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HOW TO SUCCEED IN EVERY CHALLENGES OF LIFE WHERE IN LIFE ARE YOU? “You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the sore”. Christopher Columbus Where in life are you today? Is the life you are living today the exact place you really want to be? Is this moment of your life the exact position you have dreamt and fantasized as a child or youth? Do you feel you should have been far up the ladder of life? Is the job you are doing today, if at all you have any, the dream job you ever prayed of having as you were graduating from the university?. Looking at the money in your possession or in your bank account today, is it the exact amount of money you wish to have? What about that relationship, marriage, happy home, and those happy kids around your table, that fulfilled life you ever wanted, desired and hoped?



“You can never cross the ocean unless you

have the courage to lose sight of the sore”. – Christopher Columbus

Where in life are you today? Is the life you are living

today the exact place you really want to be? Is this

moment of your life the exact position you have dreamt

and fantasized as a child or youth? Do you feel you

should have been far up the ladder of life? Is the job

you are doing today, if at all you have any, the dream

job you ever prayed of having as you were graduating

from the university?.

Looking at the money in your possession or in your

bank account today, is it the exact amount of money you

wish to have? What about that relationship, marriage,

happy home, and those happy kids around your table,

that fulfilled life you ever wanted, desired and hoped?

Do your dreams and goals look very far away from

reality? Also ask yourself this question, am I

satisfied with my educational qualifications, am I

happy working where I work, am happy being in this


The fact is this; you are only where you are today

because you contributed more to it. If you have a

million "why" to ask yourself today, the good news is,

there are over two millions corresponding "answers" to

it that can take you where you are now and where want

to be. A wise man once said that where you are today

may have occur to you as an accident but where you will

be tomorrow is totally by your own design.

So what must you do to come out of that situation you

are today no matter how ugly?

Ask yourself, how do I succeed in the mist of all my


Now, Go no far and worry no more, simply follow easy

principles on this book and you will be amazed how you

will achieve so much in a short period of time

The first and most important thing to know is that you

do not need to sit, hang your head and regret. Not once

in the history of mankind has it been recorded that man

ever solved any problem/challenge no matter how simply

by worrying. Worry is nothing but apparent waste of

time. No matter how ugly a situation is, no matter how

painful, how touching, lamenting or sad, there is

always a way out of it. A Roman General once said,

“ there is always a way but where there is

none, we create one”.

The most essential starting point of succeeding in

those challenges is to first and foremost know that YOU

ARE INDEED UNIQUE, you are smarter than you have ever

thought, and you have potentials so great than any man

living or dead has. You have a problem-solving superb

brain that is tremendously amazing and greater than any

known sophisticated gadget in the whole wide world.

Researched has shown that the best brain ever applied

to its full use was utlizied only about 0.3 percent,

ask Albert Einstein and he will tell you more. There

are no limits to what you can imagine, do and attain,

like Napoleon Hills wisely put it,

“ there are no limits except the limits you place yourself”.

Above all, You have the image of Almighty God in you.Psalm 82:6 says,

“ I said you are “god”, you are all sons of theMost High” (NIV)

This statement was clearly affirm also in 1 Corinthians3:16,

“don’t you know that you yourselves are God’temple and that God dwells in

your in”.

But then, stop for few minutes and think, if you are

god then why are you still in those challenges. Do gods

have difficulties in finding solutions and answers to

questions, problems and challenges? I will answer you

that questions with a live story.

One sunny afternoon, I was with my bosom friend Rev.Fr

Theodore after a very hot afternoon postgraduate

lectures. As we were driving down the university gate,

we began to engage into some detailed philosophical

issues. And then I began to tell him how I have been

faced with numerous challenges of life and that life

has stretched me to the points of giving up. When he

heard me say this, he slowly but steadily lowered the

acceleration of his car, and then drives to a shade

under a tree very close to the road and parked. He

looked at me with a heart filled warming smiles, his

face shining like the half of a yellow African sun. He

then stretched out his soft tender hand towards my

shoulder and said, “Buchi, never give up in all your

dreams no matter the challenges in life, even when life

tosses you.” Then he said something which has remain

and will remain ever green in my heart, it was a simply

word but yet so impacting. He simply sum his advise

with this, “ you must first of all say I am, for it is

only then that others will say you are”.

