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TJ Proteins That Make Round Trips to the Nucleus

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TJ Proteins That Make Round Tips to the Nucleus Esther Lopez-Bayghen, Blanca Estela Jaramillo, Miriam Huerta, Abigail Betanzos and Lorenza Gonda-Mariscal Abstract T he tight junction (TJ) located at the lirnit between the apical and basolateral plasma rnernbranes, is a multiprotein cornplex integrated by both integral and corticai proteins. Through TJ epithelial cells establish a link with their neighbors that seals the paracellular pathway. Lately sorne TJ proteins like the MAGUK ZO-1 and 20-2, MAGI lc, as well as the unrelated proteins synplekin and ubinuclein, have been found to concentrate at the nucleus. In this chapter we describe such proteins and how their arrival to the nucleus is connected to the degree of cell-ceil contact. We analyze the signals present in theseTJ proteins that rnay be responsible for their rnovernent frorn the mernbrane to the nucleus and vice-versa. We then detail, the interaction of these ~roteins to nuclear rnolecules involved in eene " transcription, chrornatin rernodeling, RNA processing and polyadenylation. In recent times, el1 biologists have begun to recognize the dual location of certain proteins within the same cells. Such proteins appear to work as general constituents of two distant and different structures: they work as subrnernbranous cornponents of intercellular junctions and are also located in karyoplasrns, Cajal bodies, or spliceosornes even in cells devoid of cell-cell junctions. Such proteins have recently been referred as NACos, for proteins that can localize to the nudeus and adhesion cornplexes.' This chapter will deal with TJ proteins that shuttle between the plasma rnernbrane and the nudeus. In al1 the cases so far studied, the subcellular distribution of theTJ NACO proteins is sensitive to the degree of cell-cell contact. Thus in epithelia cultured in a sparse condition, TJ NACos concentrate at the nucleus, whereas in a confluent state, they accurnulate at the TJ and only a negligible proportion is rnaintained at the nucleus. Such behavior suggests that these proteins that rnediate intercellular adhesion, also transrnit inforrnation to the cell interior about the environrnent, such as the la& of neighboring cells. This inforrnation is crucial for deter- rnining epithelial behavior, especially for keeping the balance between proliferation and differ- entiation. TJ Proteins Participate in Maintainhg the Equilibrium between Proliferation and Dserentiation Epithelial cells constitute the boundary between the environrnent and the internd milieu of the organisrn. They are found lining the body cavities (e.g., stornach, uterus, intestine), the surface of the skin and forrning the glandular tissues (rnamrnary glands, liver, pancreas, etc.). In rnamrnals the rnajority of cancers originate frorn epithelial cells. Benign turnors are generally well differentiated, whereas rnalignant ones display a wide range of un-differentiation, where Tight Junctions, edited by Lorenza Gonzaia-Mariscal. 02006 Landes Bioscience and Springer Science+BusinessMedia.

TJ Proteins That Make Round Tips to the Nucleus Esther Lopez-Bayghen, Blanca Estela Jaramillo, Miriam Huerta, Abigail Betanzos and Lorenza Gonda-Mariscal


T he tight junction (TJ) located at the lirnit between the apical and basolateral plasma rnernbranes, is a multiprotein cornplex integrated by both integral and corticai proteins. Through TJ epithelial cells establish a link with their neighbors that seals the

paracellular pathway. Lately sorne TJ proteins like the MAGUK ZO-1 and 20-2, MAGI lc, as well as the unrelated proteins synplekin and ubinuclein, have been found to concentrate at the nucleus. In this chapter we describe such proteins and how their arrival to the nucleus is connected to the degree of cell-ceil contact. We analyze the signals present in theseTJ proteins that rnay be responsible for their rnovernent frorn the mernbrane to the nucleus and vice-versa. We then detail, the interaction of these ~ r o t e i n s to nuclear rnolecules involved in eene " transcription, chrornatin rernodeling, RNA processing and polyadenylation.

In recent times, e l 1 biologists have begun to recognize the dual location of certain proteins within the same cells. Such proteins appear to work as general constituents of two distant and different structures: they work as subrnernbranous cornponents of intercellular junctions and are also located in karyoplasrns, Cajal bodies, or spliceosornes even in cells devoid of cell-cell junctions. Such proteins have recently been referred as NACos, for proteins that can localize to the nudeus and adhesion cornplexes.'

This chapter will deal with TJ proteins that shuttle between the plasma rnernbrane and the nudeus. In al1 the cases so far studied, the subcellular distribution of theTJ NACO proteins is sensitive to the degree of cell-cell contact. Thus in epithelia cultured in a sparse condition, TJ NACos concentrate at the nucleus, whereas in a confluent state, they accurnulate at the TJ and only a negligible proportion is rnaintained at the nucleus. Such behavior suggests that these proteins that rnediate intercellular adhesion, also transrnit inforrnation to the cell interior about the environrnent, such as the la& of neighboring cells. This inforrnation is crucial for deter- rnining epithelial behavior, especially for keeping the balance between proliferation and differ- entiation.

TJ Proteins Participate in Maintainhg the Equilibrium between Proliferation and Dserentiation

Epithelial cells constitute the boundary between the environrnent and the internd milieu of the organisrn. They are found lining the body cavities (e.g., stornach, uterus, intestine), the surface of the skin and forrning the glandular tissues (rnamrnary glands, liver, pancreas, etc.). In rnamrnals the rnajority of cancers originate frorn epithelial cells. Benign turnors are generally well differentiated, whereas rnalignant ones display a wide range of un-differentiation, where

Tight Junctions, edited by Lorenza Gonzaia-Mariscal. 02006 Landes Bioscience and Springer Science+Business Media.

, I

TJ Prottins ~ h a t ~ a d Round Trips to thc Nucleus

loss of apicolateral polarity and intercellular junctions are frequently encountered. In recent years a number of components found in junctional complexes of polariied epithelial cells have been shown to have signaling functions involved in cell growth and differentiati~n.~'~

The first indication that TJ proteins could be related with the regulation ofepithelial trans- formation, arose with the discovety that ZO-1 has a high homology with the product of the lethal discs-large (&) tumor suppressor gene of ~ r o s o p b i h . ~ ~ ~ ZO-1 and Dlg belong to the family of membrane associated guanylate kinase homologues (MAGUK), whose members are characterized for presenting a multidomain organizarion that includes PDZ repeats, SH3 and GK domains.b Considerable evidence has since accumulated, to confirm that genetic 105s of Z O proteins is in fact coupled to cancer progression.7~12 Furthermore, the tumorigenic poten- tial of several viral proteins has been shown to depend on their ability to sequester junctionai proteins MAGI- 1, MUPP- 1, Dlg, hScrib and 2 0 - 2 , thereby neutralizing the transformation repressive activity exerted by these junctionai proteins (for detailed information on such issue refer to Chapter 9 by Ronald ~ a v i e r ) . ' ~ - ' ~

The recent discovety that TJ plaque proteins shuttle between theTJ and the nucleus, as well as the observation that these proteins associate with transcription factors and proteins involved in cell cycle regulation and chromatin remodeling, reinforces the idea that TJ laq que ~roteins, are necessary for maintaining the equilibrium between cell proliferation and differentiation.

