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The Macaronesian species of the genus Manzonia (Gastropoda: Rissoidae) part I

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De Kreuke I 23 J rg no. 2-3, pag.23-3 1 maart-apri I 1987 The Hacarones i an spec i es of the genus IIANZONfA (Gas t ropoda: R i sso i dae) part ll R. G. MOOL ENBEEK 6 M. J . FABER (Zoological iluseum Amsterdam) ILANZ)NIA (MANZ1ilfA) VILMAE nov.spec. figs 22-25 DESCRIPTI0N 0F H0L0TYPE.- Shell small, Iength 2.1 frffi, width 1.1 mm. l./hite, semitransparant. General sculpture of strong axial ribs and spiral cords, with deep sutures. Protoconch about 1+ whorl, intorted. Fi rst part of proto- conch with \-S spi ral keels, the intervening areas with a kind of smal I axial riblets. These spi rals fade away towards the varix and are replaced by a pattern of irregular raised wavy threads (l ike Chinese characters) (fig.Zil. Just above the suture a smooth band, which also disappears towards the va r i x. Fi rst pnw (postnuclear whorl) with 5-6 broad spi ral bands with a'11,1 anzonic"-pitted sculpture. The grooves consist of 3-5 minor grooves wi th spi ral riblets in between. Body whorl with 20 spiral bands above the strong basal keel (ratio groove to band is I : 'l or 122) , and I0 ax ia I cos tae. Aperture ovate, peri stome ent i re and dupl i cated. 0uter I i p strongly th ickened and crenulated, wh i ch is caused by the ends of the smooth spiral bands. Soft p.rts not studied. ETYM0L0GY.- named after Wilma VAN DER HIJDEN, who collecred

De Kreuke I 23 J rg no. 2-3, pag.23-3 1 maart-apri I 1987

The Hacarones i an spec i es of the genus IIANZONfA

(Gas t ropoda: R i sso i dae)

part ll


(Zoological iluseum Amsterdam)

ILANZ)NIA (MANZ1ilfA) VILMAE nov.spec.figs 22-25

DESCRIPTI0N 0F H0L0TYPE.- Shell small, Iength 2.1 frffi, width1.1 mm. l./hite, semitransparant. General sculpture of strongaxial ribs and spiral cords, with deep sutures.

Protoconch about 1+ whorl, intorted. Fi rst part of proto-conch with \-S spi ral keels, the intervening areas with a

kind of smal I axial riblets. These spi rals fade away towardsthe varix and are replaced by a pattern of irregular raisedwavy threads (l ike Chinese characters) (fig.Zil. Just abovethe suture a smooth band, which also disappears towards theva r i x.

Fi rst pnw (postnuclear whorl) with 5-6 broad spi ral bandswith a'11,1 anzonic"-pitted sculpture. The grooves consist of3-5 minor grooves wi th spi ral riblets in between. Body whorlwith 20 spiral bands above the strong basal keel (ratio grooveto band is I : 'l or 122) , and I0 ax ia I cos tae.

Aperture ovate, peri stome ent i re and dupl i cated. 0uter I i pstrongly th ickened and crenulated, wh i ch is caused by theends of the smooth spiral bands. Soft p.rts not studied.

ETYM0L0GY.- named after Wilma VAN DER HIJDEN, who collecred

De Kreuke I 23j rg. no. 2-3, pa9.23-31 maart-apri I 1 987

The Hacaronesian species of the genus I4ANZONfA

(Gastropoda: Ri ssoidae)

part ll


(Zoo I og i ca I Museum Ams terdam)

MANZ)NIA (MANZ?NfA) WILMAE nov. s pec.figs 22-25

DEScRIPTI0N 0F H0LOTYPE.- Shell small, length 2.1 nffi, width1 .l mm. ly'h ite, semitransparant. General sculpture of strongaxial ribs and spiral cords, with deep sutures.

Protoconch about 1+ whorl, intorted. First part of proto-conch with \-5 spiral keels, the intervening areas with a

kind of small axial riblets. These spirals fade away towardsthe varix and are replaced by a pattern of irregular raisedwavy threads (lit<e chinese characters)(f ig.25).Just abovethe suture a smooth band, which also disappears towards theva r ix.

Fi rst pnw (postnuclear whorl ) wi th 5-5 broad spi ra I bandswith a 'tM anzoni ctt -p itted sculpture. The grooves cons ist of3-5 minor grooves with spiral riblets in between. Body whorlwith 20 spiral bands above the strong basal keel (ratio grooveto band is 1:1 or 1:2), and 1C axial costae.

