorting objects is only possible if there is a unique line assignment The division and sorting of objects according to lines as with plain text is only practicable when the objects can be assigned uniquely to lines. The lines must be arranged parallel to the axis of the ROI, have a similar height and must not enclose each other.

Note Reference coordinate system for these settings The sorting options based on coordinates use the coordinate system of the ROI of the step as the basis. Example: In the "General" tab, the value for the "ROI position" parameter is set to "Follow step x". • When the step to which this parameter relates returns a rotation by 30 °, for

example, the ROI is rotated by an angle of 30°. • If the object sorting is set to "Left-right", for example, the objects found are sorted

from left to right in the ROI. In the image coordinates, sorting is along a line angled at 30° from bottom left to top right.

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Table 5- 62 Filter

Parameter Possible values Default Description Object sorting Object sorting • Text

• Text 90 ° • Text 180 ° • Text 270 ° • Left-right • Right-left • Top-bottom • Bottom-top • Distance to • Conformity • Clear percentage • Match

Conformity In this parameter, you specify the scheme accord-ing to which the found objects are sorted. • Text: Sorting of the found objects line-by-line

from the top left to the bottom right. • Text 90 °: Sorting from bottom left to top right

corresponds to a text that is rotated by 90 ° in an anticlockwise direction.

• Text 180 °: Bottom right to top left corre-sponds to an upside-down text.

• Text 270 °: Top right to bottom left corre-sponds to a text rotated by 90 ° in a clockwise direction.

• Left-right: Sorting independent of the vertical position starting at the left.

• Right-left: Sorting independent of the vertical position starting at the right.

• Top-bottom: Sorting independent of the hori-zontal position starting at the top.

• Bottom-top: Sorting independent of the hori-zontal position starting at the bottom.

• Distance to: Sorting of the objects according to their distance from an image point starting with the shortest distance.

• Conformity: Sorting according to the conformity of the objects found starting with the highest conformity.

• Clear percentage: Sorting according to the clear percentage of the objects found starting with the highest clear percentage. Sorting ac-cording to clear percentage is only possible if the "Minimum clear percentage" parameter is enabled in the "Recognition" group.

• Match: Sorting according to the strength of the hypothesis in the search tree starting with the strongest hypothesis.

X -image width/2 ... +image width/2

0 Specifies the center point in image coordinates from which the distance to the objects is calculat-ed, in relation to the image width. Requirements: "Object sorting = Distance to"

Y -image height/2 ... +image height/2

0 Specifies the center point in image coordinates from which the distance to the objects is calculat-ed, in relation to the image height. Requirements: "Object sorting = Distance to"


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Parameter Possible values Default Description Source • No specification

• Match string • Object sequence • Line control

No specification Specification of filter source • No specification: No filtering with specification

is performed. • Match string: The object sequence found in the

ROI when the program was saved is used as the match text.

• Object sequence: You can set the specification value for the match statement.

• Line control: The objects found are divided into lines. Objects outside of the identified lines are filtered out. To use line control, is makes sense to specify a larger number of objects than what is actually expected (approx. +40%) in the "Locator > Search conditions > Number of objects" group.

Object sequence Text string -- Requirements: "Source: = Object sequence" Specify the classes of the required models as contiguous text at this point. Make sure that the specified classes are selected in the model selec-tion ("Classification > List of selected models" group). Requirements: "Source = Line control" Enter the division into lines and characters ex-pected during processing here. Use a "?" for each character and an "\n" for each line. Examples "?????\n???\n" : A total of 8 characters in two lines. "??????????": A total of 10 characters, number of lines automatically determined

Filter out objects not contained

On / Off Off Subsequent filtering out of objects not contained in the specification, for example, because the objects are unwanted. Note If you want to detect unwanted objects using the match function, you must disable this option.

Look for specified models only

On / Off Off • On

Only models that are selected in the "Classifi-cation > List of selected models" group and contained in the specification are used for classification of the models.

• Off

All models that are selected in the "Classifica-tion > List of selected models" group are used for classification of the models.

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SIMATIC MV500 102 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 MATCH In this group, you can specify which requirements need to be met when matching an object with the saved model.

Table 5- 63 MATCH

Parameter Possible values Default Description Compare se-quence

On / Off Off A comparison is made between the read result and the match text defined in the "Specification" group, and a MATCH statement is made.

Max. match error On / Off • 1 ... 255

Off • 1

Maximum permitted number of match errors. The number of errors in the comparison with the match text must be ≤ the set value.

Max. position deviation

On / Off • 1 ... 2592 px

Off • 5 px

Maximum permitted position deviation in pixels. The distance of the actual position from the target position must be ≤ the set value. The distance relates to the origin of the model (normally the center of the model). The coordinate system fol-lows the "Search ROI" and therefore moves for the "ROI position" ≠ "Fix" value. The target coordi-nates of the objects correspond to the find posi-tions during program saving.

Max. angle devia-tion

On / Off • 0 ... 180 °

Off • 5 °

Maximum permissible angle deviation in degrees. The deviation of the angle is the difference be-tween the target angle and actual angle of an object. The measurement of the angle of rotation of an object relates to the coordinate system of the ROI. The target angle is stored for each found object when a program is saved. The actual angle is then recalculated each time a step is processed. N_OK In this group, you specify the criteria for an "OK/N_OK" decision for this locator step.

Table 5- 64 N_OK

Parameter Possible values Default Description Quality less than q with at least n object(s)

On / Off • q: 1 ... 100 • n: 1 ... 200

Off • q: 50 • n: 1

"N_OK" if the match is less than "q" for at least "n" found objects.

Average quality less than q

On / Off • q: 1 ... 100

Off • 50

"N_OK" if the average match is less than "q".

Number of ob-jects lower than x

On / Off • x: 1 ... 200

On • 1

"N_OK" if the number of found objects is lower than set at this point.

Number of ob-jects greater than x

On / Off • x: 1 ... 200

Off • 20

"N_OK" if the number of found objects is higher than set at this point.

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Parameter Possible values Default Description If match fails On / Off Off "N_OK" if "MATCH = 0".

Note You can only enable "If match fails" when "Com-pare sequence" is enabled in the "MATCH" group.

Generates pro-gram 'N_OK'

On / Off On • On

If the result of this processing step is "N_OK", the overall result of the program is in each case "N_OK", regardless of other results.

• Off

An "N_OK" result of this step does not lead to an "N_OK" overall result of the program.

An output according to the format texts is gen-erated also for "N_OK" results.

Time limit On / Off • 1…99 999 ms

Off • 1 000 ms

Max. duration of the step in [ms]. The step is terminated after the specified dura-tion. In this case, the step generates an "N_OK". When the check box "Generates program N_OK" is cleared, processing continues with the next step immediately after the termination of this step, provided the next step is available. By specifying a time limit, you can prevent a single step from us-ing up the cycle time available for the entire pro-gram. The program cycle time and the time limit of the step currently being processed are monitored separately from each other. If a timeout condition is met, the locator only out-puts the instances that were found prior to the timeout. Format In this group, you define the format of the result output of the step.

Table 5- 65 Format

Parameter Possible values Default Description Object format text See "Object format text"

table %p0;%p1;%p2;%s; With this parameter, you specify how the result of

each found object is to be formatted. Step format text See "Step format text"

table %z;%s With this parameter, you specify how the result of

the locator step is to be assembled.

Table 5- 66 Possible formatting instructions for "Object format text"

Formatting instruction Meaning %s Class of the instance %S Model name of the instance

Application 5.1 EasyStart/Program

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Formatting instruction Meaning %[B]z Number of instances found. Output as text or when using "%Bz" as a binary value

with a length of 1 byte. %l Length of the result string

This binary value has a length of 2 bytes (little endian). %Q50 Quality grade for the conformity of the instance

"0 ... 4" or "A ... F" %q50 Quality value for the conformity of the instance

Integer: 0 ... 100 %Q51 Quality grade for the matching of the instance

"0 ... 4" or "A ... F" %q51 Quality value for the matching of the instance

Integer: 0 ... 100 %Q52 Quality grade for the clear percentage of the instance

"0 ... 4" or "A ... F" This quality is only calculated if the "Minimum clear percentage" parameter is ena-bled in the "Recognition" tab of the relevant locator step.

%q52 Quality value for the clear percentage of the instance Integer: 0 ... 100 This quality is only calculated if the "Minimum clear percentage" parameter is ena-bled in the "Recognition" tab of the relevant locator step.

%Q53 Quality grade for the rotation tolerance of the instance "0 ... 4" or "A ... F" This quality is only calculated when the "Max. position deviation" parameter is enabled in the "MATCH" group.

%q53 Quality value for the rotation tolerance of the instance Integer: 0 ... 100 This quality is only calculated when the "Max. position deviation" parameter is enabled in the "MATCH" group.

%Q54 Quality grade for the position tolerance of the instance "0 ... 4" or "A ... F" This quality is only calculated when the "Max. position deviation" parameter is enabled in the "MATCH" group.

%q54 Quality value for the position tolerance of the instance Integer: 0 ... 100 This quality is only calculated when the "Max. position deviation" parameter is enabled in the "MATCH" group.

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Formatting instruction Meaning %[B | 03 | 04]p{0|1|2|3} Position of the object origin relative to the center point of the image:

• 0: x coordinate • 1: y coordinate • 2: Roll angle in "°", where a counterclockwise roll counts as positive. • 3: Scaling factor (z coordinate) • 03: Three-digit display • 04: Four-digit display • B: Floating-point number in binary representation (big endian S7 format). Notes • When the scaling factor (z-coordinate) is output with format text %p3, the out-

put is scaled with the factor 100. When the output is in binary representation (%Bp3), the original value is used: value range 0.25 ... 2.0.

%% % %i Current trigger ID

This binary value has a length of 2 bytes (little endian). %u Least significant byte of the sum of all characters of the result string.

Note: This binary value can have a value that does not correspond to any printable character, for example 0H.

%U Sum of all characters of the result string divided by the number of characters of the result string

%V Standard quality report for locator %x Match string %[{04|05}]c The time consumed for the step in ms.

• 04: Four-digit display • 05: Five-digit display If you have selected the four-digit display or have not specified a number of digits, and the consumed time is greater than 9999 ms, 9999 is displayed. If you have selected the five-digit display and the time used is greater than 99999 ms, 99999 is displayed. Note: The time required for the processing of the entire program is longer than the total of the processing time of the individual steps. This is due, for example, to the image acquisition time.

Table 5- 67 Possible formatting instructions "Step format text"

Formatting instruction Meaning %s Assembled individual results formatted according to "Format string" %[B]z Number of instances found. Output as text or when using "%Bz" as a binary value

with a length of 1 byte. %l Length of the result string

This binary value has a length of 2 bytes (little endian). %Q50 Quality grade for the conformity of the instance with the lowest match

"0 ... 4" or "A ... F"

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Formatting instruction Meaning %q50 Quality value for the conformity of the instance with the lowest match

Integer: 0 ... 100 %Q51 Quality grade for the lowest match of all found instances

"0 ... 4" or "A ... F" %q51 Quality value for the lowest match of all found instances

Integer: 0 ... 100 %Q52 Quality grade for the clear percentage of the instance with the lowest match

"0 ... 4" or "A ... F" This quality is calculated only when "Minimum clear percentage" is enabled in the "Find" tab.

%q52 Quality value for the clear percentage of the instance with the lowest match Integer: 0 ... 100 This quality is calculated only when "Minimum clear percentage" is enabled in the "Find" tab.

%Q53 Quality grade for the rotation tolerance of the instance with the lowest match "0 ... 4" or "A ... F" This quality is only calculated when the "Max. position deviation" parameter is enabled in the "Result" tab.

%q53 Quality value for the rotation tolerance of the instance with the lowest match Integer: 0 ... 100 This quality is only calculated when the "Max. position deviation" parameter is enabled in the "Result" tab.

%Q54 Quality grade for the position tolerance of the instance with the lowest match "0 ... 4" or "A ... F" This quality is only calculated when the "Max. position deviation" parameter is enabled in the "Result" tab.

%q54 Quality value for the position tolerance of the instance with the lowest match Integer: 0 ... 100 This quality is only calculated when the "Max. position deviation" parameter is enabled in the "Result" tab.

%[B | 03 | 04]p{0|1|2|3} Position of the object origin of the instance with the highest conformity relative to the image center point: • 0: x coordinate • 1: y coordinate • 2: Roll angle in "°", where a counterclockwise roll counts as positive • 3: Scaling factor (z coordinate) • 03: Three-digit display • 04: Four-digit display • B: Floating-point number in binary representation (big endian S7 format).

%% % %i Current trigger ID

This binary value has a length of 2 bytes (little endian). %u Least significant byte of the sum of all characters of the result string.

Note: This binary value can have a value that does not correspond to any printable character, for example 0H.

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Formatting instruction Meaning %U Sum of all characters of the result string divided by the number of characters of the

result string %V Standard quality report for locator %x Match string %[{04|05}]c Cycle time in ms

• 04: Four-digit display • 05: Five-digit display If you have selected the four-digit display or have not specified a number of digits, and the cycle time is greater than 9999 ms, 9999 is displayed. If you have selected the five-digit display and the cycle time is greater than 99999 ms, 99999 is displayed.

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5.1.8 "Result" program step You define the following in this program step: • The format in which the read result is output. • The criteria by which the comparison with a specification was successful. Program format text In this group, you specify which results and partial results of the existing program steps are to be output.

Table 5- 68 "Format text" and "Multicode format text" parameters

Parameter Possible values Default Description Format text see "Format text"

input box %s With this input box, you can specify the content and the

format of the string to be output.

