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TEVTA repform GIZ annual report

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DCI-ASSIE/2011/265-674- Supporting TVET Reform in Pakistan TVET Reform Support Programme, Pakistan Progress Report REPORInterim Report 1 st April 2012 to 31 st March 2013

DCI-ASSIE/2011/265-674- Supporting TVET Reform in Pakistan

TVET Reform Support Programme, Pakistan

Progress Report REPORInterim Report 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013

Programme Details

Project Title: Supporting TVET Reform in Pakistan

Project No: DCI-ASSIE/2011/265-674

Country: Pakistan

Starting date: 1st

April, 2011

End date: 31st

March, 2016

Implementing partner: NAVTTC/TEVTAs

Project Duration: 5 years

Total budget: 42,400,000 EUR

BMZ contribution: 2,000,000 EUR

Delegation of European Union to Pakistan/ financial contribution:

25,400,000 EUR

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands/contribution:

15,000,000 EUR

Implemented by: GIZ

Name of contact person: Dr. Julie Reviere

Contacts: 051-2608986

Reporting period: 1st

April, 2012 to 31st

March, 2013

Submitted to: Delegation of the European Union to Pakistan

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)

Programme Steering Committee

GIZ Programme Manager/ Date/Signature:

Table of Contents

Executive Summary..................................................................................................... 3

1 Programme Environment ...................................................................................... 5

2 Progress against expected results .......................................................................... 7

3 Key Achievements ............................................................................................... 13 3.1 Component 1: Governance ..................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Component 2: NQF and HRD ................................................................................................................. 15 3.3 Component 3: Innovative training Delivery and LMI&S ............................................................ 16

4 Delays of planned activities ................................................................................. 17

5 Challenges and mitigation strategies ................................................................... 17

6 Programme management and monitoring ........................................................... 19 6.1 Programme management ....................................................................................................................... 19 6.2 Programme Monitoring ........................................................................................................................... 19 6.3 The programme steering committee (PSC) ..................................................................................... 20 6.4 Other donors ................................................................................................................................................ 21

7 Priority areas for the next reporting period ......................................................... 21

Annexes/Appendices ................................................................................................ 23 Annex 1: Organisational chart of the PMO (March 2013) ..................................................................... 23 Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule) ............................. 24 Annex 3: Overview of Permanent Staff ......................................................................................................... 49 Annex 4: Overview of International long- and Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants ............................................................................................................................................................... 53 Annex 5: Overview of National Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants ....................... 58 Annex 6: Reports, Competency standards, Curricula, Modules and Manuals (April 2012 – March 2013) ............................................................................................................................................................. 67 Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours ............................................................ 72 Annex 8: Active FIT Financing Agreements (April 2012 – March 2013) ........................................ 85 Annex 9: Overview of Local Subsidies (April 2012 – March 2013) .................................................. 87 Annex 30: TVET Reform Support Programme – Logframe 04/2011 – 03/2016 (Version April 2012)........................................................................................................................................................................... 88

1 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Executive Summary

List of Abbreviations

ADP Annual Development Programme (the key provincial/regional planning mechanism) AJK Azad Jammu and Kashmir BMZ Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung CBT Competency-Based Training CTTI Construction Technology Training Institute DoA Description of Action EC European Commission EUD Delegation of the European Union FATA Federally Administered Tribal Areas FIT Fund for Innovative Training FLP GIZ FATA Livelihood Project GB Gilgit-Baltistan GDP Gross Domestic Product GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH GoP Government of Pakistan HRD Human Resource Development ICT Islamabad Capital Territory IST In-Service Training JRM Joint Review Mission KP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa JP Job Placement LMI Labour Market Information LR Learning Region M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MIS Management Information System MoU Memorandum of Understanding MoV Means of Verification NAVTTC National Vocational & Technical Training Commission NCSC National Curricula Steering Committee NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NSS National Skills Strategy NQF National Qualifications Framework OJT On-the-job training PBS Pakistan Board of Statistics PEP Project Evaluation Panel PMO Programme Management Office PoE Principles of Engagement PSC Programme Steering Committee PST Pre-Service Training QMS Quality Management System REAP Renewable And Alternative Energy Association of Pakistan REEE Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency RPL Recognition of Prior Learning SIS Skills Information System STE Short-Term Expert TA Technical Assistance TEVTA Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority

2 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Executive Summary

TLM Teaching Learning Materials TNA Training Needs Assessment TU Technical Unit TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training VC Vocational Counselling VTI Vocational Training Institute

3 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 1: Governance

Executive Summary

The report covers the period 1st April 2012 – 31st March 2013. It focuses on accounting for the activities during this second year of Programme implementation – i.e. is the Programme on-track; did the work plan require adjustments and why; and what are the main activities and deliverables for the next reporting period? Overall it can be summarised that good progress has been made towards the objectives of the Programme.

Component 1: Governance

The Programme supported the finalisation of the provincial skills development plans and of an amalgamated national skills development plan for the year 2013/2014. The firm commitment of most provincial Governments and NAVTTC to include the planned activities into their Annual Development Plans (ADPs)

1 can be regarded as a major achievement. To facilitate implementation,

the Programme is discussing technical assistance requirements, and assists with the development of a related monitoring framework. This framework and on-going work on a management information system (MIS) for training providers have laid the basis for the development of a TVET M&E system. In addition, the Human Resource Development (HRD) policy for TVET teachers was drafted in 2012. The Programme will address some of the identified capacity gaps through component 2 (pre-and in-service training) during the coming year, and expects also that the HRD policy will be officially adopted by the Pakistani Government. Work on the four remaining policies, namely TVET policy, enterprise-based TVET, TVET financing and vocational counselling/guidance is on-going with completion expected by the end of 2013.

With support from component 1, a comprehensive accreditation mechanism has been designed, which will be further tested and introduced in the coming year. The Programme has also prepared a concept paper for the quality management system of TVET institutes. Finally, the communication strategy, which had been developed during the inception period, has been implemented with a respective campaign, featuring numerous sensitisations sessions and other public relation and media events. A major achievement of this campaign is the commitment from the highest political level of Punjab, KP and AJK to establish a reward scheme for outstanding TVET students. Furthermore, Punjab has decided to provide scholarships for the best TVET students to get further training in their technical trade abroad. Finally, the remaining baseline studies have been completed during the reporting period.

Component 2: NQF and HRD

The reporting period witnessed the drafting of the NQF/TVET, covering levels and level descriptors, draft rules on horizontal and upwards transfer, credit accumulation, and recognition of prior learning (RPL). The draft has been submitted to NAVTTC for initial approval, before implementation can be tested. Another achievement of component 2 was the development of basic methods, tools and processes for the elaboration of competency based training (CBT) curricula, including the definition of what constitutes a CBT curriculum, a template for CBT curricula development and a guideline for CBT curricula development. During the reporting period, the Programme has developed 8 additional CBT curricula and another 8 are in the process of being developed. Furthermore, the Programme assisted NAVTTC in fast-tracking 18 existing curricula applying the new curricula template. One CBT

1 If activities are included in the Annual Development Plans (ADPs) their implementation is planned to be financed by the

Pakistani Government and/or provinces, hence, it is very likely that these activities are implemented.

4 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 1: Governance

short course for housemaids has also been implemented which included the upgrading of training equipment in a rural school in Punjab.

Major progress has been made in the area of teacher training. 100 lead trainers have been trained in pedagogical and methodological skills and 18 training centres were selected for the installation of e-learning equipment. The testing phase for in-service training including up to 600 teachers in all provinces has been prepared and will start in May/June 2013. A concept has been developed to improve the pre-service training of TVET teachers. This concept foresees a Pakistani university of engineering in Lahore or Karachi partnering with a European university to offer a one year pedagogical training programme for engineering graduates to become TVET teachers.

Component 3: Innovative training delivery and labour market information and services

The Programme has seen major progress in establishing TVET (training) initiatives with funding from the Fund for Innovative Training (FIT). In addition to the on-going 14 pilot projects, 7 regular phase projects were approved in December 2012, 2 more were approved in March 2013. Additional projects are at contracting stage. To date a total of 15,000 people, mainly young Pakistani have been provided with the opportunity to participate in employment-oriented training programmes supported through FIT. The projects address a large spectrum of disadvantaged population groups including illiterate youth, religious minorities, transgender, and women in remote areas of Pakistan. The first ‘Hunargah’ (learning region) project in FATA, which supports the creation of sustainable networks of learning, research and development resources in the region to address economic and ecological challenges in an integrated way, is successfully being implemented since April 2012. Some slight delays, however, have been witnessed in the implementation of the ‘Hunargah’ due to the precarious security situation in FATA.

Conceptual development has been completed for delivering innovative training. In addition, activities to establish and improve the capacity of NAVTTC and the TEVTAs for managing and analysing labour market information (LMI) and data, to improve capacities to generate professional policies and skill plans and to support career guidance and job placement have begun. It is worth mentioning though that some activities have temporarily been suspended due to the replacement of the initial technical assistance team. The new team was recruited in March, 2013 and progress has already been made to establish a good working relationship with NAVTTC and other stakeholders, involved in LMI.

5 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 1: Governance

1 Programme Environment

Pakistan faces at present enormous socio-economic challenges. The on-going conflict with the Taliban and other militant groups, mainly in the north-western parts of the country, contribute to the vulnerability of Pakistan as a state. The large amount of internally displaced population, which has drastically increased since the floods of 2010, further contributes to the severe economic and financial crisis of the country.

In 2010, 40% of the population above 10 years of age were illiterate. Consequently, one of the main reasons for the low development status of the country is the lack of a skilled work force. In 2012, Pakistan was ranked 146 out of 186 on the human development index. This lack of suitably qualified people is an impediment to the quality of delivered products and services, but also for the social well-being of the country. Not surprisingly, therefore, the Pakistan Competitiveness Report 2009 ranks skilled workforce issues at number 6 (out of 15) among the most problematic factors for doing business in Pakistan.

At present the formal Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system with 3,059 institutes (916 public and 2,143 private) provides skills development opportunities for approximately 240,000 students in school-based education for trades and medium-skilled professions within technical education (auto-technician, telecommunication technician, etc.), vocational training (tailoring, embroidery, beautician, and general electrician etc.) and commercial trades (sale representative, secretarial services, etc.). These 40 existing occupational profiles address only partially the demand. Hence, next to restricted access, inadequate quality, relevance and equality are the main problems of TVET.

The TVET Reform Support Programme operates in all provinces and regions of Pakistan, with a focus on youth from the border and disadvantaged provinces/regions and/or other selected population groups. The Programme aims to support the TVET reform envisaged by the Government of Pakistan through the implementation of the National Skills Strategy (NSS). The objectives of the NSS are to:

provide relevant skills for industrial and economic development,

improve access, equity and employability, and

ensure quality of skills development.

The goal of the Programme is therefore identical to the NSS vision that ‘Pakistanis have the intermediate skills to help make Pakistan a developed, industrialised, just and prosperous country by 2030.’

The Programme supports the reform of TVET sector through three Components. The inclusion of the private sector into all aspects of planning, implementation and quality assurance is regarded as key to the success of the Programme.

Component 1 addresses governance issues of skills development and TVET. It aims at creating conducive conditions for implementing the TVET reform and the NSS in a sustainable manner. Furthermore, it addresses the improvement of the institutional structure and governance of the TVET sector.

Component 2 is to support the development of a National Qualification Framework (NQF) including the development of training standards and curricula and to upgrade the present system of pre- and in-service training.

To ensure that training is better linked to actual labour market demands, Component 3 supports capacity building of relevant stakeholders to analyse and coordinate labour market information required for skills development, including career orientation and guidance. Through the Fund for

6 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 1: Governance

Innovative Training (FIT) and by implementing the concept of ‘Learning Region’, the Programme offers targeted training opportunities for marginalised groups, with a focus on underdeveloped and unstable regions in Pakistan.

The Programme is in its second year of operation. The first year was an inception phase and lasted from 1st April 2012 until 31st of March 2013.

In summary the outputs during the inception phase were:

1. Draft skills development plans developed by local public and private stakeholders. 2. Technical Unit (TU) established at NAVTTC and the Programme facilitated the ISO 9001

accreditation of NAVTTC. 3. Draft communication strategy developed, and a website on the TVET reform as well as other

information material on the TVET Reform Support Programme established. 4. Selected baseline studies carried out on for specific subjects related to TVET. 5. Template and guidelines for CBT curricula development drafted. 6. Revision of a total of 32 existing curricula and development of 18 CBT curricula according to

the new curriculum template through fast track, mostly at certificate level, carried out. 7. Training needs analysis implemented and a blended-learning approach comprising a mix of e-

based and classroom training modules for in-service TVET teacher training developed. 8. Procedures for the management of the Fund for Innovative Training (FIT) agreed upon and 14

pilot projects started. 9. The first LR project conceptualised and launched in FATA (FR Peshawar).

These outputs form the basis for the planned results and achievements of the second year which are covered by this present progress report.

7 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 1: Governance

2 Progress against expected results

The following provides an overview on the progress against the expected results during the reporting period, which represents year 2 of this 5-year Programme. Chapter 3 provides a further insight into the key achievements and assesses the impact of the activities to date as far as this is possible.

Component 1: Governance

Objective 1: Governance of TVET sector is improved

Indicators Planned deliverables for AWP 2012/13 Status (31st

of March 2013)

1.1 Clear roles and mandates for implementation of NSS between NAVTTC, national and provincial authorities including the private sector have been agreed upon

Provincial/regional skills development plans (SDPs) formulated on an annual basis

National NSS implementation plan prepared and updated

Organisational assessment report prepared and agreed upon by 2012

Progress as planned

Skills Development Plans of all regions/provinces and the NSS national plan are available for the year 2013/2014

Implementation support and monitoring framework being finalised

Organisational assessment report is being finalised and will be available in June 2013

TU annual work plan

TU liaison officers recruited for TEVTAs Completed

Annual work plan for TU in NAVTTC is available and monthly jour fixe comprising NAVTTC, TU and Programme are conducted to monitor progress

Provincial liaison officers are being recruited for TEVTAs

Increased capacity of NAVTTC and TEVTAs to support implementation of TVET reform

Progress as planned

Capacity building has been an integral element of all activities of the Programme and numerous separate capacity building events have been held

Baseline data compiled and shared Progress as planned

Remaining baseline reports are: 1. Cooperation between institutes and employers in Punjab; 2. Assess skills needs in Sindh; and 3. Obstacles to TVET in Punjab will be completed by July 2013

8 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 1: Governance

Component 1: Governance

Objective 1: Governance of TVET sector is improved

Indicators Planned deliverables for AWP 2012/13 Status (31st

of March 2013)

1.2 1000 TVET institutes have been accredited by NAVTTC within NSS context

Accreditation framework and procedures for training programmes prepared and agreed upon

Progress as planned

Accreditation manual for training programmes has been agreed and accreditation council proposed

Quality management concept developed and agreed upon

Progress as planned

Concept paper for QMS including a system for the recognition of prior learning (RPL) has been finalised and has been tabled to NAVTTC for review

1.3 TVET monitoring & evaluation system developed

Draft M&E concept available

MIS structures developed and implemented

Progress as planned

Initial discussion on TVET M&E have been held with NAVTTC and other stakeholders

MIS set-up is completed in KP TEVTA and discussions with other provinces have been initiated

Programme internal M&E system is fully operational

1.4 Five policy documents (TVET Policy, enterprise-based TVET, TVET financing, vocational counselling/ guidance and HRD) are tabled for NSS implementation.

5 policy documents tabled

o TVET policy, o HRD, o Enterprise-based TVET, o TVET financing, and o vocational



Policy document on HRD is available and has been agreed upon by stakeholders

Remaining 4 policy documents are being developed with completion expected between May and September 2013

1.5 Communication and dissemination of TVET reform improved

Communication strategy developed and implemented

Number of sensitisation workshops with different key target groups executed

Number of TVET reform website visitors

Number of articles and radio spots

Progress as planned

Communication strategy developed and being implemented

In total 18 sensitisation workshops have been held for different target groups, including policy makers, TVET service providers, politicians, civil society, media and youth with a total attendance of 1200

By the end of the reporting period, the website was hit 410,000. 36 radio programmes and

9 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 1: Governance

Component 1: Governance

Objective 1: Governance of TVET sector is improved

Indicators Planned deliverables for AWP 2012/13 Status (31st

of March 2013)

published, and number of dissemination/ information events held

Opinion poll amongst employers, youth and parents by the end of the Programme

150 public messages were aired

50 new stories, articles and features were published and 08 videos are available

The first public opinion poll was implemented in Sept 2012 with 700,000 web impressions through three popular news websites

Component 2: NQF and HRD

Objective 2: NQF for TVET developed and introduced in priority sectors and HRD system for teacher training improved

Indicators Deliverables for AWP 2012/13 Status (31st

of March 2013)

2.1 Formats for competency standards and curricula as well as certification processes are defined

NQF/TVET levels agreed upon

NQF system for TVET developed

Formats and procedures for competency standards and curricula development as well as certification processes defined

Progress as planned

Relevant stakeholders (private and public sector) have agreed on NQF/TVET levels and level descriptors

Within the NQF system, TVET draft rules on horizontal and upwards transfer, credit accumulation and on recognition of prior learning have been developed.

