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St. Wenceslaus - Parishes Online

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. ly e M ay - ay :4 M M ay - Sat ay : M M ay - ay : M S e t f e l t M ay - ay : t : M Sat ay : t 4: M P h Off e H M nda - rida : M : PM at l r R . o s, P sto to st sl s.o ev. T P z , S . te P t ft @t e el . g ev. T yl Leffle , te P t f t yl @t e el . g t. l 15353 ci ic tr t O h , NE 154 402-330-0304 www. wen e l u .or S y e Sat ay : M S ay : M, 9: M, : M, : M a : M N v m r 1, | ALL SAINTS


Daily Masses

Monday - Friday 6:45 AM

Monday - Saturday 8:30 AM

Monday - Thursday 5:30 PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Monday - Thursday 5:00 to 5:25 PM

Saturday 3:30 to 4:30 PM

Parish Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Catholic Church

Rev. Tom Bauwens, Pastor

[email protected]

Rev. Tim Podraza, Sr. Associate Pastor

[email protected]

Rev. Taylor Leffler, Associate Pastor

[email protected]

St. Wenceslaus

15353 Pacific Street

Omaha, NE 68154



Sunday Masses

Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM,

10:30 AM, 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM

November 1, 2020 | ALL SAINTS



MONDAY, November 2, 2020

6:45 AM †Jon King

8:30 AM †Viola Liebig

5:30 PM †John Mimick

TUESDAY, November 3, 2020

6:45 AM †Wayne Ryan

8:30 AM Int. of Jack Bernard (Grades 7-8)

5:30 PM †Vern and †Ruth Beers

WEDNESDAY, November 4, 2020

6:45 AM †Lynn Lamourex

8:30 AM †Bernard Hallett (Grades 1-3)

5:30 PM †Tom and †Nancy McCormick

THURSDAY, November 5, 2020

6:45 AM †Joseph and †Mary Beth DeSelm

8:30 AM †Kaye Bird

5:30 PM †Connie McNary

FRIDAY, November 6, 2020

6:45 AM †Pat McGonigal

8:30 AM †Wayne and †Eileen Ryan

SATURDAY, November 7, 2020

8:30 AM †Meralda McCann

5:00 PM †Jeanne Burns

SUNDAY, November 8, 2020

7:30 AM People of the Parish

9:00 AM †Clayton Hollman

10:30 PM †Don Holquist and †Denise Van Roy

12:00 PM Int. of Steier Family

5:30 PM †Zelie Rose Wieser

Ministry Schedule for November 7—8 2020

Saturday, 5:00 PM PRIEST: Fr. Ron

SAC: John Hall DEA : Mark Capoun

EMHC: Jeannene Rossitto, Mary Durow, Audrey Cherek,

Robin Cherek

LEC : Patrick Durow, Gary Batenhorst

SER : Antonia Carey, Elise Cherek

Sunday, 7:30 AM PRIEST: Fr. Tim

SAC: Jim Haiar

EMHC: Shirley Hahn, Linda Haiar, Kay Olson

LEC : Dave Laferla, Patrick Brennan

SER : Drew Balus, Corrine Merkel

Sunday, 9:00 AM PRIEST: Fr. Tom

SAC: Mary Kay Garcia DEA : Bill Carter

EMHC: Julie Krupicka, Abby Andress, Connie Bredemeyer,

John Bredemeyer

LEC : Jerry Buresh, Marilyn Buresh

SER : Leo Dustin, Addison Foltz

Sunday, 10:30 AM PRIEST: Fr. Tom

SAC: Dianna Beulke DEA : Joe Kulus

EMHC: Jeff Beulke, Tim Glover, Carolyn Hirschfeld, David F. Haller

LEC : Kim Lang, Cathy Kulus

SER : Mia Adamiak, Nora Coffey

Sunday, 12:00 PM PRIEST: Fr. Taylor

SAC: Karen Stevens DEA : Brad Schaefer

EMHC: Sue Smith, Lisa Shockley, Gina Pick, Mike Pick

LEC : Bob Decker, Karla Zavadil

SER : Isabella Valencia-Valbuena, Aidan Farrell

Sunday, 5:30 PM PRIEST: Fr. Taylor

SAC: Karen Hjelmstad

EMHC: Cori Miller, Bob Tabor, Katie Tabor, Robin Stec,

Maureen Walters

LEC : Eric Martin, Tosia Wieser

SER : Annie Hurley, Simon Kollars


November 5, 2020 | Dynamic Catholic Online

Amazing Possibilities Join Matthew Kelly for Dynamic

Catholic’s first ever virtual event—featuring an interac-

tive Dream Session, inspiring music, as well as live Q&A with

Matthew. You don’t want to miss this one! Get tickets HERE.

