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The.lngh·am County· NeWs - Capital Area District Library

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Ecoll.Oinist Points to Need 'Fqr City l~lanlling llere

MaHon cnn not affrml lo r·on· tlnue llij 1111 or mllis C:J owl h, tiP· claret! Ilnrrls MIIIPr nf lhP. Mkh· lgnn riPpaJimr.nl of N·nnomlr• sl<>· velopmr.nl. Jf lhnl t'cJIIIml Is fol· lower!, he r·nntlnw•rl, M<~son will he come nnolhPr' rim mltory lnwn, with most J"f'Hirlc:mlt. wm ldn[( In Lunsln~o: nnrl spr>nrllng muPh o! their p,Jrnlngs tlwrc:•,

MII!PJ' ~oald. 'l'lwl Pxpnimlnn I~ lmuJIII In hrln1: Pxpnnslnn In lhr •'l'f'n l·llrr'rllllHIIng Lam.illf(, ht pnlnl<>rl out

I IPrlllQIOr~ BhHior,v

The.lngh·a.m County· NeWs \

'I'p dsPnpe being just a hrrlnuliH town, Muson must r!Pvelop ami follow a l'lly plan, a plan f'llfll'linr: community nr.erls, Mlllr>l' said I fro marie his lnllt IJCfnt•c the Mason Klw11nls club TuPsriay nigiJI l'JI;> olficluls nnrl mmnhe1 s of t h<> r lly planning enmmlsslon were gucsls of the cluh.

Inrii('(JIIoJ\H point In cxpunslon of Lnnslng

Alaiedon Voters Will· Decide on Town Hall Site

Alalcrlon lownship voiPm hav<· a special llloposltlon In 'i<•c·uiP Tuesclay. 11 Is a JH ojHIH.Ji to fill thorlze lin• !own hoard In hnv nrl dltlon.ti lanrl for a town 11.111 sill'

'l'he present site I1.1H only n quarll!r of 11n ar•J c. At llw I llWll meeting last April I hc:>J e Wils rlis cuss1nn about hullrlinr: a lll'W town hnll which could he usr:l as a communily hall, [or Fw m Bure.Ju, Grange, 'J.ff .md t•xlt•n slon clubs anrl ollwr orga111Za· t!bns Out of th.tl mnelmg •·nml' a cmnmlltcc In m,tlw furlhcr sturly.

Rccommcndalinns of lhP mm mlltce wPrc th.Jl acldillonal land be purchased, al lcasl an ar'l'c, and that town~hlp fnnrls, when available, he usc'ri to pay fm a new town hall. No sper 1011 lax is antlclpalecl, cnmmi lie<' mf'mhcr •; said, If the authonly h gr.mterl the town lmaJ c:l lo huy more• lanrl. Money 1:; on hnnd for the land purcllase.

On the commJIIec n.1mrd to study the need nnd 1 iw me,llls of !Jtoviding a town hnll Wr.t'<' Mr~ Thomas Ru~scll, Mrs. Ed l<r.mz, Leon Cowdry, LeW!~ WJbon and Ben Arend.

Members of the commiltPc pointer! nul th.Jl With a rapid Increase in populal ion due In suburban development lhe need for a !'ommunity builcline: has arisen. The prc~cnt lnwn h,Jl! dt the corner of Okemos and Holt roads Is inadcquale anrl !here is not space enough to c1 eel a new bUilding wlth adequate pnrldng space, the committee members reported.

Merchants Plan Meeting Monday

Mason businessmef\ will meet at the Ball-Dunn funeral home Monday mght to mal<c pl.ms for the Christmas spnson '!'he rnccl· lng w111 begin at 7:30.

Scheduled to be rlls!'ussecl arc the street Chrislmas dccowtlons ami the possibility o( a mrn munity Christmas pari y com· blned WJth store·WHIC p!Oillflllons. · Glen Du1111, n diH•t•lor ol the

Chamber a[ Cnmmctce, : .. tit! liMI the meeltng will be shrnl and to the poJnL. Refreshment:; will be served.

I fnciPr a cllspc•r <:d prnpr.ml fnJ lnchl:.l•·v sr•ITH' of Lnnslng inrhl'l tn Jnl.,l'l l'locr> In M1•w•n In W'' nut 11f llw hnmh ll'l'f'PI nrPII, snlr' ~fll'ct• /1 hPIIPI tlr•;oJ n1J<•hl he '" l"hlhlwwnl of llr:hl inrlt~ilrv II' M··~·rill, p•·nv1rli11~ t'Jlllllnvmrnt for wornnn, I hr l'r•nnomi~l nrlrlerl.

If 1'/yf'lll T.rdmr·•lnJirH lll'' ··'"ilr'd r'IIIH'I'IIIldll' Its milk pro r·r".slr11: al its lrl<~lro plnnl anr' · 1111nll "' a!J.rrHI<ill OJWrnllon•; al M: Sfl" il11• r ommunlly wnulrl suf '~'', Mili"l' •.l.llr•rl Tnrltr•Jfry b · •, r·nlilll Lo P'•I'"Ji" high laxalion l•r> I'.~J.J,J/m d. Wlwn I he cnllt·r Iilii ril'n of puhlk hc>rvlr cs nnr r IJools falls on 1 eslril'nlial 11rop

c•tly IIH• In~ r.JtP !'limbs like li lm: . .rll:<~sl Lnnsing, MIIIPr st.1tr•d

1\JIIIrl rr••nrnrnf'IHierl f!Jal lhr pl:mnln:: mrnml"slnn hire 11 con :;!illant, Jll,JIW n 1 omplcte MUrVCI 11f pr·pspnl fadllt lr.s, rlmw up r plrlll I'll \II' I illl( (!II Ill l' JW!'rls IIJ111

I.PI'JI llw public· inlol'rnl•rl nf prot; ···:··· 'I Ill' jJI.rnrllnl( t•ornmlsslrn sl1r.ulrl not nllrmpl to rlklnlr pollf'il"l hut shoulrl mnpcrafc will• 1'\'I'J ,V I lVII' gi'OLI)l in I he l'ommu •illy, srud 1\111/r.r.

f.,ltwslinnn.JiJI'H flllerl out bv 1\ 1w,, nl.1ns nnd f(llf'Sis rcvenlr;l br:w 1111' from facts were thcil (;urssrs nn \ alun linn, popul, 1tion lax r.liJ''• <~rHI L.1x rllsll 1bullnn

As •;11'1'11 IJy 1111llr>r, l11r flly ~l1nwcrl .t '!:l';l gain in nopulation hPIWcPn I~J<IO and lflf)O, being I'JPdilr•rl with :>,SI 11 in 1!l50 Jcor lhc same pPrlorl tiJC l'llUnty slillwrd .111 1n< rc,,~.e of :i2!l'/r, tor a tol.ll of 172,'J11. The county rqurllizcrl valuallon fnr· Mason i·, W:J,fiiHi,lfiii, wllh a property tax rniP of ~7.:1 I mills. M.tsnn hns 25 ii m1les of ~11 eels w1r11 11.7 m1icH of p;1vcmcnl.

J\n lmmPriJ;ttc ncerl Is incJe,JS 1ng the capacity nf the sewage 1\JSJHis,JI pl<~nl, salrl Miller It Js now opci.Jtlllg ,Jl 100',? of capac 1ly, he reported.

M.1son sl'iwnls, according t•• l'1iillcr, •:cl 80'r, of their suppmt 'mm the sl,Jlc WJII1 only 20'/r f1 om loc,d t.Jxes. The operating • ost per pupil 1s $1G8, wilh an .JS',f'SSl'li I'Llillilllon of $G,G50 per [lll[,i I

Chicken Thieves Raid City Flock

In 3 raids on the Bert Wamer fi<H k of !'llici<ens on West South •.ttcl'l, Mason, lhievr.s m"rle nfi with .Just about 100 pull'cts ami rooslcrs.

'!'he ra1ds were sf;Jged last Thtll s<lay and Salllrday morn· 1ngs and Wednesday morning, just before rlawn on each occa· Slflll. Presence of thieves were de· lcclcd on Cdch or cas1on, sairl Mrs. Wainer, hut before the Warners [•oulcl te<~ch the scene the ma· nwdm s Jled.

'!'he Wamcr·s keep between 500 nnrl uOO chicl<ens. Slolcn were While lloclts, BarTell Hoclts and LowdPn !lPds.

Pol1ce Chief Ralph Hall, aided hy :.IH·ri ff's ofiwcrs, 1s worl<mg on lhc case.

1\ntllml CIIK rol 'l'tldh Hi Ill J(), 2U nnd .!fi lh L•niHi nl Mn.wn llnmc Applin net.

•J,Iwl I

Wnul In \'oil, hut IICPtl lllllll\lllll't:t­

l'lnnrwl Kllu•IUI. Clwt•conl lllt•k, :iil.!.ill linn' (',LII .!-•\Hfil 1\1:11 \\Ill lw at YniH

Ninety-fifth Year, No. 43

Plans Shape Up For a Lot of Fun On Halloween

Milson Klw,tnlan~ have ex· tanrlcrl the progmm for thc.com·

'J1Unily'l3 2:!rrl Halloween pm'ly, -;clll'dulccl Salunlay night.

'l'he plOgJ·um w1ll Include a pa· udc, honlh·c•, costume judging, :mncH rtnrl contests. A plc-eallng onlesl is un added nllrnction. Sn

r; n toud1 football gnmc hetwPen eamH from the six lh and sewn I h ~~aries, That will replace a LUg· •f·war. 'J'hc game w1ll ile short· •r1erl to nhout 20 minutes. J~avors have been bought for

•vr.ry guesl. 'J'he J(lw,utls club viii Also serve refrcHhmcnls, 1111rl ols of them.

The party will slar·t wllh a pa· radc from lhQ high school lo 1\thlelic liclcl at 7 o'cloelc Firr• Jrjuipmcnt will !carl the par wlc. Prl~cs In the costume contest

will be awarded .for the funniest, fanciest anrl most original cos· 'umPs in c<1ch grrule from lirst 1 hrough sixth.

J~or high school pllplls there will he a danc•e in the school ::ymnnsJum. I<iwanians h a v c hooked a ?·piece band for the oc· cas ion.

The Kiwanis club has $500 sal ,tsic:lc for the big party.

Saturday mght's pm·ly will be No 23 In the unbroi<cn series which sturiPc:l In lfl31. Ktwamans unrlcJ·I oolt the pwgram lo pr·ove that boys and girls could have more fun on Halloween at a com· munity party than they could soaping wmdow.s, destroying property and engaging in trtck or treat busine~;;.

Blood ·Bank Asks Donors· to Report

To repay the Lansing Area Blood Bani<, Mason donors asked to report In greater nttm· bers Wednesday, November 3.

The Lansing Area Red CrosS" BloodmobJie will malte its stop at the Presbyte1·ian church from noon until 6 o'clocl<. ·Any person between tltc <Jgns tlf 21 and 60 fn ordinary good health may contribute, satd Frank Guerriero o( the local comm1llee. Young people helween 18 and 21 may contribute provided they have the consent of parents.

There Is no pain ancl no reac· Lion, Guerriero pomted out. Any pc11.~on In normal health can ~pare a pint of blood without missmg it, he added.

'J'he Lansing Area Blood Banlt supplies blood anrl plasma With· out charge lo all hoS"])Jials in the area, the M,lson General hospital included

Mason Senior Child Sf udy Cluh No. 1 and Mason Kiwanis club arc joinlly s[JOnsoring the Blood· mobile stop IIoll and Mason Kl· wamans arc also in competition to see which club can line up the most donors al the Mason stop Wednesday and a slop scheduled in Holt soon. nuviH Clolh\u~ Co 1,1\\ I ftt•l Vll't ~,h.\ I

~-------------- ------, --~----------·-....:...__. ___ _ Jlis Monuments Arc Living

Percy Foler Dies of Heart. Ailment Thousands oi tree~ stand as

living monuments to Percy FoiPI'. 'I'he flowers at ills fuJwrc~l were not a bit pre1t1er than the flowers he raised, and sold to florists anrl to buyers on the Lnnsing marlwl.

Percy Foil'r, 77, ciJcd at his Whcatliel,l farm home Frid,\y night. Funeral services \~erP con ducted at the Gorsline Bros. chap· el m Williamston Tuesday aflcr· noon with burial ll1 Maple Grove cemetery, Mason '

All his li[etJmc he devoted to making the world a prettier place.' For 35 years he was in thr. nursery business, g1 owing ever· greens,and hardwoods from seer! and eventllally using the young trees t, In landscape planllngs Since 1935 he bad heen growmg flowers for marltct. His gardens were l<nown throughout the state for gladioli. For many years he sold his flowers In the Lansing mnrlwt as well as through whole· salers and retailers. He gave ex· ccptlonal care to Ills own woorl· lo't. There was scarcely a tree or a flower he could not ldenttfy.

Percy Faler had an abiding love of nature, and a green thqmb to go with it.

Two years ago following sur· gery, Mr. Faler developed a heart ailment. He was forced to give up soine of his activities. He was frequentl~ seized with slcit spells. ' He had one Wednesday after taking flowers to marlwt In Lan· sing Tuesday, IIis condition worse Thursday and Frltlay lle died. '

·Born in Wheatfield township, Mr. Faler spent all his life In Alnledon·and Wheatfield. I* was born March 10, 1877, the son of Godft•ey and Isabella Pheljls

Rev. Cecil Polloclt, pastor of the Wheatfield Methodist church a friend of Mr. Foler's since hood, preached the funeral mon. Vance Pollok, Marlon lok, Howard Pollok, Glen Wat· klmr, Harold Glynn and Royal c;,oehra11e were pallbearers •. , .. .. ,

Mason, Michigan, Thursday, October 28, 1954

News Index Want arls, Pages G and 7,

Pnrt l. Sof'ial nowr., Pane 4, Purl I:

!'Jige 1, Purl 2; Pago 3, Part 2·A.

2. Church llCWS, Page 5, Purt

SprJrJs,' Pngc 8, Pnrl 3. J•]riltnrlals, l'rtgc 2, Purt 4. Farm news, Pages 3, 1, 5 m1d

7, Part -1. ' Lcgnl nollceH, P~tgn tl, Part

1; Pa;~o 7, Part 3; Pages G and 7, !\u·t 4.

Mrs. Jordan . Gets 21J2 to 15 Years In Stowe Death

Mts. Mnrgnrct .Tor·dan, 30, left Mnson 'l'hursclay forenoon fo1'1he Detroll Hou~e of Corrccllon at Plymouth. ,Judge Marvin .T. Sal· mon sentenced her I hew for from 21h I o 15 years. She heard the court's sentence at 10 o'clock In a Lansing cnurt room. By 11 o'clock she was on her way to prison.

Sheriff Willard P, Barnes and Mrs. Barnes, jail matron, .tool{ Mrs. ,Tordan to Plymouth, where Michigan confines Its women pris· oners. The Institution is owned ami operated by the city of De· trolt.

Mrs. Jnrdan qulcltly regained her composure after hearing the sent cncc. Upon her return to the jail, where she was confined sint;e May 2, she requested that one, thing be made clear.

"I never Intended to hurt Len· wood," she told Nelson Brown of the Ingham County News. "I :' , (,\... ~: had no Intention ever of hitting AU, UAII. Tim QUI~l~N- Pat Rosebury, 17-ycar-old scn1or, him with the car, and I want pea· reigns over Mason's Ioolball SCJUad. She was crownecl at AlhletJc pie' to understand that." . .

M J d h d It ~, field Friday mght before l11e Mason-Holt game. Pat IS a checllcadcr. rs. or an was c arge w " 1 1 l · · t 1 1 d ' 1 1 · 1

murder after Len wood Stowe, 40, She too' specm_ :mmng a a c Jeer ea er s~ 100 m. nrhana last Mason, wns found dead on Dobie summer. She chdn t need much because she ts bubh!Jng over with road the morning of May 2. She enthusl<tsm- so enlhustaslic that the coaches want her to Parry the and Stowe had stayed at the Red I ball. Put is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rosebury. She Rail drlnldng and dancmg until received the ClOWn from the hands of Barbara• Ireland, Jnst yPm ·~ closing time. Mrs. Jordan was queen. Janice Crosby and Gall Horn, seniors; Joan Hall, junior; and laldng Stowe home. They quar· Phyllis Mtllcr, sophomore; are members o.f Queen Pat's court rcled. Stowe started. to wallt the !Ingham County News photo.) quarter-mile on Doble road from Holt road as Mrs Jordan headed her cor toward Mason. She re· traced her mute and struci{ Stowe with her car.

'A jury dismissed the / hargl.'s ol nrst degree murdet: nna m~ond rjegrce murder and on Octodcr 13 returned a verdict of g\tllty of manslaughter. ·

In passir.g sentence Thursday .forenoon, Judge Salmon said, "It is the sentence of th1s courl that you be confined In the Detroit House of Correction for a period of not less than 21h nor more than 15 years. Let me explam to you, the 15 years is set by the legislature anrl the court has noth· ing to do with that. The 21,1,, or minimum, Is what the court de· !ermines. It is within the court's cllscretion to malte that what he sees fit. In this tnslancc I have made tl 21h years. That JS, rcla· Lively spenldng, a short mmim um term.

"Now I have considered your case very carefully and I have considered it from the standpoint of probation. So that you may not be wondering in the future why you did not get probation, I wlll explain ·to you when we can give probation. We can give pro· hatwn when 2 thmgs appear: J. That the person Is not likely to again engage In an offenRlVC course of conduct: and, 2, 1f the public's good does not require that the person be committed.

"Now I passed over No. 1. I lhlnl' you would meet that sllua· lion, but as to the public's goocl, that is, socially, I am of the opm· ion m this case that soCiety de· mands that you be committed for some length of time."


Officers Search For "3 Attackers Of Mason Girl -Sheriff's of.ficets with tlte vic· tim':; description to go on, parl of a license plate number and tire tracks, arc trymg to fmd 3 young men charged with rape.

Prosecutor Paul C. Younr;:er.is· sued 3 ,Tohn Doe warrants Mon· r1,1y aflernoon, afler questioning a M~son girl Jess than 16 She told officers that as she and a younger brother an;J s1stcr were walking home [rom .1 shnw about 11:30 Suturtlay night tllf'y were offprcli a rirlc Tlwy were in front oi lhe i11gh sclwol when the car rir·ew up, the children smd. The VJetlm told sheriff's officers she thought she !mew tile 3 young men in the car and so consented to accept the llfl home. At her home, she smd, the driver paused only long enough to let the youngot• children out and then rlrovf' off with her. She w.ts ,1\vnrc I hen llMt she did not lmow any nf the tr·io, she dedared.

It w,\s 2 hours laler wl,en the girl wns let oLJl at the home of family friends on Dexter Trail, 4 miles ensl of Mnson, she told o.f· fleets. Immediately upon Jcnrnmg of the atla~k upon then· daugh· ter, the parenls nolllied sheriff's officers.

Election Views .Jlelp Set Record

Ftve sections, 34 pages m all, !',

the bargain offered Ingham County News rcarlers thh Wl'Pk Election advesltsing plus special sales resulted in a new record for the Ingham County News in n regular cdtlwn

The schedule called for 32 pages hut extra lmagc forced a change Weclncsrlay, so the sec twns are numbeted 1, 2, 2·A, 3 and 4.

Party Workers Rip Down Signs

Partisans m Ingham m o np· ping and defacing signs alinut as fast as those in opposing camp> can put them up.

This wee it hunch eds oJ cxpcn· sive signs have disappear crl fwm frees and ulilify poles in 1111' rural secLJons of the counly, even some Ill town

Lc,ulers of hnlh Plll'lil'~ have .Joined 111 asltmg I hat the plae ards of canclidales he unmolcsled until after next Ttll'srlay. Fmm lhcn on, twithr.t· the winners not the losers Will Cdl'f! how !,1st lire placards disappear, members of the Democratic anrl Rt•[JLibliC'an county committees said.

2 Hunters Serve Jail Terms

5 Sections - 34 Pages '

Candidate's Engage I I

In Heated Struggle As(ampaign Closes

Candidates have mnrle the cnlit•e county a brtllloground ns tho campaign is dmwing to n close.

Candidates and parties have spent and arc l'ont intting to

spend money to keep voters ln llne 01' 1 o hn vc 1 hl'l11 switch, accot·ding to who is talking.

Dcmoct·ats want to oust Senatot· Homer l•'o1·guson, Jlw cntit·c state I icket, all Ingham leglslat OI'S and <'Olin I y ol'fic'PI'S.

Hepuhlicans want to oust Govcmor G. Mennen Williams and -- -- ·- · ·--- ·-- elect Repuhlicanr, to slat<' and

Gravel Pit Owner Denies Receiving Council's Letter

I•'rnncis Slusser has never re· c-e1ved a regJsterorl letter from any city orflclnl ahnut erecllng a

1 ferwl' around his pit, lw dcf'iarcrl 1 followinf~ puhllrallrm of SU!'h a statement last week.

I "I ltnow thr. c:·ouncJI orrlercrl a renee arntinrl the plls and I in· tend Ill creel stwh a fence," snld Slus:;er, owner or the Mason Gravel Co. "lhwevcJ•, I resent jlUIJiicatJon or the slatcmenl that 1 ignored :m offwlal notice sent hy rcqi,lr.rcrl mnil l"ollowing lasl wePk's rncet111g 1 d!d get a let ll'l from !111' cnunf'il. • Thnl rlldn'l ct,me by registered mall cJLIJCr."

"No memher of the counc!J or any other city oJTiclal," said Slus· scr, "nPed waste city money by l·Cnrling mP l'ommunlf'ntions hy l'Pglslcrcrl m,Jil. O:nmctlmcn lmnw where I live anrl where the pit is Jocaterl. I also have a telephone. i',;cy c.tn he assurer! that any rr>•1~.nnahle 1 cqucsl will be duly l'&nsidered."

Hestrlents of Barnes .and South •:11 eels pelillonr.d the councll to ~1.1ve the gravel pits within the area fenced ln. 'l'iw Ferris Co. ;mrl the cily fenced thc1r pits. The \11!'on Gravel Co. ha~ not com pldl'rl fen<'ing its 9 acres.

,'\t 1is mceling October 18 the <·nuo~cil sel NnvPmher 15 1h u c!r>a<lline for Slusser to complelr• lhe fence.

Shi~·ser cxprcss.~d his in Lent ion tn meet with tile council next [vlund,ty mght.

Legion Building Is Disappearing

What look many men mnny hoLJJ's to huilrl 1s coming down in a hul'l'y Wreckers have remover\ lllr. Jnnf o[ the Legion Memnl'lal building anrl Lorn down most of the east and north walls.

Wayn<! F'lorv oj Lansing has lite 1 .tzing contracl. He is clomg I he ]nh for the salvage value. IIr. is selling most or the sc~lvngc at tilt• site-lumber, brkk and steel sash. Whnl he can'l sell at Ma· son he ml ends to truck to Lan· sing, he said

Fil c dc~magcd tilC' Legion MP· monal btlllrlmg December 16, l n5:J. Inslcml of restoring- the l>uiltlincr the Legion post decided In ctr.c•l a nr.w slruclure norlh of town in V,evay township. The new huilcling is wr.ll along, reported Fnnk Sl'hmidt, pnst c•ommamler.

county offices. Nil <'lltJrlirlntP Is taldiJJ~ Plliwr

clcfcal nr viclory for gllll!IPcl tJJI,; year, DPmocJ.tls o~rc oti'Prlnr:~ ('()lll)lP.liiJon fnt cvrory slaiP nrfwc and for f'VI'l',Y <'tllllliV o111r·c in Tnglwm Tlwy nrr> woJ'I\IIlf( lim d tn tlll'.eal Cnnc:r·pssrnan !.:it Clardy anrl he nnrl hi•, supporters are war,mg a siJenllous r .1m· rmign.

Democrals nrl' also t'olwcntr tl· ing ng,linsl Hcpre•:f'nlntlve .Tolin McCJtnr. of thr set·onrl Tngham lcgtslatlvc• clislrll'l M< C11nc IS compleljllg his [IJsl lf'ttn 111 the house.

Invarlirm t rnrlillolldl llcpuhll· can len Jtot·y, Dernnt Jats fll't' hC'af· lng rlrum•; for .Tohn William Grugel of Leslie, lhrn· mnrl\rl.Jic for sheriff. LPsile ll<'JIIihliums ganc:erl up ngn1ns1 SIJPJ'Ifl 13m ncs and Prnsecufor Paul C. Younr;:er Ill the primary, going for Sam Tomlinson for shcrllf anrl Ch,Jrlcs E. Chamberlain for prosccutm:.

Tn East Lansing, long a nl'pllh· l1mn stmnghnlrl, DPmor·t·a 1 s arc mal<ing a slrong hid lo gel voters lo switc·h. They nl~n havl' a potent organization In Meridian town· ship.·

Rcpuhlwans are rml i•llt• Cnnlli· ria tes have !wen I wid mg nwelm,;:~ In just uhout cvet·y sectum of the county.

State orgnnizallon:, arc spend· lng hig money on radio and tcle· vision. Pln<'anls nnrl newspape1· advertisinr:: arc rPiir•rl upon hy most of the county Ciltlllirlc~IPs. . Democrats 11rc trying to capital· IZC on the dJssatisJaclion of Bish· op Oxnam will! Kil Clardy's Un· Americ:.tn Ac•l!vil iPs 1 nmrnit tee. The Clarrly for[•es believe, nr at ll'asl express I he hope, tiJ.Lt the move will bnd\lire; lhal 1t will malw more• Calholw votes for Clardy than it will mal<e Mcllwd· isl' votes for Don Ilayworlll.

The only proposal til.JI is l'I'C'rtl· ing mtJ['h interesl Is hmr::o ami thai seems lo Ire culling across party Jmes.

In the nalinnnl and stale c,tm· nnir~ns thr. furor nvct• Se<'relary Wtlson's rPrnntl\s ahoul hu·rl clogs hns been cnnr.elcrl out hy rrolcsls over remnrl<s attt'lbutecl to the r,ovcmnr':; wl fe.

Vot[•rs Gel li Rttlluls Mm;t Ingl1am vnleJs will get 5

hallnls next 'l'ucsrlny, ~orne will hnvr lo be salis[ll'd with 'I ami in Alair.do'n snme Will grl !i.

Voters will get thr. hig ballot on "fate anrl munty offices, one con· talning 1\ slnlP prepositions, and a httlc one conlallling I he names of the 2 canrllrlates for circuit rourt commissioners, Arllnn· .L. Kramer nnrl C. LaVerne Roberts. Thev are Wilhotlf opposition

All vntn1 H Will lw hnnclc>rl a bal­lol on lifling counly m1flnge for one yr.ar to g1vr. an arlrlillomll 1.35 mills to I he Ingham Chr.sl hospi· Aslwd at Mason, whtle she was

packing her sultease for the trip to Plymouth, about plans for an appeal, Mrs. Jordon s01d she \1'1.1~ leaving that to her attorney, Howard A. McCowan of Mason. He stood beside her In court as the sentence 'was pronounced. Thursday afternoon he said he has not yet decided on an appeal. One of thp grounds, if a motion for a new trial is aslted, would lll(eJy be that Stowe's fnthcr In· law was a member of the jury pan'cl. He did not sit l11 judgment on Mrs. Jordan, however.

The gtrl clescnhccl her altack· cr s as heing bet ween 17 ancl 20, onp wearing a white zipper jack· ct, prlsstbly ot bttcJ<slnn, nnd 2 wenl'lng dmk lcathet· jacltets. Oi· fker:. mucic c1wls of the t1re marks left whew the car was stopped to Jet lhe girl out. They arc trying to fintl a car with 2 front lire~ anrl a left rear tire alil<c Wll h a lmobby tread on the right rear.

Ill I H t• I c I tal fnr s1o1rf quarters and foJ' con·

. ega' Un. lng s ost y vr.rslfln tlf sunporl'hes into hospi· tnt rnnms. VolcJ s who own property n~csserl for taxes will

At the jn!l Mrs. jordan aslwd friends to help aTjd pray for her 13·year·old daughter. The mother lndleatec) that the girl w111 pmb ably mal<e her home with rein· tlves In another c1t,y. One son Is married and the other rs serving ln. the navy.. Mrs. Jordan owns her own home at 416 East Maple. , The . 6 mqn ths already served by MrS'. Jordan In the county jail Is dead tll)le. While the court may have taken It Into consideration In arriving at the minimum sen· tence, no mention was made of II In the sentence Itself. It w111 not count as time served, snid Sheriff Barnes.

'l'he youths were acquainted wilh the roads east and south of Mason, the girl satd.

Veterans Units Will. Mark Day

Armistice Day, existing since World War I, has now had lis name officially changed to Vet· erans Day, with Wm·ld War II and the Korean War included.

In Mason November 11 the American Legion, 'Veterans of Foreign Wars ami Disabled Vet· crans will jointly celebrate the rla\e, announced Frank Schmidt, commander of llu' Legion post.

Wayne Miller Is chairman of lhc Legion committee. He has named Frank Gucrrlcr·o and Clar­ence Bailey of tlie post and Mrs. Pearl Jewett, president of thl! Legion Auxiliary, to take chal'ge of a potluck dinner to be served at the'!{, of P. hall at 6:30 on the night of November 11. 'A program is being armnged,

Miller sa.ld. r

Ten bird hunterR pa1rl higli prices for thciJ;. Sjlol t in Inglmm justlcf' cm1rts last week. :rhr.~· were all nrrcstr.d by stale conscr· vat1on offiCers.

French Morr,an, :i0i18 Ivanhoe, Detroit, nnesterl Sunday in f3un· lwr Hill for having a loadr.rl·~hnl gun In his cur, plt•nrlerl guilty br>· fore Justice or l he Pcac·r. Roy W. Adams at Mason. He pairl $!no

Edmond H. Brlinnon, 110fJ2 Hudson, VanDyke, wns hunting on a borrowed small game llrcnsr> In Stocltbrirlgc Sunrlay, W.11tcr Mutchler, conservation officer, reported. In Judge Adnm~' r·ourt Monday Brannon paid $17 SO.

Donald William:;, 35G32 Brush, )Vayne, also arrested Sunday in Stockbridge with a loadccl gun in his car, paid $17.80 Monday in Judge Adams' court •

Peter J. Shaw, 1012 Woodbine, Lansing, wns found hunting ·In Meridian township Saturday with· out a license. He plcaclcd guilty before Justice of the Peace Gco1•ge J. Hutter, Lansing town· ship, and paid $17.80.

James Simmons, 2920 Barlter, Lansing, falied to wear his !dent!· llcation patch while hunting In Delhi on opening day. He pleadeCl guilty before Judge Adams and paid $7.80.

Lee A. Wl11iams, 220 East Shaw a !so receive a billlnt Jll'OVIding for ll<~ll. MSC, shot a hen pheasant the r,ranllng of :mthority to spend in Easl L.tnsmg ; lust F'rlday, A he extrn 1.35 mills on the Ingham Mutchler said. Williams pleaded C'hest hospital project g11illy lhe same ctuy before Judge On the state pmnosition ballot, II1111cr and was ordered to pay Prollosal No. 1 will prevent dis· $12.80 qualification of electors because

Franeis 'l'oll, 532 Abbott (.oad, of having moved withm the stute East Lansing, was charged with tlm·ing the 3p rlays preccclmg an

election; No. 2, amenrlment rela· possessing and transporting a tive to sales tax nnrl rl!stribtltion Joaclccl gun In his car in Alaleclnn of snles tax TC\'enucs· No '>

t0\~l1l18 hip 8nlurcla:v. He pleader! .authorizing a hond issu~ o[ '$sO,: C!"lll Y in Judge Hutter's court 000,000 to pay honuses to men and Monday and paid $27.80. women who seJ'Vccl in armed

Harry Sm1lh, 15893 Lauder·, De· forces rlurlng the Korean war; troll, was arre~ted in Ingham and No. t!, to llcen~e lotteries for township last Thursday, charged charitable purposes. with t ransportlng and possessing :1 landed gun In his car. He pleaded guilty before Judge Adams, paying $17.80. ",J. T. Hampton of 'Detroit, ar· rested Sunday in Bunlter Hill with a hen pheasant In his possession, pleaded guilty Monday be!orc .Tuclge Adams. The judge sent Hampton to jall for 2 days and ordered him to pay $108.40.

James Risner of Mlshawalta, Indlnna, went to jail for 2 days and paid a fine of $25 "for listing his residence as Michigan Instead of Indiana. Thc license fee for a non-reslden t Is $15, against $2 for a resident •

Marksmen Are Sought Holt school oJTlcinls have en·

listed the aid of the sheriff's staff in' spoiling the aim of Holt sharp· shooters. Four weeks ago 8 win· dows were shot out at the Elliott srhool. Tuesday night a window was blasted at the office of tha Sycamore school. Three windows have been replaced at the high school. Boys wlth BB guns are doing the damage.

ToJ> cont~, $12.50 uJ>, Dnvl• Clothllur Co, 43w1 ,

Mcfhct.tor "Antl-li'a•eozo" nylon jaclccllf' Coml•l•tcly ;.vn•hnblc, Dnvio Clotlullt< Co. .


· • r ' d• I • ·r • '; •r',:t'll '' '·.' 1 ~-

Letters to· the·iErlitor -----· ·-·-------------~

English Farln Youth likes Stay Here llovtd lll•cl< ol Suflull<, F.:nlllondl Jo•nn

lntcrnnllonnl Fnrm 'Youth Exchun~tc &tudcnl, nnw n LfiiCIIt In 'thtt ho"iuo nf Mr, nud Mrs. M;ayluu·d Wuh•tcr uf -WIIIIum•­tnn. In thia lelh!r ho 'tollu aunTo of lhn dlffornncc" In fnrmlug .In ,lhu. U. 5. und EnRinnd,) '

Il doesn't seem ·to me•thnt: over 4 mont hH have pns!Wd since I nncl 20 other lmys. npcl girls from ttw llrliiHh fslc~s c•ar[Jr. to llw United Stulc!H. Alrenlly srlme-of them are luwk In l~nglunrl nml In· 4 wccf{H I s'hrtll be I here ioo, ·•

II. was one of those· hot .• Tune rlayH.Ihnt grcetc•cl us as we came? Into the ~ount r·y .. But for me thnt was only I he first 'tnste. After 10 dayH In Washington I was HWeiiE'I'ing down In Geot•gln, Not untJJ·September did I atTivr~ in Michigan. I spr.nt 3 cluys nt the !:-ltale HI dtrb hrfor·e going to West Brmwh for· 3 wc•cl;s, From 1lwrr. J mover! to Stmfleld nnrl nnw I urn staying with Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Webster nl Wil­liamston. r hnve cn,loyr.d my5r.l f with. tlw frunllies with whom I have stayr.rl, joining In their worlt as W(!)i as tlwir piE'nsur·cs,

I mmc from n t,:JOO-nerr• fal'm lm<'k In Suffoilt, Englanrl, alrout 20 mllr•s IHJr!heast nf Lonrlon, No

An Open Letter to

t•m·n Is grown in England, hut Wt> I hnvc often berm nslwrl, ''What g.mw whr•Ht, blll'h!y, Hlll-(111' hruts diffiH·enr·es hnve you nollccd ho· nnd grHHH seeds nwl nl11o several twPen the 2 countrlt!s?" The /lt!res M lwl'tlcultuml r•r·ops. greatest diffemnce Is llizc. Eng·

WC! conslcler fJ\II'H'IJlVP.H quite lund ltseiC is not ns lnrge nH highly nwdmnlzcri even though Mlchl~nn, and nil the United Wfl do eniploy \!iO mrm und 20 Kingdom, with ltr; !iO,OOO,OOO pop· women thmug wut lire yc!ar·. ulation Is smaller than Mlchtgnn Among our· 20 or· so ll'aetm·s 7 nn<l Wlsr!onsin togelhci", '!'hr. Ill'!~ cmw!Prs while~ most of 0111• lrtrge amount of land here that ls gmin is hru·vestcd by r·omhlnr. not fnrmccl wns an eye-opener for

me. AI. home evcr·y ncre counts. Out· lnrgest rntr.rpriHr, how· 'l'ilen, too, we have a larger

C~Vl'l'l .Js, hogs, 'J'IJc :1,000 lrogH nmmtnt of labor nvnllable per whleh we sPncl nJmually to tlw li['l'r~. conscquenlly production per bnc·on far•tol'y arc all ·rnJs[•rl orr lllllll Is not of the Rnme Import­concrete. Only tlw sows nrul !;Ills a nee ns here. In agriculture:· the run rHrt:;Jde mJ".pnsture . .'l'lwy itfi:' t~\{nlfjnrd·minlm.um wngc is $18 n brought tnsi<lc befnl't! farrowing. we'i;l;: Generally costli' arc lower Soivs farr·ow eontlnually through- at home. I can get a haircut for out thl' year, 'l'hc pigs am wenrwd li11• hut gas costs 5~c, n gallon. nt ahout 8 wer~l1s, llwn mover! lo Tt took men little while 1o gr·asp another siH!CI for fattening. We! ynUJ' prlee strue\1/I'e hut now I kr.ep r•hiefly Yrll'ilsitlt'r!~, hut arr! lwllcvc ll's caster than ours now hullrling up n stof'i; of would he to you, Swedi~h Landrace. 'l'hcse tend to . T woulrllllw to thank those who he longm·. We are paid hy dear! havr. extended hospitality to me. weight anrl gt'll(le. 'l'he rlifferr~ner! I'll would he cllffirult to choose llf!IWt!C!ll 11 grndr. A hog ancl· one between Michigan ancl southern gi'tlfling Jc Is about lOr. lh. 'l'lwr(! hospitnllty. '!'Iris visit to ~he IH · therf'fom ('onsldc•mhi£> tnr·Pn· United States hns hcen ·a grent tivr~ fot· the fat'lllP.l" to Jll'fllil/['f! r·~:pf'rienee anrl one that will al· gr·ad'~ A hogs, that means a hog wayH remain with mr.. with lPss fat. DAVID BLACK

Patrick McNamara and Don Hayworth Gentlemen: · hecnusc they r.o~rlcln'l flgul'e otrl

Having n•arl the headlines reln· how In get the economic mnC'hlnc 1ivc to various liilks ovet• the bacl1 in gear·~. nr lilnlf' it strikes mr. that you are Was it the maneuvering of this ovcrloolling the reeord on whieh country Into the second World you Di•moc!·ats seek to he elected Wm· afler having pt•omised thnt to nffit'fl. Surely you must he as long as H.oosP.vclt WIIH prcsi­willing lo stand on the record dent not nne American boy woulcl nf the past 20 yenrs. Just what ever scl foot. on foreign soil?, or were the c·rowning nchlr.vements You might explain why our of tiw past Roosevelt and 'l'ru- hoys were not nleJ·ted at Pearl man mlministralions"? Harhor and why ncal'iy :i,OOO had

Was it the l'lllling of govern- to die-and the ~ountry's Jo~·s of mcnt f'osts 2fi~t,, ns pmmiscd by the whole Padfirt1 fleet when our Mr. Roosevelt in his 1!132 earn- great commande1" had known for Jlilign?, or 2 weeks that the .Japs wel'e on

Was it the recognition of Jlus· the prowl and mtghl attack 1his sia, shortly after his election, Hawaiian base., nt· just after they had flnishecl lcill· Was it orderi.ng our boys to ing everyone in their own coun- hac!\ up 200 miles so thr. Rus­try who might 'iinvt' brains sians could claim ct•edlt .for· cap." enough to start a revoltttlon.?.1 or turing Berlin, n blunder that has

Was it the iwf'ping of 8,000,000 cost t!Jis country hillions'~. or Jleoplc on n rlolc for 7 long years Was it perhaps.· the ca;crul

coddling of CommunistS' in high government positions and the de­feat of every c!fort to expose lhern with the result that Rus­~ia obtained every government secret inclucling radar, atomic and hydrogen bombs? At least it is nice to note that ovr.r 2,500 of 1 hose rr.sponsiblc have recently berm dismissed for security rea­sons.

\Nily not forget Secretary Ben­son for a few minutes and ex­plain "how come" the govern­mr~nl ~ent Russia the plates for printing military script without limit, a- blunder costing about 2 billion dollars·~

-~-- ----~- -----·~·----· ____ __._ ______________ ...:.___(_, __. .. - ··----·· ~-

lngh~m County News

/uBlice Court Four· ;Michigan Stnle, sluclcnts

fell Info lllll tolls nf the Jnw Wochlcstlny or last wcolt for cxlm· l!ttJTiculnr rwtlvitlos, n(ehnr·d Hog· gcnbuclc, 'l'llomnH lltrdy, ll.nlwrt IIasllngH unci Allan rt. Wonclrnnn WCI'C! 'ltl'l'CH\erJ fot• IIJcguJ JH!HHeR· sion of her.r. All plcadccl guilty )J(!fom .1Tustlce .of the Peace Hoy W, Adums. Each was ussc~sod $15 In fine· and. costs ancl r.nch ·was plnced on probation fm• 3 months,

Wulter Marshall, Rloelthrirlgc, went before .Tudgr. ·Adnms lnHt 'I'Jmrsc:jay, ehnrgcd with vlolntlon nf probation. He went lri ,lall fnr 60 clnys.

Dnt·win Colhy, Mnson, plr.ndcd guilty Monday hefore Judgl! Adllrns to i1ssault nnd baltery, paying $10 In t1ne and· costs. He :.vas put on probation for ·2 years.

Elwood Quinn; Leslie, visited Judge Ai!ams' court twlt'C. He appeared Monday on a clrunk driving charge to whleh he en­lered n plr.ti of not guilty. He returned the following rlny on the charge of driving on a rcvolwcl license, sceond Mrr.nse. Hl! de­manded an examlnntlon on ,that charge. Hr. wns released on $100 bond to stnnd trial for rlrunlt driving nnd he JlLit U[l nnolher htJ!ld · of ~1 00 on the Aer.oncl chaq~c. t

Paul Annstrong, Jncltson, 1111· pea red 'before .• Tudgc Adami! Mr1n· dny chnq~ed with disturbing tlw

lng 600 million of· our former al­lies down'• the river so we won't have them to help us now that we may have the whole job to do over.

And If you have time will you explain the police-action in Ko· rca, why it was started· after our state depart rnenf had practieally Invited the Communists to take that country over, It being out· side of our defense · perimeter, etc.? Could It have heen that our economy was beginning t.o sag a bit and a little war might lteep the machine rolling until some­one could he re-elected? It wasn't pleasant reading to learn of the fate of 6,113 atrocity victims.

I,;n't it a fact that, rlispensing with the bunk and blowing the smolm away, that the whole Democratic argument· is sub· stantlally this: "We got you in 2 nice wars and we did most of the spade work for another one and you've had good times ever since? You could afford to lose a boy. or .two as long as we eould keep, hogs up to $17.00 a hun­dred?"

Yes, why not talk about the tragic record on which the Der'no· crattc. party asks lo be re-elected.

HEN~Y A. RENIGER, Sr., Lansing

S~ate· ·Winners 'in 4-H Proj~dsr .Awarded ~~ub Congress.Trips

Evelyn rcggy Carlson , plnndy

0 UTS'I'ANDING 4·H Club wort' model n~ til a 1054 SLnto ·Show dres6 In fnrm nml home snfoty, cloth- revue. She has completed oovcn

lnt~. food Jli'C)mrntlon nnt:l home hn- yours of 4·H Club work:. Her Chi· pt·ovement will IJc reco[!nlzed In late cugo Ll·Jp Is sponsm•ed by Cants & November when Delores Miner, AI· Clnrk Inc., Educntlonnl Burp11u, Jcgnn county; Evelyn Cnrlson, No· New York, N. Y, · wnygo county; Jonn Plunl,ctt, Clln· Jonn, 20, wns nwnrded tho clu!J ton county; nnll Peggy Hnmly, Ber- Congress trip fat· her outstundlng rlen county, nttoncl the Nntlonul work ln food prepnmtlon. Her tt·Ip 4-~I Club Conr.ress. sponsor is tho Itclvlnntor Division

I'hcse younl( women hnvo O[Lrncd of NILSh·Kelvtnntor Corp,, Dotrott, atntc honors In thoh· four respec- Mich. Jonn hns been IL 4-H Club Live p.-ojeets lLlld will represent memllct· fot• eight years and hns ~11· Mlchlgrm In the nntlonnl compeL!- joyed Hower gardening nnd nheep Lion In Chlcngo. projects as well ns her kitchen

l'!lllu}f)) l'Ulliltl . '' · . ,' .. j Mr•s, 'l'horlnrrn taught school llfrs. Tllehnn . Thorhurrt :nnrl •ruesclny so that tile tcmclwr r.mrlcl

M11ry Christine. vlsltecJ... schrml. J>'rJ(]ay, , uttcrHI tho funeral of hor fnthCl'· · Pinne Frye, fourth gl'nd£!1', rc- in-Jaw, l'nrey l•'oler. cclyccl all A'a,for tho th·:;t tnnrl<· ---------hJg· pm·lod. . Nn onr. c•nn rnntcmplntn the

Sixth grnde hislnt'Y dnHR IH gl'mtl fuel~ uf nHtJ·onomy wllho\11 studying nhout the nnclent Spnt'l· fc!ellng h!H own lltllmwss rmrl tlw nns· at present.· . •rhe new first grndor who wnmle!'ful Hwer.p nr 1 I!P. llOWP.I' ktnt'ted Monc:Jny iH Jnclc I Ilnchaw nnrl Jll'ovldenec of Gorl.-'l'l'yon fro~ Dnnsv.ljle. Erlwurcls.

Insurance for You 'Windstorm •Fire :Liability .Accident

llnn'f. frntl, don'!. llhll'h-hll.

, llu~ linn hnrd.

-'J'ht•rHlUI'I' ltOOSI!VI•Jl,

.McCowan & McCowan Authorlzml Agcnt•t'or Auln OWJU!rs Insm·mw11 Cn.


Delores, 10, Is the !.lmrghtel' of Mr. cookery. She Is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mt·s. Leslie Miner of Haute 2, nnd Mrs. Lewin A. Plunkett of Allegan. She will rctll'esent Michl· Route 4, st. Johns,

119 E. Oolt l'lwnn 1\Jnson 3201 gnn In the fnrrn nml home s~tfety Peggy, 16, who will l'opr~sent I progrnm. Hel'l·trlp lff'sponsorpcl by Mlr.hlgnn in tho hQinc Improvement

Gcneml .Motors Corpomt.lon, De· pt•ogrnm, has llccn a 4-H Club !'"·==========================' tmlt, Mich. Durlna her nine ycnrs membel' for seven yenrs. All 'fi 4-H i• In 4·H Chtb work, Delores has com· project she completely recte'comted pleted projects In photo[lt'nplly, her room, Referring to 4-H Club Hower gnrdenlng, wild flowers nnd work, she dcchu·cs, ''I know my 4-H foods. knowledge will enl\ble me to tum 1\

Evelyn, 17, will represent Michl· 'house Into n \Iaine." Peggy Is ~ho gnn In the clothing program. Her tlnughter of Mr. and Mrs. John pntelltS nrc Mr. nnd Mrs. Fmnlc J. Handy of Route 1, So[lua. Her tilp C!lrlson Sr. or Wllltc Cl~url. Evelyn to Chlcnrro Ia sponsored by the was chosen !rom her l~t•unty to Scnrs-Roebuclc l'o1.1ncln\Jon, Chlougo,

pt!ncc in Leslie. Armstrong plenrl· ed gulity, He wns sent to jail for 5 days. ·

Ernest Mntilins, Holt, arrested by Deputy Anrlrcw Harton in Ma­son Saturday on n rlrunk rlriving chargr., plciuled not guilty Wednesday. His bond wns ~et at $300 to appear for trial Novcm­bei-:18.

'Prat'fic violation tickets re· poJ·terl settled in .Tttclge Adnrns' court during tiJe week were:

.Alvin L. Boettcher, Webberville running stop sign, $4. ·

~I'cd Christie, Lansing, speed­Ing, $5.

Warren At.ldns, Char I ott c, speeding, $8.

Gloria Regner, Dearborn, speed­Ing, ~5.

Henry Mier, Okemos, speeding, $12.

I,.. J. Fry, Dansvillr., excessive muffler noise, $2.

.Tacit Miller, Lansing, reclclcss clr~ving, 10 days In jail plus fine o['··:'fi.40 with another 30 dnys in jail. if fine is not paid.

Firemen Battle Hot Stew Burned stew on a gas coolt

stove hrou<!hl Mason firemen to the horne cJf Mrs. Orle Smith nt fi03 W. Columbln stt'eet Tuesday nf1ernoon. The interior of the lwusc was damaged hy smolcc; The stew, left una! tended, boiled dry. It was afire when firemen al'rived.

,......---------- J


nonald Quick, Enst Lansing, · Zl · ' · 1 1 · · $2 "You say your· whole. fmnlly's ~~~~r~~p~1 Pqr, 1 ng, · · missing? Jlavo you tried. your

Drain Business Is -Big Business

gnd Everybody's Business

With 818 miles of established drains, Ingham ranks eighth in the state, in the numbct• of local dullm·s spent

. for drainage, Ingham ranks fourth.

THA'l"S BIG BUSINESS, ALMOS'l~ ~H,OOO,OOO IN· VESTED. For 1954 the cost of main1enancr! nml new construction will come to $717,11.1.

IT'S EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS because ade­quate farm drainage means pt•ofitable fnrming; good road drainage lowers maintenance and highway con- _ struction costs; and land drainage opens up rural areas for suburban development.

Ingham county has a drain commiSSIOJWI' wlw knows where all these drains arH locatl!tl. Ill! !mows theil' condition, the maintenaJWI~ tlwy will r•·quiJ·e anil what they'll cost. His enginem·ing tminin~ :uul his long expcrienpe qualifies him for the ,job.

Vote for him November 2.

GERALD L. GRAHAM l{e~,ublican


·Calls Kettle·' Blac:k ' . ' . ' ' ~

This· cry of Democrats to wrest county jobs away .from Republi· cans hecause the Republicans have been too long in office is the pol calling the.ltettle black

nor he had· a liquor commission job.

~ i • ndghl}f)rs-1 imdentand; tJ1ey' 'tJie lints' of autumn-a mighty ,lust: had theh• 'l'V set repaired

fio~cr gurrle11, hlessmning under by Cousins Undio 11nd TV In the!spell of the enchanter, frost.-- Mason!" Whittier. 1 '---------·

Entered 1\IJ aecond clnse mntlor nt poBtat11co, 'Mnaan, Mlchignn, 't'nder Act of Murch 3, 1870

SUBSCRIPTION RATES One ycn1· in Irudutm nncl P.lnnlny nclvcrtlslng rntc11 on nr·

ndjolnlng countlc• ................ 12.60 vllcntion. DuR1nc8R locnlB nnd rend .. (Paynblc in Advnnca) ing nollcGH on flrHt •nnd lor. !I\ r•ngeB,

Ono yenr outHido lnghnm nnd 21ir. n line, No rcrullnf.t or buaineRB ndJoinln1: countlca ................ 3,00 ,:u1vo1•tlslng leHR thnn tiOc. Announco-

Six monthK in lngllllm nnd mentH of ~ntci'LilinmentA whet·u nd-'ndjolning counties ................ l.l'iO mifHtion IH chnl'f.tC'd OJ' of nny. plnn

Four monthH .............................. 1.00 to rnltto fundH muKt \10 1111itl nt m}t'u-Sins:lc eoplcH .............................. .0() lnr rutell. ·

FtJt' 20 years Democrats suclced the public teat. Some still are, holding office under Civil Serv­ice without ever having talten an examination.

Democrats who claim Republi· cnns have been too long In office arc trying to get an unprece·

liW~~~~~i~~ii~ii~~i~~iii~~~ffi de1itcd fourth term for Governor Williams. Before he was· gover-

Hclfers nnd Dogs ' I rcacl. with much Interest, your columri "Down by the Sycamore." I enjoyed your refcrenc~ to the Durnml young woman being a heifer.

Now I'm nnxlous'to Jmow n rew things! .

Did Egypt rise ln revolt when Jereminh called her a .fair young heifer? Read Jeremiah ,46:20. :

In regard to Wilson's .remarlt, "'!'he only dog I've heard howling was Mr. Rcuthe·r, I guess:he'mus't have been the only laboqnim hi~. I have not heard any .. other laborer howling. The ol('ndage~ "if the shoe ,fits, put it or;" still holds true today: · : ; ·

Is Mr. Reuther a.dog,.ln manger? He can't hold all the .lobs, but he sure lceeps a lot of men from worlling who want to work. •

Oh! America! America! Start using your thinUer, or soon your thinlter won't start. .

Maybe I'm dumb (! ·ndtrilt' it) but I'm sure confusetl.along with it.

THELMA J. TINi( Cotmtry Homemaltet•

·Don Hayworth draws his pay from· the state. So do some of the other can.()ldates· like John Par­dee·. At le'ast ,Olle womari' candi­date for county office has a hus­band on· the state .. payroll.

Republicans. have no job mon­opoly and .want none. Democrats sci·eamtng· the loudest about Re­publican monopoly arc anxious to perpetuate a Democratic monop­oly on· federal jobs, .even. the P. M, A. jolis.

For 20 years every ·postofflce In the U. S. had a Democratic p'ostmnster and after they were all in ori: patronage the Demo­crats tried to ,free?.e them under Civil S~rvlce. Nobody liltes to get closet· .to ahe trough than a Demo­crat. And•.Ihgham Democrats ai'C n~. exc~}'itlo~.

.'HERBERT E. HOWE, •: . · . · Masnn


Call ·one of These Men for Your ·Ticket for 4 Wonderful Winter Showsl

Frnnlt Gttel'l'lcril >

U. G. llpnsoil 1

Ar·t.hm• W. ,Jowett

l~mory ,Je.wet.t '

Clarence A11lof

n.ev. Pout AI·nold

Wlllorcl P. BarneR

nusscll Bement

Jim B1·nwn -D1·. D. U. L~lhbrldgc

N clson lirown

U.lcluml lli'OWII

Vernon ,J, nrown

Shmley Cornwell

Uoy Christensen

Glmi Coon'

D. C. DDI't

,Jo.clt Davis

J. n .. Dean

Rlchorcl Demlow

'.GI~n D1tnn

Don E1lglngt.on

Dill Irln)f

· 'ncrb Fox I' •'

Jim Glotta

llmu·y 1\fcntlmer

llnword McCOWILII

U.uymond 1\lcLeon

I..nurence PDI'ker

D1•, 0. 1\eith Potilcy

Uny Pm•klnl'l

AI U.ko

I..owell U.ObhJ8on

fiobert Seyfori.IJ I

lloward· Seibert

,JJin Ste.e.lc . ' B~ll Thorburn

D. J,ee Wore

Ben Wc~~er Wolter Zlinmer

.. .



The·Mason kiwanis Club Is . . .

· ·.Pre~enting the lnd Season , of the

.··;: . 1 . ' ' '

:· ·: teciure~Concert Series Starting,November 9, 1954

+ + +

.Qur main object is to offer a

season-df educational entertain-' '1,

·'' .. ' :All profifs go. to youth ni.e·rilt. '

, ·.,sc~.ola·.rship f.uAd~ : !o I • I,

. +. + + ~ '~>, ; I! ;: ,

0' I

· i4,•t· ;l.ye~r: .:ihe •Kiwanis .. club awarded four ·.$50 aCholarihiptfto.lnterlochen Music Camp

. ;:~~d:~wo·$·1'QO acholarahips.to Michigan S.tate '; .coll:eg~. 1:~e . .ypung people who recelved · ~lie• lchol~rallipa· were·:

• ./ ,I

' Bruce Collin~· · ·.·Joyce Duchane .. Donna Murray

V I . s I ·hmntl nnrl one hy the cll;y~. Ther•WiliiumslrJWn' townships, a uatton nar ligures '.!Ollld .nnl llo ·repon~ll,~cl., 'u. p.nn nrloptlnn of l/10 l.'eport qw •rnylrw r]eclrlr£1cl.,, , .; )wnrrl nrljout·necl !Ill II Novcrnllr.r

ingl1am ·County 'News October 28, 1954 , ·

T bl . B a ·d Wlwn ·' Ponr(ll' nppenrerl lw !J. rou es 0 I ngrr.erl to :;lgn the enmmluee ro· ------ . 1

On Tax Spread·. };!:~~~\· ~~~~~~;~~v~s·~~~,f·th~;.{.c~~~;.e (}~ Cand~da'les. Lo.se Court Postpones Hr.pnruto· tuhles hut on~ ono ~cl 1 ·• ... I '

Ingham lillflP.l'VI~om, selwdulecl ol' vnluntlcms, llw '"Hlfi:l IJiale In s·a.I!II'Y .. ·M· ... ove ExaminatiOn • nto In return fnr ll short liC'sslon last equnllzecl, t;lmulcl npply. A recess U '

Frlclny In fi!'{'C(ll !Iii! apportion· wns ealled ll.nrl for 2 lwurs the 'Prl'so' ner's ... 'Dea'th men! enrnrntt 1 ,~11 rr.porl hucl rt long apporllonmrmJ committee worlwd Rcpuhlicnn nnrl Dcmoemtlc nfterrwnn. H tool\ hettm• than 2 lhe report over. It: was then cnncllrlntes for Jli'Ofioculnr lost out . hour;; to lmn 0111 thr. dlffnrcnces nclopterl nftm· Woods cxplnlned Just I•'rlrluy ·1 11 their nllcmpt. to Exnmlnnllon ofLcsler f'cott, 15; itt flglll'l',,, somr1 originally based llw c!wnges. hnve the prosccutor'H ~alury In· Lansing, charged with murder of rm mlltliY Nplitllwd vnluntlon~.. Tlw only taxes affP.ctP.rl WC!re creased. a fellow .iall lnmnte September otlwrs on l!l:iil state crptallwrlnnd spcclrl] voter] mllluges fot' school The m.lpC!rvlsors set the salary 112, wl~~ be resumed r-:o~emb~rb:· srmw on Hl:i·l statfl CfJllnllzr!tl. operation anrJ.' hullcllnr, ani! site nt $7,:i00 when nllwt" salaries The C!.,~m1 1nnlflon1 wpns ~ egRUI W.

· r r!s Woods nnd otlwr super· . 11 1 0 1 1 •. 19 I •. 1 F ·I fore .Just cC! o t w cnr.e 0 Y · '!'here Wll!i no report Slthmii.Lccl un ·' · , , . · . Weir. xcc c 0 1m ·' "'1s · 1 • AdamR nt: Mason Monrlny fore·

visors ar,rccrl. Jlw .tpporllonmnnt. rJay they ref'clverl n cmnrnnnlca· whnn tho ho;~t·ci l!l'~t wrmt, lnt.n cmnmiller! report as . llnally tlon ft'~m n·lcharrl j3. FostC!t', noon. Tlw judge ndjourned the sr~s~lmL At. lho1~ st:tgf! t.hc t:P'.nt. ntloptr!rl will dqcreasc special JH'esldcnt of the Inglwm County henrlnr, tn permit, Prosecutor

I h,ntr. only tlw ~~·llllt nf.Supr.rvl~n~ sclwnl lr!Vles In ~>orne lnslances Bar nssodnllon and former prcoe· Patti C. Younger to round up nd· Uwrlcs Woods, Jngllolln, eh.Lit· fmm the umounls asl<ecl. Where: cutr;r, fl~llllng lhc 'salary he! In· rlltlonnl Wll!WS!WS. Their ·.lull mnn of .the rtpjl(ll'tlonm?nt ~!~lin· special lcviC!s were based on l!l5~' cmnserl, Charles 1~. Chnmhr!rlnln, jlerms over, several wltnesses·hnd mit tee, Su perv!sflr Hnilctl Pu rln <·tntn equ·tllzerl flr,:m·es tlwy•wcrr' Hcpu!Jllcnn c·tndldaJe ·tml Lloyd her.n J•elcaserl nne! could . not he or Lansing wns nhsr•ttl. Supervl· ;crluc~erl t~J 1n5:3 st;;te .equallzecl. ·• D. Parr. Dc,moernt.iJ 'candidate locnted. sot· Dean Tnylfll' of Mason rr!·. f . ' 1 , 1 1 1 1 · 1 J I 1 f ·. 1 t ·i • H• cxpl'lill!'d tint Clwnr.:cs were mncle In ~pedal' 01 prosccu 01 • 11 so ,· 0 ncr u; n Stunrl Dunn nr,s, · r, "a,ns ng

lu~clrl, 0• ,~>. g1~\ \ .1·.1 ' 11 • ·1 . ', . ,1 1 levies In the dtlcs nf Lan.' letter In tlw supervtsnrs aslm1g 1 Jnwycr, represented Scott nt the

t H. gli!Ul r ' no., 1 lC, 1•1 some sewn · for t•cc•onslrler"tllnn 1 1 ll · were c•nmptltf'rl on one lmsls nml slnr,, Mnson and Williamston atHl · · · ' . · exnmnn on. somr! 11 n anollllil', llr! crtllc!d allen· in certain selwol rllstrlets In !'iliJH't'Vlsnr l~r·cderklt 'l't•lpp of Mftrlln Smith, .Tneltson roofing tlon to 2 ;;c!l.~ o[ Jlglii'C!H fn1· J.nn· Alalerlon, Leroy, Lodw, Meridian, I Lam~lng moved thai tile [JrnseeLt· contraelnt·, wns lnlwn to jail Sep· sing, otw u;:c•rl IJy tlw ;;chon] VeVIiy, Wltenlfleld, Whitl' Oak and.' lor's saPtr.\' he lnr~rr.ascd lo. $8.- temher ·12 follnwlnr, arrest: on n .-----------,......;.----------"-·---: 000. 'J'h.C move lost 20 to :12. drunk chnrg-c nl Leslie by DC!puly

Don Haynes, Smllh died Soptem· her H in a Lanslnr,: hospital. At nn Inquest heir! Scptcrnhcr· 15 n coroner's Jury reached .n verclicf that Smith's death msullcrl Jrom blows struck by Scott In the ilull· pen.

Get Set for Winter + Anti-Freeze + Mufflers Tail Pipes +

+ Carburetor Adjustment.+ '• .. .... . ',.';

Parsons Service ~: '

RINCJ,AIIt l'HOJllJC1'R Inelnrling- n11w l'mver·X Jtoelwi.'J'yru•. Fm~l

Cm·urr l'urll auul i\luple l'hmw 2·11031

Supcrvlsrn· V. A. Trlquet: of East. Lansing, ehnlrrnan of the salaries committee, cxplninccl that the ]JrosecLilor Is pmvirled with an office and ofJicc equip· ment, ami that. unrlcr lite new sr:herlulc· the srllaric~ of hi~ 2 It!· gal .Kr.crc~tarlr.s, an office rccep·

ltlon.ist; the salaries. of assistants anrl all othel' office cxpcnsn will

/IH' pair! IJy lite county. '!'he prose· cutor is also permitter] to aur,· ment his Income by Jlrlvatc prnc· tiec, Triquet. salrl. Hr! cnllcd lllC! salary fixed reasonable, .nnrl snicl it I'PIIc•vf'd tlw prosecutor of some nf lite expense lw hns· been pay· lnr, on his own,

TC!stirnony nt the! examination Monday elosrly followed llmt at the inquest .held hefore Coroner Hnr1·y E. Lenrlley, Lee Grnnt Washing-ton of Mason repeated l1is nccmmt.; lliat he saw strllm Smith several h[ows. Wash· ington test Jncrl that when he In· lcrcrdcrl for Smith he and Scott: lwei words. Myron Drnvenstalt tcslined he snw Scott strike Smith

kW----~----------------------------~ only onr!e.

MOTOROLA TV 1955 Models

Lowest Prices Ever

Our Guarantee 'l'he new lflli5 lUohll'OhL TV wilh Um JUG r,oon: i~. 1111' strongest, most JWwm·l'ul long distanf'~l set. II; giws yon ell'lll', ilhlll'll (liclm·es lilw yon lmvr~ rwver seen Jml'nm. r.ool1 ul; t.lw new l!J!i5 '1\lolrwnla-lf it. is not Um dl'm·est,. sluu·pr~sl, r•usir•st: on the eyt~ sci: that you hatvt~ evm· !'lClln, we will not asl• yon to !my it. YOU Ill<: Tlm ,JUllGI~. ' ,

The Big Look. ~ $129. .. 9.5·: I! I , •. ' J._,q .. ~ ,_ ... ,. I ~ ., ·"'' .

21" Table Set

$149.95 JUodel Number 21Ti6E

$10 Down

. l\l01lel 17T20E

$10. Down ./18· Months

To .Pay

Big 17" Table Model

21" Console Floor Model

.. , •. J ·. $19·9.95

· !UOllel Number 21Kl9MY

,_.;. :· ·$20··Down .

1 .. Year Warranty AvaUable ON ALL- .. PARTS (Including' Picture Tiibe)

Mruty of Our Models Have Aluminized Picture Tubes . I

.-We Want· Trade-Ins. I ' ' . I


$5 ·Do.wn .$~ ~er Month . 10-incll- 14~inch ·- 17:ineh·- All Reconditio11e~.

T. V. Antenna.

' , I', I ' '

We have an kintl'l of' mitemiM . u;ul rotors. LOOK-. NOW your Motorola hookell onto' llll outside ar1tenna wlll·· bling ln .. Kqlanm~o'!, G. rand Rnplds nod Detroit, ·'

. just about· as gootl as La\nslng.

Dr.puty Hnynes, Turn It e y s Doren R. Woodworth .nncl Wilbur F. 1\r.'yes anrl Dr. Georr,e R. Clln· ton nlso test IOr!d before Judge Adams Monrlny.

Bowling .. IJoJI. \Vouum's f,I~Ug'IW Team~ winning 3 points this

week wnre Palmer Engineering nnd Hitchen's Drugs. Spahr Elec· lric lind hir,:h team series with


2172 nnd 78.1 bowled by Green Parrot was high team game.

Inclivirlual high games ami series were boWlr!d by Helen Lyon, 180·48S; Verna Beardsley, 172, 186·482; Betty Helzer, 170· 475; Dorollty Hoisington, 166461; Ann Toman, 180-459; Myrtle Mil· bourn, 190; Virginia Armour, 201; Nancy Sherwood, 172; VIrginia Mills, 163; Arlene Hanseri~' 163;' and Florence Clements, 161. . ... ·, --· ·· ..... , .....

1\fuson· Women's T..eaguc ' Christensen's Snles· won all 3 points from Kenn's, Mawn Cab, Mason Home Appliance, Dart Bank, Wnre's Drug store and Drewry's each toolt 2 points from Mills Store, McCarn Olds, Dens· more'.s r'GA,. Wayne Miller Sales and Mnson Golf Course.

Christensen's had high team i garnn willl 70D and Ware1s Drug I store rolled high ·team series with 1958, High individual score were rolled by Dorotliy Inghram, Lri!J, 152:433; Beth Millard, 170· 408; Helen Ware, 155, 175·414; M n r g n ret Harlmess, 155·410; Verna Hoclgers, 167-440; Helen Barker, 160-431; Huth Norton, 150·410; Helen Lyon, 152, 168· 429; Mattie Morloclt, 161·415; · Helen Minier, 177'439; Millie Prlt· :wl, 174·424; Jerry Griffin, 181· 420; Bobby Bryde, 423; Vnda Goble, 151; Marlene .McDonald, l:il;; Isnhelle Whyte, 155; Cather· i'ne 'Humbles, ·,102; Hcva Mor~e, 155; Donna Stark, 404; and Mary Colby, 151.

Team standings· are as· follows: Team · W . ·L Wayne Miller Sales ............ 17 . 4 Christensen's ,,,., ........ , ...... :16 ·. · 5 Wnre's Drug store ..... , ..... .15 · 6 McCarn Olds ................. , .... .12 · 9 Drr!wry's ... : .......................... 12 . 9 Mills Store ......................... .10 11 Kean's .................................... 9 . 12 Mason Horne Appliance .... 8 13

I Mason Cab ............................ 8 13 j Dart Bani{ , .. ., ............. ,,.,,, 8. · 13 Mn~on Golf Cottrse. , .. ., .. ,, 7 14 Densmore's IGA ,,,,,,,,, 5· 16

I ·,', ! '

nnivetsar 0

0 Friday-Saturday-Monday Only Open ·Fri.-Sat.-Mon.

Nights Until 9 P. M. -OCTOBER 28.219.31-.:--

' .

Entire Sto~k.109/o O'f _ This i!l our WilY of Raying .'l'f!l~Jl){ You'' for; hmng ~m· cus­

tomers. l~vcry· ll:tlllt h• thtl shn:c rs on ll!tln ut 10% thseount. Nut ,iuRt a fllW ltt)UlS, nothing Jlll,rdln.<itltl _just !'or tlw sale -;- it is our c,ntirtl stocli 'fC offnr atti}tt~olnl bargum prrct\S, , .

- (Except Cigarettes)

Rubber Footwear I

Korean Boots Thermo Boots Knee Boots Hip Boots Work Rubbers Dress Rubbers


4 Buckle Arctics (men's and boy's)

5 Budde Arctics Children's Arctics Ladies Bowl Boots Tenn'is Shoes


·. :.B'ta~nk'ef$:· -~ ~-;~ Sheet ·Blankets 100% Wool Blankets Army Blankets Blanket Beautiful

· 5% ·wool Blanket Indian Blankets Cotton Sheet Blanket (pastels, white and plaid) Cannon Sheets Dan River Pillow Cases Rugs ' Towels Dish Towels

··Pillows-· Feather ·' •· .. ··.•.Pillows ·*· Shreaded · ,::;.l),E~&n. .:R.ub~~~ ...

' . 111m

. ."Sporting Goods Sleeping Bags . Tents Cots-Cot Pads Cot Covers Canteens

Work· Clothes Coveralls Button Front Dungarees Zipper front Dungarees Western Jeans LC'vies Kow Pokes Little Boy's Overalls Moleskin Pants Lineman's Brown Ducks Fatigue Pants White Painter Overalls. Chambray Shirts Lined Work Jackets':. Western Jackets . All Other Work Clothes

B-9 Parka 1\louton Collar and Parl'a .

$19.95 Less lOOfcf

.ftor Foot and Ha:nd Tick Mittens Red Hunt Mittens Leather Gloves Leather Mittens Monkey Face Gloves Jersey Gloves Canvas Gloves ·-. Plastic Coated. Gloves Goat Skin Gloves Horsehide Gloves , Dress Gloves- Leather Dress Gloves-· W()()l : filtt&ti2!1*

Headwear · ·.

Jac s Men's Dress Gaba~dine Boy's Dress Gabardine Men's Wool Jackets Boy's Wool Jackets Horsehide Leather

Jackets Campus J acl{ets B-9 Jacket with hood Work Jackets

Shoes I I''

····' .. '\•'

Men' 8 Work Shoes Neoprene Sole Shoes 8-iil. Horsehide Boots ·Steel Toe Work Shoes WorkOxford·s Dress Oxfords ·Men's Romeos Boy's Work Shoes Boy's Dress Shoes Sheepskin Boot. Packs Sheepskin Shoes . '

Sponge Rubber : .

F.e_ltii (h~.mting) Sb~ep Skjn Packs :'!'lin'"'"· ..... Skin Shoes

·· Complet~· .... ·,..,~ .• ~ .. '" . Work c'~Ps:.~. i~.Q~~i1;J~~~.&i::lt~~~~~~i~~~ Wool Caps Leather Caps :~~·., Gab.ardine Cap~\·l· ; , Boy's Caps • i'· ,· : Men's Caps· , :l · Dress Hats :. Stocking· Caps Motorcycle Caps Western:Hats

; II;'' + • - ,

. Now You (/an Sa~Vtl ;\lom

·Dress S.ocks - Men 'Dress Socks - Boys Girl's White Anklets

··Girl's .-Colored Anklets

Red Rahi'Parka · · Coleman·· Lantern ·Coleman Stov·e Red; J,ersey Gloves Red Wool Hunt Mitten Air Mattresses (plastic

Irish Setter Hun~in;g· $14.50

toj .. •.~•· Girl~s T~ippi~ Anklets

· ~ rubb'er) ·:!\'UIAA · Shirts

.( ristmas Lay-Away ' ' • • J

· .. Shop the Painless ·Way, Us1l the PX Chrls~-lnos l.ay-a·Way - Save your Christmas Budget

.. · by Buying Now •

>Save 1

,.,auow•u>~u .Work Socks :·~<)CKrora.Socks ·

· Sock& .. ·

•I• ·-.

~ ...... ,;,

Social £vefZls .. anJ Personab iPrJnsville FilA.· Grou11 Plans Service Weel£ Mason Women

Mason Man Claims Bride In l<alamazoo Saturday

l•'n•rlrlr-1; \Vil'ill', ,ft•., or ](lllii!TIIt· mn, 1•1111'1i•l IJarl 11f LanHlng, :;ls­l••r 11f till' lirldr>gruon1, Ill Ill l-:l'l~lyn I liP I; ni I lo\\'lq;ine HI!I'\'Pd lht! I dn•HIIIllf'lll ,;,

'PJ•ip ,,, 04P ~loltt;J

l<iersteads Plan Open House for Saying Farewell

Billie .In 'l'anlll'l' of K;!lllmimlll 1'/ll'l'IC'd 1111 nl'l'ltllgenwnl of wi!IIP _l·'lll' lrav••llng on 11!1'11' Wf'drllng lle<'llrJJP. lill• I! ririe of F'l'lllll'is DPan msr.s 11nd Ivy:· i'rip 111 ll•r• !;ont 11 1\lr':- llr_u·t Mr. anrl Mrs. Hnget• Kil'r~tcmrl

I ' · dnnqpi) II irPil'l' \\'fill) still Willi will hold ll)Jf'll )llli!SP Ul IIIC'il' IICW lint•( nf Kalamamo, former y nf Mai'J:fll'l!l Lilli :I.'tlllll.l'l', sislr·r·.nr )l't'IJ\','11 o'li'I'('.'•'C,''lll'il•,,·, Ujlllll I)Jr•lr 1'1'· '·I 1 1 11 · ·' home on ll~-1:.!7 Sulmrlay. The "rt~on, 11 II I IIUl e·l'!llg ecremony the h1'irle, WllH ma.l.rlol llltlllll', Sill' 1111'11 tJ·,r·v \'11'11 l'('.''oi'rJn o'll .,~,) 'Vc".o'l I ,., t I fl I II ri t • ' )Hliii'S al whjl'll llie puhlle s ln· ,,a lll'rny i1 l!rnoon. 1~ ;? 'I'H worn II rllsl lallr!lll lro.l'!\, !If'· ;;,,1111 sl1'f'l'i 111 l·:alnmnzno. 1iiPrl In visit lhu Klt!I'Sii'IHIS un• Melholllst I'IJIIreh, J\nl<~m<~zoo. ,r·enlnd with a holt!JIIl'l nl lll'nJm• l·.l•·s. 1[111'1 l[l'illlllniPrt fl'lllll Knln· fmm :.! unlil ii in !IJC aflurnnnn

nev. Paul Allll!l'l'Y, Jliislor nf ll1ro I anrl grlld C'hl·ysanllH'IIlllll1S. 111'"'''" l'oilrTP In .111111' r•nd is a arrrl f;'lllll 7 11nlll fJ In tht! evc-'l'l'inlly Mr.lhnrliot ehureh of Fn!dril'l' H. Dfi\V of Dr•lr11ll rq· rr•,;r•·uf'ii ;.,.,,):;lnnl i11 lllr' Ji''''';'J11· nlng. 'l'lw J{lr•!'SJI'IHis liver] miles Gmnd Haplcls, performed the tended tiw lll'lriPgl'flnlll 11s IH•sl 'H'I rdrir•n "' q,,. It•"'"''" nl !1""'"· :onulh of Mason. slngl<•·l'inf.( r·r:rcmony ut llm•e mnn. ltl,.lmrrl D. l\leir1 11f l\iiltilllil· iT!) r:"'•''!ll'<'h of 1\alnmamn. Mr. I The opr•n house Ralurrln.v will o'drwk hr>forl' 11 sPiting of l'hrys- zoo usllm'Pcl till' werlrllng ~ruests 1[:.,·1 i,;" i[1'1Hhr: 11<' ol' 1\Jn•:o'l lrw11 rtu•an fai'PWPII for till' J(ii'I'Sif'arls. Hlilhf'lllllll1s :Jlld Pundr.lahrn. Mrs. lo I heir HP:ils. . '''''"") illlll IIIIlS t:n•du:riPd frrrm Aftl'l' living in Ma>on fot• ncnrly C:tmc!mn Dnvis pi:tyr!d tmrlitlomil Mrs. TnnrJr>t'I'IJIISP 1111 iHJIIir laf !\:tl·,mnz"" mll"l'" in 1'l:i'l, liP 10 y1:ars, llwy will move nrxl W('(lding rnltslr•. Slxi,Y·Iive gtlests fclii dress n<•r·r•nl~'rl with 1[1'11~' ill' '-'"11(.': 1111: ti11• 1\:rlnJnazr"' Vt•gf'IH· ii!OIIill In PhllndPiphlu when• Mr. wllm:ssr>rl the Illl)ltials. I 1·essnrir•s for lwr dmtgliiPr's WP<I lilf' l'ill'r•hnH•nt r•o. J(krsiP<HI has I'Pt·r•iverl a promo·

'l'lw hr·irlr• is till' da!lghtl'l' or dliW Mrs I Ia! I Sl'il'l'll'ri II IJiilliV:•' . ' ' lion In Wyr!lll International Mr. a-nrl Mr~. ;l'hllmils II. Tanlll!l' fmr:l~ of 'lal'f' ovPr' laffpl;r will• .'i(IJlr'llti'~Y 1::~-Nr.:IJJ•:T f:JVI•:N Llmill!rl. Mr. 111111 Mr~. 1{1ers1Parl of 1\alamazoo. Mr. anrl Mr~. Hnv llliili'hinl( "''''"';soril'.'l, ilfllil llllllli· ?lli"i. 1• 1'11111 '1'; l•lf'illf'r lllll•ndl'rl started llw ••om:truetlon o[ !heir ITat'l of Mason are the hrldt;. ut·s wore cor~agc·~ Df 'J';tlislllilll :I l•'orl!lrlr•r':·; llny h:rnrpH•I liPid :•l JIIWII'III IHillll! more than a yr.nl' J:I'Oom's )liii'PIIIS. I roses. It,•.'. ~\f'!lo•;r: l'1•nl~··· WPd_ue~;rla,v 11>(11. They have do!H' mueh ~>[ llw

. ' ''l'f'lllll).~. 'I lie alfall' \\'iii\ 1(11'1'11 In \VOI'k llil'mSP)VI'S. Modern Ill tie· ]•;sr•oriPd dmvn lile rr!slr• fly hr>l' l~f'l'f')tlinn in Cilltl'l'ir Pru·lo!'S !Hillll' nl lllf' i\lph:l lol:r sororilv, ,,ir•n and buill of yellow lll'idt anrl

[allier·, !hr. hrlriP wore a ~own of Tl1e tii'WI,I'\I'r'rls gr:•t•lt•tl llll'ir ..r whir·!• Mrs. l·'ir•rll<·r is' a mc1;1. "l;~n-lw:rnu• 1 t ceilings, the raneh

. 1\ff'lllhrrs ol Ill<'· )J,,nsvllif· J•'ii·J "'" hollorn 1'1111' 111'1' ~.lr~. 1-:nrl tun• 1Tonwmrll:0rs of 1\innri<-a lci>:dJ anrl Mrs. Si'!il'l ilr·lg~:s, dnh l'hapl<'r llllfl llwir llri'.'l~·n·,; lil'f'Jllllllir!'r>r; liar!' t!':t ('•H'lllillll', SPI'· planning on a big Wl'<'ic ln•t:lnn!n,; ;'l'illl'.\'; /'"" c l!'si<H'I••, rrc>lrit•tJI f·llJI!Ii;ty, It i:; JHIIi~>rrrlll•'1'i\ •·tn:,ll"'"' r.h··;. C11ry Hrigg:;, duh arl· 1)'1'1'1\ and tiJns<' in I liP pi<'llil'l' 11 n•, vba·.

iv<!I'Y silk-satin ~tyi<'d Willi an 1:•wsts at 11 n•t·r•pti"" in ll11· l>r·r. home is nr!siiPtl in a gmve of . EhZiiiH!IIwn 1'1111111', basque horlil'l' r·IHII'Ph Jlfll'lors fnllnwin!: tllf• llliiJIIP. ln•es.

SPilinn II)HIH! I'.'I'Pk's il<'livili<•s, I 'l'lw n!IIISI'illr· girls lVIII sl;trl In l.ile 1111~ rm1• ill'<' .h111 lii·i~:g::, 1111•it' I·'IIA \l'l'<'k lly all<'iHIInr.:

hlslol'lllll; lo\VI'Il O:lid••.1', li'CilS· <'fllll'l'li in a i:l'flll)l Sllllrilly morn· 11rer; Lul'ill1• \VIII'I'lt•r, Sllll~: lt•:HI- i11~:. Till'\' will sin:: llil'il; tn'il\1'1' r•r; .JaiH'I C'onJH'l', \'i<'e-prPsitl('nl; :·( 111 :~ it.: j,ar! r•f lit[' \\'fll'!·iiJip ,llf.'!'\'­

!;Jmroll ('1':1[1, J'('JIIii'IPI'; llilll r.l!l''• )II', Un 1\lnndny !ill• dllh will cnn­g~p 'J'IHn·nlon, p;trliam('lllill'i:ttl. l11 •I'IC'l dPV1dio11~; :11 ;1· sdwnl pro·

IIIICI long slePI'l'S whleh l11pererl r·crr.mon)'. Hl'fn•shllll'lll~; of w•·rl 1\l!'. 11nrl ~1rs. r '. lil'illlll'll>nl nnrl 'l'lu! Kiursll~arls Jwve urged all to points o\'1'1' llu• ~~·risls. Tlw full ding t'ilk.P 111111 pt111r•h 11'1'1'1' sr•rw•d ,J:IIr::lrl•·r. Sl!iiroll, ol' Liulint;lrnr who :rl'f' illll•n•sted in seeing the sldrl PXIPIIilr•d Into a, l'hapel· lt·.rm a lahlr! rler•oriill'rl l"illi ''" ·)!<'Ill 1!11• 1\'"t'l' I'Wi Willi llir•ir 'Hlll!'l' and In Sl'lling tliemlo come IPnglll train. She• wore 1111 elhmv· ii!TangPment of whit£! l'llt)'.'llln· 1 :•:111'111'. in l•:11s; Lan.'lil11( follli\Vins~ In the opl'n house. lr.ngll! veil whil-h wns held In themums. ;r trip tlll'outrh tile soull1ern Mr. Kil'rstl'rHI h11s hl'en the place hy a rap of ~iiii·Srtlin, and Mrs. Phillip llillrnan an•l ~Irs. •:lnl•·~:. pu 1·r·l!w;ing 11 gl'nl al Wyeth Lah-

Ingham County News October 28, 1954

Cha-llis Gowns and Pajamas

Sizes 3:l-110

Only $3.98

Page 4



. TENNIS FLANNEL PA.JAJVIAS ..................... ~-::J.:!!l up

' ANGEL TREAD SCUFFIE:S .................................. $1.DS Sizes '1 t.o !l \ ~

: DEE DEE DEG COATS ................................. ~i~8.!l3 up Use Our Lay-Away Plan


Women's l~ot'lllet'ly lo ljii0.!J8

• CASliALs ANn mmss SBIOI~S

!Si\U~ : l'I:!CIG • 8'l'AH'f['] A'l'

$3.97 Up

' I

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Men's mmss ANn srm~~


·A..o:;st. Jarman~, Douglas · Formerly: to $14.98 ,.

~ SAUG' · ··- .. , • PRICJn , ; STARTS AT


~IIPrh~ ami I'niPIII. l•'ormerly lo $H.llll


Spurt OxJ'ordH, I~mtfers, crepe ~olcs 'included.

· _lrm·mcJ•Iy IQ $7.98

.$3.47 Up

lvlr. iliHI 1\lr>:. Ll'siPI' l'alnw1· oraloriPs lnr·. in Mason. Wlwn he

Methodists Hear Youth Delegate

·•' rr• r'lli"·'" of Mr. iiiHI Mr~. :~ors to Pilllartclpliia he will he­. 'lal'l'l;t.l' 1-:imlllrtl of llovnl On)( r·oml' lllillHiger of llw proclui!lion, ·ot tlrf' Mil'l!ig:rn·Mirnlf'Sflia· fflflf· planni11g nnrl Jlt'ocuremenl de· 1nl1 r,nnw Sillnn!lly. ThP {.(roup parlnwnl. of Wyeth lnlernalional ·iiiH'd al., 1111' Hf'd J{un Counll':, Limited. • 'I nil SiiTiil'll.l)' Pvr.ning. Tlw J\ierslcarls have !wen ac· Tlrirly-fivr~ mf'miH•J s • •f II II'

l\1!'. :11111 1\'lrs. J.'rank I•;vilns anrl live in mmmunily affalt·s. Mrs. ltuth illlrll\lilry ~.l·lrlh:rr·in·lt•s nf .\Ji'. nnrl Mrs. Haymond J\11-1 ,ean 1\if'I'Siead is a member of !he Mu· I liP r.1asn11 Mc•tl1111li:-l l'lllll'di nwl 11'1' SJll'nriillg a 2w<•PkH vamlion :;on C:ardPn eluh, Mason College at lhr. homco of Mr:;, \\'illi.:m ,,, NP'.I' i\ll'),i;·D. Tlwy plan to re- l'iull 111111 IHlli hcen a worltcr in Schii'UJ"/.Wilf'lder 'J'uPsriny I'Vt•nin;.:.

1 ol'l'll 11111111' ~;illllrrlll,\'. the Methodist ehurch. Nanl'y Bnll:u•rlof 1\lhinn•·"tlr:;:t•,

I .,, '1' • ''' "' ''" IIH' onl~· yDulli rll'if'•~iil!• [!'om.llll.'

· Melhmlisl l'on:·r·rr'IH't' 111 llw


'l'B;f "~ 7f. I n w: Bt.l"d ~ells fout·lh ii!'SI'I\lhl\' in ~lilll.ild'Pf' t LV.i!./1 L1e JOil • .l. j la:;t spring, relaiPd li•·r <'XJH'I'i·

,o·~-' lPfielllnlllealt-h Program. ~~~~~;~i~. und ill'rpiratinns to llw

J 1 J\'lrs. H:1vrnfnHl r-r,,,.lo·1 vl,fnt'"rl r.Irs .fohn \Vr•ndPII llird of Lan· AI lhe clnse of llw mePiing the piclurcs ancl ~ouvPnirs lil'liii.C:Iil

•:ing \\'liS II1P guc,~1 SJ>Pal.:c~t· nt llw l1 l'r~ular lrlPP1 it1g of the Mason 'Wonlillr's <'IIIIJ liPid Tul'sria,Y at ilH• llall 1\lPnHtl'i:il liilrary.

Mr:;. ~:ner l{lllliii'IIJII, program ·hrrirmiln, inl!'llduc·l'rt J\1rs. Bird,

',\'Ill> i:; r•IJ11il'llwn 11f llic mental :•mlllr lll'livilit•s in Ingham <'flllll· lv. Sill' r·hros•! for her topic ''(':·;u·dtillg J~ill'J'i('ilrl('!-:,"

In llf'l' lall;, Mrs. llircl said that \lir·l•ig:rn is ·!()til down the linr> ir1 its lirlp lo IIJI' nwnlally sil-k

I i(an~as. she said, is al the lop. :'i·,p s!J'(•:;s"rl llw 1:11'1 lllal thcr? ''illlultl l11• ;·ompctcnl rloclors and rJs~·r·lii'!lrisls lo pusli the pm· gram in tailing t:are of lhe mcn­l;dly sir-1\. She said lhal Ill<:! tv!ir•IJ it~ an Sr!l'iPI,I' of Men !:1! llt•irllh hclil'VI's thai !lie mnln i roulliP is in hl'irr;: undt•r-stal'ferl.


Youth's - Boy's Fu mw •·ly to l):'/.UX s3.97


EN'rllm S'l'OCI\


20o/o Off. Several Styles

at '30% Off!

IH>slcs!;rs, Mr:;. Nellis 13alcman, hack from Ill(• "';s••I.Ji>ly liv .-.1,·:: Miss Alia W:ml, r.Trs. Willis Col- William Srllllf'!'lon, l'llilt<•rcrH·•• tar and MI'S. ,Jolin F:ames, served prcsirJPnl: M1·s. ]\forlrtll :;:;\'r• ,, rcfrt~slimenl:; of cirlr>r· anrl dough- short tall; on IIi,. IISSP!lllliv. from nuts. '!'lie liii'C·<·ovcred lahle was the Vil:wpoinl of a 11om:;11 tlf'le­df'l'lll'llil'rl in llie illllllmn tlwnw, IFtlc and missi"nary. !'hf' iii>:"/ r•cnlPrr.d with ;~n arrangement of revicwcod the iil'l'irln:Jiitm:; llral vollow mums. came out of ll11• a:;snmhly. · ''' * '·' Drvol inns 1\'l'l'f' lc•l hv ~11·s. Fr! I M·lrl'am Cl'rcle Has Lyons. Sill' r:n\·1' f':·:r·£•rpt:; rr"llll

I liP dnily nwdii;Jii •. l's il,v J;i: h11p

Wednesday., Meeting ~~~~~11li~~- Boolli, !~ivr•n at lilt'

'' . . . :i MI'S. hussf'll n .. hhin.•: spnkP on I I he Jl:'lll'lilm mrcle of the Mason IIJe .. proposC'd • a!llf'1Hl!J1C'nl•< llw•

Mctlwlllst chureh me,t,al the bome ·.Ifill appear' on llie h,lllot m·~:l nf Mrs. Arthur .Jewett Wednes- wpcl~.:ir ,, .. , . . day for rt dessert luncheoli. ';1iHefr'psJnnr.nts nf "'rke, minis,

C:o-hnslr>~sf's for lhf! tilly \\'Cl'C r1uts: Ira and .r-ol'!'r•t• \1'<'11' :·11'1'\'l'd Mrs .• Tames Neff anrl Mrs. n. D. fl'lllll II la!JII' l'l'lllf'l"'" ll'il iJ " IHlll· Davis. Devol ions were lerlb,Y Jill's. quct of mum.-:. f'o·llosi£•s:;p•; for Ivan Welhv. She was nssistcrllw the rillY wr.•r0 1.i!•;. I~"Y Wri•:llt. M1·s. Rny ·Beebe 8!1() Mrs. Carl Mrs. C:cnr.v.1 C'lmdwit·k. Mr.,. F. Jr. Dickman. Gaskell and Mrs. Alfrl'dl<'ori:!Jr'.

Mrs, William Clark had charge of I hP pmgram. Artkh~s treiiS· IIJ'rrl hv IIi!'! mcomhl'rs were rx· hibited ancl explanations given by the ownet• as to why !he arlil'lr '.l'aS a lrPHSLII'f'. Following l11e explanations Mrs. Clark gave a talk on spiritual treasures.

* HEDEKAI l ('()'J'!·:I!I J•; MEI·~'I'S

MI'S. ,Janll':: 11uiPII r·!rlr•rlainl'd llw H<'ht•l<iJ!I L'rriPrir• 111 a l'•'>'.llil'l' rnceling !Ylnnda~ P.'e11i11:~. T\\'{1 1Vt1

guests a11t•ndr•rl. l'arrls wen· 1111', 11lvcr.~lon ol' lh~· eVPIJing 11fll':·! Whit•h (JlC' llllStl'SS Sl'l'VCrJ ea(acJ, 1 crar:lwrs ami le~r.

Mrs. n. n. Robbins ga'vc an in· :;lructivc tnlk on the 4 amcnd­mr~nls coming up in lhe next elcclinn.

Guests oi'C'I' 1111' \\'l'f'k C'IHI nl the home nf Mr. a111l J\Trs. ltalph Adams and llw Hoy A<i.Jms home

? 1 were r.Jr. and :\Irs. f;<'<•t'!!l' .r. and - F'ox, Mrs. Lf'lllll Nyholm and mn,

Holler!, nncl Mr. 111111 nJ,::. Marlin Seillt!rl and dau):"hler, ~anrlra, all

TwC'nly-mw members visitors were prcsen t.

1:: * * S,undny guests of Mrs. Znla Os- of Milwaul(l't'. \Visr•on<;in. Mr. 111111

horne were Mr. nnd Mrs. \Valier Mr~. Clareru·t• TPnlu•:;oll of 1\en­;\ rlz of Eaton H.apids, Mr. anrl osha, Wisconsin, nnn<ilrl Sanrl­l\Trs . .John B:u·ncs, Sr., of Lansin,l(, her·g of Conllei'S\'illl', Indiana, Mrs. Joiedell Barr, Clyrlc and and Mi~~;· Marilyn Un•t·law 111' Chi· Lnra of Dansville nnrl Mr. and cago, Illinois. , Mrs. Vern Walker. Tucsclay, Mrs. · Tuesday c•venin•( dinner ~~ursls Osbornr. was a dinner guest or of Mr. and lllrs. K A. llr!ll~·l11"1''' Mr. anrl Mrs. Orlin Willyounp;. with Mrs. Emma llail,,v, lrlii llliJI:;

Mrs .• J. W. Moon of Knoxville, ami Augnsln Nmvil'lkt; 111' Lnnsill': Tennessee, arrived Tuesday 1o aurl Gcorgr! SIJaiTer ;md i\lrs. Flor­visil her moll1c1', Mrs. B. '1'. Fry. · CIH'C C:llTicr.

Mr. and Mrs·. Crmrles Frye and Charles P. Arl1nns, for manv Mrs. Lucilr. Jiareck anrl dangh- VC'ars lll<l~'ol' of I lie l'itv of llowcilt lr•rs of 13ancrofl, Mr. and Mrs. and fnr a llllmlinr of terms a I Charles Barllell or Lansing and mcmlll'r or lht• Mif'big:rn le;.:isla­Mt·. nnd Mrs. Fnsler Barllelt o[ lure, visilNl Vl'r;unr .r. Br111Vn Williamston called on Mr. anrl 'l'11csdav afiPI'Ill>llll. l•'or :.r•v('J'n) Mrs. Fred Frye Sunday after- vcars JV!r . .1\dnms lras beL•n coll­

'nncrl to his home b~· skk!ws,<;, but is now a ill£' to mingle :mwng old


frif'nds a!Hl assol'ialr•s.

noon. Mr. and Mr·s. Claylnn Hulcll

cnlcrlainerl at n hayride nnrl hi\rh!!Clle Sunday cvenin~:. Guests present induderl Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Charles of Detroit ·and Mr. nnrl Mrs. Sam Cotton and family, Mr. 'ancl Mrs. Donald n~nsp•nr~ anrl fnmily and Mr. anrl Mt·s. Richard Morris and family.

