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THE CITY RECORD OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Published Under Authority of Section 872-a of the New York City Charter. STEPHEN G. KELLEY. Surssvisoa 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan. Woara 2-3490. Publtsnod daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays sad legal holidays. 'Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: 'Civil List. $20 (by mail, $20.15); Official Canvass of Votes, $1 (by mail $1.12); List of Re it.tried Voters, 25 cents each assembly district (by mail, 27 cents); Assessed Valuation of Real Estate for 1938 and first six months of 1939, 25 cents each section (by mail 30 cents); Supplemental Assessed Valuation of Real Estate for first six months of 1939 (Parts j and II), $2 each part (by mail, $2.05); Detailed List of Exempt Properties, $2 (by mail, $2.10). OTHER PUBLICATIONS UN SALE: Building Code, $3.90 (by mail $3.70); Electrical Code, 30 cents (by mail, 34 centh); Fire Department Recifications, 15 cents (by mail, 17 cents); Fire Retarding Rules and Regulation, 10 cents (by mail, 12 cents) ; Land Value Maps complete. for the City in one volume, $2 (by mail, $2.10); Multiple Dwelling Law, 50 cents by mail, 57 cents); Official Directory, 50 cents (by mail, 53 cents); New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Index to New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Proportional Representation Pamphlet, S cents (by mail, 7 cents). Order must be accompanied by currency, money order or check drawn to the order of "Super. visor of the City Record." ADVERTISING: Copy must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, cote must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. Check must be certified TABLE OF CONTENTS Board Meetings 3956 Bronx, President Borough of The— Proposals 3958 Brooklyn, President Borough of— Proposals 3957 Sale of Old Materials 3957 Changes in Departments, Etc 3955 City Planning Commission— Minutes of Recessed Meeting Held June 5, 1939 3937 Notices of Public Hearings—Public Improvement Matters 3961 Comptroller, Office of the— Interest on City Bonds and Stock. . 3964 Vouchers Received June 12, 1939 3953 Council, The—Notice of Public Hear- ings by Committee on Finance 3937 Docks, Department of—Proposals 3964 Education, Board of— Proposals 3961 Proposed Approval of Subcontractor 3961 Elections, Board of—Proposals 3957 Estimate, Board of—Public Notice— Franchise Matters 3958 Estimate, Board of — Bureau of Real Estate—Corporation Sale of Build- ings and Appurtenances Thereto on City Real Estate 3959 Finance, Department of— Confirmation of Assessments — No- tices to Property Owners 3963 Sales of Tax Liens 3963 Warrants Made Ready for Payment June 12, 1939 3949 Fire Department—Proposals 3958 Health, Department of—Amendments to Sanitary Code 3957 Higher Education, Board of—Pro- posals 3963 Manhattan, President Borough of— Proposals 3968 Municipal Civil Service Commission— Amended Notices of Examinations . 3959 General Instructions as to Examina- tions 3959 Notices of Examinations 3959 Notices to Appear for Examinations 3961 Notice to Applicants for Positions 3937 Tentative Keys for Examinations 3960 New York City Housing Authority— Notice of Prequalification of Con- tractors Who Wish to Submit Bids on Certain Work 3968 Proposals 3968 New York City Tunnel Authority— Proposals 3958 Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Buildings, Etc. 3968 Official Directory 3956 Parks, Department of—Proposals 3968 Police Department— Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Property 3956 Reports for Weeks Ended May 27 and June 3, 1939 3955 Public Works, Department of— Proposals 3957 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 3957 Purchase, Department of— Proposals 3957 Sale of Old Material 3957 Queens, President, Borough of— Proposals 3968 Report for Week Ended May 13, 1939 3955 Regulation Adopted by Board of Esti- mate on Feb. 17, 1938 3968 Richmond, President Borough of— Proposals 3957 Supreme Court, First Department— Application to Condemn 3964 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to File Objections 3965 Filing Bills of Costs 3965 Supreme Court, Second Department— Application to Amend Proceedings 3967 Application to Condemn 3967 Filing Bills of Costs 3968 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to File Objections 3966 Notices to File Claims 3967 Transportation, Boarl of— Notice of Public Hearing 3957 Proposals 3957 Proposals—Notice to Bidders 3957 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 3957 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of—Proposals 3964 Welfare, Department of—Proposals 3957 THE COUNCIL Public Hearings by the Committee on Finance. THE CITY RECORD VOL. LXVII. NUMBER 20065. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939 PRICE, 10 CENTS. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE will hold PUBLIC HEARINGS in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, Borough of Manhattan, on THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1939, at 1 O'CLOCK P. M., on the following matters: No. 687—C. No. 632—A local law to amend local law number seventy-two of nineteen hundred thirty-eight, entitled "a local law to amend local law number twenty-three of nineteen hundred thirty-eight, entitled 'a local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to raising revenue for the purpose of relieving the people of the city of New York from the hardships and suffering caused by unemployment and the effects thereof on the public health and welfare, by imposing a tax upon sales of cigarettes in the city of New York, to enable such city to defray the cost of granting unemployment work and home relief' in relation to the period of time during which such tax shall be paid." No. 688—C. No. 633—A local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to raising revenue for the purpose of relieving the people of the city of New York from the hardships and suffering caused by unem- ployment and the effects thereof on the public health and welfare, by imposing a tax upon receipts from sales of certain properties and from rendering of certain services in the city of New York. No. 689—C. No. 634—A local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to raising revenue for the purpose of relieving the people of the city of New York from the hardships and suffering caused by unemployment and the effects thereof on the public health and welfare, by imposing an excise tax on the gross income of every person doing business as a conduit company within such city. No. 690—C. No. 635—A local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to raising revenue for the purpose of relieving the people of the city of New York from the hardships and suffering caused by unemployment and the effects thereof on the public health and welfare by the imposition of a tax upon the privilege of carrying or. or exercising, for gain or profit, within the city of New York, any trade, business, profession, vocation, commercial activity or financial business carried on, or of making sales to persons within such city. No. 691—C, No. 636—A local law to amend the administrative code of the city .of New York, ic relation to relieving the people of the city of New York from the MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Applications are now being received by the Municipal Civil Service Commission for the following positions: AIRPORT CONTROL TOWER OPERATOR. ENGINEER (SAFETY), GRADE 4. INSPECTOR OF PIPES AND CASTINGS, GRADE 4. JANITOR CUSTODIAN, GRADE 3. PAVER. POWER MAINTAINER, INDEPENDENT CITY-OWNED SUB- WAY SYSTEM. . STENOTYPIST, GRADE 2. TRACKMAN, INDEPENDENT CITY-OWNED SUBWAY SYS- TEM. TYPEWRITING COPYIST, GRADE 1. PROMOTION TO CHIEF TELEPHONE OPERATOR, GRADE 2, DEPARTMENT OF WELFARE. PROMOTION TO ENGINEER (SAFETY), GRADE 4, BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY. PROMOTION TO FOREMAN PAVER, CITY-WIDE. PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT, POLICE DEPARTMENT. PROMOTION TO POWER MAINTAINER, INDEPENDENT CITY-OWNED SUBWAY SYSTEM. PROMOTION TO STOCK ASSISTANT (MEN), CITY-WIDE. Detailed information regarding the above positions may be found on page 3959 of this issue of THE CITY RECORD. Announcements for Open Competitive and Labor Class examinations are broadcast over Station WNYC at 6.30 p. m. on the Tuesday preceding the opening of applications. Bulletin Notice: The Commission publishes monthly an official bulletin which is available in libraries or sent to all interested persons for one year for a fee of $1. Please do not call or. write the Commission for routine informa- tion contained in this official monthly bulletin. The Commission is already hard pressed to answer the present quota of 10,000 inquiries a week. Candidates are promptly notified by mail of any action affecting them individually. General inquir- ies are answered in the Bulletin, but the Commission will be happy, as in the past, to answer specific inquiries to which the answer is not otherwise obtainable. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, PAUL. J. KERN, Presi- dent; FERDINAND Q. MORTON, WALLACE S. SAYRE, Commissioners. hardships and suffering caused by unemployment and the effects thereof on the public health by the imposition of an excise tax on the gross income of every person doing business within the city of New York and subject to supervision of either division of the department of public service, and of all other utilities doing business within such city. No. 692—C. No. 637—A local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to relieving the people of the city of New York from the hardship and suffering caused by unemployment and the effects thereof on the public health by the imposition of an excise tax for the privilege of using within the city of New York any article of tangible personal property purchased at retail. These local laws may be found in the minutes of the Council printed in THE CITY RECORD of June 10, 1939. 1 All persons interested are invited to attend. j13,15 M. J. CRUISE, City Clerk, Clerk of the Council. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Recessed Meeting of the City Planning Commission, Held in Room 16, City Hall, Monday, June 5, 1939, at 2 P. M. The Commission met pursuant to recess. Present—R. G. Tttgwell, Chairman, John C. Riedel, Chief Engineer of the Board of Estimate, Lawrence M. Orton, Cleveland Rodgers, Edwin A. Salmon, Arthur V. Sheridan, Commissioners. (Roll Call at 2.05 P. M.) PUBLIC HEARING Building Zone Resolution No. 53 (May 24, 1939, Calendar) (CP-914) Hearing on a proposed revision of the Building Zone Resolution, initiated by the Commission, as printed in the minutes of the meeting of May 3, 1939 (Cal. No. 16), published in the CITY RECORD of Tuesday, May 9, 1939, pages 3215 to 3219. (On May 3, 1939 (Cal. No. 16), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for a hearing.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 53), the hearing was continued to June 1, 1939.) (On June 1, 1939 (Cal. No. 53), the hearing was continued to this day.) Appearances : Millard Henlein, Assistant to the President, Sixth Avenue Associa- tion. Albert Hyman, Business Agent, New York Sign Writers Local 230. T. Francis Bennett, representing the Fifth Avenue Association. Andrew laggard, representing the West Side Association of Commerce. B. J. Dodd, representing Douglas Leigh, Inc. Clarence K. McGuire, Esq., attorney for J. Simpson & Co., Inc. Richard P. Luckner. George Levitus, Esq., of Messrs. Bleakley, Platt & Walker, attorneys, on behalf of the Rhinelander Real Estate Company. James C. Quinn, Secretary, Central Trades and Labor Council. M. Rosen, Secretary, Sheet Metal Workers International Association. Fred I. Hamm, Esq., representing the Outdoor Advertising Association. John I. Conroy, Esq., representing the Midtown Building Owners, Inc. Walter J. Salmon, President, 42d Street Association. Wadsworth W. Mount, representing the Merchants Association of New York. Joseph M. Lonergan. Frank A. Barrera, representing the Brooklyn Real Estate Board. William E. Beehan, representing the General Outdoor Advertising Com- pany. H. R. Reynolds, Vice-President. Birch Company, Criterion Advertising Co. J. W. Curran, Esq., representing E. G. Clarke, Inc. Frank H. Birch, President, F. H. Birch Co. and Criterion Advertising Co. Frederick D. Sasse, President, George A. Bow- man, Inc. George Meany, President. New York State Federation of Labor. Isaac Hyman,. representing the Bronx Taxpayers Association, United Real Estate Owners' Association, Women's Pioneer Taxpayers Association. Mrs. Makinson. J. J. Weiner, Esq., attorney for 64 East 14th St., Inc., 2361 Broadway Corp. J. Franklin Fort, Esq., attorney, of Messrs. Burlingham, Veeder, Clark & Hupper, representing property owners. Harold M. Lewis, Chief Engineer and Secretary, Regional Plan Association, Inc. Henry G. Waltemade, President, Real Estate Board of The Bronx. S. A. Wiigs, representing the Sunrise Trailer Company. Harold W. Jacobson, representing the United Cigar Company and, Whelan Stores. Mrs. Ray Morris, representing the New York Roadside Committee. On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter tinder Rule 105. On motion, the Commission adjourned at 4.20 p. in., to meet Wednesday, June 7, 1939: special hearing at 10.30 a. m., Committee of the Whole Room, City Hall: regular meeting at 2.30 p. m., Room 16, City Hall, Manhattan,


OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Published Under Authority of Section 872-a of the New York City Charter.

STEPHEN G. KELLEY. Surssvisoa 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan. Woara 2-3490.

Publtsnod daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays sad legal holidays. 'Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: 'Civil List. $20 (by mail, $20.15); Official Canvass of Votes, $1 (by mail

$1.12); List of Re it.tried Voters, 25 cents each assembly district (by mail, 27 cents); Assessed Valuation of Real Estate for 1938 and first six months of 1939, 25 cents each section (by mail 30 cents); Supplemental Assessed Valuation of Real Estate for first six months of 1939 (Parts j and II), $2 each part (by mail, $2.05); Detailed List of Exempt Properties, $2 (by mail, $2.10).

OTHER PUBLICATIONS UN SALE: Building Code, $3.90 (by mail $3.70); Electrical Code, 30 cents (by mail, 34 centh); Fire Department Recifications, 15 cents (by mail, 17 cents); Fire Retarding Rules and Regulation, 10 cents (by mail, 12 cents) ; Land Value Maps complete. for the City in one volume, $2 (by mail, $2.10); Multiple Dwelling Law, 50 cents by mail, 57 cents); Official Directory, 50 cents (by mail, 53 cents); New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Index to New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Proportional Representation Pamphlet, S cents (by mail, 7 cents).

Order must be accompanied by currency, money order or check drawn to the order of "Super. visor of the City Record."

ADVERTISING: Copy must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, cote must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion.

Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City.

Check must be certified


Board Meetings 3956

Bronx, President Borough of The—

Proposals 3958

Brooklyn, President Borough of—

Proposals 3957 Sale of Old Materials 3957

Changes in Departments, Etc 3955

City Planning Commission— Minutes of Recessed Meeting Held

June 5, 1939 3937 Notices of Public Hearings—Public

Improvement Matters 3961 Comptroller, Office of the—

Interest on City Bonds and Stock. . 3964 Vouchers Received June 12, 1939 3953

Council, The—Notice of Public Hear- ings by Committee on Finance 3937

Docks, Department of—Proposals 3964 Education, Board of—

Proposals 3961 Proposed Approval of Subcontractor 3961

Elections, Board of—Proposals 3957 Estimate, Board of—Public Notice—

Franchise Matters 3958 Estimate, Board of — Bureau of Real

Estate—Corporation Sale of Build-ings and Appurtenances Thereto on City Real Estate 3959

Finance, Department of—Confirmation of Assessments — No-

tices to Property Owners 3963 Sales of Tax Liens 3963 Warrants Made Ready for Payment

June 12, 1939 3949 Fire Department—Proposals 3958 Health, Department of—Amendments

to Sanitary Code 3957 Higher Education, Board of—Pro-

posals 3963 Manhattan, President Borough of—

Proposals 3968 Municipal Civil Service Commission—

Amended Notices of Examinations . 3959 General Instructions as to Examina-

tions 3959 Notices of Examinations 3959 Notices to Appear for Examinations 3961 Notice to Applicants for Positions 3937 Tentative Keys for Examinations 3960

New York City Housing Authority—Notice of Prequalification of Con-

tractors Who Wish to Submit Bids on Certain Work 3968

Proposals 3968 New York City Tunnel Authority—

Proposals 3958 Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old

Buildings, Etc. 3968 Official Directory 3956 Parks, Department of—Proposals 3968 Police Department—

Owners Wanted for Unclaimed

Property 3956 Reports for Weeks Ended May 27

and June 3, 1939 3955 Public Works, Department of—

Proposals 3957 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 3957

Purchase, Department of—

Proposals 3957 Sale of Old Material 3957

Queens, President, Borough of—

Proposals 3968 Report for Week Ended May 13,

1939 3955 Regulation Adopted by Board of Esti-

mate on Feb. 17, 1938 3968 Richmond, President Borough of—

Proposals 3957 Supreme Court, First Department—

Application to Condemn 3964 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to

File Objections 3965 Filing Bills of Costs 3965

Supreme Court, Second Department— Application to Amend Proceedings 3967 Application to Condemn 3967 Filing Bills of Costs 3968 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to

File Objections 3966 Notices to File Claims 3967

Transportation, Boarl of— Notice of Public Hearing 3957

Proposals 3957 Proposals—Notice to Bidders 3957 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 3957

Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of—Proposals 3964

Welfare, Department of—Proposals 3957

THE COUNCIL Public Hearings by the Committee on Finance.




HALL, Borough of Manhattan, on THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1939, at 1 O'CLOCK P. M., on the following matters:

No. 687—C. No. 632—A local law to amend local law number seventy-two of nineteen hundred thirty-eight, entitled "a local law to amend local law number twenty-three of nineteen hundred thirty-eight, entitled 'a local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to raising revenue for the purpose of relieving the people of the city of New York from the hardships and suffering caused by unemployment and the effects thereof on the public health and welfare, by imposing a tax upon sales of cigarettes in the city of New York, to enable such city to defray the cost of granting unemployment work and home relief' in relation to the period of time during which such tax shall be paid."

No. 688—C. No. 633—A local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to raising revenue for the purpose of relieving the people of the city of New York from the hardships and suffering caused by unem-ployment and the effects thereof on the public health and welfare, by imposing a tax upon receipts from sales of certain properties and from rendering of certain services in the city of New York.

No. 689—C. No. 634—A local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to raising revenue for the purpose of relieving the people of the city of New York from the hardships and suffering caused by unemployment and the effects thereof on the public health and welfare, by imposing an excise tax on the gross income of every person doing business as a conduit company within such city.

No. 690—C. No. 635—A local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to raising revenue for the purpose of relieving the people of the city of New York from the hardships and suffering caused by unemployment and the effects thereof on the public health and welfare by the imposition of a tax upon the privilege of carrying or. or exercising, for gain or profit, within the city of New York, any trade, business, profession, vocation, commercial activity or financial business carried on, or of making sales to persons within such city.

No. 691—C, No. 636—A local law to amend the administrative code of the city .of New York, ic relation to relieving the people of the city of New York from the

MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Applications are now being received by the Municipal Civil Service







Detailed information regarding the above positions may be found on page 3959 of this issue of THE CITY RECORD.

Announcements for Open Competitive and Labor Class examinations are broadcast over Station WNYC at 6.30 p. m. on the Tuesday preceding the opening of applications.

Bulletin Notice: The Commission publishes monthly an official bulletin which is available in libraries or sent to all interested persons for one year for a fee of $1. Please do not call or. write the Commission for routine informa-tion contained in this official monthly bulletin. The Commission is already hard pressed to answer the present quota of 10,000 inquiries a week. Candidates are promptly notified by mail of any action affecting them individually. General inquir-ies are answered in the Bulletin, but the Commission will be happy, as in the past, to answer specific inquiries to which the answer is not otherwise obtainable.


hardships and suffering caused by unemployment and the effects thereof on the public health by the imposition of an excise tax on the gross income of every person doing business within the city of New York and subject to supervision of either division of the department of public service, and of all other utilities doing business within such city.

No. 692—C. No. 637—A local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to relieving the people of the city of New York from the hardship and suffering caused by unemployment and the effects thereof on the public health by the imposition of an excise tax for the privilege of using within the city of New York any article of tangible personal property purchased at retail. These local laws may be found in the minutes of the Council printed in THE CITY

RECORD of June 10, 1939. 1

All persons interested are invited to attend. j13,15 M. J. CRUISE, City Clerk, Clerk of the Council.


Minutes of Recessed Meeting of the City Planning Commission, Held in Room 16, City Hall, Monday, June 5, 1939, at 2 P. M.

The Commission met pursuant to recess. Present—R. G. Tttgwell, Chairman, John C. Riedel, Chief Engineer of the Board

of Estimate, Lawrence M. Orton, Cleveland Rodgers, Edwin A. Salmon, Arthur V. Sheridan, Commissioners.

(Roll Call at 2.05 P. M.)


Building Zone Resolution

No. 53 (May 24, 1939, Calendar) (CP-914) Hearing on a proposed revision of the Building Zone Resolution, initiated by the

Commission, as printed in the minutes of the meeting of May 3, 1939 (Cal. No. 16), published in the CITY RECORD of Tuesday, May 9, 1939, pages 3215 to 3219.

(On May 3, 1939 (Cal. No. 16), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for a hearing.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 53), the hearing was continued to June 1, 1939.) (On June 1, 1939 (Cal. No. 53), the hearing was continued to this day.)

Appearances : Millard Henlein, Assistant to the President, Sixth Avenue Associa-tion. Albert Hyman, Business Agent, New York Sign Writers Local 230. T. Francis Bennett, representing the Fifth Avenue Association. Andrew laggard, representing the West Side Association of Commerce. B. J. Dodd, representing Douglas Leigh, Inc. Clarence K. McGuire, Esq., attorney for J. Simpson & Co., Inc. Richard P. Luckner. George Levitus, Esq., of Messrs. Bleakley, Platt & Walker, attorneys, on behalf of the Rhinelander Real Estate Company. James C. Quinn, Secretary, Central Trades and Labor Council. M. Rosen, Secretary, Sheet Metal Workers International Association. Fred I. Hamm, Esq., representing the Outdoor Advertising Association. John I. Conroy, Esq., representing the Midtown Building Owners, Inc. Walter J. Salmon, President, 42d Street Association. Wadsworth W. Mount, representing the Merchants Association of New York. Joseph M. Lonergan. Frank A. Barrera, representing the Brooklyn Real Estate Board. William E. Beehan, representing the General Outdoor Advertising Com-pany. H. R. Reynolds, Vice-President. Birch Company, Criterion Advertising Co. J. W. Curran, Esq., representing E. G. Clarke, Inc. Frank H. Birch, President, F. H. Birch Co. and Criterion Advertising Co. Frederick D. Sasse, President, George A. Bow-man, Inc. George Meany, President. New York State Federation of Labor. Isaac Hyman,. representing the Bronx Taxpayers Association, United Real Estate Owners' Association, Women's Pioneer Taxpayers Association. Mrs. Makinson. J. J. Weiner, Esq., attorney for 64 East 14th St., Inc., 2361 Broadway Corp. J. Franklin Fort, Esq., attorney, of Messrs. Burlingham, Veeder, Clark & Hupper, representing property owners. Harold M. Lewis, Chief Engineer and Secretary, Regional Plan Association, Inc. Henry G. Waltemade, President, Real Estate Board of The Bronx. S. A. Wiigs, representing the Sunrise Trailer Company. Harold W. Jacobson, representing the United Cigar Company and, Whelan Stores. Mrs. Ray Morris, representing the New York Roadside Committee.

On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter tinder Rule 105.

On motion, the Commission adjourned at 4.20 p. in., to meet Wednesday, June 7, 1939: special hearing at 10.30 a. m., Committee of the Whole Room, City Hall: regular meeting at 2.30 p. m., Room 16, City Hall, Manhattan,

No. 10 (CP-934) Resolution of the Local Board of the) Jamaica District, Borough of Queens,

adopted on January 23, 1939, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to 133d avenue from Grannett place to Cranston street, in the Borough of Queens.

(On May 4, 1939 (Cal. No. 172-B), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted : Report No. 731. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on May 4, 1939 (Cal. No. 172-B),

there was referred to the City Planning Commission a resolution of the Local Board of the Jamaica District, Borough of Queens, adopted on January 23, 1939, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to 133d avenue from Grannett place to Cranston street, in the Borough of Queens.

The :,faster Plan, so far as adopted, is not affected by this project. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.

No. 11 (CP-935) Resolution of the Local Board of the Newtown District, Borough of Queens,

adopted on March 20, 1939, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to 75th street from 32d avenue to Northern boulevard and from 34th avenue to the southerly side of Old Trains Meadow road, in the Borough of Queens.

(On May 4, 1939 (Cal, No. 172-C), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 738. June 7, 1939.




CITY PLANNING COMMISSION . Minutes of Meeting of the City Planning Commission, Held in the Comittee of the

Whole Room, City Hall, Wednesday, June 7, 1939, at 10.30 A. M.

The Commission met pursuant to adjournment.

Present : R. G. Tugwell, Chairman, John C. Riedel, Chief Engineer, Board of Estimate, Lawrence M. Orton, Cleveland Rodgers, Edwin A. Salmon.

(Roll Call at 10.40 A. M.)


Master Plan

No. I Special public hearing on the probable total future population and age distri-

bution of New York City and the metropolitan area during each of the next six decades.

(On May 3, 1939 (Cal. No. 12), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for a hearing.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 1), the hearing was continued to this day.) Appearances : Professor Robert E. Chaddock, Professor of Statistics, Columbia

University; Professor Willford I. King, Economics Department, New York University; Dr. Alfred James Lotka, President of the Population Association of America, Metro-politan Life Insurance Company; George G. Weinberger, Principal, assigned to assist the Deputy Superintendent of Schools; Eugene A. Nifenecker, Director of the Bureau of Reference, Research and Statistics, Board of Education; Thomas J. Duffield, Registrar of Vital Statistics, Board of Education; Avery M. Schermerhorn, Real Estate Agent and Appraiser, Board of Transportation; Edward M. Law, Assistant Engineer, Depart- ment of Law and Real Estate, Board of Transportation; Walter P. Hedden, Chief of the Bureau of Commerce, Port of New York Authority; H. B. Stryker, Commercial Survey Engineer, New York Telephone Company.

Hearing continued to Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 10.30 a. m., Committee of the Whole Room, City Hall.

The meeting was recessed at 12.30 p. m. to 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, Ciit Hall, Manhattan.

(Roll Call, at 2.40 P. M.)

No. 2 Approval bf minutes of the recessed meeting of May 18 and the regular meeting

of May 24, 1939, as printed in TuE CITY REcoiw of May 23 and May 31, 1939. On motion, the minutes for May 18 and May 24, 1939, were unanimously approved.


Assessable Improvements

No. 3 (CP-946)

Communication, dated May 2, 1939 from the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, requesting that the Board pf Estimate initiate proceedings to acquire title to property required for the opening and extending of Fresh Pond road from Jamaica avenue, Brooklyn, to Interborough parkway, Queens, and to the triangular parcel at the southwest intersection of Euclid avenue and Jamaica avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

(On May 11, 1939 (Cal. No. 117), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 740. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIQRELLo H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on May 11, 1939 (Cal. No. 117),

there was referred to the City Planning Commission a communication, dated May 2, 1939, from the President of the Borough of Brooklyn. requesting that the Board of Estimate initiate proceedings to acquire title to property required for the opening and extending of Fresh Pond road from Jamaica avenue, Brooklyn, to Interborough parkway, Queens, and to the triangular parcel at the southwest intersection of Euclid avenue and Jamaica avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

The Master Plan, so far as adopted, is not affected by this project. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.

street to the Canarsie Railroad east of East 95th street, East 104th street from Avenue L to Avenue M, East 99th street from Avenue M to storm sewer summit about 395 feet north of Avenue L, Rockaway parkway from Avenue K to Avenue M, East 96th street from Avenue K to the sewer summit about 300 feet south of Avenue L, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

The Master Plan, so far as adopted, is not affected by this project. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.

No. 6 (CP-948) Resolution of the Local Board of the Flatbush District, Borough of Brooklyn,

adopted on March 29, 1939, initiating proceedings for grading, curbing, flagging and paving with asphalt (permanent pavement) on Lenox road from East 56th street to Remsen avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

(On May 11, 1939 (Cal. No. 118-B), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 739. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIORELLC H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on May 11, 1939 (Cal. No.

118-B), there was referred to the City Planning Commission a resolution dated May 6; 1939, from the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, stating that on March 29, 1939, the Local Board of Flatbush adopted a petition for initiating proceedings for grading, curbing, flagging and paving with asphalt (permanent pavement) on Lenox road from East 56th street to Remsen avenue in the Borough of Brooklyn, and requesting that the Board of Estimate authorize this construction.

The Master Plan, so far as adopted, is not affected by this project. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.


No. 7 (CP-931) Resolution of the Local Board of the Chester District, Borough of The Bronx,

adopted on April 19, 1939, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to Seward avenue between Havemeyer avenue and Castlehill avenue, in the Borough of The Bronx.

(On May 4, 1939 (Cal. No. 166), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 737. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIoRELLo H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on May 4, 1939 (Cal. No.

166), there was referred to the City Planning Commission, a resolution, dated April 27, 1939, from the President of the Borough of The Bronx, stating that on April 19, 1939, the Local Board of Chester adopted a petition for acquiring title to Seward avenue between Havemeyer avenue and Castlehill avenue in the Borough of The Bronx, and requesting that the Board of Estimate authorize this acquirement.

The Master Plan, so far as adopted, is not affected by this project. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.


No. 8 (CP-913) Communication, dated April 13, 1939, from the President of the Borough of

Queens, requesting that the Board of Estimate initiate proceedings to acquire title to Powell's Cove boulevard from the westerly taking line of the site for a sewage disposal plant located on Tallmans Island to the prolongation of the westerly line of Lax avenue in the Borough of Queens.

(On April 20, 1939 (Cal. No. 104), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 732. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on April 20, 1939 (Cal. No.

104), there was referred to the City Planning Commission a communication, dated April 13, 1939, from the President of the Borough of Queens, requesting that the Board of Estimate initiate proceedings to acquire title to, Powell's Cove boulevard from the westerly taking line of the site for a sewage disposal plant located on Tallman Island to the prolongation of the westerly line of Lax avenue in the Borough of Queens.

The Master Plan, so far as adopted, is not affected by this project. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.



No. 4 (CP-897) Resolution of the Local Board of the Ocean Front District, Borough of Brook-

lyn, adopted on January 25, 1939, initiating proceedings for constructing storm and sanitary sewers in Avenue N from Canarsie Railroad, east of East 95th street, to and across East 108th street; Rockaway parkway, each side, from Avenue M to the sewer summits about 431 feet south of Avenue N; East 96th street from Avenue M to the sewer summits about 420 feet south of Avenue N; East 104th street from Avenue N to Avenue M; Marginal street, wharf or place from East 108th street to Fresh Creek Basin along the prolongation of Avenue N.

(On April 20, 1939 (Cal. No. 56), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted:

Report No. 734. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of tho Board of Estimate held on April 20, 1939 (Cal. No. 56),

there was referred to the City Planning Commission a resolution of the Local Board of the Ocean Front District, Borough of Brooklyn, adopted on January 25, 1939, initiating proceedings for constructing storm and sanitary sewers in Avenue N from Canarsie Rail-road, east of East 95th street, to and across East 108th street; Rockaway parkway, each side, from Avenue M to the sewer summits about 431 feet south of Avenue N; East 96th street from Avenue M to the sewer summits about 420 feet south of Avenue N; East 104th street from Avenue N to Avenue M; Marginal street, wharf or place from East 108th street to Fresh Creek Basin along the prolongation of Avenue N in the Borough of. Brooklyn.

The Master Plan, so far as adopted, is not affected by this project. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.

r;:5 (CP-947) Resolution of the Local Board of the Ocean Front District, Borough of Brook-

lyn, adopted on March 29, 1939, initiating proceedings for constructing storm sewers in Avenue L from East 108th street to Fresh Creek Basin and storm and sanitary sewers in Avenue L from East 108th street to the Canarsie Railroad east of East 95th street ; East 104th street from Avenue L to Avenue M ; East 99th street from Avenue M to storm sewer summit about 395 feet north of Avenue L; Rockaway parkway from Avenue K to Avenue M ; East 96th street from Avenue K to the sewer summit about 300 feet south of Avenue L, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

(On May 11, 1939 (Cal. No. 118-A), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 735. June 7, 1939.

lion. FIORI:1r.o H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on May 11, 1939 (Cal. No

118-A), there was referred to the City Planning Commission a resolution of the Local Hon. FIoAELLo H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Board of the Ocean Front District, Borough of Brooklyn, adopted on March 29, 1939, Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on May 4, 1939 (Cal. No. initiating proceedings for constructing storm sewers in Avenue L from East 108th 172-C), there was referred to the City Planning Commission a resolution dated March street to Fresh Creek Basin and storm and sanitary sewers in Avenue L from East 108th 22, 1939, from the Acting President of the Borough of Queens, requesting that the

No. 9 (CP-933) Resolution of the Local Board of the Jamaica District, Borough of Queens,

adopted on February 20, 1939, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to 59th avenue from Queens boulevard to Junction boulevard, in the Borough of Queens.

(On May 4, 1939 (Cal. No. 172-A), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 733. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FioRELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on May 4, 1939 (Cal. No. 172-A),

there was referred to the City Planning Commission a resolution of the Local Board of the Jamaica District, Borough of Queens, adopted on February 20, 1939, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to 59th avenue from Queens boulevard to Junction boulevard, in the Borough of Queens.

The Master Plan, so far as adopted, is not affected by this project. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.

No. 17 (CP-379) In the matter of a proposed change in the City Map by changing the lines and

grades of 126th street between Roosevelt avenue and 41st avenue, and of 41st avenue between 123d street and 126th street, Borough of Queens,

(On April 28, 1938 (Cal. No. 74-Q-27), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

(On April 19, 1939 (Cal. No. 14), the Commission fixed May 10, 1939, for a hearing.)

(On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 33) , the under Rule 105.)

On motion, the following report was Report No. 570.

Hon. FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on April 28, 1938 (Cal. No.

74, Queens 27), there was referred to the City Planning Commission, a communication, dated October 25, 1937, from the President of the Borough of Queens, submitting for approval a proposed change in the City Map by changing the lines and grades of 126th street between Roosevelt avenue and 41st avenue, and of 41st avenue between 123d street and 126th street, Borough of Queens, in accordance with a map bearing the signa-ture of the President of the Borough and dated October 19, 1937.

The map provides primarily for decreasing the established street elevations at the intersection of 41st avenue and 126th street a maximum of about 6.4 feet in order to conform to the elevations to which 126th street was improved under an authorization granted by the Board of Estimate in 1938. This treatment was designed to minimize the cost of improving the street and to harmonize with the elevations to which the abutting buildings were erected.

Provision is also made for modifying the street elevations in 41st avenue in order to conform to the treatment in 126th street. 41st avenue is not in use and the abutting property is undeveloped.

The territory located northerly of 41st avenue and westerly of 126th street is located within the limits of the World's Fair area and is utilized as a bus parking area.

hearing was closed and the matter laid over

unanimously adopted

June 7, 1939.

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939



Board of Estimate initiate proceedings for acquiring title to 75th street from 32d ave-nue to Northern boulevard and from 34th avenue to the southerly side of Old Trains Meadow road in the Borough of Queens and requesting that the Board of Estimate authorize this acquirement.

The Master Plan, so far as adopted, is not affected by the project. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.

No. 12 (CP-951) Resolution of the Local Board of the Jamaica District, Borough of Queens,

adopted on October 3, 1938, initiating proceedings for constructing a combined trunk sewer in 71st avenue from 169th street to 164th street (east side) ; 164th street (east side) from 71st avenue to 72d avenue; 72d avenue from 164th street (east side) to 160th street; 160th street from 72d avenue to 73d avenue; 73d avenue from 160th street to Parsons boulevard; Parsons boulevard from 73d avenue to Union turnpike (south side) ; 79th avenue from Parsons boulevard to 150 street, and for the construction of a combined sewer in Union turnpike (south side) from Parsons boulevard to 162d street; 162d street from Union turnpike (south side) to Goethals avenue, Borough of Queens.

(On May 11, 1939 (Cal. No. 146), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted:

Report No. 736. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on May 11, 1939 (Cal. No.

146), there was referred to the City Planning Commission a resolution dated May 8, 1939, from the Acting President of the Borough of Queens stating that on. October 3, 1938, the Local Board of Jamaica adopted a petition for constructing a combined trunk sewer in 71st avenue from 169th street to 164th street (east side) ; 164th street (east side) from 71st avenue to 72d avenue; 72d avenue from 164th street (east side) to 160th street ; 160th street from 72d avenue to 73d avenue ; 73d avenue from 160th street to Parsons boulevard; Parsons boulevard from 73d avenue to Union turnpike (south side) ; 79th avenue from Parsons boulevard to 150th street and for the construction of a combined sewer in Union turnpike (south side) from Parsons boulevard to 162d street, 162d street from Union turnpike (south side) to Goethals avenue, Borough of Queens.

The Master Plan, so far as adopted, is not affected by this project. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.



No. 13 (CP-754)

Communication, dated December 28, 1938, from the Commissioner of Hospitals requesting (1) the adoption by the Board of Estimate of a resolution authorizing the acquisition and condemnation of Lots 10-24, inclusive, on the east side of North Elliott place and Lots 46, 47, 58, 59 and 60 on the west side of North Portland avenue directly north of the present Cumberland Hospital in the Borough of Brooklyn; (2) the adoption of a resolution authorizing funds in the amount of $125,000 for the acquisition of the property.

(On January 12, 1939 (Cal. No. 162), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted:

Report No. 752. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estiinate: At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on January 12, 1939 (Cal. No. 162),

there was referred to the City Planning Commission a communication, dated December 28, 1938, from the Commissioner of Hospitals requesting the adoption by the Board of Estimate of a resolution authorizing the acquisition and condemnation of Lots 10-24 inclusive on the east side of North Elliott place and Lots 46, 47, 58, 59 and 60 on the west side of North Portland avenue, directly north of the present Cumberland Hospital in the Borough of Brooklyn.

A study of this general area indicates the desirability of continuing the Cumberland Hospital as a part of the long-range program for hospital construction.

The property involved lies directly to the north and is adjacent to the present hospital site; it adjoins on three sides an existing parcel of City-owned land which should likewise be included for the hospital addition. The remaining property, to the north, consisting of approximately one-third of the block, fronts on Park avenue and is privately owned and developed. The block to the west would be occupied by a library and Public School 67 which, together with the property recently acquired for an addition to the school, comprise about two-thirds of the block; the remaining one-third, also fronting on Park avenue, is privately owned and developed.

The streets adjoining this property have been legally laid out and are not affected by this acquisition. The Capital Budget for the year 1939 contains, as Item HO-23, the amount of $575,000 for the acquisition of site, construction and equipment of a new outpatient building for the Cumberland Hospital.

The project is consistent with the City Map and with the long-range program for the development of hospital facilities. The acquisition of this property is, therefore, recommended.

Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.

Subdivision Map


No. 14 (CP-975)

Communication, dated May 4, 1939, from the President of the Borough of Queens, transmitting for approval map of property situated at Flushing, Third Ward, this involving territory bounded by 33d avenue, a line approximately 88 feet easterly of 143d street, a random line varying from 240 feet southerly of 33d avenue to a point on the easterly side of Union street approximately 160 feet southerly of 33d avenue.

(On May 20, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 730. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-There was received on May 20, 1939, in the office of the Secretary of the

Commission, a communication, dated May 4, 1939, from the Acting President of the Borough of Queens, transmitting for approval, pursuant to section 202 of the New York City Charter, a map showing a subdivision of private property within the terri-tory bounded approximately by Union street, 33d avenue, a line about 400 feet west of Parsons boulevard and a line about 200 feet south of 33d avenue, designated as "Map of Property Situate at Flushing, Third Ward, Borough of Queens."

The street system upon which the subdivision map is based agrees with the approved final map except that a short cul-de-sac street (143d street) with adequate turning area at its dead end is proposed to be established about 150 feet east of Union street extend-ing from 33d avenue to a line about 200 feet southerly therefrom, in order to provide a more economical lot layout.

The property under consideration covers an area of about 1.3 acres. It is located in one-times height and "D" area districts and a residential use district except the Union street frontage which is zoned for business use. The subdivision is situated a few short blocks from an elementary school, the Flushing High School, several small parks and a shopping center, and is about half a mile from an I. R. T. subway station reached by a bus line which passes the property. It is understood that the owner plans to develop the property for the most part with single family two-story attached dwellings. Existing sewer and water facilities can be extended to accommodate the subdivision.

The area under consideration is embraced within a block of unusually large propor-tions containing numerous lots of excessive depth and the greater portion of the block is developed with single family dwellings. The establishment of the proposed cul-de-sac street will result in the introduction of somewhat shallow lots but the type of develop.

ment contemplated, consisting of single family attached dwellings, appears to afford a satisfactory method of economically utilizing this property.

The map should be acted upon by the Board on or before June 27, 1939, otherwise it may be filed for record in the form presented.

It is recommended: 1. That the map be approved, and 2. That upon approval of the map the Borough President be requested to submit

a final map showing the street system indicated on the map under consideration. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.

City Map Changes


No. 15 (CP-302) In the matter of a proposed change in the City Map by changing the grades of

Sexton place from Fish avenue to Gun Hill road and of Gun Hill road from Sexton place to a point 120 feet easterly thereof, Borough of The Bronx.

(On April 28, 1938 (Cal. No. 74-Bx-6), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

(On April 19, 1939 (Cal. No. 13), the Commission fixed May 10, 1939, for a hearing.)

(On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 31), the hearing was closed and the matter laid over under Rule 105.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 584. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIoRELLo H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on April 28, 1938 (Cal. No.

74, Bronx 6), there was referred to the City Planning Commission a communication, dated October 4, 1937, from the President of the Borough of The Bronx, submitting for approval a proposed change in the City Map by changing the grades of Sexton place from Fish avenue to Gun Hill road and of Gun Hill rbad from Sexton place to a point 120 feet easterly thereof, Borough of The Bronx, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated October 4, 1937.

The map provides for making minor adjustments in the established elevations of short sections of the easterly curb line of Sexton place and the southerly curb line of Gun Hill road, adjacent to their intersection, in order to more nearly conform to the elevations to which these str(ets were improved under authorizations granted by the Board of Estimate.

This matter was the subject of a public hearing duly held by the Commission on May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 31). No opposition to the proposed map change developed and the hearing was closed.

The matter was considered further at a meeting of the Commission held on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 15), at which time it was determined that the treatment now proposed is designed to avoid the necessity of reconstructing a considerable amount of curbing and flagging in Gun Hill road adjacent to Sexton place and to conform to the eleva-tions

to which abutting buildings have been erected. The map under consideration appears to be, a proper one and its approval is recom•

mended. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.


No. 16 (CP-304) In the matter of a proposed change in the City Map by changing the grades of

Cromwell avenue between East 150th street and East 151st street, Borough of The Bronx.

(On April 28, 1938 (Cal. No. 74-Bx-8), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

(On April 26, 1939 (Cal. No. 13), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for a hearing.)

(On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 48), the hearing was closed and the matter laid over under Rule 105.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 586. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on April 28, 1938 (Cal. No. 74,

Bronx 8), there was referred to the City Planning Commission a communication, dated October 21, 1937, from the President of the Borough of The Bronx, submitting for approval a proposed change in the City Map by changing the grades of Cromwell avenue between East 150th street and East 151st street, Borough of The Bronx, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated October 21, 1937.

The map relates to a length of about 320 feet of Cromwell avenue adjacent to East 151st street and provides for lowering the established grade a maximum of about 1.0 feet in order to conform to the elevations to which the curbing, sidewalks and granite block paving were installed in Cromwell avenue in connection with the construction of the Bronx County Jail and the Bronx Terminal Market, which front on the section of the street now under consideration. No private property will be affected and it is understood that the elevations now proposed meet the entrances to all buildings fronting on this block.

This matter was the subject of a public hearing duly held by the Commission on May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 48). No opposition to the proposed map change developed and the hearing was closed.

The matter was considered further at a meeting of the Commission held on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 16), at which time it was determined that the map under consideration appears to be a proper one and it approval is recommended.

Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.



TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939

126th street forms the easterly bounding street for an extensive section of the World's Fair and its improvement was carried out to the elevations now proposed in order to provide necessary facilities for traffic in advance of the opening of the Fair.

The matter was the subject of a public hearing duly held by the Commission on May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 33). No opposition to the proposed map change developed and the hearing was closed.

This matter was considered further at a meeting of the Commission held on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 17), at which time it was determined that the treatment shown on the map was designed to decrease the cost of improving the street and harmonize with existing building development. It would have been a more orderly procedure to have modified the established grades before proceeding with the construction of the improve-ment, but in view of the urgency involved in this instance, the departure from standard practise appears to have been unavoidable.

Approval of the map under consideration is recommended. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.


No. 19 (CP-419)

In the matter of a proposed change in the City Map by establishing the lines and grades of Granite avenue from Walker avenue to LaSalle street, including the section across the right-of-way of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway Company, Bor-ough of Richmond.

(On June 9, 1938 (Cal. No. 107), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

(On April 26, 1939 (Cal. No. 15), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for a hearing.)

(On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 51), the hearing was closed and the matter laid over under Rule 105.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted:

Report No. 693. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FzoIU:I.I,o H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on June 9, 1938 (Cal. No.

107), there was referred to the City Planning Commission, a communication, dated May 25, 1938, from the President of the Borough of Richmond, submitting for approval a proposed change in the City Map by establishing the lines and grades of Granite avenue from Walker avenue to La Salle street, including the section across the right-of-way of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway Company, Borough of Richmond, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated May 12, 1938.

The map provides fer laying out a three block length of Granite avenue at a width of 60 feet, except where the street crosses the right-of-way of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway where a width of 50 feet is to be provided to conform to the width of the bridge carrying the street over the railroad which was constructed pursuant to the order of the Transit Commission.

The elevations now proposed are designed to conform as closely as practicable to the existing street surface and to incorporate upon the City Map the elevations to which the bridge over the railroad and portions of the street serving as approaches thereto, were constructed. Adequate clearance has been provided between the bridge structure and the railroad tracks.

The grade treatment is deemed adequate for sewer requirements except in one instance, where the construction of the southerly bridge approach has resulted in the introduction of a surface 'drainage pocket which apparently cannot be eliminated without resulting in extensive building damage. However, special drainage facilities to remedy this condition have been installed in connection with the construction of the grade cross-ing elimination project.

Informal plans for the development of this general territory indicate that Granite avenue is ultimately proposed to be laid out for a length of about two-thirds of a mile and it is expected that considerable local traffic will develop in this street by reason of the fact that the newly constructed bridge will provide access to Richmond terrace, a major marginal traffic artery for the north shore of the Borough.

Granite avenue is in use at a width of about 50 feet which is to be widened to 60 feet by the inclusion within the street area of a 5-foot strip on each side. The abutting frontages have been developed with seven one and two-story buildings generally of a residential character which have been erected with substantial set-backs from the pro-posed street lines and in conformity with the proposed elevations. In one instance, however, a small two-story brick office building assessed at about $2,000 encroaches within the proposed street lines, but this apparently is unavoidable if a suitable width and alignment is to be provided for this street.

The section of the street within the railroad right-of-way, which is to be laid out at a width of 50 feet, has been improved with a roadway 34 feet in width adjoined by sidewalks 8 feet in width. The roadway width corresponds with the standard width for the adjoining 60-foot sections of the street and the sidewalk width is deemed adequate for pedestrian traffic on the bridge.

Proceedings for the construction of a grade crossing elimination project are custom-arily initiated by the Transit Commission, which is empowered to determine the manner and method of constructing the crossing, upon request of the Board of Estimate after the adoption of a map laying out the street across the railroad. In the present instance, however, this procedure was dispensed with by the Transit Commission in order to utilize Federal funds made available for this purpose for a limited time.

The matter of the map was the subject of a public hearing duly held by the Com-mission on May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 51). No opposition to the proposed map change developed and the hearing was closed.

This matter was considered further at a meeting of the Commission held on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 19), at which time it was determined that the treatment now, proposed conforms with the completed grade crossing elimination project and makes adequate provision for the vehicular and pedestrian requirements of Granite avenue.

The map appears to be a proper one and its approval is recommended. It is further recommended that after the approval of the map a roadway and side-

walk treatment be adopted in Granite avenue within the right-of-way of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway in accordance with the treatment shown on the map.

Respectfully R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.

No. 20 (CP-648) In the matter of a proposed change in the City Map by establishing or changing

the lines and grades of the street system within the territory bounded approximately by Forest avenue, Silver Lake Park and Bard avenue, Borough of Richmond.

(On October 13, 1938 (Cal. No. 104), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

(On December 21, 1938 (Cal. No. 24), the Commission fixed January 25, 1939, for a hearing.)

(On January 25, 1939 (Cal. No. 27), the hearing was closed and the matter laid over under Rule 105.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 532. June 7, 1939.

Hon. Fioazu.o H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on October 13, 1938 (Cal. No.

104), there was referred to the City Planning Commission a communication, dated September 30, 1938, from the President of the Borough of Richmond, submitting for approval a proposed change in the City Map by establishing or changing the lines and grades of the street system within the territory bounded approximately by Forest avenue, Silver Lake Park and Bard avenue, Borough of Richmond, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated August 15, 1938.

The map relates to an area of about 162 acres in the Silver Lake section of the Borough abutting the westerly border of Silver Lake Park and provides for laying out a system of streets ranging from 50 to 80 feet in width, in many instances embracing within their lines streets of the same or lesser width recognized by the owners of abut-ting private property. Less than 25 percent of the streets involved have been finally mapped and several subdivision maps of private property have been adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment.

The alignment shown on the map conforms with that shown on a tentative plan for a general area embracing the section now under consideration adopted by the Board of Estimate in 1938 upon recommendation of the City Planning Commission. In one instance, however, the width of one of the principal streets, Bard avenue, is proposed to be decreased from 70 to 60 feet in width in view of the cost entailed by the greater width.

The elevations now proposed are designed to conform as closely as practicable to the existing street surface in order to permit of the retention of existing surface improve-ments and to avoid building damage insofar as practicable. Minor modifications are also proposed in the established street elevations to provide suitable platform elevations at intersections with the new streets. In several instances gradients have been intro- duced somewhat in excess of those ordinarily considered desirable, but this is apparently unavoidable under existing topographical conditions. Adequate provision is made for sewer and surface drainage requirements except for certain local conditions which will necessitate the provision of special drainage facilities.

The territory now under consideration has been almost completely developed upon the basis of early property subdivision maps which were not submitted to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for approval. About 75 percent of the streets are in use and about 50 percent have been privately improved with paving, curbing and flagging. Upwards of 200 residences and several apartment buildings have been erected and the unimproved property has been subdivided into small holdings.

This method of development has in numerous instances resulted in excessive street areas, small block sizes and shallow lot depths, but in view of the advanced stage of development there appears to be no reasonable alternative than to integrate the indi-vidually developed areas into a logical street system along the lines proposed by the map. This treatment, in some instances, will involve denial of recognition to a few narrow streets which are inconsistent with any rational development and this may involve building damage, but this is apparently unavoidable under the circumstances.

The greater portion of the streets have been provided with widths of 60 feet and some 50 foot streets are proposed when a greater width would have resulted in uneoaq-mical lot depths. In portions of the residential areas 80 foot widths have been utilized primarily for landscaping effects. Numerous offsets in the alignment of the residential streets will have the effect of restricting through traffic to several thoroughfares which traverse the area and afford access to several of the secondary traffic arteries of the Borough.

In the case of Bard avenue it would have been desirable to have provided this street with a minimum width of 70 feet instead of 60 feet as now proposed in view of its strategic location, but this treatment would apparently involve an estimated expenditure of about $200,000. Provision is made, however, for the introduction of a minimum road-way width of 40 feet adjoined by sidewalks 10 feet in width which are deemed adequate for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Provision is also made for the retention of a cen-trally located landscaped mall in Hart boulevard from Forest avenue to Revere street. Adjoining roadways 22 feet in width and sidewalks 10 feet wide are deemed ample.

The map indicates that a short block of Gill place is to be laid out within the limits of Silver Lake Park and that narrow strips of the park area will be included within the lines of Greenwood avenue, University place, Revere street, Lakewood road and a portion of Croton avenue which bound the park on the west. The Commissioner of Parks has approved the plan, but the enactment of a local law will be required to transfer jurisdiction of the park areas to the Borough President for street purposes.

This matter was the subject of a public hearing duly held by the City Planning Commission on January 25, 1939 (Cal. No. 27). No opposition to the proposed map change developed and the hearing was closed.

The matter was considered further at a meeting of the Commission held on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 20), at which time it was determined that the map makes suitable pro-vision for the future development of this section of the Borough and its approval is recommended after the enactment of a local law transferring jurisdiction of the portions of the park area required for street purposes from the Commissioner of Parks to the President of the Borough.

It is further recommended that after the approval of the map, resolutions be adopted establishing special roadway and sidewalk treatments in Bard avenue from Forest avenue to Croton avenue and in Hart boulevard from Forest avenue to Revere street in accordance with the treatment shown on the map.

Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.

Drainage Plan


No. 18 (CP-883) In the matter of a proposed change in the City Map by changing the grades of

Seabury street from Grand avenue to 54th avenue, and of 53d avenue from Seabury street to Van Horn street, Borough of Queens.

(On April 13, 1939 (Cal. No. 177), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

(On May 3, 1939 (Cal. No. 14), the Commission fixed May 24; 1939, for a hearing.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal, No. 50), the hearing was closed and the matter laid over

under Rule 105.) On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted:

Report No. 700. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIOREuo H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on April 13, 1939 (Cal. No.

177), there was referred to the City Planning Commission a communication, dated March 31, 1939, from the President of the Borough of Queens, submitting for approval a proposed change in the City Map by changing the grades of Seabury street from Grand avenue to 54th avenue and of 53d avenue from Seabury street to Van Horn street, Borough of Queens, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated March 28, 1939.

The map relates to two short blocks of Seabury street and to one block of 53d avenue, the intersecting street affected, and provides for raising the established grades a maximum of about four feet in order to more nearly conform to existing surface elevations and avoid building damage.

Seabury street is in use at a width of about 50 feet from 54th avenue to a point about 100 feet northwesterly and is improved to some extent in accordance with the elevations now proposed. Nine two and one three-story residences fronting on this section of the street will be benefited by the treatment now proposed. The remainder of Seabury street is not in use and the abutting frontage is occupied by two two-story frame dwellings facing Grand avenue and encroaching within the lines of Seabury street. These buildings, however, will be removed in connection with the proceeding for

- acquiring title to the street. 53d avenue is not in use and the abutting frontage is vacant except for several small private garages which encroach within the mapped street area.

This matter was the subject of a public hearing duly held by the Commission on May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 50). No opposition to the proposed map change developed and the hearing was closed.

The matter was considered further by the Commission at a meeting held on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 18), at which time it was determined that the treatment now proposed will substantially decrease the cost of improving these streets and benefit abutting buildings.

The map appears to be a proper one and its approval is recommended. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.

No. 2I (CP-891) In the matter of an amended drainage plan for Sewerage Districts Nos. 23-35,

26-12 and 27-28 showing the location, sizes and grades of sewers in Yellowstone boulevard from Selfridge street to 64th road, 64th road from Yellowstone boulevard to 108th street; 108th street from 64th road to Horace Harding boulevard; 69th avenue from Burns street to Gerard place : Burns street from 68th avenue to 69th avenue; 68th avenue from Burns street to Juno street; Fleet street from Yellow-stone boulevard to Dane place; Dane place from Exeter street to Yellowstone boule-vard, Borough of Queens.

(On April 13, 1939 (Cal. No. 180), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

(On May 3, 1939 (Cal. No. 15), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for a hearing.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 52), the hearing was closed and the matter laid over

under Rule 105.)

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939


On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted:

Report No. 691. June 7, 1939.

Non. FIORELLo H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate:

Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on April 13, 1939 (Cal. No. 180), there was referred to the City Planning Commission a communication, dated March 27, 1939, from the Acting President of the Borough of Queens, transmitting for approval an amended drainage plan for Sewerage Districts Nos. 23-35, 26-12 and 27-28 showing the location, sizes and grades of sewers in Yellowstone boulevard from Sel-fridge street to 64th road, 64th road from Yellowstone boulevard to 108th street, 108th street from 64th road to Horace Harding boulevard, 69th avenue from Burns street to Gerard place, Burns street from 68th avenue to 69th avenue, 68th avenue from Burns street to Juno street, Fleet street from Yellowstone boulevard to Dane place, Dane place from Exeter street to Yellowstone boulevard, Borough of Queens, bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated March 22, 1939.

This matter was the subject of a public hearing duly held by the Commission on May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 52), pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Code. No opposition to the drainage plan developed and the hearing was closed.

The matter was considered further at a meeting of the Commission held on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 21), at which time it was determined that the streets involved in the amended drainage plan under consideration have been legally laid out and the project is consistent with the approved City Map.

Respectfully. R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.



No. 22 (CP-875) In the matter of a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 5,

by changing from a residence district to a business district the property abutting upon the southerly side of West 88th strfef, to the centre line of the block, from a line 100 feet west of Amsterdam avenue to a line 100 feet east of Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan.

(On April 1, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 22), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for a

hearing.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 54), the hearing was closed and the matter laid over

under Rule 105.) Laid over.

No. 23 (CP-876) In the matter of a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 12, by

changing from a business district to a residence district the property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet south of Bleecker street, Sullivan street, a line 100 feet north of West Houston street and MacDougal street, in the Borough of Manhattan.

(On April 3, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 23), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for a

hearing. ) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 55), the hearing was closed and the matter laid over

under Rule 105.)

