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Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College Kollegal Department of Zoology Field visit/trip Report Places visited : Ranganathittu, Nimishamba Temple, Flower show at Dasara Festival Mysuru. Date: 01/10/2014 Submitted By : Anil kumar. B II B.Sc , III Semester.

Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College Kollegal

Department of Zoology Field visit/trip Report

Places visited : Ranganathittu, Nimishamba Temple, Flower show at Dasara Festival Mysuru.

Date: 01/10/2014

Submitted By :

Anil kumar. B II B.Sc , III Semester.


This is to Certify that Mr. Anil Kumar B, B.Sc (CBZ)IIIth

Semester whose Register number M1325004 had duly participated the

study tour at Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary, Srirangapatna, Mandya

District conducted by Department of Zoology, SMGFGC, Kollegal,

on1st October 2014, in part of the completion of the semester

examination as per the syllabus of the B.Sc (CBZ) IIIth Semester,

University of Mysore.

Teachers in Charge:



The study tour to the Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary is very

important in the view of studying the diversity of birds, mainly

Diversity of different birds can be seen in this place so Identification

and Observation of these birds helps to enhance our knowledge of

birds, we can also understand how river ecosystem and forest

ecosystem of Ranganathittu gives suitable environment or habitat to

varieties of birds, and attraction of this place lead to migration from

different countries every year. We could also see how this ecosystem

offered a economic activity which may increases the Karnataka state

government revenue by recreation purpose.


It is my great pleasure to have this chance and expressing my

gratitude to all those concerned in organize this tour. It would have

been impossible for me to bring out the following report without such

a venture as this study tour. Infact it was a great experience from my

part to participate and arranging for the tour.

It is also my great pleasure to convey my deep sense of gratitude

to Zoology department without whose valuable guidance, advice and

personal help, the tour shall not be a meaningful and I would not be

been in a position to accomplished my presentation.

I also expressed my sincere thanks to my classmates for their

keen cooperation rendered to me in the preparation of the tour dairy.

At last we thank our college principal for giving permission to

this trip.


On 1st October 2014, From Department of Zoology, Sri

Mahadeshwara govt first grade college Conducted a one day trip to

Ranganathittu bird sanctuary as mentioned in the Zoology III sem

syllabus. It is essential to the students to get practical or Visual

knowledge of anything. The purpose of this one day trip is to Identify

the different local and migratory birds and Knowing their

significance, habitat, purpose of migration, behaviour etc..

The journey to the trip started at 7am of 1st October 2014. We

had booked a mini bus for this purpose. We total 23 students of II

B.Sc (CBZ) had taken participate in this trip. Its 80km away from our

college. By 8.30am we have reached Mandya, so we first visited

Nimishamba temple then reached Ranganatittu Bird sanctuary by


Students entering inside the sanctuary with the guidance of Dr.Sathish S.V, Dr.Ravishankar, Anand.

Photo from watching tower showing Islands and the bird inhabited on the bushes or trees.

Ranganathittu bird sanctuary is also known as ‘Pakshi Kashi of

Karnataka’ located in the Mandya district of the state of Karnataka.

Which has about 40 acres in area, and comprises of six islets on the

banks of the River Cauvery. Which was first observed by Salim Ali,

and persuaded the king of Mysore to declare the area a protected area.

Now the sanctuary declared as a ecosensitive zone.

As we entered the Sanctuary we could see many old trees, like

bamboos, Acacia, Eucalyptus etc.. these makes anyone to forget

himself with the nature that much involvement we felt. As soon as we

entered the sanctuary we could also see the large hall, where A big

screen playing the Videos of Ranganathittu. We went inside the park

we could see so many different varieties of plants, trees and flowers.

The main attraction river Cauvery flowing slowly, and we could see

the islands covered with thick vegetation, above it many beautiful

different birds were busy in nesting, mating, seeking food etc. We

identify the many birds through the binocular which we have taken.

We might have observe the birds by boating near the island but

due to increase in the river level we missed that opportunity. We just

climbed on the watching towers and observed the birds. We have

observed crocodile, turtle on the other side of the island. Our guide

and Assistant professor Dr.Sathish.S.V gave so many information

regarding the sanctuary, birds etc. and also helped us in identifying

the birds and counting techniques, behaviour of the birds etc..

Watching Ranganathittu bird sancutuary video in theatre hall at the sanctuary.

We spend 4 hours in the sanctuary than we came back to the

entrance and watched the bird videos in the theatre hall.And we

brought a DVD copy of that video.We finished our lunch there itself.

Then we came back our vehicle then started moving towards Mysore.

As the Dasara festival started, first we visited Flower show

where thousands of different varieties of flowers, vegetables, and its

cutting made us impressed.

Captive birds seen in the Karanji lake.

Then we moved towards Karanji lake, there collections of not

only many plant varieties but also it has animal collections like

varieties of rabbit, mole, peacock/hen, parrot etc. had seen. We

finished our observation in the late evening then came back to vehicle

with the lots of notes, key points, taxonomy of plants/animals, and

memories. Due to shortage of time we could not visit the another bird

observing place i.e Kukkarahalli lake so we returned to Kollegal at


List of Birds observed at Ranganathittu

Sl.No Birds Common name Scientific names

1. Spot-billed Pelican Pelecanus philippensis

2. Little Cormorant Phalacrocorax niger

3. Indian Shag Phalacrocorax fuscicollis

4. Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo

5. Darter Anhinga melanogaster

6. Little Egret Egretta garzetta

7. Grey Heron Ardea cineria

8. Purple Heron Aredea purpurea

9. Large Egret Casmerodius albus

10. Median Egret Mesophoyx intermedia

11. Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis

12. Indian Pond-Heron Ardeola grayii

13. Little Green Heron Butorides striatus

14. Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax

15. Painted stork Mycteria leucocephala

16. Asian Openbill-Stork Anastomus oscitans

17. White-necked stork Ciconia episcopus

18. Oriental White Ibis Threskiornis melanocephalus

19. Black Ibis Pseudibis papillosa

20. Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia

21. Lesser Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna javanica

22. Spot-billed Duck Anas poecilorhyncha

23. Black Kite Milvus migrans

24. Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus

25. Western Marsh-Harrier Circus aeruginosus

List of students attended the trip and their register


Sl. No.

Register Number

Name of the student

1. M1325004 Anil kumar.B

2. M1325005 Anusha. M

3. M1325006 Ashwini.B

4. M1325013 Gopal.V

5. M1325014 Inchara Evanjalin.V

6. M1325017 Kavitha.D

7. M1325020 Lakshmi.S

8. M1325021 Lavanya.M

9. M1325024 Madhusudhan.R

10. M1325031 Nagaraju.C

11. M1325035 Nithin.B

12. M1325036 Nithinchand.P

13. M1325038 Parashivamurthy.B

14. M1325041 Prajwal babu.S

15. M1325042 Pramod.S

16. M1325046 Roshan.M.R

17. M1325049 Santhoshkumar Nayaka.H.B.

18. M1325055 Shivakumar.S

19. M1325061 Syed Azaruddin.S

20. M1325062 Thejaswini.L

21. M1325064 Vasanthkumar.H

22. M1325067 Vishwas.N

23. M1314526 Balasubramanyam


Learning the subject through educational trips have high importance

because it teaches lot of information to the student who actively involved in the

trips. This trip gave us lots of memorable movements, unbelievable facts, and

observing techniques. We thankful to Department of Zoology for giving this

wonderful field trip as our academic curriculum. We also thankful to the

Dr.Ravishankar, who also with us in making this field trip successful.

Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College


Department of Zoology

Field visit Report

Places: Biligiri ranganatha Temple, Biligiri Hills, K. Gudi,

Vivekananda Girijana kalyana Kendra,

Date: 21-09-2015

Submitted By :

Anil kumar B III B.Sc , V Semester.


This is to Certify that Mr. Anil Kumar B, B.Sc Vth Semester

whose Register number M1325004 had duly participated the study

tour at Biligirirangana Hills, Chamarajanagar conducted by

Department of Zoology, SMGFGC, Kollegal, on 21st September

2015, in part of the completion of the semester examination as per the

syllabus of the B.Sc VthSemester, University of Mysore.

Teachers in Charge:








In Zoology both theoretical knowledge and field/practical

knowledge are also very important. The main aim of the Forest visit is

to see the animals in their natural habitat, to understand how they

adopt to the environment, what causes them to stay protected insuch

climate conditions, To understand the relationship between the

animals and their surrounding. Biligiri rangana hills is comes under

belt of Western ghats, this tour helps us to understand the richness of

the flora and fauna at the site. Also the visit of Honey bee extracting

unit gave us the knowledge of how the extraction takes place, this

might also helps us in the future if we undertake many activities

related to the Apiculture.


It is my great pleasure to have this chance and expressing my

gratitude to all those concerned in organize this tour. It would have

been impossible for me to bring out the following report without such

a venture as this study tour. In fact it was a great experience from my

part to participate and arranging for the trip.

It is also my great pleasure to convey my deep sense of gratitude

to all concerned of the department without whose valuable guidance,

advice and personal help, the tour shall not be a meaningful and I

would not be been in a position to accomplished my presentation.

I also expressed my sincere thanks to my classmates for their

keen cooperation rendered to me in the preparation of the tour dairy.

Lastly, but not the least, I would like to thank the principal,

SMGFC Kollegal for giving the permission to conduct the trip.


As a part of our Academic curriculum, a one day trip had

conducted to B.R.Hills on 21/09/2015 by the Department of Zoology.

B.R.Hill is 30km far from our college, We started the journey with all

the final year students of CBZ at 8.30am, While going, we took the

yalandur to B.R.Hills route as it is completely guard section, which

gave us a sight of different animals i.e. Peacock, Elephant, Wild pig,

wild cock, Deer, Langur, Mongoose etc.


Students and staffs listening Sir Ramachari lecture.

we reached the B.R.Hills VGKK (Vivekananda Girijana

Kalyana Kendra) around 10am, Why this place choose is to get the

guidance of Sir Ramachari, as he was well experienced person in the

field of identifying different plants and their significance. When we

visited him, as he is basically a teacher, he is busy at that time, so

when we requested him he accepted to teach us and gave lecture on

forest flora, medicinal plants, tribal people etc.

Person explaining about the Honey extracting unit, and how it


Students getting lecture from the staffs of honey extracting


After that we visited the Honey extracting unit, there we saw

different machines which are used to extract pure honey and how they

manage all the things everything was noted then we moved to the

Biligiri Rangana temple as it was a famous temple the district. Then

took another route go back, We took K Gudi route as it was famous

place to sight different animals.

At K Gudi, Taking photos of captive elephants bringing food for


as soon as we reached the K Gudi we had lunch there, then

started towards the Kollegal. Around we reached back college then

our guide took attendance then we dispersed.

Different animals sighted during the trip

Elephant (Elephas maximus)

Indian Bison (Bos gaurus)

Langur (Semnopithecus entellus)

Great egret (Ardea alba)

Spotted deer (Axis axis)

List of students attended the trip and their register number.

Sl. No. Register


Name of the student

24. M1325004 Anil kumar.B

25. M1325005 Anusha. M

26. M1325006 Ashwini.B

27. M1325013 Gopal.V

28. M1325014 IncharaEvanjalin.V

29. M1325017 Kavitha.D

30. M1325020 Lakshmi.S

31. M1325021 Lavanya.M

32. M1325024 Madhusudhan.R

33. M1325031 Nagaraju.C

34. M1325035 Nithin.B

35. M1325036 Nithinchand.P

36. M1325038 Parashivamurthy.B

37. M1325041 Prajwal babu.S

38. M1325042 Pramod.S

39. M1325046 Roshan.M.R

40. M1325049 SanthoshkumarNayaka.H.B.

41. M1325055 Shivakumar.S

42. M1325061 Syed Azaruddin.S

43. M1325062 Thejaswini.L

44. M1325064 Vasanthkumar.H

45. M1325067 Vishwas.N

46. M1314526 Balasubramanyam


Our study tour was interesting and the importance of such

type of study tour in natural science, particularly in Zoology is

realized only when we were led to the spot where we can

observed the existence of animal in their natural habitat. The

value of natural environment is realized only when we collect

the first hand information directly from the field. After this

tour the correlation of the theoretical knowledge and the field

knowledge became clear.

An unforgettable memory of the study tour is still in

mind as it gives me a sense of collective responsibility in

organizing an event particularly in collection of specimen and

data on a natural science laboratory.

After participate the tour it arouses me to for the love of

nature. In fact it gives me a chance to become a scientist an

environmentalist, a bird watcher or an ecologist.

Once again, I express my gratefulness to all the staff of

Zoology department and all the concerned who have made the

study tour a complete success.

Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College Kollegal

Department of Zoology

Tour Report

Place : Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary

Date: 06/10/2016

B.Sc(CBZ) II Year


This is to Certify that Ms.JYOTHI S, B.Sc (CBZ) IIIrd Semester

whose Register number M1405527 had duly participated the study

tour at Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary, Srirangapatna, Mandya District

conducted by Department of Zoology, SMGFGC, Kollegal, on 6st

October 2015, in part of the completion of the semester examination

as per the syllabus of the B.Sc (CBZ) IIIrd Semester, University of


Teachers in Charge:










The study tour to the Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary is very

important in the view of studying the diversity of birds, mainly

Diversity of different birds can be seen in this place so Identification

and Observation of these birds helps to enhance our knowledge of

birds, we can also understand how river ecosystem and forest

ecosystem of Ranganathittu gives suitable environment or habitat to

varieties of birds, and attraction of this place lead to migration from

different countries every year. We could also see how this ecosystem

offered a economic activity which may increases the Karnataka state

government revenue by recreation purpose.


It is my great pleasure to have this chance and expressing my

gratitude to all those concerned in organize this tour. It would have

been impossible for me to bring out the following report without such

a venture as this study tour. In fact it was a great experience from my

part to participate and arranging for the tour.

It is also my great pleasure to convey my deep sense of gratitude

to Zoology department without whose valuable guidance, advice and

personal help, the tour shall not be a meaningful and I would not be

been in a position to accomplished my presentation.

I also expressed my sincere thanks to my classmates for their

keen cooperation rendered to me in the preparation of the tour dairy.

Lastly, but not the least, I would like to thank the University of

Mysore for the grant that requisite to conduct the trip.


During the Date 6th October 2015, Department of Zoology,

Conducted a One day Trip to the Bird Sanctuary, i.eRanganathittu

Bird Sanctuary, Srirangapatna, Mandya District. As we all know that

visiting a sanctuary is enjoyable, learning, and recreational place

which teaches more than we assumed. When our Journey started

towards the sanctuary it was nearly 8.00am in the morning, In journey

we enjoyed lot by seeing the sceneries of different environment like

Green farmlands, Bunch of coconut trees, Areca nuts etc, Hills, lakes,

flowers, different domestic animals, Peacocks/hen, River Cauvery and

Kapila, which flows under the bridge in between journey. When we

reached the sanctuary it was around 10am.

It was very dark greenish place with lots of huge trees which

welcoming our entry. We have parked our vehicle after paying the fee

amount for the entry. And started walking towards the sanctuary. In

entrance, there was a big board showing number of birds and their

scientific names which usually visits the sanctuary, we noted

everything and move forward. They have mentioned every tree and its

scientific names on a plate fixed on the particular trees. Everywhere

different plants and trees are awesome and we were touching many

flowers and took photos of it.

In between these vegetation they have made many statues of

birds, monkeys (gandhian philosophy), toys related statues to attract

the childrens and desks have been fixed in many places to sit and

relax for visitors.

When we gone to our main destination i.e the Bird watching,

We reached near the Cauvery river, flows from north to south

direction in the sanctuary. In between there are some islands which

contains many big trees, bushes. This area is very important, due to

presence of many birds on this vegetation. We had a good luck that

we got the opportunity to boat near those islands, we enjoyed by

seeing birds and their natural habitat in live. The sound of different

birds made us excited and we also saw many crocodiles resting on the

shore of those islands. We came back to the sanctuary. Then we stood

on the watching towers and watched the birds through Binoculars.

Our Guide and Assistant Professor Dr.Sathish S V sir explained so

many things related to sanctuary, birds, crocodiles, and some

information related to Animal physiology and Animal adaptations. As

he finishes, we roamed around the sanctuary for a while and started

back to home. While coming back we also visited Somanathapura

temple near the T.Narsipura, and took many photos of Rock

architecture and return to home at 6.00pm.

List of students attended the trip and their register number.

Sl. No. Register


Name of the student

47. M1405505 Apoorva.N

48. M1405509 Basavaraj.V

49. M1405518 Chethan

50. M1405523 Govindaraju

51. M1405525 Hiranmai.B.S

52. M1405527 Jyothi.S

53. M1405544 Nikhil.P

54. M1405545 Poojashree.G

55. M1405547 Prasanna. R

56. M1405549 Prema.M

57. M1405554 Rajesha.S

58. M1405560 Shalini.G.P

59. M1405566 Sneha Esther.C

60. M1405569 Srikanth Y.S

61. M1405573 Sushma.N

62. M1405577 Vijay.C


Learning the subject through educational trips have high

importance because it teaches lot of information to the student who

actively involved in the trips. This trip gave us lots of memorable

movements, unbelievable facts, and observing techniques. We

thankful to Department of Zoology for giving this wonderful field trip

as our academic curriculum.

Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College


Department of Zoology

Field visit Report

Places: Biligiri ranganatha Temple, Biligiri Hills, K. Gudi,

Vivekananda Girijana kalyana Kendra,

Date: 21/09/2017

Submitted By :

NAGMA SAHAR III B.Sc , V Semester.


This is to Certify that NAGMA SAHAR, B.Sc Vth Semester

whose Register number M1605822 had duly participated the study

tour at Biligirirangana Hills, Chamarajanagar conducted by

Department of Zoology, SMGFGC, Kollegal, on 21st September

2017, in part of the completion of the semester examination as per the

syllabus of the B.Sc VthSemester, University of Mysore.

Teachers in Charge:








To apply the theoretical knowledge in the field visit.

To the wild fauna and flora in their natural habitat

To Understand the adaptation of different animals with the

surrounding environment.

To know how a tiger reserve and Western ghats belt filled

with Vegetation.

To Know how honey bee is extracted using Honey bee

extraction unit.

To know what are the floras helpful for our daily

medication purpose. etc


It is my great pleasure to have this chance and expressing my

gratitude to all those concerned in organize this tour. It would have

been impossible for me to bring out the following report without such

a venture as this study tour. In fact it was a great experience from my

part to participate and arranging for the trip.

It is also my great pleasure to convey my deep sense of gratitude

to all concerned of the department without whose valuable guidance,

advice and personal help, the tour shall not be a meaningful and I

would not be been in a position to accomplished my presentation.

I also expressed my sincere thanks to my classmates for their

keen cooperation rendered to me in the preparation of the tour dairy.

Lastly, but not the least, I would like to thank the principal,

SMGFC Kollegal for giving the permission to conduct the trip.


Department of Zoology, on 21/09/2017, conducted a one day

visit to the BRhills tiger reserve and also belt of Western ghats. All

the BSc ‘CBZ’ Vth sem students participated. We started our journey

at 9am from our college Sri Mahadeshwara Govt first grade college,

Kollegal, Chamarajanagar district. From Gate of Yalndur it was

Guard section so our Observation has started from here. As Forest

department has not provided the safari to the BRHills inside forest we

just took the route which reaches the BRHills temple. During this

journey we could see many Animals like Elephant, Wild dogs, Wild

pig, etc and many birds like Peacock, Peahen, Myna, Parrot etc. were


Then we reached BRHills, there We went to Girijana Kalyana

Kendra, were Ramachari one of the school teacher, who has well

experienced in the field of medicine. So we got the opportunity to

hear his lecture and he tought many common flora surrounded us

which is helpful for many diseases, infection etc.

After that he showed us different plants and their scientific

names and the use of the particular tree/plant. Then he escorted us to a

Botanical garden maintained by the Girijana Kalyana Kendra. Where

so many rare plants and endemic plants seen. After that we visited to

Honey bee extraction unit, where how honey bee filters the pure

honey from the honey bee hive. Then we visit to temple Biligiri

Ranganatha, which is at the top of a hill, which also famous for the

beauty of the Nature. There we took many photos of the nature and

temple. We observed monkeys habituated here due to abundance of

food given by visitors these monkeys are there everytime.

After visiting to the temple we started back to College via

K Gudi, during the journey we saw elephants, wild pigs, languor etc.

we reached back our college at 4pm in the evening.


Elephant : The Mother elephant hiding her calf near the water source.

Elephant: Elephas maximus (Picture : Adult Female elephant)

Myna : Acridotheres tristis

Chital : Axis axis

Black Ant well

Wild boar : Sus scrofa

List of students attended the trip and their register number.

Sl. No. Register

Number Name of the student

63. M1605803 Bindu.N

64. M1605806 Harikeshava K

65. M1605810 Madevi S

66. M1605817 Manoj R

67. M1605819 Meenakshi S

68. M1605820 Mohan Kumar K S

69. M1605822 Nagma sahar

70. M1605823 Naveen M

71. M1605828 Rakesh K J

72. M1605829 Ramesh bahaddur

73. M1605830 Roja P

74. M1605833 Sharavana P

75. M1605837 Suma L


The study tour to B R Hills tiger reserve is successful. It gave us

immense knowledge about the behavior of animals, ecology type

study, and also knowledge about the medicinal plants. This trip helps

me in the future to get benefit from the flora of our surrounding. And

also in economic point of view Apiculture and his extraction teaches

lot of information. Thanks to Department of Zoology for the

wonderful trip and we assume these kind of trips also conduct by the

department in the future.


Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College Kollegal

Department of ZoologyField visit/trip Report

Places : Biligiri ranganatha Temple, Biligiri Hills, K. Gudi,

Vivekananda Girijana kalyana K

Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College Kollegal

Department of Zoology Field visit/trip Report

Biligiri ranganatha Temple, Biligiri Hills, K. Gudi,

Vivekananda Girijana kalyana Kendra,

Date: 13/08/2018

Submitted By :

Ayesha siddhik B.Sc III, Vth Semester.

Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade

Biligiri ranganatha Temple, Biligiri Hills, K. Gudi,

Submitted By :

Vth Semester.

Group photo of students III B.Sc V Semester CBZGroup photo of students III B.Sc V Semester CBZ


This is to Certify that Kotlo Ayesha siddhik IIIyear B.Sc

(CBZ) V Semester whose Register number M1708677 had duly

participated the study tour at conducted by Department of Zoology,

SMGFGC, Kollegal, on 13thAugust 2019, in part of the completion of

the semester examination as per the syllabus of the B.Sc (CBZ) V

Semester, University of Mysore.

Teachers in Charge:

8. Dr. Sathish S V



It is my great pleasure to have this chance and expressing my

gratitude to all those concerned in organize this tour. It would have

been impossible for me to bring out the following report without such

a venture as this study tour. In fact it was a great experience from my

part to participate and arranging for the tour.

It is also my great pleasure to convey my deep sense of gratitude

to Zoology department without whose valuable guidance, advice and

personal help, the tour shall not be a meaningful and I would not be

been in a position to accomplished my presentation.

I also expressed my sincere thanks to my classmates for their

keen cooperation rendered to me in the preparation of the tour dairy.

Lastly, but not the least, I would like to thank the Principal of

SMGFC Kollegal for giving permission to conduct the trip.

Objective :

1. The main purpose of the visit was to get the students closer to the natural environment.

2. To study the interaction of abiotic and biotic components. 3. To observe the animal species in their natural habitat.


The Biligirirangana hills commonly called BRHills, is a hill range situated in south eastern Karnataka at its border with Tamil Nadu (Erode district) in south India. The area is called ‘Biligiriranganatha temple wildlife sanctuary’ or Simply ‘BRT wildlife sanctuary’ It is a protected tiger reserve under the wildlife protection act of 1972. Being at the starting point of the eastern ghats and very close western ghats, the sanctuary is home to eco-systems that are unique to both the mountain ranges. The site was declared a

‘tiger reserve’ in January 2011 by the Karnataka Government, a few months after approval from ‘India’s National Tiger Conservation Authority’

The BR Hills is the starting point of Eastern ghats and contacts with the border of the western ghats allowing animals to move between them and facilitating gene flow between populations of species in these areas. Thus, this sanctuary serves as ‘an important biological bridge for the biota of the enire deccan plateau’

BRHills has the best of flora and fauna in south India. It has forests with perfect road connectivity and provides a wide range of unique eco-systems of both western and eastern ghats.

It was early morning at 8.00amon 13th August 2019, we started our journey for one day trip from Kollegala to BRHills, while going, our minds are fully excited to watch such a beautiful large forests which totally filled with natural flora and fauna, Finally, we reached BRHills at 10.00am. Then the trees beside roads, the fresh air we get from them and the climate we felt made us to experience the best way to interact with awesome nature.

While entering to BRHills, at the entrance, there were statues of some animals like Elephant, Tiger, Cheetah, Gaur(Indian bison), we

were feeling like they are inviting us towards wildlife sanctuary. First of all, we visited ‘Sri Biligiri Ranganatha swamy temple’ which is located at the top of a hills. There, we saw more forest monkeys roaming around the temple which make the devotees to get frightened for the eating things to take away from them. After that, we visited ‘Vishwa shanthinikethana ashrama’. At the entrance of the ashrama,

we saw some quotes like'F dUÀvÉÛà £ÀªÀÄäPÀÄlÄA§, ¸ÀªÀðgÀ£ÀÄß

¦æÃw¸ÀĪÀÅzÉÃzsÀªÀÄð'& some words like '¸ÀvÀå, ¥ÉæêÀÄ, PÀgÀÄuÉ'which

shows that the people in the ashrama to which they are connected to. After that, we visited one school, there we saw some medicinal plants & one botanical garden etc. we also saw some science experiment methods and how it works. At last, we visited KGudi (KyathaDevaraGudi) where we can see more elephants walking around & comes to drink water in the pond.


