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Temporal theories as modularisation units for concurrent system specification

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to appear in Formal Aspects of Computing TEMPORAL THEORIES AS MODULARISATION UNITS FOR CONCURRENT SYSTEM SPECIFICATION J.Fiadeiro * and T.Maibaum Department of Computing Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medecine 180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ, UK In this paper, we bring together the use of temporal logic for specifying concurrent systems, in the tradition initiated by A.Pnueli, and the use of tools from category theory as a means for structuring specifications as combinations of theories in the style developed by R.Burstall and J.Goguen. As a result, we obtain a framework in which systems of interconnected components can be described by assembling the specifications of their components around a diagram, using theory morphisms to specify how the components interact. This view of temporal theories as specification units naturally brings modularity to the description and analysis of systems. Moreover, it becomes possible to import into the area of formal development of reactive systems the wide body of specification techniques that have been defined for structuring specifications independently of the underlying logic, and that have been applied with great success in the area of Abstract Data Types. Finally, as a discipline of design, we use the object-oriented paradigm according to which components keep private data and interact by sharing actions, with a view towards providing formal tools for the specification of concurrent objects. 1 Introduction In 1977, two seminal papers established crucial landmarks in the process of formalising systems specification: in [Burstall and Goguen 77], R.Burstall and J.Goguen introduce the first specification language - CLEAR, and in [Pnueli 77] A.Pnueli initiates the use of temporal logic for specifying concurrent systems. The development of specification languages is closely associated with the need for achieving modularity in formal software development. A specification written directly in some logic is an unstructured collection of formulae from which it is difficult to extract its meaning. Instead, Burstall and Goguen argue that the structure of a specification is more connected to the way the specification as a theory can be expressed as a combination of smaller, more tractable theories. The basic message of [Burstall and Goguen 77] is that the purpose of a specification language is to provide tools for putting small theories together to make larger specifications. Category theory is used for formalising these notions following the principle that "given a category of widgets, the operation of putting a system of widgets together to form some super-widget corresponds to taking the colimit of the diagram of widgets that shows how to interconnect them" [Goguen 89]. This dogma first appeared in the context of General Systems Theory [Goguen and Ginali 78], and is applied in this case to specifications of systems rather than "mathematical models" of systems. This view of the nature of the specification process leads intrinsically to modularity in specification in the sense that the components of a system may be specified separately and later on brought together to form the specification of a more complex system. On the other hand, this view of theories as formal specification units also leads to modularity in the verification process in the sense that the structure of a specification can be used to break down proofs into lemmas that may be proved locally as theorems of a component, and later on composed into properties of the global system. Subsequent work by Goguen and Burstall on institutions [Goguen and Burstall 84] and of other authors in what could be called "abstract specification theory" (e.g. [Fiadeiro and Sernadas 88; Gergely * On leave from Departamento de Matemática, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal, as a grantee of the Comission of the European Communities.

to appear in Formal Aspects of Computing


J.Fiadeiro* and T.MaibaumDepartment of Computing

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medecine180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ, UK

In this paper, we bring together the use of temporal logic for specifying concurrent systems, in the tradition initiated byA.Pnueli, and the use of tools from category theory as a means for structuring specifications as combinations of theoriesin the style developed by R.Burstall and J.Goguen. As a result, we obtain a framework in which systems of interconnectedcomponents can be described by assembling the specifications of their components around a diagram, using theorymorphisms to specify how the components interact. This view of temporal theories as specification units naturally bringsmodularity to the description and analysis of systems. Moreover, it becomes possible to import into the area of formaldevelopment of reactive systems the wide body of specification techniques that have been defined for structuringspecifications independently of the underlying logic, and that have been applied with great success in the area of AbstractData Types. Finally, as a discipline of design, we use the object-oriented paradigm according to which components keepprivate data and interact by sharing actions, with a view towards providing formal tools for the specification of concurrentobjects.

1 Introduction

In 1977, two seminal papers established crucial landmarks in the process of formalising systemsspecification: in [Burstall and Goguen 77], R.Burstall and J.Goguen introduce the first specificationlanguage - CLEAR, and in [Pnueli 77] A.Pnueli initiates the use of temporal logic for specifyingconcurrent systems.

The development of specification languages is closely associated with the need for achievingmodularity in formal software development. A specification written directly in some logic is anunstructured collection of formulae from which it is difficult to extract its meaning. Instead, Burstalland Goguen argue that the structure of a specification is more connected to the way the specification asa theory can be expressed as a combination of smaller, more tractable theories. The basic message of[Burstall and Goguen 77] is that the purpose of a specification language is to provide tools for puttingsmall theories together to make larger specifications. Category theory is used for formalising thesenotions following the principle that "given a category of widgets, the operation of putting a system ofwidgets together to form some super-widget corresponds to taking the colimit of the diagram ofwidgets that shows how to interconnect them" [Goguen 89]. This dogma first appeared in the contextof General Systems Theory [Goguen and Ginali 78], and is applied in this case to specifications ofsystems rather than "mathematical models" of systems. This view of the nature of the specificationprocess leads intrinsically to modularity in specification in the sense that the components of a systemmay be specified separately and later on brought together to form the specification of a more complexsystem. On the other hand, this view of theories as formal specification units also leads to modularityin the verification process in the sense that the structure of a specification can be used to break downproofs into lemmas that may be proved locally as theorems of a component, and later on composed intoproperties of the global system.

Subsequent work by Goguen and Burstall on institutions [Goguen and Burstall 84] and of otherauthors in what could be called "abstract specification theory" (e.g. [Fiadeiro and Sernadas 88; Gergely

* On leave from Departamento de Matemática, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal,as a grantee of the Comission of the European Communities.


and Úry 88; Maibaum 86]) has shown that many aspects of specification in the large, namely the abilityto put together small specifications to form the specification of a complex system, depend only onsome properties of the underlying logic. For instance, if the underlying consequence relation satisfiessome structural properties, the category of specifications (as theory presentations) will be finitelycocomplete and, hence, we will be able to understand the process of specifying a system ofinterconnected components through colimits of diagrams in the category of specifications [Goguen andBurstall 84]. If the logic has the Craig Interpolation Property, we know that we can equip ourselveswith well behaved notions of implementation and parameterisation [Maibaum 86], etc.

Although this work led to the definition of specification techniques that are independent of theunderlying logic (as long as it defines an institution) [eg, Sannella and Tarlecki 88], and that thus maybe applied to many logical systems, these ideas have been pursued mainly within the so-called AbstractData Type (ADT) school by building on top of universal algebra and equational logic. ADTspecifications are essentially functional in the sense that they concentrate on the specification of thefunction that the system is supposed to realise, transforming values (inputs) into other values(outputs). This view is, however, rather limiting when it comes to specifying reactive systems [Pnueli86], i.e. systems whose main rôle is to maintain an interaction with their environment and that, hence,cannot be characterised in terms of relations between input and output values. Instead, since [Pnueli77], temporal logics have proved to be better suited for modelling the reactive aspects of systems (and,hence, concurrency) because they allow systems to be described in terms of their on-going behaviour.However, the early approaches failed to provide the desired degree of modularity in description andanalysis. And, although several proposals have been put forward in the quest for compositional prooftheories for (parallel) programming languages [eg, Barringer and Kuiper 84; Barringer 87; de Roever85; Lamport 83], no attempt to adopt the above mentioned techniques of using theories asmodularisation units for specification is known to the authors.

The aim of this paper is to bring the two views together, showing that temporal logics may be definedthat satisfy, to some extent, the required structural conditions of institutions and, hence, that temporaltheories may be used as modularisation units for concurrent system specification. The temporal logicwe shall work with adopts a (global) discrete linear time structure that is fairly close to those that havebeen used since [Pnueli 77], namely in [Barringer 87], thus allowing an easier assessment of thesupport for modular specification that we shall illustrate herein.

There are, we feel, good reasons for considering this integration as more than a mere exercise inshowing that institutions also apply to concurrent systems1. Firstly, by doing so, we immediatelymake available to the community the wide range of specification techniques (the "CLEAR tricks") thathave been developed in an institution-independent way [eg, Sannella and Tarlecki 88]. These includetechniques for horizontal structuring of specifications, i.e. structuring the specification at a given levelof the development process ("abstract machine"), and also for vertical composition, i.e. for"implementing" the specifications on a level in terms of the specifications of the level below [Goguen86]. Indeed, this view of theories as modularisation units for specification is particularly appealing inthat it provides a uniform view of the development process, and leads naturally to modular verificationtechniques that can be automated (as shown in [Sannella and Burstall 83]).

Secondly, there are some important distinctions between this approach and existing approaches toconcurrent systems development, not so much in the logics themselves, but in the way they are used tosupport system specification. The adopted view of concurrent system specifications as structures(diagrams) of temporal theories favours the definition of interaction between components by saying

1 Which, anyway, was something that all of "us" were confident about...


which components they share (i.e., how they "interfere" with each other), rather than prescribing theirrelative behaviour with the usual program composition primitives such as sequencing, iteration,parallelism, …. As we shall see, in the categorial approach, two components described by theories T1

and T2 are connected by building a "middle theory" T together with two morphisms σ1: T→T1 and σ2:T→T2. Intuitively, the middle theory and the two morphisms identify sub-components in which thegiven ones are required to synchronise, i.e. they identify behaviour that is common to the givencomponents. A naïve analogy with circuit design could identify the middle theory with a "cable" (amore or less structured collection of "wires"), the morphisms identifying the "pins" in each "chip" towhich the cable is to be connected. This process of interconnecting components can be iterated, newcomponents being added to our system by enriching the diagram that describes the system with newnodes (theories) and edges (morphisms) in a modular way. Moreover, it is always possible to collapsesuch a diagram into a theory (through its colimit), which corresponds to making the system into amodule that can be used as a component of a yet more complex system.

Synchronisation by sharing sub-components (which encompasses sharing actions and sharing"variables") provides parallelism as a default and seems to be a general and powerful enoughmechanism to support other forms of interaction, namely asynchronous communication (via a thirdcomponent - a messenger - with which the communicating components synchronise independently), orsequential composition (by identifying the last action of the first component, its "death" event, with thefirst action of the second one, its "birth" event). Moreover, the categorial approach makes it possible toformalise disciplines for organising/decomposing specifications. The basic motto of the categorialapproach is that the structuring mechanisms that we obtain for specifications are "coded" in the way weare allowed to establish morphisms between them. That is, structure arises from the way componentsmay be connected to other components. Indeed, we shall see how morphisms between theorypresentations will enable us to model interaction between components and, thus, how well knownparadigms of interaction, such as "shared variables" and "distributed variables", can be made "logical",i.e. built into the formalism. Addressing such disciplines is, we feel, a step as important as any otherone in the formalisation of system specification, and one that raises challenges in the way we structureour logics.