On motion, the following report, including resolution, was unanimously adopted:

Report No. 702. June 7, 1939. To Secretary, Board of Estimate, from City Planning Commission:

Pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, the Commission on May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 23), authorized a public hearing concerning a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 12, by changing from a business district to a residence district the property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet south of Bleecker street, Sullivan street, a line 100 feet north of West Houston sticet and MacDougal street, in the Borough of Manhattan.

The proposed amendment was requested by the petition of 23 property owners, which was submitted to the Commission on April 3, 1939. The petitioners own all of the property sought to be changed and they have submitted evidence of compliance with the rules of the Commission regarding the posting and service of notices. It is stated by the petitioners that the property is occupied by remodeled brick dwellings now occupied by apartments. The area in the rear of these buildings has been laid out as a central green, to which each of the private yards has access and this condition has been made permanent by a private agreement between the several owners. The proposed change is desired in order to assure the residential character of this property.

Upon the Use Map, all of the property sought to be changed and the property located directly opposite or immediately adjacent thereto is zoned as a business district.

The property in question is improved with old-four-story apartment buildings, which have evidently been converted to this use from single family dwellings. The property to the north and south, fronting on Bleecker street and West Houston street is improved with apartment buildings containing stores on the ground floor. The easterly side of Sullivan street and the westerly side of MacDougal street located directly opposite the property sought to be changed, are similarly improved.

The proposed amendment would change from a business to a residence district a frontage of about 200 feet on the easterly side of MacDougal street and the correspond- ing frontage on the westerly side of Sullivan street. Although the request of the petitioners also included a lot with a frontage of about 20 feet immediately to the north of this area on the easterly side of MacDougal street, the change of this plot to a residence district would leave a business district relating to Bleecker street of less than the standard depth of 100 feet for which reason it appeared logical to exclude this plot from the scope of the proposed amendment.

The proposed change by establishing a comparatively small residential area sur-rounded by an extensive business district is not usually considered logical zoning. How- ever, in the case under consideration, the property zoned for business use in this section appear to exceed the need for such uses and much of it is presently used for residence purposes. Moreover, if the entire section were rezoned in a comprehensive manner, it would seem logical to retain the business designation for such streets as Bleecker street and West Houston street and establish residence districts for the areas located between such streets, a condition provided by the change under consideration. Since this change conforms with existing development and would protect its residential character from the introduction of business uses, the proposed amendment is deemed to be desirable.

The proposed amendment was the subject of a public hearing duly held by the Commission on May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 55). There were four appearances in favor, including a representative of the Manhattan Advisory Planning Board. No opposition developed and the hearing was closed.

The matter was considered further at a meeting of the Commission held on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 23), at which time the proposed amendment was approved. the follow- ing resolution giving effect to the amendment was adopted and it is herewith filed with the Secretary of the Board of Estimate, pursuant to section 200 of the New York City Charter.

Resolved, By the City Planning Commission, that a resolution adopted July 25, 1916, and amended July 6, 1938, entitled, "A resolution regulating and limiting the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected, and regulating and determining the area of yards, courts and other open spaces and regulating and restricting the location of trades and industries and the location of buildings designed for specified uses and establishing the boundaries of districts for the said r++rpoces," be and the same hereby is amended by changing the use district man, Section No. 12, so as to change from a business dietrict to a residence district the property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet south of Bleecker street. Sullivan street, a line 100 feet north of \Vest Houston street and MacDougal street, in the Bnrnuah of Manhattan.

Respectfully, R. G. Tgrl'WE1L. Chairman, City Planning Commission.

No. 24 (CP-918) Tn the matter of a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 8, by

changing from a rettil district to a restricted retail district the property abutting upon both sides of East 55th street to the centre line of the block, for a line 100

feet west of Lexington avenue to a line 100 feet east of Park avenue, in the Borough of Manhattan.

(On April 25, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 24), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for a

hearing.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 56), the hearing was closed and the matter laid over

wider Rule 105.)

On motion, the following report, including resolution, was unanimously adopted: Report No. 705. June 7, 1939.

To Secretary, Board of Estimate, from City Planning Commission: Pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, the Commission on May 10,

1939 (Cal. No. 24), authorized a public hearing concerning a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 8, by changing from a retail district to a restricted retail district the property abutting upon both sides of East 55th street to the centre line of the block from a line 100 feet west of Lexington avenue to a line 100 feet east of Park avenue, in the Borough of Manhattan.

The proposed amendment was requested by the petition of eleven owners representing 54 percent of the area sought to be changed and they have submitted evidence of compli-ance with the rules of the Commission regarding the posting and service of notices. It is stated by the petitioners that the property sought to be changed is chiefly occupied by buildings used exclusively for dwellings and it is desired to rezone the area in order to exclude such uses as cabarets, which it is believed would prove detrimental to the residential property.

Upon the use map, the property in question is zoned as a retail district, as is the property to the north and south. The adjoining area to the east is zoned for business use and that to the west as a restricted retail district.

The area sought to be changed is improved with old buildings, three to five stories in height, occupied by dwellings and apartments. Two of these buildings contain stores on the ground floor. The rear of a synagogue fronting on Lexington avenue occupies about 40 feet on the southerly side of East 55th street within the affected area. The property to the north and south is similarly improved and that to the east and west is occupied by the synagogue already noted and by apartment buildings containing stores on the ground floor.

The proposed amendment would have the effect of extending the restricted retail district relating to Park avenue for a distance of about 200 feet eastwardly on both sides of East 55th street. In a restricted retail district, theatres, cabarets and dance halls not located in clubs or hotels, bus stations and the selling of automobiles on vacant lots are excluded from the uses permitted in a retail district. Since the property in question is almost entirely used for residential purposes, the added restrictions sought by the petitioners appear reasonable as a protection to this residential character and the proposed amendment is therefore deemed desirable.

This amendment was the subject of a public hearing duly held by the Commission on May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 56). There were four appearances in favor, including a representative of the Manhattan Advisory Planning Board and two in opposition and the hearing was closed. An acknowledged protest, objecting to the proposed change, has been received from an owner representing 5 percent of the area sought to be changed.

The matter was considered further at a meeting of the Commission held on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 24), at which time the proposed amendment was approved, the following resolution giving effect to the amendment was adopted and it is herewith filed with the Secretary of the Board of Estimate, pursuant to secion 200 of the New York City Charter:

Resolved, By the City Planning Commission, that the resolution adopted July 25, 1916, and amended July 6, 1938, entitled "A resolution regulating and limiting the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected and regulating and determining the area of yards, courts and other open spaces, and regulating and restricting the location of trades and industries and the location of buildings designed for specified uses and establishing the boundaries of districts for the said purposes," be and the same hereby is amended by changing the Use District Map, Section No. 8, so as to change from a retail district to a restricted retail district the property abutting upon both sides of East 55th street to the centre line of the block, from a line 100 feet west of Lexington avenue to a line 100 feet east of Park avenue, in the Borough of Manhattan.

Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.


No. 25 (CP-896) In the matter of a proposed amendment of Area District Map, Section No. 14,

by changing from an E area district to a D area district the property abutting upon the southerly side of 77th avenue, to a depth of 100 feet, from 83d street to 84th street, in the Borough of Queens.

(On April 6, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 25), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for a

hearing.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 57), the hearing was closed and the matter laid over

under Rule 105.)

On motion, the following report, including resolution, was unanimously adopted: Report No. 703. June 7, 1939.

To Secretary, Board of Estimate; From City Plant Commission:

Pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, the Commission on May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 25), authorized a public hearing concerning a proposed amendment of Area District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from an "E" area district to a "D" area district the property abutting upon the southerly side of 77th avenue, to a depth of 100 feet from 83d street to 84th street, in the Borough of Queens.

The proposed amendment was requested by the petition of Nira Homes Co., Inc., which was submitted to the Commission on April 6, 1939. The petitioner owns all of the property sought to be changed and states that it also owns the property located directly opposite on the northerly side of 77th avenue and on the westerly side of 83d street. The petitioner has submitted evidence of compliance with the rules of the Com-mission regarding the posting and service of notices and has also submitted acknowledged consents to the change from the owners of the adjoining property to the south and that located directly opposite on the easterly side of 84th street. It is stated by the peti-tioner that it desires to improve the property with attached dwellings, which are not permitted in the existing "E" District and that the property is not suitable for more restrictive development on account of the presence of the Long Island Railroad tracks and sidings a short distance north of 77th avenue.

Upon the Area Map, the property in question is zoned as an "E" area district, as is that to the east and south. ' The opposite side of 77th avenue is zoned as an "A" area district and the opposite side of 83d street is zoned as a "D" district. Upon the use map, the southerly side of 77th avenue to a depth of 125 feet, including the area sought to be changed, is zoned as business district and the northerly side of 77th avenue is unrestricted.

The area under consideration is unimproved with the exception of a one-story cement shed which is located partly in this area and partly within the lines of 84th street. A similar storage shed is located within the lines of 77th avenue immediately to the north of the affected area. The property located directly opposite on 83d street. 77th avenue and 84th street is unimproved. The adjoining property to the south is owned by a church corporation, whose buildings, consisting of the church and rectory, are located on the northerly side of 78th avenue.

The territory south of 77th avenue including the property sought to be changed was originally zoned as a "D" area district, but in 1934, the Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment approved an amendment changing this territory to an "E" district as part of an extensive rezoning of the property adjacent to Interborough parkway. In 1937, the Board, at the request of affected property owners, restored the "D" designation for the property bounded by 81st street, 77th avenue, 83d street and 78th avenue.

The proposed amendment would have the effect of extending this "D" district for a distance of one short block on the southerly side of 77th avenue. Such a change is in the nature of "spot" zoning, which is usually considered undesirable. In the case under consideration, however, the property in question is also zoned as a business district, it is located directly opposite property zoned for unrestricted use and as an "A" area district and it is situated only a short distance from a railroad yard. Under these conditions, the requirements for an "E" district are probably too restrictive and likely to discourage improvement of the property.

4. Date of initial appropriation authorized

5. Estimated date project to start July 1, 1939 July 1, 1939 July 1, 1939 6. Estimated date of completion Jan.15,1940 Jan.15,1940 Jan. 15,1940 7. Estimated useful existence 30 yrs. 30 yrs. 30 yrs. 8. Total estimated cost $300,000.00 $255,000.00 $300,000.00 9. Appropriations authorized as of

June 30, 1938 00 00 00 10. Liabilities outstanding against

appropriations authorized as of June 30, 1938 00 00 00

11. Unencumbered balance of appro-priations authorized as of June 30, 1938 00 00 00

12. Appropriations authorized since June 30, 1938 00 00 00

13. Estimated additional liabilities to be incurred July 1, 1938, to December 31, 1938 00 00 00

14. Estimated additional appropria- tions required for completion 300,000.00 255,000.00 • 300,000.00

15. Appropriations authorized to be made during 1939 300,000.00S 255,000.005 300,000.905

16. Estimated appropriations required after 1939 to complete 00 00 00

17. Estimated additional annual oper-ating and maintenance charges on completion 25,000.00** 24,000.00** 25,000.00**

18. Estimated debt service charges on completion 9,000.00 7,700.00 9,000.00

19. Remarks 300,000.00A 255,000.00A 300,000.O0A 20. Project No. M-6 M-7 M-8

That Table 1-A of the Capital Budget for 1939 be amended by adding under 'Department of Markets" three new projects which follow: 1. Project No. M-6 M-7 M-8 2. Code No. * * * 3, Title, description and location Upper Second Avenue C H a v e m e y e r

Avenue Market, Market, Man- Street Market, Manhattan, en- hattan, enclosed Brooklyn, en-closed retail retail market; closed retail market; land land ($75,000) market; land ($120,000) con- constructionand ($120,000) con- struction and equipment; in struction and equipment; in area of Avenue equipment; in area of Second C between 5th area of Have-Avenue between and 9th Streets meyer Street 72nd and 79th between Grand Streets and South 4th


Note : ** Net revenue. The location given for each project is that contained in the departmental estimates;

it is not necessarily the final exact location approved by the Commission. It is pointed out in connection with these three projects that after the proposed

Capital Budget for 1939 had been submitted to the Board of Estimate on November 1, 1938, the Board of Estimate on December 2, 1938, changed the conditions under which similar market projects could be authorized from projects which could be authorized without any condition (i. e., Table 1-A) to projects to be authorized on condition that proof is submitted to the Board of Estimate, in advance of actual appropriation, that the projects are self-liquidating (i. e„ Table 1-B). If it so desires, the Board of Estimate in the case of these three projects is authorized to make actual appropriation dependent on similar conditions. Jr. this case the Board of Estimate should adopt these projects as amendments to Table 1-B of the Capital Budget for 1939 instead of as amendments to Table 1-A of the Capital Budget for 1939.

Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman.


Master Plan

No. 29 (CP-987) In the matter of the adoption, as part of the Master Plan, of a system of

parkways and express highways, established and proposed to serve the five boroughs of the City of New York.

On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the



TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939


In view of the conditions affecting the area under consideration, as well as the fact These three markets are a part of a program of market construction intended that the change has been requested, and consents to the change have been submitted by ultimately to provide space off the streets for all the pushcart markets in the City. the owners of this and all of the adjacent property, the extension of the "D" district This general program was presented to the Commission during its Budget hearings requested by the petitioner appears reasonable. last summer. They have been presented as specific projects at the present time because

The proposed amendment was the subject of a public hearing duly held by the Corn- detailed plans have been meanwhile prepared. The Commission approves of such a mission on May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 57). There were two appearances in favor, includ- general program from a traffic, street cleaning and a general public health point of view. ing a representative of the Queens Advisory Planning Board. No opposition developed The present plans of the Department of Markets call for the enclosure of all those and the hearing was closed. pushcart markets which at present are operating in the open air qn the City streets and

The matter was considered further at a meeting of the Commission held on June which it is believed afford valuable market facilities which should be continued. The 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 25), at which time the proposed amendment was approved and the Department desires to provide enclosed quarters for about 16 such markets over a following resolution giving effect to the amendment was adopted and it is hetewith period of years at a total cost of about $4,000,000. Two of these markets, the ,Park filed with the Secretary of the Board of Estimate, pursuant to section 200 of the New Avenue Market and the 10th Street and First Avenue Market, Borough of Manhattan, York City Charter : are already completed and in operation. Two markets, the Essex Street Market, Bor-

Resolved, By the City Planning Commission, that the resolution adopted July 25, ough of Manhattan, and the 13th Avenue Market, Borough of Brooklyn, are now under 1916, and amended July 6, 1938, entitled "A resolution regulating and limiting the height construction and are expected to be ready for occupancy in the fall of 1939. One and bulk of buildings hereafter erected and regulating and determining the area of market, the Thompson Street Market, was provided for in the Capital Budget for 1939 yards, courts and other open spaces and regulating and restricting the location of trades as finally adopted on January 1, 1939. However, the site originally chosen for this and industries and the location of buildings designed for specified uses and establishing market is no longer available as it was needed for a street widening. The Department the boundaries of districts for the said purposes," be and the same hereby is amended is engaged in finding another suitable site and making necessary revisions in costs. by changing use district map, Section No. 14, so as to change from an "E" area district Two markets, the Arthur Avenue Market, Borough of The Bronx, and the Moore Street to a "D" area district the property abutting upon the southerly side of 77th avenue to a Market, Borough of Brooklyn, were recommended by the City Planning Commission depth of 100 feet from 83d street to 84th street, in the Borough of Queens. as amendments to the Capital Budget for 1939 on April 19, 1939. These amendments

Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission. were adopted by the Board of Estimate on May 4, 1939, sent to the Council on May 2, 1939, and referred to the Finance Committee of the Council on May 16, 1939. Three

Capital Budget markets, the Upper Second Avenue Market, Borough of Manhattan, the Avenue C - Market, Borough of Manhattan, and the Havemeyer Street Market, Borough of Brook-

BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN lyn, are now, in this report, being recommended by the City Planning Commission, as - amendments to the Capital Budget for 1939. There remain six enclosed markets which

No. 26 (CB-39-3) the Department of Markets intends to submit for consideration in connection with the In the matter of a proposed amendment of the Capita' Budget for 1939, by Capital Budget for 1940 and the five-year capital program. They are, Blake Avenue

adding to Table I-A the following new project requested by the Department of Market, Borough of Brooklyn; Prospect Place-Dumont Avenue Market, Borough of Markets, and described in the departmental estimate as follows : Brooklyn ; Upper First Avenue Market, Borough of Manhattan; Upper Eighth Avenue

Project No.: M-6. Market, Borough of Manhattan; Mott-Elizabeth Streets Market, Borough of Manhattan, Title, description and location : Upper Second Avenue City Market, 2d avenue, and Union Street Market, Borough of Brooklyn.

72d to 79th streets, Manhattan; land and construction. The three markets recommended as amendments to the Capital Budget for 1939 Estimated date project to start: June 1, 1939. in this report are like the previous ones, estimated to be self-supporting and self- Estimated date of completion : December 31, 1939. liquidating, as is indicated by the tabulation at the end of this report. Estimated useful existence : 40 years. In considering the Havemeyer Street Market in Brooklyn, it appeared to the Com- Total estimated cost : $300,000. mission that a site might be secured in this area at a cost less than that estimated Appropriation requested for 1939: $300,000. by the Department of Markets. Although the cost of the land of $120,000 has been Appropriation required after 1939 to complete : None. included in the recommended amendment of the Capital Budget it is suggested that the Revenue to be produced : $38,000. Department of Markets and the Bureau of Real Estate investigate the possibility of (On April 24, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) securing a less costly site if this can be done without interfering with the market's (On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 27), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for depart- primary function of providing convenient market facilites.

mental and public hearings.) These matters were considered further at a meeting of the Commission held on (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 59), the hearings were closed and the matter laid June 7, 1939 (Cal. Nos. 26, 27 and 28), at which time the following recommendation was

over under Rule 105.) unanimously adopted:

On motion, Report No. 751, printed under Cal. No. 28, which follows, was unani-mously adopted.

No. 27 (CB-39-5)

In the matter of a proposed amendment of the Capital Budget for 1939w by adding to Table 1-A the following new project requested by the Department of Markets, and described in the departmental estimate as follows:

Project No.: M-7. Title, description and location : Avenue C Market, Avenue C, between 5th and

9th streets, Manhattan ; land and construction. Estimated date project to start: June 1, 1939. Estimated date bf completion : December 31, 1939. Estimated useful existence : 40 years. Total estimated cost : $255,090. Appropriation requested for 1939: $255,000. Appropriation required after 1939 to complete : None. Revenue to be produced : $37,000. (On April 24, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 28), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for depart-

mental and public hearings.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 60), the hearings were closed and the matter laid

'over under Rule 105.) On motion, Report No. 751, printed under Cal. No. 28, which follows, was unani-

mously adopted.


No. 28 (CB-39-4)

In the matter of a proposed amendment of the Capital Budget for 1939, by adding to Table 1-A the following new project requested by the Department of Markets, and described in the departmental estimate as follows:

Project No.: M-8. Title, description and location : Havemeyer Street Market, Havemeyer street,

between Grand and South 4th streets, Brooklyn; land and construction. Estimated date project to start : June 1, 1939. Estimated date of completion : December 31, 1939. Estimated useful existence: 40 years. Total estimated cost : $300,000. Appropriation requested for 1939: $300,000. Appropriation required after 1939 to complete : None. Revenue to be produced : $38,000. (On April 24, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 29), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for depart-

mental and public hearings.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 61), the hearings were closed and the matter laid

over under Rule 105.) On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 751. (CB-39-3, 4 and 5) City of New York, City Planning Commission, Department of City Planning,

Municipal Building, June 7, 1939. Honorable FIORELLO H. LA GuARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, and Members, Board of Estimate

of The City of New York: Honorable NEwBOLD Moants, President, and Members, the Council of The City of New

York: Honorable KENNETH DAYTON, Director ;of the Budget: Honorable JOSEPH D. MCGOLDRICK, Comptroller of The City of New York:

Gentlemen-Section 224 of the New York City Charter states that "no obligations of the city shall be authorized in any calendar year for or on account of any capital project not included in the capital budget as finally adopted for such year * * * pro-vided * * * that upon receipt of a recommendation in writing from the city plan-ning commission, approved by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members thereof, the board of estimate may amend the capital budget in accordance with such recommenda-tion." The present recommendation is submitted in accordance with this section of the Charter.

The Commission received on April 21, 1939, letters from the Commissioner of Markets transmitting departmental estimates requesting the amendment of the Capital Budget for 1939 by adding three new projects to Table 1-A of that Budget: the Upper Second Avenue Market, the Avenue C Market and the Havemeyer Street Market. These three projects are more fully described in the recommendation below. On May 10, 1939 (Cal. Nos. 27, 28 and 29), the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for depart-mental and public hearings, pursuant to sections 216 and 224 of the Charter. At the hearings on May 24, 1939 (Cal. Nos. 59, 60 and 61), the Commissioner of Markets appeared in favor of the proposed amendments to the Capital Budget. There were a few appearances in opposition to these markets.






amow,w» Added or Amended Parkways J Further Additions and Amendments Requiring Study Before Adoption

x,tt w .ue

Kxt - PUT

- 4

LEGEND Established Express Highways Established Parkways } Proposed as Part of Master Plan Added or Amended Highways ~


TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939



New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, ways and express highways, established and proposed to serve the five boroughs of the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public City of New York, as indicated on the accompanying map No. 01-MPH-1, bearing the hearing in the matter bf the adoption, as part of the Master Plan, of a system of park- signature of the Secretary and dated June 7, 1939.

City Map Changes


No. 30 (CP-538) Communication, dated July 12, 1938, from the President of the Borough of

Brooklyn, transmitting for approval map showing a change of grades for the block bounded by Park avenue, North Elliott place, Auburn place and St. Edwards street.

On July 28, 1938 (Cal. No. 190), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 199b of the

New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 28, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by changing the grades of the street system within the territory bounded approximately by North Elliott place, Auburn place, St. Edwards street and Park avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, in accord-ance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated July 7, 1938.

No. 31 (CP-8L) Communication, dated February 23, 1939, from the President of the Borough of

Brooklyn, transmitting for approval map showing a dosing and discontinuing of East 24th street from a point 140 feet south of Glenwood road to Campus road.

On March 2. 1939 (Cal. No. 181), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 199b of the

New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by eliminating the lines of

East 24th street from a line 140 feet south of Glenwood road to Campus road, Borough of Brooklyn, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated February 20, 1939.

No. 32 (CP-829)

Conmiunication, dated March 18, 1939, from the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, transmitting for approval map showing a change of grades in East 54th street from Snyder avenue to Tilden avenue.

(On March 30, 1939 (Cal. No. 56), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved. That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 199b of the

New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 28, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by changing the grades of East 54th street from Snyder avenue to Tilden avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, in accord-ance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated March 16, 1939.

No. 33 (CP-787) Communication dated February 3, 1939, from the President of the Borough of

The Bronx transmitting for approval map establishing the grades of Goble place between Jerome avenue and Inwood avenue.

(On March 2, 1939 (Cal. No. 189), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion. the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 199b of the

New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 28, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by establishing the grades of Goble place from Inwood avenue to Jerome avenue, Borough of The Bronx, in accord-ance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated February 3, 1939,


TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939

No. 40 (CP-980) Petition of property owners for the amendme~tt of Area District Map, Section

No. 22, so as to change from an E area district to a G area district, the territory bounded by Foster avenue, a line 100 feet east of East 19th street, Avenue G, and the easterly right-of-way line of the Brighton Beach Division of the Brooklyn-Man-hattan Transit Corporation, Borough of Brooklyn.

(On April 28, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Area District Map, Section No. 22, by changing from an E area district to a G area district the property within the territory bounded by Foster avenue, a line 100 feet east of East 19th street, Glenwood road and the easterly right-of-way line of the Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corporation, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

No. 39 (CP-980) Petition of property owners for the amendment of Height District Map, Section

No. 22, so as to change from a one and one-quarter times height to a one-half time height the territory bounded by Foster avenue, a line 100 feet out of East 19th street, Avenue G, and the easterly right-of-way line of the Brighton Beach Division of the Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corporation, Borough of Brooklyn.

(On April 28, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Height District Map, Section No. 22, by changing front a one and one-quarter times height district to a one-half time height district the property within the territory bounded by Foster avenue, a line 100 feet east of East 19th street, Glenwood road and the easterly right-of-way line of the Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corporation, in the Borough of Brooklyn.


No. 38 (CP-961)

Petition of property owners for the amendment of the Zoning Resolution, Section No. 22, so as to change from an E to a C area district property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet north of 76th street, a line 100 feet west. of 3d avenue, a line 100 feet south of 77th street, a line 100 feet out of Ridge boulevard, 77th street and a line 100 feet east of Colonial road, Borough of Brooklyn.

(On April 28, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. mc, in Robin 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Area District Map, Section No. 22, by changing from an E area district to a C area district the property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet north bf 76th street, a line 100 feet west of 3d avenue, a line 100 feet south of 77th street, a line 100 feet east of Ridge boulevard, 77th street and a line 100 feet east of Colonial road, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

No. 37 (CP-564, 595) Communication dated August 16, 1938, from the Commissioner of Parks, request-

ing the amendment of Area Map, Sections Nos. 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 29 and 30, so as to provide for the rezoning of Jamaica Bay and territories abutting or in the vicinity of Shore drive, Sunrise highway and Rockaway boulevard, Boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn.

Laid over.

Drainage Plan



No. 4! (CP-921) Petition of Mary S. Gerrodette and the Yale Land Company for an amendment

of Use District Map, Section No. 14, so as to change from residence to business use territory bounded by Kissena boulevard, a line 100 feet south of Horace Harding boulevard, a line 100 feet east of Kissena boulevard, and a line midway between 64th avenue and 65th avenue, Borough of Queens.

(On April 24, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) Communication, dated April 19, 1939, received from the Board of Higher Educa-

tion, opposing proposed change.

On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section Nos. 10 and 14, by changing from a Residence District to a Business District the property abutting upon the easterly side of Kissena boulevard to a depth of 100 feet, from a line 100 feet south of World's Fair boulevard (Horace Harding boulevard) to a line midway between 64th avenue and 65th avenue, in the Borough of Queens.

No. 34 (CP-'1) Communication dated May 5, 1939, from the President of the Borough of

Queens transmitting for approval Sewerage Plan for District 28-37, showing modifications in 80th street from 25th avenue to 31st avenue.

(On May 18, 1939 (Cal. No. 62), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to he Commission.)

On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 82d9-1.0e of the

Administrative Code of The City of New York, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 28, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place fon a public hearing on an amended drainage plan for Sewerage District No. 28-37, showing location, sizes and grades of sewers in 80th street from 25th avenue to 31st avenue, Borough of Queens, bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated May 2, 1939.


No. 3S (CP-564, 595)

Communication dated August 16, 1938, from the Commissioner of Parks, requesting the amendment of Use Map, Sections Nos. 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 29 and 30, so as to provide for the rezoning of Jamaica Bay and territories abutting or in the vicinity of Shore drive, Sunrise highway and Rockaway boulevard, Boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn.

Laid over.

No. 36 (CP-564, 595) Communication dated August 16, 1938, from the Commissioner of Parks, request-

ing the amendment of Height Map, Sections Nos. 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 29 add 30, so as to provide for the rezoning of Jamaica Bay and territories abutting or in the vicinity of Shore drive, Sunrise highway and Rockaway boulevard, Boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn.

Laid over.

No. 42 (CP-959)

Petition of property owners for the amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, so as to change from a residence to a business district, where not already so zoned, territory bounded by 63d road, a line 120 feet east of 108th street, 65th avenue, a line 120 feet west of 108th street, 64th road, Yellowstone boulevard, 64th avenue, and a line 120 feet west of 108th street; change from business to residence property abutting upon both sides of 108th street, for a depth of 100 feet, from a line 100 feet north of 63d avenue to 63d road, the property abutting upon both sides of 64th road, for a depth of 100 feet, from a line 100 feet east of 102d street to Yellowstone boule-vard, and the property abutting upon the southerly side of 64th road for a depth of 100 feet from Yellowstone boulevard to a line 120 feet west of 108th street, Borough of Queens.

(On April 29, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a residence district to a business district the property, not already so zoned, within the territory bounded by 63d road, a line 120 feet east of 108th street, 65th avenue, a line 120 feet west of 108th street, 64th road, Yellowstone boulevard, 64th avenue and a line 120 feet west of 108th street; and by changing from a business district to a residence district the property abutting upon both sides of 108th street for a depth of 100 feet from a line 100 feet north of 63d avenue to 63d road, the property abutting upon both sides of 64th road for a depth of 100 feet from a line 100 feet east of 102d street to Yellowstone boulevard and the property abutting upon the southerly side of 64th road for a depth of 100 feet from Yellowstone boulevard to a line 120 feet west of 108th street, in the Borough of Queens.

No. 43 (CP-967) Petition of property owners requesting an amendment of Use District Map,

Section No. 15, so as to change from business to residence use the property abutting upon both sides of 217th street to a depth of 100 feet from a line 100 feet south of Hillside avenue to a line 100 feet north of 90th avenue, in the Borough of Queens.

(On April 28, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment bf the Use District Map, Section No. 15, by changing from a business district to a residence district the property abutting upon both sides of 217th street to a depth of 100 feet from a line 100 feet south of Hillside avenue to a line 100 feet north of 90th avenue, in the Borough of Queens.

No. 44 (CP-970) Petition of property owners for the amendment of Area District Map, Section

No. 10, so as to change from an F to a D area district the northerly side of 46th avenue for a depth of 100 feet from 157th street to 160th street, in the Borough of Queens.

(On April 28, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing bn a proposed amendment of the Area District Map, Section No. 10, by changing from an F area district to a D area district the property abutting upon the northerly side of 46th avenue from a depth of 100 feet from 157th street to 160th street', in the Borough of Queens. .

No. 45 (CP-986) Petition of property owners for the amendment of Use District Map, Section

No. 11, so as to change from business to residence use property abutting upon the easterly side of Little Neck parkway, to a depth of 100 feet, from 80th avenue to 82d avenue; property abutting upon the northerly side of Union turnpike, to a depth of 100 feet, from 256th street to 264th street; property abutting upon the southerly side of Union turnpike, to a depth of 100 feet, from 255th street to 265th street, Borough of Queens.

(On April 29, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 11, by changing from a Business District to a Residence District the I)roperty abutting upon the easterly side of Little Neck parkway to a depth of 100 feet from 80th avenue to 82d avenue, the property abutting upon the northerly side of Union turnpike to a depth of 100 feet from 256th street to 264th street and the property abutting upon the southerly side of Union turnpike to a depth of 100 feet from 255th street to 265th street, in the Borough of Queens.

No. 46 (CP-908) Petition dated March 30, 1939, of the Queens Valley Development Corporation

requesting amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, so as to change from residence to business use the territory bounded by a line 180 feet westerly of Main street and its prolongation southerly from 73d avenue, a line 100 feet south of 71st avenue, Vleigh place and 73d terrace.

(On April 6, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Conimission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. in., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a Residence District to a Business District the property within the ter-ritory bounded by Vleigh place, Main street, Vleigh place, 73d terrace, a line 180 feet west of Main street and its southerly prolongation, a line 100 feet north of 72d avenue a line 100 feet west of Main street, a line 140 feet south of 71st avenue, Main street and a line 190 feet south of 71st avenue, in the Borough of Queens.

No. 47 (CP-963) Petition of property owners for amendment of Us c District Map, Section

No. 14, so as to change from residence use to business use the easterly side of Main street for a depth of 100 feet from 120 feet north of 69th avenue to 173 feet south of 71st avenue, and the westerly side for a depth of 100 feet from 46 feet north of 69th avenue to 153 feet south of 71st avenue, Borough of Queens.

(On May 1, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a residence district to a business district the property within the territory bounded by a line 47 feet north of 69th avenue, Main street, a line 120 feet north of 69th avenue, a line 100 feet east of Main street, a line 190 feet south of 71st avenue, Main street, a line 140 feet south of 71st avenue and a line 100 feet west of Main street, in the Bor-ough of Queens.

No. 48 (CP-964) Petition of property owners for the amendment of Use District Map, Section

No. 14, so as to change from a residence use to a business use the area bounded by 73d avenue, a line 100 feet east of Main street, 75th road, Main street, a line 25 feet south of 78th road, Vleigh place and Main street, in the Borough of Queens.

(On April 27, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.)

City Map Changes


No. 52 (CP-870) Hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by changing the lines and grades

of East River drive between East 49th street and East 93d street, including eliminating the lines of the East 60th street and East 61st street approaches, Borough of

(On March 30, 1939 (Cal. No. 118), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

. (On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 19), the Commission fixed this day for a hearing, which has been duly advertised.)

There were no appearances. On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter

under Rule 105.

M h t t an a an.

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939


On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a residence district to a business district the property within the territory bounded by 73d avenue,_ a line 100 feet east of Main street, 75th road, Vleigh place and Main street, in the Borough of Queens.


Master Plan

No. 51 (CP-922) Hearing, on the adoption, as a part of the Master Plan, of a comprehensive

program for the establishment of 30 health centre districts, together with the loca-tions of certain existing buildings and general locations for future buildings for the Department of Health.

(On May 8, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 18), the Commission fixed this day for a hearing,

which has been duly advertised.) Communication, dated May 6, 1939, received from John L. Rice, M. D., Commissioner

of Health, enclosing report entitled, "District Health Development" . Communications, dated May 22, 1939, to June 6, 1939, received from the following

favoring the health district plan: The Bronx Board of Trade; New York Medical College and Flower Hospital; Wagner Memorial Lutheran College; the Andrew S. Draper Junior High School ; Public School 83, East Harlem Nursing and Health Service, Inc. ; W. G. Smillie, M. D., Professor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Cornell University, Medical College; Institute of Family Service; Bellevue Hospital; the Young Women's Christian Association; the New York Diet Kitchen Association; Harlem Tuberculosis and Health Committee; Bronx Council of Social Agencies; Young Men's Christian Association; Visiting Nurse Service of the Henry Street Settlement; Public School 121, Manhattan; Pitkin Avenue Merchants Association, Inc.; Home Thrift . Association, Inc. ; the American Social Hygiene Association ; Kips Bay Boys' Club, Inc.; Harlem Committee of Community Service Society; Mrs. Katherine Z. W. Whipple; American Association of Social Workers; the American Red Cross, New York Chapter; West Harlem Council of Social Agencies; the Board of Superintendents, Board of Education; Rosalie Manning; the Brooklyn Free Kindergarten Society, Inc.; Williamsburg-Greenpoint District Health Committee; Hudson Guild; Bronx Chamber of Commerce, Inc. ; Leverett D. Bristol, M. D. ; Louise P. Brill, St. Ann's church; Chelsea Association for Planning and Action; Belmont Avenue Merchants Association of Brooklyn, Inc.; Unity Sisters of the Pride of Judea Children's Home; Thomas Jefferson High School ; John Marshall Junior High School, Parent-Teacher Associa-tion; Ezras Orphans Ladies Society of Brownsville; Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church; Newman Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church ; Workers Alliance of New York, Brownsville Local ; Parents Association of Hebrew School Sdey Chodosh ; Parent-Teachers Assocation of Public School 174 ; Waverly Junior High School, East New York Junior High School, Straus Junior High School 109, Public School 191; Parent Council of Brownsville and East New York; the City Board of Trade, Inc.; Browns-ville Progressive League; H. E. S. Neighborhood House; Huron Club, Inc.; Borisover Ladies Auxiliary & Free Loan of East New York; Nazerin Congregational Church; Rose of Sharon Lodge No. 972; Women's Club of I. W. A.; Sisterhood of the Beth El Hospital; Workmen's Circle School 2; Rabbi A. Pikuz.

Communication, dated June 6, 1939, received from Irving Coopersinith, Esq., sub-mitting diagram of proposed site for a health center in Jamaica, southeast corner of Parsons boulevard and Shelton avenue.

Appearances-Dr. John L. Rice, Commissioner of Health; Dr. George Baehr, Chair-man, Technical Advisory Committee. Committee on Neighborhood Health Development, Chairman, Public Health Relations Committee of the New York Academy of Medicine; Bailey B. Burritt, Chairman, Executive Committee, Committee on Neighborhood Health Development, Chairman, Executive Council, Community Service Society of New York, Chairman, Kips Bay-Yorkville District Health Committee; William Hodson, Commis-sioner of Welfare; Dr. Livingston Ferrand, President Emeritus, Cornell University; Barklie Henry, President, Community Service Society of New York, representing the Citizens Budget Commission; Dr. Kendall Emerson, Director, National Tuberculosis Association; Godias J. Drolet, Chairman, Subcommittee on Boundaries & Allied Prob-lems, Committee on Neighborhood Health Development, Assistant Director and Statis-tician, New York Tuberculosis and Health Association; Dr. Shirley W. Wynne, Presi-dent, Children's Welfare Federation, Manhattan Counselor, Boy Scouts of America; Dr. Alfred E. Shipley, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, Long Island College of Medicine; Dr. John Elliott, Headworker, Hudson Guild, Ethical Culture Society; Dr. James R. Rouling, President, Queensborough Tuberculosis and Health Association; Dr. Jacob Werne, Chairman, Public Health Committee, Queens County Medical Society; Dr. Alec Thompson, representing five county medical societies; Douglas P. Falconer, Director, Greater New York Fund; Dr. Frank Kiernan, Director, New York Tuberculosis and Health Association ; Dr. Robert P. Lane, Executive Director, Welfare Council ; Miss Katherine Faville, General Director of Nursing Service, Henry Street Settlement: Mrs. Mary K. Simkhovitch, Director, Greenwich House, Vice-Chair-man, New York City Housing Authority; Dr. William M. Patterson, representing Lower West Side District Health Committee ; Dr. Frank D. Whalen, Chairman, Mott Haven District Health Committee; Mrs. Lionello ?erera, Chairman, Committee on Health Education, President, Italian Welfare League ; Joseph H. Van Schoick, Chairman, Com- mittee on Health Education, Williamsburgh ; Dr. Jose Cesteros, Harlem Tuberculosis and Health Committee; Mrs. Roger Howson, Chairman, Department of Government and Child Welfare, New York City League of Women Voters ; Mrs. Samuel A. Greeff, representing Mrs. Samuel Sloan Duryee, President, Women's City Club ; Mrs. Jacob Schecter, representing the United Parent-Teachers' Assn. ; J. B. English, representing the American Labor Party of Richmond : Mrs. Mary A. Oetting, representing the property owners of Middle Village ; M. D. Anzillo, Communist Party of Richmond County.

On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter under Rule 105.

Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on April 20, 1939 (Cal. No. i29), there was referred to the City Planning Commission a communication, dated April 20, 1939, from the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, submitting for approval a proposed change in the City Map by establishing the lines and grades of a street designated as Circumferential parkway across the rights-of-way of the New York Rapid Transit Corporation, Sea Beach Line, the Brooklyn and Queens Transit Corporation, West End Line, leased to the New York Rapid Transit Corporation, located between Stillwell avenue and West 11th street; the New York Rapid Transit Corporation, Sea Beach Line, located about 350 feet easterly of West 11th street; and the South Brooklyn Railway located between Shell road and Colby court ; and by changing the lines and grades of Circumferential parkway from Bay parkway to Coney Island avenue and of the intersecting streets affected, located within the territory bounded approximately by Bay parkway, Cropsey avenue, Avenue Z, Coney Island avenue, Guider avenue, Banner avenue, Ocean parkway, Neptune avenue, Triton avenue, Coney Island Creek and Hunter avenue, including laying out a public playground at the intersection of West 5th street and Circumferentjal parkway and eliminating the lines of a portion of West 3d street from West avenue to Circumferential parkway, Borough of Brooklyn, in accord-ance with a map in three sections bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated April 19, 1939.

The map relates to a section of Circumferential parkway from Bay parkway to Coney Island avenue and establishes the lines of the parkway across the right-of-way of the West End line oi the Brooklyn and Queens Transit Corporation, at a width of 210 feet, and of the Sea Beach line of the New York Rapid Transit Corporation at a width of 180 feet, both between Stillwell avenue and West 11th street; and across the right-of-way of the Sea Beach line of the New York Rapid Transit Corporation located about 360 feet east of the easterly line of West 1lth street, at a width of 180 feet; and across the right-of-way of the South Brooklyn Railway Company between Shell road and Colby court, at a width of 300 feet.

The map also provides for changing the lines of the parkway as heretofore estab- lished between Bay 49th street and Bay 52d street in order to accommodate service and access roadways, and between a point about 396 feet east of West 12th street and Shell road in order to exclude certain areas no longer required as the result of modifications in the parkway design, and also between West 5th street and East 6th street in order to provide suitable traffic connections with Ocean parkway.

The map further provides for shifting the lines of Canal avenue 40 feet northwardly between Cropsey avenue and West 16th street; for re-establishing the lines of Shell road from Triton avenue to Atwater court, at a width of 120 feet ; for widening West 6th street from Shell road to Triton avenue to a width of 120 feet by changing the west-erly line of the street ; for laying out a playground at the intersection of West 5th street and the parkway, involving the elimination of the portion of West 3d street included within the playground area and for laying out West avenue, a street bounding the playground, from West 3d street to West 5th street, at a width of 70 feet. Pro-vision is also made for eliminating from the parkway two small areas heretofore included within the parkway, which are proposed to be utilized for playground and public school purposes.

The map also provides for establishing the grades of the central and service road- ways of the parkway and for changing the grades heretofore established for the inter-secting streets affected in the area adjacent to the parkway from Bay parkway to Brighton 8th street. These grade changes range from a maximum increase of elevation of about 4.0 feet to a maximum reduction of elevation of about 1.3 feet, and apparently will result in damage to about 30 buildings, the greater part occuring along Bay 52d street from Warehouse avenue to Cropsey avenue, and on the north side of the parkway between Cropsey avenue and West 17th street, but this treatment appears to be unavoid- able in view of the necessity of providing adequate access and service roadways in this vicinity. With reference to the grade changes, it is to be noted that the Office of the Borough President informally advises that the grades proposed are adequate for the proper protection and functioning of the storm-water trunk sewers which drain the tributary areas, and that provision is made in the construction plans of the parkway for extending the outfalls of these trunk sewers across the parkway to permit discharge into the tidal waters of Gravesend Bay. The outfall of the Bensonhurst storm-water trunk sewer will not be affected by the construction of the parkway and provision has been made to retain its present outlet.

The proposed playground, heretofore referred to, will be placed under the juris-diction of the Department of Parks and utilized jointly with the Board of Education. The inclusion of the playground in the parkway acquisition will require an amendment of the proceeding. It is to be noted in this connection that the vesting of title to West street, the southerly bounding street of the playground, should be consummated simultaneously with the vesting of title to the playground proper and should he included in the proceeding. The prorated assessed valuation of the land and buildings involved is estimated at about $92,000 of which $32,000 represents the valuation of the land. It is understood that after acquisition is consummated, a map will be prepared eliminating the lines of the remainder of West 3d street north of West avenue in order that this street area may be added to the playground. The playground is to be further augmented by the inclusion of a small parcel of land acquired for the parkway between West 5th street and West 3d street through the medium of a local law transferring the juris-diction over this land from the Borough President to the Commissioner of Parks for playground purposes. A similar parcel located east of West 3d street is to be trans-

No. 49 (CP-965) Petition of property owners for the amendment of Use District Map, Section

No. 14, so as to change from a residence to a business use both sides of Main street for a depth of 100 feet from 75th road to 77th road, Borough of Queens.

(On April 27, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment' of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a residence district to a business district the property within the territory bounded by 75th road, a line 100 feet east of Main street, 77th road, a line 100 feet west of Main street, 76th avenue and Vleigh place, in the Borough of Queens.

No. $0 (CP-988)

Petition of property owners for amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, so as to change from a residence to a business use property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet east of 108th street, Saultell street, a line 100 feet south of World's Fair (Horace Harding) boulevard, and a line 100 feet east of Saultell street, Borough of Queens.

(On April 29, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of use district map, Section No. 14, by changing from a residence district to a business district the property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet east of 108th street, Saultell street, a line 100 feet south of World's Fair (Horace Harding) boulevard, and a line 100 feet east of Saultell street, in the Borough of Queens.


No. 53 (CP-911) Hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by establishing the lines and

grades of a street designed as Circumferential parkway across the rights-of-way of the New York Rapid Transit Corporation, Sea Beach Line, the Brooklyn and Queens Transit Corporation, West End Line, leased to the New York Rapid Transit Corporation, located between Stillwell avenue and West 11th street; the New York Rapid Transit Corporation, Sea Beach Line, located about 350 feet easterly of West 11th street; and the South Brooklyn Railway located between Shell road and Colby court; and by changing the lines and grades of Circumferential parkway from Bay parkway to Coney Island avenue ana of the intersecting streets affected located within the territory bounded approximately by Bay Parkway, Cropsey avenue, Avenue Z, Coney Island avenue, Guider avenue, Banner avenue, Ocean parkway, Neptune avenue, Triton avenue, Coney Island Creek and Hunter avenue, including laying out a public playground at the intersection of West 5th street and Circum-ferential parkway and eliminating the lines of a portion of West 3d street from West avenue to Circumferential parkway, Borough of Brooklyn.

(On April 20, 1939 (Cal. No. 129), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

(On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 20), the Commission fixed this day for. a hearing, which has been duly advertised.)

There were no appearances. On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing. On motion, Rule 105 was waived and the following report was unanimously adopted

with the understanding expressed by Commissioner Salmon that the detailed plans for the construction of the parkway through the section covered by the map be furnished to the Commission as soon as practicable.

Report No. 721. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FioaELu H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate:

On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter under Rule 105.

Drainage Plan


(CP-892) Hearing on a modified drainage plan for Sewerage District No. 44-B-7, showing

sizes, location and grades of sewers in Scribner avenue from Eastern boulevard to Balcom avenue (within the , Hutchinson River parkway area), Borough of The Bronx.

(On April 13, 1939 (Cal. No. 173), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

(On May 10, 1939 (Cal. No. 21), the Commission fixed this day for a hearing, which has been duly advertised.)

There were no appearances. On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter

under Rule 105.

No. 56



TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939

ferred to the Board of Education for school purposes as an addition to the site of the Abraham Lincoln High School, by a similar procedure.

In the vicinity of the intersection of the parkway and Ocean parkway parcels of property under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education, the Department of Hospitals and the Police Department have been included within the new lines of the parkway and it is understood that these properties are to be transferred to the Borough President for street purposes by the enactment of local laws. The additional private property required in this vicinity for the development of the parkway and its service and access roads, has a prorated assessed valuation of $34,000 of which $1,300 represents the assessed valuation of the buildings. The inclusion of this property in the acquisition will require the amendment of the proceeding.

The change in the southerly line of the parkway from Bay .49th street to Bay 5214 street will involve the acquisition of additional lands, having a prorated assessed valuation of $4,800. As title to the parkway in this section has already been vested, this widening entails an amendment of the proceeding for acquisition.

The change in the lines of Canal avenue from Cropsey avenue to West 16th street, made in order to adjust the lines of the street to conform with the limits of the property vested in an independent proceeding, will require the amendment of the proceeding fcr the acquisition of Canal avenue.

The change in the lines of the parkway from West 12th street to Shell road will involve, on the northerly side, the acquisition of private property, some belonging to the New York Rapid Transit Corporation and the Coney Island and Brooklyn Transit Company, and property under the jurisdiction of the Board of Transportation, compris-ing a part of the Coney Island Train Yard, although none of the existing trackwork in the yard will be disturbed by this partition. All of this private property including that owned by the transit companies, excepting that constituting the right-of-way, which will be discussed separately in this report, may be acquired under the proceeding already instituted if amended to conform with the lines now proposed for the parkway. The property of the Board of Transportation, however, is subject to the provisions of section 39 of the Rapid Transit Act, and the release of this land to the Borough Presi-dent for street purposes is dependent upon a determination by the Board that it does not intend to sell or lease this propfrty and that the land is not required for rapid transit purposes.

On the southerly side of the parkway, this map change entails a modification of the conditional pierhead and bulkhead lines of Coney Island Creek and the Commissioner of Docks has signified his consent to this change.

The re-establishing of the lines of Shell road from Triton avenue to Atwater court and the widening of West 6th street from Shell road to Triton avenue, are designed to provide for the relocation of the tracks of South Brooklyn Railway in the roadways of these streets. These changes involve the acquisition of a small gore of land on the westerly side of Shell road, and a strip of land 60 feet wide on the westerly side of West 6th street. The prorated assessed valuation of the land and buildings required is estimated at about $34,500 of which amount $11,300 represents the valuation of the buildings. This change also involves an amendment of the parkway proceeding.

The preliminary development plans and the construction drawings show that the parkway will consist of a central roadway of three eastbound and three westbound lanes separated by a central mall. Where the requirements of the abutting property render it necessary, service roadways will be constructed together with sidewalks adjacent to the house lines. Landscaping will be provided in the remaining areas of the park- way. Access and egress roads will be provided at frequent intervals, in order to facilitate the exchange of traffic between the parkway and the local areas. Underpass crossings of the parkway will be constructed at Bay parkway, 26th avenue and Ocean parkway with provision for adequate clearance over thestreets. An overgrade cross-ing of the parkway will be provided for Cropsey avenue, with adequate clearance over the central roadway.

Beginning at the westerly side of West 15th street, the parkway will be carried on a steel viaduct to a point east of Shell road, and will cross under the elevated structure of the Culver Line, and over Stillwell avenue, Shell road and the various rights-of-ways located in the areas.

The right-of-way of the West End Line of the Brooklyn and Queens Transit Corporation is 35 feet wide and crosses the parkway at a point about 225 feet east of West 13th street. It is immediately adjacent to the right-of-way of the Sea Beach Line of the New York Rapid Transit Corporation which abuts its easterly line. This latter right-of-way varies in width from about 120 feet to 160 feet. A second right-of-way of the Sea Beach Line of the New York Rapid Transit Corporation crosses the parkway at a point about 360 feet east of West 11th street.

The matter of constructing crossings over railroad rights-of-way is customarily carried out pursuant to the provisions of the Railroad Law, but it is understood that in the instant cases, the railroad companies involved are prepared to cede to the City, without compensation, the easements necessary for the construction, maintenance and operation by the City of the viaduct at elevations sufficient to permit the continued operation of the respective rapid transit lines, and that agreements to effect this result are now in course of preparation.

At a point about 180 feet east of Shell road, the 25-foot right-of-way of the South Brooklyn Railway Company traverses the parkway. It is understood that a tripartite agreement is being arranged to provide for the rerouting to Shell road of the trolley line operated along this right-of-way and for the relocation of an existing freight yard located south of Sheepshead Bay road. Acc9rding to the terms of this agreement the portions of the abandoned right-of-way in the beds of the crossing streets and the park-way will be ceded to the City for street purposes.

Further examination of the plans shows that it will be necessary to modify the elevated structure of the Culver Line, routed in Shell road, in order to carry the park-way viaduct across that street at sufficient clearance above the roadway. Construction plans for this projected alteration are now being prepared by the Board of Trans-portation.

This matter was the subject of a public hearing duly held by the Commission on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 53). No opposition to the proposed map change developed and the hearing was closed.

The map under consideration makes adequate provision for the construction and development of the section of Circumferential parkway from Bay parkway and Coney Island avenue and its approval is recommended with the understanding that agreements necessary to the construction, operation and maintenance of the parkway across the rights-of-way of the respective railway companies involved will be consummated, and with the further understanding that the proceedings for acquiring title to Canal avenue and Circumferential parkway will be amended to conform to the treatment shown on the map. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.


No. 54 (CP-783) Hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by changing the northerly line

of Cross Island boulevard between Whitestone parkway and 147th street, Borough of Queens.

(On February 2, 1939 (Cal. No. 221), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

(On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 31), the Commission fixed this day for a hearing, which has been duly advertised.)

There were no appearances. On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and file this matter.

(See Cal. No. 72.)

No. 55 (CP-855) Hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by changing or adjusting the

lines and block dimensions of Cross Island parkway from 160th street to Utopia parkway; from Roe place to Bell boulevard; from 37th avenue to 39th avenue; from the northerly side of Northside Division of Long Island Railroad to a point 650 feet northerly thereof; from 81st avenue to 82d avenue and from Linden boule-vard to 119th avenue, Borough of Queens.

(On March 23, 1939 (Cal. No. 135), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

(On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 32), the Commission fixed this day for a hearing, which has been duly advertised.)

There were no appearances.

No. 59 (CP-917) Hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by

changing from an unrestricted district to a residence district the property abutting the southerly line of Austin street to a depth of 100 feet from 63d avenue to a line 100 feet west of 63d drive, in the Borough of Queens.

(On April 24, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 39), the Commission fixed this day for a hearing,

which has been duly advertised.) Appearance-In favor : Clinton J. Roe, Esq., for petitioner. On motion, it was unanimously voted to dose the hearing and lay over the matter

under Rule 105.

No. S$ (CP-920) Hearing on a proposed amendment of the Use District Map, Section No. 3, by

changing from a residence district to a business district the property abutting the southerly line of East 167th street for a depth of 100 feet from a line 25 feet east of Grand Concourse to a line 100 feet easterly therefrom, in the Borough of The Bronx.

(On April 29, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 38), the Commission fixed this day for a. hearing,

which has been duly advertised.) Affidavits, dated May 29 and June 2, 1939, received from Messrs. Steckler, Hoffman

& Steckler, attorneys, on behalf of the Natley Operating Corporation, Elltan Realty Corporation, opposing the proposed amendment.

There were no appearances. On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter

under Rule 105.


No. 57 (CP-957) Hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section Nos. 22 and

23, by changing from a residence district to a business district the property abutting upon the easterly side of East Z2d street for a depth of 100 feet from the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of Duryea place to Beverley road, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

(On April 29, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 37), the Commission fixed this day for a hearing,

which has been duly advertised.) Brief, received from Messrs. Stroock & Stroock, attorneys, on behalf of Ida Aumann

Reubel and others, urging proposed amendment. Communication, dated June 6, 1939, received from the Brooklyn Advisory Planning

Board, urging restudy bf the area. There were no appearances. On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter

under Rule 105.




No. 60 (CP-923) Hearing on a proposed amendment of the Use District Map, Section No. 11, by

changing from a residence district to an unrestricted district the property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet north of Northern boulevard, Crow Island parkway (easterly line of 226th street) and •its northerly prolongation, the southerly right-of-way line of the Northside Division of the Long Island Railroad, and the westerly pierhead and bulkhead line of the proposed basin at Little Neck Bay, in the Borough of Queens.

(On April 26, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 40), the Commission fixed this day for a hearing,

which has been duly advertised.) Appearance-In Favor : Richmond Reed, Esq., for petitioner. On -motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter

under Rule 105.

No. 61 (CP-923) Hearing on a proposed amendment of the Height District Map, Section No. 11,

by changing from a one-half times height district to a one-times height district the property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet north of Northern boulevard, Cross Island parkway (easterly line of 226th street) and its northerly prolongation, the southerly right-of-way line of the Nortliside Division of the Long Island Rail-road and the westerly pierhead and bulkhead line of the proposed basin at Little Neck Bay, in the Borough of Queens.

(On April 26, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 41), the Commission fixed this day for a hearing,

which has been duly advertised.)

Appearance-In Favor : Richmond Reed, Esq., for petitioner. On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter

under Rule 105.

No. 62 (CP-923) Hearing on a proposed amendment of the Area Districts Map, Section No. 11, by

changing from an E area district to a D area district the property within the terri-tory bounded by a line 100 feet north of Northern boulevard, Cross Island parkway (easterly line of 226th street) and its northerly prolongation, the southerly right-of-way line of the Northside Division of the Long Island Railroad, and the westerly pierhead and bulkhead line of the proposed basin at Little Neck Bay, in the Borough of Queens.

(On April 26, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 42), the Commission fixed this day for a hearing,

which has been duly advertised.) Appearance-In Favor: Richmond Reed, Esq., for petitioner. On motion. it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter

under Rule 105.

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939


No. 63 (CP-943) Hearing on a proposed amendment of the Use District Map, Section No. 10, by

changing from an unrestricted district to a residence district the property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet south of Corona avenue, a line 100 feet east of 99th street, 101st street, Christie avenue, a line 100 feet east of 98th place, a line 100 feet south of SOth avenue, and a line 100 feet west of 98th street, in the Borough of Queens.

(On April 28, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 43), the Commission fixed this day for a hearing,

which has been duly advertised.) Appearances-In Favor : Jabez Dunningham, Queens County Civic Association,

Mr. Sandquest. In Opposition: Edward Smith, Donald J. Melosey, Mrs. Edward Smith.

On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter under Rule 105.