Formats and procedures for competency standards and curricula, assessment have been developed and tabled for NAVTTC approval

2.2 60 competency standards, curricula and assessment packages are developed in trades suitable for female and male students (30% suitable for women)

By the end of the programme, 60 CBT standards, curricula and assessment packages developed as per the agreed format (at least 30% suitable for female students)

New curricula approved by employers’ organisations

Progress as planned

In total 8 CBT programmes have been developed for different occupations in the hospitality sector and for computer operators (6 suitable for women)

8 CBT programmes are in the process of being developed (construction electrician, plumber, electrician and security guards, including female guards) incl. training modules on renewable energy with selected other stakeholders

2.3 Surveys of graduates confirm that at least 75% of the 10,000

100 Master Trainers for TVET teacher trainers capacitated to apply blended

Progress as planned

10 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 1: Governance

Component 2: NQF and HRD

Objective 2: NQF for TVET developed and introduced in priority sectors and HRD system for teacher training improved

Indicators Deliverables for AWP 2012/13 Status (31st

of March 2013)

(30% female) in pedagogical skills and technical concepts trained TVET teachers, conduct qualitatively good vocational training.

learning approach

By the end of the Programme, 10,000 teachers are trained through in-service training system

100 lead trainer/ e-tutors were trained in 4 batches (25 females)

18 training centres (Punjab -6, Sindh-4, KPK/FATA-4, GB, AJK, Baluchistan, ICT-1 each) were selected and the installation of e-learning rooms has started in February 2013.

Testing training phase with 600 TVET teacher in all provinces is expected to start in May 2013

2.4 100 newly qualified lead teachers (30% female) in competency based training (CBT) courses based on NQF start an employment at TVET institutions as vocational teacher

No planned deliverables for AWP 2012/2013

Not due yet

Concept has been developed for partnering Pakistani university of engineering in Lahore or Karachi with a European university to offer a one year pedagogical training programme for engineering graduates to become TVET teachers

2.5 Pre- and in-service TVET teacher training system developed and piloted

New qualification system for TVET teachers in place by the end of the Programme

Progress as planned

Future in-service-training system is to be developed based on the experience of the pilot phase of in-service-training for 600 teacher which will be completed by the end of 2013

HRD policy regarding pre-service technical teacher training has been finalised and related implementation process is being drafted

2.6 30 TVET institutions offer CBT programmes based on NQF with 10,000 completers

By the end of the Programme, CBT courses piloted with 30 institutions

By the end of the Programme, training equipment in 30 institutions upgraded for CBT courses

Progress as planned

One CBT course for housemaids is completed in Chenab School (rural Punjab)

43 students (out of 50 students) have completed the CBT course successfully (all are female)

Upgrading of training equipment in Chenab School has been completed

11 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 1: Governance

Component 3: Innovative training delivery and labour market information and services

Objective 3: Access to marketable skills and labour market services increased, with special focus on defined target groups

Indicators Deliverables for AWP 2012/13 Status (31st

of March 2013)

3.1 44 TVET innovative approaches supported and 2 “Learning Regions” established

FIT implementation procedures and management instruments updated


FIT Implementation procedures and management instruments have been finalised

By the end of the Programme, 44 TVET (training) initiatives approved for FIT funding and implemented

Progress as planned

14 pilot projects have been implemented in April 2012

7 regular phase projects are approved in December 2012 and are in the implementation phase

3 regular phase projects are in process at GIZ Head Quarter

2 regular phase projects are being processes by FIT Team

By the end of the Programme, 2 Learning Regions introduced in different provinces


First Hunargah (learning region) has been initiated in FR Peshawar aimed at developing a small scale integrated farming system, protecting natural resources and create income opportunities for women

3 model farm locations have been identified

The first training sessions which were supposed to start in January 2013 were delayed due to security reasons

3.2 90,000 people, particularly youths from poor households (75% = 67,500) in KP, FATA, Baluchistan, GB = 33,750, 50% from poor households in AJK, Sindh and Punjab = 33,750, thereof 30% females, gain

Particularly young Pakistanis receiving training though FIT projects (no specific targets have been set for AWP 2012/2013)

Progress as planned

15,000 people are being trained in the pilot and regular projects, 54% of the beneficiaries are female. 83% beneficiaries are from poor households in KP, FATA, Baluchistan and 17% are from AJK, GB, Sindh and Punjab

12 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 1: Governance

Component 3: Innovative training delivery and labour market information and services

Objective 3: Access to marketable skills and labour market services increased, with special focus on defined target groups

Indicators Deliverables for AWP 2012/13 Status (31st

of March 2013)

access to demand-driven TVET and employment opportunities

3.3 100 TVET and other centres integrate vocational counselling and job placement into their services

50 TVET and other institutions have VC/JP services functioning by the end of second Programme year, 100 by end of Programme


23 potential sites for VC/JP centres have been nominated by provincial stakeholders in Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and KP, evaluation process is ongoing

Computer equipment and software for 100 centres is currently being procured

Training courses for vocational counselling offered by ILO are being evaluated

Input from the policy study will be available end of May

NAVTTC SIS cell operational

Skills Information System (SIS) Network operates countrywide


Initial technical assistance team had to be replaced in March 2013

Working group has been created to promote the labour market network (NAVTTC, PBS, ILO, UNIDO selected TEVTA Reps) and meets monthly

Work plan for the establishment of the NAVTTC cell has been developed

13 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 1: Governance

3 Key Achievements

This section highlights the most important achievements during the reporting period 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 for each of the Programme components.


Component 1 of the Programme aims at improving the planning and management systems as well as improving the institutional structure for TVET in Pakistan. Within this context, the following key achievements during the reporting period can be presented:

Provincial/national skills development plans for 2013/14 prepared (Indicator 1.1)

The Programme supported the elaboration of skills development plans by public and private stakeholders for all provinces and regions of Pakistan. The plans identify activities to improve skills development and expand the coverage of TVET within the framework of the National Skills Strategy (NSS) for the year 2013/2014. The plans stress an increased role and involvement of the private sector, and include estimated costs for the implementation of planned activities. At the end of the development process an amalgamated skills development plan for Pakistan, which includes the priority activities of the provinces/regions and for the federal level against each key activity in the NSS, has also been finalised. A national skills conference in March 2013, which was attended by private and public stakeholders as well as donor representatives, discussed the roadmap for the implementation of the plans. During this conference it became clear that a large number of common activities have to be implemented by all provinces/regions, for which support and coordination is expected to be carried out by NAVTTC.

The methodology used by the Programme to facilitate the preparation of the plans by local stakeholders contributes to their own capacity building but also creates necessary ownership for the implementation. The firm commitment of most provincial Governments and NAVTTC to prepare the plans and to include the planned activities of the respective plans into their Annual Development Plans (ADPs)2 can therefore be regarded as a major achievement. To support and facilitate implementation, the Programme is discussing with the stakeholders where they need technical assistance with the implementation as well as the development of a monitoring framework for provincial stakeholders. Therefore, support for the preparation of provincial/regional skills development plans and related implementation support will be continued for the remainder of the Programme as an important input for improving TVET planning and implementation.

Human Resource Development (HRD) policy for TVET teachers developed and agreed (Indicator 1.4)

The HRD policy paper has been jointly developed by the Programme and selected stakeholders between the months of April and December 2012. Its objective is to promote the initial training and continuing training of human resources for the TVET in the frame of the NSS and addresses both pre- and in-service training. It identifies specific constraints in the current HRD system of TVET teachers in areas such as recruitment, career progression, salary levels and employment. The policy proposes remedial actions and makes recommendations for improving the existing pre- and in-service training of TVET teachers. It highlights the need for a revised institutional arrangement for pre-service

2 If activities are included in the Annual Development Plans (ADPs) their implementation is planned to be financed by the

Pakistani Government, hence it is very likely that these activities are implemented.

14 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 1: Governance

training of TVET teachers. The policy has been approved by NAVTTC and selected TEVTAs, but needs to be formally approved at the senior Government level. The Programme will address some of the identified constraints through component 2 (pre-and in-service training) during the coming year, but will work towards the HRD policy paper being officially adopted by the Pakistani Government after the elections.

Accreditation mechanism for TVET programmes agreed (Indicator 1.2)

During the previous reporting period the Programme had started to support NAVTTC and other stakeholders in developing an accreditation mechanism for TVET courses. Initially the Programme facilitated the piloting of an existing NAVTTC accreditation manual in 14 selected TVET institutes. The results were incorporated into the revised manual. Further discussions and consultations with stakeholders have resulted in the revision of the manual, and an agreement to a comprehensive accreditation mechanism for TVET courses by national and provincial TVET authorities. The mechanism, which has been adopted by NAVTTC, suggests, among others, the establishment of an accreditation council consisting of selected provincial and national TVET stakeholders, with NAVTTC acting as the secretariat.

During the next reporting period, the Programme will work with NAVTTC and other stakeholders to ensure that the manual and other elements of the mechanism are further refined before national implementation can begin. Within the context of accreditation, the Programme has also prepared a concept paper for a quality management system (QMS) for TVET institutes, including a method for the recognition of prior learning (RPL).

TVET monitoring & evaluation system developed (Indicator 1.3)

The skills development action plans and their related monitoring framework formed the basis for the development of a suitable TVET sector M&E system as it identifies the current situation and planned activities of local stakeholders in the different provinces/regions. In addition at the request of the KP TEVTA, the Programme piloted a questionnaire to collect data on the institutional set-up of public sector TVET institutions. This was implemented to develop and test an instrument to collect institutional data. It is envisaged that information emanating from the skills development plans and the institutional data from the TEVTAs will form the basis of the M&E system. In the coming year, the Programme will work with the TEVTAs on capacity and conceptual issues to contribute towards improved M&E mechanisms.

Communication strategy approved and implemented3 (Indicator 4.0)

During the reporting period, the TVET reform communication strategy was formally approved by private and public sector stakeholders. Implementation of the two objectives of the strategy, namely (1) improving the status of TVET in the minds of parents, student and employers; and (2) raising the visibility of the TVET support programme and its partners, has begun. The focus is to raise public-sector awareness vis-à-vis the importance of TVET and skills development for more productivity, but also of improved social well-being of the nation.

By the end of the reporting period, in total eighteen sensitisation workshops have been held for different target groups, including policy makers, TVET service providers, politicians, civil society, media and youth with a total attendance of 1,200. Furthermore, the website had 410,000 hits, and 36 targeted radio programmes and 150 public messages on TVET were aired. In addition, 50 new stories, articles and features focussing on TVET were published or broadcasted. The crucial role of the private sector in all aspects of TVET was continuously highlighted.

3 For operational reasons the achievements related to communications have been added to component 1, although related

activities mainly contribute to achieving indicator 4.0.

15 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 2: NQF and HRD

A major achievement of this campaign is the commitment from the highest political level of Punjab, KP and AJK to establish a reward scheme for outstanding TVET students. Furthermore, Punjab has decided to provide scholarships for the best TVET students to further train in their technical trade abroad. As a result of the Programme’s efforts, a consultation forum has been established to discuss how to more effectively involve the private sector in the planning and delivery of TVET. Sensitisation and awareness raising of the general public, in particular parents and students will continue to receive high priority and inputs in the coming years.


Pakistani National Qualifications Framework (NQF/TVET) developed (Indicator 2.1)

The Programme substantially contributed to the development of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)/TVET. The NQF/TVET, which is based on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), has been drafted and amended during several formal and informal consultation sessions with public and private stakeholders. It defines respective elements of the framework including levels, level descriptors, rules for equivalences, credit transfer, assessment, recognition of prior learning (RPL) and other framework elements. The draft NQF has now been tabled with NAVTTC for initial approval, before implementation will be tested. The testing phase, planned for the coming year, will involve working with other Government departments/ministries to facilitate broad implementation of the TVET/NQF.

Competency based curricula development formats and procedures standardised and introduced (Indicator 2.2)

An integral component of the NQF/TVET relates to standardised formats and procedures for competency based curricula development. In this context, the Programme along with NAVTTC elaborated guidelines, which define a process for curricula development including a standardised template for the development of curricula. This process starts with the implementation of a DACUM (Development of a Curriculum) workshop which usually involves 8 industry practitioners and leads to the definition of job task and duties, required equipment, and other features of the job. The next step is the standards’ development which involves public and private sector practitioners as well as TVET teachers. These standards are then being incorporated into learning modules for different NQF levels. Selected Industry Advisory Groups (IAGs) are then tasked to endorse the new curricula or suggest revisions, before they are being forwarded and approved by the National Curricula Review Committee (NCRC). The NCRC is a standing committee, consisting of representatives from NAVTTC and the TEVTAs, as well as selected TVET experts. The implementation of the curricula is then finally tested in one of the partner institutes to receive ideas about subsequent roll-out.

Based on these standardised procedures, the Programme supported the development of 8 curricula (e.g. hospitality, IT and housemaid), six of which target trades that are suitable for women. The development of 8 additional CBT courses is underway for the following trades: construction electrician, plumber, electrician and security guards (including female guards), incl. CBT modules on renewable energy with selected other stakeholders. In addition, NAVTTC was supported to fast-track 18 of its existing curricula.

One CBT course implemented (Indicator 2.5)

One short competency based training course for house maids, based on the curricula developed by the Programme, has been implemented in the Chenab training institute in rural Punjab. From the 50 participants which started the training, a total of 43 completed the course and were assessed ‘competent’ at the end. In addition to this training, the Programme upgraded the required training equipment for the training institute and participated in the monitoring of the training. Currently, other TVET institutes to introduce CBT programmes based on newly developed curricula are being

16 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 3: Innovative training Delivery and LMI&S

identified. This will include the training of TVET instructors to develop their technical, methodological and pedagogical skills.

100 TVET lead trainers qualified through in-service training (Indicator 2.3)

The remoteness of some TVET institutes and the difficult security situation in some part of Pakistan have led to a revised concept of in-service teacher training. The ‘blended learning’ combines class-room training with “controlled” e-learning. To date, the Programme has trained 100 TVET trainers from all provinces in a four-week long modular training course. The training was a combination of theoretical and practical elements and included regular self-assessments as well as tests for each module. At the end of the training each participant received a certificate as TVET lead trainer. To support the e-learning element of the training, the Programme selected 18 training centres all over Pakistan (Punjab: 6; Sindh: 4; KPK/FATA: 4; GB, AJK, Baluchistan and ICT: 1 each). The installation of the necessary technical equipment in the centres started in February 2013. It is planned to test the implementation of the first e-learning training for a group of up to 600 teachers. It is furthermore planned to train an additional 20 lead trainers from private training institutes to ensure that private providers will benefit from this training and also to account for the drop-out from the initial lead trainers.


Implementation modalities and procedures for FIT finalised (Indicator 3.1) Training for 15,000 disadvantaged funded by FIT started (indicator 3.1)

The Fund for Innovative Training (FIT) is to stimulate projects that develop, test and disseminate innovative and effective approaches to employment-oriented skills development. The aim is to identify new solutions to constraints in TVET delivery. These may be new locations for training delivery, new private-public partnership models, new curricular concepts, new modes of funding, or new approaches to include marginalised groups.

FIT has been structured into four windows or themes, each with a specific objective:

Promotion of green skills

Access for marginalised groups

Involvement of employers; and

Promotion of self-employment.

During the reporting period, the Programme updated and finalised the FIT implementation procedures and management instruments based on the results of the findings from the pilot process. One key lesson learned was that the process of evaluation and final selection of projects had to be expanded to include technical experts. As such ToR for a project evaluation panel (PEP) were added to the FIT guidelines. Furthermore, there is now a focus on larger, more comprehensive projects to reach a larger number of beneficiaries.

At the end of March 2013, in total 21 projects with a financial volume of 3.245.000 EUR are being implemented; two more contracts were signed in April 2013. Contracts for other FIT projects selected by PEP are currently being concluded.

FIT projects address a variety of occupational areas, a range of different target groups in different provinces and regions, and use innovative training methods and delivery mechanisms. For example, FIT supported the implementation of a short training course for motorcycle mechanics in the city of Peshawar, mainly in cooperation with informal sector companies on new technologies and instructional skills. Another project offers training to women in remote areas of Gilgit-Baltistan to train them, e.g. in data entry and computer-aided design.