Mr. and' Mrs. Guy Lightheart of Miami, l~lorida, visited Mr. anti Mrs. C. A. Clinton Wcclnr.s· clay. M1·s. Lighlheart is a 1iiece nf lhc.Ciintons. Mrs. Burl Green nnrl Mrs. Ji'rcd Lee also called al I he Clinton home Wednesday,

M1·s. Olive Bt·own spent the week enrl nt Big Pine Island lal<e

·ncar Bclcling with her children. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Brown :mel children from ncar Belding called on his mother, Mrs. Brown, Tues·. day night.

Mr. nnd Mrs. J\1. K Jiool\ of Lansing wure Tursday evcnin.::; ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. V . .J. Brown.

lj: * *

Hospital~ Bcn.Jnmin '1'. Fry w~s ndmilll'it

lo the Sl. Lawre111:c hospital Mnnclay. , Mrs: .JC'nnie !";t ronr. whn has I been a Jlalil'nt nl the Phelps Nurs· •



.ing Home in JTolt lllC 11'1:->l 11' months, wns moved Mnmlrt>' In lhe Irigham Ccnmt~· liospilnl nt Okemos. Mrs. Strope hrniH! her hip some time. ago in a fall.

;~r11m al!d will slww illl I•'IIA <'X· i.iltil. Till' r~irl:; will t:ivP 11 skit "I f11W 1'1 lA 1 [!Is ll!•IJH'tl 1\le" 111111

5o,noa iJ nit

\\fl.f~1 AAt~GN A $2.98


!)i:l-si:r.P Cu!·{j:;

Arthritis Tablets $1.98


ChE""istn1as ml~ectrde.: Razor

lay.aJ6). way

At Out• Cusmdic


New 'l'oni

Deep Magic New

Easy to Wave

New ·WehrLI'!I Jlmlnul.

Pink Suds

New l~cvlnn Sluule

Queen of. Diamonds

.,...,I Are Delegates·

· To Convention

11'111 gi\'P a fi'Pslim;rn party lo i•r·qllrrir;l niiH•r girl~ wllh I ill' FlfA pr"gr;11n. i\11 lnfol'lllili inill:~linn f111' IH'\V llll'lllill'l'!i is :;d!r•rlult!d fnr Wt•dnr!.srl:~y :rnd on 'l'lill,·.sday IIJ<' icJ lA II' ill i11i11 11 i1i1 tl11• l'•ltlln• F'11rnwrs nf A Ill!' I im In a formnl inil ial ill II l'f'I'PIIlon,\' .

:\1nl'f! clt 1 VII1 ion:; at llln ~il'lllull

IIi" 'will dulr•rl Iii' I Ill' FJJA ~(1'11\l)l t'r·r l•'riday ililll nil ~;iilll!'dny l'ilr'll ;:irl will r·nml!ll'l n f:11rrily l'l'l'l'l'!l· lir.n Jll'rl'~l'illll 1'111' lil'r 11\\'11 f:rmil,\',

l•'ff:\ i• 11 nali11111ll yolllh lllltVf'· 1111'111 r!P~igill'd to lit•ip {.(iris l'nn· lrihlll<~ lo hetlrol' Li!JIIily living.

r.ln;. \Vi•ri'Pil r,IJII'IIl'l' IIIII) Mrs. ~ll'rlln ~~''''I'll :qH•nl \VI•tlllt'Hrilly 'illd 'l'lllll'.srlny In Ann J\i'lmr 11~ r)C']f'gnii'H froin tho Mu.son .lunllli ('I did Slt!fiV f'illlr lo tho :I· II h Ill!· lllllti r'lllll'f'tllion of lhP r.lldilgnn Child SIIHI\' IIS>.!H'Iiil ion, Mr:; Mllrllr•f' I:; .prr•.sid1•nl ;mrl Mr.s. r:rr>Pfl, lrr•mau·•·1·, of llw 1\'!U!ioll cluli.

Mrs. 1\ollll'ilf'l' \l'il!i IIIII' or I hl'l'l'

r'llll of ·1110 d••l••rrniPs asl\f'd In 1'1!· pnrl on l'illlr )ll'ojpr•l:;, She ex· pJ;liiu•d I !11• 1'•••··•111 )llll'lldi!!!lion of 11 l'lliiJll'l'illil'l' lllii'SI'r,V )li11n in ~JiiSilll IIIII] Ill I hr• f'lllljll'i'iil irlll nf IIH• l'n•sllylt•ri:lll l'illll'l'il Ill t•na· ltll11g 1111~ Jll'ojf'r:l lo gr•l ~1111'tf'd,

In ill•!' 1;!11\ hill• 11;,;o Jlllillllld IIIII lllill tlrr• lllll'hf'l')' Jll'll.il•r•l falls ill with lliis )'l'ill''s l'ltlld Sl11rly IIH•IJlr•, ",L.!il'l'll.l~ll!t•rlin:: l•'illllily 11ollilllal iow; :•11!1 ll11• t'lllllll11111ity W"rldtiJ: with till: l'n•·Sdlllol Child."

~~~Nf~i\r:I•:MJ•:N'I' IS 'J'()J.J) 1\11'. i'iid 1\lrs. Nt•il DiPI'I. of

Wr•liiii'I'ViiiP :1/111111111<'<' 1111• C'll· gngr'llll'lll 111' lilPil' dilll):lill'r, Lol:; )';O!IIal\, ill ))I'll!')' Jll':r)'lllilll of \V£•1tiH•r\'illl'. 'I'll!• Wl'dding will tn1\l! plill't• Slllllf'linHJ in NoveJn· 1)111'. ' :

\Jr. 111111 1\!l·s. IO:dwiJi Nl!\1'111!111 of !;iii tiP I '11•r•k \\'l'l'l' ::und11y din· llt'J' gu1•.-ts 111 1\lr. a11d 1\trs. 'l'hom-11:; J\llr-1:.

~'lw Ji.PaJ·t ol' Our Bu!iitH·ss

4 Registered Phcumadsts WE IH~UVIm Hi\\' OJ: NHHI'l'


Ht~1~· Hfie ,Jar


Ha\'t~ ~:tw


I!Pg. !~ 1.2ii ButUt~

Anadn 98c

Sai'l! Sit vi~

fEi:~7~\\0ff:: r~~~~~w, haH: gallon


~q;e Cre~m ' .



1:1')!;. 7;)£~- 1-lh ,,ar

VAS~LINE 59c I ~!

Sav1~ Havl~


1:1')!;. $·Uill H!•Phc~'S'· !

Mastitis Ointment 6 Tubes. $3.50

Savt~o#· '·• : -;-, Save



.Shoe· St·ore·:

I<,ormcrly Cat•ol Shoes .

·Mr. 'anrl Mrs. Bernard Plald(c and· Iami(y spent l he wcelt end In North Muskegon with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oosterbaan 'and fam­ily.

Mrs. Emma Dal(lclson, Miss Bertha Spaulding and· Warren Spaulding of Chelsea called on Mrs. Helen Everett and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kimball and family of DeWitt and Miss Florence Fletch~r, Sunday.

Patients rlisc;hargcd from 1 he r~asm.1 Gencrnl nospilHI 1.l1r pas! week were Mrs .• Tnscph Wigton nnd Mrs. VirginIa. Wm·ron of Ln n­sjng, Douglnss Vngl of Dansvilll' · r,nrl Mrs. Freel Kcan, Brian -.Ta· cpbs, Horrer .Tone;;;· •,T\le Rib by. Mrs. Willard · Nis'Wonget• and Harry Willett .. :' Patients in the· Mnson C:r.mcrn 1 Iiospital this week nrc Walter Ji\iss\)11 ,of, Leslie, Mrs. George Vogt, Jt1.~ and Gilbert Cornell of IVansvlllu nnd ·Mrs:· 'Clara· Mcrln· dorr,· William Niclwls. Benjamin' ~rend and Mt·s, Carl Gibbs.

WARE'S DRUG STORE Phone Phone 5411 · We Deliver·


Brownies Stage Parties Monday i 'l'hl'tJO f:I'OlljiK of lJI'OWIJieH 1:uliwn•rlnl Haynor par•I1 Mowlny uft.ur· school fot' llwir· Jlailowtwn pnrllr.s. ·

Pari of 'J'rnop No. 7, under t!JU :;upervlslnn of Mrs. W. V. I<m1· llorly nnrl Mrs. EltrJn 'i'worlt, nwl together for tl1elr pnlltlf'l< sllflfiPl' ruHI wlr.nr.r roast:. 'J'iw girl:; worn In eoslumes unri thny plnycri jJUllleH,

j Twelve girl~ in tim nliu•r· i;rlliiJI :from troop No.7 nwl wilh liwir leaders, Mrs. T~lrner· :->r•hn!lelrl and Mrs, LawronrJe Barlnn. They lwrl ir. wlmrr.r roasl aflr•J' wltlcli the r~irls tool\ part in a lreaslll'f! hun!. ' Phyili:; Hnrton, Mni'Y IIIli anrl Jurly l'elt!J'Son pill nn 11 eornir• f;iclt fnt• the gmup. Plryill:; nnrl Mary Wr'rc dresser! 11p rtH a iiOJ'scJ find Judy wa:;· tlrclr ll'llinr•t, I Troop No. H, wllh litr>ir· !Pwier·, Mrs. 0. K Pauley, mr•l al. the pal']\ for• liwJr Wif!IH'l' ma:;t nnd parl.y, '!'lie glriH llltilt tiw !Ire J'or lhrlr 'mast in lrne Girl Seonl fashion.

'l'hc r:r·otlfl Jilll.l'r!rt games and :prizes were nwa rrlerl.

"' * 114

!Vew .Arrivals M1•, nnrl Mn:. Clifford I<lrlt·

llllil'ir•lt ol' OlwmoR haw 11 clnltgh; 1rr, Dlnnn Mnrle, horn Smulu~·, OctollC!r 17.

Mr·. nn.l MI'H, Nonis Pnrlwr, .Jr•,, nrn llw parents of n snn, ,Tel'l'y Denn, horn nl liH! Rl irn~on hnspilnl , in E:ilon itiiJilrls, Mrm· rlay, Cktohor IR. !'vln;. Parlwr Is the former Jlo:;ella Ilnlhhnn, rlnngiJIP.r [)[ Mr. 11nrl Mrs. Orin Hnthlllln. This is their sncorHI Hon.

Mr. nnrl MI'H. 'l'nri Lre hrtVP. n rlillll~htr!r, Ranrirn J.nn, hnr·n l:1st WPrlnasr!ny, Or:l••lwr ~~() .. 11( tho McLnughlln hospilnl, Lansing,

Mr. nnd Mm. Grnvr•r Ai1ers, ,Jr., iHIVf! n rl1111ghlr•r, .Julin Lynn, horn l•'rlrlny, Oclnlwr '~!l, in" the Rt. J.-•wrn•rr·r• lin•:pll:il, Lansing. Mrs. Akers is the former Mnrlerw Ilnrt, rinughter of Mr. and Mrs. llny lint'\ of Mn~on.

Mr. nn:l 1\ln:. Hr!fllgio Palacios 111'!.! tile piin•nl:; of II rlaughter, l'nlrir'in 1'1•1 r:t, horn Ins! 'i'uesrlay, tkloiH!I' l!l, in !he Mason Gen· era! hnspilnl.

M~ nrnl M~. ~~~ ~n~~ have n' rlaughlm·, Evn, horn Fri­rlny, OctolJP.r 22, In the Mason Gr•ncrnl iwspltnl.

Mr. anrl Mrs. Garrell. Wheaton !!liVe 11 :;on, .Jam us Garrell, horn Party blonors 'M' h I A , l•'ririny, Oetoher: 22, 111 the Mason : JC ae ustJn General hnspilal.

· I Mr. and Mrs. William Dexter , Mr. and Mr·s. Leslie Austin en- HJ'C! tlw pm·enls or a son, Marl\ tcrtaim:ri Werlnesr!ny c•vrmlng a! Budlir!y, born Monriny, Octoiwr 11 _parly in honor of llwir son, 2:i, in t !JC Mamn Genr!ral hos· Michael ,Tames, on ills first hirtir· pita!. The Dexters have 2 olirer day anniversnr,v. Tile party wns chlirlren, Billy, ;:;, and Lincln, 3. held 111 tiw Leliinrl Austin horne. Mr. anri Mrs. Willi:m1 Busliard

Gucs~s were the r.:ranrlparents, of Dansville h11vc a daughter, Mrs. l~r:'ma _Johns~c;n~! of llr:ll,' :->anrlra Marie, horn Monday, Oc­ltosem.u .Y Ostcrlllil g_ ,lllcl Moll· 1 oiler· 25, in the Mason General garet Austin of Lans1ng, Mr. anrl hliHJlil'll Mrs. Irwin Heed of Rl. .Johns, ami · ' ' Norman Ausl in anrl Mr. iinrl Mrs. A son, Earl Dunne, was horn James Armstrong, Steve iliHI Sunday, Oetober 2'1, to Mr. anrl

. MrH. Earl I<cldntm, in the Mason Linda, all o( Mason. G 1 1 · 1

Thu hostess serve~! refresh- enera rosprtn · ments- of cake, iPe cream, m11s, Mr. nnd Mrs. Halph Amhs of mints, coffee anri tea. Leslie 11re tile parents of il

Michael received mnny nice rlaug!Jicr, Cora Lou, lmrn Salur· gifts. · rlay; October 2:1, in the Mason

"' ,, "' Gcneml hospital. Mrs. Lctlir! Epsy spC'nt \Vt!rlncs- Mr·. anrl Mrs. Charles McMann

day wilh Mr. and Mrs. Frani< o( Holt have a son, Samuel Al­Griggs. Mrs. Clarence Griggs of vin, IJOrll Sunday, October 2•1, in Olwmos caller! at the Grir:gs the Mason Gmreral hospital. They home Thursday. ! have 8 other children.

Want to Vote Tuesday But ...

Need Transportation?

Calll-4851 Mason Republica-n Headquarters

A Car Will Be Waiting

Ingham County News . · October 28, 1954 Pnue 5

4~H Club~ Extension Club ISuHy Fiur,oi'H 1111<1 fi'lllii'Y Hrw.1·~ '' <:hmwl'rrl ChPihll'I'I'H ·~ ']'I'll llteiJIIH!l'H r:nlllf'terl Ill. IIH! ~1r>rnllf'l'H of tho CIJer.rful Clml·

l_1ome of tho lr!rHirrr, Jlilm. Domlfry Irr·pn; mclmi'ilnn clrrh mr!l nt tbrJ ifearl, l'ol' tile llr:;J nwrtlni~ nf lhn ,,, rno nf M'l'fi. /IIJHtln 'l'orlrl 'l'ltPH· :wusnn f)ntunlay, Oclolwr lli. l~lye ,-1"1' wilh nil mi>mhors prummt. I:IOI.Iiei'S WPm nl:;o fli'P.ii'Pnl. Agnes f•'rnn· g1\e:;ls were nl~o in attend· \Veh::trJr r:allcri tIre nwel inr: t rJ Ol'· nnce. rlr.r nfler which 'the group clecterl offir'l!l'~. I

Nnw offlr•r!J'H to !i'JI'Ve the emn· lnrr yr>a"s nro: Prr•:-;Jrlent, Iln ~llr.arlmnn; viee-preslrient, Agrws \Veirsler; ::e!!l'~inry, Arfrone Weh· >:ler; treasurer, .Jrwilyn lllsch; 1'£1· pol'il'!', Hosaiin Sl<.!arlnlillli sonr.: lr.arlnrs, Hulh Ann Die!!~ ;111rl Hulh Ann Ilnmlltnn; Ameriean !Ia,:· hr.mm·, I leveriy r111owerma n; nnrl '!·li llagilr!'tl'r.•r, f;hm·on Oestr>ri••.

The gmup rlr!l'irlt•ri t n pny durrs ,,[ Gc at endt nwet lnr:. Mrs·. II end : lwn t·cad. a lei trJr fi'om Hiwrln l\t'liy, 1111 t:xr'!Hilll:e studr.nl. who ·s vit;iting in GrerJcJr.

I\1Pmlwr·s. will liavu 1 heir next mc•ct ing Sat urrluy, Oritohcr· ;Jo, In Urr! V:urtrJ\vn hall. ThiH will irr• 11 wori\ mer! I ing anri mcmlwrs will eut Olll their rlr·esses.

To'nlinWIIlf! I Jv• li'''!Wll Oil IJlll'Rr. "''il<inr(, 1\•Tr•: 'l'rorlr: R{'IJ'Vr>rl rr>· frn:;hrnnnt~. '!'hr. ll~XI mer>llnv, Will .1"• held 'i'IIPHrlav, Novnmber Hi, at the home of Mrs. Ralph Kitdwn.

* • •

Farm Bureau Jl'1Xll'l' '1'1'1111 'l'l•r! J)[)x\r>r 'l'rnll l~nrm Durentt

h·•Jrl !IIIli r· Octohnr· mer• I Jnr.: at the "'"-'IIY LPWIJ !~rill J~rlriny night rkt nhrr 22. 'PhP mrctlng WI'.~ ~"•llrori In nrrlr>J' hy tiw rrhnirmnn. n_,,hrrl Rlnnnnn. l\1inntP~ of tile lr•st rncc~llng nnrl roll !'ill! wn~ •nnr! by the secretary, Mrs. Fr·r.lllli Nellmwny.

HeporiH were given hy I-Inwnrrl ''ny, 111111 Mr:;. J~llsworllr !3rnWtl .. ., netiviliC>s of the Farm Btll'f'l\11. 'lt·.-;. F.1•a Sturman was elwsen to ::erve on I he women'~ committee.

'l'lw lfnppy Dirlllrlny c1iuh will F.uw•nc Lyon, was cho~en _clelr-rner>t with MI'H. Otis Montavcll ro;i\r. In the slate convention nnd 'l'hmsrin.v, Novcmhcr· ,,, for a HnhP.rt c;lurrnan, an alternate. putlud' dinner. l•'ioyd Lnun:;tcln is to be the roll


The Masm1 Order· oi: lhe Easl· mil ebairmnn. !'I'll Rtnr will have ils regular DP.xtcr Trail group reC"eivecl n meelinr.: Ttwsrlay evening, No·' f'i1rek for ntlr•nrlnnr·e record llln vr-mlwr· 2, in the M:1sonie Temple. nnst year, at the enunty mreting There will he anoliwr fish sup- held at the Delhi town hall. Thr per· Salurrlay, Nove>mher 5, (rom gJ'nllp wns winnm· in tho tnhlP. !i::lO unlil all am served. !ll'enJ'aling contcf;l helrl at this

linus!'! W. M. A. will sponsor meeting. Mr~. Eugene Lynn wns lis annual fall rlinner anri sale at chairmnn o( this event. The pri7.c lhe G. A. H. hall in Leslie, Frirlay was ice cream pies for all mem· c1vening, November ri. A chicken hers present of Dexter Trail ~!inner w.ill he served commc1w· group. mg nt !i:.jO anrl a free-will offer·· M . Ell tl B 11 · ing will he 1 allen. 'l'IJCre will be . rs. , swor 1 rown, 1 scus-'lfll'OIIS !J'ITJI\le<· fll'il . , 1 ~rn.n lcarlcr, urged everyone to < ' o < ''' OW CoJSGS [ilJ( l N J 2 ] I ] J' hal\crl r.onrls to sr>ll. vo e_ ovem Je~ . , anc ec a cIS·

T!Je Hope eirde of tile Baplisl <:ll.'lston on poliltcal issues. Women's Soeiety. will mcet 1vilir Ellsworth Brown, recreational t!Jr. Jrncler, Mrs. Hubert Sturman, leader, supervised a spellrlown. ~3·18 Soul b Ives road, We;ln:>~day, RP.freslrments of cirlcr and November ;j, for a wor·l1 mecJnig doughnuts were served by the ber:rinning at W o'elock. Potluek !"loyd Launstein and Lewis Shaw dinner will he served a! 12 o'clock fmnilies.

* * * Holls anti butter will be fur­ni.o.;hcd.

The Ifnlt Child Sluriy dub will Dansville Girl Graduates meet Wednesday, November 3, at 8 p. m., at the home o[ Mrs. !~us­sell Lee, 20!12 North Cedar streel. The program will he prel'ented by Mrs. John Heul\or. The lopirr will he "Objectionable Newsstand Lit­eral urc. 11

Shirley Maynard graduated from Comptometer school in Lan· sing last Tuesday. She is the rinughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maynarrl of Dansville. She grad· unlet! from Dansville high school in May, 1954.

* :;: • The Pink Community cl\.1b will hold its regular meeting Thurs­day, Novcrnhrr 4, al t be home of Mrs. Carlyle Wait;;;, Co-hostesses Weather will he Mrs. Wilfred Dent, Mrs. Eli Ar~-:ersinger and ·Mrs. Marvin Janson.

Members of the Helen DuBois Past Noble Grands club will meet at the homo of Mrs. I-Ioldcn Stiles Thursrlny evening, October 28, at 8 o'c:lock.

The DuBois School club will !'(JOnsor a variety auction sale at 8 p. m. Monday, November 1, at I he school, corner of Eve•·y and H11rper roacls'. Hefrcshments will

Ingham has had a nice wee!,, allhough n lillie on the chilly side at times. The week end brought real Indian summer weather, wilh temperatures In the 70's. The only rni.nfall recorded the entire wcel< was .311 on 1'uesday. Wednesday brought colder weather with a high of only 50.

'-:========================: be 'ervrrl. I· The Eden W. M. A. will hold a

Average temperature for the · wcuk was 50 compared with a ri5-degrce reading last year at this time.

Temperatures for the ioi,vecic, as recorded at the Mason ·sewage disposal plant were:


4 Big Prizes for

Heaviest Birds lh·iug them in and weigh them up

CADY Hardware &. Plumbing

Only the· Best ·Is Good Enough To Please Us

We are tltc strictest jm1gcs of our own worlc. That's why each order is always I!'IRST quality. .

. . .


l'llmmar.:e sale at. the former ,Jcl· ferson Food Market in Mason Jcriclay, October 2!J, Jrom 4-!l p. }ll· ami ail clay Saturday, Oclober :10.

Tile l~ait!J circle of !he Mason Baptist church will meet at the lwme of Mrs. Ellsworth Brown on l~rlen road Werlncsday, November :l, at 10 o'clock for a work meet­ing. Those al.tending arP. to lai<e 11 disl1 to pa~s and own table ~~:crvice.

Octo her October Octo her Odoher Octo her Octo her Oeloher October

Min. 21 .................... 31 22 .................... 32 23 .................... 36 2'1 .................... 3'[ 25 .............. : .... .46. 26 ................... .'12 27 .................... 29 28 .................... 38

The Dunn Community dub \Vill 1

meet with Mrs. Ha~el Ansley Mason Markets

MaX• I 62 68 72 76 72 62 50

Wheat ........................................ $2.0:-i Wednesday, November 3, at 2 p. m.

Oats ............................................ .74 Corn ......... , .................................. 1.40

Service Men Barley .............................. >......... .!'J6 Buckwlieat, cwt. ...................... 1.70

MEI~N Walter Hinkle is plan- ~ye ........................ , ................... 1.20 ning to arrive at the Willow Run' Soybeans .................................... 2.60 nirport Frirlay ev9ning. l-Ie plans Navy beans, cwt ..................... 9.00 to spent! a 1;:)-day leave with his Egg~ narents, Mr. and Mr's. Edward A JUI)lbO .................................. .39 Hinl\le. MEl"N Hinkle has coin- A lflrg~ ...... '............................ .36 plelcd his schooling at Norlolk, A ·meclium ............................ .19 Virginia. · · A small .................................. .1.3

Two Mason young men. who I-I~avy hens .............................. .15 enlisted together _nml took rc- L1ght hens ............... :................ .1.0 r:ruit training together at Fort lloflstcrs .................................... .25 Leonard Woo(!, :MiJ., fire home on Caponetles ................................ .28 furlough together, nml will both " "' ,, report al Fort Devens, Mur.s., to iui<e ~pecial training for the Obituary army's security forces.· They arc Ll!iclwy Graham, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Gerald L. Graham, a·nd War- Or-ville E. An!mey ren Wilcox, son of Mrs. Lucille . " Wilcox, The young men enlisted · Orvrllc E. Ankney, ;J9, die~! Sat· August 16. · urday, Oc~Qbe~ 23, :1t the Vel·

Pvt. Richat•d s. Robart, 20, emns hosprtal m Sagrnaw. . whose parents liVe at 118 E: Oak · He was born October 20, 1895, St., Mason, recently arrived In in Putnam· county; Ohio, ~o Josh­Korea for duty with the '(th · un )-1. and M_ar:r, Ellen Long Transportation Port Commnricl. A .~nkn~y. His cl~rldhood was ~pc:nt r:lerlt, typist in the unit's head· m Ohro near hrs blrthplac~. !As a q1.1arters, Private Robart was last young man, he came to MIChigan stationed at Aberdeen Proving 1yhere he spent the rest of his Ground, Mrl. He entered the army hfe. in April, 195<1, Mr. Anlqwy was n veteran of

* * * World War·I. He was also a mem· COMMITTEE MEMBER her of the Mason First Baptist

Mrs. Howard L. Smith has church. been appointed a m«.>mber of. the Surviving him· inc a daughter, state-wide cuniculum committee Mrs. Mary Simcox of Lansing, ofthe stale department of public (another daughter preceded him .instruction. The committee, en· in death); 2 grandchildren, Mary titled the ' "Business Education -I<athleen and Carl'ie Ilene; one State ·Advisory ·,Committee," i5 sister, -Mrs. Pearl Price of Lan· being formed to improve currie· sing; 3 brothers, Harley B. of ulum in high schools· and col· Mason, Albert J. or Vero Beach, leges for vocational instt;uction .. · Florida, and· Jesse M. of Cecil,

* * • · Ohio; · and many nieces and W~elt end gi.wst's of M;r. ·and nephews 'and a host of friends.

. Mrs. Edward Ware and family He was a ldnil rind loving fa·


Campbell's TOMllTO SOUP


2 Cans

23c fliPift'!MPll"

a l'lq~s.

lSc 17-n:t.. Betty . Crocker 57c ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX

Tenderleol !-f-Ib nlacl•

TEll' 77c


Delicious w6th l.Sc

NABISCO a .. aha• c .. acke ...

l-Ib Plq~.



SQUASH Sc Pl>11JHJI' --: Gr11y Hubbard - UuUer•nut GmenllnhblLJ'll llnlle.J'<liiJl

PUMPKINS }cor rfllcli·O-Lnnt.!'rlls



ALWAYS. FRESH MEATS Whole or Shani• lhlf

Smoked ·Hams Assorted Cold Cuts Skinless F~ranks Smoked Picnics Small Size

Veal Steak Cutfrom Shoulder

49c lb 49c !b 39c lb 35c lb 49c lb

Ground Beef Beef Roasts Club Steaks

3 lbs 98c Best Cuts 35c lb

49c lb

Borden's Dutch Chocolate Pt.- 34c. 112 Gal. - $1.05.

8JIIlclnl Fountuin l'ncl1 fo·;. Ymi1· l~l'l!l~Zel'

21f~- Gal. Reg. $4.85 $4.5'9

Densmore's · Daily 9,to 9

·sunday,10 to 4

Pillsbury's ·Best Flour 2s rb $1.99 45c Bisquick 40~oz.

Ddmonl1~ No. 2 Can

Sliced· Pineapple Cream of Wheat 2x-o:t.. Plq~. IGA Evap. Milk Tall Can

Marlene Margarine

33c 31c

4 for 47 C

2 .. Ib 41c Gaines Dog Meal 2s1b $2.89 Dog House Dog Food 3 Cans 25c Hl~J!;. 2 fm· 4!Jc

Pond's Tissue

Sweet Cider Piiade ft•om sound t•ipe a(l!lles

· Gallon Jug I~CLUDED





69c IGA Lighter .•.


34c IGA Cane &. Maple

26c -SYRUP 12-oz.

were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Blanlt ther and brother. He: was· much

and Mr, and Mrs.-Russell Greene loved and will be gt·eatly ml!lsedl~·-•••••••••.i.••llllli••.;;~;;~;;.;;:~~==:;:;:::l of BatesvUlc,. It1dlana. by all who knew him. I' Phone 2-6131 ·Reliable PreseriittioJJS ·

' . . .Mason'

Phone., 9011 · for Ads that Sell (or Buy) e Wednesday aH1•J·nnon deadline on classificlls e Classific1l 1lis1llay ads R4c 11er Inch

• 8 40 ·words l'or liOc - Adtlitionnl worcls lc caclt e One of l\lichigan's largest rural want ncl sections

L• · k IJOAHS- The mf!/lL typp regis: L 0 AD E R S -- New Univorsn IVeSlOC tl'rf'd our"e honrH, Clarence louder.~, flt anything but Forc __________________ ·ll!flsRP,\', :JHJ.1 nurldey road, .Wll or Ferguson. We have hull

( Use Provcrl Dairy Bulls

Artificially from

Michigan i Artificial Breeders

Jnghnm-Mason Local Put In calls by noon

Jll;um:tnn. 38wlf dozer blades, adnplahlr! to mas;. - -----·---·--------- ioaclers, 7 ft. anglo blade, Alsc

I!OAilS ---Duroc regislorcct boars., one usee! !onder, Dnvf! or Dorr Wayrw Dalton, 2G!l Searls roud, Diehl, phone Dansville 2172 ·or

Wnhhc•rvlllc!. I'hmw •l·F·ll Web· 2631. · · llwtJ IH·r·villl!. 41w8p I . HAMS--2 Oxfrll'Cl rums, 3.ycars Used Farm Equip··

old, !lohrrt Poremnn nnd Mrs·, Ella 1\lng, !l~!l Waldo rom!, phone ment V t:t.lUeS Mwam :.!-H:J:J2. 30wtf

CharJ es Brown llOAJ~S---l'llt'Cbl'cll Poland Chinn, USED EQUIPMI~NT

Insemlnator gruwthy meat-type s p l'i n g Phone Mason 24976 lm:rrs fnt· i-\a1e. Rcndy for scr\llco,

--·---- n~orgr• II. Ellison, 3\6 miles

1HADER-Potnto, onion or fruit grader, .Tolm Bean with sorting

able, $·100. Rolnncl Cobb, cornet• rf Dcxtct' Trail unci Drogan road, ;t ockbrldgc, phone Stodtbrldgc :1"2. 43w1p

?OHD-Ji'ERGUSON TRACTOR, plows and cultivator for sale,

Just what you need to speed your rail work. 5570 West Holt road, <-roll, phnnc Holt 1-5812. 43wl


PO'rA'l'OES- Good en ling, $l.fi0 ·per bushel. Don B. Clat·1<, 4fi(i1

Hnrnc.s roncl, Aurelius Center, Phone Aurelius 3<102. '12w2

POTATOES - Cubbage, carrots nndcl sweet onions for sale.

Jnrecl Austin, 5233 Curtice rond, phone Aurolltts 3714. 42wfip

CABBAGE-$1 per crate, ·over fi crates, , 75c. Paul Gillen onion

farm, E Holt road. 42w2p

NICE TURI<EYS-All sl2es, will

r---- . · : sortlhrnsl of Mason on Dexter SEND FOR l''!U!:i~ lnformatwn I '!'rail, phone Mason 2·6461.

on Donne-rkstgnod pole fmmc I 40wtf IJulldlngs. Save one-third In one- ----------·-----­half on your lntilrling costs. 'l'ri- HAMI'Sf!TnE BOARS-5, old County Farm Sr~rvlr:P. Co,, 31!11 l'rrnu~lt for sPt'Vkr!, $35 each. L. Stoll road, Lansing, Phone Lnn- M. Tlwrrw, '17!lfl Dexter Trull,

28-ft. Case Elevator· with Engine Internntlonal Field Culllvator Severn! Usee! Plows Hubbcr-tlrcd Disc 1-In.rrow Tractor Spreader WC Allis-Chalmers Trnctor Us·cd Corn Picker Stallt Chopper for Rent. Chore Doy 10-gallon Water

COMPLJ~TE LINE OF Kasco and nowcna feeds, hay, strnw anrl

salt: for water softeners. ·'Also Phillips 66 gns nne! oil. Tomlin· qon's Feed Store, Holt, phone I-Ioll 4·2881. 40wtr

13ALED I-IA Y and haled straw,

tai<c order· now for Thnnksgiv· lng, Place orders curly, Grace Furry, Route 2, Mason, 2 miles south of Mason on US-127.


Household Goods

A secure future,_ ~ree from the ·Riuulq'Y of• 1lebt; can be yours

via a Round RavhJgs !•rogram. Jlavo 'the ·mmwy you want whcll

you want it. Earn interest .. .' don't· pay it. Start· saving systematically NOW!

Ring 71DH!'i. -·-------- 31wlf!~)illlSV~II~: ______ ·------~~1 --F- 1-• , C ttl· Is T I~ 1~ H. S --4 junior yearling eec 81 a e Wlrilr.far·o steers. AI Snider,

We have cnlves weighing from I fiuiP.II roar!, Okemos, phone Lan· 400 to GOO pounrl11. ThPs~ r•al tiP ~.inr; ED·7·7;3·17. 42w2

Heater 20-ft. Be It Eleva tor RANGE-Tappan gas range.

nrc E:XTHA goorl fJUalily nnd l·llO-Ait;~- llcrkshirc boars. Ellgl­priecrl to sell. Tlwsc at·r. not! blc~ to register. 6 months old, southern rnlvrs. Thry arc allj William F'anson, . 1731 Bunltcr western stock for hanly feeding 'roar!. Phone Aure!Jus 2112. 41 tf

NEW EQUIPMENT Ezcc Flow Fertilizer Spreader Stallt Choppers Chore Boy Mill<crs Rubber Parts for All Millwrs }i'lrcstonc Tires

mixer! elovcr. Also alfalfa nnil timothy, $22.50 per ton, will de· liver. Roy D. Donald, second farm south of Aurelius Center on Aurelius road, phone Aurelius 3208. 34wtf

Cove back nne! divided top. Was $294.50. Now $219.95. Bottle gas and natural gas. Mason Home Appliance, 120 W. Maple. 13w1

HAY AND STRAW-500 1Jales of CROSLEY upright freezer. 13 clover hay and 400 bales of cubic feet. Was $460.95, Now· THE FARMERS BANK··

wheat straw. Also 6 acres of bean $209.95. Mason Home Applinncc, porls. L. H. Elscnlohr, 2351 Eden 1~0 W. Maple, Mason, 43w1 road Phone 'i683 Mason 41wlf ---------------

Oldest llanlt in Ingham County 1\lember F. D. I. C. Federal Reserve ~ystem .. w

abtltty. ___ _ ------·-·-·------. CAT'I'LI~-Angus bull, registered,

E. D. Franklm & Son 2 c:ows with luiifct· calves nnrl One mile wr.st of Mason 2 slrPrs. Lyle Morton, 3091 Cav·

Phone Mason 2-R!H1 or 2-in01. anmrgl1 roar!, third house on the Rwlf south side, west of Phillips rand.

--------- _ - . _ . 43w1 ·--------------------

HAMPSTTTnE RAJ\T Li\1\InS---- EWES-- 50 0 x for d·Corricdnle Dallas anrl Aamn I-Iyclc, ·tn:l.1 brePding ewes. Phone Lansing

Phillips road, :1 mill'H ttorllt of fo:D·7·7'1KG. 43w2 Mason. Phone 2·11n5!J Mn~nn. --· - -----------­

•11w:lpj IX1AR-Onc Duroc hoar ready · - for ~r!rvice, 2 Holstein deacon

Hampshi)·es r·a!ves, <tlso one cement mixer. Ludell Clteney, 2 miles west and one mile srmth of Mason, 427 S. College road. 48wtf

REGISTE:RF.D Spring boars renrly Jot' sl'rvirc.

Priced for tltc eommcrdal hr·ccrl: cr. Buy now while you have a IIIAMPSI-IIRE S 0 W - Due to goorl select ion. farrow November 'f. ·.Donald E. D. Franklin & Son Oc·stcrlc, 122!1 Eden road, Mason.

I !'!tone 2·6815 Mason. 43wl

Phone Mason 2-H!l-11 or 2-1nn1 .. · ... -··-- ----------~:lwt r. PIGS-·-1'1 7-weck olrl Hampshire

----------------- ---------- i)ig~·. ::i837 \V. Columbia road, BOARS - Purrhrccl Ii:unr:;lrirP. plwne Mason 2-5866, Archie

hoar.q, last spring'~ pigs frnm 1\'Jilchcll. 43w2 goorl litters. Guy Wailcrs. HmriQ -- -----1, Charlotte, :J\':, miles north, 2'' I•'EEDER I-IE!Ji'ERS-8 Baldface miles west of Potterville. ·12w:l feeder heifers and one Blncl< ----------- -------~ Anr,us steer. C. Migrants, 504 RAMS - Hegislercrl Conicr!alc Dimnonrl road, 4 miles east on

rams, ,January anrl Fr•hnrnry Dansville road, % mllo north of

Complete Farm Tirf! Service

Lincoln Farm Welders and Sup- REFRIGERATOR- Philco auto· piles t SEED CORN-Order now, Sup- .malic· defrost 11 cu. fl. rcfri·

12-ft. Grain Augers ............ $20.05 ply limited on stalk-rot resist- gerntor. Separate 70-lh freezer PTO Manure Spreader ........ $495 nnt seed corn. Don't have your chest. Sfidlng shelves nne! hut· N 3 1 zn T 1 $1 H1o corn on the >:round next full. Dial ter·l<eeper all!l chccse-lwcpcr,

H A N G E- Universal electric range for sale, 3 burners, doel,l

well.· Will sell for $70. Mrs. R. W. Brown, 215 E. Ash, phone Mason 2-6581. 43wlp

ew ·Pow " rue or ....... ' Leslie 2006 ami order high yield· $129.95. Now $319.95 and old re-Gales V-Belts, all sizes 1ng "De Kalb 406." Pay only when WARM MORNING heater !or frlgerator, Mason Home Appli· 42-ft. King Wysc Elevators, $,190 delivered next spring, Your De- sale, $20. Clyde Starr, 2% miles ance, 120 __ W. Maple. 43w1 34:ft. King Wysc Elevators, $425 Kalb dealer, Richard Powers. south of Mason on US-127 to Coy 26-ft. King Wysc Elevators, $350 12w3 RCA ESTATE ;;Q.Jnch gas range. road, cast on Coy to stone housf!. 3Y, h. p, Lombnnl Chain Saw, CORN-14 to 16 acres of hybrid Only $149.95. Mason Home Ap- Phone Mason 2-2045. 43w1

$198 up corn for sale, In the ftclrl. Ai·- pllance, 120 W. Maple. 48w1 I ;IEATERs'-ctcnn safe used oil Wagon Unloading Jacks thur Brooks, first house off Dex- RANGE-Good white Round Oak heaters. All malws·, $25 up. Mn·

t.cr Trail on Swan rand, Dans- range. Wood or coni. Cecil L, son Home Appliance, 120 W. Francis Platt H1nneapolll!-Mol~nc uealer

%mile north of Mason on US-127

ville, phone 2898 Dansville. Onlt!ey, 3960 E. Dansville road. I Maple. 43w1 48w1

----------- Phone Dansville 2007. 42w2p S-I·NT-' A 1 661 h 1 k -----------.,.... _ 1 n. - mer cnn · nc: s n

HAY-A quantity of baled clover D:UO·T.HERM oil heaters. All with worlds of storage space, 43wl hay nnd baled wheat straw. sizes, Free thermostats. Avail· Now $139,95 .. Mason. Home Ap·

Also a brass bed, springs and able wlih automatic blowers. Ma- plinnce, 120 W. Maple, 43wl

'Phone 2:5971

-------.,--------- mattress. Phone Dansvllle 3222, CORN CRIB - Temporary corn Mrs. Sadie Behm, 1397 E. Mason son Horne Appliance, 120 W. GRISER--SALAD·MAKER. Only

crib which will hold .':!,000 crates, ~I reel, Dansville. 43wl Mnpjc. · 1

43w1 $9.95. Mason Home Appliance, price, $150, Richnrcl L. VanGilrler, 4965 Sherwood road, Webberville, CORN-18 acres of fine muck RANGE - Usee] electric apart-~ 120 W. Maple. 43W1 phone Bell Oak 6·F·4; 42w2p j corn, standing in field. Will sell ment-sizc range, $30. Also used

Used Equipment for best offer. W. R. Dudley, 2806 gas ranges, refrigerators anclj Michigan Climate Conditioned

I Dobie road, phone Lansing ED· 11 washers, $'i!O and up. Mason

7·0571. 43wtf Home. Appliance, 120 W. Maple.

rum nnrl ewe lambs, sired hy 1!15:1 1\·J:won, phone Mason 2-3811. New Dearborn Stalk Cutter

------------ 11

~ 43wJ BIDS WANTED on corn screen- ----~----------

ings from CCC bin site nL Ma·l I R O·N RITE IRONER-Floor Instnllalion, conversion nne! ap· Hnn. Bids must he in office by· model. Was' $27,1.9:j, Now only pliances. County-wide delivery. Miehignn rrsen·r• f'!tampinn, IInlt 48wlp Wood Brothers Corn Piclters '

1:ond, fir~t house wrs,t or~ \Vii· f H~\JiilPSI-ii"RI~ BOARS _ Ready I New and Used Ford Tmclors lmrnston road. E. and r. Nrrhlc. I r ... .- G rge Helbig first Stockland Reversible Scoop

421 .. .,11 ot SCI\ JCC, CO ,

'~ fmm cast of Mason on Columhln Front <mel Rear Blnclos for snow PUREBR~D ----pALM~INO~~Fr~r road, 43W2 Super C Intcrnntienal Tractor

service. % milc! ca~t o[ Mason HOLSTEIN COW-Fresh first wlth Cullivator

November 2. 155 W. Maple, Ma· $21~5. EZ terms. Mason Home son. Phone 2·6311 Mason, 43w1p 1 Appliance, 120 W: Mnplc.. 43wl

BEDROOM SUITE-Solid maple,

Frul.tS foodsll'•ffs $100. Easy ironer, $35. Phone - ,It Holt 3891 after 3:30, 1807 School-

craft, Holt 43w1

Don Hill 8135 Okemos road, Oltemos Phone Lansing ED-7·7849

:19wU city limits nl 171R Columbia road. part of November. From ac- Silo-Sen! Camcnt, ideal for fixing Phonl! 2-•lfi21 Mason. •12w•lp crct!itcr.l herd. Dall! Wilkins·, 2976 roofs and silos - DINING ROOM SUITE--!J-plecc,

P~ L TWIN BEDS, chllrlren's crib size, in good condition. Will sell' or 01-:ernos rom!, Mason. ~none on· I POTATOES-Sand or muck pota· · 32x56. Also round oak table.


.c~rwea-t:SG,.\rVaJ.rtllcl 11~.-llflcr:.t~ISca(l~of'.w,Al."O~') s!it~ ~-~-i-7679. 48w1 Lansing Tractor and t 0 c s, Chippewas, Ontario, Phone 2-5839 Mason, 43w1 lradc. Cull after 6 week days, J " ·' Kntnhclin, Pontiac, Russet Rural ·· Mrs. William Crowe, phone 5914

bighorn County News October 28, 1954 Page 6

WINCHE~TER 82 Special for sale/Fired about 4 times. Very

good condition. WilHam Reeser, lOq W;·Columbln, Mason. 42wtf

BLACK PIRT, beautiful soil, no muc:lt, Ajso good rich top soli,

$10 per 5-ynrd · load delivered. Cull Holt 3919. 26wtf

SAFES._:. All malteg,· ·types and I BOOI<:S-Used bootes bought nnd sizes, Bought, sold,: opened. and sold. Roy Adams, over Shim·

repaired. Vault doors, money I min Drug Store, Mason. 10wtf claests, steel desl<s, ·filing cabinets ---------~----­nnd Just:rite chairs imd stools. I RUBBER HUNTING BOOTS, Tear gas' Installed nnd comblna. lncecl, size !J, perfect condition, tlon service, Murphy , Safe Co,, $8. Phone Mason 2·7081. 43w1 2622 Cedar road, Lrinslng, Mich-

Poultry and Rabbits Igan. Located l,i mile south of Pennsylvania· Intersection on US· 127 ' ~r 1. mile .not:th . of 'Holt. Pho~c Holt 432~1. ,·. . 23wtt

PULLETS-140 White Rock put­HOUSE PAINT-White, zinc,. lets. Laying 80%. Earl Nichols,

lead, titanium formula, $2.80 corner of Nichols' nnrl Onondaga and ~.98. ·Barn Pillnt, reel, $t.9!J roads. Phone Mason 2·3252. 43wtf

gallon. Asbestos rqoflng. corn-, DUCKS, wild mallard clucks, OX· P,ound, $3.98 for 5·gnllon pall. ceJlent breeding slocl<, $2.00 n _::lymphony rubber-base· 'inside piece, gentle. Doble Lul1o farm·, wan pain~, $3.99 gallon and $1.3912806 Doble road, phone Lansii1g quart. P. X. Mart, Mason, Char· ED·H328. 41wtf

. lotte, Lansing. Also !Surplus Out-, · let,_ 311 E. -Gi'and· 'River, North PULLET S-Whlte Roell and Lansing. Opcri evety night. Barred Roc!< pullets, $1.50 each.

22wtl Also 200 potato crates. No good ----------'-·--- offer turned down. M. A. Pnt·

USED PII;'E-Cold and hot nlr terson, one mile east 'JI• mile furnace pipe, In good condition. south of Bunker Hill, phone Les-

Phonc Mason 2-5061 or sec nt 519 lie 9425. 42w2 S. Steele street in Mason.· ·

43w1 C I-I I C KENS - Lalwnvcldr.rs, Lowdens, 'Buttercups from 'the

BJWY BUG G Y-,-Welch ·baby late Vern Mend that took blue buggy and pad for sale. Used ribbons at the fair. Games, 1 cocl<

only a few rn'onths, $22.50. Mrs·. ani! 3 hens. Mrs, Earl M. Miller, GEiprgc Po~t 235 East .Maple, Mn· 821 E. Mlll, Leslie, phone Leslie

.. Gtwrnscy heifer, li months SADOLE I-IOHSE-Colt from the Equipment Comr)an and Scbagoes nt $1.60 per bush· USED ELECTRIC DRYER, has Mason. 42w2 old, bred August. 21, or will tn11lc Floyd A~ls herd at Clarl< la~e. . Y el, or place your order for win- been used only. 6 months. save :DEER lllFLlj:-348 Winchester: J?UCI<S, white ).\'Il!scovy, $1 this heifrt' for sheep of snme I :Tust ;re

1~~.1~1t age .to stn[btra;~- 2828 East Grand River tor potatoes at $1.50 per bushel $110. Was $249.95. 'Will sell for TREADLE MODEL Singer sew- , L!lte new:. Phorie ·Holt 4·8791

apiece. Phone Mason· 2·8823,·

son. . : ~ : · . 43w1p 0;!14, 43w2 . : . . '

value. William .T. Bensch, Rnute ~l.lg .. nx t ~Cotner 0• ex r Phonc'Lansing 2·2175 in lots of 5 bushels or more.- $139.'95. Mason Home Appliance, ing machine for sale. Phone :aft~r 5 p.·:in: !. . . 43w1p I ' ' : . ' .: ·43w1

1, Williamston, phone 288-H. Wil· ltatl and M·!L, Stocl<bl'lclge. 43wl Clare Lir.unstcin, 2 miles east of Mason.' Phone Mason. 2·5011, l40 Dansville 2090. 43wlp ' · · · .. · " · · · Iiams ton. 42w2p _ --·----


1p Mason on M-36, second place W-. Maple, Mason. 43wtf -----------.-. ---..,-, )::lOOR~qci'l\h ·-~- 6 ,'ft; 18 :in.; lii~I4e HE~S-'-Liye, ·year. ojil, · $l el_lqh,

. ------------ EWES-90 grade ewes, will start north on Every road, .left s!!le, . . ' · '":-ifoor,·~neW' iron•"lled'· mat't'ress ·P~one r::,unsvllle .. 2p51, Frnnlt BULL-Registerer! GrPat Oaks Inmbinr; March 1. M. H. o~s- Check These Bm·gains phone Mason 2-1682. 37w·u .KITCHEN. CABINET, $7; vie- Philgas ,. ,. ·~tJll ~iif!ngii,. 50,ga)lo11'-~i) dvl!m, I,lnl,nger,,;'-1~7 Flo!.~~- ro4d, 9nns-

.J\ngus hull, 16 r:tonlhs nlrl. Also llrrle, one mile south of Mason:on. ------'------~· . .',trqla ~nd records, $10; book- . . . fe~the~, ::.d~k, !?lat(r~s~g 2 ·,tires, __ vll!e, . ' . ' . ~3\Vl rcgrstered Bnrrlo)tcr Angus hull, Edrn road phone Mason 2.2905. TRUCKS AppLEs, severn! varieties: .6ase _nnd •de~i~ combination, $10; Bottled Gas, ·; )10~3!Ar,. M"~$) ne~t ·W~sP,I!t, 1~8'o/:. 'P'ULLE'rs-;:.70 Rock.' type DcKalb 10 months old, William .T, Bensch, ~ · · ' ' . · · 43wl 1950 Iriternntionnl L-160 truck, Smith's Orchard corner·. of .electric · stove, apartment-size, . . In p~){i' p~on~,. Iola~ol'\. 2·~5.7rl. ,.-. 4~w,1• .. hyl:ired ,julllets .. · WII!Jon Foi·ce, Route 1, Willinmslon, phone~-- --- ----·--- · · motor just overhauled, 2-speed nunl{or and Eifert 'roads, phone $15; oak buffet, $12; leather dav- . ~ .... · ·• . : , , · ·... . · " ~ · · . . ·, ' 4 Y, ·ritljes north of Mns(lJi on ·Oke· 288-R William'ston. ,12w2p HORSE-Riding horse wi(h sad· axle and good rubber. 2102 Aurelius. · 40wtf el)port,. $1!'i_; china cabinet,· $12; 20-lb Self-Serve 'Cylinders .t\DPING: MACHINEJ,<· very· goqd nios l'riad 'to 'Lamb road, :y., ·mlie -------------- -- -------------·- rile nnrl bridle. Second place 1947 International KB-5 truclt and library table, $6; 2 dressers, each 100-lb Delivered Cyllndei•s. . condlllon,· $40 .• Totals. $909,999, east on Lamb road to Simmons GUERNSEYS-We nrc hig pro· cnst of Deitz road on Cooper rack. APPLES-Mcintosh, Jonathnns, $7.50; commode, $5; dining room Both arc on automatic -systems Call Franlt Guerriero, Mason road, third house north, pl)one ,, .

cluccrs of qunlily milk hccausr: roar!, phone Dan·sville 2987;3w

1p USED EQUIPMENT , Hubbnrclstons, Delicious and table, $5; ice box, $3. 2613 Phil- that tell you when one can.ls 2·3151; 43w1


Mason. 43

w1 our Guernseys made us big. Our ., I Bananas. Also comb and ex· !Ips rand, phone Lansing ED- empty,

barns nrc full. We must sell our ---· -N:ew International 1·PR 'picker, 7·7432. 43w1 Cheaper rates for 2-appliance . POWER. MOWER or · 2:\vheel NEW. I-IAMPSI·IIRE 0 EDS n11a I Sh I I b ·' t traclcd honey nnd elder. Hansen's ._

increase. Ottr prices nrc low. RAM-One rcgisterec raps 1 re eu· ype · 0 6 · c 1 , users · . trailer to . trade for chrome Wltftn Ronl' yenrlln"' !ten· s. I dB th N I _, 12 A s d 1 rchard, mrleswcston oum- 75000 B .. T.U c· 1 -.1 . ~ ~· ., Mlchigann Fnrrns, 1685 US-127, I ram. 2300 Haw ey-roa • er· a ew uca · prea Cl', nf!ar Y bin, 2 miles south 011 Onondaga ., · · · 0 cmnn 01 space: !NSTALLATIONS ~· brenldast set,·:Phone 2406 ·Dans· Harold Brodberg,_576 Lamb road, Holt, Michigan. r1!lwt( Judson Green, phone ]Jnson 3045, new , road, 1043 Onondaga rand, Eaton . heater. With circulator fan ami , . CONVERSIONS. vllle. , : . ·.:. . : 43w1 Route 4, Mason. Phone j,Inson

. _ --------·-----, 43w3 New wagon rnclt, metal stdes S-gallon fuel tank, Used 3 BOTTLED GAS APPLIANCES. · . · . · · 2·6682. 43w2 FOR LEASE-Well bred I~crc-, . . Usee! Tractors-1 to 3 Plow Size Rapids. Phone Aurelius 3203. months. Harold Hrodberg, 576

1 .HIONEL TRAIN'S.ET·wlth·acces··

ford bull, rcnrly for heavy 5crv- IIOGS-N1ce selectwn of _Duroc Used 2-row Mounted Corn Picker 40wtf Lamb rmid, Route 4, Mason. Mason Home , ·sarles .and-'tnble.: Five-car--train, icc. Also Hampshire hour. Wil· · boarH :mel g!lts from registered for International I-I or M Phone Mason 2·6682. 43w2 ., , ·with. smoking engine. 75•watt ; . • llam Musolff, 2064 Dexter Trail,· stock Lawrence Simpson, phone Prices reduced on New Super c APPLES-Tuttle Orchard, 4 miles Appliance · .trnnsfo~mer, ;Remote·· control· un-~ ·'(lo·thlnn

' ~ ; '

phone Dansville 28fH. ,1.3wlp I ~.~son 4281. ·43wl Tractors ·south of Mason, one mile west HEATERS-Gas space heaters . :~ouplm·:,_trnck sectl.on. Automatic lf :mel 2 miles south on Tuttle road, .' for. sale. Severn!, both large Phone 2·5911 llgllter:·st'ntlon' -th'at _•.·stops ··and

GILTS-7--!J-;:-edglits, due soon. COWS-Guernseys and Holsteins, s· 'l b I 1 G Phone 4266 Leslie. 37wtf 1\Ttcl small.' Good conditio~. James Mason ~tarts traln'17 'ft I of 3 rail 'trnclt I'' W S I c II Ire ling nnd co!Jcae 1 s y. mp ement I 0 Corner, 305 w. Elm, phone Mn· 10wt! . I ..• , ', : • I RUMMAGE SALE-The Disabled . 'tensko, 32,18 Mcriclinn road 1 ° ege 1 cc " • lx8 sheet ·of palntec1 ·ply wood

at Catholic Church road, no calls hred. Come mnlte me an offer. If 214 w. state Phone 5141 BlOSSOlTI Orchard son 5301. 43w1 --· with 5 ~oi·incli ·~letachnble.._plpe- 1\merlcari Veterans. Auxiliary before 5:30 p. m. Anytime· Sat· It's good I'll talte it. See them at 43w1 CORONADO REFRIGERATOR legs, ·.Everything; iincludecl , 1s wlll hold n rummn~e sale ~riclny, urday or Sunday. ' 13w2p 690 E. Covert road, Leslie, be· M" ·11 mounted::on a _table'•criil!-d)l '.tb October 29 from 3.00 to 9.00.at_ =-=-----~.------ tween Woods and Meridian roads, McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS- Steele Reds '-7 .cu. ft., lilte new. Guarantee ISCe aneous pperate, ·Complete:. set has :been the cl~y hall. Anyone having any 8 MILI< cows at $1,100, Hoi· . 43w1p Model 33 with 20-lnch blade Northern Spy Apples cxpir.es 'January, 1956. Washing ·rutt only; libout·5 h!lurs; •eo. Hor~ thing -they wish to donate please

steins, Gucrns·cus and .Tc_rscys. 0111., .,n07,50, Sollcl tool ~. tecl Cortland Snow machine, bookcase nnd occasion- TYPE R , . '~"-' contact Mrs Louis Bcrntta phone G J " "'"' ~ H.ed Delicious. ill chairs- nnd other. liousehold· 'W ITER RIBBONS for ,on table 'moun1e:d '.Jroner··-wlth ' ' ' ' · ood produ~crs. Cline Harris, RAM - Registered Shropshire 1 b 1 ad e; aus-tcmperccl chipper . sale, for portable and standnrri' knee controls.--F'orest 'j\;fider:Soti. ~6241 or Mrs. Mildred Bench, corner .of ~(mglands <tnrl Cunni yearling ram. K S. Bateman, chilin: btiilt-in manually operated Honey iua~nt ios~~rfa~s;i~f~ ~~~:.~6.4 P~~~~ typewrlterB, 65c apiece. -Inghani 'tr., phoM 3211 Dansville. 43wl phone 26503. 42w2p '· rands, 2 m1Ies west of M-99 on 5906 W. Barnes road, .phone chain·oiJer; automatic clutch; Me· Sweet Clcler c t N M 'TWt! · · ' · · · · Columbia, % mile n.orth. 13w1 Aurelius 4121'. · 41wtf Culloch anti-friction bearing ··rna· · Pumpldns [lansvllle 3646. . · 43wlp . oun Y ews, ason. .._.. ' ·lUNGS-Set 0~. women's . wed~ ¥,ISSES COAT - Blue Poodle. , . :

. tor; floatless carburetor for full Squash w.· ARM MORNING STOVE- REMINGTON AUTOMATIC '20: ' dlrfg rings :dlamdnd iui:d'·wcd· cloth coat, size. 12 to 14, $10. BO~RS-3 extra nice Duroc power cutting in all positions and Iridian Corn . . . . ' . ling band ~ost $19S 'new··. 'Ill ·Small,child's navy-blue velveteen boars. B. V. Fruin, phone Ma· many other fine saw features. 1.: Coal burning, cabmet model. gauge Sportsman. Not ·a !ell f r $50 PI . 2~oor M w snowsuit 'size 2 $7 Boy's brown '.-

son 2·6883. 1487 Dansv!lle road.: I We ltave complete service "'itlt Alfr;ed Wardowski ' May be seen at 5?7Q West Holt scratch on it Plus cas-e, $85. B~n i02 so Par~·1 t wnrM •' ·-~S3,on1, gabardln~ pn.nts; slz~6, $1.50, Mrs. ,. ,,, 42 2 " road, Holt. Phone 4·5842 Holt. ,Bradish, first house west of Phil:. · · ·' s l'!!e! .. ~~on.\ ·• ~. Leonard Blood 527 s. Jefferson !.' · ·. · · , · · w P factory trained mechanics nncl !·mhos north' of Leslie cin US-127 43 1 11 · d H 1 u Ph M ·· · '· ' ,.

· . · . · ·every replilt• part in stoclt, Othet Phone .Leslie 2307 · · .. -. w ps r~a on' 0 t ron ' one a~ BOATS, · t~allers,.~· ;Merc~ry' .• and Maso,n, phone Ma_son 2·5761. · ·'.r: good grade, m;nrly F m to·ols model~ nne! sizes to choose from 38wtf ELECTRIC RANGE·- 4 white s~n 3;)02· 42WU ~ha~plon IT!Otors,·gopd ouys,_ln • '43w1

. ready for service, $65 nnd $75. ar . Let us demonstrate on your. ' .: steel cabinets. Phone Holt 44421. • . : 'lS~tl an~. ~j!f!IO!l~trl\tors; A. good DEER HUNTERS f.OOK-4 wool ': r Also registered Holstein hull, 16 ' larm, No obllgntlon. Michigan'r :!HIPPEWA POTATOES, $1.50 Mr!i. Hoy l{relner, 4665 Don St., CORNET-In_ good condition. 528 !>o~t -~nd ·, .utlllty_ -:tr~llel'; wtth, . shfrts, Jnrge size,

1 all·wooi u·n·.

m tl 11 it! b t f 'lilrgest hnin s d 1 L dl Holt. 43w2p E. Ash, phone Mason 2·5393 •.. wl~ch tor ,$65• Guns. new:·an4 ., '"\ · on ls· 0

c • w l · u ter nt rec- ·FRONT END loader on crawlers, . c. · nw ea er. u ow per bushel. -Ed Casper, Baldwin .'l,\ , . . <J2wtf usetl, singles, $8.50 ani} up, deer lcin suit, size 42i 'hat, size '7%: '2 ord, $165. Wllllnm Musolff, 2064 Fore! dump trucit, 1951, 5-yard ~ros., Springport. Phone Sprlnf! ·oad, phone Mason: 2·1034. 34wtf RANGE....,.SCars-Roebuclt coal: 'cir- ... ·. . . . rifles $35 lind upi' )2\tmps·~$50 and cants, 1 s!ze042, 1 fully llried,slze .. , ~~~e~ Trail, pho~e. Dun~~~~ box, .Ford plell~~· V·8, half-ton, port

18· · · · 43Wl . wood range. Porcelain outside, PROGESSED ROAD GRAVEL, up~' slglitsi'-:li!c'!h>es,-i·range-ftested 46; -Soo wool ·pants, size '42; '''r

. ' 1947 Olds. 4·door, hydramatic, CHAIN SAW-McCulloch chain ~ABBAGE-$1 per ·busheL T11r· Cream color-with blaek trim-legs, barnyard fill, sand and black lnf!tallatlons;,"B.uy, 't~· where 'you sheepskin 'vest; mittens, socks -~· .COWS • ..:. 3 I-iolstein cows; clue rncllo nnd heater, ,$200 . .Ji'ord and; ·,sow, Model 3·25; 3 years ofd, ir· nips, 50c per bushel. Bnsil'Free· Reservoir' on-the lnslde·that holds tllrt; also trench and septic tnnk can· try Ito 1500 cavnilailgh road and gloves. ·Aiso·boy's sled,·nenr· ··'soon.' George Thorbtlrn, 3174 E. Company, .2619 S. Cedar. rqad, . good, condition. Tunis Higdon, 70f nun farm, 4780 Iosco r~ad, .. one 3· pails ofwntei·. In-excellent con· djgglng, light bulldozing. Francis next to' New York. Central :rali· ly ·new,·priced reasonnbly. Phone

.. Willl:iughby rand, north of Mason. f.tpnsh~g_. ,PI1~ne !Jolt. 4·.~69;~42 .. t.t>Er.e•_,,, 1K.1.!a~nevllle_ ro11d, phone . 5207 '.nlle north- and .1)4 -mile east. of clition •. Isidore .Melkvlk, 6085 Slusser,··Mason Gravel Co.,.phone road. PMrie (6LA·7·2141. · :· 9951 Leslie, 1 ~06 ,W. B_ellevuc ' · · · 42wLr ·. ··:t .· · . ··. w _se... 43w1pWhiteOak·,townl~ull,' '42w2pBls~~~;~~ad;Lnnslng. 43w14104Mas9n, · ·· ·· ·gw!pff-', -~-.. -·--·-'·.-··:.-~---:-··~tt.s~re.~t,Lesl!e,_ ......... : .13'Y!.



I , IIous-m-2-fmniiY 1\otts-a'' ··~n ·21

Want Ads US8D tnhlo lolovlsion, 17-lnch,

• 1 • .:Smith ·Optical

Page 2

recnndltlnned, omall rlnwn puy· mcnt, ~fi per• monlh. Al~o good l7·1nch ~onsole nnrl good 1•1·1nch !ahln set, II. C, ,fpwelt, Molnrol11 'l'V, 551 WC!st •Muple, Muson. Phnno Mnsrm 5511, 43wo1

acrcs, All on urw floor, I ,nl<P Lansing roncl. Two·ci1V/g4n'ar;o, tool shed, chldlon co(lp; · nkP yard. Jcm• rnoro rnJ'rnmnllrm c·nll I Carl 0, Pelorson, bt·plicr, pllOnP 4-fi532 Lnnslng, ,1:1w2 I

. · I~abOl'atm·y ·" 'New Location

!i~20 \V, Mlllnr Hnnrl Phone GLA-'I'U·2·200 I

I .

--- ------------- -----·--- ·------- ·- ,.:_ . I PRO,MPT TV Sli:RVICE-I serv· IN MASON-2·bcdmnm h;111ga·

·~ l'r·•·~cti[JIIons flllcrl

------- ----·----Uf-lED C L 0 'I' lT I NG-Womon'R

rh·essros, Htze 1£1, I H and 20. Mrs. HoiH'l'l Wroldr, first IHHtse Houlh uf West Columbia on cnsl slrle of Alll'C!IIus rr,ad. Phone Mason 2.n:m. 'tawt

SNOWHU f'f'S---2 onc•-plece snow· sulls willr lial, boyH, sizes 2 nnrl

:1, One Is nylon. $:i aplcec. :J017 'f'omilnson road, phone Muson Diillli. 4:Jwl


lee nil mnlws, RCA, Motorola, low nl 510 EU81 Ash, all mml· Emerson, GE, Spnrton, Admlml, ern, nice gnra/;lc, ]'ll'lj(l jr11, lll'i!'"d DuMont, Muntz and Zenith, Hen· to sell, terms. J.ot• lnfonnnllon ry L. Fries, 127 N, Lnnslng St., cnll LIJIJ Bl 1 L 1 '' o '8 · Mason. ,Just \I'CSt of Mlcl'elson- 1111 11 r, ans 11 1{ :,. H h. • Nelson Hcnlly, cvcnlngs-nnrl Sun· Balter Lumber yard. Phone Mn· clays, •1·1103, · •13w2 son 3201. 10wtf -------- -·-·--·--,.-

HEAL ESTA'rE - Wnnlcrl a

R I E house in trnde fell' n 71i·:Jr'rt• ea state farm, Good location, 2 lH'drorrm•;,

1 !l~·l OLDS "!lH" ~·rloor, with 'run nnw bathl'oom, <'ieclri<' Jlllmp, power phJH srrr>eial two-tonP. ·.::-10::-:R:-:0::-:0::-:M::-:I::I-=o-=-u=s=E:--w-ll_h_l_m __ s_c_m_r._nt new silo, gnnd land, free and

Hejullrs while you wnlt •12wt[

'l'OM1TE!R REPAlR-All makes. Prorl1i11~ Ifrmlwnrc, Phone Mn·

son ·l:lll. 27wlf

Custom Photo Finishing


• Frroc Devr:!loplng • '' Qulf'lc Serv!Pe •

'GIHL'R whii'P hnnrl lmlt swen!cr, HiZC H In H. Lli>C new. Also

girl's plaid wool nnd velvel .lllrnpor·. MJ'H, NPlson Brown, 511 S. Lnnslng 1111 eet, phone Mnsnn 2·G7fi1. 13wl r

paln1. f clenr. Cal'l Jewell, l'Pallor, 502 1!l:11 PON'l'IAG, 2·door, rnrllo nnrl 1 or sale. Modern. 2 lnrge lots. Center slrccl, Jihone +101 M.1sorr.

henler. •Insulnted, 2·car garage, Stella I 1 !l53 DeSOTO Powermnste11 ~. Dlsl<lr, {lhone 22Gl Dnnsvllle. _____ : '_ :~:jw2

rlonr ~Pdan wllh powPr steer· 42w4 BRICK IIOME-7 room~ nnrJI

* Largc·Siw Prlnls • · ~·Deluxe Qunllty •

lng. HOUSE l~OR-S-.A-1--~E-, --2-h-ec-lr_o_o_m hnth, 2 hedrrmms, mnrJm•n I l!l4!J OLDS 70 1·rlnnr, hyrlrnm{lllc, house, oil heat, carpclcd living .ldlchcn, living, dming and imlh 1

Shimmin Dl'Ug

clean. room, at!adwcl garage, utility down nne! 2 hcdmnrm; up. Aulu 1!152 OLDS Super 88 2-rloor, room with no hnsemenl electric malic oil lwnl, lull hnscmcnl, ·I J1UMMAGI~ SALJ~ ~- SJlons~r~

Phonr. 2·0131

hy Ill!' Erle>n W. M. A. from iJ.i) Jl. m. l•'riduy, Of'luher 2!1, ami all clay f{altii'Ciay, 01'1oher 30, nt tiJO fm·mc1· .Jcfl'crson l•'oo.J Market In Mrt~OIJ, 13wl

hyrlramalk, sharp. clothes rlrycr. Y.rrd ·Is P;mple!cly biocl1s cast nf Pout•! housP In No linve n few 1!151 1lemon· !<meed. Ptlce $8,500. Ken Sheffer, Mason. Cun lle purr·hasp,J JHL!'Iiy

SI·~WTNn -l\r/;ciTiNF. rrp;l;·~--;m;, C'OJJVf'J'sioiJS on all m.ri<Ph rlnnc

i!1 my home. Fr·c•e plf'i' up anrl ric liV<'r,v. Woodnnl Sr•wing Mar•hinc Srorvice, ·Him KJ'PIIIHl Ave., IJoll, phone Iloll 2fi27. •12w2

:;trators · 339· Okemrls road, Mason, Phone !urmshcrl or unfut·r.llshcrl, on 21821 42 tf terms desired. Deal wrlh ownrJl'~.

McCarn Old~mobile ' w Bids Iuken now. PossP~sron Jir·sl

FOHMAI~Aqua larfeta, size !l, !22 S. Cod nr St. Mason '

$1:i. Phone 3G71 Mason. ~3wl,

SNOWSUIT - Boy's nnc·piecc, size :J. Alpar·a lining, Lawrence

Bur gPss, phone 2·1963 Mason. 4:Jwl

Mason Lot Phone !1681 Holt Lot Phone 1-7751

1948 DODGE PICKUP, hy private owner, phone Mason 3288 after

5 p, m. 41wtf

2 DHESSES-New llcoop neck 19•1!l FOnD Tudor ~rclan, extra nnrl bai!Prlna sl<lrls, size 16. gaorl f'onrlllion, $~2o.·r·I!itrrild

Phonp Mason 2-1G31. iJ3w1 II 11 -------· am Inn, ;;2;, ::1. JYialn sl~ec.t, l~e:~· MAN'S SOO WOOL-Black nnrl lie, phone LPslle !l2GI. 42w3

re>rl pl;ud hunling .Jnclwl, size • !iO, I{Ood mnrlllion, ~15. Womnn's Trailers gaharrllrw green coat wllh zip 1 linrng, $10. Mrs. Forrl Lenon, 4:i2l Wesl Maple, Mason. Phone Mn· i-rous-,;; -'l;R_A_T_I "'R-;--,-"--17--l-~Jon 2·2">fil. 13wl · "' ~··~ ,,_ '1• nne _____ -·----·-- l!l fl. Holly Conch. Also 3G

Clutmjlirm, •10 fl. Michigan Ar· raw, all l!Jfifj models. Whitman's 'frailr.r Sales, one mile cast of East Lansmg on US-10, phone Lansing ED·2·1817. 33wtf


Used Auto Parts :'RAILER IIOUSE-20 foot, m good conrh I ron. 2•177 Carter

road, phone Dansville 2011.

Abel Real Estate

FARM-Extra goml J 491.1J.acrc farm. Located In Enton county with level lanrl. 130 acres under plow. ?·room modern house, 36x72 barn, exIra large tool house, 3 corn cribs, poultry house and other buildings, $20,· 000 terms.

3GO·ACRE stocl< fnrm, appraxl· malcly 20 mile~> from Lansing, 220 acres unrler the plow, large piece of good timber, 40x80 hlp· roof basement barn, 2 smaller barns, 12x40 cement st11ve silo and milk house, 3 extra large poultry houses, 2 modern homes, one 3·bedroom, 2 years old, and the ol her Is a 2-bed· room, 7 years old, $35,000, terms.

All rnaf~es of cars to choose from Sec Us and Save

We need more old, burned or wreclted cars

Plclt-up Service

Keith Auto Parts

--~- -- --- -'---

TRAILER--Exlrn gonll 2·wheC!l

42w2 NEAR LESLIE-1 GO·acre farm with 100 acres under the plow, 30 acres of good timhcr, 5·room house, 34x5G hip·roof basement barn, new milk house, $16,800, terms.

I railer, 1-lon capacity, steel box, lrur·l< tJrPs, high slake sides. New this ypm· See al Chamhcrlain Chcvmlet in Leslie. 42w3 Open evenings G to 9; All day

Saturday - - --- ----- - - . ------- 44·ACRE FARM, ~ miles from

4623 Elliott Road Phone Mason 2-6374

TRA1LER- 2-wheel, goorl !Ires, Michigan State college, with sleel box, $Ci0. II. R. Fox; phon<! new modern 3·bedroom hou:~c

of ,year or before. Mr . .~nd Mr~. Lawrence Van Ifoi'Jl, fJOfl EM,I Ash street, Mason. . •llw1

LOTS-6x10 rod tufldlng Jots, 1 blaclc from US-127. Roy W.

Ai.lams, phone 5661 or 3561 Ma· ~Qn. 12wtf

For Rent -----------

FOR RENT-Wallpaper steamer and floor sander. Inquire at

:!lhafer Decorating Supply, 425 S. Jefferson, Phone 23461. 45wtf

FOR RENT-Small house, no chilrlrcn,

son 4503.

HOUSE-For rent, 2 rooms, un­furnished. Ncar slorcs nnrl hu~.

Small baby welcome, No pets. 2397 Aurelius road, Holt. 38wlf

LARGE FURNISHED light housekeeping room and fttl'·

nlshed sleeping room !or rcnl Also electric plate, nearly new, for sale, and kllchrn sink wil h drninboard and mixing fnuccls and a round oal> table. Also quantity of roug-h lumber. VernPr Wallter, 419 W. Columbia, Mason.


~;eprlc 'l'nnlc Service Scplic T:mks and Cesspools

Cleaner! Bonrlerl ami Licen~ctl Truclts

Francis Sloan Willinmslon, Route 2

Phone 671-W 50wtl

T R, U C K 1 N f!-Ruhhish, nshes lPa\C'S, lmtHh, rron nnd mela

hnttlcrJ. Hr.asonahle rates Loudon •·laget· Tr ueking Sm vice. Phonr Mnson !:].28 l:J. iJOwiJ

BlJILlJING THENCIIES,- septl1 tnnl<s and till' fielrls, !lug wit!

p01:cr rliggf'r. For a ~oocl ju!J a a rrght prier. cnll L. K Zimmer mnn, Holl •Will. 10\\1

Cement Vv ork Chimneys built m· repaired

v\' a ll<!l - S tC]lS

Bascmcnlr. Free Estimates

Dick Smith Phone Mason 4052

Photog1·aphy Sel'vice Mason 2 GOGl. 43w1 on blacktop road. 2·car garage.

1wtJ 1 • - -----· Basement barn and silo. Other FLOOR SANDERS for rent. -~~-------------' B "ld" M • I buildings. $25,000. Perldns Hardware, phone Ma- * 13 1 S1 per'ializing in

']'Jl~ES-2 70Gx15, 6 ply truck I Ul lng aterla son 4311. 8wlf J:l jy p Hllogrnphs trres. Good ones-, $15 for the , ' 60·ACRE FARM 6 miles from -' --- - -- ' Wl'rltlin~ pholographs

pair. Lawren~e R. Barton, 5241')1c· Lansing cl1y itmlts. 50 acres FURNISHED APARTMENT - '' Chilclr~n's phologrnphs Roberts street. Phone,2-1161 Ma· SMALL BUTLDJNG-Userl fol1 under the plow. Extra good 4. First floor, 3 rooms and bn~h, , · Porttarls. son. 43wl scale hotrse, Inquire 5570 •West bedroom modern house and gn· completely modern, garage. fi'IV·, Commercial , - - -7i.---- II<;ll • roacl, Holt. Phone-- 4-581:121 , •rage.· . 32" 421 , b[lsement: barn. ate C!ntrance. Soft .water .. Ul i~!~lc\s 1 ;1 l.egn~-Passport


PLYMOu'r'II-1935 black sedan. Holt. '13w1 Poultry house, corn crib, other furnished. ~o chr1dren • or PEjl_s. ·, 1 Cop~rng 23:. w .. Maplc :;treC!t, Mason or -----.. ·------··-·-----.-- buildings. $16,!100. Ellis Haynes, •128 Wc;;t Ahn, I . o/,r~.r!ent photos

phone Gaylia Cnrritte, 'Mason EVERYTIITNG in plumbing fiX· Phone Mason 2·1521. 3fhittf ' 2·870•1 H(ter G p. m. 13w1p 'tures, material far plumbing 2-ACRE FARM cxtr 1 5 ---- - -

-----·-- ~ncl sheet metal. Do your own room morlern' hous~ \~~~~~! ·1j ·APARTMENT for rent, furmshcrl Babs Photos

@ m~lall~ng ancl save. C. J. Pr.rrin, I basement, new 2.car gnra~e, or unfurnished, •1 rooms anrl 113 Slate street. Mason. 19wtf poultry house. $?,OOO with bath, private. en I ranee, nc\.vl~


--n- $3 000 clown decorated. Cluldren welcome, ,Joa AMERICAN LEGION building in ' ' ' ' E Ash street m Mason For

Mnson is !'omrng down, every· appointment call L11nsing ~ GO:'iei. BUY AND DRIVE one of these t~rlng for sale. liard faca briclt, 80 ACRES wl1h 9·room extra

:111 Soul h Bnrnes Phone Mason 2·4391

- ----------WASHER REPAIR-All makes

of wringer-type machine. May

OK User! Cms nne! beat 'ole cmrler ~Jiocks, thouiiands of them, good mor!ern house, garage, 40 man WllltC!r to the punch. angle Jr~n, I beams, also 2x8's x 70 hiproof barn, hog house,

and 2x12 s, 22 feet long. Wayne r.o1·n crih, poullry house unci Flory, al the Lcgron building-. other buiirling~, $15,000. Terms.


42w2p ·----

- HURRY, TI-lEY WILL D d p NOT LAST AT THE PRICES OgS an ets SHOWN. I 1953 PLYMOUTH, a suburban PARAT<EETS- Baby p-;~i;

, • mml!'l with Hy-Drlve. , 11;ll colors, rnrcs and normals: Save, save .................. $1,595.00 cages, seeds mul suppliC!s. Closed

19~3 FORD, a V·8 Tucjor. Sundays. Brattmn's Bird Shoppci, Save, save . .. .............. $1,295.00 Leslie, on US·127, thirrl house

l!lfl2 FORD, a Customllne For· east of railroad .. Phone Leslie dnr. Hadio and heater. 5081. 38w10p Save, save ... .. .......... · $1,095.00 CANARIES - Beautiful, young

1!l52 PLYMOUTH, a Cambridge singers anrl females, lrght and 4-door. A clean car. dnrl< colors. Mrs. ·M, Farrell, 510 Save, save .. ........ • ,$895.00 S. Pari> street, Mason. Phone Ma·

l!l~1 DODGE, a 2-doorl onc·own· son 2-1252. 43w1p cr. _;__:_~..:_~

Save, savC! ..... . . ........ $795.001 BABY PARAKEETS-Beautiful 1951 NASH, a Statesman 2·cloor. colors. No Sunc'lny sales. Oal<·

Save, save ..................... $650.00 ley's 'Keel Shop, 60<1 S. Clint on, 1950 PONTIAC, 2·door. Stoel<bridge. ' II· ,· 43\v1p

w~a~ii~t~IAVE ,\"coupr:5~~ BEA<?LE p u PJ?;'i\~-S~B;;~, DEMONSTRATORS THA'l' YOU White and hlnck: 6 months old, CAN SAVE UP TO $500.00 ON. Charles Van Alstme, phone Ma· 1951 CilEVROLET, a lf.l.ton pld<· Ron 2·8901. · 43w1 • up ......... .. .................... $795.00 I BOARDING - Private outdoor 194? DODGE, a 11/J·ton stal~e, runs fat• each dog. Green Acres

mce ..................................... $6o0.00 KC!nnels. Mason 9791. Sunday hours 5:00·9:00 p. l:n. 28wtf

40 ACRES near Dimondale with 8·room modern house, 30 x 40 hlproof basement barn. Poul· try house, other buildings. $1 0,500. Terms.

WE HAVE several other houses ancl farms that can be bought on tenns.

Phone M::.son, 3161 -r; 41w1

SUBURBAN ncar Lansing. Nearly new, 2 bedrooms, kltch·

en with clini11g space, living room. Automatic heat, large fencqd yard. Near hus line. Priced right for qulclt sale. Carl 0. Peterson, brol>er, phone 4·5532 J!.nnslng.


FARM-117-acre farm on Meriel· ian road, 5 miles from Mason.

Fairly good buildings and fences. Twenty-six acres of new alfalfa seeding. Lawrence S Imps o n, phone Mason 4281. 43w1

IN 'LESLIE--10 desirable build·

7-ROOM HOUSE I . t Jl Jll In~ ~nrl W .~slin):;housc aulomatrc

1 h or rcn · - Pf'rl,rns Hardware, phone Mason

mocern, gas cal. Ci!f:, miles <1311. 27wtf south of Mason on US-127. Phone Leslie 2648 or 5451. Harvey Glca· PLASTERTNG~:"An-ldnrls of plas son. 42w2p !r.ring done; patching a special

ty. Hobert S. Burns, 3Sl1 Aure APARTMENT - Furnisher! :J. lius rnlJC], Lansing, Rotlte 2. Phonr

roorri downstairs llJJaiirnenl Lnnsing 2-~108. lwtf Available Oclobcr 2!1. Vrola Snnrl· -----erson, 144 N .. JeHersou, phone INTERIOR n11Cl exterior paint· Mason 3912. 13w1p ing. R C. Lcsler. Call Robin

• ---·-· - '011 Mnlor Sales, 2·32!11 MaFnn. FOR RENT-6-room farm house 43w4p

with running water, 18Gl Cur·· tis road, Dansville. Inquire <J.35 W. Maple slreet, Mason or-phonr:! Mason 2-8704 after 6 p. m.

· 43w1p

FOR RENT-8·room house, 3 bedrooms, modern, autornalic

heat. Frank Launsteln, phone Ma­soh 2-7673. 43w1p

FOR RENT-7-rnom hotwe, fuel or\ furnace, clr:!ctric lights and

cily water. Also 2-room house on North Mason strec1. Available a1 once. Mrs. Karn, phone Mason 2·8161. <13wl

FOR RENT al once, unfurnishecl

CALL LESLIE 26-11 anrl ask for Warner's Fire Control Service

for cvt'rylhing in fire control ~quipmcnt. We specialize in the rnmaJ.Is Rcrl Comet fire contra' systems which give 2<1-hour pel clay proteC'I ion for a lifetime scrv tc Fir!' surveys are free anrl we 1nstnll without extra cost.

45wtf -- . ·-···---------

State Ti,arm Insurance Co.

duplex, ground floor, close to .1 business <listric!, school anrl A U'l 0


Ingham County News October 28, 1954 Pilge 1 DIGGING li'OO'I'IN'GS ..,. Tns(nll·l

lug liCWC!t'S, tlllng and building j;llptlu tnnl<s cmnplclc, rravc Jlii\VIH' cllgget• unci rlozm•, Phone ....... --:---------""-------------... ••'· M11' on 2·<1!173, GJonn stan·, w NN T E D-Userl HquirTcl·cnge - LI·vestocl? '' · ·

30Wtf typo hlowcr !or n cool !m·nucc. "' Phone Mnson 2·103G, ~3w1 Ll'!, .....

Van's Service Workers and Work Wanted

Trucldng anct Buying Uavc your stoclt truclted to lim :;.;·, marlcet that mal1cs the rnarltct by experienced truclters.

All Animals lnsurl'!d Slndalr Prorluc•ts * Luhrlc·ullon .....

'1' Car Wushing '' Wheel Bnlnnclng * Mutnr 'l'une·up

"' Br aiw Work

'' Farm 'fool Repair ; 111 fi. Cedar Phone •1G41


WOHK WAN'l'ED - Bulldozing, line!< hnt...,clrngllne, land ejcur·

lng,gmding, huck filling, Wllllnm Whitcraft, 4 '/" miles north o[ Williamston nnrl ~'• mile west at l!JOO \~ply raacl, phone 05!J·M Wll· llnmston, 20wtf

WOJ"tK WANTED - Light lmll·

Seml·Truclt Service now Avallahln Cali Ills on any ltlnd of llvllstoclt you wish to sell at home. See us for your reglstcr!'rl Hump· shire breeding slaclt. The bcsl In meat type hogs,

ffi. D. Franklin & Son r.lccnsecl Deniers, Mason

Phone 2·8!111 Mnsnn 12wtr

.. ..

.. ,. •.

.. .. .. "

DO YOU NElm a pltrmher or elcr Jr•iclnn'? Call Cady Ilortl·

ware nnd Plumbing Supply, J.ll W. Ash, phone Mus on 2-l2q I.


dozing, trenching nne! cllgglng with bncl<hoc. Call Marvin Sut· llfl', Leslie 264!l. 42w4p

---------- - -· . -·· cus·t;oM SAWING. Also slab

wnorl for snle. Frank Wnrcl, first I:nrm south o( ITarpl'r school nn US-127 111 !3HIIer's Hestaurant. I:' hone Lansing ~-!l2fl1. 42wl f

WANTED - Aggressive young mun In work part lime In home

SC!I'VIces nncl construction. Phone George Conl1lln, phone Mason 2·70Gl, <J2w2 ---------WORK WAN'l'ED-Anytyp~

Lost and Found NO'l'ICE-AII stray dogs pkl<erl

up hy lire Ing!Ja1r1 Conn I y IT II· mane Society or hy Clnylnn 1111-Jctt, county dog wnrrlcn, nrP Jwlrl

.. " ....

Home Repa~r Phone Mason 2·7061

G. H, Conklin Painting - Roofing

General Repairs Installallons

14wtf .~~~~----------­UPHOLSTERING nnrl repairing

furniture. Will lean at your 1ome and give free estimates. No •hnrge for plclwp nnrl delivery. vVc nrc now located at the corner 1f College roar! anci•US-127. Ma· ;on phone 24821 anytime. 2•lwtf

pm·t·llmc worlc nt about 3:45 p. m. to 10:30 p. m. Prc!er sell· lng real estate ot• groceries or at n meal mnrl1el. References nt holh. Lllws tn meet public. I nm 21 years old nml married with one c!Jrlrl. Write Box 197, Le~Jie, or Inquire at 3635 w. Covert ronrl, IIcrherl Densmore. 'Phone Leslie 4457. 42wtf

WANTED-Girl would lllw baby

a full 7 days at lhe Animal Shel- ,, ter be!arc being oJTercrl lor sale•. '!'his gives nwnPrs a drnrwe to locate them. 'N'llh ownrtl dogs, we do as the owne1· 1 rqur'sl s, 1 ( possible. We do not seize• clog;; on lhr! highway. Animal ~'hr>llr>l', phone 20218 Lrumlng, Dllf'll !l to 5 wee!<: cluys, n tn 12 Salurrlny. Closed Saturday aflcr·rwon and Sunday. :!wl r

Bert's Garage General Hepairing


silting nncl light housC!work afler school anrl weC!k ends. Pilone Mason 39G3 aml aslt for Sharon Hem cit. 43wl p

w-ANTED-- Elderly -~-~t~p I~ wishes In rent furnished 2·

bedroom apartment for the win­ter. Must be on ground float• and l'lose lo downtown business HC!C· lion. Write Fred C. Holbeck Ensl Tawas, giving full parllcul~rs.


DOGS-Report own or st 1 .ry rings to clay Hulet!, c•ottnly dog war­

den, Mason phmw 2·5H:Jfl, o1· to sheriff nJl'ice !JGGl. :llwtr

STRAYED on my pr·emicps n young heifer. Charles I I Heed

5•19~ Van Or den 1 oad, V\'PbliPt': ville. Phone 68·F·21 WPhbrrvillo

'1 •1:3w2

LOST-Female G10J!', Arrswrrs 24·hour Wrcr·l<er Service

Phone H2G1 or 2972 AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC-= Ste~dy employment in com-

1_3!Jwtf plelcly morlem shop. Weekly Holt

guarantee, paid vacation, group

to I he name of QtlePny, Slr;1yc·J from. 2fleifl S, W.1slwrglon 1'1~ad, Lansrng, Oclolll'r IH. HPward Phone Lansing TU·2·117.>.

i:LECTRJC RANGE REPAIR· hospilallzalion available. Exper· IN G- per]< ins Hurd ware. ienced .man preferred. CrmlaPI H.


.'hrme Mason 1]311. 27wtf M. Phtlp at Philp Motor Sales, ---· /227 N. Cc~nr street, Mason. Cards of Thanks JO YOU NEED a plumbo::r or Phone Mason 2·3081. 43w1

electrician? Call Cady Hard· I- - -· ---varc and Plumbing Supply, 141 WA.NTED ;- W~man to do gen·

1V. Ash, phone Ma!!IJn 2-1241 mal office wml< In Olwmos, 4 32wtr lo G hours a dny, 5 days a weelt

HOGERS-We wrsh 1-;;-ii;anl; ntn•

_____ Must be capable. Phone Lansing nelghbm s and friPtHis f111' llwir

l<in~l exprcssrons of sympal hv clur~ng- our· bere:tvPmcnl \Vr :!S·

I!ELP WANTED-Man, marrlc,l pecmlly desire lo lilank HPV. Sri-· W arfle Tailoring Shop

ED·2·3G14. 43wl

or single, for work on dairy t.C!rl nnll llcv. Moon•, :llso Hcv. (arm Apply Joseph Martin, 162 Barker and HPv. C'rw•kcr of Hanna road, corner or Columbia, Brlgh!o!1 and Mr·. and M"~. Vogl

Is now open 7 mlle.s east of Mason. 43 1 for lhCJr help and c·nmforl, lile Men's and Women's Custom· , w ) various orgnr11~nlions anrl fl'irnrls

Made Clothes F s • for the lovely flnrnl 11 riJulc.' .mel Alterations , arm erv1ces cards,.the W. S.C. S. for servmg

Mrs. Floyd W arfle ,I ) the dinner. and all ollwr s wlrn • • - were so !oncl lo us. Mrs llr%t

'laO% s. Jefferson Phone 2·r>031l Livestock TI'UCkl I' M - ng o.ngers, l'H. Sarnil llngf'J'S anrl Over Shimmin Drug Store Detroit _ Monday and TUC!sday Mr. and .Mr.s. Floyd Cllnmberlaln

---- -··------ l2wtf Charlotte - Monday Afternoon and famrly,

W d Baltic Creelt - Wednesday _________ ·l3w1 ante Also general local trucldng FEIER-Wc wish lo lllo~nk our

Cl ·l C l frien~ls, rwighhors anrl 11'1:\livcs WANTED '1'0 TRADE, even-up

electric range !or gas range. t\!ason Home Appliance, 120 W. Maple, phone Mason 2·5911.


WANTED-Mom chicltcns, heavy

1al es 00 ey I for therr many lwHilli'SSC'S Ill the ,Phone Ilolt 483•19 or 4-1371 ' time of our rccont bet e;wcmrn1.

41wtf I Thnnl<s also lo I he •;Jail nl I he ---------'----- Holt Nursmg IInnw. Also Dr.

L t , J h Troost, Rev. Veuwn Smilh .uHI es er L. 0 nson Garslme-Runciman funer a! ltnme.

Phone tiMA·4431 or 3580 The fnmtly uf the laic Mrs. Alia Feler~ 1J:~w1



fryers and sprh1gers. Will pic!> tip. W. X. Steamdan Poultry l''arm, 620 S. Edgar rand, phone 'l801 Mason. 19wtf

Livestock Trucking To Charlotte o~ Mondays

'fa Jaelcson on WP.dnesdaya ReMonable Rates

20Wt! ~~-------------

WARS- We wrsh In lh,lJlk lhe various commillr•c•; anrl olhcr " ' organizations fDr 11wn· aiel in " malting the Bob Fullet· pancni>e supper a success. Mason PoRt No.

W ANTED__:LivC!stock. All kinds

CUBTOM corn plclting and she!Hng or will rent Ottawa

trailer sheller. Arden Marque· clant, 2942 E. Holt road, p)1pne 24956 Mason. 40w4p

Glenn Casey , A'uctloiJ~er

WJIIiaJllst~l'\· ~lchlgan T:honc Collect•227·W

" 50wtf

at all times. Mnrl>et prices paid tl home. Roy D. Donald, Aure· lius Center, phone Aurelius 3203. Livestock Tt'Ucking ___________ 2_w_tf Detroit - Monday tnd 'fuesday

WANTED-All ltln<ls or scrap Battle Creel~ - Wednesuay . Iron, tin, old wire fence, cars 1 Call noon nnd evening

mel trucks. Alsl' old farm rna· or anytime Saturday or Sunday ·hmer~. Write Charles Mullins, Phone Mason 2-3333 Dansvtlle or call 3344 Dansville.

21wt! 37wtf

7309, Veterans of Foreign Wars. 4:lw1

CADY-I wish to Jhank my friends and rclalrves for 1he

gifts, flowers, cards ancl calls I received while 111 Lire Henry Ford hospital anrl during my sidmes.s. It Is greatly apprecialccl. Mrs. Dorr L. Cady. •13wl

CAJ}RIGAN-I wish to tl;n~1k- ;ji my, relatives and friends for "

the wonderful flowers, C<lrds and gifts sent me during my recenl stay In t11c hosprlal. I esprcially """ want'to thank Dr. Cairns anrl the nurses- of the Mason General hos· pita! for the wonrlm ful !'me they "' gave me. Mrs. Dale Carrigan.

43w1p ""' FOLER-We sincerely lhnnlZ-r);::

.... ;.

AI Rice Chevrolet GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies.

Open Friday Nights I Call Webberville 9F22. Howard P,hone 2·3061 Bouls, ~200 Cedar road between

Mason Webberville and Fowlerville, a

church. Has living room, ell n1ng , room, kitchen, one bedroom, large closet, privale ·~ntrnnce ancl bath. Earl Whipple, 324 W. Elm street, Mason, phon<! 2·2271 Ma· wn. ~w1

lng lots for sale, 66x132 ft., close ln. Also adjoining 8 acres unplatted, !mown as the Clara Pickett property. Terms. No sun· FOR RENT-Halloween cos· d 11 p 1 II D 814 tumes, wedding suils, ring-

ay en s. au · · aty, Pa· bearer suits and Santa Claus

Barnard E. Wilson 315 E:tst Ash StrcC!t

Mason, Michigan Phone Mason 2·8152

WANTED- Cream, eggs and • poultry. See Lawrence Hyatt '109 S. Main street, Eaton Rapids: .>hone Eaton Rapids 44521. 28wtf

BUTCHERING of all kinds, porit, Tuesday and Wednesday; beef,

Thursday; poultry any day. We plclt up and deliver. Leslie Food Loclters, phone Leslie 5361 or Mason 5331. 20~tf

A. V. Smith, the Gorsline Bros., Rev. Cecil Pollock, otn· rclal rvcs, friends and neighbors for !heir many acts of ldmlness and ex· press ions of sympal hy during our recent bereavement. Mt·s. Dora Faler, Maynard and W11yne, Gertrude at!d Marjorie. 13w1l'J _P_L_Y_M_O_U_T_I-·I--1-9-39-.-R-easonable: third of a mile south of US·16.

L. lVEiscnlohr, 2354,Eden roar!. 42wtf Phone 5G83 Mason. ' 41wlf ----4--~----·~~--~~-

1951 C~IEVROLET-2,10 2·rloor,

clfic avenue, Lansing, phone suits. Open till 9 p. m. Costume 4-1075 'Lansing. 15wtf Rental, 717 Audubon Blvd. at 'lth WACRES with good 4·room• street, Jacll:son, Michigan. •13w1

house, bath, basement, gas, ------- ·



l~URNACES CLEANED-$7 ano up. Also new smoke pipe. Oil"

gas or con! furnace. Call collecl 1-2501 Eaton Rapids. House holder Heating Co. 19wt1

WANTED TO BUY-Old colored glass, lamps and dishes anct'

Gorham sliver, Lily pattern, 1mlves and. forks. Beulah Bullen, 1honc 21651 Mason, 107' North Jefferson, Mason. 41w4

Livestock Trucking ' I

, Trade in your radio, heater, turn signal~,

clocl<, whitewall th•es, side mil'· ror and a very good set of seat fOYers that match th~ color of the car. Will sell or trade my equity PRESENT TELEVISION SET of over $1,000 for following cnsh on n new ·

lights, hot water, oil heat, large garage. South of Mason. Phone Mason 4900. Swtf

COLLEGE POINTE SUB.-Of· fers' complete plat restrictions

for your protection. Classed "A" residential. Lots 146x240 and 125x240. Located on College road near Harper. Terms offei'etl. 'Owner E. E. Wentland, 3580 Har· per road, phone 2-8334 Mason.

Opportunities ·. MUSIC LESSONS - A few va

c:mcics left ior music students NANTED TO BUY or rent a Taught with C!fficiency. Instru large tent, suitable for deer ments on rental bases, also In Junting, from November 13 to 20.

' E'honC! Arlo Foreman, Mason strumcnts for sale, easy terms, 2·6293 or Bob Foremanr Mason .call Stocl>bridgc 7·J·22. North 3-8521. 43w1

Charlotte, Mondays; Jacltson Wednesdays;· St. Johns Fridays Also local and long ' dlstancr trucldng every day.


Roy D. Donald

THOMAS-We wish to lhanlc our " friends, neighbors and rela· tlves for their many ldnrlnesses at the time of our rcccnl bereave· ment. Thanl{s also to Mrs. IrP-ne Braman for her care, Elder Kagels and Johns and the Gars· line funeral home. Frank Thomas and family. 43wl p

$300 or Jess clown, a piclcup truclt, 21-lnch RCA VICTOR panel ti·uck or a· good Hudson or Console or Table Model jeep of, eqiml'valtte. 'wm pay ca,sh Get 1hc diiTerence. Contact owner at 3635 TOP TRADE-IN DOLLAR W. Covert road, Leslie -or 124 High s!reet, Leslie. 1-tetbert Dens· ··· more, phone Leslle>4457. 42wlf

1948 P ACJ(ARD sedan, good tires and· engine, automatic:• clutch

ancl overdrive; brakes ',h'nve been completely'· ovcrhau!c~. If you want ri. good car f9r $260; catl MaS'On, 2·1731 after' 6 p. m.

' · ·• 42wtf

TIRES -:- 2' 600x16 snow tires. Phone Lansing TU·21088. · ·



Mason: Home Appliance-


BEAUTY COUNSELORS-Offer you a wonderful opportumty to

earn Christmas money. Flexible hours. Previous business cxpcr· lence not necessary. Excellent training program. Phone Lansing 2·3853 or .write Mrs. Bess Wright, 1412 Hess, Lansing. 42w4

Busines·s: Services

Stockbridge Studios, branch of Kli!!n's in Lansing. 42w4p

FIGURE PROBLEMS arc so easily solved in smart·looklng,

moderately priced Charls girdles, bras and all·in·one piece,, and Lhcy'r~ so comfortable, too. Cus.­tom·filtcd at no extra charge by your Charls profes"Sional cor· setierre. Mrs. Roy Marzolf, Holt, phone 4·3281 Holt. 42w2

--------- .to~ r. J_..;•:,_;_ _________ _

HAWAIIAN GUI'l'AR LESSONS, W A~IIINGS and ironlngs, neatly by experienced 'tea'cher.' Instru· flmshed hy exp<!rlenced person.

ments furnished. ·Sondra Foote, PiciNIP and de! liver. Phone Ma· Catholic Route 4, Mason, phone Lansini{· ,son 2·5897, Mrs. James Higgs.

42wtf ED·77703. 43w4p 42w4

WANTED TO BUY-Scrap iron. Highest prices paid on the

road. James Whlttal>er, Dakin street, Dansville, phone Dansvllle 3104. 43wtf

Phone A'l.lrcllus 3203

. ~·

Legal Notices Delhi Township Rroceedings

Mi•hi~•n ( I lhn I" I hy

'Ihl~ poster f01 the Shate Om Smplus nppcrrl ~ponsored by Church Wmld Set vice for its 35 coopc1 tttng m 11or Proicsltnl ,111d Ot thodox de nominttlons wtll be rllspiuycrl in thousands of ciwr ciws mel commt nlltes throughout the United Sltlcs dtnlng the lh tnks glvmg scnson when lite colllinulng tppeai will IJe launched 11 spec ttl obBet vances boUt Ill I neil vidual churches md Ill community Wide I hanitsgivillg Day scr vices

------------fhwugh the sm plus commodity tppe.tl- fo1 wotld wide ovet

seas relief ptograms UllliZillg government ~LilJIIlse~ recently m Hie increasingly available by ntliun tl lcgislti!Dn- chutch people J! Amertc<l wlii ptuvlde I tcr lily $20 wo1 th of food for the sutic11ng hungry ami clestitute abroad for each dollm conlllbule I

Ingham County News October 28, 1954 Page 8

The Sui ptus Cummodlly Appc<ll sec its $7 500 000 1n an mill tl 3 year period begmmng ut the l!J'i4 1 h mksgtvmg scuson fat I he !tee dtslributwn ove1 sets o! a mlmmum of u h tif bill !Oil pounds of gov crnment surplus foods and commorhlles v,tlucd at mmc th lll $U:i0 000 000 .tt wholesale muriwt puces here

Your Better Busmess Bureau Adv1ses

JEWETT Funeral Home Tho Home of Frio diy Sorvko

A I lo cc s~rvlcc duy and nl1ht Ambu 1 cu c ltlil 1 cd with oxyscn

uud E 1cnon rcauocltulor I I e MuDon 2 0151

LOOK AHEAD Christmas Will Soon Be Here

'l'Iadc m Your Old Watch

10'o to 20 'o Off SJII!CIItlizc 111 dmmond~, wtthhng r m~:s nnd wnldtcs

l!Jlgm - Hulova - W11lunaum \Vntchcs

As Low As $19.75

Lay-Away and I'mish Paymg Next Year

Wint Carr, Jeweler 1\fason, Michigan




J ' ,,..

October 28, 1954

Ellison's Boar Tops State Sale

George Ellison's Pelland Chinn hoar brought lop price ul the Mlchlgnn Poland China Breedem associ alton · liale held at Snllne last 'l'hur·srlay. The hoar• brought 1111 even $200.

'l'he hoar wnnt to E. 1~. Foslr!r & Sons of Cnrmel, Indiana, lilt· llnnally-known Poland China hrecrlers.

ElliHon had 6 henri ot ho~s In the oulc, 1 boars ami 2 gilts,

Come in nnd see how Duofold's inner layer o!·cotton keeps the wa~m 'outer layer containing wool atuay from yom skin, thus .eliminating wool irch I

Duolold's t\~o thin layers m­~11/nu yoi1r body too, but allow full freedom of movement, Get Duofold now-we carry all styles anJ Jnodcls,

Davis Clotllillg Co.


, I' I, ,I

The:·lngh·am ·County ·~ews ' ' .

· Part'2

leslie Items School Ann.ounces· Honor • Roll Pupils

Francis K. Wenger. . 'l'lle Leslie high school an·

' · · " 1 ·~·~ • nonncea the following honor roll

Grim;t. l'uHI•lr Will 8Jllluk :·G. • I s t H lllund 1\lut.IJt!l'H tn f'i•lll WJ'IIflilhlKH Rev, ,John Bttlloclt Will he guest :, lr . COU S ave 'l'he Bnnrl Mothers club lil!~lrlecl

minister of tho Curnpboll Me· · · In f't!ll gift pn!!lmgo nnrl speelal mortal Mcthorllst church, Fern• Hallo' w' een Party ChrlstrnaH \VI'iippings nt II meet· rlule, Sunday, Octobex• 31, 111111 fiW .

1 lng twirl HI. the high sduml 'l'ucs·

Ing the pulpit of the Methodist . , 1 1 11 clny evening, Mrs. Hnrlo Smith Is P. '1'. A. members' decided nt churcJt will be ii t·eprcsenlutlve ' The Girl Scouts he d 11 ·In O· prr.Kirlr.nt of the cluh, and tlw

T wcnn party Tucsrlay' evening at other· offkrrs nrc vtec-pmsldenl, tlwir regular meeting 'l'hursdny

P. T. A. Discusses Several Projects

of the ~lchlgnn cmperancc 'tile Cecil J. Carts llf'rJJ, 'l'lle gll'i," nln-ht, helrl In the hlrrh school F 1 I , • " Mr~. V(!rn l:lovcr; secrctnry, Mrs. " "' leslie OES Holds lnsfa ~t1on to~~::n~'~s~~~~~c~~~~rlouc Bald· · d win, · Dennis .Cilllppcll, Pully .

At Public Meeting M. on a.v· ~~~~.5·G~~~~;:~d~t~cc1~1•1 C(!LI~~ Lions Club Plans ~ounc at on, ~·amn'Irl n.ostume nn:l afl£>1' nlny· C'l 1 All 1 1 R 1 nurlitorlum, to assist the Lions

" •· 1· • Y' I! en; am rcusurcr, 11 1y Jng )lvely gnmes, hart rcf1'!!sh· Cady, club In sponsoring the Halloween lnents of candy, popcom and cl· party for chlldrun, It was nlso rler, on'e of thr:! spedal proJects decided to distribute jnr•s In each

. . . Plirlmr, Llnrln Ridley and Dale

11 p

Pu!Jllr! Installation oi ofiiccrs tha Installing staff: Ruth Truvm· VanderLinden; . Ha oween . arty for· Lt•:-ilie chapter· No. lfi5, 0, E. of Wllllnl)1!1ton, Opill Lantis of · Eighth grude, Beverly Rhines, s., was held at. the Ma~onlc tern· Stocltbrlrlgc, Ambra Ward and .VIrgil ]{cnt, Sandra i{arn, Sharon pic Monrlny evening, .Tunc Jewell of Leslie, ano Mrs. Ingalls, Karen Hoenig, Elaine

of the Girl Scouts Is llw sale of Q H H of the elementnry rooms for tho Chrtatmns cards, wrapping llatwr pen OUSC OOOfS children to contribute pennies nnrt stationery. Wesley Brownlees and nldccts for purchnstng trees

Of fleers lnstnllerl were: Worthy Allen Fredcrlclc' of Mason, solo· Hamilton, VI cilia Cumphell, Joan matron, Mrs. Wllfrerl Wardow· 1st. While the worthy'mntron was Cady, Jamie Bulloclc, 'l'om' Bls· sld; worthy patron, Wilfred War· at the allar Mrs·.·Frederlclc sang, sell and Judy Ambs; ctowsl<l: assoclute matron, Mrs. "A Star· Is Shining Tonight," and ' Ninth grade Cam! Baldwin, Arthur Bar.ten; assoelate patron, for lhc chaplain she sang, "My Lots· Chesley,' Rosanne Cowing, Arthur Bnnlen; cor}clllc.lress, Mrs. Taste."· Martin Davis, Ruth DeLeeuw, Alfred Frr!t!land; nssoclate crm· Worthy Matron Faye Wardow· Gerald Hamilton, Judy Marlmw· rludn.!ss, Mrs. James Boh;r.len; slcl was escorted to the East by slcl, Ga11y Moses, Mary Mont· secretary, Mrs. Millard Tn~Jor; her daughters, Bonnie· Kay and gomery, Paula Randolph, Richard treasurer, Mrs. Leonard nousc; Connie Rae, Who were dre~aed In Schmit, Dale Warner and Joan ehnplain, Mrs. Lloyd Blackmore; turquoise and rose forrpals. The Brenton; marshal, Mrs. Harrison Cnr(er; girls prescntcd·thclr mother with · •rcnlh grade Michael Allen, organist, Mrs. Donald Cralces; a dozen rerl. and white roses. Judy Chapma~. "Lois Elder, Adah, Mr·s. George Luccht; Rutl\• They also es·corted the worthy pa· Dianne Grandy, Hila Hnmillon, Mrs. Willard E\'CI'Yi Esther, tron, their father, Wilfred War· Myra Marsh, ·Jane Warner and Marian Wilhelm; Elccta, Mrs. rlowskl, to hlsstatlon, Sally Young; Leonard Hnblnson; Martha, Mrs. After receiving the gavel as Eleventh grade, Gwen Dcis· M<Hli'C Brownlee; warder·, Mrs. her symboi·of office, Mrs, War· wcnger, Eunice Stanley, Franees Grant Hex; sentinel, Mrs. Oliver dowsld made a.speeoh of accept· Thomas, Caroline Longstaff, Eekt~rt; anrl llngbearers, Mrii. a nee and prcsel)tC!l· xnembers· ·or ·Jerry Gallaway, and Jean Balter; Kenneth Austin, Mrs. Clar~n_ce her family .and sp,edal · guqsts .. and' . · . . .. · . . Byerly ami Mrs. Herbert Dlcttln· Bonnie. and Connie presented. a.·· .'l'welflh 'Patricia Drown, Mary son. · Bible at the :a) tar to their 'pnr· 'chll.ds·, ·R'obcrt cowing, Marian

The retlrin~ worthy matron, ents with a ceremony· and dedi· 'crane, ·· Don Dutton, Marilyn Mrs. Harrison Carte~, gave a cation verse, aftep , w~lch · ·th~ F'rlriltte, Eve'lyn Hampton, Alyce welcome address anrl mtroduced S~Jlolst sang, "Bless·· This House.'. 'Ilazellon, Pat.· Holmes, . Jurly

Tlu~ new .worthy matron pre· Lynch Evelyn Monroe, Madelln sen'tccl the past inatrof!'li jewel to Rhode~. Wilfred Wardowslci, Mrs. Carter. The chapter room Marilyn Wheeler, Phyllis Young Thieves Break In

At Charlie's Barn Charlie's Barn, tavern located

just: north of Mason on Cedar, was entered early Monday morn· in~-:. Thieves got a :;mall sum of money Irom a cigaret vending machine and u shuffleboard coin

. hox. They gained entry through the rear door,

'I'he brealc-ln was not dis· envl'rcd until Monday night. Stale pollee an<\,shcrifi's officers have lillie tl'l work on in solving the crime, they said. ·


Keep h6ney In a dry warm place. A{ low temperatures it m;ty tum cloudy at~ crystals. may form, Michigan State college home economists note. . ,i .

was decorated with !nil bouquets dnd 'Nancy· Leach, of flowers, one of which was pre· . > .· . __ sen ted by Dorothy' nnd. F,velyn , . .· "-t: Waller. The rcfresfiment.' table ·G· .' · : . · M' ·· · b featured il lm;ge; rlc~orated calcc ' ·range . em ers from Bill. Grugcl With the phrases :· .... · . . : . · "Well Done Dorothy," and "Best Ho· nor Br-own lees Wishes Jraye .. an,d •Whifey,.,.in· · . · 1\0 , scribed. Audrey Ll).yton, Jo Cady, · · · Sarah Mlzga and Joyce Dlcltlnson Leslie Community Grange No. served trye calse, .. lee· .cre!lm, 'tea l736 ·met · at the . Grange hall and coffee. · · · ·. . . · i · . Th!-~r,sday evening with about 80

Out·of·town guests: were·. pres· · mem,bcrs present. Grange mem· ent from Ononclilga, ... Michi,qan hers. voted to malcc a · contrlbu· Center; Mason,, .,Jackson! . S~oc!<~ · -to 'the Red Feather drive and bridge, Williamston, Webberville, to buy•. an American flag and Olccmos, Pleasant lEIIte and Itoyal Nations tlag to be on Oaic, · · · · · . at ·an times In the main

' ,. ,..... . ' "' .

Mr. and Mrs. s. o>. VIne~: left special feature of entertain· for Lalcclaild, Fl'orlcla, Wednesday 'was .• a .mock .Wedding In

·the: reitiahider ·of '.the of. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wesley 'Rro>WfhiPoO!<' 50th WCdcJ[rig anni·

. 'l'hcy arc also offering their to finish the landscnplng of the A Halloween pnrty, spon~m:ed Ices free of churt(c to go to One hunrtrcrt-!Hty f r· I e 'n d s elomentary school grounds.

by the Leslie Lions club, will he uny home thnl requests Ei lmhy signed the gueHI. honk Sunday The question of co-sponsoring a. held Saturday evening, The (111· siltcr between 4 and fi Jl. m, nn afternoon amlt!vcnlng when open civil defense pmject In the com· rade will start nt the school, led , November 2, elcct.lon hou~e was twirl nt the home of munily with the American J..c. by, the high school band, and go , Anyone wishing this· Hl'I'V· Mr·. an.l ·Mrs. \V(!Hlcy. Brownlee glon Auxllinry W!lH refened back down Main street to the athletic cc may contact Mrs. Cecil .r. eommemoJ'ntlng their 50th wed· to the exeeullve committee for !lcld where cootumcs· will be Carts.. din~ HltjJivcr·snry. furt!H!t' study,

judged. · Mr·. amt Mrs. Bmwnlce at· A film wns :;hown by the pro· Prizes wl11 he hwnrded for !.he .itf'V, Wnngm• AUcnds lUt•ols tendt•rl wor:;hlp scrviee at the gram chairman, Louis Kocsis, en·

most comlr!, the most unique und Hcv, Sumucl 13. Wenger nl· CnngrPgatlonal dttu·ch i'iunrluy titled, "Frel.'dom to Think.'' A the most artistic costume. tended an area Sor:lul Action ln· morning where tl1cy have both Chinese mtet.ion, for which cukes

Refreshments will he served at Htute nl the Community Congre· iir•r·verl loyally for· many years. had hc•~n dunalcrl, concluded the the lield nfter whkh there will gutlonnl church at Birmingham '!'hey. were prl'lil!nled with a doz. meeting. be a movie nt the arcade theatre 'l'uesdny. Mr. Wenger, as chair· en yellDIV rosl'li by the mlniHter, for all ehlldrcn wanting tb pay .man of lhe state sodnl Hcllon Samuel B. Wenger, In tile name J~amlly night was observed at:

comnilt.tec, presided at. the mPd· of the ciHII'dl. the First Bnptlst church Wcdnes· lh~ regular Ice. t 1 lng where naliomll staff members O(Hm house in the' afternoon day evening with a puliuclc din· In charge of arrangcmcn s s ·gave suggestions to help Chris· WftH sponsorr•rl hy their children ncr. I•'ollowlng the dinner Dr. H.

the citl;r.enshlp llllfl civic affairs llan cllizens· to br~ mor·c effective 11nrl ~-:rmHil'ililrlrcn. '!'hey J'cccivcd c. Campbell showed pictures of committee ,composed of II. E. In the community, In the nation, many nit~c gifts nnd good wishes the Hudson Bay trip taltcn with Copper, Millard 'faylot·, s .. B .. and In the world. frum their .friends. his family this summer. Wenger and Leonard r:ousc. ---~--------------------------------.

Pupils Schedule . Many Activities

The F. F. A. boys of' Leslie. high scliool arc conducting . a scrap metal drive. The boys will piclc up discarded metal from homes in Leslie and surrounding area. It wild he stored until all is collected and it wl11 he submitted to bids from scrap dealers at a later date.

Leslie seventh and eighth grad· ers nrc going to play touch foot· . ball with Henrietta, Friday after- · noon, October 29, there, at 1 p. · m. .

The junior class is sponsormg a hard-times dance Friday eve· ning, November 19. Chicf,ltcm of attraction will he Jaclt Dill of WKHM who will act as mast~r of ceremonies. .

Barbara Redman is a new stu·. dent in the eleventh ·grade, hav·, lng 'transferred from Bath high · school to Leslie high school.

L'OOK at the RECORD ·. · . · Campaign literature is being distributed criticizing ·Congressman Kit Clardy and his Un-American Activi­tie's committee for doing their duty in seeking to learn

.. about certain of the affiliations of Bishop Oxnam.

.Bishop Oxnam in his appearance before the inves­tigating committee admitted to membership at one time or another in no less than seven organizations bearing Communist-front labels. He himself was not charged with being a Communist

Undoubtedly the bishop's view of the committee in­vestigation wa3 not entirely unbiased. He may have

·felt the'need to try to. shift the blame from himself onto a committee charged by law with the responsibility of seeking out Communist infiltration no matter where the trail might lead.

A congressional committee is appointed to under-. e ·partidpating · were: · · · • . A H ld take specific tasks. One of the most important commit-

. . and ~~~~~~0~\jf:c~: ·Services ' re e . . . . tees in the entire history of congress is the Un-American .. · Mrs .. Wilbur ''F. •. ·. ·. ··k ,._:.n. fa'nt~··H-:--····"-...,.'2\· 'vitiea-committee to which our own "Congressman ,., .• ,v.n.r· ·--soloisr,-'"Mrs:. e ves r • · aT e I · · •

''Deer HUntet ·used ··car>:;

S;.PECII'tS Here is a car for your trip North and the ~econd

car the family has always wanted.

; . •


' ·1950'STUDEBAKER Commander 4-door. New feath-

er grey finish. · Hyd.ramatic, seat covers, heatet, white wall tires. Extra nice. Only $165.00 down. $22.63 per.month on balance. · · ·

1949 PONTIAC 2-door. Standard transmission. B~au·· tifull pearl grey finish. Radio and heater. $489.00

1949 NASH 4-d~or sedan. Radio, heater and gas sav ... · ing overdrive. Runs good. $249.00

1948 STUDEBAKER 2-door Champion. Radio, heat .. , . er and famOU$ overdrive. Hurry. $99.00

1947 PONTIAC 8-cylinder 4-d.oor. Radio a~d h~ater. · Good tires .. Runs good. $149.00

·19.41 'FORD·.8-'cylinder club coupe. Extr.a good tires anc;l gas heater~

Runs real good.· Hurry, '$99·.00

1939 CHEVROLET 2-d.oor. Black. ·Radio and heat .. er:.· ExcellenJ tires, fine body,no rust. R1,1ns~.,od. $129.00 .

1941 CHEVROLET 2-door. Full pric·e $129.00

Heater. ·Runs ·good. · "

We Have· Many More Late-Model . . ' . .

Ro• < \· ..... Y . : ' . .


· :no State street

; ·minister, L. ~.· B\lrn!!s: · ·• · . Clardy was assigne~. · · . . . Wllbur: li'.:·'):'aylor; father1 · · Graveside ·services were ~eld .

and mother ?,Hhe bride, Mr. and' Sl,inctax at 2:00 p. m. ~t Woo~l· · · Most people.are convinced that he an4 his c~mmit-Mrs~ Floyd F. · Taylox:; · bride· ·land cemetery, Leslie, for Jaclue h dl d h • • · t" f } · I · d f ' 1 'groom; .Mrs.' Myrtle Knauf; fa· Jay Parlccr with Elder W.:N~l· tee an e t etr mvesbga IOn ea~ ess Y an airY· . ther and mother ·of the bride· scin of Lansing officiating. Jaclctc -groom, Mr .. and Mrs. George Ecit· Jay, Infant son of Dr. ·and Mr~. man; bridesmaid, Vern ·mover; Earl· E. Parl~er of Leslie, died groomsmaiJ, · Patricia Brown; Thursday evening at Foote hos· flow,er girl, Earl Gordon; rl~g- pita!, Jacltson. · bearer, ·Mrs. Lornnla Bart1g; Surviving, besides the parents tralnbearers,· Dorothy and Evelyn are a brother, Lynnwood Earl; Walier; and objectors tci. the mar· grandparents, Mr. ami Mrs. Rich· rlage, Floyd Fox and Paul SimP; ard Pnrl<er of Montpelier, Ohio, son" and Mr; and Mrs. James Doucy . After. the wedding was finally of Dresden, Ontario, Canada, · solemnized a plant was presented Arrangcmehts were made by to Mr ... arid Mrs: Brownlee. A rc· the Luecht funeral home. Neither ceptlon .follow('d in . the dining the doctor nor Mrs. Par iter wns room· . which was decorated In •able to attend the services. Mrs. lteepi~g with the ocicaslon. , . Parlcer was yet confined 1o Foote · · · hospital following · the .. birth of ........ ···· ·~ .. ,. ~Tiicl\ic Jay, and Dr. Par1<er was Mrs. Reeder, 62, Dies; hospitalized ronowtng a car acct-

. · dent early Sunday morning when FolloYling· .. Sickness he was enroute to t.he hospital, ' In which he suffered a hrolcen

Mrs. Bertha Mae Rec~er, 62, of arm and collarhm;te and a slight 413 W. Bellevue, 'Leslie, died Sun· concussion. dny at Foote hospltnl, Jaelcson .. ·

Survlvfng are one son,, Ray· mond of Gladwin; 3 daughters, Lantz-Hill' Nuptials Mrs. 1-Ioward Vaughn of Leslie . . . township, Mrs. Robert E .. Darrow Are Spoken Wednesda)'l of Leslie and Mrs. Marvm Grant . Sutliff.'()f Leslie; 9 grandchll· , . Verna Hill and Ramon Lantz dren; one brother, Henry Breclc· were unilcLI In marriage by Rev.· enrldge of Mackinaw, Illinois i Samuel D. Wenger• at the. First· and 2 sisters, Mrs. Olive Mead,of Congregational church Wednes­Lcslie and Mrs. Grace Anderson day evening, October 20, at 7 P · of Auburri, California. . m. . . .

Funeral services were con· .. Attending the couple .were Vir· · ducted at the Luecht funeral 'ginla Hlll, sister of the bride, and home· In Leslie, Wednesday at 2 James· Barnes, friend of the. p: rrt. with ·Rev. Paul Tucicer of· bridegroom. The Immediate fam· flciatlng, Bu.rlal .. was In Wood~ llies .. of the bride ancl·brldegroom lawn cemetery. She was a mem· witnessed the dciublc·rlng cere· bet' ·of Leslie ·orange· No. 1736, many which tool~ place before a Pomona Grange No. 14, Michigan candle-lighted ·altar. . . State Grange, Hobby club; Bup· Miss Hlll, a pupil of Leslie high tist church, Women~s Union and ~chool, Is the daughter of Mr. and Aid No. 9. · · · Mrs. Nell Van Riper of Klnne~llle

. road, Leslie. Mr; Lan.tz, the sonof Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Troman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lantz ofvLes·

left Wlllow ·Run by plane for- •:tc, graduated from ·Leslie, high Pittsburg; Peimsylvanla, . for a school In 1952. · . : visit with . their.' son; Robert, anrl He entered tlw ·service ln. ·1953 his wife. Mr. 'Troman had· his and is •. 'now a· Pfc .. at Ft. Devens, . first plane' r!de In '1904, and now Massachusetts, where l1e Is re· 50 years latct,: Mt:s .. Tromf[n has, pairing band instruments; . experienced her . first. ride·· In· an · Mr .. and Mrs. Lantz went .to In alrplime: . · · · ', • : · 11ana 011 a short honeymoon trip .. :.Eight members :of. the Melina :~fter .. which Mr. Lant<~: .will re:. Maxon Past. Matrons club met turn to Ft. Devens. . .. with Mrs. Clyde Woodland at her Refreshments of cal<e .. a11d cof· hoine In East Lansing for a pot· ree were· served. to 25 guests at luck dinner Friday.·. •, . the Paul. Lantz home on.:Mlll · ' Mr. and· Mrs .. R. P. Kutsclle of street following the ceremony., · · afternoon· . .. r . . · -·-- · · . -'

of the S. Mr. and :Mrs: Hartley Trompn ·with Kent Wenger as their guest · and· their: son and . daugliter·in law; :·.Mr. and -Mrs. ·Robert . Tro. man, attendcLI a ba!'ketball' !Jetwee'ri the Harlem Globe ters and Jackson Junior · ;Monday evening at tlje .Jac:k!l'Olll

the· Congre~ .hlglh· s~hool · gyn'll)aslum .. · Sunday also·.observed• a :ll'.ame .

. 7:0:0 p. ~~. Boston ~hlrlwlnds ·and • Glover. , ~teeter~; ..

'l'hls ruthl pulitll'l\1 lllivm·tisenw.nt. inser·ted on m·dm· of ~ngltum County RI!(Htbll· cnn Committee, AI 'l't'il[uct., i!lmit·man, in behalf of Congt•cssmnn IUl Clardy.


COUNTY CLERK is manned by employees with long experience and special train-· ing. They work with the courts, with naturalization and pass· , ports, with the supervisors and with accounting. They work ~or ·ydu, 'the publ~c. Their efficiency, ~ourtesy an~ accom?Io~atm.g manner provide Ingham county with outstandmg service m this important department of government.·

. ,.,.

·Profit by Service

Experience You-Can imd ""

·.Depend Proved o· . 11

:. Performance

.:QuC;._Iifi_cations 'Cou·r-t Re-'Eiect.

C. Ross HUiia.rd ,. .

.. ·'

Your.CC)unty·:Cierk~· ... ·· . . . . - !· ...

;. : ·,'

'. ;.· ... (Republican)

lnghnm County News · October 28, 1954 Page 2

4-U'crs To Ai~cn,d C!Iub Congress

Thoi• ~·H m•nbon, pl•nntn~ a group dl~tuulon with a 4·1'1'•·" norywl10ro. Tholr upbclty for londot1hlp 1 wolf bot!llnl, tn!blu thom ~ 1h•r• rllpon&lbllltr for rnnny 4·H IO>.nvr~n.

TILE . Nut!qn'n top 4-H Clnb Wrlgl~y Jl'. Cn, nnd Gone Autrsr. mc;nr.be1'1!> 1,200 strong, \\'ill• be Rnllruuds cooperlltlng !nclurta

llhnored delcgnt~a to tllO aard l'lurlingtcm, Illinois cent[' u I I Nnlionr:~l -1·H Congress In Chi- Nol'th Western, Rock l9lnnd1 cngo, November 28 • Dercmber 2, Milwnul~ce, und Snntn Pe.

Fitchburg JUrH, J,yJo Grow

Mrs. Gornld Grtrllelrl nnrl Gnln· nrd, MrH·. Helen .Jump, Mr~.r .John Gurllelll, Mrs, Eort Parman, Mrs, William Campbell, Mr~. Kate Hawley, MJ', nnrl Mrs, Sum Con· wuy and Mr. nnd Mrs. Lyle Grow rmd Murton nttended church· nt Plnlnflr.ld Sunrlny evenlng1 anll h!!urrl Muhlc Lawrence, a re· turned mlsHionury fmm Indln spcul\, ·

Knye Wilson, daughter of M1·. nml Mrs. William Wllso'n, has IJC!en Hlr:l\ with n ltldnt>y lnfec· lion, '

Ml'IJ, Liley .Grow nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Lyle Grow and Mnrlcm enlled on Mt·. unci Mrs, Fran!< WatHon ut Spring Arbor SntUl'· day.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Pete 'l'omlln and family l.lpcnt Stlmlay with Mr. nnd M1·s·. Geo1·ge Stephens and fumlly. •

Rev. anrl Mrs . .Turnes Nixon of Chicago spent Ja:>t Tuesday nnd Wednesday with Ml', nnd Mrs.

Chnrle::; Webb, RllV. Nixon na. slated In the funllrnl of Mrs, Will Mayer of Munith WedneaciQy,

Ncml Conway and Eugene Craft attencled the Nntlonal convllnllon of 1~. F, A. al KllllSilfl City re. conlly,

Mrs, Lldn Meara· spent a weelc with her• daughter, Mrs, Hurolcl Harr of Munith,' recently, ·

Mrs. Lucy Grow spent Friday nflel'noon with ·Mrs, Nellie Me· CrnH~ . '

Mrs. Lucy Grow and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Grow nncl Marlon vis· !ted Mr. uml Ml'H, Edward Hyatt of Lc!sllr. Monday evening.

Dart School · Sbdh Cll'Ude

Helen Kemler, Kay Dowen, Lou• ls!J Bnlmn, Carl Onlllcy, Helen 'l'uhnchl<!, Harold Kemler ami Mnrle W!lrlle. . T.he Booltmobllc vls!lccl school

last Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs, J;lynn Slffer . and

family nncl Curl Yours of Detroit visited Mr, ami Mrs, Millon Hud· son nnd Roher!, Sunday,

Mr. nnd Mrs, George Lange (IIHI family, Ralph Lange, Harold Lunge nne! Ruy Lnnga spent. Sun· duy with Ml', unci Mrs, Art Langf! u nd Richard.

Leonard. Wall and Mnrllee anrl Carol Wnllllpent Sunday ovenlng wlth Leonurtl \vall. .Jr·., unci Bar· hnm ut Lnnslng.

Clurclclc Youngs and Nnncy Me· r.ulre spcmi Snturdny wltl1 Mr.

· und Mrs. William Bowen. · The upper grades plan to have Mr. nnd Mrs. Bertcm Bor wcrn

a hnyrlde nnd wiener roast Friday guests at dinner Sunday of Mr, night. nnd Mrs. Dlcl< Dunsmore.

'Phose who received A In spell· Mr. and Mrs. John Daniels nnd lng lnst weel< were Rohert Hud· fumlly spent Sunday eveninr,: wlih sq,n, Carol Wall, .Janet: Scrptar, Mr·. nnd Mrs .• Tames Hrripter and Mnrllce Wull, Harriet: l\cmler, 1 family.

frank Beeman Dies At Howell Thursday

Frnnl< Beeman, 80, of Stoclt· bridge, died Thnrsrluy afternoon at Howall, ·

He Is sur•!!vcd by 1 ch!lllrcn, Lloyd of Detroit; Russell of How· ell: MrH, Bernita Noll nnd Mrs, Minnie Moffat, hoth of Stod<· hrldge; 10 grnn!lchlldrcn; 12 greut·grundchl!dren: und one sl~· ter, Mrs. Dnisy Asnullh of Stoclc· hrldgr..

l~unernl scrvlceB will he eon· dueled at the· Mlh1e1' funerul home In Stocl<hrldge Snturduy at 2 p, m, wll h Rev. F, G. Behner niT!clnt In];{. BUJ·Iul will hi! ut Stocl<· hrldgP cemetery.

Derby Neighborhood IUJ'H. o. w. Springman

Mr. nnd Mrs, •Howard Frinl<le, .Tl',, hllV!' n son. Mr. Frlnl<le Is In 1111! service nnd stntlot!l'd In Colo· rndo.

Mra, E. B. Mncl~lnder will enter· taln at the CJUarterly meeting of the secret puis of Erion Jlchcl~nh lodge, The committee, 'Mrs, Arlo Worden, Mrs, Ruth Dnnce1·, Mrs. Lee Dalley and Mrs, Mym Har· rlclc, will he In chu1·ge of the en· tm·tulnment,

Mr, unci Mrs. R . .T, Moeclcel nnd Wcndall Moeclccl were In Clare Sunclny,

'Pile children of Mt•, nnrl Mrs. Kenneth Mur.el<el huve bean huv· lng chlelwnpox,

Hugh Richmond of Crtdlllue vlsltr!d Lynn Springman Sunrluy.

NOitWAY'I'I OJ.Jn:ST '1'0\VN Norway':> oldeHt town Is •rons-·

herg, which' celebmted IIH. nrst I housnnd yenrs In 1871, snys Jlw Nntlonnl Gr)OJII'llJlhlc Soelcty. As early ns the 14th eenllll'Y It had lO f'llurches and n ca~tlc. Now It

Pancake . Supper Benefits Fullers·

Bccmrso of tile lwrwflt Jmtwnlm llliiJPOl' Hlngcrllly lh!! MllHilll Vl•'W post Tuesday of lust Wl•el' llw llohcrt Fuller• famll,Y Is $2Hil lwl· ter off.

Fullcl'1 a mernllpl' of Lilf' VJo'W post, Is recovPrlng fl'lllll ·a pol111 ullndc Tile JIIL'il :;pllnsnrf'd llu• •n1hlle llllllcalw :;uppt:r at lluh•v'ti Log Cabin to glye pnnpll! a eilancn to aid tire family ..

.Jerry Sumtraux, post t•ommnn· dP.J', prrHPn!Pd lilf' <'iwd\ for $~~1) In Ml'H. l•'llill!l' Willi tl11• lu•Hi wlsilf!s nf till! r:ntil'l' r·omrn1rnlt,v [nl' II H[l(!Pciy l'I'I'IIVI'I',V of 111'1' illiH· hand .. I !I' J,; ;;tIll ·in a l.iiiiHin:~

hrmpllal Ulli!Prr:oillt! rn•almc•nl.

is a whaling cenlar, wham the I!X· Men• l<nowlr'llgl' 1.•: c•nnlll:ll'il· ploslve harpoon thut revolution· tlvPiy wor·thlP~:; 11niP·:~ dirwstPd !zed whnllng wus Invented, 'l'ons· Into prar:lif'lll wlstlnm and c·o1n· berg Is lass than 50 milcH HOttlh mon sr~nse as appl11•d to tl11• af· o( Oslo, Norwuy'H,rapltul. I t'nlrs or Jjfp, 'l,'l'YIJil l·:dw:rrcl;;,

191i·l. 'l'ho delegates-mostly fnnn Nine oil companies collubornta boys mal. g!rl~-wi11 cOJille from In the progmm, including Amcrl· the 48 sl nt~a, Ahliclm; Hawnli nnd cnn Oil, Gcncml Petroleum, l'nn• P.ue1·to :Rico, mul will rcprciicnt Am Southern, Pure Oil, 8tnndmd Jnbi·c tliun !l1nill!on.\ncmbcrs. . . Oil Foundation, Inc .. (Chicago), · 117ost of'thQ all~crpen~c,trips·to Standard Oil Co. (l{entu~ky), 'rha Corlgl'esa' !~1· ·the st[\tc,· scctlonnl Sf:l:lndnrd Oil Co. (Ohio)', Stano·

HELP . nnd iJ.ntlorinl ,winners nro provided· lind OJl.' and Gas Co. nnd ·Utah

th1·o'ugh tho Nntlonul Cori1111ittee Oli'Itcfining' Co •. on· lloys rmd, Clh·ln Club· Work, a ' lndlvidunl' donors Include Tho clti~ciJS. ·al'Olrp which )ms:· been· P1•esldcnt of. tho United States, helping 4·H WOI']t 33 ycnra. l\lrs. Charles R. Walgreen, 'fhom·

In ior.4; a record ycnr, the Com- nil E. Wll~on, Edward Foss Wil• mittco . ~pen~ $1,000,000 to hclp son,. nnd Conrad Hilton. the' Coppcl·ntivc Extimsion Service "A modern farmer, to be sue· furChOI' tho influence nnd•n1cmbcr- cessful, must bo nn economist, ship: o!. the •l·ll· Club PI;OI\'l'flm, cngln.cer, mechanic, chemist, bi­Gi'l\tltB :Zcom private ~OUl'CCS urc ologtst, ns well as n prnctical used :Cor merit awards such as person with u love of the soil and tl'lll!l, medals,. scholarships, sav• growing plants aud animals," iilg$:bonds and leader trnining, points out G. 'L, Noble,. director

..(l.mong tho corporations and uf the. National Committee. foun!btlons.providmg' b"l'ants are "Lil~Cwise, today's homemaker Allls-Chnlmcro,. American Forest must be n nutlitionist;, interior Products lndustriea1 Carnntion decm•at01·, textile specialist, hor· Co., Chlengo DonrcJ of Trade, ;iculturist nnd :ron operating en­Coats nnd Clark Inc., Cudahy. ginecr IC her horne is to be 1nod­Pncldns;. ·Elgin \Vatch Co., Ford em ami efficient, and her fnmily J\'!.otor Co. nnd P01·d 'l'ractor and healthy, hapw and well dressed. Implement Dlvlsion, General; Mo· 4-H Clttb rnembr•rs, by training to1·s, H.ercules Powder, Intc\•nn- in agriculture ·..nrl homemaking{ tipnnl Um·-..:~stcr, Kellogg ·· Co., nrc ready to L'· •• gnge in n pl'Ucticn Kclyinatot:, ](err Glass, l\1.1ssey and.profitnb'~ farm and home life, Hrm·Li, Montgomery 'Vnrd, Agl'i- "Too, e.-.~h 4-H Club is n tiny cultural Choniicnls · Di1•isiott of demoerw:y, and elttb membct·s, Olin l\1nthieson Chemical 'Cot·po· trainer! in the 'operation of the ration Se.11's ·Roebuck Fouilrla- club. arc potentially om· most tion, ·:~iniplicitr, !'attorn, St:ind- soliiJ citizcnH of the future. For



n1·d llinuds, . rani Co:, United t.J:esc reasons, 4-H . Is l'ccciving 1· he --S-tn-tc_s_R-ub_b_e_r,_W_<_!s-ti_n_g_ho""l;-l~ .. o ~E-' r-l-..--'N~it-lc-·s_p""l'e ... n_d_si-IJI_P_oJ-'t-fr_o_m_n_Hl_n_'/_ · . . ucntionnl Foundation, ;mel Wm .• 1 organizations unrl civic Ieadct·s.''

Ml'llvl'lle School 'Ne· ·ws··· Andrew~ of Mlllvillc were Sunci<J,y · dltlner auests of Mr. and Mrs. De·

Sl.ltth Grado Lmiccy Cooper and family.· Pet .. e Ph. elpsnnd 3 frl.encJ· 8 fr.om · Mr. mid Mrs. Clate Cutcher and

son were· week end guests of Mr. Michigan State college·~pllnt Sun· and Mrs. Alvin Nottingham and dny with Wr.". And Mr~:. -Elmer family. Phelp{nnd family. . . . . . ·

llll;. and· Mrs; .. Chnl'lcs Finnie cif Tl1e Millville W. S. c. s. will Detroit vleltcd Mr. and ·Mrs. El· ~eiye' dinner at the hall Tuesday, I mer'Phelps nn~'!amlly S~riday. · November.2. . . . . . L. D." 'Guinan, Mimr"and :Jim Dr. Walter Koaltz, natumllst of vlslt~tl Mr~ .nnd Mrs. ·Elmer Waterloo, called on Mr. and ·Mrs.

I' .:- ~


of.Our New ·~

Phcl~. and famlly·Sunclay. ·. . DeL;mcey Cooper and family' and E;h.\I~!'Y li:J:nynni'd WD\1 a•Sunday Ed. Cooper SLmdn~. , ,

dlnnll'l' ·· gulitlt or ·Mr .. :and' Mr=t. . Ll:il!IBe Dal~er was· a dinner Elmor. Pholp1 nndJamUy. gu,e11t o1 Carolyn, Ellen ond Mary

Mary Clemens vl~lted·Mr .. and L~u'Baller Sunday. Mrs, .Eime.r ·Phelps mid·. family ·. Tllerc,w:is a game supper nt Sunday. · the,.Mlllville hall Snturclny night.

Ronald B~tterly n.rid. , Geraid >Mmville school will have a Hal· I Baker visited: Clarlc ·Phelps· Sun· lowaen · · party.· Friday ·for the

BASE day.· . . . . . ·. · . · . . mqthers.· • • . · I

Mary Shenth.ehn and Cm;ol.Graf . Mr:: and Mrs. W. A. Crowfoot j v:ilrltcd Margaret· Phelps Sui19ay. 11riclfamily went fol' un' airplane

Mr. and. Mrs .. 'Ed Hnyel! ·and rlqe,.; n~ar,. Pontiac on, Simday I fanilly·weril: cilmier gUests :of Mr. arid.vls!te.d M .. r .. Crowfoot's broth· arid Mrs. Al!ia 'Proctor and· family er. Bob arid family. . · Sunday. . . . : · · · . There will be a meeting of tile 'l

Mr. nnd' Ml'5:; Charles McCul· Youtir:Fellowshlp group sunday lough of, Linising AneJ,t- .'3und~y nlgli.t. · · · with Mr.;an·r:fMre;.OraBnker. .. ; ·D·a· le· ·.w'a!ker· was.· a.

Mr;:nnd:Mrs.l)on sw'nnson·and Sunday chlldreit .of .:Pialnwell, .· .. Mr: · and gu~st o:f .Xlrlt Curtis·. · Mt1l;"JI)n'y:bt:'ohn~r ofNewiHUd· : CilrolCurtls . ·.-:aG (l Sunday 11on spent.the week enHvith Mr. guest of. Joan Wnll<er •. ' and Mrs.O. R: Swilrili'cin· and Mr. : .. Mrs: ·DJclc Wilcox accompanied and ·Mn. OrilEnlter. · . . . . . Mrll; Rriyinon~ Wilcox and ,chil-

EU:st.ra!t, ·formerly, of Millvlile, dten to tlitr home of her ·sister, Is spending. eorric tlmc.-at•;thefDc· ~trs. Domild Wlirl; Just Saturday La,ncey;.Cq_oper·h9rrie ancJ·vililtiJig for·a·s'tnnley party .. , fr)~n'cls .In t!'ie comrriurity~·.: : .:. :· . ¥1', .and. Mrs., W. :·A. Crowfoot . Edc'Cooper,'•Mrs .. Lirinle Holt of and famlly·,vtsltcd M1·. and Mrs.

Waterloo and :Mi;.'·imd ·Mrs:.·A: E. Robc!r.t' LiLBush at··Brighton .. • ..' ' ' •• • .,.;. •• •• '1',

,. ' ,...c.~-'---

Poston .. Holn~ .. News · ·Mrs: ·i-lyra: ·cheney went to Saginaw. Wednesday ·.to spend a few days \vlth her. son and daughter·ln·law, Mr. ··and -Mrs. Paul .Cheney,· nnd famlly.

. Mri!. F.: A. Balderson culled on her. mother, Mrs. Jennie Brown, Fliday ,aftilrnqqn. , · . . · Mr: and . Mrs. Lloyd ·Campbell UL.,";'P,UP·I~!lf!i. called. 0lJ her mother,

. Ross, Saturday morn· lng, .

