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BioMed Central Page 1 of 10 (page number not for citation purposes) Parasites & Vectors Open Access Review Trypanosoma rangeli: a new perspective for studying the modulation of immune reactions of Rhodnius prolixus Eloi S Garcia*, Daniele P Castro, Marcela B Figueiredo, Fernando A Genta and Patrícia Azambuja Address: Laboratório de Bioquímica e Fisiologia de Insetos, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Avenida Brasil 4365, Rio de Janeiro, 21045-900, RJ, Brazil Email: Eloi S Garcia* - [email protected]; Daniele P Castro - [email protected]; Marcela B Figueiredo - [email protected]; Fernando A Genta - [email protected]; Patrícia Azambuja - [email protected] * Corresponding author Abstract Insects are exposed to a wide range of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses) and have interconnected powerful immune reactions. Although insects lack an acquired immune system they have well-developed innate immune defences that allow a general and rapid response to infectious agents. Over the last few decades we have observed a dramatic increase in the knowledge of insect innate immunity, which relies on both humoral and cellular responses. However, innate reactions to natural insect pathogens and insect-transmitted pathogens, such as parasites, still remain poorly understood. In this review, we briefly introduce the general immune system of insects and highlight our current knowledge of these reactions focusing on the interactions of Trypanosoma rangeli with Rhodnius prolixus, an important model for innate immunity investigation. Introduction The insect innate immune reactions There are two types of innate immune reactions: (i) the humoral response that is related to antimicrobial pep- tides, lectins and the prophenoloxidase (PPO) cascade and (ii) the cellular response which includes phagocyto- sis, hemocytes aggregation and encapsulation of patho- gens. Innate immunity of insects relies on a limited variety of receptors which recognize specific compounds that are on the surface of microorganisms or are released by them. The most well known pathogen-associated molecular pat- terns (PAMPs) are microbial cell-wall components like lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of Gram-negative bacteria, lipoteichoic acid and peptidoglycans of Gram-positive bacteria, β-1,3 glucans from fungi as well as glycosylphos- phatidylinositol (GPI) from protozoan parasites [1,2]. The humoral immune system recognizes PAMPs by pat- tern recognition receptors which are conserved in evolu- tion to bind unique products of microbial metabolism not produced by the host [1,2]. The humoral pattern rec- ognition receptors such as LPS-binding proteins, pepti- Published: 17 July 2009 Parasites & Vectors 2009, 2:33 doi:10.1186/1756-3305-2-33 Received: 22 June 2009 Accepted: 17 July 2009 This article is available from: http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/content/2/1/33 © 2009 Garcia et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0 ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

BioMed CentralParasites & Vectors


Open AcceReviewTrypanosoma rangeli: a new perspective for studying the modulation of immune reactions of Rhodnius prolixusEloi S Garcia*, Daniele P Castro, Marcela B Figueiredo, Fernando A Genta and Patrícia Azambuja

Address: Laboratório de Bioquímica e Fisiologia de Insetos, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Avenida Brasil 4365, Rio de Janeiro, 21045-900, RJ, Brazil

Email: Eloi S Garcia* - [email protected]; Daniele P Castro - [email protected]; Marcela B Figueiredo - [email protected]; Fernando A Genta - [email protected]; Patrícia Azambuja - [email protected]

* Corresponding author

AbstractInsects are exposed to a wide range of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses) andhave interconnected powerful immune reactions. Although insects lack an acquired immune systemthey have well-developed innate immune defences that allow a general and rapid response toinfectious agents.

Over the last few decades we have observed a dramatic increase in the knowledge of insect innateimmunity, which relies on both humoral and cellular responses. However, innate reactions tonatural insect pathogens and insect-transmitted pathogens, such as parasites, still remain poorlyunderstood.

In this review, we briefly introduce the general immune system of insects and highlight our currentknowledge of these reactions focusing on the interactions of Trypanosoma rangeli with Rhodniusprolixus, an important model for innate immunity investigation.

IntroductionThe insect innate immune reactionsThere are two types of innate immune reactions: (i) thehumoral response that is related to antimicrobial pep-tides, lectins and the prophenoloxidase (PPO) cascadeand (ii) the cellular response which includes phagocyto-sis, hemocytes aggregation and encapsulation of patho-gens.