17 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Component 3: Innovative training Delivery and LMI&S

As a result of the above mentioned projects, to date a total of 15,000 mainly young Pakistanis have received the opportunity to participate in employment-oriented training programmes. The projects address a large spectrum of disadvantaged population groups including illiterate youth, religious minorities, transgender, and women in remote areas of Pakistan. The Programme intends to implement tracer studies to follow-up on employment and income status of the completers. A tool including a methodology to implement these tracer studies have already been developed.

An overview of the projects active during this reporting period is provided in Annex 8.

4 Delays of planned activities

The following paragraphs highlight activities where there have been delays with the implementation and provide reasons why the delays have occurred.


The development of four policy papers, namely enterprise-based TVET, TVET financing, vocational counselling/guidance and the TVET policy has started during the reporting period but has not been completed. This is partly due to operational reasons but also due to the restricted availability of key stakeholders just before the elections. Finalisation of these remaining four policy papers is expected for the second half of 2013.

Learning region

The first Learning Region (LR) project is being implemented in FATA (FR Peshawar) since April 2012. The project aims to improve livelihoods through the development of sustainable small-scale farming systems and income generation opportunities for women. The objective is to support the creation of sustainable networks of learning, research and development resources in the region to address key economic and ecological challenges in a holistic manner. The learning region project is implemented by a local NGO in cooperation with a network of local and regional development agencies. Three model farms were identified, but the planned training could not be implemented due to the security situation in FATA. This has resulted in a delay of the training and related activities.


Planned activities are oriented towards assisting NAVTTC as well as TEVTAs to establish and improve their capacity for managing and analysing labour market information and data, to feed into the development of policies and skill plans, and to support career guidance and job placement activities. The initial team working in this area had to be replaced in December 2012 as the team and NAVTTC management were not able to find some common ground regarding the conceptual composition and structure of a LMI cell within NAVTTC. In parallel to replacing the team, NAVTTC management cut back all related activities until a new team was in place. The new team was recruited by March, 2013. The effects of discontinuity were mitigated by the recruitment of an international short term expert for labour market information systems.

5 Challenges and mitigation strategies

The challenges and mitigations strategies identified in the Programme design were also raised in the inception report. No significant changes have occurred. In general, the Programme is operating within the overall constraints that prevail in Pakistan and is committed to find ways to deal with the challenges.

18 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Programme management

Government of Pakistan (GoP) prioritising skills development and TVET

It is an on-going challenge for the GoP to prioritise skills development and TVET as reflected in the PRSP and NSS, given further deterioration in the macro-economic environment, the government’s financial management and systems. A protracted economic slowdown (or delays in external assistance) will even further restrict government contributions to TVET implementation. A prolonged recession could also reduce employment for TVET graduates, thereby leading to higher unemployment and non-realisation of the monetary benefits of training. However, Pakistan’s on-going discussions with multilateral lending institutions are expected to provide the government incremental fiscal space to stabilise the economy and to meet the social sector expenditures. The Programme strategy in this context is to systematically involve private sector and civil society institutions to extend the resource base for TVET and to involve other delivery organisations.

Establishing effective Public Private Partnerships

It will be a challenge to ensure that the public sector is willing to transfer resources to, and share power with, the private sector and civil society institutions. At the same time, private sector representatives have to become more engaged and be willing to share their resources and expertise. The Programme is increasingly providing technical assistance to build capacity for partnerships with the objective to include key stakeholders across the provincial/federal levels and the private sector vis-à-vis the planning and implementation process so that they understand the benefits emanating from these partnerships.

Efficient and effective TVET governance

The low capacity of central and provincial level organisations to develop and deliver improved TVET poses a challenge for the Programme. However, the Programme addresses this constraint by facilitating the clarification of TVET priorities and support requirements and building management, monitoring and evaluation capacities. This will enable the partner to improve or develop TVET structures and service delivery.

The 18th Amendment has opened a window of opportunity for clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the diverse set of actors involved in the TVET sector. While the amendment within the TVET sector stipulates devolution of functions related to the provincial level, it is silent on a mechanism for a federal level coordination and support function.

In this regard facilitation of NAVTTC or another federal level mechanism and the provincial TEVTAs to discuss and agree on appropriate and effective roles remains a challenge for the Programme.

Uncertain security situation

Political disturbances have and will continue to influence the implementation of the Programme. The deteriorating security situation poses an increased challenge for Programme implementation in the border areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Baluchistan and FATA. Innovative and flexible approaches for vocational education and training developed and tested through the Programme are aimed at supporting the creation of employment avenues for the vulnerable/affected populace, hence, bolstering conflict mitigation efforts.

19 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Programme management

6 Programme management and monitoring


The organisation of a complex support Programme covering all provinces in Pakistan remains a challenge to Programme management. At times, it is difficult or impossible for foreigners to visit and work in certain locations; in addition the issuance of work visas often takes a long time. Furthermore, there are also travel restrictions for Pakistani nationals. Infrastructural challenges - such as load shedding, flight delays/cancellations and road blocks – continue to cause interruptions and delays to planned activities. In addition, Programme implementation has been negatively influenced by the lead-up period to the election with political rallies, demonstrations, bomb explosions and other events interrupting public life.

During the reporting period there have been some important changes in the composition of the Programme Management Office (PMO) team. Ms Ute Hoffmann retired as the Programme Coordinator as of 1 April 2013, and has been replaced by Mr Hans-Ludwig Bruns. Mr Per Borjegren has been appointed as team leader of Component 1 and was introduced in April 2013. He is expected to fully take up his position by September 2013. A revised organisational chart is attached in Annex 1.

In accordance to the DoA staff concept the total number of staff positions is 55. Out of these, 28 positions are filled; another 16 will be filled by mid of July 2013. Considering this, 11 positions are still vacant. The programme management team has realized that the staff concept once agreed upon in the DoA needs to be adjusted to current needs and challenges of the programme implementation. Whereas the number of staff planned for is correct, not all of the job titles do fit the needs which are required. Hence, the programme management has identified new positions needed in this context, which are not part of the staff concept once agreed upon. It is suggested to exchange those new positions with the ones previously planned for, which is almost 4 years ago. No budget adjustment would be necessary as we would stay within the given limit of what we planned for. Detailed information will be provided shortly.


The Programme continues to implement a monitoring tool to monitor progress of the Programme. This monitoring matrix summarises outputs and milestones contained in the Annual Work Plan (AWP) by Component and also includes intermediate steps and deadlines that are required for achieving them. The Programme has employed a full-time M&E coordinator, who will work on internal M&E but will also provide support to M&E-related Programme activities that involve provincial/regional TVET sector stakeholders.

6.2.1 External Monitoring

A ‘Results-Orientated’ Monitoring Mission (ROM) took place from 23rd to the 27th July 2012.

The ROM report is generally positive about the Programme and optimistic about the overall impact of the Programme, in spite of the constraints resulting from the difficult working environment in Pakistan.

The key observations/recommendations and the Programme strategy to address these were as follows:

1. “NAVTTC has seen reduced funding from the GoP and its role/performance as key policy making body in the TVET sector is not beyond dispute. It is recommended that the EUD and the Programme intensify consultations with the Prime Minister’s Secretariat and also with leading private stakeholders in the TVET sector.” In response, the Programme has set up a monthly coordination mechanism with senior NAVTTC management to discuss Programme

20 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: The programme steering committee (PSC)

strategy, potential constraints and solutions. On-going efforts to involve the private sector in all aspects of the TVET reform remain a priority.

2. “Despite broad consultation in the design phase of the Programme, the role of the private sector in the reform and development of TVET has not been sufficiently recognised. It is recommended that the Programme seeks more intensive cooperation with local/foreign private industry aimed at developing sustainable models for qualitative and viable training and employment opportunities. This part has already been taken up in coordination with Employer Federation of Pakistan (EFP) and PVTC.

3. “It is recommended that the GoP/NAVTTC takes stronger leadership in donor coordination and harmonisation. It is also recommended that Development Partners limit themselves to the role of observers in the Joint Project Steering Committee thus reinforcing local ownership of the Programme.” In response, the Programme continues to provide technical assistance to NAVTTC in the area of donor coordination and is supporting NAVTTC to take leadership in the PSC as far as this is feasible.

4. “The staff of the TU at NAVTTC is employed and paid by GIZ. This indicates a lack of commitment and ownership by NAVTTC. It is recommended that TU staff is employed and paid by NAVTTC to ensure sustainability of TA.” As a result, the Programme is currently implementing a capacity analysis of NAVTTC and will make related suggestions.

5. “The Programme has not yet mobilised all planned staff and consultants. It is recommended that GIZ intensifies efforts to fill existing vacancies.” This has been addressed by further recruitment of staff and consultants (see Annex 1).

6. “Consider self-employment is often the only option for income generation and hence to provide targeted support for the development of entrepreneurs.” The issue of self-employment is currently being addressed through some FIT projects. Entrepreneurship training will also feature in CBT course and curricula development.


During the reporting period two PSC meeting have been held.

The first PSC on 4th July 2012 discussed and approved the inception report. The following statements/recommendations were made:

Despite certain challenges, the TVET RSP has made good progress in putting the reform agenda on the right track during the inception period.

The inclusion of the private sector in all aspects of the Programme shall be expanded and intensified. It was noted that the Programme is increasing private sector engagement in the reform process; quality management and accreditation are some of the big challenges for the next year activities.

The focus on activities for the coming years shall be on service delivery; information shall be shared with the donors on the progress and impact of the TVET reform. Provinces shall also share their feedback on the status of the TVET reform.

The second PSC meeting during AWP2 met on 7th February 2013. Key recommendations during this PSC were:

NAVTTC shall take the lead as coordinating agency for donor coordination to avoid duplication of efforts and wastage of resources. NAVTTC should also take on the role of a lobbyist for leveraging more resources for the TVET sector and buy-in for the reform strategies.

21 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Other donors

Provincial representatives shall identify support requirements of NAVTTC for the implementation of their skills plans.

The strong and vibrant participation of the private sector remains of utmost importance to the success of TVET system reform. A ‘high level consultation forum’ on TVET reform should be established with members from academia, chambers, and private sector.

It was confirmed that labour market information is urgently needed and that Programme support in this area is timely.


There are a number of other donors working directly or indirectly with TVET or training. The Programme supported NAVTTC in the organisation and implementation of one donor coordination meeting which was attended by selected bi- and multilateral donors present in Pakistan. Minutes of these meeting were circulated to all stakeholders attending the meetings. The Programme will continue to support NAVTTC to ensure that the consultation process is being maintained and continuously improved.

7 Priority areas for the next reporting period

The following provides an overview on the main activities planned for the next reporting period (1st April 2013 – 31st March 2014). A detailed work plan is attached in Annex 2.

Summary of activities for next reporting period

Component 1 – Governance Timing

1.1.1 Support country wide implementation of NSS On-going

1.1.2 Develop policies to support NSS implementation Completion: Dec 2013

1.2.1 Facilitate TU to assist NAVTTC and other stakeholders in NSS implementation Completion: Mar 2013

1.2.2 Develop and implement capacity building measures for NAVTTC/TEVTA staff On-going

1.3.1 Facilitate national agreement on accreditation system On-going

1.3.2 Facilitate the implementation of a QMS in TVET institutions On-going

1.4.1 Finish baseline studies Completion: Apr 2013

1.4.2 Facilitate TVET sector M&E system and build related capacity On-going

1.4.3 Facilitate structuring of MIS and its integration with M&E Completion: Dec 2013

1.5.1 Create awareness of the role and utility of TVET Completion: Feb 2013

1.5.2 Increase visibility of TVET reform On-going

1.5.3 Build capacity among stakeholders for their communication efforts On-going

1.5.4 Encourage private sector involvement in TVET system On-going

Component 2 – NQF and HRD Timing

2.1.1 Define basic NVQF levels and level descriptors Completion: Sep 2013

2.1.2 Define qualification rules (credits/equivalences, recognition of prior learning, pathways, etc.)


2.2.1 Establish expert pool (groups) for standards and curricula development - CRCs


22 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Other donors

2.2.2 Develop new / revise existing competency standards / curricula On-going

2.3.1 Pilot 4 CBT programmes in 2 training institutions On-going

2.4.1 Pilot training of up to 600 teachers Completion: Dec 2013

2.4.2 Conduct training of teachers on a rolling basis On-going

2.4.3 Develop and implement monitoring and QA system developed and established for blended learning


2.5.1 Conduct activity planning on the basis of HRD policy paper (situation analysis; see Comp 1)


2.5.2 Develop competency for TVET teachers and curricula for pre-service training On-going

2.5.3 Explore possibilities for and potentially start implementing linkages with European universities


Component 3 – Employment-oriented TVET and labour market services Timing

3.1.1 Update FIT implementation procedures Completion: Jun 2013

3.1.2 Support the development of project proposals and select projects On-going

3.1.3 Manage FIT Projects On-going

3.1.4 Identify results On-going

3.2.1 Manage Hunargah (LR) Project implementation (F.R. Peshawar) On-going

3.3.1 Strengthen procedures and instruments for vocational counselling (VC) and job placement services (JPS)

Completion: Dec 2013

3.3.2 Support schools in implementing Vocational Counselling and Job Placement Services


3.4.1 Support strengthening of organisational structures for SIS collection and analysis


3.4.2 Adjust and develop tools for data collection and analysis On-going

23 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 1: Organisational chart of the PMO (March 2013)



24 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule)


S. No. ACTIVITY & SUB-ACTIVITIES Milestone/Output MOVs 2013 2014

















COMPONENT 1: Governance

1.1 (Output)

Plans and complementary policies/ strategies facilitating NSS implementation developed

1.1.1 Support for country-wide implementation of the NSS Support country-wide provincial Skills Development Plans

M&E framework agreed and operational

M&E report of all provinces/regions X X X Update provincial skills plans for the coming years (continuous activity) and NSS M&E

Periodic coordination meetings with stakeholders

Updated plan, meeting minutes

X X X X Support implementation of organisational strengthening and NSS implementation plans, including through provincial liaison officers

Plans implemented NSS monitoring reports

X X X X X X X X X X Establish thematic working groups of stakeholders for resourcing and donor

Additional resources mobilized by work groups

Work plans and reports, TORs of the inter provincial TVET


25 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule)

S. No. ACTIVITY & SUB-ACTIVITIES Milestone/Output MOVs 2013 2014

















alignment with priority tasks coordination forum

1.1.2 Develop TVET policies to support NSS implementation Facilitate preparation and implementation of National TVET policy

TVET policy elaborated Document X X X Evaluate objectives and elements of the NSS 2009-13

Issues and priorities identified

Evaluation report X X X Draft policy paper with suggestions for priority strategies for NSS continuation

Draft TVET policy paper elaborated


X X X X X X X Present draft policy paper to key stakeholders and decision-makers

Key stakeholders and decision-makers have commented

Workshop / meeting minutes X X Support official launching of National TVET Policy

Launching ceremony executed

Policy document, documentation

X Support establishment of a dialogue platform Government-Private Sector

Members of dialogue platform Government-Private Sector nominated

Concept of dialogue platform

X X Support implementation of Regular meetings of Recommendations, X X X X X

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Annual Progress Report: Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule)

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dialogue platform Government-Private Sector

members of dialogue platform evidenced

policy outcomes Facilitate implementation of TVET HRD policy (see C2)

HRD policy tabled HRD policy document approved and to be implemented in consultation with the working groups

X X X X X X Support TVET Financing Policy development

Draft policy paper discussed

Policy document X Facilitate development and implementation of enterprise based training policy

Workplace-based TVET policy drafted

Policy document

X Prepare draft policy paper for revised VC,/JP policy

Draft TVET policy paper discussed

Policy document, minutes of meetings/workshops

X Prepare draft policy paper for revised apprenticeship policy

Draft TVET policy paper discussed

X Review draft policies Policy papers finalised Policy documents X X Facilitate endorsement of draft policies

Policies tabled and endorsed

Policy paper X X X X Support implementation of Key elements of policies Programme and

27 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule)

S. No. ACTIVITY & SUB-ACTIVITIES Milestone/Output MOVs 2013 2014

















policies implemented Government documents

1.2 (Output)

Capacities of NAVTTC and TEVTAs to coordinate NSS implementation improved

1.2.1 Facilitate TU to assist NAVTTC and other stakeholders in NSS implementation Recruit and support provincial liaison officers

Provincial Liaison officers TORs prepared and shared

Liaison officers recruited X X X

1.2.2 Develop and implement capacity building measures for NAVTTC and TEVTA staff Participate in international training seminars/study tour

Understanding of TVET issues improved by staff

Back-to-office reports of participating staff

X X Ensure ISO 9001 certification audit for NAVTTC

Audit completed Audit report X TU: Institutional capacity assessment of NAVTTC

Gap analysis conducted Report X TU: Capacity building Capacity development Capacity X

28 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule)

S. No. ACTIVITY & SUB-ACTIVITIES Milestone/Output MOVs 2013 2014

















implementation plan for NAVTTC

measures identified development plan TU: Capacity development for NAVTTC staff initiated

Training initiated NAVTTC staff trained X X X X X X X

1.3 (Output)

National TVET quality assurance system introduced

1.3.1 Facilitate national agreement on accreditation system Support 2nd phase of accreditation as per existing draft manual, including review in parallel

50 TVET institutions accredited

Accreditation reports/documents

X X X X X X X X X Facilitate review and revision of accreditation mandates, principles and instruments

Revised accreditation instruments available

Updated accreditation instruments

X X X Develop capacities of NAVTTC for accreditation

Accreditation manual to be revised in accordance with the proposed changes.

