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Submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the Undergraduate Degree

(S1) in English Education











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The Thesis entitled “Teachers’Strategies in Teaching Speaking by Using Online Media at SMA N

11 Kota Jambi” on:

Day : Friday

Date : November 26th, 2021

Time : 09.00 – 10.00 WIB

Name : Fina Maryati

Place : Online (Aplikasi Zoom)

Student’s Number : 205172797

Title : “Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Speaking by Using Online Media at

SMA N 11 Kota Jambi”

Has been improved as the result of thesis defense above and has been accepted as part of

the thesis endorsement requirements.

No Name Signature Date

1. Dr.Muhammad Taridi, M.Pd



Monday, 3rd January


2. Reni Andriani, S.S., M.Pd



Tuesday, 11th January


3. Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd


(Examiner 1)

Monday, 10th January


4. Edi Rozal, M.Pd


(Examiner 2)

Monday, 10th January


5. Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Pd.I

NIP.19741229 2003 121002

(Advisor 1)

Monday, 17th January


6. Uyun Nafiah Ms, M.Pd

NIP.19880627201503 006

(Advisor 2)

Monday, 10th January


Dean Education and Teacher Training Faculty the State of Islamic Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Dr. Hj.Fadlilah, M.Pd

NIP. 196707111992032004


Advisor 1 : Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Pd.I

Advisor 2 : Uyun Nafiah Ms, M.Pd

Adress : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training The

Islamic State of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

After reading and making some necessary corrections, we

agree that thesis entitled “Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching

Speaking by Using Online Media at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi” by

Fina Maryati, TE.205172797, English Education Program is approved

for thesis defense as partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain

undergraduate degree (S1) at English Education Study Program

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at The Islamic State

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

So, we submit it in order to be received well. We appreciate

your attention. May this thesis be a great benefit for the religion and


Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Advisor I

Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Pd.I



Advisor 1 : Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Pd.I

Advisor 2 : Uyun Nafiah Ms, M.Pd

Adress : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training The

Islamic State of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

After reading and making some necessary corrections, we

agree that thesis entitled “Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching

Speaking by Using Online Media at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi” by

Fina Maryati, TE.205172797, English Education Program is approved

for thesis defense as partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain

undergraduate degree (S1) at English Education Study Program

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at The Islamic State

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

So, we submit it in order to be received well. We appreciate

your attention. May this thesis be a great benefit for the religion and


Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Advisor 2

Uyun Nafiah Ms, M.Pd

NIP. 19880627201503 006



I am Fina Maryati stated that this final project is entitled teachers’ strategies in

teaching speaking by using online media in academic year (2021-2022) is my own

work and has not been submitted in any form to another degree or diploma at any

university or other higher education institution.Information obtained from the

published and unpublished works of others recognizable in the text and a list of

references is attached in the reference. As a certain part of my thesis that i have

quoted from other people's work, I have written the source clearly in accordance

with the rules, norms, and ethics of scientific writing. If a part of the thesis is

found that is not my own work or there is an indication of plagiarism in a certain

part, I am willing to accept the consequences in accordance with the applicable

terms and conditions. Therefore, in writing this statement, I am in good condition

and in good health.

Jambi, October 2021


Fina Maryati




First of all, i would like to express my deepest praises and thanks to Allah SWT,

the almighty, the lord of universe who has given me health, strenght, opportunity,

and bessing in finishing the thesis. Peace and Salutation beupon to prophet

Muhammad SAW, the role model and the one who brings us to light future.

The most prestigious thanks and love for the one who never let me, my family,

my mother, Sumirah, my father, Alm Selamat Tamurja, my step father Untung,

my beloved brothers Sukardi, Ponijo, and Hadi Suseno.

My great apprecition goes to my advisors; Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Pd.I and Uyun

Nafiah Ms, M.Pd, for the all of helps and guidance in prepering and finishing my

thesis. My gratefulls thanks are dressed to all lecturers of English Language

Education Program as well.

Also my special thanks are dedicated to the one who always support mein high

and low, to dreamers, Aulia Deviani, Nurdiana Holida, Umi Astuti, Yuni

Qalbuniah and all my classmates in PBI D 2017. And also my senior high school

friend Rumi Yani who always support me. May Allah bless and reward them for

all the good things they have done.

Last, my special and big thank to myself, the one who is strong, never give up to

finish this thesis. I am so proud of you Fina.

The research realise that this thesis is lack of perfection. Therefore, constructive

critisim and suggestions are expected for the sake of future improvement.

Jambi, 3 November 2021

The Writer


Fina Maryati


لى ادع يل إ ب ك س ب ة ر م ك ح ال ة ب عظ و م ال ة و ن حس ال م ه ل اد ج وتي ال ي ب ن ه حس أ ن بك إ م ه و ر ل ع ن أ ل بم ن ض ه ع يل ب س

ه و م و ل ع ين أ د ت ه م ال ب“Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with

them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed

from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided.”




In the name of Allah, the almighty and the most merciful, praise and

gratitude Alhamdulillah for the healthyness, strengthness and this thesis can be

resolved with the peace and blessins on the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family

and all of his followers.

The writing of this thesis is entitled “Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching

Speaking by Using Online Media at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi”. This thesis made

to fulfill of the requirements to get a Bachelor’s degree in the Department of

English Education. Faculty of Tarbiyah Teacher Training at the State Islamic

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

In the process of writing this thesis, the researcher received much advices,

contributions from many people who ca not be enumerated especially from my

advisors Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Pd.I as first advisor and Uyun Nafiah MS, M.Pd as

my second advisor. They are means a lot for me, because they they very patience

to guide me, give me a lot advice, motivation. Next, this secces would not be

attained without supports, gudance, helps, encourage from individual and State

Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Ssifuddin Jambi. The researcher would like

to say:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Su’aidi, MA., Ph.D. The rector of the State Islamic University

of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Prof. Dr. Hj. Fadlilah, M.Pd as Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teacher Training.

3. Prof.Dr. Risnita, M.Pd., Dr. Najmul Hayat,, M.Pd.I, Dr. Yusria,M.Ag as

vice dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training.

4. Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd as the chairwoman of English Education Program.


5. The headmaster of Senior High School at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi who has

permitted to conduct research.

6. And English teachers of Senior High School at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi

who helps me in collecting the data.

Finally, this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and

information to the readers, and the researcher ia pleased to accept more

suggestion and contribution from the readers for the improvement of this


Jambi, 3 November 2021


Fina Maryati




Name : Fina Maryati

Major : English Education Department

Title : Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking by Using Online


This study aims to describe or explain the strategies in teaching speaking

by using online media in online class for foreign language teacher’s at SMA N 11

Kota Jambi. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach. Technique

of the data collection used in this research is observation and interview. The

subject of this research is the 11th grade English teachers at SMA N 11 Kota

Jambi. The result of this study shows in the teaching speaking through online, the

online media is used in teaching speaking is google meet because the teachers be

able to monitor the students directly and also there is interaction between them

and also the teachers at 11th grade have used 2 strategies in teaching speaking by

using online media, they were: Asking Question and Code-Switching.