November 21, 2020 | St. Benedict Center, Schuyler

And the Angel Said…, a one-day retreat with Prior Joel Mac-

ul, OSB, S.T.L. We will look at the two annunciation stories at

the beginning of Luke’s Gospel and see what mission is re-

vealed for the two children promised. Social distancing will be

observed, please bring your mask. Lunch is available at the

Center for $11.02 (includes tax). Register now by clicking

HERE or call (402) 352-8819.

December 5, 2020 | St. Benedict Center, Schuyler

Advent Encounter, a one-day retreat with Margie M. Walker.

In the shortening days, as the dark of winter approaches, slip

away for a slice of stillness. Come for a portion of PEACE.

Social distancing will be observed, please bring your mask.

Lunch is available at the Center for $11.02 (includes

tax). Register HERE.


EPS Baby Shower

Who - St. Wenceslaus parishioners

What - Shower to help support mothers and babies

When - November 7 - November 26, 2020

Where - In the foyer - drop off baby items in the crib

Why - EPS needs your help to provide essential items

to mothers and babies

Questions - Contact Angie at 402-330-7153


St. Wenceslaus Reflecting On the Scriptures and A Word from the Pastor November 1, 2020


Solemnity of All Saints, Cycle A

Today’s readings: Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 John 3:1-3;

Matthew 5:1-12a

Not Really Place, Not Really Time

We believe in life after death, but we cannot put

into words what it will be like. Every time we try, our de-

scriptions come up short. If we say, “It will be a special

place,” we use an inaccurate word: place. Heaven will be

more than a place. It is not a place like a planet or star, for

that would make it finite. It is infinite, not located. If we

say, “It will be a special time,” we use an inaccurate word:

time. God lies beyond all time. Time has limits, but God is


Eternal life lies beyond what we can describe.

Even St. John struggled with the right words. As he says in

our second reading this Sunday: “We are God’s children

now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do

know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we

shall see him as he is.” John chose other descriptive words

like “children” and “being like God.” In eternity we will

have a special relationship with our creator. It will be won-

derful, but it is hard to describe more.

Today is All Saints Day. We celebrate all the

saints who have passed beyond the doors of death and have

become more than God’s children. They are like the God

they see. We learn from their example in life for we aim to

share their glory in heaven. That is the inheritance of the

children of God! Lectionary Bulletin Inserts: Reflections on the First and Second

Readings, Year A © 2019 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. All rights

reserved. Written by Paul Turner. Lectionary for Mass © 2001, CCD.

Fr. Tom


Today, we celebrate the me-

morial of All Saints Day. We re-

member the countless thousands

of people who have helped shape us and

form us into who we are; the people who helped us know

God’s love and now experience that love first hand. Paul

says we are all called to be Saints. The minute we leave

this earth and step into the realm of heaven and God’s

love, we become saints; not canonized, but surrounded

with the love of God for all eternity.

Tomorrow, we celebrate All Souls Day where we

remember those who have died and are no longer part of

our lives. We pray for them and for their salvation.

When I was younger, it was praying for the “poor souls

in purgatory”. We sometimes pray that intention, but the

really poor souls are those in hell — there is no salvation

possible. Purgatory was never meant to be negative; the

word means “purged” or “cleansed”. When we go to

confession, our sins are forgiven with the grace of God,

but the effect of our sins remain. Even though we are

forgiven for lying, for instance, it still is easy to tell an-

other lie. Purgatory releases us from the effect of our

sins so that we might become perfect as our heavenly

father is perfect (from Matthew’s Gospel). It is a God of

love and compassion that wants us to be perfect and join

him in heaven.

When I was a young man, seven or eight, my associ-

ate pastor was a priest by the name of Fr. Tony Milone.