Aperture ovate, peristome entire and duplicated. outer Iipstrongly thickened and crenulated, which. is caused by theends of the smooth spiral bands. Soft parts not studied.

ETYM0L0GY. - named after tJ i I ma vAN DER H I JDEN, who col l ected

part of the material, was a buddy diver on Madei ra, financedpart of the c-ollecting trips and assisted the f irst authorin many other ways,

TYPE SPECIMENS.- Holotype length 2.1 nffi, width l.l mm (Zmn

Moll. no. 3.87.021), 550 paratypes from the rype locality.These specimens vary in size from 1.8 - Z.\ mm (Zmn Mol I.no. 3.87.022). Some paratypes are light, translucent brownor they have 1-3 ye I I ow b rown sp i ra I bands on the bodywhor I

TYPE L0CALITY.- Canary lslands, Lanzarote,pools , 17.Vll 1.1984, leg. R.G.Moolenbeek e



Santa, in tidalvan der Hijden. /-t-

OTHER MATERIAL sruDlED.- canary lslands, TENERIFE: El puerti-to de Guimar, 11.1983, leg.A.C.s W.N. Ellis; Los ChristianosX.1984, leg. L.Dix; PIaya de las Americas, Xl 1.1975, leg. H.Huneker t lV.198l, leg. G.J.Gulden; La Caleta, Xll.1984, Ieg.J.Verstraeten; Puerto de la Cruz, V1..|985, leg. E.van derHeyden; Las Galletas, El Medano, Punta de Teno, Palm Mar,vll.l980, leg P.Bouchet 6 s.Gofas (mruHp);Adeje, tv.1983, colt.Talavera; GRAN CANARIA: Las lsletas, X.1976, leg.H.Huneker;Las canteras, 111.1985, leg. H..strack; GOMERA: valle Gran Rey1970, col l. Talavera; FUERTEVENTURA: El Coti I lo, Xl 1.1984,Ieg.J.Punselie; Puerto de Lajas, Puerto del Rosario, 1V.1985Ieg. T.Piersma; HIERRO: Las Lapillas, 1V.1985, leg.T.PiersmalLANZAROTE: PIaya Matagorda, Playa de Montana Roja, Orzola,Punta Pechiguera, Playa del Pozo, Las Crusitas, Puerto delcarmen, Arrecife, La lsleta near La santa, Playa Mujeres,vl I l.1984, Ieg. R.G.Moolenbeek a tr. van der Hi jden; ALEGRANZA: E l

Sabl i I Io, I I 1.1983, col l. Talavera.

REMARKS.- lulotzonia uilmae is in general larger than M.ouez.diepiand M. mddeirensis. But, I ike in a I I M.anzoni a spec ies , the reis a great variability in size. Main difference is the sculp-ture of the protoconch. The combination of spi ral ribs whichare replaced by wavy threads makes it easy to separate thisnew species from the above mentioned congeners.


MANZ)NIA (MANZ)NIA) TALAVERAT nov. spec.figs 26-29

DESCRIPTI0N 0F H0LOTYPE.- Shell minute, length 1.4 ffiffi, width0.75 mm (f igs 26-29). l,Jhite, semitransparant. General sculrrtureof spi ral bands and grooves, and axial cords on upper part ofthe whorls. Sutures deep. Stronq basal groove.

Protoconch dome-shaped, 1l whorls, convex, sculptured with a patternof i rregul ar, ra i sed wavy threads.

Teleoconch of 2L whorls, with axial opisthocline ribs on upper part.0n the lst pnw /-8 spiral bands with the typical'rManzonia"-pitted sculp-ture. Bands separated by 2 small spiral grooves with a riblet inbetween(f ig.28) . Body whorl with 15 bands above the strong basal groove. p.atio

bands to grooves 4:.l. On a band 9-10 elongate pitted spirals.Aperture ovate, peristome enti re and dupl icated. Suter I ip thickened

and strongly crenulated, seen from as ide sturdy curved.

Operculum, radula and soft Darts not studied.

ETYMOLOGY.- named after our ccllegue Francisco Ga;'cia Talavera (l-1useo de

ciencias Naturales,:Tenerife) who, independently from our study, recogni-zed this species as hew to science.

TYPE_sPEclMENS.- Holotype length 1.4 mm, width 0.75 mm (zmR mott. no.

3.87.023),22 paratypes from the type locality, which vary in size from1 .3-1 .8 mm (zt'tR t'tot t . no. 3.87 .02\) .

TYPE LOCALlTY.- canary lslands, Lanzarote, Playa del pozo (near punta

Papagayo) , 13.v1 t1.1984, z-5 n, leg. R.G.Hoolenbeek 6 1./.van der Hijden.

