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UNIT 3 INTERNET SEARCH Structure Page Nos. 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Objectives 3.2 Search Engine 3.2.1 Searching the Web 3.2.2 How it Works 3.2.3 Building the Index 3.2.4 Building the Search 3.3 Search Engine Positioning 3.4 Searching Patterns 3.5 Case Study: Google Search Engine 3.5.1 Working of Google Search Engine 3.5.2 Google Search Results 3.5.3 Narrowing down your search results 3.5.4 Google Products 3.5.5 The Essentials of Google Search 3.5.6 Category based Search 3.6 Other Search Engines 3.6.1 Yahoo Search 3.6.2 AltaVista 3.7 Search Results 3.7.1 Railways Reservation 3.7.2 Job search 3.8 More on Search Engines 3.9 Summary 3.10 Solutions/Answers 3.11 Further readings 63 64 64 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 71 72 74 77 78 78 79 79 80 81 82 82 83 85 86 88 3.0 INTRODUCTION In the previous unit, you have gone through the concepts of Internet, how it works, domain names, Internet addresses, technical aspects of Internet, web servers and web browsers. As you know, the Internet is a network of hardware and software connected by telephone lines, fiber-optic cables and many other modes of communications, across the world and uses communication protocol for exchanging information. It is almost impossible to know that how large the Internet is, it is expanding at a phenomenal rate everyday, and is utilized by academics, journalists, educators, researchers, politicians, and people in business, students, and everyone else who has connectivity to this network via computer through an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Internet allows us to search anything and everything by visiting websites all over the Internet. It also allows many other functions like sending of electronic mails, chatting, etc. On Internet the information is stored on hub-computers called Servers. No one has a sole control over Internet. No one owns the Internet. Internet Service Providers, acts as intermediaries, stores information on their servers, and extend a local service to users. Trillions of files have been developed using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and placed on servers all over the world. The most important service of the internet is World Wide Web (WWW).1t is the vast collection of documents which are connected through hyperlinks. This collection of files is known as the World Wide Web (WWW). A specific storage address is given to a set of files, which allows other The Internet is a worldwide collection of computer networks, cooperating with each other to exchange data using a common software standard. Through telephone wires and satellite links, Internet users can share information in a variety offorms. 63


3.0 Introduction3.1 Objectives3.2 Search Engine

3.2.1 Searching the Web3.2.2 How it Works3.2.3 Building the Index3.2.4 Building the Search

3.3 Search Engine Positioning3.4 Searching Patterns3.5 Case Study: Google Search Engine •

3.5.1 Working of Google Search Engine3.5.2 Google Search Results3.5.3 Narrowing down your search results3.5.4 Google Products3.5.5 The Essentials of Google Search3.5.6 Category based Search

3.6 Other Search Engines3.6.1 Yahoo Search3.6.2 AltaVista

3.7 Search Results3.7.1 Railways Reservation3.7.2 Job search

3.8 More on Search Engines3.9 Summary3.10 Solutions/Answers3.11 Further readings



In the previous unit, you have gone through the concepts of Internet, how it works,domain names, Internet addresses, technical aspects of Internet, web servers and webbrowsers. As you know, the Internet is a network of hardware and software connectedby telephone lines, fiber-optic cables and many other modes of communications,across the world and uses communication protocol for exchanging information. It isalmost impossible to know that how large the Internet is, it is expanding at aphenomenal rate everyday, and is utilized by academics, journalists, educators,researchers, politicians, and people in business, students, and everyone else who hasconnectivity to this network via computer through an Internet Service Provider (ISP).Internet allows us to search anything and everything by visiting websites all over theInternet. It also allows many other functions like sending of electronic mails, chatting,etc.

On Internet the information is stored on hub-computers called Servers. No one has asole control over Internet. No one owns the Internet. Internet Service Providers, actsas intermediaries, stores information on their servers, and extend a local service tousers. Trillions of files have been developed using Hypertext Markup Language(HTML) and placed on servers all over the world. The most important service of theinternet is World Wide Web (WWW).1t is the vast collection of documents which areconnected through hyperlinks. This collection of files is known as the World WideWeb (WWW). A specific storage address is given to a set of files, which allows other

The Internet is aworldwidecollection ofcomputer networks,cooperating witheach other toexchange data usinga common softwarestandard. Throughtelephone wires andsatellite links,Internet users canshare information ina variety offorms.



Internet searchengines are specialsites on the Web thatare designed to helppeople findinformation storon other site

The Internet beganas ARP Anet, aU.S. Departmentof Defence projectto create anationwidecomputer networkthat wouldcontinue tofunction even if alarge portion of itwere destroyed ina nuclear war ornatural disaster.


computers to trace it. This unique storage address is called Uniform Resource Locator(URL). In this unit, we will study about some of the important characteristics ofInternet search, search engines, its working principle and different searching patterns.Some of the most important search engines are discussed later in this unit.


After studying this unit, you should be able to:

• explain what a Search Engine is, and define associated key terms;• describe working of a search engine, and how to search effectively;• identify some of the important search engines and their basic features;• analyze some of the important search results; and• appreciate the utility and importance of search engines.


Internet (WWW) is the ocean of information. This is the vastest place where all theinformation, knowledge and data are available on all the known topics on thisuniverse. Internet is also known as the "web" of information spread over almost on allthe facts (although you must verify the authenticity of information you get from thenet) known till date. So this source of information is the most widely used worldwide.But then how to find the exact information that you are searching for from this ocean?To overcome this problem, there are some special information retrieval tools, on theweb that are designed to help people find information stored on other sites. These areknown as Internet search engines. A search engine permits you to search for keywordsor desired information throughout the web.

There may be differences on the principles and ways on which various search engineswork, but they all essentially perform three basic tasks:

• Search the Internet, based on important words or select pieces of the web.• Keep an index of "what & where" they find the words of interest.• Allow users to look entire web for the words or combinations of words.

Search engines designed in the early days were capable of keeping an index of a fewhundred thousand pages, data and documents, and received may be one or twothousand inquiries each day. Considering the expectation from the Internet duringthose days may be this much was sufficient. But with the increasing information andalso the usage of Internet, this capability of search engines was just not adequate.Today, a top search engine will index more than hundreds of millions of pages, andrespond to more than tens of millions of queries per day. That really is a major task tohandle. How these are performed? How these search engines finds the requiredinformation from the internet and put the pieces together?