Minutes of workshops/training measures


1.3.2 Facilitate the implementation of a quality management system (QMS) in TVET institutions

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Annual Progress Report: Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule)

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Mar Assess existing QM methodologies and experience

Assessment of existing QM system

Minutes of meeting with selected institutes

X X Develop approach to a national QMS for TVET providers

Approach prepared and presented

Paper and presentation X X Support the introduction of QMS

Introduction of draft QMS started

Reports of participating TVET institutions


1.4 (Output)

TVET sector monitoring & evaluation system introduced

1.4.1 Finish baseline studies Finalise baseline studies (Punjab: obstacles to access to TVET)

Research completed Study report X

1.4.2 Facilitate TVET sector M&E system and build related capacity Develop internal activity roadmap for approach to M&E

Internal agreement on approach developed

Document X X Investigate NAVTTC+TEVTA M&E practices to date

Overview of ongoing M&E practices in TVET elaborated

Overview document X X

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Annual Progress Report: Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule)

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Mar Consultation with TEVTAs as discussion platform for present and future M&E process and roles and necessary capacities

Consultation sessions held


X X Develop draft M&E capacity-building plan based on the consultation (C1, TU)

Draft M&E capacity-building outline/plan elaborated

Plan X X Align M&E capacity-building with requirements of TVET policy, if and where necessary

TVET policy priorities incorporated

Aligned plan

X X Facilitate staff capacity building in M&E, analysis, reporting and follow-up, based on TEVTA requirements

Capacity building carried out



1.4.3 Facilitate structuring of MIS and its integration with M&E Workshop with TEVTAs as a discussion platform for present and future MIS process and roles, indicators

Workshop(s) held Records

X X Review of TEVTA MIS Review of ongoing MIS Review document X X

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Annual Progress Report: Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule)

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practices to date (who needs what kind of information at what level)

practices done Implementation (KP) Revised implementation plan

Revised plan X X X X X X X X X Update MIS questionnaire (KP)

Questionnaire revised Document X Develop implementation approach (Balochistan)

Plan implemented Plan X X X Update MIS questionnaire (Balochistan)

Questionnaire revised Document X X Staff capacity building in MIS, analysis, reporting and follow-up, depending on requirements

Capacity building carried out



1.5 (Output)

Communication and dissemination of TVET reform improved

1.5.1 Create awareness of the role and utility of TVET Launch nation-wide radio campaign on TVET opportunities for youth

Radio programme launched

Broadcast X X X X X SMS marketing of TVET courses & opportunities

SMS campaign carried out

Feedback X X X X X

32 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule)

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Mar 04 awareness sessions with youth, students, potential TVET beneficiaries, communities

Awareness session done Records

X X X X Facilitate 02 expos for creating awareness of TVET opportunities

2 Expos Pictures and other records X X Stakeholder workshop on assessing the impacts of Communications Strategy held

Workshop(s) held Minutes


1.5.2 Increase visibility of TVET reform Regularly update the TVET reform website

Website regularly updated

Updates X X X X X X X X X X X X Produce contents on progress of reform initiatives (NVQF, CBT, IST, Accredit, etc) and upload them on TVET reform website

Website news Materials

X X X X X X X X X X X X Produce individual and organisational success stories from FIT and other TVET initiatives

Success stories Documents


33 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule)

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Mar Media management of TVET reform events/initiatives

Events Media reports X X X X X X X X X X X X 04 Sensitisation Sessions with target groups including media on reform initiatives (NSS plans, NVQF, CBT curricula, IST etc)

Sensitisation events Reports


1.5.3 Build capacity among stakeholders for their communication efforts Conduct 02 Training/Refresher workshops for communications staff of related public and private sectors organizations/bodies

Capacity building events carried out

Minutes of events

X Develop or update partner websites

Partner websites up and running

Partner web pages X X X X X X X X X X X X

1.5.4 Encourage Private Sector involvement in TVET system Develop and disseminate documentary on the need and existing successful models of industry-led TVET initiatives in Pakistan

Documentary developed

Documentary disseminated


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Annual Progress Report: Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule)

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Mar 03 Consultation/Dialogue Sessions on involvement of private sector in TVET system through PPP

Consultation sessions held

Reports of meetings

X X X Hold ‘Employer of the Year’ National Awards for employers, participating in TVET delivery

Award ceremony held Records

X 03 Orientation Sessions on TVET reform initiatives, featuring private sector involvement in NVQF, CBT, LMI etc

Orientation sessions held




2.1 (Output)

Develop and introduce TVET/NQF

2.1.1 Define basic NVQF levels and level descriptors

Consolidated and agreed TQF Outline ready

Minutes of workshops and meetings Discuss level descriptors with NAVTTC in the Meeting

Agreement of NAVTTC on level descriptors achieved

Minutes of meetings X Inform Ministries/Departments, private sector, and other

Ministries/Departments, private sector acknowledge NQF

Workshop reports; Letter / Leaflet X

35 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 2 : Annual Work Plan for the Next Reporting Period (Time Schedule)

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stakeholders through information workshops for NQF and other means of communication e.g. leaflets

levels/level descriptors National Feed Back Workshop on Practical NVQF Experience

National workshop implemented

Workshop report X

2.1.2 Define qualification rules (credits/equivalences, recognition of prior learning, pathways, etc.)

Outline of NVQF qualification rules agreed upon

Minutes of workshops and meetings Discuss draft rules with TVET/NQF Working Groups and NAVTTC & TEVTA decision makers

Agreements reached between NAVTTC and TEVTAs

Meeting records

X Revise draft rules incorporating feedback

Rules revised Document X Inform Ministries/Departments, private sector, and other stakeholders through information workshops for NQF and other means of communication e.g. leaflets

Ministries/Departments, private sector acknowledge NQF rules

Leaflet /Rules and NQF, workshop reports


2.1.3 Develop formats and TVET NVQF procedures Minutes of

36 TVET Programme 1st

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procedures for standards, curricula and assessment packages

agreed upon stakeholder workshop Assessment Workshop to review assessment procedures

Improved assessment procedure developed and agreed

Revised assessment records X Revise reviewed TVET/NQF procedures

Revised assessment guides

Document X

2.2 (Output)

Existing curricula reviewed and adjusted, and new CBT curricula developed

2.2.1 Establish expert pool (groups) for standards and curricula development - CRCs

Industrial groups established - with database of experiences, etc.

Minutes of launching meetings

X X X X X X X X X X X X DACUM Training Workshop Stage II

Training workshop held Document X DACUM Training Workshop Stage III

Training workshop held Document X DACUM Training Workshop Stage III

Training workshop held Document X X

2.2.2 Develop new / revise existing competency standards / Curricula

Competency standards revised or newly developed

Validated standards X X X X X X X X X X X X 10 ICT Trades Standards and curricula Document X X X

37 TVET Programme 1st

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developed 6 Agriculture Trades Standards and curricula developed

Document X X X

3 Beauty Care Trades

Standards and curricula developed

Document X X X X Curricula Development Workshop for five Hospitality Trades

Curricula developed Document X X X TU: Competency-based development of 100 curricula

Curricula developed Document X X X X X X X X X TU: Development of 60 TLM for the already developed and reviewed curricula

TLM developed TLMs X X X X X X X X X Curricula Development for Energy Sector Trades

Curricula developed X X X X X X X X X Seek feedback and comments from industrial and other stakeholders

Feedback incorporated Revised documents X X X X X X X X

2.3 (Output)

CBT-based courses introduced in TVET institutions on a pilot basis

2.3.1 4 CBT programmes piloted in 2 training institutions

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Mar Select institutions for the introduction of CBT Courses

Institutions identified Agreements signed with institutions

X X X Principles of Engagement signed with Chenab School, Sialkot

Agreement on principles reached

Document X Principles of Engagement signed with Energy Sector Institutes

Agreement on principles reached

Document PoE with PVTC Agreement on principles reached

Document X PoE with STVETA Agreement on principles reached

Document X Principles of Engagement signed with Hospitality Training Institutes

Agreement on principles reached

Document X Support institutions to prepare for CBT introduction

Institutes successfully started implementing the CBT training

Student lists X X X X X Facilitate preparation of appropriate teaching and learning material

Teaching and learning materials prepared

Document X X X X X X X X X X X X Support upgrade of equipment and materials (small upgrade)

Required equipment and materials identified

List of equipment and materials X X X X X X X X X X X X

39 TVET Programme 1st

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Mar Conduct monitoring and follow-up of the implementation

Monitoring and follow-up implemented

Monitoring reports X X X X

2.4 (Output)

Pedagogical skills of existing TVET teachers improved - In-Service Training (IST)

2.4.1 Pilot training of up to 600 teachers

Teachers trained Training records X X X X Equip training centres with T/L aids.

T/L aids in place Activity report X X X X X Pilot the IST model in selected institutions (STIs for Government and Private Institution)

Pilot completed Pilot evaluation reports

X X X X X Develop lessons Lessons developed Evaluation report X X X X Adapt the IST programme, if needed

Decisions on required adaptations to programme made and implemented

Note on revision concept


2.4.2 Conduct training of teachers on a rolling basis

Teachers trained Training records Organise implementation of teachers' training

Region-wise training held

Plan of operation agreed with TEVTAs, minutes


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Mar Organise coaching of lead trainers

Lead trainers coached Activity report X X X X

2.4.3 Develop and implement monitoring and QA system developed and established for blended learning

Monitoring and QA system developed and implemented

Monitoring reports Monitor in-service training programme.

IST monitoring executed Monitoring reports X X X X X X X X X X Administer feedback for participants as per course

Feedback collected Feedback documents


2.5. (Output)

Pre and in-service TVET teacher training system developed and introduced

2.5.1 Conduct activity planning on the basis of HRD policy paper (situation analysis; see Comp 1)

Activity planned Plan Conduct stakeholder workshop for validation of situation analysis and policy recommendations based on HRD policy study (Comp 1)

Workshop held Workshop report

X Develop a project concept for pre-service training

Concept developed Concept note X X X X X X X X X X X Support establishment of Number of needed Nomination of X

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specialist groups specialist groups and their TOR agreed upon

members, TOR, W/plans Support the selection of HRD policy options to be implemented

PoE on pre-service training option(s) implementation

PoE document X X Support elaboration and implementation of road maps for pre-service training

W/plans for implementation of pre-service training of technical teachers agreed


X X Facilitate implementation of pre-service options

Linkages to German Universities functional

Mission reports, technical teacher study documents


2.5.2 Develop competency for TVET teachers and curricula for pre-service training

Competency standards and curricula developed

Curricula drafts X X X X X X X X X X X

2.5.3 Explore possibilities for and potentially start implementing linkages with European universities

Negotiations started Minutes


COMPONENT 3: Employment-oriented TVET and labour market services

3.1 (Output)

Innovative initiatives to employment-oriented skills development supported through FIT

3.1.1 Update FIT implementation

42 TVET Programme 1st

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procedures Revise FIT application package based on experienced gained from pilot and regular implementation

FIT Application Package revised

Application form, templates for technical and financial proposals

X X Fine-tune FIT M&E procedures

FIT project regularly monitored and evaluated

Updated M&E Procedures and templates

X X Recruit M&E and finance personnel

M&E and finance personnel recruited and integrated in FIT management

ToR and Personnel Contract


3.1.2 Support the development of project proposals and select projects Consultation with NAVTTC on “regular FIT phase” implementation activities

Confirmation with NAVTTC on regular phase implementation activities and tentative dates for briefing sessions

Planned activities and dates for briefing sessions

X X X X X X X X X X X X Conduct briefing sessions and facilitation sessions for potential FIT applicants

Potential applicants familiar with application procedures and process

Attendance list and presentation materials


43 TVET Programme 1st

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Mar Facilitate Project Evaluation Panel (PEP) meetings for selection of potential projects/partners

FIT projects objectively evaluated and selected

List of approved projects

X X X Assist FIT applicants in project formulation through group sessions, site-visits, individual meetings, etc

Quality application proposals received using prescribed templates

Applications package from applicants


3.1.3 Manage FIT Projects Conduct FIT Contract signing ceremony

FIT projects commence Signed contract and disbursement request form

X Coach FIT partners in financial, procurement, and M & E requirements and reporting

FIT Partners trained in financial and M&E requirements

Attendance list / Minutes of coaching sessions

X X X X X X X X X X X X Conduct site supervision visits and monitor progress of FIT projects

FIT projects progress according to the submitted proposal. Issues identified and resolved early in the project

M&E and site supervision report

X X X X X X X X X X X X Validate projects achievement and deliverables against project

Adherence to project deliverables

Periodical and end of project report X X X X X X X X X X X X

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reports and contracts Publicise FIT activities and achievements through media

Creating awareness of FIT achievement

Media production, including through the TVET Reform website


3.1.4 Identify results Impact evaluation (qualitative studies and tracer studies)

Positive impact due to FIT projects seen

Tracer study reports, FIT M&E database X X X X X X X Organize annual sharing conference

Experience sharing; replication of good practices; better project design observed

Conference report; attendance

X Share experiences with other development partners and their projects

Cooperation among partners evidenced

Working groups recommendations X X

3.2 (Output)

Skill Development in Learning Region (LR)

3.2.1 Manage Hunargah (LR) Project implementation (F.R. Peshawar) Collection of Baseline Data RISE (Response inductive sustainable evaluation

Surveys conducted Data Bank, M&E System X X X

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Questionnaires, Village Profiles, Soil Sampling) Establish and implement M&E system for LR

M&E infrastructure in place

M&E reports X X X X X X X X X X X X Establish three training farms

Agreement on work plan of the three farms between farm owner and other LR members

Work plan

X X Demonstrate agricultural activities in the training farms

Demonstration activities carried out

Workplan X X X X X X X Conduct training sessions (26 sessions) for local farmers and CBO representatives

Farmer and CBO representatives trained in accordance with plan

Training attendance sheet and documented learning materials

X X X X X X X X Advice and support training beneficiaries

Beneficiaries apply new farming techniques

Minutes of consultative sessions

X X X X X X X X X X X X Establishment of Partnership Networks (Rain-fed Working Group, etc.)

Working Groups on rain fed agriculture established

Meeting Minutes, Reports X X X X X X X X X X X X Create network for Farmers Interest Groups

Access to the quality inputs, development of linkages with concerned departments and services providers,

TORs and structure for each interest groups, farmers interest groups reports, feedback


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awareness for market oriented approach Create network for Micro Finances and market access for beneficiaries.

Beneficiaries have capacity to access funds and markets

List of beneficiaries from micro credit institutions.