One such discipline for system decomposition is object-orientation (which can be seen to correspond,to some extent, to the "distributed variables" paradigm). Indeed, the notion of object as an "entity" thathas an identity independent of its state, that encapsulates a collection of attributes (its private memory)which it is able to manipulate according to a circumscribed set of actions, and that is able to interactwith other objects, has emerged as one of the most powerful abstractions for structuring systemsdesign. By incorporating states and behaviour, objects are much more than just data. Hence, theconcepts being developed for concurrent systems are needed for giving a proper formalisation of thenotion of object. Therefore, and thirdly, particularising our approach to object-oriented specification,i.e. choosing object-orientation as the underlying discipline for decomposing specifications, seemed tobe particularly relevant and timely. Ultimately, in this way, it will be possible to lift temporal logic to aframework able to compete with the Abstract Data Type school in addressing the whole systemdevelopment cycle.

In fact, the work that we shall report is part of an integrated research effort on object-oriented systemsdesign that started with [Sernadas et al 87, 89a], and which is also addressing the semanticfundamentals of the notion of object [eg, Ehrich et al 90] as well as methodological aspects of object-orientation [eg, Sernadas et al 89b]. The logics that we have been developing for supporting object-oriented specification are somewhat more complex, involving deontic notions as well as actionmodalities besides temporal operators [Fiadeiro and Maibaum 90; Fiadeiro et al 90]. However, as we


have mentioned, the structuring mechanisms are, in a sense, independent of the underlying logic and,hence, it seemed worthwhile reporting on the formalisation of objects as structuring units forconcurrent systems specification based on a simpler logic, without dragging in all the machinery thatwe think is more appropriate for object description. Neverthless, there are many similarities betweenthese logics [ibidem] and the one adopted herein, and we shall use the word "object" throughout as asynonym of system component, stressing that under the distributed variables paradigm, ourspecifications units are objects in the object-oriented sense.

The paper will proceed as follows: in section 2, we shall address the specification of individualcomponents (objects). Following the "institutional way", we start by introducing the notions of objectsignature and, for each signature, interpretation structure, language and satisfaction (truth) relationbetween interpretation structures and formulae. The temporal fragment of the language is fairly wellknown and, as such, we do not provide an axiomatisation for the temporal operators, but just for thenotion of locality (data abstraction, encapsulation of a set of attributes). Then, in section 3, we showhow we can put descriptions together in order to form the description of more complex objects(aggregation). First, we show how to define a category of object descriptions that is finitelycocomplete. Then, we show how interaction between objects can be expressed through diagrams.And, finally, we illustrate the use of diagrams (in the categorial sense) to describe the joint behaviourof objects taking into account their interaction. The well known example of the dining philosophers isused for illustration, including examples of derivation of properties that highlight the intrinsicmodularity of the specification/verification techniques.

2 Describing individual components

In this section, we present the logic in which we shall formalise the specification of individualcomponents of systems (objects). As we have already mentioned, we see each object description asbeing a theory presentation in this logic. That is to say, an object description will consist of a signature(defining the specific vocabulary symbols that are relevant for the description of the object), and acollection of formulae of the language generated from the signature (the non-logical or extra-logicalaxioms of the description). Recognising the rôle of signatures as components of descriptions is veryimportant because the signature of a description defines the boundaries of the object in the sense that itwill limit the "things" we may refer to during its specification: when reasoning about a component, wemust use the language of that component. In other words, a "syntactical locality" is immediatelyenforced. Indeed, we shall see in section 3 that in order to specify interaction between two objects weshall have to relate the signatures of the two objects so that we may state what they have in common.Furthermore, we shall see how signatures play a fundamental rôle in the formalisation of locality(encapsulation).

We must point out that we are not proposing a specification language but rather a formalism on top ofwhich a language for the specification of systems may be defined. The point is that many of the"specifications" that we shall present may seem to contain too much unnecessary detail, that couldperhaps have been kept implicit. However, because not every formalism is suitable for supportingmodularity in specification, we have to concern ourselves first with choosing/defining the rightformalism before we decide on which specification gimmicks are necessary from a pragmatic point ofview. Naturally, there is an inherent pragmatics to every formalism, and we shall provide a flavour ofthe style of verification that it supports, especially in what concerns modularity when reasoning aboutcomplex systems.


2.1 Object signatures and interpretation structures

An object signature must be comprised of at least three different parts: the universe, the attributestructures, and the action structures. The universe part includes the information that is state-independent and that gives, so to say, the data context in which the object is placed. It can be seen asdefining the frame of reference with respect to which change is to be measured. The attributes keep theinformation that is state dependent. Examples of these structures can be found under different namesgiven according to the "nature" of the object: e.g., program variables, database attributes, or frameslots. The actions account for transformations on attributes ("methods") as well for interaction withother objects.

Definition 2.1.1 (object signature): An object signature is a triple (Σ,Α,Γ) where• Σ=(S,Ω) is a signature (the universe signature) in the usual algebraic sense [Ehrig and Mahr 85],

i.e. S is a set (of sorts) and Ω is a S*×S-indexed family (of function symbols).• Α is a S*×S-indexed family (of attribute symbols). In programming terms, a nullary attribute

symbol corresponds to a program variable, whereas non-nullary attribute symbols can beassociated with more complex data structures such as arrays.

• Γ is an S*-indexed family (of action symbols). The parameters of an action symbol may stand,for instance, for the data that is necessary in order to define the effects of the actions on theattributes, or that is to be transmitted/received as part of a communication. º

The families Ω, Α, and Γ are assumed to be disjoint and finite (i.e., there are only a finite number offunction, attribute and action symbols). The fact that we have three separate components in a signaturehas a logical meaning in the sense that they will play different rôles in the logic: for instance, theuniverse parameters will be assigned a rigid interpretation (time-independent), whereas the attributeparameters will be non-rigid. On the other hand, actions will have a distinguished rôle in theformalisation of the notion of locality. Naturally, we could say that universe and attribute symbols arejust function symbols, and action attributes are just boolean function symbols. However, by assigningthem different categories in a signature, we shall be able to make their properties logical rather thanrequire the specifier to axiomatise explicitly these properties (rigidity, etc). Indeed, the choice of thelinguistic structures of a formalism is, in our opinion, one of the major activities when engineering alogic for supporting a discipline of system design.

Comparing with [Barringer and Kuiper 84], this notion of signature provides the categories of symbolsof the language used therein for specifying system components: the universe signature provides theconstant and global symbols and the family Α provides the state variables. As in [Barringer 87; Hoare85], Γ corresponds to the alphabet of the component (process, object). Still comparing with [Barringer87], it is also interesting to point out that the notion of signature captures the notion of "ownership" ofattributes that in [ibidem] is treated with a declaration owns. The treatment of the notion of ownershipthrough signatures has the advantage of providing a "syntactical locality" in the sense that the referenceto a symbol in a specification is only possible if that symbol is declared in the signature, which impliesthat any sharing must be explicitly indicated through morphisms (see section 3). That is, we bring aformal notion of scope into the formalism.

As an illustration of our approach, we shall use a simplification of the famous example proposed byDijkstra: the dining philosophers. Following our object-oriented way of specification, we would like tobe able to obtain a description of the behaviour of a society of philosophers sharing forks around a


table from the separate description of the behaviour of philosophers and forks through some kind ofoperation on descriptions. Looking at the local aspects that characterise philosophers and forks, wecould be led to the definition of two signatures PHIL and FORK:


universe signature: universe signature:

sorts: BOOL sorts: BOOL

operations: true, false: BOOL operations: true, false: BOOL

attribute symbols: attribute symbols:

eating?, hungry?: BOOL busy?: BOOL

action symbols: action symbols:

bc-hungry, forks↑ , forks↓ up, down

Intuitively, eating? indicates whether the philosopher is eating or thinking, and hungry? indicateswhether the philosopher is hungry. These are attributes (non-rigid designators, "program variables"):their values depend on the current state. The action symbols are self-explanatory: a philosopher canbecome hungry, pick up the forks and put down the forks. For the sake of keeping the examplesimple, we are assuming that a philosopher picks up or puts down both forks simultaneously. Thiswill prevent their joint behaviour from deadlocking but will still allow us to illustrate the detection ofstarvation.

With respect to forks, the attribute busy? indicates whether the fork is being used. The action symbolsare also intuitive: they stand for forks being picked up and put down. However, we should point outthat these two signatures are, so far, independent and unrelated. We shall see in section 3 how they canbe related through morphisms expressing how a philosopher uses a fork.

Because the example is quite simple, we have only used nullary attribute and action symbols.However, in some cases [e.g. Fiadeiro and Maibaum 90], non-nullary symbols are useful asmentioned in 2.1.1: for instance, non-nullary attribute symbols are useful for modelling more complexdata structures (arrays), and non-nullary action symbols for modelling exchange of values duringinteraction.

A semantic interpretation structure for an object signature is given by an algebra that interprets theuniverse parameters, a mapping that gives the values taken by the attributes at each instant, and amapping that gives the actions that will occur at each instant:

Definition 2.1.2 (θ-interpretation structures): A θ−interpretation structure for a signatureθ=(Σ,Α,Γ) is a triple (U,A,G) where:

• U is a Σ-algebra, i.e. to each sort symbol s∈ S a set sU is assigned, and to each function symbolf∈Ω <s1,…,sn>,s a function fU: s1U ×...×snU → sU is assigned;

• A maps f∈Α <s1,…,sn>,s to A(f): s1U ×...×snU ׯ→ sU ;We shall often use A(f)(i) for i ∈ ¯ to denote the function λ(b1,…,bn).A(f)(b1,…,bn,i).

• G maps g∈Γ <s1,…,sn> to G(g): s1U ×...×snU → ℘ (¯). º

These interpretation structures are more or less standard. We take the natural numbers as theunderlying temporal domain, i.e. we adopt linear and discrete time. The mapping A defines the "state"reached at each instant of time, i.e. it gives the value that the attributes take at each point in time.Finally, action symbols are interpreted as defining predicates over time instants. (The denotation of an


action symbol is the set of instants during which instances of the action occur.) The intendedinterpretation is that temporal succession is an abstraction of an atomic state transition according tosome observer. The interpretation of the action symbols gives for each instant the set of actions thattake place during that instant. We shall say that the actions in each such set occur concurrently duringthat instant. For instance, it is possible to define an interpretation structure such that every instantwitnesses the occurrence of every action, corresponding to an observer that cannot discriminatebetween the actions that may occur. However, in most cases, such an observer will not provide amodel of a specification. Indeed, as we shall detail later on, the ability of actions to occur concurrentlyis restricted through the axioms of a specification defining their effects on the attributes as well asrestrictions and requirements on their occurrence. That is, the axioms of a specification define thenotion of causality/interference that constrains the way the system may evolve in terms of the actionsthat it may perform.

