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This article was downloaded by: [Dr M. M. El Nady] On: 09 February 2015, At: 03:50 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ueso20 The Subsurface Geology and Source Rocks Characteristics of Some Jurassic and Cretaceous Sequences in the West Qarun Area, North Western Desert, Egypt M. M. Hammad a , S. A. Awad b , M. M. El Nady a & D. A. Moussa a a Exploration Department , Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute , Cairo, Egypt b Geology Department, Faculty of Science , Ain Shams University , Cairo, Egypt Published online: 10 Aug 2010. To cite this article: M. M. Hammad , S. A. Awad , M. M. El Nady & D. A. Moussa (2010) The Subsurface Geology and Source Rocks Characteristics of Some Jurassic and Cretaceous Sequences in the West Qarun Area, North Western Desert, Egypt, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 32:20, 1885-1898, DOI: 10.1080/15567030701715955 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15567030701715955 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms &

This article was downloaded by: [Dr M. M. El Nady]On: 09 February 2015, At: 03:50Publisher: Taylor & FrancisInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registeredoffice: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK

Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery,Utilization, and Environmental EffectsPublication details, including instructions for authors andsubscription information:http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ueso20

The Subsurface Geology and SourceRocks Characteristics of Some Jurassicand Cretaceous Sequences in the WestQarun Area, North Western Desert,EgyptM. M. Hammad a , S. A. Awad b , M. M. El Nady a & D. A. Moussa aa Exploration Department , Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute ,Cairo, Egyptb Geology Department, Faculty of Science , Ain Shams University ,Cairo, EgyptPublished online: 10 Aug 2010.

To cite this article: M. M. Hammad , S. A. Awad , M. M. El Nady & D. A. Moussa (2010) The SubsurfaceGeology and Source Rocks Characteristics of Some Jurassic and Cretaceous Sequences in the WestQarun Area, North Western Desert, Egypt, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, andEnvironmental Effects, 32:20, 1885-1898, DOI: 10.1080/15567030701715955

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15567030701715955


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Energy Sources, Part A, 32:1885–1898, 2010

Copyright © Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute

ISSN: 1556-7036 print/1556-7230 online

DOI: 10.1080/15567030701715955

The Subsurface Geology and Source Rocks

Characteristics of Some Jurassic and Cretaceous

Sequences in the West Qarun Area,North Western Desert, Egypt


and D. A. MOUSSA1

1Exploration Department, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute,

Cairo, Egypt2Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University,

Cairo, Egypt

Abstract The lithostratigraphic cross sections, thickness variations, and lithofaciesof some Jurassic and Cretaceous rock units are discussed in order to distinguish the

shape and the extent of sedimentary basins and the environment of deposition. Thegeochemical study assisted in the identification of potential source intervals within

the studied rock units. The results showed that the Middle Jurassic source rocks aremature and have good to very good organic richness with mixed kerogen type (III/II).

The Cretaceous source rocks vary from poor to very good with mixed oil and gas andcharacterized by immature to marginally mature in the study area.

Keywords Egypt, geochemical characteristics, source rock, subsurface setting, WestQarun area


West Qarun area is located in the Western Desert to the southwest of Cairo, between

latitudes 29ı and 30ı N and longitudes 30ı and 31ı 200 E (Figure 1). The purpose of

this work is concerned on the study and integration of the lithostratigraphic models by

constructing isopach and lithofacies maps, to identify the various implicated basins, and

to assess the depositional environments. Also, organo-geochemical characteristics need

to be known for the source rocks of some Jurassic and Cretaceous units to identify the

organic richness, types of organic matter, and thermal maturation.

The geochemical characteristics of the Jurassic and Cretaceous source rocks in the

North Western Desert have been discussed by many authors including: Zein El Din and

El Hamzy (1980), Parker (1982), Awad (1984), Shahin et al. (1987), Hammad (1988),

Shahin and Shehab (1988), Abd El Aal et al. (1990), Abd El Aziz (1994), Nemec (1996),

Tammam (1996), Abd El Aziz et al. (1998), El Nady and Hammad (2000), El Nady

(2001), Sharaf and El Nady (2003), and others.

