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St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 07, No. 43, June 22, 1916

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University of Central Florida University of Central Florida STARS STARS St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 6-22-1916 St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 07, No. 43, June 22, 1916 St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 07, No. 43, June 22, 1916 St. Cloud Tribune Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stcloudtribune University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in St. Cloud Tribune by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 07, No. 43, June 22, 1916" (1916). St. Cloud Tribune. 451. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stcloudtribune/451

University of Central Florida University of Central Florida


St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida


St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 07, No. 43, June 22, 1916 St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 07, No. 43, June 22, 1916

St. Cloud Tribune

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STARS Citation STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 07, No. 43, June 22, 1916" (1916). St. Cloud Tribune. 451. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stcloudtribune/451

1·,111,.; 11 \ J: (i I 17

1~11 Roads Lead to St. Cloud on the 4.th of July ST, CLOUD TErlPERATURE Uat• Mu. J\!ln.

-· J e 1 , . ,,, ,. Jun, II ./;, •• 70 Jun, 17 .... 1,7 .toll

.lune 1t!, 8,1

Jun,• ,,, .. x;- •. .. ,~, J ,Ille .., 1,0 . .. ;,1

J ""'' ,, . • .. -~ ..... . •. ,t,H



M r s. Curtis, Fear ed by FrlenC:s That She Would Not Survive

Long Trip, Is 86 and Happy On July 151h, 19 10, there arrived in

er ahou t the !nod, th liv e gators o ~, r city n worthy couple from Ame • rcpr sc nun g th e llwig and slender bury, Mass .. JI-Ir. R . R . Curtis was a

th e \V.ondcr City t hey came. 111 r . Cu r­t is pi:rchascd som ~ land un the ou1-


111 r. J\lbert Durh m, he of the va.rlc­ty store. has a privat alli1a1 o r farm In th re r or his prcmi1 a and a lso 011~ fo r larger ll'a1orI o n the lake Iron, . h ii ,•cry l111c1 c11lni; to watch lhe li ttle rcllo wa, capuially at recd­

I t 1t1e, and th y attract lo ts or at• ntio n. 111 r. Durham has made a bus•

of p11rchuin1 them and has ui hlppin1 the ptors to almo1t ry 11atc In the union.

p •t a ls whil · th e r und 11atc h of m eat In tll' cc 111 er or Q lo t or l•obbi11g heads rcpr 1e1,1 the center . As th e meat diaapp ara their 1idl.!1 swell out in proportion, and th en th ey I.le thcm­s Ive to a s hady cornc.-, pi! one O'l top of th e o the r • nd snooze the an ze of the dead.

welt pre crvcd m an , but ~lrs. J e nnie

urt is was at th a t tim a very fe b l •

wo111an . an d in fact could hardly walk a rod. When leaving their friends in Massach use tts h was considered that the trip to Jack onv ltle wo u ld b very severe nn Mrs. urtis and it was very like! : hat she w ould 1101 su rvi ve the j urney. The doctort, however, rec•

ki1t ,;£ the tow n and built a com- Being o f an athletic turn or mind, for tah lc li ttl e hQu le , and fro m that day E llswonh Yeatman and Colvin Par­t o .his they have lived there hapri ly. ker could conceiv~ of n o m o re de•

~lrs. · u n is i today ce lebratillg her ligh t ful r ccreati t> n than a walk to th e f6th birthday. he is able once in a Ea t <:oast and back, which 'they OJ'· whi le 10 wal k up to th e poatolfice complished in Hvc dayJ. They carried and 10 chu r ch, a di lance of ov.: r a their own camping outfi t and th e e<• mile . We conside r that Mrs. Curtis 1>cn1e bill wa so small that it look-.cl

0 " e at lea• t live years of her life ,o almost insignificant. Th e pedestrhns th £inc clima:e o r thia city We lrull left ·r. C lo ud at 8:30 Monday morning sh will live many m o re years 10 en• and a rrived at Deer Park th e follow-

~o hu ab ut three hnndrcd baby .. ,o~, · ·11 · iri a burn .. 11: l. rlt;' · . :-c i:uu~

nicntly qna rtcred in th e rear or his 1pacio111 11 tt d yard, with besin 111nk into the around

and containing \\aler enough to cov­er their hnck1 Th~y ran ge in 1i1e from nhout ci11ht inches tu 1wo f ct. Tb III II one arc as harmlu a, llaa rd , hut the t\\ o-fo1,1ers already have clcntal 11 rlnr elah11r, te cnouah tn mak~ n nr ra :hcr hy aho111 riskinl{ a digit .

:,·;::.:,-:.t:::.::; ~ n·~;~d ·si·~;··c;o·~E~oM ES FROM i •ttll awl/ding 8//oa ,,. Oaceo/a County

ing day at noon . wing 10 the had conditio n of the roads ah r they lcfr Deer Park, they ll'Odc on a lo1iln11' train to 11 opkins, a tong the li•dian river, wh e re they arrived in the eve~­ing. All day % dneaday was spen : o~ M • lbourn Beach, and they d • dared surf ha hin th r was the m s t ideal. While ha rk s and porpoi r• were swimming within seein1 di s­tance they did not b othe r the bathers in the lea st.

The r etu rn trip was made in the +I sam way, the p:l'rty leavin g the At­

lant ic coast o n Thursday and reach-

+ ,ng St, Cloud a\ 2:30 o't loc k Friday afternoon. ,

The most interesting features of th e Stock ral ,rs liave ccr'cninl , /got

:u:::,~;e a:~• tt~~c;u::'~,~• d/,':rmi,::t:;; I AU 8 URN DALE er d,cat the uck 111 11 hurry. I\ new , FLA To LIVE HERE! il~:'in(a::~::,s~::a~:gi,r~~fs t~o::~:~

• , \\'c unclcrs:and that the Edgwatcr

trip was the employment or convic•s on th e road t owards Melbourne , nn I a lso hundreds o f men in the immen•• lumber yard at Hopkins .

Mr, Uurhnm d~po it a stack ol aro11n,1 n, at ,n the rentrr of 1hc :,llrd 111 feedin11 t1111e , n1ul 1t is c11 rin11 . 10 watrh them f rm n Ii, inii :unllow-

,lipping vut h I been c 1111tructed a, 1•1

\ 1.J d 1

N , thi' s the Sh.ika 11 l,,ny • nd will be ready ncw;\t~~ : urn a c ws print

for 1.Jl11si11'1 today . J ohn l_'ad c; The l{ev. ila CQoke, D. D ., ane1 has n so or<l rrd the co n trucu_u n o three years of faithful ervice a pas• n """ , • I lnr his a tock. These ma~< tur of the ul.Jurndalc Preal.Jytcrian a to tal of e,c11 vats that have alt re• churd1 w,11 tleli,cr hi iarcwc1l SCI•

,·e111ly ht'rn ,011 tructeJ in the counl)', mun here on Sunday, June 25,11 nn<t

11111ned1atcl)• ar1erwards he and ~I rs.

Inventor Gives Demonstration of Machine Capable of Clear­Ing Land of Florida Palmetto

onke wil l r emove to S1-:-0oud , Fla., whc, e they nr I 1(►11ni11g a new ho11 e o n the corner uf Eighth s1rcc1 llllO

i\l idHgan n, cnu I II answer to the inquiries or a

l 'W repnrtcr , Or . ookc aid that when he ca111e 111 Florida ove r thr c years ngo it wn ·to vi it hi!. brnthcr, \Ir l) H o kc, a prominent law­yer uf Pill h111 I{, "hn was sp ncling h1 winter 111 Orlando. 1),- Cooke h;.ul h\: ·n one nf th n rigina1 purcha­s r of tnts 111 · 1, Cloud when that 1ra.c1 was lir I heinl( c.uloniztd anti prohahl) had e,· 11 th 11 an idea that 11 11111{ht so111c clay beco me his home t<1r hi drrh11111 • year&. \\"h,n he mine to Florida ahnu, three yeJrs Jl{U, havinti" re il{ned his l,111 char ' at Farly , Io wa, it was with th thut lhat he would th~n retire and se ttle ,town ,n l his st le, Dnt at a mcc,ing n l the Presbytery he was pcrsund d lu buck! o n tl,c harnes once mor

\\'e nutirc:d la t Y.l'lk that .. , mom,· JTI;.& hi11l \\8 hei11g unl• 1a1kd r,oiu

ar~ at K1!i 1m1nte i\tHJ on in • lt.1nu:d that n ,, n nl'\ .. 111;, .

'" h wh1d1 the 111Hntor \\111 • IH the prnhlc111 of cl,• rinit I ucl uf

l111rt1n in Fh ruJ.t , Tra ttn n is f11r-1ti h\.:,I h)· on tn t11or and • c.-cn ud

OJ'f' r~tl' S- ,\ rO\\ ur rt Vol\ ina,c II\ (runt ,,r ,ht.• 11\ chine. Tlh.: rc

1 a i\l,.'.d1u11 n,11~r on t.•ither suJ of he 111ach111<· h h11ul 'the k111vt "h,ch

rnll th._. f.4:rOund so that thl.· trat.:lh.> 11

,,·h n ·I. in th rcn1 have 1tHhJLh

11.urfatt.: nn "'h1ch to travd. . I 1. C. I., l111rrc,11i;h ,, "ho 111trotluc-

,•,t tht.· n1.1d1111\\ ha in\'ltc,I 11 r on intc-r,:!'!i tr ,I t n ,ut nd a 1lcmoni;tr,1tH.>n "hid1 will ht t,<iv1.. n n rir K, i..uumc ,t, ; •,,c k.


Th time haa come tn think of Fly ca tc h. ng, however, 1s not a lt and take h:ir at Aubu rndale.

Farms arc now opcra tin l!' two clgthy­Ther i much hard \\Ork and no t 1011 silos L. H . i ngram and J. \ . A multitude of m osq ui toes greatly

inco nve:,icnccd the party while they were camping in the undeveloped sec­tion of the country, Mr. Parker st,11· ed. Alto,r thtt the trip was a mo11 cnjoyahlc a s well as ed11cntional on ,•, r,nd thoroughly enjoyed,

very much encouragem 111 in a field ~I ill r ha,•e each n under construe­d this kind "here the memh,rsh1p , lion o f the rcspccti,·e . capacity of small and "here there are 10 many s i ty tons. J . \\lade Tucker will also cl,ange from year to year. But Dr . erect one o f smaller size, probably

ahrmt ,hirty-fi,e tun . The,c nr all ook ha done good work here and to t, built or w ood.

hi8 inlluence has bten felt in many

ways The goo d which uch a man

does cannot be measured by acrna1

a d,li tiu ns 10 th church memhcrship

•n 11111ch us by hi• influence !or l{OOJ upon individuals and in thf\ comn1uni• ty. I le ha hlled a plac~ :,er~ ir, th . c11mm11n 11y uf his people that w,11 be apprcc,a:cd long alter he ha . left a nd he and M ra. ooke will h greatly missnl by many , arm friends and .idmircrs. Z\lrs. Cook has tak en act• ive p:irt in the work of the chnrch, in th, Aid S ,c, ry and tin 1 1 11· ar, .. ocict I and \ thtr octiviues onJ ha been n faitful and active m mher o r t he \\ 'uman's Cluh, of wl11ch she has he,:11 the r~co rding Sl'Cre:tary evt>t &incc it t1 rwaniza tio11 .

The hcst wishes and heartfelt pray• crs o! many A.nhurndalt friend• "ill follow thi worthy coup! 10 their new home \ogethcr with the hope that they wilt find many new friend s and pleasant cxperitnc.-~ there,

St. Cloud's First Depot Agent Quits His JacksonvlllePosltlon To Represent Western Union

To become commercial agent of 1he cle regret to lose h1111 but nre r>ka ed \\'cstcrn U111on Tclcrraph 0111pany I kno" that hi ne" po ition 1s a 111 Jacl, u nulle, L . II . Hingham, for promotio n that \\ill carry him 111111 , :he past six ytars city passenger very cxtens,vc field . "•e•H fnr the Atlantic nast Linc Many or nu r 1. Lloucl ci . i,ens re­Railway . ha re i~nc-d his 1>os1110 1 to mcmher l\lr. Dingham, \\ho wa the tak e1t 1 ~ 0011 as he can t re• /.ir t a ""' at our depot in t , oud . lie v cl. \ ' e can assure him that we all con-

Ili a as ociatcs nl tra isportati o n cir- gratulat,, him o n hi sU((c s


fiaht ing th flies. nf riun:it ely th i• that i 11 •c ary for thi w ork fo r 1he

a p rcnniat t:i sk, for th fl ies have vrevrnt ion ol disease pread. II th e

b, 11 mean hc,n c te r minated, 1101• plarc . \\here the £lie lay their cg(!

wi 1hnnnlli1111' t b 1la111(htcr of th pa anti the young arc hatd1ed 11111sl be

(~-.. ar as a rrsuh nf l'lq; aniz,•J cnure<I r:11 • , r • hretl in dir\, In old c,m,, i1,tn1 ngain t them . J•ly ,,J.I• , •11~. in wastl pnpcr , in manun•, nny

r , fly p,1p r allll lly ', raps arc rte• place where there I, rdu sc a111l cl, mp-0111111 •ud ·d for pcnernl and per i t 11• nc l'rt 1111 t~ 1hat a, • kep t dean u . Every fl kill.,I i. gain !or ,, ill not hr1"e1l flk , .1lthn11gh thci• h e h,,1 hh, fnr (·,1ch 11)· 111, ) ' he the pro• 111fc ied "11h Ilks hrecl 111 dirt) pla-1 nh u , ul milh uns n l nt h •r~ , a. \\di <c ntarhv It i tn th intl•re . t 01

Dellghtru/Surpr/se Party Last Thursday

For William T. Angel

Atlanta, Ga . June 17.-There will

ar ri ve th i afternoon in the city or

~ew rl a ns, unless hi s ch <lu1c mis•

Carri . a 75.year-old vet o( , h Civil

war whn is on hi way to Mexico 10

"give th em Greasers hell.'[ 11 is name is Georjl'C Davis Roberts,

and hails from ~ash,•ille, Tenn , and he ,s dc ,e rminetl 1hn1 ncli, Sam halt 11111 prevent him fro m cnj 11yi11 g

the sati fncti /'1 11 or nnc m<>rc real eornp he fore he cl ies.

war because h~ was kept in camp at Tampa, F lorida, and was never al­lowed to Qo to the fighting frl'lnt.

The olJ man passed through Atlan­ta yesterday with a pocketful or mo­n ey, and a large crowd th:i, gathered around him in the termi na l statiQn was delight fu lly en :crtain ed wiih hii rem in isccaces f the ivil war a nrl his anticipation, or the lighting he expects to cnj y acrou th e Rio Gra,1d .

1 a prt'wcnt nu, ancc ,·,·•• ryl w tl>· to keep flu.• f,um hrc.•t•tl-The P t! p:LTtmntt of gru.· ulturc ha, i111-:, anti t " t hiCc t'n d \'v,•ry hou hnl­

drrlH •,I th , fli iraps ar, the hut th•, ,incl r, rry """"" 111011 hnultl

91.,311 nf c tllllft! rid nl th,.c pcs, , ninkr certain ,1f th< d<•,rnl,nr "' th ... for they ,I lt roy hy , ho k air nno pr.mi < nn,I 111,·a11, hilt• r a ·ch ,,cry be l,1r,1te,I 1 1ht• pnm1 wh,•r, rho . fly that ran he lu red Into :, ffRfl

•r<• 1110 t likdy tu ~• thrr

Countess Is Arrested Pi11lad •l11hia, Pa.- o\1111e Sa111,1

ulnhu, formrrly Mr John ll . Stei­n, "'iduw/nf tlh.' hnl manufacturer,

and . I rs. I mo11ene l' r,t 1, r a friend . r e ~urc tell n mntcrrnl ''"1t11c s s

after an n11tomob1l owned hy the coun t s rnn ,tr,wn nntl killed n111t1el

ailer, t\\ nty c:ir1 , Id. Th, cnun­ta .. • 11u11hcr w:is Ian in 1he ma hin

t was not taken Into cu toe! . The unt es1 01111 Mrs. 1'11ttcr ""re r •

11e1I ,., a1111car Int r. The chaurr 11r a r nrntulcd to uw .. u1 the action nf

uutn rnnhilc fotalit 1cs in lhi ty 1i11rc ,1,.. fir t or the year tota l

IJ'• lllle,

Wire.less It 1. q11i t e hl- ,•ly th ot n1 110 c.lis•

l 11H lhat a ll ~,,~ nma1teur 1wird s t 11,1111 111 this cuunt1v will ither be

ahuli . hcd " r ,dll he o pc.·ratccl under ~,rkl gff.-'l.rnm nt t.i.Jntrol. say th e l11 d i nn1>11hs e" Th rr ha, been repented cla hes b tween ,he umateur1 and the 11 ,y radi o men, nd a: t im~ tl,l tan,.,. have h II erit>usl) i111er• frrc ,t "ith 111 their work by th e in:cr­t, rl'ncc of the amateurs. "' tl\at it eeuu ·, hat the ,inly way 10 pre, nt

,hi s 1. h> r the ll'o vernment tQ take ,·on lr<,I, which ha b en reco mmended in n repoirt hy pt . \V 11 . G llul­hrd , .u11eri111l'ndc nt or th • nnvy r • ,!in s rv,ce 11 the rcco11111t<11tlati o n1 an• occe1itc cl 1hc radio ~e rvice will h< a o v rnm •n t mon opoly

\ cl<·li11 h•tf111 urr1ri c party wn a n •h·c .. ,1011 nj oycd h)' n hnst of fritmct, nf :\1 r, \\ T . ,\n11el 011 la t Thur clay 11i~h1 , Jun, the 15th, this dat, lw111« th, an111\er ary o f his hmh I he , cL' l1l' wa Vat\:4 Unit 11 ntt. l'.

"hid, wa .1 m :ipprupri. tc u,rr ror 1lw occa io 11 . rhe entirt.• p.nihun, "hu: h i hmh ou t nvrr lht· \\att.'r ol 1111r IH•a111iful Ink.- E t Tt1hopl'l,ali11a, '"'" a 1trac1h e ly dccn •atecl wilh hunt i1111, flaHs an d 11 lms, an d •1ua111i1ies nf 11,n, r n1lornc,1I all angle.

L nn I) , Lamb presided nt the pi­n11u, r enderi ng an apprnpri:Hc pro, J,rram of danc-~ mu ir. whil ,he nu111y fnend nf th1 J)Ol)\llar oung mu,, gatlH•retl for the ,lance, which was srn111 an full ,, in , tlli 1,a time he• ing tliwr Hied "ith v<ral 11a111e at cnrcl8.

\ hilt.• n il part of lhc g11c t \\, n~ n1ak1n11 merry up 111 the ,,avillun a11 oth.r wa ~11la hing nhout 111 the wa­ters helow, their la1111hter anti . h out . of JOY 111i1111llng "ith the on• of the nightlrn,ls, 1 a1 I or whirh ~n old \'\

1 1\·rnn n( the genus rana h at ti111C'

with h111 unmcl n,liou r•r•r-111n1>, r-r r -u mp. The cornhinatio11 fca I nd­J,111rnNI at ahnut 11 o'clock t o once 111or,• rare the old ciclcrdown olllnw

.. ncl ... 1. ••n ;1 1,·cn of which nl trcn-u11u:- ,• t.:rci c is conduciv~ .

\I, r, y111al.1nt,i' ran rnm1mnt and t"Y ,, a .. unconfined, :in,t jollier rn,wd wa ncnr bro,,ght t< gcth r It i ~a m ~ .- , ay that thi . ye111n g man. "hn ,drcacly hesitate to l{l\e his real a11e, \\t\l rt'memher this c.:vening for 1nan v moon t C'I com ~.

1' 111h.h, ict.· '-~r nm .ind cuk, wen• •<rH<I clnrinf{ th e ••1·e11i11M hy the l\li s­s,· I· ran «• \t arinr anti Hnh •r ta ~lac lluck1nast<'r.

Tia• ,l,{llt'Sts un thi:, p.1c:isa.nt ocrn­""' included !\Ir, and \frs S. \V .

P ,, rter. !Jr, a nd Mr . Rucknrn tcr, l\lr. a11,I :llr. I.~ Durham, l\l r n111I lllrs.

h s. l{yan, l\tr . and Mr . . E ' arl­on Ir. and l\lrs. ,urdon Clark, l\tr.

and :\lrs. P. D , lltarine, lllr . and :\lrs. F . . Decker, Mr. and :\Ir . 'e\\t blwnrcls, l\lr and J\lr. J . E. Dnenetl. ~11' . and ~trs . r. E. l\lorgan , !\Ir. and \Ir•. \\' , \V, ngcl , Jllrs. John W '.ood• heek, !\I rs . nndcnhergh, J\ l , . Rose 1'.irklnnd, Roy Vnn<lcnhcr11 h, llarry T,1t1J, Floyd Mo hicr. l\Jorri Good­' ic h , Dr. St,' w rt , L. E. I kclr!ck Dr. Hitlclle, r- . 11. llcdril-k, Leon Lamb,

I. rcncc llailcy, Jn n1cs llnilcy, Van '<ann, nnd la st hut not le st, I ynn D 111ghert)•,

lie decla re s that he wa tlcnied th pri,iler, n r nn engagement "ith \he Spaniards 1n th e Spanish-;\111crica11

The Temple of the Sun 1 he Temple u r the '11n in Kew

<iardcn•. "hich \\35 "rcr k\!tt by an 1•1,ro 1ed c d~r or L hnnon in the l<'r at i;:1le , is ituatcd ahout 1711

yards 011th or the 111ni11 c11tra11ce and wa huilt in 1761 from the designs o f Sir \Villiam inmbcrs . lt is, o r was, the fine t nf the fanciful Georgian da i al Mructures dolled here anti there ahout th• f{n111nd., the mr, I

elnbornt in dcsiitn, anti the 111011 el­f ctiv for n gardi!n , c.-turc. ys The \Vestminster Gatette. The ce n• t r or the concave roof was dccorat• edw inside with :i representation of th.,; a~rn , whit e on the fr~, c w,rc , h own in hns relic[ tfhc twe lve igns .. r the ,ndiac Thl er,tar h,cl, \\ rou ht the destruct inn cnmr fr11m the Oukc o r rgyle'1 11 arden nt \\.'hit­ton ond was pl a nted when the temple \\as huilt.

Dog Won His Hean yellow clog" was ,he ti e c,r ipllon

th,• p , ilil. cma11 gave to Magistrate Le­' ') yest rday. "A yellow clng with a gnod di po 1tion," Edwnrtl llrcnlei• corrected "B11'1 I don't 0\\11 h r. She Jl'Sl hnn.1u around my 1tahl,:> and is 11'Cc nnd affectionate. \Ve all her Oo\\cry Liz, ti. ohody cv~r tllllugh·, 1t w,,rt h ,, hilt lo h11y 11 r a muzzle.

·' J 'I! fi n~ you two tlo llara,'' said the 1,lagisuare, " She must be your dol(.' Bowery Liz managed to en ter the court room al that n1om l'n t and tr'>t-­' ti up 10 the master nf her a,loptiun . Brcn ley looked at her nnd shnok his head "Are you worth two doll rs ?· he asked . '' \Voof,'' said Ilowt, y Liz. "That's right,,· said Bre,,lcy. "I 'll pay. You're just un lucky. You sec. your llonc-r, last \\eek we disctJv r d thlr t II little puppies in lhc curn r wlt,1 1t•

Liz sleeps. The number wa n't at all l11cky. But somehow sh~ nc1cd so sort n' decent about h that I'm willing to pa_)' the way of thl' whnlc d- family .''

ev. W. H ~ Ball Resigns EASTERN STAR CHAPTER ENTER- Boswell or City Garden 8ecause oF Poor Health TAINS MASONS AND FAMILIES Fame Attends Reunion

r 11rr1 '" a111111unrl' 1hat till' I,, t nic.- until Octoln·r t t, unk of l< ev \ 11, 11 II ha fnilcd nntkr , ~,vrn fnr n s1wrial s nice.

h an l xh·nt al to rnniprt him l"hc t;uiltl wilt 111,·rt re nlarly nn the Pt up his wn1k here n• \HII a 111 rir ·1 Th11rs <la) 11, \he me. 1th.

mec a ncl o,rcoouee, 11 r has to North Rro linn to h with n Ir Guy S, Muri!'•"• who 11rnvctl

IH·r,• on Thur 1lny last with hie fan,. rclj'11lar lay crvke wi ll he ily lrnn, l'mt land, Ore nn, h as pu-•

n ext Sun,lny a· 10:30 a. m, chn <·•I the Jnnrs ho111c on Musn­Gull ,1 ll lllL Thia will be the ,·hu, 1t o nuc

Lasl Th11r1cJ,) e,• 11i11 ir lhe E St•

ern Star hapt,•r gave a Pdal to the !\la u na and their famili ca. \ cu h one entered the rr nm he ,as given n 1rnmt• , f a prominent per,,,n, pinn d ,,n his I.Jack, and he w s 1,, gue "ho h1• wn h n t..inij q11 s ti lln . tuo ng tht"' pn>1ninent pcnnn \: ho wtr~ I lie,,, were l'r 1iJc111 \\'ilson , tllC

1-inl{ or I· nglautl , \Ir. ~111I l\tr• . Cen. \\ a,hillMl<ln, ,\hr, h, 111 Lincoln , 'd111• 1111111-l leink , Mdha, nJ many other,. \Ir . ltdcl Gcor e was pre1e11te 1l her l'nst ~I. tro11 '1 jc" cl ily Jllr. Wm . II II ,

R fr 1h111 •1111 onai•Lin of pu nch n11tl wafers was s rvcd, nd a d ligh t . fnl time , as enjnyed hy •II

~Ir and l\lr. Boswell, nf market

11rdu1 1a111, "'It start ,m th,• J;th on a ,i. It to their ol,1 hnm ~Ir ll ns•

"ell will g,, t Luli c and linton,

,knnsn, while !\fr. 1301w~II will ti•• tn l~recnc tie, ahout for'1y miles from lmtianapo lis, Ind., which i• his o lcl hoyhonrl horn . He ltft th~t tuwn In 186<1 an,I has nat heen back sinct, nl-

th ough ht' ha ,,,m(' oth.' hundrui ~111I

r,fti r lat,n th <'r<.·, Th ·rl' w,11 lit ;1 £nmily reunion ,iurin1r hi• 11ay thcr,• .l\lir. Boswell will lh 11 visit hi 1011 nt Tu!. n, Okin ., thrncc he will II tu

Tc as and rkan aas to vl11t h i, nth, r childr 11, anrl from th re •o Le lir l\rk, wh re h wfll rejoin hi wilr ancl r"urn to his hnmc in St lln11<I., "hich he sta tes ia hea ven on arth

PAGb: , WO ST. <:LOUD T~IBUNE, THUR~ DAY, JUNE ~,, 19, e. J

MGIT Pao, a 17 SHOES

Bailey's Transler \Several New Teachers

Appointed to Succeed_ the Retired at St. Cloud S. Bran1mar

GENTS' FURNISHINGS Automobiles For Hire 1,i,.,si ln111u.'"· t:ia .. Junt.• ~. •<>to. Th'-' 1 ar,t cf l 1uhllc 1 ll\'trt11.:du11

, .... ~ 111 r"' ·ulur !'e. ,h.01, then.; hcini.r !'' ,·,,-111 \ ·. L ll,1 . l h irm n; J. · "lr,.11,1n :u1<l \\'alt« Bron 011; al o C F. \ ,,well, 111'<1 ,011,nd~nt.