"Format text" input box A string can be a maximum of 100 bytes long and consists of any combination of the following elements: • Characters whose ASCII equivalent is between "01H" and "FFH" • Formatting instructions for the output of variables, similar to the print function of the

C programming language. You can enter characters in the following ways: • By entering the ASCII equivalent: \mn where "m = 0, ... 9, a, ... f" and "n = 0, ... 9, a, ...

f" with the following exception: "\00" is not possible. • By typing them in on the keyboard: Here, you can enter all the characters with an

ASCII equivalent between "20H" and "7EH". Exception: If you want to output a percentage character, you need to enter "%%" here.

• Entering selected control characters:

Table 5- 69 Control characters and their meaning

Control character Meaning \r carriage return \n line feed \t tabulator

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Note Representation of printable characters After entering a printable character in the "Format text" input box, this is displayed explicitly on the screen. Example: After entering "\41", "A" is displayed on the screen.

A formatting instruction has the following structure: % [number of places] variable {selection of variables} <variable interval> Square brackets = This is an optional input. Curly brackets = Exactly one value must be selected from within the curly brackets. Angle brackets = Exactly one value must be selected from within the specified interval.

Remember that you do not enter the brackets. They are simply used for representation.

Table 5- 70 Possible formatting instructions

Formatting instruction Meaning %s The results of all steps in succession %s<1 ... 12> Formatted result of the specified step %g UID of the image consisting of 24 uppercase/lowercase letters, numbers, underscore or

dots. The same UID is transmitted by MMI where it can be used as part of the file name of the saved images.

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Formatting instruction Meaning %q<0 ... 35> %Q<0 ... 35> %q<50 ... 54> %Q<50 ... 54> (depending on verification standard)

Combined quality of all steps. "Locator" and "Read code" steps are processed separately from each other. • The combined quality of all code read steps is the quality of the worst code. • The combined quality of the locator steps is the quality of the model found with the

poorest evaluation. Formatting instructions with lowercase "q" represent the quality values, uppercase "Q" the quality grades. For some verification standards, there are quality values without an assigned grade, and there are also grades without a numerical value. Grade and value formatting instructions not used in the active verification standard cause format errors. Quality grades are output with one digit, quality values with four digits. If a verification error occurs and if the decoder option "Evaluate 'Poor' evaluation as 'N_OK'" is disabled, the letter 'E' is output instead of the quality grades and the four-digit error code (47xx) is output instead of the quality values. You will find a description of the verification error messages in the operating instructions in the section "Read and verifi-cation error messages". Only for verification according to ISO/IEC 15416 With the exception of the overall quality, width, height, aspect ratio 1 to 3 and angle, all values and grades are output ten times, once per scan line. All quality formatting in-structions specified in an uninterrupted sequence are sorted according to the scan line and semicolons are inserted between the grades (or values). A \r (carriage return) is added before and after each scan line. Example: • Formatting instruction: "%Q0#%Q1%Q25#%Q24" • Output: "Overall quality#\rSymbol contrast1;Edge determination1;\rSymbol con-

trast2;Edge determination2;\r[...]Symbol contrast10;Edge determination10;\r#\rScan line1;\rScan line2;\r[…]Scan line10;\r"

%Qt Verification type Verification type (exposure settings not conforming to standards or uncalibrated

verification) ISO/IEC 29158 1 B ISO/IEC 15415 2 C AS9132 A 3 D ISO/IEC 16022 4 E Siemens DPM 5 F ISO/IEC 15416 6 G

%Qs Quality evaluation: • 1: Poor • 2: Fair • 3: Good

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Formatting instruction Meaning % [{03|04|B}] p{0|1|2} Position (integer) of the center point of the code relative to the center point of the im-

age: • 0: x coordinate • 1: y coordinate • 2: Roll angle in [°], whereby a turn in the counterclockwise direction counts as posi-

tive. • 03: Three-digit display

Position value or roll angle are usually represented in three digits (e.g. 017, 230, -90). If the result requires 4 digits, for example negative values such as at -312, this is in-creased to four.

• 04: Four-digit display

Position value or roll angle are always represented in four digits (e.g. 0087, -543). Without this formatting instruction, the output variable (7, 98, -15, 135, -240) is shown.

• B: Floating-point number in binary representation (big endian S7 format). Note The coordinates are standardized to the image sizes 800 x 600, 1280 x 1024, 1920 x 1200 or 2592 x 2048.

%[{04|05}]c The time used for the step in [ms]. • 04: Four-digit display • 05: Five-digit display If you have selected the four-digit display or have not specified a number of digits, and the time used is greater than 9999 ms, 9999 is displayed. If you have selected the five-digit display and the time used is greater than 99999 ms, 99999 is displayed. Note: The time required for the processing of the entire program is longer than the total of the processing time of the individual steps. This is due, for example, to the image acquisition time.

%u Least significant byte of the sum of all characters of the result string. Note This binary value can have a value that does not correspond to any printable character, for example, 0H.

%U[<1..12>] Least significant byte of the sum of all characters of the result of the specified step divided by the number of characters of the step. If no step is specified, the least signifi-cant byte of the sum of all characters of all steps divided by the number of characters of all steps.

%L Cumulated length of the result strings of all OCR steps. This binary value has a length of 2 bytes (little endian).

%l[<1..12>] Number of characters in the result string of the specified step. If no step index is specified, the length of the overall result is used. This binary value has a length of 2 bytes (little endian).

%b Binary result of read procedure: Byte in which the bits "IN_OP", "TRD", "RDY", "READ", "MATCH", "N_OK" are coded according to the status byte. The assignment is as follows: Bit position Assignment 7 Reserved

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Formatting instruction Meaning 6 Current status of the trigger input 5 N_OK 4 MATCH 3 READ 2 RDY 1 TRD 0 IN_OP This binary value can have a value that does not correspond to any printable character, for example 0H. Note The formatting instruction "%b" must only be used once in the program format text. If the instruction is specified more than once, the correct value is output only at the posi-tion of the last occurrence.

%V Standard verification report with all valid grades and evaluations that is automatically adapted to the calibration referenced in the program. All field values (grades and evalua-tions) are separated by a semicolon. You will find an overview of the fields included in each verification standard in the table below and in the operating instructions in the section "Verification result".

%R Verification report defined in the relevant standard for ISO/IEC 29158, ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 15416. For all other verification standards, the formatting instruction is skipped.

%v Output of the verification settings. You will find an overview of the contained fields in the operating instructions in the section "Verification settings".

%E Textual description of the verification error. If no verification error has occurred, the formatting instruction is skipped.

%t[<1..12>] Code type of the specified step (only decoder) or the code types of all decoder steps in succession: Data matrix 10 QR code 11 PDF417 13 DotCode 14 Code 128 20 Code 93 21 Code 39 22 Code 39 with check-sum


Interleaved 2 of 5 24 Interleaved 2 of 5 with checksum


Codabar 26 EAN 13 27 EAN 8 28 UPC-A 29 UPC-E 30 Postnet 32 PHARMACODE 33 PHARMACODE 180° 39

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Formatting instruction Meaning GS1 DataBar Omnidi-rectional


GS1 DataBar Limited 35 GS1 DataBar Expand-ed


GS1 DataBar Stacked 37 Code 32 38

%i Current trigger ID. This binary value has a length of 2 bytes (little endian). %x[<1..12>] [:<1 ... 150>]

Match string of the specified code of the specified step. • If the first index is omitted (%x[:<1..150>]), the match strings (that are available and

match the second index) of all steps are output. • If the second index is omitted (%x[<1..12>]), all match strings belonging to the cor-

responding step are output. The second index is only useful for code read steps that operate in multicode mode.

Examples • %x: All match strings from all steps • %x3: All match strings from the 3rd step • %x2:2 The match string of the 2nd code in the 2nd step • %x:3 The match string of the 3rd code from each step. Note If (one of) the referenced match strings is/are not configured (for example, no match configured in the corresponding step), no format error is triggered.

%d Device ID %n{0|1|2|3} Statistical values

• n0: Number of processing procedures completed • n1: Number of OK processing procedures • n2: Number of N_OK processing procedures • n3: Number of successfully matched processing procedures Each of these binary values has a length of 4 bytes (little endian).

%[B]z Number of codes found. Output as text or when using "%Bz" as a binary value with a length of 1 byte. Note This formatting instruction always has the value 1 in the format text.

The following tables contain the code type-specific quality classes. If the formatting instructions include uppercase letters, the result is output as grade or quality level. If the formatting instructions include lowercase letters, the result is output as numerical value.

Table 5- 71 Quality classes: Uncalibrated, ID Genius decoder (0)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 Overall quality (O__) %Q1 %q1

Symbol contrast (SC_) Integer: 0 ... 100

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Formatting in-struction


%Q2 %q2

Axial non-uniformity (AN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q4 %q4

Unused error correction (UEC) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q9 %q9

Print growth (PG_) Integer: -999 ... 999

Table 5- 72 Quality classes: ISO/IEC 29158 (1/B)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 Overall quality (O__) %Q1 %q1

Cell contrast (SC_) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q2 %q2

Axial non-uniformity (AN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q3 %q3

Grid deviation (GN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q4 %q4

Unused error correction (UEC) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q5 L/F border violation (FPD) %Q6 Cell modulation (MOD) %Q7 Reference decoding (RD_) %Q8 %q8

Minimum reflectance (RMI) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q9 %q9

Print growth X/Y; (PGX/PGY) (unevaluated) 2x integer: -100 ... 100

%Q10 %q10

Cell size (CS_) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.0 ... 99.9


Current average gray scale value (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 255

%q12 Aperture (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 999

%q13 Percentage aperture value (unevaluated) Integer: 0, 50, 80

%q14 ECC level (unevaluated) Integer: 200

%q15 Height (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q16 Width (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q17 Angle (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 360

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Formatting in-struction


%q34 Cell size in [mm] Fixed point: 0.01 ... 9.99

%q35 Cell size in pixels Fixed point: 1.0 ... 99.9

Table 5- 73 Quality classes: ISO 15415 (2/C)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 Overall quality (O__) %Q1 %q1

Symbol contrast (SC_) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q2 %q2

Axial non-uniformity (AN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q3 %q3

Grid deviation (GN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q4 %q4

Unused error correction (UEC) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q5 L/F border violation (FPD) %Q6 Cell modulation (MOD) %Q7 Reference decoding (RD_) %Q9 %q9

Print growth X/Y; (PGX/PGY) (unevaluated) 2x integer: -100 ... 100

%Q10 %q10

Cell size (CS_) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.0 ... 99.9

%q12 Aperture (unevaluated) Integer: 3, 4 ... 20

%q14 ECC level (unevaluated) Integer: 200

%q15 Height (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q16 Width (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q17 Angle (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 360

%q34 Cell size in [mm] Fixed point: 0.01 ... 9.99

%q35 Cell size in pixels Fixed point: 1.0 ... 99.9

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Table 5- 74 Quality classes: AS9132 (A3/D)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 Overall quality (O__) %Q1 %q1

Contrast (SC_) (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q9 %q9

Module fill X/Y (MFX/MFY) (unevaluated) 2x integer: 0 ... 200

%Q10 %q10

Nominal module size (NMS) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.0 ... 99.9

%q14 ECC level (unevaluated) Integer: 0, 50, 80, 100, 140, 200

%q15 Height (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q16 Width (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q17 Angle (unevaluated) Integer 0 ... 360

%Q19 %q19

Module center offset 1/2 (CO1/CO2) 2x integer: 0 ... 99.9

%Q20 %q20

Module size offset 1/2 (SO1/SO2) 2x fixed point: 0 ... 99.9

%Q22 %q22

Angle of distortion (AOD) Fixed point: -45 ... 45

%Q23 %q23

Ovality (OV_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 99.9

%q34 Cell size in [mm] Fixed point: 0.01 ... 9.99

%q35 Cell size in pixels Fixed point: 1.0 ... 99.9

Table 5- 75 Quality classes: AIM (ISO 16022) (4/E)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 Overall quality (O__) %Q1 %q1

Contrast (SC_) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q2 %q2

Axial non-uniformity (AN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q4 %q4

Unused error correction (UEC) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q9 %q9

Print growth X/Y (PGX/PGY) 2x integer: -100 ... 100

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Formatting in-struction


%Q10 %q10

Cell size (CS_) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.0 ... 99.9

%q14 ECC level (unevaluated) Integer: 0, 50, 80, 100, 140, 200

%q15 Height (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q16 Width (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q17 Angle (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 360

%q34 Cell size in [mm] Fixed point: 0.01 ... 9.99

%q35 Cell size in pixels Fixed point: 1.0 ... 99.9

Table 5- 76 Quality classes: Siemens DPM (5/F)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 Overall quality (O__) %Q1 %q1

Contrast (SC_) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q2 %q2

Axial non-uniformity (AN_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q4 %q4

Unused error correction (UEC) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q6 %q6

Cell modulation 1/2 (CM1/CM2) 2x integer: 0 ... 100

%Q9 %q9

Print growth X/Y (PGX/PGY) 2x integer 2x 0 ... 200

%Q10 %q10

Cell size (CS_) Fixed point: 0.0 ... 99.9

%q14 ECC level (unevaluated) Integer: 0, 50, 80, 100, 140, 200

%q15 Height (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q16 Width (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q17 Angle (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 360

%Q19 %q19

Center offset (CO_) Integer: 0 ... 99.9

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Formatting in-struction


%Q20 %q20

Size offset (SO_) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 99.9

%Q21 %q21

Border match (BM_) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q22 %q22

Angle of distortion (AOD) Fixed point: -45 ... 45

%q34 Cell size in [mm] Fixed point: 0.01 ... 9.99

%q35 Cell size in pixels Fixed point: 1.0 ... 99.9

Table 5- 77 Quality classes: 1D barcodes (ISO 15416) (6/G)

Formatting in-struction


%Q0 %q0

Overall quality (O__) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 4.00

%Q1 %q1

Symbol contrast (SC_) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q6 %q6

Modulation (MOD) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q7 Reference decoding (RD_) (grade only)

%Q8 %q8

Minimum reflectance (RMI) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q10 %q10

Module size (NMS) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.0 ... 99.9

%q15 Height (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q16 Width (unevaluated) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 9.99

%q17 Angle (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 360

%q18 Maximum reflectance (RMA) (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q24 Overall scan line (SL_) %Q25 Edge determination (ED_) %Q26 %q26

Minimum edge contrast (MEC) Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q27 %q27

Defects (DEF) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

%Q28 %q28

Decodability (DEC) Fixed point: 0.00 ... 1.00

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Formatting in-struction


%q29 Start quiet zone (QZ1) (unevaluated) Integer 0 ... 10

%q30 Stop quiet zone (QZ2) (unevaluated) Integer: 0 ... 10

%q31 Aspect ratio 1 (WR1) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 1.0 ... 5.0

%q32 Aspect ratio 2 (only multi-width barcodes) (WR2) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 1.0 ... 5.0

%q33 Aspect ratio 3 (only multi-width barcodes) (WR3) (unevaluated) Fixed point: 1.0 ... 5.0

%q34 Cell size in [mm] Fixed point: 0.01 ... 9.99

%q35 Cell size in pixels Fixed point: 1.0 ... 99.9

Table 5- 78 Quality classes: Locator

Formatting in-struction


%Q50 Quality grade for the conformity of the instance "0 ... 4" or "A ... F"

%q50 Quality value for the conformity of the instance Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q51 Quality grade for the matching of the instance "0 ... 4" or "A ... F"

%q51 Quality value for the matching of the instance Integer: 0 ... 100

%Q52 Quality grade for the clear percentage of the instance "0 ... 4" or "A ... F" This quality is only calculated if the "Minimum clear percentage" parameter is enabled in the "Recognition" tab of the relevant locator step.