In the first instance, in BRHills where the elephants coming down from the hills was forced to charge at the vehicle as it was closed. Most of the times, in the ghat roada feet or so high walls are created, this completely stops the elephants from climbing up or getting down.

An animal which is widely revered due to lord Ganesha and also for being the vehicle of Goddess Lakshmi is unfmost threatened.

This gentle giants are often in news because of conflict with people. Too often elephants are killed by the villagers using illegal live electric wires in their fences, poisoning, firing bullets from illegal weapons, pesticides poisoning etc. a few people are killed as well. Some of them are killed as they approach too close to an elephant

without realising how fast these elephants can run.




In the first instance, in BRHills where the elephants coming down from the hills was forced to charge at the vehicle as it was closed. Most of the times, in the ghat roads, to stop vehicles from falling over a feet or so high walls are created, this completely stops the elephants from climbing up or getting down.

An animal which is widely revered due to lord Ganesha and also for being the vehicle of Goddess Lakshmi is unfortunately also the

This gentle giants are often in news because of conflict with people. Too often elephants are killed by the villagers using illegal live electric wires in their fences, poisoning, firing bullets from illegal

esticides poisoning etc. a few people are killed as well. Some of them are killed as they approach too close to an elephant

without realising how fast these elephants can run.

In the first instance, in BRHills where the elephants coming down from the hills was forced to charge at the vehicle as it was closed.

s, to stop vehicles from falling over a feet or so high walls are created, this completely stops the elephants

An animal which is widely revered due to lord Ganesha and also ortunately also the

This gentle giants are often in news because of conflict with people. Too often elephants are killed by the villagers using illegal live electric wires in their fences, poisoning, firing bullets from illegal

esticides poisoning etc. a few people are killed as well. Some of them are killed as they approach too close to an elephant

The tusks of the elephant can be used for the economic purpose some forest people export them to other countries and make money from it.

The elephants are friendly when they are in good mood.

Peacocks are large, colourful, pheasants (typically blue and green) known for their iridescent tails.

Distinctive tail feathers:

these tail feathers, or coverts, spread but in a distinctive train that is more than 60% of the bird’s total body length and colourful ‘eye’ markings of blue, gold, red and other hues. The large tused in mating rituals and courtship displays. It can be arched into a magnificent fan the reaches across the birds back and touches the

The tusks of the elephant can be used for the economic purpose some forest people export them to other countries and make money

The elephants are friendly when they are in good mood.


Spotted Deers


Peacocks are large, colourful, pheasants (typically blue and green) wn for their iridescent tails.

Distinctive tail feathers:-

these tail feathers, or coverts, spread but in a distinctive train that is more than 60% of the bird’s total body length and colourful ‘eye’ markings of blue, gold, red and other hues. The large tused in mating rituals and courtship displays. It can be arched into a magnificent fan the reaches across the birds back and touches the

The tusks of the elephant can be used for the economic purpose & some forest people export them to other countries and make money

The elephants are friendly when they are in good mood.

Peacocks are large, colourful, pheasants (typically blue and green)

these tail feathers, or coverts, spread but in a distinctive train that is more than 60% of the bird’s total body length and colourful ‘eye’ markings of blue, gold, red and other hues. The large train is used in mating rituals and courtship displays. It can be arched into a magnificent fan the reaches across the birds back and touches the

ground on either side. Females are believed to choose their mates according to the size, colour and quality of trains.

Males v/s females:-

The term ‘peacock’ is commonly used to refer to birds of both sexes. Technically, only males are peacocks. Females are pea together, they are called peafowl.

Suitable males may gather harems owhich will lay three to five eggs. In fact, wild peafowl often roost in forest trees and gather in groups called Parties.

ground on either side. Females are believed to choose their mates according to the size, colour and quality of these outrageous feather

The term ‘peacock’ is commonly used to refer to birds of both sexes. Technically, only males are peacocks. Females are pea together, they are called peafowl.

Suitable males may gather harems of several females, each of which will lay three to five eggs. In fact, wild peafowl often roost in forest trees and gather in groups called Parties.


ground on either side. Females are believed to choose their mates these outrageous feather

The term ‘peacock’ is commonly used to refer to birds of both sexes. Technically, only males are peacocks. Females are pea hens, and

f several females, each of which will lay three to five eggs. In fact, wild peafowl often roost in

Sl. No. Register


Name of the


1. M1708659 Chaitra.B

2. M1708661 Chandan Y.S

3. M1708664 Dinesh.L

4. M1708665 Divya.N

5. M1708667 Divyarani.N

6. M1708668 Doreraj.N

7. M1708671 James jaysheelan.M

8. M1708675 Kavya.S

9. M1708677 Kotlo Ayesha siddhik

10. M1708678 Lohith.N

11. M1708683 Mahesh kumar.R

12. M1708684 Malini.S

13. M1708686 Mandeep.P

14. M1708687 Manju.C

15. M1708690 Mohan

16. M1708693 Nandisha.R.S

17. M1708695 Niveditha.R

18. M1708702 Rakshith.S

19. M1708706 Sachin.R

20. M1708715 Shivaprasad.B.S

21. M1708717 Swetha.M

22. M1708721 Subhash.G

23. M1708723 Supreethkumar.k

24. M1708724 Tejashwini.S

25. M1708725 Vedaprasad.S

26. M1708727 Yogesha.M


i. B R hill is best place for Eco- tourism. ii. People conserve mother nature in the name sacred groove in the

of ‘Dodda sampige’ in B R hill. iii. We enjoy the nature of Fauna and flora in B R hill. iv. It provides a great oppurtunities for the students learn habit and

habitats of many animals.


Department of Zoology

Field visit/studyReport

Places: BiligiriRanganatha Temple, Biligiri Hills, K. Gudi, Vivekananda

Girijana kalyana Kendra, Date: 8-08-2019

Submitted By :

Pavan kumar

S B.Sc II , IIIrdSemester.


It is my great pleasure to have this chance and expressing my

gratitude to all those concerned in organize this tour. It would have

been impossible for me to bring out the following report without such

a venture as this study tour. Infract it was a great experience from my

part to participate and arranging for the tour.

It is also my great pleasure to convey my deep sense of gratitude

to Zoology department without whose valuable guidance, advice and

personal help, the tour shall not be a meaningful and I would not be

been in a position to accomplished my presentation.

I also expressed my sincere thanks to my classmates for their

keen cooperation rendered to me in the preparation of the field visit


Lastly, but not the least, I would like to thank the principal of sri

Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College, Kollegala for giving

permission to Attend the field visit.


This is to Certify thatPavan kumar SII year B.Sc (CBZ) IIIrd

Semester whose Register number M1807793 had duly participated the

FIELD VISIT/ TRIP conducted by Department of Zoology,

SMGFGC, Kollegal, on 8thAugust 2019, in part of the completion of

the semester Examination as per the syllabus of the B.Sc (CBZ) IIIrd

Semester, University of Mysore.

Teachers in Charge:




08.08.2019 Place:kollegala.

Objective :

4. The main purpose of the visit was to get the students closer to the natural environment.

5. To study the interaction of abiotic and biotic components. 6. To observe the animal species in their natural habitat.


The Department of Zoology conducted an educational field trip to B.R hills on 8-08-2019. B R hills is located at 30 kilometers away from Kollegal. All the students of B.Sc CBZ IIIrd semester actively participated in the field trip. 20 students and 2 faculty members were the participants.

We started at 8.00 am from kollegala. since it was rainy season, many

natural Waterfalls were seen and the students enjoyed the feel of serene cold water. On the way the students were asked to identify different groups of plants and animals. The students were given the feel of forest ecosystem. Samples of colorful fruiting bodies of fungi were observed and some were collected as specimens to be displayed in the laboratory. The students photographed the animals plants, flowers and fruits and identified their types.

Thefirst place of visit was the temple shrine to get blessings of God

Srinivasa who is deity of soligas, a tribal community of B.R. Hills. After visiting the temple our next place of visit was VGKK (VivekananadaGirijanaKalyanaKendra)established by Dr. Sudhardahsn.VGKK.

campushasa honey extracting unit which is worth watching and provides

lot of scope to the students of zoology inunderstanding the honey extracting process.

Ramachrai, a school teacherand guide who knows most of the flora has dedicated himself to disseminate knowledge on medicinal plants of the area took us to places in and around the campus to make us familiar with the flora available in the campus. We also visited Abdul kalam science park which is situated in the same campus.

By evening we reached K.Gudi and collected few lichens and mushrooms. We roamed in and around K. Gudi for few hours and left the place by 5.00 PM.

A. Students with teachers at srinivasa temple.

B. Atmosphere at Vivekananda Girijana kalyana Kendra

C. Glimpses of B R hills and K. Gudi

D. Elephants at K. Gudi

The list of animal observed are as follows.

List of animals observed Scientific name

1. Elephants Eliphus maximus 2. Blue winged parakeet Psittacula columboides 3. Wood pecker Dryocopus pileatus 4. Blue tailed bee eater Merops philippinus 5. Spotted deer Axis axis 6. Pond herons Ardeola grayii 7. King fisher Alcedo athis 8. Jungle myna Acridotheres fuscus 9. Brown dove Columbina passerina 10. Wild boar Sus scrofa 11. Antlion Glenurus gratus 12. Lady bugs Harmonia axyridis

E. The View of Ashrama


Field trip gives live experience to study the animals in their natural habitat.We identified few important animals and plants that are available in the B.R. Hills. We also interacted with people who are residents of B.R. Hills( soliga) which gave an idea on their life style. The trip also gave an overview on animals and plants and their interaction with environment.

List of students participated.

Sl. No.

Register Number

Name of the Candidate

1. M1807751 Abhishek Gowda.C

2. M1807752 Aishwarya. N

3. M1807754 Arvinda kumar. P

4. M1807755 Arun kumar

5. M1807756 Aruna. N

6. M1807757 Ayesha siddique

7. M1807760 Chethankumar.R.S

8. M1807763 Guru murthi.M

9. M1807767 Harshavardhana.S

10. M1807769 John martin.D

11. M1807777 Mahendra.C

12. M1807778 Maheshwari

13. M1807780 Maina.H.S

14. M1807787 Mohan kumar.S

15. M1807793 Pavan kumar.S

16. M1807796 Prema.M

17. M1807797 Rachappaji.S

18. M1807800 Ranjith kumar.N

19. M1807801 Rohith.S

20. M1807806 Sharath kumar.K

Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College


Department of Botany & Zoology

Tour Report

Place: Biligirirangana Hills

Date: 21/09/2015

B.Sc CBZV semester (2016th batch out)


This is to Certify that Mr. Anil Kumar B, B.Sc Vth Semester

whose Register number M1325004 had duly participated the study

tour at Biligirirangana Hills, Chamarajanagar conducted by

Department of Botany and Zoology, SMGFGC, Kollegal, on 21st

September 2015, in part of the completion of the semester

examination as per the syllabus of the B.ScVthSemester, University of


Teachers in Charge:

11. Dr. Sathish S V

12. Dr.Prithviraj

13. Ms.Deepika


In both botany and Zoology along with the theoretical

knowledge field/practical knowledge also very important. The main

aim of the Forest visit is to see the animals in their natural habitat, to

understand how they adopt to the environment, what causes them to

stay protected insuch climate conditions, To understand the

relationship between the animals and their surrounding.

Biligirirangana hills is comes under belt of Western ghats, this tour

helps us to understand the richness of the flora and fauna at the site.

Also the visit of Honey bee extracting unit gave us the knowledge of

how the extraction takes place, this might also helps us in the future if

we undertake many activities related to the Apiculture.


It is my great pleasure to have this chance and expressing my

gratitude to all those concerned in organize this tour. It would have

been impossible for me to bring out the following report without such

a venture as this study tour. Infact it was a great experience from my

part to participate and arranging for the tour.

It is also my great pleasure to convey my deep sense of gratitude

to all concerned of the department without whose valuable guidance,

advice and personal help, the tour shall not be a meaningful and I

would not be been in a position to accomplished my presentation.

I also expressed my sincere thanks to my classmates for their

keen cooperation rendered to me in the preparation of the tour dairy.

Lastly, but not the least, I would like to thank the University of

Mysore for the grant that requisite to conduct the trip.


As a part of our Academic curriculum, a one day trip had

conducted to B.R.Hills on 21/09/2015 by the Department of Botany &

Zoology. B.R.Hills is 30km far from our college, We started the

journey with all the final year students of CBZ at 8.30am, While

going, we took the yalandur to B.R.Hills route as it is completely

guard section, which gave us a sight of different animals i.e Peacock,

Elephant, Wild pig, wild cock, Deer, Langur, Mongoose etc.

Sir Ramachari explaining about the Medicinal plants, sir Prof.Prithviraj with him.

Students and the other botany and zoology staffs listening his lecture.

we reached the B.R.HillsVGKK (Vivekananda GirijanaKalyana

Kendra) around 10am, Why this place choosed is to get the guidance

of Sir Ramachari, as he was well experienced person in the field of

identifying different plants and their significance. When we visited

him, as he is basically a teacher, he is busy at that time, so when we

requested him he accepted to teach us and gave lecture on forest flora,

medicinal plants, tribal people etc.