Keywords: Teaching speaking, speaking strategies, online media



Nama : Fina Maryati

Jurusan: Tadris Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Strategi- Strategi Guru Dalam Mengajar Berbicara dengan Menggunakan

Media Online

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan strategi-strategi

didalam mengajar bicara dengan menggunakan media online didalam kelas untuk

guru bahasa asing di SMA N 11 Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini diadakan dengan

menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan

didalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dan wawancara. Subjek dari penelitian ini

adalah guru Bahasa Inggris kelas sebelas (XI) di SMA N 11 Kota Jambi. Hasil

dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa didalam mengajar bicara melalui online,

media online yang digunakan adalah google meet karena guru dapat memantau

siswa-siswa secara langsung dan juga adanya interaksi diantara siswa-siwa dan

guru dan juga guru-guru kelas sebelas telah menggunakan 2 strategi didalam

mengajar berbicara menggunakan media online, yaitu: Bertanya dan

menggunakan 2 bahasa. Selain itu, media online yang digunakan oleh guru-guru

di SMA N 11 Kota Jambi untuk mengajar berbicara adalah google meet, google

classroom, dan whatsapp.

Kata Kunci: Mengajar berbicara, strategi berbicara, media online



THESIS .................................................................................................................... i

THESIS AGREEMENT/FINALTASK............................................................... ii

ORIGINALLY THESIS STATEMENT ............................................................ iv

DEDICATION ........................................................................................................ v

MOTTO ................................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. vii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... ix

ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. x

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... xi

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1

A. Background of Study .......................................................................... 1

B. Identification of Problem ..................................................................... 4

C. Focus of the Problem ........................................................................... 4

D. Formulation of the Problem ................................................................ 4

E. Objective ofh the Research .................................................................. 5

F. The Significant of the Research .......................................................... 5

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................. 6

A. Concept of Speaking ............................................................................ 6

B. Teaching Speaking ............................................................................. 11

C. Teaching Speaking Strategies ........................................................... 11


D. Teaching Online .................................... ............................................ 11

E. Definition of Online Media ................................................................ 11

F. Online Media For Teaching Speaking ............................................. 12

G. Teaching Speaking Using Online Media .......................................... 14

H. Related Previous Study ...................................................................... 15

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................ 16

A. Research Design ................................................................................. 16

B. Setting and Subject of the Research ................................................. 16

C. Source and Kind of Data ................................................................... 17

D. Technique of Data Collection ............................................................ 18

E. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................... 19

F. Trustworthiness .................................................................................. 20

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING ............................................................. 21

A. Finding ................................................................................................ 21

B. Discussion ............................................................................................ 25

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ....................................... 29

A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 29

B. Suggestion ........................................................................................... 29

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 30

APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 34



Appendix 1 History and Geography SMA N 11 Kota Jambi

Appendix 2 Tacher’s Condition and Student’s at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi

Appendix 3 Organization Structure at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi

Appendix 4 Research Interview Question

Appendix 5 Transcipt of Interview

Appendix 6 Transcipt of Observation

Appendix 7 Interview with Teacher

Appendix 8 Observation in Online Class

Appendix 9 Research Permit

Appendix 10 Conclusion Card

Appendix 11 Curriculum Vitae





A. Background of Study

To be mastered in any language including English, there are four skills to

be mastered, they are : reading,writing,listening and speaking. The most

important one of them is speaking. Mastering speaking is the most important

aspect of learning English and succes in measured in terms of the ability to

carry out the conversation in language. Brown (2004:140) stated that a product

that has creative development such as linguistic strings, the speaker make

choices of lexicon, structure and discourse called speaking.

Speaking is the ability for people to interaction and communication each

other. It is as the way from people who come from different countries to be

comfort making communication and interaction. In addition, according to

Thornbury (2005:1) speaking is part of life which is produce tens of thousands

words or even more. In short speaking is the way of people to express their

feelings to comunnication each other by producing words.

Speaking is one of important skills in English because it used mostly in

daily life. It is generally done by face to face. Through speaking, the people

can express feelings, idea, thought freely and spontaneously.According to

Bailey (n.d:2) we will not stop to analyze speaking because it is elemental of

human attitude until there is noticeable about it. In short, speaking is always

use in daily life to express feelings, idea freely and also it is as an elemental of

human attitude which is we will not stop to analyze anything about the people

feelings and ideas.

Since in the end of 2019, the world have been surprised by virus called

corona virus disease or COVID-19 that found the first time in Hubei, Wuhan,

China. Until now september 2021, across the world there are 234.057.967

million people confirmed cases in 191 countries (WorldMeter:2021). Beside

that, in Indonesia there are 4.211.460 people infected by COVID-19, 791.059

people recovered and 141.709 death (WHO:2021).


When the positive case of COVID-19 increasing every single day, the

goverment decided to change the system some aspects, like goverment,

economy and also education. The president of Indonesia, in March declared to

closing the teaching learning process from elementary school until university

temporaly and do teaching-learning through online

Speaking one of difficult skill to be mastered.. According to Brown

(2003:157) there are five components in speaking which is make it

complicated, such as : comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation,

and fluency (as cited in Ayu S.R. 2018). Since, speaking is kind of difficult

subject to be mastered, the teacher must have strategies in teaching-learning

speaking process. According to Ritson(2019:8) strategy is some short future of

the way doing things. So, teacher strategies are the ways of teachers do and

use to achieve the teaching learning goals and also help the difficulties faced

by students. In other hand, to support the teaching-learning speaking process,

the teacher also need to find out the online media which suitable.The right

online media is used will make the teaching speaking process effective.

There were several previous studies on teacher strategies in teaching

speking by using online media. The first one was done by Arin Arianti,

Nurnaningsih, and Veronika Unun Pratiwi(2018). From this study was found

that using youtube video as the media for teaching speaking make the students

enjoyable. The second research was done by Susanti Malasari(2018). From

this study found an application namely ETALK that has 5 features:

vocabulary,grammar, expression, conversation, and project which is good to

improving students’ speaking. Then the last was done by Rifari Baron(2020).

This study was found that online media the teacher used for teaching speaking

is zoomcloud meetings and hangouts and to make students be able to

interaction and practice their speaking ability.

Based on pre-interview and observation was done at SMA N 11 Kota

Jambi, teaching speaking by using online media is challenging because the

teaching situation is change from offline to online which the teacher need to

use strategy that suitable with the new condition. In the new condition the


teacher need to find the right and suitable strategies to teach speaking during

online class, because the strategies that usually used in offline class might not

suitable to be implementationed in online class. Also the online media is used,

must be support the teaching speaking process through online. In the using of

online media some problems is faced by the teacher. Those are: the stability of

connection, the media is too monotone, and also the teacher can not monitor

the students during online class.