~~~~~~,@~!~, ·Mrs.· Donald :Brown· and Mrs. M.a Evet•y cif Lnitslng visited Mrs·. Jennie Brown .saturday eve· rilrig. . . .

·Mrs. Mollie . Everett'. · nnd Mr. and Mrsi·Donald Everett and son, Dorinle,' of Lansing called on Mrs. Clara Woolhouse Sunday after· noon.·· · · .

Robert Ross of Lansing ·calle(l on. his gmndmother, ·.Mrs. JJ'rleda Ross, Tuesday morning.

The weaving of Harris tweed ~:uluviY .·a· industl'y,

sal/S:1tlle NlltiClllal Geographic So· . To meet. standat'ds . set by Ha'rrls ·· ·Tweed :'As'soclatlon,

tlu~ Cloth must be ;rrilide' from '!pure vlrglil;: wool prOduced in Scotland, t~,liun, dyed and finished In·. the·. Outer Hebrides .and ·hand· .wciv!!n by; the·islande'rs at thllir. own 'll~rties."' : ··. ·: ' ' •


Rubbish Burner $1.79.

·. Lawn Rake· · Reg.98c

Only 77c.


FREE ROSE TO THE LADIES . ' ·. ·. . . ,, , .. ' ', : ... ·- ' . ' ' •.

Lo~)k a~ ·Just a Few of the Bargains . . . ' . ' . I

Reg. $6;2~

Wh.ite Toile~ ·Seat Reg. $8.65

~ircline Ceiling ·.Fixture .. Reg. $2.25

Bicycle ri·res -Reg. $1.85 .

Bicycle Tu,bes .. . ....... ''.',: . ' ','

Ueg.,$1.95- White with black:~trlti~.:· . . I •. ~ . . ' . ,. . . . '

·' Football· · -· :·.·.> ~: · \

i ' ' . . . . :Eiedric .. Drill· Set· •

. Pad·




'' . ' 99c


',·:$14.99 .' '


Storm Window Cover 49c •


C~rn Pop.per .. $3.95. I,

DQnut Make·r - 69c. Reg, 98c

· Elec.trit Mixer Bowl :I

69( . '

Small Enamel

Roaster - ·-Reg, 89c

' '

Canvas Gloves - ·19c (

Pail HI-Qt. Sizo


. Reg. $2.98 J,ong llaudlml ·

Shovel $2,.59:

·Perki-n-s:r :rHardwa-re ' ' '

· Ph·one · 4311. •. D~a,ViJI9:.f9,: · · ,·:~:~cf,:·W~~ber Sat~o~rday qt s.· P.· ~.. ·.

ears?·:·.There·'s: .. . . '· ' .


'I' .,·

.. ,

olt News '' 'l;u]ct cMmlng wltll, MI', UIJcl Mrs. I

Leo Sloun and fnmlly, -I Wnltcr:;rlorr and Mr. IIIII I Ml'S, I'C!JWC nlrtH<llllC! of DeWitt., Mr. IIIII] p,· nk Commun'lty !•'loyd Hlee nll.unclncl tho J•'nrtn Mrs, Owen Konno! of Holt 'unci F~lt Plains

lH!'I:I, Uulllh Ucmlliur 13uroau annual lmnquet lwlcl nt 1\11', nnrl Mrs, Dld1 '13etclun•.of Mn· Agnell nuwn Hnbcl't MnMnims unci n A'l'OliJI

fll friends from Auhurn IJelgh\11 hunlccl on his fnther'a fnrm Hun­day nnd \irerc guests ut. cUnner Sunduy of his pnrenls, Mr. and Mrs. Vern McMnnus.

Jam"S U. Mc•.Iilleo Wll," !11 A1111 !loll Monduy, I:IOII, I I ~ ·• Phoebe Burt. olt-nncl Lnurn E tel

1 , Mrs. Ernest Burlew A!'bor, Thursday, Lynn Hlce hns l'!!lllrJwrl home . MrH, C, G, Wnlnwrlght, Mrs, L, spent the wcelt encl In Gnr,v, In· Mt•, und Mrs, Normnn Lnlm nncl Itfler seJ•vlng 2 yearn In the army, W, Hurfnrrt nnd Mrs. L, J-l; diana, visiting Miss ·.1\Hn Pnrll~.

I . . ..

~ublic Views Improvements at fnmlly of Ohio wore wcelt aml Mt•s, Stella Rtnl1ley spnntn few Swunl~ were In Jnclr.s01i, •ruosclny, '1'. w, Eilmcsot St,•Lnuls spent guests In the -Rollin ntc·o home. rlnys nl lhn·Eurl Wohh home lnKL Tim Ji'all Pluln~ W; S. c; S, e1i~ Sunday with his pprrinls nnd

Mrs. Marlon nnmsey and MrM. Nellie Cline of Lanslnr~ visited Mrs. Snrn Clarlt flunrlny,

Mr. ani! Mr~. Orville Smith nnd week lortnined '(2 mmnhera or tho Hob· hrother. · . ·. . Mnrlon of Milford -Wf!J'O ~unrlay Mr. nnrl 1\lrs. Frr!<l Brower have! hlns soclr!ty 'l'lnlrsrlny, · , Mr. 'nncl Mrs, .Tnhn Noyes of callers of Mr: nml Mrs. Wllllrun returJwrl from a trip through the Tho Nnrlhwest Bunlter IIIII Clnrllsvlllo spont tho wcr~ll C!llrl Hurford. Southern states. They visited J~arm Bureau mel Ht the home o! \vllh Mr. nnd Mrs. Fruncls Pltttl Nell Sundin, retumerl to hiH

worlt near Hollu11d,, Monday, ~~~~~"'.~?.,~~~,,~,~~~~ .. ~~~~a,!, .. , ~.~fc~ulerl the open house heir! nl Over $500 was spent on new, he Holt high school Mondny eve- light fixtures and wiring,

Mr. ancl Mrs. ·.Tenn nnnrlolph their son nnrl dnughter-ln-lnw, Mr. nne! Mrs. Lac Ulmy Friday. ancl family; rmrl Linda were Friday cllnnor Sgt. nnd JYlrs. Marvin 13mwer In . There will he a Hnllnween prn '!'he Nnvembel' meeting or tho Vantown guost~ of Mr. unci l'ylrs.. 'l'nny I3nsslar C1ty, Louisiana, nlsn the · r;rcun at. the I~clt Plulns sehool Pln\t Community duh will he hnltl Itundolph, : , I Ozark mountains nncl other points Friday evening. · nt the Walt<\ home with Mrs, Ell

nlrs. f,', 1'. Wllllnms of Interest Argerslngor, Mrs. W. V. Dent, ~1-ng. · The portable building wns re­' Print to a tour of tho high mocleled Into n shop, New ·mn· iclJOol hullrllngR n short huslness C!hlncs for wood worl<lng ancl n ,ncotlng of thn PTSA was con- first course in metal work were -~~ctncl. llafroshme1its ware served lnstnllccl. 'J'otal cost of this prnj·

Allee Jlicc nnd Mrs. Ethel Hull · " · Mr. nml Mr~. C. L. Waltm· anrl nnrl Mrs. Marvin Jnnson ns co-\"llll M 1 1· 1 nttn.nrlncJ I.IIc•. clltln;.,t, rrJven fo1· l.l1e Mr. nnd l\'in;. E. n. Sawyers of G,11rth were Suncl,'IY rlltlnr'!r rweRt~ , am n e 10, w w waH " ~ " h 1, 1 13 1 Sl 1 r Cl · ltosles.ses. · I I l> l I t I Ill tcn!!lwrs ami scl)ool cm[Jiovecs of n myi'U, ern "e •· JCr< n · wr- ut the Lamhm·L lwmc In hn_nor of scr ow; y urnet ns · wee' w 1 L! - . . J 1 lt 1 M 1 M Cl , Mr. nncl Mrs. Pnul Howe spcmt

I where· he has been vlslllnrr his I .cslle 'l'Lio."cl·,ny evci'llnrr, · n e anr r. atH rs. a renee Druce's birthday nnnlvorsnry. soldering a gasoline enn, is 111· "' . - ,, "' .,1 1 · f Willi 1 II the weclt oncl nl Higgins Lal1n j n l I dnughtnr. Mr. nncl M!'.", 'C,.,,;J Wn.JJ't, ."J'l"Jlt u r' 0 · mns on Wl!t'c en er!l MI'H:. ClriJ'o.II"C l'II'r.l •'I tiel coJJ," · proving. Hn s still con ncc to l !U ,, '" " " " .nt the Hollin llicc lwme last weclt. c ' " " COJ]sorvallon, 'l'rnlnlng schnol,

:allowing the tnur. eel when completed will bn $4,000. :->lockbrlcl~c hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dnrwlrt'Willlams a few dnys with. Mrs, Wcbh's sis· eallccl Friday at the Ira '!'Ink with tho 412 Conservation class Mr. and Mrs. Nucldcy Nemer enlerlalnecl Mrs: Polly Tuglnson ter and hrollwr·ln·lliW ncar McH'· Mrs. S. B. Andrew of Lnnenster, hnmr!, Mrs. Tlnlt called on Mrs. from Michigan Stale college.

were Sunclny cllnnct• guests of Mr. nf Kewanee, Illnois, and Mrs: ristown lust wcelt. · Pennsylvania, Mrs. Hay Burh::cr MarJorie Byers of Jud1sun Sun· Agnes Rowe sjlenl Frlcluy nlghl ancl Mrs. Forest Fellows.- Blond Lawson of Boone, Iowa, Mrs. VIrginia Larnor nnrl Billy rJf .T:wksnn nml ·Mr. and Mrs. day evening, with Margie Feighner.

During the past 15-18 months n Homn economics nnrl enfetcrln :olnl of $26,000 wns ~pont for lmprovomcnts wcira made at n

~lrnlturc, equipment:, -plumbing,_ cost o! $3,500. Included In this Iring, decorating and other 1111· sum wore lnhor nncl mnterlals, a rovcmonts, ncC"ordlng Lo Rex iww slnl<, cabinets, folding tahles, mill!, superintendent. clmlrs, nclclltlnnal stoves,. sewing New furniture nncl equipment machines, n refrigerator nnd cine·

!or the sclancc, chemistry, bl· trlcal worl(.

Funeral services wcrn hclrl at. ovm· the wcc!k encl. of Lnnsln;;J Etnd Mrs. Cal'! Daxtcr' .Tamas C: Kelley, nnd Mnr·y I~ewls, Mrs. Bertha Chapman ancl Mr. the Vogt furicral homo Mqnrlny Shirley Sly is still confined to aml children were Saturciuy after· were Ji'J'Iflay guesls Ul. the l•ostcr ancl Mt·s. Oilke MeG'utrc or De- The nutomnhllo is hy far the for Guy Collier, u frJrmor t•osiclent.. tlw colle~c hospllai.'Shc has hcen noon guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.


lllce homn. _ I roll were wer!l( emi guests of the lnrgcst eonsunwr of motive pow· Burial was In Lhn Dunsville ecmo· skk will! glamlular .fever. Floyd Rico. M1·. and lvlrs. Ji'Joyd llice, Blaine Burton Swni1ks. cr from petroleum. tcry. Mr. and Mrs. Hny Hcnesllet of Mr. nnd Mrs. Cllfforcl Wnrcl, Mr. I Rkc and Mrs. Bernkc Slwrrl of

1)Jogy and science storage rooms Miscellaneous 1m p r ci vcmnntR 111ero purchnscc! In the amount of wcro: $1,0£il for It new 1100-amp

Bruen Grnn~cr returned hom:! Detroit caller! Wednesday. on thn nncl Mrs. Lee Ulray, Mr. and Mrs. Charlotte were Sunday vi-;ltors at Wcclnnstlay from MnssachLJsel.ts, Orvcl Henesllcls. Ralph Bitzer, Mr. nnd Mrs. the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Law· Ingham County News October 28; 1954

"" 23' electric service for lhn high ~,J, ' ... . Mnlerlals nnrl plumbing for· school; electrical work In various

mprovcmenls to the art room rooms, $1,200; slclewnllls to hand 1mnuntcd to about $300. Tile htlllrllng nml shop building, $350; ;eachnr, Douglas McNitt, and hi~ removal of sl1yllghts nne! new JUplls cllcl mont of the worlt. roof on the gym wing, $2,G~G; re· · A new high school office ancl moval of sl<yl!ght and new roof :imchers' room was marie from a on thn south wing, and a new tlnssroom at a cost of $1,258 plus roof on thn nlclest pnrl of the high •orne nleclrical worlt. school huilclln_g, $2,060; and paint

Improvements In the commer· nncl labor for summer painting, ~hit clcpartmnnt nmountecl to $2,000. · pl;~lG hesldes some clect.rlr!al Totnl nnrollmcnt at the Holt worl<. Most of the sum went for l1lgh school reaches <195 llnsirles ~ddltlonnl typewriters, furniture one elementary Gth grade ·group ~n(J' a new sink nl 36 from tho Elliott school

Furniture, sl10lving and a new which meets In the school. There sinlt for the llbrnry cost nhout are 195 in junior high nnd 300 in $555. A pnrllllon was rcmovccl senior high.

School Officials To Hold Meeting

• '11 i· There will he a meet! ng of U1e

• school superintcn(lnnts of the sciuth ccntrnl region of the Mich· lgan association of scbool nrlmin· l~trators al the Hall high school ai-2:,15 p. m., Wednesday, Novcm· ber· 10. I · Counties indttded in this mcct­Jng arc Ingham, Eaton, Shiawas· I:ICC, Livingston, Clinton, Gra1iot and Jackson. Rex Smith, I-Inlt schiml superintendent, is cllnir­man of tho regional group.

Topics to be discussed at this .. meellng arc possible trailer tax

]cglslalion, state equalized valua­tions, ·spring curriculum confer· cncc unci n r('port from the MASA ~~~nell representatives. "1'.··-·!. --. ,~~

. !SS~ft. Flag· Pole at High School Is Down ·i ~fter stnmllng morn than 20 ·ears, the 55-fl flng pole at the

ubbard News · ,Judy Garclnet• unci Alyce · Goble

Holt high school wns pulled clown late Monday afternoon. A weal( spot was nollcecl in the polo ahout 1 feel from the ground and as n safoty measure it was Luken down .

Charles West. henrl custoclinn, under the direction of Rex Smith, Rchool superintendent, toolt the flag pnle down. ·

It was cliscovcrccl that the joint had not been welded water-light: causing the- cross-bolts to rust awny.

Hartigs Sell Farm On East Holt Road

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hartig hnvn sold their farm at 3688 East Holt ro11d to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Good of Lansing.

The I-Iartigs hnvc purchased· a house at 2067 North Cedar street in Holt. They spnnt the pnst lJ years at tho farm on Holt road.

Mr. Good is employed at the Oldsmobile In Lan:~ing"J:le .. ownsj 245 acres in 'that are!i:~!iBi,des ttfc\ Hnrtlg farm. ·

-- ·-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartig nnd

Alvin Hartig returned Sumlny nfter spcndil1g 2 days at Mad<i­naw City.

''Thosn on the honor roll for the Childs Disbid first G wcel1s in grades 3 through B were Alyce Goble, Judy Card- 1\lt·s. Leone Johnston ner, Mary Redman ami Diann Falrbolham. '' Mrs. Anna Crowl spent the week end nt tho Higgins Laltc Trnlnlng school.

Five guests from Grayling, Manton and Lnl1c City spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hall. , Mr. and Mrs. Floran Palmer of Snttle Creek spent the weel1 end ~vi,lh the latter's hrolhcr-in·law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd ;La~lllslein, unci family. Guests were present from Baltic Creelt, ~~,rstmll, Albion and Eaton Rap·

~s to help Mr. and Mrs. Floyd aunslein celebratn their 26th

Tho Childs Community club met at lhn homn .nf Mrs. llosa Clark at Pleasant lnl\e last Fri-. day with 22 members and one visitor. After tho meeting the group played games and a lunch was served.

Mrs. Leone .Tohnston spent Fri, day night with her cla'ughtor, Mrs. Fran!' Clarlt, and Mr. Clm-1\.

New furnnco drafts have been put in the Childs Cornet· churck

TfJCre will be a get-togolhcr nt the Childs Cornet'. clmr(!h Satur­day. Thosn attending are to meet at lhn Comstocl1 home at 8 o'clocl' nnd take wieners and mnrshmal-· lows; ·

I edciing nnnivarsm·y Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Artz and

~ninily of Battle Creek t;allod on Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyon and Wonderland family Satm·day afternoon.

' .

We Will c·lose Our Doors for· Good : ~-

SATURDAY NIGHT :.,.: ,._ ' . .. .

~ .. \ -·-· ' . ,,_ ..

W.e Still. HCive a Fe\v Items Left and Are Selling Them.

- \

I , .

Ice Cream Freezers Irons

-Youngstown Kitchens Youngstown Cabinets Youngstown Sinks

'Coffee Makers _ Heating Pads TV Antennas


; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyon and . Mt·s. Wm. ,J, Clurlm ~amlly were Sunday dinner ~itests of Mr. and Mrs. Ami Tcr· Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dal\er. rill. and 'Clare Greeno of Flint callncl :,. Mr. an(! Mrs. Robert Sturmnn, on Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Gillett ar\d David nnd ·Marian and Larry family Saturday. '!'hey were on I ;La'unstcin attended the 4-H crop their way to spend the wcel' end . banquet Tuesday nvening span· with .Mr. and Mrs:·; Will Gillett ~oi:ed by tho,Lansing Lions club. ncar Springport. ,

~avid won a blun \ribbon on his ' Mr. and Mrs. William . Clarke o.tatoes agnin this ycm· nnd a ·and Aletha ·visited'"Mrs: 'Mabin ed ribbon on his field corn. Brigstock mid Mrs. Catherilif.

On Thursday .evening Mr. and Evers in Battle Creel' Sunday.

Ta~le Lamps Osterizers . Mixer Accessories Guardsman Fire Alarms· ;

·. Electrical Wiring .

. New and~· used TV Christmas .Tree Ligi:Jts Clocks Fans· ··Radi.os

Electric Frying Pans Antenna Rotors Dish Wash~rs Wash Tanks

rs. Robert S.turman entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ceci.J Harlenburg 1q Mason Baptist choir at a and sons·spent Sunday afternoon A t t• W h-

chicl{cn dinner. Twenty·one mem· n,l the James Clarke home. ' u oma IC . as ~rs lbe}~s attended nnd the choir re- Mr: nnd Mrs,' s·am Gillett and . ~iearsed after dinner. A : tO t• D. · k. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Paclmrd nn~ fitmlly were Sunday evening cull- u . ma IC ryers·

Electric Water Heaters

. : ;·

Water Heaters Freezer Supplies Soaps

Steam Irons Mixer$ Refrigerators

!f<\m!Iy of Detroit spent the woe,, r.rs of the H. K VanAltcns. . _'_) , ~, ~end .with .Mr .. nnd .Mrs. Alvin . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Clnrill.' M' . . ·A'. ' N'' y . or· HER ITEMS · · bl and David of Eaton Rapids joined · · · · ·

. •9.~r~· and . Mrs .. Donald Morris Mr. and Mrs. James, Clarke and . , . . . . _ . . _ · . . . _ _ · family visited nt the home' of ·family,- Mr. and Mrs. Sam GiiJett ,_, :··;· ._, .... ,

.. ·:

nhd Mrs. Henry Proper Sun: and family nnd Mr. and Mrs. Wll' . . . ··.' afternoon. · . lia~ Clarke and Aletha' in a sm·· ' 1 ·· ' ·

Mrs. Glcmi G. Gardner prise visit' Friday evening 'to the '·.


Merton Fryover. . Stanl1e Jl~t;thwest,o~ Charlotte to . · ,· · :. · . ! ·' :

Page 3

aftornoon·cauers.o'rhomeofMr.andMrs.Rnymonct COL.LINS ·sA/ LES A.N. · ·' D SE. R·v·· ··IcE· ·''A''' ht!lp Lynn·stanlte:.observo his· . ·:' _._·· .. ·.·, 't'· • . · ·. ' .··. · ' . _·_. . ·, .· ' ' .

Wel'C Mnry , first birth6ay aJ1nlversar~ •. :-. . . .• nstoh1, Judy Gardner, Mrs.- Ve,\'a._ q!Ferrell ·of.~ Port· . · . · ._ ~ , ; ·r • . , ... -.. • , • , . ._, , . , - ._ , . . ·-. .., ....... .

, Morris, Alyce.· Goble,· ,land,-Oregon,·Is vlsttin·~ her'a:i.mt,' ". : 141 .. · ·w· !. - M.·· .. · 1.·, · · · , · · . ._ M ~: · i'~hlrle•V ~~~;St~~l'i~llncJS,t~r:;;~~ ~~~.S:~~ ~~~~k~)~l~:U~~~!~clJ of >,:,_}, ·.:: ·.. . " . -

0 -·: • ap • , . t.. •. 1 . ., '\ . ·I . •. ·' •• • ' . , ~-on.

·- · · · · '· · L,nnst~s .. ~P~.~-t:~:~r.?~~~,e~t~~n0,91)) -~'"~-.. --~·~·;·.•,_~•r•,_•-..~i!•lll~ .. •llilll•llli_• .. •.li __ II,• __ .•. Illllll.•.-.. •-. •llil:il, •. il_•_,•lllli•lll .. ill••••••••••lil .. lliilll•••.•.•••••••••••••lllii•••-.;·.111 .. 11iill-.••11

·rii.ng;:,;'lngh.Cilii ..• Collnty.-Court· Houstt···.Care··.for ... -•· I ·: ' ' ' • ~· :. ,. . , 0 I • '

·'·,··.,_ .. _··. ·ou, •.. ::._. -.. Q.pes .... the .. . ".

""' ... .. , ... ,. .,

;: I ••

.... ' ..

. .\··

'·"r 1.'

.. ; ., .,,,. •l

·., ... ,,·

•, ·, I;

: T '. • ' s .... d.. Cl 'b Pl . ' ,, ·I . Sunrlfiy dhlllf!l' gueHlfl of,;Wil- Mrs, nu~s~ll Mciirlrle nnd j~,lll· Jl j UlliOr tu:··.· y· ·. ll aiJS l!Uil] MeCownn were Ml',•llnd Mr~.l Ann spent Sunclny In ,Waylnml ' · · J?rnnlt MeCownn {\nrl 'l'ummy of! with Mr~. ,Leon McBride.

·ljl· G l' . u llow~ een na,··t~"" Ltlnslng, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lcw,ls Holt-1 MrH, Qla llrown. Helen 13t'OWII' .1.' or. a (j r.l.a . ' rt ' ~I huls nncl !<!Iron of Grund Havcn.i IIIHI Nelli!~ .Brown vlsl,tml ~··· und

.Couple Spealts··Vows in St, James Church , unci Mr. and Mr~. J-Jownrcl Me-, l\lrs, Dal Ruehle In Chelscn Sun.

Mason Junior Child Sttllly club .bje l'entm·crl wllh n .Tnclt·O·Iuntel'n, Cownn nnd Duncan, I duy, . '

St. .Tnmcs chun!h In Muortrl \1'/IH the setting for 1 he werlrllng of l~li~nheth Helen Adnms of Mason nnd George ,John Jcol(, ,Tr., of Mll­wuulwe, Wlseon~in, Saturday, Or!· Iober· 23, at ll n. m. Rt. ·Rev. Msgr. Charles !{eating nfflclntt•ri nt· the doublo-rlng ceremony, lJC­Jorl! un allm· flunked with vases of while mums and glarllull.

Strouses Entertain At Halloween Party

memben, their husbnntJs anrl Mrs, Rlchurcl Hnyho!! Is commit- · Mr; unci Mrs. Frnnlt. ·1-lnzeltmt Mr. llnd Mrs. Petry Warren of g\ICStB will masquet•nde us ghosts tee chairman for this pnrty and -callerl on William Sltlnner. or! Pm•tllmouth, Ohio, ~pent Tucsclny ilncl hobgoblins Friday evening Mrs, flohet•t Nprton, Mrs. Eugenr. RtwlnMport nnd Mr, and Mrs, Fi'ccl.; nnrl Wetlnmlltny with Mr. nnct · when they gather• In the Vevay Duling und Mrs, l~rnnlt Loclt nrc f-lopcrnft of Eaton Raplrl~ Tucs-: Mrs. _Russell Huntington nnd town hall for a I-Inllo\veen mas- worl<lng with her.. . · 1 dny. · ' · \family,

Mi·. and Mrs. Pnul StrouBe en· lertrllnccl 50 people at f! I-Ialiowccn [llll'ty Satul'llrty evening,

querade party, squa~ dnne~ nnd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b(lx soclnl. · Mrs. Frai!lt Schmidt,. ,Jr., henri~ I the committee for the nl'falr. Worldng with her nrc Mrs. Le~­trir. Palmer, Mrs, LeRoy Saelens! and Mr~. Robert E. Wnm.

Mr. nnd M1·s. Halpll S. Arlnms of Mnsrm are llw hl'ldr!'s parents nnrl tho bridegroom Is tile son of Mr. ami Mrs. George ,f. T•'nx of M!lwaulcce, Wlsmnsln.

Ji'nl' lwt· wedding I he hrlrle chose 11 wnltZ-II!ngt h gown of laee and JH!I fushloned wllh 1111 over­Hitlrl. f-Jm· fJngel'llp VC'll was lwlrl In plaee hy u bnnd of pr•al'ls and ]ncr!, She canted n white pmyer !mole Lopped wll h an arrangemunl

'" of white JHJmpon mums. .Marilyn Bl'f!daw, 11s mnid of

" honor, wort! a light blue ballerlna­lenr;th dress of laet! anrl 111'1. Hur JIOWI'I'S W!!ro 1111IUIJ111 ll!llVl!s,

'" lll'lmzc ]JDmpDn mums nml !Jitter-.~weet: Mls~ Bn•dnw and II)(! tll'idr•,

' ' were l'flOlllmnti!S nl the Univer·r' , slty of Mlehlgnn. '' Pntrlcla Adnms served ns her,

slstct·'s ill'lliesmnlli In n light blut!: llress of Inti! nnrl neL H1•r lwml- 1

plel'c wns fnshionorl of hiUI' sal in, nel and pearl hearts. Shu l'iiiTicd · , an autumn hrn1quet n r yellow, pompons, mums and hilt!!l'swecL •. Sandy Seibert, as junior hrilics· i mitlrl, wns altireli in n dress of Ui:: }::\:?,:#/ ''' gold tissue lnffcla. She wore a Jwnddress. of mums and cal'l'ied Mil. AND MRS. GEORGE JOHN FOX, JH.

Mrs. Cm·l Maleltzlcc nne] MrK, James Higgs .had charge of the g;tmcs.

The DuBo!i; School cluh fut·· nlshccl · refreshments o! wlcnct·s and mnrshmnllows fo1· u ronal.

A prize was given to Diane Singer for the most clever cos­tume.

Delegates Attend Annual Convention ·

In nddltlc:in to the squnt•e dnnc­lng l}ncl box soclq.l .there: will be n !l)rtune-telllng tent with; Mr/l. Dunne· Bqi'r in ohnl'ge, and muny oii]Or activities, Proceeds irom tlte box soclul' will go toward com­munity fJro.Jects,

.• Junior Chlld Study club mom­bel'S are enlertnlnlng theh· chll· dren nl a masquerade purty Thursclny afternoon at the Hull

Mr: ilncr Mrs. Abc Cowdry und Memorial library ):m~ement st11rt-· Mrs. Jay Coffey wam In Grund lng nt ~:30. Rapid~ last, weoit, [Is delegates, Games ·will b~ pl{\yod and attending the seventh annual prizes awarded for. the heHt cos­convention of Odd Fellows aml tumes In .3 ·different age groups. I flellelmhs. Chocolate inlllc and Halloween

Mrs .. Elmer Bra vender, Mrs. rM.nlc"'" wlll be. served from n In­Beryl Noxon· nnd Mr~. Cowdry -received the decoration of chivnl- A.. UXJ'Iiary Members ry Tuesday evening. · .

Those attending lo witness' the Meet Tuesday Night ' event were Mrs. Alton Weston, Mrs. Clayton Sherman, Mrs. Mary Simms, Mrs. G. L. Bailey, Mrs. Nina earn, Mrs. Clarence Eifert, Mrs. Hollis Bartlett and Mrs. Robert Rae,

Members of the Browne-Caven. der Post No. 148, Anierlcan Lc-, gion Auxiliary, met at the Vevay I town hall Tuesday evening. Drap-, lng the charter for Miss Ethel Adam~. and Mrs. Muriel Willett

J II 12 Cl b H was part of.the program. 0 Y U aS Following the meeting Franlc

n bouquet of bronze and yellow mums.

George .r. Fox, S1·., fa II( or of the Jn·l!lcgroom, was best man and groomsmen were Robert Nyholm anrl Donald Snnrlberg.

Tuesday Meeting ·schmidt, commander of the accessories. Both mothers ·wore


George Field, Mrs. S. E. Moses, American Legion Browne·Cavcn-l\1 R, 1 1 Jl<'ll J( 'II " 1 Mrs. Hugh Austin opened her der post, discussed the planning l'Orsnges of white !lOm[JOI1 mums. 'rs. _ IC 1.11'( J d S, e1 1U ui,H

S M'll 1 l\1 II II I v1 home to the Jolly 12 club T11es- of the· new ldtchen nt the new · 11 {'


. ue 1 s lliH J rs. - aro r .a s. .

For hct· !laughter'-<- \\'c•rlrling Mrs. Adnms r:hose a hlael; faille suit with pink accessories. Mrs. Fox sc!ecterl a frock of gun metal blue taffeta wii!J matching

ltP«'I'ptmn l•'n ows .errmony 11 P 1 f L . clay evening. Nine members anrl Legion bullcllng with the ltltchen , . Mrs, Donn r ar ;s o flllSIIlg, A. werkhng !Jrcn11fast and re- sister of Uw bride, sang "O Per· one guest, Mrs. Helen DeBie of committee.

r·opt wn were_ at tl:e Hoy Adams feet Love.~' Mrs. Jack Richnl'(]son Lansing, were present. Halloween refreshments were ho!llc folloii'Jng Inc ceJ;emony., of Lansing, musin of the bride, The group spent the evening served by Mrs. L. A. Wlleclen and I Bl'lde's cake and grooms eal<c presided at the guest register. playing pedro. First prize went to Mrs. June Suratenux. were ~erverl by Mrs. Cass Hoff- . . - . 'I R b t J( M I" Th 1 tl 11 t 1 t t' 'II

Secor of Ann Arbor and Mrs. home w~rc arrangements oJ Rich won second and Mrs. DeBie be held at the 40 et 8 Chateau · man o[ Nrll'thville, Mrs. Harvey DecoratiOns in the Adam~ ,. rs. o er err, rs. ::~erman . e s x 1 c s r c mee mg WI',

' large white mums, ferns and won low. She also won the white November 7. Dinner wlll be ~~~~~~~~~~------~~~-~~~- Tnlismnn rosebuds. The 3-tiered elephant. served from 1:30 to 2:30. Reserva-

Couple· Speaks Nuptial Vows

In. Springport Methodist Church

werlrling cake wns stlrrounr!e(l Four n'ew members .folnecl the tlons !lre to be sent to Mrs. W. L.

Dorothy Lucille Man•iot I o[ Route 1, Ma~on, became the bl'irle of Richard Hicl1 of E:aton Hapilis Sattlrdny afternoon al om• o'elock in the Springport Mr>liwrlist church.

hrol her anrl si~ter-ln-.law of the hrirle, were tlw couple's only at­lendnnt.s. Mrs. Marriott wore a mse-l'oiorcrl velveteen suit which ~he <wcent erl wit !1 a COI'Sagc of wl1ite carnations.

Rev. Paul Mergenc1·, pastor of Aflc1· the ceremony the bridal the church, performer! the party rPturncrl lo the home of double-ring ceremony. thr hridP.'s parents for a wedding

The hrirlc is the !laughter o[ dinner. They then left on a wcd­Mr. nml Mrs. Clayton M:1rriott of dilli: lrip to northern Michigan.

.. Route 1, M:t.~on. The bridegroom They are now reshling at 411lf., Is the son of Cecil S. Rich of Dutton street in Entnn Rapids.

with a garland of rosebuds an•l group, Mrs. s. L. Winltlet• and :Jewett by November 5. huckleberry leave~, anrl topped 1\[t·s. DeBie, both of Lansing, and -.-with n nosegay oi roses. Mrs. Mary Simms and Mrs. Hazel several mem~ers voiunteered to

Canada Wedding 'frip Hulett. help with the decorations. T11c new M1·s. Fox donned an Mrs. Austin served refresh· , Mrs. Wesley Smith entered the I

Oxford gray Sllit with winter- ments of cake and coffee. -The club as a new memiJer. white accessories for theit• wed- next meeting will be held at the At noon the group ·had a pot-' ding trip to Detroit and Canada. hume of Mrs. Frank Meissner on luclt dinner and· In the afternoon After their return tlwy will re· Harper road. the leader, Stella Pfiester, in-side at 212 South Indiana avenue, ,,, ,,, ,, structed the .members on the Bloomington, Indiana. purse-making project.

Mrs. Fox is a graduate of Ma- Extension Clubs Mrs. c. w. Jensen wlll be host-son high school, Alma college ess for the November meeting and the University of Michigan ,,, Sanclhlll ''' Thursday, November 18, at one and has been employed at Miami Thirteen merabers 'of the Sand· o'clock. . University and Indiana Uhlver- hill extension club met last Tues.' , • • •


Right thiS' way to .. ·.'

Shurfine Oleo Shurfine

Shortening Shurfine

·- -·-


Lb39c Lb39c Lb59c Lb59c


CARROTS cello bag 10 Lb 59c

! l'Oc

The \ '


Is· 'Still On I

l 'lb 39c

3 lb 67c

2 cans lSc It's a TREAT-Not a tricld

Gt!OI'ge has wonderful Hal· loween candies and fa.vol'!l Jlhts . . . cidHr, doughnuts, . JIO)lcorn, applt~s and JlOtato chip&.


Lansing. The bride grarluntecl fmm Mn-For hct wedding the bride son high s·chiJOJ in Hl:iO and has

chose a blue satin froek trirnmurl sinec been employed nt the ·Hor­Wilh golrl braid around tlw eollnr Ill'!' Woolen l\lills in Eaton Rap­and sleOV!!s. She wore a black vel- irl>. Mr. Rich gmrlunterl from veteen hal with rhinestone trim, J~a:;lern higl1 sr:fwol in l!Joi!l nnd and a corsage of yellow roses. works nt Jlw Oldsmobile in Lan-

sity. The bridegroom graduated day with Mrs. Peggy Kranz. They Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Menovslce from Miami· University in 1954 answered roll call by telling vislti!cl friends . and relatives In and is a graduate assistant at "Some ·United:. Nations News Mt. Pleasant over the wee!{ end. Ind~na U~v~~t~ r~m~ Durlng roll ~llmembe~ ;·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= Uehearsnl Dinner Given told many interesting facts about

Mr. and Mrs. George .T, Fox, the United Nations.

We Deliver - Phone Mruwu 2·.7151

the bridegroom's parents, enter· tainr.d at a rehearsal rlinm~r in the Grepn room of the Hotel Olds, Friday night. '

Mrs. Grace Wieland ·gave are· port on the special lesson on, malt· Jng hoolted rugs. Mrs .. 'Mary Ab· bott demonstrated mailing cornu­(~ ·.:; ~ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marriott, sing.

Mr. and Mrs. Pnul Strouse en- capias for Thanksgiving center: tettainerl Mr. and Mrs. Vaugil'n pieces.

11 >nook nnd family at dinner Sat- The leaders, Mrs. Ethel McNitt Ingham County News October 28, 1954 rage 4 , urdny. , and Mrs. Onalee Cooney, . then ~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~-~~~~~-~~-~-~~~-~~~~~~ showed the many different han~

The Kiwanis Club of Mason P'resents:

The 1954

Lecture Concert Series 4 Wonderful Programs!

A Winter of Fine Entertainment!


• "HAPPY VALLEY" , . . A Michigan's Hiawatha land.~


color picture of ·

• CONCERT DUET ... with Pauline Pierce and Gean Greenw'ell.


• ENGLISH HANDBELLS .. , by Wendell West­cott, MSC corillonneur.

' '. . .

TUESDAY, ~lARCH 29,1955 , .

._ • LANSING ORPHEUS CLUB .•. men with music. ...

THE-Family Ticket . - · - .. , · Only· $5.00

Lets the whole family In to,Nce nit 4 shows . .

· ~ Only $3.00 . Single Ticket :cOST:·:: ·I se11son Ilass'.

':-;•' .·· -·· -Only $1 .SO . .

... , ~(~<···:;: -~.··~\I

Student Ticket ' ··:Sell~ II PIINS

,• '. '

' .... - -

bags they had learned to malte at the Christmas workshop. They also gave a style show wearing the different aprons they hai:l made. ··

The group spent·the rema!n'cler of the .evening copying off pat­terns after. which the hostess served refreshments. .

The next meeting will be Tues­d'ly, ~ovember 16, at the home Cl( Betty Suggett. •) Northwest Aurelius

Members held \heir annunl Christmas· workshop Jas.t Thurs· clay ·at the horne. of Mrs. Don Waters· on Onondaga road.·

In the forenoon members made aluminum foil· Christmas tre~s and started cu ttlng patterns for purses. ·

At noon there was a potluck dinner furnished by the hostess ani:! 4 otl1er members, Mrs. Wll· Jiam Quincey, Mrs. Freel Bullen, Mrs. Floyd Bullen anrl Mrs. A. B. Ziegler. ·

Fourteen members - answered roll call.. by,.. telling of the best Christmas gift each had received. Several members ordered . mil· terial for·moccaslns_and'a special meeting . for maldng them will be held at the home of Mrs. Joe Peters Tuesday, November 9, at 1 p.m.

Because of so much rain the past .month just one member,

· ·· Mrs. Don Waters, .got her mailbox stenciled. The next meeting, No· vembec:18 at the home of Mrs. Floyd Bullen, . will be 'the dead; line for this· project. :

Mrs .. charles Bvcolts and Mrs .. Russell Smith, leaders, taught the making of · pu.rses, 'showing some velvet, . faille· and cotton ones they had made. They. also showed some aprons . and tote bags they, had made to give mem: bers' Christmas gift Ideas· ·and patterns, and. a child's bean bair was , shown, which has proven popular with the youngsters. ·

Merry Neighbors .. 'M~mbers'"of the .. Merry

bors extension group met Gleaner hall on Linn and · roads. at 10:11 .. m: last Thursdity. Ten members and· 2 ·guests ' lit·


Clearance ale

/Everything Must Go!; .,, .

All Mus.t Be.Sold!l 1942 Ford; Fordor, V-8 .......... $145 1949 Ol<ls, 4-door, 98 .............. 495 1951 Pontiac 6, Chieftain,

2·door ................................ , .. : 995/ ' . . ' ~

1951 Packard 800, 4-door ... $1,19~ ' I

' 1952 Pontiac, Hydra- . ·· 1 -

19!10 Pontiac 2-1loor ................ 100

1940 Chevrolet, 4-door ........... ; 145

1949 Mercury, 4-door .............. $495 ''

1947 Plymouth, 4-door .......... ~. 19~. ._. .niil.tic,+door : ....... : ............. 1,895

:;i9~ Packard, 4-door ............ 1,295 1946 Chevrolet, 2·11oor ............. 195 \ · 19~1 Dodge, 4-door ................... 895

1946 Ford, Fordor, Coupe, V-s· .............................. 250.

1946 Olds, 4-door ...................... 195· . .

1948 Olds, 4-door, 66 ............ '.. · 245 · •

1948 Chrysler, New Yorlmr .... 295

1948 Ply~outb, 4-lloor ...... : ... .: 145

1950'Chevrolet, 4-door , :1952 Studebak~r Piekut, ........ 750

· Power Glide .......................... 645 · -1953 Plymouth Crnn·

1950 Olds, 88, 2-door . brool[, 4·door ....................... 1,850

hydramatie ..................... :.: .. , ~95 .. · I053'Nash ·Rambler 2·door ' 1295 .' • ,' .• ,. '/ I·· \. , •• I ... 'I

1951 Chevrole4 2-do~r ......... : 74t; · :".1953 Oids 88, 4-door .............. 1,94~· ' .,.

1951 Chevrolet, 2·•1oor ............ 800 · 1954 Olds '98, 4-(Joor .· ...... ·: .... 2,950 • • • '.· • '. J

. ' ~.

\ <I.''

.·.·· . .....

McCGrn O·ldSR1obile ...- I ' ' ' ' . ' ' ,,, ' • .. • ·~ :· • ' ''' I ~ •

'•' ·' ' ··'· '• \ .. ··!

····. ,, \• .·.

' '

. .'•' · ... ' ·' ......



,;::;~ Dr. John t. .Cheek of Albion ::;~'.··will Preach at Okemos Church ·!Ill ' .

\'OUTHR UEAn s'pE,\I\ER '1 (fllfetllodt•sts a·t Gl·ov' enbu,·n' 11cv, Mlentu SC!IHHU'mnHs of :J.r.l.l , . . 0

Lnnijlng waH fllWHI ~peal<er for ~·(/) d • · ~l 7\T R · : · I he Mar;on MethorU~l Yolltll Ji'el' e lCate .1.1 our 1 ,ew ' OOinS lowshlp Ins! Sunriny ·evening. His suh.Jccl wus "Ymt und YilUl' Emo·

NORTON,;; i\RF. C.mF.FrrR Rev, and Mrs. Raymnnrl Nurlrlll

were Included In u followshlp gt'oup of mlnl~tcrH .and wives of the Lansing nrcn, who were enter· t11lned lust Sunday evening nl llw home of Rev. nnrl Mrs. Scott Mn· DonnlcJ, Rov, McDonald Is pastor ot the Main Street Methodist cnurch.

loCJIIam County News October 28; 1954 Page 5 1


Teacher from 'India to Speak · ·



"A Challenge to Pt•otestnnts I frin'n the Iron Curtain" will be the sermon subject of Dr. John L. ChN!It, who will prcnch at the

,. 9:,10 nnrl 11 ::JO H. m, WOrHhip serV• Ices al lhc Olcemn~ Community r!hmeh Sunday. Duvhl S, l~vnn~ will he preaching nl St. Lulw'~ Methodist !!IJureh, Detrnll, In the Delrnil area Sprlltud LIFe Em· llhaHis. .

Dr. Clwcll Is profeRsor () r re­llr,:ion 111 Albion collel(e and I'C· eelvcrl' his· rloctm•nw 111 'the Uni­VP.rslttof Chkngn Dlvlnlfy sr•lwol.

Willi ills wif'e nnri son, IH! hir:ydmi lill'ough Etu•npr!nn r·rnm· trlr!H lnsl HUmmer, tullclnl( with muny people ill' the r·ountrles vls­lterl. 1\PJih Pnlrnerlon, pre-thr.n logJronl ~lurlenl ul Alhlon unci a memilel' of l.hr Community <'lnlrl'h, will rcnrl llw sc!rvlr·es for

I 1)1', Chrc!k, Chtu'cil sehool will ile at 'IO::;o a. m.

'l'hP Ynulh r;·ellowsiilp will tnPPI nl 7 p.m. wllh 11 rlr!Jiltlallon i(rOllll from lhr. Christian SltHienl

1 Foundation ol' I'PopieH I'IIUI'I'h, Jo:tisl L11nslng, In chnt'J:P n[ the


Church Workers. Attend , Leader T~aining Class

l~lvc church schnol worlcers of the Mason MC!IIwrlli-.l C!lwrch nl· tended thC! firHI Hession of lcarlc!l'·


ship lmlnllig school In Lansing, on Mondny evening.

The !il'hnol will he h~lrl on C ronscl'utlvc Monday evening:;, enrllng wllh n Chrlslmns elinic ..

Those allencllng fmm Mnson wr.rr.'Mrs. Ticrherl Nr.wmnrl, Mrs nnymnnrl Neff, Miss Islin Town­send, Mrs. Evelyn Sltaffet•, anrl JVJt·s. Haymrmil NrJJ•ion. Mrs. Nrll'· lrlll has r:hurge of the 1wc•tlon o;, "1'eachfn!-l Intermecllntcs."

