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The relationship between client emotional expression, therapist interventions, and the working...

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ノィッ″″ ,`ノ4/ノ え、 (力 `,′ 力て '′ `′ 'ソ ノ″′ `メ `′ ′′ `,″ , 7`,た ノθ ,Ⅳ `′ 、イ ,2θ θ r/ The Relationship Between Client Emotional Expressions,Therapist lnterventions,and the Working Alliance:An Exploration of Eight Emotional Expresslon EventsI Shigeru lwakabe,ユ Kieron Rogan,2 and Anastassios Stalikas2 T/1ι r`/r`′ ′ο rls/7″ ワわ′ r″ ピピ′ ′′で 77了ピ″ 7イ rr,4α /2xpr`∫ sど ο 27″ rノ ,`r`′ ρ r′ 77′ `″ υ `″ rわ rl∫ ″α s srι `′ ′′〃′′ 7 ′″θ ltθ ″たノ′ g`′ 〃′″′ Icどι O/7〃 r′θ′ ts /t′ : ピυピ J2お 1ル ,Cι `Sピ r77`r力 0〃 θゎ gy w`′ ∫″∫ピ″rr,ど χαη 7′ 1ピ α′θ′ `rノ 8ビ υど″なノ′たピ″ ο 772′ υ′″ Jビ r/1`r`〃 ヮピ :fr′ `ο ′′ど 77了 ′ル ,77s R`∫ ι `ノ ぉ′′〃′ c″ ′ピ〃r/2″ ,ル ι rノ :ビ ρ ′ど、ゞピ′lC`(プ gο ο〃 c′ ′ピ 4r― r/7ビ ``′ )な rr`′ `′ r′ο′ ls力 ",′ `″ ρ Sな.ゞ'″`〃 カピ′′ピυど /5・ 9/ピ 777ρ r/1y α′ 1`′ 亀θ υ Cr′ υι /1ゎ c“ `〃 θ′ `′ 1′71ど ζ′ノ″ rピ /1jど χ ,r“ S``′ Ji2c2/′ gsi′ 1′ :`r/2,″ :`ど rcノ た″ rs ″ピ″ピ″ g″ g`〃 7ピ ギρ 07 rrr′ ,′2ィ `′ ′′ 1部 ./11ρ )で 'rrピ ル′ `′ θ′ 2sた 1/9″ ″漁 ,C″ α 7な ψ SS`〃 1ピ g′ r′υθ ピ′′′ ´ ′て ,″ ′″ `′ rカr力 `″ ψ rs.f77rピ ピ″ι ″∫″α 〃α∫ ィル C― r′υ `by`″ れた′′ rJgご S″ `r`f/1α ttcr`r々 ピ″わ cc“ r`r力 `rψ 4ご `バ ,1〃 4g 9/6′ lな r770r′ ο′ 1′3xpr`∫ sJθ rls α′ 1`′″ο rた ,77g ltjノ r/1 srr′ lls′ 72r/1`r力 `r`7ノ 9`ι ィ′た rarrtr′ 4sヵ 777Cttε ′′υ `′ rarυ `れ r′ ο″ s″ `r`′ ssο ε′α″ど″ノ r力 ′εει″′ α ss“ s_ /11`η 9′ ε″ `′ 7710r′ ο″′′ sr′ .′ 4r`4s′ υ `′ ″′ rl・ sぉ (2Jβ rノ 26ピ `SS′ 04S′ ピ〃′θ ′力 r``″ r′776′ /P70〃 `/S(′ /′ 4-S`∫ JO′ 2`r770r′ 0″ ′′ gxPrピ ss′ OJ2`υ θ 77な 7/1ピ θ r`rFcα α 4″ ″ε′ J6`:′ 771ρ ′たα riο S(2/′ `S`廟 ο〃 `お :〃 わι〃おει `ss`″ KEY VVORI)S:cmotiOnsi psychothcraPyt thCrapcutic rclationshipi thcrapist intcrvcn I押 11椰 lh鷺 I峰 J帽 ITIお hiII 鶴蝋卜揮韓部 i激 撤憫脚

ノィッ″″,`ノ イ4/ノえ、ッ(力`,′






, 7`,た ノθ,Ⅳ`′


The Relationship Between Client Emotional

Expressions,Therapist lnterventions,and the

Working Alliance:An Exploration of EightEmotional Expresslon EventsI

Shigeru lwakabe,ユ `Kieron Rogan,2 and Anastassios Stalikas2

T/1ι r`/r`′′οrls/7″ワわ′r″ピピ′:ε′′で77了 ピ″7イガrr,4α/2xpr`∫ sどο27″′lζ′rノ,`r`′ρなr′ 77′



―rわ rl∫ ″αs srι′


′′〃′′7 ′″θ ltθ″たノ′g`′〃′″′Icど ιO/7〃′r′θ′ts /t′ : ピυピJ2お 1ル,Cι


〃r77`r力 0〃θゎgy w`′∫″∫ピ″rr,どχαη7′′1ピ α′θ′

`rノげ 8ビυど″なノ′たピ″ルο772′ υ′″Jビッ

イプ r/1`r`〃ヮピ:fr′


“′ル,77s R`∫ ι


ぉ′′〃′c″′ピ〃r/2″ ′,ルιrノ:ビ ρ′ど、ゞピ′lC`(プ ′gοο〃c′′ピ4r― r/7ビ″


)な rr`′`′




ρ′Sな .ゞル'″ `〃

力むカピ′′ピυど/5・ 9/ピ 777ρ′r/1y α′1`′亀θυCr′υι/1ゎ c“∫



力ぐわ1′ 71どζ′ノ″rピ /1jどχ′,r“ S``′ Ji2c2/′″gsi′′1′:`r/2,″ :`ど rcノた″rs

″ピ″ピ″g″g`〃 ル7ピギρ′07 rrr′ て,′2ィ ル̀′



θ′2sた 1/9″ン″漁,C″α7な

どψだSS`〃 ′1ピg′ r′υθルピ′′′́ ′て,″′″`′


`″ψおrs.f77rピ rυピ″ιFθ″∫″αrι〃α∫ィルC―






rα,1〃′4g9/6′た「lな 'ιr770r′ ο′1′′3xpr`∫ sJθ rls α′1`′ ″οrた ,77g ltjノ r/1 srr′ノlls′ 72r/1`r力


9`ιィ′たrarrtr′。4sヵ″ 777Cttε′′υ



`r`′ssοε′α″ど″ノr力 ′

“′εει″′rι αss“ s_

/11`ηな9′ ε″`′

な'θ7710r′ ο″′′sr′rω.′4r`4s′ υ`′

″′rl・ sぉ (2Jβ rノ26ピ ∫`SS′

04S′ピ〃′θ′力r``″おr′ 776′ /P70〃

`/S(′/′ 4-S`∫∫JO′2`r770r′0″′′gxPrピ ss′OJ2`υθ77な 7/1ピθr`rFcα ′

α4″ ′″ε′J6`:′ ノ771ρ′たαriο″S(2/′力`S`廟


″:〃 わι〃おει`ss`″

KEY VVORI)S:cmotiOnsi psychothcraPyt thCrapcutic rclationshipi thcrapist intcrvcntions