Conditions Upon Which TJ Proteins Are Found at the Nucleus TheTJ plaque proteins symplekin, ZO-1 and 2 0 - 2 shuttle between the plasma membrane

and the nucleus. Other proteins, which have normally been identified as nuclear molecules, have in recent times been discovered to travel to the TJ under certain conditions. Such is the case of ubinuclein and the rranscription factors ZONAB, huASH1, Jun, Fos and CIEBI? The results obtained studying these proteins indicate that their sub-cellular localization m i e s ac- cording to the degree of cell-cell wntact in the epithelia. Thus in cultured epithelial monolay- ers, NACos concentrate at the nucleus of sparse culrures, while in a confluent condition they localize at the TJ. However, if these tissues are Aicred with cancer, TJ labeling diminishes drastically and nuclear staining becomes insread wnspicuous. In multi-stratified tissues, the lowermost layers of the epithelium, which are the leasr differentiated and remain in a prolifera- tive state, exhibit a strong nuclear disrribution of NACos (Fig. 1). The following paragraphs of this section will describe in detail the distribution of differentT1 NACos under variable culture conditions and in diverse epithelia.

20-1 and 20-2 ZO-1 was the first TJ protein shown to be present at the nucleus of epithelial cells. In

confluent cultures ZO-1 &d 2 0 - 2 are restricted to the plasma membrane, whereas in sparse monoiayers they locaiize to the nucleus. This movement can be triggered in confluent mono- layers by a mechanical injury. In such case, the cells that surround the wounded region begin to express these proteins at the nucleus. Furthermore, chemical stress induced by the addition of CdCI2 and heat shock (42"C), have shown to increase nuclear 2 0 - 2 l e ~ e l s . ~ ~ The presence of Ca2+ at the surrounding media appears not to be determinant for the localization of ZO-2 at thenucleus. Since monolayers cultured at confluency under a low c a 2 + condition (LC; 1-5 Ca2+) have 2 0 - 2 diffusely distributed in punctae at the cytosol, while sparse cultures concen- trate 2 0 - 2 at the nudeus, independently of the presence or absence of Caz+ in the bathing media (Fig. 2).2' If inhibitors of rotein synthesis are added during a switch of confluent rnonolayen from LC to normal C$ media (NC; 1.8 mM), the transepithelial electrical resis- tance (TER) develops normally, thus indicating that TJ are being assembled with previously synthaized components, apparently stored in cytosolic vesicles, that arrive at the TJ region by an exocytic fusion process.

The appearance of 2 0 - 2 at the nucleus, upon monolayer injuty, is again independent of protein synthesis, thus suggesting that nuclear 2 0 - 2 originate from a preexisting pool of protein present at the TJ andlor at the cytosol. 2 0 - 2 relocalization to the nucleus, requires

78 Tighr Junctions

Epithelial monolayers CONFLUENT SPARSE

Stratified epithelia (e.g. skin)

- ZO-1 - 20-2 - Cingulin - ZONAB - Jun - FOS


- Ubinuclein (skin)

- Symplekin (esophagus, tongue mucosa and epidermis)

Cancerous cells

- Cingulin - Symplekin - huASH1

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the distribution of proteins that shuttle between the T] and the nucleus, in different epithelia. In epitheliai rnonolayers the indicated proteins concentrate at the cellular borders of confluent cultures, whereas in a sparse condition, they accurnulate at the nudeus. In stratified epithelia, ubinudein and symplekin display a nudear concentration that is rnaxirnal at the basa cell layer and dirninishes gradually as the cells approach the granular sheet. In the lamer these proteins are only deteaed at theTJ. In wntrast, in cancerous cells, cingdin, syrnplekin and huASH 1 are present at the nucleus and cellular boundaries.

the participation of an intact actin cytoskeleton, since the addition of cytochaiasin B, an agent that depolymerizes actin, inhibits the appearance of 2 0 - 2 at the nucleus of mechani- cally injured c e l l ~ . ~ '

The accumulation of ZO proteins at the nucleus is not restricted to cultured cell lines. In kidney, purified nudei have been shown to express considerable amounts of ZO-1 and 2 0 - 2 , and nudearstainingof both proteins has been observed in isolated marnmaiian r e d t ~ b u 1 e . s . ~ ~ Nuclear ZO-1 has aiso been studied aiong distinct regions of the intestinal crypt-villus axis,

' 1

TJ Proteins That Make Round Trips tu the Nucleus

Figure 2.20-2 isconspicuously present in the nuclei ofsparse cells cultured with andwithoutCa2+. 20-2 is detected in confluent and sparse rnonolayers cultured in normal (NC; 1.8 mM) and low Ca2+ (LC; 1-5 w) condition. Arrows shoW20-2 at the & d a r borders and arrowheads indicate the nuclear staining. Bar, 20 pm. (From: Islas S et al, Exp Cell Res 2002; 274:138?' 02002 with permission from Elsevier.)

and could be detected in cells along the outer one fourth ofthe v i l l u ~ . ~ ~ ~ h i s corresponds to the region of the intestine where cells are committed to die and exfoliate. Instad at the other domains where the cells are proliferating (crypts), migrating and differentiating (crypt-villus and outer villus), no nuclear 2 0 - 2 staining was found. These observations have related the nuclear localization ofZO-1 to changa inTJ structure accompanying cell death and extrusion events happening at the villus tips, and have argued that the nuclear accumulation of 2 0 - 2 observed at subconfluency is more a reflection of the state of cell-cell contacts than the prolif- erative state of the cell.

MAGI-IC MAGI-1, -2 and -3 constitute a family ofMAGUK inverted proteins that localize at theTJ

of epitheliai ~ e l l s . ~ ~ - ~ ' The splicing variant MAGI-lc, has been found by subcellular fraction- ation assays to concentrate at the nudeus of confluent epitheliai ~ e l l s . ~ ~ Whether the s u b d u l a r distribution of MAGI-lc is influenced by cell density remains unknown.

