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The hypothalamic clock and its control of glucose homeostasis

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Kalsbeek, Fliers, Hofman, Swaab, Van Someren & Buijs Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 153 ISSN 0079-6123 Copyright r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved CHAPTER 17 The hypothalamic clock and its control of glucose homeostasis A. Kalsbeek , M. Ruiter, S.E. La Fleur, C. Cailotto, F. Kreier and R.M. Buijs Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Meibergdreef 33, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands Introduction The awareness that the hypothalamus plays an important role in food intake, and especially its involvement in the physiology and pathology of the control of energy metabolism, dates back to 1840, when Mohr described a case of hypo- thalamic obesity associated with a rapid gain of body weight in a patient with a pituitary tumor (reviewed in Brobeck, 1946). It was not until 100 years later, however, that the animal experiments of Hetherington and Ranson (1940) showed that obesity resulted from lesions in the hypothalamus, independent of pituitary damage. Our understand- ing of the hypothalamic control of energy metab- olism received a second boost some 50 years later, when the group of Friedman (Zhang et al., 1994) discovered the leptin gene, i.e. the elusive hormo- nal factor secreted by adipose tissue that informs the brain, and especially the hypothalamus, about peripheral fat stores. Major components of energy metabolism, including feeding, thermogenesis, and glucose and lipid metabolism, show profound fluc- tuations along the daily light/dark (L/D)-cycle. This periodic succession of night and day has in- fluenced life on Earth for millions of years. In mammals, these periodic changes in the environ- ment have been ‘‘internalized’’ in the form of an endogenous circadian clock. Its main function is to organize the time course of physiological, hormo- nal, and behavioral processes in order to allow the organism to anticipate properly these chang- ing environmental conditions. The 24-h sleep/ wake cycles are generated and orchestrated from within the hypothalamus as well. The location of the responsible biological or circadian (literally ‘‘approximately one day’’) clock within the hypo- thalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) was discov- ered in the early 1970s (Hendrickson et al., 1972; Moore and Eichler, 1972; Moore and Lenn, 1972; Stephan and Zucker, 1972). This master oscillator consists of interlocking transcriptional–transla- tional feedback loops, and it contains both core clock genes necessary for oscillator maintenance, as well as specific output genes that impose their rhythmicity on the hypothalamus (Reppert and Weaver, 2002; Maywood et al., 2006). In the case of energy metabolism, the biological clock output acts to synchronize energy intake and expenditure to changes in the external environment imposed by the rising and setting of the sun (Ruiter et al., 2006a, b). It is thought that a circadian control of its physiology and behavior imparts survival advan- tages to an organism. Circadian rhythms serve to temporally partition the ecological niche and en- able an organism to anticipate and adapt optimal- ly to ambient conditions, thus maximizing the potential of the organism to survive. However, animals without a functional clockwork, either through SCN-lesions or a clock gene knock-out, do not have an obvious phenotype aside from Corresponding author. Tel.: +31-20-566-5522; Fax: +31-20- 6961006; E-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(06)53017-1 283


Kalsbeek, Fliers, Hofman, Swaab, Van Someren & Buijs

Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 153

ISSN 0079-6123

Copyright r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


The hypothalamic clock and its control ofglucose homeostasis

A. Kalsbeek�, M. Ruiter, S.E. La Fleur, C. Cailotto, F. Kreier and R.M. Buijs

Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Meibergdreef 33, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands


The awareness that the hypothalamus plays animportant role in food intake, and especially itsinvolvement in the physiology and pathology ofthe control of energy metabolism, dates back to1840, when Mohr described a case of hypo-thalamic obesity associated with a rapid gain ofbody weight in a patient with a pituitary tumor(reviewed in Brobeck, 1946). It was not until 100years later, however, that the animal experimentsof Hetherington and Ranson (1940) showed thatobesity resulted from lesions in the hypothalamus,independent of pituitary damage. Our understand-ing of the hypothalamic control of energy metab-olism received a second boost some 50 years later,when the group of Friedman (Zhang et al., 1994)discovered the leptin gene, i.e. the elusive hormo-nal factor secreted by adipose tissue that informsthe brain, and especially the hypothalamus, aboutperipheral fat stores. Major components of energymetabolism, including feeding, thermogenesis, andglucose and lipid metabolism, show profound fluc-tuations along the daily light/dark (L/D)-cycle.This periodic succession of night and day has in-fluenced life on Earth for millions of years. Inmammals, these periodic changes in the environ-ment have been ‘‘internalized’’ in the form of anendogenous circadian clock. Its main function is to

�Corresponding author. Tel.: +31-20-566-5522; Fax: +31-20-

6961006; E-mail: [email protected]

DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(06)53017-1 283

organize the time course of physiological, hormo-nal, and behavioral processes in order to allowthe organism to anticipate properly these chang-ing environmental conditions. The 24-h sleep/wake cycles are generated and orchestrated fromwithin the hypothalamus as well. The location ofthe responsible biological or circadian (literally‘‘approximately one day’’) clock within the hypo-thalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) was discov-ered in the early 1970s (Hendrickson et al., 1972;Moore and Eichler, 1972; Moore and Lenn, 1972;Stephan and Zucker, 1972). This master oscillatorconsists of interlocking transcriptional–transla-tional feedback loops, and it contains both coreclock genes necessary for oscillator maintenance, aswell as specific output genes that impose theirrhythmicity on the hypothalamus (Reppert andWeaver, 2002; Maywood et al., 2006). In the case ofenergy metabolism, the biological clock output actsto synchronize energy intake and expenditure tochanges in the external environment imposed by therising and setting of the sun (Ruiter et al., 2006a, b).

It is thought that a circadian control of itsphysiology and behavior imparts survival advan-tages to an organism. Circadian rhythms serve totemporally partition the ecological niche and en-able an organism to anticipate and adapt optimal-ly to ambient conditions, thus maximizing thepotential of the organism to survive. However,animals without a functional clockwork, eitherthrough SCN-lesions or a clock gene knock-out,do not have an obvious phenotype aside from


anecdotal evidence on poor breeding (Dolatshadet al., 2006). One study in a simulated field con-dition suggested that arrhythmic animals are moresusceptible to predation (DeCoursey et al., 1997,2000; DeCoursey and Krulas, 1998), and in cyano-bacteria a circadian pacemaker confers a signifi-cant competitive advantage when the period of theendogenous clock resonates with the environmen-tal L/D-cycle (Ouyang et al., 1998). However, animportant aspect of circadian control may also beto time and synchronize (metabolic) processeswithin the organism, i.e. to optimize metabolicnetworks by enabling a temporal partitioning ofmetabolic events within and between different tis-sues. For example, by temporally separating chem-ically antagonistic reactions and by limiting theexpression of certain enzymes to the time of daythey are needed (Schibler and Naef, 2005).