\'OIJ'l'IIR IJAVJo: UAVImm program. Mr. nnri Mrs. R<1hl'l'l Sixty teen-agers f'lljoycd a hay­BaiCC!I', arlvisors In ll1r.o group, wllllrlrle Snturdny evf'nlng, TIIC! r.vcnl, asslsl in llw progrm'1. 'l'IH' Wom· spolisr;rccl hy I he Mnlhorllsl You Ill an·~ Sodely Hnf!ntllH'Pd lhal llw F'l'llrrwshlp, was lwld 111 ll1r. f11rm 11nnuai hazanr wllillC' hl'lclln.lllC' lwmP nf.Mr. nnd Mr~;. r:rovr•r pai·Jors Novf'mlwr· 1ft. Altrrs, St•,

.Jrfhat the Churches Are Doing. ' 1WilllnmstoiJ'n St. I\ at hrJ•lnr's \Vi lliumston Gm;Ju!l IJull, . ~m~·1 I \Vi llinmst on \V4•sl4W1111 ;\Jnthorl· :Et•isc'OJlUI. Norman Kinzie, vlear. Burldl!y ronrl. Breaking of llrearl, isl, ttowiP~', Hev. Curl Coffey, Sr•rvil'es nnrl dlll!'c·h sdJnoi, 11:00 10 n. m.; Sunday sdwnl and Bih1e I pmJior. Chtll'l'h sc·hool, 10:fm · :r. a. m.; first nml fifth Sundays, C'lass, 11 ::JO; Gosprl ancl mlnis-1 t'Y m.; worship service, '11 :30 a. m.; foUJ'Ih SttiHiuys·, Holt F.uchnrlsl. Sunday R:OO p. m.; ministry I~l'i- young people's meeting, 7:30 p. Third Sunrlny, morning lll'aycr clay, 8 p. m. m. nnd,l!i.any. ·

'' ' ' : ;Jioll. llnpli~t. l'iuu·r•h, llrv. C. .TamPs Pasma, pastor. Sunday moming worship, 10 a. m.; Sun· day school, 11 a. m.; Young Peoplr.'s Christian Fc!llnwship, !i::iO p.m.; Sundrlay r.venlng serv· ke G::JO p, m. Wcclnr.sclay Blbl•! sludy· anrl Jlraycr mer.ting, 7:,1!i

' Jl{'• m.;

Mason Chlll'l'h ot' tlw Nnznrenr, Wllllnm~lclll Wr•sleyun l\JP.!hml; Roy Mnmau, pastor, Suncl,ty i:d, JIJ·Ir•lt, Hcv. Delos :ranncr, ~?ilool, H! .o'e.l~1;-k; prcnt•hin,g :;eJ:V· pas lor. Wornhip r;ervlces,. 10:00 D. 1ce, 11 !Hint!,, N.Y. 1'. S. sc1v· m. anc17::30 p.m.; c:ilurch Hchool, ice, (]:·b. o'_r:loclt, song an.rl praise. 11.:00 11 , m.; prayer service Evnngelt~lle message, 7:30, Pr.ay·, Wcrlncsday, 8:00 p. m. cr mcetmg Wednesday evemng I ·--at 7:.10, _. _ Nm·t.hwPsL Slodthridgr> 1\Jnt.lwd·

Uolt NuznrPJW Rev. William i~;t., Fran!> Cowick, paslor. Wor-' •)Jip snrvl·c~ 0 'I m ' f'illll'eil Kc•llr~y. pasiQr. Sumlny Rclwol, 10 s '" . r."' ' '.' .·• •· neel-

•. ~ ·!'.. n. m.; moming worship, 11 n. m.; sdwol, 10.1.> 11. m., pJayeJ I Olwmos UUJ>Ii~l, Rev. .John N. Y. P. s., G:4!i p. m.; evening ing al the church Wednesday, No·

Boolm, pastor. Morning service, evangelistic service at 7:30, vember 3. 10 a.m.; Sunday school, 11 a.m.; Prnyer meeting eaC'h Wcclnesclny --Sunday evening 1;ervicc, 7::m p, at .the, cilureh at 7:30 p. m. I Housel· Unlle.d Ut•ethrPn, Vcr-m. CIH:istian., Youth. I•'e!Jowship, . __ non H. Beardsley, ~a~lor. Chur~h fi;30 Jl .. · m. Weclnesclny, Bihlc Wlllhu)1ston 1\lelhodist·, Rev. school, 10 a. m.; chvtn~ wor;;!~rp, slutly nnd · pwiyer meeting, 7:15 Louis Ellinger, pastor. Church 1 n a. m.; scrrr~~!1 sub:i?~t·, ~~~

.:p:>m, 1 school, JO n. m.; worship servicr!, Golden ,.;Scepter. C~nstwn ~n • . 1 11 a. m.; Youth Fellowship, jun· denvor, 1 p. m_.; eve~m~ worshrp,

• ,. 1• r l r. p m · snlllot· "rOUJl 8 p. m., sermon lop1c, Delivered Williamston 81 Mary's ()ath· 0 g 0 lp, ·> · · • ·" "' ' u D h " w 1 d i 1

' oll1• Rev Fr Frat;cis' :M~r.lln p11s- u p. 111. Choit• practice, Wedncs· ntol cat · ~~ ncsta8y, m c ·

; ' · • • · ' 1 7 wee~ prayer meetmg u , p. m. tor, Confessions and devotions ( ay, p. m.

lly IHI'R, HmVIll'll Noa·l·h I

. ""A Mighty FortrCJI:III Is Our Gnrl;" anthem, ·"My Savlot• C11res" hy cJwir; a!lrlrliss, Blahop Marshall Reed; net, of presentnllon, John Ellsworth: net of decllcntlon; rc· sponses by congregnllon; prnyor of dcdlcntlon; unci hencdlctlon,

'i'ha rlodlcnllon of tho <I !iew Sundny school rooms of Groven· burg Mathncllst dlln'r!h wns held Sunday. William Helrlgel, rliHlrlct superintendent. preached lhe morning sermon.

Dinner was serverl In lhc' clln· In go room,' "'with Rev. ,Tumcs Moores giving, I he lnvocnlion. •tfter which lhet'C! was un Informal Dl'Of!l'nrp wltl1 Rnlnh · Hnrt the •nm;lm· nf !:crr~monlcs.

1'lw pmrmun lnc;_lurlr,rl ("(roup <;lnglng, lnlrorlur:l.lon nf Dlslrlr.l Superlntrnclent Wllllnm Hr.lrlr(cl. in I rnrh1Piion of Ills hop Mnt·shnll fl.rrrl, hislor~· anrl nor.m hy Mrs. l\1ilrlrecl North, lntrmltwllon of (nrmr.t' nnslnrs. song hy Yn111h ~hnh· ancl henr.cllr.t ion hy Dr. He I· riegel.

Eden Has Special Service

Methodists Plan for F~mily Night Supper

Tile November family nil(hl supper and. program nl I he M1l· son Melhorllst church is scheduled for 'l'hursrlny, Novemhet· •I, nl G:30. ,

A souhcl mol ion pielurc on (nn1· lly life will he shown. Each fam· lly mny talw canned fruit, vegc· tnbles,;or jellies for the Clarl< Memorial Home In Gfancl Ruplc,ls.

'!'he Dehnrah clrclc of !he Womun's Snclcly ·of Christian Sarvlce, will he hostesses for the evening, They will provide a mnln cllsh, nnd coHce. Mrs. Et I tel Silsby Is chainnnn o[ this cil·clr!,

Jpllrrs Wf'T'C' !'l'<'eivrll from fl.PII. 'l. C'. Pnwr.IL rrl irPrl pnstor, 1fl06· '17, nnw of Utle:1. 111111 Mel'inn T<~c•ohs of C:ranrl Dl<~nr:, u sunnly ··lilslnr .rune to SeplrmllC!r, 1fl51. Missionary to Speak

FormPl' pasto1·s nrr.senl wure I A • '1ev. Earle Plinnh, lfl:~fi-lfl•ll, now . t Baptist Meetings 'lf Bnv Cllv: HPv. Wilson 'l'P.Iinanl, ' . · , · of II~It, lfl·li·HJ.Ifi; nnrl nrv. nus-~ I ·Mrs. ,I• rnnl<lln Nelson, mlsslon-~ell Wahll·on of Fnilh Tinvrn , .'. • • . nry In firlrllm, Bll!·ma, will fjli'I_Jic

M II II I "llllnly f<ll' .1 fn 1.. Wutrul A. no~rJH ul.lhe Mn~on Baptist clltlr('h mrs· r. 10c s . ' ' "' ·I · t· F •'d• N I ' wrrlcs, fnll of tfl:i1. I Hev, Warren A. llogers of De· ~ on


41y c .ry, t •II ,1y

11, .ovem Jel

Mrs. Herd, Mrs, TTPlrir~rl and troll will present n special service .1, a separa e mee ngs. Mt•s. Waldron ncPnmpnnlrd their nl. I he· Eden United Brethren She will meet wllh I he men for r1usllo1 nds. I r:hmeh Sunday. morning, Novcm· u pot lucie cUnner at noon, w:lll

VIsitors were Mt·.~. Lrnn North her 7. Rev. Rogers wlil cnnclucl n I he women In the aftm:noon, w.lh of Grn.ncl Rapids, Mt'. nnc_l Mrs. r;ezylce: of instrumental anrl vor.nl the. young people. al u ,P· m. f,or· Tohn !Tnrvey, Mr. nnrl Mrs·. Ray music, It• will he Sunday school a potluclt RUppcr nnrl wrll1 I he en· North. Mr. ancl Mrs. Nonis f\ally Day at the church. tire church at 7 P· m. Hotchlcin, nll nf Lnnsinr:, Rev. ---------·-----~-----· There will be uOO sueh mcet-,Jamcs Moore's parents of Holl, Stol'ldrrillgll PresbyteHan, Dr. lngs throughout Michigan from nnd ncv. Walter Creason, pns1or F. G. Behner will use ns his scr- Novc~ber 4 ';' November 7 wlw~ of Grnce Mr.lhollisl church. mon theme Sunday "The Elder Baptist c~urches :viii illlVC 3-

'fhe dedication worship service Drolher." ' , 1 misslonarws .co;n~ tnlo lhc s-~atc

wns ilelrl in the imnr.luary, with I at one· time. fhrs 1~ l~w first lune Bishop Rr.crl presiding. The pro- niason 1\lelhndlst, Raymond L. !,n thbelll·stalte of Mf rchr.ga.n F:~cill ~~

· 1 lc 1· . · mo znt on o mtsswns ws gr

1arm me u~'T.ch. Cl \II' 1 , . One N~rton, minister. S~ndny wor- tnlwn placu. · ymn. C! 1 c 1 s ship, JO:OO a.m., serv1cc in charge . .

l"ntlllllation;" invocation; hymn, of Ray Neff, lay lender. Nursery The ~ackson Assocmtron youth . ··-· .. ·-·· for small children; Sunday schooi, rally Will be held ~~~ ?ross _Lnlw

W 'll' 1 11 N .. 111. 1 R~v 1 11 .1:: 1 f Snturday, Novemhe1 b, .at G .. 30 p, r rums u. a.. ~>II!, " • . .> a, m., c asses or everyone; m. Sunday evening, November 7,

r-~arolll Yocl.um, yastor. ~hurch Youth Fellowship, G:OO p. m., a there will be an area rallY, at lhe 7,30 11. m., . mnl-wcck service, progr~m of worshl~ and recreo- First Baptist church in Lansing Wednesday, 7.30 p, m. t!o~1, program r.ommlltee, B_arbara at 8 p.m. Four such nrca rnllles

Powel~on. and Fonda Mermdorf; will be held on that day. J,rsll(l Congrmi;utionai·Chrlstlall, entertainment, Barbara Stroud,

'imnucl B. Wenger, minister. Clnudla Seibert nnd Judy Emens. Services, church school. 9:4fl a. Prayer group, Wednesday al 7:00 m.; morning worship, J1 11. m.: p.·m.; family night supper, Thurs­r.lwlr rC!hearsal under direction of\ day at 6:30 p, m.; choir rehear· Lloyd Miller, Wednesday evening, sals, Thursday, junior choir at 8 p. m. jlfovcmhcr is Loyalty 7:00 p. m., senior choir nt 8:00 p. month. Sermon subject, "Our m. Continuing Reformation" hy min·

The missionaries are winning 592 converts to Chris! per mis· sionary per year, said Rev. Clar· ence Rodd, Mason Baptist minis· ter.

Saturday 7:30 p. m. Sunday masses· at 7:30 nnd 10:30 a. rn. I~owleJ•vllltl: Con fcssions and rle· vntiP1!ti on F'ddday 7:.00 p .. m. Sun·

· ister 11nd first presentation of ·,Williamston Centl!l~ 1\IC!thotllst; D1~nsvllh~ unrl Vunlm~n Com· "Chmch World Mission" <lirecterl

Horace James, "pastor. Worshipll\lun~ly !Hlllhor~isl churches, Re~. by Mrs. J. R. Baggerly. All-church ~ervir~e, 9:30 a. m.; 1:hurch school, Chmles R.. G1oss, pastor: 10 a, get n.cquaititecl social hour, at

lUason ·Baptist, Clarence Rodd, pastor .. Worship service hegins with the· prelude at 9:50 a .. m. Message by the pastor. Special music by the choir. 11:15 n. m., ,'3unday , school .. \Jntler. the Supt. Paul Richards. 6:30 p. m., Baptist Youth Fellowship. 7:30p.m., eve­ning service; 8:30 p. m., Youth choir rehearsal and period of fel·

Methodist Youth Fellowsl1ip, fen· turing· pies, e~lces and cool<ies. Splrituul life mission begins next Sunday morning, with Hev, Fos· ler Holt, associate minister of First Methodist church, Ypsllanl i, as guest preacher. He will also preach at the evening service, 7:30 p. m. Visitation teams will meet at the church Sunday, 2:~0 p. m., for training, and will make calli during the afternoon and evening. Members are asl<ed to lal<e spiritual life covenant cRrds to church next Sunday. Family night supper, Tuesdav, Novem­ber 2, 6:30 p. m, Rev, Holt speak· lng on the sub:iect, "Religion in the Home." Evening service, Wednesday, November 3, 7:30 p. m., with the MYF as special guests. Rev. Holt will preach on the topic, "F11ithfulness in Church Attendance."

dny'I(lrt'ss at,•9:QO n.: lJI· •. ~ ... ·.::~·~.;. ......... .

\Villhuii.~t.;n ir~fudrtut J,,ifti~f.

1o·:30 n: 'm. , , · •: m, ~hurch sclwol, Dnnsvlile; 10 Fellowship l)all at 9 P., m., ,!;iatur-•. -~ .. , ... ,,, ·--- .... . . ~~ .• a, . m, .• ~l}_yrch. :.scJ:i91:!.~. ~~ntown; day: Prizes for more .or.l.t::iry~l, '-Willlmnsion i,.BupU~t;-'· Harold· 11':15· n.·":J···-:ilih,llr.Worship service funniest nnrl most thrill in~! Reese, pastor. Church school, 10 ~t Dnn~yrllc wrth a. J?essag~ o~ tumcs, under direction of Men's a. m. Worship service, 11 a. m. Deepcm;1? the ~p1ntuai Lrfc. clul). ·

un, 1022 West Grand Hiver, Rev. Kfl)'t· . l<Qeplln, P,astor. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; BILle dass, JO b.'.· m.; 'divine service, 11 n. m. Nursery department in basement dming regular divine service! hour from 11 a. m. undcclr compe· lent supervision. ·

and 7:30 p. m. J.unlor and senior 8 .P· m, JOlllt serv1c?. a~ Van~?'~~ groups G:30 p. m. Thursday. With a message on .Wltncssmg. Teachers lesson study followed by ··prayer •scrviee at. 8 p. m. LilcJies Baptist ,Union third Wednc.sday, '2 'p. m. in homes,

Fh·st. Church or Christ, Sci en· list·, Mason, holds services at the church, corner of Oak nntl Barnes slreels, every Sunday at 11:00 a.

" llolt. Pt·r~sbyleJ·ian, Rev, Vernon n~. Sunday school is held

l\Jillvllle l\IP.th04list, Frank Cow· .lowshlp; Tuesday, 7:30 p, m., the ick, pastor: Worship service, 10:15 board of christian education will a. m.; church sclwnl, 11 :J5 a, .m. meet at 'the parsonage. Wednes­W. S. C. S. prayer circ~e will me~.t. day, .7:9.0 p. m., business meeting, after the regular meet·mg Novem· Bible:study and period of prayer. her 2 at the haiL Wednesday the Hope· circle will

Inter-CitY Bible·· Church 2821 E. Michigan, Lllllflln&'

·Servlc.Js a& :i1 n. m. and ·1::11 ALL WELCOlUE

Boy Patterson, Pastor

'1'.' Smith, minister. Church scrv-1 the Hervices for puplls up In !Uason Prcshyt~rlnn, Pnul L. ices at 10 a. m. and J1 :30 n. m. age of 20. Wednesday evening Arnold, minister. Sundny, 10· a, Sumlny school for nursery mee~ing at 8:00 . !~eludes .testi· m., worship hour; sermon, "The through senior high nl. 10 a. m.; momes of Chl'lstmn Scwnce Joy in Stewardship." Special Sur.day school .for nursery healing. A public reading room is choir music. 11:15 n. m, church lhrough lntermedialc classes and open at the chmch cvery.Wednes· school. G p. m., Westminster f:'el­one,adult. elass at 11 :30; no junior rlay and Satur~ay fr?m 2 to 4 lowship. Monday, 7:30p.m., class ,------------..;...------,1 or senior classes arc held at this p. m, How Gurl s mfimte love for with Dr. Shelley. Tuesday, 2 p.m.,

IIOW CJIRISTIAN SCI~NCE lime because the youth choir man redeems man from sin hy special fellowship for Women's sings at· the church services. destroying sill · and revealing ·asso'cintlon with Miss Felicia Sun·

JIEALS l man's divine, slnles·~ nature, will derial, world-famous women's · St. ,Jrunes Cnlholic ChU1'4•h, P.t. be explained in the lesson-ser· Chrislinn leader fl'Om India. 8 p.

'.'Maintaining a Harmonious Rev. Msgr. Chnrlcs Keating, pas- mon entitled "Everlnsling Pun- m., Board of Trustees. Weclnes-

Marrl'age~~ tor. Mnss will be said at 10:30 ishmenl" at Christian Science day, 12 p. m.·u p, m., Reel Cross Sunclny morning. se1'Vice9 Octohet• 31. Blood Bani< in church. 7:45 p. m.,

Station CKJ,W 800ke on yom· dial

October 31, 1954, 9:45a.m.

Dansville Fr·4!e 'JHP.Iholllst:, Rev. Harry E. Moore, pa~lot'.. '10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 n, m., preach· ing service; !i:45 p. m., Young Peoples service; 7:30 p. m., eve· ning set·vice. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30, at the

1--------------~' church.

NOJ·th Aurelius Cnmmunit.y, Rev. John E. P!'Utlen, paslor, Sunday school, 10:15 n. m.; morn· ing worship, 11:15 a. m.; Young Peoples meeting, 6:30 p. m.; eve­ning service,' 8:00 p. m. Wednes­day evening prayer meeting, 8:00 p~ m. Choir practice, 9:00 p. m.


Church School CounciL Thprsdny and Friday, 6:15 p. m., I·Iost-Hosl'· ess Dinnct' Programs. Thursday, G:30 p. m., junior choir; 7:3Q p. m., senior choir. Saturday, Oi!.to· ber 30, 8 p. m., Westminster Fcl· Jowship Hilllowcen party. at Stev­enson's Farm. Meet at church al 8 p.m.

llO ·s. Cedar

meet at the Sturman ·home at 12:00 noon for a pollucl< · dinnet• and work period. Thursday, 7:30 p. m., ·the deaconesses will meet with Mrs.· Ivan Helncelman. Fri­day will be missionary day. ·The missionary will meet with tlie men fcir·a potluck dinner at noon, ·Stockbridge llnpllst, James E. with' the .women in the afternoon, Lombard, pastor. 10:30 l\.· m., with the: ·Young people at 6:00 p, morning worship service; 11:30 m. for a potlucl~ supper, then a. m., Bible school, classe~ fot· all meet with the entire church .at ages; 2:30p.m., Krumm'rey Farm 7:30 p. m. Saturday the Youth llervice; 7:15 p. m., Junior BYF group wlllleave Mason 'at 5 p. ril. with Mrs. Marie Roclcwell; senior for a youth rally which will he BYF, Rial Ashmore, president; held at Grass Lal~e. adult union, subject, "Forward

Stockbrldge !Uethodlst, Rev. Gordm1 :Arnold, pastor.' Morning service,. •·10:30 'a .. m.i' church school, 11:40 a.m.; Youth F.eliow· ship, 6:45 p' .. m.;. evi!ll\ng. service·, 7:30 p. m .. Bal~e. snle, ·saturday, October 30, · 1i00·3:oo· p.-: m:, at Wllde's store·, sponsored by

' . '

'fogether In the Faith;" 8 o'clock, evening service. Thursday, an all· day missionary rally beginning \vlth lunch fpotluclcl at noon. 2:.00 p. m., missionary speal<er; ln. the' evening there will be fam· lly night, potlucl~ at 7 o'cloclt. 8:00 p. m., Charles Osborn II will ~e. the o;peaker.

- Phone-2-4231

.Be Thrifty WEEK -END .· .. SPECIALS

. .• . ' .. . '• .

• ·.

' r •.

Mlsll l~clicln S1tnderlnl of Dcht·n Dun, Punjnb, Imlia, will !lpcnlt 'r11csduy, November 2, al 2 J>. m., to tile women of the Mnson PrcH· bylerlnn dllll'~h nl !he church.

MIHs Sunrlcrlnl, 11 grnrlunte of lhl! Mary Wunnmaltcr sdwol nf Allnhnhnrl lms ~ludied nt lhc T~belln 'Tilot·hurn eollege In Luc­now, Indln, nnrl rel'elvcd her BA degree from Agra unlv~Fsily.

Slw has hcen In 'tills enunlry slncr. April ohscrving ·t<'ehnlquci; nnrl nllr.nrlinrt mecllngs of nut· slandlng lnlercsl, lncluclin!{ Pt'(!S· hytcrlal mPr.llngs whll'll are heing llf!lrl all over llw stale nf Michl· gan. Shr. Is leaving the lenc:hlng field, 11s hr.nri ol the tralnlnt:! rle· pnrlmr.'lll nf the Dcilrn Dun Girls Rehnol, In imrkrtalcc the tnsk nf l organizing the women's wcn·lt in the r:itlll'r:hes of North !1ulla.

:llfo:'I'HOUIS'I'S J'J,AN SIO:UVICJo:S Tiw Mnsnn Mell10dlsl Womnn'~

Sodcly of Christian Srrvier! is SJlllllSOI'ing II \VI!ek II ( Jll'ayCI' 1111d SPII"·oiPnlnl. Two Jlllhile HI!I'Viel'H will IJP lwlrl In llw Methodist dwpcl from 2 to ~ p. 111. iliiCI 7 lo 8 jl. Ill.


Alia Rmllh Fl'il'r wns hom May HI, 1871, lhe daughter of .fol'lmvl .Tnne Smllh, ·pionect' n!siclenls of Alnieclnn township. She w;1s united ;n mntTiagc! In William Fcler on Sr.plemiler s·, JSHR nl Ol<emos.

They made lheit· home in AtniP· don township nil theiJ· life. Four

Jill~~ I•'elida Smulm·lul

of a dwerful !ll,:posltlon and hncl many fr•icnrls whn will rei(J'PI 111!1' Jlnr;sinl(. Often she remarl<cd how slw would have! lllcc~rl lo visit her relnllves anrl fl'icnrls tnnrc oflcn hnl lwr IJParinl( helnu lmpared lcepl her frnm doing sn,

i•'llnl!rill :wrvlr-es were hclrl TuPsr.lay at lilc Gm·sline-Hund· 1111111 funcwl home with burial' nl Eveq;recn Pemetery.

Hlw ulwu~·~~ lt•lliJJI'tl to wulc•h (uJ' lUi Ar~xiuc11: ir \\j' wt•l'c• llttcJ Ill \'.'lll!f'l' hy lht• window Ill 1'111111111'1' liy I ht• Hllll•.

J\11d lhn!l!~h WI' ll1111'l~t•d hr•r• IPIHif'l'l)' \V Jln had illll'h rnuliHh I'll 1'1' •

'l'h•• lorqr wuy hunH• wnuld RI'Pm mm·o till ru

IJpc•au~<c• HhP waitc·d tlwr·c•,

Jf.q• JhfltiHhht \\'P.I'I' rdJ I!U (uJJ n( lltl :-;hi' III'VI'I' C'llllltl (fll'}!d

1\nd IHI I tirinl, Lhnl whc•l'l! 1du• [tl :-il11- muHt ht• wntdJfll~ y .. t.

children Were born lo I hem, 2 Wnltin>t till wn c·nme l11orn•· In h•q• t\n•,iuu.'l ir Wt• un• lall!

daughters, Mrs. Clnrencc Sheath· Wllll·liin).! rrum I!L!IIVI!II'H wirulnw ehn of Mason and Mrs. Alice Lt•mlin,r fmm lwll\'l'll'H untr·. Slllherlaml of Pontine; nnrl2 sons, ~------Roy A, Felet· of Lansing, and CLASS I'J,ANS PAWI'Y William Otis l~eicr, who passer! Members of li1e Friendship awny April 21, i937, Her husband cJ;tss of the Mason Nar.arene passed away May 3CJ, 1937. Mrs. chtll'cll are planninr~ a /chiclcen Feier passed from this life Oeto· supper to be held Friday, Nnvem· her l!i, 1954, at tile age of 83, at bcr· 5. II will be ltclcl at 7 p, m. ttt the Holt Nursing Hr~me, She w11s 1 the Vevay town hall.

. Sccl< not y~ what yc sl~all eat, or ye drmt<, n~It~ter be ,Ye of doubtful mmd: .. Hut t•athet• sed< Y4\ the lungdom ol God; and all these thmgs shall be added unto you. (I~uke12:29, 31.) Read lUatthew li:25-33. ·

One rainy night, I went to the Bible class as usual. We talke~ about the love ~f qod m~cl faith. We had a group of very mterested and fmthful cluldren fl'om 7 to 13 years of age in our class. ' · .

After the class was over, I asked a little boy, whose home was very far from school, "Do you have any fl'iends to go home with?" He said, "No, but: I am no longel' a weak boy because God is always walking with me. He- gives me light to see the road clearly." He is very strong in spil'it and courage because he believes in God. It made me vel'y happy to hear that from such a little boy, and I prayed for him.

The heavenly Father is with us always, whenever and ~vl.1erever we go. If we really believe in Him and have strong fmth, om hearts will be full of hope, peace and joy.

·I'RAl'ER Om· heavenly Fathet•, we. tlmnl1 'l'hr~11 fm· the light of Thy love

that. h!ads liS into lht! rig·ht. wny. HeiJl those who livt~ in fr~UI' to tulmit. Tlum intn theh- livt~s. Gi-v1~ lhr~m ~~ st.1·un~;· faith in Chl'ist. Sh·.,ng·thcn us and use 11s fo1· 'l'hy wnrl{. In Uhrist 's n11me we. Jll'IIY. Anwn.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY "God ... is a rewarder of them that diligently sec]{ him."

Hil'Oko Nashiro (Okinawa) . .

Open Nights and Sundays

.Buy Quality

I • (-' ..

·'· AppleS . . ..... ' ' ~ :

Candy Skinless,~Frank:s, ·.· ... ·' On!y· J9t lb . Sliced- 'C.ube


Steak .18 for:l3c lacon Miniature Snack DonutS. .. \ No.1 'I

Sweet Cider ,: . . ...... , \ .

lirom .. ,Hand\ Picked· Apples:.

FreSh · · ' , F · · · ·· · · Fresh

. . ' . . . Bag' . and· .. l·s · .. ·.,.

lb .. ~.c ,, ' '

·59c . ' "lb 6 .. 9' . ·c

. Jb ~~g I. -:··.- ~, :. "~ ~c .. , >.. ",",;, . ·' ' : . .

' I

.... ·• ' .

r.: ' ) '

I (.


lnohnm Cou.nlv N~ws. . October 28, 1954 . Page 6

II -0 '... -/~


Dress Ho$e li0£l VIIIIIU .

' Gabardine School Jacket

· 39c - ·3 Pr. $1 Gmmintl Bannm· Wt•ap __; Spun ~u~1uu~~~o

· Sizes 10-13 . Solid Colors $1 0, 9 5 Clwcl>s Nylon Ucint'orcml 'l'm1 antl Jlelll

. I:J~PJ~AT SALT~! 1 ow;;, wool lmwrlinilll-: FANCY ARGYLES Hi1Y,, Nylon Outsille Shell

Water I•••Jtt:llent - l{nit CuHs *1.00 Value - Slightly lri't1guhLr

65c Pr. ~ 2 for $1.25 The lust time we bought these you clcnuml us out. .

LARGER SIZES 12 to 20 - $12.95

I~ntire Stocl•

$5.00 Off AnniWt'SIU'Y Sule Only Includes

Wo1·stcds - I•'lanuds - Sharl>sldns

Flannel Shirts. $2.00 - 2 for $3.50

Gnod Colors - Good Weight .

Extra Ut~avy 1\iunl<ey Face·

·Gloves 3 Pr. $1

Fla.nnel Pajamas. $3.98 Value

•• Dish Towels 5 for $1.00

1£i X 36 ~ '...a.. ,,.

•' / -~.,.~·..... .. · . ... / /;.. ,,-~ '··><· ·:·.".;" .... ' ... ,.

$1.00 Off on 36"

Bleached Muslin All Wool

BLANKETS 3 Yds·. for, $1.0.0 Latex Foam


and $4.98 Ea. sec

tho.' _BATH .TOWELS ot11er

2 for $1.00 Blanlwt \

St•ecials '


Large Size ~ .22 x 44


'All Wool Plaid·

Mackinaw $,7.95

Atml\•er~ury 8)mclul

Clwcl' 'fhuse Fcuhll'C!I 1 l'ocltclll ~ Plcutml

lluel\ - licit - l'luhl JIJnnncl Lined

Men's' All Wool · Sport 1

COATS $19.00

ltegnllu· $22.1i0 • i~Z•l.liO NeWilKl• l'uUili'IIS 111111 Colors. Itwluding· Chill'· cuul. 1'hls S)wchll l't•lce Only

. fm• Our Annivut'SIIt'Y

OP VALUE~ _ Men's

Top Coats. $5.00 Off

On cntlt·u slocl• of $!l3.71i V£thtcs nnd u)l. Including Galull'llincs - Wuols -Solid Colol's - l'at1erns



5 for stoo 1 tluough 6 4 Jor $1.0~

8 thl'OU)!;h. 12 Double Woven

BARGAIN' · Chenille

Bedspreads $3.98

Fine Selection of Colot•s - •rwlii · ·

Ol' l~ull Size


Corduroy Crawlers

$1.98 Lots of •Colors

· l'ut Utcm in Bcllllix m· Dryer

BUys. Galore!


Extra Size

Panties. 2 Pr. $tOO

' ' l'inl>, llhtc. mul White.

Sizes· 8 • II • 10

:New Cross Weave


Sport $HIRTS $4.98

~ :Uutton l'oclwts

GUili'IUtll~tld Wuslmb~u Solid colors including­l'lnl\, Chllrcoat, •reut, .

ltcd, llhm, Yellow Sizes S, l'II, I~, XL

42" ..