Capital Budget

No. 66 (CB-39-9 thru 18) Departmental and public hearings on a proposed amendment of the Capital

Budget for 1939, by adding to Table 1-A the following new projects requested by the Comptroller:

1-(CB-39-11) the payment of awards amounting to $21,020.00 and $6,222.47, and interest from July 16, 1937, to date of payment, and bills of costs totaling $8,707.59 in connection with lands and premises bounded by easterly side of Centre street, southerly side of White street, westerly side of Baxter street and northerly side of Leonard street, Borough of Manhattan, duly selected as a site for a court house and jail.

2-(CB-39-15) the payment of awards totaling $90.00, and interest from November 16, 1937, to date of payment in connection with the acquiring of tide to certain lands, lands under water, lands under water filled in, wharf property, etc., situated on Wards Island, Borough of Manhattan, duly selected as a site for a public park.

3-(CB-39-17) the payment of awards totaling $11,075.75, and interest from December 1, 1937, to date of payment, and bills of costs totaling $1,215.48 in connection with the acquiring of title to real property, wharf property, lands, lands under water, lands under water filled in, etc., Academy street, Sherman Creek, Borough of Manhattan, for the improvement of the waterfront and harbor.

4-(CB-39-16) the payment of bills of costs totaling $200.00 in connection with the acquiring of title to certain Iands and premises located on 9th and 10th streets and Avenue W, Borough of Brooklyn, duly selected as a site for an incinerator.

5-(CB-39-18) the payment of awards totaling $210,375.00 and interest totaling $I56,276.92 from December 9, 1926, to April 27, 1939, and awards totaling $17,000.00, and interest totaling $I5,386.63 from March 27, 1924, to April 27, 1939, and bills of costs totaling $1,954.94 in connection with the acquiring of title to and possession of certain real property situated along the westerly and northerly shores of Jamaica Bay, Borough of Brooklyn, at Bergen Beach and adjacent to Paerdegat Basin, etc.

6-(CB-39-9) the payment of awards totaling $52,722, and interest from August 23, 1938, to date of payment as to Damage Parcels 1, 2 and 3 and from October 18, 1938, to date of payment as to Damage Parcels la, 2a, 3a, 4 and 5, and bills of costs totaling $772.44 in connection with lands and premises located on the easterly side of Junction boulevard, the northerly side of 34th road and westerly side of 96th street, Borough of Queens, as a site for a district health center.

7-(CB-39-10) the payment of awards totaling $1,600, and interest from November 10, 1938, to date of payment, and bills of costs totaling $542.49 in connection with lands and premises on the easterly side of 149th street, northerly of 14th avenue, Borough of Queens, as a site for the Department of Sanitation.

8-(CB-39-13) the payment of awards totaling $6,375, in cgnnection with acquiring title to certain real property extending from 157th street to Laurelton parkway, to be known as Cross Island parkway, Borough of Queens; 75% payment, pursuant to Cal. No, 15, October 20, 1938.

9-(CB-39-14) the payment of bills of costs totaling $203.48 in connection with the acquiring of title to certain lands and premises located on Atlantic avenue between 125th and 127th streets, Borough of Queens.

10-(CB-39-12) the payment of awards totaling $325,078.44, and interest from November 23, 1936, to date of payment, and bills of costs totaling $150.05 in connection with the acquiring of real property lying and being between Lower New York Bay, Great Kills, Hylan boulevard and Emmett avenue, Borough of Richmond, selected as a site for a public park.

(On May 11, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (Ott May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 47), the Commission fixed this day for departmental

and public hearings, which have been duly advertised.) There were no appearaflces. Since the fixing of this hearing, the Comptroller has advised the Department of an

opinion of the Corporation Counsel, dated May 26, 1939, stating that inasmuch as title to the property in question in sub-items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 was vested prior to January 1, 1938, payment of these awards should be made pursuant to section 226e of the prior New York City Charter, no amendment to the Capital Budget is necessary, and these sub-items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 should be withdrawn and filed.

Filed. On motion, on sub-items 6 and 7, it was unanimously voted to close the hearings. On motion, oil sub-item 6, Rule 105 was waived, and the following report was

unanimously adopted: Report No. 769. (CB-39-9)

Honorable FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mllayor, Chairman, and Members, Board of Estimate of The City of New York:

Honorable NEWBOLD MORRIS, President, and Members, the Council of The City of New York:

Honorable KENNETH DAYTON, Director of the Budget: Honorable JOSEPH D. MCGOLDRICK, Comptroller of The City of New York:

Gentlemen-Section 224 of the New York City Charter states that "rio obligations of the city shall be authorized in any calendar year for or on account of any capital project not included in the capital budget as finally adopted for such year * * * pro-vided * * * that upon receipt of a recommendation in writing from the city plan-ning commission, approved by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members thereof, the board of estimate may amend the capital budget in accordance with such recommenda-tion." The present recommendation is submitted in accordance with this section of the Charter.

The Commission received on May 11, 1939, a communication from the Comptroller transmitting a departmental estimate requesting the amendment of the Capital Budget for 1939 by adding a new project of the Department of Health; Payment of awards, interest and bills of costs for land for a health center at Corona, Queens. On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 47, Item 6), the Commission fixed June 7, 1939, for departmental and public hearings pursuant to sections 216 and 224 of the Charter. The hearings on this matter (Cal. No. 66, Item 6) were held on June 7, 1939.

The Comptroller's departmental estimate of May 11, 1939, requested "The payment of awards totaling $52,722 and interest from August 23, 1938, to

date of payment as to Damage Parcels 1, 2, and 3, and from October 18, 1938, to date of payment as to Damage Parcels la, Za, 3a. 4 and 5, and bills of costs totaling $772.44 in connection with lands and premises located on the easterly side of Junc-tion boulevard, the northerly side of 34th road and westerly side of 96th street, Bor-ough of Queens, as a site for a district health center." The Corporation Counsel on March 9, 1939, transmitted to the Comptroller a certified

copy of the final decree in the above proceeding. This decree was confirmed at a sepcial term, Part 4, of the Supreme Court, County

of Queens, on March 3, 1939, and was entered and filed in the office of the Clerk of Queens County on March 6, 1939.

The wards as confirmed in the above proceeding amount to $52,722, the interest thereon to an approximate date of payment will amount to $3,200 and the bills of costs as taxed amount to $772.44, thus making the approximate total cost of the proceeding $56,694.44.

The Board of Estimate of The City of New York duly adopted a resolution on July 5, 1938, authorizing the acquisition of this property and further on September 22, 1938, duly adopted a resolution amending the proceeding by correcting the description of the property.

Title as to Damage Parcels 1, 2 and 3 was vested in The City of New York on August 23, 1938, and title as to Damage Parcels la, 2a, 3a, 4 and 5 was vested in The City of New York on October 18, 1938.

The departmental estimates of the Department of Health for the Capital Budget for 1939 and the succeeding five-year program which were submitted during August, 1938, did not include a request for funds to pay the awards on the acquisition of this property.

The site is required for the Corona Health Center which is already under construc-tion, being financed partly by a PWA grant ($168,750) and partly by City funds ($206,250). The PWA offer was accepted on July 21, 1938 (Cal. No. Spec. 1 and 2). The construction and equipment of this health center will cost $375,000. The most recent breakdown of costs submitted to the PWA on May 6, 1939, follows: Demolition $1,000 00 Excavation and foundation 14,206 46 General construction 219,000 00 Plumbing . 18,770 00 Heating and ventilating 33,431 00 Electrical 11,450 00 Equipment 26,050 00 Electrical fixtures 19,892 54

$345,800 00 Engineer's and architect's fees 25,200 00 Legal and administrative costs 1.000 00 Interest during construction 3,000 00

29,200 00

$375,000 00 The Commission is of the opinion that a thorough study should be made by the

interested agencies of the system under which the acquisition of property is authorized. When the Board of Estimate authorizes the acquisition of property it does not authorize a specific amount of money to pay for this property. It authorizes the money to pay for the acquisition only after the awards have been confirmed by the courts. This con-firmation may not take place until years after the original authorization for the acquisition of the property. In the meantime, under the provisions of the new Charter, each

they should be confirmed during the period covered by the Budget. The difficulty arises year's Capital Budget must include the amounts necessary to pay the awards in case

partly in the fact that the department for which the property is being purchased believes that once the acquisition has been authorized it need not be included in the requests for funds from the Capital Budget. Actually these funds should be requested each year until such time as the Board of Estimate authorizes a specific amount for the issue of bonds for the payment of the awards.

The addition to the Capital Budget for 1939, as contained in this report, does not affect the City's debt-incurring power since the amount required is within the estimated land liability reserve as set forth by the Comptroller in his statement of the City's debt limit as of March 1, 1939.

In view of the confirmation by the court of the awards in this proceeding, the Com-mission at a meeting held on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. (i6, Item 6), closed the hearing, waived Rule 105 and unanimously adopted the following recommendation:

That Table 1-A of the Capital Budget for 1939 be amended by adding under "Depart-ment of Health," the following new project: 1. Project No.


2. Code No.


3. Title, description and location Payments of awards, interest and bills of costs for land for a health center, C o r o n a. Queens.

4. Date of initial appropriation authorized 5. Estimated date project to start 6. Estimated date of completion 7. Estimated useful existence 8. Total estimated cost

No. 64 (CP-944) Hearing on a proposed amendment of the Area District Map, Section No. 30, by

changing from D area districts and E area districts to a G area district the property within the territory bounded by the easterly line of Jacob Riis Park, the United States bulkhead line of Jamaica Bay, Beach 14Ist street, a line 100 feet southerly of Cronston avenue, a line midway between Beach 141st street and Beach 142d street, and the Atlantic Ocean, in the Borough of Queens. ,

(On April 25, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 44), the Commission fixed this day for a hearing,

which has been duly advertised.) Communication, dated April 6, 1939, received from the Rockaway Civic Club, Inc.,

protesting change in the area between Beach 116th street and 142d street, but supporting a change from Beach 142d street to 149th street.

Communications, dated April 7, 1939, received from A. J. Bliss Estate, protesting any change in "Rockaway Park," and favoring a G zone for "Neponsit."

Communication, dated June 7, 1939, received from Susan K. Schaefer, opposing the proposed change to a G area district.

Appearances-In Favor: Ralf S. Hine, Esq., for petitioner; George Brown, Patrick McCauley, Herman Sheinhouse, Herman Brasch, Mr. Wehring, Edmund L. Keating. In Opposition : Sidney S. Hine, Esq., Dr. Theodore Lint, . Marjorie Mayer, Mrs. Lint, Lawrence J. Collins.

On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearing and lay over the matter under Rule 105.

No. 65 (CB-39-19) Departmental and public hearings on a proposed amendment of the Capital

Budget for 1939, by amending Project P-3, Table 1-A, to read as follows: Project No.: P-3. Title, description and location : Parks and playgrounds, various locations, acquisition

of property. Estimated date of completion : December 31, 1939. Estimated useful existence : 30 years. Total estimated cost : $983,525.92. Estimated additional appropriations required for completion : $983,525.92. Appropriations authorized to be made during 1939: $983,525.92. Estimated debt service charges on completion : $29,500. (On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 46), the Commission fixed this day for departmental

and public hearings, which have been duly advertised.) There were no appearances: Since the fixing of this hearing, the Comptroller has advised the Department of an

opinion of the Corporation Counsel, dated May 26, 1939, stating that inasmuch as title to the property in question was vested prior to January 1, 1938, payment of this award should be made pursuant to section 226e of the prior New Ybrk City Charter, no amendment to the Capital Budget is necessary, and this item should be withdrawn and filed.


July 1, 1939 September 1, 1939



TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939

9. Appropriations authorized as of June 30, 1938 00 10. Liabilities outstanding against appropriations author-

ized as of June 30, 1938 00 11. Unencumbered balance of appropriations authorized

as of June 30, 1938 00 12. Appropriations authorized since June 30, 1938 00 13. Estimated additional liabilities to be incurred July

1, 1938 to December 31, 1938 00 14. Estimated additional appropriations required for

completion 56,694.44 15. Appropriations authorized to be made during 1939.. 56,694.44S 16. Estimated appropriations required after 1939 to

complete 00 17. Estimated additional annual operating and main-

tenance charges on completion 18. Estimated debt service charges on completion 1,700.00 l9. Remarks 20. Project No. HL-6

Respectfully, R G. TUGWELL, Chairman. On motion, on sub-item 7, Rule 105 was waived and the following report was

unanimously adopted: Report No. 768. (CE-39-10)

Honorable FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, and Members, Board of Estimate of The City of New York:

Honorable NEWBOLD MORRIS, President, and Members, the Council of The City of Neu York:

Honorable KENNETH DAYTON, Director of the Budget: Honorable JOSEPH D. MCGOLDRICK, Comptroller of The City of New York:

Gentlemen—Section 224 of the New York City Charter states that "no obligations of the city shall be authorized in any calendar year for or on account of any capital project not included in the capital budget as finally adopted for such year * * * pro- vided * * * that upon receipt of a recommendation in writing from the city plan-ning commission, approved by the affirmative Vote of two-thirds of the members thereof, the board of estimate may amend the capital budget in accordance with such recommenda-tion." The present recommendation is submitted in accordance with this section of the Charter.

The Commission received on May 11, 1939, a communication from the Comptroller transmitting a departmental estimate requesting the amendment of the Capital Budget for 1939, by adding a new project of the Department of Sanitation; Payment of awards, interest and bills of costs for land for a section station, 149th street and 14th avenue, Queens. On May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 47, Item 7), the Commission fixed June 7, 1939, for departmental and public hearings pursuant to sections 216 and 224 of the Charter. The hearings on this matter (Cal. No. 66, Item 7) were held on June 7, 1939.

The Comptroller's departmental estimate of May 11, 1939, requested funds for "The payment of awards totaling $1,600 and interest from November 10, 1938, to date of payment, and bills of costs totaling $542.49, in connection with lands and premises on the easterly side of 149th street, northerly of 14th avenue, Borough of Queens, as a site for the Department of Sanitation."

The Corporation Counsel on March 2, 1939, transmitted to the Comptroller a certi-fied copy of the final decree in the above proceeding.

This decree was confirmed at a special term, Part 4, of the Supreme Court, County of Queens, on February 28, 1939, and was entered and filed in the office of the Clerk bf Queens County on February 28, 1939.

The awards as confirmed in the above proceeding amount to $1,600, the interest thereon to an approximate date of payment will amount to $80, and the bills of costs as taxed amount to $542.49, thus making the approximate total cost of the proceeding $2,222.49.

The Board of Estimate of The City of New York duly adopted a resolution on September 22, 1938 (Cal. No. 317), authorizing the acquisition of the property and the title was vested in the City of New York on November 10, 1938. The departmental estimates of the Department of Sanitation for the Capital Budget for 1939 and the succeeding five-year program which were submitted during August, 1938, did not include a request for funds to pay the awards on the acquisition of this property.

This site was required for the use of Section Station No. 234, which was located within the lines of the Cross Island boulevard proceeding and had to be removed from that location to provide for the improvement of this boulevard in time for the opening of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge. The old section station building has now been moved over to the new site which consists of property formerly owned by the Police Department plus a small piece of property on which the awards are now payable from funds to be made available through the amendment of the Capital Budget for 1939.

The Commission is of the opinion that a thorough study should be made by the interested agencies of the system under which the acquisition of property is authorized. When the Board of Estimate authorizes the acquisition of property it does not authorize a specific amount of money to pay for this property. It authorizes the money to pay for the acquisition only after the awards have been confirmed by the courts. This confirmation may not take place until years after the original authorization for the 4. Date of initial appropriation authorized acquisition of the property. In the meantime, under the provisions of the new Charter, 5. Estimated date project to start July 1, 1939 each year's Capital Budget must include the amounts necessary to pay the awards in , 6. Estimated date of completion Sept. 1, 1939 case they should be confirmed during the period covered by the Budget. The difficulty 7. Estimated useful existence arises partly in the fact that the department for which the property is being purchased 8. Total estimated cost $17,500.00 believes that once the acquisition has been authorized it need not be included in the 9. Appropriations authorized as of June 30, 1938 00 requests for funds from the Capital Budget. Actually these funds should be requested 10. Liabilities outstanding against appropriations author- each year until such time as the Board of Estimate authorizes a specific amount for the ized as of June 30, 1938 00 issue of bonds for the payment of the awards. 1i. Unencumbered balance of appropriations authorized

The addition to the Capital Budget for 1939 as contained in this report does not as of June 30, 1938 a 00 affect the City's present debt-incurring power since the amount required is within the 12. Appropriations authorized since June 30, 1938 00 estimated land liability reserve as set forth by the Comptroller in his statement of the 13. Estimated additional liabilities to be incurred July City's debt limit as of March 1, 1939. 1, 1938 to Dec. 31, 1938 00

In view of the confirmation by the court of the awards in this proceeding the 14. Estimated additional appropriations required for Commission, at a meeting held on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 66—Item 7), closed the hearing, completion $17,500.00 waived Rule 105, and unanimously adopted the following recommendation : 15. Appropriations authorized to be made during 1939.. 17,500.00S

That Table 1-A of the Capital Budget for 1939 be amended by adding under 16. Estimated appropriations required after 1939 to "Department of Sanitation," the following new project: complete 00

1. Project No. S-8 17. Estimated additional annual operating and main-

2. Code No. * tenance charges on completion

3. Title, description and location Payment of Awards, interest 18. Estimated debt service charges on completion 500.00

and bills of costs for land for 19. Remarks .• 17E500700A

a section station, 149th Street 20. Project No. and 14th Avenue, Queens. Respectfully, R G. TUGWELL, Chairman.



Assessable Improvement


No. 68 (CP-960) Communication dated May 10, 1939, from the President of the Borough of

Queens in the matter of amending the proceeding for acquiring title to Otis avenue from Horace Harding boulevard to Xenia street, and other streets, so as to include 36th avenue from Lawrence street to Prince street.

(On May 18, 1939 (Cal. No. 55), the Board of Estimate referred this matter to the Commission.)

On motion, the following report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 775. June 7, 1939.

Hon. FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir—At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on May 18, 1939 (Cal. No. 55),

there was referred to the City Planning Commission a communication, dated May 10, 1939, from the President of the Borough of Queens, requesting that June 8, 1939, be


No. 67 (CB-39-20) Departmental and public hearings on a proposed amendment of the Capital

Budget for 1939, by adding to Table 1-A the following new project requested by the Comptroller to provide for the payment in the sum of $17,511, of a claim of Psaty and Fuhrman, Inc., based on additional work in connection with the construction of Public School 227, Borough of Brooklyn, due to the condition of the soil being contrary to that shown on the boring plans.

(On June 1, 1939 (Cal. No. 72), the Commission fixed this day for departmental and public hearings, which have been duly advertised.)

There were no appearances. On motion, it was unanimously voted to close the hearings. On motion, Rule 105 was waived and the following report was unanimously adopted. Report No. 767. (CB-39-20)

Honorable FioaELLo H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, and Members, Board of Estimate of The City of New York:

Honorable NEWBOLD MORRIS, President, and Members, the Council of The City of New York:

Honorable KENNErH DAYTON, Director of the Budget: Honorable JOSEPH D. McGoLDRicic, Comptroller of The City of New York:

Gentlemen—Sectibn 224 of the New York City Charter states that "no obligations of the city shall be authorized in any calendar year for or on account of any capital project not included in the capital budget as finally adopted for such year * * * pro-vided * * * that upon receipt of a recommendation in writing from the city plan-ning commission, approved by the affirmative Vote of two-thirds of the members thereof, the board of estimate may amend the capital budget in accordance with such recommenda-tion." The present recommendation is submitted in accordance with this section of the Charter.

On May 25, 1939, the Commission received a communication from the Comptroller requesting that the Capital Budget for 1939 be amended in order to provide for the authorization of funds to pay a claim of Psaty and Fuhrman, Inc., relating to the con-struction of Public School 227, Brooklyn.

On June 1, 1939 (Cal. No. 72), the Commission fixed June 7, 1939, for the depart-mental and public hearings pursuant to sections 216 and 224 of the Charter.

The construction of Public School 227, 16th avenue from 65th to 66th street, Brook-lyn, was begun in 1928. On August 28, 1928, the Board of Estimate (Resolution No. 13581) authorized an appropriation of $1,090,328, of which $880,000 was for the general construction and $210,328 for the equipment and furnishings. The Board of Estimate on March 7, 1930 (Cal. No. 24), and on April 17, 1931 (Cal. No. 115), rescinded unen-cumbered balances bf the equipment and furnishings appropriation in the amounts of $10,000 and $2,949, for the respective dates. On April 17, 1931 (Cal. No. 115), the Board of Estimate rescinded the unencumbered balance of the general construction appro-priation in the amount of $50,886.97. Allowing for the rescindments, the net appro-priation made for this school amounted to $1,026,492.03 bf which $829,113.03 represented general construction and $197,379 for equipment and furnishings.

The claim in question, dating back to October, 1928, was made by Psaty & Fuhrman, Inc., contractors, who sought to recover $57,207.42, plus interest, for additional foundation work in connection with the construction of the school, due to the condition of the soil being contrary to that shown on the boring plans.

On January 28, 1939, the Corporation Counsel, in an opinion to President James Marshall of the Board of Education, advised as follows:

" * * * * I have had numerous conferences with the attorney for the plain-tiff who has now offered to settle this case on payment to the plaintiff by the Board of Education, the sum of $17,500. In my opinion, the interests of the Board of Education would best be served by payment of this sum In answer to the above opinion the Board of Education made the following reply :

"The committee on Law of the Board of Education considered your opinion dated January 28, 1939, recommending that the action brought by Psaty & Fuhrman. Inc., contractors, to recover $57,270.42 in connection with the construction of Public School 227, Brooklyn, be settled by the payment of the sum of $17,500 in full settle-ment and release of all claims:

"The Committee on Law approves your recommendation."

In view of the above opinion of the Corporation Counsel and the legal aspect of the claim, the Commission, at a meeting held on June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 67),_ closed the hearing, waived Rule 105 and unanimously adopted the following recommendation:

That Table 1-A of the Capital Budget for 1939 be amended by adding under "Department of Education," the following new project: 1. Project No. E-47 2. Code No. 3. Title, description and location Payment of Clasm relating to

the construction of Public School 227, Brooklyn.

4. Date of initial appropriation authorized 5. Estimated date project to start July 1, 1939 6. Estimated date of completion September 1, 1939 7. Estimated useful existence 8. Total estimated cost $2,222.49 9. Appropriations authorized as of June 30, 1938 00

10. Liabilities outstanding against appropriations author- ized as of June 30, 1938 00

11. Unencumbered balance of appropriations authorized as of June 30, 1938 00

12. Appropriations authorized since June 30, 1938 00 13. Estimated additional liabilities to be incurred July

1, 1938 to December 31, 1938 00 14. Estimated additional appropriations required for

completion 2,222.49 15. Appropriations authorized to be made during 1939.. 2,222.495 16. Estimated appropriations required after 1939 to

complete 00 17. Estimated additional annual operating and main-

tenance charges on completion 18. Estimated debt service charges on completion 75.00 19. Remarks .. 20. Project No. S-8

Respectfully, R G. TUGWELL, Chairman.

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of Payee

Amount No. Number

Municipal Courts 112524 Peter J. Waters 200 112525 Louis Richwald 300 112526 Patrick Holland 3 30 112527 William F. Benesch 5 55 112528 John J. Imperatore 2 60 113371 5-16-39 R. A. Stewart & Co., Inc 1 50

Court of Special Sessions 112015 4- 3-39 Fidelity & Deposit Co. of

Maryland 90 I12016 Globe Indemnity Co 9 90 112014 Globe Indemnity Co 26 10 113368 5- 1-39 Louise McDonald 1 80 113369 5-10-39 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co 1 75 113370 Puro Filter Corp. of America 3 20 113380 5-11-39 Clark & Gibby Inc 6 50

Supreme Courts 112958 5-26-39 Emigrant Industrial Savings

Bank 25 00 113124 5-15-39 Globe Typewriter Exchange,

Inc. 5200 113104 5-12-39 Tower-Crossman Corp. 117 68 112529 Frank Shepard Co 951 00 112966 National Surety Corp 1 80

Surrogate's Court, Queens County 112965 Edward F. Moroney 100 00

District Attorney, New York County 112948 5-22-39 LeRoy Sanitarium. Inc 189 35 113110 4-30-39N. Y. Tel. Co 834 29

130617 f District Attorney, Kings County

112752 5-13-39 John F. Matthews 8 90 112753 5-11-39 John F. Matthews 26 21 112019 William F. X. Geoghan 31 20 112020 William F. X. Geoghan 302 45 112961 Joseph J. Musgrave 20 25 113382 5-12-39 Edwin A. Harris 6 50 113383 5-20-39 Edward Gross 26 50 113384 5-23-39 Joseph De Vito 2 00 113385 5-18-39 W. L. Prieur 2 25 113386 5-18-39 Gustave Bach 4 00 113387 5-15-39 William E. Flook 1 00 112963 H. J. Carter 2 35 112962 Maurice D. Rendelman 12 85

District Attorney, Queens County 112964 5- 1-39 Whitney's Cadillac Rental,

Inc. 18 75 District Attorney, Richmond County

112951 John McLernan I9 41 Department of Docks

112013 William J. Malone 44 05 112680 127823 Delano & Aldrich 21,600 00 112681 130441 Hanson Electric Corp. 1,844 75

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of Payee

Amount No. Number

Board of Higher Education 98A471 1-31-39 N. Y. Tel. Co 26 88 113473 3-22-39 Veteran Supply Co., Inc 7 50 113474 4-12-39 American Book Co. 4 07 113475 4- 6-39 Ginn & Co. 3 93 113476 4- 4-39 Farrar & Rinehart, Inc. 2 80 113477 4- 1-39 Ginn & Co. 11 70 113364 4-30-39 N. Y. Tel. Co. 373 58 113365 4-19-39 Associated Paor Products

Co. 2 30 113366 4-19-39 E. J. Spangler Co. 1 40 113322 1-13-39 Beseler Lantern Slide Co 5 00 113323 12-29-38 Industrial Credit Corp., as-

signee of Newberger & Co 67 00 113324 5- 8-39 Bloch Publishing Co., Inc 2 00 113321 5- 9-39 Johnson Service Co. 64 19 113320 5- 8-39 Remington Rand, Inc. 82 55 113309 129310 Empire State Printing Corp. 314 (5 113112 3-21-39 City College Co-Operative

Store 1 85 113113 5- 1-39 Ralph Mernit, Inc. 6 75 113114 3-30-39 Charles Bruning Co., Inc 238 80 113105 128261 Morton Coal Co., Inc. 10,232 23 113106 126883 N. Y. Tel. Co. 372 63 113086 Goldsmith Bros. 25 31 112931 Brooklyn College Cafeteria 13 10 112747 Farrar & Rinehart, Inc 89 60 112630 N. Y. Scientific Supply Co ,

Inc. 135 35

Department of Education 235-34 3- 2-39 Carey Press Corp. 78 12 235-35 235-6 Simpson Electric Corp 4,421 47 205-27 2-28-39 Carey Press Corp. 84 35 113497 3-31-39) National Biscuit Co. 19 97

129800 113498 2- 1-39 National Biscuit Co. 418 66

129800 113499 2-28-391 National Bicsuit Co. 91 27

129800f 112922 3-14-39) World Book Co. 21 60

116011 J 112832 McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc 46 )8 112833 Manual Arts Press 12 69 112834 2-27-39 A. S. Barnes & Co. 6 00 112835 American Technical Society 6 39 112836 Houghton Mifflin Co. 32 30 112837 American News Co., Inc 63 10 112838 D. Appleton Century Co ,

Inc. 96 36 112839 Macmillan Co. 70 59 112840 American Home Economics

Assn. 2 20 112682 115900 Frontier Press Co. 26 34

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939



set for a public hearing in the matter of amending the proceeding for acquiring title to Otis avenue from Horace Harding boulevard to Xenia street, and other streets, so as to include 36th avenue from Lawrence street to Prince street.

The Master Plan, so far as adopted, is not affected by this project. Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman, City Planning Commission.


Capital Budget


No. 69 (CB-39-21) Communication dated June 7, 1939, from the Commissioner of Markets, trans-

mitting for approval a request for an amendment to the Capital Budget for 1939, to provide for the construction and ac ~uipment of Unit No. 2 of the Fulton Fish Market, between Pier 17 and Pier 18, East River, Borough of Manhattan. While the total cost of this project is estimated at $520,000, there is provided for it under Table 1-C, "Projects authorized but appropriations subject to availability of funds" only the nominal sum of $1.

(On June 7, 1939, this matter was received in the office of the Commission.) On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to sections 216 and 224 of

the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for departmental and public hearings on a proposed amendment of the Capital Budget for 1939, by adding the following new project requested by the Commissioner of Public Markets, transmitting for approval a request for an amendment to the Capital Budget for 1939, to provide for the construction and equipment of Unit No. 2 of the Fulton Fish Market, between Pier 17 and Pier 18, East River, Borough of Manhattan. While the total cost of this project is estimated at $520,000, there is provided for it under Table I-C, "Projects authorized but appropriations subject to availability of funds" only the nominal sum of $1.

Master Plan


No. 70 (CP-992) In the matter of the adoption, as part of the Master Plan, of the location for a

new Branch Public Library near St. Gabriel's Park, Borough of Manhattan. On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted, Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the

New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing in the matter of the adoption, as part of the Master Plan, of the location for a new Branch Public Library near St. Gabriel's Park, Borough of Manhattan.

No. 71 (CP-993) In the matter of the adoption, as part of the Master Plan, of the location for a

new firehouse now St. Gabriel's Park, Borough of Manhattan. On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 1976 of the

New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. in., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing in the matter of the adoption as part of the Master Plan of the location for a new firehouse near St. Gabriel's Park, Borough of Manhattan.

City Map Change


No. 72 (CP-783) In the matter of a proposed change in the City Map by changing the northerly

line of Whitestone parkway from 10th avenue to 147th street, Borough of Queens. On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 199b of the

New York City Charter, hereby .fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. in., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by changing the northerly line of Whitestone parkway from 10th avenue to 147th street, Borough of Queens, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated January 12, 1939.


Capital Budget

No. 73 (CB-39-1) (CB-39-2) In the matter of a recommended amendment of the Capital Budget for 1939,

Moore Street Market, between Moore and Varet streets on Humboldt street, Brooklyn; Arthur Avenue Retail Market, between Arthur and Hughes Avenues, The Bronx.

(On March 23, 1939, these matters were received in the office of the Commission.) (Qn March 29, 1939 (Cal. Nos. 17 and 18), the Commission fixed April 12, 1939,

for departmental and public hearings.) (On April 12, 1939 (Cal. Nos. 41 and 42), the hearings were closed and the matters

laid over under Rule 105.) (On April 19, 1939 (Cal. Nos. 10 and 11), Favorable Report No. 667, dated

April 19, 1939, was unanimously adopted.) On motion, the following supplemental report was unanimously adopted: Report No. 667 (Supplemental) (CB-39-1 and 2) June 7, 1939.

Hon. Floiixuo H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, and Members, Board of Estimate of The City of New York:

Hon. NEwBOLD Moanis, President, and Members, the Council of The City of New York: Hon. KENNETH DAYTON, Director of the Budget: Hon. JOSEPH D. McGotnaicx, Comptroller of The City of New York:

Gentlemen-At its regular meeting today (Cal. No. 73), the Commission unanimously voted to add the following sentence to its previous Report No. 667, dated April 19, 1939, recommending amendment of the Capital Budget for the Calendar Year 1939, to provide for Moore Street Market, Borough of Brooklyn, and Arthur Avenue Retail Market, Borough of The Bronx.

The added sentence is: "It is pointed out in connection with these two projects that after the Proposed

Capital Budget for 1939 had been submitted to the Board of Estimate on November 1, 1938, the Board of Estimate on December 2, 1938, changed the conditions under which similar market projects could be authorized from projects which could be authorized without any condition (i. e., Table 1-A), to projects to be authorized on condition that proof is submitted to the Board of Estimate, in advance of actual appropriation, that the projects are self-liquidating (i. e., Table 1-B). If it so desires, the Board of Estimate, in the case of these two projects, is authorized to make actual appropriation dependent on similar conditions. In this case the Board of Estimate should adopt these projects as amendments to Table I-B of the Capital Budget for 1939 instead of as amendments to Table I-A of the Capital Budget for 1939." Respectfully, R. G. TUGWELL, Chairman.

On motion, the Commission adjourned at 6.10 p. m., to meet Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 o'clock p. m. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary.


DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ON MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1939. Hereinbelow is a statement of warrants made ready for

payment on this date in which is shown the warrant num-ber, the date of the invoice or the registered number of the contract, the name of the payee and the amount of the warrant.

Where two or more bills are embraced in the warrant the dates of the earliest and latest are given, excepting that when such payments are made under a contract the regis-tered number of the contract is shown therein.

All warrants herein will be forwarded through the mails unless some reason exists why payment is made in person, in which event, written notice will be given to the claimant. ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasurer.

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of Payee Amount No. Number

Armory Board 113496 3- 8-39 Vaughan's Seed Store $39 00

Board of Elections 112945 5-22-39 Richard W. Walsh 200 00 112946 5-22-39 George K. Kouwenhoven 200 00

Board of Estimate 113362 4-30-39 N. Y. Tel. Co 178 62

Board of Parole 112523 Canaday Cooler Co., Inc 7 00

The City Record 112957 Stephen G. Kelley 5 00 113381 4-30-39 N. Y. Tel. Co 34 53

The Comptroller 112010 5-12-39 Hartford Accident & Indem-

nity Co. 900 113374 Remington Rand, Inc 121 16

Department of Correction 113122 Remington Rand, Inc 120 00

County Clerk, New York County 113372 4-30-39 N. Y. Tel. Co 107 80

County Clerk, Richmond County 114654 Thomas E. Curley 30 00

County Court, Bronx County 112960 Edmund C. Farrell 10 45

County Court, Kings County 113142 Louis Lehman 270 00 112018 3-23-39 Haloid Co. 12 00 113373 5-25-39 Adams Town House, Inc 98 00

County Court, Richmond County 113481 4-30-39 N. Y. Tel. Co 25 16

Domestic Relations Court 112017 National Surety Corp 65 85

Court of General Sessions 112530 Schleifer's Court Square Res-

taurant 103 50



TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract No. Number

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of Payee

Amount No. Number

Invoice War- Date or rant

Contract No. Number

Name of Payee Amount Name of Payee


112841 1- 4-39 Ginn & Co. 122259 JT

112619 130533 A. L. Hartridge Co., Inc 112609 Ginn & Co 112610 J. B. Lippincott Co 112611 1-16-39 Aeronautical Chamber of

Commerce 112612 12-31-38 D. C. Heath & Co

112613 4-14-39 International Textbook Co 112614 12-31-38 D. C. Heath & Co 112615 Houghton-Mifflin Co. 112616 2-21-39 Rcnald Press Co 112617 3-21-39 Henry .Holt & Co., Inc 112603 3- 2-39 1 J. B. Lippincott Co

122272k 112316 3-21-39 American Viewpoint Society,

Inc. 112317 11-22-38 D. C. Heath & Co 112318 1-20-39 Junior Literary Guild ;12319 4- 8-39 E. Weyhe 112320 2-21-39 University of Oklahoma

Press 112321 4- 7-39 Macmillan Co. 112322 3- 1-39 John Day Co 112710 127110 Nathan Straus, Duparquet,

Inc. 112867 1-31-391D. C. Heath & Co

1159191 112868 129812 Regal Equipment Co 112869 4-17-39 ) Houghton, Mifflin Co

1295581 112870 128870 Kaness Cont. Corp ,. 112871 130425 Baker & Taylor Co 112872 1- 9-39 H. W. Wilson Co - 112873 4-20-39 Davega-City Radio, Inc 112874 3- 7-39 John De Phillips 112875 3-30-39 Hyman Jackel 112877 4- 3-39 Boiler Repair Maintenance

Co., Inc. 112437 3-29-39 Kay Rubber Co

130053 112438 4-30-39 N. Y. Tel. Co

130499 110564 130052 Jaclin Stationery Corp 110565 3-10-39 Jaclin Stationery Corp

130052 110566 130041 Dunham, Watson Co 110567 3-29-391 Regal Equipment Co

129812 110568 130056 Peckham, Little & Co., Inc 110569 129812 Regal Equipment Co 110570 3-25-39 Dunham, Watson Co

130041 110571 3-30-39 Jaclin Stationery Corp

130052 110572 130052 Jaclin Stationery Corp 110573 126318 Henry Holt & Co., Inc 110574 126318 Henry Holt & Co., Inc 110575 3- 6-39 Henry Holt & Co., Inc

126318 110576 2-17-39 E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc

115885 110577 115852 D. Appleton-Century Co., Inc. 110578 Philip Epstein 110579 Gutenberg Ptg. Corp 110580 3-16-39 Dooley Electric Co., Inc 110581 3- 3-39 A. B. Murray Co., Inc., as-

signee of Welding Engineer- ing Co.

110582 10-18-38 Saltser & Weinsier, Inc., as-signee of Lefferts Plumbing & Heating Co

110583 3-31-39 Stumpp & Walter Co. 113249 3-24-39 Printer's Service

129809 113250 4-19-39 Printer's Service

129809 113251 129792 Maharani Fabric Corp. 113252 1-12-39) Houghton Mifflin Co.

115926) 113253 115926 Houghton Mifflin Co. 113254 115961 Newson & Co. 113255 2-24-39 World Book Co.

125191 113256 125191 World Book Co. 113257 125278 Rand McNally & Co. 113258 3- 7-391 Henry Holt & Co., Inc

127673 J 113259 2-17-39 Z D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc

116004 113260 116004 D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc 113261 4- 1-39 Bee-Ko Co., Inc.

130104 113262 125206 Harcourt Brace & Co. 113263 125206 Harcourt Brace & Co. 113264 125206 Harcourt Brace & Co. 113265 125205 Ginn & Co. 113266 129532 Row Peterson & Co 113267 129522 Ginn & Co. 113268 128736 Homer Eng. Co., Inc. 113269 129472 Turetzky & Shaffro 112876 3- 6-39 Particular Iron Works, Inc 112858 4- 6-39 1 Regal Equipment Co.

129812 112859 119358 Victor Pub. Co., Inc. 112860 3-31-39 Bright Steel Corp.

129741 112861 129741 Bright Steel Corp. 112862 3-27-39 Public School Pub. Co

116045 112863 3-27-39 Public School Pub. Co.

116045 f 112864 115928 Iroquois Pub. Co. 112865 130036 Art Crayon Co., Inc. 112866 130035 Polychrome Co. 112970 2-18-39 Welles Pub. Co., Iuc.

119359 112971 2-16-39 Charles F. Merrill Co.


112439 4-30-39) N. Y. Tel. Co. 130499

112440 4-30-391 N. Y. Tel. Co. 130499

112441 4-30-391 N. Y. Tel. Co. 130499

112442 4-30-391 N. Y. Tel. Co. 130499

112443 4-30-391 N. Y. Tel. Co. 130499

112444 4-19-391J. B. Lippincott Co. 122272

112445 129552 Globe Book Co., Inc. 112446 122481 A. L. Cahn & Sons, Inc 112447 119331 Lyons & Carnahan 112448 1-23-39 Lyons & Carnahan

119331 112449 119270 Ginn & Co. 112450 119270 Ginn & Co. 112451 1-31-39 Ginn & Co.

119270 112452 119270 Ginn & Co. 112453 3- 2-39 Victor Pub. Co., Inc

119358 112541 130053 Kay Rubber Co. 112455 130053 Kay Rubber Co 112456 130042 Thomas A. Edison, Inc 113453 130431 Chelsea Press 113454 115934 Laidlaw Bros., Inc 113455 129805 Paternayan Bros., Inc 113456 4- 1-39 j Charles Scribner's Sons

130245 113457 4-13-39 Remington Rand, Inc 113458 3-31-39 Ames Supply Co 113459 4-18-39 William Bratter, Inc 113460 4-13-39 Kummerle Cont. Corp 113461 3-27-39 Hyman Mostow 113462 129077 I. Fox

4800 113463 3-17-39 Particular Iron Works, Inc 113464 4-17-39 Richard E. Struse 112980 3-30-39 I Baker & Taylor Co

115858 j 112981 125779 American Sawdust Co., Inc. 112982 3-22-39 American Sawdust Co., Inc.

125779 112983 128578 James I. Kelly, Inc 112972 4-15-391 Macmillan Co.

130449 112973 4-18-39 Noble & Noble Publishers,

115963 Inc. 112974 3- 1-39 j Noble & Noble Publishers,

1159635 Inc. 112975 .4-20-39 Noble & Noble Publishers,

1159635 Inc. 112976 115963 Noble & Noble Publishers,

Inc. 112977 3-15-39 Baker & Taylor Co

115858 112978 115858 Baker & Taylor Co 112979 1-25-39 Baker & Taylor Co

1158585 113465 4-13-39 J. D. Gordon 113406 3-25-39 Herman Russell 113467 3-27-39 Municipal Factors Co., as

signee of Essem GIass Cont Co.

113468 4-10-39 A. Bollermann 113469 3-14-39 A. Bollermann 113470 4- 6-39 Herman Cornelius 113471 4-18-39 McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc 112967 130105 Bostitch-N. Y., Inc 112908 125216 Row Peterson & Co 112969 2- 1-39 Z Row Peterson & Co

1252161 112984 127465 William C. Crowe, Inc 112878 4-21-39 Hermann Paper Co., Inc 112879 Herbert S. Walsh 112880 4- 4-39 Macmillan Co. 112881 3- 2-39 Joseph Elias & Co., Inc 112882 4-18-39 John C. Shuttleworth 112883 3-18-39 Leonard J. Swanson 112884 3-17-39 Leonard J. Swanson 112885 3- 2-39 Forsythe Plumbing & Heat-

ing Corp. Wallace & Tiernan Co., Inc. Geo. A. Hamilton, Inc Geo. A. Hamilton, Inc Frank Kiebitz & Sons, Inc Leonard J. Swanson Kroepke Plumbing & Heat- ing Co. A. D. Evertsen Co Andrew Herzing Quimby Pump Co., Inc Gardner-Denver Co. Boiler Repair Maintenance Co., Inc.

112897 3-14-39 A. Bollermann 112788 2-21-39 J Appeal Ptg. Co., Inc

125296 112789 2-14-39 Allyn & Bacon

115846 112790 115846 Allyn & Bacon 112791 129531 Rand, McNally & Co 112792 4-12-39 Baker & Taylor Co

129518 112793 4-13-39 Art Education, Inc

129517 112794 4-10-39 East Coast Elec. Supply Co.,

129761 Inc. 112795 119360 John C. Winston Co 112796 119360 John C. Winston Co 112797 2-16-391 John C. Winston Co

1193605 12798 3-23-39 John C. Winston Co

119360 112799 3-13-39 Funk & Wagnalls Co

115901 ;

7 72 112800 3-25-391 Samuel Lewis Co., Inc 34 00

4 05 112801 1341 Noble & Noble Publishers, Inc. 336 60

3 80 112802 115943 Liveright Pub. Corp 4 95 112803 2-16-39 C. C. Birchard & Co 43 89

5 80 116775 112804 3-29-39 Samuel Lewis Co., Inc 117 75

7 60 129786 112805 129491 Alter Witchel 2,098 90

2 94 112806 129491 Alter Witchel 2,133 20 112807 129491 Alter Witchel 2,125 00

29 60 112898 4-10-39 Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co 19 90 3 18 112899 4-14-39 Iron Clad Ribbon & Carbon

259 50 Co. 900 135 00 112900 Philip Epstein 1,849 00

112901 4-19-39 Atlas Stationery Corp 48 00 414 75 112902 4-19-39 Elbert Steel Corp 6 60 134 43 112903 3-20-39 Morris Abrams, Inc 2 16 55 35 112904 4- 7-39 W. H. Hussey & Son, Inc 27 75

112905 4- 5-39 Acker & Man, Inc 14 00 264 00 112768 Harold J. Baumann 57 15 46 40 112769 Philip Epstein 3 60

112770 Philip Epstein 17 40 342 00 112771 3-17-39 N. Y. Band Instrument Co 239 00 386 00 112772 9-12-38 Oxford Univ. Press, Inc 23 44 369 00 112773 9- 9-38 W. B. Saunders Co 428 896 00 112774 4-21-39 E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc 2 24 201 60 112775 4- 8-39 American News Co., Inc 7 67 221 78 112776 Warden, Sing Sing Prison 6,058 03 31 92 112777 Eugene Dietzgen Co., Inc 46 75

112778 4- 5-39 Franz Weihs 14 56 7 30 112779 Edward A. Pautch 24 00 2 89 112780 4- 3-39 Richard J. Stapleton 15 00

70 40 112781 4-19-39 F. P. Guarino & Bro 19 00 149 00 112782 4-14-39 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co 18 51 375 00 112783 3-13-39 Cardinal Eng. Co. 15 00 400 00 112784 2-28-39 Globe Wernicke Sales Co 37 80 536 00 112785 Lothrop Lee & Shepard Co 12 25 87 00 112786 American Book Co. 45 83

155 00 112787 Frederick A. Stokes Co 34 37 112477 William Bratter, Inc. 6813

216 00 112478 3- 7-39 Shapiro Paper Corp. 5 01 54 00 112479 4-14-39 Goldsmith Bros. - 9 25

112480 3-21-39 Goldsmith Bros. 9 25 3 000 00 112482 4-30-39 International Business Ma-

11 20 chines Corp. 409 50 112481 3-15-39 Atlas Stationery Corp. 1 90 112483 Philip Epstein 87 75

27 20 112484 4-17-39 Benziger Bros. 1 33 112485 1-11-39 California School of Beauty

10 35 Culture 2 so 112486 9-14-39 W. W. Norton & Co., Inc 2 18

86 52 112487 6-16-39 P. B. Hoeber, Inc. 3 15 112488 8-19-38 Harvard University Press 6 00

1,644 00 112489 4-17-39 M. J. Tobin Co,, Inc. 11 50 228 18 112490 1-11-39 Frank Petrera 224 00

112491 1-10-39 R. Solomon, Inc., assignee of 154 27 David Fischman 645 00 14 60 112492 4-14-39 John Melleky 14 00

112493 4-17-39 Krajci Wire Works, Inc 22 00 112906 3-20-39 Jacob Nunge 90 00 112907 4- 7-39 Eugene Dietzgen Co., Inc 22 20 112908 3-31-39 Standard Stamp & Stencil

Works, Inc. 2 25 112909 4-12-39 John Abel 19 00 112910 4- 3-39 I. Hellman 84 00 112911 3-28-39 Chas. Schad, Inc. 45 00 112912 4-14-39 Thos. A. Corwin 257 00 112913 2-21-39 American Type Founders

Sales Corp. 21 00 112914 4- 5-39 American Window Shade

Mfg. Co. 26 00 112915 4-15-39 Colarn Furniture & Equip-

775 00 ment Co. 21 00 31 00 112916 4-17-39 George Zacharkow 14 00

355 06 112917 4-17-39 R. Kaufman 282 50 4 35 112494 3-20-39 Voss Ice Machine Works 94 00

121 90 112495 4-14-39 Baker & Taylor Co. 3 16 63 49 112496 4-15-39 Griswold Crafts Shop 3 50 50 29 112417 1-30-39 American News Co., Inc 15 00 50 39 122244

112418 130060 Schapiro & Byne, Inc 30 95 40 16 112419 1-20-39 Co-operative Test Service 5 22 14 10 115881

189 26 112420 1-16-39 Co-operative Test Service. 26 10 192 31 115881 61 61 112421 116010 World Book Co. 569 13 43 27 112422 116010 World Book Co. 2,258 79

1I2423 116010 World Book Co. 3,983 05 73 66 112424 116010 World Book Co. 170 18 57 76 112425 4-19-39 Gregg Pub. Co. 26 25 4468 119272 40 60 112426 130060 Schapiro & Byne, Inc. 50 54 90 64 112427 4-12-39 Southwestern Pub. Co. 300 00

130323 23 68 112428 130323 Southwestern Pub. Co. 1,002 00 6 50 112429 2-18-39 Southwestern Pub. Co. 240 00

523 16 130323 112430 130844 Zaner & Bloser Co. 844 97

712 50 112431 4-20-39A. N. Palmer Co 252 00 130113

305 00 112432 2-24-39 t E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc 9 75 375 00 122256

8 37 112433 3-14-39 American Education Press, 122242 Inc. 15 00

4 50 112434 2- 1-39 F. S. Crofts & Co., Inc 28 25 119260

112435 119281 Houghton, Mifflin Co 372 00 36 66 112436 3-14-391 Houghton. Mifflin Co 2 20

329 40 280 20 111922 4-18-39 Adding Machine Resales & 63 00 Service Co. 2 76

111923 3-27-39 Frank Shepard Co 44 00 45 00 111924 3-30-39 N. Y. Scientific Supply Co 15 07

111925 2-20-39 Aberdeen Public Schools 3 25 221 50 111926 2-15-39 Shorewood Public Schools 2 33

111927 3-30-39 J. J. Keller 50 61

1 26

19,975 00 34 52 42 96

1 08 6 65 560

13 37 97 07 12 40 39 68 1 47

1 05 400 1 80 3 40

2 15 5 40 2 81

117 96 514 63

875 83 146 41

2,570 00 42 99 18 50 8 92

28 24 27 08

15 17


71 41 306

17 40 4 19

3988 26 68

440 00

21 26

1,870 40 353 28

1,505 40 8640

15 00

89 33 2 35

10 95 45 70

619 00

295 00 295 00

4 50


408 42 80 25

157 80 258 30 40 80

456 30 1,425 90

3 24

624 00 115 51

3 53

112886 112887 112888 112889 112890 112891

4-11-39 3- 7-39 3-17-39 4-10-39 3-21-39 4- 4-39

407 90 907 10 354 96

1,762 86 279 72 86 64

1,223 80 2,305 10

33 37 12 57

112892 112893 112894 112895 112896

3-31-39 4-17-39 4- 7-39 4- 4-39 4- 3-39

224 80 6 18

55 64 5 60

3 20

533 58 213 90

1,413 95 23 10

5 28

6 75 10 00 400

25 50 2 25 37 22

2,496 01 3 84

43 00 6400

4- 5-39 Anna Pollmann 171 50 5- 1-39 Commerce Reporting Co 14 00 4-24-39 Louis G. Hamburger 25 60 5- 8-39 Solomon Powsner 82 50 4-25-39 John D. Carson 19 50 4- 3-39 Martin M. Barris 7 30 4- 3-39 Nathaniel I. Stich 117 50 3-20-39 Municipal Stenographic Ser-

vice 594 75 4- 1-39 Mabel Hughes 34 55 4-29-39 Bar Assn. Stenographic Ser-

vice 1 00 William C. Chanter 697 85

The Mayoralty 4-30-39 N. Y. Tel. Co 434 70

Miscellaneous Harry Linn 213 29

Treasurer of City of N. Y for PWA Division 400,000 00

Treasurer of City of N. Y for PWA Division 100,000 00

Unique Ptg. & Staty. Co , Inc. H. Blair Heywood, Jr Thomas F. Shortell William Adam Brown's Fuel Oil Service Sarah Schlomowitz Mary Isaksen Max Dorn

5-31-39 N. Y. Tel. Co 4-30-39 N. Y. Tel. Co 4-30-39 N. Y. Tel. Co

Frances King Beatrice Dorfman

American Christian Society Antonio D'Aria Estate of Francis S. Math- ews Owen E. Treanor Warro Realty Corp Harry Rice Sophiea Mann C. Gardner Coffin

5- 8-39 George Rea 5-20-39 William J. Fleming, Jr 4- 1-39 Western Union Tel. Co., Inc. 5-26-39 Atlantic Caning Co

Domenico Salvemini M. Rosen Leo Healy Lawrence B. Cohen George M. Carney

4-30-39 Peerless Towel Supply Co , Inc.

129856 Empire State Ptg. Corp Frederick Schenck Mary Colondrea Patrick Cassidy 1208 Vyse Ave. Corp 1214 Vyse Ave. Corp 1218 Vyse Ave. Corp Georgianna Roswell Georgianna Roswell Georgianna Roswell Abel Rozgonyi Abel Rozgonyi Salvatore Ambrosino Salvatore Ambrosino Joseph Weissman Joseph Weissman John Morgan & Son John Morgan & Son Hyman Goldman Joe Breitman Joe Breitman Joe Breitman Joe Breitnian Joe Breitman Joe Breitman Cetu Holding Corp Kulok Holding Corp Mary City Collector City Collector City Collector Antonio Iacobellis & Cristina Iacobellis Antonio Iacobellis & Cristina Iacobellis Antonia Iacobellis & Cristina Iacobellis Antonio Iacobellis & Cristina Iacobellis Hyman Goldman Hyman Goldman City Collector Schneider & Lubowsky Louis Povill Louis Povill American Female Guardian Society & Home for Friend- less 17 41 Blythedale Home 1,212 45 Children's Aid Society 3,263 40 Jamaica Hospital 3,489 45 N. Y. Eye & Ear Infirmary 2,797 35 N. Y. Eye & Ear Infirmary 3,523 55 St. Barnabas House . 2,083 33 St. Vincent's Hospital of City of N. Y. 10,391 86 St. Vincent's Hospital, Bor- ough of Richmond 9,916 85 Bronx Hospital 4,472 05 Institute of Franciscan Mis-sionaries of Mary St. Francis Sanatorium for Cardiac Chil- dren 2,086 00 Societe Francaise De Bienfai- sance 2,054 25

358 76 5161 10 00 18 50 23 90 7 50

25 00 22 00 51 58 11 92

108 54 200 2 45

30 00 26 00

5 83 7 47

160 85 22 50 10 00

54600 800 6 60 8 50

15 00 25 00 15 00

1,00000 50000 50000

250 1,466 61

7 18 5 62 7 38

119 50 119 50 119 50

3,066 33 2,500 00 3,500 00

123 31 250 00

14,847 82 84 97

8,895 52 13,500 00

26 61 24000 533 23 350 09 50000 75000

2,500 00 1,00000

765 49 44 51 40 07

863 26 190 38 17 25

311 54

2,100 00


250 00

2,950 00 150 00

1,449 68 281 79 266 61

3,531 63 5,000 00

112767 Richmond County Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Chil- dren . 1,000 00

112764 Convent of Sisters of Mercy in Brooklyn 72,719 73

115467 William Hodson 324,467 51

115468 William Hodson 326,606 4C

115469 William Hodson, Home Re- lief Account 325,829 92

115470 William Hodson, Emergency Payroll Account 96 68

115471 William Hodson, Emergency Purchase Account' 16,586 86

115472 William Hodson, Emergency Payroll Account 1,581 50

111942 Henrietta Pliner, as general guardian of person & prop- erty of Janet Wittenstein 1,.030 00

111943 Henrietta Pliner, as general guardian of person & prop- erty of Janet Wittenstein 463 02

111944 Carmine Morrone 4.500 00

111945 Carmine Morrone 3,400 00

111946 Carmine Morrone 1,000 00

111947 Carmine Morrone 42 00

111948 Carmine Morrone 65 26

111949 Carmine Morrone 1,600 00

111950 Carmine Morrone 1,000 00

111951 Carmine Morrone 105 93

111952 Carmine Morrone 350 86

111953 Carmine Morrone 1,000 00

111954 Victor Wittenstein 1,030 00

111955 Victor Wittenstein 463 02

111957 Henrietta Pliner 463 03

113408 Harry Tyroler 1,000 00

111956 Henrietta Pliner 1,030 00

113409 Harry Tyroler 32 96

113410 Harry Tyroler 2,433 31

113407 Harry Tyroller 1,500 00

113406 Harry Tyroler 5,700 00

113411 Harry Tyroler 746 63

113412 Henry Glick 639 97

113414 David Seidler 106 66

113413 David Seidler 106 66

111989 Barney Hecht 27,194 56

111958 Treasurer of City of N. Y for benefit of unknown owner 1,156 08

111960 Alice Sohne 463 03

111959 Alice Sohne 1,030 00

111962 Lillian Moskowitz 463 03

111961 Lillian Moskowitz 1,030 00

111963 Sonia Infants Wear Co., Inc. 533 23

112937 Elsie W. Johnson 333 33

112398 Adelaide W. S. Silleck Stret- ton 333 33

112399 Willets Prosser 166 67

112400 Thomas H. Prosser 166 67

112401 City Collector 2,597 49

113390 Alfred Nadworny 91 37

113391 Abraham Goodman 9,386 32

113392 Lincoln Savings Bank 40.042 07

113393 Forbush Realty Corp 3,903 00

113394 Alfred Nadworny 139 13

113395 Louis Martino & Clementina Martino 5,250 00

113396 Louis Martina & Clementina Martino 750 00

113397 Louis Martino & Clementina Martino 1,000 00

113398 Louis Martino & Clementina Martino 5,000 00

113399 Louis Martino & Clementina Martino 500 00

113400 Louis Martino & Clementina Martino 1,366 15

113401 John Donofrio, also known as Giovanni Donofrio & Rosina Caiafa 1,500 00

113402 John Donofrio, also known as Giovanni Donofrio & Rosina Caiafa 3,833 14

113403 Vincenza Vecchione 4,500 00

113404 Vincenza Vecchione 5,500 00

113405 Vincenza Vecchione 12,399 18

113617 Home Owners Loan Corp 87 59

113618 107562 City Collector 414 25

113619 Grace Edith Ditmas, as ad- ministratrix of goods, chat- tels & credits of Charles A Ditmas, deceased 243 77

113620 Jennie G. D. Harrison 487 54

113422 Prospero Donadio 533 31

113423 Josephine Falco 5,000 00

113424 Josephine Falco 350 00 113425 Josephine Falco 3,750 00

113426 Josephine Falco 6,899 41

113427 Saverio Cogliano & Vincenza Cogliano 4,000 00

113428 Saverio Cogliano & Vincenza Cogliano 1,500 00

113429 Saverio Cogliano & Vincenza Cogliano 500 00

113430 Saverio Cogliano & Vincenza Cogliano 750 00

113431 Saverio Cogliano & Vincenza Cogliano 3,000 00

113432 Saverio Cogliano & Vincenza Cogliano 11,582 56

113433 Joseph Vecchione 159 98 113434 Giuseppina Ferraro 6,000 00 113435 Giuseppina Ferraro 2,750 00 113436 Giuseppina Ferraro 2,982 91 111975 Treasurer, City of N. Y. for

benefit of unknown owner 823 08 111976 City Collector 489 63 111977 Eleanor Toba Greenberg, do-

ing business as New Mont- rose Service Station 906 48

111978 Eleanor Toba Greenberg 799 83 111979 Rebecca Hausman 213 29

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939



Invoice War- Date or rant Contract No. Number

Name of Payee Amount

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract No. Number

Invoice Dateor

Contract Name of Payee Amount Number

Name of Payee War-

Amount rant No.