Clearly, the most obvious target of circadiancontrol is the behavioral sleep/wake-cycle. Questionis whether a physiological process such as therhythm in energy metabolism is gated by the be-havioral rhythm or subject to an independent con-trol of the circadian oscillator. Indeed, since inmany species the temporal distribution of feedingactivity is so clearly affected by the biological clock,it has been assumed that the daily rhythms in cir-culating concentrations of metabolic hormones andsubstrates, such as insulin, glucagon, leptin, glucose,and free fatty acids (FFA), are mainly induced bythe behavioral rhythm, instead of being subject to adirect control of the biological clock. However, inview of the hypothesis that the SCN plays an im-portant role in anticipating major physiologicalevents, such as increased behavioral activity, feedingactivity or sleep, we assumed a direct control of theSCN.We employed two different research strategiesto reveal such a direct control of the SCN: (1) aregular feeding schedule with six meals equispacedthroughout the 24-h L/D-cycle (i.e. one standardmeal every 4h) to remove the strong masking im-pact of the rhythmic feeding behavior and to un-mask a possible direct control of the circadianclock; (2) the viral retrograde tracing technique toinvestigate the existence of multi-synaptic neuralconnections between the hypothalamic biologicalclock and peripheral organs such as the (endocrine)pancreas, the liver, and white adipose tissue (WAT).

The present review will present the evidence fora direct control of the biological clock on therelease of metabolic hormones, independent of theclock control on the temporal distribution of feed-ing behavior. In addition, we will present an over-view of the neural mechanisms, pathways, andtransmitters used by the SCN to incorporate itstime-of-day message into this homeostatic system.

A daily rhythm in plasma glucose concentrations

Daily rhythms in glucose tolerance and insulinsensitivity

In order to understand how the hypothalamic bi-ological clock conveys its circadian message intothe homeostatic system(s) that control the energybalance, we focused our attention on the dailycontrol of glucose metabolism. A pronounceddaily rhythm in plasma glucose concentrationshas been described in experimental animals as wellas humans (Jolin and Montes, 1973; Bellingeret al., 1975; Bolli et al., 1984; Van Cauter et al.,1997; La Fleur et al., 1999; Shea et al., 2005). Thepeak time of plasma glucose levels shows a 12-hdifference between experimental animals and hu-mans, but in both species peak plasma glucoseconcentrations are attained every day shortly be-fore awakening at the start of the main activityperiod. Plasma glucose concentrations are the re-sultant of a glucose influx from the gut and liver,and glucose efflux by its uptake in brain, muscle,and adipose tissue. Question is whether the dailychanges in plasma glucose concentrations arecaused by daily changes in the influx or efflux, orboth. Numerous studies, both in experimental an-imals and humans, have shown diurnal variationsin glucose uptake. Most early studies indicatedmorning vs. evening differences in either an oral orintravenously administered glucose bolus, with animpaired glucose tolerance in the afternoon com-pared with the morning, reaching a minimumaround midnight (Jarrett et al., 1972; Carrol andNestel, 1973; Whichelow et al., 1974; Zimmetet al., 1974; Lee et al., 1992). Animal studies, in-cluding our own (Fig. 1), showed daily variationsin glucose tolerance as well. Again the highest

ZT 2 ZT 8 ZT 11 ZT 14 ZT 18 ZT 22

Time (min)

0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60

0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60















Fig. 1. Plasma glucose and insulin responses after the intravenous injection of a glucose bolus (500mg/kg BW) at different times of the

light/dark cycle. The maximal glucose increment at ZT14 was significantly lower than the ones at the other 5-time points. On the other

hand, the total amount of insulin released did not differ between the different time points. Responses are expressed as the difference

from the respective t ¼ 0 values. ZT, Zeitgeber Time (ZT12 being defined as the onset of the dark period). Adapted from La Fleur et al.



glucose tolerance was found at the time ofawakening (Penicaud and Le Magnen, 1980;Yamamoto et al., 1984b; La Fleur et al., 2001).The next question then, of course, is: how do thesedaily changes come about? Does the SCN controlinsulin sensitivity, pancreatic b-cell sensitivity, orthe non-insulin dependent glucose uptake? Indeed,a number of experiments have shown dailychanges in insulin sensitivity (Gibson and Jarrett,1972; Morgan et al., 1999; Kalsbeek et al., 2003).Although the time of the highest insulin sensitivitycoincides with that of maximal glucose tolerance,the daily variation is not pronounced (Fig. 2).Daily changes in b-cell sensitivity are even less ev-ident, and if anything, b-cell sensitivity is reducedat the end of the sleep period. Thus, daily changesin insulin- and b-cell sensitivity do not fully ex-plain the daily variation in glucose tolerance.Therefore, it seems that non-insulin dependentglucose uptake also changes on a daily basis. In-deed, evidence was recently provided for a circa-dian rhythm of glucose uptake in primary culturesof rat skeletal muscle cells in vitro, both in basal

and insulin-stimulated conditions (Feneberg andLemmer, 2004). However, although the majorportion of the glucose administered intravenouslyis taken up by muscle tissue, it is not known whichtissue is responsible for the daily variation in glu-cose uptake. For instance, Feneberg and Lemmer(2004) also found a circadian rhythm of glucoseuptake in fat cells. Moreover, at present it is notknown whether these circadian rhythms in periph-eral glucose uptake also exist in vivo. In addition,it is far from clear how these circadian rhythms inperipheral glucose are controlled: by the clock-gene rhythms in muscle and adipose tissue (Andoet al., 2005; Guo et al., 2005; Shimba et al., 2005),or by a humoral or neural signal from the SCN?

Hormonal control of the daily glucose rhythm

The simultaneous increase of glucose uptake andplasma glucose concentrations at awakening, asseen in both humans and experimental animals,can only occur when glucose influx exceeds glucose













1ZT 2 ZT 8 ZT 11 ZT 14 ZT 18 ZT 22

Time (min)

0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60

0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60

Fig. 2. Plasma glucose and corticosterone responses after the intravenous injection of an insulin bolus (0.5 IU/kg BW) at different

times of the light/dark cycle. The total amount of glucose uptake during the 60min post injection period was significantly higher at

ZT14 than the ones at ZT2 and ZT8, despite the fact that also the highest corticosterone response was found at ZT14. Responses are

expressed as the difference from the respective t ¼ 0 values. ZT, Zeitgeber Time (ZT12 being defined as the onset of the dark period).