Innate immunity of insects relies on a limited variety ofreceptors which recognize specific compounds that are onthe surface of microorganisms or are released by them.

The most well known pathogen-associated molecular pat-terns (PAMPs) are microbial cell-wall components likelipopolysaccharides (LPS) of Gram-negative bacteria,lipoteichoic acid and peptidoglycans of Gram-positivebacteria, β-1,3 glucans from fungi as well as glycosylphos-phatidylinositol (GPI) from protozoan parasites [1,2].

The humoral immune system recognizes PAMPs by pat-tern recognition receptors which are conserved in evolu-tion to bind unique products of microbial metabolismnot produced by the host [1,2]. The humoral pattern rec-ognition receptors such as LPS-binding proteins, pepti-

Published: 17 July 2009

Parasites & Vectors 2009, 2:33 doi:10.1186/1756-3305-2-33

Received: 22 June 2009Accepted: 17 July 2009

This article is available from: http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/content/2/1/33

© 2009 Garcia et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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doglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs), Gram-negativebinding proteins (GNBPs), β1,3-glucans recognition pro-tein (βGRP), circulates in the hemolymph of insects [3,4].

In the hemocyte surface there are several proteins impli-cated in the cellular immune response against invadingmicrobes by recognizing the PAMPs. The most wellknown cellular receptors involved in recognition of path-ogens in several insect species are croquemort (homo-logue of the mammalian CD36 family), Down syndromecell-adhesion molecule (Dscam), peptidoglycan recogni-tion protein (PGRP-LC), Eater (transmembrane protein)and the Toll family members [3,4].

Humoral immunityDrosophila melanogaster, a dipteran, has become an appro-priate model for the investigation of immune pathwaysand insect-microorganism interactions [4-6]. Apparently,the main components of the core signaling processes areconserved between insects [4]. The genome sequencing ofthese insects allowed a comparative genomic analysis ofthe gene families involved in the Drosophila defence reac-tions [7]. The best-characterized insect humoral responseis the production of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Thesepeptides are small, cationic and with different structures.They are released into the hemolymph during infection[8]. The main source of AMPs is from the fat body, but sev-eral epithelia and insect organs are also able to producethese substances [9]. The most important AMPs aredefensins which act mainly against Gram-positive bacteria[10]. However, cecropins that have a large spectrum aremore effective against Gram-negative bacteria [11]. Thereare other AMPs like attacin, diptericin, drosocin and dro-somycin, etc [5,12]. Most AMPs have simple and non-spe-cific modes of antibiotic action, such as driving pathogenmembrane disruption by altering the membrane permea-bilization or through an intracellular target [10-12].

Investigation in Drosophila demonstrated that productionof AMPs is related to two distinct pathways: Toll and IMDpathways [3]. Recent studies suggested that these twopathways respond respectively to Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria and fungal infections in insects [5,12]. Athird pathway involved in immune reactions, especially inmammals, is the JAK/STAT (Janus kinase/Signal trans-ducer and activator of transcription) [13]. The JAK/STATsignaling pathway takes place mainly in the fat body ofinsects. The production of AMPs is a common result ofJAK/STAT, Toll and Imd pathway activity [14] (Figure 1).

The prophenoloxidase (PPO) cascade, which leads tomelanization and production of highly reactive and toxiccompounds (e.g. quinones), is another importanthumoral immune reaction in insects. Also, there are sev-eral papers reporting that phenoloxidase (PO) promotescellular defence reaction like phagocytosis [for review see

[15]]. Although in some cases, the melanization process isnot important for clearing an infection, it is relevant forpathogen encapsulation [15]. Melanization depends ontyrosine metabolism. The PPO activation cascade is com-posed of several proteins, including PPO, serine proteasesand their zymogens, as well as proteinase inhibitors. ThePPO cascade is set off by the recognition of PAMPs thatleads to the activation of a serine protease cascade culmi-nating in the limited proteolytic cleavage of PPO to pro-duce active PO that catalyzes the oxidation of tyrosine todihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) which is subsequentlyoxidized to form dopaquinone and dopamine quinone aswell as 5, 6-dihydroxyindole which have highly antibacte-rial activities (Figure 2). These compounds are precursorsof the melanin polymer which is deposited on the surfaceof encapsulated parasites, hemocyte nodules and woundsites [13]. Besides the PPO activation cascade is regulatedby plasma serine protease inhibitors (including membersof the serpin superfamily) and active phenoloxidase (PO),this process being directly inhibited by proteinaceous fac-tors [15,16] (Figure 2). Such regulations are essential