Address correspondence to Mohamed M. El Nady, Exploration Department, Egyptian Petro-leum Research Institute, Nasr City, Hai Al-Zehour, Cairo 11727, Egypt. E-mail: [email protected]





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1886 M. M. Hammad et al.

Figure 1. Location map of the investigated wells in the West Qarun area, Egypt.


The fundamental materials which applied in this work include “7” composite logs and

“78” ditch samples, which were collected from seven wells (Wadi Rayan-1x, Gindi Deep-

1x, North Qarun-1x, El Sagha-1A, E.WD19-1x, Gebel Rissu-1, and Kattaniya) (Figure 1).

These samples are representative of Middle Jurassic (Khatatba Formation), Lower Creta-

ceous (Alam El Bueib and Kharta formations), and Upper Cretaceous (Bahariya and Abu

Roash formations) (Figure 2). The logs and samples were supplied by Qarun Petroleum

Company after General Egyptian Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) approval.


1. Regional lithostratigraphic and simplified structural cross sections were con-

structed to illustrate the different rock units and structural configuration between

the wells.

2. Isopach and lithofacies maps were established to show the thickness and facies

variation of different rock units in the study area.

3. The ditch samples were thoroughly washed in cold water for removal of any

contaminations. The washed samples were then air dried at room temperature to

prevent any loss of “free hydrocarbons” and subsequently crushed to a homoge-

nous powder and bagged for the pyrolysis analyses by using Rock Eval 6 Model,

carried out in the laborites of the Egyptian Petroleum Institute.

Results and Discussion

Lithostratigraphic Cross Section

The lithostratigraphic cross section (Figure 3) shows that the Jurassic rock units (Wadi

El Natrun, Khatatba, and Masajid formations), as well as the Lower Cretaceous rock




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Source Rocks Characteristics 1887

Figure 2. Generalized stratigraphic column of the West Qarun area, Egypt.

units (Alamein and Alam El Bueib formations), are not easy to correlate. The Upper

Cretaceous rock units (Kharita, Bahariya formations, and Abu Roash members) are good

correlated (Figure 3), where they are well represented in all the studied wells. In Gebel

Rissu-1 well, the thickness of the Upper Cretaceous rock units decrease, which may be

due to an uplift taking place during the deposition followed by erosion leading in the

same time to disappearance of Abu Roash, Khoman formations, and Tertiary rock units

in the western part of the study area. Toward the east in North Qarun-1x, El Sagha-1A,

and E.WD19-1x wells the drilling stopped at Kharita Formation and the wells describe

nearly a complete sequence of rock units from Cretaceous to Tertiary rocks. The Kharita,

Bahariya, Abu Roash, Khoman, Appolonia, Dabaa, and Moghra formations are well




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1888 M. M. Hammad et al.

Figure 3. Lithostratigraphic cross section through wells Kattaniya-1x, Gebel Rissu-1x, North

Qarun-1x, El Sagha-1A, and E.WD19-1x in the West Qarun area, Egypt.

represented with increasing thickness toward the east direction (Figure 3). On the other

hand, these formations show a noticeable decrease in their thickness in the west direction

at Gebel Rissu-1 and Kattaniya-1 wells. This may be due to the tectonic regime prevailing

in the area.

Structural Cross Sections

The structural cross section takes the orientation W-E direction (Figure 4) and shows

that several faults take place in the West Qarun area which have directions NE-SW and

NW-SE confirmed by EGPC (1992) as in Kattaniya horst and the direction NW-SE near

the Gindi basin. The fault between well Kattaniya-1 and Gebel Rissu-1 (F1) affects the

Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous rock units and die through the upper rock units with a

downthrow towards the SW direction. The fault (F2) takes place near Gebel Rissu-1 well

with NW-SE direction and appears to affect the rock units from Kharita Formation toward

the upper rock units. As a result of it there is uplift in the area resulting the removal of

the Late Cretaceous rock units from Abu Roash “E” Member upward. The third fault (F3)

oriented toward NW-SE direction between wells El Sagha-1A and E.WD19-1x forming

the uplift of the Late Cretaceous rock units toward the NW direction.