Adapted from Kalsbeek et al. (2003).


efflux. Since in all the above-mentioned studiesdaily changes in feeding were compensated for,these results indicate that the increased glucoseinflux is due to a daily rhythm in endogenousglucose production. In normal, i.e. non-fasting,conditions the liver is by far the major source ofendogenous glucose production (Corssmit et al.,2001). Therefore, we first investigated if we couldfind any evidence of a hormonal or neural con-nection between the biological clock and the liver.Glucagon is produced by the a-cells of the endo-crine pancreas and it acts on the liver to increaseglucose production by enhancing both glycogen-olysis and gluconeogenesis (Pilkis and Granner,1992; Kurukulasuriya et al., 2003). Plasma con-centrations of plasma glucagon show a clear cir-cadian rhythm in animals feeding ad libitum(Yamamoto et al., 1987; Ruiter et al., 2003).However, it seems unlikely that the daily rhythmof glucagon release is responsible for the dailyrhythm in plasma glucose concentrations. First, inad libitum fed animals plasma glucagon levels only

start to rise after the onset of nocturnal feeding,whereas the rise in plasma glucose concentrationsalready starts a few hours after the onset of thelight period. Second, the daily rhythm in plasmaglucose concentration is preserved when animalsare maintained on the 6-meals-a-day feedingschedule, whereas plasma glucagon levels now risewith every meal (Fig. 3). On the other hand, thedaily rhythm in pancreatic glucagon release mightbe important for the maintenance of a dailyrhythm in plasma glucose concentrations duringprolonged fasting (Ruiter et al., 2003). A dailyrhythm in plasma insulin concentrations is notconsistently found in animals fed ad libitum, whichmakes insulin an unlikely candidate for the controlof the daily rhythm in plasma glucose concentra-tions as well (Fig. 3). Moreover, the increasedinsulin sensitivity at the onset of the activity periodindicates that, if anything, insulin would lower in-stead of increase plasma glucose concentrations,both by an increased glucose uptake and anincreased inhibition of glucose production by the





























0 6 12 18 24

0 6 12 18 24

0 6 12 18 24

0 6 12 18 24

0 6 12 18 24

0 6 12 18 24











lin (



Zeitgeber time (h)




Zeitgeber time (h)




Fig. 3. Basal plasma glucose, insulin and glucagon concentrations across the 24-h light/dark cycle in intact rats under conditions of ad

libitum feeding (left panels) or when subjected to a scheduled feeding regimen of 6-meals-a-day (i.e. 1 meal every 4 h) for several weeks

(right panels). Horizontal dotted lines in the left-side panels indicate the mean glucagon and insulin levels during the light period (i.e.

upper lines are mean +SEM, and lower lines indicate the mean — SEM). Vertical dotted lines in the right-side panels indicate the

timing of the 10-min meals every 4 h. Adapted from La Fleur et al. (1999) and Ruiter et al. (2003).



liver. Also other glucose-regulatory hormones suchas adrenaline and growth hormone are unlikely tomediate the control of the biological clock onplasma glucose concentrations, since in the rat theirdaily rhythms show little or no correlation with thatof plasma glucose concentrations (Kimura andTsai, 1984; Clark et al., 1986; De Boer and Van DerGugten, 1987). The best candidate seems to be theadrenal hormone corticosterone (or cortisol in hu-mans). In both rats and humans its daily rhythmshows a strong correlation with that of plasma glu-cose, and its stimulatory effect on hepatic glucoseproduction is well known (Corssmit et al., 2001).However, when tested in humans this hypothesishad to be discarded as well (Bright et al., 1980). Inaddition, our rat data do not support a critical rolefor corticosterone in the genesis of the daily rhythmin plasma glucose concentrations, since animalswith a sympathetic hepatic denervation lose theirdaily plasma glucose rhythm despite the mainte-nance of an intact daily corticosterone rhythm(Cailotto et al., 2005).

The primary source of stored energy in mammalsis not glucose, but lipids. When energy needs can-not be met by circulating fuels or stored carbohy-drates, lipids are mobilized from WAT through theprocess of lipolysis. Triglycerides are broken downinto glycerol and FFA, a process catalyzed by the

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28






Zeitgeber time (h)


e fa

tty a






Fig. 4. Plasma free fatty acid concentrations (mmol/l) in intact (A) and

(open symbols). Values are means 7SEM. Black bars indicate the da

dark period prior to the start of sampling (�ZT14 in A, and ZT10 in

lesioned animals had a similar duration of fasting (i.e. 30 h).

enzyme hormone sensitive lipase. WAT stores mas-sive amounts of triglycerides, which are synthesizedfrom fatty acids taken up from the plasma. Thesefatty acids can be derived from plasma FFAs andplasma triglycerides as a result of the local activityof the enzyme lipoprotein lipase. Glucose metabolism is profoundly influenced by this lipid me-tabolism. For instance, fatty acids can also be syn-thesized within adipocytes de novo from glucose,and glucose competes for uptake and oxidation inmuscle and liver with FFAs. This competitiveprocess is also known as the Randle cycle (Randleet al., 1963). A number of studies have shown dailyrhythms in plasma FFA concentrations, 24-h cy-cles in lipogenesis and lipolysis, as well as SCNlesion-induced aberrations in lipid metabolism(Cornish and Cawthorne, 1978; Yamamoto et al.,1984a; Yamamoto et al., 1987; Dallman et al.,1999). It has been argued that the daily rise in FFAavailability during the sleep-induced period offasting causes insulin resistance, and thereby a risein plasma glucose levels at the end of the sleepperiod (Morgan et al., 1999). Although we didfind clear effects of fasting and removal of thebiological clock on daily plasma FFA profiles(Fig. 4), our data do not support a critical role ofdaily changes in lipid metabolism in the genesis ofthe daily glucose rhythm.

16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44






Zeitgeber time (h)


SCN-lesioned (B) rats fed ad libitum (closed symbols) or fasted

rk period. For fasted rats, food was removed at the onset of the

B). The arrow indicates the time at which both intact and SCN-


During the last decade it has also become clearthat WAT is not merely a lipid storage compart-ment or isolating tissue protecting the organismfrom heat loss. In addition to the production offatty acids WAT is capable of producing a largenumber of hormones, known as adipokines oradipocytokines, and nowadays it is considered animportant endocrine gland (Ahima and Flier,2000; Kershaw and Flier, 2004). Leptin acts viathe central nervous system to modulate glucosemetabolism (Liu et al., 1998; Minokoshi et al.,1999). Apart from leptin also a number of themore recently discovered hormones have a puta-tive function in glucose metabolism. Adiponectinis reported to inhibit hepatic glucose production(Combs et al., 2001) and to reverse obesity-relatedinsulin resistance by stimulating glucose and FFAutilization (Yamauchi et al., 2002). In addition,also resistin, visfatin, and cytokines released fromfat tissue such as TNF-a and IL-6 clearly affectglucose metabolism (Steppan and Lazar, 2002;Fasshauer and Paschke, 2003; Bluher et al., 2004;Fukuhara et al., 2005). Moreover, many of the(adipo)cytokines just mentioned also show cleardaily rhythms in their plasma concentration(Gavrila et al., 2003; Rajala et al., 2004; Sheaet al., 2005; Vgontzas et al., 2005). However, adirect involvement of these daily changes in circu-lating (adipo) cytokines and the daily rhythm inplasma glucose concentrations has not been estab-lished yet. For instance, whereas the rise in plasmaglucose concentrations shows a 12-h difference inhumans and rats, plasma leptin concentrations inboth species show an acrophase during the darkperiod (Licinio et al., 1997; Saad et al., 1998;Dallman et al., 1999; Kalsbeek et al., 2001).