3.2.1 Searching the Web

When you talk about internet search engines, you actually mean World Wide Websearch engines. These search engines were already in place to help people findinformation on the Net before the Web became the most visible part of the Internet.These programmes spectacularly reduced the amount of time required to find files anddocuments! keeping indexes of files stored on servers connected to the Internet. By thelate1980s, getting the expected results from the Internet meant knowing that how touse the available search engines? The popularly known search engines at that time


were "gopher", "Archie" and "Veronica". Some of the modem age popular searchengines viz. Google, Yahoo, AltaVista are discussed later in the Unit.Internet searching consists of 4 basic steps:

1) Query Formulation that includes selection and combination of various keywords.Advance search performed by experienced· users not only include combination ofgood keywords but also refined search criteria such as specifying areas to besearched, a date range and so on.

2) Click the search button and wait for the result. This is not an interactive step butyou cannot ignore it.

3) You should review the result list to find something interesting for you. Resultdepends mostly on query so vary from negative result (no match) to the hugecollection of data. Most cases will be between the two extremes.

4) Take action on the result. As an example if there is any negative result, you maysearch with new query formulation or give up. When there are huge amount ofresult, you may refine or redo the search or give up.

3.2.2 How it WorksThe basic objective of a search engine is to tell you where exactly a file or documentis, that you are looking for. But before it does so, the same must be found from thehundreds of millions of Web pages that exist. To do this hunt, the search engineemploys special software, called spiders. These spiders build lists of the keywordsfound on Websites ...Thisprocess is called Web crawling. Web is a countless collectionof documents, files & information connected together, just like a spider-web. Thesoftware designed for fmding out the required information on the entire web is knownas "Spider". The names and the working of Search Spider on the Web are quitesimilar to the Web-spider.

When you enter the key words for search, the spiders starts its web-crawling. But howdoes any spider start its travels over the Web? Generally, the starting points are themost popular pages and the lists of heavily used servers. The spider will begin with apopular site, indexing the words on its pages and following every link found withinthe site. Following this pattern, the spider quickly begins to travel the web, spreadingout across the most widely used portions. An overview of the search engine workingis illustrated in Figure 1.

Building list wherethe word was found

Building index based onits own logic ofprioritising Encoding to save space

Stores data forusers to access

Figure1: Working of Search Engine

Internet Search

The Web

Spider is a program thatcrawls on the web tocollect and index thepages as per the searchparameters. The pagesonce visited are alsostored for reference inquick future referencealso.



The process ofprioritizing theweb pages in theorder of theirpreference iscalled"Indexing" .

Indexing is veryhelpful, because itgives the facility tothe user to checkthe mostappropriate pagefirst, out of thecountless pagesfound during thesearch

An index allowsinformation to befound as quickly aspossible.


So, you can say that Internet search engine works on coordinated set of followingsteps:

1) Spidering or Gathering Pages: A program called "spider" (Crawler or bot orrobots or gathers) goes to every representative page on the web, reads it usinghypertext links and gathers off such pages. As the spider visits various addresseson the web, it saves the pages or portion of pages for future analysis.

Indexing and Prioritiring: A program called "Indexer" creates a huge index(Called Catalog) from the gathered pages. The indexer looks at variousconstituents of a page like its <title>, <meta> tags, comment text, link titles,Heading and Body text. In order to conclude the meaning of the page. After thatthe page is analyzed to various keywords and ranked with respect to other pageswith similar keywords and stored in databases. There are many criteria for pageranking that we will discuss later.

3) Encoding and Storing: Finally the index data so generated is properly structuredand stored.

A program that receives the search request compares it to the entries in the index,fetch the relevant pages and return to you. You can pick up some results from theresult pages for further exploration, may refme the search with new query formulationor just exit.

Searching the web andfinding the requested words

Building Indexand Prioritise

Encoding and StoringSy tematic Data

Figure 2: Indexing and Encoding

3.2.3 Building the Index

Once the spider completes the search and the required information is found on theweb, the information on the search engine must be stored in such a way that makes ituseable. Actually, the search is never completed and due to the continuous changingnature of the web structure, spiders are endlessly crawling. There are two keycomponents involved in making the gathered data accessible to users:

• Information stored with the data• Method by which the information is indexed

As a simplest case, the search engine can simply keep on storing all the pages andURLs wherever the word of interest was found, and then displaying all theinformation to the user. But this will not be very useful to the users because thedisplayed result will have no information whether the word was used in an importantor critical way on the page or it was used repeatedly or only once. In other ways, thesearch engine is now building the ranking list of the sites found that lists the mostuseful pages on the top of the search results.

This ranking is required to make the searched results more useful. Search engineskeep on storing number of times the requested search term or the required words inthe stored data or in URL are found. Then the engine assigns a weight to each entry.As the value assigned to the word increases, it comes on the top of the search results.Different search engine may have their own logic for assigning weight to words in itsindex. Due to this reason, the search results for the same word will produce differentlists on different search engines, and also with the same pages in different orders.

After the search, the information stored by a search engine will be encoded to savespace, by optimizing on font size, style, position, color, sequence, etc. Doing so, moreinformation can be stored in a less memory space. The information now is ready forindexing. The only objective of indexing is that the information should be found asquickly and comfortably as possible.

In order to build the index, a numerical value is attached to each word by a formula,and then it is sorted to show the word with highest ranking on the top. This process iscalled hashing. A hash table is build for distributing evenly the entries across numberof divisions. The key to a hash table's effectiveness is that the numerical distribution isdifferent from the distribution of words across the alphabet. For example, there aresome letters in English that starts many words, while others start lesser number ofwords. For example, you will find that in dictionary the alphabet "A" section is muchthicker than alphabet "X" section. This means that finding a word beginning withalphabet "A" would take much longer than that for a word beginning with alphabet"X". This difference is evened out by hashing. Thus, hashing reduces the averagetime required for finding an index entry. Even when the user creates a complexsearch, it helps getting the results quickly by the combination of efficient indexing andeffective storage.

3.2.4 Building the Search

You can start searching by building a query and submitting it to the search engine.This query can be as simple as a single word or a complex query using Booleanoperators like "AND", "OR", "NOT" etc. It can also be "FOLLOWED BY","NEAR" etc. Another option of creating a query can be a set of words between"Quotation marks", which is considered as a phrase, and that phrase as a whole issearched. The following example explains the use of various terms used for building asearch. Assume that you want to search for pages containing information about"Cumulative Learning Approach". The Table 1 lists the possible use of operators andhow it will affect your search.