The reasons why the researcher choose SMA N 11 Kota Jambi as the

object of the researcher, based on the researcher pre-observation at SMA N 11

Kota Jambi, the researcher found out that in the teaching speaking at grade 11

in SMA N 11 Kota Jambi used google meet as the online media. In this, the

process of teaching speaking during online class with google meet is effective

because there were interaction between the teacher and students and also the

teacher be able to monitor the students’ speaking skill directly. Before the

researcher decided to choose SMA N 11 as the object the research, the

researcher have been done observation on another school: SMA N 1 Muaro

Jambi and MAN Nurururrodiyah Handil which in these school in the

teaching speaking process, mostly using whatsapp and youtube as the online

media, which there were directly interaction in speaking skills and was not

effective enough to make students speaking during online class.

So, the researcher curious how the teaching-learning speaking process

using google meet as the online media and also how the teachers strategies to

teach speaking using google meet in online class.

B. Identification of the problem

1.Teaching speaking by using online media is challenging for English


C. Focus of the Problem

Related to the identification of the problems above, the researcher limits

the problem by focusing on google meet as the online media that the

teacher uses in teaching speaking at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi.


D. Research Question

1. What strategies are used by the teacher in teaching speaking by using

online media at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi?

2. What are the teacher reasons of using google meet in teaching

speaking ?

E. Research Objective

1. To find out the strategies are used by teacher in teaching speaking by

using online media at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi.

2. To find out the teacher reasons of using google meet in teaching


F. Significance of Study

The researcher hope the result of this research can be as feedback for

senior high school English Teachers’ in due to improve quality of teaching

speaking process by realizing their strategies. Beside that, this research would

expect to provide useful information for the next researcher who wants to have

research in the same field about English teachers’ strategies in teaching

speaking by using online media at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi.




A. Concept of Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one of important skills in English, because it used in

daily life for share information one to another person. According to Bygate

(1987, para.4) speaking is one of skills deserves attention because it is

frequently judged. So, speaking is a skill frequently judge because it is the

way of people to share or get information and used in daily life.

2. The Function of Speaking

The function of speaking is to share information one to another.

According to Richards (2008:19 ) mastering in speaking is a priority for

foreign langauge learners because their succes in language learning bacis

on how much they have improved in spoken. Besides that, speaking also a

tool to do communication which be able to express people’s feelings,

giving message or in another word, it could be said as a thing to do

communication in social life.

Beside that, according to Richards (2008:21-24) there are 3

function of speaking. Those are:

a.Talk as Interaction

Talk as interaction refers to what we usually mean by

“conversation” and describe interaction that is primarily social

in nature. When people meet, they exchange greetings, make

small talk, share recent experiences, and so on.Cause they want

to be friendly and create a comfortable zone interplay with

others. The emphsis is on the speakers and how they wish to be


heard. Rather than focusing on the message, they present

themselves to each other.

b. Talk as Transaction

The term “talk as transaction” refers to situations in which the

emphasis is on what is said or done. The central focus is on the

message and making oneelf understood clearly and accurately,

rather than the participants and how they interact socially with

one another.

c. Talk as Performance

Talk as performance is useful term for the third type of talk that

can be distinguished. This refers to public speaking, or

speaking in front of an audience, such as classroom

presentations, public announcements, and speech.

3. Elements of Speaking

Speaking is one o skill that important to study. It is because it is

use in daily life. In speaking there are some elements that we need to

know: those are, grammar, fluenty, vocabularies, and also pronunciation.

a. Grammar

According to Webster (1996:275) grammar is the set of rules

that explain how words are used in language. To use language

in English there are some rules. In English there are tenses. So

when speak in English they need to pay attention to the tenses

they use so the listener would understand what the speaker say.

b. Fluenty

Fluenty is the way people speak with no doubt about what the

speaker going to say.Fluenty also when the speaker be able to

use language easily and rarely of pause like “erm”, “umm”

which show that the speaker mastering the language.


c. Vocabularies

Vocabulary is the word that the speaker choose when they want

to express what on their mind.Vocabulary is consist of content

word such as:noun,adjective, adverb and function words such

as preposotion,conjuction,article and pronoun.

d. Pronunciation

According to Harmer (1998:50) there are 3 parts in

pronunciation such as : sounds, stress, pitch and

intonation.Sounds is individual sound is make from words,

stress is part of word or phrasethat speaker need to increase the

volume or changes the pitch of their voice. Pitch is the level

way you speak, high or low and intonation is the way we

change the pitch in order to give or get certain meaning.

4. Basic Types of Speaking Performence

In his book “ Languagge Assesment Principles and Classroom

Practices”, Brown stated that “ there are 5 basic types of speaking.

(2004:141-142). Those are :

a. Imitative

This category is types of speaking performence which imitating

the word or phrase or possibly a sentence. The important thing

here is focusing in pronunciation.

b. Intensive

Intensive is one of speaking performance which practicing

some phonological language and grammatical.

c. Responsive

Responsive includes simple task interaction and test

comprehension with limited level. Example : brief


conversations, standard greetings and small talks, simple

request and comments.

d. Interactive

Interactive speaking is more complexity of the instruction,

sometimes includes multiple exchanges and participants to

exchanging specific information or interpersonal exchanges.

e. Extensive (Monologue)

Extensive is highly limited because the language style is more

deliberative. Example of extensive task is speech, oral

presentations, and story telling.

5. Micro and MacroSkills of Speaking

According to Brown (2004:142-143) speaking consist of micro and

macro skills. Micro skills refer to produce the smaller chunks of language

such as phonemes, morphomes, words, collocations, and phrasal units. The

macro skills speaker’s focus on fluency, discourse, function, style,

cohesion, nonverbal communication, and strategic options. There are 16

objectives micro and macro in assesing speaking.

a. Micro Skills

1. Produce differences among English phonemes and allophonic variants.

2. Produce chunks of language of different lengths.

3.Produce English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed

positions, ryhthmic structure, and intonations contours.

4.Produce reduced forms of words and phrases.

5.Use an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish

pragmatic purposes.

6.Produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery.


7.Monitor one’s own oral production and use various strategic devices

pauses, fillers, self-corrections, backtracking to enhance the clarity of the


8.Use grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc.), system (e.g., tense,

agreement, pluralization), word order, patterns, rules, and elleptical forms.

9.Produce speech in natural constituents: in appropriate phrases, pause

groups, breath groups, and sentence constituents.

10.Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

11.Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

b.Macro Skills

12.Appropriately accomplish communicative functions according to

situations, participants, and goals.

13.Use appropriate styles, registers, implicature, redundancies, pragmatic

conventions, conversation rules, floor-keeping and-yielding, interrupting,

and other sociolinguistic features in face to face conversations.

14.Convey links and connections between events and communicate such

relations as focal and peripheral ideas, events and feelings, new

information and given information, generalization and exemplification.

15.Convey facial features, kinesics, body language, and other non verbal

cues along with verbal language.

16.Develope and use battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing

key words. Reprhasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of

words, appealing for help, and accurately assesing how well your

interlocutor is understanding you


B. Teaching Speaking

The important of teaching speaking is to help students to improve their

ability in speaking English. According to Nunan (1998:39) mastering the art of

speaking is the most important in learning a language.