On the other hand, it is possible that an instant does not belong to any of the interpretations of theaction symbols. These instants denote state transitions in which the object is not engaged. They may beseen to be performed by the "environment", i.e. by any other component in the system that was notrequired to synchronise with the object at that step. Indeed, using the terminology of [Barringer 87],we are dealing with open semantic structures in the sense that we are considering an object asembedded in a wider environment. This open semantics also justifies the adoption of an infinitetemporal domain: even if the object has a finite lifetime, we may assume that the environment willalways be able to progress (e.g., through some clock mechanism).

Following [Barringer and Kuiper 84; Lamport 83], when specifying one module of a system, one mustinclude constraints on what other parts of the system are allowed to do. In the object-oriented approachthat we are adopting, this constraint is given by the locality requirement (encapsulation): as mentionedin the introduction, objects have an intrinsic notion of locality according to which only the actionsdeclared for an object can change the values of its attributes. This notion of locality leads to thefollowing definition:

Definition 2.1.3 (loci): Given an object signature θ=(Σ,Α,Γ) and a θ-interpretation structure(U,A,G), let E=i ∈ ¯ i∈ G(g)(a1,…,an) for some g∈Γ <s1,…,sn>, (a1,…,an)∈ s1U ×...×snU. Thatis, E consists of those instants during which an action of the object occurs, i.e. these instants denotestate transitions in which the object will be engaged. Those state transitions are said to be witnessed byθ. The θ-interpretation structure (U,A,G) is said to be a locus iff, for every instant i∉ E and everyf∈Α , A(f)(i) = A(f)(i+1). º

That is to say, the values of the attributes of the object can only be changed during witnessedtransitions, i.e. due to the occurrence of one of the actions of the object. In other words, non-witnessed transitions are silent in the sense that they have no effect in the local state of an object.Again, using the terminology of [Barringer 87], non-witnessed transitions are identity steps. Hence,although we are working with global instants of time (in the sense that the object is not necessarilyengaged in every transition), we are requiring that to these global instants correspond "local" (private)states (identifying, as usual, states with the interpretations of the attribute symbols). Hence, thecomponents (objects) that we specify are "context" independent in the sense that state information islocalised rather than shared between components, a strategy for achieving high levels of modularitythat can be traced back to [Parnas 72].

Naturally, this notion of θ-locus does not formalise locality per se: it must be understood inconjunction with the notion of object description and of morphism between descriptions to be given in


section 3. Rather, our ultimate purpose is to provide a formalisation of locality as a criterion to havecomposable object descriptions as specification modules, for which the notion of θ-locus given aboveprovides a correct model-theoretic basis. We shall see later on that the notion of morphism of objectdescriptions will indeed capture the desired notion of encapsulation so that an object cannot refer to theattributes of another object (for "read" or "write" purposes) without incorporating it as a component.This means that we are not allowing for attributes to be observed "outside" an object, only by objectsof which it is a component.

Hence, the adoption of a global notion of time is not violating our claims for capturing locality.Locality is, from our point of view, concerned with theories (descriptions, specifications) rather thanmodels. It is the specification activity that we want to make modular and, hence, be disciplined byenforcing a notion of locality. A specifier will not actually manipulate models but theories. And itseems fairly natural that in order to achieve modularity at the theory level, models will have, dually, tobe global as the work reported in [Barringer and Kuiper 84; Barringer 87] has shown.

Finally, we should stress that we are abstracting from the internal structure of the actions and regardingthem as indivisible units. Indeed, we shall be addressing only horizontal structuring, i.e. thestructuring of specifications in a fixed layer of the development process by connecting objects via theirabstract properties (descriptions) alone. Their internal structure, showing how objects are"implemented" in terms of "lower level" objects (i.e. "closer" to the intended implementation layer), ishidden for this purpose. Hence, connecting objects is done at each layer for the fixed granularity that isgiven by the actions that were declared for the objects. Naturally, formal techniques for supportingvertical structuring, i.e. for supporting the "implementation" of abstract objects on top of more concreteones are necessary, but we shall not address them in this paper. See [Fiadeiro and Maibaum 90] forpreliminary results in that direction.

2.2 Object descriptions

In order to describe an object, we shall use a temporal language similar to those that have been used inthe area. We shall assume a collection ξ of variables (distinct from the attribute and action symbols).Given an object signature, by a classification Ξ we mean a partial function ξ→S (S being the set ofsorts of the universe signature). We shall also denote by Ξ the S-indexed set given by Ξs=x ∈ξ |Ξ(x)=s.

Definition 2.2.1 (terms) Given an object signature θ=(Σ,Α,Γ) and a classification Ξ, we defineinductively the S-indexed set of terms TRθ(Ξ) as follows:

• variables: if Ξ(x)=s, then x is a term in TRθ(Ξ)s;• if f ∈Ω <s1,…,sn>,s and ti are terms in TRθ(Ξ)si then f(t1,…,tn)∈ TRθ(Ξ)s;• if f ∈Α <s1,…,sn>,s and ti are terms in TRθ(Ξ)si then f(t1,…,tn)∈ TRθ(Ξ)s;• if t ∈ TRθ(Ξ)s then (Xt)∈ TRθ(Ξ)s (Xt reads "t next").

Given a θ−interpretation structure S=(U,A,G), a classification Ξ, and an assignment A for Ξ(mapping each set Ξs to sU) each term t∈ TRθ(Ξ)s defines a mapping œt“S,A : ¯ → sU (itsinterpretation) as follows:

– if x∈Ξ s, œx“S,A(i)=A(x);– if f ∈Ω <s1,…,sn>,s, œf(t1,…,tn)“S,A(i) = fU (œt1“S,A(i),…,œtn“S,A(i));– if f ∈Α <s1,…,sn>,s, œf(t1,…,tn)“S,A(i) = A(f)(œt1“S,A(i),…,œtn“S,A(i),i);– œXt“S,A(i) =œt“S,A(i+1);.


Notice how all the symbols belonging to the universe signature are rigid designators, i.e. theirinterpretation is state-independent (the interpretation of a symbol f in the algebra U is denoted by fU).In particular, variables are assigned a constant element of the domain: we recall that these are not meantas "program variables" (which are given herein through attributes) but as "logical variables". This is animportant distinction: attributes are meant to represent the state component ("memory") of the object,and can be qualified with temporal operators, whereas variables provide us with a means ofquantifying over values (data). Finally, Xt denotes at each instant the value that t denotes at the nextinstant. (See [Fiadeiro and Sernadas 90] for the application of other modal operators to terms.)º

Definition 2.2.2 (formulae): Given a classification Ξ, we shall use as atomic formulae over Ξ:• g(t1,…,tn) for g∈Γ <s1,…,sn>, and ti terms in TRθ(Ξ)si (action predicates);• (t1=st2) for t1 and t2 terms in TRθ(Ξ)s for some s∈ S (equality)

• BEG (denoting the beginning of time)As constructors of formulae we shall use the usual propositional connectives (→ will stand forimplication), the first-order quantifiers, and the usual temporal (modal) operators. We shall not debatewhich temporal operators are necessary, as we shall not be concerned with expressive power.However, we shall assume that the temporal operator X ("next", or "tomorrow") is either primitive orderivable as it will be necessary in order to axiomatise locality. The temporal operator F ("eventually","sometime in the future") will also be used in the examples.

The satisfaction of a formula by a structure S and an assignment A at time i is defined as follows forthe atomic formulae:

– g(t1,…,tn) is satisfied by S and A at i iff i∈ G(g)(œt1“S,A(i),…,œtn“S,A(i));– (t1=st2) is satisfied by S and A at i iff œt1“S,A(i)=œt2“S,A(i);– BEG is satisfied by S and A at i iff i is 0

The satisfaction of the non-atomic formulae is defined as usual. For instance,– Xp is satisfied by S and A at i iff p is satisfied by S and A at i+1;– Fp is satisfied by S and A at i iff p is satisfied by S and A at some j≥i;

Finally, a formula is true in a θ-structure iff it is satisfied by every assignment A and instant i. º

We define the notion of object description as a theory presentation in this logic:

Definition 2.2.3 (descriptions): An object description is a pair (θ,Φ) where θ is an objectsignature and Φ is a (finite) set of θ-formulae (the axioms of the description). We call a θ-locus thatmakes all the formula of Φ true a model of the description. º

As an example, consider the description of philosophers. Besides the axioms on the (data) universe,such as (true ≠ false) we could have:

p1) bc-hungry → Xeating? = eating? p8) bc-hungry → hungry? = false

p2) forks↑ → Xeating? = true p9) forks↑ → hungry? = true

p3) forks↓ → Xeating? = false p10) forks↑ → eating? = false

p4) BEG → eating? = false p11) forks↓ → eating? = true

p5) bc-hungry → Xhungry? = true p12) hungry?=true → Fforks↑

p6) forks↑ → Xhungry? = hungry? p13) hungry?=false → Fbc-hungry

p7) forks↓ → Xhungry? = false


These axioms are more or less intuitive, and are to be regarded as holding at all times. For instance,with p1 we are expressing that the value of eating? does not change when a philosopher becomeshungry, and with p2 we are expressing that the value of eating? after picking up the forks is true. Alsonotice that p4 gives an "initialisation" condition: we are requiring that, at time zero, a philosopher bethinking (i.e., not eating).

Axioms p8-p11 give safety conditions on the occurrence of the actions. For instance, with p9 we aresaying that a philosopher may only grab the forks when he is hungry. On the other hand, p12 and p13give liveness requirements: with p13 we are requiring that, when not hungry, a philosopher willeventually become hungry. In the same way, p12 requires that a hungry philosopher will eventuallygrab his forks.

This theory presentation describes the behaviour we intend a philosopher to have whatever theenvironment he is put in, i.e. whatever the objects he is put in interaction with. However, we shall seein section 3 that, as could be expected, when putting several objects together to form a community, anobject will tend to have more properties (i.e., less interpretation structures will be models of thecommunity than of the object). In the extreme case, we may end up with an inconsistent specificationmeaning that the objects we have specified are not "sociable" (have an incompatible behaviour).