%q52 Quality value for the clear percentage of the instance Integer: 0 ... 100 This quality is only calculated if the "Minimum clear percentage" parameter is enabled in the "Recognition" tab of the relevant locator step.

%Q53 Quality grade for the rotation tolerance of the instance "0 ... 4" or "A ... F" This quality is only calculated when the "Max. position deviation" parameter is enabled in the "MATCH" group.

%q53 Quality value for the rotation tolerance of the instance Integer: 0 ... 100 This quality is only calculated when the "Max. position deviation" parameter is enabled in the "MATCH" group.

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Formatting in-struction


%Q54 Quality grade for the position tolerance of the instance "0 ... 4" or "A ... F" This quality is only calculated when the "Max. position deviation" parameter is enabled in the "MATCH" group.

%q54 Quality value for the position tolerance of the instance Integer: 0 ... 100 This quality is only calculated when the "Max. position deviation" parameter is enabled in the "MATCH" group.

Table 5- 79 Format text examples

Format text Description String output: %s\r\n Filtered result string with prefixed "String output: " text and

followed by CR and LF. %q4 Numerical value of the quality characteristic "Unused error

correction". %Q4 Quality grade of the quality characteristic "Unused error cor-

rection" %Q9 %Q2 %s Quality grade of the quality characteristic "Print growth", qual-

ity grade of the quality characteristic "Axial non-uniformity", filtered result string

%p1 y-coordinate of the code center point relative to the image center point as integer.

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SIMATIC MV500 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04 121 Error messages In this group, you define which text is displayed for the respective error in the WBM and is output via the text interface. You enter the individual characters of each error text just as you enter the characters in the "Format text" input box with the following exception: If you want to display a percentage character, enter "%%" here.

Table 5- 80 Error messages

Menu command or parameter

Possible values Default Description

Read error See "Description" column

Read Error(%s) Content and format of the string to be output in the event of read errors. The string can be a maximum of 100 bytes long. The string consists of any combination of the fol-lowing elements: • Characters whose ASCII equivalent is between

"01H" and "FFH" ("%%" causes a percentage character to be output)

• Formatting instructions for output of variables The following formatting instructions are possible: • %s • %c • %b • %i "%s" stands for the textual description of the probable cause of the error in English. "%c" stands for a decimal digit with the same information content. %b stands for the error message of the binary result of a read. %i stands for the trigger ID.

Filter error See "Description" column

Filter Error(%s) Content and format of the string to be output in the event of read errors. The string can be a maximum of 100 characters long. The string consists of any combination of the following elements: • Characters whose ASCII equivalent is between

"01H" and "FFH" ("%%" causes a percentage character to be output)

• Formatting instructions for output of variables The following formatting instruction is possible: • %s "%s" stands for the textual description of the probable cause of the error in English.

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Menu command or parameter

Possible values Default Description

Match error See "Description" column

Match Error(%s ! %x)

Content and format of the string to be output in the event of a match error. The string can be a maximum of 100 bytes long. The string consists of any combination of the fol-lowing elements: • Characters whose ASCII equivalent is between

"01H" and "FFH" ("%%" causes a percentage character to be output)

• Formatting instruction for output of variables The following formatting instructions are possible: • %s[<1..12>] • %b • %x[<1..12>][:<1 ... 150>] • %e • %i "%s" stands for the result string of the specified step. If no step index is specified, the result string of the step in which the match error occurred is output. "%b" stands for the binary result. "%x[<1..12>][:<1 ... 150>]" stands for the match string of the specified code of the specified step. If the first index is omitted (%x[:<1..150]), the match string of the step in which the match error oc-curred is output. If the second index is omitted, all match strings belonging to the step are output. "%e" stands for a binary match error code (see table "Match error code"). "%i" stands for the trigger ID.

Format error Freely selectable character string

Format Error(%s) Text for error in the "Format text" input box. The string consists of any combination of the following elements: • Characters whose ASCII equivalent is between

"01H" and "FFH" ("%%" causes a percentage character to be output)

• Formatting instruction for output of variables The following formatting instructions are possible: • %s %s stands for the output of the formatting instruc-tion in the "Format text" input box which generat-ed the error.

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Match error code

Note Display of the match error code The match error code is only supported for compatibility reasons. A correct interpretation according to the tables below is only possible if the "Read code" task is executed in the first step.

The match error code ("%e" in the match error text) consists of 37 bytes that are transferred in order of ascending significance (little endian). The match error code has the following meaning:

Table 5- 81 Match error codes

Byte Error number Description Byte 0 01 Match error

02 Reference error A match was attempted with a match string that cannot be processed with the selected comparison option (read code) (overwrites match error).

03 Match string missing (overwrites match and reference errors).

Bytes 1...32 00 One bit per code • 00: Code OK • 01: An error has occurred in this code.


Bytes 33...36 00 One bit per ROI • 00: ROI OK • 01: An error has occurred in this step.


Probable causes of a read error

Note Causes of error 4700 to 4722 The causes of error 4700 to 4722 are also output in the verification report if there is a verification error. All verification grades are output in the report as "E". The verification values correspond to the error code.

Note Evaluating verification errors as read errors If the "Evaluate 'Poor' evaluation as 'N_OK'" check box has been selected in the decoding settings, a verification error will also be evaluated as "N_OK".

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Table 5- 82 Causes of a read error

Error code (%c)

Message (%s)


0001 No 1D/2D code found in step n No code was found in step #n. 0002 Cycletime too short Processing was not completed within the cycle time

limit. 0003 Trigger too fast Processing was interrupted by a trigger signal. 0004 Non ECC200 Code in step n A data matrix code was found in step #n that does

not correspond to ECC200. Note The check for ECC200 is performed only in adjust-ment mode and during "Save program".

0005 Step n: Structured Append DMC not supported A "Structured Append" DMC type was found in step #n. This DMC type is not supported.

0006 Step n: Reader Programming DMC not support-ed

A "Reader Programming Code" DMC type was found in step #n. This DMC type is not supported.

0007 Step n: QR ECI encoding not supported A QR code with "ECI encoding" was found in step #n. This QR type is not supported.

0008 Step n: QR Byte encoding not supported A QR code with "Byte encoding" was found in step #n. This QR type is not supported.

0009 Step n: QR Kanji encoding not supported A QR code with "Kanji encoding" was found in step #n. This QR type is not supported.

0010 Step n: Structured Append QR code not sup-ported

A "Structured Append" QR type was found in step #n. This QR type is not supported.

0011 Step n: QR FNC1 encoding not supported A QR code with "FNC1 encoding" was found in step #n. This QR type is not supported.

0012 Code quality is poor in step n A code with "poor" quality evaluation was read in step #n during verification.

0013 Nothing found In "Scan" or "Auto-trigger" (edge-triggered) mode: All image acquisitions were decoded without result.

0014 Found m instead of the expected number of 1D/2D codes in step n

Only "m" codes instead of the expected number of codes were found in step # n during multicode de-coding.

0015 Maximum number of codes per image (m) was exceeded in step n

More than the maximum number of codes per im-age was found with multicode decoding (50, MV500 U/X: 150).

0016 The maximum amount of data which can be decoded was exceeded in code m of step n

A maximum of 3001 bytes can be decoded per step. This length was exceeded in step #n for code #m.

0017 Trigger during image acquisition The trigger signal was applied during image acquisi-tion. In this case, no (further) image acquisition is started. Instead, image acquisition and processing are being continued and an N_OK result is generat-ed immediately upon completion.

0018 Step timeout reached in step n In step #n, the defined time limit was reached. 4700 Verification failed in step n The read code could not be verified. 4701 Verification for code type found in step n not

supported The selected verification method is not supported for the code type found in step #n.

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Error code (%c)

Message (%s)


4707 Mean light outside of range in step n: Maximum exposure time reached

The average brightness needed for ISO/IEC 29158 is outside the valid range (see also error code 4709). The specified maximum value for the exposure time was reached during automatic exposure control. To resolve this error: 1. Use brighter lighting or enlarge the aperture of

the lens (lower aperture number). 2. Perform a new calibration.

4708 Mean light outside of range in step n: Cycle time limit of the automatic exposure control reached

The average brightness needed for ISO/IEC 29158 is outside the valid range (see also error code 4709). The automatic exposure control was unsuccessful because the necessary decodings could not be completed within the time limit. To resolve this error: • Reduce the exposure ROI of the program. • Change the resolution to half-image or increase

the time limit of the exposure control. • Also ensure that the code is completely within

the exposure ROI until conclusion of the image acquisition process.

4709 Mean light outside of range in step n The average brightness needed for ISO/IEC 29158 is outside the valid range (70% to 86%) in step #n.

4710 Verification failed in step n: Data Matrix ECC200 required

Verification requires a data matrix code according to ECC200 specification (only for verification ac-cording to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 29158).

4711 Verification failed in step n: Aperture too small The cell size of the data matrix code in step #n is too large for the configured aperture (only for verifi-cation according to ISO/IEC 15415).

4712 Verification failed in step n: Aperture too large The cell size of the data matrix code in step #n is too small for the configured aperture (only for veri-fication according to ISO/IEC 15415).

4713 Verification failed in step n: Not enough space around the Data Matrix

The quiet zone around the data matrix contained in the image is too small. For verification, a quiet zone of at least the size of two cells is required (only for verification according to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 29158).

4714 Verification failed in step n: RDA could not find the horizontal timing pattern

The reference decoding according to ISO/IEC 16022:2006 signals an error when search-ing for the horizontal timing pattern (only for verifi-cation according to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 29158).

4715 Verification failed in step n: RDA could not find the vertical timing pattern

The reference decoding according to ISO/IEC 16022:2006 signals an error when search-ing for the vertical timing pattern (only for verifica-tion according to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 29158).

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Error code (%c)

Message (%s)


4716 Verification failed in step n: RDA found an in-correct number of rows and columns

The reference decoding according to ISO/IEC 16022:2006 signals an error when deter-mining the number of rows or columns (only for verification according to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 29158).

4717 Verification failed in step n: RDA could not lo-cate the finder pattern

The reference decoding according to ISO/IEC 16022:2006 signals an error when search-ing for the finder pattern (only for verification ac-cording to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 29158).

4719 Verification failed in step n: RDA error correc-tion failed

The reference decoding according to ISO/IEC 16022:2006 signals an error when deter-mining the error correction (only for verification according to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 29158).

4720 Verification failed in step n: Number of Data Matrix rows/columns is too high

The maximum supported code size for verification according to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 29158 is 104x104 cells.

4721 Verification failed in step n: Cell size is smaller than the specified Min.X Dim.

During verification, a cell size was measured that is less than the minimum X-dimension setting (only for verification according to ISO/IEC 29158).

4722 Verification failed in step n: Cell size is larger than the specified Max.X Dim.

During verification, a cell size was measured that is greater than the maximum X-dimension setting (only for verification according to ISO/IEC 29158).

5000 Not enough resources to process step n Step #n could not be executed due to a lack of re-sources (memory).

5001 No objects found in step n Locator: No objects were found in step #n. 5002 Too few objects found in step n Locator: The number of objects found in step #n is

lower than the set minimum. 5003 Too few objects found in step n: Required fea-

ture is missing Locator: The number of objects found in step #n is lower than the set minimum. At least one object was rejected because of a missing required feature.

5004 Too few objects found in step n: Rotation range exceeded

Locator: The number of objects found in step #n is lower than the set minimum. At least one object was rejected because it did not comply with the rotation constraint.

5005 Too few objects found in step n: Scaling range exceeded

Locator: The number of objects found in step #n is lower than the set minimum. At least one object was rejected because it did not comply with the scale constraint.

5006 Too few objects found in step n: Contours not adequate

Locator: The number of objects found in step #n is lower than the set minimum. At least one object was rejected because insufficient contours were found.