Teaching speaking in the researcher’s opinion is very important. Through

speaking students be able to express their idea, feelings, and opinion and also to

communicate with another person. Besides that, through insteresting way in

teaching speaking be able to make students more active in teaching-learning


C. Teaching Speaking Strategies

Speaking is one of difficult subject that need to mastered by all of English

students. Speaking is a way for communication one to nother person. To make

students be able to speak in English, the teacher need a strategy to make them

speaking in English. According to Brown (2007:322) there are some strategies to

make students be able to communicate in oral way:

a.Asking for clarification (what?)

b.Asking someone to repeat something (excuse me?)

c.Getting someone’s attention (hey, say, so)

d.Using fillers (i mean, well) in order to gain time to process

e.Using pharaphrases for structures one can not produce

D. Online Teaching

According to Lamy and Hampel (2007:61-74) there are some aspects that

the teacher need while teaching online. Those are :

1. Teachers’ roles and skills

a. The teacher as fasilitator


The teacher facilitating, helps and guides the students in teaching learning


b. Skills for online tutor

In online teaching the tutor need to identify strategies, technique to help

students. Also the teacher should teach creatively and also competent to

use technology.

2. Teaching online through collaboration, task based and problem-based


a. Collaboration

Collaboration means the learners achieve the goals by working together

rather than with the teacher.

b. Task-Based learning

Task-based learning is a concept that design for teaching and learning so,

the students be able to exchange linformation via written/ or oral.

c. Problem-based learning

The teacher plays as facilitating and helps students to solve and find the

solution based on the problem that the teacher has given or by source.

3. The teacher as reflective practitioner

It is important because the teacher as reflective practitioner be able to

share their experince to the students.

E.Definition of Online Media

According to Global dictionary (nd) Online media is a technology to get

information by using the internet. Futhermore, M. Romly A.S said that media

online is mass media which available as online in internet website. So, online

media is a media that use by using internet. Through online media, teaching


learning proses become funnier and makes students will not be bored while

learning. Besides that, because the online media the teacher be able to make

creative way while teaching speaking, and also be able to make students think that

English is not difficult subject.

F. Online Media For Teaching Speaking

1. Google Meet

Google meet is one of communication video which is created by

google. In google meet the teacher and students be able to do teaching

learning process by communcation each other through video. This is very

effective because there is interaction between the teacher and students.

Especially in teaching speaking it is one of good media, because teacher

can guide the students to speak in English eventhough they are not in the

same place. Using google meet is similar with zoom. All of the students be

able to join the meeting with the link that the teacher have given to them.

2. Google Classroom

According to Bell (2015) Google classroom is application to help

students and teacher to communicate,collaborate, organize and manage

assignments and design for education. In google classroom teacher be able

to upload video, assigment and also the students be able to see the score

that the teacher have been given for the all assigments they have done.And

also to use this application is effortless because it is be able on every

mobile phone. The teacher just need to make room class and the the

students be able to join in that room with the code class that the teacher

have shared. Through google classroom, teaching learning process become


3. Whatsapp

Whatsapp is messaging app that let the users make video and voice

calls, aend messages and share their status. Whatsapp uses the phone


celluler or WiFi to connection to facilitate messaging and voice calling to

nearly anyone on the planet or in a group like family, school or even work.

Whatsapp can be used in teaching speaking because the students

and the teacher be able to send voice message and video call too. But

using video call fitur is limited, because it is only allow for 8 participant.

G. Teaching Speaking Strategy Using Online Media

The teaching-learning process during covid-19 era is done through online.

For English teacher, to faced this situation they need to teach English using online

media.In teaching speaking skills, they need to find the online media that suitable

to support the teaching-learning process. There are a lot online media that can be

used to support teaching speaking skills such as: google meet, google classroom,

whatsapp and etc. Beside that there are some strategies that can be apply in

teaaching speaking by using online media. Those are:


Quesioning is one of way for teaching speaking. Qusioning is important in

the teaching-learning process, especially in teaching speaking. Dillon, JT.

Stated that both formal and informal educational procedures rely heavily

on questions and questioning. They are the means by which a youngster

displays his or desire tio understand the world around them, and are also

the means by which a teacher determines wether or not a child has

digested something properly(2004).


Code Switching occurs when a speaker alternates between two or more

languages in the context of a single conversation or situation. It helps

multilingual speakers to deliver information in speaking, because the

speaker use elements of multiple language when conversing with each

other. According to Valdes Fallis G (1978) code switching is on a word,


phrase, clause, or sentence level, code switching is described as the

alternating usage of two language.

H. Previous Study

There are some previous study that related on this research as following:

First, the research study was written by Arianti, Nurnaningsih and Pertiwi

(2018) conducted “A Media For Teaching Speaking Using Youtube Video”. This

research aimed to the using of video on youtube for teaching speaking is suitable

for cooperative learning. Video is the best way to develope the students’ skills of

iniative, communication, problem-solving that they must work teams or


Second, the research study was written by Hariani and Narius (2014)

entitlee is “Teaching Speaking Through Voice Chat By Using Headphone as a

Media in Junior High School”. This research aimed to the using voice chat is very

effective to improve the students speaking skills, because this media make the

students to be active. If the students being passive the activities can not be


Third Baron (2020) make the research about “ Students’ Perception on

Online Application in Speaking Skills”. This study aimed the online media that

teacher use for teaching speaking is zoom and hangouts so the students be able to

practice their speaking skills each other.

From some studies above, there is difference from the new studies in this

study. In this study the researcher wants to analyze google meet as one of online

media that used by the teacher in teaching speaking through online. And the

research will be sampled from teachers at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi.




A. Research Design

In this reseach the researcher use qualitative research. According to

Creswell (2009:4) qualitative research is a method for insvestigating and

comprehending the significance that individuals or groups ascribe to a social or

human problem. The design of this research is qualitative descriptive with

qualitatve approach. This study employs a qualitatve approach. It means that the

reseacher is attempting to deduce the meaning of a phenomenon from the

perspectives of participant. One of the most important aspects of gathering data in

this manner is observing participants’ behaviours while engaging in their activites.

The descriptive research was conducted in this study in an online class, and the

main goals of this research is to collect and accumulate the basic in a descriptive

manner. It describe the phenomena that occur in online teaching speaking class

with online media.

B. Setting and Subject of the Research

1. Research Place

The setting of this research is at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi. It is located at

road Sersan Anwar Bay, Bagan Pete, South Jambi,Jambi city.

2.Research Subject

In this research, the subject of the research is the English teachers of

Eleven Grade Senior High School at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi. The total of

the research subjects was 3 English teachers.


C. Source and Kind of Data

1. Source of Data

Source of the data are the subject of research that can provide the desired

data by the researcher: Source of the dta in this study are as follows:

a)English teachers’ at grade Eleventh of SMA N 11 Kota Jambi

2. Kind of Data

a.Primary Data

In this research, the researcher got the primary data from the teacher at

SMA N 11 Kota Jambi. According to Sugiono(2010) primary data is the

data that taken directly from respondent. Primary data in this study consist


1) Data from interview relating to the teacher’s strategies in teaching

speaking by using online media in eleventh grade at SMA N 11 Kota


2) Data from observation relating to the process of teaching speaking by

using online media in eleventh grade at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi.