Sir Prithviraj explaining to the students.

Sir Ramachari showing the fruit of a plant which is high medicine value

and also escorted us around the campus and showed us different

plants and their uses, how to utilize the nature in the field of medicine

everything he said thoroughly.

Students listening his words

Person explaining about the Honey extracting unit, and how it works.

Students getting lecture from the staffs of honey extracting unit

After that we visited the Honey extracting unit, there we saw

different machines which are used to extract pure honey and how they

manage all the things everything was noted then we moved to the

Biligiri Rangana temple as it was a famous temple the district. Then

took another route go back, We took K Gudi route as it was famous

place to sight different animals.

At K Gudi, Taking photos of captive elephants bringing food for themselves.

as soon as we reached the K Gudi we had lunch their, then

started towards the Kollegal, on the way we have collected many

plants to make herbarium. Around we reached back college then our

guide took attendance then we dispersed.

List of plants collected Family

1. Sauropusandrogynus Euphorbiaceae

2. Micheliachampaca Magnoliaceae

3. Vitex negundo Verbenaceae

4. Rauwolfia tetraphylla Apocyanaceae

5. Adathodavasica Acanthaceae

6. Hepoestesphyllostachya Acanthaceae

7. Phyllanthus emblica Euphorbiaceae

8. Centella asiatica Apiaceae

9. Hemidesmus indicus Asclepiadaceae

10. Tinosporacardifolia Menispermaceae

11. Aloe vera Liliaceae

12. Crotolarialaburnifolia Fabaceae

13. Eclipta alba Asteraceae

14. Asclepiascurassavica Asclepiadaceae

Different animals sighted during the trip

Elephant (Elephas maximus)

Indian Bison (Bos gaurus)

Langur (Semnopithecus entellus)

Great egret (Ardea alba)

Chital (Axis axis)

List of students attended the trip and their register number.

Sl. No. Register


Name of the student

76. M1325004 Anil kumar.B

77. M1325005 Anusha. M

78. M1325006 Ashwini.B

79. M1325013 Gopal.V

80. M1325014 IncharaEvanjalin.V

81. M1325017 Kavitha.D

82. M1325020 Lakshmi.S

83. M1325021 Lavanya.M

84. M1325024 Madhusudhan.R

85. M1325031 Nagaraju.C

86. M1325035 Nithin.B

87. M1325036 Nithinchand.P

88. M1325038 Parashivamurthy.B

89. M1325041 Prajwal babu.S

90. M1325042 Pramod.S

91. M1325046 Roshan.M.R

92. M1325049 SanthoshkumarNayaka.H.B.

93. M1325055 Shivakumar.S

94. M1325061 Syed Azaruddin.S

95. M1325062 Thejaswini.L

96. M1325064 Vasanthkumar.H

97. M1325067 Vishwas.N

98. M1314526 Balasubramanyam


Our study tour was interesting and the importance of such

type of study tour in natural science, particularly in Zoology is

realized only when we were led to the spot where we can

observed the existence of animal in their natural habitat. The

value of natural environment is realized only when we collect

the first hand information directly from the field. After this

tour the correlation of the theoretical knowledge and the

field knowledge became clear.

An unforgettable memory of the study tour is still in

mind as it gives me a sense of collective responsibility in

organizing an event particularly in collection of specimen and

data on a natural science laboratory.

After participate the tour it arouses me to for the love of

nature. In fact it gives me a chance to become a scientist an

environmentalist, a bird watcher or an ecologist.

Once again, I express my gratefulness to all the staff of

Zoology and botany department and all the concerned who

have made the study tour a complete success.



Department of Commerce and Management FIELD VISIT REPORT – 2015-16

On 30/10/2015 final year students including both B.Com and BBM nearly 30 students visited

“Anand Silk Twisting Industry” which is located in Industrial Area Kollegal. We reached

here by 11.00 AM , We talked to Proprietor Anand they started explaining when they

established there industry, from where they are getting the raw materials , how they are

preparing the finished product i.e.,silk threads which is essential for making silk clothes and

what are all the places they are exporting these silk threads. What sort of problems they are

facing regarding the employees , logistics and other things.



Department of Commerce and Management FIELD VISIT REPORT – 2016-17

On 28/09/2016 we visited “A & Z Aluminium Metal manufacturing industry” along with our

final year students both B.Com and BBM . The supervisor who is incharge of the industry

explained the process of preparing the utensils, what sort of raw materials they are using for

different utensils and from where they are importing these raw materials , how they are fixing

the moulds to make the utensils, what are the procedure they are adopted to manufacture the

finished product, where they are exporting these utensils etc. They also explained the

problems facing by the employees regarding the health as they are using the acid for final

touch of the finished product.



Department of Commerce and Management FIELD VISIT REPORT – 2017-18

On 28th August 2017 the 6th sem B.Com and BBA students visited “Hruday Enterprises”

which is a Small Scale Industry manufacturing paper cups which is located in Industrial Area

Kollegal. Proprietor Mahesh explained how it functions from where they are getting the raw

materials and where are the markets they are having for there products. What sort of

problems they are facing etc.



Department of Commerce and Management FIELD VISIT REPORT – 2018-19

On 29/01/2019 students of B.Com and BBA visited BMP & Co. where the assistant of

Chartered Accountant explained how they are performing the audit work. Students got the

practical knowledge of audit work. And they also visited MDCC Bank which is Co-operative

bank the students got the knowledge of how the co-operative bank functions.

Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College Kollegal

Department of Zoology

Place: Industrial Visit to Karavar&KaigaAutomic power station (uttarakannada)

Date: 15- Feb-2015

B.Sc III Year (CBZ)


This is to Certify that Semester

whose Register number had duly participated the study

tour conducted by Department of Zoology, SMGFGC, Kollegal, on 3rd

March 2014, in part of the completion of the semester examination

as per the syllabus of the Semester, University of


Teachers in Charge:



To visit the Kaiga Nuclear power generation station. and

analyse the effects of Radioactive elements on humans

and environment.

To study the both advantages and disadvantages of the

nuclear power plants.


It is my great pleasure to have this chance and expressing my

gratitude to all those concerned in organize this tour. It would have

been impossible for me to bring out the following report without such

a venture as this study tour. In fact, it was a great experience from my

part to participate and arranging the tour.

It is also my great pleasure to convey my deep sense of gratitude

to Zoology department without whose valuable guidance, advice and

personal help, the tour shall not be a meaningful and I would not be

been in a position to accomplished my presentation.

I also expressed my sincere thanks to my classmates for their

keen cooperation rendered to me in the preparation of the tour dairy.

Lastly, but not the least, I would like to thank the University of

Mysore for the grant that requisite to conduct the trip.


Kaiga Generating station is a nuclear power generating station

situated at Kaiga, near the river Kali, in Uttara Kannada district of

Karnataka. The plant has been in operation since March 2000 and is

operated by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India.

It has four units. the two oldest units comprise the west half of

the site and the two newer units are adjoining the east side of the site.

All of the four units are small sized pressurized heavy water reactors

of 220MW.

Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind haven’t yet

proven themselves as viable soultions to meet the population’s wide

scale energy needs. With constantly growing energy demands, its

imperative we explore nuclear as a dependable energy source. The

process used to produce nuclear energy is called fission. Nuclear

fission occurs when the atom of a nucleus is split, releasing very large

amounts of energy. Disposal of radioactive waste, high up-front

construction costs, and public safety are key factors that need to be


Compare to Coal, gas and other electric-generating plants,

nuclear offers the lowest by far in green house gas release.

One of the most appealing reasons for nuclear energy is its

incredibly high fuel to power output ratio. It has the

capacity to meet city and industrial needs with just one


Electricity generated by nuclear reactors is cheaper than

gas, coal or any other fossil fuel plants. Also, uranium is a

fairly cheap fuel source.

The most important benefit of nuclear energy is that it

doesn’t rely on fossil fuels. This means it’s not affected by

unpredictability of oil and gas costs.

Nuclear power provides a vast array of benefits to the

economy. Local communities are more often than not, pro-

nuclear due to the amount of jobs and prosperity a new

plant brings.

Nuclear energy has a number of positive aspects, making it appealing

to more and more countries world-wide. But like all energy sources, it

has its downsides.

The environment impact of uranium as a fuel source. A typical

nuclear power plant generates about 20 metric tons of used

nuclear fuel per year. The problem is that this spent fuel is

highly radio active and potentially dangerous.

Safety is a big deal in the nuclear industry these days, and

rightfully so. While significant accidents are actually incredibly

rare, history cannot be ignored. And when they do happen, it’s a

major problem.

Construction of a new plant can take anywhere from 5-10 years

to build, costing billions of rupees. Much of that and more is

recouped throughout the lifetime of the plant.

Nuclear energy is not a renewable fuel source.

Visted to Matsyalaya Fish Acqurium at Karvar on Feb 15th 2015.

Visited to Department of Post graduate studies and research center of Marine

Biology on Feb 15th 2015.

List of students visited to Kaiga.


It has very low operating costs, produces sufficient energy

to meet demand, and has a variety of other economic

benefits that can’t be ignored. While accidents and the

environmental impact of spent fuel need to be considered,

we simply don’t have any better options for long-term

mass energy production. For now though, nuclear remains

as one of the only viable options to solving Earth’s

increasing energy needs.

it was an excellent experience of observing the Fishes in

Matsyalaya at Karvar. Students are very much inspired by

the talk given by Prof.Rathode, Department of Marine

Biology, P.G Centre and shared the feelings of the visit.

Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College Kollegal

Department of Zoology

Tour Report

Place : Kerala

Date: 26/03/2016

B.Sc(CBZ) III Year


This is to Certify that Mr. Anil Kumar B, III B.Sc (CBZ) VIth

Semester whose Register number M1325004 had duly participated

the study tour Ecological sights of Kerala conducted by Department

of Zoology, SMGFGC, Kollegal, on 26th March 2016, in part of the

completion of the semester examination as per the syllabus of the III

B.Sc (CBZ) VIth Semester, University of Mysore.

Teachers in Charge:



The study tour to the Kerala ecological sight is very important in

the view of studying the different eco-system like forest eco-system,

marine eco-system and grassland eco-system. Our route to the trip is

via Bandipur tiger reserve/Bandipur National park, Parambikulam

Tiger reserve& Sholayar Reserve forest are the different forest

ecosystem located in both Karnataka and Kerala state. Marine

ecosystems like Calicut beach and Kochi beach shows lot of

information about how a marine ecosystem and the type of fauna and

flora inhabited. Munnar is a town, hill station situated in the western

ghats mountain range. It is 1600m above the sea level. It is known as

the south India’s largest tea-growing region.


It is my great pleasure to have this chance and expressing my

gratitude to all those concerned in organize this tour. It would have

been impossible for me to bring out the following report without such

a venture as this study tour. Infact it was a great experience from my

part to participate and arranging for the tour.

It is also my great pleasure to convey my deep sense of gratitude

to Zoology department without whose valuable guidance, advice and

personal help, the tour shall not be a meaningful and I would not be

been in a position to accomplished my presentation.

I also expressed my sincere thanks to my classmates for their

keen cooperation rendered to me in the preparation of the tour dairy.

Lastly, but not the least, I would like to thank the University of

Mysore for the grant that requisite to conduct the trip.


On 26th March 2016, Early morning 6.30am we started our

journey from our college, All the students were presented. Our

journey begins via chamarajangar-gundlupet National highway, in

between this journey we finished our tiffin beside a hindu temple,

then we resumed travelling, then reached Bandipur, Via Bandipur

Tiger reserve and National park we reached the edge of Karnatka and

entrance of Kerala i.e Sulthan bathery, where our transport vehicle

had been checked for the legal purpose. Then our entry to the other

state started via Kalpetta we reached Kozhikode district, there we

went to a beach called Kozhikode beach or Calicut beach where many

of the tourist were enjoying the nature of the ocean and we too were

enjoying along with we study the different aquatic animals present

near or on the shore. Then in the evening we started journey towards

Kochin, We reached Kochin around 1.00am. We halted at a hotel in


Calicut beach

Calicut beach or Kozhikode beach is a beach situated at

Kozhikode district of Kerala state. Which is on the Malabar cast of

India. The beach is accessible through four road over bridges in the

city. The beach has paved stones and illumination. There is one lions

park for the children and an aquarium. The beach road was renamed

‘Gandhi Road’ in 1934 after Gandhi visited Calicut in 1934.

Calicut beach

Next day on 27th March 2016. in the morning, after finishing tiffin we

went to Kochi harbour, from there we strated boating towards

Willingdon island and fort Kochi. There we saw number of places

like mattancherry palace, santa cruz cathedral basilica, museum of

kerala history, st.Francis church etc. then we came back to Kochi

harbour and visit the Kochi beach there number of fishing techniques

studied and saw number of marine dependent birds. Then again

started journey towards the Munnar and reached and halted.