5008 Too few objects found in step n: Details not recognized

Locator: The number of objects found in step #n is lower than the set minimum. At least one object that was identified at the outline level was rejected at the detail level.

5009 Too few objects found in step n: Outline not recognized

Locator: The number of objects found in step #n is lower than the set minimum. No object was found at the outline level.

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Error code (%c)

Message (%s)


5010 Too few objects found in step n: Clear percent-age violated

Locator: The number of objects found in step #n is lower than the set minimum. At least one object was rejected because it did not comply with the clear percentage constraint.

5011 Too many objects found in step n Locator: The number of objects found in step #n is higher than the set maximum.

5012 Quality too poor in step n Locator: The objects found in step #n are below the set quality threshold.

5013 Average Quality too poor in step n Locator: The objects found in step #n are below the set average quality threshold.

5014 Match error tolerance exceeded in step n Locator: The match performed in step #n was not successful because the number of match errors was higher than the maximum number permitted.

5015 Position tolerance exceeded for object m in step n

Locator: The position of object m in step #n is out-side the maximum permitted deviation.

5016 Rotation tolerance exceeded for object m in step n

Locator: The rotation angle of object m in step #n is outside the maximum permitted deviation.

5.1.9 Image and result display

Image This group displays the current image.

Exposure ROI with verification according to ISO/IEC 29158 When using a verification reference with ISO/IEC 29158, the exposure ROI must be set in such a way that the code to be verified is approximately in the center of the ROI. In addition to this, the code to be verified needs to be fully inside the exposure ROI during the image acquisition. For the following reasons, it is advisable to keep the exposure ROI as small as possible, while taking into consideration the flexibility required for the application: • Optimizing the speed:

The smaller the exposure ROI, the faster the exposure control will work. • Disruptions in the image:

If the acquired images contain disturbances similar to code, the exposure control can fail completely because the time available for the exposure control is limited. In this case, the mean light value required in the standard might not be reached. The same applies to codes that are difficult to read.

• Multiple codes in the image: If there are or can be several codes in the viewing field, the exposure ROI needs to be set up in such a way that it only contains the code to be verified. If there are several codes to be verified, the exposure ROI should only include the code closest to the

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center. The verification of more than one code in one step does not, however, correspond to the stipulations of the standard.

Filmstrip The images saved last are shown below the currently displayed image.

Setting the capture area (ROI) and moving the image section You can change the size of the ROIs displayed in the image using the mouse (left mouse button) and position them using drag-and-drop. You can use the right mouse button to move the zoomed image section. You can also set and change the snap range with the keyboard: • Shift:

– Using the arrow keys: larger increments (10 pixels) – Ctrl + arrow keys: Shift pixel by pixel

• Pressing the shift key at the same time activates ROI size change with the arrow keys: – Shift + arrow keys: Changes the size in larger increments. – Shift + Ctrl + arrow keys: Changes the size pixel by pixel.

Result The results of the last sample processing procedures/read attempts are shown in this group.

Note Representation of non-printable characters Non-printable characters are displayed in the format "\xx". "xx" corresponds to the ASCII value.

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5.1.10 Image and result view

Image view You specify the settings for the image display in this group.

Table 5- 83 Image view

Parameter/ button


Source Selection of image source Show live image


Restriction: This function can only be performed in the "Edit" status. Shows the live image continuously in the image display.

Show trigger im-age (triggered)

Shows acquired images activated by a trigger in the image display. The reader acquires images only if this is activated by the trigger source, for example, a light barrier.

Fire trigger

Requirements: The "Show trigger image" function was previously selected and you have the "Take control" authorization. You do not need the authorization with the "Edit" status. Manual triggering of an image acquisition.

Show archive image

Shows archive images of the images saved on the reader in the image display.

Overlay / Superimposition

Enables/disables the superimposed view of live image and archive image. This view can be used to match two acquired images, for example, to restore the orientation of the reader. As soon as you enable "Overlay", a superimposition bar is displayed under "Zoom". By means of the superimposition bar, you can determine the extent to which each of the images should be visible. • Scroller left: 100% live image • Scroller right: 100% archive image

Archive / Show The function depends on the current reader status. In processing mode ("Start" status), you can use the "Show" parameter to set a filter function that determines which image types are displayed in the image display. In all other operating modes, the "Archive" parameter below the image display shows all im-ages stored in the saved programs.

Load image

Restriction: This function can only be performed in the "Edit" status. Loads a saved image (*.bmp, *.zip) onto the optical reader Note that the processing result can be highly impaired if the resolution of the uploaded image does not match the resolution of the reader version.

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Parameter/ button


Save image

Restriction: This function cannot be performed in the "Stop" status. Saves the currently displayed image on your PC. If the "Improve image" parameter is enabled, the improved image is also saved.

Image focus

Enables the display for evaluating the focus setting.

Exposure balance Shows how balanced the gray scale value distribution of the acquired image is. The gray scale value distribution assesses how many gray scale value levels the image con-tains. Black and white pixels are considered saturated and have a negative effect on the bal-ance because they are outside the linear image range. A good object image usually has a high balance value. The balance value is indicated as a filled bar and as a percentage.

Zoom You can scale the image display using the zoom bar. You can use the thumbnail below the zoom bar to determine which section of the image dis-play you are in.

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Result view This group shows the setting options with which you display the processing results. The "Refresh display" button provides a preview of the results of your settings in the program steps of the "Program" menu.

Table 5- 84 Result view

Parameter/ button


Formation of result Selection of formation of result view Enable/disable

formation of result /

Activate/deactivate formation of result in the image display When formation of result is enabled, processing of the current program step is conducted for each new acquired image. For continuous live image display, the next image is not triggered until the processing of the current image is completed. When the "Program" page of the WBM is open, you can also enable or disable formation of result directly on the reader using the "READ" button. When switching to the program steps "Overview" and "Image acquisition", note that result formation is automatically disabled and automatically enabled in the program steps "Decod-er" and "Result".

Update result

Restriction: The "Enable formation of result" function was previously selected and the reader is in the "Edit" status. Updates the result view in the image display. To do so, the current image is processed once again.

Details You can use the Details operator controls to define which information and results are shown in the image display and which are hidden.

Regions Enabling/disabling the ROI view Clicking the buttons enables or disables the different views. We distinguish between search ROIs that limit the search range and result ROIs. By clicking the dots next to the buttons, you can select the display options. The following result details are available, depending on the selected task and the active set-tings:

Search ROIs: • Search ROI (fixed default) • Name of search ROI

Result ROIs: • Name of result ROI • Result text

Decoder Restriction: The reader is in the "Start" (RUN) status. Filter selection The following filters are available depending on the selected task and the active settings:

Filter image: • Filtering

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Parameter/ button


Features: • Grid • Cells Note that these features can only be selected or deselected if formation of result has already been performed and the value "ISO/IEC 29158" has been selected under "Decoder > General > Uncalibrated quality".

Quality values The "Quality values" group is shown as soon as a program is started. The current values of the quality features are displayed in the form of a bar according to the selected verification standard. To obtain the details of the quality features, move the mouse over the quality abbreviation (for example, SC) and a tooltip with more information will open.

Table 5- 85 Quality values

Color Length Meaning Green Long Quality grade is "Good" Yellow Medium Quality grade is "Fair" Red Short Quality grade is "Poor" Beige/gray -- The value is only for information and is not used to decide the

overall quality

Info statistics The "Info statistics" group is shown automatically as soon as a program is started. The statistical information on the relevant number of processing procedures and reads is provided as percentage (%).

Table 5- 86 Info statistics

Menu command or parameter


Total counter Absolute number of total processing procedures Temporary error Number of temporary errors that have occurred or number of invalid trigger

signals. The trigger signals are valid only when the last image acquisition or the set number of image acquisitions in the "Scan" mode is completed. Note: Temporary errors can be deleted by going to the page "Info > Diagnostics > Reset data records".

Read • Absolute number of successful image processing procedures • Relative number of successful image processing procedures

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Menu command or parameter


NOK • Absolute number of unsuccessful image processing procedures • Relative number of unsuccessful image processing procedures

Match (only when Match = Use)

• Absolute number of reads with a positive match result • Relative number of reads with a positive match result

Quality evaluation The statistical distribution of the overall quality evaluation of the past pro-cessing procedures is displayed. The evaluations are "Good", "Fair" and "Poor".

Good evaluation Absolute and relative number of image processing procedures in which the quality evaluation was "Good". To decode with the quality "Good", the code does not need to be completely in the ROI.

Fair evaluation Absolute and relative number of image processing procedures in which the quality evaluation was "Fair".

Poor evaluation Absolute and relative number of image processing procedures in which the quality evaluation was "Poor" or in which a verification error occurred.

Trigger too fast Absolute and relative number of image processing procedures during which the next trigger signal came too fast.

Trigger interval • Time interval between two trigger pulses (format: hh:mm:ss.ms) • Min.: Minimum of the trigger intervals since the last startup (format:

hh:mm:ss.ms) • Max.: Maximum of the trigger intervals since the last startup (format:

hh:mm:ss.ms) • Average: Average of the trigger intervals since the last startup (format:

hh:mm:ss.ms) Cycle time • The processing time required for the code currently being read.

For the program currently being output: the time from the internal trigger to the end of processing minus the time in which the image is buffered.

If the size of the image buffer is > 1, images are buffered during scanning, program sequence and individual trigger.

• Min.: Minimum of the processing times of all the codes read since the last startup

• Max.: Maximum of the processing times of all the codes read since the last startup

• Average: Average of the processing times of all the codes read since the last startup

• Too short: Absolute and relative number of image processing procedures in which the set high limit of the cycle time was exceeded.

X position X position of the center point of the first result relative to the center of the image. Normalized to the full resolution for the current image.

Y position Y position of the center point of the first result relative to the center of the image. Normalized to the full resolution for the current image.

Roll angle Roll angle of the center point of the first result for the current image corre-sponds to a counterclockwise rotation.

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Menu command or parameter


Viewing angle (ID-Genius de-coder for DMC only)

Angle between the sensor axis and the surface of the code field for the cur-rent image. Ideally, this angle is 90°.

Smallest cell spacing (ID-Genius decoder for DMC only)

Smallest cell spacing in pixels for the current image.

Distance to bor-der (ID-Genius decoder for DMC only)

Smallest distance of a code boundary to the image border for the current image. The value specified here is multiplied by the mean cell spacing.

Resetting the statistical information

Note Program change results in reset of statistical information Note that a program change results in a reset of the statistical information.

Use the "Reset statistics" button to reset all statistical information. Note that this button is enabled only if the logged-on user has administrator rights (see "Settings > Security").

Accuracy of the geometric measured values The values "Smallest cell spacing", "X position", "Y position" and "Roll angle" can normally be calculated with a high degree of accuracy. The calculation of the "Viewing angle" is less accurate: Assuming that there was no distortion when the code was printed, the measuring inaccuracy can be up to 10. This can occur particularly when the reader is almost vertical over the surface of the code field (viewing angle 75° to 90°). Curved surfaces in general have a negative influence on the measured viewing angle. Since these measured values are only a side product of a successful read attempt, no measured values are calculated or output if the read is "N_OK".

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Settings 6 6.1 Communication

6.1.1 Interfaces In this area, you define the communication interfaces and the parameters for the interfaces.

Ethernet In this group, you set the parameters for the Ethernet interface. This group is displayed once or twice depending on the reader version used and the number of Ethernet interfaces available. Note that you must operate the Ethernet interfaces "X1 LAN1" and "X2 LAN2" in two different subnets.

Table 6- 1 Ethernet X1 LAN1 and Ethernet X2 LAN2

Parameter Possible values Default Description IP mode • DHCP

• Manual • PROFINET

(FB79) 1) • PROFINET

(Ident profile) 1)

DHCP Assignment of the IP address to the reader in the net-work: • DHCP: Automatic (DHCP = Dynamic Host Configu-

ration Protocol) • Manual: Manual • PROFINET (FB79) / PROFINET (Ident profile):

Automatically by the I/O controller IP address (only when IP mode = manual or DHCP server)

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx IP address of the Ethernet interface of the reader (an IP address consists of four numbers separated by periods with each number being in a range from 0 to 255.)

Subnet mask 255.xxx.yyy.zzz The subnet mask indicates which part of the IP ad-dress specifies the network and which part specifies the reader: If a bit is set in the binary representation of the subnet mask, the corresponding bit of the IP address belongs to the network address. If no bit is set, the bit belongs to the address of the reader. In binary terms, xxx.yyy.zzz requires that the left part be made up of ones without a gap and the right part be made up of zeros without a gap. Example: 11111111.10100000 is not permitted. Note also: zzz ≤ 254

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Gateway IP address

IP address of the network node that can establish connections from within the current subnet. This is always required when there are devices in more than one subnet. In this case, you can only establish connections from the reader to other devices (e.g. to the (S)NTP server) via the gateway. To find out whether all the devices are in the same subnet, you should normally ask your network adminis-trator. Notes • If the (S)NTP server is not addressed by the reader,

the gateway IP address is not required. • If a broadcast address is configured as the gateway

IP address, the reader cannot be configured using the Primary Setup Tool (PST) or with the "Edit Ethernet node..." functionality of the SIMATIC Man-ager. In this case, it is also not possible to read out the configuration of the reader using these pro-grams.

Set as standard gateway

☐ / ☑ -- Specifies whether this Ethernet interface is to be used as the default gateway.

1) These values are only displayed for the Ethernet interface X1 LAN 1.

Note Ethernet connection via the "X2 LAN2" interface Note that you can only establish a connection to the optical reader via the "X1 LAN1" Ethernet interface using the Primary Setup Tool. You can configure the "X2 LAN2" Ethernet interface via the WBM "Settings > Communication > Interface > Ethernet" or using a DHCP server.