Table 1: Example of Search with or without Boolean Operator

Internet Search

Key to get the requiredresults fast and accurateis ...Design your "Query"carefully.

Search Type You Search For String You will get Search Results as:Simple Search Cumulative Learning Approach Pages containing "all" or "any" of the words

OR search Cumulative OR Learning OR Approach Pages containing "any" of the words. Same asabove in this case.

AND search Cumulative AND Learning AND Pages containing "all" the words in any orderApproachFOLLOWED Cumulative FOLLOWED BY Learning Pages where the term "Cumulative" isBY followed by the term "Learning"

NEAR Cumulative NEAR Learning Pages where the term "Cumulative" is beforeor after the term "Learning"

Quotation "Cumulative Learning Approach" Where "Cumulative Learning Approach" is asMarks one phrase (all words in same sequence).



Using Boolean functionswhile designing a "Query"makes your search morespecific and the user canget directly to the desiredresults very fast.

Search engineoptimization (SEO)is the process ofimproving the volumeand quality of trafficto a web site fromsearch engines


Figure 3: Logic of Boolean operations

To summarize, a typical search engine does the following activities:

• It starts the search by sending out a spider to get hold of as many files &documents as possible. Spider may keep working in the background almostforever.

• Another program, called an indexer, then analyzes these documents and createsan index based on the words contained in each document.

• Each search engine uses its own algorithm in order to create its indices in such amanner that, ideally, only meaningful results are returned for each query.


Most search engines in general display 9-10 results per page in response to thesubmission of the search term. It is not of much benefit if a link to web page is rankedat result 585 out of the 9000654 results, the position on a web page in search results isvery important if you want to get maximum benefit out of it. The process of obtaininghigh page ranking among result pages is called search engine positioning. Positioningis only relevant for search engines with crawler technology. To achieve a high rankingon result pages, search engine optimization is needed.

Search Engine Optimization focuses on designing pages so as to attract 'spiders'.There are some tips for optimizing the pages of a website.

Content: It is most important factor for optimization. The pages you create shouldprovide valuable information that references very specific terms and concepts.

Title and Meta Tags: The crawler read the TAGS to decide the keywords of yourpages so these should be intelligently designed. Meta-tags and HTML tags describethe document they are located within.

Link Structure: One should use dynamic HTML or Flash or graphics to improve theuser experience. It is not only important to user but also search engines use linkswithin your website to crawl and index the pages these links points to.

Link Popularity: The number of website linked to your website is another importantfactor for search engine optimization. Link popularity and gaining new links fromoutside website to your website is popular concept to improve search engine rankings.

Internet Searcb

G? Check Your Progress 1

1) Why do you need a Search Engine?

2) State true or false.

a) Boolean functions "AND" and "OR" can not be used together (in one searchterm).

b) In Boolean logic, AND/OR can be used in small or capital letters.c) Ranking is the.very secret part of search ~ngine operation.

3) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word or group of words.a) The process of gathering a large number off pages of a web is called __ .b) are HTML tags that helps describing the.documents they are

located.c) Relationship between an on line customer and the company proving service is

called _

4) Describe the function of Indexer and its benefits.


Suppose you are hungry and you walk in a restaurant. The waiter comes to you toknow what you would like to have. You say that you want "food" to eat. On thisdemand, s/he may bring you 100 dishes all that are available on the menu card of thatrestaurant. It will not only be impossible for you to eat, rather it will be impractical toeven fmd out the dish you want to eat. So that big heap of food will be of no use toyou. You call the waiter again and order him to bring a "pizza" for you. On your newdemand, s/he may bring 50 types of pizzas for you, all with different toppings, withdifferent amount and flavours of cheese and with different kind of base. It is again aproblem for you to select the one you would like, and there are chances that you maynot like anyone of all that are made available. You call the waiter once again tospecify your requirement more clearly and order for a pizza with less cheese, thincrust, with capsicum and without onion. Now, you may get only 3 different pizzas andthere are fairly good chances that you would like all and even if not, then also you willnot face any difficulty in selecting the one you like most.

Although the example given above is not realistic but it tries to explain the importanceof designing your search in such a manner that you get the best possible results in aminimum possible time span. In order to fmd what you need from the Internet, youneed to design your search statement. The identification of the process of how toperform searches of online information will significantly increase your chances offinding what you want. Different search engines let you defme your search criteria ina different way and with different facilities. Some of the simple considerations fordesigning better search are explained below:


not having the term computer in it. you may give a search like Architecture ANDNOT Computer. Please note that this search may require different format indifferent search engine.

• Parentheses: The Boolean operators are powerful, but when used in combinationwith parentheses, offer substantial control over the search logic of the engine.Parentheses are used in logic similar to that in a mathematical equation, limitingand ordering relations between variables. For example: If you want to fmd atutorial on cosmos, you can use the search criteria Cosmos AND (tutorial ORlesson). The documents searched must contain both of the words Cosmos andtutorial or Cosmos and lesson. Basically, the parentheses are used for thedistribution property same as in mathematics, to distribute the keyword Cosmosto either of the two "OR" words inside the symbols.

Some engines offers Boolean logic with radio buttons or pull-down menu choicessuch as Search results must include "All terms" (equivalent to using the operatorAND), or documents must include "Any terms" (equivalent to using OR) and so on.Some other search engines offer the ability to limit searches by the creation dates ofthe web pages. This may work out to be a powerful tool if you are regularly searchingon a specific topic. This feature can limit the results to pages created since your lastsearch, and is very useful when you are searching for topics on current events.

Yahoo! offer pull-down menu or radio buttons for search option. While Alta Vista andHotBot offer the ability to specify dates or timeframes. Google, MSN, Yahoo,Alta Vista and some mQre search engines provides the ability to restrict searches tospecific areas like books only, just the web, newsgroups, pictures, video and so on.


Launched in September 1999, Google search (www.google.com) is the mostprominent web search engines as on date. It has the database of 20+ billion pages thatincludes:

Web (http://www.google.com/)Images (http://images.google.com/)Groups (http://groups.google.com/)News (http://news.google.com)Books (http://books.google.com)Catalog (http://catalog.google.com) and so on.

Google is one of the most used search engines in the market so it is important to listyour website on Google. This inclusion is free of cost however Google offers paidservices also for the promotion of sites.

3.5.1 Working of Google Search Engine

In this section, you will learn the basics of Google, the most popular search engine.The basic working of Google is based on the following three steps:

1) The query is sent from web server to the index servers. The information managedby the index servers is quite similar to the index at the back of a book. It tells thatwhich pages contains the words matching to the specific query term.