Kochin Boating

The marine drive in Kochin is a great place to enjoy boat cruises

and enjoy the lovely backwater canals and to get a different

perspective of the area. Boat cruises are offered by a few tour

operators who conduct both full day and half day tours covering the

backwaters, the area’s varied flora nd fauna, the village life can be


Next day on 28th March 2016, we visited to a Tea industry, then

we went to safari in the Jeep to see the Munnar nature beauty, and

also we visited so many places like a lake, forest, botanical garden

etc. and return to Munnar dormentry.


Munnar is a town and hill station located in the Idukki district of

the south western Indian state of Kerala. Munnar is situated ar around

1600 meters above mean sea level, in he western ghats mountain

range. Munnar is also called the ‘Kashmir of South India’. Munnar

thrive several protected areas including Kurinjimala Sanctuary,

Chinnar wildlife sanctuary, Manjampatti valley, Indira Gandhi

wildlife sanctuary, Eravikulam national park, Anamudi shola National

park, Pampadum shola national park and Palani hills national park.

These protected area are especially known for several threatened and

endemic species including Nilgiri thar, the grizzled giant squirrel, the

nilgiri wood pigeon, elephant, the gaur, the nilgiri langur, the sambar,

and the Neelakurinji (that blossoms only once in twelve years).

Next day on 29th March 2016, We went to Athirapilly falls,

after that we went to Guruvayoor temple and started journey back to

home. On 30th March 2016 morning we reached Kollegal.

Tea Industry

Athirappilly Falls

Athirappilly falls, is situated in Athirappilly panchayat in

chalakudy taluk of Thrissur district in Kerala, India on the Chalakudy

River, which originates from the upper reaches of the western ghats at

the entrance to the sholayar ranges. It is the largest waterfall in kerala,

which stands tall at 80 feet. Just a short drive from Athirappilly to the

Vazhachal falls, which is close to dense green forests that are home to

many endangered and endemic species of flora and fauna.

Athirappilly falls locally called ‘Charpa Falls’. Athirappilly falls is

the largest waterfall in Kerala and is nicknamed “The Niagara of


List of students attended the trip and their register number.

Sl. No. Register


Name of the student

99. M1325004 Anil kumar.B

100. M1325005 Anusha. M

101. M1325006 Ashwini.B

102. M1325013 Gopal.V

103. M1325014 Inchara Evanjalin.V

104. M1325017 Kavitha.D

105. M1325020 Lakshmi.S

106. M1325021 Lavanya.M

107. M1325024 Madhusudhan.R

108. M1325031 Nagaraju.C

109. M1325035 Nithin.B

110. M1325036 Nithinchand.P

111. M1325038 Parashivamurthy.B

112. M1325041 Prajwal babu.S

113. M1325042 Pramod.S

114. M1325046 Roshan.M.R

115. M1325049 Santhoshkumar Nayaka.H.B.

116. M1325055 Shivakumar.S

117. M1325061 Syed Azaruddin.S

118. M1325062 Thejaswini.L

119. M1325064 Vasanthkumar.H

120. M1325067 Vishwas.N

121. M1314526 Balasubramanyam


Kerala trip at the end of our semester is both recreational and

informative, we enjoyed lot both at the places and during journey. We

also understood so many things about the different ecosystems and

adoption of different flora and fauna, we also able to see different

endemic species. We thankful to Department of Zoology for giving

this wonderful field trip as our academic curriculum. We also thankful

to Dr.Ravishankar, who also with us in making this field trip

successful. At last we thank our college principal to gave permission

to this trip.

Sri Mahadeswara Government First Grade College

Kollegal Department of Zoology

Visit to Industry



Date: 27/02/2017

B.Sc III Year (CBZ)


This is to Certify that

Semester whose Register number had duly participated

the study tour Ecological sights of Kerala conducted by Department

of Zoology, SMGFGC, Kollegal, on 27thFebruary 2017, in part of the

completion of the semester examination as per the syllabus of the

Semester, University of Mysore.

Teachers in Charge:



To visit the milk dairy to understand how milk and

byproducts prepared in industries.

To understand how machines are used to work faster in

our daily life.


It is my great pleasure to have this chance and expressing my

gratitude to all those concerned in organize this tour. It would have

been impossible for me to bring out the following report without such

a venture as this study tour. Infact it was a great experience from my

part to participate and arranging for the tour.

It is also my great pleasure to convey my deep sense of gratitude

to Zoology department without whose valuable guidance, advice and

personal help, the tour shall not be a meaningful and I would not be

been in a position to accomplished my presentation.

I also expressed my sincere thanks to my classmates for their

keen cooperation rendered to me in the preparation of the tour dairy.

Lastly, but not the least, I would like to thank the University of

Mysore for the grant that requisite to conduct the trip.


From the “Department of Zoology” we conducted a study tour to the K M

DODDI Milk dairy on 27/02/2017. MYMUL-KM Doddi MILK UNION LIMITED-

KMF(KARNATAKA MILK FACTORY) is commonly called Milk dairy.

We started the journey in the morning at 9am and reached the KMF

factory at 11am, the factory is the main road of Mandya road in the KMDoddi.

The factory has built in more than 10acres, which has different units for

different purpose.

Machine use to packing the milk

Where collection of milk from different places takes place in one unit.

And that unit also has filtering the fat, where fat are removed and it is utilised

in the curd section. The pure milk gets boiled and preserved in cold

environment in another unit. And soon after that packing unit is there to pack

the milk in different pouches by machines. The packed milk is being collected

by workers and sent to different dairy of in the city. MYMUL also contains

different sections like curd section, water milk section, DudhPeda, Ghee

section etc.

Packed Ghee ready to distribute

Students watching the big containers storing the milk


We got the experience of the industry, the industry gives better understand the world of work to compare the knowledge acquired in college to the working world industry. Observations were carried out over a real and direct the development of task performed by a student who ultimately participated in it and got plenty of information.

Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College Kollegal

Department of Zoology

Tour Report

Places visited :Karawar, Mangalore, Manipal etc.

Date: 28/02/2017

B.Sc(CBZ) III Year


This is to Certify that Mr. JYOTHI S, IIIB.Sc (CBZ) VIth Semester

whose Register number M1405527 had duly participated the study

tour conducted by Department of Zoology, SMGFGC, Kollegal, on

28thFebruary 2017, in part of the completion of the semester

examination as per the syllabus of the III B.Sc (CBZ) VIth Semester,

University of Mysore.

Teachers in Charge:



To visit the Museum and observe the anatomy and

pathology of the human body.

To Visit the aquarium to study the different species of

fishes at KarwarMatsyalaya.


It is my great pleasure to have this chance and expressing my

gratitude to all those concerned in organize this tour. It would have

been impossible for me to bring out the following report without such

a venture as this study tour. Infact it was a great experience from my

part to participate and arranging the tour.

It is also my great pleasure to convey my deep sense of gratitude

to Zoology department without whose valuable guidance, advice and

personal help, the tour shall not be a meaningful and I would not be

been in a position to accomplished my presentation.

I also expressed my sincere thanks to my classmates for their

keen cooperation rendered to me in the preparation of the tour dairy.

Lastly, but not the least, I would like to thank the University of

Mysore for the grant that requisite to conduct the trip.


The Manipal Museum of Anatomy and pathology or MAP, is a

one of the largest in Asia. The Museum boasts of over 3000

specimens and samples of things Anatomical, including the skulls of

elephants and whales and long skeletons of the King Cobra.

The Museum opened to public in 1954 with over 650

specimens, anatomy section houses well preserved specimens of

human body from head to toe and everything in between. A section of

comparative anatomy houses the skeletons of various other animals

and carefully crafted the models and charts augment the entire


The pathology museum, which displays diseased body parts and

organs, has a popular section on lifestyle related diseases and their

impact on the human body.

We reached Manipal anatomy and pathology Museum by

12.30pm on 28th February 2017. Observed the preserved specimens.

Karwar aquarium:

SagarMatsyalaya is a museum has collection of different species

of fishes.

Dr.Sathish S V and Dr Ravishankar at the Sagarmatsyalaya

Matsyalaya entrance with students



After this Matsyalaya we also visited Karwar beach in the

evening 5.00pm.

Collected dead Jelly fish from the bank of Karwar beach

List of students attended the trip and their register number.

Sl. No. Register Number

Name of the student

























The whole trip to the Manipal anatomy and pathology,

Sagarmatsyalaya and Karwar beach gave us immense knowledge

about skulls, embryos, different body parts, different varieties of

fishes, and the ecological view of a beach. This study trip has done

successfully. Thank you Department of Zoology for conducting this


Sri Mahadeswara Government First Grade College

Kollegal Department of Zoology

Visit to Industry

( Reid & Taylor Industry)

Place: Nanjangud

Date: 03/03/2014

B.Sc III Year (CBZ)


From the “Department of Zoology” we conducted industrial visit along with the educational trip to

“Reid & Taylor” Industry popular Men’s suiting & shirting brand which is located in Nanjangud taluk

which belongs to Mysore District, which is established in the year 1998.

The tour is leaded by Dr.Sathish S.along with Dr.Ravishankar, V,Dr.Venkatnarayan S.Pruthivraj

H.S,Ravikumar N,Devaraju P.S and Kruthi .We visited on 03-03-2014 which is 60 Kilometers away

from Kollegal. All the students of final year B.Sc (CBZ) actively participated in the excursion which

begun at 09:00 AM in the morning we met Mr. Ashok who is the manager of Reid & Taylor industry

then he had taken us to the factory godowns and gave the brief introduction about the raw

materials such as grey fabric, cotton fabric etc. used for the preparations of clothings , After that we

move on to the factory where the manufacturing of clothings take place and he explained the

process of manufacturing and the steps involved such as washing, dying and finishing by using the

various chemicals, detergents and colouring dyes.

The types of the clothings prepared in Reid & Taylor are as follows- T-Shirts, Jeans, Sutits, Blazers


The snaps taken at the time of Industrial visit.



We got the experience of the industry, the industry gives better understand the world of work to

compare the knowledge acquired in college to the working world industry. Observations were

carried out over a real and direct the development of task performed by a student who ultimately

participated in it and got plenty of informations.

Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade CollegeKollegal

Department of Botany

Tour Report

Place: Biligiri Hills


B.Sc II year


We conducted an educational trip to B.R hills on 8-08-2019 which is 30 kilometers

away from Kollegal. All the students of botany actively participated in the excursion which

began at 8.00 o clock in the morning Thefirst place of visit was the temple shrine to get

blessings of god Srinivasa who is deity of soligas, a tribal community of B.R. Hills. After

visiting the temple our next place of visit was VGKK

(VivekananadaGirijanaKalyanaKendra)established by Dr.

Sudhardahsn.VGKKcampushasa honey extracting unit which is worth watching and

provides lot of scope to the students of botany in understanding the honey extracting

process.Ramachrai, a school teacherand guide who knows most of the flora has dedicated

himself to disseminate knowledge on medicinal plants of the area took us to places in and

around the campus to make us familiar with the flora available in the campus. We also visited

Abdul kalam science park which is situated in the same campus.

By evening we reached K.Gudi and collected few lichens and mushrooms. We

roamed in and around K. Gudi for few hours and left the place by 5.00 PM. The list of

collected plants are as follows.

List of plants collected Family

15. Sauropusandrogynus Euphorbiaceae

16. Micheliachampaca Magnoliaceae 17. Vitex negundo Verbenaceae 18. Rauwolfia tetraphylla Apocyanaceae 19. Adathodavasica Acanthaceae 20. Hepoestesphyllostachya Acanthaceae 21. Phyllanthusemblica Euphorbiaceae 22. Centellaasiatica Apiaceae 23. Hemidesmus indicus Asclepiadaceae 24. Tinosporacardifolia Menispermaceae 25. Aloe vera Liliaceae 26. Crotolarialaburnifolia Fabaceae

27. Eclipta alba Asteraceae

28. Asclepiascurassavica Asclepiadaceae


a. Asparagus racemosusb.Gloriosasuperbac.Folioselichen

b c

d.Group near the temple eIdentifying the plant


Field trip gives hands-on experience on plants. We identified few medicinally and economically important plants that are available in the B.R. Hills. We also interacted with people who are residents of B.R. Hills( soliga) which gave an idea on their life style. The trip also gave an overview on plants and their interaction with environment.



Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College, Kollegala


Department of Sociology

On September 22, 2019 Students from the BA I and II year Sociology Students along with their HOD G.K.Venugopal visited B R Hills (Biligiri Rangana Hills) a small hill inhabitated by the Irula and Soliga Tribals. Students visited national famous “Vivekananda Girijana Kalyana Kendra’ managed by renowned social reformer Dr.Sudharshan. In the day long study students analysed the functioning of the NGO organisation and service rendered by it.

Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College, Kollegala


Department of Sociology

On 21 January 2018, First Year BA students, along with Prof.G.K.Venugopal, Assistant Professor of Sociology, visited Jadeswamy Doddi, Kollegala Taluk to do a community study on Soliga Community. It was a day long study, students made four group of themselves, consist of 4 in numbers totally 16 in nature, collected various information like Cultural, Economic problems, Health and Sanitation Migration, Educational problems of the Soliga Community. Students collected information through Interview Schedule method and submitted a brief report to the Head of the Department, Sociology. The same will be preserved for the future references.