Pillow :Tubing 2 Yds.· $1.00

~~~me· ... ; J •• •• "j .• ·': \ • ~ . . ... . (,•,

; . " ,.. ' . ' . ·, ., . '. . .

~~.~tha.tJning. sC.vi~gs to" th8-:WWh01e .. faillliiY! : .•'.

, I .....


· . Children's · Shoes.. · 4 . Buckle ·• , sp:~~ ci · · M.~n Look; , . A

, - Just the thing for .tbe· ciM weather

... 8~ t~ a'rnuge; ;.' ' :rc:tic.· S·... ·Str: vie' ...... ·s·. h.o ... es· ·;.· ahead, .• ,.·.-.,· .. '. ''· .. '. ' Stritt•s' 1mil Oxfor1ls ~ 7 llea;vy~;D1ity Fleece-Lined '

. llmivy Weight , . · · · ZIPPER ,.

•' . ! . ,. .

· ·: . / ·Rc.1l or Bro\Vll .. •"'1 . ' . .. ' .. , ..

· .. Lolag· wearing .NeoUte soles. 1\i:ade

, by' the niakh~s of fmu~us Weather~ !' ·.·. ' .,, .· . . . ' ...

b;i·,l 'shoes. · · ·

. ··,

. $4 .. 98·' ~ $1~98 ' '

· One Group . ! • WEATIIER .TEEN

Loafers .. $$~9.s·

, Men's .or Boy's ·

.··· .·O~ford·s· : ·. ·.,·,:_$6.:95·~····

..:.· · L · .. MtWe by Peters ·. · ' ' ' ' \ ~- ·' '. . .

Boots'·_: _:, ·· '1·, •

· ~: ··. · .Ove.rshoes--' $1~9.5 .·· :·1



• nn1versa

Children's Anklets 3 prs. $1.00

. Reg 49c BVCI'Y pair gunrnutcc1l li months \veal'

Boys lined Jeans $2.98

Boy's and Git·I's

Snow Suits trrom

$5.95 Slack Coat. Sets

$16.95 A fine

Nylon Dusters . $3.98 BEAUTIFUl.- PLAID m,OUSJI.:S

$1.39 - 2 for $2.50


.Dusters only

$1.98 12 through 20 ·

Stmn Nylon

. Anklets l'for $1.00. Darl{ and Ligl~t Colors

; : 1 ...

' ... -.•.. :

Flaunelct te

Gown's and Pajamas $2.98

40 Denier

Nylon Panties 69c • 2 pr. $1.25 . .

Sizes 5-6 - 7

Men's Dress Pants $100 Off

ON ALL. STOCK $5.95 to' $10.95

ON ALI: STOCK $12.95 U1•

. $2.00 Off "·

Cuff Alteration Free .

Rayon and Cromspun

Taffeta Dresses · $3.98

Com(lltltely Washahl•~ 12 tlll'ough 20 and Hall' Siws

lleavy Uuffell

ANKLETS l for $1000





$1.98 32 through 40


Trim .

Ueg. (i!)e



Lewella Bras



Ladies Velvet .. Step Shoes Reg. $10.95

Anniversary Price $7~95 ' . '/'/ ~-··~~, ..

· · sf!':/."' / --: · ,,-." .·. ·· '<, : ' i'. - -:' ./ .,. '·, :. . · .. " ... ' ·, .

' ~ •• IIi ......... ···~ - .• ill .• - • - ....... .,.~ ~•: · This.Co~pon· Good~: for .. :.:1 I . . . . :.: : . . ... . ·I

• -~ ·· ·s· s· a· ··o· ., • -I ._, . · . · · . · • .. : i . ·, . . . . . I

·: !. Free Gold.; Stal11p$ · · : f. , . ;: ; . . . ' Offe.r E:rq1ires No~e,in~r ·.~o; l9S4 ' I: · ·.~ Name ··. · · :":. , . ' · · · ': .· .. . · : 1.

. •''

Part 2-A The Ingham County ~News October 28, 1954 Paving cit Capitol 'Dansville Woman

'l'ho Miehlgnn ~tate hlghwuy dr.pnrlmcnl hi tnl1lng hic!H. WPrlnesclny, Nnvcrnhcr• 1, for llrl· dlllmml pnrltlng area~ at the c·npltol in Lansing. 'rlw •·onJt•af'l to he loleovet•s gi'IHIIng, ciralnngc slt't!C'ilii'CH, hiluminnus aggrognln Hlll'fal'e nnd cmwrutc curiJ and g-ull cr.

Has Close Call

Red Feather Campaign Starts Tuesday \

Mr, nnrl Mrs, Elmer L<1hmnn lllld children liPCIIL ::;unrlny with Singing Cop Will Be hiM mother ami sislerll, Mrs, l~va Lehman, At Stockbridge PTA

Miss Dorothy 'l'lindmt• nml Mr. '!'lin Nnvmnher mcelini of the

Mrs, I'r.nrl J. Cwlt rntw of Duns· ville escn(wd 1Jeath Into Monday nftcrnnon wlt!!n llH~ 1'111' which site wns driving C'ttdt•<l bottom· slrlc·np In a rlitdt at llw cornet• ol Dexter 'l'mil und Mcrlrlinn l'Cinri. :'lltCl ••t·awlerl fr·om the wredmge with only nrlttot• bruises nnrl cuts,

Worltei'H of llw oul-eounty Community Chest drive begin· rting tu:xl 'l'uesriny will he uul to collccl $11,000 a~ u share of the $7'10,GOil couni.Y grml. Jn the pi1:· lure are snmr> of the leadm·s who will rlirccl lire cnnvnss lhrouglt· nul the county. Senter!, ldl to

• right., nru Mrs. Charles Davis, Onondaga, memlwr of llw CIH!st bonrrl of directors; Mrs. Cleo D1:· Catn)l, Aureiltts· township ehair· man; Mrs, l!iJ\Val'fi 'l'oWIIHI!IICI, While Oalt township clwinnnn; Frnnit [(, !~vans, Mason, ehair· man oi the township division nnrl n memher n[ tlte Chesl honrd; MrH. Jlurlon Halrlwin, Ononrlaga township cllalmtnn; Mrs .. Jrrhn J•:dgar, Aumlins; <lltri Mrs, Dunne l3alclwin, Sioellhriclv.e.

St.anrlln~: un! Duane Baldwin, Sloclthriclgf! tnwnsliip 1'11airrnnn; Vineeal MC'lniPc, Buni<cr Iliil township dtait•man; nnd Hamid l3cll, Vevay Jownsliip ehait·mall,

Tho United l•'uncl drive will he· s~in Tuesrlny, November ~. and contitlltC thrmtJ~Ii NnVPmher JH. 'fhe mon~y coilccled ami pll!dged will hr> used to HtiJl[Jnrl. •10 HPd Fcatlic~t· agenf'ir.s· llliJH'DV!'d hy lhe Communi! y CIH!sl !>nard of di· rectors, ac~ording to Evans, town· ship division chalt·man.

A ldck·off dinner for ruml Jnglmm county Community Chest worl<ers will he held at ilw I. 0. 0, Ji'. hall Tuesday niJ~hl, NovC'mher 2, al. 7. Evans pointed nul that sttclt Community Chest clinners anrl other organiwlional meetings an· not Jlilid [rom an.v Chc:;l funds. The tnotteY for such clinncrs is paid by priva!P firms nnd indlvicluals in addil ion to lheir regular cunlrilmliotts, 11!' dl!clarcd.

Sponsors of the dinner in Ma· Ron next Tuesday nigl.rl arc AI Rice Clievmlet, Modern Clcan!'I'S, Dart Nrtl irma! bank, Robinson Motor Sales anti the Dart J nsur· nnce agency.

Cnt:wllc Social Service, $25,78~; I :f.!f~,O:I·I; s.n~ia\ Scrvic~ Exeh~n.gc: t'ommunity Servoec•s Coune1l, $2,2•10: Vtslllng Nurses, $26,22'1, ::;~:l,21i·l; Communily Nursery, $G,· Volunteer Bureau, $G,251; Vnlun· liHI: Jo:mplo,Y<'f' Jnf<irmnlion Scrv· teem of Amcriea, $10,:l8fl; Y. M. ii'P, ~;J:l,ri:J-1; Family Sc•rvice, $:i5,- C. A., college, $fl.173; Y. M. C. A .. liHfi· Girl Scouts, $2H,fl78; Jlospi· Lansing, $:i8,!Ji0; Y. W. C. A., col· t;ti


Set·vir·es, $17,(100; Information lege, $8,5D5: Y. W. C. A., Lansing, and Hcfr•tTHI SPrvh·Ps, $1,020; $7·1,000; anrl Unilcri Ileaith and lnplt;rrn County CU\'itl ivo \Vorl<· Welfare l~unrl, $G7,!J:31. shr~p. S7.:,:l1: Lansing Cltilrl Guif.J. '"J'lw Unitc.ri Cnr:nm~mily Chest an 1 ·;~ Clink. $!),ri;ill: Lansing Men· Is a emtnlywnlc! orgamzatwn, a~HI t;ti J!ealllt Cenlr~t·, $:i,OIJO; in aririilion lo Ingham county ~Is

I irrf'nln Community Center, services extend to llilt'~s of Chn· ~2';rJ-· Mi ·liil''tn Chllrlrr>n's Aid Inn nnrl Enton counlte~ elosely ,,,~r. '•' I' t""' ·pJ•t'tlc( "AJJ :.;or:iely, $·1fJ,213; Salvation Army, ac,Jacen, t.'.Vans ex , 1 r. " -----·-'- l1Cople have access to most o[ the

Service Men services when they need them,

Pemhut•ton o£ 'l'rnver~u City were Stndtbl'irlgn Community Agrh:ul· vlsliPd tho Cedi llurlltlns fnmily guests of Mr. nrul Mrs·. John Wlli· lund sdlOnl P. '!'. A. will he lwirl 111111 Mrs. A. H. Ashtnnt·e Sundny. morc Sunday. ' nl the high H<!linol gymnasium N"w arlrlt·ess for Pvl, Donald

Mr. nnri Mt·s. N. TI. Emling of Wcrlnosr!Hy, Novomher .1, nl tl:no D. llnsHon!, US :ii'H75·1 lli, Ilg. Chil'agn spent lho wcclt enrl ul p.m. 'l'he reguint• business nH!•!I· anrll!g. lllry, 17 l•', A., Gll., l•'ort I he Hoh Wn:;:;on homo. Mrs. Alien lng will slnrl Jll'nrnpliy ul H:nn. Sill, Oltlnhomu. Emling who h11s H(lOIII the past 1 1 1 ~ 1 New ndrlrPss for Pvt. Larry N. wcelts nt tlw Wasson.hnme rc· 'l'lic program nl. 11 s nwr.lng '1t'iJs·, ll~> ;;;; .. J7;i·l22, l!rlg. Btrv . .,

will hn In 1'11argr. of Lt. Wllhtll'll " ltll'lwd to Chieagn witl1 lhmn. LPgroe of llir> Wllnl pollm depnrl· :ilfith, MSL. lin., li:l01 West Jef·

Mr. anrl Mrs. Clnm IUgr,H, Ar· mcnl, halter luwwn ns llw "Sing· f•~rson, Delmll 17, Midtignn, dis nnrl Willi Jean HJIP.nl Sunrluy lng Cop." Lt. Lngt'C'e hns hN!Il 11 Larry ~lllls, who ltns IH!C'Il wilh Mrs. Nc•va Buller· of Wil· I'Pgular offlf'er of the Flint polleP tl'llll:;ferl·r•cl to l'lC'Ii'Oll, npt•nl. lhr! liamHion honoring Clare':; l.Jirlh· department fm• 20 yr!nt·s. lie Is in wr•f'k ''1111 with biB tmn•nl~, Mr. day anniversary. f'!Hirgc of: the ehilrl safely dlvi· <ttui 1\lr'H. Nell 1\lill:i.

Mrs. Gknn •RIIIH'l!lllln vlsiiPrl sinn, with lrnffle safety supc!r'VI· Mr. and Mt·s·. r•:arl !lr•Pman, l1ct· sl!;ter, Mrs. Ltwene Jom•s, 111 :;Inn nve1· :JO,OOO youn"sters in Mn:. llr•if'll llPPmlln nnd 1\lrs. Ann Arbor Sunrlav. Jlllhllc anrl Jlftl'oC'hiai' seltonts. Tlc Mildlt!.l early allr!nde·J fUIH'tal

Mrs. Opal Lnnlis, Irene Cr•hh, Is the dh·cctor· nnrl pr•oriUf'f'l' of sc!rVkl's for lVilll Doslt ill Fre· LPone T•'cllon awl Mr. unrl Mm. ltis "Singing Cnp" radio safr~ly mont, Ohio, Monday. Glenn Etiffcy ntlc!nrlcrl 0. K S. program whkh Is in ll~ (!lcventh Mr. alld J\lr.~. W:lltc•r ,lollll:;lon inslnllaliott at L~slln Mnnrlny eve· ycnr· over radio stnt.lon WFDI~. and 111'11<'<' of DPiroil eallcrl Still· ninr:. Mrs. Opnl Lantis was llw l•'llnl. dny f'VI'IIiltJ: on Mr. anrl Mrs. Installing marslml. His pm<:rnm for Wr!rlnrsrlay Floyd JlinliiPy.

Mrs. Prnrl Powell. Mrs. Abby night will consist of: lr.adlt11~ Mrs. Willia M111! llamrll'rl, Mrs. Hnepckr., Mrs. A. 11. Ilcrndrn, •·otnmunll v :-;Jn'ging, 11 sprr•1:h, J•:mtna Itmvlrlllri, Mrs. Sylvin Mrs. Mnric Alll'n 111111 Mrs. Ca· songs anrl an nhjl'l'i lesson with Dif'tf'r'il' illl11 Mrs. LPin 1\PPpet• nl· !isla !lose visllr.d Mm. Arloma J1is porlahlc trniTk signrtl, telling lettdPtl a Slartley muiliplr. party llnard nt Millington Sunrlay. of hir; work with youngster.~ in at liw C;trwarles dull ltouse, .lad\·

Mr. anrl Mrs. Alhet·t Mlidwll Flint nnrl throughout Midtir,:un. son, Monday evcninr,:. nf gJmnnlf', Crdlfomiil, 11re Sflf'IHI· Thcrr~ will ulso be a traffic safely Mr. <tnd Mrs. Dav1~ Bassm·e lng a few days nt the Gmnt sound Him. sp,.nl Sunday with Mr. anrl M:-s. Jliehmomls. Tiley are also visit· . . Jt\PnnPIIi Stiyrlr•t• 111 Mruwliestcr. lng Mrs. Peg Colrling. Lt. Lcr.:rce Will gtvc 2 nssl'lll· llugli aiJ(i Hayward ltosc •Jf

Mr, anrl Mrs. nolrmrl ITardt nml hly programs In the aflr!rnoon, Detr·oil spent. Sunday with reia· 4 rlauglttr>rs Sllent Sunday at nne to the clcmcntat·y grades lives hen!. Laingsburg. anrl nne to ~lw high~wnl_:__ _ .loltlt Winlt:rrmvd ltns gone to

Mr. nnd Mr~. Pfciffct· of ---------- Allnnla, c;eorgc, wlu~rc lie plnm; Wooster, Ohio, spent the weelt nann !or Joan's twelfth IJirthllay to do conlracting worlt. llis wife

'l'hr> C'm•hmm• '''II' was I raveling west llll ()c~xtm· 'l'mll anrl l!ollidcrl with 11 rnt• rlrlvcm J;y l~nWI'Y [[, Cnllir>t', G!J, of L•~r;JiP. Mt•s, Colllot·, n' paHHI'IlJ:Pr' in ilw Colllm· ear, Willi hurl llw wor:;f. She was talwn lo ihc ~(llll'I'II\V hospital in Latmlng for trc•atmc~nl.

'l'he r'rrlliet• r•a1' was lrnvellng south. Cnlll\•r lnlrl 11t'l'i••••t•s he slrrppr>clliis t'i\1'111 lhP iniPrsPelinn nnrl lhcn Htarted to crus;; Dexter Trull.

Spartan Colors Grace Plates (f\'0Pn 1\IHJ WliilP, sf'itooJ \'Dint'S

nf MIPhigPn ~;lniP, will he worn by all aulrrtlllihilw; lrr•arinr..: MIPh· lgnn aut 0 Jj(•f'nsr'l; for In;;;;, 'I' he plnle.~ nrf' r:r<'cnwilil whilr! IPIIr!rs ami nnrncrals. 'l'ltc l'rrlrrl' HdtPme \ViiS l'hiiM!n In liPIJI f'flllli\H'!IHH'atc the 100111 rtnniwrs:n·y of the fnunrllng of ~!if'iti1ran Stair. eo!· legr>. Plates for l!J:i:i will he nvail· able NovPmhr!r ·1;; so huycm of new mrrrlf'l ears won't lt:tve In buy bnlh J!);i.J illld J!J:i:i pJiill'H, !'X·

plainer! Se•Tr:tary of Stair• Owen ,J. CIPary. DPI.'PilliH•t· ·1 IHtS hern the! us•.tal dale for IH·r~innillg the Issuance (Jf plateH for liiC follow· in~ yr!ar. and most of them arc only avail· end with Dr. and Mrs. G. l~. mmivcrsm·y, and l'hilrln'n will join him Jatet·.

able In the larger community 13chner. Ml'. anrl Mrs. Maynnrd Stan· Mr. :tnd Mrs. l~arl Hose visited Cc•di Kellogg and Cc:dl Kellogg, where lltcy work,-'l'ltr>rc are mnny Mrs. Gus Schi'I!C!I' entcrlaincrl a fielrl ami family 5 1'"111 Sttnd;ty tltoir d;rughll'l', Mrs. Norman .Jr., ancl family <tttd Tltom;rs J1ip· 1;erviccs included in the Chest group of git·I;; Salurrlny night at with the Neil Stanllclds al Na· Lnv••.ioy, and family oi Napoleon olcli and ramily ol J(pdfonl spent pack;tgc, Httch as llw slate anrl a pnjmna party honoring Linda's polcon. ~:atrmlay. !)unrlay at lite (IJovcrs. nation a I organizations, fmm birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Fran!\ Frinltle Cedi Kellogg of l•'amringlon Mrs. Dave• Basso it! spc•nt Tues· whiclt henc[ils are llc•rivc:d n•· Mrs. Phyllis Andf'rson enter· anrl Marilyn anrl Mrs. Italplt was a :.;atcm.Jay nir,:l11 guest (I[ day evening- with IH'I' daut,hler, ganllcss nf where a pcn:on re· taincd 12 glt•ls Saturday after· 13rcedon and children of Jackson 1 Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ulovc1·. Mrt;. Shirley, at East Lansing. sirlcs. A 11e1'snn who mal<cs his,-----------------------------------------------------·, livin;: In a community lias a rer· i<lin l'!!sponsiililily to thai ('Om· munily. Whelircr you l•)()i< ill it from a selfis·h or civic-minded point of vit•w I he answc~t· is I he same: 'J'itc Community Chest is I he mm;l efficient way t.o get lite job done."

Vote Straight Democratic

® '

NOVEMBER lnd If lllf' proposed budget is nwt

this year, the American Jtccl Cross wiilJ:cl $fl<l,'ltl3 o[ I lie lolili. The Boy Seouls will gel !~·tS,OilO:


·okemos Schedules Bloodmobile Stop

~;gt. llay Cof'i1rane re•:elverl his disf'itar;~e from tile army Ol'iohr.t· 1 ~l. lie 11:·~ hc·~n stat inner! IIIC! p;u;t :! \'!';t l'S a! Fl. LP11narrl Woorl, Mis· sc;ul'i, "~ att instructor nn a rccon· naissanee cnmrnitlcc. His parl!nls are Mr. and Mrs. Archie Coch· ranr.. IIis wife, the former Verla Snyder, 1laughter of Mt·. a~ul Mrs. Dtrl Snyder, and son, Chrrs, lu~ve hrc•n-rcsiding in Missouri wtth

Stockbridge Items Mrs. Helen Beeman

INGHAM COUNTY 0 ,JOliN U~IGII'l'ON .......... State Senator

Your Cou11ty Government Is as Vital as State and National. Ingham County Is Growing, It Needs New Faces ... New Ideas 0 •• Progress!

.. Tin·cc Child Study groups nf

Olmmos are ~ponsoring the visit of the Heel Cross bloodmobile on 'l'hur~day, NovcmbC!\' 1[, at tiw Community church, from noon to 6 o'clock.

him. r Slodtbridge high school lists Mrtsler Sergeant Herschel L. the nam·cs of the following stu·

AlH•rnathy, 2!!22 Ma\'Iilt roml, dents who have maintained a "B" t•;asl Lansin,::. was nwardml the or better grndc Irir the ~rst G ,·orotnr!rHtalion ribbon with met11l weeks marking period: Mrs. W. G. Kcclt hC:iids lite

committee mal,ing plnns fnr the \'isil. She is h1~ing u:;sisleci hy Mrs. Hex Will,ins, Mrs·. Gl!lle Ma•:· cardini, Ml'fL H. \V. l<nowies, J'v[t'H. Loren Evcrcll nml Mrs. William Fillwock.

1\len ancl women willing In give blood arc asked In call a commit· tee member fot• appointments rJJ' tl1ey m:ty walk in withoul ap· poinlnwnls.

pcrllianl in I lie office or the. e~m· Seniors, Grace Bailey, Dennis rnandinJ~ officer oi the .Wilha~l Collier, ,John CollinS", John Drew, lle;tumuiil Army hnspllai, bl Pal Elinslti, Bob Esch, Clanda 1\1so, Texas. The f'ilation as. read I Hardt, Martha Howard, Dian hy < '11lnnel Ahnc;r Zcht~ ~~~ectftcal: I I!ttl'clcihrink, Bob Huls_on, Mari· !Y l'lltnl\lPndcd Sgt. Abun.tthy_lm , lyn Kislicr, Barbara Shaw ami lll<'t'il!iriou:; sc:rvice wrth llle ;;;,!Jlh I Beverly Slanficltl; M<!diml Compr1ny tAmhulnneeJ J . . M· .. 1 A 1 . I' ltring the umors, ,ul yn J\S tmnrc~, I Se!'aralf'l lit '.un~a .~.: -· 1 Sharon Bartli, Irene . Becinvilh, JH'I'Io<l lmm .Jaruwr,v. ~~, lfl,,3, 11 Frlsel C·trpcnter Clarke Cook April 27, J !!3 I. !)crvrPg- ns com· D·r~irl C~ol· Da~!cne Dixon Mar:

r ... , · ·r·gc·tnl he JlcrfurmPd ' '• ' p:uty II~ ."·. '. · , . . -, garet Dixon, .loycc Erlinr,:er, Mar·

Mason Youngster Is Hurt on Bil(e

Jus dul tes 1~1 ••1.rr . ~~~~lst.~n 1 .11 .111• .c:aret l•'clrlpausclt, Maggie llughs, nwnm·r. Ills lr.ddct ~ 111 !1, <~l;tl.tly Dnri~; Katz, Carolyn lloheson, and t'XCI!IIenl ltnuwlr~d:.e ~·[. ctd· Tom Robeson Mary Lou lluep· mini~lralion molder~ ius 11111 1. tnl~l d;c, Joan !)ln,~(JHnl, 'Doris Smilh a smootl1 l.JJrwlwnlttg and ef;l· anri ,fucly \Villmore; I'H!Iil Ol')~illliZ<ttiOll, thCI'CJiy 1110·

vicli11g Lite ilcst possible sitpport Brian Jacobs, D, was cut anci f<JI' all usin;: unill;, the commcn·

bruised when llw bike he wa~; ,1" 1;" 11 l'"'l<l. flis ;;1tpr!rior super· riding Salllnlay nflernoot1 strul'l; vrswn during Operation Dig the side of a car. .wmc:t eJJalilcd Jd:; cnmpnny \o

The .Tncohs boy, ,·on of Mr. and perform il!; mi~sion with maxi· Mrs. Clmr.nce .Jacoils, was rldin~: mum cfleetivenr•:;s and n mini· his bic:y!!lc rlnwn a ~lupin,:: drive• mum of confusion. 1\l/Sgt. Aber· into West As it street. I lc• sl nwl' nat liy i.~ prPsenli,l' a.~signed a;;

lhc mr dr·iven by Albert Smale:, admiltbtratin~ :cssislantlo the in· 42 i. East O;tlc ;;p1~etor r,cnerai, Lt. Cll!. I!aroid

Police Chic[ Halph Ilnll invr!s· E. Yal\cly. In nrldilion to the ligated llw aecidcnl. Ilc ;;aid he nll'fiai lie I'PC('ived I he sergeant learncci that Smale snw the buy al:ill weat·s tile good Cllnlincl on lh()l hif:ycle an,f il;ul alrno:;t .mcrlal, the Asialic·Pncifie, Amcri· stopped his cat' hf'i'orc the crash. cnn 'J'Iwal('l', Worl1l War II, Vic· The police chid exonerated lo~y. Nnlil!ll~tl Defen~r~. l'!Jilippine Smale from blame. Lihl't'alion, l'ltilipp:nc Inrlcpcml·

The boy wns in Mason Ccncwl 1!111.'1', 1\on:an Dc!cmsc ami I he hospital ovct:night. United Nations service medals.

Hear and See John J .. McCune

· Secollll District Hetll'cs_cntativc

Harold W. Hungerford First District Representative ·

Charles E. Chamberlain


Candidate for Prosecuting Attorney ·

WJIM-TV Friday

Monday. 6:30 p. ,8:30 p.

mo m.

Sophomores, Norma Acl\ley, Doug llarloll, Willie Branham, Dorutlty Carley, Barbara Greene, n.uhy IIulchlnson, Mary Ann Mu:;nlf, ,Joan Prater, T•:tmus His· ncr, Mary Lou Salyer, Danny Smith, Gary Smith, Jerry Smith and David Wyckoff;

Fre~ltmen, Frances Drrcl\with, .JmHl lJut'['CHS, Duane Cnrley, Lee Clark, Carol IIannr!walri, J<allwr· inc Horning, H.ichrml- Jancll, !•'red Mills,· Benny Pcma, Pat Schultz, Patty Trapp, Bill With· r·ow and Vcrlin Zimmerman;

Eighth grade, Diane Collier, Uohby Collins, Gary Cornish. Kat hcrinc Cmfl, Phyllis Dysert, .luf\y Fizer, Delores Hardt, Ann Tiowloll, George Lee, S;1rnh Lim· ing, Pal Long, Pal McCiccr, John Ma,:on, Lorrilinc 'Mills, 'J'oni Mills, Kaywin Novotny, Mary ltyba, Hoger Slone, Mary Jane Smith and Connie Sober; nnd

Seventh grade, Sally Ahhott, 0 r t h n Anderson, Margarcttc Bccitwith, Ruth Ann Brocsamle, Bill Camburn, Daniel Carley, Ilhoda Dieterle, Carol Dixon, F.ulta Gnllnaitis, James Green, Caroline Gullett, Ronald Hoff· man, Martin Hudcchelt, Madeline Hudltins, Janet Kltley, Mary Ellen Knott, Larry Lehman, Ken· ncth Lyke, Richard Ramsdell, Lucy Salyer, Linda Scheer, Nor· mnn Spencer,. Edith Spooner, Janet Stanfield, Bruno Vasquez imd Mnry Ward.

The supper and IJazanr of I he Methodist church have been can· celled indefinitely due to re· modeling the ldtchen at the church.

'l'he Mncltlnder·Glenn post do· hated nnd erected n flagpole and flag at the .vetcrnns Memorial field with appropriate dedication services at the field before last wce1t's footbaJI.game.

The John Dancers, Paul Dan· cers, Fred Streets, Bill ·Dancers and Mr. and· Mrs. Gurn Dancer attended ~the football gnme nt Michigan ·State college Saturday.

Rob Wassen. attended the 'fobt· ball game at Ann ·Arbor Satur­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Young·· Observe Anniversar'f

1\lr. ami 1\lrs. Orrin Young o[ Pal tcr·son Lalw were lionot· guests Sunrlny, O!'loher 17, at a rlinm•r· anrl sol'ial gathering at the l\merir:an Leg-inn hall given for them on their 'lOth wcddi11g auni· versary.

TIIC! affair was planned b,v the eouple's U chilrlrcn, Mrs. .June Coldiron ot Willow nun, Mrs. Beverly Dru·linglon of Patterson Lal<c, Dud Young of Creon Camp, Ohio, ·.Jeny Young at home, Pfc. Jim Young of l•'ort, Benning, Georgia, ami Pvt. Joe Young o[ Fort Sam Houston, Texas.

The 2 in the service were un· able lo allcncl.

The Youngs· li<IVe •1 granrldtll· drcn. Former Slodtl11'itlge rcsi· dents, the Youngs mnVctl to Pat: Iorson Lake several years ·ago whore they operated a grocery store until the past year when they solrl il to their son-in'law ami daughter, Mr. und Mrs. Wayne Darlington. Mr. Young has been employed at the Chcl· sea Products the pnsl 12 years.

Thirty-one guests wcrr> present from Detroit, Flint, Bronson, Ann Arbor, Willow Hun nnd Gr~een Cnmp, Ohio. The honm· guests received mnny nice gifts nnd con· grntulatory messages.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ward nl .Jncitson Ostcpathic has· pitnl, Sunday, Octobet• 2'1, a dnugbicr, Jody Marie.

H.ev. and Mrs. Don Carpenter and family of Dearborn visitcd Mr. and Mrs, Fred Briggs Sntm·· dny evening.

0 ROBEH'l' DINGWELL .... llep. lst Di~;t.

0 TJIOJUAS WALSU .......... Rep. 1st Dist.

0 JOliN PAUD.I.\:E ............ Rep. Znd Dist.

D LLOYD PAIUt .... Prosecuting Attorney

0 WILLIAM GRUGI~t -:·.::·.:.7 ..... ::::.Sherlfr


JOSJ~I'U SANTOJW ........ County Clcl'l<

Ji~NNm I\ATZ ........ County Treasurm·

EILimN DALY ... .' .... Registm· of Deeds

EDWAI•D llOUCmm .... Drain Comm.

G. II. JUJIU~iDGI.\: .................... Coroner

0 AR'l'U~l~ ,J:!iWETT .................. Coroner

0 AR'l'UUI~ FAGGION .............. Surveyot•

We ncc<l a two-part~· lcgislatm·e •... l\le need progrc:os . , . We need these Jaw malwt•s,' -

John Leighton

Slate. Senator

Tom Walsl1 Bob Dingwell

John Pardee

Stahl Uctn"Cscntativc!l

Lloyd Parr


Willia;u Grugel


Ei lcen Dilly

J~c~~·isll'r ul' needs


These Joseph Santoro

People Mean Ch·t·l;

Jmmic Kulz

Progress • • •


Good Edwanl Bout:her




Vote G. II. Burridge

for a

Democrat COI'Oill!l'

Arthur Faggion

· , Sut'Vcyor Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Briggs at· tended services nt Plnlnfleld Sun· day evening nne! heard Miss Mable Lawrcn~e, returned mis· slonnry from India.

Mrs. Ann Burton, Mary Smith and Mnry 'l'ingay were ·eo·host· csses ·at the Burton home last 'l'ucsday afternoon at a· sunshine sho)Yer honoring Mrs. John Win·


terrowd. Mrs. Helen Mnieho and Mrs.

Phyllis Stowe were in Detroit lnst

Wednesday, 1 · d b h ( · o ·

Mrs. L. G. Keeper nnd Mrs. Sponsore y'lng am ·ounty' DemocratiC Committee,.

Vote St·raight Democratic •.

Willis Fancher spent Mondny aft· : . : _. '. · . ·. _ .... ·. .. , ....... , ........ ·,. ..,.. ernoon In Jacltson1 · : . · ·. , 11-~~-o:-~,_.-,_.-~-'~----,_.-,_.-..;..--~~-------,_,..-..;..~---~~--""-:-:--,_.-o.~~~.-;.:_t

Plainfield uirs, llnzcl Stoflheltll

Clycle Wnmer• and Mr~. Mary Wnrner· nl Coopor·svlllo,

Sttnrlny afternoon guests nl tho Mnny people ·nttcnclr.d ehurcll Roy Cnmphell home were Lor·

Stmduy evening to Jwru• Miss I r!lllte Lourl!!tiHingm· nnrl Pe I e Maile! Laurcncn, a returner! mls·l Mttww of Mnsnrt, slnnury from Indln, give a tullt Gary C n mph e I l seriously on her· work In thnt country, Rc· burnt!r.l hiH leg Frirlny nml wns freshmcnt~ were served. tnl;rm to lite St. Lnwrcncr. hns·

Mt'£, Florence! Holmes spent the pllal, Ilc will not !Je ahlc to at· week end at tho Chut•lle Boylan tnnd schnol !or II montlt. hmne in Stocltbrlilgc. .1\!lstJ Annie lloy of ~rnnd

M 11 I M r' y on l Stnph Ledge e~nllcd on tltn 11ny Camp· r. n r rs. ,n m c . ~ · · · 1 I'l b St 1 , , 1 J 1 'ill! II home Mon1 ny.

ens, toe e • C)llt ns c~nc . • · Cl d .,. 1 yonH IH home from Jtm· Jones l'Pl111'TIP.cl Jo'ridny from • n ) ·• ' Englewo~d I•'Joridu where they worl' nr.ur Lunsing fut• n 2·WCPI' spent 2 w~olm vl.q!'ttng the for· 1 "~1!~:. I , s 1,1

worldw' fnr mer's hrothcr and idster-ln·lnw, 0 , :1 ~> ~.11 · • ., Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Stcphctm. Mrs. I lwo Catlin.

Cui!Pr~ ut the MaJor Lyon~

'Whitedog Didrict 1\fJ•a, 1\1, v, Uu tl1!r

Sharon Horsld, Rcheccn Hot·· liid, Mnrvcl Lnr:;on, Elulne I{nrn, Lat•t•y Wllllnms unel Ivan Laun· Htnln enmecl A In Rpelllng luRl Wt!ek.

Mt•, and Mt'f!, Alfred VVIlllnms wmtl to Maple Rapids Sunday,

Mr, nnd Mrs. E. B. Whale and fnmlly were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. GcMge· }(urn.

Whltcdog school played a ball 1rnme with Meech school Friday, Meech school won, 29 to 7.

Mr. anll Mrs. Burton Stover wcr(' gue,o;ts of Mr. and Mrs. nus· sell Stover Sunday.

Charles Terrell nnu Leon Long· home sunday were Mrs. Vlo!N nr.cker nttended the funeral of Holton nncl daughter nnrl Mt•. and O'emos and" Vl'cl'n"lty Guy Bradley ut Fowlerville Mon· Mrs. Alee Nesmnn. 1\ day nftornoon. Mt'H, Pearl Pureed! anil cltllilren . 1\h·s. Wnltcr IIrntlunuu

Mrs. Charles Tonell nrrlvecl cnllecl on rr.lmlvrs Itt Lnnslttg Snt· home from 'l'oronto, Ontario, lnst urdny. Dr .• John Chee]{, professor of Monday aftet• spending 3 days Mrs. Prnrl Purcr.ll an.! dnugh· Bible, nl Albion college will he wlth her brother, Loren Ostrnncl· te1·s wen) lunr:hr.on rrncHis nt thP gt.tcst iJinister next Sunday nt the er, and family. She reported see- home of Mr. nmt Mrs. Lyle Drown Comnm'n!ty church. He will spealr lng some of the damage: clone·by rmd dnugltter~ of Lansing ntHI at both services while Rev. David IILII'l'lcnne Hazel only u few miles nlsn r.nlled on othr!r relatiV('S Still· S. Evnns Is nl St. Lukes Method· from her brother's home. clay. Ist ehurch In DelroJt. on the

auppe1• nt lhA I. 0, D. F', hnll Snl· urday !rom 5;30 to 7 p, m,

'!'he nnnunl lull bazunr of the Woman's Society of the Olwmos Community church will be held In the church parlors Novembt!l" lD from l to 8 p, m. •

AI Oliver of Washington, D. c., was n guest nt the John F. Taylor home lust Wednesday, The OllveJ' fnmily ure former rcsld~ntH of Indian I·Jllls.

Onondaga JUra. Dm1on Baldwin

Scltool Not<~ '!'he R!vcrslde Community club

met at the school. Monday eve· n In g. PresWent Leone Baldwin had charge of the meeting. D. E. 'l'ecle and E. B. Hartman of Lnn· sing showed the film "It Mal<es Sense,'' for tlw Community Chest. It was voted. by the club to ~ell home products to raise funcla fnr school purposes.

'!'he pupll!j of Riverside are I having their Halloween parties Friday afternoon at the school.

Sunday callers or Mr. and Mrs. A2/c Doyle Brown wns mnr· splrllual lifo mission with Rev. William Ze1t7. of M·99 wus a Raymond Stephen! wom Mr. rind rlcd Oclo!Jer Hi lo Gmcc~ Wnt1mn Brlstah. · Bundny visitor llf hlr. brother, Mr8. Hny Hncllcy, J. ,T, Jones, o[ Scdalln, Mlss0url. :Mr. Jlt·own Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifford J{lrkpat· 1\Irs. Elmer .Tnclcson and family Is the son of Mrs. Opnl Brown rick announer. the birth of n Carl Zellz ..

f M The annual Community Chest of Vvebb(lrvJile, Mr. and Mrs. or Lansing nnrl a ncpitcw o 1 rs. dnughter, DinnP. Marie, Sunday, R 1 I Nl h 1 f 11 f 1' 1 I' 11 (lrivn for Onomhtga township be-. n 1' 1 c oscn am am y o car urce . October 17. .

5 d

1 Aurellus, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett . ·---- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Whiting !'fill Momlay, October. 2. , an wll

4-H Club Public Speaking·

·SandrA Leo Copeland, 17, of Clinton, 1md Alan·stewart, 18, were tho honor•wlnnlns apeakcra of the public spcnkln1r co!lteat State 4-H Club Show at Michigan State College In September. ,

Beslclca receiving ccrtlflclltca of honor, Mlos Copeland waa IIWI.Irdell 11 34·plccc set of sliver ami Stewart P gold watch. Their 4•H Club IIChlevement, Pnd lcadcrnhlp recorda, along with thctr winning taileD, will be submitted to 11 national committee to be Judged.

The llo:i and girl, who arc selected nntlon111 ·WJnnera from amon11 the atlltc chnmplona, wlU be 11\VIIrdcd a trip to the National Club Con. sresa In OhlcagCI and P scholarahlp of f300. Donor of the n11tional IIWIIrda Ia tho Pure Oil Co., Of OhlCIIIrD, llllnOID. · King mtd family of Pinckney, f , d . . and .Tohnnlo or Birmingham were continue through Novemb(lr 15.

Mrs. Len Osborne ami fnmlly of w lite og Dlstnct wee!' em! guests of their mother, . l'ilr. and Mrs. Jerry Martin, Williamston and Juno Bo111ngct• ,..1 • ,.1 V D tl Mrs. Novn Whiling. Ger.e nml Max spent the week .

1 M D

11 F

"IS " II cr Rl 1 and Mr. am rs. ana< •ootc E,nton Rap!c!u, \Vet''! ~.-·nttll'<lay •ft• and children. · • · • Mr. ami Mrs. Hobert Risk and encl with Mr. and Mrs. charc ,, " '" " were' guests of Mt•, nnd Mrs. Rich· crnoon callers nf Mr·s. J~nhr.llc Mr. nnd Mrs. Dicit Patten of Chnrlos Sldnner anrl Ruth 1\ay Lynn spent Saturday with Martin of Lowell. ard Jarvis Saturday evening In LvJtc.

Fowlerville rnllecc~ on Mr. and,, Skinner of Owosso. were rlllll)('J' their son·ln·law and daughter, Sunday callnrs of Mr. ami Mrs. ' Mt·s R•vmonrl tcp!Jctls Frltl"Y L St f <'! W 11 M s Del " honor of their son, David's, eighth Mt·. Utlcl Mr·s. L,•J·ry DoyJn spP.tlt · · "' "' " ' guc£ts Sunday of Mr. anrl Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. nrry . oner, o · "'teet e cr were r . o., " " Cvcnjll"' . C t M L. V I I birthday anniversary. Bh·thday t.ltn wee!' end In tJortltcrn M'tc•ltl· b• Edward !Turski and fmnlly. Ann Arbor. a on, rs. yman aug lll am ~ ,

'Irs M"ry II•sscrtc"lll "ntl D 1 1 t Sl 1· Cl 1 ttc calw, Ire crcnm nnd coffee were gun, l1ow ,"ncl arro\v lttttttlrtg. " .. " · "·. · " " Mt'. mtd Mrs. Burton Stover Mt·. and M1·s. George ormer c !1Ug 1 e1·, • taron o taro , " FlorcnN! Dutton al~cmled the fu. nne! family of Dclroll werr. guests were dinner guests of j\1rs. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. E1l Henderson served. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Foote

South Aurelius and North Onondaga

M1'6, D, U, Flehl

M1•, anrl Mrs. ,Jaelt Sunders of Snglnnw were wcelt end ~;:uest~ of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Cleyo Sanders.

Mr•, und Mrs, James Glolta spent the week end at Oscoda,

Mrs. Betty Lawton, Mrs. J .. W. Wilson and Miss Murtha 'l'hnycr of Muson called Snlurduy on Mr. und Mrs. B. H. FJeld, Mr. .and Mrs. Franlt Alden of Langln'g

I were Sunclny rnllers nt the Flelrl home.

Mrs, Lallie Lnzell und duugh· ter, Mrs, I<nndace 4Jughlln, spent the pnst wee!( on ·a vucatlnn In northol'n Mlchlgun~

BONUS FOR URANIUJ\l More than $3,000,000 h!IVC !teen

pnld by tho Atomic! Energy Com· mission ns honusui; tn finders of urnnhtm deposits, suys the Nn· tlonnl Googrnpltlc S()(~lety. Urnn· lum; lite cs~entlal malerlui fm· making the ntom homb, iH· the most t:oughl·uftet· metal ht the world torloy,

Ingham County News Octobe1 28, 1954 Page 2

J.1~t It Snow - J,rt It Hlow

You Won't Cam

When You'r11

IIPatlng With n.

Lennox Furnace I

Rrl' your

11111 hm·lzrd 1!1'1111'1'

F. C. ; Anderson & Sons 1;ernl of the formt!r s fat he!'• Wll· of Mr. and Mrs·. Russell Slover sunday in Lansing. and family of Holt. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Crites, .Jr .• , were Sunday p'venlng enllers of ham Brown of Chelsea, Fmlay. Saturday. Edwlmt Rcbelmlt Lodge No. 207 Milte and Johnny Doyle, Mrs. and Barry of Lunslng and Mr. nnd Mr. anrl Mrs. Bnyd Hrlyea of Ma·

Mrs. Mary Hasfencahl plans to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller oo~f ~O~I:w:m:o~s~w~i~ll-"~<e~r~v~e~a~t~u~rl:te~y~E~d~n~a~G~lo:v~e~r,~M~r~s._r~s:a~b:el~le~. ~L~y:lt:e~M~r:s.~D~o:n~nl~d~C:r1~te:.s~a~n~d-M=a~x_:or~. ~s~o~n·:_----------~======================== close her home an~ stay w!th her called Sunday on Mt·. and Mrs. _ mother, Mrs. Wllham Brown in Lloyd Wngncr and family.

Dan~ ville Phone 2363

Chelsea. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronnlll Rnrn ami family were

Hoytville Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Wells.

Georgia A. PlU'cell

Mrs. Herbert Schroeder spent several days ln!t week with her s t s t e r·ln·l a w, Mrs. W n l t e r Schroeder of DeWitt.

Mr. and Mrs. AJ{red Williams and family spent Stlllday In Maple Rnplds visit inr, their grnmlpnrcnls.

Mrs. Neva ·Butl£'r entertained Sundav for dinner in honor of 1 he birtlulay nnniversm·y of her brother, Clare Higgs. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Riggs,. Ardis Higgs, Wlllinm Judd, Willajcan Love:!,

Mr. and Mrs. Alva Warner spent Slmdny with Mr. nnd Mrs.

John Love, Mrs. Carrie Riggs ami

DODGE 1\'!rs. Elmer Huntley and family of Lansing were the guests.

Aurelius Center has ·don~. . :.

It ••• [ :.better..

Opal E. Sedclmnlcr

Guest speaker nt the Aurelius Baptist Ladles Aid meeting Wednesday, November 3, will he Charles Osborn, missionary of the Anadarko, Oklahomn Indian Res· ervation. Dinner will be served at noon by division No. l.

: I .

Roclger Jones hns been n pntient at the Mason General hospital !;ince Friday.


.. ·fl~irj;;1iione~.

Rev. Keith Goss of Temperance will be the pnstorship candidate at the Aurelius Baptist church Sunday, Octoher 31, at 10 a. m . Immediately following the service the church will hold a special meeting which members are asltcd to attend.

coming Nov. 17 ·< ./ '

PHILP Motor Sales

227 N. Cedar Itlason

The silvc1· wedding nnniversnry of J\lr. and Mrs. Dick Conner will be observed with an open lwusc by friends and neighbors of Aure· lius at the town hall Saturday, November G, from 7 to 9 p. m.

The Aurelius Center school will have its Halloween party nt the school Friday, October 29.

Mrs. Howard FLlllcr and baby of Sutton Bny spent the wee]{ end with her rmrents, Mt·. and Mrs. Lee Swartz. On Sunday their son and daughler-in·lnw, Mr. and Mrs. Bm'ton Swartz of Perry were _visitors.

Twenty women attended the euchre party at the township hall Thursday evening. Mrs. Dick Con· 11er won first prize, Mrs. Rene Cromer the lone !:and nnd Mrs. Monnhellc Siple received low.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Hayatt of De· troit mlleil on his aunt, Mrs. Nellie Prntt, last Wednesday.

Pal Fairbotham entertained the junior girls choir of the Aurelius Baptist church at n Halloween party In her home Tuesday evo· ning.


In Frank G. Millard you have had ii ~ good attorney general, During tho post 3 Vz y~an ha has proYCd this to tho pooplo of -tc Dur great state. ·

He· il the kind of public alflcial t"at tho poplo want to retain in offlco because he is . qualified and oxpcrlencod and has parformod hls duties in· a manner that all cltlaena con be proud of.

Ho aaw service In World War I and II. Ho Is a araduato of tho Unlv,tralty of Michl· gan and Is a · momfiar of tho American Legion. and tho Vatcrans of Foreign Wars .. Ho received mare . yotos than .·any other candidate an tho, stilto ballot 111 1952, .

lnstructi on Ballot· Co~nty of Ingham·

November l, 1954

Names of Offices

Voted for:

i I


INSTRUt"l'IONS:-To vote a straight party ticlcet make a criJ.~s (X) In Ute circle tmMr the nume of your party. Nothing further need b11 dont!. To voto for a candillnw not ou ~·ou1• party ticket, malce a cross (X) in Ute squ11re ( 0) before his 11ame.

If 2 or more CIIJldidatcs are to be elected to the some office, ~&ml you dr.~lr(l w vow lor r.andidn!Rs not on your party ticl1et, mulm a cross (X) in the S()Unrl~ ([J) before the names of tlw e~andida!A1s for whom you dt~~ire tAl vote ou Uw ulltcr ticket, and strike out tl.ll equal num· bt•r of nam('.~ on your 11arty ticket, for tllat offkc.

If you do not d~ire tAl vote any party ticl1ct, do not make a crOfis (X) ia tlw circle at Uu~ lwad or any ticket, but make 3 croSB (X) in tho sqtw.re (0) before tlll! name of t'ach can· ditlalc for whom you d~irc w vote.

If you wish to vote for a candidate not ou auy lidwt, write or ]ll:we !lu! u:tnir of sudt t~an· .ditl:tl11 on your tidu1t opposite tlw uanw of tlu: office.

Udore h1nving the booth, fold Uw ballot so lhut the initials of the itL~pec!AJr may be seen on tlw outside.

0 0 0 STATE Governor D 0D~~~~d S. Leonard D · G:·;;~nen Williams D 0E~.H~;qld Munn, Sr. D ~h;~:· A. Grove

:..D::=.:.:_..,.l_lt-UI-.. -.. -.. -=c-.v-.,-•• -,----1 o.=.~. -L-Ieu-•• -.-.·.-~ -=-o.-.-... -.-,----1 D LIH •• a,.rnonlndl ol.invtdrnaoh-•. 1-. ---1

Lieutenant Governor . Clarence A. Reid · · · Philip A. Hart

-·--------·--1 n Stcretarr of State

Secretary of State LlJ Owen J. Cleary D. . Stcrl!tary of State

· James M. Hare

AnornCIY GtncrAl D D Thomas M .. Kavanagh ----------------~~~~-------------1

Attorney General

Stale Treasurer

Auditor General ======I CONGRESSIONAL United States Senator

Representative in Congress Sixth District

LEGISLATIVE State Senator-14th District

State Representative Second District

COUNTY Prosecuting Attorney






(Vote for Twt)

D ~~·H~~;·B;~·ke D AudhQr Gon•ral

· John B. Marlin

D Statu Seuator

Homer Ferguson

Stnte Senator

D Harry F. Hittle

Sta.to RcJrtltntaUYI

D Charles E. Chamberlain

D Sborlll

Willard P. Barnes

D Clorll

C. Ross Hilliard


Laurence D. P1rll1r

D R11lolor of Diede

Mia ~ell Humphrey

D Stale Triaaurer

Sanford A. Brown -- Auditur General

0 Victor Targonski

D Unlltd Stat1o Senator

Patrick V. McNamara

D Jh!prottntallve in Conrrua

Don Hayworth

D State ~·•ror

·John L. Leighton

D Sberill

John William Grugel

D Gladys T. Davis

D Allorney Conornl

----------------------D Stult Tl·f!ftiUrcr

William J. Persons


Social ~venls ··. • • •

Ingham Women Leave for 10-Day Tour 1n the East ·Educntion comhlncd with the Hee Chinatown, Hnt•lem, the

,OJ rill of travel will he thr. ex- Stat trc nf Libcr·ly, N. B. C. radio pcrlcnce of. Ingham county worn· nnrl telcvl~ion sludio and the Ern· en when they Join a6 others for pirc Slnlc building. They will u 10·day lour culminaling at the hnve lunch at. Radio City.



Teehnlcr.I Sgt, and Mrs. Rob· ert Niclwrson nnd Christine, Mlchnel, Patricia nnd Kuthlcen, are moving Friday from llw apartment in the horne of Mrs. Bert Sunderson, In Lnlw Chnrle.-;· nh· force base, Lake Charles, Louisiana. Sgt. Niclterson has

Bridal Shower Thursday Fetes Miss Adams

liate Is· Set Life in a ·Social· Whirr

Kay Curtis. Writes of Experiences In a l'l!~ent i~Sllll of the CIH'iS·, Curtis nslmd qur.stlnns nnrl gnve 10~~. llCVCl' clmnnilng joha rnm

linn Selcnm Monitor, J{ny Curtis the nnswers In tile first pm·n· the one I rtow hnvc existed. 'rhc nC Mnson tolrl or he~· cxpet·iences graph: whole. tiling came nhout qtrlte hy as sturlent-llillon sodni clireetrll' "Wnnt to he a professional IWCicirmt, due to a jlllrt·timfl joh nl Evnnsviile college, gvansville, party glvrH', personal counselor, at a leaclrers ngenoy, plus my ex·

~ 1 nclinnn. musteal comedy (H'nchwm·, sec!·a· perlence· :u; n clnss Hoclnl lwnd an l\1h:s·curtis is the clnughtcr· or tury nnd newsp<tJrer enlumnist, college."

mt~ellng of the National Home 'l'l1e home demonstrntlon mern· .. Demonstration courwil. hers will nlleml lhe council mt~el:·

Home demonstmtion members irrgs ut the Statler hotel, 1Jead-1nl<ing llw lout• are: Mrs. Stanley quartet's for the convention, and Adams, Mrs. .Jay Allis, Mt·s. tr1ur WashJngton, D. C., October Morell J~ox und Mrs. Lr!slie Prall, :II thr·ough November fi. Severn! nH of Lansing unci Mr·s. William other rncmbt't'S pian In tmvel R. Quici< of. E11st.Lpnsing. east. hy cnr to talw In the event.

been stationed there for several Mrs. Harolrl Lavis entertained months. Previous to this the Thursclay evening at n ht•ldal Nlcltersons were In Japan. Upon shower honorln,:: Elizabeth H. urrivlng fmrn ,Japan they eume to Arlarns .. Miss Adurns nml Gcort:c Mason where M1·s. Nlciwrsnn has .John !~ox, .Jr., of Milwaultee, Wls­IJeen living while her husband consin, exchanger! nupti1tl, vows

Mr. and Mrs. Loris Curtis of Ma· and nt. the same time be n mem- In thr! itrtlelt! MisE Cur·tis tells Still, Follmving her graduation bet· of a enllegc (aeulty'! 'f'hen of her schcclule nl Evnnsvillc and ,,Jw e11lerr!d Principia college at become a student-union sodui til· of her work with mnny cliflerent Sl. Louis. She also did gracluale rector, as T did, and you'll 11ever groups from homecomings to study in seerctnrial wot•Jt In Chi· have! 11 rlull momcnl. . hops, fr!1m picnics In stagiug col· cngo. r "Willi a lihcml nrls English lege play~. In her job Misll Curtis

In thr. Jliccc she wrote .fnr the Lit. major, I set oul raliwr rlu· also write~ n wceJ(Jy Informal Christian Seicnec Munilot' Miss hiously fmm eommr•rrec!rnenl,. cuhlrnn for· lhe Evansville Cottr·

. '.


found a place to live in Louisi-, Saturday morning in the St; I Thursday gue~ts of Mr. nnd ann. He arrived home Friday on fl .James ehurcli. Detroit Coup e Mrs. '/Prnon llnher'iSflll wem Ml'S, l~l·tlay, ~cnve, a~HI 0~7Y will ~II Games furnished the cvcninJ:~'S Gr!r·ald Croopc anrl Mrs. llngPr kavc Friday frn Loursiann. Nic.l<· t I. I I with prizes going I DORRIS JANE HURT w d SQ y Proos anrl son of B;lt llr! Cr·er!l<.

ie1··Press. C()]wluding iwt· Rlory In the

Monl loJ', l\lis~ Ctrr'll!\' wrote:

Together with women from 17 While In Washington, the worn­other Mlci1igun counties, they en will have the opportunity of ll!ft Lansing via bus WedncBday nltcnciing foreign embassy tens. for· New Yorlt City and Washing- llnshamis· of the members will ton, D. C., where the national he invilccl to tour the ugrict~Itur· meeting is !wing held. This is the al research center at. Beltsville, Clrst. ycut· t hnt Michigan has hcen Marylumi.

erson's home was originally in el.n ~r nl ~~c.n I I She pene~l he;. e ears Mrs. llnberlsnn eallcrl on lu'!r Ealon Rapids, 0 Je ll t c e ec · ' ? Th h.l i f ,, • ,, many gifts from n box rlccoratcrl e approac ng rnnrr nge o uncle and aunt, Mr·. nnrl Mr·s. El·

"More am! more ~alleges anti universities arc recognizing that. sncl!ll conlacts nlicl soeial adjust· mcnts arc an imJl()rlant· part ot crlur~alion, nnci nrc meeting thi\lo neerl wilh student-union cenlerR. Sn If you have n college degrer., snrnc experience in plnnning so: dnl activities, and love to work wil h people, nnd especially If you want a Job whose dulles are In· finitely vnried, give a thought. to uniorr work. It's· a growing fiekl, anrl a very rewnrding one."

Party Honors John Hayhoe

with silver pnpcr nnd wedding Dorris Jane Hurt and Russell V. !Hr. and Mrs. Howard B. Cun· met• Case in Brooltlyn, JcrJduy. bells. Brown of El Pnso, 'fcxns, was an· nlngham of Detroit will holrl open Saturrlny, Wuyne Bowlin of .Mern·

'fhe hostess served refresh· nounced at. ll ten in EI Paso, Snl· house 'for• llwit• fricncls nnrl rcla· phis, 'l'enncssr•e, and Lr.on Dun· · urdny, October 23. They plan to lap of Lansing called nl fliP Hoh·

represented hy u busloud of mem· Arrangements for the trip ments of chlelten salad, fancy 1 i 1 'f 1 N 1 e tl've.c· nt tile horne of their son, Cl'lc.··r

111 lrrJI!l"'. 1e marr cc uesc ny, ovem; r o " ~

sandwiches, picl<les, olives, in· 23. · Jullnn, Ui,Jr/6 Pt·cvo!;t Avenue, in Mrs. Rober! Stir! and :! !Joys 11!

bet·s. have been marie by Mrs. Peter 'l'itc'proposccl itinerary Includes 'J';wl<, Granrl Lerlge, chairman of

a vjsit Io· the United Nalirms the trip cornmillce, and Margaret buildiiig In New York und·a tour Harris, assistant stale home .of tiie t•iiywherc· the wcimcn will rlemrm~tralion lender.

tlivirlual caltes, mtts and candY, Detroit, sunda", Oclolmr 31, from I Williamston and Earl Slid <:ailed and tea from a Iacc·coverccl table Miss I·ha·t is· a daughr.,~r ·or Mr. o Jrllln Lc" IJnyiion ··on of M1· ·' M E c II 1 r El p 2 to 5 Jl. m. Sunrlay eVC!IIing nn Mr·. anrl Mrs. ' - · "• ~ · · centered with an arrangement of anu rs. •. . · ur. o: ' nso. nnd Mrs. Lloyd Hayhne, ,Jr., ·was yellow nnd lavender chrysanthc· Her Clnnce Is the son of Mr. and The Cunnlnghnrns wcrr. mar- Seth Cnrlson. Mrs. Anna Vlc·<li';V honored Salurday on his lhinl mums, and nanlmd with lighted' Mrs. Russell M. Bt·own of Mason rlcd in Webbet·vllle October 26,' spent MmHlay with the Cnrli;or!~.


hlrthday anniversary. tapers. Mrs. R. E. Troxell poured and Ne~ Yor!t. . . 190,1. They hmi 2 sons, .Julian, -------------------------Guests played garnes1 nne] prizes the te:1. . Miss Hurt was a guest at the who is giv!I]g the open house, and

· · .. I'd Mr·. and Mrs. Herbert Sotilh· Sees. Hawauan s I es wick and Terry, and Kay White · spent the pn~t :3 wcel<s on a trip

Mrs. Harold Lavis opened hct· to Calilomia. They visited Mrs. home to 17 members of tfw Pres- Southwicit's hmther· and sister· bylet•ian ·Young Women's Guild in·inw, Mr. anrl Mrs. Lynn Hark· Monday evcming. For the eve· ness, and daughters, .Joyce nml ning's ·program Nelson Brown Marlene, of Snn Carlos and an· showeci slide!! of his trip lo !In- other brothel' ancl sislcr-in·law, wall. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harkness, and

Mrs. Robert Cone gave tiJP. de· Sandra of San Bernardino. They votlons. also cnlicrl on Mr. Southwick's

The hostess, assisted by Mrs. aunt :mel unelc, Mr. anrl Mrs. Ar­Robert E. Ware, served refresh- uncle uml aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ar-rnP.nts at the dose of I he evening. '' " •

Dennis Lavis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lavis, has his tonsils rPmoved in Lansing Monday, He was hrought home Monday after· noon anrl is improving salisfac·

Beebe Family Holds Reunion

to~lly. i Tw.cnty.fivc relatives gathered Miss Nadine Kauffrnnn of Os·1 at the new collage of Mr. nnd

terburg,. Pa., arrived Sunday to Mrs. Claude Perrin at Pleasant stny with Iwr hrother and sister· lalw Sunday, October 17, for the in·luw, Mr. nne! Mrs. Reuhen annual Beebe reunion. Kmrl'fmun, and Zane. Fall flowers decorated the cot-

Everett Collar pf Leslie called tage for the occasion. A chiclten on Mrs. Elizabeth C. PaLter dinner was served by the hostess, Wednesday. Thursday aftemoon, J assisted hy Mrs. Anona Beebe, Minnie Collar visited Mrs. Potter, Sr., of Lansing :mel Mrs. C. Ray vnd ·Mrs. Roscoe Peasley was a l Beebe. Visiting was I he diversion Friday vislt01·. of the aflcmoon.

were won hy David nnd .Timmy Gucsls nt the party included home of· Mr. and Mrs. Vernon J. r-:than. Ethan, I he younger son, Ketchum and Susie Hnyhoe. Mrs. Halph Adams of Mason. Brown last June when their was ldllcd in l9·i2 during Wnrlrl

Mrs. Hayhoe served refresh· motiicr of the bride; Mrs. George I grnn~son was graduated ·from Wm; II. There arc nlso·2 grand· I mcnls of snmiwiciJcs, chocolate .r. Fox of Milwaultce, Wisconsin, Mlchrgnn State college. dmighters. •

·¢1 1!1 t!l mill<, calte and icr cream. mother of the hridegroorn; Mrs. The romance between Dorris Guests present: included John's F'orrst Anderson, Jr., of Dansville, I and Russell started back in Ei Workers Contribute j

aunt, Mrs. Robert Hayl1oe, Susie Mrs. Donald Parks and Kcitha Paso in nursery school days. At and Sally or Williamston; his Mills oi Lansing and Miss Inda: that time the Browns ami Hurts To Nursery School


grandmother, Mrs. Lloyd Hayhoe, , DuBois, Mrs. Richard Mills, lived ncxt .. door neighbors. All Sr., of Dansville; cousins, Kathy suzanne Mills, Patty Adams, Mrs. during tile years when the !Joy Mrs: Thad Taylor· entcrlaincri Bunlwr, .Jimmy, David, Lewis Gilbert Hewitt, Mrs. Nelson attended ·school in the Bahrein at a sewing party, Momlay eVP· and Lorie Ketchum; 2 aunls, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Richard Haight, Mrs. Islands and in India they wrote ning for mothers of Mason's Co-l Lloyd Ketchum and Dorothy Rex Jcwetl, Mt·s. Dewey Doane, to each other and every 3 o~ 4 operative Nursery. 'fl,rr.y. marl!'. 'II Kelehum; ami his grandmother, Mrs. Ferris Strici\laml and Mrs. Y?ars saw ?ach other. Fol.Inwrng rag dolls and all their clothe~. Mrs. Leon Ketchum. Roland.Troxell. hrs gradui!t!On a~ an elect neal .en- bedding for the cradle anri r:ur·

'1' * "' •b '' •:• gineer, Mr. Brown went to El 'taiils for-lhe'stot'agc·shclf.

Mr. and Mrs·. Thorn Strope and Paso to work for the El Paso Mothers who sewed were Mrs. daughter, 'famescn, of Chilli· p • H Light and Power Co. Shortly aft- Fr:ml' Schmidt, Jr., Mrs. Rollin cothe, Ohio, arc spending the artJeS 0n0r cr the .. wedding .. Mr: and Mrs. Dart,· Mrs: Rohcr.t lnglfram, .Tr., week with his parents, Mr. ami Brown' plan to move to Fort Mon· Mrs. Warren Mueller, Mrs. Wil· Mrs. Rnlph Strope. Mr. and Mrs. z K uffman mouth in New Jersl!y,· where he Jiam Peck,· Mrs. Helen P:>llor:k William Briggs anrl Gary of De· a ne a will be assigned as an officer in and Mr~. Rober! Tho.mpson, Sr. trait spent SaLUrday and Sun~lny the army signnl corps. Mrs: 'l'aylor served cake nnr! at the home of her parents, the Mrs. Reuben Kauffman enter- '' •:• •:• coffee to the women. Stropes. taincd Saturday, October 16• at 0 Weel< end guests of Mr. and Parents who worked Stmr.lay

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Corbin and party honoring the second birth· Mrs. Orin Rathbun were Mr. ami· conslruclir1g. the. jungle gym nnrlj Mr. and Mrs. Vance McWhorter day anniversary of her son, Mrs. James Rathbun, Mr. and ~tm·agc shr.<l, whid1 will he in· and Chris of Lansing spent Still· Zane. Guests included Barbara. Mrs. Herbert Rathbun and daugh· bacl~ of the Mason ·:Prcsb~;~erinn clay wilh Mrs. C. Ray Beebe. Nelson of Pontiac, Pamela ter and Mrs. Jennie Furgeson of church, were Mt·. and Mrs. Wil·

Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Soper Schmidt, Carol and Kenneth Cadillac, Isaiah Rathbun of Ar- Iiarn Peek, Dt·. ·:mel Mrs. Merlin sp~nt the wee!< end in Ann Arbor Kauffman, Donald Lear, Becky cadia, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Glass- Green, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Taylor, with their son and daughter-in- and Mary Jo Parisian and Bar· brook of Lansing, Harold Ruth· Mrs. H. C. Jewett and Mr. and law, Mr. and Mrs. James E. bara Powelson. bun of Grand Rapids and Mt's. Mrs. Warren'Mucller. ·

1 Soper. James Soper received his The children played games and Eveline Owens. War!< parties were helrl nt the 1 discharge from the army in the Mrs. Kauffman serve~ thiern re- Mr. and .Mrs. ChaT! Robinson homes of the Taylors and the'' spring after 3 years of service. He freshrnents. Zane rece1vec many

· 'ft nne! family of Painesville, Ohio, Mucllers. . is now enrolled at the University mce gr s. ,, "' , as a Sopllornore. The Kauffrnans enterlained at spE!nt the week ena W!th Mr. anrl

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watts and dinner Sunday honoring their · N • • •

Ingham County News October 28, 1954 Page 3

They're Getting h!

They're Getting IU

They're Getting It I





+ + + All-Car Service

,~'.= ~.s'OL~ I

lll S. Cedar Phone 1\lason 4641

Mrs Eber Rollinson Sunday Mr Mr. and Mr~. Russell Parker,, son. Guests were Mr. and Mrs .. ~n~ Mrs. George ~pe!lcer of De- spent the wee!< end in St. Helen

family of Detroit spent the wee!< Aifor·' Powelson, Al'tce Gilchrist, trOJt called at the Robt.nson horne. deer hunting.

end with Mr; ami Mrs. Charles u ··:::_::~.:.:.:..:::_.:.:::=:.==~=:..::::.:::_ _______ ~========================:.1 Rich. The group called on Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fran!< Schmidt, Jr., -and Mrs. Eldred Yerlts of Stoclt- and Pamela and Barbara Powel·

Just Arrived, The New

•••• Bendix Electric Dryer·


s158.ss $ave.- $ave - $ave

Mason Home Appliance 120·W. 1\laple ,.



714: 1'~ t}lle fH: . IWIITHIAU IIAUGHTIR



\ . .. ' . ·.: ·,·'I DOWN · .... -$ RESERYIS. ' ' . : , .. clttlctl.

bridge Saturday. son. * * 1~ Dr. and Mrs. Harry Cairns and

family were dinner guests last Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown Sunday of Dr. ancl Mrs. carlton and Margaret and Kathy, Valerie, Cook of Tecumseh. Vernon and Nancy Brown called

Jess Widdis of Detroit spent on Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bauer Friday and Saturday with Mr. and in Ann Arbor Sunday. Mrs. Burt Green. sunday Mr. nncl Mr. and Mrs. George Bu!tendyk Mrs. F. H. Lee of Athens and Mr. of St. Joseph spent the weelt end and Mrs. Green called 011 Mr. and with Rev. and Mrs. Paul Arnold

and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mrs. William Hill of Shagbark iT! Arnold of Lansing were guests at Williamston.

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cronk of dinner Sunday of his parents, the Arnolds.

Pontiac called on Mr. nne! Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Zelest Andreas George Burgc£s and Dale Wednes· and family visited Kate and Dan· clay. iel Andreas at Eaton Rapids Sun-Roger Hansen of Grand Rapids spent the latter part of the week dalir. and Mrs. Marl< cave enter· with his grandparents, Mr. and tainecl Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neus· Mrs. Alton _Jewett. Douglas Han- dorfer of Fremont over the week sen and ~rss Donna Mllls of end. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Herb of Grand ~apiCis spent Sunday after-J Wayland and Mr. and Mrs. Harry noon With the Jewetts and R?gcl'/ Morrison of Jackson ..yare Sun· returned with them Sunday mght. day guests of the Caves.

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bullen and/ Mr. and Mrs. James Wood· children of Kalamazoo visited Sat· rough and Mrs. Sally Wood· urday with his parents, Mr. and rough, all of Dresden, •rennes· Mrs. Harris Bullen. While here see, arrived Snttlrday morning to they attended the homecoming spend 2 weeks with Mr. and Mrs. at Michigan State college. Van Woodrough and family. Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richards and Sally Woodrough and James family spent the wee!t end in Woorlrough are Van Woodrough's Belle Center, Ohio. Mr. Richards' rnothet· and brother, respectively. grandmother, Mrs. Ida Grice, re· Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chat•Ies turned to Mason with them. W. Zanger and family Sunday

Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Lethbridge were Mrs. Zanger's parents, Mr. entertained as house guests over and Mrs. Garlln mrltpatrlck, and the week end his brother and sis· her brother and sister-in·law, Mr. ter, John Lethbridge of Glencoe and Mrs. Miles Kirltpatriclt, and and Mrs. Wilfred Laughton of family, all. of Sturgis. Appin, Ontario, Canada.. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright and

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Werner family entertained at n birthday spent the week end visiting .his dinner Sunday honoring Edwin mother, Mrs. Roxada Werner. Newman of Battle Creelt. Guests

Mrs. Dora Hammons of. Lansing were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin New· \'isited her son-in-law and daugh· man of Battle Creek, .Mr. nnd ter, Mr. and Mrs. Wray Welsh, Mrs. Thomas Miclt and family Sunday.· and Betty and Vern Campbell. .

Ben Weaver spent Monday Peter Slid of Michigan State night through Thursday in Chi· college spent the week end with cago where· he auended the Na- .his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis tiona! Picltle Packers convention A. Stid. at the Dralte hotel. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Sirrine .of

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Balderson Grand Rapids visited their son spent the wee!< end with Mr. and nrl'd daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Loyal McCrumb of Wacous· Phlllp Sirrine, and family, over ta. the weelt end.

Rev. and Mrs. Royal David and Mr. and Mrs. Dorr . Bateman Dorothy Benham of Niles spent visited Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Moore Saturday with their parents, Mr. In East Lansing Sunday. · and Mrs. William Benham. Shlr· Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hunt and ley Benham spent the weelt end· family of Alma and Mr. and Mrs: at the home of her parents, the Carlton Watters and Timmy of Benharns. She returned to Olivet Holt spent last Wednesday with Nazarene college at Kankakee Mr. and Mrs. C.· A. Clinton. . Sunday night. . · · Mr. and Mrs.· Arthur Fai'r .and

Mr,s. August Hoppe and Mrs. family of Lansing were Sunday Dawn Klttrldge of Lansing spent dhmer guests of Mr. and Mrs, Friday with Mrs. Hoppe's parents, Clare Raymond. The occasion was Mr. and. Mrs. Russell Birkett. Mr. Mrs. Farr's birthday anniversary. and Mrs. Lloyd Snyder of Ionia Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fox, Jl'., visited· the Birketts Sunday. Mr. and daughter, Andrea, of White Birkett Is Mrs. Snyder's uncle. Pigeon spent the weelt end with

Mr. and Mrs. J'taynor Scudder of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Post and Snl!n'e were week end guests of family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter·carven. Mr. and Mrs. I<enneth Oesterle

1\'[ary nnd Miugilret Schlnkez of and· famlly of Detroit called · '

Full-Time State Representative

e ·.A Polic!l. Officer at Michigan· State College.

• Born in ·Lansing July 4, 1922.

e. Married,- 2 Children.

e. Studied Political Science, Public. Administra· tlon and State Government at Michigan State ·

.. College •.

Pardee Can't Win Because • • • A man rumfng as a Democrat hilS never won this offiee, regardless of llis qualifica­tions. Ingham cinmty by tradition votes Repub· lican. Will the voters this time give Pardee a chance to show what he can llo for them in the legislature?

e Eight Years of Small Business ExtJerience.

• Attentls Peo(Jles Clmrclt •. World. War n Vet­eran. )lember of American Legion, Sons ·of· the, American Rcvoltation, itate College Club, Mn..<ionic Lodge 141 arid Lioals· Club. . . . .

... . -~ J~ckson· called. Friday, afternoon . day on Mr. and Mrs. M. H. . · ·j,;.; __ .-.;._ __ _;,;_.;,~.;;......;.;.;;..;;;..;.;;..;.;;;...;.~;;.;;..,;..;; ___ ;._· on Mrll. c. A. Richards, · . . terle. i

-JOHN· K;.•PARDEE. • ~ ·' ' ' • ' • ' .' ( • 0 : •• ..

Northwest Stoclcbridge I ~;~::~.\~~~;11~ 111 ' Mr, nnrl Mm, Lon]

lUrs, Gntll'llnn llHiwr Nuwlny gLII!HI:J of 1'111'. nnd Mr~. . C:twnlon ll~lll!i' IIIHI l·~llwl JlliiLJnt

'l'lw IIIJI,LJJII~, f!!Jir·llt•n ;~~IJIJI~'.'' . 11' IVOI'l! J\'11', nnd lVII'S, Wiill<!l' Ktwh ut tho d11111.h hnll I IIIII sd.ty of Dr!XIf!l', 1111·, and MI'H, Clliil'h•s nigh!, Oclolll!l' !.!H. Nelson IIIHI Giii'Y IJ[ Lansing, Mt·.

Youlh Jo'cllr•wt.hlp will hold lllllllfl Mrs, c;r.urgn 'l'Hylor ol Vnn .. Unllowm!ll Jlill'IY 111 llw dlltreh dt!l'eooll Lalw, l\1r, 11ncl Mrs. Bill hull Sr1lurdny nlghl. CnsrJ of Ealoll Hnplds illld Sue

Dcxlcr 'l'rall •l·ll !'lull had Its Ann 'J'ow1mrmd. montlli,Y lllOOiiug 111111 wiener lli:mc 'l'OWil!it'llCI S[lCnl. Sundily l'oast ntlhc GtWI'don Usher ho111e wllh Jr> Ann,Towncond. WcdneHday nlglil. .'iundny r!alll'rs on Mr. anrl Mrs.

Mrs. Lonl 'l'oww-;cnrl nnd Mm.I.Tr!sse Ciilllphell anrl llill l•'ouly Ilowurd 'l'oWIIIlCild allt!lldt•tl llw wr!l'e Mr. ancl Mrs. Wiillr!r Koch Dnnsvllle 1'. 'l'. A. 111celing 'l'hlll'H· awl J'iimlly of Dexlor, Mrs. I•'Prn rlay night. Fouly of .fllekson, JJarrison Unit!'

'l'hc unllllnl Herl Ft•nllwr rlrlw anrl family of Vlllulcrconl< Lalw, will he on dul'in1: 1111! TJI'XI :! l•'loyrl J(olll<le and family of Al­wcel>~. MrH. Iloward 'l'own~enrl, hion, Erwin Nol'lr>n and family Mrs. Elalrw Bnniwr, 1\IIH. Mar- of Alhl11n nnd Mrs. Dale Switzen­gm·el Ilem~t~, Mr~. J\1aut·lia Jlmwt· lwrg anrl ehlldrcn. and MrH. LonlHt! Lt!t~ will he Mt'.'i, Marie Cr;mson of Lan~;ing worlwt·s ln11tiH aren. SIH'nl (It<' WPr•l< end wllh 1\lr. and

Mm. Daisy \ValtwJ•, MrH. Mrs. Wylit! !J:.;ht•r. Wnll!!t' IJatwr and l'llilrln•n r·;illctl Larry, Paul and 'J'Jmol IJy Galt• on Mt·. ami Mrs. H;ilrllt Walker of HIH!Ill pari of llw woel; will! I heir Dnnsvlii<J Sunday. grandparPnls, Mr. nnrl M1·s .. Jesse

Mr. and M n;, VPmon I 'I'IH'Int• Camplmll. nncl rlaughiPr, J•:iirl SIHJ\I'ers and Mrs. Fn·tl Wilson held a !Jt!llet• Jmnlly, Edrlle llrit'lonan and fam· Hnuill parly al her horne 'l'ue:.;­lly, Holland Pmt•lur and family, clay nigh!. Mr .. nnrl MrH. Jlill I'.YJH'I' :11ul 1\'ii'H, J Mr. anrl Mrs. Fay 'l'oiVIISt!IHI en­Sumh Proelot· !i[ll'lll Salunlay lcrlailwrl Mr. and Mrs. Hnhl

Ingham County. News October 28, 1954 Page 4

nunlwr nncl. nuhl, .Tr., for rlfnnpt' l'tllldny In honor or Mt•s, BUJIJ(CI''i:i l>lrl hduy tllnliVmEtll'Y,

M t', HI HI Mrs, J•'ny 'l'r>WIIH<~IHI anti Mr. n11rl Mrs, Httlll Buniwr and Jluhl, ,Jr., cnllerl on Mr, unrl Mt·s. J lem·y Hum!ln uf .Juci\SOII Hu11rlny evenIng,

Guerdon U.shcr nnrl 11nhcrl l.unliH rtllenderl a HI lmnqttol nl MaHon 'J'ucsd;1y night, Hobert l-iliills gotn hluc rlhhon unrllo'md Wllsnn, .rr., gol 11 rcrl ribbon on llw l'OI'n (JI'o,ler:ls ut lite [all hnr· vesl. show Mrmcluy,

Grovenburg 1'\J •·s. JloWJml N orlh

M1·. nnd MJ's, Dnn Hugger tool1 Ills mnlher·, Mr·s. Maurie IItlg-gcr, ID Brlghlnn last wccl' Friday to vi.~lt an olrl friend.

M1·s. Hugh Angell went. Sunday cwnlng to Lcsllt! lo slay Jot· a ft!W days with her mother, Mrs. l·~lla C:llman.

Leon Not'lh attcnrlccl a tllnnm· nnd meeting for Nclghhorltood Scout comrnissluncJ'H nt Camp Ki· 1\'illlis IH'III' Mason last week Frl· rlny CVPII]ng.

1-'rntreis I<Psllng spent las! wee!' a! llir• i1111nP nl' Mr. anriMr~. Clar· ener. Kesling neal' Leslie.

Mt•. antll\!rs, A. L, Tool1cr were dlntwt• guesls Sunclay afternoon

r1l tlw home or th\llr son, Aubrey, North Aurelius· Wehbs retm•ned home Sundn)' nem• Omnrl Ledge, I•'runel~ Allen evening, honor of the bli•thdny nnnlver· Mrs, Ht!lr.n Bcrloll rrnrl Steve, In

snry of Ilcrhcrt IIoovor Hnrtlg uf tim nflct•noon tile'!Iohnc~ vlsltctl Holt. Gttesta nt tho dinner were ut the home o[ Mr. llllfl Mn;, Ji:I­Mr, nnd Mrs, H, H. IIurllg and

of DlmrJnrlnlo culled 1111 them Sun· Uuym01ull~. lfultnrill '1'110 Mlsslonnry Socl!11y of I he day evening, Mr, nnd MI'H, l~lmor Lee nnrl North I; u r e llu s Community

Mr. nnrl Mrs, Henry MuzLU'ell fnmlly of LHnsing wero Snturcluy clntrch Will meet. nt lhc home of Hnd l'itllrlt•on of Eifert rond cnllcd evening rllmwt• gur.HIH nl the Mrs. HEiymonrl llolmca for their Sunrlny evening on Mrs. Emmn home of Mt•, nnrl Mr·s. I•'runclll November meeting •ruesduy eve· Thompson, Lee nlng, November 2,

Mrs. Mnc 'l'lhnrlo or Detroit, n~v. and Mrs. Erwin Miller nnd 'l'hc unnuul Ilallowccn pnrty wlto wns MrH, Lily .Jarvis' housn fnmlly of Alto, wore gucsls Mon· · sponsored by the North Aurelius guc3t lnst week, vlsllcd Mrs. Elsie tiny of Hnv. nnrl Mr~ .. John E. young people will be held, Satur· Wcllon of DeWllt over Sundny, Pruden 111111 family, day evening, October 30, ·nt 7:30 Sho returned Monday fnr anollwr p, m. at the church, Jnnel Gurd· wecl,'s vlslt wllh 'Mrs .• Jarvis. Mr. nnd Mt'li, l1cnmnl Blnnlt ncr Is the chnlrmnn of tho rc·

St!Han WIIHon vlsilerl her cou- HIJ<~nt !he week C!lld ~IHlllng rein· fresl1mcnt committee and Shirley sin, Dlnne North,. Satui·dny and lives al. Gladwin nnrt Rosr~httsh. Holmes ami Lois Eifert arc In Sunday, '!'he Dlnnl's aro living In the charge of the recreation.

, nvnr!mcnl nl lhc l•'rwtds Lee Rev .. John McCue s funeral lwld home 011 Nlclwls l'Ond Rev. Frnnl> Longman, mission·

lnst Friday nftcrnonn from Mr. anrl Mrs. llnroid Moyers m·y spcnlwr at the North Aurc· Grovenhurg church was lnrgcly and fnmlly Wct'CJ dinner guests llus church unci ncv. unci Mrs. ltllcnrl<!cl hy rclnllves, friends nnd Sunday al lhe home or Mr. and John K Pruden and fumlly wct·o visiting ministers who assisted MrH. JosepiJ l'mvnst. In the eve· su.•~dny dinner guests of Mr. and !lev, l~vcrctt Smith, wlto lwei nlng Mt·.·and Mrs. Roher! Meyers Mts, Albert Cole and family, charge of the service, '!'he verse and Jarnlly of J~alon naplds callccl Mrs. Esther Holmes and Lclloy used from Psnlrn 1 "Blessed Is at the Provost home. were Sunday dinner guests of I he Man" summed up John's life Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee Wcbh and Mr. and Mrs. Howurd Helmker In as a mlnlsler. Burial was In Marie- family spent Sunduy ut lito Clm·i< l.nnslng. hnm cemetery. cotlnge at Derhy lake. '!'he Rnlph Bell of the Evangelical

Lust wer.l> Mrs. Anna Lcscney, --------,- Allluncc Mission and Rev, Frnnl> Aurelius, Mr. and Mrs. Clalt· Rin· let•, l\1rs. Leo Pt'l'arlnun·r~ of Lun· Longman were dinner guests l{lc, Dimondale, Mr. and Mrs. Ar· sing. She Is gaining slowly, Monday evening nt thp home of tltur Geiscnltavcr nnd fmnlly, Mr. Last wcel>'s morning prayer Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Eifert and ami Mrs. Jim Clnrk nnd family, meeting was at tlw home of Mrs. family. Mr. Bell showed Jlicturcs Ilunh Andrews and son Dean, nil Don King. This wecl< It will be nt nnd curios of his work ln Japan or 'J'ecumsch nnd Mrs. Flossie the home of Mrs. lfcnry Blnl\lcy. nt the North AureJJus church Leonard of Crystal vlsl!ccl Mr. 'l'hc monthly W. S. C. S. l}JCctlng Monday evening. and l'l!t·s. James Hart. The Harts I will he at I he church Thursday Friday evening a dinner was called Sunrluy.cvcnlng on Iter, sis· afternoon of lhis week. served nt the Country Kitchen In

family, Mr, und Mrs, Clyde Hlll, mer Greenlee In Mnson. 'l'he ML•, nnd Mrs, Charles IIunse nnd Greonlucs ~pr.nt Mundn;y In Cold· Mr. und M•·s, A. E. Hnrtlg of watct•, Holt, and Mr. and Mrs, 11. B. Rev. uml Mr~;, Alvin D. Hleh· Holmes,

urds unci Marlin wcm Snnrlny Mr. nnd Mrs, I\:cnncth Elfcl't UJtd fumlly were Sunday dinner dinner guests at the home o[ M1·: guest!!' at the home of hct• broth· nnd Mrs. I~ore~t Bedell nntl Inm· cr· nnd slstcr·ln·lnw, Mr. and Mrs. lly. On Monclny Mrs. Millie Be· Elmer Lee, und fumlly In l.an· rl<!ll, Mr. Uerleli's mollil'l' of Lin·· sing, den, returned home aflet· liJWilll·

Mr. uml Mrs. Charles Hanse lng the wecl1 at the Bedell home. moved Mondny Into their new home on South Ccdnr street In Holt. The IJuuses had previously lived ln Lansing. · Mr·. and Mrs. Dale Hill lcil.

l~rldny to visit relatives In Bos· ton, Massachusetts. The liilis plan to return this wcci1.

A group of III!OIJie Jrom lho Nichol:; school db'trlcl. al!endccla penny sllpJler held at the ~chool l•'riday evening.

Mrs, Kenneth Eifert Is get llnr~ armnul fairly \V(~JI 11 flt!r lnylnr: her crutches <~sldt!, Mrs. Eifert slt'Ltelt her lltll<le willie wnridnr~ In her home lnHt Monday nw! X·rnys atlhe Edward W. Hpnrl'llW hospllnl, Lnnslng, showed llierc were no brolten bones.

Hubert Bullon nncl Veva were hosls Monday evening Itt a coun· ty canrllclatcs meellng. The rneel· lng wns one of 4 held throu1~huut the county for the purpo~e of getting the people ncqunlnterl Pldqlllclwls oflen rlr11p rifled with· 11 e 11 u h II can canrllrlntes. wallets In mallhoxcH lo 11Voirl he· Those who attended the meeting Jng canghl with lhe evlrlent•r•. An at the Bullen home beslrlcs tlw average of HO sul'i1 waJIPis n day cnnclldates were Mr. and Mrs. readt New York Cily pnslol fkl's, Howard R. Smllh, Wesley Wehh says lilt! Nnllonal C:eographit! So· and Mr. and Mrs, Ware! Bullen. clety, When lrl•~nllli~atlon lliljll!l'H

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond IIolmes I nrc avallahle, tltey arc rcturm:tl were Sunday dinner guests· uf to their rightrul uwlwrs.

~ ~ etJ ~.IUAJ ofr "~. The vastness of the beach holds no terrors for her. She knows

that some one is wat~hing, ready to protect her at the first sign. of danger.

Do you ever feel alone? Does the vastness of the universe and the smallness of yourself threaten to overcome you?

In the Church you will find you are not alone. Here you will find others who share similar experiences, and working together, you will discover that fear need have no part in your life.

Make yourself a part of this great family. Look around you in God's world and realize that He is ever present, always ready to give strength and comfort. Through the Church you will learn to draw ever closer to God ~nd, His strength will protect you.

' .


Tho Church is th CHURCH lhe building of ch e greatest laclor on earth lor It · arocter and d

Js a slorehouse of spi .t 1

goo citizenship slrong Church, neither rJ ua values, WJJhout ~ can survive There delmocracy nor civilizalion e are ours d very person should tt oun reasons why and support lhe Church e~~ services regularly C!~n sake (2) For his chiid ~y are· (I) For his sa e of his commun· ren s sake, (3) For the sa~e of !he Church il'!~llan~.n~lion. (4) For the fn mat!'riaJ support Pl • w Jc needs his moral , arly and read )'our Bible~"a:~y go to church ragu.

Sund.,. ..-. Book Monday ••• ~:..,.."'-:...-n. • Paalrna Tucad4y ·•-... -._ PaaJrn1 WodncsdiJ• • • .. , ..... •·· lortrniab Thurad•y '• •• ••••••· Daniol Friday , • :::: ........ •. Lulco Saturd11 •••-•• •• Lu.k:o


Chap lor 139 139 18 6 6

23 •

Verses loiZ

13·24 1·12

16-27" 39·49 32-43 Hz

The· 90 and 9 "Then drew near unto him all the publicans and silmm·s

for to hear him.

And the Pharisees and ,scribes murmur·ed, sayin~~. This

man receiveth sinners, and eatetlt with them,

And he sp1tlw this Jlarable unto them, sayiu~,

What man of you, having a hundred sheep, it' he lose ono

of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wihlm·ucss,

ancl go after that which is lost, until he find it?

And when he hath found it, he laycth it on his shoulders,


flncl when he cometh home, he callctlt to,~~;cthcl' his

friends and neighbors, saying unto them, Uc,joice with me;

for I have found my shee11 which was lost.

I say unto you, that m,ewisc joy .shall be in hea\'cu over·

one sinner that re11entcth, more than over· ninety and nine

just JICI'Sons, which need no reJICiltancc.''

(LuJm 15:1·7)

This Page Is Made Possible tllroug/1 ·the Generosity of tile Firms and Individuals Listed ~elow .· \ . , , ' I '




J 1 !

I Roy W. Adams

Leslie Coffee Shop · Ware's Drug Store Pioneer B~rber Shop Van's Service · · Baii·Dunn Funeral Home

Silsby Implement Co. Gamble's - Holt · Wayne Miller S•les & Service The Ferris Company, Cowdrv·Heating .& VentiJating · ,.

'l 'l

Thorburn lumber & Coal Co.

Mason City Bakery Wolverine Engineering Co.

~stes·Leadl~y Funeral Home

Schmidt's Department Store

Dick's Sunoco Service Dart Manufacturing ~o.

Dart National Bank Jewett Funeral Home Max McCarn George's Market The Farmers Bank


• - , ' 1 ·.~ " ' • • , ' 1 • , , I • , 0 • ' ' 1

1 > \ • I

Bement Feed & Supply Service

Jim' s· Market

Loudenslager Trucking Co.

Vogt Funeral Home - Dansville

Mills Store

H & M Drive-in Cleaners • Holt

Morse's Restaurant

• • • ·MILLIONS 001·

. i I

I 'I,.


1 I


1 !

Farmer Peck's Wife

October 28, 1954 The Ingham County New~ Part 3

li'umlly I'IJIIWH lh·Ht.

\VI'ilin' wlmL t•uuwH tuttuml· ly •.

~·:~srr·;J::'':~:::~J"~,~;'~:'IPulitzer Priz:,e Novel Rea.ches Fox Screen Ten Mason Students You'll never Ilnrl me running Spectacle of a mndrlene~l glnnt : · ' · · . .

for pmslrlent or governor. My, ape V!!ntlng hi:; rage fit humnn E s t•d A M k oh, my! With everyone thmwlng beings by tearing II night cluh a rn 0 I a r s vcrhnl hrld1hnls ns lltcy do to apart Is one of the spectnculnr llwm, why I'rl not be nhle 'to lle ncllon accnes from "Mighty ,Toe straight In bed! Young," RKO Rmllo re·rclc11se, NoteH 111'1! plllnr: up fusl at'Ollllfl In,", '" .YIHI hll'll' lfl rlsP, wallt In

which Is due I~rldny at the Fox here lately. So m11l'i1 lfl \VI'ill! ti 1e ltn:·: ntHI sl1111l il oil'. If you abuul T don't lwow when! lo lm· do11'l 111>1! thl1; II'H slmplf'l'. Now d theater,. gln! Whll~'dolng tusi\H nhoul the Wily drJ I Jllll llllllgii Iii·.(! lhlll In Detectl"ves fl"n· .Toe Young, the mnRslvc gorilla house thoughts mnw lo me and IH'I'I''! 'J'.,I\lfll'l'fi\V 1 will iw brought from Afr•lca In captivity, I jot IIH!m down. 'l'lir•n l!lllllC'S 1111' ll~iilill11f'll of lllJ'.'il'if. II lll'l'lolS Jo Borrower of Car rllsplnys other feats of Sll]'lflr·hll· .loiJ of strnlght••nlng tlwm fur· Ibis IH• illl! J;illfl of L:luisll:rr1 wire, man strength such ns out-rlvnllng

t column (or whnl.eVI't' Yflll mil It! l Hlfflilf•l', llf!igiJilUl' und w 1athe 1 10 champion strong men of tlw You have to deeldt! what cumes wail I. to be. Lt. Vcrslle Bnbeoc;c of the slwr· worlrl, who nrf'! pltletl en-masse. first ... and them when \'fll.l gl!l iff'H rlc[Jarlmcnl ami slllle 11011ce against the animal, ancl .Juggling olarted how lo f'irolw II r;rr. Ti11• 'I I'd lilw lo add 11•:•1 IPal'i•ing a have! found the man who clrovc a [Jiatform on whloh a young beglnnl.ng and f'lld t'Oilll' lmrdf'sl. tt:I'JI·HJ:f' 1'ins1; ol ~)undr•Y sf'!1ool off with one of Roy Christensen's woman plays the plano. The mHirlle lalws 1:an! of llii:•lf. ~11'1>" l1Hs do1r1' H lol low:rnls mak· cars at Ma~on September 7, they Terry Moore, Ben ,Johnson, Hoh·

Suppose yo11 WIH'I! writing this tng 1111,! try very IIHrd to lw llll! lwl!ovc, They have aslwd the ert. Armstrong and Prrtnl< Mr·· e\•ery wee!<. .Jusl what would you IJ,('hl l"!•d of 1,' ,1 11! 1'111111 1 c-an be, 113r.rrlen county sheriff to hold IJugh arc the "human" msl top· htl'iudc! for any eyl! lhal r·an•d to (,od WJIInrg. lllt!ll lhls mlnmn Dnnalrl A. Sparl<s on an Ingham r1cr~ In the adventure thriller. talw tlw timi: to read It'? And, lias 1'1111 1n!Jli1Pd lo 011 1' 1!v••s 111 1111 warrant charging larceny by Miss Moom appcllrinf( as the girl bPllevc, me, nolhillf~. ahsolull:i.l' uplifting :vay. Maylm ll doeHn'l conversion. who trainr>d Joe Young, .Tohnsrhl rmlhlnr: sounds the same once it show hill 11 lias. Sparl<s, <lenf and partly mute, us her cowhoy Jqvcr and Arm· Is cold. Over a IIHHisaiHI l1•llers sPnl vlsltcrl the Christensen uscrl em· .Rirong ns the showman who

I haVl! hct!n ncr·used of hrag· our way to s;1y I hal. lhPy enjoy Jot. In Mason September 7, aslclng brings the gorilla to clvll!zntlon. glng nJ' our l'hildn•n and of think· this hit o[ honwlife n11rl how ll permission to' tulle ncar lo show When a gmup of orphans arc lng my htLo.;hamt Is the JJ[!sl in IIH·I p:Irall1•ls llll•in; so mudt that It his wife, lie got the per~tsslon trapped In a huge blaze, It Is Jor. worltl I for me Ill! is !I f'L•rh;1ps 1 se1!111s tlwy must I)(! wrlling II and never came bacl1. 1 he car Young, suffering a· change of have mPnllonefi them mon! than Pad•.wr!l!k. '!'he :1 thai have talw:1 was found In the north, wrcclced. l1<mrt anrl attitude tow11 rrl mnn, some follts wrn1lrl h<IVI: in tlw tiff• 11rne to writ:• lila I I hey dlf!nl Detecllves went through . the who completes the rescue of the same siltlillion. llul lo me my (you Wfllldl.'l' how many llnnl.' Jist of men paroled f~om prtson oun~stcrs. This provides the

• family IH the most important 1111• ;·ame lllllli.: hut won't waste.~ juntll they found a picture of ~tirrlng climax to the suspense· thing lhere is. I 11m pr·oud of cenls!l <II'f! l!lw IIH! prov.erhml Sparks. Cm·Jot nttenclants rccog· crammed motion picture. them <Ind that's without IIJinldng llr11Wil appll's 111 th1• IJ:IITt!l 1t1 the lni~er! the man, Lt. Babcoclt sale!. · . · . , llral otll' you11gslers an! the r'lll· l'ell;:r; till')' spoil tiH· fun f used Last weelt Sparlls was arrested .. With .Technician Willis OBrien est, smurlt'.'>l o1· llesl in tile world, lo g1!i filii r1f wriling this come in Berrien for drunk ·driving ancl ·heading the ex11ctlng job, it rc· for they arcn'l .. It'1; tilal WI' lov1• 111i11 or l'l•llH! :;llitlf'. Yet it's been for Jcnving the scene of an accl· :qulrcd three years of worl< to them just lilw all you fol1·;s oul gnrorl for nw. As 1 sit here to· rlr•nl. When he finishes paying the .bring .Toe· Young ·Into; perform· there and your world n:volvP.'> nigh I wriling this 1 hav1~ my penalties on those charges he is ·nnce perfection and 0 Brien Is around tlwm s11 llHif'h nnd lhey tongur! in my dtPI:I; ... welghinr: due to be returner! to Ingham, .. Justifiably proud of the halr·rllls· are so mur:h in your lluntghls m.v words trlfll'e <'lll'f!fully and lng .results: that's what comes out "mlura:- pra:>i111: IIJ<II this spal'e llr• put to • As for the famous .wrestlers ly." <I u:;p 11'111'11!,1' of IIH! amount of Q "II E A k · and musdc·men' who encounter

If you don't liltr' lile lf'il'visioll print a lid JliiJII!r it lill\1'.'1, IIlii even fVI e . n ney .Joe' YounJ:(, they lnclurlc Prim(} or radio ]JI'ogr:un you :tl'l: li»tr!n· will! all 111.1' Wl'igilillg' and CUll· ' Carncra, William ."Wee Willie" Dies in Saginaw · Davl~. snmmy · MenA.c11er, · Karl

~ Davis, Henry. "Bomber 1\ulavich" Re .. Eiect ' Kullw, Ivan Rasputln, Ian "Iron

Mia Bell Humphrey Register of Deeds

Orville E. Anlmey, 59, of 807'/" Mali" Bachelor, Frank "Man Johnson street, Lansing, died Sal· Mountain Dean" .Leavitt ami Phil urday at the Saginaw Veterans ''The Swedish Angel'' Olafsson. hospital after spending one week · Engttlflng; tl1e screen with tidal· there. -

Mr. Anlmey was born October ·wave fury, Columbia' Pictures' l · magnificent motion picture vcr· 20, 1895, in Putman county, 0 uo,

to Joshua and Mary Anlmey.

1'ho typhoon, during which "Tho Caine Mutiny" occut·s in Columbia Pictures' complete Technicolor version of the Pulitzer. Prize novel, stars Humphrey Bogart, left, as Captain Quccg shom of his command by Van Johnson as Lt. Iyiaryk. Jose I•'e!'l'et' and Ft·cd MacMurray also stat• at the Fox Satm­clay, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

slon of "The Caine Mttllny," the Cailw Mutiny," again plays a Pulitzer Prize best-seller by Her· "heel," hut lh.Js time nne 11( llw man Wnuk, plays Salurdny, Sun· .hrass·knueklerl vurlely. ln "Push· rlrty, Monday .and Tuesday at the over," th? st:n: is east as a Iough Fox Thcutrc. PrnrlucP.rl hy Stan· detective asslgtwd In l'aif:h a lev Krnmer in c:olnr .JJV Ter•hni· banl<rohher killer. Instead he sue· color, "The Caine Mutiny" stars cumbs to the charms of the l1ill· two Ac.:ademy Award winners, er's heaulifttl girl friend, wipr!s Humphrey Bogart anrl .TosP. Per· out the !<Iller lo grab his $200,000 rer,, ns well as Van .Johnson: and !pot and, inevilahiy, finds hims~!lf Fred MaeMurrny in. for tlwm. off:· on the wrong end of the pohcc hent roles. "The Caine Mutlhy" guns. stars, as \veil, the United States C11rey, who hecmne onP of Ilol· Navy which helpc1l to make. the Jywoocl's fastm;l·climhing younger film as spect:lcular anrl as cxelt· stars by winning liiml;clf nn r.n· ing as the U. S. Army rlirl for viahlc reputation in Western Columbia's Acarlcmy Awarrl·wln· rlt'amas, plays Mar·Murray's side· nlng "From Here to Eternity." kick on the stake-nul assignment

"The Caine Mutiny" is great as which has them wnlching, novel; It is greater as a motion through binoculars, both I he picture. Tl1e film's scope Is ns hig hlomle homhshell who Is I heir ns the ocean on whose seething stal<e·oul assignrnr!n t anrl I lie mass much of its netlon takes nurse in the next apartmenl, who

While muny Mason high selwol slurlenls won honnr roll rating for I he first mnrlclng perlorl, only 10 hart Hlmir,ht A mnrlcs. MariiH or A and n wllh nnlhlng he!ow 11

ll wins honor roll placing nl Mn· son .

The 10 with slr11ighl A marl<s ..vrrr. Phyllis Clwney, .Toyl'n Hall '\Tid llariHII'il ,Tr!Well, 12th grarlt•j Marglr! Jo'clghner', 1llh gmdr!; !1rmn ld 1\ti::l, Charles flchmlllr>r 'IJHI N:uH!y Rmlth, 10111 grndP.; 'Lilli fltllh .furlsnn, Llndn Morris 'Lilli ~<Lt(;:tn Wll~r;n, flth grade. No •m•mh(!J' nf lhc Hth gr·ade mart1• I hf' n II-A list.

On the lwnor roll, In adriltlnn In 1 Iinse with aii·A m;o.rl,s, wem:

12th grariP., .Tnnel nul!cn, Lann . ·-- -------------·----

.Democrats Plan Meridian Rally

Mr.l'idian Demo c r a 1 s have planned a township rally for 'l'littrsclay nir,hl, at the town hall. II will start at 8 o'clock,

'l'he Jngl111m County Demo· •Tallr~ Cuinmlllee Is cnnpr.ratln~ in I he rally. All county eatHIIdatr.s will lie present, party leaders said .. James llnre, Demoerat ic r·nrHiiclale for secretnry of stale, ancl .Tohn Pa1·rlce, Dcrnneratic t·amliclale fur stale rc[Jrescnlallvc from the seeoncl cllslrlct, will speak. Coffee nnd fried calces will lw served.

Dart, I~lonnm' Elllnll, Heverly l~hl11, Lois !Tall, .fulla Holmes, .Tnmes Irclnnd, Peggy Hmw.Y, Pal Roschury, .roAnn Snmcrvllle and Maxine Uher.

mewnlh gradP, HniH•r·l Carroll, 'l'hnmns Clm·i<, Dnnlel CttmmlngH, .Tulle D11Vis, .'liiiJCI J•:vPry, ,loan ITnll, 1•:111'11 Owen, 1\;Jy Palmer, Dtllltll! Plen•r!, Ag11f's HnWP, Snn· dm Slrid1land and IIPIPn Swaim.

'I'Pnllt gl'lldl!, l'atrif'!a Adams, Slwlla AVPI',Y, Mnr•Jp lh'own, Gary C;rllririPI', I'C'IIllY CliJIIH'I', SIHII'flll Dart·ow, Mary Jo'lsh, Allf'P. Gil· chriHI, Nilllf'.l' Glynn, Bill Hull, Jnl'l< Hart, Daniel .f:llwlzlw, .Jan· lee 1\esiPI', 1\lnry 1\I'Py, Lr•t• Lllllll· stein, Walter Lloyrl, ,fpan Lo· VPIII', Llll'l'i' LnWP, Carolyn Mar· rloll, Rhh·l;!y M1•Adarn, . I'IJyllls Miller, Hny MIIIPr, Sharon Mlllm·, Doyle Nt~wmaJJ, Hnhet·la IUec, Chai'IPs Hogi!I'S, .Tnsr!pll Stir!, Hel· en Walldns and Did< \Vliceler.

Ninth gmde, .Joseph Bement, Nancy Bl'rgeun, C'nrnl Buwmnn, Nanc·y. Br;1y, .loc lluliPIJ, Polly Diamond, .Jolin l•::mlf's, Itoberl Eiscnlnhr·, llr.lt•n F:Jtiotl, .lurly E:nwns, Carnlf' I•'IPmi ng, .fuclith lianna, Mlf'ililf'l llol!Jrwll<, Pliyllls .Johnson, Hl•·llard .Judson, Pal Lenon, .Turlll h I .eona rd, Doris Ml'I\Pnzir•, l~nvl~ltl! !Ucli, ltnnnle nied, .J:1ck Sil:;hy, 11:11'1".1' Spenny, Katlu·yn Stone, ltuth Slrir'iding, David Stunn:1n, enrol Thompson, Narla VanDr•Moorl(!l and Ronald VanSteeland.

Eighth grade, Llliillllf! Birney, Larry Bowdre, Hir•hard Demlow, Prank Fellows, Frank !~leming,

League Announces Stand Barhara Hall, .Tames Ilallcnhcck, Two of the proposed amcnrl· Terry Heal, Bru1•e !lorton, Law·

ments got the go sign ancl an· renee .Tones, Honal1t .Tud~on, Bon· nliler 2 didn't fnllnwlng study hy nle Lcnnn, Car,,J Marlin, f'alricia lhr• DPirnil Citizens Longue. 'l'lw l'vlf•Cam, Rif'illlrrl Mf'!,Pall, Tobey LP:r~ue recommenrlr.rl yes votes Pearsall, 1\atic !{ambo, Sally 11uh· on l'm[losals No.1 and No.2, and inson, !Uehard Simpson, .Janet no votes on Proposals No. 3 ancll' Smiley, Susie Stevens and Doug· 4. las Strickland. He was affiliated with the Mn·

son Baptist church anrl the Browne-Cnvender Post of the

Blue Cross Moves To . New locatiQri"

place. It lias everything a movie 1 isn't. can have: power, sweep, action,---------------------------------------­romance and, ahovc all, drama.

Ht•t· y<•tu·s of t!XlJI!l'it·m·c In tim

ol'l'll'e-plus 11 Hillcf'.l't• dc!sin~ f 11

public, ill·

~lll't!s lim <·nulimmtlon uf u

CUilllhle adminislmf.iun uf Hm

ol'fiL'C and muinlcnuut~! ul' uu

cfl'lclenL slnfl'.

Yole Ue]Jubllcnn-Novcmbl'r 2


Sundny tdwws couli nuuus from :1 P. M. [•'l'iduy.Snturd.ly 2 8huws from u::m 1•. M.

Mon. Tuc. Wed. Thur.' 2 shows fmm 7 P. M. 1 Friday- 1 Day Only- October 29

Shows at (i:50 and H:OU 1•. l\1. A Sul'CI'·1'hrillei'

i'crry l\iool'C - Ben Johnson

Mighty Joe Young ,, I•Jus Ca1·toon and Commly

Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues., Oct. 39-Nov. 2


oLoo~~:.,a ROBERT FRANCIS • MAY WYNN color Dr TECHNICOLOR •ls~~~o~~:~f~~oo. Scnon Ploy ly STANitv AOO[RIS o Umd upon l~e Pul<l1<1 PIIJO •lnnin& OOY1IIIJ 1t1J1.11M WOUI ,-·

DlriOID~ 11 (~WARD DMilRYK ,

Cartoon and Latest News Events

Wednesday & Thursday, November 3-4 "Just squeeze the triggtlr," she whispCI'ed ; . • "Theil tal•c the money :.uul me!"

- ·~~-This Year's Great Susllllllsc Dmma. · ·

Pushover Phil Ca~·cy • Kim Noval• • FI·e~ll\laclU.umty

Also Cartoon aml Mush:al

American Legion. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs.

1 Mar~ Simcox of Lansing ; 2 grandchildren; 3 brothers, Har· ley of Mason, Albert of Vcro Beach, Florida, ami .Tessie of Cecil, Ohio; and a sister, Mrs. l'Lmrl Price of .. Lansing, ·

Funeral services were held Tuesday at' 2 p, rn. at the, Je.V.:ctt

I funeral 'homc·w~th Rev, 'Clarence

I Rmld of 'the Mason Baptist church offlclatlog. Pallbe11rers were Har·

,ley B. Anlmey,.Jr., Dale 0. An~· ney, Robert D. Anlmcy, Eugene

I Ankney, Glenn L. Anlmey and Perry Jacltson. Burial was at Evergreen cemetery. · . _ .

Republicans Open Headquarters Mason Republican leltders nrc

trying to do their part in swell· ing the state party vote. City Republican headquarters were opened In the former Jefferson Food Market building on .Teffcr· son avenue Monday afternoon. The headquarters Is open every afternoon from 1 until 5. Free bumper sticiters, buttons ami Re· publican literature are· available. A Republican parade is' scheduiP.d 'o anivc in Mason Saturday

I morning. ,. : . · .. ·· .

"The. Cain(\ Mttl iny" Is the agf'· old.story of mnn against the sen. 11nd. man agalm;t himself.

'The ·Lansing Blue' 'Cross-Blur "The Caine Mutiny" forcefully Shield district office will move to incor'por:ttes such highlights from a new location at 210 West Wash· thP. novel as the yellows La In ln· tenaw street ·In Lansing Novem· ciclent where Cnptain Queer,. ber 1. strnngcl)'·arting com"rnhmlcr of

'. ·rhe. Lansin~ district . 'offit'e the 'Caine, clispl;~ys a quality thnt s'\!rvcs· ~l.ue Cross·Biue. Shield looks 'sttHpici,ously tik~ <·owarcllee J::roups tp. ~~g~[!'1:1, ((llnt9n [!nd un\ler, fir.c,; ·the mt.trderous !y· Eaton counties. · · ...... -· · "'" :·· - 'pliooh 'a't ·wliose raging height the

How!ir.d Grlggs;·dlstrlct•".man·· rugged Maryk talws command of I ager, ·said .the move was macl~ to the ·endan~~red vessel; the court provide better and more efflcwnt martial wherein Queeg, ·a com· I· sct;vlce t~ Blue Cross·Biuc Shield lJat·weary veteran, is mercilessly,. members In the area. . flayed hy Greenwald, the brilliant.

Blu(!. Cross·Blue .S~Ield has defense attorney; nncl the. ~le· grown so rapld.ly In the lnst.few bration party following the trial ye~rs, he explamcd, that a larger wherein Greenwnlrl rll'nounccs the offrce was required to handle th~ officcr-intcllcctu~l J(eefet• ns th~! lt:~creaslng, volume. of work efft· real author of the CHine mutiny. clently and conveniently. . . . , •. , , , r

Griggs pointed out that in 1947, l\latiHIIIIllY (,ets loUJ.:h I the district· office handled enroll· Columbia Pictures' "Pushovr.r," ment and servicing of 150 groups. new suspense elrama .~tRrrim:, · "'foclay we· have over 750 en· Fred MacMurray nncl Phil Carey 1

rolled groups In the trl-counly and introducing blonde and beau· area and nearly half the people tlful I\im Nova11: arrives Wednes· in the area arc Blue Cross-Blur. day and Thursday at the Pox Shield memhcrs," he· said. Theatre!. Dorothy Mnlnne Is fe~· .

Griggs added that paymen.ts. to tured in the principal supportlng­a·rea· hospitals. for· care· of Blur rolr.. Cross patients jtinipecl from .less MacMurray, who 1:[\.Vr. one of than·$300,000 ln,1947 .to well ovet the surprising performances of $2,000,000 Ja:st year. · the year as the "brain" of "The

Tourist , InduStry Asks More Backing Bv m.MER Wlll1'1~ I· Children arc being politely

Michican Pr••• .Auoclntlon aslwcl by the state and fcclcral Mlehigan's tourist Industry, big· I governments to di·!n.k more mill<.

gcst and best in history, Is tool<· Federal authorrttcs have r~-ing for another pot of gold. leased $1,500,000 to the state tl~ts

, year to expand the school mrll1 .rhat was the reason that the program and the l>lds are being

Mwhl~an Tourist Council decided asked to help. to nsl' the Jcglslatl!r~ for another Under' the old arrangement, lhP $100,000 ~ext year to advertise schools received a l·cent rebate the states attractions. on each bottle of milll sold. Tlw

"We ,just can't compete with new money gives the schools 1 11.: the other states which spend 1ni:lre rents back. money on promotion," said Chair· In Michigan last year, school man Robct·t W. Budd. children drank 60,000,000 half

~ . . ~~~~~ . Michigan ranlced third as a "The biggest problem will be to

tourist state three years ag.o, be· malte the expanded · program hind New Yorlt and California. available to all schools on an Now It has Rlippcd to fifth, with equal basis," said Dr. Clair L. Pennsylvania and Florida moving Taylor, .superintendent of public up. Instruction. ·

Budd says Michigan Is paying Newest Idea for selling Jnorc

pointer! Elmer to fiJI the vacanci• on the commi~sion created by the resignation of .fohn M. Veale of Mt. Clemens, who also quit to run unsuccessfully for the congrcs· sional nomin;:u~~ 1,~ his .district. I

Republicans hope Donald S., Leonard will be governor. If hr. is, Elmer will he oiT thr. public 1 payroll ngnin In the makeover of I he r.xceutlve and ndminlstratlve I plwsc o[ ~overnment. H Williams stays, Elmer still faces conllrma-~ tion troubles with t11e Republicar1 senate.

Republicans have a pr·ecllctlon: It's oiT again, on again, ·gone again Elmer.

* * * ~olltlcnl bntllcs over prisons

have bcco~nc major· nre-ocr.upa· tlons· for legislators and Governor Williams.· .-mit the same number of dolhtrs n:l111, paid for In part by the

r~s before, hut they don't buy as fC'deral government: Install mill' much advertising. vending machines In the· schools. They started with the first Jaclt·

Last year, the Council received · o · • • son state prison· riot in 1!152: and $331,000, but turned over $100,000 A young lawyer who 'gambled havc.rngcd since, bpth sides hop· to the 4 regional tourist councils; in politl~!S and lost Is gambling lng for peace 'in the cellblocl<s and With another slice talccn out for ngnln. : . . setting up scii·savlng excuses' If nclmlnlstratlon, ,the state office Is Ht: Is William B Elmer the the lid blows again: spending $146,000 .for promotion second Democratic ~ember 'of the Key points of. past sltit•.mishcs this year. . . Michigan Public Service Commls· are .P~·et ty weJI . !mown-the

• ~ • t slon, which regulates utilities -:-I blame-fixing ~fter the rlo,ts, the Budd said tourists spend mil· telephone and power 'companies, surveys, the . clema)1rls for: mor~

Hans ·In Michigan· each ycat• - true It and bus Hrms and ralh:pads. pnson space and · PJC· reluctance most of it taxable. This turns Elmer started In state govern· of ·J11wmalters· to spend unmlnted back money to the. state treasury ment as a. lawyer nppolnted . as money. . In liquor, sales, clgarct and other assistant attorney general. He re· The next' will be fought over it levies. · · ·· ~lgm!d, to. become a Demo~ratli: plan developed by the corrections 1

Legislators In the past have candidate for congress .from the commission, · ali appointees of , h.eard requests for more advertls· sixth dlstr:lot, emb~acing"Ingham, I Governor Williams. · lng money with an almost phe· Livingston and Genesee counties. . '' .* '' nomcnallack of enthusiasm. They : · .. ·. . ·•·. • ·.~ .1 . .. . 1 It envisions a long·rangc mull!· threatened to cast the.counclllnto He lost that gamble when the million dollar building progratn.

NI~X'J' wm~K:-Gem•gc l'llontg·omet'Y in BA'J'l'U!) OF UOGUJ~. oblivion and turn over the fune· .constant ~::ampalgrier, ·Don Hay. A new 1,200·man prison, a sep· ltiVJ.:It In Tech.nlcolor·; Victor Mahu·c·,Jcnn Slmmuns In 'l')[J~ tlon to locul. Clu1mbers .of Com· worth,· a Mi(!hlgan State .ciJJlege arate reception center, n new UOBE In Teclml~olor; Jlow&irll · 1\ccl·Ann nlyt.lt in UOSE, merce. . ·· .. ,. p~ofess'or,. nos.cd:. him: ~ut,.ln. the wome.h's 1prlson and ·other thl11gs. llfAUIE In 'l'cclmlcolm·. · 1 Bu~, .1955, wiU. be .around ·Jan: :primary.:':.· .. ·:· .· . · !, . . .l .: . _ Start ·looking 'for the first shots

•••••••••••illillll•••iill••llil•••lilll'uary 1. and. the el~etlon. wm .. ~ ·Elm.er:~~~.~ oft.the pay.~ol~!lgain; In the-l95~·.session o! the leglsla· ·~ hlst1,1ry .lor another 2 ,years. . ' .. l Governor .. Wllllamli :; tlien llP·l. turc. · ·, · . , . · .

'~:,I "'(•."_·, t l•'~~f~ c,, \ ' 'I·· • :.;·~• ' ,, •, • ,:, ' I ~::\:;' ' •, ' • _,,. ' •' I • ' '• • I '


" lt'h ·, .v c.,......






Each'member of yout· family has his own .best l'easons for valuing the telephone. To the very young it means. keeping ftngerttp7close to a c.arefree parade of big moments. To

to hem• the goorltzettJS

grownups it means time ~nd foot~ steps saved. and-far mot·e.-a· de-· penda~le ally When help is needed. That's. why your telepho.ne is .worth 110 much more ;thap. it costs. . * .~n eldena ion llillea )'our telephon'e added 1/Giue, It . : • • .

. " llflllr when J'OU need it, n>lta onlu ; , . d. .. c'11111•1• J'OU. lrme and de~'•

, . · . · · · · " penn•~• .a a~, . . " . J'OUr Buain~11 'ORir:eo

Tlw Good . '

'decide what ~hall he done with ) tho $10,000 hr.rp.1est left to tho r!ommunlty 10yonrs ug-o hy Mrs, Cnllwrlnc Mend.

An ovcrhenterl. flroplnce rlnm· ngecl liw !Jail fnnernl hnmo tn the C~X)o!lll of ::::!,000.

Old Days an Y<·urn Ar~·n-1fl2·1 'rJ;~11~rl~l1.~;'c~1t::diHI~~~~.~i;;/l~~~lnr~:L~: Hnmnr K ~milh, IIi, son nf Ml'. ufler a rultl nvct• .Germany, llw nnd 1\lr:;, GtlUIW~ Smllh, diPrl

Ono Ye1tr Ag'O Will' deportment hns nntlflerl JilfJ while hnntlnr~ will! 2 compnnlrms Lawrence B. Llnclemer of Stock· pnrenls, Mr, unrl Mrs. Carlton Oelnlwr HI. Tlw hoyli Wt•m hunt·

hrldge hns been named to repl'e· Huntm· or Muson. lng on thn Allen 'l'ornllnson farm cl I t S t }I ;Jonth of I11Wn. Tn dilllllinr, nw·r sent: an nss s • cmn m· omer BeC'IIllsP nl llw·sllcn·Jnr,'P of iwlJl,

F I tl }I I a fr 1 IH'P IlnnlPI''H ~ihol:.run wns •e ·guson on Je oover comrn H· Holrl Mason mnsl r•lnsr'lls rllnlnr,' l I W hi t di>;l'ilrll'gl'cl, I liP sli111 :ilriidllfl son n us ng on. room, Mnnll"Pr· f•'l'l'ri f!Pin an· D }-I I B I t I t " llnt1WI' In hi.•; IIJlJlE'I' tll'lll 111'111' llw . u e ru w, s a e I'NIIllll'ot·, nnLinc·ncl.

1 II Ill f R shnnlriPI', 0111• of I liP boys hrounri unnOllllcec 1 s canr c ney .or e· A PilPr·l' of 'lnS'IIIl 111111 l'lll'nl I I f • " IIH• \VfllllHI wlilt a hnncii(f'l'dilr•f. r>uhllcnn nom nnt on or gnvf'rnor .scl~nols shows Jr;:~ 1111111 ~~r.; of

·• -· Mr·. Tomlili""ll mn lo IIIP :;rPIIP this wee!\, llw youngslrrs lnfPPIPri witll:ir'nlp o( I liP ar:drirnt, I (co 1o11 k tiw

women mnclc tho trip !here anrl ll'H'It hy Hnlnmnhllr!, MrH. Nlnn Cam IH Hilll'f l'll[ltnin. .

Cillll'lc!:; \Vhlle nnrl Curl f;lcw­url, Mumm hlr.rl1 Hl'hool r.rmrlunlcH ol' lu:;l .ltlllf', IIIIVI! nntr!rc•cl Ollvrl r·nJIPgo.

li(J Y<'lli'H Ago-lllfJ.I

TlPHH HC!C)Jon fl'ltnchJse Will CQRt . 111m $lJO,OOO llX(l'll to hnllrl. He linH

r;ow gone: In New Ynri< In mise funds.

Supervisors orrlerf'i) I hn1 p1·lson r:n; nt tho r·mully Jnll ilc empln~'l'll ll hours n rlny nn lli'C:nking slmw. Tiley ol'clercrl till' siHH'ifl' tn haul · hlg hotilders tn the Jnll ynrd nne! i<Prp uhiP·hnrllc!rl Jll'isonr•rs · nt· wnrl< (i dnys n wrrlt, ,

lngillllll lnXJlliYPI'H lllliHI pay ~~Ht.HJO In oprrn1e I he t'CIIInly llf'XI yenr. 'I' hi' .~I niP tux appmt lorwcl In fnghnm is $~ l,•IHH.

Howell HJ~c:hlnnders defented rJnroworm. M 2~ u "I 11 11 1 1 " wnllll!lrrlimy lo MnHon. DPiny WIIH

uson .1 to · ,, or: t ll'l ge ertc s Mnson fumhlrs pn•sPniPd Jfnw· ---------------------------1 I I C I I I ~ rrwclltnlrol'r•ci Itt linciing :1 rhwlnr. t H! ng lctm .ounty eag\11' w 11 ,1 ell will! 1111 JH In li fonlhall vic·· I ( I r 'I' liP 1111,\' In:: I 1111 tnllr:il hlcoiiCI I 11111 w ns nm no r e eats. lory.

AI 11 .~per!lnl meeting Snlurrluy Jlw Mn:;nn r•ntnwll gmnlr!rl a fl'ftn· dilsl' lo W. A. llolund, hullclc•t· nf liw .Jacl<snn·llull lr! Creel( elc>r•trif' mJimnd, In JliiSS lhi'nLlgh MIISIIIl wll 11 hi:; .Jur·kson-Lanslng lhw. l!nlnnci wnniPil a frnrwhlse on I he I'IPSI :;i'cif' of 1own, hul 1111• r'nllnf'il Insisted lhe line should 11'11\'erse Main .~11'L'Pi. llnlanrl snld 1ltc! husi·

.Jolln A. Cortright of Chnrlnlle . has hough! I he Haf'i<PI slnl'r! from Seolt Lnnc. ·

.. nvogue" tlVO·t~nhU\' and new llaliOl'anJiC body styling enhance the long ~Jef)C loo)c of· the nil new 1955 Ponti ric Stat· Chief Custont Catalina. l'owere~l wlt.h P,ontmc s n.ew 18~ h.tJ. Strnto-Strealt V-8 overhead valve engine, the very JH!Jiltlar Catalina IS offered Ill Stnt Chief Custom and Chieftain 870 models, ·

B I lu• rlic•ci Plll'i,l' !liP fnllnwinH llllil'tl· Ingham Farm urcau mern Jers. ~!fl Yc•rtl'!-1 Ag-n-l!l!ll ndopted a resoltillon fnvorlng .Pt·riihytrriam1 III'P planning for· in!(. fl Ill )1·1 •e "liJlJlDt'l" on far·m f.\'IIHin JlrP:;Jiolll' · ;nul I·:ciilh ex > e I c ·· ·• llw 7!lth llntliVI'I'sar.v of lhPir · crops, church SundH.\'. fl1nriP I il'<l\1'11 wc•rr llHilTir•d a 1· IIH•

Ill Yc•ll!'!-1 Ag-o-lfiH Vnndals clamngr:cl 17 lclmilslonrs ilolnro nf I liP ilriclc•';; Jlllrr•nt.•:, Mr. By a volo nf aO•l to l7!J, Wil· nne! llllll'icc•rs at llw nnnsvilk nnci Mr:1. Sldilf'\' Brown of Nlll'lh

Bnililllrtl'f', 11111<;, Oc·lollrr :l:!. llumRion rle~lded ID ehange from cemrlery. a vlllngo to a r:lly. C. V. Pnsl's posJm• won flrsl 1vlonlil' Wnwl:ml 1>:1.': srdrl Iii;; 1

Supervisors ndoptecl a bur!gel prl:t.<! and llw gnlcl merlnl al IIH! f:~rm l:lllllh or Ma:;r111 Ill li Lan·l Df $777,473 for 1945. It culls for. a W. 'C. 'I'. U. slalr <'nnvrnlinn in :1!11g nwn wh" will 11::c• il for• a I tux rate of 11,3 mills. 'l'hc huanl Bai\)1• Creek. • illac·k fox l'illlf'il. Tltf' c·rllllJliiiiY i:; provided for ~ulary Increases for Hex Glynn nf Alaleclon wm; silo! miiPcl I liP I 'npilol Sil\1'1' 'l:i:ll'k I county employees. In I he heel willie huntlnrr lasl Fc 1 ~ l'n. · I

.Tudge John McClellan named 'f'hursr!ay. ITo was ruslir•rl In Ill!' Mason':; 1\<•iwi;:~!J lncl,r:f' rlf'~:r·f'p 1

Chief Sl'ric!s, lwvlnr: a 12rl inch por'inlly 111. Jrafl'IP spr•erls where L. B. McArthur, HHJTY Freshour Mason liospilnl wlwrP lirP llow of I Pall! won n IIlii'; 111lirw in <"11111·

Ingham County News October 28, 1954

DR. C!EC:U. L. GATTEN Cllii:Ol%\C'l'OI~

llours !l - 4 l\fmulay throu~h Fl'iday

1WHH OIH'Illos Hoacl 01\lmOR, 1\HCIIHlAN

Ol'fic•n JthnnP J,ansinp; Jm-2-00 I fi


·,. .\

Pontine maltr.s lt~1 blg({E!~t: hid for the medium price nmriwt with nn 1111 now .body nnd 180 horsrpowcr ovcrheml vrtlvc! V·fl engine .fur 1955. 'l'lte '!iill new" 1!155 Ponlincs, featuring mm­plelr.Jy new pnnnrnmlr. bmlles ami n Strnto·Strcnk V·R engine, will be shown for tho first time rm October 2fl nt Howard Punliae In Mason.

wheelbnsl! unci 'llw Chieftain Jnslnnt rosponsr. is nerdcrl. anr! L. R. While: as tl'tlslr.es to lbloo:l was sliiJlJlPrl. fll'l il Inti :II 1\ ipPna Clr·iolll'l' :!II. 'l'lir• I HPrJps· will! a wlu•clbasc• of 122 -------------"-------------_..:...-:-:------------!.....--------·-----!..1 _________________________ _ Inches. A twcHioor stallon wng· nn has been aclclerl to t 110 line of J>cmllae hocly styles till;; year.

The Strnto-Streak .V·R engill'! and new hoci!C!s henri 1111 Impres­sive Ji~l of new feat urcs. The 1955 Pontiacs have 1111 exciting range of modern· colors and "Vogue" two·tcining; cxqulsilc in· trrior styllng; panoramic wincl· shlelci and Increased glass. 11ren: functional, jewel-like instrument panel; powerful 12-volt clr.ctrlcal system; newly designed frame: new verlleal king-pip front sus· pension; lnrg<}r brakes; lmprovec! rido and lwndllng. and nttrnetlve nccessorlios combined with a tre· memlous number· o! mechanical refinements.

The Pontine for 1955 incor­porntcs more engineering lnno· vat.ions · than any. model Hlnce Ponl iac wns first produced In 1926. The new car has 109 out· standing new features.

The J955 Pontiacs.wlll be avail· ablo in 2 new sm1es, the Star

Stnt Jon wagons are as mud1 as r. lnclws lower. All modPIH have lower lwnd lines PXposing both fronl fenders In I he rlrlvrr's vi· 1 sion. Hip and ~houlrlcr room have J

br.en HLihstantially increaser! ny mclr.slgnlng IIH• enr Interior.

The new hodic!S with p;111nram· le wlnclshielci, ;JilrJ inerenscd gl;u;s al siclo ami llnrlc have• !,!G•;; mon: "see lhrough" area. Stalion wag· ons have Wt'alHli'OIIIlll rear win· dows.

The now Sirato-Streak V-8 en· gine represents Ponl lac's answer to the automobile intluslry's goal of !lcveloplng an engine with I <lLJrnhility anrl low-eosl rlr.pemla· II

hility and with 1 ho powc~r and rJuiek response thnt m!Jllern clriv· ers d!!mand.

The Strato·St real< released this year, after years of develop· mental work and over :J,OOO,OOO miles of testing on dynanwmrtcrs anrl under all types nf road c:on·J !lit ions, has a rJi;-piacemenl of 287 cubic inches. Its dit:plaeem('nt and.high compression ratio of fH give It high power nutpul ,es·

Webberville Mrs. Myrl Graham - Phone 66-F-2

, I I •. . .

llJirttulay Club Hils BohOJ!llnn The E!irtf1day''club•··n\et rit the

home of Mr!!~ Eva ·Alchin lnst Wcilncsday for a bohemian din· ncr; at 12;sp .. EI~ctlop, of ,officers was held·wlth the following being elected: President, 'Gladys Jason; vice-nresldent,' · Myrl' ' Graham; secretary, Mt·s. ,1\nna Royce; treasurer, Ruth H1i's!<lll; and flower chair.m.aiJ, .Eva Alc)ljl,l. Se· crct pnls were revealed and new ones clmwn.

mother, Mrs.· Minnie Foremnn, 'r.itesclay and Wednesday.

The Swartz-While Auxilinry V. F. W;·nn.\sentccl an American flag to the Bell Oak school at services last. Monday morning.

Munith 1\lrs. F01·cl 1\lillcr

Mr. rind Mrs. Robert IIarris and son, .Jon, who havC' boen spend· ing ~omc tinw at· lhe homo or her

0. ,E. S. 9lutp~~· Ele<!l!l Olficm·s father, W. H. Mayer, returned to their home in Chelsea Sunday. · The 0. E. s, chapter held, Its

regular tnoetlng lust Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Guy. Miller of evening flt which time election of Camden spent Stmday at the o!Ticers was held. New officers Ford Miller hfllne. are:: Worthy matron, Florence Obie H. Bean died in Farnham· Wilcox; worthy patron, Ivan Wil· ville, Iowa, Tuesday. Mr. ami cox.: associate matron, Frances Mrs. Bean visited in the c:om· Paiton; associate patron, William munlty 2 weeks ago. '!'he widow, Dun,wl,n; conductre~~. Lilllnn Os- Hulda, ~urvlvcs him. born; associate conductress, Flor- Mt·s. Carl Adm~s, who lms bern I ence Andrews: . secretary, Eclna siclt, is slowly recovering. Fulton; "!incl 'treasurer, Grace Mrs: Julia Hoffman, who had

•, ~ss. · · · · to return to the hospital for fur---· Charle$ Fowler· Dies · ther surgery on her leg; returned

to. the home of hor daughter, Mrs. Regnnlcl Ford, Saturday.

Announcing the~

with-,-the 180-HP Strata-Streak V-8 !

· Churles Fo\vlet• of Lansing, while \Vorltihg: on. his house in· Wcbbe,JVnie, ·hac( a' heart ~!tack. He dletr soon aftet· the attacl<.

Mrs·. Ben Pritchard and chll· dren returned to their home ·In Ann Arbor Thursdny aft~r spending a wcclt with her par­ents, Mr. ami Mrs. Ford Miller.

: . '~.

. '

\Vomu.li1~ Ach•n.hce Club 1\Ieet,~ Tho 'Woman·s Advance club

met at.·.tlie home of Mrs. Grace Schutt·Iast Monday evening. Ed· na Tannar was· co-liostess. Dona­tions of 'lri.1lt and iella VTP.l'P. rrlvi!n for the:Woman's Friendly Home, Lansing. The program was in charge,otMrs. Judy Bennett ami Mrs. Cleo Chase. and the Rhythm Band QY Mrs. Gl~dys Reynolds.

Mrs. Lloyd Harr and .1\lrs. Veri Stowe spol<e on the Worlcl As· sembly al Milwaul,eo ln:JJ· spring, at a W. S. C. S. meeting in' the Dix J\'lethodist church at Lincoln Parl> Wednesday evening.

The Wntcrloo Neecllownrlt club will nicet with Mrs. Verlc Stowe Thursday .Cor a pothiclt dinner at 12:30 p. Ill.

Mrs. :na·n Rice ·15 ~onva"lcsclng The next stuliy class of the , . . . W. S. C!S. will meet with Mrs.

after II;!\ .·pperation for appendl; Hugh sweet Tuesday morning, eltls nt;tl~e ~t. Lawrence hospita, November 2, nt 9 n. m. recently. . .' The M. Y. F. fill sponsor a

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd. McKenna 1 baited goods sale Saturday, Oc· entertained t•elatlve!! !rom All· tober 30 at Archenbronn's l-Iard· burn, Ipdll):na, a_tthe.ir cottage at ware. ' Chappel· D~ n·ear Gladwin over Munith Mothers club will meet

· the weelc 'end. Tuesday ovcnlng, Novembet· 2, at Mr. :and. Mrs. Roland Graham the school house.

and M~, ·an'd Mrs.·Elmer .a:· Alchin Mrs. Emil. Batchelor of Ypsi: and J4dy spent the weelt end at !anti spent last week with hei· Stevens· !alee near Traverse City. slstet;, Mrs·. Harold Fore!. Mr.

Mr. and M1•s. Ronald Parl<er Batchelor was a wcelt ond guest. and Mr: and Mrs. Helena Waiver· Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibbs of ton h(\ve b'een ·· vacationing at Ypsilanti spent Sunday with the their c):\ttage at .Ro\ind'lake. latter's parents, Mr. unci Mrs.

Mrs .. iEdria Griswold spent sev- Harold Fore!. · eral days 'last weeK· with Mrs. Mrs. Lottie Whiting of Battle Tom Newton. · . · Creelt, who had been visiting her . Mrs.· Roland Graham· attended sister,· Mrs. Will Archonbronn, re·

' the ful)er.hl.: ot ~YF~'l JI:?~ton .In ~tttt:ned home Moh4ay. : • · · ·. · . Lansing_:,~st1 ,Tue8.t¥:Y.:i:.':·.:~ ; : · · 'Mhi. I:Ienry R~h~us . .ls a .J1a:

. Mr. arid Mrs .. Lawrence Fink of tlent at Mercy hospttal. Mai!On?.':"llslte4 ,• t).l:~,Jl).~ter'~; motlv. :.1 J,.oc!l.~ i w .. S. C; s .. mem hers are er/.i:J\{rs; Mlnnl~' ro.J:emnQ', and lnvlt~i:l to be guests of the Chel· au~', M"l''·.~~~le!·~~ll,·; Sun· sea W. S .. C. S. for a Juncheot_l da ·~, ;,~ ~ .Ji '.':' ~''' ':····· .:;)'' ;,! , Tuesday. Mi~s ·Mable Lawrence,

·. · . ancf)·Mrs. Leland Crandall a retired missionary from India,. · an'.tMr, and Mrs. su·mner Cra.n; 'Ylll I,Je speaker In tl,te afternoon.· :. dn'li visited · .~elr, •. frjip(jmother . . , . , . . . .. . . nn~~mother,Mr.l. HettiH~tandil;ll; · ··ao· to New England, and visit. MoDctay. ·: . '' · · the domestic firesides, .If. you· :>


STRATO-STREAK V-8 You'll get· the lift of a lifetime· when this all-new V-B pours out its 180 horsepower. Every fea­ture is new from the' multiple jet carburetor to the advanced anti· knock combustion cham~rs. Here's "out~front" performance that fills the miles with thrills-. prayed for outstanding depend· ability nt¥).. flconomy by over a;ooo;ooo test miles!

·PANORAMIC BODY Toke another look at that huge expanse of Safety Plate glass •• ; that. new ·panoramic windshield ••• the dream-car design of the

' front end • • ·• the -smart cut of the car-length fenders. It's a masterpiece of modernity~hiB lower, roomier ~ody by~sher -with interiors,, color-lmyed to the Vogue Two-Tone body hues, that lift luxury to a· new plane!

SHOCK-PROOF CHASSIS The '55 Pontiac chassis is a catalog of all that's new and best in udvances. A heavier "X" frame for both the Chieftain and Star Chief. Bigger brakes;· Recirculating boll steering. Tube. less tires. Wider-spaced pal'al!el reur springs. Vertical king pins, Here's every finest feature add­ing up to snioother ride, greater safety, extra driving ease!



It's here-the car that steps you straight into tomorrow-the mighty, future-fashioned Pontiac fop 1955. And never have you seen a car so surely marked for stardom! With everything new except its great name and world-famed value •.• with every part and feature presenting a bold advance, it is a new pace-setter for the industry-built to point the way to ·progress for years ahead. See this exciting new car 'this week end-new proof that dollar for dollar you can't beat u Pontiac!

'.; . .:::· .,

' .. •



'l, ~ . ' •

· ... · ....

•. , '•t •1':1 :·~· ....

; ·.' ~· . . ,; · .. ~ ., . " . .. ,

·.I 'Mr. arid ~11· ,0\Vu-~~Aw~cte~ ~f would ·Jlee the. secret of American :.

oti(~ vlelted·Uielrparenta;·'~r.•and .Independence. Rellglqn has ma~e · .

· MrJ·~~{.Q~·;.~~~W4~ail~\,iran_d· . them.what:.~h~y .. nre~.Mo~q!'e~n~~:·. ··-;;;;.···;;;;;· .:.· ~.;;;;;.,:.:;;.;..._..;..;.~;,;.;.;_....,;..;_.._..;;.:;=:.:.::...._ ___ ~.._-_....;.;.;.:.;..~--~....;.~..o..:------:.-:--:-----....-_--------..:....,:----F=;~~--'"':'":"----:----:-.~~~~. :.:."~~:.:Howard , Pontiac .. .r,_ •. .,.:.

i ; . !

Wheatfield Dist. No. 3 u IIIII II I>'lll'lilllllll

Mr~. M. g, RoHe, teacher nt the Pollod< school, hns n IJ.I·I group sturtccl, under the direction of Mrl'>. John llalmlir, fot• tl.e girls. Their lirst mecllng wus lwld lnst Wcn)nesday afternonn nt Mrs. Brllrnct·'s horne, Each girl mnde a toW(Ji. Member's of the group arc Hosnllc Mnrilhall, .Judy nnrl Ann Glynn, Shu ron McLutz, ,June and TWa Kibby, Monta nnd Mary .Juno Emerson, J~vu Balmer and Mnr,Yiy'n and Beverly Hills,

Mr. anrl Mrs. 'l'erry Losey uml clnughtr.r lwve moved their· house trailer Into the yurcl of Roy Glynn 11nd are · mai{\ng their

, home In this 11istriet.

JVJn,, 'Wt,llti.,Jl .IohriSi•fl ;,nri Mrs. f~thel Putrid{ worn Wt!drws­day u(lonHHIIl eullcrs of Mrs. Ella King. 'l'hr•y wnr\wrl rrn IIH!ir fllll'ses, w!Iir'h l'Xienslnn rnem!Jers aro mui{\ng.

Mr. and Mrs, Erwin J•'orcmnn and family spr•nt Sunrlny with tbnlr parents, Mr. and Mrs, Cley Fnremnn,

Mr. unrl Mrs. Hnlwrt Fon•rnnn cnlerlulnerl tlw tcuehi'e cluh Sal­lll'dny nlp,IJI. High prizeR went to Mr. nnrl Mrs. Harold Glynn and low wrmt In Mrs. Vie Otis. Mr. and Mrs. llul'llld Glynn will en· tertuin tlw group next.

Sunday rlilliWI' r:uests of Mr. anrl Mrs. Merle Swan were J\1:.·. and Mrs. Olivni' ICngler nnrl duugl1ters and Mr. ami Mrs, Don· aid Engler anrl family of Lansinr: unrl MI', flllll Mrs. IJo!J l'r•tTier

.fVil, ;dill JYJI'.:,, DIJIHii Pttl1i<S. ftt· IPnder! lhP lnstal)atlnn of the Jo:;wlt!m :H:~r 111 W;wousta S:~tur· clay nl[lht. -

Mr. and Mt'S', IJarolr) Dm'l'oW ami Nancy were Thursday nlghl dinrwr p,uosts of Mr. n,nd Mrs. Hoher·t J?orcman nnd fumlly, Sun· rlay rlimHH' giiC'His of thr! Fore· m:~n family wore Mr. unrl Mrs. Vie Otis ar1rl sons of Leslie,

Mr·. and Mrs, John Cinrk of fl:~t I le CrePI\ wem Weclrwsrlay night cllnrwr· llltost~; of Mr. and Mrs. MPrie Swan.

Extension Doings

' . TaquatiWIWtt Plctut'efi '8clt~clilied'·:: ·


Bowling ' jHil8UI1 lt••ru·t•alinn J,li!l!l'llll

Wyeth La horn I or I e s Inc., Wnm's Drug Slorc, Cumming~ Barber Shop ancl George's Mar· lwt trmi< 3 poinls from Eenwnt N! o d.e r n Clcnnor~, Drewry's, Neely's Mr.n'~ Wear and Wolvm·· lne Engineering Co. AI !lice Chevrolet, Hilton and Ridwrds Bulcl<, .Tim's Mnriwt. and Mon;e's Hestmrmnt split with 2 polntr; each.

Mrs. Ella i{ing Is spenrllng some time with lwr sister, Mrs, Col'ft Barllell of Mason.

and snns of Dansville, ''' Aln!Ptlon Ct!ntm· '''

High gnme~ nnrl serlrs wrre rolled by .lim lnp,hrnm, 21JG-fi:12; Dasli Arlnrm;, fi15; Dill llnmlin, 21G-G:lf.l; Mnx Bemcmt., fill7; Lelloy Lee, fi:Jli; Ken Sheffer, 2Hi-fifiH; Clarence l"ry, fil.l; Nnrmo~n Prit· ml, 2112, 20fi-mD; Elwood !vliltart!, 2t:l-5!l~; Dave Stone, fi\2; Harry Spenny, 22fi·!i27; Maurice Hicldy, 212-G•HI; Hullir DeMartin, :10 I, 20:J-!H7; Diel1 Mills, fi11; Doll Wil· Iiams, fi:JJ; Boil Bowman, :WfJ.:i:l7; Dicit Nethawny, 527; Georgt1 Ruslt, 200, 202-fifiU; Gill Howl~tt, 213-!i8<1; I~ us lace Hoggow, 20~1-

520; an:l Harold Gntes, 2:J2·!iG7.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Merle Swun anrl T!Jll•tcen mcmhers of the Alalc·

Nancy Should .Study Mamie

1---.;.._----AN BI>I'fOHIAI.--------

<iti~Jll'hlletl with 11ermlssion fmm l•'lint. News·Allvertist!l', Ot~loh('l' Ill, JOMJ

Speaking befm·e a political group in Kentucky J•ocently, Nancy Williams, wife of Michigan's govemo1·, (is reported to have apologized for the rest of us for having sent: such men as Cha1·les E. Wilson and Arthur E. Summel'ficlcl to Washington to give of theit· time and gt·eat abilities in government: service.

"I am not sure we intt~nded to send them to W:l.~hin~~­ton but WI~ certainly wanted to gd them out of lUichig:m," this "finH lady" Is supposed to have said.

Now it doesn't really matter \vhich side you m·e on in the approaching election in appmising the quality of Mrs. Wil­liams' remarks. Fl'Unkly, it strikes a new bottom in polilical campaigning and ce1·tainly is not approved by 1 he many line Democl'ats that live in yout· neighbod1ood m· that you know as friends and associates.

* * * It probably isn't important to Mrs. Williams that the men Michigan sent to Washington played a big pm't in l))'inging about an end to the Km·ean war which a previous administJ·a­tion bungled into and laclwd the ability ot· courage or DE­SIRE to end. Mrs. Williams probably doesn't know what this meant to thousands of mothers in Michigan whose sons came home from Korea. She wouldn't know because her children are not of military age, and she has neve1· ex­perienced the heartaches that go with sons and daughtei'S

' fighting a war in far-off lands. ·

It probably isn't important to IUt·s. Williams that, ·l;he counta·y has been guided into a stable 111~acetinw ec1momy without a deJiression-insJiired loss ol' high living stantlat·d:o;. 'l'lw triUlsition from 20 years of inflation, wrapJwd :tt'otmd two major armed conflicts, into a sensib!e sta~tdard of li':in~ and worldng, in Jleace, without the pams of a dPpresswn, was Ia.rgcly guided by the Michigan num that went to Wash­ington. Again, this Jll'obably doesn't mt;~n m~tch to ~It·s. Williams as she ami her husband would hve qmte comfort­ably, even in a depression.

* * * It is reasonable to assume that Mrs. Williams has never thought of taking a page out ?f. Mam_ie Eisenh_owet·'s -book, pa1'ticularly where it says that 1t IS entirely possible to be_ the wife of a public official AND a lady, at one and the same time. If the remarks credited to her in Kentucky are true, then Mrs. Williams needs to read Mamie's book. again and again. Even the heat of a political campaign, whtch e~cuses many things, certainly is not an excuse for the unladylike remarks she directed at some fine Michigan ~en.

As wife of the governor of 1\Iichigan, Nancy Willi:um; should learn to res(lcct the intej.!;rity of suc_h men a.'l Chaz·les 1~. Wilson and Flint's own Art Sununet•fteld. She shot!lil :t(I}Jreeiate the sacrifice they mad~ even in goi~g t~> ~;-t-"1,1~ ingion. She should thanlt them for the co!1ti Jbut10n the~ have made to the future soundness of Arnm•Jca.

don CPniPt" exll'nslun club met 'l'lnn~Juy evening with Mrs. Ne!Jyc nussell. Mrs. Lyle Oesterle anrl Mrs. Er·nest Palmerton were rww nwmlwr:; who at tender!,

Clrainn:111 Helen Fogle !eel the !Jtr~;irws!; nwetlnr: at which time a snmple letter on the town hall site pmpnsal, In he sent to AlniP· dJ;n township voter·s, was np­Jll'lll'l'rl, Arr:l!lgenwnts Wl're then marie to h:1ve the letter printed anrl prrparerl for mailing, The "New Town Ha II for A laicdon" idr•:t' originated in the Alnlcdon CPniPI' t•xtrnslon eluh.

MPmlwrs I hen made arrange· nwnts lo hPipworll on the Christ· Dlil~i IPH!-i.

Mr:;. WiJ:;nn Fnrcc and Mrs. !lay Loll i~ave I lw Christmas worl·:shop IP1=son sl10wlng samples rrf Christ mas gifts which mcm' ilr.rs could make. She also gave n drrm>nstralinn of purse making after which mr.mhrrs eut patterns and ordered pursr! frames,

At tlw close of the mcetin_l( the Tom and Arlene Hadley are bringing their I{odachrome moving imstp;~s ·scr\'ed refreshments 'of picture-poem of the 'l'ahquamenon rivet' country ami other areas of J'ol"fr•r• nrul r!Pssr'l'L Tlw next meet· !Iiawuthu land to Mason·to open the Cap and Gown lecture series, ing will hr. November 18 with The series will open November !l. It is• stJOnsored by the Mason Mrs. Elsie W;illine. Kiwanis club. Tom Hadley and his wife Arlene have become widely ''' Cnlle1-w Cr·nsst·natl>; ''' imown for their nature films. ·The 'J'ahquamcnrm picture lihnws

l\1('1llhers of the College Cross· canoe scenes·, Octoher campllres,_wild flowers, beavers, deer <llld song ronrls extension eluh met at the birds besides Lhe waterfalls, , '' . !JnmP nf Mrs. Ira 13. Ritter last Hadley is an architect and engineer, a graduate of ll1e Unrver­Tucsrlny fur their regular October sity of Michigan. He now gives Iuil time to conservation pictures. mr.rting. His wife is his constant companion, in the field and on tour. Their

The cby was spent making 2 children now grown, the 1-Iadleys spend most of their lime In tltc purses nnrl assembling lhem. The open. lr'aril'l's, insll'l\f'lerl the group and ...:._ _______________________ _ tolrl of other nrticlcs that would

AI • d ( t man were rccenl callers at the make idc;il Christmas gifts. ale On en er home of Mr. arid Mrs. ·George

Following a potluek luncheon, tiiC' president, Mrs. Beryl Wood· !\Irs. J~lmct• C. Brown Cady.

'!'cam st.amling,; art! as follow!:: Team · W L Wolverine Eng. Co ............. 18 10 Morse's Jlestaurant .......... 17 .I 1 Jhn's Maf.l<et. ...................... H; 12 AI IUee Clwvrol••t .............. tG 12 Cummings Barber Shop ·.IG 12 Dement Modern Cleunm·s 14 l'l George's Marlwt ............... .!•! l:J \Yyetii Lab. lnc, ................ 1'1 ll ~are's Drug Store .......... 1a lfi Drewr-y's .............................. !] 17 Hilton and Hieh:mls .......... W Hl Neely's Men's Wear ........ D lfl

Ytmn.~· !lien's LI'III;'IW

Monday nig!It found I he rncc for first place llg!Jten a little with Roy Christensen Ford Sales win· ning 4 points from Whiz Kids while Mason Dairy and Cmrrt Cafe were winning ·.3 points from Davis Clothing :mrl Thorburn Lumber & Coal .Co.

The pins fell hard for most howler's with only 3 fiOO scric~ being recorded, Stan Stolz led the field with 5G3. LeRoy Lee had ;,·J<J anct Ken Sheffer, fill.

Team standings are ns follows: Tilorhurn Lumher & Coal ........ Hi Roy Christensen Ford Sales ...... 1~ Court Cafe ...................................... l:i Davis Clollling ............................. .11 Mason Dairy .................................. 11 \VIlit. Kids ........................................ ·1

I 1 · · . . Mr. nml Mrs. Ernest Larner vis· rnnn, caller! t lC' msrncss meelmg Mr. an:J Mrs. Harry Hummms ited Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Halt l'ut Hnymond,-'1'illie 1\.-umer In rmll'r. \Vays to help a needy and family were Saturday eve· of Durand Sunday. ancl LindalUnrris

Eden School News

family were discussed· and it was ning callers at the hOJ1LC of Mr. ;Jgrcerl tlmt members would tal<e and Mrs. Ernest Larn~·. . ... Mr. and M.rs. Elmc.r. Brow~ Ray Raymond is in critical con· donations of canned food to the The Ladies Aid Society met at called on M1. and Mts. Robert dillon at the Foote hospital, Jacl<· nr,xt mcr.ting. the home of· Mrs. LouiS' Wieland. Yanz of Lansing Sunday. son. Cpl. George H. Raymond

Mrs. Gonion Richman of Holt with 12 members and 2 gtwsts I Mrs. Myrl Siegel of Detroit and was called home on emergency was voted in ns a new member present. The next meeting \ir\11 be Mrs·, A. D. Tompson o[ L[lings· leave on account of his father's of the• group, at the home of' Mrs. Grace Green

1-bqrg vjsilcd Mr .. and Mrs. George 1;icknes~ ami P.ay J. Raymond

Tlr'.! lesson on tile painting will of Phillips road; The annual fair [Cady Saturday, also came from' Guam. IJr given at the home of Mrs. Nel- will be the event of this meeting. Mr. and Mr~. Wayne Beatty of A photographer from the En· 1

son \Vade Tuesday, November 16. B. F. Arend, Jr., underwent a Williamston were Sunday dinner terprise Studios took separate' " 1\lilh•ille ,,, majot· operation in the Mason guests at the home of Mr. and pictures of the group, including

General hospital Thursday. Mrs. George Cady, the teacher, Thursday. Tlw Millville extension group met lr!sl Wednr.sdny ut the home of Mrs. Clnrk Nottingham for an :rll-rlay meeting with 10 m\)mbers lll'esenl, · /\.iter the business adjourned a ~lrrlltwk dinner was served. · Tn the a [tcrnoon the leader, \1rs. 10:1\·in Not tinghum, gave the Jc::f:on on purse making.

Tile November meeting will be lwld nt the home of Mrs. DeLan­

Mr. and Mrs. William Work· Those who received "A" in

F . o· . ,,r,elling lust week were 'l'illie cake decorated in tl~c Halloween ems IStnct' !(ramer, Pat Raymond, Die!< motif. 1\IJ•s. Lom Olney Raub, ~yal Feazel, Shirley Mor·l

The group plans to have a so- ris, Linda Feazel, Bob Raah, dal me-eting Tuesday, November Carolyn Coats spent Tuesday Sammy Smith uml Cheryl Feaz~J. '2, nl 7:30 p. m., with Mrs. Leon night with the Olney oi~ters. Ron Smalley of Wyandotte VIS·[

Battley as hostess. Anyone wish· . Mr. and Mrs. Don Bursley and itcd the Charles Smalleys Friday ing to beeome an extensi::nt mem- family visited Saturday ·:!Vening night and Saturday. [ b:!r may <)I tend this meeting. wilh the Clint Fuller family, Mr. am! Mrs. Kenneth Raab * · Wilcox * a~d sons attended an open h01rse Kay Terry is back in school

Nine members :..illi 3 guests of Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Wesley after an operation. * the Wilcox extension club met at Brownlee of Leslie. After attend·

· Mrs. Lora Olney tooi' he~ 1 M

cey Cooper. Lt•:u·n·A·Bit:

the home of Mrs. f{oherl Srmpson ing the open lrous0 Mr. am rs. 1

finished projects les8on.' ar.rl Marion Fuller to_ Lansing Jhe Garth Brownlee fum1ly.

1 ,,,_..,,,l·;,:ili.N 'l'Hl~ iroit~R · 1-\l>HIIIlo~ill~l-, jjcuuf:O i-j"~,;c, ::_,.-, rlay nftmnot,l/, ' f' .... olc.l Il'illli!Jn full~ t~l~ ,l~olcl!i .. ,

t hut the wm·lp la }r~J·ehqcl, lle• tween the Horns ot a pow, and when the cow hrH~omes tlrert nnd shnlteli · her · Jnla(l tllli · Anrth qunlws·.

Danyn O'Brien has entered ~ollool :u; n new Jlllpil.

Mr'. nntl Mrs, Boh Melbroolw nml family vlsilml thtl Cllfrnnl l~eazcl Jumiiy Sunrlay uftei'Jlonn,

. · • • I •, I •'!· '~

October 28, 1954:' . . Pa~ti·1 Ingham County News I ' ' l

' •. , ·i 1•1.

The Michigan Christian ·Advocate's; . · : .. Editorial, .October 21, ~95~-,. ·

/ . . . : '·' . ' ~:. ;· . Churc)1 voters ln the Sixth CongresslpnnL Dl_lsJkltJ~.

or Michigan m·e confronted in the. ct:lfplng aler.t~loh­with an issue out of, the ordinary. nepresm'itr t)vp~ Wt Clardy from that .district is up· for .t•e-oh~ctlol1,. Mr. Clardy is not in the good graces of man~ chUrj!h people nml for valid reasons. His backel'S are.nntltrnl· ly concemed about this condition and would lllcc td _do

'' "'

something about lt. ' .. _ _ .

The time to hnve thougrt about that wus ·\V~cii their candiclute wus imitating . the . ql.lc:Jtlorinble · tactics of Senatot· McCarthy. Conccrlilng thes~ {\Ct1l . the Detroit Annuitl, Confot·ence in session last. junl! issued tho follm~ing official statement: '

McC~rl hy nnd ills lllw·mlnclecl co-worlmrs, ln· dudlrlg Congressman·Kit Clardy of Michlgr\n, hnvr. , ns~umed the position of divinely appoint~:<! ~o~u:ml· ''· inns o( mpn'~ consclepccs, patriotism, .thoughl~:· A.H such, they destroy the judicial princlplJ!H of tr)ai by jury, legal counsel for the defentla;Jt, ant! the rlR,~!l .,-, to ernss-exumine one's accusers. 'rhey are using , ., tlwir· power to break the Rystcm of chccl<s. qnc):h~l· , nncPs, which, undcr our Constitution, delegated ccr· lain clutios to the Executive ami .Tudldul as well us. tire Legislative br;rnch of government.

The Mich-igan .·Conference meeting· one weelt. latel' also linked the names of iv'ILCurLhy and ClardY, : in an official statement when it said: ·

The uhuses of power by McCarthy and Clardy to name only two, reflect upon the party which gave them their assignments. Currently, ollr only !rope ol a 'return to the Amcriean principles of fair piny· lies in ar:Lion to change the rules of procedure or to rcorgnniw the commiltecs. ·

It is verv unusual fol' Methodist Conferences to criticize poiitlcians by name. When they do, one can be assured the circumstances are extremely ex· traorclinury and of the most serious character. Cer- :. tuinly neither Conference was motivated by part!· san politics but each felt the principles at: stake ~vere on an entirely different level and of such magmtude . that the chlll'ch would have been remiss in its respon-: sibilities if it did not speal{ out.

1 Political ndvertisment ingerted on order qJ. and pui(( for by Howurd 0. Hamilton, on behalf of friends or Don'. Hayworth, Democratic candidate for congressman.) •

Vote For


Daly Dcmo(~ratll! Candidate

·tor R"gister of Deeds

'~ Lansing Resilient 17 Ye1us '

'~ lllollwr-li Chiltlren ''' Fhumcial Secretm·y

Democratic St~te Cenh'lll Committee ll .Ycarit

* J~mployed Ai1dltor Gel\· era! uml J,nnil Office. li YcaJ'S Qnnllficll - DrliCJU~bie.

Vote November 2, 1954 Above all, Mrs. Williams should take a good look at the

state of Michigan TODAY and then SPEAK WELL ~f the men who devoted their talents in assisting to make tt the GREAT COMMONWEALTH it is.

i\·laldng artificial flowers was tile highlight o[ the last meeting of the Learn-A-Bit r,xtension gmup. Members gathered at" the home o[ MrS', Alvin Baetz last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Franit !·loy I gave insL·uctions on maJ,. in!! the flowers and she also pre·

Monday evening for an un· :laughters, Laura lee and Judy, Kenneth Ruab and son~ visited



Some of the members llnished Sunday to r.lo a recording. Alice Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Marquedant, I h l I Del<ett recorded a number. "II · 1 1 tl 1 ' purses t 1nt t cy startec at t 1e L. D. and B1 VIS tee 1e Joys_ It _________ .;_ ______ --:-_._ ________ ,

l~tm~ti~;oth~w~~d~ M~a~Mffi ~lla~D~ill---------~--~--~-~-~~----~---~~---~~-~-

:;eli ted each member with a pla"nt. . l'nid jJO!lticni'ndvert.ising ph1ced on m:tler ol' lllA'hnm Count.y At the elose of the meeting the

Rt~Jlnhlieun CnnunU1t~e.. · ·· · 1 hoslr.s~., s~rvt:d :)ce ; crganr·.and

Re-Elect .

Willard P. as Ingham County

Sheriff Sheriff narnes and llis l>tlputillS

Arc As Near to You As Your Tl~h~JihOIIIl

¥ School-T ra_ined Deputies

¥ 24-Hour Rc)ad P atr~~

¥Road Safety Program


: .Vo~e Republican IZ)November 2 ' .

gloves and made baskets. entertained guests from Grayling · HeJreshmcnts of pineapple pie Wednesday through Friday. and coffee were served by' Mrs .. Simpson'at the close of the meet' ing. ~- ~ i ~_:_ · ·;. .


• • ~> ::. * •:·• '--UellO~k · .. ' ',:'~'

Bell' Oal' \~xtensi;n 'grotrp .mem: bers met I•'riday with Mrs. Maude Royce of Webberville for the pur­pose of cutting moccasin p~tterns,

Ten member,;. and one visitor answered roll call by naming n favorite kitchen tool.

After tlie business meeting Amy Bradbury, recreation lead· r.r, conducted a contest which Winnie Perkins won. The leaders then demonstrated the lacing of 1 leather moccasins. ,

At the close oi the meeting the hostess served a luncheon. The group will meet again Nove'mber with Anna Allen. · * Sunn:r Srtntlm·s Sislel's *

Mrs. Rollo Foote entertained members of the Sunny Sancle,.s Sisters· extension club last Tues· duy.

The 14 members gathered in the forenoon to mal{e purses, and took a sacl< lunch. Mrs. Dan Dar, row and Mrs. Charles Dceg, lead· ers, presented the lesson.

A rrian· \~ho' gives· his chi)drcn habits of industry provides for tl)em -better ,\Jufn by·. giving them a fortune. Whately.

Mrs. Velmour Dayton, chair· I man, called the mecu'ng to order,, and the group voted _to attend the ' Congregational church in Leslie NO BOO-HOO _ p 1 a y safe' Sunday morning, with their fam·. when you make your scary ilies. County goals. were dis· Halloween jac)t·o'·luntern. this cussed and s·everal members vol· year. For a light ·source use unt:cered to 'do u kind deed for' an either a flashlight or a low· elderly person or a shut:in. watt electric· bulb· in· a ,porcc• ·

The hostess, assisted' by Mrs. ·'lain socket, mounted on 11. blOck'. W. D. Byrum, served 'icc' cream · of wood. Candles are a menace topped with peach halves, cool<· -to ·flimsy costumes; dry, fire•) ies, tea and coffee at -the close of hungry corns.talks and oth!lr

• ,i; j ' · .... ···. t

,· (]:_l' ' ' ThS'!SS

r': . ' . : : ' : ; ' ; ~ i ' ! :, •• I :.~~ i ' ; '• . '

~oiR~Ei ·_ ·air-er·.'·C:c.ii\ii_K:S;I·:. ·· ~. - ···.•. +

. -~ . .


With Thunderbird Styling! SEETHI!!M


I 1.r


" .,~ .

the meeting. · , . · ·traditloqnl. ~!)coratio!ls.'

~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~ .... ..._ ____ ~~~~~·~ '' ' . ' ' ' . '· .~ .. ,., .... "·· ... ' ,., .. ·~ ~~~cu,.~~~ 'EleCt

Chorles. E. ~Attar~~~: : \lote'; , .. -.·· . · .· ..-. .; !' '••

CHA B' ' " . ' '

' . ' ' •: • I "·

RLAI ... ,:····. ··-::-··.····


~··Dansville II


l Halloween Plans Told in Assembly

jJJniHI liJHh'IWI()J' l'lhil'ts 'Wol'lt ! Hnlplr Rordyl of' mnst Lansing Brotherhood Plans

For Fi~st Meeting

, IJOI'!'Illl Ch·dl\ 1\11!1\lli ·\VIHhii'Hilily

Mrs. Helell Young - Phone 3931 II

· hngnn Monduy IW hand Instructor at t lie :;dwol cJuc to the rcslgnn· t jon of Mrs. GI'Clldwn Stnnsell, Mr·s, Slnnsr!ll resigned to he with

1 .i\11 nssl'lllhly progrmn pointing lwr· hushnml who IH In thc nrmy. 'J'hc first rnc~ellng of ll1e Hl'lllh·

0111 llw 111~w typo of I !nlloWI!I~Il In Mr. Sorely I Is n grndnute sluclcnl orlioorl will lu• lwl1l 111 llw i1;1ns·

'l'lw l'l'l.:llinr• llll't'ling of Jlw J)oi'I!:JS eil'l'il! \V:IH llf'Jd \VI!IIIH'H· rliiy 1!'/llllinil 111 t11o lHmw or Mrs, MPIVitl IJalligo Willi Mrs. C:ll'll Sharlunrlulnl ~11'H, Wll,YJil! 'l'n,ylril' as · t'IJ·liostJ•sstrs, Mn;, VlrH·t~nl ( '!11')1'11 jll'l'!i'ldl',) llVI'l' IJu• l>t1Silli'SH Hl•:;slon. 1\!rs. Mt•rh• Sw;111 )I'll lit<' rlevnllnns. 'l'ltn lll'<tt~l'illll ''I ll'aiillg of Women" was Jli'I!HPilil'd ily Mr~. l!ohl'i'l fl.nrll't'son. '1'!11! No· Vl'llliH'I' uwullng will be la•lrl at ll1u l1onw of 111m. Cnrlun,

.WSCS Members

.'Hear Talk on India

\\', H, C. S, HJ 11111 HIII'H Unznnl' hn oh.~I'I'VI'd in Dnnsvllle nnll ville town hall Monday, NnvcHnh1n· I I 1 . . 11f Mkhlgnn Stnle college unr.l Is

't'hr. rnrnun Jil'l.lmr HJIIliiHIII'Pt tnghiml lownslnp, wns grwn hy now WOI'I<Ing 011 hl:i muster's de· l, nl. 7::JO p.m. i\1 llrls limo thon! by the Wnmans SrH'IPiy of! 'l1ri;;· ll1e l'iglilll and tenth l{rado J•:n1~· will be n pnllud; liliPJII'I' and linn Servil'l~ was h1~lrl :--:atlll'liiiY Jb;h d,1sscrs lilllghl by Mrs. Lnuis1~ 1 gree, lhnse who nllt'IHI ;1nr nslwd 1'1 at IIH! Dnn:willn town lwll. ~Janning, 'l'hlll'sday HfiL'I'IIfHlll, ' lal<e tlwlr nwn dtslwi; and a cllsh

· :'ii!Vcrnll mmnlmrs nf tlw Wnm· 'irn's :-itii'IPI y of Chrlsl.lnn Scrvlee \venl In l'iainfleld Sunday eve· 'iting lo lw11r Miss Mabel Law· 'h:-111'1!, Miss Lnwrcnce is a native nf l•'ill'hhurg, nnrlrr.t•enlly retlrerl

'11 fter sJn•ndlng :m years as <t

'l'hl'illlglt<llll I hi• day illlH'iH'S Wl'l'!' J•;iglilli gro~il<'!)'t; l:i<VI' a sldl, PTA Schedules or fond to pass, Mt!ilt anrl potutm•;; Hl'I'Vf'ri iiJHI II !JI'Illl,\' ,'illpper wm; 11'1'.'"'''" ill Vill'ill\IS l!llHI111111!H of Will be furnlsilcrl, Hlri'VI'rl lu tile t!VI'Iling. i\. li•;l1 ll'<•ll·i(lloll'll Jl''"Jl"' with Lr•o .nnring tlw IHtsiiH's:; mt'l'llnr:

_ _!,_

pond lllld l'ill'ious htll>llis Ill lii\II'Y Dtll''"'" IH·Ing ilw llli>YIJI'. Others Future Acti.VIItl'es r,ffleers fm• 1111! Yl'lll' will Ill' worl<, uprons, 1'ards, l'llgs, 1.' 11 '·•

1wlio I<H>I\ p:ll'l Wl'l't! I lillie! .h~n\1 elected anrl llrere will he 11 pro·

were allnwtlons of IIH~ lll'l'ilK\1111. IIHI l'ill'ol lllc-.1'1, Harh·ll'il Cooi1, Churches Present Special Services l ~~

i'JI'IIIlllll and Dllllllll DtH' ;l<!r, i\lk1! A regltilll' mr.r.ling of l.he P. t llo~rt. l'llnrilyn lt:llulall, ,lnoil't! 'I', .i\, was i11~lrl 'l'ilursday evening All men in llw conJmunily Ill'''

'ii1lssionary in India, s h I R I 'l'lit>S[! Wilo Wl~nt Ill 111'111' IH!l'l (· 00 e eases Jtrowll'<', hart•n S<·ripli'l', Linda al llw school wllll !iO Jlresenl. lnvllcd.

The !<J>il'illlal lirr• llli•;:;Jon !'""II· sol'l'd l:v IIH! MI~IIH>dbll. eonft•r'· I'IH'r will IH•J:in Snndny in 1111' l1iiliSVilll' 111111 Vanlo\\'11 ~'li'IIHrd· 1~ I i!llltl'l'lll'S wit il a joint SI!I'Vlr•(•

were!, Mrs. r;f'oJ'I.:£! Vngl, Sr., Mrs. H R II R 1

rtosn i\nrll'i'St>n, Mrs. Br!ssle '1'111'11· 01101' 0 LISt bull, Mrs. Vt'l'llll Wl'sl, Mrs. Min· niP ( :rlml's, f1lrs. l·~mma l'l11m, Mrs. !vii C'orwln, Ml'fl. fl.llh! 'I'IH>IllJIHOII, Mrs. C. K Milnnln,: illtd Mt·. and Mrs. Fieri Van Dalll\llC,

You( h Groups 11111'1! IJU,Vl'ilio

Pupils rl'l'l'iVIIli.; 1:radr•:; llll:ilit'.v ing for llw ll'lllor 1'1111 for till' lir.'l six Wl!l'll.'i (ll'l'iorl ll'l'r" lwr·lllll l(rafil', J'iil 1\)onrlll', l!nJH•rJ:< r,Jlll· lins, [)nmthy ~'imwt'I'IIJ:In 1111<' Hohr•rl Whilal;c•r;

l•:kvt•nllt gr:t~IJ•, N:Jili'Y l•:l!i:<. Ward SotH'I', Ill' I II ~:larJ;py :1111:

·,,.llil', ~;;!llv Tlllllnpsnn, ~iandra ~Irs. Don Ll~omtrd presided over \'iJ•sl and ~:ilni'Y \VilldnsoJt. I the lnrslncss llll'l!ling rlurlng

\Villin1n r 'l'llinlmiH•r pi'I'SI'niPtl wllich llu~ I'IIOI\1 muthen; [Jresent 'I l'l'lllriillljlliSIIl t'ldJ Willi his jiiiJ, \VCJ'C illii'Odll{'erj, '·J:!dly," !Piling nhottl llw worl> Mrs, Lt•slle 11lt•d expllllned !he 111' II. :'1. I. l'. 1•:. Jo'. plam; fm·· U. N. T·. C. I!~. 1•', Ilal·

fo.11 lllllolrnll'rl t;dl;_ on how U, lowecn par·Jy and Mrs, ,J. C. Ncl· N. I.<'. Jo:. Jo'. lllill~c·y ts ,;pc•Jt~ i11lll son t!J:IIii>lted llw pictures whld1 _1"\'! nJII<'I~ !~Ofl(l 1~ il<'t'lllliJ>Iislll'tl \VI'l'l' [llll'l'liasl'rl by llw P. '1'. fl.. l<ll' lltP l'illldrl'll ol till' WtJrld was [I:Jsl yeal'. Mrs. Earl Snyder gave :11'1'11 hy [{o,vlyn Voss, a n•porl on a tUITil:ulum meeting

I '":'tJIIJy IIUJI.'illlflle IIIIIIIIUIII'Cd wllit·li sh" had atlendcd In Ma· it(~ Jll'"grnm. I Sllll and Mrs .. James Will\inson

. . . - ' 1 gil VI! il I'OjlOI'l of the planning

Seniors Mal<e Plans eflmmittcc. Mrs. David Diehl, chairman of

for Yearbook Staff I ill! llll'lrliii!I'Hhlp commit tee, an·

'l'hlrty·<'igltl lllf'llilurrs of tlw 1\lr•tluulist Youth J•'l'limvship of llw Valtlown 11nd Dansvillt• Melh· ndisl t'illll'l'bi'H l'lljoyi•d a hayride and roilS! l•'riday cvr.ning. Ht!V, Cllill'il's Uross, Mr. and MI'S, Car· rnll (;Jvnn nncl Mr. nnd Mrs. Don: II ·!'uri<s lll!t'ompanied I he grrHIJl. They li!l't the chun:h lit 7::!1l 111111 linally arrived at tlu~ llllllll! r1f Mr. ami Mrs. William Musol ff wlu·n~ ganws \VlJJ'I~

pla;,•r;d and followed by a wiener roasl.

Cltarl<•s \\'1'1'1(.'<; 1<'111 h r:r:trlr•. L"r Plla 111'~1!,~, .J:tn llr·i;~,'-'.~. 1::1d1:11"i t'lldtl':llll', I )ornllly j"ltttJ.-.:lnllr".

l•:lr•llnllr !.ilnt·f', l'anl ~lil)":il!<• .1nsPpl1 1\lill<'l', ( '111'1 Minnis, 1\'il· 1111'1' i':JI'Sfln, Norton lti1·t•, r·:v1·l:n• 'l'rtwns<'IHI, ltoyl.\'11 y,,, and I ,u clll" Will'"'"";

TIH• litsl \'l'ill'hollk si:Jff nwr•l· 'II;; w:~:; l~t•i<t ~ltn1day Eiglil at wltir·IJ IIIII<' iltl'l' dis•·us.'iPd tlwir

Ninth i:radl!, .lllll,v Cr:<l'l. Jli;lill' l'l'lii'Ltlltk iii'I':Jngr•nWIIIS. Monday l•'r•llnn, Br•vPrly ( li•~il'l'i<•, Vr·rni<·r·

noliJH't'rl thai a banner would be awm·dcd to the sclwolroom from wlileh the ·most parents were pnrsent. 111. 1 he next meeting, whleh will he the open 'hotiHe rm•Piing, niglil lhl'il' JHlSllion will lw IJ:;­

Shc·rm:lll, 1\lic'e Snyder llltrl 1:11:;•' ·.i;:ltr·d l"r wliil'i1 they vo!Ltu·

m:rrv St11rlwv: 1,,,.r1:d. Jo:i·)~hllt gl:adt•, ll:JI'illll'll ,.,,,~

'I'll•' :-ll'iliol' proofs I!:J\'t~ IH!Pil Mr. and Mrs. William Niswon· 1 lllrriel llinsltHw, r:Jo:·i 11 Or•,;\prlrr. r<'ltlrl:~·:l. Ordr•r.'i will ill: lalwn

~'<'I' \1'1'1'1' Sund:Jy visitors of Mrs. ,lanil'<' ltowiPt'. Sally 'l'l<•llll[IS" 11 wilili11 lliL' lli'XI \l'l't'l'. \~'illm·;l Niswongl'l' at tile M11son lllld Nillll'~' Wilkins" 11 : '''"'''ill I• J;"x•·d c·:Jlllly ll'ill ""'11 hi' 011 Gc•net•al ltospilal. . grlldl•, .Jealllll' fl:lln:tn, tt;dpl• ··;al<• ftll' TlinnJ;,,giving ordt'I'S.

fl. ftct' I he husiness session Miss 1•;1:-;it~ Cohh !I'd the group In sing· in1: and a movie "Skippy and the Three H's was presented.

A t•al<e walk mul a silent aue· t i11n were then enjoyed by those PI'I'SCnl. , I Onl<lev, ltJJiltaiJn [{<~ilhJIIS, M:tr l'llrisllll'IS t'ili'd onlt•rs an• still

Mr. 1111_rl M1·s. Lnwrmwc Swan il'lll' Swnn itlHI l\1nral\'lt V11ss·, I f I II I I II · l11·in:.: i.JI(t'll. i\nyonr• wisllilll{ to

11111 llllll Y il I'JH ~''. 11 ~ver 1 111 f' Sixlli grad1•, Ad<'llwrt Anll'w.- II anni~'I'I'SIII',V r·cll'hrallOII Salllrday i\11111' Hl'iliiV, M:<rilvn' Hur•:"'~'' pi:H'I' :Ill ordl'l' may ['itll Ill' ~:t·c a Guy Co ier Services e\'l'lllllg at lhe home of Mr_·. an_d f','lii'I.I'I·,·J ('J'illllil111(('r' .. J):t•:irll;i"lil. s<'llllll'. I . A ( d d M d' M It Cl I f I I 'iljlf~l' I'll il•r'IIOIIS ill't! ltllllt!l'·l re on ucte 0

I'S. ogl'l' '~ll,l'l' 1 0 ,1JilSIIlJ~ Ill ~lnril\'11 1•'1'1'1'1', lltHJ [ itoilr:Jr•n . .IP:tll \1'11.1'. i\11_\'lllll' wishing to ltaVl' n ay ltonrll' ol .1111' ,l!Jth weilrltnl{. illllll· ,Jr 1 itll.~flll, (',ill'\' La;:l1111, l ·,,,." fVk

I M I M ll I II [litJl<'l." a1:.1 lnngnzillt'S pil'i;Pd up, Funcml servil't:H were heir! I'I~I'S:JI',V 11 ·:· IIIII , l'S, Cllllll 1 Daniels, 1\lilii,ill J{ii'S, Cr•li:;[:OJICI' Pet1•rson of J•owlcrville. \"P.sl ,.11111 .f:lllil'l' Wilt·, :'ltd lliiiY <'illl Ill' st•e a scrnior, Monday afiPrnonn :1! 2 o'eloek 111

' . lite Vogt funeral home for Guy 1\lt'. ancl l'llrs, David Wpncis anti l~iflh l~t·arle, ltogc•r Bi:··t•l. J.inrl:> i'l'\'. l'ollod; I'I'I'SI'nls 'l'u[J{ Collic!r. Mr. Collier rlierl Friday in

fnmily Wl'l'e g111'sls nl dinncr Jo'ri· Bissell, DI'IIIJis ('~>tlr'll'l', l~c·l•"t·''' 'l'lw r.·::ulat' l'ililpe; s<!t'I'II'C Wils I the University hospital in fl.nn cia,\' I'VJ•ning of 1'111', anrl Mrs. Don Dil'ltl. Lind;J l·~nr:lhlt, ll;n rr' li<•ld i11 lilt• higl1 sdJo<JI :JSJ;I:mbly Arh<ll'. lle was horn in.Wilile Oal< .Jasqltil of llollowny, Mr. ami Mrs. M:11111ing, C';Jnll ~l:JYilard. tm•:' '""'11 Jii,;l 'l'lilii'Sdlly Jnlll'ninl.( township, May 'Hi, 1808, and lived H1•x Woods 111111 family of Lansin!! My:ill, \Vilma l'r:1fl, .lurlilli 1\in•:., ,,·itli !tr•v. (\rl'il l'olhll'l< as guest in tiJis community many years. WI' I'<: :-iunda,v guests of Mr. anrl George Hoi lSI', Dill II!' Tow:J:>eiHI .';o;•;tl\r·r. (;roup s111~:ing O[H!I~ed 1 [is parents were ,Jay nnd Berllw Mrs. Dilvirl Wroods: illld .Joann 'J'o\\'Jiscnd. ·'"' S('l'l';l'''· 'l'llis II'Ho' followed hy Collier.

~lr. anrl Mrs. 1\,l'nnrtlt 11ichner ;1 s1·:·illl<ln' rP:Jding il." Maxine · ·' fie is snrvivcrl by 2 brothers, iillil ri:Jugliters Df•Niles spent t11r• Mr. anrl 1\'lrs. Bl'i'l lf:•wlt•v "r ·.;11,\'ilr·r. J:·il1 \'.'lliliil\f•r tda,Y<'d his · Glen all([ Genrge of Al!en, \1'1'1'1( 1'1111 as guests o[ tile !alter's Mason \l'l'l'e SunrliiY l'isitors ni' ;!.llit::J' and ..:ilng "J·)if'sst:rl ,Jtostls, parent:;, Mr. anrl Mrs. .James Mr. and 1\•lrs. CIHII'I;•:< 1\'<llllb. > f f Jo':ill. Don'l L<~l Mr• Lay.'' ltev. llid.L';Wil)'. Mr. ~mil Mrs. William Mr. aud Mrs. l•:nwsl Slt•IIPI' 111 l 'l'<'il I'<JIIok, )>:~>;tor of tile. Wheal· Slender IIIHI Mr. and Mrs. Lalw lcndPrl I he wcdrlin~r 111' llwir nir•r·c• :!r•ld MI'IIHulist l'illlrelt, gave a !'otter of Dclrnit ltnrl Mr. nnrl 1 Lois Slrllt•r '" !!a\'nH:Ild 1:. I:J!It "n the ·I H's tu cunclude the

l!cv, H. 1':, Moore nl'fici<~ted al the services with burial in l•'air· view cemetery, Dansville.

1\,lrs. Tom !'roud \\'ere also dinner I Smith al the \1'1•s1 r::t;l,:"n SIJ'I~I'' sl•rvil-t•. Mr. iiml Mrs. William Mucneil l';llt'sls Saturday evening of I he: Bapl ist ehttrl'h in .J:JI'i;son Satur-1 were Sunday clinnet' guests of Wrlgw11ys. rl~y aflernoon. ~lr-;. I< Ia 'l'nmilull returned 1 Mr. anrl Mrs. Elmo Waldron ol ----------------------------·1 r,iontl.ty to flt'l' ilonw in Mason' Lansini{ nnd were supper guests

i :ti'lt'l' :.p1•ndin:~ IU dny~ with Mrs. of Mrs. Muench's father, !~rani; Ingham County News October 28, 1954 ·Puge 4



By the Way .. I

Wc'm ch:UllliS in Ute ttsctl auto ll:ll'ls busi-. ness hec:tusc we· buy mol'c wrcclu~tl cars fm· s:tlv:tgc tlmn any other dealer in Ctmtml · 1\lii:ltigan. Loot' over our All-Sf.:tr lhumtl · ol' first quality used 1111rts :uul. you'll be :t win-ner, too! .

' . ' '·.

. ":':·~."~~: ~:.H.~s,~ Bought .. ~~l Wrecks ... · ,~·':.' · ·Far This;Vear ·

I Uc•,.;sif' Tlil'lti>ltll. · .. I Clever, also of Lansing.


Bud's AUTO PARTS Phone OH0-4:-4121 or 6110-4-6411

South of Holt- 2 miles..- Nortlt of Mason I


Leslie Defeats Aggies 18-6 in Friday's Game

Leslh• rii'!Patl'd llnnsville l•'rida,\' In tlw llimwilll' l'ltlll'r·IJ. ...

by the SI'<Jl'c of J)o;.Ji. '!'lw nwssagr• on "lli'I'JH'Iling Leslie rf'r·t!IVI'd lilt! 11111 •11 Jng ltllf' Splrilnal Llf1r" will IH! by lh1•

l<icl(ltf'f and mnrr·lic•d 70 yard•; 1:111'sl pas lor, IU•1•. ( :twrli::; llr;ll.fl~ for llw first Joul'llllown. 'l'iii'Y Ill l~llllrir•r•, In Iii!• I'V<'llilll~: till' ;;c•n)[•d agal11 In lilt' s1•1·011d p1•riod "''I'VIr'r' for holli <'illll'f'iH·;: lVIII lil' J;y 1·r•env1•1·1ng a fuml>ll' irl Dilllh· lwld ill Vnnlll\1'11 at :; c!'f'irll'l: nnrl ville',; 1·nd znnr•, 'l'ltl"/ s1·orPil lirv. l~l'ilg;; will .tall' 011 ''\Vii ar:alll in I he third pc~rit;d lo I'll Ill· 'illl'ti~ing." p!Pie tlteil' st•mlng, nurinr: tltl' Wf'r•k visit:~!iol'

Don Bmwn o( [);lllsvillt• lhiT\1' ·~I'IIIIJIS from loollt <'itltrdH•s wil' a :lll-ynnl p:ws In t:ill HmVI'IHi('l' ''i<ll ot1 llll'llliH•I'S 11f 1111• einm·hl'.'i laic in tile fourlh pcrillfl frn: l.!iin;;· \Vt•ihw:-;day PV•·JJiltl: nt 7::11< ville's G points. 1111'1'1' will h1• 11 f:~mily fPIImvr;JJit>

ililllll'\' for lilt' nwnilli'J'S of lootli "ilill'l!lli'S ill 1111' [l:IIISVIllt• I0\1'11 ltilll. fl.flr•r· IIH' rlinnt•r thl'l'l' >sill tw 11 mwdi':JI progr:1111 I>~· \l'illi:~tn 1·:. J\iq:.;JiP. HPv. n1·:~!~~t will sJH'al-:

This wrel' ll:e ll.i!git•s tinisl1 1111' season hen! aglllm;l l•'uwlervillr• f•'rid:~y nflernoon,

Different Halloween Plans Are Complete

Snlurdily Pl'f'lling, (lfoloht•r· :lll, !Tallnwl'ell will Joe r·I'IPhi':JIPtl in ;t diiTr.rcnt. way in ))an.wilk 1111rl cmmnunily limn 1~1'<'1' iJf'f,n~.

Jnsii':Hi'or a rll•><ll'llt'li\'1! Iilli· lnwcen IIH• I imP will ht• ''fll'lli h:: 1111' 1'11 i ltll'l'll In mill' I'! ('[)ins for chilrlren in nllwr <:onnlrip:; ltrs~

fortunate th11n tll1N! of Anwri•·il. This UN!C!•:I•' pro.il'l'i lin.': hePn in progrPss for a J'r•w Y~':JI'S in vari O!IS Jliii'IH of our ll:Jlillll but it i> the llrst lime lo he expl'ricnccrl hero.

!,111 41 l•~Prnilv J)pvolions." 'J'illii'Sd:ty I'VI'Ilillg ill ~ o'f'irH'k

II' ill IJrr ,;rg:JiliZ:JI irrns night and :IH' Sl'l'l'il'f' Will ill' lwld ii( till• Vnnlrt\1'11 l'illll'l'ii. TIH'I'I! will Ill' r·,~rnpPI it inn bl'!W( 1f'rl lliP ot•;ran iz:,lioiJS of lhr• ~! l'ltlll'<'ht•s for 'l(IP!Hl:tllf'P :11 IIJis HPl'Vi('f~ ii!HIIlH­

mc•s:--:q~p hv H11v. n1·ag-.::.~ \Viii ilf' ··t< "Tiw lnl[l"i'liiiH'I' or ('Jllll'<·il ,\III'IHiillll'l' :tlld [.;II'WIII'd.';hip.''

SiiiHinv, Nm•t•inlct•r 7, will l>t• vil'llll'.\' Sund:~~· anrl ~ervir·r•s will !11' l1eld in t•:JI'il l'illll'l'il witl1 nws­~-~:·g-ps by HPV. C'lwrlc-s f;J'Il!-i~ n: l;'llil'lt limP tiH• I'I'Slllls of llio• :;pirillllll lift• mi.'ision will he an· ll111ll\('l'l.i.

H.Pv. Ur:1~!~~ h; :1 t'P1irec1 Jni\1!!-;JPJ' Most of !he nrg:Jniz;Jtinm: o: in IIH• Mt•lliodisl l'illll'dt li:tl'ill'~

lhe vill:~ge and t•r>Jnmllnity :JJ'l' 1·rotirerl in 1 11~11. Hr• lws st'l'\'l'tl a:; spon.soring IIJis l~,..,~rr:~m and,:ll''' )Jnslor of ~lr·lltnrlisl r·illll'l'il'"i in helpillf~ to mnlw 11 a Slll'l'r";:;, l'h< 1 • , fire siJ·c:J will sl~n·l till' l'llildn·;· ::lrllll:1'1'• l)lillrll'l', M:111J :'itrrf'l,

II · "I · 1 I I" I I'''[) LIIIISIJig, nntl \Vr•llsVillt•, as \\'I'll Oil ICII' 1'U:(Ill' \'I'll a J: .. p I . I 'I . I

A · 1 - ''[) 1, · ., 'IS HIV!l1/~ Jl'l'll Jli'I'Sir ''Ill ol 1 I" m. I!:« In " , :., "~' s1n~n w1 M' 1. f · sntllld for them to rel11rn to lht• I 11 ' ligan t' 011 t'l'l'lll't' nl IIlli' lim.l'.

. . . , MPillh<JI'S nf holl1 l'illll'l'ill'.s Will ~%~~~~~hall Willi then· collc~tlons o. hold 11 fllmily l~r.llnwship dinner.

· · '\ '!'hose who altr!nd iii'P. In lal'c :1 Prizes will hi' IIWill'df'd In l'hi: rlish'nl' foorlto p11ss and their mvn

rlrcn in variow.; :t~~~~ group:·; [oi 1: 1h!P :--:crvit'P. EPVPI'il,£~e \vi!l lw the hl'sl tnllS'tllf'l':ulr• cwi\111~1:':: rul'llislJr•rl. Tl!f' <·arnnlinJI r•oJnnlil· a1;t·tmlin1: to orii~inalitl' anrl ''"Ill 11'1', wit11 1\lrs. l•'one,;t Willl;er as pdy.' jlefi'C'shm<'IJts "r·.~·o•·":t ""'. dtairman, is in dwrgf' 01[ ar­cooidl•s will ]][' :;:•rv1~d and IIH• r·;111genwnts ft>1' IIH! dinner. cvening'~ cnlcrta!'nml!nl clinwxcd wi I h a movie, ·Mrs. l~orr·~t f.ndt•rson, Ji'., lt:1,..

br.cn general chairman of ar rnngements.

Children will Ill' ;lh)P In ffPI their eanistcrs 1anyl ime after :;ix o'elock S:Jttrrd:~y f'\'1'1 lin:: nr l•"ri· dny and Sn Ill nlny fmm Mr.' •. Ll's lit- Hil'd. Ji'irsl prize in lite pnsl!'! l'Dntef:l. l'•n· I he UN IC'I•:Jo' pmj••f'i \las givl'n lo l'«lly cr·uml>;tl;er anr! ,Tudy Wyg:1ri\ :tnd i!CI'OIHi pl'ize was :~wardt~d 111 Larry fl.m;. lin.Hncl Lcnnnrll H1111'lt•e. ·'

Pcoplr~ fmm l•;ldu•lls l'lll'lll'l'>'

!'lfll pick IIJl tlteit· mnislers ill lite Hobbins Gr(JI'ery Sa I tt r rl a y. Youngsters in lhe Vantown areu may receive lltPir cnnisiCl'fi al tlir Nemer Grocer,v.

Scripters Entertain Indianapolis Couple

Mr. and Mr·s. J. n. I ravens nf Indianapolis al'l'ivecl 'l'nt•sday eve· -ning to visit Mr. anrl 1\lrs. l•:rlgar Scripter, vVcrlnc"day noon Mr. and Mrs. Scripter cnlcrlainerl at dinner in honor of the 101 h wed· rling anniversm·y of till' Hn ven:; Guest~~ ivere 11cv. and Mr~~- !Iow· 'll'rl Bnwsf't' of Lansi111:, Ml', anrl Mrs. Charles Hoyt nt: Sl. Louis, ~·1rs. ,T. M. Clouglt and JVlrs. Bruer• Ji'lncoul of LHnsing and Mr~. Earl Grable of Dimondale.

Wednesday cvcning guests at t·hc home of Mr. anrl MrR. E:dgnr Scriptcr in honor of Mr. and J\!rs. Havens of Indianapolis wct·c 1'\lr. ~nd Mrs. How:ml Scriplel' anrl fnmily of Aurelins, Mr. and Mrs. Ji'rank Seripler :mrl famil,v nnr: Mr: ~nrl Mrs . .rameR Seriplcr and ramlly of Wchherville, Mr. and, Mrs. Eal'i Grahlc anti family of Dlmonrla lr. allll Mr. ami Mrs. Phil· ip Scriplet· and family.

Mr. and Mrs,. Wilblll' Koons nl Perry spent l~rirlay nl lite Sc1·in· ter home. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jollll ·DnniL'Ifl of Hnn· over, Mr. anrl Mrs. Vernon Wil· helm oJ Wehhcrville, Mr. and Mrs, Lyman Kt,ons of Duranrl, fll1rl Mr. nncl !vfrs. l~m·l Grable of Dimomlale.

Mrs. Scripter an1l Mrs, H;ivens attended the funeral or Guy Br·nrl· lr.y nt Fowlerville Monday afler­noon,

Mr. and Mrs, Grant Dunsmnre nncl Billy of Lahs·ing were Salur· rlny evening supper gue~ts or the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Roy West. . ·· ·Mr. and Mrs .• Tnmes Wrlght.nnrll

family, and Mrs, Hazel Declter of Parm·a were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, .Lawton Gauss, , . Mr. 'and Mrs. Lewis Merignae nnd Mrs. Freda Wilkins and son, Gilbert, of Perry J and Mrs, Ger·

'Jnm.es ·<if Petoskey called nn"· Jlofi'.ct'ancl Mrs. Justin . Brady

t'J•t:IIJU'r Sp:·:~k~ at ;\ssPin:,~:,r Tr<>oper C. Scnzinsl'i of !11,.

Mi1·1Jigan St•ale l'olir:r~ spoke Jo the higl1 Rl~hool sltulenl lllldy Mon· r:ay mornin1.;. S1·ozinsl(j tnlk1•d nn Mic·liigan lrartk laws <Jitrl :-;aft• driving 1~11les, expbining in much !1~\Hil ('illiSP:.; of :wddunt!.; and

\11\\'S or prt'l'l'nlion. La\!'1' liP visiiPd ll1e sr•nior 1'iVi1·s 1'1;1ss ami srurlrtils were t:iV•.'II the privilege il~ asldng llim questions.

1\il'. :llld M1·s. Charlc:; Win;: of Mir·higan Cl'nler spl'nl Snlu:-ri~IY willt ·Mr. and Mrs. Alm<>nrl Wing.

Lucky Star~


"Easiest money we ever saved!" t 1And ull om• l'ooms lliiVC

thut fresh, new look."

You, too, can save, if you use Lucky Star Wallpaper.

Over 1000 pattern~ and styles.

Lucky Star Sani{ast Wall· paper is washable-soil and stain resistant-color{ixt. Milled from sturdy stock, it 'gives extra durability.

The ultimate in fine, tra­. ditional pnpers.,or smart;

modern modes. For better val~c, loolt for

the name Lucky Star 011 every roU, Come in and see ussoon. ·.

Shafer Decorating · Supply

Ml', nnrl MrH, l•'loylll\tlill'iwllnl· lt·ltlltrd lilt! Mi1•hlgnn Nlnlt!·i'lli'rllll ~111111! Salurdny 111 Mlf'ltlgaJI :Hal<• l'lllll'gl!,

J,Jfi:i V11gl 1\'il.'i hrotlghl hnt)liJ. F'rl· rlil.l' 11111'1' lH·ill'~ i<t Ill!! ""·'Pitul :1 dii.\'H fnl' ll'l'iilllll'lll.

l\[js.; ltla W:ill"''' of 11111!1''1 Is ylnlliiiJli!) llltlilllltll!.of ltct· ~i·oth· !vim, Gl!lll'g[~ Vogt, ~ll',, WIIH

litl\t'll Sunday lo lltn Mason Gen· l'l'lli illlSJI!H>I fn1' lrl'illlnl'lll nrtlll'

IH', ltlll(lit ·WniiWt', '. r . . (l:illllllllll 111 llll 1'11/:'1; /\)


8 Michigan's needs are great! We-must have ({Ction to get the highways, the schools, dJC

prison programs, mental health facilities and all' the other important' things we need right now! This is the time to make a change.

e You c.m do. :;oJ~Iething about it by voting for a Governor who will work witb your H.cpub, liean Legislature....:instead of (/g(/iust them-for you and ft!l tl~e people:of Michigan.


Ingham County News October 28, 1954 Paac 5

Dansville (Continued fmm l'uge 4)

Dansville 0. E; S. Initiates Tuesday

A spnclul meeting of D11nsvllle 0, K S. No. !lO was lwlrl lnHI 'J'uesrlny evening In the Mason!<! hnll for the purpose of Initiating Mt·s. David Woods Into the ehnpt· ter.

Mr. anrl Mrs. Genme Post anrl Mrs. nay Pollnr of Mn~nn were present and Mrs. Post nsslsled In the lnillatm·y wnrlc l"ollowmg tho ceremony refreshments were server! ln the dining room by llw enmmlller. ermslsling of Mr:;. Fonest Barry, Mrs. Sr!lll'i Brlgus nn<l Mrs. George Mll.chell.

On 'J'hursr.lny several memhers n[ Dansville clwplcr allenrlerl lh<! nnnual County Assoelntlon 'meet· lng at. Williamston. '!'hey were Mrs. Mcrlo Swan, Mrs. Donal J>arits, Mrs. Ilarolcl Wing, Mrs. A. ,J. Miller, Mrs .. J. B. Dallnn anrl Mrs. Clyrle HnwlelL Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Dallon and Mrs. Howlell were honot·ecl gucHIS having served as prcsldcnls of lhe assn· dation. Mrs. Swan nnrl Mr.-;. Wing acted as escort~ fot• the dny.

Eleellon o[ officers rcRullerl with Mrs. nuth Tmver of Wil· llamston helng clccled 11s pret~i· dent. _

Public lnslallallori·' for I he new nfflccrs of Dansvlllr. chapter will hr. held on Novembct· u in l11e Masonic hall.

Mt•. nqrl Mrs. Lyle 'l'ownHr•tul anti clnuuhtors of LHnsin!l wr~re Wnrlnesdny I!Vr~nlng dlnnPr '(llr!HUi

of Mr. 111111 Mn;. Hex 'l'ownsonrl. Mr. nnrl MrH. LolliH Yuhnsz nnrl

fnrnily of !Tolt mllPrl Snnrlny 1111 lhti Jnllr!I''H parents, Mr. nml Mrs, A. ,T, MlllPr.

Mr. anrl MrR. F. C. Anrlr~rson, .ir., nnrl family nnrl Mr. nnli M1'H .. r-:ugenr. Gauss and son were Frl· rl;~v "'"'~illllfl rllnrH'l' giiPnln uf Mr. an"cl Mrs. Fort·c:;t Wallwr.

Mrs. Lnls Balwr and eh lldrcn of Wlllinmsl"n anrl JV!rs. Jn•nt' i\Hcltlne of Flint WL~rc Sunday dinner r:HesiH of 1\11', nn~l MrH. Dnvlrl Baker. Mr. ·and Mrs. Cllf. ford Mull o[ LanHing, Mt•. nnrl I Mrs. Lynwood LiHllnw arr;J Mrs. Luey Asr~ll i1w of .Jnd<son nnrl I Mr. nnrl Mr~ .. Jc~rl:;on Frllon we:r! afternoon visitors n[ llil! Baiwn;, '"PRE RIVAL" IS POSTCHAMP-Grand Champion Guernsey

Mr. and Mrs. Ilr~r!J Dmwn nnrl ;bull Pre nivnl, of McDonnld Furms, Cortland, N. Y., would gladly Mr. ,11111 Mrs. Dick Bur!(l!HS of ltradc that· ribbon for a bale of hay. Not ~o hls owner, J. M.

:McDonald, second fmm right; who receives congratulnllons from l~ngarlinc were wcc!lt r•nd gw•sts n. H. McMurtrie, president of the American Guernsey Cattle of Mr. ancl Mrs. Holwrl Smith. Club, ut the high poinL of the recent 1954 Nulional Guemsey Mr. anrl Mrs. Burl Sibley awl Show ul Wulcrloo, lawn. family, Mr. ancl Mrs .. Tames Nor·~-------------------------~011 nn~t. fmnll~ ~f- .L;111s~ng: Mr. I .. ,,, '''""' <IIIII J,;mwr Jo'aclcJi:; of ,.,,. '""I Jl1•·r;, Lyle 'f'ompltlns ,JIIrl Mts. Don Sllcs .ttul f.umly of lfunlsvillc, Arlwnsns, and Mr·. awl anrl family of Hart spent the wee!• P~·rt:.V nnrl M.r. :11111 r.;r.'~· !loh~;rt I Mrs .. Lnwton G1111.'s \l.'t're 'J'uc•s· 1 end will! tlw Inlier's Jmrenl~, Mr. L;,ill •. ll~ 1111d. f,u;uJy ~vetc ::;undo~y day <'VC'ning dinJwr guPslfi of Mr. 1 and Mrs. C. A. Diehl. >:uesls o[ the Smiths,. anrl Mrs. Clsl'ill' J[,Jdr•n o[ I lowell. I ~~Irs. "~'"1'1 Carrier of Detroit Wcd~w~c~a.~ M,r.' .and Mrs .. L.mv· Mr. anrl Mrs. Donald 011 o[ AI·' spent Werlncsday with Mr. anr!

ton G~tusH cn.lett.tlncci ~~ · ,liJci hi on were entr•t•tnitlf'ci Sundny al I rvtr:;, .rim Jlr·"s. Mr. (tllci Mrs. Iv11n ~vtrs. I• '.'~yrl ~~'."':!' a~Jrl r:ll.llily, ~r: tlw !tome of Mr. and Mrs. Boh 1 HidJIIC~I' c•allerl Tue,;rJay on Mr. .t!HI M1s. It.t) Lttb.mks .1;ul f.11n l'ric·e I· 1M .. IJ .. Tl , Jl' ·J .. 'J f I · nsi , H· ·It Df'nnis F•ty . ' ,me 1 s. es.'i. , H. I C. JlleJs were ~~i~rl ~;:n~ln> .. Eh~~r l•;ndcii~ ',;f Mrs. Vivian Mangel~on. of Mus· C'lll'llll!e to Palmetto, Florida, for lluntsvillc, Arl<nnsns. Mr. and 1\~gc;n spent Salunlay wlilt Mrs. lite WIIHer. . Mrs. Lawton Gauss, Mr. Lairrl f~s1l11;r <\vr·ry. , M.r. anrl Ml's, ,Mr. ~uul. Mrs. Myrnn l(lrb~ anc! and Mr. Faddis wel:e 'l'hursrlay I• l'iln•' CoiJIJ, 1~1.:'1~~ Cobb and \1 III Curtis were Sunday rlmner evening dinner gUP~Is of Mr. and l~uiJy CohiJ of Willi:llnston ealled , guesls n.f M1:- anrl Mrs . .John Carr Mrs Gilbert Pulrn·m of Wil· Sunday on Mrs. Aver.v. ol. Lnns1ng 111 IH>nor of tl>e fU;II· Jia~slon. ' Mi:;!: JVI,I'ra I·lo(':.;slc•r of Dc~trnit hirllnlny anniversary of Will

Mr. and Mrs·. Donal Parl<s and Mr. anrl Mr:;. Arlilllr Adams 'lnrl M1s~ Orren.e Jo'n•cr of Lan.sJng Curl1s. Mr. ami Mrs. Mt>rle Swan at· and n.uth of BaJTVIon spent Sun·, were Snncl~t.V dtnncr guest,; ol Mr. Salurrlay guesls of Mr. nnrl tended Installation services al rlay with Mr. mid Mrs. Roylyn 'JIJII Mrs. l•.n;rry l"re;·~·· , . Mrs. Lloyd Murrlnek were Mr. W11coust11 Saturday cvenln~. Mlllcr. Dr. an~! 1\n·s. II. I· I• nllt•J' .nl nnrl Mt·s. Hussr.JJ Hammond and Donal Parlts inslallccl llw worthy Mrs. Bessie Olson is spending MI. 1\lorns SJH'IJI \V!!cltu•srlay wilh 'I family of ])imonrlnlc. patron, who ts his nephew. a few days this week wilh ht!l' Mr. allfl Mrs. :l. 13. Dalto.n. Mrs. Myrna Campbell and Wes·

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Waiker daur.:htcr, Mm. Lawrence Lnrm•r Mr~. Dalr! J•,rit'!' left su.tut·ri~IY f;pJs Bohnet allenci~rl the Slate 11n<1 family of New Hudson were of Lansing. fm· f.1an Bt•J'!HII'dino, Caltlc~t'llla, Cr!ns:-t·valinn Training school al Saturday visitors of the former's M~s. Minn Otis spent last wee!< where ~;Jw "'.II! spend I he wtnl.cr. ll!ggtns lalw over the wee!< end. parents, Mr. 1111!1 Mrs. Ralph with her ~ister, Mrs. Lcnnah AIJ. Mr.-;. Erler VJf:ilt'rl srveml fnenrls This workshop was in connection Walker. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. 13. holt of Plensnnt Jak1•. 1111 Dnm;villr Thun;dny. with llwit· extension course this Scudder of Snline were Wednes· Mr. anrl Mrs. Dale Main of Mr. iinrl J\.lrs. l'lll'e.-;1 Ht•inlt:ll'l f:~ll at Michigan Stale college. day visitors or Mrs. Walker. Mt·. Lansing were \VCCI\ (!lH.I guests of ,,f n(':tt·•"·•·n 1''"l'(l '"[•pi·. '~ 11 ' 1 l\1rs. lVInurkP. Mnnro0. anrl chil· und Mrs. Wade Sc:udder of Saline tho latter'.~ parents, Mt•. unci Mrs. guests of the former's mother, cirbn nnd Mr. PIHI Mrs. Mike J<ud· visited the latter's mothc1·, Mrs. Lr!lanrl Pr~rrine, Sr. Mrs . .Tessie E<'intwrl. and family of Webberville and Mr Wnllter, Sunrlny. · Mt·. and Mrs. Satqrclay evening ~ 11 ests of Mt·. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Palmer :md Mr:;. Lee Ilainr!Pl and famlJ~· Len Glynn nf Whent!leld, Mr. anrl arid Mrs. Lrtwton Gauss were Mr. of Lnnsin:~. Mrs. Palsy Gni'Cion of Mason spenl Sunrlay ns r,ucst· Mrs. Joe Zalcw;;Jd of Olwmos, anrl MrH. Osc11r Holden of Howell 11nd Carul Gonion of Haslr!ll of their parents, 1\!r. anrl Mrs. A Mrs. Maurela Bnucr ancf" Mrs. and Richard Hague of Kalama· wore Snnrlny guests of Mrs. Fr;m· C. nergcr. Mrs. Berger is confiner' Daisy Walker were also Sunday ;.:oo, ces Nebelung. ' lo her br.r!11s a result of a fall lnsl visitors of Mrs. W11Iker. Connie WaHhhum of Kalnma· lvlt·. ,ancl JllrS. A. D. HramHP Thur:o;rlay. 1

MrH .• Tacit Yaeger of East Lnn· zoo aml Mrs. n.osa Wa~hburn of were Sunday ;;uC'sls of Mr. :11ul Mr. nml l'v!rs. George Soule> of ~;tng spent Thur,.;dny with her .Ma~on were Sunday dinner Mrs. Philip Bloug!J of Chclrea. ll•'owlerville were ~:nmlnv evcninr pareuls, Mr. and Mrs. George W. r<uesls oi Mr. and Mrs. Fluyd Mrs. f31ough is rcr:m'P!'inr.: from· •:ursts oi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitchell. Mitchell. :m opt~rOIIi<:n ':lw had in Tlycr~ I Wsf'!J.

Mr. nml Mr~. Cllfforrl Mull o[ Mr. and Mrs. Len Glynn of hospital, Ypsilanti. Mr. nml Mrs. Erlwin Vanrlcr Lansing were Sunrlily dinner Wlteal!lelrl callr.rl Monday on Mr. J\.k and 1'1'1r;;. Etlwl nJal,cly nf lm-;h nnrl f;llnily o[ Britton, Mr guests of Mr. and Mrs . .Jedson and Mrs. Boh Price. Lr1nsn~ call<.'d .'~u;ui<~Y on Mr. anrl ;md Mrs. Ftnyrl Cosgray and fam

.: Felton. .Tudge Earl Pugsley 1111d Mrs. Mrs. !~art Jlr;~m:m.. , ily iiiHI Mr. nml Mrs. Mil'e Co.~ Mr. ami Mrs. Jl;>rry Stone and Pugsley of Hart were week end I Mr. and Mrs. llrawr Cru111· ·1:ray :md rlaurzlltrr of Stock

Douglas of Detroit and Mr. amf gltests of Mr. ami Mrs. David I baker and son o[ Lincoln Park, hridgc, Mr. :;nrl. Mrs .. Jess Staaln Mrs. Paris Wilt 11nrl f11mily were Diehl. Mr. anrl Mrs. Mack A;;hhy of anrl son of Jnckson and Mr. llnr.1 Sunday dinner guests o( Mr. und M:. 1111d Mrs·. Jnrnes Norl~n and D~arilorn, Mr. ami Mrs: Goylan Mrs. Leonard Brooks and family Mrs. Aethcn Witt. fnmtly ca!led Monday evenmg on O!Jver and suns of Utwn were of Mason were guests Sunday of

Doc Foul!', BnlJ Singlancl and the I11tte~s pnrenls, Mr. nnd Mrs. Sunday guc~sls of Mr. and Mrs. l!teir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar· Ross C11se of Michig11n Slate en!· no!Jert Smtih. Mr~. I~e~rl Root James Crumbnlwr. . lhut· l3!'ooks. lege and Jean Trudell of Bay nnd Ralph Bl~1e oi. Jo lint wero Sunday guests or Mr. anrl Mrs.. Wessels Bohnet Ill I ended ~ City were weelt end guests of Snturday ,?ventng dmncr guests j Tioy Glover were 1\~r .. anrl Mrs. mr·r.·ling of ll.le department of Mr. ami Mrs. J3ob Thompson. of the Smtlhs. Franlt Noyes o[ PJ:unfwlrl. d;~;;srnmn le;•ehers at St. Marys

lakf' Monday ovcnitig. M1·. and Mrs. C. R. Greenough

and Mnr·garct Ann nf n.oyal 011k anrl M1·s. n. M. Laur;hlin and Miss M~mtlyn Voss were guesls at din·

,ncr Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. 'Greenough.

'Mrll. Durl Doll!lllt~t unrl clnugli· I '1\11•. iiJirl Mro. Luo Glynn of Julnw llfillnl'lll!l lho hlrtltrlay 1111· tm· nnrl Mt•:;, Melvin Lewis anrll WlwJtlrJelrl nnrl Mr. nnrl Mrll, LitW• nlvenmrles of KL!II h, Nn1wy nnd ehilrlren rJJ ' J~owlorvlllo wnre r·etwe DnHmunm• of Bunlwr Hill, Bnrlmm Anrlor~on nnrl MrH, l•'. C. 'l'hurmlay gucsJ:; uf MrH, Law· Mr. nnrl Mrs •. Too 7.nlcwsltl · nf Anrlnrsun, ,Jr. Guesl!t wore Mr. rcncc Swan, Olwmos nn<l Mr. nprl Mrs, Cecil nnrl MrH. 11ohct•J Anderson nnrl

Mr. anrl Mrs, .Tustin llt•nrly at· Colo oJ. Jnclcson · wore Sumlny family, Mr, nnrl MrH. 1•', C, Amlor· tcndccl the funornl n! the Inlier's visitors of Mr. nnrl Mrs, Lloyd son, .Jr., nml family, Mr. nncl Mrs. grnnclfnthcr, Guy Drnrllcy: at U\e Broolts, Mr. Dt•onlls Is again con· Forrest Wnlltor nncl familY nn<l Llvcrnncc funernl hnme o! l~nw· fined to his heel hy slclmr.ss. Mr, anc!'Mrs, Eugene Gnuss nnrl lorvllJc Monday afternoon, Mr. Mr. 11nrl Mrs. Gnrrclt Wlwnt.nn sonnnrl David Higbie of Mnson. Brnrllcy rllerl Frlclny nt. tho nge 1


have a son, .Jnmes Garrett, horn Mr. anrl Mrs, Ted Heins nnrl of 79 nt his home ncar Pnrl<ers Ji'rlrlny, October 22, In lhe Mason son of Mason nnrl Snndm nnrl Corners. Cloneml hospllnl. Mr. Wheaton Is Llnd11 English wore Sundny rlln·

Connie West wns 11 wee!> one! tho agriculture tcnchcr at the Ing· ncr f:(Uosts of Mr. nnd Mrs. Vern guest of her grandparents, Mr. : hnm Township A g r 1 cult u r u I Grny. und Mrs. Snm Met•erllth nf Ed<m.l School. · Mr .. nnrl Mrs. 13nmcy Grlrrln Mr. ani! Mrs, 11onnlrl West anrl! Miss Snlly Puscoe und Miss and Mlchncl of Detmlt spent Sun· sons· were dinner guests• Sunrlay. llnrh11r11 Anderson of Detroit were dny with Mr. unci Mrs. Carl Nel· of tho Mcrcrllths. Mr. and Mrs. week end guests of tho latter's 1 son. Eugene Stinnett and daughter of pnrenls, Mr. ami Mrs. F'. C. An·· Mr. anrl Mrs. Carroll Glynn Mason visited the Wests Sunday dersnn, Sr. A blrlhrlay dinner was I vlstlerl Mt•, nml Mm. De Vert>

Mr. nrul Mrs. IInson Dever nncl fnmJJy of l•'Jnl. Hod> wor~ SunrlnY gqr.als of Mr. nnrl Mt·:;, .Tnmos Crumlmlwr,

Mr. nntl Mt·s. Lc!wls Jo'J'P!!J' nnd family spent ll)e wc,Jl> r.nrl wHh Ml', anrl Mra. 1lmton Hnmmond of Ironton,

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Wallnre CnvA· nnugh ami !lmighlm·, Nlnn, of Murton spent u Jew rlnys Inst week with Mr. unci Mrs, Vern Gray,

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Aethen Wilt en· tcrt11lnerl nt dinner Weclncsrluy Paul Coffman nnd ,Terry Slone of Detroit nnrl Mr. nne! Mrs. ne~ 'I'ownscntl nncl family 1111d Bud unrl Gerry Bnchmnn. ·.

11nymonrl Peterson of Wnlcrloo wns a Friday visitor of Mr. an!l Mrs. Sam Wllllnms. evening. given Sunday nt lhe Anderson Mlleholl of Nov!, Sunclny ..




Smoke·d Hams Pork Sausage ARMouR·s. 1-Lo. ROLL ""' ... ·LB. 39c Sliced Bacon- All Good LEAN LAYeRs LB. 59c SMALL, LEAN

LB. 39c LB. 4'9c

Stewing Fowl Pork Liver SUPER RIGHT


Smoked Picnics LB. 39c Ground Beef Rcund or Swiss Steak SU•P•ER•R•IG•H•T •DE.EF_L_B._a_9_c __ o_yii.s .. t.e .. rs ___ F.RE.SH .. , SOLI!) P;~;A~~~

Apples Squash



Potatoes 5 LB. BAG O~ions MICHIGAN. YELLow. u.s. No. ,




45c 6c

29c Cranberries Red Grapes CALIFORNIA EMPERORS



LB. 39C 29c LB.

39c . PINT 89c

10 4 2


456l 89c 29c

Florida Or.anges DOZ. 49c Head Lettuce 2 HEADS 35c Cabbage l

Carrots BI'OCCOii

WHITE LB. 5c Peanuts in the Shell JUMBo kl~ 43c CALIFORNIA, CRISP AND FRESH 2 ~)!:s 29c Orange Juice F:b~~~Acg~6~N~m~D

29c StraUit.errr"es ·FRESH FROZEN, VALLEY, CALJFQRNIA _____ DC•H•. -----•v.u._ ___ SL!CED AND SUGARED

A&P '

Home Style Peaches 3 29-0Z.$1 CANS

c;~~aey Hi-C Orange Drink

Waxtex Waxed Paper

THE A&P r-z. MAGAZINE , ...

46-oz. 29c CAN

100-FT. R\)LL 21c


Fruit Cocktail Cake ·M;x . . BETTY cRocKER,


• Hawaiian Fruit Punch Sliced Pineapple Surf · sPECIAL 1oc oFF PACKAGe DANDY, KOSHER STY,LE

Dill Pickles i

7 b-OZ. $1 00 CANS H •

2 I O·OZ. 4(1C PKt;.S, U

.3 30-0Z. $1 CANS

3 PKGS. $1.00 3 46-0Z. $1 RO CANS aU

20c~~ 29c p~~: 50c

6~Aol39c ·'' You Owe It to Yourself

To Stop in and See Mrs. Lawrence Swan spent · . Tuesrlay with lwr. mother, Mrs. Northern Tissue WHITE OR 3

COLORED ROLLS 25c Marble Cake Mix BETTY CROCKER 2 2D·OZ. 57C: PKGS. 5c Sparkle Gelatins e TAm TEMPTING FLAVORs PKG.

A&P Pumpkin · 2 ~9,\~~· 29c '


+·Reasonably Priced + Years of Service

+Beautiful + Practical·

· Ftirnisllings



Rr!ini10Jt Peterson of Fowlerville. Mr. anrl Mrs. Wayne T11ylor,

· Mr. and Mr~. Melvin Baltige and Linda ancl Mr. and Mrs. 'Roscoe Arnold allendcd the wedding o.f .fnycc J<zesld and Gordon Cattrell at I he Howell Melhnrlist church Sunclny 11Hernoon 11nd tho recep­linn in lhe evening at thr. home ni ll<'J' mot her, Mrs. Flor<!ncc J•:zeski, in Lansing-.

Mr. ami Mrs. Ray Raddis and family o[ Williamston wore Sun· rlny evenillg lnnchcrm glles.ts of M1·. nnrl Mrs. Harold Wing.

M1·. :mrl Mrs. Grmrge Foster Rncl familv o[ Delrnit spent Friday with Mr. nml Mrli. C:il!Jerl: Glover.

Mr. <lllri Mrs. W111ter Birchfield ami rlnughter of Llln!jing- called nn M1·. and Mrs. Lloyd Murdocl< St•nrla.v.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rust of Park· ridge Manot·, Ill., entertained Mr. ami Mrs. William Musolff lind Neale anrl Miss Barham Rust at dinner in J.ansin,:; Sunday.

Mrs. Emma Plum of Ferndale ;;nrm t several rlnys the past. wee!< wil.h her cousin, Mrs. Minnie Grimes.

Mrs. Irene Braman and Mrs; Lloyd Hnyhoe attended the fu. qrot·nl of Mrs. Rlla Thom11s of Williamston Weclnesd11y after· noon. . Mr. 11nrl Mrs. Che~;ter Benjamin

of· Lan~ln~ were Friday evenlnfT gnesls of thelr son·in·law . anrl rlaur.:hter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson. P:n1l and' Tnmmy 1"1'· lltrned to Lansing . with their grandparents for the week encl.

Mr. nnd i\-lrs. Pnul Heclglen nncl [nmlly were guests at dtniJCr Sun· day of the latter's Jlllrcnts, Mr nml Mrs. Andrew Millhouse of S!od,hrid~c. .

Mrs. Irene Braman and son, .Jack', n ttcnclccl llu:dunernl of Mrs. Ella Stoel1able at Pinclmey Tucs· day morning, .

Mr .. and Mrs. Roylyn Miller, Mr. nncl Mrs. Paul Docess of Lansing and Mr. nncl 1\frs. Louis Yuhas?.

I of Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Price. and Mt• .. and Mrs .. George Vogt'

I wcr~ entertained ·at ·a phcns.uilt

. dhmer Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roll.ext An·

~-.-~-:-"~~..:.,.;~~------~-:-~-----.-;..--~-~-~_;_-.:_,;;_.;__ derson. · . : · ... · · ·

Baby Food GE~BER's, sTRAINED

Linil Laundry Starch


4 JARS 39c 12-0Z.

PKG. 15c PKG. 39c

OF 12 •

Chopped Beef ARMOUR'S 3 12-0Z. $1 00 CANS •

Ar·mour's Chopped Ham. 5o~It

Corned Beef Hash ARMOUR'S