NOTICE Requirement for the IP address The IP address of the optical reader must be in the same subnet as the IP address of the communications partner. Note that you can only set the IP address for the "X2 LAN2" interface via the WBM.

NOTICE Ethernet interfaces in different subnets Note that you must operate the Ethernet interfaces "X1 LAN1" and "X2 LAN2" in two different subnets. If you do not comply, you cannot save the changes in the WBM, or if you use PST, the IP address of the "X2 LAN2" interface is discarded.

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Device/host name You specify the name of the reader in this group.

Table 6- 2 Device/host name

Parameter Possible values Default Description Device/host name String in which the

following characters are permitted: upper and lower case letters, num-bers and "-". The string must match the conven-tions of the "Do-main Name System" (DNS).

-- Name of the device in the network. Note If "IP mode" is not set to "PROFINET (FB79)" or "PROFINET (Ident profile)", "Host name" can be edit-ed.


Note Changes during PROFINET IO operation During PROFINET IO operation, the IP address and device name of the reader must not be modified manually.

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In this group, you set the parameters for the PROFINET IO interface. If you select "PROFINET (FB79)" or "PROFINET (Ident profile)" in the "IP mode" drop-down list, the input boxes are enabled.

Table 6- 3 PROFINET IO

Parameter Possible values Default Description Time limit 100 ... 2 000 500 Only relevant if the "IP mode" is set to "PROFINET

(FB79)". Handshake monitoring time in [ms].

Pulse time 5 ... 999 30 Only relevant if the "IP mode" is set to "PROFINET (FB79)". Pulse time of the digital outputs "READ, MATCH, N_OK" in [ms] with control via PROFINET. Note For the pulse time, select a higher value than for the update time of the PROFINET IO system in the TIA Portal.

Swap • S7 • None

S7 Only relevant if the "IP mode" is set to "PROFINET (FB79)", and the position and quality values can be read using the instance DB of FB79. Position and qual-ity values in the formatted result string are not affected by this. Specifies the byte order for data types with a width of 16 bits or more: • S7: Big endian (for a data type with a width of 16

bits, the low byte is at the most significant byte po-sition.)

• None: Little endian (for a data type with a width of 16 bits, the low byte is at the least significant byte position.)

CM In this group, you set the transfer speed for the communication module.

Table 6- 4 CM

Parameter Possible values Default Description Transfer speed • 19200

• 57600 • 115200

115200 Transfer speed of the RS422 interface in [bps]

Settings 6.1 Communication

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TCP In this group, you set the parameters for communication using TCP/IP.

Table 6- 5 TCP

Parameter Possible values Default Description IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Available only in "Client" mode.

IP address of the TCP/IP communication partner (server) with which the reader (client) is to set up a TCP/IP connection. For SIMATIC controllers, "active connection establishment" must be disabled.

Port Device-specific 8020 "Client" mode: Port of the TCP server. "Server" mode: Port on which the reader waits for an incoming connection from a TCP client.

Time limit 0 ... 3 600 0 • 0: There is no transfer of cyclic monitoring frames to test the connection to the TCP/IP connection partner.

• Otherwise: Time in seconds after which a monitor-ing frame is sent to check the connection to the TCP/IP connection partner. The check is imple-mented by sending the "Idling string" to the recipi-ent at the configured interval. If the test fails, an error is output (only when the reader is in "Start" or "Save program" mode) and the connection is reestablished.

Idling string Characters whose ASCII equivalent is between "01H ... FFH" or the format-ting instruction %b for outputting the binary result.

\r\n (carriage return, line feed)

Binary result of read procedure: Byte in which the bits "IN_OP", "TRD", "RDY", "READ", "MATCH", "N_OK" are coded according to the status byte. The assignment is as follows: Bit position Assignment 7 Reserved 6 Current status of the trigger

input 5 N_OK 4 MATCH 3 READ 2 RDY 1 TRD 0 IN_OP This binary value can have a value that does not corre-spond to any printable character, for example 0H.

Settings 6.1 Communication

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RS232 In this group, you set the parameters for the integrated RS232 interface.

Table 6- 6 RS232

Parameter Possible values Default Description Transfer speed • 9600

• 19200 • 38400 • 57600 • 115200

57600 Defines the transfer speed with which the reader communicates via the integrated RS232 interface in [bps]

Parity • Odd • Even • None

Odd Sets the parity of the RS232 interface

Stop bits • 1 • 2

1 Defines the number of stop bits used

Time limit 0 ... 3 600 0 • 0: There is no transfer of cyclic monitoring frames to test the connection.

• Otherwise: Time in seconds after which a monitor-ing frame is sent to check the connection. The check is implemented by sending the "Idling string" to the recipient at the configured interval. This mechanism can be used by the recipient to set up connection monitoring.

Idling string Characters whose ASCII equivalent is between "01H ... FFH" or the format-ting instruction %b for outputting the binary result.

\r\n (carriage return, line feed)

Binary result of read procedure: Byte in which the bits "IN_OP", "TRD", "RDY", "READ", "MATCH", "N_OK" are coded according to the status byte. The assignment is as follows: Bit position Assignment 7 Reserved 6 Current status of the trigger

input 5 N_OK 4 MATCH 3 READ 2 RDY 1 TRD 0 IN_OP This binary value can have a value that does not corre-spond to any printable character, for example 0H.

Settings 6.1 Communication

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Archiving/MMI (MMI: Man Machine Interface) In this group, you set the address of a server to which you may send images and/or data records for diagnostics.

Table 6- 7 Archiving/MMI

Parameter Possible values Default Description IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx IP address of the server for diagnostic information Port Device-specific 8765 Corresponding port of this server Time limit 0 ... 3 600 10 • 0: There is no transfer of cyclic monitoring frames

to check the connection between the reader and server.

• Otherwise: Time in seconds after which a monitor-ing frame is sent to check the connection between reader and server. If the server does not respond to this frame within the monitoring time, an error is output (only when the reader is in RUN or "Save program" mode) and the connection is reestablished.

Remote client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx IP address of the HTTP client that is permitted to exe-cute remote functions such as the remote XML com-mand. To deactivate the remote functions through this con-nection, enter "".

SNMP SNMP V1 In this section, you can enable/disable the SNMP V1 functionality. If the "SNMP V1" function is disabled, no SNMP functionality is offered. Community string read You specify the string that is to be used as password for an SNMP transfer and allows read access. The default setting for this community string is "public". Allow write access The input of a string is only permitted when this check box is selected. If the check box is not selected, write access is not permitted and the "Community string write" field appears grayed out. Community string write You specify the string that is to be used as password for an SNMP transfer and allows write access. The default setting for this community string is "private".

Settings 6.1 Communication

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Note Supported SNMP versions Note that only SNMP Version 1 is supported.

Supported MIBs: • LLDP-MIB (OID: .1.0.8802.1.1.2) • Standard MIB II (according to RFC1213)

– "System" group (OID: . – "Interfaces" group (OID: .

Write access is permitted only for the following MIB objects of the system group: • sysContact (OID: . • sysLocation (OID: . • sysName (OID: .

CustomGUI In this group, you set the access rights of a CustomGUI for the Web API interface. Dyn. IP address Access is granted to the first CustomGUI that establishes a connection to the reader via the Web API. Access is denied to other CustomGUIs (with different IP address) until the first CustomGUI terminates the connection. Fixed IP address Only the IP address set at this point is in a position to communicate with the Web API. Access denied Web API interface is disabled. No access by CustomGUI possible, except for monitoring functions.

Settings 6.1 Communication

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Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Table 6- 8 Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Parameter Dependency


PROFINET IO IP mode The parameters of the "PROFINET IO" group are only active when the "PROFINET (FB79)" or "PROFINET (Ident profile)" IP mode is selected.

Host name PROFINET IO device name Only if IP mode "PROFINET (FB79)" or "PROFINET (Ident profile)" is selected does the host name correspond to the "PROFINET IO device name".

PROFINET IO de-vice name

Host name Only if IP mode "Manual" is selected does the "PROFINET IO device name" correspond to the "Host name". Note If the IP mode "PROFINET (FB79)" or "PROFINET (Ident profile)" is not set, the "Device name" corre-sponds to the "Host name".

6.1.2 Use You define the signal and communication paths in this area. For example: • How the signals reach the reader. • The communication path that is used to output a modified result string, if any.

Settings 6.1 Communication

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Connection In this group, you set the parameters for the connection interfaces.

Table 6- 9 Connection

Parameter Possible values Default Description Source • DI/DO



DI/DO Specify the interface over which the trigger signal is sent to the reader: • DI/DO / PROFINET IO: Enables optional triggering

via DI/DO or PROFINET IO. Depending on the "IP mode" input box in the "Communication > Interfac-es" menu.

• CM: Trigger signal comes from a connected com-munication module

• RS232 and TCP: If the string you specified in the "Trigger text" input box is sent over the RS232 in-terface or a TCP/IP connection, the reader gener-ates a trigger signal.

• PROFINET IO; depending on the "IP mode" input box in the "Communication > Interfaces" menu

Debouncing 8 ... 9 999 8 You enter the value for debouncing. Helpful with very fast trigger sources, for example, whose signal is not stable.

Text • None • CM • RS232 • TCP • PROFINET IO

None Specify the interface over which the result text is out-put. • None: The result string is not output. • CM: Result string is output over the CM interface.

Note The result string can only be output over CM if you have selected the value "CM" in the "Control" drop-down list (see below).

• RS232 or TCP: The result string is output via a TCP connection or via the RS-232 interface.

• PROFINET IO: via PROFINET IO; depending on the "IP mode" input box in the "Communication > Interfaces" menu

Note The result string can only be output over PROFINET IO if you have selected the value "PROFINET IO" in the "Control" drop-down list (see below).

Settings 6.1 Communication

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Result • None


DI/DO Specify the interface over which the result bits READ, MATCH, and N_OK are output. • None: The result bits READ, MATCH and N_OK are

not output. • CM: Result bits are output over the CM interface.

Note In order to obtain a result, you must set the result bits in the program format text (%b) for the "CM" function. Simply selecting "CM" at this point does not provide a result.

• DI/DO: Result bits are output over the DI/DO inter-face.

• PROFINET IO: Result bits are output over the PROFINET IO interface.

Note In order to obtain a result, set the result bits in the program format text (%b) in "PROFINET IO (Ident profile)" IP mode. Simply selecting "PROFINET IO" at this point does not provide a result

Settings 6.1 Communication

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Control • DI/DO


DI/DO Specify the interface over which the signals (DISA, SEL0, SEL1, SEL2, SEL3, TRN, RES, IN_OP, TRD, RDY) and the tasks (such as write match string, model change, read job) are transferred over the RS232, TCP, CM and PROFINET interface (Ident profile). • DI/DO: DI/DO interface (possible only when "Text"

= "PROFINET IO" or "CM") • CM: over CM interface

Note Control through the CM interface is possible only if you have set the value "CM" in the "Text" drop-down list.

• RS232: Control via the RS232 interface For an overview of the commands, see the operat-ing instructions "SIMATIC MV500" in the section "Control through TCP/IP and RS232".

• TCP: Control via the TCP interface For an overview of the commands, see the operat-ing instructions "SIMATIC MV500" in the section "Control through TCP/IP and RS232".

• PROFINET IO; depending on the "IP mode" input box in the "Communication > Interfaces" menu

Source program • New • 1 • 2 • ... • 15

New Selection of the source program that the controller accesses as template. The controller creates new pro-grams based on the selected source program.

Note Maximum length of the result string The maximum length of the result string is limited depending on the selected interface: • TCP, RS232, CM: 16383 characters • PROFINET IO: 6858 characters

Only when "IP mode = PROFINET (FB79)" is set. Otherwise, 16383 characters.

Settings 6.1 Communication

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Diagnostics transfer In this group, you specify the parameters for transfer of diagnostics data.

Note Transfer of images or data records If you have set "Stack" as the buffer type under "Settings > Options > Diagnostics & monitoring > Report", images and data records are only transferred until the stack is full.

Settings 6.1 Communication

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Table 6- 10 Diagnostics transfer

Parameter Possible values Default Description Transfer images • None

• Archiving/MMI

None You specify whether the relevant data record is trans-ferred to a server if one of the causes selected under "Settings > Options > Diagnostics & monitoring" in "Image" occurs. • None: No transfer • Archiving/MMI: With enabled transfer monitoring,

the images are transferred to the server Buffer size for diagnostics transfer (MMI): When images are to be sent by diagnostics transfer (MMI), they are buffered in the reader until the trans-fer is complete. If the buffer is full, further diagnostic images are not intended for transfer. The size of the buffer for diagnostics transfer can be increased at the expense of the size of the reader di-agnostic memory. The diagnostic memory has a maxi-mum size of 50 images. If this buffer size is reduced, the buffer that becomes free is available for diagnos-tics transfer ("Settings > Options > Diagnostics & monitoring > Logging > Image > Buffer size"). With a larger buffer for diagnostics transfer, please note that although many diagnostic images generated one after another (e.g. during scanning) can be intend-ed for transfer, sufficient time must be available be-tween two image series for the actual transfer.

Transfer data records

• None • Archiving/MMI

None You specify whether the relevant data record is trans-ferred to a server if one of the causes selected under "Settings > Options > Diagnostics & monitoring" in "Image" occurs. • None: No transfer • Archiving/MMI: With enabled transfer monitoring,

the data records are transferred to the server With transfer monitoring

☐ / ☑ -- Select the check box to enable transfer monitoring. If the check box is not selected, transfer is not moni-tored. When transfer monitoring is enabled, SIMATIC MV500 checks the complete transfer of all occurring diagnos-tic images and data records to make sure there are no omissions. If the data cannot be transferred to the connected server in the available time, SIMATIC MV500 changes to Stop with a transmit error. In this mode, you should therefore make sure that the Ether-net connection has adequate bandwidth and SIMATIC MV500 has enough time in reserve to send the data to the server.