Isopach and Lithofacies Maps

The isopach map of Kharita Formation (Figure 5A) shows the increase in its thickness

from east to west direction. Also, it reflects two main sub-basins of deposition. The first

one occupies the western part at Kattaniya-1 well with maximum thickness reaching

1,780 m. The second depocenter locates at the central part around El Sagha-1A well

(697 m). Moreover, there is a remarkable thinning of this formation towards the eastern




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Source Rocks Characteristics 1889

Figure 4. Simplified structural cross section through wells Kattaniya-1x, Gebel Rissu-1x, North

Qarun-1x, El Sagha-1A, and East WD19-1x in the West Qarun area, Egypt.

part of the study area, where its thickness reaches to zero at Gindi Deep-1x well. This

may be due to the uplifting followed by erosion of Kharita Formation at this area or may

be tectonically high and not received any material of sedimentation. Furthermore, the

intensive contour lines at the northwestern part of the study area indicates the occurrence

of subsidence movement of this part leading to the main depocenter of deposition. The

shale percentage map (Figure 5B) exhibits two areas of high shale content. The first is

the central part around El Sagha-1A well (51%). The second is toward the west around

Kattaniya-1 well (27%). This indicates that the shale percentage of the Kharita Formation

increases gradually toward the northern part of the study area and completely disappears

toward the east around Gindi Deep-1x well. The sandstone percentage map (Figure 5C)

shows an increase in sandstone content gradually from east direction at Gindi Deep-1x

area towards the northeastern part at E.WD19-1x well (84%) and to the southern parts of

the study area at Wadi Rayan-1x well (87%). These facies reflect the fluvio-deltaic shallow

marine environment. On the other hand, the intensive gradient between North Qarun-1x

and El Sagha-1A wells (Figure 5B and C) reflects the synchronous sedimentation during

the deposition of this formation.

The isopach map of Bahariya Formation (Figure 6A) shows a remarkable thickening

toward the northeast direction where its thickness reaches a maximum value at E.WD19-

1x well (600 m). The thinning is recorded toward the north direction in the vicinity of

Gebel Rissu-1 well (123 m). This map exhibits one basin of deposition that occupies the

northeast part around E.WD19-1x well.

The shale percentage map of the Bahariya Formation (Figure 6B) shows a general

increase in shale content from the south at Wadi Rayan-1x well (23%) to the northwestern




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1890 M. M. Hammad et al.

Figure 5. Isopach (A), shale percentage (B), and sandstone percentage (C) maps of Kharita

Formation in the West Qarun area, Egypt.




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Source Rocks Characteristics 1891

Figure 6. Isopach (A), shale percentage (B), and carbonate percentage (C) maps of Bahariy

Formation in the West Qarun area, Egypt.




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1892 M. M. Hammad et al.

part of the study area around Kattaniya-1 well (66%). The intensive gradient in contour

lines between Kattaniya-1 and Gebel Rissu-1 wells in the northwestern part reflects the

syndepositional subsiding, which occurred with the uplifting of the eastern and southern

part of the study area. The carbonate percentage map (Figure 6C) exhibits three areas

with high carbonate contents. The first one is located in the southern part at Wadi Rayan-

1x well (32%), the second is located in the central northern part around North Qarun-1x

(24%), and the third is located around E.WD19-1x well (22%) at the northeastern part

of the area. The low content of the carbonate facies occupies the eastern part around

Gindi Deep-1x well and Kattaniya-1 well in the northwestern part of the study area. The

distribution of shale and carbonate contents reveal shallow marine environments of the

Bahariya Formation.

The isopach map of Abu Roash “G” Member (Figure 7A) reflects an increase in the

thickness gradually from the east at E.WD19-1x well (79 m) to the western part of the

study area around Gebel Rissu-1 well. This thickness shows that the main depocenter

of Abu Roash “G” Member is located around the northwestern part of the study area at

Gebel Rissu-1 well with a maximum value reaching 412 m.

The shale percentage map of Abu Roash “G” Member (Figure 7B) shows a gradual

increase in shale content from the south to the north direction of the study area with a little

shifting towards the northeastern direction. The highest concentration of shale content

is located at El Sagha-1A well with a maximum value reaching 77%, while the lowest

content is around Wadi Rayan-1x well (48%). On the contrary, with the shale percentage

map of Abu Roash “G” Member and the carbonate percentage map (Figure 7C), there is

an obvious shifting in the locations of the high and low values (Figure 7B and 7C) where

the carbonate contents gradually increase from the northeastern part at E.WD19-1x well

(24%) to the southern part at Wadi Rayan-1x well (37%).