Anatomy of the connections between the biologicalclock and the liver

In view of the lack of a good hormonal candi-date that could mediate the control of the centralbiological clock on hepatic glucose production,we started to explore a possible role for the auto-nomic nervous system. The liver is richly inner-vated by sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers,originating from the splanchnic and vagus nerves,

respectively (Puschel, 2004; Uyama et al., 2004).Electron microscopic studies showed direct appo-sitions between nerve fibers and hepatocytes.Already 40 years ago, the pioneering studies byShimazu et al. indicated a pronounced effect ofthe sympathetic and parasympathetic innervationof the liver on glucose production. Stimulation ofthe sympathetic input to the liver caused a clearand rapid increase of glucose production by stim-ulating glycogen phosphorylase (Shimazu andFukuda, 1965), whereas activation of its parasym-pathetic input resulted in a decrease of hepaticglucose production by activating hepatic glycogensynthase (Shimazu, 1967). Electrical stimulationexperiments indicated a role for the ventromedialand lateral hypothalamus in the control of thesesympathetic and parasympathetic inputs to theliver (Shimazu, 1981). Similar experiments alsoprovided evidence for an autonomic nervous sys-tem-mediated control of the hypothalamic biolog-ical clock on hepatic glucose production. Electricalstimulation of the SCN resulted in hyperglycemia,whereas this effect could be prevented by the pe-ripheral administration of autonomic blockers(Nagai et al., 1988; Fujii et al., 1989). However,in view of its multi-synaptic character it was im-possible to trace the exact anatomical connectionsbetween the liver and these hypothalamic nuclei,until the development of the transneuronal viraltracing technique in the early 1990s (Strack et al.,1989; Card et al., 1990). Before this time definingneural circuits involved multiple injections of atract tracer, often in different groups of animals, tolabel the different connections of the hypothesizedneural circuit. However, since it was impossible totarget the tracer specifically in those neurons thatare synaptically connected to those identified in aprevious group of animals, multi-synaptic path-ways could not be established definitively. Thetransneuronal viral tracing technique for the firsttime provided the possibility to identify a chain ofsynaptically connected neurons within the sameanimal, for instance between the hypothalamic bi-ological clock and peripheral organs such as theliver and pancreas (Ueyama et al., 1999; La Fleuret al., 2000; Buijs et al., 2001; Buijs et al., 2003).Moreover, a combination of this viral tracingtechnique with a selective denervation of either the


sympathetic or parasympathetic input to the organof interest enables the selective identification ofeither the parasympathetic or sympathetic chain ofcontrol (Westerhaus and Loewy, 1999; Lee andErskine, 2000; Buijs et al., 2001). After injectionof the pseudorabies virus (PRV; Bartha strain)




























Fig. 5. Sagittal scheme of the sympathetic and parasympathetic cont

indicated in red, brain areas containing second-order neurons are in

indicated in yellow. It is clear by comparing the parasympathetic patt

cell groups are in control of the first-order parasympathetic (i.e. DMV

also includes the catecholaminergic A5, C1, and C3 areas.

in the liver of animals that had undergone acomplete denervation of the hepatic parasympa-thetic innervation, virus-infected neurons firstappeared in the intermediolateral column (IML)of the spinal cord (Fig. 5). These so-called first-order neurons are the preganglionic sympathetic













rol of the liver. Brain areas providing first-order projections are

dicated in blue, and those containing third-order neurons are

ern against the sympathetic pattern that far more second-order

) than first-order sympathetic (i.e. IML) motor neurons. RVLM


motorneurons. Labeling of second-order neurons,i.e. neurons providing a synaptic input to the pre-ganglionic IML neurons, were found in the inter-calated nucleus, lateral funiculus, and laminas VIIand X of the spinal cord. In addition, second-orderlabeling was found in the ventrolateral medulla,the C1/C3 adrenaline cell groups, the A5 and locuscoeruleus noradrenaline cell groups, and the se-rotonin-containing medial raphe nucleus in thebrainstem. The most rostral second-order labeling,however, was observed in the hypothalamic para-ventricular nucleus (PVN), and to a lesser degreein the zona incerta, lateral hypothalamus, and theretrochiasmatic area. Enabling another step ofvirus replication by a further prolongation ofthe survival time after the injection of the virusrevealed third-order labeling in the brainstemnucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and a largenumber of areas known to project to the PVN,such as the medial preoptic area (MPOA),the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH),the arcuate nucleus, circumventricular organs, theventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH), andthe SCN. Also limbic structures such as the centralamygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria termi-nalis (BNST) contained labeled neurons at thisstage. After a denervation of the sympathetic inputto the liver, the first neurons to be labeled in thecentral nervous system were the parasympatheticmotorneurons in the dorsal motornucleus of thevagus (DMV). Second-order labeling in the hypo-thalamus was somewhat more widespread thanobserved after the infection via the sympatheticbranch, for instance, second-order neurons wereobserved not only in the PVN but also in theMPOA and DMH, and in limbic structures suchas the amygdala and BNST. Third-order labelingagain was found in, among others, the SCN andVMH. In conjunction with the existing knowledgeon SCN projections, the third-order labeling of theSCN indicates a direct input of the biological clockto the pre-autonomic (i.e. second-order) neuronsin the hypothalamus. Most of the hypothalamicpre-autonomic neurons are located in the PVN,notably its dorso-medial and ventral regions. In-deed, other experiments, too, provided evidencefor a direct input of the SCN to the pre-autonomicneurons in the PVN (Teclemariam-Mesbah et al.,

1997; Vrang et al., 1997; Cui et al., 2001). Togetherthese data show that a control of the biologicalclock on liver function mediated by the autonomicnervous system is very well feasible, since the SCNneurons are only two synapses away from the mo-torneurons of both the sympathetic and parasym-pathetic hepatic innervation.