Settings 6.1 Communication

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Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Table 6- 11 Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Parameter Dependency


Trigger, text Source The Trigger text input box is only active when the trigger source is selected as "RS232" or "TCP".

Text, control • Connections • Options > Extras

For permitted combinations, refer to the table below.

Trigger, source Text If "CM" is selected as the trigger source, "CM" must also be selected for the text.

Trigger source, text, result, control

Ethernet > IP mode If the IP mode is "PROFINET IO", "CM" can-not be selected as trigger source, text, result and control.

Permitted combinations for text and controller settings

Table 6- 12 Permitted combinations for text and controller settings

Control DI/DO

Control PROFINET IO (FB79)

Control PROFINET IO (Ident profile)

Control CM

Control TCP

Control RS232

Text "None" ☑ ☑ ☐ ☐ ☑ ☑ Text "PROFINET IO" (FB79)

☐ ☑ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Text "PROFINET IO" (Ident profile)

☐ ☐ ☑ ☐ ☐ ☐

Text "CM" ☐ ☐ ☐ ☑ ☐ ☐ Text "TCP" ☑ ☑ ☐ ☐ ☑ ☑ Text "RS232" ☑ ☑ ☐ ☐ ☑ ☑

6.1.3 Digital I/O In this area, you define the assignments of the digital inputs and outputs, as well as for the signal levels.

DI/DO signals The reader has digital inputs and outputs, some of which can be freely assigned. In this group, you assign the DI/DO signals to the digital inputs and outputs.

Settings 6.1 Communication

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The signals "EXT_1", "EXT_2", "EXT_3", "EXT_4" are only available as output and can only be set through the TCP, RS232 and CM interfaces.

Table 6- 13 DI/DO signals

Pin / Menu command

Possible values Default Description

DI K TRG TRG Trigger input

You use the level to specify what activates the trigger.


N_OK Output only: EXT_1, EXT_2, EXT_3, EXT_4

RDY Freely selectable out-put

J STROBE STROBE Flash output for con-necting external flash-es

L IN_OP, RDY, READ, MATCH, N_OK Output only: EXT_1, EXT_2, EXT_3, EXT_4

READ Freely selectable out-put

Pulse time 5 ... 999 30 Pulse time of the digi-tal outputs READ, MATCH, N_OK, and EXT_1 ... EXT_4 in [ms]

Level of unused digital inputs You can set the level for unused digital inputs. You can find additional information in the section "Relationships and dependencies of the parameters". The table below shows you what happens when the level of an unused digital input is set to "High".

Table 6- 14 Level of unused digital inputs

Signal Description DISA Configuration using the WBM is blocked. Status displays continue to be displayed. RES Resetting an error

Settings 6.2 Options

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Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Table 6- 15 Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Parameter Dependency


DISA • Settings > Security • Settings > Communication >


If you select control through DI/DO, the DISA input signal can only be set perma-nently to "High" if at least one user has the "Take control" right.

Note Delayed updating of the LED status displays with high loads If the reader is under a heavy load, the updating of the LED status displays may be delayed. This means that the display is no longer synchronized with the current status of the inputs/outputs.

6.2 Options

6.2.1 Lighting In this area, you determine the internal or external lighting to be used. For lamps with which the reader is unfamiliar, you define which properties the connected lamps have.

NOTICE An incorrectly selected lamp can cause an overload Select the lamp being used under "Settings > Options > Lighting". Only in this way can the internal overload protection ensure that the limit values for duty cycle and maximum flash duration are adhered to. An incorrectly selected lamp can lead to its overload and destruction in the long term.

Settings 6.2 Options

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Internal lamp / External lamp

Note Changes to the connected lamp/connecting a different lamp: Programs and calibrations no longer executable Note that when you subsequently change the parameters of a selected lamp or connect and select a different lamp, all programs and calibrations that use these lamps (internally or externally) are marked as non-executable. • In order to use a non-executable program again, you must check the exposure

settings and save the program again. • In order to use a non-executable calibration again, you must repeat the calibration

process and save the calibration again. If you reconnect the lamp used for the calibration without changing the parameters and select it in the lighting options, the calibration will be executable again.

Table 6- 16 Internal lamp / External lamp

Parameter Possible values Default Description Supply via PoE or CM

☐ / ☑ ☐ Enable this parameter if you operate the reader via PoE or a CM. Note that the power consumption must be re-duced for power supply via PoE or CM. The lighting settings are restricted as a result. Enabling this parameter limits the number of segments that can be switched on when using the ring light types "Multi" or "Remote".

Lamp • Auto (<article num-ber>)

• 6GF3440-8DA11 • 6GF3440-8DA21 • 6GF3440-8DA41 • Other • None

Auto (<article num-ber>)

Choose the lighting with which you want to work. • Select "Auto" to detect the internal lamp

automatically when the reader starts up. This setting ensures that subsequent pa-rameters are read and specified automati-cally.

• Select "Other" to describe and select a lamp not included in the list.

• Select "None" if you do not want to use an internal or external lamp.

• None • Other • <Article number>

external lamp


Product name -- -- In this input box, you can assign a name to the lamp. Possible values: Letters, numbers and ASCII special characters. Maximum of 255 characters.

Flash ☐ / ☑ -- 1) The displayed parameters depend on the se-lected lamp and the parameter "Supply via PoE or CM".

Permanent light ☐ / ☑ -- 1) Polarized ☐ / ☑ -- 1)

Settings 6.2 Options

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Main beam ☐ / ☑ -- 1) • If the value "Auto" was selected in the

"Lamp" parameter, these parameters show the functions of the selected lamp.

• If the value "Other" was selected in the "Lamp" parameter, you must use these pa-rameters to inform the reader which function the selected lamp supports.

Unpolarized ☐ / ☑ -- 1)

Flash delay 0 ... 5 000 μs 1) 20 1) The flash delay specifies the time between the application of a flash signal and the start of the flash. The image acquisition is delayed by the set value. This value is known and fixed for supported lamps. For "Other" lamps, you enter the value in μs here. Note: Delayed start of flash for lamps with 12/24 V strobe input Due to the high trigger level and the rate of voltage rise, a higher value for the flash delay may be necessary. If a value that is too low is entered, the auto-exposure function can malfunction, for example.

Max. flash dura-tion

1 ... 20 000 μs 1) 10 000 1) The maximum flash duration specifies the max-imum time that a flash signal may last before the lamp becomes damaged. This value is pre-set for supported lamps. For "Other" lamps, you enter the value in μs here. The monitoring integrated in the reader ensures that the lamp never flashes longer than speci-fied here.

Max. duty cycle 0.1 ... 99.9% 1) 8.0 1) The duty cycle is the ratio of flash duration to cycle duration. It indicates how much load a lamp can accept. A duty cycle of 5% means that, on average, the lamp may be on for a maximum of 5% of the time and must be off for 95% of the time. Based on this value, the internal lamp monitor-ing ensures that the connected lamp is not overloaded.

Wavelength 2 ... 2 000 nm 1) 630 1) The wavelength information is required for doc-umentation for verification tasks and is speci-fied here. If you have selected "Other" lamps, enter the wavelength of the lamp you are using here.

Color -- 1) -- 1) The light color is required for documentation for verification tasks and is specified here. If you have selected "Other" lamps, enter the color of the light of the lamp you are using here.

1) Depending on the ring light used

Settings 6.2 Options

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Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Table 6- 17 Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Parameter Dependency Description All parameters on this page

• Program • Verification > Calibration • Run

In case of changes on this page, note: As a result of this operation, programs and calibrations that use this lamp (internally or externally) are marked as non-executable. • In order to use a non-executable program

again, you must check the exposure set-tings and save the program again.

• In order to use a non-executable calibra-tion again, you must repeat the calibra-tion process and save the calibration again.

If you reconnect the lamp used for the cali-bration without changing the parameters and select it in the lighting options, the cali-bration will be executable again.

Settings 6.2 Options

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6.2.2 Diagnostics & monitoring In this area, you determine the information to be stored for diagnostic purposes.

Logging In this group, you specify the images to be stored in the reader and their form. Including: • Saving images in the reader • Saving diagnostic events in the reader

Note Saving diagnostic data Save your diagnostic data before you change the reader to adjustment mode. If you have set the buffer type "Ring" for logging pictures, pictures acquired in adjustment mode can overwrite pictures you have already recorded.

Table 6- 18 Logging

Parameter Possible values Default Description Image Buffer type • Ring

• Stack

Ring Type of buffer: • Ring

When the buffer contains 50 entries (SIMATIC MV500 U/X: 30 entries), entries 1, 2 ... are overwritten.

• Stack

When the buffer contains 50 entries (SIMATIC MV500 U/X: 30 entries), no further entries are made.

Settings 6.2 Options

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Cause • Trigger

• Read OK • Read NOK • Read OK (all) • Read NOK (all) • Match OK • Match NOK • Save program • Quality evaluation

good • Quality evaluation

fair • Quality evaluation


• Read NOK • Save program

You specify what causes an image to be saved. The addition of "(All)" means that all acquired images are entered in the diagnostic buffer. If "Scan" is enabled, this also includes images for which no read result is output. Activation of "Scan" under "Program > Image ac-quisition > Control". Example "Scan" with 10 acquired images is set as the im-age acquisition mode. If the code to be read is only fully visible in the 5th acquired image: • With "Read OK (all)", the four previous images

are also stored in the diagnostic buffer. • With "Read OK", only the 5th image is stored. "Poor quality evaluation" also includes images in which a verification error occurred.

Record • Image • ± 1 image

Image • Image

If one or more of the causes selected above occurs, the current image is saved.

• ± 1 image

Not only the current image but also the previ-ous and next image are saved.

Buffer size 1 … 50 5 Defines the number of images that are to be buff-ered in the diagnostic memory.

Report Buffer type: • Ring

• Stack

Ring Type of buffer: • Ring: When the buffer contains 15 000 entries,

entries 1, 2, ... are overwritten. • Stack: When the buffer contains 15 000 entries,

no further entries are made. Match string frames ☐ / ☑ ☑ With the "Write match string" or "Write string trig-

ger synchronized" command, received frames are output in the diagnostics report.

Settings 6.2 Options

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Time basis In this group, you specify the source for the time stamp of the diagnostics events.

Table 6- 19 Time basis

Parameter Possible values Default Description Source • PC



The PC provides the time stamp. • SNTP

An SNTP server (SNTP = simple network time protocol) in the network provides the time stamp.

IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx IP address of the SNTP server (enabled only when Source = SNTP)

Monitoring In this group, you specify whether live images are displayed in processing mode.

Table 6- 20 Monitoring

Parameter Possible values Default Description During processing • Auto

• Off • On

Auto Here, you specify whether a live image is dis-played in processing mode on the "Run" page: • Off: No live image • On: Live image is displayed • Auto: Live image is displayed load-dependent

Settings 6.2 Options

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Persistence (persistent data storage) In this group, you specify which diagnostic information you want to store permanently on the EPROM.

Table 6- 21 Persistence

Parameter/ button

Possible values Default Description

Save next error image ☐ / ☑ ☐ The image belonging to the next NOK signal is saved in the EPROM. If an image is already stored there, it is overwritten when this function is se-lected.

Save next data rec-ords

☐ / ☑ ☐ As soon as the function is enabled, as many diag-nostics entries as you specify in the following input box are saved in the EPROM. Existing entries are deleted when you switch over to On. If the diagnostics buffer in the EPROM reaches the number of permanently storable diagnostic data records, no further entries are made. Note Deleting takes several seconds.

Number of data rec-ords

10 ... 2 000 2 000 See "Save next data records" parameter. Note This input box is active only when you have se-lected the "Save next data records" check box.

Delete image -- -- When you click on this button, you delete an im-age stored in the EPROM. Note: This button is only enabled if there is an image in the EPROM.

Delete entries -- -- When you click on this button, you delete all diag-nostics entries stored in the EPROM. Note: This button is only enabled if there are diagnostic entries in the EPROM.

Persistent storage of a bad image While a bad image is being stored in the EPROM, it remains possible to operate the reader and to control it from an automation system. This is, however, delayed since the storage of image data in read-only memory can take a relatively long time. Persistent storage of diagnostics entries

Settings 6.2 Options

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The following restrictions apply to storing diagnostics entries in the EPROM: • The processing time of the currently acquired code increases by the time required to

store the diagnostics entries. The time required to store a diagnostics entry in the EPROM is as follows: – At an ambient temperature of 25 ºC approximately 1 ms. – At an ambient temperature of 50 ºC approximately 32 ms.

• Operating the reader and controlling it from an automation system are possible, however input is delayed.


Ethernet or PROFINET connection: longer history, The storage times shown above apply only when there is no connection over Ethernet or PROFINET. If there is such a connection, the specified time increases and increases more the higher the network load.

Settings 6.2 Options

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6.2.3 Extras In this area, you specify the additional functions that you want to use for screen evaluation. • Link up to five programs to a processing sequence • Specify special verification settings • Define "CONNECT" and "READ" settings • Specify data backup settings

PAT Genius In this group, you can specify whether you want to use the license-free version of the locator - Locator light - or the version with the full scope of functions.

Table 6- 22 PAT Genius

Parameter Possible values Default Description Use license-free version

☐ / ☑ ☑ Defines whether this reader works with the license-free Locator light or the licensed full version of the locator.