Organic Richness

The Khatatba Formation has total organic carbon content (TOC) values ranging from

1.29 wt% to 4.64 wt%, free hydrocarbons S1 from 0.67 to 5.54 mg/g and generating

source potential S2 from 1.93 to 8.89 mg/g (Table 1). The organic richness is rated good

to very good, except for a few samples, which are ranged from poor to good organic

richness (Figure 8A). Alam El Bueib Formation has a TOC value of 0.97 wt%, S1 is

0.16 mg/g, and S2 is 0.84 mg/g (Table 1), which reflects source rocks of poor to fair

organic richness (Figures 8A–8C). Kharita Formation has organic richness varying from

poor to good (Figures 8A–8C) with TOC values ranging from 0.6 to 1.32 wt%, S1 from

0.11 to 2.83 mg/g, and S2 from 0.43 to 5.24 mg/g (Table 1).

The Upper Cretaceous Bahariya Formation has TOC values ranging from 0.52 to

0.99 wt%, S1 and S2 from 0.06 to 0.55 mg/g and 0.35 to 3.59 mg/g, respectively (Table 1

and Figures 8A–8C). Abu Roash “G” Member has TOC values ranging from 0.56 to 1.06

wt%, S1 from 0.05 to 0.55 mg/g, and S2 from 0.49 to 2.97 mg/g (Table 1), indicating

poor to fair source rocks (Figures 8A and 8B). Abu Roash “F” Member has organic

richness varying from poor to very good. This conclusion is indicated by TOC, S1, and

S2 values ranging from 1.29 to 2.15, 0.05 to 0.55, and 2.74 to 9.8, respectively (Table 1

and Figures 8A–8C). Abu Roash “E” Member is characterized by TOC values range from

0.51 to 1.52 wt%, S1 from 0.06 to 0.26 mg/g, and S2 from 0.28 to 3.55 mg/g (Table 1)

revealing poor to fair organic richness (Figures 8A–8C). Also, Abu Roash “D”, “C”, “B”,

and “A” member have nearly the same characters. The TOC, S1, and S2 values range

from 0.55 to 0.78 wt%, 0.06 to 0.30 mg/g, and 0.35 to 3.63 mg/g, respectively (Table 1)




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Source Rocks Characteristics 1893

Figure 7. Isopach (A), shale percentage (B), and carbonate percentage (C) maps of Abu Roash

“G” Member in the West Qarun area, Egypt.




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1894 M. M. Hammad et al.

Table 1

Geologic information and pyrolysis analysis of the studied source rock samples in the

West Qarun area, Egypt

Wells Fms




wt %



S2 ,


Tmax ,ıC




mg/g PI

Kattaniya–1 Khatatba 3,090–3,332 1.29–2.34 0.67–1.24 1.93–4.39 433–443 150–203 34–55 0.22–0.26

Gebel Rissu–1 2,273–2,601 1.58–4.71 1.66–5.54 2.20–8.89 433–444 139–189 32–88 0.38–0.43

Gebel Rissu–1 *AEB 1,319 0.97 0.16 0.84 430 87 55 0.16

El Sagha–IA Kharita 2,895–3,380 0.60–0.97 0.11–0.26 0.43–1.54 427–436 59–160 78–209 0.09–0.21

Wadi Rayan–1x 2,160–2,209 0.70–0.89 0.15–0.21 0.67–0.87 431–434 75–118 75–96 0.18–0.22

Kattaniya–1 809–1,895 0.79–1.32 0.68–2.83 1.09–5.21 404–424 138–188 46–188 0.31–0.39

E. WD19–lx 3,502–3,983 0.60–0.99 0.31–0.55 1.33–4.20 419–436 222–424 92–108 0.11–0.12

Gindi Deep–lx Bahariya 3,090–3,157 0.68–0.91 0.11–0.14 0.55–0.82 434–436 80–90 78–122 0.12–0.20