2) The query is then sent to document servers, where the stored documents areretrieved.

3) The search results are then sent to the user.

Now let us understand see how the Google search engine looks like (Figure 4).

Internet Search

Google started as aresearch project atStanford University,created by Ph.D.candidates Larry Pageand Sergey Brin whenthey were 24 years oldand 23 years oldrespectively(a combined 47 yearsold)

Google receives dailysearch requests from allover the world, includingAntarctica.



Google's index of webpages is the largest in theworld, comprising ofbillions of web pages.Google searches thisimmense collection of webpages often in less thanhalf a second.

As the web grows, searchbecomes more important.It is like a library - thebigger the library, themore important the index.



Web l.!:ni.w ~ ~ Scholar more ~

lama:llon river in brazil IAdvanced SearchL.... -:fT-r========:v===========\--' Preferences

~ r Google Search n I'm Feeling Lucky L'nguaqe ToolsSearch Field. .

Search: @ the web 0 pages from lndia•

Figure 4 Home Page ofwww.Google.com

A paper by Sergey Brin and Lawrence (The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine) describes how the data mining system of Google wasbuilt. In this paper, a prototype of a large-scale search engine which makes heavy useof the hypertext structure is presented. Google is designed to crawl and index the Webefficiently and produce much more satisfying search results than existing systems.The prototype with a full text and hyperlink database of at least 24 million pages isavailable at http://google.stanford.edu/

The paper also gives an example of how quickly their spiders can work. Initial systemwas build using multiple spiders, three at one time. Each spider was able to keep about300 connections to Web pages at a time. At its peak performance, their system couldcrawl over 100 pages per second (using four spiders at a time), generating around 600kilobytes of data each second. Ensuring everything running quickly requires buildinga system that can feed necessary information to spiders. These spiders, takes a note oftwo things, while searching:

• Words within the page• Location of the found words

Spiders are built to index all significant words, leaving out the articles like "the", "a,""an" etc." There can be different strategies for searching, like pointing the mostfrequently used words on the page, searching for the whole sentence including "a,""an," "the" and other "insignificant" words, or indexing the most significant words inthe titles. But the ultimate aim of any logic is to fmd the words of interest mostefficiently and in the minimum possible time.

Sometimes, the words that we wish to search may have different meaning at differentplaces. The same word may have double or triple meanings. The capability that canguide the search engine in deciding that which of these several possible meanings iscorrect is called the meta tags. However over-reliance on meta tags can be riskysometimes, because a page owner might add meta tags that indicates topics that arepopular, but are different from the actual contents of the page. That can be because theowner of a site wants his page to be included in most of the search results, or does notwant it to show on major searches, or does not want the spider to access his page.

3.5.2 Google search results

After going through the basics about Google search, you will now study about thecomponents and features of this search results. In this section, you will learn aboutsearch result screen of Google and the interpretation of the entries there-in.

The Figure 5 shows the search results screen. Please not that this screen may changewhen you make an actual search as Google may change its website:

1 3,- ~~ ~2.~

rweb ~ l2mwa tmn SCh~~~ 4~azon riverin brazi~ _ ~ ~Search. e the web 0 pages from India --...;;...-- •••••~ 5

Internet Search

Web ResOtt. 1 - 1. 0( aboIJt 1.190/000 for amlZOQ dy.r In W.dl ,"S HCDfl6s)

Tip: Save time by hijlmg Ihe return key instead of clicking on "search"

7 ~ Amazon river, Peru and Brazll- FactMonster.com~ !lows across N Brazil before enlering Ihe Allanhc Ocean near Bel~m. The Amazon carries ] 8more water Ihan any other .ive. in Ihe wo~d...._.factmonster.comlce6lwo~d/NJ8D3618html· 16k ~. Similar pd!)e'

Amazon River· Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia &The low .ive. banks are interrupted by only a few hills, and the river enters the enormousAmazon RaIDfo,est. The river systems and flood plains in Brazil, ...en'M",ped,. orglwikVAm.lZoll_Rlve •. 89k . ~. Simlla. pages

Amazon River In BrazilThe Amazon is a gigantic system of rive.s and forests, covering almost half of Brazil andextending into neighboring countnes. The wide stretch of .iver, ..•_.mdwe'l.comlamazo'~rlver·pg htm- 11~ . ~. $'mriar pages

brazO map and map of brazil and information pageToday Brazil is justifiably famous for Ihe Amazon River; Carnival in RIO;the beaches ofCopacabana and Ipanema; its many champion soccer teams, .•.••_.graphlcmaps cor'n/weblmage/countryslsamencalbr htrn- 55k· ~ - S,m.I.•• pages

Fact File: The Amazon Riverfact frle abcut the Amazon. Length: The Am,tzon River is 62f1Jkm long Source Catillona,Peru. The Mouth(Oe~a) is located In North Eastem Brazil .•..www.mbarronnIrllAmazon/factfile.htm • 4k· : .rhed· Srn;"r NgoS

l I l \10 11 129

Figure 5: Search Result Screen of Google

1) Navigation Bar: You can customize your search and navigate to all the productsof Google. You can click this link for the service you want to use. You can searchthe web, browse for images, maps and videos, news and navigate to other Googleproducts.

2) Search Field: You just type in a few words of interest or descriptive search termsand press the "Enter" key or click the "Search" button.

3) Search Button: you can click this button or press the "enter" key to submit asearch query.

4) Advanced Search: Links to a page on which you can make your search moreprecise, by selecting various options available (explained later in the section).

5) Preferences: Links to a page that allows you to set your personal preferences forsearch' Some of the preferences that can be set by you using this page include thelanguage, total number of results that you would like to see in a page and many~.more options.

6) Search Statistics: This line indicates the time taken by the search engine tosearch the current data, as well as describes the total number of results. (if younotice, the search engine in this example has searched for "amazon river" and"brazil", leaving aside "in", this being one of very common words).

. 7) Page Title: The ftrst line of any search result is the title of the web page found. Ifinstead of a title, you see a URL, then either the search engine have not yetindexed that full content of that page or the page has no title. But this being inGoogle index still indicates that it may be a good match for your query.


Google's index of web. pages is the largest in theworld, comprising ofbillions of web pages.Google searches thisimmense collection of webpages often in less thanhalf a second.


InternetConcepts 8) Text below the Title: This is an extract from the page that is resulted from your

query terms. If you click on the page title, you can see the whole contents of thatpage.

9) URL of result: This is the web address of the page found.