騨 鶴蝋卜揮韓部 i激椰撤憫 脚

Iwakabe,Rogan,and Stalikas


Ernotion and elllotional expressions arc crucial factors in human psy―

chological wcl卜bcing and devclopmcnt(Frijda,1988:Penncbakcr,1990):indecd,an m● 。r thCOries of psychothcrapy acknowledge thc close relation‐ship bet、 vccn client emotional expressions and the proccsses of thcrapeuti9

change.In psychoanalysis,thc root of hysterical symptoms、 vas considercd

to bc strong emotion that has bcen strangulatcd(Breuer&Freud,1895)

and abreaction、 /as thc process by、vhich the patient was thoughtto achicve

a dircct cxprcssion of thcsc affects,resulting in a curc,or catharsis.Reich

(1949)cmphasized the role of abrcaction and the sustained cxpression ofcinotion throughout therapy as an important curative factor:he suggested

that the analysis of clients'defenses、 vas inost cffcctive、 vhen clients、vere

enlotionaHy aroused.

This cathartic nlodel of emotion is not lirnited to psychoanalysis,but

appears also in other approaches,such as prirnal screanl and bioenergctics

(Kos11liCki&Glickauf― Hugllcs,1997).Clients'cnlotional arousal is also

givcn central inlportance in experiential therapy,、 vhcrc cvoki1lg a clicnt's

cnlotional exprcssion is thought to bc csscntial to therapeutic、 vork and

also is seen to bc the nrst step in resol宙 ng clicnts'problems(Gcndlin,1996:Greenbcrg,Ricc,&Elllott,1993:Mahrcr,1986,1989)Affcctivcexploration― ―a ccntral thcrapeutic task in、 vhich clients attempt to discover

thc pcrsonai nlcaning of cvcnts and problematic cxpcricnccs― ―rcquircs

clicnts to havc inlmediate feclings in the session, rathcr than to silllply

recount Fcelings experienccd in the past ln the constructivist cognitive

thcrapies as、veH,change in cognitivc schcmata is conccptualizcd as rcquir―

ing a clicnt's affcctivc involvement in thcrapeutic tasks:、 vithout such en―

gagcnlent,any rcsulting changes lllay fail to produce long― term effects on

thc clicnt(Guidano,1991,1995:Mahoncy,1991).Some rcscarch has indicatcd that ilighcr lcvcis of client cmotional

eXPrCSS10n in therapy are rclated to better posttherapy outcomes

(Grccnbcrg&Safran,1987;Rosner,1996:Wiser&GoldfHcd,1993).Fur―thernlore,psychothcrapists of varying oricntations have nonlinatcd clicnts'

enlotional cxprcssion as one of the change mechanisms active across aH

schools of therapy,a colllmon factor crucial to psychothcrapcutic change

(Frank&Frank,1 991l Garflcld,1989).Foa and Kozak(1986),for CXamplc,havc cited emotional involvemcnt as a conlmon factor across different

thcrapics Noncthclcss,although clinicians frolll various theorctical schools

agree on the innportance or client emotional expression,itis not yet undcr―

stood undcr、 vhat conditions clients'affective cxpressions have the most

thcrapeutic potency. In othcr、 vords, it renlains unclear、 vhcther grcatcr

cnlotional involvcmcnt or cxprcssion isィ !′ It,rrys bcncFlcial,or、 vhcthcr there

Client Einotions,Therapisl lntervelltions,alld the Alliance

cxist Optiinal conditions in、 vhich clicnt emotiOnality lnay have diffcrcntial

valuc in therapy.

The Working Alllance,Therapist lnterventiOns,and Client

EmOtiOnaI PrOcesses

1、'akabe,Rogan,and Sta:ikas

thc sallle as thcir exprcssion of affect in a、 varm,safc,and appropriatetherapcutic environment、 vill bc; furthermore, it M/in not have the same

tllerapeutic cffects(Greenbcrg&Safran,1987,p.191).

Watson and Greenberg(1994)report Cases in which failure to establish

a good 、vorking aniance interfered 、vith clients' performance on certain

thcrapcutic tasks in process― expcrientialthcrapy.Springing from an intcgra―

tion of clicnt―centercd and gcstalt therapics,thcsc tasks include focusing

ort、 vo― chair cxcrciscsthat cvoke and facHitatc the exploration ofimmediate

cinotional experienccs. In the cascs studied by Vヽatson and Grccnberg,clicnts、vere unablc lo conccntrate on thc task at handisome、 verc distracted

by aspccts Of the relationship,and some felt anxious about being``a good

clicnt.・ 'Onc client,reporting hcr expericnce to the authors in thc intcrvicw

aftcr thc scssiOn,stated,“ l anl fecling a littic bit confused and a littlc lost

becausc l am not sure ho、 v to do it propcrly l'rn trying to flgurc out、 vhat

she wants me to do Or what shc wants mc to say...''(p.161).ThC aim

of the exercises is tO help clients to intensify,to more fu‖ y expericncc,andto synlbolize more adequatcly the n。 、v oftheir cmotionsithat goal、 vill not

be achievcd if a client's attention is divcrted to extcrnal cucs、 irrclcvant t()

thc task in、vhich they are engaged Conscquently,the authors point out,

clicnts、vho are covcrtly or ovcrtly prcoccupied、 vith the quality of their

thcrapeutic relationship may experiencc frustration and illlpatience, and

inay not bcnerit optimaHy from a val・ icty of therapcutic intcrventions.

Thcrapists、 vith a psychodynantic orientation hold that the curative

po、ver of affectivc intervcntions such as transfercncc interpretations is

contingent upon thc quality of the tllerapcutic relationship(ButiCr&

Strupp,1991:Horvath&Luborsky,1993).WithOut the cstablishment of a

sufnciently positivc、 vOrking aHiance bct、 vcen therapist and clicnt,therapeu―

tic progrcss nlay bc dclaycd duc to unnecessary ncgativc rcsistancc.Franz

AIcxander describcs thc priinary mcchanism of psychoanalytic curc as a`・ corrcctive cmOtional cxperience,''in、 vhich favorable cmotional cOnditions

in thc therapy setting a‖ o、v thc patient tO cOpc、 vith and work throughsituations that he or shc could not handlc in thc past.Thus,hc lnaintains,・̀ Thc principal curativc po、 vers of this trcatmcnt . . lic in the fact that

lthe paticnti can eXpress his aggress市 cness tOward thc thcrapist without

being punished,and can asscrt hilllself without bcing ccnsured"(Alexan―

dcr&French,1946,p.22).“ Other thcrapeutic factors― such as intcllcctual

insight,abrcaction,rccoHcction of thc past,ctc.一 一are a‖ subordinatcd tothis ccntral thcrapcutic principle. . . .In the paticnt― physician rclationship,

the therapist has an unique opportunity tO providc the patient、 vith precisely

that typc of corrcctive expcriencc、 vhich he nccds for recovery''(p.338)It

、vould thereforc appear that a‖ psychoanalytic、vork,not silllply affectively

Clienl Emol:ons,Therapist interventions,and the Alliance 379

focused intervention,is rnost effective in the cOntcxt ofa sPccial relationship

or、vorking aHiance

Sirnilarly, in cognitivc therapy, thc clicnt's affcctivc invOlvcmcnt in

tasks such as cognitivc restructuring is hampcred、 vhen thc thcrapist― clientrelationship is nOt well establishcd(Raue&Goldfried,1994).Thcir atten―

tion shifts fronl thc task tO the therapisti as a result,clients fecl frustrated

and angry at the therapist, not knowing、vhcre the scssiOn is going,■ Or、vhetherthe thcrapist understands thcir nceds or even、 vhcther thcir currentactivity is in any way rclevant tO thc ends they、 vish tO achieve in thcrapy