.lli, 1.,,1,, I.J\\ In, ,b ....... , ,.ti;.oo • ' j..,~ Lilla l~e:d,~,n. th) ....•... t,~.Oll

1. 'h,•n \\' ,,,' riil~c. d, .•• , . h.5.00 I' 1. · llrian, J,. ....... ,. (15_00 l larri~t \\ ik11,, du , , • , , h5.oo ~I, rth.- H,\hhit. du ...•.. h5 t >

hi d a l\l

ru:d and n,•a it.'

mo quitr,, nothin·• to

, Tha ' rnc • r \')n \\'i"k 1:, ,n 1,i1c ,,£ 1he qn ,1a 1i"n y m h irl at 11 ,



Was Anxious That She Should Take It, Too

- -%.00 Per Bo11r Ui PerBonr


stctlon of Florida



\linUhi or the ta~t Oh!l'llll \\Crl! r.,u\ :\nd appn1,r1l S. 1 .• Lupfe1, l'1 1nnt) ~r"'tl"-\lrl'r, r'-·J'IOrteJ a i,Jllo\\ TOI 1ht !lonornhle n,,ar,J ,,r

In trw:tinn in unJ for , l 0111\1} --


1 Ii~• c,\·lrh teml.:r m, re11.,,n a~ l'rca ur,•r vf O,~eola Ccnn11y fnr the n1<,nth of '.\l y, .\ , ' . 1Q1ti:

Gtncra l Scb.:,o! Fund T bnl from 1 t repon .... , 'to amoun t ri •. ceived from


◊mpt, F. E. . Ry ..... . l\:., ~mount recri\'ed from

L<>1111•t. \ , ', L. Rr ••.... To a111onnt received from

L'ompt. 1 mil l scla t :c ..... . To amount rcceh•ed fr om


l ccdi,1 \. h""'r . ctl . \h . ,lJ,ii,00

I """e I'll •111.1'0 11 . ,!1.1 .... ti5.oc1 \I .. J!n ;111, th.1 ..•..•••• h5.oo Lolli,· I ·.,, l.r, tlo .. b,.

:\Ii,, \I, l<1ra Ru ,l'il. ,lo ..... , 65,00 :\Ii"• J{uth 'l· rk, d , .... , ..... h;.oo \l j,.., F m111.1 \' 1,1\\ ell. tl,t , .. , ... 75.t)(J ~Ii-. I iii 11 Ihle , d .. , . . . , . , 55.00 ~1 i ., I t1tl \\ ith~r~p , 10n , d w h :\I I lnr~n. do ............ t J5,oo )Ii , l',11a I., :\la in, d" ....... , .00 r . · C. rnes, do .............. 75.00

Ethd :\!ill . d,, .......... 65.00 I ,tur, L ', do ..... , ..... 65.00

;\ It s l"llherin c Shadoan, do ... , S vO R M D<1r ey, ,lo .......... 6500

:\Ii Gert rude :\!ill , do ...... 6500 :\Ii Fktl, Doolittle, d◊ ....• , 65 oo



Diamonds Jewelry

Watches Clocks Uptlcal Goods

,ir•t-ola•• ll•10fllrlng

Peno. Ave. 40-tf SL. 'loud, F Iil.


the Encyclopedia Brit1a11ka, whi h ay : "T he o!dc t and 111os1 prc­, alent hn•o1he.i f malari.l i that it

pec1fk poison ~en~rat ttl in the it."'

',, , \ an, that \la all right about he wuc you \\ ent to s leep. People

10 think that way and talk that nen the doctor didn' t know

th t':r ~ planation to give, medly gue eJ thi one On t.

L' E Yo"dl, diplom s • ... 1>JI I poll t:I"< ........... .. 1!)15 poll 1:u, C. L. ll ndy , 1a:c,

per Ii t

, 1.67 :\Ii l ri nti,.e r, du ..... . , , .05.00 144,oc, :\! di ,·e Ruhers n . do ........ 15.n 250,00 :\Ir Eunic • Richard on, d <' .... 7, n

J,J· 4,6,J :\ I rs ;\[ I• • ear r Ill .......... 7,00 !:- 1. 1.npfcr, com mi , .......... 56.tl~

16,67 1.4 : I. I upfer, 1.-lcgrams ...•..... ,.5u J,t Ki )'T l o .... .. ........... . I 110

\ ' 11,• r. ,e te, pri n ting- ........ ..16.0J


lly balance .... $13,490.91 St ·10111! Tribune, print mg .. ,. ~-.~ ·p. "pre, a lent h> po .he i." h ve Sub-School Diatrict No. t S1ai.• llank. intcre 1 .. , , . , , , , , £>,t,7

1 o bal from 1 t report .• ,, .. To amount recei,ed from

rax C<>l, ta ~- .....••.. , . ro To ~,mount recel\f.'cl lrom

Lumut . \ L' L R}-

l ' t-: \ m,ell, freigh1, el< ........ 10.1 lean C !d well , dee ,ch 1 .. 25.00 · Toland. tune )lianu ..• .. . 10.00

St tt.: H~nk, treu.;-ht •..••..... 7,l'J Jt).()3 State 'lnnk., fn ch u .. , .. . , , 7,111

L'noon ~dt !'urn ·u, librar . ,3(10,;6

T\\ e nly-fi,•c ou t oi ever) 1. e111-11 loye1·s in American indn Irie , ac­n Hling to re cnt 1ati tic , are con• $ta11 1h· 111,·n1>nci1n tc cl hy kkn,- . 1he :\\'rra r \\Prkl·r ll, in\t a1tprc•ximatt1Y nitt, Ila)' l', ch ) 1.•ar on thi accou nt. fhi "11ott•l·ffl'ct1,·c. rntl"'' for 1he .,::r---at .lfl1l)' 11r i111.lu tri I \ 11rk(•r in

groups 3 lldinit1.: 1iu,111u..1 I u11 t·11t1H~

f<,, l\.'IIH)\in , tlu.- .. , ,ondit1llfl • ThL1

can h1.· ,lnnt· hy !ii111,t11 "C'l'k' PJ Y• 111(11t 1·r1.m1 ._-1111d, \ c . u1,p~rmcntt t hy pn..•pl,rti,,11,1h! l' ntrihuuon !rom rm,,h,yc.·rs an~! ..:, H"'llntl"nt t a r,,h

rulnrihh• 111 pr 'V >r tl n t,1 h r •

,B<)o.o6 \\ ,•nner-S,1\\)<r Co ,1l1ct ....... 111 l:y paid warrant a per 11 t.. 735.00 State lla11k'. ir ch ~ , , 7 -'O

L'11i11n S~h Furn ·o, lib d1 .!II 11.1.0; Uy balance ...... t55,o6 L'niun Sch Furn Cn, lib ch 7 11,1.0;

Sub-School o :atrict No. ~ S1a1, llank. frt sd1 7 , 7,.io 1 u bal from la.1 repurt ..... . 131.10 Stall' llnul.., 1 mo int .......... 4h.67 l'•J JIIHHlllt recci,·cd fnim I ·O •

microb .. - 'r.1 . C-ol. t.1'l ~' ..... ' ..... 41 ,(~ Janll· lacl,on \\3 •,artlct.1

rJCI t r h111ldi111,t flue in the at 'I uihcrry Spring,



di "'a.sr 'rf nm,mnt rcc:ei, cd (rom Cc,mrt, \ C L Ry am! Tel. ._U,.t--,

, m iur1her and f- •und that thu . .- hule 1.>11., tyou can't , ·c 1h,m. ;.JJJ .ob day I'\; 1 o m.tll I ar. ca rried hy m, - ti:, I aiJ ,, arrani. as 11tr la,t.. 65. •tuitur:. nr flj,., nr fll'a-.s , ,,hidt trnn.s­ltr th m t•> , ther human hd11g5- irum 1lln,, that ha, c the I articul.ir di ca,e. 'rnd 111urc than 1h:tt, Hip. th~ , diilrr.

i:-ot.'3~l t: n't p(,•!!tihly IJe stare-

11> hal:lnce ... 15 .o6 Sub-School Diatrict No, 3

T , h,tl frnm la l report ...... : Tu a1nount nceh·c- J H•'lm

f:i Col, ta,es .. .. .. .. .. .. ~3.0~ lo nn,ount recdn~1l irom

Lun11t. I' E L ) •

'fr. l{ul.trrt llon gan h,hilllof re i~n­e1\ J,i 1H•~i1io11 a upcn ii,or oi cho I ~, .u, .\Ir \ R. I l~111m1n "'' ay \\tu . ppoi11trtl sup~ n i or in hi plac,·.

'fhc H .. arJ dedJcd t<1 c1.1n u m1c the l.111 1.rnw: l luh ,, ork Juring tht• l'll­

,u11Ht ) t..'oll .ind an nppro1>riatiun ,A ~ o "a, maJ"· h• 1,ay s:ihry of the

areni. n1e i11Hu\\1ng tt.·adu.:r~ \\ltr ,,

pntllttd for ~chnn\ o. I.

R. :\! t:: an , prindpnl. ,\ I :, l.,·1111cr, 1- n<:li h :inJ

1h,· l uitc,l Si.tt<s harcl) .11111,,-1!,-• 1utal n1<,ncy t, s to unpl11ycr, an,! cmpln)c, The It• en d cificicncy, the ,,ff...,ct, or retluct•tl cnrnin~"'I in 11111, of ickne -.. 11 the cost <>i 11t~dk, l attcutit.1n 1 •Ult.I the t:c n11n• 111ic In ff<Hll 1lenths, "ell 1hc rn,t 10 inJu try anti to the 11 1111 n to nl-111o1 1 1ncnh-11 lnhl fi11u re .

Th · 11111d1 1.1f 1hi lu i. nu1hi11 • !,·,, than pn·1cntal>I~ "• t, and lh,1 1 thi \\J 1e c, 11 be largdy r ,lucod h}' ,t pro1>erl)' und u fed yslt'm of 1 1H •

rn111c11t hlahh insurance tor ,,a" '· ", rl..l'r are conclu 1011 et fr1r1h in Public llulth II 1lktin ~ ,~ ;t,, cnn­uinit1 r tht" fC"'iUlt nf a tud ,, 1 1

"llc;1hh In uranc,-lt Hd,1tiP11 I" the l 'ublk I h·alth,'' ju t "'""! by th, Ll111t •,! "'t:11t 1'1tlf l, • I 1,•Jlth I~«: , ice.

d in anr "a~ ..:'n·tr,dng h) the par-1i, 1.1lar, imliviJ 1a l ur ani ·m tha1 h•­h,11'(_ ,, each disea ,. It' fac·. \·an_ and the most 1 ·arnl'cl cic·ut1fic nh.n in tht wur1d, who l,;no,-.· a lot 111I>r~

ahu11t i: than y u or J, a)lr..·c that it J.~ l)ai1l \\arrt1n1. as 11t..•r 11 $t.4J I .\Ii" 1.,dhelltr, I Ii ,,.ry anti


The prnentl\ ni htalth in• I- i,ur.1l1l'l• 1:-1 ,-:1,·t:n c ·1 ~nal unvllw i in

af I It 1 kc, i1 a lot ~•- ier, Rip, n, t ht.: <"~\4.1 e c,f any cti ea!'e, to

ht •Y an send it off. ~nw 1-<i if you will read Ylltlr en•

,~ d 11 dia a rain , and mor,e hm ly, " l1 •I° e that i1 doc, n't ay

at t ae m , ... quitn tr n mi sion 01

l:y balance . , ... ., 1,.~zt1

Sub-School District No. 4 1 o I• 1 frt,nt la I r, n . $.1,5~ U\1

Tn amount rccei,•ed fr m 'l'a,c; ol, tai<e .•.. . ....•.

ma ria is n~ fact ; it ju t ,ell w11a, By hala nc e ...... $2,546.,10 v• pie u ed to think- not "hat in tel- Sub-School Diatrict No. S !went people lik• u -think and know lo 1,al from 1 t report .•...• 204.JI tollay, in 1g16. ·t amount r~•·eived from

For thing ha ve changed a lot, Ri p. f ,,x C1ol. taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.<)(i

:\Ii , Clark, l. 1111 and French \Ii.,, r S \\J ll, ~th grade-.\. • I is Cr;l.\durd , th Kr3de-B. :\It Loi., Lawler, 71h grade-\ Ldward :,;., tDn, ;1h graJe1U. \I rs. F.C. Hr)'.<11, 6th Krade -U_ :\I, W oohidge, 6th rad -A.

• \I i

F. . Edwards, 5th 11radc-B. Wile · 1h grade- ,\ . 1'h m on, ,1 th Kradc-A. ( lvcrst.reet. ,11h g rad e-IS .

thi tu,!\. " \11)' y lt·m nf he Ith in-uranct; Jur the l'ni·ed • t.11r ur any tat ,huultl at its inct1ttiu11 ha\'t 1>r .

,e1tllon uf oickncs~ as une u{ ii fun,! 111e111al purpo " . ' ay the 11111• !um. "Tiu cnuulr)' huul,I prn111 hy the expcru.:ncc 0£ Fnrop~an coon~ iric "here pr vcntiun i he Ing rr~­nl(ni,cd a the •ntral id to health in 11rnnr~ if h ancc i to attain ii greatr ucec

Taming the Mink lh, l

hc.:.t,tn tn n..11

1111-111•! f111c a th, ,1_.sirc.•, 1,, t

JS thJl 1 ( 11

sin ,·-, you \\Cnt 10 sl cp, and the doc- To amount received frvm \, ,r, ,an concluded that it i a reat .. mpt, , . r.. Ry nd Tel .. J.l ; ~

:\ I i M. C. Arya n, J rd g rad •-A. Lottie Lawler, rd gradc-D. ' ! rk, 2nd g rade-A.

in im_prnvinK t he health and efficitncy c, f th e indu trial popu lat ion." ha at h·.t t ,1

pointed 11111 iu ,.in ,Jtv ht - nch syitcm, it i

rlcal belier and more econ(lmical to prn~nt ,Ji~ea than 10 have :o cur i.

\\ , II, Hip d1dn I lik,• thi 11lacarrl in ti, train· " • .\ carelt - spiller \\ith a lit \., co11i,:h ,_. mon, rlan!l'ernu than ·• carcl , man wi t h a big revolver."

( ,1·u )'"" didn't get the meaning •

0 ha1 . \' 11 It Jl tan tha the hah· it of io,liccriminate e. ptctoration i1 n.nrt dani:er u tn human health and IH , u1an a (, aded gun, an<! Rip, it'a ,r I', i( y u 1\i111&1<- it h 1hc rrla­ti\ ~ 11:1.n er to th, tntal numher <1(

\lt: im~. You kno v. or ) ou·n lt.arn aill-r a 1, hilc, 1hat a cough ,111d spil­•inf!' may accu1opany a i,:on,! rnany ,l!-<il I all thr \lay from 1ul rcnlo-

r.y ba[ n.: ...... $25l,9'J Rub-School District No. 6

ro hal fr r.Jm ta,t n·1,nr-~ .•.. "'t.!5 J-! T,, ·1mn11n! ren:n~<l fr,,n1

Ta"< l1ol :xt , .. .. ••• • •• 11 ,;u t:y p~i,l warr t. n 1~r !i t.. J.«>


Ru sell, :.ind gr a d -B . Dale. \ t g rad -/\.

\\' ither1por1n,

\Ii \ uwell, I 1 grade-II. '.\I is• Ilea ls, rnosic ~Ii " \ultman, e ·pre su,n.

the bull lin, would

1, Provide c h b II fits a 11d 111cd1-assi 1ant cal 1crvic for all "" t rn r in

tim ~ or sickne at much le C"n l

than i. now IJO ibl,. \1lt•1u,1.h· mttl~

ical , ,lid , o1ul1l thn h · 11!.1«·1! in th, re ch of enn the !n"r I f"•i•l

l'nnipb,·11 • 1rhn,,t ""· ,1, :llrs Lorne w,arhr l1y hl.>nr,• •.•. ~1 .l-1 ~J lluff. fYalth

"h,.., ;,r<'" m1111it ~ultjrn ,,. ill

nhj,•c t I enttr !'ark :-chuul ;,;11, 7, \Ii

$tJ7.0.l J .i1ia11 J'ren·i \'t;,rrant Y.cr c. amint'tl and n• tion.

-.·elh·cJ in ope n ,,sion as fnllo\\'.'>' l'rg Jf()rrt ·hr,i, I :,;0 R, ~tis Lot ... c ;l·1u:ral Schc,,_A Funrl . .1,1 :,;1. • u 'J)ooliulc.

11,11 \\trt, .tpprov,·rl aad "arranu Fin~y l'oint School :-So IJ, ~Ii • 1:,1. i ncd as foll<> na Sc!iwe" ' .. ' C L Yow 11. al ............. 125°'1 da",ille S,ho,,I \;o, 10, ~Ii \\ c Ila .. 1 n I' r ........... ~.oo ma Tyson.

, fli,tnhutc the 111"> er., ,·inpluyc,• , the ~r,,up re l)On

la11 ing c-ttndition

CU!'ll ;\111Ull dll

und th,• J)uhlic a 11,1c f.;,r c!i .("-:'l~t ~

and nffurd tl,e.c

P. E. MOR·GAN lf you dnn't ;mr,th<r J .. -traur,n, '.\! n I' I . • ... f,.Ro

\\ alt, r llro" on, :II 11 P I ••.•. I oo \It, ,\lhina . mith, con d 11!J .. 50.oo

arcona et • ch on l No. J..atll('rin · Slladna n.


just r;x­put on


trarn ". runn,nu O\'tr I ,ri·ia fill rl 111> wnh only pl asant thi1111 it I isht l,~ better not to l,e running. l.lut ita mi 1i9n is to shr,w tit,- J•N•r,lc l1nw to a1·oi,l <li~•n c hnw ,,, I, an~ tay hra . hful, f,nw tn pre­v, 111 1hr di :i,tcr an,1 ,ufftring that c 11 lfi'h ickne s.

1.,,,1 cnudu.ding, the ,niler, who i

r; 11 \\'.,.,,Jail, janitor •••.. 40.00 \I ulbcrry S prill fl' Schnnl

\I rs. J. If :teffe . 1'0. 21,

I< 1) nr<tWtl , ·n,•icc ·h I ••• , .l:=i,.00 \\,ill ·r~k Schr,ol ~o. ;u, . I i s (. \\' llqm· y, Jan ........... 2;.00 R .\l Evan , teacher n5.,~1 \\ :,; I larri , <litto . • . 100.00

,\lmcnia Leitner dn .. rl'-),00

Clara l .etll>ettcr, ,In ... 75.00 Lr,ni c Clark, do .. , ..... 75,00

r, C Fri 11rd. do . .. 65.00 Ethel rawlord, <lo •...• ri5.oo

I 1la i.amplicll. \1cri.li.1 Sch,,n! 'n .ltt, \ s.

Johnson. I la1H"nck Schr,ol 1':o ~7, M, s !T a•

,el Nortr,n. Rllt1leraon Scho,11

'ic Ph.-r' n. St. l..lnu,t Principal, A- istnnt

~chrnJI • ·o. 1r.:­H. ,1 . Oor C>.

Princir,al, \!rs.


Laura not the State II ea Ith Officer. hy the "a)', ha ... a,chcrl ,hi t~•in !rn111 the timt whr n it wa nnly an irlea . I le Lee, ~ ,.;511e,l it and carefnlly sturlicd i lloiS(h Sch1Jol, Pan! No r throp, .,;:,! h~ h• the r,pinions of some o: Seventh a nd 11th gr. rl s, Mr Dnr-

tl•c molt ,minent m dical and uni- •• Y· •ary r,111hr,ritic in this cr111ntry cnn. I ifth gr ,le, to he . 1111plled rerntn~ it. The ,•xprcss('(l h 11 f r,f 1'<111rth grad .. , tn h upplicrl.

uch m<n ; that in creating an,! np- Third Grade, :\Ii Lilian Irle. ,-rating thi exhihil, in laking it in•r, Sc nnrl 1:rarlc, ~Ii s Fl da T>oohttl Hry 1,,u l r,f 1-lnrida, thi, atatc is Fir t 11rarl,•, Mi fri ~ ()liver

l,·,1,lit•g all the ta1ra nf Lhc l nion , Th lloar<l ,!Lcitl d tn wait until 111 i • :,1c1hn,l ,,f practically crhu·, tinl!' ah·r 1-,aminations to supply the other 1hr p•11plt whom it reachts h ia vac .. nci ·s in lhe cr,nnty nu cql4allrd 1,y any imilar in titu- Thcr being no furth r !Ju inca 1,c ti,,u on wheels, or off them, in i1a fore the Doard, the IJo~d ~djourncd pt, il,ili,i, • d I~ ii111t l,rne!lt a1,r1 111 11n1i1 June.21th . , D . 1()1/i, i·, actu,l accnmpli hmull . Truly, \\'. • !la, , Rip, the w :,rld has movtrl "hile ynn ,\ttr I Chairm: n. have been 1lerpin~. C. E. \ 'owe ll, 11pe r1<t ndcnt,

P. O. Box 178 Phone 34 I Cloud, ► la

Hardware Buildin Material Slove•, Tool•. Peaelag aad

■•re•la Ceaal e r

le, lO , Ille, 2te & 21c

asb, Door , •II • GI ■ &,

Paint, OIi , v■ rol!lh,

lloollng . ' .

W. B. MAKINSON CO. The flower Bed Store Oppo hr lht I), 01 ST. CLOUD, FL RJDA. P

~'s ICE CREAM Wt are now ervlng Band'~ ltl' Cream

The Alcove Confectionery


ST. CLOUD TRl l:IUN.t:., lnv rt~ UA l: J"''.c.

$232~ CALlfORNIAIFour Reasons Wh~ Florida Is Forging


California . 'Pa n a ma E xpo i ­t ion <S a n Diego). Salt L ake City. G ran d

Ca n y o n , S an Francis o. L o A ngeles.


D e nv r. Chicago, Looi(_ Out Moun­ta;n nd othe r p Int of interes t

Price Includes all expenses, Rall1oad Fare, Pullman Fare, Hotels, Meals and Certain Side Trips

l•'c>r ho<1klot 11nd more ilt'Onl to lnform Mlo n wr it io

ELMER F. IRWIN P. 0 . Box 961

◄ 0 tt

J. G. KIRKLAND D iv. Pass. Agt., A. C. L. R. R.


\., t ,·r promi c I mndc 111 my las" h tkr that I ,ntild ,,rit~ ye 1 nhn• ,t tile J 1111r ua I· 1,, rida rranu-t.•~, t hop•.! y 1 ,11 will not :hiok me prt·s11rnp111r,tt:3

\\hlll I 11~,r t hl·rc- arc oran~,·c.. r:1i. l,I in ti • ~rmth from en~ t to coa,r, ,,ut 1111.•N· arc nr; o rangr s anywhtrc that , ~.-~ I the Fl,,r:da prnduct in flavm ·1111I ju1d.1e•s. Flori~a is co11rcde,l 1,, he the he t 1ate 10 rnlsc oranges. The Florida orange is co n ceded to be the be t fruit in ,\ mNka. \\' l,y ? Be­cause hoth a re far.ts. T h e F lo ri,!:, or­JtH1c ,,cighs more . , vtl\cll ;Jrovc~ th<' :1.lifornia nrangc, though wi,1c, 3,o urlv• rti,cd , is in ~ipid and less j:1:cy.

In a r.,1ccnt i.,su ,if the Riv r idl.! ,C.lil.) I'rcss a wrlteh , who has b,:eri handlin ,; California oranges !or ma n y

• year . declar ,1 that the F!o r it•·J nr-

0 FFl c lAL ELECTION LIST FOR Os a11q:,• crnp has hccn large, fine a n d • s,••,ct, whil~ California orange, ha,-c

hecn sour. I t tak,·s 501 ~ Cati!nrn tn ~•oo .. 1t i7C navel. t() produce unc gall,. n

CEOLA COUNTY Now COMPLETE ,,f juiet•. T,1 prridnce the s.mc q11u n-t'1y ,! Jtii.-c it takes .1-1•~ Flnmb or­

II fir l cl 1 -; l1a · ,re a uin out I f I tlu- b t• inc,,. ,\ lc,ng as Florida !1a 1 tht r1e~lity o i i1uit tii,1t thr:y oavf; t,1-1 "4

cl.iy, a r:; ruwe r nml sl11p1 or in Cnli r ,r. nia ha 10 ct on the joh ti11cl . t;iy ·t h,·n•. " - \rtht1r s. \\'cbtfall, whu ha, ~pent th la t twenty ye:irs excl11 si" -ly handling California orang-cs at New York City.

"[ lorida i the R~C ncl la rge t sta le i11 llH: 1,trowin of citruo fru i ts, ' al i­forn,.1 being the lnrge•t, but Flo rid~ excel, tl•e w"rld in quality of her /rnit."- \ V. J\ . ::1 1 cRac, Co111mi5,io ncr oi A (l ri~11l tu1 e of Flcrida.

·• .:,.. u country g rows b •1 tcr citrus fr uit th a n l'lorida. The !lavo r and juidu~ss , f the Fl orida orange arc inr si:pcriur to the Ca liior nia fruit prnrluct." " ill IT. Cr:tii,t, oi T nd1-annpolis, in on" r, f the r aragraphs of his 1etter front Orlando, Fla., to the lnrli a11a110li S t ar,.

FE. P. (To be Continued .·ext \\"eck.J

l. 11Hhdatt" Vt ~ Prealdent U. S .: I I ,,, I \\ \l.1j "

V otr•

• .17 51

an'f• , . There!.,,, .. ,he latter ir:ti t .. O t f W I I v· . t d -r\~7~1~~~lt·· : .-: · :::: : ::: ~:~ :·

1~i:.'ii'i!~· .. ~~?:::'.·::11:!>~1~~:i,::0 :,:.jl:·~:y ! .. ~~ ~lrs. ~~•rc~ b~ R~~t~e: ,., SOME CUTE BLOCKADE TRICKS--

~~"~~ Hri:i~~/on: : :::::: ::·: ~;~ ;-''.t::E· ;\1117,::,~.~v;:.:,,~'.~!:~~:c:~:;.:~,:::~ ii~~l<ll~,~·~{·:~c~:~i~~,l~'.~

11:·~~:r.~,·~:f~::: TRUE STORI Es ... ev A BLO CKAO ER ·1 he 1111 I\, \l.lr ha ' I , •.•• U. S. Senator:

Cn, Com., Di•; 1: niter it ji r>ll<· ll i"cly illtrnducc,I . Th,· t r • . \ ,·m·y. sa) t 1,: l.011.J,J11 Chrun· I .rn , l \I :11 h . • , ..• .. •. !?, ? nranrc dcvott·c.: l,uy it for 1he juice 1 1~, ha , n : i.:l' l\ c <l "' ,me details u f ;i T u mh lin g 1JvL·r the \\'3.\'l'~ o n llL'1'

h. l • .:\f1l1r1 ·••··•·· .2 1n it r, ntain :, and the n lr1 3"1ag•.: "The \ i h 1•,ti il 1" th '-' rem ote Pi irairn 1 - \\a)' 1,ack irom a "uarch' c:.1111c S1.~L-Co. Com ., Di s t . 2: pron£ 111 th,: 1,tul1li11 g i"' in tht l it1tng" la 11 d1 ,, h o c iuhaUit.ints arc the ,le . · :cnl jH:r ' -, l1<a1, :-:.hr- tiul t1J) nlo11g~itlL l <,. ll:t11c,,,k .•• . •. ... • • .•. 41 mny 1><• applkd to the Flor,,la ,:an~, r e, J an" ' '1 th ~ mutine rs oi th e a 11 ,1 her c rew scrambled inboard along

• J •. I>. \)\' rs net ••. . ...•• , . C,1 • hich ha,. 41tuvU the ' 1acid lCsl.' U · .~iy \ \. llo C\.l loni.c-ecl the i lan<l in ti1c Lof,111 .