X X X X X X Workshops with stakeholders for feedback and evaluation (in the middle of activity and at conclusion of the activity )

Evaluation of the program, lessons learnt and way forward for future planning executed

Attendance sheets, workshop reports


3.3 (Output)

Enhanced vocational counselling and job placement services in selected organizations

3.3.1 Strengthen procedures and instruments for vocational counselling (VC) and job placement services (JPS) Establish baseline information on vocational counselling and placement services

VC / JPS information available


X X X Agree on implementation approach and eligibility criteria (for TVET centres and other institutions) for VC and JPS

Concept for VC and JPS agreed upon

Minutes of stakeholder agreement X X X X

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Mar Develop VC and JPS instruments/tools

Instruments and tools for VC and JPS activities developed

VC/JPS instruments X X X

3.3.2 Support schools in implementing Vocational Counselling and Job Placement Services Identify 50 institutions to participate in VC/JPS activities

Institutions fulfil eligibility criteria for VC/JPS implementation

List of participating institutions X X X Build capacities of counselling and placement officers from 20 participating institutions

Officers trained to implement VC/JPS

Training course documentation, attendance list

X X X X X X X X Capacity building in federal and provincial TVET management bodies to facilitate and monitor VC/JPS activities

Federal and provincial TVET management bodies facilitate the VC/JPS services through information-sharing and by promoting cooperation between them

Capacity-building records


3.4 (Output)

Labour market information for TVET planning improved

3.4.1 Support strengthening of

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organisational structures for SIS collection and analysis Support the establishment of an SIS cell at NAVTTC

SIS cell at NAVTTC established

Organisation structure, work plan, job descriptions

X X X Support the establishment of SIS network

Networks in at least two provinces launched

Minutes of launching workshop

X X X X X X Build capacity of SIS cell and SIS network to analyse and utilise LMI for TVET planning

Selected elements of SIS compiled and used as input for TVET planning

SIS analytical reports X X X X X X X X

3.4.2 Adjust and develop tools for data collection and analysis Develop tools and concept note for local-level data collection

Appropriate tools prepared and ready for implementation

Instruments X X X X X X X X Establish ongoing cooperation in data-sharing and data collection between NAVTTC SIS cell and Pakistan Bureau of Statistics

Representation of NAVTTC and technical committees

Dialogue takes place


49 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report:


No. Name of LTE and Staff Position Share Time Frame

International Staff

01 Ms. Julie Reviere Principal Advisor 50% April 2012 – March 2013

02 Ms. Ute Hoffmann Programme Coordinator 100% April 2012 – March 2013

03 Mr. Hans-Ludwig Bruns Component 1 Leader 100% April 2012 – March 2013

04 Mr. Raimund Sobetzko Component 2 Leader 100% April 2012 – March 2013

05 Mr. Klaus-Dieter Bergholz Component 2 Team Leader HRD/GFA 100% April 2012 – March 2013

06 Mr. Bill Sutcliffe Component 2 Team Leader HRD/GFA 100% July 2012 – October 2012

07 Mr. Fook Yen Chong Component 3 Leader 100% April 2012 – March 2013

08 Mr. Alastair Machin Component 3 Team Leader LMI/ GFA 100% June 2012 – December 2012

09 Ms. Nadine Krull Project Management Officer 50% August 2012 – March 2013

10 Ms. Janin Trösser Administration, Finance & HR 50% May 2012 – March 2013

National Staff

Programme Management

11 Mr. Raja Saad Khan Deputy Programme Coordinator (TU) 100% April 2012 – March 2013

12 Ms. Heike Friemert Sr. M&E and Knowledge Management Officer 100% March 2013 – March 2013

13 Mr. Waheed Ahmed Management Assistant 100% November 2012 – March 2013

Component 1

14 Mr. Qazi Fareed Ahmad Technical Advisor (Deputy Component 1) 100% April 2012 – March 2013

50 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 3: Overview of Permanent Staff

No. Name of LTE and Staff Position Share Time Frame

15 Mr. Muhammad Ali Technical Advisor Communication 100% April 2012 – March 2013

16 Mr. Syed Sabahat Ali Technical Advisor MIS 100% April 2012 – March 2013

Component 2

17 Mr. Muhammad Naeem Akhtar

Sr. Technical Advisor (Deputy Component 2) 100% November 2012 – March 2013

18 Mr. Zafar Iqbal Technical Advisor - HRD (GFA) 100% April 2012 – March 2013

19 Ms. Sadaf Tabassum Administration Assistant - HRD (GFA) 100% April 2012 – March 2013

20 Mr. Ahmad Raza Abbasi Finance Officer - HRD (GFA) 100% March 2013 – March 2013

21 Mr. Bisharat Bashir Admin & Finance Assistant - HRD (GFA) 100% March 2013 – March 2013

22 Mr. Tahir Hameed Accountant - HRD (GFA) 100% April 2012 – March 2013

23 Mr. Muhammad Irfan Data Entry Operator - HRD (GFA) 100% March 2013 – March 2013

Component 3

24 Ms. Kaukab Usman Technical Advisor - FIT (Deputy Component 3) 100% April 2012 – March 2013

25 Mr. Muhammad Ather Aslam

Sr. Funds Officer – FIT 100% January 2013 – March 2013

26 Mr. Sabur Ghayur Technical Advisor - LMI (GFA) 100% May 2012 – December 2012

27 Muhammad Javaid Technical Advisor - LMI (GFA) 100% February 2013 – March 2013

28 Mr. Sher Nabi Khan Technical Advisor - Livelihood & NRM 40% April 2012 – March 2013

29 Mr. Leslie U Chong Office Coordinator - LMI (GFA) 100% September 2012 – March 2013

Technical Unit

30 Ms. Shazia Amjad Maqsood TU Director 100% April 2012 – March 2013

51 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 3: Overview of Permanent Staff

No. Name of LTE and Staff Position Share Time Frame

31 Mr. Mohammad Ali Khan Jr. Technical Advisor - Competency Standards & Curricula 100% April 2012 – March 2013

32 Mr. Tahir Khan Liaison Officer (FATA) 100% July 2012 – March 2013

33 Ms. Afsheen Ashraf Technical Advisor – Labour Market 100% May 2012 – December 2012

34 Mr. Muhammad Fayaz M. Zai

Jr. Technical Advisor – Monitoring & Evaluation 100% November 2012 – March 2013

Project Administration & Finance

35 Mr. Naseer Ul Mulk Sr. Administration & Finance Officer

(Deputy Administration & Finance)

100% April 2012 – March 2013

36 Mr. Mohammed Javaid Sr. Financial Planning & Controlling Officer 100% April 2012 – March 2013

37 Mr. Mohammad Waqas Administration & Finance Officer 100% April 2012 – March 2013

38 Ms. Noor Afshaan Arshad Jr. Administration & Finance Officer 100% June 2012 – March 2013

39 Mr. Noor ul Amin Logistics Supervisor 100% April 2012 – March 2013

40 Ms. Shelina Karim Logistics Assistant 100% April 2012 – March 2013

41 Mr. Hazrat Ali Security Supervisor 100% April 2012 – March 2013

Support Staff

42 Mr. Tony Wheeler Driver 100% April 2012 – March 2013

43 Mr. Issac Malik Driver 100% April 2012 – March 2013

45 Mr. Masal Khan Driver 100% April 2012 – March 2013

46 Mr. Mir Bashar Driver 100% April 2012 – March 2013

47 Mr. Naik Wali Driver 100% April 2012 – March 2013

48 Mr. Javaid Khan Driver 100% January 2013 – March 2013

52 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 3: Overview of Permanent Staff

No. Name of LTE and Staff Position Share Time Frame

49 Mr. Ghulam Rabbani Driver (GFA) 100% April 2012 – March 2013

50 Mr. Fazal Ghani Driver (GFA) 100% February 2013 – March 2013

51 Mr. Daud Ahmad Driver (GFA) 100% September 2012 – March 2013

52 Mr. Naveen Victor Office Cleaner 100% April 2012 – March 2013

53 Mr. Yasir Arafat Office Attendant 100% April 2012 – March 2013

54 Mr. Haroon Masih Office Cleaner (GFA) 100% March 2013 – March 2013

53 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 4: Overview of International long- and Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants


No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Time frame Expert


01 Heike Friemert To support Component 2 & FIT Development & implementation of a M&E-System for FIT-Projects; Support Programme in M&E and knowledge management tasks

15.08.2011 – 31.07.2012

25.10.2012 – 30.11.2012



02 Henry Barth To support the development of a Learning Region

Concept for the development of a Learning Region in FR Peshawar; Promotion of the needed network; Development of training programmes for 3 demonstration farms; MoU conclusion with Tarnab Research Centre and Agricultural University Peshawar

20.11.2011 – 01.06.2012

10.05.2012 – 31.12.2012

25.03.2013 – 30.11.2013




03 Jan de Voogd To support the development of Labour Market Information in relation to the NSS implementation

Report “Labour Market I formation in the framework of NSS implementation”

05.01.2012 – 30.06.2012

15.01.2013 – 30.06.2013



04 Jutta Franz To support Component 3 (FIT)

To support the planning and implementation of FIT and ensure coherence between policy papers developed under Component 1

Concept for FIT, its procedures and instruments, concept of proposal evaluation panel, assistance to its establishment and work; Preparation of financing iPPP contracts

iPPP Contract with Concept finalised

First monitoring report of iPPP implementation

09.01.2012 – 31.05.2012

20.08.2012 – 31.12.2012

15.03.2013 – 30.11.2013




05 Jeremy Curtis To develop the NQF NVQF documentation including draft TVET/NQF framework, rules for managing the TVET/NQF and guidelines for curriculum development;

15.03.2012 – 15.08.2012

01.10.2012 – 31.03.2013



54 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 4: Overview of International long- and Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants

No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Time frame Expert


Mission report “Supporting the development of a National Vocational Qualifications Framework for Vocational Education and Training in Pakistan; assessment workshop; Development of Hospitality Sector curricula and further work on the NVQF levels A and B relating to non-formal sector

06 Peter Hannigan To develop provincial/regional and federal NSS plans through consultative process and seek agreement on implementation

Update plans, prepare for workshops and produce a report

21.03.2012 – 30.06.2012

01.08.2012 – 30.11.2012

26.11.2012 – 31.12.2012

04.02.2013 – 09.03.2013





07 Sabine Roth To develop CBT training material for IST

To support the development of NSS implementation plans in provinces and regions

Module to demonstrate NVQF and CBT approach for IST lead trainers

Review of the NSS implementation plans for quality and content; Contribution to core group meeting within provinces and regions as well as documenting meetings and sessions

01.04.2012 – 30.04.2012

07.05.2012 – 31.08.2012



08 Steffen Holzknecht To assist the pedagogical teacher training (IST) - Blended learning approach

Awareness workshop with stakeholders; Training material adaptation to Pakistan; Lead trainer/ e-tutor operational training; Mission and final report

Finalised IST assessment methods (tools); Refresher training conducted for IST Batch-1 and report on training

04.04.2012 – 14.04.2012

01.05.2012 – 31.12.2012

01.02.2013 – 31.10.2013




09 Michael Guder To support the development of a TVET sector HRD Policy Paper

Development of pre- and in-service training of technical teachers, content of the HRD Policy, proposal of implementation process

08.04.2012 – 15.07.2012

10.11.2012 – 20.12.2012



55 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 4: Overview of International long- and Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants

No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Time frame Expert


10 Gabriele Mühlig To develop curricula Curricula Revision (Dairy Technician) 15.05.2012 – 15.07.2012 30

11 Waldemar Bauer To assist in the preparation of the Company Based TVET Policy

ToR & work programme 01.06.2012 – 30.04.2013 29

12 Peter Dehnbostel To assist in the preparation of a TVET Policy

ToR & work programme 01.06.2012 – 30.04.2013 13

13 Mike Hanson To assist in the preparation of Financing of TVET Policy

ToR & work programme 01.06.2012 – 30.04.2013 14

14 Roger Hessel To assist in the preparation of Vocational guidance and counselling Policy

ToR & work programme 01.06.2012 – 30.04.2013 55

15 Training Institute for Technical Instruction, Kathmandu

To conduct training on “Develop a Curricula”

DACUM Training course 22.06.2012 – 10.07.2012 16.5

16 Ina Pietschmann To support LMIS Review of concept proposal and LM instruments for pilots

03.08.2012 – 12.08.2012


17 Afpheas Shindi To develop Standards & Curriculum: Building electrician

Mission report; Standard & Curriculum; Assessment package

10.09.2012 – 30.10.2012 20

18 Ute Müller To support the development of competency standards and curricula for the agricultural sector

Curriculum “Farm Manager”

Curriculum “Agricultural Field Assistant”

01.10.2012 – 15.11.2012 23

19 Lewis Durango To develop Standard and Curriculum: Plumber with solar heater installation and maintenance

To develop Standard and Curriculum: Plumber along-with CBC introduction

Draft standards and workshop report

Modules Level1 document and Training of NSTEs

01.10.2012 – 30.11.2012

01.03.2013 – 30.04.2013



56 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 4: Overview of International long- and Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants

No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Time frame Expert


training course for NSTEs on CBC, with Report

20 Klaus Schneider To elaborate a report on the relevance to incorporate quality assurance arrangements into the National Qualification Framework of Pakistan

Report 01.11.2012 – 05.12.2012 35

21 Susanna Adam To facilitate FIT Project Evaluation Panel sessions and advise to FIT partners on technical implementation of projects

Participated in 2 session of PEP as observers

M&E visit to 8 FIT projects

01.11.2012 – 15.12.2012

01.02.2013 – 31.12.2013



22 Michael Dipper To facilitate team building measures for the TVET team

Coaching 09.11.2012 – 31.12.2013 10

23 Volker Husberg To define the process of accreditation in line with global best practices

Discussed road map of accreditation, held trainings for NAVTTC accreditation team and produced a report

25.11.2012 – 16.12.2012

04.03.2013 – 31.03.2013



24 Alexander Roehr To set-up a Finance Controlling system for IST

Mission Report 01.02.2013 – 31.03.2013 06

25 Stephani Stumm To set-up a Finance Controlling system for IST

Mission Report 01.02.2013 – 31.03.2013 06

26 Reinhard Barutzki To develop a Standard and Curriculum Development: MEP-Mechanic/Electrician/Plumber for overseas employment

Developed draft Standards and Curriculum document, and Mission Report

01.02.2013 – 31.03.2013 32

57 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 4: Overview of International long- and Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants

No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Time frame Expert


27 Andreas Engmann To programm the translated version of the IST

IST modules in Urdu programmed for CD-ROM development for TVET teachers

01.02.2013 – 31.03.2013 31

28 Vanessa Werner To support the implementation of a Financial Management System (FMS) for the management of IST for 10,000 teachers

Developed FM System for IST and

FMS mission Report

01.02.2013 – 31.12.2013 20

39 Jens Siebert To support Component-3, LMIS Unit LMIS Unit remains effective and functional during the interim period

01.03.2013 – 30.06.2013 18

58 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 5: Overview of National Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants


S. No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Timeframe Expert Days

01 Sramstudios To prepare a short video Copy of the Video 28.11.2011 – 05.12.2013 08

02 Mr. Sher Akbar To facilitate the development of provincial skills development action plan for KP & FATA

Provincial NSS implementation plan for KP and FATA

27.02.2012 – 11.05.2012 50

03 Mr. Izhar Hunzai To support the NSS implementation action plan in Gilgit Baltistan and AJK

Provincial NSS implementation plan for Gilgit/Baltistan and AJK

26.03.2012 – 22.07.2012 60

04 Mr. Zubair A. Sheikh To facilitate the development of provincial skills development action plan for Sindh

Provincial NSS implementation plan for Sindh

26.03.2012 – 27.07.2012 60

05 Mr. Ather Tahir To provide organisational support related to NSS implementation plans & human resource development of TVET staff

Review of roles and mandates of organisations at federal and provincial levels to facilitate NSS implementation; Draft of HRD policy document

26.03.2012 – 31.07.2012 80

06 Mr. Iqbal Qureshi To conduct training demand study – Energy sector

To develop a policy study proposal on career guidance and job placement


TORs and work plan; Consultations with stakeholders

April 2012 – May 2012

15.06.2012 – 15.06.2013



07 XYZ Solutions To dub GIZ Documentary in Urdu Copy of the Video Documentary 15.04.2012 – 31.03.2012 46

08 Ms. Saleha Waqar To provide a clear insight into the existing skills base and priority sectors within Sindh

Qualitative training needs analysis in Sindh

16.04.2012 – 17.06.2012 40

09 Mr. Saad Salman Corporation

To digitalise documents Project plan, user guides and UAT is provided to the NAVTTC

01.05.2012 – 15.07.2012 76

59 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 5: Overview of National Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants

S. No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Timeframe Expert Days

10 Ms. Seema Qazi To assist in the implementation of the Learning Region in FR Peshwar

Preparation of learning region concept

01.05.2012 – 31.05.2012 31

11 Mr. Mohammad Irfan To assist in the implementation of the Learning Region in FR Peshwar

Preparation of learning region concept

01.05.2012 – 31.05.2012 31

12 Mr. Yousaf Ali To conduct training for media sensitisation for KP & FATA

Workshop Report 11.05.2012 – 18.05.2012 02

13 Ms. Razia Zuberi To carry out mapping of local accreditation Mapping of the existing accreditation & certification mechanisms offering recognition and accreditation of institutions and programmes within TVET or other education related sectors

21.05.2012 – 23.07.2012 40

14 Mr. Aziz Khan To support the NSS implementation action plan in Baluchistan for TVET

Provincial NSS implementation plan for Baluchistan

28.05.2012 – 15.08.2012 50


Mr. Junaid Khan To support in-service training M&E system development

To support in-service training & e-learning IT equipment installation support

To support the installation and commissioning of 18-ELRs

M&E system (MS-Access)

18 commissioning reports

18 handing over reports and M&E reports

13.06.2012 – 30.06.2012

01.07.2012 - 31.10.2012

20.03.2013 – 31.07.2013




16 Mr. Kamran Sadiq

To develop a policy study on TVET funding Policy paper

(pursuant to agreement with national stakeholders)

15.06.2012 – 15.06.2013 90

60 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 5: Overview of National Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants

S. No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Timeframe Expert Days

17 Mr. Mir Quasmi

To development a policy study on enterprise-based TVET

Policy paper

(pursuant to agreement with national stakeholders)

15.06.2012 – 15.06.2013 90

18 Mr. Mohammad Muneer To develop a policy study on TVET Policy Framework

Policy paper

(pursuant to agreement with national stakeholders)