OTHER MATERIA.L STUDIED.- Canary lslands, LANZAROTE:0rzola rMontana Roja e Playa Hatagorda 6 Arrecife s Punta pechiguera

Mujeres 6 La Santa, Vlll. 1984, leg. R.G.f'loolenbeek e W. van

FUERTEVENTURA: El Coti I lo, Xl 1.1984, leg. J.Punsel ie; puerto

1986, leg. T.Piersma; ALEGRANZA: El Sabli tlo, tt I .1983, col l.

REHARKS.- Our first impression with this new species was ofcific relation to M. unifaseiata Dautzenberg. However, aftermaterial from several local ities, and based on conchologlcal

Playa de

6 Playa

der Hijden;de Lajas, lV-Talavera.

a subsoe-

study i ng more

cha racte rs


(shel I always smal ler and more bulbous than M.

is a val id species. Some specimens of M. booqiblance, however the latter is always larger and

and sculpture of the teleoconch more dense.

unifasciata|, we think itnom,nov. show some resem-

its shape is more elongate


figs 30-33, \z

l4anzon[a eostata J. Adams var. ex colore unifaseiata nov.var.Dautzenberg, 1889: 51 pl. I I l, fig l0

Manzonia costata J. Adams var. ex colore bifasciata nov.var.Dautzenbero, 1889: 51 pl. I I l, fisr. 9

Martzonia costata J. Adams var. ex colore Luteola nov.var.Dautzenberg, I 889: 52

Manzonia aurantiaca (Watson 1873): Nordsieck, 1972: 116 (part);pl. B.Vl 2

0RIGINAL DESCRIPTI0N.-'r 0rn6e drune bande marron sur le dernier tourrr.Also Dautzenberg gave a short description of what he considered ll.eostata.That speciesfrest repr6sent6 par de nombreux exemplaires de petite taille,les uns entiErement blancs, drautres p16sentant les colorations suivantesqui n'existent pas, b ma connaissance, chez les sp6cimens europfens de lamdme espEces".

TYPE SPECIMENS.- Four syntypes were in the Dautzenberg col Iection (fo-ninkl ijk Belgisch lnstituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Brussel, Belgie) ofwhich we designate the specimen with length 2.2 nn, width 1.1 mm as thelectotype of 14. unifaseiata Dautzenberg, 1889. This specimen could be thefigured specimen (Dautzenberg, 1889: fig. I 0) (ou r figure \2)

TYPE L0CAL lTY.- Azores "San Miguel'', coll. d,Aguyar.

0THER MATER IAL EXAM l+{ED. - Azores : San M igue I , X. 1973 ,

col l. Faber t col l. Van Aartsen; Sta Maria , X.1979,col I. Talavera.

REMARKS.- A survey of the marine molluscs of the

Azores is being prepared by Drs M. Lavaleye (pers.f i s.\2(after Dautzenbergr)


comm.). For this reason, we did not study the Mqnzonia complex fromthe Azores in detail. The specimens named by Dautzenberg (,l889) belongto our opinion to one species, highly variable in colour pattern.

MANZ2NIA (lrtnryZOUtl) AOOCT nom.nov.

figs 3\-3G, 43-\\

Rissoa striata, Adams; var. Lirata t/atson, 1873: 368-3(>9, pl.XXxIV fig 3 (not 4)

(non Blssoa Lirata Carpenter, 185G 358)Motzonia cunuttiaea (I./atson 1873) form a (Lirata Watson 1Bl3)

Nordsieck t Talvera, 1979: 6l

0RIGINAL DESCRIPTI0N.- "ls this Madeira species real ly the fi. str.[ataof Adams? There is much to justify its elevation into a distinct species.It can be unfailingly distinguished by the strong basal threads. The

difference between them, however, I have sought to mark by calling thisvar. Lirata. There is a f urther variety existing equal ly among l.ladeiranand British forms of this species, which might be indicated by the var.cal led eudida by Brovln; only this var. is not ,,devoid of the longitudi-nal ribs" as eandida is. lt is more cylindrical, narroryver, with whorlsmore fully rounded, and with a broader second whorl, and with a more sphe-rical tip; compared with this the typical form is more conical, with an

outl ine Iess interrupted by the sutures, somewhat shorter in proportjonto breadth, and narrouring upwards more equally to a small rounded butdepressed apex. As in almost all species, a larger and a smaller formare also found".


(f igs 43-44), length 2.\ mn, width 1.2rmr; semitransparant, wh ite. Sculptureof spiral bands, separated by grooves.