Toll, IMD and JAK-STAT pathwaysFigure 1Toll, IMD and JAK-STAT pathways. Insect tissues rec-ognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) by transmembrane receptors (DOME, Toll and PGRPs) in plas-matic membrane (PM) that activate the three pathways. The JAK-STAT pathway is activated by the receptor DOME (domeless) that transduces the signal to JAK and the cytosolic STAT. The Toll pathway starts with activation of the recep-tor Toll that signals to the cleavage of Dorsal-related immu-nity factor (DIF) complex releasing DIF. The IMD pathway through peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) acti-vates IMD (immune deficiency) that regulates the proteolytic cleavage and activation of Relish. The transcription factors (STAT, DIF and Relish) translocate to the nucleus through the nuclear membrine activating the expression of its tran-scriptional targets resulting in the production of antimicrobial peptides and other immune responses.













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because the products of PO activity are potentially toxic tothe host.

Finally, the mosquito Anopheles stephensi, a natural vectorof human malaria, limits parasite development withinducible synthesis of nitric oxide (NO). Elevated expres-sion of A. stephensi NO synthase (NOS) that is highlyhomologous to other characterized NOS genes, occurs inthe midgut and carcass soon after invasion of the midgutby Plasmodium [17]. Interestingly, in the hemolymph thenitrite/nitrate ratios, and the products of NO synthesis arehigher in Plasmodium-infected mosquitoes and the treat-ment with NOS inhibitor N-nitro-L-arginine methylestersignificantly increases the number of parasites in infectedmosquitoes [17].

Cellular reactionsInsect cellular responses are mediated by circulatinghemocytes, and they include phagocytosis, hemocytesaggregation and encapsulation. Insect phagocytosis refers

to the process by which hemocytes recognize, internalizeand destroy microorganismal invaders [18]. In Drosophila,phagocytosis is performed mainly by plasmatocytes,while hemocyte aggregation and encapsulation are carriedout by lamellocytes that attach, embrace and inactivatethe invading organisms, which then die by asphyxiationor by free radical attack [19]. Frequently, there is a localactivation of the PPO cascade that cross-links the hemo-cyte aggregates and microorganisms in a melanin enve-lope.

Eicosanoid pathwaysEicosanoids are oxygenated metabolites of arachidonicacid with a huge range of physiological functions in adiversity of organisms. Among the important functionsascribed to eicosanoids are the central role that they playin the inflammatory and immune defence reactions inmammals [20] and the mediation of cellular defenceresponses to bacterial infections in insects [21]. In fact,results from over 20 insect species representing 5 ordersindicated that eicosanoids mediate cellular immune reac-tions to bacterial infections [22]. Stanley-Samuelson et al.[23] demonstrated, for the first time, that eicosanoids reg-ulate bacterial clearance from the insect's hemolymph.Following this pioneering paper, much research has beendone on the relation of eicosanoids in regulating theinsect immune system, especially on the elimination ofinoculated bacteria from the hemolymph by nodule for-mation, the major cellular immune response to bacterialinfections in insects [21-24]. The decrease of arachidonicacid production due to dexamethasone effect on phos-pholipase A2 (PLA2) activity reflects on the products of thecyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX) path-ways, diminishing both bacteria clearance [23] and nodu-lation [24] in insects. After that, the recognition of thebiological significance of eicosanoids in signal transduc-tion in insect immune responses rapidly increased [21]with studies of insects infected with bacteria and fungi[25-27], parasitoids [28], protozoa [29,30] and viruses[31,32].

Miller and Stanley [33] have shown that eicosanoid bio-synthesis inhibitors have a direct effect on Manduca sextahemocytes and Tunaz et al. [34] demonstrated that dex-amethasone exerts its effect on insects by inhibiting PLA2.Investigations made by Mandato et al. [25] showed thateicosanoid biosynthesis inhibitors attenuated the POactivity in Galleria mellonella challenged with bacteria, andthis inhibitory effect of dexamethasone was abolished bythe addition of arachidonic acid (Figure 3). So, manymodels of insect species have been studied to expand andgeneralize the hypothesis that eicosanoids mediate thenodule formation in insect hemolymph during immuneresponses to bacterial, fungal, parasitoid and viral infec-tions.