El Sagha–1A 2,550–2,809 0.52–0.91 0.06–0.28 0.43–0.81 428–433 70–109 77–113 0.12–0.30

Wadi Rayan–1x 2,041–2,063 0.66–0.70 0.18–0.19 0.70–0.35 428–429 53–100 117–248 0.20–0.35

N. Qarun–lx 2,803 0.57 0.06 0.44 434 77 146 0.12

E. WD19–lx �A/R “G” 4,328 0.85 0.25 1.98 426 233 105 0.11

Gindi Deep–lx Mb. 2,739–2,773 0.67–0.72 0.05 0.49–0.52 431–433 72–73 82 0.09

El Sagha–IA 2,142–2,355 0.79–0.83 0.26–0.55 1.13–1.49 425–428 138–189 61–89 0.16–0.29

Wadi Rayan–1x 1,813–2,352 0.56–1.06 0.06–0.36 0.60–2.97 423–435 107–280 80–233 0.08–0.32

E. WD19–lx A/R “F” 3,383 1.29 0.23 2.74 429 212 72 0.08

El Sagha–1A Mb. 2,078–2,099 1.85–2.15 0.24–0.67 8.58–9.80 418–421 399–464 51–57 0.03–0.07

N. Qarun–lx 2,117 1.64 0.27 6.92 422 422 59 0.04

E. WD19–lx A/R “E” 3,197–3,297 1.01–1.38 0.20–0.26 2.08–3.55 428–429 206–257 124–149 0.07–0.09

Gindi Deep–Ix Mb. 2,517–2,584 0.96–1.52 0.06–0.15 0.64–1.62 430–434 67–107 30–78 0.05–0.09

El Sagha–IA 1,849–1,983 0.52–0.81 0.13–0.24 0.28–0.56 423–429 34–69 135–179 0.21–0.43

Wadi Rayan–1x 1,648 0.60 0.18 0.42 425 70 193 0.30

N. Qarun–1x 2,078 0.64 0.11 0.35 429 55 163 0.24

Wadi Rayan–1x A/R “D” 1,517 0.55 0.23 0.63 424 115 218 0.27


Gindi Deep–lx A/R “C” 2,328 0.61 0.06 1.93 426 316 85 0.03

Wadi Rayan–1 Mb. 1,438 0.63 0.30 0.80 426 127 183 0.27

El Sagha–1A A/R “B” 1,532 0.78 0.09 0.35 426 45 38 0.20


E. WD19–lx A/R “A” 2,392 0.70 0.09 3.63 421 519 83 0.02


TOC: Total organic carbon in weight percent; S1 : Free hydrocarbons percent in the rock (mg HC/g rock); S2 : Residual

petroleum potential (mg HC/g rock); Tmax: Temperature at which maximum emission of high temperature (S2) hydrocarbons

occurs (ıC). HI: Hydrogen Index (mg HC/g TOC); OI: Oxygen Index (mg CO2 /g TOC); PI: Production Index (S1=S1 C S2).�AEB: Alam El Bueib Formation; *A/R: Abu Roash members.

and indicate that the organic richness of these members have poor to fair source rock

(Figures 8A–8C).

Genetic Type of Organic Matter

In this study, the hydrogen index (HI) values of the Khatatba Formation range from 139 to

203 mg/g and oxygen index (OI) from 32 to 88 mg/g (Table 1). These data reflect that the

main expected kerogen type is III/II (mixed type) as shown in the modified Van Krevelen

diagram (Figure 9). On the contrary, Alam El Bueib, Kharita, and Bahariya formations

have source rocks capable of producing mainly gas (type III kerogen) (Figure 9), where

the majority of the samples (HI) values are less than 150 mg/g (i.e., 87 for Alam El Buieb

Formation, 59 to 147 mg/g for Kharita Formation, and 53 to 109 mg/g for Bahariya

Formation, Table 1), except some samples from Kharita and Bahariya formations have

hydrocarbon potentiality to produce mixed oil and gas (Figure 9) where hydrogen index

values range from 160 to 225 and 222 to 424 mg/g, respectively (Table 1). On the other

hand, the hydrogen index and oxygen index values of Abu Roash Formation (“G” to “A”

members) range from 34 to 519 and 30 to 248 mg/g, respectively (Table 1). This data




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Source Rocks Characteristics 1895

Figure 8. Organic richness of the studied formations and members as indicated by TOC, S1, and

S2 (Peters, 1986) in the West Qarun area, Egypt. (Source: Peters, 1986.)