The behaviour of a fork could be described as follows:

f1) down → Xbusy? = false f4) up → busy? = false

f2) up → Xbusy? = true f5) down → busy? = true

f3) BEG → busy? = false

It is important to stress that the above descriptions of the behaviour of philosophers and of forks aretotally independent from each other. Signatures define the vocabulary of the language that we haveavailable for specifying an object, which implies that we are not allowed to refer to parts of thespecification of another object unless these are reflected somehow in the signature of the former. Thenotion of morphism to be introduced in section 3 will clarify this point. Hence, each theorypresentation is the description of a component per se. The only requirement with respect to the"environment" is given by the locality principle: attributes are local to an object. However, thisrequirement is built into the logic in the sense that it does not need to be explicitly given as part of eachspecification.

We shall see in section 3 how we can compose theory presentations into descriptions of more complexsystems consisting of several interconnected sub-components. We shall then see how concurrencybetween the different components is captured in our formalism. For the time being, notice that thespecification of the effects of the actions on the attributes, and of restrictions and requirements on theiroccurrence, restricts their ability to occur concurrently. Indeed, the axioms of a specification mayimpose that two actions interfere with each other and, hence, that no observer may witness theirconcurrent execution. This is the case, for instance, of the up and down actions of forks. Because theyhave opposite effects on the attribute busy?, no instant may belong to both actions. That is, no timeinstant may witness their concurrent execution: the attribute busy? provides any observer with themeans to discriminate their occurrences. This may be proved by deriving

¬(up ∧ down)


as a theorem of the description of forks. This can be done as follows:

1. up → busy?=false f4

2. down → busy?=true f5

3. ¬(up ∧ down) 1, 2, PC

For simplicity, by PC we are referring to a step that can be justified by a rule of the propositionalcalculus.

Hence, the axioms of a description define the notion of causality/interference that constrains the waythe system may evolve in terms of the actions that it may perform, rather than prescribe a specificthread of control. A (Galois) correspondence between causality and temporal evolution will thus beachieved in terms of the relationship between a description (causality) and its models (temporalevolutions). But what is important to stress is that, from this point of view, the specifier will provide anotion of causality through his description, and not directly a specific sequence of actions. Although asequential behaviour may be obtained locally (as in the case of forks and, indeed, philosophers), theseare the exceptions rather than the rule.

2.3 Reasoning about local descriptions

In order to reason about the properties of an object description, it is convenient to have a syntacticalcounterpart of the "in a model" notion of consequence which can be given in terms of sequents offormulae over the same signature:

Definition 2.3.1 (assertions): If Φ is a (finite) set of formulae over a signature θ, and p is also aformula over θ, (Φ ⇒ θ p) is an assertion. Such an assertion is said to be valid iff every θ−locus thatmakes all the formulae in Φ true also makes p true. º

We shall often use names to denote object descriptions and abbreviate assertions by using these namesas in (PHIL ⇒ p) instead of (Φ(PHIL) ⇒ θ(PHIL) p) where (θ(PHIL),Φ(PHIL)) is the description ofphilosophers.

The properties of an object description (θ,Φ) are just the formulae p for which we can prove that theassertion (Φ ⇒ θ p) is valid, i.e. they are the theorems of the theory presentation (θ,Φ). Notice (2.2.2)that all the formulae in Φ are assumed to be satisfied at all times so that formulae p for which (Φ ⇒ θ p)is valid state properties that hold at any time during the evolution of the object described by (θ,Φ).

Because the notion of validity of an assertion is defined over loci and not over interpretation structuresin general, an axiomatisation for this consequence relation must provide rules not only for theconnectives used to build formulae, but also for the locality requirement. Again, we shall not discussthe axiomatisation of the temporal operators herein. With respect to the locality requirement, it is easyto see that it is captured by the following axiom: for every signature θ=(Σ,Α,Γ),

⇒ θ (( ∨g∈Γ

(∃ xg)g(xg)) ∨ (∧a∈Α

(∀ xa)(Xa(xa) = a(xa))))


where for each symbol u, xu is a tuple of variables (all distinct) of the appropriate sorts. This formulatells us that either the next transition will be performed by one of the actions of the object, or else everyattribute will remain invariant. In [Barringer 87], this last member of the disjunction (expressinginvariance of the attributes) is used to replace the proposition denoting a transition not performed by thecomponent (an identity step). Notice that this formula is finite because Α and Γ are also finite (cfdefinition 2.1.1). This rule also shows why it is important to index the symbol ⇒ with the signature:essentially, the rule relates the action and the attribute symbols of a signature. It also shows that actionand attribute symbols have different logical rôles in the formalism, thus justifying the separationbetween action symbols and (boolean) attribute symbols.

From this axiom, it is possible to derive a rule that will assist us in proving safety properties underlocality. Define the set of local terms as follows:

Definition 2.3.2 (local terms) Given an object signature θ and a classification Ξ, we defineinductively the S-indexed set of local terms LTθ(Ξ) as follows:

• if Ξ(x)=s, then x is a term in LTθ(Ξ)s;• if f ∈Ω <s1,…,sn>,s and ti are terms in LTθ(Ξ)si then f(t1,…,tn)∈ LTθ(Ξ)s;• if f ∈Α <s1,…,sn>,s and ti are terms in LTθ(Ξ)si then f(t1,…,tn)∈ LTθ(Ξ)s. º

That is, we omit the temporal operator. Then, we have

Let p be a formula, t1,…,tn local terms over Ξ. For each g∈Γ , let xg be a tuple of variablesof the appropriate sorts, and assume that they do not occur in Ξ. Then,

(g(xg) → p) | g∈Γ , ( ∧1≤i≤n

(Xti = ti) → p) ⇒ θ p

That is to say, in order to derive a property, it is enough to derive it assuming that either the next statetransition will be witnessed by the object, i.e. that the object will be engaged in the state transitionthrough one of its actions (first set of premisses) or that a chosen set of local terms will be keptinvariant (last premiss). Any set of local terms will do. Again, we stress that this rule is finitarybecause the set of action symbols Γ is finite.

For instance, let us prove that ((eating?=true) → (hungry?=true)) is a property of the behaviour ofphilosophers. We shall often abbreviate propositions (b=true) where b is a boolean term to b aloneand, hence, write (eating? → hungry?) instead. The idea is to prove this property by induction usingthe rule

(p → Xp), (BEG → p) ⇒ θ p

which should be derivable from the temporal axiomatisation. This rule says that we may infer aproperty p from the fact that it is a temporal invariant and that it holds in the initial state. (We recall that⇒ θ gives consequence "in a model", i.e. the premisses are assumed to be satisfied at any possibleinstant and we derive the satisfaction of the conclusion at any possible instant). By applying this rule,we are left to prove

PHIL ⇒ ((eating?→hungry?) → X(eating?→hungry?))

PHIL ⇒ (BEG → (eating?→hungry?))


The second assertion is trivial to prove using p4. So, let us concentrate on the first one. We shall usethe locality rule instantiating t1 to eating? and t2 to hungry?:

bc-hungry → ((eating?→hungry?)→X(eating?→hungry?)) (A)

forks↑ → ((eating?→hungry?)→X(eating?→hungry?)) (B)

forks↓ → ((eating?→hungry?)→X(eating?→hungry?)) (C)

((Xeating?=eating?)∧ (Xhungry?=hungry?)) → ((eating?→hungry?)→X(eating?→hungry?)) (D)

⇒ PHIL ((eating?→hungry?)→X(eating?→hungry?))

The last premiss (D) is trivial to prove. So, we are left to prove the first three:

(A)1. bc-hungry → Xhungry?=true axiom p5

2. bc-hungry → (Xeating?→Xhungry?) 1, PC

3. bc-hungry → X(eating?→hungry?) 2, monotonicity of X

4. bc-hungry → ((eating?→hungry?)→X(eating?→hungry?)) 3, PC

(B )1. forks↑ → Xhungry?=hungry? axiom p6

2. forks↑ → hungry?=true axiom p9

3. forks↑ → Xhungry?=true 1, 2, transitivity of =

4. forks↑ → X(eating?→hungry?) 3, PC

5. forks↑ → ((eating?→hungry?)→X(eating?→hungry?)) 4, PC

(C)1. forks↓ → Xeating?=false axiom p3

2. forks↓ → X(eating?→hungry?) 2, PC

3. forks↓ → ((eating?→hungry?)→X(eating?→hungry?)) 3, PC

Safety properties are typically proved like this one, i.e. by combining temporal induction and locality.Notice the rôle of the action predicates under the locality principle: they allow us to analyse transitionsby cases. Each action symbol gives us a case to analyse. The last case corresponds to silent transitions,i.e. to transitions in which the object is not involved.

Several liveness properties may also be derived from p12 and p13. For instance, we shall have

PHIL ⇒ (hungry?=true → F(eating?=true))

PHIL ⇒ (hungry?=false → F(hungry?=true))


PHIL ⇒ F(eating?=true)

This is a true liveness property: a philosopher will be recurrently eating!


3 Putting components together

We recall that our main motivation in this paper is to approach concurrent systems specification by,borrowing the famous motto of Burstall and Goguen [Burstall and Goguen 77], "putting theoriestogether to make specifications". That is to say, our aim is to provide a modularisation unit forconcurrent systems specification based on the theory presentations of any appropriate logic. In theprevious section, we have defined the syntax and semantics of one such logic, and shown how a(primitive) system component could be described as a theory presentation. See [Fiadeiro and Maibaum90] for a different logic of objects. In this section, we show how such descriptions can be put togetherin order to provide the specification of systems of interconnected components, and how concurrency inparticular is supported.

3.1 The category of object descriptions

From a formal point of view, we have already mentioned that we shall follow the dogma beingpreached by J.Goguen: "given a category of widgets, the operation of putting a system of widgetstogether to form a super-widget corresponds to taking a colimit of the diagram of widgets that showshow to interconnect them" [Goguen 89]. That is to say, having developed a collection of theories thatact as descriptions of objects, we can use these theories to describe a more complex system byassembling as nodes of a diagram as many instances of these theories as required, and by usingmorphisms between these theories as edges of the diagram in order to establish the requiredinterconnections. If the category is well behaved (is finitely cocomplete) such a diagram may becollapsed to another theory that provides the description of the complex system as an object itself, andthat can then be used in order to derive properties of the global system, or as a node in anotherdiagram, i.e. as a component of another system. Hence, in order to obtain the theory presentations ofour logic as modularisation units for concurrent system specification, we have to provide a notion ofmorphism between theory presentations and prove that the resulting category allows for such colimitsto be computed.