PLACES – Thalakadu, Somanathapura , K.R.S, Shreerangapathna

26-03-2014 to 29-03-2014


Golden Temple, Harangi, KaveriNisargadama, Abbhifalls, Madikere, Thalakaveri, Subramanya,

Dharmastala, Gokarna, sirisi, Yana, Kolluru, Shrungeri, Belur, Halebeedu, Melukote, Mysore- Kollegal

20/03/2018 to 22/03/2018 – 3 days trip


Places – Bailuguppe, KaveriNisargadama, madakeri, mangalore, Udupi, Sirasi, Banavasi, Joghfalls



Department of Geography

Educational Tour Report – 2013-14


Date: 24.03.2014 to 28.03.2014


The department of geography has been organized the study

and educational Compulsory tour every year for the places of

Geographical interests. It is a part of study as which is prescribed by

the University of Mysore in its curriculum.

Study tour is compulsory to the VI semester BA Geography

students. Keeping these points we have been conducted tour to visit

various places in and around the state.

The educational tour is held for up to 5 days - 24/3/2014 to

28/3/2014 . All students actively participated in this educational tour.

We visited several geographical areas or places on this tour. This

tour was very beneficial for the students to improved their knowledge.

DURARTION : 24/03/2014 to 28/03/2014

Place of visit- Madikeri, kodagu, Dharmastala, Mangalore, Udupi,

Murudeshwara, Karavara, Goa, Panaji, etc.

And also we visited coffee Plantations and Evergreen forests, Hill

stations and Power projects were seen in this tour programme.

We visited Kalanaalti Beach in Goa with Students and Department faculties

Our students & Department staffs visited Golden Beach - UDUPI

Mangeshkar temple at Goa


We do know from experience and from assessments that many students

enjoy excursions in geography, and we also strongly believe that geography

students feel that they have achieved effective learning while being in field. This

study shows that there are several non-cognitive aspects of excursions that may

be important as shaping the conditions for learning, although these aspects are

not easily discovered at first glance.

III year BA HEG Students List 2013-14

Sl.No Reg No Name of the Candidate Caste /


1 L1173502 Abhishek.G SC

2 L1173507 Ananda Kumar.M SC

3 L1173511 Appuswamy.R SC

4 L1173522 Bindhu.M SC

5 L1173532 Chethan.S SC

6 L1173538 Ganesha.M 3B

7 L1173544 Harish.D SC

8 L1173550 Jayashankara.M C-1

9 L1173556 Karthik.P C-1

10 L1173565 Krishnamurthy.K 2A

11 L1173583 Madhu.S 2A

12 L1173585 Mahadeva.M SC

13 L1173587 Mahadevamma.M 3B

14 L1173595 Mahadevaswamy.M C-1

15 L1173599 Mahesh.N 2A

16 L1173606 Mallesh.S SC

17 L1173608 Mangalmma.M SC

18 L1173609 Manikanta SC

19 L1173616 Manu.P SC

20 L1173619 Nagaraju.M SC

21 L1173624 Nanda Kishora.S ST

22 L1173634 Naveenkumar.B 3B

23 L1173643 Parvathi.B.M SC

24 L1173650 Prasad Kumar 3B

25 L1173657 Praveen Kumar.P C-1

26 L1173663 Priyanka.B.S SC

27 L1173665 Puttaswamy 3A

28 L1173675 Ramu.G ST

29 L1173680 Ranjitha.M SC

30 L1173684 Ravi.M C-1

31 L1173694 Santhosh.N SC

32 L1173695 Santhosha.R C-1

33 L1173704 Shiva Kumar.K SC

34 L1027478 Shivakumara.N SC

35 L1173706 Shivamurthy SC

36 L1173716 Shyama Sundar.S ST

37 L1173718 Siddaraju.C SC

38 L1173720 Siddaraju.S C-1

39 L1173723 Siddunaika.A SC

40 L1173724 Somanna.C SC

41 L1173735 Suresh.S SC

42 L1173736 Suresha.N C-1

43 L1173741 Udayaraju.V SC

44 L1173751 Vinay Kumar.V SC

III year BA HGP Students List 2013-14

Sl.No Reg No Name of the


Caste /


1 L1173501 Abhilasha.M SC

2 L1173504 Ajay Kumar.V SC

3 L1173506 Anand.N 2A

4 L1173519 Bheemarao.J SC

5 L1173521 Bi Bi Ayisha 2B

6 L1173523 Chaithra.M SC

7 L1173503 Chiranth.P SC

8 L1173536 Eranna.S SC

9 L1173537 Ganesh.S ST

10 L1173546 Harisha SC

11 L1173560 Keshavamurthy.M.S SC

12 L1173564 Kokilamohan.S 2A

13 L1173573 Madesh.S SC

14 L1173578 Madhu Kiran.M.N SC

15 L1173579 Madhu Kumar.S SC

16 L1173584 Madhuchandra SC

17 L1173586 Mahadeva.R SC

18 L1173592 Mahadevaswamy.C C-1

19 L1173605 Mallaradhya.M 3B

20 L1173610 Manikanta.M SC

21 L1173621 Nagaraju.T.S SC

22 L1173631 Nataraju.G SC

23 L1173641 Pallavi.P SC

24 L1173642 Paramesha.N 3B

25 L1173647 Pradeep.N SC

26 L1173656 Prathap.S SC

27 L0927529 Rizvanpasha 2B

28 L1173697 Savitha.N SC

29 L1173698 Shambhavi.L SC

30 L1173703 Shashikumar.K C-1

31 L1173705 Shivalingaswamy SC

32 L1173711 Shivashankar.C 3B

33 L1173731 Sunil.M SC

34 L1173737 Suresha.P SC

35 L1173749 Vijayakumara.N SC

36 L1173756 Vinodha Nayaka.S ST



Department of Geography

Educational Tour Report – 2014-15

Place: Jogfalls

Date: 4/2/2015 to 7/2/2015


From the department of Geography the educational tour conducted on

4/2/2015 to 7/2/2015 for up to 4 days. We visited several geographical places in

this Educational tour with VI semester BA Students (HEG & HPG) and

department Faculties. The students made key points about the places where they


Duration : 04/02/2015 to 07/02/2015

Place of visit :

Bylukuppa, Tibetean colon/y, Cauvery Nishargadhama, Rajasheetat madakeri,

Mudabidare, Mangalore beach and Harbour, Udupi Malpe beach,

Murudeshwara, Banavasi, Siganduru, Jogfalls etc., MHEPP, Kaiga automic

Energy Power project.

Mahatma Gandhi Hydro-Electricity power project

Singandur –temple

Byluguppe – Golden Temple



Study tour is quit valuable and important aspect to provide practical

knowledge to the student of management studies. tour emphasizes

experiential learning, directed activities that enable learners to explore

various industries cultures, practices and people.

III year BA HEG Students List 2014-15

Sl.No Reg No Name of the Candidate Caste /


1 L1273512 Aruna.M SC

2 L1273513 Aruna.R SC

3 L1273518 Balaraju.R SC

4 L1273519 Basavanna.R ST

5 L1273520 Bettanna.P ST

6 L1273544 Hareendra ST

7 L1273545 Hemanth Kumar.N 2A

8 L1273549 Kencha Tambadi 3B

9 L1273565 Madhuri.S SC

10 L1273578 Mahesha.B.K SC

11 L1273590 Manohara.K.M SC

12 L1273593 Mohan.C SC

13 L1273595 Muralikrishna.K SC

14 L1273628 Pramod Kumar.B SC

15 L1273649 Rajendra.D SC

16 L1273653 Rajesha.S C-1

17 L1273654 Rajeshwari.M SC

18 L1273664 Ramya.M SC

19 L1275559 Shankaramahadeva.S 3B

20 L1273695 Siddaraju.P SC

21 L1273702 Somashekara.KS 3B

22 L1173734 Suresh.P.M SC

III year BA HGP Students List 2014-15

Sl.No Reg No Name of the Candidate Caste /


1 L1273529 Chinnamutha SC

2 L1273531 Deeshith.B SC

3 L1273535 Dileepa.M SC

4 L1273538 Girija Shankara Krupa.T.T GM

5 L1273548 Kavya.N SC

6 L1273559 Lokesh.M SC

7 L1273562 Madappa 3A

8 L1273563 Madashetty.G C-1

9 L1273570 Mahadevaswamy.N SC

10 L1273582 Mahesha.S SC

11 L1273586 Manamohana.S 3B

12 L1273589 Manjunatha.M SC

13 L1273594 Mohanraju.S SC

14 L1273599 Nagaraju.S SC

15 L1273600 Nagesha.L ST

16 L1273620 Pavithra.C SC

17 L1273638 Putta Thambadi.M 3B

18 L1273662 Ramesha.G ST

19 L1273675 Saravan.P SC

20 L1273678 Shalini.S SC

21 L1273683 Shivamma.R SC

22 L1173713 Shrungar.N C-1

23 L1273699 Siddesha.S C-1

24 L1273715 Swaroop.N.D C-1



Department of Geography

Educational Tour Report – 2015-16

Date: 2/2/2016 to 6/2/2016


The department of Geography organized a 5 days Educational Tour

visit to Southern India places during 02/02/2016 to 06/02/2016 for BA final

Year HEG & HPG students.

The visit was organized with the permission of DCE and guidance of

department of Geography faculties. Students of BA (HEG & HPG) have taken

hard efforts and initiative under the continuous guidance of Geography

Department HOD –M.Rathnamma and Assistant Professor - M.S.Rajashekara

murthy (Tour in charge),which made this visit a grand success. Total 41

students along with 2 faculty members and 1 teaching assistant have joined

this Educational Tour visit.

Duration : 02/02/2016 to 06/02/2016

Place of Visit: Madikeri, kodagu, Dharmastala, Mangalore,Udupi,

Murudeshwara, Karavara, Goa, Panaji, etc. vist coffee Plantstions and

Evergreen forests. Hill stations and Power projects were seen in this tour


Petroleum refinery Center at Mangalore

Kolar – gold field

Tumakur -chinkevana


We visit Sir M.Vishveshwaraiah museum in muddenahalli, Chikkaballapura



enable students to acquire a greater understanding of Geographical places, by providing and insights in to economic, political and cultural life of south India.

To facilitating research linkages and providing a platform for all areas of tourfunctioning with cultural communities across south India.

III year BA HEG Students List 2015-16

Sl.No Reg No Name of the Candidate Caste /


1 L1373501 Abhilasha.M SC

2 L1373504 Akash.J C-1

3 L1373506 Anilkumar.K.N 3B

4 L1373511 Balaraju.N SC

5 L1373517 Chaithra.C 3B

6 L1373522 Chandrashekhar.M C-1

7 L1373527 Chethan.N 2A

8 L1373531 Deepa.C SC

9 L1373535 Divyabharathi.S SC

10 L1373550 Jayashree.B ST

11 L1373570 Krishna Murthy.N C-1

12 L1373583 Madesha.S SC

13 L1373588 Mahadevaswamy.M C-1

14 L1373590 Mahendra C-1

15 L1373598 Manasa.R SC

16 L1373605 Meghana.R SC

17 L1373616 Nagendraprasad.J 3B

18 L1373617 Nandini.B SC

19 L1373618 Nandini.K SC

20 L1373624 Naveenkumara.J SC

21 L1373629 Pallavi.G SC

22 L1373650 Rajesha.C ST

23 L1373652 Raju.N C-1

24 L1373677 Shanthi.S SC

25 L1373686 Shivakumarswamy.N SC

26 L1373700 Shrungara.M SC

27 L1373703 Siddaraju.S ST

28 L1373707 Sindhu.N SC

29 L1373715 Suhel Pasha.S 2B

30 L1373717 Suresh.M 3B

31 L1373720 Thanuja R SC

32 L1373725 Yogesha.M SC

III year BA HGP Students List 2015-16

Sl.No Reg No Name of the Candidate Caste /


1 L1373518 Chaithra.G SC

2 L1373520 Chaithra.S SC

3 L1373577 Linganna.L C-1

4 L1373599 Manjula.P ST

5 L1373608 Mouna.K SC

6 L1373645 Pushpa Latha.M.S SC

7 L1373660 Ranjitha.K SC

8 L1373670 Saroja.D SC

9 L1373676 Shanmukha.N ST



Department of Geography

Educational Tour Report – 2016-17


Date: 4/3/2017 to 8/3/2017


From the department of Geography the educational tour conducted on

02/02/2016 to 06/02/2016 for up to 5 days. Educational tour or Field visit are

viewed as integral to geography teaching and acclaimed benefits often include

holistic, student-driven learning, where all the senses are engaged and the

impacts are more than cognitive.Educational tour or Field visit in Colleges are

often teacher-led and focused on the intellectual task of knowledge acquisition

and skill development. Based on a qualitative content analysis of examples of

fieldwork in a state geography Students.

