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Style, Voice and Language in Creative Writing

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Letting Your Imagination Run Away With You: Style, Voice and Language in Creative Writing with Natasha Lester

Letting Your Imagination Run Away With You:

Style, Voice and Language in Creative Writingwith Natasha Lester


• Natasha Lester

• Award winning author of 3 novels - almost 4

• Do a lot of teaching of creative writing courses for schools, libraries, writers centres etc

Today’s Session• On Writing for Joy

• Getting Rid of the Rubbish

• The Link Between Style, Voice and Language

• Atmospherics: Using Voice and Language to Create a Fictional World that Feels Real

• Writing Exercise & Discussion

• Visualisation and imagination exercise

• Wrap-up: The Link Between Imagination, Joy, Voice and Style

On Writing for Joy

• My story about finding the joy in writing and why it’s so crucial

• It’s hard to write well when it’s forced

• The idea of today is to try to remember the writing a story should make us feel as good as listening to/reading/watching a story

Getting Rid of the Rubbish

• Mostly the good stuff isn’t the first stuff we sit down to write

• But if we only let out the stuff on top (the sh***y first draft) then it’s hard to find the joy

• The key is to let out the stuff on top first as a warm-up so you can unearth the good stuff sitting underneath

Getting Rid of the Rubbish

• 2 methods:

• Writing prompts

• Diary method/free-writing

• Let’s try both

Getting Rid of the Rubbish

• Writing Prompt

• The event that started it all …

• Free writing/diary method

• Write down everything that is in your head right now, even if it’s just the colour of the carpet. The important thing is to keep going for 5 minutes.

We’ve Emptied the Rubbish

• This is an important method to encourage students to use

• I use it

• It can seem like a waste because the words might not be used

• But it helps make the first draft of the actual writing task much stronger

The Link Between Style Voice and Language


STYLELanguage Language

Style and Voice• Style - is the way in which a writer naturally

expresses themselves, their instinctive tendencies when they put pen to paper. Style is usually consistent over a body of work.

• ie funny, present tense, dark, short sentences, poetic, descriptive

• you’ll probably see that your students have some stylistic tendencies that come naturally to them

• the trick is to help them discover those; to write like themselves rather than like someone else

For example• Tim Winton’s style is down to earth,

short sentences, spare/pared back, landscape, Australian accented, the sea, dry humour

• This is true no matter what he writes i.e. memoir and fiction

• It’s hard to imagine him writing something as rich and full as Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things - it’s not his style

Style and Voice• Voice is the sound of a story. (story specific)

• It’s how your style comes out in that particular book

• Voice is when the story speaks and the page falls away. Language is the way in which this comes out.

• Voice is influenced by your natural style (it’s the way you express your style) - if you tend to be more lyrical in your style, the voice of each story you write is likely to be lyrical too

• Voice can change from book to book but your overall style remains relatively consistent

• ie the voice in Tim Winton’s memoir is more intimate and confessional than in his fiction

Style and Voice• Your story won’t have a strong and distinctive voice

if you don’t try to develop our style - it will just be a string of words on a page and won’t engage the reader

• It’s hard to develop a style without reading

• We are natural imitators and this isn't a bad thing

• It’s hard to develop a style without writing lots of different things

• Writers who don’t read and write and develop a style will find it hard to create a voice for their story

• Then you’ll have words on a page, but no magic

Style and Voice

• The keys to developing style and voice are:

• reading widely

• writing a lot

• experimenting

• being prepared to try something that doesn’t work out

• having fun

In the Classroom

• Imitation exercises

• Try out different styles of writing without the pressure of having these marked -the prospect of succeeding/failing can stifle experimentation

• Get the students to seek out books with distinctive voices and ask them to bring them in and discuss (identifying voice helps you to write with a voice)

Imitation Exercise• Dorothea Brande

• The Night Circus

• Start an exercise with the following:

• The ….. arrives without warning

• What will you use? circus, season, person, bakery, baby

• Winter arrives without warning. No rains precede it, no cool evenings or breezy days, no predictions by weather forecasters. It is bitterly and suddenly there, when yesterday it was not.


• Read aloud to a partner so they can hear it

• Which phrases/sentences/word choices do they like?

• Which parts “sing” to them?


• Let’s work on the language elements of voice

• We’re going to build on what we’ve just done and play around with voice and language by trying to create a fictional world that, no matter how outrageous it is, feels real

What is Atmosphere?