3) Data regarding the result of interview with the teachers strategies in

the process of teaching speaking by using online media.

D. Technique of Data Collection

1. Interview

The data were collected from interview. The researcher identify

teachers’ strategies in teaching speaking by using online media.. The

researcher recorded all of the data and make transcript of the data. Next

researcher read carefully and analyze data that had been

transcribed.According to Cresswell (2010:190), the researcher ask some

question to know participant’s view and opinion done face to face.


Before conducting interview the researcher prepared interview

protocol. According to Cresswell, (2010:244) a form to record and write

down information during interview called interview protocol. The

researcher used structured interview. In the structured interview the

reseacher already prepared the interview questions. The researcher was

used interview for this research to know what the English teachers’

strategies in teaching speaking by using online media and what kind of

online media the teacher use to teach speaking. After that, the participants

was interviewed about 7-10 minutes.

2. Observation

According Latief M.A (2015:79) observation is one of technical

gathering data , which uses usual sense to record and make sure the

information. The researcher prepared tools that can be used for

observation by using field note and recorded to get a lot information about

what the teacher strategies in teaching speaking by using online media. In

this research, the researcher used participant observation which means the

researcher join directly as the participant in the class during the teaching-

learning process. This observation is done directly so the researcher will

know what the strategies that the teacher uses while teaching speaking by

using online media.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Miles and Huberman (2014) there are some methids to analyse data

in qualitative research. Those are:

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction means summarizing,selecting main points, focusing on

things that are important. In data reduction, the researcher classifies,

analysis the sharpens, directs and remove unnecesarry data and

organize the data to get conclusions. In data reduction, the researcher

can creat summary data, coding and finding themes based on the


observation and interview that have done. In this step, the researcher

obtain the data from observation and interview with the teachers,

which show how the teacher startegies in teaching speaking by using

online media. Also, the required data is entered while irrelevant data is

not used.

2. Data Display

In data display, the researcher collect the relevant data as the

information that can be conclude and has certain meaning. And also in

this step, the researcher connecting these phenomena to understand

what actually happen and what needs to be follow up to achieve the

research goals. In this step, the process of the data display is

presentation with form of narrative text. After that, the researcher

displayed the data with an essay which commonly used in the

qualitative research.

3. Drawing Conclusion

The last step is drawing conclusions and verication. Drawing

conclusions is a step to consider what the analysis data means and to

asses the implications for the questions. In this step, the researcher

begin to see what is on the data. The reseacher entries the same codes

that found on finding, and then the reseacher begin to make a meaning

by connecting the code. In drawing conclusion, after connecting the

code, the researcher generalize it. The conclusion in in qualitative

research is in the form of description of the object of this study. So,

the researcher can get the result and conclusion of the research. In last

step the reseacher verification the transcibed data that appear about the

process of teaching strategies in teaching speaking by using online

media at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi.

F. Trustworthiness


In this study, data trigulation used by the researcher to verify the

findings.Trigulation is a multi-method carried out by researchers in science, data

collection and analysis Walidin (2015:139). Trigulation has also been used as

qualitative analysis technique for evaluating the validity by converging various

sources of knowledge.The data trigulation for this study was done by analyzing

the English teacher in teaching speaking by using online media.





In this part, the researcher previously conducted the research to gain the

data of the teachers’ strategies in teaching speaking by using online media. The

researcher found this findings by conducting the interview with 3 English

teachers at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi on and also the researcher did the observation

during the learning process on at class XI IPA 1, XI IPA2, XI IPS 2 and XI IPS 3.

The findings of this research were what the teacher strategies in teaching speaking

using online media.The following of the research can be divided into two findings

as following:

1.Strategies in Teaching Speaking

In this research, based on the result of interview and observation the researcher

got some data about the strategies that the teacher used in teaching speaking by

using online media, which will be detailed below:


Questioning is one of the strategies that the teacher used in the teaching

speaking process because it is more effective used during the online teaching

process. The questioning aims for the students to be able speaking in English

because the students will speak in English if the teacher start the conversation first

by asking question to them. Beside that questioning also make the students more

active to speak in speaking class. This statement is reinforced from the results of

interview that the researcher has conducted with 3 of the English teachers:

“The strategies i used to teach speaking is asking the students questions. Asking

questions help the students to speak in English, because they will speak if i asked

them first (Teacher 1)”


This statement also conveyed by another English teacher who also used

questioning startegy because it could be considered to make the students speaking

in English:

“The one of startegies i used to teach speaking is questioning. I asked questions

and the students to to answer it. It can be regulary questions or about the

material.”(Teacher 2)

Beside that, those statement is also supported by another teacher who used

questioning as the strategies to teach speaking.

“I asking the students question in teaching speaking. I used it to make students

not quite in speaking class.” (Teacher 3).

From the statement conveyed by the first, the second and the third teacher

that used questioning strategy to teach speaking with online media during online

class because they think questioning strategy can be effectively during the

teaching-learning speaking through online. This strategy help the students to

speak in English, because they just answering the questions that the teacher asked

and also they do not start the conversation first so it would make them easier to

speak in English.

After the researcher succeded in interviewing the English teachers as

primary data, the reseacher continued the second step namely observing the class

to see in teaching speaking by using online media. The aim of rsearcher was to

make these observations in order to prove the truth of interview results.

Based on the observation was done at 4th August 2021 at class XI IPA 1.

The researcher write everything that happened in the online teaching speaking

class with field note. English teacher before start the teaching learning process,

she asked students several questions to the student about their feeling “how are

you today”, who did not attend the class “who is absent today”.The teacher gave

question to the students to make them speaking in English. The teacher also asked

the students to give example of suggestion “is there anyone can give me example


of suggestions?” and one of student answer the question and gave the example of

suggestions to the teacher “i am hungry now. Why do not you go to canteen”.

Beside that, the researcher also did observation at XI IPS 2 at 24th August .The

teacher asked quetions to the students about what the opinion means “so, today we

are going to learn about giving opinion. Anybody knows what is giving opinion

means?’’. One of the students answer the question by saying “yes, giving opinion

is telling someone opinion to help him/her”.


Code-switching is another strategies that used by English teachers at SMA

N 11 Kota Jambi based on the interview and observation. Code-switching is one

of the effective strategy because the students be able to mix the word in English

and Bahasa. It help students to speak when they got struggle to deliver their idea

that affect of lack of vocabularies. This statement was conveyed by English

teacher that using code-switching in teaching speaking.

“Another strategy i used in teaching speaking is i let the students mixing the

words with English and Bahasa because not all of students be able to speak fully

English.” (Teacher 1)

Another teacher also used code-switching in teaching speaking. It is related with

the statement from the teacher 1.