Duration : 04/03/2017 to 08/03/2017

Place of Visit: HassanKMF, Shivamoga, Jog falls, MME, Bhadravathi Iron and

still factory, and then visited the famous Historical places of north Karnataka

Like Kudala samgama, Bijapur Goal gumbaz etc..

World famous church Becilika – Goa

Gokarna – Home Beach

YANA – Uttara Kannada

Karavara Beach – Sardara Vallabhai patel beach

Conclusion: Educational Tour visit to Karnataka& Goa were successfully organised

with the support of staffs and BA final year HEG &HPG . This visit really brought

positive change in thinking and provided practical insights about the future

prospects of Geographical areas.

III year BA HEG Students List 2016-17

Sl.No Reg No Name of the


Caste /


1 L1424061 Arun.M SC

2 L1424063 Ashwini.C SC

3 L1424087 Ganavantha.N ST

4 L1424094 Jadeswamy.M ST

5 L1424109 Kumar.G C-1

6 L1424113 Lakshmidevi.M ST

7 L1424120 Madhu.S SC

8 L1424127 Mahadevaprasad.N C-1

9 L1424132 Mahesha.N C-1

10 L1424147 Manukumar.G 3B

11 L1424170 Pavithra.K SC

12 L1424182 Prasanna.S C-1

13 L1424208 Ravi Kumar.N C-1

14 L1424214 Sadananda.N 3B

15 L1424238 Shwetha.N 2A

III year BA HGP Students List 2016-17

Sl.No Reg No Name of the


Caste /


1 L1424052 Abhishek.N SC

2 L1424067 Bhagawan.S SC

3 L1424075 Chandrashekar.R C-1

4 L1424077 Chandru.P SC

5 L1424080 Chethan.C ST

6 L1424082 Chinnappa.P SC

7 L1424099 Kamaraju.K C-1

8 L1424101 Karthik.N ST

9 L1424114 Lingaraju.H SC

10 L1424117 Madan Kumar.M SC

11 L1424119 Madeva.J ST

12 L1424142 Manojkumar.N SC

13 L1424177 Pramodkumara.S SC

14 L1424180 Prasad.M C-1

15 L1424187 Praveenkumar.M.C GM

16 L1424209 Ravikumar.L. C-1

17 L1424227 Shivakumara.M C-1

18 L1424229 Shivakumara.M.P SC

19 L1424232 Shivaraj.S SC

20 L1424234 Shivu.R ST

21 L1424237 Shrinivasa.M 2A

22 L1424245 Sona.S SC

23 L1424271 Venkatesh.K ST



Department of Geography

Educational Tour Report – 2017-18


Date: 28/02/2018 to 05/03/2018


Department of Geography has organized 6 Days Education Tour for the Final Semester BA

students. The purpose of visit is to promote and enhance students understanding of the culture of

Geography, to supplement science education given in colleges and to organize various out-of college

educational activities to foster a spirit of scientific enquiry and creativity among the students.

Duration : 28/02/2018 to 05/03/2018

Place of Visit: Raichur, Bijapura, Kodalasangama, Mahakhuta, Sigaduru,

Murudeshwara, Gokarna, Yana etc.,


Murudeshwara- Uttara Kannada

Chitradurga- Kote


Ragavendra Math at Mantralaya

Conclusion :

The trip was a wonderful experience with full of knowledge of

Geography, Science and much more, making science simple and interesting. A

visit to POWER ATOMIC Station was very exciting for students and really helps

them understanding basic science. It was just a Complete and Knowledgeable


III year HEG Student list 2017-18

Sl.No Reg


Name of Students Caste

1 L1424115 LINGARAJU.L 3B

2 L1523752 AMBAREESHA.S 3B


4 L1523769 CHARAN.S SC


6 L1523776 JYOTHI.G SC



9 L1523811 MAHESHA.S 2A


11 L1523821 MANOJ.K C-1

12 L1523849 NINGARAJU.B C-1

13 L1523855 PANDAPPA.B ST


15 L1523878 RAGHU.M ST

16 L1523879 RAGHU.M SC



19 L1523921 SIDDAPPA.S SC

20 L1523923 SNEHA.N SC

21 L1523930 SURESHA.K 2A

22 L1523937 VENKATESHA.R C-1

III year HGP Student list 2017-18

Sl.No Reg


Name of Students Caste

1 L1523751 AKASH.R.P SC

2 L1523753 AMOGHA.H.M SC

3 L1523760 ASHWINI.K.M SC

4 L1523773 GANESHA.N 2A







10 L1523828 MANU.S C-1

11 L1523831 MOHANKUMAR.S C-1

12 L1523836 NAGENDRA.R C-1


14 L1523877 RACHAPPAJI.M C-1

15 L1523888 RAMESH.S ST


17 L1523905 SATHYARAJ.L SC

18 L1523918 SRINIVASA.V ST

19 L1523928 SUNIL.R SC

20 L1523934 THEJU.N 2A

21 L1523939 VIJAY KUMAR.G 2A

22 L1523941 VISHWAS.H.V 3B



Department of Geography

Educational Tour Report – 2018-19


Date: 08/03/2019 TO 10/03/2019


Department of Geography organized five days Educational tour/

Industrial visit to Kerala from 20th Feb to 25th Feb 2019 for the students of BA

(HEG &HPG)finalyear. The visit was organized with the prior permission of DCE

one month before and guidance from Prof M.S.Rajashekaramurthy and HOD

Prof. Rathnamma. Some Students have taken the major efforts and initiative

under the continuous guidance of HOD and Trip Coordinator Prof.

M.S.Rajashekaramurthywho made the visit grand success. Total 70 students

along with four faculty members namely Prof. Krishnaswamy.H.P, Prof.

ARPANA have joined this trip.

Madakeri, Abifalls, Dharmastala, Katil, Malpe beach, SetmerisIland, Aneguda,

Murudeshwara, Karavar, Goa, Yana, Bhadravathi, Bhadra project, etc.,

Malpe Beach

Kaveri Nisarga Dhama

Dubhare Forest

Sharavathi Back Water


Educational Tour visit to Southern India was successfully organised with the

support of staffs and BA final year HEG &HPG . This visit really brought positive

change in thinking and provided practical insights about the future prospects

of Geographical areas.

III year HEG Student list 2018-19

Sl.No Reg number Name of Students Caste

1 L1614404 APOORVA.S SC

2 L1614406 BALARAJU.S ST


4 L1614420 KUMAR.J ST

5 L1614421 KUMARA.D.M C-1

6 L1614449 PAVITHRA.H.M SC



9 L1614458 RADHA.N 2A

10 L1614459 RAJAPPA.J ST

11 L1614482 SOUJANYA.M 2A

12 L1614486 SWAPNA.M SC

III year HGP Student list 2018-19

Sl.No Reg


Name of Students Caste

1 L1614411 CHANDRU.S C-1

2 L1614418 JEEVAN .M C-1

3 L1614438 MOHAN RAJ.R SC

4 L1614440 NAGENDRA.M C-1

5 L1614452 PRAKASHA.C.N SC

6 L1614462 RAKESH.M SC





9 L1614478 SHRINIVASA .V 3A

10 L1614479 SIDDARTHA .S ST

11 L1614490 VINOD KUMAR .S SC

12 L1614493 ZAIBA AFREEN 2B



Department of Geography

Educational Tour Report – 2019-20


Date: 27/2/2020 TO 01/03/2020


Sri MahadeshwaraGovt First Grade College, Kollegal- Department of

Geography conducted an educational tour on 27/2/2020 to 1/3/2020 for final

year students of HEG and HPG courses. About 95 students and 3 faculty

members were the participants. The main purpose of the tour was to get the

students closer to the natural environment.

Educational tour or Field visit are viewed as integral to geography teaching and

acclaimed benefits often include holistic, student-driven learning, where all the

senses are engaged and the impacts are more than cognitive. Educational tour

or Field visit in Colleges are often teacher-led and focused on the intellectual

task of knowledge acquisition and skill development. Based on a qualitative

content analysis of examples of fieldwork in a state geography Students.

DURATION :27/2/2020 TO 01/03/2020

Site Covered :

Madakeri, Abifalls, Dharmastala, Katil, Malpe beach, SetmerisIland, Aneguda,

Murudeshwara, Karavar, Goa, Yana, Bhadravathi, Bhadra project, etc.,

Conclusions :

Educational tourism is an educational activity implemented during

excursions or trips which facilitates gaining knowledge and competences

through practice. The model of the structure of the educational tourism concept

identifies three main components: the science of tourism, the science of

education, and the factors of the external environment.

The opportunities for using educational tourism in geographical education are

created through student exchange programmes, educational activities in

museums, and educational excursions and trips. However, the most popular

form of educational tourism implementation is the educational excursion which

provides opportunities for the development of pupils’ observation and research

skills, and broadens pupils’ experience, as well as develops a scientific

approach to the world and a responsible attitude to the environment, nature and


III year HEG Student list 2019-20

Sl.No Reg


Name of Students Caste

1 L1714156 BHARATH.D 2A

2 L1714157 BHAVISH.S.M SC

3 L1714166 KAVERI.D C-1


5 L1714185 MALLESHA.U 3B


7 L1714196 PARIMALA.G ST

8 L1714197 PAVAN.C ST

9 L1714214 SANJAY.S SC


11 L1714231 SIDDARAJU.M SC


13 L1714234 SONIYA.R SC


III year HGP Student list 2019-20

Sl.No Reg number Name of Students Caste

1 L1714163 GURUKIRAN.V 3B


3 L1714170 KIRAN.K 3A

4 L1714176 MADHU.S 3B

5 L1714180 MAHENDRA.N SC

6 L1714182 MAHESHA.M C-1

7 L1714184 MALLESHA.N SC

8 L1714187 MANSOON.M SC

9 L1714188 MANU C-1

10 L1714189 MOHANKUMAR.N 2A

11 L1714192 NAGESHA.G 2A

12 L1714195 NINGARAJU.S C-1

13 L1714200 PRASAD.M C-1

14 L1714210 RAMALINGAM.A C-1

15 L1714213 SANDEEP.S C-1

16 L1714215 SANTHOSH.S SC

17 L1714227 SHIVU.J C-1

18 L1714232 SNEHA.M SC


Sri Mahadeswara Government First Grade College

Kollegal Department of Chemistry

Industrial Visit & Report

( Reid & Taylor Industry)

Place: Nanjangud

Date: 03/03/2014

B.Sc III Year (PCM& CBZ)


From the “Department of chemistry” we conducted industrial visit along with the educational trip to

“Reid & Taylor” Industry popular Men’s suiting & shirting brand which is located in Nanjangud taluk

which belongs to Mysore District, which is established in the year 1998.

The tour is leaded by Dr.Ravishankar D.K,along with Dr.Sathish S.V,Dr.Venkatnarayan S.Pruthivraj

H.S,Ravikumar N,Devaraju P.S and Kruthi .We visited on 03-03-2014 which is 60 Kilometers away

from Kollegal. All the students of final year B.Sc (PCM & CBZ) actively participated in the excursion

which begun at 09:00 AM in the morning we met Mr. Ashok who is the manager of Reid & Taylor

industry then he had taken us to the factory godowns and gave the brief introduction about the

raw materials such as grey fabric, cotton fabric etc. used for the preparations of clothings , After

that we move on to the factory where the manufacturing of clothings take place and he explained

the process of manufacturing and the steps involved such as washing, dyiny and finishing by using

the various chemicals, detergents and colouring dyes.

The types of the clothings prepared in Reid & Taylor are as follows- T-Shirts, Jeans, Sutits, Blazers


The snaps taken at the time of Industrial visit.


List of students visited to Reid and Taylor

Name of the Candidate

Anil kumar M

Chandru S

Chethan kumar S

Dhavanesh A S

Girija V

Harisha D

Harisha P

Hema K N

Kavya J

Keerthan F A

Mahesha M

Manoj kumar B

Nagendra murthy

Niranjan L

Nishitha D

Ranjitha R

Reetha Rosaleen G

Rohini R

Rohini S

Sangeetha K

Sukumar M

Uma maheshwari B


Manoj Kumar.C





We got the experience of the industry, the industry gives better understand the world of work to

compare the knowledge acquired in college to the working world industry. Observations were

carried out over a real and direct the development of task performed by a student who ultimately

participated in it and got plenty of informations.

Sri Mahadeswara Government First Grade College

Kollegal Department of Chemistry

Industrial Visit & Report

( Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant)


Date: 03/03/2015

B.Sc III Year (PCM& CBZ)


From the “Department of chemistry” we conducted industrial visit along with the educational trip to

“Kaiga nuclear power plant” which is located in Kaiga village near to Kali river belongs to Karwar

taluk Uttar kannada district. The plant has been in operation since march 2000 and is operated by

the Nuclear power Corporation of India.