111929 4-13-39 International Business Ma-chines Corp., International Time Recording Division 11 65

111930 3-13-39 Francis J. Canavan 67 71 111931 3-14-39 Andrew Herzing 55 73 111932 3- 9-39 Wm. J. Hann 66 37 111933 2-27-39 R. Solomon, Inc., assignee of

Adolph Berengarten 58 60 111934 3-27-39 Municipal Factors Co., as-

signee of William Harms 15 98 111935 1-28-39 Manicipal Factors Co., as-

signee of Essem Glass Cont. CO. 27 25

111936 9- 1-38 Michael J. Carey 66 19 111937 3-27-39 P. J. Pettit Co 15 73 111928 3-25-39 Richard E. Struse 17 11 112203 125463 Geo. W. Millar & Co., Inc 4 11 112204 3- 2-39 Row Peterson & Co 14 40

115981 112205 115962 Noble & Noble Publishers,

Inc, 3,08811 112206 115987 Charles Scribner's Sons 1,087 76 112207 3-29-39 j Charles Kurzon, Inc 49 13


125650 112208 4- 4-39 American Paper Goods Co.

of N. Y 99 28 112209 115992 Silver, Burdett & Co 1,017 90 112210 115974 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 478 05 112211 22139j Houghton, Mifflin Co 255 60

115925 112212 2-20-39 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 3 60

115974 112213 115974 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 388 80 112214 4-21-39) American Book Co 5 40

1192321 112215 119516 Baker & Taylor Co 14 88 112216 119361 World Book Co 96 50 112217 3-21-39) World Book Co 30 00

119361 112218 4-19-391 Art Education Press, Inc 3 50

115853 112219 1-16-39 1 Chelsea Press 7 00

125305 112220 3- 4-391 Woodstock Typewriter Co 2,875 00

130076 112221 125369 ' Mayfair r Agency, Division of

79 70 112222 11- 3-38 Baker & Taylor Co 9 58

119516 UUUepartment of Finance

114652 Postmaster, N. Y. City 90000 114653 Postmaster, N. Y. City 375 90

Fire Department 113092 5-10-39 W. E. Pruden Co., Inc 113093 5- 9-39 W. A. Baum Co., Inc II3094 5- 4-39 Jellinek Auto Radiator Co ,

Inc. 14 50 113095 5- 9-39 Automotive Electric Service

4 50 113096 4-14-39 Blihar Spring & Welding Co 25 75 113097 Ralph Lewis, Inc 7 90 ' Department of Health 113117 5- 2-39 William Bratter, Inc. 3 50 113127 Myron Heidingsfield 20 00 113128 J. H. Watkins 50 00 113129 Philip Moen Stimson 20 00 113130 M. Maxim Steinbach 10 00 112749 James F. Morrison 15 57 112519 Walter H. Daly 1,706 68

Department of Hospitals 112953 A. Matthaey 388 60 112954 I. Magelaner 47 44 112955 N. Y. Central Railroad Co 83 88 114873 A. Matthaey 1,233 00 113310 122698 J. H. Bodinger Co., Inc 18 06 113118 4- 5-39 International Business Ma-

chines Corp. 38 50 113119 3-27-39 Diebold Safe & Lock Co 6 20 113120 4-10-39 Ille Electric Corp. 18 40 113107 129713 Methodist Hospital of Bklyn 791 66 113108 131110 Richmond Memorial Hospital 1,583 32 113098 4-28-39 Kingsbridge Machine Works,

Inc. 120 00 113099 George Tiemann & Co... 69 00 113100 Westinghouse X-Ray Co ,

Inc. 15600 112750 I. Magelaner 48 61

Department of Housing and Buildings 113492 Bonded Wrecking & Lumber

Co. 295 00 113176 Bonded Wrecking & Lumber

Corp. 269 00 113177 Flatbush Demolition Co. 885 00 113174 Fulton Housewrecking Co 265 00 113175 Bonded Wrecking & Lumber

Corp. 100 00 112633 3-27-39 City Abstract Corp. 25 00 112628 128865 M. D. Lundin, assignee of

Raleigh Const. Co. 1,410 38 112629 129096 Brighton Const. Co. 439 14 112618 City Abstract Corp. 125 00

Law Department 113375 4-15-39 Edward Light 182 00 113376 5- 2-39 Dorothy S. Felperin 9 00 113377 William C. Chanler 583 08 113131 Reginald R. Steen 25 00 113132 Myron B. Morris 50 00 113133 Nathan Horowitz 80 00 113134 Fabyan R. Saxe 250 00 113135 R. M. Grinstead & Co., Inc 750 00 113136 4- 1-39 Leonard S. Gans Co., Inc 850 00 113137 G. Richard Davis 2,200 00 113138 William J. Froude 25 00 112842 5-16-39 Frank Shepard Co. 100 00 112937 4- 4-39 Michael Mardiney 66 00 112938 4-24-39 Martin A. Healy 29 25 112939 John D. Carson 36 50 112940 4-24-39 Harold E. Bennett 22 50 112941 Bertha Cohen 58 80

2000 180

112942 112943 112944 112740 112741 112742 112743 112744

112745 112746



II1988 114655



113491 113484 113485 113486 113487 113488 113489 113478 113479 113480 113388 113389 112007 112008 113500

113501 113502 113172 113173 112698 112699 112700 112701 11270? 112696 112967 112950 112949 112947 112751

112587 112711 112712 112713 112714 112715 112716 113417 113416 113415 113419 113418 113421 113420 111965 111964 111967 111966 111968 111969 111970 111971 111972 111973 111974 111996 111997 111998 111999 112000 112001 112002




111994 111995 111990 111991 111993 111992 112754

112755 112756 112757 112758 112759 112760 112761


112763 112765


Name of Payee War- rant No.

War- rant No.

Invoice Date or

Contract Number

Amount Name of Payee

Invoice Date or

Contract Number



TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939


Invoice j War- Date or

rant Contract

Name of Payee

Amount No. Number

9,000 00 Department of Purchase 1,664 53 112586 5- 4-39 Baker, Carver & Morrell 6,376 92 Ship Supplies, Inc.

2,154 70 112118 Orange County Plumbing 853 16 Supply Co. 245 28 112119 5- 6-39 Combustion Eng. Co., Inc

112120 4-25-39 John A. Roebling's Sons Co

3,500 00 112112 130361 Wire Rope Corp. of America

112101 125330 Rockland Farms

4,498 40 112102 130026 Texas Co.

112103 129719 Rockwell's Bakery, Inc

1,336 15 112104 129719 Rockwell's Baker, Inc.

1,378 23 112105 129644 Borough Hay & Grain Co

112106 127534 Mara Fuel Co., Inc.

4,208 13 112107 127927 Regal Equipment Co.

95,093 10 112108 129392 Eimer & Amend, Inc.

42 75 112109 129374 Lederle Laboratories, Inc.

242 32 112110 129165 E. R. Squibb & Sons

234 89 112111 129542 Barrett Co. 9 30 112113 5-12-39 Hoffman Roberts Cordage 4 85 Corp.

947 88 112114 130663 B. Schlesinger & Sons, Inc

45 00 112115 Michigan Maple Block Co 25 00 112116 5-12-39 Laurel Lumber Co., Inc

125 00 112117 4-14-39 John W. Masury & Son

4,692 37 112552 Metal Office Furnitut! Co 6,547 21 112553 3-28-39 Best Textile Corp.

34,505 35 112572128077 C. R. Bard, Inc. 112573 4-13-39 t J. A. Deknatel & Son, Inc

150 00 129626

255 00 112574 129318 National Drug Co. 112575 4-20-39 . Campbell Products, Inc

9000 129251 5 50 112576 4-25-39 l John Wyeth & Brother, Inc.


112577 129218 Hoffman La Roche, Inc. 112578 128894 W. B. McVickar Co.

113004 D. Liederman & Sons, Inc

112987 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc 113622 121042 DeVinne-Brown Corp. 113623 129601 Francis H. Leggett & Co 113624 3-10-39 t Francis M. A. Leach


113625 127520 Francis M. A. Leach 113626 127660 American Cystoscope Makers,


113627 Whitney's Cadillac Rental, Inc.

113628 4-12-39 Butler Bros.

113629 National Kream Co., Inc

113630 Borden's Farm Products 113631 4-27-39 Middleton Carman & Co 113632 4-25-39 Grenis Bros., Inc 113633 4-25-39 Simensky & Levy Corp

113634 Elbe File & Binder Co., Inc.

113025 124392 N. P. Nelson Iron Works, Inc.

113026 12-30-38 E. R. Squibb & Sons 124975

113027 2- 2-39 Security Steel Equip. Corp 127734 J

113028 127529 Burns Bros.

113029 129035 Novocol Chemical Mfg. Co , Inc.

113030 4-30-39 I F. D. Koehler Co., Inc 127168

113031 128336 Colonial Beacon Oil Co., as- signee of Standard Oil Co. of N. J.

113032 129378 E. R. Squibb & Sons 113033 129005 Blood Transfusion Betterment

Assn. 113034 2-16-39 Kasper & Koetzle, Inc

129559 113035 Linley & Case 113036 3-14-39 Bernhard Ulmann Co., Inc 113037 5- 5-39 Sun Radio Co 113038 4-28-39 Baldwin Belting & Leather

Co., Inc. 3,021 30 113039 4-14-39 Waterbury Buckle Co., Inc

113040 3-31-39 Schifter Strainer Plug Co 1,875 05 113041 4-17-39 Patriarche & Bell, Inc

159 75 113042 Spencer Turbine Co 113043 4-21-39 Insl-X Co., Inc

722 01 113044 2-23-39 Westinghouse Electric Eleva- 555 28 tor Co.

6 39 113061 1-12-39 W. F. Vredenburg

44 65 113062 3-31-39 Tremont Hardware Co., Inc 25 00 113063 4-28-39 Reading Electric Co., Inc

390 00 113064 3-29-39 Sunderman & Co., Inc 113045 128391 E. B. Latham & Co 113046 127529 Burns Bros. 113047 129032 National Aniline & Chemical

Co., Inc. 113048 128834 E. R. Squibb & Sons 113049 127044 Acme Card System Co 113005 Eckley Dental Supply Co ,

Inc. 113006 General Chemical Co 113007 5-10-39 Jay H. Albere, Inc 113008 4-27-39 H. Kohostamm & Co., Inc 113009 4-27-39 Kirk Products Co 113010 5-16-39 Century Rubber Stamp Wks ,

Inc. 113011 4-17-39 West Publishing Co 113012 4-26-39 L. Best Co., Inc 113013 5-12-39 Shaw-Walker Co. 113014 3- 3-39 Drug Markets, Inc 113015 Patterson Bros., Inc 113016 Best Textile Corp 113017 5- 9-39 Paragon C. & C. Co 113018 4-17-39 E. Rabinowe & Co., Inc

113019 3- 3-39 McCord Radiator & Mfg. Co 113020 Patterson Bros. 113021 B. F. Gilmour Co., Inc 113022 5- 3-39 Durable Fabrics Co 113023 3- 8-39 Joseph Kurzon, Inc 113024 5-10-39 Spool Cotton Co 113050 128957 Manhattan Stationery Co ,


113051 128957 Manhattan Stationery Co., Inc.

13 31 113052 129562 South River Sand Co., as- signee of Frank Lapa . 4,363 76

29 10 113053 129547 Colonial Sand & Stone Co , 30 24 Inc. 12,056 40 62 59 113054 Mergentime, Inc. 877 72

1,336 34 113055 Zwick & Schwartz 236 74 78 60 113056 Armour & Co - 1,956 66

2,636 15 113057 R. C. Williams & Co. Inc. . 464 86 1,548 95 113058 5-11-39 Metropolitan Paper Box Co. 25 00

234 60 113059 5-13-39 J. H. & G. B. Siebold, Inc 6 00 1,138 78 113060 3-19-39 U. S. Slicing Machine Co 3 90

12,977 49 112554 Simensky & Levy Corp 2,522 44 70 45 112555 5- 8-39 Eugene Dietzgen Co., Inc 19 54 95 19 112556 Boston Water Purifier Co 3 50

524 38 112557 Eimer & Amend, Inc • 84 73 77 18 112558 Duradex, Inc. 12 50

4,121 59 112559 4-29-39 Elbe File & Binder Co., Inc 1 20 112560 5- 3-39 Harold Surgical Corp 7 12

6 50 112561 Ford Regulator Valve Co , 621 25 Inc. 4 35 79 00 112562 Harold C. Wolff 46 10

548 40 112563 5- 8-39 Chas. Weiss & Son 4 80 855 95 112564 5- 8-39 Wolverine Brass Works 16 80 714 80 112565 5-12-39 Worthington Pump & Ma- 246- 17 chinery Corp. 4 80 70 69 112566 5- 8-39 Devoe & Raynolds Co., Inc 24 00

977 55 112567 5- 9-39 Grady-Travers Co., Inc 490 112568 4-27-39 Manning, Maxwell & Moore,

203 00 Inc. 70 32 437 50 112569 3-23-39 Yarnall-Waring Co. • 3 10

112570 5- 2-39 Bulletin Boards & Directory 442 50 Products, Inc. 175 50

112571 Montgomery & Co., Inc 21 00 363 00 112581 Cadillac Motor Car Division 270 02 General Motors Sales Corp 8. 72

7 46 112582 4- 6-39 George Malvese & Co , 6 00• 10 00 112583 International Harvester Co.,

8,431 94 Inc. 7 24

10,179 07 112584 Bronx Gear & Bearing Co , 193 75 Inc. 3 05

112585 4-22-39 Sterling Motors Corp 7 83 2,120 80 113635 4-20-39 Smyth-Donegan Co 54 47

113636 5- 9-39 John W. Masury & Son 10 10 3,214 62 113637 4-26-39 Smyth-Donegan Co. 87 06

113638 National Marking Machine 92 16 Co. 3450 74 36 112988 5-12-39 Faurot Protective Identifica-

119 76 tion System, Inc 6 00 34 81 112989 U. S. Government Ptg.'Office 17 00 8 40 112990 Standard Scientific Supply

Corp.120 33

266 00 1,298 55 112991 5- 4-39 Tascarella Bros. Corp 54 30

62 10 112992 5- 8-39 H. Friedman & Sons 6 85 112993 5-17-39 Hagstrom Co., Inc 20 00

150 00 112994 5-16-39 Case - Shepperd - Mann Pub 79821 Corp. 2 00

112995 5- 3-39 H. L. Judd Go.; Inc. 128 52 744 80 112996 E. Machlett & Son 115 30

112997 3-17-39 Roy Kahne 48 78_ 138 00 112998 2-23-39 E. Smolka Plumbing Supply

Co. 120 153 00 112999 4- 1-39 W. F. Sheehan Corp. 834 63 00 113000 5- 9-39 Jacobson & Co., Inc. 106 00

113001 5- 4-39 Dykes Lumber Co. 78 CO 113002 3-28-39 Leffler Bros. 5 90 113003 Levin's Cut Rate Supply

Corp.759 80 04 238 35 112288 130004 Pratt's Fresh Frozen Foods,

Inc. 459 78 83 88 112289 128912 E. I. Du Pont de Nemours 18 13 & Co., Inc. 226 64

112290 129190 N. S. Low & Co., Inc. 597 59 55 60 112291 130658 Gold Brand Clothes 5,818 00 71 15 112292 5- 2-39 Hospital Supply Co. & Wat- 55 80 ters Labs. Consolidated 7 20

112293 4- 4-39 Armour & Co. 5 95 6 96 112294 Little, Brown & Co. 15 00

57 00 112295 5- 9-39 Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc. 250


1271 112296 5-13-39 H. J. Street Co.. 28 69 97 50 112297 5- 5-39 Charles Kurzon, Inc. 38 85 74 00 112298 5-15-39 Walden Sons & Mott, Inc 3 00

112299 4- 3-39 Kay-Sherman Luggage Corp 33 75 112300 American Piano Supply Co ,

Div. of Hammacher, Schlem- mer & Co. 35 72

112301 5-17-39 Belmont Packing & Rubber Co. 7 25

112302 5- 4-39 J. D. Johnson Co., Inc. 16 00 112303 Darcoid Co., Inc. 23 34 112304 3-31-39 Simon's Hardware 25 15 112305 3-15-39 Singer Sewing Machine Co 2 34 112306 4- 1-39 Reiman's Hardware 10 09 112307 3-28-39 Read Machinery Co., Inc 11 09 112532 I1-21-38 M. D. Valentine & Bro. Co 50 00

34 82 112533 Front Street Cold Storage, 19 16 Inc. 1,731 77 3 23 112534 Washine-National-Sands, Inc 8 75

10 00 112535 5- 5-39 Vernon Bros. & Co. 225 00 3 Fi0 112536 5- 3-39 Sharp & Dohme, Inc. 23 32

112537 3- 6-39 Landers, Frary & Clark 28 95 3 25 112538 4-18-39 Isaac Mendoza Book Co. 10 88

140 00 112539 5-16-39 H. J. Beretz & Son, Inc 15 75 1 99 112540 5- 8-39 W. E. Pruden Co., Inc 46 00

58-00 112541 4-17-39 A. L. Cahn & Sons, Inc 1 35 2 00 112542 5- 9-39 Hauck Mfg. Co. 505 20

46 66 112543 1-18-39 Thomas Pub. Co. 10 00 8 38 112544 5-10-39 Visible Records Equipment

10 90 Co. 850 183 75 112545 Edward Weck & Co., Inc 67 85 57 00 112546 5- 5-39 Vesey Music Shop 35 22 43 83 112547 4-29-39 Samuel Levine 46 88 12 45 112548 3- 2-39 Rinek Cordage Co. 288 35 25 55 112549 Buffalo Curled Hair Works 393 80 1 23 112550 Otis Elevator Co. 4 47 17 00 112551 4-27-39 Charles F. Guyon, Inc. 15 48

112985 4-30-39 Children's Welfare Federa- 169 48 tion .563 00

111980 Clara Holland 111981 Clara Holland 111982 Clara Holland 111983 Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N.Y 111984 J. Holland & Sons 111985 J. Holland Sons, Inc. 111986 Albert Bender & Henry

Bender 111987 Albert Bender & Henry

Bender Department of Parks

113367 S. I. Zoological Society 271-67 Morris S. Tremaine 112009 American Museum of Na-

tural History 271-68 271-14 Tomasetti Const. Co., Inc 113493 A. Gordon Lorimer 113378 4-30-39 N. Y. Tel. Co. 113379 3-31-39 N. Y. Tel. Co. 113087 2- 9-39 Bell & Howell Co. 113088 5-23-39 A. B. Dick Co. 113089 3-25-39 Irwin Seating Co. 113090 3- 3-39 Santini Bros., Inc. 112932 William J. Calvert 113126 Aymar Embury II 112626 128650 Madigan-Hyland 112627 128650 Madigan-Hyland 112621 128650 Madigan-Hyland

Police Department 113116 5- 1-39 John L. Halloran 113115 5-17-39 Hall-Scott Motor Car Co 113091 3-24-39 N. Y. Coppersmith Works,

Inc. 112748 4- 4-39 William J. Morrison

President, Borough of Manhattan 112625 127956 Soling Heating & Cooling

Co., Inc.

248-84 4-10-39 American Blue Print Co , Inc.

148-85 Ezra Abel

112632 4-22-39 Defender Photo Supply Co , Inc.

112703 5- 8-39 Irene Realty Corp., assignee of Hyman Scher

112704 5- 9-39 Irene Realty Corp., assignee of Romolo Casali

112705 5- 3-39 Springfield Gardens National Bank, assignee of Sam Kauf- man 532 35

112706 5- 4-39 Colonial Trust Co., assignee of Irene Realty Corp., as-signee of Welland Cont. Co.

112707 Flockhart Foundry Co. 112708 4-15-39 Aaron Hochberg, assignee of

Nicholas Florio 112709 Linde Factors Corp., assignee

of Salvatore Lercara President, Borough of The Bronx

112723 Treasurer of City of N. Y , trustee for account of Street Opening Fund

112624 128209 Del Balso Asphalt Corp 112683 115151 Charles D. Beckwith, Inc 112684 115577 Charles D. Beckwith, Inc 112631 J. P. Duffy Co. 113168 2-14-39 National Bronx Bank, as-

signee of Fidanza & Vinci 106 65 113169 5- 3-39 Urban Coal & Supply Co ,

Inc. 54 00 113170 Colonial Sand & Stone Co ,

Inc. 91 30 112952 3-31-39 William E. Laser 4 00 113482 127393 Barry Cont. Corp. 15,067 00 113111 4-20-39 Campbell Foundry Co. 80 00

President, Borough of Brooklyn 112309 129983 Carbloc. Paving Corp. 16,387 92

President, Borough of Queens 112620 124360 Nicholas De Menna & Sons,

Inc. 112622 128494 .l7fathilde Simon, assignee of

Paino Const. Corp. 112623 128795 Welsh Bros. Con. Co., Inc 112828 129422 . David Filderman, assignee of

J. H. Welsh 112829 128907 Welsh Bros. Cont. Co., Inc 113171 5-12-39 Stauffer Chemical Co., Inc 113085 4-19-39 Pearl Paint Co., Inc. 113318 5- 1-39 Steinway Pierce Garage 113319 5-12-39 Lithoprint Co. of N. Y., Inc 113317 5- 8-39 Woodside Auto Radiator Re-

pair Co. 113316 5- 1-39 Corona Auto Painting Co 113315 5- 6-39 J. K. Welding Co., Inc 113314 5- 3-39 Plaza Elec. Repair Co 113313 5-10-39 Flockhart Foundry Co 113312 5-12-39 Egleston Bros. & Co., Inc 113311 5- 1-39 Rochester Ropes, Inc.

President, Borough of Richmond 112695 128065 Vanbro Const. Corp. 2,306 28 113483 127114 Vanbro Const. Corp. 16,164 25

Queens Borough Public Library 112518 Queens Borough Public Lib-

rary Department of Public Works

113123 5-17-39 American Metallic Packing Co.

210-19 4- 7-39 Cleveland Container Co 71-179 71-7 Edward Elec. Const. Co 214-55 211-I Tobias Heller & Co., Inc 113101 Iceless Cooler Corp. 113102 International Business Ma-

chines Corp. 624 57 113103 International Business Ma-

chines Corp. 707 00 113167 International Business Ma-

chines Corp. 706 11 131162 12-24-38 Merit Studios, Inc. 162 80 112308 126483 H. Sand & Co., Inc 2,722 52

145 00 138 16

1,481 41 16,561 80

28 00

5,284 94

1,375 73

103 20 80 00

217 26

125 00

117 00

988.50 920 84 47 07

384 18 115 78

818 38 390 00

174 00

275 60

800 15 00 15 00 28 00 10 00 17 00 41 06

62 45

45 70 1,155 42

49 76

3 25 2 49 999 100 14 66

1,284 02 255 84

Comp- Invoice troller's Date or Vouch- Contract

Name of Payee

Amount er No. Number

tric Corp. 948

109143 Arthur Schwartz 12 20

109144 Anna Nimelman 26 36

109145 Helen G. McNealis 10 91

109145 Richard A. McGee • 33 92

109147 Harry T. Ashworth 17 85

109148 Herman Baxt 15 97

109149 Lazarus Levy 20 50

109150 Arthur F. J. Starrs 17 13

109151 Frederick L. Morehead 17 62

109152 William A. Adams 26 97

109153 Ruth E. Collins 40 08

109179 William A. Adams 26 37

109165 Lazarus Levy " 14 08

109166 Ruth E. Collins 34 08

109167 Arthur Starrs • 23 30

109168 Harry T. Ashworth 18 14

109169 Frederick L. Morehead 9 39

109170 Herman Baxt 17 02

109171 Arturo Della Rocco 11 91

109172 F. R. Sacher 39 75

109173 Arthur Schwartz 12 32

109174 Alfred K. McArthur 340

109175 Anna Nimelman 22 10

109176 Helen G. McNealis 11 02

109177 Richard A. McGee 2299

109178 Patrick Gallagher 18 47

109124 Frederick L. Morehead 21 63

109125 Harry T. Ashworth 17 68

109126 William A. Adams • 27 86

109127 Lazarus Levy 19 62

109128 Richard A. McGee 2857

109129 Ruth E. Collins 36 83

109130 Helen G. McNealis 10 30

109131 Anna Nimelman 16 95

109132 Arthur F. J. Starrs 17 42

109133 Herman Baxt 11 04

109134 Arthur Schwartz 13 00

109135 Arturo Della Rocca 11 64

109136 Alfred McArthur 3 85

109137 Patrick Gallagher 14 59

109138 F. R. Sicher 45 23

109190 Ruth E. Collins 38 99

109191 Frederick L. Morehead 17 69

109192 Lazarus Levy 18 20

109193 Anna Nimelman 21 01

109194 Richard A. McGee 30 12

109195 Arthur F. J. Starrs 15 42

109196 Herman Baxt 13 92

109197 William A. Adams 2638

109198 Harry T. Ashworth 17 88

109199 Helen G. McNealis 9 61

109200 Arthur Schwartz 1223

109201 Arturo Della Rocca 11.00

109202 Patrick Gallagher 17 08

109203 Fred K. McArthur 3 66

109204 Frederick R. Sacher 41 91 County Clerk, Richmond County

108789 L. C. Smith & Corona Type- writers, Inc. 6 31

108790 Morris Singer 2 50

108791 Fidelity & Casualty Co 36 00

108792 Boston Water Purifier Co 3 50

108793 Iceless Cooler Corp 3 40 City Magistrates' Courts

108955 Jay Finn 39 00 County Court, Kings County

108838 John F. Nikolaus 159 70

108839 Ross Restaurant, Inc 221 90

108840 Hasenflug & Germaius Bar & Grill 164 00

County Court, Queens County

108738 Star Restaurant 275 25

108739 Star Restaurant 22 50

108740 John J. Sullivan 57 60 Domestic Relations Court

108902 N. Y. Tel. Co 993 94 Surrogate's Court, Bronx County

108855 Samuel J. Foley 514 22

108856 Samuel J. Foley 542 53

108857 Samuel J. Foley 396 95 Department of Docks

108953 Treasurer of U. S. 250 05

108954 Treasurer of U. S. 1,624 14

109181 N. Y. & N. J. Sand & Stone Co., Inc., assigned to Colonial Sand & Stone Co., Inc 14,570 98

109182 N. Y. & N. J. Sand & Stone Co., Inc., assigned to Colonial Sand & Stone Co., Inc 2,398 30.

109183 H. J. Shaffer Lumber Co 1,118 96

109184 Sprague & McCoy Co., Inc 3,802 46

108978 Irving Kenner Co., Inc 12 20

108979 Maurice Cont. Co. 1,603 00

108980 E. Mayer 1,756 00

108950 Skelly & Hagman 23 00

108951 Clerkins Transfer, Inc. .. 179 73

108952 N. Y. & W. Rental Co., Inc 4,793 72

108946 Airmatic Systems, Inc. 275 00

108947 Daniel Duskis, Inc. 774 15

108948 Phelps Dodge Copper Prod Corp. 34,289 10

108949 Tully & Di Napoli, Inc 3,087 32

108976 Elmhurst Cont. Co., Inc 50 00

108977 Elmhurst Cont. Co., Inc 21 58 Board of Higher Education

108841 G. E. Stechert & Co. 350 00

108842 Barnes & Noble, Inc. 54 85

108843 Peerless Radio Dist., Inc 14 01

108844 C. G. Conn, Ltd. 115 80

108845 Eye Gate House, Inc. 91 35

108846 Robley Press Service, Inc 32 25

108847 Colonial Beacon Oil Co., Inc 3 85

108848 Pitman Pub. Corp. 20 00

108849 Queensboro Lumber Co. 18 75

108850 Sherman Supply Corp. 8 83 Sherman Supply Corp. 6 54

108851 Herbert R. Gibbs 22 68

108852 Bausch & Lomb Optical Co 113 50

108854 John Simmons Co. 14 19 John Simmons Co. 18

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939



4-28-39 112986 American Blue Print Co., Inc. 5-15-39 112599 Montgomery & Co., Inc 5- 6-39 112600 Shapse Auto Radiator Co.,

Inc. 112601 Gar Wood Industries, Inc 112602 H. 0. Penn Machinery Co ,

Inc. 112717 Roy L. Brower Corp. 112718 4- 5-39 Van Dorn Hoist & Body Ser

vice 112719 4-19-39 Indian Motocycle Co. 112720 John W. Masury & Son

112721 4-26-39 Liberty Sand & Gravel Co Inc.

112722 Whittemore Bros. Corp. 112066 127008 Timken Roller Bearing Co

assignee of Ahlberg Bearing Co.

112067 128740 George Malvese & Co 112068 128914 National Bronx Bank of

N. Y., assignee of General Auto Appliance Co., Inc

112069 4-14-39 Picker X-Ray Corp. 1292285

112070 129266 Loeser Laboratory, Inc 112071 125041 National Cylinder Gas Co 112072 129319 Novocol Chemical Mfg. Co ,


112073 4-29-39 Novocol Chemical Mfg. Co , Inc.

112074 4-28-39 l Babcock & Wilcox Co. 129621

112075 4-12-39 Johns-Manville Sales Corp 112076 5- 8-39 Dimock & Fink Plumbing

Supply Corp. 112077 5-12-39 Olympic Glove Co. 112078 5-10-39 Peter Pirsch & Sons Co 112079 5-12-39 Hanline Bros.

112080 3- 8-39 Forest Box & Lumber Co , Inc.

112694 5-15-39 Vulcanized Rubber Co

112588 129964 American Star Cork Co., Inc 112589 129627 Egleston Bros. & Co., Inc

112590 128853 Autocar Sales & Service Co , Inc

112591 129366 B. Weinkrantz Co., Inc.... 112592 129358 Jaclin Stationery Corp. 112593 129345 Atlas Stationery Corp 112594 129272 National Aniline & Chemical

Co., Inc. 112595 129365 Tension Envelope Corp 112596 4-19-39 Wallace & Tiernan Products,

129292 Inc. 112597 4-25-39 Brockway Glass Co., Inc

128970 112598 5-10-39 United-Carr Fastener Corp. 112924 129920 I. Edward Brown, Inc. 112925 129920 I. Edward Brown, Inc 112926 129841 U. S. Tire Supply Co., Inc 112927 130686 Tractor & Equipment Corp 112928 4-20-39 Swan-Finch Oil Corp.

130603 112929 129836 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 112930 130592 Crescent Brand Chemical Co. 113163 4-13-39 Remington Rand, Inc. 113164 Peerless Blue Print Co 113165 4- 6-39 Demco Library Supplies 113166 4-29-39 Commercial Radio - Sound

Corp. 112686 Columbus McKinnon Chain

Corp. .. 112687 Johns-Manville Sales Corp. 112688 5- 5-39 Malleable Iron Fittings Co.. 112689 5- 2-39 Independent Pneumatic Tool

Co. 112690 5-13-39 Diamond Straw Corp 112691 4-18-39 Sulco Sales Corp

112692 3-22-39 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co

112693 3-17-39 Good Roads Machinery Co of N. Y., Inc

113494 129571 John A. McCarthy & Co , Inc.

113495 129245 E. J. Barry, Inc 113503 5- 2-39 S. Weinstein Supply Co 113504 5-11-39 A. B. Sands & Son Co 113505 Liberty Glass Co., Inc 113506 5- 8-39 Bowman Durham Robbins,

Inc. 113507 5- 2-39 Manhattan Fruit Cont. Co ,

Inc. 113508 R. C. Williams & Co., Inc 113509 Francis H. Leggett & Co 113510 5- 9-39 Gem Industrial Corp., as-

signee of Dries Hardware Co. 113511 4-19-39 N. Y. Plumbers Specialties

Co., Inc. 112006 Arrow Mill Supply Co 112933 5-10-39 John T. Stanley Co., Inc 112934 5-16-39 S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co 112935 2- 7-39 Armour Laboratories 112936 4-19-39 Spool Cotton Co 112923 129648 Mueller Co.

Register, Queens County 112531 Bernard M. Patten

Department of Sanitation 113109 . 124516 H. Sand & Co., Inc 211-31 Charles Bayers 113121 4-27-39 Moran Towing & Transpor-

tation Co., Inc 113140 Albert J. Lizee 113141 Michael Carey

Sheriff, Bronx County 112959 6- 2-39 Aetna Casualty & Surety Co.

Tax Department 113472 4-30-39 N. Y. Tel. Co 112956 Veronica M. Tubridy

Board of Transportation 112685 M. F. O'Connell, Jr

War- rant No.

Invoice Date or

Contract Number

Name of Payee



Invoice War- Date or rant Contract No. Number

112311 N. Y. Post, Inc it 77 00

112312 N. Y. Journal & American 60 00 112313 5- 8-39 N. Y. Herald Tribune 31 20 112314 5- 9-39 Knickerbocker Ice Cp 2 82 112315 5-13-39 Fred M. Knudsen 3 10 112604 5- 3-39 S. C. Berdan & Son 5 50 112605 2- 6-39 DeVinne-Brown Corp. 45 00 112606 5- 5-39 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc 44 69 112607 5-19-39 N. Y. Herald Tribune 33 80

112724 General Meter Service Corp 47 26

112608 Warden, Auburn Prison 15 00

Board of Transportation—Independent System— Operation

1904 Union Switch & Signal Co

1907i Standard Oil of N. Y., Divi- sion of Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc. 173 82

19076 U. S. Electric Mfg. Corp 125 60

19077 Colonial Beacon Oil Co 207 75

19078 Chesebro-Whitman Co., Inc 56 45

19079 Gaffney-Kroese Electric Sup- ply Co. 386 12

19080 Famex Steel Co 388 08

19081 T. E. Conklin Brass & Cop- per Co., Inc 169 48

19082 Westinghouse Electric Sup- ply Co. 9968

19083 Topping Bros., Inc 90 27

19084 Harris Calorific Co 88 20

19085 National Lead Co.-Atlantic Branch-Metal Division 89 35

19086 DeVinne-Brown Corp. 25 74

19087 Center Tool Co 81 14

19088 Harold C. Wolff 142 61

19089 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc., Instrument Mfg. & Re- pair Division 26 30

19090 R. F. Brushaber 44026

19091 Asco Supply Co., Inc 21 74

19092 E. Schwartz Plumbing Sup- ply Co., Inc 152 85

Triborough Bridge Authority

8010 Manufacturers Trust Co 41 10

8011 Candee, Smith & Howland Co. 138 52

8012 J. P. Duffy Co 252 00

8013 James F. Armstrong, trustee in bankruptcy of Money-Me- ters, Inc. 54 60

8014 Colonial Beacon Oil Co., Inc. 54 83

8015 Wender & Goldstein, Inc 154 00

8016 Reliable Uniform Co 156 00

8017 Samuel Lewis Co., Inc 13 98

8018 Atlas Stationery Corp 20 58

8019 Pipe & Engineering Co., Inc. 117 30

8020 Moore Press, Inc 418 68

8021 Taller & Cooper 333 33

8022 Carroll Reilly 500 00 Board of Water Supply

112830 5-17-39 Reid Offset Corp. 263 00 112831 5- 3-39 Central Hudson Gas & Elec-


Royal Office Supply Corp... 341 20 Department of

1,232 54 Water Supply, Oas and Electricity

498 g 00 Plymouth Discount & Securi- 1

16 80 tics Co., Inc., assignee of

19 30 Frank E. Connolly 17 49

25 60 112580 Plymouth Discount & Securi- ties Co., Inc., assignee of

879 00 Frank E. Connolly 35 07

113139 Charles A. Pohl 1,400 00

135 18 113125 Welsh & Munger 61 00

70 60 112521 Thomas Carey 4 60

64 09 112522 John J. Dorsey, Jr 45 47 Department of Welfare

112011 4-14-39 American Employers' Insur- ance Co.

112012 William W. Clark

112520 Donald E. Swift


832 00 VOUCHERS RECEIVED IN THE OFFICE OF THE 279 10 COMPTROLLER ON MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1939 144 14 Hereinbelow is a statement of all vouchers received in 213 60 the office of the Comptroller on this date in which is 125 96 shown the Comptroller's voucher number, the date of the

52 50 of the payee and the amount of the voucher. invoice or the registered number of the contract, the name

Where two or more bills are embraced in one voucher 609 53 the date of the earliest is given excepting that when such 275 38 vouchers are submitted under a contract, the registered 222 98 number of the contract is shown instead.

JOSEPH D. McGOLDRICK, Comptroller.

Comp- Invoice troller's Date or Vouch- Contract Name of Payee


er No. Number

Municipal Civil Service Commission

108958 Edwin C. Dobbins $12 60 Commissioner of Jurors, Kings County

108737 Abraham E. Benjamin 76 30 Department of Correction

109154 R. A. McGee 27 47

109155 Wm. A. Adams 26 13

50 11 109156 Frederick L. Morehead 20 00

169157 Harry T. Ashworth 17 92

109158 Arthur F. J. Starrs 18 79

109159 Artura Della Rocco 10 94

109160 Lazarus Levy 3 85

109161 Alfred K. McArthur 4 35

109162 Patrick Gallagher 15 88

78 76 109163 F. R. Sacher 40 10

109164 Arthur Schwartz 12 31

59 10 109139 F. R. Sacher • 43 27

162 75 109140 Patrick Gallagher 17 85

109141 Alfred K. McArthur 4 29

176 75 109142 Arturo Della Rocco 12 08

Amount Name of Payee


10 00 8 20

20 38 27 62

34 42 139 53

52 20 107 25 127 40

952 00 33 00

394 41 1,125 02

143 84 304 20

796 81 4043

116 00

6000 265 00

45 70

32 91 700 200

520 00

181 58 58400

1,260 10 32 55

5,800 01 260 51

1,08425 628 63

a2 76 1,007 38

225 00 716 90

5 38 4,144 82 3,101 56

46600 258 32 19182

700 76

4650 11 50 12 49

678 46

900 180

20 00

576 68

86360 3 52

21 00 30 60 30 00

113 00 4,605 62

11 68

2,000 00

22 00 166 66 145 83


TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939

Comp- Invoice troller's Date or Vouch- Contract Name of Payee er Nb. Number

Comp- Invoice troller's Date or Vouch- Contract Name of Payee Amount er N. Number

Comp- Invoice troller's Date or Vouch- Contract er No. Number

Amount Name of Payee Amount

108853 108787 108788 108786

108981 108982 108983 108984 108985 108986 108987 108988 108989 108990 108991 108992 108993 108994 108995 108996 108997 108998 108999 109000 109001 109002 109003 109239 109240 109241 109242 109243 109244 109245 109246 109247



109250 109251 109252


109254 109255 109256

109257 109225 109226 109227 109228 109229 109230 109231

109232 109233 109234

109235 109236 109237 109238 109211 109212 109213 109214 109215 109216 109217 109218 109219 109220 109221 109222 109223 109224

108735 108837 109185 I09186

109187 109188 109189



109262 108796 108797


108799 108800

108801 108802 108803 108804 108805 108806 108807

108808 10::98

Law Department 130498 N. Y. Tel. Co 1,591 46

Miscellaneous S. Cristy Mead 176 04 S. Cristy Mead 216 39 Helva Corp. 25,410 00 Bushwick Hospital 1,812 84 Colored Orphan Asylum & Assn. for benefit of Colored Children in City of N. Y 20,398 12 Flushing Hospital & Dispen-

sary 5,656 35 Hebrew Orphan Asylum 35 00 Hebrew Sheltering Guardian

Society 49,047 24 Home of Old Israel 4,597 33 Mary Immaculate Hospital 4,638 00 Mary Immaculate Hospital 4,383 40 Orphan Home, Bklyn 12,071 81 St. Luke's Hospital 4,547 10 Seton Hospital, N. Y. City. 25,115 50 Babies Hospital of City of N. Y. 1,793 00 Presbyterian Hospital 4.647 50 F. D. Onofrio, Inc 3,105 75

G. E. Stechert & Co. 42 04 Leonard Liebling 12 85 Richard J. Mulhern 6 02

124560 Jandous Elec. Equipment Co., Inc. 277 21

Department of Education 129509 Superior Seating Co., Inc 14,791 60 129508 Superior Seating Co., Inc 21,250 00 130226 Carey Press Corp. 526 89 130495 D. C. Heath & Co. 3,056 37 130238 Elbe File & Binder Co., Inc. 24 60 130035 Polychrome Co. 84 38 130230 Empire State Ptg. Co. 25 80 130124 Central Ribbon & Carbon Co. 3 69 130226 Carey Press Corp. 66 17 128695, Jesse E. Kahn 6,929 11 125380 Simes & Co., Inc. 5,289 19 125362 John G. Hellman 6,736 50 126829 Martin Epstein & Co., Inc 2,028 00 128880 Harry Starkman & Bro 11,829 60 124718 Moccia Const. Corp. 445 44 126650 Berkshire Electric Co., Inc 6,471 54 127622 John G. Heilman 3,120 00 130605 Aluminum Goods Mfg. Co 266 50 130605 Aluminum Goods Mfg. Co 266 50 126839 Daniel J. Rice, Inc. 6,882 00 130485 A. Pearson's Sons, Inc 1,330 32 130482 N. Y. Seating Corp. 524 30 127993 Kaness Cont. Corp. 1,720 00

Armour Elevator Co. 82 00 H. Sand & Co., Inc. 238 00 Cardinal Eng. Co. 349 00 Hartel & Davies 48 00 Mulhern Belting Co., Inc 380 00 William J. Olvany, Inc 165 00 J. H. Felix Co., Inc. 508 00 Yonkers Nursery, Inc. 105 00 Liberty Factors Co., assignee of Castle Const. Corp. 68 74 Industrial Credit Corp., as- signee of Nassau Const. Co. 333 00 Zimmerman Bros. Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. 66 00 M. Berson 272 00 David Loeber 268 00 R. Solomon, assignee of Carl- son Iron Works 80 00 North American Iron & Steel Co., Inc. 155 00 Jac. Schneider 38 00 John Abel 26 00 Municipal Factors Co., as- signee of Sam Mehr 198 00 L. I. School Supply Co 126 00 Silver Burdett Co. 4 34 Noble & Noble, Inc. 5 85 Thomas Nelson & Sons 2 01 Frederick A. Stokes Co 2 36 Dodge Pub. Co. 1 41 Longmans, Green & Co., Inc 1 00 R. Solomon, assignee of Carl- son Iron Works 105 00 J. D. Gordon, Inc 427 00 J. D. Gordon, Inc. 204 00 Industrial Credit Corp., as- signee of Newberger & Co_ 58 00 Basil Desiderio 163 00 Acker & Man, Inc. 233 00 Amdidy Glass Co. 114 90 Johnson Service Corp. 625 00 Harr Wagner Pub. Co. ... 20 85 Houghton Mifflin Co 33 66 Macmillan Co. 133 24 Society for Curriculum Study 30 00 E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc 91 56 John C. Winston Co 63 51 Ginn & Co 27 87 Baker & Taylor Co 24 56 Follett Publishing Co 2 30 Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co 2 28 Henry Holt & Co., Inc 23 70 American Book Co 5 01 Dodd Mead Co 8 83 Frederick A. Stokes Co 10 73

Department of Hospitals 130524 N. Y. Tel. Co 5,423 82 130281 A. L. Cahn & Sons, Inc 1,584 66

D. M. Tolle 10 19 Richard D. Woods 22 58 Richard D. Woods 16 33 Kathleen A. Eustice 19 74 Peter S. Dunne 5 85 Helen E. Mazzarese 10 00

108899 Henry W. Mumm 13,584 00 108900 Walter W. C. Meyer 5,717 68 108935 108901 Donfort Rlty. Co., Inc 7,803 00 108917 Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan 108936

Asylum . 24,867 00 108918 Hope Farm 3,361 77 108794 108919 Hopewell Society of Bklyn 965 14 108795 108920 Society for Relief of Half

Orphan & Destitute Children 1,957 71 108861 108921 St. Ann's School of Industry 542 71 108862 108922 St. Mary's Hospital for Chil- 108863

dren 434 00 108860 108923 St. Mary's Hospital for Chil- 109180

dren 840 00 108973 108924 Eisen Surgical Appliances, 108974

Inc. 37 00 108975 108925 M. Goodside 77 00 108926 United Orthopaedic Appli- 108956

ances Co. 50 00 108940 United Orthopaedic Appli- 108941 ances Co. 44 00 108942

108927 Orthorpque Shoe Co. 41 50 108943 108928 Blythedale Home 210 00 108944 108929 House of St. Giles the 108945

Cripple 51 00 108930 J. E. Hanger, Inc. 148 75 108939 108931 M. J. Winterkorn 18 00 108938 108932 M. Braverman & Sons 14 13 109258 108933 Amsterdam Bros. 280 00 109259 108873 Anna E. Granfield 8,478 67 109260

Anna E. Granfield 58 53 108811 108874 Ketie Spina Granfield 15,897 50

Ketie Spina Granfield 109 75 109036 108875 Anna Zashinsky 21,196 67 1011037

Anna Zashinsky 146 34 109038 108876 Mary Sessa Zashinsky 10,068 42 109039

Mary Sessa Zashinsky 69 51 109012 108877 Williamsburgh Savings Bank 6,359 00

Williamsburgh Savings Bank 43 90 109013 108878 Raffaela Gallo 4,769 25 109014

Raffaela Gallo 32 92 108879 Amelia Sieman 3,709 42 109015

Amelia Sieman 25 61 108880 Philomena A. Guerriero 7,870 02

Philomena A. Guerriero 54 33 108881 William Bedford 1,055 67 109017

William Bedford 7 28 108882 Empire Moulding Co., Inc 6,888 92 109018

Empire Moulding Co., Inc 47 56 109019 108883 William Wilhelm 15,367 58

William Wilhelm 106 09 109020 108884 Paolo Tropiano 5,087 20

Paolo Tropiano 35 12 108885 Joseph Speranzo 9,008 58

Joseph Speranzo 62 19 109021 108886 Francesco Casella 847 87 109057

Francesco Casella 5 85 109058 108887 Anna Rocco 12,188 08 109059

Anna Rocco 84 14 109060 108888 Joseph Ciuffo 4,345 32 109061

Joseph Ciuffo 30 00 109062 198889 Cono Ciuffo 4,345 31

Cono Ciuffo 30 00 108890 Sylvia Litt 264 96

Sylvia Litt 1 82 108891 Mary De Paolo 5,829 08 109065

Mary De Paolo 40 24 108892 Providenza Raia 4,239 33

Providenza Raia 29 26 108893 Frank De Donato 16,957 33

Frank De Donato 117 07 108894 Nick Torre 4,297 78

Nick Torre 29 67 108895 • Etta Thypin 7,418 83

Etta Thypin 51 22 108896 Saverio Ciorciari 8,478 67

Saverio Ciorciari 58 53 108897 Teresa Santaniello 3,183 66

Teresa Santaniello 21 98 108903 Setmas Realty Co., Inc 76 26 108904 Lillian Myers 45 ~1 108905 Civic Centre Co. & Haristone

Realties, Inc. 712 50 108906 Jaris Realty Co., Inc. 475 00 108907 George Bickard 5 00 108908 Sadie Orkin 2 00 108909 44 E. 53d St. Realty Corp. or

Feltenstein & Rosenstein attys. 116 56 108910 Esfay Realty Corp. or Jacob

J. Schwebel & Joshua Spay- regen, attorneys 1,368 68 109109

108911 Park Co. or Thomas F Huser, attorney 126 51

108912 Irene Wolters or Patrick A Bolger, attorney 105 25

Department of Parks 108970 State Disbursing Officer, U.

S. Treasury Department 1,743 00 108971 Treasurer of United States 4,862 68 108972 State Disbursing Officer, U

S. Treasury Department 368 87 State Disbursing Officer, U S. Treasury Department 74 99 State Disbursing Officer, U S. Treasury Department 159 78 Police Department

108809 131096 N. Y. Tel. Co 17,590 51 108810 131096 N. Y. Tel. Co 20,120 57

President, Borough of Manhattan 108869 Merritt, Chapman & Scott 9,180 00 108870 129631 A. M. Hazel], Inc 43,639 85 108871 129630 Abraham M. Goldsmith, Inc 2,501 76 108872 127826 Madden & Lane, Inc 84,933 17 108864 Treasurer 1,407 00 109076 108865 Treasurer 166 03 109077 108866 Treasurer 1,485 00 109078 108867 Treasurer 1,437 50 109079 108868 Treasurer 943 00 109080

President, Borough of The Bronx 109081 108859 127885 H. Barr 1,680 00




109106 109107 109108

109100 109101 109102 109103 109104 109105

109066 109067 109068 109069 109070 109071 109072 109073 109096 109097 109098 109099

109110 109111

109112 109113 109114 109115 109116 109117

109118 109119

109120 109121 109122 109123 109074 109075

50 00 129028 Mead, Johnson & Co 95 75 130768 General Food Sales Co., Inc 370 10

General Food Sales Co., Inc 424 98 130772 International Salt Co., Inc 45 57 -

International Salt Co., Inc 251 27 130778 Francis H. Leggett Co 775 25

Francis H. Leggett Co 2,889 83 130780 S. S. Mack 164 86

S. S. Mack 620 62 127169 Marais Oil Co., Inc 5,538 29 129149 American Oxygen Service

Corp. 47 36 129353 J. W. Evans & Sons 35 78

J. W. Evans & Sons 3 26 J. W. Evans & Sons 265 35 J. W. Evans & Sons 112 33

129281 H. H. Rosenthal Co., Inc 52 65 129240 John Wyeth & Bro., Inc 45 00 129240 John Wyeth & Bro., Inc 5 00 130769 General Motors Corp 1,159 78 129994 Woodstock Typewriter Co 72 02 130696 U. S. Rubber Co 1,746 85 130196 Duradex, Inc. 739 47

Duradex, Inc. 7,280 26 129910 Glasco Prod. Co 52 82

Glasco Prod. Co 2,594 83 130692 National Lead Co 5,556 60 129986 L. C. Smith & Corona Type-

writers, Inc. 2,792 88 130670 J. Aron & Co., Inc 2,998 52 130677 Eppens, Smith & Co., Inc 1,549 86 129924 Industrial Home for Blind 965 01 130747 Keystone Bolt & Nut Corp 569 52 130574 Lewis Mfg. Co 5,599 11 130559 Johns Manville Sales Corp 767 70 128826 National Distillers Prod. Co 840 00 130717 C. J. Schellings Co 1,312 50 129266 Loeser Laboratory, Inc 212 49 128935 Mallinckrodt Chemical Wks 41 00 129268 McKesson & Robbins, Inc 33 90 129272 National Aniline & Chemical

Co., Inc. 91 68 128988 Owens Illinois Glass 'Co .. , 60 00 129363 Peckham, Little & Co., Inc 355 50 129364 Schapiro & Byrne, Inc 161 87 129885 Seamless Rubber Co., Inc 258 60 129323 E. R Squibb & Sonc 70 56 129067 Star Headlight & Lantern

Co., Inc. 338 93 128994 Surgical Supply Corp 237 60 130603 Swan-Finch Oil Corp 421 08 129292 Wallace & Tiernan Products,

Inc. 375 00 129420 Tudor Electrical Supply Co ,

Inc. 13 48 129284 Schering Corp. 24 00 128703 George W. Warner & Co ,

Inc. 24 37 129984 Remington Rand, Inc 107 56 128635 Harold Dessau 8 64 129004 Armour & Co 18,264 43 130575 New Aseptic Laboratories 490 00 130713 Merck & Co 4,697 18 130714 N. Y. Quinine & Chemical

Works, Inc. 7,502 78 129276 Pennsylvania Alcohol Corp 783 00 130702 Progressive Coat & Apron

Mfg. Co. 1,805 65 128989 J. Rabinowitz & Sons, Inc 35 45 128990 Regal Equipment Co 118 80 129194 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co 498 96 130792 R. C. Williams Co., Inc 4,516 95 130676 Chipman Chem. Co., Inc 6,601 33 130846 Magnus Brush & Graf & Ma-

terials, Inc. 1,102 30 130856 Borden Co. 252 87 130703 F. W. Stock & Sons 318 80 130788 Swift & Co., Inc. 82 80 129730 Ward Baking Co. 12 75 130793 Wilson & Rogers, Inc. 178 77 130689 Continental Sungard, Inc. 1,I91 95

Continental Sungard, Inc. 5,975 00

President, Borough of Brooklyn 130131 N. Ryan Co., Inc 2,169 92

N. Ryan Co., Inc 134 64 128818 N. Ryan Co., Inc 202 18

N. Ryan Co., Inc 3,475 42 Anthony Ferrante Bldg. Corp. 147 00 Paul Rinella 128 00

President, Borough of Richmond 129535 Trifoglio Const. Co. ' 1,808 18 129945 Trifoglio Const. Co. 584 50 130664 Trifoglio Const. Co. 3,249 64 128783 Road Material Corp. 15,158 50

William B. Kenney 6 20 Julius Loos & Sons, Inc 1 25 Westerleigh Press 33 00 S. I. Linen Supply, Inc 4 40

Department of Public Works 128992 Allen N. Spooner & Son 93,794 '76

Treasurer of U. S. 7,431 60 State Disbursing Officer 1,411 01 State Disbursing Officer 5,536 30 State Disbursing Officer 2,294 43 State Disbursing Officer 983 74 State Disbursing Officer 20 43 State Disbursing Officer 787 95 State Disbursing Officer 197 66 State Disbursing Officer..: 980 24

129516 Arctic Engineering Co. 5,316 33 122961 James Gamble Rogers, Inc 144 31 126484 Tallack Hellman, Inc. 4,291 85 129231 Raisler Corp. 2,255 48

Department of Purchase 127529 Burns Bros. 16,146 48 127529 Burns Bros. 6,891 23 127533 Howard Coal & Coke Co 2,961 00

127169 Marnis Oil Co., Inc 11,676 02 126061 Yellow Truck & Coach Mfg


Police Department Report for Week Ended May 27, 1939

MAY 22 Retired-Patrolmen at $1,500 per annum:

Edward A. Duffy, Traffic Prct, B, May 23; Eugene A. Fenelon, 110th Prct., May 31.

MAY 24 Retired-Patrolmen at $1,500 per annum:

Arthur M. Bayen, Motorcycle Prct. 1. May 22 ; Henry A. Schwarz, 83d Prct., May 31.

MAY 25 Reward Granted-The following members

of the force, less deductions of 15 percent for the Police Relief Fund and 10 percent for the Police Pension Fund: Detectives Delancey Miller and George E. McCart-ney, 18th Division, $250 from Federal In-surance Co. for recovery of a bracelet.

MAY 26 Retired - John Grunewald, Lieutenant,

100th Prct., at $2,000 per annum, May 28. Ernest P. Eich, Patrolman, 11th Prct., at $1,500 per annum, May 24.

Died-Patrick J. Cody, Patrolman, 48th Prct., May 23.

Retired-Rose Rosenberg, Patrolwoman, New York City Employees' Retirement System, May 12.

LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Com-missioner.