“Beside giving questions to the students, when the students got struggle to speak

in English, i told to them to mix the words with English and Bahasa.” (Teacher 2)

After the interview was done, the researcher continued to do observation

to get the data. The observation was done at class XI IPA 2 on 12th August, the

teacher used code-switching to make the students speak in English “we already

learnt about suggestion. Ada yang bisa jelaskan what suggestion means?” . The

teacher used code-switching to make the students understand what she is talking

about. Also one of students giving feedback to the teacher question by saying “

suggestion is memberi saran to someone miss”. Another result of observation has


been done at 26th August 2021 at XI IPS 3 the teacher teach by using code-

switching “oke miss sudah menjelaskan about giving opinion in English.So,

miss akan menanykan secara random kepada kalian to give your opinion to

your friend. I want Ayu give your opinion about Fajar”. The student named Ayu

said “Fajar, i think you harus stop begadang to play mobile legend becauseit

will make you not healthy”, also Fajar give response over Ayu’s opinion about

him by saying “No, i do not begadang every night. But sometimes when school

is holiday or malam minggu”. Here is both Ayu and Fajar use code-switching to

describe or telling the word that they do not know in English with Bahasa. They

mix the language to make them easier to speak what they want to deliver.

Beside the students use code-switching, the teacher at SMA N 11 Kota

Jambi also use code-switching. The teacher use code-switching, to make students

understand what he/she talking about, because not all of the students know every

single words that the teacher say if the teacher speaking fully English.

2.Reasons of Using Google Meet as The Online Media in Teaching Speaking

In this pandemic situation, the teaching learning process is done through

online. In the teaching-learning process through online, online media is used to

make the teaching-learning process easier. SMA N 11 Kota Jambi used google

meet as the online media to support teaching speaking through online, especially

in teaching speaking skills.

This statement was conveyed by the English teacher who used online

media for teaching speaking.

“I used google meet because goole meet is easier the participant join the

meetings with link and also be able to camera, microphone so i can hear their

speaking, their pronunciation directly and monitor them easily.”(Teacher 1)

Another teacher also support the statement. She used goole meet as the online

media to teach speaking skills.


“In google meet i can facetime students, so the teaching-learning process more

effective because there is interaction between the teacher and the students directly

also it is simple because if you do not need to download the app, you can still use

goole meet by click the link: https://meet.google.com/ .” (Teacher 2)

The last teacher English teacher at eleventh grade also used online media to teach


“I used google meet more because the teacher be able to monitor the students

easily and also easy to use because integration with google meet and microsoft

office apps..”(Teacher 3)


In this study, the researcher looked at the strategies that teachers use in

teaching speaking by google meet as the online media. The using of google meet

is really helpfull to support the teaching learning speaking process, which the

teacher be able monitor students and give diretly feedback when the students

make mistake in their speaking.

Speaking is a way to communicate one to other person to give or receive

information. So, in getting students to be able speaking in English, the teachers

use some stratagies to make them speaking in English during online class.Apart

from that, those strategies that mentioned in findings is really help the students to

speak in English.

In the teaching speaking during online class,the one of the strategies they used

is questioning. According to Blosser P.E (2000:2) quesioning is a way to helps

students review, check on and emphasize a point to get the purpose of

information. Using quesioning strategies give a significance role in teaching

speaking at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi. Quesioning is really help students to get the

progress in their speaking skills.In other word quesioning is easier to make

students speaking in English because they just deliver the answer based on

teacher’s questions.


Beside that, questioning strategy can be the one skill that used to achieve the

target language. It is important thing in teaching learning process especially for

foreign language, because by questioning teacher can know if the students

understand or not about the materials. In questioning the teacher also can find out

the students' ability in English. According to Marker and Nielson (1996) prompted

the teacher gifted to incoporete questioning technique so the students will learn

how to clarify, eleborate or clarify their frequently theoritical thought (as cited in

Shaunessy:2005). The teacher will give questions based on their ability. So the

students will be able to speak in English.Also questioning can make the teaching-

learning interactive because there's interaction between the teacher and students.

The interaction showed by the teacher asking the students questions and students

answer it.

Based on the interview and observation, the teachers usually asking them

question like “ How are you today” and then the students will answer “ I am good

and you miss?”. Beside that, the teacher also asking them question about the

material that they will learn today like “Do you know what opinion mean?”, and

some regulary questions like who is absent and could not join the meeting. This is

also in the line with the result of previous study of Ina Daril Hana and Arisandi

Setiawan (2018) the study aims to determine the quesioning strategy in teaching

speaking, and the result of the study concluded quesioning strategy to help the

students be able speaking in English. Also according to Hao Yang (2017) the

study aims to that questioning as a role in English teaching, which one of the

important ways to initiative the communication between the teacher and students.

From some studies above there is the difference with the researcher study. In this

study the questioning strategy was used in the teaching-learning process through


Based on explanation above,the researcher concluded that quesioning is an

effective strategies to make the sudents speaking in English.Questioning helps the

students to speak in English. When the teacher give a questions or several

questions to the students, they will answer that question based on the teacher


questions. So, the students do not to think about the topic or idea to express their

feeling to reach the target language. It makes the students easier to expressing

their English because they just need to deliver the answer in English based on the


2. Code-Switching

In bilingualism, it is realized that two participants will communicate each

other in two languages or called code-switching. Code Switching occurs when a

speaker alternates between two or more languages in the context of a single

conversation or situation. It helps multilingual speakers to deliver information in

speaking, because the speaker use elements of multiple language when conversing

with each other.In that situation there will be some switching activities. This

activity called code-switching. According Alcla (2007:1) code-switching a natural

phenomenon in which two or more languages alternate in bilingual duiscourse,

were traditionally studied orally in. Much attention has been paid to it is form

meaning and grammatical pattern (as cited in Abd.Muin :2011).In the teaching

learning process especially foreign language, the teacher explain about the

material in English, but students might know it or not. So, to make the students

who does not understand, the teacher switch some words into Bahasa to make all

the students understand. Furthermore, students also switch some words into

Bahasa when they communicate one to another to make them understand

everything her/his friend talking about.

In teaching speaking, code-switching can be used as a tool to make an

effective way in teaching English. It is very useful for English leaners and help

them speaking in English easily by mixing the words between Bahasa and English

when they do not know the words in English.Code-Switching is also useful and

helpful in the teaching-learning process especially in speaking skills because it

would fill the bridge of miss comunication between the teacher and the students.

Beside that based on the interview and observation was done by the researcher,


showed that students become more active to speak in English because they know

that they could mix the languange between Bahasa and English.

Therefore code-switching also help the students to express their idea to

communicate between their friends and the teacher in English speaking class.

Some previous study show that Code-Switching is most often used by the teacher

in second language class. (Rahayu T, 2019) as the previous study have to

conducted research at SMP N 1 Sambit Ponorogo in the same way and the cast

found result that code switching is often use in teaching speaking. Another study

conducted by N.P.R Zenitha (2020) the using of code-switching by the teacher to

introduce the habit of using English in the students’ life. It is also the same as the

researcher found at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi, that code-switching makes the

students be able to speak in English. From the studies above the difference with

the reseacher study is the code-switching in this study is used in the teaching

learning process through online by using google meet.




This chapter provides conclusions from the researcher’s and suggestions.