10) Size: This is the size of the text portion of the web page. This gives you some ideaof how much time it might take to display. If the site is not yet indexed, you willnot see the size of that site.

"11) Cached: This link will show you the contents of web page when it was indexed

last time. If for some reason you are not connected to the site link of the currentpage, you may still find the required information in the cached version.

12) Similar pages: Selecting this link for a particular result, Google automaticallyexplores the web for pages that are similar or related to this result.


3.5.3 Narrowing down your Search Results

If you notice the search results in Figure 5 and Figure 6, you will find that the searchterm words are same in both, but the search results are different. That is because of theuse of "Quotation Marks" in Figure 6. You can narrow-down your search by usingthis technique. If you put "Quotation Marks" in your search term, the whole searchterm will be considered as one phrase.

By putting "QuotationMarks" we have requestedGoogle to search foramazon river in brazil asa phrase.

Web ~ ~ ~ Scholar more»

I"amazon river in brazil" I( Search I AdVlnced Surch, , . ' Prefer.notS

Search: @ the web 0 pages from India

Web Results 1 -

Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of di.cking on "search"

Amazon River In BrazilAmazon River area of Brazil. The Amazon is a gigantic system of rivers and forests, coveringalmost half of Brazil and extending into neighboring countries .•.•www.mdweil.com{amazon-river-pg.htm - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Manaus, Brazil- Largest City on the Amazon River in BrazilManaus, Brazil is the largest city on the Amzaon River. Manaus was once the richest city inSouth American due to its rubber industry.cruises.about.com/-od!southamericacruises/ss/amazon cruise 10.htm - 26k -Cached - Similar pages - -

Parinti ns, Brazil - Amazon River Town and Home of the Boi Bumba ...Parintins is a small town of about 80000 people on the Amazon River in Brazil, about 350miles from Manaus. The village is 200 years old and has a rich ••.cruises. about. com!od/southamericacruises/ig/Parintins-Brazill - 24k - Cached - Similar pages[ More results from cruises about com )

Peacock bass fishing in Brazil aboard the Santana I with Westside ...Welcome to one of the most exciting fishing adventures anywhere - a week exploring thefabled waters of the Amazon River in Brazil with Westside Adventures .••.www.westsideadventures.com/peacockbass/- 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Figure 6: Search results by putting "Quotation Marks"

You can further narrow-down your search results by using the Advance Searchoption. To do so, you can select any or all the options available. Some of the searchoptions available are "with all the words", "with the exact phrase", "with at least one


of the words" and "without the words". You can also choose the language & regionoptions and the required file format. In addition to all these options, you can alsoselect the pages modified before, after or between specific dates.

G Advanced Search Mva6c.d Search Tipa I About Gopgle8amazon river In brazil

10 re.uhs y I..I_G_O_O.:::91e_S_e_a_re_h--,WIth all ofthe words

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without the word.

Relurn pages wrrtten in

Search pag •• localed in:

Only .•• relurn resulll of the file formatReturn web page. fir.t seen In the

Return results where my terms occur

Find r ••• oI

[ any language

[ any region _

[any format __


C!nywhere in the pagel -..: -1.9 go091.cum. Dig ll1.iI!.l!.Jo!2[not filtered by license-,--_- ----=-ll1.iI!.l!.Jo!2



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Page-Speclflc Search

lInb Find page. that link 10 the page

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Slmllal Find pages similar t~ the page

Figure 7: Using "Advance Search option to narrow-down search results

You can use preferences option in the Google window to select several displaypreferences. The Figure 8 shows this page:

l" httpl/J~.ooooIe.co.tn/pr"",enc •• ~ !Cl-

G 8 Preference. pm.renc •• Help, AbOu' GOggl.

Glob._ Pref'erenc •• (chang •• apply to all 13000'.' .ervlc:.s)

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5e.,..,ch Lanu••""o.

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o Engll.ho EsperantoCl EstontanCl Ftliplnoo Finnie""Cl Fre" hCl Germano Gr•• kCl H.br__

o Hungaria"o leelandleo l"do"_.J."

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o 00 not prO'offde query .ug09Sl!ona In the ••• reh box

CQ:O()9 (3.oogl.

Figure 8: Showing Preferences for searching

Internet Search




You can use Google search preference for making changes in interface language,search language, safe search filtering, display of numbers of results on a page, resultswindow and query suggestions.

c (~. htt:P:fI-.oooge.co.~_I:ooIs?hl-en

Interface Language: You can use this option to set the preferred language in whichGoogle will display tips and messages. Try setting it to Hindi.

Search Language: You can use this option to set the preferred language of the pagesthat are being searched.

Safe Search Filtering: you can use this option filter to block all the unwantedcontents to show in search results. You must use this filter.

Number of Results: You can change the number of results that may be shown in oneresult page using this option. Try changing it and perform a search to see its effect.

Results Window: you can use it to open search results in a new browser window.

Query Suggestions: You can use this option to allow Google to provide querysuggestions in the search box. This will help in refming your search.

You can also use "Language Tools" option given below the preferences. It presentsthe following window of various language tools:

Most v..-:ed • GettInO Started latest Headines CustomlzeLInks

W.b Jm.aau. ~ ~ Qrk.UI. J:Wl.ail lllSWl.

G -Language Tools Aboyt GOQ91a8Search acro •• language.

Type a search phrase In your own language to easily find pages In another language We'l translate the results for you to read

S•• rc:.hfor' r-

Tip U •• adyancgd aearch to r •• trtct your search by language and country 'Without translating your search phrase.

Tran.late text

.....» I Englllih

Sel Ih. Googhahomepage, m•••• g••• and button. to d••pl.y in your selected language via our Prgrftraoc •• pageGoogle currently off.rs the following interface languag.. •

-' Tran.late a web page


...... »' Engllah I Tro.nsle.te .)

U.e the Google Interface In Your Language

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Figure 9: Language Tools

• Norwegian CNyogcskl.~• Qux.a.=• e.uJl1g• &ral.an• EltAl.a• &IWl• pOdu9" ••• (Br.ziD• pgdygy ••• ,podu990• E.wliaJ>I.~• B.lu:wuIlan• B.cuna.a.ah• a...aa1an• Scate G•• IiS

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Internet Search

You can use Language Tools of Google search for searching across language,translating text or a web page etc. It has the following options:

Search Language: You can use this option to type a search word or phrase in yourown language to easily find pages in another language. The result is translated in yourlanguage so that you can easily read it.