Report for Week Ended June 3, 1939 MAY 29

Retired-Joseph A. Scheideler, Captain, Harbor Precinct, at $2,500 per annum, May 28.

Died-William A. G. Smyth, Lieutenant, 79th Prct., May 25.

Appointed-Automobile Enginemen (Po-lice) at $1,500 per annum, June 1: Philip Malizia, Cletus B. Curren and Daniel E. Reiss.

MAY 30 Transferred-David Safran, Clerk at

$1,200 per annum, to Department of Wel-fare, June 1.

Pensions Granted-Awarded $600 per annum : Sadie A. Cassidy, widow of Lieu-tenant William J. Cassidy, Nov. 11, 1938; Emma Bannon, guardian jointly with Guardian Clerk of Surrogate's Court, Kings County, of the minor children of John C. McClean, deceased Patrolman, until the youngest child reaches the age of 18 years, Jan. 6; Emma A. Dwyer, widow of John F. Dwyer, pensioner, March 16; Emilia Turner, widow of Patrolman Frank A. Turner, April 9; Flora Hughes, widow of John J. Hughes, pensioner, and Gertrude Frey, widow of Joseph P. Frey, pensioner, April 14; Mary J. Whalen, widow of Ed-ward Whalen, pensioner; Hildur William-son, widow of Warren N. Williamson, pen-sionPr, and Louise R. Mathews, widow of William H. Mathews, pensioner, April 15; Dorothy Kenney, guardian jointly with Clerk of Surrogates' Court, New York County, of the minor child of Charles J. Kenney, deceased Sergeant, until said child reaches the age of 18 years, April 17; Johanna Snedeker, widow of Theodore

DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION Retired - Sidney Mason and Antonio

Guzzio, Drivers, May 27. Mike Blattberg, Machinist's Helper, May 27. Charles A. McGee, District Superintendent, May.24.

DEPARTMENT OF MARKETS Transferred-John Mucerino, Laborer at

$5.50 a day, to President, Borough of Man-hattan, and salary fixed at $1,500 per an-num, June 1.

Appointed-George H. Brown, 1343 Bos-cobel ave., Bronx, Laborer at $5 a day, June 9.

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939


Amount Amount

Comp- Invoice troller's Date or Vouch- Contract er No. Number

Comp- Invoice troller's Date or Vouch- Contract Name of Payee


er No. Number

Comp- Invoice troller's Date or Vouch- Contract er No. Number

Name of Payee Name of Payee

182 78 2,171 88

119 28 427 33 113 65

17 77 26 57 68 53

3,015 40 35 00 700

634 42 557 28

2 42 3 82

11 51 396 2 65

7 43 190 60

1,322 39 96200 2786

4,620 38 413 10 5684

353 40

440 05

1,086 00 124 62 176 22 49 00 21 00

3,261 70 626

5,752 99 95 34

1,887 18 1,321 74 2,162 06

132 Od 109082 130766 Embassy Grocery Corp Embassy Grocery Corp. . .

109083 130779 Loose Wiles Biscuit Co Loose Wiles Biscuit Co

109084 130782 Manhattan Fruit Cont. Co Manhattan Fruit Cont. Co

109085 130784 National Kream Co., Inc National Kream Co., Inc

109086 127529 Burns Bros. 109087 127533 Howard Coal & Coke Co 109088 127534 Mara Fuel Co., Inc. 109089 129191 Metropolitan Tobacco Co 109090 128860 Haloid Co. 109091 128979 Gotham Towel Supply Co

Gotham Towel Supply Co Gotham Towel Supply Co Gotham Towel Supply Co Gotham Towel Supply Co

109092 129051 Wilson Laboratories, Div. of Wilson & Co., Inc.

109093 127529 Burns Bros. 109094 127532 Farrell Coal Co., Inc. 109095 127533 Farrell Coal Co., Inc. 109031 130159 Orthovogue Shoes 109032 130588 Armour & Co. 109033 130536 Harold Dinzey 109034 129559 Kasper & Koetzle, Inc 109035 129964 I'. & G. Auto Parts, Inc 109054 129108 Palma Motor Sales & Service

Corp. . 109055 129929 Sanitary Supply & Specialty

Co. .. 109056 130208 Security Steel Equip. Corp..

Security Steel Equip. Corp... 109040 127534 Mara Fuel Co., Inc. 109041 125734 Mara Fuel Co., Inc. 109042 127169 Marnis Oil Co., Inc. 109043 130391 Arthur Brown Bro. 109044 129294 Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Inc 109045 129378 E. R. Squibb & Sons 109046 128899 Sterisol Ampoule Co. 109047 126778 Burland Ptg. Co. 109048 126778 Burland Ptg. Co., Inc.

Tension Envelope Co., Inc

American Steel Wool Mfg Co., Inc.

109051 130607 C. R. Bard, Inc.

109052 129299 Brewer & Co., Inc. 109053 130366 Dykes Lumber Co. 109022 128696 Knickerbocker Ice Co.

Knickerbocker Ice Co. Knickerbocker Ice Co. Knickerbocker Ice. Co.

109023 129408 Merck & Co., Inc. Merck & Co., Inc.

109024 129304 Colonial Beacon Oil Co Colonial Beacon Oil Co Colonial Beacon Oil Co

109025 130190 Waltham Corp. 109026 129161 Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co 109027 129044 G. H. Sherman, M. D., Inc 109028 130160 Wagenseil Surgical Appliance

Co., Inc. 109029 128696 Knickerbocker Ice Co

109030 130682 Remington Rand, Inc. Department of Sanitation

108957 130523 N. Y. Tel. Co 5,358 32 Sheriff, New York County

108785 Daniel E. Finn, Jr 77 82 Board of Water Supply

108754 J. Bruce Lindsley 3 00

108755 Lipgar Photo Studio 11 50

108756 Livingston A. Le Fever 10 00

108757 National Ulster County Bank 125 00

108758 James A. Simpson 22 25

108741 Charles M. Clark 15 43

108742 Walter E. Spear 68 63

108743 Elizabeth P. Anderton 50 00

108744 Alvina Mathieson 165 00

108745 Alice Phillips Seymour 255 00

108746 Charles E. Noyes Co 500 00

108747 Charles F. Noyes Co 3,136 00 Charles F. Noyes Co 130 00

198748 Francis W. Ryan 5 00

108749 Francis W. Ryan 5 00

108750 Francis W. Ryan 3 00 108751 Adolph Silten 130 00 108752 Corporate Press, Inc 67 80 108753 Freeman Publishing Co 96 00. 108773 Mekeel Bros. Garage 4 00. 108774 George Murphy, Inc 7 22 108775 N. Y. State Electric & Gas

Corp. 20 02 108776 Pearl Paint Co., Inc 2 90 108777 Security Steel Equip. Corp. , 895 17 108778 Arthur Selle 54 99 108779 Sherman Chevrolet Co., Inc 8 97- 108780 L. C. Smith & Corona Type-

writers, Inc. 4 03 108781 L. C. Smith & Corona Type-

writers, Inc. 167 12 108782 William W. Stanley Co., Inc 480 108783 Vanderbilt Towel Sup. Co ,

Inc. 2525 108784 Warden; Sing Sing Prison, 6 68 108759 Boston Water Purifier Co 56 00 108760 Clark & Gibby, Inc 182 52 108761 Daisy Cup Co., Inc 50 00, 108762 Duryea Seed Co., Inc 900 108763 Ellenville Electric Co 9 72 108764 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co ,

Inc. 31 68 Gordon & Sedran 31 84 Granville Sellers, Inc 14 00 Carl Hermansen 890 00 Jaclin Stationery Corp 10 83 Katonah Garage 64 61 H. F. King Co 263 David Linzer & Sons, Inc 1 16 McCarthy's Service Station 94 33 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity North American Iron & Steel Co., Inc. 119 99 General Electric, Inc 1,108 25 Alan Lawrence Co 1,581 00

Department of Welfare W. W. Clark

109049 127074 109050 128840

451 40 2,197 57

58 50 685 75 11 97

4 50 2 43

4474 5 45

2560 57 75 6860

231 00 1,162 10

51 35 43 70

500 62 02 60 16

108765 108766 108767 108768 108769 108770 108771 108772 Department of 108967 124213

108968 128874 108969 128581

108736 25 54

Snedeker, pensioner, April 19; Mary Egan, widow of David Egan, pensioner, and Martha A. Liddy, widow of James H. Liddy, pensioner, April 22; Irene Hermann, widow of Patrolman Harold J. E. Her-mann, and Ella E, Fraher, widow of Richard J. Fraher, pensioner, April 25; Elizabeth Wipf, widow of Patrolman George A. Wipf, April 28; Ellen Gorman, widow of James Gorman, pensioner, April 30; Ellen F. Kavanagh, widow of Patrick J. Kavanagh, pensioner, May 3 ; Barbara Dunlap, widow of Elmer Dunlap, pensioner, and Kathryn G. Ellis, widow of Lieutenant James J. Ellis, May 8 ; Mary Duggan, widow of Joseph P. Duggan, pensioner, May 9; Ellen Flanagan, widow of Patrick Flanagan, pensioner, May 12; Winifred C. Hardiman, widow of Lieutenant John J. Hardiman, May 13; Anna Bradley, widow of Patrolman Joseph F. Bradley, May 14.

Petition for Pension Denied-Nellie C. Parslow, widow of Luke A. Parslow, pen-sioner.

MAY 31 Retired-Egon R. Erickson, Patrolman,

18th Division, 7th Detective District, at $1,500 per annum, May 31. Patrolmen (on Police Surgeon's certificate) : Michael Coleman, 14th Prct. ; Joseph F. Crawley, 52d Prct., and Maurice Downing, Traffic Precinct G, at $1,500 per annum ; Timothy J. Driscoll, Jr., 24th Prct., at $768 per annum ; John J. Ryan, 76th Prct., at $1,380 per annum.

Services Ceased-Patrolman Max J. Lascher, 18th Prct., May 31.

JUNE I Trials, Fines Imposed-Patrolmen: John

R. Hennessy, 3 days; Thomas P. Flanagan, 2 days; Anthony A. Otsky, 1 day; Joseph J. Crotty, 3 days ; Christian 0. Ungemach and Francis M. Hackett, 2 days; Kenneth L Heil, Robert S. Herrnstadt and Charles G. Benvenuto, 1 day each ; Howard Langer, 2 days ; William A. Lind, James F. Sul-livan, Francis W. McCabe and Thomas J. Kearney, 1 day each ; John P. Mahoney, 2 days; David Weidenbaum and Stephen Bromley, 1 day each; Edward P. Devlin, 3 days; Matthew F. Cahill, / day; John A. Kennedy, 1 day.

Trials, Fines Imposed-Patrolmen : John F. McCarthy, 3 days ; John A. Kennedy,1 day; Thomas L. McCaughan, 2 days; Vincent Vitale, 1 day; Walter J. Jenkins, % day; Arthur W. Heine, / day; August G. Feustel, Jr., 3 days ; Bertrand Nathan, day ; Edwin Hodam, 2 days ; George J. Meier, / day; Francis Seidenspinner, Adam Eder and Harry L. Knox, 1 day each; Thomas J. Brennan, John Malone and Michael R. Hale, 5 days each.

JUNE 2 Retired-Michael Gormley, Lieutenant,

4th Prct., at $2,000 per annum, May 31. Charles F. Shelley, Patrolman, Traffic Pre-cinct A, at $1,500 per annum, June 3.

JUNE 3 Retired-Policewoman Isabelle C. Mc-

Carthy, Bureau of Policewomen, May 31. LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Com-


basins, 427; loads removed from drains, 5; cubic yards removed from basins, 568.

Laboring Force Employed-Sewer Re-pairing and Cleaning: Ward Foremen, 6; Foremen, 26 ; Mechanics, 13 ; Laborers, 166; auto trucks, 44; tractors, 7.

Topographical Bureau Work Done by Office Force-Drafting

and computing final maps and alteration maps ; determining detail grades for City departments and private surveyors; reduc-tion of level notes and the preparation of

Bureau of Highways profiles preparatory to the making of the Moneys Received - Special and Trust final map ; issuing house numbers ; supply-

Funds : Amount received for restoring and ing information relative to the legal status repaving, SPQ-101, $2,283.50; amount re- of streets and miscellaneous information of ceived for inspection fees, SPQ-101, $3,075. various kinds on City plan; title searches, General Fund, vault charges, $15. Special County Clerk's office, Queens; designing, security deposits, amount deposited, $1,027. computing and drafting arterial highways Total, $6,400.50. and parkways ; necessary clerical and steno-

Permits Issued-To open streets for water graphic work. Rule Map: Connecting connections, 70 ; to open streets for water highway. Damage Maps : Cross Island repairs, 58; to open streets for sewer con- pkway., Cross Island blvd., Shore pkway., nections, 54; to open streets for sewer re- Connecting highway, Woodhaven blvd., pairs, 9; to open streets for sewer and Midtown highway; public parks, Rockaway. water connections, 156; to open streets for ' Work Done by Field Force-Monument-sewer and water repairs, 13; to open streets ing: St. Albans, Arverne, Creedmoor, for construction of private sewers and Edgemere, Bayside, North Forest Hills. drains, 7; placing building material on Levelling: Corona. Final Mapping: Kew streets, 12; crossing sidewalks, 7; lay and Gardens, St. Albans, Flushing, Creedmoor. repair sidewalks and curbs, 3; constructing Damage Survey: Bayside St. Albans, vaults, 1; installing fill boxes at curb, 6; Woodhaven, L. I. City. areaway, 2; close street, 1; move diner, 2; Force Employed-Engineer in Charge, 1; placing tar kettles on streets, 1; paving, Assistant Engineers, 22; Assistant Topo-private contract, 5 ; build cesspools, 5 ; move graphical Engineer, 1; Transitmen, 58; gate, 1; total, 413. Corporation permits Topographical Draftsmen, 36; Map Let- issued, 278. terers, 3; Engineering Illustrative Designer,

Force Employed - Foremen, 57 ; Steam 1; Junior Topographical Draftsman, 1; Roller Engineers, 23; Stationary Engineers, Junior Draftsmen, 3; Engineering Assis-8; Licensed Firemen, 4; Tractor Operators, tants, 24; Photostat Machine Operator, 1; 26; Motor Grader Operators, 19; Me- Clerks, 4; Stenographers and Typewriters, chanics, 58; Asphalt Workers, 157; La- 4; Typewriting Copyist, 1; Messenger, 1; borers, 564 ; Gasoline Roller Engineers, 4. Auto Engineman, 1; Printer, 1; Laborers,

Work Performed - Macadam pavement 23. GEORGE U. HARVEY, President. repaired, 10,274 square yards; macadam pavement tarred, 1,875 square yards; granite Chaps in Departments, Etc. pavement repaired, 535 square yards; brick pavement repaired, 218 square yards; as- LAW DEPARTMENT phalt block pavement repaired, 117 square Appointed-Frieda Forman, 57 W. 75th yards ; sheet asphalt pavement repaired, st., Manhattan, Temporary Stenographer 31,515 square yards; asphalt concrete pave- (Law) at $1,500 per annum, Division of ment repaired, 49 square yards; headers set, Railroad Construction Litigation, June 9. 375 linear feet; curb reset, 1,270 linear feet, sidewalks repaired, 206 square feet; road-way graded, 10,986 square yards; roadway sanded after oiling, 160,554 square yards; roadway scraped and honed, 262,737 square yards ; roadway repaired with ashes, 17,496 square yards ; roadway oiled, 265,624 square yards ; gutters formed and cleaned, 11,234 linear feet.

Bureau of Sewers Permits Issued - Private sewers and

drains, 7, amount $794; for new sewer con-nections, 210, amount $1,050; for old sewer connections (repairs), 9.

Work Done-Sewer cleaned, 78,000 linear feet; basins cleaned, 431 ; basins flushed, PRESIDENT, BOROUGH OF 259; sewer examined, 61,900 linear feet; MANHATTAN sewer flushed, 108,400 linear feet; basins Appointed-Temporary Engineering As- examined, 299; basins repaired, 13; sewer sistants at $1,260 per annum: David Wolf-repaired, 52 linear feet; manholes repaired, son, 3975 Sedgwick ave., Bronx, June 5; 2; manholes cleaned, 533; manholes flushed, Joseph E. Rood, 246 E. 13th st., Manhattan, 552; open drains cleaned, 600; loads re- June 12; William E. Lindstrom, 332 E. moved from sewer, 89; loads removed from 38th st., Manhattan, June 16.

President, Borough of Queens Report for Week Ended May 13, 1939 Vouchers Forwarded to Comptroller-

Contract, $146,094.52; open market order, $1,679.22; miscellaneous, $19,327.40; pay-roll, $69,647.85 ; total, $236,748.99.

Permit Division Moneys Received-Sale of topographical

maps, 34, amount, $20.13 ; sale of sewer maps, 26, amount, $15.30 ; sale of highway maps, 2, amount, 95 cents. '

a. m. Appeals from orders called at 10 a. m.

Second Dept.-45 Monroe pl., Bklyn. TR uuagl 5-1300

Court sits from 2 p. m. to 6 p. in. No court on Saturda s.

SUPREME COURT-1ST JUD. DIST.- New York County-County Court House,

Manh'n WO rth 2-6500 Court opens at 10 a. m.

Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JE rome 6-1031 Court opens at 10 a. m.

SUPREME COURT-2D JUD. DIST.--Eings County -- Joralemon and Court

ass. Bklyn. TR iangl 5-7300 tourt opens at 10 a. a.

Appellate Term TR iangl 5-7452 Court opens at 10 a. m.

Queens County-Sutphin blvd. and 88th ave., Jamaica JA maica 6-1570

Richmond County-County Court House, S. I. GI braltr 7-8700

SURROGATES' COURTS- Bronx-851 Grand Concourse. JBrome 6-4892

Court opens at 10 a, m. Kings-Hall of Records Ti iangl 5-7020

Court opens at 9.30 a. a. N. Y.-Hall of Records WO rth 2-6744

Court opens at 10.30 a. m. Queens-161.10 Jamaica ave., Jamaica

JA males 6-6000 Court opens at 10 a. m.

Rich.-County Court House... GI braltr 74577 Court opens at 10.30 a. m.

FAX DEPARTMENT- Municipal Bldg., Manb'n Wi' -th 1-1800

Bronx-Tremont & Arthur aves.TR anal 8-5,90 Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg TR iangi 5-1100 Queens--Court sq. L. L City ST ilwel 46860 Richmond-Borough Hill GI brsltr 7-1000

TEACHERS' RETIREMENT BOARD- 139 Centre st. Manh'n CA pal 6-2353

rRANSPORTAIION. BOARD OF- 250 Hudson st., Manb'a CA nil 6-6600

FRIBOROUGH BRIDGE AUTHORITY- Randall's Island, MaiIh'n HA slam 74100

WATER SUPPLY BOARD OF- 346 Broadway, kanh'n WO rth 2-3150

WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELECT. Mun«pal Bldg., HnaEu WO rth 2-4320

Rronx-Tre,n t & Arthur aves.TR smut 8-5400 Brooldyn-Munieipsl Bldu TR tangl 5-7100 Queens-18 Court sq. L . C STllwel 4-7150 Richmond- fall SA hatGee 7-0840

WELFARE. DEPARTMENT OF- 902 Broadway Manh'n GR marry 5-3500

WORLD'S FAI* COMMISSION- New York City Bldg. at the World's

Fair, Flushing Meadow Park, Queen. IAA vemyr 6-1060



TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939


Dt1-161st st. and 3d a

- ve ME lrose 5-2466

2 and 3-161st at and 3d ave ME Irose 5-3670 Felony-161st at. and 3d ave MElrose 5-2466 Homicide-161st at. & 3d ave ME lrose 5-1958 Municipal Term-161st at. and 3d ave.

ME (rose 5-1958 Probation--161st at. & 3d ave MEIrose 5-2345 Traffic--161st at. and 3d ave. ME Irose 5-1958

Brooklyn General Office-Municipal BIdg.TR langi 5-7100

Dt5-Williamsburg Bridge Plaza.EV ergrn 7-2503 7-25 Snyder ave BU ckmustr 2-1506 8-2963 W. 3th at CO neyIs 6-0013 9-43d at and 4th ave WI odsr 5-0381 10-127 Pennsylvania ave AP plegate 6-8606 Adolescent-31 Snyder ave.. BU ckmnstr 2-3516 Felony-120 Schermerhorn it. ...MA in 4-0216 Municipal Ternt-120 Schermerhorn at.

TE iangl 5-4220 Night Bail-120 Schermerborn st..MA in 4-0216 Probation-Municipal Bldg..... TR iangl 5-7100 Traffic-1005 Bedford av t MA in 2-2904

Traffic (2)-495 QGate ave. MAin 2-1284

~10-15 49th ave., L. I. C 1- ity..IR onsdes 6-9000 2-Town Hall, Flushing FL ushing 9-0228 3-90th at Far Rockaway. BE llHrbr 5-0125 Felony---Cee at. and Catalpa ave.,

Glendale HE geman 3-8320 Traffic-Town Hall, Jamaica .. JA malts 6-0318

Richmond Central-Bement and Castleton ayes..

West New Brighton PO rtRich 7-5712 Traffic-67 Targee et., Stapleton


Municipal Bldg., Manb'n WO rth 2-5600 CITY RECORD, THE-

Municipal Bldg., Manit's WO rth 2-3490 COMPT11OLLER. OFFICE OF-

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1200 CORRECTION, DEPARTMENT OF-

139 Centre at., Manh'n CA nal 6-1390 COUNCIL-

City Hall, Minh's CO rtlnd 7-6770 Clerk's Office, Municipal Bldg Manb'n

WO rth 2-4430 Preiident'rt.0t1'ice, City Hall, Maah'n

CO rtind 7-6770 COUNTY CLERKS-

Bronx-851 Grand Concourse E rome 6-4600 Kings-Hell of Records fl langl 5-8780 N. - Conaty Court House.... WO rth 2-6114 Queens-Sutphin blvd. and 88th ave.,

Jamaica JA maica 6-2607 Rich.-County Court House.. SA intGeo 7-1806

COUNTY COURTS- Courts open at 10 a. m.

Bronx-.851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7-8965 Kings-120 Schermerhorn at. ...MA in 4-5301 Queens-24-22 Jackson ave., L. I. C.

ST ilwel 4-7525 Rich.-County Court House. GI braltr 7-7500

DISTRICT ATTORNEYS- Bronx-8S1 Grand Concourse JE rome 6-5910

9a.m.to5p.m.• Sat. to12noon. Kings-Municipal Bldg. TR iangl 5-8900

9 a. m. to 5 p. a; Sat. to 12 noon. N. Y.-137 Centre at. CA nal 6-5700

9.30a.m.to6 p, m.; Sat. to1p.in. Queens--County Court House, L. L C.

ST ilwel 4-7590 9a. in. to5p.in.; Sat. to12noon.

Rich.-County Court House. GI braltr 7-0049 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Sat. to 12 noon.

DOCKS. DEPARTMENT OF- Pier "A." North River, Man.. WH itehi 4-0600

DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT- Children's Court Division-

Man5attan--137 E. 22d st.. GR amrcy 5-3611 Bronx-1118 Gr. Concourse. roue 7-9800 Bklyn.-111 Schermerhorn st.TR langl 5-8611 Queens -105.34 Union Hall st..

maica 6-2545 Jamaicah d -100 Richmond J

A Ric r., St.

Hearing of eases begins at 10 a. m. 7-8300

Family ~ Division— Manhattan-153 E. 57th et. VO hinter 5.0430 Bronx-I llS Or. Concourse. .7E rome 7-9800 Bldyn.-327 Scbermerborn at.TR iangl 5-9770 Queens, 105.34 Union Hall st.,

Jamaica JA maica 6-2545 R ahnsind -100 Richmond ter.. St.

George SA intGeo 7-8300 EDUCATION. BOARD OF-

Puk ave. and 59th at., Man. .VO luster 56600 ELECTIONS. BOARD OF-

400 Broome at., Manh'n (4th floor) CA nal 6-2600

Bronx-Tremont and 3d ayes. .TR emnt 8-1186 Broaidyn-Municipal Bldg.....TR isngl 5-7100 Queens-90.33 Sutphin blvd.. Jamaica

RE public 9-1916 Richmond-Borough Hall SA intGeo 7-1955

9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Sat. to 12 noon ESTIMATE, BOARD OF-

Secretary's Office, Municipal Bldg., Manh n • WO rth 2-4560

Real Estate, Bureau of, Municipal Bldg., Manh'u WO rth 2-5600

Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg.....TR iangl 5-6330 Queens-89.31 161st st., Jmca. JA maica 6-5234

LICENSES, DEPARTMENT OF- 105 Walker st., Manh'n CA nal 6-2400

Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-7100 Richmond-Borough Hall GI braltr 7-1000

MANHATTAN, PRESIDENT OF- Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5600

MARKETS. DEPARTMENT OF- 139 Centre st., Manh'n CA nal 6-2880

MAYOR'S OFFICE- City Hall. Manh'n CO rtlnd 7-1000

MUNICIPAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM- Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5600

MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COM'N- Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1580

MUNICIPAL COURTS- Office of the President Justice, 8 Reade

at., Manh'n WO rth 2-1401 Office hours: 8.45 a. in. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays to 12 noon.

Dist. Maxhattao 1-8 Reade at WO rth 2-1475 2-264 Madison st. OR chrd 4-3800 3-314 W. 54th at CO lumbs 5-1772 4-321 E. 38th at CA ledonia 5-9431 5-2565 Broadway RI versde 9-4006 6-155 E. 88th st SA crmento 2-7878 7-447 W. 151st at AU dubn 3-5410 8-170 E. 121st st LE high 4-5590 9-624 Madison ave VOlonter 5-3150

10-107 W. 116th at MO numnt 2-4340 Central Jury and Non-Jury Parts and 8 Reade st.WO rth 2-1400 Small Claims Part

FINANCE. DEPARTMENT OF- Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1200 City Collections, Buresa of- Mannattan-Municipal Bldg WO rtb 2-1200

Bronx-Trem. & Arthur avea.TR emnt 2-6000 Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg...TR iangl S-7100 Queens-Court sq. L. I. C ST ilwel 4-2400 Richmond--Borough Hall.... GI braltr 7-1000

Emergency Revenue Division- 50 Lafayette at., Manh'n WO rth 2-4780

FIRE DEPARTMENT- Municipal Bldg , Manb'n WO rth 2-4I00

Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg..... TR iangl 5-8340 GENERAL SESSIONS. COURT OF-

Centre and Franklin its., Manh'n WO rth 2-5778

Probation Dept. WO rth 2-6632 Clerk's office open 9 a. M. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays to 12 noon. Court opens


125 Worth at., Manh'n WO rth 2-6900 Bronx-1918 Arthur ave TR emnt 8.6320 Bklyn.-Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-9400 Queens-148-15 Archer ave., R

a public 9-1200 Richmond-51 Stuyvesant pl., St. George


17 Lexington ave., Manh'n...GR amrcy 5-1033 HOSPITALS, DEPARTMENT OF-

125 Worth et., Manh'n WO rth 2-4440 HOUSING AND BUILDINGS-

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5600 Buildings, Division of-

Bronx-851 Gr. Concourse. JE rome 6-3941 Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg. ..TR iangl 5-7100 Manb'n-Municipal Bldg WO rth 2-5600 Queens-21.10 49th ave., L. I. City

ST ilwel 4-5888 Richmona Borough Hall. ..GI braltr 7-1000

Housing, Division of- Bronx-1932 Arthur ave... .TRemnt 8-9311 Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg. ..TR iangl 5-7100 Manh'n-346 Broadway WO rth 2-1525 Queens-21.10 49th ave., L. I. City

ST ilwel 4-5888 Richmond-Borough Hall ...GI braltr 7-7790

INVESTIGATION, DEPARTMENT OF- 2 Lafayette st., Manh'n WO rth 2-2300

JURORS. COMMISSIONER OF- Kings-Municipal Bldg. TR iangl 5-7100

LAW DEPARTMENT- Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4600

DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Appointed-John Canaras, Mary Sprague

and Eleanor Wolfson, Temporary Clerks with Knowledge of Addressograph at $1,200 per annum, May 1.

Services Ceased-Margaret Cahill, Tem-ry Tabulating Machine Operator at

$1,200 per annum, April 30. Thomas J. Flaherty, Typewriter-Bookkeeper at $2,040 per annum, June 6.

Retired-George Nebgen, Searcher (Dep-uty City Collector), April 30.


Appointed -- Isadore Moskowitz, 6052 Madison st. Ridgewood, Engineering As-sistant at 2,160 per annum, Bureau of Highways and Sewers, June 16.

Services Ceased-Astor Smith, Laborer at $1,500 per annum, Bureau of Highways and Sewers, June 2. Isadore Moskowitz, Junior Topographical Draftsman at $2,160 per annum, Bureau of Highways and Sew-ers June 15.

t raasf erred-Harry C. Schillinger, La-borer at $1;200 per annum, from Bureau of I 1'ghways and Sewers, and salary fixed at $1,500 per annum, June 1.


p 4oa f a. a. to i p. m.; Saturdays to 11 u; Count Oflesr, 0 n, ar. to 4 p. n.i wme*s to 1$ as,

WO rth 3-1330

CO rded 7-1191

WO rtk 2-3630

8 "I sad i I OF JS taw 6-3!41 BHOOILYN. PUSIDUIT OF- ~ad if 5-71

TR Isoil 5-71%00

a X MA 1 a Co rtad 7.4706

": bosi 7Und

~~ WO rtbZ-3711

is iN JE tame 7-4649 0 9 a. m. to 5 P. m. e,e _day.

B sllci4 l7[ land 5-9358

pu,w- Tew , Htt11, Jamaia JA main 6-1640 Opal 9 a. m. to I p. m.; Saturdays, Sun ys a db idays to 12 noon.

ONE !0 M 1 P. i Irdss~s 7-0007 M„19 aaa: aboalW >dqa and

~s An 0 at.. 1i CO ttlud 7-5218

~[ M46 Movsk WO rt6 8-4430 Iiagbu 77 .s ave...TI eau$1 8-7100

31u~g Tlt iwd S-7IO0

Hall GI btsltr 7-1000 Qas.-31.10 49th ave., L I. C ST ilwel 4-5440


531 Grand Coscoarae jE come 66985 190 &bsnaeboa at..CUmbrind 66070

Nn Yak Cs t,-Old Count, Court Raaaa, U Clambers et CO rtlnd 7-6,264

Queii-Sutphin aka

blvd. and 8 JA ave., 6-2410

Ii0pnssci - 66 Lafayette ave. Nei

110ftoompendi braltr 7-6280

9a.m.to4p.in., Comb open at 10

a. a. Genial and eommarcial calendars and at 9.45 a. m.


SYSTEM- Municipal -4566

CITY MAGISTRATES' COURTS-Groeral Office. 300 Mulberry at., Manh'n

Clerks' offices to cal 66500

open 9 a. m. to 4.30

Alp.m., Saturday* to 12 noon.

conrta, except Traffic, Municipal Torm. Commegtl Frauds. Probe-tiao, Homicide and Night Courts. Manhattan and Brooklyn, are open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., except Saturdayr, Suada"s and holidays, when only morning session, are held. The Traffic. UOnicide, Mu nicipal Term and Commercial Frauds Courts are open from 9 S. at. to 4 p. m. daily, and are closed Saturdays Sundays and holidays. The Night Courts are In session from 8 p. m, to I a. m. every night.

Dist. Maekettox 1--32 Franklin at WO rtb 2-2061 2--425 6th ave GR amrcy 7-4467 3-2d ave. and 2d at DR ydak 4-1204 4-153 E. 57th st VO luster 5-0442 5-121st at. and Sylvan p1....BA rlem 7-0225 7-314 W. 54th it CO lumbus 5-4630

13-455 W. 151st it ED gecomb 4-8429 Commercial Fraud.-52 Chambers at.

CO rtlnd 7-4763 Felony-32 Franklin at WO rth 2-2833 Homicide-301 Mott at CA nal 6-6500 Municipal Term-52 Chambers at.

CO rtlnd 7-4763 Night court for Men-314 W. 54th at.

5-4630 Probation-300 Mulberry d CO CAMulberry nal 6-6500 Traffic (Lower)-301 Mott it. CA nil 6-6500 Traffic (Upper)--455 W. 151st at.

ED gecomb 4-3700 Woesa's-425 6th ave GR amrcy 7-4628

Bronx 1-1400 Williamabridge rd. ..,UN drbil 3-6100 2-Washington ave. 162d st MEIrose 5-3041 Central Jury and small Claims Parts,

Washington ave. and 162d at.MElrose 5-3041 Brooklyn

1-120 Schermerhorn at TR ianØ S-2052 2-495 Gates ave MA in 2-3010 3-6 Lee eve ST ag 2-7813 4-260 Utica ave SL ocum 6-4500 5-4th ave. and 42d at WI ndar 5-2540 6-27-33 Snyder ave BU ckmnstr 2-9643 7-363 Liberty ave AP plegate 6-8600 8-1301 Surf ave CO nayIs 6-8303 Central Jury and 1 120 Schermerhorn st. Small Claims Parts I TR iangl 5-2052

weevt 1-10-15 49th ave, L I. City.IR wades 6-7987 2--Broadway and Court ,t.. Elmhurst

JA males 6-0086 Richmond

1-Bement and Castleton ayes. West New Brighton Pa rtRich 7-0189

2-71 Targee at Stapleton SA intGeo 7-0313 Small Claims Part. 71 Targee at.,


Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-6607 9 a. m. to ON P. m., Sat. to 1 p m.

N. Y. CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY- 10 E. 40th st., Manh'n AS hind 4-8360

N. Y. CITY PARKWAY AUTHORITY- Arsenal Bldg., Manb'n RE gent 4-1000

N. Y. CITY TUNNEL AUTHORITY- 200 Madison ave.. Manh'n...LE xington 2-5151

PARKS. DEPARTMENT OF- Arsenal Bldg., Central Park, 64th st.

and 5th ave. Manh'n RE gent 4-1000 Bronx-Bronx Park East, at Birc~

ave. WE stchstr 7-5200 Brooklyn-Litchfield Mansion, Prospect SO 8-2300

Queens--The Overlook, Forest Park Kew Gardens CL evinJ 3-4600

Richmond - Field House. Clove Lakes Park, Victory blvd. and Clove rd., West Brighton GI braltr 2-7640

PAROLE COMMISSION- 139 Centre st., Manh'n CA nil 6-3160

POLICE DEPARTMENT- 240 Centre at., Manh'n CA nal 6-2000

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS- Bronx-851 Gr. Concourse rome 7-7484 Kings-Municipal Bldg R ' 5-7100 N. Y: Hall of Records WO 2-6615 Queens--Sutphin blvd. and 88th ave.,

Jamaica JA maica 6-5037 Rich.-Bement and Castleton ayes., West

New Brighton GI braltr 2-5422 PUBLIC WORKS. DEPARTMENT OF-

Municipal Bldg. Manh'n WO nth 2-4740 PURCHASE DEPARTMENT OF-

Municipal bldg.. Manh'n WO rth 2-5860 QUEENS. PRESIDENT OF-

21-10 49th ave. L. I. City ST tlwel 4-5400 Topographical bureau, 45-22 Court eq.


Kings-Hall of Records TR iangl 5-6988 N. Y.-Hall of Records WO rt6 2-3900

RECORDS. COM'R OF CITY COURT- 52 Chambers at., Man$'n CO rtlnd 7-6264


851 Grand Concourse JE tone 6-4892 RECORDS, COM'R OF SURROGATES'

COURT. NEW YORK COUNTY- Hall of Records. Manb'n WO rth 2-6744

REGISTERS- Bronx-851 Grand Concourse E rome 7-9811 Kings-Hall of Records R' 1 5-6800 N. Y.-Hall of Records WO 2-3900 Queens-161-04 Jamaica ave., Jamaica

REVISION OF ASSESSMENTS-tea 6-8684 ASSESSMENTS- Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1200

RICHMOND. PRESIDENT OF- Borough Hall, S. I GI braltr 7-1000

SANITATION. DEPARTMENT OF- 125 Worth at., Manh'n WO rth 2-3221

Bronx-1932 Arthur ave TR emnt 8-3676 Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-7545 Queens-153.19 Jamaica ave., Jamaica

JA maica 6-7162 Richmond-Borough Hall GI braltr 7-8500

SHERIFFS- Bronx-851 Grand Concourse. jE rome 7-3501 Kings-Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-7100 N. Y.-Hall of Records WO rth 2-4300 Queens-County Court House, L. I. C.

ST ilwel 4-6017 Rich.-County Court House.... GI braltr 7-0041

SPECIAL SESSIONS, COURT OF-Clerk's offices open 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.;

Saturdays to 12 noon. Courts open at 10 a. m.

Manhattan-32 Franklin st WO rth 2-3434 Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7-2898

Court held Tuesday and Friday. Brooklyn-120 Sebermerhorn at. ..MAin 1-5916 Queens-153.19 Jamaica ave., Jamaica

JA maica 5-8040 Court held Monde and Thursday.

Richmond-County Court House, S. I. SA intGeo 7-0324

Court held every Wednesday, Probation Bureau - Municipal Bldg.,


Municipal Bldg. Manh'n WO rth 2-0184 STATUTORY CONSOLIDATION, BD. OF-

City Hall, Manh'n CO rind 7-6770 SUPREME COURT-APPELLATE DIV.-

First Dept.-Madison ave. and 25th at., Manh'n , LE xingtn 2-1000

Court sits from 2 p. in. to 6 . in. The first and third Fridays of eachterm, motion days, the Court opens at 10 a. m. Motions called at 9

Meets in Room 936, Municipal Bldg., ivGnli'a, on Wednesdays at 10 a. M.

WILLIAM STANLEY MILLER, President. Teachers' Retirement Board

Meet, in Room 603, Municipal Bldg., Manh'a, on fourth Tuesday of each month at 3 p. m.

LOUIS TAYLOR, Secretary. Board of Traapostation

Meets at 250 Hudson at., fanh'n, an Tuesdays, at 11.30 a. m. and at the call of the Chairman.

JOHN H. DELANEY. Chairman. Board of Water Supply

Meets at 346 Broadway, Minh n, on Tuesdays, at 11 a



Armory Board Meets in Room 2208, Yunicipel Bldg, Manb'a,

on first Wednesday q each month. at 3.30 p. a EDWARD G. RIERERT, Saxetarl.

Art Commission Meets at its other, City Hell, Msnh'n, on

second Tuesday in each month at 2.30 p. m. A. EVERETT PETEiESON, Secretary.

Board of Assessors Meets in Room 2200, Municipal Bldg., Manb'a,

on Tuesdays, at 1030 a. m. FREDERICK J. H. ERACSE, Chairman,

Bonkiog Commission Meets in Mayor's Oftia, City Hall, MsnWn an

first day in February, May, August and November. ANDREW J. GALLIGAN, Secretary.

Board of and Welfare Meets in Old Count7 Court Rouse, 59 Chan.

bens at., Manb'n, on third MondaF inmanta, at 3 P. m. PAUL E. FUSCO, sissy.

CitI Planning Qonin1aslci Meets in Room 16, City Hall, Manb'n, on

Wednesdays at 2.30 p. m. PHILLIP B. THURSTOL Secretary.

Meet. in fcunllurgne Chamber, fib Ball. Manh'n, on Tuesdays, at 2 p. m.

MICHAEL J. CRUISE, City Clerk and Clerk of Council.

Board of Bdaeatln Meets at ice Park an. and 59th at

Manh'n, on it. secondfourth Wednesdays ins

each month at 4 p. m. IILAURICE G. POSTLEY. Secretary.

Board of Eleetiw Meets in Room 1840, Municipal Bldg., Maak'a,

on Tuesdays at 11 a. m. and at the dl of the President. S. HOWARb COHEN, President

Board of l!'tt1nsste Meets in Room 16, City Hall, Msnb'a, on list

and third Thursdays of each month, at 2.30 p. m., and the second Thursday of each mouth at 10.30 a. m.

FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary. Examining Board of City Surveyors

Meets in Room 1347, Municipal Bldg., Manb'n, at call of the Chairman.

JOHN C. RIEDEL, Chairman, Board of Health

Meets in Room 330, 125 Worth at., Yanh'n, at 10 a. m, on the second Tuesday of each month and at the call of the Chairman.

JOHN L. RICE, M. D., Commissioner of Health. Chairman.

Board of Higher Edurmtlon Meets at 17 Lexington ave., Manh'n, at 8

p. in., on third Monday in 7 atry, February, March, April, June, September, Novem- her and December. Annual meeting held third Monday in May. ORDWAY TEAD, Chairman.

Municipal Civil Service Coms•ladoa Meets at its office, 14th floor, Municipal Bldg.,

Manh'n, on Wednesdays, at 10.30 a. M. PAUL J. KERN, President.

Parole Commission Meets in Room 400. 139 Centre at.. Mesh'.,

on Thursdays, at 10 a. m. JOHN C. MAKER. Chairman.

Board of Revialon of Assegasents Meets in Room 500 Munieipd Bldg.. Mash's,

upon notice of the Cftief Qerk. LEWIS F. LANG. Chief Ciak.

Board of Standards and Appeal. Meets in Room 1013, Municipal Bldg., Yanh'a,

Tuesday., at 10 a, a., and 2 p.~ m. HARRIS H. MURDOCH, Chairman.

Board of Statutory Consolidation Meets in City ~ Hall, Manh'n, at call of Mayor.

REUBEN A. LAZARUS, Counsel. Tax Commission

Owners Wanted for IIn!uuned Property

OWNERS ARE WANTED BY THE PROP- erty Clerk, Police Department, City of New

York, for the following listed articles, now in his custody without claimants, consisting of recovered lost and abandoned property, property feloniously

HA vemyr 9-0087 3-69-02 64th st., Ridgewood.HE geman 3-7010 4-Town Hall, Jamaica JA maica 6-0086 5-90th at. Rockaway Beach. E 11Hrbr 5-1741 6-Town I~all, Flnshin IN depndce 3-5668 Small Claims Part, Town Hall. Jamaica

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939


obtained by prisoners, and effects of persons de- ceased, alleged to be insane, intoxicated or other- wise incapable of caring for themselves:

Adding machines, automobiles, bicycles, boats, cameras, electrical and optical goods, furniture, furs, handbags, hardware, jewelry, metals, motor• cycles, pocketbooks, radios, robes, securities, silver-ware, stones, suitcases, surgical and musical in-struments, tools, trunks, typewriters, United States and foreign currency, wearing apparel and other miscellaneous articles.

OFFICES OF PaOPEITY CLARK Inquiries relating to such property should be

made in the Boroughs concerned, at the following offices of the Property Clerk:

Manhattan-Police Headquarters Annex, 400 Broome at.

Brooklyn-Police Headquarters, Bergen at. and 6th ave.

The Bronx-42d Precinct, 160th st. and 3d ave. Queens-103d Precinct, 91si ave. and 168th

et. Jamaica. hichmond-120th Prct., 78.81 Richmond tar,

St. George. LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commia-



Amendments to Sanitary Code

AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF Health of the Department of Health held June

8, 1939, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That regulation 4 of the Regulations

governing the Conduct and Maintenance of Trailer Camps in the City of New York and relating to section 217-b of the Sanitary Code, be and the same is hereby amended and made to read as fol-lows:

Regulation 4. Waterclosets, lavatories, showers and slop sinks.

(a) Every trailer camp shall have separate and adequately lighted and ventilated toilet rooms for each sex with the following minimum sanitary facilities, supplied with running water, provided for each:

One (1) adequately Rushed watercloset for every five trailer lots or fraction thereof up to 50, and one (1) adequately flushed watercloset for every 10 trailer lots over 50.

One (1) adequately flushed urinal stall in the men's toilet for every three watercloset bowls or fraction thereof. -.

One (1) lavatory or wash basin for every two watercloset bowls or fraction thereof.

One (1) shower for every six trailer lots or fraction thereof up to 50, and one (1) shower for every 12 trailer lots over 50.

(b) There shall also be provided in a separate structure or structures one (1) slop sink or basin with running water for every six trailer lots or fraction thereof up to 50, and one (1) slop sink or basin for every 12 trailer lots over 50.

(c) The floors of the buildings or atfuctures housing the sanitary facilities herein mentioned and the walls thereof to a height of four feet shall be constructed of concrete or similar water-tight material. The floors shall be elevated not less than four (4) inches above the ground. All doors, winlows and other openings shall be prop- erly screened. Said buildings or structures shall he located at a distance not greater than 200 feet from the nearest point of a trailer lot it is sup- posed to service. A true copy. 313 GOODHUE LIVINGSTON, Jr., Secretary.


PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of Richmond, at

his office, Borough Hall, St. George, S. I., as fol-lows:

Until 12 noon, on THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1939

For furnishing and delivering materials and rental of equipment, as follows:

For constructing a sanitary sewer in Greeley ave. from Boundary ave. to Hylan blvd.;

For constructing a sanitary sewer in Buel ave. from North Railroad ave. to Richmond rd.;

For constructing a sanitary sewer in Locust ave. from North Railroad ave. to Richmond rd.;

For constructing sanitary sewers in Elmwood ave. from Oakdale at. to a point about 310 feet easterly, and in Oakdale at. from Elmwood ave. to Ramblewood ave. j12,22


PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Board of Elections, at Room 408, Police

Academy Building, Broome and Centre sts., Man- hattan, as follows:

Until 12 noon, on TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1939

For furnishing and delivering stationery, print-ing and supplies scheduled herein for 1939 fall primary election, registration and general election and general supplies 1939-1940, as per specifica. tions. j8,27


Sale of Old Materials

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, at

Room 21, Borough Hall, Brooklyn, until 12 noon, on

FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1939 For the sale "as is" of old furniture, etc., lo-

cated at the Wallabout Corporation Yard. j6,16

PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, at

Room 21, Borough Hall, Bklyn., as follows:

Until 11 a. m., on TUESDAY. JUNE 20, 1939

No. 1. For resurfacing with asphalt by the heater method the roadways of Crown St. from Brooklyn ave. to Kingston ave.; E. 8th st. from Avenue K to Avenue M; E. 17th st. from Caton ave. to Church ave.; E. 28th st. from Foster ave. to Farragut rd.; Menahan St. from Bushwick ave. to Central ave.; Ocean ave. from Woodruff ave. to Dorchester rd.; Sheffield ave. from Sutter ave. to Livonia ave.; Taylor St. from Bedford ave. to Lee ave.; Union st. from Nostrand ave. to New York ave.; 13th ave. from 50th st. to New Utrecht ave., and 95th st. from 3d ave. to 4th ave.

No. 2. For dredging Newtown Creek Canal and its basin.

Blank forms may be obtained and drawings and specifications may be seen at the Bureau of

Highways and Sewers, 9th floor, Municipal Build- ing, Brooklyn. j9,20

Until 11 a. m., on FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1939

1. For repaving with permanent asphalt pave-ment the roadways of Dean St. from 3d ave. to 4th ave.; Degraw st. from Court st, to Bond st.; Park p1. from 5th ave. to 6th ave.; Pineapple st. from Columbia Heights to Fulton St.; President st. from Court st. to Hoyt at.; and Wyckoff St. from Court St. to 3d ave.

2. For restoring and repaving the pavements removed and damaged in connection with the con-struction of a water main in the roadways of 65th at. from Fort Hamilton pkway. to McDonald ave.; and Avenue P from McDonald ave. to Ocean pkway. (Department of Water Supply. Gas and Electricity, Contract No. 126159).

Blank forms and further information may be obtained and drawings and specifications may be seen at the Bureau of Highways and Sewers, 10th floor, Municipal Building, Bklyn. j13,23


Proposed Approval of Subcontractor

THE BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION, ACT- ing by its Chief Engineer, proposes to approve

as subcontractor, A. Mestel Stair Building Corp., 24 Dodworth St., Bklyn., for furnishing and in-stalling oak handrail, as submitted by Park Con-tracting Corporation, 71 W. 35th at., Manhattan, general contractor for construction of a part of a rapid transit railroad, Route 101, Section 9, 6th ave., W. 33d st. to W. 40th st., Manhattan.


Proposals-Notice to Bidders

General Information to Bidders for Fun,Sthieg Materials Supplies and Egxi1,ektn to The City of New rork for Use is the MasaSeasses aid QsratsOii of the Independent Rapid TraimS

VARYING QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS, supplies and equipment used in connection with

the operation and maintenance of the City's new Independent Rapid Transit Railroad and other activities of the Board of Transportation are being purchased as required. Competitive bids for such supplies are desired from all responsible in-dividuals and corporations. Names of these desir- ing to be bidders will be placed on appropriate list. but bids will not be limited to those on such lists. Where quantities in excess of $1,000 in value are required the same will be advertised and the time for opening the bids will be announced by public notice.

For further information and particulars apply in Room 503. office of the Board of Transporta-tion. No. 250 Hudson st.. City of New York.

No bid will be requested or accepted from any contractor who is in arrears or in default to The City of New York. The right In reserved to reject any and all bids. BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE

CITY OF NEW YORK, by Jose H. DzLAssy, Chairman; FRANK X. SULLIVAN, Commissioner.

WY. Jaaoil DALY, Secretary.

PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Board of Transportation, at 250 Hudson at.,

Manhattan, as follows:

Until 10 a. m., on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1939

For furnishing and delivering special track work, consisting of frogs and switch points for the Independent City-owned Rapid Transit Rail- road System. j3,14

Until 10 a. m., on FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1939

For the sale of old typewriters. j8,16

Until 10 a. m., on TUESDAY. JUNE 20, 1939

For furnishing and delivering of electrical sup- plies and fittings, fuses, pipe straps, waxed twine, asbestos, tapes, fibre, bakelite, flashlights, caps, boxes, commutator resurfacers, genuine Waldron motor generator parts, genuine G. E. glyptal, etc., for the Independent City-owned Rapid Transit Railroad System. j9,20

Until 11.30 a. m., on TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1989

For the alteration and enlargement of crew quarters at the 14th Street Station of the In. dependent City-owned Rapid Transit Railroad in the Borough of Manhattan, Agreement "PE."


Until 10 a. in., on WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21, 1939

For furnishing and delivering of cast steel con tact shoes for the Independent City-owned Rapid Transit Railroad System. j 10,21

Notice of Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUB- lic hearing will be held at the office of the

Board of Transportation of The City of New York, on the 6th floor of No. 250 Hudson st., Borough of Manhattan, on Tuesday, June 13, 1939, at 11.30 a. m.. daylight saving time, on the pro- posed terms and conditions of draft form of con- tract for furnishing and installing steel doors on 6th Avenue Line of the Independent City-owned Rapid Transit Railroad, Borough of Manhattan, Agreement "PL." Copies of said draft form of proposed contract

may be obtained at the offices of the Board of Transportation, Room 501, 250 Hudson at., Bor-ough of Manhattan, at a cost of 50 cents each.


CITY OF NEW YORK, by JoaN H. DELANEY, Chairman; FRANK X. SULLIVAN, Commissioner.

WM. IBaoHE DALY, Secretary. m23,j13


Sale of Old Material

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase of The City of

New York, Room 2214, Municipal Building, Man-hattan, until 10.30 a. m., on

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1939 For the sale "as is" of boiler tubes, rub-

her fire hose, X-ray films, X-ray table, X-ray machine, dental chair, and fluoroscope, etc., elec-tric wire guards, grass coffee bags, pumps, motors, engines, street clock and miscellaneous scrap iron and steel and non-ferrous metals.

For further particulars and for sales agreement proposal and specifications, apply to Department of Purchase, Room 2217, Municipal Building, Manhattan, j3,14

PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase, at Room 2214,

Municipal Building, Manhattan, at the following

times for the following supplies, materials, equip-ment, etc., to wit:

Until 9.30 a. m., on TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939

For fish. j1C,13

Until 10 a. in., on TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1839

For fresh fruits and vegetables. For stock fruits and vegetables. j10,13

Until 10.30 a. m., on TUESDAY, JUNE 1S, 1939

For g as fired portable incinerators. For hollow metal steel bucks, doors and sash. For bead treated high backed enamel signs. For wire and cable. j2,13

NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the receipt

and opening of bids for the above con-tract for "hollow metal steel bucks, doors and sash," has been postponed until 10.30 a. m., on Friday, June 16, 1989.

j 10,16

Until 9.30 a. m., on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1939

For egg;. j12,14

Until 10.30 a. m., on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 199

For coating and dress materials. j3,14

Until 10 a, in., or. THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1939

For miscellaneous groceries. j13,1S

Until 10.30 a. in., on THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1959

For miscellaneous paint. For microscopes, microtomes and accessories. For bond paper. For cotton piece goods, manufactured articles,

notions, shoes and slippers. jS,15

Until 10.30 a. m., on FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1989

For butter and cheese. For ice cream. For miscellaneous groceries. For parts for breathing apparatus. For milk urns. j6,16

Until 10.30 a. m., on MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1939

For timber sawing machine. For white cotton waste and white cotton wiping

rags. For band saw, woodturning lathe and variety

saw table. For canned goods and miscellaneous groceries. For bookkeeping machines. j8,19

Until 10.30 a. m., on TUESDAY, JUNE 20. 1989

For printing tabulating cards. For paper products and twine. For tin packers and cans. For men a work shoes. For anaesthesia apparatus and oxygen tents. For bread (S. R. C.). For miscellaneous foods (S. R. C.). For industrial and automotive glass. For commercial chemicals. 39,20

Until 10.30 a. m., on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 31. 1939

For broadcasting transmitter and parts. For surgical dressings. For hair mattresses. For flags. For blankets, spreads and clothes bags. For ice refrigerators. For bathing suits and trunks. For tobacco. 310,21

Until 10.30 a. m., on THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1939

For laundry machinery. For chain link fence and wrought iron window

guards. For Linotype composition. For steel desks and tables. For capstan (electrical). For bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, washers and

cotter pins. For motorcycles (Police). For printed manila filing envelopes. j12,22

Until 10.30 a. in., on FRIDAY, JUNE $8, 1939

For fire apparatus (hose wagons). For calculating machines. For electric are welder. For paints and oils (cans). For printing manila envelopes. For paper X-ray film. For subscriptions to the "New York Law

Journal." 313,23


PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of the Department of Welfare

of The City of New York, at the Division of Building Management and Procurement, 6th floor, 902 Broadway, Manhattan, as follows:

Until 10.30 a. in., on FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1989

For furnishing all labor and materials required for alterations to District Office No. 40 located at 701 Elton ave., Bronx.

Copies of plans and specifications may be secured upon a deposit of Five Dollars ($5). j13,23


Proposed Approval of Subcontractors

THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS proposes to approve the following subcontractors: Anthony DiLorenzo, 325.33 E. 45th at., Man-

hattan, for models, as submitted by A. J. Paretta Contracting Co., general contractors, Tremont Health Centre, Contract No. 129638.

Worcester & Hamilton, Inc., 25.21 23d at., L. I. City, for plumbing work, and Kennedy Riegger Drilling Company, Inc., 30 Church st., Manhattan, for test borings, as submitted by Spencer, White & Prentis, Inc., excavation con• tractors, Criminal Courts Building and Jail, Con-tract No. 237-6.

General Cast Stone Company, Inc., 2507 Rowe st., Bronx, for precast concrete grilles and pylons, as submitted by Reiss & Weinsier, Inc., con- tractors, Brooklyn approach of the Meeker Ave- nue Bridge, Bklyn.

Hygrade Iron Works, Inc., 95 Anthony st., Bklyn.. for miscellaneous iron and steel; A. J. Saia, 60 E. 42d st., Manhattan, for metal lathing, furring and insulation; Northern Studios, Inc., 25-52 25th st.. Astoria, for bronze and stainless steel, and Lockwood Hardware Mfg, Co., Fitch-burg. Mass., for hardware, as submitted by Shep- pard-Pollak, Inc., general contractors, Fort Greene Health Centre, Bklyn., Contract No. PW-252-7.

P. & S. Glass Co., Inc., 78 West Houston at., Manhattan, for glass and glazing; A. Pardi Tile

Co., Inc., 39 Grove at., Manhattan, for tile work, and J. J. Flood & Co., 11 W. 42d st., Manhattan, for waterproofing, as submitted bL Sheppard-Pollak, Inc., general contractors Fort Greene Health Centre, Bklyn., Contract N'o. PW-252.7.

Shanus Iron Works, 55-7-9 Sheriff st., Man- hattan, for structural steel and miscellaneous light iron and steel work, as submitted by A. Zindler Co., Inc., general contractors, Power Plant, Greenpoint Hospital, Bklyn., Contract No. 130389.

Marks Bros., Inc., 470-480 E. 133d at., Man-hattan, for glazing, as submitted by D. M. W. Construction Co., general contractors, New Ad-ministration Building, Bellevue Hospital, Con-tract No. PW-240-1.