(Safran&scgal,199()).In such cascs、 a sessiOn Of cOgnitivc thcrapy mayturn intO a dcbatc rather than a trcatment.Aaron Bcck(1970)has Called

the therapeutic a‖ iance in cognitivc thcrapy`'a cOHaborativc cmpiricisnl、 ''

and he emphasizcd its grcatimpOrtancc tO thcrapeutic cFfectivcncss.Bchav_

loral rescarchers、 toO,have discOvcred that rclationship variablcs cOntribute

signincantly tO outcOmc in thcir therapeutic wOrk(c.g.、 Agras,Lcitcn―berg,&Bar10w,1968).

Therc arc variOus cOnceptualizatiOns Ofthe rolc Of emOtiOnsin pcrson―

ality fllnctiOning as、 vcH as in psychOpatho10gy, but most sccnl to agrcethat productivc、vOrk、vith emOtiOns inv01vcs thc establishmcnt Of a safe

and supportive thcrapcutic rclationship.The relcvance of thcse factors tO

psychOtherapy intcgratiOn is also supported by the fact that bOth chcnt

cmotions and thc thcrapcutic rclationship have bccn identincd as critical

factOrs across psychOthcrapy systems(Orlinsky&Howard,1986:ヽValbOrn,1996).Indeed,therapeutic wOrk with cmOtiOnal cxpressiOns is discusscd

alrnost cxclusively under certain optimal relatiOnship conditiOns.In spitc Of

thc thcOretical and clinical emphasis placcd On the importance of relatiOnal

conditiOns tO client emotiOnal proccsses across thcOretica1 0rientatiOns,no

prcviOus research has cxa1llincd the interaction bet、veen thcse t、vO variables.If clicnts exprcss their emotiOns and a gOod rclationship is prcscnt in

the prOcess of psychOtherapy,differcnt therapies may foHo、v a silllilar path

in、vhich thcrapist― clicnt intcractions shO、 v a particular pattern indicativeof prOductive prOccss,regardlcss Of theOrctica1 0rientatiOn ()n the Othcr

hand,if thc thcrapeutic relationship is p00r,a client may not be ablc tO

exprcss his Or hcr fceling around problcmatic situatiOnsi this situatiOn,

臨‖:さi∴:1よ梶1濯in麗:胤髄‖ぷ富:ギ L[::忍著岬rtti盟 :and thcrapcutic relationship may prOvide a point Of convcrgencc sinlilar

to、vhat(3oldfried has ca‖ cd the clinical stratcgic lcvc1 0fintcgration,、 vherc

出認:Lξttλ∬響嘲亀1:簡ム「首rttit選驚富甚棚1躍p 994).

380 1wakabe,Rogan,and Stailkas


Thc purposc of thc present study 、vas to cxanlinc thc rclationshipbct、vecn clicnts'cmotional exprcssions,therapists'interventions,and the

、vorking aHiancc in a specinc sample T、 vO scts of research questions、 vereexplorcd in this study The nrst sct of questiOns focuscs on the clicnt and

their emotional cxpressions:(a)Do clicnts exprcss feclings morc intcnsely

whcn thc levc1 0f working allianccお high?(b)What typcs of cmotions arecxpressed whcn thc lcvel of the working alliancc is high(or 10W)?The

focus in this nrst set of research questions is on thc nature and intensity

of emOtiOnal expressiOns in t、 vO、vOrking aniance conditions.

The secOnd sct Of qucstions investigatcs therapist responses to,and

clicnt bchaviors around,cmotional expression:(a)IS the target(or direc_

tiOn)Of Clicnts' emotional cxprcssion different in thc high vs. thc lo、 v

working alliancc group?(b)Do the thcrapist intcrventions that fo1low

clicnts'cmotional exprcssions differ bctween thc two aHiancc groups?(c)

Is thc therapist_clicnt interaction fo‖ o、ving a client` s cmotional cxpresslondifferent,depending upOn the relationship contextin、 vhich thc cxpressionoccurred?This set Of rcscarch qucstions、 vill invcstigatc、 vhethcr clicnt―

therapist interactions,as、 vcH as thcrapist intervcntions in the twO cOndi―

tions、 are distinguishable from cach other.ヽ Vhat、ve、vant to achieve is an

abstraction Of charactcristic patterns of intcractions bct、 vcen thcrapist andclient across high and low、 vOrking aHiance conditions,in ordcr to obtain

not only differences in thc score of one dimension(i.e.,mean differencc

in intensity and type of emOtions),but also a more global picture of the

therapcutic proccss(i.e、 diffcrences in thc unfolding pattcrn of thcrapyunder various alliance cOnditions).The CCntral question is whether the

therapcutic process unfolds differcntly in high vs. low v/orking aHiancc

conditions.ヽ Ve aimed tO cOnstruct a nlicrOproccss lnOdel of cffective inter―

ventions by delineating distinct patterns Of thcrapist一 client intcractiOn cen―

tered around client emotional expressions associatcd with each lcvel of the

、vorking aHiancc.Thc in― session events、 ve investigatc in this papcr are of

clinical signincance,and are often evaluated and navigated intuitively by

clinicians.Thc development of a process model ofthese events,by transiat―

ing intuitive maps intO mOre explicit stcps、 、vi1l offer the possibHity ofmore cmpirical study,and thus a rnOre solid understanding of these events



In orderto ans、 verthc t、vo sets of qucstions above,thc prcscnt invcsti―

gation employcd two distillct rcscarch strategics.For thc nrst set ofresearch

C:ient EItlotions,TheraPist lntervcntions,and the AIliance 381


Iwakabe,Rogan,and Stalikas

found to have thc lowcst WAI wcrc asfoHowsiallliddle scssion of Abraham

Le宙tsky with Ms L.,a woman in hcr thirtics(American Academy ofPsychotherapists Tapc Library,52 statcmcnts):a scCOnd session of Sidncy

Jourard with a middlc― agcd man(Amcrican Academy of PsychotherapistsTapc Library,60 statcnlents):PCris and Gloria,an initial session with a

woman in her tllirtics(ShOStrom,123 statements)i and Ellis and Sally,

an initial scssion with a woman in hcr thirtics(Albcrt Ellis lnstitutc,53

statements).Vcrbatim transcripts of these sessions werc obtained and

chcckcd against the audio tapes. Sincc our goal 、vas to make intensive

descriptions of rarc、 in― session evcnts that have not previously been studied,

our sample sizc、vas smaH.ヽ Vc also、vanted to test group differences using

statistical tests in ordcr to makc comparisons.The usc of a sman samplC

had scveral important ranlincatiOns that、 vill bc discussed later in relation

to our nndings.