Fr. Milone later became an auxiliary bishop for Omaha

and eventually became bishop of Great Falls—Billings,

Montana. He was a great man and affected me greatly

and is part of why I became a priest. 50 years later, I still

remember a homily he gave in which he said, “There is a

hell, that is Dogma and you have to believe it. There are

people in hell, that is Doctrine and you have to believe it.

But man, you have to really work at it to be cast into hell.

God is a good and loving God. He understands our hu-

manity and our failures. If you are trying to be a good

person and do the right thing, despite your failures,

you’ll get to heaven.” I think this reflects the Scriptures

and the example of Pope Francis. On All Souls Day, we

pray for those who have died the same as we would pray

for them when they were alive. We pray for grace in

their lives as well as ours, and we pray for the gift of

eternal life.

I hope I don’t offend anyone when I say that I look

forward to Wednesday morning when I won’t have to

hear any more attack ads ripping away at the dignity of

people who are running for office. Whatever happens,

God’s in charge. Join me in praying for our country and

our future.

LITURGY CORNER Book of the Names of the Dead

During the Month of All Souls, many parishes have

the custom of giving a place of honor to a book in which

community members and visitors write the names of their

beloved dead. The Book of the Names of the Dead was in-

spired by the ancient practice of recording the dates of the

deaths of loved ones in a necrology, a public record or reg-

istry of death. This practice provides the living with an

opportunity for healing and consolation in the face of grief.

The book is usually displayed from the solemnity

of All Saints until the beginning of Advent. It is left open

for people to write the names of their deceased loved ones

and for others to read the names, remember, and pray for

the repose of their souls. In our parish, our Book of Re-

membrance is displayed near the baptismal font with the

lighted Paschal candle nearby, symbolizing that the de-

ceased have shared in the waters of Baptism, dying with

Christ and rising to new life. Placing the book by the font

gives us hope that our beloved dead now share in Christ’s

Resurrection. Margaret Mary Brennan, Catherine Combier-Donovan, and LTP

editorial staff © 2009 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 3949 South

Racine Avenue, Chicago IL 60609; 1-800-933-1800; www.LTP.org. All rights reserved. Used

with permission.



Julie Lukasiewicz

Director of Children’s

Faith Formation



Readings for the Week of November 1, 2020

Sunday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/Ps 24:1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 [cf. 6]/1 Jn

3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a

Monday: Wis 3:1-9/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [1]/Rom 5:5-11 or

Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40

Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11/Ps 22:26b-27, 28-30ab, 30c, 31-32

[26a]/Lk 14:15-24

Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 [1a]/Lk 14:25-33

Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a/Ps 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [3b]/Lk 15:1-10

Friday: Phil 3:17—4:1/Ps 122:1-2, 3-4ab, 4cd-5 [1]/Lk 16:1-8

Saturday: Phil 4:10-19/Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a and 9/Lk 16:9-15

Next Sunday: Wis 6:12-16/Ps 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 [2b]/1

Thes 4:13-18 or 4:13-14/Mt 25:1-13

November 1st is

the Feast of All

Saints. This is the

day we celebrate all those who are now with

God. While we cannot be certain of who is in

heaven, it is our sincerest hope that our loved ones are included

among those who now enjoy the bea"fic vision.�

Having just lost my beloved mother, I too, hope and pray that

she is now enjoying her eternal reward. During her last days, I

would reassure her that passing from us meant she would be

reunited with those that had gone before her � parents, broth-

ers and sisters, and my dad. It probably brought me more com-

fort than it did her to believe that she would be received into the

embrace of those she loved.�

A(er she passed, one of my friends commented that “now she is

si*ng near and visi"ng with Jesus�and how cool is that?” Of

course, Jesus would greet her. Why hadn’t I thought to include

Him in my list of loved ones?�

My mom was ever the instructor, so now I ponder what lessons I

can draw from my bedside encouragements to her.�

Lesson # 1 � It is helpful to remember that God knows us well. I

focused first on people that mom had known and loved, as it is

easier to iden"fy with people than with dei"es. And yet, one of

the gi(s of the Incarna"on is that the Creator of the Universe

became approachable by becoming one of us. Jesus laughed,

suffered, ques"oned. He experienced the fullness of human life.