• The quality in a work of art which produces a predominant mood or impression (Macquarie Dictionary)

• Dani Shapiro

• Atmospherics is about capturing astonishment, about capturing breathless wonder

Voice and Atmospherics

• The Night Circus and A Kiss from Mr Fitzgerald opening pages - these are both circuses of a kind

• Describe the voice in The Night Circus?

• mystical, magical, mysterious, commanding, a little frightening even

• Describe the voice in A Kiss from Mr Fitzgerald?

• confident, bold, lively

Voice and Atmospherics

• What draws you in?

• Voice, setting, character, something else?

Simile and Metaphor

• Working with similes and metaphor (any figurative language) is a great way to develop voice

• It’s also a great way to experiment

• And it can be fun

Similes and Metaphor• The Night Circus:

• A soft noise like a kettle about to boil for tea (the hiss of the lights)

• small lights begin to flicker as though the entirety of the circus is covered in particularly bright fireflies

• more firefly-like lights flicker to life

• you can smell caramel wafting through the evening breeze like a subtle sweetness at the edges of the cold

• a sea of shuffling feet

Similes and Metaphor• the sound of the dollar bills that Ziegfeld would

flick into her hand at the end of the night, like a baccarat dealers at a high stakes table

• the money was splashed around like whiskey

• she got a feeling like an itch at the corner of her eye

• a battalion of men

• transformed Thomas into the cat’s whiskers

What is Your Circus?

• A party

• A theatre

• An actual circus

• An office

• A house

• ???

First …(No Similes Yet)• What would your circus:

• Look like - men in dinner suits, girls in leotards, red velvet stage curtains

• Sound like - whistles, clapping, cheering, singing, music

• Smell like - whiskey, sex, hairspray

• Taste like - the chemical taste of 1920s lipstick, the whiskey shot from backstage

• Feel like - soft chairs, hot under stage lights, itchy sequins

Now …• Choose 5 of the things from your senses list

• Try to craft a simile to describe them

• Try to write 3 similes for each (remember, you need to get rid of the rubbish first, your first idea is probably a cliche)

• ie the the hot lights made her lipstick melt like candle wax, the theatre smelt like a Tenderloin nightclub on a date with a cheap hair salon

• be outrageous - have fun

• you should end up with at least 15 similes

• Share your favourite with us

Making a world feel real …

• A world feels real when it’s been described with figurative language in such a way that we can imagine it

• The descriptions are fresh, unusual, concrete, able to be visualised by the reader

• And the voice is a part of that; it draws you in

• You might find that you’re beginning to express your voice in your similes

• It’s a great exercise to get a feel for voice

Making a world feel real• Now you’re going to describe your circus from


• So we’re doing it from the POV of an omniscient narrator, rather than a character. Try to leave he/she/I out of it. Just describe.

• If I took the roof off the theatre or off the big top, what would I see?

• You might like to incorporate some of your similes

• You might like to think about each of the 5 senses

Making a world feel real • Consider:

• who can you see, both performers and audience

• what do they look like, what are they wearing, what are they doing

• what do the surrounds look like, the theatre, the tent

• what sounds can be heard, what aromas can be smelt

• what’s the weather/temperature like

Share in partners

• Read out a section (or the whole thing) to somebody else - please read aloud for voice

• How would your partner describe the voice of the piece?

• How does the piece make them feel -scared, happy, excited, tense

Let’s really go deep

• Put down your pens

• Listen and imagine

A walk-through• Now you need to write about what your person

did and what they saw.

• Describe their walk-through of the circus

• But also, describe how what they see makes them feel - frightened, exhilarated, curious

• Start with the sentence: “how did I get here?”

• This sentence can imply fear, resignation, excitement, so many emotions.

• Use your similes.


• Share with the same partner

• Which one did they like best?

Pulling it all together • You need to imagine so that you can write - the

visualisation helps us enormously to be able to describe a scene

• Imagine if I’d just come in at the start and asked you to write me a scene about a circus?

• Figurative language is one of the best ways to find our voice and our style

• It’s also a fun thing to play around with - it makes us see the possibilities of language rather than the ordinary way we mostly use it

• Imagining scenes from different perspectives i.e. up high versus a walk-through enables us to see differently

Pulling it all together • When the writing is fun, it shows to the reader

• Enjoyable writing makes for enjoyable reading

• Starting small i.e. a simile exercise builds confidence and creates a sense of playfulness

• Breaking a large task down i.e. write about a circus into smaller parts allows us to experiment

• In experimentation, we find our voice and, often, the joy of writing