Frederick W. Kaelber Co., Inc., 350 W. 52d St., Manhattan, for boiler settings, and Minne-apolis-Honeywell Regulator Company, 801 2d ave. Manhattan, for temperature work, as submitted by Courter & Company, heating contractors Corona Health Centre, Queens, Contract PW-24,1-5.


PROPOSALS see Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Department of Public Works. Room 1327,

Municipal Building, Manhattan, as follows:

Until 11 a. m., on MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1939

For all labor and material and re-quired for Contract No. 2, r~ of the painting platform, located on the east aide of the main span of the Manhattan Bridge. 37,19

Until 11 a. m., on MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1I*

F,r all labor and material necessary and re• quired for Installing new terraaso floors and steps in the basement corridors and entrance hall of the Hall of Records Building, Borough of Man-hattan.

For all labor and material necessary and re-quired for the construction of the new west ale- valor shaft In the main hospital building of the Metropolitan Hospital, Welfare Island, City of New York.

For all labor and material necessary and no-quired for the removal and replacement of piston rods In the elevators of the Hall of Records Build- ing, Borough of Manhattan. 17,19

Until 11 a. m., on TUESDAY, JUNE it 1139

For all labor and material necessary and re-quired for furnishing and installing two (2) mater-operated rollirg steel doors and one (1) miter. operated rolling steel grille at the main street en-trance to the Brooklyn Bridge shops under the Brooklyn Approach of the Brooklyn Bridge 39,20

Until 11 a. m., on

For all ]TUESDAY. U to, 1199

e necessary and re- quired for the construction of four newle clusters at Greenpoint Avenue Bridge over New. town Creek Boroughs of~B Queens. ooklya and Queen

For all fabor aid mat s peeMsary and re• quired for the cotistructioU of four new pile clusters at Univerdty Heights Bridge over the Harlem River, and four new pile dusters at ae Third Avenue Bridge over the Harlem Borough of The Bronx. 19,20

Until 11 a. in on T311RSDAY, M ft. I M

Contract No. 6, for N engines, B.ery Bay Sewage Treatment Wort. mvJ22

Blank forms and farther lnnonuatiu trq be

Public~W~, Room 1814,9 Mm the

Maa6~atgo, where plans and .pu vas way


PWA Psojscr No. NY•1306-F

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Department of Public Works, Rgm $27,

Municipal Building, Manhattan, New York cIty, until I1 a. m., on

FRIDAY, JUNE 83, at which time and place they will be pulliely opened and read aloud.

For furnishing all labpr, equipment, to and materials required fpr Contract No. 7, lidr equipment,for the Triboro Hospital for uber- culosis Patients, to be 1ocati o4 the site ing the Queens General pttsl, Borough of Queens.

The information for bidders, form p1 bid, f of contract, plans, specifications and forms of bid bond and performance bopd may be esaUiaed at said office and copies thet+~f ~ obtaige4 the office of the Department of Public Works, Rpwn 1814, Municipal Building, Mahh}ttati, Ne York City, upon the payment of $10 in cash or cetI- fled check drawn to the Comptroller qf~ The City of New York, for each set. Any bidder, apQn returning such set promptly and in good condi-tion, will be refunded his payment, and any non- bidder upon so returning such set will be re- funded $5.

The Department of Public Works reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids.

Each bidder must deposit with his bid security in an amount of not less than five percent (5'b of the base bid in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the information for bid. ders.

Attention of bidders is particularly palled to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract.

The estimated cost of the work to be performed under this contract is: Contract No. 7, laundry equipment. $44,500.

No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

IRVING V. A. HUIE, Commissioner of Public Works. 39,23

PWA Pao)acT No. NY-1206-F

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Department of Public Works, Room 1827,

Municipal Building, Manhattan, New York City, until 11 a. in., on

FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1930 at -which time and place they will be publicly opened and r.ad aloud.

For furnis.nng all labor and materials required for Contract No. 7, lighting fixtures, far the erection and completion of the Corona Health Centre, to be located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Junction blvd. and 34th rd., Borough of Queens, City of New York.

The information for bidders, form of bid, .form of contract, plans, specifications, and forms of bid bond and performance bond may be examined at the office of the Department of Public Works, Room 1814, Municipal Building, Manhattan, New York City, and copies thereof obtained upon pay- ment of $6 in cash or certified check, drawn to the Comptroller of The City of New York, for each set. Any bidder, upon returning such set promptly and in good condition, will be refunded his payment, and any non-bidder upon so re-turning such set will be refunded $3.

The Department of Public Works reserves the


TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT at the meeting of the Board of Estimate held

this day, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That the Board of Estimate herein and

hereby approves certain routes in the Borough of The Bronx for the operation of stage coaches or omnibuses thereon, which routes are designated as "Group A" and "Group B," and are de-scribed as follows:

Grour A Route Bx-1, Concourse-138th Street Line. 7.15

Miles. Beginning at the intersection of West 231st street and Broadway; along West 231st street to Bailey avenue; along Bailey avenue to Albany crescent- along Albany crescent to Heath avenue; along Death avenue to Fort Independence street; along Fort Independence street to Sedgwick avenue; along Sedgwick avenue to Mosholu Park-way South- along Moeholu Parkway South to Grand Boulevard and Concourse; along Grand Boulevard and Concourse to a point about 100 feet south of East 138th street; and also along Bailey avenue between Albany crescent and West 230th street; and along West 230th street be tween Bailey avenue and Broadway; and along Broadway between West 230th street and West 231st street.

Route Bx-2, Concourse-Hub Line. 5.5 Miles. Beginning at Mosholu parkway and Grand Boule yard and Concourse; along Grand Boulevard and Concourse to East 165th street; also along East 165th street to Teller avenue; along Teller avenue to Park avenue; along Park avenue to East 161st street; aloD East 161st street to Courtlandt ave-nue; along Courtlandt avenue to East 152d street; along East 152d street to Melrose avenue; along Melrose avenue to East 150th street; and also along East 150th street between Courtlandt avenue and Melrose avenue; along Courtlandt avenue between East 150th street and East 152d street; along Courtlandt avenue between East 161st street and East 162d street; and along East 162d street be-tween Courtlandt avenue and Teller avenue.

Route Bx-3, Prospect Avenue-138th Street Line. 5.2 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of Ford-ham road and 3d avenue; along Fordham road to Washington avenue; along Washington avenue to 3d avenue; along 3d avenue to East 187th street; along East 187th street to Crotona avenue; along Crotona avenue to East 170th street; along East 170th street to Prospect avenue; along Prospect avenue to East 149th street; along East 149th street to Jackson avenue; along Jackson avenue to East 139th street; along East 139th street to Southern boulevard; along Southern boulevard to East 138th street; along East 138th street to Jackson avenue; and also aloe Jackson avenue between East 138th street and East 139th street; along Prospect avenue between East 170th street and Crotona Park East; and Crotona Park South between Crotona Park East and Crotona avenue; and along 3d avenue between Washington avenue and Fordham road.

Route Bx-4, Jerome-Bainbridge Avenue Line. 6.1 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of the north City line and Van Cortlandt Park East; along Van Cortlandt Park East to Katonah ave• nue; along Katonab avenue to East 233d street; along East 233d street to Jerome avenue; along Jerome avenue to Bainbridge avenue; along Bain bridge avenue to Bedford Park boulevard; along Bedford Park boulevard to Valentine avenue; along Valentine avenue to Fordham road; along Fordham road to University avenue; and also along East 194th street between Valentine avenue and Bainbridge avenue; along Bainbridge avenue between East 194th street and Bedford Park boule-vard; and Mosholu Parkway North between Bain-bridge avenue and East 206th street; along East 206th street between Mosholu Parkway North and Bainbridge avenue; along East 241st street be-tween Katonah avenue and Van Cortlandt Park East; along Van Cortlandt Park East between East 241st street and East 242d street; and also along Jerome avenue between the north City line and East 233d street.

Route Bx-5, Eastern Boulevard Line. 6.5 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of Westchester ave- nue and Eastern boulevard; along Eastern boule-vard to Whitlock avenue; along Whitlock avenue to East 163d street; along East 163d street to Westchester avenue; along Westchester avenue to Hewitt place; alsong Hewitt place to Longwood avenue; and along Longwood avenue to West-chester avenue; and on Westchester avenue be. tween Longwood avenue and Hewitt place; and also along Hunts Point avenue between Southern

PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Fire Chief and Commissioner, at Room

1124, Municipal Building, Manhattan, as follows:

Until 11 a. m., on FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1939

For all labor and materials necessary and re-quired for totally rebricldng port and starboard B. & W. boilers on the fireboat "James Duane," berthed at the foot of W. 35th st., North River, Borough of Manhattan.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Bureau of Accounts and Pensions of the Fire Department, Room 1120, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

A deposit of $5 in cash will be required from all intending bidders for each set of specifications received. The deposit will be returned in each case upon surrender of the specifications within 10 days after the receipt of bids. j6,16

Until 11 a. in., on FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1939

No, 1. Paving with sheet asphalt and asphalt blocks (permanent pavement) ;

No. 2. Furnishing and delivering Portland ce-ment, sand, broken stone or gravel, cinders, com-mon brick, mason's lime, 12-inch diameter pipe in connection with paving with sheet asphalt and asphalt blocks (permanent pavement);

No. 3. Furnishing and delivering bluestone curb, granite headers in connection with paving with sheet asphalt and asphalt blocks (permanent pavement);

No. 4. Furnishing and delivering cast iron frames and gratings and hoods and wrought iron hooks and steps in connection with paving with sheet asphalt and asphalt blocks (permanent pave-ment) ;

No. 5. Furnishing and delivering rented equip. meat, gas or steam driven shovel, 5- to 7-ton dump trucks (27E) street paver and 10-ton tandem rollers in connection with paving with sheet as-phalt and asphalt blocks (permanent pavement); —for the roadway of Marion ave. from Fordham rd. to Mosholu Parkway South, together with all work incidental thereto. j13,23

No. 2. Repaving with sheet asphalt and granite boulevard and Whitlock avenue; and Whitlock ave-blocks the roadway of W. 165th st. from Woody- nue between Hunts Point avenue and East 163d crest ave. to University ave., together with all street; along Wilkinson avenue between Eastern work incidental thereto. boulevard and We,tchestel avenue; along West-

No. 3. Repaving with granite blocks the road- chester avenue between Wilkinson avenue and way of E. 137th at. from Brown p1. to Brook Eastern boulevard. ave., together with all work incidental thereto. Route Bx-6, Throggs Neck Line. 6.0 Miles.

j5,15 Beginning at Westchester square; along East Tre- mont avenue to Miles avenue; along Miles ave-nue to Meagher avenue; a:ong Meagher avenue to Harding avenue; along Harding avenue to Pennyfield avenue; along Pennyfield avenue to Fort Schuyler; and also along East Tremont avenue between Westchester square and Lane avenue; along Lane avznae to Benson street; along Benson street to Westchester avenue; and also on East 177th street between Meagher avenue and Tier- ney place, and on Tierney place to Longstreet avenue; along Longstreet avenue to Geigerich place; alo:ig Geigerich place to East 177th street; and also (as a branch) along East Tremont avenue from Miles avenue to Lawton avenue; along Lawton avenue to Hollywood avenue; along Holly-wood avenue to Harding avenue; along Harding avenue to East Tremont avenue; along East Tre-mont avenue to Lawton avenue; along Lawton ave-nue to Balcom avenue; along Balcom avenue to Harding avenue; along Harding avenue to a point 100 feet south of McDowell place.

Route Bx-7, Boston Road Line. 4.1 Miles, Be-ginning on Boston road at the northerly line of the City of New York; along Boston road to Allerton avenue; along Allerton avenue to Bronx Park East; along Bronx Park East to Pelham Parkway North; along Pelham Parkway North to Barker avenue; along Barker avenue and across Bronx and Pelham -parkway to Pel-ham Parkway South; along Pelham Parkway South to White Plains road; along White Plains road to Pelham parkway; along Pelham parkway to Barker avenue; along Barker avenue to Thwaites place; along Thwaites place to Bronx Park East; and also along Eastchester road be-tween Boston road and Givan avenue; along Givan avenue to Corsa avenue; along Corsa avenue to Boston road.

Route Bx-8, Williamsbridge Road Line. 6.5 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of Barnes avenue and Nereid avenue; thence along Barnes avenue to Bronxwood avenue; along Bronxwood avenue to Gun Hill road; along Gun Hill road to White Plains road; along White Plains road to Adee ave-nue; along Adee avenue to WilliamsbriHge road; along Williamsbridge road to East Tremont ave-ntte; along East Tremont avenue to Lane avenue; along Lane avenue to Benson street; along Benson street to Westchester avenue; along Westchester avenue to East Tremont avenue; along East Tre-mont avenue to Lane avenue; also along Burke avenue between Bronxwood avenue and White Plains road; also along Bronxwood avenue between Burke avenue and Williamsbridge road; also along Barnes avenue between Nereid avenue and Wick- ham avenue; along Wickham avenue to Nereid

BOARD OF ESTIMATE avenue; along Nereid avenue to Barnes avenue. Route Bx-9, Eastchester Road Line. 4.9 Miles.

Beginning at the intersection of White Plains road and East 234th street and along White Plains road to East 225th street; along East 225th street to Laconia avenue; along Laconia avenue to East-cheater road; along Eastchester road to Williams-bridge road; along Williamsbridge road to East Tremont avenue; along East Tremont avenue to Lane avenue; along Lane avenue to Benson street; along Benson street to Westchester avenue; along Westchester avenue to East Tremont ave-nue: and also along East 233d street between White Plains road and Byron avenue; and along Byron avenue between East 233d street and East 234th street; and also along East 234th street between Byron avenue and White Plains road.

Route Bx-10, Riverdale Avenue Line. 5.6 Miles. Beginning at the north City line on Riverdale ave- nue; thence along Riverdale avenue to West 230th street; along West 230th street to Broadway; along Broadway to West 231st street; along West 231st street to Kingshridge avenue; along Kingsbridge avenue to West 230th street; and also from the intersection of Riverdale avenue and Spuyten Duy-vil parkway; along Spuyten Duyvil parkway to Kappock street; along Kappock street to Johnson avenue; along Johnson avenue to Irwin avenue (also known as Spuyten Duyvil road) ; along Irwin avenue to West 230th street; along Broadway be-tween West 230th street and West 207th street; along West 207th street to Cooper street; along Cooper street to IshSm street and along Ishaor street to Broadway.

Route Bx-11, 170th Street Crosstown Line. 4.8 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of Longwood avenue and Westchester avenue; thence along Westchester avenue to Southern boulevard; along Southern boulevard to Wilkins avenue; along Wil- kins avenue to Crotona Park along a road or drive through Crotona Park to Claremont parkway; along Claremont parkway to Clay avenue; along Clay avenue to East 170th street; along East 170th street and over the Grand Concourse to West 170th street; along West 170th street to Shakes- peare avenue; along Shakespeare avenue to Woody- crest avenue; along Woodycrest avenue to West 168th street; along West 168th street to Ogden avenue; along Ogden avenue to Washington Bridge; along Washington Bridge to West 181st street; along West 181st street to Fort Washing- ton avenue; along Fort Washington avenue to West 183d street; along West 183d street to Ma-gaw avenue; along Magaw avenue to West 181st street; and also on Hewitt place between West- chester avenue and Longwood avenue; and along Longwood avenue to Westchester avenue.

Route Bx-12, City Island-Fordham Line. Main Line. 9.4 Miles. Additional Mileage for Summer Operation, 1.2 Miles. Beginning at the intersec- tion of University avenue and Fordham road; along Fordham. road to Pelham Parkway South; along Pelham Parkway South to Stillwell avenue and thence into and along Bronx and Pelham parkways to Mayflower avenue; along Mayflower avenue to Pelham Parkway South; along Pelham Parkway South to Burr avenue; along Burr ave-nue to Eastern boulevard; along Eastern boulevard to Traffic Relief road; along Traffic Relief road to City Island avenue; along City Island avenue to Belden street; and also along Rochelle street about 100 feet south of City Island avenue; and also along Stillwell avenue between Bronx and Pelham parkway and Pelham Parkway North; along Pelham Parkway North to Boston road; along Boston road to Bronx and Pelham parkway; along Bronx and Pelham parkway to Fordham road; and also along two branches for summer operation only—namely (1) Orchard Beach road between Traffic Relief circle and Orchard Beach and (2) Pelham Bridge road (also known as East. ern boulevard) to Club House of the Split Rock (Pelham) Golf Course,


Public Notice


Route Bx-13, Castle Hill Avenue Line. 3.9 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of Pelham Parkway South and White Plains road; along White Plains road to Bronxdale avenue; along Bronxdale avenue to East Tremont avenue; along East Tremont avenue to Castle Hill avenue; along Castle Hill avenue to the East River; also along Pelham Parkway South between White Plains road and Cruger avenue- along Cruger avenue to L dig avenue; along ~.ydig avenue to White Plains road.

Route Bx-14, Edenwald Avenue Line. 2.9 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of East 233d street and East 234th street; along East 233d street to Edenwald avenue; along Edenwald avenue to Seton avenue; along Seton avenue to East 233d street; along East 233d street to Dyre avenue; along Dyre avenue to Boston road; and also along Dyre avenue between East 233d street and the northerly

right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids.

Each bidder must deposit with his bid security in an amount of not less than five per cent (5%) of the base bid in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the information for bid- ders.

Attention of bidders isparticularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract.

The estimated cost of the work to be performed under this contract is $2,000.

No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

IRVING V. A. HUIE, Commissioner of Public Works. j9,23


SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Department of Public Works, Room 1827,

Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, New York City, until 11 a. flt., on

FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1939 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud.

For furnishing all labor and material required for Contract No. 5, lighting fixtures, for the erec-tion and completion of the Nurses' Residence and Female Dormitory at Neponsit Beach Hospital, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

The information for bidders, form of bid, form of contract, plans, specifications, and forms of bid bond and performance bond may be examined at the office of the Department of Public Works, Room 1814, Municipal Building, Manhattan, New York City, and copies thereof obtained upon pay-ment of $10 in cash or certified check drawn to the Comptroller of The City of New York. Any bidder, upon returning such set promptly and in good condition, will be refunded his payment, and any non-bidder upon so returning such set will be refunded f5.

The Department of Public Works reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids.

Each bidder must deposit with his bid security in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the base bid in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the information

subject bidders.

Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract.

The estimated cost of the work to be performed under this contract is $4,000. . No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thertof.

IRVING V. A. HUIE, Commissioner of Public Works. j9,23



Manhattan Plazas

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the New York City Tunnel Authority (herein-

after called the "Authority"), at the office of the Authority, Room 1009, 200 Madison ave. Man-hattan, New York City, until 11.30 a. m., uaylight saving time, on

TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1989 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and. read aloud.

For the construction of the Manhattan plazas of the Queens Midtown Tunnel.

The Manhattan entrance plaza of the Queens Midtown Tunnel extends from the easterly street line of 2d ave. between E. 36th and E. 37th sta. to the portal of the south tunnel near the inter-section of E. 37th st. and 1st ave. The Manhat-tan exit plaza of the Queens Midtown Tunnel extends from the portal of the north tunnel west of the intersection of 1st ave. and E. 37th st to a line approximately two hundred (200) feet east of the easterly -street line of 3d ave. between E. 35th and E. 37th ate.

The information for bidders, form of contrac. tor's bid, form of contract, the specifications, the plans and the form of performance bond may be examined at the office of the Authority and copies thereof may be obtained upon deposit of $10 for each set, to be refunded upon return of the plans anddocuments in good condition within thirty (30) days after the opening of bids.

The Authority reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids.

Each bidder shall submit with his bid security in an amount of not less than $50,000 in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or coupon bonds or stock of The City of New York of a market value of at least $50,000 and subject to the conditions provided in the information for bidders.

The successful bidder will be required to fur- nish a performance bond in such form and having as surety thereon such sureties as are approved by the Authority and are acceptable on bonds given to the United States Government in an amount of not less than $500,000, but said suc. cessful bidder may deposit in lieu of said bond, cash or securities in value at least equal to the amount of said bond, in accordance with the provisions of article XXXIII of the form of con-tract.

This contract will be financed in whole or in part by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works.

Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract for work performed at the site of the project.

No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the date set for the opening thereof, but it may be withdrawn at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids.




See Regulation on Last Paso

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of The Bronx, at

his office, Room No. 207 Bronx County Build-ing, E. 161st at. and Granl Concourse, The Bronx, New York City, as follows:

Until 11 a. in., on THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1989

No. 1. Furnishing and delivering rented equip-ment: 7 to 84-ton truck cranes with clam shell and buckets, 3 to 4-ton dumfi trucks, 315 cubic feet air compressors, gas or Diesel - cubic yard shovel back hoe, I cubic yard steel tip over buckets, in connection with the construction of a main sanitary sewer in City Island ave. from Long Island Sound to Bridge at., together with upper level sanitary sewers in City Island ave. from Belden at. to Earley at. and from Schofield at to Bowne at Work to be done under this contract is located in City Island ave. between Orchard at. and Bridge it., together with all work incidental thereto,

City line (dividing the City of New York and the City of Mount Vernon); and also along Ka-tonah avenue between East 233d street and East 234th street; and also along East 234th street between Katoneh avenue and East 233d street.

Route Bx-15, Gun Hill Road Line. 4.4 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of Eastchester road and Gun Hill road; along Gun Hill road to Bain-bridge avenue; along Bainbridge avenue to Mosholu Parkway North; along Mosholu Parkway North to Jerome avenue; Parkway South; along Mosholu avenue

Mosholu South to

Van Cortlandt Avenue East; along Van Cortlandt Avenue East to Mosboiu Parkway North; and also along Adee avenue between Gun Hill road and Eastchester road; along Eastchester road be. tween Adee avenue and Gun Hill road.

Route Bx-16, Webster Avenue Line. 4.0 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of Webster avenue with the northerly City line of the City of New York; along Webster avenue to East 205th street; along East 205th street to Bainbridge avenue and East 204th street; along East 204th street to Webster avenue; along Webster avenue to East 205th street; and also on East 238th street (Nereid avenue) from Webster avenue to Nereid avenue; thence along Nereid avenue to the intersection of the City line.

Or the Alternate Loop at Southerly Terminus—Along Webster avenue to East 204th street; along East 204th street to Perry avenue; along Perry avenue to East 205th street; along East 205th street to Bainbridge avenue and East 204th street and along East 204th street to Perry avenue.

Route Bx-17, Allerton Avenue Line. 2.6 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of Allerton avenue and Harper avenue; along Allerton avenue to Olinville avenues along Olinville avenue to Britton street; along Britton street to White Plains road; along White Plains road to Allerton avenue.

The extension or any part of the extension on Allerton avenue between Westervelt avenue and Harper avenue may not be operated by the com-pany until such time as the Board of Estimate shall demand such operation by duly notifying the company.

Route Bx-18 Macombs Road Line. 3.5 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of East 169th street and Prospect avenue, and along Prospect avenue to East 168th street; along East 168th street to Clay avenue; along Clay avenue to East 169th street; along East 169th street to Teller avenue; along Teller avenue to East 170th street; along East 170th street over the Grand Boulevard and Concourse to Jerome avenue; along Jerome avenue to Macombs road; along Macombs road to Univer-sity avenue; along University avenue to West Tremont avenue; along West Tremont avenue to Andrews Avenue South; along Andrews Avenue South to West 175th street; along West 175th street to Montgomery avenue; along Montgomery avenue to West Tremont avenue; along West Tre-mont avenue to Andrews avenue; and also on West 176th street between Andrews avenue and University avenue; and on University avenue be-tween West 176th street and Macomba road; and also along East 169th street between Teller avenue and Findlay avenue; and along Findlay avenue between East 169th street and East 170th street; and also along Franklin avenue between East 168th street and East 169th street; and along East 169th street to Prospect avenue.

Route Bx-23, Morris Avenue Line, 3.2 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of Melrose avenue and East 150th street; and along East 150th street to Courtlandt avenue; along Courtlandt avenue to East 162d street; along East 162d street to Teller avenue; along Teller avenue to East 167th street to Morris avenue; along Morris avenue to East 174th street; along East 174th street to Weeks avenue; along W avenue to Grand Concourse; along Grand Concourse to East 177th street; along East 177th street crossing Grand Concourse to Morris avenue; along Morris avenue to Fordham road; along ordham road to Walton avenue; along Walton avenue to Tremont avenue; along Tremont avenue to Grand Concourse; along Grand Concourse to East 177th street; along East 177th street to Walton avenue; along Walton avenue to East 175th street; along East 175th street crossing under Grand Concourse to Morris avenue; along Morris avenue to East 174th street; and also along East 152d street between Courtlandt avenue and Melrose avenue; and along Melrose avenue between East 152d street and East 150th street; and also along_ East 161st street between Courtlandt avenue and Park avenue; and along Park avenue between 161st street and the intersection of East 162d street and Teller avenue.

Route Bx-24, Riverdale Avenue-Broadway Line. 2.7 Miles. Beginning on Riverdale avenue at the north City line; thence along Riverdale avenue to West 263d street; along West 263d street to Tyn-dall avenue; along Tyndall avenue to West 262d street; along West 262d street to Fieldston road; along Fieldston road to Spuyten Duyvil parkway; along Spuyten Duyvil parkway to Broadway at the 242d Street Interborough Rapid Transit Station (Subway)-

)S and also along Broadway between

Spuyten u vtl parkway and West 242d street and along )eat 242d street between Broadway and Spuyten Duyvil parkway.

Or in the alternative. 2.3 Miles. Beginning on Riverdale avenue at the north City line; thence along Riverdale avenue to West 263d street; along West 263d street to Tyndall avenue; along Tyn-dall avenue to West 262d street; along West 262d street to Fieldston road; along Fieldston road to Mosholu avenue; along Mosholu avenue to Broad-way; along Broadway to West 242d street; also along West 242d street between Broadway and Spuyten Duyvil parkway; also along Spuyten Duyvil parkway between West 242d street and Broadway. Route Bx-25, Crosby Avenue-Layton Avenue

Line. 2.4 Miles. Beginning at or near the inter-section of Crosb avenue and Westchester avenue; thence along Crosby avenue, crossing Eastern

the boulevard to Logan avenue;thence along Logan avenue to Otis avenue; thence along Otis avenue to Layton avenue, thence along Layton avenue to Shore drive; thence a'on Shore drive to Lafayette avenue; thence along Lafayette avenue to Dean avenue; thence along Dean avenue to Philip avenue; thence along Philip avenue to Clarence avenue; thence along Clarence avenue to Schley avenue; thence along Schley avenue to Ellsworth avenue; also along Ellsworth avenue between Schley avenue and Randall avenue; also along Randall avenue between Ellsworth avenue and Clarence avenue; also along Roberts avenue between Crosby avenue and Edison avenue; also along Edison avenue be- tween Roberts avenue and Westchester avenue; also along Westchester avenue between Edison avenue and Crosby avenue.

Route Bx-26, Buhre Avenue-Country Club Line. 1.4 Miles. Beginning at or near the intersection of Westchester avenue and Edison avenue; thence along Edison avenue to Middletown road; thence along Middletown road to Jarvis avenue; thence along Jarvis avenue to Country Club road; thence along County Club road to Kearney avenue; thence along Kearney avenue to Rawlins avenue; thence along Rawlins avenue to Campbell drive; thence along Campbell drive to Country Club road-thence along Country Club road between Campbell drive and Kearney avenue; also along Crosby avenue between Middletown road and Westchester avenue; also along Westchester avenue between Crosby aven to and Edison avenue.

Route Bx-27, Spuyten Duyvil-West 231st Street Line. 3.1 Miles. Beginning at the Veterans' Memorial Monument at the intersection of River-dale avenue and Spuyten Duyvil parkway; thence along Riverdale avenue to West 231st street; thence easterly on West 231st street to Broadway,

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939



connecting with the West 231st Street Subway Station of the Interborough Rapid Transit; thence easterly on West 231st street to Bailey avenue; thence northerly on Bailey avenue to Van Cart. landt Park at Van Cortlandt Park South; thence northerly across Van Cortlandt Park South to New York Central Railroad underpass; thence westerly through Van Cortlandt Park under rail-road underpass to Broadway at 242d Street Sub-way Station of the Inerborough Rapid Transit Company; thence westerly on Spuyten Duyvil parkway to the point of beginning.

Route Bx-28, Prospect Avenue-149th Street. Huh Line. 5.3 Miles. Beginning at the inter-section of Fordham road and 3d avenue; -along Fordham road to Washington avenue; along Wash-ington avenue to 3d avenue; along 3d avenue to East 187th street; along East 187th street to Crotona avenue; along Crotona avenue to East 170th street; along East 170th street to Prospect avenue; along Prospect avenue to East 15bth street; along East 156th street to Elton avenue; along Elton avenue to East 153d street; along East 153d street to Melrose avenue; along Mel• rose avenue to East 149th street and 3d avenue; along 3d avenue to East 148th street; along East 148th street to Bergen avenue; along Bergen ave-nue to Brook avenue; along Brook avenue to East 156th street; and also along 3d avenue be. tween Washington avenue and Fordbam road.

Route Bx-29, East 222d Street Crosstown Line. 2.4 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of East 222d street and Baychester avenue, and along East 222d street to White Plains road; along White Plains road to East 225th street; along East 225th street to Carpenter avenue; along Car-penter avenue to East 234th street; along East 234th street to Bronx boulevard; along Bronx boulevard to East 226th street; along East 226th street to White Plains road, and also along White Plains road to East 225th street.

Route Bx-31, Pelham Bay Park•Tremont Ave-nue Line. 3.6 Miles. Beginning at the inter-section of Burr avenue and Eastern boulevard; along Burr avenue to Pelham Parkway South; along Pelham Parkway South to Mayeower ave-nue; :.long Mayflower avenue to Bronx and Pel-ham parkway; along Bronx and Pelham parkway to Stillwell avenue; along Stillwell avenue to Eastchester road; along Eastchester road to Silver street; along Silver street to East Tremont ave-nue; along East Tremont avenue to Boston road; along Boston road to East 179th street; along East 179th street to Bronx street; along Bronx street to East Tremont avenue; and also along Colonial avenue between Pelham Parkway South and Westchester avenue, and along Westchester avenue between Colonial avenue and Burr ave


- nue.

ute Bx-32, Parkchester Line. 2.4 Miles. Be-ginning at the intersection of Westchester avenue and Glebe avenue; along Westchester avenue to Unionport road- along Unionport road (passing the traffic circle at the intersection of Metro-politan avenue and Unionport road) to White Plains road; along White Plains road to Pelham Parkway South; along Pelham Parkway South to Cruger avenue- along Cruger avenue to Lydig avenue; along ):ydig 'avenue to White Plains road. Also along Glebe avenue between Westchester ave-nue and Lyon avenue; along Lyon avenue between Glebe avenue and Castle Hill avenue; along Castle Hill avenue between Lyon avenue and Westchester avenue.

Gaour B Included in this group are all of the above

described routes in "Group A," except Route Bx-23, which varies in its description from Bx•23 in Group A. In addition thereto are Routes Bx-19, Bx-21, Bx-22 and Bx-30, all of which are de-scribed as follows: Route Bx-19, Westchester Avenue Line. 1.6 Miles. Beginning at East Tremont avenue and Westchester avenue (Westchester square); thence along Westchester avenue to Eastern boulevard; thence along Eastern boulevard to Wilkinson ave-nue; thence along Wilkinson avenue to West-chester avenue; also along East Tremont avenue between Westchester avenue and Lane avenue; along Lane avenue to Benson street; along Benson street to Westchester avenue; along Westchester avenue to East Tremont avenue. .

Route Bx-21, 207th Street Crosstown Line. 3.1 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of West 207th street and Broadway; along West 207th street to the West 207th Street Bridge; thence cr.ssirg the West 207th Street Bridge to West Fordham road; thence on West Fordham road to East Fordham road to Southern boulevard; thence on Southern boulevard to East 189th street; thence on East 189th street to Crotona avenue; thence on Crotona avenue to Fordham road; also along West 207th street to Cooper street; along Cooper street to Isham 'street; along Isham street to Broadway; along Broadway to West 207th street.

Route Bx-22, Bailey Avenue Line. 3.1 Miles. Beginning on Broadway at West 231st street; along West 231st street to Bailey avenue; along Bailey avenue to Sedgwick avenue; along Sedgwick avenue to Fordham road; along Fordham road to Wash. ington avenue; along Washington avenue to 3d avenue; along 3d avenue to Fordham road; and also along West 230th street between Bailey ave-nue and Broadway; along Broadway between West 230th street and West 231st street.

Route Bx-23, Morris Avenue Line. 4.0 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of Morris avenue and East 138th street; along Morris avenue to East 174th street; along East 174th street to Weeks avenie; along Weeks avenue to Grand Concourse; along Grand Concourse to East 177th street; along East 177th street crossing Grand Concourse to Morris avenue; along Morris avenue to Fordham road; along Fordham road to Walton avenue; along Walton avenue to Tremont ave-nue; along Tremont avenue to Grand Concourse; along Grand Concourse to East 177th street; along East 177th street to Walton avenue; along Walton avenue to East 175th street: along East 175th street crossing under Grand Concourse to Morris avenue, and along Morris avenue to East 174th street; and also along East 138th street between Morris avenue and Rider avenue; along Rider ave• nue to East 139th street; along East 139th street to Morris avenue.

Route Bx•30, Bronx-Van Cortlandt Park Line. 4.8 Miles. Beginning at the intersection of Broad-way and West 238th street; along West 238th street to Fort Independence street; along Fort Independence street to Sedgwick avenue; along Sedgwick avenue to Kingsbridge road; along Kingsbridge road over the Grand Boulevard and Concourse to Fordham road; on Fordham road to Southern boulevard; along Southern boulevard to East 'rrcmont avenue; along East Tremont ave-nue to the intersection of Boston road, West Farina road and East Tremont avenue; along East Tremont avenue to East 177th street and DeVoe avenue: along DeVoe avenue to East Tremont ave-nue; and al-o on Broadway between West 238th street and West 237th street. —and be it further

Resolved, That the Board hereby invites all properly incorporated companies to submit to this Board on Thursday, Tune 15, 1939. at 2.30 o'clock p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, sealed bids to operate stage coaches or omnibuses upon all of the routes hereinabove described in either "Grout) A" or "Group B"; said bids to be accompanied by a separate applica- tion, duly verified for a franchise to establish, maintain and operate omnibuses upon the routes in the group for which the bid is submitted; such hid to be accompanied by ten (10) accurate copies thereof and such application to be accompanied by thirty (30) accurate copies thereof; and be it further

. Resolved, That all bids shall be subject to the following terms, conditions and requirements:

1. The Boatd of Estimate reserves the right to select such bid as in its judgment shall serve the best interests of the City.

2. The group for which bids are submitted shall coincide with the routes described in said group.

3. The franchise in each case shall commence from the date of the signing of the contract by the Mayor. 4. The franchise shall contain a reserved right

of recapture, after five (5) years, of any or all of the omnibus routes for which such franchise is granted and at the option of the City any or all of the plant, property and equipment utilized in such operation. The franchise shall not extend beyond a term of ten (10) years from the date of the execution of the contract.

S. Bidders must bid on a percentage of gross receipts derived from the operation of omnibuses and state the minimum monthly sum payable to the City.

6. Bidders must state the amount of money (in cash) payable to the City in a lump sum, in addi-tion to the percentum of gross receipts as pro-vided for in paragraph "5" above, thirty (30) days after the execution of the contract granting said franchisg 7. The successful bidder will be required to

deposit with, and to the satisfaction of the Comp-troller. money or securities in an amount not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100 000) as security for the faithful performance of the terms and conditions of the contract.

8. The rate of fare between any two points on any of the routes in the group bid upon shall not exceed five (5) cents. Where, in the opinion of the bidder, the zoning of a route is deemed neces-sary, the bidder will state the number and loca-tion of zone points and the boundaries of the neutral zone in any such route, provided, how-ever, that the Board of Estimate may eliminate or relocate such zone points. 9. The successful bidder will be required to

operate omnibuses on any extension or extensions of the routes authorized, upon or along any street or other public thoroughfare, if and when di-rected by the Board, under terms, conditions, re-quirements and limitations similar to those con- tained in the contract.

10. Each bid shall specify the bidder's offer with respect to preferential rate or rates of fare for school children, but all bids must con-tain the :ainimum requirement of one-half the regular rate of fare for carrying school children, with the right of a free transfer and commutation tickets. 11. All bids shall provide for the issuance

and acceptance of free transfers upon the payment of a five-cent fare, at all points of intersection, whether such intersecting routes are operated by the successful bidder or by any other company, provided such latter company will likewise issue and accept transfers. Bidder shall state if trans-fers will be issued and accepted between omni- buses and street surface railway lines and the terms and conditions governing same.

12. Each bidder shall annex to its application an audited statement duly verified, of its financial condition as of June 1, 1939, and a statement of its previous experience as an operator, together with a certified copy of its certificate of incor-poration and detailed information as to ownership and control.

13. Any bid submitted by any company' di- rectly or indirectly associated or affiliated with the Third Avenue Railway System will be con-sidered by the Board only if it contains all of the routes set forth in "Group B" above, together with a detailed statement as to all the street sur-face railway lines the bidder is ready and willing to legally abandon and to operate omnibuses in place of the former street surface railway opera-tion.

The other terms and conditions of such fran-chise, will be generally similar to those recently employed by the Board of Estimate in granting franchises to omnibus corporations to operate omnibus routes, with such modified or additional terms and conditions as may appear to the Board of Estimate to be desirable in the interests of the City and the traveling public.

FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary. Dated, New York, June 8, 1939. j12,15


Corporation Sale of Buildings and Appurte-nance Thereto on City Real Estate

See Terms and Conditions on Last Page

PURSUANT TO RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED by the Board of Estimate, sealed- bids will be

received by the Bureau of Real Estate of the Board of Estimate, at Room 1030, Municipal Building, Manhattan, as follows:

Until 11 a. in., on TUESDAY. JUNE 13, 1989

For the sale of the encroachments, together with the appurtenances thereto, on property acquired for street purposes, within the lines of Damage Parcel No. 67 (103.11 Van Wyck blvd.) of the Van Wyck blvd. proceeding, Borough of Queens. m26,j13

The encroachments and appurtenances herein• before specified are shown on certain maps on file in the office where bids are to be received.

Each bid must be accomlanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal to 25 per. cent of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids. A deposit of $500 will entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings. Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re-

turned after successful bidders have paid pur-chase price in full and given security. The de-posits of successful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York upon failure to comply with the requirements of the terms and conditions of the sale.

Resale of the buildings or parts of buildings, together with the appurtenances thereto. or assign-ment of interest therein by successful bidder, will not be permitted without the written consent of a duly authorized agent of the City.

LEE THOMPSON SMITH, Director of Real Estate.



General Instructions as to Examinations

All examinations are open to both men and women of all ages unless advertisement states otherwise.

Residence: B40-4.0, Administrative Code, pro-vides in substance that any office or position, compensation for which is payable solely or in part from funds of this City, shall be filled only by a person who is a citizen, and bona ode resr dent and dweller of the City for at least three years at time of appointment. (This statement does not apply to the following departments: Board of Transportation; Board of Water Supply; New York City Parkway Authority; New York

City Housing Authority; Municipal Civil Service Commission • Triborough Bridge Authority; New York City tunnel Authority; Department of Edu-cation; Board of Higher Education.)

I'ay includes money, pension, fair sick leave, plus one month's vacation in most cases.

Applications for examinations must be filed on forms furnished by the Commission, at 299 Broad-way, Manhattan. Application blanks will be mailed upon request provided a self-addressed stamped envelope is enclosed to fully cover the mailing. The Commission will not guarantee de- livery of such letter.

Save time by using ordinary mail to request application and to return filled out application instead of coming to the Application Bureau. When writing for application blank send self. addressed 9-inch envelope stamped 4 cents from Manhattan and Bronx and 6 cents elsewhere for mailing you the application. However, applica-tions mailed to the Commission from Manhattan and Bronx require 2 cents an ounce; from other places, 3 cents an ounce.

An application mailed to the Commission will not be accepted unless it is postmarked upon the envelope at an hour not later than 4 p. nt. on the last day of filing. Unless the envelope is so postmarked, the hour at which the application is deposited in the post office will not be con- sidered.

When mailing an application, write your name and address on the upper left hand corner of the envelope; write the position applied for on the lower left hand corner of the envelope,

Caution: Applications mailed to the Commis- Sian with insufficient postage will be returned provided there is compliance with the other re-quests stated above on the mailing of applications. During the last three days of filing pplications, however, those mailed with insufficient postage will be accepted subject to the payment of a 25-cent additional fee to cover the cost of postage and clerical work entailed by such acceptance, provided that the other conditions on the mailing of applications are fulfilled.

Experience: In rating the subject Experience no supplementary statements of any kind will be received after the final date for filing applications.

Except as otherwise specifically stated in ad• vertisements, all preliminary training or other qualifications required for the examination must be completed on or before the date of application.

To be satisfactory, the experience prescribed, in addition to covering the period fixed herein, must also be of such a nature and quality as to warrant the inference that the candidate is fit to perform the duties of this position. The initial experience rating, therefore. is not necessarily final. If investigation discloses that the candi. date's experience is not of the nature or quality desired then he may be either rerated or failed in experience. Persons appointed from eligible lists resulting

from examinations become members of the Retire-ment System described in chapter 3, title B, of the Administrative Code, voluntarily within six months and compulsorily after six months of ser. vice.

The term of eligibility of a list resulting from an examination is fixed at not less than one year nor more than four years.

Fee: Unless otherwise stated in the advertise-ment, the amount of fee is to be paid by postal money order or certified check at the time of filing application by mail or in person at 299 Broadway. Manhattan. Do not o f er cash. Appli-cations unaccompanied by fee (money order or certified check) sash l be rejected. Official notice to appear for examination is also receipt for payment of fee. No fee for application. No refund of fee. Only one fee. EXAMINE WITH EXTREME CARE THE


motion Examinations The rules of the Municipal Civil Service Com-

mission provide that in determining eligibility for promotion, the titles of positions and the duties which are naturally and properly attached thereto shall be considered. Duties which have been per-formed not in accordance with the title, or alleged personal qualifications, shall not be considered in determining eligibility.

Any employee serving under a title, not men-tioned in the eligibility requirements, but which he believes falls within the provisions of the above rule, may file an application and an appeal to compete in the examination during the period stated in the advertisement. No appeals will be received after 4 p. m. on the closing date for the receipt of applications.


Civil Service announcements are broadcast over Station WNYC on Tuesdays at 6.30 p. m.

Bulletin Notice: The commission publishes monthly an official bulletin which is available in libraries or sent to all interested persons one year for a fee of $1. Please do not call or write the Commission for routine information contained in this official monthly bulletin. The Commission is already hard pressed to answer the present quota of 10,000 inquiries a week. Can. didates are promptly notified by mail of any action affecting them individually. General in-quiries are answered in the Bulletin, but the Commission will be happy, as in the past, to answer specific inquiries to which the answer is not otherwise obtainable.



Applicants who filed under the advertisement of March 7 to March 28, 1939, need not file again. Salary: At present $14.20 per day. There

are three vacancies in Manhattan; five appointed from last list.

Applications: Received from 9 a. m., Friday, June 9, to 4 p. m., Thursday, June 29, 1939.

Eligibility Requirements: Candidates must have served not less than one year in the service as a Paver, Foreman of Laborers or Foreman of Rammers.

Applications will be accepted from employees otherwise eligible who will have completed the requisite periods of service on or before the 17th day of July, 1939, but only those applicants who on the day of examination are in all respects eligible will be examined.

All persons on the preferred list for titles in-cluded tinder eligibility requirements are likewise eligible to participate in this examination.

Scope of Examinations: The layout herring bone section at streets running at right angles and to pave the same with granite blocks.

Subjects and Weights: Record and senior-ity, 5; practical, 3; written, 2.

Fee: $3. The payment of this fee will not be required un•

til candidates have been notified of their eligi- bility. See "General Instructions as to Examina-

tions" which is to be considered as part of this notice.


FaANg A. SCHAEFsa, Secretary. 19,29


This examination Is open only to employees in the Department of Welfare

Salary: $1,800 up to $2,400 per annum, Ap-pointments usually made at minimum salary of grade.

Applications: Received from 9 a. m., Friday, June 9, to Thursday, June 29, 1939.

Vacancies: One, in Department of Welfare. Eligibility Requirements: Open to all Tele-

phone Operators, grades 1 and 2, in the Depart-ment of Welfare who have served at least one year in the title and six months in the Depart-ment immediately preceding the examination and who are otherwise eligible.

Applications will be accepted from employees otherwise eligible who will . have completed the requisite periods of service on or before the 25th day of September, 1939, but only those applicants who on the day of examination are in all respects eligible will be examined All persons on the preferred list for tides in-

cluded under eligibility requirements are likewise eligible to participate in this examination.

Subjects and Weights: Record and senior-ity, 5; written, 3; practical-oral, 2.

Scope of Examination: Duties of the pa i-tion are: To be in general charge of the Tele- phone Operators and the telephone switchboard of the Department. The written and practical test will be concerned with these duties.

Fee: $2. The payment of this fee will not be required

until candidates have been notified of their eligibility. See "General Instructions as to Fxasina.

tions" which is to - be considered as part of this notice,


Fwix A. ScnAErse, Secretary. ;9,29



Salary: $1,200 up to but not including $1,800 per annum. Appointments are usually made at the minimum salary of the grade.

Applications: Received from 9 a. m., Friday, June 9, to 4 p. in., Thursday, June 29. 1939.

Eligibility Requirements: Open to all per-sons in the competitive class who are receiving less than $1,800 and who have been 6 months in the department; and to all persons who have been three years in the labor or non-competitive class.

Applications will be accepted from employees otherwise eligible who will have completed the requisite periods of service on or before the 17th day of July, 1939; but only those appl1aftts who on the day of examination are in all respects eligible will be examined. All persons on the pre-ferred list for titles included here are likewise eligible to participate in this exmninaton.

Subjects and Weights: Written test, 3; physical test, 2; record and seniority, S.

Scope of Examinations: The written test will be designed to test the candidate's familiarity with the general operation of a stockroom, ability to follow instructions, arithmetical computations.

Medical and Physical Standards: 75 percent general average required.

Test 1. Weight Lift. Two bands. Full arms' length above head. 100 pounds for 100 percent: 87% pounds for 88 percent; 7S pounds for 75 percent; 60 pounds for 60 percent (4 chances allowed).

Test 2. Pectoral Squeeze. Conducted on a machine that records percentage In open view (2 chances).

Test 3. Abdominal Muscle Lift. From a re-cumbent position a candidate must assume a sit• tints position carrying up behind his neck a weight. His feet are held to the floor by another candidate. 35 pounds for 100 percent (3 chances); 25 pounds for 85 percent; 15 pounds for 70 per- cent.

Test 4. Ladder Climb. A candidate must climb a'n ordinary and slightly inclined ladder rung by rung to and from an altitude of 1S feet. The climb is by foot and only where the candidate consumes more time than normal time or where be lacks freedom and agility will he be penalized in percentage (2 chances).

Fee: $1.50. The payment of this fee will not be required until the candidates have been notified of their eligibility. See "General instructions as to Examina-

tions" which is to be considered as part of this notice.



(It is expected that this examination will be held in September or October)

This examination is open only to employees of the Police Department

Salary: $4,000 per annum. Applications: Received from 9 a. m., Friday,

Tune 9, to 4 p. m., Thursday, June 29, 1939. )iowever, applications will be received between June 29 and the date of the examination from those (and only from those) who, because they are promoted to the rank of Sergeant on or after June 29th, were not eligible to file applications between June 9 and June 29, 1939.

Vacancies: Occur from time to time. Eligibility Requirements: Open to all Ser-

geants in the Police Department. However, in accordance with the provisions of the Administra. tive Code, no person on the eligible list resulting from this examination will be certified for ap-pointment to the rank of Lieutenant unless and until such person shall have served at least one year continuously as a Sergeant.

Subjects and Weights: Written test, 5, 70 percent required; 50 percent on each part, if more than one part. Record and seniority, 5; 80 per. cent final average required.

Record and Seniority: Colorless Record: Beginning with the date of appointment as Ser. geant, 80 percent. For each three months of service in that rank during the five years next preceding the first day of the written examina-tion add 4 percent, or 2 percent a year, making at the end of five years a maximum of 90 per-cent. For each additional 3 months in the rank of Sergeant addI/4 percent, or I percent a year, making at the end of ten years' service a maxi. mum of 95 percent. Added Points (Credit Given in One Successful

Examination) (A) Official awards of the Police Depitrtment:

Departmental Medal of Honor, 2 percent: Police Combat Cross, 1.75 percent; Honorable Mention and Medal, 1.50 percent; Honorable Mention or Exceptional Merit, I percent; Commendation or Commendable Merit, .5 percent; Excellent Police Duty or Meritorious Police Service, 25 percent.

(B) War Service: For every month of honor-ableservice in the United States Army, Navy, Marine and Nurses' Corps during a war, .1 percent up to a maximum of I percent. For participation in battle, 1.5 percent; Medal of Honor (Army or Navy), 1.5 pprceat; DiItfn~tbhed Service Crow


This examination Is open only to employees of the Hoard of Water Supply

Salary: $5,000 per annum, subject to Budget. Vacancies: Three in the Board of Water

Supply. Applications: Received from 9 a. m., Wednes-

day, June .7, to 4 p. m., Thursday, July 27, 1939. Eligibility Bequiremonts: An engineering

degree recognized by the University of the State of New York and at least six years of satisfac-tory engineering work ae least two of which must have been in responsible charge of work on tun- neling operations of considerable magnitude of which one year must have been in the successful development of safety measures for one or more engineering projects of considerable magnitude requiring Imtistive, resourcefulness and the meet• ing of substantive technical responsibilities with success; or a satisfactory equivalent. Candidates must have a thorough knowledge of contractor's plaint for tunnelinc operations. A Ph. D. or D. Sc. degree obtained after not less than three years of post-graduate study in engineering will be taken as the equivalent of three years' pine-tical experience. A New York State Professional Engineer's License will be required prior to cer- tification.

Applications will be accepted from employees otherwise eligible who will have completed the requisite periods of service on or before the 17th day of October, 1939, but only those applicants who on the day of examination are in all respects eligible will be examined.

All persons on the preferred list for titibs in. cluded under eligibility requirements are like-wise eligible to participate in this examination.

Subjects and Weights: Record and seniority, S ; written, 2.5 ; experience, 2.5.

Experience will be rated after an oral inter-view to determine the extent that such experience has qualified the candidate for this position and to the extent that such experience has developed the essential factors of technical competent ad- ministrxtive judgment necessary for the perform-once of the duties set forth below, and upon the written experience form filed by the candidate.

Scope of Exaaaination: The scope of the ex-amination will cover the following duties of the position: Under general supervision with much latitude for independent or unreviewed action or decision, to perform difficult and responsible pro-fessional work in the investigation or de~..ToD-ment of safety engineering projects in connection with the work of the Board of Water Supply including safety measures for tunnel operations, dams, bridge and highway construction. pipe taq-ing, etc.; confer with department engineers, con- tractors and others with regard to safety measures; supervise the keeping of records and the prepara-tion of reports: perform related work.

Fee: $3. The payment of this fee will not be required until candidates have been notified of their eligibility.

See "General Instructions as to ExamIasa-tlons" which is to be considered as part of this notice.


FRANK A. ScnAEFas, Secretary. j7jy27

PAVER (Simultaneously with the holding of this ex-

amination. a City-wide promotion exami-nation will be held. The names appearing upon the eligible list resulting from such promotion examination will be used first to All existing vacancies.)

If a sufficient number of candidates pass the promotion test to All all vacancies, there will be no appointments from the open competitive list. This information is given so that candidates will know In advance and plan accordingly.

Salary: $13.20 per day. Applications: Received from 9 a. m., Wednes-

day, June 7, to 4 p. in., Tuesday, June 27, 1939. Vacancies: Eleven. Ages: Not over 45 at time of certification. Duties: To lay, according to grade, granite

and belgian block, vitrified brick and similar paving. Candidates must be first class pavers and know when and how to break joints and to run courses with regularity.

Requirements: Candidates must have had five years recent experience as a paver with recognized paving contractors in the class of work outlined under duties. The first part of the examination will be a written test. Later this will be followed by a test in actual paving in a street of the City.

Subjects and Weights: Written test, 3; prat. tical, 5; physical, 2.

Medical and Physical Standards: No dis-ease, injury or abnormality that tends to impair health or usefulness. Fee: $1.50. See "General Instructions as to Examina-

tions" which Is to be considered as part of this notice.


FRAME A. SCHAEFER, Secretary. j7,27


(Simultaneously with the holding of this examination, a departmental promotion ex-aminatlon will be held. The names appear-Ing upon the eligible list resulting from such promotion examination will be used first to fill existing vacancies.)

Salary: $2,259 to $2,400 per annum; original appointments are at $2,250; certain later assign, merits are at $2,400.

Applications: Received from 9 a. m., Wednes-day, June 7, to 4 p. in., Tuesday. June 27, 1939.

Vacancies: Six at present; others occur from time to time.

Ages: Open to persons of all ages. Duties: To test, adjust and repair mercury

arc rectifiers, rotary converters, high tension and low tension switch gear, automatic relay panels



TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939

(Army), Naval Cross, 1 percent; Distinguished Service Medal (Army r N , .5 percent; Cita- tion Star (Army), percent.

Note—Honorable service in the United States Army, Navy, Marine or Nurses' Corps will be credited under the following terms and conditions:

(a) Service of less than 30 days will not be considered.

(b) Service will be credited for the following periods only: Spanish War between April 23 and August 12 1898• World War between April 6, 1917, and kovember 11, 1918; f'hilippine Insurrec-tion, between April 11, 1899, and July 4, 1902; Boxer Uprising, between June 20, 1900, and May 12 1901.

In the case of the Philippine Insurrection and the Boxer Uprising, such service will not be con- sidered unless the candidate was an actual par- ticipant as evidenced by the reception of a cam- paign badge.

Deducted Points: For each day's fine, .50 percent; for each reprimand, .25 percent. Fines or reprimands previous to November 16, 1934, will not be considered.

Scope of Written Test: The written test will be designed to test, as an integrated whole, the candidate's knowledge of police administration, practice and procedure including the interpreta. tion and application of pertinent laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and also to demonstrate the candidate's fitness to be appointed to the rank of Lieutenant.

Fee: $3, to be paid at time of filing. Bee "General Instructions as to Rxamtna-

tions" which Is to be considered as part of this notice.


Fauxx A. SCHAEFER, Secretary. j9,29


Salary: $3,000 per annum and upward. Applications: Received from 9 a. m., Thurs-

day June 8, to 4 P. m., Wednesday, June 28,

Vacancies: Four in the Board of Water Sup- ply at annual salary of $3,120—for service outside the City of New York.

Duties; Under general supervision, to visit foundries and supervise the inspection or inspect the manufacture, cleaning, treating, testing and marking of steel or cast iron water pipes, fittings, valves and special castings in order to insure compliance with contracts, plans, specifications and good workmanship; supervise the inspection or in. spect the quality of materials used in water pipes, fittings, valves and other castings; follow up orders for such materials and keep records of and make reports on shipments made; perform related work. Incumbents in this position may be called upon to supervise other employees.

Rxequirements., At least five years' practical experience in a foundry or machine shop in the casting and fabrication of cast iron and cast steel, two years of which must have been in the capacity of foreman or inspector; or the equivalent. Relevant technical training or education will be accreted on a year for year basis for the above re iwired experience.

Candidates who have a recognized engineering degree will be credited with three years of general experience.

Subjects and Weights: Training and ex-periencet 5; technical, written 5.

Training and experience will be rated after an oral interview and upon the extent to which such training and experience have fitted the candidate to perform the duties of the position. The rating will be based upon the answers to questions con-cerning experience and upon the written experi- ence form filed by the candidate.

Medlesl-Physical Standards: No disease, in• jury or abnormality that tends to impair health or usefulness.

Fee., $3. See "General Instructions as to Examina-

tlons" which Is to be considered as part of this notice.


Fsaxx A. Scstam, Secretary. j8,28

JANITOR (CUSTODIAN), GRADE S (Certifeatlons wW be made from the reanitins

eligible list for vacancies in Grade 1 and Grade S also.)

Salary: Grade 1, $1,200 to but not including $1,800 per annum. Grade 2, $1800 to but not including $2,400 per annum. Grade 3, $2,400 per annum and over.

Applications: Received from 9 a. m., Thurs-day, June 8, to 4 p. in., Wednesday, June 28, 1939.

Vacancies: Six in the Board of Education, probably at the minimum of Grade 2, which Is $1,500 per annum. One in the Department of Health at $1,300 per annum.