~~~~· .49c

Tt'cet Luncheon Meat

Armour's Potted Meat ARMOUR'S

16-0Z. CAN

12-0Z. · TIN



3 3114-oz. 25c ' T,INS

4~0Z. JIN 19c Vienna Sausage

Mu$hroom Sauce . Marshmallows

DAWN FRESH, 6-0Z • 10c

Lifebuoy Soap



2 BATH CAKES 27c.'


10-0Z. PKG. 19c

Mushroom Soup

DiU Pickles HEINZ, ·PLAIN 25-0Z. 39c

~~lad Dressing ';

Oanchvict~' Spread . t-rench Cros::oi:ut. · ·.~·;; ·.·:•'·


SHEDD'S j~~ 41c lb:oz. rio1. 3lc

' . . 1.6·.0~; BOI i 37c

dexo Shortening Ptii ~~~~f1iLE 3 ~!N 77c Del Monte Catsup· ,.j.oz. 19e BOT. "1" oaretteS ALL POPULAR BRANDS, $11il9 U ~ REGULAR SIZE CTN. •"' Filter Tip Cigarettes · w~~~\~~~t~f~N oR cTN. $2.19 Woodbury Soap 2 ~~~~s 25c Bouillion Cubes HERB.ox. cHICKEN QR am c,T~Ns 9c

Big lh1ys for llullowe(m SWEET, MICHIGAN

Apple Cider Hafvest Mix Candy WORTHMORE Candy ·Corn · woRrHMORE JANE PARKER,,.LGE. 8", REGULA_R

Pumpkin· Pie: Donuts JANE PARKER. ·. PLAIN, SUGAR OR CINNAMON Spice Chiffon Bar Potato Ch.ips


GAL. 59c 1-LD. PKG.

14-0Z. PI< G.


29e 25c

EA. 39c DOZ. 19c

EA. 29c 1-LD. 59c BOX -------..-· Oc~.ober · Cllem.e Jlestlnl


Sliced Cheese · ·~·::: 29c Cheese Sauce aoRDEN's

· Ched~o-Bit AMERICAN CHEESE FOOD· . Longkorn .. Style Chene COLBY

a.oz. 19c GL.

2 u3~F 75o LB. 49C

All Prl~ea In Thli' Ad Etfectivo . Thro.~sh &aturd!IYr October 30

,, . '

,, .. )


•I ... ... .,

.. "

.... i .. ' ~lilt • ~~ . ~;.

· Gr(lce Smith

Services Held for Percy Foler, 77, Prominent Farmer Gcoq~e l'rn·y JcoJPr, 77, 2211

Frost ronrl in IVIH'nlfl<!lrl lfl\\'n· ~hlp, cllerl Frlrlny <'Vr!nlng. I fp was a ru·omi1wn1 f:11·nw1' anrl f11r 1111111)' years ml~l'tl J~ladioli fur t'OilliiH'I'· clal• llliP, II<' IIVPrl In lnJ:Ir:lln COIIUIY UJI hi~ lift!,

S11rvlvlng lll'P I liP widow, llnr:1; 2 sons, \VayiH' :r11rl 1\lii,VIIiinl of Williamston, 2 t;l'HIHii·liilrln% and one great·gr:urrlf'irllrl.

Funeral scr·vlr•r•s werr hr•lrl Tuesday ill 2 p. m. al r:rm-:tinr' Bmlhers fllnl!l':ri llfllllt' wil h I troy, Cecil Pollor·l\, p:rslor of llrr• Wlwnl fldrl c 'r•llir'l' 1\'lr-llutrlisl

Elect a Lawyer to the


Phurf'il, oiT!r•lnllng. 11urlnl wns In llu• J\llnpll' CiroVP r·r>nWIPI'Y nl Mn· llCJil.

P1diiJPTil'Pl'H \\'Pl'l' Vun('n How· ~It'll, ,~·1arillll l'oihll'l\, r :tf'll Wnl· ldnr:, ll:ll'f>id r:tr:nn and H11,Y11l ('rwlrr:tll,

Artide Describes Urfliqm~ ~~ospital

"'I'IH• ftPin•al," lhf' uniqliP hos· pilal on U.'1·11i nrar \VIIIi:nnslon, Wii'i Iii<• raih,ll'f'l oi' II ff'iillii'P. artl· r-lr• in :-1111rrl:1v'r; ,_,I all' .rnurnnl. 'l'he I lr•lrf'nl lr; I.IIIIISIIIII tH•r•ausr• II Is mrlilll:lilll'ri h,v Alt•ohnlie:-; Anony· lr.lllr:; fnl' li:IIHIIIng IIH' physleal f;idc• of tlH' rlrlnldill~ pr·ohl<'m, for Ill!' "cli')'IIIJ.( filii" 1H'I'iutl of idi'O· h·>iif's. II is a simpiP 1:rrgr• willie• L<J mhr~r1sr•, a l:mclm;lrl\ for gmwr· ;II io11s. II sl:rn•ls on ~ 1 ~ ;uTI'S tJf wr•II·IPIHI<'rl land.

In 1111• ~·r'lll' anrllwlf :-:1111'1' '"l'lw J!lq]'('ii!'' hilS !JPI'JI II]H!l'ltling fWl'!'

.II lw.~ lrr';riPrl 232 paliPnls. And lill'flligll t'<l-IIJICI'illion o[ A}., 7fl',; 11111'1' IH'I'Ii fully l'f'iwhili!alerl.

Farm Managers Meet ·At Kellogg Center

lifelong Resident Dies in Mecosta

Davlrl Wilson Nlms, riH, rljcrl In Mccostn, Frlrif!Y nflemoon, He. was a rPslclcnt of Tnghr.tm county nil his life. Surviving arc tile wlrlow, Hnzcl g,; :J sons, Arthur ol Dclroll, J•:rncr;l of Mason, nnrl Ol'illlnl r1f Garrlrn City; 11 rlntlgh· I r•r, Mrs. Eileen Hcr•sc of Ann Arhor, 17 gmnrlc:hilrlrcn, 1111d •I grcat-gnlnrlelrllrlrelr.

Sm·vlc!cs werr Monday after· noon ul 2 o'clod1 Itt llw Gorsline Jkol hrlrs funern I horne. llnv, llnr· rtlrl T. Hrese of tile Wllliarnslon l3aptlst cl1lll'ch nt'flcialcrl, flLiri:rl w:r~; 111 llw Alkltln eemrJler·~· near \Veblwr·vllle.

Corn Judges Win Regional Award

Tile Williamston fo'; r. A. corn jud~lng tenm won tIre rcsc?rvc champion mwn·rt at .the rer:tonal enntesl nt Franl;cnmulh. !VIcm· hers n[ tllC tPam were .Tim Light­frml, Larry Hill, H.oyal Grlf'fcs, and Erwin Wcsl. The hoys .ittrlgcrl 1•1 car s;11nplcs and 'l samples in I he shell eorn f'iuss.

.Jim Light fool cxhlhilerl the grand cl1ampion corn sample. HP lm1k fir:-;t, Allen Slcwnrl took f:ecoiHI nnrl LaiTY Hill took Jhl.rrl In their r:lass of 10 r·om samples. .Jim's IIIHI Ali<'n's 10 PnJ• samples

0, E, R, JnsltJIIfl Oll'h•r.rR . . . I }Jt/; 'flln nfC!rers of Wllllnr)lslon

I'!Hiplel' No. 2fl 0, E. S, were In· · stallcrl Wcrlncsrlny night in n puillln rwromony 111 tho Musante Temple. Inatnllcd weJ'e Will'lhy rnntron, Gludys Wylie; worthy Jmtron1 L, B. Vuughn; nssoelnte matron, Matilda· Cole!; ussoelato Jliltt•on, Brnrlford Cole; conduc· tress, Erlnn Depew; nssoclate eonrhwtrrss, Wilma Vaughn; sec· mlnry, l~thnl Prine; unci lrens· lll'er, Blanehe l!at·c.

' w11.1 nnrl Duplmr. Duln, nll of. WlHJill lll'll mailing IIJJ:?II" J11'SI Amerir'nn appenrnll!'Oo. Tlw 1nnlc mmnhr!I'H of till' e:wl will be .John

·Gilpin, Oleg Brlam;i(y nne! Nlcolnl Pnlnjenim, The compnny uppenr:; urHIIH' the direction of Anton Dolin, with Geoffrey Cm·hetl ns muHienl dlr'ector.

Ingham County News

Reeves District

NO \VHI'I"l'l':N LANGUMH>: The Mnsni lrlhosmen 11f Kenyrt

111111 TangunyLm lravt' 1111 wrltlt•n language, Hay~ the Nnllorml Geo· graphic Society. They have never adopted the wher!l; donkeys Jll'o· vide lransporl. Nor do llwy huild' honts, hccatiSI) tlwv live near 110 Ia rge body of wa tc:r.

October 28, 1954 Page 6 F:rr·m m:rnngrrr.ot anrl lwnlsmen rmm: 1"> l\11r'lijgnn instilution-; 1\1'111 h 11'1; 111 ll:r· jflh rtf r:dsin1~ ;:::J,IIIIii,OilO 1\"ol'l h of prodllr'tH an· llflally Frid;1y a [I r•rno11n, follow· ing 11 :1-tlay r·c:nfPrPilr'<' 111 1\r!llol(g C'r•111r•r in l<:";t l.illl':ing last weelc

wi II he Ia ken to A ur•ora, Illinois. l."'l•lll•lllli•••••••••m••••·Llt!l-1.11a1!1111'111!1-IM!IGII.IIImllllfti1DliBIISel·m!I·BlBIII111111HU .. ~--IIf!!·····D!IIiiD .. ii~.;Wik•••-.. lo the Nnlional Corn Show, spnn·


· John l. Leighton

TlH• !'l'llllJl, IJ,-,II.;'Iil logrrll1rl' I'Oi'li f:ill lrt 1<'111'11. IIC'\1' mrtiHHlS rnr illljllrt'.'r•d fljll'ral ion, is henrlerl hy r ·. B. ~:mil h .. Jr., m·rmlin:rlrH' of stall' inslllulional fnrm., :rnrl IH'rds nl .J:J('I.::-;rlfl, K:llatnazcHJ, i\tlri:111. I loWPII. · Ypsilnnl i. !'on· I inr·, J.;lpt•r•r, (';1ro, 1\11. PIPasnnl. Trai'<'I'S<' l 'il \', :'>f<'wbeiT.\', Mar· ljiJCIIf' :rnr! ~~II ]onia. '

Dinnt•t· is Giren Tlu• \Villi:rm;;lon d1ap1er No.2~

of Ill<' 0. E. C.:. 1\'IIS hostess lo lilt! lngl1orm Counly As::oci:llion';: an· nwrl mr•PI ing ~:alt:rrlay. A rlinnl'I' '.l":t.'i :wn·r·rl ill' ll1e \V. S. C. !'. al fi::~ll p. 111. a1;d llw cv<'ninf.( meet· in.t~ 11':1s r:.rllr•d at 7::JO, at wliich 1 im<' 111'11' oiTir:er:; were installed. !VIrs. llulh Travr•r of 'vVillinmslon 11'as in:;lallcd ns president.

I Mrs. C. n. Sr;lil 11 ·is spcnrlin_q , lllf' l\'0rk willl lwr parents, Mr. ';qui !\Irs .. Jolm AIPXamlcr, in Pn·

\-1----:-:--:--------.. : . rlu_cnh, Kcntucl.;)'.

J)pmor·t·anr• l':mdirl:tlr• fnr· Sla((• SPnator·

Vote Nov. 2

sorer! hy Gtmuinc Pfiester Jiyh)'id Corn Grower·s of Illinois. Hoynl Gril'l'cs receivrrl I hi rei plm•e on his 10-Pal' sarnpl? in his class.

F;if'VC'n hDys frDrn Willinmstnn high school exhihilccl 10 car :-;amples from their· corn Jll'rrjecls. They WCI'P ·nob Bid.;ert, Larry [·Jill, Allen Slewnrl, Ervin WP.':I. .Jim Lighlfool, Hoyal GriiTrs, .lor 1\ahidoux, Gerald Vorce, Gflrnlrl Neil, Clifford .folln:-;on, nnrl Ger· ;l!d Brunger.


Baptists Hold Annual Missionary Conference

Tile annual mi~sionary confcr-211Ce of the B:iptisl cllllrch, wl1ich was heir! from Sunrlny to Wcdncs· rtny evening, wns led by Dale Kietzman, f(rarluale in Anthm· pology, nnrl a worker with till' Wycliffe Bihlc lranslator·s.

Miss Joyce Flaxton of the Sll· clan interior mission ·of Afrieo ~pol<c to the junior church. Noel Lyons of the GrPnlcr Eumpmn 'llission spoke Monday cvcninr, telling of the European Bible Tn· stilutc in Paris, !"ranee. Tuesrlny evening the speaker was a Fill· pino pastor, Epifanion de la Penn. oastor or a church in the islancl of Negros for over 2;'; yeftrs.

In this conference lhe local ·:hurch co-opera1crl with 30 other ·.IJurches in the twc1Itl1 annual •Jm•lrl-widc missionary sun·cy


Republican • r.orty-twn lTIJHSionnrier., l'C]ll'C

i sentlng 2•1 boards wci·e ~~~nl,r.rs



Now Serving You as Ingham· Cmml:y Treasurer

. ' ' '

* J,ifl~-lnu~ i:1·sidt>n1 oi· lh;1~l;am County * AH1•IHII'd l\iSC !l'U! Acnw J1.usiiH'SS Collt~~es * Servc~d in l'rl'llSUI'l!l''s OHieP SbiiCI' 19,10 * Appoint1•l1 Tn~asm'Pl' in ,July, l!l53 * Vctlwan of Worl!lWar II


Dolhll' Unys Arc Odolwr l~vent Dollar clays, October 28, 2!} anrl

~0. uslwr in the hnlirln.v spoo ... •· (or Williamston merchants. This 2vent, sponr;orocl by the Clmmb2r :Jf Commerce and hearted b;; Ken :wlh McPhail, retail com mil tc: chairman, will open tile now f'C'"' >en hy offering fall and holicla) '11crchandise to customers at special low price~. William~:loP ·;torcs will remain open unlit !" '>. m. Friday and until rip. m. Sal·

, ·~mlay.

"~:Ill mien iUillm• Is Initin((!d Lou Ellen Miller, daughter of

\1r. and Mrs. Lee R. Miller was '.nitialcd into the senior women':: 'wnorary; Mortar Board; Wcrlncs· lay evening, October 20, at Mieh· igan Slate college. Miss Miller ':Jccame the 20th member of the l?-34 group of outstanding senior women.

Welfm•e Center Is in Ope}·af:ion The Williamston Welfare Cen­

lcr is now operating nl 151% E. Grand River under the auspices ol the local Sevcnth·Dny Adventist church. Mrs. fo'. G. Reavis is thr. ·lirector. The center will he oper­:~tcd on a non-pr,ofit basis for the benefit of nll regardless of race, ~reed 01; color.

Hendriclcs Gi1·I lias Polio Bonnie Hendricks, dmighfer of

· Mr. anrl Mrs. Homer I·Iendriek: 1C Bangor, is a victim of .bulbar polio. Sl1e became sick a weel' 1_qo Monday and was rushed to "llodgett hospital. Her conditio!' ·s described as serious with pa­·;·alysis of an arm and leg nnd ·'artial paralysis of the tlll'ont. She is receiving nourishment in· •ravenously. The Hendricks fam­"1v arc formei· rcsldents of Wil· liamston.

'jJ•i\•cr~"; A~c AllJirchcmlcd Graham Wilson Ong of Detroit

was stopped by Williamston :Jollce for recl\less driving early Friday morning. Since it was his· ;econd offense within the year, h<' was subject to a circuit court hearing. He demanded examina· tlon and· preliminary hearing will be· held November 2. A bond of $200 \\•as posted to insure his ap· pearance in court. Domingcr Ledes~a ,wail.sto"pped by state troopers October 18 and was found .to be driving on a revolted

·. license. He.pleaded guilty. He was · fiiwd $19 lind detained 3 dQ.YS in

the. eount:y jail •... · ..


What Do These People Think About Proposals 5 &. 6?


N. 1~. GILBJmT, nircctrw, !Hich. J)iv., Amcrimtn Ctu1ccr So.: "'l'hos~ of us who ll.J'C coiJcerJred uhout. the Jll'ohlmn of 1rum:er rcco~nize fhe imJI!II'IImt conlr•ihuflon the Ingluun Cil·~st. hoSJJihtl is malting in fhe JH'og•·nm fill' diag·nosis :mel t.rt>.atment. The hos(lihtl's rc!C(Ucst for 1'unds to. pro· vide It nurses home nnd ot:het• imJII'OVcments warrants the favorablt! considcru(.ion of ull of us in fhe com-

VOTE YES munif.y ." '

'CHAIU.I~S In. YA'l'ES, Dirccfor NnUonul Tube•·culosis Assn. "A Nm·ses Home llllll furtlmr illlJli'OVements in tlw hus· (Jitul physkuiJJiunt; m·e now rm~decl to fm·ther cxtencllhc

. clfecHvencss of the. hospifal's \Vorlc in this' community."

'l'lmonORI~ ,J, WBRU~, I~xcc. Sec., Mich. 1'uberculosis Assn. "Living· qmtrtea'S for nursing· und ofhm· stnt't' JICt'SIIIllwl hllVI~ bc~n termed u fire huztn•tl by t.Iu~. fire muJ·slml. 'l'hest~ Cllllll'h~J'S must be I'C(JIUI!C(( SO Olll' hOS(lih!l ClUJ continue to bt' u I ruining an(l f.rr.u'fmbJh <'~lifer nl' which we., t.lw hlx· llll;\''•'l'S1 ClUJ hr. (li'OUr..l."

on Proposals & 6



Nov. 2, 1954

ProtiOsnls 5 ami H give authorization' to construct a Numrs Ilomc and quart:crs for hospital Jlcrsonncl at the Ingham Chest hos(lital. There is a \'jtal need l'or a ue-.v Nurses Home- Captain Foster of the Lansing fire marshal's office says the present mll'scs' quartern :ll'C not liresafe. Present facilities hous~ only Jlart of the IICjJded llCl'SOIIIICI.


• I

;J:hcse prol10sals also Jllll'mit increasing and le\'ying t :1e ta~' (not to cxecctl 1.35 mills) to !Jay for this cXJian­sion. The !•eriod of increase is not to exceed one year. Hecm1se the lwsJiitnl is tax SU(l(lorte<l, funds from-you•· voluntary contributions are not available for tlw Inglnm Chest hospital. ·'

Your· "YES VOTE" will !lrovide ncetlml hdp fm• a:l<litional !Jatitmt rooms ami Nurses' Iiome. llelp checl• TR and 14tmg Cancer- VO'l'l~ YJ~S on PrO!IOsals 5 a :ul H.

''Your· Support Ilelps All of Us";

·t -· ·INGHAM~~ (:HEST HOSP.ITALt . (fo "San'')

Court Actnons plldnlliT dumrnh1tl, ~~ l~fi 1 1W $.1.! 11/i,

J'hu l'nnp!. nr 1111 'I hr• l'llqlu llf lht Htnlo nr MfiiiiiHlll VH ,fuhll Wnlll y ('o'

VIi \V iJIIu Hnuull, H1 lilt Ill tl I IJ Yl IIIII lit lull fill iiJucul tun I .Tnr llHnn Ill !t~mr I ln.Yrl Mr '''I \ d, Kif Jllnu JnH f'u 01-

'1 !w I'I'IJJdu n( tlw :-ltnlfl nf Mlr h!~an dlt fm tiiHinlu:ifal VH Wlllh ... h11111d :-ltllltlltl! J.r, ytllltl ,JntllttUII JrlhH/11 llw l'uo)ri(J of thr R!ulH nf Mlthlgnn

'I hn l'r Ulllu nr llw HtJrlo nf Mlr hhcnn VH ltHHIII rlniiH 1\ Wunil I uf I 1ratlltwn VIi ld rdJu Ifnttl y Ht IILCIII t J,(, Yt IIIII Mit loJirHrll Jlnlwr J urnJu I (In VII J'Jnyd ,Ju, 11 um Jtr!ann. ,J 1 111rldrrnk, r t ul ,huhwunt. u~rllnll

'lhr• Jlnuplu uf llw !:llnlrt of Mlthhwn Hll~llitllllt! dtfrndnnl tlnmn~Ctlt, ~.!1111 Vti J.rniPI ).111111111 :irulrlrtt• J.J yrur~~ llu l'uuph CJf tho Stnl• nf, d•hliWil

Ylt I h• I dot• II 1111111 I lllll!tllu ( hllllJCI ur ,Juclomn Jlllunn. pl 1 n t 11 ~tidily, hnnd (111\llnu d Jut 11111~ # 'lhu Plfl)lli! ur IIIII Hlntn nr Mllhil-t'llll lrnre r VH l'utnl I h td111 HtlltiHH.! Hunt•n• I I~· 'I t11 p1011 11 of 1111 Hluto uf Mldtt)..('lltl If Ytllltl ollul uun Jllhtlll ~ i Juhu J,t•lny 1\1"111 Dtdct )'IIIUII!nr

'llu l•opl 1 of thn ~rut 11f Mlthhwu rnntloll fn1 udJfltlltllrlflll VII Jlull!l A Vlttiqlll'/. (uuut I _!b .. IJ 1111 l'trqlo nl till l-111111 ur Mkhlttnn ~tlllti ,J/Icl IIIII 1/l)lillll, til IIIII lllfl!!IIHJII- \1 J'vlriiiiHt <..: lllllllllfllili Ill l11 ~111111111~( ly ltnVt tu lilt• llllltlldrd lnfutlllllliun

'I"" I'• II Jill Vll. Hnlu rt A ~~Ill " ,Jill I Hflll ly

nf I lu Hlnl• or Ml1 hhwn Vruutll! z r nunt II .!~·1 I

JIIIHfl11 1 lu IIIII t llll! 111 II Ill

'I IH l'nlltd of tho Htalt• uf Mit htHIIII

v11 Mlltlllll s 1/HnunfiiiH, t\ltntunrnunt 1 l1 11111 d vuilt y, 11 nuuult rl for ., 1111 1111

'l'h1 P111Ph' rd tiH Stnlt ul Mit 1!11-:1 r YH Mllturr Ml C'lnlu 1'1•11 nr )(llilty 1 II

'Ill' l'•rnlr ur lht :itnlt ur Mldthllll IJUHIUirly dtllll•l, llftlfllnl, hnnd VH f /1: smith. Attnl~-:llllltltl, pltu•l•d tlrnud Hlllily StllliiiC! (1/CIIIflllllllld 1111 I'IIJI]c of 111, Hlrtll nf Mll\tll-\'1111

'lht l'tnpl, nl tip Htuli ur Mhhh.nnl Yfl l:tiHHI lhuk '111111 /UIIflilllid Vtlll!ll VH J '/, :inillh ~•rtl•nr•, !1 rrwutlu; ~·ulltYnlilhnrt.utl,!t!llrtndtrl(orHt'nlnllfl 101111ly J II lltr 1'1npl1 nf tilt Htntr ur Mttlltlrlllt

'JIll l'nHt)! 11r l)u Kin I• oJ h-f11 hlltlll I vt; Mntth Juhtlfl 111 ( lwn~•· of Jll• r In VII ,I,~ :imllh l'tnli111lnn HYnltd l-!lldty, lflt]llrrl, IJund lflllltrllr••l.

'I ht I'• I'll• I r till ~tnt. of Mil hh 1111 VH ,I~ Hndtlt :-i111ltrt• t rnuntltti 1111111· , d t ... Hili. to I'"' llllt•u•r•ntly Divorces Grante

'''" l'•old• or til• H"''' .. r MJ,hl"l" Vfl W•ldnn I' Mnrlltl At1Hif.1'1111ltftl J:,.;tlu t M Htnnton Vl'l Ntilllllll 1\ trl•,lldttl 1-{IIIIIY, llnlllllfltd f111 tU.mtrrrrt Ktullltlll IJI\IIIII Ortuhut lfi

lh~ J',opl• nf tiH :-illllt uf MlilltJrtrt llunnld A Ldutlll VH lltl•n J. J:t-VI'I H•lh It Wr Hht. ,Jr A~tniHIIIllllll f 11 11h llrvotfl l)!lulur 17 ltltuchd 111111~ tn both crtiiiiiH 111111rl 1 ICuth I ,Juhtnlllll \1'\ lruws (, Ti!hn-,ll~~lllutr/:1 frll lilltlr\"''strt. ol Mlch ~·rn Hnrr lrlvnnl Otlol•t I~

1• ' '' 1 11 11

1 1

1 Hu1nh 1 t 111111utt .... ,. Jliwh r c Hlllllln VH Artll111 ·'""'' ~ MutJIII'.Y 111 '" 1 r- 111\.ntll ()dHIIIt II rnl~-:11111r 111, Jwtli plrnd•d )rllill~, lmth Wlllrulll J) Ullt• v ,Jonn M. Httt•, II fTl/trliiHI Ill\ 1111 1 fit t ulu 1 I 'i.

Artl11rt ,J h.tl':y],u\\1 I v \IH llunru M 11 1 J.th1l J) l•otrtH \M Arllfl~lnn J. l'nut~. t!rr I I rLI ( 11/11'1 IJI Judvnlf Ill for plnln- IIIYUIII Ill tnhr I I r, IJJI, f!HIIIIH'I '• $1 r.1111, IICI 1/Jtilll,

JhotnnA 11 t-~tltt VH Altlur L Hmlth 11 ul 0 I), I rn •riiiW ruullon 111 lrlt llrlll lldr t) !), 11111 Ill lUll

lhtlll I ('fltrtdiiiH, ,Jt. VH MIIVIII ( n~tniiHIIIIV. fl• l1111lr Jlld).('lllllll f<ll pluln~ 1111 to oi•IHIII fi11Hif!l!-iiUII ot gnod11 ill­HI IIIII tJ Ill \q II

J \V h.IIIIJII' ( n, \II. J'nHJ Smith 1 I rrl 111 fa 111 Jllllt 1111111, """"'ll' ~. "'h7U uu I IH(H ~Ill Ill

I d\\J1Id W Hplllo\\ JlnHt 11111 Htu11lry I ~mrth lt•fr11tlt Jll•hrnlf'til

Llflll'l' liiWWS IUW,IJ'I'Im Tlw Will ld'' !.11 gesl lncnndes·

rrnl lighl hlllll ITi,OOO wnlls) IS 171cl00 l111ws ln1ghiPJ' limn TIHlm.ls A E lrson's Ill ~I commPr

11 Jally Jli'IH'IIeallamp rlevPiotJed 111

IIH7n, s.t)s ilw National GPo· r;r.rphit' Soc rely.

Ingham County News October 28, 1954 Page 7




~ You nover can toR whon Nature wlft rvn amol _. causo hoavy dam ago to your property. But Yot cca lnsuro against lou at small castl

H. Chappell Agency 41H7 W. Delhi

'HURRY! old stove round-up time ENDS SOON!






Sensational TRADE-IN OFFER ••• ,

.ROPER 30" Gas Range



Only S2Q91S.

DEDUCT YOUR BIG SPECIAL TRADE-IN and you have a • • • real bargain l


1' . ____ --.;;:;;;,. __

~'C CO~LAR --l IK-~----CJ~~--------?1

Whicl; is wil~h? Nonc 1 They're .111 good r.ggH In \Vlllhr.s' ll<IIS. They're part of lhc fun at Ilal· lowecn )loil'lit•s Eo1ch Is ,r Livor I o lake home or· c•onsumr• on lhr. •,pol. Eo1ch heats IIH' gtwsl's n.tme on ils roJJ,u· all'l-t~oill I>P usrri o1s a plnrecn! rl paint.llllsil drpprri 111 ptue vr.gc· t.rble color.

AsscmhiP o1 few h,ll d r.rHHH'ri eggs lll all oiY SLit h /IS I IllS, SUI'·

lllllllrl \VIIh )JO)ll 01'11 liSe sheaves of gl.tln lor aulllmn leo~vcs) 101 b.ICiq::wuml Hnd -prcslo 1 you have n ccnlerprcce Ill r.t.!Joilt'

'1 he har d-hoiled look on tlw ,IJeJI IS oil'hiCVeci Wllh ol hl,tcJ\ cr nyon or a (PW strokes of .1 magic for Halloween

Here's how rl's cJr,nc: Cut WJichcs' hnls and collars

Marriage Applications

palletn. fmm llr.~ek pnper, trsing above

'fwisl l'O]lnrs inlo circles of ,,tzr. lo hold eggs oliHI fol'lf'n Wllh poislc. Then p.1ste n,Jmes of guf'sls on mllar·s

M.ilw Wile hes' hals hy joining lhP 2 ~lr.ughl eclgJ•s of I he ctown on lhe inside wrlh <'PIItrlosc tape. Allnch rrown lo hal hrim Wilh mme l.tpe Ose piPt'PS ol wool ).lrn lor Witches' harr by pastmg to llnrler side of lnlm

When h.u ri r oolltng eggH, t•over !hem 111 pan wrth w.rlct lo come .tt Jpast one liwh Hhovc eggs Aflcr Ill inging l'dJHdly In hnilmg, I urn ol [ he,tl. Covr.t ,tnd lei Hland l:i mmules. Then roo! ptomptly and lhorollghly in cold wnlcr This helps pr even! d,nll surface on yoll<;;

rnr l'lrdnt!ll ludlr 'I ,11111 ~~·elyc ntlnl• 111 ;r H fo1 eli f1•ruiHnl

Cmm 1 1 1Jflt1!'' VH Ji:,ul E Dndgf!, Dl· llohcrL Slnlw, !.J, Lntnllllf.\, vr 1 11 tln!dt I' IJn\\t:-~ nl!otilf'!Y.

r.t)hl• ~1. Lllll!!ltW. .r .. nnle f .... I lynn VH Jim old I•Jynn Dt-l~ny (, Baut 1, 1 't, \nrc!, ltnymuncl II ltnJtiiJHII t, ,1ttn1 ney

lhocl .. ~II Lnllt:lllll. lanncl :'i L r.tnh VH. Glm~t· ), (flnh. Wallt.rm n. U.11 nett, !.6, J~,tn!-!tn~ • Mtll • Dtvollt 1\f.dlc> and ~~ 1 l)c, nllm nl'yK.

lyn J Hut toll .!i, LnnHill~. II Huth I-11\IIWLL \'!". ·' u:J, e HIt 1\t•tl ltnhr1L II Wmnte, .!I, L.tnHIIIJ.! Dt\tlril c.cnt~c ,J Iluttct ntlmnuy.

i'.rmnutmnn, J.l, L1rtHifiV: B1tty J John!inn V!-1 ltnlph 1". Jnhn· Llmtt It Whtlt Mi, l.llrt-itUJ.\' lltl!y M Hnn fhvnrcc• c;,."rg., J 11ultcr, tllotn~y

Mrlll'l, Hl. L tllHIIlJ:t', ~111 hrll'l (, ,Jwwph VH Ltlu N Jm~cph ,Juscph I, Shu ldH, 1 K, LanKtrH' MIll- llrvn1,,. (,t.HH ,.!e J Hutt11 nlLntlll'Y·

I, II ,J IJcm<!llH, 1/'i rllnt. LHliiU L Nrcl\t!l inll y,.:, f.'IJ-:111 c.: Ntt:kw /)unzrl B1ooktt, II, lrsltt; ~1nry llllln,lltVOI\'JJ Slu1:-; lh,unJK nnil Btnke,

({uy, ll L,l!llilnl{. a ttnrn1 :,'H. John .J. Wolr, ,,j, L.lll~trl) . .(, Ad 1 M111• llm\attl c Ht('( vK Jo~velyn Htct"!. Tl1·

tin, l!f LHl!iJill{, \oJct Pttbi uul ('hutth, lltnrneytt, l•'tnnldm ::;, l'hut!-!lon, ..!0, Lmsmle, Viuht. J WriiKV.:IIIth VH. J;th\HI A

S!llllt•y A. 1\tugct, 1'1, Gwnd Ledt::c Wtll:mOJLh lJrvmcc. (.Jtnn 'I, (hcn('y, Jtonuld L. (~ttl• I, 1..! 0~\IIKKIJ; Mmth I 1ttotne>

e. St!nt.~ \.!, Llllllilll).f RIIHKcll E. frttdi\\llhl \!-1 Selmn H Althut J. K!riCt, ~IJ, LIIIHIIIlg', Trw• M ntC'diWilld J)r~OlCI) c J~nVttf\C Hoht!llll,

Lo..:lnlHIIJ.:, lH, LunstnJ.:, Jttutnny Dnnnld A I\Jt(IJI!l ,w,, LunsiiiJ! !\tltlll.! L If wrottY \II Hnhftt L HnJ,t•

ct H M. C'III\H lh, J.nnHrnr.c •tty, DtVfiiCI llulrh 11d, l'ox null 'l'hnlll· Itulwr l M (,thmn • .!.!, Lnmmw ts, attntm YH

I l'nllctt~/Hl !.!, l.tllHillJ..t IJtloi(H Mnmrn•••• \H Lylt MtlffillleP ::ltuplwn J) Vun Nult 22 I ,llllilllj.(' I Dl\'11111 N L h• ynulds, tlturn1 'I

Pnlttcra J\ Z<ln, .U, l~lln~rng Coltlltt I MuHhY VM Junror W. MoHw lttorg-r C lluntvnn, II Hull NttrHY lro)! lltVIlll llfotl!' I H11tt~r. ntlmneyH,

( 1 f 1 tecn, ~1, Lumnng- L11l r\ H1ll1e1 .1nd Lrl11.111 A Hlck••t J IVllllt I, Wwfertch, ~.1, I'lrnl,~Mnry VI, (,u,,df! C. J~numa~ untl MtH (,(•Jnld

I u lh ten, 20 L rlltHIIJ!' Lm>llllti Bill fen IIIJUflrtton. ,John 11 • • fuel\ N I\IIHBH 11, 2h lnnr..~tn~. Lltnsnhtl

Jl 1\luttUiO/l 21, J!.ur-;t l~unnrn... Tlell!n P SlLlctiH)d vs Chntlcs D, John 1' Coop11 .17, l41l11HIIl).l'; SnttcJftcld lll\nJc(l l'ntiH nntl Chu!r.h,

1\nntL N O'liry,ml IU LnrtHIIlj.(' rttutnr.yt~. , Cn1l A. Bhc~>unct, Ill, Lan"lnJ', M ldtctl J Shr>tls VH Utchntd J

J), McCicllnn, ~I) L.nuunJ', Shr!clH Dlvnacc HoiH'Il S. HtnniiH, nt· t:arl J Stullcu)l, ::!3 L~nHJill', C hu • tOJ ncy,

lotte n. lulcl ~H r~n/HIIII~.'YI ftllllti'S Slutnlllll V!-1 DeiJCI(I ShC!Imnn ltnnk s WchHlflliHIIU, r,h, LolllHIIII-\' DtVUil(~ BcnJIItnlll I' Wnl!-iOII, iltCJllltJ~

Huhy M Wmdrn, ,..,7 Lnrl~lllj.(' tnt plnlltltlf f'rctcP tncllltnr•l., allfli'IUY (,lunn J) Cllttell, It\, JlowcJ!, Joyc1 A !01 ddcndnnl

{{ c1ki, IX J,.mdn~ fhJill'; /J '111\Hinn hy fh•tlrude 'l'n\\ .. J 1rd 1[ Sthtutlt~nltc!V~I ..!fi, Lnm;trH-" on, hts 1-(llttdmn, \H, AtltllP 'l'o\\1-U>n, Ill

( 1l!tlrlHI (1 lllc)K~hcl l!l I nru;tnl-\' vote e. J\lvrn .\ Nelle1 ntlotnt'Y· ltJIYlll.Oild A LIIHHI/1 :!~. M11 un, ll~lty 1\lnt~•rJct Ahrnlt11 \~ John Abfult~l

J Jnhmwn, JX, Mn:oion lltVOI{(~ Wlllinm H Hosczyl\, nttorney, Hut110 n LnnU-:, Jl, LcKiw Vetna ~J Mlutllflnnc ll,lllf't \II Wondte l>11hct

rlill, 17, LeHII~. Dlvntcc •• fohn I Llt~hlnn, ullntney Mnllht\\ W u .. Iouw '" 'l'lulmn J>t ..