Morphisms between theory presentations define the notion of structure that our formalism provides forspecification. As structure-preserving mappings, morphisms establish the relationship that must existbetween two object descriptions so that one of them may be considered as a component of the other.Intuitively, this corresponds to the notion of interpretation between theories used, for instance, in[Veloso and Pequeno 78]. Using the notion of institution put forward in [Goguen and Burstall 84],this relationship consists of a translation between the languages of the two descriptions (a signaturemorphism) such that the theorems of one of them are translated to theorems of the second one. That is,we take the preservation of theorems (the meaning of a theory presentation) as the criterion forconsidering that a theory presentation describes a component of a system described through anothertheory presentation. Naturally, it is possible to restrict the properties that we actually want to preservealong a morphism, namely only safety or liveness properties, leading to different notions of structure.Herein, we shall require the preservation of both safety and liveness properties.

Definition 3.1.1: Given two object signatures θ1=(Σ1,Α1,Γ1) and θ2=(Σ2,Α2,Γ2), a morphism σfrom θ1 to θ2 consists of

• a morphism of algebraic signatures συ: Σ1→ Σ2;• for each f: s1,…,sn→s in Α1 an attribute symbol σα(f): συ(s1),…,συ(sn) → συ(s) in Α2;• for each g: s1,…,sn in Γ1 an action symbol σγ(g): συ(s1),…,συ(sn) in Γ2. º


That is to say, we are merely requiring that a signature morphism identifies the symbols in θ2 that areused to interpret (implement) the symbols of θ1. This is the "obvious" notion of signature morphism.It is easy to prove:

Proposition 3.1.2: Object signatures and signature morphisms constitute a category SIGN. º

The translation of formulae associated with a signature morphism is defined as follows:

Definition 3.1.3: Given a signature morphism σ: θ1→θ2• given x∈Ξ s, σ(x) is x• if f ∈Ω <s1,…,sn>,s then σ(f(t1,…,tn)) is συ(f)(σ(t1),…,σ(tn))• if f ∈Α <s1,…,sn>,s then σ(f(t1,…,tn)) is σα(f)(σ(t1),…,σ(tn))• σ(Xt) is (Xσ(t))

• if g∈Γ <s1,…,sn> then σ(g(t1,…,tn)) is σγ(g)(σ(t1),…,σ(tn))• σ(t1=t2) is (σ(t1)=σ(t2))• σ(Xp) is (Xσ(p))• and similarly for the other connectives º

Based on these notions of signature morphism and formula translation, we would like to define amorphism between two descriptions (θ1,Φ1) and (θ2,Φ2) as a signature morphism that induces aproperty preserving translation, i.e. such that for every formula p for which (Φ1 ⇒ θ1 p) is valid,(Φ2 ⇒ θ2 σ(p)) is also valid. Because proving the existence of a morphism in this way requires thederivation of an infinite set of assertions (one for each formula), we would also like to be able toconclude the existence of a morphism between two descriptions by checking only that the axioms ofthe source description are "implemented" by the target description, i.e. by proving that (Φ2 ⇒ θ2 σ(p))is valid for every p∈Φ 1. However, for this to be possible, we know [Fiadeiro and Sernadas 88] thatthe underlying consequence relation must be structural, i.e. that given an arbitrary set of θ1-formulae Φand a θ1-formula p, if (Φ ⇒ θ1 p) is valid then (σ(Φ) ⇒ θ2 σ(p)) must also be valid (which also meansthat ⇒ θ2 alone is able to "implement" ⇒ θ1). And it is easy to see that, in our case, ⇒ θ is notstructural: the translation of the locality formula

( ∨g∈Γ 1

(∃ xg)g(xg)) ∨ ( ∧a∈Α 1

(∀ xa)(Xa(xa) = a(xa)))

which is a theorem of (θ1,Φ1), is not necessarily a theorem of (θ2,Φ2). That is to say, the fact that theaxioms of a specification are preserved does not imply that the locality of the attributes is preserved.This can also be understood from a more "model-theoretic" point of view. The notion of reduct ofinterpretation structures along a signature morphism is easily defined as follows:

Definition 3.1.4: Given two object signatures θ1=(Σ1,Α1,Γ1) and θ2=(Σ2,Α2,Γ2), and a morphismσ from θ1 to θ2, we define for every θ2-interpretation structure S=(U,A,G) its reduct along σ as theθ1-interpretation structure S |σ= (U |σ,A |σ,G |σ) where

– for every s∈ S1, sU |σ= συ(s)U.– for every f: s1,…,sn→s in Ω1 fU |σ= συ(f)U;– for every f: s1,…,sn→s in Α1, A |σ(f)(i) = A(σα(f))(i)– for every g: s1,…,sn in Γ1, G |σ(g) = G(σγ(g)). º

It is straightforward to prove:


Proposition 3.1.5 (satisfaction condition): Given a θ2-interpretation structure S, a θ1-formulap is true in S|σ iff σ(p) is true in S. º

However, the same result does not hold if we take θ-loci instead of θ-interpretation structures asmodels because the reduct of a θ2-locus is not necessarily a θ1-locus: a transition that is witnessed byθ2 is not necessarily witnessed by θ1. Hence, when defining the notion of a morphism σ between twoobject descriptions (θ1,Φ1) and (θ2,Φ2) we cannot require only for every θ2-locus O validating Φ2

that O|σ validates Φ1 (as usual), but we must also require that O|σ be a θ1-locus. In other words, thestructure of components must be preserved in a strong sense.

Thus, given theory presentations (θ1,Φ1) and (θ2,Φ2), and a morphism σ between their signatures,besides requiring that the axioms of (θ1,Φ1) be translated to theorems of (θ2,Φ2), i.e. that(Φ2 ⇒ θ2 σ(p)) be valid for every p∈Φ 1, we have to require that the translation of the locality axiomalso be a theorem of (θ2,Φ2) for σ to be a morphism of theory presentations (interpretation betweentheories). That is, we require that the locality of the "smaller" component be preserved. The need forthis additional requirement is similar to what happens with interpretations of first-order theories[Enderton 72], where besides having to translate axioms to theorems we have to prove a certainnumber of closure and non-emptiness conditions. As we have mentioned in section 2.1, we can seethis locality condition as specifying constraints on the environment in which the component is allowedto be placed. Hence, when placing the component in an environment (i.e. when connecting it via amorphism) we must prove that these constraints are satisfied (in this case, that the newly introducedactions do not have any effect on the "old" attributes).

We shall abbreviate the translation of the locality axiom, i.e. the θ2-formula

σ(( ∨g∈Γ 1

(∃ xg)g(xg)) ∨ ( ∧a∈Α 1

(∀ xa)(Xa(xa) = a(xa))))

by θ1→σ θ2, i.e. by the signature morphism itself. Besides representing a notational convenience, thechoice of this abbreviation was also made so as to relate the rôle of this formula with the extension oflanguages with signature morphisms as proposed in [Goguen and Burstall 84]. This extension isneeded to express constraints on the interpretation structures when the language is not expressiveenough to support them: a θ-interpretation structure makes θ'→σ θ true iff its σ-reduct satisfies thedesired constraint, in this case iff it is a θ'-locus.

In summary,

Definition 3.1.6: Given object descriptions (θ1,Φ 1) and (θ2,Φ 2), a morphism σ :(θ1,Φ1) → (θ2,Φ2) is a signature morphism σ: θ1 → θ2 such that

• (Φ2 ⇒ θ2 σ(p)) is valid for every p∈Φ 1,• (Φ2 ⇒ θ2 θ1→σ θ2) is valid. º

Proposition 3.1.7: Object descriptions and their morphisms form a category DESC. º

Although the consequence relation is not structural, we do have the following property approximatingstructurality:

Proposition 3.1.8: Given a signature morphism σ: θ1→θ2


if (Φ ⇒ θ1 p) is valid then (σ(Φ), θ1→σ θ2 ⇒ θ2 σ(p)) is also valid º

This results in the inference rule:

Proposition 3.1.9: Given a morphism σ: (θ1,Φ1) → (θ2,Φ2)

from (Φ1 ⇒ θ1 p) we may infer (Φ2 ⇒ θ2 σ(p))

This rule allows us to "export" properties of a specification along a morphism.

As we have already mentioned, the ability for theories (presentations) to be considered as specificationmodules depends on the (finite) cocompleteness of the category of theory presentations and theirmorphisms. Intuitively, a category is finitely cocomplete if every finite diagram (whose nodes arelabelled with theory presentations and whose edges are labelled with morphisms) has a colimit, i.e. ifwe can define a minimal theory presentation that contains all the theories in the diagram and respectsthe interaction specified by the morphisms (the "amalgamated sum" of all the theories in the diagram).In order to prove cocompleteness of a category, it is sufficient to prove that the category admits aninitial object (a theory that is contained in every other theory) and pushouts (see [Barr and Wells 90]for an account of Category Theory directed to computing scientists). Technically, in an arbitrarycategory, a pushout is a colimit of a diagram of the form






It consists of another object b«ac together with two morphisms h: b → b«ac and k: c → b«ac suchthat, on the one hand, the diagram






«b ca



commutes, i.e. f;h=g;k (which means that only one "copy" of a is obtained in b«ac, i.e. b and c"share" a) and, on the other hand, for every other commutative diagram








there is a unique morphism j: b«ac → d such that h;j=h' and k;j=k'.







«b cah





That is, a pushout is a "minimal" combination of the objects that respects the interaction specified viathe morphisms (what is usually called an "amalgamated sum"). Colimits just generalise this operationto arbitrary diagrams.

For instance, the category SIGN is finitely cocomplete. The signature θ1«θθ2 is obtained by taking theamalgamated sums of the components of θ1 and θ2, i.e. we take their disjoint union and identify thesymbols that they share with θ. An example will be provided in section 3.3. On the other hand, theinitial object signature is (Ø,Ø,Ø) (denoting also by Ø the initial algebraic signature).

In terms of descriptions, we have:

Proposition 3.1.10: The category DESC is finitely cocomplete. The initial description is (Ø,Ø) anda pushout of two description morphisms µ1: (θ,Φ) → (θ1,Φ1) and µ2: (θ,Φ) → (θ2,Φ2) is given bytwo morphisms σ1 and σ2 and an object description (θ1«θθ2,σ1(Φ1)∪σ 2(Φ2)∪ θ1 →

σ1 θ1«θθ2,θ2 →

σ2 θ1«θθ2) where θ1«θθ2, σ1 and σ2 are a pushout of µ1 and µ2 as signature morphisms. º

In our setting, the importance of pushouts is that they express the most basic operation for combiningtwo objects: putting them in parallel but requiring them to synchronise via a common sub-object. Thatis, a pushout as in the proposition above achieves the operation (θ1,Φ1) ||(θ,Φ) (θ2,Φ2) whichgeneralises synchronisation at a set of actions. Indeed, comparing with [Barringer 87], if we take a setof formulae to denote the conjunction of all the formulae in the set, and interpret ∪ as conjunction, wesee that the parallel composition is given by the conjunction of the formulae that correspond to thecomponents. The extra formulae (the translations of the locality requirements of the components)appear because, as explained above, locality is a logical notion and, hence, it is not a requirement thatneeds to be explicitly made in a specification. Otherwise, they would appear as part of the translation ofthe axioms of the components. This extra requirements also have a counterpart in the formalism used in[Barringer and Kuiper 84]: the "matching rules". Indeed, it is easy to see that this extra condition"encodes" the paradigm (shared vs distributed variables vs synchronised actions vs...) that is beingsupported by the formalism. A similar phenomenon occurs in [Barringer 87] where the rule for parallelcomposition must be adapted to the paradigm that is being supported.