:,; 11,,1 I I'. ii, , ·.111 • • • • • • • • • 3C17 ,\l bdt \\ ( ,ilchri ·1 • •• , •• ••• 1 n I 11 I, m rn dl • • • • ..•• 111i l 't r v <, \\ ,tll •• , ...... l15 Rep. in Congru■: I I , .,rty ......... ... . ;;o ·,. nrr -.1 1 al-..i • • ••••. , •• , • , , • • • J.JJ

Co. Co m ., Dist. 3: T he 111<1rc the Florida or:111< r i~ nri- li<Jv. •Hill , lu·r,· · , , .. 111cthing ,., 11111 11: \ I· Ha., • • . . .. , . • .. ,2,;t, vi.:rti cd, n;pccially in the \\'c. t. thr. Th ,e 111:.H·c i~ t, , o remote to Uc ' 1S • )11tir ... ,1u1 ,,1' i:all\. <1 on~ (I f them Hl a \\'". 11, 1'1 ·1111 , • ••••• . • • , • •••••• , IJ( M:n·a rr th.: d<.•mantl for it will he- an~ il\:tl h} the btll;._d l t ra iling Vl' d-.. 111 <.' "'"'lllil't.' , ht11<lin r tip a lan.•c nni v n .

\\". J, Sar .• .. ••• .• ,<>1 Memocr Nat' l. Dem. Com. : J T t , L , .l\d, rel • • . • . Iii I

Co Com., Dist. 4: tlh" l<. the CaliforniCl ora nge 'lll ht" \ Lid , J h a.mu,,a; th~ ncighlJ'JrlH,.· ' ·l{1 ~ht y t ,u arl•; 1ii ~hit h-.:rc,' an ... -ov ... rnor: l ,, I< Pa~ ... , JS rai ~crl. or 1ntc the l"ilrt1& frruir c rov/ . •roup ni I lands, an<l i· is o nly a t t.'X- wi.·r nl Hill, t.' Xll 11ding ~\ huge. \11.:ork-

;:,iJ11q• J. ' att . •• ..•. • ••.• ••. . ~JJ I' 11. (iu) •• , , SI crs "' l alir .. rnia have agitate,! th•• l <• ll1--ly ,are llttcrvals t hat n ,,ar hip hardened pal111. \\' hin. cam,• t he on-

lr 11\\dl t,ihh,11 . ... ... .... .. 11)7

1 l·.irri, •• , ••• . . ......•.. -00 Co. Com .• Dist. 5: ubstitntion of o lives nnd nu•~ tor -0 r- i, dctachc,I l •1 cal l at this little ••ttl• i, 11. which 1 .. 11c\.,·,I Iii I s hnrny paw, I. \!. lltlll l "" ......... • • • .•••.•. 150 I< I l'carcc . . . . 18 nngcs as a more profitable incl11s try, t-Ll> t , ,! th~ Uriti,h emptre. n•la,1111dcd iro,,111 11. >,truck th,· ,;dge of \\ \. Knott ..... , . : .. .... • .. 202 \\'. I \\ alk.-r ............... . 32 Tbat the Florida o ra11 11e is the hcav- Uu the :Ilana liein1r ·ightcd a bd, 3 tah lc, an d th en went l,011 ncli n1-1 ~• l " " I \ \\ 11,1d •. , •..• . 102 Member Co. Board Pub J i1tru c1 ion, i.· t, wrctcst •11d juiciest is ,·onclu- "a. ru ng auJ tl boa t was filled ,dth the mess deck like a 1,all. Secretary t£ S ta te : Dis t rict No. • ively pr ,ve n hy the prcpondern11c~ Slurdy men, European in ap1>earance, fht :illcge~. ·•, nio11{' "'IS nrnde oi 11 L'lav l ra,furll ....•... • .• .. . • j5lt \\a11t·r Hr<11--n11 ....•.....••.•• ;1X ,,r l',irf nre c,,ntai11-cd in 1he..,c fn' )cJw lul c.,f a &:Jllow, white complexion, rubhl.'r and had hccu hrtJt1A"ht back as \,fri:111 I'. J,,r,l.tn , .. ... .. ... . ... 1,f1 \\ l~. I :initr . . . . . • . . . . . . . (,o inl.( tt' timnnies: '' ho r c> 11 c,J ,m t and, in auod 1:. nglish . :< c11 .,., hy one uf t he •ar.:h part)'

Complroller: M ember County Board P ublic ".\Iv c<pcricnc,• in :5011thcrn afi. 11"1l"I :Iii. a n <l ::IIrs. l<uutkd iie t •, ir""' th.- ship that had j11 t hceu ,ncr-1 r,.. 1 \ 11w, .. . •.. .. .•.....• .. .JI•> I nst ruction, D ist r ict N o . 3: f« rn , on,I here ati Tics me that 1h11 1311d· I :1111.-cl •• nd :ihoard which there were \ , J .. \ugh- . ....... ... . . . , ••• • . ~11 11 ll:ti"k•11 ........ .. .• 21.1 i, ,, f. r hct: ~~ dint fruit ronntr~ Th.-y \\ac tol<l that th~ 1h'"' Jay many bu. hel s d other "onions'' ex-

t · 11 (;w)llll , • . • • •... ••• •.. 191 C,, I . llarl,er . . .•... , • .. 1i1 t 1an 'alifurnia. The fruit i. of hct- ll'"11 hl l,c lhe :-abl>Jlh, whid , wa• ur- ac1ly like ii .• \II sn rts nf clever J e-1 p l'1 .,t,:.trd . • . •• ••. . •. .. • t',5 J S. 'tr: 11i,11 .• • ••• ,. J!O :c.:r 11ua li1y.'' john F . \11(.'(.·1h.~. f1,r1111,:r. t>ri"-in11, a:; the day \\as then Friday. n1.:t . ,r~ act, ph:d tn try o µ, L c.-1ntra-St1le 1 reaaurcr: County Committeeman· Ii .,j Lns , \ n~elrs. Ti1e ,isitnrs 1•rnd cd iu a ,mall .:u,c I .111,I thr<oui,th the F.nglish hlocka,lc. J s . C,ttn r . . , .... , • ••• •• • 3;8 L F art "" . . . . .. • . • ... • 27 1 "' l'c pf,, w ho know. tell me th.ll tll~ re chcd th rou · h drenching surf, tht B u t hard war exper ience has taught J l l.u11i11 • • • •• ••• • • 47J Pr, •lit •. ft5 "! rar ("lruit ~ro\\ n in '.hi-. "-ectinn ari..: boat a· u 111 ing ., n nlmo:,t lll!rpcn<licu- (1t1r pa·rol se rvice not to accrpt things Supt. P ublic ln11ru c. : 1111,.,1 r•1111I to th • f:t111011s Flnrid,1 IJ r posi.ivn. Ut1 clarn bc riug 11 P n a hdni; just what they ·ec111- 11 n

J. I.. KtllC} •••••• 110 Born W1"th E1"11ht Teeth pa1 fruit. \s n 111a11cr ni iact, th e tc,• p path cut " "l o! roc k the slrau- 111.1 ·1,r 11'111 uilcles,l i lik,· them Ith y \\". :,;. SIient t>I<> D 1le•t n ror~fruit I ha\'e n·er ecn i11 11cr. were 11rcc tc<l by a roup in \\hite nm} ap1 ear. 111 his par1in1 ar case, Juulce Su p. Crt., Gro1111 2: \ haby 1, .. y , bo rn wit h ight t~l'th lw markets here Corre pond to Flor- Su 11d•Y attire . Service was held in ,\la u t he vr•~d wa. hnardccl 111a11y hf ltr u n II. Hro\\ nr ... . ....•... 553 ancl Sam rmiau locks, hns the at tell- Hl.1 .·11 II ,ncl s,•c• ml Of cot.re the acco rclancc wil h tlie ten ts 01 the Sev- .,ack , nf ,111io11, were fn11 n,I a111011A" l{,,1,,n S. ockrell . .. , . ........ , l52 tio n of nil uder cliff, P:i . ali '<>rl'b nav,•ls are f in . ·-J . I• . "" th !Jay Adwnti•ts, and during the h,•rcarJXn. \l o,t ,11.:culcnt uniuny l<a1lroa d Co mmiss ioner : \\"h,n the baby opened ils moiith , chumanu, in nn excerpt o! a le tter crmon th preacher pn•,lkt cl th,tt 011i.,ns. ,oo. the)· looked , and the er w ~- \ . Ur ·nu , ............. , .. . .. 233 for h i fi rst lusty yell the nurse w a , "'ritten lrnm I.rs , \ ngdlS t<, Orl .111- th e p resent ""r was ouly the bci: in- ,1pc11c<.1 the sack q11i1e confident ly. l "Y I . llunn • ......... • ... .. . 3 17 surr,ri ed to sec lour teeth nch in do, Florida. 111 11 g uf 1hc trouhlc In .lore. I lowc\'Cr, 1\11 n Lhc xamin i11 11 officer I . J. Fu"l ..... . .•.• , ....•..•.. 185 uJip'i!r an,! lower Jaws. T he c h il d 's ··Tht' Cn li fornia ora11 es 3re thief.;- •rollacco, alco ho l anti pork re fur- pickecl 11p r,ne of · he n n ions nt ran-\. S. \\"·It s ................... ::zi 1 hcacl was o , rd \\ It h hi. ck ha ir. ,kinnc <I ,111<1 p11 lpv. ,d1 ho11 t much I Ii · ,· 1 iddu, , "'"1 the use o ! tca a nd co f- du111 an,I d ropp ed' it on the d,eck It

S ta te Att o rney : I nr inc(• th II the r'111ld'• h ome hM nntl T did not like them:·-~1r . ·J . J . kc is discouraged. The whole :it • 111 1111c~ i1 hack 11110 his ha11cl-and th•• S tMe A ttorney, 7th J u d. Cir.: 1're" n11 :ittrac inn fo r mothers, fa- ll nnlcy, o! L o. ni,tr lcs, "ho remark - 1110 ;,he re nr the i, lan, "a as if n ganw wn>, 11p. Except for n fe" rc.11 Jo q1h JI . J, ue . • .. , ... •, •...... 510 th, rs :t11 cl d1ilrlrcn ca lling to cc the ,·,I whil~ "i11terinA .ti l'kan,,ttcr, l•la .. l 'a.-ific i land were "'rldcn ly t rans- o ne sp read c.1ref11lly a t th e top ,,f the \ . D. l'cnncy ............. , ... . 41)X baby. th,tt the l• l,,ri<ln fruit wa so 11111c '1 porlrd lo Puriwn England o r hy- snck,, the whole of the '"onions~ were late tlo na tor, 19th Sen. D ist .: "''''''"'• juicier an,l 1hi1111er-•kin11cd ;:vile !':,cotlJiHI. made n! ruhhcr. T hey were 11n

t, \\. raw!,•rtl .. . .... , . , ... • • tli~ JT'S EA.ff TO REA])" thn11 the oranAes ,,f Califor11ia. Ln 5 iinted h os1iitu lity \\as given t" clouh: dly ,,., their way to ,,•r111a ny .\rth ur E. Donea, n •••.. ... . . ... <Jl5 ··\\ lta1,•,· •r n;;iy 1,e said :ib.-,111 the th '! ,,s,tors, 3nd th ' wh o le mak 11• 1P· th rc"'"h ou1c nc11tral port, h11t the Coun ty Judge: 'NOW = ,1puiori1v u! Ilic oran~cs, it Is ,1.l- ul nt, o n worked i;raiu itou ,l y on cxcav. rli cnnry c,f their r nl co, npositi•>tf J. \\ '. Lilly .•.. •• ........ . ..... 18 1 /} ~ 1, iittc<I hy every ;,erson th:ir Florida·, :H ing prehis toric •it< s for two "hole n,-om confiscation , and the ,\ily Hun ·1 . \f. ~lurph . . ... .. . .... , • .... 6q 1 11'ra1>cfruit i superior t o ::tny in th e days. ::llcnls o f an attractive but i,tnt 11<•t1e of these .. ,e~ctahle '' for Sh,n f!: , wor l l, 111cl that this t:\l c s tau cl, •ir,c- piimith·c kind \\Cre wh n in the lit- his.,,.,, hrnth. l.. II. 111 , am .. . .•. • ••.•....... li~•J tically a lone a thl ~rap frnil :>., .. ,. tie 11oa,lcn house· of the islanders. , ·1.,) _1.,hnson, Jr . . .... ... • .•.. , 101 dnc• l•c1ir1n:'-llo11. Pet"r O. Knight :II"· l,outlcclg aJs that rhe ,tan-

11 '-mith . . . .. . •. . .... 15 1 ·! Ta111ptt, \\h r, i11--e·ti'(ntetl 11,c ~11 .1- danl l'f hie o ! l'it c:ii rn is distinctly County Surveyo r ation in !':>outhc111 California hi,!hcr than that of a n English vii-i. I l"hn•I• 11 •• ••• ;Ii•> "\\·c tli>l n' t l.n .1w "hnl an ,1 r:t1n;c !age. The i,land is administered by • \ , J \l Onnnu 11 h .. • .. . ... . ...• 110 tasced lil.e 1111lil we at~ n,w o( the,,:. a '·l.o\\cr H ouse." cumpr1s1111,( n

Immense SalP. ol Natol Pineapple

Pepsin In Our City rh •r hu ju11 he n re.cehed l\no1her

luA:• rnn1ig n111t11t of Na t ol l'1ncnpple P"psin Compound 111 soothing, 1tlmu ln 1in 1f .,11 • •• nrul 1hc loct that ,h~ni l •II> 11 ,eaemhleo the dige,ti,o tlul<I• ar 1he otn1muh mok•• It nn 1<1 •nl me,lir lne for oil tornl1' of 1101111\dl ttouhle, poo1 tlij,(e 1tn11 , nml ho\\el di1orU •ra, It is madt) Imm Ptnc;tpi,lu .J ult.·c nntl I 'e11111n c-tt1nbined \\ i1h 01hcr needful ing1~ttlcn1 . ~0t.: 11 1i.1I 11,e hmile,. 1\ 11 d1uJoci1u and minole Phar rnn,·y. n . 1,

ood I lght h n nlsh l's oye str1il n , ~·ho w.iv io bt, tt r 11,-rh t Is d10 ol ctr lc 1\f\.V with mOtll' rt1 elect ric light bulbs \\ h lch gll·e cheerful cle ,w light In abu n -

dtm c for , t,c•eml'l r low I light "" l'~n se. ~

Yn1t w ill tltlfl q,mllty I mp nml Cl \ h<'I• cpt lllll) !'li'Cl rlenl goml~ nt mir


!'<)II ~ II t: ltY I


Tht.y art SW,!t't an I juicv :1,~d hnv<' chui rma1 nnd 1\\ o ntcmbers, hut i an ,•ntirdy ,l iffe·cnt !l ,e1 ·~r f ·•>lll t he su bo rdinate to ••The nu nc,1,' cou­·a l ifornia k 11 1tl ·• \ Vorrrn 1 ,.:,er, ,·,!- &ioting • f the chief 11rn11 istrnte, with

1,c• 1 o! t h \\. ilJn n \\·, r l tl \\• j;., n, '" o a, essors and a ecretary. h ·,n ,a. wh n recci,cd ::i bo, ut •ra n- \\ h-c11 the ~lana left Pitcairn sh• i , .• fro111 ~arasotu , Florida. hrot11tht O\\ay mo isl ander~. who an·

" S '1 mc alifo rnia fruit 'i ar-.• AC'lod. now o n Jhc,:ir _ \\JY LO FngJantl. Th,•y 11rod11ce 1i11e prunes, grap~s a11u uli , ·, ~. l" !tc nrang('S arl' thi, k-~ki11nctl

ntl to. tc1es., or too '>n r, a" cn111par­<1d \\ ith the SWl'Cl russet -cna : l ll hl·:lu­

ti~ N thnt th · North rn man !in,I 011

the peninsu la , Pro pl r rat nra ngc In l ·ani, ,rnia hccau e t hey tl.re delicious.

Binhplace of Abe Lincoln Deeded

1-:q•r~·thlnl( Fll'ctrl,•1LI Th< rt·it11lat11111 hr,·akl,l<t di h 1, halt ~tlnn. /\vt. & 91h 1. ST. CLOUD, FU. a lar~,• 1••ap~fr,c1t , ~ten with a little

"Hl Mt\r,

Long n1011ths spent in countcrin T

th~ wiles of clever tri ck tcr s hn"e rna,le the crews of ou r hlockn<ling shit the 1110 t su,picions on earth . .\.,,I not \\ith nut goo,! ca,uc du they ckclinc to jndjl"e hy appeara11ces only. \ <'t with nil their a w1e11rss th y v•11~1 im e comt.: , cry n~l\r to he.: ing-

dc dved. \\' ,>ttltl anyone think that rich , juicy

hnneycnmh. with hon ey tlrippi11g from 11, c.·n11l.t he onrd1111 l{ tha11 wc ll 1 ju t

rich , juicy honeycomh, made hy ~h hu y little I e , who e hahii o f improv­iHL" l'a.·h !ii-hi:iing h 11t11, Hcd,·ci; s~ 111ttd1 J•rai!tc fr1lt11 Jl•'h•t~, 11hilo nph cr~ a11,l o t hers ,, ho arc more pi \'ll\ to ta ll:in ~ than worhinl,( ,hems •hr,? Our navnl patr I sen-kc can tell you th;r t thc•c ;, ;t km,I or ho,wy :naJe hy hec \\ hich ,lo not hu H II l11le they

Jabour, alth .. ugh th,·y try t" ·•1111pfl'H ,:ach .shinin ~ h ou r'' \\Cll en ug h.

pecimens o i it arc t cca .,ion .. lly jou n11 i11 th~ blockaJc a r ea. As u&,ral, it w::t, iir ·t un~arthed i11 hi () thal was h ·­iu 1s searched Jur contrahand, n.ncl so t,oo ,I wt.H the i111itatinn tha • the "ho­ney '' hac.l a cha11c,· " f i;cttin · through.

Part , 11 · ht. , t: "'s"1I .,_-nrgo consi~tcd 11i c::HH' aitl·r t.:a,t.• lalJeled lfpun~ .ho­n,·v." ' J hi, tuna·<l 1111l to be pure !,,k., . btH that is gctlin1-1 r.1ther ah,•n,1 of the narra ivt:. \ ·hen the -.-a ... ~~ were opc11ed they w,rc !o11n,I lo he filled \\llh the famih,ir li!l le s(]tiare boxc, o! comh ,, ith honey -or whnt lr,n k.•d hk~ lt 011t·y-r111111i 11 out nf it . Onl! i11qtiis1 ti vc ~ai Jnr as tetl 1lliCi, mat.l t Krint:.tLl', a ncl ta t1.:d again; th~n he IHenchecl ., Ct1i'>h from th e bo,< nn,1 clropped i· o n the de ck-and Jnl it hum 1,ed up ~11,l d.-.wn the~ right mer­, ily C ln5cr i11\'t&t i1.rn tl on rc ,•eale,I I hat the Cnmbs were hul ll or rullher ::tlld hatl h.-en filled with <0111< sntc.try, llon cy-co:ored sulJstancc 10 make it rese111bl c the real thin , ns they did to the lik d , v.·r iii ·a thi$ !or RN· ting rnhber inln Germany, 1ho11i:rh It failed

Ll11t r uubcr is by no means t he o nly bUIJ!,tancc which the c'<po ncu ts of co n trallancl tricks ndcavor to g,·t 1hro11gh . ·ermnuy wants copper b ad­ly, a11d there arc alwnys penple try• ing l ".1 sup ply he r w ith it. ~ome n t t hem hit 11110 11 an ingenk>tis plan n1H.I 1L s-c cmerl t o promise crtni11 s·Lt cerMS, Jns tea<l o ! hcing hid<lc·n in the ship the ·opper \\ as clamped tu h.r b ot­l ? n ,. Apparently th e cot1siJ.(11n• h1Jr that, h owever closely 1h e Briti s h nn vy n1ight ·cnrch tht: in t<' rit)r nf n , -~,.

•I. ll•l on would have n,,11s crtu11 h to think n! examining the 011t~iJc t.t h<,r hclow th \\nt cr lin e. But thev l•::tJ. !lnc sai lin g vessel wh~r, l11ter­•:~p•t•<I and nv,·r hauJ ed \\ as found to l.,tvr ., Rn.a t quantity .:,f ca p r fix­e d alon~ her kee l. Into harbor she went anti the copprr was sei;tc«J .

Going through one ship ti,e ·tnrch­in., 1,a rt y nuti ed that he, bulkh nrl J were nbn o rmally thick. " \'/ 1c11 in dm1l1t i1wcsti11a1c" being the principle u1,1111 ,, hich th e c,amina.tio n scr\'ic~ i rnn. the J,1t1 khends \\Cre ripped open au.I c.ui,c a n t'Xh:11 ivc Jr:,c•1.l1 di~<"O\"• ,•red i11,idc them . Rifles :111d n1111nuni­ti, ,n ~al, rr, harl ht:l-n scrn't<:1,f tl1rrr

with wl'n' part 11' 1h"' ·•f ind '~ in on~ tran.i~ picked II Jl in the l,lockn<le area, :111el h t r double bott,,ms wrrl' al,,1 tu( ' l!d with contrnbauu ,

Since cotton hcca111c ,·,111t ral ,ancl , 11 sorts o r inirenious cl ,I es hnvc l,,•,·n

(l'ontinucd on aaic Sev,n\

Ord •rs Promptly i\lttnded lo Aalo It■ e Optn Day and lgh

ll l1r11117 the cla~· ,,r,111~c.- a.re ..-.1tcn nt nny 1im~ 1h:1t ,nc linppc n t o he pasa• ing n ~rnvl• n r fruit i-. tuml. :\1nny flcO• pie wh 1 •chlom .-at nranµ-cs in th.e n"rth, liccau ,. they sc only the Cali­f., rn :r. 1irocl11ct, . on n qet !Cl cat in!: th~m o n .~heir arri\'o l ht 1"1 ,-.rhLa. !..)11ali1y i the only e~plnn, tim, •·­Hin miudnn ( \\"i .) Re co rd.

I he l ' nit,·d tat es gPvcrnmcnt "ill th.·r1.: J1t ;._\ tlcnJ ol C'ull\'t')'illlCt." fp1m th t? l i11col11 l '.1r111 .\ .s ,ci.1ti,111 of the I rn­n,1n hon·1l.' l~H.1, 111ducling lhc log c 1hi11 in "hi ·It . \hraham I.in coin "••• hnr11, lh.•:tr I [ oll~H. tl'Vi lh, Larue ClH111•

I), hcn1 11ck}, hy t he t 'rms Cl ! a hill l'~"'"''--'' I nc1.·111ly hy l:1e Seuo . ·1 he h ill ,d rca,ly has 1 a. s•· d 11.e Il ou. e. Tt '"" a111c11ile,t . l11( htly ii, the Senate.

St. Cloud Undertaking Parlors

C. E. CARLSON Funeral Director and Embalmer


llflee utl lnltlm« PIM11e IO !1111Pclla1t111 Ave. ■lltl I ltll SI.

·• \ ft r the fruit reaches th e 111.Hk.t Flo rida n11t,nl,l )<lllr~ ,luring the past ca o n i,, pretty 11cnrly rvrry ,·a~c.

"hith i, conclusi,· c r \id,nce that Florida 1trow, the h, lier frui t.•-~!. l· . G1 Uct'. o f 1 :l11!p;.1. in ~11 intrrv1cw \\ i it a '~ r , ·. 'lfC\\'C'f in C,11ifC'lrnl:'\.

" I n nu r t'St imnti n n the Cn1iinr11i:1 r1rnnge hu int' is simrly ning to h~ o 11 rvival of the littMt, and o gro1111 " h o doo no t rai •e ~ iOOtl fruit an• I ,._ packer w h o does not take vains to

1 p ick and pa k care!ul!y nnd hnndlr

·1 h" l ill nlso provides for ace pt­,tnc,· hy the i;c vcrn111ent o ! an cn­<low111e11t funtl o f t50,ooo to iru "1th th,· L,nrolu ho111e1:ead. The gov rn-111t nr ~u: ra111ce1 n its pnrt to keep up th e 11r-i1111tls nnJ the mem oria l hall thacon, c,, ntuining the loir c~bin i11 , •hi(h th~ war pretoii·lcnt wa, horn, ,ts ,, p11hlic park.

l1ecbrati11~~ th.it any nation fooli h r 11 .. 11p h to auack 111 "ill he "hipp~d irt "h,c lr~ome c. prusions nC patr i­o tic fai1h . The n nly thina- that r e­ma ins :, to be prtparcJ to make ~oo d.


Hearae or Auto Servloe

James MIies, Director

Opea D■y and Nlglll New York Aveaae

1 I .,. II


ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE Published Every T hursday by St. Cl oud Tribur.e Con~pany

E1°1<'l'ed 11 'c ·ood~cl~s~ .Mail )1 Uer, Apt•!l :!H, l\110, M the Po t,>tllce n.t

1· ouJ, Florldr., um.,•r th . \ o\ of Coo1rf'ess ol ~la,,..,h .!, l,.,ill. 'l'l 'l'•"b i l -----l 1u 11 uoo s pub isltt'd ""er~ Thur>,,l<Ly uud malled to , nv p,wt ol the

m ~ultL;,' :::it11lt<:t,t'tp ,,sL"!{1 rr '-', tor , 1.;-~1 I\> ,n,•, iilc ~t:< mc>uths, '01· ;\\Jo th,-.,., -- ., l' C '( n t:\{ \'l\OCe.

R udln~lco• lo loctll colu,uo 10 cents " lln, HM~, 1,-.., di play atl­~tisl DI! fu1•oishc-d uo o.11pli~"tion.