Compatibility mode

☐ / ☑ ☐ Defines whether the functions of the locator (PAT Genius) are displayed in compatibility mode. Compatibility mode was designed specif-ically for the implementation of MV400 pro-grams. In this mode, only those functions/parameters that were contained in MV400 are displayed.

You can find detailed information on the differences between the various versions/modes in section ""Locator" program step (Page 84)".

Settings 6.2 Options

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Program sequence A program sequence links one to five programs to a processing sequence. You hereby have some degree of freedom in adapting this function optimally to your application.

Note Restriction for combination of "Program sequence" and "Multicode" Please note the following restriction with the combination of "Program sequence" and "Multicode" ("Program > Decoder > Multicode"): The processing of program sequences is terminated after the first successfully processed program. You cannot differentiate between two programs with a different number of 1D/2D codes of the same code type. Example • Program 1: Saved with two codes of the type "DMC" • Program 2: Saved with four codes of the type "DMC" • Program sequence 1: Contains program 1 and 2 • Acquired image contains four codes of the type "DMC". Processing begins with

program 1 which has an OK result because it was possible to decode two codes. Processing is stopped and the result output.

Settings 6.2 Options

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Table 6- 23 Program sequence

Parameter Possible values Default Description Use ☐ / ☑ ☐ • Enabled: Operating mode in which attempts

are made to process one to five of the saved programs at each trigger. You use the fol-lowing parameters to specify how images are acquired and with which saved programs they will be processed.

• Disabled: Mode in which processing is per-formed with only one saved program at each trigger.

Result output • First read result • Best read result • All read results

First read result • First read result

The programs contained in the program se-quence are processed one after the other. Following the first successful processing procedure, processing is stopped and the result is output.

• Best read result

All programs contained in the program se-quence are processed one after the other. All successful processing procedures are compared with each other. Once all pro-cessing procedures are completed, the best read result is output.

• All read results

All programs contained in the program se-quence are processed one after the other. The result is output for each program.

Restriction: This setting is only supported in PROFINET mode with Ident profile or during operation using a CM when "Trigger source" = "DI/DQ".

Quality criterion • Overall quality • Symbol contrast • Axial non-

uniformity • Unused error cor-

rection • L/F border viola-

tion • Minimum reflec-


Overall quality When selecting result output: "Best read re-sult", set the comparison criterion. The "Quali-ty" of a result is evaluated based on the comparison criterion. Note Only the "Overall quality" selection is valid for all code types and verification standards. If you want to use a different quality criterion, make sure that this criterion is calculated with the selected settings. You can find the support-ed qualities according to verification standard at Program format text (Page 108). If a result is compared in processing mode that does not provide the selected quality, the setting chang-es to the overall quality, which can lead to un-expected results.

Settings 6.2 Options

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Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Table 6- 24 Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Parameter Dependency


Program sequence Image acquisition > Mode If you enable program sequence "Use", the image acquisition control in the template is set to "Individual trigger". Programs that have been saved already and are marked as "non-executable" or that do not use "Individual trigger" as the image acquisition control are deleted following a prompt for confirmation.

Program sequence Image acquisition > Image buffer During activation of the "Use" program sequence, the program with the lowest program number determines the number of used image buffers. This number is distributed evenly over all programs in the sequence. Example: Four programs in the sequence: 12 image buffers are specified in the 1st program. Consequently, each of the four programs is assigned three image buffers. The number of image buffers available for the pro-cessing can be increased, if necessary, by reducing the buffer size of the diagnostic image memory ("Op-tions > Diagnostics & monitoring > Logging > Image > Buffer size").

Program sequence with result output "First read result" or "Best read result" To obtain reproducible results, the programs contained in the program sequence must have the same structure. If the programs contain a different number of decoder steps or codes for Multicode, for example, you will get different read results. You cannot assign these different read results. Example • Program 1:

One decoder step, Multicode, two codes of type "DMC" are to be read. • Program 2:

One decoder step, Multicode, four codes of type "DMC". • Program sequence 1:

Contains program 1 and 2; "First read result" or "Best read result" is to be output. • In the case of result output "First read result":

Acquired image contains four codes of the type "DMC". Processing begins with program 1 which has an OK result because it was possible to decode two codes. Processing is stopped and the result output.

• In the case of result output "Best read result": Acquired image contains four codes of the type "DMC". If program 1 delivers the higher quality, a result with two DMCs is output, even though four DMCs were in the image and were read.

Settings 6.2 Options

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Acoustic signal (beeper) You can configure the acoustic signal in this group.

Table 6- 25 Acoustic signal

Parameter Possible values Default Description Formation of result • Off


READ Configures the acoustic signal for formation of result. • Off: No signal • READ: Short sound signal if it was possible

to read a code (the higher the tone, the bet-ter the read reliability of the code).

Processing mode • Off • READ • MATCH • N_OK

Off Configures the acoustic signal for processing mode (RUN). • Off: No signal • READ: Short sound signal if it was possible

to read a code (the higher the tone, the bet-ter the read reliability of the code).

• MATCH: Acoustic signal when the code comparison was successful.

• N_OK: Acoustic signal when reading was not possible.

Scanner portal In this group, you can define whether the reader is to take over the function of the master reader.

Table 6- 26 Scanner portal

Parameter Possible values Default Description Master reader ☐ / ☑ ☐ Specifies whether this reader should take over

the function of the master reader in a scanner portal application. Communication with the higher-level system (e.g. controller) is performed via the master reader.

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Verification In this group, you can make the settings for the quality classes and verification details.

Table 6- 27 Verification

Parameter Possible values Default Description Code quality clas-ses

• 4,3,2,1,0 • A,B,C,D,F

4,3,2,1,0 You set the type of representation of the quality grades you prefer. The setting relates both to the display in the WBM as well as to output via the interfaces.

Verification details • On • Off

On Only for data matrix verification: • On: Verification details such as cell position

and grid lines are calculated and can be dis-played.

• Off: No details for displaying the verification result are calculated. This details cannot be displayed.

Note Assignment of the code quality classes For information on assigning the code quality classes to the quality evaluation "Good", "Fair", and "Poor", refer to "Settings > Options > Extras". The "A, B, C, D, F" representation is available for reasons of compatibility. The "4, 3, 2, 1, 0" representation is normal. The selected representation has no influence whatsoever on the result of the verification.

Settings 6.2 Options

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Operation on device In this group, you specify whether the buttons on the reader are enabled and which functions are covered by the READ button or automatic adaptation.

Table 6- 28 Operation on device

Parameter Possible values Default Description CONNECT -- -- In this parameter group, you specify the func-

tions for the "CONNECT" button. Allow use of

CONNECT function

On / Off On • On: Allows starting of a fast connection to the reader by pressing the "CONNECT" but-ton on the reader. As soon as the connection has been established, this is indicated by a permanently lit green "CONNECT" LED.

Note If this function is executed, a DHCP server and a DNS server are started on the reader. Both services can result in disturbances in an existing network and therefore must only be used in the case of a direct connection to a programming device/PC.

Note that the "CONNECT" function is auto-matically disabled (value = off) when the IP address of the reader is changed.

• Off: The "CONNECT" function is disabled as long as an Ethernet connection exists. When pressing the "CONNECT" button, this is sig-naled by the "CONNECT" LED flashing red.

If the Ethernet connection has been termi-nated, the "CONNECT" button can be pressed to establish a fast connection to the reader. To do so, connect the reader to the PC over the Ethernet interface after press-ing the "CONNECT" button. The connection is established immediately. As soon as the connection has been established, this is in-dicated by a permanently lit green "CONNECT" LED.

Settings 6.2 Options

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Parameter Possible values Default Description READ -- -- In this parameter group, you specify the func-

tions for the "READ" button. Allow use of

READ function • Never • Not in processing

mode • Always

Not in processing mode

• Never

The "READ" function is disabled. • Not in processing mode

The "READ" function is only possible when the reader is not in processing mode.

• Always

The "READ" function can be executed at any time even during processing mode.

Activate target-ing on 1st but-ton press

On / Off On • On: An "Orientation" LED is switched on by pressing the "READ" button. You can optimally align the reader to its tar-get range with the help of the LED. By pressing the button again, you stop the step and move on to the next one.

• Off: The "Orientation" LED is not switched on. This step is skipped.

Source pro-gram

• New • 1 • 2 • ... • 15

New Selection of the source program that the optical reader normally accesses as template. With "New", a new program with the basic settings is used as template.

Exposure On / Off On • On: The exposure is optimized automatical-ly. The customized settings are saved.

• Off: Exposure is not optimized. The settings saved in the source program are applied in-stead.

Switch lamp segment

On / Off On • On: When using an installed ring light, mul-tiple exposure scenarios are automatically run; different LEDs are switched on/off in the process. This may reduce reflections on shiny objects.

• Off: The exposure scenarios are not run. The LED segments set in the source program are used instead.

Focus On / Off On • On: When using an EF lens, the focus set-ting is automatically determined again.

• Off: The focus is not adjusted. The focus setting of the source program is applied in-stead.

Settings 6.2 Options

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Parameter Possible values Default Description Decoder On / Off On • On: Code type detection is performed auto-

matically, if there are decoder steps in the source program.

• Off: No code type detection is performed. The decoder settings in the source program are applied instead.

Fast code type detection

On / Off On • On: Code type detection is automatically performed for the following code types if there are decoder steps in the source pro-gram: – DMC (with set decoder type) – Available 1D codes (except pharma

code) • Off: Complete code type detection for the

following code types is performed for each decoder step: – DMC (with currently set decoder type) – PDF417 – Available 1D codes (except pharma

code) – QR – DMC (with decoder type "ID-Genius", if

not already done in step 1 and compati-ble with other settings)

Target program • Next free program • Current program • 1 • 2 • ... • 15

Next free program Selection of the optical reader target program that is overwritten by default when pressing the "READ" button.

Settings 6.3 Security

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Automatic data backup In this group, you specify the settings for saving the device configuration on a micro SD or Micro SDHC card. Note that the card was formatted with FAT or FAT32 and has max. 32 GB memory capacity.

Table 6- 29 Automatic data backup

Parameter Possible values Default Description Back up to a local micro SD card After every

successful save of a pro-gram

☐ / ☑ ☐ When this option is enabled, the WBM runs a complete backup of the device configuration each time a program is successfully saved. Requirements: Sufficient free storage space is available on the micro SD card. This parameter depends on the "Memory size" parameter.

On start of processing mode, if set-tings have changed

☐ / ☑ ☐ When this option is selected, the WBM checks before each change of the reader status "Stop ⇒ Start" whether changes were made in the "Settings" menu. If changes were made, the WBM runs a complete backup of the device configuration. Requirements: Sufficient free storage space is available on the micro SD card. This parameter depends on the "Memory size" parameter.

Memory space to be kept free on the micro SD card Memory size 250 ... 1 000 000 MB 250 Specifies the memory space to be kept free on

the micro SD card. The free memory space on the micro SD card is checked after each backup and old data back-ups may be deleted.

6.3 Security Specify a user with the "Administrator" authorization in the "Security" menu to specify rights for the different user roles (Standard, Service, User1).

Assignment of rights Users with the "Administrator" authorization are the only users who can assign rights. Rights are assigned by selecting the appropriate check box in the table for the relevant role. This defines the tasks that can be performed by users with the particular role.

Table 6- 30 Possible tasks

Parameter / Action Description Take control Override the DISA signal. Program Creating or changing programs in the "Program" menu. Libraries Creating or changing library elements in the "Libraries" menu.

Settings 6.3 Security

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Parameter / Action Description Communication Settings in the "Communication" menu Options Settings in the "Options" menu System Settings in the "System" menu and resetting all statistical infor-

mation in processing mode or in the "Diagnostics" menu

Note Locked tasks are indicated by a padlock If one or more tasks are disabled for a user, this is indicated on the relevant pages by a "padlock" icon.

Note Meaning of "Take control" "Take control" means that the logged-on user takes over control of the reader. Functions requiring the DISA bit ("Change program" and "Save program") are then no longer possible over an automation system.

If the reader is not controlled by an automation system, all other tasks (adjustment, processing, information and stop) can always be selected. In this case, "DISA"is not set.

Advanced access Advanced diagnostics and service functions can be activated for Siemens Support by selecting the "Allow advanced access" check box. This access can only be enabled by a logged-on user with the "Administrator" authorization and is disabled in the factory settings.

SSL certificate In this group, you can transfer certificate files and certificate key files to the reader. You can use certificates to integrate the reader into your respective security infrastructure. Certificates are used to check the identity of a person or a device, to authenticate a service or to encrypt files. You can create your own certificates or use official certificates created by a certification authority. Contact your administrative IT department for further information on the topic of certificates.

Settings 6.3 Security

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Hereafter, the pair of certificate file and certificate key file is referred to as the device certificate. If you have installed a device certificate, it is stored encrypted in the device configuration and can be transferred to other devices.

NOTICE Save the device configuration before certificate upload Export your device configuration before installing a certificate. If you experience compatibility problems with your Web browser during the upload or after the upload which require you to restore the factory settings of the reader, this situation provides you the option of reverting to the previous state.

Note Checking validity period and revocation status Note that the reader does not check the validity period or the revocation status of a certificate. If these checks fail on the Web browser side, you may get locked out of the WBM of the reader.

Table 6- 31 SSL certificate

Parameter Description Certificate type You can select the file format of the device certificate from this

drop-down list. • PEM/CRT/CER

In this file format, the certificate file and certificate key file are stored in separate files.

• PKCS #12

In this file format, the certificate file and certificate key file are stored in a single file.


In this file format, the certificate file and certificate key file are stored in a single file.

File with certificate (chain) Click "File selection" to select the desired certificate file. Key Requirements: The certificate type "PEM/CRT/CER" was selected.