Non-synchronised parallel composition of components is just a particular case: it corresponds to takingthe shared object to be the empty one (Ø,Ø). That is, (θ1,Φ1) || (θ2,Φ2) is just the coproduct of theobject descriptions. It is easy to see that the models (loci) of the coproduct are exactly those whosereducts (as defined in 3.1.5) are models of the component objects. On the other hand, it is easy tocompose two models, one of each of the components, to form a model of the coproduct just byassigning to each instant the union of the sets of actions that occur in each of the components duringthat instant. Hence, as we mentioned in section 2, it is not a strict interleaving model that we areadopting for parallelism. Of course, in the case of pushouts, synchronisation at the shared actions must


be respected, meaning that not every composition of models is a model of the pushout. (These model-theoretic considerations are amplified in [Fiadeiro et al 91].)

As we have already mentioned, pushouts are just an example of combining objects by assembling themin a diagram and connecting them through the appropriate interfaces. In the remainder of the paper, weare going to illustrate such a construction by showing how we can define the interaction betweenphilosophers and forks, and how we can define their joint behaviour from the local descriptions givenin section 2.2. As we shall see, one advantage of working within this categorial framework based ontheory presentations is that, on the one hand, operations of renaming of symbols and the specificationof interaction in general may be left to categorial operations and, on the other hand, we have a tightercontrol on the structure of the specifications.

3.2 Morphisms and interaction

Morphisms are the formal tools that we use to express interconnections between system components:as motivated by the pushout example above, two objects interact by sharing some other object, i.e. byhaving a common sub-component in which they synchronise. Naturally, this sub-object may be assimple as an action:


universe signature: attribute symbols: action symbols: axioms:

Ø Ø a Ø

Such objects can be used to connect two other objects via a certain action in which they will be requiredto synchronise. We shall give examples below. However, we must stress that our definition ofmorphism requires that, if two objects are to have an attribute in common, then they must also share allthe actions that update that attribute. Indeed, mere sharing of attributes is forbidden by the formalismbecause it is impossible to isolate an attribute as a sub-object. For instance, the object describedthrough


universe signature: attribute symbols: action symbols: axioms:

Ø a Ø Ø

has the following locality axiom:

(Xa = a)

requiring the attribute to be invariant. This is due to the fact that we have specified an empty set ofaction symbols. Hence, only constant attributes may be isolated and shared. Otherwise, we need tosurround the attribute with all the actions that update it. It is easy to see that, in the case of the isolatedaction, the locality requirement is vacuous due to the fact that there is an empty set of attribute symbols.Hence, any description admits ACTION as a sub-description as long as it contains an action symbol.

It is in this sense that locality is "logical" in our framework: it is a structural property given by themorphisms of the category of theory presentations. Encapsulation means that attributes (state) cannot


be separated from the actions that update them and, hence, imposes a discipline in the way we areallowed to structure our specifications, i.e. in the way we can interconnect components (drawmorphisms between descriptions). Another advantage of the categorial approach is, indeed, the abilityto formalise such disciplines or paradigms for structuring/decomposing specifications in terms ofmorphisms of theory presentations.

Naturally, it could be argued that it would be useful to be able to declare that some action is local(internal) to an object in the sense that it cannot be shared with any other object. In the formalism thatwe are proposing, this can be done by constraining the specifier in the way he is allowed to usemorphisms. That is, it is a constraint that can be enforced at the level of a specification language builton top of this formalism. However, we should stress that it is essential that such local actions bedeclared in the signature of an object because, otherwise, we would not be able to reason about thebehaviour of the object in terms of proving properties of its attributes. Indeed, the signature of anobject must declare all the actions that are "authorised" to manipulate the attributes that were declared,even if some are local to the object. Besides, notice that "hiding" of actions, a mechanism that issometimes used for controlling the scope of program variables (cf [Barringer 87]), is not necessaryhere because the notion of scope is explicilty dealt with through the signatures (and signaturemorphisms).

So, how can we establish the desired interaction between forks and philosophers? The immediate andnaïve solution would be to say that two philosophers interact by sharing a fork. Let us see where thisidea will lead us. First of all, notice that we may indeed establish a morphism between a fork and aphilosopher. On the one hand, the signature morphism would be as follows:

belongs: FORK → PHIL

universe attributesidbool: BOOL |→ BOOL busy? |→ eating

true |→ true actionsfalse |→ false up |→ forks↑

down |→ forks↓

That is to say, a fork goes up when it is picked-up and goes down went it is put down, and a fork isbusy when the philosopher is eating. In order to prove that we have a morphism between the objectdescriptions, we have to prove that the axioms of fork are translated to theorems of philosopher, andthat the philosopher preserves the locality of fork. On the one hand, axioms f1-f5 get translated,respectively, to p3, p2, p4, p10 and p11. On the other hand, we have to prove

PHIL ⇒ (forks↑∨ forks↓∨ (Xeating=eating))

i.e., the translation of the locality axiom (up ∨ down ∨ (Xbusy?=busy?)). This can be done as follows:

1. (forks↑ ∨ forks↓ ∨ bc-hungry ∨ ((Xeating=eating) ∧ (Xhungry?=hungry?))) locality axiom for PHIL

2. (forks↑ ∨ forks↓ ∨ bc-hungry ∨ (Xeating=eating)) 1, PC

3. bc-hungry → (Xeating=eating) axiom p1

4. (forks↑ ∨ forks↓ ∨ (Xeating=eating)) 2, 3, PC

Hence, we do have a morphism linking forks to philosophers. This says that in each philosopher wemay recognise a sub-object that corresponds to a fork (i.e., a pattern of behaviour that corresponds to afork).


If we wanted to express that two philosophers share this fork component, we would do so through thefollowing diagram:

• •



However, sharing an object means synchronising at that object, i.e. at each of the actions of thatobject. For instance, this diagram identifies the action forks↑ of each of the philosophers with theaction up of the fork, and mutatis mutandis for forks↓ and down. Hence, the two philosophers wouldhave to pick up the fork simultaneously (as well as free the fork simultaneously)! This is not what wewant: we want the philophers to use the same fork (i.e. the same fork operations), but mutuallyexclusively!

From an intuitive point of view, each action symbol in the signature of an object provides a port towhich another object may be linked for communication. (The parameters of the action symbol providefor the data that is to be exchanged.) This port is fixed in the sense that every other object connected tothat port must synchronise in order to communicate. Hence, if we want two objects to communicateindependently with a third one, each via the same operation, we must make sure that they are assigneddifferent ports. In our case, this means that we have to extend the fork signature in order to providedifferent ports for each of the philosophers. That is to say, we have to provide an interface throughwhich we are able to connect independently two philosophers to one fork. Such an interface can bebuilt as follows:


universe signature: action symbols:

BOOL (as before) up; down;

attribute symbols: left↑ ; right↑ ;

busy?: BOOL left↓ ; right↓


x1)-x5): as f1) - f5)

x6) left↑ → up x8) left↓ → down

x7) right↑ → up x9) right↓ → down

That is to say, we extend the signature with action symbols that allow for two different ways of using afork: from the right and from the left. Notice how axioms x6)-x9) state that we are not introducing newforms of behaviour but merely specialising existing ones. Hence, locality is preserved and theextension does establish an 'object' or a locus preserving morphism between the two descriptions.Naturally, we should also specify that the left and right actions are not allowed to occur concurrently:

x10) ¬(left↑ ∧ right↑ ) x11) ¬(left↓ ∧ right↓ )


That is to say, we prevent any instant witnessing both left and right actions, i.e. we prevent anyobserver witnessing the "simultaneous" occurrence of both actions. On the other hand, because wewant the fork to be used only through the given ports, we have to require:

x12) up → left↑ ∨ right↑ x13) down → left↓ ∨ right↓

That is, we provide the "completion" of x6)-x9). Naturally, in a specification language, it wouldprobably be convenient to leave these completions implicit and not require the specifier to state themexplicitly.

Having specified x12 and x13 in order to restrict interaction via the new ports, it seems only natural to"hide" the up and down actions from the signature, and derive a new description where these actionsymbols are not mentioned.


universe signature: action symbols:

BOOL (as before) left↓ ; right↓ ;

attribute symbols: left↑ ; right↑

busy?: BOOL


d1) left↓ → Xbusy? = false d6) left↑ → busy? = false

d2) right↓ → Xbusy? = false d7) right↑ → busy? = false

d3) left↑ → Xbusy? = true d8) left↓ → busy? = true

d4) right↑ → Xbusy? = true d9) right↓ → busy? = true

d5) BEG → busy? = false d10) ¬(left↑ ∧ right↑ )

d11) ¬(left↓ ∧ right↓ )

It is easy to see that we do have a morphism (inclusion) between D-FORK and X-FORK because, onthe one hand, all the axioms of D-FORK are theorems of X-FORK (which can be trivially checked)and, on the other hand, x12 and x13 ensure that the translation of the locality axiom relative to D-FORK is a theorem of X-FORK (which is also trivial to check). Furthermore, D-FORK is the"biggest" description, in the sense that it contains as many theorems as possible, that is included in X-FORK by forgetting up and down. (This is the semantics of derivation of a theory along a signaturemorphism used in CLEAR [Burstall and Goguen 81].) The relationship between these constructionsaround FORK can be summarised by the diagram:


We should stress that the need for these extensions and derivations is not violating our claims forsupporting modular specification. Having specified components separately, we have to provideadequate interfaces in order to connect them because they were defined without knowledge of whichother components they were going to be connected to. Indeed, notice that our X-FORK descriptionmerely specialised existing behaviour, which implies that the extension is conservative in the sense thatno new properties are added [Maibaum 86]. Naturally, X-FORK and D-FORK are already biasedtowards the desired configuration of philosophers and forks because it restricts the use of a fork to two"clients". But this is how it should be: if a different configuration was desired, a different interfacewould have to be built. Finally, it is only natural that the specifier wishes to hide the "old" actionsymbols once they have been specialised into different ports.