A serine proteinase cascade is activated when different receptors recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)Figure 2A serine proteinase cascade is activated when differ-ent receptors recognize pathogen-associated molec-ular patterns (PAMPs). These serine proteases hydrolyze and activate the prophenoloxidase-activating proteinase pre-cursor (proPAP) to prophenoloxidase-activating proteinase (PAP) that can be inhibited by serpins (proteinase inhibitors). The enzyme PAP hydrolyses prophenoloxidase (PPO) releas-ing phenoloxidase (PO). PO oxidizes tyrosine to dihydroxy-phenylalanine (DOPA) and subsequently into quinones, the precursors of melanin, cytotoxic products and encapsulation of pathogens.


Serine proteinase cascade






Melanin formation

Cytotoxic products

Encapsulation of pathogens



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Some invading microorganisms induce an immunologi-cal depression to avoid the immune reactions of insects.The entomopathogenic bacterium, Xenorhabdus nemat-ophila, induces immunodepression in target insects by(PLA2) activity inhibition causing lethal septicemia of theinfected hosts [35-37].

The Trypanosoma rangeli modelTrypanosomes are digenetic parasites that have insects asvectors and infect human beings and other vertebrates ashosts [38]. So far, only species of the genus Rhodnius havepresented infective forms of Trypanosoma rangeli in theirsalivary glands [39]. In Latin America, this parasite hastwo major lineages based on kinetoplast DNA (kDNA)

markers: one group presents three types of kDNA minicir-cles (KP1, KP2 and KP3- T. rangeli KP1+), while the othergroup has only KP2 and KP3 minicircles (T. rangeli KP1-)[for review [40]]. T. rangeli is a harmless parasite forhumans and various wild and domestic animals, but itcan be pathogenic to the insect vector [40].

While the full biological cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi, thecausative agent of Chagas disease, takes place in the gutsof the triatomine vectors, and the infecting parasites areeliminated with feces and urine to contaminate vertebratehosts [41-44], the T. rangeli life cycle in the vector is differ-ent. The vector infection begins when parasitesareingested as trypomastigote forms. The parasites multiply

Phospholipids are hydrolyzed by phospholipase A2 liberating arachidonic acid and Lyso-PAF, regulators of insect's immune sys-temFigure 3Phospholipids are hydrolyzed by phospholipase A2 liberating arachidonic acid and Lyso-PAF, regulators of insect's immune system. Arachidonic acid is the substrate for eicosanoid production, prostaglandins via cyclooxygenase and leukotrienes via lipoxygenase. Lyso-PAF is acetylated by PAF-acetyl transferase releasing PAF that can be degraded by PAF-acetyl hydrolase that hydrolyses PAF regenerating Lyso-PAF. In the presence of dexamethasone the immune responses are inhibited due to the suppression of phospholipase A2 activity with lower production of eicosanoids and PAF. On the other hand when exogenous arachidonic acid is added there is enhancement of eicosanoid production and immune responses increase.

LTA4 (leukotrienes A4)

5-HPETE(5-hydroperoxy eicosatetraenoic acid)PGG2 (prostaglandin G2)






















































PGD2, PGE2, PGI2, PGF2αααα







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as epimastigotes in the gut, and they are able to penetratethrough the gut epithelium [45] (Figure 4) invading thehemocele. In the regular course of infection, a few daysafter parasite ingestion, short epimastigote forms appearin the insect hemolymph. Soon, they disappear to bereplaced by a massive colonization by long epimastigotes[46]. The epimastigotes survive in the hemolymph and/orinside the hemocytes. Then, they migrate and possibly byrecognition of carbohydrate moieties attach to salivaryglands [47], invade them and complete their developmentinto infective forms [48-50] (Figure 4).

Interestingly, Garcia et al. [50] described that T. rangeliimpairs R. prolixus salivary gland function, preventing fullexpression of its antihemostatic machinery [51] prolong-ing the duration of intradermal probing.