Functional studies on the connections between thebiological clock and the liver

After the establishment of a neural connection be-tween the biological clock and the liver a series ofexperiments was started to investigate the func-tional importance of the SCN–PVN connection inthe control of plasma glucose concentrations, byadministering different SCN transmitter agonistsand antagonists into the vicinity of the PVN(Kalsbeek et al., 2004). During this 2-h adminis-tration period blood samples were taken in orderto monitor the changes in blood glucose concen-trations as well as those in plasma insulin, gluc-agon, and corticosterone concentrations. The mostpronounced effects on plasma glucose concentra-tions were observed after the administration of ei-ther Bicucilline (BIC; a GABA-A antagonist) orNMDA (an agonist of glutamatergic receptors) tothe PVN, both causing a prolonged and significantincrease of plasma glucose concentrations(Fig. 6 and 7). Since both drugs will cause an ac-tivation of neuronal activity in the PVN, either bya blockade of the inhibitory GABA-ergic input orby stimulation of glutamatergic receptors, an in-creased activity of PVN neurons apparently resultsin increased plasma glucose concentrations. Bothdrugs also caused increased plasma glucagon con-centrations, but did not affect plasma insulin con-centrations in any significant way. Blockade ofGABA-ergic receptors, but not stimulation of theglutamate receptors, resulted in increased plasmacorticosterone concentrations (Fig. 6). These dataindicate that it is not likely that the hyperglycemiainduced by the stimulation of PVN neurons is dueto changes in the release of either insulin or co-rticosterone. On the other hand, the increasedrelease of glucagon could be a causative factor.Therefore, after these initial results two main is-


























0 60 120 180 0 60 120 180

0 60 120 1800 60 120 180

Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 6. Changes in plasma glucose, corticosterone, glucagon, and insulin concentrations during a 2-h administration of the GABAA

antagonist Bicucilline (BIC) in the PVN of ad libitum fed rats. Filled symbols indicate the effect of BIC, whereas open symbols show

the result of the control experiment in the same group of animals one week later. Responses are expressed as the difference from the

respective t ¼ 0 values. BIC administration in the PVN started at t ¼ 0 5 h after lights on (i.e. ZT5). Adapted from Kalsbeek et al.



sues remained: (1) are projections of the biologicalclock indeed involved in the effects of BIC andNMDA? and (2) is it the increased release of gluc-agon or the autonomic innervation of the liverwhich is responsible for the increased plasmaglucose concentrations? In order to investigatewhich source of GABA-ergic input to the PVN isresponsible for the increased plasma glucoseadministration after administration of BIC, we se-lectively silenced three major afferent inputs to thePVN by local administration of the sodium chan-nel blocker TTX (Kalsbeek et al., 2004). Admin-istration of TTX in the SCN and DMH, but not in

the VMH (or PVN), caused an increase of plasmaglucose concentrations, although to a lesser degreethan after BIC administration in the PVN (max-imal +0.7mmol/l vs. +1.5mmol/l). These resultsindicate that indeed an important part of theinhibitory input to the PVN, involved in the con-trol plasma glucose concentrations, is coming di-rectly from the SCN. Apart from the SCN,however, additional inhibitory inputs may be de-rived from other hypothalamic nuclei, amongwhich SCN target areas such as the DMH. Theseresults indicate that the SCN may use both directand indirect GABA-ergic inputs to the PVN to
























0 60 120 180

0 60 120 180

0 60 120 180

0 60 120 180

Time (min) Time (min)

∆ G


se (



∆ C






∆ G


se (



∆ G





(A) (C)

(B) (D)

Fig. 7. Changes in plasma glucose, corticosterone, and glucagon concentrations during a 2-h administration of the GABAA antagonist

Bicucilline (BIC; A, B, D) or NMDA (an agonist of glutamatergic receptors; C) in the PVN of ad libitum fed rats. Filled symbols

indicate the effect of BIC or NMDA, whereas open symbols show the result of the control experiment in the same group of animals one

week later. Triangles represent the results of animals with a sympathetic liver denervation, whereas circles represent the results of

animals with an intact autonomic innervation of the liver. Responses are expressed as the difference from the respective t ¼ 0 values.

BIC or NMDA administration in the PVN started at t ¼ 0, 5 h after lights on (i.e. ZT5).


control the daily rhythm of plasma glucose con-centrations. Indeed also anatomical and electro-physiological data support the existence of bothdirect GABA-ergic projections from the SCN tothe PVN (Hermes et al., 1996; Cui et al., 2001;Wang et al., 2003) as well as GABA-ergic inputs tothe PVN from SCN target areas such as the DMH,subPVN and MPOA (Boudaba et al., 1996). Inorder to investigate which output pathway of thePVN is responsible for the increased plasma glu-cose concentrations (i.e. increased release of gluc-agon or activation/inhibition of the autonomic

input to the liver), we repeated our BIC andNMDA infusions in animals in which we first haddenervated specifically either the sympathetic orparasympathetic innervation of the liver. Removalof the parasympathetic input to the liver did notaffect the hyperglycemic effect of BIC administra-tion in the PVN. On the other hand, removal ofthe sympathetic innervation of the liver completelyobliterated the hyperglycemic effect of both BICand NMDA administration in the PVN (Fig. 7).The hyperglycemic effect of BIC disappearednotwithstanding pronounced increases of plasma


glucagon and plasma corticosterone concentra-tions. Together, these functional studies demon-strate that a stimulation of neuronal activity inthe PVN results in hyperglycemia through anactivation of the sympathetic input to the liver.In our experiments hepatic glucose productionwas not assessed directly, but previously Lang(1995) had demonstrated a stimulatory effect ofintracerebroventricularly applied BIC on portalglucose levels using the euglycemic clamp tech-nique. Moreover, our data fit in nicely with pre-vious experiments showing increased glucoseproduction or glucose release by the liver uponelectrical stimulation of its sympathetic input(Shimazu, 1996; Takahashi et al., 1996; Nonogaki,2000).

Hepatic clock genes and the generation of a dailyplasma glucose rhythm

In invertebrates and lower vertebrates, circadianrhythms in the periphery are driven by tissue-autonomous circadian oscillators, often light sen-sitive, and synchronized to, but not dependent on,central pacemakers (Giebultowicz and Hege, 1997).Recent studies using transgenic rodents and fibro-blast cell lines indicate that peripheral tissues ofmammals also have the capacity for an autono-mous circadian gene expression. Moreover, recentgene expression studies have revealed several hun-dreds of genes in the liver showing a circadian ex-pression pattern, even during fasting conditions,including the well-known core clock genes as wellas those encoding several key enzymes involved inglucose metabolism (Akhtar et al., 2002; Kita et al.,2002; Panda et al., 2002; Oishi et al., 2003). Thediscovery of clock genes being operative through-out the entire body has led to a reconsideration ofthe relation between the master oscillator in theSCN and peripheral rhythms. Even the status of amaster oscillator for the SCN has come underscrutiny (Davidson et al., 2003). In the current viewthe central pacemaker in the SCN co-ordinates theactivity of local oscillators in the peripheral tissuesvia behavioral, neuroendocrine, and autonomicpathways (Buijs and Kalsbeek, 2001; Terazonoet al., 2003; Guo et al., 2005). However, a clear