Although these operations on theory presentations may seem to be too cumbersome, they are trivialexamples of well known constructions that are available in CLEAR-like specification languages[Burstall and Goguen 81]: going from FORK to X-FORK is an extension (a particular case ofenrichment), and going from X-FORK to D-FORK is a derivation. Hence, any specification languagewould make these operations easy to apply.

Finally, it is important to stress that whereas the final description D-FORK is the one that we want touse for interaction with philosophers, and hence the one that we shall use from now on, the originaldescription FORK is the one that we want to give an implementor to work on, i.e. it is the one that weshall use for interfacing with the next lower layer of the vertical structuring process. The abovediagram does correspond to a "design structure" as defined in [Maibaum 89], where D-FORK is the"user's view" of the object, FORK is the "implementor's view" of the object, and X-FORK is the"body" which tells how the two other views are related.

We can now define the interaction between two philosophers and one fork. As we have alreadymentioned, the interaction between two objects is expressed by defining channels between them. Thesechannels are themselves objects:


universe signature: action symbols:

sorts: BOOL port1; port2


This signature contains two action symbols accounting for the two channels (up and down), andincludes the booleans in the universe signature in order to express the fact that philosophers and forkswill use the same version of the booleans. This object may be seen as the "cable" (with two wires!) thatwe shall use to connect philosophers and forks.

We have two obvious morphisms (injections) that define the required interactions:


universe: idbool universe: idbool

actions actions

port1 |→ left↑ port1 |→ right↑

port2 |→ left↓ port2 |→ right↓

That is, the morphisms say to which ports of fork the "cable" is to be connected. There are twodifferent ways in which we want to do so, hence we define two morphisms. Finally, we have amorphism between CHANNEL and PHIL establishing the way a philosopher uses a fork:


universe: idbool


port1 |→ forks↑

port2 |→ forks↓


That is to say, a fork is picked-up and put-down when the philosopher grabs and frees the forks.Hence, through the left morphism, a philosopher is connected to the left ports of a fork, and throughthe right morphism it is connected to the right ports of a fork. This interaction between twophilosophers and a fork is expressed through the diagram




use use



Naturally, a specification language should provide the means for defining such diagrams.

3.3 Aggregation and concurrency

Now that we know how to define the interaction between a philosopher and two forks, how can weobtain the joint behaviour of five philosophers sharing five forks around a table? The thesis is that itcan be given in terms of the colimit in the category of object descriptions of the diagram that is depictedbelow2.



use use

left right









































Ergo SErgo C










2 Some non-categorial elements were added to the diagram in order to enhance its structure...


This diagram contains a node labelled with the theory presentation PHIL for each of the philosophersin the community, a node labelled with the theory presentation D-FORK for each of the forks, and thechannels and corresponding morphisms establishing the desired interaction between the objects of thesociety, i.e. saying which philosophers share which forks. Notice that theories act as "types" in thesense that several instances of the same theory may be used in the same diagram to express the fact thatthere are several components of the system that are of the same "type" (follow the same pattern ofbehaviour). We shall see below how we can distinguish between them. A theory thus acts as adescription of a "generic" object.

The colimit of this diagram returns a new object description (call it SPAGHETTI): the description ofthe "minimal" object that admits the depicted ones as components, respecting their interaction as givenby the morphisms. That is to say, it is the community of five philosophers sharing five forksconsidered as an object itself. Indeed, as we claimed in the introduction, the categorial approachprovides us with a faithful notion of module in the sense that we can build complex modules out ofsimpler ones. The aggregation of a community of objects is still an object that can be used as a modulefor building yet more complex objects. So, what is the signature and what are the axioms of thedescription of this complex object?

The signature of SPAGHETTI is obtained from the well known construction of colimits in the categoryof sets. Basically, we take the union of the component signatures after having renamed the symbols ineach signature taking into account the morphisms expressing the sharing between the signatures. Fromthe formal point of view, the actual names that are given are of no importance because a colimit isobtained up to isomorphism (meaning, in our example, that it is not the names of the philosophers thatmatter, but rather who is sitting next to whom). Essentially, what is important is that we can keep trackof these names through the morphisms of the colimit. Naturally, a specification language should allowthe specifier to rename the symbols as appropriate. We shall follow herein the following convention:symbols are renamed by prefixing their names in the components with the name of the morphismseparated by a dot. For instance, we could name 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 the five morphisms linking the nodeslabelled D-FORK to SPAGHETTI. Thus, we would obtain among the attribute symbols ofSPAGHETTI the translation of the attributes of each of the five copies of the signature D-FORK alongthe corresponding morphism. For instance, we could have 1.busy?, 2.busy?, 3.busy?, 4.busy? and5.busy?. If we name the morphisms linking the nodes labelled with PHIL to SPAGHETTI Alice,March-Hare, Hatter, Dormouse, and Lewis (an honourary guest) we would obtain as attribute symbolsin SPAGHETTI: Alice.hungry?, March-Hare.hungry?, Hatter.hungry?, Dormouse.hungry?, ….

In order to see how sharing works, consider the more interesting case of the action of philosophersgrabbing the forks. In virtue of the interaction as expressed through the diagram, we shall have inSPAGHETTI an action symbol, e.g. Alice.eat, which is the image of forks↑ along the morphismlabelled Alice, the image of the symbol left↑ along the fork morphism labelled 1 (assuming that this isthe fork placed at the left of Alice in the diagram), and the image of the symbol right↑ along the forkmorphism labelled 5 (assuming that this is the fork placed at the right of Alice in the diagram):






↑ ↑


In the same way, we shall have a single action symbol, e.g. Alice.think, to which the action symbolforks↓ of PHIL is mapped along Alice, left↓ of D-FORK is mapped along 1 and right↓ of D-FORK ismapped along 5. This means that the actions at the different objects are identified in the colimit. Hence,interaction means synchronisation of the objects at the actions identified through the morphisms asbeing shared by the objects.

In terms of the axioms of SPAGHETTI, we have the translations of the axioms present in the nodes ofthe diagram. Hence, we will have, for instance

Alice.eat → Alice.hungry?=true

Alice.eat → 1.busy?=false

Alice.eat → 5.busy?=false

which are imported, respectively, from the descriptions of philosophers through the morphism Alice(axiom p9), and from the description of forks through the morphisms 1 (axiom d6) and 5 (axiom d7).Hence, by renaming actions from different components to the same name, the constraints specifiedlocally add-up for the shared actions in a natural way. In other words, in the colimit object, we bringtogether the different rôles of the actions, whose specifications were distributed among the relevantobject descriptions.

However, we must stress that we do not obtain in SPAGHETTI non-interference axioms such as

Alice.bc-hungry → XHatter.hungry? = Hatter.hungry?

requiring that actions from one object do not interfere with the attributes of another object. Intuitively,we could think that these axioms would be necessary, or left to some kind of frame rule, in order toexpress that the locality of the components is preserved in the global system. However, these formulaeare not even theorems of the global system. Instead, we have as axioms of the colimit object thesignature morphisms (i.e., the translations of the locality axioms)





. . .

expressing precisely the intended locality preservation requirement. We should point out that havingthe signature morphisms (i.e. the translations of the locality requirements of the components) instead ofthe non-interference formulae as axioms results from the fact that it is not a strict interleaving modelthat we are adopting for parallelism. Indeed, the locality preservation requirement expressed throughthe morphisms guarantees that each action from one component either occurs concurrently with anaction of another component (i.e., the interpretations of two action symbols, one from each signature,have instants in common), or does not interfere with the attributes of the other component (i.e., itoccurs in a silent step). That is to say, the signature morphism leaves open the possibility of havinginstants that belong simultaneously to the interpretation of action symbols inherited from differentnodes and, hence, allows for concurrency between actions of the different components. For instance,we are allowing for the actions bc-hungry inherited from the different philosophers to occurconcurrently, or for two philosophers on opposite sides of the table to grab the forks concurrently if


they are available. Although we are not imposing this kind of synchronisation, we might decide lateron to require it explicitly in order to enforce some new specific form of behaviour. The non-interference formulae would prevent this by providing a way of discriminating between the actionsinherited from different signatures. That is, by forcing their effects on the attributes, they would makethem observationally different. For instance, the formula above would prevent having instants thatbelong simultaneously to the interpretations of Alice.bc-hungry and Hatter.bc-hungry because thatwould require the attribute Alice.hungry? to be set to true (axiom p5) and kept false (non-interferenceformula above). That is, the non-interference formula would prevent both actions from being observedto occur concurrently. Indeed, it is easy to see that they would force a strict interleaving discipline.

The adopted semantics of parallelism/aggregation is also more akin to the notion of colimit as a minimalcombination of the components: enforcing strict interleaving seems to be a design decision imposed ontheir joint behaviour. The general principle is that actions inherited from different components areusually unrelated and, hence, they should be allowed the maximum degree of freedom in terms of"occurring simultaneously" (i.e. any amount of parallelism, from strict interleaving to maximalparallelism, is allowed). Hence, basically, the signature morphisms identify sub-components of anobject that should not interfere apart from the specified interfaces. In other words, concurrency is thedefault in this framework.

3.4 Deriving global properties

Being an object description, the description of the joint behaviour of the five philosophers sharing thefive forks, SPAGHETTI will have its own properties besides those inherited from its components. Forinstance, it is easy to see that

¬((Alice.eating? = true) ∧ (Hatter.eating? = true)) (A)

is a property of the society if the Hatter is sitting next to Alice: in order to grab her forks, Alice's forksmust not be busy, which implies that her neighbours cannot be eating. In order to illustrate howmodularity is achieved at the verification level, we are going to show that this property can be provedusing only knowledge of the behaviour of Alice, the Hatter, and the fork they share (assume it to be 1,at Alice's right and the Hatter's left, for arguments sake). That is, we shall work only in the fragmentof the colimit that is given by the sub-diagram




use use





We shall abbreviate formula (A) to

¬(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?) (B)


The idea is to use the temporal induction rule and the locality rule as shown at the end of section 2.4.From the induction rule, we have to prove

BEG → ¬(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?)