15.06.2012 – 15.06.2013 90

19 Mr. Sahidzada Ahmed Ubaid ur Rehman

To translate the National Vocational Qualifications Framework into Urdu

Urdu version of the document 19.06.2012 – 30.06.2012 12

20 Training Institute for Technical Instruction

To conduct training on developing a curriculum

Training & Report 22.06.2012 – 10.07.2012 16.5

21 Mr. Abdul Qayum To produce a short video on training cycle of rural management & its success stories for TVET programme

Copy of the Documentary 27.06.2012 – 23.07.2012 27

22 Mr. Muhammad Farooq Hassan

To assist the international consultant in two workshops on developing competency based curricula

Assistance to international consultant during workshop

09.07.2012 – 17.07.2012 06

23 Mr. Abdul Wahid Uqaily To support organisational assessment of NAVTTC & TEVTAS

Study 09.07.2012 – 16.09.2012 50

24 Ms. Atiqa Shahbaz To compile Open Education Resources examples

Study for teaching & learning material

09.07.2012 – 17.07.2012 06

25 Mr. Shahzad Akbar Mirza To assist and advise the Comp-3 on legal issues concerning lease of land in three location in PR Peshawar

Contracts for land lease agreements 17.07.2012 – 23.07.2012 03

26 Agriculture Research Institute, Tarnab

To conduct a soil analysis and gathering of basic socio economic parameters in FR Peshawar

Soil analysis 20.07.2012 – 10.09.2012 23

61 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 5: Overview of National Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants

S. No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Timeframe Expert Days

27 Mr. Mustafa Kamal Pasha

To conduct a post-broadcast evaluation of branded radio programmes

Evaluation Report 13.08.2012 – 24.08.2012 02

28 Mr. Muhammad Badar Alam

To conduct a post-broadcast evaluation of branded radio programmes for Sindh

Evaluation Report 13.08.2012 – 24.08.2012 03

29 Ms. Razia Sultana To support the trainer of lead trainer / e-tutors

Worked as co-trainer to an international expert for in-service training

24.08.2012 – 21.09.2012 29

30 Soft Xpo Solution To develop a website for Baluchistan TEVTA Website 24.08.2012 – 05.10.2012 43

31 Fast Forwarding Production

To produce a short video reflecting importance of Technical and Vocation education and training in Pakistan

Copy of the Video 28.08.2012 – 29.08.2012 02

32 Reliance Service To measure the TVET reputation in Pakistan through an online public poll as a decent job and career option

Poll Report 01.09.2012 – 30.09.2012 30

33 Mr. Ghulam Dastgeer To conduct a post-broadcast evaluation of branded radio programmes for AJK-TEVTA

Evaluation Report 17.09.2012 – 30.09.2012 03

34 Mr. Muhammad Badar Alam

To conduct a post-broadcast evaluation of branded radio programmes for Baluchistan-TEVTA

Evaluation Report 17.09.2012 – 30.09.2012 03

62 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 5: Overview of National Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants

S. No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Timeframe Expert Days

35 Mr. Azam Farouq To develop Standards & Curriculum: Job Analysis and DACUM method for Electrician and Plumber

To carry out a job analysis and develop DACUM method for Mechanic-Electrician-Plumber (MEP) trade

DACUM chart “Building Electrician” and workshop report

DACUM chart “Plumber” and workshop report

DACUM chart on “MEP” trade and workshop report

17.09.2012 – 22.09.2012

17.10.2012 – 22.10.2012

28.01.2013 – 04.02.2013




36 Mr. Riaz Muhammad To support the trainer of lead trainer / e-tutors

Worked as co-trainer to an international expert for in-service training

22.09.2012 – 19.10.2012 27

37 Mr. Amanullah Khan Malik

To elaborate the proposal for a financing agreement to be concluded with NAVTTC

Curriculum development of work plan & financing plan of NAVTTC

28.09.2012 – 11.10.2012 06

38 BAK Consulting Engineers

To gather information on potential places for construction of water harvesting scheme in surrounding of Rokhan Khel

Study for water harvesting scheme 01.10.2012 – 17.10.2012 15

39 Ms. Uzma Majeed To support curriculum development process according to the CBT approach for the agricultural sector

Contribution to curriculum for Farm Manager, Contribution to curriculum for Field Assistant

01.10.2012 – 19.10.2012 15

40 DNN Ocean To develop a website for Skill Development Council Peshawar

Website 04.10.2012 – 05.11.2012 30

41 Virtual Reality To develop a website for Employer’s Federation of Pakistan

Website 15.10.2012 – 14.11.2012 30

42 Aman TECH To prepare 14 curricula for adapted dual apprenticeship training

14 Curricula 15.10.2012 – 31.12.2012 77

63 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 5: Overview of National Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants

S. No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Timeframe Expert Days

43 Mr. Syed Awais Qarni To enter data from MIS questionnaire for KP TEVTA

Data Entry 22.10.2012 – 21.11.2012 30

44 Mr. Khawaja Atif Saleem To support component 3 team to implement and monitor FIT and LR-TVET programme

Support for iPPP contract

Financial M&E reports for 14 FIT projects

22.10.2012 – 08.01.2013

01.02.2013 – 30.04.2013



45 Mr. Muhammad Ather Aslam

To support component 3 team to implement FIT and LR-TVET

7 financing agreements 22.10.2012 – 08.01.2013 75

46 SEAGATE To upgrade TVET Reform website Website 01.11.2012 – 30.11.2012 30

47 Mr. Khalil Ahmad To upgrade PBTE website Website 01.11.2012 – 30.11.2012 30

48 Soft Xpo To develop KP TEVTA website Website 01.11.2012 – 30.11.2012 30

49 Mr. Zia Alam Baig To develop standards in Electrician Trade

Standards and draft modules in Building Electrician trade

01.11.2012 – 31.01.2013

08.02.2013 – 30.06.2013



50 Mr. Shahzad Jamil To develop S&C in Plumber Trade with solar/PV water heater installation and maintenance

Standards and draft modules in plumber trade.

01.11.2012 – 30.04.2013 14

51 Ms. Atiqa Shahbaz To researching teaching & learning resources for vocational trades

Teaching and learning resources for Dairy Technician and Motorcycle Mechanic

05.11.2012 – 25.11.2012 10

52 Training Institute for Technical Instruction

To conduct training on developing a curriculum

Training & Report 11.11.2012 – 10.12.2012 27

53 RIZ Consulting To facilitate dialogue, discussion amongst the various EU funded programmes working within TVET to develop synergies

Workshop report 15.11.2012 – 16.11.2012 02

64 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 5: Overview of National Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants

S. No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Timeframe Expert Days

54 Mr. Izhar Hunzai To assist stakeholders in prioritizing the Skills Development Plans and update the plans for provinces (Sindh, GB, Baluchistan)

Skills Development Plans 15.11.2012 – 09.02.2013 60

55 Mr. Sher Akbar To assist stakeholders in prioritizing the Skills Development Plans and update the plans for provinces (KP, FATA, Punjab, AJK)

Skills Development Plans 15.11.2012 – 09.02.2013 60

56 Centre for Management Development

To develop Teaching & Learning Material for two vocational training courses (Welder & General Electrician)

Trainer Manuals for Electricians and Welders, Trainee Manuals for Electricians and Welders

26.11.2012 – 28.12.2012 33

57 Mr. Ather Jameel To develop curricula in the field of hospitality

Curriculum for Sous Chef 04.12.2012 – 28.02.2013 15

58 Mr. Abid Masih To develop curricula in the field of hospitality

Curriculum for Cook 04.12.2012 – 28.02.2013 15

59 Ms. Humaira Mehdi To develop curricula in the field of hospitality

Curriculum for Captain (Curriculum for Waiter)

04.12.2012 – 28.02.2013 15

60 Mr. Muhammad Younis Shakir

To develop curricula in the field of hospitality

Curriculum for Chef de Partie 04.12.2012 – 28.02.2013 15

61 Mr. Naeem Ullah Khan To develop curricula in the field of hospitality

Curriculum for Waiter 04.12.2012 – 28.02.2013 15

62 Mr. Athar Tahir To develop and integrate Pre-service and In-service teacher training, and teacher recruitment concepts into the HRD policy paper

HRD policy paper 05.12.2012 – 20.12.2012 10

63 Mr. Shehryar Qureshi To support the implementation of communication strategy

Activity reports 07.12.2012 – 06.03.2013 90

65 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 5: Overview of National Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants

S. No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Timeframe Expert Days

64 Agricultural Research Institute, Tarnab

To develop the capacities of farmers of FR-Peshawar through the establishment of a Learning Region

Capacity Development measures 10.12.2012 – 30.09.2013 81

65 Mr. Attash Durrani To translate In-service training material Translated 11 modules of IST from English to Urdu

11.12.2012 – 11.01.2013 30

66 Mr. Saif ul Islam Saifi To prepare a seven minute documentary for TVET

Copy of the Video 01.01.2013 – 21.01.2013 up to 21

67 Mr. Shahzada Irfan Ahmad

To develop 8 feature stories on FIT projects 8 Feature Stories/Content files 01.01.2013 – 31.01.0213 15

68 Mr. Abdus Sami Khan To conduct NAVTTC Institutional Capacity Assessment & formulate an action plan for the implementation of appropriate capacity development initiatives for the NAVTTC staff

Institutional Capacity Assessment;

Action Plan

15.01.2013 – 20.04.2013 20

69 University of Agriculture (KP)

To develop the capacities of farmers of FR-Peshawar through the establishment of a learning region

Capacity Development measures 28.01.2013 – 13.11.2013 25

70 Mr. Malik Imran Ijaz To support S&C development; MEP Technician for overseas employment

Standards and draft modules in MEP technician’s trade

01.02.2013 – 30.04.2013 29

71 Ms. Sadia Widad Support to Study Policies Surveys and Workshops

Survey Data and Workshop reports 01.02.2013 – 30.04.2013 21

72 Mr. Farooq Ahmed Aziz Support to Study Policies Surveys and Workshops

Survey Data and Workshop reports 01.02.2013 – 30.04.2013 21


Mr. Ghias Muhammad Khan

Support to Study Policies Surveys and Workshops

Survey Data and Workshop reports 01.02.2013 – 30.04.2013 21

74 SAAD Salman Corporation

To support data entry in DMS for all the historical documents of NAVTTC Head Office

Data entry 11.02.2013 – 31.05.2013 80

66 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 5: Overview of National Short-term Consultancy Firms and Consultants

S. No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Timeframe Expert Days

75 Mr. Aurangzaib Khan To deliver lectures to the participants of the workshop with basic concepts of strategic communications and equip them with tools required for achieving common goals set under NSS as well as TVET Reform Communication Strategy

Lecture/Presentation 13.02.2013 01

76 L’ESPOIR To conduct study to ascertain baseline data on "Obstacles to Access TVET" in Punjab

Report 18.02.2013 – 31.03.2013 20

77 Ms. Atiqa Shahbaz To develop teaching & learning material for vocational trades

Usage of Insecticides Worksheets 18.02.2013 – 15.05.2013 60

78 Mr. Sher Akbar To work in provinces with stakeholders in prioritizing the Skills Development Plans and update the plans for provinces (KP, FATA, Punjab, AJK)

Skills Development Plans 18.03.2013 – 30.04.2013 30

79 Mr. Izhar Hunzai To seek validation of activities listed in the Skills Development Plans, and update the plans prioritised through stakeholder dialogue

Produce updated plans (Sindh, GB, Baluchistan)

18.03.2013 – 30.04.2013 30

67 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 6: Reports, Competency standards, Curricula, Modules and Manuals (April 2012 – March 2013)


Serial No

Title of the Document AWP

Activity Description of the Activity Document released Date

Component 1: TVET Governance

01 HRD Policy Paper 1.1.3 Developing options for technical teacher training 31.07.2012

02 Organisational Assessment Study 1.2 Developing the capacities of NAVTTC and TEVTAs 30.04.2012

03 Organisational Assessment Phase-2 1.2 Analysing the findings of the earlier report and presenting a road map for developing an action plan


04 Accreditation Report 1.3.1 Compiling an overview of existing accreditation institutions and procedures in Pakistan


05 Sindh Province sector Training Needs Assessment 1.4 Reviewing economic trends and providing feedback on priority sectors/trades and types of skills needed


06 TVET Reform Communications Strategy Developing a strategy on creating public awareness about the role and utility of TVET, encouraging the private sector’s participation in the NSS implementation, building a public image of TVET as an effective tool of socio-economic uplift, promoting synergies among different stakeholders


07 Provincial Skills Development Action Plan Balochistan 1.1.1 Planning document for the implementation of skills development strategies and activities, including

March 2013

08 Provincial Skills Development Action Plan Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa

1.1.1 Planning document for the implementation of skills development strategies and activities

March 2013

09 Provincial Skills Development Action Plan Punjab 1.1.1 Planning document for the implementation of skills development strategies and activities

March 2013

10 Provincial Skills Development Action Plan Sindh 1.1.1 Planning document for the implementation of skills March 2013

68 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 6: Reports, Competency standards, Curricula, Modules and Manuals (April 2012 – March 2013)

Serial No

Title of the Document AWP

Activity Description of the Activity Document released Date

development strategies and activities

11 Consolidated National NSS Implementation Plan 1.1.1 Planning document for the implementation of skills development strategies and activities

March 2013

Component 2: NQF and HRD

12 Professional standards for principals Elaborating a programme statement 15.05.2012

13 NVQF documentation (incl. draft TVET/NQF framework, rules for managing the TVET/NQF and guidelines for curriculum development)



Supporting the TVET/NQF development and its management, improving and standardizing the curriculum development according to an action-oriented approach


14 Summary of assessment strategies in Pakistan Getting an overview about already existing assessment strategies in Pakistan for developing future assessment strategies


15 18 Fast Track Curricula according to the template developed by the programme

2.2.2 Improving the quality of training and developing the capacity of partners


16 DACUM job analysis of Building Electrician 2.2.2 Developing the DACUM chart with 9 practitioners from the private sector


17 DACUM charts for Cook, Chef de Partie, Sous-Chef, Waiter and Captain

2.2.2 Preparing a job analysis 16. – 18.10.2012

18 DACUM charts for Citrus Crop Management, Cotton Sowing and Picking, Cotton Processing, Chili Production and Chili Processing

2.2.2 Preparing a job analysis 26.03.2013

19 DACUM charts for 30 trades 2.2.6 Preparing a job analysis 31.10.2012

20 Curriculum for Agriculture Field Assistant 2.2.7 Supporting an action-oriented learning approach by appropriate curriculum


21 Curriculum for Farm Manager 2.2.7 Supporting an action-oriented learning approach by 20.10.2012

69 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 6: Reports, Competency standards, Curricula, Modules and Manuals (April 2012 – March 2013)

Serial No

Title of the Document AWP

Activity Description of the Activity Document released Date

appropriate curriculum

22 Curriculum for Cook 2.2.7 Supporting an action-oriented learning approach by appropriate curriculum


23 Curriculum for Chef de Partie 2.2.7 Supporting an action-oriented learning approach by appropriate curriculum


24 Curriculum for Sous-Chef 2.2.7 Supporting an action-oriented learning approach by appropriate curriculum


25 Curriculum for Waiter 2.2.7 Supporting an action-oriented learning approach by appropriate curriculum


26 Curriculum for Captain 2.2.7 Supporting an action-oriented learning approach by appropriate curriculum


27 Report: Standard & Curriculum development – Energy Sector

2.2.9 Elaborating a training demand study 20.06.2012

28 In-service training development 2.3 Describing the blended learning approach and training of LT/ET’s


29 Final Report – Training of 100 Lead trainer/E-tutors for IST in Pakistan

2.3 Compiling the final report on the carried out training 06.01.2013

30 Curriculum for housemaids 2.3.1 Piloting of the action-oriented approach by implementing the curriculum for housemaids (training programme suitable for women)


31 Report: Building Electrician (renewable technology) (BET) S&C development

2.3.1 Describing the results of the capacity development workshop for the first part of BET S&C


32 Report: Plumber (renewable technology) (PLUM) S&C development

2.3.1 Describing the results of the capacity development workshop for the first part of PLUM S&C


70 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 6: Reports, Competency standards, Curricula, Modules and Manuals (April 2012 – March 2013)

Serial No

Title of the Document AWP

Activity Description of the Activity Document released Date

33 DACUM report – Mechanic – Electrician - Plumber 2.3.1 Conducting a DACUM – job analysis for the overseas employment trade Mechanic-Electrician-Plumber