Thc WAI(HorVath&Greenbcrg,1986)is a panthcorcticalinstrumcnt,

comp● scd of 36 Likert― type itcms(7 points),renecting three dinlcnslons

of the therapcutic relationship.Thcsc arc(a)“ Task,` 'renccting agrcemcnt

or coHaboration as to therapeutic activitiesi(b) “Goal,'' renecting

agrcclllcnt as to the aims of tllerapyl and(c).`BOnd,''rcllecting the positive

affcctive attachmcnt bct、 vccn C:ient and thcrapist.TllcヽVAl yiclds both a

total lcvcl of trtHiancc scorc,and individualleveis of each ofthe abovc threc


herc arc paraHci client,therapisti and observer forms of this

inventory.While the present invcstigation uscd the obscrvcr― rated vcrsion

()fthcヽVAl,moststudiesexanliningthepsychomctricproperticsoftheWAlhavc focused on the clicnt` s and thcrapist's self― rcport vcrsions(HorVath&

Greenberg,1986,1989)In a Study by Tichcnor and Hill(1989),an ObSCrver

version ofthcヽ VAIsho、ved adequatc rcliability,、vith a Cronbach α ranging

bct、veen 84 and .98, as、 veH as convcrgent validity 、vith othcr obscrvcr

incasures of thc thcrapeutic aHiancc,such as the California Psychothcrapy

Alliancc Scalc

7カ g Sr′で′lgr/79′ ″ピιノル7g Sc′ ノぞrSFS'

Thc SFS,prcviously kno、 vn as thc Strcngth of Clicnt Fccling Scalc―

Re宙 scd(IwakabC,Stalikas,&Rogan,1995),was an adaptation of an carlicr

CIient Em(,1:ons,Therapis:Interventions,and thc Alliance

、calc developcd by Mahrer's research group(ル Iahrer, Stalikas, BOis_soneault,Trainor,&Pil10ud,199())The SFS rcquires observcrs tO listcn tO



1樫駅1:y鳥瀕ⅣR:::1品it膿ぜ鷺きElilLllli∬;li麟 ir鮮歴樋11la鼠』∵a,1:1冒

ibllぶ::記Fオ撫lll:i乱:譲よ:∬漁翼Tttti:糧 f:翼f鮮feeling At Lcvc1 4,clients cxprcss a mOderatc intcnsity of fceling whOse

type is alsO disccrniblc At Levc1 5 fecling is consPicuous 、vith variOus

織 T笥 ls‖:[胤gttRF鵠

よ ;::Lβ lよ躍 [よ :L『常 島:鷲::讐fccling、vords that M/cre sclcctcd from a p00!Of fccling、vords on the basisthat thcy、vcrc nlost frcqucntly cxpressed Feclings The typc of emotiOn is

rcgistered when intcnsity reachcs Lcvc1 4(1.e.When client cmotion is

unambigu?uSIy present).The list includes 20 fecling words:acceptancc,

器I∬Yふ、冒ほ1:lpttξ ttt螺;:冦l邸iよ、投竜I善im:1shame,and sLlrprisc.The scalc rcports acceptable lcvels Of intcrrater relia―


ドrノィ,′ ]′ 2`′ ′′‐`ル

,7・ だ′,7イツ/ノィ,′ :″′′i1/7′θ∫∫′`,′





Thc QEEE was dcvc10pcd spccifically forthis study,in Ordcrto invcsti

朧τ驚思吼:,311Ttttヽ 11:∬:lll『需じ冨どTと l壕I?i訛計judges tO describc aspccts of thcrapist rcsponscs tO thc clicnt's cmotional

cxprcssiOn,(e.g"lcVc1 0fempathy shown,immcdiacy ofthcrapist rcsponsc

384 1Wakabe,Rogan,and Stalikas

to client's exprcssions,and quality of therapist interventions).The last of

thcse 8 ques衝 ons asks iudges to rate how much the client elaborated his

or her emotional exprcssion.These 8 items are aH rated on a 7-point Likert―

type scalc.The last 2 items are open― ended qucstions in、vhich respondents

are asked to give a short,、 vritten description ofヽ Vhatthey bclicve happcned

in tllc segments thcy heard.Thc nrst lo items ofthe QEEE wcrc dcrivcd

fronl a group discussion,wherein 15 clinicaHy expcricnced members of the

rcscarch team listcd aspects of the client― therapist interaction that are

clinically important. ⅣIembers exanlined theoretical literature asヽ VCH as

clinical casc studics in ordcr to illunlinatc relevant diinensions of therapist

intcrventions and client bchaviour.




retttulTr肌瀧i!'メ撃よ]:鑢∬罵:=乳llittETll』籠(,1=5),cognitiVe(′ 2=3),and eXpCriential(77=2).



s`た criθ 77 θ∫S6SjθれS′′7ご Eυ`れな

Raters frorn thc McGill Psychothcrapy Proccss Rescarch Tearn had

previously rated an scssiOns fronl an original data pool of 25 psychothcrapy

憲 Tr:S臨 盤 ‖ 鷺 ∫為 瑞 :為蹴 :ぜ稲 も簡)II蹴

:織 [ξ嘗

each others'ratings or ofthe hypothcseS ofthe prescnt study.Thc intcrrater

Client EmOtiOns,Therapist interventions,and the Alliance

reliability measurcd by the Ebers intraclass corrclation、 vas bct、vecn .88

and.92 Thc mean Total WAI score oftlle 25 sessions was 172.05(SD=

36.82)For the prcscnt study,the four sessions included in the 10w_WAI

group have Total― VヽAI scorcs one standard deviation lo、ver than the nlean

(WAI Total<135.23).ThrCC Ofthe 4 sessions in the high― WAI group hada Total― WAI scorc one standard dc宙 ation above thc mcan(WAI Total>208.87)i thc fOurth highest session had a Total― WAI scorc of 195.This is

not a fu‖ standard deviation abOve thc mean,but 、ve included this as afourth sessiOn since it had the next highest WAI score,and its score、 vas

nonctheless inore than half a standard deviation above the mcan.