Par-6 Par-6, a protein with one PDZ repeat, forms a complex with Par-3 and aPKC that localizes

to the TJ region. This complex is essentid for the generation of epitheliai polarity. In MDCK cells, Par-6 is aiso present at the n u ~ l e i , ~ ~ where it displays a speckled pattern.30

If TJ are disrupted by the addition of hepatocyte growth factor, thg nuclear localization of Par-6 remains ~nafTec ted .~~

Cingulin Cingulin, an actomyosin associated protein is a component of the cytoplasmic plaque of the

TJ in vertebrates (seechapter 5). In subconfluent epitheliai cells3' and in cancerous cell l i n e ~ , ~ ~

80 Tight Junctions

cingulin localizes at the nucleus and the celiular borden, while in confluent rnonolayers and in a variety of tissues including stratified epithelia, its presence is restricted to T J . ~ ~

Symplekin Syrnplekin is a 127 kDa protein, found at theTJ apicai belt of rnultiple hurnan t i s s ~ e s . ~ ~ In

the stratified epithelia of the esophagus, an exclusive nuclear locaiization of syrnplekin is ob- served in regions known to IackTJ, su& as the proliferative cornpartrnent of the basal cell layer and at the non~roliferative strata of the su~rabasd cells. A similar situation is found to occur in the stratiied epithelia of tongue mucosa and epidermis. In hurnan colon carcinoma, where only weak residuai TJ staining is detected at the cell apex region, syrnplekin is strongly ex- pressed at the nudei of epithelial cells. In carcinoma cell lines, syrnplekin displays a dual resi- dence at the nucleus and the TJ region. While in nonepitheliai cells like endothelia and fibro- blasrs, and in d s that do not form stable junctions at all, such as lyrnphorna and erythroleukernia cells, only the nudear reaction is consistendy observed. These results would speculatively sug- gest syrnplekin sequestering to the plasma rnernbrane by a set of TJ proteins that is absent in cells displaying poor intercellular contacts.

Ubinudein is a ubiquitously expressed nuclear protein which interacts with cellular and vira transcription factors c-Jun and E B ~ . ~ ~ Ubinuclein stainsTJ in various tissues and in strati- fied epithelia such as skin, exhibits a nuclear locaiization throughout the basal and spinous cell layer, but locaiizes at TJ along the upper granular cell sheet. In epithelial cell lines, ubinuclein displays the same sensitivity to the sate of cell-cell contact as that of ZO proteins.36

Signais Contained in the Sequence of TJ Proteins That Facilitate Membrane-Nuclear Shuteling

Proteins can move into the nudeus if they contain nudear locaiization signais ( N L S ) . ~ ~ Nevertheless, proteins without NLS, can still enter via cotransport with proteins that have their own NLS in a process known as "piggy-back".

The classical type of NLS is that of SV4O IargeT ar~t i~en.~ 'Two rules are followed to detect it: (1) A pattern of 4 basicamino acids, lysine (K) or arginine (R), or three basic amino acids, K or R, and either histidine (H) or proline (P). (2) A sequence of 7 aminoacids, starting with P and followed within 3 residues by a basic segrnent wntaining 3 K/R residues out of 4.

Another type of NLS is the bipartite pattern, first found in Xenopus n ~ c l e o ~ l a s r n i n . ~ ~ The pattern is: 2 basic residues, a 10 residue spacer, and another basic region consisting of at least 3 basic aminoacids out of 5 residues.

Table 1, presents the NLS we identified in al1 the MAGUK and MAGI proteins of theTJ as well as in PAR-6, cingulin, syrnplekin and ubinuclein, aithough we are aware that the presence of severai of these proteins at the nucleus has not been so far reported (e.g., 2 0 - 3 , PALS1, MAGI-la,lb, MAGI-2 and MAGI-3).

With regards to the functionaiity of the NLS, only those present in canine 2 0 - 2 (c-ZO-2) have been tested. These signais concentrate on the region cornprising the 1 s t amino acids of PDZ-1 and the first linker situated between PDZ-1 and PDZ-2. Upon cornparing the NLS present in 2 0 - 2 derived frorn different species, it becornes clear that the bipartite NLS located at the end of PDZ-1 is conserved in hurnan, dog, rnouse and diicken, while a second bipartite signai is only present in dog and rnouse. Two rnonopanite signais are detected within the first bipartite signai in ail the studied species, whereas only in dog, a rnonopartite NLS is detected between the bipartite NLSs.

In order to study the functionaiity of NLS present in c-ZO-2, the arrivai at the nucleus of different m i n o 2 0 - 2 constructs, lacking some or al1 the NLS was evaluated. The experirnent

TJ Prorrinr Thar Makr Round Trips to [he Nuclrus

Table 1. Nuclear kcalization signals (NLS) found in MAGUK proteins of the TI (A), MAGl family (B), Par-6 and cingulin (C), symplekin and ubinuclein (D) using the PSORT version 6.4

A. NLS: MAGUK Family

Scheme Name Sequence Localization

h-20-1 96 RIISGKNAKITI- 112 PDZI and 1* link C-20-1 9 6 R I I S G K N A K I T I m 112 " ' " m-20-1 96 RIISGKNAKITI- 112 " '

c, h-20-2 106 RKSGKVAAIV- 122 PDZl and l*link C-ZO-2 83 RIISGKIAAIV- 99 ' ' ' m-20-2 83 RIISGKIAAIV- 99 " ' ' ' ch-Z0-2 83 RIISGKVATIV- 99 ' ' *

/ rl

c-20-3 139 RRARTGRRNQAGSRGRR 155 l* link J c-20-2 24 6 RRTQPDARHAGSRSRSR 262 Id link m-20-2 669 RRQRSRGGDKKTLRIISR 685 Betwwn SH3 and GK

h-20-1 748 RKSARXLYERSHKLRKN 764 GK domain c-20-1 747 RXSARKLYERSHKLRKN 763 " m-ZO-1 748 RXSARKLYERSHKWCN 764 hy-20-1 1141 ICñPTDKEKTREKSKDRX 1157 BeyondGK

h-20-3 751 RRSTRRLYAQAQXLRKH 767 GK domain C-20-3 707 RRSARRLYAQAQKLRKH 723 " " 111-20-3 8 66 RRQDSMRTYKHEALRñIC. 882 Acidic d o ~ i n

hy-20-1 138 RlCltPK h-20-1 307 -R hy-20-1 572 PSSGKKK

C-20-2 185 RRPR

h-20-3 109 e C-20-3 90 m m-20-3 90 h-20-3 166 RRPR h-20-3 170 PGRRGRA h-ZO-3 365 PRLRRES m-20-3 324 PQPRRRERS

,,\ y21",Z~CeQ2'4+~b ?& h-PALS1 67 RRRR m-PALS1 67 RRRR h-PALS1 442 iuarBp m-PALS1 442 e h-PALS1 475 P A W m-PALS1 475 PAN-

l* link 2d link

" "

l* link

1* link u .