Ad"et•t t iDK Ml! -;..e po.y»hle o.n the t: 1·s1 of " ch m,,mh. l 'n1•1les not known t o u s wil l be t quired tn pny in o.dntocc,

In sen Hog lo y,,m· stMe "betbet· 1·ooe"'"' • 1bsorlber.

or ne,,

[o renewl?g tr,,m another µostorllce, give form ,. n,h.lrt> s. _Io ob&o.l,l' tng your address , bo ure o. ou l!'h· former autlt·es ,


Senator Bryan's Opportunity !--rnator :-Snthan P . .Bryan now has

all c,;cellem oppoctnnity lo he oi t ho 1 ea tl'"st p(.,ssibI'\:~ service lO his coun ­

try. fhe Senate l\n ,· I A ffnir · conunit ­

tn~ .. •t which -enator Bryan is a n1c m­ht.:r1 \\ ithin a few days will ha,·e \tnder r , nsiuerati,rn the lJ ouse Xa ,-a l bill. The ll u1> c .'-a,~I bil l apprnpriat s i, r ii\-~ batt le cruisers, twenty sub­n1annl'S, nJ a nu111ber of tlU)\itiary er.lit, Intl it tlo(";., not make ,\n)· ~r­propnatk1n ior Jrl'atlnau hts, which tla: rt.'l"cnt Xorth ... ea battle between the l,~nnan , and the British show t" lit! :ln impl!r3tive 1\ ccssity to an)' T')\')

Jt the Scnnt\.' :i-t.1val . \ ff .. ur~ i:nmmit­tcc .;.ii.ls 10 th, Ho.,s, lull lour dr,a,J. u:iu 11L, , r '-''. n twt,, antl o ne n<ldi­tion::1 ht1:ulc cnn:-ol'r , tlH• Anh'rican 11 ,·y will hl "'\; ll !--lUrtcd ten, J.rJ oh­tainmg .. cco nd rank :111h n t 11t: 11.ivtr.: •

, , the ",:,rid. -\:,iU1. fro m n :s>t·nt1m1.·11l t patrh.>·

li"m and the 1 e: n~ral ,, ish H, st•e tll" L'u itcu tates navy occupying 01 least second rnnk among the navi~s -..1f the \\ orhl, Flor,J,ans have a peculinr du• ty i11 1his rt.~'""pect Uecaust! ui ,he imR men e ,·a ,,ast o( l"lorid,t The only d,densc fnr Ftc,rid ·s cxpos~d s~~l co~ st is i.\ strcrn" rHhy, a na'"y stn.mg ('ilOugh to Jei<.'at th1.; fle\.:t of an y oth• er nation, v-. hich ''"oultl prc\'ent laud• i111,: oi an enemy "" the, Florida coa;t \ "•ak fleet w,mhl ine ·it,1hl)' be <1,·­

tc h.:d and the co .. t ,•f Flnnda "' nuld then I re--.t.:nt an tn\ltin~ f idd f..., r a lun. l\.!.11 111, ,.uJcr.

.\:; a nit ulht. r t_;t' the- ..::.t'U~ltt' ~..1, al \ ff. 11-.. co 1u11111,.t. t St.·ll.tll'lr f1ry .. tn-~

,nH.:t" .. tnd 1nfh1ctht· will Jlil.\\' a ~n;lt

\\' 1~ li t in th d1.:hhi:r,:1t1 11,:,, of the I..'. t1llll1Ht.:t n th, • t, ~t ''-"-' ~ •a\',ll hill

lr :~ 'enat 1. r 13 r~ .. m ~ pta111 ,h, ty t,1 1 b .. t~lll a nd to t1'1.' c, un trr f tanJ J1nnly 111 thl 1.· tn n,ith.·t c1 i wluch l,1.· i:-- .. , n11.,: 1nht.• r, i •r th r Ur"-atlinu:.?.h ~ 1n 1l

i .__. dditi ,nal h~1tllc."' ,·rui,i.;r

Waste Paper \\~c. ha\·\.: hl'l'll \\ ritmt:: conun ualty of l1Jll1lli:1 , ink , ..:o mp ·~1tH'l1, ,, nt•

i:· :-he l:!:~t h:\\ nu1nbtrs :--U .... l...,tini.: iti"' , J11<I I tht.r t 1'--'n t:!-.. H1~h1.."r pri­that peof;lt.~ l\'l~ ..t l j tht.ir \\.l),tt." pafH,:r er~ ar.: forthtrm11rl.'. prt:Jtt:.kd ,ind it

i .. u.1 s -- Latc.l'l that th1.-· ~upply toUul- is and uurcng th, .J• st frw ua) •urih-,r hardly uifici, nt to s:ir,ply lhf de-1nutt,.:r · h:H~· cf"'lmL ti_) 11..,la ,sh0win •n-;1.:1 1. ~••mt pn.pt:rs h3;\'(" aln·it"\.I~

th;it the :nlnCI! ·"\.'. lun~ ls1\-f1l l~ h.·\.'r: c1•mp'--·llcd to advance till: prn.·c 1.,,,oJ · uU th.it 1l :..houid 11:c1.:1vl' µr1..1n1pt ot suh,crirticm5 and \\·ith1n a :--IH. rt

a1•ention au,\ that ste11• s;olll<i be. tn- 1im~ all will lta1e 10 do so. ken to collect these nlJ '""''sµaper.. \\'e have been asked , Heral 11me, an,J in fact. a11y ol ht-T ,11 l IMl•cr t,r : lat~ by partie'!!- \\hn ha\·t.: hcl.:n :a.c-oill bC1oks. rhl' ,ah' l' 01 pnfH."r, tha i:umulat111g their p.;tp.;!rs \\h~t .,,unh:Onc ;._., to S3.) th< :1ca1,e::. t kinll nl new .. has not lacn around to >.:Ct Lhl!m. s11

h;i:, mcreast:cJ Jurin, t}tt.· t a..,t m 111th many h3\'C thrown S(\ICral hundred tWt"t1ty .. j1,c lollar:"11 per ton , \\hid1 l)lJ\Ultls "'~•Y. a& ,.,o litth: 1nterc:st has wnuhl me.i.n thi1 ~ the plain ,,,1,pi.:r that hi...cll man111.:~te-d. ,\t one r~sitJ. .. •nt.:e is t!.ed 1vr each annual :'11iul,~cript1011 that we k11t w of 0\'t•r 400 pGund:; of to th" 'l. l.loud TriLune ""uld CO>l paper "as dcstrO) c,I during the p~sl the printer ar,proximatcl)' about 30c week. l the h-0usekeepcr g-01 tired pt", :-,i.i ·eription, Thir;. \\ithout cost of seeing them around,

On the Signature of Deeds ,If • 'the notaries u' this stat~ anu espe·

cially d 1. Cloud, o m~lime expcr· 101cc a g reat deal of diificulty and trouble r ver .. 1t~ manntr in "bic-h •lt-e<ls fro1n othe r Jtatc~ are received when properly in this \ate is t 1 be tran ,ie rr ed' nnd therdnre deeds plac­ed un r\!cord her..,; . In ·om.e :-ita te :i1 11v ,, itaesse1!- -are reqm:-ed except the allc talion o f the .'- 0 1ary. ln , th• \r tatc only r.,n\! vri;:tn c.s:r is re:quir • tU

1 \\ h1le in Florid,1 two arc required.

l,c som~ states d:c t '<piration of the cnmmi sivn of the Xotary has to be affi ct! a well a his seal, and in oth -

er5 this i., no re411ir;eJ De.l.:tl for record in Florida have to be made out according t,, the la" s of tl11s st~ ... ~. "hich gnverns them and thcre­tDrc a large numher of 'deed have to Le rT!t11rncd fitr correc'liun, or if r e­cordcJ as ent re lhblc tu be con­tc,tcJ. \\'ells, also, in some states r...: 1 ltiirL tw, \\ ltne!. \ s an,l in thi~ tatt: they require• thre'--. 1 t wnultl

,eem that a law i;overning ,di lhe stales in the Union wnuld he ,,f g-rca help, not on1y to the nul(.lril:,, hut would ·ave a r.tre t dtal oi ('1)H"r1w.:-r•

: y lO l hc public.

Compulsory Education A good deal of sttcntion i& 11t1w be­

ing paid t0 ccmpulsory educatio n ,n

this state . .'\ matters ianu it 1s

uptirJna l t •~ each county to v, te as to

.whe,bcr this hnuld be enforced in

t"at'l r1..apcc:..ivc c• 11nly or not. \Ve consider that thii la\\· ,hc.uld be a state law and that e•lucation ,hould he con1p11lsory in every coun ty. Tl1cre ar~ man) children wh o co me here for the \\ 10• ·--: tnnnth~ y,;ith their par• t:nt-.: and 1\ ~11 .th· of ··sc.b0<1l &M,t ,"

and as we have excellent chools here and 11rst class teacher it would seem to u3 th t lhese children ougnt to attend. This would also he of a<J­vanta e to uur tnwn •.1-s it \i..·oulO bring up the attendance average and i; would also keep a gnorl many chil­dren 0ff the streets. \\Ce would sng­g~st that wli,n it can lega ily 1,., don•• that a votcnr,; clause shnuld lie [JIit tll at the first elenion to •cc what the senlim~nu i the c il1zt:n 1t utc •Jh hi'\ subject.

L_ _____ E_dl_tor_ia_let_tes ______ l Thr fourth ol July oratir; n will bz

mad,. h)' 1\Jr. Lewis O ' B6a11 , «( Ku;­.i111mcc. :\I r. O'Brian i, a very ahlc •peakcr and we feel sure that the ,:,ra­tl()n "ill be a good nne

---o-The prq,arcdn •ss parades on llag

[Jay µroved a great s cces I J n the city of \\'a bing1on the parade led by Pn·,idcnt \\'ilson numbered J,,91R peopk. anrl all oc1e11cs and ev· ry cla ,,f life was r~pre sen tecl Th is wr uld amount to about one in t en of , h .. entire populnti<.111 of the city. It is rcpn rrc,t that in the para,!,:, 1n Cbi. ntJ(o one in tw~nty, and in New York .. nc ir. forty of the \'Ital p,.,pulation w cr in th march. ----The new South l•lorida and Gutr H.ailrn:id nilJ open for traffic twenty• t h r e mi ln nf th ,j r new roa,t runnin..r from Keenan v ille 10 Prairie Ridge "" the ~9th Ins t , This road will even-

tualli, hr c~:,•n<lecl to Okeechobee, · total des.ant\' ,,r fifty-f, "' ,nil ti from K,.cnan vclk. 'fl11, occlscon wil l h<' c, 1':lirarcd by ~rvcral hundred vi!Hor fron, Osceola and lhe snr r trnnrling Cl'j •ntit! . The n,ain fealllrc will he a ~ilian,i c bnr b,cut pn!partd by Dan Presco:1, who i a11 expert at that bus­rnec

This new railroad wil l n(Jcn 1111 a larl(e 5 ·ctirm -,f excellent prai r ie land hithuto but little developed

- --o-This i, the best tim.! r, f the >~•r

for the prospcrth·c land buyer tQ viJit Fl,:,rida. Ile will then be ahl,. ltJ see •hat onr ~umm< r •ea$on i a delight. If r will cXJ.!,·ricncc our summer thun­-1,•r Jhr<wers and rain str,rms an,J wil l It arn that they are refreshing an,I are welcomrd by th e reside nt1, anJ he will l,e ub le to view the lanrl at a time tJf the year when there wllt be water &ta11<lrn11 upon it-if ever.­Florida Grower,

.t.1 t't('r l1t._1. " c nc·:.• ~ .... ;.,,t." ~ ... t " .;.1,

"'t ,g,l rn dll dC".1l 111~ of the ttnit~d

~H\h.·s "1th ".\(c,ko ,hitl th~rl• .!l~t.·iu"'

to •1c but ll1tk ,ln>1ht . h ,11 th,, l nil,· I

!:'il.ltt.·s ,,l"rnld h.,• dl'tt\\ n int1 1 1hc- . u nw­t-:.li" ,. hdhl·r tht') 1.ll"~ir t•d 1\ 1 >r ni;;L l'?H. la..;,t p1,,,r" .. 11\1'1 1f) ll' 1a.11J or (" 1r~

ru11t 1 wr ; t.'ilt'r~d 1\r".'iht,~~ ll.1 with .. dr.!\\ .h~ JHtUtll\ l' c,p,:tlil i\111 hu~ th•t oh:~ \\Hit 1.1\" r .1 ... ,1 ~l'IH:ral 1hm1..;_ h1 tl11:-- c, 111 11tr) J.lhl tht.•n· ~1• ,·ms hJ c 1•ut 1111c thinb tl.1 d(1, and t.hat i~ t o 11p-

ld the 11'-ilic) Pl he- pr.._i ·ul \'th J11J

t, l:nron.·~ the pu11ish1111..·nt O\ tit•;

n~uHlit... c1tlH:r ,, h.h '-" " illH'lnt the :-.\nl.'.'th"'tl t)r htlp ,f (;1.'ner.1I Carr n,41.

rh1.·r\• art.: Jiu\\ .1 ,lllt 3~.U.K.i lnh>P~ i11 )..I c,H'L:o ._t1hl ahllln t.?, ) llh)r.:. rP 1

· ­

llar"' "hu an.: ic,rnU~ h1 '-·n,·"' t ht. hnt.· J.t .;1 m1..1ml..' 11t ,., Il l• ,c.._• Th,· i\J~1ttr~11al (iuanl all 00\'~r lhl' nnmlry ha$ IH!t"' ll

..:att.:U to ar·n:- and tht~ ~ir resprmd­in~ "it\.. an a lac rity ,hat is f~r Oey1>nd

." A Y , JUN E M, 1916

1 .. , , .... ~t~ltiLIIIS. \\ itlliu r, 1 ur \1.Ay lh\.'r~ will hl• n lurthu· 1t.'tl.~1r'IQ mc11 rl'ucl) tn Ul•'''l' tu lltt.\ ti,,nndary k1r \h•f1."nsivl~

1>1u•i,, •?>~ ... Hltl ~di trarn .1rn\ni.:1.·1U\.'lll~ h.,,~ hc"•o 1:1,vlc c that tht..·r wilt ht. h.·1i"ln:d ~11 tlicir ,urh'U"' dl.:'•Hitl~\'inn-t

,d t11111 ,, n·n tt·w hour~ of L.ht:ir d1.: .. p,ntnrt..· f1t,11; tla1r (,tmpin .. gruu1hl,;.

\V,hhin~tun ha~ l,lkt•n its :i untl antl 11tn!'olt ,11 \\ .;h 11 " th,\t tt i:~t11 ,1HI "ill '-'lll1~n·1..· ,, .. n ,}h:,-. ~uhl Jtbl ~lt.•111;.uHI witllP1H 1urtlu . .-r t.•q\ln•ncati1,n I I tht· 111n,• 11~, t1rn, t.•t.l wht.•n l'nn.01za tt111st

1,,•it ht r t .. tl<~ lh1d: ,, ,i l.'r u r i,.uff'-'.r lhc 1.:1. 11.-.t'(llh. llCC:,,

t"hL' ~1st-i1um1 l.'.fHnpany, C1..:1mpn11) n. :,0:1,;i:nnd l(,•y-i1'n~111, F . ~ . G., h.-ft r~1r Jacks 11nilll' Lh;t niiJihl lllllh.•r t'IH' c,lm111~ntl , [ 'ap t, Edgar 1, rlll . 'Thi!} \\ 1lt prtl\."n~d i,llllh.'dh,tdy lo Black Cret.•k -.~mp ttl he placed in


t11r ~l'r\ 1l·(" :tt th,: £ro u t t l r un Lhl~ b(HllHlary, ;\S dr u1ns ll\ ll l.'.:l'S mtty re­~1uire.


\\ ~ l111vc rel~c h e<l a h!ttl!t fr 1n our nlu fr,~nd I l . J. )lilicr rene w ing his sub cripttl, 11 to 1..'lur pnp r . He nys ·'\\ e h;t,·c spLnt two winters in ' t. Lh.ud nn<l "I:!' tlid cnjny ,1\1r::;clvcs­nc,cr hDmc-sicl..: ,,nc m\nutt.: . l lr,w \\ ~ " '-' uh.l t:'lijll.r to spend s:omc mor~ tune 111 YL""LH' dty tuH.1 clim1tt".H

I du lll'l \\ t~h lt• h~ wl ~tu,,11 the mcL\llS cA hc-ing p,,~t~d ahtiut St ·-tou<l ~b 1 nin rntert.' :>t\.'ll. 1 .-.pt'Ht Jann,lry

und F,:hruary ni HJ15 dH.-n.11. '\1Hl ho-ne to ~l.'l. till. pl:lCt· al[atn S\Hll\ 1· n-rt, ~.,,. .i 1il\.,1.~c find ,11h-.rrip . iun n· ­n1.•,,·al

~ '111\ rst· t. Ky , Jl\lll' J L I\Jlll .

Eli 11P r fnln.111l' ·-I l,1, in~ ~l \t'I)' pl..:.1:-~1nt ttll\t.', Thl'

\\t.: ,1tht.r 1:,,, :,pl1:.·1Hli1I, hut ". ·n Pl.tee like :>t. Cl,'lul , tit \\ . .indcr (cty , I 1l11uht H Wt. c.,n stn~ until la.tt fall :l'i

i,lann,·,I. Rc~arJ, to all \\, X Cn1ncr

l1rP\\ n ... tnwn , 111., Junt' h, 1016. l· tlit,,r 'Tr1h,t11e -

\. man) d Ralph Ro,lc, ot,I r,als \I oultl like t<> he:11 nf him I will say ·tw D,.;an oi Demi t Department oi :h l· ~L Louis l'nh·ers1t)' told me you\· ~on ha~ m oul l' ~o good ''t! ,..-ill kccv him ht.·re l•I help Ub in the cnllc~e . 11 c ~ra,l-tatc.J J unc .l, 1 1th. The au· <litnrimn ,, a..., o ercruwdc,I 1,, Fee the law )·er-. n. I) s. and ~l D ·, rccC!\'< tht:1r diplvma'-1 , ~\l rs. l{l'l·dc- t\nd t wit•

1H:~ · -.:d th\." ccr1.·muny nnd \,·t.:rc ht.ippy n, t:r tht· good ri:pr,rt

llard ruin hc,-c la,t 1111o;ht an,l tn­day Fl<1ri,1't f'--'"cr has alreatly ,tart· cd with u: ~t'Xt winlt.' r if \\ e gl·t •h.-r c tlwrc 1dll he c1..:h 1 of us.

Kc p<ctfully, !3amucl \V Knde .

:-:e" Co nco,-u , o .. J u ne <i, 11111, Fd1t <1 r 1ribune '. -

l hnve Slh!nt one \\ lntt:.. r m y our city rnd hclie,·c ,111 you cla im fur it. I have also ,-cad the Tritiun a for the last s,,,_ years and have noted that :--rarcely an issue comes from , he pH•s--i which ,lnt•s n o t rnn tain u11 artidl' o f ,;1.>n1e dc&criptl,"Jn boosu ng y,iur cli• mate and weather Thh ,uhJect "111 st:tnd a ~rL:Jt cka\ nf IHl<> t1njl and n1a11y I i lh· \H.1111lt: arc: makmg the m o ~t nf it . I will l·ndravnr tu ).!l\'t vnu s,,me weather a expe rirncerl 111

outheastern Ohio. \\' have had a. Vtr y disagrceahle

y~ur a t r, weather Last c:.ummcr ,t wa.s very cool and wet, \\ bich "a not , nly in convcnicn hut caused g r eat In. - t n farmers and fruit grower not to 1111.: n tinn autoists and a musemPtlt ma11aJ.(1·r'-i Th(' ~xces~i, c mn-i,;;t urc

rJu,~d n:<lny kind of frui t 10 decay w h\!n pttt a\,ay fur t he w int r ~utd othl'r c-n1p rvttcd on t ile trc~s, suc:h as plum s Jnd chcrrie.s. The cool w,.-athl't' ,, o)~ ~ c\r;1wback t n e1 op.s, 111 ;_1J,,mg , l lnte- ha r\lt1 s 1. an<l muc-h u 1

th\.· whc:at '"•l s n,erripc \\ h~n hnr,1cs \-1•d ,,11U icll from the head b~..:;\llt::C hin ­dl•r 1..·otlld tlllt he u pl.'r,,h d in tht..• \Ht aml nutldy fid<i,.

Tht: \,intu· hns lil't:11 \,·or'-ll .. thnn tht: !'>l11111llu hl·C,Hbt. of ,n nHH:h sid<­Jh,; ,-,, \\\ had \1.•ry littk told \\.l',tth­

vr, ,., hid, ,, .1 ... nut :,s plt·,1s.1nl , h it "'fl t.11,b . l"lh· \\tnl\:r \\a-. nHnknl h) -J \t' f} 'lt ·!ll r,llH!l' \ ll l1.:lll(H' Lltt1tl'

.utd m1h.:h r~lmhll l·\,llll\'> iny: H, an \.':\.ill ll pll uf h uq1l.rat lt fl'

1 l )n J,u-1113.ry

13 It r,1111l•1I ,Il l tlo.1~ .md at ~ p m . tlw tlarirnn, e h. I' r,•g ,~tc:r\.'J ";.t tlo.:H'\'"', ,1.•~ w ,Hnt t. ,r J .11 1u.n~ \n1.l ,1n J.1n la , . 7 t h~ 1111-rl.·tH) ,,..:rH to H bdd\\ i t•r11 : .. 1 ~liau~t. 1•i ~ degn•( s 111 li.•s~ thm t l,n.1r cl. y ... 11r ,t ~n: .. 1tt.,r ,·.1nntinn th~u, ., u \\ ill hoH'l- 111 .. l J·t:,tr

Tlh.' :-. t.·nntlit inn-; caus,·d nn11:h . kl-..nt.:,"', ~w.:h ,h c-111,1", nppc ancl thr, ;tt tri,tthk . anti mt,11.v ,l\:~ll h-, n• ... ,11lteu

Bu'\11u·-.-; ,,~,.., dam~i i,z;tU t,, .1 gn•,11cr

'L'f 1(-~:i- t. ,ten ~ iur th .. • -...11111!" rca ons a"" Ua r , ,atl ,,t.·r< vt,"ry ku l \luring 1hi"" 1Jt..r1rnl an I 1t c~1n11. l lh tknh.d th111 Hail r ·.HJ:-, hllrt hus1111.:-,~ \l:1ny nu.:r­chnnt:,. ,,.,,_r\: uttahlc: to tlis.pose nf their .,~o~k • f hea\'y dC'th111g. ns t h1.-• 11uld ,._ intl'r did nnt t:J111se the thUI\I

dttmand for ll , t-tn the:, will he c•lltl·

pelted to ('..trry 11 n, r. whu.:h , . .i lns-1nq- propn~itit nt. Hut \\ 1th all thi~ lu; · nf hu.,i111,;.,~ \\ e 1.., :,t bea r in 111i111I tnat 11 ,~ an 111 \\llhl t \.lt hlow~ n o um.· Jlt10d Th-t.• doc· •r iUtd untlt.-r• tnkcr h:id a ,en' ll(l'l' ,1ul H ~dll,

i\n"' tln't h..is hcc:11 an t-..ceptHlntl\ .. ly bad y~ar an<I may ,011,111 a\\ fui t u many td you In Lh<.' Suulh,) d \\c ha\._. snme very fine weather :'H timl! run "i U Ch pt:r lud - arc hurt .utd not tn be ,lepcntle<I nn . Ii "' aid o f nur wenth • er. n n rl very true, that it i never nl(ln~ Utr 1n l.HI S .

During thf! la1-i f ·w wcl'ks we hav1 ' hact snmc very warn1 weather in "hich 1hc hum1<Jity was. great. ''dn~e.'' we ~all ii. \lthnugh \\C hacl a frost 011

~l.,y 18th, "hich did nol kill anythi n>( hut may ta.11-..P t hf' fr ui t to tire:,µ when ab,rnt unt--t hird mo.tu red . The wca , J.h

er at the tim ~ this i wriltcn, Jun ~ rl, hPW5 inllicat in 11 s o f he1ng :t. reret, ... 11,11 nf la~t urr,nwr ,

I have writtl.'n the foregning nnt a, an argun'lent o r aflvcrliscmcnl, h u1 simply a a recllrtl of !acts n t,4v c 1,c-cL1 rre rl nncl fnr the purpn. P of Kiv• 1ni.c you n irlea ,,£ ~ hat we enjny 11n,J t•ndu rt• in this dirnntc, anfl 1t may t"a.11 c yr,~1 r, ( tht" SoHth, tfJ af)pri·ciatc y,,11r ll wn cl 1ma1e to a 1¢r<:,,1,;r <legr,c.

arl . Stral1I.


f'rr~id~nt \Vil-;;,)n t,,,tay sH~l1t'd the

hill 11o1ss ·•l by cong, css incorpnr«t·

ini the floy Scou ts of ,\m,•rin. which

the ulficcr• of the o rga n iza tioa say will wr..:ntly help tl\\:m in protl!, ln,11,

th<.· n1.<H' Cll1C'Ot frr,111 r-~p1r,H1.rion ;int\ 1ttl'1\lthu rilc11 u :,.~ ri r the n:tn'll" :.:.nd tlll•

btem•. Th,. bill was si~ ned in the pre• n~c

of C,1lv1n Livingston o f this cl'y, pre<­ident of the organiza tion; Jncn~s E. \\'es•. n<J\v of New York, chief ~x · ecut ivc oHicer ~ keopr~s('n1adve ar­lir , w hn hntl bf'en inst rumen ol In having ·,he hill pa'Srd; l l. JI. Gr -,g. gan, H. C. Moses. L. 11. Brook·, and other lJi lrict Boy Scout officials, tO• gnhcr with nine of the rankinc Boy Sc nuts of lhc Disr r'ct-L. l!arnSlJlt, Troop 21; M. Shoemaker an,! E,Jw:cr.J Shdry, Troop 37; Clau1r AvN, Troup s;; Stewart Kann , T ruop 10: JJowar.ri Wilkins and Max Tracy. Tro•>J) ,12, a nd C~cil Gcnslh1ger ,n,l U rH, •:,,;n• Hri-,rr Tr ,ic.p JI). h "l\. n1r,,,, ~h, c~ 11&k""r 31 1 d Sht'iry arc r•a~l1" •co11 •·

The 111uiden1 cong-:\llclate,J ,lte

Ollh! ,!t.cou ts upun their nppcarnnc.• an1I u1ci r hi!lh rank. and when told I!)' \Ir \Vest 11f the gr ut tridcs 1111, or­ya111 ,ulun n is maldnj.( in alldin~ 11c~"' mcm bc r s1 said ' 1 Uully' 1


~Ir. \ Vl's t ,lw el t 11pon the movement i,» an agency fo r prepnrcdi, cs , s:ayinJ.i lh ' re arc t«<lay 182,')8~ hnys in goo<1 S!a11tli nK in th e o rgnnit.ntion , wid1 U, ·· Ol'JO 111en as leaders, a total or 2i5,9. J

m~n an,l boys \ \'J>shingto n Sta r

/\ Swiss invcmor has develo1,cd an aluminum pencil to w r ite o n glau or po rcelain , producing marks that c~n he etched with hydrochloric acid o r burn I hcd to rescmb l • inlaid silver,

J\lcasurc, have been token by th· Dutch authori ties to pre"cnt th,• x• te rmination nf l,irds <J f paradi c in the Dutch East Tndie s ,

Emr1cr0r f ranceo ]"~~;:!, of A11,­trla, po uses an opa l (Qr whir h he once refu , 11 a n <,ffe r or l,,ho,oou, f t wei11hs 3cventeen ou nce,.