Click "File selection" to select the desired certificate key file. Password for private key The certificate key files in file format "PEM/CRT/CER" and "PKCS

#12" can be password-protected. This protects the private key. If this is the case, you must enter the password in this text box.

Settings 6.4 User management

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A single device certificate or a chain of device certificates with issuer certificates can be installed. The device certificate must meet the following requirements: • The public key must be of type "RSA" or "DSA" and the key length must be 2048 or

4096 bits. • The secure hash algorithm must be of the type "SHA1", "SHA224", "SHA256",

"SHA384" or "SHA512". Note that the secure hash algorithms "SHA1" or "SHA224" may cause compatibility problems with your Web browser.

The "Subject" and "Issuer" fields of the device certificate and, if applicable, of the installed issuer certificates apply: The "Distinguished Name" (DN) must contain a "CN" (Common Name) component. The following X509v3 extensions are being tested: • Basic constraints ("X509v3 Basic Constraints")

For the device certificate, "CA: False" must be set, for the issuer certificates "CA: True"

• Key Usage ("X509v3 Key Usage") must be set The field must not be empty.

• Recommendation The fields "Subject Alternative Name" (DNS in "X509v3 Subject Alternative Name"), "Authority Key Identifier" (keyid in "X509v3 Authority Key Identifier") and "Subject Key Identifier" ("X509v3 Subject Key Identifier") should also be filled in. This facilitates the trustworthiness verification by the Web browser.

6.4 User management In the "User management" menu, you can switch user management on or off. If user management is switched on, all users must log on in the login area of the WBM to be able to make changes in the WBM. If the user management is disabled, the settings of the "WEB" user profile are automatically applied. Depending on your own user role and whether your user profile has been granted administrator rights, you can manage "User profiles" in this menu.

User management

NOTICE Save the device configuration before activating user management Export your device configuration before you activate user management. If you experience compatibility problems with your Web browser and https encryption which require you to restore the factory settings of the reader, this situation provides you the option of reverting to the previous state.

Settings 6.4 User management

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Click the "Switch on user management" button to activate user management. After user management has been activated, each user must log on to the WBM in the login area. Depending on your own user role, this dialog offers various options:

Table 6- 32 Role-related rights in the "User profiles" dialog

Role / authorization Rights Service, User1, Standard • Changing own password Administrator • Adding users

• Deleting users (limited) • Changing the role of a user • Assigning/revoking administrator rights • Changing own password

Automatic logoff Enable the "Automatic logoff" function to ensure that a user is logged off after a specified period of inactivity. This ensures that no one has unauthorized access to the WBM. You can specify the time interval until automatic logoff yourself. You will be reminded about the pending logoff in a dialog window a few seconds prior to automatic logoff.

User profiles Depending on your own user role, this dialog allows the following actions for user management:

Table 6- 33 Actions in the "User profiles" dialog

Actions Description Add new user This selection allows an administrator to create new user IDs. A

maximum total of 16 user IDs are possible. You must set the fol-lowing parameters when creating a new user: • Name

Maximum of 9 characters. The name must be unique. • Password

At least 8, maximum of 16 characters. Must contain at least one number.

Delete This selection allows an administrator to delete existing user pro-files. Their own user profile cannot be deleted.

Edit This selection allows an administrator to edit existing user profiles. You can assign a different role and administrator rights to user profiles.

Settings 6.4 User management

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Default user profiles The following user profiles are default profiles: • WEB (role: Standard)

General user who can perform tasks without explicitly logging on. • Service (role: Service) • User1 (role: User1) • Admin (role: Service)

Only users with administrator rights can create new users and assign rights.

Edit / change password

Note Changing the default passwords For security reasons, make sure that you change the original factory-set passwords. • Use only secure passwords. • To make sure that you have access to user management and the security settings in

the future, keep the passwords in a safe place.

The following table shows the defaults for the passwords.

Table 6- 34 Defaults for the passwords

User Default password WEB WEB Service Service User1 User1 Admin Admin

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Device 7 7.1 Diagnostics

In the "Diagnostics" menu, you can display, delete and save diagnostic images and diagnostic reports.

Images In this group, you receive diagnostics information on the stored images.

Color-coded identification of the background • Images that belong to the same sequence:

The background of the "Sequence ID"/"Image ID" box is always shown in the same color.

• When the read result is output, the background of the corresponding image is color-coded in the entire row.

The following information is displayed: • A sequence ID and an image ID. In individual trigger mode, the sequence ID is

incremented with each start in processing mode, otherwise at each external trigger. The image ID is incremented for each image and reset at the start of a new sequence.

• Image acquisition time and date • Shutter Speed and Brightness • The attributes set for the image • The program sequence and the program with which the processing was performed. • The image

Table 7- 1 Images

Parameter / Action Description Number You can see the number of images currently in the image buffer

without a persistently stored image. Open Clicking the "Open" button opens a website with all images of the

image buffer (including the one persistently stored image if you have enabled the "with persistent" check box). Clicking on an im-age enlarges it.

Device 7.1 Diagnostics

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Parameter / Action Description Save If you click the "Save" button, a window opens in which you can

specify the format of the images of the image buffer to be saved on your computer. If you have enabled the "with persistent" check box, the one image stored persistently on the reader will be stored on your computer.

Reset Clicking the "Reset" button deletes all images in the image buffer. A persistently stored image is retained.

Data records In this group, you receive diagnostics information on the data records.

Table 7- 2 Data records

Parameter / Action Description Number You can see the number of diagnostics events currently in the

event buffer without those stored persistently. Contents With the following check boxes, you select the information you

want to display about the diagnostics events in the buffer: • Error: Information on the occurrence and acknowledgment

(manual or automatic) of errors

Note If only the "Error" check box is selected and you have selected the "Ring" buffer type, all buffer entries are retained. When the buffer is completely full, no further entries can be made. To delete the buffer, you must click the "Reset" button in this case.

• Results: First 1000 characters of the processing result • Image: Information on the image acquisition, for example expo-

sure time, brightness • States: Mode change (change to RUN, ADJUST, self-test, etc.) • Control Change of control of the reader (control via WEB, from

CPU) • Diagnostics: Changes that affect diagnostics, for example,

changing the diagnostics options or fetching a time stamp from an SNTP server.

Open & Save Clicking the "Open & Save" button opens a website with the events of the event buffer selected under "Contents". You can save this website on your PC. If you select the "with persistent" check box, the data records stored permanently on the reader are displayed and stored on your PC.

Device 7.1 Diagnostics

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Parameter / Action Description Save as CSV When you click on the "Save as CSV" button, a dialog opens in

which you can store the events currently selected under "Contents" as a CSV file. If you select the "with persistent" check box, the data records stored permanently on the reader are also entered in the CSV file.

Reset By clicking the "Reset" button, you delete all the entries in the event buffer, including the entries relating to temporary errors. Data records stored permanently on the reader are retained.

System image In this group, you can save a complete system image in a diagnostics package. Note that saving a complete system image may take a few minutes. The WBM informs you about the progress of the save process. To ensure smooth operation, the reader must not be operated during this time.

Save diagnostics package Requirements: The "Advanced access" parameter ("Settings > Security") is enabled. This button is used to save a complete system image in a diagnostics package. In addition to diagnostics data, this diagnostics package also contains the device parameter assignment and can be used by Support for error analysis.

Note Do not operate reader during saving Saving the diagnostics package can take several minutes. To ensure that the diagnostics package is saved error-free, do not operate the reader during saving. • Wait until the save operation of the diagnostics package has been fully completed. • If saving is terminated with the corresponding browser function, this has no influence

on the reader transfer operation: You must wait until the reader has fully transferred the diagnostics package.

Persistent data records In this group, you can display all diagnostics entries saved permanently on the reader and save them.

Table 7- 3 Persistent data records

Parameter / Action Description Open & Save Clicking the "Open & Save" button opens a website with all the

diagnostics entries saved permanently on the reader. You can save this website on your PC.

Save as CSV If you click the "Save as CSV" button, a dialog opens in which you can save the diagnostics entries saved permanently on the reader as a CSV file.

Device 7.2 System

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Post-editing a CSV file with Microsoft Excel

Problem When you open a CSV file with Microsoft Excel, depending on the Excel version you are using, you may find that all values are displayed in a single column next to each other.

Solution To change the data to the correct format, follow these steps: 1. Select the entire column by clicking on the column header. 2. Start the conversion wizard by selecting "Data > Text to columns ...". 3. Select the "Delimited" option button and click "Next". 4. Specify the character to be used as the delimiter (for example semicolon) and the

character to be used as text qualifier (for example "). A data preview shows you the result you can expect.

5. If you also want to specify the data format for the individual columns, click "Next" again. 6. Finally, click on the "Finish" button to convert the table to the required format.

7.2 System In the "System" menu, you can make the following settings: • Saving, restoring and deleting settings, programs and system images • Updating firmware and resetting the reader to the delivery state • Saving and loading CustomGUIs

Note Saving diagnostic images located in the reader memory If you use the "Backup/save", "Restore" and "Firmware update" functions, any diagnostic images in the memory of the reader are deleted. If required, save the diagnostic images before you use these functions.

Full device configuration

Backup/save Use this function to save all connection settings, options, saved library elements, programs and the CustomGUI in an MV500 XML parameter file. You can save the data on the micro SD card or on a connected PC (folder: "Favorites > Downloads").

Device 7.2 System

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Store the MV500 XML parameter files in a safe place.

Note Code verification: Repeat the calibration procedure. If you use the reader to verify code, you will need to re-calibrate the reader. The settings for a standard-compliant verification cannot be transferred between different readers!

Load Use this function to load all connection settings, options, saved library elements, programs and the CustomGUI from a saved MV500 XML parameter file. In doing so, you can specify which settings you want to load and whether you want to load the file from the micro SD card or from a connected PC. Note that loading the complete device configuration may take a few minutes. The WBM informs you about the progress of the load process. To ensure smooth operation, the reader must not be operated during this time.

Device 7.2 System

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The following table provides an overview of the parameters in the "Settings > Communication > Interface" menu on which the enabled settings have an effect.

Table 7- 4 Effect of the enabled settings

Enabled settings Affected parameters TCP/IP settings • Ethernet

– IP mode – IP address – Subnet mask – Gateway

• TCP – IP address – Port – Time limit

• Archiving/MMI – IP address – Port – Time limit

PROFINET IO settings 1) • Ethernet – IP mode – Host name

• PROFINET IO – Device name – Time limit – Pulse time – Swap

Serial interface settings • RS232 – Transfer speed – Parity – Stop bits – Time limit

• CM – Transfer speed

1) This setting also has an effect on the PROFINET IO I&M data that is written via the controller.

Delete Use this function to delete existing MV500 XML parameter files stored on the micro SD card.

System image Use this function to transfer a diagnostics package to the connected PC in the event of a problem (folder: "Favorites > Downloads"). Internal processes of the reader are saved in

Device 7.2 System

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the diagnostics package. The diagnostics package is required for service support by Siemens specialists.


Note Licenses transferred to the reader with Automation License Manager Licenses transferred to the reader with Automation License Manager (ALM) are not affected by any of the possible management actions. The licenses are retained in all cases and do not have to be saved beforehand.

Firmware update You can run a firmware update with this function. To do so, select the desired update file (.sfw) and then click "Start update".

Note DISA bit must not be set during the firmware update You must make sure that the DISA bit is not set during the firmware update. This prevents an automation system from switching the reader to RUN. For more detailed information, refer to the HTML page that opens.

Note Prior to the firmware update: Saving settings and programs All settings and programs are lost during the firmware update. Make sure that you save all settings and programs before running an update. Following a prompt for confirmation, the reader restarts in the update mode. The reader retains the IP address that it had when the function was activated. If applicable, the "DHCP" IP mode is disabled for the duration of the update. For more detailed information, refer to the HTML page that opens.

Device 7.2 System

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Factory settings You can reset the optical reader to the factory settings with this function. This process will reset all parameters to their default values. All saved programs as well as the loaded CustomGUI are deleted and the example CustomGUI is restored.

Table 7- 5 Relationships and dependencies of the parameters

Menu command or parameter



Settings and pro-grams

Calibrate Remember the following if you use the read-er as a verifier: • The calibration of a reader depends

largely on the lighting used, the lens and the mechanical arrangement.

• After restoring the settings and pro-grams, you must repeat the calibration operation for all restored calibrations.


Save You can save the CustomGUI currently used in the reader to a connected PC with this function (folder: "Favorites > Downloads"). Load With this function, you can replace the CustomGUI currently used in the reader with a saved CustomGUI.

Device 7.3 Adapt

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7.3 Adapt In the "Adapt" menu, you can display the hidden dialogs once again or hide dialogs automatically. Dialogs show you, for example, that changes were successfully made. In these dialogs, you have the option of not having the dialogs displayed in the future. You use this menu to reset the settings.

Hidden dialogs

Table 7- 6 Hidden dialogs

Button Description All Click the button to display all hidden dialogs again. Program Click the button to display all hidden dialogs again in the "Program"

menu. Verification Click the button to display all hidden dialogs again in the "Verification"

menu. Settings Click the button to display all hidden dialogs again in the "Settings"


Automatically closing dialogs In the "Time until dialog closes" input box, you can enter the duration [s] after which the dialogs are automatically hidden.

Table 7- 7 Automatically closing dialogs

Button Description All Click the button to hide all dialogs. Program Click the button to hide all dialogs in the "Program" menu. Settings Click the button to hide all dialogs in the "Settings" menu.

7.4 Help The "Help" menu includes information on the SIMATIC MV500 optical readers and the WBM as well as links to the relevant documents and the Siemens Industry Online Support.

Device 7.4 Help

SIMATIC MV500 184 Operating Manual, 08/2020, C79000-G8976-C495-04