′7cc θ′1〃 R′′′″わノノ′r10F Cο`′


′ヽerbatim transcripts、 vere obtaincd ofthc 4 scssions、 /ith thc highest,

and the 4 sessions、 vith the lo、vcst 、vorking aHiance scorest an thcrapiSt

and clicnt statements、 vere nunlbercd consccutivcly.A counsclor or clicnt

statemcnt 、vas dcfined as an the 、vords spoken by one party, precedcdand fo1lowcd by words spokcn by thc othcr party Eacll ludgc listcned

indcpcndcntly to thc cight audio― tapc scssions using thc vcrbatim transcript、

and ratcd every statcment using the SFS.Ratcrs、 oncc lnore,、 vere unawareofthc hypothcscs and focus ofthc prcscnt study.Thc raters lllet to concur

on thcir ratingsi a critcrion of 8()%agrccment amongst the iudges(fOur

out of nve)was requircd to accept a rating for thc SFS Ifthrcc or fcwer

iudgCS agrccd,all ive judgcs discussed thc difた renccs and resolvcd discrep―

ancics tO thc criterion icvcl.

For thc intcnsity scalc of SFS,Ebers intraclass corrclation coefflcients

(1950)for thCSC nve raters bcfore the consensus wcre betwccn.62 and.89for the 8 sclected tapcs,、 vith a mcan coefncicnt Of.74.For the type scalc

of the SFS,Cohcn's κ coefncients(1960)for all possiblc combinations ofany two judges rangcd bctwccn.69 and.92.

Results of Stlldy I

Thc mcan intensity of fccling、 vas obtaincd for each of 8 scsslons by

avcraging across al statcmcnts in cach scssioni thcrcfOre,a total of 8 6nal

scores(four in cach group)wcrC Obtaincd.Thc mcan intensity of feeling

across the 4 higll― WAI groups was 2.79(mean SD=.98)and aCrOss thclow‐ WAI groups 2.68(mean SD=.99).A onc― way analysis of variance、vas conductcd in ordcr to exanlinc thc differcnce in intcnsity of fceling

across the t、 vo WAIconditions.The tcst failed to nnd a signincant differencc

Iwakabe,Rogan,and Stalikas

「二clt』 sttI子鷺i脚:rlil彎i∬1澪驚|』:童I鍵lT:f富霜翼:lltte:甘t錦路淋年r螺∬撃照輩:::鶏1篤y:場:Yle鼎 :



expresscd in the lowヽ VAI group,whereas iOy and sadncss werc more

frequcntly cxpresscd in thc high―WAI condition.



Sι′ピcr′θ′19′ E′,lθ riθrlα′「


再]i墳鮮鮮翻鸞蝋 l蠅蒲前孵馨f判轟‖帯T薦椰∫‖ま需瀾轟よHII:侃:鷺漱1詰鵠REy:l線:isml蹟Pa市 io,&Labadie,1990).

藍蘇秘灘豫評I網懺き鮮鸞幾憾誕:翼II:ぜ lら謝

°器l電:肝::鷲F管焉∬露lT:鷲 1:∬甘雨ヽ

Table I.市lcan lntensity and Expressed in H and Lowヽ Vorking Alliance Grou


NIcan sD




High WAICCTl(′ =40)CCT2(″ =121)GTl(4=134)RETl(″ =75)

Group mcan(TOtal″ =370)(Fceling statement 21=80)

Low WAIETl(″ =60)GT2(″ =52)GT3(″ =123)RET(″ =53)





















4(57) 0(0)12(55) 0(0)5(31) 15(34)1(14) 2(29)

22(28) 17(21)

2(29) 0(0)5(22) 1(4)0(0) 0 (0)0(0) 0(0)




99Group mcan(TOtal″ =288)(Fccling statcmcnt″ 24(40) 10( 16) 8(13) 10(■ 6) 0(0)

“C(I「 :chent‐ centercd therapy sessiOni ETl existcntial thcraPy session:GT:Gcstalt therapy scssioni RET:rational emotive thcrapy sessiOn The Strengthof Clicnt Fccung scalc― ―Re宙sed is a 6-point scale ranging frOm″ ′:ι ′″′′ルどj′,g(1)tO Sr″ο′:gメ′ノ′″g(6)ヽ4ean intcnsity was calculated by averagingυ■ヽ llし

=ll■ CC11113 0し diC~~` C Vibじ ulS a O― polnl scale ranging trom″ ′:ι ′″′′″ ピ′ι″g(1)tO Sr″ ο′:gノど′″″g(6)~ lean intcnsity was calculated by averagingthe totai number of statemcnts Frcquency of types of fceling are recordcd only、 vhen thc intcnsity level reaches lcvc1 4 The ll indicates the numbcrof statcments in each scssion The number in parcnthescs fo1lo、 ving frequcncy scores includes ro、 v pcrcentagc for the frequency of type of feeling

Illakabe,Rogan,ancl Stalikas

scssions. Whcn nlore than t、 vo cvents、 verc identiflcd in a singic scssiOn,

thc scgnlent、vith the highcstintensity offecling、 vas selected for study.After

events of cmOtiOnal expression were identined,the researchers retapcd iust

those scgments involved, and retyped the segments in a ne、 v vcrbatilll

transcript.ヽVc includcd thcrapists'statcments prior to clicnts'emotional

cxprcssions, in order to make the contcxt of events clearer. The nnal

stimulus matcrial that was prcscnted to thc iudgCS,Was madc by randomiz―

ing the ordcr oF segments in terms ofthe working aHiance group to、/hich

thesc scgments belong.Finally,ten iudgeS WhO did not participate in SFS

orヽVAI― ()ratings、 verc askcd to listen indepcndently to each segment、 vith

thc vcrbatinl transcripts, and then to use the QEEE to provide a brief

dcscription regarding(a)therapist intention and intervention in responsc

to thc clicnt emotional cxpression,and(b)SubSeqLlent Clicnt bchaviour in

rcsponse to thc thcrapist intervcntions.