2" link u .

U1 domain " Y

Betwwn SH3 and GK " " "


continued on next page

Table 1. Continued

B. NLS: MAGl Family

Scheme Name Sequence Localization

38 3 RICTQYENPVLEm-Q 3 99 WW and link lo PDZ1 383 RKTQYENPVLE-Q 399 ' ' " '

371 RLtTQYENPVLEm-Q 387 ' ' ' ' '

383 RKTQYENPVLE-Q 399 ' ' " '


h-MAGI-lc 1387 RRGGS-TDRRR 1403 "

h-MAGI-la 219 PKRTXSY h-MAGI-lb 219 PKRTKSY m-MAGI-lb 219 PñRTñSY h-MAGI-lC 219 PKRTXSY

h-MAGI-lc 1318 P-PE h-MAGI-lc 1323 PEñRREG h-MAGI-lc 1351 PERRRER h-MAGI-lc 1359 PTRRRDG h-MAGI-lc 1367 PSBBB&S h-MAGI-lc 1407 PERRRER h-MAGI-lc 1445 PPEQRRRP

2 2 5 Between GK and WW 225 ' ' ' 225 " ' " 225 ' ' '

10 üefore PDZO 10 ' ' 4 03 üehveen WW and PDZ 381 " m . .

12 98 üeyond PDZ5

confinued on nexf page

revealed how even the construct lacking ail NLS displays a high percentage of nuclear-cytosolic distribution. However, a higher number of cells displayed an exclusive nuclear localization pattern, when transfected with a construct with intact NLS. These results thus suggest that in order to enter the nucleus the amino 2 0 - 2 segments can rely on their NLS as well as on their association to other proteins that are constantly traveling to the nucleus (piggy back m e ~ h a n i s r n ) . ~ ~

NACO proteins of the TJ should hypotheticaily count with a mechanism to allow them to export the nudeus. In this respect it has been observed, that proteins that exit the nucleus contain particular sequences named nuclear ex ort signais (NES), that are suficient to initiate exportation if placed on hetemlogous proteins!143 A leucine rich cype NES containing a char- acteristic spacing of leucine (L) or other hydrophobic residues was characterized in various

TJ Protcins That MaRc Round Trips to thc Nucleu~

Table 1. Continued

C. NLS: Par6 and Cingulin

Name Sequence

h-cingulin m-cingulin


h-cingulin m-cingulin

xl-cingulin xl-cingulin




26 PRGKRSK 1319 ñRRP

Monopartite 115 1 iiz} Bipartite


"'} 3 2 Monopartite


continued on next page

p ~ t e i n s . ~ ~ The receptor for sudi leucine rich NES is a protein c d e d exportinlCRM1. These receptor associates in the nucleus with the NES sienal in the Dresence of Ran-GTP, thus


forming trimeric export cornplexes that are transferred to the cytoplasm. The anti-fungal, leptomycin B (LMB) specificaily inhibits the nuclear export by blocking the interaction between NES and e ~ ~ o r t i n l ~ R h 4 1 . ~ ~ ~ '

Based on the NES consensus sequence detected for HN-1 ~d~ ~ ~ 1 - a : ~ h - ~ k ~ a ~ ' and ~ ~ x i n , ~ ' we previously searched for NES present in Z O proteins, and found severa similar s q ~ e n c e s . ~ ' Considering the NES of a broader number of proteins, including p53,52 4 . 1 , ~ ~ a ~ t i n ~ ~ and we have now searched for the presence of the following NES consensus:

where X can be any amino acid. Table 2 reveals that several sequences present in the MAGUK proteins of the TJ, the MAGI

family, Par-6, cingulin, symplekin and ubinuclein, comply with such consensus. The number ofNES present within each protein varies broadly. Thus, depending on the analyzed specie, the following number of putative NES is displayed: 2 0 - 3 , 1 or 2; 2 0 - 2 , none to 2 or 4; ZO-1.5, 7 or 9; Pals-1, 7; MAGI proteins, 6 to 8; Par-6, 1-3 or 5; cingulin 8 or 9; ubinudein 5 and symplekin 14 or 17. It is not known if the number of NES relates to the efficiency of these proteins to export the nucleus.

To the best of our knowledge, only the functiondity of the NES present in 2 0 - 2 has been explored. When MDCK cells were transfected with an m i n o 2 0 - 2 construct containing al1 the NLS described above, and the first putative NES originally described for cZO-2 (aa 361-370):' the m i n o segrnent was exported frorn the n~cleus.~ ' Instead, the protein remained

Table 1. Continued

D. NLS: Symplekin and Ubinuclein

Name Sequence

80 PGDKKKD 80 PGDKKKD 188 -M 188 -M 509 ~ Q W 509 m F Q W 360 PLEñRVñ 360 PLEñRVñ

::: ) Monopart i te 607

592 B i p a r t i t e 592 1

h, human; c, canine; m, mouse; ch, chicken; ce, Caenorhabditiselegans; hy, Hydra vulgaris; xl, Xenopus laevis. Letters in bold, highlight the basic residues comprising the NLS. The overlapping monopartite and bipartite signals are respectively indicated with continuous and discontinuous underlining. Links refer to the residues located between the PDZ domains of MAGUK and MAGl proteins.

at the nucleus, when this NES was deleted from the construct. To test whether this leucine rich sequence could function as an autonomous NES, a corresponding peptide was chemically conjugated to ovaibumin (NES-1-OVA) and injected into the nucleus of MDCK cells. Since NES-1-OVA remained within the n u c ~ e u s > ~ it is unlikely for the sequence 361-370 of cZO-2 to constitute a functional NES. In contrast, when an ovalbumin conjugated peptide corre- sponding to the second NES of cZO-2 (aa 728-738), was injected into the nudeus of epithelial