These grooves consist of 2-\ of 2-4microscopic spi ral riblets, separated

by equal ly smal I grooves. Axial sculp-ture only present just below the suturesor completely absent. Strong basal spi-ral groove.

f is. 44fig. 4l


Protoconch a I ittle more than 1 convex whor'l , dome-shaped, with a micro-sculpture of dense irregular, roughly spiral ly oriented, raised threads orlirae. First pnw without axial ribs. These appear on the 2nd pnw.

Body whorl rvith about 16 "Hanzoniarr-pitted spiral bands (fiq. 36)abovebasal groove. Ratio band to groove 1:2.

Aperture entire, subcircular with a duplicated peristome. 0uter lipthickened and crenulated.

Anatomy not studied.

ETYMOLOGY.- named after the Reverend R.Boog Watson (1823-1910), who collec-ted molluscs on Madeira for many years.

TYPE sPEcll.tENS.- watson (t8Zl) did not designate a holotype of Rissoastriata var. Lirata and distributed part of his material to other malaco-logists (Norman, Moniz, Jeffreys etc.). Syntypes and possible syntypes arepresent in BHNH, NMW (Wates), HUJ (Jerusalem) and IRScN (Brussels). The

greater part of his own Madeira collection went to the BHNH (London)(Dance,

1985). t/e herewith designate a specimen of the type series, with measurements

2.\ nn, width 1.2 nnt f rom Hadeira, as the lectotvpe (al.tuH no. 1875.5.27.6)of Rissoa Lirata l,latson , 1873. From the same sample 3 paralectotypes. Possi-ble paralectotypes : ! spec. ltladeira, col I. Norman; 3 spec. Hadeira, coll.Itlonizi 3 spec. Madeira, col I. Toml in t Becker (al I spec. ex watson, BHNH):

4 spec. Madei ra, col l. Becker (Natal Huseum) ; 4 spec. l.radeira, coll.Blok(HUJ).

TYPE LOCALITY.- 0riginally, ly'atson mentioned several local ities on Madeira,Porto Santo, Selvagens and Tenerife. The latter according Jeffreys. We here-with restrict the type Iocal ity to the island rrl,ladeira',.

OTHER I{ATERIAL STUDIED.- HADEIRA: Reis Hagos 6 Ribeira Brava E Bay of Fun-

chal, vll.l983, leg. R.G.Hoolenbeek e l./. van der Hyden; poRTO sANTo, sta.15, v I I 1.1983, leg.R.G.Moolenbeek e t{. van der Hyden; z kn east of harbour,lX. 1985, leg. J.Verstraeten.

REI'IARKS .- Mouonia boogi nov. spec. is d if ferent f ron M- wifaseiata in i tsuniform white colour and the absence or weakly developed axial costae. M.

mqtzoniota (nolan, 1987) has the same shape of teleoconch but a completelydifferent protoconch (with spiral cords).



fiss 37-39tlanzonia atrantiaea (watson 1873): flords ieck t Ta r avera, 1979; 66-61

(part) , pl. Xl I I fig. 30

DEScRIPTI0N 0F HOLOTYPE.- she'l I small, slender, Iength 1.1 rnrn, width 1.5mm (figs 37-39); !] whorls, semitransparant with yellowish brown colour.Outer lip white. General sculpture of spiral bands and grooves, which arecrossed by opisthocl ine axial ribs. Sutures deep. Strong basal groove.

Protoconch dome-shaped, about l] convex whorls, intorted. Microsculptureon apex consists of irregular spirals, gradually growing to a roughlyoriented sculpture of raised threads or I i rae (fiS. 39) .

Teleoconch of nearly 4i convex whorls, sculptured by spiral bands andgrooves, crossed by axial ribs. At the Ist pnw the axial ribs are not welldeveloped. Eodywhorl with 21 bands (and grooves) above the strong basalgroove. At higher magnification a groove consists of 3-4 minor groovesseparated by riblets of egual width. Ratio band to groove about l:.1 .

APerture subc i rcu I ar; per i stome ent i re and dupl i cated;,wi th fi ne crenul a-tion on outer I ip. 0perculum horny, thin, brown and subci rcular.

Anatomy not studied.

ETYMOL0GY.- named after Lanzarotti Malocello, who landed in the'l4th centuryon the Canary lslands and whose name was given to the island of Lanzarote,type local ity of this new subspecies.