Translate Text: You can use this option to translate any text into a language of yourchoice.

Translate a Web Page: You can use this option to translate any web pages into thelanguage of your choice for the purpose of viewing.

3.5.4 Google Products•

In addition to the most powerful search engine, www.google.com also offers somemore useful products. Following are some of the commonly used products:

: You can search Books, Blog, and Pictures on specific topics.

: Fast, searchable email with less spam.

: Call your friends through your computer.

: Explore the world / Maps from your computer

: Organize your medical records online

: View web pages in other languages / Translation

: Organize your schedule & share events with friends

: Meet new people and stay in touch with friends

: Create and share your online documents & files.

• Specific search

• Gmail

• Talk

• Earth/Maps

• Google Health

• Translate

• Calendar

• Orkut

• Does

• ... and many more.

-..., •••• ,..." ..• 114., fJ,..IIU" •• t

C:ommunIcet •. $how ~ aNr.


Figure 10: Screen showing Google'products


InternetConcepts 3.5.5 The Essentials of Google Search

Searching on Google is easy. Just type one or more "search terms" (search termsare the set of words which best describe the information you want to find) into thesearch box and hit the search button or just press 'Enter' key. In response, Googlewill show you the results in the form of a list of web pages related to your searchterms. The most relevant pages will be appearing first, then the next, and so on.

______ i [ Search)

Below are some of the basic tips that will help you maximize the effectiveness ofsearch on Google search:

Selecting search terms: Selecting the right search term is the most important keyfor finding the right information you need, so it should be selected very carefully.Start with the most obvious, but it is advisable to select multiple search terms forbetter results.

Capitalization: Google searches are NOT case sensitive. All letters will beunderstood as lower case, regardless of how you type them.

Automatic "and" queries: Googlerby default, searches pages that include all thewords of your search terms. But the order in which the terms are typed will affectthe search results.

Exclusion of common words: Google does not search for the common words insearch terms, being generally unimportant and tend to slow down the searchwithout actually improving the results. So the search engine ignores words like"in", "that", "of' etc. But for information of the user, Google will indicate if acommon word has been excluded.

, Word variations: Google has a very good feature. In addition to searching for yoursearch terms, it also searches for words that are related to some or all of those terms.This is called stemming technology.

Phrase searches: Sometimes you may be interested to search the whole phrase as itis. To do that, put quotation marks around search terms.

Negative terms: If the word you are searching has more than one meaning, you canavoid one of the meaning by putting "-"sign between the word and its meaning youwant to avoid.

[I'm Feeling Lucky 1And fmaUy... : Just enter your search terms, and try "I'mFeeling Lucky" button. This will take you straight to the most relevant website that isfound for your query.

3.5.6 Category Based Search

This is a very important feature of most of the popular search engines which allowsyou to limit your search results to the category of your interest. It allows you to fmdout your query while restricting your search to the category decided by you, like:Books, Blogs, Pictures, etc. Using category based search, you can also make yoursearch results specific to the type of files like: MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint etc.by entering the file type extension. The search can also be restricted to the type of websites, like: .com, .org, .edu, etc. So by making your search category based, you can getrid of the countless result output that you may not be interested in, and truncating yoursearch result to only what is of your curiosity.


r:::;:r Check Your Progress 2

1) State true or false.

a) For given search words, your search results will remain unchangedirrespective of the search pattern used.

b) The time taken by the search engineto search also depends on the searchpattern.

c) Truncation is used to narrow down your search.

d) Search results depend largely on the case sensitivity of the search terms.

e) By using "Calendar" on Google, you can also share your schedule with yourfriends. . ,

2) Explain the feature "Negative terms" on Google. Try this with some examples.

3) List down the popular search engines that supports Category based search.


Like Google which you have studied, there are many more search engines availableon the web. We shall be taking an overview of two more popular search engines.

3.6.1 Yahoo! Search http://www.yahoo.com

Yahoo! is one of the most popular portals on the web. In addition to its full-featuredsearch engine, it also offers many more utilities for the users which include e-mail,messenger, news, shopping etc. In February 2004, Yahoo introduced its own search.database, making its search much more powerful. Before that, it was using the searchengines of other portals available on the web.

Web . Images Video Local Shopping mora v

naukri Web Search

Internet Search


InternetConcepts The advanced search option of Yahoo! gives the facility to use Boolean operations,

use of key words in URL, title or in the entire page. It also allows the user to filter thesearch results based on the period of updating of the page.

hllwl ul with Ihe Id. u n

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It 0011I.111 @1loJ.,don"! InoOnly, 0111 dom Ins

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In addition to Search Engine, Yahoo! web site also offers a lot of other facilities likee-mail, messenger, shopping, news, weather, horoscope, maps, jobs, games and a lotmore.

3.6.2 AltaVista http://www.a1tavista.com

AltaVista is a popular search engine on the Web. In addition to searching text keywords, it can also search graphic images and other documents like most searchengines. Alta Vista's search robot is known as "Scooter". It is capable of searchingover three million Web pages per day. Its indexer "Ni2" can index one gigabyte ofdata per hour.

AltaVista by large is similar to Yahoo!. However, the most popular feature ofAltaVista is its "Babel Fish Translation", This is basically a language tool thatsupports various languages and you can use it for translation from one language toanother.



Search field options

Images MP3/Audio Video News

MY'Deed Surcb~i'!i~. SItting. /

English. Sp.ni.b ,Advanced Search Options


Search window B.lbel Fish Translation 0

Toolbar Answel"5 Directory Shopping Travel Yellow Pages People Finder More H

The most popular feature of Alta Vista

IAdvanced Search ~-lI The Boolean logic is in-

built and you can use"AND", "OR" etc byusing radio buttons. Searchcan also be limited byusing the date range whenthe document wasmodified. Document canalso be searched by the filetype by giving searchoptions as ".doc", ".xls",".ppt", ".pdf' etc.


r·_ Search optionby time fence

, •• '1'1"'.

Search optionby file type.


In this section, you will study about some search results. A couple of web sites thatyou get as the result of your search terms are being discussed in this section. Forexample:

• If you enter "Railway Reservation" as your search term in a search engine, thenyour search results will also include ••http://www.irctc.co.in ". The basic featuresof this site are discussed below.

- If you try with search term "Job Search" and keep your search limited to the pagesfrom India, then ••http://www.naukri.com ••will surely be your search results amongtop pages. The main elements of this website are also discussed below.