34 Building Electrician (renewable technology) (BET) S&C development – final draft documentation

2.3.1 Compiling the BET-S&C development final draft edition 28.03.2013

35 Situation analysis of IT infrastructure in TEVTA institutions (Sindh and Baluchistan)

2.3.2 Reporting the actual IT-settings in institutions further involved in In-service training of TVET teachers


36 Situation analysis of IT infrastructure in TEVTA institutions (AJK, ICT, Punjab)

2.3.2 Reporting the actual IT-settings in institutions further involved in In-service training of TVET teachers


37 Situation analysis of IT infrastructure in TEVTA institutions (GB, KP, FATA)

2.3.2 Reporting the actual IT-settings in institutions further involved in In-service training of TVET teachers


38 Report: In-service training – Training of lead trainer/ e-tutor’s batch 1 Carrying out 25 days pedagogic training for 20 participants – blended learning approach


39 Report: In-service training – Training of lead trainer/ e-tutor’s batch 2 Carrying out 20 days pedagogic training for 27 participants – blended learning approach


40 Report: In-service training – Training of lead trainer/ e-tutor’s batch 3 Carrying out 20 days pedagogic training for 27 participants – blended learning approach


41 Report: In-service training – Training of lead trainer/ e-tutor’s batch 4 Carrying out 20 days pedagogic training for 26 participants – blended learning approach


42 Report: Creation of an IT-based M&E system for In-service training Setting up an M&E system based on MS-ACCESS 15.10.2012

43 Report: Establishment of a M&E concept for In-service training Development a concept for the training of 10,000 technical teachers


Component 3: FIT and LMI

44 FIT Concept Note Revising implementation procedures for FIT in consensus July 2012

71 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 6: Reports, Competency standards, Curricula, Modules and Manuals (April 2012 – March 2013)

Serial No

Title of the Document AWP

Activity Description of the Activity Document released Date


45 FIT Application Package (Application Form, technical proposal guidelines, financial proposal template) Revising implementation procedures for FIT in consensus with NAVTTC and also based on experience from pilot phase

July 2012

46 Project Evaluation Panel Terms of Reference

Elaborating a set-up for evaluating and selecting FIT regular phase projects with independent members

August 2012

47 M&E System Concept Note Setting up an M&E system April 2012

48 M&E Monthly Report Template

Devising a supervision instrument April 2012

49 M&E Baseline Study Survey

Devising a supervision instrument April 2012

50 M&E Beneficiaries Satisfactory Survey

Devising a supervision instrument June 2012

51 Labour Market Information, Vocational Counselling and Job Placement: Needs, Current Situation and Way Forward Elaborating a concept note on LMI, VC and JP October 2012

52 Concept Note for first meeting of Technical Working Group Elaborating the mandate and responsibilities of TWG December 2012

53 Concept Note for the second meeting of Technical Working Group Elaborating a concept of a well-structured SIS March 2013

54 Labour Market Information for skills strategy policy and planning

Developing an approach/concept for establishment of LMI capacity at NAVTTC

October 2012

72 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours


S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants

Component 1: Governance

01 Workshop on Provincial Skills Development Action Plan Preparation (AJK) To build synergies for creating a regional NSS implementation plan and identify individuals who could become part of a core group and contribute in the development of the plan


(1 day)


(2 females)

02 Workshop on Provincial Skills Development Action Plan Preparation (Baluchistan) To build synergies for creating a regional NSS implementation plan and identify individuals who could become part of a core group and contribute in the development of the plan


(1 day)


(3 females)

03 Core group meeting implementation NSS (Baluchistan) To develop an approach and prioritise for implementing NSS across the region


(1 day)


(3 females)

04 Core group meeting implementation NSS (Baluchistan) To develop an approach and prioritise for implementing NSS across the province


(1 day)


(2 females)

05 Workshop on Provincial Skills Development Action Plan Preparation (GB) To build synergies for creating a regional NSS implementation plan and identify individuals who could become part of a core group and contribute in the development of the plan


(1 day)


(4 females)

06 Workshop on Skill Development Action Plan Preparation (Punjab) To build synergies for creating a regional NSS implementation plan and identify individuals who could become part of a core group and contribute in the development of the plan

09.06. – 11.06.2012

(3 days)


(8 females)

73 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours

S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants

07 Workshop on Provincial Skills Development Action Plan Preparation (Punjab)

To initiate discussion and brainstorming on the 22 elements of the NSS for prioritisation and incorporation in the plan


(1 day)


08 Inter-provincial workshop on NSS implementation with TEVTAs

To introduce the plans as elaborated upon by the public and private sector stakeholders engaged through core groups on skills planning

10.09. – 11.09.2012

(2 days)


(3 females)

09 Inter-provincial workshop with stakeholders (Bhurban)

To finalise and build consensus for presenting the Skills Development Plans for each region and province to their respective governments

26.09. – 27.09.2012

(2 days)


(5 females)

10 Core group meeting NSS team KP & FATA To review and discuss skills development plans of KP & FATA


(1 day)


11 Meeting with FATA secretariat on Skills Development plans To discuss with Secretary FATA on skills development plans and status of funding


(1 day)


12 Interprovincial Skills development planning and review meeting To discuss skills development plans with provinces and NAVTTC


(1 day)


(2 females)

13 NAVTTC/GIZ Coordination forum meeting on National skills development To develop consensus amongst stakeholders at the federal level on developing and implementing the NSS plan


(1 day)


(2 females)

14 TVET Coordination forum meeting on federal NSS implementation and skills development planning To discuss, share and review the federal skills development plan


(1 day)


(2 females)

74 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours

S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants

15 Skills Development Planning – a road map To validate and endorse national and provincial skills development plans


(1 day)


(4 females)

16 Involvement of enterprises in TVET 1.1.3 To clarify the role of industry/private sector in TVET sector development


(1 day)


17 Presentation and discussion on HRD policy To develop a draft policy paper reflecting an analysis of existing practices within the TVET sector and a future course of action


(1 day)


(3 females)

18 TVET HRD Policy Meeting To discuss pre-service and in-service training options for technical teachers aiming at achieving compliance with the drafted options


(1 day)


(3 females)

19 HRD Policy meeting To discuss, validate and develop implement draft HRD policy


(1 day)


(3 females)

20 Workshop and Occupational Safety and Health To support Sindh TEVTA in conducting a workshop on Occupational Safety and Health as a part of work place based training


(1 day)


(2 females)

21 Study Tour to Germany To visit TVET institutes to understand the German model 18. – 25.11.2012

(9 days)


22 2nd

meeting of TVET Accreditation and quality evaluation committee

1.3.1 To discuss areas of improvement and to test implementation of the manual through a pilot phase


(1 day)


(3 females)

23 Accreditation and quality evaluation meeting

1.3.1 To review and analyse the draft accreditation manual developed by NAVTTC


(1 day)


(3 females)

24 MIS Questionnaire Training Workshop 1.4.2 To train the staff from selected institutes and employment exchanges to collect data from the different Government, Technical and Commerce Colleges as well as


(1 Day)


75 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours

S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants

Vocational Centres from all over the province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on the already developed MIS Questionnaire for Technical Education which will be added to the MIS software

25 TVET Reform Communication Strategy Workshop To apprise the stakeholders including public sector counterparts and the private sector about TVET Reform Communication Strategy and seek their endorsement and input on implement-tation of key activities to be undertaken in line with the strategy


(1 day)


26 Media Training/Sensitisation Session Peshawar To sensitise the Peshawar-based journalists (mainly education reporters) about the importance of technical education and to motivate the education reporters to give importance to the technical education


(1 day)


27 Media Training/Sensitisation Session Lahore To sensitise the Lahore-based journalists mainly education reporters about the importance of technical education and to motivate the education reporters to give importance to the technical education


(1 day)



Media Training/Sensitisation Session

Muzaffarabad (AJK) To sensitise the Muzaffarabad-based journalists mainly education reporters about the importance of technical education and to motivate the education reporters to give importance to the technical education


(1 day)


29 National Seminar on Public Private Partnership with PVTC, Lahore To spread awareness on the Public Private Partnership for an effective TVET system and motivate employers to be part of it


(1 day)


76 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours

S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants

30 Media Training/Sensitisation Session at Quetta To sensitise journalists mainly education reporters about the importance of technical education and to motivate the education reporters to give importance to technical education


(1 day)


31 EU TVET projects synergy meeting To discuss complementarities within EU funded programmes and discuss mechanisms of cooperation


(1 day)


(5 females)


Second synergy workshop EU-TVET Projects To discuss complementarities within EU funded and specify areas of cooperation


(1 day)


(6 females)

33 Gold Medal Award Ceremony at KP Chief Minister’s House, Peshawar To improve the image of TVET and encourage youth to join TVET stream of education for a better employability


(1 day)


34 Seminar on raising awareness on TVET with private service providers through Punjab Board of Technical Education at Islamabad To engage private service providers for spreading awareness around the TVET sector


(1 day)


35 Seminar on raising awareness of TVET with private service providers through Punjab Board of Technical Education at Multan To engage private service providers for spreading awareness around the TVET sector


(1 day)


36 National Seminar on Public Private Partnership with SDC, Peshawar & KP TEVTA at Peshawar To spread awareness about the value of Public Private Partnerships for an effective TVET system and motivate employers to be part of it


(1 day)


37 Dialogue with Parliamentarians on making TVET as a political priority by SDC Peshawar & KP TEVTA at Peshawar To generate interest of parliamentarians on TVET for better policy formulation and planning of the sector


(1 day)


77 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours

S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants

38 Seminar on raising awareness on TVET with private service providers through Punjab Board of Technical Education at Lahore To engage private service providers to improve awareness about the TVET sector


(1 day)


39 Seminar/Skill Mela with AJK TEVTA at Muzaffarabad To generate interest of policymakers including parliamentarians on TVET for better policy formulation and planning of the sector


(1 day)


(15 females)

40 Media Training/Sensitisation Session for FATA at Peshawar To sensitise journalists mainly education reporters about the importance of technical education and to motivate the education reporters to give importance to technical education


(1 day)


41 Seminar/Launching ceremony of EFP new website at Karachi To sensitise employers about the benefits of investing in HRD


(1 day)


42 National Seminar on Public Private Partnership with Sindh TEVTA at Karachi To spread awareness about the value of Public Private Partnership for an effective TVET system and motivate employers to be part of it


(1 day)


43 Training of the Communication Officers within the TVET sector at Murree To build capacity of the public and private sector organisations working within TVET sector for the implementation of TVET Reform Communication Strategy

13.02. – 14.02.2013

(2 days)


44 Workshop on NVQF & Testing and Evaluation Techniques with KP Board of Technical Education at Islamabad To create awareness about the reform activities in the areas of assessing the skills of trainees

13.03. – 14.03.2013

(2 days)


Component 2: NQF and HRD

78 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours

S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants

45 NVQF Level descriptor workshop with industry representatives who had been nominated by Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Lahore

2.1 To contribute to the level descriptors of the NVQF 31.05.2012

(1 day)


46 NVQF Level descriptor workshop with industry representatives who had been nominated by Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Karachi

2.1 To contribute to the level descriptors of the NVQF 02.06.2012

(1 day)


47 NVQF workshop with public and private training providers

2.1 To contribute to the level descriptors of the NVQF and to the rules for applying the NVQF

07.06. – 08.06.2012

(2 days)



48 NVQF Level descriptor workshop with industry representatives who had been nominated by Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Islamabad

2.1 To contribute to the level descriptors of the NVQF 12.06.2012

(1 day)


49 Workshop “State of development for the Pakistani National Vocational qualifications Framework (NVQF)”

2.1 To inform stakeholders from the public sector about the state of the development for the Pakistani NVQF


(1 day)


50 Workshop with NAVTTC and TEVTAs on NVQF draft

2.1 To take suggestions from TEVTAs into consideration and finalise NVQF draft


(1 day)


51 Presentation on workshop of the KP Board of Technical Education

2.1 To inform and raise awareness concerning NVQF 13.03.2013

(1 day)

ca. 50

52 Workshop on non-formal training 2.1 To achieve consensus on level descriptors for non-formal training


(1 day)


53 Assessment workshop 2.1 To elaborate an overview about already existing 29.11.2012 17

79 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours

S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants

assessment strategies (1 day)

54 DACUM workshop on hospitality trades 2.2 To carry out a job analysis 16.10. – 18.10.2012

(3 days)


55 DACUM review meetings 2.2 To carry out a job analysis 13.11. – 14.11.2012

(2 days)


56 Curriculum workshop for hospitality trades

2.2 To develop the curriculum 04.12. – 05.12.2012

(2 days)


57 Curriculum workshop for hospitality trades

2.2 To develop the curriculum 22.01. – 24.01.2013

(3 days)


58 Orientation meeting for curriculum development with agriculture experts

2.2 To give orientation about an approach to curriculum development


(1 day)


59 Orientation meeting for curriculum development with IT experts

2.2 To give orientation about an approach to curriculum development


(1 day)


60 Validation workshop for Hospitality Curricula

2.2 To validate curricula by relevant hospitality stakeholders 12.03. – 13.03.2013

(2 days)


61 DACUM workshop for Citrus Crop Management

2.2 To carry out a job analysis 18.03. – 19.03.2012

(2 days)

ca. 15

62 DACUM workshop for Cotton Sowing and Picking and Cotton Processing

2.2 To carry out a job analysis 21.03. – 22.03.2013

(2 days)

ca. 15

63 DACUM workshop for Chili Production and Chili Processing

2.2 To carry out a job analysis 25.03. – 26.03.2013

(2 days)

ca. 15

64 Standard & Curriculum development 2.2 To carry out the DACUM workshop – Building electrician September 2012 09

80 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours

S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants

(2 days)

65 Standard & Curriculum development 2.2 The carry out CBT- workshop ‘Building electrician” with developers

September 2012

(2 days)


66 Standard & Curriculum development 2.2 To carry out DACUM workshop – Plumber with solar water heater installation and maintenance

October 2012

(2 days)


67 Standard & Curriculum development 2.2 To carry out a CBT- workshop “Plumber” with developers 07.11. – 16.11.2012

(10 Days)


68 Standard & Curriculum development 2.2 To carry out 2nd CBT- workshop “Building electrician” with developers

27.11. – 04.12.2012

(5 days)


69 Standard & Curriculum development 2.2 To carry out DACUM workshop – Mechanic/Electrician/Plumber

01.02. – 04.02.2013

(3 days)


70 Standard & Curriculum development 2.2 To carry out CBT- workshop “Mechanic-Electrician-Plumber” with developers

26.02. – 22.03. 2013

(25 days)


71 Standard & Curriculum development 2.2 To carry out 2nd CBT- workshop “Plumber” with developers

15.03. – 21.03.2013

(6 days)


72 Training to develop Competency Based Curricula (CBC)

2.2.7 To train curriculum developers (mainly from the TEVTAs, public and private training centres) concerning the CBC approach


(1 day)


73 DACUM training stage 1, 1st batch 2.2.7 To train DACUM facilitators by TITI, Nepal 25.06. – 06.07.2012

(12 days)


74 DACUM training stage 1, 2nd batch 2.2.7 To train DACUM facilitators by TITI, Nepal 12.11. – 23.11.2012

(12 days)


81 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours

S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants

75 DACUM training stage 2, 1st batch

2.2.7 To train DACUM facilitators by TITI, Nepal 26.11. – 07.12.2012

(12 days)


76 Workshop for developing a consensus for CBT development procedures

2.2.7 To develop consensus among stakeholders regarding an agreement on roles, terms of reference, constitution and selection criteria for work groups concerning labour market data analysis, job analysis/DACUM, standardisation of competences, development of curricula

11.07. – 13.07.2012

(3 days)


77 Workshop for developing a consensus for CBT development procedures

2.2.7 To develop consensus among stakeholders regarding agreement upon formats and guiding notes for labour market data analysis reports, preparation of DACUM charts, standardisation of competences, development of curricula

16.07. – 17.07.2012

(2 days)


78 DACUM-workshops 2.2.7 To carry out DACUM workshops for hospitality trades 16.10. – 18.10.2012

(3 days)


79 In-service training introduction workshop 2.3.3 To introduce in-service training to TEVTA’s, NAVTTC higher and middle management


(1 day)


(8 female)

80 In-service training of lead trainers/e-tutors – 1. Batch To train 100 LT/ET’s who will train 10.000 TVET teacher in pedagogics

May – June 2012

(25 days)


(7 female)

81 In-service training of lead trainers/e-tutors– 2. Batch To train 100 LT/ET’s who will train 10.000 TVET teacher in pedagogics

August – September 2012 (20 days)


(5 female)

82 In-service training of lead trainers/e-tutors – 3. Batch To train 100 LT/ET’s who will train 10.000 TVET teacher in pedagogics

September – October 2012 (20 days)


(6 female)

83 In-service training of lead trainers/e-tutors – 4. Batch To train 100 LT/ET’s who will train 10.000 TVET teacher in pedagogics

19.11. – 14.12.2012 27

82 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours

S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants

(20 days) (8 female)

84 In-service training of lead trainers/e-tutors – Co-trainer training To train national co-trainer/coaches who will coach the 100 LT/ET’s in the provinces during the implementation of the 10.000 TVET teacher training phases