We visited on 03-03-2015 which is 529 Kilometers away from Kollegal. All the students of final year

B.Sc (PCM & CBZ) actively participated in the excursion which begun at 11:00 AM in the morning we

met the administrator of Kiaga Nuclear power plant he has taken us to the model and explained the

mode of operation taking place in it, he thought that the nuclear plant is running by using the

uranium radio active material which produces the enormous amount of heat that is 1kg of uranium

produces heat nearly equal to 1ton of heat produced by charcoal where the heat energy can be

converted into electrial energy and explained how the fission reaction takes place and explained

many other things regarding the nuclear power plant. Finally they had treated extraordinarily by

providing the information and Delicious lunch to each and everyone

The photographs taken at the time of Industrial visit.


Nuclear powers advantage is that it does not use large amount of fossil fuels. Coal and natural gas

power plants emit much more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change.

With nuclear power plants, CO2 emissions are minimal. Nuclear power plants do provide energy for

much of the world with less damage to the environment. They also allow for steady paying from the

middle jobs for men and women from all around the globe.

The tour is leaded by Dr.Ravishankar D.K, along with Dr.Sathish S.V, Dr.Venkatnarayan S. Pruthivraj

H.S, Ravikumar N, Devaraju P.S and Sowmya.N S

List of students visited to Kaiga nuclear power plant.

Name of the Candidate






Cynthia Vincent


Enosh Johnson












Rukhiya Taslim.M








Ajith Kumar.N



Suman Raj.S.P

Sri Mahadeswara Government First Grade College

Kollegal Department of Chemistry

Industrial Visit & Report

( Tea Museum, Munnar)

Place: Munnar

Date: 10/04/2016

B.Sc III Year (PCM& CBZ)


From the “Department of chemistry” we conducted industrial visit along with the educational trip to

“Tea Museum ” which is located in Munnar Town Idukki district Kerala state. Munnar got its name

from its stratergic location at the confluence of three rivers- Muthira puzha, Nallathanni and Kundala

rivers Moonu means Three and Aru means river. The region is placed at thehieght of 1500m to

2695m at sea level.

The tour is Organize to Kerala (Munnar). By Dr.Ravishankar D.K, along with Ravikumar N, Devaraju

P.S, Deepika.Y.S and Sowmya. Even it is considered as god’s own country and most literating state

in India and even popular in the productions of varieties of tea plants , Munnar Tea Estate is famous

for the production of Green tea . Administrator of the tea museum taken to the production

department he gave the breef explination of the extraction of tea leaves along with some raw

materials and process of purification then converting into purest form of tea with packing, used mild

chemicals and It is essential for metabolism and reduces fat cholesterol level in the body.

The photographs taken at the time of Industrial visit.


The Industrial visit to Munnar Tea Museum, helped to have a good knowledge about how a company

operates and consequent focuses relating to the business activities . In the short span of visit the

company management provides me a good exposure about the work carried out at the Industry.It

enhanced about land production in details, which paved way for rich experience in plant supervision

it also provide with information regards the export financial and human resources activities, which

was new area entrance for me learnt many things from this industrial visit.

List of students visited to Kerala

Name of the Candidate

Name of the Candidate

Abhishek.M Anil Kumar.B

Amrutha.K.M Anusha.M

Bhanupriya.N Ashwini.B

Chandrashekhara.P Gopal.V

Deepa.K Inchara Evanjalin.V

Jyothi.M Kavitha.D

Kavya.S Lakshmi.S

Kumara.V Lavanya.M

Lidwin Noel.B Madhusudhan.R

Mahesha.T.D Nagaraju.C

Manoj Kumar.C Nithin.B

Mohan Kumara.N Nithinchand.P

Nandini.M Parashivamurthy.B

Niranjan.N Prajwal Babu.S

Padmakala.E Pramod.S

Poorva.Y.M Roshan.M.R

Priyanka.N Santhoshkumar Nayaka.H.B

Raju.R Shivakumar.S

Rakesh.M Syedazaruddin

Sachin.M Thejaswini.L

Sakhiyakhanum Vasanth Kumar.H

Shanthala.S Vishwas.N







Sri Mahadeswara Government First Grade College

Kollegal Department of Chemistry

Industrial Visit & Report

(KMF,Gejjalagere, Maddur Tq, Mandya Dist )

Place: Gejjalagere

Date: 27/02/2017

B.Sc III Year (PCM& CBZ)


From the “Department of chemistry” we conducted industrial visit along with the educational trip to

“KMF, Gejjalagere ” which is established on 1992 and located in Maddur taluk, Mandya District.

Karnataka milk federation (KMF) is Established in 1984 It’s trade name is Nandini which is the

second largest milk co-operative in India after Amul. Where it collects the milk from farmers who

are its members processed for the manufacturing of various milk products and sold in the market

such as Pedha, paneer, curds, Ghee, milk and milk products etc . under the brand name of Nandini,

It is a federation of milk producers association working on co-operative principles. Almost every

District in state of Karnataka has milk producing co-operatives. We visited KMF Industry located in

Gejjalagere and met the Administrator he has taken us to the industry where the purification of milk

takes place then he explained how the pasteurisation is carried out for milk and the conversion of

milk into other milk products, Finally explained the hygienic packing processes and the products

which are distributed to each part of Karnataka from this milk association.

The photographs taken at the time of Industrial visit.


This method gives the benefiting monitoring milk for proper composition and assurance of

self life. Osmolality can also used as an index of the extent of milk fermentation and is

therefore suitable for quality analysis of fermented milks and milk products.

The Industrial visit to KMF has taken by Dr.Ravishankar D.K, along with Sathish.S.V, Prithviraj.H.S,

Venkatanarayan, Ravikumar N, Devaraju P.S and Shruthi.P

List of students visited to KMF

Name of the Candidate

Name of the


Ajay.N Apoorva.N Ravikumara.B

Ashwini.N Basavaraj.V Sandesh.S

Ashwini.S Chethankumar Sathish.R

Bhama.G Govindaraju Shiva Kumar.B

Bhanupriya.D Hiranmai.B.S Spoorthi.M

Chandan.L Jyothi.S Sridhara.L

Chandan.M Maharaja.M Suma.J

Charanraju.G Nikhil.P Suneetha.K

Divyashree.N Poojashree.G Thejashwini.R

Kavitha.B Prasanna.R

Kavya.N Prema.M

Keerthana.B.M Rajesha.S

Kusuma.M Shalini.G.P

Kusuma.S Sneha Esther.C

Louis Noel.B Srikanth.Y.S

Mahadevaswamy.S Sushma.N

Mahalakshmi.V Vijay.C






Sri Mahadeswara Government First Grade College

Kollegal Department of Chemistry

Industrial Visit & Report

(My Sugar Mandya)

Place: Mandya

Date: 27/02/2018

B.Sc III Year (PCM& CBZ)


From the “Department of chemistry” we conducted industrial visit along with the educational trip to

“My Sugar Industry ” located in Mandya taluk, Mandya district .

The Mandya sugar factory is opened in 1833-34 under the ownership of the “Mysore sugar company

Ltd”. Sugar factories contribute to the major economic output therefore it is called Sugar city

because sugar cane is a major crop. The Factory site produces 5000 tons of crushed cane sugar per

day. The processing of cane sugar consist of the following steps: Sugarcane is crushed the juice is

heated and filtered then sent to a series of crystallisation steps to create crystals of raw sugar,

Followed by centrifugation to remove any remaining cubes or syrup, these are the breif information

regarding the preparation of sugar given by the Manager of My sugar industry, Mandya.

The photos taken at the time of My sugar Industrial visit Mandya.


The high amount of cane sugar taken by the industries are used to convert into sugars with

the short range of time produces sugars of best quality. Then the waste of sugarcane can be

recycled to convert into alcohols so that the raw materials can be used more efficiently. .

The Industrial visit to My sugar Mandyahas taken by Dr.Ravishankar D.K, along with Ravikumar N,

Devaraju P.S and Shruthi.P

List of students visited to My sugar, Mandya

Name of Students Name of Students






















Sri Mahadeswara Government First Grade College

Kollegal Department of Chemistry

Industrial Visit & Report

(West Coast Paper Mills Limited Dandeli )

Place: Dandeli

Date: 09/02/2019

B.Sc III Year (PCM& CBZ)


The “Department of chemistry” conducted industrial visit along with the educational trip to “WEST

COAST PAPER MILLS LIMITED DANDELI I” located in Uttara kannada district which is 530 killometers

away from kollegel .

West Coast Paper Mills Limited (WCPM)is one of the oldest and the largest producers of paper fpr

printing,writing, and packing in India which is Established in 1955. The global quality paper

produced by the company serves the needs of innumerable industries in stationary,notesbook and

packing sectors in India.WCPM is committed to stay alert & sensitive to environmental consequence

of its endeavours and follows an eco freiendly policy that works towards increasing the green cover

of the land and maintaining a sustainable environment for health wellbeing of the current and

future generations these are information given by the managing director of WCPM.

Snaps taken at WCPM Dandeli:


We conclude that , while going through the entire industrial visit, the co-operation is found to be

very well organised, developed & most ideal industry in every walk of its production,administration

& management aspects

We extend our heartiest thanks to WCPM administration to making 9th Feb 2019 a day to cherish for

some of the lucky students like us who are honoured with your humble gesture to get an

opportunity to visit such an esteemed organisation.

The Industrial visit to “WEST COAST PAPER MILLS” has taken by Dr.Ravishankar D.K, along with Dr.

Sathish,Rajeshaker murthy, Rathamma M, Ravikumar N,& Devaraju P.S

List of students visited to WCPM Dandeli

Name of Students
























Sri Mahadeswara Government First Grade College

Kollegal Department of Chemistry

Industrial Visit & Report

(New Mangalore Port Trust)

Place: Manglore

Date: 24/02/2020

B.Sc III Year (PCM& CBZ)


The “Department of chemistry” conducted industrial visit along with the educational trip to “New

Mangalore Port Trust” located in Mangalore which belongs to Dakshina Kannada District which is

316 kilometers away from kollegal .

We have contacted ‘New Mangalore Port Trust’ authority on 3/2/2020 to get the permission to visit

Mangalore harbour at that time they had granted permission to us but when we reached Manglore

on 24/02/2020 at that thime due to corona pendemic the authority didn’t not allow to visit Harbour

because of safety measures.

Photos taken at the entrance of New Mangalore Port Trust

The Industrial visit to “New mangalore port trust” has taken by Dr.Ravishankar D.K, along with Dr.

Sathish, Ravikumar N, Devaraju P.S & Kalavathi P O

Name of Students Name of Students





























Department of Commerce & Management


Infosys Campus, Mysore.

ON 22nd FEBRUARY 2020, the students of B. Com & BBA from 6th

semester of Sri Mahadeshwara Govt. First Grade College had

been to Infosys Campus, Mysore

Students: Total 60 students of 6th semester B. Com & BBA

(30Girls+30Boys) Faculty Accompanied: (01 F+ 03 M)

Deepa S R Assistant Professor of

Commerce Mahesha Assistant Professor

of Commerce Paramesha C Assistant

Professor of Management Dr. Ananda D

R Assistant Professor of Commerce


We reached the campus by 8:45 AM and had a break. We logged into the campus after the

security check at 9:30 AM. We were accompanied by Anirudh, Senior Engineer,

Infosys. We were taken tour around the campus which was around 357 acres. Since, it

was a vast campus we were able to cover only 50% of it.

The Senior Engineer gave a brief about the campus. It has

6 SDB [Software Development Block]

8 FC [Food Courts]

SEZ [Social economic zone]

2 GEC [Global education center]


8 Athletic ground


Recreation center

Rain water harvesting lakes

Accommodation for trainee

Guest house

ILI [Infosys Leadership Institution]

First, we visited SDB (Software Development Block) were new software is developed

and testing takes place. Then we went to SEZ (special economic zone) where the tax

related activities take place. To enter the SEZ the employee must have an authorized

identity. We went to the Amphitheatre where all the programs will be taken place like

Fashion show, dance etc. It had an accommodation of around 10,000 people.

Then we had been to GEC-1 (Global Education Center) which had 8 floors. The

topmost floor had one of the central library in the campus. The 7th and 6th floor was a

place where small conference will be taken place for the trainees. The remaining floors

had classes for the trainees where each trainee will be provided by a system. The

training period will be from 3-6 months. The trainee will be given 3 chances to clear

the training. The classroom which we visited had an accommodation for about 140-150


The campus had a multiplex where 7 regional language movies would be played on every weekend.

The multiplex is also a place where National and International conferences will be conducted.

Then we had been to ILI (Infosys Leadership Institute) which had Gyms, Smart

super market, Swimming pool, Badminton court, Seminar halls etc. We were given

about 15-20 minutes break. After the break, we were directed to Seminar hall around

11:30 AM. Along with us we had students from 2 colleges. The students were from

Govt. First Grade College, Hassan & Vidyavardhaka PU College from Mysore. By

around 2:30 PM we logged out of the campus.

The entire campus tour was by walk. It was a sunny day. The maintenance of the

campus was very good and hygiene. We were allowed to walk only on footpaths and

zebra-crossing but we were not supposed to step on the lawns. Coming to the

enjoyment part, we had fun filled throughout the journey and we reached the college

campus back by 8:45 PM.

At the end of the day we had a good experience and learnt many things from the visit