TJProtcins Tbar Makc Round Trips to tbc Nuclcus 85

Table 2. Nuclear export signals (NES) found in MAGUK proteins of the TI (A), MAGl family (B), Par-6 and ubinuclein (C), cingulin (D) and symplekin (E)

A. NES: MACUK Family

Scheme Name Sequence Localization

67 LKVGDILI 74 PDZl dornain


m-PALS1 h-PALS1 m-PALS1 h-PALS1 m- PALS 1 h-PALS1 m-PALS1




7 4 7 PDZ3 dornain


4 90 Between PDZ3 and SH3 489 . . . 4 90 . . Y


559 SH3 dornain 548 m m

560 m

747 m



697 GK dornain 696 m


continued on next page

, cells, it becarne rapidly exported to the cytosol, suggesting it is a functional NES.~' When MDCK cells were transfected with 2 0 - 2 constructs lacking both NES, but containing the NLS, the protein was exported frorn the nucleus, suggesting that yet unidentified NES do- mains should be active in 20-2.20 This could in fact be the case, since a new search perforrned


86 Tight Junrtiom

Table 2. Continued

Scheme Name Sequence Localization

hy-20-1 897 MRPVVVLGPLADL 909 GK domain hy-20-1 906 LADLARIKL 914 ' ' hy-ZO-1 955 LLDIVPEGIEML 966 " hy-ZO-1 966 LMYAQLCPIVVML 978

C-20-2 719 LFGPIADIAL 728 " c-20-2 728 LEKLANELPDL 738 m-20-2 726 MERLANELPDL 736 ch-20-2 713 WEKLSTDLPHL 723

h-ZO-3 691 IIKLDTVRVI 700 u

C-ZO-3 647 IIKLDTVRVI 656 " " m-20-3 651 IIKLDTVRVI 660 a

h-20-3 808 LDGSLEDNLDL 818

hy-20-1 1259 IKDTVYEWSL 1269 Beyond GK

h-20-1 1635 LSSIETGVSII 1645 Prolin-rich domain C-20-1 1648 LSSIETGVSII 1658

m-ZO-1 1644 LSSIETGVSII 1654 m

h-20-1 1693 LKE'LKPVEL 1701 ' ' ' m-20-1 1702 LKE'LKPVEL 1710 ' ' ' C-20-1 1706 LKE'LKPVEL 1714 ' ' '

h-PALS1 12 1 LEIEDLFSSLKHI 133 Between U1 and L27N m-PALS1 121 LEIEDLFSSLKHI 133 " " " U

h-PALS1 212 LNTPHIQALLL 222 Beiween L27C and PDZl m-PALS1 212 LNAPHIQALLL 222 " " Y

continued on next page

with the rnodified NES consensus, described above, revealed the existente nvo more putative NES in 2 0 - 2 : one located ac the beginning of the GK dornain and the other at the start of the PDZ-2 module (Table 2).

No NES could be detected for hZO-2, foiiowing either the previous21 or the new NES consensus, and shuttling benveen the TJ and the nudeus has not yet been described for this protein. Nevertheless, the amino acid identicy for dog and human 2 0 - 2 is so high,56 that we expected them to display a similar behavior. Therefore hZO-2 is proposed to leave the nucleus either ernploying NES sequences with other consensus or by association to proteins that export the nucleus.

A Protein Involved in Chromatin Remodeling Colocalizes with ZO-1 at the TJ

In eukaryotes the genorne is partitioned into discrete chromatin domains that represent struc- turd units where the mode of DNA packing can be changed without aEecting neighboring

TJ Proteins That Make Round Trips to the Nucleus 87

Table 2. Continued

B. NES: MAGl Farnily

Scheme Narne Sequence Localization












PDZO domain

Between PDZO and GK

GK domain m .

PDZl domaln m .

i d link . " u .

" "

PDZ2 domain

PDZ3 domaln . "

continued on next page

regions. In dxerentiated cells, only a subset of &ese dornains is active. In zona characterized by highly condensed chrornatin (heterochrornatin), repressive signais are generated that cause gene dencing, while in areas of l e s tight DNA packing (euchrornatin), actives genes are preferentially located. The configuration of chrornatin can be modulated in specific and regulated ways by

Table 2. Continued

Name Sequence Localization

h-MAGI-la 837 IYIGHIVPL 845 PDZ3 domain h-MAGI-lb 864 IYIGHIVPL 872 m-MAGI-lb 816 IYIGHIVPL 824 u

h-MAGI-lc 837 IYIGHIVPL 845 "

h-MAGI-2 948 ITVPHKIGRI 957 PDZ4 domain m-MAGI-2 946 ITVPHKIGRI 955 m-MAGI-2 994 IKDAGLSVTLRI 1105 u

h-MAGI-la 1078 XDLYVLRL 1085 PDZ5 domain h-MAGI-lb 1173 XDLYVLRL 1180 ' h-MAGI-lb 1057 XDLYVLRL 1064 ' h-MAGI-lc 1145 WLYVLRL 1152 '

h-MAGI-2 1169MDLYVLRL 1176 ' m-MAGI-2 1160 XDLYVLRL 1167 '

h-MAGI-3 1068 MGLFILRL 1075 ' m-MAGI-3 1044 MGLFILRL 1051 '

h-MAGI-2 1190 MRVGDQIIEI 1199 " m-MAGI-2 1180 MRVGDQIIEI 1189 u

h-MAGI-3 1087 IHVGWIVEI 1096 u

m-MAGI-3 1163 IHVGDQIVEI 1172

h-MAGI-la 1167 MRIGDEILEI 1176 Beyond PDZ5 h-MAGI-lb 1192 MRIGDEILEI 1201 m-MAGI-lb 1076 MRIGDEILEI 1085 u

h-MAGI-lc 1164 MRIGDEILEI 1173 u

continued on next page

relocation of genomic dornains in the cell nucleus and through chromatin packing.57 The latter rnechanisrn includes DNA rnethylation that in general, represses transcription and histone post- translational rnodifications like acetylation and deacetylation that s t a b i l i the activelnonactive status of a chromatin domain.