New Court C1ues Law

Rnhert Cn1~on and Erul H Lunclln v~ W J [ M tncot pot nt.•rl, n Mt• hhmn I'OifiOIIIltun nnd llaJol1l I (:rn"" ('11•~· )UIHH Ull lhCJ CIIHC II !lUll ]ll OIDII:iCK, ){uiJay nncl Smly£: attulllt:'IH·

blluy ClmH• YH Mn1gn1•~l l'ntnn IH l· p.IRH on the cn!i~ l'rtlhnl nnd Hurn1 Ill­turney~

Wtttle!l CloWt \'~. MHI~lllel 'llestlHH on tlu Cli!-IU l•a1hnl unci ntto1 noys

Wlnl HOiniJ.mn vH MmJ,tect 'ltlH[liHlH nn the cliMe Fathut nnd nttot nt Yll

]] L. Smr~tl!Gy VH l1 y, 'It CHIIIIHH un the nltnt rwy

l'nul Puymu \'S r'tctl S Vorn Mn111i1 c Po a cell. •r1 cspnHH on the

roll\~ DIVOICI IluJ.dlt.!H nnd CnmJJhcll, all01 ncyH,

Clllfoarl (,Hlht.uth VH Mu11el J.. finJ .. lnnlth vs Mlnrel r Gnlht lllh. DIVUil'C S11111K D1.1miH unci Bt rkt•, nltottlf>Ytl,

\Vnnitn r' Vnni•uttcn \'s, llullw1l \V VnnPatLen. Dnott• Atlhur L Klllml'r, nltnt nuy

HuHI'OIUI II A. o~tf I he I}!' VH. Ronnld n. OHLtrhct~ Dnorcr Hoy I' Coni' y nt· tOIIHy,

1Jcve1l~ J. I'otlot vn. Cnttnll Pollet•, Dt\ ot cl'. Raymond H. l!Uillllrnr t utto1. ney,

Marlhn A Ilos•• vs Wtlltnm P. nnHe, Dtvnrce 'Vt!Hrun B. floflc~yk, nltntiU'Y.

IJoJ nthu.l c. c.nrlu I VH Sit J)h('ll L rfnt ilfll Unrfm m II• P• tulnnl'K ncl.

Fou~ Town Corners 1\Ir~. J~rld lUnllin

Hnlt h lllltl Sclllthot)l, alto tnt y:; Mrs. E B. Converse of Wil· Htlen J Gr1n nnd Jntm£r!'l lnstnnncc

~111\Jl' v• MJChlttun ]1111 k1n~ lnL Nn. 1. Iiams ton will entertarn the Com· .ru.JL\ce \OIIrL lll<lli'lll S\11\IH, llillmiH und mumty Aid Thursday, Novembm· B1 rk(' nttotncyH for the plntnl1ll Chutlu!:! Cumntii!H ultol lU > fot thu tit!.. 4, for dinner fenJinnl. Eclcl Mullen was rn Detrort

J1m I•c1 nnnclez nnd Em men lnHm nncf! T 1 Co 1\H HUbloKee \'H Mtclugun Jllllkurg lot uescay. No. 1 Ju•t1ee cuu1L ur•Punl llJchnid M. Mr. and Mrs Fioyrl Chamber· .JnmcH, nLLo11wy ru1 nlnlnLIIf: Chn!lc; lain of Ann Arbor nrc S)Jending CummlnH, nltn! Ill!)' rot defmulnnl

E~lll'!L Fulh I, n<lmlniHLilllUI uf tlw some time wilh Ivirs. Leo ll:oge!S, ••tntc or /\\line l'ullcl, "'''1'11''1:. '" Mr and Mrs. Earl Howe and ,Tohn P Pnlntt 1, 'I'll spaRR nil tht• ~nHc , ~ Juhn I. Lui, hlun, ntlo!IICY daughter· or Lansing were Sat-

Knl~ht·MUllcy cu1 pornLllln, n Michl· urclay guests at the Cecil Wem· gnn cotJutl attnn \: 1. Mlchwnn F.nwlny~ I pie home nwnt Sl emily commrRHton, tl nl Pt•l!lton • lei wdl of cuJLinr\11\, John I•' LIIIIHH, IlL· Leo Rogers died Mond.ry about to~n~:Knmm·, Food !nco I [IOI'IILCJi, n Mich. '1 o'cJocl<; al his home, 'fhe fll• lt·nn Co!polnllon VH. Jnck]lott lncufllO• neral was 'l'hursclay With buclal rntcd, ll Mlchl~un C()IIIOJnLlon. A••nnw· in Brighton t!lt. J{cllcy nnd Seelye, nttOIHCYll. •

Lun•m.c Lnh01 N''" 1, I nco\ por~Jtcd vH Jack Ici<;es and son of Munith nuymond Il ll~mm01ul, tllm HnmnuHul', were Saturclay callers at 1he g1<1 Aulo SnleH •rtCtlfiiUiM on tho cnHc, Rny .. Mull h mond 11 llnJlll}lOilo nlt01 llt!y. en OmC. I

Jncl< Chvr. ntul E1nust Chyz, tlhn Chyr. Rev. and Mrs. E. B Bowers of ConsllllcLion C0\\111\Uly VK !lobe! L CII>UY I allSillg t "'I ·' t tl e und Vllginln CnKcy,' 't'IUR(IIIH" on the • spcn I lUl'Suay a 1 en••· l'lnyd 'I' Schc1 mt•J hn1n, ntlm ney l~dgar Scrrpter home.

Hulun 'l'llyloJ vI l'!ctl Hunt 'l'Jc"illl"" Mr. and Mrs Elmer Frost on the cllHl, John W. llltd. nllotney, • ,

Chancery spent Wednesday with Miss Hrlda In 1c: ?.Immel chlhiJcn'• fun.d 11111 to Schultheiss of Ann Arbor.

U'llHOVC lt \IHleeK nnd t1 UKL mdcnlutu M \ nnytnoJHI H. HntJII(IoJ•t, nttot ncy. r. ancl Mrs. Edd Mullen were

Lucien E. Lo\\1\Khclly VR llnHOniiiiY Sunday caners nt the qeorge r~~:;:~~~IUIIY. lllyoJCC, Hn!ly F. llilllo, Ill• Shnw and the F. L. Burnaby

Wc•lcy E Lyon ••• Jennie P. Lyon. 111- homes of Holt. votco. Llmmhutlnin nnd 'JJelcnvcn, nt· tolllCYH •




Stu to of Mlchlunn, •rtw P1 nllnttl Colli t rm lim County of Jnghttm

At. ll IH!IUilon of Hllhl ('mut, helcl on

Ocf,~~~~~~!~' ~~~{'~·. JCJIIN M!Cr~RJ,J..AN, Jud~t· nf l'auhntu,

In LIH.! Mnllua nf thu EHtntu nr ~, IlAI.l'll CAHil!nR, ilii<\11\\KUd.

Nol!co IK IIutuby (,lVIII 'l'hnt Lltn 1111· lllion of Jllulo (J, CutliiJJ, LIIIHl~o uf Hnltl utllntu, JIJI!ylni-C f111 the Hllnwnnr.•J or hiH t luhlh nnnunl Ul'l uuut, wdl lw hu111 d on Novcmbut 12, I Uti I, nt nlrtu· lhh ty n'r.lnck In thu fou 11nnn nt tlu 1'1ohnto Olrltc ut 20r. WcKl Suulnuw !:ilrt!l•t, Lnrudtut. MfchiJ.CHn,

It Tl\ OrduJ'IId, 'l'hut. nntloo thoroor bu ulvt n by puhlh ntlon of n r.rr11Y hurcnf rn1 tllJCO WUUioi COIJHUClltiVt•ly JHCViUUtl Lo ttnld dny uf hvnting, In lhu I11~hnm County Nuws, nnrl thut. tho IU tltlnnur I IIUHI U l OJlY uf thJH notlct• tu htJ liHI Vtrtl IIIHJII tmrlr known r>lllly 111 lntfltulit nl hiH luHt lurown nlldar•HH hy tuf.dHtt tlld mull, totutn tcr.ch•L clomnnri•HI, nl lnnat fntulel!n (II) dii)'H tnlnt 111 Hrtch htllllltr, 01 )ry llf'IHOIIIII H01Vlt!f' nl le•Util UVt! (rl) tlnyH Jlllot• ln tiltch htmt hue.

,JOliN McGJ.bJ,LAN, A 'rtuo Co)ly: .Jucluu of Ptubnto rtolu 1 t J..,, Ornko Ht•~IHlf r of Pt ohnlc --- ---------

ORDER OF PUBLICATION Strrtc nf Mlchhmn. In the Ch cult Co111 L

fna Uu County uf lnKhnm lu Chun111Y !lONNA M IIOYI,Jt, l'lnlnllll,

JAMJ;S J;, IJOYlm, lll'(l'ntlnlil


AND DETEJIMINA110N or IIEI!lS 'SCIINEIDEil-Novomhcr 12, 1051 Stntu or Mlr.hhwn 'rhu Prnhntu Unutl

rm thu County uf lruduun Al n ncu1:1lnu nf nnlrl ( uurl, l11ld nt tho

Pwhnlu Olrif o In tho C lty ur Muunn, in Hlllt) ('mtnty, nn thu I Hlh tiny of Octo­bet, A. II 1111\1.

Jli\Kclll, liON JOliN i\IJ•CJ,l:I,l,AN, ,luduo nf P1 uhntn

rn the Mntlor or tho CHinll• of KA ltL SCIJNJ:IIII:U, II<'!' II HOd

Oltn Hn1lrlr1 lrnvln~ llll•clinunicl (fllltl hJH l1l1tltlnll J!IU)'ill~ ~hill H I f'llllill ill• Hllllnltlnt In wJitlrut, Jlll)fllittinJ.t to Itt l)lf l1111l wiJJ Hilt! lt HlUilli'lll nf Hll]f) 1),'" r•cu~t d now un II lu In t4!dtl r nru t ltu 1ul .. rn1Ltml to pwhutc, llllrl thnt tlu 11tlmin~ 1Htlntlon or Knlrl t!lllllll be )(11\llll" lh )JJrntttdf Ill to KIJIIlO ulhut tlltltnhlu If! /IIIII,

nnrl ullin fiiiiYIIIK (Ill n cit lut mlnnttun uf iwllti nt lnw nf IIHitJ rlf CCIIII! fl

Il IH (hdttf'tl, l'hnl till• l.!lh dav nr Nnvt'lllllut, A J) IUril, nl hn·lhltty o'••hu )( Ill th .. rtllt'THIIHl ut tlrr Jllldml• ntllr u, 2()~ W. Hu~lnnw Ht l,JinHittrr, MlchlM"IIIl, hu und IH ht!ll by llfiJIOillft d len ht minK Knlrl ftutltlun,

Il Ill I•ulthm OtduHrl, 'rlwl puhl!r no· tl1c th111tnf h• g)Vtlll hy jillltlllllllflll o( II tUllY o( thiR utduJ, fnt lillt'l 1'111\.!tl titl)\1

wcckH Jrlt vlnu11 tn Knitl dny or lun111m, In tho lradwrn C'ou11tY NuwH, n 111 WHJlllllfll Jlllnlttl und dtlllllllucl In linld •nunty, nncl thnt Htdd putltlonut J.!IVt• lowwn lnw lfltl'ltud (1/lllltti udclltlonnl nnll11 llH ltw •Jllltetl hy lnw.

-~- ~,ro;c~~· NOT!cr. __ [ Canaan S(hool .-,. ""'" Al'POr~~f~~NirOJ~rtU~II~~ci~1~~~ATOill f'ii'Vtlllh ClJ'llllt• '"''"

ANf> IJE1l.HMINA1 ION OJ llil!IIS Ml< WILLIAM!l--Novomhcr 17, 1 fl51 CunrlY Wonrl of Lrm~lng spent "'·

Hliil< ur Mllhl"nll lhu i'lld•nll ill\111 Jo'rirlny'nflrhl with su~UII CngflOl' rnt thu l'ounty ur lnuhum • b • A~ n ,n••lnn nf •nl1l r'nl\11, ln•hl nl thu nnrl Susun spenl Sntllrriny night

l'\llhlllu 01111< In till GJty ur J,I\JIKI\1", In Willi (' I ly tt1tltl t uunty ntl tlu .!lith tluy n( Ot'ltrlli•t, .. Al H. A, ll lllfll Dnnnl!• .uHI nonnin Schneebcr· •

1'1"""1 liON JOliN M!C'f,bl.f AN, gel' rthRI'I'Vl'il lheJr• HOVCnlll Jrlrlh·'"i# .IIIIIK• or l't~~hult, ...

Itt thr Mntlel ul thu l~>llltt ur IIJNw dty diHliVPIS.liiC's Monday... ~ 1111 IVIIIJAM.1, 11•1"""' Mr .lllrl MIH Dale Will nn!]..,il.•

,/u• \1 t l111111K h 1vlng lllt d In Nuld ,..~ , f<JUIL hi<l )Uiillnll iiiiiY\11(( lhlll llil' nd· f,tmJiy l>IJI'IJI 1~llllrillY Wflh his mln1HI11il1on of HllititHIIIIt '" Jtllllllld Ill lallwl Ifulwlt \VIII ~it l,rutJ.W M,(,uir, n1 tu ,um• 11lu1 null- ' nhl•· lllltlflll, und fo1 u clclt rmlnullnrr nf Lowell Itoilinson tool( P~tC!l'~....:. lhc hdis ni lnw ur tillo H\1101 ll<«IIHU!l, Hnhinsrtll to IIJC Mll'lrignn Stnle·

lt. hi flllll•t(ll, 'lhnt lit! 17111 clnv nf J I r I II s I I I No••mlu1 A It 1%1 ul i<n odmh In flllf liP DOilH gnme , fllii'C!l:;' IIH· fnllllll£111, nl till' p, ohut 0111( I at n I trrnoon dt I• .. , lSI Lilllslng r~~~~'n,WJ,:' ~:~!j 111 l~'~ l~tl:: ;,~ 1u':::~:~~~·,.,~111r~:~ HohPl t SC'hnrr.hm'gPt' hhR rom~1111,. h•uJio!J '"\" p<ll<lon pll'lr•rl hiH hri()J lrnlnlng 111 lilf"

ll l1 J 111 th• 1 Cit ti•Jml, 'l'ln I puhllt 1!11· I 1 , , 1 , • G , 1 IIIIIIH1111fhrnlv1 nhypuhll 1 utrunofn IHI\'tl lltllllllg ((!Jl£1, IC[l,,j IU(tY nf tldti flldl!, '"' lh\11 IUIIlt Hh Lul\e~,, llllnol:-i lie c·nma hom~ to~tll' ''"'kH (Ill vluus tu !I nl ,1 I) ul ht udn~ 1 II 1 1 , 1 'I J Mt• In lht 1rn 1 1111 ('~~tllliY Nt'\"• 11 111 1\IIPIIIJI• \ s 1 ' p,lt( lJ H, '~I tliH H~ ptlllllflllnd dtr!llll\1 I In l'illilltnlliiY L~IP S£'hllPPhPI'g'rl, nncl hunlly

,JOliN Mdlll.i\N S.tllllcltl lud~-: ul l'1ulu111 ..


KUILG£Jt-Novotnher 1'1, lllfH 1 :-;trr!t 111 Mtc hr~1111 'I IH• ltuhnl• ( 1111

fnt llt1 ( nunty nl ltwhnrn. 1\l II Ill Ktl) Ill uf llfl ( 11\111

l'tnlml • I Hill •, In tlw t ly 111 Hnltl f nttn 1 !1-, 111 1 !11 ~I 1t du~ i\ J) I!Jil

l'lt•H• nt liON

1\lr. •II HI Mrs Dirk .Ta!•kmnn, .urd cl1lldr r n, I\Hihy nnd Ronnie, spenl lhP \Wei( enrl in Munilh \•.lth I'PI.tiiVI"•

1\11 .mel Mrs Dll\'1' Ahfaltl'l' nr 'I L.ursing SJII'Ill So~turd.ty evening \\1111 1lwlr po~rf'nh, M1· .• ind Mrs • •' L; lc S<'liiii'PhPI'J~CI

At IL HCHHion or IIHid Coml, lwld In tlu Cucul! Cuurl Hnom In the City llnll In lhu Glly or l...nnt~ln!4', on thn tith tiny of Ot tohur, A, J), IIIIi I.

- ,Jud~. or l'tldt!lll

K.1ll!\ ll.JII ·.pPnl Friclo~y nigh! .1nrl So~lnrd.tl' \\Ill! Annn and ,JUIJ,t I {olnw•, SIH' all ended 1hc 1\l,t•,nlr·lloll foot ho~ll gamr. Frlclny lllghl

l'!oRcnt• liON, LOUIS E. COASII, Chtult Judt~o

SuiL p<!ndlruc (n thu C!tcult Couat fot llw County of Jnghnm In Clmnm ry, In 1 h•• nhnvfl unlltlod t.tlUHU tt. npncnr ln~-t thut Lht• df.lftmdanl, JunWH e. BO)'fll' IH not n II'H!tlt•nt nr th1H Hlnlu but thnt hi IU• Hlrle•n In r.tntnrvlllc, MhuHHIII, till'll rme, n11 mollon of Wllllnm Jl ltnHII':Yk, nttot-111 y ru) Jdnlntflf, lt. IH ())clutt ll thnl the rlurt ndunt t•nt••t hiH UJIIU arnncc In nnhl cnuse on OJ' luf011 thn<' mmtthH hom the dntt• of thl11 Ot•c.l,•t nnrl Lhut wllhln fm ty dny~ llw olnlntllr 1 nu~c thlH Or clu1 tn h~· puhllt1hud In thu l111thnm County Nt W!-1 1 II IUHVHIIIIfiCI' )IUhi!Hhcd 1111tl ell f u .. lntt •I y, llltltl the Hnld C:ounty, tmltl pub­lieu linn tu Ill' IOIIllntud IHltu 1111h \\;el. lm HI~ wccl{li In tlllt ctsHlon

t.OUlll F.. C'Oi\Sif, (itt 11tl Jaul~1·

A Ttnc Cony G. HoRH Hllllnul Inuhnm County ( IPtl. Jly Hhl!n Cmu h, Ot•JIUI y ( nunlt•t Hi~-CIH'd Hlu IL Cnllt h. Jl11plltY County W1llium II HoHczyl, AltnJIIIY rm l'lnnrlifr II i1 1~. ettn St Lunr~lrru- I II M!chlgnn



~ 2\\7

JOHNSTON-Novctnbcr 19, 1954 Stnt•• nr Mil hlv:nn 'l'lu Pr olllll!• ( OUII

fot• tht Cnunty nr TIIKIIIim, At. n HCI'IHion or ~uld C:nuJ l. lwld Ill the

Prnh Ill! on LUC In tlw ( lty nr M 1!11)11, Ill Hnld County on tlw .!lHt tiny nr Ot tnlut, A JJ I'J'il.

l'l<ficlll. HON JOliN M1 CLELLAN, ,Juch~t of P1 ohntc ,

In th1• Mnllm of lhc EKlnlt or !'RAN. C:J;S s .JOHNS'! ON, !li'IIIIH<il

It! no (, Czutlet huvlllU hh•tl Ill snu1 1 OUI t hit! pdl!twn, )IIIIYiJtJ.e roJ JIC! IIIW Ln

11'11'11 tJw lllltl IJHl nf :-illld u~tnlc Ill t!f I lllill u•nl cHl11tl tlttHl!ln dcHclllud,



Stute uf Mlchlgun rhe l'toiJnltJ C nut I rm I he County or inl-fhnm

AL IL 111 HHinn of Hillel l'nml, held nn O•lnh11 ~1, 1%4

l'luH• nt: liON Ttul~(( or PI nlllltl.

In tlu Mnttrt nf the nfltnlu nf LUCY L 1 u~~sc o 1 'I' lh c I'UtH .J

Nntil1• )H Hutt•hy Orv1•n, 'l'hnt tlu IH­tlt"'" nf ltu hnt d M Wu1HI, Atlmllllt-itlll· lo1 nf !illHI e11l11t1, plllYhtv fnl 1111 rd .. lnWIIrlll' of hJK fiT11d IICllllllll, fnt II rlt• llllnillJltJOU or )uiiH Ill Jr1W, Ullcl rnt the IIHHIJ.(Illrlf!llt und tht1Lilhllt11111 or th II tl!w duu uf :111111 t•Klut•, \\Ill ht l11 1ttd nn No­vcmllll 111, 1 'lfl I nt tc n 11 'lne·l~ In Llu rnr1 nuon, nl t111 Pt ohnt1 Olftr 1 nl .!IJ,, W•KI S11~lliiiW Sltt!•L, 1.111111111~, Muhh~1111,

It IH Onlt lld l'hnt no lit • tlu 11•111 l11 ulve II hy Jill hill ltiiHI nr 1L I npy ht II lrf (()J th11 I \\f I k!'i I IHlll(!f UtiVC ly Jill Ylllllli ln ti!lltl duy of hunJIIH, 111 Lilt 111!-{hnm C nunly Newt~, 111111 thul ll11 111 L1Lio11 r 11\IIHI II (llpy nr thtli lllllllt In lu \11\td II )Ifill t•llt!h kiln\\ II ) Ill ly Ill !ntf tf til at his l1111t idtO\\ n nfltlt t'Hri lJy lt'l!IHI t II d mnll, tr.ttllll tf•rf'lpt d1rnnndrd, 111 l1n~1 fotll l1 Ull ( 11) t!UYH )IIIII) to HOt h h 1111/W, (I) Jty IJI'I HUll Ill HI I VIti Ut Jt 1\!tl hVt 1 (,)

f!JIYK flll\11 to Hlltit hmtJIIIJ(

A 'l'11h Con\, 1 Uolu1L J, lliiil<r.

HegrKlt•l nf l't olwte

fOIIN M< r r.r:LJ.A N, Jutlv• of l'rul11111•


GARVER-Nuvcmbcr 19, 1954 ~ante nf Mlc hhmn. 'I ht 1'1nh 1t1 C'nr111

lot Lhe County uf in~hnm At n Ht•HHIIIU of HUtd ('mul h1 hi 11! lh••

Pt nltllll' Ulllcc in tlh ( lly of lnnH!nf..(, til Krtrcl Cnunty nn lht .! I !il d IY ut 01 lnh 1, A II l 1l"d

I'll HInt !ION. JOliN Me( I.J:f,J.I\N, Jud~t• nr P1nhnt('

In tht• Matl11 uf tlu l't~Lat•• uf JIJ;H­MAN (!1\HVBH, Dr ({,lHIHI,

In lh• Mutlf1 nl lht I ~l111i 11f I liN\ h. HI/ nJ It Ill I I Ill d

II• h n MltWIItl hn\'IIW hi• I 111 nrli•l (''rlltl t h•• 1•• t tlintl Pill'~< in).(' t hnt M1111l rntlll ldJllrlltU!f Hlld rJ 1r llllrllt \\hn \\lit nt till ltlll nf h•1 tlrntlt lit, lt~WI hr It K nr ~utcl dt It II II II I HI I 111111 .. Ill 111)\l~liltlll ltUI•~IIIt• II \\hllh flltld d•­! II\ I' I" ''" cl 1

11'/.1 d, It tH IJ1dr 11 d thr11 th1 1 lth rl•v ol

Novr ml111, J\ j) I lj I 111 I 11 111 l1 r 1, 111 th11 rntllrflllll, II lht• l't li11111 Otlirt ~0 1 W. ~II).( n 1\\ :-it, I lllltqrll" M11 llurnu 1, 1111rl I~ Jrr II ln. ll)IJIIII!Ill f! Jnl Jr t I Jnr.: "' lid pt•tllrnn

Jt rn (rill ltr I 01 flz I I d I h II p 1hi11 1111• It•• I h 11 nf IJ, I" 1\r 11 h\ puhlu 11tln11 r I 1 IIIJIY nr I hi!! 11!111 I lot I Ill• I !->\II I I :-.hi~ WII I, l PI• Vlfllll Ill lUll! iiH.Y of h IIIII\~ 111 the I•Whlltll ( 11111 I Y Nr \\' 11 Ill\ "I' 1\1 1 pllllllrllltHI c ltuhrlld 111 ~-;nul Count\<

.fOIJN ~Ill J,J J.J.A:-.i ,l!uhr nf

An Oil I Pflllf I~· pi oh,thl:, mosl rornplf'X oJH'loiiJon 111

lry lo.l.ty

1\lr H I: I~ KoPnig of Clawson .11rri It nsf' \\'.t II 11f Hoyal Oalt vrsJir.rl .tl tlw honw nl Mr·. nnd ~Irs Don Dnol.lllr Sllndny.

Mr .nul Mts II S. l'IIIVCI' and familY ,tiiPndl'rl llw goldPn wed· d'iW 111111\PJ's,u; of Mr .• tnd Mr·s Wrsll'y Br n\\ nkl', Mrs. Pulver's p ilf'llls, Sunrla>

Mr. o~nd lllrs. Drd\ Mrllcr of Jl,t I liP l'i rck \ ISJierl ,11 II!C home ol Mr anrll\h·s Lyle Kinne)' Slln· d ~~

Till' mnsl rnf.rmous nrc fond o[ fame; nnrl !hose who fco1r not • •rll, ) r I •.Lui .tl slr.tmr Ch111 r·h· Ill


Il t:\ Otdutcd J'hul ll11• 10th tiny nr Nuvembel, A J), I 11 r; 1, ttL ten o'clock Ill Lh11 f01e1uron ul llw Prf)bnle Olflct•.~tt .!Ofi We HI.. Sn).('lnnw HtJ "' t, J,unHmJ.;. M 1ehtJ.I'IIIl, ho nrul tit het cUy aJHrotntr d frit' hcnltllK Hnltl IHJtltlun, nnd lhnt nil JH!l· tWnH lnlctuHtcd in Huld t•Htnte apptur l1e• rolt• Hnld IOUit, nl anul trmc nntl pl.tcu Lo show 1 IIUHu ~hy n lie£ nKt• tu t~• II tht lnlt lf'Hl nr MaHIWHtntu Ill Hilhl 10111 e!<lntr Hhoulfl not he }.('I nntf.!d:

II1•lt n Mtni.(UH hnvln~ tilt II tn !lllld Couat lwt p12trtlfm (llli,YIIW 1hnt l\IIJII Cuutt ndjutllllltt! nnd dftelntlll• \\Ito

Saturday, October 30 1 P. 1\1.

"' ' I

wu1e nt the tlmt llf hiM tJ, nth th• It val IH JJ H f)f 1'\llll de( OIIKf I! Ullll I•UtJLII•tJ !O

tnh~tit LIH tori r•Hlltlr• nr \\hi! h Hllltl rlt CCIIHl'd dll•fl !il 17.1 II

It I~ Otdcud thnl tlu lflth dny or

COlUPLI~'I'E HOl\m JllJRNISIIINGS Fr·llm Stm·:ti!;P and Pri\ att• Estatt•s

Il IH Putther 0111~rcd, 'lhnt tlllh!tc nnw th11 thCit!Of be VIV!Il hy (IUIJ)tCilti011 Of ll I'II()Y O( thitt 01de1, r01 tiJJ(•e :illtCUH:iiVC Wl~k~ )IIJCVrOUH tO lllltd dny nf hiellliiiJ!, Ill

lhP InHhum County NcwH, ,l newr~pupet 111111led nnd circulnted In tllllcl county, nnd thut HHrU peltllonet ~~lve l<~Jown IIJw tell Htetl rmrtleH nUdltlon.tl nottcl' llH

Nnvumlut, A ll. l'lljj, nt ttn ot•ltul rn the fotcnoon, ut th l'1nhnt•• Off111, ~IIi W. ~la~IIHl\\ St, LriiiKI/11' Mu.:h11-.:1111 ht nnd IIi lu.•H•hy llji)IJIIIILed rm Ill llJII\J.:' :iollll pelltton,

JL rH r'ntthet 01dt•Jed, tlmt JHililf llfJw t.Ict lhe1uur he J.(rVf n hy puhllcnltnn nf 11 CO)Iy Of lhtH 01 1Ie1 fnt th11 e Hlfl I I ~liiVC WI I lot Jllt'VIOU~ to Hllld dny uf Jtr IIIItH, Ill

lh!! Jnorhnm Cnuuty Nt\\M, 11 ncws)JII)Ifl Jninlucl nnd t;IICUi'rtll•d in H:t.d Coun(y

STORAGE FURNITURE SALES 4G01 N. l~ast Strrl't (US-27 at Vallt•y Farms)

11 qultt>d hy lnw.

A Truo C011Y • Hnbtlrt L D1 nl;;e nt;ur:-~1 ('I' or Pr olwtc

JO)IN McC.f.E!,J,AN, Juch.tl• or Pr ob 1tc A 'Pnu Com'

Huth Schllpt'lnol

,JOHN McCLI:J.Li\N .Judi-:''' of Ptoh rtr

lloursf 10:00 to 7:00- Sundays: 1:00 to IJ:OO -Phone: r.ans!ng 7-0173-

4:h\3 lkputy HcJ.n~t~t of Ptn!rnln


These Are Clardy's E1zemies.·

Communists, Commuiust .Fronts, Fellow Travelers and Dupes

Americans for Den~ocratic Action (ADA) (His opponent ts a member)

Alger Hiss Supporters

Left· Wing Columnists and Commentators

Extreme Internationalists (and others of the same sttipe)



They Oppos~ Him Because fie Has Do1ze These Things.· • Prevented Alger Hiss receivil)g a pension. e Helped outlaw· the Communist Party. • Exposed hundreds of Communists and their plot tb destroy us. • Advocated a Pro-American Foreign Policy. • Opposed Red China's admission to the UN. • Exposed the 11Trojan Horse" outfit, Americans for Democratic

Action (ADA) and other left-wing socialists. • Fought_ Socialism in every form. e Helped cut taxes and reduce government expense. (These are

bnly a few of the many things he has done as a· member of



• I • I

• I

...... ... .... ....

.. , .. ... .... -


I \I I I

Jlclunc I. Au•Lin vs. J•cl< J. An•Lin. lll· vmce. Slnnrt, Dtmn; anti Htnltc, nllm· ncys

Mnlcnlm ,,, DJOndlnuot VH lloi Lim r lliondhur.t IJivOJce. CIIIU<lo J. MntKhnll, nttot ncy.

nlchnlll E. Coryell VK. lllldn A. CoJy, ell. IJivmcc. l'lcJco nnd l'lnnek, nt\OJ'• noyH,

Dcommul II Pnul• vn. llonnnhcllo l'du1s. IJivo\cc. J. a. Mt\IIJioll, JJ., nL· tnt ncy.

Illnncho E. Lon, Divorce,

The western~ diamondbacit rat· tier probably !tills more people , than any other United States snnlte, says the National Geo· graplue Society. Over the world, almost 40,000 persons die of snakebite ench year. Burma has the highest rate: 15.4 person~ '\in. nunlly pet• 100,000 population.

I 1 f

Congress). · ~

Will You Help Him'Conti1zue This Prog1·am Against Yo11r E11etn}fl?

CT ~ "RDY FOR CONGRESS COMMITTEE fm· by Cong'l't•ssman Clnrtly

! ~ l

"' !.41



Eaton Rapids Will Trv Next _.,.

Holt Gives Mason Usual Treatment ;l't wns llolt'H 1111'11 l•'rlrln,v night

to· l1nndt oi'J' Mn:<olt. 'J'Itl' Jtnrm dill' tire lrkl\ !!1·0, II w:1s ~1:rson'r· (ilh JnHH in (j t;IIII'IB lltih ,\'t'ilr llllfl Ill!! 12th Jn.ss In a row.

::1'1w r.:nnw was 11 Jot d<·sr•r· lh:m the sr•on• lnrlil'lllf'd, lli<llll[lr, J•:x-_,_ .. _. ------- -- .. ··--- -~-


Late Touchdown

:·t•pl fttl' :1 uxplnslve lnnv, runH the lf'iltllH pliiyr~rl nn even terms.

I liillnwPPn will t'nnw a rlny · .. nrly for Mason. On l•'rlrlay nlv,IJI I Iii! I•:alrmlt:rpirls f;n•ylrounrls will lu• In 1\ltt:;on In "lrkk rll' ll'Pill." 1111 ill<' tricks will prnhahly lie In llrro I•:atnn llaplrls mmp anrl Mrr· ;on will not get mudr of a treat nul nf the evcrrlng.

.'J'Iw Grey!wunrls have hart a

Beats Sto(lfbr'tdge ·~owl Hf'ason HO frtr, Jo'rJrJay nJgJtl \ lltey edf.(c!d 11 slronf.( SloddH'Idgc•

., · tr•am l!l·l•l. J•;aton Haplrls lmrl In ;_:r:;nton lliiplrls r•;IJne Ill> willr 11/n•li' 1111 11 rlmrhle l'l!Vr.rse fair. In

df~Ui>lc l'f'Vf!I'SI! lniiH• r•!osltll: lllill· --·-----------·utc~ Frlrlay niJrhl lo move! out In . fi'Oill nf Stol'klJrirlf.(r! l!l·l·l. ,,~.vi·V'I Fatnl'ne Ends

7hc• C:n•,VIHIIIIHI~; \\'ill jolll'llf'Y In -~If Rl

Mas.on Jo'rldOI,Y night Ifill j[l'( IJ:tf'i: r.:or Bl ~~•,Lawks Into Capital C'ln•Jill ;wlio11. 'l'lu• r ut'-i H

1111! game In nrrlr~•· to do !he .loll, lhtlllgh,

Jfoll will ugnln siPp nul o[ Capl· tal Clrr.ult cnmpotl!lon Friday ''tHI rntPt'llllll WllllamHiun. 'l'ltr! ll11ms Hltuultl Jrnve no tmuhle at Hll.

Ht•of'llllll l•'lrst l'la,v The nmt llmr! llnll r.ot Its

hnnrls on the h11ll lloh 'l'ullle went. ~!i yrrrrls straight down tlw sld<'· line to score frll' JToll. Mnson threw a scare Into the Rams J'ollowftHl tho l1id\nfC. Mn~mr mnrdwtl to JTnlt's 15-yard fine be­fore losing the ball.

TIH• m·xt time llw Rams gnl llwlr hnnrls on I lw ball I hcy again seorcrl. This tlmo It tool\ them :1 plays to flO .J;, yanls hut tire oulf'ome wns the sama. Dlc:i( !'reston went the lust 2l:l yards. · C'Ji~:yhollnriH slroltlrl !til\'<' an f':IS.\'

time of II. M:rs<tll lws fail<:d In exery illtf'lllJl\ Sll fill' lftJ,; sr•nson. l\ulon Hnplrl:;, wltiff' not :if'lllnt: th£" wor·Id on llt'r: hm; won ·I gu'mes tliiH yt!lll' inti lin"''; 11111.

Tl11: griit:; ;u·e nil wlrle over at. From I here on out the !Julltlogs Lr•sllr: ilrl.s WPl'i\, Tfw Jllaelllrmvl\s Jwlrf llwlt· own. While tho Mason 111'01\t: n lli·J~IIrne losiiiJ~ slrPal; hy allltt•l\ snttllt•red from hncl to IJmling nansvillr~ l~Hi. The lnsl gnorl nntl hrrr:k ngaln the Mason win n·~:isll'l'!~d by Leslie J't'ltldt•n; rlefellse held the Hams. was WilY IHII't\ 011 OetohcJ' 2 '1• Art Weirattf'h, Norm Austin, l!l:i2. Orr thai night l.Ps!lr: tunH•rl

'Titr~ C:rPylioutHI•; h:t\'l' lost. lo l'lverell an; I 1 I:tstltrg:;.

OAI'ITAI, OJRCUIT ~NOIIAJ\J ClOl!N'I'V UMOUJiJ ~c!,lson as henri conch nl White I~'t•Jtlny'll GJUJt.efl l~'l'ldny'l! OrmwH l'jgm111, !Jo lnhel'llr!rl only one

Eutnn Ruplds nt Mnson, l~owlervfflo nl Dnnsvlflc, HIIII'\Ci' fl'om lrtsl y<:ru• but I~ In Grand Ledge 11 ~ Ilnwcll, Leslie al Olwmos, tmerntd phtt•n In n tough ClitHH C

Ilusloll nt Stocl{hrlcJge, eonfnrc:nce, l•'J'Irlay ltiH sqrrncl wu:r Chnrlotte at Everell. Williamston nt IIolt. , hrrnrlccf Its lll'st confcmnr:e defeat, Wllllnmslon nt Ilnlt, I..rtst Wmlll'll llPHIIJIH 1\lerrrlon rlicl 1 hu .loh ~11-7.

Lasl. Weel1'11 Jte/Sultll Ilaslott, 1'1: Olmnum, 7. - ....... - .. _ .. Chm·Jollc, 12; Howell, 6, Leslie, 18: Dnnsvllle, fi. J,Oitl CA'I'CilliS 1'1' !\GAIN

II I J Wllllarnstrm, 8: l•'owlcrvllle, 2. I Lort Lori r•amr: !Jnl'i; to Jnghnm u t, 2 : Mason, 0. · ------- r·11unty nnrl c·nughl it. I•'rlrlny

Eaton Rapids, 1!1; Stocl\l>l'lrlge, ft'OX 'J'I•:AIU UA'J'Im IIIGII/ 1 nlglr\, J•;:IHI Lnnsing hPnl Lori'~ l•l. I llc~l'h Fox, .Tr., Is mttfdm: lqllilr• Silll'gi:; fool hall lr•;IJn :1!1·7. Lori

Everett, 27; Gmnd Ledge, 0. a name for himself In his llrst has Irati loli!Jlr slccldl 11g,

DODGE has donP. it . .. bcuer tva it !

Eaton ftnpids l11'1l\ 11\'"r nn 1'111'·

ly l011rl :tg:tlll!ll Slndd>l'ltlf't'. Tlrr• Grc~yltonnrls Sf'Ctl'l'd in lire fit·.sl pcrlorl wlrr•n ,Jolrtt 1\lagtlf'l I11Ssl'rl to WPs Wlriltr•m"re on a piny covering I !l Y<ll'lf:-;.

har·k Williamston 2:i-H. Since Terry ][unl in lite line anrl Jnr~ llr<~n 1 he Blaf'kltawkH hnve hef'n I! or:, Ellis Clarl\ nnrl Duane Cf<trl; ,.J,sr• a lhv llmi'H hut usually In IIJC llal'idlr:ld r·ame tip with llwy have !)(•en slauglr!erctl. sirm·p tael\lcs which lwpt the

'l:lw Lt:slii! ,ioy will l!nl. last Rams In check.

l'UZZLI~ PLAY-The players arc Mlchl~-:an's !mel\, Jim Maclr.focl\, right, llltrl t•nd Jerry Williams, left; the enemy Is Iowa unci it's Michigan's home field at Ann Arbut·-hul who has lite ball't

l11ng, tltrnr~:h. fo'rirlii,V night. thr• In I ill' lhirrl pcrlorl Mason ngnin J:t;ll'l\ltawks gn to 01\ernos. Up slallcrl lltr' Hams .. Just bc~forc lilf: unlit llriH lm;l Friday lhc: Chiefs· Jll't'iorl Pnrlcrl, tfwugh, .Toe 1\iersc,v wr•t'f' at lit<: lop of· lire Ingham I silipJH'rl arorutd right. cnrl, rc· ('tlllllly lr•ngllf'. They will be Jool\· vrorserl his fielrl anrl nrtl-r:u:erl tltc! ing for n•vr•nge this week lo rlefenrlc•rs for 85 yards and the 1n:r!;" up fnt' the Joss to IIa~!ell. final llolt seurc.

Use explanation at bottom o( page,

In !liP sf'r·ond Jl"l'lwl I·:allltt Jl.ap­hlH ag:tin n•nf'IH•rl p:ty dll'l, Tlti>: tim{! )lilt Sl'lll'lllll plun;_:r•d lill'<tiiJ~It tho rnirldll', On ltollt s<·nn•s llw Greylrnunrls wr!t'e 11111 nltlt! In add (he l'XlJ'il point. Lr•slir• p!iiyf•ri good hall a~-:alnsl Jl,ol;1sn11 look to lite nir In the

Stnd\hrirlgP l'"fusr•d In stny lit<~ llggif•s, Thr'H! was nothing last quarlPr with s!'vcral mmple· down. llPfnrr• llrr• .,,.,.,,,<! t•c•rint! frr•al\i.sh iil>oul lhc win. Touch· lions hut. c:aclr lime the rlrivr:o cnme lo :1 f'in:-:1', will! 'I'o111 t:a•:orr· tlti\\'IIS Wl't'e n•gl~·tcrerl in eaf'ir of ltor:gr~rl down before paydirl was lugging tlw h:rll mn!il of 11'1' way iltl' lirsl :1 qu;u·ters. Jack Karma- rcaelrcd.

Haslett Takes Okemos 14-7 And Moves Closer to Title.

Stockhritlgr• movf'd ""'''II 111" lif•lrl win punr:lted al'I'Oss lhe first Basore firwlly llrokr• i11ln lltf' t•nd !'rorn li yilrds out, Don Marque· ~one from :l yarrls flUI. Til" Slnrk d:tnl pif'i(f'rf up tire ser:ond when brlclgf! 1'1111111'1' also p!nwr:d <ll'l'os:; !rr• j1lt'l't'rl llrr• hall oul o( the wHh lire exlt':t point. lianrls of a Dansville had; anrl ; The Panlltl't'H lt<'lrl I·~:1ton Hap- r·;ut it m·r·oss itltrl Kannawin again Ids in lhr! ll1irrl pr•r·iwl. In 1111' Insl em::~<·rl for the final Iaiiy, quarlc:r tltr•y rlid evr•n ht•lif'l', 111".1' Dansville had to wait until the movcrl out in front Hill J;arllr litwl JH't'il>d lo fln:illy get its !nne pid1crlup 11 r:rt•yliotJttrl ftrml•le o11 iotll'lultll\'11. It came, on a pa~s Eaton Hapirls' I :•.y:rrrl litw an<l play from Don Bmwn to lllll ran it across, 'I'IH• tn· for il:ro Urav<•nriPr. rxtra poinl II':IS .~!""d ;1nd Sin!':;- Dan.willl' \\'ill cnterlain Fow· hridgc waH on the long end of a lerville l•'rid:ry aflel'lloon. It will H-12 sr:o1·r•. IH~ lire :'e;rsun finale fur lire Ag-

Thc Panlhl'J's ."1:1vc•t1 on to;J 1111- gi1•s. til there W<'I'P onl\' :tm'nult•,, IPII. -·------Then lfw fir·e.l'hr;unrls <'<tiTle rq: FOUl'\' l~i\'~'1-:J) CHANCE with tlu•ir dnlli>lf' 1'1'\'('I'Sc willtl llill Fouty, slm· Slocl;hridgr ;Bill Dran r'iii'I'VIi!l~ il :rr•rnss. rtPan luwk of tile• past 'l ,\'c•ars, is rater! r•asserl to Hex Harkness for lite! 'IS !till' of llw. hl!llrr h:tf'!\S on extra point. I Midri:~nn Slate's Iroslt squad.

Ingham Countv, News October 28, 1954 Page 8

CLEARY GAVE '1'0 MICHIGAN'S AUTOmO!!!LE OWNERS * Faslc~t license Plate Service in Uistory "k Fastest Title Service in llistory ·'k Fastest Gas-Tox Refunds in History ·'k Foste11 Drivers' license Service in History ·k Simplified "Birthday" Diiver's license Expiration ·k Michigan's tlcw Slogan "VIoter Wonderland"




VO'r!: ilHiP~HHDCll~ taOV. 2

Everett Strength Stops Comets

IIaslr.lt is all alone nl the l.op of the Ingham County league lad· der afler di~posing of Okemos VJ.

' 7. The Laker re('()rd is clean while 01\cmos lias lost one ami tier! one.

The IIaslelt victory. sels the sl<tgc fnr nnotlicr top nttmclion l~ridny night. The Lnf(crs will go against Stncl\briclge over on the Panther field. Stockbridge can

Everett Jonker! even hetlcr than Iomeii. lhc Haslett br>ys out of usual Friday night in rlmppinr; firsl and laiw over the leacl if lite r:ranrl Ledge 27-0 for the 6th ball IJottnrls right Friday night. ·:lraiglil Vildng victory. The Panthers have been lied

The win sets 1 he slage Ior the lwir:e hut I rave won all other con­:·:hnw·rlown hallie between I~verett l<'sls. In last week's acl ion I hey ilttd Chariot te Friday night on llw moved fr<mt thirrl to second place Viking field. Bollt teams have ewn tltough they did not play a '>f'rfef'l l'!'r:t•rrls. '!'hr. winner Fri· league foe. ria;> night will unrloubtcclly be Ilasle\1 was not up lo its usual "rownccl champion of the Capital r:amc H~ainst 01\cmos but neither Cirr·uit. It will be l':vPrC'It's last were the Chle;s. ',i'ltc Chiefs were •·irt·ttil gnmc. Clrarlolle will still able lo bottle up Ken Schnibly, lmvc to grot past Eaton Rapirls. lite Vil;ing ol'fcnsive star, but in

Grnnrl Ledge will mnvc over 1,, loing so they openoG the door to !Iowell Friday night and allcmpt ~on Ray. Tlrc Lal>er ba~l~ scored u comeltar:k. The Highlanders lost >.Jtlt touchdowns a~cf ptck?d up ., tough nne Jo'ridny night and will ,n_o:~. ~~~an two·lhtr$. ,. o~. the ht• out sc:el\inr~ n•vf'n[!n, ;ll~n I ~ ... tl,et ).llclage on sm.t~hcs oH Charlnlle downeclthe IIighfanclcn; ctll';<i_e nr~rl around end. . 12·6. The OrinlPs hart lo uneor·J; 2 I• •:1rlay s bal.llo was a bitter dc-lonJ~ runs in order to clo the job. [t!ttsJve co~tcst Ior the f!rst 2

Ft'irlav night Everett 1;ourcrl ·tttarlers. !Joll! teams movcc~ tl~e wr·nr.s :1 touchdowns in Lite first lml.l _well until they got w~llun period anrl adr!ed another in lhr :Jtrtktng distance of the goal lmes. 'ICCottrl quarter. During the seconrl


1 the ball , would change

1 ' If C • I J) Sl . ' rams. ,:;;,s ,.;~;~~~~~ 1 ~1111: 1 .;"11~~;~.:;, s,:v~~?11~c Okemos drew first blood mid·

· '·' · · • way through the third quarter. hall :rnrl protect the <1-louchrlown Gordie Piper hit Garth RitdtcY eushwn. . ·

. Wtlh a pass to move lhc ball lu Dyron ChtC'ola set liP the fin;! Haslell's 4:J-yard line. Two plays

:worc.wlten he retumcrl the open- later Ritchey went all the way to 1~1g ll~r;Jwtf l.n .the Everett 35-yarrl score. Jim Woodruff booted the ~nre. Jl~e Vtl\tngs movf'rl lu llll' extra point. 2;.vnn! lrnc on a )lftss and runs by The Lal<ers came back with bo~J, SurlbeJ'I'y, anti ~can Look. everything they had. Using .just 9 Chtco)a punch_r.rl across ir~m plays the Lalters eovcr~:i 5'1 yards lhere .. Loc:k lallrecllhc extra pomt with Sehaibly, Rny, Dave Chilclr on a lUll .tround cnrf. anrl Gordie Smith all tailing turns

Gr<ntrl Lerlge ~nmc b<H:I\ slrnnf:l lugging the ball. Ray went t·lw :1nrl rlrovc lo nwlficlrl before lns- final 12 yards and Schaibly lng llr? ball on a fumble. On the added lite extra point to Lie the (o!lowrng play Stirlbeny sldrtecl game. enrl a~ul wc~t all .~lw wny to score: 'l'hc tur~ing !>oint of the game

One? mrnc Gr.111r1 Ledge took came late 111 thr. last period. Tai<· the k}'.'''.oll . ancl_ worl;cd u1; the ing a gamble on fout·th down fiefcl. I ius lime t.t was an •ntet·· Schaibly elected to pass. Garth cepted pass Wh_Jdt stopper! the Ritchey, big .Okemos one! batted Comets eolrl. Chtcola grabber] off the hall in. the air. Bill st'oinhack I he !Jail and mo~ecl to lire Grand grab heel the deflected ball before Lcrlg~ 12-yard ltno ~Jcforc beln.!.[ it coulcltou~h the ground anclthc slopped. Look earned the halt Lalwrs had a first down plus a over on the next play. 12-yarcl gain. l~rom there it took

The\ Vil\ings pushed across I heir last score \Vhcn they moved -15 yarcls on (i plays. Lool< went nrouncl cncl on the scoring play of the series.

Dewey's 9 5 Yards Gives Orioles Win

Charlotte and Howell hooked

,just 5 plays for the Lalwrs to put over lh!' winning louehclown. Sdmihly ndrlerl the exira point for good tneasure. Haslet I, be­siclos winning lhe important con· test, harl lit{' IJ~Iter of lltr Chief,: in the :;lalislfro;; rlcparlmf'nl. The Lal\crs· piel\r:.l UJl II lirst'downs while I he Chiefs nccou nlecl for only 5. Haslett intercepted 2 Olw­mos passl'H while alI of Haslett's losses cnderl up in lite right ltnncls. On tl1c ground Haslett chewed up 12!1 yards while the Chiefs were hclrl lo 85.

Okemos will try to rmnnin in lite race by taking on Leslie Fri· day nigh! nn lite field at Ol<em(>S. The ChicfH sl1oulrl hl' able to boun:J ltac:k into lite win column even though lite Blackltawl\s will Jll\obably be Jlying high. They snapped a Hi-game lo.~,.ng strcai< Friday over at Dansville.

Williamston Pass Good for Victory

Williamston look to llw air Fri­'.lay night in the closing minutes of the first half lo nip l~owlor­

villc 8-2 in as weird a scoring ~amc as has come out of the fngltam County league in some lime.

The Hornets lo~:scd lite 20-yard fourth clown pass with only 30 seconds lcfl in lite seconrl period. Dale Bachman clicl the tossing ami Geoq~c Wiclonun gathere I it in while wailing in the end wne.

Fowlerville piel<r.cl up 2 points on a safely when Hoger Schulz dropped George Gibbs in the end '!.one after a bad pass from cen­ter.

Williams I on came bacl< to pick up 2 points of its own when Ed Hull caughl Fowlerville's Don Hale behind Lite goal line.

Williamston draw~ the tough assignment of trying to stop I h~ rampaging Hams from Holt Fri­day night. The Hnms have an ex­plosive offense that can· produce louchdmyns from nny spot on the field. 'l'hoy pmverl that against Mason Friday when they came up with 2 rnns of 85 yards and another of 35,

Fowlerville will take on Dans· ville l~riday in an afternoon con­lest. The Aggics wlfl be out to win this one. It 'is their last chance at victory as they close lite season with the Gladiators.

' I

Flair-Fashioned • ... Coming NovemE>er ll

\Vc have I)Uit farming and will sell at public auetion at tlHl f:ti'IIJ loeaktl on Windsor highway, 1 mile east of M-78 at West Windsor, or 1 !1:! miles west of Bimondah•, on

Saturday, October 30 Commeucin~ at 10:30 a. m:,, the 'following ~lcscribed lll'opm·ty:

. Jlo~schoJd goods '·wiiibe so'Jd in f,Jj~· iliUI'Ilill~ Dimondale Village Lunch will be on g-romub

35 Head of Dairy Cattle 35 TB aJJd Bungs 'l'estcd

Jlob;tuin Heifer, 2 yeurs old, fresh Oclolmr H, OJICIL

Holstein Cow, 4 ycurs old, fresh October 10, OJICIL

llolsh~iJJ Cow, 3 years old, due by iiiLY of ~Sale Jlolsteln Co'w, 3 years old, due NovembcJ• 26 llolstein Ilcif~t·, 2 yclll'S old, clue soon llolstein Heif~•·, 2 yrnLrs old, due soon llnlstein Heifer, 2 yc11rs old, d!IC soon Guru·nscy Cow, 7 yellt'S old, ft•msiJ in StlJllcmhcr Guernsey Cow, 7 years old, clue 1\Jardt -1 Guernsey Cow, 5 ycurs old, due ,Junu!ll'Y 28 Guernslly Cow, 7 years ohl, elite llm:embm· 15 Gne•·n~cy Cow, 7 ycm·s old, due Febt'tllLJ'Y 3 G nel'llsey Cow, 10 YCILI'II old, tine !Uay 21 llolstein Cow, 3 ymu·s old, due lleccmblJt' 18 Gntll'llsey Cow, 6 yeaJ'S old, due lleetllllbcl' 6 Guernsey Cow, 6 years old, clue llflll'ch 1 Holstein Cow, 7 years old, due llecemblJr H Holstein Cow, 4 yem·s old, due. llecl~mbm• ll llolslein Cow, 4 years old, due January 4 Holstein Cow, 4 years old, due Janu11ry 6 (i llolslcin Heifers, 15 to lB months old, open 7 Uolstcln Heifers, 5 to 10 months olcl Purebred Holstoin llull, 2 years old, with 11 hig·h

JU'otluctlon bacl<gl'Ound Pul'cbred llolstcln Biall, 1 yetu· olcl


:J 'l'HAG'I'OitS 195~ Int.r~l'nut.ionnl U 'l'rlll'lnr with l'nwcJ··Ilt't,

Cnltlmlm· nnd lieU. l'ulley ltll.cl'Jillt.ionni 1•'·1~ '1'J'!u:tm· on t·nhb~;: wltlt

shu·llw, lights ami •:uiHvaltn• J!l:l2 I•'ord Hnudle Bug '1'mdor

FAitiiJ IIIACHINI-:Jt\' 1!150 lnt~~t·uaHonnf l'lnw with 2-1·1 irlf'h llntloms 1!150 1\la~o;Ney-ll!u'l'is J•'nJ•age llarvestt'J' wilh t•m•n

and hay !Lilli sicllle nUnclnnr•ut, Hsl'd vr:ry IH t.I•J 1!1:10 lnlt't'nallmml 'l'raclm· iHIIIVI!I', 7-t't. <'Ui. l9:ia lntet'IUIHonaJ lllmld li-t Comhiue 1"1'0 with

bin lnhwnntinuul 1'1'11d<H' Ccwu l'hmfcr with f"l'lifizer littei•mtlinual Dnuhhl Hist\ HJ52 lnll!l'llntiotml 4-Uar Side ItaliC i\lihVIUIIWtl l:nl'n Jlimll'l' Dunham 8-ft .. CultiJmcfu!J· Hl5l llltl>t'llntional J-row Cum l'idwa· Cn·O!I 4-scctinn 'l'l'Ju:!m• llrag Intcl'llaliounl 3-scct.ion Drag SJiiiH;Ionlh Hmg JOI'ifl. Sl>ylinl! I•'oJ•nge llfnweJ' with ·10 ft. nt' Jllpe OfiveJ• 'J't'lll:tnr ManuJ•e Sprt•adl~l' nn t•nhbel' ,John Deem Wugm1 111111 ltacl\ wilh chopJiet· box

ami !: rai11 sides Lund ltullct•

llliSCJo:I,LANJt;OUS 2,000 H. of New I.umhm·, 2xti and 2xl:l Qmmlil.y nf F<:ed JIJtJ,;'s

Grand Ledge threatened a cou­ple of limes in tltc f:cconcl hal [ but Jumbles ancl intercepted passes nipped the drives.

up in an olcl-fashiom~d defensive ------------­hallie l~riclay n:gitt wllh .Char­lotte coming out on top 12-6, It was Charlotte's .sixth straight win and the fourth win over Capital Circuit teams,

Smus llfillmr l'mn(l with Vz·llorse Jllol.ot·, 1 double 111111 2 single tmlts

I'IJIC Line for 20 Cows

I Oil · Gruln Uugs Huy Slings Smull Ctitfh~ llox ·. lhuul Cm·n Sheller


FOR .OLAN MILLS Your portrait by Olan Mills wiil become a cherished posse~sion of its recipient


?ot/Jiait5 for we know how to capture the real you in a modern, subtly flattering wayl


This Ad Plus $1

Good for One 5X7

Black & · White Portrait


. I I


.__~---~ -Oootl for nny pet·son not Jlhotogrt&Jihctllu our '!ll.tulio within t.lte lnllt-6 months.

The Oriole victory sots the stage for what amounts to a ehampionship batlle Friday night over at Everett. Both teams will lay their clean slates on the line. The team that wins Lite game will ile the team that w)Jl own the trophy, barring an upset of Char­lotte by Eaton Rapids the follow­ing wee!\, Friday's game will be lhe last Capital Circuit contest ~or Everett.

Charlotte collected Its first · ~ouchdown In the second period 1fter the teams had spent the .1rst q unrter going nowhere. 'l'om Dewey "did the ball carrying on a 95-yard sprint down the sideline. · Early .In the last quarter How·

qll evened the score when Eldon Hallet· skirted right end for the 'ast 6 yards aftet• the Highlande::s ~1ad ·driven li5 yards,

It. looked as If the score wris JOing to wlrld up In the deadloel> until Lynn Brown brol<e through the middle and scamp'ered 46 yards to seorf!. standing up. That was·an for the Highlanders. They never· threa t!!ned aftet• that.

HOPPING MAD - Fulhain's goalie, left, Is jumping with Indignation at o1 • hopping-mad Birmingham player .who' at­tempted to gain P,ossession of • the ball during a soccer match

In Londo11, England.

_. Give up'/ The 'camera was confused, too, Maddock right was tripped after a seven-yard gain against Iowa, and the ca~era sl;uiter tripped .a. split second later, to p1·oduce .this puzzle plctu•·e. .· ... . ' ' .. . ::. '.

16 111111< Cans l\1111[ CILI't lleJ.u.vul CrmLm SeJuu·ator Pulls tmcl Stt•ainci'

' )[AY, CORN, OA'l'S, S'rUAW 1,450 llu.lcs of l~h·st Cut.tl11g Alfallt'aL JIIUI B•·omc

llny . 200 llnles of Second Cutting Alfalfa and Brome

llny . 150 I11Llcs of Mixed JliLy

250 llaLles of Stmw . 2,000 Bnslmls of Com

6li0 llusheJs of OtLfs

COJUPLE'rJil LINE OF JlOUSimOLil GOOilS ColdsJJOt 20·ft, Freezer, S years old Colds(lot Rcfrlgcmt~r, about 8-ft .• , new 1mlt Colds11ot Electric Stove, good condition 11·plece IJinlng Uoom Suite 9x12 nug nnd Pnd 2-piecc Living Room Suite J\la11le Bedstend, Dt·esscr nntl lUII'l'or llouble Wnt·clrobc, hu•gc Com(llete 3·pieoo Bedroom Suite 4 Kltchcti Chu.lrs

' ''

Pot'CCiu.ln·top Klwhen 'l'able 4 lO·gnllon Crocks 8·gallon Crock QuantU;y Em11ty Cans Mu.ny Ot.lter Household Items

SOO•g'JLIIon Over-Jiea't",Glk~ Slom~:-() 1'nnl' :.!·Wheel l•'nrm 'fmilm~·,with Sloe!> Unci> 40-ft, I~xltmsion fAdd~r 2 Wheellmt•t·ows ·· ·.-.'·.,-.~;;.' , l(j.f'L J,nddet• l~lech·ic Grintlet·· :. '~\:· ··- Pltttl'or·m Sc11les 3' Lo,IJ' Chulns 2 ,Jncll Sm·ews 2 Pnir of 'l'nclde llfucl<s

· l'llt\ of Sct'ILII Ii·on steel·loJI Shop llunch Shovels · l'nh• of llrush i•ong-s, lll!tll'iy nuw Cant Ilool[ Ue1tvy Set of Hehm·net•s


C1·oss Cut Saw

' Ctdf Chuins · Chfclwn Crate 3 12·ilozen Bgg Crutes Smull I.tlvu.tory 1-lrot'Se Elel!l.rlc JllohH', used \'er·y little 11· llistrllllitot• Pipes, Jll!ttrly new 2 2-can Cooldng 11.'Ull!IS lluclc Saw M1my ~thct• Smull llems

CJIICIU:NS 100 Whit<! . Uoclc J,aying· Ileus liiO While l~ocl\ l'ullcts

·'o00·Chick Ilt'oollm·, Electric Fe.edm·s nnd Watcrm·s


JIJutd Su.w

Not l'CSIJOn~ible· for l&ecitlcnts tiny of snlc.

U~ ·H.' Mu.nger.'.·&. F~ ::E. Norris~ Owners GLENN L •. ARCHER, Auctioneer . .

. . . ': ' '\


October 28; 1954 The lng'ham County News Part~

Pt·onounl'eri mef'irarrlciil llrl· Vlllll!f!H JliliH IH!W riding f'OIIlforl ntH! a ClltnJIInte rc•-styllng of hurlies- nwlw Clrr•vmlel flit' I !l:i.i speclacttl:rr, dl!dan!rl AI Hlr•r!, MllHOll dl!illl!r,

Nu nw.lor· part of IIH~ 1':11' has been ovorloolwd in lire ill'flHrl· scnlc improvernr!nl Jll'ogl'llm, Hi"'' pninil'rl out. Driving I'HHe atl'l riding eomforl Jmrwfit ;dong witlt the en!alion of fn•slr :rutomotiv1• rleslgn, he said. 'I'IH• a<"l'onrplislr· men! h:rs ilf'en pos~:iille only ill'· cawm of a thorough Jol> of prorl· ttcl re-c•ngitll'l'l'ing ;rnd tlrr! trr!· meiulous new plant fal'ilit!Ps Chevrolet adds litis yr!:U', lite Ma· son dealr•r wlrled.

The In;;;; ITHHir!ls W<!nl. 1111 riiH'· play at. denier· showrrH>IllS 'I'hurs· dny. From :111 PXII'ilonlirrarily long list of llf'W fea\Ul'I!S till! puhile will sl'<! :rt that time, !Uce listed lheSI! as outslarrdlng:

1.. Fit's! :rlllllillllhiles in IIH• lnw· price lield to n•llect lite "rh'l':llll car" inlluerwe of the GerH•r·aJ Mo·\ tors Motoramas. Ali mofs lii<YI! been vlsii>Jy Jowel'Prl with :r !'or· responding rerluet ion in hood and hell Jines to :uu!nlu:rlc a longor·, lil!clcr apJn!ar:rnee. Overall, sr•­clans have been loWI'l'eri 2'; lnclws, stat ion w:rgow: as llllll'h HH ri. At ·the Silil10 thne, JliiS~:~~ngcJ' room has hePn in(·rr•ast•!l.

2. Jcirst V-H 1•ngit1<' ol'fr!n•rl on a Chevrolet in :l:J :,'l':tt's. l'rolit ing by rceent resean:h in l"llrnilustion ancl marrufncturing le1·1tniques, the V-H is unveiled as "far· mon• precisely built anrl I·ITI'''Pnl in pcrfnnnanee than otlu•r:; in its class." Named llle '"l'urbo·Firl' V-8," the V·S delivers IG~ horse·

A •tyliu~: udn~JII'C from uny Jloinl of view In ••luimc<l hy tlw <'OIII!>IIIIY for 19i>5 Chcvrol.,l•. The lul<'hl lirwnp of [~. moolcl• lu•• been complctdy ro·•l>·lcd nrul in uddirion inwrporutcs the widc!ftl ura·ny uf c•)IIIKrd~ iiiiiJI'UVCUJCnln ever oiJcrcd hy Chcvwlct '"' n new mmlcl. Lower, llcctcr line• nrc

ncemnpnnicd by new framce, new suspcnHinnPI, new operoling device~ uml new power. Whit rho oplionnl l'owcrglidc or overdrive unci new VB cnj!lnc plun two •ix·cylhu!cr cnj!ine•, n cu•lomer hu• n d10icc of •ix "t>u"cr J>uckugc~." The llel Air rl-door nedan i~ .picltumlubuvc.

from marl shocl\s to an unusual I formance. Less clutch operation r!Pgr·r•e. I in city driving is stili another acl·

ii. J•'mnl :11Hr reel' ~;uspenGinns vantnge. 0 I> tIona I overdrive r·,.v:rmpcd. Added riding comfort hrings to 6 the numher of "pow· :mrl ri!:Hl·iihilily, an~ as~:ured hy r!r packages" availa!Jic on each of ; . · vastly improved suspen~ions. At Jri Chevrolet passenger tlw front, a modl'l'll ver·sion of models. tire h:rll-joinl dl!~:ign nirls e1rr 8. More electrical power. A 12· h1rndling 1111!1 steering as well as volt clcclrlcal system will fur­'""miort. One improvemPnl new nish ample reserve power for the to the industry is a r·orrlml ann ever-growing demands of acces· geonwtry that cancels out mm:t :mrieB. The sy.~tcm Is standard on of the ohjectionahle "clive" that both sixes and V-8s, assuring in· <>flt•n at·<·ompanics bmkc stop>:. creased generator efficiency and 'l'lw suspension al~u 1t[lplil's n higher starling motor speeds.

power. 1 • I' 1 3. Iliglwr horsi'JH>II'rr rating~; n1W and more dum >.c rg 11· Another safety feature is a dun!

and new quietrwss ~nrl ~;moot it· \VI!iglrl bt'<lring mnterlai while tlw circuit brcal<er. A short circuit ness in 2 "Blue I•'Jatnr!" sixl's. tlesi>~ll dee I' c n seE lubrication or overload will as a consequence Engines arc of the traditiona' points from Hi to '1. nul entirely disable the system. valve·in'·head desir.:n, whir-h in tlw li. Incn~ased ~afety thmugh 9. "Dry. Air" vcntllation. This lust fr!IV years ha~ wnn virtu;<lly gn•aler vi.~ibility. Ev••ry car win· feature involves nn · archslmped 100 per l"enl acl·eplalll'e lly ollwr dow or :'afcty plate gla~:; fronJ, plenum chamber that channels maiws. A 123·hors<!power errt(llll' rr>:rr nnrl ::idr· is larg(!l' in ·w:;" fresh air from u slotted cowl Js nvnilabll' wilh the m:rnual ClreVJ'flil!l hodir!s. 'J'Iw gain is rlue vent. Drainage from the cham· gearshift. The dx bttilt l'~:l'iusiw· lnrw~ly to IIH' e.xlension o! glass ber prevents any water from AI mce ly for tlw l'owerglirlc ;111 t0111 ;rtir· · uVPI' me:rs \hal have !wen "blinrl reaehing pa~sengcrs, even in Rice nnrl his entire staff arc transmission now develops 131i ::put:-;'' ~<inec the early days of rainiest: weather. enthusiastic over the l!J:i5 Chcv-horsepower. !il.t' automuhile. Increase in _vis- 10. Tubeless tires for Increased rolct line. The new Clwvrolcl is a

•1. Intcgmlr!d hody nnrl frame rhrlity through llw swecp·slghl mtfcty. The casing remains the complete change from older design.' Clwvrolel points out it winrlshic:lli alone is '!fl'l- · same,' but Instead of an inner models. has hel'n ahlc to obtain close !· O!Jtlim:rl 1_JVI!I'Iir:tvc. An over· tube, interior surfaces arc coated ____ -·----------· unity with body nnrl frame hy dnve rns~all:rtwn wrll be offered with a .1Jutyi "sldn" for scaling. and essentially in shear for en· engineering complllH'nl s lo com· for 1 hr.! first tunc. l~ngme spee_d Blowouts·· are resisted' and defla· 1 ·

I I f II 20,, g ne support.

J)lemcnl Pal'ir olltcr. An import- rl'l trc 10~1 o more 1an ". ts lion slower with punctures. ant rcrlur:lion in vibration has a<"l'fllllJlilslwd hy tlw overdnve 11 . S tl ; li. New 3-spcctl transmissions

. 1 1 • 1 1 · II 1 • 1 • • moo ret power app ca· have more load-earrying' eapacity

been eiTel'le,_J <~tHI werglll savrl''. \LVI tl<:ll n,u oml11<tiH'111 Y, .. ctlrl sIll wlrer_t lion. The torque lube drive is rc· I l I I 'i'l '1'1 'fhc frame rs more rcct:rm:u ar· ll' flo rs 1 er o l 1<~ :rcr'l! er· 1 •• 1 b h t 11 ... 1 . t anc sl.ruetura cum >I

1 y. rc . . t \\''tl . I I ve 'll miles ·rn hour p dCCc y a u CHISS ll'IVC o .gearshift mechanism has

ami lwtst-~·~sts!«n · I 1 :r sercn· 11 or a.'" ' " . .',. · deliver po.wcr· mot·e sml)othly to im~r=um'-:-~~u.w.m~7"-!:W!i-~~~\",;l·;;-;~lb:;,-~

the utmo.st applimlion of ruhl>er''\vhiie rcrluc1!d engine revolutions "fric trtca .. ':'d1c~ 8 am 1 _o 111 ~·ovu ~tha WflS mounted along the tiflc rcpostllonrng of mount!< and t.l)Jll'l'attng ccnnomy ts !Jetter 11 r 1 . 1 1 t · . 1 -

• • • · • • • . 1 , • • • a er r1 c m com llna 1011 WI column insula! ton the body ts 1so!atc·l al;.,o grvc ;moot wr, quJclct per· 11 1 1 . . .. •

• 1e ongcr spr ngs. Most significant Improvement

Stock Up Now and S®e/


OCT. 3Qth

PREPARE FOR TH(LONG WINTF.R EVENINGS 'Got roady. for lncroasod Indoor activity during thy coming dark winter months. Mako suro tho play and work oroas of your h~mo oro properly· llghtocL

SIGHT IS PRICELESS,,, GOOD LIGHT IS CHEAP ',You nood ;ho rlohtlight lo help you soo right. Rcpl~co burnod.'out bulbs alld flU tholo ompty sockols In your homo with tho right slio bulbs.


P£.~~20 ' -·


SEE YOUR LAM:P DEALER Now · -' lhh Adv PuDII•h•d 1.. C:eepcnullon ~hh Lal'flp o .. al•n .. ~ C , Ce I '


12. Easier :;tccring. From pow- 'n the Pmvcrr:lide automatic cr steering, an improve-d verslofl transmission has br.cn the clevel· o[ which is available on 195~ opmenl of fl new low range band cars, Clicvrolct ha:; adopted the ,1 uniqtrc, double-wrap lli!sign ·r.circulating ball-nut gear arid Down-f'hifls arc softer and up·

::ntnbinccl it with a relay type o[ ohiiis smuo<Ircr. The selector linl<agc I hal 'increases smooth· lever is concentric with the ness and reduces driver effort. steering column and, as an a:;­

Must dis\ inguishing mark of sis lance lo those unfamiliar with the new Chevrolet hodic:; is their J Power glide, i1n iliumin:tled qua.i· lnw.slung silhouette and vertical :ant on the instrument panel winclf-ilicicl pillarH. Broad, fiat tells the position of tile selector. iwocl and trunl·: lids are approxi· The · rear axle ltas greater mutely three and one-half inches torque capacity. and better oil 'ower than last year while the sealing. Area of the clutch elise high, straight crown of . th~ has been enlarged one-fifth to fenders enhances an impression provide incrca~cr.i durability. of fleetness ancl agility. The ile· sign gives the cars the appear· ancc of much greater length al· though wheelbases remain Ul]· changed.

Brand new among 14 bodies op the One-Fifty, Two-Ten nncl Bel Air series arc 2-cluor station wag­ons. The complete line-up shows 2· and 4-door .sedans In ail series; 2-cloor station wagons in the One· l~ifty and Two-Ten, 4-door sta· tion wagons in the Two-Ten and llei Air, a utility sedan In the Onc-l~ifty, a club coupe in the "wo'I'rn and spor't am! convert!· hie coupes in the Del Air scrie·s.

A result of years of research nnd hundreds of thousands of milef. of severe testing, the valve, in-head V·S carries a compression ratio of 8 to 1 and a displaecmcnl of 2li5 cubic inches. The engine is exceedingly compact with a bore of 3.75 ancl n stroiw of 3 inches.

Although Chevrolet has haq V·Ss under experiment since It tried out this design In 1917·19, the '"f'urbo-Fire V-8" entails basio re-design in the last 3 years. En· gh1ccrs soi.tght the compactness of a short cranltshaft with the power of large displacement.

The bore is said to be unusual­ly lar~.te for an j:!ngine of tho "Turbo-Fire V-S's" length. The combustion chamocr is wedge-

. Contrary to many notions, it is not harmful to cool' foods in aluminum utensils. say Michigan Slate college home economists.

Let SPRING Beauty Bloom! Plant 'Imported

shaped to provide virtual to tall D'UTC H combustion of fuel fed by cloilblc· throated carburetor;

The 1955 Chevmlet frame has . 50'/o grci:lter resistance to twist· ing although 18'/ri lightcl'. This has been brought 01bout by stiffer Irame .side members, a re·at·· rangement of Bide members and a more strategic: placement of engine and body . mounts. Side members nrc 14.5 ·Inches farther upart at. the narrowest point: and 1 Inches closer together at the rear. ·

Rubber Insulation Is introduced both front and rear. Front m(j)unt· ings make use of blscult·slze ·rub·· ber pads mounted on a spacing tube. These layers of Insulation are both· above and below: the bracl<ets. 1\nd. frame cross mem· ber. The. l pads between ·rear brackets·and frame side members· · ·act in ::>hetU' during 'engine· roll

' ,, '



. TREASURER'S OFFICE She will wm·k FULL TIME to l'Un the of'fice as you would ymu·seiJ'- to provide l'Vl'I'Y cili­Zl!ll of Ingham County wilh helpful, honest, ~;pcccly and willing SERVICE.

JENNIE KATZ for Treasurer (I>I':MOC"A'I')

S'l'A'I'I!-\'I'ICIAN- 'l'EACIIlo:Jt- IIOtJ~;J<;WWI•:




for U, S. Senator


for · St11tc Scimtor Uth District


for St11to

Reprcscntntlvo 1st District


for Shorlff

~ tVote ;: ~t:t~ight Republican

··.··--~** **~



~~-<:ft.'' .. ~


ror . for for St11te . Stnte

RepreHotttuth•o 2ttd District

Rcprosontntl\'c bt . District .


for for for County 1-'rensurer llo~riKter of Deeds

Cow1ty _ Olerll ------.. ·,

' WILLIAM BERRYMAN. for County Surveyor

Elect These . Republican ·Leaders ING~M COUNTY REPUBLiCAN COMMffTEE

1 V. A. TRIQUET, Chairman . .

1 · • FLOYD ESTES, Treasurer


for Governor


for Congrosn

6th District


for l'rosecutlng



t'ur Dmit•




, T!Jclitm·ial Page Hiring Time Has Arrived Again

Good Citizens Learn About Issues ., " ·Credit John McCune for Reform

'.; Ingham's 'second dlfltrici rcprescmtativc .John McCune lly Vm·non ,J, llrown tlon. ·I ~nluto nil who vohtnlnm·l nhout i1is hn!!lq:(round hi~ fru11lly ,. ool< a Jot of abuse Jnst winter. He 1nirodticed and fought It IB hiring lime ngnin in tlwsa tu "get: out thc votn," N<!Vcrliw· his !!lun·nr.ter IIIHI his' rcrn1tntlon: ., 91' adoption of a pjll to rogtil!lte televising of beer commet•- Unilecl Stntes of om·s. Next: •rues· less, I hold lhc opinion lim\ this ll is mighty Important, Inn, to ,: !als. dny we good citizens Hhnuirl ench Is not enough. 'i!llOnsn lnlr!lllgr.ntly li1oHn who

[ II ,. 1 li II 1 t 1 t I nm nul "o su 1·e nny "flfill \"II II will l'lln IIlii' goV.t!l'nmc•nt. Hil•lng Beginning \Vi thin a fe\V clays, McCt!nc',c COlll',arre \VIII u ,; go 0 w po 8 0 n 10 pnr ~ " v I I I I i I '' "' 111 111n f 111 ·t 1 t 1 1 1 come from tlrn«ging In tiw (JtJIIs I 11' I' g 11 < Ill nl puhlit! offleinls

.tatt )Jaylng orr all thl'Oltgh Michigan, ancl \Vith!'n H Y''al' 01' I ~ (). (! mns mpoJ' nn 1 r· b I I I ~ ing prnJccls the wnrlrl l~r~nws. volc!rs whn nre ton ln~y 111 gel n~ay pmve mnr~! lllpor ani lllln ,· wo, tlwoughout the .United SluleH. Brewers and their ad- One wrller puis H thiH wny: "As llwmselves there. 'l'he voier,;o In· lurmg somc!onn 111 oLI!' business nr • 1ertising agencies. in Michigan huve adopted. u new code un- uwner:; of this eoun11·y, 11 will he differenl 1o hls duty pr·olmhly hns PJ'ofcsslon. ; l\~r which TV ,vlewer:; won't have to see such commercial~ otu· responslhlllly to help :;elect little imowicdgn of tiw isBtWH an<l So I :-;ay, nf cmll·se, every voter . lS have been piped into homes, Under the code, b1·ewcrs can members of congrr.ss umi stnl!! much less rwquninlnnl!l! with can· :;Jwuld cahl lllH hallol on issues ; ldvet·tl~e beer by. brand or by any vnlid claim but they can't lcglslalurcs, gnVI!l'llDl'S rand ollwr dl<lates. I nm amazed sonJI!time;; 'lllhl cundirlnles nl ew!ry eil'ction . . :how people.drinldng It, and smacldng their lips ovet• it. stall! offlcinisl, cmmly unrl olhel' In lwnr eertnin irulivldurds hems! But I also insist that II Is of even ' · I!Jc!nl officials, nil of whom nre uf how I hey steer clear· or polili!•;; moru irnporlall£!1! I hal WI! !wow I That ldn(l of advertising was designad to establh:h beer expec\ud to safuguanl olll' privi· nnd purtlsun all'air;;, These fniJ(;; !lonwthlng of lhe reputnlions of ; kinking usn social tmdition, It was designed to maim drinl<- Ieger! wny of life." like to preen lill'lr non-pul'lisnn I lie t·ancllcllttl•s, wlwl litc•y slluHI ' ng socially .acceptable in evetvy home. Sueh advertising was r cling to sonw nhJ.fnsltloncd fcalhcrs us If they were not lo he for, whal llwil' reeonl of pusl ; 11 bud tastQ und Ingham's representative did something about !dt!as almul liw elllzen's rcspon· sullied by getting loo do:;e Jo Ill<! pel'fonnanr·e nwy hr., who 1hey

I~ t. · ' slhilltles in lhis business of vnt· huslnes~ u!' ehonslng puhile of· mingle! will!, wlwt 111'1' !heir per· , B d h i d . . lng, Personally, r have no qunrrel llcinls. When thost! voterH do ;;onal !whits, anil !heir filness for 1


. • .rcwers an t 11 r n vert1smg agents, aided and ubettecl willi nny efforts directed towunl show up at lhe polls I hey nre I lie .loll for whid1 IIH!Y hnvc ap· ·· ; :lY ~~ lew news~aper Pifbllshers who paid more hr;fcl to cash gelling volem to tile polls-. r swayed hy either pre.ltldice or plied.

·egJs~eL' thn~ ttl conscwnce, went nftel' Rep. McCune. One agrcQ thnt our voling reeorcl, emotion. 1 BPing n' good rlli~cn is a year· ; ~nnstug radw-TV station, W.TIM, launched an all-ou,t attacl' I throughout tlu• r•ounlry, yenr llnell!;'l'lllllHI Is hniHII'tnut. rtr~tuml Jnh under n J{nvernnwnt

m McCune. Brewer•y lobbyists did all within their powet· to aiil'r y~·ar·, is a shnnwtul rellec· When WQ hln! somQonr In our sul'i1 as otu·s. To i>c a good cili· )lock McCune's bill in the legislatm·e. Frightened politicians tlon on American dlizenship. I busirwss or even to worl1 on til~ zen of I hi~ munt •·y Is no joh .for ;curried for cover.' McCune stood fast. He mllied his col- agree that it I~ tlw duty of ever·y fnnn or shop or eonslruclinn joh, I liP ~hlflicss, "dnn't r·are" Jll'l'Hnn. eagucs. They forced others to stand up and be countr!d. ;v-ol_e_r_l_o_l_n_IH_' ..;.p_n_rl_ln_ev_c_·r.::...y_e_·le __ e_· _\_ve ___ w_n_n~'-'-n_t,..,n_u..,w_ .... so:.:.:m:.:.:l:.:.!t:.:.:ln:.:.:"~ri. I ·1 1 I'Pquires IHI efforl lo he 11 ell I· r.en U!Hiror 11 Stalin Ill' a Ilillnr .

.McCune· finally lost the legislative battle by a narrow· BPhinr.i 11w il'<>rl Curtain, a man is 11m·gin. But he won quite a piece o( the war. Tlte liquor nc•l r<'quit'Prl lo think 1'111' llim·

' .nlerests by then had learned that the public generally Down by the :11•11'. Tndi'Pd, ill' Is not allowed ln. 'avorcd the aim of the McCune bill. Brewers Jeal'J1ed they Sonw p;u·ly lwacl or r'ommitter.

, .vere offending hundreds of people with their blatant commer·- SYCAMORE eliairmnn cloPs llwl for him. Thr ' ~ials of"'such poor ;taste. They realized that the public, Jed d;~y may c·omr wlwn llwt will hr II'IW in lhis f!Ollllil'y. If I]WI duy , :>y ,John McCune, demanded refonn. So they finally agt·eed, l!ver c·cmws 11 will he lleeat1se too ; _and are making a sturt with their new code. Nobody ean call the Ingham I have. no rtua•·rnl will! uuy111w many persons having the righls ' .Michigan's fight for liquor advertising decency spread cleclnrnl<! ignorant, regardlcs;; of who 11h1ys hing·o, su loug· 11s lw "f l'ili~.Pnship failt•cl to uRe them

lhe ouleome of lhe eJe~tioJl 'ftt"s.·· <llll'"IJ'I 11111<'1 it 11 't I 1'11 II 1 ·· I t •iwto otllCl' states,and even to Washington. There the foreign ' c ·' • ·

1' IU'

1 y, 11111 so 1'

11 g I manner. :~unci interstate commerce committee recommended that li'q uor .Jay. Jn addition to the big sup- lrmr-:· as I um nut. usluoli lo t•illwr Time is yel available for I he ,. Jlly of instrllction hallols dis· 111uy m· 1'1111. nlert In fimi o111 ahnul r'ancil· madvertisers be prohibited from peddling theit' poison pl'Opa- tribuled by the bom·d of ell'ction I rl;~lc;; and JH'Opr,wls. A bcller joh :ganda in homes through TV. eommissioner~. hnth Heptthlieans In llw spring anci Stlmm<•r· would have h~r.n d"Jw liarl morn : Bt:ewers, of course, at•e now insisting that they ndopled and Democrals· hnve henn QdU· cur·otln is obHeured hy elllornphyl lime heen allnlte<l lo her·nml' nn "'tl · 1 J t ') Tl d t d · 1 tl i · cntlng the volers. From the in tree leaves. When lhe dllul'll· infnrm1•d voiPr, hut !here is sllll ,.1 ~eu· new coc e VO un ·arr Y· 1C!Y. a 0 11 ·e It unc et• JeW 11P presses of the Ingham County phyl goes In I hr. fall the caJ'nlin 1 ime to get undPI' till' wire and 111of John McCune.· They adopted It because they knew they NP.ws went :>,000 Vllling maehin<! shows througl\. That's wilat save one's self from hcinr; a :would ~~ fol'ced ,to. instruction ballots for Lansing mal<es the leaves so pre I ty, the liiggard on <'icclion ,Jay. · : Michigan P,eople huv·e John McCune to thank fol' wring- residents. East Lansing voter~ eamtin, the ·same carolin lhnl This piece is being \vrit ten on ~Wing some of the·.SUds out of beer telecasts. He couldn't be wilh I heir Ph. D. degrees were malws carrols that golden Yt!llow. Friday, Or·lnhcr 22, 10 days be· ~seared, he couldn't be botwht, he couldn't be fooled. provided with 5,000 inslruction Don't mix mine with pea~. . fore elec·tion. I .lust rC'rc•ad the .., '> lmilots, (n!Ho from the pre!lscs foregoing and afler reading the : Give John McCune credit for having the courage to take of I he Ingham County News.J No queen r-ver desm·vell 111~ 1• morning newspaper I lrie<l to pul !'"on radio, TV, many newspapers and the potent liquor lobby in The special order of 13,000 wns crown morl\ Utlln 1' 11 1. llosnhm·y, myself in11w plu<·e of lhu voter to


to ~nove (UI

fillBtmng~m~M · 12~(r'li~·~,m:: •![,;;. ~' Wt!J"" oa.t.m '<!:..

Open Friday Night.s Until 5:30

"' 1 . I l . f . f)1' Ill" n~i)l!illl'crtll ('( llllly • m l\la~on dwm·-!euder. A \VInnill"' ..;a lmocl<-c own Jig 1t, anc havmg t 1e stamma to see that Hght 1 ~ " · 1 u> · " whom I have appeuled in this ~ itl~ ~am ~~~~ w d~~~~e~ · --------------------------------------~through. 111 · • column lhis wcc1k. I am not at ali 1-,.. Everybody shouts l'nrnlll'llg"enwnt " · d · Spc1aking of degreQs, Michigan tl u 1 1 1 1 rr eertain right at lhis moment lital ~ Brewers m a optmg theit• new code of better taste in ad- Stall' college has .J'oincd in the ·1· tetn. (7 n 1; ru 't''· u 1'1

1m Y1~111' 1 t~ 1' wllllt I have said is at ali appro· ?::VCI'Iising have paid tribute to the courage and the ability of . as· < e 1'u s 11111 a wl lUll prinlc. As· proof of I hi~: lnst as·

I I I 1. . . C worship of them. The college was this (0 dl!fl'lllS and no til! so I'IU')

~ ng 1am's secane c tstrJCt representatlvt~- John Me une. c~:tablishcd and developed .bY met;t uud. a clJei!J.'·hllUlt.w hus tu h!LV" sert ion lei mt~ quolc I he head· ~~ who were able leachcr~ whether real. lmthu!!lnsm, 'l'Jmt's Pat. She lilies I haw ju~t foul!cl in loday'f. ,.,.,, 01' not tl1ny hnJ<i top dngrnn".', 1 1 t I It I . morni11g daily·· !I eatl'ity political ~ c L ~c., IllS U~Jl · l' g· I · Oil C II'Cl'JIIj(-nlll· ;.. Th D f D • • Now a new edict has gone forth, · · 1 1 headlines. = e ay 0 eCIS.IOn I d [ l t h us a VOICC'CI'Y ng II till'. wilder· Herc they at;e: ~ wa s o ·, epartments mus · ave ness of del!llllh', hut oll'm·ln~;· <•om·· HElD AS!'1A JLS GOV. WLL· .., . . . dnctor's clegrces whether tho~e uge in th.e hour· ot' 1\'l'tlUtest need. I TAMS : Most people now have then· mmds made up on candidates .degrees. mal1e. them better teaflh· s

1 ht! 111e~bejrvets the homngP nf ,uti II ~ WJLiJIAMS IIITS G. o. P.

:and issues tor next Tuesday. They should have. · crs or not.·. · ' · oyu su cc s. APATHY.

·~ Yet all t~e _C()DSideration given those candidates and is- Thnt's why Bert Applegate has The )Jest reason 1 !mow for\ LEONARD REPOR'l'S .roB ~sues will come to naught unless the votes are cast. slayed on as head of the journal· wcnring a full set of whis!1em is HISE. ~ For the last 3 elections here in Michigan the candidates ism !leparlment. He was tendered thai of Dell Bennett's. Every fall FERGUSON ITI'fS FOES ON ~~who stayed home have decided the issues. . . a farewell imnquet ami showered and winter he Iukes his pretty AUTO ISSUE. !!' witlr deserved praise and gifts nut-brown beard to the art classe~ WILLIAMS TAKES OFF HIS r; In 1952 and .. ,fu: 1~54 just one more vote per precinct last June when he was supposed at Michigan . Slate college. ·r~e GLO){,l~fi ... · · ~could have changed the outcome on one or more state con- to be heading for pasture. But girls ln.slst it's more fun to pai'nt McNAMARA HITS DELAY IN ~tests. The results. tnose two years proved absolutely that the able men in line for Bert's job a man':; face when it is 'Ho HOUSING. . -'.!ever" vote does count, ~ven when the ·total runs up. into the WQre so able they hndn't had time adomed ·;. · HART RAPS RECESSION

J to acquire high rlegree!l or the ' · ·, · · · TALK. · i?; millions. . applicanls with degrees hadn't Mason people turn oul in num-1 IKE RINGS DOORBELLS.

Paying l 1/2 o/o --

. Dart National Bank Time Certificates Interest Paid Each 6 Months, If Desired

Interest from Date of Deposit

All deposits insured up to $10,000.0ti' by I•'ederal Deposit Insurance Coq1o1::\tion ~ Making up your mind how you arc going to vote isn't lwei time for newspaper exper· bers f?r many ~vepts, even wh~n ! mE DEPENDED BY McKAY "" enough. Staying home may actually mean a vote for the ience. So to keep pcace, Bert t.here 1" an admts~wn charge. Ye_t IN STATE 'fOUR. ~otl~r~de; ~~dayisthiday~deci~o~ Speak up. sta~rl~. Heh~~w~~~e~ wm~owwe~ntl~eupW~· !Not Fru~ McK~. on0time ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1

.l pcrience and. teaching ability. ,pe~tatlons on ope~ i.wu~eH. We Michigan boss, but Douglas Me· 1" '!l When he was hired to head the _wmt for ~ngravcJ mvll~ltons.·!'n Kay, sec:relm·y of the interior.) Phone 9011 ·~ clepnrtment he probably wasn't npen hous.e calls for no mvllatwn Three s!'ls of headlines use 1 he

.T,!. Supervisors' Cont. rol. Shrinks even asked about holding [I dOC· of any kllld, just. nn an.nouncc· word "hil," nnothcr u~es "rup," • tor's degree. No one thought it ment something !Jke lhis. and because Held has a ;;hort

~ · Once the board of supervisors controlled all the expencli- important. And, of course, it The Roger Kiersteads finished I name a longer word was re· :.: .. · tures of a county. That's the way it was when counties were isn't except to those wh~ )1ave tileil· beautiful new house on US· quire<!. Tht! headline hunter came 1>0 them and little else. 127 just north of Barnes road up wilh "nssaiis." ~.;;organized. · What do you thinl1 of the Farm barely in time to move out. They Well, what do you think? ~ How times have changed! On the bosis of the number of Journal sugg~slion to dairy farm· are going to Philadelphia where Should I slill expect I he nvcragl' ~county employees Ingham supervisors have lost most of ers to use their silos· as bill· ·the Wyeth purchasing agen1 will voter to dig nmuncl in this ru·b· g their control. They have the power to fix wages and work- boards urging people to use mqre be the mnnager of pmduelion, hi;;h and finally reach a clear un· ~ ing conditions for only 160 of the 560 men and women draw· dairy products? planning and procurement .fur -cll'rstanding of the Issues nnd ~ ing county salartes. "How como'l" se.vm'lll people Wyeth. International Limited. come In know nbout the candi· OJ • hnve w;lced. "I can J'emember Their open house SatUI'day (2-:i elate;; 'I Me, I am in doubt·. T still •i ·The county road-commission has about 125 regular-em- and 7·9> Is to permit Mnson pen· im:i:;l 1haL being a good citizen , wbc.n you used to call at Legion 1 · 1 · ·::t! ployecs. TheY. !J.l'e paid from automobile license tax money. bingo purticl'lllllll 1 liuve Heen you p e tn see what the I<iersteacls 111 t 1ese Un1lcd Stales .of nurs ' ~ Not for years have Ingham highway employees been paid lug home l)onltTy at the J\, or P. have built and to .give people a ami this Michigan or Durs is. a .;. from taxes collected locally. ruffles. WhQn !lid you clmnge?" chance to say goodbye: full·timc job. It's no picllt1p

· ;.; ' · · ' · · So let';; turn out. foil'~ 111111 suy knilting hobby, II carries with It ;;;: The Ingham. Ch~t )1ospita1 has another 160 employees That's a good question. I did our l'm·ewells in styl~1. lHuybe n !wavy responsibility. Muy I \'i over whom the board of supervisors has only remote control. eall bingo games, chosen becnuse some of u~o~ will wuut to ~o~tol> off dose with lltiH: One may do more ,, ; The Chest hospital· (until recently !mown as the county tubet·- of my voice and my passion for in l'h.Hiy next full to :;ee the harm hy' voting blindly ami in ~~ culosis sanatorium) getr:; most of its money in county tax with charity. Then one night after a Athle.t.ic11 under new mnnagem~nl. ignorance, or fmm sheer preju-~ the rest of itfrom the state and from other counties who send woman filled wilh disappointecl Jlllly in t.he ser!e~. dice, I han will be done by the

· · · charily accused me of fal<ing a slny·nl·homes. ~ pattents. . ·' · . · numhe•· so Bill Bergin coul~l win = Welfare gets its money ·.from local taxes and state and a prl~e I considered quitting. But Ill! federal funds bi.tt the supervisors hii.ve no direct control ovet• I uicln't. I returned to lhe calling : hiring or .firing the 105 ·employees running the relief depart- 2 weei's Inter .. On the way out of ,0 ments and the county hospital at Okemos. the hail that night, another wom· ... . · nil told how I had disappointed ,.;, Even the 10 employees on the staff of the county library her because I hadn't called ·a ;, are on a payroll not controlled by the board of supervisors. number she hfl'd been praying

~ True, supcrvlsors name the 3 road commissioners, the for. !ij board of control of the Chest hospital, the social welfare .ti b?ard and the library boat·d, but the supervisors do not hav~ ; direct conh·ol of the departments .. All the boards co~operate I" with the supervlsors, but. co-operation is not control. ~ : The argument is not over whether the loss of contt·ol of ~· these. departments is good or bad. The .moral of this piece is :: to show how shorn of direct power the county board of su­"' per~isors has become. In the amount of money expended the : supervisors have lost even more power than the payroll • shows. Welfare and highways take the·blg money. _ .. Ill! When supervisors complai11 of being squeezed out under· : new legislation they are stating facts. Ingham records =prove it.