The Rhodnius prolixus modelRhodnius belongs to the subfamily Triatominae of thefamily Reduviidae that is made up of 140 species of tri-atomines, several of which are vectors or potential vectorsof the hemoflagellate protozoan parasites T. cruzi and T.rangeli. However, only species of the genus Rhodnius haveinfective forms of T. rangeli in their salivary glands[48,52].

Since the main characteristic of the T. rangeli life cycle isthe invasion of the insect hemocele it must overcome theimmune reactions of its vector. We will therefore use thebloodsucking bug, Rhodnius prolixus, as a tool for provid-ing insights into how insects defend themselves againstinfection by bacteria and parasites such as T. rangeli. Froma practical point of view, R. prolixus has many advantagesas an insect model for research on parasite transmission.These include simple maintenance and rearing in the lab-oratory and feeding through an artificial membranedevice. This facilitates the infection with parasites and,due the body size, they are easily handled and manipu-lated [42,53]. Besides that, R. prolixus is frequently usedfor physiological studies [54,55] and, more recently, forbiochemical and immunological investigations [44]. Nev-ertheless, there is a great lack of molecular data about theR. prolixus immune system, and the majority of studiesfocused in the cellular response or in the effects of the vec-tor immune defences in the parasite development (andvice versa). However, the sequencing of its completegenome (670 MBp) [56] will facilitate the application ofadvanced molecular biology to enhance ongoing researchfor exploration of biomedical significance of this insect.

Trypanosoma rangeli infection and Rhodnius prolixus immune reactionsKnowledge on the Rhodnius immune system and its acti-vation in response to microorganism infections has grownin recent years. The first defences against microbiologicalinfections are the structural barriers outside or inside thebody (for example, exoskeleton and the perimicrovillarmembrane in the midgut [55,57-59].

The establishment of T. rangeli infection in both gut andhemocele of the insect vector is possibly regulated by arange of biochemical and physiological processes. Thefirst environment for the transformation and develop-ment of T. rangeli is in the gut. There the parasites are con-fronted with anterior and posterior midgut componentsand products of blood digestion. These included bacteria[60,61], hemolytic factors [62] and lectins [46,63], all ofwhich may modulate the infection of T. rangeli in the vec-tor gut.

Once in the hemocele, T. rangeli must overcome therobust insect vector's defence system including lysozymesand trypanolytic activities [46], PPO activation [64],phagocytosis and hemocyte microaggregate formations[29,30,65-67], agglutination [46,63], superoxide andnitric oxide production [68] and a trypanolytic proteinwhich acts specifically against the T. rangeli KP1-strains[40]. All these activities seem to act as biological barriersraising difficulties for the development and transmissionof the parasite in the vector.

Scheme of biological cycle of Trypanosoma rangeli within its insect vectorFigure 4Scheme of biological cycle of Trypanosoma rangeli within its insect vector. The insect feeds on blood infected with trypomastigote forms which differentiate to epimastigotes in the midgut (white arrows) where they mul-tiply (1). Some epimastigotes invade the hemolymph through the gut epithelium (red arrow). Long and short forms of epi-mastigotes can entry into the hemocytes and multiply or rep-licate in the plasma (2). Some parasites invade the salivary glands (blue arrow) and differentiate to trypomastigotes which will be transmitted when the insect-vector feeds on another host (3).

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Humoral reactions and T. rangeli infectionAlthough Lopez et al. [69] showed that defensin wasinduced both in the hemolymph and midgut of R. prolixusby inoculation of Escherichia coli and Microccocus luteus,there are some data on the inactivation of the R. prolixushumoral immune system by parasite infection. Mello et al.[46] demonstrated that, after systemic inoculation of T.rangeli short epimastigotes into the hemocele of R. pro-lixus, the parasite produces a high intensity of infectionthrough successive division during the extracellular devel-opment, with a concomitant increased levels in the lys-ozyme activity in the hemolymph. They also showed thatT. rangeli infection induced neither trypanolytic nor pep-tide antibacterial activities, but a galactose-binding lectinfrom R. prolixus hemolymph, which enhanced the activa-tion of clump formation by T. rangeli in R. prolixus hemo-cyte monolayers. An increase in clump size and hemocyteaggregation was also described [70]. This purified lectinalso affected in vitro the motility and survival of T. rangeliculture short forms, but not the long forms [70], which arepredominant in the hemolymph two days after inocula-tion [46].