S′ 91`ピ′]cι`′

′7r/′マι′′′わノノfry 9′ Cイ )ζノr77gs

Thc firstitcm on the QEEE一 ―thc dircction of tlle clicnt's cmotional

eXPl‐ ession― had an average kappa coeFncicnt or.95.Thc OEEE itcm f()r

rating thc type of prirllary fcchng had an average kappa cocfficicnt of.83,

and of 73 for thc sccOndary fccling.Ebcl's intraclass corrclations bctwcen

thc tcn iudgeS On thc 8 QEEE Likert scalc itcms rangcd betwecn 62 and

.92、vitll an avcragc of.82.Thc loM/cst rCliability cocfflcicnt、 vas obtaincd

for the QEEE itelll rcgarding therapist intervention in linking cxprcssed

feeling to other lllaterials.Overan,thesc indiccs of rcliability attcst to the

satisfactory accuracy of the measurements in thc present study. For thc

last two qualitativc qucstiOns,、 vc sorted and summarizcd the rcsponscs by

fo‖ o、ving a content analytic proccdurc.First,dcscriptions of the events of

cinotional cxpressions,writtcn by tllc tcn iudges,were typcd,duplicated,

and given tO thc t、 vo principa!rcscarchcrs.Thesc t、 vo rcscarchers read thc

rcsponses Of thc ten cliniccnljЧ dgeS fOr cach cvcnt、 and then cach draftcd

a final version of cvcnt dcscription.Third、 11l order lo enable confirmation

and cross― validation、 tlle t、vo pl・incipal rescarchers compared their versions

and generated a flna!version of the cvent dcscription Vヽhen rcsults ofthe

two rescarchers・ contcnt analyses did not agrcc,thc third rcscarcherioincd

the t、vo to resolve discrcpallcicsin ordcrto rnakc thc nnal vcrsion acccPtable

to aH three rcscarchers

Next,colllll10n Charactcristics across cvcnts as、 /eH as uniquc aspccts

of each cvent 、vcre cxalllilled ′へfter dcscriptions of the 8 evcnts 、vere

generated,the threc rcscarchersindepcndently isolated common character―

istics of thc 4 events bclongi:lg to thc sameヽ VAI group、 、vhile also noting

Clicnt EmotiOns,Therapist interventions,and the/ヽ ‖iancc

any idiosyncratic tcndencies of each evcnt.Oncc again,the thil・ d rescarchcr

iOined the nrsttwo whcn therc was disagreement bctween the two principalresearchcrs.FinaHy,modcls、 verc constructed out of the conllnon factors.

Duc to thc open_endcd nature of the data,inteliudgc reliability could be

dctcrmincd in a formal manner.Howcver,thc m● oHty Of diffcrences that

cmcrged bctwccn the clinicaljudgcs as wcll as thc thrcc researchers wcre

minor,mainly associatcd with、vording or phrasing.

Results of Study II

E′ 77イガ′`'′

1″ノExI)′・6、 ′ゞ`,′


ln 3 out of 4 scssions in thc high― WAI group,iudges using thc QEEEagrced that the emotions 、vith thc highcst SFS― rated illtensity 、verc cx―presscd to、 vard a past cvcnt,or to、vard somconc in thc client's lifc.Thc

predonlinanttypc oF client cinotions manifestcd varicd fronl one high― VヽAIscssion to anotllcr(ic,Sadncss ocCurrCd in 2 sessions、 angerin l、 and fearin l).On thc othcr hand,in al1 4 of thc low_WA I scssions,thc strongcst

emotion、vas al、vays cxprcsscd to、 vard thc thcrapist Prcdolllinant Feelings

exprcssed in the low― VヽAI condition wcre ratcd by thc oEEE judges asbcing rathcr uniforill(ie..frustration occurrcd in 2 scssions,and anger also

in 2).


′,`rたドィぇ′7カ′″′′ガ、ゞ了―C′た′7r′′7r`7・″(` r′ィ)′ 1

Thc S Likcrt scalc itcms conccrning charactcristics of thc thcrapist―

clicnt intcractions 、vcre analyzcd in a lllultivariatc analysis of variancc

dcsign,with one bctwcen― subicct ractor and two within― suЦ cct Factors Themeasurc of the working aniance was a bctwcen― subiectS factor with twolevcls(high― and 10w_WAl).Each thcrapist clicnt cvcnt was trcated as a

random factOr ncsted、 vithin thcヽ VA I groups.Thc individual scssions、 vcrcincluded as a randonl factor so that thc findings fronl our samplc、 vouldbc generalizable to other scssions of a siin‖ ar、vorking aHiancc lcvcl.Raters

wcrc sccn as a random,within― subieCt factor(10 1CVC!s)Although we wcrcnot intcrestcd in thc diffcrcnce Of mcan ratings ofthc QEEE ludgcS,they

vヽcre includcd hcrc as a randonl factor sO that our lilldings 、vould bcgcneralizable to othcr clinical iudgCS With similar levcls of clinical expcn―

ence ln this dcsign, 、ve included in the statistical ll10del only the main

effects Of these thrce variables,since intcractions bct、 veen factors arc notofintcrest,and in some cases not mcanillgful,tilus a‖ owing a rllorc parsinlo―

Iwakabc,Rogan,and Stalikas

nious tcst.Thc analysis was conducted using thc Gcncral Linear Ⅳlodel

procedure(prOc GLM)in thC SAS progranLMeans and standard de宙 ations Of each QEEE item arc presented in

Table II The multivariate test sho、 ved that thc overan effcct for VヽAIgroup was signincant,ス 8,56)=18.32,ρ <.001.UnivaHate follow― upanalyscs showcd that aH but l oftlle 8 dinlensions measured by thc QEEE

had signincant cffccts(sce Table II).The 10 Clinical judges who wcre

unaware of which sessiOns orヽ VAI group thc scgmellts camc fl‐ om―deternlined that levels of therapist empathy, Icvcls of thcrapist rcspon‐

sivcness, and icvels Of effectivcness Of therapists' interventions 、vere aHsignilicantly higher in the high― VヽAI group than in thc lo、 v― VヽAI group.Therapists in the high― VヽAI group alsO matchcd their vocal quality to that

of thcir clicnts lnOre than therapists in thc lo、 v―Ⅵ/AI group did.Ho、 vever,

high― VヽAI thcrapists、 vere less expressive of their o、vn feelings than、 verethose in thc 10wハvAI group(i.e.,lCSs tllerapist self― disclosure).High― WAItherapists、verc also less likely to intcrrupt clicnts'emotional cxpressions.

In turn,clients in the high― WAI group wcre iudged by Our ratcrs to JVCmore elaborated vcrbal descriptions of their emotions than those in thc

lo、 v― VヽAI group.FillaHy,Only one characteristic of therapists'behavior v/as

notsignincantly diffcrcnt bctwecn thc high and low workingalliancc grouls,

namely the extent to 、vhich therapists sought to link clicnts' emotional

cxprcssions tO a clicnt's thcmc or issue

Although a general group trcnd、 vas found bet、 vccn high― and low―

VヽAI groups, it appcars that therc is alsO large 、vithin group variability.

Particularly notable is the fact that,ofthe 4 1o、 v― /ヽAI therapists,2 received

effectivcness ratings that were as high as those received by thc high― VヽAI

Tal)ic II.Mcans and Standard Dc宙 ations ofthc 8 oEEE Itcms for High and Low WorkingAlliancc(〕 rouPs _High‐ VヽAI Group

(″ =4)LowヽVAI Group

(″ =4)

MCan (Sの) MCan (SD)

EmpatllyRcsPonSiVCncssVoicc matchingEffcctivcncss


Sclf― disclosurc

Linking issucs

群It露器r面 _̈ ょ郡 お脇″ρ < ()5ハρ <()01







(1737)(1212)(1 775)








(0829)(1 355)




CIient EmOtiOns,Therapist lnterventiOns,and the A‖ianc0 391

7/7`″ζr′おr― Cノた′7r′′7r′ ″`rc″

θ′7S Sθ9`ィ



Expressiontoward therapist

Encourage furtherexpresslon in ahere‐ and‐■ow manner(COnfrOntation,direct guidance)