He completely understands what we are going through.�

Lesson #2 � We are invited to get to know God be�er. We grow

spiritually when we strengthen our personal rela"onship with

Jesus. The more we get to know this mysterious God who loves

us more than we can hope or imagine, the be:er prepared we

will be to meet Him. �

Lesson #3 � We are called to be like God because we are His

children. St. John points out that “everyone who has this hope

based on him makes himself pure, as he is pure” (1John 3:3.)

Jesus gives us the blueprint for this purity in the bea"tudes.

When we imitate Christ, we help others to know God be:er. And

that is the work of all saints.�

Christine Edmonds, Director

[email protected]


As a Family of God…..

One of the great gifts of our

Catholic tradition is

remembrance of and prayer

with the saints. The Church

offers us an official canon, or

list, of saints. On All Saints

Day, we recall and pray with

these saints. It is important to

continue to tell these stories

of saints and saintly people to our children so that they

have ample models of people of faith for their own lives.

Sponsor Form: Please return completed Sponsor Forms to

the parish office. More preparation information will be

given out to Candidates and Sponsors after the form is


Confirmation Service: Candidates are asked to complete

at least 5 separate service opportunities. A Service Journal

Form must be turned in for each opportunity. Please

contact the Faith Formation Office if you need suggestions

of safe service opportunities.

November 15th is The First

Reconciliation Parent/Child

Retreat. The retreat will be broken

into two 50 minute sessions:

Families with last names A-K will

attend from 2:30-3:20.

Families with last names L-Z will

attend from 3:30-4:20.

Please practice the Act of Contrition with your

children. They should confidently know the Hail

Mary and The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father).

All Holy Men and Women, Pray for us.


St. Wenceslaus Pastoral Ministry and Miscellaneous November 1, 2020



Mater Filius, NE, is a Catholic, non�

profit maternity home that serves

women and their children. We are

located at the corner of South 36th and Y St. The mission of

Mater Filius is to safeguard the life of the unborn child and

defend the dignity of the child’s mother. Defending Life with

Love! We have two requirements for a woman to enter Mater

Filius. She must be pregnant, and she must be open to

change. Upon entering Mater Filius, our directors work with

each mom to plan her individual path to self�reliance. Some

women choose to work full�,me while others choose to finish

their GED or a.end school. Moms par,cipate in workshops

offered inside our home that include paren,ng skills, rela,on-

ship building, Spirituality, Theology of the Body, dignity of the

woman, group counseling and financial planning. Moms may

enter any,me during their pregnancy and stay un,l their ba-

bies are eight months old. They may bring other children with

them if they are under the age of five. When their babies are

six weeks old, they may enter our Early Childhood Learning

Center located on the Mater Filius property. Even a3er the

moms transi,on out, their babies can return to our ECLC un,l

they are ready for preschool. Preschool aged children are

now invited to a.end our new Lighthouse Preschool, free of

charge. Our one requirement is the parents complete service

hours throughout the school year. We do not charge the

moms for either service because this is where we see the gen-

era,onal change begin to happen. This is priceless! Also new

this year, we have established an a3ercare program which

includes a weekly Diaper Pal delivery as well as a weekly

phone call from one of our directors to check on the welfare

of the graduates and their children. We believe the added

support is vital to their success. �

To learn more about Mater Filius, NE, please visit our website

at: materfiliusne.org or email us at [email protected].

Thank you for your dona,ons in the November Charity of the

Month envelope. �

This week we celebrate

Vocations Week.

A time to focus our attention to

prayer and promotion of religious

vocations in our Church. Through-

out this week pray that young peo-

ple will be called to a life of service

to our Catholic church. Talk to your

children and grandchildren about

their future as a priest, brother or

sister. Having a child or grandchild

serving the Lord as a servant of

God is a true blessing.



Due to Covid-19, we will not be able to provide the person-

al items gift bag this year; however your cash donations,

checks payable to St. Wenceslaus and/or gift cards from

Walmart would be very much appreciated!

These donations will help us provide a little something to

the elderly and homebound of St. Benedict the Moor, St.

Joseph and St. Bernard parishes.

Please place your donations in the collection safe in the foy-

er, mail to St. Wenceslaus or drop off at the parish office.

Last day for drop off is Monday, December 7th.

Please clearly mark envelopes Elderly and Homebound.

Thank you for your generosity. For any questions, contact

Shirley Hahn at [email protected] or 402-679-4032.