The hurnan hornologue of Drosophika arhí (huASHI) belongs to the trithorax grou of genes (m@, which act as transcriptionai regulators for the activities of horneotic genes. 5 3 9

When the human ASH1 protein was studied, it was unexpectedly found distributed in the nudeus and the TJ region of cancerous c e U

ASHl wntains a SET dornain characteristic of a nurnber of chrornatin-associated proteins. The SET dornain has a histone rnethyl transferase activity (HMTase), irnplicated in conferring both active and repressed transcriptionai states to ~hrornatin.~"'~' ASH 1 aiso has a PHD finger, which is a Cys-rich Zn finger-like rnotif, irnplicated in protein-protein interaction, and four AT hooks for DNA binding.b2

The hurnan hornologous huASH1, presents a region with high hornology to brornodornains that is absent in the Drosophika gene.32 Chrornatin rernodeling cornplexes always include brornodornain-wntaining proteins that recognize different patterns of acetylated h i ~ t o n e s . ~ ~ , ~ ~

A , a u TJ Proteinr Thar Make Round Tripr to the Nucleus 89

- -

Table 2. Continued

C. NES: Par6 and Ubinudein

Name Sequence


m-Par6-a 87 LLLRWAPL h- Par6- a 1 1 7 LLLRPVAPL

m-Par6-a 147 MSVRVALOGL m-Par6- a 1 8 3 LQGLERVPGI

h-Par6-y 187 LEKVPGIFI m-Par6-y 187 LEKVPGIFI h-Paró-P 1 8 6 LEKVPGIFI m-Par6-P 1 8 6 LEKVPGIFI h- Par6- a 1 8 6 LERVPGIFI m-Par6- a 1 5 6 LERVPGIFI

c e- P a r 6 2 1 5 LEVNGIEVL h-Par6-P 317 LESLTQIEL m-Par6-í3 3 1 6 LESLTQIEL

h-Par6-y 3 3 1 LAQRMRDLAL h-Par6-y 3 3 9 LALDGGLQRL h-Par6-y 34 1 LDGGLQRLLSSL

h- Par6- a 45 LLRAVHQIPGL m-Par6- a 4 5 LLCWHQIPGL

h- U b i n u c l e i n 67 LVKNIRGKVKGL m- Ubinuc le in 67 LVKNIRGKVKGL

h- U b i n u c l e i n 308 MDSLTDLDL m- Ubinuc le in 308 MSLTDLDL

h- U b i n u c l e i n 357 LPAPLEKRVKEL m- Ubinuc le in 357 LPIPLEKRVKEL

h- U b i n u c l e i n 519 IRELLCQWKI m- U b i n u c l e i n 519 IRELLCQWKI

h- U b i n u c l e i n 522 LGCQWKIKL m- Ubinuc le in 522 LLCQWKIKL

continued on next page

Rather than proposing a particular role for huASHl in the organization and function ofTJ, we hypothesize that the colocalization of this factor with ZO-1 at theTJ may ailow huASH1 to be retained away from the nudeus in order to attenuate its role in gene transcription.

Nuclear Matrix and TJ Proteins The nuclear matrii is a structurai and functionai e n t i g 5 obtained after a serial extraction

of lipids, soluble proteins, intermediate filarnents, DNA and most ofthe R N A . ~ In this nudear


90 Tight Junctiom

Table 2. Continued

D. NES: Cingulin

Name Sequence

x l - c i n g u l i n

h- c i n g u l i n m- cingul in

x l - c i n g u l i n

x l - c i n g u l i n

h- c i n g u l i n m- cingulin h- c i n g u l i n

m- cingul in h- c i n g u l i n m- cingulin

x l - c i n g u l i n

h - c i n g u l i n m- cingulin h- c i n g u l i n m- cingul in

h- c i n g u l i n m- cingul in

x l - c i n g u l i n

h- c i n g u l i n m- cingul in

m- cingul in

x l - c i n g u l i n x l - c i n g u l i n x l - c i n g u l i n








1072 LERKVKELSI 1081 1195LERRVKELSI 1204


7 98 IQDQLKQVLL 807 1073MQEEVQKLKL 1082 1240 LERKLKELNI 1249

continued on next page

rnatrix a large nurnber of proteins are present, including structural proteins such as F-actin, and lamins, proteins involved in replication, transcription, splicing cornplexes as well as tran- scriptional regulators.

The nuclear rnatrix rnaintains the nuclear structure and serves to locaiize gene sequences and to keep the distribution of regulatory factors throughout the nuclear ~ ~ a c e . ~ ~

Since TJ sub-rnernbranous rnolecules participate in the link between transrnernbrane proteins and the underlying cortical cytoskeleton, it was reasonable to study if at the nudeus a similar situation occurred. To explore this issue relative extractability assays have been per- forrned. Concerning ZO-1 and syrnplekin, both are cornpletely Triton X-100 extractable frorn the nucleus, while the fraction present at the junction rernains largely ~ n - r e r n o v a b l e . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ZO-1 also disappears frorn the nucleus upon rnethanol f u r a t i ~ n ? ~ in lieu, nuclear 2 0 - 2 is resistant to treatrnent with rnethanol or ethanoL2'

TJ Proteins That Make Round Trips to the Nucieus Y1

Table 2. Continued

E. NES: Symplekin

Name Sequence

































h, human; c, canine; m, mouse; ch, chicken; ce, Caenorhabditis elegans; hy, Hydra vulgaris; xl, Xenopus laevis. Leners in bold, highlight the hydrophobic residues comprising the NES.

Furtherrnore, upon studying the nuclear characteristics of 20-2 , we found several evidences that strongly suggest that nudear 2 0 - 2 is linked to the nudear rnatrix: (1) 2 0 - 2 is present in a nuclear rnauix preparation derived frorn sparse epithelial cells. (2) 2 0 - 2 rernains located at the nucleus of sparse MDCK rnonolayers subjected to a sequential extraction of soluble pro- teins, the salt labile cytoskeleton and of chrornatin associated proteins and (3) lamin Bl and actin coinrnunoprecipitate with 2 0 - 2 derived frorn the nucleus of sparse epithelial c e l ~ s . ~ ~

Interaction of TJ Corticd Proteins with Molecules Involved in RNA Processing and Transcriptosome Assembly

Speddes or splicing factor cornpartrnents occupy -20% of total nudear volurne. They are characterized for containing high concentrations of pre-rnRNA splicing factors as well as tran- scription factors, 3' processing factors and ribosornal proteins. The central region of speckles corresponds to clusters of 20 nrn granules d l e d interchrornatin granule clusters, which are thought to represent transcriptosornes containing the entire transcription and RNA processing rnachineries (for rwiews see refs. 67,70).

The proteins described below play a role in RNA processing andlor transcriptosorne assem- bly, and have been found to associate at the nucleus to cortical TJ proteins.