Another important biological event of T. rangeli interfer-ence in the insect immune reactions is its ability to acti-vate the PPO system of R. prolixus. Gregorio and Ratcliffe[71,72] demonstrated that Triatoma infestans, but not R.prolixus, presents a very active PPO system when activatedby laminarin and lipopolysaccharides. For both species ofinsects, neither T. rangeli from culture nor parasite lysateswere able to trigger PPO activation in vitro. However, thepresence of the parasite in R. prolixus hemolymph assaysreduced the level of PPO activation by laminarin. Theseauthors suggest that the susceptibility of R. prolixus to T.rangeli hemolymph infection may, at least in part, beexplained by the suppression of the inset immune defencesystem i.e. inhibition of the PPO cascade in the presenceof this parasite.

Interestingly, Gomes et al. [73] clearly demonstrated usingin vitro experiments that the activation of the PPO path-way occurred when the hemolymph was incubated withfat body homogenates and short epimastigote forms of T.rangeli. The same authors using in vivo experimentsshowed that short, but not long, epimastigote forms acti-vated directly the formation of melanin [73]. In addition,the PPO-activating pathway was suppressed when insects,which had been fed on blood containing either short orlong epimastigotes, were challenged by thoracic inocula-tion of the short forms. This indicates that the reductionof the PO activity was a result of parasite ingestion. ThePPO pathway is activated when glycosylphosphatidyli-nositol (GPI) anchors, specifically glycoinositolphos-pholipids (GIPLs) and GPI-mucins purified from T.rangeli epimastigotes, are inoculated in the insect [74].

One factor that can be important for killing T. rangeli isnitric oxide and nitrite/nitrate radicals, products of NOsynthase (NOS) activity. Whitten et al. [68] describedexperiments to demonstrate whether or not nitric oxideand superoxide production could operate during T. rangeliinfection in R. prolixus. These authors followed the inocu-lation of two strains and two developmental forms of T.rangeli after 24 h. When the H14 strain was inoculated, theparasites failed to multiply and invade the salivary glandswhilst the Choachi strain rapidly multiplied in the hemo-lymph to invade salivary glands. However, in insects inoc-ulated with H14 strain, the levels of PPO and superoxidegenerated by R. prolixus were significantly higher thanChoachi strain, and nitrite and nitrate levels were alsomuch higher with H14 inoculations. Usually, short formsof epimastigotes stimulated greater superoxide and PPOreactions than long epimastigotes in both parasite strainsin the hemolymph of R. prolixus. Furthermore, when theNADPH oxidase inhibitor, N-ethylmaleimide, or theinhibitor of the inducible nitric oxide synthase, S-methyl-isothiourea sulfamide, are injected into R. prolixus, theyresulted in higher insect mortality after T. rangeli infectionof either strains compared with those untreated controls[68]. Whitten et al. [75] demonstrated that the most pro-nounced reactions to crude LPS occurred in the R. prolixusfat body and hemocytes, while tissues of the digestive tractwere most responsive to infections by T. cruzi and T. ran-geli. This suggests that the NO-mediated immuneresponses in this insect are pathogen specific and inde-pendently modified both at the transcriptional and NOsynthase gene expression.

It is interesting to note that in a screening of R. prolixusgenes activated after T. cruzi infection by sequencing ofsubtractive libraries, no genes related to the humoralimmune response were found to be transcriptionallyupregulated [76]. These results suggest that the R. prolixusimmune responses to parasites are not mediated by AMPs,and could be centered in hemocytes nodulation, encapsu-lation and phagocytosis. The comparison between theresponses against bacteria and T. cruzi also showed that R.prolixus activates different mechanisms of defencedepending on the pathogen [77]. In this way, it is possiblethat the regulation of immune related genes in R. prolixusdiffers significantly after T. cruzi or T. rangeli infection.