Zimmerman's UCCl>S SOR I'll

J. I\ , Cl)"IN Zimmerman'~

A J ~; \

·"Coate Effect" HSport Coat Effect''

"Double and Triple ]'i'lounccd Sk. ,.


Jn t l'UL' in ·d. 'l'h L\st1 111'1' ,., 1rn• t>f tit,• La\t' l ·1·cn.tion~ o r t h ~•ut~on ~ 11uult~ (lt' ~1 l'i111•tl ( ' r11 l'~\

.!flow r Ll ' r p•, Wo1t•n H.nli1H•l'n•1n• a,,d L 11111"

hi u at fi g ur t:11:1 . !i;vtiry :-il~ It· i,- tri 1111t11•_tl 11 1th ith r ' wi 1:1 ,.; 1~m bt·oh L•1·y, Bon 11n 1. l~t11 hrn.1d1•ry ,1 11

H mstit.- lw 1 ' olln r o · voil.i and nrµ-n 11 d1 11 , J~,­c µti uttlly g,Jod vltlne1:1 f r ·, 1.2;, 11wl .-ii..'i 11 ,

.A f w rnor popular i;por hn l ,.; fen Wlltlll' 11 ,

I ink, blu , ta.n and stl'ipttil, filll' nrn l 7:iL'.

Ghe Store of' Good Va/rJcJ'


\ \ 'os hint,:tun , ll . -I ,·tails 11 f" '"" univers-ol rnilllary tr ir1i11~ nnd s1.: n •ic • hi ll t n hl' uhmitted t u l"l'lH)Hti-t', PIHi

~al'J Jnildc k1u1 ,n t utlit) lt pr,Hitk'­th,ll oil 111,11<- ,-11, •cns sha ll ,·11list f, ,i'(_ 111'111dus mililary t1,1111i111.• d11nt\l.'

t 11,· i.111..:tHlar ) t.•,,r 111 ,, hid, dtl'Y I,·

l" omc l'lbhlt'l'tt yran. ,t •'l:t: nnll llH n. .dtt-1· ,.,ll;L\I b1. .. 11~1.:h.tr~nl 111t1, th, 1\:

rnc., l11 timt.·!t < I \\,lr l l'"tt ll,HUtd

lllt.'I\ rnight lit..· cttlkcl 1111.1 act1\C'- t ·1· •

\ 1r,, hy d,l'-~t·~ ul yt:ll '"• thl" \ ll 11 ll"'

t•"'I f tr!-,t

ll ( ll , 111 1 t\\l ll l \.

\\I ll hl m,hlt: r I lnl';\~lln.· ll tl11 1l h .Jt1I

111\ ti

n h ~u ,J

l lw 11111 ,..._ .. 1 drtt\\ll h\. C'1pt . t;l·Hr);\' ti ,1111 111 11

\' anh~irn :\l, i!-.d~. nt tlH.1 1,.::1.·nt.•r,d q.d1 \he of the Mmy, ~~tini; ufl,c.c.tlly 111 be• ttt1 lt uf n, tirn1a1 ,tt-fo,,~L: orJ,t":t11i1;1tin11~

Two Automobiles A Clever Ruse ( >nl" ,,. ·t!li jt won,1erful 1x ly• linn:t' l, r .\ 1h11 Hll

\V11h :1 L1rl\1Pr 111 huu,, 11 . ancl hr;utl l.1r It !,!J i •l< cl al111ni 1Hts t tJa. pr1.-• s 01 th~ "IH'

1hrong \\ ith lt'S };USS..: IHH· t~ lll1l 011 .,.1ra t1.

-,1,, '"'~ 3 beaut) , wh n hlinl.nl on tl1n t r ;de, ttt ~

11111 happiness "a<11 t invite,J,

Ti., uth1.r ar 1111fied a~ it strtt.•;.tic<I

""' ng \\'11h mother nn,t kidr11,•fi\ Ril111rc.

T he ,,.,;.,m o hl ;u n 1,101< ~ I><'< p al thrir fu n1

T!,~n s emtd to warm u p t:vcn 1nore .\n rl llnp1•in1..· S f'Olll~ tn ,,.,in ,n th.:

!l'0111C •• 1 l I .. ~- \\ 11 •1 I

tht• tinw I u h., Tr.1nS<' r11 t

, I ~\Orr ,> l\~t

"~ tt•l-lk t 11 \nd ~h Jttt tfl the hea\'en aho\

~ ,.,J nn ,,, ~ •lip ,,,11ld ,pod this I trip,

F • .., r r he mlm(' Lo\'e

Ci11na I tlu o f ( he drl\•c.~r wn,3 ~uh• \11u·ri rn

--\V m. F Kirk. I is /uc,nd ,

ILLMAN CO. "Store News" Letter

To IJ 11 r S1. loud Fri nus:-

,., pound, Sugar f ,r

6 1navcs q r Tirtait . . , •.

•• ~ I . Ck) ;'Oc I ,tyt r l ,cl c f.r" . .. J,

Ri 1: ••• • , • •

10 pounds C•1rn111enl

pound I, st

J 11oun<ls n:1ckcr1 . ,

/1 cans Milk ........ ..

,1 l\ 1tt • Cw·n

11 pl. • 1,,a 11rlp., ""11• 6 rah.t· l ' nox Sn1.&J1

5 !Vt irnd ~ I )ni o rl},

, J IH111n t[ "l't a

,1 c.tn !I Jl1 as

.J. pounds Prune, . •5 .l dri,, 1 "k•

Specia l, <111~ day only, $5.C\Cl cash nrJ,,r.

•"':. J


•• 5

Our sr,eciat fo r nc~ t Saturdny in ti 1,,,

Snmc thing new; try i•r. \/ e 1h ic.k ii well plrn,,, 11

" 1'<1 l l~r •

early and nvoid the rush. ·•ni . I 1"11111•





There will he pr<acl1ii,g rit 1hc Pr~sl>n~ria11 church nn S1111,J:iy nrnrn­iuJ.!'. anu nrrnngcml'nts hr.we l,cC!'t1 111adl' {nr i.::11nti11tt<Jl1h ?it'rvicc.! 1H.'ri•­


Llcllt. \Vill,1,r F, (011•w1·1l, nf :S nnh !h.:acJ1, :'.I cl., arr iv,•d in town this mr,1 ninK. "'rids is umr'-1.rlc ( ol-{S\.\ dfs fir,l visir tu Sl. Cloud,



THURSDAY, June 21,-liar\\111 t 'nr r and t\e1! l'retik in ".\Hll­htnnt•s,"' tt. 2 rc.·cl dra ma ~lttr. ~lar')IJ i11 "TIH' Tcndl·r ilt;11tt•d Hay, a drilma. •'" l ht• Ha1dt l{n)*~ ai," 1111 comedy '' l•ar A, ,l;· 111

tl1t· Kcntmky Iii!! ,.''

Fire in s11rn ncc, tax:cs. A, 1(. D rought., S, \\. l'urtt•r, ,·cnl cstat , in•urance.

j'r Riddh.· h...Ct ycbt1.1 r1I~~ monli11g .IL 11'1 1i.: Jwr1cr1 thdt ' (J oc.,1r11pLu1P:S l,11 Orlu11,I,, to atlu1d ·,1,c State Dc111,l\ pasH,•d uvcr St. Oum! ,IIJO!lll mirlni~hl \,),l,ociati,,11 1,:u11vt.·nth.111 h1 that city. , ,,11 P'riday night .. \1 the llun~ abuul

t•i l,•11111,anl St. C' 11<1? This is ti,,. Sall'ly 1'111•, 2 c.1rrl,, fu~ SC, l)ur- J li,rs l time th~l flyin1-1 lllllChines huvc

htu11:'b l)ppanint•nt Store. ..tJ·ll \rhllc,d uur city

An .ouvertlse111enL In the T r ib1111 pn.y , hun dred per ce nt on th vei t uien t .

\\"J dt~ Lcf,tho rn hkke11 s fo r s::ue. ,\ pp ly "t ~1,,~. I r ps, P t•nn nvc ourl blli &I, 43••l t>

,\ Ir. l. C Ford I •f t fuQsc.lny for Trcn1011 1 r-lic h . li e ls toking his 11511• al s11111111er tritl aud will ret1.:r11 here lidorc fa ll .

Co111 rad~ 11 . F. lli gc l<lw, o! l_<Jkos 0 e, 1/torilla, was in tow n last week Juo kiu g up hi ~ ,;,l,l cnuirniJes aud fricn<1s. l\lr. Uil( low took up a homoestcarl nl¼lr Whiuicr srvc ra l year s ll RO anu wlll ''pr ·r up' o n it shortly .

'l'h crc ore \la l11es In every d part• men1 al lhls sale. Nuthins .-cscrvca a,id the rcduc 1 i,> 11 is sti ll -LHf. Dur-han,'s Departmen t Stor~,. 43-'I t

\Ve art• Re111c111bc• th Bi11 Snit Sale closes ,1 ·arthy

~at11r<IU>', June .;q, Durham's D~part- 111 ,,ugh l,c t1h .. 111l S tore. q,>•l\

ilatl io sec that Juhn ,\, ls a~uin 011 :the stree ts, i s t ill n11rsin11 o gallle leg

and hos to us,.,- crut chc-s. John ays he ,s trying the fosLinK vstcrn IJ11t

J. I. nmm1ngs lws dis11ns,·d ,,r bi> hi l11 ,ks llon't confirm thi s, 111tcrc~1 ,n ·,h,• passcn11,•r h nt ~l~11d lo C•1pl, in OfH:1 whu wiw al\' UW11\' r

JI I> l11afo,1d and hJ111i)y !t•f l her.• 1 u ' I U\:1-itl••.,· lo.l t h11 1•~~;tlli.1h,1. \I il·li. lh1.v ,\HI rt•tur11 ht..•n.: 111 tla, tlhll\llt

111 lhtolH f

l,11), S. \l11H•,111 ,rnd 11111111)•, lrorn

P,ttdantl. <h\.·),(nn, ,,rrl\ul int "11 uu '"I hur da~· lit~\ ~rn,1 ah: ~•uc"tt.-l a.t 1 lw H11na11 l lnlhio\'.

\t I h. Sluu~nn, ,, hn 11:, at pn,- • , 111 ,.,IJ111,1 with !II 1 ~- Dr. nshman. no 1• lnnda aYl'llllL', \",dh•d jl n11r ut­liq: ,111 l·thl,l\' lm.t

llr R11.ldlc, the ,knll't, J<,,JHs t>II

J11h J11,I li•r th,• l\"1·1h 1,1 tah a pni,.t Nr.;.iluat\.• C-PllrM· in llc11tistry . l I c \\ 111 hr R'<''lh: ahrua four \\-t..•ck~

. \1r. 2\lunrot..· ]tlhn lu11, whn ha& h1,.•c•n ht n.• fr1r q111ti.; a whilt~, h:lt 1hi~ lll'lrn .. i1111 ,,r l·t \\'iay11e, lnJ lie "ill 1c-111rn 111 th,• 111011th of Urti,hcr

Th< lo'u nis (1101 .,f l h,· Rucky I c>rtl \itricty) are ~1.1 tti11~ iH'tl.H1lar tlH:se 1IJ)'S Cha, Hothn><k JS the lalc&l pc,i,.St•!l:sor 1;.1£ a. II 1111!,- 1,rnc- l•ortl

' I ht• lll'W Ct}llC'tl'll~ h (\ll~l1 011 l\ 111•

tud, · avenu, bcin~ hnilt l>y \\', J ;\Int In for ;\)rs. :.,11hia • l.,ycr. •• wrll

, un~l •r way and wh o c1.1m1,lctcd will be qoHc an :iddidon to tJHr lo,, n.

Th~ I, test f aturc in m ovr s-tl'lc !>c lig Trib une . Tt is n 11cwsp~per f pict11r.-~ from oil ovrr t,l,c wo 1,1. Ev,ry Tuc&d~y a t l'nJ,n T hcntre

~Ir. S. \ . Pnrtcr 1s tli.>nn1gh lwsin s man . 11 c hM rccc11tly hat.I t h• wi nd<>"~ uf his offi c rr:drcornt~n ,·i t h rlisdc .si~n~ Th y urc- a ('I.!•

-:idctl it11pr<w mcnt :lnd 1HYW n11 wt'\l.

~Ii. ,111<1 ~!rs. . JI . lif11ghrs ldt on I ue dny for K11<>xvilll0

, Tenn ., where 1hcy will rcsiil in th,, mou111nins /or a f•w 111on1hs. They propose ln be h ck here the lotlCr part ,,f Sc11tcn,­


Thc1e 1l1t• va lue& in ~vtry d~par t • n1,•111 at this on lc. Nnthing r ii rvcrl anrl th e red11ctin11 is stil l -Off. Dur-h,101'5 Der,ortmc11t SLOr<>, 43-11

t\rr r.t \ •t-mrnt c hnv,, h<'c11, made wilh M1. J\lcKoy 10 coll ect o n d stor woste pap~r. Sen,! hat yuu have 't <l h is

101 l· nr atlvi. ~ hin, n nd 9rrangr111e11u w lll he made for the collec linn 1£ sunw.

\ c 11c111cc 11111011)!' the dcpon111 s f11r J acks,111\ ill,• on the A, . l ,. ••xrur-

·., n of the .1 151, Judge ,', D. llc, 1-,:r, wh o i calte,I tu 1lmt city nn a railrnad 1·u':i ;11 ,~hld, t,i.•vc,a l th1111sa11d t101 ...

ra arc- t1tvolvet1.

Our n lrl fr,rn,I V . T. Cn111crnn has wr1H~n u from \Vyn111i ng1 l own, th:tl he has hccn 111 thnl city :'I month aml that lie is los l without th• St. C i•lud

ribu ne an,! r,:q11ests lhnt it h for• , •ardetl tn him rcgul. rly.

\II 111cml.u.•r1> of tht• Jr.,. wa ,\~:-.oda­t1on ;,1rr r c:t1ucstetl llJ ttt.!nd n 111icet-1ll;( 1<1 t,,, hdd in th •. C, . /\ . I<. llall ,tftl r ·the rPg11lar ~,atHrtlny 111t>etin).f

111 th, i at h 111!'1 .. , tu make arranRe-1ttcll\$ un.:1•s~ury t11r July rounh,

tlt1l)· (\H1 nwrl· d.,y~ 11f th1. ,-<Hf ~~"'-' 1Jurh.111i' I >1.~p:1,rt1111.:11t St,1rc.

~Ir, ~- (' Ja~m·•· \n( Su1111ys111 • \ ilh, will lt•i\Yl' fo1 I .\:X l11J,ttUlt, l\lit,s., tln \\ c1.Jn._,~,1 ti utXl un a 51" Wl"'-'"-~

trip hhc \\ ill I,!(.)\ i,1 ·r:l1npa ,lllll N1·w nrtrJ1u :1n,t strnmer Hrunsw,ck. Her friuHl.!l w1i,h h.~.r u plt•;1sant h,,tiltnr

\Ii mc1nla·r, uf lhc I.. T. L. ,tre n 1uc~tt-il tu hl• a.t the \lt.,.thq11J..,'r d1tt1 d1 11~i-it ~1011<lar moruiug at t~

,, d.,cl,;. harr,, t 11 cwnpl ·ti.: arrant.T{4'"'

1111111 ft1r 1he l·1111nh uf July lly OrJcr uf ·um1111t1e~

\I 1. Tunnid,ffr, whn purcha cd !lat

Pr11..·rs110 pl.u:-c on ~1i souri nvfn11c, ha. matk o. I, Ill' add11lun 1n th hl)115c :111,I the e'"rou1uL art.." mucli 1m11rovi:t1 ~I, l'unrudiffc, whn is ;t sowmill lllan .and c~HJl\'11kr. <lid nll tlh.~ \\rtlrk l1111scll

.1,s <11lir llilll'iS kfl ,m Tuc,uay I 1r \tlanta. ~a., anri 1.<.•xin~ton, J\ y., to aue11tl n ~alh •ring of the t:i~­famlly. Slw will 1Hohnblv he away nbmu four wt'«1 ks 1 n the mennllint.! ~liss ~l l1tir ,\l tl) a ,111 J\!j S E"~dllt wi ll nL1<·1ul , I he l)usincss.

\V u11 dcr,1:1n d thnL ,he l own As· S<> iatio11 h ns hir~rJ lhe o ld G . • R hall fo1 the Fn11rth of Ju ly a11d lhnl lliry J'H011ose to have n d1t1111.•r w!th musk ,·111 tlu-1.t day . T l11:•y inv11e nil th~· 111t111hcrs nl the UR o-ciation .nnct all visiting mcmh .. rs from l~\\a u> ~r ­trn<I

asl your c:y n11 ,,or w1..CKli pro­)l'rn 111, on page fi, , at t o p o f ln:t column. 3:1-t!

l r , R . J\I . lluckn,ns ter. wh,, hn i)cen spending some 1imc in SI . loud 011, I <lrlnnrlo .,t the home or his chi! • drcn, left la•t week fnr Arcadia to lnok ofter im1>0ruull l)nsinrss nHllt~rs . l lc will return in u few weeks and Jnin h•• , He, who remain• 111 r­lnndo,

~Ir. J. I~. Hrown 1111'1 wife arrived hc,·r on Fridny last. They come from Scnltlc, \ lvash ., aml arc o n a h n n Y· 1111,011 trip. They h1.v,, rentcrl the \ V ,lli. m s cullOfle 0 11 l'cnns_ylvn,,ia avc1111' fnr sev•ra l m<>111hs. J\I r , llrnw11 s~rvc1I throu gh lhe ivil \vnr i11 the! 7Xth Olli,,

011r-po11:1<i cans 1'nlcu111 l' ow, lrr, inc Sat11rdoy. Durham's 1 t'p•lrlt1w111

Stnr •. -IJ•II

~lrs Myrtllla l'. ll<'a l~. rlirccwr n£ nrn~it i11 I he c ity srh,rnls or Ki ,llll-1111'(\ i.11<1 ~li~!I S. J . l:'lrv<'r, ,lr111ghtPr

ol Mr. Jame• Carver of St. ~1oud, left o n th<' 12 th inst. fnr t heir lwmc iu Br1111,-, kk, lltaine. Thry will r~· turn in the f, II . ~I i,s Hen! wilt ngai11

Only two m•Hc days of lhc '/,· ff he the 11111sicnl direct r e s nl Ki•. i111• Sale. D11rh r.m •~ D partme nt. S to re . me "C"l t cr111.

Cot1Htldc au .. l ~lrs. ~lJrskic have Ut th1.·ir home u u11iqu(• c111lt!CI inn nt badges that are Uisplny(,,.•d aro11111I nnt' of t'1l' ru(,ms in their house. Thcs\: they hnv1: t her1ol' lvc!\ collccterl at the ,aritlus 11ati11111:: I. :epann1e:,t anti cou nty rc1111ions that t111vy have at~ tenrl'l'rl. They nre oll Ci , Ii.. and \ VI. R. . htHlgts a.niJ 11 .Iii"\ JC. ' conlli,J ... ernb ly uve r on hu nrlre d .

\\ 1-:- ci,nsin fuJks t,.:alhi:rcJ at the hu111L· ,if umrullc n11rl ~lrs. -:-tarskic n11 t l.un,d>.L)' J:1st fnr a \.Viscnn.,ii1 pie nic. l"h t• :d ternu1J ll wa~ sp1.'nt in so• dal 1.:011-vcrs and was ~nj,>yt'rl hy all. ,\t live r,'clock the ho•t a11,I hos ­h:3s rnvitcd al! pt''-!S nt int,1 the din­i1h( liall, whtrc covers wen:. lrdd fr.t r eighteen. u11d where w~rc fOlind t • hie~ l"ndc,1 dc,wn with every gond •Jung imaginah1e to \!Ut, which proved tha, the \\/iscconsin folks had not for • g<atten h o 1v 1, cook, •vcn if they rl o Iii'~ in faT-aw,1y F lorida.

Safety Pins, _. carrts for 5c. D t1r· A d ish o i cucumhers was passed han~·s Department S to re. ~3-l t around seve ral times and many re •

'om rndc Levi Sh mhow wtitcs us 111arkc1l that they tasted li ke \ Vii,co n­fron1 ~lonida, tfonl ., wishing 10 be so11 and were anxious to k now where rem mbcred 10 all th e boys. l! c re- th e)l ca me from . After a pause S is­ports that. crups in thnt sec ti on arc lcr Ma son, wlth her usuaJ modesty, ahont tw o m o n ths iotc and that the acknowlcu~cd that they were g r ow n ·111c111 11 tai11s, J une ,6th, a r c stiil cove r- hy her and were put up at her home

I · I . in Wisconsin N w1t 1 snow and that tlwre arc st ill T · many snowrlr.ift i,1 on the low l~tnds. i ht! ~ood ca't s wc:e too. nu111ernus l le concludes his lcll,'r by saying !'Of t~ 111cnt1on hut certainly S ister Mars· course, \V. • .. the country looks goo,! kt kn ows how to pin UJI a g·ood mea, t , '" ' hut II<> more winters £o. m in anrl se rv e rt sr,len<l1d cup of coffee. thi i.; c:nintry.''

1 ~'I rs . Stilwl! II moved n risinR vote

n f thanks t i, nmrnd1~ :ttirl !\Irs Mnrs.

M onday is "Hazards of llclcn'' da , the RTC•l railroad series, ,~•tut­inl,( llelen Ci!Json. ~.,·\\

C"u1nr.hlc J11hn E, Nt'.try, tornkrly nf thr J.!nl N T lnl.. arrivcu in th,· l'ltj,' on TI1ur1>1lay1 th'-· , 5th, fr C1ni Lnn ­~ing, !\lith., arcqmi,:inicd by fll"!i \Vifr· nnd d:tu~htt-1. Tlh:y hav,: ht•t•n i,,;ut.•st, • .\l the Farris llnu:;l· T"hnuph 1 h l•iC

◄1nly a fc'\\ c1.ty<t tht)' ~r~ s,.J wt·ll plea~ ~.i "1th uur City Lhat they hav~ 1n1r C"hasl't1 'tlH: n~ni t.' l,3 ll n11t1c, c-nrnrr oi V,r~rnia .:ivt•1u1v and l• l\'V('lllh i;tn•1.~1,

.:rnd ore 110w nunnng the,r ilm1iture i111u 1ha1 holl"<', Comrndc 'e,iry 1d.l .; us that he hai; ln11~ wontt.:d tn 1..·0111c

10 the \ Hul,~r '"' ity t111d 111nv rhnt he ha, nrrivc~I h"• t& far fron, 'hc111g dis­ll'l'nint1,.•d in t he to,, n

Golden Rule Girls Ilw regular 111cc'ti11g of th,• Golden

Ruk Girls wn, held lasL Fri•lay at the hlllTI< oi ;,.r,,. •. Northrop,

1 t 'W:JS 1lc iced that the t:lnla should 1my the11· shnre towunl 1hr upk~ep uf th~ tr11111~ Ct)llr l and thnt any one in town 1s \.'lt'f•1r•nnH• to gt and plny on it. l't ,. free t o nil .

After 1hc regu la r bus111e~ lrn,l been 1Tan;cct d new 10Hic.ers wcr elcc:1e;•d1

as follow : flresident-KathlreJl G ff. Vice Pn:. ident-ElcanoT \ est. Sccr<'tary '"'~ 1·reusur cr-Glndvs

Sa n nder . "nr,· •sponding Seaetary - Ruth

Blc~·h. ~lario n I 1~1 rm on wa~ th t!n ~ lmit tetl

t..1 m mh rship in th e c.luh . Th~ nc'<t 111cctinl( "Ill he held on

Fridny, at IWO• thirty, Ol l\tri, , Nor­I hrori'•

V. ir. Tl.

The Royal Neighbors The Royal NcighbQrs cxicnd an in­

d,ation t o St. :Joud pc,,pl to :u·

1c11<l ~ lawn party at the r esidence nf

~fr . aud ~1 rs. Ed<l Geflrgc 0 11 T11es­

,lay, June ~7th, a·, 7 :Jo p. m. le,·

crenm and cake will I ' s,crved . l"il,:asc ome 011c an<l a.II.

Daughters of Vets At the regular moel'ling of l\101lwr

fli ,·kcrdike Tent o. 1, I aughl'rs 11(

Vet rnns, nn 1 uesday ahcrnnnn, one new mcmht:r, l\lTs, D,,llic l..J.\\LOl\ 1

wus iuidalell .Th ough .scver:'.ll mcm-1,ers have hcen los t by r nuwnt, wt: nrc s till 11nini11g a11d " 1n, 't more oft­er the s11mmrr vucutlon .

\ nu1ng n thrr matters of husin~ss au~ntll•d l n wns the ;1ppoin1ment \JI a c.immirtec of thrt'e 10 :trr, ngc th\! U. nf . j)art i11 the Funrth of July cck­hrntion .

Th 11 xt rc11u:tr me iing will he hdtl 0 11 th~ thinl Tn-,s,lay 11/n,,nnnn in July, as we shalt hol,! nnly one mc c 1i1111 11c t m nlh .

•. R.


kic. It dc,•c lnpcd ~ftcrwards that th •·1i,c pres.en! had sonH·thing un their 111i11cl1 011',si, I~ n f th,, feast, and it crrna• 111 light u1a•:-<J>f.!Ctt:dly hy some

nrh .. prnpn~inM that •l \Vi~cnnsin ;\, -Rnd;1lH111 lw furnlL'cl lo lh.' kn11wn as dw ''Hadgt: t" $talc 1\ s. nciatic:,•1 ' This "a, quickly rlnnc anrl ii was a!('reed that it s hrn1ld n,t,!Ll 1n1111thly lll1 the

All Honor to Girl Who Works

G ml lilts the girl who work,I She is nm t 10 proud 10 c.•arn hl'r uwn liv­ing, nor .aslm1ne-d to h .. ~ caughL at her daily t:1~k Sh~ •1111h•s at y on from h'--'ltintl thl' crl\1J1H: r or dc:sk or pri11-

t~r':, Ulsl·. There is ~1 Swt!'ct 1111.'mory in ~wrything she 10\\ches. She is l1kt! ,h1!. hravr mnuntain<.:er, a lready far up lhL• tJT'l-'Ci[Jice, clirnhing, and ,trug~l,n i,r and rcJoi ing The v ry si~ht i~ an inspiration. 1t i:-:, an hnu­nr 10 l.:n ow this girl ~tnd to h\~ wor-­lh) 11f ha ,·steem. Lift your hat 10 h('r, nung man, a she passes by. She·~ a qu~n tn the. rreulrn nf wnman­how-\. She's a queen n111n11g- the to i­lers I h:?r 11llnd 111ny be stamed by dishwnc;hiti!l, factory ~rense, or priu• tcr'fl ink: hut it i on hmiest ho.nJ. 11 srny!t mi.sfor1u11c frnm hnme, it up­ports an invalid loved one. moybc, i'L is ;, 111u\"it1H, pnte1n shic.-ld that pro-1ec1s many a inmily from the p or­ho11s~. II honnr to the b rave t oiler! God hies the girl who \\Orks.-Ni­chois.