The EÍsentid Pre-mRNA Splicing Protein SC35y Colocalizes with 20-2 at the N u c h

In epithelial cells, nudear 2 0 - 2 concentrates in speckles, where it colocalizes with splicin factor SC-35 (Fig. 3).21 This factor, required in the first splicing step of precursor rnRNAs, 4 belongs to the family of Serine-Arginine (SR) phosphoproteins69 that contain rnultiple RS dornains. The latter have shown to be rnotifs necessary and suficient for targeting to the nudear Spe~kles.~O

20-2 Interaca with SAF-By a Chromatin Gmponent Proposed to Partictpate in tbe Assembly of Transmptosome Compkxes

Double hybrid screening identified the scaffold attachrnent factor B (SAF-B), as a rnolecule that interacts through its carboxyl terminal domain with the PDZ-1 region of ZO-2.20

SAF-B is an abundant cornponent of chrornatin but not of the nuclear matrix. The factor binds to scaffold or matrix attachrnent reeions (SIMAR) of The latter are chrornatin " . dornains associated with the nudear rnatrix that rnaintain chromatin structure, and that sorne- times also harbor tissue specific sites for transcription factors.

SAF-B colocaiizes with SC-35 in nuclear speckles, and interacts directly with various splic- ing factors and RNA polyrnerase 11 via its C-terminal dornain. Therefore, SAF-B has been proposed to serve as a rnolecular link that keeps assernbled transcriptosorne cornplexes in the vicinicy of actively transcribed genes.73

In breast cancer cells, SAF-B functions as estrogen receptor corepressor and growth inhibi- tor. SAF-B is lost in 20% of breast c a n c e ~ s . ~ ~

SAF-B colocalizes and coirnrnunoprecipitates with nuclear 2 0 - 2 in epithelial ceUs. The significance of such interaction is still unknown, however it reinforces the idea that 2 0 - 2 sornehow participates in the rnaintenance andlor nuclear rnatrix anchoring of transcriptosorne complexes.

SympCekin, a TJ Cortr'cai h t e i n Involved in RNA Polyaahylation Syrnplekin plays a criticai role in the assernbly of the polyadenylation rnachinery. It acts as a

rnolecular scaffold that brings together in the same cornplex, a cleav e and polyadenylation 75.7"ig specificicy factor (CPSF) and a cleavage stirnulatory factor (CstF).

In stressed cells syrnplekin colocaiizes in punctuate structures of the nuclei with the heat shbck factor (HSF-1). The latter is a transcription factor that binds to HSP prornocers to


TJ Proteins That Make Round Trips to the Nucleus

increase their rranscription. Interfering wirh the HSF-llsymplekin complexes results in de- creased p~lyaden~lation of HSP70 mRNA in stressed ~ e l l s . ~ ~

TJ Proteins Associate with Transcription Factors at the Nucleus and the Plasma Membrane

With the aim of exploring the tumor suppressor function of the SH3 domain of ZO-1, :pithelial expression libraries were screened in order to identify associated proteins. Surprisingly, :he interacting protein was a new transcription factor (TF), named ZONAB.~' This finding ~pened the search ofTF that associate to TJ proteins.

We describe below in further detail the most relevant aspects of these interactions.

20-1 and ZONAB Chapter 8 of this book provides a complete description of ZONAB and of its interac-

[ion with ZO-1 and with cell cycle regulators CDK4 and cyclin D I . Therefore, here we will .

only mention that the ZO-1-associared nucleic acid-binding protein ZONAB is homolo- gous to Y-box transcription factors, which bind to promoters with inverted C C U T box ~ e ~ u e n c e s . ~ '

In proliferatingepithelid cells ZONAB djstributes at the nucleus and theTJ, where it colocalizes with 20-1 . Instead, in confluent monolayers, the high levels of ZO-1 dlow sequestration of ZONAB to the TJ region and therefore inhibir rhe T F from exerting its proliferative a~tivity.~'

20-2 and AP-1 By gel shift analysis, the specific interaction berween 2 0 - 2 fusion proteins and different T F

oligonucleotides was tested, resulting with the finding that AP-1 and CIEBP interact with 20-2.'O

AP-1 (activator protein-1) transcription factor is shaped by dimeric com lexes of Jun and Fos proteins. Dimer formation is mediated by a basic-leucine zipper motif.' P

2 0 - 2 contains a putative leucine zipper on its GK domain. Therefore it was speculated wherher, due to this characteristic, it interacted with leucine zipper containing TF. The re- sults indicared that the association of 2 0 - 2 with Jun and Fos is independent of this motif, since several T F having leucine zippers d o not associate with 2 0 - 2 , and because the carboxyl terminal end of 2 0 - 2 , that does not include the leucine zipper, is capable of interacting with both TF.

In reporter gene assays done with constructs containing promoters under the control of AP-1 sites, we have observed that cotransfected 2 0 - 2 down regulares gene expression in a dose dependent manner (Fig. 4). This does not affect global transcription and instead surges as a feature of 2 0 - 2 not shared by 20-1." This could indicate that although both ZO proteins have the capacitv to travel to the nucieus upon conditions of low cell-cell contact, each one . , modulates different gene promoters.

Transcriptional regulation of AP-1 controlled promoters seems to be dependent on 2 0 - 2 nuclear localization. Since only the 2 0 - 2 constructs that concentrate at the nucleus inhibirs the expression of the reporter gene.40s80

2 0 - 2 interacts with c-Fos and c-Jun not only at the nuclei but also in theTJ (Fig. 5). The amount o f T F found in the membrane and the nucleus changes in sparse and confluent cul- tures, in a similar way to that observed for 2 0 - 2 (Fig. 6)." This suggests that 2 0 - 2 may be regulating nuclear availability of these factors by acting as a cortical anchorage platform that controls the nuclear shuttling of Fos and Jun.