Hemocyte microaggregation and phagocytosis and T. rangeli infection: role of eicosanoids and PAF pathwaysThe circulating hemocytes are essential for the insectimmunity. In R. prolixus seven morphological hemocytetypes were identified by phase-contrast microscopy: pro-hemocytes, granulocytes, plasmatocytes, cystocytes, oeno-cytes and adipohemocytes and giant cells [78]. Somecellular immune reactions have been studied in T. rangeli-triatomine interactions. Garcia et al. [29], demonstrated

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for the first time that eicosanoid biosynthesis inhibitorsapplied to R. prolixus strongly affect hemocyte microaggre-gation, one of the cellular immune reactions. The maindata found by these authors were: (i) insects that had pre-viously been fed on blood containing biosynthesis inhib-itors of PLA2 (dexamethasone) and COX (indomethacin)and non-selective LOX inhibitor (nordihydroguaiareticacid, NDGA) showed a significant increase in the numberof free epimastigote forms of T. rangeli in the hemolymphand, consequently, increased lethality; and (ii) the para-site infection in insects treated with these compounds ledto less hemocyte microaggregation and attenuated theactivation of PPO system in the hemolymph.

Garcia et al. [29] suggest that arachidonic acid was notavailable in insects treated with dexamethasone. Indeed,the application of arachidonic acid significantly enhancedboth hemocyte microaggregation and PO activity in thehemolymph of insects previously treated with dexameth-asone and challenged with parasites. It also reduced thenumber of parasites in the circulation and the mortality ofinsects. The effects of indomethacin and NDGA were con-sidered relevant because they indicated the influence ofmultiple eicosanoid metabolites in immune reactions ofR. prolixus infected with T. rangeli. Furthermore, hemocelicinoculation of epimastigotes of T. rangeli into larvae of R.prolixus previously fed with blood containing the sameparasite, demonstrated a reduced number of hemocytemicroaggregates, enhanced the number of parasites in thehemolymph as well as increased the mortality of theseinsects. All these effects were counteracted by combinedinjection of R. prolixus with T. rangeli and arachidonic acid[30]. These results suggest that the arachidonic acid path-way can be a mediator of hemocyte microaggregationreactions in the hemolymph of insects inoculated with T.rangeli and that oral infection with this protozoan inhibitsthe release of arachidonic acid (Figure 3).

One interesting novelty of this parasite-vector interactionwas revealed by Machado et al. [79]. They demonstratedthat hemocelic injection of short T. rangeli epimastigotesin R. prolixus that were previously fed with blood contain-ing WEB 2086 [a strong platelet-activating factor (2-acetyl-1-hexadecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (PAF)antagonist] resulted in reduced hemocyte microaggrega-tion, attenuated PPO activation in the hemolymph as wellas increased the parasitemia and insect mortality. Never-theless, simultaneous application of PAF did not counter-act hemocytes microaggregation and PO activity.

It was demonstrated that physalin B, a natural secosteroi-dal chemical from Physalis angulata, induces immunode-pression in R. prolixus [80-82] and strongly blockshemocyte phagocytosis and microaggregate formations inR. prolixus [80]. The inhibition induced by physalin B was

counteracted for both phagocytosis and microaggregationof hemocytes by arachidonic acid or PAF applied byhemocelic injection. Physalin B did not alter hemocytePLA2 activities but it significantly enhanced PAF-acetylhydrolase (PAF-AH) activity in the cell free hemolymphand hemocytes. Theses findings reinforce the importanceof PAF and arachidonic acid pathways in cellular immunereactions in R. prolixus (Figure 3).

The most exciting outcome in the investigation of T. ran-geli in triatomines is the PAF influence on the hemocytenodulation [79] and phagocytic responses of R. prolixushemocytes against Saccharomyces cerevisiae [66,67]. Theseauthors evaluated the effects of PAF and eicosanoids inthe phagocytosis in hemocyte monolayers (the main celltype implicated in this process is plasmatocytes) of R. pro-lixus against the yeast S. cerevisiae. The experiments dem-onstrated that the phagocytosis of yeast cells by Rhodniushemocytes is very efficient in both controls and cellstreated with PAF or arachidonic acid. However, phagocy-tosis of yeast particles is significantly diminished whenthe specific inhibitor of PLA2, dexamethasone, is appliedto the hemocytes. By contrast, dexamethasone pre-treatedhemocyte monolayers exhibit a drastic enhancement inthe quantity of yeast cell-hemocyte internalizations whenthe cells are treated with arachidonic acid. Phagocytosisdecreases expressively in hemocyte monolayers treatedwith WEB 2086, a specific PAF receptor antagonist. Never-theless, a decrease of phagocytosis with WEB 2086 is alsocounteracted by the treatment with PAF [66,67]. Theauthors suggest that these data on phagocytosis of yeastcells by hemocytes are related to the activation of PAFreceptors and provides a novel insight into the cell signal-ing pathway of non-self recognition related to cellularimmune reactions in the insect-parasite relationship.