understanding of the role of peripheral oscillatorsin regulating the physiological functions of periph-eral organs is still lacking. Previous experimentshave shown that both daily rhythms in liver clockgene expression and plasma glucose concentrationsare maintained during fasting (La Fleur et al.,1999; Kita et al., 2002). Moreover, both hepaticclock gene expression and hepatic glucose produc-tion are increased by the activation of the sympa-thetic input to the liver (Terazono et al., 2003;Kalsbeek et al., 2004). Therefore, we investigatedwhether peripheral oscillators in the liver are anecessary link in the transfer of the circadian in-formation from the biological clock to hepatic glu-cose production. Since it has been shown that achange in feeding pattern has pronounced effectson clock gene expression in the liver (Damiolaet al., 2000; Hara et al., 2001; Stokkan et al., 2001),we first investigated whether our 6-meals-a-dayfeeding schedule affected the normal daily rhythmof clock gene expression in the liver. In accordancewith our data on plasma glucose concentrations(La Fleur et al., 1999), also the rhythmic expressionof the five clock genes studied, i.e. Per1, Per2, Per3,Cry1, and Dbp, was maintained (Cailotto et al.,2005). However, both Per2 and Dbp showed asmall phase advance. Subsequently, we investigatedthe consequences of a selective removal of thesympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous in-put to the liver. In line with the hypothesis pro-posed in our previous denervation study (Kalsbeeket al., 2004), removal of the sympathetic input tothe liver resulted in an obliteration of the dailyrhythm in plasma glucose levels. Contrary to ourexpectations, transcript levels of the five clockgenes studied again maintained their rhythmicity inthe liver (Fig. 8). However, the combination ofscheduled-feeding and hepatic sympathectomy didnot go completely unnoticed, since the removal ofthese two circadian input pathways affected therhythmicity of four out of the five clock genesstudied (Cailotto et al., 2005). Therefore, theseresults clearly show that (1) the autonomic inner-vation of the liver is not necessary to sustainthe rhythmicity of peripheral oscillators in theliver, and (2) a rhythmic expression of the periph-eral oscillators in the liver is not sufficient to main-tain a rhythmic output of the liver (i.e. glucose

0 6 12 18 245









0 6 12 18 24




0 6 12 18 24




0 6 12 18 24




0 6 12 18 24




0 6 12 18 24







e m


A e













e m


A e













e m


A e




Zeitgeber time (h) Zeitgeber time (h)


Per1 Per2

Per3 Cry1



* *

* *





* *




* * * *

Fig. 8. Daily rhythm in plasma glucose and liver Per1, Per2, Per3, Cry1, and Dbp mRNA levels in animals with a selective hepatic

sympathectomy (closed symbols) and SHAM-denervated control animals (open symbols). The black bars indicate the dark period. The

vertical dotted lines represent the 9–11min periods of food availability every 4 h. Although indicated only in the glucose figure, all

animals were subjected to the scheduled feeding conditions. *Po 0.05 compared to the control group.


production). Follow-up studies will investigate howthe activities of liver enzymes involved in glyco-genolysis and gluconeogenesis are affected by sym-pathetic stimulation and hepatic denervation. Asregards the functional significance of peripheraloscillators, contrary to the results on bone forma-tion (Fu et al., 2006) and cell division during liverregeneration (Matsuo et al., 2003), so far we havefound no evidence for a functional significance

of peripheral oscillators in the rhythmic output ofa tissue.

Differential control of glucose and lipid metabolismby the biological clock

The daily rhythm in adipose leptin productionstrongly suggested a direct control of adipose


tissue activity by the biological clock (Kalsbeeket al., 2001). Viral tracing studies again proved tobe very helpful in delineating the brain areas inthe central nervous system that are involved in thecontrol of fat tissue. After injection of the pseu-dorabies virus in either the white or brown adiposetissue third-order neurons were found, amongothers, in the SCN (Bamshad et al., 1998; Bartnessand Bamshad, 1998). More recently, we were ableto show that, contrary to general belief, WAT isinnervated not only by the sympathetic, but alsoby the parasympathetic branch of the autonomicnervous system (Kreier et al., 2002). Denervationstudies have shown that sympathetic innervationstimulates the mobilization of lipid stores (Cantuand Goodman, 1967; Youngstrom and Bartness,1998). On the other hand, removal of the para-sympathetic input caused a reduction of the insu-lin-mediated glucose and FFA uptake (�33% and�36%, respectively), and at the same time an in-crease of HSL, indicating increased lipolysis.These data indicate an anabolic effect of the para-sympathetic innervation (Kreier et al., 2002). Ad-ditional tracing studies showed different neuronsin the sympathetic ganglia to be in control of in-guinal and epididymal fat pads (Youngstrom andBartness, 1995), as well as different sympatheticand parasympathetic motorneurons, within thespinal cord and DMV, to be in control of subcu-taneous and abdominal WAT compartments(Kreier et al., 2002). The clear somatotopy in theautonomic control of WAT has resulted in hy-potheses about the involvement of the CNS in thelargely unexplained effects of sex steroids andglucocorticoids on fat distribution, the pathogen-esis of fat redistribution syndromes such as AIDSlipodystrophy, and the etiology of the metabolicsyndrome (Fliers et al., 2003a, b; Kreier et al.,2003b).

In the previous paragraph, we showed that thebiological clock uses its GABA-ergic and glut-amatergic projections to the pre-autonomic PVNneurons to control the daily rhythm in hepaticglucose production, an effect mediated via thesympathetic innervation of the liver. As just men-tioned, neuroanatomical studies have also shown aconnection between the biological clock and adi-pose tissue, SCN-lesions increase plasma leptin

and FFA concentrations, and there is goodevidence that an increased activity of the sympa-thetic input to adipose tissue stimulates lipolysis.Therefore, we wondered whether the SCN alsouses its projections to the pre-autonomic PVNneurons to control the mobilization of lipid stores.In order to test this hypothesis, we infused theGABA-antagonist BIC in the PVN and measuredthe resulting plasma glucose, leptin, and FFA lev-els. Contrary to plasma glucose concentrations,however, plasma FFA and plasma leptin concen-trations were not affected by removal of theGABA-ergic input to the PVN (Fig. 9). In a sensethis observation is supported by the findings ofFoster and Bartness (2003), who showed that PVNlesions do not attenuate fasting-induced lipid mo-bilization. Indeed, a differential control has alsobeen suggested previously because de-afferentationof the anterior hypothalamus prevents 2-deoxy-glucose (2DG) induced increases in plasma FFAbut not glucose concentrations, and adrenal de-medullation blocks the 2DG-induced glucose butnot FFA response (Teixeira et al., 1973). After vi-ral tracing from WAT, besides the PVN secondorder neurons were especially found in the MPOA,the DMH, and the arcuate nucleus (Bamshadet al., 1998). Especially, the labeling in the MPOAis interesting since several studies have indi-cated that lipid mobilization may be stimulatedvia the MPOA (Teixeira et al., 1973; Coimbra andMigliorini, 1988; Bartness and Bamshad, 1998;Ferreira et al., 1999). Together, these results show ahighly differentiated hypothalamic control of glu-cose and fat metabolism, and suggest that the SCNmay use different outputs to control glucose (viathe PVN) and lipid (via the MPOA) metabolism.