Overcoming challenges begins with you. YES! YOU! Though

God created you, what you become of life is solely on

your own making. This is what is called free will. God

cannot and will not make choices for you. Apprently,

life outcomes are as a result of choices we make, good,

bad or ugly. So let's begin, how do I make these right


To make great choices of life, begin with sound

reasonable existencial questions. Like Dr. Mike Murdock

said, "never go for answers, go for questions". Thus

let's begin by asking the following questions


If you still find yourself up against the same problems

and issues today which you were facing years ago, it

maybe the right time to start looking at things

differently. Insanity is defined as doing the same

thing over and over again while expecting different

results. Being successful is simply. Know where you

have failed and mistakes you have made as well and try

to make amend. Model others who are successful, this

entails believing in God for anything and believing in

yourself, not comparing yourself anyone or others.

Like my friend Steve would say,

“the easiest way to being miserable is to compare one’s self with others”.

If others have made it big in the journey of life,

then why wouldn’t you? Most of them are not even more

intelligent, smart or even opportune than you are yet

they made it so great. Therefore, from this day, began

to see yourself differently, reshape your mindset, and

change that sickness, failure, inferiority complex or

poverty mentality. As James Allen would coin it from

Proverb 23:7,

“as a man thinketh, so he is”.

Think successful in every area of your life faced with

challenges, model successful people and cultivate

success habits and behaviors, then surely success will

follow you. Talk like successful people talk, do what

successful people do and above all think like

successful people think. Focus only on that which is

more important to you whatever that maybe.

There are thus certain areas which are equally

important to the well being of every human when it

comes to success and happiness. These are:

Spiritual fulfillment

Vibrant physical health

Nurturing relationship and

Financial wealth

But if these are as simple as said, why then do peoplefail?


There are many reasons why people fail to overcome

their challenges and attain the state known as success

or even happiness.

Below are seven of most common reasons.


One who do not know where the rain start beating him,

will for sure not know where the rain will stop beating

him, a wise man once said.

The number one reason why people are unsuccessful or

unhappy is because they do not know what they want out

of life. Life is like a blank whiteboard, it is up to

each individual to pick the colour they wish to paint

and draw any pictures they pleases. If a person does

not choose to pick their colours or pictures to paint,

they can be certain that someone else who does know

what they want will pick it for them.

When going into any situation, whether it is as simple

as a phone call, or as complex as an entire life time,

knowing what you want is essential to getting what you

want. It is the destination which we must have in mind

clearly prior to starting any journey.


Knowledge and action are world apart. Wisdom thus is

only wisdom when it involves the application of

acquired knowledge in providing, solving and overcoming

many problematic issues of life. It is Francis Bacon

who said, “knowledge is power”, but this could be said

to be half truth because knowledge alone does not solve

anything but rather the application of wisdom.

Therefore we can rephrase Bacon’s statement as “

knowledge is power if and only if it is applied in a

particular situation, problem, issues, and it then

produce a positive result”.

Just because you know that you need to eat healthy food

and exercise regularly in order to attain vibrant

health, will not grantee you health. In otherwise,

knowing something but nothing doing it does as good as

not know it. Hence, to succeed in all challenges, you

must not know what to do but also do what you know.


Have you ever ask yourself, who are my friends?

NO NO NO, it is not show me who are friends and I will

show you who you are. It is show me your friends and I

will show you where you are going. Please, I want you

to understand that friends are blessings from God and

can also be a curse. Every relationship in your life

will either do the following:

1.It will either add to you

2.It will take away from you

3.It will multiply you

4.It will divide you and destroy you

Simply put it this way, you will eventually become who

your friends are. Either they will become like you or

you like them. This is plain yet profoundly true. It is

also a fact that your earning will be within 20% or so

of the average earning of your five closest friends.

You don’t believe me? Okay do the rough math in your

own head for your own situation and you are certainly

in for a shocker.

The people who we surround ourselves with immensely

effect how we think. We borrow not only their thoughts

and ideologies but also their manners and habits.

Associate yourself with positive successful people and

you are certain to become one as well.

Every single friend in your life matters a lot. This is

because each person (friend) is a current taking you

towards your dreams or taking you away from it. The

good news is, nobody has the right to choose you as a

friend; you have the right to chose whosoever you

desire to have a friend.

Friends we keep contribute majority of our ‘ear time’

(this means all the things we hear mostly on daily

basis) and sorry enough, faith cometh by hearing (Roman

10:17), it does not determine in its own what it hears.