Duties: Under general supervision, to main-tain in clean and sanitary condition, a'nd to beat by means of low pressure boilers, public schools and other public buildings; make minor repairs to steam plant, heating equipment, electrical equip-ment, plumbing and furniture; supervise the work of employees; perform related work.

Requirements: At least three years' recent satisfactory experience in the responsible care of buildings with heating plants; or equivalent ex- perience. Relevant technical training or education will be accepted on a year for year basis for the above required experience.

Subjects and Weights: Training, experience and personal qualifications, 5; technical, written, 5.

Training, experience and personal qualifications will be rated after an oral interview and upon the extent to which such training, experience and other personal qualifications have fitted the candi. date to perform the duties of the position. The rating will be based in part upon the answers to questions concerning experience and upon the written experience form filed by the candidate.

Medical-Physical Standards: No disease, in• jury or abnormality that tends to impair health or usefulness.

Fee: $3. See "General Instructions as to Examina-

tions" which Is to be considered as part of this notice.


FRANK A. SCIIAEFER, Secretary. 18,28

TRACKMAN Independent City-owned Subway System

Salary: 69 cents to 75 cents an hour. Applications: Received from 9 a. m.. Thurs-

day. June 8 to 4. p. in., Wednesday, June 28, 1939.

Vacancies: l3 at present, including tempo• rary vacancies on World's Fair Railroad; others occur from time to time.

Ages: Open to persons of all ages. Duties: To repair and maintain the tracks,

including the tightening of track bolts, the re-placement of rails and special work, the repair of insulated joints, and the greasing of rails, frogs and switches; perform such other duties as the

_Bogrd..of. Transportation is authorized by fa* to

prescribe in its regulations. Must work on the subway tracks with trains running.

Requirements: At least two years' recent satisfactory experience in the maintenance of track and associated equipment as described under "Duties." This experience must have been on an operating steam or electric railroad.

Subjects and Weights: Written, weight 2; practical, weight 6; physical, weight 2.

The written test will concern itself with test- ing the candidate's general knowledge of track maintenance. In the practical test, the candidate's performance will be tested on actual track work. The competitive physical standards will be posted on the Commission's Bulletin Board.

Medical-Physical Standards: No disease, in-jury or abnormality that tends to impair health or usefulness.

Fee: $2. See "General Instructions as to Exantina-

tions" which Is to be considered as part of this notice.


FLANK A. ScHAvu, Secretary. J8,28

and circuits. transmission and distribution cables and substation and line auxiliary equipment and accessories; sectionalize power equipment; make records, reports, computations, tabulations and studies; perform such other duties as the Board of Transportation is authorized by law to prescribe in its regulations.

Requirements: At least four years' recent satisfactory experience in the maintenance of elec-trical substation or power plant equipment with an electric railroad or other public utility. Elec-trical maintenance in ordinary buildings is not qualifying. A recognized degree in electrical engineering will be credited as three years toward the above requirement. Student engineering or testing experience with electrical utilities or manu-facturing companies on the type of equipment given under ' Duties," will be credited year for year toward the above four years.

The examination will be such as to require some knowledge of rotary converters, mercury are power rectifiers, automatic switching equipment and supervisory control equipment.

Subjects and Weights# Written, weight 5; practical-oral, weight 5.

Medical and Physical Standards: No dis-ease, injury or abnormality that tends to impair health or usefulness.

Fee: $2.50. See "General Instructions as to Examina-

tions" which is to be considered as part of this notice.

MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS• SION, PAUL J. Knit, President; FERDINAND Q. Mosioz and WALLAcI S. SAros, Commissioners.

FRANx A. ScuAEras, Secretary. j7,27

ENGINEER (SAFETY), GRADE 4 (Simultaneously with the holding of this ex-

amination, a departmental promotion ex-aaalnation will be held. The names appear-ing on the eligible list resulting from this examination will be used first to All exist-lug vacancies.)

Salary: $5,000 per annum, subject to Budget. Applications: Received from 9 a. m., Wednes-

day, June 7, to 4 p. m., Thursday, July 27, 1939. Vacancies: Three in the Board of Water

Supply. Duties: Under general supervision with con-

siderable latitude for independent or unreviewed action or decision, to perform difficult and respon-sible professional work in the investigation or development of safety engineering projects in con-nection with the work of the Board of Water Supply including safety measures for tunnel operations, dam, bridge and highway construction, pipe laying, etc.; confer with department engi- neers, contractors and others with regard to safety measures; supervise the keeping of records and the preparation of reports; perform related work.

Requirements: An engineering degree rec-ognized by the University of the State of New York and at least six years of satisfactory engi-neering work, at least two of which must have been in responsible charge of work on tunneling operations of considerable magnitude of which one year must have been in the successful devel-opment of safety measures for one or more en- gineering projects of considerable magnitude re- quiring initiative, resourcefulness and the meet-ing of substantive technical responsibilities with success; or a satisfactory equivalent. Candidates must have a thorough knowledge of contractor's plant for tunneling operations. A Ph. D. or D. Sc. degree obtained after not less than three yea rs of post-graduate study in engineering will be taken as the equivalent of three years practical experience. A New York State Professional En-gineer's License will be required prior to certi. fication.

Subjects and Weights: Experience, 5: writ- ten, 5.

Experience will be rated after an oral interview to determine the extent that such experience has qualified the candidate for this position and to the extent that such experience has developed the essential factorss of technical competent admin. istrative judgment necessary for the performance of the duties set forth above, and upon the writ ten experience form filed by the candidate.

Medical and Physical Standards: No dis-ease. injury or abnormality that tends to impair health or usefulness.

Fee: $3. See "General instructions as to Ixamina-

lions" which Is to be considered as part of this notice.

MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS-SION, PAUL J. Knit, President; FERDINAND Q. Moms and WALLAcn S. Saran, Commissioners.

FRANX A. SCHAEFER, Secretary. j7Jy27


AYExnzu NoTicg

Applicants Who filed under the advertisement of May 3 to May 17, 1939, need not file again. E3Si5O.ty: $2,800 per year; possible promotion to

Applications: Received from 9 a. m., Wednes-day. pJune 7, to 4 p. m., Tuesday, June 27, 1939.

Vacancies: Six expected at once. Others from time to time at City-owned and operated airports. Also possible vacancies at lower rates.

Duties: In conformity with Civil Aeronautics Authority rules and regulations, to control and direct air traffic at North Beach Airport and other airports operated by the City; to check time of arrival and departure of all planes; to enter such information on official airport records; to space arrivals and departures in the interest of safety and expedition; to check traffic and per-form such other duties as are normally assigned to the Control Tower Operator at airports handling more than 25 airline schedules a day.

Requirements: Not less than two years' recent satisfactory experience in tower control operation (with senior rating of Civil Aeronautics Authority), or airline dispatching. on an airport at which a Federal Airways Traffic Control Centre is located. Personnel with not less than two years' recent satisfactory experience in Air-ways Traffic Control or Communications Sections of the Civil Aeronautics Authority are also eligible. This is a position of the utmost respon-sibility and any questionable item oa a candidate's application will be assiduously checked on inves- tigation.

Subjects and Weights: Experience, 4; writ. ten test, 2; practical oral, 4.

Practical oral will be administered by a board of experts who will at the same time appraise and rate the extent to which the candidate's experience has fitted him for the position involved.

Medical-Physical Standards: No disease, in. jury or abnormality that tends to impair health or usefulness. Fee: $2.50. See "General Instructions as to Examina•

tions" which is to be considered as part of. this notice.


FRANx A. SCHAEFER, Secretary. j7,27


Salary: Up to but not including $1,200 per annum. Appointments usually made at minimum salary of grade.

Applications: Issued in person and received by mail only, from 9 a. in., Tuesday, June 6, to 4 p. m., Monday, June 26, 1939.

Application blanks will be mailed only to per-sons outside the City limits if self-addressed, 9)4 by 434•inch envelope with six cents postage is enclose $ for mailing application blanks.

Vacancies: Occur from time to time. 1,325 appointments from last list.

Duties: Under supervision, to transcribe on the typewriter from written or oral material; or from the Dictaphone or Ediphone, operate. the Van-typewriter; perform related work as required.

Requirements: Graduation from a senior high school or the equivalent is required at the time of appointment.

Subjects and Weights: Written test, 10. The written test will be designed to test English,

spelling, grammar, ability to follow written direc-tions, mental alertness, reasoning ability, vocabu-lary, numerical relations, office practice and other appropriate information. After the list is estab-lished, eligibles will receive a qualifying practical test in typewriting as the needs of the service require at the rate of 40 words per minute for a minimum of five minutes. Candidates must fur-nigh their own typewriting machines and will be completely responsible for their operation. No allowance will be made where machines are miss-ing, late in arriving, defective or out of order on the day of the examination.

Medical and Physical Standards: No dis-ease, injury or abnormality that tends to impair health or usefulness.

Fee: $1. See "General Instructions as to Examina-

tions" which is to be considered as part of this notice.

MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS-SION, PAUL J. KERN, President; FounsAND Q. Moms and Wsanacs S. SAtss, Commissioners,

FSuxa A. Scaams, Secretary. j6,26


This examination is open only to employees of the Independent City-owned Subway System.

Salary : $2,250 or $2,400 per annum; original appointments are at $2,250 ; certain later assign-ments are at $2,400.

Ap lications: Received from 9 a. in., Wednes-day, June 7, to 4 p. m., Tuesday, June 27, 1939.

Vacancies: Six at present; others occur from time to time.

Eligibility Requirements: Open to all Main-tainer s Helpers, Group C, who have served at least three years in the position and who are otherwise eligible for promotion. In the event that the above eligible title is reclassified into the competitive class prior to the date of the first test, only one year in the title will be required.

Applications will be accepted from employees otherwise eligible who will have completed the requisite periods of service on or before the 16th day of September, 1939; but only thqse applicants who on the day of examination are I all respects eligible will be examined.

Subjects and Weights: Record and seniority, 5- mental examination, S. Subjects and weights of mental examination: Written, 5; Practical-oral, S.

Scope of Examination: The examination will cover the following duties of the position: To test, adjust and repair mercury are rectifiers, ro. tary converters, high tension and low tension switch gear, automatic relay panels and circuits, transmission and distribution cables and substa-tion and line auxiliary equipment and accessories; sectionalize power equipment; make records, re-ports, computations, tabulations and studies; per-form such other ditties as the Board of Transpor-tation is authorized by law to prescribe in its regulations.

Fee: $2.50. The payment of this fee will not be required until candidates have been notified of their eligibility. See "General Instructions as to Lxamias-

tlone" which Is to be considered as part of this notice.


FiAax A. ScsArasa, Secretary. 37,27


Salary: $1,200 up to but not ineludjifK $1,800 per annum. Appointments are usually made at the minimum salary of the grade,

Vacancies: Occur from time to time. Applications: Received from 9 a. m., Tues-

day, June 6, to 4 p. m., Monday, June 26, 1939. Duties: Under supervision, to take notes of

dictators, hearings and examinations on the stenotype machine, translate such notes on the typewriter, do incidental clerical and typing; per form related work as required.

Requirements: Senior high school education or the equivalent is required at the time of ap-pointment. Candidates must furnish their own typewriting machines. stenotype machines, steno-type paper, pens and lair. The Commission will not at any time or In any way be responsible fm machines, nor will any allowance be made where machines are missing, late in arriving, defective or out of order on the day of examination.

Subjects and Weights: General paper, weight 5, will be designed to test mental alertness. gram. mar, spelling, office forms and practice; simple arithmetic and other appropriate information. Prac- tical test, weight 5, will consist of dictation at the rate of 130 words per minute for a total of 5 minutes and transcription at the rate of 30 words a minute.

Medical and Physical Standards: No injury, disease or abnormality that tends to impair health or usefulness. Fee: $1.50. See "General Instructions as to Examina-

tions" which Is to be considered as part of this notice.



Proportional Representation Canvasser— Written Test

PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF RES- olutions of the Municipal Civil Service Com-

mission adopted Feb. 15, 1939, public notice is hereby given of the tentative key for the written test in the examination for Proportional Represen-tation Canvasser. Candidates may file objections to such tentative key for a period of not more than two weeks after the initial date of publica-tion thereof. Such objections shall be in writing and shall contain detailed information and au- thority therefor. ANSWER SHEET. WRITTEN EXAMINA-

TION HELD MAY 20, 1939

Item Key

35 A 36 C 37 D D

39 E

Item Key

IC 2A 3B 4D 5 B

Item Key

18 B 19 D 20 B 21 22 D

Plans and specifications for the above pra contracts may be examined and purchased at

Estimating Room, 344 E. 12th at, Manhattan.


Notices of Public Hearings


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 45), adopted the following resolution.

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 11, by changing from a business district to a residence district the property abutting upon the easterly side of Little Neck parkway to a depth of 100 feet from 80th avenue to 82d avenue. the property abutting upon the northerly side of Union turnpike to a depth of 100 feet from 256th street to 264th street and the property abutting upon the southerly side of Union turnpike to a depth of 100 feet from 255th street to 265th street. in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, New York, June 7. 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON. Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700 Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, W8 rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 46), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939. at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14. by changing from a residence district to a busi- ness district the property within the territory bounded by Vleigh place, Main street, Vleigh place, 73d terrace, a line 180 feet west of Main street and its southerly prolongation, a line 100 feet north of 72d avenue, a line 100 feet west of Main street, a line 140 feet south of 71st avenue, Main street and a line 190 feet south of 71st avenue, in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission. Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 47), adopted the following resolution:

Item Key

Item Key Item Key

1C 2B 3A 4A 5B D

7C 8D 9C

10 D 11 B 32 C 13 C 14 C 15 B 16 C 17 B

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32



35 16 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50



FRANK A. SCHAEFER, Secretary. j5,19

City Marshal, Written Test

PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF resolutions of the Municipal Civil Service Com-

mission adopted Feb. 15, 1939, public notice is hereby given of the tentative key for the written test in the examination for City Marshal. Candi-dates may file objections to such tentative key for a ,eriod of not more than two weeks after the initial date of publication thereof. Such 'objec-tions shall be in writing and shall contain de-tailed information and authority therefor. ANSWER SHEET, WRITTEN EXAMINA-


Item Key

Item Key Item Key


any or none C A C B D A C B B D A


1 B 2D 3C 4C 5A 6B B

9D 10 B 11 B 12 B 13 B 14 C 15 A 16 B 17 A 18 C 19 D 21 D

22 C 23 D 24 B 25 B 26 CD

28 B D

30 B 31 A 32 A 33 D 34 C

35 36

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

B D B B C D B C D C D A D. C C C A A B D C D D A A D D B D C B A B

68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99



FRANK A. SCHAEFER, Secretary. 35,19

Instructor (Barbering)-Written Test

PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF resolutions of the Municipal Civil Service Com-

mission adopted February 15, 1939, public notice is hereby given of the tentative key for the writ-ten test in the examination for Instructor (Barber-ing). Candidates may file objections to such tenta-tive key for a period of not more than two weeks after the initial date of publication thereof. Such objections shall be in writing and shall contain detailed information and authority therefor.


Item Key

Item Key Item Key

lB D

4B 5C

7A 8B 9D

10 B 11 D 12 D 13 C 14 D 15 B 16 D 17 A 18 D 19 A 20 D 21 B 22 D 23 A 24 A 25 B 26 D 27 D 28 A 29 C 30 D 31 C

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64


67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97



FRANK A. SCSAEFEE, Secretary. j5,19

Notices to Appear for ExsrmmstIow

Item Key Item Key Item Key

98 C 99 D

100 C

32 A 33 C

65 A 66 C

Item Key

Item Key

Item Key

6E 7 AorC 8C 9B

10 E 11 B 12 A 13 E 14 C 15 D 16 A 17 C

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34


41 C 42 D 43 E 44 A 45 B 46 E 47 C 48 D 49 A 50 C


FRANK A. SCHAEFER, Secretary. j5,19

Radio Operation Assistant-Written Test

PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF resolutions of the Municipal Civil Service Com-

mission adopted Feb. 15, 1939, public notice is hereby given of the tentative key for the written test in the examination for Radio Operation As-sistant. Candidates may file objections to such tentative key for a period of not more than two weeks after the initial date of publication thereof. Such objections shall be in writing and shall contain detailed information and authority there-for. ANSWER SHEET, WRITTEN EXAMINA-


TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939


P. S. 166, repairs and painting, windows, etc. P. S. 173, replacing concrete pavement, etc. P. S. 181, repairs, painting, etc. P. S. 202, repairs to pavement. P. S. 205, raising height of chain link fencing,

etc. P. S. 206, new hot water heater. P. S. 215, repairs to univents, etc. P. S. 216, replacing wood fence with chain link

fence. P. S. 222, replacing pavement. P. S. 233, replacing pavement. P. S. 239, new gas range, etc. P. S. 241, new book closet and repairs and

painting. &3; High School, new doors, new cement pave-

ment, etc. Brooklyn High School for Homemaking Annex,

new storeroom. Brooklyn High School for Specialty Trades, ad-

ditional electric wiring. Eastern District High School Annex, installing

wood sign, etc. Girls' Commercial High School, replacing metal

shower stall, etc. James Madison High School, repairing hot water

piping, etc. New Utrecht High School, repairs to lockers.

Borough of Queens P. S. 74, cement pavement. P. S. 92, piping repairs. P. S. 114, covering pipe. P. S. 115, repairs and painting. Andrew Jackson High School, wire mesh guards,

Borough of Richmond P. S. 1, repairing and refinishing furniture;

chain link fence. P. S. 11, heating repairs. P. S. 12, cement, lime, plaster of Paris, etc. P. S. 12, cork board. P. S. 13, coal tar pitch. P. S. 13, asphalt shingles. P. S. 19, repairing pupils' desks, P. S. 20, repairs to concrete pavement. P. S. 44, repairs to concrete pavement. P. S. 44 repairing and refinishing furniture. Curtis high School, repairs to concrete pave-

ment. McKee Vocational High School, repairs to locks

and steel lockers, j12,19

Until 2 p. m., on TUESDAY. JUNE 20, 1939

Borough of Manhattan For repairs and alterations to heating appa-

ratus, etc., repairs to electric platform hoist, in P. S. 95 16 Clarkson St., Manhattan.

Cost of plans, $2. For alterations, repairs, etc., at P. S. 96, Item

2. and P. S. 159, Manhattan, Cost of plans, $2. For repairs and alterations to heating appa.

rates, etc., retubing boilers in P. S. 21, 40, 57 and 83; temperature regulation repairs, etc., in P. S. 27 and 158; also furnish and install new boiler, piping, etc., in P. S. 19; new returns, etc., in P. S. 59; new vacuum traps etc., in P. S. 61; new radiation, etc., in P. 9. 64; installing air compressor unit, etc., in Manhattan High School of Aviation Trades (Baron De Hirsch Building Annex), and new doors, etc., for ele-vator ahafts in shops and office building, Man-hattan.

Cost of plans, $2. Borough of The Bronx

For alterations, repairs, etc., at P. S. 27 and 30, The Bronx.

Cost of plans, $1. Borough of Brooklyn

For alterations, repairs, etc., at P. S. 92, 135 144, 153, 170, 185, 189, 193, 197, 236 and Abraham Lincoln High School, Bklyn.

Cost of plans, $2. For sanitary alterations, etc., at P. S. 194,

194 Whitney ave., Gerritsen Beach, Bklyn. Borough of Queens

For alterations, repairs, etc., at P. S. 1, 7 11, 23, 56 77, 107, 121 and 127, and Grover Cleve- land high School, Queens.

Cost of glans, $2. For drains and dry wells at P. S. 39, State St.

and Roanoke ave., Far Rockaway, Queens. Borough of Richmond

For general repairs, etc., at P. S. 16 and 22, Richmond. Cost of plans, $1. 39,20

PLAYGROUND DIRECTOR (FEMALE), TEM- PORARY SERVICE (OPEN COMPETITIVE) The practical-oral examination will be held corn-

mencing at 10 a. m., at the Hunter College gym-nasium, 68th st. and Lexington ave., Manhat-tan, on MONDAY, JUNE 19; TUESDAY, JUNE 20; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21; THURSDAY, JUNE 22, and MONDAY, JUNE 26. j13,23


The practical-oral test will be conducted at Room 2313, Municipal Building, Manhattan, commencing at 9 a. m., on MONDAY, JUNE 19; WEDNES-DAY,UNE 21; THURSDAY, JUNE 22; MONDAY, JUNE 26; TUESDAY, JUNE 27, and WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1939. j13,24


Federal Building, 641 Washington st., Manhat-tan, commencing at 9.30 a. m., on MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1939. j13,19


mencing at 9.30 a. in., on SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1939, at the following places:

New York County Lawyers Association, 14 Vesey at. Manhattan.

Kent Hall, Columbia University, 116th at. and Amsterdam ave., Manhattan.

Law Library, 16th floor, Municipal Building, g, Manhattan. j12,17


The practical test is to be held at the 207th Street Shops of the Independent City-owned Subway System, 3961 10th ave. (at 211th St.), Manhattan, commencing at 9 a. m., on THURSDAY, JUNE 15; FRIDAY, JUNE 16; MONDAY, JUNE 19; TUESDAY, JUNE 20, and WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1939. j9,20



TIVE). The practical-oral test is to be held at the

Hunter College Gymnasium, 68th st. and Lexing-ton ave., Manhattan, commencing at 9 a. m., on

and WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14,19 9. JUNE 3814 3


Municipal Building, Manhattan, on TUESDAY. JUNE 13, 1939, commencing at 1.30 p. m. j7,13


Proposed Approval of Subcontractors

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION PROPOSES to approve as a subcontractor: S. H. Pomeroy Company, Inc., 280-94 E. 134th

st., Bronx, for exterior double hung sheet steel windows, steel windows, as submitted by Tobias Heller & Co., Inc., contractor for general con-struction of Erasmus Hall High School, Bklyn., Addition. 313,15

PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of Plant Operation and

Maintenance, Board of Education of The City of New York, at his office, 344 E. 12th st., Man-hattan, as follows:

Until 10 a. in on MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1939

For repairs to the following schools: Borough of Manhattan

P. S. 9, carpentry repairs. P. S. 10, wire mesh window guards. P. S. 11, resurfacing and repairing slate, P. S. 29, repairs to furniture, etc. P. S. 31, retubing and repairing boiler. P. S. 32, repairs to furniture, etc. P. S. 33, repairs to kindergarten furniture. P. S. 42, erecting furniture and oil rooms. P. S. 46, heating repairs-new steam riser, etc. P. S. 48, boiler retubing. P. S. 69, installing desks and seats, etc. P. S. 72, auditorium window curtains. P. S. 78, castors for cots. P. S. 136, new doors and carpentry repairs. P. S. 139, slate. P. S. 139, repairs to opera chairs. P. S. 147, repairing and refinishing desks, etc. P. S. 159, furniture repairs. P. S. 160, wire mesh guards. P. S. 160, removing work benches and cabinets. P. S. 168, auditorium window curtains. P. S. 192, furniture repairs. George Washington High School, heating re-

pairs, renewing blowoff of boiler, etc. Murray Hill High School of Building and Metal

Trades, changing service equipment. New York Vocational High School for Boys, re-

surfacing slate. New York Vocational High School for Boys,

electric time recorder. Seward Park High School, new guards for light-

ing fixtures. The School of Industrial Art, new toilet parti-

tions, etc. Wadleigh High School, furniture repairs. Washington Irving High School, removing orna-

mental wood beams. Various schools, removing and transferring fur-

niture, replacing glass in cabinets. Borough of The Bronx

P. S. 4, replacing vault lights. P. S. 8, reinforcement bars. P. S. 18, repairs and painting. P. S. 29, repairs and painting. P. S. 46, electric materials, hardware, etc. P. S. 108, reinforcement steel bars. Morris High School Annex, repairs and painting.

Borough of Brooklyn P. S. 18, repairs to boiler covering, etc. P. S. 55, repairs and painting. P. S. 94, rebuilding parapet walls, etc. P. S. 99, replacing water piping, etc. P. S. 130, plaster repairs. P. S. 158, new window guards.

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a residence district to a busi- ness district the property within the territory bounded by a line 47 feet north of 69th avenue, Main street, a line 120 feet north of 69th avenue, a line 100 feet east of Main street, a line 190 feet south of 71st avenue, Main street, a line 140 feet south of 71st avenue and a line 100 feet west of Main street, in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 48), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission,

Cursuant to section 201 of the New York City harter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21,e 1939,

at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a residence district to a business district the property within the territory bounded by 73d avenue, a line 100 feet east of Main street, 75th road, Vleigh place and Main street, in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 49), adopted the following . resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a residence district to a business district the property within the territory bounded by 75th road, a line 100 feet east of Main street, 77th road, a line 100 feet west of Main street, 76th avenue and Vleigh place, in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone. WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesdiy, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 50), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a residence district to a business district the property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet east of 108th street, Saultell street, a line 100 feet south of World's Fair (Horace Harding) boulevard, and a line 100 feet east of Saultell street, in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, Nett York June 7, 1939, PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 70), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public haring in the matter of the adoption, as part of the Master Plan, of the location for a new branch public library near St. Gabriel's Park, Borough of Manhattan.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939, PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan. Telephone, WO rth 2-6600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

in Wednesday, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No, 71), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing in the matter of the adoption, as part of the Master Plan, of the location for a new fire house near St. Gabriel's Park, Borough of Manhattan.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan. Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 72), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 199b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by changing the northerly line of Whitestone parkway from 10th avenue to 147th street, Borough of Queens, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the Presi- dent of the Borough and dated January 12, 1939.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room; 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan. Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 29), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing in the matter of the adoption, as part of the Master Plan, of a system of parkways and express highways, established and proposed to serve the five boroughs of the City of New York, as indicated on the accompanying map No. 01-MPH-1. bearing the signature of the Secretary and dated June 7, 1939.




LEGEND Established Express Highways 1

you Established Parkways Added or Amended Highways I) Proposed as Part of Master Plan

wy-- Added or Amended Parkways J Further Additions and Amendments Requiring Study Before Adoption



June 7, 1939. Phillip B. Tharston,


a_- •y l WC Ch.thN AV itla• .IM-~.~I 1.7. LM~e,Y. w.01-AW Oo-bowl 0.7•A 1#J-

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600. j9,20

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission; at its meeting held

on Wednesday, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 31), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 199b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by eliminating the lines of East 24th street from a line 140 feet south of Glenwood road to Campus road, Borough of Brooklyn, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated February 20, 1939,

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 42), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday. June 21. 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Mpnhatt._n, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a residence district to a busi- ness district the property, not already so zoned, within the territory bounded by 63d road, a line 120 feet east of 108th street, 65th avenue, a line 120 feet west of 108th street, 64th road, Yellow• stone boulevard, 64th avenue and a line 120 feet west of 108th street; and by changing from a business district to a residence district the prop-erty abutting upon both sides of 108th street for a depth of 100 feet from a line 100 feet north of 63d avenue to 63d road, the property abutting upon both sides of 64th road for a depth of 100 feet from a line 100 feet east of 102d street to Yellowstone boulevard and the property abutting upon the so•ttherly side of 64th road for a depth

of 100 feet from Yellowstone boulevard to a line 120 feet west of 108th street, in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 44), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. in., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of the Area District Map, Section No. 10, by changing from an F area district to a D area district the property abutting upon the northerly side of 46th avenue for a depth of 100 feet from 157th street to 160th street, in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City,

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone. WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, June 7. 1939 (Cal. No. 39), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission. pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21. 1939. at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment . of Height District Map. Section No. 22, by changing from a one and one-quarter times height district to a one-half times height district the property within the territory bounded by Foster avenue, a line 100 feet east of East 19th street, Glenwood road and the easterly right-of-

way line of the Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corporation, .n the Borough of Brooklyn.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700 Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, Worth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 40), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Area District Map, Section No. 22, by changing from an E area district to a G area district the property within the territory bounded by Foster avenue, a line 100 feet east of East 19th street, Glenwood road and the easterly right-of-way line of the Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corporation, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday. June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 41), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Mar,h .ttan, City of New York, a; the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section Nos. 10 and 14, by changing from a residence district to a business district the property abutting upon the easterly side of Kissena boulevard to a depth of 100 feet, from a line 100 feet south of World's Fair boulevard (Horace Harding boulevard) to a

line midway between 64th avenue and 65th ave-nue, in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600,


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 43), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment if the Use District Map, Section No. 15, by changing from a business district to a residence district the property abutting upon both sides of 217th street to a depth of 100 feet from a line 100 feet south of Hillside avenue to a line 100 feet north of 90th avenue, in the Bor- ough of Queens.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday. June 7, 1939 (Cal. No. 38), adooted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter. hereby fixes Wednesday, June 21, 1939, at 2.30 p. in., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City cf New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Area District Map, Section No. 22, by changing from an E area district to a C area district the property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet north of 76th street, a line 100 feet west of 3d avenue, a line 100 feet south of 77th street, a line 100 feet east of Ridge boulevard, 77th street and a line 100 feet

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, May 24, 1939 (Cal, No. 33), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 199b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. in., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by changing the northerly line of the Queens approach to the Queens Mid-town Tunnel between IIth street and 50th avenue, Borough of Queers, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated February 21, 1939.

Dated, New York, May 24, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattin, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 30), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 199b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by establishing or changing the lines and grades of the street system within the territory bounded by 70th street, Grand avenue, Mazeau street and 57th drive, Borough of Queens, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated June 21, 1937.

Dated, New York, May 24, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 34), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 199b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public bearing on a proposed change in the City Map by establishing or changing the lines and grades of the street system within the territory bounded approximately by Barrett avenue, Dwight street, Catherine street and Forest avenue, Borough of Richmond. in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated April 27, 1939.

Dated, New York, May 24, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 35), adopted the foll•w;ng resclution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 82d9-1.0e of the Adminis-trative Code of The City of New York, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public bearing on an amended drainage plan for Sewer-age District No. 41-SF-20, showing the location, sizes and grades of sewers located in the territory bounded by Hillside avenue, Nassau County, Jamaica aienue and Little Neck parkway, bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated April 10, 1939.

Dated, New York, May 24, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday. May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 36), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall. Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Area District Map, Section No. 22, by changing from an "F" area district to a "G" area district the property within the territory bounded by Dorchester road, a line 100 feet east of Ocean avenue, Ditmas avenue, Ocean avenue, Newkirk avenue, East 17th street, a line 100 feet north of Newkirk avenue and a line 75 feet west of East 16th street, in the Borough of Brook-lyn.

Dated, New York, May 24, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, May 24, 1939 (Cal. No, 45). adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, 'tereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a residence district to a busi. ness district the property abutting upon the southerly side of 89th avenue for a depth of 100 feet from 165th street to the westerly

east of Colonial road, in the Borough of Brook-lyn.

Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700 Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, Wd rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Wednesday, May 24, 1939 (Cal. No. 29), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 199b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. in., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed change in the City Map by changing the grades of Shore road from 83d street to 86th street, Bor-ough of Brooklyn, in accordance with a map hearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated December 2, 1938.

Dated, New York, May 24, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, - Room 2700 Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, wó rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS . HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Thursday, June 1, 1939 (Cal. No. 70), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., 'n Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No, 14, b changing from a business district to a residence district the property abutting upon the northerly side of Austin street for a depth of 100 feet from 67th road to 68th avenue and the property not already zoned within the territory bounded by 68th drive, Queens boulevard, a line 200 feet east of 68th drive and Yellowstone boulevard; also by changing from a residence district to a business district the property within the area bounded by a line 100 feet south of Queens boulevard, a line 100 feet north of Yellowstone boulevard and a line 200 feet east of 68th drive, in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, New York, June 1, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Thursday, June 1, 1939 (Cal. No. 71), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 n. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Area District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from an "F" area district to a "D" area district the westerly side of 148th street, for a depth of 100 feet, from 87th avenue to a line 100 feet northerly thereof, in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, New York, June 1, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.



See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Board of Higher Education, in Room 107,

Administration Building, Queens College, 65.30 Kissena blvd., Flushing, L. I., as follows:

Until 11 a. m., on MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1939

For furnishing and delivering metal laboratory furniture, part 3-B; chemistry laboratory furni-ture and equipment, part 3-C; and physics lab. oratory furniture, part 3-P. j8,19


Sale of Tax Liens

Continuation of The Bronx Sale, Section 11

THE SALE OF TAX LIENS FOR UNPAID taxes, assessments and water rents for the

Borough of The Bronx, as to the liens remain-ing unsold at the termination of the sales of Oct. 25, Dec. 6, 1938, and Jan. 24, March 21 and May 9, 1939, and as to the liens where the purchaser has not completed his purchase in accordance with Charter terms, as incorporated in the Administrative Code, will take place on

TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1939 at 10.30 a. m., pursuant to the provisions of sec-tion 415(1).26.0 and (1)-28.0 of the Administra-tive Code for The City of New York, will be continued at that time in the office of the City Collector, Bergen Building, 2d floor, Arthur and Tremont ayes., Borough of The Bronx. j6-13


amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a business district to a resi-dence district the property abutting upon both sides of Utopia parkway, to a depth of 100 feet, from a line 100 feet north of 73d avenue, to a line 100 feet north of Union turnpike, in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, New York, Tune 1, 1939. PHILLIP B. THfTRSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700 Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, Wa rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Thursday, June 1, 1939 (Cal. No. 69), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 14, by changing from a business district to a resi- dence district the property abutting upon the northerly side of Queens boulevard and the north- erly side of 66th avenue, for a depth of 100 feet, from 65th road to a line 100 feet west of 99th street; for the property abutting upon the easterly side of 99th street, for a depth of 100 feet, from 65th avenue to a line 100 feet south of 65th road and from 66th avenue to 66th road; also by changing from a residence district to a business district the property within the area bounded by 67th avenue, 102d street and a iine 100 feet north of Queens boulevard, In the Bor-ough of Queens.

Dated, New York June 1, 1939. PHILLIP B. THHURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Gmtmission, Room 2700 Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 415(l)-11.0 of the Administrative Code for The City of

New York, the Treasurer of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN:


ETC., in E. 66TH ST., north side, between Lex- ington and 3d aves. Affecting Blocks 1400, 1401.

The above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on June 6, 1939, and en- tered June 6, 1939, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau of City Collec- tions, and unless the amount assessed for benefit an any person or property shall be paid on or be- fore Sept. 5, 1939, which is 90 days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 percent per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after the date of entry as provided by section 415(1)-12.0 of the Administrative Code for The City of New York.

The above assessments are payable to the City Collector, at his office, in the Municipal Build-ing, Manhattan, Room 200, between the hours of 9 a. m, and 3 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m, to 12 noon,

ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasurer. Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. j10,21

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 415(l)-11.0 of the Administrative Code for The City of

New York, the Treasurer of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN:


in BRIGHTON 4TH RD. from Brighton 4th at. to Brighton 6th st., together with a list of awards for damage caused by a change in grade. Awards affect Block 7262, Lots 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56. Assessments affect Block 7262.

The above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on June 6, 1939, and en- tered June 6, 1939, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau of City Collec-tions, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or be- fore Sept. 5, 1939, which is 90 days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 percent

annum. be calculated days

date entry as provided by section 12.0

of the Administrative Code for The City of

New York. The above assessments are payable to the City

Collector, at his office, Room 1, Municipal Build-ing, Bklyn., N. Y., between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., and on Saturdays between 9 a. m. and 12 noon.

ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasurer. Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. j10,21

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939


Confirmation of Assessments


IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 415(1 ).11.0 of the Administrative Code for The City of

New York, the Treasurer of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN:

SECTIONS 1, 2, 6 101 E. 101ST ST. Block 1629, Lot 8. 150 HENRY STREET. Block 271, Lot 59. 171 HESTER ST. Block 238, Lot 38. 597 HUDSON ST. Block 624, Lot 21, 180 MULBERRY ST. Block 480, Lot 2. 56 SHERIFF ST. Block 333, Lot 5. The above assessments were confirmed by the

Board of Assessors on June 6, 1939, and en-tered June 6, 1939, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau of City Collec-tions, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or be-fore Sept. 5, 1939, which is 90 days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 percent per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Thursday, June 1, 1939 (Cal. No. 62), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing in the matter of the adoption, as part of the Master Plan, of an area bounded by East 117th street, Park avenue, East 113th street and 5th avenue, Borough of Manhattan, as the area within which the new Public School 117, replacing the non-fireproof building of Public School 57, should be located.

Dated, New York, June 1, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700 Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Thursday June 1, 1939 (Cal. No. 63),• adopted the following resolution:'

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough, of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing in the matter of the adoption, as part of the Master Plan, of an area bounded by East 109th street, 3d avenue, East 107th street and 5th avenue, Borough of Manhattan, as the area within which the new Public School 108, replacing the non-fireproof building of Public School 7.2, should be located.

Dated, New York, June 1, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700 Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, W8 rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Thursday, June 1, 1939 (Cal. No. 64), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p- m. in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, Ctity of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing in the matter of the adoption, as part of the Master Plan, of an area bounded by Lefferts avenue, Kingston ave-nue, Winthrop street and Nostrand avenue, Bor-ough of Brooklyn, as the area within which the new Public School 249, Junior High School, should be located.

Dated, New York, June 1, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700 Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, Wei rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Thursday, June 1, 1939 (Cal. No. 67), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14. 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section Nos. 4 and 7, by changing from an unrestricted district to a residence district the property within the territory bounded by a line 100 feet east of Havemeyer avenue, Houghton avenue, a line 100 feet west of Zerega avenue and a line 100 feet north of Lafayette avenue; and by changing from an unrestricted district to a business district the property within the territory bounded by Eastern boulevard, Zerega avenue, Houghton avenue and a line 100 feet east of Havemeyer avenue, the property abutting upon the westerly side of Zerega avenue, for a depth of 100 feet from Houghton avenue to Lafayette avenue and the property abutting upon the northerly side of La-fayette avenue, for a depth of 100 feet, from a line 100 feet west of Zerega avenue to a line 100 feet east of Havemeyer avenue, in the Bor-ough of The Bronx.

Dated, New York, June 1, 1939, PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rib 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission; at its meeting held

on Thursday, June 1, 1939 (Cal. No. 66), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at.2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed amendment of Use District Map, Section No. 22, by changing from a business district to a residence district the property abutting upon both sides of Cortelyou road, to a depth of 100 feet, from a line 100 feet east of Ocean parkway to East 9th street, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

Dated, New York, June 1, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Thursday, June 1. 1939 (Cal. No. 65), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939 at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing in the matter of the adoption, as part of the Master Plan, of a site for a new Junior High School addition to Public School 40, Borough of Queens, for which the Board of Education in a memorandum dated April 11, 1939, proposes to acquire property con-sisting of land adjacent to the present building, shown on the tax maps of the Borough of Queens, as Block 2926, Lots 9 to 34, and Lots 51 to 59, inclusive.

Dated, New York, June 1, 1939. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-5600.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Planning Commission, at its meeting held

on Thursday, June 1. 1939 (Cal. No. 68), adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 201 of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, June 14, 1939, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on a proposed

the date of entry as provided by section 309 of she Multiple Dwelling Law, chapter 353 of the Laws of 1937, and 415(1)-12.0 of the Adminis-trative Code for The City of New York.

The above assessments are payable to the City Collector, at his office, in the Municipal Building, Manhattan, Room 200, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasurer. Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. j10,21

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 415(1)-11.0 of the Administrative Code for The City of

New York, the Treasurer of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN:

SECTIONS 6 AND 9 1367 FULTON ST. Block 1850, Lot 38. 181 MAUJER ST. Block 2789, Lot 36. The above assessments were confirmed by the

Board of Assessors on June 6, 1939, and en-tered June 6, 1939, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau of City Collec-tions, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or be- fore Sept. 5, 1939, which is 90 days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 percent per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after the date of entry as provided by section 309 of the Multiple Dwelling Law, chapter 353 of the Laws of 1937, and 415(l)-12.0 of the Adminis-trative Code for The City of New York.

The above assessments are payable to the City Collector, at his office, Room 1, Municipal Build-ing, Bklyn., N. Y., between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., and on Saturdays between 9 a. m. and 12 noon.

ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasurer. Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. j10,21

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 415(1)-11.0 of the Administrative Code for The City of

New York. the Treasurer of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF RICHMOND:


AVE. from Jewett ave. to Forest ave.; GIF• FORDS LANE, West side, from Dewey ave. to Woodland ave. Affecting Blocks 386, 388, 389, 5441.


AVE. from Hylan blvd., north side, to a point about 1,800 feet northerly; BRYANT AVE. from Hylan blvd., north side, to South Railroad ave.; BANCROFT AVE. from Hvlan blvd., north side, to South Railroad ave.; PRESCOTT AVE. from Hylan blvd., north side, to South Railroad ave.; MAPLEWOOD PL. from Hylan blvd. to Boundary ave. (15th st.); GREELEY AVE. from Hylan blvd. to South Railroad ave.; LINCOLN AVE. from the Staten Island Railroad to 14th st.; COLFAX AVE. from South Railroad ale. to Egbert st.; MIDLAND AVE. from South Rail-road ave. to Boundary ave. (15th st.); BED-FORD (FRANKLIN) AVE. from Boundary ave. (15th st.) to Mason ave.; JEFFERSON AVE. from Laconia ave. to Mason ave.; CROTONA (NAUGHTON) AVE. from Mason ave. to Patter-son ave.; HYLAN BLVD., north side, from Bache ave. to Lincoln ave.; HYLAN BLVD., south side, from Greeley ave. to Lincoln ave.; F.GBERT ST. from Midland ave. to Lincoln ave.; BOUNDARY AVE. (15TH ST.) from Manle-wood pl. to Bedford (Franklin) ave.; LACONIA AVE. from Bedford (Franklin) ave. to Jefferson ave.; MASON AVE. from Jefferson ave. to Crotona (Naughton) ave.; PATTERSON AVE. from Crotona (Naughton) ave. to Seaview ave., and a SEWAGE PUMPING PLANT near the intersection of Mason ave. and Seaver ave. Affecting Blocks 3475, 3478, 3536. 3538 to 3551. 3556 to 3561, 3568 to 3575, 3583 to 3591, 3603 to 3617, 3632 to 3652, 3655 to 3674, 3679 to 3693, 3606 to 3703. 3705. 3706. 3708 to 3718. 3721 to 3734. 3741. 37$4. 3747, 3748, 3750 to 3761, 3764 to 3766, 3900 to 3906.

The above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on June 6, 1939, and en-tered June C,, 1939. in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau of City Collec. tions, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or be-

boundary of the existing business district east of 165th street, in the Borough of Queens.

Dated, New York May 24, 1939. PHILLIP B. ThURSTON, Secretary, City

Planning Commission, Room 2700 Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, Wd rth 2-5600.


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TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939

fore Sept. 5, 1939, which is 90 days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 percent per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after the date of entry to the date of payment, as pro-vided by section 415(l)-12.0 of the Administra-tive Code for The City of New York.

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTIONS 415(1)-11.0 and 313-1.0 of the Administrative Code for

The City of New York, the Treasurer and the City Collector of The City of New York hereby give public notice of the confirmation by the Supreme Court and the entering in the Bureau of City Collections of assessment for acquiring title to the following named avenues in the BOROUGH OF QUEENS:


The above entitled assessment was entered on the day hereinbefore given in the Record of Titles

of Assessments kept in the Bureau of City Col- lertions and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Sept. 5, 1939, which is 90 days after the date of entry of the assessment, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 percent per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after the

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTIONS 41S(l) 11.0 and 313.1.0 of the Administrative Code for

The City of New York, the Treasurer and the City Collector of The City of New York hereby gtves public notice of the confirmation by the Supreme Court and the entering in the Bureau of City Collections of assessment for acquiring title to the following named streets, avenues and roads in the BOROUGH OF THE BRONX:


TO from Stadium ave. to Eastern blvd. *ATT AVE. — ACQUIRING TITLE TO,

from Stadium ave. to the mean high water line of Eastchester Bay.

AMPERE AVE.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Bay Shore ave. to Middletown rd.

GRISWOLD AVE. — ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Eastern blvd. to Outlook ave.

RADIO DR.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Lucerne at. to Griswold ave.

LUCERNE ST.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Stadium ave. to the mean high water line of Eastchester Bay (Palmer Inlet).

SPENCER DR.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Griswold ave. to Lucerne at.

RANDOLPH PL.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Hennellworth y1. to Stadium ave.

COUNTRY CLUB RD.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Eastern blvd. to the mean high water line of Eastchester Bay.

CONNELL PL. — ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Eastern blvd. to Kearney ave.

POLO PL.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Stadium ave. to Country Club rd.

AGAR PL.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Stadium ave. to Country Club rd.

The above entitled assessment was entered on the day hereinbefore given in the Record of Titles of Asseasmerts kept in. the Bureau of City Col-lections and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Aug. 28, 1939, which is 90 days after the date of entry of the assessment, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 percent per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after the date of entry to the date of payment, as provided by section 41S(l)-12.0 of the Administrative Code for The City of New York.

The above assessment is payaule to the City Collector, in the Bergen Building, Arthur and Tremont aves., The Bronx, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., and on Saturdays until 12 noon.

ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Trea`urer, and WILLIAM REID, City Collector.

Dated, New York, May 31, 1939. jS,IS

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTIONS 415(1).11.0 and 313-1.0 of the Administrative Code for

The City of New York, the Treasurer and the City Collector of The City of New York hereby give public notice of the confirmation by the Supreme Court and the entering in the Bureau of City Collections of assessment for acquiring title to the following named street in the BOR-OUGH OF BROOKLYN:


Avenue U to Strickland ave. Confirmed May 11, 1939, and entered May 29,

1939. The area of for benefit in this pro-

ceeding is described as follows: Bounded on the north by the northerly line of

Avenue U; on the east by a line midway between E. 63d at. and E. 64th st., and by the prolongation of the said line; on the south by a line distant 100 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Strickland ave., and on the west by a line midway between E. 63d at. and Mill ave. and by the prolongation of the said line.

That the above entitled assessment was entered on the day hereinbefore given in the Record of Titles of Assessment kept in the Bureau of City Collections, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Aug. 28, 1939, which is 90 days after the date of entry of the assessment interest will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 percent per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after the date of entry to the date of payment, as pro- vided in section 415(l)-12.0 of the Administra- tive Code for The City of New York.

The above assessment is payable to the City Collector, at his office, Room 1, Municipal Build. ing, Bklyn., between the hours of 9 a. in. and 3 p. in., and on Saturdays until 12 noon.

ALMERINDO .PORTFOLIO. Treasurer, and WILLIAM REID. City Collector.

Dated, New York, May 31, 1939. 15.15


PROPOMLS See Regulation on Lest Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Docks, at Room 4, on

Pier A. foot of Battery pL, North River, Borough of Manhattan, as follows:

Until 12 noon, on WEDNESDAY, JV! E L1, 18Sp

Contract No. 2209. For the furnishing of all labor, material andeqetpment for the fabrication and erection of steel girders for the new passage-way between Slips 3 and 5 of the Municipal Ferry Terminal, foot of Whitehall at., Borough of Man-hattan.

A charge of $1.25 in cash will be made to pros- pective bidders for plans and specifications. Where specification only are desired a charge of $1 will be made. Such plans and specifications shall re- main the property of the bidder. j10,21

Until 12 noon, on WEDN$SpAY JIINE 21, 1981

Contract No. 2222, for drydocking scraping, scaling, cleaning, painting, etc., the boils of three (3) Municipal ferryboats and repairs and replace- ments to hulls and fittings while on dry dock.

A charge of $1 in cash will be made to pros-pective bidders for specifications and forms of contract obtained by them. Such specifications and form of contract shall become the property of the bidder. jl0,21

Until 12 noon, on FRIDAY. JUNE 23, 1939

Contract No. 2229, for drydocking, scraping, scaling, cleaning, painting, etc., the steel hulls of three (3) Municipal steamboats and repairs and replacements to hulls and fittings while on dry- dock.

Contract No 2234, for drydocking, scraping, scaling, cleaning, painting, etc., the hulls of four (4) Municipal ferryboats and repairs and replace- ments to hulls and fittings while on drydock.

A charge of $1 in cash will be made to pros. pective bidders for specifications and form of contract obtained by them. Such specifications and form of contract shall become the property of the bidder. 113,23

OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Interest on City Bonds and Stock

THE INTEREST DUE JULY 1, 1939. ON registered and coupon bonds and stock of The

City of New York, and of former corporations now included therein, will be paid on that day by the Comptroller, at his office (Room 830), Mu. nicipal Building, Chambers and Centre sus., Man- hattan.

The books for the transfer of bonds and stock on which the interest is payable July 1, 1939, will be closed from June 16, 1939, to June 30, 1939, both dates inclusive.

JOSEPH D. McGOLDRICK, Comptroller, The City of New York, Comptroller's Office, June 5, 1939. j9,Jy1

THE INTEREST DUE JUNE 15, 1939, ON registered and coupon bonds and stock of The

City of New York, and of former corporations now included therein, will be paid on that da" by the Comptroller at his office (Room 830), Mu-nicipal Building, Chambers and Centre its., Man. hattan.

The books for the transfer of bonds and stock on which the interest is payable June 15, 1939, will be closed June 1 to 14, 1939, both dates inclusive.

JOSEPH D. McGOLDRICK, Comptroller, City of New York, Office of the Comptroller.

Comptroller's Office, May 24, 1939. m27,j15


PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and

Electricity, at Room 2351, Municipal Building, Manhattan, as follows:

Until 10.30 a. m., on FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1939

For supplying steam to public buildings, offices and structures in the Borough of Manhattan, be- tween July 1, 1939, and June 30, 1940, both in-clusive.

Specifications, bid and contract form for the work may be obtained at Room 2351, Municipal Building, Manhattan, upon the payment of 50 cents in cash, no part of which will be returned.


Until 10.30 a. m., on FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1930

Boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx, Brook-lyn, Queen@ and Richmond

Part First—For furnishing electrical energy to lighting units for lighting public streets, parks and places and to traffic control and signal units.

Part Second—For rental of lighting and fire alarm units and other equipment owned by con-tractor furnishing electrical energy under Part First and for lighting and extinguishing certain lamps.

Part Third—For maintaining lighting and fire alarm units and all lamps.

Part Fourth—For furnishing electrical energy for light and power to public buildings, offices and structures, including all premises which the City is authorized to furnish with electrical energy, and for furnishing and maintaining certain equiPment.

The time allowed for doing and completing the entire work is between July 1, 1939, and June 30, 1940, both inclusive.

Speci6cations;'-bid and contract form for the work may be obtained at Room 2351, Municipal Building, Manhattan, upon payment of 50 cents. Plans, if desired, may be obtained upon the addi-tional payment of $7. All payments to be made in cash or certified check, no part of which wil' be returned. j6,16

Until 10.30 a. m., on MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1989

For cleaning and painting Hunters Brook Bridge (Bridge A) over Croton Lake, Westchester County, New York.

Specifications, bid and contract form for the work may be obtained at Room 2351, Municipal Building, New York, upon payment of 50 cents in cash, no part of which will be returned. j8,19


Application to Condemn


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to real property required for the opening and extend-ing of EAST RIVER DRIVE and the ap- proaches thereto, from East 49th street to East 93d street, and for the additions to Carl Schurz Park between East 89th street and East 90th street, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.

The above assessments are payable to the City Collector, at his office, Borough Hall, St. George Staten Island, N. Y., between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., and on Saturdays until 12 noon.

ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasurer. Dated, New York, June 7, 1939. j10,21

TITLE TO, from Justice ave. (Court st.) to 90th st. (Chicago ave.).

5TH AVE. (COURT ST. - HORSEBROOK RD.)—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Queens blvd. (Hoffman ave.) to Junction blvd. (ave.).

57TH AVE. (MARTLNSE ST.)—ACQUIR. ING TITLE TO, from Queens blvd. (Hoffman ave.) to Junction blvd. (ave.).

Confirmed May 12, 1939, and entered June 5, 1939.

The area of assessment for benefit in this pro-ceeding is as shown on the following diagram:

RAWLINS AVE.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Eastern blvd. to Stadium ave.

CAMPBELL DR.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Stadium ave. to Country Club rd.

MAcDONOUGH PL.'-- ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Country Club rd. to Middletown rd.

DWIGHT PI.. — ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from MacDonough pl. to Middletown rd.

ROBERTSON PL.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Country Club rd. to Middletown rd.

KENNELLWORTH PL ACQUIRING TI-TLE TO, from Country Club rd. to Middletown rd.

OHM AVE.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Spencer dt. to Middletown rd.

STADIUM AVE.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Waterbury aye. to Middletown rd.

RESEARCH AVE.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Griswold ave. to Watt ate.

LIBRARY AVE.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Griswold eve. to Watt ave.

BAY VIEW AVE.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Griswold ave. to Watt ave.

BAY SHORE AVE.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from the mean high water line of Eastcheater Bay o Watt ave.

OUTLOOK AVE.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Ampere ave. to the mean high water line of Eastchester Bay.

REED PL.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Country Club rd. to Spencer dr.

KEARNEY AVE.—ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Waterbury ayes to Country Club rd.

Confirmed May 5, 1939, and entered May 29, 1939.

The area of assessment for benefit in this pro- ceeding is as shown on the following diagram:

date of entry to the date of payment, as provided by section 415(1)-12.0 of the Administrative Code for The City of New York.

The above assessment is payable to the City Collector, at his office, Municipal Building, Court sq., L. I. City, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. in., and on Saturdays until 12 noon.

ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasurer, and WILLIAM REID City Collector.

Dated, New York June 5, 1939. j9,20

NO. 2

PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given

that it is the intention of the Corporation Coun. sel of The City of New York to make application to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, Part III, for the hearing of motions, of said court, to be held in and for the County of New York, at the County Court House, Foley square, in the Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New York, on the 23d day of June, 1939, at the opening of the court on that day or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for an order to condemn the real prop-erty hereinafter described, and directing that the compensation which ought justly to be made to the respective owners of the real property to be taken in the above entitled proceeding, be ascer-tained and determined by the Supreme Court without a jury, and to have the cost of such im- provement assessed by said court, as hereinafter set forth, pursuant to the resolutions of the Board of Estimate, adopted July 28, 1938, and amended March 9, 1939, and May 18, 1939.

The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee or easements by The City of New York for the use of the public to the real property required for the opening and extending of the above named street. The real property, title to which is to be acquired is more particularly bounded and de. scribed as follows:

Parcel M Beginning at a point in the southerly line of

East 53d street distant 696.38 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly line of East S3d street and the east- erly line of lot avenue, as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly along the prolongation of said southerly line of East 53d street, distance 75.25 feet to its intersection with a line 25.00 feet westerly from and parallel with the United States bulkhead line; thence southerly along said last mentioned line 362.450 feet to its intersection with the prolongation easterly of the centre line of the block between East 51st street and Fast 52d street; thence westerly along said prolongation of the centre line of the block between East 51st street and East 52d street, distance 75.25 feet to its inter-section with a line 100 feet west of and parallel with the United States bulkhead line; thence northerly and along said line 100 feet west of and parallel with said bulkhead line, distance 362.45 feet to the point or place of beginning.

A fee title for street purposes in and to the above described property. subject to the right of the Commissioner of Docks to lease two pedestrian bridges to be built over said East River drive, one connecting the building in the north half of the block between East list and East 52d streets with the bulkhead, and one connecting the building in the block between East 52d and East 53d streets witl1 the bulkhead.

Parcel N Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 56th street, distant 129.06 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly line of East 56th street and the east-erly line of Sutton Place South as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence north-erly along the westerly line of East River drive. as laid out on a map dated June 29, 1938, and adopted by the Board of Estimate on July 28, 1938, distance 21.67 feet to a point of curvature. thence still northerly along said westerly line of East River drive on a curve to the right, radius 900.00 feet central angle 11 degrees 26 minutes 29 seconds, arc length 179.72 feet to its intersection with the southerly line of East 57th street, said point of intersection being 137.07 feet easterly from the corner formed by the inter-section of the southerly line of Fast 57th street and the easterly line of Sutton Place South, as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly along said prolongation of the southerly line of East 57th street, distance 65.20 feet to its intersection with the United States pierhead and bulkhead line; thence southerly along said pierhead and bulkhead line, distance 201.08 feet to its intersection with the prolongation east- erly of the northerly line of East 56th street; thence westerly along said prolongation of the northerly line of East 56th street, distance 83.10 feet to the point or place of beginning.

the northerly line of East 57th street, as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence northerly along the easterly line of East River drive as now laid out on the City Map to a point in said line, distant 53.00 feet measured at right angles to and south of the southerly line of East 58th street, as now laid out on the City Map; thence westerly along a line parallel with and 53 feet south of the said southerly line of East 58th street, to its intersection with the west-erly line of said East River drive; thence south- erly along the said westerly line of East River drive to its intersection with the said northerly line of East 57th street; thence easterly along the said northerly line of East 57th street, to the point or place of beginning.