Gained 450 Lbs. in Five Years

,\ "ict iin of ~cphantitis, fC1r whirh tlh.·rl· i~ sn.1tl tn be no r un•, ~frs . 11-111t l' r y, thirt -four years oltl. rlic<I l;,te Tuesday niJ!hl at hoer home, 7u Ea.st Twelfth street. At the tim e <1f her clca th she weighed 590 pounds.

llecn usc of h er weighl for eight months ~I rs , Frey had heen unable to leuvc her i>o,lroom, 1 he doors be• ing tno narr w. When she r ti l'cs lt ret1uired t 11 cffon.s of nine person~ l 1l lift her int o b<e<I .

For \he b11ria l 0,1 nturday nn 1111-

,1,, rio.ker had con.t ru cLcd a sprci:11 coffin an,! it was nee ssary t o rein• for ·c a heo r-:11,) 10 tarry th body to the •·~ 111 e l c ry. J n <> rd e r t o g-c t 1he coff in from th np11rtment . which was 011 un 11pp,•r floor, ,one of the win• <inws had lo he ,orn 011 1 a nd o cler· rick ~rcc t rl upon the rc/ti r to sw111g th ,• c .. mn to the ground.

Fh·c years ago ~lrs. Frey wci)l'hed t fO pounds Fnlm 50111c infcct1on. hclicvcrl to b e th e hite of n insect. she cmnractc,I c lcphantill s aml hegnn 1n i11c:rtn .._. in \\re ig ht. Sht• \\~flt tn H,,11,•,11c ll,1 pital for 1rrat111ent st'v• ,•rnl I im s. but fail rt to he cured.

\I rs . Frey is s11rvived hy her 1111~­

bant..l, J1)h11 Frr•y, nnd hy 1• n snn!, s,•ven :\nd fiv~ y nrs old.

Thcr,, will hi: a tlcmonstration ol 1hc new la11d-clcnrin1t 111nchi11e al the D<>ncgan pas ture, St. Cloud r nnd, on June Jt\, ~7 and .zR, :it 4: 15 p. 111 .

third Thnrsday ,,f ca h 111n11'd1. Th~ next meeting is to hi.' at the h1111ll' uf Cumradc ;\Jasun. un Fl< rid:, avc11uc, Bl 2 I). Ill.

The fo1low111g uff i~er · -.\1 cr1J .h..: 11 c lectet.J: Pre idc111, C:tpl II A. Shel· don: First v1 C4." preside nt, N \. Stil­w~II; Seco 11•~ vice preidcnl, l\l rs. Van ,\ 1sdnle; Third vice 11resirlc111. L. \\'illin111s; Secretory, ~lrs. Theo. Gcm<,c: Treasurer, 11 . JL Mason; ·o,-.

rc•pnnding secretary, ;\I rs. !\.11sbau11h. l 1 "as d~c1ded ·,ha t Lhc prominent

feature of 1hc ass0ciation should be "Sociabi lity,"

Those prese n t were : Theo. G o rge, 50th Wis., ;ind Jl l rs. George, Un io n Gro\'e, W,s.; T . F . Van Arsda le, 30th Wris. lnr., and i\frs . Van Arsda l~; L. Williams, 32ud Iowa, Co. B , and J\ lrs. Williams ; Mr. a nu J\lrs. Ansbau g h , of v\·ashb11rn 1 Wis.; H, D . Drainerd, ,Co. D, 39th Wis., and Mrs. Drain errl. r.rn. T . 1\ I. ~l artin, Capt. II . A Shddun, Cn. C, 1st Wis. lnf.; H. II . :-Jason, Co. 1 . 10th \'vis. Inf., anrJ i\frs. Ma­son; Z . B. Stilwell, o. l , ~ 2nd W1is. Tnf., and Mr Stilwt ll ; M r . Jllarskie, Co. II, JJth Wis. In f., and :-Jrs Mars· kic, also i\f rs , Vina Bebee, daughter <>f 1\1 rs. L. \.Villiams, of yrac11se, N. Y.

\Ve hart a mo t e nJ uynhle time

Om.> \Vhn \\In s Then•.

!\l r anrl J\I rs. ll. 11 . Williams !cit l«sl !\1 n nday fnr ,\sheviile , N. C., U> h\: '-!11nc f,, r {\.\·n nr thrte m1111ths.

F RIDAY , Ju:,e u .. "lt,111111, I and I l1JuncleJ/' J-r(,_ •I l n1rk1 r hnckcr fcal11rc, " ll tmrn 11t·c r,wt Riul," the orig,nn l Si s l'lopl<i11 s

SATURDAY, .June . •3.-"Si11'0, J 'ena lty,'' 3- r cc l Bowery ft:au,rc . "f-!ot Stuff r.wcnd,,lyn, the ecw· ing machine girl, a split reel comedy.

MONDAY , June "◄ ,-T h e pop11· lar sta r s, Lillian Drew nnrl Ed­waTd Arnott! in "Th ~ La,L i\cl­v e n tu re,'' J- reet ,lrama. The wor ld's 111 nst daring sto.r, Jh~len Gibson, it1 "The Ra.cc For n Sirl• ing," an episoJe of lhc II azard, o{ Hel e n .

TtiESDAY, June 25.-"0111: ,)f the Pack," 2-reel drama. "Tlw Seiif{ Tribune,!' all of ~he latest news from the E.11ropean :.,.lltlc front t n tlw 11exlca11 sltun.tir,11 111 fatn and l 1 rcpnretlness," cnm­crly.

W EDNESDAY , June 25.-"Thc Stampede," a \Ves.tl'<'n t)i c111rt nl golcl mine, anrl Indian . "Th,· lleau1y I l 11111ers," PholORr•phs, malrimonial knot is t.it>d uv1•r 1\w 11h11n('. C'nn~rcrrrntion l'IISUt.: whu1 th~y si.·i.· the 11thC'r fan~.


Th-, associali<>n met 111 G. A ll. lection 011 th~ violin , atcrnnpn nit-d i, _ _.,

llall, f'resirlcnt l,cnney in '1hc ,hair ll•tr l~dilh llarrud. Th<: u:;11nl nalional snnR. ,\mcri, .. t,

, .. ns sung, followed by a prny rr :i.nrl tht• L<'rrl's pra•yi1'r .

Thl~ sccrc-tary h(!in~ absent no 111111

llh's were rcorl. ,,,!lection fnr hall, $1.56. ( 11m ra d1.:- Yea,g-f'r h.:cl the ~(\ci;, ~

hour, and th1..· fu1 1ow1nM" l>Togrnm was rendered:

Fife, violin and µianu by Schofield. AndriH .,nr( H:.rrnd~two l'~c,llc·1t 11u111bers.

Go111rad1: Bl"dsoc gave lwo good se lcction ~ on violin, a~c,"lmpanicd hy i\J is, 11 arrorl.

~Ir. F!r1yd Dingle p layed 1wn fine 1L111es on th~ accordion-alwnys goo,I.

Th e d10ir , th ough good, rendered Tramp, Trnmp, Tramp, ,he Boys Are ~larch in~ n11 1 'd1t2 audience swcllin :r the chorus.

omrade An,lrist gnvc nnod,cr bC-

~o,nradr Sill, '"ho nlway~ ha~ something good, g:avl' . a selcctiun from Richard the Third .

'The program cn<J~d with rcad!.nl-{ nf Rcminbt f'nces of the Sixth 1\rn1y Corps hy Comradt.-. Yeager,

Th~ introduc:tk11s Wl.'fe

J L. Brown and wife: Comrade nrown , H~ a s11ldicr in Cc:,111pany E, ;8.h Ohin Infantry He made a plcns· ing address, fnllowe;I "ith a. few words of rectin \1y i i rs. Drown. These people nr~ lonking f,,r :i per• mancnt loca·d~ n. n11d s.1y they think St. C lo ucf will lie 1heir home.

\ ltho11gh there was ,t thr,·at ol he.av rain the au die nce was murri. larger tha n is usual at this season.

,\ djourncd to meet alurday, Jnne lhe .24tli.

W, F. Ke nn ey, Sec. Pro Ten,

W. C. T. U. B y MltS . CLARA E . K ENN E Y

The \V, . T. U. met in r~gular •ee<inn \tond,1y, J une 19, at ~:30 p 111., with Pre idcnt Iara Kcn•1r.y in the chair. J\ftcr ~ temperance so n g Mrs. Beebe rend the Scripture les­son, followed by prayer by the pres­ident.

After the us11a l rou tine the commit• Ice's niport on constitution and by­laws wa rend and accepted.

The committceoii7Toat, etc. for t he L. T . L.'s reponcil and was' con­tinu e<l.

II 'the 1>1cmhcrs of th e L . T . L.'s ar.:, wanted nt the ~[. E. church next

I >nday morning a t 9 o'dr.,ck sharp, lo complete arrangem 111 for the J u ly Fourth parade.

r.J r s .• ig h wongcr, kadcr for the socia l hour !wing absent, the pr s1dc11 t took chari.c nf it. T opic. ''The 11 on,c in Li11\!,T The homekccp~r has sn much tle('lcndent upon her. The in• g-rcdicn ts \1s~U in th\! preparation oi f,,o,l ,s nn<.l drinks , and the , ny in "hid, they nre used. The mince pie of oltlen tin,es was often givt II n d;1sh nl ~111rlt, whil0 lht• \'(ltHtlly rll.•lkir'tu~ minct• pit• of t oday i~ built " " strictly 1c111pcranc:e lines. . \. niotlll.' r it1 11,Jt rl,,ini:r her dut~· wh o puts bdor, h,r family such food t a, will c11gcndcr or timu latc n crnving for strong drink.

Fruit juic\?.s came n ext for conside r ... :,tion. ·1 n response tn n request front severa l of th ose present ~I rs. t< irby gr.ve her meth od of preparation of

frnit juice for a drink. about as fo l• lows:

Stern and wash tJ1" l'ruit , 11sua lly grape.a.; pul iu a t serving kct'dl' with just , atc r enough l o cuvcr; let it boil o. f~w momen ts lhen J)Onr into jelly bag LO drain; return ihc juic~ 10 the kettle wi'1h nbout three cups o f stfgar t o three pint s of juice, and wncn Jt comes to a boil it is ready 10 can or bottle,

Mrs. D ·pew rc1lortcd delicious jelly made l'n)m th e small wi ld grape ot this ·ection, and a£kr 'the juice was drain,•d off the pulp was covered with water and nga ,n boil,:d. Thi s juice, when S\'\'1..•etencd mndc a dclic.i o 1,1 s drink.

.\l:1ny su.:gcstio ns w or given about n>1ng ,liff~r~111 kinds nf fruit com• bined, such as grapdru it anrJ berries, brrril)S and guat•as, ctr., givinJ?" us ten­tlt;.•rf cct 1110.ny vnhiabl, su"R"gc. tl o n~ .

t}ur bo<li ~ ;ire th• tc111_plcs 1...>t1 Im ~iven us wltcrrc~in ~huU <lw ~Ji 1r)tn.t n1ns t preci1Jus of .111 l11fngs-Lhc snu J. I it not a pruuf of wisdom that w~ study lhc structure o( th cs" temple~ a11d do all w • cau to prevent tlfoir decay or injury?

Hut tht! wurld is hVlfow111~ ht'tlcr. ln our O\\ n t\mcrico. the great pro­hihitio11 \\ave ls s lowJy but Sllrcly

, rolling on . !Jut we must tnkc oil nur hat to R11 sla, who hns bani hcd their

beloved d rin k, vodka. If a ""'111 stintu lanL is ;required or pcrn1issiUle anyw h ere, surely colrl, s11ow-covrrcd Hns&1a would be the place 1 \11 old tenant 011 Queen 1c111ria's

tlal111ornl ,•slo.tc used ·,o he grc:itly STEAMER concerned , h n the ,inccn went Jrh­iug S1111doy "\[tcrnnun~. ... he l'VCl1 en-

Recruiting Station [(uchcman Jcwl'lry n., of ilcllevu~, ln., huv, o n disp.lay in tl1cir sh<l\\ win . rluw a clo k which hn hccll in ihc Alexander Rccrl family for <>nc hun • tired nnd fifty years. The cl,1ck came fron1 I rdand, stnnds .,;, fe t Lall, 1, made nf hlark wal11111, nm! i• sti ll 111 perfect time-keeping order.

"Queefl of the Lake'' lllrcd lo SP ak aboul It . Th l[lll'Ctl, who nlluw\!d a good tl1t ny lihcrtit' . 10

VE lTS WHARF FOR LAKE EXCURSION her tt'llantry, ,mil,•11 a11JI sai,1 tn tne nlrl woman:

Every T hursday at l P. M. "Uut, Janet, the N •w Te,rnn1e111

Veaael for charter for p1rtlu of 25 or more. te ll s us t.l i t inct ly thal 'the , nbhad, was mocle (nr man ,"

___ APPLY TO - '·A c/" said Janoet, . evcre ly ''l

D C COPE O P A knnw 11 rln ,; :ind l thi n k none the • • , Wner, efifi. Ve. more of the New Testament f<lr 1ha·.:·

L----------·----- - ------------- -JrTlt Bit . '

AR crnith1 g tation will 11 op ncd in Ki8Aill~• 111 e tod11y aml a ll p r :,:oni.-l d Ai ring to enlist will pl ns· noLify W .• J. tetid , .fanll.ls M . .fohnAton 01·

W. G. Hankins. ompauy B of th ationnl un.rd tat of Flor•

idn. left lo.At night fot Bio.ck Point• 1'he largat1t crowd that ever witn @fl d any departure from Kis. Rimniee nfls mblerl to give the boys a. rousing eend-off.

Th~ w11rJd'1 la r ge t steel plate mill 10011 wil ► be iJJ ope ra ti u n in l'cn,,~yl­va11,n anrJ will he able t o r u )J plate~ aixt •en fe•t wide.

PAGE SIX. 37. C~Ot.'D T RTBUNE, THUR DAY , J U NF. u, 1916.


The Florida Citrus Exchange recognizes the fact that the in­creasing production of oranges and grapefruit in Florida makes necessary that more people be taught to eat more of these fruits if grove· operations are to

( become and continue profitable. Alone among the marketing

agencies, the Exchange has for years been conducting an edu­cational campaign for Florida fruit. W hile of benefit to all growers in the State, this w ork brings greatest returns to t hose who ship u nder the E xchange trade-name Sealdsweet. House­wives more and more demand fruit that is so marked.

••• '


( lnc- 1:11rhia t11m..: 1 t""i" 1111«:e" ,, r-.:,·ndv U) ar ... cn1c poi'."lon. lie "n"' • ~tempt in· t-) rid thcau of ticks n1Ht 1h,) a1• ,rhe I 1h,• poi,o,, thron h th ,r l,,i,1,, In trad nf di1111in g I h,· ani111ul ... "r praying thr111, as ,lin.:,­thJII M~, .. ~r~t. he ar,pliet.l the d1fl "ith , cl n1 h.

MIiiet Makes a Good Summer Catch Crop

\1 ,~ui u Ullh" throu:-.-h um -n,i.:r t h r'- arc , .1cant pots on thC' farm, \\aitinw- 1or t he cas 111 to Jlttnt ,,me pt~ial crnp. Dr. \V. •. F1h,•r­i.: ~ .. p•ofr,. r of agr nnom y in 1he l ni\lr,fty I Florir.la College r \ -ri.:ult n.:, r.:~ nune11d1 tha t m ill t h,• .• wn on <nch lanll. Tt may be plant. , d .i .t ummt'r \"ntch crop an)" 1imc fr 111 11< ntiJdl f .\pril IU si ry d,1 ~ I, il r iro t. German n1i:l1.•t 1:. s • I ,. ll)'s hrrn u "t1 1no. t in the S, 1 u h, , J 1 11 h the c u1mo11 millc.: t is ,,ttci-1 l,1111«1 t,crm u mill, t lll;\kr :. laq:cr , ichl lh~n• common, but t 1 ,

I ll<r Ii.is a h rt , a on i r 1 •I,


nd Ir Jn,c ,, hc11cr qu:ility ,,! lrt)'

Pr b:ibty tb1.: I"::-.' v:nitty !or , .. cnn• woul b the common , i•h r

lifornia r •~ 11 )I in

, thl..'. 1.1ml i:. in h.hl ,·;rt it, ,n, h1: 111)' prt·J ar..1tio11 nec.c •nr1 can bl'

a c mpli ... hl'tl v.ith ,l l'11taw.,r harr~w. T\\ , 10 f ,ur prcl. oi cr,l "ill plant

1 ,l rl" It may he 1lW11 hr ,a,k.1'-I or 111 ,!rill

.\Jill<t 011 1,1 he ,,,1 i 1 ,rly hl"om i,n her l" , hut ior ..,. tt 1-., and 111..:t..:()

111,1r lie I, it nntil the seecl re 111 I. t, 111ilk s1,1 e l

0 nn1rary 10 the , mmou l,clid 111ill I make nutdti •ti

I ilia r th ,lip 11 1, n, ,, dil111< I 11llH' ~, ,r it \\JS 1ul,l•1.,I h•O 1H 1h •:1

i111n the :111ini.1ls' . kin•. J<1l111 \I ~ ~Ott. an1·nal i1Hhhl i.di.,! l hr l I I , ·r,ity of Flori,1,, I· ,p .. ·ri111 ... 11t 5 :,, .. ti(ln, '·'l' th"lt t1wr~ i.; ,,·1 ~ littk ,lan,.;l'r fnim ;u ,tnic \llH:,, 111 \\ h'-'" th'-' dip 1-. m;,tfr ind appli..,·d acc11nling t ~ tlir,.•~lltlO .•

Th~ tr, lh.1 wi11 1,r'-·1.· 11 ,ion . onrern• in <lii,p:n~ art.' i-.~11ed 1) the ... ,ott ll<:11J f lfcalt h , \ n imnls should not h • 1l ipp< cl "hen 1hn arc ,werheatcJ.

11 ' ~11• uld h ' 1,·1, I 1 cl• ,. l y , ,:. :11.,p,,I , 1h,1t 1h) \\Ill 1tpt drin tl1..: ,hp .. ,\nima:,,. It ult! tH1l be ,h1 ,, • c,1 d. r1111:' ,l I tin nnlc thr • . "-w be ht•n ul imt•u.· 1,h,,1 \ ly \'ll n t 111111 ut .. 1 ihc ,.11. Th,•, h u\J m,t l,u 1·1:11• ,·d nu 11 ,,,rntc 111111 thty t a,c dnc , t th~ dip 'IP'\ 1111 111rnn '"!' itrtl · .,u,I 1,,ill 11 ,,11111g .1111111,1I \\ .-.,k r pre •nant ,lllimu1 h1 u'U not t, ,Jip1wd, hu: h-,ultl \,r 1'1 •1Y«I ••r wn~hl'tl \l(h\l!, .\~1i t,hur.,l • ·l\' ~er, i,;~.


J1 t I l' l i11 uc1' \·r . JiC,ili 11 i ini; st•·a,lily in I lod,la. John .. '-")tt. nnim .. 1 iiu.lus.r:.Llbt to du• ,·.., n~itl nf l•lorhta J·~.-rwri1t1('1ll

ll''I t\lr:11


!-,I, ni ..


h Ill• ,,

Would You AYOld Redbugs? J '-' 11r l l.q, ,f the

l •I ,, I r Ill

ti} rnn h ' " I. \ rk Ir

~ . " \ , i r

Save Farm Manures ll11


maturrd eeJ· in 05 I,. y. R«cn~ i l\, have

1:-. ,chc,lul ·ti t i> h · in ~non alter )' 11

111.i~c the ii1 t trip t,> the h1., kt,c.:rr: ♦ 11.,tch .• \llho I h Ill< l!urc 'I of r•, p I~ t1111ah:1 ha not r• .. 1> 1i1cJ the ,-.:rl'• a~"-' 11t r..:,lhug::; thi• ) • I:', J ,,,.r,_n, JI 1.: ~ 1,o,1ti, 11 \\ill '-'Oll\iu..:c a1 1y111h• 1"1.1t

ll,c 1.:rop 1 1,lc.-11ti. ul ·1 hi:s i n • l r\l:"

\.,i1h wlud, no pruhltms ni ,l,t:ri• t,u.i,,n ult: ~un11cc·i:cl, n~ n I' c•m• •h1rtnl tc.ur ,uth.mg 'h • luh1t.,ti 11 ,.f

.\111011, 1hc numerous ,-arictre o l ri aliy in t!·~ northern p~rt i 1hc Cl.I\\ pt3• fe ore of c~mmcrcial or otton belt, a~ ricultural importance. Th~ te:n •1

• .:\nnthcr \'3ricty "hid1 ,.._ re i tant l•a<lin , ari, tics are deScribcJ brief!:, 0 ii• an,\ root Imo: is 1he brab• 1,y Dr, \\', C. Ethcrid e. pr fcs o r h~m• Ji ; a cro ·s 1.ttween the iro n ,,i a ronom) in the l'niversi1y or n,\ hii•P n,i'I. It inheriteJ the l'loriJa Collc~e of .\grkulture. , i or,.-u, •r w1h uf ihe whippoon,ill

" The, \\'hil'P nn, ill i 1hc mo,i im- , t nnt th<.' h •a,·>· , cc lin~. tlow,nr, 1 rtant v:nie·y grown in the countr:•·· , , n comp,ut.·rl with :he nthtr Yaric-• !••rt 1har. h:ili 1hc acrta~c <levo:e,I tic it i a heavy :c,e.lcr, especially r n n cowpeu in the t:nited -tale is .1111 I>· ils . The eerl, ~re huii, 11101-

i,lni· cd to thi ,•ar, 1y It i. i:1cdium llr.d with brown. ~arly, nt hu hy ro-.qh, an 1 a ily ~ · ay j the c •mm •rcial n~ c "" u: tin •ni ,htrl Ly i:s .ee,J , "hich arc all huff cedc<l c wpcas ~xcept :,::1,1. 1-iuucy,thapcJ, buff colored and ar~ The n, wl v rictiu arc dis·in;::1 ,h-

i cd,l~•I with hro\\n. Thi, is the c l,y 1he 1i111e re~nired f,,r ri;,m,n(f. t· ... t •tn r I 1•urr,C1 ... e ,ari"'tY !or for- ,,ludt r~ quire fron1 riO to 1"10 dtiy .

1n 11 ... ,I.-.\ ricultural .. ·t\\S Th,• la ,f"r ma -~ rinu vJ.ri ti" ur"·

"The Iron is re is,anL 10 root koct an.I \\ih. Tht 1ccds arc buff colored on<l nngcl r , 1t i not a hea vy produ-

1.1, l,n• the ccJ are re i tan t,.. de­cay anJ ior hat r,a~,,n it ,·oluntecrs o a ere ter extent 1han any othe r

".sri1.:tj:. "The 'cw Era is :he car lie t oi all

,,., I knowu ,ariuie . Seed are buif C'll r«J an,l prikled \\ i·h minute blue

1,tc I. , 1t i 1mshv and makes a ,n, .. 11 , inc i,rr,w1h. I chiei \'aluc i \ o&I Jinc .

'.\ er 1 · bes, ·een th, \\ l1ippn rwill -anti n,..w ra, the Rrt,it, is c 1Jn i,kre·l ' l r the h s. f ra ge ...

k,.o...,.n a won,iet 1u1 or unl,no\, 11

• on• ,f 1I C cl IY C,)lored p~.l, except iron arc upccially valuable.

"\II hlack ec,lc,I pea arc ,ol,1 un­,'er the v.tri~tj' name f l•lack. Tht common , arictie■ 1· ndc r 1 hi 11rr up •re 1e early black, which ripen tcd in about ;o days and the hla k hich rcq11ires about 90 days. They

.. re viney. nf no g reat value for for­a c an d _ eerl . Int th seeds are rc­

i :an t to ch::ca)·, even in wcl \\C:ll!tcr. "fh<r• are about a haH ,lozen var-

1c1i, which are known as red ripper. one p c outstandin r merits .

The r rly bufi i a new variety which 1 popn1ar , here an arly crop is rlc-

All Seasonable







':iys ,

·• Illack eye peas are white "ilh • ., black pot around the hilum o r ye. :ince thry arc not pecially ,alu­al.l, for fora c and ectls the art • ruwn aim,• t rxclusi, ly for human fot,d.''

T he be t cu\\ p a for rlorida is 1he , .. I ipp,11,rwi L hill \\hene rnot knot o r wilt is pre cnt b rabha,n nr iron ahonl,1 lie s'1n" n -Agricuhur:il Xcw,

e n ·icr,

Station ln,estlgates Watermelon Diseases

I nq •irit. irr,,Jn, s.c,·cral ru" l:fS vi ,·.1ri1,u part , f the talc iru.Jkatl' 1ha: 11 a1cr111~l u n ar~ aifrctcd w11h ,Ii ·a.c thi prinp-. Ur. C. 0. Shtr­hakoif, a i 1ant plant pathologi l 1,, ti,~ '1mcr i1y of l'lorida Exp«imc111 .. ~talion, tuund ouly twu 1,romincnt ,ti c.:a C". in a r ecent vi.i.it tu aomc vi the 111clvn c1:t1· 11s. These ,.ere blo • om ,•11<1 rot anJ th wilt. lllossom 11<1 rm is 11r•J' ably due to the cftec:

u( 11rldc11 ,Ir>• and hot weather, and i, l)rubahly heyond cuntr,,I u11,kr pre cut 111c1hud 11f cultu r e.

'1 he "'ilt is prevaknt m many SH•

U•Jns. It is ca11.ed l,y fungus \\hich can live in 1hc .uil abom ,wclve year au,1 h nee infect 1~,. rrops It i in­lroouctd imo 1hc ,oil "ith the sceJ. Thcrdor , 11,c only efficient meth­o,I vf prtnnti<'n are 1•1 di infect 1l,c

,. •l :-ind t r.acti · rnp r0tation. F,,r 1•,~ trc,tt1n••11t a·Jak the ccd t c- 11 min-

es iu .t I •o 1000 c rro ive ~uLllma c

I 11lu1ivn, ri11e.c in dean ,.,·attr a.n•I I 11 1m1t1c<li .. 1dy. Of cour e, 11 , ' , late to 1r,·u1 the ctd 1hi }Ctr

gr w,r houlr.1 not1: i r e df ct· I 1h cli as,: 111,w and re c,lvc tn

,,rc:,t:lll it I C.'t )'Car. 1 hat \ t.ttrrrntlo11s cannot he 1 rown

, ·. ral y ar1 in uccc i'ln <>n 1he ,,,n,• l.111,I it s,rr,bahly 1luc w lhi •h•·

•" •· \ hcrevcr grow ro fail •o lr<at heir ecd, scv<ral plan s ahnr.i t 111•

,arubly ho,. the trouule. l'.no11gh J, r , 1h rt."for,, ::1rc proJncttl to ex­

ta111inate 1he entire fitltl Plr,wing an•I h:irrowing rattrra them r., 1hat 1h, y ar rca,ly to attack a large num­l · r .. j l'r.w fllanl . I:ve,~ wilh 1cc,l lrt.a 1 int:nt her e ,\ill 1,c a gradual in-

rea c of the troubl and crop rr.ita• ti»II ho 1l,l l,c iollnwrtl a an a1M I· 1i,,nal pre :1111,on.