Circadian control of the autonomic nervous system

As evidenced once again by the data presentedabove the SCN, thus appears to be responsible fororganizing endogenous daily programs through-out the body. More specifically, the data on thecircadian control of the daily rhythm in plasmaglucose concentrations demonstrate the importantrole of the autonomic nervous system as an inter-mediate of SCN output. The most important

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180





















∆ F




ds (




∆ G


se (




Time (min)

∆ Le


n (n




Time (min)

∆ C







Fig. 9. Plasma increments of free fatty acids (mmol/l), glucose (mmol/l), leptin (ng/ml), and corticosterone (ng/ml) during BIC infusion

in the PVN (closed symbols) or control experiment (open symbols). Values are means7SEM and calculated as the difference from the

t ¼ 0 value (indicated by the dotted line).


element in the control of the biological clock onthe activity of the autonomic nervous system is thedirect projection of the SCN to the pre-autonomicneurons in the PVN. In search for the hypo-thalamic melatonin rhythm generator we previ-ously demonstrated that in the rat the pre-autonomic PVN neurons dedicated to the controlof the pineal gland are continuously, i.e. 24-h aday, activated by a glutamatergic input from theSCN (Perreau-Lenz et al., 2004). A daily rhythm inpineal activity (or melatonin release) is created bythe rhythmic activity of the GABA-containingSCN projections to these very same pre-autonomicPVN neurons. During the light period pre-auto-nomic PVN neurons multi-synaptically connected

to the pineal gland are silent, since their glut-amatergic stimulation is overruled by a GABA-ergic inhibition. The stimulatory effect of the glut-amatergic input only becomes evident when thereis a gradual waning of the GABA-ergic inhibitionduring the dark period, or when the GABA-ergicinput is antagonized by the administration of aGABA-antagonist (Kalsbeek et al., 2000). Thedata presented above indicate that a similar con-trol mechanism may hold for the circadian controlof the daily rhythm in plasma glucose concentra-tions. In this case, it is the activity of pre-auto-nomic PVN neurons dedicated to the control ofhepatic glucose production that is restrained dur-ing the light period by a GABA-ergic inhibition


which is mainly derived from the SCN. Also in thiscase, the final activity of the pre-autonomic neu-rons connected to the sympathetic innervation ofthe liver seems to be determined by a balance ofGABA-ergic and glutamatergic inputs. It is to beexpected, however, that there will be a phase-difference of a few hours between the GABA-ergicneurons that control the ‘‘liver-dedicated’’ pre-autonomic PVN neurons and those that control the‘‘pineal-dedicated’’ pre-autonomic PVN neurons,since the acrophase of hepatic glucose productionis situated at �ZT11, whereas the acrophase of theplasma melatonin rhythm is situated in the middleof the dark period (i.e. ZT18–ZT20). Thus, theSCN not only contains specialized neurons for thecontrol of the sympathetic and parasympatheticbranch of the autonomic nervous system (Buijset al., 2003), but from the results just presented itseems likely that within the population of SCNneurons that are dedicated to the sympatheticbranch of the autonomic nervous system also spe-cialized neurons exist that are dedicated to thecontrol of either the liver or the pineal gland.Moreover, recently it was shown that separateSCN neurons are in contact with either the intra-abdominal or subcutaneous WAT (Kreier et al.,2006). On the other hand, the SCN also containsneurons that are connected to multiple autonomicoutputs (Ueyama et al., 1999).

At present it is not clear if this GABA/glutamatecontrol mechanism also holds for other SCN out-puts, such as its control of the parasympatheticbranch of the autonomic nervous system or theneuroendocrine system. Previously we did presentevidence that also in the control of neuroendocrinerhythms, such as the daily corticosterone rhythmand the pre-ovulatory surge of luteinizing hor-mone, the SCN uses alternating rhythms ofstimulatory and inhibitory signals to time theacrophase of these hormones. However, in thecontrol of these neuroendocrine systems pep-tidergic projections to intermediate targets suchas the DMH, MPOA, and subPVN seem to be themain SCN output, instead of direct projectionsto the neuroendocrine motorneurons (Kalsbeeket al., 1992, 1996a, b; Palm et al., 1999, 2001;Hermes et al., 2000). On the other hand, also di-rect (GABA-containing) SCN projections to

the magnocellular neurosecretory neurons in thePVN have been demonstrated (Hermes andRenaud, 1993; Hermes et al., 1996). In addition,the sleep/wake cycle may be controlled by such aGABA-ergic/glutamatergic output of the SCN. Inthis case the sleep-promoting neurons in the vent-rolateral preoptic area (VLPO) seem to be themajor target of the SCN projections (Gallopinet al., 2000; Sun et al., 2000, 2001; Satoh et al.,2003). In conclusion, the experiments just describedprovide clear evidence of the existence of a GABA/Glutamate switch mechanism in the SCN output,which is not restricted to the control of the sym-pathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.

Clinical implications

Fasting hyperglycemia is the hallmark of diabetesmellitus. Longitudinal epidemiological studieshave shown that the risk of cardiovascular disease(CVD) mortality in diabetic subjects is more thantwice that of subjects without diabetes. Moreover,in diabetic patients, the risk of cardiovascular andall cause mortality increases with increasing fastingplasma glucose and HbA1c values. The associa-tions between glycemic variables and mortality areless evident in non-diabetic subjects, but a numberof studies indicate that also in the non-diabeticrange (i.e. o7.0mmol) increased fasting plasmaglucose levels are associated with increased mor-tality (Barrett-Connor et al., 1984; Scheidt-Naveet al., 1991; de Vegt et al., 1999; Facchini et al.,2001; Taubert et al., 2003; Timmer et al., 2004).From the foregoing it has become clear that thebiological clock plays an important role in deter-mining early morning fasting plasma glucose con-centrations, by affecting both hepatic glucoseproduction and glucose tolerance. Therefore, it isto be expected that a reduced activity of the bio-logical clock or a misalignment of the endogenousbiological clock rhythm with the exogenous envi-ronment will result in, or predispose for, diseasessuch as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension.Indeed, individuals with diabetes often show adisturbance of the normal circadian rhythm inblood pressure (Bernardi et al., 1992; Monteagudoet al., 1996; Holl et al., 1999; Lurbe et al., 2002;


Zhao et al., 2005), and postmortem studies havesuggested a profound reduction of SCN activity inhypertensive patients (Goncharuk et al., 2001). Inexperimental animals, pathological conditionssuch as hypertension and diabetes result in anabolishment or disturbance of clock gene rhythmsin peripheral organs (Young et al., 2001, 2002;Hastings et al., 2003; Naito et al., 2003; Kuriyamaet al., 2004; Oishi et al., 2004). However, thus farthis only provides correlative evidence for the in-volvement of a malfunctioning biological clock inthe etiology of metabolic diseases. In addition, anumber of clock gene knock-out mice show met-abolic disturbances. Recently, Turek et al. (2005)showed that Clock mutant mice are hyperphagicand obese, and develop a metabolic syndromecharacterized by hyperleptinemia, hyperlipidemia,hepatic steatosis, and hyperglycemia. Remarkablythese mice are hypoinsulinemic instead of hype-rinsulinemic. Gluconeogenesis is abolished inBmal1 knock-outs, whereas both Clock and Bmal1

knock-outs show an impaired counterregulatoryresponse to insulin-induced hypoglycemia (Rudicet al., 2004). But at present it is not clear if thesedeficits are a direct consequence of the malfunc-tioning clockwork, or the indirect result of the lossof other (non-circadian) functions of the clockgenes. On the other hand, the increased prevalenceof obesity and the metabolic syndrome in shift-workers and aging (Karlsson et al., 2001; Blouinet al., 2005) clearly indicates a causal or predis-posing role of the long-term impaired functioningof the SCN in the genesis of these diseases ofmodern society.