A permanent easement for street purposes is to be acquired between elevation 33.50 feet above Borough Works Datum of the Borough of Man. hattan and elevation 34.76 feet above Borough Works Datum of the Borough of Manhattan. Subject to the right of the owners of the land now in private ownership and located westerly from the westerly line of East River drive, to erect and maintain a deck covering such drive over the hereinabove described area, sufficient to support two feet of earth and the basement at the rear of the Havemeyer house which house is to occupy the remaining northerly 53 feet of the block between East 57th street and East 58th street, the structural plans for which to be subject to the approval of the President of the Borough of Manhattan.

The property to be acquired in this proceeding is located in Blocks 1363, 1364, 1371, 1372, 1474, 1475. 1480, 1482, 1483, 1484, 1485, 1486, 1487, 1488, 1490, 1589, 1590, and 1591, in Section 5 of the Land Map of the City, County and State of New York.

The area to be acquired in this proceeding is shown on "Map showing a change in the street systeua by changing the westerly line of Fast !river drive between East 49th street and East 53d street, and laying out a street designated as East River drive with approaches thereto be-tween East 54th street and East 93d street, to-gether with an addition to Carl Sekura Park be-tween East 89th street and But 90th street, dated June 29, 1938," and filed in the Office of the President of the Borough of Manhattan, in the office of the Corporation Counsel of Toe City of New York and in the office of the Register of the County of New York, and is within the lines of a map attacked to the petition of The City of New York, East River drive from East 49th street to East 93d street. filed with the order granting the application to condemn heretofore filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York on March 29, 1939.

The Board of Estimate by resolution adopted July 28, 1938, determined that the cost in this proceeding be apportioned by placing the entire cost of acquiring title to additions to Carl Scburz Park upon The City of New York by placing 50 percent of the cost of acquiring title to last )liver drive and the approaches thereto upon The City of New York and by placing the remaining 50 percent of the cost of acquiring title to East River drive and the approaches thereto upon the Borough of Manhattan to be payable with the taxes of such City an Borough in the five (5) fiscal years next succeeding the confirmation of the assessment.

Dated, New York, June 10, 1939. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun-

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. - j10,21

FlUng Tentative Decree—Notice to File Objections


In the Matter of Acquiring Title by The City of New York to certain real property situated in the area bounded by 1ST AVENUE, 3D 35TH

SYEAST 36TH STREET EAST 37TH STREET and EAST 38TH StTREjT, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, required by the New York City Tunnel Authority for the plaza and approaches to the Queens Midtown Tunnel, and approved accord-ing to law

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL owners and parties in interest in the above en-

titled proceeding, that the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, Past VII thereof, held in and for the County of New York at the County Court House, in the Reropgh of Manhattan, City of New York, after co r• tag the testimony and proofs offered by The City of New York and the parties and persons who have appeared in the above proceeding, has eon'- pleted its estimate of compensation which should justly be made by The City of New York to the respective owners of the real property and rights acquired and has prepared a tentative dense or transcript of estimate of damages, which tentative decree was signed on June 6, 1939, Dy Hon. Charles B. McLaughlin, Justice of the Supreme Court, presiding at the trial of the above entitled proceeding, and was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York an June 7, 1939, for the inspection of whomsoever it may concern.

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that The City of New York and any person or persons whose rights may be affected by mid tentative decree or transcript of estimate who may object to same or any part thereof, may on or before June 20, 1939, set forth their objections to the same in writing duly verified in the manlier required by law for the verification of pleadings in an action, setting forth the real property owned by the objector and his post office address, }nd file the same with the Clerk of the County of New York and within the same time serve a copy of such verified objections upon the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, at his office, Room 1559, Municipal Building, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that on June 21, 1939, at 10 o'clock in the fore-noon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, the Corporation Counsel- of The City of New York will apply to Hon. Charles B. McLaughlin, the justice of the Supreme Court signing such tentative decree or transcript of estimate, at Trial Term, Part II, held at 161st street and Grand Concourse, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, to hear the parties so objecting.

Dated, New York, June 8, 1939. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun•

sal, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. j8,19

Filing Bills of Costs


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title to the real property required for the widenings of SOUTH-ERN BOULEVARD from East 138th street to Whitlock avenue; WHITLOCK AVENUE from Southern boulevard to Leggett avenue and from Hunts Point avenue to Eastern boulevard, and EASTERN BOULEVARD from Whitlock ave-

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939



Parcel W A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

Sutton square distant 175.94 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the, north- erly line of Sutton square and the easterly line of Sutton place as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly and along the prolongation of the northerly line of Sutton square, distance 48.04 feet, to its intersection with the United States bulkhead line; thence southerly along said bulkhead line, distance 60.30 feet to its inter-section with the easterly prolongation of the south- erly line of Sutton square; thence westerly along said southerly line of Sutton square, distance 42.06 feet to a point, distant 175.94 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of said southerly line of Sutton square and the easterly line of Sutton place; thence northerly on a straight line parallel with the easterly line of Sutton place distance 60.00 feet to the point or place of be• ginning.

A permanent easement for street purposes within the above described area below elevation 37.01 above Borough Works Datum of the Borough of Manhattan. which elevation is the top of the topmost slab or deck to be erected over East River drive. subject to the right to use such deck, which deck shall be sufficient to support two feet of earth.

Parcel 0 A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 60th street, distant 134.94 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly line of East 60th street and the east-erly line of York avenue, as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence northerly along a line parallel with the said easterly line

i of York avenue, distance 200.83 feet to its nter-scction with the southerly line of East 61st street; thence easterly along the prolongation of the southerly line of East 61st street, distance 96.51 feet to its intersection with a curve; thence south-erly along said curve to the left, radius 1,500.00 feet, central angle 7 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds, arc length 201.44 feet, to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of East 60th street; thence westerly along said northerly line of East 60th street, distance 83.00 feet to the point or place of beginning.

' Parcel P A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 61st street, distant 135.17 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly line of East 61st street and the east-erly line of York avenue as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence northerly along a curve to the right, radius 1,078.00 feet, central angle 5 degrees 29 minutes 59 seconds, arc length 103.47 feet, to its intersection with the westerly line of East River drive as laid out on a map dated June 29, 1938, and adopted- by the Board of Estimate on July 28, 1938; than still northerly along said westerly line of East River drive distance 100.86 feet to its intersec-tion with tie southerly line of East 62d street, said point of intersection being 167.50 feet east- erly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly line of East 62d street and the easterly line of York avenue as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence east-erly along the prolongation of the southerly line of East 62d street, distance 123.25 feet to its intersection with a curve; thence southerly along said curve to the left, radius 1,500.00 feet, cen- tral angle 7 degrees 54 minutes 41 seconds, arc length 207.12 feet, to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of East 61st street; thence westerly along said northerly line of East 61st street, distance 105.62 feet, to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel Q A fee title in and to all that parcel of land de-

scribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 62d street, distant 183.03 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the north-erly line of East 62d street and the easterly line of York avenue as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence northerly along the west- erly line of East River drive as laid out on a map dated June 29, 1938, and adopted by the Board of Estimate on July 28 1938; distance 143.65 feet to an angle point; thence still northerly de-flecting to the right 5 degrees 13 minutes 39 sec-onds and along a straight line distance 49.68 feet to another angle point; thence northwesterly deflecting to the left 52 degrees 52 minutes 43 seconds and along a straight line distance 6.13 feet to its intersection with the aforesaid • west. erly line of East River drive; thence northerly along said westerly line of East River drive, distance 10.20 feet to its intersection with the southerly line of East 63d street, said point of intersection being 233.00 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the south- erly line of East 63d street and the easterly line of York avenue as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly along the pro-longation of the southerly line- of East 63d street, distance 148.03 feet to its intersection with the easterly line of East River drive as adopted by the Board of Estimate on July 28, 1938; thence southerly along said easterly line of East River drive on a curve to the right, radius 2,000.00 feet, central angle I degree 14 minutes 58 seconds, arc length 43.61 feet to a point of tangency; thence still southerly along said easterly line of East River drive, distance 169.59 feet to its in- tersection with the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of East 62d street; thence westerly along said northerly line of East 674 street, distance 128.46 feet to the point or place of be- ginning.

PAacaL R A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 53d street, distant 613.00 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly line of East 53d street and the easterly line of 1st avenue, as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly and along the prolongation of the northerly line of East 53d street, distance 188.61 feet, to its intersec-tion with the United States bulkhead line; thence southerly along said bulkhead line, distance 60.20 feet to its intersection with the easterly p rolonga-tion of the southerly line of East 53d street; thence westerly along said southerly line of East 53d street, distance 165.21 feet to a point, distant 631.50 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of said southerly line of East 53d street and the easterly line of 1st avenue; thence northerly on a straight line distance 62.79 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel S A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 54th street distant 40.93 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the north-erly line of East 54th street and the easterly line of Sutton Place South as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly and along the prolongation of the northerly line of East 54th street, distance 91.68 feet, to its inter-section with the United States bulkhead line; thence southerly along said bulkhead line, distance 66.04 feet to its intersection with the easterl prolongation of the southerly line of East 54t~ street; thence westerly along said southerly line of East 54th street, distance 81.07 feet to a point, distant 736.93 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of said southerly line of East 54th street and the easterly line of 1st avenue; thence northerly on a straight line distance 62.36 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel T A fee title in and to all that parcel of land de-

scribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

Ft 55th street distant 112.36 feet easterly from ...e corner formed by the intersection of the northerly line of East 55th street and the east-erly line of Sutton Place South as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence east- erly and along the prolongation of the northerly tine of East 55th street, distant 79.53 feet, to its intersection with the easterly line of East River drive as laid out on a map dated June 29, 1938,

central angle 2 degrees 19 minutes 11 seconds, arc length 60.73 feet to its intersection with the east- erly prolongation of the southerly line of East 61st street; thence westerly along said southerly line of East 61st street, distance 96.51 feet to a point, distant 134.94 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of said southerly line of East 61st street and the easterly line of York avenue; thence northerly along the westerly line of East River drive as laid out on the above men- tioned map, distance 38.04 feet, to a point of curvature; thence still northerly along said west-erly line of East River drive on a curve to the right, radius 1,078.00 feet, central angle 1 degree 10 minutes 03 seconds, arc length 21.97 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel AA A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 62d street distant 183.03 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly line of East 62d street and the east• erly line of York avenue as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly and along the prolongation of the northerly line of East 62d street, distance 128.46 feet, to its intersection with the easterly line of East River drive, as laid on a map dated June 29, 1938, and adopted by the Board of Estimate on July 28, 1938; thence southerly along said easterly line of East River drive, distance 16.07 feet to a point of tangency, thence still southerly along said easterly line of East River drive on a curve to the left, radius 1,500.00 feet, central angle I degree 48 minutes 41 seconds ate length 47.42 feet, to its intersection with the easterly prolonga-tion of the southerly line of East 62d street; thence westerly along said southerly line of East 62d street, distance 123,25 feet to a point, distant 167.50 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly line of East 62d street and the easterly line of York avenue; thence northerly along the westerly line of East River drive as laid out on the above mentioned map, distance 61.98 feet. to the point or place of beginning.

Psresl BB A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 63d street, distance 236.82 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly line of East 63d street and the easterly line of York avenue as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence northerly along the westerly line of East River drive as laid out on a map dated June 29. 1938, and adopted by the Board of Estimate on July 28, 1938 to its intersection with the northerly line of 'ant 81st street, said point of intersection being 85.37 feet distant from the corner formed by the intersection of said northerly line of East 81st street and the easterly line of East End avenue as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly along the prolongation of said northerly line of East 81st street, distance 129.48 feet to its intersection with the United States plerbead and bulkhead line; thence south- erly along said pierhead and bulkhead line to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of a line 23.88 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of East 64th street; thence still southerly aloof the United States pierhead line to its intersection with the easterly proloaga-tion of the southerly line of East 63d sttget; thence westerly along said southerly line of East 63d street, distance 207.94 feet to a point in the southerly line of East 63d street, said point being 235.00 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly line of East 63d street and the easterly line of York avenue as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence perthery in a straight line, distance 80.02 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel CC A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 82d street distant 222.87 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly line of East 82d street and the east-erly line of East End avenue. as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence east-erly and along the prolongation of the northerly line of East 82d street, distance 52.29 feet, to its intersection with the United States pierhead and bulkhead line • thence southerly along said pierhead and bulkfead line, distance 61.43 feet to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of East 82d street • thence westerly along said southerly line of East 82d street, distance 67.93 feet to a point, distant 194.07 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of said southerly line of East 82d street and the easterly line of East End ave- nue, thence northeasterly on a straight line dis-tance 66.56 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel DD A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 83d street distant 292.53 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly line of East 83d street and the east- erly line of East End avenue as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence east-erly and along the prolongation of the northerly line of East 83d street, distance 40.41 feet, to its intersection with the United States pierhead and bulkhead line; thence southerly along said pierhead and bulkhead line, distance 61.38 feet to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of East 83d street; thence westerly along said southerly line of East 83d street, distance 40.44 feet to a point, distant 279.56 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of said southerly line of East 83d street and the easterly line of East End avenue; thence northerly along the westerly line of East River drive as laid out on a map dated June 29, 1938, and adopted by the Board of Estimate on July 28 1938, distance 8.60 feet to an angle point; thence still northerly along said westerly line of East River drive, distance 52.79 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel BE A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 84th street distant 344.38 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the north- erly line of East 84th street and the easterly line of East End avenue as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly and along the prolongation of the northerly line of East 84th street, distance 43.06 feet, to its intersection with the United States pierhead and bulkhead line- thence southerly along said pierhead and bulkhead line, distance 60.90 feet to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of East 84th street; thence westerly along said southerly line of East 84th street, distance 42.25 feet to a point, distant 334.75 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of said southerly line of East 84th street and the easterly line of East End avenue; thence northerly on a curve to the left, radius 2,270.37 feet, central angle 1 degree 32 minutes 00 seconds, arc length 60.76 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel E-1 Beginning at a point formed by the intersec-

tion of the easterly line of East River drive and

and adopted by the Board of Estimate on July 28. 1938; thence southerly along said easterly line of East River drive on a curve to the right, radius I,000.00 feet, central angle 3 degrees 31 minutes 21 seconds, are length 61.48 feet, to its inter section with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of East 55th street; thence west-erly along said southerly line of East 55th street, distance 80.72 feet to a point, distant 97.81 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersec-tion of said southerly line of East 55th street and the easterly line of Sutton Place South; thence northerly along the westerly line of East River drive as laid out on the above mentioned map; and along a curve to the left, radius 922.00 feet, central angle 3 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds, are length 61.75 feet, to the point or place of be- ginning.

Parcel U A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 56th street distant 129.06 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the north-erly line of East 56th street and the easterly line of Sutton Place South as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly and along the prolongation of the northerly line of East 56th street, distance 83.10 feet, to its intersection with the United States bulkhead line; thence south- erly along said bulkhead line, distance 60.07 feet to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of East 56th street; thence westerly along said southerly line of East 56th street, distance 83.65 feet to a point, distant 131.46 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of said southerly line of East 56th street and the easterly line of Sutton Place South; thence northerly along the westerly line of East River drive as laid out on a map dated

June 29, 1938, and adopted by the Board of stimate on July 28, 1938, on a curve to the left,

radius 922.00 feet, central angle I degree 58 min-utes 16 seconds, are length 31.72 feet, to a point of tangency; thence still northerly along said westerly line of East River drive, distance 28.33 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel V A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 57th street distant 153.86 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly line of East 57th street and the easterly line of Sutton place as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly and along the prolongation of the northerly line of East 57th street, distance 53.63 feet, to its intersection with the United States bulkhead line; thence southerly along said bulkhead line, distance 100.14 feet fo its intersection with the easterly prolongation gation of the southerly line of East 57th street; thence West- erly along said southerly line of East 57th street, distance 65.20 feet to a point, distant 137.07 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersec-tion of said southerly line of East 57th street and the easterly line of Sutton Place South; thence northerly along the westerly line of East Rivet drive as laid out on a map dated June 29, 1938, and adopted by the Board of Estimate on July 28, 1938, on a curve to the right, radius 900.00 feet, eentrrl angle 0 degrees 59 minutes 01 see- ond, arc length 15.45 feet, to a point of tangeney-thence still northerly along said westerly line e~ East River drive, distance 85.95 feet, to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel X A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

lescribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 59th street dtstast 175.94 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the north- erly line of East 59th street and the easterly line of York avenue, as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly and along the prolongation of the northerly line of East 59th street, distance 74.06 feet, to its intersection with the United States bulkhead line; thence southerly along said bulkhead line, distance 60.30 feet to its intersection with the easterly prolonga. tion of the southerly line of East 59th street; thence westerly along said southerly line of East 59th street, distance 68.07 feet to a point, distant 175.94 feet easterly from the corner formed b the intersection of said southerly line of East 59th street and the easterly line of Sutton place; thence northerly on a straight line parallel with the easterly line of Sutton place distance 60.00 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel Y A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 60th street, distant 134.94 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly line of East 60th street and the easterly line of York avenue as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly and aka the prolongation of the northerly line of East GOtf street, distance 83.00 feet, to its intersection with the easterly line of East River drive, as laid out on a map dated June 29, 1938, and adopted by the Board of Estimate on July 28, 1938; thence southerly along said easterly line of East River drive, distance 60.00 feet to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of East 60th street; thence westerly along said south- erly line of East 60th street, distance 55.00 feet to a point, distant 162.94 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of said south-erly line of East 60th street and the easterly line of York avenue; thence northwesterly on a straight line distance 66.21 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel Z A fee title in and to all that parcel of land

described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of

East 61st street distant 135.17 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly line of East 61st street and the easterly line of York avenue as these streets are now laid out on the City Map; thence easterly and along the prolongation of the northerly line of East 61st street, distance 105,62 feet to its intersection with the easterly line of East kiver drive, as laid out on a map dated June 29, 1938, and adopted by the Board of Estimate on July 28, 1938; thence southerly along said easterly line of East River drive on a curve to the left, radius 1,500.00 feet,

UllL ----r- iJ




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TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939

flue to Middletown road, excepting those por-tions of Eastern boulevard that are laid out across Bronx River and Westchester Creek, where the title to be acquired shall be an ease-ment which will enable The City of New York to construct bridges carrying Eastern boulevard over these waterways, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York,

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A BILL of costs, charges and expenses incurred by

reason of the above entitled proceeding will be presented to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Judicial District, at a Special Term thereof, Part I, to be held at the Bronx County Building, in the Borough of The Bronx, in the City of New

York, on the 21st day of June, 1939, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon for taxation in accordance with the certificate of the Corporation Cotmsel and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses with the certificate of the Corpora-tion Counsel thereto attached has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Bronx,

there to remain for and during the space of It days as required by law.

Dated, New York, June 8, 1939. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun-

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. j8,19


Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to File Objections


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title to the real property required for ALLEY PARK, 46TH AVENUE, from East Hampton boulevard to Alley Pond parkway; ALLEY POND PARK-WAY (239TH STREET) from Northern boule-vard to Douglaston parkway; DOUGLASTON PARKWAY from Alley Pond parkway to Grand Central parkway; 73D AVENUE (CEDAR

LANE) from Springfield boulevard (Rocky Hill road) to Grand Central parkway; CLOVER-DALE BOULEVARD from 46th avenue to Horatio parkway and from 73d avenue (Cedar lane) to Grand Central parkway; 76TH AVE-NUE from Springfield boulevard (Rocky Hill road) to Cloverdale boulevard; SPRINGFIELD

BOULEVARD (ROCKY HILL ROAD) from 73d avenue (Cedar lane) to 76th avenue; 230TH STREET from Northern boulevard to 46th avenue and from 67th road to 73d avenue (Cedar lane); 67TH ROAD from 230th street tt) 233d street; 233D STREET from West Alley road to 67th road; EAST HAMPTON BOULE-VARD from Northern boulevard to Northern

ing gboulevard;and from

D t to Horace I 232D (DRIVE) from

Northern parkway to 58th avenue; 58TH AVE-NUE from 232d street (drive) to East Hamp-ton boulevard; NORTHERN PARKWAY from

228th street to 232d street (drive); 228TH STREET from Horatio parkway to Northern parkway; HORATIO PARKWAY from Clover. dale boulevard to 228th street; WEST ALLEY ROAD from Horace Harding boulevard to Douglaston parkway, and KINGSBURY AVE. NUE from Cloverdale bcnlevard to Grand Cen-tral parkway, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL parties interested in the above entitled pro-

ceeding, as follows: First—The above named court, after considering

the testimony and proofs submitted on the trial of the above entitled proceeding, has completed its estimate of the compensation which should be made by The City of New York to the respective owners of the real property to be acquired in this proceeding, and has made an assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the improve-

ment to the respective owners of the real prop erty within the area of assessment for benefit herein, and the tentative decree of the said court as to awards for damages and as to assessments for benefit was signed on the 6th day of June, 1939, by Hon. Charles C. Lockwood, Justice of the Supreme Court presiding at the trial of the above entitled proceeding, and was filed with the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 7th day of June, 1939, for the inspection of whomsoever it may concern. Second—That the said court has assessed all

the real property within the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate on the 24th day of March, 1938, and that the said area of assessment includes the parcels of real property situate and being in the Borough of Queens, in the City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded as shown on the following diagram:

REPORT NO 54 765


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Third—That The City of New York, and all other parties interested in such proceeding, or in

any of the real property affected thereby, having any objections thereto, shall file such objections in writing, duly verified in the manner required by law for the verification of pleadings in an action, setting forth the real property owned by the

objector and his post office address, with the Clerk of the County of Queens, on or before the 5th day of July, 1939, and parties other than The City of New York, shall within the same time serve on the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, at his office, Municipal Building, Room 1559, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, a copy of such verified objections.

Fourth—That on the 10th day of July, 1939, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, the Corpora- tion Counsel of The City of New York will apply to the Hon. Charles C. Lockwood, the Justicg- of the Supreme Court who signed said tentative decree, at a Special Term, Part IV, of the Su-preme Court, to be held in the Municipal Build-

ing, in the Borough of Brooklyn, to fix a time when said Justice will hear the parties who will have filed objections to the said tentative decree.

Dated, New York, June 10, 1939. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun-

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. j10,27


In the Matter of the Application of Tho City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the real property required for the opening and a• tending of AVENUE N from East 98th street to East 108th street in the Borough of Brook-lyn, City of New York.


ties interested in the above entitled proceeding, as follows:

First—That the above named court, after con-sidering the testimony and proofs submitted on the trial of the above entitled proceeding, has completed its estimate of the compensation which should be made by The City of New York, to the respective owners of the real property to be acquired in this • proceeding and has made an assessment of the value of the benefit and advan•

tage of the improvement to the respective owners of the real property within the area of assess-ment for benefit as fixed and determined by the Board of Estimate and A rtionment on the 7th day of February, 1930, as4 that the tentative de. cree of said court as to awards for damage and as to assessments for benefit was signed on the 1st day of June, 1939. by Hon. Charles C. Lock-wood, Justice of the Supreme Court, presiding at the trial of the above entitled proceeding, and was

filed with the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 1st day of June, 1939, for the inspection of whomsoever it may concern.

Second—That the said court has assessed all the real property within the area of assessment fixed and described as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, by resolution adopted on the 7th day of February, 1930, and the said area of assessment includes the parcels of real property situate and being

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REPORT N'- f3.60/

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Dated, New York, June 8, 1939. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Counsel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal

Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. j8,19


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Report N53 .S' J I II


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Dated, New York June 9 1939. WILLIAM C. CIIANLEk, Corporation Con nsel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal

Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. j9,20

EXPLANATORY NOTE: J-is7B ,*e Aoq*f of Ar sw a/ernmmrt+

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Hew Ywk, Dec. J /SB Chief £rpsxrir

REPtotrNo 534.SD

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Dated, New York, June 7 1939. WILLIAM C. CHANLE*, Corporation Counsel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal

Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. j7,17

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939



in the Borough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, which taken together are bounded and described as follows:

"Bounded on the north by a line midway be-tween Avenue M and Avenue N and by the pro- longation of the said line; on the east by the westerly pierhead and bulkhead line of Fresh Creek Basin; on the south by a line midway be-tween Avenue N and Seaview avenue and by the prolongation of the said line, and on the west by the westerly line of East 98th street."

Third-That The City of New York and all other parties and persons interested in such pro-ceedings or in any of the real property affected thereby having any objections thereto shall file such of jections in writing duly verified in the manner required by law for the verification of pleadings in an action, setting forth the real prop-erty owned by the objector and his post office address, with the Clerk of the County of Kings, on or before the 30th day of June, 1939, and

Application to Amend Proceedings


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the real property required for the opening and extending of SKIDMORE AVENUE (DENTON AVE-NUE-BYRNE PLACE) from Schenck avenue to Rockaway avenue; EAST 92D STREET from Skidmore (Denton) avenue to the east- erly line of Schenck avenue as laid out north- erly from East 92d street; SCHENCK AVE-NUE from Skidmore avenue (Byrne place) to Rockaway avenue, and EAST 93D STREET from Sea View avenue to Schenck avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York to make application to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term for condemnation proceedings, Part IV thereof, to be held in and for the County of Kings, at the Municipal Building, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, on the 22d day of June, 1939, at the opening of the court on that day, or as soon there-after as counsel can be heard thereon, for an order amending the proceeding entitled "In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the real prop- erty required for the opening and extending of Skidmore avenue (Denton avenue-Byrne place) from Schenck avenue to Rockaway avenue, East 92d street from Skidmore (Denton) avenue to Pennowits avenue, Schenck avenue from Skid- more avenue (Byrne place) to Rockaway avenue, and East 93d street from Seaview avenue to Schenck avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York," and the petition and order granting the application to have the compensation which ought justly to be made to the respective owners of the real property proposed to be taken in the above entitled proceeding heretofore duly entered and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on June 27, 1935, so as to provide for the acquisition of title to the real property re- quired for the opening and extending of Skidmore avenue (Denton avenue-Byrne place) from Schenck avenue to Rockaway avenue, East 92d street from Skidmore (Denton) avenue to the easterly line of Schenck avenue as laid out north. erly from East 92d street, Schenck avenue from Skidmore avenue (Byrne place) to Rockaway ave-nue, and East 93d street from Seaview avenue to Schenck avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, in accord.

Application to Condemn


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title to the real property required for the opening and extending of BAXTER AVENUE from Roosevelt avenue to 82d (25th) street, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York.

PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given

that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York to make application to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, Part IV, for condemnation pro-ceedings of said court, to be held in and for the County of Kings, at the Municipal Building, in the Borough of Brooklyn in the City of New York, on the 21st day of June, 1939, at the open-ing of the court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, tor an order to condemn the above entitled real property and directing that the compensation which ought justly be made to the respective owners of the real property to be taken in the above entitled pro-ceeding, be ascertained and determined by the Supreme Court without a jury, and to have the cost of such improvement assessed by the said court, as hereinafter set forth, in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Estimate, adopted April 13, 1939.

The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee by The City of New York for the use of the public to the real property required for the opening and extending of the above named street. The real property, title to which is to be acquired, is shown in red on map dated April 18, 1939, and is more particularly bounded and described as fol-lows, to wit:

Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of tht westerly line of Baxter avenue with the easterly line of 82d street (25th street); running thence northerly for 536.43 feet along the west• erly line of Baxter avenue to the southerly line of Roosevelt avenue; thence easterly, deflecting to the right 54 degrees 45 minutes 03 seconds, for

parties other than The City of New York shall within the same time serve a copy of such verified objections on the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, at his office, Room 1559, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.

Fourth-That on the 5th day of July, 1939, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, the Cor-poration Counsel of The City of New York will apply to the Hon. Charles C. Lockwood, at Special Term, Part IV of the Supreme Court, to be held at the Municipal Building, in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn, City of New York, to fix a time when said justice will bear the parties who have filed objections to the said tentative decree.

Dated, New York, N. Y., June 7, 1939. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun-

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. 17,23

ante with the resolution of the Board of Estimate adopted on December 15, 1938.

The real property to be eliminated in this amended proceeding is shown upon map dated March 30, 1939, and is more particularly bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the point of intersection of the prolongation of the northeast line of the former East 92d street and the southeast line of the former Pennowits avenue, as these streets were laid out on the map of the City of New York, prior to March 3, 1938; thence southwesterly along said southeast line of the former Pennowits ave-nue and now the southeast line of the Circum-ferential parkway sixty and one one-hundredths (60.01) feet to the southwest line of the former East 92d street; thence northwesterly deflecting 89 degrees 11 minutes 43 seconds to the right along the southwest line of the former East 92d street two hundred sixty-two and five one-hun- dredths (262.05) feet to an angle point; thence northwesterly deflecting 16 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds to the left and still along the southwest line of the former East 92d street two hundred three and four one-hundredths (203.04) feet to the prolongation of the southeast line of Schenck avenue, as now laid out northeasterly from East 92d street; thence northeasterly deflecting 90 de- grees to the right along said prolongation of the southeast line of Schenck avenue sixty (60.0) feet to the northeast line of the former East 92d street; thence southeasterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the northeast line of the former East 92d street two hundred eleven and fifty-nine one-hundredths (211.59) feet to an angle point; thence southeasterly deflecting 16 degrees 14 min- utes 00 seconds to the right and still along the northeast line of the, former East 92d street and its prolongation two hundred seventy-one and forty-five one-hundredths (271.45) feet to the point or place of beginning.

The property affected by the above description is located in Block 8325-A, in Section 24, of the Kings County Land Map.

East 92d street from Schenck avenue to the former Pennowits avenue was removed from the map of the City of New York by a map adopted by the Board of Estimate on March 3, 1938.

The Board of Estimate by a resolution adopted on December 15, 1938, determined that the tax-able costs already incurred for acquiring title to that section of East 92d street eliminated from the proceeding belaced upon The City' of New York, to be payable with the taxes of such City the first fiscal year next succeeding the confirma- tion of the assessment, and that the entire cost and expense of the proceedings as amended be assessed upon the real property within the area of assess-ment shown on the following diagram:

74.56 feet along the southerly line of Roosevelt avenue to its intersection with the northerly line of Gleane street (6th street); thence southerly, deflecting to the right 126 degrees 15 minutes 54 seconds, for 50.03 feet to the intersection of the southerly ;ine of Gleane street with the easterly line of Baxter avenue; thence southerly, deflecting to the left I degree 00 minutes 57 seconds, for 618.16 feet along the easterly line of Baxter ave-nue; thence northerly, deflecting to the right 147 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds, for 55.14 feet to the intersection of the centre line of Baxter ave-nue with the prolongation of the easterly line of 32d street; thence northerly for 51.98 feet along the prolongation of the easterly line of 82d street to the westerly line of Baxter avenue, the point or place of beginning.

The area to be acquired is shown as Baxter avenue on Section 19 of the Final Map of the Borough of Queens, approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment June 17, 1910, by the Mayor June 24, 1910, copies of which were filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens at Jamaica, August 23, 1910, in toe office of the Corporation Counsel, City of New York, October 24, 1910, and in the Office of the President of the Borough of Queens August 23, 1910.

The property affected by the above proceeding is located in Blocks 1749, 1749A, 1750 on Sec-tion 7, as amended; in Blocks 3237, 3238 and 3250 on Section 13, as amended; and in Block 3251 on Section 14, as amended, of the Land Map of the County of Queens, City and State of New York.

The Board of Estimate by resolution adopted on April 13, 1939, determined that the cost of such proceedings shall be apportioned by placing one-third of the value of the buildings taken, less the share of the value of buildings taken which the court may place upon The City of New York. upon The City of New York, to be payable with the taxes of such City the first fiscal year next succeeding the confirmation of the assessment, and by assessing the remaining cost upon the real property within tfie area of assessment which is hereby fixed and determined to be as shown on the followhig diagram:


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the real property re quired for the opening and ex-tending of 33D ROAD (DEY STREET) from 23d street (Ely avenue) to Crescent street, in the Borough of Queens. City of New York.

PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given

that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York to make application to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, Part IV for condemnation proceedings of said court, to ke held in and for the County of Kings, at the Municipal Building, in the Borough of Brooklyn in The City of New York, on the 20th day o> June, 1939, at the opening f the court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for an order to condemn the above entitled real prop-erty and directing that the compensation which ought justly be made to the respective owners of the real property to be taken in the above entitled proceeding be ascertained and determined by the Supreme trourt without a jury, and to have the cost of such improvement assessed by the said court, as hereinafter set forth in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Estimate adopted March 9, 1939. The nature and extent of the improvement

hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee by The City of New York for the use of the public to the real property required for the open-

Notices to File Claims


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title to the real property required for the TRIANGULAR AREA at the northwest corner of Corona (New-town) avenue and 106th street (Crown place), Borough of Queens, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN order of the Supreme Court of the State of New

York, Queens County, dated May 29, 1939, and duly entered and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County if Queens on May 29, 1939, the appli-cation of The it5' of New York to have the com-pensation which should Justly be made to the respective owners of the real property proposed to be taken in the above entitled proceeding ascer-tained and determined by the Supreme Court without a jury, and to have. the cost of the im-provement assessed by the said court in accord- ance with the resolution of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment adopted on the 6th day of November, 1931, was granted.

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that, pursuant to section B-15, subdivision 11, of the Administrative Code of The City of New York, the map or survey of the land to be acquired in this proceeding has been dui filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, and each and every person interested in the real property to be acquired for the above named im- provement having any claim or demand on account thereof, is hereby required to file his claim duly verified in the manner required by law for the verification of pleadings in an action, with the Clerk of the County of Queens, on or before the 10th day of July, 1939, and to serve on the Cor- poration Counsel of The City of New York, at his office, Room 1559, Municipal Building, Bor-ough of Manhattan, City of New York, within the same time, a copy thereof.

The said verified claim shall set forth the real property which the claimant owns or in which he is interested, and his post office address, together with an inventory or itemized statement of the fixtures, if any, for which compensation is claimed; and in case such claim or demand for compensa• Lion in respect of any fixtures is made by a lessee or tenant of the real property to be acquired, a copy of such verified claim or demand, together with said inventory or itemized statement, shall be served upon the owner of such real prop-erty or his attorney.

Proof of title will be received by the Corpora-tion Counsel at his office, Room 1265, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, on or before the 10th day of July, 1939.

Dated, New York, June 9, 1939. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun-

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. j9,20


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title to the real property required for the PUBLIC PARKS along the northerly line of public beach be.

ing and extending of the above named street. The real property title to which is to be acquired, is shown in red on map dated April 14, 1939, and s more particularly bounded and .described as follows, to wit:

Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the easterly line of 23d street (Ely avenue) with the northerly line of 33d road (Dey street); running thence easterly for 560.83 feet along the northerly line of 33d toad to the westerly line of Crescent street; thence southerly, deflect-ing to the right 94 degrees 37 minutes 22 seconds, for 60.20 feet along the westerly line of Crescent street to the southerly line of 33d road; thence westerly, deflecting to the right 85 degrees 22 minutes 38 seconds, for 555.97 feet along the southerly line of 33d road to the easterly line of 23d street- thence northerly for 60.00 feet along the easterly line of 23d street to the northerly line of 33d road, the point or place of beginning.

The area to be acquired is shown as 33d road (Dey street) on the Commissioners' Map of Long Island City, pursuant to chapter 765, Laws of 1871, filed in the office of. the Clerk of the County of Queens at Jamaica, April 25, 1873.

The property located by this proceeding is lo-cated in Blocks Nos. 475 and 476 on Section 2, as amended, of the Land Map of the County of Queens, City and State of New York.

The Board of Estimate, by resolution adopted on March 9 1939 determined that the cost of such proceedings shall be assessed upon the real property within the area of assessment, said area being fixed and determined to be as shown on the following diagram:

tween Beach 110th street and Beach 73d street' for Beach 73d street from the northerly line of the public beach to Hammels boulevard, exclud-ing the right-of-way of the Rockaway Beach Division of the Long Lland Railroad; for Cross Bay parkway from-the northerly line of the public beach to the United States pierbead line of Jamaica Bay on the north side of Rockaway Peninsula, and from the United States pierhead and bulkhead line of Jamaica Bay on the southerly side of Big Egg Marsh to a point approximately 1,015 feet northerly therefrom, excluding the right-of-way of the Rockaway Beach Division of the Long Island Railroad; for Beach 108th street from the north. erly line of the public beach to Beach Channel drive, excluding the right-of-way of the Rock- away Beach Division of the Long Island Rail. road; for Beach 109th street, Beach 107th street, Beach 106th street Beach 105th street, Beach 104th street, Seasibe avenue, Beach 102d street, Beach 101st street, Beach 100th street, Beach 99th street, Beach 98th street, Beach 97th street, Beaci 96th street, Beach 93d street, Beach 92d treet, Beach 91st street, Beach 88th street, Beach 87th street, Beach 86th street, Beach 88th street, Beach 84th street, Beach 83d street, Beach 82d street, Beach 81st street, Beach 80th street, Beach 79th street, Beach 78th street, Beach 77th street, Beach 76th street, Beach 75th street, and Beach 74th street, in each case from the northerly line of the public beach to a line approximately 200 feet northerly there. from, and for Penn road from Beach 81st street to Beach 82d street, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN amended order of the Supreme Court of the

State of New York, Queens County, dated May 29, 1939, and duly entered and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on May 29, 1939, the application of The City of New York to have the compensation which should justly be made to the respective owners of the additional real property proposed to be taken in the above entitled amended proceeding ascertained and de-termined by the Supreme Court without a jury, and to have the cost of the improvement assessed by the said court in accordance with the resolu• tion of the Board of Estimate, adopted on the 13th day of April, 1939, was granted.

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that, pursuant to section B-15, subdivision 11, of the Administrative Code of The City of New York. the amended map or survey of the land to be acquired in this proceeding has been duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, and each and every person interested in the real property to be acquired for the above named improvement having any claim or demand on account thereof, is hereby required to file his claim duly verified in the manner required by law for the verification of pleadings in an action with the Clerk of the County of Queens, on or Wore the 14th day of June, 1939, and to serve on the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, at his office, Room 1559, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, within the same time, a copy thereof.

The said verified claim shall set forth the real property which the claimant owns or in which he is interested, and his post office address, to-gether with an inventory or itemized statement of the fixtures, if any, for which compensation is


TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939

claimed; and in case such claim or demand for compensation in respect of any fixtures is made by a lessee or tenant of the real property to be acquired, a ;opy of such verified claim or demand, together with said inventory or itemized statement, aball be served upon the owner of such real prop-erty or his attorney.

Proof of title will be received by the Corpora-tion Counsel at his office, Room 1265, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, on or before the 14th day of June, 1939. Dated, New York June 3 1939. WILLIAM C. ChANLEk, Corporation Coun.

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. j3,14

Filing BTUs of Costs


In the Matte: of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title to the real property required for the opening and ex- tending of EAST 100TH STREET from Glen-wood road to Flatlands avenue, and EAST 101ST STREET from Glenwood road to Flat-lands avenue in the Borough of Brooklyn, City c f New York

NOTICE IS UEREBY GIVEN THAT A BILL of costs, charges and expenses incurred by

reason of the above entitled proceeding will be presented to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial District, at a Special Term, Part IV thereof, to be held in and tor the County of Kings, at the Municipal Building, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, op the 23d day of June, 1939, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as coun4e1 can be heard thereon for t~xation in accordance with the certificate oti the Corporation G.unsel, and that the said bill Cl costs chaij es and expenses with the cer-tificate at the Corporation Counsel thereto attached joss been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Rings, there to remain for and during the space of 10 days, as required by law.

Dated, New York, June 12, 1939. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Cons-

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. j12,22


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title to the real property reqaired for the opening and ex-tending of BATCHELDER STREET from Avenue Z to a point 600 feet north of Emmons avenue; HARING STREET from Avenue Z to Voorhies avenue, and FORD STREET from Avenue Z to Emmons avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A BILL of costs, charges and expenses incurred by

reason of the above entitled proceeding will be presented to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial District, at a Special Term, Part IV thereof, to be held in and for the County of Kings, at the Municipal Building, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, on the 23d day of June, 1939, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for txation in accordance with the certificate of the Corporation Counsel, and that the said bill of costs charges and expense with the cer- tificate the Corporation Counsel thereto attached has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, there to remain for and during the space of 10 days, as required by law. Dated, New York, June 12, 1939. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Cows

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. j12,22


Node. of Friends ulleation of Coatraetern Who Wish to $wbmlt Bids on Ger41R Worst

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT COPIES of form of pregnalilleation of contractors are

read for distribution at the c('ce of the NewYork City Rousing Authority, 15th Aooe, 10 E. 40th it Manhattan, to contractors who may wish to suf;mit bids for any of the following proposed contracts:

1. Constructi,m of foundation work of Vladeck houses-

2. tonstrttction of superstructure of Vladeck houses-

3. eonstructian of foundation work for South Jamaica project;

4. Construction of superstructure of South Jamaica project.

The time for prequalifying will expire all TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939. j2,13

PROPOSALS See Regulation on This Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the New York City Horsing Authority, 13th

floor, 10 E. 40th at., Manhattan, as follows:

Until 11.30 a. m., on TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1939

For the demolition of structures and buildings known as:

Borough of Manhattan Pared U: 46-48 Scammd at.; 390-400 Cherry

at. • 402-6 Cherry at. • 420 Cherry at. Parcel V: 626 Water at.; 628 Water at.; 644

Water at.; 648.50 Water at.; 656 Water at. Parcel W: 666 Water at.; 668 Water st.; 670

Water at.; 674-6 Water at.; 659-61 Water st. AU salvaged material, exclusive of factory ma-

chinery and equipment, shall become the property of the contractor.

Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or cash in an amount not less than 5 percent of the bid or a bid bond in an amount not less than 10 percent of the bid. j12,20


See Regulation on Thle Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the 'Borough of Queens, at

his office Room 310, Queens Subway Building, 21-10 49th ave.. L. I. City, as follows:

Until 11 a. m., on TUESDAY JUNE 13, 1939

No. 1. For regulating, paving and repaving with sheet asphalt upon an existing concrete foundation, together with all other work inci. dental thereto, in 74th at, from Woodside ave. to 45th ave.

No. 2. For making borings by the core boring method as shown on the plans or directed by the

Engineer, on the site of the proposed Midtown highway.

Contract and specifications for No. I or 2, maj be purchased at $2 a set.

Plans for No. I may be purchased at 25 cents, and for No. 2, at 35 cents. j2,13

Until 11 a. in., on THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1930

No, 1. For the construction of a sewer and a purtenances in the southerly side of Grand Central parkway extension from 82d at. to 83d st.; and in 83d st. from the south side of Grand Central parkway extension to 24th ave.

No. 2. For the construction of a sanitary sewer and appurtenances in 176th at. from the end of the existing private sewer about 220 feet north of 93d ave. to Jamaica ave.

No. 3. For the construction of a sar~ itary sewer and appurtenances in 224th at. from Hemp-stead ave., north side, to Stewart ave.

Blue prints of the plans may be purchased for 25 cents for each plan. j12,22


See Regulation on This Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of Manhattan, at

Room 2034, Municipal Building, Manhattan, as follows:

Until 2.30 p. m., on TUESDAY. JUNE 20, 1939

For repaving with sheet asphalt the roadway of Canal at. from Broadway to 6th ave., together with all work incidental thereto.

For repaving with sheet asphalt, curb to curb, the roadway of 42d at from the eastern building line of 10th ave. to west side of Marginal at. and 12th ave.; Marginal at. from southern building line of 41st at. to the southern building line of 42d 't., and Marginal st. from the northern build-ing line of 42d st. to a point about 60 feet north- erly therefrom, together with all work incidental thereto.

For repaving with sheet asphalt the roadway of Transverse Road No. 1, crossing Central Par from 65th at. and 5th ave. to 66th at. and Central Park West, together with all work incidental thereto.

For repaving with used granite block furnished by the City the widened portion of the roadway of 2d ave. from E. 23d at. to E. 34th at., and from E. 43d at. to E. 48th at., together with all work incidental thereto.

The form of contract, contractor's proposal and contract drawings may be inspected at the office of the Commissioner of Borough Works, Bureau of Sewers and Highways, Room 2141, Municipal Building, Manhattan. j9,20



PWA Psojscr No. NY•2210-F

SEALED thDepartment of Parks, Arsenal Building, BY

ave. and 64th at., Central Park, Borough of Man-hattan, New York City, until 14.30 a. m. (eastern daylight saving time), on

MONDAY. JUN$ 26, 1939 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud.

For all labor and materials required for Con-tract No. MC-39-16, Cross Island pkway., grade separations at West Alley rd. and at Grand Cen-tral pkway., and Grand Central pkway. at Win- cheater blvd., grading and paving, Borough of Queen.

Blank forms for proposals, information for bid-ders, contract, bond and specifications may be ob-tained at the office of the Department of Parka Arsenal Building, Sth ave. and 64th at., Central Park, Borougt of Manhattan, New York City. Contract drawings ma be seen at the said office and arrangements will be made whereby prospec-tive bidders desiring sets of blueprints of the con-tract drawings for their own use may secure ehme at cost thereof to be paid by them.

The Department of Parks reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids.

Each bidder must deposit with his bid security in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the base bid in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the information

subject bidders.

Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract.

No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.12,26

ROBERT MOSES. Commissioner of Parks.

PWA Paojtce No. NY-2210-F

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Department of Parks, Arsenal Building Sth

ave. and 64th at., Central Park, Borough of kfan- hattan, New York City, until 10.30 a. in. (eastern daylight saving time), on

TUESDAY, JUNE 37, 1939 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud.

For all labor and materials required for Con-tract No. MS-39-7, Shore pkway., grade separa-tion at Cropsey ave., grading and paving from Cropsep ave. to Coney Island ave., Bklyn.

Blank forms for proposals, information for bid- ders, contract, bond and specifications may be ob-tained at the office of the Department of Parks, Arsenal Building, 5th ave. and 64th at., Central Park, Borough of Manhattan, New York City. Contract drawings may be seen at the said office and arrangements will be made whereby proapec- tive bidders desiring sets of blueprints of the con- tract drawings for their own use may secure same at cost thereof to be paid by them.

The Department of Parks reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids.

Each bidder must deposit with his bid security in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the base bid in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the information

subject bidders.

Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract.

No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. j12,27

ROBERT MOSES. Commissioner of Parks.

PWA Paojacr No. NY-2210-F

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Department of Parks, Arsenal Building

5th ave. and 64th at., Central Park, Borough oI Manhattan, New York City until 10.30 a. m. (eastern daylight saving time), on

MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1939 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud.

For all labor and materials required for Con-tract No. S.So. 39-2: Southern pkway.. bridge at Rockaway blvd., including paving and drain-

age, from Baisley blvd. to 159th at., Borough of Queens.

Blank forms for proposals, information for bid-ders, contract, bond and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Department of Parks Arsenal Building, 5th ave. and 64th at., Central Park, Borough of Manhattan, New York City. Contract drawings may be seen at the said office and arrangements will be made whereby pros-pective bidders depiring sets of blueprints of the contract drawings for their own use may secure same at cost thereof to be paid by them.

The Department of Parks reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids.

Each bidder must deposit with his bid security in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the base bid in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the information for bid-ders.

Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract,

No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

ROBERT MOSES, Commissioner of Parks, J5,19





THE BUILDINGS AND APPURTENANCES thereto will be add to the highest bidden, who

must pay cash or certified drawn so the order of the Ccmptrollu of The City of New York, and must 11w give a certified check or crib in half the amount of the purchase price u security for the faithful perfgrmanoe of the term• and conditions of the sale. Where the

exceed the purchase 50~the sum of $50 wwill, be the amount of the security to be deposited. This security may at any time after the expiration of the contract period be applied by the City to the cost of completing any of the work required under the contract, but unfinished at the expira• Lion of the contract period.

The purchaser shall not sense ot:eepy, cause or permit the building or buildinga,, etc., par- chased by him to be used or occupfed for any purpose other than that of their speedy removal, nor shall he collect any rental or other revenue for the use of either the land or the buildings, etc.. situated thereon. The breach of either or any of these conditions shaft forthwith void the sale and cause immediate forfeiture of the pur-chase money and the security deposited for the faithful performance of the couditioos of the male. The placing therein or permitting the ecen- pacer of any such budding by any tenant free, for rent or otherwise, excepting the necessary watchmen or the workmen engaged in the actual demolition thereof, shall of itself be a breach of the above coaditioos of sale. The sale will be as of the condition of the

property on date of delivery thereof to the put- chaser. The City of New York will not be re-spoeafble for anychange or loss which may ocear in the condition ot the buildings, or their appurtenances between the time of the sale thereof and the time of delivering possession to the put-chaser, after bein4 properly vacated of all tenants. The sale and delivery to purchaser will be made as nearly together as the circumstances of vacat lug the structures of their tenants will permit.

All of the material of buildings„ sheds, walks, structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, with their exterior and interior fi:tnres, appurtenances and foundations of all kinds except the ex- terior walls of the buildings and their foslada-tiona, and the sidewalks and curbs in front of said buildings, extending within the described area, shall be torn dawn and removed 4rom the

suiting from one of

the den litionnrt, debris cc waste re.

shall be allowed to

plaster only, which may be left, old

act higher at any point than two feet below the curb site that point. The exterior walls and their foundations shall be taken down only to a plane whose elevation shall be the lewd of the curb in front of the balding. Where there is no curb the elevation of the surrounding ground apth~aB be considered curb level. All wells. eas•-

be filled sinks, the level lbs surrounding ground with clean earth.

The purchaser at the sale shall also withdraw and remove all abandoned water taps and old service mains and in place thereof cause to be inserted a brass plug in the main water pipe in the street in compliance with the rules and regn lations of the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, and furnish the Department of Finance with a certificate from the Department of Water Supply, Cu and Electricity, that this has been performed.

The purchaser at the sale shall also remove all house connections to the main sewer in the street, and the openings of the main sewer in street shall be properly closed in compliance with the directions of the Bureau of Sewers and Highways in the Borough in which the buildings at : situated and furnish the Department of Finance with it certificate from the Bureau of Sewers and Highways that the work has been properly per-formed.

The permit for all openings in the street to be obtained by and at the expense of the purchaser of the buildings.

Failure to remove said buildings, appurte. nances. or any part thereof, within So days from the date of possession will work forfeiture of ownership of such buildings5 appurtenances or portions as shall then be left standing, to- gather with all money paid by said purchaser on account thereof at the time of the sale, and the bidder's assent to the above conditions being understood to be implied by the act of bidding, and The City of New York will, without notice to the rurchasercause the same to be removed and the cost and' expense thereof charged against the security above mentioned.

The work of removal must be carried on in every respect in a thorough and workmanlike manner, and must be completed within 30 dos • from the date of possession, and the successful bidder will provide and furnish all materials or labor and machinery necessary thereto, and will place proper and sufficient guards and fences and warning signals by day and night for the prevention of accidents, and will indemnify and save harmless The City of New York its officers, agents and servants and each of diem against any and all suits and action, claims and demands of every name and description brought against it, them or any of them, and against and from all damage and coats to which it, they or any of them be put by reason of injury, to the person or property of another, resulting from negligence or carelessness in the performance of the work, or in guarding the same, or from any improper or defective materials or machinery implements or appliances used in the removal 01 said buildings.

Where party walls are found to exist between buildings purchased by different bidders, the ma-terials of said party walls shall be understood to be equally divided between the separate pur- chasers.

Party walls and fences, when existing against adjacent property not sold, shall not be taken

down. All furrings, plaster. chimney, project-ing brick, etc., on the faces of such party wall• are to be taken down and removed. The walk shall be made permanently self-supporting, beam holes, etc., bricked up and the wail and made to exclude wind and rain and present a clean exterior. The roofs of adjacent bnil shall be properly flashed and pointed and watertight where they have been disturbed bg the operation of the contractor•.

"No buildings, parts of building•, matures at machinery sold for removal under these terms and conditions shall in any case be relocated of re-erected within the lines of any proposed street or other public improvement, an& if any lack buildings, parts of buildings, fixtures or macbia-cry, etc., shad be relocated or re-erected within the lines of any proposed street or other public improvement title thereto shall thereupon because vested in Tie City of New York and resale at public or private sale may be made in the same manner as if no prior sale thereof had been made."

The Board of Estimate of The City of New York reserves the right on the di►r of salt to with. draw from sale any of the buildings, parts of buildings and machinery included therein, or to reject any and all bids. The said ale I. held under the supervtsion of the Director of Real Estate of the Board of Estimate who is authorized to cause the sale to be advertised and to direct the sale thereof.


I 1. Advertisements, proposals and bids. (a) Bids for contracts shall be solicited hi

public advertisement in at least 10 sooce••ive tunas of the Crrr Racoea All advertisesssw soliciting bid• for contracts shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel before publication. Bid• shall be publid7 opened on the day of the last insertion of the advertmemeat.

(b) Except with the approval of the Corpora-tion Counsel the advertisement shall Include only:

tamed; 1. The pace where the proposals may be os

2. The plate where and the day and bar when the buds will be publicly ,

3, and d escription of supplies, m.

to work or labor ip be


e furnished and of the to

(c) Proposals for bids shall be in such farm as may be described by the agency issuing the same and shall state:

1. That the person makhtg the bid shall deliver it in a sealed envelope, addressed to the head of the appropriate agency, on or before the time and at the slace designated in the advertisement; 2. That the sealed envelope shall be endorsed

with the name or names of the per son or persona praentfa~ the same, the date of its presentation and the title of the proposal;

3. The place where and the day and hour when the bids will be publicly opened;

4. The quantity and quality of the • ho, materi

~ als and equipment to be furnished sad tii

nature and extent of the work or labor to be done; 5.That every bid shallbe accompanied by a

deposit in approximately the sum of two percentum of the amount of such bid; except that is the case of a proposal for a single item or class of items, the deposit shall be approximately two percentum of the contracting agency's estimated cost of the sup-plies. materials and equipment to be furnished and the work or labor to be dose. Such deposit shall consist of a certified check upon a State or Na- tional bank or trust Coin or it check of and bank or trust company signed by a duly authorized officer thereof, drawn to the order of the Coup troller, of money, or of the obligations of the City described in section 241 of the New York City Charter which the Comptroller shall approve as of equal value with the sum so required; 6. That in the event of the failure of the bid-

der to execute the contract within five days after notice of the award of the contract to him, his deposit or to much thereof as shall be applicable to the amount of the award made to his shall be retained by the City. and he shall be table for and shall agree to pa y an demand the dillterence between the ps ice bid and the price for which suck contract shall be subsequently rdet, including the cost of such reletting and loss the amount of ouch deposit. No plea of mistake in such accepted bid sbal be available to the bidder for the recovery of his deposit or a a defense to any action based upon.sach accepted bid;

7. That upon the execution of a contract fat work or labor in which provision has been made for payment fy intallmeW, the contractor may be required to deposit not leas than approximately two percentum nor more than approximately Hue percentum of the amount of the contract, unto such contract shall have been performed to the extent of the amount of the deposit. Such deposit shall consist of a o rtified check upon a State or National bank or trust company r a check of such bank or trust company signed by a duly authorized officer thereof, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, of money, or of the obligations of the City described in section41 of the New York City Charter, which the Comptroller shall approve as of equal value with the •um so required-

S. Tt;at each bid shall contain: (a) The name. residence and place of business

of the person or persons making the same; (b) The names of all persons interested therein

and if no other person is so interested, such fad shall be distinctly stated-

(c) A statement to tote effect that it is made without any connection with any other person making a bid for the same purpose, and is ip all respects fair and without collusion or fraud;

(d) A statement that no Councilman or other officer or employee or person whose salary is payable in whole or in part from the City treasury is dimtl7 or indirectly interested therein, or he the supplies, materials and equipment and work it labor to which it relates. or in any portion of the profits thereof.

(d) The bid akhaB be verified by the written oath of the bidder that the several matters stated therein are in all respect true. (e) Each agenq shall keep a proper receptacle

for the receipt and safe-keeping of bid•. Upon the receipt thereof, bids which are duiipresented shall be deposited in such receptacle. No bid shall be removed therefrom nor shall the sealed envelope in which it is contained be opened, except as pr► vided in paragr aph (f) of this section.

(f) The bids shall be opened and read publicly at the time and place designated in the advertise-meat. in the presence of the Comptroller or his representative and of such of the bidders as may desire to be present. The opening of such bids shall not be postponed if the Comptroller or his representative shall, after due notice, fail to attend.

(g) This regulation shall be published in the CITY Rscoan daily. All advertisements for bids by any one agency appearing in any one issue of the City Rscosa shall be published in sequence by date of opening and shall refer to this r tton as advertised in the CITY Racoon. Sack reference shall immediately follow the same of the agency.

9. Medical and food supplies. Medical and surgical supplies and perishable food

supplies involving an expenditure of more than one thousand dollars may be procured on purchase orders based on competitive bids received after advertisement in at least three successive issues of the CITY Raeoaa