IJi ca c, I planu whi h a1,;,car in c Ci 1,1 l,onld he 1,ullcd up c re •

iully. "'i,:c• all the ro~•~, and ile1troy­u1 wh, ro; they tood. The ground

h,,11:,1 he trcatrd with ar,mc fnngl-< id . 111ch u Llueatl) nc.-Agricult11 r­al • • t wa Service.

,,.how II it .. ·,111~'1 a11,I , , en upcdor to rcil clr.ivrr, lialfa, I\ 1•.-a an,I , thy hay 111 h ~i pro,1 l"ti )U ,

)lilltt ha r it aft, · c s r,1, f,,rnh:,l lt:u h\<'11 tr d ir,junnus l 1

t l•r t '":hen i .. ·d in l Lrgc 1p1nntitir It niay ra•1s l.iJner :rm•l,lc and .il •' Jamen<'s . For h i~ n.:a~« ti, ii int~ncl • <"tl h•r hnr ·c _, 1t hnuld ht ult 1t\. f• ·rt· the cc,J ha, e i, rn1e<l, o r if cu t la1 r it hn11l1I h led in moll •111ant111e a•1d mhrrl \\i h other fcrtl. . lillct "ill 111 v!1ahly nC\'Cr 1~• r·xlen. i,·e ly 111c1I a a <nplc fn ra ~c rrnp, bm a a ,1uick manuring umrncr cotrh •·rop it i, ,uy uscinl, ond ahr.iuld take i11 pla<e in Floritla a11ricul111rc ,\gri• c11h ira l !\:c11 s '-rrvice.

Chuck Hole Club Repairs Roads .. \lo l ul the I 1rntc.·r an,t :\Ulumo,

l11li t r< 1clin • l«·ar Hnth• 11 , \\'a h-111w;tun, h vc lnrm1:d an orga111za1i,,:1 which I callc<l the " -h 1ek II olc Clul,." Lach mcmlicr of the cluh pl ,t ,-.~ 11 1111 •di to b 111. t th e goucl road" muvc,:11u.:nt in every way ancJ tr, personally ce 1ha1 a l least <>n•· chuck l11.11 · i filled 111, once a 111,1111h.

I lo ri ,la has may miles u ( hdl • rnd lay and •rallct.l dirt ruatla tha t

have hundre<ls o f 1hc.c sam~ chuck hulcs in them . If each f.ir111<r and autoninb ili t wuul,l f,.llow the c~a111-1>I ct by ,hat 1>ro11rea i,· • rn1111n11111 -I> in \\ .1shina1on, this aia1c "uulol non hJ\ c murh b.-tt<-r roatl .

'J here is a'l olrl .,yinir 1hal ' \

tl11 cci,1hl~ ,,rg;ini 111 "ill 1,r ""· J. J{, \\ ,ll n, t·11t1,111olu i t tr, th,

l ni,cr,11y ,,f l'loriJJ g,1 ri m<111 :,;,:itiun, uggl· ts the ,ullo\\ 111~ ru·,·· c.111tio:1 f,n tho.i.~ "ht> arc , 011._ t

\\.llltlcr 1hro11wh II< lt·Ckcl field . l,1 I· ar , ate he;. shrubhi..:ry ;rnd ,, t· r•I , \ I ,lll1 in hot \\ .Jh:r ~,,n ta ini ,.~ pknty ul llJ Jl ur alt, afh'r 0th! ha \ \r" I th1 fnn• 'Ollljf haunt 1,r rcdthllf. , .. ,11 1 id him of their cnmpany. 1'r ,t,,, ,i., 1h • he t methn<l it to ,ln• t 11,,•,r vi 11l1,hnr in the tockina , aro••n I 1l1c

1,rlt 1111,I on 11ar1 nf 1h, 110,I, ,r 111c [ l111hin.c whkh :t r !.! nr1t to rnl'<'l'I c;,;. I 11"• • "''•ml n • IIH\V h:. u ... ,l i , .. Sh a,I .. r 1ul11h11r.

l•d1ing muy he rdicvul hy Jfltlli­c,1:io11 or ammonia .... o,la. ,, '1 J•L·r .: i.:11\ . ulution of formalin, alcohol, ca mph, " ' 1••ppcrrnin1 t" th ~ wollen 1rb :,· l,c,lla11{s <1,, not tay t>n human lt<ing I JOll hc.·can .. c 111an i. nrit th ir n.1t·1r .. at ho~ , . ' J' ho." whn ar~ unaccu to111t'd 10 r11tt~n .. i11i11g thtm 1wed not he al;.rnrcd ;i I ht' fir•1 attack. l.vcn111-Jlly th ey will n"t tl,•111,1111! , 0

.11t 111 1 ,n \ gricullnral :-.',·\\ , icr .

'.1'111• 111arkct lih fam-y 1ra1 k;1p1•• It ,, ill p iy ai readi ly fn r a flil! , , row ill a !ancy pa,·knicc "· ii \\,i ll f,,r a 1ri111 ha ket ,f !r i;1 , P·it le Jc r,,,tt an,I month fini h 0 11 your an t• mal,,.- \11riruhural • 'n, Ser\lr•

Club Boy Demonstrates !he Value of Level Culllvallon

titrih in t1111 avr nua,'' an(I thl

appli~:1 i rcihly tu k,·ct>ing 1111 rna,1, r.;:, =========;~~;;~~~;==;;;~=;::=:7:=:===~;~~;;;~ \\'Jim a mall h • Ir p1,car1 fill 11 j TRAD ilAIIK REGI TUI o

1:p. IJ.,n't ,,a,t lor the u1h,r icl w ., p H O s LI M E t,1 ,In it. 1,e~· u " a rant may , 0111c

al,111;1 h1 furc the , thcr ft 11 ,,w 1l<J , nd l,) ,\J hing th,.. tJua out I tl\.'C ~

1,l,1t·,. for \\ heel& tu ,lr"ll in ,111J 111al.c FOR th h,,lc !argcr. STAPLE CROPS

Ito., h r ads nrc , .. pen ivc i r cv· . . cryunc lrivcliug 1,nr 1hc111. \Vagu1u i\ll ihe cl menu rnn1n111tcl in Pho lln11• 1 I 1 1uf!c: r as \.\ II a au om<,bik•a, The It? G finene", •P~f'll1l on J.tntl from IOUIJ tr, lo~ul Jt,1 tr l'lan, I rwd C ,rnu1 ,t

Crop,• 1uc.:h as h1rya Ht~n, \'thee n :in ), (, , J-tr <Hrc, 1•lan1 111 Li•.runie train 1uun rack the whccld, 8JJ ri11K 1he Nltrogeu 'unn,on, to rl1eir tt\,n ninke 1 1

1 "" lurn d udl!f!t 1\1II hr n the n"lc .tnd bcrca c the draft ot "rimo1h y, 'lover, 0 :'ltt, ,\Halla, C~l!cm 11 , '( 1•rriihu ti lrn < nrn, \\'hr.l~ the waann, thu 1naldnll i t much h r• equal 1h11 meihod ut ■\\ ttenin ;11,I h,;,, 1 ·• , 'J" an,I Jt ·r \01hln , 1 L1 rlcr c,n the team, ork 'n ture require, of It i., ie :\ft• I p, 1:1 ,. I 1lm111 11,

.\utomohilu ,uf!.r more than ""· IMMEDIATE DELIVERY """' liccan 1hi:y 1ra.v. l a1 a hlirhcr Prices F. o. B. Pho lime Fla ( n

1,cr<I. Sprinaa, ,, le , wheels and • •• R ag all parta auff r and the car i aonn CAR LOAD ready fnr the ju nk heap. L• · ·: TH\

D r . \If c. I· th ·ri<lsie. 11rr,fe11or , I S9.00 Per Ton J 0,00 p agronomy in 1he l:nivcr111y o f Flor• 11.la Collea of .\gricult11rc, ia \lery muc h in fovor of the "f'hnd1 1 l nlc Uub • idea an<l 11 r rt in :uldit wn thnt farmers ,11,• 1he 1-: ing ,Ira" o n h~ rua,J al ng th, ir 1,ropcrty aflrr ,1<11 rain-Aari(Ultural • 'cw <;~rvice.


oo!~!lda Solt Pho~P,~are & pme Co, ·• W. ,.ORTl!R, aote Agent t CALA, FLORIDA

or thla tJlatrlot


OUR COUNTRY'S FLAG l'LEGAL ADVERTiSEMENi ~ ~EGH ADVERTISEM-ENTS jLEGA LAD.VERT!SE~ENTS 1LEGAL ADYERT!SEM ENTSf GAL ADVERTIS EMENTS '-------- - - ------~ FEES AND CO MM ISSIO NS OR a1•1mrn1 of rcc,·1pt or amount ih, u,- i' ·1 Lt, 10 .._,t,:i,;1){10 11t1k•11u .. 1.-c of work u11 .,.,,h iu, •cw 1,i no '1 · • ........... rou J."'' l lh·a,J al Fla• l >.1)· I urd '" at (,·n• Ii ,,. h ma,lc iu ,, ch ca. e ~om i,ikd aratdy or 111,y n11111bcr of lots. pro• 1, .1, ,i, 1. 5. h, 7 an cl II.... 163 1.50 1m l I I 111h Sduu,I, \\ ,hini.w11, D. C.l OTHER REMUN ERATIONS f,.r puhlicnti,,n fro m the rqwris l1f I:-; t UL' RT U I' CU l,';-.;TY JI DGc I iJtd 1.hnt "hcu any co11t~act sha ll ex- 7, l'I, 1.1, 1 \, 15, 1(1, 1,_,, 20

Sa)' I lo y .. u kn" w "hat 111cans th.t COLLECTED BY COUNT": OF- co11 111y officer ., f O nnla ,·aunty for ST \ . I 1-: C)I, FLOH l D \ . cccd. f,C . y d'-'.Jl"rs, the city shn ll nd a11d ~~ .. ,. . .. . .. .. . .. 16,1 fl.ig FICERS AN D THEI R OFFI C IA L the _ i.· momhs uidinl( I >ccemhcr 3 1 t, I s·atc of ,crtr e for Intl.; and let the. contract 4, 5, 20, ~ I and Jl •..•. ,.. 165

E X PE N SES. 1,11 <. 11 ,,,l•·r CJ, ,., 1 t•·r <•"• 10 <>f the Law, 1·1•r1l111nnd Schell chmidc 1,., rhe lu wc s t re . p u 11.s1ble b1Jdcr,0

It, II 15, 16, 17, 18 nnd 1!.I ,..... 165 Thro11!1l1 01 11 thi h~rt>) b111I un - " , , .~ , I £ d 6 u d Cu rl ed, I .,1 1 ·1n ri,la , Ooc.o a County lH<Js to he nccompa n,c d by a ccrt 1 1~ 4, 5, , 7, " • 0, 13 an I.I. ,c,,,

S·rut• i,, • r>L al,o,, ·,n .,. tl> e a,111, 11 111 ,, 1 \\' . v. KNOTT, ·1 o all < rcdi turR, I c ,1 nt<'CS, uistrib• check .co,·e ri ng fl\e per cent of s:11d 15, ,r., ·n, ,3 a nd :l,I ...... 1(,(1 1:rom mast p,rul l"Wl"r and moun tain '- .. ,., • crag )Im. 8 rcct'ipt,. to tal expen ,•. :rnd net omptroll er. 111ee, an<l a ll persons having Cln11ns bid. . 12 •. . .. .. , . . , . • . . . . . . . . 171

m Dc:iia nd~ /Hrai nst ~a.Id F.s!ate: S c11on 6. T hat :,.s soon as prac u• s, 8 , IJ, 11 , 15 anrl 111 .. ,. 184 11n·c tin11 wn,in11 to th e world? et \'nu, a n,t each of l '> u, arc hereby no - cable niter th e completion · of said 17, 18 and 24 • · ·, · · • · ·, 18-1

\ntl ,an )'1II read its s to ry true, s,1111< Off ice Hccci1Hs E~pense Rec ipt tifhd anrl rcquin·d,,o pre ent ::ny work the city council sh all by a reso- 1:i .... ................. 18s k t" ccn 11 lines ur rctl au d white? J . L. llHrltreet Clerk o. l u un , J ,.JJ7.47 ..?6-45 , i,41 I.OJ d ,ii,n • anrl tlcmnnJ wh ic h y nn, o r lution £ix n s rerial :,s,e sment against 11 and 2.1 ...... • .. •.... 1ll5

' nd d o it s Hlnr, 111 hcilvcnly blue, I. , l l. In g ram Sheriff 1,700.8 1 (ef,,oo 1,00~.!11 •i ll,:r o l vuu, may ha1·c against th • the property cleaned up at an amount 19, 20 uni.I 21 ... ....... . 185 !\Ink,· plain 11 mi~,i ,in wi th thcir T. M. ~lnrphy <1u111y J 11tll(c 111,1.50 Jli.oo R,15 .5u ,. late ,,f Ferdinand Schcl lachmidt de• nc,t exceeding the actual cost of the 11, IJ, 1J, q, 15 and 16 ., 1So

lil(hl ? S,1111· 1 I., l.1111lcr Coun ty Trea , 81.1.I.S 813.<>R rtascrl, late o f Osceola c ounty, Flor• , ork o r the estimated special assen- 1, -', 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

lt means thal tUi ~ i1ii1 Col\11i1 own land;

Thal here II is luvc and law w ill 11ay ;

C. I .. ll:uHl) Tax (11lrc1o r 1,790,40 1,700.4() ilia, 10 1he unde rsign~d execu to r ol 111c11t stated therein , which speria l a s- 19, 23 and 24,.. .. ...... 190 \\ 111. I llnrl► , r • Ta sses o r 2,62~.J,I 165 oo :1,457.2 ,1 aiJ estate. within two yea r s from th.: cssmcnt sha ll constitute a lic01 JO • , • , , • • , , • • • • • • • • • • • • 19()

J 11 s 1icc1 of t he l'encc : <lute h reol. a,.a in s t said pro pe rty again s t which 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 , 13, 14 S. 11 . Hu ll ck Dist, N 40,44 32.co 8.41 l lated Ju ne 1, A . D. 1016. it is a ssessed. prio r to a ll liens ex- 1 s and 16 .. , , . . . . . . . . . 191

T he hrigh!P I r I t•ach ou t \I ill s tano 1'o worshi p Go d in it own way ;

J110, A , l\ lcCarthy Dist. :-:o, J 15. 15 1,35 14. 1o A. E. DROUG llT, cept taxes. 19, 20, 21, :JJ, 23 a nd 24 .. 191

T l,;1 L each u~• s rigbl h:i.ll be above 'nns tables, Distr ict No. 3, 11 0 re1n rt . 41-1)1 E x ecutc, r , Section 7. That s h ould it becom e .l. 4, S, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18

The power of irrccd , the migh, u f 11old;

II Tax a • o r a.re pa ir! 4-5 com- 1111her an d December ,l t t a nd re m oin ---------------- necessary to collect any o r the special 23 , a nd 24 , . . . . . . . • . • 192

"l'h1n 1ru1h a nd p ure, un ull itd love Our feet in IIO\\ery J):A t h will hold.

n d he re 11 0 de pu t wilh a b reath Can 11a ri the crue l flame of war,

'\< hn 111Jll lu11 ru h tu lkry d~a th And lcnow 11 01 " I.a t the fil{ht i forl

llu1 h e re will Ire •men gladly arm A nd wir h t he 1r<11g1h o f free m en

f\a bt "J' hield the hearth a11.t hom e lro111

harm And ,i11tlictt1, 1 heir ln,cdom's


mis io11 s on eu r r~ nt tax asse~1mcn1 in11 1-5 is, 11encrally paid alte r J uly lit Ii ually between first Jll o nda y 111 Oc- ol lo llow 111 g yenr,


IN CO ll1' 0 FTUE OO NTVJ U OOt], S 'l'ATtJ o .- 11'(.0IUDA .

I n re &e t.ate of } O.Oeola ount.J Fred Deal • To allOr -,dh.on. 1.e1aLee1. Olu r lt>utee1 &n(l all

t-e raon1 bavlnit Cla im• o r Dema nd• a waln11, ••Ml I-AUi.le: \'ou. a nd c 11ch ot ou, 11re hereby not ified

aod req ulr~d LO pre■eo1. • n1 c1 .. 1m1 u.od 4• · m•od■ whloh 1ou. o r elt.b.-r o r you , n11,v have •ll"loaL u10 et1Ll\Lo o r tt·red Deal . t1 ocu•ed , IR l e o f O. •cola oun1.,. t"lvr1da. to the un• d er■hrned adm1nllllt""aLOr o r • aid ~•u.te . within t wo yea.n1 rrom Lbe d11.1e hereo f ,

DaLed M"' 11:1. A . D. 19~8,~; Dl10UO H T . ♦0 OL AdmlobllrlL\Or,

it art n , o r to aornr o:he r lit per-0 11 o r 11e r ons.

\ Vi tnc&s my nam as County Judge o f th e cou n ty a£ r e aid this t he 20th J a y ,:,I ~lay, A . D . 19 16.

!SEAL) T. M. M URPHY, 40-51 Couaty Judire.


o t ice is h ereby g iven 1hat 17 oatcr Newton , pu rch ase r o f Tax Certificat es N 01, 362, 36,1 , 365, 366 a nd 227, dated 7th da y of J u ly , A . D . 1013, has lil cd said rtilica tca in rny o ffice and h:u made a pplica tio n for Tax Dee d to is-511c in acco,-dance 10 law. Sa id ce rt i­ficates embrace t he follow ing lands

I epartmcnt of the In te rio r, U. S. in sccola counly, Florida : I. and Ol!icc :,.t Gainenille, Flo r ida, L ots 34, 47, so, 63, 78, 84 a nd 98 o l June 3, 1916. S minole Land and Investment Corn-

(.lh . l iber1yl Divin t gift, That (;od ha r cndcr,·d u n :o

l'hc u encr tlaat alone can lift

Notice is hereby given tha ~ llcnJa• pan y's Subdivision ol Section 14, min F Bigelow, 11 £ Lokoacc, Florida, fo\\ nship :?6 Sooth, Range 30 East,

I . ·ou RT OF O NT\' J OGE, 11 h u, 0 11 June 15, 191 r, made Home- and Lot 40 o f emi,,ole I.and and In-


The sou l 1,1 hci11h11 h rave nl' 1 arches 1panl

"L\TE llF FL IUD\ . tend en try No. o81,;o, for Lots 4 and vestment Company's Subdivision of l' ta :c o f ,;, s crion 1.1, To" nship 3 1 South, Sect io n 4, Township :17 South, Range

lluw swe t thy brea th upon the a ir Tl,at £1 a11 ll~neath ,h) Jo ,•cly na11I

'Incl 1hall n da tard 111 o r1al d re

\\·1t1iam Weckerly l~an!(e 31 Fa , Tall:ihassee Meridia n, 3 1 Eaat, o cc•; Ja ·ounly. 1 a tilcrl notice o f intcn:ion to make T he said la nds being asseued in the

Thy heaven-lit s tnr to darknu lly 1h J ndk c uf id ourt : tiH-y,•n r p r, to entablish claim to nam e of : G. B. Ca ldwell; W. \V.

\\' hcrea , ·art E. C:i.rlson has ap- 1he land abrivc described. befo re Kenney; Unknow n ; \ V . P. T read well dra&"? p;,c,I 10 1his u11 r1 £or Letter of Ad· clerk o f ' ircn it ourt a t Kl ssimmc<', and nlcnown.

·11 i,11 atrn1inn ,,,, th esta1c of \ 1llia111 Florida, n the 20th day o r July, 1916. nleu said Tax Certificates arc re. ' ia nra.' s 1hundl~r an ,,.,_.r II Nol''

\ \ hilc \111111 h ha' .-choe chime; , o rn11t ·• lear wat · r• go

1\ ccktrly. decc.18cd, la :c o f said 01111- laimant nnmu as wi t ne11"1: deemed according to bw, Tax Deed ,. f ()sccnla , Elmer R. Bass, or St, loud, will issue thereon on the 15th day of

T o pr.ay in negative· anb limc; The,c :ire. thcrdor c, To cite ancl M orida. J uly, A, D. 1916.

11lr1'011ish nil .111,I in,1 11 IM the kin- Roh rt E. \Villi , o f Lokoscc, Flor- \Vit .tcss m y h and a nd oflicial sca t And rnilli ,, n make th~ir \IOWs nu w

To ever hy 1ha1 banner 1and ; rlred an,' n,•d1tt•r of ,aid decea ctl to ida. n1 Ki simmcc, Florida, this 12 th day ht• and appear before thi court 011 or !Ired ' ichol on, Loko ee, o f J une. A. D. i9 t6.

1 h,H on the o il of fr e dorn grew T o 11a1,: il s hlcs1ini: 111 the land

hciorr the .v ,t clay of Jul)', . D , 1916, l0 l<1rida. J, L. O vc rst r c-et, and rite ohJ1•c1 i, is, if any they have, n njamin Dixon, of Lokosee, Clerk Circu it Court,

Star Sp, ni:krl llann rl Fl.l g of liuhtl rlH· gt,,r · of • natr11n ' lo ve I

tn th e gran1in11 o l le t ters of dminis- Flori.la. Oaceola Co,rn t y, Florid a . irallnn in the <'Slnte, 01!1cr vi.e the ROBERT\\'. D VI S, < ircuit Court Seal.)

l·or thee r,11:h hedrt a111I hantl \\ t>ulcl fighl,

,_n.,,•=n=•·,,,',,,'=il=I =l=ll•==g=r=a ,=1,..1r_,_1 _1...,n=t=h=,·=-• -ai_d_...,a=r=l==~=l•=5-t_p..,,,,= =========.....,,===R,....c_g_is_t,,,c,,,,r . _J_-'·_s_, __ n_l_·_J_•_11_1e_s_:i._r_J_

0_1_•n_:_o_n_,_D_. _c_,

\\ ,th an els che.-rin l( from nho,e! I , r l.1hcr1y a11,l l.111 e 1111tl LiRhl SUMMER PRUNING OF PEACH TREES

Arc- what thy glon,1u cn1nrs Ill\'. u, J\1.d thc,e: arr hc.i , en's. nnd hca,en1


Sh 1111ld prril c,, ,uc. " o uld ir11crHne l -Thomas alvcr.

Mutei Wedding Oa, 1011,, !•la., June o.-ll ow w ould

y uu p rJ, r m a \\C,lJ ina- crc.m o ny "here both o f th e conl rac t ipir par-1ics a rc m utca? T hi , was ~he p rou• I m that confro nted Miu aJie l 11-• rodt . cl erk in the olficc o f C Qunty J urlwc J . I.cc lll c rory la t F riday, "hen Eu11cnc ll oirle, of O m a ha, Nell•

l-111 : 11<• l,1i;1 le \\ eors rnuch nth'n•

1i•u1 ha lh.·,·n J,:h1.• n i., ummer pr11 n­"'I! of 11.-adt trct•• in 1'1t,ri1la . It has h1•,•n lll11nd tn be a val11ahle nid in

,n crca inl( ·11, yiclcl of the fruit . \ V. r .. Floyd, 11r<llc or ol hortl­

rn lt11 n • in the l.Tniversi1y £ Florida ·o llel(e o f .\ gri ulture, h l1<'vr the

pr.tclicc I be ba ed 011 a s un d ci­e11 t ilic 1,rinciplc nncl 1>oin 1 o ut 1he wnrk ol Ira E . !-;, ar- of Dau,• ity 10

how how well the theory work, in nrt 11 n I pr r •irr. ~l r , S nr has nsed

t ,a kn, and lll i I LIiy Golden H o l- the !>iide nJ !{room c.:>uld h •ar !,er Janel, f Daytonll Beach, aecurcd a anJ J>Ui11ll' d to rhc ,,auages as she 111a r riagc Ii enae and r rtncs ted Liu rc·a.d. \\' hen the qucation "n a kcd I Ii c•odr by ,irtuc of her nHke u of the n., en-hairPcl bride , " o you n ot.tr public lo perfo rm the cercmo• 1al.:c this m 11 to he )011r lawful wcd­ny. Not to he t h warted Mis~ Hiser• rled hu . hancl r he mllin i:ly n, e n1-od1 "rok ou t th fo rm of t11c ce rc- ,·cl with n how, Bo t h the mul es nrc m ony o n a typewriter and gave each wel l cd11cated anti all lhe cornmuulca• uf th e conl racti nir par1ic1 a copy of ti ons between i\liss lliscrodt an•! the 1hc ceremonial form. She then \len t hri,lc and 11 r oo111 were made with 1 ,i d through the cremony the aamc na if nncl pcncil.- Mi, mi M tropo li s.

A. DIEFENDORF Rea/Estate Insurance

at. Cloud, Florida

WYLIE AND REYNOLDS En11lneer• and Surveyor•

Se" r ar and Oral o ago, Mu nlolpe.l Work a o d Looa, too Wor k, Fllu Prlo,tnr



J o hn1too G. P. G~ rrett Fire I n1urance Real E1tate


Attome,a-at- Law 10, 11 , u, Cit izen'• Bank Bid,

Ki11lmm••• Fla.

Nota ry Public


Tue1 Paid l:1 lm Aircnt

Deed1 Recorded

this method "irh s11cce s fo r the la t f '". years and has udvoca1ed its gen • cra J use throughou t the 1.ite.

Summer pruning i an ellici nt "ay llf CIO OS ning the re o urces of the t r,•c. l'hc pruni111,1 soon alter the pro­duc•ion ol :l rop will r nu se all the s: r c n i: th to go into the ,~m .11r.111g wood and th<' fruit burl thal arc ,le­vel ped on them , T h i "ill proclucc a I w healt hy bud . w hich wil l g :vc a hc·11~, cro11 tlrnn if the tree is co m ­pe ll e,1 to dr1 clop buds 11 11 t h<' new w1,od.

Thlfe 1s li11h• dan e r of inj 11rin11 1h~ tn•,• hy •ummrr prun illl( ol o rd i­r.,,ry \'.'Ur(' i II l' •l and pruning i9 not too ~cvt\re.• .. \griculturnl ~w~ S r• , ·1rt•



1ri,·1I 1n ,:t- t it 1hrc.,ugh the hlot.-- k:tcll• < ln <' ,h .p w\1ich \I n intHcep1cd rar. r1<•cl "hat puq >c>r tecl to h<' II. ~argo u(

fl •mr , crtninly, th~re: ,, as a grea t ,k~I of I lour 111 it-a11d n Jlrc:it dea l o l cro11,,n • ,,ell Solllr ol the firs t ,al'l,, e'<amined pn nn d ,Ill correclly. The" a11 olfi ,·r hickc, J ne m id-way. ' l Jw ack yiddcd odd ly to th • impact nl the £not. 'o rl11st llew out. an ti it 1i1.t•enwd, ~,s he ,·xr,rC!Jc>tl it , "lik,-. kick~ in ,-; a p,llnw.· 'II nee the •·1<!.: ,•,a empti er!, :111'1 "hn t n rcvela1 ·.,11 I The middle ""', nJ it ,·n11taincd onlv co t­•n n \Ii I the nther Hcks gave up a like srcrrt. Th r wa, flour at hr t<'p. l ln1• r nt the ••ottom - nnd rntton in the mi,1 ,11,, or lhrm nll.