03.03. – 13.03.2013

(10 days)


(3 female)

Component 3: FIT and LMI

85 Briefing session on FIT application process To sensitise potential FIT applicants on the application process for FIT


(1 day)


86 FIT Project Evaluation Panel session To carry out independent evaluation and selection of FIT

proposed projects 20.09.2012

(1 day)


87 FIT Project Evaluation Panel session To carry out independent evaluation and selection of FIT

proposed projects 24.09.2012

(1 day)


88 FIT Project Evaluation Panel session To carry out independent evaluation and selection of FIT

proposed projects 26.09.2012

(1 day)


89 FIT Project Evaluation Panel session To carry out independent evaluation and selection of FIT

proposed projects 27.09.2012

(1 day)


90 FIT Project Evaluation Panel session To carry out independent evaluation and selection of FIT

proposed projects 13.11.2012

(1 day)


91 FIT Project Evaluation Panel session To carry out independent evaluation and selection of FIT

proposed projects 24.01.2013

(1 day)


92 Workshop – Learning Region FR Peshawar

3.2.1 To verify and adapt the approaches and the detailed planning for Learning Region (LR) FR Peshawar


(1 day)


83 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours

S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants


Orientation Workshop – Learning Region FR Peshawar

3.2.1 To orient and share information with the Community Based Organisation (CBOs) members representing Learning Region (LR) FR Peshawar’s three main tribes on TVET activities and establishment of training farms in the region during 2012-2013


(1 day)


94 Technical workshop on Dry land Farming 3.2.1 To orient and share information with the Community

Based Organisation (CBOs) members representing Learning Region (LR) FR Peshawar’s three main tribes


(1 day)


(1 female)


Training inaugural workshop at ARI Tarnab

3.2.1 To orient and share information with the Community Based Organisation (CBOs) members representing Learning Region (LR) FR Peshawar’s three main tribes on TVET activities and establishment of training farms in the region during 2012-2013


(1 day)



CBO Review Workshop To orient and share information with the Community Based Organisation (CBOs) members representing Learning Region (LR) FR Peshawar’s three main tribes on TVET activities and establishment of training farms in the region during 2012-2013


(1 day)


97 Workshop on Vocational Guidance and Job Placement Feedback from Stakeholders 17.12. – 18.12.2012

(2 days)


(5 females)

98 Workshop on Vocational Guidance and Job Placement Feedback from Stakeholders 21.02. – 22.02.2013

(2 days)


(4 females)

99 Management Group Skills Information Meeting To discuss the Organisational structure, work plan of SIS cell


(1 day)


(3 females)

84 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 7: Overview of Trainings, workshops and study tours

S. No Activity AWP

Activity Objective/Purpose of the Activity Date/ Duration

No of Participants


Meeting of TWG on SIS Cell working Group To discuss the deliverables of SIS cell 19.02.2013

(1 day)


(4 females)


Meeting of TWG on SIS Cell working Group To discuss the deliverables of SIS cell 18.03.2013

(1 day)


(3 females)

102 Workshop on Labour Market Information Framework Development of a labour market information (LMI) system for the TVET sector


(1 day)


(5 females)

85 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 8: Active FIT Financing Agreements (April 2012 – March 2013)


No. Name of The Recipient Project title Start date Duration

01 Azad Jammu & Kashmir Community Development Program

(AJKCDP) Integrated pest management services for resource poor farmers to promote organic farming Mar 15, 2012 8.67 months

02 Youth Engagement Services (YES) Breaking barriers for youth social entrepreneurship Mar 20, 2012 09 months

03 Sungi Development Foundation Creating opportunities for skilled artisans and workers Apr 1, 2012 11 months

04 Hytech Vocational & Technical Training Foundation (HYVTTF) Training of motorcycle mechanic through 'Ustad Shagird' approach Apr 15, 2012 12 months

05 Punjab Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (P-

TEVTA), Multan Establishment of tunnel farming structure at Pak German Polytechnic for Agriculture

Technology May 1, 2012 12 months

06 Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC), VTI Chunian Industrial stitching training to poor women and transgender Apr 1, 2012 14 months

07 Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC), VTI Green Town Industrial stitching training to poor women and transgender Apr 1, 2012 14 months

08 Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC), VTI Walton Industrial stitching training to poor women and transgender Apr 1, 2012 14 months

09 Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC), VTI Multan Welding Training to flood affected community members Apr 15, 2012 14 months

10 Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC), VTI Rahim Yaar Khan Welding Training to flood affected community members Apr 15, 2012 14 months

11 Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC), VTI Muzaffargarh Welding Training to flood affected community members Apr 15, 2012 14 months

12 Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC), VTI DG Khan Welding Training to flood affected community members Apr 15, 2012 14 months

13 Rupani Foundation Skill Development / Capacity Building in gems cutting, polishing, jewellery making & stone

carving Mar 15, 2012 16 months

14 Punjab Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (P-

TEVTA), Multan Revival of dwindling art of Kashigri (Multani blue pottery) & ceramics (mould & models

through introduction of innovative designs) Nov 10, 2012 10 months

15 Indus Resource Centre (IRC) Employability of women and youth in deprived coastal areas of Karachi Mar 15, 2012 18 months

16 Technology Up gradation and Skill Development Company Skill development in solar technologies Dec 05, 2012 12 months

86 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 9: Overview of Local Subsidies (April 2012 – March 2013)

No. Name of The Recipient Project title Start date Duration


17 JOBS Trust Farmer and community empowerment through solar dryers food processing Dec 19, 2012 12 months

18 Karakorum Area Development Organisation (KADO) Enhancing employability of marginalised segments in Gilgit Baltistan through IT Nov 02, 2012 18 months

19 Lahore Business Association for Rehabilitation of the Disabled

(LABARD) LABARD Vocational Training for the disabled people Nov 19, 2012 18 months

20 Punjab Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (P-

TEVTA), Lahore Basic training in solar technology Mar 13, 2013 19 months

21 Hytech Vocational and Technical Training Foundation (HYVTTF) Testing new workplace learning approaches and co-financing idea for Motorcycle Mechanic

'Ustad Shagird' Training approach Nov 08, 2012 26 months

22 Aman Institute of Vocational Training Development and training on simulated equipment for skills training Mar 28, 2013 12 months

23 Pakistan Institute of Prosthetic & Orthotics Science (PIPOS)

Peshawar Diploma Courses in lower limb prosthetic and lower limb orthotics for patients with disabilities

in KPK and FATA Dec 05, 2012 28 months

87 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 9: Overview of Local Subsidies (April 2012 – March 2013)


S. No. Name of the Expert Purpose of the Consultancy Deliverable Timeframe Expert Days

01 DEWAH To support the establishment of agricultural farms and farmers training in FR Peshawar

Three training farms established and 6 training sessions to be carried out

01.09.2012 – 31.08.2013 365

88 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 30: TVET Reform Support Programme – Logframe 04/2011 – 03/2016 (Version April 2012)


Overall Goal

Pakistanis have intermediate skills to help make Pakistan a developed, industrialised, just and prosperous country by 2030


Means of Verification Assumption

Pro-gramme impact

Access, equity, relevance and quality of TVET in Pakistan increased

At least 100,000 Pakistani have access to long and short training courses in line with labour market needs (30% female; 30% from war affected areas)

Improved employer satisfaction (by 50%) with graduates’ skills in technical concepts, practical skills, safety, quality and communication

Improved income of graduates of CBT compared to control groups

Reputation of TVET among employers, youth and parents increased

Programme records

Employer satisfaction survey

Tracer studies

Reputation study

Security situation allows Programme staff to operate effectively

No further deterioration of overall economic situation

Objective 1 (Component 1)

Indicators Means of Verification Assumption

Direct benefit

1. Governance of TVET sector is improved

Clear roles and mandates for NSS implementation between NAVTTC, national and provincial authorities incl. ministries, and private sector

1,000 TVET institutions accredited within NSS context

TVET sector M&E System (impact

Agreed cross-country NSS implementation plan

National and provincial accreditation registers

M&E reports

Increasing willingness of stakeholders to coordinate

89 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 30: TVET Reform Support Programme – Logframe 04/2011 – 03/2016 (Version April 2012)

focussed) implemented Output 1.1 Plans and complementary

policies/strategies facilitating NSS implementation developed

5 Policy documents tabled (on TVET policy, workplace-related TVET, TVET financing, vocational counselling/guidance and HRD)

Prov/regional PSD-AP formulated on an annual basis

National NSS implementation plan prepared and updated

Organisational assessment report prepared and agreed upon by 2012

No. of capacity building measures according to capacity needs assessment of TEVTAs and NAVTTC implemented

Policy documents

PSD-AP documents

NSS implementation plans

Organisational assessment report

Reports of CB measures

TVET authorities in provinces and regions sufficiently staffed and resourced to take over leadership in PSD-AP development

Use of Output

TVET stakeholders participate in Policy elaboration

TVET stakeholders continue to use developed PSD-AP instruments and to formulate/update provincial/regional PSD-AP

NAVTTC facilitate updating of national NSS implementation plans

TEVTAs and NAVTTC approve organisational assessment and the recommended capacity building measures

TEVTA and NAVTTC staff participate in capacity building measures having clear learning objectives


1.2 Capacities of NAVTTC and TEVTAs to

coordinate NSS implementation improved

TU in NAVTTC established and functional by 2011.

Increased capacity of NAVTTC and TEVTAs to support implementation of TVET reform

NAVTTC ISO certified and certification regularly updated

MIS structures developed and implemented

TU Annual Work Plans

NAVTTC annual reports

ISO certification document

TVET Statistical reports

NAVTTC is providing counterpart staff to TU

NACTTC regional directorates remain functional

Use of Output

NAVTEC and TEVTAs implementing and facilitating NSS implementation plans in coordinated approach

NAVTEC tables legislation

Output 1.3 Quality Assurance System – (accreditation procedures and quality management systems for training providers institutions) developed and capacities built to implement the

Accreditation framework and procedures for training providers prepared and agreed upon by 2013

Quality management concept developed and agreed upon

Minutes of stakeholder workshops (for accreditation framework and QM)

Reports of CB events

90 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 30: TVET Reform Support Programme – Logframe 04/2011 – 03/2016 (Version April 2012)

system Number of QM capacity building measures for NAVTEC, TEVAs and for training providers and assessment institutions conducted

Use of Output

NAVTEC issues national quality assurance framework

TEVTAs (or new accreditation body) implement quality assurance framework

TVET institutions apply new quality management procedures

Output 1.4 TVET monitoring & evaluation system developed

TVET reform monitoring instrument implemented

Tracer studies carried out

Baseline data compiled

TVET M&E Information shared and discussed

Annual monitoring reports

TVET reform monitoring report

Baseline reports

NAVTTC and TEVTAs commit resources to TVET sector monitoring

Use of Output

Training providers periodically review training programs & make informed decisions.

NAVTEC and TEVTAs uses monitoring instruments to evaluate and steer TVET reform

Output 1.5 Communication and dissemination of TVET reform improved

Communication strategy developed and implemented

No of sensitisation workshops with different stakeholder

Amount of airtime utilised, number of articles published, and number of dissemination/ information events held

Communication strategy

Documentation of TVET branding campaign

Documents verifying communication events with different target groups

Programme reports

Media tracking reports

Development partners and stakeholders share project information and success stories

Use of Output

Stakeholders (NAVTEC, TEVTAs, etc) disseminate activities, output, success and promote TVET according to agreed communication strategy

Political decision-makers start understanding implications and benefits of TVET and participate more informed in discussions about TVET

Parents and communities are increasingly aware about TVET opportunities and their benefits, and encourage youth to participate in TVET courses

Objective 2 (Component 2)

Indicators Means of Verification Assumption

Direct benefit

2. NQF for TVET developed and introduced in priority sectors

Higher employment rate of CBT graduates in comparison to conventional TVET graduates

Tracer studies

Survey of reputation of TVET Market conditions in Programme priority sectors remain stable

91 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 30: TVET Reform Support Programme – Logframe 04/2011 – 03/2016 (Version April 2012)

Indicators Means of Verification Assumption

Output 2.1 Pakistani National Qualifications Framework NQF/TVET is developed; and implementation system elaborated.

NQF/TVET levels agreed upon

NQF system for TVET is developed

Formats and procedures for competency standards and curricula development as well as certification processes are defined

NQF/TVET documents are ready for legal processing

NQF document

Standard formats and procedures documents

Draft legal NQF regulation

Use of Output

Relevant stakeholders discuss NQF and reach agreement

Output 2.2 New CBT courses developed 60 CBT standards, curricula and assessment packages developed as per the agreed format (at least 30% suitable for female students)

New curricula are approved by employers’ organisations

Curriculum documents

Minutes of meetings of Skills Development Committee (or other relevant bodies)

Employers are willing to participate in NQF processes

TVET authorities are willing to incorporate private sector stakeholders in decision making processes

Use of

Output Employers participate in course development

TEVTAs, NAVTTC and employers’ organisations discuss pilot course experiences

Training providers and employers strengthen their partnership

Output 2.3 New CBT courses piloted in selected TVET institutions

CBT courses piloted with 30 institutions

At least 10,000 students complete new CBT programmes

Training equipment in 30 institutions upgraded for CBT courses.

Enrolment lists

Enrolment list for TVET teacher programmes

Procurement lists

CBT courses to be introduced receive approval

Use of

Output Curricula, learning/teaching materials and test items are ready to be rolled-out in the country

Training providers strive actively for partnership with enterprises

Pilot institutions revise regularly the labour market relevance of CBT courses

Output 2.4 Pedagogical Skills of existing TVET teachers improved

10,000 teachers are trained through in-service training system.

100 Master Trainers for TVET teacher training capacitated to apply blended learning approach

Enrolment lists

In-service Monitoring report

92 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 30: TVET Reform Support Programme – Logframe 04/2011 – 03/2016 (Version April 2012)

Use of Output

Teachers use effective teaching methods

Output 2.5 Pre- and in-service TVET teacher training system developed and piloted

New qualification system for TVET teachers in place

Defined roles and responsibilities for TVET teachers training

Approved competency standards for TVET teachers

Approved TVET teacher policy document

Recruitment regulations of TVET staff allow for changes towards merit-based remuneration and career progression

Use of Output

Teachers provide training confidently using modern pedagogical concepts combined with updated technical contents that allow students to reach required competence standards

NAVTTC and TEVTAs facilitate regular in/pre-service training attendance of technical teachers

Objective 3 (Component 3)

Indicators Means of Verification Assumption

Direct benefit

3. Access to marketable skills and labour market services increased, with special focus on defined target groups

100,000 young people (at least 30% female) have access to demand-driven TVET through competitively provided financial support to new training modalities and initiatives (75% from poor HHs of which 50% from KPK FATA and Balochistan, and 50% from AJK, GB, Sindh and Punjab)

Increase in income of FIT project beneficiaries (esp. marginalised groups).

Programme Annual Reports

FIT monitoring reports

Tracer studies conducted for FIT funded projects

FIT can operate in accordance with objectives without political interference

Sufficient number of eligible and quality proposals brought forward to FIT

Output 3.1 Innovative initiatives to employment ori-

ented skills development supported through


FIT concept note and management instruments developed and tested during Inception Phase

44 TVET (training) initiatives approved for FIT funding and implemented

100% of FIT resources disbursed for innovative projects

FIT concept note and management tools

Programme annual reports

FIT project partners have the capacity to implement projects

Use of Output

Public and private training providers develop and implement innovative skills development initiatives for various target groups.

93 TVET Programme 1st

Annual Progress Report: Annex 30: TVET Reform Support Programme – Logframe 04/2011 – 03/2016 (Version April 2012)

Output 3.2 Skills development through learning region approach introduced

2 Learning Regions introduced in different provinces

Programme annual reports

Use of Output

Project beneficiaries improve their economic opportunities and incomes

Network participants deepen their collaboration

Output 3.3 Enhanced vocational counselling and job-placement services in selected organisations.

50 TVET and other institutions have Vocational Counselling and Placement services functioning by the end of 2012, 100 by the end of 2013, 200 by 03/2016

VC/JP monitoring reports

Use of Output

Youth use VC/JP services

Staff of VC/JP institutions shares information, documentation on labour market trends and experiences

Output 3.4 Labour market information for TVET planning improved

Labour market networks operate in at least three provinces

NAVTTC LMI cell operational

Minutes of network meetings

NAVTTC annual reports

Use of

Output NAVTTC, TEVTAs, employers’ organisations contribute to labour market data compilation

NAVTTC, TEVTAs, employers’ organisations strengthen capacity for labour market analysis

NAVTTC, TEVTAs, employers’ organisations use labour market information for TVET development decisions

Reform of TVET in Pakistan

Project Office

Deutsche Gesellschaft für

Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

House 2-B, Street 5, Kohsar Road, F-7/3