= ::y.: . . '" ... '

·: Halloween Can Be Fun. 1111 . •

: Mason business men, led by Kiwanians, have made Hal· : loweenfun ~tead <if',trouble for 22 years. They have staged

. .,. anl'!u,al; p~u:tu~s for youngsters, with. the ~dults. usually having : about·as·much fuh-'as the kids.. , ·. ' · :. ·

:: The 23rd annual party is scheduled at Athletic field Sat-· ... · .,. urday night. There will be a parade, a bonfire, games and · ' $ stunts, costume judging and other events, There will be . . plentv .. of refreshments., .. . .. · . · .'. fl· •.,o,, . ···I ,:_-: ·, ,'. ;·.. ' ,. '· ·.,; .

· :: Y.CiUng~,tel'S::.haye m~ch mor~ fun at the ·P!lity than. they , coulq.:n~y~ -~~~~gl~g Pl'9P~tty; or trotting around .~n tric_k·

and-treat'· mlssionsv which' have·:. become·· a ·nuisance ma:riy. · placea. . · · · 1 . ·

As encourage your youngsters' to be· guests ·at · . the . • has been fun· for everybody, young

and . ··YetU'II- Mason. • Let's all pitch Jn to

That cumd me of calling. May· be it also colored my' outlooll on these pious pleas: for charity bin· go. As for me lugging poultry nome from feather parties, put thnt down to covetousness, not charity.

Children's Sped all

4 Permanent· Proofs in a

J,ovely Baby Book

$3 . Complete

\:andid Weddings

' •

w!d~:;~.~~$25 up : No Travel Charge ·

LeCiear-· Studio 1 . • • Pho~grapherH

·.· · ®8·1514 llolllster Bldg, Lansing ·

Phone Lansing 4·882:4 .... ·.1

. make . night the most fun of all. · '. · :··.~.·:::.~· ... ·:·. ··:~, !;;~·~~ ···.,~~:· ··.r '. 'l~ ,..q·: ~.,...-------------~

Ingham County News October 28, 1954 Page 2

~~~~· Quafll9 UJ Servlc. \\



A Most Careful ·Business Operation • • •

Straiige are the thoughts about pharmacy earnings. Seeing .a few customers means to some "huge profits." · Little do most people !mow of the fact~, but here they m·e.

I . •

Your t)hat·macist's profit is also his payment for professional services. He has many thousands of his dollars invested in your be· halfr Yet the national average as repotted by Dunn & Bradstreet for 14 year·s is less than 6% profit befol'e taxes.

·n ' ' utton s ) .

. •.: 'PrucrJPllon PiuzriMClsb .

1 ...... ,..,. .... -..::::~ L••Jit, Michigan ~:::::'-_..._ __


and place a

CLASSIFIED- AD They Get Results in the Ingham County News

''SELF-HELP''· Increasing sales and expanding its market have. been foremost

,: objectives of this cooperative during the past thre~ years •.

'I Through the mediums of advertising and pub!icity "Milk as a Bever• · · ·:age" has been promoted as never before. in th~ greater Detroit market

·:with gratifying results. i~ . Creating new _markets and strengthening, old ones is· a. "self-help"

project instituted by the members. of this organization as a cooperative

means of protecting farm income by the same methods as are used in

successful privat~ industry. It is a demonst;ation of forward thinking on

the part of farm cooperative membership. Above is pictured a giant spectacular electrical display at one of

Detroit's heaviest traffic intersections (Woodward Avenue and Seven Mile

Road). Greater Detroit is "milk conscious" as a result of the promoti6nal

program carried on by the producers' organization. Dairy farmers are able to carry out such· a project by means 'of a

strong coop~rative. . · · · · · · ·

MICHIGAN MILK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION. Detroit 2, Michigan ·.~ Stepho_i1!~:n Building -

.... ·.::. ',1, ..... ·••

. J

' !

Fed era I Ca.sh . Will Speed Up Bang's Control

yfr]n fol' I!Xil:l\i itrfl ,·,( liJI! rMig(;iill Into Mhdrlgun'H remaining :lO l'Ollll!ios, anrJ lldVIInCOH [lillllH previously rnnrle fell' till:; linJHll'· (lint worlt by ut leusl 2 yearH."

'l'he 20 mmulnlng untcstncl counties ur·c In lhf! sollllrcr·n parr of tim Hl:lle where the c•attlc pop· u In tlon Is gr'enll~sl.

Spud Buyers Put· Quality Before Price

The program In r;omn of tho A, speeded· LIP progrnm which lower· Mldllf(rli1 er•unllr!H has hr!Cil Quallly comes flrst when n

will complete !estlng of Michigan on a dc!fl'ITl'ci Hlauglilcr hasls lwmenwiwr iluys potntrJCs,

i"iMA U. EfiGfl FIA Vl~ iHONIG'f Small nncl mecllum eggs mcau

more prlii!Hls pt!l' dnllur thRn lnrge und cxtm. large eggs, It medium eggs cnn be )JOught fcJI' one-eighth unci small eggs lor QJW·fourth less thnn the price of large eggs, !.hey am u lwtlet• value.

MSC Man Writes Book on Cherry

cattle for Bruccllosl~ !Billlg's dis· thnl. permlltccl owrwrs In !'!!lain Contmry to 'popular opinion, easel In 2 yenrs instcncl of 11 as diseased animals for a limited housewives rate prlee as the third originally planned has heen made time. Whether or not tiltH will lm mrmt lmporltlnt tiling when buy. pos~lbiC! by nllocntlon of arldltlon· ctrnngecl to nn lmmerllatc slatrgll· lng spuds. Qun!Hy and size rlllll< al federal funds, according to ter program will he clccldcd wlwn ahead of priec, One ol the natlon's leading George S, Meintyre, director of slnlc nnrl J'edcmtl vetcrlnnrlans Gr!orge N. Motts, cxiC!nslon uulhorltiC!s on cherry growing the Mlclrlgun department of agrl· meN ln. the ncar future with tilt• I marlwtl.ng specln.llst at Michigan nml pmccsslng Is the nLrlhor of u culture. · slate• mmrnlltec on hrucc•llnsls, Slate enllcgc, dies rcccri,! studies now boo)< on that subject. •.

·Thr.·cttsensr. causes contnglousl which Is mnde up or rr.pr·csc•nta- 1 showing this that when quality He Is Dr. Hoy E. Marshnll. for· nhnrtlon In en tile, whleh under· lives of Michigan's dairy and beef/ r.ledlnes, 4 limes us many home· mm·ly a Michigan State college cortuln conditions Is lransmlssn· eat tie Industries, and major M!L'Il· mal\er:; will c:ut down on their hor·tlculturlst and now nsslslal!t hie IJJ man Jr~ ,the form of unc.lu· lgan rarm orgnnlzatlons, . . p~r·.e,l~l!~r!. of potatoes as when director of the Michigan agrlcul· lunt. fever. I he disease costs ------·---- prlcts rise, turul expl!rlmcnt stu Lion. The owners uf Mlchi[Jnn's 2,0113,000 Motts say11 lhnt !myers. want I boolt Is published as the fifth eattlc .many humtrerls of thou· o·an· g's Control potatoes clean, smooth, ligl,lt In'' volume In a series on economic aands of dollars. colnt• unc.l wltll few eyes. fhey crops by Intersclencc Publishers,

ErnrllcatlrJll of the cllsease L~ a W"ll G B Sily IIWIIY from products that nrc rnc., of New Yorlt und Inter· CO·CI(JI!ratlvc project hctwr.on the I et oost clamagr.d hy machines and diS· I science Publishers, Ltd,, of Lon· u. s. unrl MldllrJUil dcpurtm~nts ease~. Ami they refuse to come don. t. • ·I · 1 · 'l'l . 1 · 1 . . lwei{ aguin In buy a product that o •IIJI cu llllc. w pro eel HIS MIChigan is go111g to hnve a 1. 1 ,1 1 ft I 1 Dr. Mnrshnll's book Is n digest

her>n In l!l"tll lr J.fi'J I I I ,· II I . , cIt n I II I'll OLI. so ant mea y f d I 11 I tl - op ' on s we ud , am step poe ·lip 1ruec os s r l3nng:; on first lrhl o uta am tcra urc on w services to Ill!! c:uttlc Industry on disease! emdkatlon pmgr:rrn for · ' ' . . (!berry Industry of North a C!JUnty·arca basis ilns been C!X· cattle In the stale. 1 Buyers nlso lool< for potatoes America. He emphasizes· the im· tended to ()3 crJLJnlles, More rnplcl G . , • M •I 1 . 1 .• , • f lhnl arc uniform In slze and coolt· porlanee of I he cherry and how

. ·f I C!orgc. c n yre, c l!ec.trn o ing CJllnllty In mo:;t Instances extens on ras not been possible tlw Mieillgan ctcparlment of a~rl· . . , , · , ,1 '

1 t the fruit must be hnndled and

hectHIHC of limited funds. culture snlrl Mlchi~an will !'I! I II lwusewt; es prefct pnc mges t 1a 'processed to maintain quality. Con"ress.lrns "IVe11 l.lrc .scc•J'e· sh·1rr. ;Jf the $10000000 in' feel· lwve umlormly small, medium or 'l'hc uuthor has drawn upon his

" ,., ' ' ·. · · ' ' • · hrgc sizes though some! women · · 1ary of ur:rlculturc authority to l'ral money recently allcJC'alerl for ' ..• , .· · :. f 1, f . dfr. longtime experwnce With the maim $10,000,000 a v a i 1 a h 1 c till! worl{ preler '1 1 '~nge 0 · szcs 01 '> cherry industry in the Great lhroughout·thc countr·y fell' tile 'J'l t' • 13 • 11 1 feren,l cool;rng demands. Lnl<es stntcs.

I . w sales llllf: s r sense ac · SIH>)lpcrs will go buck time and ____ _ pro, ect clurlng the current fiscal vrsor·y commit Ice ll' sr:lll'riulcd In a aln In )lUJ'eiHlse pucknges of

Sheep Raisers WiU Receive 62c Support

Mlchlgnn shecpmen will get: u totnl of about G~e u lh fDI' wool sl1or·n uftct· Januury J. '!'hut's countlng the government pay· ment.

Arthur Mnuch, a Michigan State college agricullu!'ul econo· mist, C!Xpluln:; the pnym!!nt opem· lion this wuy: Slwcpmen will l'C· celve a dlrc!ct payment from the govumment after they sell wool on the open mnrket,

The! government payment will he upproxlmutcly the difference between the U. S: uverngc prlee and the 112c a lb.

Mauch pointH out that: the C.2, 1

Is 1061/r· of the Septcmhcr lfi waul

iJill'ii> w.iL:~ •. 'j';,., ·~t~~~~ll;- ·li· J~iid~ sheep rniscl' · for .tl)c. 1055 dip prohJlhly will nbt he lmown unO! l051J, he lndlcute~·. ... \; · '' ''

And the tcJtnl ampuli~ of money nvnllnhle for tho. tlliYin.cmts Ill limited tu· 70'/c·' of :tiJ~ 'Utrltt re; ceipts on \vool. lmJlrll'ts •. Mnticli ndvl:;os f!lrmei'S to J(~QJl nccurnte t·eccltlts odtw\vririt: they sell In m·der to get the goVcJ;n\lJCnt pny. ment. . , · 1· •

' ,. '

~ =~rd.

Hatclihal 1\U.lJ~ Wrlto, Pl:one,. Drln !D ilr fir Ia


rhona J•c.lu.!JB lta~o,;.~ .. : · '<130 1t. 1lor17 - ~~ lJtllllalt1

II. 1, lllwea JMCUto ~------~----,·.~-----

NEED A WELL??· I Can D.rlll

3 and tl inch wells for farm •aml borne · · 6, 8 and 10 inch m~ls for nlr-riondltiQmRG

Conunerclal: aua lrrlgntiou

S. W. HART Phone Dlusma 5131 lUn11on, · Uonto 1, Boa: ~B

year and $15,000,000 available for nwct at Mklll.gan State l'niiPgc pZtalocs llwl arc nlways uniform D h • F d the year RlnMing July], 100~ on Nu~mber 3 to 11111~! l'C!WITl·l'in quality ami ~m, a~o~ing ~ e orn1ng ee ers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While Michigan's share fot· the 2 mondati~Jns on how lhr tnereHsr•d Motts. II YC!IlrS has not !Jeen llnllOLIIlCCc], it ll)l)li'OprHl!fons· ill'C! to be spenl p D" "d d Is expected to amount to between 'I'I I . ~ Michigan potatoes have been ays lVI en s

South of !Hnson on US·l27A nt City Llmlta . ·

1 ~ cumm tt;e. lwmlcd. by I~ I· crit ieized for hnving consideruble · $!i00,000 arid $750,000. ton Smith. of Ca!c•clcmln, rs mntlr! variations in cooldng quality.

"This contr·!bution from federal up uf leadr.m: dairymen ancl hc•c•f There has been some improve· Will it pay to dehorn those funds," st\lcl Mdntyrc, "will pro· cat!lcrncn 111 the state. ment in that respect, according to ~eecler cattle you're buying this -----------------------, i\1otls. The spuds are tending to

I be more uniform as fewer ami full? George A. Branaman, a Michigan State college! animal !ntsbandryman, says yes.

Ingham County News October 28, 1954 Page 3 more speci<illzed growers nre ,--------------------------I producing the hulk of the crop.

I Tl1er·e will always be some varia·

It ion clue to the many different

I soil types and climates in which

Wayne G. Feighner potatoes arc grown.

He points out that horned cat· lle often proven t other feders :from eating their share nt the feed bunlt. So cattle without horns generally will gain weight rrore uniformly.


* Famt and HousdJOid Sall~s * !Uason, 1\IIch. Route 1

Call :1676 Colh•ct l~utnn ltaplds



POSTS ., { CEDAR -: '


(Also wire-fencers)

~matml Pores - 14-16-18-22-25 Ft. Fence - Barbed Wire - Lawn Fence

Gates - 12-14-16 Ft.

SEEDS 1\lammoth Clover lUctllum Clover Lndlno Clover

Canadian Gt•imm Alfnlfu Certified Hangl!r AU'nlfu

Timothy - Brome Fcdilizct• Ordct•s Tulmn

GENUINE l~gg-Stove Stolwr




Jlo;r Feeders - W1&tcrcrs - Troughs - Stocl' Tnnks

.. Eden Elevator Phpne Leslie 2154 . PltotuJ Muson li689

. :. '•.

We Gh;e Gold Stamps




I.IAIIING FARMERIINSISI ON MM HUSKORS l Comp11~'tA• Mftt Ont Row Hutkor Wilh Any,.. .

NOfl,fHIH ;OUflfANDIMO fiAfUIIIt e Three gatiterlng chains operate close to tho grouncl. • Adjuatnblo llo11tipg snouts. · . • ~eciol MM Snapp.ing Rc>lle-63 U inches long, • Eight Husking Rolla-four of rubllcr;rour of steeL

. • Exclusive Big Cap.llcity Cleaning Fun. • Extra •wide ·liliaking bed. , • Heavy 6• tubul11r allo.acta aa·b11ckbonc for entlro widtb ofHiiekor •. ·· .·: · • Power take-olfDrive. A 1~2 plow tractor hns ample power to operate and pull tho'light-running Huskor •. Connections to fit power tako·oft' cin all ettindnrd or row type tractors nro av11Uablo. A spring tension snfe.ty:ctutch protects the one-row ·H•kouutoDllltioally. if. it ehould clog.

Quality control. In MM factories gives you longer, better · performcinc•ln tho fl~ld. Soolia for comple~e facta.

,~ ..

· Fran·C:is. Platt

Poultry Know-How Is Worth More Than Good Pullets

And pacltcrs gC!nerally will pay more for hornless cattle, accord· ing· to Branaman, and there Is usually less carcass and hide damage i.f the horns are removed.

The animal hushandryman nd· vises doing the. dehorning job late this fall when the fly senson is

Placing good pullets in a well· over, buill laying house is a fine start I toward profitable poultry rais· ing-but it's only n start. Man·' F •f• d M•lk agement inside the luylng house ortl 1e 1 r:e~n make the profits either . large or small. A d t I Set

A short time! after the flock men men S ilas been housed, start culling ' the non-lnycrs. Watch for color Final approval of amended reg· of the · ileak, shanks 1 and eye ulatlons governing fortified milk rings, If the bird· is laying, the and skimmed milk wns given by yellow pigment should begin to the Michigan commission of agr!· ctisaJJpear. · . culture at its recent meeting at

I Observe the vent for a clue to Escanaba. The regulation hns· the birtl's production. If It Is gone to the governor's office for lnrge, mois·t and faintly blulsh, signature giving it Immediate cf· the bird is laying. If the ~ent 'feet. is sh~·~nl~?n, dry and. yellowtsh, The regt!lutlon, which became the hn d 18 not prmlucmg. somewhat of a controversial is·

There sh?uld be 20 nests. for sue with farm organizations, cvet·y}OO ~mls. I~eep u:e ne.,tlnge dairy people, nutritionists and matcll,lis clean. Eggs should b medical authorities wns amended r:all_wred, p!:efera?Iy In wire bas· to eliminate some 'of the objec· kct s, a! least 3 limes a day~t f lions of thC!se groups. A hearing

Provrdc at least 40 fe 0 on the proposed amendment was feeder space and a 5·gallon wa· held in Lansing on September 24 tercr per 100 birds. Follow a reg· , , .· ular fee:Jing schedule closely and an? f0 majOl ObJeCtiOnS· Were do' not mal;e sudden changes in vo cec · your· feeding programc The amended regulation re·

Artificial lights should be used duces the amount of A and B to ,provide layers a 12 to 14 hour vitamins that may be added. It wori<ing day. Mal<e sure the light prohibits adding more than the bulbs nrc clean. The time clock specified amounts of vitamins should be adjusted regularly to and minerals and eliminates the conform to the steadily shorten· ad clition of Iodine entirely .. The ing days of natural light. regulation as amended provides

oBUiid UJ;> tile, laying house lit·.· for. the addition to Whole.milk of tdr to at 1emit: •. 6 inches .. Be sure 2,500 units of vitamin A,·. six· it i:; dea1ier before cold weather tenths of a milligram of vitamin arrives. Old build·up litter wlll B·1, three-tenths oi a milligram of stay drier than new litter. Stir vitamin B-2, 10 mllllgrnms nia· the Iiller frequently to keep it cin and 10 milligrams of lron. loose.

The poultry house should be well ventilnted-perhaps using a fan will help. Proper ventilation will do much to prevent damp Jit. ter. Also watch !or drafts which might lead to respiratory troll· hies. ·

Don't forget that rats will be moving into winter qunrters shortly, and will\ he looking for rood. Start a rat control pro· gram. Also check birds ior lice and mites. Give the flock regu· Jar worming treatments.

Malte friends with your new· ly housed-pullets. Successful con· trol of. poultry diseases and para· sites depends to a great extent on prompt cliagnosls_and this, in turn, depends on early rccognl· lion of irregularities In the fiorlt, By being alert for signs of trouble you have .a chance to avoid serious setbaclts.

Farm Loim GrQup Schedules Meet

Ca,Pitol National Farm Loan associatlqn will hold its annu!ll stocldwlders meeting Wednesday, October 27, at 8:00 p. m. In the Delhi town hall in Holt. i

A program has been planned for Its fat•mer-members and their guests by the board of directors. Everyone who Is Interested In the services of the cooperatiye should plan to attend, Albert ~ol~r, the .s~cretary·treasuror, s~~ . ;

The association Is owned a1Jd I operated by farmer·membersw~o

Ag Commission Elects Officers

Officers of the Michigan com· mission of agriculture were elected nt a recent meeting of the organization held at Escanaba, The commission of 5· meri is iii charge of the state's agricultural · department.

Elected chairman was William A. Anderson, Benton Harbor fruit grower. He replaces C. B. Smith of Williamston, who con· tinues as a member of the bodv. Elected vice-president was Ray T. Anderson, potato grower of Me· sick. Arthur J .. Hannah, Grand Hnplds hatcheryman and florist, was· re-elected secretary. The other members are Robert J, Debelalt of Trenary, certified po· tato · and grain producer, and Smith. ·

The commissiOners are ap· pointe<) for G·year tj!rms on a staggered basis. Under the · statute one member must be from the Upper Peninsula.

Hatching Weekly All: Summer·.

Pullorum.Ciean · 'Chicks

· G~Uiver' s · H.atchery Phone 5881 · Eaton RapltJs

··;•·· .... 1,. / manager the 4% co<iperatlye · ;mortgage credit furnl~lle4 by ~he

\Phone. 2.1)1)7l . Federal Land bank ol. St •. Paul. Ya mile tioutll on M•ll9


Dtw to dc•ath in tlw family we will sdl at public auction at the f11rm, 2~ mil1~s 1~ust of l\lunith on IU-10fi to IUt. H011e road north on !Ht. Holltl road fi1·st rm·m, o1• !{ miles southwest of Stocl{bJ·idp;l! on IU-106 to JUt. Ilol'l~ road, WJI'th fil>st farm. ·

1 P.M. Wednesday, Nov. 3 IP.M.

Phone Mason· 2-8761

Price Brothers Phone Audioneers Stockbridge

. Maurice & Bob 17-F-111

24 Head Registered and Grade Holsteins 24 Beth - Registered. Holstein Cow, 9 years old, bred

Se)Jtembcr 10 J"ucy -llolstein Cow, 7 years old, b•·ed S11ptmnbcr

28 Baby- Rcgistcrell llolstein Cow,· (j YllaJ'S old, bred

in October J.Uasie -Registered Holstein Cow, 5 years old, dul!

November 1tl Silver Belle- Registered llolstein Cow, 5 years old,

due January 1 Minnie -Holstein Cow, 4 years old, d1w February

28 . Gle9na- Registered llolste,hi Cow,. ,4 yea~~ .ol~, .. ::.

. - .. fresh and open / . . ! ··,,:~ ''·.''•;;·;·'':!.;.>;:·:; Stardust~ Registered llolstehi Cow, 4 years old,' ·;

·· · ' ·bred AU!,'1Jst 17 ..... ,, ·' .. . ,.., . : ,, , : .. : .. , . . Fayette -Registered Holstein Cow, 4 years old,

due November 18 Pearlina- Registered llolstein Cow, 3 years old,

fresh and 011en ·Lady- Registered Holstein Cow, 2 years old, fresh

and open

Machin·ery • Miscellaneous Cement Mixer ami Motor Steel Sera11er llog Feeder Universal Electric Hay IJoist 8 Rolls of White Piclmt li'ence Land Roller Steel .Wheel Barrow

2-Witeel Bag True){ Corn Sheller

Platform Scales 10 1\'lillt Cans

Air ComJlressor, Hose and Gauge 6 Rolls of Corn Crib Fence Tool Bench Bean Puller 20 Rods of New Fence

Anvil and Vise 20-ft. Extension J,addet•

Anker-lloltlt Cream Separator and Motor 10x16 Truck Tar11 50-Gallon Oil Barrel ll.llll Pmn11 Electric Fence Charger Fence Stretcher ami Chains · Blow i'orclt Quantity of Graiu Bags Electric Grinding Wheel

Log Chains

Quantity of Forlcs, Shovels, Ro11c, Hand Tools .

Terms: Cash

Princess - Rc~istered Holstein, 2 years old, bred Se[ltcmber. 28 .

Annette - Registerell llol'ltcin Cow, 2 years old, bred October 1

Glennett1t- Registered Jlolstein Cow, 2 years old, fresh and OliCn

Jane - llolstein Cow, 2 years old, O(lcn . · . Ruthanne -Registered Hol'ltein Heifer, 18 months

old Starlane - Registered Holstein Ueiftlr, i5 nioilths

old : . . . • Janet- Holstein Jleifcr, 15 montits .otd . Arlmtus .....- Uegistered H;olstcin Heifer, 14 nionths

old · · . · ·· · ·' ' · , · ... · :i ).fi~mctte·-~!{)Js~eiu Hei~er, 9:•~ontl~s ~id: · · · ·

.:: i f,rJ~Icess RolJtl.-r Hol~tem !J:Ip•~l!r, ·r,~·mo~ths·:oJ,l• C·' Lea- Hols~n Heifer; ·2 months "bid ;, .' . ' : I ·, "

Holstein lleifer, 1 montlr old · · · llolstein Bull, 1 month· old, eligible to· register .

BANGS TESTED . · : . · .. (NOTE:- These cow~ ·and heifer~ O:.r,e .. ~red 'to .A •

B. A: ~ulls. ·.The .cows that .are• hi·: production are giVIng good flow of mlllc.) , , / .· .

:Poultry Equipmet)t · 10-llole Steel Laying Nest

3 Pul'ina·Self Feeders

75-ft. Chicken Wire j!

1 Roll of New Chicl{en Fence 1'

17 Chiclwu Feeders

3 Chicken· Crates ' '·

12 Smnll Feeders · 2 ·Egg Baskets

7 Ohlck Waterers 500-Chicl{ Electric Brooder

Quantity of Other Poultry Equipment

Oats 000 Bushels of OatS

400 Bales of Straw .

• Straw.

,._: ...

·Not. Responsible. for Accid.~ts ~ r ..

·' .j·

~~ ~ "

0., F .. MOECKEL· FARM· I , I • ' ·~ ; , .

. ·E. & L. Moeckel; Owners . \, . . . . ,

Earl. Du~smore - Clerk .. . . ,/

~ .

From Their Soil a Better Living

Country & Town Simpsons Make Soil Conservation Pay By

. Jly 1\Jnlvlu HI rmul Hoil (;un~"J'Vntiou .Hn•·vkn

In 1 iln spring of Hl2fi, Paul ~iimp.o.;on 1111d his y1111ng wl fll of 2 monlhs, illf: fol'nHll' Cllliwrln" Clnrk, mnvr:rl from C'nrland to . tl11:11· pt·r::aJnl :m:l·nl'l'" rurm tw:u· : Leslie.

01w !tJrJI\ nl llwit· Inrm today,

l llr•ul "lanrl w;o plan" for llw

1- I frl!'ln.

'l LnWl'I'/II'C' Tripp, dlslrlrll. fill'Jn . fJialllll'l', !lao ilnlll! nutdl of tile

planning wnrl\, ,L;i llljJH<lll 1111\Y f11filliVS il Ci-yflill'


mtrl it is r•virlunt lllill good soil, • eo~ISI!I'Vali<lll a111l sn!l huilrljng ': . :: pJ:a<•lir'Ps iWYil pair! r11:il l'OWill'rlH )' ·· 1<1• IIHl ~imps11n~ · in a beller liv- !(

· inl-: from lilf'll' :;oil. \

I soii-huilding l'!'llJl l'llliillon of 1'111'11, llill:' iltlrl :l Yl'ill'H r1f nlfall'a­!JI'<li<W gl'/1~!1, fn!IIIWI'rl hy wlwal sPcrlr•il ·'" KWI'<:I r~lovcr, which !IPI"VPH liS H gJ'l!~'ll lllnllllt'l! l.!J'Ilfl.

"'J'IH!Hl! (!I'CSI'nl acreage nllnt­ll\1'111!; mal\11 it hilrrl to follow a dr•llnilll crop rolallon," t;Irnpson :ilaiCJ<i.

Sattu•day, wns homeeumiug at' J\1iehit~an Slale eollnwl. l "went homu" hy lwlpiug !id Uw new at­l.muhuwe mem·d nt 1\faeldin J.l'idd wlll'n PUI'Ihlll tlhl it at~nin to tlw !\ISO SJml·tans. H had lwnn :1 yeat·s

shWil I last SILW llll !\ISO ganw. 'l'hrl'tl Yl'lti'S ean nmlw It Jut of differnncu hy the Ionl•s of Satul'!lay's scoJ•eluuu·d.

•"Wlll'll wr• mover! onlo this I:\rm :!~ yl'ai'H ngo,'' Simpson I'll· r·ulls, "w1: fllllllri mosl of llw mil IIi a rlt•p!Pil'd, I'IIIHiown l'onrilllon. Vj•ry lltllr• liVPSilld\ had lu•en ii¢PI 11n tlw fnrm, nnd llmnlil~· il(ty sold for hlllH! fl'r!d hari l!Cil/1 1 ill~ I'!Jil•f r~mp r;tis<'ri. As far as l i<IHJW, no lillll' ot' fr•rl illzt~r· had r+•n IH•r•n rrpplir•rl. Otll' 1',1'" went ~tiHISill'fS IH'I' 111'1'1' lh(' flrsl :;en­:or)n. 'l'ilr: nPI'd for linw was evl· d1•nt. 'I'll<' firsl .v••ar wr: huugl1l ullrl sp:·r·nd 11 r;tilronrl r~arioarl 1 ~.11 I rn1s 1 11f l(l'llllllli llnwsl nne•, 'i1w,lll~llf'lils nr 1111' lim•· ·~<Jllhi ~~~ :;~C/1 lliiii<JSI iiiiiiH'riiilllJ!y,

1 ' 1 Poor tlrainngt! \vns also il I


. .. :~~

nal:; nnrl wiH•al am ferllll1.erl wl til :~:10 lo •100 Ill pel' acre of ;,.:lo-:-~11. For 11111 pasl :i yr•ar:; all li•rliiiYI'l' on 1111' rwls and wl!Pitl. has IH!Il/1 hroarkilst on In the illllr< 111:1t lk•irll·r• plnnlilll( lirne, :-~ilnps'nll lllal~ I his. wny of ll[<fllY: hr!~ ilh fr•rllliwr.

J'unl Him[lHOll "It mnl·.es !!'ss worlc and KHVC!i Iilli<' 'IIIII 11\lliiC,V" IHl ~laic~. sr•rlous prohi1'111 111 S!'VIll'ai of thr~' · ' · '

Natul'ally, MSC rooters clicln't like tho outcome of Uw l'ul'Ciue game. Yet, those I tallwd wilh afte1' the Lu:;:-:le hadn't

•],'iven up till hope of winning again. Some went :m far as lo

.'my tltc loss was good.

All things arc relative. And in football the f11n of win­

ning is in dil'ect t•elation io I he ft·equency of losing. Wlll'n

we win all the games, it's difficult to judge just how much fun

WQ're having. Only by occasional lo!-isos can we mea:;ure the

wins. This isn't necessarily tho opion of Duffy Daughcl'ly.

fie probably knows'now exactly how much fun it would lJe l.o

fields, Thnt same wm·, \1'!' ho11;,hl : Corn is fr•rlillzi•rl will! :lOll lh and ln:;t:lilr•d, will1 iwi'SI'S anrl hy: pr•r a~·re of _:;_-:!IJ-~ll al, plan.lln~ hand, :.l railroad carlrliHis (2 111<11! Ill adrliltoll In H Ions ol miil'.'i 1 of 1 ii<•. ivldil ion:il 1 ilt• I1as llllllllll'<' Jll'l' ar•rc. llr· ;ilso !~a:; win u ganro. h<•r•n insliliil'd ~;in'''' tiJ;rl linw. fln l<iiH'll Ill<! eDIInly ilg<'nl s advice! . Wl'l, IIJ'av.v !:nul farn 1 <ir;lin:1g11 is illl<i is yi1rnling his mr·n lhil'iwr The li!~ht and l'UWcr COill(t:tnies of Anuwiea (lilt

01111 of lfw most impnr1a111 ;rnrl nmv \1'1111 ;:r><Hi n·sults. lt,\'r: anrl on :t wmulm•l'nl tel•wiF;ilui :-;how, Sunday ni~ht. 'l'lw profit«hli! prrwti<·t•s nr <'OIISrJrv;J- 'li'''''1 ~'~"'-'" 1'. ill'l' twu;rlly :;!lt'ried 2~110111' JWI'flll'llliLIICC marlwd Hw lliamontl allnivt~I·-tion f:ll'lni1 1g. :11 1111! ml"ll Jil'!d.s al tlw·iasl f'lli-

, . lil'illi<lll lo ~r!rve ns a winlt·•· · s:u·y ol' the hirtb of the chlctJ•ic light bulh. "i\fler i\11! 111111' l'I'CJIIII'<'Illt'lliS

wen~ rnl'l anrl tllfl dr;dllag(! lm· l'tl\'t~J' 1'l'fl!J.

Jll'<ll'l'li we slarl<'ri 11111 r;!i,;in:: Ani! on the one rolling fiCJlrl SWPPt doV< 1 1' witll c•:wlt J-~l'ain 1'/llC'I't' ( 1 1'11~iiun i~ n Sf~t'iuus prnh· I'I'OJl, Tile dPrp r<~<~ls nf Ill•• s•.vr·1•l 1'111 1111 tilial(l' lllll'l'alions aw l'iol'l'r illl\11'0\'l'ri IIH' s<~ii ::11'11<'1111'1' !<Ill<' ll<l liiC' cunlolll'.

Ingham Youths Will Observe 4-H Club Day

1\1111'1~ tilnn 1,:11111 hoy:; anrl r:iri:; r1·om ln:(IHtnl r·rnlnly will joi11 with lill'lr lr•nrler:; nnd otilc•r .f.Jf r•luilnwmhers from nil over Mldl­il(illl 1111d thoU, S. lr• ohHI'I'Vtl Na­llllnal ·liT dub IICili<'VI'lnll/IIH fl•nm Novemlll'i' 'i lo Novr•mlkl' l:l.

Grmlrl V1111 Slnf~PI, Tngilnm r·rlllllly 11-IT eluh ngl'nl, nr1ics that all orgnnlz;llions will llf(ain n~cog­niz'c tile inrllvldu;JI;: nnrl gl'llltps wilo 1111\'1' r:lwn I ilr•m aid litH I en­r·ouragr•nwnl In llw pnsl ~·~~nr.

Tngh:un <'OIIniy will 11hsr•rvll /wili<'vrnwnt l111y wit II 11 program 111 I lie l\1n:;on sclwol nurlltorlum rn1 Nnv.Jmlwr ·1. • I'lirthlil(hls of tile Inl'l'ilng In· 1'111r!r~: The Ingham r·nunty •I-ll pn•mlums will ill• >(iVI'n out. N<i· lion:! I ;whinvl'ment m"rlals will hr• 11\Vlll'dl'li. !cormnl lnili:ltlr•ll of lhc• IWil si'J'Vll'l' Piuilwill hi' hPlri. Tla• C'OIIIIi,Y lwnrll' l'llfi Will he 1111· llllllnl'<'li. Niltionnl l•'Hnn T.oan liS· soda I ion gmd<' ml! awnrd will he! /.(il'l!n. TIH• p!owlnt( r•onii!SI plnqur• will !11• aw;Jrrh•ri, 'l'lw Kiw;rni~ l'iuh 111'1 ivity aWIII'Cl will he giVI'Il. '/'i1r• ll'illlli'I'S nf lr\p:; <llld mnii'SIS

!will be anllllliiH'!ld. ]);rvCJ Iliad\, WYE t•xr·IHingr• studPnt from I•:ng· !runT, will highlight the program will1 an illustr;rlerl tall\ Clll !lis iwnw Ia nrl.

Tile following WPPI\ many lnml f-Ir dnlls will hold lol'al lwhleve· mr•nls in IIJI'il' nwn irll'aiil ies,


ll1n rnmlng yr.nr will r•nmr. hei'ore 11 m; JllH,HI nf lllii 'Mid1igun !pi'·'• tho nwrll\ng fm• twllon. g1111 twllon.

J•:lcwilrlll of' Ci lllmnllr>rs lo tiln llonnt or rlirl'•'ln;·s ror ... a.A·at::

Jl'l'IIIK Will l'llllr:illdll ifl<l illll;\ne:;H

1•1, M, Norlon, cxcr:ullvo see!'!!·

lni'Y of IIH' NHIIonnl Milk l'rn· dlH,ei'H Ferim'IIIJOII nf WuHiilnglnn, (), C., 1:; I lin gur:;i H]lf'll)\1!1' IIIII! D1·. 'I', 1\, Cowdrlll, dean of tlw ol the meeting. rlollr•gr• nf ugrleulllll't', will rleliVPI' -,...,..--- . •t " •

I lie arlrlri'HH of welmmr•, Wlunnn; llavn you llllllr-erl 1 lint yonr of Ill!! ns:;ol'!nllnn's "Oillslllllriln': grur'l'l' is laldir!: II'IIIIIIIH fro111 l•'urm Couplll Award fnt• l!l~ 1," r·oJ'J'IIgillf'ri PIIJI<'I' r'ari•JJI'• ill,''if'ihl Mr. unrl Mrs. Duvlrl !Irian, Ll1•- of fl'onl nallr•rl woorl1•11 ,l'l'illf's'? illgHIOII I'Olllli,V, Will iJu illil'orill!'l!ri 'J'ilis lii'W Jll<'lilori of \ol'illlli'Sii\1! nnrl pt·o:;entrll with err•rlentlals 1 pai'l\llgin>:· w;1s rtnl'l'l"i"'d !Jy tlw rut• II I rip to Wa:;llinr:trlll, D. c. to I Caiil'lll'llia I'XII<'I'inH'I\1 sl:llillll, niii'IH! tlu• lwllonal rr•ril'l'nli<~n I•;slilll<lil'd ''"l'in::s illlllltllll In :t!lr• · rloiiVrlnllon from Nnvomillll' 7 In a hox or ;rilrllll :j;:I,IIIIII,IHIII a j'l'lll',

Ingham County News October 28, 1954 Page 4

we don>t forget yotl 0 o·.

after the sale

iLand Bank I


t!IHI ;d:;o aidt•d fliP drai11:1~~t·." :·h•\',•r;ll w;tlf'l' runwnys h11ve Few yp;;rs ~illlfl~·on \V:u; aw;ll'C' lH•Pn di!\'Piop<•d nnd !i'C{\d(•d to a

or tiu• n<'r:ti or a j 11r·;il <ll'i:;,niza· m\.-;ture of hronu• grass anrl I'Y!! li 1111 In ;u'sist ramH'I'S wilil tlll'il ~r;1ss. Tlwy are IWVC!I' plnwerlup. soli and waleJ' proi 1J1•1ns. l'lw~;n w:l1<'1'Wttys nvera~e almul

" I I I [' I 'I·.~ l'lld:; ll'lri<~. Lilt'il.l .J!t1°P.I~ l:tVU I 1,<' llltl J: r follu\Ving good Foil lll(ltl(lrre.

I'("'! II I)]' lillill \' fIll' ['fill' "l'\'tl' • r 'I! PI ,) ,..., . ··' ·: · . . ··;, ,.'"' '11<'111 prar:ti<·r•s, ai111ll.', el'llp yields

One or the silliest pieces of television aclvct·t 1:-dng is tho "Charity" bingo spot announcement Lll'f..:illg the Jegulizing or loltet·ies. Those broken down old folks and the rlirty-raeerl kicls pm·tt·ayed on TV have about as much l'o do \\'it It Ute Jol.­lery pt·oposal as Carrie Nation bad to do with bl'inging back repeal.

If you want to give to chal'ity, give it'to some clit·t y-faced kid or to some needy old person you know- or give 1o the [t,_.cl Feather campaign. Don't vole next Tuesday to l<~gnliZl' gambling just l.Joeauso you foci sorry for people who net•d ehal'ily. Gambling· won't eliminate !.he need rot· clmrity. On the contrary, without gambling there would be fewel' l'olks who need charity.

F<ll' ll1e sr•<·onrl ~I r;lighl Y<'fll' lhr. HI dull llw.; dJnsCJn IIH• ll1eme "\Vorl\ing TogCJIIWl' f'nr World Undr•:·stanrling," Tile ·I-ll IIH•Illf' of I hfl yPal' will l)r• hir(il·' lighlr~d in window displays, nl'ws­paper ~lorie~ and radio programs .

We're proud of our service to customers , ..• proud of our shop, tools uncl quality work on tractors and fnrm machinery.

We stand behind evc•ry sale. We want yum· tr11ctor, harvesters and implement~ tu eonti llli'J

to give "like-new" service . , . and our l'adory­trainlld mechanics have the "know-how" ~Hid equipment to give extra care and tnake proper .adjustmcilt. This makes areal c!Hl'ercnce in field per l'ormm1cc.

National Farm Loan Association

•lt a :-;, (;ur:III'Im l'hmw lH!lO


FiPirl Office l:l~ W. A:;~:

l'hm1n 2-GO!ll 1\Inson

llllf_H·ovlng t!Jeli' sud, :-;,mp,:toJI 'J;t\'1' rnor·r~ limn rlnu!Jlcd, :simp-''ianns, ·-:on sl:rlr•s,

i ie IIH'I'l•lon• I''"" :11'1 i\'l' in Jll'<l· (Jrld :wrr~s on tile f:Jl'm have molill).( ;,nri or;::1ni·:in;; 1111' 1111:· hr'"ll dr•l'l'iopi•rl fol' wildlifl'. He iwln Soil '.'nll.'il'l'\'illi<~n fli.,lrir·l '""IH'I'al<'.'i wilh IIH! slate eonsr~r­willll~l jll'll\'lrif'S yn l'ili•!'IJ\:r• 111<'- valion dr•p;rrtmenl to pmvide hr.l· <'ilanlsm by \\'1111'11 IIH• soli 1'0 11·111'1' wilrllif<• food anrl mver. Anrl Hlli'I':Jiion pmr:ram £'all IJt' lo:·aii)· lw J1ns slal'l£•d on a woori:; im­Jrl<lnag!!,_l :11111 \((•pi '''""" lo lrwnl ,Jrov<•nwnl jll'llgram in his lfi-act·r~ l~l'r'ds, Simpso.n WitS l'ir•r•lc•rllo IIH' i 1·,-, 111dilll. II£• e:,opi'I'III!!H with tile fll'~l llonrd ol rilrr'<'IDr:; all'l liiiS 1 ~·:~ 1·:n r111 ·r·~lt!l' 011 this. 11<'<'11 illl '"'livr: lllPI<dH'l' of 1111' r SIH•r•p 11111! riairy arr• also hig luJil~'d <'V(~t· ~>111<'0. lh! :-~t'l'V(•d :1~ ·1[•n1s 1111 111e ~~inl{J!-1on far·rn. l'lillll'll:illl. r~~~- Sf'I'C'I'ili Yl'lll'S. . AI JII'I'S['III llwy have 2;j fllll'll·

In l.ll~··:•llllfiS"n, Wlll_l I ill' au! I il!'l'd 1 lolsi<'in milf'h cow:;, ITt• IIIIo ol tef'lllll!'I<111S 11f IIH~ :;oil <'<lliSI'I'· !H•r·n in 11 11~ (), JL I. A. fol' 15 valion service, devl'iopcd a prar·- .•;<':;r:; nnrl li11s llllill up 11 herd

'J'he old foll•s and the dit·ty-J'aeed ldtls and llw shut.-ins won't sell ve1·y mtwh oJ' tlw mont·y llt·l~ot by "Ohm·ity" hinJ!;o mmwy. Most of that will '-\O in tho pmfessional lotici'Y. opemtors.

Producers Plan 'Dairy Meeting

'I'IH! thirty-eigillli annnal mr·l'l· ing of lilt' Mil'i1ig:~n Milk l'rodu-

USDA Refuses To Subsidize

.,Pl'S <IS.'illl'ial ion Will "Dlll'l'lll' in Frank Hallarri, dirr•r:tor· of 1':-:lm· J,'ain·!Jiirl thealrll al Michigan slon in Ore;:on, will 1olsn be prin· o..;l'lll' r·,.lll'r!l', 111 Ill a, ~''· 'l'lilll'S· cipal speai\C'I'S, clay, Nnvemilcl' 11. Del<JgniP-;

When you buy f11rm machinNy, don't over-. look the service that goes with i L.

Out.· business depends on out· rcpulntinn. You CD.ll depend 011 US. ALL-CROP Is on Allb-CI1nlm~rs lnldt'mruk.

Enjoy I he Nolionol Farn1 and Homo Hour cvNy Satur• cloy on Noc.

--------------------------- 1\'r•ragt• of around <100 lh of hut·

1 :c•;·fal. Tln•y also hnvc (iO ewes. Pou try l:;,;idPs h'is farm worl\ anrl con-

The k• ;<•t'V<Jiion a~:tivilies, Simpson Folks

i\tlendlng fmm IIH! Tngl1nm clcclcd by the 17,000 members county oiTices lire i\11'.'/, i\nnelte .... 1>1 til ,nnlnllllliiY I<HJais in Ill'' Sehacffer, lwnw ricmoJ.Jstr-alion lower 1•rnin~ula nnd one in tilf' ngcnt; Gerald V1111 Singe!, ·I-I I lljlpC'r will have an all-day Hession club agent; 1\r.•nn('\fl Brmi'JI, li'l· !Jc~aring reporls by <J.ssol'iation sislant r·nunly agri!'lllluml agr•nl; niTil'ials on finalwes and opel'a· and M. H. Avery, county agricul- !inns during the pa:;t year. Hl'so·

Plummer Machinery Co~

. ·-

In lng lliildS lill1<' lo lake an aetive p!~l'l. The agricullure dcparlment .11 " lllllllht•J' ot othPr clunmlllllly , .. - 1 1. st week thai il w;•sn't "O· ·,aair"'. I I" lws been ti'I'IISllrer of I ·."11 r ,t, · ·. " ''


B~ilding? Think. of Standard



llw ilnl'nc~; st:h<~ol rOI' tile pasl :.lfl mg lo do any egg buym;;.


>r•nrs, .til't•r·t o1· of llw Lcslirl Co-· Ben~on's egg advisory com· "Jl eii'Valrll' ami director of the mit tee, which met last weer,, l.!'s!ir• A, li. A. for a number of eamc out strongly against. an;,• yr•ars. lfe now is a mcmher of the i•'ederal program to halt the drop

·11 n::llam OIJ(I'iCllllhu·u eommillr:c, in egg prices. ll tool\ tile 2'1-:•nrl .. r I he ln).(ham. agrieullural man group, which , consi:;ts o! 1r!vi··.,ry h<~<JI'rl. '!'he Simpson;; arc farmers anri deniers, only nne

I Jar;mhr·~·s ~~.r .th.~: _Leslie. Grange day l.u come to I hat conelusion .. ,III.IIIIL Lc,IIL I .11m Buteau. ,1.1 . 'lt•n J'C't1'l·1·1•111crJ the I ·1·1 :-r 1 3 1 1 1e commr cc. , . . • . . 1c , 11:1!1~"~1s .~.;~·e ; "~ a:tg 1- po~ition it tool\ last. April, hcl'on· :.' J,,_ i\~lt I:urlr. ;\o~,, gt,t.lll,tl~rl 11 , latest. e,, lricc slump be· ·ro111 l\lll'illg:ul Slale col!Pgc 111 JL , gg 1

1 t '·in! of •:1.->1 wilil a rir.•"ree in home ceo- J(iln. Il s opposer o_any 1' •. ,

h Govern m c n l tJrwe-proptllll" HJJnks. Slw nn\v is ernlilovcrl in h'

· - · ll'llelhcr lhmugil 1111 oul·and-out ·,;J;.;nJaw. Carolyn wa.'> gmrluatcrl , , . , • . . . ··. . M . 1 · , 1 .. 1 1 · 19~0 p1wc sUilf'JOl t program, or lnnltcci r I Old i1SOI1 I If, I H! IIlii 111 , ,) j· • r f , me C'"'S for sdllllli '<lit! i~ llOIV al home. Their Hlylng o so . , ,.,.,., •. .-11u 11,mt d<~ughtcr Bar!J·u"l is lunch and . r_e1_1ef outlets or

,, ' ' '' lili'Oll"h suhsidlzmg sales abnnrl 11111\' a !-il'nior al Mason high b ' • ' ' ' · • IU.OOi\S-Al,L SIZES :c·lwol. i\11 I he girls have haci4-I-I The commillce, in effect, said •·luh pm,il'!'ls. egg prorlur·erK brought ahout the

Call us tmhty and cv1~ry thly )'ott want pmmpt action on building Sl!JlLJlics

Tlu• Simpsons me alllive in the price sag themselves ami it wns Leslie Mclhorlisl church. LIP to t·lwm to gel: lhemselyes

uul of it. The group said the r:hicf reason for Lhe priec ric-

Standard Block Dr. M. J. Green VI~'r.I~RINAIUAN

and Supply Co.

cline is the sharp boost in egg tll'<](ludion this year. This rise in output. was the producers' l'e­action lo "extremely proiilablc"

N. Cedar St. 'M11Hun c•gg prices in 1!l5a, according .to <172<1 Aut•clius Road Lansing, l\licl1. l'ho1w l\lason 9791 1 he indus lry group.

A storage ~ottleneck can be annoying and costly. Now you ca·n eliminate ·that ·bottleneck-and· speed ·.up storage of baled hay, com, and grain with a John Deere 18·1/2-Inch. Portable Elevator.

The new 18-1/2-inch width of the John Deore allows you to elevate bales in a flat

Use a


posiHon without having them slip back­ward or fall o[f, An adjustable bale chute el:.tonds up to the hay-rack bed, reducina heavy lifting for the bale feeder.

We will be glad. to give you full details on this ouls!andlng elevator. Come in


A. A .. Howlett &. C·o. •r•"

·'· .. '· '' 136 E. Ash

Egg prices are now about one· lhird under a year ago, Broiler priecs hnvc tumbled 25% in the ·mme period.

Agrieulture department reluc­tnnce to ilttempl to hold up Jll'iceH n the )lOUJiry-anrl-egg wor!rl has r very tlnhappy experience in the Jitclq~round: The government nacic a big effort to bolster egg 1l'ices in the years l!J,J(i-50. Before .1. .finally gave up the effort, it :md bough! up 291,000,000 pounds ,r eggs in th·icd form-the cquiv­ilenl. of some 10.:> billion illllivicl­~tal eggs. 01i this operation the I ax payers lost an csllmatc'd .nuo,ooo,ooo.

Extension Staff Attends Meeting

Mcmbet•s of the Ingham county !XIcnsion staff have .ioined more han 300 co-worlwrs In the annual ~xtension conference at Michigan Hale college this week "Serving c1tl'ln Families ln. the Fifties" is .he conference tlieme.

Hemlline speakers at lhe nnmtal necting held at the state head­tttarlrs this ycnr include Pt•esi­lcnl · J. A. Hannah, Denn Tom ::owdcn of the school of agricul· ~ure and Director D. n .. Varncr of :he llxtension service.

Dt·. B. T. Shaw, head of re­;em·ch fat• the U. S. department Jf agriculture, yvnshlngtoh, and

.Dr.C.J. Hubbard VE'l'ERINAIUAN

1'110 S •• Jefferson Phono 2·820~ ·


Lura! agent. jiulion~ for guidance or 1 lie iJ<Jill'ti , ,11!) N. Clldat•

Havlnf.( sold my f:u·m, I will sdl at public auction at the L•laeP 2 milt's t•ast ol' Stockbi·idge on M-IOfi.

I .:m~ilt)~

1:00 · P. fut Saturday, October 30 1:00 P. ~A.

Stotkbridge Phone 17-F-111

Price Brothers Mason Auctioneers

Maurice&. Bob Phone 2-8761

Cattle Ilolstdu Cow, 3 ~·r~ars old, bred in ,June llol:;t.ein Cow, ~l ~·cars old, hretl in lH:m:h, di!!;ii.Jlc to

l'l~!~istPr · ,Jm·:-;ny (low, ;") y1•am old, bri·t! in lllay ;Jm·stlj' li.!lil't\1', 1 H nwnil1s old, bred ' Hnlstnin H!lii'Pr, 10 months old Unlstdn Bull, ~0 ntoJJI.hs old '1 Holstdn Sk1~1·s, (j months old Angus Stect·, 5 months ohl ·

UANGS 'l'ES'fED ,,

Hogs 4 llf!all Chester White and Dm·oc Shoats

' 'l

Hay, Straw, .·:corn, Oats 700 nult~s All'ull':t-UI'OIIlll Il:ty 300 Uuh•s Sneond Cutting All'all'1t 150 Hales Straw 100 Unslwls Oats 13 Acres Standing ·corn "


Farm Machinery l!HH Allis-Chalmet·s \VD Tmctm· . l!Hi:~ Allis-Chalmet·s 2-l(i in. Hyth·auiic l'lmv .1 !)i'i:1 Allis-Chalmm·s 2-J·nw Oultivalm· I !JG:~ Allis-Chalmers lO-ft. Houbhl I>ise l!l5.L' 4-iSedion Harrow .~ohn I>em·e Manu•·•~ Sm·eader

·Nnw Stocl1 Tanl• -:-lltmi Wheel Hturow 2 50~Gal. Gns Harrel,; !1:! II. P. Ctmtut•y Electt·ic l\lotot· and Grindm· .I 011-rt. G:tl'dmt IInse J~eo J~leetric Lawn l\lowcr und 1 00-H. Corti ~ l~xt.ensiun Laddm· (~u:m tity ~mall Articles

Household Goods· 2-Pit~c.e Uving Uoom Suite l>uuble Ucd with Nmv l\fatt1'1iss 5-Piece Ohl·omc 1\itclumeite Sd (ltmt•ral l%lctric 7-rt. Ucl'rigm·:tlln· l\hl1al Glider null Chair (i Pair OlmrtJ·eusc llr:tuos Quantity of Other Al'tl'cles

! .

Terms: Cash No gomls J•emovml f1·om IJrcmises until scttlml for

Not Responsible for Accidents \.

KI~NEY GREER, Prop. '".,,,.Earl Dunsmore, Cl~~k' ·· . Joy, Davis, Cashi'er·;,



:Get It Over with, before You Settle Down to Farm lllllgi! fnnrl Will help IICt as II ore ent1 at1on jJh!IIIY of vontllatlon for Cl'illH 111'0 ere re IpS . . 1 ]llll'l lnlll'illtlC ucirlanrl 10 imrl,:r

Farm Youths Eventually Face the Draft right out In (Jw pnsture, This I M v 'I • i>Jnal (JJ'eVOillllliVc,

l•'!ll'lili:l.f'.l' Jti l'l!•nllrul Needed for Corn Jo'nrmrJrM will ho lnlercstorl to '

l\llflW tl!nt ~urrcnt esllmates nrc tlrnl llw l!l!ifi oUpply of tho a prl· mnry plant nutrients, nitr·ogon, phn~phol'LJH and pnlnsh will he as lnrJ.(n Ill' lnrger thnn fnt• Hl:j4, 'l'lwm will bo nn lnerense nvnil· r1blr. In nitrogen of 1\botll !l';f,, Plmsphnrus· will he nhoul 1hc snmc as fnr 1 he current your, hut lhc phosphorus Industry Is in a position l.n produce more if the dcmnnrl warmnts It. 'l'he potnsh supply Is now esllmutcd nl an In; Hrensc of 711.! '/t• over whnt was u,;u1l for the 1!153·54 ~ea~on.

If you'm building n wlru mesh or snow·fcnco ct•ih for tcmpot•ary corn at.or11ge this fnll, mnlw IL llfl

mom than lll fcot. In dlnnwtcr nnrl put It flue In the middle.

Je~u. I lu ~ay~ IHll'lfiW wlrH11 and I H A T' I me thor! Ia to mnlm n Rolutlon of .

I II I I I wntm•, l!~JIC!c u Y mportant t IIi ycnr, T (I 8 • k Apply !Ills mlxltll'!! with II fl.''' ..

'J'hc l'f!l!l!lll. ]lf!IIVY t'ltlns muy , 0 ean fl( S i>nr ili'U:lil, lh!ill t•lnse Willi cimw lnaVIJ mnturu curn with n hiJ.:h Witter irnnwrllntuly, rnoisltll'e r:onlent. i•'or tho floor nf 'l'ho clwmlr:nl rr.mctlnn nC wn· While you'm nl It, dwell for

lly nf, II, AV(>ry Counl.y AgTiuultural Agent

Fnrmcr·s nnrl young mtHl arc osl<ing, "What Is t11r. stat us of tho young mun of drnft age on Ing· hum euunty fnrms'!"

To nnbwer tills question I llnva lllll>ml with Mrs. l~rayer, scere· tury of the county draft bonrrl In Lansing. She made the following observn lions:

At !he JH'escnl time the num· her of young men being eallcrl Is less than In the Jtasl. At the same

' lime, they nrc having quite an Jncreusc In the number of f!nlist.· mcnts, 'I'hcrcfurc, few uf tiJC farm boys deferred In the past have been culled recently.

However, she says thai nil young men aw sltil,lecl to clmft up until tlw time tlwy nrc 3S anrl she believes thnl most of the young men will eventually he called Lo till' serviee for a J>erlml.

At. the pre~ent lime, they have cal11!d nil bu L 16 of the young men from Lansing previously given dcfermont fat' shop or factory wori<. Furtlwr, the drart board has been em:ouraged nol to be ns lenient with young men on the farm ns previously because of the surplus of fmJds thrm.ghoul ihe country.

With these things in mind, It

seems nrlv!Hnhle for the ynung rnnn tn get his pr.rlocl In tho serv· lee WCJI'IWcl off llll soon nfler hlglt school ns pnsslhlc. ll is much morr: rllffh!Uil for him to lcnve tlw fnrrn nfter ho IHIS ncqulrorl nn lntcrc!sl In the furm pmgram, tools, Janel nnd st.ocl1 than It IH earlier. lL also Is ensir.t' for his fathr.r or employer to eontlmw with his· lll'ogrltm whtr~h he cun handle without. n srm on tlw fnrm, rullwt· lltlll! tn r,ct genrerl up to 11 2-man f11rm nnd then h11vc llw son !.11vc to lc11ve and the f11ther not he able to locale good help Lo replace him.

H docs not Jon!\ at. the Jlrr.scnt. lime as though there would be a rr1al shortage of farm produce un· less something unforcs1~en in the ncar ft!lltrc appears on the lwri· zon,

J\cm llmwn ,Joins Sluff On November 1, Kenneth

Brown will be lm:utcd In the co· opemtivc extension office to start working on 1 he spec! a I! zed Jli'O· gram in county ngr•nl. worit which ltas hecn lali>erl about so much in recent months.

Brown will be worldng wilh agents already In the county on the extension program, bul will be especially-trained nnd equipped lo give service to fam·

llleH n~l>lng for nnd needing spa· ciul help.

'l'lw nlm of thiH new JH'ngr·nm I~ In help you malw mon! money, In help you J:f!l lwlll!l' living r:om· forts on your fnrm and ynur home and to help you g1•t fmm fnrmlnJ.( and farm life some of the thing~ you ami Uw fmnlly have always wanted.

It's what extension worlwrs c:all the falniiy unit system. '!'he agent, when vallml to tlw far·m, will he happy to ~It down with the family and talk over tire! problems of the family, What are some or your problems'! What arc soma of the changes which you Lhinl> may be neeess;n·y In y11Ur farm and home program to get the results which j'Dll would lilw to get'!

Aeeordlng In the rllreclot' of cxlr!ns1on at Michigan Stale cnl· lege, D. B. IWnmiy) Vnmcr, ii'H 11 human kinrl n[ farm mannrw mcnl with good family and hornC' living the (,(oal Instead of ;just mailing money.

Ken Brown will he ahlc 1 n worl\ with only a small number of families this first year until the program gets underway ami de· tails worked out.

The program in the county will he worked out on llw fol· lowing basis:

Cow Is Ulg Jlushwss Fnrrn and Horne Science pull·

flslu:d bv the Utah RtntP. A~rlr:ul· tural coilegc at Logan, Utuh, has >orne Interesting fuels and figures on the Importance of the :!airy cow In converllnr, animal reed Into fond.

'l'iw record of on!! Holstein cow ·s given to Illustrate the point. During her productive lifetime, 'he cow used as 1111 cxltmJlic, se(Hl!'aled 134,7.3'1 Jh or milk COil· lalnlng G,LSD lb of butterfat.

She pmrluccd 10 calves. To do ill this she nte approximately 35 ons of a][alfa hay, 111 tons of

<:orn silage, 2,017 days- o[ gra~ccl lasture arnl 1ri LonH of grain that ~onlairwd <100 Ill of salt and <100 .b of steamed bone meal.

'!'hat's a sugr.:estion ·from Ar· thur Bull, extension ngrienitural englnem• ut Mkhigrtn ::itato col·

I lie erlll pl;we planics u hulf ineh Lcr nnd the Sitlls In brlr!l\s some· plnee!l where wnlcr may bu tri('it· 11pnl'l nnd on cont!J'cte hloclcs, times forms unsightly, powdcr~d ling down into or• hnhlnd the '!'Ills helps nlr movement, he ex· stnlns on hr·icl< walls, hl'ld> wall. InHJI!!l!l !lnshlngs, thu. plalmi. Known IIH effloruseC!nco, lheso rnnf nnrl window· sills.

white, lllotchy st11ins cnn often -----Tngl'lltltnrln Is treason to mnn· lm removed by scrubbln[~ with '!'he wnvor·rog mirHI Is hut a

1\lrul. TiuHnsr>lr. cienr water. However, a surcJ'! hnse pnssesslon. guri]wdes,

Re-Elect JOHN J. McCUNE ,,,

State Representative% Second District

o I for the Man Who:

1. ... led the fight for the farm produce market~ ing act.

2. . .. helped draft the most liberal unemplo'y­·ment compensation act of any state in the . umon.

3. . .. is the younge~t member of the Little Hoover commission.

(,Joint Jloust~·Sennl~~ ()ummi lh~e, on ltn·orgnnlr.tLtion of· Guve mmenl.) -----------------'--------~ Farm famllle~ will call or write

The report furl her points out1 that It requires a flow or approx-1 imately 400 lh of blood through

,he udder of n cow to produce 'llle pnund of milk. Thus, more limn 6,000,000 gallons of hlood ;mssed through tliis cow's urlder :luring her 10 lactations. Tile milk she prmluced contained approx· imatcly <!,GOO lb of protein, 6,550 lb of mill\ .sugar nml !JlG lb of'

October 28, 1954 Page 5 the office requesting tile farm anrl home unit service. Tile fnrm~

Practicing Attorney - Veteran-Former MSC Instructor ;-------------------------·!I will hc> either cnnt.ac:ted by Brown

m· Avery, the county agricultur·

Ingham County News



Corn Cribbing a111l

Corn Crib Wire

THORBURN Lumber & Coal Co.

Phone 2-3381 208 N. 1\l:mm Strm~t




Monday, November 1, 1954 nt. 10 o'dod; lt. m., shat'JI. •rJw farm is luetttetl on US·l.l~, ll/z miles 1\'t•st. uf lnl1strw oJ' 1 \-'1 mi!1'wensl ul' Wayne., l\lichigan. Follow f.lt:J sl~;"IIS to the dairy hnl'll.

101 111~AD RI~GISTJ~ImD 1101-S'fBINS

!)ri Cows - 2!.l Hl't!d Ueil'ers - 52 Open Udfei's -:-4 Ilci'cl Sires - Cahrc.'i - 15 Gracie Holstein Cows

ancl lleifea•s

'1'. n. mul llnngs 'l'csted. All animals born before Se]ltcmber, l!J:il, ut•e vnecinatml with i\1, ·

C. ll. SMITII, Sales 1\lanagllr and Auctioneer Williamston, l\fichigan

linn I' 'l'cll'ms-sm~ Floy!l J\cllll'l, l'ennimnn Dmnch, N nUonnl llunl> nf H!~lroU, l'lymoulh, nlichigml,




WANT TO WHITTLE DOWN feed costs? It's easy with our high efficiency Egg Mash, As • little as 3.9 pounds of feed is producing a dozen eggs for poultrymen on this Master Mix progt·am. It's made with local grains mixed with Master Mix Layer Concentrate over tested fonriulas.

Slop in and ortler a '"l'l}ly torlay.

·--\ . .

Mason Elevator Co.

VOTE REPUBLICAN RI~Mmumm: Only a Ilc!lublican can J:;ive ~·ou efl'ectivll rllpresentation in a U!lpuhlican h!gisltttnrc.

al agent, and they will ricr.idc whet her the program is some· thing that: can be r.arer1 for in a short rli~cussion with either of 1 hesc men or whether it is a pro· gmm of the overall farm that wi II need to he wot'l<ed out wl th several meetings or considerable

asl1, all of which arc more lm· !--------------------------------------------------

amount of time. Avery's lime will be largely

given to the O\'ernll extension progrnm of agricultural in forma· lion through farm gmups ami in· rlivifluals, to setting up infnrmn· t ion meetings on agricultural topics, reque.';tr•r.l hy the county aJ~cnt 's advisory council, while Brown, the assistant agent, will ~;pr!nrl the majority o[ Lhc lime giving counselling tn individuals or groups on the farm unit plan.

l n some case~, Brown's pro· gram may start in where the otlwr federal agencies have berm assisling, hut need special help beyond their services. For ex· ample, the soil conservationist may have marie 'a .fnrm plan for a particular farm. This plan may call for changes in buildings, rna· chinery or Iivestoci\ whieh need furllwr· help. This h; where the assistant munly agent will come in to advise on this program.

Another example may be where the Farm ami Home Acl· mis'tratlon wnrlwcl with a fa::m family but that this family lias "nne beyond the [Joint IH' can con· 1 inue with them. This family llJIIY then request the nssistant agent to counsel v.:ilh them on further· inH i l!J progrn m.

Tile farm unit prngrnm or farm and home development. pmgram being carried out by Kenm!lh Brown will require the clo~csl moperalion with all feclcrnl and state agenc:y services for agricul· lure in Tnglwm county. The aim is· Lo help farm folks to help themselves to get the greatest satisfaction out of farm life. Malle your request for help to the Coopcr\llive Extension Scrv· icc, court house, Mason.

Cm·n Nm~ds VentiiiLt.ion If you arc builrling a wire mesh

ot• snow fence corn crib Jor temp· orary corn storage this fall, mal~c it no more than 10 feet in diameter and put a flue in the midcllt!.

This suggestion comes from Arl Bell, extension engineer at Michigan State college. He snys nnrrow width nne! plenty of ven· tllation for cribs arc especially important this year since the re· cent heavy rains may leave rna· ture corn with a high moisture content. He also suggests for the floor of the cr!b to place planks a half inch apart and on concr:ele blocks to help air movement.

Stored Gmin

pnrlant foods for good humnn nu· trilion.

Boys Win Awards I

At Crops Show More than. 70 Ingham c9unty

J.JI boys and girls received rib· hon awnrds at the annual Lan· sinJ.( Lions dull crop show ami dinner. The event was held last l'um;day at the A. A. Howlett & :::u. implement. showroom with the dinner at the Mason Method· isl church. Exhibits of com, oats, pop corn, peppermint, wheal and potatoes were displayed. I

Youths who won blue ribbons in the corn contest were Russell I Bloom, Gary Showerman, Louis . Hunt, Bruce Dansby, Harvey l~anson, Richard Fanson and Bob Lant.is. Second place awards went to Ilohert Hudson, Marvin Gauss,'· Wilmer Parson, Harold cial1lcy, llalph Oal\ley, Don Williams, ~ :\:cnnelh Rice, Herb Miller, Carl \1innis, Jon Twork, Kenneth Lo· !cttf!, Dick Wheeler, Larry VIJCcler, CarHon Krnnz, Davlrl l~nnett, Chnrlr:s Taskct, Ralph

Dansby, David .Slunnan, Ruben )ru~elra, Ru,lolph Droscha, Dor· ;on Drosclia,

Michael Sweet, John Taylor, 1

Joe Tny:or, Louis l•'r.ldpaus~h, )on llicr., F'rerlclic Wilsqn, Ken· 1cth Rtllhi~. Stanley Dr·y:ic, .Tohn ·:::nuslc, .Tack O'Brien, Don Omans, nlynn Dodge, Larry Silsby, .Jack Silsby, Leon Crip· oen, Dick Dicldm:on and Jim Sturman.

Third place awards went to Darwin Sheathelm, Ron Bettcrly, Wayne Malcho, Lee Launstein, Willard Sterle, Bob Sterle, Pete LaVelle, George Balzer and Carl Cavender.

Wilmer Parson won the only blue ribbon in the oats compel!· linn. Bah Hudson and Ken Waite won the only reel ribbons. Thlrcl place winners were Dave Bennett, Dick Dicl1inson, Bob I Sterle and Willard Sterle. '

In the popcom class Rny anrl Neil IIayncs won the blue rill· '1ons. Carlton Kane, Harvey Fan· son and Ralph Snow won the s·ec· ond place awards.

Jacl\ O'Brien received the only ribbon, a blue one, in the pepper· mint show. · ·

Iludolph Droschn wnn a hhtn ribbon in the wheat class. John and Joe Taylor each won red rib· bons along with Louis Hunt and . Dick Dicl1inson. Stanley Fay and · 13ill Parl1inson won third-place ribbons.

In the potato show Stanley · Haynes, nax Bullen and David Sturman all won blue ribbons. Jim Sturman won a red ribbon and Ralph Snow won n third· place award. '

· Don't forget stored grain, CS' peclally during warm damp fall days, says Ray Janes, extension entomologist at Michigan State college. Early fall can be the Lime for grant Insect damages to stored grain. l"umigation is the only means of controlling grain storage Insects, he says. But first, check the upper portion of the grain to see if it is matted. If it is, treat that area carefully be· cause there Is. damage being done hy moths. It is not enough to check the grain once but It should Bl'rd Named be checked regularly.

Some grain starers usc a mix· p h • H d ture of ethylene dichloride aml urc aslng· ea carbon tetrachloride. Others use this same mixture with the midi· Appointment of George W. D1nl tlon of ethylene cllhromide. Both as director of purchases ·for A. & arc effective, according to Janes, P. Food Stores' Central Western but must be used strictly accord· Division wllh headquarters In De· ing to manufacturers' dlrcclions tro.lt was announced today by' because the· mixture can harm President John M. Toolin. the person using lt.

Frosted Alfalfa Uns Uses Bird will direct purchases for The Michigan .State college division stot•es in Michigan, Ohio,

dairy -depai'tment has received Indiana, Illinois, Kentucl1y and numerous questions about allow~ Tennessee. ing. cjairy cattle to graze on For the past 3 years, Bird has· frosted alfalfa. According to· Jim been assistant director of · pur· Hays, extension dairyman, rc- chases In the division. He came to ports from scientists Indicate no Detroit in 1951 '. from · Toronto difference in bloat of cattle from where he had beC!n in charge of .frosted or unfrosted pasture: buying operations for A & P

·serving yoll with a COMPLETE LINE OF



The Nappanee Milling Company is an old established company, serving the farm trade with qual­ity producls for over 60 years. Napiana Feeds are not feeds newly plC!,ced on lhe market­but have been developed through years of practical experience in the feed lot. Napiana feeds are carefully formulated in accord· ance with the· latest findings of scientific research. The selection of high quality ingredients gives assurance of outstanding per· formance. Your Napiana dealer is ready to serve you with either

. complete feeds or concentrates, to fit your particular feeding

. program.

wrhe ff~D . ~ha: maice.$ friends"

Start No~ Using·




tie epuve,.· ~~-&1111 r,~

. . I


We wish to announce tltat ·after a very careful study we ha\'!l addecl N~piana Livcstocl• aitd Poultry Feeds to om· p•·es­cnt feeding lll'Ogram.

Wt: invite you aiill your family to eomc in and get ac­CJUaintccl with us, ancl the many advantages this t•ro~•·am has to offer.

Napiana. F!lcds contain the fittest quality ingredients, care­fully :utcl scientifically blended, to bettt\~ take c:u·c ol' I he needn of each aninml m· bircl at a pra.ctical cost. We ha\'c spt\cial Je!lds for all types of fe!lding - in mush, pellet OJ' lmmH~tt foi·m. Napiana is the symbol of CJUality to a!;sm·c you of top {lrotluction for your poultry and livcstoclt.

J:ecently W!l installecl n. new g•·ouml lcvd dump pit, dra~ nml hydraulic IHt in o•·dcr to malw it' easier l'ot• you to unload your gt•ains to be grouml for fec1l. 1.'his Sllccds 1111 om· cntii·c operation and at the same time will save you much needed timo and effort.

Como in soon-without obligation-aud discuss with us your rccJuircmcuts for fc!lcls, seeds and f!lrtilizcr.


Very truly yours




APlA . I . . . .

·A··· -·

' '

Poultry. and Livestock Feeds 1'':;.



. I

However, he adds. that It Is n stores in Canada. since August, I good Idea .to have a rough dt•y 1929. He joined the company 26 .feed lll<e straw or hay availa!:i~c~ yearsag? in Boston. , . , . . -~~..;:;,--~----.,.-..,...-...;...:..;..__;...;..~ ..... -~:---~-...;.._;.-;..;;.~..;...-~-~~~+~~:-:"":"-~~~-+-~+

lngham County News Octoher 28 1954 Page 6 J,EOAI, NO rll ES J EOAJ, NOTJf1ES II~GAJ, NOTICES J I~GAJ, NOTWEI!I , --- ----------

Legal Notices



I GUNSOLLEY-Pocombor 20, 1061 O'COI"'Nj!LLr-Do,ombor ~u, 1054 d I Htutu nf Mlchl~nn 'rhc J•rohuto tlunrt Stntu of l\f/chiMnn, 'I ho P1 ulwtu Cuurt

I rnt liH (Jnullly ,nf Inuhnm, tm ~ho County of Irudllllll

111 AI u tHJnnl HI or nnltJ ( nurt, lwld ui thu At n tUIIIHion of 11nld Cmu t, lwld rd tho P1 Jlmll Olfh u In thu CILy of Mmmn, In Prohnte Offloe In tho C lty nf MntHHl In

JOliN ~I I f.,J r I AtJ i'''l uuld ( nunty fill thu llllh duy of I thu llllltl Count,, Oil Lhu l.Hh duy nf (h tulu , A J) 11161 Dctuhor, A, [), 1 Oti I

f 111 INh 1 p 10 ,. nl, !ION JOHN Mc(J[,EL!,AN, l'ocHunl !ION, JOliN Mr.(][ M TAN l1 nnq t 1 hul~t nl Pwllutc Jlldl:fu of Probnto,

I In lhu MlltiUI ot lhu I:Htlltu or JAMr;s


CHAI l ENDER-Dcccmbcr 30, I P54 ~l1lu nf Mlc hlvun J he Paohntf.! Court

fc11 tlu ( unty nf lnuhum


O'CONNELl, PucunHod, lL Dlll11:!11rlnu tu th• couat lhnl lh

tlhlfl fur JIIOIIUiltutlun or IIHIIJIH u~ulrutl Kuld uvtnto tihuultl he llmltml und thut. n llfniJ llrJ!J JIJHOU bO lJ/ J OJI\tud lO II CldYI uxumlnc und udju1t ull clnlrnH urul d1 • 011tnda nKnlitltt auld r!l.!cllnKctl h.v 1111d lltl foru IJU(d CUll I t1

H IK Ordo11HI, Thnt cttdltnra nf Hnld dttt:tuaecl urn JtHIUhtd to IIICHunl tlun t lnlmH tn Hnld court nl th(l 1'1 ohutl OlrJcu nt .. Uti Wwtl Srndnnw Htrm t, I llllilln~ Mlchhwn, on (II ill foro LIH :.!lith duy ur lltfcrnbtl 1 A ll IIlli I, nt. nlrH o',Jorl< In tho (Ult IIUDII1 Hllid tinlll llltd /Jum h1 Hlh~ llJtpulntud rur tho vxnmlnnt nn IIIII n I JuKtmeJJt u( 111! clnlmK unci tl• rnnnd t ngufn~:~l Hnlil tlucunlttHI

It IK l~urtJu 1 01ch 1 cd, 'I hnt Jlllhllc nn tlct thuleUf ln tdvr.n !Jy JlllbJJcntlon uf IL (!0JIY Of thJH oldtr for tl111 I liiJCCIHHIVc wuuks JHovluuK tu r111ld dny nf Junalnu In the lriHIInrn County Nt WH n. nuWKilllllf 1 11rlutc d and c h culntud In Auld r r11111ly, 111111 Lhnl ttnld Jllltltiullt 1 ~;lvc kunwn In· tCIHHll cJ JIUiticft nddJtJonUJ IIULICI I H I! cruht d hy lnw.


llAKER-Dc,embar 29, I 054 Stntn of Mlr.hfgnn I lin Prnh tic Coua I


A True Copy Rnhl'll.l Jh1kc HesdHltz of Probate

Almost 30'/. of lhe enttre of Kansas Js undm lease for po tenlwl oil operations.

tlw 1 r.mm se A I\Cll

Ingham County News


October 28, 1954

Notice of •

Gerieral Election Tuesday, November 2, 1954

Polls Will Be Open from 7:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. For the Purpose of Electing the Following Officers

Governor, Lieutenant-GoVPJ'Ilor, Sl'crl'tary of State•, Attm·ne•y Gt•ne•l'nl, State• 'fr·e•aslll't'J'1

Autlitor· Gl'lll•rul, U. S. Senator, 6th District UcJJresentatiw in CongrPss, 14th District Stat1• SPnatm·, 2nd Distr·ict Stab• ltPpr1•sr.ntative, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriif, County Cieri,, County 'l'l'I'USIIII'I', Hl').\iS{I'I' ol ])pe•ds, nr,tin Commissillllt'l', 2 Cor·· oners and County Surveyor.

On the Non-Partisan ballot, voters will r.hwt 2 Circuit Colll't Conunissionrrs.

Voters wiii also have the OJiportunity to vote on 4 Statr• Anwmlnwnts: Pro11ose•d Ami'Julnwnt to prevent dis­qualification of electors be•cause of having mo\ Pd within statt• durin~ tlw 30 days llrl•m•11ing an c•h•ctlon; llro­llosed amendment to Section 23, Articlc• X ol Uw Cm stitution I'elative to sal£•s tax and distribution ol sale•s tax revenues; Jlroposc•d amendment authorizing borr·owm).!; of not to excc•1•d $80,000,000.00 to pay bonuses lot• military s1•rvice during "Korean War;" proJIOSc>d anwndmc•nt to S••ction 33, Article• V of tlw Constitution to permit the legislature to authorize charitable Iottc•ric•s.

There arc also 2 county JlroJJositions: Pro11osal to increa'le tax ratr. 1.35 mills for 1955 on all property in Ing­ham county for constructing a numes homt•, Jlersotmel qu:~rters and •·cmodr.ling sun porelws at Ingham County Chest Hos11ital; and Jlrot•osal to authoriz1• boar·d of snJHWvlsm·s to lt•vy tax of 1.35 mills on assess£•d valuation of 1954 for year 1955 to eonstmct nursc•s homc>, awrsom11•! IJtmrtl•rs and t•••modcl sun !IOJ'CIII's at, Ingham County Chest Hospital. 'The se£•mu1 proposal will he voted on o nl~ by propPriy 0\\ net·s. '

.. Polling Places Alaiedon Township

Polling Place: Alaiedon Town Ilall Alaiedon voters will also vote on a JII'OJlOSI'd

TowJL'lhill Hall Site 1111rclta<;e

Aurelius Township Pollin~ Place: Am;elius Town Hall


Onondaga Township Polling Place: Onondaga Town Hall

Vevay Township •

Polling Place: Vevay Town llall

Wheatfield Township Polling Plac£•: Wheatfield Town Hall

White Oak Township I

Polling Place: 'rhitc Oak Town Hall I I

Ingham Township Polling Place: Ingham Town Ilall

Leroy Township Polling. Place: I.croy Town Hall

Nottce IK hotoby rdvcn thnt o. Public llcnrln~ will be hold nt the ll•lhl •rown. •hln llnll llolt, MlchiRnn on November 1, I 105, ut 7 ]1 m too tlae I>UrPo•u or 1'1!• zoning lhc 111 onerty on Connecticut Ave •• i11.o~l West of HS .. J9" h1 ~,~ .4 nf n .. lh1 TIVII ' lnghnm Co ' Mlch ' ronnorlll owned uy th no y J & EIHic E KBum this }II O)lOI ty lD be rO•ZOhtd fl om 118 11 ftell•

Delhi Township

<lontlnl to Commerclnl IJELIII TWP ZONING BOARD,

Nell L Ono roooteo, iSecy, I 61Wl

Precinct 1, Holt Town ;Hall Precinct 2, Miller Road Tomt Hall Precinct S, Maple Grove Town Hall Precinct 4, Holt Methodist Churelt Precinct 5, Holt Presbyterian Church

City of Mason Precinct No. 1, First Floor of CQurt House Precinct No.2, City Council Room

43wi ~----~------------------------------------------------~--~~--~--------~----------~--~~


Spring Pigs May Increase 5°/o

Hog Prices Will Level. Off • 1955 ·Hog prir'r!H in IOfi:i nrr.n't ex·

pr!cterl In lm 11s goort as tIlls yr!lll", Cnn~lrlerlng fcr!rl HIIJlply JH'o.'i· peels, tlw oul!rlOI\ Is fnt· 1111 rtwr· UJlC relnllonslllp wii!J r•rlf'II prices, llog (Jrlr!P.H 1wxl. spring anrl sum· ltlt!r prohahly will he rnuch lower than spring of l!l:i•l. Fall t!l:ifi lll'lcca aren't. ptwllelPr! In be lllLH!il below. those of this fall. ; USDA hog speclallsls expect the hog output to lnercasr. JWXt year; gain In numhm·s Isn't l!stl· mntcd to he ns gt'r!nl. a:; 1!l:i1 hut 11!55 spring piJl crop may ill! 2'/. tn 5r;,, grealr:t· than !Ills year. ! There's nothing IWIV about v,ov· el'tlmcnl h~l(l In poultry fnrnwrs.

metn~roloulsl, hns hcrm worltlng clltlons cmn elmngc so fnsl. In thu nn plnns to rlr.> ll' hclier :loh,j f.rult nrna, hi!CIHISr! of thr:, Julw,

lhal a wcntlwt• lllifi!IIU slallecl hy spedflcal!y for fm•mcrs, 111 meteomlng!sl wit It l<nowlcdgo

IIe wnnls to get forecasts for of hnrllmtlturo 1:oulil snve llw spcdflc loenlltles, more frequent farmers n ton nr money, Jong·pcrlor! forecasts from 3 to _ll • • •

days in nrlvnncc, more seasonal If you wnnl to get a picture of forecasts nnrl more mctcornlnglcal foorl pror!uetlon Jll'nspccls thnt Is rletnlls. Soli temperatures wnuld ~lightly different fmm the usual be valuabln around plnntlng lime, thing, roar! .John Rlnl's nrtlde In Dew meters would be useful In the Octnher 23 Saturday Evr:mln~-: prcrllcting such things us danger Post. Tille of his stnry Is "Will from late potato blight ami de· Your Granrlcllllrh'cn Go Hungry?" follrtllon of cotton, Belter weather You'll n?eognlze some of the lnfnrmntlon ccrlnlnly Is neerled sluff he uses; Wr!'Vc covered quite here In Mle)1lgan, particularly In rt hit of It In this eolumn. the southwestern Mlehlgr.n ft•ult .John sr1ys if nil our farmers area. There ought to hen weather would ancJ·eould farm ns well ns

crops coulrl he lncrcnscd as rnuoh us 70% to 100'/t, ' . . ~

Mlsr~ellnny, , , , 'l'hc rnlc of cut· lng hotdog~, hy people from nges fl In 00, hclweon Decorallpn Dny ancl Lnhot• Day, was :21 hotdogs per porsonl , , , . New Inmh feerl· lng mllnnH announced hy Iowrt Slalc mllr!J::e Indicate Jambs cnn he fat tmwrl nt present prices fut• as low as 15.'1 cents feed cost per (HlUnd of gain. Experiments also shower! 'lnmhs mn he futtcncd HW!cr!ssfully on n complete grounrl rutlnti In which two-thlrrls of tltr rr,ugltn,::e consists of corn r;ohs. , , On the avcrngc, people cat more meal, poullry nnrl fish Yflten they "eat rJut." USDA marketing re­scm·clters figure more entlng nwny fmm home probably in· rTr•nsr•s tlw demand for farm food heeause nf tho P-XIm amounts of fond bought, nnrl because of sumo shifts to hl~-:her rn·lc:cr! foods. ·

Your Young Lambs Need Sleep, T~o

r~corler lnmhs-just llll people-. gel. llrcrl, thirsty nnrl hungry on a Jrmg truln ririe, For that reason you should greet your feeders with a gonrl plncc to rest and plenty of goocl feed.

'J'hnt advice comes from M. II. Avery, county ngt•iculturnl agent. He points out that rest ean· be provlclcd In clean JHIHiurcs anrl r!ry or woJI heddcd lots or shel· tcrs.

Avery believes the hcst feed on nrrlvnl Is good quality first cul­ling mixccl hay. Anrlan automatic llvestoclt fountain - heated In winter will pay cllvidemls.

·of n pounrl per rlny, Twice n day I tal1ea part ot the lltlng out of the feeding Is pmfr!rt·ed unrllhe grnln Josii, · Hlwulrl he hwruasml slowly so asj Cnrl F', Huffman, rlairy nutrl· to fcr.rl n pound or mol'O 11 dny At tlrmlst nt Mlchlgnn Slnlo mllogn •1 wc~lts.. say,q thnt In rllgcstlblc protein the

'l'ho a moHt lmportnnt mnnn~-:e· bennt> nre 50% ns vnlunhle [ler mcnl polnls: ncc!rmllng In Blnltes· pounrl ns soyboltll oil meal, lee nrc regularity In feeding, cure· Dairy cattle, hogs nnrl other ful fccrllng and a gnurl SUflply of ~<nlmnls cat beuns bettor when fresh Wfl•ter, they 11rc coolwrl; Dairy cows can


he fed liP tn 25 lh per rtay rwr enw of conltcrl hcnns OJ' up to 2fi'A· feed the Beans ~~~~~~~.ns ground Into the gruin

Th W 't s II Animal Husbandry Nulrlllonlst at on · e .J, A, Hoefer says !hat cull hcuns can lm UHcrl up to 25',~· or 31)'/r. of

There's nn encouraging word the mUon for hogs but should be for farmm·s who nrc stuck with coolterl. ,. cull henns after weclts of stemly Hoofer sets 20% to 2!i% as thr rains, M. H. Avery, county ngrl·luppcr limit thnt cull berms cultural agcnl, Mason, cneom•ngcs shoulrl he [JUt Into the Jnmh. ra·. farmers t.o use the cull bean~ for linn. He says that u smull amount cattle feed. oJ. lln~eed oil men! JHll with the

only ahout 'l!i% to 20% of tho grnln mllnn ~houlrl he made up of emil beans, · 'l'lm feeding of lmnns ~hnnld lm Hlnt•tc?rl with ~mall nmntmls nnrl gmrh111liy inerenscrl lilt ln the limits, the ttttlt•ltlonlsiH say,

··.··::·:·:.• ..................... .... •'

·:·:·:-:::::::::;:::::; •;;;,·:.;.;.;.;.;.


' 'J'Ite Pollill'Y Farmr•t•s assochtllon aalted USDA lo IHIY a million cnscs of ngl-(s for sehool lunch ju·ograms, scoJI govc•mmr·n~·owur!d feed grain:; at cut.· prlct•s anrl innlw amergem:y llllllts to poultry fnrmcrs.

:;Ia IIon located at·nund Paw Paw, l.hc lop 10',~, Ollr food supply Some pr!rsons 'rio llt·st, thinlt tn correlate the Jntest forecasts would he rloullied. lla alsn reports aflel'lvarcl, and then repent for· and apply them to this area. Con·

1 that by Ul75, yields of certain 1,v1:r. Seclwr.

L. H. Blaltcslee, Mlehigun State cnllcgc sheep specialist, cautions that grain should not be added lmmerllntcly unless the hay is poor. When you stmt feeding grain, start slowly with one-tenth

Estimnles nf henn Insses run ns henns will Induce lumbs to cat high ns 2,001l,ll00 bushels In Mlch· more of them. For beef c!alllc lgnn-a third of the total crop,---------.,..------------------. But Avery ~~~y~ thnl n good many

; Scerl!tar~· Brns11n lms authority to support pn111t ry pmrluct prir:es llut he IHIH her•n Jnllnwing tlw 11ci· vice of Uw poultry lnrliislr.Y ad· VJsory C!lllllll11Lice against f.(OVC!'ll·

lncnt help. · i * * ~; : 'I'urlwy pt•ir'es in lhe hlg Chi· bgo marlwl IHIVC' IH!f!ll the lowes! ln 12 yPars; lhr•y'rr: PXpPdcrl In 'fllny nmunrl tlw f'lll'l'r•nt levPI for ~he holidays. Mnrl(r>l ing pPnfll" :Snv llw br:st buy Is a IH•av~•wrighl ~nm, wlwlrsrrlin~ now In ChiP:rgr• fLl nrounrl :m.:m r·<'nls. Th:•.l.'s 1:1 ·.cents unrlr•r 11 yell!' a~:o: a con· 'sidera!Jie drop. ' * r • Russia has hq;nn 11 r'lnnpaign :to l!llCollt'lrgl' grPIItC'l' C'rrrtsump· ;lion of ir'c ere:tm :ts 11n nirl to ils ;r1niry inrlu:;lry. StntNrWJWri ir·e

, ,cream stores llltVr bn:•n !'rl up all tovcr· JVfPsr•n\v nnd if·c~ C'l'Pilll1 Pnnes, 'nrn sold by ~:trr>r" vr•tHior~: fnl' lltP tl :equivalent of 2:i r·cnl:·:. 'l'hnt's ,, •qttnrlet' in IT. S. mnrF'V. Wnntrl :even a loyal nussilm buy a !!S t(•cnL ic·e <'l'flHm ('fl'!f1 in the he\o\v 'zcrn Moscow winten:'l ~ * * * ' ·New 7.ealnnrl li:ts rriTid:lily fll'n· ·tester! llw wny U. s. I~ selling 'Altrp!us ilrrlir'r nn t'IHH'essirrn terms. Our ilulter is sr.!lling al11 cc:,nls a prttlllri, icll':il cuncncy. btil New Y.r>rrlanrl lm:; ltarl to eul :a~ own buller pt·ic:• !3 cents 11 :pounrllo compl'il' with us in somr .Jnreir~n marl;r.ls. New 7.ralanrl officials hm·r! e;;pre~sr.rl llw hupr·

'thnl U. S. rtnmesti<! prices woulrl ·he !'Ill so that "u substantial pt'o·

· 'llhrlion rrf I he surplus Pould lw I . talwn up hy arlrlil irma! cunsump·

lion in the lJnilerl Slatr•s," thuR ·not dist•upting world nmrlwts.

~~ * ~I

: Polalues r>-'>Jln':etl Inn mild rlnsP !of gamma rarliai i•nt. i11HI slnrcrt ;I(

'n tcmJir.ratmc d :;n r!~::"'"~:. will not f.poil nor ~:prc•IJt hr 2 y~ars Atomic• C'lf'l'!"' c·:J~ll"1i·:•: 1 • n rc

, flurts it~: flll~!illf''l~·.r: ;p·p \vrwl· h,· '1 Qtl pf;J)I!l fnr r:;cjljt ir 1;; wl'f"'l·n!J,V Ill

,,to 21) Inn:: nf pf'i;•l~"!~ ,,,.,,:,t 11· .inmli;tlrrl JlC" 1•"111'. C"•":irt•cti.,· ·of fndlilir>!: t., tJ:•n·!tr> 1111•: wn:J· wo11lrl cn::l nhn11t (::;r,,nrm Tl•~::ir:·

J.nr llw i!·mr!i·rl 1n·, f:Jr·illtie:: an .br.lnJ; jll'or·r•.>::·~rJ 111' rr·inntlsts ''' the Universiiv or. Mir:llit;an.

/J'hc "sllf'lf life" of pre·pltl'i·:nr:"r' inenl prrnl11ei~ r·an lH! inereasC'cl ltom 3 tn 21 r!1tys IJy using mild gnmma·ray doses.

;!: r:· (1

· .. Maybe one of these days tile U. S. weather bureau will provid(' Weather forecasts and otl1ci· went!Jcr informal!on especially for farmers afo it now does for aviators. Jim l3eal, agricultural

Re-Elect Harry F.


chosen nnani­all ll!lWspaJicr

l•ct~rrres!lontlents at the ca(Ji· Miichip;u:n's most out·



.··.::'}(;State··.· ~· .... Senator. ''•, '•>:'• '·- I ., ·,,·




of the beans can he fed. 'l'lwtl Ingham County News October 28, 1954

Low ••• and heltold! '·

for The motoramic / oe

(~hevrolet and General Motors tool{ a whole new lool{ at the

low-cost car-and just lool{ what happened!


··The Bel Air Sport Coupe-one of 14 new fisher Body beauties Jn thtea new seriu-1..

The valve-in-head V8

as only the valve-in-head

leader can build it!

· Now Chevrolet, the ·leading builder of valve·in·

head engines, in'troduees th~ "Turbo-Fire VB.")t

carries the VB design to a new high in efficiciley

with its high horsepower (Hi2), high-compression

(8 to 1), high performance and surprisingly high

gus mileage. Avniluble with standard transmission,

or with the extru·cost Oillions of Overrlrivc or

Powcrglide •


.. You"'5can~choose from two ·new sixes, too!

·-Chevrolet also offers the last word in six-cylinder

perfonnnnee and economy! There's u new "Blue·

Flame 136" teamed with Powerglirlc nml a new

"Blue-Flame 123" with either standard transmis­

sion or Overdrive!

· ·The motoramic --·-- - - .

Can't you tell just by looking that Chevrolet and General Motors have come up ·with a completely new idea about the low-priced car? The idea is this: to build a car that offers the very newest thing in styling, the most modern features, the fmest kind of performance uml the highest quality of manu­faeture-:-all at a mo'dest price; It's something that too~ a lot of doing and that only the world's leading car builders co11lcl do. Er)(!rytlling's ucw in this Motoramic Chevrolet irom its lower top right down to its tubeless tires, Come in for the 'most fascinating visit YQU CVI'" - nrlP, to an automobile showroom!.

.More tbatt a new car- a new COIII!ept of low~~ost m,otoriug! l·

............. ·-~- ·!··, ,..,-~-:-------...;..--...;..~~.-;>:;;;....;.;.;;;;;;;;,;;..;;. ______ , _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _


447 S. Jefferson Mason

Page 8