In the present 24/7 society, it is becoming moreand more difficult to keep our endogenous clockswell synchronized with the exogenous environ-ment, even for non-shift workers. The most im-portant entraining factor for the endogenous clockis bright light (intensity 41000 lx). Since brightlight exposure rarely occurs inside of buildingsnowadays we tend to expose ourselves less and lessto this most important entraining factor, whereasthe indoor light intensities only provide a weakentraining stimulus (i.e. the level of indoor lightingusually does not exceed 300–500 lx). In addition tobright light, also the so-called non-photic stimuliare able to entrain the endogenous pacemaker.

Non-photic entraining stimuli, for instance, in-clude exercise, food intake, and maybe even sleep(Deboer et al., 2003). Until 50 years ago food in-take and physical activity coincided with the day-time activity period of humans, and clearlycontrasted with the nocturnal period of fasting,rest, and sleep. Our western society, however, ischaracterized by a reduction in energy expendi-ture, an increased energy intake, with food intakespread over the major part of the 24-h cycle, and adecrease in sleep duration (Foster and Wulff,2005). Therefore, the normal alternation of sleepand wake, or rest and activity, is severely disturbedand the amplitude of these SCN-entraining signalsis greatly reduced. Recently, we hypothesized thatas a result of this lack of rhythmic feedback to theSCN, also the output of the SCN might be affected(Kreier et al., 2003a, b). The normal alternation ofrest and activity is accompanied by a shift in thebalance of the autonomic nervous system, i.e. theactive period is characterized by a pre-dominantsympathetic activity, whereas parasympathetic ac-tivity rules the body during the inactive period. Asoutlined in the previous paragraph this balance ofthe autonomic nervous system is critically depend-ent on the output of our biological clock. There-fore, a reduced amplitude of the SCN outputsignal may result in an unbalanced autonomicnervous system and a body less well prepared forthe upcoming demands. Indeed, a prospective co-hort study in 8.000 patients revealed a high relativerisk to develop type 2 diabetes if autonomic dys-function was present (Carnethon et al., 2003).

If our hypothesis is correct, this vicious circlecan be broken by enhancing the (rhythmic) feed-back signal to the SCN, thereby re-instating therhythmic output of the SCN. Exposure to brightlight in the middle of the day re-instates the nor-mal sleep/wake rhythm in elderly by promotingnocturnal sleep (Abbott, 2003). Experiments inaging rats have shown that the healthier sleep pat-terns are accompanied by a restoration of thenumber of active SCN neurons (Lucassen et al.,1995). Daily exercise is a very effective way to im-prove glucose tolerance (Poirier et al., 2002; Evanset al., 2004; Nakanishi et al., 2004), with the mostcritical aspect probably being a reduction of theperiods of inactivity during the waking hours


(Westerterp, 2001). Whereas the energy expendi-ture aspects of such physical activities surely con-tribute to its positive effects, there are alsoindications that the central effects of exercisemay help to improve glucose tolerance (Shinet al., 2003; Bi et al., 2005). For instance, exerciseenhances the endogenous inhibitory tone withinthe PVN, and thereby reduces the sympatheticoutflow (Zheng et al., 2005). Another way to en-hance the rhythmic input to the SCN is the dailyintake of melatonin. Melatonin, a hormone pro-duced by the pineal gland in a rhythmic fashion, isonly released during the dark period, and has aprofound effect on the SCN (Liu et al., 1997;Van den Top et al., 2001). Diabetic patients andpatients with coronary heart disease have a flat-tened melatonin rhythm (O’Brien et al., 1986;Brugger et al., 1995; Altun et al., 2002). Interest-ingly, daily nighttime melatonin supplementationwas able to reduce blood pressure in hypertensivepatients, especially by a fall in sleep systolic bloodpressure (Scheer et al., 2004). In rats, daily me-latonin administration induced fat loss and im-proved the metabolic syndrome (Wolden-Hansonet al., 2000).

In conclusion, the hypothalamic biological clocknot only controls the daily rhythm in sleep/wake(or feeding/fasting) behavior, but also exerts adirect control over many aspects of energy me-tabolism. An important output mechanism of thebiological clock is its control of the sympathetic/parasympathetic autonomic balance. A well-entrained biological clock is essential for a bal-anced autonomic nervous system and may have aprotective value as far as diseases characterized bya misbalance of the autonomic nervous system areconcerned, such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes,and the metabolic syndrome.


2DG 2-deoxy-glucoseAce amygdala, central partARC arcuate nucleusBa Barrington nucleusBIC bicucilline

Bmal brain and muscle aryl hydrocar-bon receptor nuclear transporter-like protein

BNST bed nucleus of the stria terminalisCNS central nervous systemCry cryptochromeCVD cardiovascular diseaseDbp albumin D-site-binding proteinDMH dorsomedial nucleus of the hypo-

thalamusDMV dorsal motor nucleus of the

vagusFFA free fatty acidGABA g-aminobutyric acidHSL hormone-sensitive lipaseIL-6 interleukin-6IML intermediolateral column of the

spinal cordINS insular cortexL/D light/darkLH lateral hypothalamusMPO medial preoptic nucleusMPOA medial preoptic areaNMDA N-methyl-D-aspartateNTS nucleus tractus solitariusOVLT organum vasculosum of the lam-

ina terminalisP pinealPer periodPRV pseudorabies virusPVN d/v paraventricular nucleus of the

hypothalamus, dorsal/ventralRA raphe nucleusRCA retrochiasmatic areaRVLM rostroventrolateral medullaSCN suprachiasmatic nucleusSEM standard error of meanSFO subfornical organTNF-a tumor necrosis factor aTTX tetrodotoxinVLPO ventrolateral preoptic areaVMH ventromedial nucleus of the

hypothalamusWAT white adipose tissueX vagus nerveZI zona incertaZT Zeitgeber Time



The authors thank Dr. Mariette T. Ackermans atthe Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam forhelp with the FFA measurements, Henk Stoffelsfor preparation of the images and Wilma Verweijfor correction of the manuscript. Special thanksare dedicated to Jan van der Vliet and CarolinePirovano — Van Heijningen for their superb tech-nical assistance in most of the work just described.Parts of the work presented were financially sup-ported by the Dutch Diabetes Research Founda-tion.


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