Inaccurateassessment oF client





ExPIoratiOn oftherapist‐ client










Fig.1.市Iodcis of cvcnts of client cmotional exprcssions

High WAI

Good to Excellent




Fr″ s′″α`Jο




ExPressiontoward client's


high empathy,resPonsiveness,voice matching,encouraging furtherexpresslon

Ciicnt Emoti()ns,Thcrapist interventiOns,and thc/ヽ ‖iancc

yllll:lal警i:iltittlill:li:|「 せI:ζllユ∫慧|:lЪ:lilTiri骨 llll:と


Юtteltti鑑詰程ギ驚11粘胤品乱tTnl黛 :‖:iふ:∬


I、vakal)e,Rogan,and Stalikas

itcd by the level of、vorking aHiance in thc dyadilll other、 vords、 the intensity

of clicnts'emotional expressions cannot,on its o、 vn be taken as an indication

oF a good、 vorking relationship

Exal■lination of the types of clicnts'cxprcssed feelings revealcd that

elllotions such as frustration、 fear,and angcr arc more likely than othcrs

to bespeak the abscnce ofa good working alliancc.ClinicaliudgcS indicated

that the type of cmotions clicnts cxpresscd diffcred as a function of thc

level of their working alliancc with their therapist(TablC l)` VC alsO found

that the target(or dircction)of cliCnts'emotional expressions was clearly

different between thc high― and lo、 v― a‖ iance dyads. In the loヽ V‐ WAI ses―

sions,clients'emotions、vere more often cxpressed to、 vard the therapist,

、vhcreas in the dyads、vith a good v/orking aHiance,clients'emotions、 verc

exprcsscd mainly toward the ottectS Ofthe clicnt's problcms.ThcSe nndingS

illlply that a clicnt` s cmotional exprcssions,in and of itsclf,may not be a

sign of a good relationship.What lnatters is、 vhat emotion is cxpressed to

which obiect.This inding would thcrcfore suggestthat an importantthera―

pist task in、vorking、vith client cmotional expression is to identify、vhat

the target of a client's fccling is ln linc 、vith Safran、 ⅣlcMain、 Crocker,

and Murray(1990)、 it Seems that an overt(Or even an indircct)exprestton

of negative clicnt scntilllcnt to、 vard the therapist can bc considcred a thcra―

peutic marker to v/hich tllcrapists ought to attcnd, in ordcr to monitor

clic1lts'perceptions of the thcrapist,as weH as of thcrapcutic a‖ iancc and

progress. Vヽhile, of course, cmotions exprcssed in tllerapy sessions arc

usuaHy casc rclatcd、 the abscncc of frustl‐ ation in thc high― VヽAI group of

thc prcsent study,and tlle fact that cmotions(eSpecially frustration)wcre

morc oftcn expressed to、 vards thc tllcrapist in our lo、 v― /ヽAI groups iS

rcvcaling about signs of a poorヽ vorking alliance.

Thc ten clinicaliudgcs using thc QEEE could rcliably idcntify diffcring

behavioral and interactional patterns in the segmcnts ofthe sessions exanl―

ined.We constructed three distinct lnodels of events on the basis of these

discnminations(SCC Fig.1).TllCrapists in high― WAl dyads werejudged to

be sho、 ving signincantly highcr levels of empathy and of responsivcness to

the client's emotional expression,ano、 ving the clientto speakヽvith ininimum

intcrruption。 (〕lients in this group,in turn,、verc engaged in exploration of

feclings, attempting to verbany dcscribc and claboratc their feelings. It

、vould appcar that an of the realllls in、 vhich therapists in the high― versus

thc lo、 v―、vOrking aniancc cOnditions differcd,relate to aspccts of cmpathic

responding. This interactional pattern is clcarly sirllilar to thc thcrapist

ackno、vledgment of client feeling,which Grecnberg and his CoHcagues have

suggcstcd is宙 tal to successful clicnt change(Grecnberg,ι r α′.,1993;e.g.,

p. 137 and p.271).

Within the four dyads in the lo、 v、vorking aniance group,t、 vo distinct

C:ient Emolions,Therapist intcrvenlions,and:hc Al:iancc

pattcrns,、 vith t、vo distinct proccsses,subscquently becamc discernible ln

two ofthelow― VヽA ldyads(GT2and GT3)with high ratings oll cffeCt市 encssof therapist interventions,the therapist attcnded to thc client's exprcssion

of feeling by inteFprCting or querying it,、 vhich aHo、ved further client ex―

pression,and also cnabled clients to asscrt their feeling to、 vard thcrapists.

Thc clients in these t、 vo dyads,thereforc,scemed to cngage in productivc

in― scssion bchavior, dcspite not having initiaHy bcen :net 、vith a highly

empathic thcrapist responsc.In the t、 vo lo、 v― VヽA I scssions、vith p00r inter‐

vcntion ratings,ho、 vcver,clients'feelings、 vere not queried,but、vere identi_

lcd inaccuratcly by thcir therapists. As a result,these clicnts seemed to

bccomc rather uninvolved in tllc thcrapcutic task、 and sho、ved signs of

nonproductivc、 vork,such as further cxprcssions of frustratioll and disagrce―

ment with thcir therapist.

This sccond scrics of cvents dcscribed abovc has elements in colllmon

with tllc alliance rupture that Safran and his colicagues havc studicd(e.g.,

Safran`′ αム,1990).In lliS Inodcl,Safran denncs this kind of rupturc as ttan

irnpairmentOrnuctuationinthequalityofthcallianccbct、 vcen thc thcrapist

and clicnt''(p154),and Suggcststhatthcsc arc causcd by“ empathic failtlres

. .、vhen thc therapist fails to adequately understand thc nature of the

clicnt's dysfunctiOnal behefs about sclf― othcr intcractions,and thusinadvcr―

tcntly connrms thcm''(p.156).ヽ Vhile a discussi()n of thc cntirc scopc of

SaFl・an's、vork on aHiancc rupturesis beyond thc rangc ofthe present study,

thc nrst process describcd above(、 VhCrc thcrapists accuratcly addrcss client

emotional exprcssions)csscntially mirrors Safran and his collcaguc's mOdcl

of the aniance rupturc rcsolution proccss(Safran`′ r′ た、 1990)Another study that appcars to mirror thc proccssCS unCovered in the

prescnt paper was car面 ed Out by Forcman and Marnlar(1985).In thCirstudy of six thcrapeutic dyads u/ith initia‖ y poor、vorking aHianccs,it、 vas

found that in the thrce dyads whose alliancc inlprovcd,clients'(ncgatiVe)

cmotional expressions、 vere addressed by the thcrapist.In thc three dyads

、vhosc、vorking aHiance did not improvc,cithcr clicnt emotions were not

linked to therapy issucs,or tllcrapists sirnply did nOt addrcss clicnt cmotions.