C:ni,I ~ hl urinrkr t , ind lrn::n;:- the rrc-1 n' ,:, ov~rha11 lrd •trnmH thac hr wn• i ,,. 1r nvin,:r, "Tf nny nf thn!'f> ,.l,nn• l,1 1 n"r rbnarrl 1hrv'• •ink l ik • t<'ur• wilh , 1,r stuff lhry\e r;rnt hlrl ­#11' 11 in their h"'nt~.'' A h1111,cirnu,ty • 1tirirnl r'<aAlf<-,lion. no <ln11ht, h11t ""nr 1hr k~~ r'<1,r ct1iVC!' nf whnt th~y •hlni.. "h~ nrr rnvo ·•rll In thr "' ~: t­:., ,n k n f hlnct.:n,lin "


V LID.\Tl N OF BONDS 1>ecia l Road and Bridge Distric t

Number ..1, sccola County, Florida , vs.

The tate o f Florida, OTI CE TO II \V CAUSE

T u the Taxpayers and Citiz-ens o r Special Road and Bridge D ist ric t '.':o, 2, Osc ola oun ty, F lorida : Yr,u a r e hereby not i fie d a nd r e•

quired 10 h ow cau c, if an y you hav ~, l,do re h is honor , James \V. P e rkins, al his ofl ic-c in DcT.:,11d, Florida, o n Ju ly .71 h, 1916, at 2 o·clock p. m., w hy the bonds in the a bove m entioned action should not be va l idated and , on firmed, a ccording lo the statutea i11 11ch ca e made a nd provid d .

J. L. VER TREET, Clerk of ~ aid Cour:.

AN ORDINANCE \ 11 rdinan cc

"kaniug L'p \ scs ing the the Lots.

Provid in g For the ol Certain Lot and Cos t Thereof gain t

Ile i1 t)rclninctl hy lhc City Council 11£ th e 'ity ol St. Cloud, Florida : Sect1011 1. That all lots hereinafter

11amul hall he deanecl 111> nnd put i11 propH cond it inn 0 11 or hclore the ,51 h day o( Ju ly, A, D. 1016.

!- clion "· That the ,111 ners ul said lt> 's who £ail to comply \\ ith the pro­' i . i,111s of ecti1in I o f this rdin~ nee shall he cl emcd tn be in default and the city shall have the 11ower to se­cure the pe,-f rrnancc of said w ork at the appro. imate costs per lo t as ho ,· 11 hy amount opposi·e Jots h re ­

inalt cr named, and assess such several a111,H1111s a n lierr agai11 1t 1hc cveral lot.a.

Scrt i,..n 3. Tl1:1.t the city council shall mret at 10 .00 a. 111. on the 151h day ul Ju ly, 1916, at the city hnll for th,• 11urposc of h :iring objections trnm any person owninir OT in tercal'Cd in any o f th e lo ts hercinafl e r de crlh• eel to be 11,ccially aasc sed, and any ow ner n r ll rrso n in t rested in said l01 s whn docs not at such mectinir 11re . ~111 his objections in "rltinir to •lie nl or,cmcnt ol this ordinance hall he deemed t n lmve cons n1ed , .,

ii t rovi,ions.

nsscuments herein named throuirh an 20 . . • .. . . .. . .•. . • . , , . • . . 102 a t to rney OT by suit, a rea,onaLle at- 8 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 1orney 's fee s hall be a11csscd a gainst 2 :11, 23 an d 24 , . • . . . . . . :n 5 the property on which such spe cial as- 7, 14 and 15 .... , .. , . . . 215

216 216

susinc nt h a s bee n made in a ddit ion , and 12 ..... . , , , . , ... . . 10 the saicl asseasme n t he r ein prov1d• 11 , 15, 16 a nd 20 . .. . . . . . ed for, 7, 8, 22 a nd 24 .......... 217

Sectio n 9. T h e lots he rcinbclo re 5, 6, 15, 16, 17 a n d 18 .... 217 refe r red 10 and o rd er ed in Section I 7, 8, 13, 1,1, 19, 20, 21, 22, 10 be , cleaned up a nd p ut in p rope r 23 and 24 .. . .. .. .. .. . 2 18 cn ndi : ion a r e a s Follows, and the c1t l- 5, 6, 15, 16, 17 and 18,.. . 2 18 m:11ed cosu o f cleaning u p and puttin g 20 , . , , , .....• . ••.••••. , 210 in prope r con di t ion a rc sho wn op po- 11 ... .. , . . .. .• , . . . . . . . . 219 ~ite the s~veral Iota as lollow 1: 17, 18 , 19, 20 and 21.,. . .. 220

Cost 16 .. , .. , ........... , .. . 220 L o u Rlock Each 4, 9, 10. 11, 12, 21, 22, 23

1.1, q and 15 ....... , .... 172 1.2 ' ........ '' .... '' ' .. ' .. 173 1 and , .. . . , ... , ..... , . 178 4 •• . , . , • , •.•.. , , . • • , • , . 65 13 and q .,, ...... ".... 9 13 . ................... . r, .2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14,

15, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20, 2 1, 21, 2.1 and 14 •• •• , . , , .

4 a nd 5 .. , .. , • • • • · ·, · • • · 11 and u ............ .. 15 and 16 ............ .. 11 17, 18, 19 and 20 ... , 15, 1(1 and ~ 1 ........ .

2, 5, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2 1

and 21 ............ , .. ,; .................... .. 3, 4, :-. (;, 7, JJ, 14, 15. 16,

1,, ,~ 19, 20, 21 and 22

:, c., ~ :1. 9, 13 and 14 ... 1~. 1f1 and 1; ... ,, .... . ,. , -:- a, •l , , , , ... , •• ,, ( a~,1 Q , • , ••••••• , •• ,

L 1J. 14, 15, 16, 171 2 1 a.no 22 .. ... , ... . , .. , • • • • •

:JJ .•..... '' ..........•• 11 :?, 31 41 7, 8, 1(), 17 and

18 .................. . 19 and 20 ............. .

2 and 24 ...... • • • • · · · • • .l , 4, 7, 8, 13 and 14 .... 17, 18, 19, :20, 21 and ~2 .. 22 ... .. . ... .......... .. s and 6 .... ..... ... .. 7 11.nd 8 .............. · 9 .... ............. . .. .. 17 and 18 ............ . . r , 2, 18 and 10 .. .. .... . 5, 6 , r 5, 16 and 17 . , ... . I and 2 ... .. . .. ....... .

8, 11 , 12, 19, 20, 2 J t 2J, 23 a n d 24 ......... .. ..

J, 4 ancl 8 . . ..•• • • •• , • 7 ...... ........ ..... .. 1 and 2 , • • •.• • .•. , , •••• ,

17, 18, 21 and 22 ........

,. and 5 •.• , . , ••..• • • • • • tt) and 20 ........... • ..

1, 2 10 and 13 ..... , ... .. 5, fl, q , 17, 18, 21 ond 22 11 , rJ, II and 15 ........ J, ... 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

and 22 ... , , , ....... , 4, 5, 21 and 22 •• , • , • , • •

3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 ..... . 7, 8, I3 a nd q ....... .. 9, to, II anrl 12 .. ...... . 7, 8, 9, to, 11 and 12 .... .. 17 and l ............ .

.,, 4, S and. 6 .... , . , •,,, • R, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23 and

24 .......... . ....... .. t , .l, J, I, w, 21 and 2.1 ••

K, 11 and 12 .... .. .... . 1, 2, 31 41 s, 9, 10, 13 a11d

14 .. ....... . .... ' ... ' 15, 16, t7, 18, 19, 20 21, 22,

23 and 24 ••• , •• • •, •. 17, rS. 19, :10, 21 and 22 .•

13 &nd q ............ .. 15 and 16 ........ .. .... . Q .................... ..

J, 4, 5, (l, 11 12, 15, 16 and 2J ...... .. . ' ......... .

1. 2, 18. 23 Rnd 24 ... .. 19 .. ' .... , ' ..... ' ..... . 15 .................. .. ,, t- .i, 4, 5, 6, 7, ~. 0, 10,

11 nnd12 .......... .. 1, .1, .1, 4, S, 6, 7, f\, 9, 10

11 and 12 .......... .. ,. 2, .1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and



12 12

13 14 14

15 IS

16 17 17 18 18

43 43 44 44 46 47 47 47 48 48 40 49 50

73 74 74 75 79 76 90 90


100 101


101 102 104 104 105

100 107 107 1o8



10 ...... ..... .. ... .... 117 1 nnd 4 .. .. . . . • . .. .. .. .. 133 1, 2, 3 and 4 • • • .. • .. • .. • 134 7, 8. 0, 10, If , 12, 13, 14

, 111I 2 1 ................ 157

~5.00 and 24 , , ..• , . . . . . . . . 221 3.00 1, 5, 8, 19 and 20 .. • .. • 221 5.00 2, 3, 6, 7, 17 and 18, .,... 221 5.00 13 ...... .. ".... . .. . .. . :122 5.00 14 ..•.. ' ''. '' •••• '. . ... 222 5,00 s, 6, 23 and 24 . • . . . . . 223

7 a nd 22 •••••••••••• , • , • 223 11 and 12 ... . ... . .....•. JJ, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22,

23 a nd 24 ... , . , . .... . 1, 2, 3 and 4 . ....... .. • r, 2 1 71 8, 9, 10, 1 1, 12, 15


224 224

1,50 3.00 5,00 5,00 5,00 and 16 , ... , . , . . , , , . , . 241

3.00 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 .. 241 5 and 6 . . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . 241

5.00 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23 a nd 3.00 4 ......•.... .. .... ' . . 242 .

S and 8 . , .. . . , , . . • . . . . . 242 500 ,, 10, tl, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 5,00 18 , 19, 20, 21 and 22 . . , 243 3.00 , , 2, 3, 4

0 19 20 and 22 .. 244

3.00 23 and 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 5,00 5 and 13 .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 245

4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 , 12 and 5.00 14 .•. , . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 245 .l,00 1 S and 16 ............ ..

13, 1 l and 24 ....... . 5.00 6, 8 and 9 . , . . ... , .. . .. . 3 oo ~. ro, 11 , 12, 17 and 18 .. 5.00 I 4 and IQ ••••• , •••••••••

3,00 7 •. • ••••••.•• • , .•••.• , • 274 1.50 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 .... 274 5,00 13, 14, •~. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 J.ou 21 a nd 22 . .. . • .. .. .. 275 1.5o 8, 9, 10, IC and 12 . .. .. . 276 5,00 I •• • •• , •• • .••••• • ••••• • 277 J ,OO 2 and 5 . , . . .. • •. . . , . . . . . 277 5.00 r, 1:,, 17, 18, 22, 23 and 24 278 3.oo 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10.,,., . , ,7ll 3 .oo 6, 13, 14, 19 and 20.. . . . . 279

t , 2 and 3 . .. .. .. . .. .. .. 279 5,00 1 s, 16, 17 and 18 . , . . . • . . 270 5.00 11, 12, 13, 23 a nd 24 .. .. 28o 3.oo 3, 4 and 19 . • • . . . . • . . . • . 2So 3.00 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, JO, 17, 18 5,oo 19 and 20 • • . • .. . .. . • • 281 I.SO 21 a nd 22 ....... ..... , . 281 5,00 3, 4, 7, 8, o, 10, 12, 15, 16, 5 .oo 17, 28, 10 and 20...... 28-' 3.00 2 1, 22, 23 a n d 24 .. .. .. 28.l 5.oo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14 and

15 .................... 299 3oo 20, 1, J , 23 an d 24 .... 290 S,OO 9, 10, 11 , 12 and 13 .... .. JOO 3.oo 18, 19, 20, 22, 23 and 24 300 5.oo 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16 a nd 17 .. 301 J .oo 20, 2 1, .n, 23 and 24 .... 301 5,oo 18 an 19 .......... d .... 301 5,oo 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13 and 14 30J J.OO 15, 1h, 17 a nd 24 . .. .. .. . 302

23 . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 5.oo 10, 11 nnd J:il •••••••••• , 302 J .OO 8, 9, IO, 1 I, J2, 13, 141 15

5,oo and 16 , , . . . . .. , . ... , . 303 r and 2 ..... , ......... ..

3.0v t , 2, 3, t, 7 and 8 . , . , ... . 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, If, 2l and 2.1

J ,OO 14, 15 and 16 ..... ... .. • 5.oo 13, 17, 18, ro, 20, 21, 22, 23 r .5o and 24 .............. .. J ,OO J , 2 , J, 4, 101 11 1 12 1 15, 16,

~.oo 10 20, 2 1 and 2:ii ... . 10 and 13 .. , .. .. .... .

, .so 1, :?, 3, 4, S, 6, 7 und 9 .. 5,oo 6, 71 8, o, 10 ancl 1 t ••••••

I.SO 4 , 5, 14 and 15 ........ .. 5,oo ,., 1..1 an .I 16 .. ....... . .

~. I .I , 11 and 15 ....... .. 5.00 i , ..,, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, R, 9, io,

11 . 16, 17 and 18 .... .. 5.oo LI, I I and 15 , , . , .. , ... .

5,00 5.00 5 00

1 and 2 , , • . , , ••..•.•..

.l and 4 . . • , •.. • •, •, 10, 11 , ,~. 1,1, 14, 15, 16 and

17 ................ .. 2, ;i, l, 5 n nd 6 • - . .... • . I .......... ......... ..

303 3"4 JOS 307


3o8 331 331 332 332 33,l 3.l.l

334 334 3,15 .135

3JS 310 3.10

5,00 ' 5.l)O J.00

~.no 5,00 5 00

3,00 5.00 J.00


500 3.00

5.00 3.00

5.00 3 ,00

5.00 3.00 5,00 3.00 5.00 3.00

~.00 3.00 5,00 1.50 5,00 3,00

500 3.00 I.SO 5.00 3 .00

5.00 3 ,00


5,00 1.50

5.00 3 ,00


s .oo 3.00

5.00 5.00 3 ,00 5.00

3.00 i.so 300 JOO 5.00 3 .00 5.00 ;l,00

5.00 3 ,00 5.00 3 .00 5.00 1 .50 5.00 J .00 1.5 ... 5.00 1.50

5.00 1.50

5.00 1.50

-,-· "'-5.00 5 ,00 5,00 5.00 3.00 3.00 I.SO

5,00 5.00 1.50 J .00

5.00 r.50 5,00 3 ,00


J ,00

5.00 5.00 3,00 500 3.00 5, J .00

5.1,<, :100 5.00 1.50

J,0-> 5,00 3,00



LEWIS O 'BRY AN rtir hrer,l Is nnt •n i·..,nnrtant ,,. t1,., "' " nnrt rnw~. P~r •1•1v1t"" yn11r n ·i,.hhnr• tn tlrtirlr nn R hr"r tl nn tl ••• I<, thr cnmmunh· fomnn• fn• th:it I •r,•r fakr <hr nr(l1h1rt r;roorl :tn rl •'·r n1nrkrt will take rar, nf it 4rl f. n,11 Pt't cnm,-. ni~4' nnd ('C, \\;tl <\ J:[r l• c"ht' rnl 'C' w~ ~t'rvirr

Sec1io11 4 , That the city treasur ~r sh~l l he nuth ori7ecl t o iuue special n -,, ~,•11en1 crtilicates payable in ai.A: 1111111th a t 1h • , ,i.t~ or 8 per u nt ln-1u·ut per annum for lh e pur1losc c,£ rni. ln,i rund1 with which to pay f , " rl, done on defaulting j,lropcrty

18, 1 , 20. 21, 22 and 23.. 157 1. 2. 3, ,., 5, 15, 13, 11, 15, 16

5.00 J.00

1'. srd at o pen session of t he coun-

New Yo~k Ave and 11 t h t ,

Atrorney at Law

Ki almmer , f'la .


cctinn ~. That t -:e the power t o

1;, 18, I Q, =o, ::r , 22, 23 ntl 24 ...... , .. ... . .

7 nnd 8 ......... • ..... • IC) •• ,., •·••• • •••• • ••••

20. ~ , nnrl 21 .... .....

:he city council ~. :i. ,., 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17 cont rac t for the 111, r9 and 20 . . .. .. " . •

158 158 159 15Q

500 JOO !1,00 3 .00

cil thi • the 1.Jth day June, 1916,

J. l . C111nrn 1nir1, \ttc•s t · Prut. Cc,uncil.

Fr ,I n. Kenney, lty C lerk. ppro1e1l thi llth day qr J one, A ,

D . 1t)15. J. T. 111nmln1r1, 5.00 .P·S t Mayor.



The Program w/11 run about as to/Iowa: CU TY


FLOATS . ..... ............. · . .. ... . .Fir11 Prize ............ .. .... 815,00

FLOATS ........................ . Second P:i:e ................ 10.00

FLOATS .....•.....•....... ....... Thi:d Prize . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 5 .00

AUTOS ............. .. .........• . Fl-.1 Prize ................... 10.00



. .. .. .. . . . . . . Scc ,,nd Pr.ze

.. Third Priz.: Fil'$t Prlse


• • • • • • • . . • . • . • 2 . 50

. . • . •• • . . . . . • . 5.ou

SCHOOL CLASSES ............... Second PrlH ............. .. RIDICULOUS VEHICLES ....... J-'lrat Prue ................ . RIDICULOUS VEHICLES ...... Second Prln ............... . CLOWNS . . .................... First Prl&e .......... , ..... .. CLOWNS ... .. ................... Second Prise .............. .. BEST BOY'S BICYCLE ........... Firat Prize ................ .. BEST BOY'S BICYCLE ........... Second Prl r e ............. .. BliST BOY'S BICYCLE .......... Thi rd Prize ........ , ..... ..

2 .50

5-00 2 .50

5.00 2 .50

3 .00 2,00


,\II th se who intu,J to< ntc,, in the Field -Ports ••c Rcque t d to call ,,n 1.)nn Daugherty an,! re i tcr fr,r t he cnnt in "hid, 1he) in <nJ 10 take pan . Other prizes a l o "iii be ivcn to the w inn r of Bicycle i{ac.:•, Fn, 1 Rae, • Sack Race . :-;,!lht Shirt nd ,c1eral , th r c,,n­t< t .\ n~ Jon't ior·e t the Bal , Ga me be t,,een th, Id ~laid and IJ Batchdor Th , will be a hilanou .cr;am and \\ t>rth ~ny man' tnnc

OLD MAIDS VS. OLD BACHELORS Old laid and Old Bachelor will play ba eball in co tume all ma kcd. om thin g very funn

Also Various Field Sports. Orati n in aft rnoon and Band Concert in Park- Band C n rt in evening and Dan ing at Lake Fr nt


Tallest Flag Pole For Long Island

Twain's Teacher Dead at 98

WANTED NEST a\n r.l d ia rmer "ho h d b1; n hen­

pecked all his hf. was about tu dit. J-l is ",r., oelt it he r d•Jty 10 olft r h im such cuns,latio n as she n11g'h 1, and

~ 1~\,~: l~d~';: ~c~e~:~loa n in• 'WANT ADS :~;c~'.:~gh~:;: o,~ :-~ 3 ~•:r,•e~idd::r, h:~nl:~

rthport, L l - J o eph T. Lil ly, pre 1den1 oi t he :-.•orton- Lilly :eam-hir ,-mpany i 10 ha,·e nected at

l.i • country home her, the tallest flag pol~ along the Atlan ·c c ,a t. Th.: P,vlt.;. i~ :" . .:; !ce: 10nq and .;? 1nc;he at ils ha c. It t from an Oregi ,n iir t ret "hirh ou,j three hun<ln I fett loiwh. ~Ir, Lolly' 1,1.,., 1a11rl on a lo1II = frd ah vc ea lc,·el. frnm it h i ht ,,r co ( et It ' helitHd the f'a1t 1.ill b ~,en Jim t the ntire l<n th of Lon· lsla11J

The Tile Fish : a 1able (khcaq tuc tole r, ~ ha

< 1 bh b d it eH untl<r the expl oita-11 n ,,f l.r !>urea I CJ( P'isherie • 11 h1d1 undt.rtr, k to bnn1 u Jnt,;flt:s o th :iti.r. ,a ,I h puhlic a h rt t1Me ,,go, say the Ind aap'>li . 'e-.., The fl:lt nr nov. rkttcd 1n s.,:rea '111a r,­tit it' :ind are tn ht' i c,und o n 4]c, ir ail he trading "' rkct of the cas,­crn I art ,I l'h, country, ~ ba he ,, 0 ,·1.:rnmt1,t• tH•,l"'t m intro,JL;cing it h~, c ~ rrn cmint.ntly JC( f.' f· 1

••.1pt . .'\bner )1:trtin, a td ,fi, who a; a pilo t l,cf,,r,: the \\ ar be t1,een ~he t• tes taught _amuel Cit mens ( )lark

.... \a,n) t,, navigate the ~ti,,issipr;i rh er. t! dead at his home in • ' ,, Liv­f" r ;,o ,t Ohio.

Cap, . . fanin a, "ell kno•n -• ;:,. rin.:r n,an. H e "a chi r mate of tl1e !'~1111>yh an ia "hen that packc• " •• \"r<Cktd by an e,iplo ion near :\l c111r,his and 21,o persons "ere killed. H, alsu "a in char~e or troop pacl,­et, rn S011 1h rn river. f r rh~ :Sorth­c rn JHvtrnment al the f'l ntbr ak of tlic "'ar.

Shon of Red Tape UwinJi ln the lack , r nece "'

dye,, there vdl soon he no more red tape a,ailable for th War Off, e and d .ew'here. uy_ P unch. lt is to he hoped. h ·e ,· r, that the familiar J nd p1cture1qu .aluta tion ~:ith • ·hi.:!'- t'°''!-

ari ,.fficera arc in th hab11 of tak­ing 1,avc r,i nnc anoth r, .. o long ~ Olt:I Tape," v.ill n,,1 be all o"cd '° uc­C()m'! r,h r.lete.


aid. " J oh n, yo u arr ahout to RO, bu t l will follo w you .-

•· [ 1up pose so, Maria,' ' sai d th\. old man weakly, "but as fa r as I am con­cerned, you needn' t be in a ny blamed hu rry about it.' '-Iloston Tran,cripr.

hns a new baby, and no" m ma is rhe haby · aunt , pa pa i th e b by's uncle "nd you arc her li tll cousin.~

" \Vr11." said ~ra1j 11ric, wo!ideringly , " wa n r tha t arran cd quir k ?"-Bo • tun Transcript.


Round Trip Fare





ATLANTIC COAST LINE S~aod~rd Hal roa1l of tbr• South

Tick t old July 2nd. Final limit July 14th. Good on all regular train TEEL LEEPER OB ERV TIO C. RS

For tic~d ad re er,· a loo call on

0 . C. KNIGHT, Ticket A a • ~t­:;~. Cloud,

J. 0 , KIRKLAND, Div. Pua'r A aent, Tampa, Fla.


Int re t Paid on Time Deposits


JOI SUE L:.tsl cha nc to buy "Ft. IJ,,d ••

one of the co:<ies1 hum.. on ont d the pretti e t avenue in t. Cloud ; a ba rgain; furnished un ru rni hed, po· ano inclurlcd; next , - day n ly Mr Do<lge.

Old Papers Wonh Double

Uld paiw-r ar..: wunh flouhlt- wh"' lhey \\ Crt a yrnr a1111 , anrl it \\ill J•••Y the 1hrihy hOll!C \\ ,re 10 cart fully .... a11 tht o lcJ pal) ra which cuna 111to the hou . Th'"'' must h neatly ful1krl and 1ir•~ rvcd in hun<llt• of ~ll

or n orr I tin mhcr tha1 ·rum1ilt:•I papers ar · r.f no value If th• pap,r famin, cn nt111u c1 tl ,s pon,hl • that th s o ld 1mpers may y I he wort h

25 a ton . Heally t,hc p t>rr ituatii,n rn rn ri ca i s getting to Uc c:rinu .-Ga in 1ville un .

Reasons for Declining The s wct t yo unli lh inii ro e with

a bccominll' blu1h and nffe rcrl her place ,n the crow,led tr, mca r to th e man in the hlue nit , 1ay the Pall ~fal l Ga~ ' ll .

" Won't y!Ju Lake my scat;· 1h1 aid shy ly "No thank you, Mi " was the

wound d oncfa un<''<IJ<c:'lerl reply, " I 've h en roller katln jC all th e aftcr­nr,on and I'm tirc,I of sitting ,!own•·


CLARK & CELLAR Clean the Lots

For You 801 109, St. Cloud, f la,

FOR LE ra\\•l'a ..

h ruh and I .,

,\I.H- 1. cul ni 111 fine (.Onditi n; 1 1:. nd :.r- 1, ry h1~ f11 r trac1iur, } inc ,. I ... . a")tr, ~t. C l"ud, I IJ, 42-1!

l·Ult S\Ll:-F our tov.n 1011 An1l f,1ur tnt•acn.: tract , unin1pruy c.J. µrice (x.o ca h. \\ itc \Ir I. ~I. IJt·,lln), 1004 , .,th • t, I lou11lu 1\r11.

Hll< .:-,,\1, 1 ~ trJ<l, hvu t.: ,rnrl \\ \ ll r n pl.u: ; , .. cl are,!: prl t 15c1 l io l>l. .. ;.

41 ••11•

ft·n r,t.

◄ •ti

l· t lit . ,\LL •·rnom t••t taac, rur-111 hcd r,r unl11rui he,t: within thr~c !,lock nf 1lcpo1 Fiv good 1.,11 with iru 11 an,! vegct bl •• al o fifl rn ,<ere, n r l(IIOJd IJn1l lhr« molr, (r()rn

town. llnx I 15, ':i t hid, l· l ,1. 4• 1

FCJR ,\ 1.1,.=;;.:I s rdro11'7;'.'atnr, ,'7; \f r1"i, .1vc ,rncl 6th I -tl•llf'

FOR RENT f O I< 10-.N T M dtrn hn nw ront rras()nahl . I nqu irc lln. ; 4 • 1 Cloud. F l,,r irl:, ' JI·! 1

LOST LC >ST -,On Fd ,lay morning, June ,1 a IJd1e1 lilack uml, rclla, with 11:olrl ancl pt·arl hancllc, from which knot, wag I-fl l.dt in one r, £ thr l,u ; ,. hr,u ra Find r pl as,• lc·;1v,• llt'rr,. lmn,· nHir .

WANTED WA. rt I> -An invalid rl11dr. f t1l1 ,, I ri l1 11n1· , fflcc for (l!lrlirnhr

l. '.\ll l ES, II OUSi·.Kl•.l ~l• J~R rJnr I 111111, I ·1 hr Shin Curtain !( I

holrl you r rurtain pmiicrly · ": '". r I ' -.,m1 a, •.11 any w ndow, 110 ac:rtw1, lttc:ka

~r ~a,i ~ rc qul rc,,t ; 11uarnnt,ed fau lt , cu' pnce prepaid trn rrn11 A

wanted Adrl rcs J. Hnrna · ·rRl•lnbta fl o rid • r Y,

41• t