TYPE SPEC lf,tENS.- Holotype Iength 3.1 mm, width I.5 mm (Zlr1A

From the type local ity 350 paratypes (Zt'tR Nott. 3.87.026) .

are extremely variable in size. Ful Igrown specimens rangelength, and the colour varies from white to mostly yellowiconch and outer I ip in general I ighter in colour.

l'1oll. 3.87.025).These Paratypes

from 1.8-1. I mm in

sh-brorvn. Proto-

TYPE L0CALlTY.- Canary lslands, LANZAR0TE, La Santa, in tidal pools , 17.vlll.1984, leg.R.G.Hoolenbeek e t/. van der Hijden.

OTHER HATERIAL STUDIED.- Canary lslands, LANZAROTE: Arrecife e Playa del pozo

t Punta Pechiguera 6 PIaya Mujeres 6 0rzola , Vlll.l984, leg.R.G.ploolenbeek e

lrJ. van der Hijden; FUERTEVENTURA: EI coti I lo, 3r.xr 1.t984, leg.J.punsel ie;


Puerto de Lajas t Puerto del Rosario, 12. 1V.1986. leg.T.Piersma;GRACI0SA, I I 1.1983, col l. Talavera; TENERIFE: Playa de las Americas, .l8.

1V.1981 , leg. G.J.Gulden; Las Galleras, Vll.'1980, leg. p.Bouchet ES.Gofas(mruHru); GRAN CANARIA: Las Canteras, 21. I I 1.1985, leg. H.Strack.

REMARKS .- Mmtzont-a boogi Lanzarottii di f f ers f rom the nominate in havingstronger axial ribs. ln some specimens of this new subspecies, the axialribs are not so well developed, but the tapering shell makes identificationalways possible. We have strong indications that the specimens from Teneri-fe and Gran Canaria differ in minor conchological characters from M.boogiLanzatottit-. \,/hether this can be regarded of subspecif ic rank is stillunder study.


f i gs 40-41

tujqnzorLia Lineta (I.Jatson 1875): Nords ieck e Talavera, lglg (part) :

67, pl. Xlll fig. 31

Onoba moruoniqna Rolan, 1987: 3-\, pl. 3 f igs 9-12

0RIGINAL DESCRIPTI0N.-rr Concha alargada, blanquecina, algo transparente y

algo s6l ida. Vueltas de espira poco c;urvadas, sutura evidente pero no pro-funda. algo m5s inclinada en la 6ltima vuelta. La superficie de la conchaestS cubie*a por estrias espirales, evidentes con algun aumento, en nrjme-

ro de 23 a 26 contadas en Ia rlltima vuelta por encima de- Ia boca, que se

continuan con otras cerca de la base que se elevan por parejas tomandoasPecto manzonioide, y d.ejando entre ambas elevaciones un surco poco pro-fundo. La boca es casi semicircular, con el borde libre sencillo y liso,y no muy gruesor QUe se aleja en su zona media de la parte central adoptan-do casi la forma del final de una cuchara. La protoconcha tiene una vueltade espi ra presentando surcos espi rales poco marcados,r.

ETYMOL0GY.- The strong basal groove reminded the-original author to thegenus Manzonia.

TYPE SPEC IMENS.- Holotype length 2.26 nn, width 1.13 mm (iluseo de CienciasNatura I es de ltladr i d , Spa in) t 29 paratypes .


TYPE LOCALITY.- 'rPunta del Hidalgo en el norte de Tenerife. (tslas Canarias)',.

I"IATERIAL EXAMINED.- Canary lslands, TENERIFE: Playa de las Americas, l8.lV.1981, leg. G.J.Gulden; Puerto de la cruz, vr.r986, reg. E. van dei Heyden;GRAN CANARIA: Las Canteras,21.lll.l985, leg. H.Srrack; HIERRO: Las LapillasTocoron, 1v.1985, Ieg. T.Piersma; FUERTEVENTUM: puerto de Lajas, lv.l9g5,leg. T.Piersma; El cotil Io, Xll. t984, leg. J.punsel ie; LANZARoTE: playa Hu-jeres s Playa f{atagorda & Arrecife E Playa de Montana Roja a Playa del pozo

6 Bay S. of Las Crucitas 6 0rzola, Vlll 1984, leg. R. G. Hoolenbeek g lll. vander Hijden.

REIIARKS.- This species was recently described by Rolan (tggZ) in the genushwba. Based on conchological characters (strong basal groove and therfl'lanzoniar'-pitted sculpture) , we place it in the genug Mmzonia.M. nwtzoniuta is nearly identical in shel I characters with M. boogi f ronIt'ladei ra. Horever, both spec ies have a complete di f ferent sculpture on thei rprotoconchs. Also M.mqtzoniana never has axial sculpture on the whorls.