Conclusions are formulated from the problems, while suggestions provide

recommendations for language teachers or other researchers,


After analyzing the data of teacher’s strategies used by teacher in classroom of

the eleventh grade students at SMA 11 Kota Jambi in the academic of 2021/2022.

The researcher conclude:

In teaching speaking by using online media at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi, the

strategies that the teachers used at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi to teach speaking were

questioning and code-switching. Questioning help students to speak because they

just need to answer based on teacher's questions and code-switching make them

easily speak in English because they can mix the words between bahasa and

English. Also google meet as the online media is used at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi

to teach speaking is helpfull to support the teaching speaking skills because it is

easy to use and the participant join the meetings by link, also the user do not need

to download the app but can join directly with the link: https://meet.google.com/

and last it integration with google and microsoft office which save for the users.


There are several suggestions that the researcher give to the English

Teachers or other researchers to give them new knowledge for their major.

1.For Language teacher

The results of this study are expected to be useful for otherd or teachers in

their teaching learning process. As previously mentioned, speaking is one of

difficult subject in learning English, so the teacher need to have strategies to make

the students be able speaking in English. In this research, it can be used as


reference for other langauge teachers to make the class more active, especially in

learning English.

2.For the other researcher

This researcher can be develoved by the next researcher that are interested in

doing research about speaking.

3.For Students

Students should have to try apply the strategies to improving their speaking skills.



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Appendix 1 Geography and History of SMA N 11 Kota Jambi

A. Geography and History

SMA N 11 Kota Jambi is the one of senior high school in Jambi

city, Jambi Province was founded in 1997. SMA N 11 Kota Jambi is

located at Jl. Sersan Anwar Bay, Bagan Pete, Alam Barajo. In the

beggining of constraction this school had 6 classes that built by the

goverment and had several teachers.

Here the data of headmaster of SMA N 11 Kota Jambi

1. Ir. Anwar Syahbuddin (1997-2003)

2. Badmiril, S.Pd (2003-2005)

3. Nur Hamid Hadi, S.Pd (2005-2011)

4. Drs. Zul Asri, M.Pd (2011-2013)

5. Dra. Hj. Evariana, M.Pd.I (2013-2016)

6. H. Arthur, S.Ag, S.Pd (2016-2018)

7. Irwansyah, S.Pd., M.Pd.I (2018-2020)

8. Drs. Hafrial, M.Pd (2020-now)

Teachers’ and Students Condition at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi

Table 1. The Teacher’s Conditions of SMA N 11 Kota Jambi Academic Year


Number Teacher’s Name Graduated Subject the Teacher

1. Drs. Hafrial, MP.d S2 Economic/Accountancy

2. Yohafrinal, S.Pd, M.Pd S2 Physics

3. Yusmaniar, M.Pd S2 Counseling

4. P. Rumahorbo, S.Pd S1/A.4 Counseling

5. Anselmus Gita Utama, S.Pd S1/A.4 Biology

6. Sri Utami,S.Pd S1/A.4 English

7. Rita Rusli, S.Pd S1/A.4 English

8. Fauzah Agus, S.Pd S1/A.4 Matematika

9. Dra. Aneta S1/A.4 Indonesian/Literature Art

10. Rismayati,S.Pd,M.Si S2 Mathematics

11. Maini Efita, S.Pd S1/A.4 Counseling

12. Arpeni Yulianda,S.Pd S1/A.4 Pkn

13. Milawati, S.Pd S1/A.4 Economic/


14. Febri Masda, S.Pd S1/A.4 Phydics

15. Dra. Soryantini S1/A.4 Geography

16. Dra. Leni Nefrida S1/A.4 Sociology/Geography

17. Siti Barorah, S.Pd S2 Chemical and


18. Rossiana, S.Pd S1/A.4 Chemical

19. Swit Hermita Irianti, S.Pd S1/A.4 Economic/Entrepreneurshi


20. Jusna Betlywarti, S.Pd S1/A.4 Mathmatics

21. Irawati Usman, S.Pd. M.Pd S2 English

22. Masagus Riza Fahlevi, S.Pd S1 English

23. Firman Pahala Tua, S.Pd S1 Economic

24. Drs.Saenun S1/A.4 Mathmatics

25. Erista Nuria Shanti, S.Pd S1/A.4 Mathmatics

26. Nopeli Zasma, S.Pd S1/A.4 Counseling

27. Fitrah Deswita, S.Ag S1/A.4 Islamic Education

28. Nurhayati,S.Ag S1/A.4 Islamic Education

29. Kumala Dwi Septiani, S.Pd S2 National History

30. Reni Julianti, S.Pd S1 Biology/ Entrepreneurship

31. Reminovita S, S.Pd, M.Pd S2 Sports

32. Megawaty S, S.Pd S1 Indonesian

33. Rida Novrida, S.Pd, M.Si S2 Mathematics

34. Yusrita, S.Si S1 Physics

35. Rizanti Hastiarani, S.Pd S1 Indonesian

36. Dra.Hirim P.D. Simatupang S1/A.4 Indonesia/ Literature Art

37. Sriwiyanti, S.Kom, M.Kom S2 Information and



38. Iqlima Nabila, S.Pd S1 Chemical

39. Fransiska Simatupang, S.Pd S1 Chemical

40. Jurhana, S.Pd S1 Physics

41. Ristina ST, S.Pak S1 Christian Education

42. Asnawi, S.Pd S1 Sports

43. Nia Apriyanti, S.Pd S1 NationalHistory

44. Nova Hilda S.Sn S1 Art and Culture

45. M. Alamsyah,M.Pd S1 Islamic Education

46. Dian Lestari, S.Pd S1 Art and Culture

47. Tiara Novita, S.Pd S1 Counceling

48. Neli Suriyani, S.Pd S1 Pkn

49. Setiadi Nuri Saputra, S.Pd S1 Pkn

Source of Data: Documentation of SMA N 11 Kota Jambi Academic Year


Students Condition at SMA N 11 Kota Jambi

No Male Female Total

1 322 384 706



Drs. Hafrial, M.Pd


Nahri, S.Pd

Tri Desi K, S.Pd

Yohafrinal, S.Pd, M.Pd

Maini Efita, S.Pd

Swit Hermita Irianti,SP.d Rismayati, S.Pd, M.si

Sriwiyanti, S.Kom,M.Kom

Nurhayati, S.Ag

Anselmus Gita U, S.Pd Febri Masda, S.Pd








Ass. Vice of Infrastructure

Ass. Vice of Curiculum

Ass. Vice of Students

Ass Waka B.Humas

Irawati U, S.Pd, M.Pd Erista Nuria S, S.Pt Rida Novrida, S.Pd, M.Si Reminovita, S.Pd, M.Pd

Reni Julianti, S.Pd

Arpeni Yulinda, S.Pd Firman P. Tua, S.Pd Yusrita, S.si


Question Interview

No Interview Questions Answer

1. What are your reason using

google meet as the online media

for teaching speaking?

2. What kinds of skills of teaching

strategies that you use in teaching

speaking by using google meet?

3. How do you train the students to

be active in online class?