Finally, Figueiredo et al. [66] demonstrated that hemocytephagocytosis was significantly reduced by oral infectionwith T. rangeli. These authors demonstrated that hemo-cyte phagocytosis inhibition caused by the parasite infec-tion was rescued by exogenous arachidonic acid or PAFapplied by hemocelic injection. They also observed anattenuation of PLA2 activities in R. prolixus hemocytes(cytosolic PLA2: cPLA2, secreted PLA2: sPLA2 and Ca++-independent PLA2: iPLA2) and an increase of sPLA2 in cell-free hemolymph. At the same time, the PAF-AH activity inthe cell-free hemolymph enhanced considerably. Thesedata suggest that T. rangeli infection depresses eicosanoidsand insect PAF analogous (iPAF) pathways giving supportto the role of PLA2 in the modulation of arachidonic acidand iPAF biosynthesis and of PAF-acetylhydrolase (PAF-AH) by reducing the concentration of iPAF in R. prolixus[67]. The relationship between the expression of the genesof PLA2 and PAF-AH as well as general cellular responsesand signal transduction pathways is poorly understood in

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hemipterans. In this way, it is difficult to interpret the T.rangeli immunosuppression in terms of regulation of cel-lular signal transduction cascades. The data above suggestan inhibition of the NF-κB pathway, one well knowneffect of physalin treatment in mammal cells [82]. This isin agreement with the inhibition of the humoral immuneresponse, but more detailed studies on the molecularmechanisms are needed to clarify this point.

All these finding illustrate the ability of T. rangeli to mod-ulate the cellular immune responses of R. prolixus to favorits own multiplication in the hemolymph.

ConclusionInterventions to study the triatomine vector biology maybe useful to develop new concepts and means to blockparasite transmission, both of which are urgent and nec-essary. The recent investigations into R. prolixus immunereactions relating to T. rangeli development have estab-lished a new conceptual hypothesis: a fine modulation ofinsect factors can interfere with parasite development andthis is important for the establishment of infection, beingan attractive target for intervention (Fig. 5).

Despite the progress in understanding the complexity ofthe insect immune responses, our knowledge of thistheme in hemipteran vectors remains far from complete.Much work is still needed to understand the successfultransmission of protozoans as the result of the immune

modulation, as caused by T. rangeli infection in R. prolixus.It is necessary to understand humoral and hemocytes-sur-face receptors and regulators and intracellular signalingmolecules to permit the development of new immu-nomodulatory drugs, designed to control vector insect'spopulations.

Finally, another point to be considered is that for triatom-ines the limited use of molecular biology technology haspermitted only a fragmented view of the immune defencesystem in this important Chagas disease vector. Moreover,advances in Rhodnius genomics and functional genomicsin the near future will lead to a rapid development of thisfield. The study of genes involved in immune reactionswill reinforce the need to better understand the defenceresponses related to parasite-vector interactions.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors' contributionsAll authors engaged in developing the manuscript andapproved the final version.

AcknowledgementsFunding for this work was provided by the Conselho Nacional de Desen-volvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) to ESG and PA, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ) (Papes Project to PA) and Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) to PA and FAG. ESG and PA are CNPq Senior Research Fellows. DPC is a

A schematic illustration of Trypanosoma rangeli regulating the Rhodnius prolixus immune reactionsFigure 5A schematic illustration of Trypanosoma rangeli regulating the Rhodnius prolixus immune reactions. White arrows (↓) indicate immune reactions decrease after infection of R. prolixus with T. rangeli. In the case of AMP production by R. prolixus, there is no known (?) regulation by T. rangeli.

T. rangeliT. rangeli

Trypanosoma rangeli interactions with Rhodnius prolixus


Eicosanoid pathway

PAF pathway

Hemocyte microaggregation

Hemocyte microaggregation



PPO cascade activation

Superoxide production

Nitric oxide formation(nitrate and nitrite)

?? Production of antibacterialpeptides

Cellular reactions Humoral reactions

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post-doc researcher of FIOCRUZ and MBF is a post-graduate student from Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). We thank Gutemberg Brito for R. prolixus picture used in Figure 5.

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