So whatever you permit your ‘ear time’ to listen over a

longer time, you will soon believe. Its was George

Washington who in his wisdom said,

“associate with men of good quality if you want

to esteem your own reputation, for it is better

to be alone than bad company”

Therefore one key area of coming out of that challenge

you are facing now may be leaving your friends. Ask

yourself these questions:

What has my friend or friend contributed positively so

far in my life?

Why should I keep my friends?

What mentality does my friends posses?

Do my friends have the same dream and aspirations I


Will my friends contribute any meaningful part of my


Now, when you must have answer these questions, writing

and analyzing each friend, it is therefore left for you

make the choice of who and who you call your friends.


“All learners are leaders”- African adage

Tom Hopkins, a Real Estate genius put it this way, “No

one limits your growth but you. if you want to earn

more, learn more”. Further educating yourself in the

area which you deem important and worth which is an

absolute necessity to not just earning more but also

advancing your life further as a whole.

You want to learn more? Walk into any library and you

are certain to find more books on the area of your

interest that you can possibly read in the next year.

There are also tremendous amount of free information to

learn more and constantly grow yourself.

You want to walk out if that challenge? Read, read,

and read. Seek information, be a tank full of acquired

knowledge. Go for information, we are in the 21st where

information sales. Singular information can catapult

you from a zero to hero, from poverty to plenty. Live

to learn on new information and knowledge daily rather

than lean on the old knowledge you acquired years ago.

A 1978 First Class graduate from the best university

in the world who has refuse to learn after graduating

till now will not beat a Third Class graduate in his

field who had continue to learn and improve since 1978.

From today, make a decision to learn and keep learning

even if you already had a PhD.


“ I’m saying to be a hero means you step across

the line and are willing to make a sacrifice, so heroes

always are making a sacrifice. Heroes always take risk

Heroes always deviate. Heroes always do something

that most people don’t and will want to change”- Philip Zimbardo

if you do what everyone else is doing, you are going to

have what everyone else has. This may not be bad thing,

however if you are not wanting to settle for what

everyone else has, then be ready to take action

differently. Most adults go out and get a college

degree, or not even that, they work different jobs for

30-40years, and are dependent upon the government or

other to take care of them in the later years.

If you do not want that for yourself, you have to get

to get away from the weekly paycheck trap. It is a

total hamster wheel. You may be working very hard and

constantly busy but you will not be going anywhere in

all actuality.


“The dangers of life are infinite, and among them is safety”

“only Those who dare to fail greatly can ever

achieve greatly” – Robert F. Kennedy

Simply put, the bigger the risk the bigger the reward.

If you are willing to put yourself out there and be

vulnerable, you will have so much more to gain than

those who choose to blanket their lives with

“security”. I love what Ray Bradbury said, “living at

risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings

on the way down”.

The truth is that real growth occurs when you get up

and stay out of your normal comfort zone. You only gain

the most when you push yourself to do things you are

uncomfortable doing under normal circumstance. Little

wonder Herbie Hancock summarized it when he said,

“I think risk taking is great adventure.

And life should be full of adventures”


“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.

The most certain way to succeed is always

to try just one more time”- Thomas A. Edison

Unfortunately, most people have been accustomed to

giving up as being okay. If you are running a marathon

and your foot start hurting, society teaches us that it

is okay to stop and pull out because your foot was

hurting, after all there is always another day. The

question to ask yourself is: how can you even win a

race if you don’t finish it?

In reality, the last 20% of your effort typically gives

you 80% of your result. You must keep going until you

have accomplished whatever you set out to do. If you

can learn to get out of your own way and just keep

going, there is nothing that will be able to stop.

The above seven reasons are what pose as the biggest

challenges to almost all of us but if you learn to

overcome these challenges, and constantly push yourself

to advance further, all of the rewards are yours to

gain and reward.


Here are the vital keys to attaining your goals

1.Decide exactly what you want in every area of your


2.Write all you have decided down where your eyes will

constantly see them and try to read them every

morning and night

3.Set a deadline and avoid procrastinations. Never

allow any set goal to be indefinite or without


4.Get serious. Get serious. Get serious and avoid


5.Identify the obstacles you will have to tackle in

achieving your happiness or success.

6.Get around the right people

7.Make plan and stick to your plan

8.Develop the habit of self-discipline

9.Practice visualization

10. Think and talk positive all time, in all place and

all challenges. The words we speak has power than you

could ever imagine.