4. Is there any variation of learning

when teaaching speaking by using

online class? If yes, what

variation you use to make them

speaking in English?

5. What the most affective strategies

that you already applied and give

the effect for students to speaking

in English?

Hummaira Azwir (2020)

Transcipt of interview

Interview with Miss Ira

No Interview Questions Answer

1. What are your reason using

google meet as the online media

for teaching speaking?

It is easy to use because the participant

join the meetings with link and also be

able to use camera, microphones so i

can see their gesture, hear their

pronunciation directly and also i can

monitor them easily.

2. What kinds of skills of teaching

strategies that you use in teaching

speaking by using google meet?

Well, i ask them to try to speak in

English as much as they can, and also i

let the students to mix the words

between English and Bahasa.

3. How do you train the students to

be active in online class?

Firstly, i would ask about their feelings,

so they will response. Because some of

them will speak in English if i ask first.

4. Is there any variation of learning

when teaaching speaking by using

online class? If yes, what

variation you use to make them

speaking in English?

Yes there are some variation i do in

online class. Sometimes we sing a song

together, doing conversaation each


5. What the most affective strategies

that you already applied and give

the effect for students to speaking

in English?

The most effective one is asking them

in English and they will response it and

when they stuck i help them and tell

them they can mix the words.

Interview with Miss Rita

No. Interview Questions Answer

1. What are your reason using

google meet as the online media

for teaching speaking?

In google meet we can facetime so

teaching speaking is more effective

with that.In google meet there is

interaction with the teacher and

students. Also the users donot need to

download the app, the users be able to

use by click the link:


2. What kinds of skills of teaching

strategies that you use in teaching

speaking by using online media?

I give some questions to the students in

English, and they need to answer it in

English. It could be about the material

or just regulary questions. I also use

code-switching so the students be able

to mix the words.

3. How do you train the students to

be active in online class?

Well, to make them active in online

class, especially speaking skills, i ask

them questions randomly to the


4. Is there any variation of learning

when teaaching speaking by using

online class? If yes, what

variation you use to make them

speaking in English?

There are not variation i do since it is in

online class. I just usually give them

questions and they ask so there is

conversation in the teaching-learning


5. What the most affective strategies

that you already applied and give

the effect for students to speaking

I think both are effective giving

questions either code-switching.At least

they try to speak in English

in English?

Interview with Mr Reza

No Interview Questions Answer

1. What are your reason using

google meet as the online media

for teaching speaking?

Well for teaching speaking we the

english teacher at SMA N 11 Kota

Jambi agree to use google meet because

the teacher can monitor the students

easily also it safe to use because it is

integration with microsoft office app

and google.

2. What kinds of skills of teaching

strategies that you use in teaching

speaking by using online media?

I use questioning strategy because it is

effective to make students speak in


3. How do you train the students to

be active in online class?

I ask them some questions so they will

speak and not just quite in the class.

4. Is there any variation of learning

when teaaching speaking by using

online class? If yes, what

variation you use to make them

speaking in English?

I do not use any variation especially in

online class. It is not possible because

of this stuation

5. What the most affective strategies

that you already applied and give

the effect for students to speaking

in English?

Questioning is the effective one

because the students just need to speak

in English based on the questions i ask.

Transcipt of observation


T : is there anyone can give me example of suggestion ?

S : I am hungry now. Why do not you go to canteen

T : Good Lyra

T : So today, we are going to learn about giving opinion. Anybody

knows what is giving opinion mean?

S : Yes, giving opinion is telling someone opinion to help him or her.

T : Good. So, do you know how to giving opinion in English?

S : No miss.


T : We already learnt tentang suggestion. Ada yang bisa jelaskan what

suggestion means?

S : Suggestion is giving saran to some one miss

T : Okay, miss sudah menjelaskan about giving opinion and bagaimana

memberikan opinion in English. So, miss akan menanyakan secara

random kepada kalian to giving opinion to your friend. So i want Ayu to

give your opinion for Fajar.

S : Fajar, i think you harus stop begadang to play mobile legend because it

will make you not healthy if you always begadang every night.

T : Good Ayu. Emang Fajar always stay up or bergadang every night to play

mobil legend ya?

S : No miss. I do not begadang every night. But sometimes when school

holiday or malam minggu.

Interview with the teachers

Interview with Miss Ira

Interview with Miss Rita

Interview with Mr. Reza

Observation in Google Meet

Research Permit



FAKUTAS TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN Jl. Jambi-Ma.Bulian Km.16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab.Muaro Jambi 36363

Consultation Card

Name : Fina Maryati

NIM : TE205172797

Advisor I :. Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Pd.I

Major : English Education Study program

Judul : Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking by Using Online


No. Tanggal Materi Bimbingan Tanda Tangan


1. February, 4th


Penyerahan Surat Penunjukkan Dosen


2. April, 20nd 2021 Bimbingan Bab I, II, dan III

3. April, 22nd 2021 Perbaikan Isi Proposal

4. April, 23nd 2021 ACC Proposal untuk Diseminarkan

5. June, 2nd 2021 Seminar Proposal

6. June, 22nd 2021 Perbaikan Proposal Sesuai Hasil


7. June, 29th 2021 ACC Pengesahan Judul & Izin Riset

8. October, 15th

2021 Bimbingan Bab I, II, IV, dan V

9. October, 1st 2021 ACC Skripsi

Jambi, 1 November 2021

Pembimbing I

Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Pd.I

NIP. 19741229 2003 121002



FAKUTAS TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN Jl. Jambi-Ma.Bulian Km.16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab.Muaro Jambi 36363

Consultation Card

Name : Fina Maryati

NIM : TE 205172797

Advisor II : Uyun Nafiah Ms. M.Pd

Major : English Education Study program

Judul : Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking by Using Online


No. Tanggal Materi Bimbingan Tanda Tangan


1. February, 4th


Penyerahan Surat Penunjukkan Dosen


2. February, 11th

2021 Bimbingan Bab I, II, dan III

3. April, 8th 2021 Perbaikan Isi Proposal

4. April, 20nd 2021 ACC Proposal untuk Diseminarkan

5. June, 2nd 2021 Seminar Proposal

6. June, 26th 2021 Perbaikan Proposal Sesuai Hasil


7. June, 21st 2021 ACC Pengesahan Judul & Izin Riset

8. September, 27th

2021 Bimbingan Bab I, II, IV, dan V

9. October, 15th

2021 ACC Skripsi

Jambi,15 October 2021

Pembimbing II

Uyun nafiah Ms, M.Pd

NIP. 19880627201503 006


Personal Data

Name : Fina Maryati

Place/Date of Birth : Muhajirin, 7 December 1998

Gender : Female

Status : Single

Religion : Islam

Adress : Ness, Muhajirin village rt 01 rw 01 Jambi Luar Kota,

Muaro Jambi

Contact Person : 0822-8104-4886

E-mail : [email protected]


SDN 156/IX Muhajirin 2006-2012

SMP N 17 Muaro Jambi 2012-2015

SMK N 4 Muaro Jambi 2015-2017

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi 2017-2021