Therapists tended to ignore or avoided addressing the patients'problcmatic

fcelings in relation to the therapist,and to focus the discussion on problcm―

atic feclings and connicts in the paticnts' currcnt or past intcrpcrsonal

relationships rather than thc patient― thcrapist rclationship Sinlilarly, in

studying nlisundcrstanding cvcnts, Rhodcs, Hin,T11。 mpson, and EHiott

(1994)fOund that a resolution of misundcrstanding bctwcen thcrapist andclient is most likely to occur、vhen clients can assert their fcelings and

reactions.ヽVhen the thcrapist neglcctcd to pcrccive a clicnt's nlisgivings,

such resolution did not occur. Alternativcly, whcn the thcrapist sa、 v aclicnt's misgi宙 ng,but failed to identiり aCCuratcly the client's emotions,

Iwakabe,Rogan,and Stalikas

morc underlined.

鸞 憾 itti駆鸞 ‖I郡1難 il




:出∬lご鷹ぶLま:Lぎ艦常tmlyind dtte

挽舗 ‖Ⅷ撲離蓄∬撚 横暴最響l鰤キ1鷺静聯椰躍辟鮮静ittfi


C‖ ent EmOtiOns,Tllcrapist interventiOns,and the A‖iance

to the infrcquOnt Occurrencc Of clicnts'expressiOns Of rnoderatc tO intcnsc

feeling(Mahrer,1986:LabbOtt,Elliott,&Eason,1992).Bccause of tllesingulanty and idiosyncrasy of the subieCt Of study,wc chOse tO cxaminc


:lilttQ:IFi」 giξ:llilよ::濾ι:t:棋Lillldiffcrent phenomena(Mahrcr,1988)

changes in clients' tOpics tO sclect i



山面麗ぶ11:1群∫淵:蹴:Is唱鷲lTiiFI花 h悧 mmК J ttc

data used.The nlost rclcvallt Ofthcsc is that archiva!data OfFers us ncither

informatiOn about thc uitiinatc OutcOmc Ofthe sessions studied、nOr abOut

thc tralectOry of changcs Over thc cOurse Of thcrapy(eg.,shifts over tinle

in tlle wOrking alliancc).our invcstigatiOn,hOwcver,cOul(l fOrc80 thiS

::翼‖:l:IIP:署 ::滋 1臨 :R慧配 l導 凛 i:TItλ 鳳 l誓II:wil:ania1lcc and lo c01lstruct a nlicrOprOccss lllodcl in、

vhich future theorizatiOnas、vc‖ as cmpirical 、vOrk can bc built. It 、vOuld bc invaluable, in futtlrcrcsearch,to tcst ho、 v thc pr()ccssCsヽ ve studicd:‐ clate tO thc fi1la1 011tcomc.a1ld alsO tO cxanline thc difFcring cOnscclucnCCS Of cmotional cxpressi01l at

various phascs Ofthcrapy,as M/cH as thc inlportancc()fthc、vOrkil]g aniancc

at differcnt stagcs lt is possibic t1lat cmOtiOnal cxpressiOns in the eariv

phasc Ofthcrapy arc rclatcd lo clicnts` distrcss lcvels duc tO the iml■ ediaclof their prOblenlatic situations. As thcraPy prOgrcsscs、

cnlotions illay becxpresscd lllorc to、 vard past evcnts and issLICS arisil18 frolll the cxploratiOn

of prOblcms,clcarly a diffcrcnt class Of cinotional wOrk.The nattirc of Ollr

data alsO neccssitatcd that 、ve trcat thc wOrkillg a‖ iance as a Fairly static


般 1:『臨ξ:Ⅳめ→ 'お °pp∝ cd Ю h∝dngSJmn

3nccptualizc thc、vOrking a‖ iancc cns“a qu油 り J山 ed面 o船Hpぬ 讀

11ビ∬ #」 紺 miま h電 ;::、 よs胤T1lc wOrking aniancc may alsO diffcr

(LubOrsky,1976)Noncthclc、 s,wcた el rclativcly assurcd using carly scssi()nVヽAI scOres,sincc scveral rcscarchcrs have fOund that

ヽヽちへI scOrcs fronlthc carhcst sessions are oftcn very highly assOciそ

lted、/ith subscqLiCnt aHi―ance scOrcs(ic,sexton,HOmbrc、 &Kvarmc,1996)

蝶濡撤榊1嚇憮‖畿椰憲the n10dcl v/c prescnted using bOt11

Iwakabe,R()gan,and Stalikas

thcrapists' and clicnts' perspcctives, by conducting in― dcpth, structured

intcrvie、vs in addition to the observer― rated qucstionnaires. It should be

noted,howcvcr,that Horvath(1994)has repOrted that observcrs'ratings

of the、 vorking aHiancc are,on averagc,more rclated to outcome than are

thcrapists'.Regardicss of this,by having both therapist and clicnt provide

an account of thc、vorking aHiance and cmotional cxprcssion events,ヽ ve

、/iH be able to obtain a rnuch more complete picturc of the phcnomena.

FinaHy,the use ofthe QEEE― 一despite statistical cvidencc ofits validity

and rcliability一 一can be sccn as a potential liFnitation,sincc it is a ne、 v and

器 営よ電yn[常

よぢ」冨 胤 ;n[彙篇 隠

r:L::lLよよ 選 ill:翼棚

oricntation and to their lcvcl of cxpertisc(1.e.,WOuld a cognit市 e therapist

and a client― centered therapist ratc the quality of a Gestalt or psychody―

namic t1lcrapist's intcrvcntions in a similar way?).In qualitat市 e studies

that cmploy clinical iudgCS for conscnsus,however,this potential bias is

an omnipresent challengc(Stiles,1997)

In conclusion,then、 、vhile our statistical tests should be taken as de―

scriptivc rathcr than conflrmatory, thc prescnt study can tcntativcly put

forth thc following nndingS that may bc subiccted tO further tcsting with

different data sets and methodologics:

l ln our samplc of expcrt therapists and tlleir clicnts,ヽ vc fOund that

thcrc is a rclationship bet、 vecn thc type一 ―but not the intcnsity一―of

client emotional expressions and the relationship context in、 vhich

thesc are cmbedded.This inlplics that client emotional expressions

cannot be studied in a vacuum,or in``rccipe book'` fashion,rather

they lllust be seen to have diffcrcnt llleaning and lnotives depcndillg

on the、vorking aHiance in placc.

2 Sirllple expression of emotion on the part of clients may not bc

sufncient for therapcutic progrcss:if thcse cmotions are not fuHy

and accuratcly received and addressed,clients may becomc unin―

volvcd and/or resistant Therapists' ilnlnediatc and accuratc re―

sponses to clicnts' emotional exprcssions are crucial,and can bc

sccn to complctc an arc of potcntial.

3. Exanlination of the cffects of critical factors such as clicnt emotions

and the therapeutic relationship on therapeutic proccss provides

an exceHent opportunity for psychotherapy integration.Our study

suggcststhatthese factors have an ovcrriding innucncc On thc naturc

of therapist― clicnt interactions in a、 vay that is silnilar across lllany

different schools of therapy.

Studies that comparc change proccsses across differcnt therapy sys―

tcms, such as thc prcscnt one,can providc us、 vith an undcrstandillg of

Client Emotions,Therapist interventiOlls,an(1lhc A:liance399

nlcaning cvcnt ′`′





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