Happy Birthday!� Your spiritual adopted baby is born � nine

months a(er his/her mother conceived� this baby.� The only

change at birth is a change in�the external life support system of

the baby.� He/she is no different now than before birth except

he/she breathes and eats differently.� The baby is truly a mira-

cle.� He/she began as a 46 chromosome cell and has developed

over the last nine months into a unique human being.� Never

before in history, nor never again, will anyone exist who is exact-

ly like your spiritually adopted baby.� You may never meet the

mother and baby, but your prayers saved its life.�

Don't forget the EPS Baby Shower.� Bring a baby item �

to place in the crib in the foyer.�



†Lorene Dloughy, mother of Kim Lang

grandmother of Ryan

†Phillip Collison, brother-in-law of Elaine Kissel

uncle of Monica Hutfles

†Theresa Kohanek, mother of Jennifer Quinlan

grandmother of Ben, Ryan and Molly

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful

receive the Mercy of God. Amen.

Always Loved, Always Remembered


St. Wenceslaus Parish Community & School News & Miscellaneous Omaha, Nebraska

Envelopes: $ 32,423.41

Children’s Envelopes: $ 9.00

Monthly ACH Tithing: $ 49,019.89

September Charity: $ 7,988.33

St. Vincent de Paul Special Collection: $ 18,881.15

Year To Date Budget: $699,699.00

Year To Date Total: $755,827.48


We welcome Kevin Foley to our Council.

Kevin and his family are new to our parish,

moving here from a suburb of Chicago. His

proposer is Tim Seberger. Anyone interest-

ed in knowing more about the Knights and what we do,

please call Rod Hofschulte at 402-510-7250. A special pro-

motion for new members is available now through the end

of the year. Dues are waived if the candidate goes

to www.kofc.org/joinus. When applying, use McGivney2020

as the promo code.

On Saturday October 31


, our founder Fr. Michael

McGivney was raised to the level of Blessed. We are very

proud of our founder and his vision and actions to make life

better for so many. The Order he founded now has over 2

million members located around the world committed to

serving the Church and the communities in which they live.

We thank everyone who brought clothing to the church for

those in need.

Knights of Columbus

Daily Bread Calendar

Thanks to all who purchased 2020 Calendar Club tickets.

We will be announcing winners from now until the end of

2020. Please check the bulletin weekly for daily winners

and all those EXTRA prize winners. A check is mailed to

each winner at the end of the month in which they won. All

previous winners can be found on our website


You can find daily winners at


10-19-20 Steve Seberger

10-20-20 Larry Palmer

10-21-20 J and C Bredemeyer

10-22-20 Michelle McCarthy

10-23-20 Ed Kolb

10-24-20 Lori Haug

10-25-20 Frank Burns

10-26-20 Bob Lamberly

10-27-20 Lila Antonides

10-28-20 McCroden Boys

10-29-20 Grant Dvorak

10-30-20 TJ Buechler

10-31-20 Larry Kawa

11-1-20 Bill Kathman

**11-1-20 ALL SAINTS DAY** Terry Eurek


Throughout the month of November, our

Book of Remembrance will be displayed by

the baptismal font and Easter Candle. You

are invited to write the names of your de-

ceased family members and friends in this

book. They will be remembered in prayer during the Pray-

ers of the Faithful (petitions) at our weekend Masses.

The Knights of Columbus

and the St. Vincent de

Paul Society have

teamed up this year to

collect and provide coats

and other winter clothing

for children in the Omaha

area. St. Wenceslaus

parishioners will be able

to participate through this weekend (October 31st/

November 1st) by bringing new or good used coats, mit-

tens, caps, scarves etc. to the foyer of church and placing

in the blue barrel.

The Coat Give Away will be November 7


at St. Peter's

Church. Thank you for helping us keep our children warm

this winter.


How can I be a more faithful citizen?

Select one of the many prayers developed by the USCCB

and pray for the upcoming election.

How can I grow in my imitation of Christ?

Watch this short (6 1/2-minute) video message from Pope

Francis to the Social Doctrine Festival participants that re-

flects on the power of “presence.”

How can I unite myself more fully and spiritually with

people around the world?

Join Pope Francis in praying for an end to this current pan-


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Pella Windows & Doors of Omaha & Lincoln Greg Boulay, St. Wenceslaus

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