20-2 and C/EBP CCUTIenhancer-binding proteins (CIEBP) are a family of transcription factors that par-

ricipate in the regularion of inflammatory response, adipose differentiation, hepatic regenera- tion and gluconeogenesis.82~84

Figure 3. 2 0 - 2 partially colocalizes at the nucleus with splicing protein SC-35. Sparse rnonolayers were double srained with anribodies against 2 0 - 2 and SC-35. The rnerge irnage of 2 0 - 2 and SC-35 shows nuclear speckles srained with both anribodies (arrowhead) together wirh severa clusters of 2 0 - 2 sraining (open arrowhead), rhus suggesring partid colocalization of 2 0 - 2 and SC-35 at the nuclei. Bar, 20 prn. (Frorn: Islas S er al, Exp Cell Res 2002; 274:138," 1 2 0 0 2 with perrnission from Elsevier.)

o ñ ) ~ m m i m i a o CAT REVITIVE ACTIVITY

Figure 4. In MDCK cells, 2 0 - 2 down regulares the activity of CAT reponer gene controlled by rhe AP-1 promoter. Cells were transiently corransfecred wirh full length 2 0 - 2 (HA-ZO-2-pG W 1) and two different constructs containing prornoters with AP-1 sites: TRE-CAT or p220-CAT. Relative activiry dimin- ishes with rransfecred 2 0 - 2 . T h e cotransfecrion of TRE-CAT and HA-ZO-2-pG W 1 illusrrates how [he acrivity decreases in a 2 0 - 2 dependenr rnanner. (Frorn: Betanzos A et al, Exp Cell Res 2004; 292:5 1 0 2 0 0 4 with perrnission frorn Elsevier.)

20-2 Jun MERGE

Figure 5. ]un and 2 0 - 2 colocalize at the nucleus and cellular borders of epithelid cultures. Sparse and confluent cells were double stained wirh antibodies against 2 0 - 2 and Jun. In subconfluent cultures 2 0 - 2 and Jun are found at the nuclei and cellular borders, while in the confluent conditipn, they are only detecred at thecellularboundaries. Theverticd section confirrns [he colocalization ofJun and 2 0 - 2 at theTJ. (From: Betanzos A et al, Exp Cell Res 2004; 2 9 2 5 1 0 2 0 0 4 with permission from Elsevier.)

1 1 % b

T j Proteins Thar Make Round Trips to rhe Nurlcus

C S M N C v M N C v

Blot: Jun

A 1. 11 e S ci u

o *** a

M N C y M N -

Mernbrane 0 Nucleus


Figure 6. Jun is differentially expressed in the cytosol the rnernbrane and the nudear extracts frorn both sparseand confluent MDCKcells. Mernbrane(M), nudear (N) and cytoplasrn (Cy) fractionsobtained frorn sparse (S) and confluent (C) rnonolayers were run on a SDS PAGE and bloned with an antibody against Jun. (Frorn: Betanzos A et al, Exp Cell Res 2004; 292:51,8' 02004 with perrnission frorn Elsevier.)

In pul1 down assays, the carboxyl terminal domain of ZO-2 interacts with CIEBPa- and in gel mobility shift experiments, the addition of the middle or carboxyl domains of 20 -2 , gen- erates the appearance of new wmplexes associated to the CIEBP oligo probe. The association ofC1EBP with 2 0 - 2 was confirmed in vivo in MDCK monolayers by coimmunoprecipitation and colocalization. The subcellular localization of CIEBPa displays the same pattern as that observed in epithelial monolayers for Jun and FOS.~'

20-2 and Kyo T2 Double hybrid and pul1 down assays have identified KyoT2 as a protein associated to a new

spliced isoform of human 20-2.85 T ~ ~ S T F belongs to the LIM superfamily of proteins defined by the presence ofone or more LIM d ~ m a i n s . ~ ~

The LIM zinc finger does not interact with DNA but Functions as a protein-protein bind- ing module.87 LIM proteins at the nucleus regulate transcription by acting as scaffolds for the assembly of multiple transcription factors. In the cytoplasm, LIM proteins associate signaling proteins with the actin cytoskeleton. KyoT2 interacts by its LIM domain with the RBP-JK transcription factor (recombination signal binding protein-J kappa),88 a 60-kDa protein recog- nizing the core sequence CITGTGGGAA.~~ RBP-JK mediates transcriptiond activation that follows Notch signalling. The Notch system is responsible for neurogenesis and ectodermal specification in the fruit fly.90 Once the Notch receptor is activated by a ligand frorn a neigh- boring cell, proteolytic deavage results in the liberation of the intracytoplasmic domain of Notch. This domain is then translocated into the nucleus. where it associates with the tran- scription factor RBP-Jk, to activate the expression of target genes,9'

KyoT2 inhibits the expression of Notch regulated genes, by recmiting through its LIM 2 domain, the corepressor RING1 to RPB-J?2 The sarne LIM domain of KyoT2 interacts with 20-2.85 Therefore under wnfluenv wnditions, 20 -2 could speculatively retain KyoT2 at the

96 Tighr Juncrions

TJ, prornoting as a consequence the activation of the Notch pathway which leads at least in the case of epidermal stern cells to diffe~entiation?~ In conuast in proliieratig cultures, the associa- tion between 2 0 - 2 and KyoT2 rnight allow thii T F that la& NLS,~' to travel to the nudeus.

Concluding Remarks The inverse correlation between the expression of TJ proteins and cancer developrnent

raised the idea that TJ proteins rnay be involved in the control of cell growth and differentia- tion. This hypothesis was reinforced with the observation that the corticai TJ proteins ZO- 1, 2 0 - 2 , cingulin, symplekin and ubinuclein distribute to the nucleus and the TJ, in a rnanner sensitive to the degree of ceii-cell contact.

To our knowledge, none of the TJ proteins found at the nudeus have so far been found to bind to DNA. Thedore their role at the nudeus might be exerted through association to nudear proteins. Since MAGUK proteins have been described as scaffold at the TJ, it mtght not result surprisiig that at the nucleus they act as platforms for the establishment of rnultiprotein com- plexes probably involved in the transcription of gene that regulate cell proliferation (Fig. 7).

At the TJ, corticai proteins rnay regulate proliferation and differentiation by sequestration of transcription factors and cell-cycle regulators.

Finally, it rernains to be explored whether the TJ cortical proteins are present in the same cornplexes at the nudeus. Furtherrnore, it is not yet known if such proteins shuttle together between the rnernbrane and the nucleus, dthough their rnovernent appears to be triggered by the sarne changa in the intensity of cell-cell contact.

In surnrnary, the observation of the presence of cortical TJ proteins at the nucleus suggests that proteins shuttle between the two subcellular locations, in order to assernble different protein cornplexes involved either in ceii proliferation or in the rnaintenance of cell-cell con- iact at the TJ.

Figure 7. Schematic representation of the participation of TJ cortical proteins within an active transcriptosome. 20-2 associated to the nuclear matrix, interacts with transcription factors Jun, Fos, and Kyot2, withsplicingfactor SC-35 and with SAF-B, amolecule involved in the assembly oftranscriptosomes. Symplekin participates in the polyadenylation process.

1 . )

T/Prorrins ~ h a r ~ a k c Round Trips ro rhc N u c h 97

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