InternetConcepts 3.7.1 Railway Reservation http://www.irctc.co.in

~-..- r.•-' YJrSY~'-"'\!:"" ~

,lnd~ln RIJI~ C.ter "g' end' Tourism' Corporation limited.~ ;. , ; .. A Government of Indlll Enterpnae

Luqinl- """"I@--Pa$SW'Ofd ; •• ••••• lOT 0UJ1Sm Seronce$

11II 0 Ml..mbaISea~ TiCket

sq"., ForgcAP_d Agent LogO>

Ii"; User Profile

Update Prolile

Change PassWlltd

Ma~er List of Passengers

Passenget' Tr6IVel List

• My Tranaac:tJona

Booked TICketscancel! Re·Pr •.• E,TICket

Cancelled Taets History

Plan My Troyel

o...clBookMl.nnba< Season Tocket

Shilbh Vatra

S8I Ra Wdy Card

I Gener.l

Tems·and CondItlQO:3

ceoee MJOn ProcedUre

Ieeck your TICket

PIl1 'coes Cover ea

Populal ilaK'lS

PoI~lJlar Stertlons _

This is an official web site of Indian Railways and offers various easy access facilitiesfor the users related to Indian Railways. To use all the features, you need to create alog-in ID.

You can book or cancel train ticket from anywhere to anywhere as per your ownpreference of seat or berth, can print the tickets, check the schedule and status of anytrain, confirm timings, route, stoppages and fare of all the trains running between apair of stations.

Many special offers by railways for the users are also being recommended for theusers on this web site from time to time.

Accessing this site on the web allows you to use almost all the online facilities relatedto Indian Railways, for which the user was required to personally go to the railwaysoffice and that too during the specified working hours. For example, a lot of time andenergy was required to be wasted for getting a train reservation done, which is nowpossible at the click of a button and that too sitting at home. All that is made possibleby this wonderful thing called Internet.

3.7.2 Job Search http://www.naukri.com

There are many job search portals available on the web. You can use anyone of theseportals or a combination for doing job search. One such common portal iswww.naukari.com.ltis perhaps one of the most popular websites for job search inIndia. It allows you to search with a lot of powerful options and various filters. Tosearch the web for the jobs available, you can enter the most relevant key words,



criteria for search, experience in number of years, preferred location where the youwant to search the job and the related field of experience. You can also limit yoursearch by category of job and also by putting lower and upper limit of expected salary.Using all these choices of selection available on the website, the user can pin-pointhis/her searches to find out only the jobs available that meets his/her various criteria .


Search Jobs114,••• <1.

P "-13C .rlb bp.

-.11 0.<1, 16

8est PI4Ce. to Wort!

Jobs By Cat.goryIT, $(1 r I eConstru n, En'l eeMOAe' I


Mln,I'I'urn S la,..,l<ecm. VI,OO,ooo v

ot!. tnel!) , Po".,P )111'14, ! h MUlmum SI",..,

~ __ •__ ~~_, 30,00.000 .,

SelectI Note: The fl!SU willonl, b

ordered based on e valuessele ad.

( formaUon Tech.tNAyA~~dtJUC'flf ( t-'nlflllUflK .I~·.'

. Login to Apply R I- New User Apply

Naukri.com search results:

o procmement Manager (DMRC) (13-20 yrs.)CONFIDENTIAL8angalore, Chennal, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Chandigarh, DelhI/NCR. United States (USA)1) Candidate should have excellent track record In procurement of heaVy'construction ,..Similar Jobs - All jobs by this Advertiser Posted Date. 13 Dec

o Senior Milllt1(ler.SCM & Procurement (10-20 yrs.)Fibcom India limitedGurgaonGlobal Sourcing of components Negotiation with vendors Inventory Management MIS ISOdocumentation ."Similar jobs - All jobs by this Advertiser Posted Date 05 Dec

You can create your own profile and use various facilities offered by this website,including uploading your resume for the employers to access.


Internet has a number of search engines which are useful for fmding information. Butcan these search engines be categorized? Since, the purpose of search engines are tofind information on the web, therefore, the Contents may be a good criteria forcategorization of search engines. The following are some of the categories of searchengines with Contents as the criteria.

Web Directories: A web directory attempts to catalogue important useful pages onthe web, essentially as a subject indices. You may find them useful if you can identifysuitable subject hierarchy under which topic of your interest can be found. Somecommon web directories include Yahoo's directory, the Google Directory and theOpen Directory Project (dmoz).



Internet Search


InternetConcepts General search engines: These engines are useful for finding any kind of information

on the web. Some of the popular general search engines are listed below:

• Ask.com (formerly Ask Jeeves) : It is a search engine developed by GarrettGruener and David Warthen in 1996. The main theme behind this search enginewas to allow users to get answers to questions posed in everyday, naturallanguage.

• Google : It is a most popular used web search engine on the Web. It wasdeveloped by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1997. Google Search provides morethan 22 special features. Google is thorough and fast. Google is based on thetechnology that considers pages that are linked from many other sites to be moreimportant than pages that only have a few links from other sites.

• Live Search (formerly MSN Search) : It is web search engine developed byMicrosoft. The search engine has some unique features, such as ability to showextra re~ults on same web page, dynamically adjust the information displayed onweb page.

• Yahoo! Search: It is a web search engine, owned by Yahoo. It is originallyreferred to as "Yahoo provided Search interface". Yahoo has now developed theirown search technology.

• Alltheweb is one of the newer search engines. It claims to be faster and moreefficient than other searchengines, with the largest index. It has been acquired byYahoo.

• Alta Vista was the favourite of web searchers a few years ago till Google. It hasexcellent search refinement capabilities. It also has now been acquired by Yahoo.

• Lycos was one of the original Web search engines, but now has been convertedinto a general web portal with something of a European focus.

• HotBot search engine at one time was rated as the fastest and most accurateengine for business and professional purposes. However, it is not a very popularengine today although it is still is a good alternative to .the more popular enginesfor finding specific person on the web.

• Excite was a concept-based search engine. Although an interesting idea, butconcept-oriented search is now web history.

• Some popular Chinese search engine are- Baidu, Sogou, and Sohu

Geographical limited scope: These types of search engines have limitedgeographical scope of operation. Some of these engines are:• Rediff and Guruji, India• Ansearch , AustralialUSIUK/NZ• Goo, Japan• ZipLocal, CanadalUS

Accountancy: Used specifically for finding information about accountancy. Itprovides articles, presentations, thesis etc on accountancy.• IFACnet: International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) developed global,

multilingual search engine IFACnet. It provides professional accountantsworldwide to its members.