Figure 9. Organic matter types of the studied formations and members as indicated by oxygen

index and hydrogen index (Espitalie et al., 1977) in the West Qarun area, Egypt. (Source: Espitalie

et al., 1977.)




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1896 M. M. Hammad et al.

reflects that the source rocks of Abu Roash members have the capability to generate

mixed oil and gas (Figure 9). Some samples of Abu Roash “F” Member have HI and OI

values of 212 to 472 mg/g and 51 to 72 mg/g, respectively, at depth 2,078 to 3,383 m

(Table 1) indicating source rocks have a capability for generating oil (Figure 9).

Thermal Maturation

The thermal maturity level of the source rocks has been determined by Rock-Eval

temperature pyrolysis Tmax and production index (Peters, 1986).

The Middle Jurassic Khatatba Formation has Tmax values ranging from 433ıC to

444ıC and a production index of 0.22 to 0.43 (Table 1) indicating mature source rocks,

where the majority of all samples lie within the oil generation stage (Figures 10A and

10B), except two samples have Tmax values of 433ıC (Table 1) and revels marginally

mature (Figure 10A). The relation between Tmax and hydrogen index (Figure 11) confirms

this conclusion.

The Lower Cretaceous source rocks (Alam El Bueib and Kharita formations) have

Tmax ranging from 417ıC to 436ıC, and PI from 0.09 to 0.48 (Table 1) reveals immature

to marginally mature stage (Figures 10A and 10B) except some samples from Kharita

Formation have production index values ranging from 0.45 to 0.48 (Table 1) indicating

mature source rocks where they lie within oil and gas generation stage (Figure 10B).

Furthermore, the relation between hydrogen index and Tmax values (Figure 11) shows

that the organic matter of these formations varies from marginally mature to mature.

Figure 10. Maturation of the studied froformations and members as indicated by Tmax and PI in

the West Qarun area, Egypt.




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Source Rocks Characteristics 1897

Figure 11. Tmax vs. hydrogen index (Espatelie et al., 1985) showing maturity of organic matter

in the studied froformations and members in the West Qarun area, Egypt. (Source: Espitalie et al.,


On the other hand, the Upper Cretaceous rock units were characterized by Tmax values

ranging from 419ıC to 436ıC for Bahariya Formation and from 418ıC to 435ıC for Abu

Roash members (Table 1). These data indicate that the Upper Cretaceous formations have

source rocks varying from immature to marginally mature (Figure 10A). This conclusion

is enhanced by the cross plot of production index (PI) and depth (Figure 10B) and the

cross plot of the pyrolysis Tmax and HI (Figure 11).


1. The lithostratigraphic cross sections revealed that the Jurassic rock units are not

correlated, while the Upper Cretaceous rock units are well correlated.

2. Structural cross sections reflected three main faults that affect the Jurassic and

Cretaceous rock units in NE-SW and NW-SE direction and NNE-SSW and NW-

SE directions.

3. The isopach and lithofacies maps showed that Kharita Formation has increased

in thickness from east to west and deposited in fluvio-deltaic shallow marine

environment. Bahariya Formation shows thickening toward the northeast direction,

and deposited in shallow marine environment. Abu Roash “G” Member shows

thickening toward the central part and deposited in marine environments.

4. The geochemical data reflected that Middle Jurassic source rocks are mature

and have good to very good organic richness with mixed kerogen type (III/II).

The Lower Cretaceous source rocks vary from poor to fair in Alam El Buieb

Formation and from poor to good in Kharita Formation with mixed oil and gas.

The Upper Cretaceous has poor to good organic richness except in the Abu

Roash “F” Member, which has poor to very good. The Cretaceous source rocks

are immature to marginally mature in the study area.




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1898 M. M. Hammad et al.


The authors are grateful to the authorities of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation

(EGPC) and Qarun Petroleum Company for providing the composite logs and ditch

samples needed for permitting publication of this work.


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