¬(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?) → X¬(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?) (C)

The initialisation condition is trivially proved from the translations of axiom p4 (from philosophers)along Alice and Hatter. The induction step, which is equivalent to

X(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?) → (Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?)

will be proved using locality. As done in section 2.3, instead of using the translation of the localityaxioms, we may use a derived inference rule:

Let σ: θ1 → θ2 be a morphism between object signatures. Let p be a θ2-formula andt1,…,tn be local terms of θ1. Then,

θ1→σ θ2, (σ(g(xg)) → p) | g∈Γ 1, ( ∧1≤i≤nσ(Xti = ti)) → p) ⇒ θ2 p

where θ1→σ θ2 is the translation of the locality axiom of θ1. That is, we may infer any property over θ2

by proving that p holds when the next action to occur was imported from θ1 and that p holds when adesignated set of local terms imported from θ1 is invariant. This is because the morphism preserveslocality: only actions imported from θ1 may change the attributes imported from θ1. We should pointout, however, that this is not the translation of the rule given in section 2.3 because we are allowing pto be any formula over θ2. Rather, it is that rule that can be derived from this one (using the identitymorphism).

We can apply this rule along the morphism Alice in order to derive the invariance property above. Weare left to prove:



Alice.bc-hungry → (X(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?) → (Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?)) (C1)

Alice.eat → (X(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?) → (Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?)) (C2)

Alice.think → (X(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?) → (Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?)) (C3)

(XAlice.eating? = Alice.eating?) → (X(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?) → (Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?)) (C4)

Recall that Alice.eat is the translation of forks↑ along Alice, and Alice.think is the translation of forks↓

along Alice. The first assertion is trivial because PHIL →Alice SPAGHETTI is an axiom of SPAGHETTI, aswe have argued above. Hence, we are left to prove the other four assertions. Let us show how (C1)could be proved:

1. bc-hungry → Xeating?=eating? axiom p1

2. bc-hungry → hungry?=false axiom p8

3. eating? → hungry? derived in section 2.3

4. bc-hungry → eating?=false 2, 3, PC

5. bc-hungry → Xeating?=false 1, 4, equality


Hence, we have

PHIL ⇒ (bc-hungry → Xeating?=false)

But, because Alice is a morphism between PHIL and SPAGHETTI, we know that this property istranslated along Alice to a property of SPAGHETTI, i.e. we have through 3.1.9

SPAGHETTI ⇒ (Alice.bc-hungry → XAlice.eating?=false)

From this assertion, it is now trivial to derive (C1). This derivation shows how we can use thestructure of the specification (given through the morphisms) to transfer the verification process to thecomponents in order to prove "lemmas" that we may translate back to the global system.

It is also trivial to derive (C3) from the translation of p3 along Alice (recall that Alice.think is thetranslation of forks↓ along Alice). However, it is easy to see that (C2) and (C4) cannot be derivedwithout more premisses on the behaviour of the Hatter. Indeed, we shall have to apply again thelocality rule to these premisses but now along the morphism Hatter. Hence, for instance, we shallbreak (C2) into


Hatter.bc-hungry → (Alice.eat → (X(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?) → (Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?))) (C21)

Hatter.eat → (Alice.eat → (X(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?) → (Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?))) (C22)

Hatter.think → (Alice.eat → (X(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?) → (Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?))) (C23)

(XHatter.eating? = Hatter.eating?) →(Alice.eat → (X(Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?) → (Alice.eating? ∧ Hatter.eating?))) (C24)

The signature morphism is, again, an axiom of SPAGHETTI. Because the property that we are tryingto prove (B) is symmetric with respect to Alice and the Hatter, it is easy to see that (C21) and (C23) arederived as (C1) and (C3), leaving (C22) and (C24) to prove.

(C22) is also trivial to derive because axiom d10 of D-FORK is translated along the morphism 1 to

¬(Hatter.eat ∧ Alice.eat)

Finally, (C24) can be proved assuming the formula

(Alice.eating? ∨ Hatter.eating? → 1.busy?) (D)

stating that fork 1 is busy when either Alice or the Hatter are eating. Using this formula as an additionalpremiss on the current state, we derive

1. Alice.eat → 1.busy?=false translation of d6 along 1

2. Alice.eat → Hatter.eating?=false 1, formula above

from which (C24) follows trivially. Notice that in step 1 we have used the fact that left↑ is translatedalong 1 to Alice.eat. Assertion (C4) would have to undergo the same process, using (D) once more.Notice that formula (D) is only needed as an extra premiss on the current state and, hence, can beproved in conjunction with (B). That is, instead of (C) we shall have proved


B ∧ D → X(B)

By further proving

B ∧ D → X(D)


it follows by the induction rule that (B ∧ D) is a property of SPAGHETTI. These proofs would followthe same pattern as above.

In summary, the verification process is modular in the sense that it can use the structure of thespecification (as given through the morphisms) to import the relevant results from the components aslemmas which can then be composed to prove properties of the global system. Hence, it is notnecessary to work within the global specification of the system. In fact, the derivation above showedhow we could select the relevant fragment of the specification (the fragment consisting of Alice, theHatter, and fork 1) in order to prove a property that does not involve all the constituents of thecommunity.

However, due to the fact that interaction with other objects restricts the way in which an object canbehave, it is possible that an object will have more properties (less freedom) in the community thanwhen analysed in isolation, i.e. we may be able to derive more properties in the colimit object thanthose imported from the nodes. For instance, because we can import along a morphism all theproperties proved locally in a component (3.1.9), we shall also have in SPAGHETTI


which is the translation along the morphism Alice of the liveness property


that we met at the end of section 2.3. Using property (A), we derive immediately


That is, during the behaviour of the society, the Hatter (and, indeed, any of the philosophers) will berecurrently thinking (not eating). It is easy to see why: for a philosopher to be recurrently eating, hisneighbours must be recurrently thinking. What is interesting about this property is that it is not thetranslation of a property of the description of philosophers. Indeed,

PHIL ⇒ F(eating?=false)

is not valid because there is nothing in the description of philosophers that requires a philosopher to putdown his forks. This means that the morphisms are not conservative (there are models of PHIL, e.g.one where the philosopher never puts down his forks, that do not correspond to any model of thesociety). This indicates a situation of possible starvation (!): the behaviour of the society (according towhich every philosopher will be recurrently eating) does not depend only on the behaviour of itscomponent objects, but also on an overall cooperation (sociable behaviour of its components). Weshould perhaps include in the description of philosophers


(eating?=true) → F(forks↓)

if we want to avoid that risk of starvation (but still assuming some degree of fairness), or introduce ascheduler (footman) that coordinates the behaviour (appetite) of the philosophers.

Notice that it is up to the specifier to interpret the absence of conservativeness along certainmorphisms. For instance, the lack of conservativeness with respect to liveness properties along thefork morphisms should not worry the specifier because forks are intended to be passive objects and,hence, the satisfaction of liveness requirements is not their business. Other kinds of analysis that canbe performed at this level concern the detection of deadlock situations that result from the lack ofconservativeness with respect to safety properties (see [Sernadas et al 89a; Fiadeiro and Maibaum 89]for more details).

4 Concluding remarks

In this paper, we have shown how the "categorial" approach to system specification that has beendeveloped mainly by J.Goguen and R.Burstall can be applied to the specification of concurrency usingtemporal logic in the tradition initiated by A.Pnueli. Basically, this approach advocates the descriptionof individual components of systems as theories in a certain logic, and the use of diagrams forexpressing systems of interconnected components. The colimit of such a diagram returns thespecification of the system that comprises the given components interacting as specified through themorphisms (edges) that connect them. This approach leads, in a natural way, to modularity inspecification and verification as we hope to have demonstrated using the well known example of thedining philosophers.

The work on institutions [Goguen and Burstall 84] has shown that the ability to support this view ofspecification depends only on some structural properties of the logic. Hence, in order to support thisstyle of specification, it is sufficient to choose a logic according to the nature of the problem that we aretrying to specify, and prove that it defines an institution. This is what we have done for a temporallogic fairly close to those that have been adopted in the area, namely [Barringer 87], in order to showhow the dogma applies to concurrent system specification. Other logics might have been chosen,namely a logic that we have been developing for supporting object-oriented specification [Fiadeiro andMaibaum 90] and which, besides temporal qualification, also uses modal action operators and deonticpredicates of permission and obligation. Although we feel that these additional features are useful forformalising objects, namely because they allow the separation of the definition of the effects of theactions on the attributes from the definition of the restrictions and requirements on their occurrence,and also to separate non-normative behaviour (e.g. failures and divergence) from inconsistency, thechosen logic has the advantage of being more "standard" in the area of concurrent systemsspecification, and is well suited to formalise the concurrency aspects of objects as specification units.In fact, we have not explored the institutional framework completely, as we have left out morphismsbetween interpretation structures. This model-theoretic dimension was not necessary for the purposesof this paper, but is being explored as a means for relating this approach to categorial process modelssuch as [Costa and Sernadas 91], closer to other algebraic models of processes [e.g. Hennessy 88].Preliminary results on this direction are reported in [Fiadeiro et al 91].


The nature of the support that this approach provides for horizontal structuring, i.e. for structuringspecifications within a fixed level of the development process, seems to be clear from what we havepresented. Indeed, it seems clear that the adoption of this categorial framework provides a neat notionof specification module, namely by providing formal support for "syntactical locality" through thenotion of signature associated with the specification of a component (formalising a notion of scope)and leading to operations that allow us to build complex modules out of simpler ones. Moreover, weobtain an explicit formalisation of interaction between components through sharing of sub-components, allowing for the formalisation of disciplines/paradigms for the structuring/decompositionof specifications in terms of the morphisms that we can use to connect components, i.e. through thestructure of the category of the theory presentations of the logic. This aspect was illustated in the paperthrough the adoption of an "object-oriented approach" - private variables (attributes) and sharedactions. Hence, we claim that the same kind of support that equational formalisms have been providingfor the specification of abstract data types can be provided for the specification of abstract object typesbased on temporal logics. Naturally, specification languages are needed which provide the specifierwith higher-level constructs that ease the burden of providing every detail that is required by the logic.Hints on useful constructs have been given throughout the text, and a more serious attempt towardsdefining object-oriented specification constructs is given in [Fiadeiro et al 90].

It remains to look in more detail at the nature of the support that can be provided to vertical structuring,i.e. for the "implementation" of components in a level of the development process in terms of thecomponents available in the next level (in a more concrete "abstract machine"). A model-theoreticaccount of object refinement can already be found in [Ehrich and Sernadas 89], and preliminary resultson notions of refinement in the above mentioned logic of objects can be found in [Fiadeiro andMaibaum 90].


We wish to thank our colleagues Hans-Dieter Ehrich, Udo Lipeck and Amílcar Sernadas for the manychallenging discussions that we have had on these subjects, and which, together with suggestions,have helped to shape things to as they are. We are also grateful to Ian Hodkinson and Mark Ryan forvaluable and detailed comments on this work.


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