Business: for business related information, you may like to use the following:• Business.com• GlobalSpec• Thomasnet (United States)

Enterprise: these provides enterprises details such as:• Microsoft: SharePoint Search Services


• Northern Light• Oracle Corporation: Secure Enterprise Search 109• SAP: TREX• IBM

Job: there are some specific sites for job hunting. Some of these are:• Bixee.com (India)• CareerBuilder.com (USA)• Hotjobs.com (USA)• Monster.com (USA)• Recruit.net (International)

Medical: For medical help or queries, go to these search engines/sites• Bioinformatic Harvester I

• GenieKnows• Searchmedica• PubGene• Nextbio (Life Science Search Engine)• VADLO (Life Sciences Search Engine)

People: for social networking and meet to your friends and relatives. You can searchout easily in these information sources:• PeekYou• InfoSpace• Zabasearch. com• ZoomInfo

r:::;? Check Your Progress 3

1) Use any popular search engine and find out five web sites which describes theconcepts of "keyword auctioning" using anyone of the Boolean operations .





2) Using Yahoo! search engine, find out the web site of "India Today" magazine andstudy the on-line publishing and archiving system .




3) Make a suitable search criterion using meta-tags for finding out list of the dealersof Hyundai Motors in Delhi .





Internet Search


InternetConcepts 3.9 SUMMARY

In this unit, we learned about the objectives and need of Internet search and utility of asearch engine. We discussed here the basic principle and the working of a searchengine. Various associated key terms were also discussed in details. SearchingInternet for information gives much better control over what the user want to see andin what form, unlike in printed media. While searching, often users get irrelevantinformation or do not get anything because of the poor query formulation, so buildingthe right search term and by using the relevant tools for the same, even a frequent usercan improve the search results to a large extent. We also discussed various methodsand tools to build a search term for an efficient search. The features of some popularsearch engi~es and search results were also discussed in the unit.


Check Your Progress 1

1) For the same reason you need a card catalogue in a library. There is lots of greatand useful information in a library, but it is physically impossible to examine allthe books personally. Not even the most regular web-surfer could hyperlink to allthe documents in the World Wide Web. There are billions of pages on the Weband every minute of the day, new pages are being uploaded.

The search engines and directories help you to find the specific information youneed.

2) State true or falsea) Falseb) Falsec) True

3) Fill in the blanksa) Spideringb) Meta-tagsc) Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

4) Indexer is a program, that creates a index (just like an index at the back of abook), from the countless pages gathered by the search term. The indexer looks atvarious constituents of a page like its <title>, <meta> tags, comment text, link

, titles, Heading and Body text. After that the page is analyzed to various keywordsand ranked with respect to other pages with similar keywords and stored in'databases. The criteria for ranking or prioritizing may be different for differentsearch engines.

Indexing is very useful because it arranges the searched pages in such a mannerthat the most relevant page is at the top, and then all the pages are arranged indecreasing priority.

Check Your Progress 2

1) State true or falsea. Falseb. True



c. Trued. Falsee. True

2) If your search term has more than one meaning (bass, for example, could referto fishing or music) you can focus your search by putting a minus sign (If_If) infront of words related to the meaning you want to avoid.

If you write "bass - lakes", you will get web pages containing term bass butnot lakes.

Note: when you include a negative term in your search, be sure to include aspace before the minus sign.

3) With Google, Yahoo and Altvista, you can100k for more on the Internet.

Check your Progress 3

1) Go to URL bttp://wwW.google.com Type "Keyword AND auctioning" as yoursearch query in the search field and press enter. This will give you the web pagesthat contains the words "keyword" and "auctioning"

RememberBoolean function"AND" givesyou the resultsthat contains"both" the words

•k d AND tioni i ISearch ) A4nncsd Surd!L.-' _e"-ywo_r a_u_c_l_on_l....:ng=-- '-.__ -'. Preferences

Search: @ the web 0 pages from India

The results of this search will be as follows:

SSRN-Auctioning Keywords in Online Search by Jianqinq Chen, De Liu ...Providers of keyword advertising, such as Google and Yahoo!, profit by auctioningkeywords to advertisers. One issue of increasing importance for '"papers ssm.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstracUd=900603 - Similar pagesby J Chen - Cited by 1 - Related articles

Trends - Sealed Vs. Open Keyword AuctionEach keyWord is an item, and the process for having your ad associated with that keywordinvolves a dynamic .mction. Unlike e8ay where auctions involve only".www.dmconfioential comlblogslcolumnlTrends/620/ - 33k ' Cached - Similar pages

eBay auctioning Google style cost per click keyword based text ad .•.14 Jun 2(lJ5 ". e8ay Keywords is a Google AdWords style CPC keywor~based text adproduct available right now only to e8ay sellers, by auction bid, ,.,blogs zdnet.comlmicro-marketsl?p=120 - 60k - Cached, Similar pages

Google, Microsoft Sued OIer Keyword Auction Patent - Patent ...14 Feb 2(lE ••• Paid Search Engine Tools says Google's AdWords and Microsoft's AdCenteradvertising services violate its Paid Search Engine 8id Management •••WWtN. informatlOnweek comlnewslintemetlebusinesslshowArticle jhtml?articlelD=206504250 -123k - Cached - Similar pages

Find Top Auction KeywordsTells you what people are looking for on the top auction sites.W>/>NrI auctionkeywords. coml - 20k - Cached - Similar pages

Now try various sites to check the concept of keyword auctioning and note down theshort listed websites.

Internet Search



2) Go to URLhttp://www.yahoo.com Type the "India Today" in the search windowand press enter. It will automatically suggest some most popular search queries.


Web Images Local

Search: IIndia Today [ Web Search IIndia today magazine Suu:" Assist, On I OHIndia today book club ":;'India IDdllV group , ,India lodllY news ,,. <~. > >

iudin today hind: .:. £ ;; t r' :.. ' ",~~,,;!~:~:

mm::!!!·!!I· Yahoo.com

Q Answers

• Cricket

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Choose "India Today magazine" and study the topics of your choice.

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• Thomas A.Powell, Web Design: the complete reference, Tata Mc.Graw-Hill,2004.

• Search Engines: www.google.com, www.yahoo.com

• Web Sites:

o www.unf.edu/library/guides/search.htmlo www.lib.berkeley.eduffeachingLib/GuideslIntemetlSearchEngines.htmlo www.sc.edu/beaufortllibrary/pages/bones/lesson7.shtml


